HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-11-13 - Orange Coast PilotLOCAL FOOTBALL SCORES Fountain Valley 17 Marina 14 Huntington Westminster 24 14 Estancia Costa Mesa El Toro Saddleback 22 17. 9 7 Laguna Beach Woodbridge Capo Valley San Clemente 23 Of 22 0 l Detell1 of game• In Sport• aectlon '• ORANGI COAST YOUR HDllTnl IAllY PIPER SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 13. 1982 ORANGE COUNTY . CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS Boy, 5, drugged; • sitter hunted By STEVE MARBLE 01 t ... O•llr Pllol St•n It took Elizabeth Hammau a w ee k t o find th e perfect babysitter for her 5-year-old son The Costa M esci mothl:'r needed the sitter so she could devote her days to lobbying for safe after-school programs Thursday her world and h(·r best ideals were turnt'll uµs1de- down. Hammad said she r eturned home that day to find her son had bee n drugged, her h ome burglarized and her "perfect" babysitter gone. She said there was a scrawlE-d note left behind It read "What now chump?" ''My son was in a stupor, just out of it. He was staggering. I didn't know w hat was wrong." She found out what w as wrong at H oag Mem o rial Hospital in N~wport Beac h where the child was rushed. Robert Hooks, an emergency room physician, said young Christopher Hammad was tranquilized. He said traces of a sedative were found in the boy's system. Hammad. who said her son ha.<1 recovered without problem. has asked Costa Mesa police to help track d own the rf'd -h a i red babysitter. "How could an yone do this to a child?" she wondered aloud. "I don't care that my stereo. my color TV and some cheap lamp were taken. That stuff's insured But how could you drug a child and just leave him alone?" Police Lt. Jack Calnon said thl· e p isode 1s on e of the m os t unusual burglaries he's ever heard of "It's very Pft'Uliar," he notl'd. adding that hC''s asked neigh boring police department to help loc·ate the sought after sitter Hammad. whose husband 1s an attorney. said the sitter -who she knew as "Mary" did a "wonderful" job Wednesday. tht: sitter's first day. (See DRllGGED. Page A21 Ke lly Barker and Ohan Mandossian complete their 4Shift' on the teeter-lotter Teeter"-totter marathon raises By GLENN SCOTI Of IM D•llY Piiot St•n When the time finally came Fnday for a countdown to end the Sigma Chi teeter-totter marathon fl l LJC Irvine, no onl' bothered lO' c6unt except fur one pledge And pledges don't ('()Unt anyway. in a matter of speakmg. So the fraternity's c harity fund -ra1s1ng marathon sort af eased to a quiet halt at noon Friday in an outdoor patio at the University Ct·ntl'r Membe"r Jerry Crowther and "little sister" Ka.ren Glick sltd off th e custom -made, wooden appara tus but most of the other tectN-lotterers gathered in tht· patio St~·med too t1r~ to tell Said one mPmber. "It's bt.~n a long 100 hours EveryonP's burned out." Nevertheless, the five-day event is expected to generate at least $1.500 in donations by the time member:; round up dollars p romised for its natwnal charity. the Wallace Village. a home in C olorado for c h i ldren with minimal brain damage This year's marathon was the seventh staged by the fraternity in its eight years al UCL Each t1mP. members t'mploycd the te<-tcr-tollcr The group had to b uild a new mode I 1 his year Another fraternity stole its old one. Tht• membC'rs also had lo fat-.:- tht· elemPnts this ume to keep the teeter-totter 1n motion. They suffered through unusually cold nights. ,rain a nd even a hail storm. Daytime shifts were an hour each , but at night. some riders had to last as long as six hours Thev moved the teete r-to tter under a lf'dge during the storms lt doesn't take long for teeter- tottering to become repetitious. so somt.• of the partici pants learned to sort of balance the· lung plank. Some even monagt.'CI to stretch out as 1f It were a couch or a bed. The n again, others expe rimented with the teeter - totte r's strength as a catapult. Someone noticed Friday that it was squeaking. "lt didn't until last night," $1,500 volunteered one observer ... They really gave it a workout." On Friday though . afte r the marathon was over, the teeter- t o tt er finally got it s r est , som ething seve ral o f the fra ternity members seemed lo need. A large wooden teeter-totter d oesn 't exactl y fad e into obS<:urity in a t'Ollege union. but, few of the collegians making the scene at the Greek hangout were paying much attention to it. Only G lick . the little sister. could muster much sentiment. "It looks so sad, I want to cry." she said "You come here every day to watch all the nders and give them moral s uppo rt and now it's all over " $112,000 approved for Crystal Cove By JEFF ADLER Of t ... Dellr Pilot lt•n The first steps toward opening Crystal Cove S tate Park to greeter public access were taken Friday with the announcement that the state Public Wo rks Board had approved spending $ J 12,000 for plans of park improvemenp. The announcement WIUJ made 'by Assemblywoma n Marian Bergeson. R-Newpor t Beach , who said she learned o f the board's action during a meeting Thunday wilb state Parks and Recreation Department Director Peter Dangermo nd Jr B ergeaon's 70th A ssembly. . llDEX . ' _,,. ... ... Cl~fied Cl-6 eonudl C2 Cornftlent B6 Cr~ortit? C2 .. Death' Notices C4 Entertainment 89-11 Horoecope . AS Movies 89·11 Public Notices C3-4 Religion B8 Sports Bl·:i Television Bl2 Tbeawn ,B9-l l Trivia 810 Weather A2 Youth 87 " . .. t ·r~ . District encompasses the park. The $11 2,000 expe nditure 1s for working drawings on a list of park improvements including day-use facilities to accommodate 5,000 pe rs o n s. pr im itive campsites, hiking and horse- riding trails, biking paths and parking lots. Th,e money is the first of a $5 million appropr1ation approved by the L egislature during the past sessio n f o r park development. The allocation was made from the 1980 Parks and Recreation Bond Fund. · "We 're l ooking at the beginning of something we're all (See CRYSTAL, Page A%l Rose Bird ~ A couple view Crysta l Cove aa they visualize the opening of the ,area lo biking, horse ... riding trails, hiking and primitive campsites. ,:Lawyers host Brow-n, Bird By STEVE TRIPOLI tn an Interview with reporters. empowered to call a special oftt.. Delly pfto( ••ett Brown called the ~ropoeal for a sest1ion -are unlJ)sely to do so, A special session or' the stale special session. whith has been Brown said. Le1&slature ;to diacutfl the state's backed by Governor .. e lect The reapportionment question, predicted btlllon-doliar budget George Oeukmejian, "a waste which remain 11 with l h • deficit Is unlikely this year , of money unless there's a clear Leg~lature aft.er vote!\_rc~ted AMembly Speaker Willie Browo Indicatio n something can be formation of aq ln~endent " ·-satd F~-during-a-v4a~to---aCJOOmpllshed.'' -------'t"'4htlt!f1~~on-dtt ~~~~· Orange County. • He said the moetly-RepubUcan ."ontb ..... Brown. who addressed the group calling for the s-pecial domlnai.d b)' ~he DimOCl'aUe California Trial Law yers session ls hoping to ~h ttlrouah ~tw. ma,jOt'lt)' eV'tn d'K>uah A~i•tion convention at the it3 own "preooncefv«I" aaenda. ReRUbJlcana will take peri In tfote Dt1neyland Hotel In Anaheim, Under those clrcum1t•nce1, ~.Brown ... d . also diac uued the pending both the Democratic l•a1!VthJp '"l'he Democrita ate aolnt to reapportionmen of co"8telllonll, of the Le1ialature ~ ouqaotna draw the lin8. "We're not IO'na state sen d auembty Democrat1c Oov. Edmund 0 . «> hand thl1 at.ate ovel' to the dittricta and the nt election Browe Jr. -the two parties CSee, J.#WVEU, !llt Al) 4i l ~ ~- . ~ ~"'~~~ __,..~"='------=---~-- Gas leak fells 21 in Irvine Tustin, Sant a Ana areas evacu ated By KAREN E. KLEIN Of IM Delly Piiot 81•" A toxit• gas IPak originating at the Bentley Labs. Inc. plant in Irv ine s prea d a c l o ud of poison ous fumes n o rthwes t Friday night, causing Orange County Fire Department officials to evacuate a large pdrl of Santa Ana, Tustin and Irvine a nd close the (Jn ramps of the Newport Freewciy south of the Santa Ana Frc>eway. Employees who we re working at Bentley Labs a t 9:30 pm , when a night watchman reported the leak . complained of a burning sensation and numbness in their mouth, nose and·throat The gas. ethylene oxide, began leaking fro m a 9,000-pound tank inside the building a t 17502 Armstrong Ave. and was fanned ' by oct"an winds northwest along the Newport Freeway. Residents and e mployees working in the area were evacuated by the Irvine, Santa Ana and Tus tin Police Departments working with the fire department. A Red Cross evacuation shelter was established for those who had no place to go or w ere suffering from contact with the gas. At the triage center set up behind the Foodpark at 18009 Main St. in Irvine. police hosed down Howard Bryan. 36. of Long Beach. a Ben tley maintenance e mployee whose lowe r legs were covered with the gas after he had tned to shut off the valve inside the building F our to f ive ambulances trans ported around I 0 people from the center to local hospitals to be examined further. before the leak was controlled at 11 :23 p.m .. according to Capt. Gary Su:-nberg of the Orange County Fire Department. A paramedic a nd 21 o thers we re treated at tht• triage ccnter Bolsa Chica's development plans shelved An Orange County plan for the development of the Bolsa Chica mars h land near Huntington Beach officially was withdrawn Friday from consideration before th e California Coastal Commission. Orange County Director of Planning Robert G. Fisher said he withdrew the plan after members of the coastal commission staff called for modifications in his proposal. F isher sought to put l.200 acres of lowlands into a zoning reserve for up to a year while working f or temporary (See BOLSA. Page A3) • _"-______ o_r•_nee ___ o_o•_•_•_o_A_•L_v_P_1_Lo_r_1_&_•t_u_rd_•~Y·_N_o_ve_m __ b• __ 1_e_._1e_1_2 ______________________________________________________________________ flllllllll VllllJ- ()Ce8D View happy with CAP fl. PHIL SNEIDERMAN Cl .. CLI VtlW • "'-o.llr ~· 11.tt QrMfe I R .. dlng 200 248-300 Oc~an V1t•w School 1>111lr1t.t ulf1t·111IH •ut· Writing 27!> 250-297 pleued with 11tudent 81.'0rt.'ll In r1·udl11t(, wrtlttm Mllhtmatlca 330 243-307 expression and mathem;ltks as mw.1:iurt.'<i by the· O•-~ California Assessment Pr\lgrum (CAP) tests RHdln J 294 257-299 administered during the lust sd1ool Yl'1u· Writing _ 291 258-294 But Superintendent Dull' Coogan 1Utld ll 1:. Mathema ca 286 261-299 COLLl!Ql VIEW difficult to draw distrktw1dt• l'011dut<1uns from QrMfe 3 the scores because CA-ean V1('W, which indudes Reading 279 259·298 22 elementary schools /rinumly in Huntington Writing 275 261-297 Beach, has 11uch a broa studt•nt rnakeuµ. Mathematica 289 28&-297 Coogan explained that U <'PIHl V1c•w '" Or•de t boundaries included tht• ufflUl·nl Huntingt1111 Reading 281 28<4-294 Harbour area as well as ~ome lo w int·onw Writing 296 281-292 neighborhoods in w ntral Hunt111~ton &•at·h Tht• Mathematica 319 2~~296 district also has many Southeast A.->1an rl'fugt.>t.• CREST VIEW children and H1span1c youngswrs who must Or•de 3 overcome language and culturnl barnl·r-s. ht.· said Reading 282 Not avallable CAP test.ll results providl' not only a ~·hool's Writing 294 Not available scores but also a comparl.son score band that Mathtmatlcs 287 Not avaJli~le QrMfe I takes into consideration fat·tors suc:h as the Reading 268 237-273 socio-economic ba<-kground of students' fam11Jes. Writing 257 242-272 As a result, Coogan said, each st'hool 1s Mathematics 292 241-277 studied to determined how well ll S('orc'<l within OLEN VIEW the comparison band, which 1nd1catl's how wi>ll Or•de 3 the students should have ~rformed Reading 295 258-308 Districtwide. Ocean View's third graders Writing 305 258-308 exceeded their comparison seore bands an Mathematics 307 254-307 reading, written expression and mathematics QrMfe I The sixth gradt>rs surpassl'd this range o( Reading 324 262-313 expected scores in wnttt-n exµrcssion and Writing 307 263-304 mathematics. Mathematics 286 267-309 But because of the d1fferem-es among the QOLDEN VIEW Qrede 3 Qcean View population, l'at'h S('huol's scort.'S are Reading 281 271-312 given special attention, the su~nntendent sat<.l Writing 288 27 1-31 l'" Mathematica 293 266-309 COMPARISON Or.det Sohool SCORE SCORE BAND Reading 263 286-299 Dl8TRICT Writing 278 264-294 Qrede3 297 Mathematica 291 286-302 Reading 274-293 HARBOUR VIEW Writing 303 274-292 QrMfe S Mathematics 3 18 271-294 Reading 384 283-344 QrMfe t Writing 400 275-349 Reading 281 267-286 Mathematics 414 273-342 Writing 286 269-281 QrMfe I Mathematics 290 271-285 Reading 282 289-319 CRYSTAL COVE PLAN APPROVED . • • From Page A1 going to be very proud o f ... Bergeson said. She added she believes the park IS gomg to be a ''beautiful" one. Contracts for the initial stages of construction should be ready to go to bid sometime in early 1983. Bergeson sajd. She add e d that so me temporary facilities, such as parking aimed at keeping beach- goers from parking on the inland side of Pacific Coast Highway. could be in place by next summer Projects on Lhe state draWing boards include four picnic areas near the park's north end; a 2.5-mile bicycle trail. 17 miles of improved riding and hiking trails, 17 coastal vista points; six parking areas along the coast. and improved park entrances and traffit• signals al several park locations. Questioned about the Cate of residents who t.echnically have been evicted from their surf-side cottages at C r ystal Cove, Bergeson said she was assured by parks department officials thaL they will not be asked to leave their cottages until tht-structures are needed for d evelopment purposes The thorny cv1ct1ons matter, however. remains an issue to be settled in Orange Count y Superior Court LAWYERS HOST BROWN, BIRD. • • From Page A1 Republicans, as some of them would like." Brown said. He called this month's elecUon the "worst election ever" becaUS(• of the wid espread use of negative attacks in campaigns and becaUS(' of campaigns on judicial issues which amounted to "attacks on the i nd ependen ce o f th e JUdiciary .. The trial lawyers honored state Supre me Court Chief Jusuce Rose Bird Friday with a special award. rC<'Ogn1zmg her as the p e rson who made th e gretitest contribution toward preserving thr independenc"t! of the 1ud1t·1ar y during the past year Bird told the lawyers that reccnL votes to kel'p Governor Brown's appo1nt1.•e:. o n thP Supreme Court showed that voters know "Wl' arc governed Wartner on Coastal Werro1d Monn 10 83 al Fort Mye<I, Fie The n ation s low Friday morning WIS IS degr-below -0 el West Yellowstone. MOf'\t .l/.,lebl• high Gloudlneu lo ---------- "'9Y•ll tOday lhrough Sundlly A 'T l 11\tle warmer on Sunday wllh entpera UreS high• e8 to H Overnight low• tonight 42 to 52 Ehewhe re lrom Point Conception to lhe Mexlce n l>Otd« and 0...1 80 miles· Llghl v a rlable wlndt lodey bul lncT .. llng to 10 to 20 knot• In tM Venture GOH! .. area Winds thla atternoon _, to toulh-1 8 10 12 knot• WHt 10 IOuthwHI 1.....i11 2 to 3 tM1 Venable hlQh cloudlne.t IO<l•y end Sunday U.S. su11unary Sno w axt•nded fr om 1outhee11ern Soulh 01kou aero•• much or Mlnne1011, "°'1hem Wleoconeln lllld UPP« Michigan on Frldey aa en Icy MOfm twepl eaatward with aa lllUCh .. 10 lncf>M or ,_ snow l6orlg LMI• Su~lot end up to I-fool llnOWdrm• IMtzzard warning• -• laau<ld , for 1*1• of l~ Mlettlgan. and ~ winter 11orm wernlng wH iteuecf lo< notth-iern and nor1h oentraJ Wleconaln, with 1torm ~ OYflt Lake MlehigWt end .... wvnlnge OW1t L.Me Huron School• In lour countlH ol , Opper MIC:Ngan -• cloMd Ind ~~4'<1 many road• lhent "'~;m ••• marked by '9l"Oftg wind, with QUiii .. high .. • mptt, 8fld lllgtl wind wamtnga, p'9 In llflect OYflt IOUl'-tern ..,,_. .. nonMM1em low. nd 119 not1'lem two thlfd• ol lllln<Q A hlQtl wind wvnlng al90 ... ~eted over Montena'1 upp•r Vtlll0w9tone Vt/ltfl</, ~u•I• • 10 tl1 mptt ... • . r.......,.· ecMeor* ~ o1 It•• enow and blowing end ...... !lflOW -· poet.cl OY'ar llmr11mlllllm Wleooneln. I'll<* of """-"'"'• el'l41 1oulll•Htern Oeltote, H well u the ••fttelne of M onten1, i nd _...,... .. In ,_, .... the "'4nd 14 ...,_of -lnlo drltt1 . ..._ ...... ii~. a.o ..... 110111ec:1 ....,_,. ... trld -°"' -----by~..,.. .... Of "" lldVlnOlillt -· ,...,. 9'CWll ""lower Or• Albeny NATlgtf Albuque Ametillo AMleYllle Allanta Allanlc C1y Auatln Baltimore 8illlng1 Blrmlnghm Blwnarck BolM Boat on Brownsvlle ButflllO Burlington Cherltl'1 ,SC Charltln WV Charllle NC C~na Chlcego Clnclnneto Clev91and Clmb1e SC Cofvmb(>1 011-F't Win Deylon o.n ..... OM MOI"" 091roll Oulu th El Pato Fargo Flag111t1 OrNI Falls Hlf1l0<d Helene Honollllu Houtlon lndnaplit Jldten MS Jeokenvti. l<tna City LN Vagat Utti. AOC!< Loul1vt1i. lubbocll Memphlt MIMI! Mltlraull .. ~1.P Naaftvlll• Mew 0fl .. n1 New York HOf'follc Ho.Plett• Oltll City OmllfMI 64 50 S1 ... so 32 61 !>" 71 57 62 57 8'I 58 71 51 ~ ,. 67 82 19 08 •e 24 10 5" 83 89 ea so 86 "8 7• e2 75 65 . 72 58 28 01 52 31 86 42 ee 58 78 58 53 40 57 48 81 38 44 22 32 32 80 42 28 13 83 32 12 08 39 07 38 07 85 61 2e 04 82 72 ee e2 54 35 70 e9 81 59 311 27 58 33 55 48 8• 81 so 3• 58 48 79 78 53 30 20 16 87 48 80 ~~ ae 73 68' 31 17 .. 31 27 11 Orlendo Phlladphla Phoenix Pllttburf!' PUtnd. e Ptland. Ore Prollldeooe =h City Reno Rlehmond Seit Leke San Antonio S..111• Shr~ Sloua Alla SI Louie SI P-Tampt~ St Sia Mati. Spoilane SytllCUM TOj)el(e Tucaon TulM Waenlngtn Wlchlle CALlfOftNIA A~lt vatiey e ...... d Bartlow S.eumont Blthop BlytM Ca1111na c.itY« Ctly t!urell• -191' Lono Ueacll Loe Ar MOM a MOM.oetlo Monl•"; Ml. Wiiton '"'9dtM by rule of law. ratht'r than the whim of thf' moment .. The a ssoc1at1on, the nation s largesL st.ate trial lawyers group, with 5,100 members, will install its firs t first -ever woman pr~ident ton1~ht Roberta R1tler of W est Los Angeles. who is a medical doctor as w ell a:. a law y(.•r . will be installed by R1rd . · Sunday 83 eo ea •9 72 44 89 49 85 48 45 34 85 52 74 53 31 08 42 21 74 58 47 28 88 80 44 34 80 58 15 09 !>" 33 82 ae S3 35 35 2e 87 60 41 33 « ~ 3t 73 58 42 29 57 31 80 35 83 38 69 48 53 21 ee 42 71 •8 72 •• 59 42 IO 3' 57 30 73 411 71 .. 72 37 70 •• t2 •5 63 33 M 62 Newport BMch Onlerlo Pllm SPflng• Puaden1 Peto Roble• Red Blutf ReCIWOOO City Reno Sac;r.,.....,,10 SaMnat Sin B«n1rdlno 8e11 Oebrlel 89'1 Olag<> 8a'1 Francllco SM JON Sen11 Ana Santa 8atbar• Sent• Cnn $41nta Matle Sant• Monlea Slodlton Tahoe Valley Thefmal Tonano. Snow~ Stationary•• 89 •5 89 40 70 48 89 40 81 34 eo 44 58 45 42 21 50 3a 84 « ee 38 73 "° 71 47 57 411 58 39 74 47 89 39 es 4e 87 34 74 47 84 38 48 18 74 38 71 •• 5• .. 88 .. 90 71 H 78 84 84 81 37 119 31 84 "3 65 "3 71 la 12 • 66 66 87 43 85 39 54 41 81 8' 80 46 73 .. 81 37 ,, 68 65 "1 72 u• _,.. Lo-Mlofllliln, Ille V'*t_. Ille........,, 1n1, AllbllH, •nf Into t0\lt"9Hl•r11 llRf. If Piii 84 50 &4 50 at r. tO 77 .. 6\-=-!!.:t-P-::-.:... ...... .... l9y eM .....," .... o:.:-.. ~~ ... ..,.,., .... r•• ., • ..,. ...... •'*"NT ....... "°"' t •Ttllllf .... , .. ... :: '° .. 11 10 11 .. -:r 43 ~, i! l ~ ______ ...__ - scores Writing 277 284-309 ,ARK VllW Mathemat1c1 281 289-317 Or .. t HAVIN VllW Reading 336 265-321 Or9dt3 Writing 3 19 266-318 RHdlng 256 281·297 Mathematic• 374 260-327 Writing 269 282·296 Oredel Mathematic• 285 267°296 Rtadlng 271 285-30 I Ortdet Writing 279 284-296 267 262-284 MathemaUc• 267-302 Reading 276 Writing 269 254-282 "-IAIANT Vll!W Mathematica 270 255-285 OrMfe J HOPE VllW Reading Qrede 3 Writing Reading 319 280-325 Malhematlca Writing 348 277-328 QrMfe I Mathtmatlc:t 3.00 277-318 Reading Gr .. I Writing RMdlng 289 272-303 Mathematic• Writing 294 270-297 a,RINO VIEW Mathematica 2945 274-302 QrMfe 3 LAICI VIEW Reading Grede3 Writing RHdlrlg 242 247-278 M•thematlca Writing 232 249-276 Gredel Mathematica 247 247-281 Reading QrMfe. Writing Reading 238 248-279 Mathematica Writing 252 249-279 STAR VIEW Mathematics 253 251-283 Qrede 3 LARK VIEW Reading Qrede3 Writing Reading 338 275-337 Mathematics Writing 317 278-332 Qrede I Mathematica 331 270-331 Reading Qradt e Writing Reading 337 258-304 Mathematica WJltlng 305 258-298 aUN VIEW Mathematica 329 262-301 Qredea MARtNEVIEW Reading Orede3 Writing RNdlng 312 275-317 Mathematic• Writing 307 277-31 4 Oredel Mathematics 317 272-312 Reading QrMfe I Writing Reading 272 262-293 Mathematics Writing 276 262-290 Mathematica 281 264-294 VILLAGE VIEW MEADOWVIEW QrMfe 3 Qredet Reading Reading 300 257-3 14 Writing Writing 304 257-314 Mathematics Mathematica 290 256-312 QrMfe I Qredet Reading Reading 332 273-306 Writing Writing 308 271-299 Mathematics Mathematics 343 275-305 VISTA VlEW MEIA VIEW QrMfe 3 OrMfe 3 Reading Reading 300 273-323 Writing Writing 288 275-320 Mathematics Mathematics 293 286-318 QrMfe t Gredel Reading Reading 287 272-311 Writing Writing 304 2~308 Mathematics Mathematics 305 271-312 WE8'T110NT OAK VIEW QrMfe 3 QrMte a Reading 21 1 200-229 Reading Writing 222 204-232 Writing . Mathematics 260 214 -249 Mathematics QrMfe I Gredel Reading 227 187 -215 Reading Writing 225 202-225 Writing Mathematics 219 205-233 Mathematics Elizabeth H a mmad of U>sta Mesa holds son , Christopher, 5, as sh e recalls the near-tragedy that almost be fe ll her family. Police are hunting a babysitter who allegedly drugged the boy and burglarized the home. I I i .1 ALL THIS FOR HURRY/ ONL YI! LllFT AT THIS MIC~ s 295 239-289 287 242-288 272 242-289 254 238-274 266 242-275 246 241-278 319 27 1-322 360 263-329 362 258-328 306 267-304 299 265-299 305 270-304 325 279-319 298 280-316 345 270-318 293 2~9-269 324 240-274 317 243-274 267 247-280 286 247-281 316 244-288 272 237-277 319 236-282 254 243-280 360 230-293 379 223-303 4 13 216-310 262 235-266 296 237-270 309 238-272 326 255-304 349 253-306 359 250-306 270 273-308 273 270-302 287 272-309 287 255-304 329 249-310 34, 243-3 10 255 252-289 255 254-285 249 255-292 DRUGGED ... From Pa~e A1 "She made h im pizza for lunch. took him to the park, to the library -she even sat down a nd had dinner with us. Her enthusiasm was tremendous." But Thursday things went wrong. Hammad said she called home. S h e said her 10-year-old son a nswered a nd informed her that the babysitter w as gone. "I raced home. I w asn't even sure if Chistofher was there or gone or what. found him in bed. Passed-out." The 5-year-old later reported the sitter had given him a pill, temng him It was baby aspirin. Hammad said. "I made a mistake. I guess I made a bad mistake. But I'm no i di ot and [ think that lf something like this can happen to me what about other people," Hammad said she is reluctant to trust another sitter and is at a loss whether to quit her job or try again. "How can l ever be sure? How can I ever feel at ease again? I don't know what to do." ... 