HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-11-07 - Orange Coast Pilot·' . . DRANGI COAST YOUR HDMITDWN DAllY PAPIR SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 7 1'18 ~' ORANGE COUNTY. CALIFORNIA so CE NT~ Troubled college seeks stability By PHIL SNEID ERMAN 01 lhe Delly Piiot 81aft J ohn Bulll·r 1s tukmg th1· lwli11 of Coastline CollegL• al a 111111· when the u n 1qu1• "c·o 11t•~1· without a campus" 1:-. t·ndunrl~ pc'rhaps tht' gloomit·st ~:nod 111 its six-yt>al' history More than Oran!-:t' Coa:-.t or Golden West rnllegl's sl:-.tt•r schools m the Coas t Community College District l \1astl1n.-'s catalog of l'OUrst·s w as ravaged by a state '"hlt hst" uf funding l'Uts a nnounced in July The college was fo n ·ed to remove 400 courses from its fall schedule a nd lost :30 percent of 11.S antit·1pated incoml· Cuastlin1··s en rollment in credll cuurst•s ha:- d r o pped from 30,000 in tlw 1981-82 school year lu n.ooo during the current term In ,1dd1t11111, the· 'lltJlily u f ltll' e•ol kge ·' s tt'l\•v 1swn l'Oll i·sc.•s lws c111111• u11dt·r ultac.·k by :-.1>1111· 1nstructu1~ ;1t 01a11g1• l'e;a:-.l u11d Guld1·n Wt•st C11a;.tl1n« will ll n d (' r g 0 ,j .. (' r e. d I I a I I 0 II prm·1·C"d 111gs lll'X\ s pr111g , ,111<1 :o.pt'l'1al allt•1H10n will bt· din•cte«I .1t tlh· tl'll'l'OUl'SC.'S Y " t B u l I t· r . w h o :-. t· a pp u 1 n t mt' n t as l' o a s t 11 n t· prl'sldl'nt was madt· Wt.Jrwsd ay by th(• d1 stril't board of lrusHTs. IS. Hiking It all Ill s t ndt· "This IS a Vt•r y l11ll'fl'Slll1g pN1od o f llnw." the 54-year·olJ Costa Mt•sa resuJent said "It's nut thl' t·hangt·, it's tht· rapid r<itt· uf t·h<ingl'. Edueallon ·s not us1•d to th<.1t "I think tht• trUSlL't.'S an· V('ry com:erned about this perit>d o f Umt> Tht•y'n • looking for sonw ..,t;1IJ1li l y " Tru:-.i1•1• 1<1111,•1 l I . 11 urnµhn·y ... .ign·t·d lhllt wri:-. 0111• n·uso11 the· l1oanl St'lt,·1t-d Rulll·r. ,, :..!4 Yt'l'.11' 1 • 111 p I o y .. e w 1111 h u " h ·, · I d llU llll'l llUS aJmt111slra t IVC' posL-; Ill I 11 (' d Isl,. I l ' t Bu I l t• I w ;1 s ( 'oastli11e··s 1h ·an of <1dn11sswns a11d j.(Uld.llll'l' !'>llll't• thl' t'tlllq{t' 11p1·1wd 111 1~171) E;1rlH·r th1:; y 1·:.i1 , lrus tc.•e•s n indu<'tl'd a n;,i t 1m) w1d1· s1•ard1 fl•r •1 stJn·l'ssur to rl'l1r111g Onmgt· L 'e 1as t C11llq~1· Pr1•sHlt·n t .Ho bl' rt M 11or1· U I umci t!'l y, the• trusLL't•s sl'lc.'<:tt•tl &·rnard ·J Lusk111 , tlw founuing µrc •sult·nl uf l'<n1s tl11w. fur· tilt' Or;.sngi· Coast )Ob But 111 fdlrng th1• Coastlirw pn•:-.1d1•111',\. 110 s1n11la1 st"areh wa:-. umkrt1:1k1·11 11 umphn·ys sard tht> lrU~lt'l'S sn ('\'fll'd SIX JX'Opl<.'. <.ill (' u r rt• n t Co a s t D 1 s t r 1 c t Bob Clay has som e strong feelings about the propo sed bulle t train~ which would run near his hometown of San (Je m e nte . Clay has maile d 1,000 a nti-hull<·t train bumpt'r s ticke rs to governme nt, business and m<•dia l<-<Hk-r!-1 in Southf'rn California 111 h is fig hl against tht> proj<·c·t . 'Stop the speeding bullet train' utl1111111stratw s, for till' µosl Bullt•r, who wa:-. nrw of tht· six. wui-. i.<'it'<.'lt•d as 111tt•n111 l'uastl1111· prc.·s1dl'nt whc.•n Luskin muvt'd lo 0 r<• n g l' C o a :-. t 1 n J u l y 0 11 Wt·dnt'sday . till· trustc·t•:-. u11 a n1moui.ly tlt·l'ldl'd to rnakt· Bulll'r's aprx11ntnwnt pt•rmarwnt "W1 •'n • vt·ry sat1sf1f:'d with whut ht·'s dvrw." liumphrt·ys ~•11d "lk's s trong in frnam·t·, and thc.•st· an• t1m1 •s whe n Wl"r1· talking about l'Uts, not expansion I lt·'s also stronlo( 111 eurnculum " Tht• trustet· sard_ lhe l.xmrd also w a n l e d s u m t· o n e w h u w a s famllwr wllh Coastllm"s uniqUl' program of off Pring dasscs at mure than 150 area locations Bulk·r's apprnntmtmt also was praised by Coast D1s lr1ct Chanc:ell1>r Norman WaL-;on and by Jat·k Byerly, president of the Clemente m an creall·s bumpf•r s lic ker opposi11{{ contron·rsiul projec t By GLENN SCOTT 01 IM Dally Ptlcl St•n Most peopk. wht·n tlwy oli)t'l't l o public: work s prnpos<th . organize comm1ttePs, rnareh l<J c ity hall and wntt· forn·ful letters t.o newspaJX'r t-<liwrs _ When Bob Clay doesn't llkt• a proJect , hf' c rPates a burnpt·r sticker Clay 1s o wner of an lrv1r.t'- based publrc relations firm eallt-<l Clay Pubhcorn. Lately, he h as become frustrated with what he sees as a has ty and potentially costly dec1sron to build a so-calll"d "bullet train" rout.C' bf'tween ul$ Angeles and San D1l•gn P ro p o n ents fr o m thC' sponsoring American High Speed They're off ]<.ail ('ot p d,11111 th,. '-\'"t1·m will Ix· pnv;ou·lv f111,111n•d w11h .1 $:l hill1nn 111\'1" .. tme·nt But Cla \ conte•11d.., th.it "1t lrn1k'> like <;<>ml'lhing 011t \\ .t\ 11r th•· o;\ho·r tltt· pubhe '" gnrng 111 h,1v1· to p.1v f•>r " A S1111 ( 'le•r111·11tc n•..;1dc•11l. Cl.JV ;dso 1<, 0 111• o l a g1 o\\111g numl)l•t or fC'!>ldl'nh \h{·rc· who i1r1• opposing th<' pro.Jt'<'t esp<'<-·1al I;-.· plans to tunnC'l bcnC'ath hill:, inland of th1•1r coa;.1.<.1\ c·1tv C lay th1•1 e•fnrf' h<io; C';•m<· lip with a ..,tll'kc·r f1Jr l'0111mut1•rs l11 paste on thl'll cars 1 t says "Stop the S i:x·•·<ling 13ullet Traln " Tht• SJ'.Wt•d, in this 1-;1St'. n·f1·rs to more than thf• pa('(' allnwing an t-5trm,1tt·d :1n trains per c.fay to /•11•111 ,i1.,11g tl11· propn..,.•d I ~11 11111• tr.11 k 111 :i!l 111111u1t•:- lt also n·l;itt•" to tl11 • way th.tt th• ..,t.it1· Lq~1 ... 1 .. 1un• <1 rlli' \;•>V t-:i1111und t; Brown .Jr Jprrove·d t':>.t•111pt111n:-. 111 a llow tlw fJl'llj('l'l I 11 J1 I I> l I' e• cl W I t h () lJ t 1·11v1r<H11l1l'nl<il 1mpal'l rq.Jorl!> or ..,l<ill' l 'oastal C11mm1ss111n n•v1t·w Th1!> l,1ek of npportunity for µulJlw n·vrl'W ha~ ll'ft th1• San Clt-nwnt« rC'srdl·nb, as w ell a:. -.<Jml" othl'rs. ups1•t ovl'r a lack nf infnrmatmn fnr a pro.14-'<·t tht·y S<IY will ~1gnifieant lv affeC't their 1·qmmunitv L;1wrc·n~'<' Gilson. pn-s1dt>nt of Arrn·rican I lighSp1•Pd Rall. mt.·t rN·t>ntlv w11h San C1Prn£'nt c· n·~mic-ntS and lhC'n brit'fly with Twenty-one yachts began heading south Saturd .. y afternoon from Lo8 Angeles at the start of th~ 999-mile Mazatlan roe.-, spon~or.-d by the Los Angeles Yacht Club. De tail8, Page 82. I ' . ' .. 'fhom<.1s JC'nk1ns , 1•xt•t·ut1 v e· d1n ·ctor o f thl' Orange• County T ransi:x1nat10n Cumn11s..<;1on Ht· didn't hciv1· much Spt'<·1f1 <" 1n formallon to o ffer, howl•vC'r J1·nk1ns said the corporat mn has not rf'leaSN'I 11.S markt:ting nr l'ng11wN ing studu:s and t'X pt'('L'i t11 makP 1L5 fmannal plans public next s pring. M eanwhil1• th f' private corporation is re portl'Clly clost· to a n agrt"ement with tht> Sanld Fe Ha1lway o n use o f St'lec ted portions -of its right-of-way for a SC'l'tmd and Stc'parate track for lht• bulll't trams. said Jenkins Tht• corpo ratio n 1ntC'n<1s lo St-'<'Ure $:3 billion m fmancmiz $2 bil l1 on f or de sign and <.'Onstruct10n dunng thl' next five• y C'ars for the track. $500 million for financing and anoth1•r $500 million for c·ost escalat10ns and con11ng<.'nnc--s. he added. JC'n k1ns sa rd the l'o unty commission ha s generally supported the proposal bt'C·auw ti should hl·lp relieve the S;inta (See BULLET, Page A2l Lagunan's body found offshore The body o f a 22-yl"ar·old Laguna B ea c h man who drowned in a boating ac'cident last w eek was discovered Saturday af ternoon by an off duty lifeguard scuba divmg near C leo Beach. Laguna Beach lifeguard Brure Baird found M ark M a tthew J ones' body while diving at 1:40 p.m . in 80-fool deep water about three-fourths of a mile off Cleo State Beach . Police said Jones and a friend. Christopher Moore, 21. Balboa. were paddling Oct. 30 in a 14-foot canoe when the rowboat c apsized about 600 yards o ff Laguna Main Bea(•h . M oore s wam to s h or e and n o tified a uthor i t ies wh o unsureesafully searched all day for the Laguna 1'each man. ' Coustl1111· Acad1•11111· S1•11a 1e-. whH·h rt•pr'l'!H 'llti.. fal'\.ll t y 1t 1l•1 nbt·rs. Tht· new pres1tlt·nt S<Jld 1111t· e.f Coaslhnt>'s 111111al goals wa:. lo bnng h1ghl.'r t•dUl'&trem 1ntu tht· tommunlly, offering da;.:.t·s at n "' 1 g h b o r h o o d i> 1· h o o l s , l'ommun1ty l'l'lltt·r.s, n•11n·111£•11t h1>nws and o tlwr s1 tt·s M<my of the cour~·s eft-s1rctl by pc:oplt' In th l•St• off -l'amµu:-. Io c· a t 1 on i. w e r c• p t• rs u n <1 J l'nnchmt>nt and rt'l'l't:alhm tupl('b sul·h as painung and danee But thl'Sl• Wt•fl• a lst.1 the typPs o f l'OUrst•s that lost s tall' funding undt•r thl· n"t·ent "hit lis t." Bullt·r said this 1s tht· rt·ason Coas tlint· was mon· st•rrously a f f e c t t' d t h ~ 11 s o n1 t• Ct t h l' r (See COASTLINE, Page A21 John Hullt•r Supermarket strike vote looms today LOS ANCl::LES (AP) More· than '27 ,0llll 1111•a t1·utt1•rs ;.s nd Teamsll'rs from thl· O n ·gon t11 the Ml'Xtl'an bordt•rs an· t11 vut1· today on whl'lhN lo rt'.)t'('L a fm,tl offl·r from sup<·rn1arkPt ownl'rs and begin a stnkl' lhat woultl a ffpc:t millio n s o f C;il1forn1a groc.:ny shoppt·r~ W e ary nl•got1<1tor;. f or the· u 11 1 o n s a n d m a r k c· ts w t• r t' w orking through thP mght ag~1111 Saturday m hopt·~ of agrt.·t·1ng 1111 a p at·ku~t· that would he· ac'(·ept.ohlt· to workPrs ··The s 1tuauo n is grim." conceded Fra nk Alle n of the F ede r al Med1at1 o n a n d Con C'il1at1on Serv1t•t· "I d on 't th i nk th1:, l!> going to bl ronduded until zero hour " "I don't think anyo11e wants on eith er side -to see a strike. But it doesn't look good right n ow," said one umon leadN. who asked not to be 1dc·ntif1ed N egot1atc1rs w ert· working against a sC'lf-1mposl'd dt·au!lnc• of midnight Saturd:iy to work out a n an·c-plabl c· contract Whatl'VL'r 1s on thl' bargaining table at t hat t11nc· will h1· µrt?sentc•d to unio n nH'mhl'rs ciround th1· -.t<itc· tod;iy fn1 approval or rc•.JK.'l1on If 1t 1s turm·d down. a stnkt· cou ld bt>g1n at I '.! lll a m Monday The.· t'O n!-.t1tut10ns ol both tlw m<·at.c·utters, repr1·s1•ntt•d by tht· United Food and l"t1mmt·n·1..il Workl"rs. and the· Tl·arnstt•r-; supulate that a ,;tnkc• cannot lit· 1·a ll1·d unt .. ._s tht• package· 1..; l'PJ<'e'lt•d hv two th111b of till· v11tc•1.., Tlw rl'i.1:-.11n111g is that sue b :.l ... ul1st;1nt1;1} V(ite • in favor of 3 s tl'lk(· will ;1:-. ... urc.· <i mor" e·lft'l'llvc • walkrn1t Dl'l:ids of wh;11 the· l'ornpanws wt·rt· nff<'ring <onJ what the un111n~, wt·rl· dt•mandmg were s ke ·lt hy , and cuuntl·r -pruposal' n ·purtt·dly wt•n• ehang lllg the tt•rm;. throughout S~1turday But Fnd;;y 111ght. wh<'n the 1· omµ any m <• d c.• 1 t s 1 n l ll a I t.'\unom1l eofft·r . nwatcutwrs Vice P rl's1dent Ol1 vc·r W Holme• denounc.:etl 1t as "de<.·t·puve and u n co n sc1u n abl 1"' and un.ict·cptablt-· H olmes said the proposal calh-d fur an increase oC 4 i:x·rcE>nt a yt·ar in the overall t."t·unomrt· packagt" with only l. percent gomg tu wages and th( r est to cover rrsing h ealtlt insurance premiums. ~: Currc•ntly , butc hers an<t Tcamstl"r truck drive r s a nd warPhous c•mc•n Parn b e tweeO $1070 <ind hour and $1'238 an how 111 wagt•:. . Thi' t'nntnin with some 10.000 Soutlwr11 Cahfurn1a meatcutteJ"li. e·xp1r .. <; a t rn1dn1ght ton 1g~. wh1d1 IS b1·1ng USt'Cl clS tht· stri~ tlt-atll11w Contral'l-" with 10.000· S11111 lwrn California Teamste()I; <ind 7 :'iOO Northt>rn Cal 1forni~· ltutl'lwrs alrc·ady lapsed. but· 1wg11t1,Jt1ons Wl·n· c·xtended so all the· unions could l'XC'rl rnon' pn •ssun· l>v thrC'at1•ning to w alk out s1multanl'ous ly Al lt'('tt'{l bv a stnke would b(' 1•vt·rv rna1or ·sup<·rmarkl'l chain. and SllllH' m111or ou tlets a nd 1111lc·p1•n1k11t~. 111 C<:i11forn1a Bradley won't seek a recount LOS ANGF:LES (AP) Mayor Tom Bratlll·v. whose bul to bc"<:·omc.· the nauon'::. first blal'k cl<'l'tf-<l governor faill'd by only :12 .295 vot<'S las t Tuesday . t·onc<:dl'd dC'feat Saturday Bradll'v's cOnt'('SSIOn camC' 111 a t<'h·gram· to thf' ~ovf'rnor-l'lt'l't. stat<• Attorney Genl'ral Georg<' IX•ukmejian "The voters ha c..1 a clt•ar choiC'l', and they el<'<'tC'd vou ," Bradlev s a 1 d 1. n t h C' t e I c· g r a m . ··co ngr ~itulat1 o n s on y1>ur Vll'tory " Prr-t•lc'l'llon surveys and f'Xll pulls takf'n after voters cast their ballots had indicated Bra dley would wrn the rac E'. but ht> trnilc'Cl by up to 6 percent in early re turns. many o{ which wc•rt• arnwntee ballots that trad1t1onally favor Hepubli<.'an candidates. · Although Bradley steadily n ibbled away at Oeukmej1an·s lead through ~e night. the final vote showed the mayor trailing by 52.29!> votes t o gi vt> Deukmejian a 49-48 perc l'nt 111arg1n of v1c·tor y OC'ukmf'Jlan began planning the trans1t1on to succeed Gov. Edmund G . Bro wn Jr a nd st'lc'<·ting key advisers within two days of the t•k'<·t1on Bradley's campaign chairman, Nelson Rising. annoum·ed the dec1s1on not to seek a rec·ount shortly a ft('r the telegram was st•nt "Mayor Bradley was prepared to concede the P le<:tron to Mr D c·u kmeJian W e dnesday morning. but the res ults were so c \tJSl' thAt w e, (his adviser s ) bt'hevf'd a thorough e xamination o f thP t•lect1 o n rl•t urns was nppro prratl• t o C'X plo r e the possibility of rt.'ques ung a vote rc•t·ount," t·ampil1gn spokesman Tom Sullivan said . "Our conclus1on 1s that a r ecount w o uld not reveal significant miS<.·akulattons. and it dcX'sn 't app<'IU-that any rl'ported voti ng irregu larities w e re . s u fficient enou~h to warrant r('l'UUflt or nmtestinji("." ----INDEX---- Business Outlook 03-4 Classifi ed Efi-8. Dl-6 Crossword E5 Death Noti<.-c11 E5 F,ditorial Page A6 Entertainment E2-4 Featuring E l Finance Dl -7 HorOSC'ope El Ann Lander!\ El M Ailhnx AR ' Movies Public Notic•·s R«al EstatC' Sports Stuck M11r~1·L~ Style Tdevisic>n Theat<'n1 Travel Weatht.'r E2-4 0 5 0 5 BJ -6 06-7 Cl -6 87 E2-4 C4 ·• A2 I -~-------------------------------------__________________________________ ...,... ___ . -----. ------- ,\i tl11111uu Cou•I UAll Y l'tlOT 1~H1tllJt1y Nuvombwr 7 1082 ~' '"~ Continued stories Irvine facility 'popular model' Ht•gt•nts Point rt•I ir~nu•nl villugP <'uh•r i; to virtunlly t•v t·ry nc:t•<l of 1·c!'\icle•nl~ BULLET TRAIN • • A1111 11nd S1111 l>1t·1<11 r11·t'"'"'Y' u t sonw rt•l(1<111al 11 uft ll But h1• noted thut llll' l11n111'lt'*>1u11·, f111.d ·* po::.ttuu1 wlll dt'Pt'nd on h•·n1·(1•~ for Oran..:•· l'11u11ly Cluy. 111f'u11whdt>, 1s11'1 w1llm8 to wait 111• 1i. r1..:<unst ttw li111l1•1 :• tr11111s aln·udy , "I'm l'<llll't;l'IU'<l us U LaXpUVl'I. l'm t·w11~·n1l'<l .is .1 l1111sumt•r , u11d I'm 1 nm·1•1 rll'd .as a 1 t•s1d1•111 111 Sim l'll·11w111 .. ,'' lw sa11J c1 .• , h.1:. lllJllt•d 1,000 of hi~ 1Ju1111~·1 ,111 k1·1~ JI hts OWll 1·11:.t to ~11v1•1 llllll'lll. hUSlnl'"'~ 1111d m1·d1.1 11·µ1t'"l·11tat1vt·' 111 S11utl11·111 C.ilit111111.1 Ill":. 1111 l11dl·d ,, lt:.t 111 11 11ut•i.111111' th.11 h 1· "·''" ,,,,. ,111l 1111.11""'''tl'\I ) 11• .1bo 11> 111 11°11111-( hi\ 'Ill kt'I'" 101 ,,tl1· lo 1111•111111 ·" 111 th1• pul>li1 .11 $1 1111 unt· .11111 $!1 11•·1 do11•11 lit!. ;1ddrt>ss '" I dlOI M.i111 St . 11 Vlllt', !l;.!714 '1'1\1 • 1 h.11'j.~l' lflVl'I ' 011ly n i:-,1,. 111 I h1· 't11·k1•1' .111d 111.111111~, ht· ~ml /\n111ng l'lJV0 :-. I I 'llll'"liOll'> 1-. th1:-. 111w "II""' d111 ·' Alll'H 1•><JH•t t t11 h11 1· 1,11 lu\'tn i.: S11uth1·111 <.'.di1111111.111' 11111 111 llH•lf lllUl h 111111 t l'Clll\ l'll1t•11t .111(1111111h1 k'" . COASTLINE CHIEf"' • • • ro1nr11unity l'ollt•gl's that plan•d mun· 1•111ph.is1s un ac:ademtl' <11Hl v<X·at111n.il dass1·s. wh1c·h Wt'l'l' hot 1111 llldl'<l Ill till' st.al<' l'ULS Tlw l'uastlint· prl•s1dc•n1 "'J1d th .... d111ol tr;msfurmt~ I 00 of Its "hit 11-.t l'OUf:.t'' llHo ft•t• ha:.t'<I pr <lgl ,11l1.., d1•:..1g1ll'd lll p.1y f111 th1·111'1'h '1·' Bulll'r sa1cJ ~t) 1of tl11 "' 11il1111,1\t'h Wl'l'l' ldlH t•il·d I~~ .iu-,1· att1•11J:11w1• wasn't h1glt 1•1111uglt tu µay tlll' l11lls. "It will l.:.1k1· mori· llnw tor th1· l'llllllllUllltY to :adjust to this." lit· :-,;11J "Thi· llt·l'd for lhl':.t' l'OUl',t'' 1,.. :.till tl11·n • It's JUSI th.it th1· ,1;1tt• w1111'1 tu11d thl'm "Jlp11:, th1· 1·h;1ll1·ng1· ho"' 111 pr 11v1d1· tht '-<11111· 1·<lu1 a lion.ii 11pµ11rtun1111·' w1th1n th1, 1111.1111 IHI l'fUlldt " Wh1l1· at'knowlt·dg1ng tlt1· 111'<•tl to I l'Slrut·tun·. Bulli·1 '<11d ht• '" 1·011fa .lt•11t t h.1t V o .1:.tl11H• will Wt·ath1•1 lht• 1·u1 rrnt f11wrw1.tl probl1•n\.' 111• sau..l ht• '' 1·1111v1m 1-<l th1• 1·01lq~1.'s 1t•h-('1>Ur:.t·"' '' 111 lJJ'' tht· uix·oming 1•v.iluat11111 h) a11 .ll'l.Tl'<hlalrun kam Co.1:-.tl1n1· off1t'1,1h "'all lit• mov;:;g into a 1ww Jd1111n1s11,111v1· h l' ad ll u art l' rs, 11 u w u n d 1: r 1·11nstrut·t1on at Nt>whnµt· Str1·1'l ;111d Warrwr A v1•11u1• 111 fou11t.1111 V.11l1·v Orw floor 111 tlw lolU ''"r.\ 'tn11l<i111g will be· li·a:-. .. d 111 .11111th1 1 lt·nanl .ind 11' o pt· rt v .11 oumJ tht· h1·adquart1·1-. \\Ill II•· d1•\'t ·l11µ1 ·d prt\ .11• I~ to 11fl"·t (.' .... ,111111 '\11'>\:0. Uy Cil.l<:NN SCOT'I 01 lh• 0 .11, 1111111 ..... H t• ~ I' II t II I'" I II I .. II t' ~ ll'l>tch·11t11.1I 11'1111·1111·111 vlll1tKt' 111 11\1111· tit.II ,,1111' It• \lltu,dh 1•v1·1 \ 111·1·d 11 1 11 ... 11•,1111 111:-.. "'di h1·t·•11111· ,, 111•111• I .1, d1·111.111d llll'I 1•,1:-01•:. 1111 1'111lllJI fill tllll1''· '" y, H 11°<1tl It\!( lo(• 'I llll \llllllo(l.,I M .ll lo(·•l'l·I 11 111 tlrn ti, l<11111d111~ d 111·1 101 td U Sl"s Sl'l111ul o f U1•11111tololo(,Y. 1111•d11·t1·tl th.it d1•111;111tl 1111 :.I'l l -.ul f1111·11 t I t'lll't'lllt'lll 111111111\llllllt':'> will :-.harph llH fl',IM' tlu.1111~ tht• lll'Xl 11'.w ~""''' .1111111:-. ,.., 1wopl1• ltv1· lu11~1·1 .111d lll'.1hhw1 1iv1·' ···n11' pl.w1· .. , ,,, l1u11t '"1th th1· t ... ~t know lt'<lg1· j.lt•nmtulot(l:.1:-. h.1t.J (1v1· y1•an, .1~0." :-.ht• :-.aid l11lh1wtr11-( .1 :.pt•t-t'h Fnduv Jt .111 111Jl·11 11.,w,1· tur tlw f.ll'tlity "It's .1 ll\1>d1·I for wit.ti 11uglt1 111 lw " Opt·111·d 111 s1.1gt•:-. 1••1rl1t·r this Yt•ar·. Ht·~wn ts P oint I!> <• rour :.t111 v d1•vt·lt1µn11·n1 -;1ll111g 1111 a bluff 11v1·rluok111g 1111' Will1a111 l\l:i:.1111 Hl'g1m1al P ;11 k 1n lrv11w At !~IHI ll.1rv.11d Av1·. 1t 1:-. v.1th1n tht· 1·1 1v':. U111v1·1s11v Tuwn Cl'nh·r plai111111g dl'l'Lt and ~' f ""' bl11l'k:. f rum UC lrvtnt• l3u1lt and run bv tlw nun pr11f1L Suuth .. rn C<iltfurnw Pn-sl>yl1·ria11 1101111·"'· H1.·~wnt:-. P111nt include:. 300 ;iparlml'nlS and a nothl'r 60 u111lS in tlS pt•rsl)nal l'al'l' wing. A h o u t -I 0 p I' n· " n t o f l h C' .1p<.1rtnwnL'i an· still val'<lllt llc-s1d1•nts. who must t.w 62 _Vl'ars old: µ<ty from $47,000 for a s1ud111 a pannwnt to $lti0,000 for a d1·\Jdwd. two l><•druom v11l<1 . Thi· 11111· 111m· ni:.t I!. arnu:.ingly l'<Jllt•d .1 "h•aM' frn ltft•" Watergate-era Nixon staffers crowd reunion in Washington Wt\Slll t;TON tr\1'1 )o'au •, f111111 1111· W<ill·rg,111 1·r.1 erowdt·d ,1 W ,tsh1ngt1111 hot1·I 1.J.dl1 1Jt1111 S;iturd.iy n1gh1 111 n 'n11n1,11· 11v1·r o ld 11m1•:. .i11d appl:tud tilt' 111;111 who lt•d th1·111 K1rha1d N1x1111 , :litlt p11·,1d1 ·111 of 1h1· U111t1•d ~t.lli'' Sign ordinance Ttw C11st:1 Mt·"' C1t\ C11uiwil ,, "'l' h l' d u It• d l t • d I-;' l u '' t h ' 1·ontniv .. rsi.il ... gn ord111a111 <· .11 ~ p ni M 1,nd.i-. du r 111g ,, s l ud' sC':-.s1on ;it City ll<ill. 77 Fair Drive · Lt'Cl by c•ou11l'1lman Donn H.dl whu had propos<'d rnod1fy111g th1 ordana nn' lo l'X1·rnp1 prt·<,1·111 11un nmform1ng signs that w1·r1· lc·gal bc•furt' 1974. Lh1• 111ui11 ii d1•c·1dc>d tn Sq.1LPnib1·r lo "'.11t u nut I ht• study M·~um to 11111'>1d1 1 I he malt(•t The c:ounul '" 1•\.p1·1 ft d t11 H1·p111 11·1, \\1·11· h.1111d 1111111 I It• I t'lllllllll d 111111•1 "' I Ill lllt'I 1\111\ ,t,1ft llll'llll>-•r' ,1 dtr\IH'I l\1·ld Ill lht \\\'I k 11f 1111' 111\h .t!\:!l\11'<.tl\ "'th•· h1gg1•-,1 jllt''ldt11l1.1I 1·l1·t l111.1I Vlolt l.111d,Jtd1• Ill 1\tllt'l lt';111 l11-.t111 \ l\l.111\ 111 tho"' .tlll'llti111µ topic dt ... lll'>'• "'IH·lht •I •• JOll\l '>llHh ' ( .., ., 11111 "' I l h I ht• p I ,1 11 ll I I\!<( l'11mm1~"1or1 1"' nt't'llt·d Thl ..,1gn 111d1nanl'l' was .idopt1-<l an 1!:17-1 lo <'l11n1nat1• the· t·lutt1·1 of l<irg1· '>tgn .. IOWt.'rlllg !1\'l'I lht• 11ty's ..;kvlrm· All businL•Sst·' Wt'rl· told 111 n·11111vc· larg1· un:-.1gh 1 ly :.1gn-; hv HIH-1 Und1·r Lht 111·"' p1opt1<,t•d 111 d111.1111'l' all s ign., t•n'( tt'l.J 1<'!<:.tll~ b•·lrn1 1~71 would I.it .illow•·<I t11 I 1·111.1111 .1:-. lung ·" lht \ .... ('11 T\(11 Jht•1 \·u rt'<.·<tlll"l tlw past for rt'purl<'rs at a rt'< !'plum 11ut:-.1dt• lht• b<1llroom II\ ••fl .t l'l'<I d1•111 r,1t1•tJ Wllh r1•d , wh1t1• -and hlut· hJlloun:. and <1 photograph of th1· f1nak· of thl· 1!17:! H1•puhl1l'an 1·onvt•nuun l n :. 1 rl 1 • . b c· h 1 n d t h " d a 1 s . "W1·1!-11nll' Cl;;1ss of '72 ... was t>mblazon1•d un c•tth1•r s1dt• o f the 1973 maugural ::.<'<ii N ixon ancndc'CI th!' dtnnC'r but did nut s pt•ak to rl•purwn. Charil's Colson, th1• hardboiled pol111cal o perator who on('(' said ht•d walk nVl'r his grandmother f11r N1x1111. n·c·;_tllt·d l'l'lrbrating "'Ith Nixon and pres1denual c:hll'f 11( ~taff ll R Haldt>rnan in an 11ff1c·t> 1n lhl· old Ext'<.'UllVl' Off1n• Hutld111g a1-r11~' tlw strC't't frorn 1h1· Wh111· J lnusc· thl· night N1x11n dd1•,1tt·d (;l'!lrg<· Ml'Gt1v1•rn "I v .. k11own -..inw lrag1•d1c•s 111 111' II ft-." l'obon s.11d "I think th•· obj<-< t of ltfc• ts to 11·.irn 111 l1v1· 1h111ugh tl11J ... t· trag1·d11·-. .ind not to h1· 11111 111lµn·,..,"·d \\tlh v11t11rll's More local fog l :oasl<r I Low CIOudS and Inc.al foQ cfearong 10 var1ab•e h•gll clouds belore noon IOllay Cooler -•llher w•lh h19ns of 66 10 7 j Overn19h1 lows on ltlP m•d·50s Moslly cloudy w11ti only part•a ilhernonon cleartng on MonOay Highs Monday on the m•O to upper 60s Elsew hPrP from Point Conrep11on 10 the Me .. cJn t>orOtH and 0111 60 miles Com1>1ned nor I hwes1e1 ly seas mc•eASong to 8 10 13 feet !Oday over ouler wa1ers L1gh1 VBJtable winds over inner wa1ers lnrough tong 1on1911t eac;ept sou111wes1 10 _,1 8 10 18 knots 11>1s allernoon Westerly swells ol 1 10 J lee1 Jncreu1ng low cloudiness IO<lav with par11a1 clearong Ins afternoon end t>ecomon9 moslly OUCly lonoqhl lJ .. "'i. Sllllllll(lr_l' Snow showers were scallered ovflt' lhe Goeol La~es reo1on and rain llngereO ove1 soulhern Flooldo on Satuoday lhe Na11ona1 We&lher Serv1c;e sa•d Sk;es were moslly clea• acros' the retl o l the Southeast and along lhe Eas1ern Seaboard wn11e 11 was parHy ctoudy across tn<t no<lhGfn hi.II 011ne Plains and the U1>9« M1SSISS1pp1 Valley Sunny llcles cove<t>d the rest 01 t"-rwo areas and mU<;h ol lhe Soulh ..... t In Buff110, N Y a 'nows1orm lhla WlM!llend dumped IJ inches ot snow on Iha Greater Buffalo ln1ernatlon111 A1rport end other pOlnfa south end wea1 of lhe clly 01 t;Old air bl-In over 1118 warm w1111Wa ot lake Erle The airport wes opened Salurday at>oul 1 a m efter havlflO !>Mn 1hut down f'rldey alternoon due lo poor vlalblMty For lodey rorec aalers predltled showers over lhe Peclllc Northwest and acro1S aou1 hem Flot Id 11 r a1n end snow sN>wert '" tn. northern Rockies end cloudy 1kle1 eround lhe reel l ekee Skte1 were expected 10 be mo11ly suriny wwner• HIQhl -• ••~led 10 range rom the •Ot In the North Pacific COHI lhrOUQh Monlarie arid yomfng lo nor111«n MlnnetQI•, round 50 In the North Attenllc Stet". lh• 701 over Sovlhern omlll. toVlll«n Arllona. lhe 8out111rn P l•lrit 1he lower ~felllllppl \/~end the FIO<lde P~• M"O the 50t end 801 ..... ...,. Tempere1ur11 around the IOfl at noon PST rangeO from --11 h\Mquetle. Midi I 1 degrMa II Brown1v111e, ·-· California c iouO'\ ~·H wr~a1h Soulhef'n Lahfo,n1d 'hrOUgh lh•!» mo1ninq Clearing .11 na1ddav w1ui dense •oq shrOu<l"'9 1n~ toas1 the Nat10nilt ¥.~.-.thµ• ~,.,..,.1Cf' ha_• lott•<..l~I oc, Ar•gP1P., Nill Lfl .-.11qnt1, r ~ e1 tno • .-~ .,..,,,,. h·O' c; r tf'1e IO'ft 70"S Cl 1u(J\ w tll ""'" Of' at tThf1dav T ,,,,,yht ~ 10 ..... >Nil• be ., ff'P 60, MOtfWtQ log w ill g1"P <N3)' 10. cloud\ lh15 ;}ff Prnoon in thf' valleys Long Sr>eh and Ooange C.ounlv w111' h1gns '" 1he m1<1.70s fhe merc.wy will range from 1ne m1a 40s 10 mid !>Os tonight going down 10 40 1n lhe ct'-S181 and on1e1 med1a1e •a1141ys t=ront1:Cold..., Warm ._. W•nds 01 15 10 75 mph ""'II 1.1ccnmp3ny 1>19'1 Cl<>ul:IS today •n th(' mounltt1ns with nighs m the 60s lows 1on1g1>1 will c11111 to 25 10 45 Gu~ly .,,nos ol 15 10 JO "'Oh will ,11'0 SCOUI 'n"'-. deSet't erto3S nnd tn• lmOfl'riat Coach~la ano IOwf'• Colorado River Vallf.'ys Toaay s 111qhs 01 68 to 78 1n !he upper ae~Prl5 rt>achong 82 on 1'1e lower POrtlflh5 Lows lonoghl will hll 45 10 55 on lhP 1ower deserls dropp1ri~ 10 35 1n 1ne lowP.r regions T e 111p1>ratures NATION Alllany 44 33 Alt>uQul'•QUP 58 JO Amerollo 59 39 Ashev1tlf' 47 27 Allanta 54 10 Allanhc City 48 28 Au5hn 68 48 Baltimore 48 27 B1t11ngs 55 ·~ Birm1righom 53 28 Bismarc~ 45 22 Boise 47 43 Bos Ion 47 37 Brownsvlln 81 57 Bullato l1 :n Burltngton ,, J5 Casper 54 33 Ch11rtes1on SC 57 4 t Charleston w v 46 .l3 CherlOlle NC S2 30 Cheyenne 60 JO Chic ego ' ' 4 1 25 C1nc1nnt11 47 25 Cl4tv111tn<1 37 30 COlumD•• S C. 53 28 Cotumt>ut 41 30 Oell .. ·Ft Worlh 7J 48 Uaylon JI! 24 Ofo.nver 64 30 Dt>s Mo•M'S 53 21 Oe1rot1 )4 31 Oulu In "' 22 El Pun 52 3J Fargo 40 21 Flag,. au 63 1a Grra1 Fall< 51 J7 Harllord 67 28 Helena 43 32 HonOIUlll 84 12 Hous1on 69 58 1no1onopolts 41 20 Jsckson Miss 62 27 Jack •onvtll" 62 33 Kansas City 55 31 Las V1'9AS 53 37 ltlll~ Roc~ 6t 36 lou•,v•lle 4J 25 l utll)ock 6t 39 M"mph1S 58 32 M 1ilmt 13 58 M1lwi1ulo.,... 10 27 Mpl! St Paul 41 n Nashville 5 l 2' New Orleans 60 39 ~ew York 52 35 NOtlOlk 48 39 Norlh PIAllt! 56 HI Oklahoma City 7 I 42 Om oho 50 32 Orlan<lo 73 47 Plltl11delph1e •t 30 Phoenix 10 50 P11111>Utgh 40 31 Por 11'11<1. Me 48 3\ Porllend Ore 52 38 Providence 61! 34 R::yh 47 27 Rep Col'( 62 28 Reno 6J 23 Richmond 48 31 Sell l11ke 51 29 Sen AnlOntO 72 SI ~-....;;i·;;;.....,·-~D ...... R_f R_IP_DR_T '"" llH1 '"" hecfl Awt MH l'rd l.um• 2 3 12 Sen1a Monoc:• 2 J 12 Newport 2 3 1:1 San OleQo Cownty 3 !l 12 Oullootc fl>f MOllOAIY Ullle chenge l•efl AY11 1 I I 2 .... .... 2 2 2 3 .... , Ott w sw SW w Sea Ille 47 4:;> Shreveport 65 33 S1ou• •an' 4:1 21 SI lOUI' 51 24 SI Pt>t .. Tamp .. 68 46 SI Ste Marie J1 27 Sp0kane 43 33 Syracuse 4 \ 34 Topeka 62 26 Iveson 69 46 Tuts a 67 42 Wash1ng1ori Sl 30 W1c.h1lo 58 32 C ALIFORNIA Bakertlmld 7 ' 49 Barstow 81 44 Beaumoni 78 40 Btg Be"r 61 24 BtShOP 63 25 Bly1nr ,. 44 Celaltno 68 46 Culver C11y 7J so Eure~a 58 49 Fresno &8 48 LiinCaJlt!r 73 JS long BHCh 1'2 so LOS Anoe••• 75 57 Monrovlo 80 44 Mori1er11y 62 46 Newport B11ac11 89 52 Oekfand 89 51 Ont&rio 75 43 Palm Springs 78 50 Pnadenn 71 49 Puo Robl81 72 J6 Red Btulf 85 41 RedwoO<I C11y 66 41 Reno 63 2J Sacr•menlo 67 •1 Sellnu 65 40 San B•rnerdlno 75 42 Seri G•bnet 88 46 Sen Otego 66 54 San Fr1nc1sco 68 53 Sin JoM 611 43 Senta An• 11 49 Sanl• 8.,b•r• 89 •• Sent• Marl• 19 38 Santa Monte• 89 54 S1ock1on 87 39 lllhoe valley 58 29 Thermal 111 45 Tom1rice 74 50 CANADA Clllgery •7 25 ~mon100 .. 18 MonlrMI •• 38 Oil ewe 41 33 fltglf\8 33 17 T0tonto 311 33 VlnllOl/¥9< &3 41 w~ 21 Ill Thi· t1'1111 l1ti. Tiu• fui 1l11v '" 1h-i.1g111 ti 1111 l"'"pll• wl111 w,1111 1 tllllllll l IJlld IH't'llrtty Ill lltl•it 1 t•tl11 •11w11t V••,iri. t >1111· n11wt'l.I 111, llw\ 111 Vt I 111 t•d Ill \\-1111 y .1l1tJlll "111 11· 111 .. , 'II llv1· 111 ·x1 IJ1't .illi.•· 1111 • Vt ll.11(1' 1111 h1d1•i. 'ljll'l l,il Wllll(S 1111 11•1ml1 •11\1,il 1111•t.l1C'.d 1,111· 1\111111-( Wt th !ht· lllllliii I h,11 ~t·. 111•"' t'V•·r . r1· .. 1d1·111:-. ali111 P••Y , , "ti 11 It Iv It••·~· I l'lllll $~·HJ lll $1.1711 \11 I 11\'l'I ,tll 11lht•1 I l''lldt•ttll!il C'O~t:-. 1111 lud111g dtlllll'I 1'.ll'h l'Vl'llllll-(, 111;1111\l'lt.illl'I', t1dllllllllCll ,1ttoltl , "'l,UI 11 \ <111d 11td1t11•:-. )11 olht•I Wllltb, t•\ft'I ylhtlll( hLtl llw t.·l1·pli11111 lnll · It ,, rl':-.1dl•t11 'h11uld dll' du11ng till' fll ,t I tV•• Vt'•'" o l l}ll' :-.l,1y. II p1111,1tnf '"·'' '' 111 tht• 1111ual f1·1• 1!'> 11·turrll'd 111 l1t•11:-. Allt·r 11 v t• Yl'J"· .111111 lht· m1t1,d paynw11t 1:-. kt •pl Tlll'l'I' 1s 11'1 furtlt1·r l'hargi· n11 111.illt·r h11w 111,1ny y1·ar::. th1• l'l'Sldt•ltl '>~I VS H1·~t·n l:s i>111nt 1•1wn to all rau•:. .111d 11·h~1vn:. l!I tlll' 11111th .111d llll'l':.I 1Jf lhc· 111111\t's run bv tlw Pn•shytt·r ia11 ll111111'" AncJ 111 .111 1'lqJt•1 I un aging lrkt• th1· tH Vt·ar old ll.1rtlwd, 1l I!. lh1· :-.h.t!Jl' of thing:-. Lu Ulllll' Thanks lo m1·d1l·al and St'11•11lil 11· 111novut11111:-.. bt•tu:r d•l'I~ and 1111µn>Vl·d work111g and ltv1ng 1:ondit1l1n:.. most Ameneans wtll l'L'iK'h th1·1r HOs and YOs 111 th•· lll'Xl cll't'<iCJi'S, Shl' s;11d Not univ that. but tht·Y will I t'.tl'h th(.,M' :.tg(•:, In h<.-iJlth,Y t•ond1110 11 w11h 1·un11:.it1t•:.. am1>1111111' a11d 11111•11·,t~ .. 1111 t11 Ix· llll'l Said I lartf111d "It::. nol u11ly that w1•n· l1v1ng lunger but wl•n · ltv111g longl·r with gr1·:111•1 v1gur. with mon· 1•rwrgy." Al tht· '>;111w !11111-. lhl· old fash111nt·d 11wlh11rb for looking aftt•r s1•111111· 1·111zt•ns an· brl'ak1ng dc1wn . Gon1• an· tht· sm:tll tow11 1•11v1ronm1·nL-; wlwn· till' f<.1mdv d111.:lor would '>toµ 111 lo t'ht'l'k 11i1 <·lt.lt·rlv 11·l,111vt•s o r wlH·11· n1·1ghhor:. would stl "'tlh 1h1·m 111 th1· af1t·rn111111 ... C11mpl1•\t·:. 'ut h ,,,. H1·g1•11t:. l'otnt. \\ h1·1 \' r 1·,1dl'nl:-. hav1· tht· f r t· 1· d o 111 t 11 111 1 n g I t • 1 n .1 t· nm mu 11 1 I v hut ,1 Is•• l ht· pr111t'<·t1vt• wa.lb for M'<'Unty •• 1n· pr<ll'llt'tJI tnt•.Jnl> lu l'llSUrl' 1>rt1µt•r t·arc· r.,r M'l\1111''>. :-.ht• !);llU. Sht• l'l ll'd l'lllll'l USIOllS "' •• study 1 nndut·tpd six yl'ar:. agu among fam1ht•s mvolvl'd 111 .i s 1mil<1r hut uldc•r fal·thtv to shm\ that sul'h homUB uftl'~l rt•I 1e\·1· ralht·r than t:n ·ate family fnt·t1on or guilt Of f;umlH•' qul•rrt'Ci. :JO JX'l'l'l'lll of tht· l'aS('S SJ1d plal'l•nwnl al lhl' f <• l' 1 I 1 l v r " n t· "' l' d f ~1 m 1 1 v n·l<1llonsh1ps bt•tau:.1· 11 ca:.1·d hurdt·11s of fam1lv C<•l'C' :.md rnd1·d w11rr~·1ng . .,hl· :-.<1.1d 1\1111tl11·1 1.:1 p1·n1·1111 l;11rrwcl tlw pl<1t1·nwn1 ht•lpt'<I g1•111•ratt· nl'\\ lm'I• and :ifl1-t·t11111 .md ~5 pt•n·t·ttt 'aid 1111· d1.111g1 did not ,1fl1·1 f p r t. \ I II LI ... I ' .• r f (' l t I " n .• f •• n l.1 Ill •tt:-.h1 µ<> 'hl· :-..••d Of 1h1· rt·lll.111\11\j! t.ISl'S 20 Delly Pllol Pho101 by Cherlu 51.,t A lt•aJing gt•ronlolo~ist be lieves lrviru ·'~ Ht·~t·nl ~ Poinl rt•lirt•nwnl villag•· will ht•t•omt· a modt'I for tht• rwC'd!o! of at•liH· ... ••1uor c·itizt·11 ~. IHlll'lll llJltllft •d tllllllnllt·d -;t·pw ,1h'lll"'5 and 10 l"'rl't'nl '>Jld tht·) :.till v1:-.1tl-<l l'al·h o tlwr but fl'lt. lrlllt· luv1• lwC'aust• 11[ P••'t 1·:.trang .. nwnts. !>IH' :idd1·d Ml·.inwhJIP. ;.idm1n1stratur-; at H1•g1·nl!> P o 1nl an• sln·s..,111g that 1l11•1rs 1s not a nursing h111111· but ;1 tuntrolll'd rl's1dc·m ·1· I h.1l 1.1k1·s 11110 ,1c't·ounl th1· nt:c·d-, nl -..·nuns lnc.frc•d . 1h1· eh·gant d1n111g room lobby and Jou111-W" suggt•'t ,1 plu:.h hot1•l And rl's1d1•nl'> who (1mdutlt•d tours lalkc•d about ai·t1v1t11•s .ind t·onv1·n1l•nt't-:i a.<: ,1 "'1si t '1·t l'n Lhu:-.1asl11 l'<1llt•g1 studPnl rrnght OIS('US' life. Ill thl' dorrns K1•nnl'lh Mtl<'h<'ll. who mm·1·d t r 11 m .. N 1· w p 11 r l B 1• a 1· It t1111don11111u111 111t~ H1•gt•nh Pot111. gu1d1·d \ 1:-.1tor-, through I h1· 1.11111'11·d halh,;tys. 111111.11·1 n111m ... Jl•"t .1 11.11111•1,hop .ind lw.•lll\ ,,rlon .ind I ht 11ugh .1 hnol1·111n f11>011 d ,11 ll\'ltH•.;; room \la q~art•I lla rlford Mesa sculptor told 'tear them down' An OrangP Count .v Supc·rtnr l'ourt J UU!o(t' h<is ortl1•r t·d n•nc•lo(ade (.'o<;ta Ml'S<t sculptor 1\11 Koushan to lt•ar down his thr1•1 high ri.,1. -.1 ulpt~n·:-. luw1·11ng 0 v (' r ii s u µ l' r I II r A \ .. II II t 111du.,1ri:d an•a Jud g l' HI l h d rd Bl' ..11111n onkrrd R oush an lo n •movt· 1 ht thrc•t• "'-Ulplllrl'~ C'fl'<'ll'<l "tlhollt l'llY permit... '' tthm tiO dav:-•ll fa1·<· rl'mnv;il hv the· c·itv 111 August . t hL· Ir •• n1an 1mrn1~ranl s1•rv1·d f1\'1• cfays in pll fur ( 11nl1•111pt u f niurt at 11•1 ddy1nl{ .i l'tJUrl ord1•1 that Ill• obt,1111 nt'l.'<•SS<1ry pt•rm1 L., H uus ha n was 11rd1· red to 11•mov1• lhl' s.:ulptun· kno\.\'ll .1s Rut11·1 flv w11h1n fill d..1v' V1Jlt .11111 within -10 d:ws. T orni11t11 "1th111 ~() da\S and obt.llll ,, p,1•111111 £11r a fourth str\11 llll •'. l 11\.\ I r 1\ I though Roushan 11ht.111wd 111y approval for h1:-. first \.\lll k . ,, :1:? frn>I 't'1Jlptu1 l' known .1 ~ \\',1tt·rf,lll, 1·1tv off11:1al!. :-:.-I\ tlH· 111 h1•r:. w1 •rl· l'~>nstrucll'd wl1h11u t pt'l ll\I l:-. Thi· 1·1ty filt'i..i a bwsu1t ..tgatn:.t 1111' wdd1·r 111 1!;180. dmm1ng tlw· Sll'<'I &·ulpturt>s up w tW f<.•C't high Wl•rc> t'rN.'t<'<i without proper ('ity approvals and v1olat<' th<' city's :w f ool bulldm~ h1•1ght hmll 1n thr ar('a Ml'anwhill'. Koush;rn -~1d ht• ha:. nu intention of rt'movtng thl• '<.'Ulplurt•s from h1:-. prnpl•rty at I 5 5 O S u p 1· r w r A v t' a n d 1 !> planning to 1•f (.•t·t a c:asl lt• ~·ulpture ''l'm nut gu111g to tt•ar them down." S.'l1d Roushan. "Thc>y ran JUst bark up the· ll'l'{' " ~-----~-~~~~--~~-- SKI SALE Saturday. November 6th 10· 7 Sunday. November 7th 12 5 SKIS Rossignol FP K 2 SR 33 Fischer Cresta 1981 · 1 982 Merchandise S tock Limited to Quantities on Honrl Reg. 270.00 195.00 210.00 Now 189.95 129.95 129.95 BOOTS Dynaftt Cups Nordica Cosmo San Marco AX l Newport Ski Company 1700 W. Coatt Hwy. Newport Beach. Cal. 714/6' 1-HIO Solu & R'PD'' 714/6411·1337 Sf'IOW Rrport -N"1port Skl Compaf!y ... Llttl• Store 1100 W. CoHt Hwy . Newport Beach. Cal. 714/6' 1 ·3 I U R•ntoi.. Ski School 7 l4/6U·H17 Sows ' ' ' Reg. 265.00 130.00 255.00 CLOTHING Pants · 59.95 & Up Obermeyer. Serac, Roffe Parkas· 49.95 &: Up Roffe. Serac. HCC. Obermeyer Swe~tere • 19.95 &: Up Demetre. Ramos. · tv1eister, Obermeyer Ur. Urtwt• \'orhuut·r, ht•lo\.\, laopt'"' ft•tlt·rul l(OH'rtHnt•nl \\ill ,.01111 ~iH· 11p1•ro\UI lo n t'OH I rUt't ' fH ht• "'fletlllo(t' .., •• H 'tl t'll 1'"' j 11 I he· m ukin,.:.. NeW By JOEL C. DON Of lhe Delly Pllol SleH A Costa Mt•sa b1omed1l'al firm 1:-. a lx>ut two months awa y from m a r k <' 1 1 n g a v a g 1 n a I t·untrat·t•pllvl' spong(' that 1s as (•(ft'(:tlVl' olS tht• Ul<tphragm and t.?.n bt• :-.ol d JS a n OVl'r -lh<'- t·ounh'r produt·t OC jury rejects claiin on Mesa bar Or Brun• Vorhauer, prC>s ident 11( V LI Corp . s<11d he ex JX'l'lS the Food and Drug Admm1stration to gr.Jilt approval of has two-inch s pongt• arnund tht• first of tht• Yl'JI' Ills l'omp;rny has s pr nt s l' v e n v l' <1 r s i n r l's l' a rt' h . devC'lopment a nd w orldwide tl'S ling of the unique birth t·o11tro l devicl'. But the· Irv ine res ide nt and b1oengint't·r <'xpressed guarded An Orangl' Count y Superior Court j ury h as l'l'Je<·tcd a Huntington Beach man's claim that a bar. which hC' said served him alcoholic beverag('S after hl' was obvious l y drunk, was r espons ible for 1njur1t·s hl· s u ( f e red a f t l' r l l· a v 1 n g t h l' establishment The jury unanimously agrec'Ci Thursdav that J,n.,•s Int . owm·r of the rOrml·r Jaws Club (now De,a Vu) in Cost.a Ml'l><I. w.1s not negligent in its cll·.thngs with James Sutton. l'ourt off1t·1als ._.ml Sutton. 27 wai. strutk bv a C':1r nC'ar thl' duh artl'r ll·<wing II in Janu~1r~. 1978 .. 1t'tot d111g to h1-. lawsuit Thl' -.u1t .illt•g1•d th.it J a w s b a r t l' n d •' rs " l I (' d nc•gl1gl•ntly <tnd n •rkll'ssh hy continuously s<•r vmg dnnks to <111 intoxicated Sutton shortlv bdon· he was struck. · Sutton. Cost;1 M1·-.;1 n·-.1dPnl .it the time of the at<'ldl'llt . "JWllt about two Y«'O~s in a 1·a,t or b ra ces ;1 n d s u" t ;1 1 n 1• d <t permanc·nt lt•g lnJUI v '"' .1 rt·-.ult or the dl't·1dunt. according to has lawyer.:.. Sutton's attornc·y had sought $1 50.000 for inJUry. loss o f 1 n n1 m e a n d d a m d g <' s . p I u s a ttorney':,, feC'S Thl• suit also w<i~ a1ml•d at Susan Fractman. the reported driver of the car that s trul'k Sutton l'l<11ming thc1t shl· ah.o was ncghgl'nt Th<' JU ry rull•d 11 -1 that shl' had not bl'C'n m•ghgen t rn t hl' ml'1dc·n t. t·ou rt ofhc1.-l said Judge Allt't'ffi<ffll' Stoth·r had mstrul'tt'Ci Juror.. to rull-sampl:-. on whl'thl•r Jc1ws <ind Fr<iltman h.1d lx'C·n m•glig1·11t 111 tht• l':1sc•, and dc'<:1de an aw<iro only 1f thl') found negllgt•m·(• As a result. thl• JUry foreman simply answt·n·d .. n (l • • t IJ b () I h q u es t I l) n s I) { 1wgl1gencl' wht-n JUror:-returrwd. .ind tht• l'aM· w;1i. sl•tth•d. nff1n;d" "-'.lid The· jury cl1·l1li(•r<Jtcd for only about !:10 mrnutt·-. l>l'forl' n •aching its dt·l·,...irin This poll was right on target wte Tuc'Sday night and early Wt•dm•sday morning. the profes- smnal pollsters hired by the tel- l'Vls10n stations WC're havfhg a lwllu\';_1 llml' Tht• pollsll'rs eouldn'l dl'<.'lde who was grnng to become CaJ1- Corn1a's next governor Or US. sC'na tor. for that mallC'r. A~ 11 turns out. we didn't net•d the• l'Xlt piills. thc· computers. thl.' pollsl<.'rs. the• t•ommentalors. We didn't l'Vt'n m•pd tf'levasmns. Tlw "''inm•rs wert• kno wn All anvorw had to do was call Jim Cral'I' over at Helen Gran· Cho- colatt·o;. m Lynwood. Rule sparks s uit <.:r.il'l' knew t h at Gt•orgC' L)(·ukrn1•J1an would dt•(eat Tum Rn11ll1 •y for govc•rnor and that Pl'tl' Wilson would dC'fc·at J l'r rv Brown 111 tht• St•nall' raee - To Ix' sure•. Gracl' obtained has n•sulL'> through polling. H(· Opt'- rawd th<· \x•an poll. SAN MATF.O IAPl Ht.1oku· Ctrl'fighter., 111 S.in l\t,.u·n 1w\\ nsk d1sm1ssal 1f th1·y light up .i cigarette. cigar or p1pt• on or off the pb and thl'Y h.ivt· '>Ut·d the <:1ty for 1nvJi.mn of privacy The no-smokmg <·d1c·t "' part of a plC'dgc ncwly h1n'<I f1n•f1ght<·rs must takP Tht·y art• also rt-qu1rt'<I to pass a n annual phys1c·al f11nc•s.-; test and pay the c·ost of g<'ttmg 111 shape or n sk firing New farC'hghll•rs havt· to !>l#(n the agreemc•nt bl'forl' b1•1ng assigned to work Although the• c•mployrnt•nt oath focuses on pt'rsonaJ ht·alth and habits. 11 was clc·~1giwd to sav<' money. said dc·puty l'1ty manager Jim Lmc nlx·rgl•r Its purpose'. h(• said. 1s Lo cut cos ts o f c· o u rt r u 11 n gs <i n d decisions by the• st.ill· Wurkml•n's Compensation l\pp,•al'> Board The hoard ha-. urdc•rC'd 1·1 llt''-tu We're Listening ••• 642·6086 pn·--unw that r1rl'11ghtl0ri. ~ho ... ufrt r r1·sµira t ory ailment:-. 1m:urrc'Cl tht•m on thE' job. e\'C'n 1f tht :-· h :n.c been longt 1ml' -.mnk1·rs "\\'1 · think 11 1 ... c1 prudl•nt df't'i...11111 lo makl· in be-half or lht• t.ixp.1y1·rs." Lmenbc·rgc•r said But a Supi•nor Court lawsuit rec·c>ntl\. £ill'd on bl'half of 10 f1rcf1gh-1t:rs h1rt-d in the past Yl'<tr d<11ms the p!Pdge v111lall'S thc•1r cons11tut11>nal right to pnvac·y. equal prntc'l't1on undl•r the· law and '-l;1tf' lahor codt•s "We· t hink this s hould bt• l'hallengcd nghl now bdorl' 11 cxp<.inds 1t1l11 som<'I hing <·vc·n more thrE'a t1•n mg," said Alan D<Jv1s. lawyPr fur San Matt'O P1r<'r1ghwrs .U111on Loe-al 2400 Thi· lawsuit chargc'S that thP oath 1s u11f;_11r becaust' 11 applit•s 1mh 111 lh'W (1rpfagh1t rs The poll was based on the pun·hasc• of Jellybeans at 15 Gral-C candv storC'S rn Southern C'ahfornia. including one in La- guna Hills Patrons paying $1 recC>ived 96 Jl'llybeans and a ballot in which th1·y could cast votes for gover- nor and senator. By Oct. 26. the b ean poll s howl'd Dc•ukmej1an leading Bradley by a sc-ore o f 51.936 to 40.320. The poll also showed Wilson lc•ad1ng Brown by Cl St•ore of 5tl.25fi to :ifi,288. T h C' final scores s h o w ed D<•ukmt•jian defeating Bradll'y. 127,392 to 92,160 and Wilson de· fc•atlng Brown 137.280 to Bi.216 What would the profl•ssional pollsters thmk about this? They probably would say it's not worth be-ans Whal cJu you llkt• about the Daily Pilot" What don't you like" C.ill tht· numbt·1' at h·ft and your m<'ssagc• will Ix· recorded. tr.1ns..·nlxod ;md dehvc•rl'<I to the appropn ote editor The· "amc· 24 hour answcnng service may be used to record let ll•r-. 111 tht• t•thtor on any topic Mailbox contnbutors must include thc·1r narnt• :met telephone number for venh cat1on No 1'1rculat1on ralls . ple<i-.t' Tc·ll us what ·son vou r mind . --· - ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat Cle11Ht.d edvertl1lng 7141142·Se78 All other depertment1 142~321 MAIN °'"CE »OWHl 1-.", Cotl• AM••. CA Mell •dcl,..H lo• IJtO, CO!\I• M .... CA .,.,. Mt>May Ft4oy fl yw CloJ no1 ~•w• yOur PIH>tf Oy ~ :l()pm c•• l)W(of• I pm •tHJ VO\lf tOfty W•ll D• ·-~ Thomot P. Hal•y Puhl1ih•, orict C"'~fll f •~lU'-v'-01t•t Wf ·c ..,yrltM tWJ Or.,... Coul PvOll\l•tnt C-y No 11e•\ tlertet. lllvt1••ll011\, tfilO<lll m•U•• • .. ver11 .. me11" llert ln m•y IM r1pr04IY<ed •tt-tpe<l•I perm1ul011 or <opyrl9fll owMr SatwU•1 at\d Sunday It '(04.J 00 ''"' ttt•tvf j W • c.opy Oy I • M UI O'llW• •0 • m •MCI 'I""'·""""' will blt~ .. .a Jane Amari f,11Muhvt fd1rnt Raymond Maclean ( """'~l•tt Qn\Auf .... Tah111ti.•• I.tool <>""Of COVl'l1 "1-M'J..4>'111 :e:,,i-;;,. ...,. ·~·-,_,,. ....... ~ ....... l, Kay Schultz Vice ,,,_,1rt•"' pied o ....... or oA ":ct•"'""no Michael P. Harvey (luf'rlO• ol Morl"'"'9 (.rrvlooon• . !1 for a porous idea optimism following a mt'i:llng of the FDA's 1-'erlllity and MatC'rnal Hl•alth Adv asorv Comm1lll't' The· panel last Wl'Ck rl.'commendl'd the FDA grant full approval for thl.' l'onlran·pt1vc• spongC' "I don·1 want to gl'l overly excited about anything at this po111 t," Vin haul•r sa11l "[ Sl'l' thl· lt>ller tof approval) from thl' FDA I'll &l'l JUbalant " Jt has lx·t•11 rt•pt1rt1•d , hoWl'Vl'I. that the FDA gl'rwrally agrct•s with its <1d v 1i.orv l·ommitll'C rc'<.·ommend<it11ms · The d isk -like polyurethane sponge is lan'(j with a common s perm-k i lling agent and is shaped so that it fits snugly over the t't"rvix in the vagina. Since How race By DOUG WILLIS ~ f'olttlcel Wrltet SACRAMENTO -Did an ant1-bl<1 t·k vote• dt•feat T o m Bradley's bid to be the nation's f1r...t elrt·tl'd blat·k govC'mor The answc•r from most pohlleal analysts 1s yes But ra(."(' 1s only one of st"veral cnlll'al fac·tors in Repubht·a n Gov -t'lec·t George Deukmej1an's upSt:'l vac·tory last week an California's clOS4.>St race for governor in a cc•ntury Only Bradley and CX·ukm<'Jian rt•fusC' to acknowledge cxistl'nC:l' of a racial votl', and tht•1r denials stem· from pol 1t1 c.:al caution R a c 1 s m 1 s d a n g t• r o u s f o r eandidates to d1st·uss. lt•st they lx• accused of trying to l'Xploit it But the e ffe<.'ts of ract• Wl're far mo rt• t· om p I c· x I h a n J u s t l'Sllrnallng the• numlx•r of what<• votcrs who de<.'ldt•d l'I thl'r Sl'<.'rt•tly or ~uuhdy th<Jt tht·y would not vote• for a blal'k man for go\'l·rnor Polls put that numbt•r at 2 pc>rc'C'nt lo 10 JX'rct•nt or more In fact. the number t·an never Ix' determine d , bc•cause so many voters will not admit tht'1r rat·aal tht• device eunws 111 one s1zt•, 11 does not rl-quin· SJX'<.'1al f111111g by a p h VSll'l,lll Vurhaue>r s;i1d h1· l'XJX'<'~ thl· product wall sell fur about $1 O n ce t ht• s ponge has been mu1swnc•d with watC'r , 11 l'an n ·mai n m thC' vagina for up to two davs with n o loss 1n l'f f l'l't IVC'rll'SS. TC'S llng among rnort' than 2,000 wonwn has shown tht' spo ng<' as <ibout 90 pt·r t.:t•nl t:ffl't'tlVl'. l'omparabll• 111 th1· diaphragm. condom, 111tr<1Utf'rmc• rlev1ce and C I l h l' I' Ill l' l h 0 d S W I t h l h l' except10n of lht· h1rlh control pill. whic h IS clos1· lo JOO pc•n·pnt risk-free. ln addition, wst subJ<•<:l<; report little of thl' physrl'al 01sc:omfort th.it SOllll'lll?ll'S I" il\SCX'l<Jlt'Cl With till' d1.1phr<1g111 Vurh<1Ul'I ~Id Thou~h the• <;pongc· has bf.c·n ',dh·d :1 b.il'fll'f < untran·p tl\ 1 -.111tl' It •·•II blotk sµt•1m from 1·1111 ·11ng tht• v agin;1 GorhJut 1 "'ml 1h m.itn at lion 1:-. dui· tu tlu 11m1 I l'l1•,1..,HI ur t~mstant :-.uppl:- "( '>IX'I mu 1d<· Stucllf·s hav<: shown that ttw spong<· drn·s not promol<' to>.1l s h tll' k i. v n d r o rn <'. a <l 1 s c a,s l' thought to bt· c·nrouragE'd by man-madC' deva<.•C-S placed m tn1..· vag1n<t l cavity for extt>nd l'd pNiods In f:Jt't, tht• spt'rm1cidt• has provc·n w be· an inhibitor of but·t<·raa and oth1•r organisms that might <·aus<' infc.~·11011. VorhauPJ' srnd. affected vote prejudices. sum('llnws t•vc•n tv n·~taurants and hotl'ls whit h themselves d 1sl·ri m 1 na te d aga1 nst blac.:k But whatever the numlx>r. 11 poht-cmen in the 1940s and 1960s clearl y was rnorC' than tht> 0.6 But Bradlt'y mas k e d that pe r cent margin that elN·tl'd angl'r with a d1gn1f1ed, calm. Deukmejian Tuesday pass1onlt-s." dl'meanor But therp was a pro-Bradlt•y At ll'a"' 111 California. r:!l'1,1I racial vot(' as W<'ll M inont v pll•Judit•P!> have· suhsid\.cJ 10 thl Pre<:incts -"''h1ch normallv. volt• point that a blat·k poht1c1an can Democ.:rallc by margins of 4-1 or win t'it'<-'llons among white votl'r... 5-1. voted about ;l(I. I fur Bradll'V And pollstc·r Mervin F'1eld say· s af ht• is f'>t-'n ·c•1vl'<i rt!> rc•asonabk· and n •sponi.1blt• a s1gm f1l·ant numbl'r of wh1tC' voters wen:' ashamt-d facing tht•ir Wilso11 Rilf's st•rv<·d thr;•1• r<ic.:i<JI preJUdll'l'S. and that ll·rm:-. a~ statt• supcrmtPndenl •of Bradl<•:v may havt• lwnt·f111·d pultlH· 1ns truct1on, M ervyn from a "consc1L'l1<'<' vote" ;in10ng Dymally was C'k'<·tt'CI lieutenant w hiLl'S gov<•rnor. Willll' Brown hs has llowe•vl"r. rat'I' afft•c t e d ri:-.t•n to tht• powt•rful post of Bradley's c·nmp;11gn 1n mor e Spc·akl·r of tht• Assembly, and subtle wavs. Bradlt·y h<1 s lwl'n elec tC'd·si~ Tht· th;·ee-term Los Angl'lt•s t1mt'" as coum·ilman and ljt{{•r mavor, who 1s a cautious man bv m~ym of Los Angcll'S · ' n OJ i u l'l'. t 0 0 k t' a u l 10 n l 0 an Bu l an a ngr y b I al' k mp n c•xtrt•mc· an his campaign for remands many white voters ~ol govt·rnor fnghll'nmg stL·rrotypt·s. of raaal Profile.' s toriPs of Bradlt>Y t'Onfrontations, nots and crirot.."< reveal a man who suffC>rt:'<I frum Bradll'V dad not want tci b e racial prejudice as a young Los S{'('n a..., ;in a ngry black man, nted Angeles police officer. and they h<' sut•tc•cdt•d lie had to'b E' show a l'ertarn passion -so that low·kC Vl'd and cautious. which even today Bradley has a hst of suits his naturC', and hl' was. .-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~---~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ l\1El\1() ............ . To: Company Decision Makers From: Hickory Farms of Oh10® Re: Christmas gifts for customers. employees and business associates Our dellclous, handmade food gift paks are perfect for everyone on your llstl • They co ntain tempting cheese. meats . leas and sweets . * We'll send lhem for you ... and even enclose your personal greeting! We'll devote the same care and atlentfon whether you order one or 1,000. * Call or write for a free , full·color lood gift pak catalog . , fi 'lcek©lf1 f C!lrm O' ONIO r America's Leadin2 Chees~Storcs• flf fJN /O IM Soutll Coast "---· ""' A •& Orung Col\11 UAIL V PILO T /Sunt11.1y, Novernb r 7, 1G82 JaDli g l n w I on lif IJ11/1.\' doin~ l'i11t• l'ollowi11~ do11ultHI /;, c•1· tnu1 . .,11/11111 AP Photo MINNJ•:l\1'01.18 <Al') J11 J1.Jfy, UfLl'I tlll•ll h a IJ y J 11 u .,: h 1 1• 1 U nd1•1 Wt•ll I II l l etlld Url'iUlU'"i'lfUI UlJ4'1Ullun, C hurlc•"' u11cl M u 11ly11 J.'tKkt• Wl'fl' lulcJ Jumu.• would d11· without u llw·1 Lrun-iplw1L T lw y m•vt'r .c11111• 11p ho1w 11H tht•y workl•d (l~Ulll!il llllH' to fln.d n do11or Thi' n11Hlwr qu11 ht•r juh w; •11 ll'lll'hl'r lo w1Lhd1 .1w I h1 · lll'llNHlll mu1wy f111 l'>..f~·m ..... Slw la v<•d Ill M111111·up1Jll'-.' m•u1 J m11·'11 ho:.p1t1.1I, ni. her hu11 bu11d ...i,1 yl•d hunll' in M11i.1111t hus1•u s with th1·11· -.t111 Tht•y wroll• h•LH•n. rind madt· tclt·phont• (·alls 10 rnt·d tl'U I oq~a 11lza lions, ll'g1s hllurs uml the Wh1 lt· llou!I{• An rw riul vie w in the lute 1800s sho ws St. Elizu beths l''inally, on OcL . 28, l''iskt• was gran t<>d un H ospita l ih. Washing to n unde r col1stru ction. In the I :JO yea rs of unpn'<-t·dl•nl.<·d l'ham'l.· to &ht> na tiona l insa ne asylum'' t>xistf.'n ce, mon• ahu n 12 0 ,000 sp<•ak lo 400 dcx1.ors al a t·o n vent 1o n of thl' lroublc•d 1woplt> h a \'t' passc•d llu-oug h i t~ doori,. Ame ril·an Acat'my of ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~__;;~--! Peace[ ul acres for ill minds By JOHN BARBOUR A.ff NewaleelurH Writer WAS H INGTON l n tht• :.outheast quartt'r of this t·1ty. breaking lh<· monotony of a slum. 1s a woockd . ~wcnungly pt•at l'ful cndaVl' where John Him:kJ ey may s p<•nd tht.• n•st of his hfe But thl'St' arl' haunwd .ll'l'l'll Not a hundrl'd yards behind Lhe brick building whl'rl' l11m·kley bides his Uml', wnu ng lettt'1 s. provoking public· paLienc(\ on a genLle slope tha t ns<>s high above the Anacost1a River. are tht• wh111·. stunwd grav<.'stont'S of people who sought J!.ylum ht'fl' and could not afford, even in dt.•oth. LO lc•ave This 1s St Ehzabeths Hospital 300 ac-rt.>s and 125 buildings tha t ronsutute th<• nauonal huml' for Lhe insane More than 120.000 pl'ople of troubl(.'(! soul and mind have· pas. ... c-d througt· here since ground was first broken 1:30 Yl'ars ago In thaL time, St. Elizabl'lhs has mirrorto-d Lh-.• good a nd bad of psyc:htatry. the fads and fic:L1uns and frustrations attendant to dc•ahng w ith the human mind and its ills Tht• infamous and the famous havt• passed this way. tht· poC't Ezra Pound waiting Lo bc dl>elarC'd smw so a:-. to face a charge or Lrt'ason. a Nobel Pnn•-wmnmg novc;hst from Spam Othl'rs too. the nch and th<• poor, mostly tht' poor They arc here s ull. vacant-eyed. like thl' windows of the red brick buildings. many of them empty now. that dot Lhe campus and block the fine view of governmental Washing ton across the river. Hinckley. whose volley or s hoL\ wounded Prt'Sidc>nt Reagan. 1s only th<' M'<'Ond would-be presidential assassin tu be <.'Un[mc'Cl h<•rc Jum'S an, not so g racious wnh sut<'<'SSful as.'l<lsstns. 1 f uwy hve long enough to t'Om<• to m un Inde<'d. the Hinckley <.·a~· has st1 rr<..J c·ffor~ in Congr~-ss and various st.ate'!. to l"11rnmatl' tht. IJ ut. whilt~ the hosp ital dm·~ p ri>dut'e remi sio ns. it cannot cla im to cure a patie nt. T h ere is no g uara ntt•e again.Oil re lapse. insanity as a defense altogether. or at lt:'ast to separate 1t from a finding of guilty or not. Now. despite the notoric•ty brought b} Hinckley. SL Eltzabeths may be a v1cum qi psych iat ric progress. or at leas t c h.inging psychiatric styles. The Reagan admm1.,trauon would like to save the SI 25 million a vcar 1t costs to run 1L. The hospital 1s under pr~urt· from a court consent d<.'Cree Lo Lurn out morl' o r its patients for care with in the community. It had 8.000 pauents in the early 1960s It has a merl' 1.800 in house today It 1054.'S 100 a year, but most agree the pauenL load will not rail below 1,400 long-term or hard-core pa tients. including Hinckley who is m a i.mall cau.·gory adjudged not guilty of a crime by n•ason of msanny Hinckley's presence here bears a cl'rtam irony. The hrsl pataenL. who had the house to himself in 1855. was admitted for his untoward and intractable attentions to a young woman His psychiatric d1agnos1s was self-abuSC' Not so s tr a nge. P sychiatry was more primitive in those days. RN·ord or th<> fi rst five years of the hospital's ex1stcn<.'l' show Lhat 41 · percent of admissions were d1agnOSC'd as soc1al- behav1ora I d isorders s u c h as sC'lf-abuse, "religious excitation," hard work. poverty and homicide. T he hospital has been closely tied to the changing d efinition of insanity as a legal d<>fcnse. from the Leopold-Loeb case. thl' grisly murder o f a young boy by two weal thy. young intellectuals, to the trials of Monte Durham. a case that started drably but ended establishing a new legal test of insanity that held "an accused is not cr im inally responsible if his unlawful act was the product of mental disease or mental defect." No matte r an y longer if he knew the difference between right or wrong, no longer did he have to show he acted on an "irresistible impulse." The hospital w~ born into an era of moral and huma ne treatment, fathered by P hillipe Pine!, a Frenchman who believed such a regimen cou ld re turn the insane to normal. Today, 3,000 patients a yea r are admitted out·of 6,000 acreened. For half of them 1t is their first admission to St. Elizabeths. and of all those dl.aharged, 63 percent will return. Some will never go home, although the average stay Is on ly 11-13 days. T hlt is attested to by the fact that the average age ot the in-house populallon Is 50. whlle the median pge of new palfon\11 Is 31. Looking back. nothing much haa changed since the hospital'• early yeani except for the le~h of the average si.y, which then was aix month.a. The a veraie age of new paU~nta was 32. MOit we re male, •ln1le and wblte . Today, all~lly rt.ore hlacka than whit.es are admitted, (lee ST. ELll'6BETHS, P11e Af) ___ ...... _,,..._ 3 99 Standard • 2.89 3.0 L His 'n Hers Piiiows Carto Rossi Wine Entertain with Carlo RosSI. Chablis. Rhine. Vin Rose, Burgundy and more. 20•30" Oueen-alze Plllow .. -................ 4.99 20a36" l<ln1>-liH PIHow ....................... 5.99 4.99 6-oz. Oil of Olay A uniqoe beauty lolJOn 2 For 4.99 Latch-hook Plilow Kita 12lt 12 lalci'"hook pillow lutl YOUI cholCe of designs 1.29 ggc 22-oz. • Dove Liquid Famous Dove m.ldness 0.sh soap 99c Hefty TrH h Saga 2·PIV 1tasn t>ags. attached lies 99. c Each 2Pack lveready .. ttertel Super he1vy·duly blllerle1 "M. .. ''C.0 aftd .. D .. 1.99 Kmart• Coffee Creamer Powdered non·dairy collee c:reamet Contains no ,,..lk or milk tal 5.99 Men'• Flanel Shirt W1rm comfort ol cotton. In plaids, 2 poc1to11 Ji1 •dl11l11c •l1111 s 111 N1•w Y111 k 111 11 llvt• 11ll11ul4 HfJl'l I Ii, fl1>kt• µlt•1Hll'll With lht 11 hi kt C•p "VUUI 1•y<" 1111d 1•11r op,•n" lor .1 <11111111 .J ,1 111 I I' ' ' I a. 111 V 11u111;hin1•." lw 1101d "I lfJVI' lll'r " 'I Ill' ph·u 11•1wh1-tl tl11· ltvt'I 111 B1 11011'11 buhy 1•.i1 111 L.111·tl Adlu11 II Miii, "'hu h11J hcoe·n k1lh'll lu1h1 ·1 111 Utah who hull 111 .1 1.11 111"ch•m "no 1tlc•u 11 wuulcl c•vt·r urft•1·1 m•·" Hut o n J .1 m11· w1ii1 "clcH n l( f r 1 d .i y , d 111 t 111 111 .1 L flnt•"' S.11urduy u~ h<'t U111v1·1,11y 111 M111111·~1t.1 bod y u<.IJW•tc·d t~ Lhl' new fJ t>JC plLll l K UUVt• JIVl'I u h o11 v 1tal 11 rnonlh~old J11mll' tht" 11i.x1k1.,.mun .,.11<1 L IDO DRUGS 9.99 Keller Aluminum Step Ladder Keller"" aluminum step ladder folds. 4-Way Hand Cart Multipurpose hand cart & hauler. Folds lor easy storage 2.99 Yea ' Detergent Oelergen1 Wllh labnc sone1>er 64-ounce. 51Z8 •f'l OI Kodachrome• Or Ektachrome · Fiim Developing Special 20-exposure shde him or 8mm 1tnd Super 8mm movie him 2 Oeya Onty 36-exp. SlldH 1.99 8.99 Bathroom Scale Brown or natural wtc:ker.look scale 3.99 Wooden Toflet SHt In whole Goes WQll in eny blth· room 18.88 Security Switch Grves your home a lrved on look when your away 1.99 Hand·aaw Ht Hand 18W set with~ ~des. lllHI f11e1 & SeMce Sl>OCills Nol Avlll San Fernando. 3rd & F11rfaa. Pieo River•. Visll Service Not Avlll Sun All Ate11 I .. · .. Or .111111 C.011 t DAii Y I'll Or /SurnJuy, Nov mb1 1 7 1982 Have you entered the Earthquak clues sought 19a2 I Daily Pilot Favorite Recipe Contest? For more information call Janine Fiddelke 642-4321 Ext. 242 ~or Alcoholism/Chep1icui Dt-J>l'ndendes I • JCAH ACCRCOITED • STRONG AA IN\IOL VEMCNT • COUNSELING SE'RVICE • FAMILY PROGRAM • AFTERCARE . • rJNANCINO-T~e majority of I tEAL fH INSUR/\NCf, policlf'~, will covt•1 all or pan of the 1rentmont for nlcoholl•;rn chem1cal dop(~ndoncy olAlAUPiJr,_ . TUSTIN -COMMUNITY HO,SPITAL i 0 ~~\ 14ss2 NEWPORT Ave. .· e · ~~~ .. TUSTIN, CA 92680 .. ~ ·838-96qo Ext. 426 \0 1111 .i' • • • (~-It -ot~~ SERVING ALL ORANGE COUNTl' '•ic.,.,1..,.:..,. Uy l•'.ll(il~NE MorniA Anocl•l•d PrHt Writ•• TOK Yo .Jap1111 111 1111·r1•111\1nHI Y llll 11ii1g 111tlw\\11.11 d1 y of 1t111•h<t•trnnw1i 111dw111 y lo l'Ult'h I hi' i1JIJll'O:ll'h o f rTlHJIJI' l'Ul'thquakt•s :111d 'lu"ll tht· 1><x.1:el i.fludcl1•11\ 111.11 lt11v1· tu:1·11mp.11111·d < arnoi.ting 1ju,1k< s of 1111• p:. .. t ' 'l'tw c• c>t·troi11c· dt·Vtl't'' ynngC' fr11n1, rudto WUVt' ilwt•SllWlll('ill"I 01 1(\llhlll N 11 llll'flt\!\ ot d1·t11·t1ng nuoult• ll1ov1•111111rn. in 1'11' tt:trth'1> t'l'lhl to 1•:11.J1u h1 u:1dr·.:.1ql1> wun1111~ 111 .111 11n!Jl'n\li11g trt'mor • • J<;x p<·rl!i 1r1s111t· tilt'. lt•1.·h1111l11Jly llHlY SilVl' lhoust111ds of l1vt•s wlw11 lh1• 11t•i..l h1g 11111· hit'I tlw /.{t.>o)oglcu lly uns lulill· ui 1cJ d1•11s1•l y popu l11 t1·d Tokai urea ol c•1·nt1'~1l Jup:m , Ill< luu1n1~ 1'11kyu Shizuoka l'rl'lr'<'lurr-(!<.t11td. lcx·atl•d Ill till' urea mos t vuln<'rabll• to quakc•s, has t"itlmah«I 1 hut In a won.1 -<':1sc• sc·<•na rnr mun• than ~n'.ooo petJpl~ 'yVOlllcl lw k1l11.•d Ill th1.• 'l'uk;,11 on•a :1lu11g J:ip.m's P;w1hc Ot:t>:tn <;oast if 11 u·c•mor dw s11.1.• of lht· (;l'N•l Kanto F'.111 th4uak1• Wl'fl' to h11 today In thnl 192:i cl1saslC'r, whtt·h mc•asurcd 8.:l on ttw, H1d'ltL·r S<'uh·, !;Hl,:t30 i.woplt· wc•n • killl·d, niany 111 th1" 1·11s u111g f1n•s l\rnf 1·onsu.n)t'cl 1•11ng1•:;11•d ar 't.•;is ol wood wnl pa1~ ·t houM s Thal qu;1kt• w.1s Jo llowt d by sonal d1ao ... 111 whit'h tlwus and s ol K11n·an res1d1•n1 s in Toky(J, 1·umor L•d to Ii.i v<' pf)ls r111<•d wc•ll w atl'r. wt•n • -----------.l..-----------------.,.----.:..._-___________ rnunk·r1.·d. Eureka Upright Vacuum 2·position Dial-A·Nap•. On/Off toe switch. 48" Shop lite Fluorescent ullhty light w1lh tubes. 8.99 gg cPkg ggc Yt•" Sins 1111. I I.to, 1 99 h it Price ............................. • No-Nonsense· Nylons Curity• Training Pants Men's & Boys' Reg . Sheer. Queen and Knee· Training pants with 4 layers ot Nylon Jogger Ho sollcouon Blue suede tnm. padded collar. ~or 2.99 4.99 gg c 175 Watt Mercury Vapor Lamp · Automattcaly turns on al dusk, off at dawn. 99c 2 For Men's Models 8.99 Casio 5-Function Men's Watch S·funcllon LC D. callendar watch. ggc 1~99 Germicidal Sani·Flush • Renuzit Air Freshener Christmas Caro. 48 oz • size can Granule~ 7 h·OZ • solid au ''"~t>on!'r 20-count txix or holiday card~ help clean the. to11ot bowl Varorty of sccnls . wolh festive gre('ttng Solid 'Nl!IWI 'NltW1 pac~ 1.99 age 1 ·lb. Fiber Fiii Paradise. 100% polyester Carpet Runners From variety of remnants Snail & Slug Kiiier 3-qt. Metal Colander ' 13" ::: Color TV Contempor~ry compact Cle sign. and earphone 1ack K maw Spray Enamel tndoor/oot!loor spray enamel 1n a chOtCQ of while or colors •Nrt iwt ' Outck K~hng doUble allracllng W11h handlos lormula • K mart• t>rat'd filter exce~eds or equals auto manufaoturer• 1peciflcatlon1. Many U.S •. f~ oars. 5.99 Each Gallon 't( Fashion Freat1 Latex Paint• ChooM Jal• flat wall paint In White aiMf custom tint· ed colors. Ot. whftt cellfng paint. ,. ·. ~ Addu1u to 1lw 1·0111·1·1·n Is a th1-<>I y thut mu,JOr t'.11 thquuk1•!> 1 t•1.·ur 111 (ICJ.yN1r l'yd<•i., mukinu the: ,, IW>-l OIW due• ill I 9H:J Bt'il-nll11ts huv1.· yet LO mash'r the• art ot :'.. pn•d1t•111111, but Jnpam-m• 1wismolog1-.1s hove high•:.. ho1x •s In 1•h-<·t1·11111c S)'Sk•ms wh11·h nwaiiu1·<• tiny l0hang1•,, 111 d1i.tan<·t•s lw tw1•c•n hilltopH and ~il'IH'ht"I, or 11.lundi> und conli11onta l shclvCB. T hC',Y uy thc'Sl· m1Jvt•m<•ntl> in th1• earth's crust :ire ont> or' tll(' mvst r(•llahll• Ol\J1•i; to carthquuk~. -.. In a Gt'Ographi<'al Surv<'y lnstitute pro)':>et, ·' 1•11(lio wuvt-s <'mitt.t-d by ftJraway celNtial objE.'C~ · t·allt'U <1uas;11·s arc r1.'<'t•ivt•d by tw.o Earth stations .·, Qll uifft•r<>r1l platl'S, or major st·gments o( ChC' Earth's t'l'Ul-tt whoi.1• dashin,gs are believed tO ,. c11u1>e t•anhquuk<·s. " Thi• ms lilutt>, now working from temporary ~: s tations. plans to builu pcrm<Jncmt stations on "=: Mll)am1 Torishima on tht• Padfit' Plate, about J,. ·2 01\2 milt·S' southeast of Tokyo. and on Chichijima .. "·;r on thC' Philippine St•a PlatE', about 688 miles '--! M)uth of Tokyo. . · ! QutiS<JI' 1ncasun•mcnLS are. aecurate down to . milliml'l!'rs,· l'VPn ar distances between-two points of more thun 625 miles. . I Onc1• signs of a m~jor earth u phcava't a re •; dt•tN'l<'d , <JU Lh or111 es will in f o rm local ., govcmntc•nls, many o f which have installed publit· addn'ss syswms to warn residents o f 1mminc•n' tlanger . New parents' values change SYHACUSE. N.Y. (AP) -After the birth . •. of th1•1r f11'St child. new paren ts' attitudes often t·hangc, according to the research findings of , . thre1.• univcrs.ity psychologists. ., They become less concerned about abstract • issues of sodal justice and more concerned about the welfare of family mcmbcrs. w ork associates • and the new parcnLo; and children with whom they have c:onl<.tcl, the researchers report. ..: "i\ssistant professor Gerald Y . Mic)'laels of S~ucw;c U.njvcrsity;_ Martin Hoffman, professor , • at the University of M ichigan. an.cl Wenay --=--~ G oldberg, a post-doctoral fellow at Northwestern University. s tudied two groups of married mupl<-s in their mid to late 20s wh9 lived within a 30-milc radius of Ann Arbor, Mich . One· group consisted of 44 couples expecting , , their fir~t child. The second group consisted of 33 • , m arnl'd co uples who h ad not yet had a pregnancy, but who were planning to have :• children in the future. The researchers found that pregnancy •t affects a c.-ouple's outlook on life. and their basic value systems. The cha .. gc is even more profound _for husbands, who are less able to forc sN • the w ay in w h ich pregnan cy a nd 'I parenthood will a ffect their laves. • The rcsc::in·h<•rs found the greatest changes an values occurred when the pregnancy was unplanned. and when the wife had serio us ~ me91l·al problems related to the condJtion . 11 "While. parents lx.>came less concerned in a .' general way about abstract ideals such as social . JUstict:'. equality a nd society as a whole, they became more concerned about other p eople ot1L<>ide their family," Michaels says. " • ·'The people they s howc:d greater conl-ern .... for were the JX'Ople in their e veryday lives -lhe ·" rww parenL'i and children with whom they had contatt. their spouses. friends. acquaintances, and :o, people w1tti whom they worked." ...... More than 84 percent of the h usbands and 87 pt"rcent of the w1vcs said at Jeast one. o f their ' ~~ few most basic values had changed m importanc:e • · \ during the prC'gnam:y and the early months ,: following the baby's birth. · • Michaels notes family security as a life value •''\ increases more fo r new fathers than new. l mothers. • * • A~ Ph<'toitraphed By Stuart Naii:lcth, Ponraitist 16 x 20 Portrait Natural Color Old Master Canvas Bound Finish Plus '.f·wo 8 x 1 o· Gift Portraits Plus Nin Walle t Size $295. 00 J. $495.00 Value Takt'n in Our Studio. Y11ur llomc Or-<Jn Lt•catlun WrthThl~ AJ,V111id Throullh 1 l ·l HU · stuart naldeth photograpt;y 1803 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa 645-6800 , Orang Couut DAILY Pll 01 JSumJay, Nov mU.1 7, 108:.! Nielsen can restore Irvine Company image His fuc~ hos been o Cumlliar one al city halls in Newport Bt:och. · Laguna. Beach und Irvine, no\ lo me•nii o n th e H u ll o r Adminis tratio n , the l>as c o f Orang e Cou n ty gov e rnme n t in Sant.a Ana. T om Nie lsen has been the man the Irv ine Company, thq county's largest landowner, counted upon to answer questions about the company's deve lopment policies a nd proposals when there w e r e qu es ti o n s rcqu1ri n 8 .articulate responses. In those appearances, Nielsen was a c ting in h is ro l-c .a s t h e compa ny's directot o r long-range planning. T oday, Nie lsen has a new job. He is now the company's No. 1 executive>. Nielsen takes the helm of the company at a lime whe n its image -once the en v y of deve lopmen t firms large a nd small -remains substantially clouded. Simply, limes of la te have not bee n s o g ood fo r t h e Irv ine Company. It has been subjected ,to tough criticism in Irvine ove r the phasing of road cons truction and commercial de ve lo pment. The company agonized ove r the future of its flagship -Newporf Cente r in Newport Beach -under threat o f citizen uprising. T h e com pany s till Cinds Itself s"dull-d with S{'parate problems OV('I' th'' i!ilfl.K' of how rt.>nls o n rt•aild l•ntlul leaseholds w ill be tl•ncgollutcd , and, ultimatc•ly, incn •ast..J. Through 11 ult, thl•rc hud bt.'l'l'\ a s trungl' sil,•nct? avqidum.·u, 11 you will -Crom Peter Krcml'r, t h e compan y's departing prc"Sident. Kremer never SC'Cmro to want to meet the antagonis ts halfway . He nt>vcr SC..'l'mc.>d to want to talk o ut the problems. Kremc•r's abilit y re s ted with his administrative skills, his talent to run fhc internal opc,rations of an eX'treme ly ·1arge a nd powerful development oompany. . Nie lsen seems committed to d o what Kre mer wouldn't , or c.'Ouldn't, do. ~Nielsen says he wants to find out the concerns of residents and the lo<:al governme nt agencies with which -the company must work. Co n ciliation . Nego tia tio n . Cooperation. These a re a few of the words that come to mind when th e n am e To m Nie lse n i s "' m enlioned. ..., ·-.. Improving a damaged image is not an easy task. It strikes us, though, that the Irvine Company. has selected a leade r to do just that. . Pageant's payoff hefty The Laguna Beach Festival of Arts and Pageant of the Masters probably would rank as the best tenan t an y landlord could have . At the close or each sold-out summer season , the festival pays its re nt for use of the city -owned s ix-acre grounds on w h ich the Pageant is presente d a nd a rt w orks dis played . This year the rent amounted to $283.755.94. or 17.5 percent o f the season 's gross receipts, as set, forth in its lease agreement with the city . Abo ut 8 5 p e r cent o f the "rent" is used by the city to retire the bonded d e bt on the commu- nity's popular Main Beach Pa rk development. The rema inder is d ivided up by the city a mong more than 20 cultural. artistic a nd communit y or.ganizations .. Principal beneficiary this year will be the Senior Citizen s Club, which will receive a ha ndsome $15,000. Other groups sharing in the festival's rent money include the Museum of Art, Civic Ball<''. School of Art, Free Clinic. Youth S helter. Boys' a nd Girl's Clubs and a dozen o r so more, in amounts ranging down from $3.- 000 to a few hundred dollars. Each year the .festival seems to become a little more profitable, due largely to periodic increases in pageant tick et prices. which don't seem to discourage would-be v ie - w e rs. This year g r oss receipts w ent up on ce more, des pite a one -time reduction in grounds ad- mission prices, down from $1 to SO cents to honor the festival's 50th anniversary. I t's a unique arrange ment, this pact between the city and its a rtis t s and o ne that, ov e r the years. has come to bene f 1t almost e vervone in the community -and visili>rs as well. H e re 's to the sct.·o nd ha lf century~ Viet vets' tribute ahead r. IC '· ~ At long last a suitable tribute to th e 2.7 million Americans who served in Vie tnam w ill be he ld in Was hingto n D .C . this coming \.week. • A series of special events h as -:b een sch e dule d Cro m Nov. 10 "f•'hrough Nov. 14; highlighted by lhe de d icatio n of the Vie tnam ~ Veterans Memorial on the Mall on ~ Saturday afternoon. •: Beginning Wednesday mor-~ ning. there w ilJ be a 56-hour can-~ dleligh t vigil in the National Ca-~ thedral. with round-the-clock ~ reading of the na m es of 58,000 • Americans who died in Vietnam or still are missing. _ . , That evening, J immy Stewart it; will lead a special e nte rtaine rs' ~-salute to the Viet vets in Consti- :! tution Hall. Visiting vets will be :;. able to sign up for reunions with • the ir units a t hotels in the capital and there w ill be t-oncer ts. special receptions for famHies and a pa.- rade down Cons titution Ave nue .Saturday morning, prior to the memorial dedication. Sunday will be devoted to religious services in churches across the nation. To assist veterans and their relatives w ho wan t to v1s1t the capital during the five-day tribute -some 250.000 are expected - hot~ls are offering special rates and there will be special low air fares to Washington . Information on these a nd other arrangeme nts can be obta ined by calling the NationaJ Salute to Vietnam Vete- rans at (202) 659-2490. It is n ot too late for W est Coast Viet vets to participate in this salute to their services. Opinions expressed 1n the space above are those of the Daily Pilot. Otner vlew1 ex· • pressed on this page are those of their authors and artists. Reader comment Is in v•I· ed. Address The Daily Piiot, P.O. BoJt tS60, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Phone <7141 ~2·•321. L.M. Boyd/ Lipstick te~ls Doctors, too, must re ly on sma ll pe rsonal observations as well a s ICientific tests to figure out when a patient is getting worse or better. The lipstick sign ia said to be significant. 11le woman gives up Upstick as her condition d e te riorates. But the moment ane feels better. she puts on \he li~lick again. That's the turning point. The doCtor notices. Q . Since rats are man's worst enemy among a nima ls. why don't pernment.a put bounties on rats? A. Wouldn't work. OffldalA In ln<:\la ORANGE COAST DailyPillf ,. .......... -...... '"' ..... , "' ...... . '\I <~·· -.......................... . ''-' , .... -, .... ,.,. once put bounties on po1sonou.s snakes, and before long countle11 locals dug countless private pita to raise countless cobras. To \µrn in for the tariffs. It's techn ically po11i ble to ri1 telephones 80 the callers could prompt special sounds of rings for special purpo9t!8. An emeraency NII rould h ave Its o wn distinctive tone . Likewise long-distance. An ordinary local call could be immediately identifiable. Alto, a <.'Ommercial aales f call. Th.,.Mlt P. H•y ,,, ..... . Jene A"*' r ·t ~ ·~ f ,. ~ ...... lretWch t1•""''•' .... , ....... w •• ~,. 9"0 ''r' ... The trashing of democracy NEW YORK -A lot of history is just dirt y politics c leaned up for the consumption of c hildren and other innoc~nl.S. And now that 1t is history, we must begin the sanitizing of the messes dropped and thrown all over the country In the elections of '82. T he campaigns that ended la st Tuesday will become the subjects and substance of respect(wl and respectable postmortems -analytical articles and studies, conferencfs a nd s eminars . Professors. political c olumnis ts , campaign managers and candidates will pick up a few bucks or spend a pleasant weekend mulling over sub~ts such as party realignments, conservative and/or liberal trends. and inc reasing or decreasing voter tumouJ_i. "WHITHER AMERICA ?" o r "Whither Democracy?" could be catch- all titles for the coming convocations. "Into the Sewe r!" might be a more appropriate answer than the ones that wlll come oul of the t~nferences of '83 on the campaign of '82. I would lik& to see a couple of this year's postmortems look down rather than rorward. Let's not look at the record , let's look at the muck -the way many, many candidates and campaigns did this year. I had, at last report, been most appalled by the level (gutter) of campaigning I saw in California. Then I discovered you had to look up to see the West Coast from the Texas level (sewer tunnel). In the Lone Star State. the pols were nvahng the bulls in spreading fcruliwr RC'publican G ov. William Clements' campaign circ·ulatcd a ltlbloid l")ewspapcr featuring the drunk-driving arrest.of his o pponent, Attorney Gene ra l Mar k While, when Whitt' was a 23-year-old law student. Democratic Congressman Bill Palman was passing out lhe Washington. D.C., police re port on an old --~ llCllll 111111 1'i • homosexual ac:t1v1ty arrest of his oppo ne nt, former Re p. Joe Wyatt. Woody Glasscock , a RcpubJican candidate for land t.'Ommissioners, was passing out copies of the divort'C decree of his opponent, Garry Mauro. Bill Meier. the Republican candida te for attorney general. was carrying around . photographs _5>f h is oppone nt, Jim Mallox. in hallQcuffs after polil.-e broke up a 1970 civil liberties demonstration. In Tennessee, t h e Republican GiUldidate for the SeOilte, Robin Beard, r1'"o a television commercial showing an at.·tor drc.'SSCd as Fidel Castro lighting his cigar with American money and saying, "Muchas gracias, Senator Sasser," in a d1stort1on of Jim Sasscr's voting record. ln Massachuseu s,' Rep. Barney Frank was shown on television with the words "prosutullon" an d ''pornography" across his face in dis torting comme rcials broadcast by his Republican opponent. Rep Margaret Heckler. And so It went. Candida tes of bolh parties spcml their day!