HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-11-08 - Orange Coast Pilot• a w 4 rrn:c THI ORANGE COAST COUNTY EDITION MONO AV . NOVEMBER 8. 1982 ORANGE COUNTY. CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS Newport • insurance firm cuts staff, freezes pay By STEVt; MAlttJl.t-: Of llM Delly Piiot l t•H On 1lw lwl'ls of .1 111.1)'11 -.1 . .t I rt'duc·t1on. N1·wpo11 B1•.11 h ti."1·d P 11t·1f11· Mutuul l.1f1· 111-.ur .11111 h as 11rJ1·1 1·d a 1 11111 p,111 \ v. 11h wag l' f I I' l' /I' .... It I I '. II I t II I n1on1\ '"'"'g 11111\1-. '" c·onsu.lt•r 1-.I Tht• 111:.u1.111u· l11m .1 lop Orangl• Cou111 \ t-111ph1vt•1 .111d 11t1• statt.•'!> l arg1·~t lift• 1n,ur ,11ll" carnl·r. ha~ tr11111111-tl 11:. ,,..,., k111g fort'\' b~• :J;j;j µt'<tph· Ill lh1 ),..,l two y('ar~ in thl· f.i1'1· 111 ,1ipp111g I l \ l 11 Ill'' ,I II d t ' 'I .ol ,I l I II g ' '1""1"" ho ,I flll'IJlll ltl l'lllJllOl\I I''• flll , rn11J.1<.111Y's p11·-.1d1·11t I I.it 1 \ B11hh .... ud th.ii w.ig1•s 1111 1111i..l \\ 111 k1·1' "tll h1· 111111·11 1111ltl Apr ti I .11111 l1111tl Jul\ I 1111 11tli1·" Bulilt ,,,1d 1h1· l11111p1tk1·d11t1, l'\llll-.1' 11f •" 111111 11\'t'I 11lltt•f t 11'1 \ lllllllg ,tllt•t fl.dl\'I'' 1111 l11d11tg ,111 ,I\ I ""' l ht Ii 11 .1 I d ',ii .I I \ Thi· \\,1g1 111•1·1 .. f11ll11\'' .1 l \\ 11 11111 11 l h I' f f I 1 I l l II I I "I ' l1111gt11111• "'ork11 ... 111111 ·•"• pl111g "'In kindergart~n I u M.•d to go to tht' principa l u lot. I l•·urrwd to tw ~ood in fir'-t ~ra dt'." Teacher of Year • keeps Ill control By ROBERT BARKEH Of the D•lly Pllol St•H K ay F'let~·hl•r. till' tt·.:11 lwr 11( the v<'ar in lhf· Hunungtrrn 8.·<11 It (1.·1ty) Sdwol D1strn t 1 ... .i 11·.11 lw1 who makt>:> <t d1ffNl'nt'1• S<:oll rs proof Hl' was a r!'al ~11'1111111 \.\l1t•11 ht• was m k1mlt·rgllrtt·n Ht• drd ('V('rVlhlnlo( for ,1 l.1ulo{h he made dc·liht•rat1· nH"'"''' •>f parnt. broke l'qUI pnwnt ..ind t11\' and hit h1l> d as .... mall"i His tt•ac·hN wos b;.1fflc'tl St·otl (not his rt•al nanw) o;pN1• J lot of llml.' m tht• pnnnp.tJ'<, ofl11t· Then he• al h•ndt·d Flf'lt'hC'r' first grad<" rlass .11 Kt·ttl1·r S c hool Print 1p.1I l'11nn11· Wakd1eld n ·.ll111•d th.11 ..,h1· hadn' 1 Sft'n Scott 111 ,, cou ph 11f weeks ") sloppt•d bv 1'11· < ),,..,, to obsPrVl' and hr> not 1111lv wa' hstC"ning but was 1•n1ran1·1·d Wakl'f1rld said W akdrt•ld nom111.1ll·d Flt•tt hl'r for t each1·r or the y1·;1r honors earlier th is yC"ar S<~111 sc-t•ondt'd the nommat1o n "Miss fll'tt·ht'r rs vt·ry 111n·' h e wrote "I !'11·.1111'(1 hc-r chalkboard and pickPd up S( rap' o ff tht• floor Shr tn•atl'd nw JU<;I great "In kmd('rgart<•n I ll'>t'(I to ~11 to the prmnpal a lot I IC'arnt•cl to be g ood in first ~rJd(' If mv name wasn't on th•· hoard I (11 uld 1 ho11s1• f1111n th1· good11• I 1ox · "Sht· '' tht i,,.,, 11·ach1•r of 1h1•m ,ill < )11 till' 1,,,1 d.iy 'h•· ~:1vt• u' ,, ~·111 1 I " 'Stntt w:1~ ;. .,up,.r IJov " flt•lc ht>r .... 11<1 rt't'l•nth 'lit• wc1s lmght hut not ehallrn1.wd 'I It' WJs a< ha1 Jt'tl·r dnd so <1m I I lm·t· 1·h.-ir;JC'tt'rs · Rut I lt·I him know th.Jt I <11111'1 ,1n1·pt bad hc·h.-ivror You c a 11 · 1 ) par n r f ' 1111 a rt• n ' t 1 n 111ntr11I ' · HP 1urm-d out tu tx• thP Ix-st math ... tudPnt 111 th(· l lass He fmrshNI h1~ pap<>r bdorC' 1 could fmr'ih passing them oul to all tht• <;lUdC'nlS ' FIN<·hl•r :i5. has bl>t·n tf'ol·h111g 111 the sc·hool district 13 Vl'd r., Thr., yC"<tr she ll> tt;«1t•hing th1• ,. x p 1·i1 mt· n ta I ex t C' n de d d a ' krndPrgartC'n class at Kettll·r S lw n'Ct'lved a bachl'lor of .1rl' dt·gr·r·l· 111 dramatic arL<i from th1• Un1v1·rs1tv .. r Callfor111<1 at Sant,1 Barb<1ra ~nd a mastn's rh'gn•e m s1w11al C'ducat1on at Callforn1.1 Lutheran Colll•ge "I am 1n th1• bu:-.1n1·s~ nf 1mpart1ng knowll.'rlgt•." s hl' l>dHI "This mPan~ that I must t<"<1t·h mv children lo rpad. wnll•, r1dd and subtract "Rut I am alsn 111 th1· humanitv bus111~-. I am JUst as dl'd1l·atl·cl ti1 crra t1ng good e 1t1u·ns. k rnd rw1ghhors. and ~Pf'l'S of dean air and hlut• sklf's .. .111 1 .11 h 1 l'lt1t·1111 ·111 p1 ogr'.1111 .11111 11lh1 '' 111 l.1k1· ,1dv.u11ag1· ol ,, lilH 1,d '' fl•il .tllClll <If f1 •t llul 1lo ,,11d :111 1•111plt1v1·1·' 11p1 .. d I 111 1·.11 I\ 11·lll t•111t•111 whrl .. 711 \.\ 111 k,.,, p11 k1•d 11 '1·p.11.1l1c111 p111g1 .1111 wl11d1 pard µt'' """ I• •I It ,1\ 111g th1· 111111 S11111 1 I 111pl11\ l I'' \\ l'f l' ,1lilt \II j.(l'l llJI tu 10 111111111i ....... .i.11 \ ;111d l'lllllllllll'd 111'111 ollll l' l1t·111·l 11:. 1111 ljllllllll)! !'ht 1 t W,t., IHI llldll ,t lfOll '' 111 llh r 1111 prog1.01ns lll•"l 111' fc·ll ,111,, t 111 1111• 111111 , 1·,111·11.1111111' ( h11 · iii 1111 11111'1 -.111k111g 111·.l ltrt1111g 1111"''"'' 1111· N1·wp1111 ( ···11l1·1 I 11111 It." l.1k1•11 .... "' 111 I .tlll 1'1 o1 l1111g ... t.111d111g pl.tll lll 11111 ... 11)1d.11<· " 1·11111pl1·li 111 ... 111 .01111 di\ 1-.11111 111 1-'11tflll.1lll \',tllt \ l'.11ti11 Mu1u.il '' 11111 ... 11111 1111g .. ll 111 111 ll11 t •l' ,1111 \ l1111ld111g ... "'"" 1h1· F11u11t.1111 \',tilt' 11\011 l"t'llll'I ,11 1'.J ,111d It.id p).111111 ·d It• 11111\'t 1110 IAlll k1 ·1 ... lhl'l\' 111.,lt .ul tlw rri...111.11111· I 11111 lt,1., l\:n-Flt•t<•h(•r rt•tul ~ lo h.-r s t ud<'nl!>, a l K•·itlt·r S<'hool in llunlinglon 8 f'u<'h. Sh•· ha ... tu·t•n rrnm{'(I outstanding tf'a <'h t'r of I tw )•·ar in lht· t•i1 y·~ i.t•h ool di!'il rit•t. 11111\1•.t 11 ... \.\111k l tll ll' 111 11, I 11111111 .otl' lt1·.odqt1.ol II 1 -. Ill Ni"' P"' I l '1·1111·1 ,111d will .1111111pt Ill 11•.o..,1• .ill :.!H7 OIHI 'lf\1;111· l1 1·t 11t 11 fl111 'I'"'' 111 fou11t.i111 V.oll1·\ l '.11 tf11 Muru . .J 1s 111111plc·l111g ,111 .0111h1ll1IU' 11111 ... 11U<111111 plt.1 ... 1 111 ,1dd1t11111 111 th• F11u111.1111 \',,)II'\ ln11ld111g ... lfll' C oHllJl.111\ 11'111111\ llllllflh•ttd lWll ... !'\'I'll 'l<1f\' lh\\l'I' ;11).J.111111\1111 ... ft\1 ... 1111.,, h1 .. .tq11.1111 ·1' 111 N• "'pw t I~ .11 It I 11 ,1 I C'I C• IJ l 11111 I \IC \\ 1 11 .. 11111,111 o l tlw lio;,ird W a ltt•r t;, r k1·11 ,;11d l '.1u f1l M utual ha:. l11t·d It.Jiu 10 (111d hU111Jlll' w;;y.,, 11f 1 Ullllllol t'XJ>l'flSI'' <tllU lht• 1111111IH·f 11( \.\Ill k1·1., Wt11lt· 1111' 111 n1 h.1d l<i1c.I off<!'..!~ \.\111 h.l'r., f1111111L., 11Jllunw1dt• st.<trf 11! :1 000, 11 h..1., av111dt-<I furthl'r l.1vofh 111 1t·u·11l 11111nth'> 1'<1t1f11 Mu1uo.1l, rJINI a:. th1· :!-Ith l.11 i.:1·.,t 111:.ur ..inn· firm 111 1h1• 1•1u11t1v hJtl J l!Jl:ll 1ntumt· u l $'..!~1 1111il11111 ..1nd 1n:.ur;;nc·t· pol1uh \.\111 tli :Sl!J l11l11on Enviable . evening (;t•I horru.· too latt· lo "atd1 tlH" :-.un:-.t•I no"·~ ll•·n ·\, a \'if'" from l\t·wporl lo <'lip a nd !->U\'t' t·omplt'll' with a ... urflint' !o,lrollt·r, 01w winJ!>,urf t•r, a c·ouplt• of ~u ll!o, ancl Suntu Cata lina l ~l and . 'Twa~ a fint· t'\ t•nin~. indf•t-d . D•llp Pilot Photo by a..-, Amb<OM School fee ban reaction mixed fh STEVE M ITl'lfl':LI. Ofrhe D•lly Pflol Sl•lf 011111 . .i~ frn111 lh•· 1w11 U1.u1g1• ( 'i,; .... t .,. h•••I d1~tr11·t... th.it c twrg1• .;tud•·111 ... fo r ;1111·1 !..th1111l ,tt'll\1111·' t'X pr1·:-.:-.1•d 1111x1·d 11•;wt1c.11 .. l11d;1\ !11" -.1.1tl' .1p1)1•;il-.. l'lllll l tit-( 1'11111 th.ot IJ.111 ... MH'h r 1 ·1·' Thl· thn•1• m1•mh<'1 2nd I >1 ... u 111 l'ourl 111 Appl'.ol rul('d 111 Lo' A11g1•Jv, thril the· S.111ta Barbar a ll1gh Sl'houl IJr~lrtl t t·annot 1mpos1· a $:!!'l pt.·r y 1•,1r fl't' to s tudenLo; who wrsh lo µ<irlll'lp<ll<' m aftt·r S('hool spnrls .ind otht r ;!l'tl\'ltf!•<, Th<• rulrng 1f 1t '' 1101 c1ppc-.il1'<J. would h.· d1·va~l...1ting lo 1h1· L.igun,1 Br·a1·h Un1f1NI & hool Dtl>trll't. at't'ord1ng to 8111 BarnN>. c.11stnC't supt•rrntl'lldt•nl But an 11ff1ual lrum thc· lrv1m· U 111f1e<l S< ht)(•I D1slnl't s.mi sh<' Ii t • 11" ,. , . ' 1 h t' ;:i pp l' a Is c· o u n dl'tl'l•Hl d<11•s not apply In lhal d1!..ll'l1 l'o; pratlru• of l·h.o1q.(1ng transportation fp1•s to mC'mb<·r:-. ,,f athli·t1t· 1t·;1ms the· o;c·hool hand' and oth1•r ~roups Jn tht' Sanw Barbara C'as1•, a pan•nt l'hall1·ng£"<I a ft.'<' imposl:'d 1111 twr < hild f111· an ;1fl1'r·S4'h11ol ;t!'ll\'ll v A Santa l1;1rbar:t County Su1wrr111 Court JUdi.w rult•tl l'arlr1•r rn favor of tht• drstrrcl. say1n~ ,t.'ll(' n ·gulat1ons n-qutnnt( a "frt•c• puhll<' school syslf'm" do not apply a n d v1olatC's thl' ~:ho"I UIStrl( t's fXIWl'r lll govt•rn II.St') f Aut F'nday's app<"als n1url <fp1·1s111n rrvt•rst•d thP <'arlu•r n111rt rul111J.t, saying th{' st<it1· c '"" t 11 ~· l 111 11 a I r c · g u I a t 1 on I l'j.(dl'cl111g f 11'1' publtc· t.JU('Ll ttUll IS \ .t11d 111 l .. 1!o(urw l~·a('h. Barm·s said hr· hoJ,Jl'!. th'' S;rnt;:i Barbara d 1,..1 nt·t <1 PP'"' b t lw dt>t'1s1on tn tl11• ~t;1t1· Supri·nu· Court "I I 1lwv do so. tht•n tht> storv ~'"'' 1111." ·H.1n11 ·' ... 11d "If lh!•rt• 1s 1111 ,1ppt·al. 11·., grnng w h<ivt• an 1•ff1•1·1 on what Wl' do with par lrt 1µa11on ft'l'S " I h· -..11c1 tht· thstrll'l l'hargt:'S $32 Pl'r .,tudt·nt for t'<1C'h aftt•r -S<:hool 'port 111 wh1l'h th<' ... tudenl parl 1n p.1 tt" Thr c.11slnl't r<'<'t'1ves ahout $25.000 pt•r year frum such fc-t•!-., .111d whill' thdt appears to be ,1 ... mc:1ll amount, Barnl.'S said an onfrr to n•fund thr fN.· "would h1 pn•lt\ d1·v<1stalln,1:? .. "Wl''vt· JUSt n•at'hl•d salary a d J u s t m l' 11 I ' f o r a I I o u r l'mplov1-.•:.. <lncl our n·st·rvc· fund 1s no\.\ lt·s.' th<lfl 2 pt.'rt'ent." he ... ;rnl "Tw!'nty flv1· thousand dollars would bt• · .. n·..il hc1rds h1p for us al this po111t .. L<'t' S1t·oli, r ha1rwoman of the l rvtn(• :.i·h,,ol board. s:11d today shl' bt'li1•v1•s a transpor tation fee d1argt•d studt•n L.., by h l'r dist r ict was lllJt t'hallt•lllo{l'd m thl· appeals l'OUrt dc'<·1s111n and 1s drstm ct fro m (\('l\Vtlll'!> f Pt'S Th<' tl1slrr1·1 t har ges what offrl'lal<. t'all a trMlsportallon fee r ;in~ing from $3;, to $55 f o r ... 1ud1•nts t;ikmK part 111 <•xtra- 1·u rr 1c·ula1 ac·t1v1t1<'s. from footb.111 In d1•hal!' 11•<1ms --INDEX-----------------'-------------;r- At Your $t>rv1Ct' Erma Bomtx-ck Cavakad<' Clas.<11f1e<l Com ics C rossword Dea th No t1t'C'S EdilOr ial Ent.f'rtamm<'nt HorOllCOpe In termisslon Ann Landen; M ov1C11 Natton al N1•ws Publlc No llN-s Sport.I! Stock M ark(•L<i T elev1A1nn Theal.('rs w ..-athf'r I\ 7 R2 A2 ( •;, II B5 B!'l (.'.j Ali &I 82 B4 A2 8'1 A:I C'4 ('I <I B.1 R6 B4 /\2 ""\l t•'ll <"oopt•ra t f' to thf' fullt>"-1 f'Xl f'nl JlOl"!"ihlt'. hut <'f'rtninly not bt>yond that." Irvine adult village reworked for children By GLENN SCOTT Of lhe Dell~ l'llol ltaft It's n o t that t hey d o n 't Irk(' children. but rt•s1denlS o f a dult nril'n tt•d O ra ng('t r ef.' Vi I lag<' 111 Irv ine have not ~n happy with thr thouf{hl that ynungsters from n proposed developmen t near tht>m might invade thl'lr 11<'1~hborhood ThO!W residents. 111 fac t, havC" hel p<'d c-onv111('(' devf'IOJ>f'r Irvin(' Pac ific tn redesign Its layout for 152 condomin1ums p ropolled on .,,_,,. ---~ 7 Ii an''" to h1• c·nllC'd Ordrnrrl (:lcn Ornn~rt rf'I•. wrst o f lrv inr Cl' n 1 c• r I) r 1 v I' n n d so u I h n f SACldh·bat·k c~1mmun1ty Coll<'~w·s North Campus. 1ncludc>s nbout 9110 hom<•ii It 111-s tx•rwnth a flight palt<•rn from thr El Toro M anne Cor~ Air S lntro n nnd for that rc·m1on. ~ hools Art' not pC"rm11t1•d t hl'rf' A 1• c· au., r 11 f I hat rt w 11" dl'!ilj.(nt'(f for arlulL'I It hAs mpn mad1· "' n •11ms, <11111111 gn ... n l-w•IL" > and u n '>ur"' v1o;1•d <;w 1mm111.~ pools Nt•r!{hhor~ d ;11m th1• 1111~1nal plAns for On·hard c:11·n from lhl• l r v 11w Company's drvt•lopml'll l s ubs1charv d11I not 11ffc·1 t'llOUKh o p rn s pa<·r for v11lrng'itt•rs to play "W1· h;iv1• mort• roorn 11vt•r hl•rf' Wt• do hav1• gn'<'n nn·no;." !Vud Arnko Sh1•rry. pn'"tdrnl of Orangl'llt'<' C:ondomrn1umi.. 011,. o f 1hrN· homl'ownc'I 1o<roups ' "Wp'n• grnn8 lo ht1Vl' lo tak · r.:~rl' of thC'1r ch ildren " Tht•y also com p la1nl'cl th at 111suff1c1enii. par king spat·es w<'r<' p r11v11lt•d . wh1d1 t•ou ld t•;1us1• a spillover o f 1raff1C' into the ir s trf.'f'Ls And thry said thu new homl's w ou ld ovr rburdl'n Orn ngPtr('t' Street, t hf' o nly l'ntram·c· a nd extt from l r v tn<' C:1•ntl'r Orive lrv1111• Panf1c representatives li&V they art' reass esslnf{ t heir \ plans tu offer ~tter r 1..'<:rca tio nal a reas f o r c h ifdrl'n and mor e park Inf{ "H opl'fully, Wl' will Ix> gettJnj in toul'h with the lead ers o f the O rangNree association s to tell them w ha t we'll be p roposing \o the Piennlng Commissio n on Nov 18." said Irv m e Company spokesman Jer ry Collins. "We'll rooperat~ to the fulleet exten t poe&ible. but C"er1alnly not beyond that " . ~ .. 111.111111• \ "''"' l >All Y I'll U I Mu111luy N ovu111tu11 K 198'1 Transplant tot recovers l\ 1 I N N I· . \ I ' I I I I ' I \ I • I l . I I I I I J • 111 I • I I 1, I lo I It .... 111 I Ii 'ii ol j' II I " 1 ... 11 " I\ I .I I 111. ,,l\lllf ll\11 ll.111,pl.1111 1<1111111111 d !111 -.11 .1.f\ I• 111\1 I\ l 11 d ,1 \ I I 11 l 11 I \ 1 I ' I I \ 11 I l\1111111 '"'' ""'l•lt..I ...... .i ·\ I ol1 1111 111 l1\ tl11 II" 1•11 of ,,1111 ,l.tlllll Ii 011 ,j Ill ,,lli'l.1• '"' \ 11111ol111 .. 11 Ill 1111 111.11.01111 11111 tl'I\ I I .Oii 111111 I 11td.t 1 .. 1"11111v1·d 1111111 ,, 1• 'I'll 11111 1 .. ,l 1\ ··s1 •• • I 'l •l'l 'lt,11 t1i tj' ,lit \\ 'l).!11 • Ill lllljol "'I 1111 Ill, •.,11.J lill ,,1 •.• ,. l>1•,lt11 \•illlilHH IP Ill• 11111•1 111 I I'"" I\ "'" 11 ,, I 1111111 Ill d llo1 \ o1l 1 f•ll ,I Id \\ llo I 1• I Jll "l'I • " 1111 \1111111 1 II I I 111< l 1111•111• I 111 t l1.11 l1 111•1 \l.1111\ 11 I "I" .. 1 l\11d).!1 \\,1111 :\!."·· l\11111 l.1.l Nu\ JI! .... ~ .. \\ ,t -.. 11t11t \\ j,.11 1.11111d111 d .ol 1111111 ,1111l lli1 d1·.1 ''" \\," 11,11111 11• hi11.11\ ,11!1".1 Ill \\ 1111" till• 11.11 !(, llj• 11111> 1111 I I\' ·r l 'li\ ... 111.111 ... · .. 11d ... 1 .. \\ 11111.t ""'' clwd lo\ li1·1 111•.\ 1111111.l.1\ 11 ,1i, 11.11! 11 .. 1 ''''"'" 1111 flt'\\'"'' l'h1 ll .tll'J'l,1111 \\ .o J•• I 11111111 .I l-'11d I\ \II• I ~I'~' 111.111• 1 .!1 'I" 1.11• pl•·' I I h1 111 ·' l.111111\ Ill I 11.d 1 ""' ... 1 ll .. 111g.111 1111111 1h111 I I 11 Id ~ " I 1 d I " I I .11 I I 11l11 ,I\ I 1.11 111 J')i1 \ 11,.I "' ~olll I ,111\i' 11.1111 .11 ,, l\c 111>11 ,, 11111111111'11old 1 ... 1111 I'·'""' l .. 111d 1\.111111 ''"' '"' ,,,,, 1 .. ·.01111 ·•l'l''"'''d I ht d1111,1ll10t1 IS. 111111 ''111• 1, .. .111• 11.t I, I"~ I• 11 \ 1,1 d pl1 ,1 l••I 111 II' ,,11.I l,1l1 I I I 1 II I fl II Id I ·' I I \\ "11 Id I \ I I • " I• I I II It. \\I \'I' IH'l'll 11.Jd ,lt1 '111•1 l'\ll •ti lii1· \\"""' \1 I 1•1,I" o11d ~ ... \lltd.1" 1 •• 111°1 ... 11 11 ~:· 1111' 111.t 1•lt11111 t .iii-.\\ l'hlllj' .l.111111 \\I If 11111lllllh '" 1"•111 111\11 11.. l '111\. '"'" 111 1\1111111 ..... 1 .. 1111,1111 • .i .. '"" ( 'lt1111 "' i\11111""''"'" \I, 111\\htl· .i.111111 1111111\1.t II• 11\1 I '" .I "'""' ( 0 11\ """"' 111d \\ 111 ~111 II lOI l111hl111q.:J1 1111 '°'\11111!.1\ \\Iii 11 11 \\ ,1 lfltl'i.tlllt d 111 .. L' ''·'' 1dd t'.il1l111111o1 \\1lllldll l lat 11111dt11lll11 .t 11 ·111111111 1h111~·11l.od1,1.1-.t 1l1.1t.oll11I tit• II\ I I ... l1il1 '"'' •< l1.1d 111 I II \\ ,11l111 g 1111 I I\,. 1111111110. Ill .. I '1lhli111 ~·11 11111l t I l• I I II\ I I H11.111 l\11111111k .1 111111.1111 1•1 '"' l 111\\1,11\ 111 !'111 111111:11 llH "" ·" It .1111 I" 11111111111)' ll11 .. , .. 1.1111111 ..... 1d 1 Ii• ( '.d1l111111.111 ""11ld J..1\0 J,.,, llt,111 ,, 111111\lh 111 II\• \\111111111 1111 ''·''"f'l.1111 Sitt \\ ·" 11.,11·d Ill I 1111<.al . I llfldltl11)1 .ti 11 I 1 ltt l'Jll'l .ti 11111 1•nd1 d . .t1 .. 111 I ;10 ,, 111 111d.1\ lt11·,1111.tl """"''"\\tlfll.111 K .1tl11 \.II B..t11 1·n ....... 1111 AP Whepholot 'l'lt1· ll\'(•t 1r;1ni.pl.1111 will 111 1)11 10111 lOlldlf('lt•d 111 " VI.II .h -..11q.~1,111 1-. 111nl111u1· to 11 ln11 "I-" I ,1 !11111 tl11 State lllarket strike looining J .<JS /\N( .~.LES <Al ') 11\1·1wh1 l111111g 111.1J1111l'r 1.r (',il1l 11111111· ... Ullllllllll'U llll'lll I 111 h , , h.tVI ' 1'1')4'('1\~I " t·o11tral'I I" "fl'""t lty "ol1J11·1111<11 k1·t • 1111 ·1.111.1 ~. P·" 111g 1h1· w;iy fur <i ... t11k1· ,11 th11l1,.1111l"> 11 1 ... tun·~ ,11 111'" tl11· :-.l.11'· 1111' Ulllllll :-<•VS N1 g.lll\'1· v11l1·:-. In t\.\11·lh~11h t1I I h1· 111111111 1111•111.lwt '1 t<1">llllj.( l1.oll11h y., 1•11 11·qu1n ·d Lu n •Jl't't I h l II II l' I 1\ "" u t I 7 . ~' IJ l) 1111·<1 t 1·u tl•·1 .... 111· 11·pn·:-.l·n u·d ... 1;1t•·"•1d1· b\ 1!11· U111ll'd Forni ,11111 l'11111111t·n ·1<1I W111 k<·1-. Un11111 Till· v11t1· wa!:> :l,llO:! to 1117 111 'll' S11uth1·111 l'~d1f111111a u111or1 lia·.1b .111d :!, 170 lo 117 111 I 1v 1· N11rth1·rr~ C;d1fon11,1 l1x • .i,. un11111 't111k1·..,11an J>.111 Sw11ll1111 ,,11cl I.ill· Su11d.1\ Costa Mesa------Huntington Beach --------- Their dad's S1xlt·1·11 Tt·.1ni,t1·r.., lol'ab !l'IJll'"'llllllj.( !(),()()()II mk drtVl'IS .111<1 \\ ar1·hou:-.1·m1·n 111 Soulhl•rn l'.tlitor111;1 <•bo fl'Jl'<'ll'tl t:onlrnl'l 11f!1·rs 1n vottng Sund,1y. Swinton ,;11d IVIesa Ol(s pay hike for city employees I hi \" l,1 1\11 ,I ( 0 11\ ( I 1111• ti ., •• h .t" L'1.11t11·d 11111i.t11 I ,ti I'"' :it+i111 11 ,t..., ' l 11 It I 111111 ,1 I ,1 lld t" ldlllli 11.11111 \\Ill kt" .ii li I I'" 11.t llll 11111 Ill 1'.111to1 l11l' \\I I' 11 ;1hl1 IP I \'.II I\ ,1 \\ ·'}'' ., g1 t I Ill• Ill "• .. ~:.Pair e ized in burg lar)· 'I'\\,, 1111 11 .u I' Ill l ......... i\11 '·' pol111 111'1'"" r11do1_\ l1oll11" 111L' 1 bu1gl.11 \ .11 ,, ;\l1 ·-...t \' .. rdt 1l11111t Sund.t\ p11l111 · -..11d H11l11·1 I ( ;1111\1111 \O "1111 11\1" Ill l h1• .!!lllll j,J.,( \,, 111 ,\ 11d I 0'> S111·1·1 111ld l"ol1t • 111 1g111111 .t o1 nng111g d1Mtl !K·ll .ilM1IJI 111>1•11 .111d <I\\ 11k1 '""'th l.1lt•I 111I111d o1 111o111 rumr11.1g111g 1h11111gh h1' 111 .. 1111 1 , b<"1.lr11rnn 1 •• 111111.tl \\t1lk1 ,.., ""' '''' "' If! 1\I f.t)..'1 I :S 1>1111 Ill Ill 11 '.I" \\lido 111.tltll• fl,1n1 I \\Ill h.c·f' \\ tfl I \l 0 I\ I .11\ • I\ t I • 1 )...~I 111• 1•.l ' -' p1 11 111 l 1'111· 1'llll!ll ti ,ol ... 11.tjll•l11\ Id ,\ 11 7 p1 11 I' fl I ..,,,J .II\ 1111 II .t"t I "I 1111dtll· Ill 111.•j.!• 1111°111 \\ 111 ~ .... \\ 1111 dlt 11111 111111•11 11·1111· .... ·1111 d .J.1n11· ... I l.11 k1·1 • 1111 l 111·..:1111.ot .. 1 I II I I h I (' '"" •• l\ 1 I ... ·' (' I I \ ~ lllj.J ti\ t l , :\..,,111 1.1 l It• II 11, ••• "11 l111g 111.tllllt•l\,llll l ,111d 11~ lln11,1I 1n1pl11\1 , . ., .... 11d tlt1 I"'' 11111 1 \\di r1·-;ult 111 1h1· d t p.111u11· 1ol lllJll)' 1·111pln\l'I'" \\ 111 II lh1 11~t ''''"11 1·1HI~" ·\Vt h.1\'( .. d1·f11111t· p111lol1 •111 Ill till' 11ulol11 ... 1·1·1rn 111 ·1 •l"• "o1g1•-.. .111· 110 1 kt·t·p111g p.t11· \\!Iii lh• pl I\ .ill' '('l'llll . 00 ..... 1d IJ.11 k1·1 "(',...,L.-Mrsc.t " 1101 " b1 .111 fll Id ,1 n v m o r I' T h 1 ' 1 ., \ ,. 1 ~ d1 .... 1pp•11n11ng · D.ily Piiot Photo by ~••d Ko.tit.I '\lar1' \\ t•i-.:-. pu~hr!<J da ug hter Lisa~ 4 . really a big wheel 1\1.u-k Wl·I~"> glll'' lo 1·xl1 1·1111•'> 111 g 1 t 1h111i.:~ mov111g .1111u111I h1., hrnrn· 111 lluntmgt11n ~·.ith Tlw ;14 Vl'<tr·nld l11<·t1gh11·1 1111 1111' l'll v of ll;1wth11nH· t1111,l11·d liuild11)g ,1 I !-:J'.l:~ I u1·I 111 J1•1 l• ti F 111 d re 1;1d~tl'r lill>t v1·;11 \Vl''"" ,.,~11J lh1· t:,,, c·o11Hu11·d ,1 1t1 ... 1 pl.111· :1ward ll\ .111 t\11.ih1·1111 1.11 '"""' l ht"> p:"l ... umn11 r 111 • ,.ml ht· put :wu hour' 111 work and SI fj,000 1 n l .•~h 11\111 nm:-.trUl'llng lhl· t'CJr Wc·1:,!> thl'n demon..,tn111·d h1-. v1·r~;.iti1 11y uv build111g ~<11111· ''whrc•ls" an 11ld-fa:-.h1o rwd s1·oot1·r and g11 l'<•rl fDr 111-.. d;1ught1·ro; Juli•., Ii t. and L1-...1 I I It• U"t'd '-<.'1',1p lu111IM•1 111! It I ~k.1tt• wl11·1•h and 111lwr li.imh 111.11<·11<11" A t·ouplt· of tuna tJll,., wrv .. a !. "he<tdltgh~" Av fall· Sunday, u111u11 off1c1als ''"ti. the volt· w~~ runnlJ'lg 30-1 :1ga1n'l th<· t·unlr<1t'I proposal wtth thr<"l' o ut of f1vt· Norlhl•rn C ;d1furnia 11><.·als n ·por ting and f1v1· uul uf :-.1x l<Jl'<lb Ill Suutht·rn t'.tl1!urn1a 1':o1rlll'r SundJy, lwu l.11~ Angt·l1·~ al!'" m 1·a\t·u1tt·1 l1K·ab had \'ol<·d I II-HI lo 11 lo r t'Jl'< l thl' propos.d T1·;.11n,l1·r~ n porlt•dly w1·r1· vot111g 115 p< n·t·nt .1go111s t Lhl'lr 111111 racl. <an 111d1 ng 111 r nt•iJ tcu llt·r 11tfw1ab. bul v.d b 10 J11111t l'oun l'll ·I :! 1 n L o' I\ n g 1· I 1· s w l' n 1 un;t11-.wt·n·d lat«' Su11dav l'on lrn('h fur !><Hllt• 111 .llOC! S11u1hl'r11 l'altf11rnta 11w<itt ultt•rs t xp1r1·d ;it 1n1dn1ght Sunday. "h1 n i,511(1 111 tht·1r t·ounlPrp<irL'i •n Nortlwrn Cal1fur111a .ilrl·ad' w1•n• w o rkmg without lOnlrat·tS W ;,iht·r B:J('h C'mtn. pn·stdenl of mt·attullt·rs· Lo<.al 1 20 1n 0.1k l<ind. said unw n off1t·1als "oulu tnl·t·I tod<t_\ tt1 La rgPt ~tore~ Im ~1nkl'~ Tuvsdo1v Tht• w <ilko ut d1 .. 1dl1111· ·~ I:! 0 1 ;; m Tur·,day Foil ou: your (:un\.Oll l11ld polt1' Ill''"''' 11 .t a tut on "" l111g1 r 111 1111 1 1111 ...:flJSJ'X'<'l ,1l11°gl•tlJ~ f11·d \\'tlh ~ 11111 """"'11rth 1)f Jt•Wt·lry int11 .1 ".11ttng l':.tr l'll \ lllJll.1g1·r t rnl s .. r .... 11>.tl 1111 ( ·,.._, t ;\Jo' I llH\\ I 111~ llll!llltt I 11111 111 I\\" Ill ,,,1.11 It'' p.11.t .111111llh 111111 11I1t"' I lo .ti lrllhllll ~\Ill• I 1"11 11<11 11.t l',11 I,.' C>r.111g• ( ;,,,tJ, 11 l ;10\1 N• \'I~•" IS.-"" h \\'1° ... lllllll~(t'I S.11tl,1 ,.\11 I .111d I h11111111".1•111 rs.-.... l o HB council corf ew set Tht· h o mt··madt· \'l•ha·l1•., d1dn'1 l<ikr• long Lo build .md 1h1•\ dutn't t'\•.,l ,mvth1n~ But 1h1 \ '• pl 11v1•d 111 h1 'IH't tal Ln h1 ' d,1ugh1t r,., Jlld 11\hl'r kub in 1h1 rw1ghl1<1rh1w11I 1war G1:-.lt·1 St h1M1l teum 111 the Daily Pilot P o lt1·1· u111 L-... w 11h 1h1 .11d Pl .i ~polret: h1·ht•11pl!·r. pu1 ... Ut ·d r lw 1 "' ·~o Foun1;1111 \'.ilh·\ •• .Jarn11 N;l\.11111 .rn S.1111.1 .\11.t iind i\11hu1 ll1·f1 .01111 "" •1, Ur.ing1 \\tf• l1u1lo .111t-.l1d ''" °'U°'IJll Ulll 11f 11111 j_'.l.11 \ .ind ·'""1111 \.\tlh .1 d1·.11lh "''•II"'" IS.-1'111•11 ,111 '" lllf.,! 111 Id Ill '"II I ~-"··" ., . l I \I • '\ t I IL'' ' I' , ,. 11 I J 1 l ~.1 l.1 J - It t~ I • Ii'"·' .t I 'I'' 't\ I It l • ., 't II ' 1 l \ .. \II I "" .i II\ ' ' \\ I II I 11 '" I I I 11 1• •I H't Ill ·: ,,, :-.. '" I ' .. ,1 1. If ' n 1• •11'h I I ~-· 1111111-:-..:1111 1, ,,itd ....... , " .t \ I I 'I I • It I ti\ I l01 I IJ11 I tf \ 'I, - ,.\11 11 Sll p 111 ··11rf1·w h.1s lx•(·n 1111p•r .... d 1111 I l u11tingt11n Ht·.i< h ('II\ ('1111111!111w1·l111g.., Tl11 dt 11-..11111 1 .11111· a!t1•1 '""" 1 "" 't" , i1, \, .,, .,,., 111-.. 1 ..... 1< ·ti u n 11 I Ill I 11t \ 1<1111111 I I olflll f ,I 11pt•f Jllll ~ ( I\ 0 11111-' lh1 1111'1 \lllg' f<tl (';tblt• l1 )1·\ I 11111 t ll!llpJ.111wd lh1 \ V\1'11 ''"'' 1i11~ 1111111 l1tllll1>lll .111d ,, .. uld •11111 ii tl11 l1111g mi., l111g~ I IJl\ 111111• ol Showers looining l:oHslal P ltt;1 \ 0'•l P IN Tf ,_.E •MEX!( AN &UAOF r. .>~•t> f " M•lES ln<rt•J\1'•1'J .,.p~, ~"'Os M onoa ... bP(..ormr111 1c t ..._~~ ,..,. Mono.,., altfl'" trt1 qtit 1 , WP4S1rtly \well' t '' ~ ,._..., '). "'-'' "OrthWt"'' ,,..,3~ 4 1n ~ leet ,, (JtJI"'' •• wa1er\ Most1.,. t.w 1tu1 ll w1m ·• 5(lqnt Ch()rl("fl O' ,,t\OwPr~ l"Ylrt1nl'f 1n 1111' 01111'1 <;11owe1' ·on19h1 l ,., .. <;llllllll<ll"_\' • •• 1 ~ I~.\. lf'tHle d u ,•;itlu•r J ••11, I011•1y HhJ Al,,dt ~11f1 t • ,,,.,. f1nwt•t Owio)f lflt• •T JU''' 11'•'.J w,.,,, ,., t tr J l•f T h11r,rL1v '""'10 f' 1.J.l\' A1 1lh t1-·c ,,•,1-c;1o~l wtt1(Jc;, T. l'''t ... •• ,,, ... If St10w'"''~ wpre ':ttdll..,, ... j 1t soutt•E'' n F <H dd <; '""-1 t ',. M ctoudy \Iii P!. e ttt•t d"d hnm H~P south .. '"' Pia" t '""" ''-'-... , M1s,,s,1~01 V.-111p, .... , fi • ,., ~no IPle Pacohr Coa\I Ctoud' ats1 r ... erp 1 ,,..~ sou1hern part ot ''e'#e> Eno ,trd 11 was sunny 1n "'P 1,:-_,pP. (j' ,,., Valley PR,lw~r<J I ti P (,.<ol Co1151 Rein Wd4\ 'tJrf"Cd\1 fr)r Mc:m(ltl'r '1n Notlhflfn C.:.t11ttorn10 thP Pac 1'1c N0tH1tt•1>,1 MnO non her n Roc.> •P< w l l h '}MOW ,,, lhf> higher etevl.lt•On\ A tew ShOWPf!> Wf't e eapeGIACI acro<s lh" r1co1 <I~ Pt•1W'lSWltl 'ftlttl "1.Vr'lny S-k1pr, flVf'f much ol lht' South an.:I Eas1 High~ 1n \hf.I JOs w"<e e•~1PrJ from tnP t"Aha Panttan(llP , nntlh~Hl M1nnfl'~Otd <N•th 40~ '"' tne P1tc.1f1c Northw.,st lhP c,,.-.M Baam thf' notlh~rn Roct.-•P"1. .,., .. no1thern M•d~f'l~C dn<t '' rlflt•'' Maintt Temppt>tlu,e., ,., 11;11c1 th~ n01ton al 2 pm EST •;>nQ'"<l horn 31 <1!'9'""5 dl f'lulle Mont In 111 df'llr005 ~· AhCP I e • ~< Ca lifornia ... ,., T '' 111 /Jt'ra I u r f' .-; Al!1.i+, AltJ1"I u•r )11• ArttPl(H ·~'· Atl.tt1t,1 A.tl,1nl1C t •t, Au'\t''' fi.,,,.,,,~, 1r• An.,.- Ho~tnr Hullnl NATION ( hol'IP\t ' I t h,UlfU,l(Jl'l I/II C t1nr1t,11•· '"' Lhfty.-nr11) (..h1< tlQO f "" 1ttn11h l..IPvt•l,lrtlJ t.lll\lmtl1 1 t,, C <·tumhu' flil f I We11H1 f);tyU'1r1 n.,"""' HI Lo t t•, fi(o A 1 11; q bl 31> .1 4J N1 •r,1 ,,, :l', h'o 41 \;' '12 SI' d t ,.., 4'> I I 48 ... 30 IAI 3_, 41 26 fil 51 fi'> 4 .. c•A 4q C1'"1 29 .,, ~p M1!•"-'U'°"'' M pl' C\t J •!f1 ,_.,,Oft; ()flf•.HI' NflW 'fU'"' U., tahr1m11 L.11 ~ Omaha Ph11,H1flll)h•.1 Phl'Pnt1t, P1tl~hw4f Portland M-. f'uttl.l1 '' Or•• f.l.11..-1q•' Rf"n11 Sau t 1>" Sttn A11h•'••O S.:an 0·•..-1· <=ian r ,, •• , •')' ,, t;paui.· ~IOU.a J ,,lie,, <;t 'Cl\W• Sunktl"" rni.1t•kn l11c 11um T11lo::.;1 w.1"'h1fl1Jtm1 W11,h1la 6" ~; 6Q •• fi4 5q ~, 42 fQ 4 I ll\ ; 1 "" ~. ,,, ... • .,, l•1 '>I' 4 I Ill '' Thunct.,.rshowerti: arP ••"'AIV 1h1ough I uesoay on Soul h1'" Cefll0tn1a with coo4 tempe•alu•e., 0VIHC811 •kt!IS 80<1 some high gu11S lht Nnloonal w,.11thP• SMVtr" Hy<I l)pc, M•J•m•~ 0..1ro11 .. '\6 '>8 H ~B Jli i;4 •n 56 JI 11 .. l CALIFORNIA Los A~ .. 111• titces a 60 P!t'CO"nt chance or ra10 luflMlllY ....,,h high• ,...,., 62 ano 10,.• n11a1 54 A111n wu mot• llllely tt>rough l U4!5d8y on coNllll en<I mounllMn areas Inf! we111h<lr aervtca Jaid II I QOtng lo t>e Ille htSI b•Q cOIO oulbtHi. '01 lt>e yea• sa•d A weatr1"1 Mrvlcl' tlJ*Cl&llSI Bui IM Spol\l'sm1n pre<llCled clea1~r 5~•118 Dy Tnu11<1ay A Ovll or Al111ka low-p1u1ure •Ir mau II reaponslt>le lor Ille wintry -•tn. bl.II !he Hme gull II ••P8Clad 10 1en<1 Soutllern Ca~l0tn1a a h!gh·p<t'Huta man to bflgl'lleo thln(Jt up by Thur9d•y CoHl•l atM "'Oh•_., l()fecatl from ~ 10 83, with IOw9 l'rom •S 10 S7 TU99d8)' Mouotaln hight -· l)fedtC1ed from 30 10 :Ml. with IOw9 lrom n 10 28 and w1od1 trom 2S to 3S mph Snow ,. e.pected If> Iha mou11t 81nt ebove !'I.~ l'MI OwM1 Valley hlohs may ••noe • fl ,., .. ,. J .1 rtHW .... r1~,Q~1.1tf liOn1"lulu ttou'\lrm ''HJ1anl\ptil1, 11\0\lln f1A<, hml'lilU Wan\1141: (.,1ty 6 6 >7 /1 85 ., 1• SQ 64 •1 71 31 i• n li6 ,,., Httkttrt;fu,hl f411u• t f,,..,.,. Liltl'\C .,..,,, lO' Angf'tp .. o~~•~nd p~,n nnbl,., n,.r1 011111 nA1lwo•10 (.,1tv 'I I; ·~ '"' 48 (14 ~q Id .,;> h4 ... t.o •8 4!\ :Ma.-.....;;=;---.-~----~R_f R_IP_DR_T Zuma San!• Monitft Newport B~11rh San O;eoo Co11n tv OutlOOk lor Tu•M111v l 4 ? 4 ? 4 4 0 u111 .. chano~ ' auwl ftrd 12 1~ 1' 12 Swell S•efl Avg MH ' I I 2 .... Swell Dir w SW sw w _._ !lrJCram~n10 S~11" '" 5Jn D•--o SPin r, o)OI I~( 0 <iant.1 Attttl '' 1 Sl()Clo lt1r 61 4J 60 •3 68 S• 58 SI 66 48 fi2 •'> PAN AMERICA A~ tpult' H1ut1.H1•1\ f\prm•1d11 rn1•1fH •I l,q,td;ll II+" I 111 I h~I >11i11 ••.1-1tfltl f";1f·~~lflfl M 1nlPQt1 ti•'; M ... 1~u1on ~t ,,, ••••. ,., Mu Min. oo 70 86 75 76 68 7q 70 79 37 88 73 17 13 86 70 8i 68 eq 66 ,, .. ·7 ~· l2 ~') CANADA { ,,,,1,, I ~1tl•OHfC1ft MnntH111 "•'Qll\fl ,., JO n ,., 4i JQ n 0,4 4.1 1 nrcmto V.11~' f'Hh't'' WlflflltH'Q l<l ,., 2'/ Sn10~ Whe•fl 10 c .. I (1011 lree) for la!Hl smog 1nrormat1on 01ongf! County (8001 445-3826 lo~ A ng11l111 County (8001 24? 402? R1ver11<1fl end San Befn•r<llr>o counllet (800) 387 .4710 AOMO Ep110<111 Cen1er (800) 242-4Mtl qi!, nntl l(lw ,.,,., uncl h•Qh TODAY 1' 02 ll m 1 '•Ao m TUUDAY I 1' \t h1yh ' 10 • m I ,., l<W• 7 32 a m <,,...nno high I 21 pm 9f!<one1 •ow 9 15 p m !>!> OJ 39 ,, ~o. 0 1 Sun "'" IO<lly II 4 '>6 p m ..... Tue•day al 8 Ill• m Moon """~ lod•y al 10 0 t p m .e11 TueM'.l•y 11 11 4• • m Counc tln1an Don Mac AllL<;l1·1, w h11 urg1 'Cl l ht· 'h orh.'r St:'SS1u11' ~11! coum ti rn1·ml.M:r' lhl'mM•lv1•.., ~ould l)('n1•f11 1111"1 "Th<·\' "'"111 t11 l11v1· lo pl.I\ wllh lh1·111 " 1111 mor1• th;111 "llh ,,,, ... \II ' 1111\ .ol Iii• ... 1 .. 11 ~·--------, ,, .· ' ()ur Brooksgate dress s hirts conH: in a handsome variety T hl' \11ung m .1n l11 11k1ng f11r .1111aL ll\'l' ,h11 '' t" lompktnl'lll lu' ... 1111 -. "1l l l111d .1 ,·,1ri-t.'d '1.·ln 1111n ,1\\,1111ng h1m 111 B r1111k,g.111.· .\lo11g- 'llk till' l.1\111nl 'nl1J llXlorJ, .1 n· -.111 p i.:,. 1.tltl'l ,,111 .... 111d \\h1tL'·L111lar ">h111 .... :ill m.hk 1111 11u1 i.:;-.\ ltt,l\'1.' 111n11n1.·r tn1llkh . Both h1n.1d1.1,11h ;1nJ '''!"'"" 1. .111 be f11unJ , 111 1.1lll1111 .1nd p11h'l'~t1.·1- ;111d·1.n1111n hkml. S17l'' 14 111 161 •. ,(l'l'\'L'' ~2 tn ~ "· $2l .ind }22 UIAlllSHH> 1111 t I l I ' • , r I Newport Beach ------------0-• o_n_g._c_o_a_•_t o_A_t_L v_P1_Lo_r_1_M_o_nd_•_v._N_o_vo_m_b_e_r _e._1_9_e2 ___ A_• NATION Jail fire kills 27; 46 hurt in 1teavy smoke HILOXl, M1i.s IAl'I A lllttttn·s.' fart• s1·1 l>y a µnsorw1 fil11·d 1 lw llurnson l'11u11ty J111l with thu·k. blut·k :.m11kt• toduy , ll•uving at h·ast '.!.7 prisonl•rs dl•ud and 111jun11g al lt•ust ~ti pt't>plt'. Hl't'Ord111g to f1rt· und hosp1ltil off1t'lals Six of tlw injun'<.l wt•n· in l'r1t1cal t•o11d1t1on "Tht· smokt• was n·attv batl." :.auJ Biloxi Firt' l'hll:f G u ,v Ko bl' rt s .. T h t• f 1 n· was 11 ' t r 1• 11 I bad W 1· 1·x t111gu1shl'd l t right uwuy . but th1· JUii lx"t.·a 11w flllt•d w1 l h smukt• and the Jl.lllt-r who wa:. trying to lt't thl' pns1m(·rs 1JUt bc.'<:ame uven.·1m1t• " By t.he tune offit•ials go1 tlw kl'ys from thl' Jc.Iller. tht· uni· story bric: k -and -t·o1H· rl'l t· building was filled with tlm·k, black s mokt-and trapi.wd pnsoners wt•n• oven.:omc., ht• S<lld Globe-girdli11g balloon off KAPIO l'ITY. $ D (AP) Max11• And1•1 'ol111 wav1•d and s~11d. "Lc·1·, (;11," .111d ha:. n·d. wh11A· a nd blu1· gondola :.hut o ff tht• l.1urwh pad for his th1nl dan·ch·vtl .atll•mpt to soar uround thl• glob<* 1r1 a balloon Undt•r tlw glan· of about l:i I lornll1gh1:.. lhl' Juli·-. V1·rr11· l1l11·cl otl JUSI h1•t11r1· midnight Sunday and qual'kly d1sap1n·an·d 111tu tht• l'old South Dakota sky to the dll'l'rs nf about l:lOO pt>oplt• whu c;,1011• to watd1. Rising about 2,000 ft•c•t 111 30 s('(:Onds, tht• ship quu·kly sai It'll ou l of va·w Andc•rsc.n, who 11t-t·amc· 1h1· first balloonist to cross lht• Atlaulil' On•an and North Amt•nl.'a, and t'O-pllot Don Ida w t.' re s a 1 l 1 n g IH' r o s s t h l' northt•rn United States ;.md Canada l'arl y toda y u nd l'Xpl'l.'tl'd lo 31TIVl' OVl'r tht• A1lunt1t· Oc:l'an sornl'Wht•rc• o ff Nova S('otia about :.!4 hours a flt'r h fl off Th<' liftoff wtis dday1•d about three hours wht•n ont· of two hoses ust.-d to fill th{' translut't'nl polyt·thylt·nl· l' n v e I o p t· w 1 l h h l ' I 1 u m crat·kt•d. "We w en• down to ont· lifeline. so to spt•ak," S<11d Jim Matt·ht•ll. prnJl't't pn•ss offit•t·r Shuttle countdown begins CAP£ CANAV£RAL (AP) The· t'OUntdown for sJJat·t· s huttle· Columbia's f1rs1 operat1on;al m1s:.1nn bt•g;,in W 1lh0 U l a h I tt· h , b U l It S window:. :.till nt•t•ded to be• washc·d bdon • tht· <;ehroult-d Thursd-.v blastoff "It':. nc1t a priority 1tt•m. but it's ~ol to bt· d om•," s~11d Mark Hess. a s po kt·sman for the Nataunal Al'ronauta<·s and Spact• Adm1n1s trat1on. aftt·r thl' t·ountdown lwgun Sumby f o r t h t.· :. h u t l I t • ' :. f 1 r s 1 l'Omml'rl'ial ll'lp WORLD W h 1 I e g r o u n d c• d . Columbia's window s acTumulatt·d a film of d1r1 that could h1ndl'r thc <ts tronauts' V1s1on and fuzz up µh11111graph!> Tl'l'hnll·1<1n!. wen · S('ht'Clulc-d to c:lt>an them tocfay Tht• f1erv liftoff. scht'Clult·d for 10:19 a-m PST Thursday. will be.· Columbia's fifth trip into spac:c, but tht• first for "busane§ for wh1l'h the· spat'l' s huttle was tntended." said vetl'ran astronaut Vant'<' Brund Chinese pilot gets reward TAIPEI. Taiwan (AP) A former Chant'SC air fort't' pilot collt:ctro 41 3 pounds an gold fr o m the Nat1 o nal1 s t government Monday as a rc•,vard fo r ddcct1 n g t o Taiwan an a MaG-19 ,Jet Tht• rc·ward. w1,rth tht· equav::ilc·nt nf $~ 7 m11!1on. as o ffered to any Ch in ese defe<:lor who brings a MiG-19 lo Taiwan. But Wu Yung- k eng Clew to South K o r ea from China on Oct. 16 .rnd left the plane there when he came to Taipei. There was ~tall n o word o n whethcr Taiwan will get the aircraft Rescuers flying up to Rio \.-, I l H111 ma~ g t•l lt1:-. w111gs d1ppt•d Fo r I tw lhtrd ll111('. Thl' g n •l•ll w1ngt•d macaw . w h 1ch h<as I H 'l 'll c:ltppt•d t \\'ll'(•. ll)()k ol l Sundc.iy nght to thl· top of a largt• l'Ucalyµtus ll'C'<' on thl' Ba I boa P 1.:nms ul;1 111 Newport &·ach. J\1att lrv1m·. who was wit h H10. botTowt•d <1 lacld< ·r t rom t hl' Nc •w port Bc"l{'h Fin· Dc·partrnc·nl 111 ctn a ttl·n 1pt to r<'tric•\'t · H 10. Irv 11w h 1 m :-.l'I f bt '<WTll' stul'k 111 tlw tn•t• So tht· fin•mt>n brought uut a :-.nork(·l. Both lrvmc· and Rio wt•rc n.•sc·ut'Ci without 1nnd<·nt. Aftc·r a 4u1t·k blow-drv froltl O\\'tWI' \Vt ·nd~· Nc•;il . Ht<> was n ·ady lor '"" 1H•XI '\tJlt> at lc·mpt o.i11 i-1101 ""''o "1 Lee r-.,.,. W ear y pope offers aid fountain Valley-----------f---.. ., VALENCIA. Spain (AP) A v1s1bly w1·::ir,v Pope John Paul II v1s1tc·d floC'ld ·stnckcn C'astc·rn Spain tnda,v. <'apping thl' nt•xt lo la:.I d;1v of ha s 10-day tour With <t mass for WoJC'lech Jaruzelsk1 ::igreed today to allow the pope to visit Poland next June Ill. tlw off1t·1al PAP news ag1•ney said Torched FV school 1 0 0 . (J 0 0 p l' o 1J 1 c· a n d t h e c a nn ou n c·c•mcnt of $2 5 2 millwn Ill aid to thl' disaster arl'a In Pol;ind, nwanwhlll'. mar 1 1a1 I aw 1: h 1t· f G 1· n STATE 1 nere was no 1mmcd1atl' comment o n the r eport from the· papal JJarty an Sp:.1111 The visit h as been stalled by the pope's objections to the Dec 13 imposition of martial law 1n his homeland Six fire d in prison probe LOS ANGELES (AP) Six guards have bl•c•n fared and a t le.is l thrt·c others d1sc1planc•d in a probe of currup11on involving d rug s muggling and l'Sc ape attt>mpts ut th<' Terminal Is land f<'dc•ral prison. a m•wspaµ.•r says. The Long 81•;:1t·h P r<'SS Tc I c• gram s u 1 d th t ' U S . BurC'au of Prison s bc·gan investigating the• mcd1um- sc•t·ur1 t y f ac:al11y off Los Angeles after an inmate tipped authorities to his own deals with guards, and that a federal grand jury also has been probing the case. The inmate. Le(' Sanders. serving 12 ye ars for swindling. told officials some guards brought drugs for the inmates. helped prisonc•rs conduct outside businesst•s, and helped them plan esc:aix• attempts. F 11un la111 V.tllt•\ St'h11nl D1:.tn l·t •1ff1n.ib <Hl' 1·xpl1111ng 1lw pro:.J.X'l'l t•f n·huald111g " liun11·d out wing of llarp••f' St hool .1,., .i t·ommun1t ~ u •ntt·r 111 ,, 1111111 VC'nlurt' with lht• t II\ nt l-'11u111.1111 V.1ll<'V C1i\ M,111,q.:1·1 ll11w.1rd Stq)hl'"' a1bw1·11·d •1u1 ·-.11011-.. or. th1:. prorn,al d ur in g last Thursdav·-.. '>l h11ol ho.1nl 11wt'l111g. but ht• :.tn·:." ti l.11t•1 thJI tlw ul\ h.1-.. mad1· 1111 t 11mn11tnwnt:. · St<•ph1•n-. -..11d n •dt"Vl·lllpmt·nt runrlo; might 111 ,I\ aal<1hlt· for a nl'\\ ll)l.'al 1·oi.1mu11111,, 11•n11·r Ht· sa1rl 1h1· 1·1tv l'UI rl'ntlv lacks a s (' n I (Ir l' I t I Z l' n I l' n le,. ii n cl .1 mc>t•t111g fan hty that would hold 250 to :mo 1wopl<' Bu I lw nolt•d I h ,11 ll ,1 r pl'I' &·hoot as not 111 tlw nty's prC'Sl'nl rc"Clt•vt•lopn11 •11t 1.111w~ and might nm Ix· 1·l 1g1hl1· t11r thl'sc• funds. The· l'lty m;rnag1·r s;11d ht• 1s awa1tan~ ca ruhnl-( trom tlH• 1·1ty at torm•,v n•g;1nl1 ng thl• propo!-.a 1 Swph<·ns "a11l th1• 111att1•r thc•n will lw forw.1rd1·tl t11 th1· l'ltv l'OU11t•1I . \\h1d1 \\all d1 ·11<l~· whc•th1·r t11 purMH' 1 lw H:1rpPr c·om1n11111t~· t't·ntl·r 1rlt•.i We're Listening ••• What do vou Ilk<' about the Oa1h Pllnt • What <Inn I '"u like ~ C;:ill the nu~bC'r··a1 left and your' nw:.s,1g1· \\'111 bt• n 'torrh'<i. transcnbcd and dt•hvcrt'd to th<• appropnatt· l'd1tor The s amt' 24 hour answennl( serv1re ma~ be ust•<1 10 rt'l'1trc1 let INS to the editor on any topic Ma ilbox contributors mu~t anrludt• their nam e and telephone numbt'r for \enr1rat1on :-.;o nr<'ulat1on 642·6086 rails. please • Tell us what's on your mind hil()nd•y f 'H:flly tf VN d(\ not """it y0•1' <'••Pt' by !. 10 p ,,.-. c•~ u.tuttJ 1 11 ~ 11nt1 f0U' l fl(\)' #>tit fll' -~ S•Wv1d11°' JH\d i,,,, .. <1a; 11 y11u on noJ '"'-ti'"'" .,c-1v1 C:OOy by 1 • m (Ai• r,_tnt• tO • m end 'r'J'.# cop., .w1 .,._eo Moot ar.ie.t• , ... , ....... O•not Cnutoir ,., .. , .. ~, No-11>" ..... 1 """'"'91""S.'"C" • "'""'_I., .... ,,,. l"ll"""H~- ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat Tho~a1 P. Haley Publun.r ond Ch,.I bec11t••e OH1ct• Jane Amari £ •IKUllYe [dltO! L. Kay Schultz Voee ''•ttden! ond O.rectoi ot Ad••"'"'V Raymond MacLean C0111•oll1tt Michael P. Harvey D•9Cl0t o1 Mo<ketong •C•cvlotrant Kenneth N. o.ddotct Jf. Doctor ol °'*°'!Of't . -"- Claulflad ad11a11t1lng 714m•2·S678 All other dap111mant1 642,..321 MAIN OFFICE :IJO WHI II .. St Cool• M•••, (A M•ll •ctdr•\\ llo• 'i.o. '°''' M••• (A .,.,~ COCIY•lont t.., O·-, .... Publo\hll\Q C-11• ,..o "'•' ttoti.,, mvttr•tlOf'I\ •Olto,l•l rril'tttt or •do •••tlMm.nl\ ,,.,,1,. m 1y .,. roprochKfCI wlthCKll tN< fel p.,mlU•on of topvr1q,,t ow,._, T,,. Or.,. t .. ,, Ot lly Pilot, #1111 wlll<l'I t\ t°"" &tl>ff tht ,.._ "'"'· ,, pv1>ht11tcl o. 1t-. Or-CMtl l'IAl!lsht"O Como.tM S.N•tt• tdlt-• ,,, t"*ltt"" M9nfey 111rOV911 FrltlfY tor C""t• ,,,_ .. , Ht•P9rt llH<h, """tl"010fl llucll, , ountaJ11 VtlltY, lrylM , l ........ ltHll, ~Ill( .. ,. A \lllOW ,...._. _.111en " ...-1"'" tetu•O•Y• •"ti \-•n ,,.. .-lt>Cl!'•l ...,.,l\lltrlf ... ,.,IS II )JO Wot It~ '1-t, I' 0 lo• tMO. (°'le.,._ .. , C•ttlor11lo ,,.,. VOL. 75, NO. 312 '· Thi· t•1gh1 100111 win g a t J l,1rpt·r St hool was t 1r:.1 danwgl·d 111 .1 nJ77 Ian· 1h;1t f111tt•d d1,lntt off 1na b 111 tl 1• 1\'r -;onw :.I udl'll t:. "'\\y c·an·I jll'•l if~ r1·h11ildinµ ii for c·duc·al io11 a l purpo .... c•l"':· 1n111 pt11 wblt· tlJ~-.n111m huald111g, Tht• dama~l'<I \\ ang wa<> ll't'<I fur storagt· until l.-1,1 month. wht•n .1n <irson fan· d11I .1rlch11onal viewed for center damagt• tu tht· huilding. tx'l'aUst' o1 dN:laning enrollment . If th<' school d1strat·t l·a nnot n·m·h agreement wllh the C'1ty to n·build tht• wang a:. a c•ommunity l'l'ntt'r. SupNintendcnt Wilham F1 s hc•r has fl'C'ommcndc>d th<' \\ 111~ he.· ch-rnohshec:I. MahnkC'n said the enrollm~t dC'clim• may .reverse but said th<>rt• 1s no indication the dist&t would n('{'(j the Harper wing for d assc•s within the next 20 years. "WC' t·an't JLL'\t1{y rebuilding It fot 1·dut·a tw nal purposes." said ,1,~1,1.rnt sup1•rintendC'nt Jack J\1.1h11kt·n Ht· n otC'd t hat the C' n t 1 r l' H a r p e r S c h o o 1 i s sl'hrdulC'ci for rlos ur<' in 1984 Wh1h.• the school district awaits a rc•ply fro m the city ·on ~e H arper community cenfrr proposal. the damaged wing wUl remain secured to prev«titt child ren from ente ring t'fte bualdm~. Mahnken said. : t:.h:z luxury of caehma:rcz. • ·•"' •111,,.,,.. .t.'O ~ -"' a "t-.,Ol>'f"O• pa.rhe~ U1Ci f\niz.&,M\d. moet. com fur Lo b\a. caehmtLN S'VQ.Otat" yo..;\ l a.w.r 'M20r-Cl4Ch 8'Ml.Ot.Cl.r 1~ rnedcz. tha. old f0eh10rvz.d wery> ona. ot.a t.,imci, on hand f'roma.B , uem9 thtz. hlSh~t­ qualit,y 2ply yam.t>'MZ\4. a.wr~n 6\/0l~<Wna dozan oolld. eho~r ~nzot, mt.orete comblnat.Lons. 44 fashion /1land • Ntwp0t1 lkoch '7141644-50'10 WOI Wfoatwood Bluet.•~ VIII•• 2131203-lt73 . 1• .. . '. .. .. . . l : A.ii Orange CoHt DAILY PILOT/Monday, November 8, 198~ Soviets flex Jheir muscles MOSCOW tAP) Tht• Sovit•l Union rolled a bruwny d111pluy of military hardware• through Htod Square Sundav in Rt•volu t1on Day Ct.-st1 v1lw11 Pr1.•s1dt•nt Leonid • Bl'ethnev suld w1.•rl' 1ntc>nd1.-d to "t•ool the hot hcuda of 11onw 1mptc>rialist poll tidans." Soviet generals duiplayt-<l two weapons never before seen ut the parade -an improved surface- 10-a1 r missile an~ an updated armored L·ar us' hundreds o f thousands of MUS<.'Ovltes JammL'<i the L'Obblestonl' square to watch the show an 21 -degrec t'Old and brilliant sunshine. Defense Man1s1er Mars hal Dmitri F. Ustinov, 74. prl'stdcd over the military ceremonies marking the 65th anniversary of the Bolshevik Revolution, which led to the founding of the Soviet s ta t e . He stood beside the 75dear-old Brezhnev atop the re marble mausoleum of revolutionary leader Vladimir l. Lenin. Usunov and Brezhnev both denounced the United St.aleS an tough speeches that showed no 111gn tlf 1.•011lng lht• Kremlll'\'11 11ntl-Am1.·rlcan rh1•lul'lt•. Andre 1ng troops m£t8.'M..-<l on Red Squart'. Ua.unov uld the Soviet Union 11 aware that "the aggresaive fort'<'S of imperualiam. primarily \he USA, have led the antc nslty of their milit ary pr1.•paratlons to an unusual level, an.• fanning the flames of armed confhct.a in different regions of the world, and irresponsibly are threate n ing t o use nuclear weapons." ACterwu-rds. at a Kre mlin r eception attended by U.S . Ambassador Arthur A Hartman, Brezhnev warned: "We shall do the utmost to see to 1t that those who like military ventures should never take the land of the< Soviets unawares. that th e potential aggressor should know : a c rushing retahatory strike will anevit.ably be in for hirn. Our mlsht and vigilance will cool, I think, the hot heads of som e imperialist poli ticiart"S." Neither Brezhnev nor Ustinov explicitly mentioned President Reagan in t h eir r ema rks, Sad s haggy dog story however Ttwy t\11.fu rl•ltcrated Sovl~t l11tl•11tlon11 to •l'rk ncgotlatt.'C.t unWI r1.-<lut.•llmu. "Th SoviN Union nUotkt'lll no •mall effort towurd tht• •ua :!Al of talk.a with the Unlt-.-d SUltl'li on the limitation of nucleur armaments In Europt.'. the limitation and reduc tion of. llratealc armaments," Uatlnov said. Brezhnev said. "The Soviet Union will rontlf)ue pcniistently · fighting f or detent e, fo r dlaarmamenl. W e shall be building up efforts to avert the threat of a nuclear war." The government newspaper Izvestia also printed a me11Sage Reagan sent to Brezhnev, which read : "On the oc'Caslon of the nationa l holiday or the Soviet Union, I would li ke to convey congratulations on behalf of the American people to the people of the Soviet Union. The United States will t.'Onll'nue to work in the name of peace and relations with the Soviet Union, which are based on mutual restraint and r es'Pect o f prin cip l es o f international rights." The small, shaggy-haire d dog and her puppies (le ft photo) were found on the doorste p of the Jurupa Hills Animal Clinic, near Riverside, with th<-note (above) fro m "a sad little boy that lo t his best dog." The boy wrote that he had to get rid of the animals because hii;o father Jid not like dogs. "I still love that dog," he wrote. "She loves me. Pleas give her alot of loveing." Soviet' military marching band e nters Red quare, o pening a military parade n1arking the 55th anniversar y of the Russian • · ~evolution . · ' E X P L 0 R E ' • KOCE I 50 Offers an Evening of Adventure Tonight 8:00 NATURE Kopje: A Rock for All Sea$ons -1 In the grasslands of Afri~a·s Serengeti, huge outcroppings of bedrock -Kopjes -provide homes for an incredible array of wlldllfe 9:00 NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SPECIAL Gorilla E.G. Marshal hosts the touching story of a very misunderstood animal. Tll11 ad m1d1 possible in part by a gr1111 lrom 1111 Corporatiofl for Pubhc Broadcasting CAL-MART TRAVEL SERVICE ____ 8 TENNIS LESSONS •2000 Co1t1 M111 T 1a1i1 Clull 557-0211 FRESH LOCAL LOBSTER DINNER '8.95 ID.eludes choice of soup or salad, and potato or rice pila.I. .4 -/ Call For -r--· ReMrvation• . ~ ~ 673-7726 jfj'lf>I!~~~-IOI BALBOA L lllllN ..... Excet'9nt profit Potential 100% to~ 1•t year Write Off ... •10,000 Minimum Investment HERMES MIL~~9, INC. NISONAl TAX COfftULTANTS (714) 751-2400 CANCER DEJECTION CENTER OF ORANGE COUNTY \ . A NON-PROFIT ORGANfZATION OFFERING BELOW COST COMPREHENSIVE SCREENING FOR EARLY DETECTION OF CANCER • SCREENING INCLUDES• Ttioroug·h Physical Complete Blood Count. Stool Bleeding Check " Pap Smear For Women Self Examination Instructions Medical Center Profe11lonal Bulldlng ;I 8800 M•ln t Suite 105 Huntington Be•ch, C•llf. 841-1871 DON'T DELAY CALL TODAY 'All Service .AIR· FARE SALE! '. On Scheduled AlftlMe SAYE NOW! "DEEP DISCOUNTS ROUND-TRIP PRICES" LOS ANGELES REG COACti DEEP DISCOUNT AREA TO FARE FARE SAVINGS Am1tltto 348.00 1eo.oo ..... Battlmort 858.00 -··· .... Birmingham 750.00 • 401.00· --Brownevllle 8111.CG ..... .... FLY Chey9nne 380.00 .... .... ... DelrOlt 721.00 • •• lnChnePOllt 571.QO • .... --LATER Medleon 411.00 ..... --New OrlHn• eee.oo .... . ..... Otllehoml City 522.00 '11 .... ., .. Om1h1 478.00 .... 111.11 Orlando 780.00 171.00 IOI.GO Aepld Clty. S 0 120.00 ...... 111.00 Shrf¥9P0'1 MOOO ..... m• Toledo euoo -·· ..... T()pell1 ICMOO .... 111• •Lower IWM IYllleble " tt1WI .,.,,. befelre o..mber 15 CAL-MART TRAVEL SERVICE (714)957·-'-~-::..~,. ~ , ' Hospital honors years ()f service Huntington lnlercommu- nity Hospital recently hon- ored 55 long-term employees at a dinne r held at t 'rancots Restaurant \P. Huntington Beach. Miriam Carson of Hunt- ington Beach was honored for 20 years of service. Fifteen-year awards went to Marge Callccblo, He len Strain and Sandra Williams - •Corporate. and individua l tax strategies allowable under new tax legislation will be the focus of the fourth annual tax seminar presented Thursday at UC Irvine. The event sponsored by the UCI Graduate School of Ma- nagement is titled, "Today's Tax Strategies: Considering the New Tax Law." It will be held from I :30 to 4 p.m. in the •How to meet single peo- ple and build better re la - tionships is the topic of a seminar from 7 to 11 p.m .. Friday in Orange Coast Col- lege's Faculty House. Dr. Steven Winer, author of •A weeke nd in Big Bear and a hand crafted cabinet will be auctioned d_uring a fund-ra iser Saturday at the Prince of Peace Luthe ran School in Costa Mesa. • Budding free lanc:t• writers are invited to an all day seminar from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Saturday in Orange.• Coas t College's Bus iness Education Building. room 1018. Cost of the workshop is $20 and includes a textbook J o rda n Y oung, who has Anderson, f\ll of Costa M1•sa, June Todd of Cypress; J ack Cullison and F re d William s o f Fountain Vallcym Irene Dalton, Weston Dick, Marge Stadnlck a nd Raul Trujillo of Huntington Beach ; llazel Ennis of Irvine; Olwyn Bart- lett and Mariam Woodruff or Santa Ana, and Etle Evans, Warren Terbeest and Virgi- nia Cblvell of ~cstmlnstcr. Herj tagt> 'Room at th<' Un- iversity Center. Several faculty members from the school will speak during the seminar. as will re presentatives of '1''C.'Ounung firms associated with the S<:hool as "affiliates." Admission to the seminar is $25 per person. Reservations can be made by calling Betty Eisenzimmer at 833-5233. "Tht' Language of Acccptan- {'(' and Combat" will lead the workshop. Tickets arc $5 at thl• m llege Ticket Office and at the door. Adva nce regi- stra tion is s uggested . Fo r m o r e information call 556-5527. T he fair st.arts at 8:30 a.m. with a pancake breakfast and includes gamt> and rood booths at 2987 Mc.sa Verde Drive East. contributed articles to the Los Angeles Times and the New Y o rk Times, will disc·uss intl.'rvicwing s kills, selling ideas and writing techniques. T1c·ke ts are available al the t1c.·ket om ce and at the door. For more informa t ion call 556-5880 .. "· Women'sr • issues studied The· UC lrv l1H• Town und Gown organlzauon will launch a nt>w achoo! yl•ar by hosting a panel discwit1ion, "Cril1cal issues Fa~ing Wuml•n ," ut 10 u.m. Monday. Nov. 15. Tht• session Is frot' and open to the public. It wUI be held In thl' Social Scient-e Tower. Room 220, at the uhiverslty. Included on the panel will be Dr. Francesca Candon. UCl social sc 1enc~s professor; lawy~r Barbara Hammerman , co- founder of the ERA Coalition of Orange County: Mary Moshy. e xecutive direct'or of the UCl Women's Opportunity C.cnter, ana Dr. Rita Whiteley, <.'Ou nselor <ind psychologist. Towrt and Gown is a group formed to stren'gthen ties between the university and community. Photo tour of Yosemite set Friday A two-day photographic tour of Yosemite National Park is planned by Saddleback ColJege Community Services with a price tag of $190 per person. The tour. leaving Friday, is designed specifically for amateur photographers and will be taught by outdoor photqgraphers Mi- chael Good and Robert Cooper. The $190 includes bus trans- portation. two nights at Yosemite Lodge, two lunches. orientations and critiques. Registration information is available by calling the c.'Ollege at 831-4646 or 559-1313. Film on· Alaska ~lated for OCC "The Lure of Alaska" will be screened at 8 p.m . Nov. 18 in Orange Coast College's Robert B. Moore Theater. Tickets at the door are $3. with children under 12 and seniors with gold cards admitted for $2. YOUR EYES TELL more about your age than anything except your birth certificate Now Erno Laszlo has come up with a new treatment- actual/y two treattn1Jnts-to take care of the eye area for most every skin type: Normalizer Eye Treatment for normal to oily skin, and pHelitone Eye Treatment for dryer skin. Both act to soften fine, dry lines around thuwes. And both are designed to be worn under makeup without discoloring or oilfng·up. Consult your Erno Laszl9 specialist at I. Magnin. She'll advise you which is best for yot:1r skin type and tell you how to work it into your own personal Erno Laszlo skincare ritual. Normalizer Eye Treatment, .4 oz. 22.00. pHelitone Eye Treatment, 1.0 oz. 30.00. Cosmetics. Minimum deli very charge 2.00 • • Bearing up . Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/Mond1y, November 8, 1982 Al Top chili_~ test set in Mesa ~j~ Ill'. 1,4: •• Cl ,c; .,. 1111 Chill cooks from C.:OllUI M(.'!;a and Newport Beach high 11Chool11. 'N will be t'Ompctlng for $3,400 m '"-I cash priies during the "Cook for t.J K i ds" contf'st Saturduy a t ,11 Ei;t.anda High School. .fttJ Twenty chill cooking team~,_,, from Estancia,. Costa Mesa,1,b Newport Harbor a"'1 Corona del 'Uf Mar high sch ools will bo parudpating an the cook-ort,.0 s ponsdrcd by the Harbo r ,~ Boulevard of Cars Association 1~n Tbc team con,uting the best ~1 batch of chili will win $1,500''ri1 with $1 ,000 for second place,· $500 for third and $400 for the ·~ most enthusiastic teum. ·:. "Happy Days" television star,,~.: T~ ~~-Ginley, who plays Roger,, J will drop by for a spicy taste. > • a'ong with R~ms cheerleaders l and f 6 o t b a 11 p I ayer J a c k'1•.t. Youngblood. • .101 Be nji Martin,. 4, lugs his tuff ed pet to a BYOB (Bring Your Own Bear) party a l a Phoe nix pre-school. An "extra tern..'Strial ahe n" is..,.. expected to visit the high school campus for a bowl of the earthly ;. brew. The contest will open at 10 a .m .. with judRinR expected a~ l p.m. tickets are $2 in advance. and $3 at the door. Your Money or Your Life ..W.he n you get right d o wn to it, the choice is yo urs. We'll g ive • you the lndustry!s finest pro fessio nally ass isted stop s mokJng program and you give us some of your hard-earned mo n ey. A~er five consecutive two-hour s essions. we'll have you off cigarettes. Guaranteed. O r, you can igno re o ur program offer and continue smoking .. : and that choice may n eve r be offered to yo u again. Introductory Seminars Nove mber 3. 4 and 8 at 8:00 P.M. Newpon Be ac h-The Marriott- Fashion Island Fullerton-Griswold's- ISOO South Raymond The Stop Smoking Center Reservations: (714) 768-42SO ~ 1982 RC>Mrt Mayo Stop SmokJng Centers, Inc. Come-show us what you've got cooking ·Enter the ©range eoast~ail~ Pilot Favorite Recipe Contest. • • • I Orang Coaat DAil Y PILOT /Monday, Nov mb ' 8, t982 Pois on Center fills real community need 'f.hP Poison Cl'nlt•r at UC lrvint• Mt•d1t:al Ccnwr fields about · 25,000 phon.:. l.'alll. ead1 · Yl'ar. Nint•ty fX'N'\'llt l'OITil' Crum a nxious parent;> whu~t· youngsters have swallowC'd a fX>tt•ntially dangt•rous substam·e from furmtur\.• polish or oven clc·ancr to m ommy's pills or leaves from a garden plant. Needless to say, the center's phont•s have been ringing off the hook since the rec:ent Tyle nol poison scare. But with 11 hos pital pharmacists and a registered nurse answering calls around the clock, it is almost always possible to reassur~ a distraught parent and give s tep-by-step instructions as to how to handle thC' situation. In only 5 percent of the cases is it necessary to advise e m e rgency hospital treatment. Clearly a service like this is of enormous value to the community. Up to 500 children in the U.S. die eac h year from accidental poisoning. Many doubtless could be saved with the type of prompt professional advice given by the Poison Center. The problem. a familiar one .these days. is that the Poison CmHt•r is sufforing Crom tl c:utmlt'k in fdndlng. Sincq a lmost all its busint>sa-is handled by phonl', tnerc is nq practical way to chorge a f ec for the lit.'rVll'e, as would b<> the case in a doctor's office visit. lfhe .. pt'Opll' running the center would like to cxtenc.1 the servkl· with an outrl'uch program designed to educate the community about toxi"' products a nd materials, but thi.s wouJd rtc>quirc still more funding. N,ow therc 8rc plans afoot to t-stablish n new non-profit Orange ,C Q u n t y Poiso n Pre v en l i u n Foundation. whi<.•h would seek fanant.:ial s upport fro m the commllnaty at large. This probaply 1s the best solution to the• tunding problem and om· that would dol)(>rve s trong bal·kang from so1.:1a l S<!fVtl~ groups c•x 1x•rit'n<.·1.•d in fund rnismg. Th 1.· P o 1 s <> n C.: e n t t.· r was opcnC'd 25 yt•ars ago as a scrvil•<.• to phys1c:1t1ns. Its servict's wt•rc opcnt.•d 10 the• public tn 1972 and tht• volumc of its phone business is a c:lt>ar indication of thl' need. It merits ongoing community support. Safety isn't cheap There's an o ld sayi n g that goes .. You get what you pay for." Fo untain Valley is about lo experiencl' tht.• truth of it close to h om1.>. If'\ Tuesday's election 52 percent of the city.-s voters okayed . Meas ure K . whkh would havc imposed a new tax on residents to pay increasing costs of police. fire and paramedit· services. The city already has th e lowest public safety t.·osts in the county. so the problem is n ot inefficiency. But as a bedroom community, Proposition 13 has hit Fountain Valley especially hard. T ht> city has no main shoppmg centers or car dealers to generate sales tax rev<'nues, and there arc no hotels producing a bed tax. Going back to the residents was the only choice. But 52 percen t was not enough . Because of a 1978 law requiring a two-thirds majority to levy new taxt·s. the• meas ure failed. And that lcaws the t.·1 ty with few options. none of wh1<:h • are parucularly attractive. Fountain Valley h as $2 m11l1on an re5C'rv1.• funds, but if it grants p.iy incwases out o f that monC'y. tt l.'annot rto•ac'<.·umulate it under thl' tc:rm of a state law. Tht• t'ity's l·ontracts with police an·d firefighters expire Dc.>c. l Contract talks were already under wav bcfo r<' the measure fail<'d to garner the needed two- thitds majority. Th1.· likely outcome of the vote as that the city will be able at best to fund m od est raises for public: safety employees. It can bc t•xpet·l<.'d that th<' best of those employees will gradually drift away to the service of o ther cities that can pay more . The result will be a lower level of safety tn Fountain Valley. And even before the election, ci tizens said the one thing they did not want to cut back was the quality of public setfcty in the city The problem 1s. wanting doesn't always make it so. Opinions expressed in the space above are those of the Daily Pilot. Otner views ex- pressed on tnis page are those of their authors and artists. Reader comment Is invit- ed. Address The Daily Pilot. P.O. Box 1560, Costa Mesa. CA 92626. Phone (714> 642-4321. Ge nde r gap • ID An editorial from che Washingcon Post An interesting theory has been proposed: Why American women, apparently .the most liberated on lhiso earth, are so relatively unsucc."CSSful poli tica II y Europe and even Asia -far behind Ameru.:a in rertain other basic rights -are far ahead of this country in entrusting high positions to women. Great Bntain, Finland, lnd1a, Israel and Sn Lanka (Ceylon) have, been led by women in recent years. Other countries are not especially impressed by the late Ella Grasso serving as governor of Connecticut and Dixie Lee Ray as governor of Washington stat.e. State governors are considered elsewhere to be mere provincial officials. In the place that counts the Congress--the Unit<'CI Stalt>S has a . mere handful or women representatives and one lone senator -Nancy Kassebaum o( Kansas. Finally, more than 200 years after the birth of this oation. America put a woman on the Supreme Court. U.S. politics OTHER VIEWS Europeans have never agonized over whethe r a woman could ·•emotionally" handle the power of high oHtcc History proved -and Europeans knew she cou Id According to tlile theory, the American expenent•e differed because ours dtd not become an independent nation until the start or the (ndustrial Revolution. Bus inessmen (not women) were the new lords and knights and Arn r1c~ had no folk memory of women wielding great political power. Europeans remeber Isabella , ElJZabeth I, Cathcrme the Great and the rest. Europeans are, therefore, less likely to be shocked by the thought or giving the ultimate power to a woman. If this theory is corn;t•t, then Amer ican women will have to use their voling strength to corn-ct this political imbalance. L.M. B oyd/ Unluck y in love J. Paul Getty was said by som<' to have been the richest man an the world. a success by most any standard but his own. Saad he, ''I'd trade my fortune for JUSt one happy marriage." Edgar Allan Poe was a lik'ra/Y giant. a master craftsman in poetry and short story. He loved six women In his ·tifeume, but lost them all. Our Love and War man nods, knowlngly. H they don't come up with the right partners. they've just. not' made it ORANGE COAST. Daily Pilat ~..-···-.... ., .. f ..... , .. , •• uo ~"' ••• \I C•"• -. .. •Clfl'•U <etru.o"•""• to It• IMO ,.,. .. _.. .. ,(Att•1' Q. Don't most Americans want to live in small towns now, if possible? A . Not most. But 15 percent tell pollstl'rs that. Twenty-six pcrl~nt say they w ant a home in the countr y, a nother 26 pe rcen t prefer \h e suburbs. But 31 pcrcl'nl claim th<: city Is the• b<>st place to live. No comment from lhL• other 2 percent. You can shine l)rass with tomato ketchup, too. ..._ JoM AINrl \• . 1 ... , ..... flf,fc>< lcHltera ICreMNch lttt. ;I.'• (0100 ThematMcConn M""''il~ll fd•IOI' • .. --~ , .. .The military pork h3r:rel WASHINGTON -President Reagan rightly chided Congress for leaving Washingto n to run for re-election without passing th<: monl'y bills thCit keep the federal government running. He called at "bad economics and bad manugcment." AclUally, though, it may have been a brl•ak for the taxpayers. Jadging by one or the two appropriations bills Congress dtd manage to pass -!or funding m1 Ii tnry construction projecL'> in fiscal l 98:i -it's lucky the honorablt.• memb<'rs scurried off to the hustings when they did. lf they'd pas.wet all the money bills in a last-minute rush, there's no telling how much it would have rost us. CONSID E R SOM E facets of th<.• congressional raid on thl' Treasury: -More than $275 million of thl' $7 billton approved was for military construction the Pentagon sptmdthrifts hadn't even nsked for. By a not-so-funny coincidence, almost 90. percent of the> additional projects will be localed m o"r next to districts of House Armed Services Committee members. Rep Jack Brinkley, D-Ga . (.'hairman c)f th1.• m1ltt:.try ins tallations subc.'Omm1ttce, managed to have added to the bill $61 million worth or barracks, headquarters bui ld inJ.!s and _other facilities for basc:.'8 an his d1str1(·t. -The Pentagon r equested $1 :i million lo upgra de some l 0 xist1ng barracks at Blylhcvilll• Air For<.'t' Bast• in Arkansas. But Rep. 8111 Alexander. D-Ark . a member o f the military G. -J1-c1-11-a-11-sa-1 ---~ co n s tru ctio n appropr1at1ons subc.-ommittee, fot the n•novauon monl'Y replacl'C.I with 7.2 million lo bu1h.I new barrac·ks. -Armories are always a favorite pork-barrel item. lx.>cause they L'a n be used for civic fun('ttcrns as W!..'11 as headquarters of local National Guard uruts Nine new armoril'S Wl'rc addcod to the bill at a c<"t of SI I rrnll1on. Thrt'<' of them will be built in or nt.-ar the distract of Speaker Thomas P . o~Ncill Jr., D- Mass. A spokesman for O'Neill dt11m1..'CI three new armonl-'S WL•re a better deal than renovation of the existing ont>, which was built an the last century -As the only pork-barrel game in town at the time. the military construction bill sometimes required imagination from those who wantt>d to play. Rc'p. Henry Gonzal<'z. D-Tcxas, for example, managed to get $:.! mtlhon added to the btll. to install a1r- cond1tioning in three schools in his dis trict. An aide ex plaine d to m y associate· Peter Grant that most of the pupili. in the schools are children of mi htary p<'rsonnel. -S<•n Daniel Inouye. D-Hawaii. used his t-onstdl'rablc '.lout to prevent a $33 m1ll1on slash 1n funds for the lease of 18,000 acres an the Mariana L">lands. The General Accounting Office recently re~rt<.>d that the U.S. military currently has use for only 8,000 accc.-s. but thanks w lnouyt•'s mtt·n·ess1on. the 1sland<'rs w1U continue to <.'Ollect rent for the entire 18,000. Ttw memlx>rs were so busy dipping into the pork barrel that they somettmes lost sight of the original point of the legislation -. to provide needed military construction. r or example, the House eliminated $12 million to bulld barracks for a Patriot antt-ain:rah m1ss1le battalion in Ka164'rslsut.crn, Cormany The missile crews might have had to bivouaL· tn tents through the winter Fortunatelv for them, the Senate made the HouS4:' 'put the funds back in the bill. Foc.itnote: Members of the House and Senate Armed Services Committees claiml'd the add1t1onal proJCCts wall be funded with anticipated savings from other military construction programs. Mexico's troubles hurting state Todnv's mlumn was written b_y Mr W<11£'1~: assodn1c-. Phil Jordan) The-Stal<' of California had l'nough fl~<ll WO(>S 3l> tl Wa , and they ar<! now being <:ompoundcd by the even 'TTlore scvc•n• ec."Onom1« c·ris1s in Mexico and the re<.'l'nt t'Ollapsc of the peso, that nation's currency. This may surprise many Cahfom1ans, though not those who live in Imperial and San Diego l'OUnllcs. which border on th nation to the south Ha rd limes in Mexico are nlready bringing an increase in illegal -or undocumenlt'd -immigration, but that's a nattonal . or a t lt'ast federal-level, problc>m. TO SOME E X TENT , California's problem ts being fell all over the !>taU•. It's well known that Mexico ts th<• thtrd-largc•st trading partner or the United St.ates: it's not 5" well known that Mcx1co 1s also the third-largest "ovc•rscas" trading partner of the Golden State. That trade has generatedjobs an Calirornia. taxes for Sacramento, and now it is drying up as the Mexican government cuts imports to those absolutely nl'CCSSary. Th<' most immediate economic impact. however, has been on the California communities along the border with Mexico. For many years, people laving on the south side or that border have done a lot of i.hopping north of tl. no problem while the peso was sound and ~aiuly exchanged That trade gl'ncrated a lot of Caltfornia sal<'S taxes. not to mention additional taxes from the businessc.>s that catered to at. No more. Ml.'x1co rC<.'Cnlly announC'<'d arrests of pcopll' caught a twmptmg to take JX'SOS out of the country. Even without s u ch controls, such bordc,r businesses would b<' in trouble· - r, ~;; flll IATIRS the peso has also been devalued. now will buy only a quarter of what it not too long ago t.'Ould purchase The impact ha s been f 1..•l t 1n Sacramento. Assemblyman Don Rogers last month took the lower house Economic Development and Planning Committee. which he chairs. to San Diego for a ciOS4.'r look at the s1tuat1on What the Bakt-rsficld Republican learned was Rrim. On his return ·to the Capitol. he sa1d he'd found "some very serio us problems," adding ominous ly. "and, unfortunately. at seems they could bco w1th us for sevt>ral months. even years," Among the problems n o ted. "E.5t.abllsht'CI bu!>tness<'S of Ion.I( duration an· fat·ang bankrupt<'} Soml' havl' Jlrc•ady ft1il<'d P(•opll• have lo!.l thc•tr .1obs und l'Un ftnd no work opportunlt1~ In lhl•lr l'Ommunitai!s Al!-0, "Tht• I~ of busanes.<. . nwans kss fu nding for lo('a) governments n •dun•s lhl' amount and qutil1ty of l'SSential services ... " Ile-didn't n eed to mentio n the additional strain on the swte 1n rcsultmg un<'mploym<'nl benefi ts and subventions for th!1Sl' local governments ROGER S DID suggest possible solutions, including short term restoring of the peso as a north-of-the-border ('Urr<.'ncy, those pesos to be used for Amer1c:in purchases of Mexican 011, and long term establishment of light 1ndus t ry 1n the n ow agricultural lmpt"nal Vallt•y. Neither proposal is likely to find favor with the Mexican government. 1l wants to k<.-cp its pesos at home, not l.'onvert them fur sorely nl'Cded dollars or other "hard" l'Urrencics -for which, by the way. 1t ho~ to sell that oil. It would also very much prefer to sec more· tndustry, with the jobs it generates, on Its own side of the border. Ther<> 1s. or course, very little the state's government can do to l'Orrect the basic problem. Mexi<.'O's ailing ec.'Onomy, but until that economy is healthy again. it will continue to cause problems for California. Vanity the greatest e nemy of conipetence A friend asked me at lunch the other ·day about a certain doctor I know. who has had the finest training and 1s generally r«·ognized as an expert in has field . I advlSl.'<1 against going to l\(.'t! him. which surpnst'Ci my friend. "What'S' wrong?" he asked "isn't he cnpabll'? Isn't he honest?" Doesn't he .. care• ubou~ his patient.s?" "None of those things," I said. "But he hu!'I one fault that ovcrrldfMI all his good points, In my opinion -he can't stand t.o b<> wrong" Vunlly 111 often the a reatest enemy of compl'tence. No matter how sood you "1•y h~ at aomt>thana, w helhfl' it I• playing tht' piano. an~1~ni lht' elct.:tron, or palpelln• the l, If you havt> un lmpt•r.-t1vc Med to be-rlahl all thl' tlmr. Y"U a rt> bt't raytna your prof t'llionallam My ow*\ doctor, wMY\ rtil.'OIYUnendln1 aur.icry IOIN' yf'al'I •· urpd me to p t 8 lk'(.,>ncf opnion, .wft thouih tw W• '""" tha t I nft'ded the optt11Uon. Many doctors reS(>nt 1t when a patient mdk·at<'s a dt'S1rl' to get a second opinion: they look upon at as an 1mphc1t refl~·uon on their medical judgment Genuine self-eonfidcncc docs not feel threatened by being qu('Stionc:d in this way In thl• ftr't pla<'t'. ('vcn the greatest pracuuoner can mak<> a m1s takL'. and second , the bl.'Sl kind of insuron(.'t' agaan-.t u malpr:K·t1Cl' suit Is confirrnOLion by another l'Xpl'rt with no vc ted thll'rl•St tn th1.• treatment IFYOV CAN'T swnd to be wr11nl{. you have no busincsa giving crucial advlN· to pcoplr on any 11ubjttt, Jr your ego forces you to JUStify and drfond all your <ft•CISIOnS , you l\rt' temp••rHmt•rHolly dlsquulltwd from alvlnl!I 1uch idviro. no maurr how C'lnln<•nt you may be In your t'hOS(>n fit•ld Th<' mO!Jt t(J'l<'voua and c.utly mistakes, whNhl•r In medkln r. the h1w, or · bu111n<'H dC!'allya art not 0Un1cal or technkal or Ol<:tll but pt'rAonal and e mo t ional T hey 1prtn a no• from rgnoran<'t' or lnrompeltnet", whk h art• 1nlf lit'l'tua l •d e l •tU. b u\ f ro m 11tubbornnf'U, van •ty, ~lf-ntef'm and pridf, which arc! moral and e1ne>Uonal def~·ta. I would ntlwr CONUlt a doriar who knew a lillle IM and kMW how lltlko he knc•w than onl' who knc•w a great deal and thought he• knew more Ignorance pc:r se 1s not nearly as dange&QUS as ignorant.'<' or tgnoranl'e, which is ~y the D<-lphic oradc told the wisest Greek that he alone l'l'l'Ognlzcd how little he knew. whic:h placed him abovl' the others Rightly. we ought to be grateful to 11.•arn we have been mistaken about iwmt•thing; this is the only way C'XPl'nL'nl'l" turns our bad Judgment Into good Judgmant. It 1s only the weak man who feels he c:annot arrord to utter lhoee thr(.'(' words of suprt>mt' strength: "1 was wro~~ Rei ('htld nbuae. It nl'\'UnJ tn mt' today'" pia rt•ntR may h•· th••lr k1d1' bi&ll~•t probl<'m what with dru.IC 'llnd 1tlrohol '*'• owrwork. dlvorct'. llVf>· Ins. 1""9. Pie KIDS' SIDE ......, ____ .......................... ~ ::=&:.:".::::::=. 1111 ....... .. .. Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/Mondoy. November 8, 1982 "7 S t y l es, S o cial Secul."ity, Soloists o n club agendas ORANGE DISTRIC..'T Gt•nt'ral Jun1ot a1 of California Fedl'ral1on of Wonwn'11 Cluh!j will moot Nov. 15 at 6 p.m. ot lh1• Soddll•buc:k Inn In Sontn Ana for u Muy <.:o. wtylt• show w1\h dlnnl.'r. Tickets may be obwlnl'd by calling M11>elnc Holl, 871-3190. SOCIETY OF MILITARY Widows will meet al 10 am Snturday at Republic Fl'(il•rul Savings. 2400 £, 17th St. 1n Santa Ana. The• Orange County chapte r will hear a talk on Social Security. For information , cull 838-511:10. • NEWPOR1 HARBOR Toastmist ress Club members wilJ meet for a lunchl'Oll Nov. 15·'at 11: 15 a .m . al tne Ba I boa Bay C lub. For reservations, call 548-3289. ... ~~\ ''"'1> .• ,,... Tax ing news fro1n IRS By PAT HOROWITZ 0 1 the Oallr Piiot Staff DEAR READERS: Between n ow and Decemb er. 350,000 Californians will be receiving notices from th~ Internal Revenue Service about their 1980 income tax returns. Th e n otices are p art of the IRS' - Underreporter Program which netted moce than $28 million in additional tax collections last year. The program. conducted by the IRS center in Fresno, is designed to identify taxpayers who might have underreported their wages, dividends, inte rest or othe r income on their tax returns. ll o~rates by comparing the amounts of income declared by taxpayers on their returns with the amount employers, banks, credit unions and other financial institutions re ported paying them. When these figures are not the same, a notice is sent to the taxpayer indicating the discrepancy and proposing a change to their tax liability. Those who agree with the change are asked to sign and date the consent agreement, return the original to the IRS Fresno Service Cen ter and keep a copy for themselv.es. ~ . Taxpayers who disagree with the notice should state why they disagree on the face of the notice, attac h copies of any pertinent documents and send~ notice back to the IRS Fresno Service Center. They also should keep a copy. · IRS oHicials urge taxpayers to respond within 30 days and to use the blue-bordered envelope provided to ens ure that their responses r e ac h the proper area. Any subsequent IRS correspondence will cont.a.in the name and number of the person to contact for further informauon. Blind ex~mption DEAR PAT: My father is partially blind a nd I'd like to find out if ther e a re any specia l requirem ents be m ust meet before be can c laim the extra exemption for bUndness on bis taxes. K.E., Costa Mesa The Internal Revenue Service says your father may claLm the exemption for blindness if he ca nnot see better than 20/20 in the better e ye with glasses, or jf his field of vision is not more than 20 degrees. He must submit with his return each year a certified statem~nt Crom an eye phys1c1an or r egistered optom e trist that his vision is limited at least to this degree. If his eye condition will never improve beyond these limits, he can avoid having to get an annual certified statement by having the e xamining eye physic ian inc lude this f act in the certification. Mail order mix up DEAR PAT: I orde r ed two boxes of g reeting cards and a calenda r Aug. 21 from Current Inc. of Colorado Springs, Colo. My check was cashed, but the calenda r Is all that's been ma lled to me. I hope you can belp as m y two l etters to C urre nt have been ignored. V.U., Huntington Beach Current's customer service re presentative said that records indicate your full order had been mailed via UPS in one package and that no letters from you could be located. Your order will be reshipped immediately . Current apologized for the mixup and thanked A YS for the contact. • Got o problem? Then write to .. j_ Par Horowitz. Pat will cur red rape, - getting the answers and action you ,.... need to s olve inequities i n government and business. Mail your questions to Pat Horowitz. At Your Service. Orange Coast Daily Pilot. P.O. Box 1560. Costa Mesa, CA. 92626. . 50,000 exp ecte d . . I at Scout-0-Rarna More than 50,000 people are expected to atteod the annual Scout-0-Rama Saturday al the Orange County fairgrounds in Costa Mesa. Cub ICOUts, Boy Scouts and &.gle Scouts from Orange County will display crafts, cooking, hobbies and career booihs from 10 a.m . to 4:30 p.m. T ickets are $2 a t the door for &he family. Proceeds go to support local ecout trooPf. ,. TRES l.AGUNAS Chuptt•r c>f Al1>hu G11n11nu Dt.'ltu will ht•ur n t•ontrulte> 11olohll ul u l>uffc•t lu11dwon Friday 111 Lt•111un• World (.'luhhouiw 112. For tlnw 1111cl 11dillllonul inCormatlu11, <.'oil tl{H-04:10. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION for Prol<.'llllonal Sal('!!Wt)nlf'n, Orang<> County <.·haptt>r, will me<'l ut the Hyatt-Anoh<•tm at 6 p.m. Tu<'f!day tu ht'ar l<'lcvis1on ualk 11how h01teu ~nlellt• KC'nn('<i)'. For reservations. coll 586-5779 or 51i l-!U 0 1. SHE ILA SPORN AUXILIARY of the City of tfopl' ·will prc11ent Ila annual (aithlon sho w ben<'fit from 11 a .m. to 3 p.m. Saturday o• the Disneyland llo t<>I Cr,Ys tal Ballroom . ·'For info rmation and licl\ets, call 525-2789 or 838-6040. ORANGJ:: COUNTY Muruw lnMtltull> Volunt(•l'l'll will hold .rn a 1 l 11u1:1lun :wd l'>.l11h1111111 S1n ui•tl11y ut S lw1Jh1ml of tht• lllllH (.;hurc:h, :WJ 2 1 NIHUt•I Ru11d In L11gu11u NIMlWI. A wlnt• um.I hor1J d'oouvrt'll prc>vww bt•"h111 ut 7 pm with th<' auc:uon tst•t fur ti rm A $3 ~onation 1w llllkC'<l For lnfo~mauon, t·al 4U6-2:.!74. TRAVEL SECTION OF thl• Nt•wµm·t &•ach Eb<•ll Club will host a l'ru1sc prt•v1cw at 7 pm. WccJnc•11dny at tht> F.lwll Clubhou1w, 515 W. , &lbop Blvd. Hear uboul the Chlna/Jupun c:ru1~· abourd the Roya l V iking IWXI )lt•ur. l''OI' Information, call 64:.! 45:$0. CLIPPE D WINGS, Orangl• County Chapter of United Airlines S t<.•wardess Alumnae. will hu1t1 Tri <.•ounty l"o11nd1·1 ·,, Ony Lurwtwon S11tu1 duy ul lht• H1t1 ttl•11t.1urnnt l11 N1•wpo1 l Ht•1wh Alu111ww 11huulct 1 ull 5:W K?»O or u:f:J 0720 for lnform11t11111, C HAPTER TWO rn<>mbcrli ot the Irvine Guild or lhl• Orang<' County Performing Art.I C.\•ntn will mt·Pt ut Go)',(la L1i R('ltaurant in 'Nl•wport Bt•ad1 Nov lff at Ir.SO u m. Fund raiwang and a "Day at ttw R{l(.·t•i." un• on the agenda. For lnfw motion. c·nll 552·5:iiiH LAS <)LAS TOASTMISTR ESS C l ub nwmbt·r11 will m<.'(•l ut 7 pm Wedn~ay at thC' Mt•rc:ury $uvings am.I Lo;in, 7812·Edinger Ave., llunungtun Bcat•h Thl• "lJi>x dinner " mC<'ttng indutJt•:. <.'Offt'(' and dt-sst•1 l For information, call Lyn11 Bankl•r at 55ti 45:.!:.! .--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~- 27.· ' w ' .FIDEUTY FEDERAL w ... .. Seftt .. ,... ... ,...'""" ......... . '" ....... c.111or ...... . Aladll 1400 S BalcJwm Av An•!C ... dore 11n E AIO<tld lelflower "901\ Bell ll()Wtt Bl hwertJ HUit 180 S Beverly Dr ... ..,Lall• 4202' Sandtlwood Of llH '8J 27)21 N 8.ty Rd HT KITTY -HER-NAME H. . . A~ Fldellty Fed, we promi se to i mlle. lb ur 'fthl" •ncl 'ftthanks!' And to call every customer bf mme. Or~ get lunch, free. Just llke KIHJ. We believe every customer deserves to earn t he highest i.nterest allowed by law with t he most efficient service possible. And that it all should happen in the warmest, friendliest atmosphere possible. We also believe in putting the lie to that old saying,"There's no such thing as a free lunch '.' Th at's why we make our name-calling promise. And why, if we don't keep every bit of that promise, we give you a coupon good for $5 worth of food at any Bob's Big Boy Restaurant. anytime. (Kitty's teller got three out of four: she sm iled sweetly. She said "hi" qnd "thanks'.' But she d idn't use Kitty's last name. And three out of fo ur isn't good enough.) So if you're tired o f cold, impersonal banking, come to Fidelity Federal. For some warm, friendly name~ca ll ing . And the delicious possib ility, remote though it may be . of lunch at Bob's on us . At Fidelity Federal , we 're on your side . (P.S. In case you're wondering, Kitty's last ..a~ name is Marksberry.) Fll&llY FEDERM. IHM Aid 8'60 L• Palm• Av Lall• Forell 2'01 Trabuco Rd Loq leeclt '2' E Ocean 81 SH P9dro 29000 S Western Av Sen• AM 2700 N Mam Sl CorONI o.I Mirl..,llde 1111 Bayside Dr C.0.• Mete 18" H•rbor 81 ClherCllJ 10784 lel~ Bl F•llertoll 911 N Harbor Bl Gleltdele 000 N Brand Bl IM• 4482 8err•nc1 ~wy ........ leacll 110Clenneyre Sr ..... .._. .... '}787 Pac Cst H•y N......, IMdl "" Wfftchlf Or Nortlt Hol1Jweo41 6)'}0 Laurel Cnyn Nor9rtdll 194'}0 Plummer St ,. .. hllft 71.~o El P•seo PIMelltll 201 I: Yorbo1 Ltndd 81 Seal INdl I J820 Seal Beach 81 ....,._ .. Ollb 1447' V.ntura 81 .. 11t01 12000 Beach Bl TorrHce 24020 H.1wthorne 81 -. N•J9 "'"'Victory Bl West Hoftpood 86' l Bt~rly 81 -~ .. -----'Ila -- Al Orange Co11t DAIL. Y PIL.OT /Monday, November 8, 1982 Hooking LA's hooke r s LOS ANGELES (AP) -Prostitutes ore resi· llent. Put more poltl'(' on th~ atreet.s of Hollywood at night, and the women will begin working days. Flood an area wath police, and the paging beepers ca,..ied by many prostitutes will s tart sounding off -u war· ning from their ever· watch ful and protective plmP.S lo move. It is a cat and mouse game played every day and night In Hollywood. Police try to put a dent in the world's oldest profession as the women and their pimps fight to keep it alive. Sitting handcuffed In the back seat of a police car re cent l y. a 19-year-old prostitute unwittingly voiced the frustraµon of every offi· cer who has worked Hollywood prostitution: "Put me in jail tQnight, and I'U get a good night's sleep, breakfast and be back on the s treets to- morrow. You guys can't stop us. But I guess you have to try." For every prostitute arrested by police, 100 or m ore do business un- ~disturbed every nijlht. The most recent effort is a contingent of 20 of- 1 ficers a nd two sergeants ~ assigned for six months L to bolster the overwork· t ed HoUywood vice detail. Most of the uniformed officers are walking t beats through heavy prostitute areas a long , Sunset Boulevard. • "That is our initial emphasis and until we get a positive impact there, we won't move off that area," said Lt. Al ' Deal, who heads the Los Angeles police Hollywo- od division vice detail. If there is an impact, the officers will move to Western Avenue to pa- trol for transvestites and then to Santa Monie~ aBoulevard where male prostitutes work, he said. The o.fficers ar e ln uniform, instead of the vice detail's n ormal plainclothes, because po- lice want high visibility, Deal said. r "We want to show customers the police are out there. When you use plainclothes ofCicers they I look just IJke other men out there. I "But if the customers j see the uniform they I thfuk it's probably not a -good ideil to be in the ~ area," Deal said. l One of the biggest . pushes to clean up Hol- lywood prostitution has come from Councilwo- man Peggy Stevenson's office. Newt Diter, a field re- presentative for Steven- son, rides along with vice ~fficers regularly. He W eek on at UCI A demonstration by a mouth-brush artist, wheelchair races and films will highlight Dis- ability Awareness Week beginning today at UC Irvine. Special activities focu· ng on the concerns of triumphs of disabled tudents will be staged today through Friday on the campus, beginning with an art show in front of the Unlversity Cent.er today. The activities a r e ponsored by the asso- ciated Students and the n tversity's Disabled tudent Services. More n!ormation abou'\ the enta can be obtained calling the services at -7494. . So roptimists set r eception say• h ving mort.• offl<>t•rs on the al.Net la only 011t• unswt-r. "We arc also trying to get Hollywood 1ta own muntclpal court. Then the Judges will be there (In Hollywood) every duy. They will see the conditions and become familiar with rc1>eotcrs." With a cour~ in Holly· wood and loc4l residents ostensibly monitoring the outcome of cases. ''it should have o positive e ff ect on judges' sentencing." Polll'<' hovt• Joni( mm t>loim•d judKP• on• too NUt'll 1 on tht• rnl1d nw11nor churg,• of pru1111 tuuon, usually lmpotilt\fl only a s mull tlm• and ovC'rnlght 1tay In Jail until the women bail out. D1wr i11 trying to gN funding for u sp<'l'iol minl -computt:r thut would be> us4'd solely us a trac·k i ng syst em for prostltul«.'8 who conll· nually come through Hollywood. '"Wh<'n the woman goos to t.'Ourt the Judg<' will h11w lwl' wholl' hi&· tor y lw1• ulin"4'H .111d I( 11lw'11 Jlllllp(•d hull u1 not Ill tht.• pui.t lhut sort ol thh•M ·" ht• smd l)ltt•r 11uld h1 • hras r('(• t'IVt'd many t ttlls from guy mc•n who art.• upsl'l ot thl' incn•aiw in nml(• prostitution on Santa Monlt:a Boulevard. "They arc as upset about the prollferatlori of mall' prostitutes as other waplc arc about wom<'n prostitutes . I t is somcthln¥, that has to be curtailed, ' he said. SUIODBACK ON CWB WAGONS. S7DDBACK ON BRONCOS AND VANS. NOW THROUIH DEC.31,1982. . Tbat'I big mon.,. lt'I 100 percent c1u.ct bom Ford. Get th• money ln the torm cl a check or apply It to yow dawn payment Take dellvery by December 31. 1i12. And collect hom Fordl11Jmtt one per cuatomer Huny, Mlection and cnailabWty cl aome mCHSela a• Umlted. Bruington Water manager cite d . Arthur nru1nut.on. f(<1nt•1·al munogt•r of thl• lrvint' Hum:h Wat<•r 011trkt, hUK bl'l'll ~lt'lt•t'lt•d (or hlli SN'Ond ochll•Wnwnt uw:.rd of ttw yc•ur by the Anwrlcnn Public Work11 Association Th(' Chnrll'S Wultcr Nichols Award, complNt• with a $500 honorarium. r<'Cogniws ochit'vemcnt in sanitation • Brulnf(ton wns g1v£•n the 1982 awurd for his t.'Ont.·cpt of developing wlnt<·r· time 11toragc wells for valuablt> trea- ted wastewater from tht" dil1t rkt's plant on MichclllQn Drive in Irvine. ' &arllt>r th't!i year, Bruington Willi amcd one of th<' "Top Ten Public Works Lcadel'S of 1982" by th<· same organization. Bruington hw l>M>n dl•trlct gen ral manttg<•r tnl'<' 1079 &•fort' that, h" wus l'hll•f <•ngln<>t•r for th<' Lot An· gcl<-s County Ji'lood <.:-Ontrol District. Vi it ation program eeking volunteers Thl' Orange County M(•ntaJ Health Association is r<•c·rulting v°'unteers for llS V1siwtion Program to.O lder P.erR<mi;. VoluntCt.!1'8 will become friends to isolutcd senior citlwns, and provide a link ,b<>twt"t.'n them and needed social Sl•rv1ccs. For more information, call Nadlnc> C.:ohl•n at 547· 7559. SSOOBACK ON RANGERS~ S3DDBACKDN COURIERS. EUgU>le ,.tuc;lw buUI betol9 A\lgu.t116, 1"2 Limited to IMldenta °' Alaalto HowaU. ColUOrruo WastUngton ond Otegon =-=----=--~FOR D TRUCKS •soo BACK ON PICKUPS. •700 BACK ON 4x4'S. FORD DIVISION ~ THI CllllT DI THI CIUITY llllyPllll MONDAY, NOV. 8, 1982 CAVALCADE COMICS TELEVISION 82 85 86 • • "'lll'ol IJt•1·,_,,,"' IUJ ti'""'' !011-1n11•k t•d t/1'1111111, O/lt"ll.t.; .'-i(,'/l',..; wo1·/tl-1u·,•111 it•1·t• .i.;<.-11so11. l'ugt• Ill/.. Beach scenes at sunset Although the large crowds are gone from the beaches . now, a number of people still enjoy the scenes, · · esp<.'cially around sun.<wt. A bo.y romps with his dog :·. (belpw) in the surf, while the Sea Scouts' sailing .. vessel, the Argus (at left), moves slowly out to sea. Th.e. 90.foot tops'l ketch , built in Denmark, was originally a: • Danish coas.tal freighter, but since being purchased by ·.the Boy Scouts of Ame.rica, is harbored at Ne wport . . .. 13each. · · ' • .. Delly Piiot Photo. by Chef ... ltMr ... This ~Guy 'is living life to its fullest He may be disabled, but not handicapped By SANDIE JOY Of Ille Delly Piiot Steff If he had his druthers about what goes on his tombstone. J erry Guy said he'd ltke it to read "something like ·He lived life to its fullest.' " He isn't planning on dymg anytime soon . mmd you. just responding to questions about what's important in life. As he spoke. the delicious aroma of cashew chicken cooking permeated his San Juan Capistrano home. He w as preparing the e vening meal for himself and his wife Susan. a special education counselor in the Saddle back Valley Unified School District. "One thing that bothers me, though, is the kind of patronizing stories where they say, 'l ook disabled person'." "Participation and activity is the big thing for me." he 'xplained. "music, cooking, athletics. I do French. ¢hinesc, Mexican ... oooking ... My mother did a lot. .. and I bad two brothers. By the time I was 9 or 10, I was C:00king the family.meal. "l pre fe r to do it 'all myself," he said o f the rooking, noting he and Susan bave "a perfect arrangement" because "She'll 40 the cleanup and I'll do the Qiessing." Not that time sits idle on his hands or that he's any sissy. Guy is a 6-foot tall fonner Marine, former Los Angeles cop who now is 4oordinator of Saddleback College's Special Programs 4nd Special Education Pcpertment. He also teaches founseling-related ~rsonaf ~evelopment. : He talked about being •iaabled. noting. ''{ see some •' the activities I do as jomething ol a role model for fther disabled persons. , "One thing that bothers • ~. though, is the kind of jetronlzmg stories where Chey say, 'Look at the cute ftttle disabled person .' "I find that patronizing," he declar~. "We arc still ' human beings. Our differences ofte n make the disabled very special. "I'm just getting along in 'lifC'." he said. .. .Bc-ing happy is the $(..'<'rCt. I guess it goes back to the whole thing of loving and being loved and having good friendships. I see those as L'Sscntial ingredients." He 's up at 4:30 four mornings a week to work o ut with weigbts for an hour a nd a hulf m a local gym, then he docs 1t again a fter work. Also. he rides a bike several davs a week and. during the season, works out with the Da'na Point Outrigger Canoe Club and bodv surfs. c ·uy, who's 40 years old but appears much younger. is no ordinary health L•nt husiast. ''Please don't call me a health nut," he askc..cJ. "l hate the term." He JUSt likes ch allcng<.'S. One thmg that's a c.·hullcnge is riding a bicyde with one leg. You see, Guy is an amputee. He lost his left leg to gangrene when he was in his early 20s. Ht.• doesn't dwell on the accident that resulted in loss of his leg and he quickly brushes off the incide nt, retelling it only for a curious visitor. "I hecame a cop in 1966. I was p<>nsioned off in '67. three weeks out of the police academy .. .I was caught between two cars, one moving, the other not. My leg was caught and crushed mid-thigh to mid-calf ... They ended up amputating the left leg ... "A young man apparently had b<.>en drinking and • apparently didn't see us," he said of the accident w hich happened while he was oi'\ patrol with a partner. He's not bitter. "It was one of the best things that ever ha ppened to me," Guy said. "A lot of good things came o ut of it, a lot of sensitivity to people . "I guess it all started while I was laying in that hospital "M y leg was caught and crushed mid-thigh to mid-calf ... They ended up arnputating the left leg ..... bed," he recalled about his enthusiasm for life. "I'd wake ~p at night and start thinking about what happened to me, about what I was going to do. I had been an am1e~. "I was 23. Everything had gone pre tty much my way." He immediatcly"rejected the notion of feeling sorry for himself. "God," he declared, "l don't ever recall doing tha t. I had a really good mother -------------~ who pushed me In the • direction of 'Okay, you lost Bowers Museum -' gets· new director Wilham "Pe\e" Lee, 43, former direcior of the Los Angeles County Museum of Natural H istory, has been named full -time director of Bowl'~ Museum lh Santa Ana L&PinP anthropotog1st, had been the museum'• lntorlm d1re<.•tor since May. He 8Ut.'CCC<is Reilly Rhodes who resigned In Ft.•bruary. "I 'm looking forward to improving th<' museum in Its sc1enti£ic and profculonal r eiponslbilltics. 1ncludina oblain1{1g th e Ame rican Auocia tion o f Muse ums' accrcdilatlon for th<' museum a nd raising i ts standards or rcscurch and publlcat1on1," Lee Mid your leg. Y QU still have you.\ "l just jumped right back · in. one leg and all.'' Guy earned a B.A. at UCLA where tK' played .. tromoone in the marching ban, lifted weights and swam competitively. Then he earned a master's degree in counseling at San Diego State and began a doctoral program at UC Riverside. He's livjng his own philosophy, living life to the fullest. "It's always a challe nge." he e xplained. " There's o ne more in&redient for enjoying life, he said, before returning to the cashew chicke n preparation. . "It's maintaining a seraw of humor, btiing able to laugh at younM'lf aarlwell u al life." .. - ..., ierr)· Guy continue• lo •••1 ln 1op'phJ1leal condillon by ridln9 ht1 bike t'ach cjay. ... i · I l I Orange Co at OAILV I'll 01 /Mondny, Novt'mb r 8, 1982 < GOif N ON BRIDGE BY CHARLES H GOREN ANO OMAR SHARIF ·: .. H H I• ,. 1: 1: .. !: !; 1· ! ~ ,. ;l f • 1: .. r· 1: :1 .. 1· .· i· Q.1-Hoth 'vulnt•rablt>. a ~ South you hold: ' +7Z ': AQJI063 v A6 +1095 Tht• h1dd1nl( ha,, proc1•t•d1•d . North t;Ht South Wnt J NT Pa81i 3 ~ l'as11 4 + Pa118 4 0 l'u11 4 ~ Pau ? What urt1nn clo you tak1".' A.-Although pnrtnt·r ha-. shov. n a maximum no trump wi th heart support, hl' ha1o dl'nied th1• ace of spadt·s with that rard he would havl' rut> bid thn'e ,,padt•-. ruthn ·than four dubs. Hut Jlartnt•r might h:I\ e the k 1ng ol s pad1•,,, i11 which cai.t" .1 !>mall slam is still puss ihlt•. \ 11u <'an convcy thi1' to parlnt>r by hid ding (1vt• hearts. Thnt con firms that you have tv.o Cast spade losers. and allo" s him to make the next movt·. Q.2-As South. vuln1•ruhl1>, you hold: +AQJ7 ~J 1062 0 6 +AKQ9 The bidding has pr0<'1•1•d!'d North EHt South 1 ~ 4 0 ? Whnt do you bid now'' A. -East's barrage ha!. mad1• a scientific auction impo..,,1 ble. You might ask for ac·e-.. but will it really help )OU to disrover that partnc r has on<- ace -or. Cor that mnllt·r. two aces'! We would s imply l>1d six hearts -a contract that ... 111111111 dt•1w11<1 ·"" 110 mori• t h.111 II ftlll"'!jl'. iHld t'OUl<J lw c•oltl S11f'lwt1m1•' \'1111 'imply h,t\I' Ill ~IVt• llJI ~11 ,1 j(rflllcl ... 1.1111 (}.J :'°''It'll ho•r '11l 11t•r.1hlP, :1., S11111 h \'1111 hultl· •AKll°73 A5 Ql07:1 •K!I T ho· l111lchn~ h,1, flro1·1·,.dl'CI. South \\ t1tt 'orth t~•t I + l'u1t I N'l' 11u s ? \.\'hut a1·111111 1111 you t11k1".' A. -c:.11111· I' • II ""f inrt po,-.1h11it \. hut ... h1N 1111{ your , •• , 111111 ,u1t 1, not t h1• "·1~ to m.1k1· ,:our mu\" S1m·1• hatr of \'llU 0r <;lro•nl{th IS Ill )Ollr ,h11rt -.u1h. "" f1,1·I tjat .1 r.1 1-. lu t\\11 1111 lru111p I' tho• mo .. t 1h-~e·ript1\,. l{ill11l' try (j.4 lluth \ uli11·r.1hl1., •1' Soul h 'ou hold •AKJ°4 AJ632 '85 •114 Wh.ll j, y1111r 11p1•n inK bid'! A. -Thi' i, 11111· of tho~l· ran• 11('rJ ... 1on' "h•·n· 'ou <>hould m.1kt" an 11nn:it ur.i°'I h11J Open not• "lmch-Y uu "ant to show hot h ... 111h, and 11 )OU t·hoosc one• ht•ari an<l purtnt·r bid:> 11n1• nu tr ump or two of a m11111r. you .1 re not '>t rong t•noui:h tn rl'\l'l°"' into ,p,1dt'!>. Opening onl' spadt· will firt'" ldv an 1°U'>) rl'htd 111 h1·art .... I South you hold: +12 Qkh 0 8& •AQt'7 .. T h.-bidlilng ha prl.M't!t'ded: North t: .. L outh 1 \? 2 +•? •pret•rnptlvto. Whal do you bid now'/ A. -Wt• art• tcoing to usk you to do something lhal doesn't come easily to most bridge players -yuu must s4ppress 'your six card suit. If you re· spond thruc 1·lubs. you would 11lmosl surely <'nta pult your side to game. and your ha nd isn't good ~nough for that. Bid three hearts. If pnrtner has anything extra, you will hear from him again. Q.6 -Jloth vulnerable. as South you hold: +62 <;;1 AJ8 O K109~ +KJ5 T he bidding has proceeded: West North Ea1t South I + Pa11 Pa11 ? What action do you take'/ A. -oOuble. In the pa soul seat, you have adct1uale values for this action-in fact. you rould have somewhat lesi.. The double is superior lo a balancing bid of two diamonds because it gives partner several op- tions, including the possibili- ty or passing for penalties should he have length and strength in the e nemy suit. HOIOSCOPE POT SHOTS BY SIDNEY QMARR T sday, Novembe r 9 1 ARIES (Man·h 21 -Api 11 l!H. Au,I t •llllt'" lrnm s urprise sourn· lndl\ tdu.il who .11Jpe 1n d 1n4irterent will now expn~' t·nthui.wsm F11t U'> on bas I c la !'t k s. I m pr 0 \'I'd "l' r ,. H " l"' Ii I I I ' I commun1ca l ion . TAURUS (April 20-M11v 20). 1''1x:u,. 11111·h 1ldrl'n dotnestidty. tmprll\'t·d family n·latunt.. .md h1 t·ak from restr1cuon!'t Houunc• 1 han~1·s a n d 'ou h.1\'c grtater fee lm~ o f free d o m GEMINI (May 2 1-Juiw 20): Pro pN t) ngh~ su ge to forefront -dl'ftnc tc•rms. danf~· h•g;il po$ition and build for futun• S<'t"Unty Somunw 1s trying to te ll you something 1n :>ubtlC? m;111n1·1 CANCER (June> 21 -Juh :!:!).S h ort tnp ma\ b1· n~ry to prote<:t basic 1ntt•rests Your pc1 ... 111nn i... strong. authont1t'S will support you and p1 11mot1on as on h orizon LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) Nl't"t-ssar y Cu ndmg Y.111 be :Obtained, projc'<'l can b<· t·omplc ted Focus cm cd4(:ation. univt•rsal the ml'S, ability to u\·1orconw dis$nce. language barriers : VIRGO (Aug 23-Scpt 22)' Emphasm nl·w stat ts. fresh concepts, addt·cl inde p<>ndt·m t• a nd corllmunicat1on w ith crcattv<'. dvnam1c ind1v1duab Cy~le h igh, judgment and intuition will bt· on ta r-,ge t . ; LIBRA (Sept. 23-0c-t '.!2). F olio"' th1ough cm hunch. Answers he behind sct•nes. Ho..ptt<il va~tt to friend or associate provc•s reward1n ~ Cam ·er. Capricorn, Aquarius nattvt-s figure prom mt•ntly. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. :ll). 01v l·rs1f y. highlight versatility and sh ow that you .in· l'apablc PERSONAL PROF1LE S20 BV ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT IF TMI: &oOK WMICM AHSw&"• M"( ~"OkCM MA~'T VrT •t:SN W"ITTSN 1 of ma king necessary rev isions. Popularity is on up~wing; you'll get what you want and many major Whhc•s \.\0 111 b<· fulfilled. AGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dcc .. 21): You 'll be !'tUl'lc•ssful in mec ung c·hnllcnge. Emphasis on dt-.1hng with superiors, chances for promotion and .1 ..... ...i~nmC'n L'> which requlr<' rebuildin~ C APR ICORN (Dec. :l2-Jan. 19): F ocus on l"u01mun1l'at1on, education, spiritual values a nd plim -. for JOurncy St> ready for change. travel. n u m t•r o us rt.•qu ests and a possible writin~ a-;s1gnment AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb 18): Check oc"rounts, ta kt• inventory . be aware o f assets and de ficits. Attention to budget is more important than in rl'<.'Cnt past Someone offers you what appears to be u tre mendo us value. Pl CES (Feb. 19-Ma rch 20): Refuse to be <:a.JOled or rus hed into dec1s1on. Locate legal papers, d1 fme terms a nd avoid tendency towards self- dt.'<.'t'ptlOn. Focus a lso on special appeals, patience, willingness to play waiting game. -.illy Y'A"' ·-10 -Of • re1111iclnehip' ....,,_ c--·· Wewwerll , Newpon B••c" I• PerlormaJ1 Syeterna '""'"••l~•I Cerlllled leho•lor, 1 ... tneH, C-, ........... A--Ct.lid ~Gtoupl 714 640-1268 Lose 10 lbs. and 10 inches Before Christmas. . . Guaranteed THI EARL'S Pl~lllATING AllCOflOl-SOU.I WAI• HUTIHO U t.-00MllU0008.INO ,, ' 'ill)" ..,_ ,_ StWlt .. Y-OoOf (C.ii S IOfe -· 'rOUt A,..l COSTA MUA ~ 1-1 289 1526"-pert ....... MIUKJH V1IJO 495-0401 nn2 c-.i... c..o;. ...... , ....... ,..., .. -_.,~, Have you entered the 1982 Daily Pilot Favorite Recipe Contest? For more Information ·call 642-4321 Ext. 242 Call 142-H11. ll'ul • , .. word• to wotk for o". in writint ·SP·ECIAL 5-week holday . accelerated pro1ram See your potential with a personal figure analysis from Jean Mariel Call For Appointment No Obllgatlon 964-5242 Compare Out •Personal Attention •Instruction •Equipment AEROBICS MAGNOLIA & T Al.MIT IOUTMWllT c:mNm . .J Her action takes courage Dt>:AH ANN LANDl-:HH I 1'\"t't•IVl'tl u jolt wh1I(• I w1111 i(olnu tl1111ugh rny, inutl thli, rnur1tlll1' Plt'l~' tl•ll 1111' what you lhl11k 111 t hi~ A J1Hutnl n •l11tav1-. who 111 al11<1 11 frll•nd, M'llt tht• followlnK n1wuv1'<.I nu •Jl.o,&ll~l·: ' ''Tht•n • II' 110rrow ut th1· t•ndinu. but ~>y Cw· u rww IK•utnn1n~ I Willi divorw.J on (daw) My new odd rt~ and phont nu1nb<>r tm• .. " !)(.·:.pit\• ttw 11hoc:k, not only or ll·urnlnt( uhout lhC' dlvol'l't! but rl't.'t.'IV lf'\M 11u1:h un un11our1t•t•nwnt in tht• moll. J am thunktur I h..arrwd obout it an thii. munnl•r Jn10NHI of Rc.•ve>rul Wl't•k s lowr, vlt1 lhr f(088ip mlll r' l W('rt• th1a. pt.•r!;C)ll would I huvt• hod thl• tvu1·uge> to M'n<I i;uch a n1t.~·1uu1:! I doubt ll llul L do udnilrc her bruwry and t'Onsldl!ration fur (J'wmls Some peopll• thought tht• a nnoumicmt•nt wa~ In poor taste. Wl'vlt's your oplnl1m'! Sign mt• W I lAT NEXT IN WICHl'rA'! DEAR WHAT: Unusual, yea. P oor latte, not neceHarlly. People must do what Ibey feel Is right for the m. It would hardly be a ppropriate for m e to be critical wben l a nnounced my own divorce In thl1 ver y spac,aeven years ago. I had no way of predicting bow my readers would react, but tbey let m e know promptly. -30,000 s trong. I sbaH ' nev~r for1el tha t Incredible t1dal wave of . compa11lon and loying suppwwt. How ble111ed I was to have bad s o many caring friends a t that c rucial time In my life. · DEAR ANN LANDBHS: 1 am 15 years old and don't know who cl~ to ask. Pk•ase don't le t me down. And hUTry your aru;wt•r I am alrf.'ady m my eighth month. J( a girl as pregn ant and doc-sn't know for sure who the father is; or if she ts about YO p<.'rct•nt sure and he won't come forward and admit it; or, if she <;locsn't want to drag him into it when she goes to the hospital. what does a girl put on "the baby's flMA IOMlfCI AT WIT'S END Here is a r eprint of the b<.'sr of Erma &mbec:k while she ls on vacation . I heard a man remark the other day that he did not know h ow has wife could go to the supermarket, purchase $85 w orth of groceries. <.'Orne home and have nothing to cook for dinner Isn't that just like a m an? M en like that probably don't even understand why a woman has a closet full of clothes and still has nothing to wear. Grocery s hopping is one of the last o r the little-known scien~ in the world. All the experts know is i t 's demand i n g, requires g r e at concentration and split-second timing. R ESEARCHE RS A FEW years back tried to pin down why women bought as tht'y did in supermarkets. They discovered that when women entered the store and their hands curlc.