1! r • Orange CoHt DAILY PILOT/8at~rday, November 13, 1982 "'~ .. r-----------casta 1111--------------- STATE Israeli Prime Minister Begin in Los Angeles Dy The Associated Preios L<JS1ANGEL1':S bntl'la Pra nil' Man asll·r Mc 1wchc•n1 Bl•gan arrivL•cJ ;.umd heavy s..~·ur11y FracJ11y ror mt't.'lln~s w 1 t h J l' w 1 s h i l· ad t.• rs us authunlll'S bral't.•d fur pro and a1111 -lsral'11 protests Bt•gan's v 1s1t had s parkl•d threats of dt'munstratmns <111d possible vaolent·e between pru-Pul<'st1n1an and mil1um1 Jewish d<'monstrators, but nu 1m·1dt.>nts Wl're rt>portrtl upon his arrival at Los Angeles lntl•rnauonal Airport "h 1s good to bt• uguan an h11:.p1tablc, war m. beautaCul. l ull of-suns htnl' CalalurnlU und Los Angek·s." Begin smd, monwn ts uftt'r ht' wa)kt•d w1 1h a c:anc from his Israel Air For<:<.• pass<.•ngl'r jl•t ut u ~l'<.'lu<lt.•d airport sill' "l 'm gmng to ffil'l'l hl•rt• 111a1nly with the Jc>wa s h <'t1mmun1ty .'' ht.• said. noting th.it next week he will ml't'l P r t.·s adcnt Reagan 111 Wa~hangton t o das<.'uss rl'lat1ons between the U111ttod Stal<'s and Israe l "anti thl· 111 t t•rna lmnal sit ua lion." Singer's mother appointed LOS ANGELES A Judg<• gavt.• sang<'r Natalat• Coll'':-. mo tht•r legAI t·ontrul of her cJaughtl•r 's assets Friday . agl'l'<.'tng with a petition that said thl· enl<'rtaaner as "unablt• to properly prov1df' for ht·r pl•rsunal net'ds fur phys1t·al hl'alth. food. dothing or shr•ltl•r " In appointing Mana Coll' a:-. l'Onspr va tor. Su pcrior Court Judg1· Norman Oowds was ac ting an lin e with an agn·l·mcnt that the Grammy Award-wmnmg singer sagnt'Ci I.isl month · Thi· nmservatorshap wall n·ma1n an e!fe('t indefimt<.'ly unll-s.'> Miss Cole petitions the nmrt lo have it lifted , said l' ti u r t c 1 e r k B a r b a r a Sl·hrw1dl'r Natalie did not al lt'nd Friday's probate h1•aring Pair fac e cocaine -;barges BliD.d_ BOy Scout~ 'It's no big deal' By JODI CADENHEAD O(lhe Oellt f>Uot Ii.ff Wuldl•n Hughes o r Costa Mt'IW knows how to paddle a l'anoc, t•ar-v(• wood, sculpt, collect rock.ii, play guitar , sa ve u lift>, wor k leather. weave baskets, fix a radio and hear bir<ls to name a fow things. Not bad for any 16-year-old. Bu t the act:omplishml'nls arc csp«.:ially impressivc t'OnsldertnJ( the fat.·t that the Eagle &'Out is blind. Hughes is o n e of a sma ll m inority of boys who, over th t• last 73 years, have risen to tht• highest rank of Boy &outs. Only about 2 percent o f t he 20 million involved in scouting ach ic•ve Eagle Scout status. officials Said. Hughes, a junior at Bois:. Grande HJgh School in Garden G rove. earne d the 21 merit badges necessary to become Eagle Scout in July. H e and others will be displaying their hobbies. <:rafts and career _plans today during the annual Scout -0 -Rama at the O range County fairgrounds in Costa Mesa. Born with a d etached retina, Walde n had only partial sight early in life and was totally blind by the time he was 10. But he says it never crossed his mind to give up h is ca reer an scoutang that began at 8. "Everyone's got a handicap," he said offhandedly. "I used to be a ble to see so I know my colors. It's no big d eal." brans along another boy w point out the animals and b1rd1. / But that wasn't the hard part to Wa lden. w ho said he didn't Ilk<' writing the two required" cs.oWys. . • He took h ill brother along on a : rock-collecting expedition , but'- waii able to pick most out himself . by their shape and texture. h~ said. •' Walden is a patrol .leade r in h~;: scouting troop or s1ahted boy•, and plays football and basketba~. by listening for t he 90Und of the 1' ball The outgoing youngster cams ·. high p r aise fro m Boy S cout· leaders, who sa y he's bee n an inspiration and exem plifies the highest ideals of scouting. . "You don't run int.o people like '' Wald en ver y often," said Jim Reed. district exc<:u tivc for the Orange County Council of Boy , Scouts of Amt.>m:a. "He has no ,· sight a nd yet he's "a leader w ith kids w ho do have sight." Althoug h he as en roJled in ~veral special braille classes au · the Garden Grove high• school, . W alden says h e r ecent l y s urpr ised leat:hers whe n he walked into an electronics class ~ on the campus. He's building a ·; burglar alarm now. -~ The 8 -plus average student ., said he hopes to attend either ·. USC or Stanford and plans a,:, career in law. ,;1 "To make it an this world •, you 've got to go ou t an d do things." he said. "You can't just sit around and mope and groan:''• L OS ANGELES c;rammy award-wanning gosJ.X•I sangc.•r Andrae' Crou1.·h w-as a rrt'St t'd Friday a nd buokl•d for anvest1gat1 o n of p 0 SS(' SS I 0 I\ 0 ( C 0 l' a I n l' , authon111•s said l"l'lon y d rug possess ion t•hargt>s were also filed by thl• d 1str1c1 a ttorney F r iday aga 1 n ~1 Acad e m y Award · wanning actor Ric hard Ort·y fuss fol l ow an g t h l' d1 st·ovt•ry o f cocai n e and an<>ther drug in his clothm g aftt.•r an auto accidl'nt las t month. officials said. Blind Boy Seoul Walden Hughes, li> Sometim es he had troubll.' earning h is ment badges a lone. T o ea rn a badge in e nviron men tal science he had to "Scouting builds character,"·fle l added. .• . ., Tht• -10-vt•ar-old flVl•·ltn'll' Grammy winner ~ac; pulk'CI ov1.·r ahout 2 a .m . on thC' Manna Fn•pwav in Manna del Hl'y b y L~s Angell·s County Shen rf's depullC'!. who said has car wac; traveling "an a vc.•ry c rrall<.' manner." said Sgt Steve Finley Dn·yfuss. 34. was charged w11h om• 1.'0unt of possessaun of tot01mc and one c:ount of pos!.Pssaon o f o xycodonC'. a p;11n -kdlt•r ('Ommonly known as Pt>rcudan, said Dis trict At torn1.•y 's spokesman Al Albergatt· Astronauts anxiously await space walk A small amount o f white powdt>r and a fi ve-inch plas llC' straw were found in the car "lt was .05 grams of cocaine," Finley said F riday afternoon ''It's already been tested a nd it's positive." NATION E:1ch charge is a felony and . l'Jrr1es a maxim u m penalty of three' year s i n p r i son, Albcrgate said. Bush to attend funeral WASHINGTON President Reagan named Vice President G eorge Bus h on F riday to head the U.S . delegataon to th e fun e ral o f S o vi e t PrestdC'nt Leonid I. Brezhnev Reagan said at was not "too much o f a s urprise for anyone" th a t Yuri V A n d r o p o v w a s n"a m e d . mC'a nwhal c . to s u cceed Brezhnev a s the gen e r a l secret a r y o t the Soviet Community Party. "I t hink they made a swift transition an the interC'Sts of order.'' said the president Re aga n . c augh t by reporters as he was leaving a Wh 1 tc H ouse cer e mony hono ring youth voluntee rs. was asked af he could work with Andropov. "I am sure WC' l'an," he said. Home-loan ceiling lowered WAS HINGTON Th e fe d eral governm e nt as lowertng its inte rest -rat!! cealangs on ma ny fe de rally back ed home loans to 12 percent. t he lowest rate an more than two years. The one-half percentage oomt reduction -announced WORLD F'raday to take effect Monday 1s the ftfth lowering of the n•ahng sane<.' August h apphPs to single-family home loa ns i n sured or guaranteed by the Federal Hous an g Admin istratio n or the Veterans Administration. U.S. def ends investment UNITED NATIONS -The United States defe nde d Amer i ca n financia l investmen t m Sou th Africa on F r iday and said U .N . attempts to isolate the white manority-ruled nation we re "a blueprint for disaster ." "T he practice of apartheid in South A frica g rave ly concerns the government of the Un ited States." US. delegate Gordon C. Luce told the General Assembly. "It dceply troub l es th e conscience of Americans." However. Luce added. "the U nited Sta tes h as no bluepnnt for a future political system for Sout h Africa. Nor do we. or an y other mem ber of this body, have a right to attempt to impose such a plan . We do have a right to ask of South Africa respect of the same universal principles or hum an rights a nd huma n freedoms that we sec>k for peoples everywhere.'' C APE C ANAVERAL, Fla (AP) -Whall' their rommander and pilot look o n with e nvy, Columbia's m1ss1on specialists assemble their gear today for tht: first American space walk in nine yea rs -a Sunday stroll in the cargo bay. Now t h at thl' shuttle h as SUL'CeSSfu lly completed its major tas k of d e l ive r i n g t wo commercial satellites into space. the mission focus is on t h e 3 'h -hour excursion early Sunday by mission specialists William Lenoir and J oseph Allen. Commander Vance Brand and pilot Robert Overm yer a dmit they are jealoua. ''I'd e n joy a space w a lk," Brand confided recently . I really would like to tr y 1t But probably th e p r o p er pl ace for th e commander is inside the ship to keep an eye on things." "I sure would like to do an EV A (extra-veh icular activity)." said Overmyer "l hope there comes a day when I can I thin k it would be super out there." Comman der and pilo t wall moni t o r t h e s hip and the spaccwalkers w hile the mission specialists are outside -just as they did when Lenoir and Alle n d e. p I o y e d t h e t w o communications sateJlites o n Thursday and Friday The release of the satellites completed the major goal of the flight and Culhlled NASA's Cirst commerical shuttle contract -a $1 7 mi l lion commi t ment lo deliver the twin cargo into space. The first. owned, by Satellite Business Systems of McLean Va., was released Thursday. just eight hou rs a fter Colu mbia's launc h from Cape Ca n averal. The second, Telesat Canada's Anik-C, was ejected Friday. BOLSA • • • From Page A1 certification of a pJan for the less controversaa l blufftops in an area south of Wa rne r Avenue and east o f Pacific Coast Hig hway. T he agreement apparen tly bogged down. he said, whe n the coastal com mission s t a ff stipulated the preserva t.ion of 852 acres o f salt m a r s h in the lowlands. The county plan called for the preservation of 650 acres. IHeJre What do you like about the Daily Pilot ? What don't you like., ""' Coll the number al left and your message w ill be recorded, transcribed a nd delivered to t he appropriate· editor. Listening The same 24 ·houi: answering service may be used to record let· • • • • ter s to the editor on a ny topic Mailbox contributors must include lhl'ir name and telephone number for verification. No circulation 6 ,A ~ 6086 <'a lls. please .. ,. Tell us whal's on your mind '-~....;--....;·~·-::;;;.~~~-..;...·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.....J - hly"9t ....._,, 110. W l-4 MO"Oty '''°"Y II you 00 f\Ot he"e yOVt f1•Qe• Oy =~~ ~::'u~~,°'~~f :;'. --..ea "*""""Y -"""""y II yOV 00 f\01 r K •w• YOU' WI!'~,.:~~ --tel --------a...m- ' I 0 p I ... ..... Oraf'OI Cclo"'4r ..... ......,. -~ ..... i_.,.,.... ........ ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat Themot P. Haley 'ublo-"* CINI CIHef htclllr•t ()ffl(tf L Koy Schutt1 ViGe 11'1~ ond ()wa<IOf ol "°" .. '""'O Michael P. H.vey 0..9<10t ol Motl e1o11g •C"<wtot'°"I Q e111fled adYefttafng 114"42·M71 All other departments IU"'4U1 MAIN OfflCE SJ0 WHI e..-$1 . C•I• ~.CA Mall .-cl,.n: h~ U.O, C•I• --. ... CA,.,._ .. c ... ,19111 "" 0r..,.. c ... , '"*'"""" c-. Ho .... , •"""le•, llluslratl.,.s. Htt .. 1a1 mM•r., ... ¥•rtlN.....,lt .,.,.1,, "la y 1M ftpt~-itt'*" ..-C lal _..,ml•tlOft M <OOftltftt _,_, "We ha ul and w e deliver ." Brand exultt'CI After ~panning o ut o f Columbia's cargo bay, each sa tellite was propelled by a rcx:ke t motor toward a point 22.- 300 m iles above t h e Ea rth. Anot her roc ke t ig n ition la t e today WAS to arr est S B S in station ary o rbit there, with Anik·C to be locked into position by a Monday firing. The d ou ble space wa lk is the only major event on the flight plan before Columbia e !'lds its five -d ay Journey wi th a t o u c h d o wn Tu esday o n a concrete ru nway at Edwards Air "' Force Base in California. Allen an d Lenoir are to move from an airlock into the open cargo bay about 8 a .m . EST Sunday. "The EVA is basically a very sample one ," Allen explained before the launch. "We want to test the nC'w space suits and thP airl ocks ;.ind o ther s huttle systems that support EV A. We'll test our ab1l1ty to move about and we'll test tools a nd techniques for future cr ews who wi ll have construction. assembly and repair missions.•· "In addit10n to the work. we expect to have a good time out there," Lenoir said. 1 I t T hey will be the world's 37th a nd 38th spacewalkers. and many of their predC'CeSSOrs didn't have any fun out there. T he very first w alke r, Soviet cosmonaut Alexei Leonov. had fun for abou t fi ve minutes. before he became jammed in the h a tch tryin g to get b ack in . H e was a b le to re -ente r the capsule by working reducing the pressu re in his suit. That was in March 1965 .. S pace walk suit is checked by Jim McBarron, space suit eng ineer al the Johnson Space Center in Houston. Suit is ide ntical to ones that will be used by Astronauts Joe Allen a nd Bill Lenoir during the ir 3 1h hour space walk Sunda y. ,., ........ :,· ~ " J PRI SIASON SAtE ·coRONA POITABlE KHOSENE HEA TEIS Th~ Number One Way To Stay Warm & Save COIONA SALE SX-3 ...... s28999 ••••••• •23997 SX-2 ...... 24999 •••••••• 209" 17-DK ..... 24999 •••••••• 209" 12-DK .... 20999 •••••••• 189" 22-DK .... 28999 •••••••• 239" OFFEA 0000 THAU 11/11 Ltmlted To~ on HMd l J • : .. J I .. ·. Orang• Coaat DAILY PILOT/Saturday, November 13, 1812 GECOUNIY 1982-83" Three · smashing concerts for:· you! Dr. Maurice Allard Enters his fifth year as muslc•I dlrec.tor ol the Oi.nge ,County Master Chorale br1nglllil the chorale to ever gruter heights ol musical ac:ttlevement. The Calfomlans This vers.dle group of •lllilers from within the Chorale lend1 •n added feature to the Christmas and Pops concerts .. wd .. •ppear1ng lnspec•lpedonMnas . throughout the Southland during the yur. Dec. 3•4·5 THE GLORY OF CHRJSTMAS The Master chorale .net C.•omlwls wll present the annual Christmas concert which wlM feawre excer]1ts from Hllndel's .. Meslllth" with chamber orchutra •long with the traditional •nd popu•r musk: ol the season. Feb. 9 SPECIAL OPT/Of'IAL CONCERT Q,..nge County Mater Chonle proudly presents Its first •nnual S.Ch F..alvel - • tw~y mu9k:al experience that le • llrat In Orange County. ~ ht ewnt wll be on FebnalNy I 9, 1983 11t 8:00 P.Jlll\. at the F1rst a.ptW Church ol S.nta AN. JOJO W. 17th St. It wtl future wet-known Buoque •1111t.1 on W>ln. orpn and pYnC> u Ml • a prolualoMI chamber on:hutta •nd • chona compoeed of the Jane HatdesW Singers •nd members ol the Onnge County Master Chonle. Eudlcc ~ro. ulolln -A wldety acc:Wmed conceit 1rtlst both nltlonlly and lntemadomly. In Mdldon to her reg•r tachlng polltlon •t USC. Mi .. Shapiro conducts ~ter duea throuthout the country. Marucl Jcnun. Ot911n -HNng perf onned exteMlvely In this countJy •nd abroed. Miu Jensen has been ctftlally I . acdllmed •s b8nG ·~ Ametb's •~ktng artists. On.or County Is l11rtuMte. Indeed, to have her II the UrNclent Orpnlst •t the fht Beptlst C'hurch of S.ntl AN with b m1911lkent Schkker orpn upon wNch she • perform. Sand11 McCune, ptano-l"fo ltrWiger to ~Ster Chonle •udlenca. 8endy McCune Is our tllented •nd vetUtlle eccomprinlst. " magM cum llude gnadLllte ol OSC. •he perfonns With IOlolsts Ind choirs throughout the Southwest In eddticM'I to duties with the c. hcwllle as wd 11 cNng privllte pllno etudentl. • e Hafdii&r SI,.,,,..--In jolt three sea.sons. The J9ne HardaW....,. , I (fonnerty South Bly Owmber SlngeG) ~ has earned recognldon for Its outstlnclnt CHARTER 25 • /'\Ike ii • perfect 5eetcM'I ~ gMng tO !he Chtrter 2' Support fund. 8ecOfnel • fQtnd ol Or-. CC>Ur1fy ~ Chor•le. The fun Is just beginning! When )'OU become • "friend ol OCMC'' OoMlfl Qdt a.wfaclor fl,000+ - An -W-•ICe by~ c.lfomlena • one-hllf (ft. Plus .. benefKUlf _,. end eight ..., lldw:tt ~"'°°· ·~lkMll ,_.dtheMIO. 0..2'\9~1 W-. Coundl Mill Receplon ~19C011"*-• Od. JO leleon ,,... )'OU become lnllmlltefy ~ -- the Chor*. And )'O'K contritMion er'llldel )'OU to • c:oledlol'I ol unique benefltl lnckxlng die ~ Aluon 1150+ 2 5-lor'I 'MIMI Pwon d IN AIU 0. Ch«tef25 W~t Progl9m recogrllllon Oct. I 0 5-lort Pr-.. Alfll'a .. 175• 15-tl'ldlll ~ ... .,., ~·••en Oct. ~o 1e1eon ....._ . . Dr. ·Maurice Allard, Musical-Director ~ ........ • Mtn .. llllpmd Ort 10 s.a.i ,_.... SEASON~ ORDER PORM REOOLAR Sf.ASOl't-J ConcM1 !XMl'alD llAIOft-l c:anc... ~ "20.00 PUJS the lldl ,..., Senior OtlJen (CMt 65) 12.00 ~ '2S.OO ~ (lhnd under) 12.00 Senior omn 15.00 ..... 15.00 To ~ Pflfen'ld INllng. ord9r 9lllor1 Tldlltl now "-me----------------------------.,-...;...:.--~---Addfell.....;.;..;._;..;,__...;.__;....;_ __________ ,:...:. _______________ _., __ ' 0ty ___________ ....;..... __ _.:~..-..-- Phone (Dly)-;+.:-;o....,;.;-.;.;;;....o:...----. ~~-:-_ I ,. . -i , -&"°"Nl»1'N9AIOW ........................... Mi.a-18.90 _,... pedonMlw under the ....., ol one., .... ~· moet ecdllmed chcnl coftcluctors. 1NI concest II he to our .-,C...._. donon .,...·~lNl ... mw.,......b, .... ""'°" ol ........ conbltulara .... fundl from ~·1 Union •7 TNlt Fund. *Feb. 20 '1 llKh'• ...... In 8 Minor .._. ,......, 20 7:00 PA ..... Ana ......, lchool Aucltortum · 520 W. Wllnut. S.U AM Thie concert ....... the Chonle .... praf111loMI orcheltr8 plul wel-known ..,... IOlol9ta In one ol Bech'•.-- meitcf111ecea. An unlorgen..ble mullal exp.t1nce. Pike: Adub Studenb Seniors l •a.50 5.00 5.00 *Apr. 16 ~ . 111111'. .,... ford ........ ._. ....... ....... "Ellmh" wlta lhe 0.-. County ....... Charlie i.t--. A ..... ol ~ T~ but now,...._ In ......._ Te111111eee. he IMll'8I to .. 1n ~llM bedcgnlund In opera ......... C"'-quote) F0/1111 'EJIM' ..... IT 1srt 8t concert. He .. with deep ...... tonea thlt ..... hm "' .. ,_..., bollon*-.... ,.... ol ........... voc.i Miiby. 0.-. °*"" ...... Dlilmll 8teW'I ..... mlle 1nba61ct1Dn ....... ol lne chorml muelc. ....... ..... .......... lolallt .... ""'°' .,,,.....,. •c:hllb• thrauflhout .... ~ ............ ....., ......... ., .a nat.alllecoadlldm'9 • ~ o ........ Zullln ....... Eitch LAlnldorf -twrnut Rllng Ii' June 10·11 BEST OF THE POPS ,.. ............ °" .. ~ ....... a.. .. ·.,,.. (Pks1;r•• ..... ) ., ....... 'pp ...... a-. Cauller .......,OW.'a1111rn11 ... pope C*9CWt .. ....,. ... flla ......... iii ......................... Or-. °*"" .. , .• 81nt1e 11cket Order Ponn """91.......;. .............. ______________________________ __ AddNll:--------------"'------....;_-----------------a,: ________ ....;_....;..... ______________ _ l'tloM:(~>-------- Ml.a .... ..... a-. ....... a... Coura, Ml-. a.. a.,.i0\111 OMMllc..I !lfr.Dlll_..