> raising money from fat ca ts and political actl9n committees so the evenings could be fllk>d with vicious negativt: advertising on tt•lcvision. In case anyone wonders next year why pubhc officeholders are held in sut·h dis rC'pute, he should remcmlx.-r that th1s year thOSt' winners (as well as lh<' losers) we re depicted nightly as fools. traitors. thieves and perverts. I AM NOT t•as ily shocked. I grew up a politician's son in Jersey CLty. N.J .. and watched political parade's punctuated by spollights picking out local Democrats whik• voices over loudspC'akers read out criminal rec.'Ords. But, of l'ourse, Jersey City g o l 11s r e puta tion a nd the governme nt It deserved because Of things hke that. 1 would prefer that the United St.a&cs avoid a similar fame and fate. Having seen what really went on around the t..'Ountry this year, I would hope thal the universities, leagues, foundations and o ther d o-gooding institutions that will ponder the navels of thts campaign will t.'Ont.-entralc instead on the bowels of the process. A good start would be for a couple of tho&e worthy entities to sponsor a conference and romml\t{'(' on modern dirty politics. ' PeThaps they could"' ~rsuade former Presidents Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carte r t o lend the ir n am e s and experience to a sel of recommendations designed to begin building a constituency for punis hing th<' ca ndidates who seemro delermint>d lO bu ry Amerit•an democraey in sewage Letters to the editor Part-time jobs cheat workers To the Editor: I am compelled to comment on your recent letter about school staff salaries My son, a daughter and l work for <.'Ommunily colleges. I can't believe what I'm seeing where part-time employees are con<.-emed. Former half -time jobs (20 ho urs/ week) are offered now on a 19-hour basis to eliminate eligibility for even a token number of accrued vacation and sick leave days and even a very limitro medical coverage. Forty-hour jobs are being turned into two 19-hour jobs. One school advertised a 191h hour a week job! J ob call classirications a re being lowered even though the same skills are required, saving money at the new employee's expense. An employl'e may have co-workers with the aame skills and responsibility -or even less - earning more and receiving liberal benefits. THERE ARE worken on less than 19 hours a w·~k. hired prior to \hjs great plan, receiving IOflle fringe benefit.a. But the new part-time employee doesn't have one dime contributed to any kind of retirement plan. And they can work a year without mi.saing a day and still not be entitled to one day of sick leave or vacation pay, no disability payments if they have an accident off duty, and no unemployn\('nt iMUrance If laid off. Thus ii e<Jual opportunity? It is d&8Cnmination -against people 80 desperate they take these jobs. and apinat thoee without 1pou9e1 to support them or cover them with their medical polidee. • It i1 understandable that part-time workers would not ~Ive full frinp benefits. but anyone worktn1 und•r these condltlon1 1hould report th• 1ituatJon to the Sta.te Fair l'.lnploym9nt Pract.lcs board. Anyone recelvln1 t7 an hour and 1e nin1 fringe be nefti1 I• •lllll'\lally receivin1 U0-$11 an hour. The Individual dlaeriminaled •l•inat who workl for •7 la r'f"eiYl~ about M an hour In reali&y. They n workln ............. .., ~ ...... . And .... -=~·· .... fer tall-eutlinl • no ...sa... " ,Wl'l'HH&D TV etlucinloa abaiM To the ldUar: ll~ rr-··~·- MAILBOX Jack Byerly made some cynil:al remarks aboul the faculties of Orange Coast College and Golden West College who have criticized Coastline's telccourse program. He decided those faculty members did not attend a Coastline open house (not op,cn forum as Byerly suggests) for only one of two reasons: ( 1) only a few OCC and GWC faculty are concerned about Coastline's standards; (2) that these faculty members ''have less than sineere reasons for attacks on telecourses." The first reason lS obviously untrue as evidenced by the fact that 67 faculty members petitioned state officials to investigate Coastline, with many more s ignatures a nd academic senate statements supporting that request later. ln answer to the second I have a more valid interpretation: Two distinguished faculty groups realiz.ed. after 10 years or trying desperately al all administrative levels to raise the s tandards o f the district's telecourae program only to be met with silence or threats, that it would be fruitless or insulting to sit through another slick. Coastline public relations affair. FOR EXAMPLE, las t spring 1 wrote a letter to Dr. Norman Watson, chana?llor of the district and father of Coastlin e, and sent ~opies to all the dl1trict'1 elected board members. In esaence. I expres!K'd my disappointment a1ain that, unlike the Loa Ang"ea Community Collegt''s teleooune system, Couthne had refused to allow full-time. tenured facuhy to Sl'lect and evaluate rounte curriculum, standa rd 41>rocedure na uonwide at all prestigious colle1•. Instead mostly t echnocrats and admlnla&raton validate Coastline'• pro1ram. Thia and other short-cut academic policies are deadly for a pl'Olnln that ii primarily «Jn'etpand9nt in the first pllft. Anyway. I l"lftlved no arwwer to my letter. I am not \bra~ by~h!cousws; I'm .,...onate about creative alwnaUve1 to fdumtlon and art. For Instance. I've ...,. -~---:s, ~-~&~ 11aew ll &ure. ·~ Cou&Hne 1'11 ... w ....... bl too IMftJ ~ ............ , .............. ............ .. --. ~ .... colJege district that relishes m making multi-million dollar television deals. In any case. the two faculties were probably astonished to be invited to a live open house. Th.ey probably experled someone from Coastline to come by before the event and video tape them so they could appear al the open house without having to attend it. They were expecting an "alternative open house." GARY HOFFMAN Orange Coast College Professor of English Instructor of Art Kick depression To the Editor: . Depression. how to kick it. I have had a few battles with depression. I will list a number or ways that have been helpful to me lO combat It. Don't drink, dnnking only intensifies bad feelings especially if you're alone. Get ouuudc. It is harder to be depressed outside than in. Get busy. Walking 1s great, plus It builds my spine . Get mvolvcd with 50mething other than your own bad image. You're a nice person and deserve to be happy. Stop ma k i n g e x cuses and do 50mcthing nice for younelf. When you wake up each morning put on your positive makeup and your positive smile. Avoid the Typhoid Mary o f the depression St"~. Stay away from down prople as much as possible. Really work at being happy. it Is not a gift. If you can't whip it on your own, get good profl'SS1onal ht-Ip. It may not take much to tum you around LOIS SHUCK Pelicans luckier To the F.ditor: The six hunfny, unkempt little boys found llvinl n a mothtorleu home (moi.I) in Coata Meea IMt week were taken away from their father becau.e he wu Without a Job or funds to feed them. Then boy• may, 1iv•n • ltUI~ aympathy. compulion and food. pt>w \0 be dO<"tors. lawyeora. nwrchant.a or chiehl In 20 Yftrl. Would that U..y w~~?llcanl. • MIL188A MCMANUS - T. ELIZAB TH .. From Page A4 retl ·tlna the chMn& t populllllon. The palll'm of d1 hun't c.·hana1.'<t ti\ au. Sack tn the 1855 e ra, 36 p rct-nt of thOfll' admitted were dtagnOM'd dt.lfflt'ntla. Tod~ tht• dla1no Is has bet>n roflncd to organic "Drain dJ1eue or damage, but the JX'l'Cf'nlBf:Jt' la atmo.l the aamc, 3~ pert-ent. In 1855 , half of thost· ad mitted were diagnosed manic. T oday , 50 perc•ent a re dlagnoeed achizophrenlc. The samt• disease undl'r a new name. Today 16 percent of thOMe admitted are dlagnoeed manic depressive. In 1855 the diagnoshl was melancholia and accounted for 13 percent of new patients, At first glance the cure rate of hospitals in the 1860s, was amazing, 90 p~rcent. St. • Elizabeths was somewhat more conserva tive, claiming only 85 percent. A closer look at the figure belies the apparent s uccess. Patients were labeled cured every time they were released. Some patients we~ cured three and four times or more. St. Eliz.abeths today is more realistic, IC less optimistic. Dr. William H . Dobbs, hos pital superintendent. says St. Ellzabeths does well at Improving a patient's ability to handle work and social situations. But, while the hospital .doos produce remissions, it cannot claim to cure a patient. There is no guarantee ngainst relapse. St. Elizabeths' job ls gelling people back into life, even In the forensic wards of the John llowa(d Pavillion where Hinckley re5ides with some 240 others in varying degrees of security. Joseph Henneberry, Howard's director, says the insanity plea Is used more often in the District of Columbia than perhaps anywhere else in America, perhaps because of local legal habits, and the presence of St. Ellzabcths. The Most famous patient at St. Elizabeths before Hinckley was Ezra Pound, the American poet and man of letter s with a worldwide literary reputation. Pound broadcast fascist propaganda from Italy during Wor1d War II and was arrested and charged with treason when American troops occupied the country . Three Army psychiatrists declared him sane, but his attorneys in the United States claimed he was incompetent to aid in nis own defense. A panel of psychiatris ts. including the then- superintendent of St. Eliz.abeths, ~red. Pound spent 12 !Ii yea N 'in Jtoward Pavillion. He continued to write and ma ke pronouncements , r eceiv e d vis its from distinguished litery and intellectual figures, • and led a comforta ble life with unusual privileges. After awhile. h is friends began agitating for his release, though Pound himself seemed in no hurry. Eventually, St. Elizabeths psychiatrists found him incurably insane though not a danger to others, and Pound was freed on condition that he leave the country. He returned to Italy, where he died in 1972. · Liz, senator divorce ·after 6-year marriage I NEW YORK (AP) -Actress Elizabeth Taylor and Sen. John Wa rne r, R-Va ... have divorced alter a 14-month separation, ending a marriage of almost six years, Miss Taylor's New York publicist announced. Chen Sam said the no-fault divorce was granted Friday at the Circuit Court in Fauquier County. Va. A spokesman for Warner, Eric Peterson. Saturday confirmed the divorce. Peterson said he had no other statement to make. "The proceedings w ere he ld by n:iutual agreement in Virginia a fte~ an a micable separation throughout a period of over 14 months," Ms. Sam said. Warner, 55, w~resent when the divorce was hande d d o w . Miss T a ylor , 50, was represented by her ~yers and remained at her home in Los Angeles. according to the publicist. The divorce was the sixth for Taylor. • , Orange Coast OAILV PILOT /Sunday, Novtmbtr 1, 1982 "1 . •··---·---·~-I . ift -.-. . . .. ·.. . I, tefe • II 1r'lier I ICG• I· Save $5 toWard I any p"rchase of $15 or inore I Present this certificate, only 1 to a L customer. Offer expires November 14. 1982 LAS' ---------·-. . You'll never pay retail prices Qgaln. Bed 'n Both Is a unique Shop with S. 500 ·squar:e feet brimming with • MORE de~igner sheets • MOAE bedspre.ads and comforters • MOAE towels .... MOAE of everything. AndlQ°' t 40°' off regular at '° 0 '° retai I prices let's pt acquainted. Come to BM 'n Bath. Featuring a complete line of first qualitv designer sheets & matching comforters by Sprlngmaid ®· h COSTA MESA: Bristol Town & Country Plaza 3742 S. Bristol (One block North of SOUTH COAST PLAZA) (714) 850-9790 Daily 9:30 to 6. Mon. & Thurs. 'til 9 .. Sun. ·12 to 5. .. CAL-MART TRAVEL SERVICE _ ___, SALE STARTS TOMORROW -9 AM 'All S.rvlce .AIR FARE SALE!· On Scheduled Alr11Ma "DEEP DISCOUNTS ROUND-TRIP PRICES" LOS ANGELES REG COACH DEEP DISCOUNT AREA TO FAAE FAAE SAVINGS .. Amertl!O' 341.00 ----8eltlmof9 •51.= --· --IMrmlngtlem 750. ., ... --Brownev!Me 118.00 -.er .... FlY ~ 380.00 ..... ,..... SAYE Oetrott 721.00 --.... LATER NOW! lndlenapoft• 578.00 ..... --Medlaor'I '618.00 ....... ... .... on.en. eet.00 ...... --~Qty ua.oo ...... --OfMha • <671.00 ..... = OflandO 1IO.OO 111.11 ..... Clty.8.0. 520.00 .... 171M ~ eeo.oo ..... m• To6edo ••2.00 ., .. .... Topeka 504.00 .... 111• 'lower ,.,.. 11Y.ii.1>1e " tre¥91 beglna bj9fora December 15. • CAL~ll.ART.:rffAVE~ SERVICE (714) 957·2590 t•~-:r.~'· ' ? s3oo OFF OUR RIGULAR PRICE NR GALLON Crown H•rdware 1024 Irvine Ave . Newgort Be~ch '"2·1133 I ) I . r ) t ' l I J } J I r \ r I I j Pull Chain Ook ro11ee ~-····· _DEPENDABLE 116 " Clr.cular ··-'S••• 10 LB. BACi KINCiSFOltD Choreool •r111uees •ttt• IE,, 12.89. <iet your ~ues off to _ a good Stan wtt1I faSt llglltlng di¥· coal llrlquets from Kingsford. #71160. ••eend•A Piion• .... OUMTIT1ES MOOS. EX·JOO WTI ,, ••••. ~. '179.99. COfMllltnt "*""' confi'ol. If. dtal i,tton tor tile last number YoU called. ConJllUDUS Ch¥glnp Wiien llt tile reclMr. MOOfl. EX-900 ~ ~. 139.99. Rugged, dependallle L.A-ii__. -····LAST! and aaintt. ll3kts -. cumng )00 go faster. DUiie lnSuQtlCI fOr added llfOtectiol'I. 1574. Biaak • /JflO/mr. s1sH.P· Roueer -···· ll£G. l~.1')-: ~ r =· ~ed in _ .. ".,. 11&00. 'iiJ Pt.ANT' NOW FOR SPRING aOOMf ••nunc11111• ,..,,.. ---·· ... "'* llNUdf\11 tJIOOITIS ... IOnCJ sttfM. ~ ,.otc• or ,mo 3fti. =-- • AU YEAR ltOUND CONVENIENCE a ENJOYMENT fG' x 20' 111un11nun1 _ Poelo co11er WHITE OMY v •••••• INSTALLATION AVAILABLE Pl.ASTrC ASBESTOS •oO# C•111ene, '•!!' Dur3llle and lttrxtM redWood fOr in mrxtM """· , ...... , .... THERE'S AN ••• AN88LS _IN YOUR ~EIOHBORHOOD SHOP MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY 9 TO 9. OPEN SATURDAY AND SUNDAY 9 TO I . CEDAR . .... ,,,,,. ,.,,.e •tt -, ... ~. '12.99. l'rt<Ut and ort- noldllCI. Al YoU do Is llOlt It tolfttl«. fllalllol not lnducJ. ed. . • 2317 l . ...... •. noo,.... Ave. nl40~ .. • ...... .. HWI ....... (213) 421-79'1 (714t'l4f·-12131 ..-• (7'4) 1~·1111 (7'tt llM034 GENERAL ELECTRIC 10 3 oz •111cone C•ui1r· == ................ 4.89 lESS MFG REM .... : ........ 3·49 . TE ........... 1.00 ~<g,$24• 112 " x•· xe· P•..Clcl• ... ,,, '•'!!' Venatlt panllS IUdy tD ftnlSll or Ml9 is 15. .., hOIMUWS. C'OHS1JftlCTION OUAUTY 2" X J" JC I ' DRY •11•e• ,.,,,,., •eu,,. ..eEA. I ( lilly Piiat IJ11ker, dtunp .Jazz /in· third wi11 SUNDAY, NOV 7. 1982 of t~u 011. B2. TELEVISION 87 Defense sparks ·use, d .oes • ID UCLA Trojans breeze, 42-0 By ROGER CAR~ON Ot tM oa11r l'tlot Staff IX>S ANGELES -Mercifully the worst 1s over. For the fourth time this year the University of Southern California Trojans destroyed a hapless foe in the Coliseum, doing the knife work early. then leaving the victim to bleed for an eternity in the second half. · The Golden Bears o( California became just another not.ch on the Trojans' belts Saturday. failing 42-0 before 54,670 in Pac-10 football action, and as it was when Indtana, Oregon and Oregon State invaded, the die was cast very early. . • In a nutsheU, the Trojans' defense intercepte<I eight ~attempts • by the Bears and junior tailback Todd Spencer barged in for three first half touchdowns as USC upped its record to 6-2 overall, 4-1 in conference play. The Bears are now 5-4, 2-4. "They outplayed and out.coached us," said Cal Coach Joe Kapp. There was little else for Kapp to say -his Bears were totally suffocated by the Trojans' defense, which ignited a 21-0 first quarter burst. An early interception by Keith Browner led to S pencer's first TD -an 11 -yard dash on the Trojans' fi rst offensive play. Two of Scott Tinsley's six comple tions came on back-to-back 30 and 10-yard strikes to Jeff Simmons to pace Spencer's short blast with 50 seconds left in the quarter. than Darrel Hopper Intercepted and handed off to Neil Hope, who raced the remaining 31 yards with one second left m the quarter to seal the victory before the game was hardly under way. (See USC, Page 82) Bruin suffer first loss, 10-7 SEAT1'L1" 11\P) lll'LA Conc:h Tt•rry Oonohut• al1110::.1 ".1s too sit I, l o Ulmt• to his LC'am's crud11I P.1t 1111 Ill l'11111t•1t.•111 1 lootlxlll ganw ~ith Washington"· llul\k11·., Saturday vomiting and w wL"ak that he t'Ouldn't cvc·n·fwt d r{'S.<;Cd. Donahut• and h1.i. w1flo, Andre1, both bccamt> 111 in their hold room <'Hrly Saturday. Rausch smd "We even thought it might be food poisoning," said Rausch. Wtlh a tt•um du<.'t•>I' <ll his imlt•, he fmully mad1• il to Husky 81t1d111111 JU~l I ~l nunul<'s befort.· gamC> time .. But tht· I Lu!>k tt•s' t.l1 •lt•11st.• hod to mukt> him foci even worw . . ' L l' d b y I 111 <'h 1.11· kc• 1 Mark Sle w a rt , Wushin~wn's cklt•nsl' prnv1•d too mud1 for UCLA ~nd th<.• n..il1011's IPad111g JJHswr, Tom Ramsc..•y. , Th(• n•sult. a 10 7 , wm by •tht' 10th ranked. Husk1<.•s <1vt•1 tht ntnlh-n11t ·d Bruins "Whcm you play 111 a tough league against good· people, you have lo pl<.ty some tough games," said <J smiling and relaxed Washington Couch Don James. "Tht• most Jun about my job is to be in a l<.'aguc . with a champ1onsh1p ra<..-c. Ct's even more fun. to be in it." Th(.• Vt(•tory kt"pt Wash111uton's hopes of going to lh<' Ilos1 Bowl f111 a th1nl l't10S('('U\1 vc season very much altvt• wh1l1 tll<' los::. st·n ously de nlt•d the Bruins' d1.lllt'\'!> \1f going to l'usudc•na on Nl'w Year's Day. "We had to p1<·k each other up this week and work as a team," added Stewart. "La.st week and -before, we were JUSt out there together. h 's gomg to be a good game al Arizona State." Washtngton t!-o .1 1 frn1rth ranked Ariwnu State ncxl Satun l11y 111ght 111 the.• gaml' that f1gurt>S to dt'Cidc lhc.· Pat'-Ill rqm.•st•ntutivt• lO th<.· Rose Bowl. The Huskies, th<• nation's top-ranked team fo1 six weeks this season. S<.'Ored on a 4-yard run by Jacque Robinson in the opening quart.er and an 18-yard field goal by Chuck Nelson in the thir'tl period for a I 0-0 lead going into the final quarter, ''It wa:. Just th•· t•om mo11 ordinary flu ," a pale and obvwusly \\l .. 1kt.>ned Donahue told reporters after th<' gaml' •·[ didn't han.• tu play and lhat had nothing to do w11h Lh1· gam(•" Gary Ruu:.c.:h. UCL A mt'n's sports mformauon dire<:tor. ~1u lx•fon ganw unw that he did not know 1f Dunahut woukl lx· .1blc to bt.• at the game bccaust• ht• wa~ w silk. Rau"l(·h s;ud DonahU<' wa:; But it was Washington's stellar defense that J proved the difference after Ramsey learn«! with I Jojo TownSC'll on a 39-yarcl touchdown pass with 5:37 to go. The Bruins went 80 yards on three plays for their only touchdown of the day with Ramsey combining with Kevin Nelson on a 46-yard pass. (See UCLA, Page 8 2> Edison Lion-ized· .. • Chargers surprised, 14-13 By ROBB MUN ON • ~lo tM Delly Piiot "This makes my M·ason We work as hard as thl' next ll'<.1m. Our team never gave up." That's what an overly-elated Westminster CoaC'h Burry W L1ll'rs said after a slu 11 n ing 14 13 victory Friday nig ht' agains t Sunset League kingpin Edison al Westminstt>r High. "We executed t.o perfect1011 on defense," ronunucd Watl'rs "l just love lht-se guys." Waters knows .ibout perft'<:llon on d e fe n se, as he w as th e defensive coordinator at Edison for seven years. before taking the helm a t Westmmstc•r in 1980 With just 1:47 le!l in the game, Edison scored from one yard out, as fullback Leon ard S impson bulled ovt•r for Lhe score. making the scor e 14-13 111 favor o f Westminstc•r And then the game> t·ame down to the extra poml Edison Coach Bill Workman opt...'<f to try for the extra point b:> st.•ndmg out kicker G t.•rrv Gruham But the ball sailed wide nghl, and all tht• Lions had to do was run th<' dock out "Give them lht! t·rccht, they played w ell." said Workman "It was a great up!wt Vtt•tory "We would norninllv go fo r two point.s. bul WI' knew that we w o u 1 d s t' a I u p a I l' a g u <' championship "1th .1 ue. Now that I think of 1l. Wl !>hould have gone for t \\ ll " Edison, a nd another streak of seven stratght losses coming into the game. And the loss for EdiSon ended its 18-game S unse t L eagu e winning streak, dating back to 1979. Wes tmins ter. be h i nd the passing of junior quarterback Tim Hanson, took the early lead in the se<.'Ond quarter. With 10:27 On paper 11 houldn 't happen, but tl1a1 's why football is such a gr eat game. -Edleon Coectt • Wortiman left. Hanson hit wide receiver Steve Washbon on a post pattern. and the 6-4 senior caught the aerial at the Lion 45-yard line , and never looked back. The play covered 77 yards in all. And then with 5:07 left before the hall, the Lions started a drive from their own 45-yard line. Wash bon kept the drive going w i th a 22-yard ca tch on a third-and-17 play. But the drive was stopped short at the 16-yard line. Lion kicker Ray Berg came on to attempt a 33-yard field goal, but the ball was blocked by a d1vmg Charger, Mall Holmes. troubles against a very aggreSSlve Westminster d efense. led by Washbon. McKay Galoia, T a i Tamamasui. Bobby Meade, along with countless others. B ut it was W estmins ter linebacker Kevin Flnn~y who came up witb the deciding . touc·hdown in the game . FillJ>.....ey stepped in front of a ecree~. and rambled 56 yards for a touchdown with just 7:27 le{t in the game. Berg's e xtra point was good. and the Llons broke the tie, 14-7. "On paper it shouldn't happen, but that's why footbalJ is such a gr eat game," said Workman, whose career record at Ecfi!fOn is 83-22-2. W estmin ster quarteruack Hanson finished the game with 8 (See EDISON, Pa"e 84) Garvey turns .down Dodgers LOS ANGELES (AP)-Steve Garvey and the Los Angeles Dodgers were unable to agl'f'e on a contract for next year Saturday mght. meaning that the iron-man farst baseman will be playing for another team in 1983. A trio of UCLA Bruins, led by Dori Rogers (7) and Blanchard Montgomery (middle) stop Washington's Tim Cowan cold. Th<> Vll'torv h<illed two Wes tminster losing streaks one of eight :;tra1ght lossl'S to ln the third quarter t he Chargers put together a drive, and then lied the score with 3:14 le ft 1n t h e quarter when quar\('rback Jon Nowotny hit Jeff Washington with a 13-yard louc·hdown pass. The Edison offen se h ad its According to baseball rules, the Dodgers had to sign Garvey by midnight, EST on Saturday 1' keep him from going through baseball's re-e ntry draft next Wednesday. $1 'million contracts a dime a dozen . these days We have become hardened. thoee of us who were around in the days athletes earning $100,000 could be counted by a USC football player. That is to say, we no longer swoon at contracts calling for a man -or boy - to play the games in return for sums quite unreal. There was no wide-eyed gasping for breath when Steve Garvey asked the Dodgers for a million dollars a season for five 1euons. Steve Garvey seU. tickets and, besides, the Dodgers were the only ball club for which he has labored. There are ties here. Steve could hard ly be • knocked for wishing to rontinue them in an atmosphere of financial security and contentment. Beilides, Mrs. Garvey has legal people watching all this and are poised to pounce. Divorces and attending SPORTS COLUMNIST BUD TUCKER setUements coet dearly and Garv would necessarily wish to be prepared. That the Dogers would hesitate is understandable but the signilicant thing is the Dodgers were not astonished by Garvey's asking price. It is Important to note that Garvey made It known through various media outlets that it was his fervent wish to remain a Dodger. He pointed out the love afLair in which he was engaged with the fans at Dodger Stadium. Whereupon the Dodgers offerNI Garv a contract which would make him one· of the 10 t}ighest paid players m the mapr leagues. The-Dodgers threw 1n a pad c.age whereby Garvey could stay with Lhe club as a consultant for 10 y('ars after his playing days concluded. Garv turned It down. Prt.'Sumably. h(' would open a new love affair with the fans._n Chicago ... or wh<>rcvel' Floyd Bannis te r o f the Sea ttle • Mariners was not the best lcft-handl!r m the major leagues. perhaps not even the> American League. But he was probably the best available so the Dodgers off erect him a few mllllon over n few years Banniste r showed the Dodgers th<' back of his neck. The two s idC'S we-rt• a million and a year apart. When last seen, Bann1strr w as nodding his head to a mulll-mill1on . Football scores USC 42, cantornte 0 Washington 10, UCLA 7 Notre Dame 31 , Pitt 16 LSU 20, Alabama 10 NF£ negotiations .. collapse; Long Beach St. 32, Pacific 31 • ..... . ~ • Freano St . 31 , -c~ Fullerton 14 Arizona St. 30, Oregon St. 18 Arizona 41, Stanford 27 Baytor 24, Artcanaas 17 8MU 41, Aic. 14 Georgia 44, Florlda O Nebraska 48, Oklahoma 81. 10 W11hlngton St . 10, Oregon 3 ( , .... , NEW YORK (AP) -The National Football League ll!UOn w• thrown into "1erious, serio~ jeopardy'' Saturday night when negoliatlON to end the 47-day•old slrike collapeed after mediator Sam Kagel w d'n t h o m e I n f r u 1 i r a t I o n a n d mana1ement's negotiators walked out. One union leader said the owners had "in effect ca~led the seuon." The players' Ml(OUators said t~'-. would 1tay In New York In hopee the could rHume, .but no further bar.calnlng wu scheduled and Jim Miller, a spokesman tor the owners' NFL Mana1ement Council. said, "We're leevlnc." Jack Donlan, exeutlve director of the Manaaement Council and the ownen' chJef "'EU.tor, ldded: . We are l)Ol cbe phUmophlMIJy, we~ ' • not doee conceptually and W<' ar<' not t'ltll>t' economically, so it doesn 't mull<'r geographically.'' A.a for what'• left of this 1trik<>-fractun•d . IK'UOn, Donlan said, "I think that bcc.'Ot'Tlt'fi more obvious every alncle day." MIUer waa direct. "The aeuon i1 In 1erlous. st•rlous jeopardy,'' he said. "At aome pulnt, you ' have to lole the ~. At what point do you atlU have a MUOn? h thl't'(' game11 ,. M!UClll?" Marie Murphy of the Washlnaton Redakina, a member of the union'' executive convniuee, .ud. ''Thet• action ...... haw In dflCl canceled the....,,,,.. AdcW l:lvtn Bethea. 1he Hoillton 00.n' \player repr•aentaive, "I ~ •h•l are ' .. dollar offer from the Angels. Unhappily, howe ver, 1l had not occurred to tbe Seattle Mariners that Bannister was this ~ and the a-uempled io hold up general manag~r Buzzie Bavasi for the Ang<'ls' m06t promising young player. As mentioned earlier. some of ua used to sit around dropping names into the morlinas -names of the guys earning $100,000. Today. according to the estimates o( 4uahfied sleuths. eight major-le•gue players are making a milhon or more for a summer in the grand old game. One o r them, Pete Rose, signed another document with the Philadelphia Phtlli('S the other day and took umbrage when someone suggested he might not play every game in 1983. Rose may be an orgumcnt to say no baseball player on (See Sl MILLION, Page 81) season ove~? s.1t 11f1eing the season and seeing It go up m Sr"l10kC' Only two weekends or iamea were plnvcd before the fllrike betan Sept. 21, and r;even weekend11 -98 gamee -haw bct.•n wiped out 1ince then. Seven WN'kl'nds of ttx• original echedule l'fl'Mln. Management aources have Mid one of the Ital(~·· opUona i• lo let th• rest of th• lk'll!IOn dwtndle away and try to •tart fNh 1n 1983 with whomewr ahowa up to .-, under the ownen' lft'ml. Kaaal. a 73·yur-old San Fra~o law}'er who joined the talks Oct. 12. wenl home after •ndinl fece·to-feee ..,...... and rftOrt1nC to 1huttJ. n.eF*lkllla In a futile tfforl ta .. w &he &a1ki. 1SeeNn..P ... M) Ga r vey had declared h1$ intention to become a free agent last Tues day. Potential fre~ agents had to declare 1uch an int~ntion by last Thunday night and their teams were then given hours to. sign them. Garvey and the Dodgers were unable to agree to terms, so the 5-10. 190-pounder (iQures to be one of the most highly eough t ... after free agents available lhiS year. • The Dodgers had announced last Wednesday that they batl. made Garvey an offer that would tnake him one of the 10 hilhest- paid players in bdeball on an annual baaia. . They alao Mid at thal Ume Jhal If they didn't sign Garvey by Saturday night, they w ould not f'etain right.a to him in the re-- entry draf\, IOl1lething they ar* aUowed lo do . A spokesman for the Dodgera reiterated Saturday night th~ the club w°"ld not retain right$ to Garvey. ; "We have made Swve whal we f~l is a fair and generollf offer,'' said Dodgers' President Peter O'Malley. ''Ht" has n~ acttpted Ii. ~ la no doubt i my mind that It wa a good of((' Both aides toni1ht mMle maic.· movea but I\ didn't solv• th pl"Oblem. "We l'eCOfP\l• Stew't ~' become a free ...,,, W• Wia hlm well . He'• bee• •. c.r Dodpr and he liilwt .. saan.,, •• a_y friend 1• dlaappmnted.f~l .......... w .... -.. have tried. 11•1 a com ~·-bu\ ...... "" ..... : _____ .... ~ CIMOAa1'mY. I · .. .. r • ' . .. .. : returns afte r • Quote of the day ~~ Mik e Royko, C hicago Sun-T im es ~ :~tumnist, asked on the Dona hue TV show :-..hat he thought of the NFL strike: "You ieally should ask that of somebody from a :q1ty tha t has a pro football team." ... .. .B~g whip s Lendl in straight sets ) SYDNEY, A ustralia -Bjorn B91:R crushed Czech s tar Ivan Lendl in ~ a •t aight sets Saturday to show he is &Ill oo;h is way back to peak performance afljr his long rest this year. :;i Borg beat Lend! 6-1, 6-4, 6-2 in the second r*-nd o f t he A kai Go ld C hallenge t ennis tQ!)rnament and looks a good bet to hold the title h~:won last year. :~The five-t ime W i mbledon ch am pion rrtl!!lntalned the same oustanding form that took hbi) to a straight-sets wins over American Vitas Gjfutaltis in the first round of th e tournament F~y. !J'? G e rulaitis, me a n while, upset fellow ~erican John McEnroe 6-4, 5· 7, 6-4, 6-3 . .;~ It took Borg just 19 min utes to win th e first sej:after brea king Lendl's serve in the opening gijle. • ;.; From the n o n Borg never looked back , +g just 34 minutes and 28 minu tes to win the lWO sets. ~· . Nuggets use Engllt>h to subdue Warriors Ale~ Enall11h • 1111 d l 1 p11111I 111 m tht• thfrcl lfUIUlC I uml IClttkll Hlllll d Rob Wlllla1n11' hull h1111d hnn "Jl"rkc-cl u I!) 0 llimwr !1\HW' me I h1• N 111-0{4'1• po!>llttl 11 l:.!7 I HI NH/\ vu tilt\ 11v1•1 ( loldl•JI Ht,1 lt• S:nurduV nlf(ht t-:t 1•wh11111 111 Uu· NRA. Portlorul uuu1 ti ,Jim P tt\ un ..rul Oarnl'll V.alentlnt• 1·omh1111·1I Cor .17 p•llt1!!-.· •" 1lw 'l'n11I HluiC'rll won 1lw11 fl rKt 1<111111• ul tlw l!l'llMlll, 110 I():! Rt•gglt• Tht'Uli M'Ol't•<l I :'I ol hti. gunw hlijh :m µ.1111l!i 111 tht• lourth qu11111•1 to pow1•1 Chu .• 1go P·"l w111Jt"-' S.111 l>tt•f(o, I iii· UM Julius Ervin~'" JUlllJI i.hut with :1u 't.'OncJ-s lt•ft 111 1 lw i<t'l'llthl ov1•rt1 11w p(•rtod ~llVl' P h1lt1t.ll'l p h tn • 111) l 15 l'Omt»from bc•hlnd v1t·tory ovt•r Ro!i\on . F r-0nk J ohn!ion tulllt'tl -M•v1•n'1xnnh. in 11v1·1 t111w 111 h·aul Wui.h\nnton to a 119-115 vu·l111y 11v1•r lmlituM All~111tu'll Steve llawt.•s htl u 22 ft.>Qt JlllllJX•r at lllC' hun1•r, giving tlw I lnwk:-. ll vr1 H:~ Vl('\Ol'Y l)V(•t' D<•u·o1t. With 15 M't'o11Cls li·t1, D1•1r111t'l4 lslab Tbomafi · m1~·d u JUtllp "hut wh1d1 would )rnvt· put lht:, Piston-. 111 I 1 unt · Islanders lose at home again Paul llolmgr t'n :mapp1.:d a 3.3 tae ~ early tn the> thml period nnd Ron , F loc kha rt i.con•d t w1ct•,. ll•nd ing P h iladl•lµhln lo u Ii !i National l ltx·kt.•y Leagu<' vktol"y ovt•rt tht• Nc>-.y Yor k lslan~l!rS Saturday rughL. Tl1<• (slanders. lost their st>C<>nd stra ight home.> ganw aftt•r going lh rough 30 regular-~>ai,on <'Onll~l'> without a loss at home . Mats Naslund aml Ryan Walte r scun•d two goals apic<'t> as MurHrPal snapped a six-ganac Vancouver unbt'al<'n -.tnng by defeaung the Canucks. 4-2 Ma rian Stas tny sc:orc<l two sccond·p<'rtod goals 10 l<•ad Qu1..•bcx: lo a 4-1 triumph over Mimwsot.a Pe ler lnnacak poked horn<' a shot by Borje aiming with 3:35 remaining Lo pull Toronto into a :.S-3 tic with St. Louis Hec tor Marini nclll'Cl the tying goal in lhe third period as NL•v. Jerst•y and Delro1l skated to a 1-1 lll' . Two goals ap1e<.'C by Mike Moller :mtl Gil Per reault led Buffa lo past Ha rtford. 5-2. Trojan trio nominated for award Twc>IVl• of the nal1on's top l'Ollt•ge • football ltnt•mcn. uwluding noiwguard Geoqce Achic a , off1•nsiv<' guurd • Bruce Matthews and ol fens rvt• tackle Do n Moseba r from USC were nominated Saturday lO rece>tV{' lh(' 13th annual Lombardi Award. Thu 40-pound gr<mtl<.• trophy is qiven in memory of Vince Lombar di, former C'oach of the Green Bay Packl•rs and Washington Redskins w ho d ied of cam-er 111 1970 Uncertainties created by the NFL Players' Assoctauon strike have resulted m Lht• cancl'llat1on of the Gold Bowl All-star football game scheduled for Januarv 22. 198:1 at Anaheim Stad ium Tom Sne\'8 won :.i m1d -r:>('<..' battle with series champion Rick Mcar and went on lo record his third straight victory m the M1llE>r High Life 150 lndy-car race Saturday at PhoNllX Internationa l Raceway _ With quarterback Conredge Ho lloway leading the attack. the Toronto Argonaut~ won lht.11 first Canadian Football League conf(•r(•n('(• championship .mce 1971 by defeating the Ottawn Hough R1dt•rs, 28-14 lx>fore 25.868 wmd·(·h1llNl lans in Ottawa . Longshol Morgan hephe rd hu:. has Burck on the pole for today's Atlanta Journal 500 st0t.·k car race. ;~. J t zzy showing b y Lakers, "!• 10 4 -101 $LT LAKE CITY (AP) Ka?t em Abdul-J abb a r a nd Ea~n "Magic" Johnson scored 22 :P.oints apiece as the Los An~l es Lake r s overcame a 12-~lnt first-half deficit to bea t the~l.Jta h Jazz 10 4 -10 1 i n a Nai~ 11al Basketball Association ga , J)aturday night. • m Nixon added 18 points for 1~ Lakers, 12 or them in the thiJl: quarter. 1'!reU G riffith had 23 poin ts forW ta h and cente r D a nny .. .. Schayl'S rontributed 22. }"(}rward Adrian Dantley St'Ored I~ tx·fon• fouling out G n fhth scored 13 pomu. 1n tht.• first quarter as th<' Jazz ral'Cd to a 19-7 ad vantage T he quarll'r ended with Utah on Lop 31 ·2~ D:>n tlev and Graff1lh were h e ld scoreless m the sc•t.und period, but forward J ohn Drew took up the slack with 12 pcllnts and the Jaz.z held on for a 55-50 lead at halftime. N1xo11 and Schav1·s traded JUmp -.h11ts 1ht0ugho0ut mul·h of 1h1 Lhml pt rrod. as Lakt•rs took 1h1· lt•a d at IH 63 with 7:00 11•n1.11 ning tn the pC'rtod on n u.1,k1·t by forward Kurt Rambis 1>.1ntll•y put the Jazi ahead 9.! 91 midway m the fo urth qu.1rt1·r and rt was close lhl• n •m,J1nd1•1 ''' the !:arm.•. The LukC"rs w<•n · ahead by fou r poinls, 10:1 !19, with under one m1nut< to go etU#e-" ~ '-SUN-' . ~eute When we at Fabric Warehouse opened our doors to the public almost 11 years ago, we proudly boasted that we car- t--=--==--_.._le.d....: 'no...notlons,....no...p.atterns-jusL tb best fabrics at the lowest prices-any- where." Times have changed but unllke other businesses, content t o sit on their laurels, we 've listened to our custome rs. To make your "JOY OF SEWING " greater, we've added foll lines of patterns, trims and notions at 20% OFF REGULAR PRICES, as befit- ting the name Fabric Warehouse. But we didn't stop there. We've up- graded our stocks with some of the finest designer fabrics In the world, added bridal sections In our West Los Angeles and Costa Mesa branches, and continued to enlarge our unique fabric selections with all the latest tex - turea and prints at below retail prices. Come see how we've changed 1'Sew Much" at FABRIC WAREHOUSE! BEAUTIFUL COLOlll 100 t,i, SILK s911 CREPE d1 CHllE SOLIDS "· 41" Wide • • • From Page 81 lh. 'I .A 1•111 1111 hull ltm·k Wllh :.:·.17 I•• 1t11 1111 11 1 .. ,.t dlldl hid to l•ull t hi' 1!•1 1111· •Hit hut tht• ht ktt ; iii I l'll'\4' v.11' ,1hh1 I0 11l11p tlu Ht u1t1" 1h1, lttlll' Ttw A1 ulth th uv1 I 1 u111 1 lw11 11w11 lH Lu tlw W11r.ht1 1ijtut1 ·1:1 hu1 1·1111 out 111 dow11 wnh thl' l luskw:. t.uklnl( uVl'I Wtlh ',!fl W~fllltli. H•lllUIOlllt( Un "h.11 111i1v h.1v(' ht·t•11 tlw IJ1gg1•nl pl,1y ul 1'h1 • ~111lll', HnmM•y 11 p1w111•1•d tu l'lllll!Jll'l"' .i fourth dov. 11 II•''' 111 D..in11v J\ndrA•w:. Cw ,, '" '' <lown uJI tlw Wm.timgw11 .!ti Hut /\111ln•w, d111pp1.•tl the• ltu ll ,I( 11 r " v11'1oui. h at b y Llu,ld1·11 ('Or n1•1 h1H'k B i ll St11ph·Lon . The pluy ~onw 1111 11 luUI th and SIX .;1tuut1on Wu-.l1111g10n . up-.l·t hy SumfonJ l:.J :11 lusl w1·t•kt·nd. unproved 1ts rt'\.'rncl 111 II 1 ovcm.111 and 5-1 In lhl· P:w· JO It wus UCLA's.Jlrat loss ul tlw i.(•ason T h<'' Bruins d rupp1·d to 7 .1. I overall and :1 I I 111 1·1111l1•rt"1Wt• ploy ·Merli11 e nte·r s Mazatlan race LOS ANGELES T wenty- um• sailing yuchL'l got away to u dean start in a moderate 8-10 knot southerly bre<'ze Satu rday at noon 1n Los A ngeles Yach t Club's !199-mile Mazallan race. The swrttng fl<'<.'t d ropped to :l I wh(•n two of the San ta Cruz-50s dropped out at the last minuw and Bill Lee's 67-foot Merlin wus add('d IO the roster. Abando ning thl' race werc Hana 11 0 and Rocket. The addllLOn of Merlin assured a malch ra('e with lht• 69-foot Drafter for first t.o finish in the biennial classk. Merlin is being sk1pper<'d by d esigner-owne r Bill Lee of Santa Cruz. Drifter rs bl'rng skip pe red by charterer Cliff Tucker, Long Beach Yacht Club with designer-owner Harry Moloshco as ro-skippt;-r. UC ROUT From Page 81 "Our plurc•nl Wl'l l' nut flOl n(( lo ht• dt•nic•d,' amid Hubh1w n In tht· ho hum uflC'rmuth About th1• o nly quc'HtioJUI in tlw ·t.-.·011d h ull W(•n• Just how mony Ca l p uu uUt•mt>lM wu uld evt:nluolly Ix-pk kt·d off by th<' Tro.lorUI und would the> shuwut hnlcl up Cal fina lly thrc·ownC'd lutt• In th<.• third quurtcr, gelling to the Tro ja n s' 20 b do r c U SC rt•1 ns tn tt'd l lW first li n e o ( d1•rt•nst.• and T roy West cam~ up with 1ntc.'rccpt1on No ti . "Thcy had thelc (1rsl string in thcrt', so we put ours back In," 1St1id Robinson. "We• wantt>d them to l'arn It " Robinson said ht! was sati (il>d with his team 's offense, dcispit<' the fo<·t tha t it managed only two drives o( subst.ancl' -a 61-yard man.•h tn l l plays for the se<.'Ond TD a nd a . 52-yard march in the sec.>ond periOd, consuming 9 plays. The rest was just g ra v y - A third quarter firl'works lncludt-Q 1"lunkc.'r Timmy White's 39-yiu·d pass' to the' wide opc•n Simmons and By ron Darby's 14-yard st:onng run with m LCrcepuon No 5. ·•w c nt•vcr had l h <' bull o Cfcnsively,'' said Robinson . alluding . to his team's constant attack on defense. # Despite his defense of h is in j ury -r idd le d offen se, the numbers w e r e n 't t e r ribly awesome for a 42-0 rouL. The T rojans managed only 169 yards on the g round and 130 through the air. Cal. meanwhile. was limited to ?3 yards on 31 rushing plays and although the Bears <·an boast 19 complete paSSt's for 178 yards, they a lso have 23 incomplelions a nd those eight interceptions to m1.1ll over. T here could have been more (interceptions). George Ach ica , for ins tance, d ropped a gift, prompting Robinson to chide h is 6-5, 260-p ound n ose g ua rd, saying. "Achica has the worst AL , 42-0 .. • h1mcJ In tht• world." Tln1lt>y (•omplN ro 6 ut 11 In for 0 I yurd• In o lh tlc mor tha n a ha l!'11 workout "IJ1• (Tlnslc.•y) &«X'tl w the rtaht p<.•r11Cmn£>l nl tht• rlf(ht time," u d llobln11on . ''lk doesn't r ally hovt• 8 rust ball. but ht• hp gr.-~t pc.•rc.'£'pt1on." • T insley. who rc-sc ued h l1 t<'u mmll tes whe n h e wa1 a 1o ph o m o r c t wo y ears ag o, lending the T rojans lO an upeet victory over t he n u nd cfeatt'd Notn• Dame, now Jn relief of the injured Scan Salisbury, a.aid he fel t himscl! t rying to be too careful early, <.'specially aft.er the harrowing experlcn<.>e of Arizona St.att>'s aggressive defense a week ago. "This was really a good g4me lO get bro ke n In with as a start.er.'' said T insley. "It became a mutter of w)wther the offense could out.score our defense." -It was a victory in w h ich everyone (no t on the ambulatof}i list) contr ibuted. Forme r ~lson High tight e nd Mark Boyer saw conside rable duty in· the second· half after being neglected for the most part this year, a nd ex - Edison defensive back Dualne J ackson helped contain the Bears in the second half . Ke nnedy Pola. a freshman out of Mat.er De1 Wgh, carried the baJJ five times for 30 yards. Other interceptions wen t to Duane Bicke ll. Matt J ohnson. Brian Cook. Dave Langlols and a second one for Browner. "l think they were th rowing q uicker t han they wanted t.o," understated Browner. So. another cakewalk has been recorded,' The only trouble with that is that once again only twc quarters of pure football were on display. [n dis p osing o f I ndian a , Oregon. Oregon State and now the Bears, the halftime scores w ere 28-0, 3 1-7. 31-0 and now 28-0. leaving the Dalance In mop u p fashion. 0 ~C,· (Jl'-0 ~J.¢1 Save on .,~~ .@rnstrong ~~ No-Wax Self-Stick Tile at~ trolfill Rebate + Sale = 25% Savings On Famous Solarian® and Stylistik® Tile! Sale Ends Nov. 13!" CHOOSE FROM 14 PAITERNS & OVER 30 COLORS!!! @mstrong Vinyt Styllstlk® Perfect for today's ~ rooms Fl~1ble and tong- weaing w ith nc>wax sur- fl!Ce thet resists scuffs end scratches Self·st1ck for simple installation Reg. 8CX Fina! Price. s.lt Pl!c.c 111..c 6-Z~ l-kblC.e • rtNll -· •1• to. n 19' JC It' Vl'lA™OfO MJWTY, IMl'(ll;t,I, MMlll a~ ..c11 Save 25%! Cork Tile ~ !dgf 19 ,IC 19 ~,. 59< Save 25%1 _ @mstrong No-Wax Solarian® A fine tKT/!f'f of ootterns 1n tiles w ith self·edhenng backing that's ellS'( to "'" stall Mtrebond surface never needs w ax1n9 to mc1nta1n its bnlhent shine Reg. 1.09 Final Prlc~ ~ :"::t. o~. a2 ~ ,...._. ... '°'" 1 r JC 1r ~ LACI, ICMltS snur. CSSU f""" fOMN COi.WT a ~H()M( Sale 44!" Save 25"1 Mirror Tile "-'f'I Ii" 1nr -U9 @n1strong Royal Solarian® Our very finest no-wax ttle tn elegantly intrtccte de· Slgns Its self·stlck backing mc*es 1t simple to 1nsu-ll. Extra thick to ensure durc- b 1hty. Reg. 1.-49 WI l'rlCa I ts Lwleb9lc_l!!, FINI "kt I It Final Price 1 ~? Save 25%1 ®"''"''" Custom Solariane You'll ~1o.-e1ynoorsthct ere exceptionally easy to c.Y-e f0t with this no-~ sdf·st1ck tile in colors that complement~ d«or· ating scheme. Reg. 1.29 s.k~ 106 lm...,_.~ fNI "'1cc 91C Fine! Price 97;"· N Color Tile our trau"led personnel give YoU ,.. instruction booklets and expett ac:tvlce on do-rt·ycuself 1nstallatlon end decorat1~ PWS ~·11 loan ycu special tools ~·11 cheerfully rdvnd 't(U money on ¥?y un- used tile and uncut rolls of wallcOl'enngs Come to Color Tile for sa-,.,res. ~lecoon and seMa ~ dovl SANTA ANA 2101 So. Bristol St. WESTMINSTER 15191 Buch 114devarcl (llNrS.-11.) 557-1324 191-3311 547-7711 CM1m1U. ,_...,_.WM.CO•• ... f:lttm IWDJCa ,_WY• Wl•l'm\CIUIW-• ....... 3 " COUICM .... USC 42, Catllornla 0 Wunlngton 10, UCLA 7 Arl;iona 41 , Stanford 27 WMhlngton St. 10, Oregon FrHno St. 3 1. Cal State Fu114trton 14 San Joae St. 40, Santa Clara 0 Port11nd St. 35, Montana 28 Long Beech St. 32, Pacific 31 UC Davie 41, H1yw1rd St. 8 Cal Lutperen 34, St. Mary's 2Q Sacramento St. 23. San Francltco St. 18 ' Humboldt St. 42, Chico SI 12 • BolM St. 28, Cal Poly-SLO 24 NorthrldQe St. 38, Cal Poly (PomonatSO Roell lee Arizona St. 30, Oregon St. 16 New Mexico St. 30, North Tex11 St. 19 Br i gham Young 23 , Wyoming 13 ~e v .-L1 1 Vegas 36 , Colorado St. 31 Idaho 20, Idaho St. 17 Montana St. 32, N. AriZona 19 Ullh 42, Utah St. 10 Weber St. 46, Nevada-Reno 43 llnll.id 49, Whllworth 14 M ont•n• Tech 34. Simon Fr-21 N1br1ak1-0maha 13, N Colorado 3 Wfftarn St .. Colo. 24. Colorado Mines O Mlctweat Michigan 16, llllnols 10 Northwestern 28, Michigan St. 24 Ohio St. 35. Minnesota 10 Purdue 16, Iowa 7 Indiana 20, Wlsconl!m 17 Kansas 24, Iowa S:. 17 Missouri 35, Colorado 14 Nebraska 48, Oklahoma St. 10 Bowling Gr"n 28. Ball St 7 M l•ml, 0 23 . Cant MlchlQ1n 0 W M ichigan 17, Toi.do 10 E Michigan 8, Kent St. 7 N llllnola 38, Ohio u. O 8ethsny, Ki n 37, Fri.ride 8 Mt-I VII 44, C41nt MethOdltt 1 S Dakota 30, AUGuat•o•. S D 28 SW K1n1u 55, McPherton 13 Tabor 35, 8tthel, Ken, 14 T srklo 24, Md·Am Nusrene 20 Ca11e1on U . Q11nne11 34 Cent IOWI H . Luther 14 ALblon 21, K1lamuo0 21 Ande<ton 14, H1no..,., 3 Capltll 23, Heidelberg 7 Findlay 25, 8tuttton tO Hoc>e 40, Oll\'91 0 Nonh c.ntrel 21, Norlh P1111, 7 N MIChigan 30, N Dakota 8 RbH·Hutman 18, SWestarn, Tenn 18 w11mtngton 17, Manchester 7 Augatxlfg 24, St Olaf 17 Butler 31, St JOMPh. Ind 16 Defiance 10. Eartham 7 OePauw 41, Oberlin 12 E. 1t1tnol1 38. SW ~luouri 7 Grand Valley St. 20. Norlhwd. Mich tO Huton 31 . Pefu St t5 ltllnoja St 31, Mooihead St. 28 Jeme11own 44, D1kot1 W811yn o K1n111 Wetlyn 40, Ott1wa, Kan. 30 Kearney S1 13, PIUtburgh St. O· Mayville St 20. Bemidji St 17 St John's. Minn 14, Conc:otdla. "°49or 10 I St Thomu 40, Bethel, Minn 0 Wartburg 33, Simpson O Yankton 18, Oekota St. 3 Adrian 33, Atma 19 Augustana. Ill 27, Elmhurat 24 Carthage 28. Wheaton 21 Franklln 54. Indiana Central 6 Georgetown. Ky 23. V1tp11also 21 1 Gustav Adolphus 34, Mac:alestet Mount Unk>n 28. Muskingum 14 N Dakotll St 12, N Iowa 7 Ottwblifl 28, Marietta 14 Principia 36, Chleago 13 Stoua Falla 46, WHtmat 22 Daylon 28. Slhll>Uty St. 0 Denison 24, Ohio N0tthefn 24, 11e W1ttenbetg 22, OhiO Wfflyn 10 Baker 49, Culver-Stockton O Baldwln·Walt-17, Wooster :; loulh Loul•l•n• SI <'0. Al•b•ma 10 Auburn 30, Rutgers 1 Ci.meon HI, N ClrOllna t3 Flofld• St 68, S Carollno 28 Brown 23. Wlttlam & M•ry 22 ueorg11 tech :J8. v11g1n10 32 Maryland 18, Miami, Fla 17 Loulsvllle 35, Indiana St 23 Georgia 4., Florida O Tennea'" 29, Merttphls St. 3 ' • Vand.rbllt 2:), Kentucky 10 Marshall 22, VMI 20 Bucknell 21. Davidson o Furman 17, James Madison 10 Duka 46. Walle Foreat 26 Mississippi 45, Tulane 14 The Citadel 24. W Carolina 20 Tn.·Chattanooga 50, Appalachian St. 7 Southern U . 26, SE Louisiana 19 SW Lou isiana 40 , NE 1-oulstana 26 NW Louisiana 38, Nicholls St. 6 Loul s l af'I& Tech 35 , McNeeae St. t4 Ek>n 33, N-beny 16 Gardnet·W&bb 28 Prffbyter1an 21 Hampton Intl 34. St Paul's o Kenyon 34. Centre 13 WHh & LM 41, Catholtc U. 0 Ft Valley St 48. Savannah St 3 Liberty Bapt111 t3. Morehead St. tO Middle T'"n 3t, W Kantuctcyf 16 MllSIHIQPI Cot. 27, Delta St. 6 Morrie B'fown 27, Albany, Ga. 21 Murr•y St 21. Austin Peay 7 Randolph-Macon 28. Brdgwalet, Va 16 Virginia St 13, Norfolk St 7 Ehzsbeth City St 16, Winston· Satem 7 Gr1mbl1rig St 36. Alabama SI 14 Jackaon St 34 Texas SO\lthetn 28 N C Cenllal 7. J C Smith 3 Sewenee 31, lthnoll Col 28 Vlildosta St 48, Kentucky S1 13 '1outhwe11 01ylOI' 24, Ark1n111 17 0klah0"11 24, KlrlHI St 10 Tex11 50, Huu11on 0 8MU 41, Rice 14 lexae Tech 18, TCU 14 Tul11 5l>, Wfft Tex11 St. 21 Ark1n111 81 20, Lamar 19 E re1111 llt 37, T••u "'' n BllhO~ 33. l u111 Lutll01811 3 Steplltn r Austin "· tlOWllfd Payne 10 Sul Ro&t St 32, Auetin Col 25 TArloton St 12 Mt Murry 3 EHi Notre Dame 3,, Pitt 16 Penn St 64, North Carolina St O Navy 20, Syracuse 18 Air Force 27, Army 9 Bo11on College 34 . Massachuse111 21 Connacucut 13, Boston u. 10 Cornell 28. Vale 20 Lafayelle 47. Prlnc1ton 37 Penn 21, Colgate 13 Harvard 24. Holy Cross 17 Dartmouth 56, Columbia 4 I Maine 31, Naw Hampshire 14 Rhode Island 20, j..ehlgh 16 W. Virginia 20, Temple 17 Hofstra 27, .f'ordham 21 Clark>n St 23, Wellmatr, Pa 7 Diii. of Columbia 30, Fayetteville St 8 Ouq-34. St F1anct1, Pa 14 E Stroudsburg 24, Btoomsburg St 7 Hiram Cot 28, Allegheny 3 John Carroll 20. Carnegie· Melton 14 Lycoming 21, Albright 10 Shepherd 35, Fairmont St 3 Shlppen•burg St 26. Indiana. Pa 9 Wash. & Jtll. t8, Thiel 13 Worcestef Tectl 27, Hamt11on 12 Ame11Can Intl. 14, CW . Post t3 Buffalo 42, Albany, N V 14 Bullato St 11, Grove City tO Concord 17, Glenv1111 St 14 Frostburg St 24. Cohl0tn1a. Pa 19 0 GIHsboro St 14 Wm Peterson Iona 38. St Pettr s 8 Kuutown St 17. Manstleld St o Lebanon Vat 30. Dleklnaon 21 Mao M1111t111,. JO, M atne M11lt1ma 12 MOfaan &t tl. V11u11111 Union 7 l>t ~1..,1111u 36 HPt 24 Tow1on St • t 1<1ngt Po1111 28 UP"•I• o 61ooklrn COi 1& w V1tg1n11 St to w V11o•nt• Tech 3 w VI WHltn J!> WHt Liberty '1 W1dan111 ? t, U111nu1 3 Wilham• ?7. WHley11n 24 Alhil\J 57, Rocl\811111 1 8owdOlrl 113, B11t111 14 Cotlland St :n, Ithaca 17 Dtttaw111• Val t4, Morav11111 8 Fr•mt11 gt11m St t7, W Corinectlcut 12 • G•ttytl>U•O H Fmkln & M111hll t8 Munteo1>11g 11 Johna tlopkln• 14 Norlh1at111n 511 , Cent Connecllcut 0 NorwlCh 21, NY Tech 14 Plymouth St 35 Brdgwater. MUI 15 St JOhrl't NV 41, Georgetown. DC t2 S Connecticut 47, Pee• 1 Su1qu9n11nna 20. Juniata 13 Swart11mor11 t2, W Maryland 10 Tufts 34. Colby 3 • Unloh, N T· 28. Middlebury 0 Community college South CONI Conference Golden WHt 21. Cerritos ii FuNerton 38, Qrossmont 10 Mt San Antonio 49, Si n Diego Mesa 32 MIHIOn Cont8flnc:I Sa<l<llebMk 23 Santa Ana 10 RIVlfSlde cc 24, San ()jego cc 8 • Southwestern 14, Ct11ua O Southern C1I Conlefance LA Harbor 37, East Lot Angeles 23 West LOI Angeles 38, Rio Hondo 14 Metropolitan Conterenc• Pasadena CC 28, Long Beach cc 23 Bak1tslield 21. LA Pierce 1<1 WHtarn Stale Conference Senta Barbara CC 18. Hancock 12 Glendale 28 Ventura tO Moorpark 29. LA Valley 15 Foo1hlll Conf111nce Antelope V11tey 34 Mt San Jacinto 12 San Berna1d1no 39, M1raC01te t4 K~~ J/{e6ieg8 ~ EARLY BIRD ~~-:-""--- DINNERS s6.95 5 ••• p.m. Choice of Five Dlffer1nt Selections Happ,y Hour Hors d' Ouevres 4:30 to 6:30 Mon.-Fri. 14982 Redhill At Edinger Tustin 730-0115 ))': '1naeio'.J 72e.Jtaueant DAILY LUNCH SPECIAIB *2.65 DAILY DINNER SPECIALS $3.25 CABLE 8PORTI 'ON GIANT ICREEN TV Happy Hour 12 to 5 Chicken Cordon Bllu $6.50 fresh Red Sn...., $5.95 T eriyald 8ttf Klbobs $6.50 Slctd Roast Stelk $6.95 Served with choice of soup or Nied. fresh vegetable and rice. 4 to ~ P.M. Mon.-Frl. 55.95 DINNER SPECIALS SUN. FRIED CHICKEN DINNER MON. BEEF ENCHILADA DINNER TUES. CHEF'S SPECIAL WED. BAR-B-0 BEEF RIB DINNER THURS. HOMEMADE LASAGNA DINNER All dinners Include soup or salad. hot bread, and dinner apeciBI beverage. 1 Mile So. of 405 Fwy. CoH Fw fn«vofion• 963-2366 CHINA PALACE -RESTAURANT w Diil Y LUICHEll SPECIAL $3e25 .. All luncheons Include soup, salad, fried rice and f~tune cookies. Beer & Wine Served Lunch & Dinner 11:30 Lm. to 10:30 p.m. 1 Daya A w .. k Food to Go 2930 W... COAST HWY. NEWPORT BEACH (714J 631 -8031 g.,....., ..,,l'I ,,_,. ,,. ct>ollad c:ole ., ... , -· l>oq '*"'1• ' 11>11111.0 llvller.d bUn Ho t<lbttl(U1-• I.II • rle(f Sl'lrlmp or r1Mll met n• Iola, 8ellllofl or Trout, leO t .. .,. V• JhU.~ ... •t 11·¥• U H . C1111re a111f 1 r <.llowdtr Fr11ll Veg 811,. """ '"· .. , ......... . PlU •3A08 CHILTON IEllVIC! 'O" • COOK'N SERVE With make-believe Silver Slone interiors Will pro· vide hours of pleasure .~ .. 6.95 MATTEL HOT WHEELS ASSORTMENT Die-cast metal vehicles ~ free rolltng !~ ... ......_ last moveri> ~;:""' .... • ,,, 97~A. Popular toy lor the learning child ages 2 to 6 years PRICES PREVAIL: SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 7th TMRU SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 13th COLORfORMI PLAY-SETS Plasttc pieces that stick like magic Ages 3 & UP RADIO CONTROU.ED CAR Three function scaled model of racing Fire- ~~-bird. Red or Black MEGO 111/J" JORDACHE FASHION DOLL She's go1 the look • together & she's fully· poseable JUNIOR TOYS 1t -I PARKER BROS. 1 ~ !~~~~~qame · for ages 8 to adult 110416 .95 KENNER FLAMING RED 12" TRIKE With sturdy rear step deck. For 29 g 5 ages 2 to 4 •7'8 • ~ ....... ---:~-~ 1500 tnterlocktnQ Newborns wl'io need a ltllle pieces Ages 12, ·o adull .. g11t s love ,_ 15.96 ... ~ ESSKAY 1011a" rr:..~~My Mommy's Purse DOLL ASSORTMENT W1tn handle and 6 stnnged accessories •11"0 1.11 PLAYSKOOL KIDDIE LINKS MATTEL ,;-~~. "Pink & Pretty" &-piece costume and L._:<r] .-ICCtHOf'ltf 8 37 "":;: _.;.. ,;. ;,, . '*" ~ .... • With movable arms & legs -6.9 l!llKAY WALKING CHSHUND . Battery 09eretld OHIO ART ETCH A. SKETCH =· .. .. ·: .. .. .; .. •. I Orange COHI DAILY PILOT /Sunday, November 7. 1882 EDI ON • From Page 8 1 Rustlers· overcome mistakes Meyer takes F unny Car • .. of 16 poulng tor 170 yard• Wu hbon had hla blggl'lt a&im<' a Lion by 1irabblng Ulret.' pAA.'k.'i fqr 115 yarda, WaBhbon wu Inju red d uring the contest, but came back to spark the l Joru on offense and defense. ch am pionshi p aten in confer e11c , 21-6 Go1den West By CURT SEEDEN l::iutunh1y'l'I a.howdown wllh Mt A bud 11nup on u J.'ult·on tlj.thl 11pot hy 1)(1umtnN 011 twu O(tfle Deir,........ Sun A11tuni11 Ttw Muul\lli'IC, Willi f>ll n ll rt)\ 191 t uo llun lll't up I he• 't•rrlto:. rurnt,lt•:;. Bl II M d K Oolden Wett Collego football o .flJ a:l vktnry uVl'r' Sun 1>1t'KO Ru1ith·1'il M'l'tmd toud1d11w11, onn MPtuiwhilt'. tlw Rusth:rw rollc'<.I Y l'YN loppl• enny i:dl1on e n tered t h.-con test w l\hout the ser vices of wide receiver Don Gibbs, and r unf\lng back Derek Griffiths was used sparingly due to on ln j\,lry suffered In a prl'vious 1.:ontest: <.'Oach Ray Sh~kletor<l liJ)('nl lhl· Ml'110 Soturduy, ur<• 4 0 in ognin at wuK Swhlh1•tx•1 'guln)l l11 up 4 rl7 yurds off•·ntn• in A<>rt11i\Plll In thechamplonthlp of entire week aaonltlt\g OVt'r tht• ('Ollfl>n•nl'(' l'h1v -Crom :t yurtht out. llnprovmu lhl'tr OVl'rllll r('('tJrd to tht• AA Funny Car claMlfkation e Uect last Saturday's bye would M\•unwhl '" 'wh11l• StuhUwlx•r 111 hdw1•1•11, tht• ~'ukont1 pulh·d 4 :J lo high light raclng ot the Orange h ave o n h is Rustler football Will' l'Ul'•'YlnU tht• bull !!7 thn<'fi for off tlwlr only l'l.'111 hlg J)luy of th1· Grugnnno ('Ollrll't'lt'CI on 12 or <:ounty International Racew ay team. hli:. 2i 1 y urd11 , tlH' Hu ti ll t•r l'Vt•ulng u 4~ yord c u11h up th1• 24 passt'ti for Ilia yard . but lw Sut.ur<iav night. , And o q u ick rctrO$fWCtlvt• or dt•fl'n~w lrn l up a 1wlid wull mlJdlt• by Jut'kh.-Johnson ut 8:06 wai. ll\h.•r<t·llpt<.•d tw1C·•• by tlw A crowd In excess ol 10,000 Saturday nigh t's South Coast against 1 11• f'ull•on11' 0Cf1•n1.cJ, or tlw 'l'<.'Ond 4uurtm· The PAT fo'ult.•oni; doubling his numht•r • suw Meyer cross the finish line ln Conference baltlf' with v1sitlog whkh wru; bt•mg ru11 by n ftl'(l(•n utL1•111pt wt1s wicl1·, howl•vor of lnlN'<'Cptlm:is tor lht• scw.o. n. 5J}2 S<.'l'onds wit h a apccd o f Because ot t his, Edison's running game never got,11t.art.ed. The C hargers were held to just 79 yards o n t he groun d . Westminster's ground game also managed but 34 yards on the g round. but Hanson's passing game proved to be the difference. Cerritos would -on the surface• qunrwrbnck. Th(• M'<'mld hulf tunwd in lo u 245.23 miles (X'r hour to t.ak~ the -give Shackleford l'aU11e for With a \orll'r Mk k<·y (.'orwln dl•fon111vc strugH_l1• with t•:wh 1'h4• Hustlt•r dt:fWl!W c:onw Into m1,., while Bernstein never got concern. out for lhl' NISun, Cl•rrltos Coach t<.>una 11quundN1ng poll•1Hit1l ti)(' lfolnH: with ei~hl Sut.'ks on tht• past thc starting gut<! as his car H is R ustlers fumbled five Frank Mazz ot tu t•allC'CI o n opµc>rtu11il1l'8hl'l'UU&(•offumbl<•i.. M'll!ion, and added fuur m•>r<' blt•wut1rc. times, losing the ball on thrcl' seldom uStod Mikl' Ouuglai.. but 1nle>n•1•ptumsor l'<)!,lly pt•nullll'!t. uga in s l lht· unprot\•t·t,•d Ml.'yer, from Dallas, reached occasions and also had potential the youngstt•r Wllh c•onstanlly Stall. 1mnwhuw St.1hll11•lwr, o Douglas tht• A'/\ (ful•I) finals when he touchdown drives s tall twice hounded by th{• Rustlers' front ti -:l. 190-pound ophuncort'. * outraced Stanton's Gary Burgin with Cerritos interceptions JO the line till night managc.'<i to nimble for 99 yards Golden WHt 21, CerrllCM 8 In thC' semifmals. Meyer croaed * WMlmln1ter 14. Edleon 13 end zone. Th<• c•nd rt•i.ult wai. just sewn over thl' fmul 30 minutl'S lcor• br Ou•rt•" the finish line in 6.003 seconds But such miscues will no doubt Cerritos pas compll.'tions and • The Hustlers l'lo.sc•d out the Cw1110' o 6 o o 6 (241.38 mph) with Burgin in a t lcof• .., 0-*• Edison 0 0 7 6 -13 be { • 2 h Golden WMI 0 14 7 0 21 ,1 , orgiven. Thanks to 221 yards t wo 1ntt•r<."t.'pl1ons by lhc Rustll'r scormg Ul 7:5' of l ('third pt•nod awc-s1a111i,.1>er 3 run (Green kJC1tl 6.2;, (23.i.14). of rush ing from ·r unning back dC>fcnsive bal'kficld. Jn addition, wht•n Gragnano found S louka C-Joonsqn 45 r.un lkiclt. •••fedl Bernstein. also o{ Dallas, WMtrnlnll• 1. 0 0 7 -14 w-wunbon 77 pua lrom Hanson (Betg kldll Rich Stahlheber, including two the Fako ns had their problems open on a 50-yard TD JXlSS. Let• g:g ;1,!'::~!'to 3 ~~~.<~;=~~:~nano to pped Be I If Io we r's Gary t ouch downs. a n d a pretty holding on the Mil. fumbling Green was pcrfoct on all thr 1Gr~ ~><:k~ Bensham, 5.999 to 6.869, to set up E-WHhln91on 13 pan from Nowolny (Graham kldll • W-Flrv>ey 56 rt1urn wtth 1nttfcept1on JBetg kldl) 50-yard TD hookup frtim Adam away opportunities on two PAT atLc~pts. All~d•nce 2.000 <n11m11ed1 the J1nal confrontation. · G D · Oeme St•tl1tlC1' · ragnano to John Slouka, the <X'Cas1ons . e fe nsively, tht• Rus tlers c awe In the BB class (alcohol), Brad E-Slmpaon t run (kick falled) Attendan<l41-5.000 1 .. umeted) 0-llalletlce Rustlers remain undefeated in Stahlhl•ber got the• Rustlers on limited the Fakons to JUSt 109 F1111 dol'<n• 10 24 Anderson of West Covina had no conference play. the scoreboard at 10:32 o( the yards on the ground and a mcrl' ~~:'~~~r~~ 36•1g: 61·~~; trouble at all disposing of Steve I W Ant down• 12 a The end resu l t of those S<.><.'Ond period on a 3-yard run, 64 thro ugh t h e ai r . And . Puaes 7-24-2 12-24·2 Chrisman of Long Beach. offensive heroics, combined with culminating a JO-play. 63-yard lineoockcr Damion Lanier turned Pun11 8·45 5.43 Rushee-yard• 33.79 32·38 Puslng yards 75 170 p-~-19·1 6-16-1 a solid defensive effort on the driVt'. out •to be thl' right mun ~1 1t,,-• Fumbles-lost 4-2 5-3 Anderson posted a 6.6 1 time " P11na111es-y1rds 8·91 6-76 (214 79) l C h I ' 8 09 Rustlers' part, was a 21-6 Golden lndlYldu11 Ruehlng · 0 r sman 8 · Punts ~39 4-37 Fuml>IM-loet 2·2 5-3 Penlltla-yerda 5-411 7-65 West victory before about 2,000 B h • C-Jol111.on. 11-84, Kemp, 0:24. Nltchell, ( 102.85) to take t he title. f 0 Coas ryant • reatens to r e tire 3· 13; Douglas, 8-5, Franco, 4-t; Kelly, ansat ran ge t Collegc. ._ 2-1or·minus 4,Uvlngston,1-lor-mmus14. I n t he sem ifin a l h eat s. lndlvlduel 9'11etllng E-Wet19rleh. 6-8: Slmp11<>n. 4-3: Slell\!Qef, 4-20; Hipp. 1-0: Nowotny, 9-23; Grlttilhs. 9-26 W-TemamHul. 4-3: Sanchez. 17-34. "l have to admit, I was a bit GWC-Stohlheber, 37-221. JOhnson, 7·24. Anderson advanced by posting a apprehensive as to h ow we'd be Bl RM I NGH AM, Ala. (AP) Saturday's 20-10 loss to LSU, tht' Long. 7-23: L•mberton. 4-23: Oucttarm•. 1-3. 6.623 clocking (213.77) over Mark Henson. 60 tormlnus 9, Charron. 5-10 l11dhldlll4 PIMlftg E-Nowolny. 9-19-1, 75. W-H1nson. 8-16-1, 170 P 69 Wenzt1U, 1·3, Gragneno. 4-for-mlnus 23. after the bye," Shackleford said -A l abama's aul "Bear" -year-old Bryant, whose record lndlvldual PHl•lng ._ Andreotti, who came in at 6.888 af terward. "We s quandered a B ryant, who has won more in 38 years as a h ead coach at g-ooug1as. 7-24-2, 64 -(203.16). couple of pretty good scoring games than any coach in t'Ollege Mary land, Kentuck y, T exas wc-Gr=~l:~.~2~:~vi: Chrisman, meanwhile, was an opporturuties." football history. said Saturday it A&M and Alabama is 322-83-17. c ve~11n. 2-28. F1ek1nger, 1-11. Scheld1, easy winner at 6.678 (202.70) .... Wldu.i~ E-Jones. 5-3 t. Hachten, 1-5. Pllemcte. 1-15. wunington. 1-13. Holmes. 1-11 W-V•lenzuila. 5-55. WUllbon. 3-115 The Rus~ers managed to may be lime for him to retire. said he would do "anything 1t •-~4w~~s~~k~.5443, McGee. 4.a5. Pruiu. over Lou Gasparrelli, 14 .96 s urvive their s lo ppiness, takes to get someth111g done . 1-14 , Stehlheber. 1.12, Bowels , 1-1. (50.99), who had trouble at the however, to set the stage for next · In a news t:onfcrent'C following' to improve.', to get better" Esparana. t-9 gate . ..-__;;:_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-=-~~~~~~~~~~~- Gauchos extend streak, 23-10 • !c phomore John Marshall was on the receiving e n of t w o C urt Beatha rd touchdown passes Sa rday night as Saddleback CoUege extended its un~aten string to 24 games, top in the nation , with a 2f,-10 decision over host Santa Ana in Mission Co~erence action. arshall, w ho caught five passes on the evening for 140 yards, hooked up with Beath ard on a 40-ard aerial mid way through the fi rst quarter and! added a 59 yarder in the final quarter. The Gauchos, 8-0 overall. 4-0 in conference, got on the scoreboard the very first time they touched the i ball when Jeff Holmes fielded a Santa Ana purtl and raced 48 yards for the score with 12:43 re~ain ing in the first q uarte r . Dan Gasser co~erted the extra point to make it 7-0. Gauchos then extended the score to 14-0 on M haU's first TD. Santa Ana then scored to cut th~.defidt to 14-7, but a Gasser field goal of 38 yari and Marshall's second TD put the game out of reai . e two touchdown receptions were Ma~hall's 12th and 13th of the season, giving him the state lead in that department. thard finish ed the game completing 6 of 18 for 152 yards. e Dons, who scored their only touchdown on a e recovery in the end zone, are now 2-5 on the n, 1-2 in conference. I * ,• SMcli.bec:k 23, Sant• AM 10 S-. bf Ouanere Punta 9-29 9 .. 31 S•d4et>ack 14 3 6 O -23 Fumblel-IOet 2·2 2-2 Santf Ana o 7 3 o -10 Penaltia-yard• 6-56 9-100 Safd-HOimes 48 punt return lodM dYel ltueNnf (G8S48f kick) Sadd-Gleed, 16-69, Currie. S•lld-Marahell 40 P•H from 7-16; Beathard. 16--'or minus 31; Beatterd (G-klckl Smith. 4-10: Hollinger. 1·3. $,.._Boyd fumble recovery In SA-I.. Cooper, 1·0: OuBole, end tone (Talley klc:kl 3-12; P. Cooper, 11-formlnus 46; S9dd-aa-38 FG Bennetl. 20-71; Harmon, 1-for SAE•"'Y 40 FG minus 9 Se d-Merehatl 59 paae lrom lndt¥ldllal P....._. Beat d (kk:* tailed I Sedd-Beetherd, 11--f6-t .. 152. All anc:.-3,500 (Mllmlled) SA-P. Cooper, 23-40-2. 176 ~......... l11dh1ll ·el~ Sedct SA Seckl-Menhall. 5-140: Gleed, Aral 12 13 1-12 Rueh61-yarde 44-77 :ie-12 SA-I. Cooper, 5-21. l.lttle, Paulk yatd• 152 176 4-53, Jeck.on. 4-46, Ory. 4-27; p..,. 6-18-1 2~-2 Reilly, 3-19 Gk\RVEY REFUSES . . Fr~~ Page 8 1 I Garvey's voice quivered and his eyes were red af1Saturday night's (ruitlea negotiations. "This has been a very disappoin ting evening, pro bly the saddesl of my life," he said. "T here is a safiness in the fact that this has been man y, man y y~ of an association that has been very special, no~nly to me personally, but to the many fans and fri ds and neighbors that I have, not only in the cit but In Southern California and throughout the coUhtry. : "lt is a very low point in my Ufe. It's a very sad eve.fling and there will be many, many peop le who I will mi.88." . . Garvey was asked if the Dodgers tried hard enough to sign him. ''Th19 is not the time or place to discuss that.'' he said. "Again, I'm very disappointed. My wish is that the Dodgers draft me on Wednesday but I understand the statement that they made to me @nd to you. It's their prerogative. "Mr. Kapstein and I have always been hopeful and optimistic. That 1-the w ay we lead our lives a nd tha l is the w ay w e cond ucted these ""'otiations. '' Earlier Saturday, t.he Dodgers announced th at lhey had been unable to sign Terry Forster to a cootract and that the left-handed reliever would a1IO enter the re-entry draft. S"rts on TV,. radio TELE VISION Noon (4) -NBC SPORTS SP ECIAL - Coverage of the C ART Phoe nix 160, taped S.l\,lrda}'. Alm: BoJCinC. 12:30 p .m . (2) -NBA BASKETBALL -Sea-l Milwaukee. ~ • ~· W -COLL'BGS FOOTBALL - Cal at use. ta~~~J!'CX" -~~.1 !.__ ---- l=-t EJi:!,.. WBl'l'DN OVl'DOOlllllAN -Hill • ,rvwf, Dine m&i. down the Aaw'*' In Nartbll1D c.llfOmil. UDIO Pur''wt at..,-. '7:20 p.a. VP -TO On Drexel Heritage • -- Fall furniture sale qi.1 dining room, bed room furniture, book ca e wa ll unit , sofas and cha ir and occasion.al pieces. ------- Et Cetera , • - r Orange Coo1t DAILY PILOT/Sund1y, Novomb1r 7, 1982 ND stuns Pitt; ArkariSas, Alabama alsO lose ,J •• Prom AP dl1patcbea PITTSBURCH -Joe Howard caught a 54-yard touchdown paaa from Blair KJcl on a trkk play and Allen Pinkett shocked top~ranked Pitt wlth a daullng 76-yard touchdown run as unranked Notre Dame rallied to upset the previously unbeatL'n Panthers, 31-16, Saturday. Plnkeu'1 touchdown with 8:09 left to play broke open the game for the Irish. Hf' also ran 7 yards for Notre Dame touchdown with 4:02 remaining. · The Fighting lri.ah, 6-1-1, atoned tor an earlier upset loss to Arizona and a tie to Oregon as they cooled the Panthers' hopes for the national college football championship. With Pitt leading 13-10, Kiel handed off on first down to running back Phil Carter, who shoveled back to the quarterback. Kiel found Howard for a touchdown thaf"gave Notre Dame a 17-13 lead with 14:36 Je(l in the game. a.y lor 24, Ar"•nsas 11 WACO, Texas -Baylor tailback Alfred Anderson soared 4 yards for a touchdown with 2:38 to Rlay and the Bears shocked the previously unbea~n and No. 5-rank~ Arkansas. Razorbacks, '24·17, Th a wilq Southwest Conference Homecoming- victory. Arkansas, which led 14-cr' in the first half, dropped to an 7-1 record and 4-1 in the SWC. Baylor now is 3-5-l and 2-3-l. It was a tricky flea Clicker double reverse pass that backfired which positioned the Bears for the kill with the game tied 17 -all. LSIJ 20, Alabama I 0 BIRMINGHAM, Ala. -LSU's lightning-quick defense stonewalled Alabama without a first down in the first half and freshman Dalton Hilliard's 16-yard touc hdown run triggered a 17 -point second-period as the 11th-ranked Tigers turned back third-quarter rally to defeat No. 8 Alabama 20-10. The victory, which ended 11 years of LSU frustration against Alabama, gave the Tigers a 7-0-1 record and convinced those skeptics who noted thi\t their previous victims included three winless teams. Ari•••• St. Se, OrelJon St. I 8 TEMPE, Ariz. -Luis Zendejas kicked three field goals, including a school-record 55-yarder, while Alvin Moore, Todd Hons and Darryl Clack each had touchdown runs as fourth-ranked Ariwna State stayed undefeated with a 30-16 victory over winless Oregon State in a Pacific-10 game. The Sun Devils, 9-0 overall and the conference leader at 5-0, trailed the hapless Beavers 16-10 late in the second quarter. Tailback J ames Terrell's 62-yard TD run on a fumble recovery 2:43 before halftime gave Oregon State the lead. Arizona 4 J , SU.nlord 27 STANFORD -Brian Holland fooled Stanford with an 11-yard touchdown pass from his halfback position and also ran for two touchdowns in a late scoring flurry which gave the Arizona Wildcats a 41-27 Pacific-10 victory over Stanford. Stanford took a 27-13 lead early In the final Mate~ Dei runners win Angelus title LA PUENTE -Mater Dei High runners - paced most of the way by junior Sean Dolan - finished one through five Saturday afternoon to win the Angelus League men's cross country title at Ottenbeln Park here. The Monarchs, top ranked in ClF 4-A cross country, defeated second-place Servite and third- place .Bishop Amat. Senior Ricky Martinez was the first to finish with a 15:37 clocking, while teammate Mitch F.ddy finished second with a 15:40 effort. Mater Oei's Jim Toner (15:42) finished third; Dolan settled for . fourth (1 5:47) and senior Rob Arsenault finished fifth with a 15:49 time. The Monarchs, who haven't lost an Angelus League dual meet in the last ~ight years, also boasted a seventh-place finish by senior Mall Munoz (16:04) a nd a ninth-place e ffort from sophomore Dominic Adams (16:05). The Mater Del women, meanwhile, settled for aec::ond place in their finals behind No. 1-rclJ\ked Bishop Amat. Amat finished with 25 points, while Mater Oei had 32. Still, it was junior Claire Feit of the Monarchs who crossed the finish line first with a 17:51 clocking. Joanne Maldanado of Bishop Amat was second at 18:48, while freshman Dede Maher turned in a fourth-place finish for Mater Dei with a 19:12 clocking. "Our girla--lost to Bishop Amat by a big score earlier in the year so I thought they did a very good job today," noted Mater Oei Coach Bob Richardson. ''I don't think anybody expected Dede to finish quite 10 high." PICKUP AND DELIVERY FOR ~\._~ ~~~ ALIA COii TUNA (wtiole luna fish): _ 1 Iba. Of mOfe S1.00 La ..... Kateft ,,_ .. 11 at. "' C...-y RHtaurant N.•. Dallr 11:t0 tlll dafll. Ml-4711 YOUR MERCEDES BENZ 1. Purch••• or leate 1 new or used Metcedes-Benz from Dave. I. You ..... 1fe In 8M a.men ... SM Juan c.-trano, or Dana Point. lo "'*1 f::-'"'u'Benl le rMdr Jot• wvloe, 1U1f ... Dew and he .. pick up ~ Meroadee·ltefll and haY9 It~ Incl 1'9turft It to you..., " .......... I ~ need men lntGrmatlotl oall Md Dlwe .. OOIM to fOur hof'M and flW9 ~ a dll'nofieiretlon ol the MW lin9 4lltd .,,..., 'ffN' QUllMtonl JMllllON YllUO IMPOllT8 ~ COLLEGE FOOTBALL period when Vtnl'l'nt Whlk ran :l:t yards for u touchdown on u drnw play. Rut Artzona, whlC'h rcmail'\<'d ln <..'Onwntlon for thf.' confc:t'\'~'\' till<· with lta vlcto_Q', struck bal·k quickly as Tom Tunnlcllffo pas.'ICd to t~htcnd Murk Kl't'I on a 63-yord IK.'Orlng play. Geor•I,; ""· J<~orld• 0 JACKSONVILLE. Flo. -All-American Herschel Walker rambled for three touchdowns and 219 yards, smashing the NCAA record for yardage in three seasons as third-ranked Georgia crushed No. 20 Florida, 44-0, In a Southeastern Conference game. Walker, who sc:.'Ored his thlrd touchdown with 4:48 left in the third quarter and sat out the remainder of the game, lifted his curecr total to 4,- 920 yards. passing fbrmer Cornell star Ed Marinaro to move into Cifth place on the ail-time rushing list. FLOWER - ·&ULB PAIS McCVU.OC:B ELECTUJIAC 1 O'' ELECTllC CBAII SAW Thb baby weiglu in at only 8. 7 Iba. and has a l. 75 HP motor. Al.o has tri11ger lock. auto oiler , chain ten.sio~r and saf.ty f .. tw-.. IECI 25 FT. 1&/3 CORD . CADDY Not the goll •ariety, but helpful. Thi8 caddy stol'M ita electrical cord without tangi... -ASTD POLY PRO LAUIDRY TUI 1797 Free-standing tub b the perfect place to bathe your hand - wuhab1-. Hu .. u - lnellng baked enamel angle le.,., floor ancho1'8, in white. 27" ECOIOllY VllYL IUCIUDD 39cLIN.rr. Get it in clear or gold. ( I wu a r.retty aoocl runner back in htoh Khoo . Th .. ~,. I get winded ju.t typing t!U-con.) I ., WALIUT FllUI .·latWMD IOClll 3377 .. §M 11 "I, ftletP 14 110U8'l'ON Tallbuck Craig Janw11 ron fur onl• tout•hdown und f)WllK.'CJ ff:l yur<h for onotht'r a11 11ccond-runkcd Southern M1Hhodist beat Rice, 41 ·14 , In o Southwest Conferenl'e game to t!xlend It. winning atrt>ok to l:J KDml'!I, the lonif'8t in thl' nation. SMU tuns chcer<.>d us tht1 Mu1n.anga built a :t7-0 lead early In th<' third quaricr and then roan.'CJ when it was annoum'<.'CJ No. 1-rqnked Pittsburgh had bct>n ~pset by Notre Dame 31-16. ClemNon 18, N. Carolina 13 CLEMSON, S .C. Bob Paulling kicked three £ield goals and the Clemson defense playC'd stingy when it had to as the No. 13 Tigers held off No. 18 North Carolina, 16-13. While the visiting Tor Heels piled up 113 mQrc yards in total oCfense than Clemson, the game was decided by the Tiger defense in the closing mJnute as North Carolina was driVlng for a touchdown. After movi/lg the ball 65 yaras, North Carolina had a first and 10 at the Clemson 21. But the Clemson de fense held and the dri~e dil'd four playH later WI u puu from btlekup quarterback &'Ol~ ' Stunkavoge foll lnromplPtl' to tailback Tyrone: Anthony. .... fi'rPsno .~t. 31. CS 1"•11.-rt•• 14 .. FRESNO -Senior wide receiver Henry Ellard' caught two touchdown pauea and broke two Fresno' Staw records to lead hia team to a 31-14 victory ovef Cal Stutc Fullerton In Pacific Coast Athletio Association action. · '•' , · For Fresno State, the victory clinches a berth• In the Callfornla Bowl and at leut a lie for the pc 'AA c.'hamplonshlp. Loni &aell S t. 32, Paellle 31 Quarterback Todd Dillon fired a 2-yard" touchdown pass to ligbt end Darren Long with 1:17 · remaining, giving Long Beach State a 32-31 PCAA victory over the University of Pacific. The touchdown tied the score and G u y Johnson's conversion proved to be the difference. · The scoring throw climaxed a brilliant game for Dillon, who completed 23 of 43 pasaes for 354 yards and two touchdowns. ,. ... RED CONCRETE BRICKS ITAIPUTE IUILDllC sn1m 2377 Build a gnenhOUM, utility shed, or --? It'• up to 70'1· Freel. We proricle 11 Sta.rplate frame cosuwcton and m.tructlona. you pr'O'ride your own lum..b.r and hone MnM. STANDARD RED CLAY MANUFACTURED USED CLAY 22• 3 IOI. IO'xZS' DIOP CLOTH Oth.....U. known .. the "painter'• delight~ ( "b thi8 o~ of your ab.tract paintinoa?" "No, that'• • mirror ... ) eurn 2&" 3-SPEED •D'S llD ~ANNUAL RYEGRASS -StED.