-d around a cart h a ndl e . something h appen e d . Their "eye-blink" rate dropped to 14 a minute, putting them into a hy pnoidal ·tranc<'. which is the first stage of h ypnosis. (One researcher said it was incredible how women passed by t nends and g~ W9llS birth ('('rtlfll'atc> wht•rt · 1t m1y&, "~'uth<•r'11 n:u)\t•"i - I-;XPl'X."l'IN<i IN CALlf'OHNIA DEAR EX: I checked with Booth M~morlal llo11pltal lo Chicago, which b run by tbe Salvation Army and bas been a gochend to •o many unwed mothers. I was told: State law1 vary. In llllnol1 the mother can 1lmply write "father unknown." If she n am e• tht father, It ls llkely that he would be contucled and questioned. DEAH ANN LANDEHS: Plt•<tSt.! wll me what to do nboul my moth(•r She• ts driving us all crazy. My youngt>st brothl'r 1-irndual~'<l from high school la ... t spring and hasn't lx.•tm able• to find a· job. He dec1dt.'d, to join the Nbvy and went d own and signed t.tp without disc1J11.-;inu h with anyont· - Mom has bt.•t>n erying for 10 days Sht• tS afraid Bruce· won't eat right or get (•n ough rt'l>t Sh<.> also wornt"'I that nobody will gl'l·h1m u p In thl• morning. and he will wand up m trouble (Bruce ll:> a very hf'avy sleeper a nd he newr ht.•urs tht> a larm clock ) I It• will be lt•avm~ soon and Mom 1s a Wrt't:k. Pica~ advise. COMMOTION IN UTAH DEAR U.: Tell Mom, for m e, that tbe Navy might be tbe best thing tbat ever happe ned' to Bruce. Suggest that she see a doctor about ber · anxiety. E ncourage your brother to write to ber o ften a nd make his le tters as upbeat as possible . The Navy is a n excelle nt alte rnative for young people who can't afford college and can't find jobs. neighbors without rea hz.ang they were even there.) At the c h eck -poi nt, h o w ever . th eir consciousness seemed" to be triggered by the cash regis ter bell which brought their "blink-rate'' up to 45 a minute . (Which is normal.) Women spent 20 seconds on each aisle, tossing a nd throwing. The lis t-make rs went around mumbling. "Do I have oregano?" and answering themselves, ''What kind of question is that? OC course, you have oregan o. You're Italian, are n 't you'?" Every woman has h er "system." I am not a list-maker . l found that when I made out a list of everything I needed for well-balanced, attractive m(•als I had to a rrange for financing at the check - out. I tend to suck to the basic things I've been buying for th e past 20 years and hope that some thing wonderful will happen to them during the week. AS FOR NOT HAVING anything to cook when you've just returned from the s upermarket, I have a ra the r interesting theory about tha t. I equate shoppers with the pion~r hunters who dragged home a 300-pound moose. lugged 1t to the log cabin door and said. "I shot it. Now YOU cook it!" If you don't understand that. the n you deserve to have frozen pizza. a set of cookwa re, a room dl>odorizer, and an cncycloped1a for your dinner! DO YOU HAVE A FAVORITE RE.CIPE? If you like to cook and have a "f avome" recipe, it could be worth a trip for two to a city of your choice anywhere In the Western Hemisphere (via Western Airlines.) Or you could win one of five S200 · gift certlffcates: It can all happen in the 1982 Dally Piiot Favorite Recipe Contest, and It could happen to youl Even 1r you don"t win a top prize. your rec1~ could be published 1n our .. Orange Coast Cool& Book .. 1n the Daily Ptlot on Wednesda1. December 8, I 982 Da11y Pilot Special Sewom editor Janine Fiddelke w111 su~rv1se a panel or food jUdges who will name the best rec1~ on the Orange Coast Winning recipes w ill be JUdged on or191nahty. ease ol preparatton. adherence to theme, and of course. taste So get cooking Read the rules carefully and ~nd us your recipes as soon as possible Entnes must be postmarked no later than November 12 M•ll entries to: Daffy ~lot l'ayorffe •ecllM C-tllt, ... o ..... "'° <•••• Meu, CA tl616 ENTRY CATEGORIES: 1. Appetlaers Mf"I \Pft...:1\ ltllV O•P\ 0< n1wnlf', r "kf' YOU/ l)l<k 2. Gr.Ina .... 9r•ad• Whllf h'JOtl/ - l.wO<olt Wiiy j tl 11.lfl all ' t\()lt<IAy 1114'~1 J. Main Dhfte1 Wf\!'(~I >ll'lf' 9f'' (It ( O<I lllf t!f(I Cf'll(~ ~Of 10.01 dutkll~ tv.-y«inr NH I IAVCWtU• It( Ip(' tor ' I~ "'"''"""Y I If>" '""·' 4. V•t•••bles 11nd Salads to; tucl-l>q ~'<I"'•'' "'n (!.,.,.. Ano don I IO!Qtl tri- out "' U'>\l)n ton ao IN•ln c1>«oi,.1rt 111'1 •llf\ ll(illl'I, l'fnUr wn·~d <••-'" M..i o,,..., 1.-..urott ~ qbod•tl '"' ·~·­: t.rolOl•f l "1..W I . 2. 3. s. 6. CONTEST RULES: l1\I all ongrrdorno on OfOt't ol Ult' IQilowt'O by clt'M. COM•~ dt!t'Cl>Ofls ""° Int' numb.-< ol Sf'fV•tigS lltmtmot'r. OllQ•n»l•IY !Ol<nU Sue>m•t )'Ollf ., ..... tn11v on .a J~s •nat• c..,d Put 'illt'gotV 1n VPPf'' lf'll hll•llJ '°'~' Orny or'lf.' .,,,.,,. prr j)t'l\Ofl l)fl U lt'IJO•V w oN bt <l((t'l)lt'O If nlO•r tttan °"" fntty "•r crovt'CI 10< <lny 11nglt' ,\ltqoty .... """'"' '°' 11)~1 01~)' ..... bt cl<l<lU"hht'O ~I lt'~•Yf' I~ rtgnt (0 IJ'()f)<'llY lttff'gotll,. rntrtf'S llte•Pt'\ m1m bf' •omplflt' M'l<l m.iy not l>t' chi>•~ """' lut>m•u•on ln<ompjrtt' rt'Clflf'\ wt• bt cll\quM1!1tO In tht' f'\lt'OI !Otnht oM lt<l!>'l Mt' \Ubmlllf'd by IWO QI moll" CQnlfll,onf\ I~ l11SI tt (f'ovtlJ W•• bt lhf' """ tonsu:lt•r<I IOr }U<lq•"O fill' con1f'1t "~n io •• ruo«nu or 11\t' O<arv co.m tut1>1 tm1>10ytt1 and 11\frr "'!Mt'Cf"'"' ,...,,~.es or Orot"'Jl' Co.i11 Pu61ononq Compitny 1n1111•1t on f'~<" rr111>f cn IM 1op H'lt lliond cwne1, y0\11 NI,,._, l41kll•U. tt,..p~,Mld I ~ltQOI)' fnl•1tO uS•tlQ HP•"~" \nH" IOf tKll •l'<•J>f' MA~ 10 o .. ~Y ,.,,.,, '1woi11t Hlll•d.ty 11,1 ,,;i. Con1r11 I' 0 t o• t 560 Co'tt M tLl CA '91616. 01 t>nnQ Pl 10 lJO B.1y SI Com Mt~ AlL £NTlllH MUU IE POirMAlll<EO NO lAf[lt !HAN MIONIGHI ~~-Novl'IT\tltr 11. 1'81Of1tuM111 al mt Pilot ollttt 7. 8. no 1a11'r thMI ~ nm N~ t '-..I ffl Enny ot a 11'<1~ con111tvt•s .191rf'fMn t 11\al 11 b!>\Ul'llf'I '"" ,..,~ ... ·IY al '"' Ditlly '•IOI -IM)'°' ll\ll)l')n.0 'k•Hl ~~ctc~l jtiO "'"" "'hl!•UU Of pl~ rU!\Ot't wt bf> fl'iblf\nt'df In llW 0.t•ty llllt>f Mld M"fOI (\f'W\f)~I f nu .. , Wiii Of 11>\q.Mi<li.d II 1nt>y l,t4 10 l~V WITPI lhl> conttll llM\ A• JllO~f IJt'(IS•nn\ ,,., llM A• f>flffl wllt bf 41WalMO CONfOf I ~Di NOVlMIU 11 Or nge Caatl DAILY PILOT /Monday, November 8. tU82 C'l'ION ouorattOH"HtLUOI '••O,, Oli , ... N•W •0111• MtOWt\I ""'"IC .... 10 "0 11 DI U Oll 6110 tlllCINllA fl\IOCtl f ll(MAllOU ... o llltl"O•no • ., ™' lt6'0 ai.p Ill'""" \.il!h "'itt 'Mil ._.,, \.11fF1; HPt ~I• N•I "41 N•t ~~ JI ' "'1\ (IO"' C "41 "' I llol• I kf • "9 I l 11<1 I ill" ( "'J I> I 11C1 t kl • '.... 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All981 .as 17 11 J:2 '• '"Pw pU.SO 1710 J} ••• c; S1 ' II II -, • I .. l R I s AllfoOI .511It1"2 ».... . C11Pw pfl 0 11000 w •• '. c:~':.~. ,·., .. SI~ U'. ePL pl in J .. 10,'. : '~\~0J1Rn I~ I Jo ~ 1'• R~:."'..! I : :1 I'~ g,, . . ~:~=" ~ ~ ~ :~ '• AvcoCp 1·'°10 .,, JI\. '• CnPw p11:1. ::11'0 SI'• ., Ci•PSI• SOii 10 11'> :i~nplln I,.~ :; •• ,:NoblAI 17 I S6S IJ"· '• RobUn 160 s 11 ,. •• '• frlnly so. 110 ll't '• ~~pf J,: ii J -~t• r CnPw pl/ ... · l1'10 S6 I'> Cia>Sv< 1 .• • •SS 17 Y I I JI'•' Nor Son 1 IO I S" Sl'o 'o RoDlns St 14 Sl4 ull'.. .. TrtlEnQ 10 1' *4 171 1 • A ~ ' I Ii '2I ~~ 1~' CnP• pl 4 • ,.~. • '• Gearlll ,J6 10 '5 I•'•• •.'u~I P .. 7 I'~ I••' lo ~Orlin 1 II 11'• • '• ~ocllG I 1'41 S .. 16'• llUEP I '7 • Ill 11•:, I• " • C11Pw pl)... lA u,, .... 1. Citl<O 1.17 10 10S JS'. eulBp'', . 4 1 .. 2 I". ' No"'' n , JO • II 30 Roell Tl J Of • 80 wl04 •• ,. wlnDt I 10 10 11 l'"-Avon 2 9 7~ ,., • •• CnPw P•l •s Ill ,... • C.tmC• u 11 .... I so • • • • N t ~ OI IO ,. '· , .. All• 1.tS 12 d 11;'-• , ' CnPw prJ SO 9 "~'" t ' (;emll\ 2 «le 7 U .; tllt• JO 10 41 IS\oo • °.' Nrc:el IO : fl JJ•= '• ::~-~ J :& a 10!:.,:i: • ytoLD ~ 1' 1~0 ~· • !: Aydin' 21 .. ll • '• CnPw pr1n 1 11 (;Aln• 4 lM . JI II'•• •11:1 I so ' lit 11:• •• NoAPhl 110' 10 41•· •,~°"I s .. 14··· yl•r ; I I '• 1, ll•lr11<0 5c, .,,Sl 11 • C:nPw pr4 01 11 1t' '• '• OAmOtl .ol> u IU lH• t ll'! : ; 71S II,• '• NEurO 1 •It t • 10•. '• RQll: ;I S U i )I • ym\hr 1 J" 10 •••Intl ., • a. 241 ·. • ~=:1~:.11 '3 Pi 11•. .. GnBun • s ti 21•· =~~. .. It ,;: ,:l:. ~ No.\liit I 18 1 Ult .,.. .. llotlnEt1 70 .. I) Al ~ '4S 18 ...._, .J2 U IOS 11"'-'• CnllCP 1 .0 ll4 ~·· 11., g~:~::::.. ·~ 1J 1~ ~ ,_ yVW J JO I 60 104. :!~~! j f: ': m ~ ' '• ~Ollln> .. t 117' 14 o AL Pl tO •• :rt :r:ivJ t: I 1to; f,;1" ~"° CntlGrp 7 60 m ~.. C.nD•I• . .. U • .. '• mGI 44 I 71 ~,' 1 • NSPw pl) .0 llO JI R::.~ 1' ~ 'l g: Pl : ~ • ~ n , ll•llCU {Of I tl 141•: '• ~m: ::. J 1t ~ , c;no/" n •gm ~·• 1~• :~~JU~ 1 ~ lll':' ,,: NSPw Pf• 10 1100 l6 oper to 10 u 14: MC 60 1 1 11 , 1 " .. I • .. &Ls seek limit on fed accounts WAS HING TON (Al') Suvin88 and Joun ofrlclllllf, worrit'<I ~•IJout l1mn{o( 1no n ey In suvln8• :wcounts thnt pay low 1nt..r«Nt, O('<• urging fe<.1£-ral rt•glllutors lo rt.-qulrc: a minimum or tit IC"Mt U .500 an u .nl.'w high ·inll'rt.•111 tll'<.~Junt mtmdut._<d by C<mereu. 1 1'ht• 0CC1dul11 huw joint.'<.I otht•r iiroups In lobbying r('(Jc·ral regul tors who are scheduled to m('('t Nov. l5 w decide its fe;Aturc:s. Congress passed a bill this year ordering rcgulolors to create the a<X'ount so that banks and e11wangs nnd loarui t'Ould be more cumpetitivc with the mon<'y market mutual (unds whlrh hold $230 billion. The accouM, Congress said. should be ''djrectly equivalen t w and (.,'Ompetillve" with the funds. The ac.'COunt will be free of an in Wrest raW? ceiling. No m inimum balance was set an the legislation , althou.:h leg1sluton. sugg<'stl'd 11 Ix· no more than $5.00U. . Morigage d e faults· s oa·r LOS ANGELES (AP) -The numbe r of Californians unable lo pay their mortgages has soared 165 perc.-ent this year under the impact of a deepening rc.'<'eSSion. ac.'COrding to a new study. A survey by the Los Angeles Times. released Sunday, found that for«losures in 40 counties jumped to 17,549 In the fi rst eight months of 1982. up from 6 623 for the same period in 1981. ' In Los Angeles. foreclosul"es during the period rose from 1,682 to 4,624. and in Orange County from :J50 lO 1.251. The numbe r of California prope rty owners behind in their mortgage payments is at an all-time high, the study said. And the situation is likely to get worse. "Until this recession is resolved, we're looking forward to more defaults and more foreclosures," said Joel Singer, director of research for the California Assodation of Realtors. Tax deliquency rate up LOS ANGELES (AP) -T he effects of recession are showing up in the c.'Ounty ta. collector's office and giving California an average statewide property _tax del inquency r a te that s urpasses levels of the Depression. The statewide delinquency rate averaged 4.72 percent in fiscal 1982, compared with 3.97 percent in 1938-39. Five of California's 58 counties have delinquency rates above 10 percent. records show. ''The N o . l reason f o r t h e higher t ax delinque ndes is economic conditions." said L os Angeles County Treasurer-Tax Collector H.B. Alvord. Most counties a nticipate some lat.e payments a nd figure their budgets accordingly. but their estimates increasingly are commg up short. Orange County got $26 m11l1on less than at anticipated last hscal year. 'New Chevette' shorter ' DETROIT (AP) -The smaJI car General Motors Corp. will import from Isuzu Motors Ltd. of Japan in January will be nine inches shorter than the Chevette T-car it will replace. an auto iodustry trade journal reported today. Ward's Automotive Reports said the 63·inch-wide Isuzu-built car will have a 94.5-inc•h wheelbase and a 156-inch overall length. T he four-door Chevette is 61.8 mches wide a nd has a 97.3-inch whe.elbase and 164.9-inch length The new G M-Isuzu model. termed the ST-car, will have a composite lut.•I economy averags t>! -1 5 -50 mpg and wall include the world 's first microl·ompute ri:wd, fuel-efficient diesel e ngin e. W«1rd's said. Gold 18) Th~ Associated Press Sl'lt'('ll'U world gold pril't!s to<luy: London morning r1xmg $411.00. off $6.50 London a ft<•rnoon fixin~ $407.25. of£ $10 25 Paris afternoon fixing $410.93. off $9.6fi. If ll•ttrM1 .JO I 7S4 11>.. '• Gonllll 1 1 -u " • .; g~io~ ~: lo ,.. ...~ u: •oCn 11 11 •• \o ~~~-;r~ :! '~ J: • 1, , or er 1 o. 14 m u • Mt T m 11 .. J•, a e ltGE 1,14 7 ... 18!e ~. CO!llTtl I S6 I 400S "i• 11 (;Giii _,. 11 I•~ tystnl ~ 4 11 •H J71o• '• NSPw Pl• IO t100 vw•,' ' R-•n OI • IUS '" "'CR•\ SIO S llM~M 1.10u 10 n •. v.CID•t• SS10 •SI 401, ~ Gl10\I\ so I JJI .... ldcte s 1 10 s •U ,, ... 1 .. NSPwplll4 1100 ........ =~ .. to~P\1~,. : ~:,, •• u~rNov .~:: I~;~.: 1•. ~ :: ,; g ~ ;'; Cc°"-wvOO 10:~ 11 1u 117 ~· GnHous .10 9 II IS••• :~~~ : I J ~:~ '~:: HSPw pl I 1400 s••• '' RoylO J Wt 4 IOI J• I. UCamp J 17 141 .. ,. 1, 9-P .ao 10 16'9 " . " . . • ' Gnlnll .so,. IU .... Nor Tl Q 1 •I ,,, 61', •• Rybrm I J2 ,. 40 S•·· UnCerb J <I() • "4 Sil'. • I Frankfurt I 1xing $-1 11.98, off $11.05. -.,· Zurich Int<.' <irt<•rncxm fi xing $-108.00, off $12.00 : · · bid: $409 00 llSkcd . '! 1• a11ftfY J.411 .i 6i m,' 1\. c: 1 ~·~ • ':! ~ ~ GnM11111 14 1~,.,~ u~ ~:::R 1 ~~~ 4!~ ~~:~ :• :'"r'" 80 oe~' ,a:.; ~. RusToo 1 • :JJ3 11•,. •• uncom• 100 , 11 .. •, llkefVe 1.ll I Si 2• • '• LC ·.,ti ISi S6 "° G/11\ot 7 -I I S6 • ormor "70 JM ,,., • ,: or '.f1 1 I 1 t ~Unbh I IM in JI•, '• UnlonC ,.. .. ••' arw.Am 1.» , .. »... .. -T ...... vl3 • OMOI pl J ': ~ J~ I O ... rt I 4010 311 I\'. Nws~ r I: 1:1 J~~ r,~ :: lllyO.rS I Oii> IJ ·-.,... u .. EI•< 1 M 7 tO.J l•'o '• llllAAty 2.411 IJ 60 l1 epwd t t ".» 4 11' ' .: OMot Pl OI JI 71 ; ' ro.lllr 10 I :;t <:P II I I SI 4. SC, -5 ~ -Ut1FI DI J SO tJD JI Handy & Harman (only daily quotc:)-$407.25. off~ t $10 25. • .. 1 ·.~T T~ 27.~ s IJOI 4n7'-orctur• 60 17 IS4 IS.; '• GG~vc 1J ... " :: : ... • ·-· 1 • ' 1t7 .... • NB~: :if,.... 140 ~!:: .• ~ '° 14 UJ 11 ••• Un El pl 4 )(I 1 IJO )o4.. ll, • , ... ·-. oreln "IJ v ,,.. ' .. 111m '°" I M ,,.. ' I En SC:M 2 ' l'O io.. • u .. EI pl • ., 1411 ....... ._, • 1164 74 1 n(; 2.l2,, lH ... • ~ O.nR•' 1 °' u •• '1 , • "'°' 10 ti ••• • ... WSE n •2' <IOIJ 11 1~ 1: • SFH 1 •• 10 I) " • • Un El plM • S9 ,. .. ... clCA .S6 11 UI 0 Blk .... I• 11 J7\J . OnRel• Jl • -L L ..... "!' .• I • ~ 5PSTtt n I) \I 14 • UllEI pl J tl • I•' •• '· a.trllGp ... . s UfO • _,_. 121 ~ .... ~ Gn~1r111 I .. II .,, .. H HQ nJ ... 10 14 u •.•• =·:i:.1. : = ~ ·~ ,~, .. '• S.blne «Ill n ,,~. v .. EI pl 1" 1J«I S\ ... ~ I::'.,. t: ~o n; .Jr" . ...,: o,.•£"' .2110,, 1!s1 ".~ •• '· g~r,.P•1.1;:,. •;: ~.; FE 1 1 1•. '• ,..:s1w '° 1 !11: '• t:;:f:' » 10 ~ ,.. • vu0E1•1P11~ ~ • 1.,.120 JO~:· '• • Wr 40,. 12 It~ "' • lo O.nKO . •1' S LCCp I ''• >forlOt\ J 17 II JI\. \1 S •'• C • '• .,, ' · t r-I~ 11 11 1. GnR.CS IO,, U 13,,. LCCp Pl I \' • ,.orSlm 1 Ol 11 l/1 1•' 1 loCIS WI lS .. • '• VnP•< 1IO1J '1) 41 • '• Engelhard (only dnily quote) $407.25. off $10.25 . E ngelhard (only d aily quote ) $427?61, oft $10.77 ., ! ••••• ·241 I 111 '!"' ••YR• . " 743 )I\~ ,. c;.nst ' .60. •M t•\·. TV .so 10 1101 11 \)Novo 31~ It 211 471, ;,, S.lewy , IO •• ,. .... '. Vnlroyl 11 JI~ ull••. '• •MIJCll 1·~ 1' JOl •I'' toON 1«I11 90 JJ GenuP I.JO IS ,., 47•• Quint s t7 141 ,u, • \o NlltOr SJ 11 130 60 1 S.O•CP S6 11 101 le '• V11ryl pt I 1300 Sl 11 •••ITr ·-" .. , .. '-rmpKn i.<M II ,. IS"-• .. "" e<Gn , ., ) ,. , •••• N I s , ,,, , '• Sl.foLP 1.40 • '° 14 '• UnltO" 4 99 ,.. '• .. .,Fl" " 10 '"' rwnCk I 1'1 ,.\ GtPec .60 U 70ll t•• • mS.• .. ) ' u r n 4 1• 1 >P•ul I'° •J 10•'' '• unBrnct JO IU 1'9 ''• • '• ••YMO 1.J2 6 ll 21'-rwlel 1.111 U .fto JI ' 'y G•P< pl 7,24 1 lO'• eni.r 40 IJ •Ill JI'•• ..: -0 0 1••, • SlR•QP I 11 I it' ,.,, 1 U8rd pl !.'° I 1Q•o "' Erlr:p 1 IJ •>4 J1 ' rlel pl •Al 19 0 \ I O•Pw oll.14 . 10 JO ' 17 '° "' :>tklnCI 14 I 11• • '• S.1•111 <IO J SI I' '• VCl>tTY 14 U n1 11'• ' ~o ;,:;.,~us1,! 1i~' ~!~f'~~1:S1;..:ifl~· ~g::::a·r, s! ::~ .~·~· 1.ll~·~ il~·,··~~1::.,211 ~1:1~ !.l:: ~: tY~:~~ ~.: ~r, ·~.: ··~nl'~"n~Q~~; ~ ~~ •• '~ Met.al.s mctol:J NEW YOHK (AP) -S pot nun fc·r rou s pnt'l':" today. -"' • • ·~ Ulbr 1 10 l1 JJ.. 'n O•Pw Pl2.1S 4 »'-' a•<"S pff » • IS • .-..< P ·-Sellelt•l 1111 107 60' • '" V 1111 pl l ti I tt•. =... . .. .~ ,n::-wm11°11 cJ 1Jt SI"-: l4o G•Pw pf1 IO JllSO ti • ,..,.,., .. ., 1J S$ II • ~c:: -:~ ;3 ! :t:;. ~: SAnllRI ... II " 11 ..... \/11111 Pl 2 70 '''° I. ' '• -~H ·~.·. -I ....... ,, ?o JI Ill Oh • GerbPClsl Jtt. -74.. ··iT• I.JOU JU ,, ...... ~<1r."'• , I"' ... • Sfelnd 110 HI u •. •• u111u1 • 1 ,. ••••• _, - -• r 1 1 o 1• •• 'Gerl>~ •11,. S7 u •, a1 11612 ~ .... , 1 .... c 4• -"' • .... Wei 1-1• 1· •11 'v 1 101• -'"'"' '• ... -... tat• 11 -•~· ::JJ' 1'10 , Ji,.·• .:a.11, t60 6 mu .. l:.1 : .. 10 !OJ.~' ,;gc0c~C1r 14 1}8 ;~;; 1, ~•RE tO; ,0 ·,.; ·u~111~ n • ii»•' ... lllld .M It 10 20 \ot yclOp• 110.. • "" • g::"i~ .!! .r· al\Vll 1• 1) .. 1 I• :>octtn I.:, : bs ,... ,, S.vEIP I 11 ) JJ 11-. •• VJer8k I,. • •• 11 • '" =~'ii u~ri~: .. :. MO -o-~,;-2ft 1~&:::::~,.U;i,;:,·~~· :~:~,~~.1roll:t: ~:~~:-:,j~1 :=~··.::t:~~A ta. s~1i ... ::~~I!~~ '1 ~ ;:: :: Seftel•p4 J .. 1wl~tn •/\', 1mon 10 . 474 101,. ~'Olee•W .60f U 1• •=. -· llOIO JS .. , :•:>nEClpf/'1• 110uM .t ~~~ir::.~1111.! !o,;:• ;•,Uv$s!f,SSOl1\1.:; m: \.t Seftel• pf4.04 .. U '1'1• V1 :~:~~ 1·: l' tfi' ,.~ ~ GloDIM .24 J 1/S 101. ..,c.O • ,ft u;: •• 1 'JllECI prJ t? IJ ,.,, 't -VY • • :-: hftf(p J .. 11 U\<o-.. •nlel Ill> I mo a. GICIHuO 10 6' JOI 1 .:.m-F I~;: U/ •• :lllECI OI I IO 11 l4>o • l o rli;ib ~ i:s·ru~ ;!~:, ~ ~tg~P:I ~ ~ 1• u; !'1:: • 10 •f .. '·'°.. no. u . .. "'"'' J 60" ..... 1 (;ICIWf" .021 •12s1 I).. OF I.JO 10 .. ,,.: •• )flEO f'. M 1JIO .,. • ' •• $ .... 1,. w I .. VS Hom ,,. 1410 , '• '• I S lect• so,., l'o l .. Gn » •t4 oa. a. Gctrl<ll l,)4t1 71> »'• lt•IYCP n 0 1S 141• '• :>llE p IO 41 140 IJ 911..•CI 11 s• ) , '• USlnCI It • •10.S 10•• • 't ey 10 ts. Po• Vo Iler US ,.... 1, OClrcll pl1 I) 110 IO f!•lfl~ .60 t• JI• ».... 'o :>l>f' pl I (M ,.00 t0 • • •• ellP 1 I nl JO'• 1 USt.••• .. 1J ' Jl'• • IP!! .D 11 101 18\<t • ¥o l \pf11 ta) .. I t1 , \» OClr<fl pf) 12 U "11"4 • Illy J,toe 17 tl/ 60" • '• :>flp P" U Hq I~ • U, ety• \ 60 I. 14 )•' VS Rly l tOt 1 j1 11 .. Sil L . 101 1•~· h Y(t ltll ti ,.._ o-r• 1 40 1oa10es111• 1m1t•11 an u •• • )llP(io1,. 11100s>.. ••II• 1ntJ Ill 11 , vssr.o. 1:»10 n n •. ly •40 II n. )S\O ll'o •yHllCI ,·. 11 IS. ,.., ... OOtClllJ ,,. • ,, ,,.. "' lncNI J •• , ....... Jiii• e I,. I ~ 11'• •• llCI pl H• \ II US$tttl 1It 102) ··"' 11' .n • J;)t 1lh _,.. ylil'L 190 • "' .,.. OOlllCI t.n u tSI lJ'• 11• l11<PI 1 I• I Ill. \o ;>Ill• pf IO IJJO ,, l '· .Cl pl' 10 t• 11U •• '. USSll pit Ut IU .... '• 1.1112 U~"" .,.,,n ,1tll .. JO.>,,.•,OWICl!llfl.1'. l~t '•llt0f11-l tll tl•> 1,:>lln ltott•U'• '• .Conl O•ttt1'•r t•.USToD<JllOU .... "'•"-• .. ,.. ... • I to''" " OrK• 1.IO 6 , .. 0 \) •• 11'911 pf ' 4 Ill. )m•rk I,. • II'. ..., I " J24 II •• Unh <ll Oil 11e.1 "'" , .. '£...2·.!·•101..! !!.':! ~ tm" 11o11 t7 u "\~•',..''•"14 t.J M'• ._ kllcl 114Jt ia-.. ,,)mncrt1 9010 41 •I'-• .. ,m1aoa 1Jt '0'· 11,vrc11111•1 7 •I••''°' ,n..-w j; ..... ~~.1 llAAt I • IYJ P"-•~lhr , .. t\1 'o Kiiie 'J+tt Ji tt••t \, )nelCI• ·17 1 It 11'• ul 2) \fl u,. 11 Vfcllpl U 140 711• .. ,,. I-b ... :. ACPc l Ut Ms I !lO t '!'' J1~ eOK f1: • ii ti!-.• Air I01' I 11•,. •r llllll91 It t .. , ""' .. U1 II 21• J)4.o ,.. •(hll 1.12 i~ • JH. -iLkln ... f • ., u • ~ °"'"II ,, .. ,, 2 " " e11~• • , ~ ''"-.,,... I ... II , .u .... ..,.,,,,.. .u.. ,, JI! ... twa 1a 10 01 J2Y1 I<. -It 1 ... 11 11 )4 ; _ GHl'll 4,fh I 10 U h '• Ol"MI 7 ... 10 3\ 1, • elllt .O\J 14 11 • err.G S1" l11 ..... '• Ulllv•r M ii I) 1t Copeu 72 •11-75 l-cnt:-. :.1 pnund. lJ S dl'stinat1ons Lead 22-26 l 't'nl.! ti pound. Zinc 40·'12 cents o pound. dchwrcd TJn $6.20:N M<'tnls Wl'l'k <:ompusill• lb. Aluminum 7ti l'l'nt~ u pound. N.Y. Mer cury $:!60.00 JX•r flosk. P latinum $:3!\i,00.$3ti5.00 troy ount.•t.'. N.Y Silver , .... :.--n"'°1= :~ ~ 1111, ••• ~·· IU ,. •• ,.. OllftHk , • ,, .,~ .. 11Ster J t0)1 121 .... '• )t,.llC • .0 10 .... ..... •n l"'4 lUI JO'• •• \jnt••• l lM I 1'1 n•. WC 11l""w • tt •• ,.,.. • OIWFln AO U IJ14 J1'-'• ILCo 2 01 1 "' 11 ... 1 •0 ;>rl911 1e. " p -• M •l' 1 VllLta' I .. t 10 lt'• 1, -t. t 741 Q i.. .. 1oel.' 11114 '°' 24,1 , 1; GWH,.n 17 llJ 111., 1._ ILl>il "I dl0111J'" 11 :>rlonpl U 11'• :' iJ 1 , .. ;,.;: ,: IJ(loll~ 111 It .. , '° .. -w-w -•1.'1 It nt -~. llCI 111 I 111 111• • \o 8MP II I.St • IS .. , .. ~ 11.. PIK I 1100 fl? .t ~lltM 'O > 7' )1 .. • LI t0 l7 )I "'" ,, U llf f ... I U• 741 r t!tlCOA J 14 1 S4 .. t• •: ~ 1:"' "-11" t'• ''° .. ,...,, 1 • 1 ~1 .,.., • 1L PIV a " 11 , •• ::>1111~ 60 u ., 40.. n P s.14 1, •·· 11 "' P" JI 10 t4'• #1<,..v 1 eo 1 ,.. "' IM I jlt 7'11 . '* SI , '• rtY wt 7'1 1• ILpfU •·u 1• 11'-'• :>vr110r I it •1 14 • kl.. I IO 10l JA'• 1, U11Tefd I .... , a. t '• # II It" I " 1,n :·. 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I' l lH 111 .. 1 1°1111 y Ill •Ill .111 Wt11 Id pn·nu1·11• ,,.,,,.,.Ill 1111 1111 St1·•111d S t..ig1· 111 tlw (.\wta Mt'lill llw .111•1, :i11d 11', .1 ltlot•kh11,t1·1 II IXIN>l'''i '!i much u l th1• 1·111d11,111u111111,lt. q1111 h1y 111 .Jusrn1 Mtl lcr's "Th.11 l'll.1111p1t111s l11p s, .. ,.,1111" a 11d 1111 1d1•11t11.al l'~sung 1mrnllt·I T ill' l'l't1t1 ul J•wil 111·1 111 lh1s l'lllllp1•H1ng 1t'\.'0U11t of <1 Sc:ou ish 11111111g1·u 11t ptllmirc h j nd l 's fou r 1111dtllt ·•Ut d •1111 . tl1H'"'t1'I l ll l'M 111 It I II lllllll ll11 111 .1 111 l 1Ut l1llll 11111 tlu II I 1111 11111l1h Ill Ill .. u .. 1.11 11111•1 lllh 11 ,, lllltll II cltH ' S1l1h.1ld 'K I 11111.11 h ... 1111 111.11 lthl\ I h h1 cl, h1µhh I 11 ll~lllf 1hh I IJlUI I .. \\1th n •.11 1·11111111111~ f\•111 " 111111 tf1 \II I ' ll1t II Jll'I ·.1111,11 tit 1111111'> .11 1 ••>m11•ts1·cl w tlh ul111 t1t \ Th• "U1111h1 ,, .. 111 1111 11th ,111• 11 d1.,p.11u11· lut 1'111• ,. h.•vt• tul111w1 II tl1111 u 1111111 11 .. 1111'1 li1tl111 111111 tht· 'h1ph\llld1111< 1rud1• (lltouj(h 111w h.11 I MH'I w <•v1 ll\ISj(IVlllH-) 1111(J th1• folll'l h hll"' "IU 1'1 -,.~I ully M'V1•1t•d llll' 1111111 t•uad11rnl 1·1irv1•d 11111 11 1·1111·1·1 It!\ a .. un·1·i..."1ful al\111111'.V I h• ha'l k1•1H 1111< cll!\tutwl' I 1.11111 t ill' olhl1r1> un11I a fon11 ly <'riHtH fo1 d hly 1 t•u1111t•'f ll1t·111 'l'lrnt c·risii; l't•nlt·rai on thl' you11gl'St ttun, Tum- my. $lf1C'k1•n by an lhlwrtlt•d kulm•y cl1~1.·11mo, Tht· bocke d in confronla lion in Soulh Coa I H c pertory'R HUrolhcr~~, a r e_ (from lt•fl ) l>a~·id Ralph<', Dt•nni Franz, Jonalhan T e rry, Leoq~t· MurC"lo<·k and Jot• Panloliano. American given top Paris hilling PA HIS (API Hae h.ird Fon•ma11. man•nck of mt«rnat1on:d .iv.111 1 g.ird.-lhl•,1t<'I". g.i:u·d Jl book carton., 111 t~·nng h 1 .. t und o rtabll· High t Ran k a partme nt :inu ... 11d his la11•!>l !\IH'l'l 'S!> was a 'triumphant l'Xt'rl'tM' 111 lmltbling "&bbhng h 11u1 fot111d,1tll111 nc. m.,nc•r huw hard Wl' trv lo 1u1 n th.it l'hild1:-h C'nt·rgy into soml'lhing l'bt·," -.;11d lh1• l:'l yc·ar uld Nt•w York nativ<'. Fon•m.m'-; ""'11 tm F:1u.,tu~ Light:. tht• Lights" recl·ntly w;1<. K•Vt•n lo p htlltng .it tht· Ft·st1val d'Automrw t ht ht~hl\ .wd atm<:d rnn tt'm !X>rar y arts fes11v.JI hc·ld .11111ualh m thl· Fr<'nl'h CLJp1Lal "I a m t'l>(>tl•rtt .• 1sou ::il .ind h rmett<: and pt:ople see m<' as .. molhc•r <»Will' .. ind decadrn l Am en ca n" he says "Bui th1• µl;i y ,., all a bo ut fun and creattvll v ··Th{· ('har.1t 1<•r., don't c·omm u nicate -thev 1us1 babb lc· like 1 h tldn.•n Thao; as p ret'l'>l·ly what adulLc; art'n't allowt.od to do " Fort'man·., "fau .. t .. ts th1· 1 11~1 maJCir tht•atrKal productmn of J phn bv C:1•r1rudc Su 111 a nd tht' French l'rtlll.., s.11d ll w ..... Ion~ uvl•rduc· Su:m was one of AmC'nC'a's m<,..l 1l luc;tr1ou:-womt-n of le t ters. who h vt>d m Pam. until ht•r dt-ath an l\N6. An C'xp::itraau•. !ooh<· r>JX>ned hc>r homt• tu man y meml:xors of tht· "lu..t g1•n<'rt.1llon." mdudang Ernest liemmgwa y l:lnu I-' &.·oil l-'1tzgt·rald But unlike Swm . f'or<•m an d ()('S not intend to r~ake Pa n s his Jl(•rmant•nt n-s1cJcnw. "1984 -Will It Ever Arrive ?" RAY BRADBURY one of the world's most prolific science fiction masters Wednesday, November 10, 1982 8 p.m. UCI Science Lecture Hall Tickets ASUCI Box Office $4 general. $3 staff, faculty. senior c11tzens. UCI Alumni Assoc. members. and other students; $2 UCI students. Information call Campus Lectures 833-558'8. UNIVl:.RSI TY or CALIFORNIA. IRVINE Going Into Business? As required by law, "ew bu1 l ne11e 1 I usi ng e Fictitious 8u1lneH Name must regleter that name wHh the County Cterk. Cell the DAILY PILOT LEGAL DEPARTMENT for form• end further lnforme1•on. 142-4321 Ext. 332 DAILY PILOT ",EATDC uon' is Oat Of neFreUest, Fnaniest Coaedies la Years .. 7 /\l"M\"4'••1 1'1<11 .,,,,_." ...,_ _,,,. ,_ M..O ... .,,..,..,..... .._.,._~ow•..,. . • M~~~M . f • ----:15TH SMASH WEEK! ·.:. BllU IUWPOllT BEACH OllANCC WUTMINSTEll M,111• lllN 1·1111 I ~"·If~> Nr,.O-Jll C•••"~' (..ot00t~• (ll,,a•d· C•ntma Wt\I ~7'1 '))q b44 0760 G34 1~S1 9q1 'l'l'l~ MISSION VllJO ~f'jiit or, 'J f A f ~JO 699n ._.,_._.II 1itc.t"1toH.0111i h•·I l NQllGtwl1111f• The movie you'll want lo tell a ll yo ur n e ighbors t:tbout. TARTS FRIDAY OVEMBER 12th A.TA THEATRE OR DRIVE:.1 EAR YOU ~--··r-c LU XURY THEATR ES i 1st T•M•l1nttShowinasOHLY$2.a UnlusOlherwlseNotrd S 93t.13•I•111tl6J61~2ss1 /~~:.r.:,) S FOR FUOI EXCITEmEnTI V1s1tOur ... IT CAME FROM HOLLYWOOD 1111Jy t.11n1ly nll'niht·r wh1>'>(• k tdm•yN u11• 11wd11.·ully 1111111J.1l1hl1• 1 .. tlw lowyt·r brotlwr . Hurry , who ••WT• 111 ltr'>t 111 dornll•• 111w of hl<c nnd then h11~ '' rn111l 1l11111"ht' 111•'11 1>111 I of tht• fom1ly In nuuw 1111ly, till' l11vt• th.11 h111d , b1111tw1s 111 no rnorl' pr1•S<•11t 111 h11H thu11 lio 1lw hhnd d{•vouon to itw lnbol' un ion wtrn·h tlw ulh<•rw ln11lnlu1n. • C Al.LUO AIU> T ht· Sun Clt>nw11h.• Commu· n1 l y 'l'h1•.1u·r w1 II hold uudll1011" rwx I Mtm<luy and T ut• .. duy at 7 p 111 for Nof•I Cowurcl'K "Private LIVl'li" •Jl Llll' l '11l111llo Pl11y h11u"'''· 202 /\vl• CabriUo. Sun t'lt•1111·1111 Juhn 8 wurt1t>l 111 dm'<.·tlng und wall 1·11'll 1111 t'<• wom1•n .md two rnl'n. w11h c:fNollll 11vu1l11bl1· I.It ~:m IH77 DACKSTAGF. • A rnur:ttl\1111 m·ung seminar will bt.' 8t11u1•d lhli. w i•«kl•nd, Sa tut duy und S unday Crom U u.ni l11 U fJ 111 • ut South CC>llsl At.·Wrs S tudio, ;J:iO:J llurhrn· Blvd , Su il<• K 7, COflt.n Mt•im .~lt·1 "IJl'll lu tht• p ublic· (udullll only) umJ lnro1•matlon 11111y bo outuint•d 111 H57 ·02112 ... Umh•r tlw t111 l'('llon or Lc·t· Sunko w il'h , ull tht· b1 otlwrw mnw 111 1tr1· wilh dt•p1h ond v lwlliy 'l'lw only 1•11u~h liJ>lll Ii. 111 Uw 1>t•rtorn1unt'l' of Cit'Org<' Murtludl 11s llw lallll'1', lh<> play'11 mtlllt crlll cul fl. gun• Murdoc:h t'fl•alcs o Coscinatmg churac:wr, thl' g111.irlc•d v1su~;W o f un outdated philosophy. but t>n - l'Ou ntl'r11 difficulty ir1 µrosenunlon , oftl'n t.•mploying · mar1t111nlit111i anct '1.(1.'stun•s out of sync· with h is dio----------------..,....------ l11gu1• The s trungl•St pl·dormand.-is d<>ll~lmid by Uuvld lfolphl' us lht.· prod1gul brotht•r Hurry , who d1:al., 1n n ·ali tll's, not thc.-dogm u of Cumily or orga- niwd lubm. Rulp)w and Jonathan Terry, h is clC)S(•st 111 k inship. sustain a quietly g ripping scene in whk h 'ft•rr y's l'hJra<:t<>r. n r<.'<.'OVl•red ak ohollc: w ho aches tu l'rawl out of tht· rumaly pit.but cannot. 1s superbly dt·lmt·alt>d. T ht· two younger brothers, union "grunts" as • Horry C'a ll. th{•m, arc• brillia ntly enacted by Joe Panl<Jhano and Dcnrus Franz. P antoliano, as the k1dni.>y vu:t1m. ~xh1b1L-. a credible mixture of igno- rant'C.' and maturity w hile Franz delivers the eve- ning's showcas<> pcrforman~ as thl' palheac. ani- mahsuc loser wh()S(.• answer lo any diffenmt-e of opinion Is bruwl v1q lcnC<'. It's this volatiJC' mix ture of people who work and think with t heir heads and those who do so with thl·1r hands (an a mplification of the "odd couple" 111 SCR's memorable "True West") which stars the dromatk cauldron both on an lnte lleclual and visceral level. And the key to the recipe is Ti>rry. who st.ands motionless through an eternity of action bcfor<.' making the decision that upsets the bala nce. As the lcadoff prc>duction in a season of first stagings of ne w plays, "Brothers" ge ts South Coast Repertory off w a Clying start, aidoo Immeasurably by Thomas A. Wa lsh's starkly realistic back yard setting. It mcriL-.. in fact dema nds, attenlion by the serious playgoer. "Brothers" con11nu£>S Tuesdays through Sat- urd ays a l 8:30. Sundays at 8 and w eekend afte r- noons al 3 throug h Nov. 21 on SCR's Second Stage, ,655 Town Ccntc r"Drive, Costa Mesa. Call 957-4033 for reservations -' • 8ARGAIN MATINaaa • Mondar lttru laturdar All P•rf0tmence1 bef0t• 6:00.PM (&ce,I ,,.... flllllHUll IM Hlllaytl "ANOl'~IR ANO A UNTLIMAH" 1.-1 ·----- ''NATIONAL LAMPOON'I CLAll RIUNION" 1111 ------ "80RCERE88" 1•1 I "FIR8T BLOOD""" ·------.. _____ .. _ ., •• '0i1~1ui-9580j I "'NATlOMAL LAlllPOOtn ~~ CL.All MUNION" *"·-·--= ...... ---·----~­................... ...... P'LOYD: TMa WAU." IJll I "TEWllT" INI ------THE LAIT ==::: VIMMN" 1111 "MY FAY~ YEAR" - lAkEWOOD CfNTfR SOUTH wA" 11< "80RCEREl8" -----~ ........ ANAHEIM DlllV! IN " "• • , a~' BUENA PARI( DW•t! , .. .._ ____ _ 12M010 . ........ . LINCOLN 011•\d IN ltMOfft A•e Wett Of IM ft 121-4070 ~ ., " .. FOUNTAIN VALLEY 0111111 IN 1111'!-..,lrwy ot--(lo ) Ml·l .. I .... ~. . . ' . HI WAY 39 ""'vi " ~ --.~ .. CL.All MUNION""" "fT CAMI PROM NOU.YWOOO" "' • "TMI CHOHN" .. 1-- '"' ..... -.. --·------·-..,AITr..IAT RIDUllONT ~ 1111 "IOftCIMll",., -..,O.WSN WOM.D" 1 .T., TMI llXTRA- nMEITIUAL" !l'el -"9ftONCO-.lY""1 "ARIT ILOOO" ... -"MAO MAX" 1111 1111 "IORCEAEll" 1111 -"FORIK>Dl!N WOM.D" 1111 -ft-So .. o..-·-k-lt1•16tJ "HAL.LORIN Ml" 1111 -"CONAN THI IAMARI CMI"-1111 "DYNAMITI CHtCKIN"l"I -"ITIR CRAZY" 1111 c•"- "IOM:IMll"1111 -..,nOfll•INODl..ionsN W~D" .. , l THt: •·.\~IL,. CIR('lS by 811 Keane by Brad Anderson ''Open your mouth and stick out your tongue ... open ... open ... " Jl'DGE PARKER ' SvooENLY REALIZING THAT MF\ C W,GG ~NSleLE F~THE HOSPITAL'S TP.YING TO REACH 0 t?> AT SAM ~IVEP.'S RESIDENCE, IT 6ECOME5 APPARENT ~T NONE 15 SAFE THERE I -!IARU~P II/ y uux, ti I CJ y .GARFtELO'S t.AW : CATS MOVE AT A £>PE(C;1 PROPORTIONATE TO THE AMOUNT OF FOOD AT fl-ff IR DESTINATION. THEV MAY £Vf.N EXC.ffll THE SPEEP OF SOUND ACROSS coins SA TUROA Y'S ~ Wllole PUmE IOl VED t Ofoan patls S8 English 6 Flourished composer 10 L11I 59 Blockades 14 For renl 61 Tr"' 2 w«ds 62 Goller 15 LY1ton gut 63 Corrupl 16 Sieges 64 Related on 17 Action pl!ICe molhef' s slde ..... ...., 18 Drowses 65 Misjudges 19 Superllllvt 66 Coun1 (on) 20 Kind ol toy 67 Htndtr 22 Mike furrows 24 C'1angt DOWN 26 Ctttlaktr 27 OIWlg httghll I Knife i WOtdS 2 AtPPtd 30 Total 4bbf 3 Olive genus 31 Be def8Cled 4 AUu Abbr Ing 32 Slllj)tlea1 2 words 23 Grldlenll 43 -Chapel 37 Keetbifd 5 Barn 25 Wed •n 46 Confesa 38.Hawllien -· fl Mt•et 27 -Shatll 4t Shot from 40 Em1 Of 2 *otdt 2e Not eny tmbush Biiden 7 Oown·Uoder 29 Classie poem 48 Type sl)'le 41 V.e 1gMn an•m•• 33 ()ppf ltllYtfy 49 Entar 43 l lng\lld 8 bJll(lllonS 34 Norw@Oflll 50 llfgt Slllp '4 Nnrm 9 "-Ho'" ctty 53 Deli• 4$ OlocllnM 10 AMillUMIGfl 3S PrtpOS!lk>n 55 Med tchOOI 41 OficlM11 11 Nymph le Toolt Mibj • Hootl>ll 12 Appetite 3e POffr111 5e ,..,_,,," tt•hSllCI 13 Aowlr 39 Buttlf kllllt $7 8tiglel1,.. by Virgil Partch (VIP) .' ..J ~... ' ' • I "I hate Monda ya." DE:\:\IS TH•~ llE:\i\C'E Hank Ketchum by Harold Le Ooux AM I HAPPY TO HEAR YOUR VOICE TOM ' THANKS F<>f' P£TUPtN- IN 0 M Y CALL' I.NE HAVE 8'6 ~EM51 Or nge Co111t DAii. Y PILOT /Monday, November 8. 1982 Tl'~ Blt.:" t.:t.:DS H 1, ~~Re. 1''11: l'f:f:l\l ASSIGNE:V' 1"0 WAICH '(OO WHll..f: VOU'Rf: IN OOF{ COON"ffi'I. :\.\:\(''' W~U-? A~~1 'IOV GOING-1'0 OFFeR ME A CUPOFCOFFE:!:? '· . .,~, (/jil() ... I STILL CAN'T GET MY W ANNA PLAY TIC - TAC-T OE? MIND OFF \ THE ME WORLD NEITHER SERIES JT:\K ,. "l'.\kt:RBEA '.\ DRr\BBLE I CAM0T eE.Uf..Vf. wt'«. 0ttN OftlVIM(, r~ 1'~flEE ~ "'60 ~·Rt !>1'11.\.. ONl.'l~~f~ HOME 816 WAUlUT "TEUI 15 PROTE6TINf7 ~ VtCiOR<r> OVER "ffiE.M • WrTM 'THE STA'Tt ArHLE11C. COMMIOSION! '1'M~1'!J &t<.~f.. l&lt.'~£, AAO 10 'fuRt.l 0Al" 'flil(.E. SINC! M~ l(f.f.PS ~TTIMU 1~1M&!> \ 00 , 4'EAH ~ UJEU., 1ME4>'RE NOf GOIN& TO 6€T AWf1I..) WliH IT ! SUFFr!RIN' SU'f"URe ! MY' MAL-PRAC"rlCe INSURANC6 IS NOW UP 1'"0 AL-MOS-r' 30 'f"HOU A YeAR .1 i WONP6R, IF :t ACC1PeN-r'AU.Y CU'f MY FINGeR i:::>URING SURGeRY. COLJL-P :X: sue MYSea...F FOR A 0UN Pt.-ES ? ! MoM ... \1HINK IT~T\METt> kf\sti IHE Kt1"ctWW 1ABLE. by Gu s Amola , by Tom Bat1uk by Kevin Fagan ,.T, ... ~ . &H «met UK 21 LeOlf person 42 Poll« hold· eo 111000 inc;11 ~ '------~----------------------""-'!"--------....;,--~fUllllif:::' ... ::'':'::::'~'--------:.----~~==:::::::::::=:::~~~=============------------------------... ----... \ j 188 NEWS CffAAUE'8 AHO£L.S The Angels go unOlltC0¥9' In a dance aludlo 10 eapoae 111 handsome, blade mailing OWnet G EJOHT IS EHOUOH David Join• lhe newspaper as a COPY boy, Tommy tries ou1 for football 1nd 11141 girts have a dlellOQ contest Cl) BEST OF MIDNIGHT 8P£CIAL Ho11: Kenny Roger• Guests Debby Boone. A(tdy Gibb, e J ThOmaa, Supenramp, Bob Marley & TheWalie<S e u·A·s ·H Wlncheslll' and HOI Lips 091 food polaonlOQ from en Imported can ot pheasant and Hawkeye Is rePfi- manded for flgtltlng • HAWAII RV£~ ~en -clWls '°' en lnlernallonaf a11auln -"ON name. deecrlPtoon and next victim are unknown !'~~~so G UNOERSTAHOIH<l HUMAN BEHAVK>A ''Memory'' Cl) C8SHEWS •==Q 1:SMYLINE * * "Gr..-. !cie" (1981) Ryen O'Neel, Anne Arc:Nl< An~ end a soclattte attempt lo rob a South Ameflcan emerald smuo· glef of e fortune In gems 'PG' (l)MOVIE • **"High Country" (1981) Timothy Bo11om1, Linda Pun. An MCaped convict and ~ hen<licapped glfl· friend flee 10 Iha moun· tlllne. 'PG' .MOVIE * * * "The Am«leenlU· lion Of Emily" ( 196•1 James Garner. Julie Andrewa. ~ grows ~ a Bfltlstl war Wid- ow and a non-Nwolc offl· cer Mligned to prQYkH hos aipetiofs with lhe luXUfHIS ol hOme UGI AUCE • ~CAVETT O~t: J~lhtn Miller -~1-~~ • N8CHEWS , HAPPY DAYS AGAIN A m1r1tnon dance al Arnold'• becomH the battleground for Joenle and her areh-rlvat JUI Hig- f Aac NEWS Q SOAP Jodie PfC>POIM to Carot and JeMlcl content• 10 a.ter'• operation. i :.a COMPANY Ohril9y ~ lhll tfie 11 IMYloO on an CMll'- nlgflt butlMM Irle> wllh her bOel. 11 JOt<EA'S W9l..D •lllNDI NPOftT Cl) P.M. MAGAZINE 9 BfT'MTAINMENT ~ Alt lnMMW with Nick NOttit. • OMNOI COUNTY ~y ~~ * * * "The Aetum OI The • KNXT ICllSI •KNBC INBCI • KTLA lllld I .KABC. IABCI • K~MB fC8SI , •, • KHJ TV llnd I l e 1<CSf IAltCI e KffV (lnO ) • KCOP TV llllCI I : • KC:fl f P8SI • ICOCf' 1 P9SI Ge org Burns : Just being himself N~:W YUHK (i\JI) Thi 11ld llllll' \ Olllll If ull h1td '>Ulllt' 1rud1·111.uk J._1•k H1•1111 v "''" .. 1w11p. lit• 11·hllV w11i.11 '1 B~·h llctpt• llt•Vt •I' W•lll 1111 0M'UI . lit• 1u•vl'1 lll·i. •r v1·d 11111 · A11u fill Y•'•ll' ulcl {:1•111w· ll11111 ... II\ II i.1•x syn1l><>I. IJ1:•,, lltJt "'' l\UI t• T1rn1i.tht. Nfll' n11lk1> Hun11." hromlt•11111~ ttppwil 11l1t> 11 11111· hour vu rit'l :-i 11huw, ai1tf 1h1• Vl'll•r11n t1•11u1wr tuna:-1t 1ntu n n1lldly umus1ng l·wning "Ot·org1• Our11-. u11d 0 1h1•r St•x S yn1bul-.," ul H 111\ l 'h:i111wl :!, .... 11·1 till' kl11tl uf p1 0~1 .un that mak1•s l-.JKll k11, ur 1•vt•n wavc•s It 'i. tht• tyµt' of :.how that t•tt n lw wulc•ht·d whtll' n •mhng a book It 'i. #{owl hut•kJ(ruund muictl' It wouldn't mUl'h matttor 1f you massc'CJ pt<!<'<'S hc·n· und then·. but wht•n you d o pay HI t1 •nt11111 , Rurn<, •~ Burm; And bl•s1t.lt•i., yuu 11huuldn'l pass up opµortun1tac.:. to sec u nataonal trN1s url' d o l'\1s thing 'ftw ncxl ttml' he dot•s a spt~1al, who knows when• you'll l.w'! 17. Fina lisls art:> Burn. ... unct• tht• str~11gh1 man for ha:. thzzy wife-. Gn.1l'll' Allen, has turrwd anlo a comae in h is A ho!-t of cel d,rilit>~ joins Lo.rclla Lynn whe11 ,..fw hia,.. tht• bo a rds of Hroaclway in ht·r naul'-il'-\ a rit't Y. ~p~dal a t I 0 tonight o n K BL ( 1). Secaucus Seven (19801 Muk Arnott Gordon Clapp The memt>Ms of a group of cotteoe students ac:uve In the protest move- ment during the '60s gllhef for 1 weekend rewMOn 'R 1:30 II 2 ON THE TOWN Featured thfee Ol lhe hOt· test beefcake Uiendafs lor 1983, • loolt at Nar- c;olepsy and 1nsomn1a, Thelhans stars on dre$s rehearsal f0< I hos years celebtoly lundraosmg eatra· vaoanza Q a FAMILY FEUD 0 MOVIE • • *"" "Cebarel" t 19721 L1Z1 Mtnnelll, J<>e4 Grey The me ot lt>e Nazi party is rellecled in the upheaval of Individual llves U EYEONL.A. 0 ~Ii.DAME'S PLACE Madame bOOks Bema- delle on her lhOw wllen a lreak enowst0<m forces lier guests 10 cancel. m u •A·s·H When Hawlleye t>eComes temporary commander ot the .-077th, be mus1 con- tend With an .. Invasion" of Kor9W\I G) Cl) TIC TAC OOVOH fD MACNEIL / l.EHAER REPORT gi) SNEAK PAEVIEWS N..i Gabler Ind Jeffrey Lyont rtWlew .. National Lampoon's Ct1u Reunion" and "Jinxed • QI YOU ASKED FOR IT Featured ·Japan's ChHrlHder With 96 Arms' (Part 21 and "Secret Of Funhouse M1t- ror1 " '1) MOVIE * ' Devll 811 s Daughter ' ( t9•&) Rosemary LIPtlnche. Molly Lamoni. A lem11e leech-like bat llrlk• fear tn the heartl of those with the misfortune 10 encounter her (C)MOVIE * * * ''°' "The Man WhO Would Be King" ,(1975) Sean Connery, MIChael Caine 8ued on lh• llOfY by Audyard Kipling Two Brltlll'I aold•en set out to Cllllll lhe rleh• Ind power or • rtmote. legendary ktngd<>m 'PG' 1:00 8 SQUARE PEGS MarlhaM Hts out to wlfl Iha 1Choo1'1 ICienCe 1111 and L-.n'a heafl, with his "love detector " D QI UTILE HOUSE: A HEW BEGINNING Dr Mc~ learn• the wnertaboutt of youno MlllMw end goet lo cotlf't to reGaln euttody of him tPlll 210 D aJ l'kArs INCMDl9LEI D "'°"" * • • "Cry, The aeroveo o On TV 1 l Tll " 1rno C l{iro• rfl~ 11 • IWOHI NY ,N v "1'Yn'>1 f (fSPNI • (')nowtUN I • \Qlllh(llll • IC,.tll• N1 w \ /\frtwo•-1 Country ( 1951) Canada Lee Sodney Pottlef Trage- dy bnngs • blac;k man ond a Whtie man together at tr.ends in troubled South Alrtca SOAP A surl)flst Witness IPPNfl 1u11 as thongs ~ dark- esl tor JesltCI .., PM.MAOAZJHE Soive your MXual prob tems over lhe phone • Ills- '' wnn the T1mpa Bay Buc- cBnlMlf's CheerleadllrS Cl) MOVIE * * • Bra 'near' P&11 1197111 Charles Bronaon. Ben Johnson A C1•!19Ulsed federal aoen•. lranaporltng a prisoner by train through the West, 11 1uddenly CaUQht up In I dangeroua sequence 01 t'VOOll as train p11asengera are mur- dll'oQ' &;) OAEAT P£RFORMAHCE8 "Tne Chartll'houM Of Plf- ma" FabrltJo, now a~ ol cne church. leaves When hlS aunt revNll hll' lricet- tuous love tor him. tatll', he kill• the ieatous husband 01 an actress 1n S4lll dttleose (Part 31 {t!) tt4TURE Koe>je A Rock For All Seaton A ltlm study of tile kopi-t huge ootcr09- 1>4ngs ol rock In Atr1c:1·1 Serengeti Plllfl II pr-I· eel LA TIN PAOFILE H'MOVIE • * * GhOll Story· ( 1981) Fred Asllirt. John Housem•n My11er1ou1 deaths begin 10 deetm11e the ranks of a small circle ol aldll'IY men who share bolh I monlhty llorylelliOQ ge1-1oge111er end a SO- year-Old aecral 'R' COJMOVIE • • * "All Fall Down" (1962) Evo Marie Saint. Warren Beally An lrresill· Ible l11dlea men hu a brlel bul tntenM allalr with a beauutul vtaltor ( MOVIE * • * ', "PrtrlOe Of The City" f 1981) Tr .. I Wll· 111m1. Jarry OrblCh A N9w Yorlc cop II caught between lederal Pt•Wft and loyalty lo 1111 lellow oflKerl during an lnvetll- gation ol widespread j)l)loce corrup1100 'R' UMOVIE • * '°' "Zorro, The G1y Bled•' (198 ti George Hamilton. Lauren HU11on ' Tne htr OtC aon ot old Call- IOf nla' 1 11mou1 1u111u fight• 11 "incapec:lllled by a rldlOQ ln)Ury. l0<clng hit loppi1h brother 10 don lht cape and meek PO' 1:30 8 PRIVATE BENJAMIN Cl) CHAM.It!'& AHOll.'8 The Anoe&• PoM H race· trllek regular• 10 lnvestl· o•t• the d••lh of • g•m bllW wl'to wit aptHll'antly tr•MPI-' by hie llW>rltl llOrM • 10 YOU THN( YOU GOT TAOUlllU 1:41(2l ~CHAMPLIH TALJ(tWITH ''Aoberl Mltdltlm" 1:00• M"A"l•H W~• 19111 IDr I "911 CfotlV~,lftd l • 111r19 Ar'*" ofllolr trlll IO meke 1 wet lltrO Of•...,. Kor_,pllot e a --..,... llMOOTMP .. • George Bums sings. danc-- es end pokes tun ot sex with apeclltl guest stars John Schneider, Linda Evans and Bernadotte Peters. D ®l MOVIE .. "The First Time" (Prem- leiel Susan Anspac;h, Jen- nifer Jason Leigh. A moral c;onlliel erupts between a molhll' and her 17-yeat- Old dllUOhlll' when the young woman runs away to join h9' l>O)llrlend .., MEAV'ORIFFIN Guest• Raquel Welch. Plac:klo Oomor)OO, Andr- Uoyd Weber. Lorn Aeller- man Laurie Beec;hman. Belly 8ucll ley SI THE MAGIC OF DANCE "Whal ts N-' Dame Ma1- go1 Fonteyn trac:es the car-• of some perlorm- 9'8 and chOreographers whO have experimented with new styles and IOfms oldance gi) NATIOHAL GEOGRAPHIC SPECIAL "Gorilla" E 0 Marshall ho11a ~ took ot the ellorts ol 100 direc:tore, dedicated Individuals and scienlisl9 wno are working to assure that tho lergeat ol Ille great apo1 dou not ran vt<:hm 10 extinction (R) '1) OKLAHOMA FOOTBAU HIOHUOHTS (Zl MOVIE * *'l 'The Great North· llatd, M innesota Raid" c 1972) Clill Rot>ertaon, Rot>orl DuvaM The Cole Younger and JarMS oanga declCle to rot> the bfOOell bank in the West 8-30 8 NEWHART Tht community encourflQM Dlc;lt to run IOf coycou~ Cl) MOVIE • • • ··rne Poe1ure 0 1 Ooftao Gray" ( t~SI HIHd Hatheld. Geo<oe Sandef's~ A man remains eternally young whUe his porlrllil lhOo\#S 1 ne effect of 1 he 10:00 iiciJ CAGNEY I LACEY Chris and Mery Bein are c:noten 10 heed VP 8 tpe- c:lal task lorce to c;rack a robbery rlOQ preying on waollny beauty salon J>atrona D Qt LORETTA IN BIO APPLE COUNTAY Ptlll' Allen. Jennllet Holl!· day, Conway Twilly, Judd Hlracn, Debbie Allen and other special guats join Lorett• Lyon In a musicll • apecill from New York Coty eo•• NEWS 9 81X GAEA T IDEAS "Goodne.t" Or Morllmet 'Adler olfll'I an unu9Ull UkJmln1tton ol lhe tenn "ought" and ill role In delermonong the rneanlnO ofgoodneN D SCAEEHWRfTERSJ WOAD INTO IMAGE "Cirl Foreman" Tna aw1rd -w 1n n1ng 1craenwrl11r ol "High Noon" and "Bridge Over The Rive< Kwal" lalk1 aboUI his lolms and what II w11 like working In Holly- wood during the late • 40s and '50s '1) THE VIRGINIAN A gu~sllngtr threatens Trampa1 and two Shtloh h11nd1 When they arrive In I dying IOwn. (C)MOVIE • ,.., "Body And Soul" C 1911 ~ Leon 11880 Kenne- dy, Jayne Kennedy A young b"c;k turn• to pr\Zaltghllng to ralM the money 11e neod• lor medi- cal tchOOI 'R' IH)MOVIE * * * "Stranger In The House" ( 19751 Ketr Oullee, OI~ Huuey A ptychOllC murwer hldet In the attle of a t:Ollege 90f or•ty he - on ~rttlmN Eve (Ol MOVIE • • * • ., "Montenegro" ( ltl 11 41ueen Art11>actl1 Erllnd JOHPh•on A neglecied wife travel• to Stoellholm and begin• en 1n11r With 1 man sne mtt II\ • bohemian ntehlelub 'R 0MOVIE *** "Oelutlon" (1111111 P•trlCla Peatey, Jo~ Cotten A ptlv111t·du1y nllfM latla In lovt with '* p1tient'• nandlO!M yovr19 9!_111dton 'A' 10:JO .... .....olHT NITWON< NIWI • WON.D OF IOOKI 10-M CTI CHAN.a OHMIPUt TAUClwmt". • .......,, Mltcflunl .. ,, •••• (fl •• ;-:T\MDAY~ ... ....,.....,. <*It: o.d ..... 1 11 llAIOt "'-nMT CMI- 1111tldh• Vl'"'" Thul '11 111 11dd111011 t•I llll 11111~ llllll II 10-1\!UliVi.• ilr;o,Hll\11' a1 t111 , -.unwlh111g ht• I>' 11v1•ct 111 u 1't'L't•nl TV m11v1t• 1· .. 111 .. 1 "Twu of u Kimi," In whkh lw 11l11y1•d 1111 11111 man who had j(IVC'n Up 011 lilt• John Sduw1dc•r ond Ltndu J-;vunlt 111 l' trott1·d out for hOntl' vt·ry light b;int<>r with Burn • ttwn 11 11ong . NBC: h1•1l1·v1• Bur ll ti 1.11 u p1 ilVl'll 1.1llr>ll" w111111•1 Om· 11•p1 •111t·d jt.>kt• lonigh\ 11< that Ill' 11111y ht• l1 i.t·>. i.ymhol, but nuhody told hi s par t tt "('onf1d1.•11lwlly. cml y my big l<X' w11do1," tw icay11 ·,n t hOl TV IH't' l'\'C! u I td It•, th 1· 111>•' II I I'\~ m 11n o I11 ~ u •· II 1• th t• 11 irn y ~ Whllully that hts ft'minint· <•J)pL-i1l l4h11uld hnv1• hup1)(•noo in u11u th1•1 l'r:.I, wht•n ut lt'Ullt ht· t•ou ld havt· dorw 1;11m1·ih i11g ubout ,, Oum-. irllr'uduc..·1.'!I ~:luwldl•J' Uli ttw "huttt'Sl nc•w M'X symbol in tl'll•vi11lcm," ut·t·ordtnf< to on1 · survuy . I It• do<'sn't 11wnt11111 th111 ~:khnl'id1•r, whu ll'ft llw "Ouk1·M ol llu:t7Jtrd" bt.'('UUl't' of u l'Ontruc..·1 d Is p u l 1'. I 11 1)() l 11ng1 · r o n lel<•vlston. · In the mt·untimt" Schrw1d1·1 hus grown u tx•nrd und d0t•K hli. most wistfully 1:11r\t'(·r1.• v1.•rswn uf ''I Nl'Cd Somront• to Miss." S t11l't• this Is h1i-. show Burns, a st· If p1 u<:lutml'd counlry-und- W<.'Sl<•t n sangrng Slu r, gets to finiNh u 1um• Durmg a dcoe1dl'dly d1rft'rt•nt n •nd111un oC "As Tame G 01•:1 B y.'' ca me ra s h ots, usu•n:.1bly o f wo mt•n in the ·aUdlt'lWl', rapturt• them gazing longmgly. at Bul'ns. Tht· most talcnwd vuutor is 81.•rnud1.•tte P ekrs, dubht-tl u spl•cial guest s tar whllt• Schnc•id<'r and Miss Evani. art• only listed as stars. Miss Pt•tt·n• plays a daffy Gracie Allen 1n u routine with Burns. Some JX"OPk' play simpletons, and look silly Mass Pet('rs pulls off t~'"'t'ntm·uy with style. As standard props for these s PL'l'I a Is. l h l' n • a rt• q u 1c k 1e apix•c.trnm:t·s b y otht•r ('t•ll•br1t1t•s, cath dt•signed tu lurt• unoth<.'r sC'gnwnl of lhl· Vli.'Wtng aud1cn('C. Later, l h,e real Burns and AIJ<.'n are s hown on film Although it's not orw of 1hc1r strongest moments and why wa:.n't it? -it's nice lo have u nostalgic look at the late Miss Allen agam. TU BE TOPPERS KTLA (5) 7::rn "Calmrct." Liza Minelli in her O scur-w1nning pL'dormancc as Sall y BowJ(•s, un Am<.·rh;an girl caught up in thc> phony glitter of prewar Berlin. KABC (7) 9:00 ''The First Time." Susan Anspac:h. Jl'nnifor Jason Leigh star in m ov1t• about a moral conClict that <..>ru pts between a mother and h e r 17-ycar-old daughter whe n the young woman runs away to join her boyfriend. KNX1' (2) 10:00 "Cagney & LacC'y." Chris and Mary Beth head a special task forc:c.• to crack a robbery ring preying on wealthy beauty salon pa trons. G) STREETS Of SAN FRANCISCO A prlaon gang force1 an unwilling Gonvlcl and hit wife to act as drug couriers till BUSINESS REPORT '9 DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE Giving medtcal advic. lo a strangef on • train lands Or Upton m "hOI W819' " ($JMOVIE * '• "Body And Soul" f 1981) Leon ltlK Kenne- dy, Jayne Kennedy A young black 1urn1 lo prlzalightono to ralM the money he need• tor medl· cal 9C:t\ool R' (Z)MOVIE * • 'The Hofl« Gu11d" (1981) Rod Steiger 08\'ld Hutlmart 'R' 11.30 IJ TRAPPEJI JO+tN. M.D. Gonzo goes up ag11n11 a tycoon who went• to llnance • luxury lac:lhty for wealthy pallentt instead ol contribullOQ 10 the lree ctlntc: (R) u a THE BEST OF CAASOH Hott· Johnny Caraon (RI 0 0 ABCHEWS NIOHTUNE G YOU ASKED~ rT Fetturad. "Japan'• Cheerleader Whh 118 Arms' (Perl 1) and "X-Ray Sword Swat'-." m THE JEfffR80HS Louise'• donation lo Chari- ty might win her en -ard 11 George'• "conlribullon" 10 I polllk:lan do91n't Nin h«Chancel • FOCUS ON SOCIETY D P8S LATEMGHT Heat. Oennts Wnotey 1:-ue ••·~ "Sphinx" (1981) Frantl Langella. Lesley· __ Anne Oown A rulhlell black market entlqu11lee ring 111amp1a lo stop an Egyp&ologlst trom dllc:ov- aring 1he whereabout. of a prtcelela 111tue sne was permllled to Ylaw 'PO' H:~(.H)ON LOCATION "Catch A Rialng Star'• 101h AnniverNry" Rlehard Beller. Pat Ben111r. David • Brannar, Biiiy Cryllal, G•~ Kaplan and Roe>in Williama lfl lf!)OllO Ille start aalutlng 11'9 New York lhOwcale club ""'lc:h ~ve them their 11art. t 1:50 (CJ "40Vtf * •'A "The Pul'IUll Of D B. Cooper" (19111) Treat WK· Mama. Rober1 Duvall A lhlel lkyfacu • pl-and par.chut• 10 .. tety Ovell Oregon with a ~tune In 1tolen mon.y. 'PO' 12.-00 • ENTERTAINMENT TONIOHT Art 1n1eNtew with Nldl NOiie ·~TWON> ••~ "Men In War" f 1957) Rotlett Ryan. Aldo A8Y A1n1rtean hllai1111.,.1 l!gllt to obtain an eNfftY hllln Korea ;: ** "Red Oartar1" (1954) Rosemary Clooney, Jack Carton 'A man linds love Wlltle -rcning tor h1t brother'• killef G) LOI/£. AMERICAN STYLE "Lo'141 And Tne Guilty Con- aclln<le" Helen ac;c;uses E11ine ot trying 10 aeduOe ,_ husband "Love And The Big Surpr1M" Ok:11 gives Nan a birthday pr .. enl Q1) MOVIE • •~ "Jarrell" (111731 Glenn Ford, Anthony Duayla A lree-lanc;e In-. tlgator aeta out to locate • --of ~· blbllcal tctolll (Q)MOVIE "Ladle1 Night" ( 11180) Annette Haven. L111 Oeloeuw A group of Arne<· a '• loo&ball wldowl tewn ~ lor • night on Iha lawn 12'.30 U a LATE NIGHT WfTH DAVID lETTEAMAH Guella. Hanny Youngmari, author David Miiiet. l~UP Cl.08E Guell: Ski c-. • LOVE. AMEAtCAH STYLE "Lova And The Blac:ll Umoullne" Cathy'• boy· Irland tpeelllltee In lun.- 1111. "Love And The Hic- cups" Htceups and a bur· glar lhrNten Danny and Chrll'1 hOM)"mooll. (%)MOVIE * * * "Rich And Famout" (1~11 Candice Bargen, Jacquelln• Bluet. Thfoughout the upe and downl ol thelf ~flle literary careert and romanllc llvel, two - dtC*ld on IMll' friendah'9 tor 1ta1>111ty 'R' 12:40 • Cl) OOlUMeO COiumbo ln-•ioa•• the murOtr of • proMallonll blaketbllll ,....,, owner. ( R) 12".JO MOVIE • • ''The EJttenninator" ( 191101 Cl1rl1topher George, s.m.tllhl Egger. Mer hi. war buddy II let1 par lllyzed by • New y Ofk youth gang. • Vietnam vet d1cld11 lo take hi• ravtnoe by murdering llreel criminlle through grua1ome. tortuous meana. 