__ ____ _ Aeoeu111•--i ..... --~---------------------------- .. Cold lb HOWARD BENEDICI' I#··;···.,..., MO COW -The United St.ates and the Soviet Union, at 1reat coal and lechnolo1tcal effort, are enmeshed ln a compet!tton lo est.abliah extenalve mUlt.ary capablUUes In apace. But in talkina to Soviet 1p11ee officiala here. you'd never know lt. The otficlala lay the inten\ oC . thelr p.rograrn is atrlclly pMCelul and ·9Cientiflc a~d ttiat It la t'he · Americans wtlo are forcing the increased attention that both milltariea are giving to space projects. "'l'he American space shuttle is the only space weapon," one of them stated In a recent interview, repeating an accuaatlon often made by Soviet propagandists. Pravda, the Communist Party newspaper, recently charged: "American brass hats make no secret that they regard outer space as a potential thea~r of operations. The Pentagon also is planning to put laser weapons, spy satellites and anti-satellite systems into near-Earth orbit, and it plans to spread the arms race to outer space." Such talk is cheap, but military space activity is not. U.S. officials say the Soviet Red Army is out.spending .the United States Air Foree. MHltary purposes consume 70 percent of the Soviet Union's ~8 billion space budget, according to a U .S . Defense Department analysis and a similar estimate by a specialist at the U.S. Emblmy here: American military space programs add up to 60 percent of a $14.7 billion budget. Du\"ing a week of late-October briefings here, the Soviet government refused to make military officers available to discuss space efforts. Asking civilian officials about military plans was not a fruitful exe~. All the officials were men, and no matter what his job or rank, he just didn't hear. Moat commonly, a question drew a moment or silence. maybe a sllghl shrug. If he saJd anythlna. it was that he resented such questions. lt 1sn·t only Soviet officials who have an aversion to discussing military space plans: the U.S . shuttle Is. in part, a military vehicle. and' Pentagon planners are equally secretive. Officials at the National Aeronautic• and Space Administration are closed· mouthed to an extreme when talk turns to military matters. Last month, in a NASA briefing at Johnson Space Center, officials handed out the names of four astronauts w.ho will Oy th~ shuttle's 10th mission, an Alr Force flight next year. "Got a little one-page announcement ~ here," one official told reporters. "Everybody hang onto it because it's also the press kit." But in the United States there are selective news leaks - aomething unheard of in Soviet military circles -and Air Force • 1n space •Pim otn.n <JO"lek>nally appear to make v..-l&allmMta or to refwew..&. O..plte lovtet declarattonl or lhn<x.'t!m1P, th• United St.atet hut •vldtnc tht Sovl•t Union ha1 fl e ld -telled a potent apJce wNpon. • . lt ·i. a .. killer MieW~" capable of a\t.aefUnl and dettrOytna u .s. ~nc.. commw»catlona, na\fl(lallon Md ot~r ~loads Yitai tp &he mil11ary. h ... tested auceelltully ~t Sovtet space taraeta. American analysts are a lso concerned about reporta of Soviet retearch Into laler and charged- particle beama. R ichard D. DeLauer, the undersecretary of defense for ~arch and engineering, told a Senate subcommittee recently that the Soviet Salyut s pace atatlon program "engages in military activities and may be the forerunner of a weapons platform." . A recently releued' Penia,on document, "Soviet Mllltary Power," says: "The Soviet goal of havlna continuously manned apace stations may support both defensive and offenaive weapons in apace, with man in the space sta tion for target selection, . repairs, adjustments and positive command and control." A U.S. official who asked not to be ldenUtied said there was evidence that a Soviet l,aser beam satellite could be launched as early as 198~. It probably would not be too effective against American payla.da, he said, but it could have an effect as a psycholOlical symbol. By 1990, thia'analyst expects at least one Soviet apace station to be anned with laser guns that could vaporize orbiting targets thousands of miles away. It Is "Star Wars" stuff, but U.S. officials aay it's not too farfetched. Rent-a-judge nierits debated Jmtiee Rose Bird By DEBORAH BELGUM A-leted Pr-Jrrher LOS ANGELES P roponents say it alleviates congestion in the already overcrowded state judicial system. Civil riahts 1roup1 charp it <:rea"9 a ct..la1 SJ*1D o1 Juatfce -one for th• haves, anodleJ' for th9 .. ,,....._ Both are taJkinc about rent-a- jud ge, a California judicial system which allow1I liU,..Ota to hire a retired ~ IO ..... their civil coun cues. Public Advocat es. a San Franciseo-baaed public interest firm, ia spearheading the movement against the system which has been pan of California law since 1872 but WM fint used only six years ago. The firm contends that rent-a- judge not only lets the wealthy get to civil trial sooner, but helps them set legal precedents sooner and get into ~ appellate court system more rapidly. Put>lic Advocates, took its complaints to the State Bar of California last year and asked the state's leading attorneys to investigate. The State Bar committee did a study and not only endorsed rent-a-judge, but suggested that it be expanded. ''I think that when the debate becomes public ... asoppoKd to within the Bar, there will be growing hosUlity \0 it ," said Robert Gnaiida, a Public Advocates attorney. Criticism has already been FRESH LOCAL LOBSTER DINNER '8.95 lllclud•• choice of .aup or Mlad, 4.Dd potato or ric• pilaf. .4 ... 1 / Call For E>ecellent profit Potenttar ~ .. -~ -r· Reeenatloru ' ~:-~ 173-7711 \J1!/);j!,~'!!!!! •• ~ BALBOA I. llJllit IJa 11t yHr Write Off ··-• 110,000 Minimum lnveetrnent HllMIS Ml~~t INC. PllSONAL TAX Q1NMATANTS (714) 751·2400 Orange Cout DAILY PILOT 1:H1turday, Novemb9r 13, 1882 ~I GENERAL ELECTRIC • 1.4 cu. ft. Oven b.paclty • Defrost • 25 Minute Timer of Laguna Beach ::c~~-~e..: "Mr. Kelsey ~n'l believe in 'constructive daydreaming.' " .. 19): Powers-of Ive favorable ns a suggestions. nee--wishes can be • Aquarius persons PISCES (Fob. 19-March 20): Emphasis on communication, travel, long-distance call which clarifies sense of direction. Pursue educational project. Focus ats"o on publis~!ng, a~vertis~g 8:fld the creation of "n '~w markets. Gemini, Sagittarius person.-; Cigu~ prominently. ~~~~~~~~~~~--, If it float s, chances a re you'll rea1d about it in the . I Daillf Pilat 642-4321 GENERAL Model JBT230 • Large 1.4 cu .. ft. • Dual Wave A~icrowave • 10 Power 1,e,. •• 1, • Auto Cook I SAVE $30 . limit~d Quantities ---l st Come 1st S rved ,. . ·' (On selected styles and c.olor~-and thefe are lots of them!) · PLUS r , • '# ,. (Exclusive at Harlow's in South~rn California) I r PLUS II r.--• aate (On all in-stock. items) Fl IATUROAV, NOV. t'i 1112 ENTERTAINMENT 89 • TELEVISION B 12 to barsalning. B3. Special Y al~~tine pi~-up • OCC's Tucker wins 'Seventeen' cover ~~~ ~~~~~ uoually-1,_ By CURT SEEDEN Of .. .., ......... Coming from an all-boy family, Clay Tucker has really had little reason to pick up a copy of Seventeen mag!zine and thumb through the pages. was the only one," explains Prieve, who shared a class with Tucker last year and sits on the student board of trwn.ees with him this year. So, Prieve wrote up a 100-word eesay on why Tucker ahould be the Seventeen cover boy, tossed in his football photo from the OGC mf'dla guide, and less than two weeks'lat.er, the effort paid off. the back while be•r\I chued by towerma defensive linemen and bllulng linebackers, aaya he waa phototraphed ln au aorta of 1ituatJon1. "They were trying to capture \he way I live - at the beach with a surfboard, studylfll at achool, on the football field with my tea~tel and with my friends," he aaya. But come next February, Tucker, the quarterback at Orange Coast CollelJe. may take an interest In the periodical when It hits the streets. • It will be the cover shot that will attract Tucker's au.~ntion. ' , That's because it will be Tucker who will adorn the cover page. Last week, Seventeen flew a crew of six persons to Southern California to Interview Tucker and take a few phow. of him -a little more than 2,000 photos by Tucker'& count. t· ,.. .... TUCKER DOESN'T like f.o admit It, but he doei fit the blll. • He atanda 5-11 and weigha 180 pounds and waa the 1981 H~ king when he wu a eenior at Corona del Mar !Ugh. Ria face and bod1 have survived the punishment administered dunng the rigors of college football THANKS TO A FRIEND at Orange Coast College who thinks Tucker i_s "intelligent, (un- loving and charming -and he is a doll," Tucker beat ou.t 2,600 other entries in Sevente·en magazine's "cover boy contest." Indeed, such attributes as intelligence, looks and personality played an important part in the decision of the contest judges, so TUcker's friend Lisa Prieve figured the OCC quarterback was a shoo-in for the title. WHILE TUCKER MAY prefer to find hlmself on the cover of Sports illustrated or The Sporting News, he'll settle for Seventeen. On top of the atory and pictures,· which will appear In Seventeen's Valentine lsaue, T~ker will r~eive a $1 ,000 savings bond as a re . In addition, he's n told he'll be flown to New York In Feb y to appear qn the Today Academically, he maintains a 3.6 IJ'ade point average, is active in student government at OCC and is looking at either USC, UCLA or Cal Poly San Luis Obispo to continue his studies. He's an active surfer, and in fact, participates in just about any aport, and he even rues an airplane after havlfll earned his student pilot's lken1e eight months ago. "When I was reading about the contest, Clay was the first person to come to mind. Actually, he Show. "It's really e iting, I gueaa,'' the modest business ma· r a Its. "I'm not the type to get overwhe tall, though." It had to a..,new experience for Tucker. The (See CL.A Y, Pase 83) .,.., Net,.....,, c ..... ~ Carlos Medina of Mesa uses Phil Sanders' shirt-tail to pull the Estancia runner down. (Story on 82) Lake rs defuse Rockets INGLEWOOD (AP) -Earvin "Magic" J ohnson scored 28 points and grabbed 10 rebounds Friday night as the Los Angeles Lakera r olled to a 127-96 National Basketball Aaaociation victory aver the winless Houston Rocke1a. The victory was the sixth in a row for Loa Angeles after a season-opening loss to Golden State. Hou.ton, the NBA's only winlell team, dropped to 0-7. The Lakers took a commanding lead by outscoring the Rockets 18-6 in the final six minutes of the first quarter to go ahead 33-17. Houston didn't thl'Nten eeriously after that. Loa Angeles ext~nded l ta adVantage to 65--35 at halftime. Jobnlon had 21 points and eight rebound• In the opening 24 nmuie.. The Laken took their JO.pcintie.dat~~m~nniaaion b1 acorin1 18 of the final 22 potnts of the half. Stevens passes Barons to share of title Junior comes off be nch to throw two fourth-quarter TD passes in l 7-14 rally lb ROGER CARUON or ... ..,,......., NORWALK -l_gnored for the ent~re Sunset League aeason, junior quarterback Brett Stevens came off' the bench in the fourth quarter and threw a pair of touchdown passes, the last with 97 aeconds remaining. to give .Fountain Valley High'• Barons a miracle 17-14 victory Friday night at C.erritos College. The come-from-behind triumph gives the Barons a share of the Sunaet Lea ue football championship with a 4-1 record - equal to Edbon'a mark. "He did it for us," said a jubilant F ountain Valley Coach Mike Milner, "with hia arm and hia scrambling abilities. "We kept at It, we d.¥ln't give up. No one's mote deaervlng than lheae kida." TraiJin8 14-9 with 3:00 left aft.er hla first acramble and 1J>-yard touchdown pus tp Jamie Craft, Stevena guided hJa teanvnates ~ yards ln four plays, the payoff a 39-yard hookup wit\' Craft .,.an. with 1:37 left. "It was a right formation, 12-yard post," aald the junior quarterback. "But I had to acramble and I saw him. I thought there was a chance. It was a great catch." Craft went up for the ball at the 8-yard 'line, finger-tipped it. kept his balance and danced into the end zone with the title. "l just concentrat.ed and twned It up," said Craft. "It waa a great pus." In \he last eight pmea for the Barons Stevena had completed the grand total of three pemes in five attempts. FOCI for 22 yards. But with the chips down by a 14-3 count nearing the final period, Milner went to his junior. It waa a remarkable reversal for a team which has made a stunn ing reversal all seaaon, starting with five 1tral1ht non- leegue la.es and nearly flnlahed by the 17-3 ic. to rival F.dilon. "It w• such a diamal becinnlns," said MUner."Who would havethouaht we had a shot at the Sunset Leque chimp6onshlp? To me, It waa out of the queltion. "But we haven't been 1'99dy far a pme all yeer, until tonight." Earlier It apPfared the Vlklnp of Maftnll were IOlnl to throw thinp Into a three- way .:r.mDte In the leque flniah, jumping to a 14-3 lead In the flnt period. . Eric Karman exploded over his left side between the blocks of Bill Macias and David Evengerd on the third play of the game for a 13-yard touchdown run -the first of what waa to be many big plays In the fint half. Kevin Empting of Fountain Valley recovered a fumbled punt at the Marina 29, but the Barons' advantage melted quickly when Adam Kaae intercepted on the following play. Mib Newton'• 24-yard punt return tet up Chuck Smoot'• 45-yard field goal which cut the Marina lead to 7-3 with 5:331eft in the quarter. Steve Shaar came up with two bil mome nta for the Barona, firat a touchdown-aavin1 tackle on Karman'• 28-yard bunt. tftisl lpterceptlne deep in Barona' tenicory .,,/ The Barona. however. couched the ball up and Clint Kins came up wi\h the loaee ball at the FV 15. Two player• later ciuarterhllck Bill Marler IWCk the bell in Kannan'• arms. then pulled it t.ck and raced 12 yarda around hia rtpt ~Ye Marina breethlns room. ltwman hJa aecond PAT with 2:33 atll1 left In the flnt period for the 14-3 IMd. · (See BARONS. P11e 81) Arguello denied by Pryor · MIAMI (AP) -Aaron Pryor ia c.alled "The Hawk," but Friday night he waa a hurricane who swept away Alexis Arguello'• dreams of becoming the first man to win four world boxing titles. Pryor and Arguello met in savage warfare in the Oran'e Bowl, and when it was over m ·the l4tb round, Arguello wu slumped unconscious on the canvas and Pryor, the World Boxing A11ociation junior 1 lightweight champion, had the reco1ni lion he had 10 lon1 aought. J "HE TAUGHT me a lot," Pryor said of Arguello, who 1 remained motionle91 m the rm, for .everal minuta while beinc tended to by a doct.ol' and given oxygen. The World Boxing Council lightweight champion walked out of 'the ring to thunderoua cheers, with aides holding him up by his arms. An aide for Arguello said the Nicaraguan. who Ilves in nearby Kings Bay, Fla., waa talking in his dressing room but would not hold a news conference because "he is emotionally drained." Arguello later went to a hospital, according to trainer Eddie Futch, who said the fighter was clear-headed and able to walk to the ambulance by himself. "He showed me there are· fighters with hearts aa big u mine when he weathered the storm in the flrat five rounds," said Pryor, who came out attacking in th~ early rounds but later showed that he knows how to box, too. But Arguello couldn't weather the storm m \he 14th round. It'• doubtful any man who welghed only 138~ pounds could have. The 2V -year -old Pryor slammed home a right to the jaw, (ollowed by a left that obviously hurt Arguello and aent him stagering hllckward acrcm the ril')C and into the ropes. Pryor pounced. HE TRAPPED Arguello againlt the ropes and deliwred at 1 least 14 uvqe blows to the head · before referee Stanley Christodoulou jumped in to atop it at 1:06 of. the round. ~ Christodoulou pulled Pryot away, Ar1uello slumped ~to the canva and him hanclm ~ mto the ri"I to • aide the ~ fllht.er. It ..... I aedden end to • .,.., filht, marked by power, fine9e andCOUf'llle. It waa 103-84 alter three quarten and reaervea played dlellllwly after &haL "I waa lmpreued wltb the cicmcant ~we stayed at." aaid Lee Anplee C.O.Ch Pat lllley. "Jlack: Md by far bis be9t pine ol. chit y .... ' He ..... llMhinl alld ~.UniOL Historic night for ClF-bound Huntiiigton Beach "So far ttila.19', Malle hU "9a pl•J:.na the aame for ... ,,... •· He'• been canwnt wUll paHtna and .. tuna "91'1one •'-up. Tonapt hi .......... dlove ........ end •t to the ~ ._., tban It --an. thll 1f!/M. I llPod~.l!!:.fC ....... 'n.,'ft.,. o1..,.~ ... llli• ••••• d .... ~~:t: .1--3;=~~.._ ...... ,,,_ • ._....."""". final week of Sunaet I....-Diiiy. Mast of the po1t·lea1ue plaf hH been reaerved for 1chool1 Uke &cll1oa, ' . 7 I Orange Coaet DAILV PILOT/laturday, November '3• '112 .,.., ..... ,..... ., CMrtM ...,, ' Estancia's Scttt Davis (on ground) draws a crowd, including Costa Mesa's 'Carlos Medina Friday night. 1 Forster's popularity surprising. to him From AP d.Jipatcbes . LOS ANGELES -'I'erry • Forster won't say that the Los Angeles Dodgers made a mistake by allowi.na him to become a froo agent. However, the veteran left-handed relief pitcher is certain he's going to make a blg difference to the team that signs him for the 1983 le890n. Apparently, a lot of other people feel the same way~ ~orster, who will be 31 in January, , I was drafted by the maximum 16 teams In baseball's free agent re-entry draft last Wednesday. "I never dreamed I'd be drafted by that many teams," Forster said in a telephone interview from his parents home in Santee, a suburb of San Diego. "I knew there'd be some interest, but I was '°"IT•R shocked. ''I'm very gratified. I know what I can do, I hope everybody else knows it." Fo~ter was 5-6 with three saves and a 3.04 earned run average for the Dodgers during the 1982 season. It was his best year since 1978 when he was 5-4 with 22 saves and a 1.94 ERA in hi.I first season with Los Angeles. Forster suffered .through elbow problems between 1978 and last year. He had surgery Nov. 7, 1978 and again Aug. 16, 1979. But he believes those problems are in the past. "My arm is all the way back," he said. "l know I'm a bargain at the salary I'll be getting. I threw the ball as well as I ever have In the last three months of the season." Quote of the day Stan Albeck, coach of the San Antonio Spurs and a fonner Cleveland coach. on the preseason firing of Bill Musselman by the Cavaliers: "Gee, I thought he would have lasted at least a week or two Into the season. Just shows you can't outaue-Ted Stepien." Duran wins decision over Batten Roberto Duran, who has often •. fought•in the spotlight.. pounded out a 10-round decision over Jimmy Battea of Great Britain in a junior' middlewel&ht match that followed Amr•• Pryor'• victory over Alesia Arpelle . . . AUretlo E1calera, the former WBC 1uper featherweight 'Champion, came on ln the late . roundl and pounded out a unanlmoua 10-round decision over MHrke ••Termite'' Wa&klu u another bout on the und~rcard of the Pryor- • ArsUellp fight . :' . Howard Dayl1. too fast of hand and foot for Cla .. e Nee~ danced hla way to a dull unantmous 10-round dedskm. Pt!cera hand 76ers first setback . Billy Knight scored a season·hlgh m 30 points as Ind iana surprised. Philadelphia in National Baaketball Auociation . play Friday night, 117-108, Nmding the 76ers their first loss of the young season . . . Elsewhere in the NBA, Robert Paris• and Larry Bird sparked a '12-3 fourth-quarter spurt that broke open a tlght game and lifted Boston to a 118-110 victory over visiting Dalla.a , . . Illa• Tltoma1 tallied 28 points and Kelly Trtp•cka added 26 as Detroit rolled ove r Milwaukee, 111-100 ... Calvin Natt and Jim Pusoa combined for 52 points as Portland defeated Denver, 128-111 . . . Roule Lester netted a aeuon-high 21 points ._. and led Chtcago put New Je.ey, 113-1~ . . . Waller .,. ... 9COl"8d 17 points And keyed. third-period surge that helped Phoenix break Crom a two- point halftime lead to a 10-point bulge by the end of the period u the Suna held off Cleveland, 94-81 . . . Bill Cartwrl1lat and Bernard King each scored 19 points to lead New York to its first win of the campaign 88-87 over Wuhington . . . Dominique Wilkln1, Dan Roudfield and Mike Glenn combined for 51 points as Atlanta dumped Utah, 106-98. McEnroe survives scare WEMBLEY. England -Top-m seeded John McEnroe defeated Henri Leconte, the Cast,-risin& Ht-year-old' Frenchman. 6-3. 't-5 Friday nieht in • the quarterfinals of the men'• tenni8 toummnent here. Leconte nearly matched the heavily favored and more experienced McEnroe shot for shot during the 1 hour, 20-minute match. He Ls bidding for the No. 2 singles spot on the French Davis Cup '\earn which will meet the United Stat.es in the final at Grenoble in two weeks. McEnroe will now face third·seeded Steve Denton in a Saturday aeml!inal. Denton had 19 aces and saved four match points before overcomina Tomas Smid of Cz.echoslovakia 4-6, 7-6, 14-12. 6-4 in a duel lasting more than three hours. Meanwhile unseeded American Vincent van Patten edged Poland's Wojtek Fibak 4-6, 7-6, 6-4 for a place in the semi-finals. · Van Patt.en will play Brian Gottfried, who served well in beating Andres Gomez of F.cuador 7~. 6-2. Orioles hire Altobelli to manage Joe AltobelU, named Friday as manager of the Baltimore Orioles, • conceded that Earl Weaver will be a tough act to follow. "lt won't be easy," Altobelll said after slgnlng a two-year contract, "but i\ would be a Tot tougher lf the club wasn't a contender. That would be pnmure." • . . California senator~elect Pete wu ... Mys substantial progrea has been made in ~tiationa to bring next year's Army-Navy football pme to the Roee Bowl in Puadena. The San Dieso Republican said he not only expects to .e an ~nt reached on brinalng the game •1 \o Pasadena, but he expects no problem in l@llin1 Ude.eta ... Adrlaa Outley, the leading m>rer of the Utah Jan, w11 hospitalized Friday evening aft.er 1us\aln.lng a fractured sinus in a ~earlier this week ... Car owner 6nd gJler Jim Hall annc>Unced Friday he would not field an Indy car ln 1983, Jeavina three-time lndlanapolla 500 winner JoltDay J\utlilerford without a ride. (40-2) vs. Mike McOallwn (10-0) in a 1eheduled 10-round bout telecut tram A\lanUc: City. • 4:3q_ _p .m. (1) -oaEATIUT IPOllTI LEGENDI -H.U of rame pttchet Bob on.on ta1ka about hia two Cy Youns 1wardl anCI the ltea .J'lorld Series. 11 p.m. (&) -COLLEGE FOOTIAllL - Stanfcnl at UCLA. T*l*.'