--+Mlllli 97 a.., th!. sure loou familiar. Didn't we just f .. t\ll"e thi8 lawn --rn&Jutr in another ad? Gi.e me a minute, ru think of 90mething. 19 10 LB. ~ -~=?~ "::'uS:r' -~ ACCDIOllll TOILET PAPD IOLDD 777 18" TOWEL BAR 8 ., 24" TOWEL BAil 9'' 'a•' TOWELRINO POWIUTTDI TUii-UP .122 •PB·l I clQn't know how, but the7 Nya~of itll\ your batUry ~ a quick pick- " me-up. h..lpe .,.._..... new batten•. . .. ·. ·, .! _., ' ·"" -·' Loa Al•rnltoa IA TUROA V I RESUll I ( 12111 or 13·nl9111 lolr ni11tlng) APPALOOSAS FlflST RACE. ~ , k11l<>11gs Tune TAble CO.l\IQi'<tl l 00 ~ lO 1 10 llM11gre I 111141 H1ankln) 1 llO 2 •O Win 3 P.ir BhmU111 tWl>llt) ' •Cl Also,., <Kl WlfQt> Co.py. BI Ott•llll Wind t<11shna lum1a• k Pv\~t·t h. Wt111l.t~ •'t'hnllntt Muc·h••ve'h~' Juno r,.._l Sl C:XACTA f I 11 1• t«I $1 lo • OUARTERllOllSU SECONO RACE 11/u Y••llt Wonyrw cOru<ll 7 80 4 40 3 40 Speedy 8.;U l<'•m1t11•11ol 6 60 • 20 GObftr l ou 1C11ove11 ~ 80 Alao rACed. r>urr '''Y Olce11lfl11no11 Bnr, 01~~..::~~~8 MIS• P11uy Lula Ju1111N> Brat THIRO RACE 41111 Y'"'" Sco11 Lt>"'" (flt1101 5 tu Cllurp N Uo (L,.••11111 Senat0< sage tH 1111 Also' ttf'd "'""Y f·•·l Hlf'o Spica E• £\ ~,, 11mo u191 S5 EXACl A (I 21 p.l11> !91 'IO THOROUGllBREOS 1 60 2 80 ~ •O .l 00 2 40 V.1 fll lh• FOURTH RACE. & ' lu"C>f>Qt c .. 11etM<1.10t1ega1 .., N 2 eo 2 eo Ove T11buf (Oelahou•soyel 1 M 3 ~ Cajun Mama fNoquMI . • 60 Al.90 raced Muv J11 '' • Emt•tlld Ou~n F BbUtoll• Heu"' -: Time 11 ~ FIFTH RACE 6 l•r•l<1nq A11anr 011vv ttl• f~qiil ~ ?O 4 40 3 40 Bnrbutn1e tnel<JO<l•ll•.i II oo s ~o Han-S (t;o.i~'" .Jar • 00 A)SO u•tft\f r rectil\(l10J'J ~""'1't Fatcon Kmg Cu"•' (13,,, "' fn•t 1r, ft '"''r Ono Lucky T·u..1J f'-.bv Met,'' 11 Time 1 11 2 '"' S5 EXACT A I '' I •·.I $ 107 U~ SIXTH RACE i I "qs Spygtan I .1 •• (Mllll<'IJ :>5 lO 10 &O 6 20 De1erm1n~u l anoJ 1r~11tn11dez) •6 20 8 20 Donna Dorolesltc 1CastJ11rda) 6 BO Also •l'Cl'll S11~y St"''' Lall Keihm Royal WinJstofln Pr,, '·"' f y Snf' <;n1ws Me Queens f'o<l•••I lime 1 25 1 5 SEVENTH RACE f, '"''<•'1•1• Atm AC1her11 IA• .. ~-· • 0 3 (K) J 00 Bautca<k'-1~1t1 .,.\•c•rflt J 00 :J 00 Sen0t &e.g•o tOrtt:<i•• .J 60 AISO rac:.-1.1 Jub•~ ' 11tJl<1 r 11 I uPSOny Boy. Balco11y Du~ e 01" I Wro• •l Time 1 11 :115 SS EXACTA (l·}I 1 1 1•? ~ EIGHTH RACE. t ""' , q< lrrsh Betry 10r.1'~ 1 ; 10 5 ?O 4 20 Cami s l uui 10m1a ".,. 6 .ao 4 80 Jolly O• (O•te~•I • 60 Also r..c"" Py•I•" • •hg•• !il:>ld J1 '9Pf-Robm·1 S~1tor lJ .1 •tt 1 fJ•t•Jftf Cius1tn4 Sadie· Boonhlul Ari Time 1 1:> ~ ~ NINTH RACE C. r c. ~ B1rns10<m S!>ada• (Hansen) • oo 1 60 2 40 Es Ml Amigo lCDlll\nlOltl 2 •O 2 40 Honey'1 l.10-. 1')•1"'9~1 3 00 Aleo rKe..t Ctanrc Ho•11Jay C.r~enne EllC!le Cato,.. EIH• Clo"'" Puel'IO Pl&Hure .,.,,,. t 10 2'5 '5 EXACTA 13·:?1 P<l•<l "000 '12 PICK SIX th 1 5 I II 31 pa1ct f 21 129 20 With IWO w I 1111 oJ I <.~"IS (I" l•OtMtl) $2 PlCi< S•~ COllSOla toor p uCI S 169 40 • ft• QI w1nn1ng t1ckttt1 lh~fl hCir•fl'•l S2 P.tlt S•• 9Cl81Ch COH•Ol&1•Cll ~ ~1<.l $313 00 With t"'O ~lf1r11t1q t•<.~ll'IS H Uf pr,, n\ rrr CflUCh) TENTH llACE ·1 rr ·~• OrO\J•ll) COi ••'" I 13 f,O 8 l() 4 2C) Wolver ltP~l•1' 1H••1 '"'' Ill " 5 60 Rock Sollly tSlbtHel 3 00 Al90 ra<'eCI Perry C1b•n M1Ste1 Wilder l anuco HllfOweO fnvnr Mr Re t• 1 Time 1 H 2 5 ELEVENTH RACE I 1 16 m11<1s Oonera1 OrClor (Nogu1111 40 20 14 20 1120 T1martane (S•b<l•e1 7 60 5 40 F11tpov (NI••"<>) 5 40 Also rneo B•bll'>. Ct ubbt Ruter• Mes13ge ManOatauo J ~t Stone Truco BIACk Bt-11 T•me t O 315 SS EXl\CTA 1• 2/ paod •'13 80 A11en<111t>Ce 12 550 Hollywood Perk IATURbAY"S REIUlTI (4111 of 31-cl•Y Clloroughbnd meellng) FIRST RACl. 1 1 16 -Cecily Ca•Clew IS•b«!tOI 11140 9 20 6 80 Kissing Oort ISfe-nero 10 00 8 80 C.eelarly ponn~l)nl 7 llO Also <llel'd MehnrJo • Plum Clelec:table l~1o•to •Penn PI ol e~au G11I Ba11er T1in& 1 4~ T""'O "ACI, 8 l11rto11ot • Ac;uwnc1u1e (P.n;.•y) t 90 4 20 t IO 811•yl>OOO Clll>llelnJ 3 80 I IO Crota Fi4191 (lOtO) ~ 00 Alao 111*1 floyel Hu<ltOn, Olteo Leik Time I 09 4/& II IUCTA (I 5) P11<1 SM 00 • FOU"TH "ACI. 8 turlongt Rtb'1 Sectet (McCarron) 5 •o 4.00 ;120 For JHnne (Slbllle) 12 20 1 00 Oefby O•y Lady (o.tano.i ... ~I • •O Aleo racecl Megn!l~I oewn, Al in .Jeal, P111~1er1 P11de, E•preuo Min , lrlghl POiter Alter The Oewn SpoueCI Tu11n1, Foorlbt Time 1 12 1111. """ "ACE. One m1,. on lutl Flett Pelll AH111on (McCn) 11 llO 5 20 4 00 Ama.tlng Ell{lle 1Cat1llleele) 1 40 8 20 Ebony Orona (Pierce) I 00 AllO recil<I l!nvoya lntrlQue, Sunny South, S181 ol Dewan, t<lng1 01wn, Melgu"d Srand11p Comedian, HIDllow Aenger Tome 1 35 2/5 $5 EXACT A 11·5) pekl S 191.50 • llXTH IUCI. 8 lu110ng1 "' 0.Yll tpinc.y) • llO 2 60 2 40 R Awecs (Vllen1uele) 3 20 2 80 Biu. Seu (o.tlhouuartl • 2 40 AllO rec:ed Lll11Yelfe Lark, Ou.,k, Top Ente1telne1 Bec~log, Predication, FUlll Commander T""4t 1 10 SS IXACTA (3_.) pekl S3S 00 HVENTH RACE. 6 lu110ng1 r!Qllt1rtg Flt (McCeuon) I 20 3 40 2 60 Fan)ll (Vllenzuet.11) 3 20 2 40 Neveela Rea~ly (0..llllouste~I 2 40 Also racecl MIClnlg/ll M"'9, AN<• Ttmea. Bunnell Tttne 1 08 315 '5 EXACT~ (4·21peld SS.00 *2 l"ICK IUC (3·1·9-8-3-4) p.io $1,013 40 wllh 59 wlnnlng tlcllet1 (1111 llof-). 12 Plck S•• contola11on paod S30 00 wllh 1.711 wonning tlckell (love llO< ... ). U Ptek Sia scralCh consolatlon paid S82 00 wolll 281 -"9 tlCkell (IOU< "°'9M, ont ICtl teh) l lOKTH RACI. 1 11 18 mllet Horne Run Gel (Bleck) 89 40 28 00 12 20 Moss Hunh"l!IOtl (Romero) I 80 11.20 Manunera (0..llllousteyt) t 00 AllO •ace<I TICO<a. A K.laS For Ludt Vtga. Cat Otrt, Nortt>arn Fable. Siwva Tomo 1.42 415 NINTH ltACI. 1 11111 mllM on turf Beau Vol-(McCarron) 18 20 6 20 4 40 Great Grll'dton C"°"*o) 5 00 4 20 Ce Shlllp (Bleck) 7.80 Also raceo 1·11 SIM>d Pat, 1ncorpor1tor, Mu11e11 Boy. A Fael Peece, Parle Eneoun1er1 No Sl!rlnU. Bad Rucat Twne 141 215 SS IXACTA (ICM) paid $174 00 AU1111Clance 29,<131 Stock'holm Open 0111111 .............. M•ta WllanCler (SweClen) Ciel HarOld SOiomon (U S I 6-2, 6-2. J11Y Llij)ldua (US I del RutM!I Simpson CH-ZH11ndl, 6-4. 6-2. Wojlek Fobak (Pol1ne11 def, Erick tskertlly (US) 11·2. 6·3. Henri Leconte [~ancel Clel ShlofnO GlicUtein (19rMI). tl-1, Hong Kong Cleulc ..... ""* ........ Pat Dupre (US I def. Bud Gilbert CU S ). 6·4. 1·8. Morrie Sl<ode (US I Clel Tim W111rlll0n (U S ). ,_., 6-2. 1-3 ._ .......... ,..... C11r1n .Jexd 1s..-1 df!I ~ M«<llon CU SI 6·3, 7-5. M9n'1 tournAlftMnt COit .,....,. Mett•I ................... VtlH Getuta1111 (U S ) def Jolln McEnroe (U S I 11·4 5· 7. 8·4. 8·3 Blorn Borg 1swee1en1 Clef Ivan lend! (CzeehOelOvlllla). 6-1 , .. ~2 Wlahtme11 Cup {'el L.eoodeft) Uftlted l .......... , ... _.., .. ..,.... 811b1 1a Po11er (U S ) del Jo Dure tBrot11n) 5·7, 7·8, 6-2. Oltla E-1 lloyd (U S ) Clef Sue Barl<et (B<llatn). M . M 0.-... Potter.Sharbn Weteh (U 8) dM Barlcer· V1toJt>I• W..,. (8<11aln). 2_., M . M Junior 0..-Cup , ..................... , l wedeft 2, u-.. ...... I Flret..__,..,.... Jonen Cartonon 1sweci.n1 Clef A11on Krtcklte•n tU S l a.r ... 2. 7-1; Sletan EClberg (Sweden) def RoClt>y w-(U 8 I. 6-•. 7•11 WCJ ...,,...,ClllMlc c .. T-. ... > .................. Ou~l .. mo Vila• (A<gentlna) def. Jimmy Artll IVS). 7-5. 3-41. 6-1· Paul McH..,_ (Auttrelra) Clef Kevin Cur1111 (Soul.II Altlca). 3-8. 6-3 6-3 NFL SE SON IN J EOPARDY _From Page B 1 • ·~. , -....J ...... 1 CAllllHILL COW1'"9NCI ........ DlwlltN W L T OI OA Pt1, 1 4 3 &111317 •• J ,, .. 111 I 1 :S 7t 71 Ill 112644114 8 ti I 61 40 I) K"'9e l CllTIOftlOll Calgary V•OC.OUv .. Winnipeg MtMMOCe C:hicego llt LOlllt Oel•Oll Toronto Motrlt DI•..._,. 10 4 I to &S 2t I , 0 61 41 17 1 1 I U M ti. 3 • 3 43 60 • 2 • • 43 64 g WALH CONPIMNCI .... lie .. °"'"'" NY ftlat\<l .. t I 1 4 I 73 41 U Ptllladtip!WI 9 e 0 113 47 ti NY F11ngeu, (I • I &8 81 13 Ntw Jlftey 3 I 5 &2 M 11 P111•1>11<gh 4 1U 2 61 I I 10 W1"'4nQIOll 3 1 2 •2 6e I Adame OM...,_ Mon It eat Boll on QU41bee Buffalo Hanlorel 10 2 3 7• 50 23 • & 3 •• 47 1!1 1 6 I 86 &II 15 6 • 3 67 54 13 3 • 2 45 43 I ... llfder't k orH Kine• 6. P11111>urgh 2 Bulfllo 6, HerllO<d 2 Quebec 4 Minnesota 1 New Jelwt I. Oelr .. 1 MonlrMI 4. Vancouvtr 2 Pt!lle<letl)llla a, ~ Ybtll rt111noe11 3 New ,York Aange11 2, Cato11ry 2 T0tonlo 3. SI Lo.it• 3 • ) leflttlll'•O.-.. betroll II Bocl0t1' '1-Clfllord at Wlllli"l)ton VaJlCOUffr Al BulC•lo' New Yoik 111anoeu II Phlla<llll1>h1a Tor onto at Cnl<:llgo Celgllf)' at W1""'9e(I King• I , Penguin• 2 lc:0te by Perloda . ' Ptt 110..rgh 0 0 2 -2 Loi AngeCet t 3 1-6 ,.,,,...,led I Loi Angelte, NleholCa 15 (Lewlll, 1.49 2 Loi Angeles, Dionne 5 (ltakuon. Morr11on). 2 15 Pen111re1-Slmmer. l A, I 29 Busket, PO, 8·37, &heclden, PU, 12 42. SI l..,..enl Ptt. 12 42, Mofrilon, LA. C2 42. M M111pny, LA, 18.24, Pra, Pit, 111 24 hcoM~ 3 LOI An(leln, Welle 1 (Olonnt). 3 67, 4. Lot Angele•. Fo• II (Slmmlf. NtchOCtt). 18 2 ' (ppl 5 LOI Angetea. l(elCy 1 (Otonne), 18 55 IPPI Pl!lal11H-SI l auren1. Pit. 10 28. H1rC1y. l A 12 1$, Shedden, Pu 14 45. Bex1 ... P11, 15 is, B .. ,.,, Pu. 19 58 Third ~ ti P1111burgh. Sneooen 3 (H1yn1w1c11. Fellrln). 3 48 1 Pl111ourgll, Shedden 4 tpra, Hennen). 8-36 • lOI AngMel, Fox 9 (HarCly. L Murphy), 18 15 (PP) Penllllet- NlchOCll, LA, 4.20, Baxie<. Ph. 15 40, Sykee, LA, 18:33, Boutelle. Pol, US 33 Sholl on ooei-P1111n..tgll 9-7·S-21 lOI Angelel 19·11-7-0 O~-Ptll1bUl(lh, 00on Los Ang ..... LMl<oeltl A-t3,211, Qoldwln Cup , .. lftul, ...... Unl'8d ...... 11, ,,.... 11 Tl.AM COMNTITION Ca!Vln PHte CU S.) Cit! TlfuO Sugihara (JlllHll'I). M-71. Bob Glider (U.S) Clef Klkuo Atti (Jaoan~ 85-72, J.,ry Pate IU S I lied Toru Nakamura CJapan1, 70-70. Lanny W1d~ln1 (U S ) tted with Nono Suiukl CJepan). 71-71, Tom W111on (US I det Maaahlra Kur•molo (J•l>•n). 87·88. Tom Kile (U S ) Clal Yu110 Htgawa (Japan) 8 .. 71, lsao Aoki CJ1p1n1 011 H•Y ~•oyo (US) 87-419 Women'• tourn•ment C .. Yeblctll..lepert) NMCy l-16-70-1J6 Mty AICOll ee.4t-131 ... 11 ~ ff.72-141. Ala•andr• ~1101 72-49-141 Dianne Dalley 72·89-141 Sandra HaYfl'I 71·72 143 Meft'I tourMlfTMflt (at......_ ... , .......... , Bob Sntate< 20ll John Cllttord 208 ..,,c,........., 209 11n SIAnley '12 Mr• ..::Z. ':..":t"l.c .. , -57 ....,. 4 b-. t7 bonito, 21 meeker•. 269 toek cod, 4 ~ DAvrt'I lOCKlll (.....-n 9-cll) -129 ~I 204 boMo, ISS mac:11 .. e1 t30 roek cod, 5 Mnd bUI DMIA WHAN' -191 angler• 20 baaa. "2t bonito. 11 llng cod. 411 madlerel. ~ lod<~ MAL MACH -58 lnQlet1 I llng COCI, 232 mactcerel, 522 rodl !tell 1 ~. 3• queen flt/I ( ..... ) -112 engter1 llO tiontto. 1 hallt>ut. 350' medlerel, I ..wn11e 111 t>ua, 700 wMe croal<et, 350 ~ llah • • "f'or rhP past eight days. the parties have exchanged propoc;a ls on all subjects." he said. "However. the part1l·S still remain in dispute as to the value and implementation of the economic stay at the midtown Manhattan hote l where negotiations have been held the past eight days. "We're here, we'll remain here," Upshaw said. ·factors. Unul an agr<.'cment is reached in thls area, no agreement can IX' reached. "Until both parties arc prepared to change their positions, 1t is appropriate that I return to San Francisco." He said he would IX' coming back at the request of both the owners and the players. Ed Garvey. exec:utiv<.' director of the NFL Players Association, said union representatives would "ba in touch wHh the Management Council aa soon as the player reps have had an opportunity to complete their review of ~he document they gave ua today," a 75·page compilatlQll of the owners' proposals. "It is quite apparent that the general rounsel of the NLRB (National Labor Relations Board) has been unable to get the owners to bargain," Garvey said. "It. is a lso quite appai:cnt that the mediator has been t.lnablc to get them to bargain. "They have frustrated him from the very beginning by refusing to bargain eftectivcly with \.W. Not one day in his presence has there really been a significant collective bargaining, a nd the mediator's now going to go home because he doesn't think he can do anymore." Gene Upj!hnw of the Oakland Raiders, the l.IJlJon presidcmt. ~id the plovers' nef(otiatora wouJd "The players are going to stay here until we get an agreement. We've given as much as we possibly can and we're still here to bargain." Ma nagement sources had said one of the league's options is to let the rest of the season dwindle away and try to start fresh in 1983 with whomever shows up to play under the owners' terms. Garvey &aid the next move is up to the owners. "It ts only when they realize the solidarity of the players that they wilJ realize they have no a lte rna tive but to bargain," Gar vey said. "Somebody is going to have to make a deal at some point. Whether It is our timetable or theirs' I don't know." While the two sides weren't meeting, the Management Council planned to mail the players a four-page synopsis of its 75-page proposal. Miller said the package would be addressed to t h e u n io n , wh ic h wo u ld be advised of management'• Intention, but wouJd be sent to the players "for Informational purpoees only." ''We think it is against the law," 'responded David Sheridu\, the union's tpokesman, "and we would probably go to the National Labor Relations Board -aain over It. . . . U they're aoing to break the law, they might u well eend them the w hole 75 pases." SI MI LLION CONTRACTS ' ••• Kings win, 6-2 INGLEWOOD (AP) -Jam Fox ll'Ored two toala and Marc.-el Dionne hlld .•.Pl and two Ml1su S.turdey nACM. ....... the Lo. Anlelet KJnp to • 6-2 National Hoclcey Leeaue vic\Ory ovw the Pl~ Peftcuina. From Page B 1 .... le wunh SI m11hon fl ycar. a all the blockbus~r <:ontract 1 tely. though, the moat t W81 the requel\ . , . that demand . . . George m9dc of the KanMlt City 0«"org~ H k•d for 10 ·~~~of · r.dUqn pt>r. '_ ~ Y!araT T hat II • Ute~. ~ ... t Brelt hli ... ndall -M hlt.'UllM.. '-VllLt'llC\1.¥8 ..YI he wu ,.... pt.y ln Kenut Ct&y forever. Meanwhile, Breu la malcJni a TV pllot •bout• kid who D18Y1 bMehell in K.naM City an Ma Ufe, de1pUe offera from rHI dtia. h ~Y "°' ~ few 10 _,..,.. but any 'rV lhoW 0...., llnU doll hu • 1ure 1po,1or ... ~don" Dionne'• pl wu only hi• '""' of .. .....,., .Dd ,. f1nt iii ..._ ...... D1onae •nd rook•• center 8ende Nicholl• ecoNll fr19.t· =.z:n.-~'° r COLLIU UK41,Celfferma0 ~.,. It• o_,.,. (.;OlllllHOM 0 0 0 0 0 llOUlllelll Clll t I I 14 0 41 US<; 01>•11, .. t l •urtJJ01da11 •1tkl USG &1>111ic;., I 11111 I OHlllO klC'I UI(, HOllll ) l I Iller t l PllOll r llUI u (Jurllan ~IC.kl ullc (Spt1114.t1 •j ""' tJIHCIMrt k~ ~I UIC 111mmun• 311 P••• ""'" I Wiiii• IJOIClllll k"~' Ullt.. Oa11>1 t• 111111c;•pt1on teh11H fJor<11n Ille~) ~ 64 870 , ..... •11t111N:1 F1111 dO'#nt Mutl'ltl YJ•OI PHllflQ Ylld• lletvrn r•110t PH-Punlt FumbCe,..IOtf Penalll .. •yltl<ll l '""' ot Po••ea11on c.c I• Jt n 17d . , llMA> I tO 40 2 I • :u 21 !'ill lndlwldulll llallt tlc • UIC 11 !ti 16CI 1'1(1 1Jl I 11 0 11 "l ~ I 1 1~ ,, 0, RUSHING Cel Tuggle CO 41 uarntot 2·9 Story ._. .. So.illtt<n C• , ""-18 fl'' GlblOI> 9·65. Pol• ~ · 29b 11111 P•• 0 26 PASSINO -Cel, Ull etl 13·32 8 104 TorchlO I 11·2 74 South""' C•I T1118'ey 8-11·0 111 Arnvey 0-5 0 0 1 Whit• 1•1·0 30 RECEIVING Cat, Fore! 4·34 How•~I ~.35 S•nirn• 3·30, Tuggre.. 3--nl Suu1h11111 Cat Simmons 4·9•. Wil)lfl 2·28, Hurper 1·8 HIQH ICHOOL I TANDINO I l unMt Letaue L.,.tlle ?>werall W L l W L T "' '" ( O· ""' l I D ~ 3 1 1•2 93 r Wflt•I" Vall••( J 1 0 3 6 0 114 142 Hu111111Qlon lkh 2 1 o 6 3 o ~es 1f8 M111n1 ? 2 o 8 3 o. 1es 100 Octllll v-1 3 0 7 1 0 124 201. • W"l•nllll't I l 0 2 1 0 77 142 Wa1hlngton 1o:ucLA 1 lcore b• 011ef1111 UCLA 0 0 0 7 7 Walhlngtoi1 7 0 3 0 10 Wllh Robinton 4 run (NellO<'l klCk) W1t11 FO NellO<'l 18 UCLA TownMll 39 PHI lrom Ram11y (Lee.kid<) A 61,&58 Teem l tatlttlee UClA F11tt Clown1 19 Ru1nt1·yard1 50· Hltl Paulng yard• 241 Return y.,ds 8" p..... 11·31·2 Pun11 7.33 Fumbl .. IOtl 4.3 Pene1Ue1-ya1ds 2· 10 T lmll Of POHHSIOn 26 3 7 lndl\lkll11I 111tl1tlc1 Walt\ 13 43·124 100 t3 9-22·t 10·44 3·1 2·t0 3323 RUSHING -UCLA, AnC11ewt 13 78 Cephou1 12·29 Waahlng1on. Rob1n1on 2~·63. Jamts 11·43 PASSING -UClA RamM)' 11·31·2·241 Walhlngton. Cowan 9·22· 1· 100 RECEIVING UCLA Befgmann ~·69 Town1etr 3·74. Nelson 2·57 W11hlngton Wilhem1 ~SS. Skan11 3·28 Long BeKh II. 32, PKIHc 31 lcore br Ouarter1 Pecllic 3 O 14 1• 31 Long Beacn SI 8 12 7 7 32 lSS-Rowe 9 run (klCI< l•·le<ll UOP-FG K1nllfl)I 24 LBS-Stllly. Befne< inlllllt•onall)t groondeel bell 1n end 10<wt LBS·Stol\es 29 Pitt lrom Dillon (John1011 ldckl lBS-fG JOMton 40 UOP·WOOcls 5 peas lrom Set net !Thomas PIH ltom tie<,,..) LBS·COOI* 1 run (Jot>nson kle-) UOP·FG Kinner 47 UOP·FO Kinney 42 UOP ·Manuel 5 run (pe.ss 1 a.le<I) UOP·B81ner 5 tun (Woodt pats lrom Setner) LBS·Long 2 p111 lrom omon (JoM1on lllelll A-46511 T• .... 11a11111c1 uo, Ftrll downt 2 I ~Shfl.yard• 3•·42 Pasting yatCll 370 Return yvc19 16 Pe.s-211-56-3 Pun fl 5.37 Fumble•·loel 1·0 Penall.....,....01 5.59 T-ol~ 27 49 ................ Uc. Lii 17 4 1·96 3~ 21 23-43-2 •·39 3·2 1-55 32 11 RUSHING -Pacific Blackwell 9·50. Manuel 14·•4. long Beach St Montgomery 14•12 ~ 6·29 PASSING -P11e1lic:. Bernet 21·56-3-370 long Beaeh SI Orlon ~3·2·3~ RECEIVING -Pacollc Thomas 8·140 WOO<lt 8·73 Manotl &·38 long Beach St Long l-46. Montgomery .5·90 fain 3.95 S1oh13-47 ,_ Frnno St. 31, Cl Fuli.tton 14 kore by Ololll1er1 CS Ful•1on 7 1 o o -14 Fr.no SI 0 7 21 3 31 • FUii ~ 1 run !Stern~e l{IClll Fret EllarCI 17 PHI lrom TedCorCI (Oanow klCI<) F Full-8 Ahn 40 p-from 0 Alll'l (Sltinl<e l<tcll) F•H Elllrd 7~ PHI lrom TeCllOr CI (Derrow kldo..I Fr .. -~ 17 pa.u rnlerc.c>hon return (Darrow kidl) Freo-Teeltoro 3 run (Oafrow klcil) Free-Owrow .'!8 FO A-22.620 t-"1\0own• Rulhel·yard1 PU11ngyarel1 """"' )'etft p-Puntt T-l teU.llce c., 14 2&-093 209 71 52:21.2 -t-35 FUTTl-losl Penaltlel·YatOS TtmeoCPo- 2·2 4-111 28 10 FIU 17 •t-189 250 t8 2~11·1 7.39 3·2 10-ltO 3150 l1turdaf• kote WHtm111•1 ... (• Ecloson 13 Thundey'a Game ~••" vrew •• eoiaon at occ frlder'1 G-• (1:30) fo.inta>n V1!1oy va Marrna 11 Cemtoe WM1m1n11 .. at HvnUngton Beech Other ac:ore Oroa-Ollndt 10 Anaheim O Croe1 country HIGH ICHOOl. Angellle Lfft4M , ...... Ml.N Team scores I Mater De<, 15, 2 Servile. 64 3 BlahOP Amat, 88 (Note· Remalnlng ecnoot1 Clod not llllCI vanlly 1eern1) 1 Marhn8l (Miter 0..). 15 37. 2 ECICly (Milter 0.11 15 •O, 3 Toner (Mater Oet), 15 42 4 Dolan \Mi ter Del). 15.47. 5 Artenaul1 fMlllf Del), 15 49, 8 Btumm11t (8'11hoP Amal). 1501, 7 Munoz (Miter Dell. 1(1 04, 6 ACl•m• (M•I•• Oa1J. 18 05, 9 Her•••• (Servll•l. 111 45, 10 Cardenu tBtsnop Amat). 18 57 WOMEN Team SCOIH 1 8'5'IOI> Amat, 25. 2 Miiar De< 32. 3 St Jotepli·1 18 1 Fell (Mii .. Oe<J. 17 51, 2 MalCIOna<IO (Bllnop Amal) 18.0 . 3 EO!ner (B11hop Amat). 19 O~. 4 Mllhllf (Miier Oel), 19 12. 5 Gon.talas (B•Sllop Amal) 19 33. 8 Craleau (MlllH Del). 19 411. 7 Urtbe (Blillo9 Amal). 20 23, II Dillon tBrlhop Amat), 20 34. 9 Thom,. tB11hop Amal). 20 53, 10 Voll (Malet 084). 21 02 ~ > . NBA WHTU N CONFEMNCI Pecltlo Ofwlelon W l Pc;t. Ga Seelllt PlloenlJI ~ GolOen Slate Por-tlencl & 0 1 000 " 1 800 3 1 750 3 2 aoo 1 4 ..200 81111 Ooego 0 II 000 Mldwe11 OMelon San Anton.o 4 1 llOO 0.llat 4 2 867 KAnsu C'1y 2 1 1167 o .. ,.,.. 2 3 400 Ulth 1 4 100 Houston O • ooo EAITl"N CONFE"ENCI Atlantic OMUofl Pnit~onoo 5 O 1 000 Botton 4 I 800 N-Jersey 3 2 800 wuning1on 3 3 500 N-Yori. 0 5 000 c ... tral Olwl"-Mltwaull.ee 4 1 OoCIOll 4 2 ACl•nta 2 3 Clllcago 2 3 ""'-' 3 Cle~ 0 5 l elwdaJ'• kolee laller1 104 Utall 101 ~a 119 Boalon 115 Allan!• 96 Oetroll t 3 Wullongton 1 19. lnCl+anll 115 Chcago 12t San Diego 124 PhoenlJI 112 OellH 100 Oerlv., 127. GOIOel'I Slllt 118 Po.tlan<I 110. New York I02 T~1 0e<M. P0t11an<1 al laller1 eo.1on al ,.._ Jer.ey Stallte •l MllwaukH Pnoen•a II Sen AntonJO 800 567 400 400 .250 000 I 2 3 3·~ 1 2 2'• s ·~ 2 2 2'> " College football THUMOAY'I GAMr we11 Vlrglnll v1 Ru1ge11 11 Eest RolMrCOl'd, N J. IATIIM>AY'I OA•t .... 8t8n1Md VI UCLA at ROM Bowl (I 30 p.m ) Nevada (la Vegu) va. Long BellCh St et Anahtlm Stadium (7;30 p.m I Wulllngton SI •t ClllllOl'nia San JoM St •t Pacllte MonlllNI SI 11 Fre«M> St Poni.nct St •I C.l Poly (Pomon•). n St. Mary'• •I u ol San Otego Antu P8ClllC: ., Cal LU1Mran Wllltllef 11 R4ldlend1. n Pomona.4>1U• 81 Occidenlll • . C81 St•1• Nonhrldge ll c.i Poly (SLO). n LI VerM •t Cl•remonH.4udd ........ USC 81 Arizona. n WMfllnOlon II Arllone SI • II S8n Diego St 11 BYU K1n1M It Color8d0 Mtchf9M St 81 Mlnnete>ll. n Heblaalta al IOW8 SI Okl•hom1 St II KaneM SI. Penn SI. II NOi•• 0- 0hlO u •t WMlem Mk:htgln E•stem Mldllgln al 8owl1n9 GrMn Ball SI 81 Centni! Mtehlgan MOl'gtn St. 81 Clneinn•U Orelee al 1111noc1 sc. T Olt<IO •t Kini SI ~ (01 •C Northern IUlnolt '-"' Southern Mlltl11ippl It Alab•m• GIOl'gl• 11 Auburn Loulavtlle al FIOfld1 St • n Floflda at Kefltudly Ci.ttllon" 11 M8'ytend TtnMSMe 81 MlstiwPl)I LSU It Mlululppt SI . Virginie al Nor'lh C.rollna N!Wy II South C.ollna Georgia Tedi •I Wal{e FOl'•l V11glni1 Tedi IC Vllllderl>ilt APPtlaelll•n SC. 11 VMI ~.,. 1CM .Mu M1 LOI ANOILll W'*"' 10 ""911111 I /lbdut Jatlbar l~ Nlao11 11 J1.>Mton II C°""8t 14 Worell~ i McAdoo I .1otcia11 o Tottllt 41 100 I 10 1114 UT AH Oattt'-Y 1' Poquelle e kt1•~H 21 01e1111 C4 0111f1cn 1l Drew ll ,_ ... • fOtllla O 17 13 1~ 101 ..., • .., o-tef• l llot A11119'et 1~ 26 l 1 21 -104 l11ar1 31 24 21 2t 10 1 'Cllllell out OenJlllr JJllOwnOa I.All Anoelet 6 I (JOllllllOll 1 () Ullll 4 I (llct1eyee 111 A•tl••• Lot All(IM• 27 (Jonntoo ti. Ulan lll (0'"" 1t1 fottt IOUll l<M ~ 24 Utelt 19 A 11 Ht Womeft'avo19,tNll COUIQI UC!-A lrl•" .. llflel T _ _. P<.>OL I A1lz011• dtl Cll 8t PUClt<lon, 11 t• 16· t 1, H1wa11 def 1""''"'"· 15-7 1~ 11 15·6. T .. 11 oer Cal 15·9. 15·4, la•aa Clef Cai 81 Fullerton. 16·6 11· 17 H1w111 def Ar11o"a. 15·7, 4 16, 16·11. ltn•141t ... Cltl Ctl, t&-4, 15-7 ,,. nnel S1andtng1 1 H•w111. ·~·O, 2 l,.,,ne, ... 4·1 3 Arl1ona, 3·2. 4 Tt~H. 2·.'l 5 Cai 1·4· 8 Cll SI Futie<ton 0·5 POOL 2 NOtlhWHlern d•I S1tnlore1. 15-10, 1!i-13, usc djll eYu. 1-ts, 15.9, 16-6. Pllf>l)lrdlne <lei Porllanel 8 1 ~ 15· 12. 16 12. use c1e1 Nor111-1ern. 1~:.. 111-1, 61anlo1d Clef Pepperdtne IS·I, t5·12. Porlltn<I St Clel IVU, 5-15 15-9. 15·12 F11111 IJ•nOlngt 1 11••1 811nlord, Peppare11ne. •·I. 3 USC, 3·2. • Nor1t1w-.111n, ~·3. 5 111e1 Porllano s1 .. evu. 1-4 POOL ' Cal Poly !SlO) Clel\lilonlan• $1 • ' 15·fl, 15-t. W..,,,ngton Clef am1r. 15-4. 15-7, UCLA Clef At11one St. IS. 10. 13· 15, 16·6, UCLA Clel Monlana SI , 15· 13, 15-4, Arizona SI Clef Lam ... 15·8. 15-9, Ctl POiy C6l0) Clel Wllh<ng1on 15-13 IS· 10 Final S11nc1ino1 1 UCLA ~. 2 Cal POiy tSLOJ, 4-1, 3 W1t111ng1on, 3·2, 4 Arllona S1 . 2·3. 6 Montane St, 1·•. e Lam11, o.s. POOL'• San 01800 SI del Oregon, 1&·7, 15-4, Pecoltc Ciel ~ Mextco. 15 ... 15-7. UC Sltltt Baroata Ciel TeAll A&M, 14-18, 15-1, 15-2. Padltc Oel Otegon. 15-4. 15-4, San Otego SI Clef UC Sanl• Batb .... 15-11. 15-9, , .... AIM del New MexlCO. 16-14. 111· 1• . Flnll 611nd1ngJ 1 PacillC 5-0, 2 Sin Diego St . •-1. 3 UC Santa BllDar•. 3-2. 4 re ... AIM. 2·3. 5 New Me•tCO, 1·4, 8 O<egon, 0·5 Ouartll'llMll • S1111l0tCI def Tannesaee. 15-8. 15-2 San Diego St det UCLA. 19.14 15•9 H-Clef Pepj)e<Cllne. 15-3. 15-11 1:.~•llC Clef Cal POiy tSlOI. 15·8, 12· l!i, lemlfCnale P11e1lic Clel Hawaii tfl·•, 11-14 San Diego SI def Stantord 15-12. I· 15. 18-14 c llamplor\111lp Pac:mc Clet. -S.n Olt(lo St , 15· 13, 1~ 12 Tlllrd Piece H .... ali Clef S1enCord 15-8 WCAA tow-1 (al lA ltaptlet Collete) lemltlnlll1 12~~"l~ollage del LA B1p1111 15.13 CllamjlloMl\lp Ch1111 College Cle! life BoDI• College, 11·16. 15-5. 15-13 HIGH I CHOOL ~-Rim ol Int World Clef Wetlmonst•. 15·5 15·7, 15-4 ManufactuNt'• Funnr Car chemDlonahlp (at Orange c_., lftWftitior.a1 ~er> .,_,c., . ----1 BraCI Andereon. Wnt Covina 8 823 (ll)eeel 213 77) Clef Mar1< Anclteottr. 6 888 \arpeed 203 18). • • ... ~--• .,. (202 70) def Lou ---·-· 14M(llO") aa..,, • ..,. AnOeraon. 6 81 (2 I 4J91 CleC Ctir1SM1n. • 09(10215) AA F-rCat ........... t<.enny 8etns1Wt 5 t9t (?34 91) Clel a..., BeNham. 8869 C185 l~J B•fly ~eyer ·8 003 (24 1 21) 0.1 Gary Purg•n. 8 29 1233 14J Clwftploroetllp M.,.. S 92 (245 23) oel ~nll9'11. no ,,,,.. Formllla One 111U FllA k lledule Marc;n 13 -81a.ul (A.al Maren 2 7 -Long 8eKft Gt anc1 Pf 1 • Ap<lll 17 -Fr.,_ CP41Ut llocatCI) May I San Marino (lmota Italy) May 1!1 -MonlCO May 22 -Belgium (Spe 11 Pill are rel>vlll, or ZOlclerl JvM 5 -OettOll Mich June t2 -Mdf>t<MI. CaNC1a Jiiiy 10 -Sw.lrarlend (OrJOl'I, F1anc.) July 18 -B<otain Siiverstone AUQ 7 -WNI Oermeny (HC>Ckenhelm) AUii 14 -Aust11e (Zellwegl Aug 21 --encl (ZanCIYOOflJ Sept 11 -Italy (Monz:a).. Sept 25 -New Y0tll Ocl 9 -las Veg11. Oct 29 -South Aha (Kyalami) One•-it I •-•-Of the T7 Wild Organ..-1 ere to tepon ro FISA by lhe end or No.. on the 11nanclal v1abll1Cy or ,.....,. races, lhou(lh • lonotf deity It ltketr for cnt ptannlOIJ of tile p<opoeea New von. rece .-JI.Ill Ullh SC 81 8olM St Nonhem ArilOn8 11 ics.no. n ...... ed .. Alno 81 ldeflo SI , n ColOl'edO St 81 New Me.clCO Monltanl •t Webef SI WIClllll SI •I Wyoming fut C•rolln• IC Wllllllm I Mwy T-cNl11llMIOg8 11 The Clt8def Woft0td 81 Eatt T-St., n Fu1m1t11 ac t.1111111811 SEE us TODAY FOR GREAT ALU ES YOU~LL IE CRAD YOU DI .......... llllU AaM 81 Attllll!Nt. II MIMOUtl 8t Olll8homl 811Yk>r •I Rice Utllll •t Tex ... ll P•ao, n T911M 81 lCU SMU •• Tu• Teen lndllM 11 81 T'*I. n N .. MHICO SI .. W••I Ttu• 81., n T-it,ltllliton 81M.,.....SI """'-et~,..... 8' ' n ...... Pwdue 11 Mleh<gen 0'1toSt •t ~ llllnOla " lnd!M8 WllCIOOlln IA.kMe Duke al NOii! C•olln• St SE l ouitl-•I NW Loulal1na North Tu• St It Alct-ld Loultl-Ttcll 11 SW loull68n&. n .... P111 ., Armr Syrecu• • Botton College Httw1rd It Pwnn Prtneeton It v ... COl'Mlt et Columllle T 1mple 11 Cola1te loeton u •• MllMll Oert,,.,.,.11 11 lfown AtlOOe ltl8nd •t ~ WMI CflteMt 81 •t o.e.w.t M•IM .. l1ol'f CroH New H~e 11 M~l8 • kNXT CCIS) e KNBC CNICI E cu111.1 (Aki Ma(CMI •kHJ•TV llMI,) fCCIT (AICI ICTTV UN.I TVCl .... I KCH CPMI ~NII Dick Clark host "TV Censored Bloopers #4" at 9 tonight on KNBC ~ 4). (0) 0\-TV ti) Z-TV HIO (D) (CINMUI II) IW0..1 HY .. N.V GJ CWTISI (I) CH~I CIJ ,...,.,,,., ........ • CC*eNN1'"9_,lll 'iZ' (!)MOYIE * * "Charlle Chan In Honolulu" ( 1938) ~ T Oler. Ptlyllle B<oolla. The fwnoua lieuth ln-tlgalM the loaa of tome vatu.ble r~ lHe LAMW<.ERI Corre1pond1nt1 Linda Werttielrnet' and Co4ile Aober11 jolrl Peul Dulle for en up.to-the.minute aum- "*Y of COngrnalofwll ectMtlea. I ~ STANDING AOOM ONLY "Crystal Gayle In Conc:en" The Grammy A-d-wfn. nlng ,,., afllgt rneny of het biggest hlta, lncludlng "Don't It Malla My Brown Eyee Blue" and "Talklng In Your Sleep." (l)MOYIE *** "The~Slum· blee" (1979) Dleti Van ~·· KathlMn Oulnlan. A Catholic: pc1ett .. tried .. the murder ol a nun with wtlOITI he had "-' IUl- pected of hiving an affair, 'PO' 1o:ao. 9 .., Of' Ka AMPEOPUTOO Gu11t1: Ron Howard, ectr-"-'!di o.-. ""O-w Rex Smith, lhlfeplal I=~ ONNflMD WIQ.L ITMET WEEK ''Whet Nellt For ~ nomlce?" au..: Betyl w. ~-. Underaect...,. Of tM T~ for MOM- IMy Mlliln. • CAl.YM'f Q4ANL Ca> HIGHT Of' A DOZEN STAAi lllgfltlgMe-Pf_ ..... °' .,,......, ......... ~ lnl.ot~ln--· ateller gechetlng "' ectotw, comedlana Md ~ 001 tOfMh* lb , .... IUndl lot the~ Committee lot.,, EltactM ~ (Z)MOYIE * * .. The Flfat Time" (1"9) ~ BllMI. W•Stem. 11:00. MOYIE •• "Pillow Of 0..th" ( 1945) Lon Cheney .k. Branda ~. A law)'el murders ...... and tami. ly .,,. telling In love wit! another woman. • MASIU#ECE TMEATM • .,. 0 Serw Tham All .... l)ay9" The tlrlt womei lc*ll the lachlng •••If • ~ and beftMnO! one of the olcW boys. wh< ~·ably , ... In low wltt =·~ TltAOUQH THE ARTit ! ::;:; WUEA80N * * * "The Clnclnnttl Kid" (1H5) Sten McOuaan, Eclward G. Rob- lneon. A young c:erdl/wp tri. to beet the king 04 ttud polltr In a bettle IOI 00=-MW•~ T~ Weld, Tommy Lea ·~ and WWlem IC.it atar In the N. Aichtrd NMfl pt11y ebouf .,, ..,,_..,,. oon men ""° Mllfa • ~ -··~for lo¥e. .MCMI **'h "P\19oner Of W•" ( 19$4) Ronald Reeoen. Dewey Mertln. TWo POWa "°"' the Untied s ..... contlrlue lntellgenca work while ..,.,_!fig 10 Mw cndlad under COITlll'IUnlst lndoctrlnetlon. 11:.IO . Ill TH9 MD WfTH Di\W>-.u.EY • TIM'( coug. WHrTTMIR (!) MCMI * * ''TM SeroMnt W• 'A Lad(' (tl81) Mllr1tn Wwt. Ven ell• Stavenaon. Througfl • bur...aatlc: ~ •• ~young c;orporal flnda hlmMlf MllgrlldtoaWACt> .. ln the "9dllc. • CHlMCH .. n. ..,.. • .u.wrra T""°"8H n. MT'I CD) ROOK ON TV ' Ori111ga Coo1u DAii Y PILOT /Su11doy, Nov1mbe1 7. 1982 87 • M(Wtl * • '-"Tiie l•Ute Al AlllChe P ... " ( llllal Jollo ll#ld, J«f c"""*' ~)MOVll * * * "Tim" ( lM 11 llipet L...,le, Mtl Oibeon A >'OUftt lti4.,ded 11111'1 and I t1nalllve, mfddl•·•Q•d WOtnall llevtlop • cioM 1efellon1lllp or mutual need Ind underatlllldlng IMt leeda to an unor111o- d011 m•rr• (I) GNAT LA01U Of COUNnt'f MU9tC 11 Lynn Andaraon. Oonn• ,.,80 and L~y J ()eltC)ft ate '9atured In a ~pet· forlMllCMI taped et tilt MOM Orand Holtl In Aeno, NevClda. • CZJMOYll * * "Tiie Honor Guard'' l1N11 Rod lltigtr, Oevk1 Hvfll'Nn 'R' 11;*0 (I) NIA IAllCITIAU Seattle II MllWalll.H • WAUITAUT ~Mll'Ofn' G WIU>, WILD WORLD Of' AMMA&JI ; "The 8"clallat" Here's a t>Vd lhal can ac:tuelly OC*I ... "*"· the 19'Nrkabte ~ctlcher. • UNDIMTAHDINQ HUMAN llEHAVIOR "°"'*'' Condi"°'*"'' -·~ * * "Runaw.Y llland" ...... Buchanan, Sin"Ofle Buahenan In 1130a Au. lralla, two young•l•ra eec..,_ Iha clulc;hee Of I corrupt oo-nor. 1:008 ATONE Gllftl: ec;treu France Nuyan. • THE MUN8TEA8 TWo of Matltyn'1 teac:herl decide lo Pfeaent Herman to the the llCientltlc World .. Iha only ltvlng Pfehiltor- lc men. ·~ 0Uftll: Paul Wlln1m1, Cllarly McClain, BucllwhHI Cloggera. Cllucll Morgan. (!)MOVIE * * * ''The Prlnc;e And The PIUPW" (1937) Errol Flynn, Cleude Raina. A Ptlnca tired of ceremony tradea ldentltlel wltll Illa loolc-ellk• friend, • pauper wllo la afraid of remaining lortvtrpoor. • ADAM-12 The a-la on .. the offi-cer. -ch lor I h\IQe angty dog and .,.. elilelYe burglar. • NATUAE "Amite; The GrNt Fig TrN" The rNlettlc Ilg trN whlcll "-aboW the luatl rllln foreat of 8allze In Cen- tral Amtr1ca la Viewed. • AMINCAN GC>V8Mmn" ''PhloaopfliM Of Aepr-. Mnlatlon" I PWlJC "'l.ae M'll"OOTMU The ~ ICftedu6eO tel'IM mey t>e ~ If the NFL -. I ~ dlaputt remaJn1 unre- .,._, wlltl allemete pre>-I~ TUBE TOPPERS KNBC (4) two "CHiP11.11 Potwh und Bol>lly go &1fl(•r a pair o( hlgh-11pc1..'tl Likt.1 hundlti; with lht· h •Ip of li<>bby'li b1·otht•r, u yuunl{ l'Od{•\ nt lht• CllP Ac:udl.'my. KASC (7) U:OO "Kraml'I' v11. Kl'aml.'r." Ow.tin llofl nmn und M<•ry l StrN•p s tar in tht· At uckmy Award-winning movil• • ~U\ n fothC'r who lxilll s wllh his l'X· wtfl' for t'UNtody of thC'h' young son oftl-i' sht• wulks out on hun. KNXT (2) 10:00 "Truppt.•r .John, M .D." Or. £tunll•y Rlwr ·idc Ls kidnupped and thrl.'atl•nt•ll with d e ath unll.'ss hi::; ub<lut•tm'8 gl·t o $1 million ransom. Harne!, Conetance Tower1 and Suaan Sarandon: a rtp0r1 on the lhlft of lhow ~ ectlvlty li'om Ula Vega to Atltntlc Olly. • MOVll • **'-t "Oure'aln CCIII At Cectua er.'' ( 19501 Oon- llld P'Connor, Gtle ~torm. Wherewr their road lhow atopa, a troupe of perform- .,, -.it to altrect trou- ~ "°'" bandit•. thleYet and Indignant cltlzena. (J)) El. IALVAOOR: ANOTHIA VIETNAM? In an update to a program tlr9d In Jtnuaty, the polltl- cal llluatlon In El Salvador and the prolleblllty of " becoming enother Vietnam la •xemlned. ())MOYIE **~ "SOldlera Three" (1951) St_.,, Granger, Wallar Pl~n. Three B<ltlatl IOldlen •l•tloned In India lalll their dutlea Nrloully, t>ut apencs off~ houri getting Into lrOUl>le. 2:30 D OH CAMPUI "Compu1er1 al Pec>perdlne Un!wrllly" 9 OIWGAN'818lAHO A radio repon lndlcat• that the mlniater who mar- ried Mr. and Mrs. Howell la • freud. ·~ llOlOOY .MOVIE * * "My Champion" (19811 YOllo Shimada. Chtlt Mltc:hum. The true 11ory of a female J9Paneae tunrMQ c:hllrnp6oli II told. J:OO • OOl1..IOE fOOTBAU. Calffornla va. USC I ::::: .. TUM U.&A. *** ''Oleaper By The Oo.zen" ( 1950) Clifton Wet>«>, JNnne Crain. Life In the tttoe 1e hec;tlc tor the vwy latge Gllbrtell lemlly, • CMIOfNA OONCIP I I OtW. "9CJRT • tNTN>DUCtNo llOl.OGY (I) ITMTNI< llonal ch .. rteadera In order to Ollher 1Cendt1ou1 Information for an eJIJ)OM of the tll•Amerlcan """· • MOYie •. * * * "Mlattr Roberti" • ( 1955) Hervy. Fonda, "*'-Cagney, A U.S. N•VV--to MIP ,__.,to m1lly mltladventur11 beCallM Of the MCond olfj. cer on bollrd lllld hll grNt dNlr• to t>e In~. • WAU ST'REETW&k "Whal Ht•I For Raaga- nomlca?" Guatt: 8et)'I W. SPflnital, UndatMCretary of the TrMIUfy for Mone- taiy Alfalra. • DEllONNO HOME INTENOM Cl) WELCOME Ma<. KOTT'ER Muc:h to Jolle'a dlemay, her lilter Yllltlng from Netlrlllla 1tart1 dating ~·~ ii COU.EOE FOOT8AU. Californla Stale Unlvwllty At long 8each 49ef1 vs. ~aciflc Tigers (l)MOVIE * * * "The Runner Stum- blel" (1979) Ok:1c Van ~·· KtthlNn Quinlan, A Cathollc pr ... t le trled for the ITIUfdtr of a nun with Whom he had bNtl IUl- pected Of having an affair. 'PO' ·~.~T IN 8fAACH Of ... WAllllNOTpN W&k .. MVIEW • EVERYOAY COOKtHG WfTH JACOUO PE.PIN "Soulfle Of Lectuoe" MM- .., French chef Jacq- Pepl n demon11rat11 MP9f•tlng ~ beating egot, and d*'-v .... out l!ltc:Mn equipment, ~= Tl4E NATION * * 'h "FOOlin' Atound" ( tHO) Oary 8u11y, Annette O'TOOle. A naive country boy trtea to w4n a t>eeutlful, aophittlGaled C0"9t coed ~ from ,_ lllObllilfl ,..,_ and 9' •••111119 acNdlllad on a ................. ~MCMI **'-t ••Sacrett Of ThrN Hunory Wlv.t" c 1u11 "*'-Frandtcua, Jaaalca , Walter. Tllr.. -laity · -c.pt. Kh II one of thrw ~ ""° cen Identify • c:omm•nder who once•• cutad half • llltnel. 0 MOYIE her equally l4lPilY fM111V . 'N ' Ca>MOYIE .. *... "Mr. 8lendlnga ... Hie Dr-.n Howe'' ( 1941) Cary Gr1nt, Myrna Loy. A men ffom Mamat· ten movea his tamlly to Ille country ""'*--he trlea to- buld • holMe. prominent ---pec;ted of murdering • hand1ome~. (J) THE GOU> IUCI Captain Kidd'• bur,.d tr-.r. and two my11.n- -ttranger1 add up to al.llpellM and ad\lentiq lot • young boy. t:IO • F-TAOOP Whan F-Troop aeta out 10 anet• • ..., •talion. they and up c:eptlnd them-........ • ..OOT8 In 1787, 17-year-old Kunta Klnle (leV• Burton) le kid· napped from Gambia and alllpped to Amarlca at>oerd. *"' ~ -mended by a conac:ienc. ttrldlen c:eptain (EOWWd Aantr~ (Pert 1) • ADAM-12 OMc.r Reed'• 9qUMlly alloea l:*'M • problem for Offlctr Mallo)'. • AMINCAH GOYBMil8fT ''The eonor-·· Cl) --.wr =-o:.ON Of'~, ?i:=FUA ** "The S.. Wotvw" (1NO) Gregoty Pa, Rog. tr AotoOl'e. During Wor1d Wtr ft, a group of Brttlah ~.--1TormT~ ... ,..,. IO CINtroy a Germen 1PY neat In !tie lndlart OcNn. 'PO' (Z)MOYI! **'" "The Grett North-fleld, Mim-Gta Rald" ( 1172) Cliff A~taon, Robtr1 Ow... The Cole YOUllO'f and JMi. ,_.- decide lo rOb the t>fOgeet ... "'"'Welt. t:OO I MTI Of' AllA QI UCl ...... lllAND The ceataweya baglrl to .,,.., "°'" "lalend mad-,_,.. . • MOYll **'h "The YGUrlCJ W•- lord" (1975) OIMr Tootae. MlcMet Oolherd. A YGl#ICI .... unltat -· trftlea Into • fighting unit to oom- • ~Saxona. * * '" "Badaaled" 11NI) Pater Coolr, Dudley Moofe. A ttmlct 00011 aur- Nndlrt ....... -.1nNMT1~--­...... • MOYIE * • *,.. "Mldntgftt l..eoe" (1N0) Dorta 0., ....... "'°"· After a _....,. .. IMtNd '°' .... "'°""'9 ... ~!NI\, ... I!:~ 'Mlm•:wmw. .... -. .......... _. ........ ... ...... lftlctc ................. ............... • * "The 8trengw Who Loolla Ub Me" (1974) Meredith Buler. Beeu Srldgea.. A pair Of young people ~ lor their natural parenta, who aben- doned them .. lnfen ... (C)MOYIE *** "'The ~ Time I Sew Parll" (19541 Eliza.. bel.h Taylor, Ven Johnaon. Bued on a ttory by F. Scott Fitz:gtrald. Broken ~ and lhattered illdMdueta populate Pw at the and ol Wor1d Wat II Ca>MOYIE * * * ''The Fallen Idol" ( 11M9) Ralpfl Rkhardaon, Bobby Henrey. Bued on a J!Ofl.._by Graham ~­ A young boy lflel to help ""' Idol when he .,... he'• gully Of murder. (Z)MOYIE • • • "Bft• The Bullet" ( 1976) Gene Hactimen, Cendlce Bergan. A frontier newapeper ac>0n1or1 a race against llme ac;roae the Wt1lern badland1 'PO' ·~·~· MY8TPY TMEATP "Myatary Of Fite ltland" TWO 12.yeet-old lleutllt llNll ciu. to lhe my11wi. ou1 ~of lhtlr flehermen friend. (R) DWUtEM i-OUTDOOPI Tl V N • ATTHUICMES Roger-Ebert and Gene Slalltl review "The Mll- lionary," .. .....,.... Ill: SMIOll Of The Wltc:ti .. "It Carnet FrOff'I· Holl)wOoct" and the "ttlnk• of Iha ...... (!) ~ HOU8E ON THePMRE The oommunlty'I Chlklfen -lr1P9ed by • IUdder! enowatorm whllt on 1Mlr wey home "°"' adlool ..... WAiHiiTON Hott Mlrtl lfllelcla **• .. the lntarpllly of pollUca. .,_ and peopte "' the netlon'1 oapltOI. • oatar••tto.. """'°"' (ft) IT ANDtN11 "°°" ONLY "°'Yt'al ~ In Conoert" The 0t*"""Y A.., ... nlnO .. ., ..,. "'*"1 of .. ....... ...... ~ ''Oeft'1 ....... MJ ..... E~ llue" Md "Tallllng In Yow ...... ... IUNDl\Y Loolllort1 11119 "°"' ... . ...... ·a . v... .,.. .... • .... LOI Allgllea. 1=•w ........ C:..OfDr. .... ,. Md .., Hyd9" ,, ... , .... ,....."-..... "" .... ~·--........ to ...... . ..., ........ .... -... _, ll •••• r..=r'°"· •• "'111 ~ c--. OhM ....... """ .... .., ..... ,, LerefM e:::::n = ~-.... .. a.ea.-=,.::: llSlkJ•~,..., ..... -.......... ""' ......... ........ .MOYIE ***'h "Dey For Night" (1972) Jecquetlne BilMI. Valantlna Cort-Direct- ed by Francois Trulfaut The ._ and low. of film pertonnera •• lludled In a movie-within-a-movie. 'PO' 5:00 I FN::E Tl4E NATION HAPPY DA 'fS AOA* Rlc:hle'• Uncle Joa ··-Iha gang beck to the GOlor· IUI dayt Of the Roaring T_,..., • MCNlWS (!) WAU. STAEET" JOUflNAt. PIEPORT • FWNOUNE "Aeturn To Education" ~ Mortimer Adtar. • THtl OLD HOU8E Bob Vlla and Norm Abram talc• • tour of the newly renovated house. (RIQ Cl) M·A·t·H The~ 1951 Mama to fly ~ "",;;. 4'J171h. (Pert 2) ('!MOVIE • **•"The Four~ man Of The Apoc:alypN'' (1M2) Glenn Ford, lee J. Cot>«>. WOftd W• 11 pro- ducea cMarlng ~ ~ tht. members of a_ Oennan farnlly • I: 11 (Z) MOVIE * * 'h "The Mirror Cractt'd" (IMO) Ellzat>eth Taylor. Kim Novell. 8-' on I llOf'Y by AQatha Chrlttle. A ttr11199 muroer lnvolvlng ~ ftollywood .. .,. tall• piece "' .,, ~ vtlega. 'PG' MOI Clll NIWI flmcNIWI LAva. & IHIPIUV &00/W'NIY Lft'eml .-to help SNtttv "' • grand opening ltunl. l:'AHDEMON CC)Mll)INTW. I :.OMlllC ' Alloe II torn bet--. let· tine '* 1«1 t>a ··one of the -." and OOft!Pfomlafng -~· 9 MCNIWI eMCMI • * e "Youra. Mi,. And Our•" ( , ... , ,l.liltlllt ..... Hanry fo11d¥A man with 10 "Id• l'Mfr ... a woman w1tn.iuti1 JM4We C0utlHU IMdt 111'1 ••pYlllOn Into !ht mye l«kWfi' Md ...... ,,..,, bNutilUI AnlllCtf(. • MA.TIMI .IUCt( ....... An llQll1CI llaltttt OllOi l'll4.ltC aave r ... th from • maNlve attadl lrom °"'*' ll04ICot ~.,,ti • WOM.DWAAI "Alroclly 1914" fhe a.- men lnvlllon and oc;cupe. Oon of 1141Utrll 1!1e1g1um ho11illt1 England end Amar let eHOYA "Wily Do Blide Sing?" Sci· en11a11 111am1,,. Wily t>lrda llng wllh 191>10nal ecc.n1, and p-theW lnclMdci.el tong• llor!O from genera. ~~lon.(RIQ Ill IJOHT 11 lNOUOH Tom II c:hallenoecf to a J tam11y toucn football game t>J ... denll.11 (IJ'AE•TALE THIATM "Rumpe11111111dn" Harve Vlllech1IH 1tara H a ttranga Nltle men who llelpe • millet'• daughter f att'aw Into gold. uo Nl'WI~ HAPPY OAYI AGAIN Alchla and FQNie l1nd 111em.-.... ,.pined aga1n11 NGll other for Ille at1ec- 11on1 ol • lernpMtuout 1-S?k~ 8NEWS MOVIE * * "Tiie lncredlble Shflnlclng Woman" ( 1geo1 Liiy Tomlin, Chlflel Gro- din A ~le lindl It llafd to cope when tile auddal1ly t>eglnt to Wink In lize. 'PG' (Q) LOI AHQE1 ES lNCEN PAE.GAME .MOYIE *** "The Great Adven-ture" ( 1954) Kjell Sudtldortf, Andera Nor· borg. A SWedlah director pr-•· • doc:umentary on the wonders ol nature Md wlklllle. 1:00 I w '° t.tlNUTU 8 VO't' AOERll ,,,,.,_, c:ec>fured by the Tur111. attempts lo rescua fellow prlaoner UMen<:e of Arabia, and Jeffrey meets Tllornu Alva Edi· I«!. 9 HAPPY DAYS AOA* Fonzie ~II the chal· tenoe Of being the '"' human eve< to ride a devil Btehma bull named Oia- blo. {!>art 3) • 9 AIPl..EY'8 IEUEVE IT OR NOTI FNtured; a 1 .... 1119 Or. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde; t>lt.,,. Pat•: the ldantlflc fraud ol "lhe mlMlng llnk": a New Zealand dffr round-up: the wor1d'1 moet _,.,.,,,._ G MADAME'S PUCE Madame decldH to andorM a ,_ produc:t on her TV ._, and Sara Joy , ... lor • llld'1 .,_ hoet hopeful. au.t· PM WM Herman. i:N>Gal "" ~ llalhW plot _. aave Earttl "om • meae1ve attAlc:I( from out• ~. (Par1 2) • • AU CREATURES GMAT AHO SMAll. "Out Of Prtctk:e" The practice le goltlQ llrong, but not Jamee· love ate, Trlatan Ilk .. a hand and "'engta • doubla blind data.(Pert6) • NATUAE "Kopje: A Roell For AK 8-1" A iltm 1tudy o1 the kopjet, huge outaop- plngs of IOCll In Alrice'a S.tflOetl Plain, .. ~·­ed . e ORANGE OOONTY ~8CENE CD) NIA BA8KET8AU Loe Angalat Lall«1 vs. Portland T rall Blezer's Cl) OAEAT LAD1E1 Of' COUNTft'( MU8tC. Lynn Alldenon, Donna Fargo and Lecy J. Oetton 11• featured In • live per- formance taped at the MGM Grand Hotel In Reno, Nevada. (Z)MOVIE * * "The Flrat Time" ( 19M) Jecquallnt Bluet, W•Stern. "I(• A Roe" ,or All hllon" A film eWy of Ille llOC!jel, hu(ll OUlCloP- J>lnet Of rock In Alr"9'• a.,fnOICI l'ltln II prlNt\t· ;MAI~ THI.ATM "To kw fharll All My Dayt" Cll~ by 1111 lttehlng and Gdn1en1 "' Illa '""''*Ill 10 Be~ and their lwln ¥~11ter1, O.Yld 11 gl~en hi• 11111 promo110n (Pert 5)c:J • COlU'GI LJOOTIAU. Callfomla Slate Tltane w Freano Statt Bttttl(I' M · (Cf~ * * * "ThrN Oay1 Of The Condor'' ( 111751 Rot>an Radford, Faye Dunaway A ,....,en reader ernf>loyed by the CIA uncover11n1er- nal lreechery wt1en.,i1 of "'' C:O-worl!tra ""'"-lln•ted by • hit m-.•.mo 11 now 11a1111ng him ®MOVIE * * * '" "Pt I/lee Ot The City" ( t981) TtNI Wil- liama. Je<ry Orbach. A New Yorll cop la caught l>e1-tec14trt1 Pfeaaut• and loyalty ,to 11Je fellow ~ o_tflc:er• during '" lo~tl­glllon ot. wldHpread ~~uptlon 'R' * • • "Southern Com- fort" I 19& I) Keith Cwra- dlne. P~1 Boothe. A group of National Gullfds- men on weelland maneuvers In • Loullltna ba)'i)U apat1c • small guer- rlH• war with a community Of bac:kwooda C.Jun1. 'R' ·~ . ••~ 'True ConlMllona" (1981) Rol>ert De Nlto. Rober! 0Yv111. The usually MP••ta workb of two bro111er1, a Loa Angeles polk:e detective and 11n ambitious Rom1n CathOllc ptiall, converge during a murder ln-tlgatlon 'R' 1:30. Cl) OlOA&A Maggie's "P•Y·->'Ol.!1IO" policy ., the ciinlc bac:ll- ,,,_ with une~ed and catutrophlc r.utta. G THEWOAl..D TOMORROW (!) SA TUAOA Y NIGHT Hott: lkdt Henry Guests: Tom Petty Ind the Heart~ breake<I. (Z)MOVIE * * * "Biii The Bullet" ( 1975) a-Hac:llman • Candice Beroen. A frontier newspaper 11>on10r1 ·• race agalna1 tJme ecroaa tlle Western badlands. 'PG' t:OO. Cl> Tl1E JEFFEASOHS George and LOUIN INrn that Ille -ve bachelor Florence It out on a d•I• with la • c:onv1c1ee1 murdet-• · 8 8 TVS CENSORED kOOPaS Merilu Hemet and Wiiiiam Sftatntr join ,_. Dlc:k Clark tor a loolc et tome ol the funniest TV flubl and Cloof9 ~ Intended f0t pullllc;~ ·=-=···°"' * * * * "Kramer V1. Kr-·· (1179) Out"lin Hoffmen. Meryl Streep. A man beW. with Illa ••· wife for CUllOdy Of their young aon after She wallc 1 out on them. Q ·~ THEATAE "To ~ Them All My Days" Challenged by hi• teaching and content In hl1 mernage to Beth and their twin daughtwa, David 11 gl\lell Illa ""' promotion. ,.,~ ..Father Brown· The Three Tools Of 0..th" When a kindly l>hllanlhropl11'1 daughter la llCCuMd of ,_ father't inurdtr, Ille glrl'e ...,_ oonh uu to ...u. ~ **'A "True Conletalona" ( 1911) Robert De Niro, Aober1 Duval. The UIUally ..,,.,... WOl'ldl of two 7:30 • HAPPY DA 'fS AGAIN Fonzie tudderlly •Xl*l- enCM aneazlng ·"~"· whane¥er lie'• about to brottier.. 1 Loe ~ police detective end an embltlout Romen Catholic: pc1ett, c;on-ve during • murder lnveetlgatlon. 'A' HO. Cl) ONE ~y AT A Tw.tE ·1 • kl .. a girt. 1=.= . " • VUOWJION8 °' ORANGE OOONTY (C) l .C.: THE FINT ~-Anlmeted. A caveman and 111a prehlllonc pe1a e411e- l>f at• a moat unueual l:OO=-=-IUNICP'l"-AC& StepMnle II greni.d en eudltlon .. the lamed ~ Sdloof Of PerlOI n MflO Atta. ••a.. Pond! and lobby go •"-• .,.., °' l\lgh"4IPMd blll• t>endltt wllll tfle help Of Bobby'• brotllet, a young c:edal et the CHP Ac-. •. INTlfWTAMllNT nMWla lnteMewl with Chl'llto- phar Rffve, Veronica Hamel, Conetenoa Tow.a and ._ 8er9ndon. • rlPQr1 on the llfllfl of ltlOllr ._.,_ ectlvtty lrom Lee ~1oA .... Ctly. •o MAnHOUITON Mitt 1rtlt IO help I ,....,_ rent OMW i.ilnd WflO '* '*" ....... °' murder- '"'. ---~ food en.-lo. • rT•WNTTTN (J) TWUIHT m. .IMe relMle "°"' Ille moi-.. ......... and I::;" IMnl· •• "TfleO....~ c.-.......... ( 1t1'1 Jll'f l•r"'our, L.lrtlne ........ A...,,,,.... .............. ....... .... at .... ..... ,, .. , ... .,. '" .,., .. ....,_,.,a• .. .. 11'1 ........ ·-=----.-; ••• ..,,.,.. ,. Tiie ..Offte .... f1tr?t 0et11 .. 11t.,,. Welt•· -..... * • * "Anoett With Ol'1y Facea" ( 1138) Jllll'lel Cag- ney, Pet O'Brien, The path• of -.WO ~ friends diverge, one to the CIMcfl, Ille other to Crime. 10:00. Cl) ~JOHN., M.D. Or. Stanley Rfvel'llde It lddnepped and tfnetened with death unleN his at>ductora get a • t,000,000 ranaom. 8 NIWANO ~ ~GMATUT OOl••c.AU Ed Mc:Mation end Merlette Harttay ~ 101M ot t1le beet. Nnnlelt and moet ~ TV com- ~ of the pat1 30 1=~y ICl•AoNTIM I WORD INTO 11M81 "Cati Foraman" The •ward -winning tcrte11wrl1er of "HIOh Noon" and .. ._ OV9r "'* ... i..iil"'-...... ~Ntllma9"Cl-.i1t ... .... Ille -11fnt In Holly. WOOd dWfnt the ..... 40ll "1Cl 'IOe • MURDMMOIT ..... "fftl IJl1!11 lllfltf-. Al "'* ~ C.U." On Amllltlae o., 1n 1m. '°' ~ ......... ~ ... peeaefulty In 1111 ................ ;r-.::;11 ---........ ,... .... '911" .... ,, te .... ~ A•,,_....,.....,, Ill "" ...... ...... . .... ... ._ .. ........ ........ _. ----· -.... .... I: . : .. .. • . ~ ) . • ··~ \ • • . I I .. Orange Co It DAILY PILOT /Sunday, Novtttnbet 7, 1082 ' . ~ .... ,,. IS ' ' Gulistan carpets of Trevira Pentron repel liquid spills and stains. Resistance is effective even after heavy wear and repeated cleanings. Protection is permanent and built in. No other carpet beats it. Gulistan carpets of Trevira Pentron actually rejeet soil. Carpets stay beautiful longer and respond to cleaning better. Protection is built in. Save IJ - A luxurious saxony plush from Gulistan made of stain and soil resistant Trevira ams-todafs most durable carpet fiber: 23 fashion colors make it easy to coordinate with your particular decor. Th.is dense plush will stand up to the everyday wear-and-tear of family living. Easy care Trevira fiber construction makes this Gulistan carpet unmatched for wear and beauty. 22 decorator colors. ... . .. ' Gulistan carpets of Trevira Pentron are crafted under the industry's most demanding construction s~fptions to ~ ~ssure maximum .. dlJ1Bbility and wear resistance. Protection is built in. No other carpet beats it. rt.listan '-..J ~ JPStevens Trevlra Pentron static shock control is completely effective and permanent. Annoying static shock build-up is virutally eliminated. Protection is built in. 12~ carpet only 14~,d. carpet only .. CERMOI A rich, thick plush crafted from Trevira yarns for years of outstanding performance. 25 vib~ant colorS-add to the desirability o this long-wearing Gulistan carpet. It's one of Harlow's best values. The ultimate in a richly fashioned plush styled for your decorating needs. With 28 sumptuous colors, this Gulistan carpet will retain its appearance over years of wear. A beauty .and a great buy. • ... 15~. carpet only 19P.yd. carpet only GARDEN QROVE 12802 Knott StrHt ' 11404 South Stt"llt LONO llACH 340 E. •th I"-' (Aclelllt19'1 .... HUNTINGTON 'aucH 15073 QotdenwHt (Beftlncl Doft JOM'I I Coco'l l ITOMHOUM: Mon. '""'Set. l'.00 em-5:30 pm Mon. J '"· TIH 9 I, 1111 No Oatden Oro.. lllrwy) (71•) •1 M17 • C211t 114-N21 • (Acraee ffam IN Cen9'0I .._ (21 ...... Cl1 •• ., (71'> ... nu • e111t ••1 . . CORONA Dia. MM 3&11 ... CoMt .. .., w,.,.. ..... ,... 0.-. ...... • ., i' 4.i (714.,. ... R A E A T Rusty Hood, Suzy Sutton and Patricia Groth wear fashionable /oungewear Loungewear • DOW going ·11 rties At-home toungewear is leaving home. It's being seen In the best of places. The dressier gowns and pa/·amas are going to parties. The mo.-.casua designs are going on errands of all kinds. Loungewear Is gaining public acceptance. "With the proper accessories loungewear can go to a formal party," says Veta Behr of Veta 's Intimate Apparel In Newport Be1ch. "Women enjoy the soft styling of lou!'9,ewear and they can took wefl·dressed In It. ' And loungewear, of course, can be worn at home. "tt unexpected company drops In you took greet or If.the huebend calls and says he's bringing home unexpected guests, It's easy to sllp Into 1 hostess gown." some of the fabrics In th• gowns today -~.._ _____________ -.,. _________ ,_,.._... are tissue taffeta, lightweight wools and wool and orion blends. "The jumpsuits and two-piece outfits are great for wearing during the day and for running errands. A lot of women choose these styles too, say to drive the children to school. They are a change from jeans and • tops." . Behr began her career intimate apparel business when she opened her shop 19 years ago. She says lingerie styling has mtde great progreu over those years and lhe adds that loungewear and lingerie people are so advanced In the6r styling that. In some Instances, designers of other apparel f~low their lead, Here en. mentiOned wide lhouldered 1nd etonaated tunic styles -the trends of other •Nc>na today. In r.•~ Intimate weer ~. Behr .ol ed the Luat. Ann llnt. "Stfe't In 1 V.ily Pilot phoro by Richard Koehler Beverly Hills and knows the lifestyles of California women. Another line that Is fairly new to me is Narori. They do beautiful appllques and embroidery trims." Behr is excited about color selections In this season's toungewear. "The colors are so.pretty. Besides black', you'll find ruby, emerald. tearose, violet, wisteria and raspberry.'· Other Items of Intimate apparel also are receiving colorful treatment. Panties and bikinis come In B wide variety ot shades, saya Behr. In bras, they are lightly boned with a lot of lace trim, the basic color Is beige. But, they are also av@Hable in cappuccino, mauvea.and taupea. Jhe same colors are found In lffpa. Balle cok>rl remeln In glfdlel. but the atyllng hla ~· They n light weight, yet oontrolltng, for tOdly'a acttve women. f t .. • • ~ . . Right m.akeup brush can make a difference By VIDA DEAN D.illy l'tlot .. IMlty 1411111f Evl•rybody h1U1 11 to111hbn111h und 11 ha1rb1 ush But how mu11y 111ukt•u1> l>n111hl•li du you huvl•'! . I think nwy 1111• 1•qu111ly w. 1mpur11111t for f(ood makl•up up1)1il'!lt1111\ Rl'l>t•ntly, l ll'lmw<I ubout u nwthcxl tor applying t•y\.• !ihuduw thut l'l'\IUIN.•11 two brush<'~ und I Wllll showing 11 frll•nll how to use: this tt'Chniqut.•. Aftf'r l hud t'h O\VI\ lwr muJ s hu wus dl'll~htt'Cl with th<' rt.•tiult.>1. l uslw d If &ht• hncl the typt• o( bru11IWS thllt ( bud USl'<f unJ lllW &11d ihut 11hl• hud. no mukcup brusht•11 or nny kind To do a N>ully uood, 1unooth ond prof,-ss1onAI lookmt< job w.lth your m(lkcup. you rt.•ullx nt.~'Cl u :K't of ut le&st ahc r.r llCV<'n. rht• Vl'l'V bu.sk"S Ill brushc.'I WOUid be OIW eal'h for hp l'Olor, t'Y<' shadow. shadow blt•11dmJ.(. t•yt'111wr, t•yt.•brow and blushl•r Oth1•rs hondy to hovt• would lX' n powdt•r brush ,ind u l'l.mtour btush for a chcck color. If you'vt• 1wwr U."4'<1 n hp brush. it m 1y t.akt• o little prnt'llt'l' tlfll(.' to get the htmg ol il. In tlw lung run, you will find the lip l'Olor will stay on long1•r nnd your hps look smoother. V D~ Aftt\r you hove.• oullitwd your hf>I' with u pencil thC' 1mnw 11hnde or very ncur the !Wmc• shade.• Ull your lip t..-olur. you simply satu1·all• your brnsh with t'Olor llJ\d SW('('P it first horliontully oc:n>:.s thC' lips and thC'n saturall' lh<' brush ugoin and apply t.'Olor Vl'rlicully. Don't blot Apply the dumJX•n<Xt eye• shadow over the• hd nnd wh<'n ll is 1warly dry. tnkl• a larger bru.h und brush ovt•r lhl• 11h11dow toward the outside. It. lc-ovl'S thl' shadow so ·mooth and cvt•n, This nwthod works IC you o.re using one rolor ·oc co~tourlng and hi~hllghtlnf.! with three 01 f11u1 You 1rnplv upply 1Jnd IJ1 uwh fh'r c•och 1ww m lw 1>c udclt-dt •r1j' thlM 1111•thocl , 1 think you'll lx· 111 plt•1N •< llfl 111y 111 uichlt·i.~ fru•nd. You lJI\ pu1dHiM' L1u11IW1t ur .1ll p1u.c11, bul 1.fl'lll'rully 111x·ukmg. tht• gc>0el 11111'1' rnudt• o( llUI ur11I brh1th•H UI'{' l'Xl>l'll!'>IVI' und lht•y lll'lod lo l:)(l l·111•t'<i for propurly. •rtwy cun Ix· wuslwd in mild H<>Upy wurm wau·r· tlwn nflSt•cl thoroughly. Blot out ttw t'Xl't'IUI wnl<'r und h•t tlwm <.try 11ulur·ullv with the brit1tl£>K swndtn& upwurd. Find u prt•tty c·mnu1nc•r nnd kt.•ep them on you1· dr1•11.-;ing wbk• within cu11y f(•ac·h. A,long- swmnwJ glus.'f would look i;o much prctuer thun tht• pil•kl<• .iur I'm u Ing. Tucky, Tucky. Now, to tht• t•yt• brusht•s und thc.wchniq1,1e> I wa.<J showm14 my fnt'nd. You take thl' eye shadow hrw1h, wet it and strokt• across the eye shodow. (Although most of them a re> made to go on dry. thl'Y l'an tx~ used with water. Experimtmt with your brunt.I ) To apply pcwdc·r blushc•r, you strokt• tht• brush nl·ross the <.vlor scv(•ral times, remov<.• the l'Xl~ on a tis.'>Ut' and then apply to the top of your ch(.'Ckboncs. To o<.'Cent the color and make the cht>t?kbones more prominent, you can 4pply • a oontour pOwdcr or darker blusher s lightly • undt·rnl'uth tht• dwt•kboN! Then l.l1tlna a t'Onl.ou1 hru h you blttncl darkt•1 1n1'' H1h1.t•1 wllh an UJ)Wurc1 1trokt• Yc>U don't want w l<>aVt' brJghl und dark 11tn•ak11 IO blNld wt•ll. Tht• m1ln pur.J>OIK• or lht.• t•yt•brow bruah tii lo n•movt• •ny makt•UJ> from th(• brow11 Flr111, bru•h in th(' opposite dtrt'('llon ui which th-.:y grow until all makt·up Is g<m~ and then Into pill(.'<.'. You art.• now r1•udy to apply pencil or powdl.!r1:'d brow makl'up if th(•y nc.'4.'d cforkc•nlng. lf ypu'w gottl.!n foundutlon cm the lash<>• you can UIK' thl' brui.;h to n·movt• that too. MWll'ura will fluk<• or slldt• urr If it 1s appllt.>d to oily lashes . On AOm<l t•yt.•brow brushc-s thc•rc 11 a comb on one s1d'" This type is good if your laahl'b al'e dumped with ma.i.cara. Howcv<'r, if you apply the mnscaru to lasht.'S individually "fJlh the end of the applicator this won't happen'.' If you art'> ont.• of thOSI.• wom(•n who still likes to US4.' a dusting of powdt.>r, a large brush used only for that purpose is ht.•lpful. Put the brush into l()O!le powder, shake• oCf the CXCC&i and lightly brush over the Ca<.-e. R<.'mcmbcr too much powder will just emphasize any lines you have. Patricia Gro th call o n frie nd wearing pajamas by Natori. Bright a ppliques accent the top. Rusty Hood wears a perfect for at-home robe of velour by Lucie Ann. Ruffle Lucie Ann ~parates in terry a re the cho ice of uzy ullon . A flower applique details the tunic-tyled top. The Fashionables • IS In 1971. a group of women interested in fashion JOined together to pursue this interest and to le nd their support to Chapman College in Orange. under th e direction '() f M i ldred Mead o r Newport Beach, the Fashionables came into being. Through a variety of efforts, Mead and the now 100 women and me n Fashionables h ave contribuled nearly $100,000 to programs a nd projects at Chapman. The three on our cover are all Fashionables and are active in a variety of other endeavors. Patricia Groth o( Newport Beach has served as a Volunteer in numerous community organizations since moving to Oran~e County m 1952. She has served on the Florence Crittenton board since its inception in 1966. She was founder of the organizat ion's to take advantage of a manufacturer's ~rror rn overshippingl, 25% off Les Couers D'Or Auxiliary and has been chairman m many of its fund-raising efforts. Groth has been a member of Angelitos d e Oro since it was founded in 1960 and is a pas t president. She presently serves on the steering committee of the Fashionables and will co-chair the Januar y program with Suzy Sutton. , Groth is married to Jack E. Groth and they are the parents of three married daughters. Sutton is a horsewoman and with .tier husband. Herb. the Coron'a d el Mar residents arc developing a Paso Fino breecUng ranch in Aguadulce, n ear Palmdale. _ Paso Fino. says Suzy. 1s a gaited horse -America's newest. but the oldest. The Suttons have developed their spread into the largest in this country -about 120 head. S . Van Ander Mac Singers counts Sutton as one of theirs. A select group of Diamond tngagement Rings d e tail the neckline of the wide-houldered s lim crea tion. an ·organizat!on on the move volunteer counselor in the South Mardan Ct'nter, YMCA and Orange County regional Mental voluntl'('r counselor in t he On the cover . . . Rusty Hood wears a 2o' pel'C'Cnt wool-BO pef'C'Cnt orion jumpsuit fashioned by Lucie Ann. Suzy Sutton ·s ruby colored gown of tissue taffeta is also a LuciC' Ann creation and Patricia Groth models a JOO percent light weight red wool gown accented with rhinestone..buttons. FASHIONS: Health Chnic. juvenile section of the Santa Hood is a supporting member Ana Pohce Department. of Cha pman's Town and Gown Hood a l so served as a and UC1 Friends of the Library . commissioner on the Juvenile Her other activities,tnclude D e linquency Prevention South Coast Repertory Theatre. Commission by appointment of Newport Harbor Art Mu8cum. the Board of'Supervisors. Vets's Inti mate Apparel, Newport Beach . PHOTOGRAPHER: Richard Koehler. Daily Pilot Staff. Boy Scouts and Childrens She is married to William Hospital of Orange County. Hood and they arc the parents She is a memlx>r of the current fifth place international medalist barbqrshop quartet. Sutton is a former board member of the Florence Critte nton H ome a nd on the steerin g committee of the Fashionables. "We're celebrating our first wedding anruversary. Between 'us we have four children and four grandchildre n,'' Sutton says. Rusty Hood of Newport Beach is a family therapist doing marriage, Camil and child 1. Sh h ... __ · of three children. counsc mg. e as uoxn active she was th e c 0 u n d in g in volunteer work since s h e president of Las Amigas de San The Jo'ashionables recently to 0 g Co t · 1962 ~ublished a cook book and came ran c un Y '" • Jose. a s upport group of St. Prescntly,sheischairman of thc J oseph .Hos pital and is a utton. Hood and Groth were board o f Phoenix House. a volunteer therapist m the men-amo ng the members residentiaJ drug rchabilit.auon tal health unit of the hospital. cont r 1 bu t Ing recipes l o center in Santa Ana serving "Fashionable Foods From adults an~oung pe<>_.p_le_._a_n_d~a~~~O_t_h_er~a_cu_·v_i_u_·es~h_a_v_e_i_n_c_lu_d_ed~~-Ca~h_fo_r_n_ia_._"~~~~~~~~ I ~c1bi13AlternabVes ~ thing rs a fact. marr~ Is an Institution that Is here to sta}C and me agt old tradition or exchanging ~'no nnos lool<s kke It wiH be around for a while alsO But ~~ does • It s.a'f that )'our rings must look like grand- mother's. or for that matter. ltke almost ~ engagement and ~1ng ring you stt In most st~. TIYre are exdung alternat~. and we a~ proud to shoW thml to you At ~m Leigh. ~ ~$1gn and handcrart the most LXllqUe and exoting coll«tlon ol ~t and ~ing nngs you~ going to stt ~ recog1ze that you are lndMduals and ovr ~IY 'reflKU tNt undl'rstandlng ~ Stort'S won't p~ tell )'OU what )'OU are buying or explain to you \Nt'toj you are paying ~ right pnce To protect )'OU against thlS. ~ hal.<e tak~ the 0¥~1}' out of com- paring diamonds and will take ~ tune to ~)'OU'" !he dt~ in qualt~ and pnce, and thm subStanoa~ \Nhat we·~ said with a money back guaranttt For straight hor:iest explanatton, unique designs and guarcintttd value, W)lndhMI ~igh Is the ~ that speclaltttS In engageo- menc and~ nngs 'Mdding nngs Miiiabie trom Sl 75 Engagement rings MllM>le from S4 SO Party k i c ~s off Christmas spree A gala party with 1,000 attending set in motion the Christmas Company, major fund- raiser of the Junior League of Newport Harbor. For the party and the three-day shopping spree that followed a building at the OC Fairgrounds was transformed into a Country French Christmas scene. Twenty-eight shops offered unique gifts and decorations. Thousands of yards of red, white and green wall coverings and green ground covering were. uaed in the transformation that Involved four work days by Canvas Specialty. Party guests dined on gourmet offerings - glazed suckling pig, pates, eggplant caviar, salad nicolse, a variety of cheeses and so many desserts that a canopied area was added to the building to accommodate the tables of sweet treats. On hand to e ntertain were accordionist Larry Evans, a mime, jugglers and a magician with Jack Reidling trio playing at one of the five food areas. Laguna Beach artist John Botz designed a souvenir poster exclusively for the Christmas Company and was at one of the league's three sponsored booths to autograph copies. Sally Lawrence was chairman of the event and her committee included Byna Sipos. Dee Knapper, Phyllis Di Gruccio, Elane Harris, Barbara Wold, Sheri Best, Bonnie McClellan, Nancy Hegness, Nancy Frino, Judy Werner. Carolyn Aufhamme r and Nancy Ne wquist. Others attending were Dot Clock, Marilyn Hausman, Barbara Grady, Billur Wallerich , Harriette Witmer and Vicki Gering. Also the Scott Andersons, ·Pe te Rabbitts, Gus Werners, Robert Warmingtons, Tom Wolffs. Don Solsbys, Robert Bests and Lloyd Wrights. Karen Craig, Sally Davenport, Barbara Aune. Nica Sheward and Carol Lind. ANGELS: Besides being a star of stage. acreen ~d tele.vjSion. Constance Towers is not bad as an auctioneer. Towers, wife o f John Gavin, U .S . ambassador to Mexico, was special guest at Saludos A Mexico, a fund-raising fiesta auction sponsored by the Angels, a support group bringing low cost professional entertainment to Saddleback College Company Theatre. Taking over auctioneer duties from Calvin Nelson, Towers w as able to convince Doyle McKinney, advisor to the Angels, that he should have the record album on the block. More than 300 attended the party held at El Adobe Restaurant in San Juan Capistrano and underwritten by Mission Viejo Company. Home Savings of America sponsored the music of band leader Dick F.mmons. The Mexican dress optional affair featured a continental buffet. with lots of Mexican food, a hosted bar and entertainment by dancers and mariachis. Bidding on both the silent and live auction was active and three women went home wearing fur coats that went for $900, $650 and $2,750. Phyllis lmonti and Connie Anderson were co-chairmen of the auction. Others attending included Jim Haster. Angels' preside nt, Elaine and Russell Carter, Ida Allsman (she donated all of the flow e rs), L a urie and Ric h ard Boultinghose, John Connally, president of the board of trustees, Saddleback College, the Albert Maldonados, Jacqueline and Richard Meredith, Ginger Mussachia, Jack and Jody Pike, Maxine and Warren Rich, Don Rickner, and Dr. Larry Stevens. the new chancellor at the college and his wife, Pamela. For CIUllfled Ad ACTION CASWELL MASSEY t,ST m2 We wlll gift wrap and send your Christmas presents anywhere In the countrv. c.11 a Dally Piiot AO-VISOR 842-54178 OtJl'I HtW Ci1 TAlOO IS HERE. 3145 L Cent ,'Ml fJ.3713 "'· 1'69 b~ I ii' A\ldAt ) & s... Clothes from the wardrobes · of the world's best-dressed people J1)1 E. 'cuul fU.,.w1y, Coruna dtl Mar (114) •7S·SSSJ Mull •• 111. 10 ·fl ...... 12 .J •• ·~ Ma rti As pegre n, Doyle Mc Kinney, Constance Towers Fine Wine and Brandie ~ 1wria/1' C1/ h Decanter ... Cookboo~.- C-Ompli111e11tary \l-inc Bott/p 'opener:, anJ holdPrs \l'ine·rP/<1 tPt.I 11otf' cards Ta ·ting- ··. / ) r -~ ..- Open 7 Days 11 ·6 free Local Delivery 2400 W. Coa t ll wy. e wpor t Beach, CA (arro. from Cano\) 642-5749 LARGEST ON HAND SELECTION OF FINE QUALITY I MERCHANDISE AT THE LOWEST PRICES (Over 1, 000 Bedspreads 1t11d Comforters In Stock J I' 01 ng1 Co 1st DAILY PILOl /Su11doy. No11umu 1 7 198~ ('3 I~/ mu.A: de ( ;11!it~1 · fb,,, THE "MUST" TANK•. The world fdmous watch design in vermell With ivory lacquer dial, $650. THC: CARTIER SIGNATURE PEN. Classic oval shape. ribbed ballpoint pen with the ~artier three colors of gold rolling ring. In micron silver. $165. In micron gold. $190. THE CARTIER OVAL LIGHTER. Sleekly ribbed. In micron silver. $250. In micron gold. $285. Bailey Banks& Biddle World Renowned Jewelers Since 1832 SOUTH COAST PLAZA. COSTA MESA First /eve/, Bullocli'1 wing. (714) 761·5640 Afternoon Seminar by 9ean 0nark Winning The Age· Game How to stay young . all your life! I: Winning ... with my beauty sec rets for mature facia l and body skin . II: Winning ... attitudes and habits to become the Ageless Woman Ill: Winning . . . with nutrition and exercise Wednesday, Nov. 10th 12 p.m. -4 p.m. Refreshments will be served • 'R1nconado Ar11ma1s • Clulmark Pewter L1m1ted ed1hons • Swarovsk1 Straus Cryslat • Aus Ben Cold Bronzes • Mannequm dolls by Marilyn Houchen ··964-5242 Fountain Valley WAl TING FOR ESCROW ~ALE! jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiN01114 th ~ IA CAVF o,,, KARAT COLD J£W£LNYI There's nothing like real karat gold to complement every outfit, every occasion. Antj now you con odd to your gold Jewefry wardrobe at ottroctfve savings. See us now for jewelry you'll treasure for years to come. ' 20%-18~ IFF NOTHING ELSE FEELS UKE REAL GOLD Come In today w blle selection Is best! I Orange COHI DAil Y PILOT /Sunday, Novemb r 1. 1Q82 • f ,( '/ I " (.' 11 I Lb / Delly Pllol art by Tim PeterMn The right way to be passenger By DICK DOYLE ls-;lel lo Ille D•lly Piiot Today. wc•'rc going to hop aboard a plam • and fly away somt•whcrc. ThC' challt-ngl' htn• 1s how to fly . !low to be a passengl·r on a sh ort or long airplam• flight. Surprisingly. most people don't know how tQJly. They just gN on a plane and go ana when they get where they'rt• gomg or when they come back. they've got lots o f complaints. Most o f the p robl<'ms o n tht.•1r q ight really arose because they don't know how to fly . Whe n you get to the airport (or on som e airlines. when you purchase your tickrt), you'll be asked to select your c;eat. Smoking or non-smoking 1s, of course. tht' current qut'Stton asked by the airline attendant but they don't ask where you want to sit Ask for a S<'at as far to the FRONT of the plane as you can get on a long distant'<' flight. partic ularly on a 747. OC 10 or L -10 11 or sim ilar monster plane. Despite the claims or quieter engines. th«: bansh('(' wail is louder the further back you sit. There have been studies by doctors, a(•(·ou stkal engineers, h earing exper ts and ~he average frequent flier about the best scats on a big plane . A doz.en doctors took a long air voyagc and recommended that you sit at the midpoint of the cabin on the right side of the plane. They claim that people on the left-hand side of the plane are more like ly to be air queasy I stil l s ti c k b y my upfront recomme ndation . Not only is the noise held to a mmimum 1f you sit there but you don't have the aisle traffic and you'IJ get the drinks a nd food first. Now. you're aboard. Before you settle in your seal, grab or ask for, a pillow You'll be more comfortable with one later m the flight ond I know of f('w a irlines with l'nuugh p11lowi. to go around, CSpt'('1ally OC'CaUSl' lot!> of p<'oplc g<.·t two right o ff thc bat. Orw will suffit•t> but get it right arwr you gl•t abo:1rc.l Next, faste n your M'HI lwh Takt•off-. and landings can be shaky and you don't want to foll out of your st'(lt Wis<' passengers keep tht•1r sco;llb('lli. 1'10:-L·l ,v faswned a t all t imes tht·v :in· m tlw1r· seats throughout their fhghl!., sorm•thmg I joi n the arr l 1nt•s 1n -.1ronglv ra'Ommending. ll'~ good insur..inl't.• As your plane gains alucudc, your ears o ft<.>n "po p." Th<." Air F'on:<•'s "valsalva" lechnrque can bt· JU~l ~hat the doctor -ordt•rC'll It's rl0l·omml•nc.l <•d only for people who do not havt• car problems. . Those' who do should <:on-.ult tht•ir doc·tor before flying For pt'l1plt• "'ho ft'<·I head pressure• as th<'ir .11nrnft g.111h altitudl', squcew yuur nu!>tnls 11ghtlv with forefinger and thumb (hkl· wht•n you're diving in th<.' swammmg pool). close your mouth and lr~ your d..imdt~t ·------------------------------------, : SUNSET : : DINNER CRUISES ,12' SO ... EI "&LLllE'' F1tl>AY • SATURDAY • SlK>AY SPM-9"1 ""'_,, ...... n S27.50 • ~$22.50 ADULTS ... $17 .50 -CHILDREN ... $12.50 $50 PER COUPlE WITH THIS COUPON 04Hl«llS 8Y "O!lLMAH'I llHf," OF BALBOA YC 975-2494-USCO APPllOVEO-l'Ull Y IHSUflEO.LICENUO SKIPPEJI RESERVATIONS A MUST! CNner9 ,.......,.. Fe< Al 0ec-.. ~------------------------------------ THE TRAVEL SECTION of the NEWPORT BEACH EBELL cum Invitee you to • crulae preview et our clubhouH, 515 W. Belbo• Blvd., Newport .. ech et 7:00 P.M. on Wedneadey, November 10. We are celebrating the newest of the ROYAL VIKING STAR cruises to CHINA & JAPAN with movies of shipboard acllvltln and sights to be seen at the many ports of c all of th is FABULOUS NEW CRUISE ... lmeglne, 14 .,, of luxurr orutelnQ In the new ...... from aMl !Mludlng .. , ... end ..... excuratoMn ~------------------.... lllRL•-laJ ........ ,.., ..... eill &.--. Ml-4111 .A / .. ,.J,..111,., IKllwl •/ ..,.,. loc.l liwH et.i n.,.J, · 10 l·>d1:ill' through your earl> POP' Tht• I" oblc,i.n b sol \)N) although pt•opll• .1rountl you might be surpri<;<'CI at your lanal 1·11lw similar to ;i fin· c·nginl'. I lmH•vt•r. 1f you hc.1vl' a l·old, o p<'n yuur 111outlt wlwn you "blow throug h your l'~u-." or vour l'an.lrum;, euuld pl.iv .in um·omforl:1bl<' tum .. I'm not going to discu<;.-. thl' food or d1 ink .1buard d o ml'st1c: or fon•1gn ,111 l11ws Most of 1t 1s JUSt good l'nnugh lC> (>rl'Vl·nt starvation or dc'alh from th1~t I rc•ml•ml:x.or whLn airline food Wa!> hot thut's how long I'v(' l>l'<'n travt>hng If you want to takt• p1t•tur<'S out thl' w1nuuw. make certain you h ave• <1 \\ mduw !><.•,11 Oth<•rw1st>. you'll h.1vc• to gl•l '4>1l'H hody to mOVl' .ind. 1f ,vou'n.' m t'<.ononn dJi..• .. \'ou'll havt to Ul't a lot of l>l'opll 'tu mm·i.· II you .in· lll'>.t lt1 a "1ndt1\\, YOU <.in take· u l'Olur p1lturc ''1th ...... huttt•r spt'(.'ll as slow Ji. J, 50th of ,1 '' tond .it F8. Don 't t..ikt' flai.h . hcrn.t•\'l r It won't do an11 good at :J5,000 fl71·t Makt• t•t•rtatn your ntm Spt't'Ci IS ;JI k·a.,t I 00 ASA . . - Good life at sea Sy STAN Ufo:l.Al•l.AN fo! AIH>J\IU> M IS T HOl'll'At.1': Mm 11111~ 11t t Mc >.h·u Tiu• w.11111 1111 "11111 11. ut .. iltw.1h·1 untl \Ol It·'• 'l'hc .. wu t'tt• 1woµlt· .11 c · up. 111r.htn1-t ut tlw 1•111 Iv l'hl 11,' IUlt'k hm I llll'l II IJl1lll w ho said · "l'vc• flgu11·l.l out you <•Ill 1'111 1111\C llllll•h 1J d1IV Ill\ thl!l Sill)> " 11 \ w1·ll knnw11 Ill nu1~1· 11h1p .. th:il holllhlit•d pt•11plc• J.(11 hrntu• illld tl'll th1•11 It lt'J1cl1o, "A111t tlw food' I rn11'1 1('11 you' Wc • .it.• 1ill tlw llll1<• ·• ' 'l'ht• 1ww MIS 'l'wpw;il'• follow-. tlw. 1111 mul11 A l~1cly trnv~·I :1~1·111 Hho:11 J i.111cl: "( 'i·11h,1• p11ssi•11gt•rs fc·1·l · tlwy h:1v1• 111 1•11t l•V1•1 y tlllnK. Tllt'n•'is -.t1 111ud1 ul It Tll(·y i;:1y lt1 thc 1Hwlv1·K, 'Aft"' ,111 , I p.1111 1111 1t ' Th<•H 1lll' 110 doggy 1>.1g'> .11 sl'a" Tiu• 1•;11lv 11-..1 hnd 11 wmkNI out thh w11v k11 Iv r.nul'k w1 dt'< k ut h "'l'lll'n vou h..iv(• br('jkfoi.t M•a Vt'<I 111 vuui 1 uiuH Al 11, bllu1llon ~rnJ 1>11:.i<·ks ;m cll'<.k At n oon, h&1mburg1·1i. ur hut dug' 1n tlw grill "Co to tlw dm1ng 1ornn fw lu11lh cm tlH· lilll' '!>flting ut I Tt•a <111u '~111d" l<'hvi. :it I Ill thl· 11flt•rn1111n m tht· l11ung1• Ccll·kiatl hors d'11<·uv11 i. at Ii, J tl1111't lOUllt • ~ "D11111l'i :at ti o'dot·k At m1dn1ght tlw l.111• bufll'I. You Cimi.h uµ lro111 t;;J(I ,1 Ill. lo :l;:JO With thl 1'11111 ltH>lh lutt• lall· rnght bufft•t ". , All or T<.•d Anson's tTUlS(' !>hips Mw d1 Gras, L'arnavall', l"1·sl1vul<· follow a formula: $1.000 fw om· w<•<'k. lt'i. hl•t·n i.t1 su<.·t·c•s.<;ful in thl• l'ruwdl·d CunblH'an th;1t he put th1· Ill'\\' Ti oµk'•il<· on the• Wt:st Co<i'\t ' f•:.11 (i '>)llJI h111i ol j(lllllliltnl( (11'-lllCI 11.1p .11 u I 111.11 k,1o11 k .11111 a t 1111ph• of d1111 11 .1111 11 lol( h1111 ~ Wh111 II' ('lit k' .l111glt Jlllj\h•, JHIJ.tlc ·' A 111.111 I 111111 l h t• l1n1• ti.lid : "C,1111hl1tlj.