'A' 1:00 I ~AUTRY •• * "BloodlPOl'I" ( 11173) Ben Johneon. Oary Buaey. A hlgfl echOOI • •lhleta ltruoglel to wlth1tlnd the pr...,,. lnftlet9d upon him by hi• ptllfly '*"* and • 91ory·ta•lllng football coech i:=:"AMER • * *.,.. "81pera1e TIOlee" (11581 De«>oreh Ketr, Artl Hayworth. NI l rtgltlh reeon hOtel II uneettled by ~ repoft1 and an unwtlcoma • Yllllor 1:1100MCMI • • '* \•Q11oe1 Sldry" (1Mtl Fred Mlait9. JoM H0111em1n MylleflOul ~ beglrl to dtclft\11• 1M rlt'll• of 1 en.\11 Cifelt ol elderly men who share ootn a monthly atol')'lelllng get-together and a 50- year-otd secret. 'R' 1:30 D Qt NBC NEWS OVERNIGHT It GENE AUTRY ©)EVERYTHING OOESI 0 MOVIE • • • "A Clockwork Orange" (1117 t) Malcolm Mc;Oowell, Patriek Magee Directed by S 11nley Kubrlc;k. wnen poltce cap- ture the leldll' OI • teen- age gang OI rapll11 and lnUfderll't. the methOd ol rehabllltaling him provet even more threatening to todety. 'R' 1:35 ct) "40VIE ••"A "The Biby Malter" ( 1972) Barbara Hershey. Sam Groom A chlldleaa t;OUple lrtllnOll lor I Ir ... tplrlted gitl lo bear lhem • chtld 2:00 8 Cl) C88 NEWS HIOHTWATCH Cl) WILLIAM TELL (O)MOVIE * * '"' "Sid Timing" ( 1980) Ari Garlunkel, H1rvey K1Hel A poesesalva PIY· c:hoanalyst and 1 1tyllll1 young woman begin 1 tragic r()(Tlln<:e in Vienna 'R' 2:30 0 QI HEWS Cl) ZANE OREY THEATER (%}MOVIE * *..... "The Lldy In Red" f 1979) Robert Conrad, Pamee. Sue Ml(lin In 1he v1oten1 dayt of the llwtess 19209, 111 ldeellallc; young lann gift bec:onl4ll the moll of the Infamous gangstw John Dlllino8f 'R' 2:35 MOVIE • ..... "Naughty WiVH" ( t97•1 Brendon Price, Jac;quellfWI Logan A young man lrom the country finds lhlt hiS )Ob ... door-10- door M1e1man In London h11 1ome un .. pecteo t>onu-. 'R' 3:00 (!) SEA HUNT 3'°5 {}t) MOVIE • • • "Stranger In TN House" ( 1975) Kelt Dullea, Ol1vl1 HutMY A Ptych<>ho mur<lerll' hldet In the anlc ol I COiiege totorily hOUM on Chrlltma1 EY41 3:30 fS =20 • • •'A "The Man Who Would 8e KIOQ" (1975) Sean Connery, MICl'INI Caine. Baaed on &he 11ory by RuClytr d Kipllng T llWO Btllllh IOldlera Ml OUI 10 claim lhe rlchel and POWer of a remote. legendary kingdom 'PG' S:46 0 MOVIE * • '.t "Zorro, The G9Y Blade" (19811 George Hwn4tton. Lauren Hunon The heroic ton of old Cd- tornl• '• famous /uttlct tighlef II tnc.paclllled by I riOlng Injury, forcing hit foppiah brOlher 10 dorl lhe ~andmMk 'PO' 4:00 Cl) TOP O' THE MOfNNO ©) FAAHl<JE VAW AHO THE FOUR 8EA80H8 Many of va111·1 hit•. llUCh at "Sherry," "Wall! Like A Man" and "Rag Doll," Ill INtur..S In lhll cO!lC9f1 from Chicago'• Patk WMI Ck.lb. (l)MOVIE ·* \; "Bod)' ~nd Soul" (1981) Leon leaac Kenne- dy, Jayne Kennedy. A young black turn• to prizefighting 10 r .... the money he need• for medl- cel IChOol. 'R' 4; 11 (%)MOVIE ••Y, "The Greet North- field, Mlnne1ot1 Raid" ( 11172) Clltl Roberteon. Robttl Duvall. The Cott Younger and J-gangs decide to rob the blggelt 1>11nt1 1n the w .. 1. 4=*0 Cl) IUl..LWINKLE Tew•d•••• Da•t l•ft Mol'Jft• -(II) • ·~ "Tiii ..... Paf. ..... (1174) Dirk Bo91tdt. Cll•rlone. R1mt1t1ng A bizarre rtl1tlon1hlp 11 ,_ .. .., .,..,...., . former SS otllcef and a former concentrellon camp prison. when they meet by chance in a hotel 1ller the war, 'R' 15:415 0 • * • "Delusion" (19811 Petrlcle Pearcy, Joseph Cotten. A prlvat• duty nurM lalls In love with her pallenl'a handwme young grandton_ 'R' 9:00 (ti) * * * "Ragoedy A.nn And Andy" ( 11177) Animal· 9d Ann and Andy Nard\ tor a French dqll WhO has bean kl~apped by plrat• ·o· (l) • * Y, "Trouble In Par- ldtM" (ill321 Hwbe<t Mar- 11\1111. Miriam Hoc>«lns A patr of lhiewl contonoally run into each other while !P~n1no ,,... globe 9:30 C.s;J * * * * "Shoe Shone" (1~11 Rlnlklo Smordonl, Franc;o lntll'lenghl Two lmpoverlalled youth• want- lnO to purc;heM a ho<M In postwar Italy oet mixed up wfth unsavl)('f cnarac:tll'S and 11e l«lt to 1 refdfma- ll)('f. 0 * • "Return Of The Draoon" (19721 Bruce Lee. Chuck NOfri1. A martial ana expert Journeys lrom Hong Kong lo Rdme lo help a Irland Who ti in trou- ble with the mob 'R' 7:00 Cl) • * * "Frenchman's Creek" ( t9•41 Joan Fon- taine, Arturo de Cofdova A pr099f Engli$.h tidy IS wooed and won by I 1wa1nbuckhng Frenc:h ~ (,0) • • "lreuure Island" c 111121 0raon w~ Kim Burlield A GOUfageoot boy IOinl the lnllll'llOU9 pwala Long John Sllvef In llCOVI· Ing &he -lor stlips car- rying baurlty wortn steel· Ing 'G' 1:30 <%1 * * * Roen And Famous (19811 Cendtce Be<gen. Jacqueline S.SS.t Throughout the ups and downs ot tllelr respec1rve lllarary careers and romantle hvet, two women depend on their friendSh1p for lllbll1ty 'R' 1:00 (C) • * • "Love Ma Or Leave Me" (1955) Oof11 Day, J-C41gney. A mobllll' marrlet 1ne alnger ne made famous. but t>ecomea enraged wnen ne can'& conlrOl h« (I) • • * "House C1ll1" I 19781 Waller Mlltheu, Glenda Jacbon. A wid- owed doctor halts hit Cuenova tendencies long enough to tall tor a d111or- c.. whO don.n'I belleYe in ~no ·PG' 0 * * "T R Batllln" ( 1971) CMdlol Bergen, Peter Boyle A trMll-lown gltt find• emplo~ITWln· In Chicago. bul hll dtfficul1y adapting 10 blg-d1y Ii.._ 1:30 * * ·~ "Paternity" ( 191111 8ur1 Reynold1, Bev· erty D' Angelo A bac;hllor In his lortiel WhO wenll to be • ftlher -ChM tor the rlghl woman to t>eM hit child 'PG' t:.00.., •• "Damn Citizen" (1g5fl) Kllilh Andee, Meg- gie Hayes. An upstanding World War II veteran comes to Ille lore to wipe out corruption In the ranks ol the Sl•t• Police . CO) * * * "My Favorite Wife" ( 19401 Cary Grant, Irene Dunn•. Long belleYed dead, • woman reappNrt and dllcoYerl tl'tal her hulband ha1 -rrltd In htr ab~ t :IO. * * * "The Paradlne C11e" (111481 Gregory Pecll. Ann Todd. A lawyer 11111 In love with a woman tlCCUMd ot murdering her husband 0 '* * "Grandizar Force &' .. **';"The Mad AdlllnlUrH 01 Rlbbl Jacob" (197•1 Loult De Fu-. S~ Delalf An 1mpul1lve bu11neHm1n dleg\llMI hllnMll u •rat>- 10:00 ~) • * •. ..,.,. °'"' Muppet Ceper" (IHI) Charlll OrOdln, Dl1n1 Rigg JOHN DARLING by Armatrong I B•tluk ANP NOW L.1T~ CHECK ON '"TH& WEATHER.I FOA ONe. '"T'HtNG, "T'H•V 90TM ~ IN M.t.1<•·H&.I~! :: ... MONDAY, NOV 8, 1982 ClASSlfllD · Delly f'tlol PMfM br Chertee lwr .J a m es Worthy of the Lakers is a towering pr esence over Portland' Jeff J udkins. Barinis ter creant of free age·nt crop -Baseball's grab bag fu ll th is year NEW YORK (AP) Pitcher Floyd Bannister of the Seattle Mariners is expected to be the top pick when baseball's annual free agen t bidding begins on Wednesday. The 27-year-old left-hander had a respectable 12-13 record with a weak team in a small ballpark and led the American League in strikeouts. Bannister is one of three Class A players who will be in this year's free agent d raft. The others are outfielder Steve Kemp of the Chicago White Sox and outfielder-designated hiller John Lowenstein of the Baltimore Orioles. A Class A player is one rated in the top 20 percent of his position in his league. Any team tha t signs a ~ A player must give up a professional player as compensation. · Kemp hit .286 with 19 home runs and 98 runs batted in, while Lowenstein hit .320 with 24 homers. The other biggest names in the free agent draft are designated hitters Hal McRae of Kansas City and Don Baylor of the Angels, TOP-RA TED UCI . WINS EASILY Peter and Jeff C ampbell combined for 11 goals as UC lrv6ne, the nation •s top-ranked water polo team, romped to an 18.fS dedalon over the University of San Dleao Sunday at Newport Harbor ffi8h. The Anteaters. 21-0 overall apinlt c:o~ge oompeititlon, raced to a 9-0 first.quarter advantage • Jeff Campbell netted all four of hil pla and Pe\er had two of hia .....-h11h 1eYen. UCI next playa UC Santa a.rt.ta Friday nicht at Newport Hmbor before rneetinc c.1 State ruDerton Saturday. and first baseman Steve Garvey of the Dodgers. Several players signed huge contracts with their former teams JUS t before the free agen cy deadline. J ason T hompson re- signed w ith t he P ittsburgh Ptrates for $5.5 million for f1Ve years, or slightly more than $1 million per year. Chet Lemon of Detroit signed for $3.25-mHlion spread over five years; Rick Cerone of the New York Yankees. $2.4 million for four years, and Larry Herndon of Detroit, $2.8 million for four years. But there still will be plenty or players available. T,hey include infielders Bill Almon of the Chicago White Sox. Bump Wills of the Chicago Cubs, Alan Bannister of Cleveland and Reggie Smith of San Francisco; outfielders Al Cowens and Bruce Boehle of Seattle, Omar Manning of Cleveland. Ellis Valentine of the New York Mets and Joel Yo ungblood o f Mo nt.real ; catchers G e ne Tenace of St. Louis, J oe Ashby of Houston; and pitchers PauJ Spliuorff of Kansas City and 'Pete Falcone of the New York Mets. Last year's oniy Cla. A ~la,yer was &i Farmer. a relief pitcher whQ liped with Philadelf>hi!l. His old team, the White Sox. selected a Pittsburgh farmh~nd, catcher Joel Skinner;, The compensation pool Cor Class A play@rs is taken from a pool of unprotected playeu provided by most major league teams. ,Ga r v e y re q u I re s no compensation because he has been In the major leagues for 12 yeara. A player who haa previously been through the free apnt dralt, such as T~. abo ii exempt from rompenulion. A team thet lOJI." a Ct .. B player -the M'C'6nd 10 perc.nt -la compenuted by two amateur f~·aaent draft choictt. There are four Clan B free aaenta thla yeer; .uhby, Nolan, Falcone an<\ Almon. C5 A ·~luggish • Will . ,, hut ' . • aw1 Laker s s tili_ working th e k inks out, 103-89 By CURT SEEDEN OfllteDellfNotllalf INGLEWOOD -The 1982-83 edition of the Lakers some1imes resembles one of those fabled horse s tories in which the ag<.'C! thoroughbred s tumbles out of the gate, nearly falls, but somehow comes out a winner. Such was th~ case Sunday night at _t he Forum where 13,546 fans paid their way to see the defending NBA champions commit turnovers at the ratio of one every I 'fl minutes in the first half. But in the e nd , j u s t lik e th e thoroughbred in the storybook tale. the Lakers came out winners, this time with a 103-89 victory ove r the Portland T rail Blawrs. They survived a s luggish first quarter and rallied behind their ace apprentice. James Worthy, who came off the bench to score 14 points and ha ul down nine rebounds. "l still consider this stage we're in as a training camp period," explained guard Nn rm Nixon afte rward. "We've been breaking down a lot offensively a nd we have a tende ncy to be loo passive on defense." Brock ker. in Garvey's departure LOS ANGELES (AP) -It seem s certain that Steve Garvey's days as a member of the Los Angeles Dodgers are in the past. Such a d evelopment ge nerally isn't too surprising when the past ls considered. Garvey isn 't th e f i r s t prospective • .promine nt free agent that the Dodgers haven't kept in recent years. He joins pitchers Tommy John and Don Sutton m that category. Dodgers' President Peter ~ O'Malley perhaps indicated the direction in which the club would go in the Garvey case last April. "With salaries today getting as high as they a re. if you have confidence in a younger player coming up, you're much better o ff to go w ith him. than a 35-year-old veteran." O'Malley was quoted as sa:yin~ at the time. Garvey, who will be 34 next month, and the Dodgers were unable to reach agreement on a new contract Saturday hight. . The club had to sign Garvey by midnight EST Saturday to keep him from going through this Wednesday's re-entry draft. Garvey; who has played with the Dodgers for . the past 12 season s. had d ec la red his in tention to become a free agent last Tuesday. Pote ntial free agents had to declare such an intention by last Thursday night and their teams were then given 48 hours to sign them. A spokesman for the Dodgers said S a turday n ight that, follo w ing club policy, they wouldn't retain rights to GaDrey In the re-entry draft, something they're allowed to do. At·tually. 1l was tht• Lakt>r defense. und an overwh('lm1ng advantage in the rebuundmlo( d{•partment. that propelled the Lakc·rs ta tht•1r fou rth v1<:Lory an a row after a s<.•awn oix•ning dc•fc.•at to Golden Statt•. The Lakl'n. out-boarded the Trn1I Blawr.. !'>O-:l8. wath Kar<'t.'m. Abdul-Jabbar hauling down 11 r<>lxtunds and Magit~ Johnson and Kurt Ramb1s gcttmg I 0 apiC<.'t'. "We Wt'rt' patient We didn't overreact." explaint'<.1 Johnson of the Lakcrs' inability to do anything right an the first half. Ot>spiw throwing the ball away 16 lames dunnl( tht• fi rst 24 minutes. the Lakers svm(•how <:um<.• out with a 45-42 advantage al lhl' half "Wf' had thP shuts, but they just weren't fa lling," .Johnson con1inued. "They (the Troil Blazers) played well, though. But their shots wt:rc•n't falling eith('r. It was like a wait ing game." That waiting game startt.'<.I to turn in the Lakcrs favor when Worthy cntcrnd the ball gaml' after Hamb1s had picked up threc earl y fouls. "Wc can't t'Ome out looking lackadais1c:al We can't take anybody hghLly," explained Worthy. sounding lake he had been playing with the World Champions for severa l seasons. Greg Broc k. who had an o uts t a nding year with Albuquerque of the Pacific Coast League last sea110n, is expected to re place Garvey at first base. J a maal Wilke i~ able to m a in tain possession a ttempt of Portla n d' Darnell Vale ntine. "EVl'r ybody wants to beat the Lakcrs we have to bt• rt•ady to do the job." l'ortl:lnd came out running earlyi b d<ispltt· shooung 58 J><'rccnt from the fiel an th(' first qoartei-(compa red to th Lakt•rs' 44 Pl'l'C't·nt effort" the Trail Blaze <:ould only qoast a one-point lead. j' Tht• Lakt•rs ovt-rcc:imc some fine outsid shooting by JJm Paxson. who finished th night with 22 pom~. tying Jabbar ~r ga~ scoring honors. "It was a very positive effort for u lx.'Causc 1t S<.·emcd li ke we were running i mud in tht• first two quarters." note Laker Coach Pat Ral ey. ~ "We JUSt didn't get into it. T here's a lot o good individ uals out there but. It really w· a group effort tonig ht," the Laker coac~ add~. ~ Playing their fourth game in five nights, ~he Lakc rs had five players scoring in d ouble figures, with Jamaal Wilkes adding 21, Nixon getting 18 and Worthy and Johnw n adding their 14 apie<.-c to go alo~ with J abbar's 22. "We're going to have our moments early which arc negative, but as long as the team (See LAKERS, Page C2) ll nion leader optimis tic; owners aren't Garvey still ho pe ful of settlement of NFL t rike by m iddle of week NEW YORK (AP)-&i Garvey. chier or season th an make• a den I l can't live the National Football League players union with downslrcam stayed behind after managemeni's chief "Some club owner ar~ ·very unhappy negotiator Jack Donlan and mediator Sa m with the offer wc have already made. If ~e Kagel had packed up and left the hotel go any further. we would be committing where they had endured eight fruitless suicide" days of talks. Garvey does not t!nv1s1on a SC\llement While the gloom createc! by the.., coming an medin-l><'swgc'C! surroundln&s of continued inability Lo meltle Ule players .,...vaoua nqotlauons Jt wnn't tX' o (onMI strike extended into Commissioner Pete mediated session "l think we arE' tx-yond Ro1etle'1 oftlce, with the commissioner that now " he mud talking Sunday about. releasing the block of ' hotel rooms ~rved for the Jan. 30 Super When th~ strike talks <.'l>llapscd again on Bowl Game, Garvey con~ln ed to sound Saturday night, rvr the SIX'Ond time In two hopeful about. the llH90n resumed _...., ~u.and when the Management Council, The union leader's opt iaM that' 8 bargainers for the owncn;, t•h<'<'ked out of settlement will be reach ed it based on the• howl, and Kagel fotlow<.•d the"."' on ~~tic view: "You don't throw away a Sund~y. the union vowt'd to stay until tht> '600 million Industry." nC'got1ntlons resume. Garvey alao aays he tl)lnka the future ot "Th<.• phiy1•n will stay out until they get \he eeuon rould be decided by midweek. "l a fair l'Olll'<'tive bargaining aarecment." think we will •t up a meeunc with Jack sajd Oarvt-y. "Th<'y jual aren't going to pul and one or two othen within the next thrff up with th<' old w~ eny Jonaer ... " . days," he aaAd. "I think acneone wUl havt' G1rwy spent part of thc day, lhe 47th to put a •at to8flher and then'" If It rue. day of the strtkc.>, walUn1 tnr the> phont" to with us and it Illa with them. I don't aar it rina. h didn't Finally, h«-callf'd Donlan, at wtU bl' an HI)' •ll, but it wW happen.' the Mana' •mt>nl Councl1 office Donlan Amon1 thoee who Memed to di ... rtt wa1 homt", srwnd1n1 the day wilh his with him w• Art Modell, the owner of thtt family Cleveland Blowne. who eakl, "Sp.kine fOf' '"If he wanta to baraaln," Garvey aaid, the Brown1. I would rather stw up the "ttt knowa wtwr. IO find ua." • lf Garvey sticks to his word. he'll also~ on the phone sometime today -with National Labor RelatJons Board, taking th necessary ste ps to get an unfair lab practice complaint lsspe d agains t th management L'<>Uncil. Garvey and the union didn't take kind! to lh<> mimagc.•mcnt rouncil decision to aen out to 'M _,..Mii a 4 !.-\·J>IP ~ ot 7!'>-pagl' document h gave to the union, d elineating Its la test proposal. An intcr<'tltro players. the owners say, can ca their teams and ~el one. That. Garvey xay1, la an attempt l bypass the union and negotiate dlrectJ with the players. And that, h rontinues.- lllesal. Garvey Is <ixpect.t.'<j to advise lb playe rs that th<' synops is even tb 7~-page docunwnt -contains loopholett. Donlan and Sargent' Karch, the union ch1-f , .. ouR1PJ aay the latest union mow the NLRB'• direction will only hinder alhady atagerb\a baraalnl"I pr'OC."81. "It won't prevent the two aides f · ne,o\tallnJ, but It will makt' it v dlt lcUlt.'' Karch aald "Obviously I'll: Involved u a wttn.,. Of' a lawyer or Jaclc will bt "'volved. ~ ..,_ W,. for tMlr lkle. I'd will t» Involved. SO UD60n...., ~,,...... ~." I I Gervin'• •7 powere San Antonio Ot'Ufl«' Oervln 'OI t'<I u M'llMll\ m hlMh •17 point•. lndudlnw u fn-.• thrnw wt~h nuw 1tt·~:omJ h•f\, tu Hlv1• Su11 Antonio o 101 ·100 vlc·to1y ovt•I Coaches tab U LA t o win Pac-.10 race Phc>C'nuc lo tlw N11Jonul llalk tb.tll Ai..'ll>rlllti,m fi unduy Eh..-wtw1t· In tlw NOA. Fred "Downtown" Brow•, 1uulh111 111 plart• ut fl u 11t m •kl•n Out WUU1m1, pourt'<I In 20 polnt.H nnd Lonnlt! Sbellon 11dch'<l 20, ll•uchntc &•u\lll' to u toi 00 triumph over Mllw11uk1.: • 111 ia 11uum111lly 11•h•vlwd t(Unw on tht' But·k~' ('CIUrt Larry Bird had :rn pu1nLS, lnl'lud1ng thrt'<' lrc•c• thrnw11 Ill tlw flnnl mlnutc.•s, I.I!! Bo11tun hdd orr ll lul1· NL·W Jt'l'lK'Y rally to t·aptur1• 11 lll2 IOO dl'C.'IS1u11. Perreault, Bowman hit nillestones Gii Perreault, Bufflllo'ti k·oding &iii F rom AP dJsp1ttcbes SAN MATEO T lw UCLA m Bruins, looking up al Ort'((lln S t.Ill' 4. • when lht· la:.l lhrt't' Pat•1 fH· I O baskC'lball :,t•usoml t•mkd. art• fov11r1~l l>('Ort•r, t•urtll'd hh1 400th Clll'l'l'r guol an , thl' National lluckt•y Lt-ague as tht• Subn>s hl'lcl orr Vunt'OUVt'r Sunday nt~hl1 :1.1 It also murkl.>d Buffalo CtMl(·h Scotty Bowman's 600Lh NHL win . !n othl'r f(ames, Mike Bossy, thl.' NIIL's Sl.'Cund-lc•ading sc.'01'cr, tallied his 15th goal of the sc..•ason at 7:08 of the t hird period to enable the New Yprk Islanders to salvag~ a 2-2 ue In Phlladclphiu lo Cm1sh on lop th1:. l1nw, a1,'\.'0N111g tu t·ondws m the <.'Onfcrenl't' Six of nuw v1>ll's Wl'nt to tht• Bruins in u µ1111 or Pac-10 coa<:hC'S who got together Sunua\' fur ti preseason nu.'l.'tlllg UCLA Coad1 Larry FnrmN h.is fvur returning startl'l'S in Kenny F'1elds. Rcxt Fostt'r, Da"t"ren Daye and M1t·hael Holton Ho also has. m Montel Halc'hl'r. a guard hl' mils "<>n<' of lht.• lx>sl freshmen ever at \)CLA " Coal'hl's from thf' West Coast Athletu.· Conference also attL•ndcd the ml'<'lmg. which included d1scuss10ns on ruk•s. and defending champion Peppt.•rd1m• wa:, picked to rc•peat in the WCAC. . . Rookie wm,ger Luc Dufour rwlll'd a pair of goals m Boston's 7-0 romp over Detroit ... Bobby Carpenter scored onl• goal and assist<.-d on two others to pll('(' Washington to a 6·2 victory OVt'r Har-tford . . . Right winger Paul MaoLean sparkl.>d his teammates with a power- play goal in the fl1"6l period, then added anothl'r an the S(."COnd as Winnipeg stoppt.-d Calgary, 5-2 . Ct>nter Tom Lysiak S<.'Ort-d two gohls and nddl'<i two assists to lift ChlC'ago tu a 7-:l win ow1 "Toronto. ' Quote of the day Borg outlasts McEnroe In Australia Grant Teaff, Buylur football miwh, afl<•r his 8<-al'S had nim• turnovL·r-s in a 28-23 loss to T exas A&M: "I fo(•) ltkC' the fL•deral govc rn rnl•nt. That was the biggest giveaway program l'vt· l'Vl'l' lrnd <'Yl'S on " Bjorn s 'org, the five-lime• • Wimbledon champion, def<.'ated John McEnroe, 3-6, 6-4, 7-5, 6-2 Sunday to dinch the Akai Gold Challenge tennis tournament in Sydney, Australia. The victory highlighted an unbeaten re<:ord throughout the tourney for Borg. and he dropped only one· sel in three matches . . . Dclermincd Bobby Allison pulled away ma 10-lap sprml to the finish to wfn the Atlanta J ournal 500 Grand National stock car race Sunday. Allison. who k>d seven limes for 107 laps in Lhe 328-lap event. beat Harry Gant across the fm1sh line by a mere 0.66 sa.'Onds, with Darrell Waltrip JUSt behind m third plac.-e U.S. golfers beat _Japan, 33-15 The Unated Statc:s won both the n team and individual litles Sunday in lhe first U S .-Japan Goldwm Cup professional golf match in lnzai, Japan. First-round leader Bob Gilder and Calvin Peete shared top honors in the individual competition, finishing lhc 36-hole evenl with 8-under -par 134s. while the eaghL·man American team beat the Japanese in overall competition . 33-15 .. · Nancy Lopez fired a one-under-par 71 for a 54 -hote Lot.al of 207 and a six-stroke lead over Amy Alcott in lhe Mazda Classic women's tournament in Yoka1chi, J apan: . . . Unbeate n junior w elterweight Billy Costello ran h is record to 23-0 Sunday with a unanimous decisio n over Willie Rodriguez m K ingston. N.Y. Television, radio TV: No evenlS scheduled. RADIO: No events scheduled. Hunting ton B e ach back Huntington Beach Hig h 's Oilers, who cracked the Daily Pilot's list o f Top 10 prep football teams for lhe ftrsl time m years earlier in Lhe season, are back again, thanks to a 20-14 vict o r y over Marina Friday night. Thul'9day SUNSET LEAGUE Ocean v-vs Edison at OCC SEA VlEW LUQUE Corona del Mat at Newport H11bot Unlver-s1ty at INlne ANGELUS LUGU£ Mal• Del YS. Servile at SA 8owl E.....,_E LEAOU£ Ketella vs Kennedy 11 Wntern ·04M>4!N GROVE LEAGUE Garden Grove vs AanchO Alamltos 111 8ol11 Grande CENTURY LEAGUE Orange (home) at El Maden• ORANOI LEAGUE Savann• at Brea-Olinda HOH-LIAOUE , Diamond Bar 111 laguna Hills at Mlaslon Viejo Frld•Y IUNHT UAOUI Fount•ln Valley v1 Marina •I C«rolos Westminster at Huntington BHCfl MA VIEW LEAGUI u lancle vs Coeta Mesa II OCC Saddleback vs El T0<0 •I Mlplon Viel<> SOUTH COAIT LEAGUE Woodb<tdge a1 Laguna Be.cl\ San Clemenle a1 Cap1tr8t10 Valley EwtRE LEAGUE Esperanza vs. Pac.tllca al Bolaa Gran~ loara vs El Do< ado at v alencia CENTURY L£AOU£ canyoo vs ViMa Park 11 El Modena SA Valley vs. Foolh•ll et Tuaun Tustin vs Santa Ana at SA Bowl FREEWAY LlAOW Sunny H~I• at a-P8111 La Habra •I Fullerton Tray vs. Sonora et l a Ha.bf a ORANCW LEAGUE Anaheim II Westetn Valende vt. Magnoll• at la Palma Perk GAN>EN 09'0VE LlAOUE La Quint• \IS. Los AmlgOll •t Gal'dttn Grove ANGELUS 1.EAOUI • SI P1ul II Blll\o9 Amat Povs x 11 Serra S.turuy IOUTH COAST LEAOW Mi9S'Of'I Viejo •I Dena HIUI t1 pm ) E .... LEAGUe CyprllS VI Los Alamltot at W•l•tn GARDEN UOVI LEAGUE Boise 'Grende VI SantlagO at Gatd9f'I Grove College football TIWRIOAY'I OAME We11 Vi rginie vs Autgera at E111 Rutherlord. N J IAT\lf'DAY'I GAMEi WMI Sta.nford YI UCLA at ROM BOWi (' 30 pm l NeYada (L .. veg .. ) va Long B•actl St at Anaheim Stadium (7 30 p m I Washington SI at California San JON St at Paclhc Montana S• ,11 Fresno St PQf'tl1nd St al CAI POiy (Pomone), n St. M1ry'1 at L' ot San Oiogo Azu_. Pacific •I C1I Lutheran Whitt!« at Redlands. n Pomona-Pitzer al 0Gc1denta1 Cal Stale NOf'thrldge at C1t POiy (SLO), n l a Verne at Claremont-Mudd Rocle a.a USC al Arilona. n WesNngton al Ariton• St • n San DMgo St 11 BYU Kaneat at Colora4o Michlpn SI. It Mlnneeota, n Nebraska at !owe St OldahOma SI. •I Kantal St Penn St. at Noll• Dime Ohio U. at W•tern Miehloan Eastern MIClllgan at BowtTng Green Ball SI ll Cantrel Mlcf1tg8n Morgan St. at Cincinnati CKBke at lllln011 St TOiedo at Kent St Miami (0) 11 Northern 111tn011 Soutl\ Southern MlstlP lppl at Al1bnma Georgia al Auburn Loulavllle 111 Florida St., n FI0'1dl at Kentuelcy Clemson at Maryland Tennes-at Mlalltllppl LSU 11 MllllPlppl SI Vorglnla 11 North CMoUna Navy at South CarOl.na • 1n Top J·O The Vikings of Marina a nd Edison's Chargers dropped out of the Top 10 for the first Lime after holding solid No. 4 and 6 berths. w1Lh Huntington Beach moving · into the No. 10 slol. This w eek's big attraction is obvious -it's Thursday night at Lhe Santa Ana Bowl where Angelus League powers Servite and Mate r Del collide for the league championship. Servile has he ld lhe No. I pos1t1on since Lhe season's start and enhanced iL wilh a 23-20 victory at SL. Paul Friday. Mater Dea, on a four-game roll, holds the No. 4 ranking. Onl y t .wo t eams b oasl undefeated marks -and each LS presented with a tough task this week. Saddleback (No. 6) risks Its 9-0 slate against El Toro (7-2) and Fullerton's 9-0 record will be tested by La Ha bra (7-2). DaHr Pilot Top 10 Ofenee COtlfttr hlgtl echoof tootbell '"· T--, reconl TMe wMtt 1 Servi ta (8-1 l Maler Del 2. (tie> Foothill (S..0..11 SA Valley El Moclen1 tS..0..11 Orange 4. Mater Oel (8-2-1) Senllte S Eaperanu (S-1) Peclflc• a Saddlebacll (9-01 El Toro 7 Fuller1on (9-0> la Habr• II. M1tai0n Viejo ( 7 • 1-1 I Dana Hiils 9 Capo Valley tS-2-11 San Clemente 10 Huntington Beach tS--31 W•tmlnttet Utah SI al BolM St Notlhem Ar11ona It ldaflo, n Nevada-Reno al td11h0 St • n Colo<ado St at New Meiuco Mont-el Weber St Wlc;llHI St. al Wyoming G_,.o•• Tech a1 Wake For•• Virginia Tech al Vanderbilt Appatacnlan SI at VMI Enl Carolina at W1lllam & Mary T_.cnauanooga at T~ Cttadel Wollord at East T-St .. n FUTman at Mattnall SEE us TODAY loultlweet Teal A&M '' Arkanea1 n • MlaaoutlatOl<llhOma hytor at Alce utal'I at TeAu-EI Puo n TellM el TCU SMl.l.al T PM T ecll ll'lcdlll'SI. et Tulaa. n Ntw MeiclGo St at WHI Teall St ., n Tu11-ArtlnQton al Arkansas SI t.amer at Mc~ SI . n . Mldw"' Purdue 11 MlcfllQan Otllo St. 11 Nortft-lern 1111n011 al lndfana Wllconlln at_low• Duke at NotboCatollna SI SE Louisiana at NW loulllan• North Tuu St. at R.lenmOOd Louisiana Tech 11 SW loulllena. n • Ea•t Pm at Army SyrecuM at Bollon CofleOe Hatvercj at Penn P~onatY• L Cornell at Columbia Temple 11 Colgate Botton u. at Budmell D1r1moulh II Brown Rhode laland •t Connectleut Wt1t Cllettlf SI. 11 Delawtre Maine 11 Holy Cro11 NW Hwnpelllf• at MauactluMUI MM H•rlter 11¥_,., Cett• Me .. ...... ...... - -f OR GREAT ALUES: YOU'LL . BE - GLAD YOU DIDI LAKF.J R ~ 1 • • • From Peg~ c1 hjlh l" th111u..:h 11 .ell, "'o•'ll Ill' OK.' lt1l1·y ucl1h·d Tiu l..1k1 r ,111• .1111 11 ·111g l•1 fl'Al •IUfL ~II Ill 'ljll'•lk, \\hi IP Corw.1t<I .. JC.111il>1 a .11111 liuli M~·Aduo w I h.11k l111111lw 1111 ..... ul lhtllj.(11 uftt I llll .... "lltlj.! ttll'll 'llJ,ut of th•· c·i.111111111111 K•'·'""" lt 11111 lu.,, who 1•1ir•111 •d 1111· 11tu1 tl11J..: "''-IAlll111·111 1111 th1• Wo1 ld L'h11 11q11011' "'i I h Ji1 , i.imf>IP 111u.,d1• :md d11 v1•, upp1 .11 ... lo b1• on th·· 1 ..... 1 l•1 I'• I OVI' \' i.1111·1• .. l'ollllllll'cl lllC Ii .. 1d1·li111" hi111 Ttw Ii II f)IJwc•r f111 w111 J laud to n ·bound!-. ll1 g1111J1111g w11h Jui-. ... 1, JICllllll> Ill Jll!-.t 111 llllllllt<· 111 'playing lanw Ml·Ad1111 , rTWHI\\.\ l11h• I l';ilh lookt«I ru ... ty, ''"1r111g Jll't lulll pcuNl s and llllllll~ Jll'I 111w ol h1' C'tght Shilt ..illl•tnpl' 1111111 tlll' rwld · "Wl• had°";, ptt•lty good I'{ 1111 l tonight" SUIU .J.1hlJ.11 , "1111\\ lh.ol We0Vl' got Kutt h:1t·k .111d ~, ·,, !>tarting tu lt•.1rn ho\\ to \\ '" k tvgl'lh(•r u>(1111\." * LAKER ORIBBLE -At<~1>1vt.1 guord MlchHI Cooper i.tunnl'd t1vl'tyliody '" ll•ft I <i•um '" lhe htal QUdl l&I WllOJI Ill' t dCl'\l IOWDI d lt•t· bask•1 on • tnt btl!Jk only 10 r•utl up whun 11 loolled like on UH)' IWO po1n1t It lut11•d OUI Coo~r pullud un f~e with u 1.1utll'd g1<11n muscle He s ouen lro.110<1 111111.idy cintl 11 "' p101>aoly gotny 1u ho 11 duy to tloy """~ e~platned l uker Couch P•t Rll•Y Portland's Jim Pueon wat lfle NBA • luutlrng scorer 011or lhe lfrtt woektind ol "'" S«u$on When he &cored 20 oguinst Kuoso~ C11y .lncl added 33 In o gome ,agutn" Son Ant<in10 I ft• came 1n10 tho oame woth o i 6 0 avurago K•r••m Abdul-J•bber, who 1ulfor1'd a bruised hip 111 lhU thud quurteo 01 Satu1dov night s game w1111 ltle J.uz wa., h lell A• ,, possible SHHte1 for Sundays game t.>ut started enywey and e• pe11encod m1no1 dlscomfoll The Lak1111> l)ave now won Silt of their las1 •oven g11me1 egoltrllt lho 1 r lll•I Blazer a ~dM open playoffs rt on t Full • again S1'i1 Vww I .1·,11oeu1· 10 1 huni111w1 .111cl Nu :.! "'1·1·d l'1111111.1 dd M.11 ll1uh will Ix· 111 111·111111 1'111 -.A l.i \ ult1•1 m,iin, laosunu ~·u11 .. 1 torl 111 11.11 own pool na lh1• f1r11l round 111 ttw l'U-' wutt•r polo pl<1 y11H11 l.I n r (JI d w I t h I ' at· h ~a tn t• ll•nlallVt•ly !-.dwclulNJ lo l11•..il11 111 :J 'l'ht· H<'o t<111u11. 22 1. Wl'rt' l111•1•cd 11Hu a, ftrsl round clut•I ht.'C.'atl.'\t"tlllly ont l(•arl1 frn111 1•1wh ll'U~lH· ui grun(J•d a fui.t round hy(• in lh1· :12•tl'am '>l'lllp, with lhl• Sl'<.'Ulld rs1und M•I ror ;'rid.JV I 'l' . A Ml 1n a(·t1011 u1•Mlar, art• Murano , Ed11>"111 and El l'o1 o , whill' S(.•n Va·w und Sun~t'l LL'aguc No Is (N··wport l larhor ond J<'ounLalll Vall1•y) ;111• ldlc• unul ~·nuay · DownC'y 1:, ut Mai 111.1, Edison u·avL•ls lo BuL•na P<1rk and El Toru 1s al Esix•ranza Jn wom(•n's vollt'v'hall, tlwn u1 t• stx sl'l for Thur1>ctav'i. f1rM round (7 pm.) involvin·g De11lv Pilot arC'a lt•ams. twu wath au .. 1 match ups. E.l\tanc1a's No 3 tn·w lrorn 1lw SL·a Vit'w League 1s at S1111th Coasl Lt'agut• champion Lagu11a Bl•ac:h. whilE.• Oc(•an V1c·w 's Sunset League r1>prc.•1>l•nta11vt•i. ort· at Sea View League· kingpin Corona tfol Mar. Also in Thursday gmnt.•:. :u·t F oun tain Vall"Y · Npwpori I !arbor, Westminster and Maler D<.•1 Fountain Valll'y 1s at S,1n Clemt'ntc. Bishop Montgon~·y I'> ,1t N1•WI"'' t 11111!.111 ( 'ulv1•r Clly 111 .11 W1 .1111111 .. 11·1 .11111 Pton<•t·r 111 .it M,111·1 l>M * * • CIP W•lfr Po'° 1'1lrln91 4·A FIRST ROVNO (TUUOAY) • Hewporl H.,bor ltt•; L.01 All1m110• 11 M1111~,.,, '!111111~ OMrb11111 by•. Oowne'y 01 M1tln•; l I r1111> Ol h!JlllllnU Son MillCIOI at flflvtily tl>ll\ lf1~• wuod 11 flowlond, S1mnv Holl• hyt1 ' I 1111(/ IJ1 •~h WllllOll llyl, Mirftlhl• It Do• P11t1l1t11 Edleon ttl tl1J11nu f>•• 11 H11t1•nd1 Hl'•filltt W11~u11 tiye I Cmr•do O~I Wlllnul at Miru C<>•h• l'ount1ln Yeli.y b~ll. F'ulitllO!l 11 Coron• d•I M., 3·A F"'ST AOUNO (TUUDAY) " '" '"' L>y• PICthC ... w .. 1.,n lhOll•ahCl Oak• 11 Aofl111g ~ltllt Athogton al Mu•r Don Lugn ut Indio, Palll• Sp11nga 11 f on•ana. Dr•u Olmd" II L 1guna 111111 Foothlll at Mon1c1a;< n1<1<11 ode Poly bye, Fltldl•ro<lt 11 Hoover. S·m• Vo<1vy .ti 11arva1<J San Clemef\le bye. C.lor"mClhl liy• MIU•Otl VrejO " V•l•llCla, S1n1a Monica at ROY•'' Villa P1rk et C1~ '11t1IJ V11l1tty 2·A FIRST ROUNOJ TVHOAY) Se1v•lf· b/1' ~an lu•a l"lf>O at N0<dh0 Bt11r •1 l• Oumtl 5, n1e Fe o~ Garden Oro'ffl at C1>1rco1 Ook. Chmlwoc;k t1y9 Wh4t1~1 at Sou1h p.,, ;<111110 Co1>111io bye LIH Am•t.10• IJ)• W0<kmun al la Serna. l • Salll'! ~I I oyola San Menno uye Santa 111<1 .. 1 klot•'-'tu Co111ou11• b)'C Crespi at H1t111dQll. l·• Puente bye CIF Volleyball Pairing• 4·A FIRST ROUND (THURSDAY) f'u,& X "' Mira Co1ua Dor. Pueblos a1 leiu1~v1fl•• runa!l~ at Mon1eoo110, Fount81n V•ll•Y DI S,m Cll'ml'nte. Pioneer 81 Maler o.I; B••»11l1 111111 ot 8anh1 B<1rbara Dana Hiiis at Gllllo Bl!lhOf1 Monlgomerv al Hewpott Harbor. Eatancl• al Laguna Beech; Alemany at S1 Berntird~ 1Jow11ey el La Serna, Noflh ~ 1 incl' '" Culv"' Cit)' 111 WeatM1ns1e1 Mary 8• JI S~ntu Monir.a Immaculate Hearl at 1·101.1m11 P•ramount at So Josephs IL'a> 11w1Jotl) Oce•n View •I Coron• del ..... Cwllcl c.,d g•m• Tu•ad•Yl NC11lh lo11anct> et Cutve1 C•I)' " Colt._. HOW TOI' :lO fAA~O Her e 1 how tne teems rn tht A1socr11eo Preas~ ~~eg• tootblll POii 19fejl Saturday ' 3 1 : 6 Pill J7 1 01 IOll tO' Noire Dame 2 SMU l9 ·O 01 b.,.t Rice. • t-14 3 G80lgr1 l9 0·01 bHI Fl0<1da. 44·0 • Arorona St 19 0·01 beal Or119on SI 30 16 S Ark1ns11 17 t 111 1011 10 Baylor 2• 17 8 Neb•as•• (8 t 01 beat Ohlah0tr.a SI 48 10 7 Penn SI 18 1 01 beat Norlh Carohno St . 54·0 S Alabama 17 f ·OI toll 10 LSU, 20.10 9 UCLA 17 1· I) 1011 lo Wash1ng1on. 10·7 tO w111111ng1on 18· •·01 beat UCLA. 10·7 11 LSU 17 0 11 beat Alabama 20· tO 12 Flonda SI 17· 1 01 beal SQutn Corol1na 58· 26 13 (..lemson 16· 1·11 beet Norlh Carolina 16· t3 t• O".;hOma C7·2·01 beat Kansas St 2• 10 I S Mrch1gan 17 2 Ol beat 1111no1s 16 10 t6 Southetn Catrlornia t6·2·0t l>Ht Ca11!0<nra •2·0 t7 West Vorg1n1a 17·2·01 beat Temple 20 17 t8 North Carolina tS·3·01 101t to Clemson t6 t 3 19 Marvtan<I 17·2·01 bea1 M1amr Fla. t8 17 20 F1011oa cS·3 ·01 rost 10 Georgia 44 0 llATUAOAV'S LATE SCORES San D l'QO St 3 t Hawa• 28 Whllt1er 2• la Verne tO Occ1dc111at 3• Redlanos 3 t Puget Sound 32 Carroll Mon1 14 Clar em0<11 MudO 31 Pomona-Prizer t 7 Sonom11 SI 30 usr 0 [3SI Carolina 40 Te.a .. Arllnglon 24 New MeAICO 3 t l e. .. s El Paso 18 W1CM3 St 38 Drnl.t> 29 • EaStein O\ttniucky 34 l en~cssee Tech ti COLLEGE STANDINGS P•clllc·10 Conference A,11011a St Wasn1ng1on use UCLA Aflzonn Stontord C0Morn1a WHh1ngton Otegon St 01egon Con!. Se11on WLT WLT s 0 0 9 0 0 S I 1 8 t 0 • 0 0 6 2 0 3 t 1 7 1 1 3 I 1 5 2 I 330 540 .? 4 0 5 4 0 I 3 I 2 6 0 6 1 0 8 0 6 0 0 8 PCAA Fresno St Long 8Men Ut•h St San Jo,,. St Pac1hc u Nt!Y LU Vega. CS Fut ert0<1 Cont W LT 5 0 0 3 1 0 2 1 0 2 2 0 I 3 0 0 3 0 0 4 0 s.-w LT 8 1 o 3 5 0 5 3 0 6 3 0 t 8 0 2 6 0 3 7 0 All•nllc CoHt Conference Cont s- Mar 1lano Clemson Ovke N Carolina N Caro1°na St Virginia Wal.e fore\! (oeorgo~ 1 och W LT WLT • 0 0 7 2 0 • 0 0 6 t t 2 2 0 5 4 0 2 2 0 s 3 0 2 3 0 5 • 0 I 3 0 2 6 0 0 5 0 3 6 0 000 540 Big Eight Conlerenc• Cont, SeHon Netiras~a O~la110tr.~ Knn!l<ls S1 M1ssour+ Oklaht)m.1 5t Iowa St Kansns Co>orado W L T WLT 5 0 0 8 1 0 5 0 0 7 2 0 2 2 1 5 3 1 I 2 2 3 ? I 2 ? 4 2 I 3 1 • 4 1 1 3 1 2 5 2 0 4 1 1 7 1 Big Ten Conference Cont. Se...,.. M1c.h.qan 011•0 SI low• IHtnOtl W1SC.04'\t1n Indiana Puroue NO<th .. ~'1~n M1nnes.ota M"h1gan SI WLT WLT 7 0 0 7 2 0 510 630 • 2 0 s 4 0 5 J 0 6 • 0 •30 s •o 3 4 0 •SO ,.o 360 2 6 0 3 7 (\ 1 6 0 3 6 0 t 6 0 I 8 0 Big Sky Conference Cont Sa....., WLT WLT 1oa110 • 1 0 7 2 0 Monlana St 5 2 0 6 • O Montan• • 2 0 S 4 0 Botse St 3 J O 6 3 o Wel>Or St 2 3 0 • S 0 N Amon• 2 3 O 3 6 0 N9'1 -Reoo t 4 0 4 5 0 ldahO SI I 4 0 3 C. 0 WHtern Athletlc Confer•nce Cont. SHaon B11g11em Young New Me•ico Air F0<ce HtwOll Col0<adO St Sen Diego S1 Utan wy.om1no UTEP WLT WLT 5 1 0 6 3 0 3 1 0 7 I 0 4 20 6 •0 3 2 0 5 2 0 3 3 0 • 6 0 2 2 0 • 4 0 2 3 0 s 0 2 5 0 6 0 0 • 0 8 0 I Mld·Am•rlc•n Conference £14wt<og Gtl>Olll M1amL 0 Cenl M1C11'9Afl W M"higan ()114() u Bi)ll St Toldeo N lil•OO<> E. M"rttgan Kenl St Con I Seaton W LT WL T 621' 1120 5 ' 0 , 2 0 4 2 I 5 J I 4 2 I Ii 2 I • 3 0 s " 0 4 J 0 4 5 0 • 4 0 5 5 0 3 4 0 3 s 0 1 6 0 1 8 0 0 7 0 9 0 9 SootheHt.,n Conferenc• G1K>rgoa LSU Auburn Alabama Vandtlfb111 Tennes~e Ftoroda Mrss1u1pp1 SI M1ss1s.s1pp1 Kenluthy Cont. S•Hon W LT WLT 5 O 0 II O 0 • 0 1 7 0 1 J 1 0 7 2 0 320 7"10 J"lO 530 1 t t 4 J I 230 SJO 0 4 0 360 040 4 50 0 4 0 0 8 t Sout~l•nd Conference Cont. IH1on Louisiana Teen NE Loursrana McNeese St Arkansas St Tea. AtlmQton Lamar N TeJas St WLT WLT 500 8 1 0 •t O 730 220 •SO 130 45 0 o 3 n 2 1 o o 3 o 3 IS 0 000 t70 SouthwHt Conference SMU A•kansu Tl!k&S le•as Teen Saylot Houston Te..as A&M TCU R.ce Cont. Seaaon WLT W LT 6 0 0 9 0 0 4 t 0 7 1 0 310 520 330 4 SO 2 3 I 3 S I 2 3 1 3 5 I 2 3 0 4 4 0 240 360 0 6 0 0 9 0 MIHourl V•lley Conference Cont. SHton Tulsa wocnna St Indiana St S lllrno<s New Me•H:O St Dral<e w Te•as $1 WLT WLT 500 8 10 4 t 0 8 2 0 3 I 0 5 S 0 310 4 501 130 3 70 -1 4 0 '370 0 3 0 1 7 0 P&nn Harvard Pt1nceton Oar1mou1n Vale B•own COiumbia C0tnetl Ivy LHgue Cont. W LT 4 t 0 4 1 0 3 2 0 3 2 0 2 3 0 2 3 0 I 4 0 1 4 0 IHIOn W LT 6 2 0 6 "l 0 3 5 0 3 5 0 3 5 0 4 4 0 1 7 0 2 8 0 Y•nkH Conference Mame Bos1on U RllOde ISllnd Massachusetts Connec1.cu1 N-Hampshore Conl. S.aaon WLT W LT 320 7i)0 3 2 0 4 4 0 2 2 o 8 3 o 220 3.}0 2 2 0 • s 0 130 4 50 Souttt.m Conference Fut man T n Chananoog.e Appa1ac111an w Caro•n• C•tadet VMI Matsllall E Tenne»MSt Cont ..... on WLT WLT 4 I 0 7 2 0 4 10 720 ::120 450 3 2 0 5 5 0 320 5 4 0 130 •50 I 4 C).. 3 6 0 1 5 0 1 8 0 M•Jor Independent• lenneuee St Penn St Flot1da St P11111>urgn Nolt!! Dame West V11g•nll HOiy Cross Bos1on COiiege Soutne<n M1ss1s11pp1 Soutnwest Louisiana Colgare Vlfgm1a Teen Ea.st Carol1rn1 N0<tnwesl Lou•Slana Navy Miami Fla Rutgers Cincmnatr Temple loutsv1He Wes11!<n KenlucJ<y Almy South CarOl•n• Tulane Wolllam I Maty Syrecvw Roet>mond Memp11<1 St W LT 7 0 1 8 1 o 7 I 0 7 1 0 6 1 ' 7 2 0 7 2 0 6 2 1 6 3 0 6 3 0 5 3 0 5 3 0 5 • 0 5 4 0 5 4 0 5 4 0 5 • 0 • 4 0 4 s 0 4 5 0 • 5 0 • s 0 3 6 0 3 6 0 2 7 0 2 7 0 o 8 o 0 II 0 C•n•dlan Footb•ll LHgue (flnal) •·TO<onto y·HIMll1on y·01t1wa MonlrHI £ .. tern OMaloll W L T l'F l'A 1'11 11 e t 42t 426 ti 8 7 I 396 401 17 5 1 t 0 376 482 10 2 14 0 267 502 4 Weetetn DMelon •·Edmonton It 5 0 544 323 22 y-Wonnlpeg 11 5 0 444 352 22 y-Catgary 9 6 1 403 440 tt Brltrsh Columb11 II 7 0 4411 390 18 Saskelchewen 8 9 t 427 438 13 •-won.dlvltlon tllle y-cllnchtld Plll'Olf bef111 l ehlrdl J'I lcOf .. T0<onto 28, 011aw1 14 Btltlsh Columbl• 32. Monl•HI t(I l11nd1y'1 lcorff Hamllton 24, Wlnnlpeg 21 Edmonton 46. SHUIC-an 22 . -SCOREBOARD l'LA't'OfFI l 11n.N,'1 G•- UITIAN HMlflNAL 0 111"'1 ti H1m111on WEITIAN HMIFINAL Cttg•ry •I Winnipeg lundaJ, Now. ~1 IUTfAN f~AL Ott•w• Of Haminon at T0<onlCl WHTfAN "NAL Cetg&1y °' Wln<>•peg el Edmonton lundl J, Nov. • GAU CUI' CHA~NIHlf' Grey Cup ~1 T Olonlo Semr-siro footb•ll Hl·OEIEAT LEAGUE 8und1f1 Score Hun(•19t011 V lley Ma1111u<S 17 Van Nuys 14 Hollywood P•rk SUNDAY'S AEBULTI C51h ol Sl·d•y lhoroughllfed mHtlng) FIAIT RACE. 1 1116 miles No .. DI I Love tS11>1ttel 11 80 5 20 2 40 LOw8'• C0etahOUl5'1yel • 60 3 00 rua111er Rewa•d (P•ncay) 2 40 Also r!K.ed Lady ol \'0th Struck\Jt) Ve4v•I B11u T eco l eco l ime 1 •• .,5 SECOND RACE 1 1116 m1~ M00<•.Mounla1n (01vst5 20 3 •O 3 00 J 8 Scott (Ha"teyl 5 60 4 00 B1c•1>1.g tC1t1anec1a1 5 20 Also roced Bold N. Cratty Main Jet Seat The I 111t1c M1 T Trac Hot5 () 0.UVf• Tl,,,. I 46 3 S S2 DAIL V DOUBLE 12 5) pa•d S32 80 THIRD RACE. 6 luttonQS French Ma1e.tv tVlnrl 10 80 5 40 3 60 He.ndaome P•ci<-tOlvrs) 9 80 5 2Q. Rec0<d C11eh (SllOemaketl 3 40 A leo raced Pte Book Ch1el Co<ntllllh c p Re141Ct Ctystat T1ble Tirne 1 09 415 SS EXACT.A (5 11 paid St92 00 FOURTH RACE. 6 tu•lonpt rru11on 1 Double f Pnc:yp 40 3 00 2 40 1 Umb•tlla FIM1 (loolt) 8 40 3 80 Karosten 1V1k!nruete) 3 20 Al10 raced Royal Bu1IOJ15. Easters Memory Green Gallanl Time t 09 15 EX.ACTA 14·21 paid $97 00 FIFTH RACE. One mile on turf F10111no 1vaten1ue1a1 17 60 9 20 7 Bo va1a1s (Toro) 5 60 4 20 WHtetn 1S1b1lle1 7 20 Also raced Cnarg1ng Star Charge Account CIOOtl...,rll1n, Atryoun. LUC\lllUS Jungle Jove Ski Recer rime t 34 21~ 15 EX.ACTA (3· 11 Pa.cl $222 00 7 60 3 80 sao llllTH RACE I t. 16 motn~ • E,.,,.nent Led IBIKkl • t 40 13 00 R.ghl on Centet IOlllllYI 4 80 Mllll (Ptneay) AtlO r ac:Mj Soruc Speed L"l~1n1 Brave ~r,.elton Po-Com~ VMly Tome 144 Et1upencto Fhnl Hrlls. IEYENTH RACE. Ii l"rlong• B••• LIH IPoncay) s 40 3 40 2 80 Et1 Tu tS•t>o"~I 7 00 4 40 8nglll L•Ot (Hansen> 4 80 AllO raced Gosmondll In frut Fo<m K11>Pr UI P15lole Sc11M!I 0 Wondet K Tovlltr Tome IOI 315 15 EX.ACTA t6·51 pa•d S87 50 S2 l'ICK SIX t5·S·4·3·9~1 paid S 100.- 750 60 with two w1n"1ng 11cketl (I•• horns) S2 Pich s .. con101a11on pard $308 00 with 218 w1nn1ng tlekets (lrve horses) EIGHTH RACE. 1'. m1t8s on turl R&clng 11 Fun IShmrl 8 80 3 80 3 40 Pmoee Spellbound 3 00 2 60 uncle Jlllf tMcBethl 4 00 Also 1aced S11 Pele Wa1e1 Bank Pull ol Smoi.e Sw1n9 Tiii Odwn T1mo I 47 t1S NINTH AACE.'t • miles on turl voetOfy Zone (Olh1yl 19 40 tO 80 6 •O Th• Hague 1PH10Yl 6 ~ 4 00 Alh Me tSlloem&hetl 4 20 Also ri ced Pol•) Sun Worsh•P. WOlhe • Ruc•I l ra•tfllng VICIOf Summer Creei. MullC Lead., Tome 1 47 415 SS EX.ACTA C4·81 paid $153 00 Attendance 32 .sa2 DMP M8 fl•hfng AAT'I LANOffilO CNawpott .. ech) - H 1ngter1 I llUI 260 b9MO. 26S roct< COCI. 6 lhffPlheld. I 1Cutp1n DAYEY'I LOCKER CfMwpott .. ech) -178 1ng1tr• 240 bonito. I callco boas, t cow coo, 560 mackerel 280 tock cOCI DANA WHARF -182 onglera 48 best 325 bon110 9 c:ow c:od. 38 macke•el 773 rock coo t 4 sheepsl!eed 3 sculp1n IE.AL 81!.ACH -•II eng1e11 1 ling cod 100 mackerel 4 14 rock llsn. 4 ShffPlheld 26 While frlh C8arge) -70 nng1ers 30 bOnllo. I hlhbut, ISO m1Ckl!tel, 400 while crolll<er, 175 q-. • hall NBA WHTUlN COWEMNCI! l'eclflc DIVlelon w L l'cl. Seallle 8 0 1 000 L.Mere ~ I 900 Phoenl• 4 2 867 GOiden State 3 2 600 Porll•nd I 5 168 San Diego O II 000 MldwHI DIYlolon Sen Antonio 5 I '33 Oaltes 4 2 687 Kansas City 2 1 687 Oenvtlf 2 J •OO Utah I 4 200 Houston O 4 000 EASTERN CONFl!Al!NCE Atlenllc DMefon Phlladolphla 5 O 1 000 Boston 5 I 833 New Jersey 3 3 500 Washington 3 3 500 New \'01k 0 5 000 Mllwa ... i.M OetrOll Alllntl ChlCIQO Indiana Cteve4and Centre! DMelon 4 2 &87 4 2 687 2 3 400 2 3 400 1 3 250 0 5 000 aund•J'• acor .. LM!en 103. Porlland 89 Suttle 102 M1lwaul<H 90 Boston t02. New JetM'f tOO Sen Antonio 10 I P"-11• tOO Tonlglll'• Giffie• No games echaclut.d TYHd•J'• 0-t<ensas Coty et L ... er• New Jersey at New V0<k OetrOtl 11 Waillo.ngton Uten al Sen Antonio San O.ego at Indiana Seente a1 en~ p11-.11 II Hou11on Atlanta e1 Oen•er GOiden Sllte It Port11nd Ga , .. 2 2'> 5 6 ,., 2'• ' 3·~ 4 ''lo 2'• 2·~ 5 , .. 1'' 2 3'> Lakera 103, Tr•ll Bl8Hra H l'OATLAND Cetr t2 Niii 10. TllOmpson t• Puson 22. ValenMe 14, w Cooper 6. l evet 3, Lemp 4 Judkln1 2 Nomi 2 Totels 40·87 11· 15 89 LOI ANOELEI Rembls IS. W1tke1 21, Abdul·J•bbar 22. Johnson 14. NIMon ., 18. WOftlly 14, M Coope< o. JOfO•n 4 McAdoo 4. Land11>erget o To1111 48·87 7·1 t 103 Score by G11erlen Portlend 24 18 20 27 811 Los Al!Qetes 23 22 27 32 103 ThtM·l)Olnt goal• None fouled out -None Ret>OundS Portland 28 (Nl\t 71. LOI Ange4el 50 (Abdul•Jebbll 11) APllll -P0ttlt "d 28 CV1lent1ne 8) Los Anoalel 33 fJollnson 101 Totat touts P0ttland 20 LOI Angeles 20 A t3 • 526 Chat= toumement (el I J, AYetr•I ,..... final 81orn Bo•g (Sweden) del John McErvoe !US I 3·8 6-4 7.5 6·2 (Bo<g wu11 S 150 000 ptu1 1 gold r1equet ••rued 11 S30 000 ' Second l'lece flnel tvan Lend! (C1ecno11ovakr1I del Vr1aa Gerula.tis (US). 7-5 8·3 &·• (L1no1 "'"'' $'100,000 Gerulellls wins S75.000I Stockholm Open S.mlflNI ltnglae Mata Wrl1nder 1Swedenl del J•y LaptOua IU S l 6-4 6-•. H•n" Leeonie (France) oef Wo11ek F1b8~ 1Poland), 3·6 6·3, 6-3 Hong Kong Cl•HIC Men'• llnglH flnel • Pat Dupre IU S I del M0<11t Slr004t IU,S I 8-3, 11-3 (Ov1»e wins $20 0001 ~·· Ooublff Final MOftlS Str0Cle·Cht1I StrOde cu s ) def 1(1m Worwici.. CAutttll,.)-Van W1n111ky CU S l. 6-4 3·6 6 2. Kim Cup Cat Ollent ... '91vm) fllfop9 I , United llllH 7 . .,,. ... AndrH Jeeger (U S I dll Be111n1 Bunge (Wul Germany! 6·2 6 2. Mattrna N1v1a11tova !US I del SytVI• Hanoi.• tWHI Germany>. 6-4 7 .5 Jff04< del Henollt 6·2 1-t N1vratitov1 def Bunge 6-3 g.3 OovblH H1vr1trlov1·8et1y Nageben IV SI oel Andrtl T emesvari (Hun91ryl· Bunge (WHI Ge1many1 8·3 2·6 7-5 81llre Jun KIOQ•Jff08r !US I Clel Tf!mffva<I· Bunge. 6-.4 3-8 IS-2 Meryl•nd WCT Cl .. •lc Ctlt Toweon, Md.) llngla• ,lnal P1ul McN1mee tAu1tra1t11 del Outllermo V•IH (A1gen11na1 4 6 7.5 7-5. 2•CI, 8·3 (MCNlmff .. 1n1 S 100 000 Vilas w1n1 $40.000J . Oovbie• Flnel Anand Amr11ra1 Tony Glammalve Oef Fred S10lle·V1j1y Al'llfltr11. 7°&, tl-2 Junior DHll Cup (al llockllolm, Swecle11) Sweden •, Unlled llelee 1 ........ Steftn Edberg tS,.tderll det Atron K11C1111e1n (US). 6·7 8·• 7·8 Jonu 5....,,11on (Sweden) del JOlln •ov11m cu s ~ 6·2. 6-4 CAMEL FILTERS Orange Coatt DAIL V PILOT /Mond y Novemb41r 8, 1982 . . Women'• volleyball •ANT.A IAA8AAA TOU..NAMtNT l at11rda1•1 f'ool l'l•J • ,.,., ltOVnd (t C•m1no del Senti Bar1>1ra t0-t5 15·5. 15 1!1. Golden WHt def ·0eAn111. 15 · 3 I 5 8, Cl< ange Coatl Clef Cottege 01 me StQ\IOll$ t5·t3 t6-14. Long Beocll C11y Cottcge del Ce1111oa 15· t3 t0· 15 15·13 Other AMull• [t Camuoo def Goto en Wlllt. t 5· 7 15·7. 01.mge Coas1 def Long Beach City Colleoe IS tO tfl· 1' DeAnza oel San1a B•lbara 15· 12. 15· 12 CtttrHOS det C'ollege OI Ille Sequo1u. 15·6 15· 13. DeAn1a def Long Bea'h City, t4-t6 15-12. 15-7. Cetr110, del Golden wes1. 1s-11, 11· 15 15·9 Et Cammo del ()ranQe Coast, 15· 12, 3· 15. tS· 1, Cerritos def OeAn:ta, 15·8, t5·1S. Orange Coast def Cetrltoa, 15·6. t!t·:l Flnele Orange Coos! del El Camino. 15.5, 3 15 15-13 OM•Glff!e Pleyolf Otango Coast def El Camino 15· 13 NHL CAMPSILL COHf'EAENCE King• Edmonton w1nntP91> Cetgwy vancou•et Mlnnesote ChlCIQO St Lou11 OetroCt Tp<onto Smythe OMelon W L T GF GA f'le. 7 43595317 6 6 3 7t 68 15 7 5 1 63 48 15 6 8 3 n 11 is 8 8 2 SS 51 14 Nonie DMalon 10 • t 65 55 21 7 1 5 62 49 t9 7 7 1 55 56 15 3 10 3 43 73 9 2 7 5 •6 61 9 WA1.EI CONfEA£NCE l'elrlctc OMalon NV 111enders 11 4 2 7S 50 24 PhHldetphle 9 11 t 65 49 19 NV Rllf>O!fl 6 8 1 56 61 13 New JetM'f 3 8 5 S2 66 ti we1111ng1on 4 7 2 48 sa 10 P11t11>Wgh 4 tO 2 51 8 1 10 AClemaDMalon Monlrffl Boston Ouell8C 8"11tl0 Hertford 10 2 3 74 50 23 7 5 3 SI 47 17 7 5 I 65 59 15 e cs 3 60 55 15 3 9 2 47 49 • ._, .. ac-.. Bolton 7. DaltOlt O Wash.inglon 8 HWlford 2 8u11tl0 3 Vancou-1 Hew Yorio tslandetl 2. PhnadefpNa 2 CNcago 1, T0<onto 3 Winnipeg 5. ca19.,.,-2 Tonteht'e0- £dmonton 11 Quebec Washlnglon It New Jersey Atl•nt• Journ•I 500 C•t Hampton. Ga.) Rtsulll of 5vnday'1 AUanta Jou1na1 500 Grend National stock car rece. with type ot cer. taps eompteled end .. inner s •~«19• speed In mph 1 Bobby AH1son Chevrotel MOflte Cwlo 328 t30 885 2 Herry Gani Bu<k Regal. 328 3 D1rrlll Wllt•tj) Buick Regel, 328 4 Tim Roehmond 8u<cli Regal. 328 5 Joe Ruttman au.ck Regal 327 6 o-Mmcrs au.ck Regel 327 7 R.cky Rudd Ponllac Grand Pt1t 326 a Tatty Ult>onle Bu<lo. Regel. 326 9 ROdMy Combs 8ulGlc Regal 326 10 Matk Mathn. Buick Regel 325 I I N8'1 Bonnell F0<d fhunderl>ttO 324 12 Lennie Pono Cnevtolel Monte Ctrto 321 13 Jimmy Meana C,,.,,toltl Monte Carto 321 14 BudOy A•r1ngton Cnryster lmoari.i 319 IS fbehltd Petty. Pontiac Gri nd Pffl. ::1 12 t8 Pn1119 Oulfre. Burck Regal 310 17 Bobby we .. etc ClleVrotet Monte C1rto. 307 Ill T 1 av1• Tritt•• Ru·~ R41oal JOJ 19 G..otr 80dlflfl Ponhot< C•Hol'ld Pm 30, ~o 8t!flny P••JOn• Ouoe• Atg.;1 o'll~ 21 8udely ll•k•• Ponh•< l •M•n• 216 "a2 D.myl S1g" C11e.,01e1 M()nle Ca1IO l8~ • 23 0 K Utt 1<.l1 Ouo<.lo, f11t9• 171 24 11<11 (llooll f'otd T llu<•<l4i•twd ~{,(I 28~5 Mor11an S~d B"H:I< Reg.•1 26 rom,,,., Ci1111. r0<d rn,.,.oe<r:»ro, 7•• 17 lli(.k W1l~Qn,.OtO•tn0D•lu Cutl11U 229 • 28 Jo.iv Hrdlfly f<>rd T11und~•b•fjl 219 18~ l~•u SJ>t.'l'd Po'!""' GrontJ Ptl• 30 JO McOuttre Pon11ac G1and Pit• 162 31 Kyle Pe11y Pon1111<. Gr .. nd Pn• 156 32 Ron Ooue11ord Bu11.h Regel, gg 33 Mo11y Rr>bUln• Bu"k Rogal 89 8534 Dale Ea:l)ha•dl. Ford 11\unOe•blrd, 35 Cale Yl•borough. Buoc~ Regal 73 36 Jerry BowmAn Oldsmobile Culla•s. 53 37 Joo Booher 8u1e• Regal 52 38 Oonnr.-All•1on Oldsmobrle Cullan. Jb 39 Glt'nn J arrell Ford I nunder orr d 35 40 Steve Mooru Pontiac 01ond Pm 3 Goldwln Cup (el l11ul, Jepan) Tl.AM COMl'£TITIOH Untied ltalH U , J.-" 15 Lanny Wad~1nJ tU S I lied l auneyuk1 Naka11ma tJ1p1n1 70-70. t<tkuo A••• 1Jap1n1 def Jltft~ Pal• 1u S I 70· 76 Ray FloyO (U S I lltd Vula~a Hlfga .. 1 tJ1pan1 73· 73 Ct119 SlaOlet IU S l del N0<10 Suwkr tJap&n) 70-75 Tom Krte lU S ) del Teruo Sug1nara 1Japant 77 78. Tom W1t1on CU SI 0111 loru Na1<amu11 tJ1pun> 73· 15 Calvin P.ett (US l del Masa11110 Kuramoto (Japan) 68·7 t Boo Gilder 1u S l oer l'\OO Aoto.1 (Japanl. 69·73 INOIYIOUAL COMPETITION Boo G1ldor (US I t3• Celv1n Pe.te tU & 1 t34 Craig Stldler tU S l 138 lom Watson lU SI t•O IU O AOkl (JIPOr\l 140 Women'• tournament (II Yokttlchl, Japan) N&n'y lopez S30 000 20 7 Amy AICOll S 19.600 213 Bet 11 Dan.et 2 14 Pet Bradley 2 t5 Sandra Harn,. 216 Otannt Dadey 2 t8 Alexandra Re.Matot "l 16 Jen St~-216 Yuio.oM«~ "116 W•ter oolo couiGE UC lrvlM 11. UC Ban Dleto I UC San Oie<JO 0 I t 4 6 UC ,,.,,,. 