· , Memorable finish Davis leads Eagles past CM, 22-17 By JOHN SEV ANO Ot .. D91r ......... Senior quarwrback S<.'Otl Davi• endt-d hia high achool can.'t'r with a mcmorablo performance, throwtna for three t0uchdowna and 327 yarda In leadln1 El&anda to a 22-17 1eaaon-doaln1 Sea View lRHgue victory over Costu Mesa al Orange Coast College Friday night. Dovls. ln running his total to nine touchdown passes for the season, hooked up twice with wide receiver Steve Mikulich (JO and 14 yards) for scores and once with Pat Guyot (5 yards). "He's the best quarterback in the league," praised Estancia Coach F.d Blanton, as' the Eagles closed with a, 4-6 overall mark, 2-5 in league. tJThere's nobody better as fM' as I'm concerned. "How many interceptions did ·he have tonight? None. That means he:s o nly had three interceptions during league." Davis, enjoying his most productive game of the season. completed 21 or 33 passes. He was 14 oC 24 for 233 yards at the intermission. Following a Peter Schurb 24-yard field goal which staked Costa Mpa lo an early 3-0 le"d in the first quarter. Davis, playing defensive back on defense. recovered a fumble at the Mustang 17 and proceeded to march the Eagles inlo the end zone on four plays, the final 10 yards coming on Davis' first TD strike to Mikulich. The Mustangs (3-7 overall, 1-6 in l~) pulled a little raule- dazzle on the ensuing kickoff, however, and on a reverse Sonny Lee acamper~d down the left 1ideline to the F.agle 33. Six plays lat.er "Scot Hagey hit Jeff Engliah with a 7-yard aerial and, with the addition of a two- poinl conversion, went ln front 11-7. Eatancia's Gerardo Barragan countered with a 26-yard field goal to cut the deficit to 11-10 before Davis connected with Mikulich again, this time for 14 yards, to put the Eagles on top. " 16-11 at the half. In tbe third quarter, Hagey ral) around his own left end for four r::;:-to put the Mustangs out in t qain, 17-16. Bui Davia, who was a thorn In Costa Me.a'• side all ni1ht, eoun&ered with one Jona final drive midway through the final * ....... 11, Coeee .... " --.-.,a-.. &l-11 7 9 0 t-22 Co.le~ 3 I I 0-17 CM-ldlUtb 24 FO E-Mlllllldl 10 pus lrom Oe¥ll (Barregen klctt) . CM-Englllh 7.,... from H~ (Melaon run) E-Berraoen M FG E-•ulfett 14 ._ lrairn Dernll (run leiled) CM-Hegeoy 4 ""'(Nn lelleO) E-P ()uyol S p.-from 0.-... (pea fetled) Anendence-2.500 (esttmetedl a-....... a CM Flfat downs 18 12 ~yerde' 23-H 33-129 Paallng yetdl 327 91 p-21-33-0 9-17·1 Punt• 4-30 4-32 Fumblel-lott 5·2 1· 1 Penel11ee-yerda 3·23 ~e .. ~ ............. E-Woll, 12·32: 08Yls. 9•18; Sendera, 2-1. CM-HaoeY. 7·9; Grent, 22·105. Sparll1. 2·7, Defeo, 2-t. .. .... , .. haelnt 1-Dettte, 11~. 327. CM-H..-r. •17-1, tt. .. ........... u.,,.,.. E-P 011lf(lt. 3-41: Woll, 1·1. Mllt11llch. 4·78: Cov9y. M1. ~. 4-18, ludwldt, 2-40: Z.Vlle. 1.0. Senders, t-8. CM-Trotechend. 1· 14; Orant. 2-4: Melton, 2·22. He)'M. 2-35: Englllfl, 1.7, Cool<. 1·9 quortl'r, t•uvt·rlni 05 yord1 In leV<'n rlA.\yl and clamaxed by th cnlor " tlve-yord tot to Pat Cuyot. The Muatanp, who refulCd lo &lw In. mounted a tlnal drive of .lbelr own in the ak>llng minuies, but a holding penalty cost them what· would hav.f beoQ a firat- and-goal situation at the four and, on Costa Meaa's final pluy of th: game._ a receiver dropped Helgt•y'a touchdown J*111 In the eond zont-on a fourth duwn and 14 Ill the F.agle 19. "The> Lord didn't bl ua with a whole lot of talent, but ho did bleu u1 with character," said Blanton. Not io mention, ot courfw. Davhl, who finil1hed his 1D8i campaign compli;tlng 98 of 154 µasses (63 percent} for 1.238 ynrds. El Toro share .of ' crown By ED ZINTEL .__... .. tM" Daltr ...... . . lt-was a football game with a lot on the line and at was played that way. !!:l Toro and Saddleback hagn schools battled head-to-head in the trenches all night, but by the time It wps over: El Toro was on top, 917, before· a near full house at Mission Viejo Stadium Friday night. W ith the win , the Chargers gained a share of the Sea View League title wltb Saddle back. And it all seemed rather appropriate that thete two tea.ma should wind up tied for the championship. They played as evenly as two teams possibly could Friday. . El Toro head coach Bob Johnson threw up his arms in sheer ecstasy as the final seconds ticked away on his team's victory. "That was beautiful!" he screamed to the sky . •• Beautiful!" Both teams finished 6-1 in league. Saddleback, the No. 4-ranked team in Orange County going into the game, finishes 9-1 overall. El Toro completes the regular season, 8-2. El Toro will be the fo. 1 seeded team from the league for next week's opening round· of the CIF Central Conference playoffs. Saddleback will be the-No. -2 seed team and Newport Harbor will be No. 3. On a chilly ~lht, with the turf muddy and , the game was not a prime example of perfectly played football. There were 11 fumbles ln all, six by Saddleback of which the Roadrunnen lost four. lO J;COre more ROtnts. Credit the final «'Ore to both defenses. El Toro, led by linebacker Dan Gibbs and guard Robert Dunlap, completely s hut down Saddleback's passing game. limiting the Roadrunners to just 68 yards. Saddleback, led by linebacker Ale x Pickering and Blake Smith and Orlando Sosa, came up with the big play when they needed to. After ~ !ie'Oreless first quarter, highlighted by two pass interceptions and two lost fumbles by both teams, El T.oro finally put together the game's first scoring drive. • Guard Mike Piel pounced on a Saddleback fumble late in the second quarter at the Saddleback 40-yard line. Two 10-yard passes from Mike Douglass to Curt. Woods plus a pass interference call put the ball al the Roadrunner 4-yard line with four seconds remaining in the half. Steve Williami. came on to kick an 21-yard Ueld goal to give El Toro a 3-0 lead. The Chargers then marched 70 yards early ln the fourth quarter with iailback Jerry Eldridge (17 carries for 109 yards) doing. most o{ the work. It was a wonder, then, that one team or another didn't take advantage of the other's mi9cues ~ The drive stalled at the 7-yard line however, where the Chargers set up for a field goal -or so it seemed. The up blocking man on the play, Dan Trickett, received the snap from center and shoved a forward pass to Eldridge who bulldozed.his way i nto the en zone. The conversion failed and El Toro had a 9-0 lead. * El Tore I , 8llddl1hck 1 eo..-,a-... Marina's season I . could be extended Despite a 17-14 loaa to Fountain VaUey Friday n(ght, dropping the Viklnp to fourth place In the Sunset League'• final atandlngs, the football season's not necessarily over. The CIF Big Five Conference playoffs have 16 entries -three Crom each of five leagues, plus a wild card team, That wild card entry figures to come from either Marina (6-4 overall), St. Paul (6-4 overall) or a poaible entry from the Del Rey League. The CIF's decision Is Sunday morning. Seddteb41ck • • 0 0 0 7-7 El Tot0 0 3 0 t-9 ET-W11119rna 21 FO ET-ElOrldge 7 p ... lrom Trlcl<etl (pUI felled) s-w.-.m. 8 run (,..... kldl) An~ -2,800 (•lllM1ed) 0-......etca a ET Flrwt dow!la 9 13 All~ 31-131 37-171 Peaeing yw-ds 18 105 p-3-1~ 9-18-1 Punte 3-3 I 5-33 FVmblea-IOlt 6-4 S.1 Penalti...yerd1 4-80 6-70 .. ......... ....... S-WUllerna. 27· 109, Hell!etf. 1-4. Peuk ~l~ • ET-Trickett, t -33, Eldridge, 17· 109• Fennell. 4-37.11C::·f.:::;..."*-S. ' S-PeNk. 2· 12.0, 25, WNllems, 1-1.0. ~. 7 ET-Douglea. 1-17·1. M . Trldlett. 1-1.0. 11 .. 'flbll R1n111M1 • S-C41ge. 1-111. DIM. 1-10; P9Nlc, 1·5t. ET-Woode.~ Horgan. 1-11, Eldrt6ge 1·7. Fac:IC>. 1· 18 . • College football TOOA Y'I OAmS Weet S11nl0fd vs. UCLA at RoM 8ow1 I 1 30 p m I '""11de (LAI Vev-t) vs Long 8Mch St 11 Anehelm Stadlllm (7 30 p "' I Washington St •• c ... 1omi. Sen JoM $1 11 Pacfflc Mont-St. at Franc> St Portlend St et C.. PoAy (~). n SI Mery'1 11 U of Sift ~ A.NU Peclflc: et Cll Lullleten WN11IW et llledlends. n P-·Pltnt .i Occldenlel C•I Slete Northf'idg9 81 C1I t>oly (SLO). n La Verne •• Cleremonl·Mueld Aoclllee USC at Arizona. n WuNngton at Arlzone St • n Sen Olegct St el BVU KllllMI at ColoredO U1811 St .. BolM $t Northern Artlona 11 ldehO, n Newec98·"8fto et ldeho 81 • n ColoredO SI et Hew MPICO Mon1-11 Weber St. ~a SI. at Wyoming .......... Mlc:hlgM $1, 91 MIMMote. n Nebfnk• •I Iowa $1 Ollllltlome St et 1<8nMtl St ,._ St et Notre OMlll (~ 2 •I 12:80 p_m,) Ohio U " w .. 1ern ~ICNOM Eutecn Mtchlgen et 9o'11111ne Or- 8tll St at c.rttrll Mlc"-Morgen St at Clnclnnetr Dr'ell• .. lttinole lh Toledo el Kent St. Ml•ml (0) at Nortllefn tnloola ... Soulhefn MIMl19ippi at Alebtl1111 0'°"'981 ~ loulllllh at Florida St, n Florid• at l<entldl y ~·Merylend TenneeNe at Mileieelpol LSU et Ml=pj St VWOW-91 ~ Navy at 8cMfl Cerollnll 0-gle T9dl .. Welle Fot•I VlrOlnle Tecfl 91 Vancletbllt ~81 etVMI hat CerollNI •• WllllMI a Mary T~ at Tiie Chedel Wolford et hat T-St n F"'"*' II M8'91111t • °'*• •t NOtfl.C:.OllM •• SI LOUltl9M M NW ~ Nortll Tu• It et A1cM!onc1 --LOUllllM Teet\ .. ~LCIUlllena. n Pin et Alff!Y Syracu. at loeton C011eQt 148rverd .. Penn ~-y-. ~ ......... ,..,... .. CCllDMe loeton u •• lrucllnel ~ ... OWll NIOdl ......... ConNaltaul -w-c.-•. "a.-.. .......... CfOle ............................. JOHNSON &ION PreMnta •.• C•LIGI .............. Netre Dame ever ,.nn State * IYU I l I Drifter narrowly wins 'match race' By ALMON LOCKABEY 0.-, .............. Wrttef It Isn't ottcn one sec1 u 999-mlle match race between two yachu. But t h at was the exact tltuaUon In the Lo. Angeles to Mazatlan race In which two ultra-light displacement 'sloops. Drlf~er and Merlin, battled within •five milea of each other over the entire rourse. A surprise to many was that Drifter bested her rival by (Ive minures at the finish to win line ,, honors. Mtrlin had been leading D rifter by from three to five miles since th~ start. record IM't by &aumo ln th 1974 ra by •bout 10 hourt. Four other yochta had tlnlahed by nlahtrall Friday. They were1 ln order of finish , R lchara Catlin's Santa Cruz-60, Samurai, St.lllwater YC; Klrke Erskine's BOA TING 'CJ- SC-50, F.arl of Mar. Monterey; Larry Burgln's SC-50 Oaxaca, Santa Cruz, John Whit.e's SC-50 Night Train, Los Angeles Y. Several &t-her ~acht.1 were. expected to finish during the night, but by 7 p.m. there had b'een no pre-finish reports, ac:.-cording to the race committee at Club Nautico. Mazatlan. Most of the flee\ was spread as far back as Cabo San Lucas, still fighting light easterly airs. • O"ng• Co••t DAIL y PILOT /Satutday. November 13. 1'82 - It waa on the beat and reach from Cabo San Lucas to Mazatlan that DMfter pulled her upset victory for skipper Cliff Tucker. an experienced offshore racer from many years back. He was no doubt aided and abetted by owner-designe r Harry Moloshro who was along as part of the crew. Artists draw home Dale Shear'ree has a goal of lifting a world-record 7Po pounds. Drifter missed the elapsed time ~rom Page 81 • assignment Ile· is power persollif ied BARONS • • • Then it became a matter of defense. Eddie Wells recovered a . fumble for th Barons, but they couldn't ca italize despite a <19-y,ard str' e from quarterback Dale e to Chris Lung to the Marina 13 on fourth-and-eight. Laguna Beach draws a home assignment tonight for second r o und 4 -A C IF women's volleyball playoff action but Newi)<>rt Harbor and Corona del Mar must travel for their games. Dale Shear'ree hopes to become fi~t · to lift .700 pounds . .-. Smoot's 49-yard punt to the Marina 11 set the tone of the balance of the game regarding field position. "Field position slowed us down," said Marina Coach Dave Thompson. "And. Fountain Valley played great defense. I thought we played great defense. too." Kaae batted away a fourlh- dow n pass b y Frye from the Marina 11 in the third quarter, but after Tambi Wenj led another defensive assault, the Barons got the ball back and ·Stevens t!n tered. * Foun~n Y8'1ey 17, Marina 14 Scote 1t1 OUMten Merine 14 O 0 0-14 Fountain Valley 3 0 0 14-17 M-Kermen 73 run (K.,men klolt) FV-&nool 45 FO M-Merler 12 run (Kermen klekl FV-<:t8'1 10 .,_ rrom St-Crun lali.cf) FV-Cr•n 3t pau ''°'" SI-• (Cr•ll . p-. trom s .-1 An.ndance -3.800 (•11rMled) a-........ .. """downe 7 ~08 31-144 p..-ng yercn 441 p-2·11-1 Pura 7-31 F~ 3-2 P9naftlle-yar08 4-25 ., ....... ,....,.. fV 12 41-138 11e 11-24-2 4-37 2·1 2-1 M -Kum•n. 11-127. M arler . 14-S, P8tler.on. 4-12; Rec10t. 2--0 FV-Swloer1. 1e-11; Oerreu. Mt. P8V81ko. 2-3; Ct.rt. f-3; Shew, 1-3: 81-. 4-21; Frye. &-tor-minus 12. llWlvtd11:ll P~ M-M8fler, 2-11-1. 441. FV-Frye. ~1~2. 35: Steven•. e-M. 81 ......... "9cet..:.11 M-Vlelra. 2...a. FV-Ctatt. :MMI; Lung. 2-20; e.ecr*" 2·5. MothertlNd, 1-10; Toompaon, 1-8; Swlge(1. 1-11; 081Tet1, 1-lor-mlnu• 4. Newport Harbor will be at Dana Hills while Corona del Mar is at St. Joseph High in Lakewood with all games scheduled to start at 7:30. In small school action Friday night. Newport Christian. had a lapse in the early going but managed to come from an 0-2 deficit to defeat Sacred Heart of Jesus. 3-2. One of the key reasons for the Newpbrt upsurge was the outside hitting of freshman Suzanne Huffman. She was joi ned by junior middl~ hitter and blocker Stella Berkebile and junior Chris Yeatley at setter in sparking the team to victory. Newport started t he night appearing awestruck. losina 4-15 in the Cirst game. They starU!d pulling things_ together In the second game but lost, 11-1~. before rattling off three straight for the second round victory. Newport had drawn a bye in the first round as the No. 1 teeded team in small school play. UC l.rvine dropped a 0 -3 decision to visiting UC Santa Barbara. the first loss for the Ant.eeters in the last nine games. Santa Barbara is 23-u .. and ranked 13th in the nation while UCI is 21 -14. Freshman Cindy Rohrig had 12 kills for the Anteaters. Colden West. won lta own tournament by defeatlni top• ranked El Camino in two games a,nd splitting with Long Beach City College to finish with a 5-1 record to 4-2 for El Camino. By JOHN SEV ANO ofthe Dellf Ptlee Stetf P ower. In We bster's New World dictionary the definitions are endless: "l. ability to do or act; 2. vigor; force; strength; 3. a) au_thority; b ) influe nce; 4. physical force or energy (electric power): etc., etc." Power is also acquired in many forms. Sometimes it's inherited. So met i m es it's bought. Sometimes it comes with the territory. And some times it's achieved through perseverance. Dale Shear'ree, ever ai.nce he was a kid, has always been 'poueued with the idea of power. "I've always been intrigued by power." Sh ear'ree said as his massive frame maneuvered it8elf Jn a chair at a local Nau t ilus gymnasium. "It's not ao much I Da le Shear'ree 'Management-feeling pinch? Ga r vey says so, a nd asks for r e turn to b a r g aining table wanted to be big, as strong." In Shear'ree's case. he became · both. At 6-2. 253 pounds, Shear'ree has a chest that measures 54 inches and a waistline of 38. It's 'no wonde r his food bill is approJ(imately $250 A WEEK. Wh\l Shear'ree hopes to do with all th.iS strength and power is, in effect. become the world's strongest human -at least in· terms of weightlifting. On Nov. 28, at a car dealership in Orange County, Shear'ree will attempt to set a world's record by lifting 70q. lhat's right. 700 pounds. If successful, Shear'ree will break the h eaviest recorded record of 675 pounds lifted by Joe Williams in 1972. The reasons for Shear'ree's backbreaking attempt are fairly aimple. First. he wants to do lt. Secon d , and it's related to the first, he is encouraged by the fact no one has ever tried such a feat. And third. he's trying to gain attention in the hope of gaining sponsorship for future endeavors. "What I hope to do Is gain the sponsorship I need to get me into other areas," Shear'ree explained. "I want to be involved in the World 's Strongman com p etition, the World Powerlifting event and become m o r e active in s tre n gth coaching." . The price tag. however: to get involved in such labors is pretty steep. Shear'r ee estimates it would take almost. $100,000 in this age of escalation to do things comfortably. "although the minimum to get by would be between $50-60.000." "One thing I found out is that the closer I gel with the Lord, and the_ closer I ge~ people to Him, the gr eater my rewards . are," said Shear·r~. "Hopefully. I can ~et where I want with lifting.' Shear'ree said lifting started as a hobby, only to grow into a full-fledged OCC'Upatfon. "Lifting is like any other sport. You have to be very disciplined.'' Shear'ree noU!d. The 32-year -old Sh ear'ree works out daily toward his quest. He lifts 600 pounds regularly like most people would a 10-pound barbell. "Most people look at someone like me and figure I'm all muecle and no brains," said Shear'ree, alluding to the stereotype lmqe of the-early weightliften. ·"Well. I'm a very smart businessman. I know what I ~ do. "You need dedication, will power and knowledge to do what I'm doing." You also need power ·-and Shear'ree certainly has that . HUNTINGTON BEACH IN P-LA YOF.FS .• From Page 8 1 "Saterfield probably had the The Oilers rHpo nded b y a UCt," Henry conUnued. "After best gaJl)C of his career," noted forging ahead 10-7 on a 6-yard that, we knew we cou ld play Henry. "He really picked up for TD jaunt by Thompson at 4:37 of anybody tough." Danny who was playing hurt the third quarter. * tonight." The Oilers then survived the Hunt ....... 14, ... .....,.,,., 14 S1ill, Thompaon didn't do too HaNOn·to-Valenzuela TD effort ._.. ~ ~ - badly for himself, rambling 146 early in th e fourth quarter WM1mlnater o 7 o 1-14 yards on 20 carries. Saterfield, thanks to Saterfield's length-of· H<M~~tzem'o 3 0 1 ,._24 meanwhile, responded with 55 the-field dash and a 1-yard TD W-EM>/ 15 PM8 from H-(Berg 111c1r1 yards on 13 carries. dive by Th ompson with just HB-T'llorneleOn •run (i.-ton kk*) Huntington Beach took the eight seconds remaining in the k.;1-v~ 47 ci-rrom .._ (8er0 opening kickoff and muscled game. H8-S•tllrlleld N klciloff retum (Uiwton through 83 yards on 10 plays, "I just want t o give G reg 11~~-Thompeon 1 run (Uwlon kick) settling for a 27-yard Cleld goal Henry and his whole team my Auendence -4,000 by Zoran Kat.z at the 7:42 mark. be s t w is h es . ' ' o f f e r e d 0-~ w .. The Lions bounced back with a Weatminster Coach Barry Waters Flrat downt 13 10 time-consuming. 18-play, 89-yard after the cont.est. "It's one of the FW.ne.-y.,d• 30-80 39-183 I ed h PU81ng yerda • 181 6e drive which cu minat wit a greatest coaching jobs of the P-1g.22--0 2-s-1 15-yard TD pass from Han.son to season. I sure give the kids ll lot Punt• S..3t '-31 Matt F.cldy at 6:53 of the second of credit.'' F11m~1ot1 2-1 0-<> pe r iod for a 7 -3 halftime "We 've got som e scrappy, Pel'l•lllM-y.,:...lllMl~o s-25 advan.tage. fighting kids," added Henry. w -Churon. 24-415; H•n•on, 5-H ; That set the stage for a simple "This (the CIF playoffs) was one TlllMITIMUI, 1-1. statement from Henry to his of our goals. We sat down al a L!:o";.~ 2t 1441: Saterfield, 1~55: players at intermission. team meeting before the season •••iOlllJ .. .,....... Hearing the t Marina was and said we'd like to finish at 6-4 ~~=.'fl~':°ie~81• NEW YORK (AP) -Dec laring that management is feeling the pressure of ejght weeks without games. F.cl Garvey, executive director of the striking National Football League Playera A9ociation, has called again for a return to the bargaining table in the 54-day-old walkout. leading Fountain Valley 14-3 at or 7-3 and our overall goal would "'49nlllMI 1tn1tW1111 GARVEY R E T URNED to Washingto n the half, Henry told his players: be the CIF playoffs. 2~:-~h~1~·,t~~·,~~!::: following a Friday press conference in which he "If you lose this game, the "Our win over Marina (a 20-14 1-0. "Their media blitz show• they're really feeling the pn!91Utt.'' Garvey said Friday. "The time is right financially and from the s tandpoint of weather . . . from every consideration to get back to the table. It's time to re90lve this now." Garvey, whose bid for a resumption of talks waa ri)lltted T hursday by Jack Donlan, chief negotiator for the NFL owners. said: "If the network.a had not undt>rwrl\ten (the) strike, it would have been over by now. The Board of Repreeentativea is ready to compromise. It's time to ,et back to \he table for that." CLAY •.. ( From Pa~ 8 1 Tucker wasn't the firet person to find out he bad attained ~Uonal stardom. It was Prieve who Ft the call from the magazine and learned of the news flnt. • " I WENT RUNNING down the ramp to the f~tball field at p-actice, acreamlni, 'Clay, you won. you won'.'' P~ tays. "The players rJbbed him a little bit. He wu embarra..ed, but deep down, be loved it.'' "Yeah, rve been ~ about it to the end," Tucker admlta. "l kill hllwn't heard the end of it - eapedally when &lwy w_.. ~ picturetl out on the' field. n,.y (Ni teaminalie) riefued they were llltUna into the~ and awted to enjoy it." -Meanwhile, Clay'1 ded Dick. the head football "99Ch at OCC. la jmt tM1nl everything In stride. "I don 't k n ow mueh about Seventeen INPJ(ne.'' the elder Tucker confe.ea. "But I'm u ppyJcrblm. I think It'• na and quite an honor. "08y II kind of• low-keyed IUY· but overall I think he'•~ to be ..i.cted," 1\lck.r continue.. "'But I daall\ think hil Ute II 101J11 to be c:hanpd by all of thtl." ~~~~~to~~~~~lise~~=~ni~~o~viK~ ... ~~~~f~~~~~~~o~n~~~t ~w~~~k~)~~~~y~g~a~v~e~~~~~H~e~-~~~m~,~~~~~~~ for a eettlement to the players directly by IOing over the head of the union had failed. who= ~t\:?!fr ~: ~~e~ ~~e~ SHERMAN CLAY SPECIAL FACTORY PURCHASE refused to even conalder the proposal. San Francisco and Philadelphia sent word of their 8,,.cl•/ IN CELEBRATION OF OUR 112th ANNIVERSARY support to be delivered by other playen. Missing BIG, Bm!.