( I llUt 111.1.)w illl'l)ml• It 111.1k1' .11111111 111H •H two pc•rc t•nt Al 1'>1111 th111k, ,1 t a111110 11> Ull IH.ld1'tl (un lh111i: 1111 1w11p h• to clo" lit•I' .111· $:.! S lot-. Murt al u n kk(•I rnul i..:11 111 ,1 dol1111 1)11nki. :111• H~ l't•nti. a 11tl $ I Ill 1'h1 I.id.., 11 av1·I :1u1•11L s111d! "&•sHll•s 1•,11111i: .ill tlM,• l11111-. pa-."t'llKl'rl• w;.int to hr 1•111< 1 t.111wd A ~nod t•1 u1"· dirt•c:wr 111•\'C I Jc•h lht•fll ll'S\" 'l'h1· '1'111p11 ,iii· ,., 1 0 1 ry111g mon• u11tlc 1 ;rn, than nrn-.1 1·ru11>l' 11h1pi. S11 rng l11k1n1 gll b who c•ttn wc•ar ... 11111g l11k1111r. (Nut t•vt•rybody can, tit ,11 , Tiu 11··-. .1 J1'>C.t1 1':v1•n111g tlant•ing. In t'ill'h 1110111 .1 TV sc H'<·n shows movac>J>, tl.iy .11111 111gh1 Tt11 11 u1"4· d111'l l11r .., 11wdl' of stt'<.·I -.1}1 111g-., 'I Ill' loutl!>pt•akt•r nl'vt•r ll·.1-.-.· .. "At II p 111 <·>-1 ·n ·1sc·<; ·•m dl'<'k ' At !I Ht lllt'n's nohbv k1wo. tontt·st l:11lt1 ... \\ill 111· th'i judge•:.' O~uly douhll· 11111 ..i 1 .11 1 ng' IJ1111' 1 forgl'l t ht· jokt• 111111p1 11111111 ill :l. l :1! And tlw trap '>IH111ting t'flllll''>I iii t.:Sll'" 'l'ht•\ l"oJ II th1•111M ·lv<·i. "Thl• f~un Sl1q>'> •' Mov11• on lod<1y. "Only Wht•n I l..1ugh " I i.:1v1· this e r111 s 1· a vol<' of 1011111lt•rn·<· All 1r01vt•I ;1gc·nts hav<.' hl'o< hun•s Try 11. You'll SCl' .. Orn1tl1<t Coast DAILY Pll OT /Sunday, Novemb r 7, 198? Cl Here. is the 1982-83 schedule fo r-th:e Orange Courity Philha i;rnonic ~ociet y World Class Soloists .. .· ,· T he Lo s Angeles P hilharffionic • .J International music critics agece that the Lo."! Angeles Philharmonic is among th e top orchestras in the world. Under the inspired lead ership of Carlo Maria Ciulini, this magnificent group of talented musician ..performs (or the Orange Coun ty Philharmonic Society in the 'anta Ana High· chool Auditorium, in two series of five -concerts each. This out tanding orchestra has been bringing concerts to Orange County for 20 year , thanks to OCP . Without the sub. id y of the Orange Collnty Philharmonic • ociety, this program would not huve been po sible, since ticket prices offset only about half the cost ?f the e concerts. Among the soloists who will appear with the Lo. Ange les Philharmonic in Orange County are the e world class artist en es A Saturda). Ort. :!. 198:! Gii "El'l'E 'l\OPO LI. Condurtor S4-hulw-r1: \ mphorn :'\lo. 5 \lahll'r: s, 111phorn :'\o. 5 YO URI ECOROV won instant renow n when. during the 1977 Van Cli burn Competition. he did not win first prize. Enough money was raised by his ecstatic admirers to bring him to New York for his debut and that performance establi hed him firmly as one of the great keyboard artists. ITZHAK PERLMAN, an acknowledged mas ter among world vioJinists, annually performs with orchestras throughout the U.S. as well as with internationally renowned symphonic organizations. Throughout the world a Perlman appearance is synonymous with "So(d Out:· Violinist ISAAC TER • acknowledged as one of the great musicians of our time, has performed in concert. recital and via the public media to listeners on every continent. He has l S.11unla\. ~O\'. 13. 1982 ~llCll \El Tll~'OI\ TllO\l.\S. Comlurtor •\LICI.\ <lt• l.AHHOCllA. Piano K nu~•rn: s, mp horn No. 3 MotJrt: P1ann Conrrrto. B 0111 B<'l•tho'«•n: Hnphon~ No. 4 Saturda,, Frb. 5, 1983 MYl"\C.\\ llLN CllLNG. Condu'ctor IS\ \C TERI\. \'iolin B.11 h. \ '1olin Concerto Prokoficrl: S mphon~:O.o. 6 • turda\. Feb. 26. 1983 0 \\ 11> \TH ERTO~. Conductor 'Ol'RI EGORO\. Piano Handel: Conrtrto Grosso \o. 7 in C Tippell: vmphom No. 4 ~tho\t'n: Piano Con<'f"rto No. 5 Saturda\, April l b. 1983 C'\RI 0 l\to\RI A Cl U\I. Conductor A"IDRF: MICHAEL CllA lJB. Piano Cl'mimam: Concerto m C major K.467 Brahm~: Symphon) No. 3 Series B Saturday. Ort. 16. 1982 C<\RLO 1\1 \RIA GIULINI. Conductor ITZllAK PERLl\to\ . \'iolm Wcllt'rn: ,ix 1'1crei, Op. b 6f.rg: \ 1olin Concerto Brurknrr: , 'mphon) No. 9 S.turda). Jan. 15, 1983 l\llCll ~EI TILW 'i THO\IAS. Condurtor K HI\ and MARll:'.:LI E L\BEQl:E. Plano .. \tourt: March in D. K.24Q <tourt: ConN'rto for T"o P11~. E rt.1. K.3b5 IX-rltoz: • \ 111phonw tdnt.i•llqul' S..1urda\'. Jin. 29. 1983 4 \IYL'NC.WllUI\ Cll UNC. Conduclor JlllJi\NA MARKO\\, Piano ... I recorded virtually alLlh~-­ significant classical and • Wahorr.-Ylimtrom 9n ~ ~.w_......--..___..._ ...... = __ ....._....._...__*-='===--~1---~~= I major contemP.orary violin literature, and has premiered a long list of works by contemporary composers. KATIA and MIRIELLE LABEQUE. French pianists, studied at ~he Paris Conservatoire where, in 1968. they were awarded the joint first prize for piano. Thl'y have toured across five continents, have pt>rf~rmed extensively in Europe and .A~ca. • h~1akovirh: P11no Conrerto o. 2 BttthoH•n: mphom No. 2 Saturda\, Feh. 19. 1983 IMON RATILE. Conduclor JAN &-CAETANI. Mezzo.Sopr.no MICH o\EI. RIPPON. Badtone fl1n·dn· Tht' Rt'pr~ntahon of Ciaos from ·1 ht> Crf'ation .. Prter Mn"t'll Oavif.,: Blark Prnterost (American Pmnierr) \lozart: 'mphom ~o. 41 ("Jupiter") S..urd•'. Marrh 12. 1983 Co\RCIA "c \ \ARRO. Condu<'tor Bf.LL~ 0\\'100\'ICH. P-iano \ll'rl~r: Onrlurr. Eur\'lntM Oiop1n: P~no Concerto 1\o. I f1lla: Thrtt·Cor~rc-d H11 (f..omp~tr) Series C ~~ ....... ~.,,.,.,.,~~...._ ....... .-. .,......,_.......,~._ ... ~=.\ C'(lmtiiftlllon o( lioth SERI~ . .\ 1Jid"I al an additiolllll DISCOl'''H. ORDER NOW for Ticlet lnformatioll (714) 646-6411 0 .· I 1 I llllJ 1111 SUNDAY, NOV. 7, 1982 STOCKS 02, 6-7 BUSINESS OUTLOOK 03-4 Franchising: A hot business Hard economic times mean expans!on for outlets By KAREN E. KLEIN Of ttle Otilly l"llot ata1t Dar Manarang must havl' lx.~·n a good salesman. Good l'noui<h to sell h imscl f on thc> produc•t he was pit<:hmg: owning your own business M an arang, a nallvt' o f thl· Phllipptnt>S who em1grall'd to the U.S. 13 Yt'Hrs ago, was a bu.s11wss o pportunity s<Uesman. s<•ll1ng small businesses to tndt'l>Cmdt'nt owners, until around two and a half years ago Then, m May 1980. he dt"<:1dt>d to quit looking. in on tht• small business vent ure from l ht· outside and jom up h(· bought .'J._Meineke mufflc•r franl·hi~ m Ca Habra Meineke 1s the brain child of Harold Nedell and Sam Me1twkt'. who started the franchist•s with u Houston , Texas, shop in 1972. As of the end of this fi scal year. the r e were 2 10 M ei n ckl• franchises nationwide, including 40 that open e d t h is yea r . accotding to Nedell, Meinc•ke muffler preside nt. Manarang shopped around for the best business he could find and settled on Meineke for two r easons: the simpll(•1t y with which the murrter business l·an be operated and his aptitude for mechanic:a l work. Since May 1980, Ma narang's muffler shop has h eld its own and even increased lls pruhts ma slow-but-steady fashion. He averages about 35 exhausl jobs a week -not a lot, but good considering Cali fornia 1s virgin territor y for Me1nrk£', whose main competitor is rock -solid Midas mufCler, wh1t·h s tarted Irvine firm gets Army contract Ultrasystems Inc. or Jrvme has been awarded a $3.3 mlll1un contract by the U.S. Army to prepare logistical programs for its new Light Assault Veh1cl<' The contr ac \ calls f o r Ultrasystrms to provide informauon on th<' staHmg. spare parts. tools. support equipment and facilities for the vehicle, to be built by Gene ral Motors of Canada. Ltd Ultrasystc ms s pecializes in engineering and l'Onstruction m energy and defonsc fie lds Last month, President Philip Stevens anno unced another relau vely small but g lamorous project: A wood-burning powt'.'r plant in N orthern Cal1fo rn1a u si n g surplus wood from surrounding forests to C'reate <'lt'<.·tric1ty S tevens said thC' latest contract reflects the n<'ed for sophisticated analysis 10 ensur<' that new weapons are in tegrated into deJense systems Army off1c1als ">1gnl'<l a f1V('· year. $477 8 m1lhon contrac·t with GM of Canada to prodU("t' 969 or the vehicles, wh1t·h a Pentagon spokesman called "more of an armored car than a tank " The 14-ton vehicle can travel mor e than 50 mph a nd 1s intende d to offer armored protection for the Army and Marine Corps' rapid deployment forces. It 1s designed to carry a crew of three and a combat squad of six soldiers. The amphibious vehicle will be armed with a 25mm automatic cannon frand11:.t•s in thl' mid '5Us Tht• firs t C<ihforn1a Mt'llll'kl• shops o pt•1wd 1n San Oic>go uruund thn•t' yt•ar:-; ago. "l gt•l rnort· l'Omfortabll• a:. I kn o w what '!> g oi ng vn.'' M.mar:.ng ~•d The businl'SS has a high profit ma1·gin, he said, so the 7 pt.•r\•t•nt royally fee hl' pnys to the M<'inl·kt· fra nt·h1 :.l'r in 1 louslun 1s nut burdensome. "Thl' fl'l' yuu pay 1s worth 1t," ht• said "It pays for 1tS<.'lf " Thl· ..1 d1rrl•n·11t story. "You know what would happen you'd rwvcr tWl a loun and you'd t'nd up lu~mK your money ;ind rold111~ .. For a nt•w bus 111t•1>11111an , "1·vt•1·y dt'l. 1s1un 11> u 50/50 l·hanl'(> of fo1lurl'." Nt•dt·ll said "And 1f Murphy':. Law prl·vails ." W 1 t h a n t• x p t' r 1 e n C' e d fru1whlM'I l>t•hind him, a nl'W hu:.1nl•:.:.m.1n t·an vi rtually l'llmtnatt• th<' lt•ar111ng phase A u.when people are oul or work, threatened, that's when franchising e xplodes." Ml'lnl'kt· 1woplc lwlpt.'d him 111 st'll'l.'t1on of site, inventory and otht·r matll'r s whc·n ht• f1r s l opt•rwcl, bu1 hl' had to pul 1n a lot of llnw himself as well Mt•inckc· shops are upt.•n 8 to 6, s ix days a wC'C'k, wh1t·h doc·sn't leavl' Manar:omg mut'h fret• t1ml' But tht• hlird work is obviously paying o ff Man:i r a ng h as contra<'tc·d to tak<' on anothl'r shop and 1s c·urrl•ntly looking for a loc·atwn. Nl'dC'll said Expa n sion and o p e ning fram·h1sc:. 1s big busin<.·~ right now. Ne>de•ll said, tx-cause while this b nol a good time. genC'rully. to st.an a small businC'SS, It rs a good tlnw lo oix-n a fran<·h1S4.' "Whe n you go into businl'ss durmg hard timc-s. your m1stakt•s are magmf1l'<l." Nedcll said During good e<:onom1c timt·~ .. you c·an afford tu make mistakl•!., he• e•xpla111l'd All you nt'<.'d to do 1s go to your bank. gf't a loan and undo t he· m1stakl:'s. But today 11's fninch1ser prov1d~ a basic level u r l' x p (' r t i s l' f 0 r a n e w busi1ll'S.'l111an lo foll bal'k on. • ' T h (' b o u m y c• u r s o f fr:1nd11:.1r1g an· ahl'ad of us," ne . ..... 11d Nl:d1•ll has wnttc•n a book, "Tht• F'randww (i<1me· (Hules & Playt•1 !>)," wh1c·h dt.'uls with the e•111;1t1onal. physil'al and menta l l' rr l' (' t s 0 r t h c bu s iness 0 n fram·h1S('l'S Nt•dt•ll 1s qu1l·k to d1fforentiate lwt Wt'l'll tht· ML'111L·ke type of fronl'h1:;c· and .Jthe kind that dl'(H.'nds on predut·t for t h e n•lat1un~h1p bt•tW<'<'n franchiser and fram·h1M'(' I It• 1HJ1<·d produl·t franchises, like• gJ.., :.tat1ons. car dc•alerships and bike• i.hop:.. are having a hard llnw now. a"> are frant·hises like hotl'I!> and motl'ls But th1~ has bel·n Memeke's b1ggt·s l Yl'IH , Ne dell said, knocking on a nl•arby wooden tahlt• top. and the· biggest year fur nt•w 01~.-nin~s. Dlscoura _...., __ ....,._ . 7 .6 .5 0 111 IV I II 111 IV I II Ill 1979 1980 1981 ChtcagO Tnbune Graphic. Sou<oe US Bureau of Labor S\atlstios Discouraging figure Most of Ml'ineke'11 frunchllil~» an· lm•xpcrit'nt'ed, and Nl'dell pn·flint it thut wuy. When thl' going i.a stn-ssful, as 1t often is during thl:' Cir.st tew months o f busin ess. an l'Xpt'rienc:t.'CI pc.•rwn will revert to old busine&s ways thut work~ before. An tnt.•xpcrien('Cd peNOn, N t•dell said, does n 't hav<.' anything lo fall back on but what he's tx.'<'n taught. N e d t•ll 1s a p o l it e, knowlcdgcablt· Ne w Yorke r, who. desp1tl' nearly 15 years in H ou s to n , has n cvl'r lost his distim·uvc• Manhattan look and al't:ent. He ml't Sam Mclnc.•ke in early 1972. Mcin<'ke• was cxpericn<..'Cd in the automotive business and • Nedell had bt.•Pn vice prt>Sident of the AamC'u transmission chain. The two men sat down over the dining room table and came up with a plan for a muffler franthise. T hey invested $5,000 in that original muffler shop. which opened in Houston in August 1972. a nd they haven't put anoth<'r p<'nny into it since, Nedell said. This year, the pair will earn $44 million on their franchises. Na tionally. Meineke has only 2 or 3 percen t o f the muffle r market . Nedell said, but there's plenty o r room for t.·xpansion. He said he l•xpe<·ts Meineke to cau:h up and challt•nge Midas. which ('Ontrols around 15 percent. m about 1985. Th o u g h the con cep t or franchising has been a round since a nc·ient Rome. Howard (See FRANCHIS~S. Page DZ) IV I II Ill IV 1982 The unemployment rate accounts only for jobless -people who are actively seeking employment. It does not count the rising number who are discouraged and have given up looking for work. outh i where the bu i11e action will be in Orange County's future. Page D.'J. Dr. Lewis Hulbe rt, research leader at Danelle Institute in Columbus, Ohio., heads learn which perfected heat-resisting tiles. ln~titute develQps everyday things COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) - You may not know much about Battelll'. but chances a re some of ils wo rk is rattling around m your pocket or purse. The Columbus-based research a nd development firm, whose scientis ts w e re grante d 75 pa ten ts-last yea r alo n e, i~ involved in a host of projects that could affect life in the future, cars to dentistry to nuclear waste s torage. . Plunk down a quar ter for a newspaper and you 're using a coin made with a Batte Ue- d eve Io ped tec hniqu e of "sandwiching" djfferent types of metals toge'lher. B u y a-n i t e m a t t h e s upennarket or drug store and you'll see the c.'omputer product code that originated at Battelle. Need a few letters copied at the oHice? The xerography process was developed here. Bauelle Memorial Institute is considered the world's largest independe nt. charitable non- profit, tax-paying research and development oreanizatlon. The institute w as the brainchild of Gordon BattellP, who left little in the way of a legacy beyond the money he inherited to found the research cenLer. Battelle was neither scientist n o r i n ve ntor, made no dJJiCOvenes. held no patents and wrote no books, but he had a convli·tlon tnafapplf researcn ht.¥1 practical value. The son of a successful steel industrialist.. he died at the age of 40 in 1923. willing the bulk of his $1.5 million est.ate U> creaie an mstilut.c "for the encouragement of creative reeeardt." That grew from an initial staff of 30 in one laboratory &o more th.m 7 .000 employees. mostly scientists and enginttrs. working out o( offices tha t circle the s tobc. B<'Ca~e of its re putation in m<'tallurgy, Bauelle became involved In the Manhattan Projc'Ct that led to development of tht' atomic bomb during World War 11. This and other war work brought o n a con tinuing r c Ia.ti o n s h I p b e tween the. rescan·h fad lity and the federal government. It also led to continuing work in nuclear rc.'Search. Bat~Ue now ls help1ng evaluate equipment l'Ontaminah.>d in the Three Mile Island acc ident at a nuclear power plant near Harrisburg. Pa .. m 1979 . BattelJe n ow manages a program for the U.S . Department of Energy t o s earch f o r underground geologic ro~ons auil.Bble for permanent storage of nuclear waste and is developing tC<'hnology for the storage. Battclle 1nvenuon s run the gamut of technology: an epoxy for coal mine roof bolts, a method to make stronger glass, a new concept for replacing teeth, and an assembly line for plasti~ pouc h es u sed I n a fo-o~ prOtt'SSing machine. Worldwide. Battelle did •420 million of business las~ year. Business Women 'bone up on financial dos and dOn'ts._1n_ve_n.t_or1_•s_--...I By KAREN E. KLEIN or .. Dlllr "'°' • ..., The 15 well-dressed, mostly middle -aged w om e n s itting around the table. dnnking coffee and chatting on a recent Monday momi~, weren't bragging about their, lcjda, swapping recipes or agonl~nt over the plot of the latest aoep opera. They were talkln1 about inauroce premiums and check- proceu Ing flow c harts and (!curing umbrella polic ies on theii homeowner'• Insurance. The wome n aathered In a conferenc e room at the ~&ory Point C.Ondomlnlum ~pln In NewpOrt ~ael1 were attendirw a flve•....ton eemlnar called die Women'• Financial J...eamine WorkJhop. In \he workahop~ lhe women learn how to oraanlle their nnance1. how to handle c.redJt, how to decide on lnvettmenta '1ld hew co plan for reUren>ent. Bu.& more lmportanily, th•y ~ how to carry on lntelllcent. ln fer med d h l 01'1"e w l th .P.....,.••l• in the flnanclal , J • world. according to Luci Dawson, co-founder of the workshop. When Dawson was divorced some years ago. she wasn't able to do that. For· years, sh e had relied on her husband to handle all the money matte rs for the family. , But whe n she found herself alone. she realized ahe would r1@llf' a crash coune on finances just so she could ask the right questJons of the lawyers, bankers and accountants with whom she suddenly had to deal. "Traditionally. men h ave taken care of financial mattera for wome n ," Dawson said. "Women were never ae•red to handle finances on their own.'' The workshop sets ou\ to remedy that. The counie, which coeu $100 for the five 1e11lon1 plus an extenalw workbook includes • momln' bull aetalon on what 0.waon liket to call dumbbell math. ··Some women don't ewn kn o w how to figure percen~.·· aht uld . After Dtwton .. dlvortt, 1h• . ' tried In vam to find a place she could go to learn about finances with people in the same position she was. "I went over to Orange Coast a nd !18W all tho~ cute young girls and couldn 't find a place to park. Th6?n I \hOUJ.hl. there muat be an eaaier way.· So,.m 1979. s he approached P5't Pauley, a financial secretary she had tead about In a Daily Pilot article. The two women flrwt began the aieaions about a year ago, mode ling them after tht popular home parties women h o ld to sell makeup and houecwares. "l called It the Tupperware Party of finance.'' 0.W90ft Mid, la~ing. When they held thoee· flrat classes, ah~ •nd Pauley met with the group at an attendff'a houte. ln retum for provtdtna a meettna place end oth~r aoendeft, the holtem coukt \eQ the worhahop for tree. Now, the 1roµp1 meet In luxurlout aurro1.andtn11 at Prornontory Point, where a friend of Dawson'• la tbe ~dal'I dJrettor. A And a third partner, Marilyn O'Rourke, has been added to fill in for Dawson, who travell e xtensively with her second husband. The sessions feature auest speakers from au ~u of the financial world who doMte their time to lecture on specialty toj)icl at a bel;inner'1 level. The emp~on the workshop la on reading -contracu. policies. statement• -and understanding. The detalled wol'kbook that goes along with the ... ions urires women to find out where their important llnlnclal ~are located and • to know where they are 1n cue of an emer1ency. There is a chapter tn the book called ''The Woman Alon• - The Art of 'S:urvlvorahlp,' " which ptt>vkles toola fol w.nan who mun f...e the •dl of lt*i ~· aection enlllled "Th• JUaht A.dvhlera." the bocak ..U. women not to take ,...,.._. acllon hnpuhl••lf and elftOdonally on the MIYlft ol friends. "Many con -artists s pecialize in reliev ing aintle wom e n o( recently acquired poaetalona," the teJtt Wan\I. O\het' UJ>I (ound ln the book have been a belp to women who find themselves adrift In what often seem• Ilk~ a se.a of confusing financial facts and tenns, DaWIOn aid. But lt'a n ot only women who've lost their mates that benefit from the workshop. There are ebo women like J11ekle $belt.on. who ~ all the way from Glendale to attend the aemlnar. "I'm not expectlna ml h~band '9 die .. cliv.m .... I SMl\Or\ uld 0 lt'• jult thet rve become mon lnterHt~d ln ttnance and 1 want to be CLlJftt\l wtdl it." .. * • DI Orang Coatt DAILY PILOT /Sunday, November 7, 1982 IRllGICIAITITICll f'ullowllllJ Drt• thl' lllUt.'k m111 k1•t lrlll\88Cllt>l\I or publldy l11Jttd Or•rt6(t' County m mit ror lht' Wt't•k t•1111t.J f'nduy. Nuw•mt>1•r ~. Daul pruvldl-<l by Nf•Wf)llf t s." UI llh· t'11111 / I. •&11• J :tr:: ~!;;~ , ••• ,.. ttl •• .......... u ') ... ,. .... .s.o. ... 6 A.Mr, Pt O• '-·1-a.. I •JIM . t uer.'1110,....I 9 lokor Intl, ICO to .. ,. ....... ,,.,... • 11 11 f11•• I••· llrL :~ ::;m!~:o .::: =~~g; '" C•t lttr eno •'- ,, Cart h ,.eh•f" O L U Cert.f"Oft•Corp. I Tlf a g::::::\:..-. .. •• 1t Col••" Sy1 10 Celuabh sai ... 1 t Coe.reo. ,,.,. <"M• t II Coe.O"•· Cer• f'M,H l) Cowlnat,..in "OYT• ~ 'C\oltMaft ll•rtt C'U,H D.et .. P-Ow1tr OPW~ O.t.•t,.1)11 DTtlJI 11 O•t1i.1• oanc• 18 Down111f' S.u . f\"L lt 111:~. '"'· , ... )O llP ~l••o. II"' i; l;!~;~.t~O~IU ~:. )) l'fOl:Jt. IDl'I h " • t J• l .. H CUt f'\d '1 S ) .. ,.,. V.•t ""· ,..,,. 1=:~:r. ....,.,., ... ,. '''''" .._ ...... ... ,1rt ... "' .. ., .. ,., ····~ lr•IM 0r ..... •• ., .. ,.t ...... Co1h f4•H Maheia '"' ,,,.,,.,, 8o• J••• C•p ... ,.,1. "'•-"•'• .. """t ••• " ··u• ..... S.nl• &11.t Arl•ll•t• .,,,,p\)rt •••"~ rut l•l",Of\ ~~r:"~":•IOh Irv In• ,4'\Ah•t1' ·n1li4 -. .... ,,. ,_nl' An• •••P4rt h ••I\ Twit tn '\ant• •"' ,,. .. ". 4"•1'1411l«I itle~rt l•ADI\ 3'nt4 An• lri.ll'litli t...1pn• HU~•t ................. N\ .. PCWO•ltw\ .,. ltfe Ii ul\4 411, & •n ...... Dl••" ., 11 ........ '""'' .... , ... , .,,,~ r .. at al "'-•llti Plt" •••• , •••• •h·l • l••U~I ~W-,~!1:·:.;~r •. k••I•• ~,..,,~. ltat.l'tn1 'r@••-' tutHt prod. "->•l•••• o .. l., •• ....... re1t r ·j~• MA1•••t I ... ,. prd•. "'•· j ·~,. • '•""'"' Mat •ltH t.Mh flf"h. ,..,,,.,, ' , .. 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LA:IR ~'Liberty Nat\, ~I Lion Country-oo.-~l t~~.:~·~~·· L~;s .. ~-; KoCo9b1 Corp. ... ~6 Mlrour1 Sa•. llC!'L ~r Mtcro Cen•r•l .... 51 Mlo ..... e•lCOft. tUCC& ~9 Mo,..bO'-'•• lnrl MUS 60 "-'1 Oat' Cnrp MSI ,, ••ttOft•l Ed:. •Ir • 6Z •• .. •••• Pood •auo 6) Mthon h n Nll.R 6• MwpV 8'o l S.•. • 6S ltewport Co,.p, WEWP• It ::=::~t '~:~; =~= 61 h • ...,rid Coa Nl!W 69 •11c\•_,,,. ,...d, ffMSI 70 OcloUot OOU l t O.ni ... dlce l OtOll 1 l Or•nc• llneore> .. ll ~:~~!~ ';!:: ~:=, 1,, '•nn Pao.Cor9 PPAC 76 Pio•• H1dro rsi• 11 ,,.. ... , co. roe • TS 'rlnLronh PTMJ• 1x :;·r=~~.~~r!• ::ro 11 lttp. h •ouroe l tAlt 11 Sanflel"' ro,.p. 31All I) Se•h•"' Ol l 3UC 9• Sl l tCOft 57a ~t.e•• •~ 31l••rcr••l SLY • 16 .S.l tft lnl' I Sii !7 SOut'\ v. hnk 30H 18 Si.andu ·J l.o4. STOL• 19 St.andartt P•c. srr • 90 St••c Hyoro. SlOH 91 SvedJov. tnc. nllD if ~:=~~~!~~~8""tn41r: t• tel e f ll• Co•P • 9S To•p·St to TIMP 96 Transl•"'"• h T11:C fl Qlt.f"a f'•Olf"e t • 9' tu tr••1•!.••s :JL Tl 13a ::~:;cl~t.':~w •ic 101 7TI Co,.p, fTIIC 102 VCS Intl llC.1 ""• .. ~\• -.nt" '"• U 11.1.,. Mllh " "''.)" v1 • .,o ·~ 1n• kl 11' lr<1t n .. '4Uf'lt, ff••r"l'I L.-1un111 Ml I'" LI)• ua .. ltoa Cn•l 1 '1ra.• ,,..,I\• "I'"'' I • fl@•C .. t""''"• ""'l' An• rW1 l•,.t.on "oata ...... -..,port l•I"'._ '-ul l.,•tort ,,..,.,.,. .... port. e ..... ., Coat• "'-•• SIM.a 4.n• ,_.,port. Bf'•rh COel• ltea.ll "evpo«'t B•ach •Mhtl• &n•b•l • rourii••" Tall. Aft•'-•t• afev,ort &••o" &if'lt.4 ""• :::t:~~ h•t;" ,,. .. .,. .S.nta An• lrYI ne N•.,port. •••"'" tr•I n• llevoort a.acPl fu•tl" 81.i•!U ,.,. ... •ewp..,rt h• '" ... ,. Sil nc.a An• Cotti !It .... s.ri Cte .. rn• l'.ler1en 0,.0Ye ... -.wine "'9aH._ C1re 01 l P"'od,.,tt I~" P1r •••k•r le,.•Utat " S.1111,. ••,.•leea Irr. 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Conet.ri.t~t ton ,, ..:o•putA,. p,.lnL•r• Concrete r trtpht:•• Jeu I 1 ,u,.nl tu«'e Jo JolU le1n Fara au,, Teltplton• lyel. 01 t ... ti ;,_, "t'& l"lt. 1Cf"•t•1 Ct "C 111 tuh "~, Drl l 1ln11 l .ols \ ...,. ... l't4l"I• :>titt u l .,, .. ,.p. Nn.tM ronat.rJ~t 101\ W•tlr ,. •• ,, •• l die Mfc P'•t-r~"•'•d ,,.od. U"li>AO ' ~O ore e.oo •• :m ''::l ••IDAO .61 NUDAO .11 u.sr 11 .oo j, ,~ 8,0Q '': :z .41 •1:H o~ao 11.,0 19.00 NaSDAO i • 00 • 9i nu 11.00 11.IJ NUOAO t.1~ l.00 U S>•O q.l>O ll.l~ •. s:~ U1 t;I 1~=~~!• ~~~::t,.~tr:l~!:•rt NA,,gig Jrvlne Coapolt.•r ,.,.pt\, •1• Of( t..1i.tn. "' 11 • ...,o, al If'lalr:a•nt.s wa.wua ::::~:~,. e;:;~., ~!~ ',f·~~~:~: l :Sr. ••41J~ :,.., ·~ r:ra1 •• trig \ ~ oe • tllaJ:>AO F;,11 ltrl."1" Or•ft4• ...... l"I. An•"-~,,. t~2 l . •l +IJ,O ~c O. I~ II. I l/0 !1-11 "° (0.~~I • '·' '. 1!) •C (O,Q1) • 12.\ '.1ft .• ,.1 u.011 • ll·l•·•~ ll·ll-51 ":. t ~&:ll 1.1 ll·l•·•· . ,__.. ,, ... , NO ''·") -•l·)l·ll .-o I O.IJ 1),1 9.J).&1 • ).6 0.21 ·~.1 1 .... ~. • •.l ···~ .... 1·27·11 .1.1 :.let r.~•l·P ·I' ••• a .•-u.1 6-10.11 • T .o 0.09 • ll· 11·91 •),I I.~· 10,1 l·l•·l2 ·•0.6 '·"~ •i.b 7·11·~2 :,;:~ c8:~~, ·~:JJ:I~ ·• t.J 10, IOI 7.31.11 IC 10,01 S·ll·U • 1.9 o.sa •T.7 1-11.u • l.6 o,_, •i.7 •l·l•·I• ~ o.~7 1•.0 ll·ll·ll • 6.6 1,0 II.• 11.,,.;.91 rlC 0.01 16,0 q.)O·ll rlC 10.101 -~-)0·8• :;;:: 1~:~~1 ,:. ·~:f::U • I.ft I.!• "·' l·l•·82 :.~:1 '':H' '"'~' l:JJ:U "'·l .oft l').O •O·l•·ll • ~.• o.•9 ~.o 6-10.11 ic 0.01 17. 7 ll·J c 11 • e.1 0.11 \',,l •·10·9 • ·•6,7 (1,tll • l·)O·ll ·"" ~.lo •. J 12.11.11 IOC 10.111 • ll·P-11 • <.t (0,611 -IO·l•·•• :•u .J~ 'U ·~:JJ::: -~o.o 1.1! ~., l·lS·ll .u, 1o:l~, ":9 J:U:I~ KC l,U • ] 'l·lO 91 llO !0, IT I • 11·11·1• ·•0.0 10. lOj . 10.31.11 -•J.1 (O.l) • 6·)0·8l •)'.0 0.'S l•. I l·Jl..az Woman turns evicii:rig tenants into business BAKERSFIELD (AP) -Maudie King looks innocent enough in her short-sleeved knit jacket and polka· dot blouse. But she has the security of a pistol • In her purse and the legal backing or the courts lo make her work easier. The owner of K ing's ·Pro perty Recovery evicts people for a living. The 59-year -o ld grandmother gained experience in booting tenants while managing a 183-unit apartment complex with h er husband for 10 years until his death in 1978. door. she reached up and latched the screen. "She told the deputy that her husband was a t w ork, and they planned to move Friday. IL was Monday," King said. "He told her lO gel her purse and her two small children and leave. "I got a lump in m y throat when) watched them walk down Douglas Street. They were all crying, and I have no idea where they went," she said. ,r, "I knew e xactly h ow to evict a •, tenant," she said. Inspecting the premises after the poignant departure. King and the deputy found a marijuana garden growing i.n a loft. ,:· She parlayed the skill i nto a ::• business that now e mploys a part · ,:· time office staff and a process server. :· King no longer confronts te nants , herself since she has g e nerated .: enough busiQess to lunit her duties to 1:· advising l a ndlords a nd filing 11' necessary fonns in Municipal Court. ::; But sh e has vivid m e mories or ::1 encounters with tenants who refused •' . • to move in the face of a three-day ·:. written notice. a court-or dered t': posting, a five-day removal order. a :: stated deadline and ultimate ly the :: presence of a sheriff's deputy. ,;' Deputies give the most recalcitrant ;:' tena nts the choice or moving out :· Immediately or going to jail. :. She looks' on he r work as a business 1•: but admits to having pangs of emotion 1•' on some of her trips. :: "It was very cold, and the lady was inside making CQOkies," sne said. reca.lllng one eviction that went lO the final stretch. "The deputy came to her She noted that most landlords too willingly go a long with late rent payments. "When they come to me. they are usually at the end of their rope," King said. ''I don't have much sympathy for tenants. I've seen what they do to property." Her business has Improved with the downturn of the economy. "I've been terribly busy since the firs t of t he year." K ing said. "Anybody who rents has a problem one time or another, and there's a lot of people 6ut of work new." She advises landlords to iMue pay- up notices even If the rent is just a day late. "The poor landlord h as the mortgage paym ent to make," King said. "When tena nts don't pay their rents. there's nothing coming in." However. she said. most tenants obey the law willingly. NR90NAL ,,.Of'IU - ICIMllfy i. -ID -or a 11•-....._C A rt' ••••• , • N••P•rl ...... I• ........... ,.._ ....... _ ...... CerllllH .. ••••••· ••••••••, c-.-...... ......... ~ • ROOTS, RELAT~NSHIPS, RESPECt .c a o....~ 1• e.1211 ,_ ............. ,......., .... ............ ...,_.. 780 lllO ._ ......... Dr.f101 ............... • If It's got wMell you'll mDYe It .......... D•llYPllot ctatlffled •d. C:.11 '42·1671 J The old values of integrity and the work ethic i re still around. Jn a .community auch as ouna, a business person's reputation will, In the long run, dewrmjne his IUCCt'M. "Go the extra mile to help 10meone, and you11 find younelf 2 mil• ahead." · Proof or the fact Is reflected In a number of referr1l1 one gell from e1u1l1ng cllenll Tht• ,reetest IOUl'Ce of 11tlsfectlon Is a call from a touil 1"1nger, aaylng. "My nelshbor. Mr Smith, recommends you very hl1hly.'' We're arateful ror thll ty~ of UMOlidtt'd c11l (References available on request.) Olve us a call If you are looktns for a ~•I esl.A~ .. rvk'e with ttle old va1uee of tn..,nty and hard work TDITAUllCO.. T~llfl ITS.Tiii .l:~r. t,UI " 1, uo,ooo 11.~1• H:!~e "· 6~ t,•oo l?~.·J~ 11.•~I ",\°' I, fl' 1,'10 1 •• , •• 11,Ut "·"" J i,il 1? '~:m '· 1~6 ''·" J tl\r,Utfi H11 ,,._ 10.~1 • :l:~•~ t.ltll I •,t•T 114, 7~ I 11•.••• '·'>U·m ll: •06 11~.•9 •• l':m ~•.•on J.•llJ NI .i:~:' 91 l,Ql) 99,UI !hi '·'" 10.1e,g .1tm ~1.l)l '·'" •,07 19, 169 tm 11, •,06t ''· ,,, II .•Tl •.n• T~:rn 1.0-· 11s.m 6• ··~~ ~~:m 1, II ) zo ••• , sn 1),011 1•,h•• 1, •••. 1s9 Jt, )IT .. • •. ))6 t~:r~ l9, TJ9 ~:m 1,266 I, l•J u~~ l), '" 1n:1~ U,061 i.•to J,,:m ' " · ,x, 1,ho • 11" .,,-.ill -·.o ·7'0 ··~ -1•0 .,.~. . ,., 1.1 ii ., ..... '1~ •'Ill -llK .. u,~oo 1 ... 1 1~0 ;:~i: 1,n1 ,,,, .. ·1.H? •l, I Ii 1'V,1ll '·'"' t I )ti~ 11! ·!~~ ·~~q ~.m ... ',JMI It I 16l 701 l ll u ·•67 1 ,118 ·1~9 11 • ·7,H• ·10J •JO 1•l •,7'0 ~.1n l . l" 111 171 l, T 16 6 ·I ,•TO .77, -6~ 1,009 •,66T ~~· ...... ·2. :~l ,:m ~. '" ···m 606 .. , .. 11• •l,916 I)), 116 ·6•'1 •l,llT f:m t,710 .1.m l,17) ·•29 ·l:m • .•1\ lll P WING • • • from Page 01 J11l111'4>11 11111rhicl llll' I Ir ,t n1c11ll1rn 1111111 hi .1 111 tht• l.11t lllW· In thll• 1111111t1 v. N1>tJl•ll 111rnl H111 II waw In Ow ·~10i<i thul th1• ltll'll l'l~Ught U\l I A 1.t\Ull 111111u•d Jlu H11w11llt'rij S1 Wllh JIM ha1 .c1•d I 11101 Llw N." v 111 rn. ::! 111• ·ri:i. N<odl'll ••• w t. al t,·1 1•1 v111u a 11umlk r of Y<'Ul'lj 1111 11 l11•u1t•nnnt 1·ommond<·1. Wh1•11 h1• got out. tw opt•1wd a dnuHhnut 11hop in lli;1tton whwh U.1.·:mw 1"1u1.~'·1t-iru1 Ttw 11 a bud~ly ol h111 ulso got uul ul lht· Novy t111d 1·11nw w Ho-..t•nlJ(·1 ~ for adv1(•e· 111) what he• c:oula do 10 earn a laving. 'thUt fr11 •111I wa111t•d to i;wt into th1· d11ugh11ut huslnl'M• a lso. but H11s1•11bl•rg dutn 'l wa1H lhe•. 1·um1,1•t11 10n. So ht• g111 h1~ frwrnl st•t up 111 u doughnut Nhop fur t•nough oway'so that. il woukln'l Sll•al Ho:.t•nlx•qf:. (.'Ut.tonwrs. 1-:v1·ntually, H~nb<.•rg got lht· 1d1•a lhal pullrn~wopl c• 1n bus1m•:..' wus11'l u tXlcT 1d1·a Thal wa!> lht• b1.·g111n111g uf Dunkin' ul \\Ill k, lh11 .. 11t•1wd, th11t' wlwn I 1.1 111 hl"llrllol t•>-plml1•11 " f111 ln~IUIW\', In Iha • 11111• 'tJO· wl11·11 till' 111•1us pavt• lmlui.l1y an ('ulillll lllll hit II hlUlllJJ "Jl1'11plt• Wt'l t ' 6(C•lllll~ lttid 1111, tl11·y l1t1d Ill I 11111 lttlllll'lhllll( t•l'M_• 111 du " Nt·cll'll "iUlcl All ul u ud.11 •11, 111,111v w1·n · 111w11111~ u I ru ne h1Mt' Mt·L>o n.ald't., K1·111u1·kv F'11ul Chu·kc.•n :.ind n hoi.I 111 ;1th1•r:. lhlll W('l'l•ll 't /JS bUll'l '!'>>ifUI Owning your own hu1il111·i;i.. 1111 11m. l'Onlrol1111u your own dc•,1111v. Nt•tlt•ll :..11cl "Old v.alu1•:.., hk1 • :.t'<'UI lly, h.1v1• 1111111"'1 1't1111pl1•1t•ly tlisuppc.'.H 1•d ," lw :..ucl Tt•nun1d profoi.1tt1ri.. ll•d1 ·11d .ind ~tat<• g11Vl'rnm1•111 t ·rnpl11y1·1•s. pilots, u1111111 wo1 ke·rs tlll'y all thought lht•y hmJ 11 n1ad1•. "111 a W<•Y. ll Wb' all a lTUt•I Jtikt•," tw i.U1u "No orw'1. n ·ally !>l'lUll.· unll.'!>S l'Vt·ryon1.• l'lst· I.!> ~l'l.'Ull'" Y. lie 11 tlll''I llll.llJV tJ<'\ 1111' Ill cl11 II, .111cl 11111 .. t 111 (' I Ulllllllj( ft Cini 111m11 ll1111g tun¥ h11ur11. 11111 111ud1 t111vt•I 111 had 111•utmt•J1t 1'i.vl'l~1l11gw11llv . lw uld . J I 1,1111 lliM• lh UlllltUI ' Ill th11t ll'W U .... 111 v 1·1111111• Ill •• I I 1 IHlll l'XH·nl l'1 ·uph .111·11'1 .111.ucl tu lJkt• 11 rl"'k a11cl I.iii , hut thc•v'11 uinmJ uf t.1k1n~ 11•,1mn111bil11 y for th.it l.ulurc• H yuu 11wn 11 I r111wh1"4'. yuu c.·un t.1k1• I u ll l'l 1'<111 1111 tl11• HU<'<.'t'!o'• b111 111.11111' lht• lram:hu.1•11 ror :1 f 111 lur<" NN.lt•ll su1d M1111 11nd 11101t· ~~11Jlt• will gc1 llltll I 111llt'hl'lllg Hl lht• fUlUrt '. N1·cl1 II be•lu•.,.e•<\, h1·1.1u!.t• high u111•111plu) 111l•nt will 1·1munuc• fur Mlllll' Vt•Uno 11 c• ~ p 1 t • d 11. l t • d ,1 v i b r a n t t•conom1t• r~covcry, ,,but expect f(•(.'OVNY w all l'OUplt·d with conllnued high urwmploymenl -a n ew d evelopment i n et.'Onomacs Donut:. now natiunwadc.•. l111>ll•ud of rt.'ly111g on that fulsc st.·cunty. Ncdl'll said , 1>t•oplc an• d1'1.·1d1ng Lhl·~. must uii sorlwthlng fur lhl•msdvcis. "'l'lw u1wniployrnl•nt 1s due.· lu pb 11bs11lt 'M.l'lll'l '." h1· l><tld Ev£'n 1f ttw auto mdu:.11 y 1m ·ks up, r11l>11ls und olhl·r uuto ma{cd d \' V ll',l' s h o v c.· rt• p) al'(' d I h c unskillc•d l<lbort•rs thut on<.'l' were.• l lw st<1 pie· o f t ht.• A mt•raca n {'CUlllll1 I)' S1n1·t· thc.n . thos1• 1n ·the frant hilw .indu,su·y huvc• n(Hc:d that bad .L't:onom1l' limes urc at:t ually Lhl' bl•sl limes for fram:h1sc..-:. "Whl'll pc.'Opll• art' out Op1.·ning' a franl'hlst' lll • u~u:illy a lll'8al1Vl' dt'l.'1s1on. Ne-dell :.aid. Pl·oplt· ·an· at thl•1r last n •sort ·~ YOU~RUMP CARD IS AT REPUBLIC FREE INTEREST-EARNING CHECKING $200 CHECK QCJARANTEE • $2500 LINE OF CREDIT REPUBLIC'S Chek-Reserve/Check Guaran· tee Card. You get a winning hand of financial services with this one convenient card. Free Chek/tn• tnterest·.bea rfng account. • Only $400 average balance needed. ·Only s 100 average b.,lance needed if 55 years or o lder. • With $2000 in any Republic Savings Ac · count Check Ouarantee. Yo ur checks up to S200 guaranteed at any established business. Chek-Reserve Une of Credit from 5500 to 52500. Write checks for more than your cash balance. Access to cash at any time. against your line of credit Reassuring overdraft pro· teclion. Most financial institutions require a much higher balance for free checking. Low interest charge. too. on loans against your credit line at Republic. The 5 W~ annual interest on your checking is compounded daily. Call or come by for full details. Check Guarantee and.Chek·Reserve .Line of Credit on approved application. Your savings Insured lo t I 00,000 REPUBLIC FEDERAL SAVINGS ' &vtTA MA 17th St. West of Newport Freewoy (714) 541 ·5286 NtAHEIM 202 Anaheim Plou, soo·N. Euclid SL (714) 956·8290 LAQ<lrtA l"CIQ<JEL 30212 Crown Volley Parkway (714) 495·0850 W'ESTMll"CSTER 134 Westminster MaU/Bolso (,San Diego Fwy (71 4) 894·5347 ~..:! Qlf,c~ ALTAOEMA 2246 N U.lu' .... ~ 12131 791 1281 681 6611 ,,Lf ... Dll'l" • ""'"HEl/'\ • "'llCADI" • 80118MO\ • CLARE/'\ONl • CLAHC J'o\O"IT HEIGHTS. HACI{ r.J)A HUGHTS. l.A(i(.IMI\ !'llG(J(L LOS AN<;HES • Piii~ SPIHJ'IGS. AASl\Dl/'l .... PIC()lltV~JIA. Slll"IT" ANA . IHOOSANOoio.l\S. 11.LSTJ'o\l"ISTER. 11.000U\1"10 HILLS .. is • • • ORANGE COUNTY MUSIC FOR ADULTS. PLUS • • • . . . MARINE WEATHER . . • • . . • • -The latest information from t ides to temperatures, direct from the O range County Harbormaster. • TRAFFIC REPORTS -Weekday morning and afternoon drivetime freeway and highway cnrorma- t1on tr.om che Orange County office of the Highway Patrol jlt • STOCK MARKET REPORTS -Twice daily. the most up-co-date Information 1n the world or r1nance, as 1t pertains to Orange County. from Bob Schiff of MemU lynch In Newport Beach • FITNESS AND RUNNING REPORTS -Expert advice fr om U.C.I. Track Coach and U.S Olympic Development Coach Kevin McNarr, twice every day. • CONSUMER REPORTS -listen for l<OCM's own Consumer Advice Specialist Mary Ann Price. She's out to help youl Two times each day of the week • ••• NEWS • • • • -More than JUS t headlines. and a special emphasis on Orange County. • ENTERTAINMENT REPORTS -What's good -and not-so-good -on Orange County stage a nd screen. exclusively on KOCM with Herm Boodman • A CLOSER LOOK -KOCM's own weekly detailed look at pertinent news topics, wjth Joann Reynolds and Susan Vaughn • COMMUNITY POllUM -An award-winning presentation.or the Junior league of Newport Harbor • atred weekly only on KOCM. delving Int<? the unique lnteresu of our area ON YOUR PM DIAL A~ ... ' { THE ORANGE COAST I -· I USINESS OUTLOO . ·. . Sunda~, Novrmbcr 7. 1982 ! A word to the Orange County wise: Go-sOuth:young m8~ An Advertising Supplement lo the Dail y Pilot Orangv County has emt'rged over Lhl• µ;1:-.t :.!U years as onl' of tht• most vital bus1n~'!\S growth areas m the nation Growth. h uwev t•r . requires Opl'll s pat-c. As comn'lcrt:ia I dc.'vl'lopnwn \ would st>C'm t o b <.• nearing l'apat·1t y Ill urban Orange County. business and industry leaders look south to thC' Saddlcback Valley. wher~ growth potential p I' 0 Ill I S l' S l 0 f u rt h e r broadPn Orange County's re.,iutallon as a f inancia I n)c<.,'Ca. Bet wc <•n 38 and -to m1llum square feet o f indus trial a nd oCfice spat·<• will be devcloptx:I Ill south Orange County within the next 10 years. ac.·<:ording to a study cundut'lcd by Birchler Paci fu: and Coldwt>ll Bankt1I'. Thosl' f1gun's lx•ar out B US I NESS CENTE R -Because of its strategic location in the Sadd leback Valley. the Irvine Indus trial Complex-East has evolved into an importa nt dis tribution point for companies that markC't in South ern California sul·h statements as this b y Thomas F. Rdey, supervisor of the county's fifth district: "Orangt• County ts one of the most vital areas In the w o rld , and sollth Orange County 1s unique in two critical res~"Cts: it is unim .. 'Orporated and It contains several large master -p l anned communities ready for devt•lopmcnt. Therefore, the majority o f n e w t·onstrut·t1on musl takt> pla<.'l' here." Suc:h nl'W t·on- :. I r u (' l 1 0 n . b 0 t h rt• s - 1ul'nt1al und t·o m - nwn·1al. will h elp tht• Saddlt•back Valle y mature' into a fu l J, t I l'<l g'cd bus in css t·ommunity. The area has 1,457 acr1;.1s reserved for regular and p lanned tommt•r cial industry . Mor e than 2,000 busines.c;c•s call it home. and th<.· entire Southwest. Major distribution facilities like this new 354,000-square-foot building developed by Trammell Crow a re common sights througho ut the industrial complex. A double tax break . for Californians· only. No U.S. in com e taxes . No state incom~ taxes. TAX-FREE Federal taxes. S tate taxes. The more you make, the m ore they take. But, n ow you ca n keep it all. 9.57%* P·ayable monthly W hen you in vest in the Ca lifornia Series of the Municipal In vestment Trust Fund, you keep every thing you ea rn. Nobody takes a penny of it. Not the State. Not the IRS. It's completely tax-free*. And the current yields are attracti ve. 9 . .5-:', -and that's after all sales charges and expenses. And there's no man agement fee. We think tha t you 'II agree that the Ca lifornia Series of the Municipal Investment Trust Fund scores high on all co unts. All of the municipal bonds in the fund are rated in the ca tegory A or better by tanda rd & Poor's or Moody's. Becuase it's a fixed port folio you'll know exactly where your money is in vested. And, because it's diversified, your risk is reduced. You·may redeem or sell your units at a n y time wi thou t ch arge or interest penalty at the then p revailing market price. If you 're a Califo rnian in a high tax bracket, do uble tax-free income m ay give you a lo t more spendable incom~ Write today fo r a Prospectus. It 's free and withou t obligation. lust call or mail the coupon. • , ,.,. ,,.,,,,.._,.,.,. ,,.. ""'""'"' ,,.,,.,,.., '""'fff'\ ,.,,"' ,...,,,...,,.,, t1fU&iVI r ,,,... .. ~ 4,, ~''' 11 Iii ;,., /1t1l1IH •lff"rlH6 /+l'f• r It t ,,,,,.. ••I• 1#U1ft#r'• IH rHlfrr •11,.Mltf l'ufllfl l•fl,.tlll, /lffl" I"'' YJtft 1tl \1111,111•~' I l•,,,.:m1ltHl•ft1.,itll•1A11rtf"•t•I fY"1 l lHlllWt 111•• .. 1111,..·I '"',.,""' '" IJ llt f,., • '"'"' ttl II OJI 11 r•t. '"'"' .. '"' ,.,..,...,, ... .,.,.,,,., Ifft • '" wrN•'""',... , .. /j,# I •••ffW,.d ... • ,. ,.If,., I• •rll ,., •• • •ltl" f111Utt" '" hwt #At #f tlfr•r ..,. ,,,.,._ I'-' ttlfrl;t11 r. ~""'" lh " l't•"I""" ,.,, t •'I'',.• •I ,,_,. 1'1111•/•H ht• 'Mill• lt1 Hbl11llfrJ rH •n• •'•'" ,,. •"'If a. fA1• ••1t1tllflltl'lff'•f I• flHtl#lfff'" /,,,,.. totlt •wt• Hf flt,, wlt4H•t;.,..,I .. , flt••' f#rt1lrr• ltf #otH&rt• •• "'"'' l••lwlh "'""' ., .. ....._..,_,_,__ -------------------------------------------Sh••r•onl American Exor••• Inc. 550 Newport o.nter Drive, Suite C Newport Beach, CA 92680 (11'} Uf..Ha •Attn: J9rry Jont1s ~h M•n~ - Aclelf- , A µro1pec1u1 conttlnlng mOflt compl•t• /nformel/on •bout th• Munlclpel fn.,•1tm1tnl Trull Fund~ tarn C•llfornt• S1trl•• (A Un/I lnWlllm«!I r ru11), lncludlnfl 1111 ..... ~end 1tl(p1tn1... will be ,.nl upOll r«t1lpl of rt11t coupon AHd It c•rftfully ""'°'9 )"Oii ""'°"' « HfldmoMy Bound for New Horizons ! A s urban areas reach capacity, business arfa industry leaders find open sp~ce, success in Saddl~back Valley ' • .• . According lQ B1rcht.cr P.acific. sou th Orange County's trade area will soon riva l those of Dallas, Housto n. New .Orleans. Denver a nd Seattle. Des ti 1te the proje<.·led growth, Rilt•y doesn't anticipate tht• quality of life will suffer. ."We arc altrncting the most desi r able community industrit•s," he says. "They ore essentially clean and s trongly community orien ted -and th <.•y tran!;lale that c:ommunity concern into a c tiv<' participati on in <.'Ommun1ty ;1ffairs " A local executi ve that s har es Riley's enthusiasm is John S . Grifri t h , preside nt o f Savers Thrift and Loon. "This is th<' most sought-after area 111 thl' state," Gr1ff1th says in reference to the valley's ZERO TAI , PIJ 0 TH 11 1112 Piii "'°"" ,.,, a '"" ,, .. , ... • No NolH lo Sign • On• Tim• Peyment of '5.000 • '12,500 lnveelmenl Cr9Cllle AvMlabM • Actuel 1 Y- ~ Poten1i.1 •I Y••r Public Acceptence •No PerlMre f• Dtt~ Wor1111tiln Cal 714-833-2832 If it's got wheels, you'll move it faster in a Daily Pilot classified ad.Call 642-5678 and a friendly ad- v iser will help you tur..n your wheels into cash. s1gntfl(.'ancc ys a IQ<.·at10n for financial 1.11stilulions Sav<'r s Thri'ft anil Loa n 1s o nt' of man~ finam:iul institutions that haVl' l0<:al<.>d in what has bc"<:omt• a major business"' cC'nlvr behind thr Lagunu llills Mall just off lntNStall' 5 al lhf' r:I Toro Hoad offramp. A primary source of transactions for the center is nearby Leisure World Tht• 22.000- nH·mbl•r adult com- mu 111 l y rl•pn.•s<>n ls a substantial percentage of bu s iness for th e burgeoning center. "The net worth of residents o f L eisure World is-extremely high." Griffith says "Tht•y're very pruac'nt with their money. but they're also very activ<! . and have many fmannal Di<.•go ,J<'n•C"wuy. "ii<" . 11~t~l~ .l.J1-.~orn·;.11ly, trt•ll t'l•ntN, wh1t·h IS cXp<.:('t( d ' p1t>~net h.1!>, m:!d<• tlfo, c1 w <.n•olt' :$8,000 .)Obs, will c:hOll't' lcx:auon. h ou s<• n o n -p o llut1h g And Lt.•1sun• World is m a n u f a c l u r 1 1 g JU S t one o f n1an y .111du1>1nt·!> blossommg ('<Jmmun1lll'l> &•ginning the.• fi rst illl l:'o ntr1but1ng t o th.c.• solar-assistt'd businesi. Sadl<.·.back Valle~ s C'Ommunlty 111 L agupa d)'.n~rn1e growth. M1~s1<1n N 1gucl, the Brich tl-1 V1eJO. Laguna .ll1Jl s. Pacific Comptrny \.\l.lll Lake Fort'St and El 1oro dl'vclop 45 acres a f\d :u·c others thut prov1dt• a<.'l·ommudatc mduslri)ll, p a t r o n a g <.' ii n d n •sc•arch d evelopme(>t. manpower f or loc:.il commcrt·1a l and re t.il industry. businl'sscs. The• park · 1s Sevl•ral cenlt•r'S now 111 tht~f11:0.t~of t L'l kind m t}w the planning stages arc world and is cxpccll"'<i •to l'Xpt>cted to gcncrntc> general<' 2,500 ,JObs ; many new JObs 111 llw A I I 1 n a J I . t i! e future. ., Saddll•bat·k Valley. w(th Saddlcback Vall<.>y all o f its existing apd resident Cinds work dose p I an n c d bu s in l'f' s to home at the Irvin<.• developments, remain~ Industrial Complex-East 1 n the vanguard bf -1,200 acres locale d Orange• County growth north of Lake Forest S1ay tun e d f or t 1 Drivt• adjoining the San future. ....-------------------------------------------------------_,.- WHY w NABERS •·EASING #1_ ''' a Series MAKES SENSE • WE OFFER LOWER RATES: At Nabers Leasing Company we offer many advantages to the leasing customer size. s1ab1hly experience B~t per- haps most important cosl Al Nabers Leasing you deal direct -no middleman or his extra prof11s 10 pay And unlike other tease programs our is lied directly 10 ine pnme lend· 1ng rate With the prime rate dropping out of the cloud• In recent weeka, our rate has dropped too a poinl 1owe1 than the special leasing pro grams offered by the manu facturers And ou• new low rate applies across th<' board -on any make or m0del1 W11t1 our lower rate now 1s thl' per. feet 11m~ 10 lease that new car you ve been wailing tu1 L1tHlng All M•kH & M od11/s. Naber• Leaaing Co. 2600 Harbor Boulevard Costa Mesa (714) 540·9100 invest in results • • • Managemeht consulting for companies with specific needs 11"' Specialized marketing for financial i11stitutions Limited stock issues: strategic branching. growth assessment New and existing market analyses and intangible sales training Integrated positioning from introduction to close. Software systems development Computerizing your operation for maximum results. Planning and implementation for cost effectiveness. Corporate consultation • Community positionfng and strategic charitable giving. Contract negotiations and special project Implementation Within local and national net~s. LJ N. DANIEL BURDEKIN AND ASSOCIATES (714) 847-109,4 8242 WARNER DRIVE SUITE 7A I D ·1 Orunu Cou•t DAil V Pll 0 fl!lunct.1y. Nov mhtu 7, 1 18? Corporate ladder 11 u J11dtw 1'1u I'• 111 f11r th1• ~11111111/i.11 ( '11111 t uf l.1111 A llijt' ''" u 11d Vu 11 Ntt\R .J11d11 1111 I >1 .. 1111 I.Ji gu , 1 &1111 11111.1dU11illllU 1111hl1 lllllK "" I •• " t I 111 A Jll • ·~1111•11 l ,,, 'I ••• II 1 '4 II I 111111 lllhh I 11 111111 • Mc K<i V tlf'\"l'l11p1·d 1111 It• I lilt 11111 I hlllll I I lllll 111111 ll'J'lllll••I \llllt 111 I, IOO 111111111111\11111\\1111 lla rry M . f :uge, '' "" l'll•<'ll'd Prt"od1•nt otui l'htl'f to:Xl'I UllVl' 01f111•1 o f I" a s 11 d 1• 11 11 1" I 1 s I Nu11onal B.mk C111ow J11111'1 1 lw h1111k With :w v1•,1r:; 11f h1111k1111{ t'XPl'l'l;'lll't' It•· I!. II 11 U I I V l' o ( SOU I IH' I ti (.'allf11rn1u. u lo(l'mluo11· of 01·~·1d1•n1ai l'c~lh·g1• uml H ti I' v !I l' cl B \.l :. I II l ' s s Sd100J . p r i <l r I ll J ll I n I II g Pa:-;;id1•n,1 1"11 st N.11tmrnl B u n k . li ,1 g 1• w a s P rt• s 1 d 1.• 11 t a n d l' h 1 t• f Ex1•cut1v1· Off11·1·r of "Sl•('Ut 1l \ and Pt 1•i.1d1•11I and Chtt•f Ex1•1 llll\"t.' Orf1cN of tht• ll'llar1• l nt1•rn;Hw11;,d B.111k uf Ch11·ago K ari n 8 . Hill hus JOHll'd t ht• l' a II furn 1u Savings and Loan L C'agut• as staff v 1 1~· p !"cs 1 d t' n I a n d lo,, 11 odmimslrator. · Hill will l::x.• rt>sponstblt• f o r e v a I u a I i n g l h t• " 11 v 1 11 tt " ~ I 11 .1 n 1111~11-.11 v·, h•11d111J.l n1·1·d,. U t1tl n111t d I t\tl t I llJ.l Ill l'\11 II II •• l I t> I II p II "' I' d I t• g I i.. I 11 I I II II 11 II ti rc•gul.1111111" 111 l1•1·t111g l1•111l111K lltll WHS forn1crly Vll.'t' µ r l ' !> Id I ' II I II f I II a II II ti m I II I :; I I .. 11 II II f II r C11lu111b1:1 Savings nnd L 11.1 n A :-.s1H'l 1t t 1011 111 A II ,J ht• I Ill P I' 111 r I Cl .1111111111-: <.\ii umh1.i 111 1!179, Slh• \\',IS .IS!'.ISllllll Vilt' µ11 •-..d1 •nt 111 diarg1• of lo.1 n µ na·1•s-.1 ng .1 nd p;ll'k;1g111g m.11h1g1·r for St.th' Mutual Saving Ill N1·wp111 t &·ad1 H aro ld L . Miller. C.P.A .. h.1:. bt~·n l'11'l:ted Ch..111 man ur tht• Bonrd uf Otrt'l'turs of W1.-slt•rn U111t1'll National Bank. In Org.1111l4.1l1un Mtlh.•r has p I' ·' l' l I l' l' d p u b I I l' al'l'llUnttng for uvt·r 15 v1-.1 rs 1 n B1.•v1•rl y 111 lls ~11d W1•:.1 Los Ang1•ll•s. 1s Opinion By FREDR I C J . FORSTER Chairman ot Ill• Boerd anct PrH ldenl ol Newport B•lbo• Sa'lllnga and l oan The battll' ovt·r attracting your savings dollar h as seen many s k i r mish es 1n rl'<.'l''" years . Ne w type!> or at'counts have storml•d down upon us a ll in a flood of chotl'C!> And now. m thl' midst of the confusion. Sant.a 1s about to bring a notht'r p r e s e n t a n l' w a(·count. rC<'l'ntly voted 1n by Congress and designed to be "dm><:tly equivalent to and competitive with monc.•y market mutual funds ." For the purpos<.' of this article, we will call 11 the High Yield Acc:ount. Although the final Fredric J. Forste r rules have not yet b<.'l•n is.sued by the regulators. the High Yield Att'OUnt promises open warfar(' among savings and loan s. ban k s and stoc k brokNagc firms. all of whom will b<.• attC'mpting to attract your money. We can get a ghmpS(' of the importan-:e of th(' High Yield Account b y reviewing rcct•nt deposit activity at N ewport Balboa Savings and Loan As.-.ot·rauun with a s1m1lar mvt•stmrnt Thi• dollars hl.'ld in nwrwv m:·irket mulllal fundi. · Wl'rt.: nut tnsun'<i. nor wt' r l' l h l' y H· I u s guuranll'l'U. howl•ver. tlw high yield ant.I lheck wr111ng l'apab1l111cs made thPm 1nt(•n::.<'ly atll m ll\'t• The Asi..ociauo n had no via!Jle. compel1t1ve program In mid -July 1982 . how<'VL·r . the Assoc.·1atton introdul'cd 1 l s Ii 1 g h I n l l' r e s l CheC'ktng program I t opL•rat<•s as a chl'<:kmg a1·count in which the first $2,000 ts fl·dt•rally insured and earns 5 1 1 percent. and 1.·ach day funds in 1.•xn•s.\ of $2.000 arc "sw<'pl" into a one- d a y. high -1nterest- carn1ng investment. The investment 1s backed by U . S G o v t' r n m e n l Agt•n l'Y securities with the principal and int.<.•rest guarant<.'ed by the Assodat1on In .1ust J 1 , months. 25 p ercen t of t h e Association's deposits were invested m the new program. a deposit growth of 20 percent Thl· importance of this p<·rformam·c becomes cl.mfwd w hen when one more• detail of the new High Y1C'ld AcC'ount 1s present<"d. unlike the h1gh-tnll·rest checking al'COUOt. ll will be totally insured by th<• FSLIC up to $I 00.000. RA TE: The rate m the High Yield Acrount w ill be unregulated and is ltkelv to l::x.• well in excess of mom•y market lunds. ' SAFETY: The High Yield Account is FSLIC insun•d. money market ,1 I 111,11\l I.II 11111,11!111111 111 \ oll 111\l!t l 111-.1111 .,·.1 • '""' h .1 II I II ' I I \I t I u I II I 11n111111t111H .11 lH'LA Ut lwri. 1'11•1 t• cl tu llll' H11o11 d o l 1>111·1•10 1 •. 1111·iutll· Loui ~ ll11rllna ••nd M u u r I 1· t.' Ii' o r m 11 n f>ilf'llll'I!'> Ill F & B 1> .. v 1'lnpn1c•1\I l'o , :i h11ddlnl; tl1•v1·l11pnwn1 )I ti d , f) I' ll Jl I' I' l :V liHllt.1g1•t111•11 t fl I 111 Ill N11nh l lullvw1>tKI Tl'rri A. Lnu r l n. J>11·s1d1•11111r T1•1 n L.1unn t\i.:-ul'1t1lt''· ln<', a lll•v1·rl\ 1 ltll-. 111111 whll'h s " l' l' I-<I I I I I' s I I) l u ). !-olll'ltl'l'l'd ,11\llUlllt'!.. ,ind p l' r s 0 II a l ( J II ,, ll {' I a I 1>l;111nrng Shi· 1s ubo u n.11111nwHlc• h'(.tur1•1 and 1•d1tor 111 t•h11•f uf .. Munl' v 1\1 ,1 t 11' 1 -. " • ~1 n1•\\ 'lt•lli•r fn1 c•duc·atoN Stua rt D. l\tcyeri.. 011 attunwy with offtl''" 111 B 1· v t· r 1 v 11 1 I 1-. an ii G l1•ndalt> · I It• also i..1•1vc•s fumb .lt'l' nut ft·d1·1.illy tnsun·d S EH V ICE. Suvrng!-. u11d Luan offiu•s <11 t· Upl'll SI X days ,1 Wl'C.'k A u t nm a I l' d Tl' I I l' r Ma~hmt•s prov1d1• :.1•\11•11 dav. i .i -hour ..it·1:1·ss. b11~kl'r.1gt· hou::.t·s an• frcqu1.•n1ly Ill bUSll\l'SS lcx:a lions, nol rt.•w1 I. HOME LOANS. 1 lonw loaru. an• avmlabll• from Snv1ngi.. and Luan!'. fur purc-hasC' or rt·fttl<lllt'l' Moncv markt·I fund!'. mo v t• • mo n t• y u f f lo dtstant mont>v u•nl<'ri. and g(•m•t al(y do not tnVl'SI J(l('<Jll\ H11li1 11 I 1\11 KI\ 111 S 1111 t.1 ,, 11 11 h·•. h1•t II llolllh tl I h1111 tlhlll Ill 1111 l111.11tl "' (',t11l111111 .1 l 'ulllllll'H 1.11 l\,111k,.h.1tf'' the h11hl111J1 I lllllfloll\V 1111 N .. I I II II .1 I I\ .1 II k II I S1111tll1 •1 II 'illtl11111111 1111\\ lwtng 111~t1111111•d Mt K.1:v. p 11 """·•II Utld I) w II\' I II I 61 \' K II v l)\•vl'111p1111•11I l'11 , lt1l', ti. . lw11dq1m1·1t•11·d 111 S;1111t1 A ria, \l/lll'l l lw 11v1•1..,.•1•-. ht:. 1nv1•o;t1111•11t~ 111111l 11ncl S 1H'l'1f11· llm1lat1ons u p 11 11 m t' m ht• rs CJ f trans11tllt11h 1wr month 1,ir1• c·urr<·ntly bl•111g ti 1• b a I I' d b V t h t' rvgul.1t111 s. huwt:Vl't'. Wt! ftol'J l'('l'lUITl thC lfigh Y•l·lu Al'cuunt in C.'llllJUlll'llllll Wtlh a r 1• g u I a r 1.· h c l' k i n g '9l'l.OU11l. ii lll'l'l'SS<lrV \\. ti I pr u v 1 d c.• f.I n1pI1• llt•>..1b1hl \ lo wrv<.' a.!'. an ouL-;t;mdin~ way to l'arn ktll•rally in::.un·d high n11u11·y tn<1rkC'l yields with tht· munl'Y you ll<'t.'U to access fl l'ljUt•ntl) 11 u '' '-' t I I t h <' l)lh1•14111111111.111 tl11 • h11ltl111i: 1 lllllfl.111\ •II I Wdli.1111 JI ,J11111li\, I hll I I ' 1'11111\1' lllfllll iitld I h.111·111.111 111 1111· IJt>lll d 111 N ti I I II ti 11 I B II 11 k II I H111uh .. 111 < '11!1 1111·11111 Still 01h1·11, 11n 1'11u l 1"111.1l'll, who \\Ill ub1t i'il'I \It ,1.., pt l'!'old1•11l Ill t111' b1111k . 1>1111 • I•: H11 y1•r, 1'1\1lltp I. Bu ... h. J\fo li;u•I J C:ertnr t •• J.111W'.'< W ll.11ntl1n11 , 1"11111•11 c: l1111kl1· mid El11.1hl'\h A S.111111 , , N (J l I II 11.el B •• II k Cl I South<'l ll Cullf11n11;1 '-' 111 spt<.·iahtt• Ill M·t v111g 1lw bU!->lllt'S." (llld pt 0(1•-.!-.IOll.tl l'ommun1tv of S,1n111 Ana. Co:.ta 1\11 ,,1, 11 v1111 · 'n nu l' ll v 11 o 11 i.. I 1 1, Sl'ht•dJJ lt•U 111 1~µ1•11 111 J:muat y l!IH:l • Peter T. Morse, v11·1· pn•sicl1•nt -n •i..1•;.1r<·h uf urukt•ragt· lflllllllllllll)' n•spond'1 Wt• nn• i.un• 1t will lw w 1 t h a I I 11 r r v 11 f advC'rt1s111g alld . 111•w program's . Sunw I 1ri11s an· t.•vt•n buying ba11k-; w1t.h tlw mtlnt uf trymg to prov1dl' ft'dt•ral inSUnllll'C' 01w lhlllj( I!'. clL•;.i1-, huwL•v1•1 . Lm·a l savings and lu;rns ant.I bun ks urc pc·rfl•(·tl y pos1l1onC'd to prov1dC' 1hc• nC'W High \' ll'kl A«.'Ount with the full rangl' of personal S<'rVtt·c.•s you have l'<>me to l'Xpl'<'l LN th<• l.><lltlt• lwgrn 111 earnt•st! FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS As of eptembcr 30, 1982 0 .. of Sept. 30, 1982 ept. 30, 1981_ Increase Total Assets s 71 .024 .000 548.65 7 .000 46.0",. Total Deposits S62 .2.19 .000 540.664.000 SJ. I'' .. Total Loans SS2.IJ7.000 S.36.822.000 4 1.6".i harcholders' s 7,022.000 s b .SJ I .000 7 ~ .. Equity ·=' " t \\I UI 11.U CommerceBank 111 I '\ 1'\IOI. Kl'l.111-.\1 111 1111 "'' .,~ t\ .... ,, \\\' Kn':.!.' l\ '·""•' \u t I "", • tlt1l't1.1 l'.11i.. f \·~~•!I '• Ill 71'1 ! II 1!t \1 f"ll .11''1 Ml·MBl·R H1K 111 \114.11 'HllW.,1111111 I "'"" Ht I II\'" Ill It""'· I 101 1>,.H. '' '"'"'"'''' lh.•.u:h t \ ,,-.,~_,• I I I•"'' ... ~., .... ''I\ Ill (0\\I IU <.I<'' \l <II 111"1 1!111 '""~ c 1·111r1 n .... tf )II \"ntnn llhll I ( •t\1.1 \1~J ( \ ,,~,. ''• •' ,,,,·n111.., I !.Ill Jllti\i 1 I ,11.h <lept,..ttor in'uml 10 SI00.000 ~········ .. ········································ . . You can afford to buy your Mercedes Benz from u~ I • : .1,tft ,. I -, ~. I } ! ""'?.., -• 1 Businessmen ii f you are doing . ;l bu.n ness under a l :f'1ct1trnus Husiness 1 i 'Jame you are required l 1 by law 1 Business and l 1 f'rofessums Code. Sec l l 1790U to 179:JOJ to /1/e a ; l 1-'1ct1t1ous Business l l .vame .Statement and 1 l have 1t published tor i 1 four consecutwe week.~ ! lwE' at the DA I LY i i />/LOT can help with i 1 both. Call the LEGAL : iDEPARTMEST ati l 642·4'3'21 E.rt 332 for i i fu rther m/ormat1on : L ............................................. .J Excellent profit Potential 100% to 500% 1st year Write Off 15r000 . 110,000 Mlnlm~m lnVfttment HIRMES MILANO, INC. '8SONAl TAX cA*SULT ANTS (71•) 711·2400 J "Profit ·by Giving" to The City of Hope~ National Medical Center LEARN: • How to save more than you give • Six sensible ways to save money • How to reap profits thru uni-trust • Attractive tax benefits and humanitarian awards Presentation by Tax Specialist MOie R. Tow, Attorney Larry Ganin C.P .A. Warrtn Ryan J.D. Consultant Dan Santucci, Attorney, Lecturer B1lbo1 B1y Club 1221 W. Pacific Cocist Highway Tuesday Tuesday Nov. 9th 540-1338 Nov. 30th I p.m. I p.m. No other newspaper brings you more ' of your city council, planning commission, school ~nd college districts and county government than the lallf lJ s J\!11111111 11,11111 "' '"' t11 l,1a l\11wl1 M1•lvln 11 . Pr1·1wnl, ,, tl111 1111 111 p11d1111111 llfl'dlC 1111 • \\ llh h lt1 HI 1111· 111 B1•\"1 I I\ 111 II .111d \o\-1 .1 1 .. 1 A11111 II I K l'I 1 h N . 'l'l~o 111 u 1 llWlll I 111111 l'I f ,ult·11I ol K• ''" N 'l'h111111" 1111 • II 111.11 k1 llllH 11ml tl1•HIHll 111111 111 tlw Nc·wp111 I ti•'o ll'ltl lt \11111' Ill I'll Wllllum J . t•opt•joy II {I I• h I' I II II ;t 111 I ' ti ( 'h,1(1'1111111 Ill 1111' Will(I ' II( Ill ~\.Jlll/,llilllloil t•h,1111(1'!'> 11u11J1· by tlw (.'ultl ornrn s 11 \I I II~.. " II ti I . II u II I. I' ll u IJ I' n ()II r u IJ ( J >1111tw11 111 '"' .mnuul 11111 1111u 1.1.,1 month 111 S.111 I J11 •g11 Charities benefit fro"Yh new account S1 I 1111 S.I\ lllj.(I' .11111 I. II 1111 /\ Ill I ,1II1111 , M I ..... I " II v II , .. • " •• " pllllll f ll·d ol l'lllj!l ollll lho1l ''""I"'"""" p11tlll t 11111 ii.11th 111''-lollll/,1111111 .. I II I II l I' 1• 11 I II I' 10111111111111111 11 11111 (.',dJlllt lllOI 1'111 pot llllCllll'> w1 t lt11u1 • .t l11'1111g 1111 1111 p01.1lhJ1l\ l)f1l111rt111111• Thi .11HHJ\lllC 1'1111 Ill w..i ' 111;1d•" ti v <' N M1 ('111 m11 k , pt 1•N1d1 •111 . wllu 1.11l1·d lltl' p111~111111 "a m l1Jlll 1111'.1'k.1h111ugh \\ It 11 I 1 h I g 11 ti II ;111 I I V h c ti 1 • I I I " h fl I Ii ('Ill Jlllf :0111111:; :111cl 111111 II I u I I I t h .11 I I .1 IJ If Ill g.11111.1111111-. .. "1•111 lh1• 111 t'lt111P 4' I I • It I •I V ~ , "(. 1111111111.1 1111 po1.1l11111 1111 .11l11w1 d 111 "I" 11 .mtl 111 .1 1111 .1111 1111111 ·~1 I' II I fl I II H I 111 f k I II" .111111111h ·" lllttj.( ,1., 1lwy d1 ''l-ll1i1l1 I ht ;i11 1 IJ• d 11111•1 ""' lo •'1•11111\'1 d llflll ptc1l1l. 1h,1ttl,1hlP Ill H1llll/.1lllllh .. M1-C'on111tk 1•xµl:t1ni•d lit.it t 111 pun1t11111" 111uld Ill ,1 I ti I II I II II I I' V I 11 111111w.1 Jli1•u lh.1111.11111· I 11111111111111/llS Wll}111Ul id f1 ·1 t111g 1 lt1 11 liv lll1111 lt111' liv 1.1k1111-: ;11lvllltt:11(1· ul 1h11t11.11111' "NOW" 'I 1 l ktllj.( ('ult U.ol i':!.!.1 E W WHEELS A new Oldc;mob1le station wagon has bl'ln g1vc.·n to till' Costa M<.·~1 Chamber of Commc.•r<..'t' c.•ourtc.•sy of South Co<Jst Bank P1L·turt'd arC' South Coast Bank'!> nt'w sc:nwr Vll'l' pn•s1dc.·nt Kc.·n Fowler 1furnwtly of C1t1wns B;rnk of Costa Mc.•S<J) and prt•s1cJc•nt N1c.·k Florio h:indmg the kl'ys to thl' c.·hamlx•r's l'XL'<'UllVL' managt•r N<ll<· Rc.·~d<" The Maserati Quatlroporte Perhaps the uhimate auto- mobile. A select few are made for a select few fortunate individuals. You can be one of them See the Maserati QuaHroporle now at Beach Imports IMPORTS 848 Dove St 1 Newport Beach (714) 752-0900 WE ALSO CARRY THESE 3 FINE IMPORT LINES: ALFA ROMEO, PEUGEOT & SAAB. NEW ISSUE This 1s not an 4'fler to sett nor a sohc1ta11on of an ot~r 10 buy these securiues The ottering is made only by the Offermg Circular 150,000 to 187,500 Shares Common Stock Price $10.00 per share fin Or9'1"'t•lo0f'I For an Ottering Circular and a Stock Subsc11p11on Apphcauon. please contact the Orgamza11ona1 Otltce by mail or telephone 303 Crescent Avenue • PO Box 2409 • Ava ton Cahlorn1a 90704 • (213) 51C>-2265 N .O .. • Your company can make contributions to ~he charitnble, non-profit orgariization of your choice -without affecting the bottom line! Seaside Savings and Loan Association has ·~~~.~~~ .... pioneered charitable "NOW" Checking Accounts .. For the first time ever. California corporations can designate Interest earned on corporate checking accounts to approved charitable. non-profit organizations. Call us NOW for more details. (714) 951-7225 R altor J map SF • convention CHlCAUO"' ru. lht• hou-.1nw 1nuu:-.t1 y h1.wn~ to em<'l'IW from it.Ii ftnil dt1pn•1111on 111nc.>t• tht• llJlOic, mt'mbers of th•• Nut1onul AN~·111t1tm of Ht•.1lton~. tlw nat1011's largl•St trucll• .1i.."1t'llll1Cm, will mt't't In San Fruncisc.'O Nov 11-111 for their Hlll2 unnual t'Onven lion Falling In terest ratl'll und lmht'UllllllS ur a u economic recovery will pruvidl• n hl'{lrU.ming backdrop for dozens of mc.•1·tings. <.h st·ussions. seminars und prt.-sent.ntlons on u wic.lt• vuric.•ty of . topks of Interest to Ht•allors und homl'OWners. "Our gout at this C.'OnVl'ntiun is to prc.•p~r<> our · Jnembcrs to meet the t•hullcngc.•s th1.•y will <.'nl'Ountcr in this rapidly chnngmg economy," su1<.I J u h o Laguarw. Realtor pr<>s1dc.•nt. "W<' want Realtors to be equipped to hand It> con sumer m'<'ds through new financing m<.'thods und sourc<.'s, adf:'quate mnnagcment skills and till' llttt•st 1nnnva11um. 1n information lc.'l.·h11olugy," ht• .tddl'l.l --~~~~~~~~~~~ PUBllC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE -'"" FICTITIOUS IUllNIEll -FICTITIOUS IUllNEH 'MAME STATEMENT NAME STATEMENT ~he lollowtng per1on 11 e101ng The tollow.ng pe<sons are doing b<JSineas as bu1>noH •• BUILDING CONTRACTORS. GENTLEMENS AGREEMENT 422 Emerson Street, Newport 359 San Miguel, Newparl Buch, Bee.ch. Caltlomll 92660 Colll0<n11 92660 John A. Councilmen. 422 Ktml*'ly-S Norton 18t8 Port Emerson Street, Newport Beech. Ab~. Newport Beach. Ca1tlorni1 Clllllomi1 92660 928&0 This business 11 conducled by 1n S uSI e Fu II•• 1 18 53 Port lndh1IC1ual Shelllek:I. Newport Beach. California John A Councilman 92660 This 11atement was hied with 1he Thts bu51neas Is oonducu1C1 by a Coun1y Clerk of Orange County on limited partnership Octol>ef 29, t982 Kimberly S Nonon F20Cll45 Tnll i.11tement was hied with the Published Orange Cout Dally County Clerk of Orange County on Pllol, Oct. 3t, Nov 7, 14, 2t, t982 October 28, t982 4786·82 F200787 -------------Published Orange Coast Dally PUBLIC NOTICE P1101. Oc1 31, Nov 7, 14, 21, 1962 FICTITIOUS IUllNl!88 NAME STATEMENT PUBLIC NOTICE 4804-82 bu~~·e~o~:wlng person Is doing __ F_l_C_T-IT-IO_U_8_B_U_S_IN_E_8_S __ A O 0 l E S C E N T A N O NAME STATE ... NT EOUCA TIONAL CONSUL TING The lollow1ng person IS doing SERVICES, 42!1 301h Slreel. bual'!.essaH.SE M ·ssoc1•TES NewPOrt Beach, Cllilorni• 92663 " N ,., I " " Duncan Phtlllp• Forgey, 204 LIMITED. 27285 LIS Rambfas. Suite Eboll. Newport Beach. Calllornla 200 M•s&lon V1e10. Ca111om1a 9269 I 92663 Richard R Stenton. 27285 Uls Th•• business Is conduc1ed by an Ramblas Su111 200. MtsslOn Vl8)0. indlvlclual. CahlOfnla 9269 1 Ounain p Forley T hes buS1ness 15 cOOcluC1ed by a This slltement was hied wnh 111e llmlled pa11nerl/l1p County Cletk ol Orange Coun1y on Richard R Stenton Octobe< 28, t982 This 11a1ement wat hk!cl with 1he F200711 County Clerll of 0<1nge County on . Published Orange Coest Dally ~0~0 2:·s196~ E N 0 A L L a Pilot. Ocl 31, Nov 7, 14, 2!~~~2 HAAAINOTON' A ProlHalonll Law Corpotatlon ---PUBl--l-C_NO_T-IC_E ___ Ult MacArthw Blvd., Sulla 105, (llecorded In Iha ofllc• ol the County Recorder of Or1n91 County, C1lllornl1, on Oct. 21, 1112.) IMPOllTANT NOTICE IF YOUll PROPERTY II IN P.O. lox 1317 N••P<Ht l1ach, CalllOfnla 82MO F2007n Publlthed Orange Coast Daily Piiot. Oc1. 31, Nov 7, 14, 21. 1982 4803-82 FORECLOSURE IECAUI E YOU ---P\.18-l_l_C_NO_T_IC_E __ _ ARE BEHIND IN YOUR PAYMENTS, IT NAY BE SOLO __ F_l_C_T-IT-IO_U_S_B_U_S_IN_E_S_S WITHOUT ANY COURT ACTION, and yoo may have the legal rlghl to NAME STATEMENT bring yoor account in good standing The lollowlng person ts doing by paying all ol your past due business ••· payments plus permillecl cosll and BAL HARBOR LIOUOR. t50 E expenses wtthln three monlhl from B1lboa Blvd . Balboa Calllornla 92661 Ille date this not~ of default WIS Raymono Koldarall 2 138 t recorded. This amount II S888 115 · as ol Octob41r 12 t982 and will Gr11n Cove Clrcla Hunll1101on I t 11 ' ' t Beach, Callf0fn11 92646 ncreaae un your iccoun •ms ouscneu Is conduc1ad by en ~current You may not have lndllllduel lo pay the enhre unpetd portlOn of Raymond Ko1oara11 your account~ even though lull This statement wu hied with the paymenl WIS oem1nded. but you Counly Cle<ti of 0r•"98 County on must pay tile amount a1ated abollil Altw ttvee months from the date Oclober 2S t9112 F2004l4 ol rec:Qrdalion o1 lhla document Puollthld Orange Coast Daily (which C11t1 ol record1tlon appear1 Pilot Oc1 31 New 7 14 21 1982 hereon). unleU th9 obliglllon ti.Ing · • 480&-e2 lorecloMcl upon P4lf"m111 1 longw period, you h1v1 only the legal r lght 10 alc>p the l0tlCIOsur• b'/ Pll)'lng POOL.IC NOTICE the entire amount demanded by __ NO_TI_ct_O_F_T_R_U_l_TE_E'_S_S_A_LE __ your cred11or PURSUANT TO To find OUI lhe amount you mull 0£CLAAATION OF pay, or to a11ange lor p1yment to COVENANTS, CONDITIONS slop the lorecloaure or 11 your ANO RESTIUCTIOtel ptQper1y 11 In toreclosure for any YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER other reason. contllet CARDINAL THAT CERTAIN DECLARATION OF PROPERTY MANAGEMENT, Clo COVENANTS CONDITIONS ANO ALLEN & FLATI. 4400 MacArthur RESTRICTIONS DATED SEPTEM· Blvd .. Suite 370. Newport Beach. BER :11, 1977. OF THE BROAD· CA 92660. (714) 752-7474 MOOR HUNTINGTON HARBOUR If you have eny questions, you COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION UN· should contacl a l1wyer or the LESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO governmental agency which may PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY. IT hive Insured your loan MAY BE SOLO AT A PUBLIC SALE Remember. YOU MAY LOSE 1F YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION LEGAL RIGHTS IF YOU 00 NOT OF THE NATURE OF THE PRO· TAKE PROMPT ACTION. CEEOING AGAINST YOU, YOU NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN lhll SHOULD CONTACT"A LAWYER purau1nt 10 Arllcle VI, Sections 1·5 on wee1nesad1y. December 1, of lhe Oeclaratlon of Covenanll. 1982 11 10 00 am • or as soon Condi tions and Restrlcllona the<ealter as may be reasonable, at executed November t, 1976 and the front steps of the IMPERIAL recordecl November 4 , 1976 In BANK BUILDING. 695 Town Center BOOie 11968. Pages 1175· t213 of Drive. In lhe Clly of Costa Mesa. OfflCial RecQrds of Or1nge Counly. Counly of Or1ng• State of Cahfor· Callfornla. a bre1c" ol the nla lhe BROA MOOR HUNTING-o b llgll I on ol payment o l TON HARBOUR COM~UNITY AS· -ts has occurred Notice SOCIATION (the Assoc1atcon' ). of aalcl b<each incl lien was fllecl for lh•OUijh 111 duly appointed agent record February 16 19112 as and 111orney lEE H DURST. Document No 82·053616 ol Mid whose s1reet address ano telepl\one Ollicl1I Records No p1yment of number IS Shown belo,., WILL SELL PISI due amounts has occurred AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE Therefore. the Serrano Park HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH Community A11oc1111on cloes (Plyable 11 11me ot Mle 1n lawful h9roby llec1 to cauM to 1>41 IOICI the money of the Unlled States) pur-IOllowlng described real P<ope<ty to i uant 10 the poww ol sale conferred satiafy tt.. obligation 1n that cer1a1n Oec:larauon ol Cove· Loi 78 of Trect 9246, as per map nan1s Cond1t1ons encl Reslltel•ons record9d •n Book 3&7 Peges 5·8 (the • CC4R'a· 1 u recorded In Book lnclualve of Mi1Ce!faneou1 Mapa. in 12386 Pagea 578, lneluslve. Olllc:tal IN! Office of the County Recorder of Records of Orange County. Caklor· Orange County. C11tlorm1 n11 encl w1th0111 coven1111 or ..,.,. The reoord vested OWYMl<I of tM ranty nprllS5 or lmplled, rogardtng ptoper1y more commonly known H utJe. pauessto11 .OLlllQUTlbcalleeS 213T1 A_,ld1 Ambient•. El TOfo, 111 1h11 cena1n real property situ•· Califomle ate Raymond G Esl>lnou led In lhe Coun1y of Orange. Stale and Marta Alelandra Esplnoze of Caltforni.. deecribed as follow$ Dated: Ocolobet 12, 1982 Unit t98, of Tr1C1 1000"4, 11 oon-IERllANO PARK COMMUNITY 111neo In Book 12982, Pegea ASSOCIATION t798 el seq, lnciutlve. Of Mlscelll· 8vaan N...... neous Meps In the Ofllclel Records STATE OF CALIFORNIA) ol Orange Coonty. Calllornla. The COUNTY OF ORANGE street address and Other common SS designation. II any. of Ille real pro-On October 19. 1982. belOfe m•. perty e11scrlbed above Is purpor1eel tile undenlgnecl, • Notary Public In 10 be 16545 Bordeaux. Huntington ancl tor 11111 S111e, per1on1lly Beech, CaUlornla, further, vesting lo appeared Susan Naplet, known to Mid real p1oper1y 11 ln the name ol me to be Asalst1nt Secret1ty ol the ROBERT W SALAZAR, 1 married r.orooratlon thal 1x1cuted tht within 1ns1rument known to me to .,. the peraon who executlcl the within Instrument on behalf of the corporation ther1ln named, ind acllnowl1dg1cl to me thll such corporation txecuted the within 11111rumen1 pur-nl lo Ila By·L•wt or a ra101ut1on of lie Board of Olractora. WITNESS my hand llf\cl olfrelal Mal Brencl• AM Lozano Acct. •2"4&071 • Publlshed Orange Co11t Dally Pllot, Oc1 31, NOY 7, 14, 21, 19112 4807-112 man The understgnecl T rus11' CllS· clllms any ll1bll1ty Of any lnCOlrect-,_. ol thl atrett llclclrON and otht< common deaignlllon, II tny, anown hlfton Said NII """ be made to lltlsly the 01>1lg1t1ons 1ecurtd by, and pllftulnl 10 the ~ of sale con. tarred In Article VI ol the el>Ovl r• lerlr!C*S CCAR'e, lttd, pursuant IO ArtlCll VI. S«llof'I 3 of tM CC&R'1. the Notice ol ~1 end Claim ol lien wu recorcllcl ag11n11 the 1boYo described real property tor nonpayment ol dull and HHI· amtnlS on Octol>ef 6. 1961, l'1 Boole .--------------1 1"42o441, P• 1 .. 3 ... lf'l.,_I I / y o u a r e d ? 1 n g No 71179 1n tM ott1c:1a1 R41c;Ofdt 01 b i d Orlngt Collnty, C.Jll0<nl1, 81111 fur-U S n e SS Un e T a ther. the Notice ol Oeleult and F' 1 c t it i o us 8 us r n e u Elecllon to Sell 1n1c11no .. ,c1 rMI . ..,ame you are req"lred propetty w11 r1corc1t e1 July 29, "' " 1982, as lnetrurMnt No. 112-262939 by law r Business and 111 tM omc111 Rtcord• 01 Or•noe P I i Code " County, CaWlornl• ro ess ons .. 1ec. TM 101a1 •mount 01 ttie 11np11c1 17900 to 17930 J to file a Dtlance of 1ne oouga11on eecured E'r"titious Bu"rne"S 11y th• property 10 b• 1old encl r "' " 0 , .. llOnable .. 11matocl cost•. t Mpen. Name Statement and -Ind .cir.encee 11 11'11 11,,,. o1 the 1n111A1 ~iealioi\ 01 lht Not!Ge haue d pt.1blitthed for 01 ••· 1nc1ue11ng 1110<ney'1 1ete fOUr CortleCUfllle wet/u, and coei., It t 2,t71 00 Oalld NoWmbet I, lff2 WE ot the DA IL Y BA01'~R HUNTINGTON PILOT can help with HAMOUfl COMMUNITY ASSOC both Call the LEGAL ~ ~o!:'~,~t:t, '.:&;' DE p ti R rM E NT "t w;-:,• ~;.~" n•2• SfJ.4321 -Ext 332 lor ,11t111aMO 011110• co111 ' urtlacr ln'ormatwn "*"· "°" 1. 1•. 2f. t"2 1 ·~a vit·\~ in In in<·. Irvine hQmes spacious "8poc.·1uus IHm1t•i. w1Lh u lull measure of mod<.•rn unwn1t1<.•s in ,, r easonnl>le µrice• rung<.• an· wh:Jt homcbuycrs l<'ll us they huvc• ht'l'll looking for. When they s1.·c th.it ou1· townhomcs offc.•r two and three full bedrooms with virtually no l'Xlt•rior maintenance, for pril'('S s tarting al $128.990 -well, Lh<.•y can hurdly bcliC'Vt' it." Bob Re ad, sal1.•s managl't <it tht· William L yon Company's Woc>c.lbr1clgt• Parkv1ew, in lrvm<'. was d1scu ..... -.111g some of the rc.•asons for Lhe rnnll11uc'<I success of th<' dL•vf•lopme>nt "And, of cour·st•, tht• natur.11 jJ>p<:.11 of the WO<Xlbndgl' rnmmun1ty. w1Lh its lakes a nd man y n ·c.·rl•at1011.tl attractions. make Woodbridge• Parkv1ew an f>Ul$ltanding hf~tyll•," • ht• c·u11t111 Ul'U Wooc.lbr1cigc.· Parkv11•w ol lt•rs (loor plan:-uf l.IJ2 M l.fHll M1um·1· fl'l'l, m 01w und two-slo'l'y. two and thn•<• l.x•<.lroom designs, fur pr1tl·::. ra11g1nlo{ r roni $I :!IJ,990 tu $116,990 Mod1.•I honH's at Wuudbl'ldgt Parkv1ew a rt• <>1'1.'ll Tu1•Miay-. thrnu~h Sundays from 10 um until Ii pm , :ind Monclavs Crom 11oon until s ix rwar tht• n irn<.·r ul West Y ;1h• I .oop and Blur• L.ikt· North \11s1 tors should C.:.kl 1 h1 S,111t.1 l\n;1 or San Die go frc 1·way l11 Cuh 1. 1 Or1vt , a11d e>ntu-Woodbmlg1 ,11 J\llo 11 Pai kway Dir<:t:l1onal sign~ It .id thl• wav lCI WoodbndRt· Parkv1<•\\ at ll'!\ II a· v c· n w o o d l r v 1 n c· F u r I la l' r 111furmallon rn;l\' b e.