9 3 2 4 t8 UC Irvine scoring P Campt>ell 1 J Campbell 4 Bennan 2 va1g., t OIMer I ChoquehulW!CI I Ood1on I LObeck I Wfftlend tr•n1ectlon1 eAIE8AlL American LMgu. ... SEATTLE MARINERS Adde<I ~ M111r1y ano M111 Young pjtehers Jemoe Netson c1tcher J1mte Allen third b•-n D1.ne11 Colft 61\ortstop and Rod Allen Ivan Celdt•on ind Glen Well<•• outhetoe11 to 111e11 40-man 1011t r Alllg ned Larry Ande11on 1><tcner Dan Forov1 eatellat Oery Gray and Dl tt ReY.tlflll, 11111 -Paul Setna lhOltstoo. St-St•oughler Joe Simpson •pd Thad Bosley outlretcler I 10 ,,_ m•nol-league system Nallonal Lff11V8 SAN DIEGO P"DRES Stgneo Rul>Pt!fl Jones. oulfoelder, to 1 mutt• year con tr ect FOOTaALL Unlled SlelH f-blll Le .. va WASHINGTON FEDERALS S.gned Ttm Sword• 1no P1u1 Md tnnty dtlenslve end• end Mtkf.Lemon linebacker -~.Nl!:W H -~PA.GK~ ' ~ ' fr. Warning: The Surgeon General Has Dete rmined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to ¥pur Health. f I ~ ~ 1 ~ • I 1 ! I • i I -· I I I l l J 1 r j t j t : I . ~·· Orange Coot t DAil V Pll.Ol /Monday, Novumbur 8, \882 .. , . ~ ~~~~~~~ .... --~~~-··----~~~--~----------1-----~~~~~--------NlllC NOJICC "-'C NC>rlCC ruellC NOJICt ru&l IC NOllCE rtalC NOllCl rt.a IC HO JIC£ NM.IC NOJIU -~--~------------~ •teflnout MltlNHt NOllC• llMTl .. Q llALIO NA• ITAflMINT "'OftOl~ll (tlDll NOUCI 0, TRUlt11'8 0 1.I loenNo.O·IM1W c........ NOllCI or '"Utlll'S IA~ H ... -NOTICt or lRUtfll'I Ult NOTICI fW fAU:r u ·a I AL8 NOTICl 0, UWtTH't H U l~n No ,._. N01Kll r TMIHll'I IAU On t4ovtu11oa1 11. 11111 el 11 00 .._..., U.llU1' Tiie IC~tno ~M>n• w• dOO!lQ 'OR THI CC*IT,.UCTION 'Oft butl,_e •• IONa I .. Hl"YOll' c ..... YOU AAli CN Ott AUL f UNO A A l • Nb c 16JO• f . ... •·1•111 • m ,,, AIT'fl"-lt'I f 1nenc Ill( Co1p YOU AM ... DtPAUL1' UNOell A otro Or IRUl'iT OAftl) JANllAIW II Al BAN (; U fl 11 81 Ouly """°"1'AMT NOTICI fO ea duty 11 po1111eu TnalH 11nda1 Df(O OP TRUST OATID .,_, 1, 0 C e A N ri A 0 N T I N T t A • "" 10l11 Sf 411tCl i INANCl~I C.O~WOHA 1 IUN •• lhllV IJ>l'O!l11e0 f1ut11 .. UIHJ" Ille IOCIOWlllll de••-• ll>tod 11 ... 11 01 trust WIL l 81 Ll A f PUlll tL AUCTION l 0 I Ill lllQtlfS T OIOOlll ron CAGll 1011v111ilt' •t ttm• "' 11111 111 111""'"' mo11t!ly or th• Untle<I 5111HJ 111 tl(lttt ltllt 1111<1 tnlwHI c:o11vey1<1 10 anll now held by 11 und8' t •ld DMd OI l tutl 111 Ille 1>101)4111y "'"'111111111 dlltetlbltd l1 IH 1 UNI Ulll 'l'OU I Al<r •11pu111t•d 'I Utt .. li•Hltr "'' ""°"'""v OWNI" llt'ld pu1tu1nt 10 D••ll ol hw•I 1w 1 ........ YOU, ..... ~noN AC t IUN l O Pf\O It Cf ~ OUf\ 1011ciw111u l.lHc;1101u dffO 11f 111111 YOU Ant 1N Off AULT VNOUl 4 rltflo.dtel A11out1 H , 1871, at ..,,, TO P"OTICT Yo.M ""°"""'.J NATIONAi., ~\\i11/ WHI O~•n 'OR THI lllllYINI '•Onl llA, Nawpor1 laacn , RANCH W,\TIR DllTllJICT l'f\OPlAtY, IT MAY Bl IOLD AT A Will Orll A l PUUll<i 4VCTION OlfO 0 1 must OAl(O 1:> •IO NO <1 1166 In tiooi. 1:t2lt PIO• If ... .., .. tOlO AT A"*''" fllJOllt. SAlf If YOU NtCO AN TO TH[ HIO••f lH UIOOCH l(.)n UNLH:J YCJU IAKL AC.ltON T(.) l<IQ8olOfltclll'44tc01d•lfllh•oll11• t4L I • ., YO U IUIO ... UPt.ANAflON Of IHL NAIUAf' CA H U>•yalll• 81 llm• or .... Ir\ flf\OTfCI VOUA PAOP[ntY 11 O( 1118 CM.inly ~Otdvr 01 °'~ IXPLANATIOM °' fMC •ATURI Of rnr l'HOCC&OCNO AOAINeT lewl\it "'°'~Y or I~ Unlled 8tll1Ht MAY fl[ 80LO ... f A fl\JBl.IC SAlt Coo11ly Cllllf(ltlll• •••11 m()(llllCetlon Df' f H9 NOCllDtMO AOA*IT YOU YOU 8HOULD CONIACT A all right, lltlt and llll8fMI ~veytd ,, YOU Nlt:O AN ()(PlANATION 01 no•• •llU dHU ol trutl d•l•d YOU, YOV IHOULO COHTACT A Celltoini. taeeo NOTtCr l!I ttrPIEOY OIVLN '"•I Pam••• 011n1 1h:nu11.,101t.. 11'1• lrv111a n11ncin Wiii•• 01.111~1 1518 W111 Ooe1u r1on1 •A tnvuee '""' wtll r•<utvo ualeul Newpott S.Kh, C.alllornia ln&eO PfC>POMI• 11>1"11 u11 to tri. hou1 01 10 Deborah A Por•tlll, 1105 •m \)I\ tl"f .IOm <J•y ul Nov•n1bt>1 SlletlflQton Pl.ca, N-POtl O.acn 1Hl 01 the Otatrte;t t)lho "' glvtn Catil0tnl• 112860 ll-4ow to• tu1111-11111u to •¥•u 01t11~1 Tnle oueinau 11 conduct.Oby• all 1ran1nor1,1111r1. m•t•r11111. u-11 ~l~atllp •hlutpmanl tabor ""v•cH trtO LAWYER 10 •nll flOW ltal(I Dy II undtf ••Id 0 ' f H c NA l u A f 0 f T It r 0"4..•mll« 30 tUllO lttld recorded l.AWYIR. On Mondi)', 1n1 H in day Of OHCI 01 ''II" 1n '"' properly PHO<:[(DINO AOAINST vou. YOU M•1'h c I 1981 H lll11huma<tl no HOTICl IS Uf;A(8V 011/(N ttw11 November. IOU. at the l\Our ol 11t11tn1111•• 0•9'110ed ltiOUlO CONT' ACT A l AWVCn 1"384 1(1 oooi. 1Jll11. P• 500 and MAA VISTA ttNANCIAL INC •• 10 00 o'clocllo. • Ill . ol a.aid d1y .. 81 TRU8TOA A llOd 0 Of) ANAHEIM, On NOVtmbel 2f . 1812 ... 10 00 !\01 01 OllKUll AacorOt II'!'"' Olftca C01PQtat1on, 16' NC)(lh •. , .. 111 .. 1 11\t 11on1 m1ln """'"'' of r ldellty A totnl ~•nl11r1 c;o11•1111no o l AM , IMPtlRIAL COAPOAA ltON ot Orin~ County Haw•d•• WILL O•n 01rn11C1Jno, Ce!lf0tnl• 92403 Nat•on•• llllt !neut.no. Comptlly, PIOBEPIT l l[ M0114tRSHEAO. Ill OF AM(RICA .. duly •PPOlntad 6CLI. AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO laltpN>M Numbef 1r14) 110·0231 601 CIVIC cant .. OrMI. W••• Sent• vnmatrlael men llld A 1nd B on TrutlH vndtr and pu11u1nt 10 HIOHC'lf BIDOCR ~OA CASH .. tilt ,,, ... n, T111llH under Iha A111, Cllllornll, Ooul\ly OI Otano•. ANAHEIM, INC • C11lllorn11 OMO of hvtl ttCOfded Oacenibe• CAStU ~ CHCCK OH CUlflFlfO dMCI or flutl IWlf4'ln•11tt tnanllOtlto 8t••• or Collloi1111. l'ld.,lty Nallonat Co1potat1on 23, 1080. •• 1n1t No :J:Jll8:t. 111 C•CCCK. c111y•t>l11 at 11mo 01 u1e 1n w111 aeu 11> 1na n1gllff1 bl<lder tor f ltl• lnlutan(il Comp•ny, .. 6 NHICIARV VAL NCIA BANK, bOOlo. 13UA. OllQ* 1031, OI 0111c111 lawlul monoy oc lhll Unlllld &11101) CHh Ill llwlul money of the Unlltd TrvttH, wlll Mii 11 publtC •uellon, 10 8 CalUOfllla corpor•flOn Atcordt lf'I tilt OlllCa of the County 81 12215 lr00hllur1t SlrHt, Gardto l>IAtH wltnOUI warranly Ol tn'I klncl th• 111gh .. I bidder, tor CHh, In l'tCQtcttd Februart 10. 1081 H ""°'".,'of 0.•0Q• County, Stele Orove <;11110tn1a 111 rignc 111141 e11ll et• publl(. -•Ion et tilt t1me ano llwfu.I mo11tv ol 1111 Un•tld StatH, tn1tr •No 1 UllG In book 13t43, o I c • 11to11d 11 •••cu tad by 1nt1trt1t co1ivvy.o 10 nnd now held place d11•on11ad bat Ow, In lh• alt P•Y•blf •• tna uma OI Nit. Ult Peo• 116' Of Otllcl•I flecotdl In '"' WIMBLEDON AbGOCIATLS, A by II undtl HIU 0.110~1 T1u11 In IJ\• County ol tn11 81111 ol C•tllotnll lollowtrio c:tHCrlbed rHI !)•Ol)ttry, Ollie• Of lht Atcordtf Of Ortl!Qtl llMIT£0 PAA f NfRSHIP Will prop11ly 1tlu1tl.O In H ICI Count)' dalllgnellCI l)tlOW, ... Of 11\t ''9h'· P~a 0 Sctlu1ter1C~ •uPIJltH n••CHH•y lo 1.on•1tut1 Tht1 11a111mar11 wH llhld w11n ''"' 10111 wOllP. tor the 019l11C1. .,, wh1(h County Cla1k or Of.,,go County 011 """ a;alU propo11111 wtll btt pul>ltcly Noli.mlMtt •. 1941 llP•nell •no 1011 aloud •t the TllUSIOn ll'Wl8 KAAN and NANCY MARTIN KAAN. hutlland and wll11 f201J70 "'•l•tCt 011"41 O[Nll ICIMIV FIRS I r eort1Al SAVI N 08 AN IJ LO AN A SSOCIA TION 0 1 SA N TA MONICA u COfl)Oflllon. llCOtdad July 13. 198 I "' ln11r No 100~ In t>OOk •• IJ7 Utd 1108(1 of l1utl CUl.Citbea 11111 1011ow1no proPlf1Y Publllhtd Orange COUI Oatly I R V t H IE II A N C tf W A T I 11 Piiot, Nov 8, 15, 22. :19 1~82 OISTlllCT, 1H02 8AADl1f)t 4885-82 4YI NUI., lllJYINf., <;A 92711. • NWC N<mc~ FICTITIOUa 8USINUS NA• STATIMINT Tilt totlowlog ~ IOflS lf8 llOl"ij bllalnaac •• • R6LEllANCE, 2017 E Ocee1n lllvd .. 8alb0a, Ca1tlorn1a 9268 I Roae Mellin, 3112 01bral1ar ~nue. Colla Maso. Calllorn1a 9:Mi26 Elizabeth Wallace, 2017 E Quan Bllld . Balboa. C1t1fotn1a 92626 Tn11 bualness is conducled by • oen«•I partn811111p Roae Mellin This statement was Ill~ with the County Clalk or Ofange Counly on November 4, 1982 F201371 Put>lisllad Orange Coaat Oa1ly P1lo1. Nov 8, 15, 2~. 29. 1082 4890-82 PUBUC NOllCE FICTITIOUS 8VllHESS NA!lft STAT£Mf.NT The following person •I <101ng business 11 F\.EX·0-0£CK'S, t5 t87 Moran S1teet, Wes1minste1. Ce1tlornl8 92863 S1ephan Anthony Claus. 17132 We,tpon, Huntington Beac h, Calnornll 92649 This business Is concwcted by an mdtvldual Stephan-A Claus This .ia1ement was tiled with the County Cleft< ol Ofange County on Novet;11bar 4, 1982 F201M 9 Publtshed Orengo Coast Dally Ptlot, Nov 8. t5, 22. 29 1982 •877~2 Pllll.IC NOTICE flCTITIOUS 8USINESS NAME STAT£M£NT The fottowlng person is doing bulineu as l C MARKETING, 33919 Ro- bles. Dana Point, Cahlornta 92829 Charles Nowak, 33919 Robles, Dana Point. Calllornlo 112629 Tiiis bulllnesa Is conducted by 11n tndtYtdual Charles Nowak This stetement was llled with the County Clerk of Orange County on Novembe< 1. 1982 LAW OFFICES J£NNINOS • CAMP81Ell Tilt Proapecl Ctnlet 8ulldlft0 1020 Proapecl •• ,.., Sull• 300 La Jona. c .i1tom1a 92037-4192 F201008 Published Orange Coast Daily P1101. Nov 8. 15. 22 29 1982 4935-82 PUBLIC NOTICE K-42371 FICTfTCOUS aUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Tile lotlowlng petSOf'IS a1e doong buSlneU .. THE LOTUS ROOM. 1548 Adams •A, Costa Meaa. Cnltlotn'8 82646 Alan 6 Cassiano 2018 W Chlndle1, Santa Ana. C1hrorn1a 82704 Vicky R Cassleno, 2018 w Chandler, San1a Ana. Ca11ro1n1a 927~ This business 1s c.onducleO by 1ndMduals (Husband & W1I•> Alan R, CUsllll\O Vlelly R Cus;ano This 1111-1 was fifed ""1th the Courity Clerk ot Orange County on October 28, 1982 S••<I b•d• •hall conl0tm 10 and o. 11•pon11.i• 10 rne con11ac1 documonu 101 teti.l wo1 11 11• hllftlOlore 111>prov~ by llillO DlllllCI end mull be 1tCcompen1ed by tho &l'CUHIY rototreo 10 lltetem Col>lH of lho c;onlr1tc;I documeott .iro on Ille and moy till oxum1nell In me 0111ce or the 011tr1cr at th• ob ova add1 ••• Con ti uct oocumen1~ mDy bo purchased 01 the DtSlflCI by poym11nt Of $50 00 per set and l hla cost 11 l'!ol relund•ble 1ogordla11 ol whether the plans and spoc111co11on1 "'• returneo Plans and sp.icll1c11uona W111 b4I malled upon roqueat to prospective bidders 101 en 1dd111onal $5 00 (nonrefundable~ to covvr ·tho cost ol pos1age· 11nd 111lndllng , Undor the prov1s1oni. ol 1he Calt10tn11 L&bO• Cooe Iha D11ect01 ol the Oopartmonl ot lnduttrlel Ratat1on5 has doterrnlned 11\e prevailing rele ot wages 101 tho tocaltty in wht<:h th11 worll IS to be perlormod and tho Irvine R1ncn Wate1 OtStrlCI hH adopted llld preverl1ng rate or wages A copy ol lhese prevllling 1ate. are on Ille a1 tne ollice ol the lrv•rw Ranch Wate1 O•Slt•C1 and Shott be made available to eny lnierested perty on request A copy 01 such wage r otos shall b.I POiied On 1ne IObSll• by th• Controc101 It shall be mandatory upon lhe Contracior to wl\om lhe contract ts awarded, ond upon any SUbconlrOCIOI under h1m, to pay not toss inan 1ne specrt100 rates to all workmen employed by them 1n the e~ecullon ot lho conttacL Each bid or propoaal sna11 be mede out or subm111ec1 on a IO<m lurnlShll(j 89 part Of the COnlr ICI documents , and must be accompan18<1 by a CMhre<'s ctieck, 1 certtl1e<1 cneck. 0< a bidder's bOnd tn an amount no1 IOU 111111 t<>'•• ot 1ne amount ol the btd, made poyabla to the 01081 or, or lor the benefit ol IOld ();slriCI, BS the Ci158 may bl. and each btd 01 po1opout Sl"tllf be sealed and filed w11h tne Sec1e1ary of the O.s11ic1 at oi b<llore the 11me 1n lhts no1tce 0tov1000 The •bovementtoned Chee• or bond shall be gwen as guaranlae that the t>•<ldet will enter Into a contract with tho Drstrlct 11 awarde<I lhe w0<k, and ""'" be declo•ed lorolenad II the auccesslul btdOor refuses 10 Ml8' into se•d con11act The Board 01 Directors ol 1ne O•ll•tCt rese1Vti the right to re1ec1 any and all t>1ds. 111\d to waive any ar>d all 1rregulart1y 1n any bid Publ•Shed Orange Coast Oarly P•IOI Nov 8 198:1 4896-82 Pll!LIC NOTICE FICTITfOOS 8USCNESS NAME ST ATEMEHT The totlow•r>g P9fSOf'IS 111e doing l)usinass •• BREA CANYON VILLAS. a General Pertner5"1p 16371 Beach Blvd Suue :240, Huntington BNcn. Ca~torrwa llM47 Flanel•ll W Btancnetd, 1837 t Beach Blvd .. Su11e •2•0. H1int1ng· ton Beach, Calllo<nll Kllk S Evans 1637 t Ba•ch Blvd , Suite 2.aQ Hunltngton BHCl'I, CA JoM W Ullom 16371 Beacll Blvd • Su11e • 241 Hunltngton Be.ch, Cahlorrva This bu11nass •• conducted by a general partnership Kirk S Evans Partner PAACEl I unn :t .. 6. H lllOWn on 111111 'er111n Co11dom1n1um P11<1 r1<t.0td0d 111 bOOk 12514. POOH 230 10 2~0 1nc1u11ve. Olllcl11I A111:ord1 ot Orange County. C1llfo1nt1 on ~8tnbc!r 30. t077 11 defined In lhft 0'1cl11ra11on o f A111trlo11on1 llC:Ordod In bOOI\ I 178'4, PIOH 1394 to t•3 I tnclu11va, Olllc:J1I Aacordt. lllld In boOk 11784, PIO" 1432 10 1485 lnclutrva, Olhc111 Aocor<ls 01 ao1<1 Counly, end 11ny ame11dmtn1• 01 11nnexa1ton1 1nor1110. 81lel IOClled on th81 C811Aln rHI propett)l described a$ lot 1 or TrDCI No ll09:1, tn Ille Ctty ol Irvine, Count y 0 1 Orange. S ta1 0 o f Caltlornla. ea 1>41• map rec0< ded In booi. •:1 t . pag .. 1 I and 12, Mlacellaneoub Maps, in the olllC41 01 tile county recorder ol said county PARCEL 2 An .,ndMCled 1182 1n1ere11 1n and to all ol Ille 1e•f P<OOtrly doSCttbed es LOI I on Ille mop or Iha obove relurt1lo•d 11.ct. 1ogtther with all 1mprovomon11 thel'eon excepllng lherelrom Con<1om1n1um Units 330 tnrough 421 1nctuS1ve, localeO thet80ll EXCEPT THEREFROM all Oil, gu, m11'er111 and otho1 hyllrocarbons. below a dep1h ol 500 feel. w11hou1 the "Ohl or surtace entry a s reserved 1n 1n111uments ol 1ecotd P ARCEL 3: An t1tclu1lv1 easement appurten1nl to such unll for tha ulfl and occ11pency of those portions of the reslrtcttd common area deS1gn111ed In the Ooetarallon ot Restrlctrons and thown on the C011domJn1um Plan for auc;h Unit VOU ARE IN OEFAUL T UNDER A DEED OF TRUST DATED JUNE 28, 198 I UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAV BE SOLO AT A PUBLIC SALE IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF HiE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWVER S11ee1 addreu of abOve ptopeny II 302 Tangelo, Irvine, CA 92714 No warr•nty i s given a• 10 Its compllleneu or ccvrectness The oene1ic1ary undet said Deed of Trust, by rHson ol 1 breach or delaull In the obhgollons secured lhereby heretofore 8A8CUled and dlhvered to tlle und1111gned a wnllen Oecta11t100 ol Oelault end Demand 101 S"e. end written nottee ol t>reoch and ol eteellon to cauM Iha undera1gneo to 1a11 s11d P<oparly to Ht11fy utd obtlglltonl. anu there1lllf the undersigned eau1ee1 said not1<:e or breach •nd ot etect1on to be recorded July 28. 1982 as instr No 82-261155 ol sat<! 0 11""' Reco<ds Slid sale will ba med•, bul W•thoul covenanr 01 warranty, .. press or 1mplle<1 rag&1dlng title, pouess1on or encumbrances. to pay tha remaining pt 1nc1pat S41m ol me note secured by "t<I Deed of Trull, w•tn 1n111est as In said note provided advances 11 any, undet Iha terms or H•d OeeCI of r rust. tees. Cl'latgM ane1 a:apenaos of the Trustee ~nd of the 11u111 (ireated by said Oeeo or T ru.st Said Ula will be neld on Tuesday "40v•mber 30, 1982 et 2 00 p m 11 '"' Ct\aoman Avenue en1rono1 to the Ctvrc C.nl" B11 ild 1ng, 300 Eaat Chapman "~· In 11!8 City ol Ot'ange, CA Al the 11ma o f the 1n111a1 P\lbllelltion or 11111 notice. the 101a1 amount ol Iha unpal<I bat.nee of 1h1 obltgt1111on H cured by tne al)ove desct1bad deeel of 11u11 end atllm .. ed COllS, 9llpans•• anO 1dvantes 11 $28 467.52 To determine the opening blO you may call l7141137·0966 Dale Novambet I 1882 SE A SIDE F I NANC IAL CORPORATION 1Clua1td In tnt City of foo11n11ln County. ealO d .. d 01 llUll O.ac11btt SELL Al PUOLIC AlJC T ION t 0 Incl 510110 dNCllbA<I N e11 end ,,,,., .. , now held by N1<1 Valley, Cwnly of Oreno•. Stell o• th• IOllowlllg f)tOP*fl)'. HlGHESl OIOOEA FOR CAS•• All 111•1 cerl8111 181111 a11uated In .... 1n and 10 Ill 41rll w111n Calllornla, 1od commonly know<\" PARCet. 1. An llndlvld•d Cp11yal)l1 11 11me ot ula 1n 11wlul 11141 State ot C1111orn11. County di ropurty wll1c11 11 111ue1• In aald 111050 SnUtl StlHI, fountlln 1110111 lnlarttt In Loi I Of Traci monay ol the Unlled SlltH) DI Iha Otano•. City Of COttl M ou, ly Ind 11 dHCllbad ~ The I/alley, Cellf0tnt• Ind batng mO<a 11211!1, In the Ciiyot Coeta M .... M Nc>tth 11on1 Ofltrence 10 Illa County dtaefll>ld .. lottow1 111111 edd••H 11 any, 01 0111er oarnc;ulllly d..Ctlbtd .. follow• P" m1p ltC:O•d•d In Book 484, Courthou .. 700 CIVIC Ctntt!lf Drive PARCtL A I hat portlO<'I Of LOI o. c:ommon dt11Gnlllon. II.,,..., Of UICI 1.01 42 01 Traci No 6333 •• ptr P•O" r and t Pl Ml1c111a11eou1 WHI. Son11 Ana. CA all 11gn1 title 01 Bttrv Trocr. 111oc;11 f. •• tllown on Ptot>t!lf1Y 11 11t l0t1h below 11\•P rtcordld In Book t84, Pao•• Mapa Exc;aottng tllet•lrom unit• I and 1n1erHt conveyiKJ to alld now • mep 1ecore1eo J" l)ook 30. PllO• 7'4 811ld doed of 1rua1 w" executed 47·50 lnclualvt or M11cella11oou1 lhtougn to lndualve aa lhOWn on • neld by u undal Hid OteCI ot l1u11 ol M1sc.t1l11neoua Record• of LOI l>y 111a TrutlO! dUlgnaltd below M•P•. '"th• olllc• ot the county Condomlnlwm Plan rtcordtd 1n the prop•11y 1nu11ted In ••Id A ngel•• Coun1r C111101n1t, eno wu record.a on Iha e111t, In rtcOrdar of did county Sapltmtw '· 11181, In Book 1•20•. County 011<1 Slllt de1c11b8d H deeerlbtd as lottowa tha Book and at 111e ~111, .. S1ld Hie will be made without Paga 1170, Olliclal Record• Aleo, F-18766 PARCrt 3 01 111own on • Mo~ Oocvment Numb•• of 0111c1a1 COYl"tnt or wamanty bl)l'etMd or exc.prlng theftfrom tho" C«tllln Lots 1, 2, 3. 4, 6. 8. 10. l!i, 16, Meo in bOOk 130. pages 30 and 31 Records In 1he OlllQI or Iha County implied, rag11dtng ncle. pouauton r"trlctac:t convnon ""' •• shown 111. ?O. 23. 2•. 25, 30. 36. 38, •O. "1, ot Pa1ct1 maps In '"' OlllCt of the Aaco•d•• ot "'" County all aa or •ocumbrancu IO utlaly 1116 on eald Condominium Pl1n <lj, ••. 60. 61, 5'4, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, CO\lnty RKotdllf ol Ofange County da11gnatOC1 below. aryO conveyed • Obllgellon MQured by end purau1nt PARCEL 2: Unit 11 l<1Clu1I~• H 61, 02. 83. •fld 64 ,_11 in Treel No Cllfllorn1a Mid p10ptrtv to the lruttM therein IO 1111 powar ot NI• conferrad In a shown on • Condominium Plen 1027!, u ahown on a m11p recorJ!ed PARCEL B A non•UCluslvt apectlllld t::aftatn 0..0 or trust aHc:ulod by reco1ded September I , 1881, lt1 1n Book 481, Pages 1, 2 and~ ol Hsement for 1ngta11 and 901011 Sala of Che pre>por1y will be made ELDIN£ HEOELE .. Truator, to BoOk t•204, P•Gt '170, Olflclll Mu1cC1111nemoua Maps In lhl OlllCe OVOI '!'II Soulllarly 13 50 '"' ol PUllUl l\I 10 lh• dtmJlnd of th• ESCROW ENCOUNTERS, INC., a Reeorda Of Ille (ibunty Reco1d~1 ol Oranga Patel! 2 as snown on a Mop hied 1~ Banet1c1a1y under aald dead ot trutt C.alllornla corpoietlon. •• Truatff, YOU ARE '"'°DEFAULT UN.DER A Co()l)ly book 138. pogo 3'1 and 31 ol and by rHaon ol delaull In the tor the t>enelil and eeeoot11 oC1(.4'1' DEED OF TRUST DATED JANUARY E1t~p1 thotatrom all oil, gaa, Parcel Mep$ •n the'olllce ot the payment or p 11lormanct ol E CROUCH, an unmarried woman 3Q. 188 1 UNLESS YOU TAKE m1net-1 and watlf llOhll bul w11hout Counly Reeord&t ol 01anga County obl0g111on• 190Ureel by aald dead of' dated January 27111, 1881, and At:T ION TO PROTECT YOUR rignt ol entry on the aurlace or CaHI01tm1 trust 1nclud1ng the c:1ataun, notic:. of recorded J1nua1y 30, 1081, In the PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLO AT A wllhln S00 reet thereof, u reser~ed PA ACE l C A non·e11cluslvt wt11<:n wH recorded on the dlll, In olllCt ol Int County Rec:ordlf ol Iha PUBLIC SALE IF YOU NEED AN 1 n t h 1 deed 11 om Hanry T euement tor Ingress and 11greu 111e bOOk a.nd at Iha P•o•. and u County ol Otange. St•I• o t EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE Segetatrom and 01her1 reco1ded over the South111y 10 50 feet ol Oocu!ll4fnt Numbil1 ot talci Offlcllll Calllornla, In Boot< 131133 of Olllcltl OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST December 29, 1978 In Book t298 I, P81cel 2, IS Sllown ort a Map llle<11n ~OS et dfflgnate<I below Records at page 200 l YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A Page 1887 ol Olllc111 Records, book 136 pages 30 and 3 1 OI Tha IOCtl am01mt ol Iha unpaid The total amou,,t of the unpaid LAWYER. Orange County. Parcel MaPf, 111 th• ofllca of th• balance or tne obllgatlO<'I MOUred balance ol the obligallon sacurld t865 Anaheim su .. 1, Coate The t11ee1 addreu ond othe1 County Rocorda1 ot Orange COii.iiiy. by sa1<1 dead of trust and .. 11matad by the proparty to be told, lflcludlr>g M .... CA Unlls 1. 2. 3, "'· s. 6. 7, 8. commoo de11gn111on. 11 any. ot 1na Cat1l0tn1a costs. eapantM. aflCI ac:1vances 11 Htlmeted coats, ••ptneu and & 10 roal properly de1c1tbed at>ove 11 ucep11ng therefrom Iha WHtllfty 1118 11ma of int 1n1t1al publlc•1lon of advances Is. $52.339.0ll. The nema. "(II a 1118'1 edd1ea1 or common purl)Ofl9CI to be 204.00 IMl ther801 this Notice ol Trulfe•'• Sale 11 sttaat addr111 and telephone deslgnlllon 11 anown above, no Sunllowa< Avenue & Wlmt>ledon Atso uceptlons 1harellom the designated below numbef ol the TrullM conductlr>g w1rran1y l a given •• 10 111 Way Coit• Maae CA 112626 Easlllfly O 75 reet of the Northl!fly As used ne<aln "lrustor" ahall be t tlla HI• 11 FIDELITY NATIONALcornp1t1_..orcorrec:tnaaa)." The unde11igned Trustee OSOIMl lheraol daemedtomean "Trustor•"llmore TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY. The ~llc:lary und" laid DMd dlsclllms any tlabillly tor any PARCEL D A non-exclusive enen one T1uf1or la dettgneteO 6800 Magnolia Avenue, Rlvenlda, of Truat, by reaaon of • brHch OI ln<;orrect"esa ol tire street address easemen1 lor berm purposes ovet below. an<I "BaMllClary" thall be CallfQ<'nla 82508, (71•) 682-5000 delaull In the obligation• saourac:t and other common d110gnet1on, II the Eattorty O 75 leei ol 1he deemed to me8/\ "Benefrcler1t1' II Tiie name, addreuAncl telephone 1nttaby, httetolota 1xecuttd and any. sttown lle11t<n North811y O 50 teet or the Southefly more then one Banellclary executed number of Illa Beneficiary at wl'IOM delivered to the undatalgnad a Said sete ,.,11 be mede, but 10 50 !eat ol Parcel 2. as ahown on tha Notooe or Dataul1 h81atn11>0va reque11thltHlal1tobeconduc:ted.wrlltan Oectaratlon ol Oelaul1 and without eov:sn1n1 01 warta111y, a MapllladlnbOOk 136,P4Q0$30 mantlOlleel 11 ALAN ROTHMAN and BONNIE Demand lor Sale, •nd w1l11en notJc;e expros• o• Implied. regarding 11110 and 31 ol Parcel Mops In me 0111'9 The time ano place 01 sele, OiBLASI, 450 Wts1 Founh SlrMI, Of bra.ch and oc •tec:tlon 10 CIUN po1set11on. or encumbrances, to ol th• County Recorder ol Ofangc description ol said properl y i nd Sal'lta A n a, CA 8270 t , (7 14) the u<1daralgnad to nll ••Id pay the 1ema1n1ng prK>CIPll aum ol County, C1Jttorn1a 0111e1 dela role11eC110 abOve are as 558·0812. prop«1y to aatlal)o M id obllgatlon1, tile nota(s) MC:u1ad by aato Deeo ol Note I Any Dae<l/Oocumant In l~lows Oltaouons mey bo obtained to and thatealler Iha underalgnad Trust. with 1n1ere1t tnereon, u connee11on with this order sllould County Ofanga toc111 '"' p1oparty being sold, ClluMd aald notice ol braac:h and ot provldecHrr .. 1d note(s), tdvancet, con1111n 1he lo1tow1ng roaervotions Tru1101· M DWIGHT BATT'IST,. purauant to• wtllten raqu .. 1elactlon to be Recorded July 13. 1t•ny,unde<ll\at81msot said0ted alt81PatcefA end M CONNIE BATTIST,., IUbm•tled 10 the ~ficlllf)' wllhln 1982, H lnllr No. 82·241521 In of Trual, 1ee1 charges ano Reu1v1ng tharetrom •non· husband 1nd wtlt ano SAM 10 daya from 014111111 publ1Clltlon ol Ofllclal Rec:otd• eapen ... ol tlla T1us1ee end ol tne exclullve easement lor ingress a,,d BATTISTA anel ELLEN BATTISTA thla notice Seid ute w111 be m1de, but trust created by 1111d Deed or Trust, egress ovor the Northerly t3.50 leet husband 81\d Wife Oiied 1'4obvemt>e< I , 1982 wt1hou1 covanont or warranty. lor 1111 amount ro11onat>ty ot the Westerly 20400 feet th81eot Oetd ol Trust Rocordatlon Diie FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE expr ... or tmpheCI, regarding fltla. esumatad to be S4 71•,40000 Also retef'ving lhefetrom a non. April 9, 1981, Book l4013 Pago INSURANCE COMPANY posaesalon. 01 oncumbraneH, to Tna 1>enel1c1ary und8' aat<I Deed exeluaive ea.semant for ingress and IS78, Document No 10090 • Sierra GonzalM, Ply the 1emalnlng prlnclp1I sum ol of T11ist heretofore executed and Clil•ess over the No11ner1y 10 50 leet No11ca ol 0111u11 Reeo1da11on Aul Secretary the no1e(1) 141C11rtd by aald Oted of delivered to the undersigned • th8toor Oate June 11. 1982 Document No STATE OF CALIFORNIA Trust, With lntereat u tn said note wnnen Oeclareuon ol delautt and Elle.piing from last r .. etvatlon 87-1989?1 County ol Rtlltfltda PfOvtdtd, aovances. II any, und., Demand for Sale, and a w11tten the WH1"1y 204 00 leat lhefool. Tt me o t s •I• 1 o. oo A M On this 111 day of Novembet, In lhe terms of H id Dead or T1u11, Notice 01 Deteun and Elaollon to Ario e xcapllng l!om 1111 weonesday No-.emt>e< 17, t982 tha yeer t9112. before me, Iha leea. charges .,,d eKpenHa ol lht Sell The unCleralgned co11sed aa1d 1eserv111on tha Eaatarly O 76 feet or Place ol Sale Nortn 1ron1 und8111gned, a NOlllY PubltC In art TrullM •n<I ot th4l tru111 created by Notice ol Oetautt 1nd Eteeuon to Ille Southerly o SO foel 1hereol entrance 10 Iha county cou1thouM. for 1a1d Coun1y and Stata,MldOeedolTrv~1 SlllCl111ta will ba Seti to be reoordad In the county Re>er111ng therelrom a non 700CIVlc:Centet 0flVeWest,Sart11 peraonally appeared Sierra heJd on Tueaday, November 16, wttere the real Pfopetly 11 located eacluslvo easarn1n1 ror berm Ana. C A Oonalea peraonally known to mi 1982 at 2 00 Pm at Illa Chapmen 1MpER1 Al CORP OF ourposea over tna Easl .. )' O 75 1ee1 Total of obllQAllO<'I 8!1d .. 11mated (or prov.ct to me on Iha b•tl• o A\/91\ua lf'lrance to the CMc Center AMERICA ol the Southerty O 50 feet of tlfe ca~. expenses, and adv1nces a1 Hllslactory 1v1denctl 10 be tht Building. 300 E Chapman Avenut es said 11u1tee Nort11811y 10 50 feet thetool lnltlal pubhcallon $170,348.57 P•••on wno executed the Wllhl~ in the City ot Or•~. CA 8787 Complex Drive. YOU AllE IN OlfAUl T UNOER A Street a<fdtess or otllel common 1natrumonl H Asstallnt Secret.If) A I I he II m • o I In• In 1111 I Son Otego, CA 92 123 DEED CW TRUST 04 TED AUGUST oesignallon ol Htd property 310 or on behalf of tna corporation put>l1<:at1on or this no11e41 the 10111 (714) 292-6480 22, 1979. UNLESS YOU TAKE Rob.nhooCI Lane. C0$1a MaH. CA tlWlfetn n.ameo, eno ac-nowltO~ amount of the unpaid balanc. oflnt By Estreltla Ch•mbettain ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR 92626 10 me th al such corporallo~ oblrgauon aecu1ed by the above TrustM a Sala Ollicer ..,.~llTY, rT MAY N SOLO AT A Dasc1tp1ton of Propeny Loi • of executed II described dead ot truat and 011t Octobilr t4, 1982 PU8UC SALL IF YOU NEED Atl T1ac:1 No •~39. 1n the C11y of Cotta Wl1NESS my 1181\d and esumated t'btlt. expen1e1. and PubhShed Orange Coast Daily EXPLANATION Of THE NATUAl Mesa. 11 0-1 M•P (8(;()tdad In Book ottlClal seaJ. •dvancea ts $83 1,777 71 To Pilot Oct 25and Nov 18,1982 Of THI PROCEEDING AGAINST 155 page 3 4 a nd 35 of Phyllis R Sc><o.a determine lhe opening bid. you m1y <1673·82 YOU, YOU SHOUU> CONTACT A M111C111laneous Maps. In the olllce ol Publlshed Orange Coast Daily Cllll 171~) 937--0986 --------------1 LAWVUl 11w1 County Reco<et81 of satd count)' Piiot, Nov. 8. 15, 22, 1882 Diie Octobef 15, 1882 P\&IC NOTtC£ Tr ustor or raco10 o w ner E1tcept an undivided one-hall 49•2·82 VAL BAN CORP BRISTOL STREET L TO .. ii 1nterHI In ano to all oil gu. -----------------as aatd Trustee, NOTICE INVITIHO 8IOS Calffoinla Limllttd P1rtn81sh1p rnJnaralt 1nd surl-ol NICI land. fllllt.IC NOTICE By T 0 SERVICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN 1n11 The atraet eddreu and other t>ut without tne right of an1ry upon COMPANY, agent M81ad proposalt wlM be 1aeaiV.O ~ common dMtgnallon 11 any, ot the any PO<tlon 01 tilt aur1~ of Mid NOTICE cw TRUSTWa'• •AU! By Cindy Selloonover, the City ol Costa M ...... lhe olllct , .. , properly datertbed above IS lanes '°' the putpoM OI Hplot\ng """llUANT TO Ass11111n1 Sectalary ol tha City Clafk II the City Hall, 77 pu1porlt1d to be 2781 Bristol to•. boring, exttactlng •• drllltng, C.CLAAATION Of On• Clly Blvd West, FBIT [)five, Coat• M .... Callfotnll, Street, Costa Mel8, Calllorn11 mining, P•0"'9(:11ng tor. remolllng CCWINA#Ta.CONDl'TIOMS 01enge,CA 82668 until th• nour ol 11 00 1 m . Tna undersigned T1u1ttte °' ma1kallng aa1d aubstancaa H ANO MITllllCTIONt Tel (714l 83W288 Oacember 18, 1982, a1 wl'lleh time d1scla1m• any ltablhly tor 1ny gran11d by 1 Deed racordaO YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNOEA PublltheO Orange Cout Deily they Wiii be opened publl<ily •nd 1ncorrectness or Ille street addreu January 29. 1982 1n book 5990 THAT CERTAIN DECLARATION OF Pilot Oct 25. Nov I 8 1982 read aloud In the CouncM Chambers and Olhor common deaignatlon 11 p1t9c 913 Otllctal Reeotda COVENANTS. CONDITIONS ANO •672·82 for FURNISHING All LABOR. any, snown here•n Dalee! Oc1o1>er 14. 1982 REST'AICTIONS D ... TEO JANUARY1-------------------1 MA TERIALS. EQUIP MENT . SatdllllaWlllbemade ~t .,.rlhout ~AR VISTA 10, 19&7. OF THE HARBOR VIEW Ml.IC NOTICE TRANSPORTATION ANO SUCH covenant or warianty. HPrtlS or FINANCIAL. INC , ~IL LS H 0 ME 0 W N E R St---------------1 OTHEA FACILITIES AS MAY BE I ,...... ell 1111 Assoc I •TION UNLESS YOU NOTICE OF nt\.llT£E't SAL£ mp"""· regar ng e, ponession, • corpofltlon, TAKE ACTtOH TO PROTECT YOUR Loen No. 1AOl112 REQUIRED TO PROVIDE PARK or ancumb1an<l81 lo pay the unpatd T1ustaa PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLO AT A U . Ho,..... ~~~!~~(JDC 1'r°RNE~, ~~~ ~ane.I o; 11'"'f1'sec~~';'8 ~~~ S~~ & HELLYER This s1a1ement was hlec With lhe County Clerk of Ora1'19t CO\lnty on No•emt>er 4. 1982 f20071e F20117t Pubhshed Ot'ang Coast Daily P.. Put>llshed 01ang1 Coast Dally u w1d Trustee. l 0 SERVICE COMPANY egen1 Cindy Scttoonover. Aaat Sect One Coty Blvd w .. 1 PUBLIC SALE IF YOU NEED AN BURLINGTON FINANCIA i.. PROVEMENT S FOA VIST A d o ruSI. rwit. ' 1 oasSt<>n.al EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE SERVICES, INC .. a Callfo1nl1 PARK lndctu Ing al.sf ptoll de<Jd Int aold notot, CB0tpo<allonG OF r .. E PROCEEDING •"'AINST corpor•tTon u dulw 1ppolnted ' vanQes, any, un ei ha terms o Y Joann B01galf11 tot. Nov 8, 15. 22. 29. 1982 Pilot. Nov 8. 15. 22 29 t982 •sr.16·82 •937.a2 "'"' T 1 d "' 1 1 A set ol plans. apecrflcatlona, and aat<I 0..0 ol Trust, •-cn11ge1 llttorneys tor TrustH YOU. YOO SHOULD CONTACT A rue 81 un 81 1 1 OI owing Ollltl corttrac1 Clocumentt may be lt\d e•pel'IMS ol llte Tru5tee and of Publ"nad Or11nge Coas1 Dally LAWYER. desctlbecl deed ol lfllll WILL SEU. oblllned tn the offic e ol the by Deed Orange. C,. 92666 DllTH NDTICIS (71•) 835·8288 ON WaelnHday, Oecemb., I, Al PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE Oep11tment ot Leisure Services. 77 ~~~.~rutts c1eated Qtd of PtlOI Oct 2S. Nov 1, a. '8:~7l·82 1982, at 10 00 a.m , 01 H 1oon HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CAS H Fa" Drive, Cot1a Mesa, CatllOl'nla. Tilt! ballellciarv under IMlt<I Oeeo lharHtter • mey be reuonable. at (PAY•bla 11 lltnt 01 Hie In lawful upon r-'1>1 ol a r>onrefuncl•ble IM or Trust 11eretolo1e e1ttcuted ana 4863-62 the front alt~• ol Iha IMPERIAL mo<1ey 01 tha Ur.llld StalH) •11 ol Ml 00 If blddets ,.qu111 PIM!• delivered 10 tilt underalgned a Publlahld Orange Coast Da11y P11<>1. Nov 8 15, 22. 1982 Pllll.IC NOTICE B•NK B' 'IL"" o. 8"'5 T-,._,., r""'I. t•tta and 1n1 .. es1 conveyed to and a---111catlona k-mall-" Iha wrltt-A "-'arat·~ 01 Default a"ri NOT''"£ TO co--RACTORS -----------------------orlvo. lnu 111'; City ~I C;tt~ M~a. a~ now held by II und81 Nld Deed cnar~ll 1be $1.50 ';.,set:""' Oem~~d7or .s~i;'. and 8 writ ta~ P;ltc:t No. a'i'11R •• Pl&IC NOTICE County of Orange, Stall of of Jrus1 1n Int P1oe>erty h8111neft• Eac:n bid fhall be made on the Nottca 01 Default and Elacllon 10 Seoi.ct ptoposa/1 Wiit be reoaMt<I JOHNSON Nancy Dunlap of M ontana, 0 D A B . JO H N SO N , Knsten Norberg of Col orado mother o f Mrs. Hazel E. and K evin Norlx·rg also o f Canfield, grandmother o f Col orado. great-grandc:h1ld Eileen Ardis Vaughn, Robert Alex Dunlap o f M ontana. James Vaugh n and L aura Recitalion of lhe Rosary was L ynn Vaughn. P rivate h e ld on Sunday at the services were held at F orest Harbor Lawn Memorial L a wn Hollywood Hills. C hapel M ass o( th e Forest Lawn M ortuary C hrisllan burial was h eld on NOTICI Of' l"UllllC ~ Calllorn1a. '"' HARBOR VIEW 0-lbed· proposal form and In 111a manner Soll 10 be rllCOt'decl tn the county 11 the office or Pl•nt ()pe<alloM -No11ce lsharebyglvtnthaltha HI L LS HOMEOWNERS TRU STOR . RICH ARD J provided In t he contr•cf *lle<l lhtrulproperl)llalocated Cnlef ol Ptanl Opat•llona 111. Planning Comtnlsalot'I of the Ctty ot ASSOCIATION (the "Auoclallon'·) FOLMElt 811 unmarried man do cum• n 11. • n d th a 11 b a Cal· American "n•nclal c o.., .. F11trv11w Stat• Hospital, 2!10 I N-port Beach wlll hold a publlC th1ougn 111 duly appolntecl agani BEN EFICIARY MIDWEST accompanied by a c.,tllled or 12221 •rooldiutat SltMI, Gilden H11bor Blvd , Costa Mau, 1-tng on • Pfopoaad Amenctmanl and to 1t101nay, LEJ H OUAST. PACIFIC FINANCIAL. INC · 11n Iowa c.atN9''1 Cheek or a bid bOnd lor OroH, CallfOtlll• HMO, 81 N ld Cal1fotfll1 92628 untll 2 00 pm on 1o ll'ta Newpor1 Beach Gene<al Plan wtloM1trM1 addr~ telephone corporation no1 IHa than 10 percent of the T 1 l M Kl YI NovemlMtt 24. 11182, at wt'loell llma Clellgnelad 11 GPA 81·3 "M1rrlo11 number It tnown below, WILL SELL Recorelad September 1•. 1881 IS amount Of the blda, madt PllY•bfl .. ::.ti:.,•~ · · rwan, c • tll•'I wm be publicly opened and Hotel Expantton" tnltlated by the Al PUBLIC flUCTION TO THE lnetr No. l5e03 In booll t42l7 Ptgt to the City of Co.11 Meaa O#le October 19. t982 read IO< perlormlng work H City ol N-porf BHch and tile HIGHEST BIOOER FOR CASH l l88 ol Oflidal Recolds In Iha olllc:t The Conti actor ah•ll, In the Pubhshed Orange Cout Diiiy Furnlatl -11 lebOf, mattr1-1s, loots applocatt0nt o1 The Marriott Hotel (payable at time of •ala 1<1 lawful ol Iha Recorder 01 O.anoa Counry, parlormenct or the wo1k end plot 0c1 25 N 1 8 l882 and equipment nacau1ry to Corpoiat1on lor Trelllo Study, Site money Of the Ut1lled SI.ate a) H IO dMd of truat deaerlbel Iha lmprovamenll. conlorm 10 Illa 1 ' 0" ' •694 82 "REPAINT BUILDING EXTERIOR - Plan Rev-No 29,81\d use Plfmlt punuent to the powtr ol aale followlllg ptoparty. Labor Code o f Iha Slit • of -R&T BUii.DiNG' -All 10011 BLACK · M onday at the St Joachim 's MARCELLA K . BLAC K . Catholic Church w ith final resident of Newport Beach , Interment bemg at the Holy Ca . Passed away 0.n Sep_ulc h er Cem~t cry . N ovember 5, 1982. She 15 Servx:es under the dtrcoeOon s u r v 1 v e d b y h e r o( Baltz Bergeron-Sm11h & grandchildren K a r en a nd Tuthill W eslchrf C hape l M ortuary o f Costa M esa. ------------646-9371 No 2095, on P'C>P«ly IOcaled at lilt conferred In lhat certain Oedat1tlon "YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER Callfornla and other law1 ot the -----flta.---IC_Mn_TI_C_E __ ..,._, eq1ilpment. mat11lal1. ano lebOr to 900 Bloc* of Newport Cel'lter onw of Covenants. Condlllo<1s and A DEED OF TRUST DA TE 0 Stare of Ca11to1nla appllcabl• i------------""-------PflPale the surl-• end repalf'lt all RHlrlctlona (Iha "CC&R'a") H SEPTEMBER 3, 198 1 UNLESS lhattto, with Ille ••(189tlon ortly of NoTICf aalsting ex1e1lor surtacaa of the O.nanl ,._,Amt d I recorded In ~ 8868, Pagtt 84, YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT tueh v111atlort1 H may be required YOU AM IN Dll'AULT UNOER A R&T Building. at F11rvi-Stale 1 1 :I (GPA e1...s) " -lnclualve, Olt1clal Racord1 ot YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE under the apac181 etatuttt pursuant ~O Of TIW8T, OATWO AILV t. Hosplllll. In accordlll(i8 With plens A . I ~Iha Newpor1 Or•ngt Counly. Ca11to1nla Ind, SOLO "T A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU lo whlctl Pfoc.tdlnga ""tuneler.,. 1m. UHU!t a YOU TAKE ACTION and apecllleallona thefafor e.ac'tt°i'::,1~ Plan lor ~ 900 01 wnhout cov1nenl or w•rranty, NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE ta~en ind which have not b4tan TO "'°T'ICT YOUfl ~fUV, IT Preference will be g1antad 10 Newpo 1 Canler 10 allow the e•Of-OI Implied, regarding thla, NATURE OF THE PROCEEOINO aupetltded by Iha ptOYlllona of the MAY 81. SOLD AT A ,U8LIC bidders property 1pprovtd as .L of the I 'l .. 1 11 po111eslon or enc11mbrane11 ell A GAINST YOU. YOU SHOULD l abor Coda. p,.1e1ence to labor t A I. IE . 1 F you N £ED AH "Small Bualneas' In acco1danoe •xPan........ ex 1' ng ... arr o that c.laln real property altuat9d In CONTACT A LAW'YEA " theft be glvet1 only In tilt manner EXPUINATION OF TH£ NATURE with SICtlon t896, et aaq .. Tiiie 2, ~ ,_Cl•OTHHS 1&1.•0ADWAY wo.T\lilY 110 Broadway Costa Mesa 642·9150 --- LUTZIHGHOH SMnH & TUTHIU. WISTCUff CHAf'fl 427 E 17th SI Cost a Mesa 646-9371 --- .... ClllOTHHS SMITHS' WOITU.UY 827 Main SI ~ntington Beach S36-6S39 --- PACIFtC Y•W '·· telG'IHl PAU c.n,e~ Mor1uary Ch1!1 ematory "3600 actlic View Drive . Newport Beach 844-2700 - "I . Hotel byb ~3• .addtl~lnil llOugu .. t the Cout1ty of Orat1gt. Stele or Tiit ttrMt tddttn °' common prOVld«I by law OF THIE ""'OCIEIDING AOAINIT C11ilornfa Admlnlatra11va Code KJNCH rooma, 1 8 room, coc .. 81 ngas Ca"lornla, d~I.._.. II f .... -dHi"netion of tne at>ova It 102 ............. Ilona for .vet~--· .. _ and 1asu1urents, a "1dao gema room ~ -._. "''~• S • P 5 No bid at>ell be con..ua<ecl unleu YOU. YOU SHOULD CONTAcT A ..,,,,.,_ ... ---"~-.,. R UT H B E A T R I C E wllh rtlated 110111 and aervlca lot •6 of Tract 6"26 u contained cholz lau, No 14 • Newport 11 it made on • form 1U1nlahed by t.AWVI"-tubmllltd lo Iha Small 8u11n1u K INC H . r esident of Costa 1~.111a1 nd 57<1 k'M 111 Book 236, Pago 43 10 •8 Beach, CA 112680 No watranty It 111tC11yot Oosta Mesa,al\dl1m•d• NOnclfOfl'RUlftE't8All Otllca. 1823 -14th Street, ...., • 8 8 apace par "'V lnclualv•, of Ml·.......,a~·s ••aos In gtvan •• to 111 comniateneu or S1c1amen10, CA 11581•. AO\ less M esa. Ca Passed away on str~ure The protect proponent 11 -·~ ... In accordanot wfth the pro1111ion1 or T.t . No, 2'7n:llnlb ·• 982 Lo 111, Marrlotl Hotel Corpot1tlon. '"' Ofllclal Records ol 011no• eor1actneu. t/'le Pfoposal r~ll On Nove'Tlbilf 18. 1982, a1 10 oo 1h1n five (6) calendar day• In November 5, l ving ea htad MO Counly, Caltlornla. T"' benelldary und« Mid Deed Eaen bideltr must be ltcanHd and o clock 1 m . on Tuesday 11 thf edvlt'ICa Of bid opc1n1ng dale Thfl mother of Willmm H. Kmch, Tl~ ;tlldy: Thi 1tree1 aOdreu •no 01nat or Trual. by rauon ot • b•oec:ll oi also p1oquahhtd u required by tew. c 11apm1n Avonu• entrance 1o '"' p1eteranc1 appll" to projects Jack le M a pl es den and Request 10 consider 1 Tralltc common CIMlgnetton, IC any, ol 1he def111tt In Ille obllgaoona eeeu1e<1 The Cllt Council ol th• City of Civic Center Bulldlng, 300 E111 where th• estimated project cost Do aJd L Ki h dea Is Study t allow the p a1on I Iha r .. 1 property Clescrlbtd abO·.,,. It thefaby. haretofo11 Heeultd ind Coala MIU reMt'Y" the right 10 c11apm1n•Aenue. Orange, CA. ••ceed1 S25.000 n · nc · r 8 tt'I' M•rrrotf Hollf all .,.. 0 pu1pottad to b• 3812 lnltl lale dtHverad to tl'le undat1lg<1ed • "J8C' any°' a11 blela w e s T ER N M u Tu A l Bid propoHlt mull be aubmiltad o f Warrl'n. R eginald and tit• "1an "9111ew No. 2t: Otlvt, Corona def M8!, Cellfoml.a, wrlnan O.Cia•ellon of Default •nel Eiteen p Phinney CORPORATION. 1 Calltornla 101 th• entire work d"c1lbed Ernest Smith, also survived Raqueetto appto"" Iha P<oPONd lu1th9<. vesting 10 seld reel property o.tn111d tor Siie. and wrlnen nohoe c ny Clttk ollha corporation. as Truataa, or therein. Deviation• lrom plana anCI by 7 grandchildrt.'n ·and 3 11 1 1 1 11 th th 11 In cne name of SHE..,.ODEH ol brNCll and ot atactlort 10 cauM City of Oo111 MaN substituted Trvatae. und" 1ne Deed apeolllcatlon• Wiil not be con1ld81t<I d h 11 d 1 1 ~~ n0,C1~ u,ncl t~ '°!~ •-i•t YADEOARAN and AOWSHAN Iha undtfllgnad l o Hll H id Publlahad 0,.<1ge Coast Dally of Trull eaecutad bw MICHAEL and w111 bt C8UN 10< 1elac:tlon1 ol gr ea l ·gr an (.' r e n . e!Pll·-· ... x ........ ,,"' Y ... 0£.0ARAN pt09"ty to Hllsfy aaid OOllgltlOna. STEPHEN MOK EDE ~nel TONI A bid• The o.p.,1ment has 1he rlglll Visitation will be h eld on Hotel a<1d to permit roqulrad The und.,algnad Truitt• and tllerHft., Ille uneleralgned Piiot. Nov 3' 8' 11112 •889-82 MOKEOE. nusbancfand Wll•. her••n to waive any lm1gul11ltyh'I a blCI Of M onday. November 8, 1982 ollatiMt P41tlllng on 1 demonatrtlad d11c1alm1 any llablllly tor any eauM<l .. IO notlct ot breach •nd ol --------------------I called Truttor, raco1ded August 11. to 11Ject 1ny or 1111 bid•, from 2:00PM t o 9:00PM ::_mu1..:,""1No IOll ' lnC01ract""8of the1trMllddl9N •lectlon to be recordld July 28. Pla.IC NOTIC£ 1878" lnS1rumen1 No. t4194, In Not>ldwlllbeconalctatedunlesllt Gr11ves1J e se1 vkes will be Requeat 1'0 el tow for Iha and ol-common daalgnatlon, II 1982 "lnatr No. 82·2809211 In ~TITIOU• au ... sa Booll 118•6. Page t035 ol Oll!Qat '' made on a etandttd form held On Tu--... ay, November 1t11bll•llmentot1neltctronlcvldeo eny,lhowl'tlWlfaln boollofaaldOtllci.IRacords T Record• of Orane• County, furnlShedbytheDai>artmantandla \.-:>U ln 1 1 Said Nia will bt medt 10 11C11ty Said HI• wlll b• made. bu1 N~ • AT'IMINT Cehlornla, Wiit fffl at publ" 1uctlon m1da In •ccordanc• wllll tne 9, lllli2 at l :OOPM at Pacific P~.~~m"oc1'"if'-·t!!..1Pr1o0~~· .. 00•.:,: th• obllg111on1 H curad by, and without covtn•nt 01 w111anty. The tollowlng P•••on 11 doing "ln11ruct1on110 Blddert". V iew M e m orial Pork. (;';'~0 111;';'i6r lh~"'u"sa ol pu11u1n1 to Ill• powat of nl• ••Pf-ot lmpl..0, teg.atdlng ltllt. twtlnaaau: ~~Y•::,:'i~h~:~.~:d::i~n!~r0~811h~ Protp8Cllwbleldar1m.ay a11amlnt N B h G d blla conf.,rad In Artlc:le \II of IM above l)OaMaalon, or' tneoiml)fanc". to ADVENTURE IN 8All00NS, Unllad St.ates •• the 11.~ of ..... and Obtain plan• llP'dflcallonl Incl cw por l enc a l t'S ciompacl car apacot an automo 1el11tnced OC&R'e; and JNrtu1111 P•.Y ·~ ramelnlf\G. ptlllelplll sum ot 1768 Anaheim Awnue. Coe•• Mesa, th• 1n1etest conveyed to ano now Old torma by calling at ot mtillf!Q • K i ngsley and Cot~ S1intu :=,~•I "' not lt'ICllP'(ldtnlly 10 Arllcl• 111, Secllon 3 of '"' the note MCured ~ ... io Deed of C.lllOtllll 92827 held by Hid TruafH und•r Hid raQ\IMl lo the Ofllce ot tn. Chit( ol M o n tl'a d I rectors. (2 13) NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER CC&R'e, Int Nolloa of""""'*"' Trual, wilh lnl.,tll .. In Mid note Mtl\dt E. White, 1768 .Artll'lelm OHd oC T1u11 11' tht p1of)11rly Plant Operallon1 .at lh• above 395-9988 GIVEN that an Et1vlronmental and Claim of lien waa rtcOtdtd pro¥idecs, •dllanc:et. 11 any, under Avtnu•, Coate Mu.a, Calllo•nta 111u11ed In 181<1 County and Stall addtes1, telaphont llUlllO.r (7141 GLADSTONE Impact Repott h .. batr1 prapertcl tn agalnat Iha 1bova Claec:rlbad rHI Int 1t1m1 Of u ld 0..0 ot Tru11, 82t27 dCllC•lbtd 11• 1157·5212 D ti 11 .. th ltC•tlO l)f~y fOf no<1paymen1 01 dVM !Ml, Cllargee .ild expanse• ol Illa fill• ~ It conelucttd by en Lot 111 Tt1cl 8638. 11 per map A payment bOnU, 8ttt'ld11d f'Ot"m F R A N K 1.. G L. A • eon nee on w " • •PP " and .. n u-.ntt on Oaoemb« 21 TIVllM and ol the trust• c:t .. ttd by lndlvldual recorded In ~k 258. pogee 5 al\d 607 In th• amount of lltty l*C•nl of STONE a l"t!!'1dcnt of Ana· 1 t'loiad above 11 11 th• pr .. at1t 1N I. In Booll 14330, Paoe t176, .8 Mid Oted of Trust Said .... will b9 Mancia E wn11e 6 of Mlacell•'*>Ua Map1, r-d• ol tna conttact price Mull 8GCOt'lll>•ny hcim, C a . eo'r the p91l 2~ ~11:::'m:t~j",,;;~:0 :::·:;: Intl"'"*'' Ho "5(0In1119 0'1lolal Mid on W.clnttday, Oec:amMr '· Thi•····"'*'' waa flltd With Iha Ot'anga Cout1ty every CO<'llr ICI lnvolvln9 en years. Pa1Scd n w ay on ,:pporllng doeumt nta the City Aeoorda o r Orange Cou n ty. 1162 111 2.00 I>"'· •1 ,.,. Cllal)f'l'lan ~ounty~!'"' 0~ .. <!rartgt CO\inty on The atreet aadrett and/or 01,,., ••P90dlture in •xc.tt ot 125,000 N b 111 19Sl H 1 ~~IN9"19' .. Cellf0f<1la; n . flKlhel, 1ht Notice Avenue en11a<1oe, to t h• Civic OW!n ..... "· 1nc common ae•lon•llon, 11 1ny, la t11e tucotulul bldd., wlll be ovem er "• · (' '1 oub!IO t~eview ~1 on or D•f•uf, .. nai.cr!Oft to ''" C.. .......... aoo 1..-~ ~1• ~oortl<I to bt 1002 San•• Cruz 1eq1111t0 to txacut• • c:ontrteturar survived by his wt Ce Ann, ~ doc~t•llon COPIH of "" •lfacillng H ld '"' ptOP9tll' ••• Avtnua, 1n tilt-City of OflWIQll Pwbltahed Ora,,., C..t OelJy di.°"'' Mete' CafltornMI •ore•l'fl•fll fl\ 111e ,.,,.. ol • chlldr rn Allan and Shawn EnvlrOl\mtl'ltal lmptcl Atc>ot1 encl recorded Jvly U , iota, u A t th t llm• ot th• l n111 a1 Pilot, Nov I.'~· 22. tt. 1982 =llld Sale wttl bt "'"" wttnout "Starloaro Agreema111. FOfm 2· Oladlt.nnc Cindy 01-dttonc IU9l)Oftlno document•.,, • .,all•ble >nttrumanl No 12·H2. 140 11'1 lllt PlllMICt llOtl of thl1 ne>tlea, the total •atS.82 'Anly aa to ltllf potMlllol'I or whlell 111•11 bt blndlng vtc>n th• Mor 11 y n 9 n d MI ch 11 r j tor pvbtlc r~ lr>CS lnll)tCCllon at ~~~1'!-'d• of 0.lllQt Counl)I, :i;1\gt,.1':c~:' .,~, 1~~ ,o~~= P""~~~~:~": :: ~ ~:va~'b;t~':r:i~· only upon HarneUaux, 4 ar.ndchlldrt'n , ~":w~~r~1"&.~~rt3~Jo ~.:: T"-1oit1 amount of the ~ dH Crlll•d dud o Hvll •t1d u{d of Tru•l. lllCIU<tlng tilt I~ lfl acc0td~ wtltl IM l)<OVlllON Scott, C11rric, Brian, And Newport e ouCeYird, Newport b9t•nc. OI the obftOtttlon MCurtd 11tlm1tecl co•••· expan"'· ~nd end ••PtnN of "'' Ttutt" Ind 01 Of s.ctlon 1770 of the LabOr Cocla, KlmbrrcHy and llh t ~r au c:ll C•llfort1I•, 82613 (l1•l by Che p1oparty to b• aold and advanou 11 '28.7"11 1t. To Gift 11\t 1ruet11:1rM lld by .. kl°"" 01 tnt Oaplflmt nl h11 H C•r••lnt d Doroth~ Collin. ServlcH 6'40o2t~l ,. .. onaDI• .. 11m1t•d 00111. delarmlna IN OH"lno bid. you ma; truei, adv1nc11 thtr9Undtt wllll •flat 1ha gan.,.i PflValllnQ '"• ot d d Notlea • l'IWte)y furlllar gtvtn 1,_ '"P«I"' and lldYWlOla 111 11\t time call (714~)33 G Id tnltrtll 81 provided thetttfl, tnd tllt weo-IPPI~ In IN OOllflty Ill were el on M on •Y Mid l)Ubllc""" Wiit lie htlcl on OI '"• lnlll•I pvl)lloallon of,.,. o... baf I, 1812 u e unl)tld pllnctpal and lflttr .. I Of"'' wfllcrl ,,,. wort<" 10 be done .. Novembtr 8. IG82 •l thll tllt ,.,., Cley Of ::,.,,.bat 1N2 " NotlOt of ..... lneludtng attorney'• SU,.~INGTON ,INAfllCIAl • No1 .. ecurad by .. kl.o..d Of Ttu,I, lllOH ratu U l •blll llad I nd Harbor wwn Mount OUw '"' nour Of"~"" eouM. ,_and c:otlt. la I U O oo. llRVICU.. INC Coming lo-lflil ..... 3 11. =l•ll•d ltY ,.,. OlrtCIOI ol C hape l With •nt r m •n-.g:eml:ltfsOf rtlMGft ~:::~Itta ;'O~rTruet PANY,~ w'r:'TI~ll,~NJlUAl .... '::.."::'':',..C:::.ca.': n rvtcu 1mmed1.-e 1y w tt"J' .,.. """MMt ~1111110C1A110H LOml · Nov~-.t •IV!'O ~ ... ••a....,,...., ...... f o l lowtn1 T h e family ~.ncl ,_d""==1-i.e.. H °"""·Atty a Aoent ""'ltc:r ,,.,· -•: '!t '°°'-""'"'•• ...... Jalreltw HOIPllll Hd ., lh• rl'qu~t.J dOnatlona t,.. fNldco D•ve 0011 a.eratary ll'laMlllQ .. T.,, o. °'· 11100 .a~ o.t "'° in the Of41119' CA 12 .. , oapa,1111an1 01 oeve1optMA1a1 ' • ,, ·... lrl °""' MW. CA "'" loul\. ...,. 204 71"1lf1·4100 ..... llnltQt I .......... \o tht' A m•t lean I ••r\ =:•11101'1, Olly o "'wpor (714' _.M M7 ... Diego Cli ti10t .. tO•A • ~1---heooi1 Ill• r11•11•c:t1on wlll It• lleld A .-iciaUC'ln.. &!rvf<fl u nder NOT£ Tiie , • .,._of thll l'IOltc. Pu1>111ttt0 01t n1t• Co111 Dally ('71') 1"44 211 ..... __, Ti\14191 '"" OITic.r ~., "· 1..a .. 10-00 •"' the dlr t'ct lon o f Harbor,. '*° "°"' • ....,. ,_ c:Otlected Piiot, "°" 1. ''· u . tM:I ~ ~ HMw *"' _,,.... Pvet1111ao Or•nQ• 00111 oaltv 'v~ HM!Jltll 1.. 1 w n • M o u n 1 O 11 l ~., "°"' '"' llPPflCant •t44-ta "'"' oornlllnM """ IM °''* 'llot. Oct It. Nov l . I 1N1 ,.._ Moru.1ary o f Coit.a Mn• P11Dt1tt1ed Ora"" CoH I Oatlf CONI o.y "*"· ~ 1• 11• 1n . •>·12 ~~-=-~:eo"•'"•t a.it 64()..5"'4 flllcM. Noll 1, 11112 Jlnd •11•1 ~ou want In ''" _..N ..... "' ta le.ti 4nt.a2 Oe11V Piiot ~. ---.~---'!""'"__ __ _, W1nl A• oall ...... ,. "'°'· NOlr •. t , t 411 ---~--4~ .._ ••• ··-..-----=-.,,: .·., - NlllC "°nee NOTICI OP ""''"l'I Ul.I '--' Ne. MO CALLUM T.l .Ne.A-tOlfr CHINO VALLEY IANIC 111 duty IPPOlnled Tru•I•• 11nd11 "" IOllOwing dHCflb.0 deed ot lrull WILL SILi. AT PU81.IC AUCTION TO THI! HIOHUT 811>01111 fOR CA814 (01Ylble 11 llmt 01 1ale In llwf\ll lnon.y OI IM UnlllCI ltallll ell r1g111. 111111 Ind 1n1., .. 1 con~ to and now ti.id by It under Mid ClASSlfllD Orange Co11• DAILY PILOT/Monday, November 8, 1982 1'he rnarketplace on the Orange Coast ... 642-5678 Orange Coa!t residents bough t 42"t o/ all new earl 1old in the county last yeaf even through they compri1e only 30"'r of the county's population. Deed ol Trutl In th• prop111y hlrelnalllf delorlbld TRUSTOR MARQUERITE PEAVEY. MA RQUERITE MC· CALLUM MICHAEL I!. MC CALLUM BENEFICIARY. CHINO VALLEY CLASSIFIED INDEX .,., ,,,.,, •••.........•.••..•... !{~~!!!.{~~~'-'······· !~~!!!.{~~~'.~ ...... !~~!!t{~1.I.'.~' ....... •••' '''''' . I •• ,,,,,,,'''' !~!~~!l!~r.!!r.!'!!f !'.~!!!!.¥~!!!~.'!~.'.~.. . OfHt•J JM C.Hr1/ JOOI 0t81t•/ JOfl C~~;~·;;;;~••••••ioz4 •:;;;.;;·;;~~···•iOii C M HUQ41 quallly dut'llf• •• ,... , L\NIC •·.·············.·.·.·.·.··.·.·.·.·"';': •.• · ... ·.·.··.·.·.·.·.··.·.·.·.,···.·.· .. ·:.