&I .... FUL 489 ~-ftilll! were representatives of Houston, Dallas, New Nov. 10.1912-NoY.16, 1912 ~ 1 ·1 a ~ Orleans and Denver -all of whom have accepted ,...._ .... ~= 1.79 -1...r the offer in principle with various changes -and 1 1111 nabve to Ille crut su~ Atlanta and St. Louis. twn6s My ttmper.mtnt IS peauM Tom Condon of ·the Kanaas City Chiefs, a Ind my cttulon body ICIOfntd Wfltl member of the union's executive board, said his • *• spot Oii my caudlll tteduncte t.tam wu not interested In the 1ettlement offer. •nothel below my dorSll 1111 and '"' f h bleck eye make 11 obv10u1 wtty I tf' "We have unanimous support or t e uruon betttt known n three spot or blue poeillon," Condon aald. "The players have nol 1011111111 Sft mut Aquatic TrOC11Cals received copies of the propoul but I read It to our where I am Oii ult under Ille name alternate player rep., Clark Gaines, and he relayed "BIM 8ovf1m4" tor only 119 it '° them. At a meeUna they decided it wu not fit • ~ to Wte on." VISA" 1111 •. • 11GREKN BAY la \ypical of most t.earnat said •1•1-c-_. I llller James Lofton, the Packen' repraentative. "We felt it fell short in meet 1-.aee and rejeded it flat out. h'1 t----------t• not what we're Jook1.na for." Stan White of the Detroit Lion s aaid his teanvnat.-had no destl'e '°vote on It. "lt'a not what we had in mind. We W'lf ~t to addre11 the union poula ... · Mark :Ourphy of the Wllllhlnp>n Redskins uJd ortatnallY his teammat.-had dedded not to vote on the offer . "Th en there waa a meetln1 at Joe Thellnumn'• hOUM end tt wa owrwhelmtnslY- reject.ed," he •Jd. Amons the other players at the union brteftnc were Miami'• A.J . Duhe, who •Id lhat despite pubbatwd report.a, the Dolphlna had not ,..,..,led thenwelvee on the propoeal. end Mike J\aller of CtndlUDlti; who Mid ht8 --. wUer reportat to have ~ it had .etuany rejlc:ted IL Duhe aaid the Dolphina blld ,,.,.... 11.o to Njie& but ...... had "...u.d" ... of .... 111""1 l ..... , CCMdd be ~ted encl tlmnnd 9t dw -..... ....... Clldn'L ...,.. •• OUIWlwl," ,...._ Tudcer bowl If die •llctlon wlll play ta ...._, ClllY't foodiall « ..s.mAc futuN, •;.o;~•·Dfdl..,..,...,...,. -dlanal . .. A ~ ol pe ~ l8ld It milh' open a f.w :l;..ji~·~:=-c:.~~ iiiiitlalal• '-"' he dolln' .... • •Dlebare ... (QIC ....... ICelly KMr) )Ill ........ ,....,~.~ .......... • 2£111"4 ~ It than I .,_ • a .. ._ ol • lo .. 114 Orang• Cout DAIL. Y PIL.OT/laturday, November 13, 1882 ·1utu111 •• t11t I ti I Llt•en NtJeee; • Nov.17-~~ Nov. *> -iu"-'o ; Nov. 2e -CNceeo· Dec. • -s,n Oleo • ~· 10 -l<an,.. CIT1~; Dec:. 1 -Memphle· ......:i. 28 -Ntw Yonc y, Dec:. 18 -San .io..: Jen. 2• -SI Loul. • Feb. 2 -Pitt~ ..... -e; Jan. 29 -Wlchlt 11 -M -Vh; Feb. 8-Bult a. -San ~· Feb. 18 -Phoettl tllQ; ~. March r_; Feb. 25 -San J JC; Feb. 20 t J • Pltt•burgh; M;;c;~~Yefend; M:';;h 1.C . -St,. Louie. -Baltimore; March 30 Aorll 2.-K•n...-cr Alloames pfa..-ty; Aprlf 5 -Wlchll 7:30 p m , ..... a1 the Forum .. ,, •. . -Over-t•e-11•• toaroey n Calllornla Softball 3 on 3 Over· th!~1~ wlll hold Ill third an:;;.~ ~~~k;~ S id elub •e•benlllll Th!~•l.boa Ski Club 1•.,lootdn...-fo mem.,..1. • rn•w · · ·"' Oatnea at Tk:keta are Tlctet lnfotmat ... The Cit.lb holde third Tueeda of mMllnga on the llrat and Youttte, 18-an~rlced at S 15, S12 S8 a 1~~:,:~r~roea e•~1~~ S':s harr ·price n~ sa~i Shoot graaa over-ttie-tlne tournahel • at Maonolla1 H119,~ ~h:: ~:~C:0;'p.u11on In Entry tee • ·, 1 1 -..1na at 9 a.m. ltland Ski tY,!b, =ld~~hJaatmtbhe Shark Newport ~ b9Qlnnl oree In Club IMI trip~ for the ng at 8 p.m. bu1-to-condo Wfflcende ~n lnci~ five longet lrlpe to Cr•fed Pulte ~mToth and ColO,. Lake Tlhoe and Banff Alberta ellurlde, 8 on. Phone (213) • ll).3 ~~· For more men'• and women • div •on• I 18 In tour All team• are guaranteed 0 P Y 0 Q&mel· · 1 hone Russ Johnson 'For more lnlorm•t °"t • P wlll r90elve a tree al(213) 630·2298. All •Mn• Dances, paru ... tennle voi'-· actlvlllH are held. by the ;,~~all f'ld other Information, Phone 762"°128. · or more, plua. lie. R~msey ~ Elw~y to square .off Br.uins host Stanford today By DENNIS BROSTERHOUS Of IM D.ily "'°' St.ef PASADENA -UCLA officials are gearing for the largest non-USC football crowd in quite some time -in excess of 70,000 -for today's 1:30 kickoff against Stanfoqi. The primary reason is the anticipated duel between two of the finest collegiate quart.ervacks in the country: John Elway of the Cardinal and UCLA's Tom Ramsey. This large albacore catch wu made aboard the Margarita in waters aouth of Newport Beach ~ently. Anglen included Dudley .Grimm, Stanley Harley, Paul Lornben and Richard Duffy, all from the Newport area. .Kamsey leads the nation in passing efficiency, completing 161 of h is 260 pass attempts for 2.560 yards and 18 touchdowns. He has been intercepted only 10 times this year. Elway, a preseason Heisman Trophy candidate, ranks fifth in passing efficiency. He has hit on 208 of his 327 throws for 2,560 yards and 20 TDll with only 14 picked off by the oppoaition. An unusual treat for these fishernien The visiting Cardinal bring a 3-3 Pacific-10 mark Into the game with a 5.4 overall record. UCLA is 3-1·1 and 7-1-1 and is listed as an eight-point favorite for today's skirmish. Newport boat lucks into a school of large albacore dur,ing day's expedition By HOW ARD L. HANDY o<IMO.-, ..... Steft , Fishing for albacore out of Newport Beach has been on the lean side for many years with on].y an occasional flurry of fish one day that is gone the next. Old timers remember the days when a 15 minute ride out of the .jetty would put them in a school of albacore and the fun was under way. This week a Newport boat ran lnto another fun day but had to make a 110-mile run south before Nnnlng into an albacore school on a compass reading of 188 degrees. "We started fishing about 5 a.m. and stopped about 5 p.m.," says a1l excited Dudley Grimm of Newport Beach who was a guest on tbe Margarita. owned by Richard Duffy who owns the Airport.er Inn. tl'hese two fishermen along with boat skipper Paul Lomu.en fed another guest, Stanley ~Jlrl ey, brought back 14 '1~re. all over 50 pounds and 'f.eighing as much u 65 pounds i,lor1g with three yellowfin tuna, two of them over 70 pounds. 'tbrow ln 15 skip jack averaging 15' pounds aplece and you have the day's -catch for ·this lucky quartet. •'When we started fishing, th'ere were no other boats ht ;.ght," Dudley adds. "We finally taV/ two boats out of San Diego Wtt:Juding the Pacific Queen. "After ttolllrig the llrea, we ~ on this achool where the -yerage liz.e must have been the ~ aa the fish we ca~ht. "There were three or four rl right in the boat. acres of fish· jumplng all around us and we fina lly called the Pacific Queen in and they got 15 fish almost immediately. "None of the other skippers around Newport has seen anything like this . It Is an unusually large late catch of albacore. the whole catch. It dropped off becau.e we had pulled It around at trolling speed for so long, trying to get a four-way going. "All of the fish were caught on lures. They weren't taking live bait. One l\fre was a :tellow with white and the other a black with _purple feathers. These were the "It's an experience none of the four of us has ever had before. And that iJ}Cludes Mr. Duffy, the boat owner. He's done a lot of fishing as has captain Lomuen and Mr. Harley, a frequent guest on the boaL Both Ramsey and Elway are seniors and both grew up in Granada Hills. Ramsey played for Kennedy High and Elway for Granada Hills High. While reluctant to compare the t~. UCCA Coach Terry Donahue says he's been a booster of Elway for yean. "W e went d ow n there especially for the albacore after reading that there were some blg ones being taken. We had several three-way hookups and we could hardly pull them in. We tried to get a four-way hookup going but , didn't quite manage it. primary lures we used," said Grimm. "AU of the fillh are now in th~ freezer at the .Airporter Inn. They were just too big and there were too many for us to handle. The dry weight of the fl.sh was about 55 pounds and aome of them may have been cloee to 70." "I think he's fabulous, I have for a long time," said Donahue. "John ia a great player, he's extremely bJe.ed. "But we only lost one fish fn "All of the fish we caught were hooked very deep in the water even though the fish were breaking the surface. At times there were so many of them when we had a hookup w e thought they were going to jump The Margarita is a 62-foot Pacemaker that is doc ked In Newport Harbor. ".John Elway has everything you re looking for, lhe rifle arm, mobility, a footballr background. He's been around football his whole life, that gives him a Injury-riddled Trojans duel Wildcats TUCSON (AP) -In 1981, Arizona upsei Southern California In Loa Angeles whei\ the Trojans were lhe country'• top.ranked college football team. But Arizona Coach Larry Smith says the Trojans, whom his Wildcats host tonight, are better this year. Though injury-riddled, Southern Cal. 6-2 overall and 4-1 In the Pacific 10 Conference, brings with it what Smith calls a ''diversified" o ffense and an "outstanding'' defenae -"one of the top two defenses we face this year.'' · It's a defense -anchored by safety Joey Browher, noee guard George Achlca, tackle Byron Darby and linebackers Riki Gray and Jack Del Rio -that has allowed just 77 .3 yards rushing a game, first in the conference and fourth nationally in that category. . ' The Trojans have g\ven up just 231 total yards a Jtame and Have shut out three teams, milling a fourth only when Oregon • ~(ed on a blocked punt. Arta:>na Ill 5-2-1 on dw 9Mmfl, 3-1-1 ln the Pac-10, coming off a 41-27 wln over . Stanford In which Smith said h is team "demonstrated a killer instinct like 1 haven't seen in quite 90t1le time." The 'Cats scored four touchdowns In the final 12 minutes in coming from a 14-point deficit to blow past the Cardinal. Arizona's junior Tom Tunnicliffe, who On r•dlo t .. 1611t K NX (1•7•) •t 8:30 led Arizona's upset 13-10 win a year ago, again quarterbacks the Wildcats. Tailbacks Vance Johnson and Brian Holland and fullback Courtney Griffin lead the ground- attack. But it's the Trojan.a that Smith talked about. "The big new dimension they have on offeme this year is that they are more divenlf&ed,'' he said. '"they d<m't just line up ln the I formation and run at you all day long. They're going-to mix It ue with throwing the football." Smith said Southern Cal, in passing for 1,556 yards, has demonstrated "the ability to attack now, to throw to just about every spot on the field. A year ago they didn't." And he suggested the Trojans have lost little at quarterback with senior Scott Tinsley replacing Sean Salisbury, .who suffered a season-ending knee injury in the Trojans' loss to Arizona State two games ago. "They may show !l UttJe tendency of not quite throwing as rnuch, but it hasn't changed the diversification of how they throw," Smith said. Southern Cat Coach John Robinaon, ln a conference call, told reporters Tinsley is "a very accurate pauer. He delivers the ball on time," bu\ is not the natural athlete Salisbury is. Robinson bemoaned the Injuries that have sidelined 19 first or second-string players at one point or another this leUOI'\. Anteaters run in Fresno '·' C• UC Irvine's men's and women's croes country ~ are in Frelrlo today for a showdown of llOme 6''\he top teams on the West'Oout. II ' , .. ,, The men's sqts.ad will compete In the PCAA and .,NCAA District 8 championshi1>9. UCI wu = the PCAA meet a year ago and 10th ln the ~' • I UCJ'I Women's tquad, Which competes aa an tm,,Pendent, will race in the NCAA Dtatrkt 8 ~ of the procram. .,. ... You and~ r.ter1dl are~ eo • ~ CHltlSTWt SCEl'fCE LECTURE HHEAl..l'tO lttKXJOH SMTUAl. PEACEPTION'' ~ WUJAA c. BRE.EN. c.s a. d S.C•••llfllO. Celflamr. ",..,.. ... ~.._. .... ~ MTIMDAY.~20 IO:OOM .. NIT O..at C1'. QMT, IClifHT1ST a.-.DIM.....,....,. • certain savvy, a sixth sense." Elway, a 6-4, 202-pounder, has had a well-publicized career at Stanford and ranks among the N CA~'s career top three in completions (first at 720), passing yards (third at 8,667) and total o ff e nse (third at 8 .411). Wh.ile heaping praise on EJway, the son of San Jose State football coach Jac k Elway, Donahue also said he was more than happy with the play of his own quarterback . "I think Tom Ramsey is an outstanding football player and On r•dlo tod•y KMPC (7111) •I 1:311 I'm delighted with what he's · done with our football team th~ year," he said. "Tom, too, has a good savvy of the game. I couldn't compare the two quarterback.a. "Certainly. the people at the game will be treated to seeing two of the better quarterbacks in the country, there's no question about that." Both the Bruins and Cardinal a re coming off disappointing losses which knocked Stanford out of the Bowl race and put UCLA in a ear-impossible si tuation. Sta rd lost lo Arizona, 41-27, whi the Bruir\s were stopped in Washington. 10-7. F..ach, however, still entertain hopes of going to another bowl game, and today's game is essential, especially to Stanford. "There's tremendous character and a will to win on this Stanford team," said Cardinal Coach Paul Wiggin. "Stanford is as good at times as anybody in the country. AU the games I've been associated with Stanford have been cliff-~rs." Edison High product Mike Dotterer and teammate Vincent White have gained 420 and 390 yards, respectivel)'.. to lead Stanford, while Frarik Cephous and Danny Andrews have picked up 274 and 214 yards, respectively, to pace UCLA Mission Viejo faces Dolphins . Mission .Viejo High'• Diablos and Dana Hills close out the South Coast Leaaue football campaign today (1 p.m.) at Dena Hills. . The Diabloa can tie for the league title with Capistrano Valley with a win. Dana Hills la winless In league, but I.a comina off a 34-14 win over Montclair ln non-league play. • I LoeAlemteoe '191DAV'a MaUl.TI (tlllefat-Mhl~--1 , .. IT llACf: .00 y1101 FUt1n)'9 Rell (LICll'YI 11 80 3 to 3 00 Im Oute TOUci'l (Pdne) 2 80 2 40 Mr Ellorl't Orum• lo.lomlleJ 4 20 Al9o ~ Gay "911.i foo, 09Mrl Son, Neellvllle Slladllw. Blue 8'cl\ilno. ~­Jim, MGOM LIQthlloot Time: 20.51 II IJIACTA 17-4) IMIO $27 00 .. COMO llACI. 350 yatOI Oti·INltl (OominQue;I) 2 80 3 80 2 80 Oti·Mt Tiny Oft lledl'Y) 5 40 5 &0 4 00 T rllln ('Hldez) 4 00 OH-~ll0t•n Aleo 111Cee1. Gone Go Te, Some figure, Son of te1en1. Sorr11toonneoe1em, t.HY Aw111os. TeutoniC, Buo• Macnlne Time 18.09 THIN> AACI. 400 y11c11 Plenty • T ruek (Crcl2) 3 80 2 80 2 20 Moon Tuura (HIWI) 9 00 3 40 Doll Te (AOelr) 2 80 A190 rec:ed Sound Spec:ull, O.trKllon, Shewneleete. My ChellH Murphy, J1m1 ' Ecllllr, ShawnM Saoe. Wtek.O Freut.ln Time: 20.51. 11 IJIACTA (5-4) paid 126.40 fOUllTH "ACI. 350 y11d1 Tiny OeY111 J•t (Hatti 8.ao 5.oo " oo Jel N Rookal (W11d) 7.20 6.80 'ClnOya cnemplon (l onka) "f 20 Alto reotd; Caul••. Bordy. Aehlyn. AllmltOI Sunahlne. One W•y Rider Time· 18.04. *2 UACTA (4·3) plid $0 80 l'WTl4 llACI. 400 yerOe Fr-(09iombll) 27 00 I 1 00 S 80 Trlpol Prune (CrMgef) 20 40 10 &O Skip Congo IVeldazl 5 eo Al90 1ec:ec1· Slu lln S11 .. Kec>1e<1 01de1. F0011 Dice. Jug• Brown Su;•• C1p1a1n sp1rr1. Oiclil ... NUIWlll9 News Time ~22 1:2 IEXACTA 110-71 pal<! S710 40 9'XTI4 RACE. 170 yerOt Hie> H A.cl (llleYlna) 15 80 5 80 3 40 Mt B 8 ROCll•l IPM1hne) 5 00 3 20 Fast "'1li1e (Bald) 2 80 Also r~ Hool<.0 0M9, 8''1)111 POiicy Rem Lep. S~ f199t. 0-Sheclow Tlm9 4531 .. ftNTH AACl. 350 y1r0t HOI Slodl (Oominguel) 12 80 5 20 4 80 OH· Tl1' F .. llvlll (CltOoza) 4 80 6 20 OH-Doc N..i (C1uger) 2 80 3 00 OH-DNdheel lor piece Alta. reoed HumbuQ County, 09regutete. Aw1ng1nOa Prayer. Oo1nonkrten, Grac1ou1 Flflll. Jus111\1 Euy Slk. Ahlir1y1 Hope T1met 17.111 1:2 EXACTA (7·3) peld S70 20 12 lllACTA (7 ·Ill paid S25 40 *2 P'ICK 9'X (4110.S-4-10-6-7) peld 12',· 225.20 wtlh OM winning tlcktt (II• llO<MI) S2 Piel< Six c:ontOtllton peld 1371.00 with 24 wtnnl t1ck11S (liv• hOtHI), S2 Pick SI• ac1a1c conaolellon plad S 138.40 will> 711 wlnnl llckela (lour hor-. -IC<llChj ....,,. 400 ywda Audr• Oo ('Tonka) 10 IO 4 00 2 90 Oh I.I Ree (lilft) 3 90 2 90 C:..elOt (Cetdoul a eo Al9o raceCI Qoli&amoof\ My Hon.y lflO Spioe. Ciabberlll Go. RMnlllinO FIQtlttt. Le T• Oouall • IUCT A (6-21 Pllld $311 to ftNTll RAC£. 400 yetOI Patil/I Prlell (Wlfd) 11 40 II 00 4 40 s ...... Se.1119 err-•) I 20 I eo RuMIOI (8etd) II 20 Aleo r.ceel A4lgMI\ Jet Happy tuua<O, $-' S-1 Tall<. Ma RO<leO Orrve. Blasle<I LH A.cl. Aunt Chtll Time. 20 IS 12 IEXACTA (1-4) plld S73 20 Attend1nce -8.1102 Holtwwood Perk 'P'NDAY'a llHULTa (Mtt of...., W-...... 911 -•Intl , ... T "ACE. e· .... lu•IOnll• Quale HOlldey (Or1eg•I 49 20 t3 60 7 00 Genlt•I Acoovnt IBlllClt) 4 80 3 40 Prine• o ·oancer11S1b4ttel 3 20 Alto 111Ced· Chrl1 Comm1ndtr. Telkfng Siert. J.0 Muon. Bullet Bill. lolly LOV41t. ,Snoe In. Sit Rozetol, Dendy Wit nme: 1· 1& 315 UCOHD AACl. 8'' lurlonQt NeverlOOlt BllCll (Vldtl) 110 20 35 40 17 20 Cornish Wwrlor (Slblllel 8 40 S 80 Al Khell1e (V~) 4 80 AlaO 19Ceel Dilltnl RI¥«. Trk:lldt~le. Rell'• Rewatd. COior Me Snow. et Ruler. Fully V1s1eel. Wlnnefl Town, Only ~end. Aeclnd Time. ' 17 215 ta DAIL V ooueL.a (2·21 peoO S 1.007 00 Tl9NI MCI. I 'It tvrtonQI All IN S.I (VtdoYldl) 0 80 5 90 ) 80 a-ge M (V...,_.,•I I 40 4.00 .... ~ (Plncey) 2.40 Aleo r eced. Roy•t Ari. Le url • L•O Kbln'Y. Trote>lf, llm • Mldoel. Sulln.,,, Oold. f•chendon'a Boy. 1!1010 BleH. T~ Tme: 115315 • lltACTA (a.ti peld '238 00 POURTH MCI. I IUrlonQa Elegant C1e1m (Ple<c:.) 23 90 10 40 5 IO ltlbel All• (Vllovleh) 8 80 • •o rm len H ANll IH~ :> 20 Aleo r-0 Oertl)' 09)' 1.AOY. S1apn1We Sue. All•1 lhl Oewn, P .. tlllel'a P1IOe, ReaM 81 .. H Porl, FOU<lbe flme: 1: 10 )/& • IJIACTA (2-10) plld 1306.50 l'IFT14 MCI. One mile. lMlltN>Uf"• e. (OliYw•) II 20 7 20 3.80 Low ol Lite 1Mce¥1on) 4.40 3,40 M1. Bold lMml IPfn?yl 3 80 Aleo r~: Polit• eatty, Jull Ozlllt. MIU MW\, Higll c.llblf. AM MltlM. Flip A N~kle, Wlllt A MOment • Tlmr. I ;38 4/5. • IXACTA i4-21 plllCI sn• 50 llUM MC9. 1 11111 mtlw o.oe Olrl 1~1on1 9 40 6.40 4 40 Iron A-. (Olivet•> I 80 I IO • Stw Court (C.tollllne) 11 20 Aleo nrced IMow T epa. Slllule Ille ""'-· T.11. c.t, Holmlly Hllll. f!WI 1119 8-d, ,... Siana. NOCle o-n. Poodlll a.-. Cell Amerbn '""'* 1.•• 315 ......,.. ll/4C9. 9 f\lr1onoe. ~~ 440 300 2..0 I.ow 1r1CM (CM1enedl} 7 40 4 20 ... " ,. ("'9Cll 1 IO Aleo 1~ Mlfl Lei Ann. UnCMln M)' ~.~of---TllM 1ot316 • DACTA ( .. 21 Peid lt24 IO • ~ .. (2-6-2-4+4)= lll0.212 40 wttl\ -~!ell-llCW-) 12 Pldl Siii ~ pall! 40 """ 117 ..,,,.. **"' "°"' hOfaWI aa rt1111 1u -lllClll -IDI ..... paid 121240 Wllfl 1""° ....................... tctllctl) .-TM MCI. I II tt M!IM. CMltlollM ....... ti IO 11,40 HO ' ,.,.,.. Gelle jO.W D •r)'el tUO 7.IO Oftlllllf'• Orpf1111 c:> . I . 4 40 .............. = .......... ~. ~ O#M, -·• MIHIW, "-"Ci Ullll -----11/tel'ltllt ........ ~) '°"° uo 4.00 ::.:=~:-·• t.40 u: ....... , .... , .... , ..... KMtl, Vlllf ..., .. e'~ll ... I AfWl .. lt0100 -''·'"' • ... WllTIM cow••MC• P'MllllCM ..... WL MU s .. 111. e o 1 ooo Lellefl 0 1 H 7 PnO<llll• 7 2 771 Porll11nd • 6 ,444 Oo4den 81•1• 3 4 (20 Siii ~o 1 7 125 MldWHI 01¥1114111 San AnlOOIO 8 2 760 Oe111t 4 • soo a K•nlU City 2 3 400 ?'' Dtfl-2 • 250 .. Utah 2 8 250 4 Hout1on O 1 000 5'• IAITIAN CONPllllNCI AllMllC Dlvt.loft ~· ~IA$7 eo.100 • 2 7"l0 ......, ••Y 5 • eoo WulllnQlon 3 5 3711 New Yortl 1 7 125 C8ftlrel °""9iofl Detrott MtlwlUkM Atlen18 lncllltll CNCagO c.,,,..ano 1 2 778 5 3 126 \"' • 3 671 2 3 4 429 3 3 5 375 ..... .111'3 s ,,.., •• Scot99 Lek«• 127, Houston M Botton 118. Oellu 1 10 !Milne I 17, PNla<lelp/lle 108 New Yor~ a&. Wlllh111Qlon 17 Detron 111. Mllw-.. 100 Ctuc-sio 113. New J«MY 105 Allente IOS. Uletl 08 Porlllnd 128, o.n-I I I Pno.nlx 04_. Cl•-.1811<1 81 Tonlthl'10- 0etrOil 81 New York PhilecMlp/111 al New Je<Hy SHUHI 81 Sin Antonio Chleago II Indiana o.n-•• Oallls Kansas Cl\y 81 Sen Oleg<> Atlolnta at Go4d4tn Stele Lellen 127, "4M:keta II, HOUalOM -Hayet 10, W9'ktt 111, c Jon• 8, Bty1111t II. LHvell 12. M. Jol1M 12, HenOeraon 11. Murphy 16. P1u111 2. hylor 0, TMgl9 6. T01111: 40-107 14·10 Oii &.Oa ANML.la -Rernlllt O. Wiii<• 22, ·Ab<luhl•llbat 10. E Jollnaon 21. Nixon 8. W«lhy 7. Coot* 4, McAOOO 10. Joldlln 12. Lanoa1>e1ge< 2. C Jonnson 4, MCGM 2 Totlla 5().t7 27·3 I 127. kcwebyO-.. Heuston 17 18 29 32-llf LOI A"Ofi'I 33 32 3a 24-127 Tllt-poonl ~ -LMvell 2. Fouled out -8ry1n1 R1bo..nd1 -H®llon 52 (M Jo<>M II!). LOI~ 56 (W•"'•· JOh,,_._ 10) Allltls -HoutOn 24 (l ....... 5) Loe AngelH 30 (Hixon 10) Totel IOUll - Houlton 25. Los Angeles"2:. T~ -Houston Coach HMna A -15.804 NHL CAMnlU. COWIEl'll!NCt: Edmonton Klflta CllQlry Vencou-wanrwpeg MlnnelOI• CNc:IQo SI. loul9 T«onto O.tron .... J111e DWlelon W L T GI' GA "1e. 774867018 7 8 3 6511217 1 a 3 92 91 11 1 9 2 so 53 18 7 5 1 13 48 15 No<rl9Dl9Weft 11 5 I SI 56 23 I 2 5 .. 