· o b t.11111 d h'o' l all mg 559 -1603 • • 1 DAil V Pll 01 1 ~urHJ,1y, Nove111bur 7, 198?. )-'()W ~r r nt Tltt•1 t•'H 1111 11 lo.1t11111-.h1Jl lwtwt•t•n 1·1111•1ty un<I r1 ntnl rutt•&, suy tlw .111th11n1 of J>l114'•WlrlrllllK 111111ly 11( 11~ U S h1111 1t 1K m.11 k1 u.i "In I.wt Wt• luu11d It Ill.II lo l,,t• hl6(1WI In f 1101•·' thul h11J t•xpt•rlt'l1t•<'<i .i 11111(<• vu uni1 u l rN·t•nl r<."ntul huur.1ng t'!ltlHll u1·t11111 ," W I 111· lllll'lt)lt1g1s t11 H11h111d I"' Apf>"lhuum of tht• U111vt•11111ty uf l 11l1fu1 nla ,al Sa11tt1 B111 lmru 11nd J o hn I Glldl'l'bloorn, 1111,w ,1t th\• llnivt•n:illy of W111<.·on&111, Cit•<•n Bay . ••t'ont1 u1 y to tlic· prc•dll'I io11s uf 11upply "'ldt• lhl•urhih ,'th£• frt•c.• c•11tc•1'fJ1 l\l' ••ppmuc•h, 'iumm\•d ·up as 'bullc.l 111111 t• h11u..,111g ,' fa1lt•d to prov1u1:. loW(·I 11•11Li." Wh v" 1'1 1J h.1hly b1 •c :iusc.• of tlll' flllfl I llrtlfll'llllVC'. fl,JlUI t• u{ lllUl'h 1 l'llllll l lllllM llg W ht•ri• •>Wnt'lbhlJJ I~ l flllt l lltlalt'<I lht•V "MIV "W""?'l11 l•11 't 1111µJ y 111g there 1s a monopoly, although rPntal houstng 1s u!w11 wnu ntrau-d 111 relatively fc>w hun<J'> 'fht•rp Jr<'. howc.·ver, direct and mdut~ t agrLt.•mt-nLo; nmung aparlmcnt ho u ~ l ' own t• r lt l hr o ugh l h cir ~tullon~ and ~onwcts." Lu rg•• r <·"un111111(· cund 1 t1uns also "inrluc.•n<.t• H·nts, with lnteresi ratei. b4•ing a pnml' <»wmplt• On thl' baSth of lh~·ir paper , the i.on ulog1sL-. W<•n• naml•d winners of tlw 1982 Douglai. Mt.Gregor Memorial Awurd by tlw Journal o f Applied Rr•hav1otal Sc wnce, which will publish thl· study·as its ·lead article in IL'> ftrst 1s-.uc1 uf the new year. In uddill•m tu Cr<!o cnLC'rprisc, the pap<.•r t'xplorcs two other approaches to solving "a i.l•vcr<' crisis in renwl housing d1arac tC'r11:ed by chronic i.hortagt· of unll .. 'i at pncC's that are not ther u((urdulilt• to OIO l rtnU•rt" Tlwy founcl n ·nt rontrul to lJe a »tOJJ ""P llll'llltUrc• whh:h, thOUfih ao un1 i;sful HI f)rl'Vt•nlln6' blH rt•nt 1mn.t1.1 11, f111h1 to p1ovld odd111onal huus1nu Pu!Jllt· h ouaunf( &nd h ou sing alluwunc<.•1 wt•n• f o und t o be "t-i.JX'<:1ully ~ost.ly during lollatlonary pt•1 lod~." Their rtnd1ngs cou1cd the rc•111.·orchc.•n1 "to ser1ou11ly question the wisdom of hou111ng polkl<'S calllng for nu Pn\J Lo local land-use and building regulutions. under thP fa!M! belit>! that SU('h rcgulutlons are responalblc fOr urliflcwlly rcs\ric.'tcd supply, and ht-nc:P hlghl•r prw1.--s and rents." O n e of the i r s uggestions for allevwung thl' h1.1us mg shortage is to c.•ncourngc• the growth o f "limned equity c.·ooperallves," a type of hou::.mg <.'0-op in which the resident buys a share the equivalent or a down payment The s hare may int·roase tn value only at a rate ('St.ablish<.-'d by the ('O·OP This takes the apurtmcnt off the market," Appelbaum cxplams. "lt is lookt->d uµon as shl'lt(.'r, not an.. an vestment,· a place to 1t ve. nol to '. make money." When the resident wishes out, he or shl' e1thf'r sells the share back to the co-op, wath th~ co-op's approval, sell$". •• to a private buyer. : One example of such housing is ; Pilgrim TrrracC' in Santa Barbara, which is run by the no n -profit. Community Housing Corporation . Other limited cquily co-ops a re operating in Oakland and on the east coast, part1cularly in New York and New Jersey. .... Stay in the black not in the dark with .. Outlook '83 year-end business review a.nd forecast. ,I, Coming Dec. 29.: · in the ·. DailyPilai .'I .. 'I ... . ' •• _,._ ... .. I f • ~ I . Ot 1111)1 C'11,l'tl llAll ~ I'll OT $u11u.1., NOlt\41111.Jl•f 7, 1982 ,_ _____ _ ' I j i I I I• I tl L It " " ... ~· s • " I :~ f ll •• )" , .. r..: fl . ' . ,1:: •• ) .. ,, .. 11 • t I !t •• ... I)\. t • ,, ... , .. " . 111 .. u~. )6 I 1i~: ,g•; 141. 111. 1i. , .. ••• .... ..... tt~ Hloo 1oi. Jiil 2\oo ..... :~ ' ,. .. .... ,.,, s ... 'lt; 1h. "''" ~·- NEW YORK STOCKS CONTINUED "'"' l o• PE Sain Ifft H;ell "-'" U ll (lit >13 u,.,, d 11 uSth QM1>0 1 1143 ... att 2S ,. Sl )6• '" ,, .. m~ •• • ti ~~,. J~ M\..• • Cl ' s .. • I 1~ •• J~ 21 ~ .. , ... " . . , .... .... ,. . " . """ ~-,, ... (! 1: ' ,, . . >~,. " .. ' •• ,L )>, '&~. >I• 11. u ~ .. JI ' ) . " . I •I . . 'i'; !,\ .. I • 1. .... .s: Or ngo Co111 OAIL \' PILOT /Sunday November 7, 1982 M•rk•I An•lr•i• Dow Jones 30 lnd~stnal$ Novem~ 1 ·6 +ea.oe High,. L.ow • Cto1ed It. ~' .J I Orange CoHt DAii. Y PILOT /Sunday, Novembtf 7, 1882 . I If you like to cook ~nd have a "favorite" recipe, it could be. worth a trip for two to a city of your choice anywhere . . in the Western Hemispher~ (via Western Airlines.) Or you could win o·ne of five S200 g~ift ce~tifi~ates~ It can all happ~n in the , 1'982 Dally Piiot Favorite Recipe Contest~ :· • and it coulct happen to youl J Even if you don't win a top prize; your recipe could be published in our "Orange Coast Cook Book" in the Daily Pilot on Wednesday, ·December 8, 1982. Daily Pilot Special Sections editor Janine Fiddelke will supervise a panel of food judges who will name the best recipe on the Orange Coast. Winning recipes will be judged on originality, ease of preparation, adherence to theme, and of ·course, taste. So get cooking. Read the rules carefully and send us your recipes as soon as possible., Entries must be postmarked no. later than November 1 2 . Dally Piiot Favorite Recipe Contest, P.O. Box 1560 Cost• Mesa, CA 92626 . - 1.· Appetizers Meat spreads, zesty d ips or munchies. Take your pick. 2. Grains and Breads What is your favorite way to start off a holiday meal. J. Main Dishes .. Whether it be hamburgers or coq . au vln, the best , chicken salad or roast duckling, everyone has a favorite recipe for the mainstay of the meal. 4. Vegetables ·and Salads Including vegetarian dishes. And don't forget the out-of-season treasures in cans and in the frozen food section. s. Des•erts Let's see what you can do with chocolates, getatin, butter, flour, whipped cream and other f avorlte goodies. Set those . calories aside. 1 1 . 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. .. List all ingredients in order of use, followed by clear, concise directions and the number of servings. Remember, originality COUJ1tS. Submit your typed entry on a 3x5" index card. . Put category in upper left hand corner. Only one entry per person per category will be accepted. If mol"e than one entry is received for any single category, all entries tor ~hat category will be disqualified. Judges reserve the right to properly categorize entries. Recipes must be complete, and may not be changed after submission. Incomplete recipes will be disqualified. In the event identical recipes are submitted by two or more contestants, 'the first received will be the one considered tor judging. The contest is open to all residents of the Oran.ge Coast, except employees and their immediate families of Orange Coast Publishing Company. Indicate on each recipe in the top left-hand corner, ·your name, address, telephone, and category entered .u.sfng separate cards tor each recipe. Mail ' to "Daily Pilot Favorite Holiday Recipe Contest," · P.O . Box 1560, Costa Mesa, CA 92626, or bring it to 330 Bay St., Costa Mesa. ALL ENTRIES MUST BE POSTMARKED NO LATER THAN MIDNIGHT, ·November t 2, 1982 or received at the Pilot office no tater than S p.m. November 12, 1982 . ... Entry of a recipe constitutes agreement tha~. It' becomes the property of the Daity Pilot, and may be published with acknowledgements (no street addresses or phone number wm be published) In the Daily Piiot and Mirror newspapers. Entries wm be dlsqualif fed If they fan to comply with the contest rules. All judges' decisions are final. All prizes wHt be award~. CONTEST ENDS NOVEMBER '2. r ,,. • Dilly Piiat • HOIOSCOPf Infertile couple offers list of requests BY SIDNEY OMARA Monday, Nov. 8 ARIES (Murd1 2 1-April l!:I): You huve a chanc<.' t o 1.·orn•1.·t pas t t•rrors, lo resume p rclatioriship and to sturl rt·bu1lding on a more solid s trut.·ture. Emphasis 0 11 change. long-dis tance rommuntl'Ulluns and till' L·i.tubhshmcnl of a spt>e1al D~AH A'NN LANDl<:HS: Ph•ast"prlnt th;s list ·-a· . ~ uf n ·qu1•st11 fur n•lutlv~·s und fri~·nds c)( infc•rtilc> · ' t.'0Uplt•:1. It t•ould save• o Jot uf tPu1·11. · .. ' · I J:>li·usc• don't l'all 1•v1•1·y n11111th und usk if I'm • ANN I •NDllS prc•gnunt If I wt.•rC', I'd lw su c•xdwd I'd shout 11 ' 1 .._,.~' ~. • from tht• houst•tops. t DEAR Dl!;'l'tt<HT: First check with the ceme tery and u11k If ll Is per111itted. If tbe an11wcr 111 no, call around until you find one tllal say1 yt• . Then put your wlt1bes In writing and 1tve the lett<:r to the funeral director you have selected to bandit your arrangements. J>utting ll In the will doe!! noi alway• ln1ure that thf' Ins tructions will be carri~d out. People are often burled before tbe w ill ls read. bond wllh om• who mdl'<.1 yuu m th<.• past. TAURUS (April :.!0-M..iy 20): Communit·auon rcw1vl>d l'<>nt'<'rmn!( proµt•rty, security and family membt.•r in transit Slit k lo vital issues, be aware of rights a nd pl•rm1M,1un:.. 1>lun ahead for travel. Gem1n1: V irgo, S11g1 t1urius natives f i gure prominently. GEMINl (May 21 June 20): Focus on family, shbrt trips, visits and nwi.s:.igt'S wh1t'h clarify ~nse of dirt'<:tion. Domt•st1l· adjustment ot'<:urs. includes remodeling , possibll· pun-hasc.' oC item w h ich beautifies homl' surruund111gs. Keep eye on Libra! 2. Wh1•n your kids n111"1bc.'huvl'. don't nsk ml' if I want thl•m or wurM' y1•t, If I Would like Lo buy them. I'd pay anything ror a couple of kids wl'll-bl'liavl'<.I or not :3 At thl' n1.·xt baby showl•r don't say to mt.'. .. You'll bl• n xt. .. l'v1.• bt•1.•n d1sapp111ntcd so many time:. I huvt.• a t1orribl1· fet'lmg I will nl'V('I' ge t prl•gna nt. It's all I l'an do to look a l baby clothes without crying. 4. Dm'l't.mak<' us f1.'l•I guilty when we buy some luxury by telling us yo\,I <.'un't afford sus:h things bl>t'UUSt' your kids t.'OSl sd mu<:h lo ra1sl'. We'd gladly give up all th(• extras to havl' l·hildrcn lik<' yours. 5. Don't put us down for considering adoption and say you t'Ouldn't honestly love somt.'l>nl' else's child. Thl' minute that o<lopl<.'<I baby is in my arms. h e will bt.• th e saml' as my very own. Ann, plcast• find s pan• lo print tlus. There arc thousands of childll•ss touplcs who have to put up CANCER (Junt• 21-July 22): Take steps lo 'protet:l finanl'ial ussl·t:-. What a ppears a unique sche me may b<• an old s tory in new dress. Sec plac.oes, pcopll• as thl'Y an•. not merely as you wish they m ight exist. M1•;m s uvoid Cooling yourself. LEO (July :l3-Aug. :l:l): Emphasize initiative, ~~ ~ responsibility, will1ng nl'SS to pioneer a project. :/€., &Y ASHl:..EIGH Relationship inwnsifil's, you rec.-eive serious oCCer ft! BRILLIANT ronnectcd with busi1w ss. t•arc.-er or product. Taurus, _ _ _ _ J with tlw-..· 11h1·11Mt1\:1 111111 h1111ful n•ma1 ks c•Vl•ry clu y O'S 1\1~ IHhli.111d ,111tl I huvc i.pcnL f1 v<· Yl'ars and thou~unls 111 dul),11' 1111 ll"'' that h:IVl' shown no rl·aso11lur11u1 11111'1 llltt~ Wt• Ull' now wa1ung to ht•ar r..11111 om· or 111;111\ .11lupt1un agc•n<.'ll'l> ) MAYBE ~OMl•:l>J\ \' DEAR MA YUi':: Lft me know when you ger pr'egnant or n ~oud ne\\i. 1·:ill from an agency. I'll rejoice with you! DEAH ANN LAN()Jo;H~ Jam u st.·nlimental old ludy who IWl ds tu k1111w if 11 1:-. possihlt• for my dog to be.• put 10 ,1i·1·p "he·11 I du illlll bt• burwd with me . This l1llll pl'l 1s 111 \ 1 l11ws1 11 wnd 1 um ufra1d she mt1y Lx• m1:-.ll l .1lt•d 11\ sun11 11111· nftt•r I urn gone The• thought ol .111)11111 hurling lwr kt•t•ps mt• uwakl· nigh ts. Con:-.ull yolll .. io.p1•1Ls a nc..l tc•ll me if it is puss1blt· It "•maid g1VP nw J.ll'a<·c of mind. - SLEEPu;ss NI{; 1 lTS IN 1>8'1'HO IT If your pct dies beforti you do, you could hav' her c re mated a nd the ashes put In an urn and placed In your cat1ket. After having said all this, may I augge t that you try to find som e kind soul wbo would bl' good to your pel If you should die first. It would be ni«e if she went on enjoying life after you passed on. CONFID~NTIAL to S hould We or Shouldn't Wt• Ill Oklahoma. 1''orj.(l't 11. Why put orl. a wc•ddmg you can't afford and t•nwru.11n people you don't C<•r\• about'? Obviously yuu hove.• no real friends JUl>l a long ltst of supcrf1t.·ial a<.oquaint.ances. How muc/l tlu you know about pot, C0<.0111110, LSD, s,Jtoc'<l, PCP. up1x•rs nnd downers, glue and lwrui11 '! Are nil tllrs1• drugs dangerous? Get Ann LandC'rs' 11/l-1ww bm1kll'l, "The L owdown on DoJX'." For each book IN ordered, send $2.00 plus a long. St.·Jf-11ddn•.-;sc'CI c•nvl'loJX' (37 cents postsge) to Ann Lundc•rs. P.O. Box I 1995, Chit:ngo, Ill. 6061 I ~~~~~~~~~~~~....-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-Caprit.'Orn, Cant-er p<.'•"SOns figure prominently . ••l;:====================;'I VIRGO (Aug. 2:i-St•pt. 22): Projeet may be __ R_U_f_f_E_L_L_'_S___, Completed and you may n ot be aware of ll. Look WHAT IF' behind scenes, gain at'l't•ss to data which throws \ 01£ UPHOLSTERY Bobbe Mitchell !1ew light on current Sl!Uation. Story behind story 1s found by digging bt•n<>ath surface indications. BEF"O~E • ..,.....,.,. -s S..• LIBRA ($<>pt. 2:1 Ot:l. 22). Romance dominates; I EVER co'~'t ::tf:'!! 514L1~~i 56 Commercial Ac1ors Studio In Orange County you get to heart of matlt•rs by being direct, independent and t.•>.t reml•ly honest. Focus on ft..£C"°' ... ~E renewed friendships, fulfillment of desires and D ~ news con<.'eming d1str1but1on of product. REALLY SCORPIO (Oct 2:~-Nov. 2 1): Individual who LI£.._ 1 ,..a...J ~. had been evasive will lx't·ome available. Emphasis " "'.._' n 'I ~ on s ta nding in communit y, career, business prospects. You'll bt.· g1wn proverbial second ch ance, but many qucsuon:-. will bl' thrown in your direction. Another Smrpio 1s in picture. SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22-Dcc. 21): Open lines of rommunication emphasis on prinl'iples, education and distribution. Popularity increases. you make numerous contacts which will prove useful. Gemini, Libra and another Sagittarius figure prominently. CAPRICORN (.Dt'l' 22-Jan. 19): S tick to factual data -you have dian('<' to make real progress if not dissuadt.>d from bas1t· course. Focus also on loans. Interest rates, the obtainml'nt of backing which enables you lo pursut• ncat1ve project. AQUARIUS (Jan 20-Feb. 18): Don't jump at first offe r. Be positive concerning legal rights, permissions. Emphasis on publicity, public relations and clash of ideas. Do plenty of listening. defer Lo w ishes of partner or male. Keep eye on Gemini! PISCES (Feb 19 -March 20): Highlig ht , diplomacy; harmony 1s restored on domestic front if willing to make ante lltgent roncessions. Focus also on basic chores. d ealings w ith dependents and special care necessary for pels . ~t. .. •~-· ... .., ...... ""'.., .. >i ... ~ ...... #·•• °"" ,,...,.,...r..., •. ,~ ... ht .,.. ... ~ u. Men from U.N.C.L.E. return HOLLYWOOD (AP) Those men from "U.N.C.L .E.," Napok'On Solo und lllya Kuryakin, are going to make th<'ir first app<'arant-e sim·e 1968. Robert Vaughn (Solo) und David Mt{;atlum (Kuryakin) will rt'l'rl•aw tht•ir s tarring roles from "Man Crom U.N.C.L.E .. " wh1t.·h was telecast on NBC from 1964-68. The two-hour CBS movie "The Return of the Man from U.N.C.L .E. -the 15 Years Lat.er Affair" will go into production in Las Vegas on Nov. 29. The p roduction will thC'n move to Los Angeles. "Man from U.N.C .L E." was a n American answer to James Bond, with a blend of humor, derring-do. and adventure. "U.N.C .L .E." by the way, stood for United Network Command for Law and Enforcement. Their sworn enemy was the international crime syndicate THRUSH. translation unknown. DISNEYLAND HOTEL'S , sensational night at the Magic Kingdom. waterfall ... W ow! Two sensational days and one Disneyland Hotel, tne official hotel of Dance with a bear ... wander through a laze on a tropical beach ... make a splash in 3 pools .. . visit a wine cellar ... see the Dancing Waters show ... and ride the monorail direct to Disneyland ! Plus one day's admission to Disneyland Park, including unlimited use of all rides and attractions except.shooting galleries. Dinner in our water, front Shipyard Inn or elegant Oak Room. A drink in one of our lounges. And, best of all,· up to two children can share parents' room for only $29.50 each, and that includes everything the grown-up~ get. --.-(Kiddy cocktail, of course.) For reservations and information, see your travel agent or ca ll Walt Disney Travel at ]14/SZ0-5050. ~-Q D~qJtonj}tJ!! A Wr 11.,..1 tiOl1'1 ... FRESH LOCAL LOBSTER DINNER '8.95 lIJcludes choice of soup or salad, aIJd p otato or rice pilaf. ·r-Call For Reservations -' -::: t 673-7726 <::::!{!/)(/ 411~1 J'I.) 't•lv I.tit 111 NIN't~' A . 801 -7 . llAI llOA E ........ ••••• Cell 213-931-1305 Bobbe Mitchell ... Award winner in Diet Pepsi, United Airline, T oyora commercials and more . * In associati on Goldstone of L.A. with Richard * Classes taught by top industry agents, directors, producers and actors. * Individual attention t o video work and career advancement. * Recommended by leading casting directors and agents. DO YOU HAVE A FAV~ORITE RECIPE? If .you like to cook and have a "favorite" recipe. 1t could be worth a trip for two to a city of your choice anywhere in~the Wesrern Hemisphere {via Western Airlines.) Or you could win one of five S200 gift certificates . It can all happen in the 1982 D •lly Piiot Ealf.orlte Recipe Contest, and It could happen to you! Even 11 you don't win a top p'1Zt', your ret1pe could bf' pubhsht'd 1n our "Or•n'ge Coaut Cook Book" m lilt' Daily Pilot on Wec:Jnesc1"Y Decembtr 8 1982 " Oa11y Pilot Sprt•·'' Sl'Ct1on\ t'd1tor Janine F1ddt>lke will ~·,perv1se ,, p.-inel ot tooa JUclge who w ill n,1mf' th< best rec1~ on the Orilnge Cc11st W1nr1111 reet~s will be Juclgecl on Ofll.1•'"''hty. f',1\P ot preparation. adhtr('n<.e tn 111rrne. a11d ol course. taste So get cookin<J ~e.'<1 th,. rules c.1refully and send us your rec 1p1•\ .u ~oon as possible~ Entraes must 01· l)O\tm,lfked no later than NOVf'mbf'r I ] M•ll entries tor 0 .. 11, 1'1101 ; '•vorllt lttclp1P COl'lleat. P.O. 80• 1$60 con" Me••· CA •z•z• ENTRY CATEGORIES: 1. Appetlaen J\111'•1 \.4f'' ,,. ., J \ If , I 1~• ~OUf J\•t~ , z. Grains •nd Bre.11ds \,\. t If I\ yf U I .11111• w I) I~ llA' I, oll ,1 hOUrl •y m• ol J, Mal" Dl1he1 Whf!ht'r I tr ho11•1l111tfM. •ll i;DQ -1 l'\i 11 l,.tl t'"" wtr• "1llli!J .,. fD.!'1 1¥0!1nq .... ~,.,....¥~ IM'fl11lr ••t•PI' 1()1 ''"" m • 1111.•r 01 ll•t ""'-# 4. Vept•ltfn •nd Salada It ,1S10~ \If' l~tftrMO I• hf\ .... tel tJ, >fl I ' , .. '"' 0\11 '°' ... 110!1 f' _. .o.utr\ 1n '••fl\ ,.nJ ••• 111 ''°'"" '°'"' \fl'C,(t H' s. De11eru I •I •f'i' wl1"1 )1\\1 I I •k> Wlllt Cl 11)1 llMI f' \ Q!'l,.pn l llll" h1KI! .... 1~ (1011\ Mlll o.IYIO l,avOr•lr \JO l•h \fl ll'>Oll' ( !Ol•t'\ '"'di' 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. CONTEST RULES: lm "M 1!'19lt'd•!'nt1 on ci.roc-r UI ust' 1o11owt'd by Clt at cone•~ airtc11on1 <tn<I 1hio nvmllt'• ol ~rv1no1 Rt-~r. 01191n.11111y coo.mu Subm11 your typed t'l'lll)I Ol'I 11 J•S" lndt'~ <-'Id Put Cillt'g<>l)I ,,, upptr 1!'11 h,Vl(l <Ofnt'• Ol'lly Ont' t'l'llt)' l)t'f l)t'll()fl l)t'I Ult~I)' Wiil bt MCt'ptt'd II mOft' ln.tl'I Ont' t'l'llf)' II rrtt•vtd lor My lll'lglt' cMtgory, •• t'ntllfl lor 111~1 c.m•gory wll l>t' d•~·llt'd Jud~\ rt\etvr tilt rqu 10 PfOPtlfy Ull~llt' mll1!'\ l!t'Clj)fl ""'" l>t' complttt .. na """Y l'IOI l>t' (~ "ltt'r WC>m<Utor'I ln<ompll'lf' •l'Ctpt\ wll l>t' Oo•QU<llollt'd In Int f\lt'lll IOl'f\to(.>1 lf'(•ptl iJJf Wbtn•llt'd by IWO Of mOft' COnlt'llMll Int ,.,,. lt'(flVt'd w• l>t' lilt' Ont' Cortl'Offfil IOI JV<19'"9 Tiit COlllfll II optn to .. q lf\l<ltl'lll of Int Or~ Cootil t'•Ctf>I tmPfOYffl na '"'" ltl'Wl'lt'dlillt IM\tfof) or OrMtgt C°"ll l'Vbl1IMIQ Comp.vty lt'ld1C1tl' on t'M:h rtclflf '"1ht 1op ltfl·HllNS tom.t. your 11.1f'llt', tlddrt'll lt'l!'PllOl'le, MCI U ltQOIY Mlt•td u11no 'fl><lfllt 1htt11 '°' t..cn •«•Pt' Ma11 tO ' 0My ,llOC ''""°''If HnltdAy Rl'Clpt' COlllt'll," p 0 lo• I 5b0 COii~ M!'\ol CA ,2626 or bl•no ti 10 HO Ill)' SI Cosrn Mt\~ i'lll £NTRIB MUST IE POSTMARKCO NO li'llUI U~i'IN MIDNIGHT NOVt'mtlt'I 12 1912 Ot lt.f'lvtd Ill lh!' Ptlol Ollo(f no llltl'r tNll'I S p m NO\lf'mllt'r IJ 1982 7 Frllry or 11 rt<lpt con1111u1u "'OfetrMnl 1n•1 11 • bt'comts lhl' j)IOl>f'llY UI tllfl DA~y PllOt lll'ld ""'Y l>t' llVtllttrwd w11h Mlloo1111ltf1Uf'"""" fr'IO lllfft adcltfllfl 0< 11"-'"'° 111J!lll•rl WIM bf publl\nt(ll lrl IM Oo11~y ,tlOI MO M11ror ntWll) .. \ 8 f~M't wtll w d•M!IMltl•f'd 1f t!Wy 1.,110 c~ Wllfl • ""f~ l\M All~ MlMGfll .,_ llnlt-M Pf~' w1• Of 'IMl•dfO COMUT tNO\ NOV«Mlllt 12 , .. .' .. i ,. I .. , . • • ... • nge Coaat OAll Y PILOT /Sund . M lin ton c h anging nickname .. I • .•:· 'The ( 'hocola1c' ('owboy' rides ojj' and into the s unset . •' .. -r··· .. .. ... lh IOI•; IW \\ AIU>'\ Auod•l•ll ftrtn W11t•1 NASll Vl l.1.E. '1'1•1111 S 1ng11 1Mn gw1Ht•r < > u 1\1,, ·111111111 ... 1111 111111(4'1' p111r 11•u u11 111" 1111 l.11.11111 . "tlit ('he.11 11lu11• l'11wh11y,' lw1·11U'\t' lw ••\:"th• 1 uwl1u\ 1111c1uc• lo; lo .. mg poj1ul.1nty Mt t 'll111t111, 11111· 111 th1· ff•w hlrwkis in m un try 11111,11 , lwg.111 1•:dl111g """""" ·•1111· ('t11wo l11te• ~ '11wh11v" 11111111· 1 wu yt•111'" 11uu wht•ll th1• 11wvlt'. ''ll1 l1.111 l'1 1w hoy," popul111 111'<I Wt11\ll01 n clothing and llHl'll .. N11w 1 li,11 th(· ''1w lm y popu lanty has 141111t• '""\.'. I t h111k linu1111t111g 111ySt•ll :is 'tlw Ch1)(.'t1l11h• ( '"'' 1111\ \.\ 11u d l11111t 111 ysl'lf," llw 1!14uut-1r1us l\h l'll11to11 1<.t1d Ill 1111 llH\•I Vll'W • 'l'h1•11 ,. .... 11ng II'> tw 11111•11 dut•!I, ht• adds . · Hui I g ue s-. 1w11plt• w ill 1.uJI <'all 11ll' 'th1• l'li·~·ul.1 11• l'owl111v' It'., tht.•rt•. I t•;in't l'rtlSt• ll J>.11ld\ llH•k i.111· ,,{ lhut m l!llO·whc·n I was horn " 1\nd M1 ( 'l111t11n 's qu1 µs d on't i.lop. "J uh11ny t ';1 ... h .., the· 111.111 111 hla1 k I a n1 too. Rut h t• t'<•ll t;1k1 111' u l I . '1\ "11111.111 .at ,, 1·unu·1 l nsk1'tl m l' lo i.mg " 1><mg hy l'ha rl1•y Prnfo (unolhc•r blu(•k ingcr )," he s.iid "1\ltl'I th11·1 -.011g .... -.Ill' "'kt•cl ugatn Thn-t• more • N•lli-:' w1•11t h~ a11tl I still hudn't sun~ a C:hurh:y P111lt• N>n~ Fm.illy . .;h1· g11t mm.I and said, 'I thank you're.• prC'JUJ11:Pd ·" ·• l\frl'l1nt1111, 1·d1•be ,1t1ng his IOth yt •tir in t•uunlry 111us a . JJ11·k1•d u µ Lht n1t·k 11u m l• "Chu1:oluw C11\\ um" .i1 t1·r h1" wil t.· unt.l l>On w1•nt shopping for 0 B M Cl h h k 111wh11:v l'i11th1•' lrn tlw youngslt•r · . c inion c anging is nic name A d1 rk 111 tlw l\tu11· stud tlw t·uL1· kid l1111kcd jusl ~;,;;;:~:;;:::::;;;:;;;;:;;;:;;:=~~r1~~~~~__;._~~~--ir- AMERICA'S NO. 1 COMEDY HIT! ~ll' FAVORITE T HIS l't;A K •.. · FUNNl't FUNNl't FI TNNl'! -JOEL SIEGEL. ABC TV Good MOtnl"il Arnette• ~-----------------------------·-- ITEYEAR AC ADE M f MEMBERS Your c••d will •dm1I you s nd a gue•I lo any pe '1ormanco Mond•y lllru Thursd•y lets ~ear it for Set, Drujs 8. l\+xtH' ~/// "DYNAMITE CHICKEN" nA1'VllDfG l ~I ; I Irr.\) JORN ID)K)H •TOCO ONO• AO Tl'UC1CIMG CO ··vJ · ION CAin •nm wnLAI!>. WlCllAIL O't>ONAGH1.I! UtJSIC IT JOG llDmlD •SRA MA NA • JOAM llAJ:Z TRllOUCa A ~ Q.AIS nOllOCI IONS OIBCTll> AM> P9000CED IT llllflST "1f'l'O" A 5ZY1ilOu. IOIDI AND ASSOCIAn m.&A.SE Sa vp money and D .1 ,.1 .. sho'ppinq time II J _I DI Reqd t he . ...... CLUXURY THEATRES 1st Two M11inu Sllo111nu ONLYS2.~UnltssOtherwiseNoted S 113t.14 •X•X1 dj6 i 61~ '2ss1/~r;.) * FOR FUOI EX<ITEmEnTI V1s1tOur... * ARCADE of GAMES* C::."J.~~'i" IT CAME FROM lfttmissionarg HOLLYWOOD a . "h. Q lllll 5'l~r~ t~~N~YJ :\ :uo 5"0w's~!J~',U i \U •:os POLTERGEIST. ? J~O t:,H Pig• ti:'' T,r,f,k II fiJ 1 :00 MOS 20 7 lO; 4 0 1 :U\~~'fo:ts'll':1':.'fefJim UvrAVOlmvult AN Ofl'FIC£R ANDA UJ GENTLEMAN l"'I ~h<>Yllt .\I 12 20 2.; Io 4:00 S·!oO 1 •s .. t ·n 12 so 3 :15 S :3S 1:00 10 :20 Glm4d0 ii 2163~ 9'282/~6.~J CHRISTOPHER Al:EVE IE T. fl II. EXTRA·at.13 MONSIGNOR m • • n HH[STRIAL ---Sh~WI •t &:00,:IS 10:30 5:45 1:00 10:15 No Pauet Tiils n9a9ement Ii t;1 Q (IJ. I'·''·'§ 6 ) 639 8770/ ~f~~.~) SUPflCINf•ll SovnoOltt><l IO'<><H CN l r>O•OOt 9tlnq lloll•t •llO<IOb!O RSDYRNDHIS '. ''.'.' l.AJll.....S DOG rn ~ll141JiQj • Plu\ Out11ncl IRl ~uY, V on In Lov• (A ET. r111 E\nM f.4!T r 1Mr1 . . • n uH1 . ., , HI;\, AT •1oc;c•o11T MIC:" m am A•~rP01i1lin~r cPG> ~~11~.s~~J 'J& 1ht 1Dissionaru "DYNAMITE • ..~ i . ~ -cHICKEN" UJ Allo Slrl H A ""' Butlln ' LOOH (RI * Driv••ns Open 6 45 Wffkn1qlus / 6• 30 Weelcends Children Under12 f rtt Unless Noted DINO OE LAURENTllS EDWARD R PR£SSMAN ARMOLD SClfWARZENEOOUI JAMES CARL JONES "COW lltE BARBARIAN SAHOAHL BERGMAll .BEN ~VIOSON GERRY LOPEZ MAXO WILLIAM SMITH MAX VON SYOOW. JOHN. MILIUS OUVlR SHIN£ BASIL PDLEOOURIS D COff>TANTINE CONTE •• EDWARD R PRESS MAH BUZZ FflfSHANS RAFF AELLA 0£ LAURENTllS PROJECTIOIHSTS LOCIED OUT!!! ' UllTED ARTISTS THEATERS UNFAIR!!! TUlll FOi 1111 IELPU Souttwn .~llOn of IA TSE Dl•trlet Two Loca/1, Walter H. Blancharc1, S~· Trea1. fttrlC""' • t'•th•t frtr I h•'" .,,.n ... 11.i•,_I WI" llllfU ~ )NSIGN<>R ''l\"\1111 ... "I ~ • tlll' ••I t I .... . FAI. 1:00 1:20, 10:40 SAT/SUN. 1:30 :J:U 1:00, 1:20 • SAT. OHL y 10:40 a MY fAVORITI YEARm flfUtlll U/> lltCL- l:NOA-llT WILLIE NELSON OARY aUSEY IN "BARBAROSA' FAI. 7:00, 1:45, 10'.IO SAT/SUN. 1:45, ~ 5:15, 7:00, 1:45, 10:Jll (PG) HOLLYWOOD ................. ,""'''.,. B FRI. 1:41, 1:111, 10:20 8A T /IUN.. 2.:C10. J:JI, 5;1Cl 1:45, a:., 10:20 (PO) "THE MISSIONARY" .............. FIU. 9:2S.1:15, 10:10 h . ~ IAT/SUN. 1:05. 2:41 FRI. 1:10, 7:45, t:20 4:JI, 1:21, 1:11. 10:10 IAT/aUN. 1:00, 2:50 (R) 4:)0, t:10. 7:45, •.20 JrlUM'llNlfl MY , .... 1::16 a AT/IUN. 1141 F•\10Am 5:10, 1:11 (R) Yuam ' ,&oRc<: R<:SS FRI. 7:00, 10l40 SAT/SUN. 1:111 7:GO, .. , .. , E.T. !J '"'"' l!l~•lll!J 1"HS Ell Ta.A· '"'· 1:00. 10'.20 TaaaUTIUAL aAT/IUN. 1:00, 3:25 1:00, 1:20 FRI. 7:15,t:IO a SAT. ONLY 10:40 SAT/IUN. 1:11, ~ 5;45, 1:00, 10:15 (PG) l1k1• "a 1hon1h111•1·11wh11v " Mi{ '111111111'• u111u .. -d wifu told h1111 tl11 >.llH .v u11d tl11 111 1 (111 rrw1 hk1·d lht• phi,,..,.. "" 111ud 1 Ill' 11d1111h ·11 ll 11 Iii;, 1111·k11un w 1~1'1 kne1w11 f11r 11 " HJ7:.! 1111 "J.>11n't Lt•t th(• C :n·t ·11 (;1 u· .. , 1''11111 Y1111," Mi< '111111111 ""Y" tho1 hi• 111ghtd uh 1·1 uwclM w 1• mo• tly wltlu . l1ut tlu1t blut•k1t .in• l:wg111n1t1u t•1 tu111 11111 < '11111111 v 111u 111t· i·mwd11 huv<.> trod1t1unolly 111·•·11 llf'lll ly ull whlw "A lot of t ht• bluck1t h l.Vl• 14•un nw on 'rv 1hpw1, 1111<1 thpy l'llJlH• IJllt 1(1 M'I' 1111 • llllW 'l'lwy Jc.hm tlfy w 11h nw IK1'11l•"1· 1 wnw off m1 u lil1wk 111·1•011 dofn~ n1u11t1 v 11111KH ," lw Hl1ld ' · • • ~ti ll. l w jt-Nl'i, "NolJC1d y '"'" 1111k1•d ri11• fl'<.'Nttly If I'm Dinoh 8hon •'H ""in '' Md.'111111111 11111. h h1 ftri.1 1 '",,,If 11u1 111 thrc•t• y1•a1 11 lt'K 1·11 I l1'tl "Ne ·1111 Turi " Th!• ~ 111j( 1~ 11h11ut r1 11''1hlJO wlw i.1>1•111 "' 1m wh IHlll' u111h·r hon~)' t'mk llghl" !hut lw d1·v1•l111>1'CI u .. , .... "' tur1 " "A11 y1111i' t 1111 1C•l.1tt• lu 11 " MtCllnt1111 H;Jicl "l JU'll li.1p1°x·11 lll h11vt· u m on uin " Ill' W iii Ix· M'l'll I'"" 1c•l1•Vli.l1111 M'll'llln 111ngmg In tlw 111.1cl1· for li•ll•viHl1111 11111v t1•, "t'ou11tr y liold," st.111111g L111111 A111Jc I ..,Ill 1 h·'s !iJX'rll ltH' /)•l"t r1 •w )'l 'illl\ ('C1nt 1•1H rSJt111g on 111-. M>11Kwn u 11u aru lw. duli 1wt 111• 11·1·1 .. the• llnw ha" bt•t•11 W l'll sp1•11t • "f 1.h •t·1d1.'d to lakt· oil lht· 11nw It nt•(•cJ11 to d1•vt•loµ." Mt-Clinton 1my.s "If I hod won some uwurds in HJ7:i n hl•r juM Ont.' hit, pt•uµll· would have 1·t•M•nu·d nw lor not 'puy 111g m y dut'S.' Now . uftl'r 10 yt•nr~. I'm ready to rN1t:h m y polt•nual. Al\ytimt' you sturl building tht• hoU!>l 1 from lht• r0<1f. It's going to .~ollapst· :· ; " VI A ... 1'lACIC~8'1' aHMO EI·l:=a:m • ~Vflt\£\ "'(.tuJltf All t:00, 1:11. 10:m IA T 11.IJM. 1 :00, 1::10 t:OO, t :15, 10:20 MtCHAEL PALIN "THE MISSIONARY" 1•1 • FN. 7:15, t:10, 10:50 IAT/IUH. ~ 1:45, 1::10 7:11, t:10, 10:50 I HOLLYWOOD '"'· 7:00, 10'.JO I AT/IUN. I:*», 7:00, 10:30 tfAl1°"mlll ~~~':~g,~ • FRI. t:as IAT/IUN.. 1;45, 5:05, 1!35 UCUle!YS.,.._ COUNTYDK't •1 "EATING RAOUL" FM. 7:00, 1:41, *'I (R) SAT/IUN. 1:.41, NO, 1:11 7:00.t:Al.10:il WW'"~m 8&ASONOP' TH&WlTCH ..... 1:10 UTllUN. 1:11. 4: .. 1:10 (R) ~C<;l\<:SS ...... t:», 10:00 SAT/IUN. l:JO, 10:00 POLT£RGEIST_ll!! FRI. I:» IA T /IUN. 4:21, l:IO "ST AA TREK II" PRl.t:m,,.. .. AT/IUN. 1:11, 10:..0 A KINKY TA1..IE Of' IURVIVAL "A BOY AND HIS DOG" 1•1 ""· 1:46, -. 1o-.JO IA Tl"""-1:20, S:10, 5:00 •:Al. l:AO, 10'.JO "CONAN THE IAAIAAIAN" flll flll.1:11 SAT /SUN, 4:00, .. ~C€B€SS !!J FRl. IM. 1Cbe0 IAT/IUN. 2:21, l:JO, 10:l5 _-::::,-:., T.~Ot 4m ,......,.,. IAT/IUN. 2:11. t:aa. 1Ck11 ~ "ROCKY ... C"G) ....... T/IUN.1-~ .. .. C<!R<!SS ..... 7:00. 10:29 IA T/IUN. 1:11 7:00, 10:2I (R) JrlLUW(l!jlll ""-1:11 SAT/IUM. 1:45 1:11, 1:11 .. , B E TT f Jlr«IO lllllllOLE!. B MT/---.--IT CA.llE FR<m HOLLYWOCJI> m .......... IAT/IUllL a-.-. Miit --A&. "A BOY AND HIS DOG" et1t """7 .... :1 SAT/IUN. 1:al. l:al, 10 7 1:11 6 UT. ONLY,.. • -... ... Rlck James eyes t~e movies. THE FliM THAT ·uFTS vou UP WHERE vou,SELONG" NOW HA& THE #1 HIT SING"-E . . IN THE COUNTRY! ... ......T IUCll CMWIOl WllT.ll•ITDI Mllllll Bru Plui Edwards Newpo11 C.nefl\i Qnedolne Edwilld\ C-WtSI 529 5339 644 0760 63• 2553 891 3935 Mlll•tlUO £ aids vreio Twin 830 6990 .., ... uu•c«"'to•oa• ... •-- LENA HORNE December 1. e. 12. ts. 19. 22 a 29 J STARSHIP Dectmt>er J a 4 RI A Fl lllGERALD Febrwuy4A S .These extraordinary concerts desave a special beginning wtth a fabulous dinner at Maxwell's by the Se.a on the Huntington Beach Pier. You wtJl then be chauffeured to the shO"N in a deluxe custom coach. wtth a hostess serving you complimentary coc:ktalls, after which your reserved orchestra seats w1U put you in the best possible position to enjey these great entertainers. TEAR nus AD our FOR EASY REFERENCE Space ls llmJted. Cal today1 Pacific coast BoxOfrICe At Maxwell 's on the Huntington Beach Pier 714/536-8826 714/540-3669 . .._n. .. h -11\ojD- HRS. 10 All· & PM Read all todays news everyday in the n.u. .. • ·~I • Or ingo C.ousl DAIL V PILOT /Sunday. November 7, 1982 ~3 Punk-I unk kiiig planning first movie By YAROENA ARAR A-lelMI ,,_ Wrltef SEVERL Y lllLLS ~Mf 11tylt'il "punk funk" khlR Rl~k Junu .. 'll 11t1y11 lw'lj lookirlH lo rtiovt· from music lo movlc'tl, .and ttw ~·hon~l"' rnuy not lx· c.v111l11u ploytnt( In n band that unc.•c.• lnclucfod o tht•n unknown Nt•ll Young. aK.'On'd u i million ¥t•llt•r thn•t• y••u rli ~~o with, un ulburn ccillrd "Buitln' Out of L St•vt•n Jlc hit It even blggt>r with lutl y1•11r's 4 m1lllun iwlll ng "Stred Songs" tilbum, nncJ thr sint(lc•, "Supt•rfr(.'ak" 0111• of u hancltul of wngii hy hl,1c k urt1HL'I to 11Ul't'\' sfully crOS110vc•r onln tht• pop n1utdt· t·harts In rL'<.'l'lll ycuns. Both \h1• ulbum and 11ln~lt· <>urnC'd (;rummy nominauuru; "I d11n'l look at topping nn album. 1 just look at domg tht• l><•11t I con." he.• 110(*'· "I think 'Throwln' J~1w11' I~ u l(tx,~. 11lbuan, ot1d don't tomparc ll with ·s111·1•t Honf(i< a moml•nt wo 100n. After a summer of hlgh-cner~y l'On<.'t'rts, Jorm.'1> l'Ollupst-d on a Dallo11 lillllW lost August ond wa.s hospitalized for o fow duys. llt• uur1butt•cJ the collaplC to overwork nnd llrt'88 and Wl'nl back on the road after a . week's rest.Sul whon 11evcrc low er-back pains r crslstcd, ~ decided In lute September to canc..oe tl')e rest of a tour thnt was to have lasted through October.· ·,. "Il's called working too hard. It's called the body ~1ymg 'I've hod c.•nough,"' smd J ;m )l'8 who favors glittery, Conan the Barbarian-style garb on stage but wore plain w.hile swim trunks during a n•n•nt poolside Interview al manager Jer ry. Weinlraub's Beverly Hills ma~ion. "'Suix·rt n•nk' hud 11 lllll<• Nc.·w Wuvt• lt·d Ill tl and was ju11t a cuti'. catchy song," Jame» says. "Ki<.111 llkl>d it, frcuks liked I\, punks Ukt:ti it, rcx•kt•l'S laked h." J ames' (ollow·up album. "Throwln' Duwn," has aold In c.•xcess of l mJUion copies -not quite as many as Its prcdeccssor, but James poinlli out that the mus1t· market Is In far worse s hape than it was when "Street Songs" cam<' out. Jamel:! s.nld that people ask him, "how can you match 'Street Songs' -were you nervous lO top .Jaml'H cl1C'arned up thl' "punk funk" laoc:I lit•VNul yf•urs ogo to ovoid lx•lnl( pigeonholC'd Into M>nlt'Un(• t•lli(.'g ~Ul.4.'80ry "ll was said a~ u jok£'." he says. "Wl• nf'Vt'r r(•ully took that i>Criously to tall our music punk funk fort•v(•I' tx.oeauM.' it's more than that. 1 do JU?.Z things, I do Latin ·things, I do classical things, ·J di1 rock things. I do folk things, I do blue8 thfng11 and funk things. It'll an amolgamallon of all th~ mus1t: nnd d1ffer(•nt 10ngs •• . Jamt>s' nt:xt OU!JOr project 1s a film. "We're doing a movw this winter with J erry Wl•mtraub and Motown Productions," tw said. "ll'• a book I wrow, and I'm acting an it. It's called 'Spice of Llf{•.' It's like a hardship story, a guy who makes good a Cinderella story." James, a Buffalo, N.Y., native who spent most of the 1960s and early '70s living In Canada and ~~---~~~~~~~~~~~~.--~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~---il?" MOVIE RATINGS FOR MRENTS AND YOUNG PEOPLE M.l 0 lfi2 N'10 (ijj F11.MS AECCIVf 04( l lAI. °'THE MOTION PtCIUR( COO£ Of SELF AEGUl AllOH Call 642-5678. Put • few words to work for ou. .... Plenty of teenage lus1. Lqads of crawling crt!alures and Lois of dln y pans. [PGJ~ii A of.llWJ NI I .If , ... ..... I • ...... _ ...... r,~. -----NOW PLAYING =- lllU IL fOllO LAOllllA llAC:ll BmJ ' • ''"' -8ruP1.,, ld .... ft~~boc• (d.u•d•SO..tnCOHI ~ , S19 ~)39 !>It ~uo ... ISU OllA*I( CO.STA MlU fOllllfAlll HU1' OllAlll( ~-°'"•'" ('"'""''"'*"'c;e..>" (d•lthl_V_ C.-~91110 979 •UI Ut I~ 63A 7SSl WUTMIUUll COIT& MUA IHI• WUlMIUYlll 'NI<' tloW•r 3' l ... .,.,..,,,.,. ,,.,. ... ,,w _ _. ,, .. ., .. c:.i-w." °'"''"' ~O l•U C-• SSI 06SS 191 JUS 191 36tl NO -U ACC~"(D FOii fHl lNOAOlftNl "'The Chosen' ... One of the year's best!" _..,\w<n 'M:ll WA) O"'CJ MO t.- "It's perfect. Just perfect~'-. ---WNCN """"'I (A).__ '11.tmUll EXCLUSIVE ENGAGEMENT FRI. 8:35 -SAT/SUN. 4:00, 8:35 ,r e~~~l!~qr~,l~Jo~A ~] MIEWPOltT llEACH 673-1350 CO-HIT "DINER" FRI. 8:30, 10:35 -SAT/SUN. 2:15, 8:30, 10:35 Starts Wednesday November l 0th At A Theatre or . Drive-In Near Fou The Outlaw ... The Outcast... and the Legend ·that wa,s bigger than both of them . · . ''A Memorable Experience". -Vern Perry _ The Register •• LORD GRADE PRESENTS "BARBA ROSA" ., GILBERT ROLAND • ISELA VEGA • DANNY DE LA PAZ Wrinen by WILLIAM D. WITTLIFF • Music by BRUCE SMEATON Directed by FRED SCHEPISI • Produced by PAUL N. LAZARUS Ill Executive Producer MARTIN STARGER A WITTLIFF NELSON AND BUSEY PRODUCTION IN ASSOCIATION WITH ITC FILMS ASSOCIATED FILM DISTRIBUTION CORPORATION PG "81'.__._,. DISTRIBUTED BY UNIVERSAL PICTURES AND -----·---e 1982 UNlVER!.l\l CrTY Sl\JOIOS. INC .· FRI. 7:00 1:45, 10:30 edwards SOUTH COAST PLAZA •STOl.ATSUMA.OWB 546-2711 COSTA.MESA IAT/SUN. 1:45 •• 3;30, 5:15, 7:00 8:'5, 10-.30 '"LOVE CHILD' WILL LEAVE YOU AGLOW WITH ITS ULTIMATE CELEBRATION OF LIFE AND DAZZLED BY THE BIRTH OF A RADIANT NEW STAR." -Guy Flatley, CO MOPOLITAN "A FORCEFUL AND EMOTIONAL NEW FILM. IT'S A VERY GOOD MOVIE!" -Gene S halit, NBC· TV ''ONE OF THE RARE GOOD MOVIES OF THE YEAR." -P.1t Coll in:.. CB -TV LOVE CHitD A TRUE STORY ·LOVECHILD' A PAl.:L MASLASSKY PRODUCTION/A LARRY l'EERCEALM AMY MADIGAN· M.'CKENZIE PHILLIPS anJ BEAU BRIDGES Original Music b)· CHARLES FOX • Scrttnplav b\· ANNE GERARD and KATHERINE SPEOOOR Story b\ ANNE GERARD· ProductJ ~\ PN.JL MASLANSKY • Direcied by LAMY PEERCl • ---::-:::::1 1 ~_._ ••l.'GOC°""'!:,.'!.'; l"-'-"""·~"'~~·H-Jh~.._~ 'Wiiii,.... ' 9' I 'tart Wednelday,. November 10th At A Theatre or Drive-In Near You ' • .. ' , .. j • .. 'Alabaina' hasn't peaked By JOE EJ.>WARDS ........... "'-.,,.., NASHVILLE -Thrt.-e yeara ago, no record <.'Ompany ir;i Nashville was Interested In 1ignlng an unknown four-piece country music band named Alabama. Today: the _group is the top act In <.'Ountry mualc, rivaling ~enny Rogers in popularity and cultivating ·a cr06S0ver following that Is the <.'Ovett>d crown of the Nashville music industry. In two rapid years, Alabama has won the Country Music Assqc1at1on's e_restigious entertainer o! the yew' award -which Rogers never received and which country queen Barbara Mandrell pursued for 11 years before earning. · The band has sold more than 6 million recQrds sin~ RCA took a chance and signed the group in l9SO. Since the n, Alabama has had eight conieculive No. 1 hits: "Tennessee River," "Why Lady, Why." "Old Flame,'' "Feels So Right.'' "LQve in the First Degree," "Mountain Music.'' "Take Me Down" and. Last month, "Close Enough to Perfect." :Their music ranges lrom the magnolia fre~ness of soft sounds, a,sJJleard in "Feels So Right," to the bluegrass..JX>unce of a ~et-up-and­ dance rouser • .Such as "Mnuntain t.1usic.' , True to" its name, the group embell~es the pride of the South with such songs as "My Home's in 3labama" and "Tennessee River," and softens regional agitation with sentimental songs: "Love in the First Degree" and "Old Flame." ·Alabama's members, all in their late 20s or ear•y 30s, say they haven't peaked yet, despite winning the top award plus two others -vocal gro!Ap of the year and instrumental group of the year -from the CMA in October . . "We don't think there's a top," guitarist-fiddler Jeff Cook said in an interview during a break from recording the group's fourth album. "We are making our own. When you quit working and quit treating your fans right, that's when you've peaked. "If you put 400 or 500 hours in an album one year and four hours in an album the next year, you're in trouble. To stay on top, you have to realize the same sacrifices are necessary that il took to gel to the top.'' It was these sacrifices that thrust the group into.country music's hallowed hall of fabled success stories. The four musicians, from Fort Payne, Ala., have been together since 1969, and formed a corporation in 1973 to perform music full time. About four years ago. they spent $5,000 or their own money to record and distribute the song, "I Wanna Come Ove r.'' It was a moderate hit. As recently as the summer of 1980, they were playing for tips in Myrtle Beach, S.C. RCA heard the song "I Wanna Come Over" and decided the band was worth signing. Their success since then has been remarkable. Their album. "Feels So Right," has sold 3 million; the album, "Mountain Music," has sold 2 million; and their first album, "My Home's in Alabama," sold 1 million. Many of their concerts swiftly sell out, and they rival country's king, Rogers, as a concert draw. Crowds of up to 15,000 are common. They have publicized their state nearly as much as Bear Bryant and his skilled Crimson Tide football team. "1984 -Will It Ever Arrive?" RAY BRADBURY one of the world's most prollflc science fiction masters Wednesday, November 10, 1982 8 p.m. UCI Science Lecture Hall Tickets: ASUCI Box Office. $4 general, $3 staff, faculty, senior citizens, UCI Alumni Assoc. members. and other students; $2 UCI students. Information call Campus lectures 833-5588. Forgiw mr, Fathn; for I have si11nrd. I haw ki/l~d for my Cotmtry. I haw stolm for my Ch11rrh, I have lowd a womatc, a11d I am a Priest. j MONSIGNOR ......... ,_,_....._. • f1IN« YA&ANS-•MAI« PUlllY- 09BTOl'tD IUVl llo~ ~ ap.o fDIWC>OllEY IA9Cl'I MLLD JOl[CCSTS ADOIJOetlJ ...TOMASMUAN•'---·-m.LYWUJAMl.a.S.C -.. ~ Wl.UAMI _,, nlANt y~ .. [)A\111) NWN.~ _,, A9INtAM POl.O'etY • WUCJIU. MA'Wll • __ ......... lllCX A1Al"I LllCIJI _,, ~ ...v ..... -., ............. ""'~ '0' • ......,.. f'MelMf ... fl4•tHti t•t ...... .. ~ .... -... ,.-, ... _ ... .,,..,._ ... _ ... .. STARTS FRIDAY AT A THEATRE OR ORIVE·IN NEAR YOU. IOO-ACQnlO_T ... _ 1''EATINli BADUL' is he Of Tbe Freshest, Fu••iest Collldies la Y11111. .. Impudent, outrageous and murderously madcap like •Arsenic and Old Lace'." -Bruce Wllll1m1on, Pleyl>Oy -Jeck 1<1011, Nt•awte« A n asc undream~d of. .. An a11e of swor~ and sorcery, Of demons and dragon1. * aARQAIN MATIN•••• MonC11y thru l1turd1y --~AILPertorrnancee before 5:00 PM (bce,t ,,.... ElllllHIHll llMI ltelldlyl) .. IORCEREIS" 111 -----·· "AN Ofll'1CI" AND A QINTUllAN" w ----- ..FIRIT BLOOD" on _____ , ... •rf l;t~· Jocvtl'(otConOl-J .Jt.:_·JJ_ 21J/IJ1·tMO _ "MON81GN01t" I "MATIOIUL ua.oowa ---.-JI euaa MUNIOW'...A. UT-·-------.:....-:..-:..-:..1'=..-- .,..1"1.0YO: ntaWA.1.L•4111 I .. ~ • .,..-------LMT :=:: VWllW'l18 "MY fAYo:!:'!. YUR""1 LAKEWOOD CENTER SOUfH WAl• "' ••10RCEREll"1111 ·-.-----· ......... •.• ANAHEIM ()~II\ I ·N "THe CHONN" "'---.. ....... ,,,_ ..... ----... ...... ~ .. "90RCIMH"1111 -.. ,0,.,... ..._" • '-• WOllLD" l,._..IO c..,._ "' "t" • '"w• BUENA PARK uw1v1 IN ........ ___ _ llM070 > '• .. A ~ I LINCOLN 0111 .... ( IN . ""' ... FOUNTAIN VALLEY 0111Vl IN "l .T .. Tite IXT'ftA· ftMllTNAL" IHI -"MONCO Rt. Y""' .. ,..., k000" 11111 - "IORCIR18l"1111 -"'OMIDDEM WORLD""" CM·fl- ''DYNAlln'E~KIW' 1111 ''ITIR C"AZY" "" _ .. _ "IOftCe'H"1111 '1'CMI_,.,... WOM.D" 1111 • All' Wlfeptloto Otonga Coast DAILY Pl~OT/Sund1y, November 7, 1G82 c El .. Space shuttle set on for flight Thursday ,, ... ..... C Al'E CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) Ila tC$l flights.over, the s pucl' shuttle Columbia and a fo u r -mon c.:rew e mba rk th is ThurliJay 'Qn the ship's rlrst real mi ssion, "\ra nsporti ng two l'Ummunlcat.ion.s satellites to open a new commercial era In spal'<'. The oountdown was to begin today. "We're about to start the business for which the shuttle was designed -carrying cargo into space," says Columbia's fifth commander , astron a ut Vance Brand. "The four earlier trips tested the vehicle and }:>roved it works; our job is to make it start paying for itself.'' Brand, 51, who flew on the joint U.S.-Soviet space flight in 1975, will captain the largest crew ever to be launched into space in a single spaceship. Never have more than three persons rocketed away from Earth in one craft. . . fot a ticry liftoff at 4: 19 a.m. PS'l' Thursday . Thl' s hip la 10' • return to F.erth on Tuetday Nov. 16, landing on a runway a•· • Edwards Air Force Base in ·' California. : .... The shuttle's first pay-for-hire •!• · customers are Satellite Buaineu Systems Inc. of McLean, Va., and·" Tclesat of Canada. F.ach ls payiiui~· the National Ae ronautics and • Space Administration $10 milllon • to place its communication•: satellite in orbit -the fint in • long_ line of commercial firms waiting to have their payloadlt' houled up by this r~volutionaiY:•" • space truck. · 1 • Said James M. Beggs. NASA'~ c hief: "This fllght marks the beginning of a whole new baU. game in s pace. It will start transforming the shuttle from a test veh icle Into an operational carrier for transporting routinely people, satellites, sci en ti fio••· ins trume nts and sci e ntific: laboratories into space." Oakland says it can off er .more th an just a good view of an Franci co. Riding with him will be Marine Col. Robert Overmyer, 46, and two members of a new breed o f non -pilot astronauts called mission specialists: William Lenoir, 43, and Joseph Allen, 45. None of the three have ever been in space. The satellites in Columbia'• bay are almost identical. Th«t)'l· cost $30 miUlon each and at 7,200• pounds apiece are the heaviest"·.· communications payloads eve~· built. Oakland out to improve its image L enoir and A llen are responsible for ejecti ng the satellites from Columbia's cargo bay. Next Sunday they are to take a joint space walk, the first by American astronauts in nearly nine years. T he SBS satellite ia to be· · remotely kicked out of the cargo .. bay just eight hours after the shuttle liftoff, with the Telesat..• payload to be ejected on Friday. Forty-five minutes after each has·· · · ~n deployed. a timer is to ignite : an onboard motor to propel the satellite to "parking orbit" 22,300·· · · OAKLAND (AP) -It's been said that the best th ing about Oakland is the view of San Francisco. "What was the u se. of my having come from Oakland?" asked Gertrud e Stein in her a utobiography. ''Th ere is no there there." In the last year or so, this city of 340,000 has lost ilS beloved football team, the Raiders, to Los Angeles. Hometown hero Billy Martin h'as been fired as manage r of the s l umping Oakland A's. Popular Oakland Symphony maestro Calvin Simmons -a symbol to many o ( Oakla nd's bright n ew black elite -was drowned in a New York State lake. The Oakland Tribune switched to m orning publication - dropping Oakland from its name. And Gan.nett Corp. is dumping the paper in favor of a San Francisco television station. Hoping to combat the city's image as "an industrial Newark of the West," Oakland civic leaders are planning a $100,000 advertising campaign to promote the clty -whose wooded hills do provide a wonderful view of San Francisco and the Golden Gate Bridge. Oakland's downtown is booming wi.th consJruction. A 78-stor y office complex is planned. Its port has thrashed San Francisco's in head-to-head competition for business. It has fine restaurants, a renowned muse um, a muc h -praised symphony. It is warmer, sunnier than fog-prone San Francisco. San Francisco actually is the unlikely location for a city, says Oakland Vice Mayor Richard Spees. "We are jus t totally Charting· Social WASHINGTON (AP) - Fifteen citirens drawn from the citadels of the American power structure will try this week to chart a new. more secure future for the troubled Social Security system .. Their labors at a ma rathon meeting starting Thursday in suburban Alexandria, Va., ore likely to produC\? a call for some of tJ:ie same changes that a raft of other blue-ribbon panels have endorsed in recent years. Those include a gradual move to raise ihe normal retirement age from 65, mandatory Social Sec urity coverage for all govei-nment workers and some modification of the automatic cost-of-living formula for the system's 36 million beneficiaries. The National Commission on Social Security Reform also may endorse some of the moves that President Reagan called for - and quickly backed aw ay from - in May 1981: lowering slightly 9---fto~W'ltml level-of beneftts for all future retirees a nd perhaps delaying cost-of-living Increases for three months next year. To help Social Security escape its current financial crisis, the comm1ss1on may call for an in crease in the payroll tax, perhaps cush ioning that b y allowing workers to take a new tax deduction on the amount they pay to Social Security, and it may seek to boost the levy on the self-employe4. And the panel may produce some novel ideas, such as levying the payroll tax on fringe benefits that exceed a worker's salary by certain limits. The president conceived of the panel as a way to forge a bipartisan compromise on Social Security after the crash of his own proposals. which included a call for a sharp, almost immediate cut in benefits for early retirees. In e nlisting the Republican leader of the Senate and the Democratic Speaker of the House to join him in appointing the 15 commission members, Reagan said he wanted to keep Social Security from becoming "a poliucal footbfill. ' -- But it became a political grenade in the just-concluded congressional elections, with Democrats charging that the Republicans were scheming to underestimated and underrated by our own citizens and others." "The perception has been that we aren't here," said Chris Davis, executive director of the Oakland Convention and Visitors Bureau. He said callers often believe that Oa~land is next to Los Angeles, which is 390 miles to the south. The Oakland leaders hired Seattle-based Cole & Weber to launch a three-year image- building campaign for the city. They also formed a n Image Sll•cring Committee, consisting of eight whlk members and six minor ity members, including black Mayor Lionel Wilson -a racial makeup that drew criticism in this city where 65 percent of the people arc minorities. Paul Cobb of the Oakland Citizens Committee for Urban Renewa l complained that the committee.members were mostly white executiv~s. He said the white-run advertising agency didn't have to meet any affirmative action requirements. "lt tells you what kind of an image they're trying to project,'' he said. Davis said the criticism is unfair. "We did an awful lot of communi t y outreach and community input before any moves were madC'," he said. Mayor Wilson said Oakland "pr:<>bably has the greatest eth!1ic mix anywhere 1n the country.'' he said. Yet in spite of that, people live together in relative peace and harmony." Despite Oakland's image as "a · city beset by crime, a city with poor housing, a city where there iJ very little of a positive nature happe ning," Wilson said that Oakland's crime is no worse than in San Francisco, a city of 679,000 people. The countdown for the five- day flight starts today, aiming miles above the F..arth. :: : Poison sprayed on seafood " SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - Police have arrested a cab driver aft.er he a llegedly squirted a deadly poison on a counter full of seafood at Fisherman's Wharf. Customers who bought crab or other seafood from Guardino's Seafood Marke t early Friday evening were warned by police to discard the meat. The incident occurred shortly after 5 p.m. when a man strode up to the stand, pulled a plastic squeeze bottle from his pocket and sprayed a smelly liquid over the food. Th e shop's manager Joseph .• · Sant and worker David Marpta. , . followed the man and then called" police just as he was about to ... board a bus. . .. Two officers pulled the man off the bus and found a plastic bottle in h is coat pocket. It contained traces of a liquid later identified as a germicide used in c ream o r s hampoo for the treatment of scabies, head lice and crab lice. ' " Andzej Sama. 30. was booked ;=·~ on charBes of poisonin~ food. : Security's future course destroy Social Security by increased revenues, by 1990. making it voluntary and the Although Democr ats a nd president accusing the Democrats Re publicans were at odds last of trying to frighten the elderly year over the scope of Social for their own political gain. Security's short-term di{{iculties, On Friday the old age trust the y n o w a g r e e o n th e fund, the most important or the dimensions of the problem in the three in t he Social Security 1980s. system, hat bottom a nd, for the And those dismal facts give the first time, was forced to borrow commission on outside chance of m.orc than a half-billion dollars achieving its bipartisan mission, <from its companion disabilit y notwithstanding the rhetorical fund to cover November checks. thunderbolts hurled in recent Analysts say Social Security is days over the Social Security in trouble for several reasons: a barricades by House S peaker growing proportion of retired Tbomas P . O'Neill and Sen. people in the population and a Robert Dole, R-Kan., a member shrinking proportion of wage-of the panel. earning and tax-paying workers; Dole said Thursday that the earlier retirement; the recession, commission should postpone which holds down revenues from making any recommendations the payroll t.a.x, and a formula u n t i 1 O ' Ne 111 a n d o th e r that ties benefits to increases in Democrats spell out what the Consumer Price Index. changes they would be wiJling to The old age fund is expected to back in Congress. borrow up to $10 billion more by But the speak e r said that New Year's Eve to keep paying wpuld be putting the cart before benefits on time through next the horse. and Alan Greenspan, )uly. Ahead o tnat stretches a--tne con serva ttve Republi~an sea of red ink that the actuaries economist who c h ai rs the say is anywhere from $100 billion commission. said he would stay to $200 billion deep. That Is how much thl' program needs. either in benefit cuts or the course of the commission's schedule. Greenspan also noted that although the commission hopes to r each its d ecisions in the three-day meeting s t a rting Thursday, its final report is not · due until the end of the year. Wh ateve r .c hang es commission e rs do o r d o not embrace, one thing is clear; the panel ls n ot goin g to call for making Social Securi Ly voluntary. jettisoning all its so- called welfare aspects or any other radical revisions. In many respects, although even minor cha nges can involve billions of dollars, t h e commission is preparing to give Social Security a fine-tuning. not an overhaul. Greenspan la id the groundwork for that outcome in the co mmissio n 's seve n preliminary meetings over the past nine months. Greenspan, who has said the panel's task was to convert SociaJ-Security from "a fair-weather system" to one that can weather economic storms, steered the members 3way from controversy wherever possible and for the most part managed to keep tempe rs in check. Robert M. Ball, the liberal f ormer Social Security commissioner, has called those meetings "soporific academic discussions." But another panel member, Sen. John Heinz, R-Pa., said they served their purpose in bringing the members to{lether ....__, on common ground. "The idea that Social Security is a totally unaffordable government spending program that is out of control is wrong," said Heinz, a liberal Republican .-:!. a nd chairman of the Senate -,. .. Special Committee on Aging. Heinz is o n e of several lawmakers on the panel who could hold the keys to a consensus. Others In a position ~· • · cast crucial swing votes include ~· ! Dole, Sen. Daniel Patrick · •• Moynihan·, D-N.Y ., and Rep"-••• Barber Conable. R-N.Y. ~~~ (..: ~ Stock Inarket's record cliinb raises visions of recovery NEW YORK (AP) -The stock market's climb to a record high has raised some very high hopes on Wall Street for a long- term improvement ln the trend of inflation and interest rates. The way some analysts read it, the extraordinary .rise ~..a.tock prk'es in the laat three monlha implie9 that lnveston aee vialona of more than just a mo4eat economic recovery next year. In the l 970a, whenever buaine11 began to pick up after an economic: slum~. lnflaUon and 1ntereat rat'• aoon 1ur1ed upward aa well. eventually deraiUn• the recovery. From e.ch cycle to the next~ the levels Lhlt lianadon and interett ratel ...med tot l)rOll'ellively hlPer. J'ew econOm&u are re.Oy k> declare that the buah1e1a cycle Ml earmhow bMn abollahed. But they do ..... that the economJ muJd recover thtl time wtthoUI .n binldiaw ~ 1n the ,OOlllot~cndll. •'ThfTca.W tKlll u.,cum won 't quickly raise Interest rates," says Mary Harris, money market economist at Paine• Webber. The recovery is likely to be gi:adual, he argues, and thua demand for loans isn't likely to Increase rapidly. At Prude n tial-Bache Se<!urities, economist Edward Yardeni maintains that "disinflation is structural, not just cyclical." He forecasta that "by yearend 1983, consumer price inflation should be down to 3 percent on a year -over·year bllfl," If a new era of economic 1rowth with low lnllatJon and low lntereat rates Is about to dawn, • lot will have to IO right in en economy where juat about everythJn1 hu gone wrong ln ,._., yeara. But th• stock market'• behlvkJI' In the put week m.ct.· It plain that eome lnveeton aee a chanl:e that It .will happtm. Jn a hlstdtlc HHlon on Wednesday, the Dow J on es average oC 30 Industrials soared a record 43.41 points to 1,065.49, surpassing the 1,051.70 peak that had stood for almost a decade. For the w eek, the average gained 60.06 to l.051.78, extending lta riK' 11nce Aug. 12 to just under 275 pointa. The N ew Y or k Stock Exchange compotlte Index rose 4.88 to 81.83, and the Ameri~n Stock Exchange market value index waa up l'7,84 at 337.66. .Big Boerd volume, swollen by a record 149.35 million-share day on Thursday, reached 561.2J milllon shares for the week, aeoond only to the 1'82.48 million traded Oct. 11-15 of thtl year . hilt"' lntn'l'llt ntfl and rlllna stock prkes have ahlo spawned n.w hope• for the depr.._d houlina indulU'y. In fllC'l. ane analyeta haw ~n to wMUre the 1wtllna Idea that houa&na mllht tab a 1..-dfnl politian In the recowry. New destroyer el .. The U.S. Navy releliecl artla1'1 renderm1 of ahe ne" Burke el ... mulal•miliiOn d_,.,er. N.:f SecrelUy Joha Lehm8n •lcl the ela• wa1 aamed red ,WmtNI Arletp ....... 81, (IWI) former Chief of Naftl o,....11ou. It_.... dme dMlt • ., ... of ihlp1 ...... named alter. u.-. 4t .... Ur 1111w1 Cuu111 DAIL V PILOT /Sunday, Novtmber 7, 1982 PUBLIC "°TIC( PU8llt NC>llCC --~--Ml.IC NOllCC Ml.IC NOTICE "CTlllOUI 8UllN H 1'1.,0flTANT NOTICI NAM( lfATfMttn II YOUH PROPfRTY 18 IN •tcnnouelU..... ,ICTIT~•IUIMH The tullow111l1 11M111m 11 ctnu•u fOllUiLOSuflr QllOAUlt: YOU NMll l f ATl•Nt NAMI ITATl•NT 'ICTITIOUS IUIMH NAM9 STATIJlllNT OUll11t•• •• An! DllllNO IN voun PAYMfNTI, Tiit IOliowlnO S*90llt .,. Cloil'9 Tiie tOliowlng '*'°"' Ill dol11g Ji J MAlltlll tllllllJ If MAY UL tlOLO WITHOUT ANY buW1M111, ~ .. T 111 101111w1ng per ton 11 doing MllM MM:A1thu1. 1 ........ ( ,,, Jlllllt l•J/ ·~ 1..ovrn ACflON ailCI 'l'<kl m1y Ill~ THe flV ·TWO 0"0VP, LTD . IT"IC1 l y COOl<INO. 1'01 J01111 llN1t1 1111 O. M111 A1111111 ""' l1'1jlll 11\jlll 10 brtno vovr leCOYnl HOO lnlerpilM II , COtll MHol, Vivia n L1n1, Ntwporl ltHll IAOWUI I OAADf NINO 6 A"O MAINICNANCI 201e1 •Own A••I l 11••· Hunlln111on h\11111, l..tllllun11.1II'1t1'1 tn uo•><I tf11nd1n11 by P•'l'lrtQ 11! OI CA tHH Cll1IOfnt1 t2llCIO tills bl"""' • I• • """" •· •t hy 1 your 11u1 due pom1n11 l)lu• Marv lll••n M111h1ll, 81111 I.Inoa T•y'IOI. 14ot VM•111.111141, GOrpOflllOfl pe1111ltt1d COits Ind 111p1n111 H1mlllon ••• Cot•• M .... CA NtwPofl letGtl. Cllllornil HMO 1K-l1, Cal1lornl11 121149 D•~ld J lh~ 110 II I Crown 111 L1n1 tlun1111glon each ll!IOfnlt 112 .... Johrr ll11t11, wrtt.111 tilt .. month• 11om Ille d1tt 12t27 1<111n lll"!en 30713 C1ll• Tiii• t11t .. lw111 ..... hf•d wtth 11 .. 1h11 •ll'lt~• ot dtllUll w11 rtc:Ofdtd "°b«le O.*. 8110 Htmlllon Ch111c1. 1111 Ju1n C1l)lllleno, County Cloi~ of lh "Ill• ( U\ltlly uu lhll •11110U114 It a t,11112 7' .. of 81:J Cost• ....... CA Uta7 CllllOll\111121711 0cl01\tt J8. 1011} OctotHll t<t. tl)82, end Wlll ll\011111 ""' bullnMI I• COl1d11Clld by I Thll l>\i•lntt• "C:QfldUCllCI by 111 r2001M u11111 yuvr •~t0u111 llleomH curr111t O-el p111nert111p, unlnoo1po1111<1 111oct1tton olh1r Tlllt blltM.-It conducted by I"\ nOMduet D•vlu J erowtr Publi1h111t 11••1111" l oa•t D•tly 'l'uu "'''I' not nave 10 p1y 1114111111fe MllY Mwlheh lhtn I plrtntrlhlp Piiot. Oct 11 NrJv I 14 ? I 19112 unpa1<1 po• t1on of your ecoounl, Thll 1111-1 w11 flied wtlll 11141 Linda T1)'1or Thll 1111"'11111 wee IHllCJ wl111 Iha ntv Cltlli ol Orang1 County on bet •• tlll2 4:1l!! 1!1 C)Vln 11tougtt tull paym•111 wH County Cllfk Of Or1n11t County on Keren Salmen ---C1t111.1111Jll\l, !XII you mutt pay Ille Oct 21, 11112 Tiii• lllltfMfll WM filed with lht PUBLIC NQllCC 11111011111111tlltl 01>ov1. · ,_,.. County Cltfk or Oreng1 County on notJn Publllh•d Or1ng1 Co111 Dally 1101, NOY 7, 1', 21, 21. 11182 •8711·82 "'CTITIDUI BVll!fESI Allll ttlrff rnonlht horn the d•te Publl•h•d Or1no• COH~ D1llv Oclobtt 28, 111112. ,- NAM"' ITAT .. M"'NT ul 1ecord111on or this docum1n1 PHol ""I "I Nov 7 1• 21 1""'" -·- The lollo:lnu ~· ~ .,~, I> '"••Ilg lwht<.h d111 ot re<:OfdlllOn appMrt • "" " ' . ' ' 41..0:e2 PlloPu1,b)!!~13dl,0Nortung•. 1C,o• ~111• D1.,f;!2tr t>ullneu 115 '"" "''"' unl•H 1111 obllo•llon being .,.., • 1 , ... p E 6.A l l Ru O K S II lore<.lo\f'd upon pe1mfl• a longlf 4739·82 Nil.IC NOTICE BA LANC CS. 211\IO? r1 c .. , 1110. penutJ you have only the legel rlohl rtlll.IC "°TIC£ MIHlon Viejo. Cahlo111111 'J:>G91 to stoµ the torecloaure by p1yfng flCTITIOUS IU ... SS PIQg'I' E Oatl 2_.110 , £I <.0tt1jo. th!' entire amounl demanded by ...._ STATWnNT Mmlon VrolO. \ .1111 .• ,, ... , ".'64 t your C•llditor Th• lollowlng person 11 dOln" Thll boSllllS' I•._, .,.,.,.,t•tl lly •tn lo flrld out th• amounl VoU mutt bullntll u . • lndMduol llllY. UI to or ran~ IOI paym•nt lo MAL c 0 L M a 0 AL y LA w PtJilllY r 61111 ~ivfl 1116 torecloturt, or It your CENTER ASSOCIATES, 27285 Let Tiiis llDttln1t•11t w11• 11111.t w1111 11111 JHOflerty It In torac:tosure lor 1ny Remblaa, 811111 200, MlulOn VII""· County CltHk l't 01.111ur I ""' ty on oth81 ieeson. contact Caltfornla 12e81 "' Oclobel 27 l!l!I/ M E R I r p l'I 0 p E R T y Rlchttd R. Slenton, 27211"' • &A F200127 MANAGEMENT, C:IO Allen & Flan, ., .... 4<400 MllAllhu1 Boulevard, Sulll Raml>lu, Swlte 200, Mlellon Vi.jo, Publlahed 01<111011 Co11s1 11111ly CeMlomla 1128111 ~ Piiot, Oet 31. N.;iv 1 H. 21, tll82 370, Newport Beach, CA 9211110., Thie "'•lllneu I• conducted bv a 4805•82 (7 t41752·747' 11_, _. r -...... =-=-=-=---------......;.=;..;;;~ II you nave env ques1lon1, vou ""' ... partner .. •p. DIAJH No'lcl ahould contacl a 11wve,. o1 thl Rlcnwd R. Stenton governmen1al 1gency which m1y This •111-t wu filed '#1111 lhl h11v11 lnsu1ed your loan Counl'I' Cltl1c ol OfllnQI Counl'I' on ------------1 Remember, YOU MAY LOSE OClot>er 29, 19112. l•;Cil, y r ~~~~:6~HPTTS A~T~NU DO NOT "Pobt1111ed Or1ng1 Coa:i~ P A UL IN 1': II ,\ 'J. (-' L NOTICE tS HEREBY GIVEN that Pildt. Oc:1. 31, NOv. 7,.14, 21, 1982 EGLY. ri·-;1dt•11t of L:i"una pi.111u•fll 10 Alll<:le IV. SectlON I •80242 Be h I' "' and 2 o t the Dtcl11111lon ol ac • Ca. i:1s. .. 1o;I nway ou Covenents . Condit ions end rta.IC NOTICE Novenilx·r !l, 1911:.!. 111 Smith Aes111c11ons exewted AuguSI 27, Laguna. C1.1 She \\.is h11111 t976 end recoided Augull 30, 1976 '~:.~s o n May :.!!l, 1 !l:l , tn Jc >c;c; a 111 Book 11868, Peg11 t460· 1538, Thi 1...,_,, pertoos .,, d()lnn ·d £ l' ) I OlllG•al Recoids ol 011nge Counly, --""' .... res1 tmt o 11 1 or1u11 '-llll(' Colltornia. 8 brticn of tll• bull,_..., 1941. Shi! is i.ttr\1VL-<l by 111•1 otiligo l ion 0 1 pavmint 0 1 ESQUINAOEARBOLES,31861 husband P 1.1ul hf La3u11a assesamenll has occu11ed. Nolk:t Cemlno C1pl11rano, Sin Ju1n C1platrtn0, CA 112976 Be1H·h , C 1.1., 3 t· h ti 1 l' 11 °1 Sftld breac:ll and lien was filed IOI Eow11d D. Lohrb1ch, 102 I M . h I D di r record June t5. 1982 11 Document IC (' e u <'Y Cl N.inh No 82-204 I 25 ol uld Olllc:l•I YICl'll Enehentr-. Ntwpor1 BMdl. Car'olina. GrC!f/. 0 Strun,1 o f necord' No poyrnent ot pest due OA 112625 • Covino. Ca n11tl P'otrtdu ornounts has occurred The<lfOft, Divld A Katch, 2•6l I Vt1 Egly of Laa(u• • u.,,11 ti. 1 •,.1 thft Gllrl.lon Homes Me1n11n1no• Alvar•dO. Mlulon :-'ltlo. CA 92Clll2 ,.. "' nc Thi• hull,_. la conducled by • also survived b' lll't motlwr Asso..11111011 does hereby elect to generll Ptll1ntf'lhlp. 0 " csuse 10 be sotd, the folio.wing 0. v llie S1s..'O 11[ l'l11110. <.'n. '/. deso11>t!IJ real property 10 u111rv \ltd L ogl fltalC NOTICE "CTITIOUS llU ... H H._ STATIMINT Tha IOlloWlng PlflOn• ire 'doing ,ICTITIOUS M.llMH t>utlntet u NAMI STATW•NT (I) SUSAN BARLOW DANCE The lollowlng p111on It doing ACA0£MY (b) DANCEOEAR, 2116() bu•lnes• 11· E. PacfliC 00111 Hlgh.wev. Corona ALCO OIL & GAS PARTNERS d .. Mtr, C1lll0tnla 02825 10, 2025 w. Balbo• Blvd .• Sul11 c . Suun Barlow, ~ 8 ordeeu11. Newport BNch, Calll0fnf1 12663 NtwP<l'I BMctl, Calilorn11 02116() Robtft Mk:llael ~. 5 Gttttl L•• Jones, 3 Bord1eu11. Cl., N1wpor1 Beaeh, Celllornta Newpor1 8flch, Calllornl1 g261C) ll21163 Tll1• bullnt11 la conducted by 1 <This 1>utln"• 1• conducted by a oenetal pannerehlp Hmlled'pertnersh p Su11n Bartow f'ol>trl M Alvey Tiii• slatemll<\t was lllld will! the Tlllt' atatemen1 was llltd will! tlle County Cltfk ot Of•nge Coun11 on County Ci.ttc of Or111g1 County on Novembtt 4, 1082 Novemt>er 5, 1982. , f'201t71 • 1:101441 Publlshed 0 11nge COHI D•lly Publl•hed Orang1 Coall Dally Piiot. Nov. 7. t-4, 21. 28, 11182 Pllol, Nov 7, t4, 2 f, 28. 1992 4884·82 A932·82 fltalC NOTICE FICTITIOUS IUll•H NAMIE STATIMIENT Tiie tollowrng p1r1on 11 doing t>uslntsl es THE LOVE SONG, 38 U Teakwood, S1nte An1. Calitornla 92707 Mtrk E Ht1let . 3919 Ttekwood, S1n11 Ana, Celllornla 02707 Thia 1>ua1n ... Is conducted by an lndlvlduel. Mark E Her1et Thi• 111tement was filed wllh Ille County Cltfk ol Or•!IQI County on fltalC NOTICE FICTITIOUS IUS'"EH NAMI ST ATIMINT The lollOWlng persons 11e doong bull-.. GREASWEEP SOUTH, 1b451 81ec:h Blvd • Weetmlnattr, California 92883 Mark K Nero. 9080 Bloorntietd, •257. Cvp1a11. Cat11orn11 00830 Cerote Ann Nero . 90110 Bloomll1 ld, •267 Cyprus. Celllornla 90830 Thi• bulln•H Is conducted by a llmlled pertntflhlp Carota N11<0 sisters Jerry llanson ,,r '"° 0011ga11on This •t•t_,t .,., .. hied with tlll M o d esto, .(.'a and Waud a Unit <4 Lot 6, Tmct 8999, as per ~oun~ C';t Of °''"O' County on F20137S L k · ( C'I (.' I lflBP recorded in BOOll 3f3, Pagea t. ' I 2 ,_ Published Orengl Cont Daily Novemoer •. 11182 This 111temen1 was l11ed w1111 the County Clefk of Orange County on Octobt< 25, 1082 f20CM44 Pubt11t1ed Orenge Co111 Dally Pilot, Nov 7. 1•. 21, 28, 19112 •1138-82 ar tns 0 llnu, a 34·37. tnclu11ve. or Mlscellan10111 -·-7 2 28 982 b l h (.) J S r Publl.h.d Oran9• Co .. I D.11'1 Pilot. Nov • 14, 1, . t r o t• r • 1 "c n o M11ps. 1n the oNIQ• ot th• County •886-82 Colorado Sp1111u,, Colurrulu Recorder ot Orenge Count y, Pilot Oct 3t, Nov. • "· 2I. 11182 .. c 47119-12 and 7 g 1 •• 11dd1 ti rl u · 11 nlllornio ---------..:..:..~;:: fltalC NOTICE Funeral scrvu"s will he twit! Tne 1ono re1erred torn this Binder l'tlll.IC NOTICE 1-------------- on S u nday. Nov£>mb£>r 7 , is srtuatea 1n the Stcole ot Ca11torn11. ACTITIOUS .,..... "~l~o~:A~~=::• rtlll.IC NOTICE 1982 at 2 OUl'M rt Pauftl' ~~~.?~':~~oflrvlnt ind .,._ STATWmNT Tiie IOllOwlng peraons ll't doing view Mt•mut 1al I' 1 ~ ht ltt•u PARCEL 1 Un11 No 4, es snown The tollowlng pereon It doing bu.91neu 11 FICTITIOUS 8USINEH NAMeSTATIMENT The following person 11 dorng l>uatnns u , o ( (I o wt' 1 s 111 l ml> r 1,1 1 and descrot>ea ln the Conoomlnium l>usintu 11· BIODENT, 2411 C1jon. • B. COntribullciris 111,.1y ...... 111.,,.1,. Plan rt>Corded on August 9, 1977 In D & L ENTERPRISES, 13012 Lagunt S.tch. Cellloinla 02825 BUILDERS DESIGN SERVICE. t81152 Florida Street. Suite 245. Huntington Beach, Catllornl11 926•8 Donne Ree Ollvelre, 17402 Forbes Lene, Huntong1on Btacll, Cthl0<n1e 112~0 . .,.. .u Book 12328. page 1101 of Otllclal Wiiton Avonu•. Gerdtn Grove, Terry w. Phillip•. 2•6 C•Jon. l·O th <> Pau l111 .. Egly 1lt>co1d1 o t 011nge Coun1y, C1lilornl1 12W •B,Lagun1 e.ac11.Calllornl111l2125 M emo1ial Fuml S11uth C'o:L'lt c .. atorn11 Mark Margaret Lol1ut, 13082 Chip HouSlte. Spur Lant, •3. M edtl•al Centi'! Laauna PARCEL 2 An undivided on•· Wiison Avenue. G11d1n Giove, AOIMng Hille, CallloinJ• 0027' Beach. C:.i Int t llll·nl ~,~11 fl(• 1enth ( 11 tOlhl inrerest as e tenanl WI C...l0tnlt 926'4 This bus1.-1s conaUCled by 1n cornmo11 1n the IN 1ntlfetl tn end 10 This l>ullneu .. conoucted by an unlncorporeled assoclehon Olher This bll11""' Is condueled by en lndrvt<lual. at Pal'ilk Vll'w Ml'l1H1t iol theComrnonAreaotLot8ol Tracl Individual th1nap1t1nershlp. pa r k )' U t I J t , V 1 t \\ 8999 ~s ~· map toed In Book 373, Mlf'I' Margeret Loftus Terry W. Plltlllps Donna Oliveira M ortuary Ni w 1,,.11 p, 11 h p1>9P'4 J 4 to 37. 1nclus1ve. ol This 11a1-1 w .. llltd wllh the This 1111emen1 wu flied with u,. d i.rectors I Mis'llleneous M•P•. reco1d1 or County Cten. Of OrtnQt County on County Cltrl\ of Orange Cou"1y on Thll s11111men1 was filed wtth lhe County Cll<k ot Of1nge County on November 4, 1982 Neptune· 1w ir1 ' cAE-..A Ttn,.• r • •Al 1 J 646-7431 Out lrterature tf!ll!l the complt'le slory ol our society c .............. , .. .. M hu. (eM. •~,. SlllCI (.;(>unty. 9$ $UCh ltrm IS d•llntcl Novembtf •• 19112. NOVtmblf •. 111112 "' the Article en11t1ed "Oelinltlont" f201m F201J7t of fhe Oecla11tion ot Coven1nl1, Pubtialled Or1nge Coaal Dally Publlah•d Orang• Cout Deity F201m Condulons and Realllcllons Piiot. Nov 7. 1', 21, 28, 1082 Pilot, Nov 7, 14, 21. 28. 1982 Publlahed Orange Coasl Dally Prtol, Nov 7. 1', 21, 28, 1982 4879-82 rK'lfdlld on August 30. 1978, In •89742 t •187-82 Book lt868, page 1480. ind t-------------"'-------------.1.....-----------~ amenamenf 111111110. ot Olllcltl Recoraa ot said County (t he Oeetsrahon"), PARCEL 3. Easement(tl es such easemont(al 15/111 plll'llculerf'I' Ml tonh 1n the Ar11c11 en1it110 TDDAT'S ClllSlllD PVllLI Easemen11· ol thl Oeclare11on ACROSS under 1he Sec11on heading(•) In such Ar11c111 enlllltd 1s lollow1: "Suoport end S11111m1n1", Enctoachmenl", "COITllTIOl'I ArM raoonal 78 Mbt 78 Mexlclln Mloon mar1t 153 Banana "'* 154 Fut scarf 38 Detergent 102 Ptt111nlal 39Ttnlfed plant cloth• 104 Demolllh 41 Eltvetor 1oe Riding whip HJJtlott UW,.._MT OllYf and Communlly F1cltt1l11 E1sem1nl". 'Yard UlllUI"" end 1 Mine car 5 Endure 10SIWI• ~·· Kati 8 1 Scottl9h eac> 82 Ooll9t' bills S4Hazy l58Hlndu bu1ton 107A~ goddeal 42GIM1c 108 Kannel Mo11ua"' • u " '"'' Crerr..iftuy 1n'25 G•~lt•r ''"' CO'iloi ..... 1 540 r.,y I P'lfllCl H O THUS IELL HOADWAY MORTUAIY t 10 B•C>-'11 "'•'Y Costa M"'l·• £>42·':1I50 I AL Tl & H RGUOl>I SMITH & TUTHILL WESTCLlrF CHAP'EL 427 E 1 711 ~t Coc,11 Mr , ~M' 9"'71 P'tHCl H OTHfltS SMITiiS' MORTUAJIY 627 M:1111 St Hunt•nQtun ll<'ach 531..t b5J9 rACIFIC VIEW MEMOatAL,AJllC Ccrreterv Mortuarv Chapel·Cremalory 3500 Pacol•c V•f·.;. , ~e Nl'WPQll C\o·.i._h 644 ?fl)() - "Dr&tn898 Ea_.,,.,,, ... PARCEL 4 E11emen1S as such easemenla are po111cu1111y sel forth tn tile Articte enllttea easernen11" ol Ille Decfarahon ol Coven1n11. r.;ond•t•ona and R111r1c11on1 rec0<dtd on Mey 7, 1076, in Book 11730, page 689. end amendment tllereteo, of Otl1C1al Records of aa.ld C«on1y llhe MHtllf O.Cterlllon") unclef the Sec1tOll llee<llogs 111 IUCll At t1cte en111l1d •• lollowt 'Owntta Rights 1nd Dull••" Ut•flllee and Cable .Teltviston end Communl1y FICIMtln · Th• record vested owntre ot 1ht PfOpetty mor1 commonly i..nown .. 16 COOi BrOOll, "V•M, C.lllOfnla -Jemea C McUn. Jr Incl J-M Mclin, hUSblnd Ind wife. Dated October 12. 11182 GARDEN HOMES MAINTENANCE ASSOC DIANA SLATER STATE OF CALIFORNIA) COUNTY OF ORANGE SS On Oclober 13, 11182, l>efor• me. lh'! undelllgned. I NOllfY PubAc In 111d lor 111d Slltt. p111on1t1y 11ppearltd D11n1 Slatlf. known to m" to be AI R M1n1g11 of th• co<l)Ol'•flon tlMll executed lhl within 1n1: . .;ment, known 10 me to be 11141 pe19on who eHculld tilt within 1n,11um1nt on behalf or the co1porallon therein named, e nd 11cknowledg1d to mt thal such corpor11tlon exec11d the within •llSllUmtnl pursuant to •11 By·LIWf or 1 ruolullon of Ill Board ol O.rec1ora WITNESS MY my hind and olllclal seal. Unda L Socc•o Publlthtd Orange CoHt Dilly Prl01 Nov 7 t4, 21 28 19112 McCOIMICM MOaTUAallS l l----------49_4_14---12 laQ1Jnn 84-arn '494·9415 laQun9 Hille; 168 0913 San Juan Cap1s11ano •95 1716 c OPPOllTHITT knoc:ts often w~n you UM ruul1-g•IUng Dail)' Pilot Cte11lfl1d Ads 10 reach Ille Or•nge Coast market. Phone 842·5878 15~ 1g Mu91ca1 lnatrument 20 SfMll drvm 21 09pW1 22Small "'-24Compoeer °"°'. 2se.....,.,. tlon 2'8 Tutkleh Ut1t 28 Sun god 2t U\fllfy 30Young~ 31 Creoet StAllt: Abbr. 32AMcMI actoet 34 OvemMd .,. 35 lnqullltlYe 3e Lubf1c:ate 38 PrOlectlon 40HMt_,,ce 42Aeedemy 4e....,C- 47 HlttOfic periOdl 411 Attttoy 54~bert> 55 P9r\Me 5eStow~ ment. In mtl9lc sa Elrt91• 5tAIMJ 80 P1111 81 Cllf'flllt 82 Heedllner 64~t- mtnl 85 Gorilla MGoneby 87 Puff up 70 8'lof1 fec*et 72"o.ng.'' cok>r 73 NorM uploftt 74 Mor• 811 Place IOf: Suffix 89 lrith crown- ing 11on. 11 Gt-s>e jelly 93Dlm,a tight H Zoo1nrec· tlonl 98Ttb61 ~ 98 Nothing ltVendtB 101 Small cue 103 ,,._ '°'. fight lundl 106 8lndl 1oeweep 109 Welrd 111 Storm .... 112 8erlln '"" 113 UM an ue 1 I 8 o.l'llde •• 118 "Thin" coin 1201'- 121 Dull one 122 Unadul· terated 123 Spenllh 181'1 t25 Unmarried 128 Toller 12tFumt 130 Oigaetlvt angyme 13.2 Laugh: Fr. 133 Frott, IOf one 134 Flunked 135 Card ll&rnl 137 Phytlcfant 139P~llr veNcle 140GloMy labr1c 1•4 Wlurd of - 14t F-ence 1119 147 51: Rom. 141 Student'• 157T-: portico IOUnd Slang 43 Oilh 110 NOfse gt,llnt 158 Met· "Injury" 112 Owl sound chandlte « Aetldence 113Tou 159 VerNl. In 45 Olio coin 11' Gaelic law 46 Whtrl to 115 Garden pest 1800f the 00.