· .. ·· ...................... ······················I····'················· 3 frptc 3 0•'. COOP•' ,,., ••• ,, ,,,, , __________ LU>CURY 38n 26A Clean, BEST DEAL plmb'nfc Sl215K, IHU· •••••••••••••••••••••• IUTILIFF OUIMllf bell.II cerpetlng, w1llp11· IN ~•ARBOR RIDGE · mnble 01111 81 12•;. Int P1n1n Pl. $ OR. 31~ bl Liii llLI 111111 AIQotdld June 17, IH1 u lnttt. No. 2&187 In Book 14104, PllOI 60,4 ot Oltlcl11 Record• 1n the office 01 tt>e Recorder 01 011nge County, le Plxe Y .. f Ad. C1ll Prinw L.1do Nora bevlront. nifrm ~ 'h buth LK<-L ft .. air .l-onJ :l ~t 1!11)11 $d00.000 per. yerd 1900/mo 6toul 3 br. lncred vul ll76t<to tr Agent OA,1rgp1t10.s12oomo 3 Br & lerge bOOll·llned 840•7800 14061< 758• 1428 I 642 9068 _ to mo Agt 873-9060 11m1ly room Fruit tr .. e, Seki deed ol trull dMcrlbM the IOllOwlng ptopel'1y PARCEL t Lot 8 ol Treen NO. 3283. In 1111 City ot lffwpor1 8Mcll, County o r Orange, Stat• ol Calllotnl1, u Plf m11P flCOfdld In book 101, pagu 33 and 34. Ml9c4illaneou1 Mapa, In the omc:. or the cou(lty recOfdlf or Miki coonty PARCEL 2: That portion ol lrvln1'1 Subdlvlllon, u per map recorded In book 1, paga Ill, Ml1c111an1ou1 Record Mapt, recorda ol Hid Orange County, 1dl9lnlng Hid Tract No. 3283, boUndld .. toliow.: 642-5678 MOUSES rH SAL£ r. .. ~f .. a.1 ... hl111'\0 ....... f'•R;#h \11• ( •~otu~ ~ .. , " t.w~-•*'"'•' \ .. h .... ,. o.,. .. ...,,.,.,. II I•• • UiW.-11tt \ .11. ~ .. ""'''""~ tk ., f'I huN a...~. t4.f ... ~ w..;..-.u.u' ..... ~. '"""'' M1\~y \1,,,,_. ~: r::w.~,:.-h S.A J'6.•A I ""t<iU•f~•• tr..nt• Afll• ,,..,., Mr .. " ,..,.. , •IC.'-'*• ·-''"""'•' M1il>tl• UuA••~ "'i•h On Ille Nor111 by the Wee!lfly OfOlonglUon of the Nonllerly line of Lot e. Hid Tr.c1 No. 3283; on 1111 Wnt by 1 line tn11 11 parallel with Ind 104.00 !Mt Eaaterly from Ille Eut«ty 11ne ot. Tract.No. 4003. •• IUL CSTUl pet mep rMorded tn book. 1181 ~:,:.~t::::. ~~1·'·" P•O •• 13 to 19 lnolualve ....... 1 .•. ,...,., Mltc1ll1n1ou1 M1p1, record• ol """""' 1· • .,..m Mid Or1ng1 County: on the South ' •• .,., .. , 1~•• '" '"' by the Weetwty prOlongaUon of U\tl : :::.:1'.:.::!,!~·~~1."\ Soufhet1Y Nne of Mid Lot; on Ille ~:.:~~::·~·;~:~ Ealt by the WMllf'ly lln• of Mid 1 ... _ 1· ........ lOt lftd_..,H••I .,,,...,,.,h • PARCEL 3: An •purten1nt ~:.bt::,"1~·~ hit,,,~ non-exclu91ve .. Mmlnt H .00 feet Mwn1• ''"' '' "' ••• wide tor llalllng, n1vlg1tlon, 1 ::.;:-;~:.:;,.':·~ . .., commerce and ecceu over that '"" "'"•" 1·,.., portion of IN!ne'a SubdMllon, u k ...... •·•••· ""''" ~:.°'; .· p= ~~:~=:.1 ~=:: : ::::: ~ :·.~:~-· Rec:ord Mapa. racorda of 11ld IEllTAlS Orange County, adjoining said Trect I 1._ 1 No. 3283. tying 49.00 '"' on Heh uc-..:::, ~~:;:.~'"" t ide OI the following dHCrlbed I I""'••• t w•nv• I nl cen•• une; t·~11f\fw""' h., .. Comn1endng It the Southeaat ~~~";:!,.,"1 corner ot Trac·t No. 4003t 11 per r:;:::.'t.,.!""' map recorded In book t88, p~ 1,.....,.,.., 1 "' 13 \o 19 Inclusive, Mlscellan10t.t1 Ali<• 11orn Map•, record a ol ••Id Orange AIA• 1 "'"'" County; tnenc:. 7 t degfM $4' 00" ~::;.~:••••I .. Eut 104 00 f .. t along the Ordfnery "'"''" • "''•''' High Tide line u described In the :::.-.11•1~;:;'.' llnal decrff entered In CIH No. """'""" "'"''" 20438 Superior Court o f eeld ~:~!:':':.~~!:!".. County, to th• true poln1 of c ........... .. beginning; ltlencl ie.vlng said llnl (llhn N.,ol•I Norlll t8 degrees 08' 00" EHi .......... M•Ol•I 627'.49 f"t to the beginning ol a ~":":.":1~·1 ••"'•' curve concave w .. terly having • 11 • .,,.t '"•"'"' radius of 584.00 feet; thence .14,,. "•"'•" Northerly 441.ae fMt 1toog aald IUSffllSS. INVlSJ curve through an engle of 43 M(MJ, R""llC( dlgreet 20' 00"; thence Nor1h 25 "' " "" ~"''""""~~our•• ""'"'""'" '4•1'1'f ... dig•-14' 00" w .. t 98.4 t ,.., to 1111 Southerly une of Lot J, Hid Trect NO 4003. EXCEPT THEREFROM ell oil, g as. ml11•••I• and other llydroc:Mbont, below a depth of 500 Ifft, wtllloul the right ol 1urf1c1 entry. M r--...d In lnttrumenll of r-d. YOU ARE IN OEFAUL T UNDER A DEED OF TRUST DATED IS/09181. UNLESS YOU TAKE, ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PAOPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLO AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEEO AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU. YOU SHOULO CONTACT A LAWYER ....... _tltwftt f~t. '"'r",,,...ftt ... ,,, ... NIJ'W' ,.,,.,.,. t.to-w' • •l\lf"d• M0tt1 .. ,.., Tl• .. AlfflOUMCEMENTS. PUSIMIALS & • LOST & fOUND ~nrv...i•u ,.,.._nh c.., t'ld l.rw•l 'IJllM f"" '""""' .. """'"" ""'~··· ~ t•J• hthri.1 Tr.,~· SltYICES Thi addrns or saod propeny •• ....,,,..,.,of,.,, 433 Herbor Island Or , Newport Beach CA DIPl.OYM[Nl & "(II • itreet aoor111 "' common ,.CPAHJION dlllgnatton ol property 11 ahown ._._, 1""'"''-tt>ove. no wllffenty It given u to tt. , ............ . compllt-Of correct,_.)." The -~ "' •• ,.., " ~ • MHCNAllDISE ......... , ... ._ ...... .._. A""'4!.-• ., AW'"tlftfl t ::u,i:; ~.,., .• ,~ r .... , ... " ."\,H""'' rw "" ·~· "It , .. ,, fOUAl HoUllNO Oll'll'OllTUNITY :~ P111tll11t1r's lttltt1 :·:;: All , .. , H iiie ldY.lllleG '"' In lllls newspoper 1a :::: 1ubj1c1 to the Feder111 ''"' Fair Houlllng Acl ol 1968 : .~ which makes It Illegal to •·• 1dvertlst "any p1eleren· :::;: ce, llmllallon or dlscrlml· '''" 1 nallon based on race, :::: color. ret101on. ••• or ,,.. n111onal .origin, Of eny :,": 11ntent1on 10' make eny such prelerence, 11m11e. i1on or dlscrimlnaOon · Rt.·mod lt'tl 3 bdrm. 2 both + large rec. rm beam Ct'lh~. fW)111hed. pell°' $420.000. 'PElllllU 11011 Oceen & jelly views M";,.tile room, 4 bdrm, lj bath, 3700 aq.ft. $1 ,385,000 Otunfront. lllDl ISLE llYFIOIT Lagpon view from 6 bdml, 5 bath, playroom, dark rm, den. Boat slip. Now $1 ,000,000. IAYSllE PUCE Si:x-oetacular bayfront dplx 2 br, 2 bu up; 2 br. 2 ba dn. 2 boat speces. Redu<..'ed-$1 ,500,000. Fllllllll Hlftll N'ew 4 br. 4 \I\ ba, custom French Normandy Estate I 2 pnme acre h!Utop $1,250,000. vo0ef11b11t garden noom 1·-----•--1N.;wpor1 He19111, otdt1 2 1 IALE IY IWMU CONVENIENT 2 BR. 1•4 IOI l1rge 18tnlly ot •mah IUON IUUll Br. I Oa dbl c;6r oar•g•. Und111lded 'A ln111e11 In ba, 1181)110 belctl SOZI $1400/montll 911ber1 flll!llOI Sii OOO 50 11 t 17 RI 101 I 5 un1t1 apt bldg 1n mo yrly Av111 Nov Hi. C11tltll11n 04<1·0200 ' S t85 000 ' Hunllno1on B .. cll, 'CA Linda, agt 842·$200 _ Thi• brtglll ancs c:llury 4o 1 Santa' Ana Ave Coll 714/960·24 11 lor 3••• ~ Macnah ·lrv tne UHM VIEW llLLI HIE JUI Quiel, park·llkt aelltng Rm for paddle tennis and pool Great for orchard, Cul·d&o~ 11. 3 Bdrms, l&rQ., leue $375 mo yea1, 17 yrs before ad· justment. 144-4110 ~---- Q1rden 111111 lend• llHll ~<18·504 I alt 6 1n1ormat1on C111•• ''' #•t .-... 10 lllgh-11y11 11v1no with __ " _ I -----••••••• ••• •••••• • •••• • luxurlou• earlll lone car-I y1r•11 T1•1111 o.•. TllPUI IAVftll lmmed 281 & din, 3 pellng lllruout B .. utllul 9'11 •J ft •fll bl, QI(, plll patio Cleal). well co·ordlnllld win· Harbor View-Hiii• mdl • ,100 1950/mo lncludH gH dow crealmenta Set In 1 pertect 3 Br Below I At1umo 9 50"4 Ill TD & Rel• req 7141673·6049 prime loc:etlon A real mllkel 81 1369,000. Only OWC w/20"lo dwn Aenl Condos n111er llved In. I b 1' th lo $'It down OWC 8"tt lhOUld be 181( Qt year ' I &°' Olm 0 1 uy a 1 w lnterHlll Pllrlc:k Tenore 631· 7370 549...3648 lovely view 0 .wll•r price or SC9.000 $5000 • · harbOr. 2 Br ~ Ba 01 ~ movo you In wllow I &Qt 831•1288 Br 2 ea +huge bomre monthly pym11 ol 1711 1 • I• y t L t room HURRY • won'I 11911 I ti 1011 t Ollarttr Rtalty HITNY 21 11 Ftrt0lt11rt 496-8127 Wlll·ll IULn Xlnl loc on penlnsuta Mam1ona 493·8086 ••• II 11 Comer Bay & Cypresa, I •• block lrom lht bey To 8e11.Hllul hecu11ve HC>f'JW • be told Nov. 12 can be ---_ 3 bd. 2 ti• In Irvine Tar··• •• EWll.. 111d cheap For lnlormi· 5 GOOD unll1. E/"Slde j r1c:e Mr FHl'11on Island tton call Truatee Sa)H CM, make good fenM at NewpQrt Center Le11• ·~· 1 TbtS n-spaper wlll not :;.: knowingly a.c:cepl any • •• 1dver tlSlng tor reiil es- :.:: late which IS In vlolauon 1 .. of the llw I•• CWiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 140,000 below mkt, o.J>f. 7141953•6810 · Of'lly t5% dwn Call now. $1450/mo 7141673-1700 ly'Lo. Wlmbleton 4 Br 2'n B11 Prin. only Bkr 5<19·1366 ,. 1 .. j••t Auum. loans! Posslble --------"" • ,.,.. -Fee simpl~ 2 br colt.age on qutl't Dcscanso St. t0%/35% dwnl John 141 VIA UH 1111 Positive c1111 flow, beaut •••••••••••••••••••••• ·T /\Y l.OH c·o ' .--' I , .. ,. •"''' ;~: HUU: A dverti· (tn Flats) Reduecd to $100.000. 1-;;:;~~~~;iii~::il Zervos, bkr 760·9'""9 $1595000 apl bldg Principals only Roomy hOUM w/w crp111 -iii "" · · 549-9213 IOI drapes, kitchen appfa I 112 ODO IOWI 5·10"1. CASH DOWN ------Pata Ok $375 no ta111 ~!~ sers should checl< OOIOUIO OAYI :: I their ads daily and Coronado lsl&nd cust. bayfront lot. 85' boat ..... report errors im-dock. Plans avall. Now $370,000 w/tenns. :: m ed I at e I y . T h e BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR DAIL y PILOT as- ,... sumes tf abillty for ..,, the first incorrect . ::; insertion only. I . . J~1 Rny \•d• D• ,, '• B ul~ 6161 !~ llltte Miss Mulfel HI on a I teir•• , ••• , ~ Tulfet, llung c:1me 'I ~ .. : Htllfl Ill S./i 1plder and reed In Ille SEOLlllll :::_: •••••••••••••••••••••• Dally Pllol Cl111lll1d Llttle corner ol the local ,., 111 l1t•lt sec:lle>n lboul Miss Mui· coaslllne surf dramatic "-•"• •••••• ••••• •• •••••••• • let's Tuffet end bought It rocks e~qulsrte 4 Bdrm ~;.~ Cfa11•l IOOZ tor $9.95 You can tell pool and spa Nothing ::;; •••••••••••••••••••••• your lull~t end lots ol else hke 111 $2,500.000 .,,. RATES other tll nos tllrougll ::; a•E LIWI Dally Pl ot Cleullled Uflllll(?Uf t1(),...t:S •7\li% ..... •IAYOHIT FllH Bnng your paint brueh & broom to uve $$$ on this 3 Br e>1ec:ullve ranch style home In prealige area Lowest prtc:e on fee tandl Only $240,000 Call 759·t501 or 752·1373 for details. Walkfil& Lee ! I Up 10 $1.4 mlllion assu-14 lllTS MET RO RL TY will whelp you own this mable financing 40' Pnc:ed 11 9.2 11•1 gross 636-7005 cllg • lovoly 3 Br pool hm main bay vlf!W 1 1 d 1 I Every upgrade. Jull S TURNER, BROKER nc u ea poo · tenn 9 IEltllslde condo, 3 br. 2 ., I 117,500. Bkr 848--0709 640·6350 courts, 4 yrs new. In bl den frplc: 2 car ge ... _ ___ 0c:eans1de · s825 5.45 6665 11 .. u.,,.. (ill·2S 11 rage. . • . J.Mi I040 LI .. llL.J IMHI IULn 'San11 Ana Hie 3Br. lrplc . • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••• ••, ••• • If IWIEI b I O y a r d , no p e I a : SP&OIOll IEAOll lllE IEW tffElllC £111 /11 S•le ZZOO soso1mo. 546-0814 Bllf,., 5 Bdr, 4'"1 Be. 3-sty. 3000 3 BR_.1600 sq.ft .. sngl Hi:;;~;·t.~;·100·~·;9·5~ IEW can Cll sq, II.+ over 900 aq It sly home on oversized Utll $9 .000 term I 0.1 . TIWllllE ol batc:ony. Some ~n lot, 11 quiet Eut end of 645·7685 eves Oec:ora1or perfeci, 1pe• view, I blk to beach tsiond Sunny So. pallo. • c lous 2 Bdrm 2 'nb• $285,000 F,P 5-owner 24• 15'. Wrought Iron '#•••l•i•, De11tl1 ' pool, Jae, rec'relllo~ I In adl. llOUM et 206 15111 entry gates wfdeodbolts lflotl 24001 area, pvt.,patlo. blllc:ony ' St. 536-1718 Frplc French doors to •••••••••••••••••••••• 1 & lge. gar'l'ge. Deco wall YIWl ... SE I° TWI IHI... " patio E1ttra IQe dbl oar paper. drapctrles & more. WITH 40' SLIP I t 'h ba twnllee. adult w/utll·worksllop area QR RENTI $995 Ulll pd. Call Excellent N-pon Beach comm. Walk to beach Fee title. Good poienllal • 675·23 t 1 10·30 to 5pm - ,,.. All Ads Catt &42·5678 Re11tor1. 675·6000 ,., Perfect timing lor this 1-:========:t~~~~~~~~~~ :~ lovely 3 Bdrm 2 bllll, 6 I· 1oca1 ton 3 Bdrm. Tennis, pool, ••tr• clean. ~::fo:'~1~;~1:!7~~ 2 bedroom, 2 baths & .2 E/Skle. cute houses, 2 br 2'"1Balll, new c arpet, $115,000 Owner financing Clote 10 ~':~:SA1~,::::;;::-::.~~ & 1 br, wtwllile picket walk to beac:ll. security H2-UIO comm clbllse, 3 beacllei, Has bulll·lns & llreplece, i ••nces. $650/mo & '"' year old home near ...... South Coast Plaul Great >•4 ~ .. ., "'" !>..:I -~>)< llA» essumable IOan & seller will carry Only $135,000, ect nowl 646-717 1 THE REAL ESTATERS LOOK For our new regular weekly feature ~~ IOIT SHOW- ili CASE >< .. Every Saturday In lhe Dall Piiot Clutllleda Wllll WIEIL 01011 "•'" $ t 24.000 lmmac:utate 3 ""' Bdrm 2 bllh home In "" nice aecllon of Coate , Mesa. Has prectlc:aUy all I new appllanoea, N-tlle .... In bolll baths, new ca.bl· .,., nets & beth. Mo111 In ••· c:ondltton Beao1ilul back :.~ ~!~t!r ~11~~.;·~~u~:i:: Assumption The assumpt.Jon of ex1st.ing mortga«e allows the buyer to ~ t.he difference between the current mortga«e balance and the ea.lee prtce In ca.sh. The buyer then taltee over the existing monthly payments. Assumptions are available through the seller's current mortga«e n.older. All existing FHA/VA loans may be ·a.as urned. gate YOU OWN YOUR tennis. etc Ouelllled rirst. 1111 & de osll re-$450/mo 645·9628 SLIP11 $300,000 AISO for II 11-IO ••&LI buyere may call owner at q u 1 r e d Ca Ir ( 7 t 4 ) 1Eastslde lloute 2 Br. plua lease$1350mo Close to oceen, 3 ·3 I 714·673·40631ordetells 768·0286 or (714) den . 2 Be lrplc: ~ .... " Pymts $1200 lo $2000 . and viewing 1pp1. 667-0657 weellday eve-$635/mo 873-t734 $175K to l 215K. Move In niogs alter 8 p.m. II no • take over ahared •P· I lllEWUIS answer please keep 3 Br 2 Ba. near Fairview & precl1tlon. Financing $30,000 below mkU 3 Br trying! ' P1u11nno, $700/n10. 111all•ble. Call Su• II I 2 ea & apa Eutblulf 540-0388 Udo Realty 1 891•5556 1 11ome John Zarvos, bkr. 1le•I E1t•I~ ,_c_on_d_o_1or_1e_ue--or-1e-... -... 67 ~ 7300 MlmllTH ILIFFI 760-9669. Terms, tarmsl I lxtiH/.' 1100 option. 2 bd, 2 ba. ti. .r 3 bdrm. 2 ba, newer S:,~~~1i~i"3 e r .. c;,;,'o"i~. 556•9283 • r 'I house C1oae to the Har· FH TIE FAlllLY Fresno for sale or trade. I IEU VEIN ~ --b O r A g I J o y c I WEST CLIFF · near Many xtras Assume 10% lmmac. 3 Bdrm, lrg II·.• USTlllL Ollll 213-598·2466 school&. and •hopping '°'"' My equity 124.500 I mlly rm, bar. 2 frpl"· 3 Br, aml c:omplex. qua· ll&IE U lffEI Seller llnenclng up 10 Pro w. C a 11 Dor I s formal dining rm, gerde-hly c;oflstructlon lllruout ~OY.·tlle bHt ol 1erm1 545·6010 wkdys 9·5. ner tst, last & MC dep $138,500 75h1l9l Lro 3 Br 2 Ba c:ondo included. 4 Bdrms, 3 546-5284 olller 1 req'd No pets. Avail Grell HOt!tlngton Beac:h • ballls, with bOnus room " t2/f 540·8597 $1000 -location Frplc:, 2 car o•· I olf master bdrm. sepa. lt•llll ••g•. & A/C •mono "'I rate entrance for teen•· •••••••••••••••••••••• Lrg 4 Br 2 Bl. 2 car o•r, many feltur.. A1eume gere, call ror appoint· end bacilyard, llClCeu 10 181, OWC 2nd. Full prtc:e ment to -· Bl81fl f•tailiH pool, c:ompl redecora· 1124.000 631·7370. • 142•1200 •••••••••••••••••••••• tees. $750/mo 646-1824 .. 1 ... ,,,,., , ,,, 549-3548 I ,,,... "'·"' ,, " . •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• E 1kfe 3 BA 1ba. tam tm, 12tl,OOO t l•H Wt .. IJ ltlt• lge gar, $700/mo No ~~led;..~D:,,:r, ':.'!:~~ I ~ -•. ..., Ltttft :..·2~~r.: t 2 l t 11 r. n . Prope<tlft 851·8787 ... n .. fe .. ,,.... 3 BR. 2.,., be, lplc, w/d & ' C011H 'ti #•1 JOU llOO fe 11111. relr. dbl gar. $750 Agt .... ····.-.·;;:,.··E·~,.:E·l··.···· 1 W•rfrnt ...... 645-4380, 8As~16s • ··--________ , UYUllH oua•• .,...... . MHe Verde 3 Br. 2 8a BY OWNER 2 bdrm, 2 llLP r .. Fil I .... I II ba. Den Under markel ~ 1nleshc N. B•ylront. 4 Br em 'I room, no P•ts c:::. '·' ' _,..,. ' . . . t>enellcllry under 11ld Deed ol Trull, by re11on ol 1 breech or dlfeult In the obllgatlonl MC:ured thereby, lletetofOfe 1Xec:ull<I end d1llv1r1d to the under1lgn1d I written Dlciaratlon ol Oetautt and Demand fOf Sall. end written notice ol b<MCll end of 14ec:tion to c:aUM th• un01r1lgn1d to 1111 ••Id pr09«1Y to Mtbty NiO obllglllonl, end tllereatter the undersigned caused Hid notice ol br .. ch end of 11ect1on to be recorded July 21. t982 H lnllr. No. 82·252380 in Official ~ds In 1111 alb of the RecOfdlf ol Orange County; c ... 14'.fl• , ... price of s27 5 ,000 I Desperate owner must Spacious 3 bedrqom I•· 2 Ba & family rm. Short S850tmo 644·1836 759•1866 sell this 4 bdrm. mlnules mlly home with family llrm $2000 pr mo. yrly EASTSIDE • ca11 now. 546-2313 ...... Said Sele wlll be made, but without covenant or werranty, expr... Of Implied. regerdlng 11111 pc>aMUlon, or encumbranc ... to p1y the rernelnlng prlncipal tum Of the notl(SI eecurad by Mid died Of Trutt, with Interest aa In said note provtdld. 1dvance1, II any. under Ille term• ol uld Deed of Tru1t, ,_, cnaron and ••pen-o1 1111 Trustee end or the ttustt Cl' .. 1.0 by 111<1 Ollld of Trust. Seid 1111 will bl held on: Monday. November 29. 1982, at 2.00 pm at the Cllac>man A--.ue entrance to the Civic Center Bulld•ng. 300 Eut Cllapmen Ave .. Orange, CA. At 1111 time of th• lnlt l•I publication ol thll nottc., the total emount Of the unpaid balanCI of the obllgatlon MCurl<I by tile above described d11d ol trutt and .. 11m1tld coall, up1n111. end ldvanc:ee Is $507,448 79. The opening bld may bl obtained by C&lllng (7 t 4. 93 7 -0966 tfll d•y before 1119 aale. Oat1: October 27, 1982 CHINO VALLEY BANK U Uid TruttM. By T 0 SERVIC E COMPANY eg«!I By Wanda Mc:Mlltlon, Atalllant Sec:r_.ary One Clty Blvd Wiii, Orange, CA 92Me Tel.: (7 tA) 836-3288 Putl4tlhld N8WPOf1 Harbor ....._ Preu combined with Ille Oreng• eou1 0111y Pilot, Nov. 8, 15, 22. 1982 4841142 ., .... Mt\~ t'\tr•~W«> Hiclirw'" ·~~--.OIQlll .. ,~ .. ,.,,~ Lnf"Mor• ~M'lufttt\ w.,,,.., .... """"' .. M.1114 ... ........._..,.,.,.Mrd '41vVf •I t111 .. HY1JWM" Of ht" .. W'" 6 t ~'"'P .~ ..... P1~11116 'tf••"" ~•tl\C ._.•iP\1nr" Spwt.q t.nirtdl• ..._,,.,...,_,_, .. "' ... , ~·r..0.-............ ,.H IOATS & MARIN£ EOUIPMDH "'""'"•' f'o..41h \1411M 'wt\t<.- tlo•h "•'•·"'". qiw1p Bo#t .. Po.tr ....... ""'""'' ' ._.,,., ....... "-'' .,,_."°"'~I»• Ao.t• 'P"-f"'d •'*'· "°"4-'41;r .... JHllSPOIUTIOll .... , .. ,.h l°•tt'lP"f .. '·'· ""'. [;...,..,,, l ., .. ~.!· ~·~ ~ ... ,,. .... .,,.. .. ,,h ..._.., ...... . T''"""'" T,., .. ,,~w .. 1i.1th A~"'"'u• t•.,.., AUTOMOllLE "' ... ,.1 \Mhfw-t' ~ •• ,,.~ ••• Mr'r"•'t4"' \,•frl11 h ~ ... M.;H ..... , •'*Hf'IUft\r• ,,..,. ... \ ... , .. ..., ....... ,.. "_.." ..... ,. .. AUTOS, IMPOIT£0 ,;.._,_, ""•" •1"111 \i..tth \•hi•• ..... , ... ...... \.•'1ft °"-.... ... , ..... ... , .. ,, tt .. 1 tt.lftlt .. J •• ., •• J. "''" ""'"""""''·"'· .. ,~- \t1h t ....... , .... ;11.;H l flot .-...... ''""'••""' ··t-tf~· fh Mtr1'411\tlt "·""' """" Muir• ~··" ~-· ~t._,. ,..,.., .. fnwm"" \\l'llt, ..... ,. \uhu U } --~ "'" ~\ •m -· ••I •"" ..... THE REAL ESTATE RS * MIU VERH ::; On the golf cour se ..,., Custom beaulllul 3 Bdrm :: home, many. meny ex· .,.. tras $279,500 with 10·~ .... down owner will carry at .... , . ... ., ., ... •Af(J 12';,'/. lnteresL ltJ MtO.,•e, Rltr. 141·1'1H 3 IEllMI 111111 Neat 3 Bdrm with add on bonus room, all In e11cel· lenl cond1tlon. well set· up. Grfft tor a 111rter home HIS nice lot with many frull bearing lrlle$ Excellenl buy II $115 . 000 546-2313 THE REAL ESTATERS ,, ********* :~;; •UmllT• ;~:' INT SUP ~:; ltw Prtet 1411,IOOI -<• 38 BALBOA COVES. 31 ·-bdrm-den·2 ball't. OPEN •1h •l•• DAILY 1·5. &JIT lllYHlmt IULT•l lWIEI I ••'11·1117• ********* •• H t::miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii I ..i .. 111111 .... ,.~ 1;r. .,. •1 .~ J. ,, ... .,. ,,.,. ,, .. , . " 1iU •";• . .. . -: ... '#0 ••),.,, t:A .. a1 .... .... •:>.I ''"' ~~: I ;41 11MINGLES" II you ere 1lng11 end can't 11tord to buy In Corona Ciel Mar, Why not become 1 mingle? 2 or more mingles who !Jo logelher lo buy 1 piece to live 11• "mlnglH" . And w• l'teve fu11 the Corona (lei Mar properly for youl Low prtc:e duptelt with 1dfoln1no ou111 llOuM IY .. lable II 1229, 000 with 20% down 10 a 12Wt. loen. Mingles are welcome • RE5IOENTtAl Rf Al FSTATE 5UMCES OUFFIAYEI 1340.000 Enjoy the charm and warmth of lhis lovely remodeled home in this desirable location. 3 BR with family room or de n . Mouldings thru-out. Spacious yard. Garage with workbench. IN NEWPORT CENTER 644-9060 ... >·~~ tt AH~..O. , ... .,, .. ...,. ,,_ ...... u -·-..... ::t'-l c.ii.l ..... ~. .,. ...... .... .,.. .... ,,~ .... ., ... ·--•0.0 ·~--·-.. ,,.. ...... ..... '°"'-..... rt•• 11 1(~ .... , .......... --lrom Ille beectl $20,000 room. French doors,, $3000 pr mo Agt 3 br. 2 ba. tge 11ou1e, 2 CIM CllUIEI under mkt Make oller good terms $495,000 673·4062 frplc:s. lge yard $850 mo llP~EX I 11,000 now, Bkr 848·0709 644-7020 lltWMll l••ti Jiff 631·3091, 759.9531 1rrnnac t rm 2.,. lr•llltl . 1044 Lllll IUL EST&Tt ••••~••••••••••••••••• 2 Br 1 Be, $450 No dogs "owner's un end spa. •••••••••••••••••••••• FIT Fii a Ill"'" LIDO ISLE • 3 bdrm, lam 6 4 5 v I c I 0, I a " I 0 clous t bdrm rental. bOlh I BEST BUY IN NO. IRVINE • • rm. 4 ea. $1700 mo 546-9124 • • with lolled beam cei· Excel financing. to H · Spacious, customlied lings lrplcs 1 very prl· sum, loan. Nr schools 4 home, prime locallon vate' pool '1.oc:ated on Br 2be, t0% dn May 1 with VIEW. prtc:ed ac MAI one of COfona del Mar's c:;erry 2nd. by owner 1 appraised velue with prettl•ll streell 4 213/747·9e25 owner ltn811Cing for qu•· blocks 10 Little Corona WOOlllllllE ' Illy buyer Versetll•. floor Beach I pion with seperate bdrm •••7211 $5000 dwn. owner muse , winos tor any size family ..-Mii 2 Br c:ondo E..w.c:etlen: I Pool. spa Kol pond, /Jn .,1[;[. [)Ail [ I /. •\'.JSUC IA' f S C11t• #11• IOZ4 .•...•••••.........••. I IEIT HY ... 1uumable existing 11. ew.erclse room. AC. $1, nenclno 197.400. Redu· 100.000 FEE ced from $110,000 Aak Richelle Robers. Rltr for Mark, 644-8326 or I 675-2373 559·6442 s .. J ... llllT IS IEUIH c .. 1111H1 I 011 lllgllly upgraded prol, •••••~•••••••••••••••• dee , 1 Br romantic lwn· WIMW lllTllESI OCEANFRONT 2 bdrm. 2 BR House & Duple• I Ba $700 mo Biii 333 e 21st St C M __ Grundy, Rltr, 675·6151 10am-6pm 645·8103 645-6 Ocean fronl yrly 4 bdrm, ----:------.i;.1 2 car garage and hot tub Eastslde 2 Br quiet, new 675-7650 carpet. garage. yard,• pool, no pets. $575/mo S 1.000 2Br, 2Ba. Cliff ti•· Mngr 2453 "B" Orange ven area Condo, POOi, Ave Incl llnens & dis111a. avail ---------lmmed 1.575.7505 3 Br. Condo, lease or 1e1ae option , Mesa • BIHll Ual•t•i•AH Blufls $800/mo Isl llSt •••••••••••••••••••••• & sec . req A.gt • ,,.,,., "" _6_40_·_$_14_4 ____ _ ••• ••••• ••••• •••• •• ••• Luxury 3 bdrm. 2 ba. yard, IEITILI dishwasher $900 mo IRE'S WIT Don't min this gOfgeous 5 bdrm home with lam rm Over 2000 sq II and lots ol upgrade• Prlc:e just reduced 10 $132,000 Call now 979-5370 llouM Weter vww. frplc s 119.500 llrm 730-1250 SALE' 1 Yearty·Weetcly·Wlnter, 2, 646-7800 3.4 Bdrms --------- \ f >I l I !I I:. !l • ' .. • ' •, • ~ •• t •• evea or early am. 1 PRIVATE POOL c111rm1ng 3 bed1oom. 2 beth, 2 11ory. oc:een view horn. In still lovely San Juan Capistrano on • In y<>ur own backyard 4 private cul de sac Many bdrm. 2') ba Inverness upgredes Move In con· ' Model In Turtleroctl Olen dltlOn, well below mark· Pillo Homes Lota or et, ol course Oulck aale •&COii IULn EASTSIOE. 3 bdrm, 2 bl, • F R room llreplace, PllP lenc:ed ylrd. gdnr, cpta ind d1'11PU $900 per IUIAIElm mo tst end lest plus Ill Ill• $400. 277 Roblnllood Ln • • 556-1737 ~ WeslSlde duplex 2BR 1BA HOMES FOR RENT I ~ 5~~3r,~·.::...:~~; ----------• privacy. Eacellent neigh· desired. w1sll lo relocate STOP' borllood You .owe It lo Call 496·3880 Sludio House avlll. Nov. '3rMif 10 * 11111 one 's.·--6-1.1-----,-,,-,-20th Patio, fenced y~ Belore you buy a llouM 9.500. ..!'.' .... !f~~.'......... •El TORO• s700 ulll included $450 mo. '"7\1 II) Co111 Mesa you must I lw11111wa1er vu, Span $300 cleaning deposll \ see this onel Clean. z..~ $434K. bin t 8 /2b. edd *MISSION VIEJO* 548·8063 ' lr~llly painted, ready to , ~ on & m • k I S $875-$700 INpt ..,,IS area 3 Br 2''t 81 '• move In Areplace, buill I. , 714~99-1600 • •.., In book stlelvn, wlllPl· I 1'....: •YORBA LINDA• $675 condo, l1m rm lrpc, In-i 1 kit 11 /di 1 I '' Coesl Royal while wate1 , dry rm 0., $800 mo. 1 ' per n c en n ng a~.m•~r vu 101. H1lllbur1on Estele, *CHILDREN• 631·1266 erea 3 1pa,c:1ou1 be· ~ $277,000 494-1600 ----,..----- F=--==-..:.oq drooms Goojj loc:. near •PETS OK• JhH l1Jat Jllf ' ShOpplng. IChoola, fr.., Ollt•t l••I lll•I• ••••••••••• ••••••••••• ,,_ .,,._ ,,..., ........ .,_ •JS.-rtK.W "°" ..... ··-..... .," .. ... .. _ ~t.~ ,. ... ,... ''°" ....... ,,.._.,. 11 0-...t ::··· , .. .,,.",.. !tO< ..... .... .. .._.. .... .... ,,, .. .. -··-.... ua-.,. • U t .... • n 0< U•-•> ........ ,,_ -~·· .... ,. .. , .. ... ....... 'Jtl..-• ...... ··-fl•~·-., ..... , .,,...,. ··-.... _ ...... ,._ ·-........ »°"'"4 ...... ·-~Gao6 :g,Ad-..• N«\IU·•J '=~=· sca\\~lA-a~~s· -· .... ....... , ... , . ,_,,.. ------ •r:':~:...:. :: ..... '°'"' , .... "-le _,,.' OllTREV I I I r I I way 1ccea1. V1c1nt, '5>ti "•-ti.. ...__ •••••••••••••••••••••• Super 1 Br 1 81 VIiie $127.000 By owner • 1 '"' ~.,.:,"•~ lliMlt ll••t• courtyard, retired pre• 751·5418, 988·2481 --------• ., YILUIE I lerred 1425/rno "' .... ·---· ,_, ,,, ,.,, • lllO ' 673-3313, 493-4803 IE•• -111 , ......... ~ .,. ••••••••••••••••••• ••• llYESTllEITS 'Forme~!'!!rd;orate<l I ILlffl Ulllll eaa~~x:LJi'Gr•n· !!~1!!~~.~~!!V../.~ .. -~ . .-...................... l In warm earth loneel 4 1 You own the land. 2.0Q9 "" " "'·-• h 0 ca 4 • I ...... 2 BR, 2 B•, c-~r (11·~·2000 Wily throw aw1y renl " lot. new c1rp111 a a"E T NO FEE w en 'I u n own ... Bdrm & fem rm and , 1q ft, 38r, fem rm, 2n d K I """' . w/11200 to 12000 pay· more. CIOM 10 ICllOoll, Bl , wide OrMnbefl. ,,.., d•IPH 1•11n lichen rnents, $1751( • $2HIK. I lhopplng. ICC• Don't mi11 pool Far below marlCet =~r.: 5~b~~~~~1:~r. COSTA MESA/Unlurn move In • take over • thl• onet I 179,500. C~ll 1235.000 Wiii te1M OP· Rellrement apt. 2Br. oll· • 1hare epprec:l1t1on. call 9711·5370 tlon Bier 644-0134 2 Br lbl, upgrl<Hld. Wiii an & qulel looallon. Sue 11 891·5558 \ t :-1111l r 1: .... _ wm. fltten111194y remo6alad 3 Bdrm home ltalurlng lerge muter 1ullt a bath. gourm•• ltltclltn end 1dd•d rumpus room11r1111'1 •1udlo be- hind O•'• Cul de NC ltreel Alltlng 1 115.000 For 1ppoln1men1 to .... Olll640-Ht1 "' LEASE OPTION HARBOR RIOOE Custom View Horne ~.000 0p'iM montY 4 Bedtoomi. 6 8111:\J ••.2"-'00 . c1111 truck or car for $.395, Oun. redec: 3 br, 2 bl, • down p1ymt 117,900. 1 LIDO IS lE/Unfurn: den, lrplc. petio. Oulet • Oya 91t-0824, ev/wknd &Bdrm home for 11mlly aru. $750 mo: Isl, lllt 631·51143 ~IOM 10 tennia' & MC 963·2775 2 Br 2 81 Mobile home In VII rn.:. ~:,:z, 138 ·-Mr oOOd conct. To .,. mo-.,. Yad H .500 but Of*I to B8)'1ront Condo/ On Lido IHt llfl o f 1 • r 1 c -1 1 o 0 r I 1 p1111 drive. Lg 29r. din • • • • • • • ••• •• • • • •• •• ••• 545·8010 wlidye 9.5 S.CUrlty bld,O. 11100 'OC••n view. voOey bell C!I, 54e-5284 otllllr IAYFRONT /Furn wllll I 110 Hunllntton SI 2 9fll lge docll: 3 If. lel'll rm. , H50, I BR. $500. Of ren1 ffltttN .. rt. /Ill ou t 1tendlng loo. enllr~dpl• 1 1126 ••••••••••'Uo4'••••••• '3000/mo. S38-380ror lt1·111l2 OuPlt• on the MndlO\JI OCEAMf'RONT/Wlnttr I ... 1111.,. ••• • • 't 11 N9 N.wtv '~ FUiiy tum unit 1111111. for I ._. In end oul. I .,, • 2 bl b•nce Of ... ,,l., 38' Ill SPOlllUI 21r. 1 ~·· upetaltl a br • I be ··~loo 1100. twnhM, lrplc, enclO .. d downetllltl Min. 10% WATl!!RFfllONT HOM 1(J, atllO"-d I oer ._.,, down owe btten" wt 931.tcoo ~1111, poo1, lK xin. 1o t3"'tot5yre Ofeetfof ... I I 1550 "'"'"'., ftrnat1 tnt. " ou mo 000 Armll•O• Realty, '°' O.•lfled ...... ~ ... ~ 71•·1144·24'4 ACTION1 iiHc:t1 ~llfl, Quiel per. C8ll t Ol'f I •to + 111111 No ~ .,.te.MO-oN1 .., ... ,. .. ' --_...., . ....... ' . ' ce " Or•nge Co111 DAILY PILOT IMOndoy, Nov nib r 8. 101!2 lessianal Service D~m:tliry rl ~L~~!e!oPp~i 101 8 :io day 1d In tile IAIU PILOT SHYIOE Dl"EOTORY 00 IT NOWt Atll ftr S111ir1 Your Dally Piiot Service Oir1Cto1y Rtp1esentot1ve • !!!!~~T.' ••••••••••••. ur olltc:H hand!• •II uou 01 11w Prompt, courteou1 u1v1ca FREE contultullon 649·9335 ggre11lvt Attorney, No F'H 1n111a1 Co11•u1t111on, Personal Injury Cues, No Rec:ovory. No Eu. 494·8591 r ~f~J:~!1!!~1 •.••..•.••• ILL SIT In my CM home. lenc:ed yard. hOI meals reaa rates 548·2874 -~.~~!!l!~I ......... . omputtrtred t>ookkee· U2-HJI, tat. 322 ping from $50 mo Also .--------•I ma11 flat & paytoll 662-2430 ~!.~!'i~~!l.~!!-.~!!!'!f Ex~11enc:ed Carpenter Remodel/ Add-on/Repair 780-2685 548-8654 '•'"'" •.••..••....••..•.•... CUSTOM HOME BlOR needs SMAlt.ER JOBS betWMn houses F1ee est Call 01n 537-0342 Addtttons, c1rpentry, ml • ---- sonry, de11gn and d•al· CdiHI #di•• ting, eeo·a tie Dave ••••••••••••••'••••• •• 494· 1003. eat 7"24 C1bine1s 3: Carpentry f !!I!.'.!!!~!!! ••••.••. No SI• m1No Sll11n1pl)Q Stein $ptK;111i.1 ~.-1 dry f rto 11at 839 tOU f!!'!!~!I.~~'!!!!!! ••••• Ctimttnt Mnonry·Bloc;k WAlll·CuSI WOtk' I IC •3810~7 Roi> 541·2683 011v(fwly ·OllllOl•Wlllkt Blockw11ll$ 1natonry Froe eat. •"8• 89'2·4!1!>7 TtiOMPSON CONCA("(( PotrOll <lrlvt1wlly• loundntlons • 393383 642-8482 Cli1' C11t •••..•.•....•......... omon destret lull ume ltve·out child care or ba bystt11ng housekeepmg & compon1on pos1t1on Rel s 7141497 3754 '"'"''"' ,.,,,,,, ··········'·········· 11.J. llYff•H I SH uc 306848 R.mooel Add ns. Cabinets • 646-85861646~6"4 Moonltght Drallsman Hom&-Add nt1·Remodels Member AIBO 645 t871 Sm111 jot>• & rep8lrs Free estimates 645-2003 Custom -RemodtAdd ns -.Free est Oualtty 2nd to none• Bandel Conti Loe 418570 548-4271 tlttltit1l . ....•................ I( CHl lC.IAN Ptl~tll 1111111 llflt •~•1n11ot11 1111 ltllUIL ot '"'"" IOU~ I IC JI) iGI 87J O.IMJ LI~ U I l C. I HICIAN Ou.ii wot ktn111u rittvt ~111d °'' 031 U072 ~~!!!.".{"i •••..•••••.• ~.'.~!'~~ .•............ (11wn ••rvl<.• ff(IM 118 New ttOOOO UIU f 1Jrt1u1,11 mo Vrt ch.111r1 uµa. we. ' lht1n10.iet 1n1tallod Ulrll) '"'" WOii< Ken 180000(7t4)8!l8fl!'ll~ UCi4 10$3 K&P t 1105cepo M&tnt !H••• C111 l11vle1 Ans1dlCOn1m Cloen UP ••• • • • •• • • ••• • • • •• • • • • 6p11111\i111 ay1 648 2•1110 t 111ot hOu" & ye1d c111u nu1> & 111p1111 no111111 or Cl(Crn1c1AN . 0111111/ S11vie11 u10• 111,u••• MJ ~8e2 Sml Job1/flopu1r1 l It •• • •••• •••••• ••'!.• ••• •• 233108,C 10 l'i<lll ~?03 MllcBr th Co Cpncroto c:o11tt lllObt, wallu Curll. H11111d1111/111 nCSIO/COMM L/INO O\Jtter & dock Ah10 rtt· ••••••••••••••••••••• fO yre Of! nry Owu wo1i. P"" 55?·5610 R06tN 6 Cl FANINO lie 2?1104 I Al IJ4U 11 t28 Sctrv1e;o 11 t1101oughlV HMH Eletl nwmo<fctl•. ~!f!!~I............... cl@tn nnuse 040·08~7 A <Id I I I 0 n. 0 ., rRAC rOR WORK (•·I ll~ICO OF llASSLP!S"I v.1k1hops Luw rut.it Uc c1vattnfl. compAttron, Ou11hty cleaning h11lp ta 326738 IM 84() 7378 l>llt:ldlOO 20 Yltl lllCP har11• Rola 9ll0 14b2 9!!!.'.-.J.~ ••••••••••.. TREES To11oeotremovod ~loan up lawn renov 751·3476 TllE HEH SCUE Lown·lltlll· r11uh install Troe 111m1rumovol t aw11 M11mt1Rototllllng King Equip 637-7392 !'.'.~~(!'!~~-··········· Corpentty • Cabmets Plumb Qre1n Cleaning £lec111cal • Tile Roi:. Don 966·0149 28 YA,S EXP OUNHAM HOM~PROVEMENT Remodet.1epa11s.fenc1ng elec:lllCill·PIUmblng • crupuntry . p'J 1·8!130 JACK OF All TRADES Call Jack eny11m11. Doy or night 675-3014 HOISEWOIUt WAITED HtQh QU8111y hOU e*Ol1< E.cpeuonced, Clependa· ble hOno" 1nto1Hgent. m1111culous 11a~11>1e I am Jhtl 0011 Piion• 673-7012 eftltr 6 PM weekday• All day Satut· dtl\i" ond Sunday II you want )IOu1 houu 9EALLY ClEAN Call Ltndd 669-0318. Good Reis !'.~~!!!!'!!~'-········· tt11n••ll tucurtt~ com P•ny Wiii prQlllC;I yuut horn•• white vou nr11 owey 114 0116 641J4 74 no1111 ,.,,,,,,, ...•.•••.•••••........ COMM'l JANITORIAl .\ CArlPff Cl EANING 0110'1 C11111rnno Surv1eu l IC 6t111<.h!O OG3 11414 r~!~!!~1. ............ . PAIN II fl Nrr D'i. WQRKI 30 yr• u~p ltJt/ u~• A(.OU~ll( c111llno-11<. J6tJ7fl0 f rt•IO Ullt 0dVll 1'1111111110 84 7 ~ 1116 1!1 yrs n•o 1111 )m.ill my Ot1C4!) "'" tmotlt Rori t;~O 04 71, fJ6 I 01140 IN I/()( r PAINTINO a WA,1.LPAl'rRINO Custom wt>•k frlltt M l 1n,1t18ln1 Hnn~ Sto-;11, ~147·<128 1 ........ , •••......•.. LVt'S LANOSCAPINO' I uw11~t rut-.i;• Prompt, eompl ltlrv & M11cln{I, 1111111 prn111 .. ~1onol• H1 tomm a r11~1d O•G 7~!ti y•l> '"P 1nu 1'1A9 Id (;ou11lry lon<llCMIH I AAlPH ft PAIN I IN(I Anytt1111u uul•ldv the Chrt)l1u11 Int or eat ll'U mu Ii 4 'I !> !19 7 llcJI, "'•ll> !131i 11898 875 60~8 CUSlOM PAltHWORK .. ~!!~!l ............. . RICKWORK Smell 101>1 Nuw1>01t CO!>IU Mt>~ll l1vu1,. R~ls 67!1-3 17!1 Comrn lt1•1o1d ~111pp1ng 11 .. 1111nq Thi! Job tnat 'Pf'"~'> f or ttsell 498·8!180 1$1 CLASS PAINTING pert brtck & cament WdllPilpt!r 1n11E~t Re work Nwptl CM •ince pe1r& Free e~t 979-~294 1969 Cell now & Hye p . 64!1 8512 .~l~1!!'1. ••••........... IOCk/811ck W11lls Con 'i r .lrlhtng tnlertor ~stgn crutl! Very reus Lie H1'NGINGI STRIPP(NG Bob 673·~3671!>16 9906 Vo&a MC Scoll 64!> 932!> SLIDING GLASS OOORS Installed/ Remod. edd'ns & concrete lie: 38168 1 Joe 892· 1327 f~!I!.".!~ •••••.•••••• emod & Repairs Free est Lo rates Decks, pa- tio Steve 762·9556 011C2 1>1g, none 2 smell Free esttmole 548 6065 From A to Z we do II all E G & 1 Patntlng·plumb1ng-e1ec drywell·an1tque 1elln HOUSECLEANING Oood reli Transportation EK· per'd 979-9756 ~~!!~r .............. . Ct.pert wallcoverong in staliatton Reas prlCl)s Consulla111 Ass1gnmt>rlt 58 t·8590 ~!'.~'!!!!'!t.!!!!'f!! •.•• 60"1. OFF FIRST MONTH Dependable, allordeble. essential Answering service, ucrete1111t & business services. m111 box rental. word proces· sing Telea·Fecs1mlle, order entry, pagers-lease t>uy. desk spec:e rental ANSWER NETWORK 631·913 t (ask tor AV ) ~!/.~~!~ •••.••.••••••• Ortveways, Perking lot Repairs. Seaieoet1ng S&S Asphll 631·4199llc: 714·675-9436 lie 425781 aper '"'1111nur c ean up5 Tree tr1mm1ng Free & repair Stan 549·5068 * l -1 IOVIMC * laster CraftsMH Ftnlsh & rem'dl crp11try References 499·3105 Home tmp1overne111• all tradH Remodel·Addrt10n$ 641-8967 ustom Carpentry by 01ck. A EM 0 0 El· Comm· & Nell Paneling. lormlce, 1es1dent1al. tenant Im· doors, etc Ph 642·8809 provements, major •O· f~!f!.'.1!!!!!! •••••••• Shampoo & steam clean Color brtghteners wht crpts • 10 min bteac11 Hall. ltv/din rms S 15, avg room S7 50. couch $10. chr SS Guer eltm pet odor Crpt repair 15 yrs exp Do work mysett Reis 531..0101 pairs. Bldg' 1eno11011on, code coriec:uons. etc: 20 yrs Orenge Cty bo11ded ins Lie; t 19180 I Pa· loml>o Const Anytime 962·83t4 f.11.~'!.'!.~m~~~~!'!t. Kit remod cabinets v1 deo enterte1nment untls Free esr 642-0881 es• Pole 041 1096 Top quollty 25 yr e•P H1uli11• Quality Houseclean111g CompettHvtt rotes L11n<1scop1ng·Yd Clnups ••••••~•••••••••••••• with u Personol Touch No overtime 730· 1353 Tree t11m/remov·M11tnt DUMP Joas Call Beth 850-0933 ·ABC MOVING· 11r1901ton Jim 8!11 O 129 & Small Molltng Joi>& 1--Coll MIKE 646· t391 Housecleaning, reliable Ou1ck Careful Service GAllDHIMG WHTED HAULING GRADING -rel Own tronsp Reas Low roles 552·0410 Mowing edging rok1ng, demot1110~. clean-up I .:!_0LANOA 1542-0405 STARVING COLlEGE sweeping Free est1 1 Concrete & tree removel jHousec:ll!aning hone5t STUDENTS MOVING motes 645·5737 I Ou1ck serv 642-7638 I e11tcren1 Reteroncos CO Ltc: ·T 124·436 JAPANCSE GARDENER --t---Oeys/eves 645·6169 Sue ln•ured 64 t·84:>7 s HAUllNG • Student has WA TCfl us GROWi SPECIAL!, f mRrnt • 1ge truck Same low 'Housecleaner. Mrdwork· clean up trtmmlng Low rates Prompt 759. t976 I er 1ellel>le honest 1els • • p11ce Fre" ost !148-9483 CdM Thank you. John Spumsh spt'alo.1ng Ave-1r!!!'!!~I •••••••••••••• Jeslle s Giirdentng -rage hse $45 Coll t>twn FlllE PAINTING Clean up• ttee t11m & Hlin• t2 & !>PM 770 3127 by Rtcherd Stnor lit mo1nt service 540~8035 ••••••'••••••••••••••• HOUSECLEANING 280644 13 yrs ol hap11y Find what you want In 24hr ED 141-1125 By Scand1ne .. an Lady 1oca1 eustomer1 Deity Pilot Classllreda Fuinoce-poo1:~at exp d 548·2171 Thank /OU 631·44 10 We 901s sh<l hang toge ther Hong, select Up· hCJlsrer walls 839-0730 anytime r!1.~~,.!~.~~~! ...... . *•BRYANT'S•* W11llcovering Removal All types 642 1343 P1lio Covt11 ....•..••.•.••....•... USTOM .yood patio co vers redwood deck5 & fences AJndy 641·0622 r!~!!!!if !t.'1.~!~ ••••••. EO S PLASTERING Neut patches lnti ext Restuc:cos 645·8258 f!!!!!!f!.•1.~!~ ••••••• 1!!~~·Af ~!!!!~!!~'!! •.. Pl A'H(n PATCHIN() WAR()HOOr MISHIE&S flt\h,cto• lntlf•• t 10 AllNn11c.n1 Ou.illty work yr• Nt'lll P 111 'i4'i ?977 11f•l0t "~7 145() Pl11~1111 4 "u".o wn.111 No 1otJ too 1om1111 :Ir> yr. n~nnr 1 am U4!.t 4tlil\I 01,!I 414'0:1 !!~.'!~!~I .......... .-.. 24hr ED UI· 1121 I 40 gnl w111111t11J:ile1 12~b A fl AS Pl UMfllNC, A lhlllltnO 1pac11111z1119 rn rt<11.i11• 64'!1 16811 S SAVt S :IQ ~ 40'/• P1t1111t111•u'"''''' 211103 Gu111 11111 Hot/comm ~l7 4378 GG !lt.J !147" HB ~!!!'~~!!~~~ ......... . AC AAtNGUl TER 6 011d"d 111~ he. B34476A FIM• hi 1·524·!1824 ~!!!~!!!!~I ..••....•.• FURNITUAf KIT CAijS C"m lrntShos repa1'6 doo•• Jot• 117:1-1469 ~.o.oJ!~I. ••...••....... Hut>or Rool1ng nil typH New·rttc:over deck~ l ie. 41180? 549.9734 ROOFING ACPAIRS Sn111ll 1ob' OK Free .;~11m .. 1os Call Tom or Cnuck 542-639:> St1Hn1 .....•..•••••.....•••. MOBILE SERVICE RescrPeM/New screens NBtCM only 642·9!152 I Secrtl11i1I Se1viet1 •..................... LEGAL SEc·v AVAIL TemlJ or r 1T 5 yrs civil & t11m1nal e~p Xlnl ~-1 yp1ng word proc & ch em relattons Bkkpg Non!>mkr 495 6936 Have something you want to sell? Classified ads do 11 well 642-5678 '"' ••.•••...........•.... lll r JNS1 AlLfO All K1r1tJ• (l\11tr4'11UlOCl A•1lr. Jolll1 840 !1217 ftff lftvlet •...•............•.... t LOW RAfES $ T1t1t11 trun/rRmov e10011 uP•. mowtng 654 70 I 7 • r ... ~·!!~~ ............ . Mo•t Wl>jecl• K 14 • Ouy/ftVIP S5 A S 10/hl Mr Morgun 8•5·5116 r11.~".f .~!!!!~! ••••••• TYPING hpert typing of manu1e1tpt' term pa· l>l't • St 50 P&ge 548 ?2 17 Sandra ~!'!~:!!.~!'!~'!!~r ..... Lei t11e Sunall1ne In Call Surttf\IOO WtJldOW Chw11n9 Lid 5'6&-B85~ 20• Monthly D•seount WINDOW CLEANING RfSIO A COMM L IRCFEST 581·1132 homes•tawn mowers•timos •corparate headquarters •garden carts M odel A's•••• · •typingtables wheelbarrows· recreational vehicles•golf carts"model trains•bikes "pianos•cars refrigerators ·skates······ for your motorcycle • DOLLAR DAY DOUGH SAVERS for Merchandise under '1,000. Sell your no-longer-needed Items for cash. If It doesn't sell, we'll run It another 3 days FREE. One Item per ad. must be priced. Sorry, no real estate or commercial ads. Call today for full details. 3 3DAYS LINES . CLASSIFIEDs642-5678 (Hon-tefundeltle. Extra llMt S1.00) .... ,, U•l•r•idH 'H111111 u.tar•i•/JH c ' . . AHtl•Hll Fornidtd I A,,,,.,,,,. IA.111tmtnl1 Ap111t111nls 1Ap11tmtnls •••••••••••••••••••••• • • ••••••••••• ••••••• •• 111 ••111111•• •'•••••••••••••••••••• Ua/11111i161d U11f11111i.J1~d " Vn/u111i1b1d Unlurnis61d Ha11ti111t111 Niw .. 1t ltic/J 3269 U11/a111i1/Jtl 3425 £1•0111 lt1ci 3141 •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••······ , ••••••• •••••••········ lt1t/J 3240 ••••'°••••••••••••••••• E·~::a·;,·;·:;~;·5·c··;.j::0• ••1••••••••••••••••••• l1ll101 Coll• MtH 3124 Cost• Mt11 3124 Huntington •••••••••••••••••• •••• Nwpt Hg ts 3 br. 2 b&. -11' C I u k S-575 Luxury s1ud10 lree HBO, I , I 3101 • ••••••••• •••• •••• • • •• ••• • ••• • •••• • • ••• • • • •• , Bt•ch 38~0 281 Condo. 11 .ea. cpts/ lrplc:, gardener. $700 mo pa; e :~~~~~-~641 phone. m<1rd terv spa, •••• ~'!!'!!!'.! ••••••••.• 2 Br I • bo 323 E 18th 1 BR c;pts drps stove .•••• .'! •••••••••••••• ~. drps, pool, J&c. cll>hse 251 Kno11 St 645-5110 e 5 " S IJO wk 499 30l5 2 l>drm 2 t>e newet dplx I St No pets Ger $625 lndry lac;11, avell now No Avail now 1 Br -1 Bl $5 15 mo 768-7633 Responllble person$Te;' 3 Br 1·, ba condo nr Magn11tcent ocea•1lront 2 yrlv Mlluro non-smkrs. Sierra Mgmt 641·132• pers S37~ 846-4382 downst1ws apt dswshr. Why throw rent away 1 ba hO\lse 5600 2 Bd Faorv1ew & Warner & 4 t>r unlls each no pets $650 X 3 Ne..,er 2 BR 2 ea $475 3 WI Side 2 l>r I '. ba prov111e pa110 single ga when you can own 3•3 208 $600 1 & de~. furn $650/mo 2 yrs old W/0 S13!'>0·mo •'17·2042 2131799-4195 257-9792 BR 3 Ba wl 2 car gar. crplS drps bit ms pvt rage No peu water wt S 1200 to S2000 PBY· S600 673·75« incl Kids/pet poss Ed or (7 141 673·3986 $625 No pets 760· 1418 deck 911r St'P lndry rm P e i d S 4 !I 0 m o men ts. $175K • S21 6K. -STEPS TO BEACH 964•6171 $295 nice t>athelor. res· or 642 7!128 evs/wknds I lmmeo S!l 101mo Lease S•!l-2000 Agent no lee move 1n • take ovtr · D•~il.x.i .!.'!r.!!.~!~f! •• !Z~! ponstl>le person utlls *tBr 2Sa Near s c 1 only 760·0489 IAIUMEH Wlllt Sh.re appr~1at10n. catl 4 eoRM s 1250 MO paid no pets 108 E ~ YRLY ltllilAH 3600 EANFRONTOIJC2·•Br Paza S A Luxury Con· $350 l rgt 1Br ept No lrg 2 BR townhouse Sueel89l-5556 lovely 1mmac comm •••••••••••••••••••••• By wool< or month Bay Apl9 do wi pool S595 Nol pe11 Carport t1undlac.1I apts enclgor lrplt Near pool&ttnntS.546·57~ *** 673-71173 $395 1 Br dplx Ultl pd pets 833·8974Evos 311 W W•l~on 631·217~! Hunt H11>1 trom $545 WAITEI EXCLUSIVE ARE.A Mar· EXCEPTIONAL 2 BO IHCM MOISE 4 17 E Bay Ave Balboa •Mesa Vt'fde 2 Br 1 Ba l l rg I Br t B petto S!>OO Cnil<lren OK 840•6807 Naed by Oec: 1 3.4 br bot v-home Profes OEN ONL y FOR THE Completely turn s"pa Pen Nope~ 547,· l lSS Newly redec; $495 .H,.o Lu a gt 6 4 5 • 9 1 6 1 WARNER VILLA 2 tld 2 house In Huntington dec:oratad 4BR 2BA. 1ar· DISCRIMINATING $750 cious 1 , Bi patto. inct Bachelor Veartv rental pets 833·11974 Eve. 760 9534 eves t>a Condo l1p1 dw, pa Beach. south ol Adams ge loft. on • acre w / Agt (714>496-6804 ut11 Avail 11 1 S650 uuts patd SJ•O mo 201 2BR 1. l>a d w l>lttns 2 11<1 upsi,ws pa1oo declC t r o Po o I S 6 t 0 Xtnt refs 964·0332 evs. trees W1tk to Fashion * * * mo No ll('IS 540 8632 E B a t bo a B Iv d paho 011, no pets $575 gar W 0 hoolo.·uP Clse 2 131570-0036 842·0100 dys Island. t>eecn. poot & 675·9562 646-1319 548-4?9l 645-91157 So Cst p 118 No Pttts salDPIPER ••tS. scnools Gardener incl -----EANFRONT large 3 Br A ..,.. $1400 Av111t Jan 1st , · 2 Ba v.shr/dryr no pess l • S.-gerage. yard s525imo !>40·0~ A LOVELY PUCE H.,,lillJIH 759-0060 ~l!.'!!'!!~J!.!~!!'.'!!i!. I Winter $1150 673 6640 CotOH 'dt/ 1111 3122 S525 t mo Westa•d• 1lrg 1 bd Apt Wst-stde Tl LIVE H11IN111 3242 B1yaide home. 3200 sq It . '_. n the t>eacn hotel 1 STEPS Tl OCH• I 2 d II R I S385 • Homey• Pv1 1&2 Br • la... r •••••••••••••••••••••• 6" 1·0763 No pet• completely redecorated •••••••••••••••••••••• 4 Br. 4 ea. large muter 1t•i•lll/I 3101 room apt ktlc:henctte & Redec \ t>d relrog quiet n oor, e ng • Pool· Spo • BBQ 40' dock. p1t10. deck. 4 suite w/lrplc. 3 car ga. •••••••••••••••••••••• I> a I h I u • n 1 s h e Cl Large 3 Br 3 Ba many $410 See mgr at t9220 640·4979 • !I acres ol t>eautllully Bd• 2 Ba. 3 car garage. rage. 2 boot altps a11ell Winter Ren1a1 2Br pool, 1 S300tmo + $300 dep amenlt•n $ l 175 Cell W a I I e c e Ave or 2 Br wlgar $440tmo tandsceped surround· owner 2131592·4905 $2500/mo 955·2473 hOuse lo tlc:ll $550 Playa 2306 W Oceanfront. Anthony days 6A2·5757, 760·8376 crpts. water pd 2 116 1ngs ~option _ wkdeys 9.5 RE 673· 1900 NB 673·4154 eve11 & wknds 63 l ·663_0_ 2 81 1~ Be Newer tnttte. • E Plncentle 636-4120 • Nr Fwy<s & shopping RETREAT HOME w/ocean VWly $325 Small sludto, AYFRONl Etegent 1 or The Shores In 1>eeut1tul no pets 1495/mo 1916 1·5PM • Ou1at aree 3z & h11bor vu 1 acre . 2 I person only. 11ree1 2 l>drm $950 /mo Corona del M ar hos Wallace. 102 831:31171 Eosts1dt> 2 Br quiet new~· S(olrrlyllln)oldlllogl:l .. tl lrviae 44 story home on Cllll Or parking. ut1ls peld 680·1178 dya. 673·3909 neWly refurbished 1 & 2 ~-carpet . gerage. yard "" "" u •••••·· .. ·•E•ll•T•;l•S•••••••• Eac:ll tevet hes own entry. 675-3063 or 679·9667 ev l>drm apta from $550 & E11ts1de Bachelor pool no pets $575/mo 8081 Holland Cr HB • kl llb 1 1 8 -up for rent Call Helen Beamed co1llnga. pallo, Mngr 2453 'B' 0,8,,ge Btwn Sloter/Warner tcllen. rary, rp c: Deluxe 2 Br 2 Bo lrplc:, Gibson 644·2611 I large l>ath lolc:hen. uuts Ave off Beath gorgeous vu Ole/home steps to beach w/d, ga. po•d $350/mo No pell ------11se or shared living rage no pets. yeerly Spadous sln9lt. one 0 11 typ e 1 Br studio 752•2550 LllE llEW Bdrm 1 Ba upstairs $1950/mo .Oog o~ S750/mo 845·89-66 111 &twobtdroom Sunny,ufilpd $325 cell -condo near Talber t/ 752·2197 R & H Invest· •PM 720·0690 Sun e'v. all Large 3 Br 2 Ba Town· llEAIY lllW I Newland Balcony. com· ments Mon house in quiet c:omple>C 1 Br ..,,11, rn closet, frptc, mty pool carport 1 child Ewe! slve West~t ti "Ila CftfU 'e/ /f11 31Z2 1 Br -~ ot llwy, .... 1tt-lns. large pool. garden H t· dshv.tlhr lg patio. POOi. i ok. no Pt'ts S525mo ~ U ~ r YI •••••••••••••••••••••• -UV ting $675 8'6 5 3381 Dover Or. master suite Ocean view. l>eautrlull)I l>eemed celling. garage. • spo no pets 6545-2000 Agent no fee II le 2 B 2 B ...,..... 1 person $550/mo 675·5949 I $475/mo !1<19·2447 w rp . r 11 """"'. turn townhouse ltplc, --B• carpel drapes pool 1acuU1, etc s 1100/mo pool & patio $1095/mo 955-3649 L•vtlr r ltlllr•, 1 '-• E1•1dt 2Br HP house ~2 l>IOCks fr om beech 673-3313or675-3103 673-0896 u .. tarea 408.r Ac:acta UpptoruMlorrent Bu11tllrplc A vall now 10th St 547-4 151 $850 mo. 2Br, 2Be. Chlf Cfltl #tll 3124 FUllNISHED or 3Br 2ba ocean view. Ins carpets drapes no $5051mo. 2636 Elden 536-7953 .. 5?3 Cut""Dl:I~ Haven Area Condo. eva1t •••••••••••••••••••••• $875/mo 673--7942 pets 1 chtld ok $500 548•6019 ___ Br I' 1 Ba TownhOuse tmmed 1st & last+ Furn 1 1>d1m opts $385 UNFURNISHED m o 760-073 4 or •Clean2Br nrSCPtaz.a bvtlt·tns newc:all)et ca• TURTLE ROCK Prv1 jac:z 3 bd. 2 be. dl>I gar, lam, uvino. & dlnrng rm• Frpl. Prof de co rated $1200/mo Av11I f2/ 1 646-2353 Walnut Sq 2 Br twnhse Pt1n 0 . avail now S825tmo 833·7519 eves/ wknds. 752·1800 dys New 2 Br parklront town· home ''I ml to UCI 1800. Agt 7141846-2850 IAYFHllT 3 bdrma, 2 be, sandy beach. )(Int cond. Mon· 1hly or yrly I 1600 per mo Owner ~4-9513 $1200 dep 1-!175·7505 and up Ent gar1~H All UTILITIES Khelor. 50 01 hwy Nice 63•-4402 Geri S A Poot11pa & carport I port oll patro, "• to patio, no kltc:h Avall 1m• THE PREMIER Herbor 2110 N-por-t Blvd M PAID. HEALTH med 5350 incl utll Qr 1 Bdrm $425/mo Carport $495 No Pt'lt 752-5822 be&c;h $550tmo 1st last Ridge v-home 4 BR. ___ !1_48-4968 CLUBS, TENNIS $395 wtgar 673·3415 & leundry lactl Cell Stu 3 Bdrm 2'> t>e lrplc. dep 631·7900 John 3 Be. L1utremont model llEWPlllT YILUfiE 1-497·23311 or 540-36&6 yard Obi gar Npt Age~ Avail now SS ooo mo SWIMMING plus C•1l1 11111 3124 s1•0 2 ltatiliful La•lllsca't mU{h mort! Sorry, •••••••••••••••••••••• lllST&•T 1111 He1gllta i1te1 ., bd1m • ba fireplace _1_eo_._19_1_1 ______ , Gos. Watet Paid Patios 2 BR House+OUplwx $400-$415/mo 2 Br 1 559 5001 carpels drapes stove IY OWllE" w/pool. J&euU• .aunat. no pets. Modtls 333 E 21st St CM 10-6 Ba poolside apt laundry 2 er t Ba c:rpt. dr1pes and relng 2 car geraoe 4 Bdr, 3 Ba home wt tennlS courts. volle"b•ll optn dally 9 to 6. 645-6589 645-8103 room. beamed cetlt""• t>IHns 110 pets suo laundry lac;llities 2 blka ' ... to Beach Avail 1211 pool 1rv1ne Terrece courts. Rec:reeuon room Oakwood No pets No 11111 month 2212 Maple 631·2927 5650 536•2056 Prima tocatlon. outs1an· 1 Jr 1 bd furnished, $430 rent doposn req Call C 5 7 0075 ......... Bnu TSL .. 642 1603 Brand sponktng c:IH n 2 • ding view of hert>or & all 5 • Garden Apartments ~ u nu .... gml • BR 1 Ba. 1 ct r gar. no lllfll#.fllll oc:t1n. 13000/mo Call ~Br furn cottage, N APHTIHTS' Mesa Verde she1p up&· pet1 $550 mo 266 Hu/Hut 3142 497·!260 or collect no pets very private Newport Beach/ o . Beaulllull)I landseapeel tolls, 2 BR 2 Ba, bltn•. Santo Tomas Agl •••••••••••••••••••··~ 2 l2l572·4230 dya I $435 1ncids all util• 11i 880 lr41nf Ave. ga1den apla Pool t. Spe new cpts. encl gaf. lndry 642-0368 uGe 1 l>r • lUJC Conelo. WESTCLIFF, 3 BR, 2 ea.~ last & sec: 6<18·0522. (al \6th) Panos/decks No pets rm, no pet• $575 mo -Mini cond, all amenities. I I 6•S-11011l B h I $ 10 C II 540 1168 It 8 PINE BLUFF APT$ S600 mo 962-49 14 neutral tones, l800 sq 11 $390. attrecltvt furn apt "" "" ac e or 4 a • a • 2 Br 2 Bo 1 Br & Loh Close to schools. I t200 Lrg Petlo, gar Msrure, 1 Bdrm $4&5 _979•3848 U k ~O• Pom Chlld ok. pet lo view. tr/111 3144 mo Agl. Liz. 6"2·6200 quiet, no sharing No fMwport Buch/So. 2250 Vllnguard540·9626 2Br, 1•1e1, WeSISlde. !Ike tr pie. enct oar • ou ··9;~;;;,·;~,;a~~o"."~~~~ Ap11lmto11 mA111t•11111 Volu1ai1itd U11/11111i1i1d ..........•.••...... ····•··•·············· '!.1.'!t~!!.~!~f~ ... !.~~! ~!.'!r.!!.~f!~ .•. !.~~! NO FEC' Apt & Condo 14 Br 2 Be 40 trom sand 1e111e1a Villa Rentals I w/baltony & sundeck 675 49 12 Broker , S '.I 5 O 1 yr I ) Fu 1 n ? Block to boach 2Br I 645 o34o _ t>ngnt A 11ry $675 mo 1c rean 2 6r lrg klltnen yrly 968·8263 Npl Hts 2421 E 16th St OCHMFlllMT S450 Trop.cs 545.5109 LIDO GORGEOUS 2 Br Ir pie patto $ 1000 lea!>e 675·6359 3 b<lt 2 l>a oa• great IOC Winter I' Bat:ht>tor greet toe 1Newpo<t 11gts 1 Br yard ~ed•ly gar ge SA2' TSL 111c111t 142-1103 640· 1914 2 Br 2 81 from $525 No b bdrm 2 be lownhe>me pttts Aero~' trom Ne..,. Spilt level 3 Ci• gar port Bi,::ich Gott Cou" Ou•et S750 553-0255 545-48!.5 WINTER RENTALS · 3 & 4 Br Close to Y>llt'f 3 bdrm 2 ba pilhO 2 blkS to beach Pets o k S750 mpo 673 3728 furn & unlurn renona· OCCANFRONT . Custm ble all amenlhe5 Broker , dt'co r 381 28a up 675-4912 amen1t1es yrly $1200 1 l>lk to Bc:h Lo..,e• 2 B•. l mo . 2Br 1Ba dwn 800 den 2 ba ylly bltrna, mo Mature prs 7400 W relrtg $700 675·8839 Ocnlrnt 8~_!_19_2 __ _ Nwpl Hg ts 2 br 2 t>a, J EASTBLUFF specious Avoll now Sp11c;1ou5 1 Br paJ10 S735tmo 645-7<100 pool view no pets I $590/mo 644-4767 BALBOA PENIN '1 blk to bCh 2 6d 1 oa. yrly 12·sty condo 2 Br 3 Ba. CllPO• I $525 mo pool SPD sauna S795pr 552·0653 mo 751·3191 LARGE 2 br I ba gar I WHY MOT d/w ~308 Seullore TME IEST! $750 mo V1ly 962·4914 NEW gated 20 Town- Pt1v g Spac:. 