52 21 1 ' 1 eo 16 15 3755-ttsll 3 " 3 45 11 • WAl.ESC~IMNCll "*lctl~ NY lllMderl 12 5 2 79 53 211 ~ 10 1 1 74 H 21 NY Renglrt 7 II 1 IM 72 1$ w..n.ng1on 5 1 3 53 eo 13 Pilt&Outgll 5 10 2 56 15 '2 Hew JetMy 3 10 I 55 78 12 ,...,.. OMel9ft 11 3 3 a a 2 7 • 3 7 II 3 4 0 2 Monl•eel OueCl9C Boat on Buflelo Hantoro ,.., ... , .• ac- Noo-~ TOftltM'• 0..-. Monlrffl•I K""'9 Buttllo 11 Bolton St LOUii at HartforO Edmonton 11 PNl•Gelc>IW• CfliCIQO ., Oel•olt New.l«Hy•I~ \/_..., 1t Wlnn4PllO Celgary at P11t1burQh Minnesota et loronto NV tslanclefa 11 Welhlng1on Water DOlo cou.tu IO 58 U 71 73 11 53 50 17 17 57 17 54 54 10 UC !MM 10. UC ._.. a.twe I UC Sanle Batb4ira 3 0 I 0-4 UC 1rv.,,. 2 4 2 2-10 UC llVIM acorW>Q.. Vwgu 5. RoOert-2. ~ '·Doi-' I. p Cempbll 1 MIOH ac.MOOl. CflF....,_...__..._._ .. A c..-..... ta,,....... v...,. Corona o.. Mer 4 4 5 0-1) FounlMI v..., 1 1 2 4-8 Coton• O•I Mer ac:ortno Tempt• 3, tmb9fn;no 2. Scott 2. Morr-2, PeulMn 2. Loollloun'-1. Aoelertl '. Founl-v-.; 9!Xldng. Young 2, WWI 2. Moor• 1, B•umg•rtn., 1. Aeyno101 1, s.nti.y I. ~tWMf15.~~4 Hewpor1 Hatt>Ot 1 6 7 2-16 Lile Alltfn!IOI 0 0 I 3-4 "'"1>orl H8rbor ecortng.. Slen'-Y 2, Jeppe 1, O'Donnell 1, O.V11" 2. •Thompson 7. Sl.,..Ml 2 ..., .... ,., .......... Mtttna 5 8 5 2-11 8111111 BattNlt• 0 1 3 6-r 0 MMlnl ICOl'lng; Btotllerton 1, EM!fM 1, Wwde 2, Hoplllnl I. Smttn 1. ~-y 3, o.n...,a .,,_,t...._ .... a.-ly Hiiie 1 2 0 2-.& El TOO'O 3 3 4 2-12 El Toro I C Or lllQ. I •-c•lll n 1. ~ 1, YOUf19 J. ~ 4, Papp J AllT'8 u1&-::.=1 ... , -• • , ~ ... c....c ........ OOlde!t WM4 el YI hn MlonlO OfOltl!IOlll •• OrMOe OOMI 1111 CNeo .,._ •• "Pllllef1on ...... c .......... Siii DillQO CO •I P'tllomw. I :IO pm S1111I• Al\t Ill (;MNI 1ouu.-1ern et ..,.,.,lllM CC ......, .. o.io ...... _ Alo HOlldo 11 Collltllon, I )Cl p m LA loulllwt91 11 f .. I LOI ~ LA Hit bot 11 Loe Al1Q4llM CC" ..... ......_c......_ lan 11 ..... fleld. a e 111 1.ono 9"c;h oo •• r1 O.,,,lno LA llltfC. 11 P'eud41nl CO . ~ ..... c.....,_ Moofperk 11 Oi.nttlM, i pm Henc:odl el L" Vtllty Vtnlu11 II Slllll INflMlrl CC , .... c...--. Ml Siil JllCllllO II 111111 841mtt01f10 Ml1.C0.11 II °"4111 AnlelOl>e Veli.y 11 ln1'*11l V11i.y All gemH llegln el 7 30 p m ulllHI 01,...,,...noleel HIGH 8CHOOL 8T ANDtN08 ~L.Mp "-°"' .. , WL l WL T .. P'A fdlaon 4 1 0 II 3 I 162 107 Fountain Vllllay 4 1 o 4 a o 131 156 Hunl _,, 3 2 0 1 ) 0 290 180 Mttlnl 2 3 0 8 4 0 202 117 OcNll View 1 4 0 • 2 • 0 138 228 W•lmtnat., 1 4 0 2 8 0 01 IM , ...... 1c ..... Fountlln Valley '7, ~Ina 14 Hunll.nglon l!Mc;h 2•. WNtmln•I .. ,. •••VlewL ... ue (llMI) ~ 0"'8ll w L ,.,.. El Toro 8 ' 1 3 203 115 StdOi.blek • 1 II I 297 133 Nl'#por1 H•r bor 5 2 I! 4 2111 112 Corona d• Mii( 3 • 3 1 71 130 1rv1ne 3 4 II 4 125 UM E.1l111Cla 2 6 4 II 182 201 Uni-illy 2 5 3 7 103 228 Colla M"' 1 e 3 7 105 1111 ft"8r'• lcoffl Iii Toro II, S•ddlebKk 7 Elltncla 22. Cotta M"' 17 South Coaat l ... ue L...-Owtetl WLT '#LT .. ,. Cec>0 v~ 5 o 1 1 2 1 218 14 MIMlon v .. jo 4 O 1 8 1 1 253 1111 LIQU~ 3 3 0 4 9 0 172 211 Sen le 3 3 0 8 4 0 133 113 LIQUMI BHcn 2 4 0 4 5 0 87 12il WOOOlllidO' 2 4 0 5 5 0 157 193 01n1 Hilt 0 5 0 1 8 0 102 263 PrM!af'a '-" Laguna &Men 23. WOOdbfi<IOe 0 Cepitllpno l/Wy 22, S1111Clemenll0 . , .. .,.. ca-(1 , ..... , MIUIOn Voelo •I Dine Hiiia Angetwl..Mpe (llAel) &......-o.w .. Wl T WL T SeMlt 500 710 Metlf Del 4 1 0 I 3 1 8'11\0C> Amil 3 2 0 8 2 0 SI. Peul 2 3 0 I 4 0 PluaX 1 4 0 410 s..1a o 5 o 1 a 1 ,,..,.. kofee Bl•hOC> Amel 23. St. Peut 21 "' ,A 2115 7, 203 162 1 .. 145 tll7 163 127 203 14 234 Plut )( 26. Serfl 18 .,/ • OT .. lllCOMa EIP8'81\Z8 3~~1~ L0118 13, El Oorado II Centw~L...­FoothlN 24. SA VII 7 Can~ t4, VIiia Pat 7 Sanll Ana 31. T119lln 0 ,,_.,L..__ Sunny Hllll 21. 8uene P-0 Fullwlon 7. Le H!'!!• 8 TrO)' 311, S-e 3 0....-L....-W•t•n 25, Anlheim 14 ~ 1~. Ml9f'Ol'I 13 .,...._u.e- Loa Amlp 21, le Ouiflla er TOftllM•a ectmtule (7:JO) ..... u.A..-c.,r.-... LOI Alemitoe •I W•lern ~ OllOYa L.IACMM 8ol11 orerns. va Senti.Qo at G11oe11 Grove Women'• Mlleybell coua• - UO Sente 8e•b8fl def UC lrYlne, 15·8. 16-4, 15-8 S1enlord def. UCLA, 15·11, 14·111. 15·7. 4·15, 15-• COMMUNITY Cou.IU Ooldeft WMt .._waaftl ("-'dltoelll) G010en w..t def LA v.-y, 1s-1. 111-11. Golden WMI tpllt with Long 8Mdl CC. 16-2, 13·15 Golden WMI Oel El ClltlllllO, 16-7, 16-t fl Cemlno d•I Long Beech CC. 1s..1. 15-10 fJ CemlnO def LA l/llley, 15-1. 15-9. Lona 9"ch cc def. L-' ve11..,. 15-13. 15-11 Teem llandlnQI I OoldenWMt. 5-1. 2-El Cemlrlo. 4-2. 3 Long 8Mdl CC, 3-3: 4. LA v...,.0-11 HIGt4 ICHOOL c. ..................... ,.,,.,.. ao... •A Mlll11>orougll Clel Anl'60C>e v...,. 15-4, 15-11 15-4 8.i Gtbrlel Clel M.,.,mounl, 15-t, 15-6, 15-1 Loa Amlgoe def AOOt'leno, 15-7. 9·15, 111-9, 16-11 El Oor.00 def 81.iiop a.go. 0·15, 0·15. 15-5. 15-6, lM c.1on def. Bo1N Grenda. 1a.1a. 13-15. 16-14. 16· 12, 15-4. Sin Mttlno def. Olendlle. 1S-O. 15-12, S. IS. 11-15. 15· 13. .............. NMlp«1 Chrlellen def. Sec1eel HMt1 °' Jeeut. 4·1d, 11-15, 1M, 15-10, 15-i\, Alo Hondo def. Orenge Lutlllfen. 15-11, 16-3. 16·5. Btentwood def M1mmo1h, 11-12. 15-12, 6-15. 12-16, 16-1 ,.....,....o-.e ... LOUI ....... II Miii Coell San Clemellte •t lorr-t•I• 0.. Ill Slnle llerblltl Hewpor1 HWOOI 81 Dani Hiiie II. e.m.o et lagunl BHch Le hrM ,, W•tmlNllf ~el...,,, Monica Coro111 d•I Mer 81 SI. Jouph ILlll....000) ....,. ....... uwsna.aeaa......,.....,-t..........,..HllM9t\o,tH•IM,M-._ "** .... ,. ,.. .... ti .... ... ........... _ . .....,.., .... , "°it M ......,_., IOI rMlt .... ti • 'I&~ ...... 114 ,. ......... -..... ,...,.,, ....... -----. ] ......... --.er-..•-- .. Orange Coa1t DAIL V PILOT ta.turday, November 13, tN2 •• Woodbridge pays , , I Artists deny Warriors chance at CJF, 23-0 By ROBB MUNSON ............ ~,... Who wu It thot uld th•t rul<.>1 w~n m•dc to b e broken? Woodbridge football coach Ocnu Nojl la uklng hlll\it'lf that aamc qucallOfl, Fourteen Woodbrldae player• were 1uapcndcd from action thl1 wt-ek due tD some broken wam rule1. lnd1.1ded were 1J 1tar&cr1. most notably a pair of offensive atandoull. Wltb all their key Ingredient& mining. the Woodbridge Warriors (2-4 In league) were soundly defeated by the Laguna Beach .,Art..ia_ta. 23-0. Fnday nlaht at Laguna Beach High. As for the Artist.I (2-4), the win brighteoed a relatively dismal season; tu-t for tbe Warriors, the loss eliminate• them from a coin flip to make the CIF playoffs, instead the nod goes to Laguna Hills. Lacking the spark that put Woodbridge Into contention this year, the Warriors man.aged only 14 yards in total offense. and could only muster but two first downs, the first coming with just 44 seconds le ft in the third quarter. .Laguna Beach scored alJ that it needed with 1:38 left in the first quarJ.er as Adam Johnson kicked a 34-yard field goal. Then on the Warriors' next pouession , Ke lvin Marino intercepted a paiS and returned the ball to the Woodbridge 12. One pla y later, Artist quarterback Casey O'Callaghap hit tight. end Kevin McDennon with a tDuchdown pass. Cougars to}>ple ·Tri tons By RICHARD DUNN Of11Mo.1trNotata1t Capistrano Valley High clinched at least a fie for the South CQast League Championship Friday nlght, upending San Clemente 22-0. behind the fine passing of Cougar quarterback Burt can at Capistrano Valley. Call completed 20 of 31 pass attempts, good for 243 yards and three touchdowns. The junior single-handedly dlspaeed of San Clemente's playoff hopes. The Cougars took advantage of two San Clemente fumbles in the f i.rst half. Walt DeCasas recovered the first Triton fumble with 8:15 left in the second quarter, leading to Capo Valley's first touchdown. Call drove his Cougars 44 yards on only four plays, with the tDuchdown clincher coming on a 5-yard reception by Raney Lanham. Capistrano Valley capitalized again ~ith 1:18 remaining in the half. aft.er another Triton fumble, rambling 64 yards on seven plays. A 5-yard pass from Call to Eric Bache produced the TD. San Clement.e had trouble executing in the third quarter, fumbling three times and being penalized consistently. The Cougars' stingy defense was backboned by Decasas, Lanham and Shawn Kinsey, each of whom played key roles In stopping the Trltons running attack. Having one tDuchdown calJed back in the third quarter, the Cougars were roaring again with 4:30 left in the ,fourth period. A penalty and three first down plays behind Cali's aerials led to Capo Valley's final score of the evening. Call found Jeff Mansukhani from 12 yards out on a touchdown toaa to pull the Cougars up 22-0. "It'• good to be In the playoffs now," said Cougar Coach Dick Enright. "Even though we basically played a sloppy game. it's where we want tD be." Call accounted for 247 of Capo Valley•a"336 tDtal yards, icing a promlainl victor~ for the Cougars. * c ..... ,... y..., ...... c ........... • ..... .. o-ter9 8an a.m.me 0 0 0 0-0 ~MO Vl!llr 0 11 0 1-22 CV-Lanfleln ...... ''°"' Cell (Call to leolle) CV-Blldle S ,,_ from Cell (McCU• klelll CV-M1n1ukhanl 12 PUI ltOl'll Cal (Moelure lr.ICll) AltenclenOI -"500 (eallmated) .............. ac CV F'lrl4 OOwfl9 I 3 11 !Mflae..,.,. 4 .. '" 21·~ :::1.,.,. ,.::, I0-3~~ "-WI 443 ~.. 1~ ,~;; ...e? I 1° :::'I.. ~·=·.~==~~ .......... . ·~LMlllM=l•4tl , ...... , .... a.II. 0.0-. MOi 7 ... I , ..... IC-............ 1; Nie. 'r.1:.0. ti; -... ... CY-Cll, IN\~ I: ..... ll•llil?slll,_!1 ft":.T.'::fa~~~ ..... 1 _4-:.~· -·~·· 1-41: ......... t .......... With 7:46 left, the Artlat• Increased their lead to 16·0, when O'Callaghan touncJ Dru M..u r p h y f 'o r e 1 3 • y a r d touchdown pa.If . "I'm 1lway1 pleased when we win," 1ald Laguna &ach c.oach Dennla HMryung. "'It'• a hollow victory In tha t, but I'm alad we wt:>n the game." Woodbrldae had a Jnlnu1 19. yards rushing h') ttle first half, while the. Artist.I domlnated on offense with :S9 yard• ru1hlng, ,along with 84 yarda·passing, but more Importantly were leading, 16-0 ·~ome-playen-broke some team rules," a said Noji. "But the kids that played really played their ~ts out. Our kids played excepuonally well all year.'' ln the third quarter, LagQna Beach scored the game's linal tDuchdown. when Mark Draper broke loQse and ran for a 7 37-yard touchdown, Johnson's extra point made the score 23-0 with 1:39 left. Dra per led both teams in rushing as he ran for 79 yards on just 7 carries. Marino had 15 carries for 61 yards and two touchdown passes. The Warriors' only bright spot on offense came' from running back Mark Phillips who rushed for 37 yards on 12 carries. But on def•nst. Warriors •t•ndoutp lncludtd Shaun ~vlin, whp r •covered a pair of fumblett: K evi n Arm1tron1 (pup Interception); and Scou Sauer (fumblt.1 l't'COVery). Al for the Artl1t1, Howarf. Qulaley, Mike Schrock, Drape • and othera helped ~una Beach record lta K<'Ond &hut.out of th~ I IK'uon. * . ......... 8Moh a. w .... ,. •• ,. ...,..., ........... Woodb11dgt 0 0 e 0-g L~• Beach 3 13 7 0-r2i Ll-JotlMOn 14 FO LB-McOerlflOn 12 PAN tram 0'~ (Johnlon klctl, • LB-M\lrPfly 1 3 p-.n from O'C111tea1181ir ....,fii-1 (klcll felled) LB-Dflll* 37 run fJollnlon Ilk*) Allendanc» -1,000 (..umAlld) 0--......... w Flftl downl 2 ~ylltda 36-11 PMllng y«dl 3 PNNt 1·9-3 Punt1 5-32 2-31. FumblN-lotl &-0 • 4-:i "-'llLIM-yerdl • 4·25 e..381 . lodlu1d11al~ W-Oenltll, 7·4. LH , l ·lor-mlnu1 3St S..OW. 6-fOf.mlnU9 2, MldlMlt .. 2-7; ~ 12..j"T; Flynn, 1-3 J L8-Areb1, 9 -14; Merino . 15\.81 O'C•ll•Qll•n. 3·5: Klmbell, 2-9: Meo.nnon. 1-!0f-mfnut •~i..7;!~ W-LM. 1·2· 1. 3; Oenlel1, 0°6-1. 0: Phillipe, 0·1·1. o. • L8-0'C111egnen. 5-1 1-1, 84; Klmb•ll. 1-3-0, 8 ' Individual ftecelV"'t w -11n1d1. 1·3. L8-Me01nnon. 3·68. Mu1phy, 2·22; Atebe, 1-5; D<IP4ff, 1-ror-mlnu1 1. Tars, CdM, Vikes El Toro advance Newport Harbor, Corona del Mar, Marina and El Toro advanced to the quarterfinals of the CIF 4-A water polo playoffs with victDries Friday afternoon. Newport's Tars •. the No. 1 seeded team in the playofCs, had an easy time in disposing of host Los Alamitos, 15-4. Corona del Mar stopped hosi Fountain Valley, 13-8, Marina defeated hoet Santa Barbara, 18-9 and El Toro sank visiting Beverly Hills, The Sea Kings jumped out tD a. 4-0 advantage and held an 8-2 edge at halftime. In the final period, reserves took over aa ~ Barons scored four of their eight goals. The Sea Kings Uled a count.et attack on misaed Fountain v~ shots and turnovers to taKe command in the early going. Corona de! Mar plays El Dorado. the Empire League 12-5. Newport took a 6-0 lead at W.AT'E'D PO"'O halftime and increased the n L margin to 13-1 after three periods before running in a string of reserves in the final period. C.Olin Thompeon 11COred seven goals for the Tars a.nd goalie Mike Hime had eight saves for Coach Bill Barnett's crew. "I thought we played well on defeme but terribJe on offense," Barnett said. "Thompson played a good game and our goalie did well." The Tars play Marina, runner-up·in the Sunset League. in their quarterfinal mat.ch with the home site tD be determined this morning by a coin flip at the ClF office. champion and winner over Mira Costa, 9~8. In a quarterfinal round outing Tuesday. I Marina •tarted fast and didn't let up In winning at Sant• Barbara. The Vikings acored fiv~ goals in the first period and added aix in the.second while limiting their hosts to one ahot on l(oal in the first eight minutes. Goalie J,y Winterhalter pJayed the first three periods and had 11 saves as Marina moved out to a 16-4 advantage. Jeff Hopkins was the leading scorer for Marina with six goals with Jim Zakasky and Darrell Denney adding three each. Corona del Mar had little trouble in disposing of Fountain "We just played real good te'°!! Valley. winner in the Sunset defense tD set ~pour fast break, League. CdM is top rated In 4-h... Coach Dave Pickford said. "W.e action and second seeded beh_.-haven't played Newport this Newport in the playoffs. year. In fact, this is as far as ~y Scoring for the Sea Kings was Marina tean_i h~s advanced !,n evenly divided with Tom Temple ClF competition m water polo. getting three. Dave Imbernino, Greg Wilson scored four g~la Rick Scott. John Morrow and with Marc Young and Craig Eric Paulsen each had two Popp adding three each for El apiece. Jeff Young and Mark Tor?. The Chargers improved Wan had a pair of goals each for their record to 20-5 for the the Barons of Fountain Valley. season. Conference crucial ·. for Rustlers tonight Golden West College. which only last year rejoiped the South Coast Conference football ranks, can take a big step toward a possible conference crown tDnight (7:30) when the Rustlers invade Mt.. San AntDnlo tD face the highly-regarded Mounties. At Orange Coast, the Pirates of Dick Tucker will be looking for their second win of the eeuon (and first in conference play) when they host winless Groesmont College, al.lo at 7:30. Saddleback College la idle tonight in Mission Conference play. UCI stays unbeaten UC Irvine'• undefMted water polo team will conclude the reauJar 9e880ll today at Newport Harbor Hl1h by hoatlnl Cal State Full'rton at l o'clock. Frida)' 1ft.emoon. John V arpl paced Coach Ed Newland'• Ant.eat.era to \heir 22nd win of the INIOft ln a 10-4 victory over UC Santa Barbara at Newport. Var1M now hll 43 pll for \he telllDft and ..._. c.mpbell. who hll OM rridaJ, bll 48. The ~ w• the aeoand of the_.., ..... An•tllr'I OWi' UC88. UCJ Ud IO ClOIM fl'Olll behind • a..1 .,.... .... ..... ~ tp ..... J'our ...... ... ~ Pft'IOd~dW"An ... tn INnt and ....,., ........ ..... UiDhlnil'~ • ..a In ............ ,,,,...-~-1; .. a policy to win world. t Fade war merlca is losing an i.ternatlonal war -unneceuari~_ r the put dectde, u the Japaneee the Europeans have bitten olf big unka of our home market, our lniUal poMeS have been defenai~. We have .D'lahl lJlX easement. eegulatol'y -.ll"n'~nt. even import barrfera. But you t win a war wlthoui attackina. .And 11 we are going to do that, we'd tter undentand the problem -and ve a strategy. Every American company today is to iocreaae productivity and speed ovation. But no matter how any vidual company may improve. It still ~t .face the competition not of single ., 1·~~ ~~ 1:. ,,. ,. .. forel1n compenlet, but of consortia and govel'nmenta. Evt1n on our own homo ground. Every other tNjor Industrial country -and some of the emeralni ontftt -bu 10me sort of national N.'Of\Omlc polLcy In relaUon to the reel of the world. The United SialA!e doee not. IT IS TIME that. the Uni~ St.ates developed its own national Industrial policy -one that will protect our own self-interest, help ua maintain a poeltioh of alrenlth in internnational commerce, and a11ure the best uae of resources far Into the future. It is time we established a genuine businesa/government partnership. Now, that ls a generality that few people would disagree with. But to achieve it, change in both butinesa and governmental attitud4!s will be required. We need a structure t}lat wllJ retain the essence o{ our free enterprise system domettically. but allow ua to maximize the Impact of our natlo°'l rHOurces In atobal compe tition . We need a mcchanlam Which c.n produce a Iona- range lnduttrial policy tor thlll (.'OUntry and also provide It the power to Implement that po!'9'· . Just for oonvenience. let'• give it a name -say the "National lnduatrlal Policy Authority." ha specific purpose would be to strengthen the American Industrial presence in the world. Even with the word "policy" in ita name, It would be an active orpnizatlon -because policy w1thout action la meaninglea. It would be permanent. To aive It continuity and a degree of Insulation from politkal pressure, its commiuionen would be appointed -perhaps jointly by the President and Congress -· for s~ere<f. non-renewable tenns of slx or nine years . Autobiographei.-s telling all sooner By MELVIN MADDOCKS If the present fash i on in autobiography continues, one may be d!Bquallfied !or being too late should one chronicle one's life story at any point after 35. Nobody has colned a term for it -junior autobiography. or perhape thE premature memoir? -but the genre if certainly blooming. Well, make that budding. Two young television joumaliata, Judy Woodruff and Jessica Savitch, have set down their brief. brief hiatorles so far this 8ea80n. Can Bryant Gumbel be far behind? We must admit we have not read either tome. When we were roughly at the point in the journey that Woodruff and Savitch are now, we made it. a rule never to read the autobiography of anybody younger than we were. This hM bealme an increasingly useful rule as tip years have gone by. • l . EVEN SO WE continually fall behind. • RMOO, for instance. we have not read the autobiography of Graham ~-~. By the rules of the game we have to be an octogenarian to get t of that. . the beginning, our rule chiefly ,..cueu us from the autobiographies of muc-wN!ee early retirement justified tho1t-written word or two . Q.-ii::llllomilly a child of the '60s would a n age a full-blown act of a tob6otlraphy -didn't James Kunen ite •'l'he Strawberry Statement" at 23? But most such juvenile memolrisu set a cautionary example to others by falling back exhausted after their effort, never to be heard from apin. Mostly the impulse to strike the' capital letter ••r• at an early age was satisfied through short bursts of what was known aa "confessional" journalism, still to be found from time to time in extra-roomy _periodicals like the Village Vok:e. · Over the years, those of us who fear junior autobiography have relied on television talk shows to release the first-person singular of Victoria Principal, Elton John, and others at the dangerous age, by means of conversation with fatherly figures like Johnny and Merv and Dick. Now, it seems, the camera people are just the folks who need validation by print.. Et cu, Willard Scott. WE DON'T REALLY expect the junior autobiography to become all the rage. But we do want to \.I.lie It to bring up the question of what an autobiography la for. Sometimes the titles give clues. "The Summing Up" Somerset Maugham called his autobiography-, written In his seventh decade, and the autobiography has often aspired to ~ private judgment not only on one s life but on one'a times. "SP.eak, Memory" la the title of Vladimir Nabokov's memoir, also written in the author's aeventh decade. It augge1ta the sort of collaboration between a younger self, doing, and an older self. reflecting, that ploduces much of the charm. humor, and ahrewd.De9B of a sood autobioeraphY.., . A certain distancing 1s neceaaary before Ol)e·can eee what has happened to .. one, to say nothing of learning from it. Henry Adams wu on the brink of hla eighth decade when he wrote "The Education of Henry Adami." PLATO HAD THE idea that peoplE should spend the tint half of their livet doing deeds and the second halt meditating upon the first half. GoethE and Ben Franklin, both of whom thrived into their 80s, made autobiograph y the continuous event of their lut }O yean, aa if turning their life slowly around In their hands even as they Uved It. Satire used to be the young penon'a game. One did not dream at that stage of taking one's life solemnly enough to chronicle it in public. Unfortunately, we take youth 90 aeriously that we force the young to take then:welves aerioualy too. and 'Vrite autobiography at 30. Writing autobiography at 30 la like composing a tone poem called "The Seuona" that ends with July. We are assured by people junior to Judy Woodruff who have felt obltced to read her book that she explains her departure from the White HoUle beet by obeervinl: "There ia 90 much that I have not yet aeen." We happen to admire Woodruff the joumallat, but, as far as we're concerned, that line stands u the lut word on junior autoblosra~. AIP!'