•1& 117 But: Sp. lung• Grltley 1111 Geralnt'• 182 Commotion 48 Location wife 164 Ailumed 500owncul 121 Hive name 51 Pope's dWell«a 185 F81nlty crown 122 H1wallan mtmber• 52 llallan lainUy dish 1 ee Novelist 53 Oboe 124 Tr1Hlc Zoll 55 Rogue controls 187 Lett fell 5CI French 1COW 126 Silk t1bflc 1811 Lamb 57 T,.., '°' 127 Reprnnand Dobbin 128 Skin DOWN 80 Advance opening 61 Allrlngent 12t Ship'. ll1le 1 f'ork prong 83 o.c:.,.. 131 Nldttl 2&11mate 86 Hlgtt etturch symbol 3 PrtMnlly Official 133Pvl&al'• 4 All1tlc 67 Bragged homeland wind 88 Big luu 134 SC.It note .s Motlonlell 69 Herlous 138 Sublime 8 Scarlett'• •I rat 138Dlckllll home 71 Mort agile chat11C1tf 7 PrMldentlal 73 Pleno com· 139 Vtbrallon· nk:lcname l)Olltlon Slang 8J..,_ 74 Blgln 140 Tr .. nuld drama 75 Kingdom '"1 Down 9 Curtain• n ReYotvet with: Fr 10 Inclined 78 -•pita 1'2 Edible rool 11 Pronoun 79 Conatet-143 Secred 12 Oriental latlon lmeoe commander 80Wrlter 1 •5 Kind of lens 13 War cry Anale -147 Ohlldltk• 1 • Oii eourcea 83USN tpeeetl 15 Fut reeder polk:em11n 1•9 C'hesl aound 18 Jason'• lhll) 85 GOll\I 150 "Met" IOIO HAlofla MLongfllh 151 Campu1 l)'mbolt 17 1812and bigwig 18 Olltant: 191•: Abbr. 152 Curved Prlfla 90 Haw1.ll1n letter 11 Buttlf' bird 155 Hezlklall'• equert 02 Abah mother 23 Low Island 95 Proeecuttd 15 7 The Ebfo, 27 Sal. '°' one 97 Spatold fllh e.g. 32Culolf 98 Hawaiian 181 Trompe111 33AntllOKIM tern Hirt 37 Chi'• Slate 100 Hibernia 153 Correlatlve ·' 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 D A I L y p I L 0 T c L A s s I F I E D 6 4 - 2 5 6 7 8 CLASSIFIED IN DEX ..... , •••••••••••••••••••••• ,,, ,,,,,. ••••••••••••••••••••• .,,., ,,,, --... a;~·~=· .. Te Place Y1111 Ad, C1N 642-5678 NOUSlS FOi $All RlALfSTATl Au.,11•_. 101 '•I• A"•'f",.,,1 fo1 ,,.h t~:.~ .. , .. r.~,. ttMtl•I\ l•.tlt ........ : :::~.·.~::~··,~~t''' 1"'111.-, ... ' "" ,,., •• Ht""'•· h.1,. """4' ll\l 1Ut1f'J'1t1:. It\ J,4',h1•I I '''I"' 11 , ..... '•l• "'·•k Utt ... l1u l't•• ~ ...... ,. l•....,f't Hr''' , .... ,. .. tt ... ,, .• {~-.fltNl'lf~ ''h••• fMur.., .. -. t'u1v ki1'kh .. t-•r"1 ... t,ru;,1, khl ., ....... ",. ... ,,. k .... , ... ,.h ··"""' llNTALS Uw·• ._,,,., .. h..-d U""'"' t nlwffh h•iil u,..,.;, I wrh •If t nl t .~.unti.-.n,, t wll'1 t f1Aduft11111wn+ I '-' 1 .... AkN....-... , .. ''•"-'-..... , .,. ..... ,. .... ~f ~~~ .. :;,: "' AJA•' "''Y'" A"4 tv1~1t( t til Mt.11,n ... ....... '~ .. , .. lloAtJ \I it•t· .. .,. ...... ..,"' "I ""' """'• \.••I •oA thr"'• M•f .. <1l• lu'l\,.t1·• .... , ...... f114' ... "' hOu • M ... h ... I k,,;~fW""' Mt •11t•I IM•""'•1•t tt•"'"' (ii ...... """'•' 19' ....... . "41~• ~""''""" BUSINESS. INVlSf· MlNT. FINANCE "9"'* , •"1.-llf•• "-•1rw-\i\.N .. '4 .,. ............ uo •. , .. ., •• '"""''"'' "' .. ._,. .... , ""'""' '*''"'"" \ltlf'..,, ~ .. m•4' 't!lft1•li"" TU ANNOUNCEMENTS. 'llSONALS & LOST & FOUND A~N.M*'rt.,.nt "•' JA,..,. .... ~·· '·1111· ..-...... t ...,...; •• ,, .. ~ .. j\• ....... , •• t , ...... .... , .. ,. SERVICES ..... . ,,.,,. .. ,,, EMrLOfMENT & mmATION ..,..,.,_._,." ln,h\l<ltfof'I ,., .... ,., .. ,. tlf'•t;••M•fl '9 6 t MEllCHANOISl ... ... ... A~ 1w• """-, .. , ... , A,..f,A ... .., -.a.11,t'4•tf'l1<1I· ' ...... , .... , rit"'r'" '"' t,., 1·•1hr ttH "'''~ I •'°U .. •th tl•;Jf"W• . ._...~, . .,. ... , ..... ,,. •• ,.,14 .... "•"'-·-·) '91•1 .. 11 .. "'"'"'--\41,1•0•~,'41\•"tf'fJ \f,f H•lln"'t'°n-••M fllft .. " ." ... & ...... " ,. .. ,..._ 4•H••" ~ ................. ~tttl"l.fo'9.Jd'I "4ur,. tolr .. h 111•<1ftil H•f ;~ ·r ..... , ...... ""'"' • BOATS & MU1N( lQUlrMlNT .... ,..,., .... , . "•'"" ..... , '"' l'0<1! \I,.,,,._ t itVtP ........... ,., .......... ,._. .... ... , ~·' . ....,.,"'·~ .,., "'>••~ ""'"4' .,.., ..._..., " ........ IUNSPOIT A llON '"' '·--f .... .-• ,,.f• Mu~ ·J~1rH t <1tlli ~::-: ~:,;r;.#4.§rnot••·· W.ull•tt """'"•I• Hint Tr••j"' ft••f'4 Tr ...... ,, l hhh Ai_. ............... ,. .. AUTOMOllU l.11ttr••f , ......... ', ...... , M"~•f'<11 "'"" 4 t ~··t ft.;..-.. I ..... ,... ....... . ., .. . \ .... .. ,_,, .. , ..... , .... \"4·•' IA•"'" I AUTOS. IMPOIHD ,,.fl;, .. \ •·k ''"" .• \~·· \ nt A 11, .. ,,., ~ .... '., I ;:::- ~ "' ' .. ~ 141 "·""'' , .. 'f ....... ~ ............ ~ .. \: .. ~~_.. ... .. ' t ..... "' "" >iuM .. ...,, ,,,.,.,,,,, ......... ··~···'I ........ M K· l'I M •tt ~ .... .. ,. .. . "' ... .. .... "'• ••• .,, ... ,t\ , ....... , ... \th I AUTOS, MIW AUTOS, USH '\\J',· ... 1 ""' . .... , Lt \ "'' """'"' .... , ... " '-........ . l..,,.,f-,.,, Pl.-nly of room for Int famlly 10 Of'OW In 11111 • 8t 2v, 81 h<lf'M The m ... IOUAL Hout.a 11vt llOl\e 1'1)1o In I= Ol'l'OflTUHllY "'' I I ...... ,, 1,,. cm,..n ng rm • • .._ . :::·. Low mal11tanance vro wl , .. ,. m1ture lan01e1plng and '"" 1 grHt Indoor/outdoor : • P••H1lltr'1 letfat1 living eru Locetlon :~~ All rHI n1•t• adV«11Nd close to setloot1 l lhOP· 1•.. In lhl1 n1w1paper le ping, Owntr wlll l•H• l'.~ ~~~l~~;l~gt~~I ~~d1~ ~~~~ngor .~~~~5~~hp~; ~':;, wlllcll mt1kn It llleQal to Aden, 855-4343 Macnab 1 • edvtttl~ "111y pref•tn-lrvioe Riiy :;:;; ce, llmll1llon or 1:Utctlml· ---~1-11----­ ''" nallon ba11d on race, ::: color. religion, aea 01 . IAll llll 1 .,. na1ton1I origin, or any 11 • intention 10 make anv 3 Bdrm 2 btlh neer tuch p rel1rence. llmitt· park• and ICl'loola, IOca· tlon or dlscrltninatlon." ted mlnutn to ~ . 1;v , .. ., . ••• . .. I'•• .. ,. , ... ... . .. /)~ ,.., ,,.. ' ,.., and 1hol)plngt .Priced This newapaper wlll nol 1 1h'ousand1 below market. knowlngl)' 1cc1p1 any Hurry, won't 1ettf Uftbil- adverllslng lor real n · llevabty priced at I 129. ~~·~ ... -:= . '" -. .... i 5'ft:?';!·~"" 1111111 Advert!-~lq sers should check Tll11.lllm •U their ads daily and Lovely '4 81 PrHldent report errors Im-home In hllls ol Turli• med I ate I y . The ~C:~e:t•C:y~~11::=:~~~ DAIL Y PILOT as-Kitchen hH new 1p- >1.. sumes llablllty for I p11a.ncn. pwnlf win 1eue ~· th fl t I t option. Tiiis on• you :!; . e ~s n correc 1 don't w1n1 10 m111. Price "" insertion only. 10 sell a1 1295.000. Pat !t! l•---------1 Aden. 855·4343 Macnab ~:: Claulfled Adi, your on. _1rv_1_ne_R_l...;tY _____ _ .~,, atop lhopplng cent8'. I 51-•.,•,••iiiiiit.miiiiiiii NO DOWN ! ::~ knoctl• 011111 wnen you 2 or 3 Bdrm MW condos. u11 resull.gelllng D1lty No quallfylng • pay pat- Piiot Ctaulfled Adi 10 liat closing costs Prlnc1· reach the Orange Co11t pats only For detells call merkel. Carey or Seoul. .... , i"6' ;w;a tt•• . ... ... , ... .. ,,) ... ""' PMl.Ui .... , -1 ...... ·~ ... )0 ..n .. ,. ..... ..... ..... .... " ...... ..... •!>l .. ,.. _.,. ... , .. -~1 "•ll" -'""' -. ...... .,., .. , .. ...... .... , <V• . ..... ... ..... ... .... '•I ..,,~ '·" ..... ~::~ tJtt 'I . '•-" , .... ., .. ~ .,,,, r.1 J .. ,,. " .. ... . "I ...... .... ld1 .... .... ... - Ptlone 842-5'678 IJ 1·2242 ON WATER REDUCED TO: $745,000 8AYFRONT-LINDA-CLOSINQ COITI OHL YI Owner haa Md bu9IMea rewerule end muet llquldatel To • qualfled bufw, thla ~ may be purchaMd for doelng coal• only! Fabulou1 loweet price on HcluelH Linda lt le. luperb lagoon location with pler/etlp for .... yacht Md • 5 bedroom home with large famllf room. lnwHI now bafofe PJtcee go up, 131-1G. NEWPORT TWNHME W/DOCK Two· 1tory 3 bedroom•. 21h be"'9 In a quiet locatlon. Greenbelt wl••• and loweet priced In • watemont communhy wit" boat dock. Good en u"'able ""8nctftg A20,000. ~· NEWPORT ISLAND BAYFAONT An aHordabJe price ON WATER wltll pter/ellp fcw...'9' boal Can be ll8ed M Income propeny or • '"6denc9. owe .... 2nd T.D ...... 000 .... IS1-1400. BALBOA COVES BAYFRONT Sandy beech + plef/ellp for 45' boat. Priced under market and owner wlll e11c...,._, ..... /option «? ........_. 4 bedroom ~ """ .... "°°' .... for dally llwlng and cHual entertaining . 1415,000 ..... LIDO WATE R FRONT - REDUCEDI Ownet wlll ..... for llOOO. per month or ..... /option or Ml for M40,000 SecwttJ Mldlngwtltl2bed. + denonone'"91. Vu + boet alp nell.. WATERFRONT-S.lboe laland New on the merket. Perfect beach cottage wtth beeuUfullr coordinated decor. Dodi tor two w ......_ O••"'* kitchen, beam celling•. Owner wlll cOMlder exchange. "'5.000. fn.4lllO. NEWPORT 18. WATERFRONT An extra l8'ge tot with docll for .. to IO' boat. Atrtum entry, bultt In ............... center, tormol dining, bllli.rd rOCNn, 4 fple. Dfamatlc Md Hcttlnt.....,, holM with 5 bodroo"'• + maid• '"'· and MCurttJ •r•tom. aolld c:enatnt011oA on eteel glrdare. btwtor pdo on,...., wtltl I~· A CIUlet.....,..,. locetlon on ... lancr.-,000. 111·1400. ... now. ti'• now on th• "'•rkotl E1peclallf flno detallng. - 103' WATERFRONT-Sll0,000 FEE Ownor wlll accept 5" coah down P9J'"0ftt Md carry tho fk•ldnt .... '"'-"'· OYer 4000 ........... ol ~ do•l1n. 'our epaoloue bodroo1110 lncludlng mH lor aulto with Huna + lmmonao ..... ., '°°"' Md rooftop docll with View. fllonJ luxury ,..,.,,.. .,._ .....-room, high oeflnae a docll for •n. boet. A MW ........ 1Sf·1400. WATERFRONT-BALBOA ISLAND Un1ll1tndod vmw on turftlftt .._... ., ..,.,.,... , ............... °' ..... ltlancl. L.,.. 4 llledroom hoMe •"" 1 bed. .............. Can be ...... ....., " ......... , .............. , ...... ... ........ ,., .. ~ BAY,RONT-IO' BOAT SLIP ...,. ............... vu ........ ll'•DIHo I ....... WA""""DNT ii.w. Lerp ...... .r.r .. i I ll1dr-.e r.r '*""'· ., ...... lw. """ .......... .... a::~:_•• lllltolMn •1111 ltreellltnt ., .. . .................... 1ardon. lleRr ntrH a tllleoerat., ........................ , .......... . ,.,., BAY,RONT-IXCITINQ I MDROOMI ... urttr au ..,._ Htrr IRte tllla ........ , .................. , .. .. .................. ,_ t1141•• ...,,., ... ..., ... .. . ................. ~·-= I.,.., 4 ......... " "'''' . t:;:~: 6 .... 1 '1!",JIWa.£.• .. Xiii ....... .. ~=="'•llfll ....... , ... ., ...... h,. ~~~ ,_ .. ,_ ..... ,.. ~ .. Ml = = --= WAT!IFllONT HOME$. IC ·--~UTATI ......... ,.......111 .............. . w .... ~...:.- J Orange CoHt DAILY PILOT /Sunday, November 7. 1982 t~7 .......... lllN&.91-wa•1·1 Prime Lido Nord bayfront, & bdrm,&~ bath. Lee L.R., ail' t'Ond., 2 boat lllp1 81,&00,000. 14modeled a bdnn, 2 bath + larp rec. ml beun cell1l\flt fumlahed. path». '420,000. PllmlU-1· Ocean & jeU.y viewa. Marine room. 4 bdrm. 3 bath. 3700 1q.ft. •t,385,000. Oceanfront UllA Ill.I IAYPIMT 1.-aoon ~w from 8 bdrm, & bath, playroom, darlt nn, den. Boet lllp. Now •1.000.000. llYllR PUii Spectac:War bayfront dplx 2 br, 2 ba up: 2 br 2 ba dn. 2 boat I !. Reduced • 1,&00,000. ----- flllllllll ..... New 4 br, 4~ ba, cuaum French Normandy ~wie 1.2 prime .a hilltop. Sl.260,000. AYIUI Fee simple 2 br cottqe on quiet DeecaNo St. (ln Flats). Reduced to $100,000. ...... 1111 c.oron.do ltland CU8t. bayftont lot. M' boat Clock. PLmt -.van. Now PTQ.000 w/~. &.91 .. ..... 11-4111 111NtlllA A bit of Hollywood on Lido, form r cel~brlty'1 homo. Perfert hou•c for tormal entertaJnlna. 4200 eq ft .. with 88' on Oenoa. Walled courtyard entry, 3 Bedroom, den with frplc and 10' w et bar with back bar, 5 ~ Batha, formal dlnln1 room, & foyer entry. Out.atandlng mast.er suite approx. 1000 aq ft whh aay view, his & hers baths & d1 esalng area. $895,000. , .... 11U W111 LIT +,_ Walk to Lido Village, 3 Bedrooms, S batht, good assumable financing. Xlnt buy. Price reduced to $550,000. UllllUPllLlllll ..... 1-4.at 111NfllllMI Xtra large 4 bedroom home on lg c:orner lot. At an unbelievable price, $595,000. T~ls delightful family home was on Home Tour. Ull llU ........ ,,.1 .IHNeau Almost waterfront on Via Genoa. 6 BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR . . .. ~ . ' '" . . . . • Bedroom, 4 baths, needs some rework & decorating & priced accordingly. The bank owns it & we submit all offers. Asking $575,000. Ill[ , .... hl .... ... l rHlhllklnQ oce1n vu by day city lfiH II ntoht 1urro11nd 11111 1p11;fou1 lif\Ole II)' lrtCllllOnal , ... lclef\ee N~ Plvtl'I crpta ~1 ... 1alnl119 & 11 loc•• led CIOH tO bHCllH 1347,000 K1la Hepplef, 155·43.t3 Macn1b Irvine ~tty. -.rr;~ J • .,. ... , t .Ji ) IPll TIUY 1-1 WlTnYllW ..... ,,,,.... ••r••• • .................... hall l11•H1,l11. I Ir 1 ~ la. &111•• Ital tr IWHr wlll tr••• tar 111111. ls· •111 S1H,tol. ·211 "-'ltw,ln. ALIT POI ALmLI "" 111t•re•• I•&• l11l11·lt1l11 erta, l1llt•H l11rte•, ... , 1100 •••••• ., SIH PITl/M , , .. ,.. 111 •• ,. ••• •Mii LllllY . •• lltlt ,.,... ••• I T E A c 0 v ••• 11· ....... .... , r 1 r 1 1 ... ,.. ..,. .... , ..... . ..... tf &l .. i , Jtt ttr4Mt ""11NL~llN ., : R y Sb F .......... \ .... ,.. ,. ___ .. _._ ... ___ 1-..... l.--.l--r.1,,.........,.1.--..-1 -1 ,,,, .. ,, I 4r•1, C llLF OllllE ;:::::====~=~~ ........... .,,... YIEWI I UNDEER I ......... '" ... , i...5--,.;..I .... ,,.,., .... ,.--..,,_....,1,.--4 •••"IH tt list. Flt· ~~e!ci;"9~-:"~:~!o~P3 1~~__.___.__.__.. .......... al~le t•r•1. llCO, Bdrm, 2'h balh home on 1---A-L-0-~--. 000 111 • 1&•14 quaner acre of tee tandl P R Otfl Oii ~tTlll Seller mollvaled. Only I' I' I I Creativity pays: A Clentlat Ir • 2 I I $255,000. Call now lor · · · Irland 11 making • fortune 2 •• .. .I-CS.tall•. 648· 7171 • ' T A R P N Y I becauae of • brltllant Idea. 4•4 wltll •llar•, .,., I' I I I I He gives hla. patlenlS den· ,.... .. .... ,., wle• . . . . . tel llou that 8 ··-·-. fr ""''"'· IHtr wilt 11sl1t flH1tl11 T u G o u o I 0 c--.. ""' cll..dl• _... • affll .... ,.,. * 1 11 • r 1 1 1 ..... ~:.., • .::.::.. ~, = Tllllfll .. LlllTlll o.r ............ Cua1om 4-l1lrm 3ba. m111111 !Witt 11\d ttud¥. exc111ng ""'" on new 6 000 1q It cu11om home 8 BA. view, pool. ..,.. oerne room Elev•· •or and library OPEN SUNDAY t·& 1 MUIR BEACH CR. COM 140-1211 ' wtt bar. mini view T••" rlllc; lln1nclng VO\I own Ult land. Only 13711.000 MAKE orFeA Optn Sal /Sun 1•4, 488 De Sol1 Terr. .. , 111-1110 _ ~A,g//Jhrb WAlll WIEIL R E A"7LT• Y OllAlll · 5124,900. lmm1culat1 3 Bdrm 2 bath home In ntc1 11ctlon of Co111 Mesa. HH prac::tlcally all n-1ppllanc.1. New Ille In bolh baJhl, new c1bl· ne11 & bath Move In c:ondlllon Beeutllut back yard with fruit trtH. Seller hlghly motl¥11eel Cati now, 548-2313 THE REAL ESTATli:RS llYOIHT 1111111 Now alltlng 1355,000 tor thll 4 Br 3 .,., Ba exl"CUllvt home AmenllMll Include w11 bar, 2 flrepl~. and 3-car garage Anum• !Ito% toa(I and owNt wlH tielp hn~nce 831·7370 or ~t·3MCI TR\Df T 10\,\I. ~1.\1 I ) Have IOmllhfng )'OU wanl 10 NII? Cf1111fled adt do The taatHt draw In the • ' It welt I Call NOW. W11t ...• Dally Piiot M2-5878. Claaelfled Ad. el2-5878 . A£SIOEN11Al REAl ESfA1E SERVICES OPEN 1·5 · HW II TH •UllT. 4BR. attractive beam ceiling home. Automatic sprinklers, patio, near community pool & tennis. 2 Fireplaces. near schools. $1 ,100 per mo. No pet s. M ar y Lou Marion. Lido Realty 673-7300 ..... 1111,HO. 111 •11& YlllE .,., ·---~ Iris. g:,,~·t!.°u'1~tu~~us:,~ •;; .. r r r r r r r r r r r '1 1-------1 ~r=·12~:.~ n;.~.~y 1~ •.:.I I I I I • I I I I I I PHllHU Sl,OI0,000 Spacious bayfront, 5% 1st TD paid off in 8 years with payments less than present 30 year loan. Many amen ities. An elevator , gu est apartment & extra wide slip. Prime location. See M arcia Bents at 1038 W. Bay Ave. F Id I t' COLS OP NIWPOlllT down owner will carry al Little MIM Muttet 111 on• QI' ft nC IOf1 MAI.TORS 12~% Interest. MUll-UTS &n .. rs 11 •aslffltatlH 1111 Tuffet, •long c•m• • Cal a llULC--.. .., .. ,., .. , '"'· apld41r and r11d In the ~. Dally Piiot Clanlfled C-llM .._ Ml· llH Whal I Wonderlul WOfld MCtlon about Mia Mui· Daly Plot •11·Hi t e~~~~~~~ of Shopping. right at 644-6200 oCfice 494 -2073 home To plaot your ~ before the readlnQ public, phone let'• Tun.t and bought fl )'OUr flngertlpa .-ydayl lor $9.95. Y04J C*' NII an VISOR 1-Y-00-don-·t-nMd--a-nun_t_o' tCltHlfltd Ada '" th• Dally Piiot Cluallltd ftU• ., Adi. To~-y04Jr td, your tuflet and toll ol "draw IHI" when you answer to • auccesatul othtt things through 642-5678 piece .,, ad In the Deity garage or ywd .... I It'• a c.11 642· 78 and let • Dally Piiot Cl1811fled, M2-5e78 Dally Piiot Cl111lfled Piiot Want Ada! c .. now betler way to tiff more Claasffled Ad·V~ help ----------------..!.A~da.~Call~~&4~2:::·5e~78~-~~~~~~~~I '842·5e78. I people! )'OU ~~~~~~~~ TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE LOWEST INTEREST RATES IN YEARS! 11Yflll1 -lftll.IK9I INPll•I• Elegant 2 bedroom condo plus den with fantastic views, wet bar, fireplace, stained glass, pool and use of private beach. $855,000. UITIEmll lllml. II .... llMI This 2940 sq. ft. home with 4 bedrooms and 3 baths has spacious patio area, many custom features and large secluded spa. $790,000. llYllE TllUOl·ITEPI Tl Wll Sweeping panoramic view 4 bedroom, 3 bath home with large pool, complete privacy, Ideal location for watching the boat parade. OMC Installment sale. $600,000. In Newport Beach U.1191-WALI Tl II* Perfect Newport starter home with 3 bedrooms . 2 baths, minimum maintenance, use of pool, racquetball and tennis. $159,000. UIU ISLE WATEIUllT -Handsome tradlUonal 5 bedroom, 41h bath residence with family room, sunken living room, Immense formal dining room plus a charming courtyard spa. Owner will help finance. $1 ,450,000. .lllT LllTEl-UI,_ VIEW -n Charming Carmel model with 3 bedrooms. 2 baths, Mexican pavers In entry, red'f'OOd deck plus large patio area. Good expansion potential plus loans are assumable. $249,000 FEE. In Harbor·"Rldge 11um11111 PUIUlllG YIEWI The ultimate In privacy and security goes with this 5 bedroom, 4 bath home with long term financing or trade. $1,385,000. TIY LIW, LIW MWll Lowest priced "Dynasty" model with 2 bedrooms and baths, large redwood deck, 2000 sq. ft . of livlng space. 10.38 fixed 30 yr. loan. $379.000. PIEllll LIT wm PUii iii. You can have a home to rival all others with Formal French design, 10,000 sq. ft. and virtually no houses around It. $1,500,000. llllP •VIII -lllT Rancho San Joaquin view condo with 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, fireplace, nice landscaping; decks plus uee of pool and spa. owe. $159,000. 1111 ¥1111 AIU .... ITlll Lovely 4 bedroom home on a large corner lot that'a been t>Muttfulty landacaped and boaata a large lotar heated pool. Close to everything and prtced to ..... $159,500. ... ,.,., •mnmu Light and .iry townhome with 2 bedroome piue den, prtyate S)9tlo Md large ....... 'rh .. home II priced 115,000 below othera on markett t120,000. FILLY ISlllllLE 30 YW LIU This 4 bedroom, 3 bath, "Lautremont" model features a large, secluded spa, spacious patio and extensive landscaplng. $790,000. IWIEI Will OllllHI TUIE "Devonshire" model with 5 bedrooms, 4 baths, 2 fireplaces, atrium, plush carpet and panoramic views of the ooean, city and mts. Low price of $675,000. TWI ITllY MIMllllll wm OWi Luxury condo with 4 bedrooms. famlly room . 31h baths and large deck overlooking the Reservoir lake. Below market at $550,000. In Other Areas IWWI aL TMI LIW, LIW ... OWNER WILL TAKE LOW, LOW DOWN Motivated seller must llqulilate quickly this 2 bedroom condo with den, 2'A baths. great location In Santa Ana Heights. $118,000. ---Wlllll'•T-Spectoua 3 bedroom, 2'A! bath family room home on Trinidad llland In Huntington Harbour with aaumabfe Flrat T.O. at~% lnter•t and additional Miler financing. 13",950 FEE. 1.1111.Y •lllUPI, llNI We Juat aold one here but you can stlll have thla 2 bdrm. 2 bath Arbor Lake townhome with den and mt. vlewe In natural Mttlng. 1175,000. ,, ... IT ILL lffDIU Harbor View Home with 4 bedrooms, 3 baths. great design for families. owner financing. $310,000. llll·EITATE .lllT IElllEll Situated on 'h acre. this 6 bedroom, 4 bath residence with Grecian pool and spa has a beautiful Kol pond, huge yard, French doors and breathtaking skylight. owe or consider trade. $449,000. PWA OU IF TIE ILIFFI Easy walk to shopping from this 4 bedroom, 2'/t bath home with tlle roof, large patio, nice landscaping. With 25% .. down seller may carry or try lease/option. $170,000. • In Emerald Bay 10U1 VIEW l•Elm WITI TElll Fabulous lot with possible financing up to $100,000. Rarely avallable $385,000. IPECTlllW VIEWS IF TU Ol&IT UP E•llLI llY ITllLFI This absolutely charming 2 bdrm. 2 bath home with pool has a $517 ,000 assumable loan for 18 years plus seller wlll carry a 2nd. $650,000. TIE IEIT llY Yll'U EYEI Fiii II llEULl llTt Just listed. this 2 bdrm. 2 bath home with pool has all the advantages and am!90ltlea that go with ttlls exclusive community. Flreplaces, ocean view and hardwood floors too. $395,000. 1111'& 1111 TllPLD Near beach and ahopplng, this Income property has a perfect 3 bedroom owners unit plus addltlonal 2 bdrm. 2 bath rental. Real pride of ownerahlp. $245,000. MllT• lllm IT Tll .... Unique A-frame duplex In South Laguo• near Aliso Beach with great ocean view and flreplacea. Owner Is open to crMtlve offera, ao submit on term1. $210,000. -·-""'-Laguna Nlguel ~ bdrm. 2 bath unit with view of the greenMlt all nHr private tennis and golf club. A perfect lnVHtrnent. $118,000. ClllEI 1111111 UH,000 FEE View the boats & sunsets from this exciting 4 BR executive home. Remodeled with elegance & quality. Features private entry. pool, spa & private access to beach. See Debi Bibb at 4621 Gorham. UH ISLE IHl,000 Traditional, elegant & spacious describes this lovely 4 BR 3 '12 gA h ome featuring oak floors, lead glass. FR doors & extensive use of used brick. Sunny south patio on extra wide lot. Owner assisted financing. See F.clie Olson at 133 Via Undine. IPYIWI IHI ... Spectacular unobstructed view . Modified Cape Hom 3rd BR now a suite. Great for in-law, guest or teenager. Gorgeous pool & spa. M anicured landscaping. Owner will carry 1st T.D. See Suzle Exley at 15 Carmel Bay Drive. OMIU HL IWI 1111,000 Imagi ne if you will a large completely remodeled Cape Cod that overlooks Little Corona Beach. Recognize if you dare that this is today's value in COM location. Quality terms. See Nancy Simmons at 226 Poppy. IPYIWI 9441,000 Popular Portsmouth model hotne with sparkling pool. 3 BR with family room on corner lot. Quiet area near schools & shops. See L inda M arston at 17 M onterey Circle. 11¥111 TllUOE 1441,IOI A light spacious 4 BR plus den home with pool and gorgeous view of entire harbor. Owner will carry with approximately 2041> down. Great potential for user or investor. See Lucy Rose at 1715 Galatea Terrace. " Ull llU IU0,000 Impeccably maintained 3 BR 3 Ya BA home on one of Lido's most desired sts. Country charm abounds in the remodeled kitchen. Cozy fam r m & bricked sunny pa tio. Fireplace in mstr suite. OWC 2nd T.D. See Cynthia Rumsfeld at 218 Via K oron. UYOIEIT SHl,HO Vacation at home this summer with your own sparkling pool & spa surrounded by s pacious. immaculate & elegant 4 BR home with remodeled kitchen. Assume first & owe large 2nd. See Jane Mitchell at 1840 Tradewinds. IUfH SHI-FU Rare 1 story Paula plan. 3 SR. Fam Rm home with the largest private entry & back paUo on greenbelt. Fireplace in living rm & master BR. Excellent long-term flnancin1. See Kay Parker at 2403 Vista Noblna. •tan11 ., .... Exceptionally beautiful Dover 2 BR + den w/French doon, crown mouldln11. m•snlfl~nt pat1<>1 + mount•ln view. Ouutanding Hawmablt 1oen. See Cuole McMahan at 20 Rue Grand Ducal. . •• ~ '• '• ·' i ., . .. .. ' . • Ea Orang• Coll\ DAILY PIL.OT/Sundly, November 7. 1Q82 P.~.~~'!.... ~.~!M ....... !mn.~~ ...... '-'tm).t.~'1 ....... ~m.~IH!. ...... ~m.~J..w. ...... ~.'1!.1111 ...... : !~tn.~~'! ....... !'.~!!'..~'I.le! ....... '-"m.~IN.' ...... ~~ •.•.•••••• /~ ~~ ...•..... /."' ~ •....•... !."' ~4! •...••..• J.~I ~~ ....••••• J. ~~ •.•.•.... /.~ ~'1. ••••••••• 1.'!ll ~'1. ......... !.'!fl f!1.~~'1. ••••••••• l.~~'1f'tl!.~ •.....•.. J •.• f ------------~~:-~ x.~.~9H _ s9J .. UllYll'I HIT YILll 4 1k>drm1, family room & dining room. Immaculate throuahout. N«>w carpeu1. drapes, marble entry & da'Or. Electronic security system Wet bar, 2 fircplac.'CS, 3 I car garage. ArUstic pool and spa. Priced right ai $69~.000. Gute -guarded area. OPEi TODAY 1 ·I Pl Colet worthy &Co. 254S EASTBLUFF OR. NEWPORT BEACH. C•. l40-0020 Bllf FS CONDO AUruCtlVl' a Bdrm 2 au, drusllc price rl•ducUon. Low down. Exh1Ung financing $1 1:.!,600 ut 12.20%. Aaklng $100.000. Orn &t./Sun 1-5. 2630 Vial.a 0.-1 Oro. Call 644-4910 for permission to enter. OLI 01111-1 lllUI, llW, IPAOllll, IXOITlll 14 IHI• TIU ... · Ill 1·1 $Q<LU.500 .... , 442 BEGONIA, OLD COM SPTIWI Nil Alt ... PllROTtH , IHFIOIT, OWll fll. THiii, UllY llAOI Two-story Nantucket 4 br. with $1i9!;,QOO ........... 12 BEACON SAY, NB beautiful Sunset pool surrounced by 14,000 red brkk.s.-TastcCuUy decorated throughout with wallpape rs and shutters. Shows like a model home! Many upgrades. Seller will finance. Submit down. $760,000. Incl. land. IEW EllUll II 11&.UI llWll First time listed. Charming n r . new 2-sty. architectural gem. 4 bdrms, fam. rm. Quality design and deco r throughout. DeSigned tor guest qu~rters. Priced t.o sell $~95,000. Seller finanet>. No loan fee. 213 ....... IHI UT /Sii 1·1 IRVllE lllYlllln PAii I II Detached 3 br .. 2 'h ba. home on greenbelt near community tennis and pool. $114,000 in as:.iumable loans and you own the land. $135,000. IEWHIT IElllTS II O.M. Charming 4 Br. & family room, 2 brick fireplaces. country kitchen , quiet residential area in young development by Buccola. 10% dn. Owner carry 10 yrs. WESLEY I . TAYLlll OI., IW.TtlS 2111 lea "'14111• IHls lt141 IEWPllT YEml, I.I. 144-4110 "MUllflelE" IUFlllT CUTUl-PtUCE HltcEI SI00,000. This unique home approx. 8.000 sq. ft is an entertainers paradise. Lg slip. bayside lawn, pool. 3 fplc s plus his and hers bathrooms, den office/artroom. library, gymnasium. Unusually deep lot w/approx 74 fl on the bay. Only 5 yrs old. Owner will help w/financing. $4 .500,000. John Macnab. SPEOTACIUI llYFlllT PUIUllL Unparalleled 240 degree view of big bay & islands! Five BR suites, entertaining rms include playnn w/fully equipped bar & upstairs b1lliard. w /fam rm. S l ips f o r 3 l a rge boats. $4.300.000 including land. Cathy Schweickert. UOLISIYE UllH lllH I• IEWPHT IUCI. Elegant French Manor home in guard gated community. Just completed in finest detail and craftsmanship. Magnificcnl views ol Newport's Bays, islands ... This home offers prest~gious and elegant lifestyle. Call for financing. $1,695,000. Tom Allinson & Terry Hanes. 0 0IPE CH TlllmtuL" II LIM ISLE. 2 112 years new. ~qulslte detailing! 1 lot to beach w/a little bay view. 3 BR. 21h BA. fam. rm. 3 frplcs. $685,000 w / $299,000 a~um. 8 of A 1st. Dona Chichester. llUIGll t PlllEI Tl llU. A best priCed WestcliH home • 3 BR + fam rm -sunny clean 'n bright private yard w /room for . addition. pool or spa. Great neighborhood. Cl0&e to BChool, park & walk to shopping. $229,000. Jane Paquin. I • SPYILAH, I lllM, VllW If IAY AH tOIU $850.000 .............. ~POINT LOMA. NB. W.HA ISLE, HW All YAOAIT WITll OllAIM $.5~5.000 211 OPAL, BALBOA ISLAND J llWI I INM, VIEW + llllT IHIE .,..,.. c...,'"" · •EW FllST TllST HEI $365.QOO ............ 409 1,i DAHLIA, COM. PIH AYAJWLI 30 Yellr rixed rall'S; rea~nablc! Coml' visit with us Sunday 1-5, Wll FAMILY 11111, NIL t SPA, I 1111111 Open Houst.-s: · • $;H9.5GO ........... 2400 FRANCISCO. NB. Ill COYOI CISTOM golf course• IAUOA llLAll, IOAT IOC•, OWIH FlllAIOE $528.000 ..... 210 GRAND CANAL. NB. vil'w, $1 ,295.000, foreclosure, 20% down. Great rinanci'ng, 8 Oakmont. 4 lllM, OWIR Fii. FEE, YACHT, AIXIOUS $429.000 .... 2706 LIGHTHOUSE. COM I OOHI VIEW -designers drl'am homL·. 290 l HV Drive. $550,000 fee. 4 llllM, VIEW IF LITES, SPLIT LEVEL $429,500 ........ 2515 WINOOVEH. COM. IACI llY fAIMIOISE, ~ AC + POOL, IAlll $465,000 445 E.20'1'H.OFF TUSTIN .CM WUEll VIEW -plus Oriental dc.'<.·or. Slide open ceiling. 4511 Camden, Cam. Shores. llAll llEW CAIPETlll - luxurious pale beige. 4 BR. 2 Ba. pricc'Cf below market. 1733 Port Barmouth. $259,900 foe. TWO .... ONGS $279,000 * DOVIR SHOR IS* . Spacious executive home·teaturing 4 br & ~'h ba, pool & a vi.ew of the backbay & Anthony's Pier! This fine residence ts. located lll a very desirous area & priced for immediate sale. Low interest assumable financing available. Call 759-1501 or 752-7373. OCEAN VIEW + POOL *SPYGLASS HILL* This truly magmfic.-ent residence is for those who embrace relaxing luxury as a way of life. This home is completely remodeled & , decorated by noted designer Al Mendez, San Francisco. Featuring imported pavers beginning on the front patio & continuing 1nt.o the entry & thruout the fmly nn. kitchen & breakfast area. Decorated in Mediterranean s tyle w/curved arches, recessed lighting & liberal use of mirrors. The remodeled gourmet kitchen features solid oak cabinetry, Jen-Aire Range. Portuguese tiles & a breakfast nook w/ocean vi~w. Naturally there is a panoramic ocean & night view from LA to Catalana & or course a pool & spa are encl'd in a private courtyrd. This fine home is unmistakably Newport! Priced at $849,900 FEE w/assumable financing. 759-1501. *EXQUISITI* Contract.ors own home!!! Smashing 3 Br home featuring used brick and wrought iron, skylites. atrium, shake roof. and extensive use of mexican pavers. Offered at.-$165,000 w/assumable financing! Call 7141759-1501 or 7141752-7373. •WATIRfRONT HOMI & SLIP* Sensational executive home featuring 4 Br, enonnous living & dining room, 2 fireplaces & room for 55' boat! Only $559.000. FEE with assumable financing. Call 759-1501 or 752-7373. •7'113 DOWN• *IAYCREST* 12~ financing spacious execulive ranch style home in prestige area. This home features 3 brs .. fplc, large lot & fee land!! Lowest price at $240,000. Call 759-1501 or 752-7373 for appointment to view. EST A TE SIZED LOT * CAMIO SHORES• This outstanding exec home features what must be the largest lot In Cameo Shores! Theo rear yrd Ccatures a Japanese garden. waterfall. Kol pond, pool & volleyball crt. in a spacious environment designed for memorable days thruout the year A lge liv rm w /frplc overlooking the pool & gardens exemplifies the open spacious feeling prevalent thruout. A huge kitchen, frml din rm & 4 spacious bdrms including a mstr suite w/blt-in shelves. sunken jacuzzi tub. Offered at $670,000 FEE w/asswnablc financing al 11.75%. 759-1501. * HARIOR HIGHLANDS• Sensationally n>modclc'Cf & decorated 4 br. home featuring swimming pool. bonus rm . skyllte, lush private courtyard, fplc., & assumable financing. Rl'duct-d to $280.000 fC<' For quick sale .... call 759-1501 or 752-7373. * ... RIOR VllW HILLS * Totally remodeled 1ns1dt.> & out this delightful ranch style home featur~ 4 br, 2 frpk11. 3 car garag(\ ocean view & large lot w/cuSlom spa. Pm:cd lo fK'll al f340.000. Low interest assumable financing Call 759·1~1 or 76:l-7;J7!1 1111 •1t1T1 Two b4tdroum hom«" on ST IN BLUFFS I ov .. ntw lot, near S..lboa P14'r. $420,000 BE IAftllW HPUl1 2400 Sq Ft lot iu:rOllll IHT HY. Lovt•ly WOO *"I fl. 3 bdrm. 2' 1 from Nt'wport Harbor Y t.tcht Club. lmth11. r 1m rm, w1dt· art'(lntx•ll, m•ur 8ulldobl(l 1lw. $340,000 ~Mii 011ly si:t5,000 ....... Tll UH. I llHT HPLllll1 Something to 1uit WILL LUii IPTlll. Uood wrnui. By uppt everyone all the way from S200.000 to llTIHIT UTll aar llWI. Now'• the um(• $490.000. Chooeie. to huy.·Wl• hUVl' coc'IJ huya. lea~· opt11in11 IHI 11111 LIHHY1 Lorge two story l'or. lc•ai.t'li. INI 1 I oldl'r home on one ond one half Iota. ' • Gracious living for $387,000 2171 Y11t1 l•lltrtt I Ir I 11 HI0,000 • 2007 l1J1 I Ir I 11 1 Intl I 111,111 •MllOW.1 Two Newport. Blvd st.ores 2147 Yleti ... ,.41 a Ir a 11 Y1 1411,111 plus lge opanmcnt. Just steps t.o Ot-ean 1111 Ylete lei4el a • J~ 11 Y1 t•,IM or Bay . S~49.5oo 21 n Vl1t1 lr1l41 I Ir 2~ 11 Y1. UI0,000, ..... WllTE IULTH, 110. I HELEN B DOWD 2H1 ltwtlff IW., I.I. 1 , • 111·41H IULTlll, •• 144-0ll• llllllTII llUET YIEWI Enjoy the professionally planted yard ond lovely .covered patio with hanging bouganvilla. A beautiful "pride of ownership" home in Harbor View Hilla. 3 Bdrms, CamJly rm.; format.. dinlng area and a breakfast rm. Immaculate thru- toul. Complete security system. $347.000 L.H. (714 \ 673-4400 (113) 621-2121 The Harbor Am's Loncest Establshtd Real Estate Company 1110,111 u--.. 11\4~ Lovely Newport Beach condo with poolside setting and large private patio on lush greenbelt. Excellent assumable fif\ancing. Owner very motivated and will carry second trust deed. Call Sally Shipley ·today for a showing. Only $185,000. IELLEI MITIYATllt Cul-de-sac location. 3-bedroom home with separate quarters for teenagers, mother-In-law, or guests. Terraced yard has patio, koi pond & waterfall. This home is a ''must see" for the family that wants the Newport lifestyle. Divorct! forces sale! Call Joy Holker for a showing. 759-9100 #2C011,_ ... ,._. .. ..,.,.c.... AIANDONID ARTIS CHALIT SACRIFICI PRICI Of $169,900 This English Tudor style home is vacant and waiting for a new owner. It is custom built with many features normally found onJy in hjgher priced properties. Notice the bay window and artistic wooden planter boxes. What you can't see in the picture are the {Ive skylights, used brick entryway, ceramic tile kitchen flooring, secluded patio or the lofts found in each of the large bedrooms. Added l.O that is a spacious family room and three full baths which make this cozy five year old home located only f.¥10 miles from the ocean truly an exceptional value in today's market. For more information. please call 556-7035. IEACH INCOMI PROPIRTY HUNTINGTON HARIOUR Two attract.Ive new triplexes located within walking distance of the ocean and one half block from the proposed Bolsa Chica Marina. These are pride of ownership buildings with superb design and floor plans. All six units are two bedrooms, two and one half baths with wood burning fireplaces and lofts that could t>e converted to an extra bedroom. Vacancv fact.or in this excellent location is almost zero. Available individually at $320,000 each or make the seller an offer on both. Complete financing infonnation available at 556-7035. DIVONWOOD ISTATIS 3500 SQUARE FllT FOR $315,000 This is the much sought after Chelsea Model with five bedrooms and three full baths. For the large family thls home of approximately 3,500 square feet has it all!! The master bedroom suite is particularly enchanting and includes a luxurious sunken oval tub and separate tiled shower. There is a separate family room with wet bar and a 15'x21' bonus room for the kids. This entire residence has been professionally decorated including custom drapes throughout! Formal dining is provided as well as an eating area off the kitchen with decorative ceiling fan. The ~kitchen is a marvel in itself with gas builtins, microwave, trash compact.or and soft water. Cust.om brick work and spa complete the picture perfect back yard. Call us for details on the excellent aaawnable loans or the suprisingly affordable price in todays market. 963-5671. HUNTINGTON HARIOR FORTY-FIVI FOOT IOAT DOCK Charming waterfront Cape Cod located on the boat parade route. Enormous livlng and formal dining rooms face the water. Forty five foot dock accommodates up to a 55' boat. Glass enclosed patio with spacious deck. Terrau.o entryway with·iron security gate. Two large fireplaces. Seller will help finance at 12'1. This exceptional value in waterfront property is offered at $559,000. 963-5671. SURFSIDI CUSTOM HOMI OCIAN AND IAY VllWI • $650,000 This natural cedar and glass home on two large lots offers i~i~le value for \he discriminatina buyer. Three atorles of uncompromwng elegance contains every Imaginable upgrade including oak planked flooring and super plush carpelil'\8. ·Three thousand eight hundred tquare feet are preeented in one of the most unique rloor plana we've teen ln eome time. Of coune the~·· lots of decklng with a cua&orn ape to sink into. The oversize ...... features an automatic opener. Beat or all our owner will finance with onfy 10% down!! This truly la a home that must be seen to be appndated and we would be delighted to make an • .,,,..,. hi for you. M&-70l8. WHlllllH lllH. Charming "Redwood" model -3 BR, 2 Vi b .a t t\ a . d i n I n g a r e a , professionally decorated In apring colors. Lg patio • air conditioned. Community pool, tennla courts & lake. $15~.~00 Fe<!. Donna Godshall. NEWPORT llACH OFFICE 2170 Ian Miguel Drive Newpon llaoll, CA 12HO (714) 71t,1I01 AMERICAN HOME SHIELD "We Protect & Service Things That Service You." WT lllff Supert>tv OMIQned. Five ~· bedroom•. Fa· mlfy room with flreplaca. Bar end barbeq~ In pa. llo are•. Pool and epa. You own tl'le land. 1389, 600. trucks.baby carriages•tea carts'"trikes rol lerskates • walkers•toys •wagons•••• scooters•hot rods*coupes* trallers*hard tops•convert- ibles•motor homes•tawn mowers*limos •corporate headquarters •garden carts Model A's•••• •typlngtables wheelbarrows• recreational vehlcles•gotf carts*model tralns•bikes •pianos• cars refrigerators *skates**• .. • If It's got wheels, you'll move It fastet In a Dally Pilot classlfled ad. Cell 6a·5678 and• friendly ad- Yiter wm help you -.turnyaur .._.stnto cath. •Um• 111m ... Formef' model decofeted In warm .. 11h tOMtl 4 Bdrm & lam rm and more. CIOM to achOoll. ttlopplng, ate. Don't """ 11119 one! 1179,500. Call 97~5370 j \ f >I/, I ti F II C..."1• ••• TR\Dl l 1( )\\I f.(f \I I \ IPll 11 ILi DI ... 1-1 , ••• Nlceat duplex So. of Hwy. Out1tandlna location. Grut .-umable fiMnctnc. 3 br 2 ba + 2br 2 ba, eech w/2 car aaraa•. $435,000. Own..-1.,..i. 676-8370 42a11mm1 Orange Ooatt OAIL'1' PILOTl 8unday, November 7, 19&2 t'I &IDT•••l,.T ... -See thit Saturday & Sunday -. Op•n l lAM .. IJ>M. Prict $215,000 lncJudlna land. A+ ~llkln. a Br + 2 a. + family rm & 2 fireplacea . Rural atmoap .. er•. clott to all auractlon•. Good flnancln1 available or clilcowlt for cuh. Lacac.d off lrvtne Ave at Urd St. near bllckbay • Cherry Lake -2ao'7 hirhdJ Lb. For info call Tam AllJftlon CIC' Twry Hana • IQ.:&200 ..... ---Only &25.000 cs-. Ow· tl9f wilt catry u lanc.. 8kr. 1119) SH·Sl41. (714) H2-0e87 ...... tdaal own•'• unit: Sar 21>e. 2 8r tba. Wtlk lo ttla beaoh. CtoH to afloe>Plng. licoel. C.Ofld Aae&"'f 11u.ooo, .. Y term a lkr 7141711·518' L Orange Oo 11 DAIL. Y Pll01 /Sunday. November 7, 1982 .... ,,, '{., ... ,. .... ,··:~ '"~ .,. ~ttt. .. . PIH! .. .. .~nt. •In .1 • .. .~'"'· P!l!A~~ .. ~111tt!1l11MA~ Alj.'J'~!." ~=~~" Ti..I. ••••• ••••••r.'•••lr.'a ••••••• .:••••••tt•ll lAAOI! 1 ltltfll IPI \;till 6-ft ...... I~ ... ~ JMf l'!!mrt a.&.6 JMI lteNtt ~~ /lfl j ••••••r.ttr:"o••••••••• I•••••••=:-::-:-•••••••••• •••• .!ff. • •••••••• New duplu .... gr11t .......... •• Maan Stfll)'•l\I m ... rn ......... ~; iltJ• .. • ••• rr.• •••• ..'ITI'lr. .. 1m. ····"····TI1'1· .. ... II .. JIM "••I• #.U JIM ••• 11., ... looallon nHr 17lh I)' t ptu• ec:rH MUfltl• 111 OOIAN,f110N.,W1n1er "'8 I ... M liAMO". N '"~:ii '01 Collon l Ir J la Meon111u111 111, t bf t tl/Jf.mff •••••• T••"U n••••••iii••••••;•••• ••ij JMf Ow1111 J 2·11d1m unltl, oldt 2 000 aq fl 1irrn rully tum \1'111 IY .. I IOf I Ir l\Hltll~ fHlllde N\I 1100 ~K hm oo1 18U1mo Y'~ b• frpll, lnO da 111111. I llR l'fOUMt0uplw• ~AfQI , I. 2 8e OW" •• r.~1 ........... 9/0lo ftp tl94,000 AHunil I houae. 'targe berri, g1r, balenc• nl w1n111t Hr 111 o M 1 n ~ d v 1 , Ii 110 <l•u 11u of harbor, 8"0-1201 AJltlt 11nn11, Jeouul, 11un1. :13J t: 21ll SI CM IO e huu111 lr1 qu1e1 compl•• .AvlH now 1 Ir 1 h Hllllllg I tH.100 l•t I 1&.000 down I 1fl41 per •l11t loo 11000/mo seooimo 1 •url "''"·· 31,)r. !ibl. 0c .. 11110111 COlllQ41 3 Ar IWll!'lmlng pool, welk IO 64!1 Hllll 646 lt03 faro• pool gtldln .... down1l11r• apt. daw111r, T 0 1l1rl 110-0664 mo To111prl,.1116.000 BAYJ RON' /Unlurn 002 1100 HCurlly. llUOI, •D• 'bo Plrlln Jll Wint bt8C:h, wlll thOll l•tr!l 1 tlno H71 80-~311. IJUVll¥ pa110 ting•• r. --702 02 1171 ' lran<S MW h0"'41 Hr • . I t80011TIO •OO 7000 uoo'o1mo ~ f Itel :r • 1 3 , 1 2 0 I 0 c. I . I 1176·6940 r•o• No Pll• WI •r l , ~I -d. l'I 8. 0 b I Cl Cl ASTllOf. 3 bdrf'I'\, ' bl, • Mf RAl.0 IAY 3 Br • 876· 1771 I II 0 2 I 2 7 4 fl • 9 4 • mE'etiB,... jl3t.O l•ro• 181 •Pl No p. I d • 4 !I 0 I "'0 anat n .. rttt llHI •·till I l180Qlmo r A room II• 1p1ac:e. 11 1100 •" It ltplc;, 8021918·18 I I oolleol ri" Car"""t, 1iun<1 fac:u ~4~·1000 A0811f 110 • •••••• • ••• .-.-• "'••• •• N llDOI' I ...., "I len<Ad d "" l " '1000/n'IO aaaan1111•m ""' '" " 7 C.M HUQ41 qwiilly ~· I M1i••• II# urn ov..,y • r ylt g .. rir qi• bflcll p1tlo wtln tP• •,1• Clt•tlll '11f .,._,_ I II W Wll'IOl'I 1 .. 1 ... 17 1•111f 3 lrplc. 3 ""· c;opptr ·········'*···········I motill• home '" hCtl end drepn StOO P8l' I I e 0 0 I"' 0 r: .................. ,... 011 lht o .. cn holtt I ••ulltull~ l1nd1caplld ~ t I! , ,. p lk> MOO -IHI APTI. plmb'n9 $ l HK H tu Wiii trad• ltOK tQVllV In IOC•llOI\ w/16' 17SO "'1> ltl end IHI Jilua 2 I :i I 8 1 6 . 21 ti 5 or Hiii fld• ~,.,, view 3 br room apt k1h.n1t11t11 & gMden '"It Poou 81>0 rg ' I •: 6 .'e t e I l llYllf PUOI m•bl• roan 11 12~ Int Ne say•llot•• norm1 '°' VCASAltLtS1ru1n Mo 1400 277 Aob1nh00d l.n l?t·308' co1w11t <11n & mlld'a b 11 , I\ 1urn 1 1 h • d P1110tt<*:k1, No P411• ~~· ,;t ~ • Tl ll.,I I I 7 5 K I 0 I• Ag. n I lrvln• •••• P1IC•d II 10 mo or anort "' m 650 1731 QUiii... llPIC. den. WI· UOO/mo I 1300 dtP OtchelO• 14 tO ----'f 642.eeee. S2811K 1 remodllld 3 Or 111111 9eaulllully tum llW. L-•Ttl• •ec l•mlly llOme, •I~ bar, g11 Deeut turl v1tw UOO w Ocun1ton1. I 8drm "'15 bd upa111t1, plllO deck. • Homey/Pvt 112 O• 2'" 91 I 189K , .... hOtO $14001mO -to VICI Ori• belCh Or• s I • p • I 0 b •• ch N 6 87:1 4104 2250 Vanguaro 640·11028 o-r WIO hoOk·llP CIM • POOi Ip• 1190 l&l.E '' tWllll du• 1991 lntttUlld WAftA~AONt HOMES lnO•IOlblt ltellltl•• MlltO COHiii & whit•· UGatmo 492 18111 So Cer PIH No Ptte • & ac:r .. or belut1lully Undivided •; lnltfHI In p1rt1e• call 846·12ll I 113t-1400 $pa1klll\g 18r lu11ury w111r view 3 Br 3ba. Complttllylurn1tned, 1 br 152Slmo 540.0117 lanO•ctpld 1urrounC1· ~ COMO Full MCUtlly IM· gourmet kllch lte50 1110 d1gt1t OCHn YllW n111r OOHn 1700/mo 88Chelo1• ... ,0 Ing• ~~n~l~~·l~n·~~.~~~oc~n ~ 1111111 ... ITS 1'•/hl cludff a11nttol •Ir, WIO, Dv• 171·11702. IVU lrom 01nlng, l.lvlng, Don Phyflla Sh,111 845·2108 I Bdrm ... eo I rg 1 b<I Apt, W1Mld• • Nr 'wy• & 1hopp1ng Call 7 t41980•24 t t lor Eoilllde Cotta M•u. lta/a,./1 3101 •nd mucn mOrt $595 404·0022 1111<1 Knchtn 3 Ir & Oen. -• 131 6. 18tn f40·t818 eomplotllly 11decoroted, • Qulll lrH ln,o,m.'lon Po1111ve ceah now Ow·.,•••••••••••••••••,••••• JoM 18;)·0Ul6 2 '._ 8'1 lmm1ou11te, BAYFRONT. El.Ollllt t or 101 £.11th "42.01&0 2nd 11001. A1frlg 1385 • Sorr\I no a""• Penl' pt S BA 3 ~ bl I Or l 90 lflPllll, glr.1.P• li2b0t/fl0 No pell I 2 bdrm $9&0/mo _.____ 6•0 4979 (11• .-.. -ner will eicc:honge S200, 1 ' ' ' /Sidi , 3 bd1m. t bl. 110, 1tove & 1et110 t524 673·6031, ownet 080· l 178 dya, 67)-3909 Spiu:toue 2 Br. I 81. Sm • ) '7·1111 Oe1t1 leH frl•lta 000 eqully lor NeViPOrt I OR, l.fO pello, $l200 mo w11hl dry, oar Reta. 61 Al'llll HOO ulll pd tY Ouolell 3 BJ 1!& Bl 2 Qr w/gllr f440/mo 8081 Hbllllnd Cr, H8 wt ucel ren1111. Ill)' B11ch 1Hld1nce Agl, 1 to mo ~3 9060 Oller' 35 No IMll• Av•ll 536-14b3 wlld'fl _ I•• J•I• ... ,-baytronl. w/ 1416. Launorr 1~, poo1 crp111 woter pd 2170 Btwn Slat•rtWar1'9i mg mt No m1ln1 Ow· Miki Crow 845-3 176 CONVENIENl 2 !JR, 1 '" 1211 $0$0 075·5287 "~lllrlal JZ"I 1.! IOOOlmO "r1" Avail 548-9558 12·7PM. 1 .,.e~P~Ultenlle 638·4120 ~ oll Bffeh ner'1 unll wl2 c11 gar Beaullful 3 8, Condo In be. 1199• 10 t>eecn H25 .,, ,, ...., ' , " ,., Terms J Doren. Rltr Fretno tor tale Ot lrtde mo y11)' Avail Nov 16. Htlldo <1upl111 28R IBA '"-••• #l •II Jlfl •••• •••••••••••••••• 1111 lllTUT flt .. •M""''A V-EROE•• 2 Bdrm I Ba u1.1a11111 7S9-<lelll Lindi .,..1 142 5200 6nel git. pelt ok $525 "'•••••••'••••••••••• leaaell .. M OPlll)n 4 bd, 1&,.0ll ll•'Ln EHlll<le se2s $035/mo ..., Condo nur hlblfl/ Many x1ro1 Aaaume 10% · -.. • mo 552-3319 ev1twknd1 Pkl• Oen, 2'"' Ba private 2 1>1. c:ovrd peuo. comm • v "" • 2 Br 1 Ba 1nel1d o•· Newland BalGonr. corn-s GOOD un111, El Sida ~ My equity 124,600 1111rlal ~IJ #.Ir Jiii 18"'0 pool 10$0 497 1857 PllO-ln lltll•T 2 Br 1'~ Ba TownhouM, ra"• m ty """"' tll'""' I ,nlld ood C "' •1 ptHgt1••ff'8•"'•B• •Pa "Imo Agt • n; allbullt·lnt.lndryrm,j 1 .. iz. "'~o.r~~· .. ~. "''"' CM. makt~ sense 11 p • o • • 11 0 or Is ie••••••••••••••••••••• -~ .. • 4 ....... 80 -'IVY "'" ., .... u ok "0 p111 IS"Smo Con .. A. I•-rm. ,.,,,,, In· ..... .,. C 8' I I 171·117• e1rpor1, yerd/balcon,,, ., '-onlv 1S'Mt wn Call now 545·60 tO wkdy1 9·5 rand ""Ink'""' ntw eve-..., _,, • ..,.. 1 • •• • 64"' 2000 Agent no I• Pfl~ only Bkr 549-1366 548-5284 other rywtier"'; 3 t:J:m 2"t 1>1 dry rm oaf HOO mo Br, 28• llomt In L•ke 1 • • email pet OK fBe1ut1lul Eul Cott• Meu CJ ' . Garage. p1110 $1.000 831-1206 Park, comm~1r POOi & UafaralliH 34ZS i ei181. ~•nhont w/ TSl Mgmt 1142·1803 TownhovM. 2 Br I',, 81 2 Br t arpet. urapes, pool Positive c•sh llow, beaut BIG CANYON I mo 607 Iris 641•4868, ---•P• J-03t.OOll 1 •••••••••••••••••••••• lrg Cl.Ck S11001mo yrly - ---wet blf, lrple. yerd. sun 2 1>1ock1 from blflClt aptl>lc1g.Pr1nc1pa1aonly 777·2233,873·4399 -• 38A2'~0A TwC1hae,pr11 llQlllll&LTY Firep11ce,poo1.cll•h· deck lncladgarogewl t01h St 547-4161. S49-9213 agt . 11 AUE V<=ATE ·b --D1a1 l•l•I l,lll ---.:.. Patio, poo1. •P•· gu ... washer. pvl patio X Lg auto' door opener, no 538,111•3 •er 2, .... b• ho"ma. Sid• JAvail 1mme<1. wr & den, 3 ••••••••••••••••• •••• Ill,./•• V/1#• 3111 880. Bacf\ 81y 1925 mo., PIOPEllTY lllllT 01rCJen 1 a 2 er. on El P e t 1 s 8 5 o 1 m 0 - -Sll&llE EtllTY llT ,, ,. HouN • Conllo • A$,)l.,All •••••••••••Uh••••••• 631·3616 . Ill 117• el'de 1400 15t0 $40000 28drm 2811, 1m1 In NewpOJI Beach '10 yard, 3 patloa, 3 car gar. be. s•r. pvt Piiio, ct••'\ • v a 11•bI1 now · Charming MUltlde view. 3 --·_! -657·2S4t, ' S40·Q942 to beach, carport 2 106 unit 50% L. T. v. tu Exchange lor comm'I or I SDS Imo lneludetscf.H $ 8 5 O · $ 9 s O . bdrm. 2 bl. f lrep11c1. 1 Eleg1nct n211bdr nr sck PS1aus75• 2--e;:! •,., B•. 1f1p1 10 lll ,.111 •ta Easts1de 2 Br quiet, new Flo<1da St 960-6420 ahell1t Share eppreci•· lndu1tr1a1 or ? Call Rell req. 7141673" 49 7141493·0467 L•ke prlvll1g11 1776. gar. reno · 1>eaeh, 1806 W BaJboe . , & • • • carpet. garage, yard, -- 11 0 n s so K m 1 n . own• r I b 11' .!Condos, never lived In. Supei t Br 1 81 VIiia, Ev11 2t3-430-~327 '!'"~ 841·264 1 81. 1650 Dolly 876--4030 ' Newly decor Gu pd, pool. no pets 1575/mo 2 br ClupleJl. encl g111. J. 640·5078 Dennis 2t31410·2880 • j lovely view QJ water & couHyara. retired pre-I <Condo In Sallt• Crui. CA -encl gar, 4w1t1r. POOi. Mng1 24S3 "'B" Orange i:oo/~,':~~f.:;;6 01( -1.,1 fll•I• harbor. 2 Br 2 81 Ot 2 1 e, red S 4 2 S / m 0 • 1 ,.001, 3br 2tit. garage, bbQ no pet• 642-5073 Av• 5Y~8~1~10~~s~•I~~ ~,,M8; WHIH ZIOO ~~Ba +huge bonus 173-3313. 493-4803 1wr.,1t leHi JZll lrpl., Piiio 873·7589 Spacious slnglt, ont 1485 2 Bdrm. relrig, pa· Lill IEW -I Br ' Ba Garaen'""APi $30.000 deprec deduc-•••••••••••••••••••••• c ..... ,, lltal... ••1•l•1•1·,·1··,·1• .. •••1•• .. ··•E•• er 1 ·~ be condo nr & two btdroom t10, no pets, adult• pref, • lllllf llW pnva11 potio, lruhly lion lor 1982 $100,000 TUH " ., F i u JI ·z·~ Fairview a Warner pMt t 724·A James, 673·7787 Pl•nled s4ootrno 496-8122 Hal•• rl I• J -38r +Oen. 281. Pool $·650/mo 2 y•• old, W/O l mtn' t Br walk 1n closet. frplc, OM 840-SS04 down. $397 .SOO SP 48r, 2"'18a Condo NEW· M 493•86.,. ••••••••••••••"••••••• STUNNING lat e I 8 631·4518 POAJ RIVIERA. ror 101. arrlef'll -""--Wiiy throw away rent Frplc, wash/dry, BIHn5 Inc• Kld1/p1t poss Ed ~ r <lanwshr. lg patio. POOi. 3 Br 1•, Ba townhOi:i'S;. Condo. hou ••. motor au''lul E·-utive Home when you can own 4-3 2 Palloa. 2 Car gaiage 964·8171 garden apt 710 181h spa, no pets built ins n IE&Oll &llE& 1~'9 PARTIAL ' ~"" B•aulll, Quiel, Green· St. ----, S47S/mo S49-2447 · ew carpel, car home or TO 1·439·~848 I 3 bd, 2 1>1 In Irvine Ter-w/I 1200 to $2000 P•Y· belt Eelulls. 3 br, nr Tennie _ port oll patio 1 ·~ to -race Nr Fashion Island menls, $17SK • $2151<. • Near 18th1Pomone. 1 Br, E/tlde 28r, sep house. beacn SS501mo lal l•t •iallll Newport Center. Le111 move In • take over · SRelr,lg, lm7m20ac0•50s9 7 5o mo. Club. newd 1Y1 oe5c950P,rel. 1 81. downstairs, dla, r r p 1 c Av a 11 now dep 63 l • 7900 Jotvi ~••••••••••••••••••••• $1450/mo 7141873-1700 share app1ee11111on. cell ;~d SY~n(2t3)·798_9604 f'!'j;~ 0 ~ ~· n 1 1 d ';~ eorPort, water pd, 1.chlld $SOS/mo. 2836 Elden. Agont Appro1t 7900 sq It 11v Sue 81 891-55S6 FURNISHED or ok. no pers $400 Agent, S48-8019 ~ -area. ml to beh, lot Bo•HI f•r•lliH '2 Br large yard, 2 blocks ew l>eachlronl home. 3 ~~Ion) 67~ UNFURNISHED no lee 962-0217 3 bdrm, 2'r be llrepla:t DOW VIEW 751t 196. new lux 4-plex ;~·j;;;·;,j;~·f .. "jjiif I Vf4767b5~~;~9. 1850/mo c~~an~· rrri;::~ P~,l:;· ~u~:i Br 4 81. furn 12250/mo, 0.1/ue1 All UTILITIES 2 Br. 1'·• ba, 323 E. 18th •sc:a~c!.'r~r &~.:;:r~: ~~~P:~r~;g a;ag:r'oasr'~. owner's wlseparale ow· ••••••••••••··~··•••••. area. $750 mo. 111, last I unfum $2000. Call Mr• F•rait/11' 3IOO P"ID Hr.1111H St. No pets Gar. 1825 $49S No pets 752-5822 laundry fattlllles 2 blks net's 3 sty. epprox 2600 .......... ,, ...... sn1ws llll & 1ec 963-2778 Long 873·, l90 •••••••••••••••••••••• ,. • UOL . Slerr• Mgml 841-1324 -I 10 Beech Avail 1211 ~:C~~z~,~~~e d~~.c~~~ ab 114 Wl1tet ltnes i BeautJlul Sl>ICIOUI llOme lllFFS EXEC CllllO * * * CLUIS, TDINIS ~ 2 BR 2.81, 1475 312 ll~~e. v;;,rc,,s~:;as I>~~ 1650 536-2056 bar. Ital mrtll enttles. 8 PlH le le •• If•• 15 s1rms. 3 bllhsi l0tmal B••li•fll• 38f +.Oen, 38a, Pool EXCEPTIONAL 2 BO. SWIMMING plus BR 3 .9a w/2 car gar. last mo Ch1kl OK. rels, BHti111to11 mrbl lrplcs. 4 Roman 111t •tOO t • 1MO din "' •m. lom " •m. ' luei JZfO '"'" "-· ~ •"· .,,.,, DEN ONL v FOR fHE _. mo<t! Sony, 1625 •• ,.,. 700·" '8 I "'· "" H a.. ~ ... 2 1 u bs. 41t4 sk yllghts. • • • • t>onus rm. 3 lrploa 3500 •••••••••••••••••••••• Beam cell. wallpaper DISCRIMINATING $750 non.ts, Models or 642-7528 eY1hrknd1 •••• ~!~!'! ••••••• t:":!. Intercoms. central vac W•ltrfre.. ...... t sq 11• •v•ll Jan t5.'83 CLOSE TO BEACH. Brend Pvt patio, lrple, 11200 7 "6 .. D"4 ,.. •lta•lif"I t•ltt• G 12200 to S2SOO Agl ( 14)4 .. ·uvv on.nd•lty9to6. •2Br 28a Near SC. •• HUE I I>• LUA Con<IO, sys. trash comp's, micro. ' Ila hH · new 2 Br beach h<Xill, Sal/Sun 720-0507 r• • C 1 bdrm large prtv bal M d 1 • unfurnflurn 6"44-5043 or 111 ullls paid, skylight, Wkdya 12131 798_9504 * * * Oakwood Pinn. s A Lu1tury on· · · •nt eon au amen llf!f. W/B hk·up, stuccoed Fantastic N Ba"'ronl. 4 Br 720-0702 sun dack. lots ol wood, do wt pool. SS95 No cony Decorator carpets ,$600 mo 962-4914 eaves, 8 garages 13o· '' e1erlron1 4 br, 2 ba dpl>1 ----pets 833·8974 Eves I llove F'1dg., pool, ldry • --deep) Burglar sys. •P· 2 Ba a lamlly rm Short YlAllLY lrple, bll-lns, 2 car gl· A r . "-~ IGardeft Apartments -------For Quiel 1lngle No Pela. lrv111e 3144 prox Inc S6.000 mo. Low term $2000 pr mo. yrly ~ Y' old, eomplettly r~ rage, great loc at 217 ~1~~·1nt:.5~r:.ie~·0~":'."~~ .'r..'.'~!'!J! •• ~!!'!!'.W/'. •Mesa Verde 2 Sr l Ba wster end gas pd $37S . ••••••••••••••••••••t- 111 10•~ down (OAC) $3000 pr mo .-.gt dec.3 8r&denor 4lhBr. Harllord.drlveby&then 86 Ii/HI Newly redec. $495 No mo • 2Brcondo w/pallo,pool. 9 '1t% llnanc. w/approv 673·4062 3 B I le eall S36·7979.. pets S1200. 675·41 pe1s 833-8974 Eves t45 East 18th 84S-2708 spa S665 738-12t5. 5072 Dunbar. Hunl Bch b I , ,fr • frpt, drepes, Ocean view, volley ball ct, wpt Hgts 3 br. 2 bl. 1,.iaul1 3101 970·5111 Mr Webef 846-9501. 841-4152 11/HI er. a app. ger•r· no I le ad $700 •••••••••••••••••••••• t bd, $415 Newly redee, Ba rm 2 '" ba, lrplc i:::::::::I lltHalsll 3lOl• pe1$. Opn Sii 10· 1114 ti9 Hunt1ng1onSt. 2 BA rp .gr ener, "'0· lnterRenrel 28r,pool. 1 O/W, AC, gas & water yard Obi gar , Npt •••••••••••••••••••••• Mar1gold 673-2230 $650, IBA.$500,orrent ' 251 Kno11-St 645-5111 housetobCll$S50 Plays p<I, patio, crprt. pool Heights area S750, ~!l.~'!~.~.t.'.c}. •• .!!~~ sr111nn 111ns 4 Br. baylronl wldock, $1300 entire dpl11 St 12S fesponsJblepertona:28r RE673.•1900 partyrm.Callalt1tAM, S59-500t S4000 mo yrly or $3000 Coll• #n• 3U 4 536-3602 or 661-7622 1 l ba hoUse S600. 2 8d i--ea-r-ly-13-2-5 Smatt'studlO, C 1 s a G ran ad a OCEH YIEW 10 minutes so ot Laguna on Dana Point s moat secluded 1cen1c blufl. like new 2 Br widen, 111ra large puv11e patlO, garage S72Stmo 0:111 661-6441 or M·F. 9·S 643-0210 Drive by to see 11 2 4S83 Santa Clara mo winter Avail now. •••••••••••••••••••••• 28r Condo, t'">BI, epttl I 2be 1600 I a den, lurn. 1 parson only aireel 979· 19I1 contracts. TO's, mort· .l&OllS IEAL.n Aoomy l\ouM w/w CIPll drps, POOi, lac Clbtlae 1800 873-7644 parking utll1 paid 28R l' 1ba, a tw, blllns, To 1oan or purcha5e 2 Br 1 Ba. crpt. drapes bll-101 no pets $440 2272 Mapkl 631 ·2927 gages. real estate PlllPHn UlllllT dcages.Jlltcf\en IPPIS 151S mo 76& 1 STEPS 10 BEACH 675--3063 or d'TS.-9681 lo t IS7S lnanycon<1111on Petsok$375nolastl 4 BDRM St2SO MO Ps!'94'2g9ai·6nc:/'98•s·1 . Brand apanktng clean. 2 Fast Servl08 lll·l1U METRO ALTY Why throw •••Oeeanlront & 191n. _ __,-. ____ • ___ BR 1 Ba. 1 ear gar, no Bob Caustin 662-1162 636-700S cllg when you ca wn 3·3 YRLY 2 BR 2 Ba. lplc:. pa110. 1 ~ Br garage. yard pets ssso mo 286 Bkr may act as prlnclpal .C.•.'."··•"•'•'•'•••••••-3~~t w/11200 to $2000 P•Y· Lovely, immac. comm gar, Wan/dry, awesome. $52St mo wes1s1de Santo Tomas A"I 3 Ir 2 •• m. n t s . $ I 7 s I( • pool & tennll, 546•5704 Winier, $69S Open Sat/ ·1 u.1.,.;,," 641·0763 No pets 6•2·6368 " ---------Great View, Fully Furn 2 F • •d $21S1 SS""' C SI E ARE . Sun 1-• 673-1943 •••••••••••••••••••••• H lllTS I b<I • 3 1>1, $1090/mo rplc. range. yar · ga-• "" LU V A Har-.. t:1a11•I 3102 Redee. I bd, refrlg. Quiet. PINE BLUFF APTS P 9 . 962 6945 rage, no pets. Private liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiir-tbor View home Prolea. Deluxe 2 "r 2 ea rrplc. ·•••• •••••••• •••• •••••• s410 s 19220 riced at 2 x s gross · s7sotmo lst ptus sec E decorated 48A 2eA. 1.,. ... . ee mgr 81 2 8• 2 ea. 1 Br & Lott. OCHIFllOIT , Includes pool tennis I WAIT I steps lo beach. wld, ga-jGarden Grove 2 & 3 W a 11a c1 Ave or Child ok, petTo, view. . ll••r.,rt 1-1ti 3161 only 648 W 18th St ge loll. on 't. acre w/ rage. no pets yearly ~ Bdrm. $42S to $52S 760 8376 courts, 4. yrs new. In •••• ••••••••••••••••• 499-1617 hNoeeudsebyln.DecHunt;t13n·g4tobnr trees Walk to Fashion $750/mo 64S-69S6 all 611i-•696 •--·---· -----',r,opvlec .. delnshcwl d~aherr·.· sOp'1', Oceanside LIDO ISLE • 3 bdrm, lam ---Island, beach, pool a 0~ 111·2311 rm 4 Ba S 1700 mo hslsida condo, 3 br. 2 Beaeh. south ot Adams acnools Gardener Incl. 4PM _ lilhl /dH' 31 YfLU COllOVA lndry rm S6501mo. II llra n ---be, den, lrpkl, 2 car g1· Xlnl refs 96'->0332 evs ,. 'I ., 3122 SPMC 631-6107 Moll e119anl apt. bldg In Laguna Beach. linMt locallon Ill town. breath· taking v-s all bulll.t,.., heated POOi, tub-Qarage, el1v1tor L•••• only 1850 & up KEH ""l OCEANF"'ONT 2 bdrm. r'""" S82S "'•5-688S . • $76194~..fv•ll Jen 111 a.er••• ' ,..,, •••••••••••••••••••••• . n uw-~ 842·0100 lfys """"' •••••••••••••••••••••• Br 2 Ba. nr n-upper Spacious E Siae Apia 4 PLO I Ba $700 mo 8 111 Santa Ana Hts. 3Br, trplc,, I•--------·~..:..:::.:::=:... _____ cean view, l>eautlfully dplJr 1h0rt term or yr'fy Encl ger. patio, dShwtlr a 1 ltattl Fret lt•I P11<:ed II $2t5r $215,000 Grundy, Altr, 67S·616~ big yard . no pa II 3 br 2 bl Huntington Br I 81, nr I> each. furn townhouse Ir pie Could be lurn. 11250 & stove. Mosl ulll free No 2 Br townhMllype con- w1th 15% dn N-f!aed Oeeen lront '"'Y 4 bdrm $650/mo S4&-08t4 Bkr Harbour area. 1700 mo . $650/mo yrly pool & Pll><> S10lo:>lmo utll Agl 673-4082 pets do Cloce to ev~h•ng 330 Cllll Or 494-8083 ,. OK 492 2847 ~·-· llE&ln 673 0896 BA $43S $600/rno Agt 645-~850 rare loan ev•ll at 12'~'1'.. 2 car garage 1n<1 hot tub IEW CArl Oii pell • 1-• eva · -o-lln ... MIT _ · _ _ -Baylronl. L11t1e 1111. 1 BR. 21 person $4'"S Oceanlllew. Uk decorator apt, garage No Lagu• 1 blk 10 bch, no pell. $575 mo 494-1 40 • 644-4311 ....,.,, IU bbtt 675-7850 38R lBA yd W/0 evell rn rs OCEANSIDE OF HWY p1er, 3 story delu11e lrg I · persons ., Br up1111r1. patio deck Aslecbtn Sl,000 2Br 28•, Chit Ha· c.•. TIWll•l 1'·10 lor 1 yrseoo Ill '" lll·11la Allrecl blCh w/WIO, 2Br. lrplc. $1800 mo 2 BR wlgeraoe. wshrldryr Oacoralor perfect. IP•· 1111. Downtown H.B -----$42S mo lH 675 606t 675-3067 s11rtlng at S510 hook-ups. close to So (714) '45-a25 ven area Condo. pool. clous 2 Bdrm, 2~ba, 53 eytlde home, 3200 sq It.. · 1-----------2323 Elden Ave, CM Cs• Ploz1, no pels. SS25 ----------incl linens a dlthes, 1v111 pool, fee. recreation , _____ e.._7_1_0_3 ___ 1 4 Br. 4 ea, large master CHI• JltH 3124 Lge 1 br •Pl. $SSO/mo 642-7605 mo S40·0117 SllOPPI•& CEllTEll 1mmed 1·575-750S area. pvl pallo, balcony 3 Br 2 ea 2 ear garage. sulle wllrplc, 3 ear ga-••••••••• •••••••••••• Washer/dryer No pets. 2 Br 2b•. lrplc. deck. trees. eharm .• ,. blk to T•11r I fenced yard. no pelt 2 b 1 •lips avall Furn • hw11 c1pt1. SJ85 Avail Nov. 20. 675-9378 Lge 1 br upper apt, encl " K Pvt Suite wtsep entren· & lge garage C>eco we I rago. oa ~ · ano up Ene'gereges gar No pets $400 mo ce Frplc, 2 fenced paper. draperies & m0te. 1750 846-829t 12500/~r •S5-2473 2110 Newport Blvd CM Rent or \e•se 3 Br 2 Ba Mesa det Mar area Im· Fo1 condo or home. Palm Sp,,ngs. Orange Co or Hawen Owner wlll carry paper Full Price S57SOOO Agl 644-9S13 £011 1., s.1~ zzoo .............•.•...••• decks $800tmo Incl utll 1995. Ulll pd Call Lovely 4 b<lrm. 2.~ ba. 1.~ wkdaya • 548•4988 parllally lurn, ut1I peld med ooe. Call 7S1·990S & EXCEL FARM FRESH 67S-2311 10 30 to Spm miles from beach All _ET_A_EA ___ l_H_O_M_E_w_/oe_e_a_n., y •• r I y $ 6 s 0 I m 0 MEALS Country setting, ovely 3 mo Owner built Ins, L1tge yard a narbor vu 1.1a1 • 2 CASA IE 1110 642-1334, 8S1·9189 close 10 0 C Alrl)O(I etc. ~(213)541·6 t96 $900 mo 1nelud1ng ger-story home on Chfl Or ALL UTILITIES PAID hrm'g lrge 2 bd, 11, l>a. 1stll1st +securlty.1----------dener 714-960-3369 or Eaen level has own entry. 1 deck lrpl, no pets. no 5S7-6706 /Side. CUii hOUMS 2 l)r 213 •s 1-7141 klteh•A, library, frp"" a I .., -· "' Comp••• l>elore you , gar. l,,dry S850 325'" _2_B_ oc-e -an--2-,.,-b-a-& 1 br, w/while picket •--...--------• gorgeous vu Ole/home rent Custom design , Grand Canal 673-4200 Br p, Ba Newer lnhse, no pets $49S/mo 1916 Wallace 102 831·367t -----Eastslde Bachelor r vu. · rences. S6&01mo a l'l lYAJLAllf "'' or ahared 11v1ng Hu~E spai;1ou1 Npl Crest. S450t'mo 64S-9fl28 Spo111s11 2Br. 1'h8a S 19SO/mo 00" ok leaturea Pool. bbq. trg Br I Ba vltw of So • S 1000 turn $900/mo f " cov'ra gerage. surroOf)· · · 0 CE A II YI E W unlurn Bkr Tom Goll* astst<le hOUM 2 Br plus twnhse, frptc. enclosed 752·2197 R & H Invest· <led with plush l•ndJta· Bay. no gar $760 & ulll Beamed cetl1ngs p1110 ta1ge bllh. kitchen, u1111 paid $350/mo No '*" 7S2·2550 64s-9200 Cle n . 2 ea 1rp1 c yd. 111echld 2 ear gar . .__me_n_I•_______ ping No pell yrly Agt 673-3474 LOTS ..!----------• $635/mo. 873· 1734 c:lbhM. pool, Jae. Xlnt So 11elu11ve WHtClllf Villa, 1 BR Furn • SS 15 2 BR 1 •, ba, sundecll w1ih 1 L.,i lf 2 114r•, 1 Ila Ht1111 UalarailiH .M Doll Hou11, 38A H 8 loci. $550 mo. Dover Or, m1S1er s.ulle ._3_6_s_w_._w_11s_o_n_8_4_2_-_1_91_1_ view $700 mo yrly 119'h Upper unll '"' renl Built In San Juan Capistrano. •••••••••••••••••••••• 964-8346 964-6346 11 1 2 8 2 88 ........, .-Emerald ins, carpets. drapes, no $188,000 Call broker tor 28A, n-pilot lnalda & •---------w rpc, r. · """"' 11rWPOllT YILWE pets, 1 child ok. S500 Shara lu11uriou1 ocean-Beach Cotttge, qu1e1 per· jacuzzi etc 11100/mo -I L-· dllalls lronl home with Newl)Ort ~~·p~rr:. '~~~np~'l '~e~O 1on $450 + utlls NO 573.33'13 of 87S·3103 ltuflftll la•4tCl•t I _. mo 7 8 O. O 7 3 4 ' or (7l4166l-0305 8eaoh E11eeullve. On n.ta. 960-0587 Gas, Weter Pa.kl Patios l1ai•1•l• 3101 831•4402 Gert S d ... -~f I t mo 1st. last a see 2224 ,_...-_________ SO mo 28r, 28a. Chit r ••••••••••••••••••••• --------Hlsperla Lot too >I 18S an tn ·--""" s 1015 Rallegh 646-6S10 ON THE SANO Haven ArN Condo, 1v1JI w/pool. Jaeutrl aaunu. b<lrm, 2 ba newer dplx 1 Bdrm $425/mo Carpor1 u111 S9 .000 term 8e11Ct1Aree S600mo Br 28• nearFllrvlew& Vu or O<:n 28r t·~ bl, lmmed lit & lest+ 11nnl1 courts, volle)'b•ll yrly M111ure non-1mkrs. & leundry lac11 Call Stu -64_5-_768_5_flV_ea_. ___ , ____ 63_•_-ee_7_8 ___ 1 Paularlno, $700/mo guard gate. pool, Huna. $1200 d t-S75-7SOS courts. Recra1110n room I no pets $650 X 3 1-497-2338 or S40-36e6 NICE IEHCH '-atfll 1ZOZ 540-0381 g Y"'. I 8 0 0 Imo ep. ~Jr 1 bd, furnl1htld. S430 2131799·•19S. 267-9792 llSTUT Ila •••••••••••••••••••••• i-----------2 13I 333-3 8 4 e o' HE PAEMIE-R Ha1t>or Cao SS7-0075 Ot (7 t4) 873·3988 S400·S4151mo 2 Br 1 E'SIH CIST& IEIA IEITALS to2-1291 3R1d8geLvt.wl home, moes"' 8~, ~Br lurn-cottage. 295 ft~· ... ~ .. ··~ re-s-vac1nt tree lined lot a. eu remon "' no pe11 very P•lvlte ""-"""'""""'· Ba pOOlsl<le apt leundry r:r5~oogw~~~m~~:11~~!: ;~a~~-:~ly·W•nler. 2. L!.c!!~ ~:~~omo~alcony. :a:!~:,~w $3,000 mo ~~~Sa l=d~ ... ~~~~~ Isl ~~~dllb~~ ::;:onio~ll~a ~pCl:e~~si~.~ Westminster & Flower SI. JAClll IUL n 0 '°' ltaae or lease 842-7042 Say, Apt 9 rent deposit req Cell 64S·662S PllP option 2 bd, 2 ba /a.T I WISTOLlff lllYI 90, auraeuve turn apt 39S 1 Br dplx Ulll ...., TSL Mgmt 642· 1803 SS6-9283 lUSf _.,, I Lrg Pillo. nar Mature. ""' N ly 1 t 3 BA • 417 E Bew Ave, Balboa Mesa Verde. sharp ups-.lu.E.EIT '1250 mn pymt 1400 ear new a ory qu1e1. no sharing. No ' 8 e .E•a -11r ..... · Pen, No pels 547· I t55 lairs, 2 R 2 a. bttns. -H s mo toward purehaH and library 2,8SO sq.ft. pets 2234 A Rutgers Or. d ... rt lal lstatt 171-1172 lmmac 3 Bdrm, lrg la· price t yr. No quallfylng Exacutlv1 home. on fee c M 1213) 4S4-5104 1chelor Yearly rental. new cplS, encl .oar. In ry D'81 l•i•I 3126: o e e 11 n . No end •••••••••••••••••••••• • $92ftl mo tncl utfL OCEU YIEW 640·S629 From Dana Point's most Stu-d-,-0-c-10-1-,-10-.,-1-1-cil- tecluded scenic blull S400tmo · lllle new• Only 4 units. 2 494-3672 Br widen )Cira lrg pnv•te __ -----p1110 From $725/mo OCEAN VIEW APT. n Call 661·6441 or M·F $Ide deluu 2 Br 2""' l ·S. 6•3·0212 Onve tly tieamed ee1hng pool, t\o 10 see 24S83 Santa Clara pets $775 494-1375 1 Super neal 1 Br V1ll1, 1 18r •Pt. No Laguna, t Ba. 11n111 & col')', pnv11e lse $450 mo + aec 1400/mo 673-3313. 497-S382 493-0803 tor lu<nlsl\e<ll rL·-.-••• -,-.. -;.-.-.-1-11--2 l&YFIOIT ••'•••••••'••••••••• • 3 bdrms 2 ba sandy On Goll Co11rse. w •t beech xln1 eond. Mon-Nine Condo 2 B.R 2bll 2 lhly or yrly s 1500 per Mo ear gar w/opnr Wa~I Owner 644-9St3 dryer Lower unit wt ---patio redtcoreteel BHtiaslo• 172Slmo 7t4/710·1950 ••• ~!! •••••••••• I.~~! ~!!!r.!!. ~f ~ ••• 11!! MUlllH WW NO FEEi Apt & Condo lfO 2 BR townhouie rental• Villa Aenlats. apta, encl g1r, lrplC. Near I 675-4912 Broker Hunt Htbr from SS45 ·~ Block to beach, 28r, Children OK. 840-6807 brlgnt a 11ry 167S 11\0. WARNER VILLA. 2 bd, 2 l-"-y1_1Y_96_8·_8_2_63 ___ _ be, Condo. lrpl. dW, P•· IOE&IFllOllT I I o · Po o I • S 6 0 0 · 3 bdr. 2 ba ger. gr111 213/570·0036 loe Wtnter •·~·~ liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil mllw rm, bll, 2 lrp1c:1. 13000 d~. 2"8r, 28a, lend H"'hl'-u""raded by 1 d .. 3401 201 rm. no pe1s. $575 mo. _... ' i _._ v~.. " 'V ' "" 37"' DI bll · utls P•• ~ mo Call S~O-I 158 all 6, (1141 '45-alS lormal din no rm. glf..,.... huge lot. lmmecl oecu-prolea1lon11 decorator. " mo • mo e I £ e 1 11> 0 a BI v d 979•3148. ask 101 Pam ALI( TO BEACH· 1 Br HOMES FOR RENT n8' 1st,last&sec dep paney Pv1Pty.847·4788 HCUrlty syallm, pool hOme NO peta Quiet, 67S-9S62 646·13t9 llOVe 8 1efrlge 81enelor, gr111 loc. req'd No pell Avall Ind ape For Ille. teaae. secure 199 I Newport 1-----·------28r, 1•,ea. wn1s1de. like $400/mo 536-7979 ye1r'fy 12/ 1 540-85g7 $1000 B I °'!use option Ready to Slvd 646-8373 eR 2 81 ger. fplC, new new $475 mo l-A_L_l<_T_O_B_E_A_C_H_.-8-a--·r TSL ..... 142-1111 HCHllH 80 acres. 4 legal parcels. water. elllc1rle Wld roads Borders San Marcos end Etcondldo Many t>eaull- lul nome sites A path of current development SS,000 per acre. 1erm1 744·4081 •EL TORO• $700 •MISSION VIEJO• H7S-S700 · ••I •II•• <11111 Call age nu 11 Beaut E ..... ,-1 Br ~0 bldg. micro. Im med 5s 7.698s rg 4 Br 2 81 2 ear gar. .llH•I 3242 646 5092 """ ~ 075-4912 bkr chelor, atove a refrlge. 2 er. 2 ea rrom 15~. No enel.baokyerd,ecc»nto •••••••••••••••••••••• " Utll p<I Pvt & lrg 3 br. 1'°' ba bll·lnl, gar,, Qll 8 water pai d petS Acron trom New- pool, compl. rldecora-o· dock, patio, dee~. 4 646-4631 C•ro•• ''' #11 11Z2 erp11 Child OK No pe11 $32S/mo 536-7979 port 8ffct1 Golf Cou••. tld. S750/mo 646-1824 B<lr 2 81. 3 car garage. Npt Hg11 21>rl2bl '800 •••••••••••••••••••••• 1595 Call all Spm, 1 BR 1 Ba. ell 11111 pd,••· S45-485S Nr ocean_ 3 br, 2 l>a. lrl· owner. 213/S92-4905 E/Blulf 2br/2be S800 Hli•fll• snn Tl IOl.ll I 548-1058 cept etec Cpls, Clrps 1--------- lease option Npt Crest 21>r/2'~ba t.Hi 1140 urge 3 Br 3 Ba many 1· ' d ~... 01w nas ran,,.. refrlg W1ml HIT&U •YORBA LINDA• S67S level condo. yara. pool, 1---.;.._ ______ $950 Ferguson·Hehn •••••••••••••••••• .. •• amenities. 11175 Call 2 Br 1 , Ba slu lo . .,.,..., · • •-· · 3 & 4 Br CIOle to weter. tennis el. gar S8501mo lniH 3244 642-1183 ''' IEIEIYI m Antnony daw• 642-6757, c;.,porl. pvt patio, ellll· MC gate. Spa<: pafk·ltke lurn & unlurn, rNtone· •CHILDREN• lm,ned. 673-0672 •••••••••••••••••••••• 1-----------, dren OK No Piii l47S Mtllng. pool, Jae. aeun1. HITA&.$ "IWIH B•&ulllul a perk ltke With l-eve_...,•_&_wk_nd...,•_63~1-·6630~-· 848·18~4 . balcony, 2 pkg places, ~~-s.:~~;nen1t1e1. Broker •... ,,;., "'"''' 1.,.,, Z400 E'11de 3 BR lb•. tam rm, lge g1r, 1700/mo No peu 2 t 2 LI Ill an. 642~366 2 to 4 bdrm•. 1tarllng •I 4 Bdr, 3 B• home w/ t11r1ced pool. ' he Snoret In b111ulllul 1385 1 Br pool, 1 pet1on. no Pll• $450 "'° VIiia , _________ _ $795 to 12 () pool. Ir vine Terrace •s~clou1 Apll Corona Clel Mer h11 no ,..1s W1m1r, Com•r of Eel· t blk to Beh Lo-2 Br. ··················••·· FOR RENT! VIWIE llYESTMEITS BA, 2'~ bl. lplC, wld l retr. dbl 0•1, $750 Agf 646·43e0. 645-4785 2 be<lroom. 2 beth• a 2 1toria In Twin Pelk1 in lake ArrowhHd .,.. Mesa Verde 3 Br 2 Ba HH bullt-lns & fireplace (714)141-2• lamhy room. no P•I• F'lrll, IHI & deposit r• 1--A·G·E·N·T···NO-·F'·EE--4-se_so_1-:mo:-:-:::-::64:-:4:-::·:::1':'83_8 __ ~ u I red Ca II ( 7 1 4) •---------• EASTSIOE 111 -0 286 or (71 4 ) lllTAU . UITAU 3 br, 2 ba. lge houM, 2 ,51tt,. • ...,..L .__ 067-0857 ~day eve-CdM/NBICM HOMES lrplet, lge tard 1850 mo. '1'-"""'>llll~I" .... nlnge atter 8 p.m. II no F' 63 t-3091 759 953 I answer. pleaa1 keep MOIY' No 1"· M. •rout· · • 'TUhTlE AOCK Prvl Jae.t, lrytngt on-Hehn RE &42·_1 t83 2 Br 1 Ba. S•SO No doO•· 3 b<I, 2 ba, dbl g1r: fem, VIEW lOT. CIOM 10 lak". ICIHllll•d Adi •r• lh• 8 4 5 v I et 0 r I•. ' , 0. living, & dining rm•, F'rpl: 11,.ama •nd Mii llft. Ow· an1w1r 10 a 1ucc111lul &41·9124' P r o I d e c o r • 1 • d . nll financing. 189.SOO. g11t1ge or yer<l Niil 11'1 I Newport Riviera Fmly $ t200/mo. Avall l2l 1. Agt. June L~k• Prop better way to tetl mo<• Conelo. 3 bd. 2'" bl, 2 1_64_e_._2_i.,..s3_. _____ _ 714164•7505 l*>Ptel ear oar. pool, t1nnl1 No Wall\\ll Sq., 2 Br lwnhae 1100,ooa 1e1m Seller with $900K equity will ex~banle L.AGUNA BEACH mini et\ate with vl~w & pool on 2 loll! .. plut SUN V AJ..t..EV wnnls estate & suest cottage for South Oran.it County oceanfron t with bcarh accrtl· Pell $750 1144-2502 Pren O. evell now. 2 BR HOUM & Oupte.c 1825/mo 833-75 t9 333 E 2 Ill St CM eves/ wkn<11. 762·1800 1o.n..-m d_vt ___ • -..,,-·---~ 645-8103 845·1840 Br 2·~ Ba townhome, Efl111de 2 Br quiet. lllW ca1p11. 111r1g•. ~trd , PQOI, no p111 $575/mo Mngr 2453 "8 " Orenge Ave. I ' 1800 If . AfC. Qlf, fam '"'· pool, upgr~. Im· med oec aeo&. eet-t543 • prime loeallon, OIJISlan. •Puv111 Petloa oewly relurblatled t & 2 ,....325 J 171h Pt WI rd I 6 WI r tf er . din, 2 ba. yrly, bltlna, ding view ol harbor & •Cov.,ed Parking bdrm ap1a from ISSO & 646_6137 I lAM·7PM 714-193-3243 relrig $700. 875-8839. ~~1.n12~30oo::~~ll~:1: !~n~~:S.ti up lor rent Call Helen 1.L_ge_newt __ y_d_ec_._2_8'_w_/_g_•_' B•llli•fl•• ll••tl•flo• 2121572-4230 <lys •Home llke1(i1i;nen1 1- 0-'b-'°"--64-4---211- 1 - 1 ---Central 11ea. no p111 l••ti 3140 lt«j 1140 ot le11e beckbay 2 Br, den lmmec Move In now $900/mo Rae A<>dger1, agt 631-1266 1 blk to Huntington Loft type 18r aludlo $475. shown S1llSun •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• Cenlff, l••n1P0111t1on & Sunny, ulll pd 132S. call 7 1 4 / 1 5 3 • o 7 1 9 a 6STCLIFF. 3 BA, 2 Be, neutrel tones, 1800 sq 11. Close lo KhOOla 11200 mo Agl. Lit, 842·5200 Br Shingled Co11•g•. CIOM 10 bell. 1550 mo yrty, Ulll lncl'd. 842-3811 am11tw1 I 8lk to ooetin: 38r. 281 Lido ~ct• COf'l'lfTI pool S 1200 to S t 400 mo pymt 1111.000 1400 "'o lower• purcff ... pr-13900 <In. ~ P1y 147--47M lt..Wt llwftlc LI•~ IPIOIOUI ClupllK 1'" bdrm• ~1c & apen, "' •nopp1n1 8t•P• to bt •oh. Y••rly 114/tl6·1U2 coll or wtlncll t7M170 frwya • 120·0800 Sun ev, all 640•6181 IT1UTlll fllll 1_.,._on _______ -------- 1 8<1rm From 161& 4 8' 2'it 81. 2·11l' In reer, PALM MESA APTS 1S61 MIN Dr 2 Bdrm M15 In old CdM 900/mo 1400 Unlorn 1 er. LA QUINTA HERMOSA yrty A\tlll 1111 •can btwn 9.4 &46-9880 11211 Pltll•lde "'"· 1 bfk ,,. ... , 11uLn w of Beach, 3 blkl s an .... -of Edingel .847·S441 PllPI '" I Br Studio w/bath, no kllcllen. $27S/mo. 631-5199 * S425tmo up. 1 er. un-1---ll_l_·_t_n_a~~­ furn & furn. pool, •pa. I Br so ol nwy, bullt-lnt, 1 BEAUTIFUL 2 8' 2 81 11992 F'IOfl<ll 642-2834, belmld cetllng, gerage. Frple, encl gar. choice 842·3172 1 per1on 1550tmo a111. 1dl1t pr-.t •&75 t65·M41 3094 M&ee WIF'tdeo f11.~!f.'1:t!.t .. 1J.ff 1 ., .. 408\\ Acacl• 250i""W Sunllower F'·I Luxury ltudlo, Ir" HBO. 3Br 2b•. ocun view, Open SUll 1·• 2 bdnn, 2 pllont. maid MtV, ~ 111i/..-o. ~7Ma CPI i.-y conclO "60. t130 wtt 4ft-3015 · -e 111 Co 11 e ct -------1 8• 11p, qu1•1. new 2 3 274 3&e9 Magni!~ OCMf'lront 2 crpt1/drp1. t Clock 1 • ·------• & 4 t>r 11nlt1, e1oh oceen. •.nclad 1er•e• 2""bdrm. 11~ .,._It,.._, lt350tmo •t7·2042 seal/mo 815-lllt' gar. n o p111 SOIS ...,_ ..,., 1711 1eiHkii.",leo ot ti_wy_N_ioe_ 648·7610 tt'e-.nl!•••••:"e••••H• "''°· no kllotl Avail Im· 2 Br. 1 Ba EHlll~, quiet OC!A~ 0411 2_. Br mecs. 1310 Incl utll, or neighborhood, no P9'•. 'I: w H II or mo n In . S3H .w0., tTS-341 e n .. r 1C1hC10I• "'5011t10 • 3-111S I ....... 831·1115 ..... w .......... ..... ~~~~I. '!LhL•::.: ..... tw•••u ---'."~~~~~~~~~I uUt ~r 1 fH.'1110 r=. a:-.~,:r-)? ... cttn. ~~ ..... '*' '"° No ..... M0-11)1, ,... 8ftd .,... • .:. Mtclf\ 1, 100 mo a ..: oc"'""'°"T i.e-3 •. Pl' mo Qpen' Detly. 411 w .. ,. • ... "*'*""·no.... .... 1111.n """'-Ave U1·Ml1 WMtlr lllO IWc, (lte) ft1 .. ., • Kennebunkport? Wasn't he the Ambassador from Australta under Teddy Roosevelt? IK..1 0.._ HOUSES FOR SALE 1 M ptue ,AM RM ot DIN 31132 Holly, South Laguna 499-1800 a..34,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2 BIDROOM 253 Monte Vista, Baycllfl, San Clem. 492-4663 $92,000 Sun 1-4:30 611 Iris, Corona del Mar 675-5511 $198,500 Sun 1-5 304 N. Waverly, Orange. 