2 stry 2 t1C1 I llomo VILLAGE COM· 2 t ba w l lrpl New ce-I MUNITV 2 Br 2 ~ Ba mel cupettng nr Fe· 1600 sq ft of pure lu· sh1on ltland no POIS •uty Garages spas tn $795 645 8218 I every home • master sullt dining rooms Bluffs Area lrg 2 bd 2 l>a, wood 1>urn1no t1teplaces upper u111t w/lrpl Ouiet microwave ovens. prl· & Pnv Loe No Ptts vote patios & y01ds gar- 1695 6•5·6218 dener provided Elegant Studio apt pvt patio N1 1tv1ng only 15 minutes to Lido ahops & beach Uttls S C Plaza 01 0 C Air· pd $350 mo lmmed port Just east oJ New- 673 0343 oft 5 port Blvd & 90 ot San Diego Frwy. $1000/mo 631·5"39. 24 73 Orange A11e Costa Mesa PARK NEWPORT APARTMENTS COUNTRY CLUB LIVING IN NEWPORT l!EACH S11101os 1 & 2 Bdrm Apartments & Townhousta From S560 On Jamboree Rd at San Joaquin H1tta Rd 144-1900 3Br. 2Be petto. close to bch, pets OK. $750 mo yrly 673·3728 '"' c1,.,,,,, 3116 ! ..................... . Nr S C General Hosp, 3Br, lrptc, 2Ba. stove. cpt5 A\lell Nov t $575 mo (714) 891·1644 Staslttrt Ll•I•& 1 pe1s 2234 A Rutg~s Dr 1700 16th St new $475 mo stove. d11hwuher spe S"pa 5665 738•1215. £•1.••• lfld 3241 Large specious duplex C M (2131 454·51~ (al Oo~trl Boctietora $'4 10 557 6985 lndry rm 16~/mo 970-.5117 Mr Webtt early 3 Br 2 Ba Avail •• ••••••••••••••••••• P~ t>drma Spic: & apen. lss 75 mo Dix mobrlt 642-5113 t Bdrm $480 3 t>r. 1•1 ba bll·tnl , ger SPMC 631•6107 I I lmmed Newly remO<leled 2 BR. 1465 yearly, new decor. pool. nr beach. bus No pals 4911-6277 H:t:~.ru;E:: ~~~1f nr allopplng. Step1 to home. No pelt Oultt, 131 E llllh 648-6818 erpts Child OK No pets EASTSIDE 2 t>drm. t t>a .!l.".'!~.~!.'.'.~ ••• ! .. t on Penonsuli S94~lmo 2 Br 2 Ba Condo. ocean b tac h Ye• r I y secure 1991 Newport ---161 E 18th 642..0856 $596 Call 111 5pm, 1 cor ga1 1490 mo tnc:ls tOE•ll VIEW 675•3132 6'\A•5710 11....,. S650/mo 180 dtg vu ol h1rbor. ,. 545 9911 111,1, mtnt, 30;, Sbt, 7 1419115·5822 coll or Blvd. 846-8373 llll•Hll pac:•o~s 2 Br 1 B~ 548· 10:8 wtttt1, 1mmed 1v11ll Prtl tO minutes 50 Ol l&gune Br. 288. c pta. drps, • _ aecurlty. uun1. apa _w_k_n_d_s_&_7_5-_ll_7_.2~o ___ .1Beaul E stde I Br $440 Ulffat•il/JH Duplex 3 Br 1h Ba 2 Br 1' t B• studio pool. cplt. mlntmum on Ille on Oona Potnl's moat newly redec:Ofaled In & $11111 bl 3110 11900/mo 498-7009 2 & 3 Br $750/mo 4 Br utll. pd P d & trg •••••••••••••••••••••• 141!1 l aundry lac pool carPOltr pv1 pa110 clltl· Mgmt req d 229 Coattl secluded scenic: blull, out 1950 mo 1213> •••••••••••••••••••••• ---------apt $1250/mo Hevt ~6-4631 • 548-11558 12·7PM dren QI( No pets $475 Mesa No C 957•0701 ltke new 2 Br wl don 332•4051 2 Br 2 Ba condo pool, EMEAAlD BAY a Br 2 others. Fred Tenore. agt -------646-1824 2Br up1ta11a, patlO Cl~~ 1Cll4 large prtvate pat10 ATERFRONT Newport toe ltMll So Coast Bt HOO aq It lrptc, 831-1266 B••li•fl08 81dtn Grove 2 & 3 llllTA•T l•I w/ge1•gt wsllr/dryt gar11gt S7251rno Call 111end spacious 2 Br 2 Pion artt 1140-8905 brick paUo, with •P• --, I IHc/J 3140 6drm, $425 10 $525 e.sta1de $62!1·$635/mo '385 1 Br pool 1 peraon, he>Ok·ups close to So 661·6441 or M f , 9 ·5 Ba duplex apt new car 842·2012 •ft 4 5550 ~ ; 3 61°8 ~ ~ '.:"2 ~ 5 5 2 BR 8 den, 2 ., ba, near •••••••••••••••••••••• 83S...4119& 2 Br 1'r Ba Townhot/!18, no pets Cit Plua no pats S525 643·0210 011vt by to ~t drepe1 lrplc:. t>lt 1n1 2Br 2ba, air. seourlty 1176-3067 °, ge~ J.11::.0 4';~ ~=-''' IElllYI m ,,,.., ,,,,., ,,,. tll built-Ins, lndry rm 846~:~3~ :~~Mp~PM mo 540..0117 ... at 24583 San It garage YOrly $800 pool, nr. s c Ptau ~o -;;c-f,;;;iiyn···~ mtnl\Of Ave 831·!1MI I S..Ullfl.11 a Pant ttke '#1\h ...................... <:arpon. yard/balcony Ctata 673 6100 or 650 21571 p. I.. • 5 0 0 Exec ltfl'll • terrec.d p001 Br 2 Ba nr n.w upper tmaft !>el Of( l.g'! newty dee 2 Br wtgar ~!.~l~!~! ...... /!.~ OOl&IFHIT -Avltll Due: 1 2 t3fMO·t513 to Vlclptla beach. Ora· 208 Colton, 3 Br 2. Ba j •Spec•ou• Apta clpl•, "10rt lt•m or yrly TSL Mgmt 642· 1003 tn1ral 11t1, no pate Hl•I YllW Motl ettOllll spt bldg eeoutllut 1a1ge " Br en· 1A,.rl•••I• l•••i••--1 matlc C:OHtal & wllltt· $825/mO yrly •Private Patios Coulct t>e furn '$1250 4 lrtplac:e. pool, dl•h· $476. allown Sat/Sun ,. 9 ,.__ eta·• pat to •••P• 10 "' •-ater vltw 3 Br 3ba 840 8208 A0f01 • 873 0•2 7 1 4 / 7 " 3 o '1, 1 9 & ,rom OtA• Fl""'nt • "'"'"' in 1-oun1 ~iu:;h. '"-' u • ., • ,.._ w • • •Coverfd Parking u111 ,,gt -4 v weshtr. pvt peuo. X Lg 540_6117" ttcl .... ,:. .. ,ca"'nic 01;1; location in town. bftath beach Yearly 675·4419 •• .~'.~~~!~•••••••~ gourmet kltch. 11850. • •Dining Area E·Ba.ifront, L.1111• ltlt Garden 1 & 2 8r on.El • .... "' 1 kl vt a 11 .... •111 in• -Y• 175-9702, t Vtl •Wtll\tnCloseta , .. ••Cle S4110 . S580 llf\anev.t0nly 4unltt,2 a noJ tW • "" •• 2 Br 'l Ba COMO EHt-, IUWlll 49A-0022 ,,. c1 •••• ,, 1111 •Home ltkt Kitchen• Oltr 3 •tOry deluxo lrg !157·2841 PALM MESA APTS Orwtden Xtrll lri prtvatt llealeo pool, llUI> 9ar99t . !>lull upg111daa tttachad I YILUll 1 Br11a1r1ptuo1r,p1-•j1~·.j0;·;;;·~1~·;·;,; 1t>lk10 Huntington ~?;·3~i1'· SlllOO mo 14~11L~~~~~'er patio i::1om I 2&/mo :~~0•~0' LttH only g•r•o• N o pets I tlo, atove & retr'-, SS2• convtrl .... A • m•1 .... 5 Cant.,, 1renapor111t1on & lU. 2111. 1111. • ce·u bt~A ... 4 ........ 800 Call 88111441 or M·r . C up0 11 .,..3 SOOOtmo &69·7144 New 1&2 bdrm luxury "' u '' '" " t l 1 b 1"50/ ) Q -·" " ""' 9·5. 843.0212 Ortw by 330 hll 1 4 4·vvv lptt In 14 plant 1 f)d(m :~~~~·.!~ ulll pd ~~3~~~~:1::000 /mo r)TIUTIH FRIE a.0 .. 11111~d~~~; No ~~ ~;:i ~.~~c:~ahr~~::i: BEAUTIFUL 'I Br 2 Bo to'" 2•513 S1n11 Clar• 2 9, 2ba, fr pie dtCk. 0::~';\~~~ 1~;·,i•r::·, •''°"' H•O. 2 bdrm ffom ---------1 1 Bdrm from t!llS Avail Nov 20 075·9378 t>bq no pell 642·6073 Fn>I<:. entl gar, cnolce Super ntll 1 er VIiia, 1 ""'· charm, \t Dltl to 730 3777 dya 1137 28l3 596. lowntloute from 180 degree octtn view .., B.. 1•1,. ,, - -tiea •dtt1 iwtr $576 ea imell .. C""'· •rk·ett o<: • • n , No t n d 1 1 HH + POola, ltnnl1, from Olnlng, UV1ng, Oen " "o''"NT" HEA .. OSv " .. enl or lt&H 3 Or 2 81 485 2 Bdrm, rtlrlg, Pl· 3094 Mace W/Ffldco 1•001-0'" :'"7'":3"313, U251mo lnol titlf v wettrlelle. oonCl•I OH •nd l<ftcl\tn 3 er & o.rt, LA UI " ... A partially furn \ltll paid tlo no Ptt•. •dull• pref. .. "' " " t..O Hit n 8•y ;l bdrm, ~ b•, j •or cooklno a 11eat1no 2,A Ba. lmmeeulitt. 111211 Patkaldt Ln. 1 blli ye•, 1 y IO !! o / mo 7'J4·A Ja"'-•· 873-178'1 2 'bdrm. 1'• De. llffl)lk•. 49:1..0903 (Or lurnllhtCO • lrplc 1 c;ar gar Private p•IO ,,0'" Sen Oleoo SffOO/mo. m pe)1 : ~1~;.n:.~ t 4?·I 34. Hl-iltV fUNN1N<\ 1er11• 1 er X::.711~~ ~aa 1496-UYHllT ~n,orGOOffr.-·p~1orlfl!fn-I '1'1'!'! .. 111'0h~!c:*°.!.!!'.. 0 1 11 0 87~·8832. OW"-' Chrm'n 1r.":'2 bd, l 't bl. g"cttn '""I 710W 18111 " .. drma " ba atndy '"""' "" .. .. _,, ,.. ..,.....,, I .. •· • ... ...,. "u " I'• 11.100 173.21•2 8aawlnd VIiiao• • ru• -• 42.,/mo uf) 1 ... tin dtCk lrpl. no Pl'ta. no I. 2 Ir 111 r .. ttldt Q""' ~ ltlnt con4r,r0f'I· _10 .... t·•-· "" 1114 .. 13,11u ~ I awf ..... tiff t11 turn a lurn pool, •P• ~ l1W11y N50 326\t ~ --nel0flbort1ood no .,.,,, 1111y or Yfly 11500 Mo 'ltf~lff ,....., ,....., ,. :: .... ,,'lii .. ";;r.'9uoT•u• C1-'1lr•t 1111 11092 Florida 142·~834, Ornnd C1nal 1173·4200 Nter I Ith/Pomona, 1 Br, near ecnoOlt 1'460/mo OWner ~ ... 13 r.t •..., DttlOflfront nome. 3 ••••~••••••••••••••• ~42·3172 1 I•. <1ownt1a1ra, di •, '31·8l65 .-•~ _ H111t you reed tod1y'a ~ WflO need peopl9 It 4 11, IWl'I tn801mo, ttttll .... ()pOon 4 bcl, 2 lrg Ir, 1 &a. -of So carpoit weltr pO 1 Child ---Malle yOUf tf1opp1nf N · CIHllfled Actl'P If ltOI, .atlOuld ..._.._Wit """""-uooo. c.ie Mr• a be, ccwrd .,.,io, comm ... ttllf"9 ,... wttfl ~ Oii no~ 1400 A09nt. ''"Cl """'°" ••"' '" ~ ~ yt11i!ft! '!'.!. t>11ty rou;::,.. ~."" '*' ..,.,_CWLC*MV =aT"' "" • "°"9· 17)-11to pool M50 4tMt&7 Piiot Went AcQ _L:"°~, .. ~9~8~2~·0~2=1~.,==d~~~~"°'~~c~·-~·~·~·~·~·~lJ~::~·~a..~::-~"*:!:~ .. ~-~-~~~:;~~~~-=~="'::1 ::.:··~-=::·=~b========· ---~~~~~~=+-====~::;;;.j:======~=-- Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT /Mondoy, November 8, 1982 ·1 ,.'!.'!! ••••••••••• !.'!'!! , ..... ~.;1.!r.f~!!!.!J.!f C•;•','j1'1 441~ ftl!.f.!!.-.!~ •••. "1.111 ''·'1..,11.'!!. .... 1.'.'l! !'.11..'flt'!l. •••• 1.{!'I ~'.11 •• '!1.-.~~ ..•• !.1!.f !~~~~!~!.1!! ........•. Ullll IUO• •••• !~.!.~ ........... l ifm1111t ~111e11 btk " 01i. ~1·•t11•1 w,111ttd nob•1t HOIPTIOlllTIP·tl"• A•llJ.•" 1001 ltTH ,. lllMIUTI rlf!lllr 01\ l.(Aft N•*'Y coll., trvln• Tt1r•n l'flllllp•Co (IQfflletlt lljf MARKETING OµIC1"'1UIJlll • ull1t1 Ill· ···orAir·lls-w:;NTio·· Wiit. r•nl•I• Ho up. PllllRI r•mooaled llO?'I wilfl 0•4 ll!!Jll. Cito 3112 J11.110 $1C11e) tlu Cat Pl1111 """"one M11hH• per .,nu ,.,,111,111 Antq !thriw COl(lr TV, rrea coll••. Old•tt & lerQttt 11Q4111c;y larV"' lot Comn11106111no. I ouno I rt<l l•••ll 11lle1 . APV11 In Pllfaon I MANAGEMENT 1tt11; ••g~:i''e;~:Ciulll11111 Jttn 4111130 lo• Al1m110 hlllt<I POOi ' tl•P• 10 All Client• ICIHMICI with ad~ to N•wPUt I tvd M m•-.u ltHMI( bll11i.ll• ~HI fRfUI .... oma(I or V11t 11y H ti oe.an Kllchaavall photot&r•ff!tnc•• 04 -13'l4 Ut01180 M bit. Ltll (ho1p11a1 cpl l0tcomoa1110111tooil THllH IHt,tlHllt/IH' v'lalch111?1314304010 N6 N Coaat Hwy. C11dll• Co•mopolllflll ltC'UOnl NB An1m11I IOI 04 YI OIU Cpl on 13111 · l 1tt11t llll Miii I Co GoMllll otl~t' NllwPo'' fl I L-ciun• e..cn 494·&2"4 GOO<I Mor11tno Amltfte• l•'••tti.J Stltlter t26 M11H Dt, tioa 11lona Hou•1110 tn ni·od• :/ti h•ld wort.1111 0 _.,h ~,,1111,."uittl rulfl "'1111tlul ~utlt •om Mtd 190 & up with kitchen. lh• Tomonow snow ••• ,., 4SH .CM eu :18~8 ••Pflrll• but •llacnti.1 ~ rull 0"'111f1.. 30 hfl p., wuok 9.4 Wl'tl •1,~gg.11171 ,.,.,,.,, "" lflll1 #1/•tlH•lf • • • •••••• ••• • • ••••••• • l11rlt1 HZO corr r r AOl • •••••••••••••••••••••• b•·~ wuud M1tdl1 140 MAflllt "•(VI(; .. 8~0 •ioo u.11g11lln111lllH11pa1r IUOf A ar 0 Qlly WOii< ~411 '&?O rv Qu1•0<n »ttt gold goud l••I• p,.111 H40 CO/Id $40 844 •'lOO •••••'• • ••••• • •••••••• IJOf A (00.LO TONC.S1 Clau•c 18 L•P•l11k• 0000 CONO $60 Ctntury bey l>Oll, 4 cyl 1146 4300 G!ov 13SOO 875·61111 wffllly Oceantront Mo· • •; oll • to all who •••• ••••• • •••••• ••••• • OR 2 B•, turn tf)I 8aaul Oa()d 1y111,10 •klll-, title· 181 117!>·8740 nffd a place 1760 up 21110 11. lndu• I• I SJIO w11e. view on btylto11I $1175 pnonu oper Siiiery t9H H11mmo11i.1 0•01111 ---••• ,.,. ••1-1111 11rlal Ollie• 18101 At·"!!!!!~ .................. Wondn1ful IMno' WOI , Ol)tn 60 1S81 btHWtlM SJOO Mtrr0•41d dllllMI Fem non .. mkr, rm w/hH oondo Clrcla, P & T lr.11\g Cond Ctlt 173 0491 10 end 1 PM m111blo 1op $300 Leu Mu't Sflll 1111 u IOIO. & qn 11 •OIDl'lfld 100 f!O/ 000 548 IJl!i8 ~~ .~;:, ::~~u;Jurn . hSOQ ..... ~do w/Vlew aH:2~2'~11on e .. ch Lllll I WIOll'I ICll!RIC~L . Avatl lmtned NO • tl••l•t/I•• Ofo dull QlllH window• ?O . .. I 9 ..... k B b 1 I I PHOTO MOOfLS II Cleftc•I IOb• w /01ow•no ... ce • ,, (.. 1111 • c: • 1111 1 Room wllh llUch prlv Nr 0 ac ay. Hu 1 u ?600 tQ fl nor Hoag E'.SCORTSIDANCeRS v10.o compan a 20 n1 EXPERIENCE 0 typo •kill! & ltgur11 S!iOO S 1000 Brau h(tO. $200 640·7!161 Bui lln• & 1hopplng gre~n~l111 & aw~n;m~n~ Hosp aapo1ato oll1ea & OUTCALL 24 HnS wk Fl•• hrt-~ya, Sil bt) aptlhHI• P1ol phono S150 1701 Pumono, olht• fobhi & Huco Otvet. I L••••••t 74 C•t1fo1111111, •II· ftO.• gtne 10 w/Ch•lfl/ !ng ven .. 11 l1a1111 oooa 1unrnno c;ond $179S Pvl P11ty C1ll 841·506& Or !>36 1008 eenler 962·7620 ~~1~1 or 1 = wlchli"d ru1roo.n HOO/mo • 111·0201 hr 904·&850 • RE~UIREO , ~anne1 1&. o~p~11rance C: M 1131 0000 "'mod~ 570 4 9R2 Ba hie W/Oyr, 657·788:1or1140-6339 AulomOllvt Ok Bkr O•llP'U 111 II D llKI' Anl41 b1irb111 '1 OtlDlr l>.40 t361 kltch, ale 02~mo $20 r--045·82116 • -CLElll / t714) 114·5354 holplul 6<40 1813 1'130 • porc•1111n •Int llt II IOIO dep 646·83&e all 7PM IHt•I• WutH 43JS * * * •ECEPTIOllST rtrPuauc FEOCAAL SA cond 16:!0 661 9A21 • .'!.f.'..~~.'!.~! •••••••• Cnarmtng room ' batn in •••••••••••••••••••••• ,,,,, , 4SSO Atlantia Parlor n MHIOAL VINOS hH on O,itntrio UIWMI 2d ••• 1ul 1111 IY 110. 1 •••••'·••••••••••••••• 8e1ulllu1 Oen• Point Cour1111 Ct•1k 101 Duty lor PIT New Account A /' tf 1010 8 10 20' long. 311c per II tine qu et n1111lde CdM 3 Storage Spact 12' • 18' Open 24 l'lra a di/ Harbor. Full Time. Tues· madk:al lllb. maluro per Rept0M1n1a1M1 Rolory t .1//..1!!'. •• ~........... /JP, 149t 1tny11toie locallon $300/mo Call Huntington Beacllh ·41 36" door S70/mo plua 7 d11Sy1 a weet.L Sal Requlrtm•ntl •011 A •11.,11 w/pbrfo•I rrlngo benelllt Lagun.i HARBOR AREA 111 3PM 760-1548 bdrm house, IOUI 0 $ 7 0 d ,.. •I I JllC:Ulll. 81Jn8 Ocal1 w " v • ~ N I B h In .., r OEW000 YOU • e e ",. 0 · T f'ront·ofllce •PPOll•ence, drlvlni roc;ord Mon.rrl lguo ranc APPLIANCE SEAVICI: rvA" I S2SO + Adam Xtnl rel• 873-4154 Newport Ill well as O\Hllll lype 50 wpm, 8CC1Jf&Oy. 0 A ·· 6 OOP·· 495-0800 S:ll-1940 W11 1ell r4!COlli.1 ,l)Ultr PICK UP on we: OEll· l••I• S•ll IOIO ·····'················ 17 Sldnoy f>lft81ura Crall curnpl wllra11e1 & 019 $2000 498-7200 HJ HOBIE! CA l eompie1e w/llU, $ t300 838 3094 1111 llPM 068·0808 Cly• SHOT /11cel 0.14 S3&0 700·9• t4 Am lor rent mo 96•·0332, 842·0100 Beach 611nkAme1lcaro. Amer· nplltude tor detoll ••tn 2 1 1 "" "" EOF appll•nc;n• !14Y·3077 ,VCR 49:1 C./48 u t 11 . w •I k 1 o be h ltM Express. Dlnera All .. .., 1140 o 140 MlrlH ~ ~· 64s-0119 i:-:-.--M 1 E • welcome 714/64S·3433 yra gen office op I IUY APPLIHOH CHllTMU llH S /J&. ' .._S ------1M8lur11 Adull a.. It· #11t1llHHH 2112 HarbOr 81 CM SS/hr Apply tn P•rson, •HtCAL/Full Ti•• •1•11tYATIH CURI n .. 7 a1···· Mo•s1 LOYE·s .f •• ~!~!.! ....... ~. Ctlrtsttan F, nonimkr. apl ocuuve Em.ployed • ...-. I I ~ISO Tvea·Frt, 8 !-M • 1 t AM Fr•nt 0111ca po1111on " • Lot .,, "" " " pllv . Sen Clemen1e. nr prlva1a NB CdM, Irvine •••• !~!~.! ....... ;-.... !COEDS • Would love 10 and t PM • 4 PM Dana Mluoon V1e10 Secre••· Energetic stell needed AErnlOCRATOA WANT ijl)aut•lul ceramic horMt, Cu11tt -Hll"!lk Sailboard bHch, rels 1225 & I area. room. apt .. small perly wlyou Call Sue or Point Marina Co. 2470S rt al a11pr roqu1red /or r~sorvallon oll1c,e. EO hand p111mod and 111azed Xlnt condu1on ullls 498·4~82 condo, house furn or FOR RENJI Ko thy onyllma (2 13) Oaha Drive, Dana Polnl. 49S·1060 d~y .. eventng shl II Or1ty S7r. Olhe• oeram•o S79S 675·11104 l/!.'!}!,.'!.•!!J! •• J.1.ff ~~~;n. ~~~~1:~~~~~1,~~~ ' ~237~7·1;65 7 I. ( 7 1 4) OOLLEOTOll Medical ---~;~~r~'~ll~ku:~d~eA~~tt Prtv~l~o~a~fyn~~~~~930 ~o~';o~~ a'::1U:::i l~~e~;~~~ IOlll, ;1111 S••• ••1 •OTIL nlahed (71 4) 9.60·4S69 2 bedroom, 2 baths & 2 ----IEllSTEllED •Ull-tn pe1son. 140 Avo Pteo. Woshl'r·Oryer $1?S eo CtlrlstmH Call me 101 n .... , • 1010 ......-1 7 11or1es m TWtn Peaks Ill Women & men. rein w11h E1tpandlng Newport San Clem Otsh>Nashcr $100 .,.,... Wkly ren1a1s now avail • 1 pm Leke Arrowhead afea. 11 m a r ~ a g 8 , c a 1 1 Beach Credi\ card com·. SE , 8 dlllotls 01 840 8709 aft ••••••••••••••••••••¥ $105 & up Color TV ~ [, •••t 4JSO Has tk.rllHns & flrepla~ 497.571.8 pany has openlno In their SAUS COlllllHIO• l\t1lrlg $200 6416·~4 '6PM •• BOAT SLIPS AVAii.ABLE PhonN in room 227• •• !!/.~~.~••••••••••• F1r11. 1111 & depos1) ,.. ------ -collection division AP· Responsible posillon In I IOIUS Ot>le w osunghso relrtg, 6 6 MILL'. $S MAN Newport !1eacn' 25. 26 . Newpor1 Blvd. CM IOana Pt single storage. q u l r 8 d . ¢•II (7 I 4 ) New to L A beaut . Intel• plicanl must have 2·3 yrs dOCIOtl olhca FI T (Jood I r 11o1 e1 K-e n rn 0 r 0 Ptnball 6 Pl eyer $3SO I 30 35 • 40 , & 45' Call 646·7445 sec\lred, s1ree1 entrance. 7 6 8• 0 2 8 6 or 17 1 ~) llgen1, 1oph1s1tcated yng collecllon ex pr Bank Benefits Calllornla LI Unique lady'1 clothtng wa&llet, diver 960.s260 Blue & Gold Ma caw 84 2 4 64 4 1 r om 9 s 34097 Granada, $60 667_0657 weekdey five· lady, 1Hk8 llnanc. H · cord & CRT expr. pref. cense Logunu Hiiis are11 storo seeks 1merg1H1c ' MJ>n Fri BE AC H ARE A 673-3313. 493-0803. nlngs after 6 pm 11 no cure oenUeman lor vo· Contact John Allen Mon ~·1104 lady w/1111or tor fashion Wh11l11 001 dryer $75 ~~~~ c~,~~OCoc~~~· 15llPS AVAIL Hunttnnion Pl k P rlabla relaltonship Wrlle thru Fri, 8·30 to 4;30 pm .,..,... y••lllEE and/or modeling expr Compac1. all cycles like " IS tor age garage, single. answer. ease ee Ad No 731 e/o Dally Pl· 7S9-7889 ... n "" helpful Apply In perton now cond 631-1098 645-2963 pp Ha ' ti o u' Ba Y 0 a $84/wk $95x021m0.0 Costa Mesa lryingt 101 330 w Bay PO 9011 ---$300-$500perwk comm 497.4777 Aie111aNa1Urol --SKI BOOTS womens 840-5545 846-7766,6·9 IS60 CoSla Mesa 92626 ICouoter Person Kusters while 11a1mng S 1000 + 11 Feshlons 260 .Fores I Wh11lpoo1 avo grn ralrtg Humantcs Sz 7 mell P M 8 4 0 • 4 0 9 7 Relngeralor·M•ld-Pool 642·4907 wkdays ll•••.•lll/l•rtll' 1 Claane1s. $S/hr Apply wll alter 1ratn1ng No eKp Ave Laguna Beach 19 6 cu 11 Ne>N cond blue wl bkls like new 213·43 1·3764 Nwpt Blvd & Wilson I belween 7· llAM, Mon. nee we !rain Record -u nae 1 w arr $ 2 SO Colla Mesa S48·97SS IOe•ached garage. 400 sq Fi•••tl •Th llrlfrlt1tlt* Fri. 188 E 16th SI t1us111eas Call Earl at Salts Cltrll (R1t1il) 631·1098 555· 631 ·1098 1~•35 Slip on Matn Bay, ----------1 11• use for slorage or 01• •••••••••••••••••••••• OUTCALL ESCORTS Costa Mesa, 835-8446, .9-3 Office supply company -Newpoo t Beach Tennts llfewpon Beach Pine Knot Motel on Coast lice, In comm'f area. nr E. llf••fl I•,... S02S 24 HOURS ___ has lull/time posol•On Whorlpool heavy dvly Club lull mmbr<ihp Value 673-5340 _ Hwy. NB Steps t o t7thSt.&Orange,C.M ••••••••••••••••••••• M/F AllCredllCards CllEllTTlllllEE MODELS ovailable Wiil lraln washer 3 yrsOld May· $1200, Make otr Prm1eLtdoShp,noSklP· ocean Wkly rates. 4l50lmo. Call 9-S. M·F., FOllCLISllll •112·1112* E!tpandlng NB Credit Stanly Panty now hirtng Newport S1a11oners, Inc ~~:t't~e~t,~1~~~'~,~~; 631-1098 per no !Ive-aboard, 645·0440 6<42·42t0 llLPLJI( card compan must have lor lashton shows E1tp'd SS7-9212 (Mr Emmons) FroSl free 17 848·6882 lrvme c C membersnip SO + $550/mo PP tiHlt Bl•I 41$0 RENT Single ger, 11lc ~ let S.lltfftH 1·2 yrs cut1omer service preferred 548-8444, Slltes ---HB for sate Evenings 831-3671 Of 675-2860 •••••••••••••••••••••• t61h/We11mlns1er. CM 851·S99S Cutlom Fantesy Pilon• axper & good communt-CM - - -2131434 1905 I Ud Xlnt Opp1y tor GENT 10 $6S mo Av all 12. t Conversallon w1lh Barbel callon skills CRT exper --EXPHIHCH Kenmb1e washe1 $99. gas _ 30 n docll availab e o enjoy Lvly eKecullve fa· S48·683t llUL ESTATE LOAIS MC/VISA 24 hrs pref Contact Anna llODELS SALHPEllSOll dryer S7S, elec dryer AGK SURFBOARD I ISie Are~3•6803 mlly home , superb 181. 2nds. 3rds. 4ths Call 638-0701 Fischl Mon·Frl 8·4.30 BOOYBUll.OERS SALARY PLUS COM· $50. 1.1p1 sz washer dryer 5'7' 1w1n Ion $100 __ _ FOOD. every comtorl. t car garage for slorage Ctlftllill -EXOTIC DANCERS 759-7932 ATHLETES OR SUR· MISSION Background tn $276, S46·8672 Call 546-3147 evllS Lower Newport Bay •• 1 b 1 1 & only Hunllnglon Beach -----FERS 331 $81 mus 8 accus 0 IP· $ 4 o Bachelor/Bactielorette !CUSTOMER SERVICE • securtly herdware or •(f•f", Sl5. II-f•r. Law nmQwer Mclane Shps 30· 14 1 prec the belier things. N r B c h m 0 nrift I Ltll IH'• 1 e le 1a1nmen1 wan1ed b" ama1eu1 phO· 1 Ill ed " " • ... • Siae hes lS-2 II $711 "'"6 2056 E par v n r Sincere pleasant voice , sus ems se nn r-u1r Wkd" ... f . 979-9696 Front Throw complete Non-smkr. non-drinker. .,., • FOUNTAIN VALL Y 738·8SJ8 5S6·8538 6PM·9PM. Mon· Thur· 1og1ap11er for physique Heavy pho~·; ;;lls lo , m $195 Swat es An c; h 9 • 5 (714) 658-4552 In Hemet. 01/itt lt•l•I 4400 ~·9111 Boytt1-d, escon, model $ 4 1 S n r Vt gar d posing (no comm'I user leads provided by ad· ~~;'.2~~;d1t1on I 648· 150 I Refs req •••••••••••••••••••••• •ffllllCE v" 964·8864 $-20·S80 pr day No exp ve11ising Some lra'(el 1•itf.dt1 1020 Available 1mmed1a1ely 40 S •IELIXE IFFICES• " Reply to Tenn. PO Box n e c es s a r Y Br ad from ume 10 1lme ~~. •••••••••••••••••• Exer-c1se btc;ycle. near · lflt Hoall 111 1 MO. FREE RENT'" 111· 2nd and 3rd TO's. 5278·54• S•n1• Ana. Ca DECtllATIMI SALES 213/697-2131 Sena resumewllh hlslory PIRL'S 10 spd Schwinn, new Only 11 ml I 10 4s 11 Sattboal pref ••••••1··.··.··,·ll•E•E••••••• 1 room to 2800 sq. 11 Now 15 1119 lime 10 act 92704 PIT, FIT, •Int commls . of earnings on eech lob 26' , Mont cond S 100 $50 673-3728 • !!rS06i~.~~~;'. ::i,i ~~ .oa.". I A••11 From S 1 16 a sq II Adi while lnlereal rates are •llTllHICllS * work In OC MUSI have OFFICE/CASMIH to 850·0220 RABBIT JACKET end 6-9 PM -" Alrportir Inn & Frwys low Call on our uperls llalr for COIOr. will !ram Wtll have diverse duttH. ltl 1050 I• ·1d· - -sz 12 S6S Several pnme locahons Call AM 833·3223 et no charge to help )'OU llllT s11n 640·S249 Including credll opera-D ii Pil t .... ,,,, 8SO 0220 Wanted Slip, Newpo1 I In Saddlebaclc Valley to wrth yOUf problems Ze-Models. dancera. escorts ---hons. bkkg. and direct I ' • /tldtti•ls 1025 · _ Sch. 40' trawler choose from Featuring 1617 Wesiclllt, NB 2S6 nllll Funding. Call Ari 669·8912. ~n 2• nra h1t1I Aul1t11t deahngs W11h Iha publlc PO ... 1510 •••••••••••••••••••••• SEWl•C ll&CN. s•& 642-3050 • 24 hr supervision. plan-lo 4000 sq It 1st floor 851. 1422 Ne>Nporl Beach. 4 ·~ day Some experience helpful C o s t I II • s I ' C A •OW 310 /FT• Singer w/alt 552· t61 s .suPS A VAILCoronadel ned recreallon. eKclllng Agent S4 t-5032 41 PAii AYE•IE week. Needs X-Ray lie. Full range of company 12121 Redwood 2.116 decking. TllOID VIDEO ""•ME Mar Area $9 11 Call gourmel meals & free !Airport orea • E.xec. Sul· Tr11t MtltJ IHll1•t• HCOITS ll0-1111 Exper desired ~e;er~~~~:~;~."111:: Equal Opply Empl Mlf 4·20' long, also redwood AS .,. t Ltnde 9SS·2473 wkda local lransporlallon Call 1es. From 22S-4SO sq. II •HO,.AAA .,.iii••• 6A4·248S, 548·2886 fencing Call J1m or Ken S4SO S52· t615 I 8.s &ob ,Lyon lodliy for ihe $1per sq It. Many xtru • vvv .. 24 hrs by appolntmen1 644· 1380 S OIS£W•11rs 7S.149 -e•cll•ng delalls for business or SUYICl'S JrwELEllS SAU /M ,. ~ anY1•mc. 7 1 Fireplace nee1 exchan,.er WA ... TEO Doc .... sp==--tor 16a.7t428S9-7277 •ft s. cau S57·7010 R.E. Development ,.,,, •• , WI ""' -F/T, Crown Hardware, ~. wal;;t:ieale;;-8'" ... ck opentng, e~n-11'"eos1on W~a .. ~de- • 1400·900 PLUS t400 sq ft Call Mr. Novick lflnfll S310 ClllllSTllAS MOIH Par1 Ttme 1024 Irvine Ave NB 40-50· 75 Geflon. perfect s e 1 v e he a 1 $ S S I tie preterred 545.5414 V•r•11•• l1•l•l14ZSO PenlhouH 8ayfron1 Sul· 714/979·7157 •••••••••••••••••••••• Hollywood Referral Sates workin~ order. gvaran· 957·3282 -----••f••Q•••R••••R••E••N••T•••!•• ~~J-~003klng. patios 714197g..()4118 Pf,!o!~~u~~:OIOc~m-Sales peoole wanted to1 ~~m~•~Ym':e":o;;e:,~ HICKORY FAlllS ieed 8 8-504S --Exereyclo like new Spee-lo.ti S/Htd I "iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii .. '';;::J,''J• ..,. 1 r.-it panlon drivers for your lemporary positions In· (bacli.ground or non· Pe1son l or Chrl11mas f111 to foa 104S domeler & mlleaoe ad· Skf fOIO '" ,., •• •• day 10 dey errands. 1tde dept •lores Floral speaking only) Is seeking Gift Sale$ To call on •••••••••••••••••••••• 1usiable s7s 9S7·3282 •••••••••••••••••••••• 2 bedroom. 2 bathe & 2 •Sim HALS• I · SOJS snopplng. doctor's Items & gifts Musi be model types & otneis tor Presidents of Comp•· Poodles lr.ee 10 good i:-:--Y 50 ft Itek stories In Twin Peaks In 0 C Airport area. Prof io••··.· ... ·••:,•1•n••:;;,,,••••• eppll. church. etc All well gtoomad & an en· commercials such os la· mes. PurchHtng Agenle. home, Snerry's Poodles lltl •111••1 NEWPORT HARBOR Lake Arrowhead area. envtronmen1. luh ~. -wi;" need• mel By hour or ~':s~.~~~. ~~~~,~~. anion wear, cosmellc & Sales Manager•. Etc S46-21148 ••• "!!.".~'!. ••••••• !.~~! Faclltlles Include head, Has bu1lt·1ns & flntptace. or no trlllS. lndlvktual of· lltrf&IC• O.. lat, day. 494-S8S7. Smilh (2131 SlS.6908 ..p.eallh club ad11erllte· contacting Htabllshed Fr e • 1 o good n om a WA!)ITEO A "Pally Play I snower. pk1ng. llve- Flrlt, last & deo<>llt re-flcea or detk epace. 150 s,_,tal'"""""' In tat & 2nd men II No experience ecc0un11 and creating Alredatol Shepherd mix, Pal" doll wears size 3, aboards welcome S600 I d C 1 I I 17( 7 1 4) '"" ft • 3500 ""' tt. 1 MO. ..--To:"1" lrwlnce 1""'9 1•-"HJI I h ... , Q u re . • ..., ...., .... ~· Experienced Cooks nee· necessary,.anap s ot re· new ones Apply at "C· lovable needs room S52-7552 alter 6pm or mo 673 6 s•o 788 -0286 or (i14) FAEE.759-8978 Robt.Sattler NH/°" l•llt•tli•• 100S ded tor dinner house. quired on Interview By koryFarms, t7thandlr-•97·496S t>elore 9am L_ ... 667-0657 weekday eve-RE. 8rok.ar B<:I Reallor1 •••••••••••••••••••••• Night & Oay ShUt1 avall. appt 2t3/464-7S14 vine. Weslcltll Ptua. N ~ IOSO ~ -1-----H---H- nlngs after 8 p.m II no HU Sf'lOI OIM 6<42-2171 545-061 t ~1ano Good Pay & Benetlls -B 1 •r•1talf lt•1ir•I -t•, t11~1 answer. plea1e keep Attractive rustic upstalra ""IOOW HAS .... for TO'• Dynamic E.llpef. Plano & Apply betWMn 2. e PM, PUT Tl• oc1;1•• Hlfl/llTll llStl• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• l•1t1••••t• IOIJ ••••• ••••• ..A •• GE ••••• trying! ....,.. dealt "' ... Compoel11011 Lenon• Mon-Sal, VICTORIA P v 1 Po 11 I I c • · -• · I BUY •••••••••••••••••••••• DRY SJ{)R ----------1 selltno We su,,...., · RE Loans. IOK Up No "Mueiclanshlp bet ore STATION, 990 Dove St. N • w po r ti A Ir Po rt, Need 5 arl/decorator Laroe 8111 Bear Cabin. apace. copier You sup-CreOtt Cl\ecil. No Pen-scales"I 646-0162 N. 8. mat u r •·Ch a 1 tea consultants Flair for de-Good used Furniture & YAMAHA 811• Amp Pool Table. COior TV, 2 ply phone, & $95 Pf" mo alty. Dennison & Assoc. S49·2287 cor. nee Fie• hrs w111 Apphancot·OR I will aell Head with a double t5" ~r1~~~~~:69~~eeps 14· prdetk Ca11644·7211. 873-7.311 I. I t fACJllJTIAIUE PAATITIMEHELP traln.499-1461 __ orSELL lorYou PV spedkercabinel All Monlllly boal 1toraga. any slie. 24 hr securuy, free launching Condo-Pal PALM OE· SERT CONDO, 1 days Dec 2. sips 4 Pool, ten· nl s, etc $7S dy . 644-0627 1umF1L JO% Slltl YIELI :·!;f;~;.;::;;····1;1; ~~ ',!!~~r:v~~!:,; 1::: Shop l•nllorlal Ideal tor ISILH/MITIH 11'1~·.T·E•"•' A.~o.~1-.25 s~c::l•nl condition llWPHT CEITEll $ 7 SK note. payable ~~•••••••••··~··•••••• 30 89s,4460 a rellred or older peraon Earn 10 $1500/mo PIT ~ • 131-0511, 1-IP• IEWPOllT lllH 1131 l1ell l•J Ir II 1"·0110 Wllh vsa of recepllon. $ H>OO per mo rncivdlng l'foung married man wlll IVERPAC CORP 99s .. 460 M us I b • m a I u re .--UY Flll•ITlllE -----~~~~~j cont room. klleh. phone, IS% 1n1 All due 17 mos. do genetal handy WOtk 545S Production Or. HB p;;j:'tlme 1obs w11h po-SS9-9043 Leave Mes-I I 957•8133 r MCrt1arlal & word pro· Sec by real as11te tn· Call aves & wkend1, tenllel ··1u11-t1me" ear· sage _Les _ Fender Rhodes 73 ptano f t 1•0 I & e I om natlonal 72 "S2S k 1 Silt 1•11Ru IFflC• -wl amp. $400 Calf Pa1. ••'·'·"·'N··'·····'··"•••••••• cesslng Mil message com r II ·• . as Of 5 -5 ntngs1Complete1ratntng Salel> • Nead 5 highly ~Ice Golden Oak 4 drawer To< VAIL. COLO Dec. 25 to serv avall sep11a1e1y II company & personel ~ d Full lime. typing, touch No uperlence nec:e&· molivaled people 10 dresser. oval beveled -~4-7!!2 ___ l.,Aim•lt fllO ~~n5 !·. 1$~~2 ~:·,:"~: destra;'j4~;~~~ P.~~~ts63~~~~e:e~1 ~':~: ~~d~:!'~r:~lo~~ control on adding ma· sory Excellent commls· work for one 01 lhe las-mirror $350 979.4544 01/ite flloitllte I ~·;.;.t(;:(iL,;;;;e.;,(•;9·~ 1a9e, walk to evorylhing. 7 1 4 1 2 4 o. 1 1 8 s or chauffeur for elderly or ~~~~. 9~:.~;~~I and • ~·~~~un~l~~!9~~:7:.~f; 1es1 orow•ng companies Pn1no table, 12 chairs & E•iri••••t IOIS Moyes Space Mega II 575.4333 '4001·8 Birch SL NB 440 493--l lS3 111 Ph S49-0373, wtl 111 ed Call M tn the US traontng pro· bollll magnlhcenl Tho· ••••'•~•••••••••••••• l72 1q 11 Good cond sq II $100 per SQ II io-ral en qua 1 r vtded $30,000 comm mnv1lle.MedJL allwOOd FtlllPltlOf w /'81 p 11c;e harness li•t•h t• Silll 4300 Agenl 54t-5032 (Trusl Deed tor sate, SSS . .-.ouseworlc desired Hiser al 641•0959 lor an polentJal ftrsl year Call $2800/obo R~ote RCA FILE CABINEl S22S Botll blue. also 81 Bell •••••••••••••••••••••• 000 at 13"1. Due June Newporl/Coste Mesa appomlmenl 67S-6647 I 2S' Med Console I yr 673-5686 helmol All tor $1000 Shr lu• condo or house * 111 * 1983 Ltnde Isle Recently Own transporlallon .IOIS•.lllS PBX PIT Answertno Ser· Sales-P-erson wanled for old •lnl cond $800 2 6978 I 6 S285 1st last securlly HECITIYE s1ms 1old tor $ t t million. Hours open. References I Fl lbl h al 832 9 90 11t1 -1011 Call Jell 64 . a I 966-8479 or 662·2449 Full service, Keep your Follows 2 trust deeds on request. Phone Orange Couniy·s targest vce ex e puraj::: ,· Boullque E•pr'd prel • 4 __ •••••••••••••••••••••• pm lotellno $625,000 Wiii 842·6470 111 noon Mon . r Xlnl Opply Interviews Yoll~roughl tron ba· SHIM TH PUPPIES j . ff I 'k 1140 Lady belween 40·60 to overhead low & protea-Olscount lo 2S'to yleld. "' direct markellng ~m di· S 3 6 SI hr Io s 1 a r I berng taken at 218 Mam ker's rack butcher blk KC Ch all 1t111r .' ~! ..... . •hare home with elderly slonal Image high Pre· Sieve 67S·328S ,.,.rokerage Asal seeks reet markellng N W n1· 3S6049-79 I I, Ask for llP• St S1e 0 , He 960-7256 !able w11n cnatrs and sAhots 8 a';~~o"vJ;~ehold •8•2·s~~~~;·5~1~1e Lo ml gentleman Eastslde shg1ous Weslelrfl area ol position. atrong orgent· ring for 11all posllons In ---matcninn l"'hl sofa bed d $32S cosia Mesa S48·0888 Newport Beach. 881 Do-LO•IS zaltonal skRls 631-3589 5 depts PLANT CARE TECH p;r: SAUi • rw.._ for Ch11s1mas 720-0891. ltka new con ----------1.,., Or Ste 14, 63t~3651 • f> A PERSONS NEE I queen size orn desk SS3-0644 7Sl·llS82 U" .. " "I"• Any lype 01 RE loan. IAellable cvllured woman $14 400 manent PtTposmonwllh • 960-5260 ---980-;;--~ desire• lob as sllter. an 1n1er1or plan1-sc1pa OED Magic Island Is ' - -!Golden Relrtever Puppies. Moped 1 ... 01obecane Lux condo A ti Y wlll DELUXE SUITE fully amorllzed, l1t, 2nd. com Panton d •II y L c;o EKp'd prel'd RellaOle looktng tor a tow lnlelh· !Seclronal off-will playpen, AKC. sholS. ltke new. $37Sobo share . $550 /mo 3rd'sland&construc0on ss7.s272 J•••i •f14e4 Trens a mus!. Ho~llly + gent.ettrachve&stncere I0'1K7' and otloman 557-9695 714·631 ·3607 7S2·9442 dys. 640-2434 Water Fre1t Ihle & units 9S4·8746, 24 Pte~I• mileage. 836•8484 persons 10 represen1 $210, 642-9006 SI So/ II L hrs 1100 t 1 b -Free 10 good hOme female #ol0tt•tl11/ eves sq · ease 81./'f. W,.tH IMMEO IRING --inem In lnelr pv cu "' homas Bros d1nne11e set G ' MIF to shr 2Br hse. H 8. 642·•644, M·F, 9-S ••• •••••••••••••••••• • PltlllCTltl Nwpt Bch ln1erv·-raq & hu1cn. hv rm set. 4 pc ~::en I.ab ood with ••• Sf.~!'!.' ••••••• !.I.!~ Lg lncd yd $350 mo, Liff lrH hr•. lrh1.••••rt•1 1 1•1•/ AcllvlhH Director, PIT, NO asstS-TllT ~~·~-~~:. ~~~1 10!0M~ w/end lbles & coflee 498·2469 73 Honda 750 811cc; 964·9A6S Ollica. 6SO sq 11. over Ill••• I for aller school praoram Entry level producllon 675 0900 Ible 8 11 wel 1tereo. 8 Mar1ek e1c1ron1c tgMion. C ... I • nlgn1 lac. $500 mo to mo Liii I f•••' Orange Coast YMCA EXPERIENCE a11t11an1 poSllton avaHa-Halberg • 1rac1 1urn Ible. am/Im PERSIA• llm•S Yoshimura headers jull •r••• •• If or 1 SS2·7730 eves ~··••••••••••••••••••• 6-42-9990. Amy bte for design a1ua10 Seamstress exper PI T. Slereo wl llghllng Reas CFA. 8 wlcs S67-7305 rabulll, 11ln1 condlllon Female roommate to 98 IA•••••r••••I• SIOO • • IN SOME OEPTS. flooring 1ub-contrac1or needed tor high tashton 848·6862 HB p· • O 10,.0 $800 631·2S811 share 2 bdrm. 2 be con· !Tired of c;rowded freeway •••••••••••••••••••••• (7t4) 848-<tS35 Warehouse/ Inventory t1oul1que Appl only Nearly new dintng HI, w/ ••••• • lf••I 7 do. 2 blks from beach. commules North? Wo.Jld l'Aagtc Isle Club Mam· ADYERTISlll/! Sunday . Wednesday control. P 0 /Invoice 644-2652 call belween sell tor '' cosl Modern •••••••••••• ••••••••• '78 Hondamatic. cherry, $37S, ,,., viii 752·2384 you like an office •I the bershlp Save $300. • ~lrl Friday. lyplng. light proce111ng. typing SO _t0·2 ~ m ---759·1626 l1ltlwi1 Ir&•• saoo or trade tor bicycle 9·S. alter 6 PM 675-t280 beach lhat your family Great Pre1ent P~ COISULTAITS boolckeeC>I"", Ofder desk WPM raq"d Conlee! Jan ,,__________ ELECTRIC. perlect cond 759·1877 could usa on ~-ends 552·A519. 8SS.U66. R•· .. ., S56 l60t 1• ICIETlllY 111 pot<l tear & g1ass top hall wtth play boll 1--,-7-1-.-.. 1-1-1-1-TIOO __ _ FEMALE OVER 40. Snare as a YICllllOn unll? For cnaro Local Company now It· 963-3927 • I • • I •able, ornate dt11gn. 64S•9972 - 28R Condo In Hunting· le I I I et II k I lions tor ad ~ I t I' I d M I r1 t f>/T Janllor needed com· Secretarial po11t1on in ~ 100 9"~· 1932 -----Lo ml, clean. must see• Ion Beacn 536·2001 aft. as ng norm ton ca SCRAM-LETS ing IPP ic. • .,a rs y '' an an cu I i I , I • "" Y h p 202 $850/ b 536 3602 · The Capistrano Suri verustng & publlc rel•· wanted Buay Shop more a experience on y. ac11ve Newpor1 Cenlor ...--------11111 I · o o. • 6pm, Cen1er 661·6292 or Ilona tor new dlvltlon. Meae Verde Area 1 F1n Vly area. tmmedlale Reallor's olllce Frontl<nee·hotedeslr..,6dwrs.& Ltke new w/bench TIYAMAHASR 18Scc So. Laguna, gated. nr 831·5084 ANSWERS Rapid 1dvancamen1 mont 11 Free ren 1 or opening 980-8461 olltce postllon requires chair walnut finish. $125 S t 9 5 O 6 4 2 • 03 4 6 . Stteel bike In mint cond beech, pv1 entlba. S29S Company wlll I rain. Earn c 0 mm 9 5 7 . o 8 o 8 . Rain Guner Installer Must oood telephone voice 963· 1932 __ 645-1111 9 5 m Pg $ 7 5 0 ca 11 + u t . 4 9 4 • 4 9 9 3 . bcelle1t LM1tfe1 Vortex -F111h up 10 586-6814 have own trana II you typing. ahorlhlnd & ap. Ptt while rosewood aola !YAMAHA Con101e 1 yr 64S-0490 499-4722 Prima lnteructlon ol 1c1ng. Subtly $] 89 /h 11_.. /I-" '" are nol exper & reliable pearence Rh••1 1 1911 1ba1e1 end 1011e seat, S1ng•r $o 2 t 500 d Oak w /bench .. ,,,, B••tl, ~•lri LUK condo Nwpl Terr-MacArlhui and Jambo· 1 LIGHT 1 r ,,_,, -JI tr do nol bother 10 coll exper1anct a p u u Slant·O-MallC Willl Clbl· ,., fl• 2 2b l $350 ree $t per sq It Sub· Nowadayslfyoulookon 1·30 to 6 f>M Wkday1. s42•1242 notessenllat Preler1oca1 net 760-0465 or 64s-6t50 •• •.•.•.l l.S •• t•.'.'.f.' ••••• 1.1.0. br/ •· pvt ac · teaH avall&ble 820 or 1 the brlght•r aide ot Call Mr Howard. (? i 41 Newport tiome. Mr. Hood restden1 For 1n1e1vlew 673·80l t .,. RetP M/F 642·95'tS Jim 1200 aq n for 1 year Call I things you'll llnd It'• ar· 528•1000 all 6 PM. 644-814t IOPT /11111 1111 call Mra Duhl --'.'.'"'-"---:-:--::-• Skiiol. IOIJ Rent 26' motor home. F over 40 to share tur· Sandy 213·820·88S7 llllclal 1.IGHT e e nllaller for Ofehweahera If , ood /Ilg WHltJ M. T1,ter Ce, Baby Stroller, Twin. ••••• •••••••••••••••• sips 8, fully loaded nlshed Newport Heights youreg w 4urn. Realtort 644 •• 910 Custom Per~o, acces 1982 Ski Naullqua 64S·8616 (P1ul) ~~~;5~use S3SO . E11!~~~~~~~t . lf!!!.l.f!Mt •••• !~~ -'nahttfm ~owe::: ~;~1~~,; ~~~~~,:~·~·~!.a:: oncld $t7S 9 9:!~16 ~~1~·.v~n~ 13:11~:. 2-10-·-4-.194 5111, V-8 Chevy, sec'y 1ervs, cont rm .. , 34 Opening• FT. 768·29S8 In our front office order SIO'Y /UEC arge Seel Sola with bed muta 1/0 2o ti llke 283 52000 or 11ada tor ••tF h 3 b 2 b .. k I bu · lol Subdued tlorel prtnl Cad or PU S•8 9754 .., 10 1 ' r · • kH · mall handlg R••· HARO WORKERS NT EA 1 o A DES I G N .. ei or sy men 1 • Financial 1nves1men1 l11m Xlnt 538s 759• t t!IG N E W I C • 11 ( 7 I 4 l · house. N 8 . (Back Bay). ponalve to your bu1lne11 fOlJNO ADS . SALES lull/pl time, no latri.a company In lrvtne 1 0 r e o u c 11 t 0 r s • _ 842-2000 a Hk for Jim· R 0 ya1 H 011d 111 1e11 • $300 Incl. ulll. 631·6220 need• AOJ. 405 Fwy. In Secretariat, Oellvtry, exp nee, llelr for deco· E11per req 10 kty touch Personnel/communlca1101 LHtt.er Stft my, Jr ff oul. please con1a111ad mlnl·motor Rm-male Miit 10 el'lare F.V.lndlv,ole1 .Mo/mo I ARE fREE Gan Offioe,OenLabor. rating fl•C. flax hr•. Type S0/60• SllOO dep1. aecy )Clnt typ & ll•ll•n Imported Brand 1 .. vemeasag•I nome, 1978 Toyot1, 23, big 4 bd houH. H.B. from S32S. "3·6«S, $l l 000 7t41680·468!1 ~t~/~g.0737 P 11 g S/H req'd E11ec aecre-new $900 650·4657 lr.,rtl•f. IHli IH4 000 ml $8450/best otr Walk 10 beach 1250/mo ~ .. cutlv• su11e1 near Alt· Cal·. tmllttll MStulll ~·~:1r ·~~.,·.:i:: ~j l<•ng s i781i;d'$9s Twin •••••• •••••••••••••• 631·3513 __ _ + S 1 O 0 S • c 0 • P . port, xi/It perttlng, ''"" t Extensive model home •111 E.&lfl "'~3 "9•0 box 1pr1ng1, & Matt ltlllH Mt• !Two bdrrn NB. newly d•· 631·732S way ac:ce11. ltterad ot· Mufi D• w llng 10 bt n •• .:::::....:::.. ----Mull"" 042·900& $126 548·5644 E'MS coraled over 800 sq 11 Fern 10 anr lge home w/ ·~ apace or p<lvale OI· 142-1171 llalnad (714) 639·3992 experience required Loan Offioer Servlc;e Sl8110n •tten AM - -f'" .-,. $26,000 $9,000 down, cpl, own balh. br & llCH. Full Hrvlca. t (24 Houra) Pleaee do l'tOI apply un· ahllt, apply al 2500 San f!usl vfllval uphol rocker "c. • ''' 673·Ge18 Phone. lrvlne. Univ Pk. month Ir•• ren1 wllh II ltlllfllt llllltr less yOu'mffl lhl• quail· Oround floor opp. to 101n Joaquin Hiii• Ad .. Co· very comlo1tabl1. 4 yr• lllli ltflH 1011 ---,-,-,-,, mo. laaM. 967-8•51. ost. lrlsl1 .. uertem, may llcallon Pleau call 911 Mortg•ge ~lrm. Wa rona dll Mar old $70, Ph 8.42-9006 ••••••.,••••••••••••••• f1•ll1111 ,,.,, • 1 300 mo. utll Incl. be wearing THH t•O•· Ul)lqueYouthCOUnHllng 788·3337(9·5 M-F) nHd 4 Aeglonal Lo•n ------BEAUll~UL 26" RCA ...................... . 559'·5A74 R•\•11 & office apace 2300 Mete Ot. E Sent• lervlc• nHd• •ntllu· LAURA MERLO & AS-otficef•. eiip prel"d. we Telep/lone Sales ~WIN BED w/m11tra11, Colot TV 2 yr wrnty T111ru '78 101~· Mii cont, Prof . rHpona F Sfflcl avallabte 171h St. Colte An• Hie. M uch loved alttllc. outoolno. attrac· SOC wltl train rlQhl lndMdutl p•llO J bO• •P<g• maple htaO & 's 1•8 Free delivery al e xlnl cond, Ilk• nu M /F IO •hr 2 BR 1pt. M••• from 1250 • I. to l•mlty ~· BIG reward. tl\'e adult wflh motivating 22912 El Pac:lllCO Or for '"ldtollal 111 & 2nd • I 0 0 I b rd I . $ I 0 0 ~ Sul\ $ 5 9'I) 0 . Mu . I ••• Tennts. poOI. IP9. CM. ~a' 1464477 eny 1ntorrnat1on o•lf caeraonelltJ · Pl••""' ~ Ht11t Mtg \.OMI ,.(Tie recfd = ~r~11 '~a~: ·tM-2696 _ TV Johll'• 646· t7t6 Hl-2742 &276. 979'-243e ...... , OllTIR 546·1010. 840·4•04 =~:d Pt;~/~:~~ !KITCHEN CUSTODIAN LI,.,.... phone 010••• tor ritmco ~1no llo•t•llon m•lltHO esRlurnlabla. ntvtr "•"'"I Utilil• 1111 FuH SerYloa SUit.. l141ff lel4 Wlttlt wrlllng Clerlcll and Swing lhlll, new retire· 110·1Hf Pre>0et•1ng FIT or PIT bOK spring•. tlke new, pd uud. end dull eover ··~··••"'••••••"••••••• Mela or lern•I• 18·30 to SI RT •ITS SI I A b kl 1upervl1ory e11p1rltnc1 ment raclllly Regents REAL ESTA TE SALE· 61udant1, moonllghtar1. 1800. Uk Ing 1400 137 call 1131· 1098 18 AmarlCan E~le ~al .nare 3 bdrm. 2 bt hOU• H~ ..... furnillled LOii n •u •n• P ng help ru 1 A v• II• b 11 Potnt, Irvine Xlnl wor-& other• wflcome M'-'tl ~2· 18t5___ • ' Tr111t1 S 100 4l·J309 .. with 1 male and 1 ,.. All you Mid tor~ IOI Rewa1d. 759-0254 3.topm M·F 1235 per klno cond & b1naH11, SMAN Need 2 up•· apuk En3)1•t) ,1aarty ~hlld 1 Twin eenopy 89<1 Sanyo 1'MIFM N 8 tract< ~avt messaoe mile. Bu•hard & Oar• ITIOnlftly tee! ,..ot1 rlllnftlone bar pin weett w11en Qual1fted Cell 651.1655 9-4M~r1 __ =~ r=..'~t.ic~ Wtfl train I~ 11£ 10 W/IPIHd & m1tclllng ~'?: o~C:.'7\~· IA ... l«rin, ;;;;1-~:~~;]1~2=-m,:, !:tit e.40·5470 == .!!r~·o:w-::: r~:zEt J(' 346 from .......... .,, .... ,.tor 1 au«ettfUI. :::1~:too~8.,~' all canopy 1100 HI 1916 Front to ~ear Speaker f MfflHtill '1Jf ----------1 FULL SERVICE SUITES cell 957-<Mte ........ N9Wp<>rt C.ntef At1orr1.-r growing t1ffT1 Bttl wor --J;>bl• •ote·b•d. yellow/ l'odar $40 98?·2t83 •••••••••••••••••• .. • --~ lpace &276/up Beby•llllng & Ille h•Wlc, wttl\ Corpora1t1 bu11ne.. JclnQ cond1tt0n1 In New· TIHIL &HIT wM•, 11lnt cond, I 100 •t1tr 6 pm • PAINT & Ute body work. P•l•llll Mention, pvl Privet• Office SAH/up LllT CAT E •Ide CM. can five In. 4 pracllc;a nffd briQht. weff p o 1 1 8 • a c II Otano• County Comm'I Tile Blulft. ~-08111 N;.,;" r•volutlon•IY _s_aiii:-9~1 ':4:.i~o8rtCt:3I:t pool, apa. kit, prlv. ctll N • w po r t e • 1 c h Light orange N~tered yr old a 4 mo1. Mutt org1n1tea Secretary with 1 t416.ta.so5_1 _ S•t>r• Agency 1 ye1r1 ltlge t>roc:td• 1• aol t , llt• TV 108 ohanntl• 700•8111 152·"'°8 m•fe wllh red collar dll\11 945·21.All •X~I 1111111 tncl WOtd llAL llTIYI SM.II e•par Call batwe•n 8 Jllnt oond teether down ,11 .. 1 loi HOlal•. apla Landcru1M1. 1071 HlrO M--,o-,-ll-,-,-9-,-.-3-,-.-N-8-i--._-.. -.... --... --.. -.. -.,-,-.-~:::. ~:;~~aH:~~:~~ 1Um g;:~;oo••ng .. per . Well 1oca1~ Penln•ult ~di PM 714~ 11~ t44.oN7 ' ~~~~~;1~;~~~1c ·~~~~~n~~on We141rtfonl hoffte, '*"· MO IQ ft II 90$ per ft, "9wetd 1..00l\lng 10 tcld IO our ~IOHT H009EMU~ OtflOI hal open 0.-fOf IYPllf Hit lm__ i>f".-fM • t.-i., i ..... = Pfof, WI mo. ltlCI 11111 •11J 24 mo.,_ llt 4M·5118" 11tff two atyllat• wllll f""tfllh ..,..Ina I Gay aggra111v• HIU tnd 8 10 3 PM Lido V1Hto-1v ... peel blH, 4 arm ~ Mme rtlle -c...,..... flllehlltd ~---.~NB 175·49(1 ,.,,, .. '*'°" ~que Al .. 813·1389 dire. U&O 14'·0M1 1 4 1• 3 :z 1 2 0 • y •, Found. "'"" M Water te, 200 ~ Cent« • comm acl\tclvte Pl•Y• w 0 H · •---fe>t In. -I • -ltat More femllltl are gettlnO "3·1"3 l!v 8panlel/lugle mlJ1, Or N.8, !MANAG~MENT TAAINH ... ! 873.tllOO 1 • OU ~........ • ...... ...., lfw ~ .. _,.,. tlllie N,wland & Warner S~O<>-lllOO '* ""'· wtlite -----f1n1 ~on I Wed Lii• llll ... TMI . " ~-....,,. '11Jl!.ll Jf!t!f Hff ••1·15'I -.... lrtlnln9, record com· You don'I n..o • fl"' to Hlkpt !VIII 6'0· 1"'1 ='It.ft!':~•• t~= ;.::.;;;;.,;·;;.;A~. ~ound ad" t>llie7vtc. Daya 1.,.,-.ce ..,...,. p1ny, no uper necH• ;;::• .!1!:.''1n~ 0: ill.L 1011 rtef'fla wl1~.,~olfH Tlb ...... ndHH .-d. -" now Wlttt • IHI 1q_ tt plu. 1 cir W•"'*"'• & Old New· red IHcllfl Country '*'Y C.it 173-9'60 .... f111teot Went AClll Cell"°" Delly Piiot Cl•elflecl Ad ~~, OIUClf M ....... 1 .. 717. '*1 tD-H11 _CM>, HI Ue eMe IOf "°'1 , ... •llft. ~ Ma-llft.~ .. r' 81 \IW lu• I ow1t•f • .,,, I #1nat wrecked tront. atftl Lml.....,.I meet\ HOO 010 Don ··"';wm........... •4&·5129 ~9-......... f't!f • ,orao"-c1110me -;,,.. -... -or1111nat ••u 11. w111 '°"IA I edapt 10 \IW SUI . ~ • .,':,~ M 111•14ZS: .. --~-- ' , 'I ('8 Oru11uu C.oust DAil Y f>IL 0 I /Monduy. Novuml.>er 8, l!l8~ TH~ODOH ROBINS FORD 2060 HAHOR llVD. COSTA MISA 642 ·0010 ~ S1udebalo.er Chltmpron 5 pass cpP N1ca• c..ir S3750 213 59:> 1792 &eod Homes Mttdtd 1946 Ford 'woody Wo go11. $13.000 • 1929 ford MOl1C'I A TOINll, Sedan $10 000 675-6161 4 Witt/ Drivts 9550 LAAGEST~EEPOCAlCR In lhl.' Wt>i>I dosper oh•ly ,.,.,.,,h your JHP HlgheSI Oollor P<11CI Call Gory <..my OR&MGE COAST &MC / JEEP I RHlUL T 2524 H.irbor Bl11d L M 549-8023 545.77;0 79 Jeep CJ7 ,1u10 VS hard & soil IOPS good Cl'llld Musi !>ell OOSI ol lor 675-4498 dll 6 r79 JEEP CJ·!> 4400 83 1 0495 Trucks 9560 ••••••.....•.......... Toyota '6 AM FM Ste reo cassenll Sm.Jll camper shPll ~? 17 5 673-6618 77 FORD '• TON 460 eng raci. & sr<Je boys good corid $4000/0bO 897-6212 Mark 6£ El Camino P U New eng s1ereo & upnot. Eves ah 7 549-3638 e lUCM HYH fop dollars for Sporl• Cars. Bugs. Comp11r1> 914 s, Audi's Ask lo• U/C MGR Jllll llllRlllO VOLlSW&Hll 18111 Beach Blvd HUNTINGTON BEACH IU-2000 WANTED! lfUH ..... 11•& c ........ . "60·' JOI • U0-'461 WE IUY USED CARS & TRUCKS COME IN OR CALL FOR FREE lPPR&ISll Cormler-Dellllo CHEVROLET 18211 BEACll BLVD HUNTINGlON BEACH 847-&0ll, 541-3331 Top Dollar Paid Fo• Your Car• SAUS-SHVICE UlSIH 831 ·2040 .. 9!> .. 9411 S&DDLH&Cl IMW 28402 Mor.guer1111 Pkwy MISblOn VltllO (Avery CiUl Oii 1·61 Opeir SuntMys tonu.1 < vc c 11111 II"""' runa f!l'•l•CI s 11100 D1t1un 9720 o .. ti 111 .. 3 ••·········•·········· 80 A~turll I • Onltl 28. 000 rttl Muu coni.t .. AIC. CDtS Sii.WO 760·0268 .... 1!.11 .. fl!.'.' • •••••• • ... ~ .. ~. !!r.!!t ...•.•. ~.~'t'1.!'!'~~'!l..,f ~~~~~f!.f!~.' ••• l!.!f ~!~~~!!.f!~! .•• 1.~!f r.•r..t'. ••••••••••.••• f ••••••••I• 1 lllO 'H 7000 ml Wlr• 1111 TIYIH ~henl• Ill 000/0RO Olue& IT You can 1fford to 2' 11Ho79 LtnlAOI buy your M1rcede1 10 M•rc o<JH 280St. 1m Au1om111c 1r1n1 , air I. • ri•ut t·11111p1 ttrv ra· cond , pwr tlltrlfig, nz rom UI. tOlljl 2 top(!, aulo, air AMffM JltttO & I new $0 St 7 500 8 5 1 0220. 1m1111on1 1y11em 7'0 IOOOovo (UJ\11861 Prl ply 1973 .. 50 St. Oluk 1>rown 14309 Call 837· .. 148 or SI .. 000. 760·870!l av, d• 7119 •BOO e:u 2~9 t '78 royot1 Coroll1, 8 Dow N lplld •lnl cond r11n1 1101 1144 greal $2700 C all •••••••••••••••••••••• •89 •984 LEA E 'lO Ill 11400/111 '75 Corolta Auna well 648·9886 Alklng $1200 720·0690 10tit•• 11SO Sun 1v. all Mon ••··~··••••••••••••••• '77 Co1one 4 <Ir <llK. 1lngle MEISTER ownet, AM/FM CUI, AC • xlnl cond Incl UrH, bal· PllllOIE/Alll lery & brk• $3380 13831 Herl>01 Blvd 982•3282 Garden Grove Londc1u111er . t978 '78 ltlll·ltnlot t.arrdcrusler Hardtop L •• 11., Nice condlllon S 1200 OBO 650-1836 714 131·2133 '14 POHCllE SH·C T!!~~t~ ......... !!.~! Cooverllble, mech per -'7 .. TA·6, 64,000 ml. run• R htCI, solid bOdY' & Int • & IOoks great S3500 or I 10.000 Firm 838·3975 01111 960·'1011 eves, 634·0955 dys Sa1es·S{\(111co Leasing :I•...__, ______ ..., 62 SC Re<t Kini con<1 1112 IMW CLOSEOUT 11 0210 !l SPiJdd, 57.000' ,$8500 Nice SOll!cfionl mill.'~ xfnt cood Peugeot 831· t390. 892-8087 '* '74 '3 Ut.S, 4 dptlell HI 1peud S:U;OO & $25 ·---~~~~~ (960NAC1 645 '12G:i 101/1 Ro•t1 9151 '* 76 2002. 4 &pd IOB• ti US 1110 flll 3000 ••••••••'••••••••••••• Y!!~!.'!~I!!-•••••• !.~~~ ·75.7 pass wgn, $3650 Snrl, auto, air,. wble, lape. •70276. Lie exp '83 Dir 645-2963 ~!'.1!!1.!fr..'.111. •••••• ~ ... ~'.~.~!~ ...•....•.• Y!!!! •••••••••••• !~~f, f~."!~!t •.•••••••• !!.!! ., 1 Ytht heltr I 1uu Camaro I Au1oma11c I• ,, .. ,. On•tyl Mutl Hll r ei .. o 4473 ULll, IHYIOI f~!.~~~~'.' ........ !!.l:f All LUllH Ill II fllm OVrASEAS DELIVERY We nave a good Ml.c· EXPERTS llon ot NEW & USED WLllH YkYI t966 Hlrbor Blvd COSTA MESA 1••····· ....... 1 'l2 YtlH. I l200 8•,·9386 ~!.~'.'1.Y!#. •••••••••• ••• ,,1 ,,,, Cn.vrOleltl COHHHL C HfVR8lfT ' . ( '.'I i,4._ 1 ioo "W.tltl-EW.E" -llo1t•n HSO · ...... ~ ..•.•......... "IE.~LalrsW.11 II" lHO .. ,.,,, ~"'1 • • -While, low mileage Buy Em, Seti Em 850·4897 Trade Em 443 W Bay. C M. acrou from Robin's Ford Parts & Service 6 .. 5-2963 1975 Monarcti 2 Cir 68, 000 ml Orig owner PS, PB, A/C & QC Now tires, clean $2250 8•2·3602 '!,"d 7~si:p~v111uto tea [!!!~!!. •........ !!.~~ ~:.~· .. :~~= ~ .. ,, • . ~"~1r~ y'~ory, 1~~·. ~uJ1~1. KJ{.#1 DEACAR\/ERLER IN U.S.A l-:0•2n•~iiiiwiiiBiii~iiiugiiiyiiil~iiiniiiggiii~iiiociii~iii~m~1 lhrr 1!>34J8201 Oftl .. ~r COU•TY'S 494 9309 .,, 80 3201 'i 5pt1 sun "•~ ITW H & • $2500 OBO Call Answer __ 1l•1tu1, llSZ I 659l0" OMLY lUTM0•1zro ... , --75 4!i0 SL both tops wire ~ I c ~ Ad 624 6'12·4300 24 tirs ,. ,.,, .... ,s .................... . roo ( "' " ~ f,., _... ····•··• 1~-~l'-L " •• ·'··'••'•'•••••••••••~.~ ••• ·7~ Muslang Convenible. * 80 3201 5 spd 011 FERRARI PAWTTI • wheeli. Kini cond Will ,... -A•11. "#'"' tN'' Metallic Brwn ... •Pd. cond PASX0481 r..toat for cash S 18,400 .,.,,.. .... 11.w.~ '" ,,.,,.... '71 VW Squ11reback, good TllE UlllEST n i c 0 .c 0 n d s 3 3 00 135·3111 DULERSMIPI \ ll/llMSI CC11U lll!llllll Wk<Jys 894-0563 or ONH llj#GAn'u .J shape $1700/0BO Jody 675•3821 eves 208 w lSI, Snnlll Ano '1148·0487 Eves & Wllnds 9110 5 .. 0.8632 or 846·6691 SELEOTlll C ,,. r ~ 1979 nx 7. OS. likt1 new, 11b -----of late model. low mllta· 0/4i•oLi'/o 1155 lo:."d .. untlay ~EW~Jlf '78 280E. slvr blu, orig •••••••••••••••••••••• ·79 vw Beetle conv , blk • · AC $unrf now $900 ge Cadlllaca In Soulhern •••••••••••••••••••••• CttOICE INVENlORY M R1TS s1crcto nlloys $7300 owner, mini cond • lull 1983 SAABS w/only 20,000 I owner Cahfornlaf See us today! '72 Cutlass S. good tires, VOLUME SALES OBO 84? 9247 eves ser111co r11cords. $13,000 ml, mini cond • $7495 UIE•S rbll trans. orig Hurst & Nu lilt'~ Dys 276-3380 760·9003 n shill $1195 546·0948 NJ: 11980 GlC Blue 5 spd 011" 759 0644 NQW HEREI ---OAllLUO J 100 We•1 c 1 H 9 0 78 Camper Van, s1ove 11 IL ..-0 ' oas wy Htch b,.Ck 1 00 ml 82 MBZ 380SL. silver ' r••• • ~-Nc""''"'rl Beach $3950 760 810 t We're your Saab t.EA· refrrg. AM/FM 'tereo. 2600 Harl>Or Blvd ••'"•••••••••••••••••• .--grny wl black 'rnt 3000 $ 7 0 0 0 0 B 0 PP COST ES• 970 B I 0 I fll O l A R E M 642 9405 mru Must sell Besl offer SING spociahslsl We're • · A M " 1 arracuda, new 1tres M d B 91~0 dealing now on lhe entire 750.9399 540 1880 . groat car IMW •• ~~~~.!! .. !!'.~ ••••• ~. 540 5700 (8·41 llne of models• See us .7 .. bug Good cond New -631-2927 1ny11me Salt>s-Servrcu Lousing f iil 9125 Mercedes Benz •77 /71 3008 NOWI tires $2500 850 N Beach Bllld •••••••••••••••••••••• SHOP &ROUND FDR MM.it11c brwn. sunrf, IEACH IMPORTS r 642-1689 Lo HRtJrtl 72 f10\ 124 Spydcr Conv TH£ IEST IUY ------522-5333 x1r11 Ll')nn AM/FM cas orig owner immac 8 .. 8 Dove Streel '6 .. vw. excellent cond •0 11•· r•'"ll eng br•s 111er• cne··k w1lh us We II $14,750 NEWPORT BEACH s~ to appr--'ate $1 •50 Open Sunday ~~w r,llr..t•;~,,,l'!> S2200~or sho.;. you~ over 40 superb 64~ 4 ic12 or 646-32 l5 ll2·0QO OBO 642-<ln~ ., '71 EldoHr red fuel In) 72 Dus10r. Gd cond 44K ml. iu11y' equip:; $1200 Call answer ed showroom cond Only 724, 642·4300 2 .. hrs S5996 9w.1229 a11 6; 1••1i1t INS 841-2547 days •••••••••••••••••••••• JOHltSH I SH Lincoln·llltrcury 2626 Haroor Blvd CoSlol Mesa 540-5630 LONG BEACH lllW bt>:.1 0111•1 'l68·5172 used Mcrceoes Benz rn 8' M B 300 D Cham· s1ock Inspect. Selecl & pagnl' metathc. pohshed Tesl Drtve• Consider 60 wheels cuSlom pin mo purctiaw w1 sens•· Slrrpe 3 000 m1 PIP all 'll Fiat 121 68 VW Bus 1 owner. S1Nt• · f1fZ w recked fronl, xlnt ...................... '11 FllEllRI 75 Eldorado convert. 