~teit~omt~Clwittlln MonltOf ocial changes creating confused parents •I . ,6.merlean Academy of PedJatrict. "In a • aoolety of equals, yourui. people a.ume that If you have the right to punish them they have the rf&ht to punish you," he ukl. Until now, he said, "a child would haw to learn to bow and acrape because u an adult he would have to bow and scrape." Now parenia ra1aed ln an aucocr.Uc toclety are unable to cope with children with different expectallona, 1ald Chrlatenaen, who Jokingly describes parenUng u one of the "martial arta." "'l'ltl!: ONLY-tratmn1 any .,.rent ever had for ralalnl a chUd la havinl been • chUd. Jn any moment of atl'ftl, t6ey tend to sound Uke their own puenta. .. y OU"I people have bet-Orne aware of equaUty, ao whft\ th• c:hUd Marl the autocratic metMC•· h• an1wer1 from equality. and we call tt ~· M Mid. ChriNmen mkt ....... .. • that panntll Ind tbilr ......... -Jacbd illpows ............... cNldrm U,.'10 wn ..... ...,...... ..... ,.. .... find ., ........ t.1 ... .,, - should be alert tut Mh • power I struggle 11 under way and should try to avoid It. As an example he uaea the cue of a chlld who refuaes to eat. A parent who orders the child to eat can quickly become locked In a battle that has little to do with eaUn1. but is Instead an occasion for a child to try to owrpower hi• parents, .. • 1 lta polk).' propoul1 would have to be I d·c.i a -w I t h I ta ow n Po• I t l v e approved by both Con1re11 and r<'Comnwrdation, of ''<>Urte -to the Administration -but once approved, it Administration and the Con1rHa, aa would have freedom tO Implement those worthy of 1tudy In the futu,.. lnt.rett of policies autonomously. the rnaUon. No Jarae tundtna would be A major Initial function of the neceuary: the Congreaa an d the Authority would be to provide a place Admtnlstrallon could ooncur thac. auch a and a method under which American Every. other maJ· or companies could combine reeources for - specific defined purpc:>ee1 of international in du trial country has trade. r · I Under our current laws. Americ"an some sort o nat1ona eompanlea in similar lines of buaineu econorn ic policy in rela tion cannot cooperate with each other -to the rest of the wo rld . even in the Jnteresta of the nation - without running afoul of anti-trust project would be uaefuJ. by simple pro9CCUtion. resolution or executive•1tatemenc. . In aome ways1 such an Authority Obviously, if the proposal rai..ed too would decrimimulie U.S. business by many polltical hackles, there would be making what is desirable also legal. no concurrence. C>ne aspect that I propose, I frankly Assuming lt gets that far, tben the 'borrow from the Japanese. Let me giv' a Authority a nd its Industrial client. cui:rent example: would Work out a study plan. T'o f'1ftd the project, each industrial participant THERE HAS long.been speculation on would contribute a specific share (of whether a generation of computers with people as well as money) -and since genuine learning ability could actually the work would be considered In the be develope d . •To the best of my long-term nat1ona1interest, a6me IOrt of knowledge, no American company is tax incentive coul'f_ be granted. seriously working on it because of the Every company that takes part would complexity and cost involved. have the right to license ttie results of The Japanese are. the research and development to develop An elaborate experimental project is their own individual products. being funded jointly by the Ministry of But only those companies in from the International 'trade and Industry (MJTI) beginning would have such rights - and five different electronic companies that's part of the gamble. Nobody would -all of which have their scientists be forced by the Authority to join the involved. E.ach of the epmpanies has the effort -but If you don't play, you can't right to wie any of the results of the win. The ones that do join would reap reeearch to develop private products for the potential gains. along with the competitive sale. The day may come country. when Nippon Electric, and Akai, and Hitachi, and Panasonic will all be VERY CLEAR restrictions could offering proprietary artificial remain for compe tition inside the intelligence computers on the American country. In Japan, MIT! has far more market, without a aingle U.S. competitor authority than anything I propose, yet -because no single American company Japan's domestic econo my remains could aflord the development, and our probably the mo st c ompetitive current rules forbid cooperation. anywhere. Ultimately, the .individual So the first function of the "Industrial American companies would-have to Authority" would be to serve as an compete In the open market against each umbrella for joint research and other and the rest of the world on the development too large for a single basis of quality and price. But we cannot company, not justifiable for government compete at all if we are prevented from directly, but potentially good for the developing competitive product in the national interest. As long as the first place. cooperation takes place under the One thing is ver y cle ar. The old juriadictlon of the Authority, it would . philosophical bases of our complex of not be subject to anti-trust attack. ' anti-trust rules are no longer valid in a Here's how the system might work. global economy. The competition today is Initiative for a project might come single American companies against the from industry. academe, or the combined weight of entire national Authority -but in general, a common industries s ubsidized and owned by interest would already be recognized. governments. The doctrine of "the The Authority could not push industry rele vant mat:.ket" pr'eve nta any In any dlrection it did not want to go -combination of American companies but the very existence of an Authority which would exceed a given percentaae would make it poaible to put mechanics of a national. or ~ven a regional, market. Into effect quickly and decisively. That doctrine is totally obsolete now. The Authority then would present an The whole world Is the relevant market. Tight budgets tilting control of education. By THOMAS D. ELIAS S.Ck in the student protest days of the late '60. and early '70., the chancellor of the California Stat.~ Universi\y and C.Ollege ay1tem was a frequent target. Glenn Dumke, the .frotelters claimed, was a "hatchet man for con11ervative politicians, especially then-Gov. Ronald Reagan. SO it'• a bit ironic now to hear Dumke warning that both the 19~ CSUC c au11111111c11 · system and the University of eallfornia are in dire danger of becoming politicized. But that's what Dumke says is happening as a result of the ever-tighter aqueei.e on the state budget and the huge sums the state must give the universities. The CSUC and the University of California now get about $1 billion each in state money every year. "Any self-respecting legislator or govemor will look ·carefully at a budget item of that size," says Dumke, who retired last. spring and now ,heads a conservative think tank i n San Fran cisco , the Instit u te for Contemporarr Studies. "So we now hav~ dozens o bills and resolutions each year telling us how to run the univenity. We a1ao have budget language attaching many stringl to state money: 'You can have the money, but only if you do certain things.' that means that 900ner or later the state will have a ministry of education like many other countries do now. Then you've got the problems of education · being under the control of w hatever party is In power at the moment.'' The increased political control over the CSUC system he headed Cor 20 years has already harmed its academic quality, Dumke claims. He notes that becau1e university aalaries are far lower than those offered by private engineering and electronics firms, the mathematics and compU1er science departments or the csuc achoola are growing steadily weaker. To counteract a brain drain away from his campuse1. Dumke two years ago propoeed a "differential. pay scale." With faculty in various teaching specialties receiving different salaries. THE IDEA was quickly vetoed by education committees in the Legialature, acting after faculty unions lobbied aptnst the Dumke propoeal. Would the outcome have been differen t if Republicans dominated those c:ornmittees, rather than Democratll? If so, then party politics have already h.t some impact on the univeraitiee. ftesardlet111 of whether Dumke'• idea waa good or bad -and there are potent arguments on both aides -the fact tMt the issue was decided ln Sacramento rather than at a trustees' meetln& ln Long Beach means that he'a correct about where the true cont rol over CaHfom1a education now Uee. And since they've now '°' eontl'OI, politicians wlll lncreasln1l1 be held responaible for the quality of I.he__. md uniwniUes. a new f.c:t ol life thllt could influence the outcome of many fut~ elecUona. 1'lanMit El'-la • Ir. WX'e t'OlumNlc 1-.d tn &nr. ltlonh. ORANCllCOAaT • 11111'1111 Th• romml'nt P••e ol tt1• Dtill~ Pllol ""''k• to lftlor111 •nd 11t1mul1tf r.,..,,_ b~ prn•nt ifta-a ,.,.~ ol c:ram..,.,,.,) .. .,. '°""" ol tntere1tl antf alptntllftW' ,.,,. lftlarmedeb .... , . .,. .... "'* ... ID Story characters 'a1ive' You youngsters have made U8cle Len pleued as punch two wteka ln a row. J,.ut week lt was a pleasure' to letm of your Interesting hobbles. Tflla we~k Uncle Len could tHtrely contain himself as · he received all the drawings on your favorite storybook characters. J.t proved what has been a pected all along -that despite vld-eo games and teleYilion there is still plenty o{ ln~t in books. A drawing showinjl a swan and Its reflections along with a ,aun peeking from behind a background mountain top was most impresalve of the batch. . · The effort earns the first prize of $5 for Amy Brown, 8, who \~ First plaee: Amy Brown, Balboa lives in Balboa. Her favorite book is ''Trumpet o{ The Swan." Second place honors and $2 ~to Misty Bulley, 8, of Corona Mar, for a clever drawing of ncyclopedia Brown." Nice work. Many deserve honorable mention this week, among them r-Sherry Norton and Brandon and Llsa Goering, each of Huntington Beach. ' 'When the air turns cold and snow sprinkles the Saddleback peak, can the holiday season be fax olf? Thanksgiving is Nov. 26 and for next week Uncle Len invites you to draw o n a subject UIOCiated with the holiday. You can draw Pilgrims, turkey, a T}\anksgiving meal or some of °" animals you think you will see in the annual Ma cy Thanksgiving Day parade televised lrom New York City. Second place: Misty Bulley, Corona d el Mar be considered. The drawings, as always, should be on white paper 4 intbes square and done with bMck ink. Several sketches this ~ were in color and\ ~·t The sketches should be eent by Wedneeday noon to Uncle Len, cAa the Daily Pilot, P .O . Box 1560, Cos1a Meu g2626. Happy drawine. Boys ·build ow-n CHARLOTTE, N .C . (AP) -Charlie Covington, Chris Davis, James Losee and Jody 'Ibompeon share a carpeted two-story house. The all-electric house is rustic, but it boasts unusual porthole-shaped windows. There's also a bar with rough-hewn barstools. A typical bachelor pad? Well, not exactly. All the member o{ this quartet are Uftder 13. Tbeir "house" ·sits' above the ground, wedged between three trees at a southwest Charlotte home. And the only drinks served at their bar are lemonade and soda. . ~Visitors scamper up the gangplank to the tr~? house entrance. Well, maybe il you're over 30, it's more a matter of timidly inching up.· But once you make it to the top and enter the · plywood hut, sturdily wedged against two young dogwood trees and a large oak in the back yard, you realize the climb was worth it. The four untrained builders consider their recently completed tree houae a work of art. This is· obviously no ordinary tree house - there are carpeted floors on both levels, the homemade bar, a sturdy kid-made table and several cabin in sky shelves and coat hooks. The idea came from Charlie, 12. The tree house is in his back yard. At the end of school last spring, his mother urged him to come up with a constn.lctive summer project. So, he knocked the idea around with his neighborhood frle!'lds: Chris, 13; James, 9: and Jody, 12, and they decided to tackle the tree house project. "We scrounged around for pieces of wood. My church had 90ll'le stacked in a room, ao we asked our minister to give us all the scraps. Jody's dad let us use his power saw and drill," I said Charlie, who . readily admits the project was a collect.Ive effort. "Yeah, we couldn't have made It without the power tools," added Chris, ·who said the building project had taken a little more than two months. The cost of the tree house came to about $75 for nails, extra tools, sheets of heavy plastic (uaed for the roofing), door handles and, mdal recently, a few padlocks and attachments. One of the two entrances especially designed for Dion, Charlie's dog and the watchdog of the tree house. Sheriff's hug Cancer victim Michael Maplet, 5, gets a hu1 lrom Sheriff Roeco Contrane, better known a1 actor J ama Hett or the "Dukee or Hazzard" televieion aeriee. Bett took time out to vieit the Medford, 10re., boy a t Doembecher Memorial Hoapital where '· he ·r~eives chemother~py treatment. • ~ • S~a~~~!.asks les~~~y w~~·~,.!~~s I "Can I help?" Ask for help from friends and relatives. Aak It's a question children are forever asking children for help with housekeeping chores and parents. Ho"! It's answered can make a big explain why It's needed. It may take a while 1o difference for a family. ·teach young children how to wash dishes or make "So often, we as parents say, 'No, l can ~ it their beds. but it's an investinent of time that will faster,' but that's not always the. beat response," help children develop akllls and will alao pay off for aaya aociologist Helen Mendes. "For one thing, it's the family in the long run. not the best way to teach a child how to contribute to the family." • Don't lsolate..,.raelf. Dr. Mendes speaks from a wide profeMional Children learn how to be friends and retain I and personal background. A professor of social friends~i by watching their parents. lsolating work at the Univenity of Southern California with youne rom other adults 'may mean that you're 17 years expe rience in family counseling. Dr. overw king yourself. Parents need to exchange Mendes is a pioneer in research on single-parent ideas and eJn<?tlons with other adults; time away • families. She was the single parent of two adopted from children can be refreshing at)d renewing. ; children for eight years before her recent marriage. • "l remember when my son, who was then four.... 'e...-Doa't jol.D parenting or self-llelp lf'Ollpl te r' .)and one-half, wanied to hel~ by learning how to look for a new mate or to wallow la self-pity. cook,'' Dr. Menedes recalls.. 'I told him he was too _ U you're looking for a husband oi: wlfe, draw ~ young, but I prorni8ed to teach him when he turned lip a list of qualities that make you happiest and I six. So on the morning of his sixth birthday, he then decidt! where you'd be likely to find the peraon l woke me up by whJapering, 'Thia is the day'." who fills thole requirements. Mother and son started out with 1Crambled "Nobody has ever told me a prospective mate ia eggs, and they · have since progressed to teriyaki likely to be found at a single-parent club,'' Dr. burgers, s.,_.hetti and meat sauce, and barbecued Mend~ notes. "People usually say the Sierra Club, pork chops. among other delicacies. "Both my or the NAACP, or church, if they f.O to thoae places . ctµldren, who are now 13 and 10, are a real help to and don't find a mate, they're still better for the ' me in the kitchen,'' Dr. Mendes adds. "I know that experience. Ttiey're rewardeji by the activity itself, \ when I have to work late {lt night, I can leave a note and they're meeting more people all the time." , for them, and dinner will be ready when I get '!be benefits to be gained from single-parent • home.'' grou1>9 depend on the ,motivations for joiniq, i· According to the latest U.S. Censua Bureau according to Dr. Mendes. t figures, some 12.7 million dilldren under age ~8 ~ · 1 living in ainale-parent homea -or one child m •Do malatala a posldve •dook. I every five. With 20 pen.-ent of American families "I know from mr, own experience that single l now. headed by single parents, it'a a life style that's parenthood. can work, • Dr. Mendes says. "Over ~J gettinl • lot of helpful attention from reeearche~ years I've found that thoee who are the moet like Dr. Mendes. SUCXle98ful are tho.e who are determined to do welL Aa a result of. her reaearch and counsel!~ U you have the attitude that whatever the probtem.: backsJ'ound. Dr. Me~ has a number of practi you will find a way to eome out on top of It, you. suggmtiona for today I lingle parents: will!". THE QUIZ (10 '*'*for Ndl """*"' enew~ conec:tty) 1 Milllom of Americans went to the polls for the 1tl2 "off-year" elections. Citizens voted In l6 1u~rNtorl1I contests ind '33 Sentte racn. In addition, .. l .. of the se1u In the House of. ltepresent1tlves were decided In , the November 2 election. · 1-111 b-h1tt c-1 third 2 Otlrem In nine st1te.s llso voted on referendums ldvoaUn1 1 "nucle1r freeLe." TRUE OR FALSE: A ''nuclear freeze" propolft 1 biin on new nudffr power pl1nts. :J In fltal 1982, the federal deficit reached $110.7 blllton. TllUE Oil FALSE: It WIS the first time In hlltOfY thlt the U.S. deticit had 1one over $100 billion In a sln9le flte1I year: _ • Sp.nlth votefl save overwhelmlns approval to tM sovemment of Felipe Gonzaler In that n11don'1 third electJon wnce the duth of fr1ndtco fr1na> lften ~n 190. Gonuler head& Spain's (CHOOS£ ONE: fl:Kist, Sodalht) Pwty. S After slJC months of crowds 1nd fun, the 1tl2 World's f1lr, held In .. l .. , cloted Its 11tes for the 1111 ttme. What world leader died thj• week? And what natlof'I did he tefVe aa prHldent for 18 years? 1nakhwords (.,...... ........................ . .. 1cwm of money kc>tporltlon of compenlft ~edtec:urlty ~IQPO!y • news picture· (10 polft .. If you.._, ..... ltoft Conecfty) Pope John hul II became the flnt pope ever to visit Splln where fJ, he traveled to celebface • ~ commemor1tlna the 400th • annlvenlry of the death of 54. Teresa. Althoush Splln's Is l&rply " C.thofk, church offid1h hive been 11.lrmed by recent drops In ~ c:hurct. 1ttendance thefe. The pontiff mlde his first ttep In Madrid ~Spanish mc>Nrch, Kl"I .. l .. welcomed Nm. peoplawald1/spor1--d: ~ (I polft .. tor HCtl .,._ltoft ••werMI correctlr) 1 President It ... .,, pretented the Med1I of Freedom to 1llln1 (CHOOSE ONE: slnpr, author) kite Smith. The •ward Is the hlshest thlt an be stven to • civili1n. 2 Owners of Nltlonll ind Amefkln Le11ue te~flAled to re- elect Commltlloner of IMeblll .. J .. fOf 1nother M1¥en-ye1r -.rm. He will .. .,,. offtce when t\ls cunent term expire In Au9ust, 1-.J. · J Hmley kuenn wn chOMn the Amerkln lup MINlpf ol the Vur 1her ~"I led the MtlwlUlee ltewen to the Wotld ·~ SerteL Joe Tone of the (CHOOSE ONE: Atllnta ...... St. Louil C.tdlneh) tooli Manapr of the Veit honors tn the 1 Nltlonll LM!lue. ·' "' 4 Steve Carlton ol tt. Phlladelphil Phillies becatM the fine .. r .. In t.eblll hltCOry to win the Cy ,rouns Awlld ~r times. ..aechet b-m11,11er c-Pltcher 1 I Former h.rr,w ... ht ~ (CHOOSl ONE: Leoft, I Mkhael) Spfnlls ICONd 1 cOf'Mbldl victOJy over,.._.,,..... to ~ the North Americln lo1ln1 federlfton • cnalletw11Pttltle. rouncltable U Orangt Oout DAILY PILOT/81turd1y, Nov.mber 13, 1111 Lecture ' fund-raisers fill agenda rdinatiolis set ror 2 ministers Two ordlnatJom are planned in Oranse Cout churche. Sunday. Matthew Oiborn Reynokll will be ordained by the Or~ A..>datJon of the United Church of hri1&. The service will be at ~ p.rn. et the Neighborhood Col'l1regalional. Church, Laguna Be11eh, whe.