759-9100 $96,500 Sun 1-5 3 Aue Fontainebleau (Big Cyn) NB 759-9100 $395,000 Sun 1-5 2308 Cllfl Dr. (Nwpt Hgts) NB 6<42-5200 $359,500 Sun 1-4 2 BR plus FAM RM or DEN #7 Aue Canne (Big Cyn) N.B. 760-8333 $450,000 Sun 1-5 10<4 Palermo. Lido, N.S. 631-14.00 $439,000 Sun 1-5 *992 Bayside Cove West, N.B. 631-1400 $487,500 Sun 1-5 43 Beachcomber (Jasmn Ck) CdM 6'45-0303 $350,000 Sun 1-5 66<4 W. Wiison, Costa Mesa 645-0303 $1 20 ,000 Sun 1-5 20 Aue Grano Ducal, Big Cyn, NB 644-9060 $399,500 Sun 1-5 #3 Rue Fontainebleau (Bg Cyn) NB 640-9333 $395,000 Sun 1-5 10 Balboa Coves. Newport Beach 6'4<4-6200 $495.000 Sa 11-6/Sn 11-7 * 1 Pandora (Irvine Groves) Irv. 642-5200 S 138,500 Sun 1-5 1577 E. Ocean, Peninsula Point 631-1400 $344,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 1718 Port Westbourne (HVHm) N.B. 6'40-8529 $216,000 Sat/Sun t-5 461 E. 20th St (Eastside) CM 645-0303 $199,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 • 621 Lido Park Or., Lido Peninsula 631-1400 $560,000 Sat 1-5 * 19 Curl Or, Jasmine Crk, Vu, CdM 640-1515/1-728-5151 Sat/Sun 12-5 3 BEDROOM 233 161h Pl. (Newport Hgts) NB 644-6~00 $169,000 Sun 1-5 2209 Private Rd., Newport Beach 6'44-6200 $265,000 Sun 1-5 1341 Conway, Costa Mesa 540-0450 $125,000 Sa 9-5/Sn 12-5 1543 Serenade Terr. (Irv. Terr) CdM 644-~910 $320,000-Fee Sat/Sun 1-5 3 Woodland (Woodbridge) Irvine 6«-6200 $1 55,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 12102 Faye Ave., Garden Grove 759-9100 $115.000 Sun 1-5 307 1 Platte Dr .. Costa Mesa 751-5418 $127 .000 Sat/Sun 1-5 7 Rue Chateau Royal (Big Cyn) NB 644-5116 $665,000 Sun 1-5 11 Rue Verte, Big Cyn, Npt Beach 213/470-2880 $499,500 Sat/Sun 11-6 3 Kensington (Harbor Ridge) 752-1414 $510,000 Sat 1-5 2619 Way Ln., China Cove, CdM 759-9100 $3'79,500 Sun 1-5 1411 Kings Ad. (Cliff Haven) NB 642-5200 $525,000-fee Sun 1-5 **32 15 Ocean Bl., CdM 6'44-6200 $1 ,295.000 Sat/Sun 2-5 **3<415 Ocean Blvd .. CdM 760-1900 $1,250,000 Sun 1-4 •204 Via Eboll (Lido Isle) NB 673-7300 $550,000 Sun 1-4 1101 Debra, Costa Mesa 546-2313 S 195,000 Sun 1-4 314 Marigold, Corona del Mar 631-1400 $669,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 * •603 36th St, nr Lido VIII.. NB 673-6776 $595,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2119 Vista Laredo, Bluffs 631-1400 $230,000 1961 San Bruno, Bluffs 631-1400 $150,520 416-416'h Carnation, CdM 673-6900 $569,000 Sat 1-5 Sat 1-5 Sat 1-5 408 10th St., Huntington Beach 963--6767 $169,600 Sa 2-5/Su 1-5 **354 62nd St., Newport Beach 963-6767 $199,500 Sun 12-4 I M plu1 FAM RM or D£N 321 Klnga Road, Cllffhaven, NB 650-1718 Sun 1-5 2718 San Carlos Ln(M ... del Mar)CM 754-6284 $134,500 Sun-1-5 •a Monterey Cir. (Spyglau Hiii) NB 831-7 50,000 Sun 1-4:30 **104.4 Polerle Or. (Dover Shores) NB 831-7300 1395,000 Sun 1-4:30 * 1211 Klng1 Road (CllH Haven) NB 831-7300 $395,000 Sun 1·4:30 22072 SUun Ln., Hunt. Beecfll 540-7877 1184,900 Sun 12·4 2901 "atbor View Or (HrbtVuHle) NB 7ec>-8333 1988,000 Sun 1·5 1211 K ... Or. (Hrbr Vu Hie) NB 83.1·12M 13tt,OOO Sun 1·5 120 lhorecllff Ad .• CdM l44-e200 1432,000 sun 2~a DIRECTORY 290 1 Catalpa (E.blull) NB 6<4 4-6200 $225,000 Sun 1-5 1905 Yacht Resolute, Newport Bch 759-0619 Sun 1·5 * 15 Cermet Bay Or, Spyglass, CdM 644-9060 $59!\,000 Sun 1-5 616 Marigold, Corona del Mar 675-5511 $340.000 Sun 1-5 66 1 Virginia Park Dr, Laguna Bch 631-1400 •$319,000 Sun 1-5 502 I Street, Peninsula Point 631-1400 $395,000 Sun 1·5 2298 Redlal\dS Drive, 'Beck Bay 631-1<100 $248,500 Sun 1-5 3 BR plus FAM RM or DEN •426 E. Flower. Eastslde, CM 645-4 707 $195,000 Sat/Sun 12-5 218 Via Koron (Lido Isle) NB 644-9060 S43o,ooo· 2611 Clrcle Or. (Bayshores) NB 645-6218 $269,000-L/H 3069 Glbrafter, Mesa Verde, C.M. Sun 1·5 Sun 1-4 545-2883 $127,900 Sat 2-5/Sn 1-4 1218 Key West (HVH) CdM 644-4910 $299,500-L/H •2007 Holiday Rd. Npt Beach Sun 1-5 631-1266 $275,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1301 Dolphln Terr. (Irv. Terr) NB 631-7300 $985,000 Sat/Sun 1-4:30 1036 Polaris Or., Newp.0rt Bch 759-9100 $899,000 •2001 Galatea Terrace. CdM 646-7171 $995,000 128 26th St .. Balboa, Nwpt Beach Sun 1-5 Sun 1-5 759-9100 $369,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 120 Shoreclifl Rd. 644-6200 $432,000 Sat 2-5 1607 Cornwall (Westcllff) NB 642-5200 $289,500 Sun 1-5 * •301 N. Star (Dover Shrs) NB 642-5200 $450,000-L/H Sun 1-5 * 1901 Galatea Terr .. CdM 644-6200 $795,000-Fee Sat/Sun 1-5 2307 Fairhlfl Ln. (Backbay) NB 644-6200 $215,000 Sat/Sun 11-5 * * 1621 Bayside, Corona del Mar 760-8333 $1.395,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 •2094 Balmoral, Costa Mesa 642-1603 $147,000 101 Via Genoa (Lido Isle) N.B. Sun 1-4 673-7300 $895,000 Sun 12-4:30. 699 Joann, Costa Mesa 546-2313 $124,900 Sun 1-4 3201 Montana, Costa Mesa 546-2313 $149,900 Sun 10-1:30 1824 Port Stirling Pl., CdM 646-7171 $209,900-fee Sat/Sun 1-5 2268 Golden Cr., Newport Beach 646-7171 $255,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2131 Aatefgh, Costa Mesa 548-7174 $119,500 Sun 1-4 4 BEDROOM 405 Vista Grande (Bluffs) NB 644-6200 $198,000-LH Sn 1:30-4:30 2762 Circle Or. (Bayshores) NB 644-6200 $395.000-Fee Sun 2-4:30 19122 Biddle, Turtlerock. Irv. 759-1501 $208,000 Sun 12:30-4:30 2047 So. Capella (Mesa Verde) CM 645-0303 $179.000 Sun 1-5 * * 1024 E. Balboa Blvd., Penln Pt. 631-1400 $1 .450,000 Sun 1-5 8848 Salmon. Huntington Beach 963-6767 $164,500 Sun 12-4 4 BA plus FAM RM or DEN 2706 Lighthouse (HVHls) CdM 675-6000 $429,000 Sun 1-5 •357 1 Myrtle (College Pk) Irv. 645-9161 $179,000 Sun 12·5 * 19 Royal St George (Big Cyn) NB 760-8333 $775,000 Sun 1-5 315 Calle Oellcada. San Clemente 492-2100 $265,000 Sun 1-5 1576 E. Ocean Blvd.(Batboa Penln)NB 631-7300 S-460,000 Sun 1-4:30 11 Carmel Bay Or. (Spygls Hiii) NB 631-7300 $625,000 Sun 1-4:30 1400 Nottingham Road (Westcflff) NB 631-7300 $356,000 Sun 1-4:30 1115 Highland Or. (Westclllf) NB 631-7300 $300,000 Suo 1-4:30 1944 Flamingo Dr. (Mesa Verde) CM 631-7300 $245,000 Sun 1·4:30 1845 Port Ashley (Hrbr-Vu Hms) 760,8333 $339,000 Sun 1-5 * 1840 Tradewlnds, Baycreat, N.B. 644·9060 ~59,600 Sun 1-5 # 14 Monterey Cr .. SpygleH, CdM 845-3178 $359,500 Sun 3-5 434 S.Oonla, Corona def Mar 644-1211 t5SO,OOO Set/Sun 12-4 49 Monteclto, 8PYa!Ma, N.8. 759-1501 IM•~eoo Sun , .. *4512 Roxbury Rd (Cameo Shrs) CdM 760-1734 5595,000 ~at/Sun 12-6 **2616 Bayshore Or. (Bayshote) NB 644-9060 $1,750,000-Fee Sun 1-4 •4626 Roxbury Rd , Cameo Shrs, CdM 759· 1501 $670,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 *3 165 Bermuda (Mesa Verde) CM 631-1266 $155,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1118 Somerse.t Ln. (Westclllf) NB 631-7300 $475,000 Sat/Sun 1-4.30 • * •542 Hrbr Isl. Or.(Prom.Bay)NB 759-9100 $1 ,200,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 . 232 Goldenrod (Old CdM) CdM 673-8494 $535,000 Sun 1-5 133 Via Undlne (Lido Isle) NB 644-9060 Sun 1-5 1742 Cantella Pl .. Newport Bch 759-9100 $285,000 Sat 1-5 1635 Reef View Cir .. CdM 759-9100 $625,000 Sun 1-5 * 1'715 Galatea Terr(lrv.Terr)CdM 644-9060 $445,000 Sun 1-5 * 14 Burning Tree Rd. (Big Cyn) NB 644-4910 ~95.000-Fee Sun 1-5 . ... 213 Diamond, Balboa Island 644-4910 $595,000-Fee Sat/Sun 1-5 1152 Kingston St., Costa Mesa 546-2313 $230,000 Sun 12:30-4 434 Begonia, Corona del Mar 644-1211 S5~oo_o __ Sun 12-4 2901 Harbor View Or (HVHls) CdM 673-7761 $550,000-fee Sun 1-5 1733 Port Barmouth (HVHms) NB 673-7761 $259,900-fee Sun 1-5 .. 451 1 Camden (Cameo Shores) CdM 673-7761 $825,000-fee Sun 1-5 •8 Oakmont (Big Canyon) NB 673-7761 $1 ,295,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 18891 Antioch (Trtlrk) Irv 552-7500 $235,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 * •633 Bayside Or. (Prom. Bay) NB 644-9060 $1 , 100,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 * 1812 Port Stirflng (HrbrVuHms) NB 760-8333 $375,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 4 Narbonne (Hrbr Rdg) NB 644-6200 $1.695,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 ~4 Trafalgar (Hrbr Rdg) NB 760-8333 $1,759,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 11 San Sebastian, Harbor Ridge 760-1900 $1,299,500 Sun 1-4 *21512 Camino Trebol, Lk. Forest 760-1900 $216,000 Sun 1-5 444 Costa Mesa St. Eastslde, C.M. 675-1415 $145,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 510 Aliso, Newport Beach 631-1266 $350,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 3435 Wimbledon, Costa Mesa 546-2313 $184,900 • Sun 1-4 2709 Gannet, Costa Mesa 546-2313 $182,500 Sa 10-1:30/S 1-4 2861 Corvo, Mesa Verde, C.M. 957-0701 $175.000 Sal /Sun 1-5 16301 Niantic. Huntington Beach 631-1400 $980,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1541 E. Ocean. Peninsula Point 631-1400 $470,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1511 Kings Road, Cllffhaven 673-6900 $599.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 320 Seaward, Shoreclifls 631-1400 $425,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 932 Coronado. Mesa del Mar, CM 631-7370 St5,900 Sun 1-4:30 468 De Sola Terr., Corona Highlands 675-5930 $375,000 Sat/Sun 1-4 1255 Somersel (Baycrest) NB 631-7370 $355,000 Sun 1-4:30 2 162 Port Ourness (Seawlnd) NB 675-6870 $475,000 Sat/Sun 12-4 412 Vista Roma, Bluffs 631-1400 $190,000 28 Drakes Bay, Spyglass 631-1400 $449,500 Sat 1-5 Sat 1-5 * 101 Via Florence (Lido Isle) NB 673-7300 $595,000 Sun 1-4:30 210 Vla San Remo, Lido Isle, NB 675·30<48/673-2556 Set/Sun 1-5 1<441 Galaxy Or. (Dover Shorea) NB 548-5647 $<420,000 Set/Sun 1-5 • 5 •DROOM 2773 Sandpiper (Mesa Verde) CM 645-0303 $265,000 Sun 2·5 1204 Ava. Buene Suer1e, San Clem 75&.9100 1885,000 Sun 1-5 2912 Carob, EastbluH, N.B. 844-1742 1239,000·LH Sat/Sun 1·5 * •4028 ChanMI Pt, Nwpt l1land, NB . 873-0202 Ste5,000 Sun 11·5 **219 v 11 Lido Soud, Lido 1• 780·1900 11,"5,000 Sun 1-5 * 701 Via Udo Nord, Udo ..... NI 875-1111 11,500,000 Sun 1·9 S .,_ plue ,AM RM Of DIN 118 Ruby (Balboa Island) NU 675 6000 S460,000 81.111 1·5 • 3 Muir Beach (Spygls) Nf3 760·8333 s 1,995,000 Sun 1-e 1210 Polorts Or (Dover Shores) NB 631-7300 $7<40,000 Sun 1-4.30 *2406 Francisco, Nowport Bch 675-6000 $349,500 Sun 1·6 14941 Rancho Cr, lrvlne 979-6370 $159,900 Sun 1-4 1607 Castle Cove (Spygls) NB 644-6200 $640,000 Sun 12-4 500 15th St., Cllllhaven, Npt Sch 494-7754 $329,500 Sun 12-4 * 1800 Jamaica (Mesa Verde) CM 646-0303 $409,900 Sun 1.30-5 * * * 29 Beechwood (Wdbrfdge) Irv 551-6829 $395,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 * 1730 Bonalre Way, Npt Beach 646-0758 cz12.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 * 17 Muir Beach Cr. (Spyglass) CdM 673-1~33 $2,800.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 * 7 Muir Beach (Spyglass) CdM 640-6259 Sun 1-5 * 11 12 Trafalgar (Hrbr Rdg) NB 760-8333 $1,750,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 * •2319 Bayside. Corona del Mar 644-6200 $1,500,000 Sat/Sun 12-4 *35 Rldgeline Or .. Harbor Ridge 760-1900 $2,390,000 Sun 1-5 * # 2 Winged Foot Ln. (Big Cyn) NB 673-7300 $699,950 i un 1-5 . -* 1448 Galaxy (Dover Shores) NB 675-2372 $1, 100,000 Sun 1-4'.30 * 1524 Antigua Way. Newport Bch 646-7171 $849,900-fee Sun 1-5 * 1608 Galaxy Dr .. Newport Beach 646-7171 $799.900-fee Sun 1·5 ***29 Beechwood (Wdbridge) Irv. 551-6829 $395,000 Sun 1-5 8 BEDROOM * •401 Bayside Drive. N.B . 631-1400 $1,695,000 Sun 1-5 Goleta Point (Spygtass/CdM) 644-6200 $890,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 ' 233 Via Genoa (Lido Isle) N.B. 673-7300 $575,000 Sun 2-5 CONDOMINIUMS FOR SALE 1 •EDAOOM •300 Cag:'ley Ln ti 107(Versallles)NB 673-7300 $114.000 Sun 1-4 61 Lake Pines (The Lakes) Irv. 540-1151 $115,500 Sun 11·2 1 BR a LOFT ._ \09 Tangelo, Orangetree. Irv. 759-1071 $84,500 Sun 11-4 Daily 2 BEDROOM Versailles, Newport Beach Calf from gate 548-8636 215 Pineview, Irvine 675-5511 $129.900 Sun 1-5 3 BEDROOM 22476 Cammlto Costa, VIiiage. Laguna Hiiis 855-3017 $124.500 Sun 1-5 685 Vista Bonita (The Bluffs) NB 631-7300 $229,000 Sat/Sun 1-4:30 411 Dahlia (Old CdM) CdM 673-8494 $300,000 Sun 1-5 7 Aue Vlllars (Bg Cyn) Newport Bch 759-9100 $650.000 Sat 1-4 •2438 Vista Hogar, Bluffs. NB 673-3069 $139.500 Sun 1-4 4 BR plus FAM AM or DEN •204 Columbia (Nwpt Crest) NB 673-7300 $205,000 Sun 1-5 DUPLEXES FOR SALE 3 BR plus 1 BR 415 Heliotrope, Corona def Mar ER4-9060 $429.000 Sat/Sun 1·5 S BR plua 2 BR 423 Carnation, Old Corona del Mar 675-8370 $435,000 Sun 1-5 4 BR plus 1 BR 132 So. Bayfront, Balboa Island 631-1400 $1,300,000 Sat 1-5 5 8A ptue S BA 509 Acacia (Oceanside of Hwy), CdM 645-7048 $<440,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 HOUSE FOR RENT 2 BR plue F ~M lllM ot DIN • 430'-' Narclnus St.. CdM 673-5049 $950/mo. Sal/Sun 9·5 , APARTMENTS FOR RENT t•DROOM 2501 w. Sunnower F·6, Sant• Ana 213·274·35e~ 1550 Sun 1·4 * Poot * * W1tlrfront * * * W1terfront I Pool . -• -• 0 OS GU • o 4 eow u wswww ) \ •' . I ... ,,. .,.. 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TRACT011 WOAK r. •f:"1MOtdrnr;if1(.;1b1no11 t236f'M 1103121 Dy R1ch1Hd S11101 Lie ' Notitpalthl• lnt/11•1 TJ/1 • Compuler11ed bOOkkee· " .... .. \ I ~ ... h i.. I ct1Y11ltt1u c:om1111c;t1011 .... "'""'U • llUClll to 2&00"4 l:l I h Rll~IU<(;OI 846 8158 ..................... . Pallo1·dr111oweys ~ 0 O•lr Cir SPltrlQI Otg Or II vou rtUild I hOull!kffp~r yre o IPPY • TILi: IN$TALL£D plog trom s~o mo Also lounoouort$ 393383 ') '" •,;: I botkltuo 'r.3l'r~• ~"P 11mijll 'w oo ii out ru1 II• tuny "' vo11 e1e coll luc..111 '"''"""'' PLASTER PA IClllNG Att 1<1no• Oua11ntead mall ll•t & payroll 642·8482 ~ tOPtfl K111u (11111p , . !l 11flllh•nt aarv1c1 20 yrs 673 81190 lClnt Hilt Th11nk you ll31 AAIO nHtucc.o• 1t1111x1 30 At>ll Joh,., 840·92t1 662·2430 L• UHM H d ' •UP l 1c 036?115 1 INT/[XT PAINllNC. 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R1>~1tndlcom 11?;,~:,1'! ~'a'6~n J~~ ••0*J~;N~;~~!;.~~NG•• ~'.~!!!!'!{~t •..•...... , PAINI LH NEEDS {;4~ '199 6•~·4203 up1 mowing 554-7017 ••••••••·'••••••••••..., Ht C111 Dan 537..0342 ~~"~;.~;~;;s TLe ltl'I -,,.9 !r4~:l :,.so.17•,1 c.111Hmtry Cnbtnots Se1111c1t a1 thu1ooghly L1~11n•ed t8cu111y com WOfU(I 30 yri e•p. inti Plu•ll/110 T11l0ti11 ExP4lf1enced Carpeoter Ptumb Or11111 Cl1.<t1n111g clea" llovsfl 6•0·08!17 ~1rny will protect you• ••I Acoustte cei11n9:. LtG. ••••••••'""••••••••• ••••••• IJ. ............ . 7R:::"2'1;~Add·o;::"/g~'~ ff.~i ... ~~!!~~Jfl....... Ltc 306~" Remodt1t ~!!!!.".!"A............ Clec1t•<.el , flt•• TIRED OF HA"S' ES? omo whll• you ere ~66~8~/::71 es~47 5 1811 Uhr ED 141· 1121 Mosl k.lbjectl 1<-14 AddtllOl'IS, carpeolry ma· Smell tobs & r•palrs ~~~8~~6/:4b~~:~:4 Ouohty cle.irung help Is hOufl l!i yrs fl.llP rm Sl'Nlll my Mr Morgan 645-5176 ..,.,.. Ceblnell & Carpeotry c TREES I not• Don 966·0 l49 " ~ uwl•Y 714·966-649• 24 :•v " ng 40 gal w•te•ht•art-1 $225 Ouyiei.e SS 4 $ l Otht somy, desig,., and dr•I· Cus•om Remod/Add ns vr• I wn l@l'IOY 7!>t 347G ttOME lt.1PAOVEMENl I . JHitotul 650·6477 6E.1·8849 thiaung IP c11111zmg In Tf.'J.iH Setritt Free estlmatH 6-45•2003 __ _ I fop~lremovtKI C.k•.111 28 YRS EXP DUNHAM n111t11 Rel' 960 7452 l]tltto!> •ti 1>mallr Ron AlLAS PLUMBING & Ung. eeo·a etc Dave c I \ fl dct f Cf HOUSEWORK •••••••••••••••••••• ., . rPpn1rs f>.4!>-..-1688 • • • .,. •••••••••• .; •••• 494· lcx:i.:..e·~ 7!4 -.!!~"..'l •••..••. i··· Free est Ouallty 2nd tu TME GllEH SCHI I t!lllO •epotrs el'! no COMM L J.tltNlTORIAL l & p rvPtNG £•pert typing or --R & R oone1 Bal'ldel Consi flleclrte.il Plumbing ·1 WlllTED &. CARPET CLFJINING ow 1 rales• rompt, S SAVE$ 2e-... "0''• m11nu1cripts te1m P•· Mooohg/11 Drattsmao emod epatrs ree Lie ,.15570 548.427t L1lwn troo 11h1ub tol1<1tl I c<1rpu11try 631·8530 .,. __ . C S 1 I neat P1ote:.s1ot1uls t!i Ptumb1nyl H;.t.i1 271703 Home·Addns·RemO<lels eSI Lo1111es Oecics,pa. Tri' 1r11n/1wn1nv111 ..,..,..., 1e3 '""9 eivce yrsollp ll36•7 149 G R P•~5 Sl 50 page Member AIBO 645•1871 110 s1ev_• 752-9556 None 2 btg, oooe '2 small L,1.,.11 MDlnt/Hototllltog 1 JACK OF ALL TRADES 1 titgh Qu11111y housoworlo. l•~ BOl'ldf'd 963-5474 I uo~d:'~37~1~0mm 548·2237 Sandra From A lo Z we do ti oll Ftt-O osflm(llO ~48·60o5 C11ll Jack anytune. EApe11onced dltj.lllnda· RALPHS PAINTING " SLlOING GLASS DOORS Ex per ctrpeuter does 714·675·9436 he 425781 oav or night 675·3014 I blo honest. 1n101hgfll'lt. £1r1J1c1•iaf I Chnsttan Int or e .. 1 'J!.3·5474 HB Installed/ Remod, add'os 11dd111ons. remodels. • E11.per GMCIPnor & c11111n me11culo1.1s llablble 1 am ••••,•••"•• •••••••••• i Reis. 1eas 536-9898 R1' lie & concrete Ltc 36 t68 1 decks Skylights & re· Home lmpro11emen1S up1 Troo 111mrntng Frue P111n11n9-ptumb1ng -oloc 1 11 e t> 8 1 1 p h 0 n 0 CVE S LANDSCAPING· S 0 ••• 1!'1.~ •• .'! .......... . Joe892·t327 pairs Free es1 011'1. alltreaes est Petu641·1096 dryw11H.inttquerehn 673 70t2 alJer 6 PM I compl terv 4 llsecl11g. CU T .MPAINTWORK ACRAtNGUTTER !!!~~~~.~!~~~!~f ..... Let the Sul'lshme In" Coll Sunshine Window Cleantng, Ltd 548-8853 20•1. Monthly Dl&COUl'lt 962·01115 Remodel·Add111011s • & rep111r Ston 549·5068 kc:1 s All d~" saiur' comm & resld 648·7556 Comm llrusid. Slltpptng Bondl'd·tn\·ltc B3.C47641 A • S · ----641 8967 Landsc.1p1ng·Yd Clnups wefl 0v ~, I sta1n1ng Th1;1 Job that .!1.~'!!!!~I •• !!!!!!.... Master Craftt•ll · Treu t11m/remuv·Mo101 ,H1Uli1JJ day and Sunaav Old Country landscapes, s po a k:.. tu r 1t 5 e11 fr"11 e~I l ·!>24•582" 50"1. OFF FIRST MONTH Finish & ram'dl crpotry REM 0 0 EL • Comm· 1mg11t1on Jim 861 0 t291••••••DUMP•J•OBS ...... 11 you wal'!I your house 1 .. Anythl~.11 04uts1~e ~~e 498·8580 Rtfiaisltint. WINDOW CLEANING- RESIO & COMM"L ~:~=~~~~lie.A~·~~~~~~~ Reler~~499·3lO.:_ ~~~·~ee~~1~:~.1~:,~~ 1~: HRDHIH WANTED & Smell Moving Jobs ~.~~;L6Y69~~;~N,G~g~ ~fs~6~!>8 ° !>· Cl • 1st CLASS PAINTING °FUANiruRE•;tlT.CABS. service. secre111r1e1 & Cuatom Carpel'!lry by DICk pa11s, Bldg tenovallon, Mowing, edgtng, relo.log. Coll MIKE 646,2391 Reis · . Wallpaper, lnl/Ext Re· Cslm 11n1shos. repairs. l'REE EST 581·1132 business sorvlces. mall 4 Neil Paneling, lormlca. code corrections. etc 20 swooping f'ree 0111 HAULING·GRAOING 1M11oatr patrs Free est 979-5294 doors Joorool1ng oll l•-------- boa ren101. word proces· doors, etc Ph 642·8809 yrs Orange Cly t>Ol'lded, mores 645·5137 domolltton cll.';:in-1.1p HOUSECLEANING Good •••••••'.............. types . stng Telex·F11cs1m11e, Cornar-Stons Cerpel'l1ry tos, Lit "191801 Pa· JAPANCSC GARDENER Col'!Crcte & tree removal rels Trnnsport1111on Ex BRICKWORK Small JOl>S r!/.~l}!J.............. New-recovt1r·d1<:ka If it's got Wheels order eotry, pagers· lease Spec1allztng tn patio cvrs. lombo Const Anyllme SPECIALIST m11101 Outek ~'"' 642-7638 pe1 d 979·97!16 ' ~~~~o~~~o~:5~~~~ Farthing ln1erlo1 0e~1gn . Lie. 4t1802 545.97341 YOU'ii move it buy, desk space renllll Restd/com'I Fr ests 962·83l4 clean up lrtmm1no Low HAULING . student has Oualily HOUSe<:leontng HANGING/STRIPPING ROOFING R!:PAIRS f t ' ANSWER NETWORK 498·4614 CHiia Wooflworki'!f pr1co Free ett 548 9483, lge tiuck Same low wllh 11 Personal Touch ;x per I brick & cement VtSO·MC Scon 645·9325 Smalt jOb' 01< Free as er In a 631-9131 task for AV l ••••••••••••••••••• • Jes•i,.'s Gnrdel'ltog roles Prompt 759.1976 Call Beth 850·0933 work Nwpt/CM since E 11 f,S1tmate~ Call Tom or Daily Pilot A -;:-1 --C1tNI S1triet Kot remod. c11bloets 111· ~ ~ Jo 1969 Call now 4 seve 1 Pert wa covermg In· Ch ck r.42 6392 I "f 'ed Ortvaways Parking LOI Sh11mpoo & steam clean I Free est 642..0881 matnt scrvtce 540·8035 He•li• rel Own tronsp Reas Coosullant Au1gnmen1 Sc111111 ad. call .!1.".~.'···············1 · .. ,·-················· deo eotettalf\mel'lt Ul'lltS Crean ups tree lrtm 8 I CdM Thank you. hi'! Hou~ocleantog r11hable 645·851tl I Sl.JllBllOI\ Reas pr1ces u ;) c ass1 I Repairs. Seetcoatmg Color brighteners. wht £Jttltic1/ -Lawn ~e1111ce ltom S t8 •••••• !/............... YOLANDA 6•7·0405 B~~~t~/B~~~yk r:a~llsLtcCon· 58 t 8590 •••MOB~~E.SEAVICE.... 642-5678 and S&S Aspnlt 63 t·4 t99L1c crpts -IO mm Sbt5each j •••••• ••••• ........... Ya clea 2"h ED 1•1 7125 M M P H Services Pvt We "•lls shd ha11g 1o0e· --Hall. llY/dll'I rms ' . avg ELECTRICIAN -Prrced mo n ups Wl't'· .. , .. -I Bot> 673·53671536·9906 " RescreensfNew IGll!OnS a friendly room S7 50 couch S10 d•oo tree wo•k Ken rumaco-poot-woter heat hslrn 0 m11d •erv & ther Hang select UP· NB1C_M only 642 955~ ad-v1·sor w1·11 · • right t•ee estimate on 964· t083 -nouse cleaning By tne /II · hols1er walls 839-0730 _ ~!!!!'!![!............. chr SS Guar eli.m. pet large.or small iot>s Nt!w 80 000 BTU Furnace day or weekly Prv party 1 •• !!!'!f............... tnyttme More families are getting help you turn Our ollrces handle 911 odor Crpt rep11r 15 yrs LtC 396621 673-0359 K&O Land!IC!ll>O M81nt & 1hermo•tat mstalled I food service & 1>11rten· *a 1 MO"I•&• the campuig bug' thi• exp Do work myself ----Restd/Comm Cle8n up seoo 00 (714) 898-6512 dtng By 1ne day or mght I T ... • Wallpaper & P&tl'lttng year II 'IOI.I htve. cam· your wheels areas ol law Prompt. Reis 531·0tO1 UC'D ELECTRICIAN Sprtnkler 5ys 5"11·24119 839.2948 op quahty 25 yr e•p dooe by Mike Hallock pe1 tha1's oot getting into Ca Sh courteous service FREE Oual work/Reas rates Want Ad Help? _ Compet111ve r11es Call lor free esHmalb usll<l sell 11 now wtth 1 • col'!sultattol'I 549.9335 Seti Idle llems 642·5678 Free est 631 ·5072 CllHlfte<l Adi llA2·5678 642·5678 Went ~di Cttl 642-5878 No overtime 730· t353 63 t·708 l Ctesstlied Ad for your motorcycle • DOLLAR DAY DOUGH SAVERS for Merchandise under •1,000. Sell your no-longer-needed Items for cash. If It doesn't sell, we'll run it another 3 days FREE. One item· per ad, must be priced. Sorry. no real estate or commercial ads. Call today for full detalls. (Non-refundebte. Extre """ tUICJ) 3 3DAYS LINES . CLASSIFIEDs642-5678 A,a,f'i'·~· • .J IAP,{'j'•:• ," ~/!.'!! ••••••••••• !.~. r.•.e~IJ!~.~!!!~!!!.~~! :~!.".ta.'!.!!J~!!.'.!.~'!'! l~!~W!.!!.f~!!.'.!.~'!'! '~!!C.'..!!~!f! •••• !.~!! l9!!!C.~.!!~!f!. ... !.~!¥ lco;•erji•I 441Sj!!~!1.!!.~~~ •• !.~~¥ •.•• !.!!~!!.::........ • ••• ~.!!~.!••••••••••• L&lllU IHCI Large Big Beer Cabin (EMALE OVER 40 Sllare IM/F lo Shi 2Br hse, H B •••• !'!!~.!............ FOllECllllll llnnett ••d 3111 , .,.,..,, ••el 31fl llTOll Ill Pool Tobie. col0t TV 2 2BR Coodo rn Huoting· Lg Inca yd S350 mo RENT OR LEASE Nowt)' I llLPUIE ··-·•"••••••••••••••••• ••••";;; •••••••••••••• Wkl I S95 tr pie s Sleep~ 14 I tOl'I B4!41Ch 536-2001 alt 964·9,.65 PROFESSIONAL remodeled nome with I S I., Y rent• s up 714/54S·6916 6pm -- -· tt t •ntel Nwpt Hgts 2 b1 2 ba _.._111 Color TV free coffee ---W. -~3 .. 5 111rge tot Comm 1 ZOl'll•lQ. specious Avali now' -11 lletted pOOi & steps co Coodo·P•I PALM OE· So Laguna geteo or ~.'.".t'.1! ..• ~!'J!!..'l •• ~. I OFFICE SPACE •di 10, Newport Blvd 851•5995 S735/mo 845-7400 Rtglll on Ille nndl Sharp ocean. Kltch's •YAll SERT CONDO 7 Clays be&el'I PVI el'!tlba $295 6"2· 1334 851-98119 2 bdrm •Pt with Hr•· 985 N Coast Hwy I Dec 2 sips 4 Pool ran-+ u ' 4 9 4 · 4 9 9 3 •E"'D IY llC 1 I ( 1 ILOCI f•OM .. ,.,. MOSPIT•L) -BALBOA PENIN '\ blk to pl-. all bit 1n1. carpets Laguna Beach 49•·5294 ,., 11 e' c $ 7 5 d y 499-4722 I: • " " •• " IJ1dHltill "":f::t."' ,,.,, bch 2 bd. 1 b•. yrly. end drepes S1100 per ---64•·0627 ---H1.1o1tn9tol'! Buch 3•4 . Rtala/ 4500 I SOJS carport $525 mo mo includes eoclo1ed S90 & up Wtth kitchen. Lv• condo Nwpl Teft8Ce bdrm nouse south ol 11.11,UrtllU\ orr1c1· Wtlh r('('f•pt1nn roum ............................................ . 552-0853 gatage weellly Ooeanl1on1 Mo-VAIL COLO Oec 25 to '2brl 2Da pvt 1ac S350 Ad 1 m XI n t re Is lw l ( 11 f h ,0 . I $750 up ~ 160 It tnou-1 I.I. l&Tilll llAHOl 11. mn 1el 675-8740 Jan 1 I BR 2 Ba condo Resp MIF 1142·9545 Jtm 964..0332. 842·0t00 I .iu I u y urnas c tn .in Hjlll''·· ~stntl Otl1ce 16101Ae·1 .... , .• ,.Ct. lie. LARGE 2 br 1 ba. gar. (114 Ill 4400 Fem non·smkr rm wihse sips" $700 in the Vil· 1Housem1te wal'lted r~p -,,, ,uluhlc for n•nl lo pr11fL· ... ,1on~1I in dondo Ctrcle, P & T Specl~tzlnn In 1st & 2nd ~;56 ,;;oV~lys;:;.~i;: • prtv C M s225 unlurn lage wan• lo ever;1MlQ pvt bath, all comm iac 4 MO PAID HOLtOAV 01\'lllJI hl•ahh fwld. Hunt 1ogton Beech TD·s·~~~ 1949 turn S260. 645-5459 ~75·4333 trv1ne nr UCI $250 + ', C11nad1ao retaltvas vts1 8•2 2834 Aobl Sattler NH/CM Prtv & Spac. 2 stry, 2 bd, '3 Br 2b•. oceal'I view. util• 851·1450 ttn9 mtddle·ag~ cpte + 200 ff RE Braker Bd Runora 2',; ba, w/ lrpl N-CA· lrptc 2 car ger. steps to Room witn kttch pnv Nr ,,.,.,, ,, Sl11tt 4300 ·1 Cll•ld Wilf\t 2 bt home lor •sooo~ PER MONTH 1 sq 642 2111 545.()611 met carpettl'lg, nr Fe· t>cn Yrly S975/mo Bus ltne & shopptog •• .. •••••••••••••••••• Nee<i 1mmte 25·35 to shr Dec t·API 1 Wiii pay Sao Clemente Av11l Im· --·------- shloo lsllll'ld, oo pelS 640-9719 center.962·7520 lgl!?br 2oaCdMhome S?OOO up !root t~1 1 11•RlllEllS MEDICAL PWA med Olllce W/Shower WIOOWHASSSSJorTO's S795. 645·62111 3 bdrm, 2 b• townhome IOOIMlTE oar lrrlc. SIJl'ldeck w/ downlOwl'I Ltgunn " "' 491·4583 RE Loans. 10K Up No 4 BR 2 Be hse. W/Dyr. prol F Nonsmkr No 638-6738 5 l Credit Check. No Pen· Bluffs Area, lrg 2 bd, 2 be. Split level, 3 car gar kitch, etc: S225 mo S20 FlllDEIS pois $400 673-6363 - -I 311 PUCHTll <' OO sq 11 near Hoag tlty Dennison & Assoc upper untt. w/lrpl Outet Oulet S750 553-0265 oep 64&-8386 alt 7PM Oldest & 1 1 8 enc --- - . Mature Adult Male. e... Hosp geparatc 01l1ce & & Prlv Loe No Pets argea 0 'I Rmmole .wontea to ltnd ecu1111e Employed seeks I SUITE 3011rWPDRT IElCH rettroom $900/mo 673·73t1 s695. 645•6218 3 bdrm, 2 ba. patio. 2 blka Charming room & t>ath m All Gllel'!ts screened wtlh af\<l 5hare tn Costa Mei;a. prtvale N 8 CdM. Irvine .: Automol11111 o~ Bk• --3-0-.,-1-1-L-1-1-,-1-E-L-1--to beacn Pets o.k. $750 ltne quiet hlllstde CdM pllotos & relerencee lrvtl'!a Npt Bch 1108 w/ 11 645·6266 ,. SuMy 1 BR •Pt . .,., blk to bCh 0 11 street pkg. Vrly SA50 mo Agt. 675-1642 Studio IP1. PYI p.atlo Nr Udo shop• & beech Utlls pd. S350 mo lmmed 673-03•3 alt 5 PARK NEWPOR T APARTMENT S COUNTRY CLUB LIVING IN NEWPORT BEACH Singles 1 & 2 Bdrm Apartmerill & Towl'lhOIJ- From S560 On Jamboree Rd at San Joequtl'! Hills Rd 144-1100 Yearly 3 Br 2 Ba Avtll lmmed Newty remodeled on Peninsvll $845/mo 675-3132. 646-57 tO 3Br. 2Bt. cpts, drpt, l'!ewly tedeco•ated In 4 out. $950 mo (213) 332·4051 2 Br 1 Ba. clean, step to beach, S650/mo yrty 2131787-7307. 875-7990 mpo 873-3728 locatton. $300/mo Catt I gr~t~ Cosm10111~n sglo Mom 662.2154 Ev. ~~~8d0'0~:'ua:P\~r~m~r I 131-0414 S15K l'!Ote; payable OCEANFRONT • Custm 811 3PM 780• 1548 Tohe TO:~~~w ;;,~.;o Fem 10 shr MIHtOl'I VJo unturn ' Qualtty rental 3·81 Call Or. Ireland, M.S.W. f!~!~f! ...•...... !.~~~ ~J~0/"'~11~':;81~~u~~~ decor. 3Br 281 up, *'\ 011 * 10 111 who hm Extras 00 smkr no mos Relerol'lces lur· Storage Space 12' x 18' Sac by real H ltle tn· amel'!llles, yrly S1200 Helt/I lltltll 4100 l'leed 8 ptac.e pets $265/mo 768-9116 nished (114) 960-4569 36" door S701mo plus come from national mo . 28• 1Ba dwn 800 ...... , ............... ••wptri Hl·lltt 1111 7pm IHI SPACE CIM I IS 70 sec deposll company & personel mo Mature prs 7400 W SHWI MOTIL • MB':.~nbrco~:08• n~e;:~oargt E.ngllsh girl oge 17 lennls I Amec1111e ruthc upsta1rs DELUXE SUITE 6 73·" 154 Newport guarantee or eq1.1lpmel'lt Ocofrl'lt 850·11192 Wkly rental$ now 1ve1I S pro wants 1o rent room Mltlf'IO We svpply oesk Beach le&M • S63,000 takes II. EASTBLUff s 10s & up. Color T v F rmm1e 10 shr F v home. ~7.a'.;~lc. phone, 290 w11~ro1ly tor 6 wks La· space copier You sup. Water Fro1t Ihle u,· .... u·a•o•s 7 1 4 / 2 4 o • 1 1 8 5 or Spa ct ova t Br p1t10 Phonea to room 227• lO min to f>ejCl't. S200 + --• _ g u" o 11 , e 11 c e I I ply pf\Of'lt'!. 4 S95 pr mo ! St SO f sq It Lease ,., n "' • " <193-1153 pool. view. no pets:' Newport Blvd CM j~hls_966--0297 F over 40 lo share lut-714·494·0132 ·,pr desk Cell&-44-1211 1 647 4644,M·F 9·5 ltnt1J1 4650 Tru1-1-..... -~--1A-•• -.. 1e-.-S-5-5-, S590/mo 6«·4767 646-7445 2500 sq It condo wlvlfNI l'llShed Newport Ho1gh1s 6 ---/ I "3SO IOLL OEITEll --•••••••••••••••••••••• ~ ~ - ot Back Bl" b1"11u11ru1 Townh ouse $ 3 5 0 lt•'J.fl Ot HI,. IEWPORT CHTEll FOR RENTf OOO 81 '3% Due Jul'!e 2·sty co,.,do. 2 Br 3 Ba. [ A C H A R [ A ,,. 646•7555 •••• •••••••••••••••·· 1 llWPOllT 11•c11 , 1983 Lil'ld• ISie Recently PoOI spa Huoa s195 pr greel'lbell swimming ana Pt single Slorago. " Full Service Suites sold tot $ 1 1 mllllon mo 0751.3191 pools w11111ccepl I Of 2 M/f' to sllr 3 br 2 be 5eeu•od st•eet entrtl'IC• COMPLETE EXECUTIVE SS CIT COSTS SS 2 bedroom. 2 baths & 2 Follows 2 1ru11 deed• $84/wk acwllsorltdullw/chlld hOIJse NB IBack Bay) 34097 GranaOa 160 I OFFICE S(RVICES S650 Furn15h~ stortHll'!Tw1l'IP88k1ln totallogS625.000 Wiii WIY IOT !\51· 7883 or 8-40-6339 S300 met utrl 631·6220 673·3313 493-0803 FROM S 195 to S 13 15 All yOIJ oeeO lot one Lake Arrowhead aru d11count to 25% yreld. TIE llSTI Refrlge<ator·M•Jd·PooC Shr lu1t coodo ot hOuse Storage ·o.areg-e ,-Ingle UNEXCELlEO SER· monthly leei Has burlHl'IS & fireplace Sieve 675-3285 Nwpt PIYd & WllSOI\ S285 ISt I• I It Loe master br, pvt Dll & VICES ENVIRONMENT. 640-5"70 First lest • deposit r•· NEW gated 20 Town· Cosla Mesa 548•9755 s secur Y en1 1 blk to beach & 9x20 Costa M esa STAFF .. home VILLAGE COM· 966-8•79 ()< 662·2449 bay Btlboa Pen S300 $50/mO THE HEAOOUARTERS 2400 sq It lf\dUSlrt81 111'11 q IJ tr e d c • 11 ( 7 l 4 ) M UNITY 2 Br 2•,, Be Ploe Knot Motel 01'1 Coast Prol NIS lemale 31 ;; mo yrly 675-5674 642-.. 907 v..tcday1 COMPANIES Wl111 900 sq It 16 8 . 0 2 8 6 0 r I 7 1 4 ) 1800 IQ tt or pore Iv· Hwy. NB Steps to d ----------11"/111 0111 667-0657 weelldty eve.-•ury Garages. IPH 1,.,1 ocean Wkly rttes mh~~sue'ewtogardn~311_15°6•2h6r Fam to shr NB Condo Oetacned garage 400 sq ,. • "'"0' alter 6 pm II no suite dining rooms Sllare 39D 2BA yard apl smoker. avall 1mmed '• hce In comm t area nr E Li't Arta F•r1. trytl'!gl LOlll Any type ol R E 101n. fully amor11zed. 111. 2nd, 3rd'• land t'I. construction & units 95•·8'746. 24 hrl every home. maeler 645-0440 I ~ Y u fully lurn bdrm. non· II use for slorage or of • !~tc::>t~,~~islrtal unit answer please keep wood 'burning ftreplacu. IEEI l PUCE! E Std• C M near air· utll S250 mo Cell AM 17th St & Oraoge C M Ollie•. 850 •q It over -/I / microwave oven•. ptl· Reasonable rales Kit· port $275 + •, utll M/F • OOf\ 631·0815 $150/mo Call 9-5 M·F night fie S500mo 10 mo Upgra!~ c~~c:ne l••iatu •rest v•:::,re atlos & yard.I. oar· chel'lettes. phol'les. metd 645·2537 Futotshed Condo. Fe-. 642-4210 °' 1 e 552•773o eves fiH•et A -----T •• • • •••• ••• ••• ••• • • • •• •••••tt•l•ll' / d provl~. Elegel'lt service, Z chal'!nel mo· Own Bd & Ba. H B area RENT Single gar vtc ired of crowded freeway 714 1S t 4760 I I f llvtng only 15 minutes to vies SANDPIPER MO· L:'lreb~~~~e:,~o~~~e:i~ All Amentlles. $250 16th/Westm1nSter, CM commutes North? Would Pr1~c1pa1s only •I 11111 1111•••/1/ SC. Plaza or O.C Air· TEL. 1967 Newpon Blvd, gentl•mtl'I Eultlde 964·!1461 or 644-2583 S65 mo Av ell 12-1 you like eo ollkle 81 the --~~tluil( SOOS LOii I f•H' port Jual eut or New-CM 645-9137 Coste Mesa 548•0868 548·683 t belch that your lamtly FULL SERVICE SUITES • •• ••••••• •••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• port Blvd & 10 of St n Rm-male ~ate to share could use 00 week-ends Oesk Spac. S275/1.1p Laundremet for sole In· A•••••tMt•I• SJOI Diego Frwy. 11000/mo C•11t Beat 4150 Fem to shr •B• hse. SPA· big 4 bd houae. N 9 1 car ga1age 101 stor11ge ., e vacation unit? For Private Olf1ce S495tup eludes f'luff 4 F'old •••••••••••••••••••••• WATERFRONT: Newport 83 5 39 2•73 0 •••••••••••••••••••••• I I bd Wolk to beach $250/mo only Hunllniton Betch te111ns 1ntoima1ton call N • w po r I Be a c n S8000 Harbor 4 Ad1ms. Wltneu wnoled. $100 will lslel'!~ spac:loue 2 Br 2 1• 4 ' " rangr Int Oppty for GENT to c O\JS ma r rm, 811111 C M 640 6754 B Ave.,Coata Me1e. enioyLvlyexecullve le· Novl5$2!>0mo '•Ulll + StOO Sec Oep Nr Bch 40 mo The tPlstranoSurl 752-6408 • bepaldtoSe,.,Jvan 1 dupleK apt, ,_ctr· 720 1328 eves 631-7325 536-2058 Cenl er 661 ·62!12 or • Cepltlrano mtn & wo- pet. Orepes, lrplc, bll·ln1, 3Br. 2B•. patio, close to m 11 y home. 11.1 Per b • Fem 10 shr lge home wi ----831-5084 I l111t11ct11 lch Arta Restaurant first ollerlno. j man who were hit Ch· garage Yearly S800 bell, JMIS OK. $750 mo. FOOD, every comfort PROMOITOllY POIH 01/ict 111111/ 4400 9"0 sq ft al 80¢ Pflf tt. approx 4000 aq ft Loog Mclng tn L~QU1'18 Beach 6 73·6100 or 850·2 15 7 yrly 1173-3728 Must oe eocuSI to & •P· Furn luxury 2 br. 2 ba. cpl • own J b 8 ' 11 • b r & •• •• • • •••• ••••• • • ••• • • botlltlt ltoatitl 1nc1 vttl 9 10 24 mo lse 111 1 1erm tease evell • ell 1111-I on Sept 5. 1982 Wi1· A11111. Dec 1 " C'' JITI prec Ille better thing• . ce111edrtl celling. frplc, phone Irv ne. Univ Pk. * IELUXE OFFICES• P1lm1 lntersec11on of same rate tures tnctd Real mone" neued e late tlltged • 11•1811 Non-smkr. oon·drtnker I d k II II 1300 mo ulll ll'lcl l MO FREE RENT I M d J 8 4 1 3 2 1 2 d s ' Beeulllul teroe 4 Br eo· •••••••••••••••••••••• (7141,.,8_..55..,1 H 1 sun ec • • 11men1 es 569•5474 tcArthvr tn aml'lo-• • Y • meker Glttldora automobile which lnvo4· cl•d patio. slept 10 Nr s c Ge,.,•r•I Hosp, -',., eme I Wiii shr w lprof M ___ t room 10 2800 tq II re11 $1 pet sq It Sub 963•1983 Ev ved 111e rn110 who picked beach. Yearly 117s.-414111 3Br. lrplc. 2B•. •love. Reis. req 013·3887 alt II M/F prof 10 shr 3BR 28a From Sl 16 •SQ ft Adj 1111e avtttabl• 1120 or 6 •lillllf hJ1tal lfSO 11\em up & other car lie Br ea epts Avtll Nov 1 $575 lilt ••• ,, 41 TS ........ •111E llome-Newpoft SllOrH Atrponer ll'!n & Frwyt 1200 IQ It f()f t ~' Cell ••••••• ••••• •••••••••• 811egeclly r••r·ended If 2 . 2 Condo, Eut· mo. (7 141 891•1&4• •••••••••••••••••••••• '"" " S325 & 1+ ulll 114:1·9779 Call AM 833·3223 Sandy 213-820-8857 Storelroot Property at yOIJ were one of Ille hitch i~~·,u~t":~ etp11c.Mde t 2 BR •~•"' -a "' 1 If fllH Lux cond2 Alty Wiii 811$/wk~--1617 Westcllll, NB 258 St-• •••1•111 H11bor & Adams,,.C M rNJ.l(fCl lH l'tlken In lhe Ur plellM • • .... "". ,_ r.,. n-1 h •re • 5 5 0 Imo 1 4000 It 1 1 11 r.:n -• Good lralhc & parldng lfCAL., contact Jt ck Utter At· 900/mo 559-7 t44 decor·. pool, nr beecll, llllll I O&lll 752·!1442 dya, 1140-2434 Prof retpon• F aeek• 0 sq 1 OOf bee Su1tea lf\CI rec.pl 6,.0•67~ Y t o r ,., , y a 1 L • w Bayfrnl, 2Br. 1Ba. 08'1Qt, bu• No pet• 498..e217 S.verat pr1me locations eves ra:,.,,~o pooshr 1,2 I ep: t~ Ag41ot 541 •5032 sec'y Hrv1. conl rm • ;;:--,.1-1 stA•e-at 2650 "voA. ~ c:.:: 1141720· 1433 You wlU very nice s160 mo 2 e. 2 8• Condo ocean In Saddlebaclc Valley to fUiOMMATE WANn!O 1275 Airport arH • Exec Sul· kit .. mall nendlO Rn· ,_.. "' ,.. " 640•7000 be paid s100 each lor 130-3111 dyl, 831·21!13 .,,,....,, $850/rno ' ChOOle from FHlurlng IU From 225·450 sq It pan11ve 10 your buSIMU 1665 sq It plus 8 C•r • your 1talement tegaf· 5•5•90·1' 24 ht suoc•I lrtnsporla· M/tlralghl, nol'!·tmkr. !1711·2436 __ SI per sq 11 Many atrll MB<l• AOI •05 Fwy In garage 641·8777 _ ding the accident whltf\ It ..... uon. Cati Bob Lyon today •uso + 1• utlf• Oya ele or remate 18·30 to C1111 557-7010 F V lndtv otcs Mo/mo •••w It l.M• 1111 11 delermtnea .you ....,. ~~pl~·rc!r bgd:r~.P~lv:~. ~~/!.M! ....•.• 1!.!f ~~~::~~~~,~~·II~~ 5 ::2~5i2~ 415 . a It 6 pm :a::,: :xi~:'ie ~ ~': 400·900 PLUS 1400 '\ 11 lrom $326 9e3·&445 l~:O ~ ,;! $v00~,;!· ·1w·ii?irfLMii· 1 one ot the hltch·lllker• Beacll Good nelghbof. 2 Br 2 81 condo. pool • ., -Otrt•• ••I lar mole Bu•htrd 4 Gar· PenthouH 8•ytront ut. ll• Q " • I.I 328 No ~,,Blvd tst 2nde )re,. 4tht Mtglc Isle Club Mem· hOod tor cout* or 11n-l•c , 1ennlt, So. C"•t waul#a ln1'1141Sf 1 0 ..,.,,.11 , 111 1 le. pul\lng P•t101 ,......,. ...._ft ......,.,.1 720•1~ ·I •. 111· berth Ip Stve UOO gle. 11100 1173-21112. J:»tua tr•• 840·8t05 .................. r... fl'tm11e roommete to 1•1 •0 mo " 1 1173·10<» ~--• • ...., mo 1•u1 Orett Pre1ent Pit 8·10AM. 8-0PM 8.42·2012 aft .. 1550. share 2 txtrm. ~bl con 842 1412 Ilk tor Jttt --328 No72~~· 81110 OOSTA lllA """'. LtM ..... 552·"519. ess..eeee. ,.. FOR RENTI do, 2 blkl from bHCh 11111111 llHI IHlllflL 300 •Q " to 2eoo eq II rouNTAIN VAi.Lt'!' l Chltd 4 81 2 Ba, 40' lrom .. nd. 2 Br 2bt, t lr , H Curtty. • t 1375. •; ulil 752·2384 llWNRT OlmR E•eeutl..,. SVllN ,,._r Air· 75c P'!r tQ ft & up Call I llM·9111 ALZHEIMER'S. Fimllr w/baleony & eundtck pool, nr a.c. Plaza. No 2 bedroom, 2 bllht & 2 11·5, •lier fl PM 8751280 P11et111 Mtneton. pvt With uH ot reception port. •Int parking. lrff· Rt1tonom1c1. Corp mMI In ::~~~~ r I Y Furn. 7 ~ 1~t'a:o.95 13 I 5 o O • •tor1t1 in Twin P .. k• In Fem 10 thr rny Promont· pool. •P"· ltlt, prlv ctll conl toom. kllch, phone. wty 8CCIH. thlrtd Of· 87~ 8100 IEfllAIGI lllP90!'1 Group • Lake ArrowllHd area p 1 VIII (N 700·8181 ~ secr•llrlll & word pro· liCll •PAC• or prtv111 Of· --ltt 2nd ano 3rd TO't r l.tguna 3rd Frldayi. Clean 2 er. tro kllchen • ..,, ,,.,, -~ HU bvllt-lns & llrepttGe Ory 0 ,,, • wpt j M I & llCU Full ttrvlce, 1 I C..•11tJll Now ,. tht time 10 ICI I m 0 n' "I y I I '1I0 ,"' .. 1 HI 2~21 "' 1.... ' Flrtl, last & ........... 11 re· Oehl. Ocean/bay view. Rao~ M·f' 1r111n1 ce5'n0 el meHagelf -oAlh frt~wtth '" Afff'.alJ f~•f whl'-1111ere11 rate1 ire 4ff-3797 ,..p •· " ,. vln--11. •••••••••••••••••••••• 1 d C (""( 7 4 poOI. tennts. Btlvttfutly 1250 00 Temp bltts 2,6 serv avall MPlflltlY "' " u • 1 , .. -------, $450. Tropics. 8'5-.6109 WV 1atoe "'* .. ,. 2 ~. Qu re • • 1 1 I dec:or .. frptc, pvt btth montna Celt 11,... ,.07.. deetred Celt Judy, mo ..... 1• •• ............ • low. Cell on°"' t11114W1• icRlM Lm '-' bllt 10 b .. cl'I, n-ly 788·0288 or (7 u I 875•8321 __ "'' " 1 141160•0100 Ret•ll .. orrtoe ,81-ce-lallll. Pltflln 11 no cnarge to help Y«K'I • uoo. GORGEOUS 2 Bf. remOd New 11°"9 a ,.. 6117-0857 WMkday tft-A F I h 26R II --.. s Wiii\ ~I problem• Ze- frplc. p111o. 11000 leue. ''""· 01r on Ocean Aw. nlno• •11tr e pm 11 no ~.111elfem111, nu1. nol'I HP 0 ' r 111 .coo1 B a11ch 81 NB 4•0 •11•11•b,. t7th 1• ~· P• LUii II ntth '"'ncttno c 111 Art ANS--~ 675-8359 .. 8Acll 8•~ E CM S200 • • OO 1 Mttl lrom 1HO a t. to ng.J NWP'T MOTi 21r. quiet Joe.et714·611M4~ ~~t· pteau llHP rco~~~11:·;~9~h~17'' e~~d•842·4457 ~~~:,4~.~3~., tQ I 400•114~3477 I'""'• VILLIY 117-1411 I Oottwe•"- ., .... 1¥911 now t700 mo. ••••••• ................. PALM DESERT CC. New 860·0907 IAYI •IY * 111 * ' ..... -?.!!c•15~~g 11°r x~~T Tmt ...., hllllMt ~a.·Si Incl utlf. 13 t -1000, tor rent 1250 mo + 211 view home. •P• AeeQ Im to 1hr 3bf Irvine IUftftlYI lllTll -•• , .-.-...., .... • I , ...... 17M202 11 tll. w 11 It IO b o II. Mtllt , ... rvallone WI\/ o on do A e 11 re t t Chrl•tmH In Neu &ch ..., , C~ toe , .. aonebt9, OOl'!ltf locetlon, S*lllnt 9 I .,_. _,. ~I 1 Ir, y.,d 146A>tt9 end l601nt 1181.8119 &52·3248 ~. 790.llOO(), 1300 /l'IO 84&·0'1& ' ruU HfVIC:t K..,;i .your modern bldg ampll L .... Ill Of PM' Mnutl for INllMt8 or CNMtwitY ...,e: A --·~-,...... 3 7 ov~lleld low a profH prkng. CION to 405 frwy ..... 'With Qptlon to ,.. .. I °"'"~' i.iend le rMklftl • oat•· H . ltfl '• nonemlcr, ept Plfk City Utah Conoo 11 1 dY9 Ann M lo thr 48r. 38a NB 11onet 1m1ge hlQh p,.. 2708 Harbor 9twd ec.11 new SO. tq 11 '°""*" Cell Mt NOllll* 1""9 ~:of a l40-1114 P"". Ian ~-.. nr Sie.pe e. llHChen, •11 l.fOO 181.l non 1mlir I ~•letlront notN, nttt. ttfOlout w .. tcltff arM Of 1 Meta ll•t ·1 ltl wt-dyw Ytllty Scl'lool Oltl•l•t 714/tJl.1'111 ,.... .._ Mii ~ H...,. .,,,,..,,.,.10 iiil1 bt.cn. rel1 $226 a f 10 tlll ltft Avllf Oec 1110 t3H/mo ~ 11111 worlt l"ftPlayeO prof 1325 mo Hewpof'I htcfl M1 oo. I 1 )0·4 N1om1 Wl•l•nCI, 1714) 714/t Ptt!•"'' ftfl I Ol•tllled ........... llllL4N-46Q 'ti ... 50. 714/4~14 1n.-.u ............ W ·t»I *°''' .. '4,Nt·Htt Ml .... , .... . ' ' • \ Co111 DAii. V PILOT /Sunday. Nov1mb•r 7. 1982 t 'I ._ ... .,....,,; .fp.fffm!fl .......... ,.'}I.. 'IA. • ••••• ,.,...,,,/ JMI 111,.w 71ff,Cl9Hc1I ,.,, • , .. "' •·····7•············· FllLI ••••••••••• , .......... YOUllQ "''"l•d min Wiii ...._,....,, 11 .. 'do G411*11 handy woo. I E I y I a I •••••••••• .. ••••••••il Calf 11111 a w"tnd1, We nHo 111w 11c .. tor t?2 H25 au IOf' lilt OLEll modeling a tcllng Cl· r1er1 Mii', any •o•. Llc'o voc1t1on11 nurM a Perform• • nrlely o11 rec• Hot'Xrooct Mgmt lnt'I 11.....itng companion g1ne111 clarlc.i dut111, (213) 792. I 12 ~:r ~;;o ::"::f, 'raw 1nClud1ng purchaalng, In· 1 ventory, record k111>1ng, 4 17211 17 1oom1 redfo 011p1tchtng, an•· ffl!.f.!.'.~00001.~!f Nu1111 Aide dlllrH dlY w1rln1J llllPhOllH, IY• work u companion. ping, lll'ld flllnO Pr1v1ov1 c111ulteu1 lat tt<Jerly or related upe111nc1 ne Ill Ph, 549·0973. 0.Hlf)' prior Wltlf Ill· .... Court11 0111" 101 bu•v INCllC., leb. mature pe1 • •on • rnu11 w/perleot or1V1ng rec:Ofcl Mon·''' 11 OOA M·I OOPM 140-0t40 •toa.L/hlt n.. ,,ont otttc:e POtltlon Minion Vl•IO lacret•• r111 111pr requtrtd 496•tot0 M~leal 'c.,.,,, bJ #11 Anl q b11b1r'1 chltr. .I.I.Tl.I. ••• .. •••.• r.9 ...... • •• •• • 1130'1. porc:1t1tn. lllnl .,._ .. ' S&ipplt• •Bird• •Cafu •Pt 114>Pks HUI> ADS ARE FREE Houaework d11tr1d. N1wport/Co111 Mll8 Hour• open Aeterenc .. on r1quae1 Phone 84~·5470 dullry ·~ Pfllerrld Typing 111<1 Qllllfll ot11c1 1klll1 nel;fflary. Salary, I IOI 1·12043 per month. XLNT Blll4lllll. Apply b>' November 19. 10112 on Or1trlc1 Appllcatlon•: • hi/Sun HOUH hOIO UIAll uu concl $550 881·9421 II 1t1n11, ctothlnRe rum 440 Furn, camerH, mlic. A ll••ll• IOIO IHTIG PlHTlt L.ge Hlectlon of A11pon1lbt1 po1111on In Boga~ • >'I c~~ dr•P"· c101111110 18840 .1/1................... unusual specimen size p l ants at clOctore office FIT GOOd t!nl• #tll D111y Ave rv 811/lun H.ARBOA AREA Incredibly low prices. 811111111. C1llfornt1 l.l• :;. ...... •••••••••••••• 0·4 APPLIANCE SERVICE Cal: ..... .,. ·Broker•o• Aul teeks Mell Con1olld1t1d ~~~~~~~~~I po11tlon. etrono organl-W•ttr t>l•trlct, 19115 Pl•· .;;: at1on11 1klll1. 43 t-3589 c1nt11 Ave. Coeca Mesa, Loat: lrtlh Hiier fern, may Calllornla 92827. (714) IN SOME DEPTS. (714) 848·45311 lunOI)' • Wedne'4•Y Gift Ftl08>'• 1yplf10, tight boollkMplng, otdlf dttk 983-3921 Ctn .. Laguna Htllt 1111, Furl'llt!.111 ll'ld MllC lleme. We 14111 recond .. ,uar. llfll fllllll IOr smell anlm811: 955. 1104 sat.sun, 8th & 7th. 0·4 #Htl••I•• luH app111nc11 s• -son Free pet• for good homes & good 111 TIAI I ~~.8~~ Sonora'. e.M. k,"""-.t'•••••! .. a;i; I HY UPLWIOll homes for free·pets. 1300·'500 pet wtl comm 301 119 ....... ~:r~e-1 l.H 057·8133 2••0 llWPOIT llul O I wnne 1r11n1ng.,a1000 + 1 Hou11hotd good• end I 0.--· •• w ,, • • be wearing T•••• lag• R1ll1bl1 cultured woman 113 f· l472 2300 MHI Or, E 8anl• d11lrH lob 11 •Iller.----------Hiiir'iiYiii1 and M1nlcurlll w•nted Bu1t Shop, Miii Verda A111 t month Fr•• rent or comm . 1157 -0,08 , 588-Ht4 wtc titer &ftlnlng No 111p, furniture exit II. 3311 REFAIGER~TOR WANT· Open OaHy l0·5 63 -4 ~8350 nee. we train . .Record 8ordMIJA 1.n 10'8 8111 llAIT flll UU ED l••t.i>I M<>M•yt ' An• Hll Mucl\ loved 11 •. com P • n I on d •I ly. OLERI/ mlly pet BIG r-11d, aoy •1_8_6T_·_&_21_2 ______ 1 bu1lnu1. Call Earl II Sun 842•7t00 Hunllngton Shor11 Prlv~t~a~yn~:~~939 ••••••••• • • •• 135·8448, 11·3 liait I fl•UY left M H.P 21002 P.C H __ _ -- - - --- - -- - I n I 0,"'. t I 0 n ca II 111/• w .. tH 1100· llECEnlOllST 54S..1919, 640 .. 404 •••'•••••••••••••••••• B11utllul 01n1 Point urn.. rap · • 11 PC H Nov 6 6 7 (9-41 Oiahw11her $100 •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••h•••••••••••••• ... IL. F d •• flghl II• Enllf 011 Huntington SI Wa1hlf·Ofyer $125 11 T1t•llllf IOJO~i•ll•lf 1111 l _ ... 1 1_ .... W .... AcUvlllH Director. PIT. ti•rbot Full Time. Tu- -•• -I • tor alter achoo! program. LOii In Rtul>9na pklng Or•93• Co11t YM CA. Set fl1Qutr1m1nu· Scanty P1n1y now hiring turn, medicine c1blnell. ,.,. 07'" Du P I D I R ph... k lor luhlon shows. EKp'd illdlllfil gl111 dre, applea, llvu-4 " A411rlg S200 646-5848 ncan hy • lnlng m Rull Yll\111 u ... roe If. --rr-a PIT 1 h , h 11b. 8 cnr Gd cotld Re-vtrv comlort1blt 4 yr• --• '"" preferred 548-8444, c 01 H . toys, muc Obie W11Unghae refrlg, fin drk wood 13115, old $70, Ph 842·9006 75g.,o25 Fr()(lt-ottlce ~ance. Jot. R-•rd . 4 842· 90. Amy type 50 wpm, IQCurecy, empt couple w/2 chit· 2245 Rapubllc ,(ott Wll· Im•• WHhlf, dryer. &e0·5280 DECORATOR FURNI· lrvlne, (31'h <11~. for I CM mor~ Sat 8·4, Svn 8·15 I 1 e e z. • r . K en mo, • 645-4554 - lo1t rhinHlone bll pin e e ap1Uuda for 0e1.i1. Mfn 2 that "VS $250,000 111•· yra gen. olllc• up. dren 110' 14). cie.ntng. llllLI IOnl •••••••••••••••••••••• V'icior11n Walnut Spool TUAE laundry, gen't 1111tt1nce.I • BODYBUILDERS I I h I Sctlool Dffk, Shop Vee, Whirlpool dryer • $75 Bed Bedllffd. $360 Solu, blink bids. w t'IO apetSOn -erd. Rew11d, IDVERTISllG $5/hr. Apply In peraon, c;lll 967.04941 Tues-Fri, 8 AM • 11 AM Prll.matvr1l1dy,r10red ATHLETES OR SUR· Matchlngf 10,1 c ed''. Bids, Ski Equip, Snow Compec:l,allcyclea.llke 7511·8001 backcl'laJr dl'l rm table 01<. Own Irena Rel•. FERS I kltcl>en jtems: Chrltlmas ohlldrea' dtak, lie. B11ut11ul 1lngle cenopy Cl'lllrt, misc . •11· I sleep so•. x nt con • blower, roll·a·wey bed. new cond. 831·1088 --& ' R Found. N.B. Vic CNll Or.)( Dover, Fe. Germ Shep X. Est 5·15 mo 845-832fil Found: Keys 11 Hiller Plfk. Coat• MHa. Call 10 ldenllty 845·61<>7 ltsl OAT Light orange. Neutered male with red collar. Arch Beech H•lg'htl Area. Laguna Be1ch. Reward. 499-5776 Co.SULTl.Ts 1110 1 PM • 4 PM. D1n1 Point Marin• Co. 24705 Dan. 01111e. 01111 Point. Local Comp1ny now I•· king apptfc-1lon1 fOf' Id· verllslng & public rel•· lions for new dlvlllon. Rapid advancement Company wlll 11ain. Earn up to $7.89/hr Cell Mr. Howard. (7 14) COLLIOTll · E11p1ndlnfiJ Newport Beectl credll cerd com- P•l1Y hes openln~ In lhelr collection dlvlllon. AP· plic;1nt musl have 2·3 y11 collectlon eJCpr. Bank card & CRT expr. pref. Contact iJohn Allen Mon 528-1000 • • •lnru Fri, 8:30 to 4:30 pm. 759-7889. 752·8481 wanted by 1ma1eur pho-deco•: 1tereo equip; 19332 611,,1 Perle.•Wh1tlpoo1 evo gm retnv t>ed E•clllent COf'ldltlon Ptleff 1~2.n111 HouMheplng tographer tor phyalQue 11mi>1. ctothu. mll: Turtle Rock 9.5 Sat, Sun 19 6 cu It New cond. l $ 1 o o 5 4 8 -4 9 O 3 . TWIN BED w/m111rl11, 2poslt1on11v11flbl1,FITI poslng(nocommluse).j W1LLOW f'URNIHJRE. 12·5 Under warr S250, 645.0272 bO•ac>rg1.~pilhe1dl S Th 7 3 30 PM S20·$80 pr dly. No up. Everything 0011 1119 ---631· 1098 -I 0 0 t b I d • s 1 0 0 .~~-P/~r~On ~all", ·* II • c • I I • r y B r e d c h a r I •• I 0 n Sal/Sun fil·5 4941 Paseo Dtn1ng llbll, 12 cillltl & 966 28115 • raging 2 di"* ,,....r week. 2)3/597-2131 j (Flirvtew/Pautertno) 811-Segovia 553·1462 Rt· Whirlpool heavy duty I bullet. magn1flcen1 Tho-· ------,_ .. -Sun 9 3 979 4396 frig• Wuher/Dryer, welher. 3 Yfl old ,_Mey-. mHville Medlt., all wood King 1101111tl0fl m111rns & Some ••perllnc• prefer·· IFFIOl/OAUIH · · · · I Bunk 'Beda, Elc Etc tao dryer, eleolron ... eye. I $2800/obO Remote RCA bo~ •pl'll'g•. Ilk• new. pd red $4 11/hr CAPt·1 Will have dlYllM dl,lllff, Riffe W/acc>pe, long gun•. Westinghouse Aelrtv . 25" Med COf'laole. 1 yr. $1500, asklnfil $400. STRANO BY THE SEA lnctudlnG oredlt opera· some boat & marine 3 Famll)' cul·dt·llC gar Froet free 17. 848·6862 old. Kini cond $600 552•1815 HOSPITAL 498-5702 tlons bl<kg and direct gear 1m111 pwr toola., Hit. painllngs. house-HB 1 83Nl490 ----~---::-""7 • _._ /I .. ltt dHll~• with the public. mtsc.' furn .. smell apples, i hold lurnl1hlnv1. ltHd· MOVING: Walh/Dryer $75 Child's Twin Canopy Bid 1:30 10 8 PM wkdaye. Full renve 01 company 10011, 18° boat. en ob-50¢ 10 SIOO. Sundey RCA colorgTV $250 ker s rack butcher blk canopy. $100. 55~·1815 ,_,, ••Jt tr SomeeKperlence helpful. somr-entlques. htnd mlll. clothlf1g and more.I 18 17 .. Relrl S290. 19,. 2 Y•!low wrought iron b•· wl spread & m1tchlng •Newpll 6 Po~.h6ozi.~·6MII; Hood benefits avall. Contact .jec111 S11. et 1701 ·Po· 10·3. 27 Rock Road 499·1554 • 1 table, with chairs an!llDble •ole·bld, )'lllow/ "" .. Mr M c Dermo It at mona or call 831·0908. (University Pk) matcnlng llght. sole bed. white 111111 corid SIOO F~up~~;.~~:!lao~ew!~~~ Anaheim Counter Person, Kusters lns11lllf tor Olshw11he11 844:1380 • G.E. Frost free relrto. 18.7 1 queen s1za brn ' desk. The Bluffs 844·0S87 34 Openings Cleaners. $5/hr. Apply and Water Hutera. E•·I IUYlftl'S JtWEllll cu 11, lee maker, Almond 960·5260 ~4~":'~:4~d & Warner. H•RD WORKER~ 1· bF•r!w. "18n67E-1.tA16Mt.hMosn1· per'd only. PT, po11lble " B•I• w .. 1" 1100 Btl• WHIH 1100 $875. 552·6715 •11.SPM. -Sec-1i-o-n1-1-,,-11-.w-h_1_p-la_y_pe_n_,· Beige broc1d1 8' 1011. ---------• ft .J. • FT. 788-2958 Pert Time •••'•••••••••••••••••• •••'•••••••••••••••••• 19 5 cu II Frinidaire relrig 10•1rx1· and ottoman •Int cond. leathe< down, Found: 20" bike. vie, Secretariat, Dellvery, Costa Mesa. Hollywood, Referral IEOIPTillllT/P·tl•• SAL~S w.llop freeze';, gold s325. I $270. 642-9006 S150 644·0887 Wpoer•1.tm87i'!_st2er87&2 Old New· Gtn Ottlct. Gen Labor OIEllT Tl&llll , llTlllll IHllllR Company tor movie• & Optome1r111·1 office 11-; J1aiterllf SenlcH 5416•0469 Th as Bros dinn•ll• sel Drexel rod din tabla. 2 .r $ 1 000 E 1 NB c 1 Extensive model home TV comm• r c I 1 I I ternoons Mature per-I E•cellent opportunity. om Ives ped tta.y 4 arm Found: kitten, blk w. blk collar. lrvlne T1rr1c1. 644-9539. 675-3882 1 c:r~a~gany ,..11'~r~I~ ••P•rlence •required. (bacl<ground or non-aon, a.pr pref. Founleln aales Hpr in Insurance, Double oven electric & II 4 ~-< ' nlng posftton avall 111 Please do not •PP•>' un-1p11klllfil onlyl 19 IMklllfil Valley. 963·8349 cl'lemlcals, etc, helpful range S100 or bst 8701 hutch. v rm set. pc• cnra. $250. ;-0867 w/end lblll & callee Ible. 8 II wal 11e1eo. 8 Found: F. red lrlsh Saller. M mixed Terrier brindle, M blk Lib (hoapll•I sectlon l. NB Anlmal Sheller. 125 Me11 Or. CM 644·3656 i Musi b1 w lllng to bl lhelf creclll depl Appll· i.ss you meet lhll quill-model types & Olherl IOI' Call 9n-50t8 Larkpor1 Or, HB trained (7 14) 639·3992 cant must have 1•2 Y" llcal l on. Pt1111 cell commerci1la IUCh H la· ltctfffHltt/letJ Wanted· Lete mdl S IS (24 Hours) customer MKvlce exper 768-3.337 (9·5 M·F). lhlon wear. cosmellc & General olflol, Newport l&Ul/llTIH rel/In Whirlpool plr'd &. ood 1 ll LAURA MERLO & AS-health club advartlH-Beach Archlteclural Arm Earn 10 S 1500/mo PfT. 548•9111 · l11l1tut Ma111tr 0 commun Cl Of'l SOC. • mentl. No experience 30 hrs per week 9.4 M u at b 1 m • 1 u re Unique Voulh CounMhng skills. CRT exper pref I 22912 El Pacifico Or. nec:elSlry. snap shol re-Good typing llklll1. tM-5511 -9043 Leave Mes-Kenmore washer $99, gas Service needs enlhu-Coniaci Anna F.'schl 1Jgun1 Hiiis quired on interview. By phone exper Salary I saga dryer $75, etec dryer alaslic OUlfiJOlng anrac-M 0 n ·Fr 1 8 • 4 3 O · oppl 2131464·7514 open. 644-1581 belWMn S N d 5 hi I'll $50, •Pl sz washer dryer tlve adull with m01l11111no ; 759-7932 KITCHEN CUSTODIAN • 10 end 1 PM 1111 -.. fil y $275 546-8672 pe11onellty pleeuntl Oltlll lllP Jlllt Swing shlll, new retire-PAIT Tm It.DI I motlveted people lo ---·------!!!'!~~!}! •••••••• 1.~!f mennera. good phone1 Greal Income potenllll. 1 ~~~~ 1~~l~!Y· X~n~g~';!~ p v 1 Po 1 t o 11 ice , lteefffMltt/IH. lfe work for one of the las· HFRll. Ill .... Fu. voice end legible hend-All occupations. For 111_ klnn 'cond &. benefit• I N 1wpo1 ti A Ir po n , GOOd 1yp1 1ldll1 & figure I 1111 growing companies Wkdy M·F. 1179·9696 u• • Yllll'S wrlllng. Clerical Ind 1 0 rm a 11 0 n c. II . 951".' 1655 9-4Mon-Frl • m. I u r •• ch., I e I . 1p11tud1. Prof . phone, In the u.s training pro-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii PHOTO MODELS supervisory .. perl1t1ce 602/998--0426 eat. 3 549·2287 manner & 1ppearanc1. vlded, S30.000 comm APPLIAIOES ESCORTS/DANCE.RS helpful Available ltlal letrtfuy , PART/Tl~E HELP Computer dale exp.' potenllll Orsi year. Call tract turn Ible, am/Im ste<eo w/llfilhtlng 848·6862 HB Reas Nearly n-dining 111. w/ sell for 'h cost Mode<n 759·t626 Gold 1111 & glass top hall 11ble, ornate dellgn, $100. 963-1932 Knee-hole desk, 8 dwra. & chair, walnut finish. S 125 963·1932 011 white rosewood sota and Jove sett. Singer CtHlll 11.ewt Self $200 M0-1111 Coffee Table and tie• Commode $70, ~0·7361 COFFEE TABLE Oatk wood, M1!<lll $40 846-4300 HIOE·A·BED Oueen·1ize. gold, good cond $80. 846-4300 SOFA (GOLO TONES) GOOO COND. $80 848-4300 OUTCALL 24 HRS 3·10pm M-F $235 per CUSTOMER SERVICE • N......,.,t Ctnllf' Allor,_.' 5..,.,.. lanll-•I. I~ lor, helpful. 640-1813 1875-6647 $100·$200·$3000 011. ' week Sincere pleasant voice, v-,..... ·~'I . ...,... "'' S le p 1.., f Relrifils , Weahers . 111-0Hl 'Bebyalttl~ & 1111 hswk. 1 . 6pNf.gPM, Mon-Thur. wtth.Corpor1t1/bllsioel1 arellredorolderperaon. Aeceptlonl1t. Pleesanl • • erson w~nav or Dryers, Cooktops, ~~~~~~~~~ E •1 .. _ C • can 1h _ tn. 4 $ 4 . 7 5 h 1. V 1g 1 , d p11ctice need bright, well 895-4460 · telephone, comp11en1 Boutique. Expr'd pref Ovens, Olshwutiers. 1 7 8 0 0 4 6 5 0 , q -•.,. .... organlz.ld Secretary with typist, 1111 bkkpg. Call Xlnt Oppl>'· Interviews G d G A Ii n 1 · • I qn az sofabed 100 eat -*** yr old & 4 moa. Must 964-8864 excellent aklHs and word P1tt·tlme lobs with po· 8.30•5 833•3544 I being ta.ken al 2l8 Mein ar en rove PP ance 673·8011 1 OBO 548·6158 Slant·O·MlllC With cebl· Musi Sell n ll SOii, & • . drive. 845-2146 • IECOllTlll SAUi Pro c II• In 0 ex P., lentlal "full·tlm1" ear-. . • SI Ste 0 H B 1160-7256 1S 191 HarbOr Blvd GG Woodard wrought Iron di-Wanted Qn slz.e bid. fi~r ltllntl. ,lrl.r B b Ill .I fo 2 ... 0 1800 · nlngsl Complete trllnlng. REPUBLIC FEDERAL SA· · ' · · 1 537·83330pen Sun 11·4 nlng labte w/6 ~hair•. mattress & 'reme G a VS er, m ure. r P/'T, F/'f, >Cini commit., ..., • No experience necea· VINOS haa an opening l&lll " • ' Open 24 hrl 1 day small gins. to+ hrs/wk. work In OC. Mull have LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING. ury. E>Coellerit commls-for PIT New Acco11n1 P. R. PERSONS NEE· J'1•'f!lll 10'"0 <2 13) 598-5749 <7141 cond 673·3104 Jac"'Zl, Sauna. Locets 7 .... _7 .. 79 8•0_5,..9 ng ,, .. apea no •Y 10111 .... enagemen op.. epresen • ve . ry OED, Mavle 1111nd 11 ••• •••••••••••••••••• CtllC .. I Lt•••••t 7 days a week S3 /hr. Beach area. flair for color, will 1raln. E 11... kl 1 d 1 •• 1 R 1 11 Sala + I •• 6' 559:4552 as ;;,11 as Tourllll. "" " .. "" wk, NB. 875-4981 portunl1le1 evallable Fringe ben•flla Laguna tooklng for a few lntelll· Schwinn Varslly t9V.". Gins Bedroom Set, while. • - BanllAmerlcard, Amer-hteraftr lttitfMt MANAGEMENT TRAINEE Wl\en QUlllflecl. Call Mr. Niguel Brarn;h. gaol. 111tectlve & stnce<e Excellenl condition. $85. 3 pc s Good con d . $200. S.0-7381 lean Express, 04ner•. All Banking Full or pan llme. Flafr for 1200_1500 per wk, while Hlllf at 641·0959 lor an 49S-0850 831 ·1940 person• to repre11nt 549.0432 $200/oller. 494-3807 Catlee T•ble a Hexco· wetcome 7141845-3433. TELLER dacoratlnfil, wilt treln. !reining, recor<I com-IC>f)olntrnent. ~9;/H them 10 their pvt club 111 GIRl.'S 10 SPd Schwtnn, 28 2 cu It 3 door tro11 mode s7o 2112 11Mbot Bl. CM Earn s10 to $15 average pany, no 11per nea.•· PB)( PIT A111-lng Ser-Nwpt Bctl. lntlr'Yllw req. 26", Mint cond. $100. tree relrifiJ $350 MllC ~<>-7381 E1rperl1nc1d prelarr1d per hour. Call for Inter· llfY. Call 873·11460 uk vice. Fllxlbll hOUrs. •I·, lllllYATlll tl.111 Call for appt. 10·8, 850-0220 tvrn & lg hangtllfil pl1nt1 J I IOTO COEDS· Would love 10 • but 1101 nec:e111ry. Call view.836-8988 for Ron ternoon Mon-Fri. Energetic •l•ff needed M on·Frl, Ask for Mr Coite M.,•75'·1098 .!!!.'!.•••••••••••••• party w/you Call Sue or Tom. (714) 780·9200. S 3 . 8 5 /hr t'o 111 r1 • for reservetlon office, Hllberfil 875.0000 18'1'/•f IOI-•-fil Pearl 3 Diamond GOid Kall'ly anytime. 12131 OAlW.U FllllAl DELIVERY person. over Manaoemeni 549•7911, Ask for 11pe day a evening 11\llt1 SHmllr .. s 111per PIT.I lht11i•l6 IOlS -·-Ang $5QO 6 3 4 , 4 5 7 1 . ( 7 14 1 UYm$ I LIU 18 to L.A. Tlm11, CM.. " ... 360. evallabll. Mu•t bl able Mldld for hlfilh fUhlon1 •••••••••••••••••••••• ORA PE RIES -heavy 759·800t 527-7 188 ual I E HorMS. 3AM-8PM. Econ ,..... ... pt "'NT C"'RE T"''CH. Per-to wor1l ~. ........... boutique Appl only •• llo/n . prlnl w4th biac*OUI llntng, --& 11 wl car req No COllllC1k>nl ..__. T al .... " ~ ......,., 285~ •Int cond One Mt 48" Gold & Purl Tree of Life Women ("Ill. r Ill 11'1 $400-"'.50 mo. plus bo--..-u f .... manenl PfT poeltlOn with In penon: 140 Ave. Ptc:o. 1544. • Call between RldwOOd 2x6 decking, Jell 94" right, 100 .. Charm $150 :97~5~ 1'8 •a fil • • c a I I Benlc nuses 646-0631 leclll y.., larter en lnterlo< plant-ac:.~ San Clem. 10-2 Pm 4-20' :"g· also rldWood length, and one Ill 178" 759-8001 TELLER Start your new car-on co. EKp'd pref'd Reliable IOUL l&.fll fencing all Jim or Ken wide & 100" long, center ANT I 0 U E 111 n d . e II t New to L.A. beaut, Intel· hat.I Assist... our 3rd 111111, taming"'· Trans • mutt. Hourly + P1tt·tlme a full·tlm•, llOlnllY l.L •nylime. 775-1491• openlnfil Both 1111 for erya1tl, amethyst 6 gold llgent. aophlallClled yng Pan lime, ~O hours a Newport'8eactl. 4"' day Up to "'50 u you be-mileage. 838-8484 poelllons ivllt Apply 111 Secre11rt11 po•lllon In Hol Waler Heater-. 1200 Including decora· cboker over 100 yra old lady, seeks lln1nc. II· Wiik. EOE For inle<Vlew -k. Need• X·R•y lie come more exp'd. You ,.-.--person Pier 1 Import•. active Newport Cenler 40·50·75 Gellon, perfeel live wood rOC11 b ch clasp $600 0 ; cure venlleman for VI· can Debbi Warmus E:a~-2~5.ea5~8_2886 wlll be promoled 10 --·-2710 Harbor Blvd .. C.M A .. 11or'1 office. Front worktng order. vuaran· MORE DRAPERIES roe • r1able ret11'0Mhlp. Writ• 973·5081 .,...,. ..., .. mgmt & ~lsory... &ISllT&IT ollie• position requires teed 838-5045. open w1av1 011m11i bat otter 631•7986 Ad No. 731 clo Oelly P._ vels Call: 714·537-41840 Entry level production letlll ..... good telephone voice.' • color. •Int cond One Mt ll1tli•~ 1111 lot. 330 w. Bey. P.O. Bo• IUm r ... 1 Interviews held every Ull111111 poalllon 1vell1· __ ... p--11.1" typing 1hor1hend & llP· 4xe wi ndow w/2 side 52" left 108" rlghl 89" •••••••••'•••••••••••• 1560 Co1t1 Mell fil2628 L kl 10 add 10 our K.n Wed 6-7 pm at t 11 Del bl• for dulgn studio --p11re~c• Rul 111111 ec:reeos SSO lenfillh. end Of'le aet 159" South Bend 9" lull mt· .~:,, ~!o 1tyllst1 wllh CllUSTIOS ... H Mltf: COii• M .... E O I flooflng autH;ontractor. !~~Py !.'y"f:·~~ ~~ j 111perlenc'• helpful but 962·3824 wide and 10 t" tong. chine lathe. looled, *ft. I ' 1a-1-.a..* ctlentel. Rlcll1rd Ouelet· , E. Warehouse/ Inventory .,. ,....... • not essen1111. Prater tocal ,. a cenler opening Botti S 1500 And others ••• "" .. 1-te, 200 Newport c.nter Sales people wanted lorj contrel: P.O./lnvolce• pnonec:ans. lslllld Sweet realdent For lnt11v11w "'•"~' • sell for $200 lncludlng 968.0165 OUT~~L~lJiJ>RTS Or. N.B. 1emporary poslliOf'll ln·,Managemant 6 Sales procualng: typing 50 ~~<lf~.!!O E. t7lh St. ( cell Mrl. Duhl •• !t~!.f!!~! •••• !.~~! decorative wood rod• lliinllHH•• lllO M/F All Cr.Oil Cards BOAT CLEANER side dept. slores. Aoral WPM req'd. Conlect Jan WtsllJ I, T.,ttr 0., Ekallte underwater hou-ANTIQUE whill king •••••••••••••••••••••• •112·1112* 8 hrl Mondays. $6.00 hr, Items & glfts. Must be 556-1601 11111111'1 R111tor1 844·4G10 · ting for Canon A· t. headboard S25. trlple -211 ... I I.. h k I & well vroomed & in en· TUii PIT Janitor ....._..._ .. com· j Complete $250. Gert dreHer w/mlrror S 100, 8 I 20· I 3"'• fl ns ul ouse eep nv thu1lasllc personellty '""""""" two night 1tand1 •35 11 °. oog. .,. per · e11terio1 detatl. on com-· IEW OlllEI merclal experience Of'lly, ••o'Y/010 548-4903, 645·0272 • 775 149 t 1 CuSlom Fantasy Phone For· detalls con11c1 Mr. di llOllITT -Dining room White cera· • anyt me. Conversation with Barbel P 8 n Y P 1 Yr 0 11 · Smith (213) 516-6908 In EXECIJTIVE AECAUI-Ftn Vty area, Imme •ta Flnenclal lnvnlmenl firm Te I e p l'I o to I ens . mlo chendeller S150. CelllOVNAVIT. Computerlztd MC/VISA 24 hrs 7 141842•4783• CdM. TING. Opportunity for openlnv. 980"8461 UWPtlT 1 or educ 1tor1. 100·200mm: 70-150mm Ronnie. 720·1855 1vea & uerclser Lill• new Call 638-070 I CUIY IFI EXEC sec·v .. E ,,' 18·~ person ••P In Banking, Rein Gutter Installer. Must P1110nnellcommunfc1tl01 f(){ Canon cemera. s 100 wkndt , 631-7300 d•VI· s • c r I f I c • $ 1 4 9 5 • • to.V.P. 01 "· · rm . ..,.. El1c1ronlc1. Finance. have own trans. If 11ou dept 1ec'y. Xtnt "'P & Geri S4S.-4905, 645-2073 759 9320 EXOTIC DANCERS ne-.. 1 full time kllcl'len C14 ......inn & S/H Num· S E I I ' We Ill k>oldllfil for I ION '' New mallllH HIS lull ~"."·-=-:-=-::~:.-a--::-:~ ..... · .,...... · ales. ng neer ng ere not exper. & reliable t•-1 / 1 11 S/H req'd Exec teer• F. t • IHS =---Bachelor/B.chlloreue help. Much cleaning, t>e<s oriented. preven '"" agen w "e IH 1 ••• $65. queen $105, klnQ,OAK FIREW . VOU I pl Accom""'ished PersOf'lnef Dl•aar do nol bother to call. experlena.. terlel ••P • ~t Non· 1 ······················ $125. And" 750·5832 PICK UP OR WE DELI· party entertalnrnenl aome heavy lllllng AP Y ~ 1 , ~ss ' 542·1242 amkr prelured Celt LOVABLE AABBrT 1 738-8538 55W538 ~".1~:~•101ia:: G~~~~ 3300 Irvine. 10":'.·N.B • Pft()f[SSIONAL 1•mT/•IEI IEll Apply in perlOll: 553-o940 Lop-1111d F , lre1 to Rldecoratlllfil Ho!M, high' VER 4113·15748 Boyfriend, neon, model snoppe. uo E. 17th St, 545-9971 100% Free 4e20 •di. S1e l.. .,... ' Fashion Island Sl<vicl Station 111111 AM I good hOme. 548-4102 grade UHd lumllure tor Hydraullc Salon Chr. Reply 10 Tenn. PO Boa C.M ZMO If you're good w/figuret, Newporl center 111111 ai>PIY 11 2500 San P di 1 10 good , sale 673-3432 smoke colored Good 5211-~. Santa Ana, Ca E.xperleneld Cool<• nee-""'9t llMdl. Cl t organized, 11111 & de· Newport BNch. CA Joaquin Hiii• Rd., Co-I .?,.~ 's' ..:_~, ............... ,Sol• & lovHlll, velvet ~!'~ .. $340 673-4188. 92704. Ceshler weoted Rober! ded tor dinner hou11. (114) W-tltl pend1ble. -need you•---.;.______ ,...,.,.., ''""'' ,.....,.,.... ~....., ---------PhiHlp1 co (formerly The Nlghl & Oay Shift• 1vall ,. l.....,.. ..._. ..,_, In our front office orellf I 1&1.1S .......... ron1 de! Mar 54a..2&48 orllllt•I pnnt. New cond I 41 PUI AYEllE Polo Store) So Cst Pl111 Good Pay & Benefit a. clnk for busy men's t~ I 11111 (SCllTI ll0· 1l 1I Apply In peraon APflfy be'-1 2 • 8 PM. MARKETING MANAGE· lllrlel company In INine. Unique tidy'e CIOlhlng 24 hr by•"""' Mon-Sat. VICTORIA MENT Ellpandlng bUll· Exper. req. 10 kl)' touch. 110,. Hekl inergatlc s .._.,.ntment Clerical , STATION, 990 Dove St. '*' 1111<1~ Shlfp .... r. Type 60/60 , $1100 1225. 751·8133 •Deanna Ovrbln Doll Col· T llef>hone Salee PeflOnlllty + "a.tljl ty· ANTIQUE CHAIRS (WoOCllj ltctors 11em Over 40 PUii i pe", 2'h yr M, free to lo-115 NtutlCll • yea11 $250 7594001 Need 20 paopll to wor1t Wlfil home. 142·8752 751-8133 M11e old CIOclll. P1r1 time AM & early PM N. B. t Iv 1 11 I I 1 I 8 r1 Ir I . C 0 m p . p k g • lady w /ll1lr for IUl'lton. 1tm••I hra Profeul<>nal 19pea-540-e714 7141540-0737 and/or modellng expr Stmtn 5310 ranee Typing 55Wl)m. ,.. FAOT•Y tu.I hetptul APflfy In pltlOll from our office liking 1 yr. Dobl•fSllep, Fe $300 10 S825. phone order• for Fllmco. Small and 11tract1ve Old end l•bl• $35, old 759-8001 Proceujng. FIT or PIT.' very qui et. ~ovlnv. chair S15. rnd beveled •••••••••••••••••••••• hog, 1upply orde<tng & All ahlfta available. Ideal Riii £.a&-a... 4117-4777, Ale•I• Natural lT YHI lllYICE dll1ribu11oo Call Ms Ab-ror mature woman over M•RK£TING ••••• F11hlon1. 280 Forest 6 others welcome Mu11 --------- Sludentt. moonlighl8'1. 494·3608 · mirror $25, port IYPI· CftlSTll&S IHl Sa~llte2~;;~: H1vlc1di 111$( ltftlS Peraonal, quanfled com-1>011 546-0930. Equal 30. 895-4480 ft LOI• A&a-lr ' Alie. Lagun. Beech speak Engllah clearly F111 to 3ood home panlOf'l drlve11 tor your Opportunity Employef IVERPAC CORP. MANAGEJelNT Gr---' .~!!."'. 10 ,....,.. •-tel ,.._.A. (ltt-u) Wiii treln. We otter up to Atreclalel Mphefd ml•, day to day 1rr1nd1. """5 ,.._..,_,Ion"-HB "'"'" """' ..,...,. ,,...... -¥1Wir• -S200 Pl{ week. Call lovable n11d1 room. CLERICAL -AvaH Imme<!. _... '"'""""' .,.., nt M-~ "''-. we Office supplv companv 497 4965 Shopping, doctor ·1 "" nnn 1 1 554..0444 TOOAYI • eppis;-, church, 110 All It clerlcal Jobs w/grc>Wlog Full and PIT help wanlld t..-need 4 eglonat Loan hu lull/time poattton 1 ________ _ need• met. By hour 0 , vldao company,• 20 llr. New Unique Ptu:a Store. Local Dir. Mrk'I Co. officlf'9, exp. pret'd. we 1111lllble. WUI 1r1ln. TUYll llllT , F= ~~~::'!; day. 494-5857 wt! Fle11 hr1-dys, $4.50 El Toro 859-4898, llllds 28 herd workera .. wilt train right lndlvlduat Newporl S1111oneta. Inc Orange County. Comml ~107 hr. 964-8850 669-0934 Full Eleneflte. for rnldentlat 111 6 2nd &57·11212 (Mr. Emmons) Sabre Agency 2 yHra --------- Sti.,/1 .t What 1 Wonderlut World MlllAL .,,.. • Sl,lJS Mtg. LLao 1 e 1 n, ..... A .. E:'Jllc 19q 0 'd Salel .. per. Call b1tw11n 8 l'u•itut 1111 •-I t' 1005 of Shoppln lnht t •-••-and II PM 7~4-1173·2414 •••••••••••••••••••••• ,., II& 11• fil, r • • Fun time, ...... ng. touch __...,_ pj;,;• .. ••••••••••••u >'OU' fll'IQll'UPI everyd_,.I control on''i:ddlllg ma· aLISPllm nPl1'f PAIT Tm **' BUY** Dally Piiot Cla111tted chine. Payroll 1nd NO S"'L&AY P~S COM-8 to 3 PM Lido w•..-Dynamlc Exper Plano & Adi To place your Id 53 REAL ESTATE SALE· ,.. ,.. . .._.. Good uaecl Furniture & Compo1ltlon LHIOlll. ca11 '&42·5e78 •nd let ~ phone1, 957-83 SM AN. NHd 2 •xpe. MISSION'11 91ound In _A_r_•_•_· 8_7_3-_9_3_1_11 ___ -t Appliancea·OA I wlll Mii "Musicianship before Claulflecl Ad·Vltor help Sell lhlogt .... wlttl Daily EVDr'DIENCE rlenc:~ people In com-HOUrlty. htrdWlrl Or wam1 or SELL tor You IGllel°"I 846-01152 you. Plto1 WMt Ads. MU\ mlfClal & Industrial reaf :r.!""' Mlllng rlq\llfld. IUITDI &lll1ll RE~m ntall for I IUCCINfllt & Hvy phone call1 to , Publlaher nelda pereon •• ... •••HU Qfowlng flfm. &est ~· IHdl provided by •d-lo write local edl10rlll for ----_. (714) 535' king condition• In New-Vef1l1lng. Some travel gtottf publlcatlon. ldeel • • p 0 , t B 1 1 c h . from time to time for college Jovrn•V'm I Ill FmlTlll 7141648-5051. StnCI '""""with hletory m•lor. Submit 11mp1.. L.. 967-8133 of -nlngl on MCh jOt> to· 1118 w 8albol •B, NICI Go4dln Oak 4 drawer to N8 1288 I d11111r. oval b•v'•l•d hi 1.. W.O. HOUMlleeper fOf In-, mirror '350 919-4544 Beautiful cerarnle h«se, Baby Stroller. Twin, hand palnlecl end 0111~. Cu11om Perego. acces. Only $75 Other cerarntc lncld St75. 979·2516 animal• made 10 order Fum1tv11 & Acce11orlee, tor your 1n1mal lov•1 for Relrlge111or, Blkn, Hin• Chri1tm11S. Cell '™' for gtng L1mp1, Etc Mull dellJll II 840·8709 all call for apot Cash only. _6_P_M_. ______ _ 759--0388 8 Mill. $S MAN Lerge Sect Soll wt1h bid. Plnball 8 Player 1350. lubdu1d floral print. Blue & Gold M1e1w >Ctnt 1315. 759·'196 $1050. Citron Cockatoo, ---........ -----1 ume. $600. OBO. Le lefa I 845-21183 P P ltatlan Imported. Brand SKIS· Roulgnol S-5 new S900 650·4857 Comps 190's, Loo61 Bin- King Site 1>9d '95 Twin ding• Silver Flute bow 1pr Inga, & Ml ti _«_S._4_64_e _____ ,.... Mull NII 642-9008 Sl<I BOOTS, women'• Tti• 11111&1 drew In the Humanlc• Sz 7. metl W111. 1 Dilly Piiot blue wt bkla. Ilk• new. Ctnalflecl Ad 142-5178 555, 831·_109_8 __ _ IUL UT&ft l&LU Well toc:ated Pet!lneula Office "" oper1 <leek tor 1ggrH1lv• 11111 and r'"'lf perton Generous comm. schedute. P,.y• RE 871-1900 lllr Piii tent, Mon & Wed Liii N ha 11• Hlttpg &VII 840-1948 !'Jm}Je.'!!f! ... ll!lf .!lfC'!}/~~.'!J!! ... lf.! !'J.~'!.! ... ~ ......... , ll • ...b,..,,_ @-• If lt'•got wheels, you'll move It faster In a Dalty Ptlot :!r.!J.~ t!C:t' vlserwlll help you 11111 ;;e~ •••••••••• E~ ~y Empt M/F ... •z::••-• uus1-.ua - -· FIT, CroWft Hard"8fl , ~~~:!~ 1024 IMM A.-, Ne 11761 W..111111* Ave Ute GARD8tGROVI __ , ...... ;;;~;'°';;;; Pet1dn for Ollrtal mH 0111 11111. To 0111 on ll~IMIU~li P1111dent1 of Comp•· ,,.., l'utetllllng A9fnt•. 8 t ltl Manae•r•. It• oonreoune .. ,.....,.. IOOOUftll Mid 01Mll9f """ .,,., "'111111 • *"l!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!I II~ ,tt'IM, .,,. IN It· OIAl.1"8 WA ... TID vtne. Weetdlfl Plate. N. IM Mnutl Aalq. lllOW 1 · ""' "''°loot "~ 111.11/llftl. .... H.8 NMCI I ettldeOOtetor V '19'°'* 2131430-4'10 ~ Ptelt tor • llO Old rocker from Pfl· oer. MO ..... hrS. W. Wiit .9Un Olllb 1200 Ill .Iii IAlll .in. 41t-1411 llt•Hl4 Cltca IMO lt'I I IMlll PM --~ :JOU '!'' lft llLL tctle ltt me wtttl I turn your wMetslnto celh. • ' ~a=•:•:llfl:•~•~A.a::.:IQ:= .... ~=-:"~J.. .. 111ii11 .. ll! .... ~~DlllW==~111t~~Qlll=== ... ::=•~J.~Dll1~~"'°':::!a~ .. :::Rled::~A4~·J.. ~ ______________ ..... ,__ __________ '\- ' .· Or•no• Ooa1t DAIL y PILOT /Sundav. NO'VM!b•r '· 1982 • • ••••••••• Newpor 1 le1oh 1'tn1111 CIUO Ml mmbtellP Vetue SHOO, Mlk• o lr entON Irvine O C m1rnb1r1hlp '°' Mle l!_,lnOI 2 t:S/4'4· ttoS , .... ,.f02 \.Ike new. w/bench l 1tSO. 842-0340 . 14,5-111' • t (01'4Nf\l •:Hf vtrll JI l_, ... , .. ' ~ (j (; 1977 CADILLAC ILDOIADO COUPI (622SZG) $5995 1911 CADILLAC &!J!!!! ••••••••• 1!.!f ILOOIADO COUPI 1911 Ull.ut (4617011 10,970 ~J .... IM· SJJ,995 meculltef (SJC111) 111,HI 1111 •Tin e .. ch Blvd ·S.O. Frwy. W11trnln1ter .(71•1894·3357_ Tll LAllUT ...... Of lete model, IOI# f'lll .... ge c.dlllece In Southern c1111om1e1 s.. ut rodeyt ..... t•Lll HOO HettlOt INd COSTA MflA 141-1111 1919 CADILLAC PLllTWOOD llOUGHAM (141187) s3995 1911 CADILLAC IL DO.ADO llAlllTZ (938VPY) s7995 1911 CADILLAC coun DI v11.u O'IUOANCI (1IOC306) '11,995 19UCADALAC •unwooe llOUGllAflf CtlALMI) 115,495 MERE I AM OOIN6 MV FAMOU5 RAIN DANCE , · W~IGM CAU5ES NANCY OH BOY---' . SIX SHORT FILMS ON TELEVISION TODAY IT IMMEOfATELY ' TO ••• 11-7 I LIKE TO GET IN THE MOOD FOR EACH FILM MERE I AM . DOING· MY , FAMOUS SNOW DANCE WMICM . CAUSES IT IMMEE'IATELV TQ ••• - .. By Ernie Busl1miller ., i i .i • . I I : .~ J , GARFIELD® ~l.JDGE PARKER WE THINK THAT 60TH 0 . 6 . AND IF'THEY ARE, THEY'U ~ CHARLEY MIGHT ee AT DR\VER'5 5E LEAVING SOON f PLACE .•. OR WILL e>E SOON! WE Atl!JI:) Tf-tlNK 11-fAT lONY COULD ... .._~ETOO! HOW 00 :I KNOW 1HE.5E BAND 5MOKE ALAIC!M6 . WILL. WO~K~ , MOON MULLINS DOCTOR SMOCK HMM ... I l'EAU.'t> D~'f KNOW ... ~ I by Ferd and Tom Johnson . ·' . EMMA! WHAr's B<?O you NEVER L.ET you Tf<~AT ME A \:(00! MF3TAL~royou~ Lfk'.E"A DO<S! WRONG? ·C~RTAINL.Y, MY SWEET-- you WANT TO IALI<? WE'LL ~ -rALk.! i DoN'T? i Do?? By George Lemont · ... . ~ . .. rve "°1 rn WF'U.. FUP A COIN 1t> St?E Wl«) eoss UOWN 10 Fi'ltH P&MMICANl'U~S! ._ ..... , ... __ , __ _ HEAUS VOU 00-IAIL.S I SIA'( HEF{E:-REA17V1 .. tki•n 1w .,. ,.,..., • H11N1• 1111t•P 4'1u•) I ·''"""'' •t ._..,. ..,., • 6u1n 1w" 1u1'4 ,....MeH t ,..'°'I, •11•111s c ,._ •t WJY 1 ~,.,•~•1110 WOllDPUY INVl•lll Eech lint d fhll vtr1it pr«Mdn • clue to • ••ntlt ....... of • mystery slx·letter word: V.U'll flMI rM In •rti, "'' NYtr ·~ ....... L.MWwtlelll ....... _..,.. .. lk ........ ................ . ......... , ..... .. :c ......... . ~ ....... ..... ....... ., .... , ... ""'-·"'"" .......... n.,... ..... ...,,., .. tnulk, ..... •hNY' In tune. Whet word •m I? .... 10. 1·f7 r& ·1s IODY CHICICI Whit• M *•• .. ~ .. tfttt ,_..... 1,. saneT To find out, Insert lines 1 to 2, 3, etc . e i j f I K For Better or For Worse OK, \..rt-l 'LL S1lV\IGH're.N lTUP. CRNT 5\.EEP oN LUMPS. DeRE80NE.- f\N' Of'e. OBER DERE. .... ,. .. 2 IULL'S IYlt A#t't tile fellewt .. celets neetty II ~ tbove: 1-·~· 2-Lt• blue. J-Vellow. 4-Lt. WWII. .-u. gr .. n. J..i.OI&. llrown . .-Ole. ltlue. t-lledl .• 1~ t, .. y. SPELLBINDER sco•1 10 Points for utlno •II the ---..,.-t-----1ettor1 In tho word betow to forrn ___ ...,.._ __ _ two complete worda: ITE•LINO . . . . . ... T .. IM IUf'e 1 ..ints '"" f9r tll wetdl ,, '°"' ""., • ., ....... ---~--­'°"~ •"*'I the ... .., •. Try ti Mtrt It INtt It ......... ·111,e,..,, .... Allle ...... by Lmn ,_nston -W~£ G.lt-U,tR At.ON£! 'IOU 80'4!> J061 RELA1 ~O lUO ~ M~?IM£ l •· GORDO SHOE r:rr• Ll~1£tJ, tr '400 eoi~ Q>M'i QOlE.'f DOWN, 'IOOR rA1"tR ~ &OIM(, 4fO 6£.T _ ___., ~Elt'f AMe:,lt'I ! By Gus Arr.iola 1) PA~IJE7- t'!J tJO"r FOfC. ilU: FAl"1'1" OF-~T'· • by MacNellv YOU~ ltflNA ~ PLA'< INTO~ ~ ()£. umARA KUC#** Author of Childhood Stras: Don't Let Your Child Be a Vic- dm ~ Pra.J How do pou know tf ~ cbld 19 ..-too much --1-M.C.P .• .1o1et. m. When a chlJd's stress level reaches "red alert," it's audaJ 1hat the child get help. Parents should pay dose at· tention to any sudden changes in th e child's behavior. such as bed- wetting, nervous tics. ex· oessive daydreaming or ex· plosive crying. Children under high levels of stress are also more su.sceptible to in· fectious dise.Me , so watch for colds. sore throa1s, head· aches. diarrhea, stomach upset. backaches or frequent urination. ROY ..... Fout* and dlr.n; Foundo· bl of Human Lmde»ilfWdng .......... do ..., ..... pis ledt? -BA. 'hnde, w. .c;- Undmmndlng. Molt pee>- ..... ., ..... the lmpor· -..c1--. ........ ., ad-..~ CM t.xNne • kind ol "can· ldlnca .. NI .. guide peo- ple In th9W dllliJ dedlb•. .----... ~ -r--~-, ., , "' , ~ I • - I "--' ~-, '--! -._ 1'R011 TH• ''AM'' mlTOll THE HEIGHT OF SVC CESS: ff 5-foot-10 Brooke Shlelda had any doubts about the joys of being tall, they were surely laid to rest via dancer-actress Ell-. bah Kuboca at the Union Plaza Hotel in Las Vegas. Slx-foot-2 Liz let Brooke In on why height is a boon: "You get to hear more. and simple exercises are enough to keep you In good shape. I see all those petite S.foot-tall gals worried about weight. munching on celery. and I laugh." ... CASHING IN: Did Volro Ono refuse an ad- vance of nearly $5 million for her autobiography because she hasn't yet recovered from the death of husband John IAanon, or because, as some insiders insist, she's holdtng out for more loot?. . . . Tootsie , Du.tin Hotfmaa's new ftlm , to date has racked up $30 million in OOlts • • • . LCMI acobl, currently on ICIWn wtd'I ..... O'Toole In My FCJUOrlte Year, NPQrtS: "f'w been • ltady, ~ cated gambler for 20 yam, mid my r.:ord ii flawlnl. rm a born loeer.". . . FIAT- 1ERV? The men who gaw Mldl ...... mUIAc laeof\t S8kl al hll fomw pupO: "He was Ilk.able Md .rudous to a.am th• rudiment.a of -tnUllc." lhe pni bu or tt... added: 'What • IMme that he lkipped ~ ~. If he hid condnued, he could have madl tomethlng °' . --... --.