55.000 mlles, loeded, stereo, gd cond, lo ml. clean $2750 848-n75 Sa1e,·Scrv1ce·l easrng HIGHEST CASH 1mme neoos your clean BMW d•alely tor your 11-'lllClt> or rmpor1 Ask 101 WOii· <1omes11c or foreign 9·on9 Jurrnek our used 551-8285 car managt'r People who noed people 3670 N Cherry Avo should always Check the LONG BEACH Se<v•ce Direc1ory 1n 1he I (714) 131·5ll0 DAILY Pit.OT _J~· ~~~-----1 • 011g ow ner AM /FM cass. new r111Jr.1ls very good conct Leaving mus1 sf.lit $29501\.'' olr Steve 631 3!>70 75 X 19 59t< orig mt s1ereo alloys. flawless mtnl $2 .. 50 548· 7245 Sales-SOrvrc:e·LHslng mecti $900 OBO Oon Ult> pmls or allow us lo 5 PM t811or .i loastt 10 Sull your UHLEUCI a .. s.51_2_9 __ 530-,1020 lllAJll 70 VW BUG xtra Clean ... 0 ... 11 •t•t Rbll eng . new 11res notidll Up to 2yrs/24.000 mites wo11ar11y Mouse of l••orh, lie D1a1 714 1213 M ER· CEDES '* 66 250 SE Ctasslc 111-20.. ,. • $1750 646-5505 Coupe Sun Roof, Mull 1~.8::-::0:""7:1800=1-::0::-:L-:5--. -:4"".:d-r,-=5--11-pd':".-i-;;__:..::......:_......:...:..:....:__ sell l h1s week' Ft sl $699'!i lakes 675-9302 ale. sllver. 31 K ml. or 960·2 .. 71 54250 PIP 760-0618 MATCH THE NUMBERS ON THE - WITH THE NUMBERS IN THE BOXES • • $4000/obo 673-3030 -·--·------. v... 1114 • 77 Seville, Whl/Belgo •"'••••••••••••••••••• 1e11he1 1n1erlor, super ·73 Vega, H.B. GT, atlck. clean Musi Sall this new ures. air, gd cond weell! F11s1 $6995 takes. $995 493-0987 675-9302 or 960·2 .. 71 ATLAS CHRYSLER.PLYMOUTH NEWPORT DATSUN I 01 LONGPRE PONTIAC COSTA MISA DATSUN 2929 Harbor Blvd Cosla Mesa Tel 546·1934 3 blocks soulh of San D·NJO Freeway off Harbor Blvd Complete body shop Sates Service Pans .Servrce Dept open Monday thru Friday 7 30 AM 10 5 30 PM and 8 AM to 5 P M on Saturday BEACH IMPORTS 848 Dove Streel, Newport Beach Toi 752·0900 Call us. we're the specialists for Alta Romeo Peugeot Saab & Maserat1 888 Dove Street Newpon Beach Tel 833·1300 Al Ille 1t111ngle of Jamboree MacArthur & BrlSlot behind Vtctorra StaltOfl Sales Service Leasing & Pans We make grea1 dflals• 0 NABERS CADILLAC 2600 Harbor BlvO Costa Mesa Tel 540-0100 Orange Counly s Larqe'>I C.1d1llar. deale1 Sale& Service Leas· 1no SADDLEIACIC IMW/SUIARU 130· () Beach BlvcJ Westminster Tel 892-6651 Orange i'r.. 1 11 ~ oldest and laror t Pontiac de11ersn1p Sales. ::>1tr ~•ce Parts • -DICK MILLIR FIAT /LANCIA "Probably 1he lowest priced Flats m Soulllern Celllornla" (Localed 1 mlle n0tlh ol South Coast Ptaza near Main St end Werner Ave In Senla Ana ) 120 W Warner. Santa Ana 557·2132 2845 H1rbor Blvd . Cosla Mesa Tel 540-6410 Serving Ofange County for 16 years 1 Mile So 405 • $UNSn FOID. INC. (Homa of W1llle the Whale) S.40 Garden Grove Blvd . Westminster Tel 636-4010 THEODORE ROBINS FORD 28402 M arguorite Pkwy Avery Pkwy 01¢1t We oiler w1,a1 no b11nk or lease company can 1 Expertly o:,u1fle<J mosl modern •mv1ca & parts dept 2 One o f the Southland s most exflNrenced •ales & leasing slafl 3 Ehmina1ton 0 1 lhe m•ddlema n by leasing oealf'r orrect • SANTA ANA DATSUN • OIANGI COUNn VOL VO 10120 Garden Grove Blvd .• Garden Grove Tel. 530·9190. Exclu1lvely Volvo to cover all your Volvo requirements. Modern sales. service. parts. body paint & 1rre depts Compet111ve rates on lease & daily ren11111 2060 Ha.rbor Blvd . Costa M eso 6 .. 2·0010 or 54().8211 • JOHNSON & SON lJtoiCOlN MERCURY . 2626 Harbor Blvu Costa Mesa Tel ~O-S630 87 Years ot 11 .... ndly family '>Nvrct' Orange Countv s oldest Lin· ~01t1·Mercury oea1er!oh1p L~una H11ls 837·2400 MIWftORT IMl'OITS • 3100 vv CO·l"t H•ghway Ntwporl Beach Tel (IJ, .. 1u:i .i40 1 /b 1 11111 I tir r 1111 HeadQuartfra 831·2040 M1s~1on Vieto 495'4949 • CHICK IVERSOH PORSCHE·AUDl-VW •H5 E Coast Hwy Newport liilwef'I 673-0900 Tht only dealership in 01ango County wrth these three grea1 makes under one root1 L:M+iMAGNOH ftOMTIAC·SUIARU 2484) Hafl>or 8h1c1 .osfa Mat f11 ~49-4300 Salta, Service. Leasing Mr Goodwrench • Cl.ASllC AUTOMOllLll 785 Newlon Wey, Coett M ... Tat 831·1393 "JAGUARS OUR SPECIALTY'" XK 120'8/ UO'e/ tto 1/)(J'1/E-Type1 Sal .. -98fvic. -Ate1orallon1 Off Plac:.nUt bet...,, 17th 6 11th 1,i Cotta Mtea 2001 E 17th Stretl S1n1a Ana Tel 558·7811 Your Of1g1nal Dedicated Datsun Dealer • MIRACLI MADA We ve moved' Our new locatron is 1•25 Baker Street, Cost• Mesa. Tai 545·3334. Slop by & Y191t our ~ 111owroom and~ see why we re the fl 1 Milda d111er In • Southern Cahlornra Satea. Service Parts and L1111ng COllMllll DeLILLO CHIVllOLllT (1ormeriy a""" a ... , .... , 11211 Betch ltvd .• Hunttnoton....,,, New • UM.a ..... L4Mi"9 • p.,. • 8ervtoe Come by and ... our .. uoa lnventcwyf '4t-W1 •• OllANft COAST AMC/llllPllllNAUL T 2H~ Herbof ll¥d . eo.ta MeM 541-tOU 14 .. 7170 • 1 Jeep DM1tr In the Weetl ... ut toelly for Nita. wvtct & ie,11no Ttter• .,. raeaona wttv we .,. • 1 ••. Melt encl Mleetlonl AltO. tht ... ,.. "9Mult Manet II '*91 • New•UHd•Saln•Leulng•Parta•Servloe•Body Shop Fr.way cloM In the hear1 ot Orange County at Garden Grove Blvd & Bro<*hurat 0 COHHILL CHlftOLIT aaaa Harbor Blvct .. Coeta ....._ Over n y~M{Vlfli Ol'ange County! Sal,., l1atlng, tervlce, ~lr9'8·1200, tpeelal parts llnt: 54&.MOO. body enop line: 754-0400 0 IOT CAIYll IOU.I IOYC ...... W t 540 Jtmborff Road. Newport 8Mch. ~ Strv1ct, Partt And L•Hlng • . THI DRllll CDAIT I :.J .. -- .. 1:1111 1111111 MONDAY NOVEMBH~ ti l~H;;> OH ANGE COUN I Y C ALIFORNIA l~ ClN TS N.ewport i_nsurance .firm cuts sta~f, free~es pay By STEVE MARBLE Of the Dell• "'°' ..... On the heels of a major staff reduction, Newport Beach-based Pacific Mutua l Life Insurance h as ordered a company-wide wage freeze while other money -~aving moves ar e oonsidered. The insurance Cirm , a l~ Oran'e County employer and the state s largest life insurance carrier;, has trimmed its working force by 333 people in the last two years tn the face of slipping revenues. and escala ting expenses. . ln a memo lo employees, the company's president Harry Bubb said that wages for most workers will be frozen until April l and untal July 1 for others. Bubb said the firm picked this course of action over other cosl- cutting alternatives, including an a c ross -the -board salary reduction. r The wage freeze follows a two-month effort to coax longtime workers into accept.Ing "In kindergarten 'I used to go to the principal a lot. I learned to be good in first grade." Teacher of .Year • .keeps Ill control By ROBERT BARKER OflM D ... Not 8taft Kay F letcher, the teacher of the year in the Huntington Beach (city) School Distric:l, is a teacher Who makes a difference. Scott is proof. He was a real hellion when he was in kindergarten. He did everything for a laugh, he made deliberate messes of paint. broke equipment and toys and hit hi.a classmates. His teacher was baffled. Scgtt (not his reaJ name) spent a Jot of time in the principal's office. Then he attended Fletcher's first grade class at Kettler School. Principal Connie Wakefield realized that she hadn't seen Scott in a oouple of weeks. "I stopped by the class to observe and he not only was listening but was e ntranced," Wakefield said. Wakefield nominated Fletcher for teacher of the year honors earlier this year. Scott seconded the nomination. "Miss Fletcher ls very nice," be wrot e . "I cleaned her chalkboard and picked up scraps off the floor. She treated me just great. "In kindergarten I used lo go to the principaJ a lot. I learned to be good in first grade. If my name wasn't on the board. I could choose from the 'goodie box.' "She is the best teacher of them all. On the last day s he gave us a pencil." "Scott was a super boy," Fletcher said recently. "He was bright but not challenged. "He was a character and so am I. 1 Jove-characters. -- "But I let him know that I don't accept bad behavior. You can't learn if you aren't In control.'' "He turned out to be the best math student in the class. He finished his paper before I could finish ~ng them out lo all the 11tudents." Fletcher, 35, has been teaehing in the school district 13 years. This year she is teaching the experim e ntal extended day kindergarten class at Kettler. She received a bachelor of arts degree in dramatic arts from the University of California at Santa Barbara and a master's degree in special education at California Lutheran College. "I am in the business of imparting knowledge," she said. "This means that I must teach my children to. read, write, add and subtract. "But I am aJao in the humanity business. I am just as dedicated lo creating good citizens, kind neighbors, and ~pen of clean air ~ blue skies.'' . an t!arly •retirement program and othC'rR to tak<' advantage of a liberal ewparallon otrer. Bubb sa(d 38 employees opted for early retirement while 70 workers picked a separation program which paid persons for )1>avi"Jg the firm . Some employees were able to get. up lo JO months salary and continued insurance benefits for quittinJl. There was no ind le~ don whether the programs met or {ell ·short or the firm's expectations . One of the most 11lrlking C.'OSt· cutting mcasurl.'s the Nt>wport Center Jirm has taken was lo cancel a longstanding plan to consolldat.e a complet.e Insurance division in Fountain Valley. Pacific Mutual is constructing a trio of three-story buildings near the Fountain Valley civic center area and haa planned lo move 400 workers there. Instead. the insurance firm has Dlllr ............ ~ CtwtM Kay Fletch er reads to her students at Ke ttler School in Huntington Beac h. Sh e has bee n named outstanding teacher of the , year in the city's school district. moved the work force to Its corporate headquarters In Newport Center and wlll attempt to lease all 287 ,000 square feel of office Spa<:<! In Fountain Valley .. Pacific Mutual is completing an ambitious construction phase. In addition lo the Fountain Valley buildings, the <.'Ompany recently completed two seven- story towers adjacent lo its five- story headquarters In Newport Beach. in a recent interview , chalrn\an of the board Wa lter Gerken said Pacific Mutual haa trlc.>d hard to !ind humane waya , of cutting expenses a nd" the number of workers. While the rlrm had laid off 22~ workers from its nationwide staff of 3,000, It has avoided further layoffs in recent months. Pacific Mutual, rateq as the 24th largest insuran<:e firm in the country, had a 1981 ineom~ of $25 million and Insur lades worth $19 billion ~~"-..K Enviable evening Get home too late to watc h the .sunset now? Her e's a view from Newport to c lip and save complete with a surfline stroller, one windsurf er, a coupJe of gulls and Santa Cata lina Island. 'Twas a fine evening, inde~d. School fee ban . reaction mixed By STEVE MITCHELL OftM 0.-. Not ... ,, Officials from the two Orange Coast school districts that charge students for after-school activities expressed mixed reactions today to a stale appeals court decision that bans such fees. The three-member 2nd District Court of Appeal ruJed in Los Angeles that the Santa Barbara High School District cannot impose a $25 per year fee to students who wish lo participate in alter-school sports and other activities. The ruling, if it is not appealed, would be devastating to the Laguna Beach Unified School Di.ftrict, according to Bill Barnes, district superintendent. But an official from the Irvine Unified School District $Bid she believes the appeals court decision does not apply to that district's practice of charging transportation fees to members of athletic teams, the achool bands and other groups. ln the Santa Barbara case, a parent challenged a fee Imposed on her chJld tor an after-achoo! activity. · A Santa Barbara County Superior Court judge rule d earlier in favor of the district, saying state regulations requiring a "free public school system" do not apply and violates the echool district's power to govern illelf. But Friday's appeals court decision reversed the earlier court ruling. saying the stale con s ti tu tional regu la ti o n regarding free p4blic education is valid. In Laguna Beach, Barnes said he hopes ~the Santa Barbara district appeals the decision to the state Supreme Court. "If they do so, then the story goos on." Barnes said. "If there is no appeal, it's going lo have an effect on what we do with participation fees." i He said the district 'charges $32 per student for each aft.er-school sport in which the student participates. The district receives about $25,000 per year Crom such fees, and while that appears to be a small amount, Barnes _.said an order lo refund the fee "would be pretty devastating." "We've just reached salary adjustments for all our employees, and our reserve fund is now less than 2 percent," he said. "Twenty-five thousand dollars would be a real hardship for us at this point." Lee Siooli, chairwoman of the lrvlne school board, said today she believes a transportation fee charged students by her district was not challenged in the appeals court decision and is distinct from activttles Cees. The district c harges what officials call a transportation fee ranging from $35 lo $55 for students 'taking part in extra- cu rrlcu la r activities, from football to debate teams. --~IDEl'----_;_--:._ ____ .:..._ _______________ _,_r--______ ~~~---:---. . At-Your 8ervtoe Erma Bornbeck C.valcade Clullfled Comics Cro.word Deeth Notices Editorial l'.ntertalnmen t Horod>pe lntermlalion AMLanden - Movies Natk>nal News Public NoUcea Sports Stock Marketa Televilion ,,...,. W•ther A7 82 82 C6-8 B5 85 "34 A6 B4 B2 B4 ~· B4 A3 C4 Cl·4 B3 86 84 A2 '13aguna· students ilo fine By STEVE MITCHELL Ofie.O.-.Netltaff Laguna Beach Unified' School District Superintendent Bill Barnes said he's pretty pleased with refUlts ~ by 1tuden&a In last year'• C.ltfomla Aseessment . ]>A;pgram testing. ~e'd be haooler. he conctded. heel dbtri(f. ienion been helter apellera, 11ixth · 1rfders better writen and third graders better at mathematics. The testa, meuurlna abilities In relldlna. written expr ... lon and mathematics were atven to third and alxth 1radera tau. ) I spring and, with the addition of speHing, lo 1982 high school graduates last December. And results show Laguna Beach still ranks among the h ighe11t aLatcwidc ln ·the CAP tests. L1111t year's t 2th grader . to lnaLancl'. ranked amons the top 10 percent of aenlorw taklng the teat statewide. • And, with the exception of spelling skills, Barnes says he is flealM.'d with lhe results of the 2th gradel'I. "SPE"lhna continues to score low, .. It hat over th~ put she I years," Barnes said. Seniors averaged only 7 1. l percent cor"-ct an1wers on the spelling teal, down Crom the 7-4 percent they avHagcd In 1980·8). ''Thcy'N? brtght klda. u one can teTJ by looking at the other \eel l"f'IUha," Dames uki. "But In apelllng, I have the f eelln1 they ruth through the test." H e 11id he will ask 12th gradel"'I thla Oe<.'t"m~r tq "take their lime. anely1e th• word, thfll declde If the word It spelled correctly or not.'' (let LAGUNA, Paa• A4) LAGUNA MACH UMU IH .CHOOI. Dl8TIKT Qr .. S Reeding Writing ·• Mathematics c .................. ,, .. , .... Score Comperteon lcor9 Bend 1M1.U 111CM1 1•1.a 310 333 297·32& 313 328 295·321 300 337 291·320 Gradel 292 Reading 289 294 291·313 28&.304 291·310 Writing 275 '>CMl ~ 297 ~- LAGUNA HACH HIGH ICHOO'L (,,,_. ... ,_.., RHdlng Writing Spetllng Mathematlce 111'-IO 1-..1 .1 .. 11 e 10.0 •.s 10·1 88.8 70.0 ee'3 74.0 11 .1 1e:2 11.1 74.3 .. j ~· Orange Co11t CAIL V PILOT /Monday, November 8, 1982 TransplanttotreCovers MINNF.Al>OLIS <AP) LI t t l t' J It Ill It' ... 111 k l' • t h (• 11-month-old girl who rt'<.'\.'IVlod u llCt.•-uvan~ livt•r trunsplant, cunllnut>d her Stl•11dy rt'<.:overy today. the Un1vtralty ot · Minnl>sola h01iplt.ol id. A ailatt•mcnt by thl• hospital said Jamil'. listed an sat1sfu l'tory cond it io n in the! pcd1alru: Intensive care unit, could bl' removed from n rt•:1plra1or today. "She 1s continuing to show signs of improvcnwnt,'' said tho releitse. ''Doctors continue to monitor her closely and huvl' ind1ca tt'<i they a re pica~'<! with her progress." ufft•rNI th orf(an from th1•lr c h i ld. killL•d In u c1tr-tro l n 1.wddent, Tlw vtual oraun <'Dmt• from J &>llun. 11 10 month old boy The part•nts, Lur1'<J &•lion, and hl11 wlfo LNmn, npprovcd the donation. &lion. who hod hl.'urd ~·111kc>'11 tclt.•vised plea tor twlp. auud lowr. "l hud no idea at would t'Vl'r affoct me." "We've been told sht"s not out of the wooc;I~ yet," Fi~kt• so id Sunday.. · Le uers, telegrams and phoni• calls wlshing J amie wcll 1.'0nllnut' • to pour into the University of Minnesota Hospiwls and Clln1<.'li in Minneapolis. Meanwhile, doc.'tors removNJ the liver of a Sioux City donor and whisked it to Pittsburgh on Sunday. where 1t wrui implantt-d in a 42-year -old Col1Co rnio woman~ • . AP Wlrepf\olot The youngstt•r 1s the daughter of Charles and Marilyn Faske of Bridgewate r. Mass. Born last Nov . 26. she was some wha t jaundked at birth and the disease was traced to biliary atres1a, in which bile backs up into the liver. Physicians said she would have died by her first birthday if she had not received the new liver. The transplant was performed Friday. The u nidentified rec1p1ent. dying or a disease that affe<'ts the liver's bile ducts, h ad b een waitmg for five months in 'a. Do nor J~s Bellq n Junti(• ft'i~kt• with motht•r ·Marilyn After Fiske made a desperate plea for he lp, a family In Utah , Pittsburgh motel for a Livt'r. Brian Broznick. a member of the University of P ittsburgh medical t eam perfor min g the Costa Mesa------ Mesa OKs pay hike for city employees The Cost.a Mesa City Council .has granted uni lateral pay ;.increases t o t echnica l a nd .. ~.maintenance workers afler city ':(.and union nego t1a~urs were ~un a bl e t o r each a wage "' agreement. .. Pair seized in burglary Two men are in Costa Mesa police custody today following a burglary at a Mesa Verde home S unday, police said. Robert Gunyon, 30, who lives in the 2900 block of Andros Street, told poliC<' he ignored a ringing door bell about noon and awoke shortly later to find a ma n rummaging through his rpother's bedroom. Gunyon told police he surcered a cut on his fi nger before the ,.suspect allegedly fled with $400 • worth of jewelry into a waiting car. Police W\its1 witb the aJd of a police helicopter. pursued the car ,.. •to Fountain Valley. Jamie Navarro. 30, Santa Ana • and Arthur De francesco. 26. Orange. were both arrested on suspicion of burglary and assault w ith a deadly weapon. Both men are being held 11i lieu of $25.000 bail. Technical workers will receive an average 5.3 percent increase, while maintenance workers wall receive an average 2.7 percent boost. The council also approved a 6. 7 per~ent salary inc rease for middle management worke rs, who are not union-represented. James Harker. chief negotiator f o r th e Costa M esa City Employees' A ssociati o n , representing maln tenan.cc and technical employees. said the pay offer will result in the departure of' "many employees when the recession ends.'\ "We have a definite problem in the publk . sector because wages are not keeping pace wi lh the private sector," said Har ker. "CoSta Mesa is not a beanfield anymore . T h i s ls ve r y diaappointiJlR." I City mal'\,.3ger Fred Sorsabal said Cost a Mesa now ranks number one or two in salaries paid among nine cities that include Fullerton, Buena Park. Orange. Garden Grove. Newport Beach. Westminster, Santa Ana and Huntington Beach. The average 5.6 percent salary increase approved for the city's 530 employees will boost the average salary from $2.040 to $2,100 a month. said Sorsabal. The pay hikes. effective last Sunday will cost lh(• l'lly $472.- 000. operation, said the. Californian would have k:ss than a month to liv<'' without the transplant. S h e was liste d in cr itical • cond1t1on oftt•r lh<' npcrutiort c ndc.'d abotat 4::f0 a .r)l toda y, Jiosp1kll spok1•sw11n1:1n Kathryn Bt>hrcn~ said. T ho hver transplant will bt• thl' 70th conducted this ye11r. as surgeons continue to rcfan<.' tht• operation. Huntinatan Beach-----~--­ Their dad's a.Mr ........... ~ Ndwd ·---Mark We is pushes daughter Lisa, 4. HB council curfew set An 11.:iU p.m. curfew has been imposed on Huntington Beach City Council meetings. The decision came after two consccuuve sessions lasted until 1.30 a.m Volunteer camera-o pe rators covering the meetings for cable telev1s1on complained they were suffering from burnout and would quit if the long meetings t'Ontmucd Councilman Don MacAIUster , who urged the shorter sessions, said council members themselves would benefit most. really a ) .. big wheel Mark Weiss goes to extremes to get things moving around his home an Huntington Beach. The 34-year-old firefighter for the city of Hawthorne finished building a 1923 fuel IOJCCtcd Ford roadster last year. Weiss said the car captured a first place award m an Anaheim car show this past summer . He said he put 300 hours of work and $16,000 in cash into constructing the car. Weiss then demonstrated his versatility by building some "wheels" -an old-fash ioned scooter and go-cart -for his daughte rs Julie, 6 1h a nd Lisa, 4. He used scrap lumber, roller skate wheels and othe r handy materials. A couple of tuna cans serve as "headlights." The home-made veh1cles didn't take long to build and they didn't rost anything. But they've proved to be special to h is daughters and other kids in the neighborhood near Gisler School. "They see?\ to love to play with them a J'f more than with toys w<' buy al the store .. SholVers looming Coa s ta I POINT CONCEPTION TO THE MEXICAN BORDER ANO OUT 60 MILES -lnctealng -I winds Monday, becoming 1210 20 knots Monday afternoon and nlgh1 Westerly swells 1 to 3 IMI except north-I .eas 4 lo 7 IMI on oute< waten Mostty la" today. wilh a alight chance of ~ 11'alnly on the north Sllowe<a tonlgflt trom 42 to 50 Tuesday with tows trom 34 to 40. High• In northern d-11 -• lorecatt from 48 to 58 w11h 1ow1 trom 38 to 45 and wlnd1 trom 20 to 30 mph Sou1nern desert htgns were •1'P9Cted trom 82 to aa and lows from 44 to 52. Extende d weather Parity CIOudy and W.nay wtth a· few ~ oYer the mountllin1 Wednesday. Fair Tllufselay and Friday wllh decre11lng winds 1 LJ Thursday Highs on lh• coutar State market strike looming LOS ANGJ':LES (AP) An i1v1•,rwht•lm1ng majority or Cnlirornlu's unlon izcc,i meal l.'Utlt•rs huvu rej«:tl'<J a contra<.'l propo,al h y s upt:rmarke l op..rators, puvtng the way for a 5lr1kc• at thousands of storet. ti(·rc~' the slat<.', lht.' union says. Nt•gat1vc• vutl's by two-thircfs or tht' union members casting ballots wcrt• 1<•qu1rcd lo reject t ht• 11 f I t.' r A b o u t 1 7 , 5.() O ,• mcatc·uttl•rs arc represented st:ilt•w1dr by th.t! United F<k>d and Commcn:1ul Workers Union. Tht• vol.(' was 3,802 to 187 in six Southern Cal1f9r.Aia uQ.ion loeals and 2, 170 td 81 in five North(·rn California locals, union spokesman Dan Swtnt.on said. late-· Sunday Sixteen Teamsters locals rcprl'scnting 10,000 truck drivers and warehousemen in Southern California also rejected contract offers in voting Sunday, Swint.on said. By lute S unday, union ofCicials said the vote was running 30-1 against the contract proposal with three out of fi ve Northern California locals reporting and five out of six locals in Southern California. Earlier Sunday, two Los Angeles-area m ea\cut.ter locals had voted 1,040 to 11 to reject lhe proposal. Teamsters re portedly w er e voting 85 percent against their contract, according to meatcutter officials. but calls to Joint Council 42 1n L os Angeles went unanswered late S unday. Contracts for some 10.000 Southe rn California meatcutters expired at midnight Sunday. when 7.500 of their counterparts •n Nor thern California already were working without contracts. Walter Bachemi'n, president of meatcutte r s ' L ocal 120 in Oakland, said union oUicials would meet today lo target stores for s trikes Tuesday. The walkout deadline Is 12:01 a.m. Tuesday. Follow your team in the Daily Pilat • . • • Sll.nllltQr y and valley 11eu In Iha llOa Wedne1d1y and Thurtday, Shower• were 1c111ered on warmi ng Into 701 Friday. 1outhern Florlda Sundey 11 Mounlain highs tro,,, 35 to 45, cloudy lilies extended from the warming Into lhe 401 Friday - eouthern Plaln• to the uppar Low1 trom 40 to 55 in coas1a1 Las Vegas Ml1el .. lppl Valley. the Rockie• ., ... and In the 20s and 30s 1n Lhtle Rock and I~ Pacific Coa11. the mountain• l.OI Angele• • LoulSYllle Clo d• also covered the • • Memph• aouthern par1 of New England. It , wa1 1unny In the upper Ohio T ,--,- Valley eutwlld to the EHi empera Ure Mlal1'1 MNwaukM Mpl•St Paul New Orleans Coul. . Rain WU forecast IOI Monday NATION In Nor;the<n Calilornla, the Pacllle Nort~t and nor1he<n Rockies Albany w I t h an ow I n t h e h I g h e r AlbuQUetque e1evauon1. A few atoower1 -• Anchorage expec:led acrou Iha Florida Allenta Penlneula with sunny 1kles oY9I Atlanllc Ctty much of lhe South and Eut , Austin Hight In Ille 30a -a expected Balllmore from tha Idaho Panhlndla lo Birmingham ~hern Mlnnuola wllh 40• In 80IM the Pacific Nonh-1. lhe Great BOiton Bain, 1he n0t1heln Roc:ki... the Buffalo n<>t'the<n MI0.,...1 and northefn Chatllllon SC Maine. cnarleaton wv Temperature• around Iha Ctlatlolta NC nation at 2 p.11' E~T ranged from CMyenne 31 degr-at !kin•. Mont • 10 8 1 Ct11C1go cllgl-at Ab. Texu. Clnelnnau CleY9land Colul1'bla SC California 8:'Fl'~or1h Th11nd,rahowe11 are llkely Oeyton through 1'ue1day In So11thern g::':'oines Cellfornla -"h cool t~at11tea, Oe1rott over ... I 111 ... end •-llleh II heo ~ the Nallonal Wealhe1 Fairbank• Loe ~i1 lec:ea a eo --cent Fllgalatt ,...... Honolulu dlanc:e r a1n TUeaday, wtth hlQllS Hout ton nMr ~ end !Owl MW 54. Rain lndlanapoll1 :..T' .:~~!=~~ JKlllOll MS ....,., ..,... Mid J\1"9111 .. New Yori! HI lo Ollllhoml Clly 53 35 Olnah• ~ 41 Phlladflphla 9 Phoenix 63 36 Plltll>urgh ~ 43 Portland. Me 57 53 Portland, Ore 35 Raleigh 65 41 Reno 37 22 Salt lAlte 48 4 1 San Anlonlo 48 45 San Diego 6 t 48 San Francltco 62 30 S..111• 60 32 Sioux Falla 48 2$ 67 SI St. LOUlll as 45 S9()kane 58 48 Topeka Tueaon ll5 29 Tulia 57 40 Wufllngton 72 58 Wochlla 58 « 48 28 114 40 as 32 17 62 e .a 67 27 H 71 74 58 8" 43 71 32 24 22 ee 52 CALIFO.-.. A Baller"leld Ewalla Fr•no Lanc11ter LOI Angelet Oakland Pato Aoblet Red Blutt AedWOOd Cltv 65 57 118 47 114 Stl 113 •2 1111 •I 78 12 80 •2 53 28 66 50 55 44 70 S4 !17 38 56 41 81 '61 54 40 48 34 53 35 58 28 48 33 51 37 71 52 88 5• &a 51 541 45 58 21 72 63 42 27 70 52 78 57 73 68 58 37 /4 48 81 &1 60 42 $f 4S 84 48 8• Ill 8t 52 84 45 eo 48 114 ... Sacramen10 81 43 Seltnal ~ 43 San Diego ..., 54 San Franclaco 58 51 Santa Barbara 68 48 Stockton 112 45 PAN AMEl .. CA • Acapulco 8erbadoa Bermuda Freeport Gu1d11l11)are Ouedeloupe Hevena Ktngston Montego B•y M111llan Merida Me~ICO City Montereey ... ......... 80 70 ae 75 78 118 78 70 78 37 88 73 77 73 ea 10 8f 68 a11 ae 77 54 74 32 77 58 CANADA Calgary 39 24 Edmonlon 3Q 22 Montreal 45 42 Regina 29 22 Toronto 64 43 Vancouver 411' 35 22 Winnipeg 35 29 Smog Wftefe 10 eth (toll ff'H) tor llteel ll'llOt lntoflNlllOfl; Orange County: {800) •45-382t Lo• AngelH County: (800) 242-4022 RIY«llde and Sen hmatdlno covntltl: (800) H7·0f0 AOMD Eplt<>Oe c.t11er; (IOO) 242·4 ... "h'I going lo .,.· the 11111 big Kanlll City c:Gtd outlweaik 'Of lhe yeat," MIO a ...... ----------------------...... ..,... tpeClellat. Bui !tie epott..,_, prwdjcted oteerer 1lllea by Trluredey. • A Quit of AINttl loW•PtMeur• elf ...... It r~Ole '°' Ule wintry ....,_,•but IN MIN fUlf -lllf RIPIRJ Tides TOOAY S~d low 12.02 pm 56 02 le HpeGtff~~Mfld 89Ut1Mfn I ~ ............... ..,. ~ ..... up by~.·· ~ ........... --. from II to 931 ~_'°"9""'4t 10 .._.. 62 T.,.._ MOuntelll hlgM -e z·-· 2 or9Clleltd hnl 10 to,._ .-lowl -·-4 lrOfll 22 ID 2t Md ... "°"' .. IO 8ante Monlee 2 4 :.:n.''!:.: ==In IN ~~~"' ~ : 0... V ,..,. !MY ,.,._ OutlOOll fOf Tueedly Utthl dllftfl ' -~ --,. .,. ----~ -- 1a t~ 12 12 .... .... ...... ' 1 I 2 3 3 3 • ~d hlOh 7·&1 Om .. TUllOA ,... • Flret lllOh 3 30 1 m. 3 ti IMJ P:1t•t IOw 7 32 a m 3 2 S.COncl h!Otl I 27 p m I 0 w s.coflO IOw t 15 pm o 1 IW 81111 Nit today II 4 ff p "' . aw · r-r~ 111 "•"' W Moon r .... toeley ti 10 01 pm , Mlt Tutlday ti 11 •4 am • .. O ur Brooks gate dress shirts come in a handsome varie ty The young m a n l ookin g for attracti ve ..,hirt!. w complem e nt his s uits will find a varic~ '>elec tion awa iting him in Brook5gatc. Along- s 1Jc the favored solid oxfords are stripe)>, Taucr- ll3 1l~ and white-collar shirts, all made on our cxclu ivc trimmer models. Bo th broaddoth anti uxforul. can be found. in cotton anti polycl.tcr- :mJ-cntton blend. S izes 14 to 16 1 ~. lcevt;s 32 to 35. $21 and $22 UfAIUSHIO 1111 _OJ) Q Q7Jip;;f,;cflk1kr.P c~~~l~ f urntsh tngg for llm. Women ~ B oy ~ ~, .. \\'f.ST 7TI I STRmrt~ I .OS ASORI .~s. CAI.If. ff SHIO~ l~l .A~I>. ~ .. :\\'PORT 8 bACtt, CAl.IR -.... .. Orange CoHt DAIL v PILOT /Monday, November 8, 1982 d ·-lnlll re esign · Homeowners ----~----1111111111~ By GLENN SCOTT °'-.DeMr ..... llMf h 's not that tht.>y do11'\ like children, but rt.>s1dcnt.11 or udult· oriented Orangctrec Vlllagl• m Lrvine have not been huppy with the thought that youngsters from a proposed development near them might invade the ir neighborhood. Those residents, in (act, have telped convince developer Irvine acific to redesign l4J layout for 52 condominium::! proposed on 7.6 acres to be called Orchurd plen. seek OrOlll(l'\rce. WHt or Irvine Center Drlvl' and 11ou th of Saddlcback Communlly Coll('gf''ll North Cumpus, includt.•11 about \WO hom<'S. It lies bf'nt•ath a flight pattern Crom the El Toro Marine Corps Air Station and for that rl'ruion, schools are not pt'rmlttcd there. Bl'causc of that, It wos designed tor adults. It has man- madc streams, small gfcenbelt§ and unsupervised swimming pools. Neighbors claim the original pla1u; for Orchard Glen from the UCI ceiling pulls loose Workt!rS at UC Irvine wen • inspecting plas ter ceilings ii'\ one-story buildings at the College ot Medicine today arter one such celling pulled loose from 1 ts mounting early Saturday. ' Inspectors said the ceiling in the Medical·Surge II bu1ldinA may have slipped because nails ;Here not driven into the ceiling at a prope r s lant. Re pairs arc estimated at $_2q.ooo"" said Bob Curry. a ssociate direc tor of facilities management. The ceiling slipped about three feet Crom its mounting but didn't hit the floor i n a l.200-sq_uare ·foot roQm that • s er ves B s th c An atom y p e p1lrtment's morgue, said a campus spokesman.· A work crew removed the ceiling Saturday. Sad sh aggy dog story lrvlrw <..:ompany'a development aul»ldlury did not ofrl'r t.tnough opt•n 11p1.1t'l' tor ytlUlli h •N to play "We hav~ more room ovf'r here. We do have grt.'<'n BrflUI." said An1ko Sherry, prt>1ident or Orang<'lrre CoJldomimums •. one of thret' homeowne r llroups. "Wt''k-e going to have to take care of tnelr children," T hey a lao complained t hat· insufJICIC'nt parking spat--es were prov1dod, which t•uuld cause ~ spillover of traffic into their , streets. And they uld th~ new h omes wou Id overburden Orangetree S treet, t he only entr~nce and exit from Irvine Centdr Drive. Irvine Pacific represertatives say they are reassessil'\J( their plans to of(er better recreational areas for children and more parking. "Hopefully, we wilJ be. getting In tol!ch with the leaders of the Orangetree associations to tell them what we'll be proposing to the P lanning Commission on Nov. 18," said Irvine Company spokesman Jerry Collins. The sma ll, shaggy-h aired dog and her puppies (left photo) were found on the doorste p of the Jurupa Hills Animal Clinic, near Riverside, with th<' note (above) from "a sad little boy that lost his bes t dog." The boy wrote that h e had to gel rid of the a nima ls because his father did not like dogs. "I still love that dog," he wrote. HS he love m e . Pleas give h er alot of loveing." ~foll y Mt•rchant wu;, •·rownt>d quet•11 of tagunu R••ach II i~h ch;,.,r,. honwcoming thi11 wt>e ke ncl. Ht>r team lost the big ganw 'lo Capi trono Vallt·y lligh 2H-O. .; 8 TENNIS LESSONS •2000 Co1t1 1111 T 111i1 Clull 557.0211 .. ·CA NC.ER DETECTION CENTER . ' OF 08ANGE COUNTY LAGUNA TUDENT ... From Page A1 "l ix·r*>nully thmk thc.·y gN whm th<' tormt•r third gredt•r11 (.'i.1rt.'lt•1>1> Whl·n they uc.·t lll lhlll Wiii ,,.. h'l>tinK o~ i.hcth grod<.•f'I portion of the• <:AP trs t," tw s:ml "lt 1wxt yc•ur wu r('('t'IV<' high CAP 1tt on•11 for sixth sradcr11, Hl·garchng the• third gradt• ll'i;t wt•. 11 ( 1 n d w c• d 0 have an results. Burnl'll uid studcnt11 •. lll'Ol'l'd within the• l'Omparlson 1'X<'l'ptlvnally brigh t gioup. lk!OfC• band, uS<>d by the stall"' to Barn~·i. 1W1d sixth grader& last m<:nsurt• the.• district's <'XJX'<.'lCd yt•ar 11<:ortd lower In writing thun range of sl'on:s based on th<' ln thc> ~st thrc't' yN1rs, despite economic: and t•du~ot101rnl what he tNmed a com·c rtt•d / uackground of parents. • (.'ffort by tc•ac:ht•rs to bring up ~ , · • lhf~' !i(.'Ort'S. Third grudcrs a t El Morro and . \ Top or thC' World t:lcmentary Writing skills lust yr,a r • schooli scored 310 in reading. dropJXod w 275 from 2~4 the ~car " with th<.• C'Xpected score band bt•fon• on a compun srm score ranging from 297 -325; 313 in ba.nd ranging from 286·304. written language, with the scorl• '"fl•uchcn. have Ix-en spending band ranging from 295·32 l ; and more• umc on improving writing :ioo in math. with the Sl'Ore band skills." Barnes said. adding they ranging from 291 -320. ha v <' alt ended writ 1 n g h workshotw a.nd seminars. However. liarnes said, mat r-~ scores were down from 337 the ' '"It's a surprise to me." he said. year before. He believes the class of '80-'81 "might have been an exceptionally bright das.5.~' One way to test· that theory. the superintendent says. is to await next year's CAP scores, ln other areas. sixth graders Sl'Orl'<.1 289 in reading, with ~he expec ted score band rangmg lrom 29J-3l3 and they srored 297 · m math. with a t-'Omparison sc:ore band ranging from 291 -310. I • KOCE/50. Offers an Evening 'of Adventure Tonight ( 8:00 NATURE Kopje: A Rock for All Seasons In the grasslands of Africa's Serengeti, huge outcroppings of bedrock -Kopjes -provide homes for an Incredible array of wildlife 9:00 NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SPECIAL Gorilla E.G. Marshal hosts the touching story of a very misunderstood animal. TJlls 1411 lllldt posslbll In 111rt by 1 lflnt 111111 Ille Clfperltioft llf l'ul>lic l rNfcastiftJ CAL-MART TRAVEL SERVICE· _ _, DON'T DELAY CALL TODAY FRESH LOCAL LOBSTER DINNER ·18.95 Include• choice of .aup or •alad, and potato or rice pilaf. A NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION OFFERING BELOW COST COMPREHENSIVE SCREENING •All Service On Scheduled Alrtlnn .AIR FARE SALE! . "' ;-/ Call For ., R..ervation.8 . ::-t?ll 173-772& .,~~!!.!:~. ..I . BALBOA I; .......... FOR EARLY DETECTION OF CANCER SCREENING INCLCJDES •_..__.--cc·· Thorough Physical Complete Blood Count Stool Bleeding Check Pap Smear For Women Self Examination Instructions ............ M ...... edlcal Center Prof esalonal Bulldlng 18800 iJili StrHt IUlti 105 Huntington Be•ch, Callf. 841-1871 • "DE~P SISCOUNTS ROUND-TRIP PRICES" LOS ANGELES , REG. COAC.. DEEP DISCOUNT AREA TO FARE FARE SAl/INGS Ametlllo 341.00 ,.... '111.00 Baltlmote 858.00 ..... .... llrmlnghem 750.00 .,_.. ,.... 8fown"'411e 811.00 .._.. IMAI ~ ... =-=·= ii: = NO ! ~. :!!:5 ..... :: Olcl8tlome CltY 522.00 l1UI .., .. Ometla •78.00 --111.,. Ot'lendo 780.00 ..... ..... "8p6d City, S.D. aao.oo ..... ~::: Shfewc>M M0.00 .... Tol9de> •2.00 _,_. -- Topel!• , 504.00 ... 111• •Lower,., .. •vtlleble" trtvel ltleglne before December 19 . CAL-MART TRAVEL SERVICE (714)957·2590 ,-~~~·· Fall cleanup set in Laguna Beach Laguna Beach's l\nntml r.,q cleanup week begms t• da). presenting residents w11 l1 1lw perfect opportunity to g<.'l rhl of those la rge-, unwie ldy items. It e m s s u c h as o ld refrigerators, hot water Lanks, couc hes. chairs, carpets. •Newport Beach resident lte l en T h omson h as b een e l e c ted to the, boa i:d of d irectors of the Nationa l Society to Prevent Blindness. Thomson is the finance •The Coro na d el M a r chapter of the American Field Servrce is hosting four foreign st ud e nts who wi l l b e spendi n g t he year with Newport Beach families and attending Corona del Mar •Laguna Beach Pol1cc Explorers are o ffering to paint address numbers on curbs, garage doors or other areas of Laguna homes. The address numbers will •A weekend in Big Bear and a hand crafted cabinet will be auctioned during a fund-raiser Saturday at the Prince of Peace Luthetan School in Costa Mesa. • Budding freelan ce wr iters are invited to an all day seminar from 9 a.m . to 3:30 p.m. Saturday in Orange Coas t College 's Busin ess Education Building, room lO lB. Cost of the workshop is $20 and includes a textbook . J or d a n Yo ung, who h as stoves and o ther luq~l' _Jplian<.·~s and furn1tun• should be pla<.'Cd at curl>s1d\• on your regular trash pickup day Cl ippings s h ould b <.• bundl<.>d and tied, and be no lo nger tha n fo ur foet in le n g th and 18 Inc hes 1n diameter. officer for the city of Stanton. The Na tional SociNy t o Prevent Blindness in the nation's o ldes t voluntary h ealth organization and is headquartered in New York City. High School. The visiting students are Miche lle Viljoen of South Africa. Chiara Lombardlnl of Italy. Yutaka Yonemilsu of J apan and Kalle Seppala of Finland. be painted in fluorescent colors for $4 on homes and $7 for busmcsses. F o r information. cal l Neighborhood W a tc h a t 497 -3311. ext. 282. The fair starts at 8:30 a.m . with a pancake breakfast and includes game and food booths at 2987 Mesa Verde Drive East. contributed articles to the i..o;,- Angeles Times and the New York Times, wi ll discuss intervie wing s kills. selling ideas and writing techniques. Tickets are available a t the ticket office and at the door. For mo re information call 556-5880. Women's • issues studied The UC lf'vinc Town und Gown organluu lon will laurwh a new s<.·hool yC'ur by hosting a punel d1!k'Ussiun, "Critkul lssut'S Facing Womt'n," nt 10 u .m . 'Mohday. Nov. 15. • · T he fK'Sljion h1 fr~ and oJ>t'n to the public. It will be held an the Social Science Tower, Room 220, a t the unlverstty. Included on the panel will be Dr. Franc.'CSCa Cancwn, UCI social sciences pro fessor ; l:iwycr Barbara Ham nraman , co- foundcr of t~c ERA Coalition of Orange County; Mary Moshy, executive director of the UCI Womei;l's Opportunity Center, and Qr. Rita Whiteley, <.'Ounselor a nd p$ychologlst. Town and Gown ls a group fo rmed t o st r e n g the n ties bet ween the university a nd rommunity. Photo tour of Yosemite set Friday · . ·' A two-day photographic tour of Yosemite Natio nal Park is planned by Saddleback College Community Services with a price tag of $190 per person. The tour, leaving Friday, is designed specifically for amateur photographe rs and will be taught by 011td oor photographers Mi· chael Good and Robert Cooper. The $190 includes bus trans- portation, two nights at Yosemite Lodge, two lunches. orientations and critiques. R egistration information is available by calling the college at 831-4646 or 55!Pl31 3. F ilm on Alask a slat ed for OCC "The Lure of Alaska" will be screened at 8 p.m . Nov. 18 in Orange Coast College's Robert B. Moore Theater. Tickets at the door are $3. with ch ildre n under 12 and seniors with gold cards admitted for $2. YOUR EY ES TELL more about your age than anything e~cept yo ur birth certificate Now Erno Laszlo has come up with a new treatment- actually two treatments-to take care of the eye area for mosf every skin type: Normalizer Eye Treatment for normal to oily skin, and pHelitone Eye Treatment for dryer skin. Both act to soften fine, dry lines around the eyes. And both are designed to be worn under maktfUP without discoloring or oiling-up. Consult your Erno Laszlo specialist at I. Msgnin. Sh~'// advise you whi;h is best for your skin type and tell you how to work it into your own personal Erno Laszlo skincare ritual. Normalizer Eye Treatment, .4 oz. 22.00. pHelitone Eye Treatment, 1.0 oz. 30.00. Cosmetics. Minimum delivery charge 2.00 g n 2 FMhion Squire Santi Ana 547·5911 South Coast Plaza Costa ~ 967·1611 I I n - Oranoe Cou t DAILY ptLOT/Mond1y, November 8, 1982 * 41 Top chil test set in Mesa Chili cookh from C<>iUI M~ and Newport Beach high &chools will be <.'Ompcting for $3,400 }n cash prizes during the "Cook Cpr K ids" contest Sat urday qt Estancia High Sc:hocil. ' Twenty ch ill cooking tearr\5 from E s tancia, Cost a M e:itl, Newport Harbor and Corona del Mar high sch ools wil l I& part1c1patang in the cook-oJf s po n sored by the Harbor Boulevard of Cars Assoc1auon. The Learn (;'Oncocting the best batch of chili will win $1,500 with $1,000 for second p)ace. $500 ror third and $400 for the most enthusiastic team. ! "Hilppy Dilys"' television star Ted M<.-Ginley, who plays Roger, • will drop by for a spicy taste, along with Rams ch eerleadeno antl football player ·Jac k Youngblood. Bearing up An "extra terrestrial alien" it expected to visit the high school campus for a bowl of the earthly brew. Ben j i Ma rt in, 4 , lugs h is stuffed pet to a BYOB (Bring Your Own Bea r ) pa rty a l a P hoe n ix pre-school. The contest will open at 10 a.m., with judging expected at l p.m. Tickets are $2 in advance• and $3 at the door. Your Money or Your Life Whe n you get right d own to it, the ch oice is you rs. We'll give yo u th e In du stry's flnest profession ally as5isted stop smoking p rogram and you give u s some of you r h ard -earned mon ey. After five co nse cutive two-hour sessio n s, we'll have you off cigar ettes. G uaran teed. Or, you can igno re o ur pr ogram offe r and co ntin ue s m o king ... and that c hoice may never be o ffered to you again. Introductory Seminars Novembe r 3. 4 and 8 at 8:00 P.M. Ne wport Beach-T h e Marriott- Fashio n Is land Fulle rto n-Griswold 's- 1500 South Raym o nd The Stop Smoking Center Reservations: (714) 768-4250 c 1982 Robert Mayo Stop Smoking Centen, Inc. Come show us what you've_ got cooking • • • Enter the ::::~·~~-e Orange Coast Daily Pilot Favorite Recipe Contest. r Eor: mor;e iRformation ' call Janine Fiddell<e .. (7:14) 642-4321 Ext. 242 ~· .......... 4 I 11 ouou ,110 .. , 1o1nuo• t u •Ut\ OH '"" .. ,,,. to•" llil•O••" I •Cll4NGt l AHO 111 l'O•tt D aY '"' 1116'061f0111\llNI t 'l'H • &L eek limit on fed .. accounts WASlllN<iTON (AP) Savings and loan • off1t"111 ls, wur1 w d obuul losing monl'Y In 11aving11 lll'l'OU!lili lhal pay lnw 1t'ltt•rt•<1t, <ir(• urging fl'Cl(•ral r<'gulatoris w n'<1u1r°l' :1 m inimum of at lt•ust $2.500 in a n<•w hiMh 111tt-11'!lt Ol'<•oul'lt mltndat(ld by t'orll(rto;;s. The• ufflc:lals havl· JOlm'<.t other grou~ ir1 lobbying fr<k•rol rcgulalorw who t.m· tie:hl•<h.iled 10 meet Nov. 15 to decide Its fenturt's. Cong rt•bs passl•d n ball this year ordering n•gulntors to create thc a(.'(.•ount so \hut ban ks and savings and loans t'Ould bl· more c•ompNlllve with the money market mutu:..I fu11ds which hold $230 billion. The t1t.•cw unt. Congress said . s h ould bl> "directly t.-qu1valcnt to and <.'OrnJ>l'lll1vc'' with the funds. The 3('COUnl will lX' frt·t• of an interest rate reiUng. No minimum balam·t• was set rn the legislation, :j'lthough le~1slntm·:. suggt1:.h•tJ--!.it be· no more~ than $5.0011 ·. Mo1·1gage def a'ults soar LOS ANGELES (AP) -T he n u m ber of Californians unable lo pay their mortgages has soared 165 pert't•nt this year under the impact of a deepening re<'ess1on. at't'Ording to a new study. A survey by the Los Angeles Times, released Sunday. found that foreclosures in 40 t'Ounties jumped to 17.549 in the first eight months of 1982, u p from 6.623 for lhe same period in 1981. Jn Los Angel<.>S, foreclosures during the period rose from 1.682 to 4.624. and in Orange County from :150 (o I ,251. The number of California property owne rs Ix-hind in their mortgagl' payments is at an all-time high, the study said. And thl' situation is likely to get worse. "Until this recession is resolved. we're looking forward to more defaults and more foreclosures," said Jol'I Smgc'r, director of rL-search for the California Association of Realtors. Tax deliquency rate up LOS ANGELES <AP) -The effects of recession are showing up in the county tax collector's office and giving California an average statewide property tax d e linquen('y rate t h a t surpasses levels of the Deprc-ssion The statl'wide delinquency rate averaged 4 72 pc·rl'cnl in fiscal 1982, compared with 3.97 percent in 19:J8-39. Pive of California's 58 counties have delinquency rates above 10 percent, rcc..'Ords show. "Tht• No. 1 reason for the h igh er tax dclinquennC's is econom ic conditions." said Los Angeles County Treasurer-Tax Coll('Clor H B. Alvord. Most counties anticipate some late payments and figure their budgets art'Ordmgly. but their esumates incrt.'aSmgly arc coming up short. Orange Count y got $26 millio n less than ll anticipated last fiscal year 'New Chevette' shorter DETROIT (AP) -The small car General Motors Corp. will import,, from lsuzu Motors Ltd. of Japan in January will be nine inch<'S shorter than the Chevett.e T -car it will replace. an auto industry trade journal reported today. Ward's Automotive Re ports said the 63-mch-wide lsuzu-bu1lt car will have a 94.a-inch wheelbase a nd a l 56~ncn overall leng tn:Tne lour-door Chev-ette Ts6 l .8 inches wide a nd has a 97 .3-inch wheelbase and 164.9-inch length. .. The new GM-lsuzu model. termed the ST-car, Will have a l'OffipO~lll' fuel CJ!Onomy averags Of 45 -50 mpg and will include th<> world's first m1crol'ompulC'n zed. ful.'1 -dfiC'icn t cJ1escl cnginl'. Ward's said. Gold Hy The Associated Press S<.'ll'l'l(•d wurkl gold pn<.'\'S today. London mormng fixing $4 1 l.00, off $6.50. London ;1ft(•rnoon fi xing $407.2!'l, off $10.25. Paris afl<'rnoon fixin~ $410.9:!, orr $9.66 Frankfurt t1x111g $411 98. off $11.05. Zur ich l.Hl" afwrnnon fix mg $408 00. off S l :too had . • ·IOH 00 ;1sk<'d. llandy & Ha rman (c>nl y daily quote) $407.25. off $10.25. Enge lhard (only d<11ly quote) $407.25. off $10.2!'l. Engelhard (only cl:uly quote) $427.61. off $10.77 Meta/,s NEW YORK (AP) prn.•t•-; to<fay: Spot n 1mfL·r·rous m<'tal oeeer 7'J. 1 ~-75 ()('Ill~ ,I f>OUl\d, U.S dt•Stlt\a\IUfl '< Lead :l2-26 n·nt:-. u pound. • Zinc ·&0·42 t<1n\.S {l pound, dchVl'l'l'cl. Tin $G 20:N MNals Wl1l'k l-omposll<· lb Aluminum 7ti t.-tmts u pound. N Y Me rcury $:!60.00 pl.'I' no. k. Pla tinum $:i~7.00 $:Hi5.00 troy ounn-. N.Y Silver IJumly and Jt11m1nn. $10 13 JX!r troy uun<.'(.' 1 J ... , Orono• Co11t DAIL y PllOT /Mondey, Nov•mb•t I , 1082 NB Dow Jones Final OFF 14.34 CLOSING 1,037.44 S&Ls seek limit on fed accounts WASHINGTON (AP) -Savings and loan officials. worried llbo4t losing money In aavinga accounts that pay low interest, are urging federal ... ~gulat.Qrs to require a minimum of at least $2,500 in a new high~interest account mandated. by Congresa. · · · The officials have joined other 'groups in lobbying federal regulators who are S(•heduled to meet Nov. 15· to dedde its features. ., Congress passed a bill this year ordering regulators to create the account so 'that banks and savings and loans <..'Ould be more competitive with the money market mutual funds which hold $230 billion. The account, Congress said, should be "directly equivalent to and competitive" with the funds. The actount will tie free of an interest rate ceiling. No minimum balance was set in the 'legislation, although legislators suggested it be no more than $5,000. Tax deliquency rate up LOS ANGELES (AP) -The effects of recession are showing up in the county tax collector's office and gjving California an average statewide property tax de linquency rate that surpasses levels of the Depression. .. I ' I 1 ' I • • The statewide delinquency rate averaged 4.72 percent in fiscal 1982, compared with 3.97 percent in 1938-39. Five of California's 58 counties have delinquency rates above 10 percent, records show. Orange County got $26 million less than it anticipated last fiscal year. . I _; I AMERICAN LEADERS ·;,; -.. . ~- MOALS NEW YORK IAPI -Spot non1e11ou• metal ptlus IO<lav Copper 72'•·75 cents a pound. US detllnatlons lMd 22·26 cents a pound Zinc •0·•2 cents • pcund. delov.,.ecl Tift $6 W3AI Metals w-composite It> Alufftlfium 76 cents a pound. N Y 11Mfe11rr $360 00 per llasl<. Plallnum S3S7 .OO·S356 00 troy ounce NY GOLD QUOTATIONS erTIMAa-i.tod"'-Se!ected WOtlC gold ptleft tO<lay ~ mornlnQ 11~•"11 $4 t I 00, off S6 SO LOfMlon allernoot1 llS1n9 ''07.26, Oii $1025 f'wlo lft8'fl00n ftAl"!I M 10.113. off $11 64 Fr ... IUrt l11tng $411.98. Oii $ 11 05 Zurtc" Itta afternoon ll)tog S40a 00, olf S 12 00 bid; $409 00 aJl<.C:. H111d1 A Harman fot1ly dallv quote) "407 26, oll $10 25 E,,.......d (only daJty quo1e1 $407.25. off $10 25 • i..-..d 1on1y dally QUO!el '427 61, off s1on STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT I ' I I r " • ·l I