~ - How mmy ..... haw pou ws1t1m? .. as.. Tnnmn. N . .I. I don't know exacdy, but I know rve thrown away MV· era! thousand. If they don't Impress me once they're on paper, they end up in the trash can. But 9UlCe "Diana" himself." ... WORLDLY In 1957, I've published more WORDS: Nightclub per-than 400 songs. former Charo described what goa on within her four walls. She, her husband and baby bve with her father, mother, aunt and sister In thetr house, along wtth her husband's mother and two live-to maids: "My family speab Spanish and English, except my father, who speaks mnch. My mother· 1n..iaw speaks Swedish. One al our maids Is Polilh and the other II German. Oun Is not a famllY -we'N a 1V sit· com ." ... Comedienne CDll~." .. Roa• of the ' blooms neon t SUN FLARE. 1 sunny, lemon : In 1982. And < HONOR1ndC ALL GUARAN EVENMORE t 23 Rose Lane Medford Oregon 97501 Yes' Send absolutely free. my copy of yOllr g1an1 new Spring 1983 Garden Catalog Pr1n1 Name Street City State Zip :.~t~0.~,~;l ' -.. '==~~;~c.:u:s~~:Rl:~;'.ilil!l~~~::;;u;~-..;;c:;;=?:....,,,..,. world! 1r1 ~ •• -. ·- Jeckaon & P~M Co. Wo~ Growers and Nuner'"*' 23-A Roee Lane. M.dford, Ot'9gOn 87501 .*"-....... ,,_...c.. r o be a woman, let ak>ne ·an actress, In today's world Is a complicated thing. Penonally, I llke things .unple. I am an actress, a wife. a mother, a busi- nesswoman-producer, a concerned citbien and also just kind d a Simp&e person. Simple! ~ laU!ti -Raquel Welch just a ~ glrf? Oh sure. Wei, for me, simplidty is when an the complk:ations and facets of something come into focus and shine wMh a dear, OOght light. That for- tunately ls what has happened to me in the last few years of my career and m y personal life. Things have fallen into place, rough edges have smooth· ened out ,and I feel lil<e a diamond In the rough whkh suddenly spzrkles. ;__ Part of this newfound dartty coma &om my recent marriage to French writer-director-producer Andre Weinfeld; part &om the fact that ·my children are grown and a source of pride and support. But In the public view and In my career as an actress, nothing has heJped produce this clari- ty as much as the success of my debut on Broadway In the play ~an of the Year. Jn a way It has been the cuJmtnation of 10 many elements ln my career, and also of my personal cblldhood dreams. I don't think there was ever a time in my life when J didn't want to be an actress -earmarked by seeJng the movie The Red Shoa at age 7. I was a lialJetomane through 10 years of my chidhood and adolescence. Even belore that J have these rather comic recolectk>ns of myself as a mere tod- cDer with my ear to the radio, merra lzll tg songs and dialogue from oomrnerdals. People med to ftnd It hystertcal that at somedmg like age 3 I could remember al the 50Jl9S and patter . . . my dad used to love to haul me out for what I thought were these rather ridiculous perfonnanc:a. No one ruly took it Mlioully -ahr all, CYelY ktle girt wants to be an ac:trae. Years later, as a teen-eger, I had quit8 an ammlng sucx:ae et wtmUna ~·"'"··-............ ... .. • job reely. beat ...... the girt. in my dllll MN doing tt. But inllde I thought It w. corny end ltupld. My ln•lectuel ...... at 15 ~offended •• FNJ/lllX Wll!KU, ......... 1. - bsJ the idea of wearing high heels with • bathing suit. It was tacky. I was already beginning to dilcover something very interesting, though - a certain hypocrisy that people had In relation to females. They wou)d say, you're suppoeed to be this way and that, but basically It was just lip service to certain Ideas, and they would give al the trophies for somethlhg else. I was somewhat confused at fine. My father, who had brought me up strictly -I had to wear conservative gray, navy blue and white ... no curts or ~Y loose hair around the face ---.. ladies don't do that sort of ttmg" -perceived me as a little ·Madonna. But then In public I nodced tNI he would aane his neck mound 'to look at some buxom blonde walk- . Ing down the meet In a dinging dres! Hmmm. I tho&qu. I got the plctwe pretty quick. There are the-rules and then there • ral life. l..ater on. In Holywood, it was the ...,. thing. In my rather naive ap- poad\ to mo\llelend tmcvle\Nt and mdllons, I would opt for a lllde ~ suit, al neat end t.mbly Wlln the, I only to be ~ bsJ OJUidon ful of n~ ~hew""" al hmglng out of ttm drama. I had to -.i I~. 1"o hel wlh the lltde glows. the P9ter Pan coa.. and llt lhoa .... lt't the wrong gameft" Anvwet'/. IO 911* b9dl IO 1hli b9uly ~. I tiaw'to com.. MI newr thoUltit I W. ~ theka" In the looM dee*bawnt. Plitt poll\ YC>'l .... ..,. .,.. no, ... tn..t rm nat ... teaing ... modllty. Oh, ....... .,. whm 1111 up mnct thktk rm PNt- ty hot ... but then ...... the cl¥---...... ~. you look . \ ,... I I ·1 I I I I J r Daughter Tahllft Wdch co4th Attlltt: ·a a:>urot of tremendoul ~ • like Godzilla! Through the years I dlsGovered that beauty is a state of mind. Even in those early contests, the other gjrls always seemed more beautiful to me. and I couldn't help but wonder what people saw in me . · .. but lhen I didn't want to look a gift horse in the mouth. Looking back, I think it must have been the years o f classical ballet. That rationale wouldn't have convinced me lhen. but too much analysis spoils the fun anyway. I always loved the quote that Diana Vreeland. doyenne of high fashion and former editor of Vog~. gave about her beauty secrets She said. Ml just sit down in front of my mirror and makeup, imagining the whole time that rm the most dlvine·looking creature -and when I finish. I am." The great beauties of the world have been far from feature perfect. In fact, It Ls their kliosynaades lhat make them l'l'lOCe beautiful: lr9id Bergman's too·long nose: Greta Garbo's thin slash of a mouth. The defect Ls very important -it's all in the way you think of It Personally. I find my shoulders too btoad, my hips too nanow. my eyes sorhethlng less than remarkable, my coloring drab and, to me, my mouth moves funny when I talk. Now that rve discredJted myself totally in that department, we can talk about my movies. My ftrst film was Fantastic Voyage, a 1966 sd·ft epic that was very sue· ce.sslul. but as the launching pad of a ho peful young actress, It left some· thing to be desired. Much lauded for Its special effects, with my presence among them (couldn't you just kill pres. agent!), Fantastic Voyage of· feted me the banality of playing a lab technkian no less! 1. kept wonderlng If Lana Turner had been discovered this way. I wore an antiMptic·&ooklng lab coat and • 'short, black ~ -which had aU the charm of a Darth Vader helm~. - Bot I was ltill quite naive about the wonderful workings of my new world. When the picture came out, 20th Century-Fox traded heavily on the re· cent excitement sdrred by my ap· pearance in the movie One Miiiion Years B.C. (still unrele.ased. In which I appeared In a chamois bikini). They started promoting Fantastic Voyage with lines like, "THE GIRL THAT GETS UNDER YOUR SKIN -THE GIRL THAT MAKES YOUR BLOOD RUN HOT." I said, "You can't adver· t1se the film llke that ... rm In a Jab coat and f ve got three words to say -one of which Is 'oxygenation.'" I dldn 't realize what an amusing picture my protestations must have created. I had yet to develop the best weapon a girl can have In the face of such in· dignities: a strong, healthy sense of humor. But the biggest problem was the lack of good parts. Here eame the rub. Everyone thinks you're absolute· ly scintillating. But you can't play the good-girl parts because you're too sexy. I felt as though I was being penalized for be.Ing the sex symbol they had created. It was the idea of the Mado nna versus the whore again. But I IJnew that there ls a place In every woman where the two meet. I never could abide the idea. of dis.sec· ting separate parts of a personality from the whole. A sex symbol, I was to learn. Is not someone who's Invited into the inner sanctum of quality scripts and dlrec· tors. It wasn't from the public; It was from the industJy ltHlf. My Spanish ...... u. ........ ,,, ............. v... . In the be9nnlng, I was V*y ~ by the whole sex goddesl thing and It made me so uncomfortabM. k wa1n't a quadon of not wanting to be a tex symbol •..• .Even ~ f had ncwr had It In mind, I fo8owed the plllh that f• laid out for me _and played tM . cardt I was dealt. But part of th• prob- lem was that l always fd thil tmncn· dou.s obligation to ltve up to ''tM Im· age," encl I wae mon then a~ tn· dmldated by thm. blood ~ to boll. Ewntualy the &gWi ancelb'y on my modt-'s side broudd me down to a tlow *1\mer -thet -..d me be- cau. I knew how to Mes> a di upper ..,, k WM, ~ hwnllildnQ &om time to time. I had to.._ .. an the chJn. But I kMw that It w• good eMrcile and thlt If I got up off the m1t ohn eno•. I coWd ..wt my ground. Tu.. v.w a pe1od when I~ the be9C thing to do was to forcibly re: ject being a sex symbol. Easier Mid than done! I started saying, "Listen guys, I am not a sex symbol; don't cal me a sex symbol." But· then you get Into all those ridiculous arguments about what ls a sex symbol anyway. I finally realized that I do represent that to people and somewhere I like repre· senting that. h's part of me as a woman. So I accepted It -and stopped apologizfng. I've come to the conclusion that aJI the analytical jargon and sec:ond- guessing on the subject of sex In this country Ls making us more telf · conscious than ever. We are more and more explicit and leSS> and less fulfUleq . We are more and more liberated and less and less free. Fm a very spontaneous person by nanae. and J can't stand someone \WOnytng about who opens doors fOf whom. I believe in penonal morals and per- sonal standards of dignity. I think they come to us naturally as they do to animals -who are more noble than the hwnan beings they •• surround- ed by. But aD the poetic Ideal aside, perhaps we could just simplify, ~ In male-female reladons. and gilt back to the batk:s: home, family, mutual support. It's not duD end lacklwnr. Men and women are Interdepen- dent and ll's a hlrri8c ~ In al of b aiipecu. 1Mre .. no pat ~ mu£M. That ii what maka It IO lnhn'- elltngl I haw bMr1 l'1UnWd thl'ft times and ha\IC two chicnn by my ftnt mmiilge. I know a loc of women t• !Mt they shouldn't have chidnn If they really went to be '"modlm women ."· That'• • vey penonm choice, of coune. But I a!Ways found th.It my lddt W'9e a IOwt.e of tremen· dous suppod. Even ~ cMy ..,... the tlnld tom --~ boch ..,... • when I ftlmed One~ Years 8.C . -tn• ..... ..,~ ...... like panntl to me. 'They ..nect IO corarned. I think «My llnl9d thlt I WM .. a ... on the fronl ... Ind when I ame home, I ... .got ~loot. md OOIMWlll ... GNJ; The First Porcelain Plate '~Cherub's Gift" by Berta Hummel • Each plate is hallmarked and registered with the Berta Hummel Museum •Beautiful four-<:olor art inspired by the original art of Berta Hummel "A Cherub·s Glff. Is the first hi a col- leclion ofmlnlature reproductions or famous collector plates Inspired by the original art of Berta Hummel. now displayed In the Berta Hummel Museum In Massing. Germany. This first edition ts ls.sued by the New England Collectors Society under an exclusive agreement with the fkrta Hummel Museum and Is au thortzcd • Each plate handcrafted in fine Bavarian porcelain and bordered with a band of precious 22kt. gold • Priced at only 812.50 ,. by the legal heirs of Berta Hummel. Tl)c original Hummel art Is rcpro· duced In full color on One Bavarian porcelain and hand-decorated with a band of precious 22kt. gold. Each plate will be registered and hall- marked. You will receive a Certtncate of Registration which attests to the authenticity of this Important first edlllo.n miniature plate reproduction. ---------------------------Cl.Tr The New £nglan4 -1 tL!> Collectors Society " "A Cherub's Gift0 by sm.a Hummel ,,.. ... cMdlOf~_...,.,....to-~ CoU«ton 90C'let ,.. 2:11 9ow lllUI lfd... "4r« HG.ucn. CT Off5Jtf Vin.,. f'nll'f m'f onlf't for "A C!Mnlb .. OUC -dw nn.1 mlnlMIUtf' pllltf' AUtboflUd by IM Hummf't hrnfl:~ ~ '" a....,~ ~ VIM J ha''" .. rw~ mv rf'mtllMf'Wf> •• foUow• _ placn • '" 50 r•• I• Slt1pptn1l •nd I l•ndllnt • 1r1:1 ~·pt•• .. TOTl\t. llMUUNT K~LOSt:O• ·-ft__ s __ Card No .. _______ bpi,... __ _ fll--·------------- I I ~/anti...,,. Damon (rfflltt) and~: "TM,,_ port,,_ beet,,_ ooum.. RAQUEL WELCH A.M. and stumble back home at 7 "It's O.K .• we love you, Mommy." I remember thinking. well you can't let yourself crumble now; you have to take care of yourself. You have to fight to hold onto a vision because the only thing you have to give back for all this love is some kind of ex.ample of yourself. My son Damon and daughter Tah- nee have accompanied me all over the world throughout my fllm career. They have cheered my successes and booed my adversaries and detractors. Oftentimes they have seemed bew\1- dered by the harshness and even the plain physical pain that the life I have chosen has bro ught us. but they have also been delighted with the pleasure and the excttement that has come our way. I wondered at times If I should pursue a career because of them, but I also knew l could not make them re· sponsible for my not being who I am. You con do both. fve hated seeing motherhood get a bad name In recent years because I know how Important my chddren have been to me. We've shared adventures In Lon - don, Rome, Parts, Madrid , La C8te d'Azur and the Costa del Sol. They've seen me In loincloth, ftghting off pterodac:tyls, and on roUcr skates In KOIUO:I Oy Bomber. They've YMChed me ride thro~ burning villages In 100 RI/la, be roman~d by Marcello Mastroianni and learn to do a mean "quick dtaw" fOr Hannie Caul<Wr. They were on the sldetlnes of The Three Mualc.ieera when the ~ were ftuhlng and •w O' Artagnan bunt thrO~ a wtndow to my reecue. 1lMy.., ,,.. •• a-a_. In n.. WUd Party and heard me struggling with Ftench ln my Pwtllan movie with Jun·PauJ Be,\mondo. They've alto Men rne drag my.elf out of bed at 5 P.M., sometimes six days a week for as long as 18 months at a stretch. They've been chased by papanml and watched me at home on tekrvl· sion at the Academy Awards and when I received the Golden Globe Award for best actress in The Three Musketeers . In short, they've seen It all! And rm very proud of them. he minute the curtaJn went up the audience gave me a iremendow ovation. I «arted to CJll. Damon is now 21 and studying film at a university. Tahnee Is 20 and studying acting in California. They a.re both beautiful. brighl and indepen: dent . _.hlch Is all to their own cred· It. t should know. after all, I om their mother. Yes. I am. More recently. we all celebrated the suc.eessful opening of ~man of the Yeor. Well. they said it couldn't be done. Newswuk called It a "quantum leap." Looking back, I guess It was. Dare I quote my own reviews? Oh. what the heU . Chve Barnes of the New York Po.t.: "Raquel Wows Them in Woman of the Year!" Mel GUllOw, The New York Tima: " ... What a woman! What a yead When wu t~ &Mt time you heard wolf whistles or( &oadway?" It was mulk to my 9*a -ya. Indeed It has made us all wry happy. . I think the bat part has been the crowds that have greeted me by the Warning: The Surgeon General Has .. Oetermined That.Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. I ' ... F'REE LD! November, 1982,, coin collection Philadelphi~ Pa a magnificent -The U.S. Gov-9 mm solid 14 - emment announced karat gold Lincoln recently that 1982 penny absolutely will be the 18.91 year FREE. This free for minting the "~ v.....,,.. Li-'~ --,..,., anld coin off er is ~,. .. -"" ,...._ ~ -per Lincoln peMy. c..,._,.,._ ... ,L valid only as long And already these vanishing as International Mint's limi· historic coim are being board-ted supply of the 52-coin sets ed by wise collectors and lasts. investors. Thus creating a To qualify, call Lee Col· severe shortage which, in turn, tins toll free at 1-800-345- will have a dramatic impact 8502 Dept. LP-IS 3 7, (In Pa., on future value. call 1-800-662-S 180), and The International Mint. charge your acquisition to however, announced today any major credit card. or that a limited number of 52-send your name and address, coin sets of valuable 95% plus $14.95 for each collec- copper Lincoln Memorial tion (LIMIT: 5) to Intema· pennies are available for im-tional Mint, Dept. LP·IS37, mediate acquisition by read-390 Pike Road, Huntingdon ers of this publication at the Valley, PA 19006. Please low price of just $14.95 per add Sl .75 to covet insurance, set. The coins cover every handling and postage. If not date struck by U.S. Govern-completely satisfied. you may ment Mints. Each c-0in is retumyour52-<X>inset(a)witb- flawless in Brilliant Uncircu-in 14 days for prompt refund lated condition. A deluxe aJ. of full purchase price (except bum is includect at no ad-postage and hand.lin&, of ditionaJ cost. course). In any event, the ~ To commemorate the last solid 14-karat gold com- 1982 striking of the copper memorative Lincoln penny Lincoln penny, International is yours to keep. An $8 value. Mint will send to each pur-•1912 '--'-' Mllll, eoi • ..._.,,. chaser of the 52-coin Lin-.. U.S. MIM or .. ,'°"" r r...., ~ ... RAQUFJ. WELCH st.age door after the show every night since I opened. But perhaps fm ahead of myself. Originally I played a special engage· ment In December for just two weeks whUe Lauren Bacall went on Vacb- tlon. Several people shook theJr heads and asked me why I would want to stick my neck out and risk get· ting slaughtered by the critics. But people on the streets of New York -kept stopptnj! me on the comer and calBng out, Go get 'em, Rocky!" (A nickname I've had since high IChool -short for Raquel) and, .. See ya on Broadway!" Well, how could I resist? Andre, my husband. encouraged me ... backed me 100 percent. Bob Fosse (director of Cabaret and AD That Joa), whose advice I sought and who had helped me with my earlier concert tours and Vegas shows, said, "Do lt .... You 'U be greatr' So I did tt. I figured If the attics hated me, even ti you could shoot moose in the theater, they couldn't dote me because It was only two weeks. The cast of the show supported me like the defense squad for the Green Bay Packers and I rehearsed for four weeks for my two-week stint. (Six counting the. woodshedding I did back In L.A.) I was ready! And strangely enough. not scared. The pressure was enormous, but I felt the moment was right. In the eyes of most people, It was a dangerous chance to take, but II you've been reading along so far, you real11.e that rve always wanted the chance to stnk my teeth Into some· thing. Well, I said I was ready ... ready to play ... dance ... sing ... project ... ready fo r everything ... but, the reception I god The minute the curtain went up -I hadn't even opened my mouth -the audience stood up and gave me a tremendous ovation. I started to ay. When you are a little glrl and you have a dream that you will be a great actress, you lml119lne people will love you and that you'll leave your dress- ing room ln your beaudful clothes to your beautiful car and that thena wl1I be people there smiling and t. plaudlng. In Hollywood, you m t heve th• beautiful dotha and t • beautiful c.,but when you leave yow ciralmg room, there's nobody then but th• guy who drtva you. rm telclng nothing away &om ftbna. I love rnllk· Ing them. But even If tM pk:t\.d works and the ~ •• up and yolire hot .net counttng, e lot ol money. you don't realy fHI Bk. you do In your dream, you don't fMI the ~ ol wennth. That Ml kwlQ overdue fot me . . . ....., ..... ,,........,,,_ Hearing applause In the theater ls a confirmation f01 me that the people out there In the dark all these years watching my JO.odd films did 11.ke q>e, dki care about me In a way I was never able to feel. The success of this play actually simplifted the complicated come.rs of my career. h smoothed them, round· ed them out, If you wtll. That's where r came In, remember. I was talking about simple things. Well, rve always. been a sucker for a happy endJng ... but for me tt'.s a beginning. Because I am a woman and an ac· tress and have counted on my looks all my profeulonal life, people ask If I dread growing older. But I just don't. Maybe I'm a late bloomer. Of course, I do M hour of yoga a day and watch my diet , but too many women are discouraged that It's a downhUI slide and then they put themselves ln that position unnecessartly -men, too. _dtbtg old can be worttkrjul becau9e yoll ~ ,,. concaned with material th Inga. I 1 had a veiy Interesting experience a year ago when I was making the television movie The Legend of Wolb Far "'bmon. l played an Indian woman who In the show grows to be 82 years old. Therefore, we had to use this very old age makeup. Something very funny happened to me the day they squashed my .adn together and . applied aD the old wrinkles to my face and gave me a double chin. As they were making me look old, I found It so relaxing. And I realized that getting old Isn't a terrible thing. It can be wonderful becaUM you have more knowt.dge and you ... lnl concerned with maten.I thlngl, and 10 part of you ts re1eMd from thoM c:onc:ems and th ... , a Weight lifted from you. Now II a~ time to be a womm'I. For • while dwre, ""1th the women'I ~ment, w. wer. ca~ between the devl and the dMp .._ -· W. ..,. achanQllnQ one .....,_ for enottmi l ""'· hoW llbout throwing out all ol the ..W<OMCSout ettltud• and ........ to .... good--~ t.mlnlnlty? a.Ing a worMn It an wt ... why detwy ttt \\'hy not um lhll "' to rnllke ........ and ... rich apeNnclf ... 171e Nestle 1bll Hou5" •BesJ 'Vu Ca11 • 1 GRAND PRIZE Bake· Recipt Contest rould make all $10,<KXJcaslr plusanwkat Ilic James Bt'rlrd yo11r mki11g dreams come true. 8001use 'Coo~:i11~ Sdrool i11 New )Vrk City. Includes we'fl' looking for your best cake, rookie, m1md-triJAair fare for hn>, l11xur11 hotel l:m11mievrotl1er n.'Cipt made witl1 nccom111odativ11s, meals n11d school Nestle wll House Morsels , tire morsels nttendn11ce for the wi1111er. clrosen as Americn's best in natio1111l • 5 FIRST PRJZES taste tes~. . . . A r~ at I/rt /Qmts Btard Coc».'i11g School i11 lf,1/0U. rr Ollr grand prc:.e n111111er, Ntw 'VrkCitv. Alsoindudes rotmd-tripair !P." Tlwm $10,<XXJ p.l.usadrmm n~at fart fur hm, fuxury !tote/ nccommodatrons, tire u urld frrmous James Bmrd Cooking mmls and sd1ool afterula11ce for tlte wim1er. Sd,wol. A~1d t/1m nre ot~ 4<XXJ otlier • 100 SECOND PRIZES pnus m.1t11/nble. Os • K · f r _ . A 1 · Sodnwm upagrm! ~witli Nestle ·ter 1tc '"" \..4'11ter-,.,17p umce. WI/ House Morsels. M.ayPe you'll find • 4,(XXJ THJRD PRIZES tl1ot drmms rmlly do rome true. Toll Hou~ Heritage Cookbook .. • 0.. ond l(ltchon c-............... t<odomartl1 "'°""' OM.Ion"' s..e.-Cor-porotlon. @ 1882 The Nellle Co., Inc. NAMI--------------------------------------------------------~ ~SS ~------------------------------------------------------- I Stout Top CoutrUps Now, Add A Decorator Touch To Your Kitchen! r - UH. OHi ~CTID COMPNfY •FOM CUM Uf'S CMI WAIT! Beautify Your Kitchen Rangel Anrac1-Sto.e Top C-·Vpe 1111l•ml>' -r.-.;;.,:;:;..-,._-r;------ Uf11191ttly -""" -Slop ,,..m nght o.-your I ·---......... "' •dll I i...mertlo_your ___ endbfighl -----•(•IOl _T_~ Tr.ey·,.n..o.lfom.iuro,-1e1.eo1-~-I OO...••....,••p1ueon_,,....,.,......._ I doUble .. hof-1>'•*' ~ ""'P-res•tent •ncl I 0~ __ ,.....,,,1._u•-• .,... --.... i...191 CO .. M 41• .,. 10 .. -o..... ........-....-. I _, .,.,_..,.,. ,,. ,.,.. _, s.c o4 4 only se• 0-••---~"" ___ ._, Or-·-.... I 0 -OOGN CA..-_ ... _ 0-I -• 01~2 ..... Ot ....... JS- 1 30-DAY MONEY..-ACK (~ I '*'°"'-.-0~1111 av.CIC I _ GUARANTEE _._...-I c.o 1 ~ __ I ,....... MlJlllil ,._ ...._ I --I :-r-::-~ ... ~ I --I AWOCAOO L ........... I C~-----------• •192. DIV Of .. cs . MOOlll YN. HY -z,., I ---------------- KitcheD Aids u -~ --:-- n• ~:~:r~ .!~\ \ Sew-simple. comfort· ~ ;i . able ap-on with gin \ I roM pocket. &nit 114 has pattern (S'lzes 3340- 42 lndllll\.te); trensf tr. fuD dirediol 11. Cross-stitch colorful cock daigns b towels and linens.. Cnlt 3IS has transfer for 7 moetfs: color chert DOES A NON REALLY PAY OFF? eo,..., ... _. .... u clteclc o•I NOW CKCC w• CW ( 'tJ; 5ol.w .... Clli9dM9. By Kate Kelly "-~ .. ,,..,_ ..... , .......... cauaws• ..,a:. . .. .......,_. ......... ,.- UM your current checking aooount. What is your usual average balance? Also take note of the Mrvlce dwge you now pay. Na!, compere bank of. tatngs. Cal th. banks In your ... and ask the following quadonl: Wbllt W.• ........ -.... cMddng 8CC04mt? It gencraDy doesn't vary much, but why not gmt the highest. Also, aedlt unions often pay more. . Wb.e .. the Mn4cl dwr9e? Many ftnandel lndUtlons haw m.ttwly steep fees for this eccount. For exmn- ple, at one bank that fAMLYWEE<l..Y c:anva.ed, you can have tr. check- ing (but earn no In~ ti you keep an average belaooe of $500 In • chedmg aocoW'lt. Al. the IMW bank you can pay an $8 monthJy Ml'vlCe charge for a NOW account wilh a balance of las than $2,000. This means that ti you keep en eYerllge balance of Sl,000 In the NOW ac- count at 5.25 percent you'D earn about $55 In Interest for the ~ ..... paying out $96 (12 um. S8) In bank fea. ~ you would be better off In the account where you gmt no lnterat but pay no fea. ....... , I -b I :e .... ..... .-.., .......... ?. IO, .... II It? Inquire whether that's the mlnlmum balance or the minimum au•ragc belance. A mlnlmum-Oalanoe plan peMlla you ti you drop below that amount 8Wll fCK a day or two. "AJlo a.k In what account the N · qund balance ,mutt be," Mys Aa.n Croamnann. a vice pitMdent ol rw-- lcedng for Cd>ank In New VOik Cly. "Some banks wtl ~ you aedlt lor money you haw In ocher accounti. 1Mn you could haw the NqURd t..11nce In • time~ KIXMlnt -•*'9 double-digit ftMlm -.. quelfy for • NCNl accounl." I you ht 11'1 .._"'lpcHI ..... don wt.. )l!OU cmt mn ~ on dwddi'8 ~. ~ ..w. ct-. °' .... "**"'8ln tllllnce, I II abo ~ QDC>CI IO taM ........ ol 1. "But ...... mblr lhM 11'1 k•• '-"II chec:kta19 eccoun1 II no _., ..... b .. .,.,.., ... .aaaunl," .... ero-n..n. Wllh ~ llllt Midi Ind llmHip1141 ~ca.­~....,_~,_ta &4 1n the IW'll al 9 eo 11 PMlllid • ._ .. ..,.... ._ • .,. P-. eolll ...Vo'll' ...... Life, liberty and the pursuit · of high interest. · Getting life insurance protection is not difficult. The problem has alway~ been how to combine protection with a way to respond to a changing economy. A solution is John Hancock Variable Life Insurance. It guarantees you the initial · amount of insurance you buy. And, this policy allows you to decide where a por-- ~ tion of your premiums _,_· ~ will be placed-in stock, bond, or money market accounts. r-------------, lneedto . ~-As a result,_yo!-11 mvlifuimurana~ I ha' T.e an opporturuty I Pae send me more complete inbmatioo and a • v' I Prospectus. ~mu.sand expemes. rd tike I to mcrease your coverage as well as your I roread~matcrialscarefullybekx-einvesnngor I . cash value, although the cash value is I ~finis_ I not guaranteed. I Addras I . If yothau're lookbing for a life insur, I ~~ifyou~ ... 5::.-...,n.!;.,......0 I ance policy t com ines protection I Mllilto:JohnHancoclcVa.iablelifc1nuancec.o. I with a choice of separate aceounts and an I . ll::..'=!&4i.~0-eox 111 I · opportunity to, earn high interest-,-take -1-_ I · a look at John Hancock Variable Life. 1 . . I _ 'I · .. I . ~ --. ... ., ~ ~ . ~ . b ___ ...; ______ ..__.___ ~ 1 W!· can help you here and~ Not just berCafter. Thae policief •available in d"1le jlDJEdoN ~ FC*'nit die lilli d . I b. m -~..-....., JS lDVE SWEE'I'ER THE SECOND TIME AROUND? By Anne Flaherty M ore than three mOlion Americans married in 1981, an Increase of 100.000 over the year before. According to the Journal of Family Issues, fully half of those mar· r1ages were remamages Samuel Johnson once remarked that remarriage was the triumph of hope over experience As divorce sta· tistks continue to climb -91 percent In the past decade and 15 7 percent since 1960 -it is to be expected that 0 ...-: .. ~ many ind1v1duals will want a second chance at love. Unfortunately. the d1 vorce rate is even higher among sec· ond and subsequent marriages than among first marriages What can individuals do to help guarantee that a second marriage not only endures but bnngs happiness? Maxine Kolius. a mamage and family counselor who speciahzes m divorce read1ustments and premarital coun· sehng. notes that healthy relationships share an important ingredient "Couples with the greatest chance for marital happiness are those who begin with fewer areas of conflict." she says "In order for a couple to start a relationship with few areas of possible conflict. they wUI ideally have simUar social, economic. religious. geographic and racial backgrounds. Similar level.s of intelligence and education help. too " Can you avoid the areas of conflict whk:h destroyed your first relation· ship? Says Kolius, "Stop and really think: 'What was It that caused me unhappiness In my first marriage?' Then be certain that identical symp· Anne Flahmy 1s o reaeo•ch Jovmolltt who recenrly /lni.hed her /l•Jl boolt toms aren't manifesting themselves again m the second pannership. "In my counseling. I fmd that it is not at all unusual for a divorced per· son to pick a second spouse who is identical m many ways 10 the first one . m bo1h personality and physical characteristics. Th1S can indic.ate prob· lems that are either being ignored or aren't resolved yet It 1s typical be· havior of the divorcee who is still in mourning Which brings up another important point in regard to successful remar· riage Most counseling professionals recommend an interval of not less than two years between mamages. some recommend four years. ··A newly divorced person 1s juS1 plain lonely." remarks Kolius ·very often that person suffers from loss of self esteem after the divorce. and so he attaches himself hke a barnacle to the first available member of the op posne sex who expresses interest. just to avoid a lonely night ·· Juhe . who had been married 18 years, began a series of prematurely senous relationships with almost every man she dated af1er her divorce. "My friends used to tease me ... she recalls "They'd say 'Hey Juhe. he said hello to you I bet he wants to get mamed1'" Linda also hoped for a serious in· volvement with every man she met after her marriage ended. "I was an open wound and I was searching for that magic Band-Aid I flnaUy realized that finding another man wasn 't the solutJon ro my problem I had to learn ro live alone -and well -before I could consider sharing my life with another human being." .. A divorced person must work through au the inner bitterness and turmoil from the first marriage before attempting a second union," says Kallus "That process takes llme " Before you decide to commit your- self to another perm~nent relation ship. ask yourself these questions· -Does my relationship with this person bring out personal weaknesses of mine? -Am I considering this marriage because I am lonely or am experienc· Ing financial diffkultles? -Are there problems In this new i relationship which seem to be re-runs i of pro'blems I encountered In my flrst ... marriage? l If the answer to any of these ques-j tions Is yes. you should rethink rwi j your decision to remarry. l&i.I 1'4MILY W£ll<LY, .._...., 1, fllt • IS Adve'11Mmenl Handcrafted infi1U! bone china set in-14 karat gold overlay with matdting chain. Just $45. Tenox bu captured the delicate, intricate beauty J.,, of a pwe white snowflake, in a pendant of dueic paoe-<nated e.xduaively for Christmas 1982. This it elegant jefthy, bancknfted with the mecicl.11ous care and quality for which Lenox is famous. F.ach fine bone dlina snowflake is individ· ually ddted through by hand. Skilled aafts- men then set each piece within a mounting m 14 kant gold overlay. The pendant steams like an actual 1nowilake as it catches the light. Appropriate for day or nenmg. it CXJmel with a matching 14 brat gold over1.ty chain, in a deluxe Lenox jewelry caae. A UMITED EDlTION. The Lenox Saodalre ~t it .available°"" until Oiristmu. Alter December 24th, the editioo will be doeed fllreftr and the pendant will'~i>e l1llde .. ~ ia a limit ot one pendant per~ F« Oiristmas delivery, orders mUlt be post- mmW by December t 1982. nm is die /ilfd limiRd edition pendant ever iuued by t....a&. Here ii~ ot farm and snice ... to ,;we ar '° ~at I pnoe wbidi ~ ttmarbbly affordable. A LiMi"'1 Edition Ml sold i11 sl(ns, Avai4Jbk Offly by advaJU:t mmxitilm. ,,,__ M6l4 ~., eflll ..a/IW ,....,#S,. 01-C.........lllC.t91l r------------------------T HE LENOX SNOWFLAKE PENDANT Editiowclos#s LENOX COLLECTIONS, INC. Tihon H011d Pomona, New JtrM')' 08240 DfaM/Mr 24, /9R2 Li,,.it of <mt />11fda"t pn-ordn: PIPase enter my order for the u "ox s,,owjlaltt-Prtcda"'· the flrst limited edition pendapt ever 1ssutd by Lenox1 individually h11ndcrafted in fine bone chiM and set in 14 karat lold overlay. complete W'llh 18-mch matching chain. in a ~llOll jewelry cue. 0 l>IHECT I tnclnff my mn1tlanct' of '45 • •• peymtnl in full. 0 BY CREDIT CARD Arltrth1pmtn1. pltne cha~ my credil card "45.• 11 indicated btlow. 0 MutcrCud 0 VISA 'New Jfrwy ~I.I plcaw add '2.2S aaln tu Sipalun:-------------------------· Nam"------------------------~ Add~1..__ __________________ .Alft. No'~-- Clly ___________ Stat . ..._ ______ _..,ipCod, __ _ !Ml116factloa 111111nmi.ff All"""°"•~ ... 111«110 -..p1enct 3"066-0a J L_!.o:..:.~~~'!~_...!'!..~~~~~.!!.~- .' • r----------------------------------~ tu WlUAll SllW, ..,._ VZ·I041,MI ...,._U.. "'-•·PA 17U1 YU' IOlldly rllSll bdlo eo.trotled bcetlr(I) (l449991) llH the UMMloev>bl1 low PlllllT NAM( ----price of $9.11 phts $2.50 1l11PC11nc 1"4 n1ndlln& Oii f•ll _, *" &lllfMI". AJIO please "'" AOOll(SS CIOH "'1 free t itt IZ!>45111Xl wltll my orclt< ----------- SAW mil! Ordt< TWO for Just $ll .U pluJ CllT $4.SO s!llP1>lne and htndhn& Oft same money ------------ back 1111ranttt. Cncl01td1S$ (PAlts.tddSllH IU) CHAllSl ITo ,.... Ameru:.an h prns -MastrrCud ::1 VISA = Olntrs Chll> !:J Cartt811ncht Acc't fllo ---------- STAIE --___ ZIP------ _ Clleo nere and und soc ror subscroptoon 10 OUI Cl ll lOC Of ''"' ,,,,, and lasn1on~ (ZJ8996SX). Our patocy •~ to procHs 111 orders promptly. Credit urd ord111 111 P<OCIUed 11po11 credtt 1ppron1. Dtl•r• not1~td prompt11. hp Datt SiliPllM'l't .,1uarHleed wotll n 60 d1ys. '---------------<Q H.K.1. lllC , 1912--------------.J YOU"YE SEEN THIS F.4MOUS CAR FOR ALM.OST THREE TIMES THE PRlCE! THE RADIO (WIRELESS> OONTROL PORSCHE A RACING MARYEL ••. AlJTHENTIC IN EJ'ERY DETAIL! Not $49.95 ... Not $39.95 J3:i$Q88 • ...... I~• Lollc. J Y1• Wide • F .. Color-lasipim ad .... 'sertPa • Stmd.lly Cnfte4 llody • v ••........ , Lew Price A• cuct rephca or t.bc racina cu I.hat ba v8Ced rbt lnc:b of I.be world's lllOll pamorous 1peechnys can now be youn tu rlw Iowa/ prlu '""' Grab lilolcl of I.be radio control • Fe1ward, Rnaw, Left a Ri1M T--. Veen, U FrMi ltaMCe DilCNC"~ • Complctdy Wirt.lam. R..uo Com*41 unit-.nd, that nsy, r--------... l_OU'rc in the driver'• seat! Tiie ,_ rapooda 10 • tiQy ln-iued radio •• ,. ..r aad imtan&1y obeys all !OIJT ....,...... ..... (ion ~ .•• m .,,M6 ..• tvnu •.. _,, •.• wllltout ~:!::tor win61 Yau·• at I.bench· ... oombW•tion of 1PC!9C1. powa', ud precision OUR ClJA&ANTEE Yoo mual be compktdy de1iab&ed wnh y?Jr RA!>IO CONTROL RACEJl ill C'#ef)' ...., I you must aaree thal 11 s t.be very aame type JlADIOCONTJlOL UNIT you've lll!elll in fine .a-for S40, 550 -$60.L. or reQlm for that'a IUR to 5· ~ "~ famil.Y • dlrillt!n.re'w to 11 em'bh JUll inl4al1 .... Md ,_·re rady to IO· ColorfuJ ~ .~ t llCl&nlY bod.y -1\4. Ioli&. }~. wide and -COllllPWte widi-.......... rK-ial ~and -aiilllt nallbeF tina. Grnt Cor boun of rKlns fu for t.be whoM faaily, terr.Ac .., to de.liftr imcrc6:ie ...... a fuD reruQd of purdmc ~t.J.~no~ ..ucl!Now,IJ-.t~ paaranAec ia.eridal! FINAU. YI TH& ra.u:T CIFI' for all ..._ Now at &WI lllPCf low price you'll wu1 10 ord9r ancta! •nm .,..w .::rc ADii '.l:...1o.C ...... ....., ~"*>'· • ••••••r------"'''""''"* CUollllMYuoo lllAll '°°"'' ------~ I 1U YflUU ...,, ..... VM·JMe, Ml ..... It.,"-• H 1JU1 SWc, I'll lfY the -N'I -t ~ortMle llloft. AllO t.itloM "'1 ''" Cltt I wtui., •'-(16151t1X) I ..... _,n IMl\'1TlflLlattlef (111242'7A)Sift----.--- ('l<W... llllil -,n ...... 1 lflln~ (lil2Jll029) Siza __ WI.a-- --'tfjl1i _,n ........ 9-MllH (11124,..)SiR ----- ~ _,,. .... sws...~ 1111JJJ1111 s,,. ____ _ Don't Pan§O-Oon't PanA,. NOW JUST 14.88 ·Genuine Leather ~a:, Free Gift! U, Te ASIO Yelllt! °"* .... ""-...... 110.,. I Rec1lw A,.._ GMf I ·---...., ---t•rw ...... .-....-.. ... ... ~ ... ~~~ ~~~'~'~~ ....... , ......... ., .,.·"·'"'·· ..... ........ a. .... -.-~c. .... •- HAVE A CALICO Give your Christmas some old-fashioned seasoning ·1his year with deco- nstive and practical ob- jects and ornaments you can make with colorful calico. You can fashion soft little angels and gingerbread men to hang on your tree, fat. fabric letters to spell out a ,loyous Christmas message. fabric~vered coasters or calico-trimmed plate covers for keeping Christmas cookies fresh. Or you might create padded pdure frames, mobiles to delight your kids and lap trays that will cer- tainly come In handy at gala holiday parties. Here are some details about these easy-to-make projects. You can stuff the doth. curly-topped angels wtth polyester and sew them by hand or machine. or simply make them with cardboard and gfue. Either way, they're adorable. The easy-to-sew gingetbread men are light enough to be ornaments, but sturdy enough to be children's toys. Make several for stocking stuffers. The lap trays are lightweight and uniquely designed with the underside thick as a pillow to prevent slippage. The padded fabric frames can be dis- played on a table top or hung on the Candy CllllMS ~on ~ ~ practical COClltow /or }'Uk pol'ffa. wan. They're perfect for family photo- graphs and wedding pictures. Detailed instructions. along with Illustrations and photographs, are In- duded in the booklet, "Christmas In Calico" (#361). For your copy, send $1.50 plus 25 centS for postage and handhng to: Family Weeldv P.O. Box 438 Dept. K Midtown Station New York. N.Y. 10018 Be sure to include the booklet num- ber, your name, address and ZIP code. (New York residents. rawl please add sales tax.) ...., o....,,..., ...... ~ .......... ....... a.., ..... ,.._y WlmU.Y, ..__.., 1, -e 11 o~ .. o ......,Ol9 .. .._..__ I 0 ~ ~ 0 lilllllllCanl 0 D1w1 c.... o -_ I tardlle-----~•·----I s.--'----------I I ,.. ...... __________ I --· ....., ____ _,_11o_•c:-. .-..... I I ,•1A.•ft..•11o-.. .. •-L11.a1.••&•1t.•" Cly S-ljp I "'"-lft. ............... , .... _.,,.,,u. L ~~~~~~-=-~~------°~~--~-------J ' I ,-- - - ----SATISFACTION GUARANTEED-MAIL TODAY! - --- - - -.., OLD \llU.AOI ~ • .,..._ vz-et 14, ... ....._ .... "-· '" 1na1 I THI '1,_ HM! -PIS. of llfllUIMI, llancktalttd L&lllltf Ill""' (ZS 137058) I~ l llH illdltlltf l>t· low . ., Fwll ltoney ~ ~rantn. Aho tntlOM Ifft Flft Gilt wit~ "'Y o<Ot< (Z545l 11X) l..Nlte: $11111 __ ..... --lf.-- (llClaM II (tNci DI~ or0ttJ CIWlll IT: 0 MletlCM E!e,.U 0 Clrtt llatlclll Q Ol .. 11 ChiO 0 VISA 0 lllu11~ Acct. ~. ho. De•-·-- rtllNT IWI"--------- AOOMSS ---------- I I I I I t I I 8 Ont pair fDf oely 18.11 (9h11 12.00 llOll l lldlQ J SAVEi Arrt 2 pairs for j111t s1e 61 (plus $3 50 poctaQt Md MndllftQ). 0 FAMILY SAVlllUI A1rt 3 Pll'1 • 1t1ly 127.00 (PIUI SUO PMllOt W lllndloftl). CITY ____ STAT-f --zir__ f Q SOlYE Y?Ull tllFT LIST! Ontet S 1111r1, lftCIM· IMy Ylllll-ftlcM 11 j111t S40 00 (pl• 14.50 PMI. ' i..0111.). . . . SALE! First Time At This Price! Dream-Soft Hand-Made Genuine Leather SLIPPERS Like• Glove For Your Footl Soft, Supple - Brushed Le•ther ... FIMcy 100% Virgin Wool Unlng Fabulout Chlll ChaMrtl Honeet to OOodllM "-ndcr.n.ct, Mturel 1Mttlt1r- prioed eo low ~·11 went to treat tti. wtlole f81'n11JI Uke .:I!.~ for ~r root ••• °The tuppleet, .... ' II~ ................ llned ttlroughout toMt)'-wenn 1~ virgin wool ~I Incredible Value ... Gr .. t ,or TM Whoi. Famlly l c1...io OOod loolca ,... •• ,.11v1n·, -y--movln' oomfoft ... Who WCKlldn't !Oft :emt AmuJnoly warm, llghtwefoht, t I I Displays hour & milUtes with quartz crystal accuracy- c~11111 m• mtlclly111112 IKll~lll .. ··•~lbl '"•-11119·-., .. __ ." __ .......... Fantastic Price Break! .• NO WINDING! NO PLUGS! NO BUTTOftS ~~! :~~:~ 2 s500 • !~A~~~E ACCURACY! ' NOW JUST for • ::{:;:PUT ER adjusts for Iona and _ v.. ,, • EASILY REPLACEABLE BATTERY Cincludtdl , . ~"" :-:..:::::·.~.:::.:,°:' ~:;_ powm clock for one FULL YEAR! • SUPER STICK, OET ACHABLE FELT BACKING 9r/1J$ /n1tanfly to any sur- face, lets you stick '•m'up anywhere/ • CHOOSE FROM 3 DECORATOR COLORS- red, yellow or beige! Now, at home, in the office, in yoor work· shop or garage, have the TIME ANO DATE always just a &lance ewey-with these . Incredible LCD-DISPLAY CALENOAR CLOCKS! And now, durln1 tlllS fantastic PRICE BRW. ordtmtr1 CAlEftOAR CLOCKS AND SAVE EVEN MOREi SATISFACTION GUARANTEED or yoor purc:hese price refunded. (except post. I hdla.l RUSH YOUR ORDER TOOAYI Old V-.. Shop tt1111over, PA 17'31 ,---------SATISFACTION GUARANTEED-MAil T~Y·--------, I .... "UMI ........ VZ•l1.,. Ml,.,.., '""'· ·-· •• t?»I I I r YUi ,..... Mfld m• 2 STICK 'tM uP 1 I CAt.£NOjMt CLOCM• #1530!059 -ONLY "'1•' -I I §.00 plut H .00 pOll .. • & h•ndllntl AOOll£U I 4for19.90 &Mu. S3.!IO post. & hdlt. I ' r~ su .50 p1"' s..50 "°''· & hdt1. cm I I SU1"£ft Gin Sf'lCIAl-12 for l111t szs.oo I I ..... 16.00 poat. .. lldl1. STATt --I IP'--I Colof c'*"': Cl c~ec-htr• •net ••net $1 tor 1••f'• ... tc''"' I tnclOltdl• · (PAr .. ,addulelt••.) llotl to °"'' llllhColOf cll•IOI of e111t111etlwe I I CttMl9I TOI r.Anl9ric811 r.,,_.. 11 vtSA . 11111 <U .... 5X). 011r pollcy r, 10 orocnt 111 I I o Cttta •-he , Dintt• Club 0 .._~ Ofdtf• "°""'~ Crtdil urel orCltrt lft "9'· I &-" , r-......._ t&ltel llflOll cr ... lt IH""'91. 0.1111 llGtlflecl I ._.. _.,., --""""''Y· "'.,.... ...,.,.., wtt11•••· I L--------------·• "·"·'· ••·• ,.., ______________ _, A VINEYARD HARVEST MENU By Marilyn Hansen N estled in the Russian River Valley in Sonoma County, Calif.. Is Foppiano Vine· yards, founded in 1894 . One of the oldest in California. it's also one of the few still owned and operated by the same family. The Foppianos live and work close to the land and grow most of their own food: vegerables and herbs bor· der the vineyard. while fru it and nut trees dot the landscape In a recent visit to the vineyard ranch home of fourth-generation Louis M. Foppiano and his vtvltdous wife. Helaine, we were treated to a harvest dinner highlighted with home- grown vegetables, fruits and wines. The absolutely delicious main dish. Stuffed Zucchini a la Morocalne, was inspired by Helaine's having lived In Morocco as a member of the peace corps, an experience that has added a Mediterranean touch to the life style at her Healdsburg homestead. We enjoyed It so much we decided to pass it along to FAMILY WEEKLY readers and bring some Mediter- ranean sunshine to bleak November. 6 a..s.u. Coma, AQlou or Boec: P«&B l talll•p D OCll lemoe ~ 4.tn~- 1 c-..-..r ' ~ ..-. red °' cky whtt• ... l S-a.ch pMee _.... bemi, ..,Mt. Ml tH• D DIM _... atrect 1. Peel pars, leaving stems on , ond place In a bowl wtth lemon juice ond 4 cups water to prevent darkening. 2. In large 111uccpan, heat remaining woter and svgar to bolling: stir until augar dlltolva. Add wlne, venllla bean and drained pan. Return to bolling, reduce hat and simmer about 10 minutes, turn- ing pears oa:aslonally until Ju• tender. lf not using vanilla bun, edd extract. Chm. Mob• 6 ecrulnga .,,.,._ ZUCCl•ll A LA llOllOCA.- 2 large or 4 medlum..tn nacc:hlnl, about 2 It>.. 1 lb. lfOUDd chuck or po4lftd lamb 1 Y, C\q>e coobd brown or white rice y, cup chowed on.Ion 2 do\111!1 prtk. minced 2 tuapOOM curry powct.r 1 teMPOOG lfOUDd cinnamon 1 y, tHepOOM e&lt ~ ,...,._. hlhlv pound bi.di pepper y, cup dark ndllnl Y, c1q> pine nlltS. chopped walnuta or chopped aJmonde '4 cup ketchup 2 tomecoee, peeled and lbced 2 ,..._._ oUw or vegetable oil 1 Y, Cupe dry white wlDe l . Cut zucchini In bolf; place In large saucepan or skillet , add bolling woter to cover and parboil 5 minutes; drain. 2. Scrape out seeds and pulpy fiber from large zucchini; discard. Scrape out seeds and fiber from medium-size zucchini and chop to use for stuffing. 3. In skillet, cook meat with onion and garlk until meat loses its red color and onion and garlk are tender. As you cook. break up the meat with a spoon 4. Add chopped zucchini pulp and rice to rn«at-onlon mixtwe. Stir In curry powder, cinnamon, salt, pepper. ralllns, pine nuts end ketchup. Mix thoroughly to blend ln seM<>nlngs. TastCJ mixture , adding more teMOnlngs If you wish. 5. Place zucchini halves, hollow Ade up. In shallow. lightly grUMd baking pan, preferably an attrllCtlw oven-to-table pan. Fill each half w1th meat·ttufftng mix· turc, 1pOOnln9 around halves If neca· aary. Place overlapping allces of tom•to ' down center of the dish and drlaHI with I oltw oll and e f.w twlltt.of frnhly ground I black pepper. Pour wine Into bottom of b.kln11 dish . 6. BeM uncovered In pre.,.ated 375° I oven for •bout 40 mlnut• or until &UC· chlnl ••tender. /tlolca 6 Nr11l9 l'AMILYWUIU.Y, .._,..,.,, 1'1t • 11 ... 16 r · Another "UNIQUE I SENSATIONAL VAt UE" from Amba111dor 7 lkautlful Looks ~~IS i_n one Hdrloom Qgll~ SJ29 P~ndailt Watch It's nice to' have • different watch to wear 8¥efY day of the week! All Y_!Mlr'a with thl9 lovely ~nl ...... ,.. Md•Cilhdaa. Now AmbuNdof otters you 9eY8n. Our N¥'9I\ chobMI come with a ~ tlful LCO Dloltal P9ndarlt Watch. The detk:ate atytTng will add • graceful touch to 'fOOI wtlOle watdrobe and ~ fecee In SEVEN colors let you chooee • color to eocent any-thing you w.1. Yoor rainbow of chotcel lncludee: Gold, J_,. Green, SIMlr, Dusty Role, Cocoa Brown, l't'Ofy and oattt Blue. The ttUTdy all metal cue and 28 • box link chain are finished In an etegent Gold plate to perfectly acoent the face you chooee:wand It a totel weigttt of just three ounces, It's the most comfortable w•tch you can war. SflO\\S Tn\f cm> ~o DATE (!]) It combines beauty and function In a way no other watch c•n. The dlgltal display la 9ISY to reed •t • ot-noe and with the touch of • button the dlaplay ctiangM to QM you the month and date. All of thlt and at a fracilon of the price you would eq>eCt...mllM t.hls a watcf'I you can't afford to be without. °"*yours today. Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. 5 mg "w;. 0.6 mg 11icotinl IV. per cip11U by FTC IDl1hod HELPING THE CHILD HELD BACK IN SCHOOL By Roberta Plutzik E ach year hundreds nf thou sands of Amencan children are kept back in school an order 10 catch up academically Despite the prevalence of the phenomenon teaming to hve with the stigma re· mains a ma10r problem for parents and children For them. the euphe m1st1c phrase. "a year 10 grow " which 1s ohen used by school off1c1als who advise grade repetirlon. sllll means flunking Surpnsmgly enough. grade repet1· 11on 1s ohen harder on the parents than 1t 1s on the children being kept back 'The child often recovers. rhe parent doesn't. .. observes Dr Ronald Schworm, assistant professor of pedi· atnc.s and education at the Univers11y of Rochester (N Y.) School of Medi cine "Parents blame themselves first." he points out "They believe they've done something terrible to cause 1h1s 10 happen ·· These parents commonly expen· ence anger and a mourning for the unfulfilled promise of childhood The child's being held back moy bring to mind the parents' own academic fail· ings. "The decision to retain con1ures up all sorts of negative memories of the parents' educational process." ex- plains Dr Charles Flatter, professor of human development at the University of Maryland Often parents seek to compensate for their own childhood disappointments by living vicariously through successful children Parents of chUdren who are kept back also commonly blame them selves for not having spent enough time with the child or not having inrro- duced enough stimulating experi- ences. If dlvon:e has divided the faml· R*'1o PluUJlc II lhe c:o·outhor of lh. jonh coming book, The Pnvate Life of Parents (Ellfl'Ut How.) ly, the parents are likely to accuse each other of abandoning or ignoring the child It's true that such factors Cdn con tnbure to some children's dffftculties Nevenheless expens encourage par ents not to brood but to direct their energies to heloing the child A key to coping is understanding why retention is advised by the school "There are usually two reasons to keep a child back." says Dr Schworm .. If he's doing poorly in basic skills. 11 relieves him of dealing wnh more new mformanon he's going to get 1f he·s promoted Other children are socially and physically immature and isolated Repeating may be good for them as well " Parents should be prepared 10 deal with several possible reactions from the child relief at not having to strug- gle w11h new work. fellr of disappoint- ing the parents or 1ncumng their wrath . embarrassment in the presence of peers; dejection at not being eligible to engage in the spons. music or other extracurricular ac11vit1es offered m the higher grade \ There are. however. ways m which parents can help their child The first step 1s to show a willingness to review the chUd's schoolwork with him and tutor him m necessary areas Tutonng can also be arranged through the school. "If the parent does not pro 111de extra help and encourage the school to do the same , repeating the year may not accomplish anything." counsels Dr. Schworm Parents can help academicllUy by keeping tn close touch wtth the child's teacher llnd pnnc1pal If the child 1s studying with last ye.?1r\ teacher and his work isn't improving. 11 could be time to question this particular ti!ach· er S1udent relationship Parents should also encour11ge the chlld to make new frlendt "Keep the child actively involved with people who treat him as an equal." says Dr Ratter "Parents have to make sure the kids get together " Flnolly, parents should make sure their own expectanons for the chUd are realistic "Parents must recognize that every child doan 't need to know l everything the child down the street ~ knows." Dr. Schworm says "Success j is not alwoys measured by sqalght A'kM01e lmpommt Is the partmts' at· I tltude about the things the child can ! do well and to build on these little sue-I ~s rather than accentuate f'9WI ! the failures." llLI J l'AMl\.Y WIEU.Y. Iii_.., 7, 1111 e 11 ----Five-year study shows:----- 1 IGl I BLOOD PRESSURE MAY BE REVERSED WITHOUT DRUGSI Rud llbout startlln1 research concluctect at a worlcl-blmous cllnlc- Now deblllecl In a free special report llV811able with your trial subscription. II you have high t>IOod pressure yov may know all 100 well the misery ot ootel't orugs T11a1 s how one d1s11ngu1st1eo m1erna uona meoical iovrnal re1ers to some ot ttie drugs used 10 COfltr~ 1>191' t>tood piessu•e - aro no wonde<' Sode effects ot sud' oiugs 1nclvde arthri fls h11er d•sease O•at>etes. fleart f111ure sen1•1ty mental depres~. 01s1urt>e0 l!ean rtivtnrns angina glaucoma AflO a r8('ef'11 US Governme<it reoon on anothet arug used t>y one m1lloon Americans. 1noica1es 11111 the drug l'las caused cancer 1n •at>ora 1ory anima1s Bvt now theres gooo news -e•c111no news -tron" o,,e ol the wor10 s 11aoin9 me<11ca1 ms111utoons Researchers the•e trea11ng 4 000 hypertensive met1 and women succeeoeo ,,, reve• sing 85". of !tie m110 cases ano 51 •. o• tne severe cases -all wrtf!Out uslflg anv arugs' How was n OC>ne? Where did trns CfUCla• exoenment take place? Why did the ooc1or wtlO conducted the s1uay l'\a1f 11 as rt>e first lull relvnd on all unma1led issues (01 course. yoo keep Itta free tee>Ort. no matt11 wna1 I Today '" Amenca. more than 20 m1llt0n people 1.ra laced with n19h blood pressure Tnouaands. pemaps 111111ioos, o4 othets m1y hlrYe htgh blood O!HSUl9 w.thoul knowi1'19 ti 14.nd. -ti )'OU·re a luclly Ol'le Cl\81\US are good !NI YQIJf blood 0<essure w.11 go uo as )'OU Ott OIOef So. mart ltle cooiion lOday, won 1 )'OU' sc1en1111c proof ot wna1 manv ot us have •-laeue of ~ention ~ SfflrlQ 1n our ottices f0< vea•s ? ·-· • ......,,. -•- 11 S all 8Mpla1"4!(! "' a lascmat•"9 40 9 lvff JOU he..,.,_~ ... page ~let called The Natv1a1 Way to till• IMMI C0<11ro1 H1gl'l Blooo Pressure _ rogethe• • 12 ways to feel t>ettltf wtlhOul dot"9 w11n a nost of other valuable 1ns19h1S 10 helo 111'1)'1h<f'9 you oope with btood·pressure orot>iems • Drugless ltlefapy for d1uy soelts • Noise Sle.p and ~ur 8100<1 Pressure • Why stand for achtOg teer> • Lower \bur Blood Pressure with Berrer • Magnesun for a lor'!l l•nd SOCoal) 1111 Ore 1 • B 111tamtt1s can Cllase a 1aay s blues • Do Yov Hive a Minute ro Lower 'lt>IJr away e100<1 Pressure, e A case ot klOl'ley stones • Pol1J11s1vm Puts the l.Jd on Bkxx1 Prassura • S..ting eaema With l•nc • Bkxx1 Pressure and ltx/r Water Supply • 7 giHI granolUIO make youiself • And mvch m<l'I a Let yout teelh he1l lh9msetves To receive your cooy ol thlS 1ruly •mPOf • Naf\Jral trealtnenl ot dlabefes tent soec<al re()Ofl lree you neec only try a 1 tn0ne'f·S8""'9 subscf•Oltan 10 PreventlO() -• A S#'l'lple way 10 leN asJeep 8Slaf with ttle prom.sa lhat, 11 11 s no1 for you. you • Sex arld nu!mlOn. a pel'fec:t mamege can cancel immediately keep 11\e rtl)Otl • What can I dO IOt my bad 1>1<:11? without obt~ttan and owe nollMg • Shopping straleg'" for weiglhl loss I• ,.,...,entfon ,..11y • H09e lot 1rthnt1t helplne "°"" lllle you? • TM natural way to mow clown hly fjV9r Today mort ltlan 2 350.000 mtn aiio • Foods that keep Cf'IOleM.,~ nonett womtn oay to rece1v1 Prt11t11t1011 1very • And m.-.y oiners IT't0f'1th We 1ust CIOn t tntntc. Pre\len1'0n coutd -----------. -------·•••••• have tound SO many IOyal tnendt. C:OUI 10 1 Preveuoo· 0 • 1 oout 11 11 wtreo t Mlpong people nghf now 1 1 -and if 11 hadn't ~ people <Ner Ille : ' yefl'S I ,,. ............. Ill IN I They depend on ti ror • wide range ol • __ . "9 IOI! 1JOOO 1 tOmellmM conttoYefSlal aiways ttmulallog i EMMAU8. M 18048 : health Ideas and ~ On menoc>auM I fl'IMef MN! IN, llM, vvur 40-*9 repott I and alle<gtet. depl'aaat0n and ~ pre» 1 "TN...,... w.y eo.f::.c•.:r. SOOll ,._.. 1 leml. tntomnla and~ : -: " -"'Y IO~ I Thal'I-., "'8 fTl8l<e !N11P9dal off., I f'NOlll1"9 .. 1111 i.t II IN lliOl4)..... I ~ .. , i •Olt1U7b ...... ~-... (I-A.._., ....... 1,.1tWnlty ~olllN....,,_.._,ll'tQellO ... J : _.,,. ........ .,....... . \llila'h Mnd you. frM. tl'le 40-PIQ9 repot1 ,..___________ : on hial' b6ood OIMelft and *" you ott Mll'I · • a~~· .... IC)-. lnUO-Addi.-_____ ....;...____ : dUolOty r• ol $10.97 t In addidon. )'OU ~ INe tronclad llU8"' ~ • .,,...: ")'Oii .. Otdda ... ~'-ldOf'l It • .__not_'°' __ you-__ "_MY __ ,,,,,._ __ •_l•Ntld--)Oll-'_.~-------~---••••-•j Ad .. rtlM menl Magnificent Genuine Porcelain "Tearful" Clown Doll Individually Hand Painted Highest quality, In the tradition of old world craftsman ONLY$6.88 Hefe S a doll tt\al Wiii bngnltn me 11Ye$ of young ind old ahka Makes a wonderful gift tor that spec.at coOechon MICle of genuine n1gnest quality porcelain. each one llehcatety hanll painted 1ust as '" ~ears past. Clotl'lecl '" .i beautiful taffeta down costume. authentic oown to me ruffles ind pom porns Om 18'" till. IJ1Jly a collector's llream come true. Orllef today. See the "Teartul" down doll for yoursell Fulf money ~ guarantee. If no( 1 OO'll. sallSfled r----------------1 Honcw ~Prod. 099t. 116CN32 I I lynbroolt. N.Y. t15e3 I f PluSI rUSll __ clown dolls 11 lllSt S6 88 eacn I I oklS S2 90 poslJQe llld Nlldltll\J I I IMl Ol'de< 2 fm only f12 98 plus S3 90 woo;no ano !llndllng I : NL -.T IM:ll .,. Sf&. I I I I IWllE -I I AOORESS I I CITV I I I STATE 1JP I '----------------J OVER 18" TALL GIANT tfl.tfCTlllC •••••• 1 PLAY INSIDE r DOLL House !loo [nougll fO< A 0. lb Gii 1-11 Md f'llr .....__----------, JU.CMNRATVMS '1291 •a--IATUT~ •I~ .., • J:l il'C: ,,,_,,,,.... MT • ILK'f'MC UOHf'I t K 00U. •W M. 'f 12.11 •tJMMr-V'W 11..ff Mtoft \ flO•• I t tt A<1vert1M m.nl -----------THE GENuINEf!!l!J ~.r~ AD I!! HAWAIIAN iiaJ , ~ MAILE LEAF ~ Tht' centurie~ L>ld lradi t iun of rh i~ 111.:ig nificent lt>[l f. The :-;~'l11 bol of power, Ion> and \\'t><tlth ... now ... \"Olll"S MAILE lfAf KNOAHT* 1Q'lj 18 ')(HAI'< MAlU Ll.Af • "'ERCEO lAlUllNGS $5 w·~J• ---Ot~ SS .... ,,," --Ot• 11 IJ I I GenuiM .25 pt. n•tural Diamond Solitail'e' 1~ P'endant on 15· S Chain to .very penon ont.rint v before JAN. 15, 1983 Every IHf is fully guMantMd and is aocom.,.nied by a ctrtificate of •uthentidty. tf not defighted w ittl your M.He l.af return at any time to the address be4ow for • prompt retund. C.J..ni.:I I am ont.ring before mldn!vht JAN. 15, 1983 -plNM lndude • lllU genuine .25 pt. Mtural 5ol1Uilre Diamond Pendant on 16" S Chain as a FREE GIFT . Add S2 sh1pp1ng and handling regard!~ of how large your order. •""' . ..., .,~ "'~ ...... ,.,..,,,,,,~ ~,, ..... v..."" -"""' Toa l of S _____ endCKed Ashley & Wakefield, Ltd. Maile LH f Offer S7'0-4A ~•me Box 2951 Addrft1 ---------------~Huntington Station, z N.Y. 11746 C.uy _ ~t•te ---tp ---- o Ashley & Wakefield. lid Ste 207, Old Country Rd. Garden C,ry. N Y, 11530 • - Send for this FREE ca alog Fin•lly, you can get• good Hlectlon ot gre•t-looklng clothes th•t flt! 111-.d of~ to6d lflolt In llOree .,,.. c.ry anty a Ul'llllad M1act1on In ~ ·-Mnd lot 96 P-o-of "'*1· IOolllng clo4hel guaran9ed to .. IT'S ALL HEREI * Brand·n•me 1t11m up to 22" neck and 38" 1leeve • Stach and jtana to 80" wal1t and 38" rnaeem • Jadleta and out.,..., to alzeeo * Shoea. bOotl. WOik IMttl. and aneakera to all• 1IEEE ------------FREE COLOR CATALOG ......_ Mnd IM late91 KING-sat CO. tulk:Otot C.talOg to ~ at the aodfn• below I I I I -.r...,.._ ....... o:::c;;- 1 I I I I t I ----~-----~~-~~~ ~~~----------- '"9800M9t __ ...... , ·--OllW Fillislt Hi&h ~ at Homr ~ .... air .... ._.,..1-....... •bil.__ ... ._.....c..-.-~ ·---· ca. n.t6a .... .,....., .... CAll-IKA•~ .... a.-._ _, .... ""' o.Ell iY ..... ~OUl•c;a•1Ml ......... ... ~ ..... ., ...... .._ ..... .., ....... tor ......,..1111. ......... loftel...,. -· " tMy ........... Ulllla ..... ,..., ........ .., .......... --. ... ,,., ... ._, BICENTENNIAL MONEY~ FAST BECOMING HISTORY. THE ONLY DOlJBLE..DA TED COINS MINTED IN THE U.S. ~GREAT CHRISTMAS GIFf $12.00 'If "I r:' J Im.· ... 111 ..... · t17'MM a , r ...,, .... ...,_.ca... .... ,...,.,._ .................. 1 , • ................ _..._.(MLYtaaC.. .......... ... ............. 9 ........ ,.._ ............. .... ,..." .. ,....... new t•rr . .......... ,...... 011• r us a ... · VILLAml <X>IN 9NOP. INC. DISPT. W PLAISl'OW ..... a.. Buyers Guide THE PERFE CT GIFT ...................... ..,.... .. ____ "' ... -. ---...... _.... -................ .... '4M a TA.H.~m.lt.~· .... ClllllilL.CD~. PBCARSI _ ..... _.GR&Sn 1 «<.=~~1 ,.---------~ A MAGAZINE R>RYOOR PIANO Keflboard (lassks Magazine UIJres up where The Elude magazine left off. Filled wi1h rrwsic.aJ treasures. f andes and delights to be played on your piano, it is truly the one magazine you will eryoy again and again. I .... _...... I FllCtape• ....................... .. I c-:r.: ........ MCll ... ~ lt----------- 1 =:m~~I ... ................. MOM'(. ...... ~CA-•W..W .. , , ............... c:l"•d UlllD .... ~~~-... =-~~_. O&JGFTmx "A lrff:W~· ~.,, ................... . .. .... ,, .. <:..•llaD ........ ~ r.s ....,_...,....,._.,~us. ~c......­ IDEAL MAN'S GIFTI C CTil 915 N. Lor:W.. ~CA~ (1Mlam3 ...... ... , ............... ..... __ ......._..., .. __. ... .. ..................... ~· ... ____ ,,_ ........... ...... --.... --..... t1r11t.11•11?S ...... l ..... -'UWO ............. ,u ........... . .......................... --.-......... -_ ....... _,.. ......................... . ... + I DlrrP"NT .-rROK.D ... Can the secrets to career success be easily pinpointed and collated as some pop psychology boolts wouJd have us believe? No way, says author Glenn Kaplan I because each business ca- reer requires its own polltical games, nuances and temperaments. Kaplan Interviewed 300 of America's best and brightest In 14 major fields for his new book, The Big Time. He reports that all the movers and shakers do share one trait: "incredible endurance. because theJr work renews rather t han drains them.'' However, he notes, "The overt compe- tition encour· aged in an ad agency wouJd have you booted out of a top law ftrm In two minutes. And the three-piece suk required on Wall street is worthless In a record company. The most tmportant Ingredient for succas, therefore, is to ftnd a career that ftts . "People can be "~~ed once they join a company," he told us, "but you have to be the right kind of clay." Kaplan . 32, says he tried to assume the proper attire and lingo of the various fteld.s he explored and feh o ut o f place being all dressed-up In the casual at- mosphere of a major record company. "Then I saw one other guy weartng a gray business suit and l felt a UttJe u conspicuous. lJnt1I he turned around and I saw his hair. He had a duc:ktall. Painted pink." What's the Queal bf England's favortte kldoor sport? \Yhy, It's Kenmngton, of cowse, sdly. And the . board game that's been cbivtng the Brits stmply batty (over one r.J--~~~~~~~e;;.~~~~~~.---""~~~~~~~million told worldwtde ro STUCK IN Tim Ml!MM• It's long been thought that it's better to be either first or last, just anything bu! the middle chUd in a f amUy. Now a recent study shows that middle children Indeed have lower self-esteem than either Ant-born children or last-born chUdren. After analyzing Inter- views of 2.200 10th grade With the dlvoru rate as high as 50 percent In the U.S ., maybe thlS Is an Idea whose time has come: ar· · ranged marriages, which are 1ti11 common In rural areas of countries like lndla. Paldstan, ChJna, Mex.1co and the Middle East. Jeffrey Nugent, prof8110r of economics at U.S .C.,says a boys, Jeannie Kidwell of the University of Tennaece also found that how far apart the middle children were fro m siblings affected their feellngs of self-worth. She told us mlddJe-boms spaced from brothers and sisters by about two yeas on either skie sho\Wd the low- est telf-ateem. Thote nil• dose or farther apart tended to feel more potldveJy about themselves. marriage Is set up by the heads of the two ho1.191holds or an outside matchmaker. '"The woman's family Is look· Ing for a man with good earning potantial," Nugent told us, "while his family wants a wife who's subset· vient, healthy [to bear chU- d ren) and educated, al· though not too much be· caute then she may not be subteivtent enough." He adds that before the marTlllge, the two fmn8la Dynamite turkey sounds more like It. Richard Pryor has been In a lot of hilarious movies and has a legion of loyal fans. But the recently re-released-1972 film Dynamite Chicken Isn't ex- actly one of his finest hows (and 14 minutes). In fact, it's so downright odorifer- ous. a Brooklyn theater manager felt the need to warn people away. Hence this sign in his box-office window: 'The manage- ment Is not responsible for the entertain- ment value of Dynamite Chicken. There will be no re- funds." aficionados like Omar Sharif. Roger Moore and Peter Ustinov) II now com· Ing to the U.S. TG)llar ,,_.,.,.nm.,._ Dilladsfted wtth check· en, cha., baclcgammon ~~two Uightly ICl'Uffy English gents on welfare, faded painter Brian Taylor and failed archJtect Peter Fori>es, got the In· splradon for the K.r\llnSJ<>n board aftc ~ at an l:!lamlc art book. The two then spent six months on a park bench In London's Kenstngton Gardens refln· _____ .... Ing the idea. go through elaborate and often bk>ody negotladon1 over the ltze of the bride's dowry. which Is adjutted to balance out the ttrengths and ~of the prospective mata. The fam.iy of a bride who Is un· attracttw may ~ the !JOOm'• famty men a.nwn- cy, po9ellkJliat, land OI' llw- ltOck, ~ If the SJOOfl) .. not a good wage Ul'Mr, he could reoetvc lal or even pey olf the bride'. family. '°'There's no blbody ex· CUM for 90ft\ebody not coming up with ft h.fore now," Taylor Neently to&d us by phone from Auttn!ia. "It' 1 IO llmple raly." The object of the lS-mln- ute' gmne II to form th• h hexaeon on the boerd. But lntncat. --.g,y .. Involved kl fcntq lq'IBl"a Md lrt-ar\Slla .,l(f bkx::ki 19 your opponesdl. .. ,.. fsw mku.da to '--n," boaltl T~. "but a lhdme to ma.ter." I r t ' THESE LOW VITAMIN PRICES! 7f,,e, ff/pu l{ou SMµ fk 8eftei 7hett !.Pok/ ... =; ;::.~ ;:, ~~,.--"' One glance shows they brtng you big savings on potent vitamins and _____ ,!=_~~~-~!~-~!!'-~------, organic mlneralsl But please act now while these low prices are : Mall Order Coupon i In effect. It's easy to order. f VITAMIN E D MONTH~ :~v i : 400Unie ea ::?~: : eap.IM .J 100 for 1.ff : • ..J 500 for 1.25 I Help "over·21S" skin bounce beck with ELASTIN CREAM In recent w98M we have sold thousands of btologlcal element that 2 oz iars of ttus truly amazing racial cream for can penetrate into yO\lr S5 ead1 &t now you can get the regular 2 oz skin s nounsh.ng inner tar FREE• . layer carrying 11$ boric Why do women love ELASTtN Cream? Be· f1c1al l11m1ng deep causez once yoy pass the age of 25 your sk.n •s dow n Europa a n alreaoy threatened by sagging The reason 1s ELASTIN research simple and. sad to say. 1nev1lable shows 11 may even h~p Bel0te you reach your mtd·20s Nature s provide the vttat mis supply ol El.ASTIN the substance your own sing 11n k 1n slo.1n body trea111s to give slun 84asbo ty. t>egon5 to care-!11e way 10 new Elastin Cream dlmin•stl Then you need EL.ASTIN Cream w1111 s«in alasuoty Its Procetn-OU11dlng amino aods It WOl1<s to O.scover wtiy lt\oosands of women deoend keep llrming connective \Issue fibers 1n the on EL.ASTIN Cream Ge~your regular 2 oz iar demw atrong and healthy supple and beautt· FREE and w11nOV1 Charge Just c:tl9Ck !he bo• on lul,.,..,.outriful • the order lorm and rerum •t with any or0er be· ()Ur ELASTIN Cream contains a famous f0te Novemb« 22, 1912. NUTAmOH HEADQUARTERS. 10C West Jeckeon St.. ~. Ill. 12101 1,000 Mg. VITAMIN c with RoM Hipe 0100198 ~~ few IOI,..., 0 500 for 9.49 0 1000 for 17.11 I N766 ~ 11'22'82 ::.J 1000 for 15.91 : ·-----------------·-..................... .. ..-------------------------------··----·----. I v1TAM1N cxc .. '~:87¢1 : WITH ,.OH ... o soo '°' , ... r °"' 1 t N7fl6 e.,,., .. l !'22'82 0 1000 for 7.H "'!1.,!:; • ~-~-·----------------------·--------···--.. ..:r...ry , .......... '~ If.A IA.~ r._c.. ...... !l'll... 50 ._ .... ,. tw tr.• 2oz:.e.ys aw• . ..,..,,,1.11 ._,,. • ,.,. li1,1.1.,i .... ,, l Money S.t~111~ -.•:.. 1 •• [ '£ '"' ,4 ,, r.~ SATISFACTION GUAfW(T'EED TOTAL NIOMr .....,..~.,,,._.~,,,.-·-sioao ar..c8111---..,_ ... We.._""''"'°"' IDW!tl~ (I! D ~~~~=== WHERE ELSE CAN YOU GET ELEVEN CHRIS'rMAS PRESENTS FOR A PENNY • 314179 QRSTMAS-.. ~ PlACIDO OOlll9tO() 111904 STYX :iHl CORHatST'OftE 30914a. A08AHME CASH -S.-.'flt•Ad'9 305211 CRYSTAl. GAYL£ <•-J THCSCOAYS 30421'13• EDOIE AAMNTT ~---.:i HONZON ... 'TbirW ........ .... dll......_ .... &n 11w NitJia ,.,. a.a,,: 3114~6 BAAAY MANll.OW !]!I!] ..... ~ Aellft 310433•--r--.i ENDlESS LOW 307143 JAMES TAYlOR ~ Dad i.-Hie Wotti 211114 ,... ...... . ~ ~ ... -. l0147J• CHAIST~Eft E!5!iiiil CROSS OR TAPES FOR 1 CENT! ~H1BON plu:, sh1ppm.r( and handling -if 1·ou Jom thl· l{>fumb1a l<l"cord & Ti!pt' Club no"' and agree to buv H more ..elections (at regular Club pncesl m the nt•xt :l ><'ar.; ST£VIE NICKS ~LLADOHNA [AGL.fS,.n ttr. n-~•Htl• -----------~o ·~R 2861~· ~-~ lo.;;;. --°" l"""' 269606 lOCCINS &. MUSI"" l"I OI r-l(NOS 288332 ·-· 210638 rr .. -.i BIUY JOCl S2HOSTR££l CHICAGO' IX ~A&O· ·-•fl•l *'' ... ,._. __ KENNY ROGERS sn.. "°"' Lowe F'AAHI< SINATRA Cle ........... _. CARLY llMOff TOltCH STATLER llAOTHERS Y£UISAOO JOtiNNYLll ... ~He.tOn ... 31)184• 1....,.po!1 314666• , __ _ 31016h ll!:s.1 31000 ~ 310113• ~ -""· O#fi. ---- ,_Q!!~B • THE BEST OF THE KENOAU.S nRECO l 1157H• 90eJAMES l5MP'.....,,•I HANOSDOWN 315 l 74 Ptlddo Don*lgO ~ ~ ------------------, c~ ~a ~"o• P.O. aos 1ue ~HHV..~471111 I am~ dlUll or monry «W lot Sl.86 Mlich induds le for my 11 ~ pka S1.815 for~ llnd handtirwl. Aemr llCiClqlC my n~ ... tlon,_...tht._outJintocl iri U.~ --.1...-iobUJ cct--apa or r.cordl lat~ Oub pricftj dUnirw the comilW thrH ,_-.--5 IMY ~my rnembs ihip enytl!M after cbrw '°' !leoMI"" MhdtoM In tt.I• ~of"""°"''"' (lw 11411~ l<l <'llttll ~)' 0 I·~ C•rtrldln 0 Caouut • 0 ltft>I Tapn 0 lllttotdt .. , .. "'"""'°" l\ r1~hm' .......... dledl_l ,.°'-11-----+------...t Jl•tl-"'~-""'~· .._""""' ""' "',,,.'" o r...,.u..._t o -..Hi.7 Ori..kal l OJUl,CllllONllf~l 0 CCMlllll") II CM ...... .._P"I 8l---:,,.:::-_---.,l'ftrt(/,..._--,_,_-,__---,.-.. --Ltwl-,...--- ._. ___________ ...Ji.._.. ____ _ OR-If you prefer, you may take a special triat membel"llhlp and receive 6ALBUMS-1C lf you Aft jmt an at ..... , ,....... « blpe ~ it )'OU prder noc to obligalt' vw~ IO pun:"-~I mn sel«bons or if vou annot find 11 ~it<:tl<lm you ""1lnt right OO'lo' hnt-':. a perlC"C't opponunity to "IT)' out"~ Q ub on a SIJ't'C..'W inal membenh1p !>-.! J• ID la die ..-dill ""bW ............. Applka-doa. al U. ristit-and~ 11 llend you ANY 6 rttorlis or ~-All for only le. pl"' itltppng and halldl111i In rxclw!ie. you mnply aitrtt 10 buy as frw • four Idec tnu (at ~ dub priers) dunna w coming thl'tt ~ Think ol n-onl) ,lrNr ~ and you ha~ thttt whoit' }'Car.> m wtuch to buy them' Allld tNzl's aJJ tJwrr u kJ u.' M a trial -""'· vou 11 mpy all ol t.hto benenlli ct regular mmi~rshtp as ~nbrd on tht' following paflc-but Wlthout any lmjthy cornmnmmt. .you ml)' CIOCt'I at ;rny ltmt' alter buyin11 JU5ll four ~ !rice l.IOn'-~ 1f WlU d ~ IO enroll now ~ thtS Spenal "art acq~mtrd offer-mail ~ spttuil application today. togrwr wnh only $1 00 (that'~ le for your 6 mtrnductory telr<tions.. plus ~ IO coYet" ~:fr.113 and handlm1(). kad t~ advmwment for oo how thc.-Oubworb. rmllMDtBOOmPAPPUCAnON---, r.,. • ..wa ~a 11u1to .... P.o. Rn 1m I ~HHV..i..t.laa4,811 'n.1 d lil<t>tu .. tn out" thfOub-ao fmtneloPW1j11'htdlor monn I ordft ,,.. SI 0011ha1., le for !Tl}" 6 intf'Odunor) ••lo'<'"o"' plus 9'1ir I ''" "111J1VmK .ond handlcn111 ~ x~ my t1'1111........nbcntuc ~!Ca· l•>11 u~ the-lt-nM out I~ .rt thf lef1 I llf'"" 111 buv four -I """"""""'I•• "'ICU~r Club pn:nl dun°' tlw l.'l.nlfll! thrtt ~n •nd I I"''"' Arv.Cm' mnnbtt5h11>A1 an\ '""'" aftrr dovlw IO ~...,.~,,,.,.~of~ciw-... chrdl-> I 0 1-n ack Cattrldt" O Caawttn o attt bpn O RttOlft "'-"' --..t Wr1~ bi HJBIM:n el6~ ·-"'(<t.dl _, 11.11 .... .,, • .,.,,..,.in fMN '"-•If\ rft,.,.,.. OFMl)l~t O ~Hlta7 0 ('t..oit.al I O JuafCBO .......... l o C-tl")$1 .. ,.,,....,.., 541/2£ 0 \h 0 \1r' ------------------0 ,...... ,,..,,_ """" A•"'"''------------''111 ----- \ If >'O'.I join the <.:olumbi. Record A 1kpe Club now and •lf'H to buy R monr IK'tc<11nn• l•c rtrullrOub pric"> bl the ntJCt 1 ytan Cllll --LEAGl JE ..... 1140«>• Thtir foy IV album h 11unnic Ilk •I Hd ""IC"" /A1lf I )m1 l+<r11/ \f, /"Jo('>r/h, n RECORDS OR 'I -IC PLUS THE RB>RIBBON TV BONUS! 1Dllt SllUZM'n.~ Stare 4f/I Fltir. Brlql()-.,._... ""*7;'_, __ 314344• ....... ~ G!i!!J HEY NCKY plus :.hipping and hanclling-1f you JOin lht: Columbia Record & Tuix· Club now and agree to buy x mort· ~lt-ct>oru1 (at regular Club pnl.'.l'sl in tht' rlt'>.t :l year.. I :ns.11• ~ ' (filJ a...-111ortr.it 31:Me0• EUONJOHH I 1-1 THEFOJC I 313158• ~ _....._ -~-I 311915• llllEILE HAOGN1D I (al lllGCITY I 314211• --""'1WTI I I..,,._, DUKES OI-HAZZNID 310317• ZZTOP 1 iiiiiiilUilll fllOCO I 309911* AICl(JAMES I ~ S'TM£T IOHG$ 307942• .......... .,,. l Clll!fil AOWOY