-e •• h.l,a parents, T~e l\eva. John M. aMMl'l'iJaret Ann ReynordS;·are · mJnilters. At a 7:30 p.m . .ervice at the Church of Relisious Science, San Juan· Capistrano, the Rev. Jacquelyn Harrold will receive full ordlnatiop. Participating in the pro- ,..,,... gram will b e Drs. Earlene iCasteUaw, Frank Richelieu and Oscar Pitcock and .. the Rev. Anita Richelieu. Arlene Pitcock. Nancy Andef1(>n and Leslie Scott Harrold. I ·Anniversary marked " A two-day celebration is planned by the Irvine Community Church to mark its 50th anniversary. The celebration includes an open house at 1 r .. m. today, a banquet tonight at 6. and a lecture at :30 p.m. Sunday by Dr. J . Vernon McGee, who is )leard nationally on his Bible teaching radio Rrogram. •, .. IHI IARL'S 1'11 Ill HU,,_ AllClONWf- -·ATllMIA- A WORKSHOP, 9nU~ ''CGfnmynicetJon f• Married Coupt ... " will be conduued .b)' a-,ychol08i9& Pal Allt'n at 7:30 pm Wedn.day 1\ St. Joechlm'• Sc:hool. C<»ta Mt"M. "TA.KJJ'40 CHAROE ot Your l..lfo" wlll be the toplc of Or. Jamee Melton, rwtlonally ac.dalrned 1peeker and author, at l p.m. Sunday al the r&rat Ou.trc:h of a.11a1ou1 Science, Newport BHch. SUNJC RICHARDS. photoaraph6r, ~Inter and mlnlater. wlll 1po1k at the Unl\y .ervlce Sunday at 11 a.m. at the Community Room of tht-l'rotJre111ive Savlnp and 1.oMn, Huntinaton Beach. More man .1 million copies ot Rlcharcbl' photq paintlnap pt Blble penonaUtl" have bHn printed and circulated throuahout the world. · , MESA VERDE United Methodist Women will offer a "TH and Thee Shoppe" today at 1701 W. Baker St., Costa Meta. An F.ncliah lunch, at $4, will be aerved from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., with an En1Ush tea. at $2, from 2 to ~ p.m. Some of the fare, along with pandmade gift Items, will be available for purchale. " A FALL FESTIVAL. including boulique items. flowers and plants, white eleph_.a and baked goods, will be presented from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 20, at the Firat United, Methodist Church of Costa Mesa, 420 W. 19th St. I SAINT MICHAEL AND ALL ANGELS EPISCOPAL CHURCH Holy Communion -Sundays 8 & 10 a.m. Tuesday 7 a.m. Wednesdays 9:30 a.m. The Reverend John Rogers Davis, R«tor ·3233 Pacific View Drive 714/144-o483 Corona del Mar 12121 IA~~"'9 Services 8:30 A.M, & 10:15 A.M. S«v1ce ,_ Starta a1 Y-Ooor (Call Store --Y-At•) com MBA 641 -12)9 , ,,. ....,.,. w..4. MWION VIVO 495..()4()1 219HC........C..-.-llM .... ....,, ... ...., ,.,,,,., Cor-del M4r High School, 2101 EOl!t>Mf ~ .• Cor-del Mot "M••ey Ta8's" Tim Timmon1, Speakin6 For Info: Call 644-1350 lllllllll llTll J LIBERTY CHRISTIAN WOfl'\t'n'1 Followshlp will hear a talk by Sharon !Uy Alexandeor at a 10 a .~. mttetlna Nov. 20 at the Alrporttr lnn. Alexander, who teach cooklnt dallt'I and hu appear~ on radio and tf.'levl1lon 1how1. 11 th• SOUTH COAST Chamtwr Slna<',.. wiU PniMnt author of "From tht! Strawberry Pau:h" and "AJI a conct"rt of German romantic arid 20th COl'ltury Amt>rlcan Apple C.OOkbook." En1ll1h chonl mu•lc at 8 tonlsht at the Net18hborhood Con1re11t1onal Church. Laguna • ST. MARGARET'S Epl.copal Church'• nt'w , BNCh. Admlll.lon ii •3 building at 31641 La Novla Ave., San Juan NEW THOUGHT Chrl1tlan Church will Caplstrano, will be dL'dlcaU'd Tuesday. Presldina over the ceremonies wlll be Bishop Robert C. spon1Qr a P,Ubllc MCmlnar, titled "Taking Charge of Rusack of the EpllCOpal Diocese of Lot Angdcs. Your Life ' al 9:30 a.m. Sutu1·day at 2102 10th St .. N~wport Beach. Spt'ak~r \\till be Dr. Jamea Melton WILLIAM J . MURRAY. who used to · of Palm Sprtnp. accompany his mother Madalyn Murray O'Ralr ln her appearances promoting atheism, will talk about CHRISTIAN SCIENCE le~turer Ralph C. his 180-degree turnaround and flndlna Christianity Charbeneau wlU discuss "The Healing Power of at the 9:90 and 11:1~ a.m. services Sunday at the God In Bualneu" at 8 p.m. Tuesday. at. the First Crystal Cathedral, Garden Grove. Church of Christ, Scientist, Costa Mesa. WILLIAM TOONE, an avian specialist who is CHABAD WOMEN of Irvine will conduct a involved dally Ln the care and observation of Shabbat workshop at 8 p.m. Tuesday at the Chabad condors at the San Diego Wild Animal Park. will Jewish Center. Irvine. talk about the current condor controversy at the meeting of the Lagupa Beach Unilarian - THE REV. HARALD Bredesen, a leader in the Universallsts at 10:30 a.Jll. Sunday. Charismatic Movement, will speak at 7 p.m. Sunday r --:;;;;;;;;;;;;:ilil&i&a .. iiiiiiiiiiii0iiiiiiii0:;;;;;;;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii=;;;:;;;;;::--:---· at the First United Me thodist Chµrc h o f AlfibltdWllllOMneSc:lence Huntlnaton Beach. The author or "Yes Lord" and "Need '8 Miracle" has written arlicles for some l.5 magazines. FREE PUBLIC LECTURE "The Healing Power- of God in Business" by .RALPH C. CHARBENEAU, C.S . A rMmber of lhc Boord of Lm111uhlp of The Moo her C'hurrh, Tllo n r•I C'llurrh o( C'llriM, ~•tnltst, In Bo.Ion, Ma>-..-hu.em TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1982 8:00 PM FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST 2880 Mesa Verde East Costa Mesa, Ca. All Are Welcome Child Care Provided . COMMUllTY. CHURCH . BY THE BAY .. where an atmosphere of love, joy and freedom prevails, In which each petson can feel safe lo be himself and develop his own divine potential. If you are seeking a ctiur~ family Hke this ... welcome hbqle! s.nd., C.llbraUOft Of Litt I Spe1k1n Wofbllopa I Cl1ua1 I look Sllop Youtll Group I .,._,., cart Hol lstic Htlltll c.ttr SUNDAY AT 10 A.M. "ML9A81NO YOUR IMPRt80NID SPLENDOR" 7 p.m. Of. Pat Altaft D F_.... D l8 .._......, r. r.u 8Y 145-7'50 141 EAST 22tl> STRlIT/COSTA MESA/CA 92627 Local events in the Daily Pilat < -" Orange Coast RELIGIOUS DIRECTORY Church of St. Matthew by the Sea cr....-.. EPtc• 'HOLY CO-MMUNION -Each 8unday -9:00· AM {lloc* Of Common ~ • 1121) MERTZ HALL . of Community Congregational Church 611 Hellotrope, Corona def Mar TM Rn • ......_ 1ta11111d -m-m1 WELCOMES YOU 3209 VII lido, tit.,.. Bt1ch ......, w A.Iii. ,.;.,. .... ...., C-•••• . ...., WA.111. ............... ~ •• 111•111 ...., ... A.Iii. .............. ~ ... tWr C1•u11IH ..... , • ............... .--. ... ........ A.Iii...._, c.. CHAI U 11 UTIC llAll ,.,.. .__,el ......... -1111 P& T.....,-111111A&....,l• .. Mtle ................. ~OltOI.._. n.. .......... ,.~ ......... -........... ·. ,., ........ , ....... ~~- . 1 Mm 8cAlhord. Fountain Vr*y 96.1-3ll>1 • . • .............. llC1'9 -\' C:OSeAAIOM .......................... MIA.N. n.I09•• PIA'fll.CHUICM ICMOOL ..•.•••. ftl I A.N. -.C:Nl't .. PIA\'Oll A •MOM ............ ! , I!• A.N., HllllC1 0 ..,.. • nH....., , , A.N. ....... ~ ............... CHRISTIAN SCIENCE cHURCHES ~ OI TMI MOTlell CfUICH. TMI l'IMT ~ OI CHNIT, temmST .. aoaTON. ~ "Mortal And Mortals" Sunday, November 14, 1912 Coeta .... -Flrat Church of Clwtet, lctenttet • --Y--Dr.C......_ a-'81l A......, ...... -.. A.JI. ........... ~--Y--Dr. ... ............ , ...... .... We& 1·'111 P& -..... P& lnlne -PINI Cllurdl ., Ctwt:\:.~~ntllt ........................... •11z f nlln U1a9 Y•) a-'81l a...._....., -.. A& ,....._...._ .... ••:a•...., .. lutt9 Ml .... , .. Piia 10 A.II. -• , ......... .... 11A&-7P&n. ... , Olllll c.. -....., a ......... , Huntington BNch -flrat Church of Chrtat, Sclentlet ••Ol~u'::~._. a-'81l A ...._. -111111 A.II. ............ _ ........ Newport BMch -Flrat Church of Chrtet, 8clentlet -Vie LI*. ........ llMOh ~ • ......, ....... -t:OO. 10:t0 ..... ................. fa1t Vie Udo lloft. UWV .... -I ........ P.M. TUN. -7·1 P.M. CMCI Cere PYOWled ~ -l'..30-1130 A.M lor 81\ldy Tllnec • Newport llMch -8ecand Church of C~t, klentlet ......... YlewDr,.C.... ..... ~ ............. _ .. A& ....... ...._ --.... LC.-...... C4lll weo. EVU9tG TllTIMONY _...._. - I P.11. ALL CHUllCHll All ere OOTl*"Y ~ to ettend the CllUrdl ~ Md ~IOY the OtM1eaee of IM Aeedlng ~ CNd C:... PrO'llded At ALL SERVICU. CW C.. Pea1t• •AT .AU. a.RVICal SEIM~ TOPIC: NOV. 14th 9 :00 & 11 :00 A.M . . .. 11,.rl•oiq l1wa111" CIUCH OF ltn8U SCDCE ~Of~~.~== HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA ne4I AdUlt9 a .Jr. Cluctl ;or lntomletlon . 10' 10:30 fH..1150. Ul-1331 ,.., A CORDIAL WELCOME FROM TIE lllT£D CIUCH OF CtltlST ~CIUCH CClaEUTIOML 111 ......... ,. ... c..... .. ... Mt-7400 .,...... ....... ......... 10A.ll.-...... ... Cludl ....... iu-yc.w IEGlmH>OD COIGIEUTIOIW. .. CIUCH ........... Ill_,,., L.-.... -..1 .......... ~-llllllUI ..... ltU.-...., ... ............ ...., HARBOR CHRISTIAN CHURCH (Dlue,111 el Clwtal) M011n1Mat ............. --..n1 Morrq Wonttlp 10 AM ·y Suftday School 9 AM ow ........ ....... Attend The Church of Your Choice A Cordlel Weloome from The UNrnD llnHODIST C This Sunday Worahlp In IT. ANDMW'I PRelBYTeRIAN CHURCH eoo St. Andrewe Roed ·Newport 8eect'I • 831-2aeo ......... A. ................ Worship Servlces-7:30-8:45 & 10:15 AM "BORN TO SHARE" Dr. J.hft A. Hvtt-, ,.....,. .. PA~ 7:30 a.m. -lntanta Thru en. CNIO Care 8:45 a.m. -Infante ThN Adult 10: 15 a.m. -Infant• Thru ettt Grtlde & Adult 01- AK 111e,lll1 .. ml Communltr Prnb,._..n Chwch 4•,.,... ...... ut-e...... .....,_ A9v. Arthur J. Triet'IMy A9v. Cfalg ~ Chri9t1an Education 9:00-10:00 A. M. Worlhlp -10:15 A.M. NURSERY CAAE l'AOYIOEO OOAIHO IOMCE PRESBYTERIAN CtuCH OF T1£ COVENANT _, .......... C....--111-- ....... IC ..... ~ Terry McCenna, Dnctor Of Youth Mlnletlee HCMard Kain, Dnctor Of Adult MllllSti1e9 Don Meddox. onctor of ~ Mlntltrtle ...., ...... _ ..... A& ~ ....... _ CIM9ft .,.,...... .. A.JI. ~ ....... , .. _ ......... v...,. -'111 , ... CHURCH OF CHRIST ., ........ c.... --.a1l1 We're A ~~-=:-II» auch W. STW\' t A& wa•IP tt A& at P& 10 A.M. -''Art You £motlonll or Reasanable7" lot ...... -a.,t.. MMI 6 P .M. -"In Private" -...., ,,1-10 ..... n. .......... -.,... cae.. , ..... - __ ,_.. _,_ N..a,... ......... .. Sid Ca esar's ·sto:ry· 'squir.mish' NEW YORK (AP) -Sid C.esar wu In the audience watching himself play a drunk. A1 celluloid Sid frolicked, live Sid 1qulrmed and alghcd. "When I saw myself plar_t,ng the drunk, I wished It could be eolvcd aa qulc"iy u It took In the rnovte," Sid said. Cae99r, who says he wu a drunk and a pill addict for most of his adult lite, Is wlnnln~ hla ne""r-endlng battle. "1 wanted to get better, ' he aald. Part of his therapy wu hla newly published bl08J'aphy: ''Where Have I Been?" Another upect was gathering material for the eight-week exhibition of his voluminous televlaion career. The retrospective at New York'a Museum o f Broadcastin4J began this week and runs through Dec. 31. It includes his work on "Your Show of Shows" (1950-5'1) and "Caesar's Hour" (1954-57). Easy there, Phyllis . "Caesar's genius was in creating comedy sketches with humor and feeling. 'With a face seemingly made of SWy Putty. he could tell a ~le with a mere movement of his mouth or an arch of an eyebrow. "I don't remember jokes," he said. "It's the story that interests people." Caesar was here to open the exhibition, and it was no coincidence \hat the first skit he introduced was ·~A Drunk There Was," a hilariously ters~eel spoof of silent films. Phyllil Diller gets leuon at control center on bridge or S.S. Norway from Captain Hartig Von Har ling, master or the world's largest pauenger 1hip. Diller has been ente rta ining. aboard the The hero-father of the piece (Caesar) was torn t:>etween two loves: scotch and rye. His entire life became obsessed with alcohol. At work, hls booze was hidden in desk legs. typewriter rollers and pens. "I was trying to say 'Somebody help me, please'" he said, explaining one motivation for the routine. He said nobody on the show, which included comedy writers Woody Allen, Mel Brooks, .. ' TV's view of wo111en distorted WASHINGTON (AP) -Network television programs fail to reflect the number of women at work and when womef} characters do hold jobs. the work is likely to be more important than what women really do. a private commission has charged. "There is an image gap between women on TV and real women in the workforce and the networks Glen Campbell 'horn again' PHOENIX (AP) -"By the time I got to Phoenix, I didn't know I'd be a Christian ,'' country-western singer Glen Campbell told an audience of nearly 6,000 people. Campbell, who popularized the ballad "By the Time I Get To Phoenix," mixed popular and religious music recently at a benefit concert for the North Phoenix Baptist Church where he was recently "born again." Only church members were .UOWed to attend. must begin to take responsibility for closing that gap," said Elizabeth Koontz, the chairperson of the National Commission on Working Women, in releasing a special 22-page report. The commi.s&on is a Washington-based group formed to advance the concerns of women in low- paying, non-professional jobs. The report unveiled this week was a special project that involved an analysis of the 25 moet popular TV entertainment programs aired by the commercial networks each year from 1972 to 1981. Spokesmen for all three major networks had left their offices for the day and could not be reached. Perhaps 80mewhat unexpectedly, the analysis concludes that ABC, CBS and NBC have gone too far in depicting working women as holding high- paying professional jobs. The analysis found that by the enp of the decade studied about 50 percent of all women in the sample of proarama stu died who worked outside the home held profftlional jobs. compared to only 20 percent of ...i workinc women. "'The Chosen'.-Pne of the year's best!" ________ .. "It's perfect. Just perfect:''-_ _..s.v-. wNe,N shfp which cruiaee the Caribbean. • IS • • Th• luteat dr•w In the WHt ... • D•lly Piiot Claullled Ad. &42-&878. CO-HIT "DINER" FRI. 8:30, 10-.35 -SAT/IUN. 2:11, l:30, 11:31 ORANGE COUNTY MUSIC F.OR ADULTS. PLUS The Outlaw ... The Outcast... and the Legend that was bigger than both of them. "A Memorable Experience'' -Vern Perry The Resister " · LORD G~ PRESENTS "BAR9AROsA" GILBERT ROl.J\ND • ISELA VEGA • D~NV DE LA PAZ Wr1tten by WIWAM D. WrrTIJFF • Mutlc by BRUCE SMEATON Directed by FRED SCHEPISI • Pro4uccd by PAUL N. LAZARUS 111 E)(ecutlve Ploducer MARTIN ST AAGER A wrrruFF. ~ELSON ANO !US!V PROOOCTION IN ASSOCIATION wrTH rrc ALMS ASSOC1AT!D FILM OfSTAIBUTION CORPQRATlON Ol!T'RIBUTE5> BV UNIVE~ ""1UUI Nfl> ··-~m--.k [ ;·~ ----· - _ l ~.--Y-l . .l._1·,..:_ -- . . • MARINE WEATHER -The latest Information from tides to temperatures. direct from the Orange County Harbormaster. • • TRAFPIC REPORTS -Weekday morning and afternoon drlvetime freeway and highway informa- tion from the Orange County office ot the Highway Patrol. • • • STOCK MARKET R•PORTS -Twice daily. the most up-to-date Information In the world of finance. as It pertains to Orange County. from Bob Schiff of Merrill Lynch in Newport Beach. • • PITNESS AND RUNNING REPORTS -Expe~t advice from U .C.I. Track Coach and U.S. Olympic Develop~nt Coach Kevin McNaJr. twice every day. • • CONSUM•R REPORTS -Listen for l(OCM's own Consumer Advice Specialist M.ary Ann Prlce.~he's out to help youl Two times each day of the week. • • N.WI • • 14 -More than just headlines. and a special emphasis on Orange County . • • • •NT•RTAINM•NT R•PORTS -What's good -and not-so--good -on Orange County stage 1nd screen. exc1Us1vely on l<OCM with Herm Soodman. • , • • A CLOS•R LOOK -KOCM's own wenly <Mtailed look at pertinent ~s topks. with Joann Reynolds and Susan Vaughn . • · •• COMMUNtn PORUM -An award·wlMlng preJentatlon of the Junior League ot N~ Harbor. aired weekly only on KOCM. delvlng Into the unique Interests of our area. • • • • • , • I t Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/Saturday, November 13, 1HI Veteran duo I te&m for film CULVER CITY (AP) -After a combined 100 yeara u Kreen stare, Bette Davia and James Stewan have finally made a movie t.otether, but you won't ... It ln t"-ten or on the TV network.a Davia and Stewart atarred at a luncheon th.la week at Lalrd Studloe to celebra~ completion• of "Rlaht of Way," produced and directed by Qeorp Schaefer from a acript by Richard Leet. · The movie will be seen next year b y aublcrlben of the pay-TV Horne Box O!lic.-e. It may alllo be shown In theaters abroad. The two atara were In good form as they fielded questions from the large media turnout. Davis, 74, .admitted ahe rejected the role at tint reeding becauie, "I didn't want t.o play another •frwnp In lousy ·~thes. But I read It. again and ;realized I had m&ilted the point._There is a lot of atwnorous fun ln. the IClipt and besides, how could l depceaeci working every day with Jimmy?" • "Thank you, Bette," Stewart drawled. ,.. "Right of Way" is about an elderly couple who decide on a suicide pact when the wife is struck by a terminal illness. · Did the stars have any moral compunctions about their roles? "Not a bit.'' Davis sn~pped. "We're just • act.on doi:ng a ICl"ipt. All we do is read the lines~ ''Tell them the Lindbergh story, Jimmy." " "Well, I once-was asked if I would have played .. Charles Lindbergh if I had known he was anti-Semltic," replied the. act.or, 74. "It wouldn't Dolly's back • have. It's the same Idea -it was just a good script." · Schaefer, an eight.time Emmy award winner, · said the project was not even presented t.o major studios as a feature film "because I knew they wouldn't go for the subject matt.er." . Ajter a rejeCtion from one TV network, he and partner Merrill Karpf decided to deal with HBO . Dolly rarton, reheanfog in Nashville, says she has recovered from abdominal surgery and i• ready to work again. ·She i1 sch.eduled for an appeal'llllce Nov. 19 in Atlantic City, N.J. .. . "Right of W ay" was f i lmed on a $2.8-mllllon-do.llar budget in 20 days at Laird Studios in Culver City and on location in Santa .,Monica. "But there was never one time when Bette and I felt we w~re being rushed,'' Stewart ~nted. "Why, once at MGM. I was in three ictures at the aa.me time." "I di~ two at once," Davis added. Forgive me, Father, for I have si1111ed. I haw killed for my Country, l haw stolen for my Church, I haw loved a woma11, . and I am a Priest. 'MONSIGNOR •C!' 4 • .i.-·: d •• ~ ~ ·. "-•• •I • .- LOVE CHILD A TRUE STORY 'LCMClitUY A PliJl.MASLANSKY PROOJC'TDUAl.AARY PfllCE RLM AMY MADIGAN• M.QENZJEPHllllPS.ill BEMJ BMnS On,nal Milic byCH.W.£5 Fm SmtncibY by ANNE GERARD Ind KATHFJUNE ~SP£CXIY'lfTm."'"' Scoty by ANNE GERARD• Prodwd by PNJl. MASl.ANSKY lmcttdl!y LAMY Pma l,_,,.., ... ~..,..Mllmili.CAWSIQlj •·""°~ ..... ,..,,......,4----,.,.._ ........... ·-__,;::..~o (l" ". " 111• I' t II • I!>-. I .... \ ~ '~ ... ~ l~ " ..... ~ PINllTlllllTI LIGID llTID .. UllTD llTIITI TIUTDI •FlllHI ,. . ewe.,. ........... beCW .. ,...... lo loee up to 7~ °'ow toM. ......... WOtk loed °' thoee ~Md = t/A/1...-to De.,.... to enellll ~.11....,..... ktdl to,.... IM......,..._ 9QlllpMllltln .. • _ .... _ ......... " ,.... of ... united Attlall n.a... ... 191 ••it ••I•"" and m 8 I -=i:ddel•mn1•1r1nelldellld lhet e.ott Pf_...lllt ~ ~ • fMl'IJ • rM 11 • 'alsr1•M-••• •••mua1t•......,• --. -• .. ........ to ................ , .... °' ... PfoteotiOtlletl "* would ....... ...., ..... "'Mier "- .... -. .,.. ..-to IM movto ~ ""° n ~ ... ,.._rot IMlr ttolletl. """ IM--. of--. .. 1111i11•11=•• of ttlt.....,,. tt.r peld to ... W. _. lo ,......_.., but "'9 Company •1111 .. ant,arr111n .. LOCtC• UI OUT. . .. . ... • Clarence perfect, moves up ' lt'a boon mort-than • month sh~ on~ ot our trlvladdlcu came up with a perfect tc0re, but Clarcm't' Clap11addle broko tho jinx thla week - and muved into a aharc or K~'Ond plk-e 11 a result. Ed Schmerler and the Over tht' Hiil Gana each tallied nine u Ed retained a 1lx-polnt lead lo Trivia Bowl XXVlll. Don't foraet to llC!nd In your cholc..'el for the 10 beat movies of all time t.o the address below -and TRIVIA BOWL ~XVIII STANDINGS 1. Ed Schnletler (t) ff 5. Nancy Prior (!I) 25 2. CIWence Cl~dle (I 1) 53 !I. Rick Wernet (3) 15 0-the Hiii Geng (9) 53 7 Well ... Willey (1) !l'At a. 'The a.N Feel• (3i..) 3e •no entry r~ -n.11 of 4. 'Tt\e Grouo 14"') 33'A IHI -· ewerc»d '8Mlom (4'A) 33'A you don't. have t.o be a contributing trivlophile t.o do eo. Resulta of the survey will be published next month. And now, 10 more, questions t.o teat your trivial mettle: 1. Lyova Rosenthal t.ook one name from each side of the Mason-Dixon Line and found fame as wbom? • 2. Name the cartoon chicken hawk with designs on Foghorn Leahom . . 3. How big was Dooley's yacht ln the 5ong "Pink Shoe Laces?" 4. Name the first Cabinet.member convicted as a felon. 5. In the song "She Had t.o Go and Lose It at the Ast.or," just what was It she lost? 6. Ronald Colman played an amnesia victim in what movie? 1 TllllllYll I 7. W .. hlngt.on'1 Jack RlglN and BalUmore'a Randy McMiilan led their reap..-cUve NFL dlvit1onl Ju t 11ea1<>n In what 11.atlatJc:? 8. Daddy Brubeck can be found in what play? 9. In the movie "Looker," a bueball same was being played on TV. 0 Name (a) the teama (.'()fnpeting ·and (b) the winning pitcher. · 10. The ht>rolne'!J Impromptu swim proved to be bad timing. and her honeymoon wu one of the shortest on record ln what movie? Last Week'• Aaawera 1. Loia Maxwell (name change) 2. Mighty Mouse (Oil Can Harry) 3. "A.mos and Andy" (buzi me} 4. Spray 'n Wash {lad slogan) 6. "Mary Hartman, M a r y Hartman" (newspaper slogan) 6. "The Day the F.arth Stood Still" ("Farewell t.o the Mast.er") ~ . .7. Alydar (Affinned's vict.o() • 8. "The Des_perat.e Hours" (Jesse Bard) . 9. (a) Harpo, (b) 5 ("Night in Cuablanca'') 10. "The Graduate" (movie riddle) (5':nd your answers to TRNIA, c/o the Daily Pilot, Box 1560, ~ca Mesa 92826. All entries must be received by Wednesday, otherwise hall the • player's last score will be awarded) Curtis due $492,000 from former wife LOS ANGELES (AP) -A judge has ordered Tony Curlis' former wife to pay the act.or $492,000 fo r aPtworks and ' furniture she t.ook from iheir Bel;Aif home following their February divorce, Curtis' lawyer hu said. · Leslie Meredith Allen, a former professional J,..tlll,.......brau;tt ................. NATIONAL IAMP99N'S. model who was Curtis' third wife, 90ld a French modern painting by Balthus for $400,000 and cleared furniture and other art objecta out of the mansion she and Curtis had ahared during their 12-year marriage. Superior Court Judge James Reese t.old her t.o repay Curtls the value of the paint.ing plus $92,000 for the other goods. * aARQAIN MATIN•U * MOlldayuna...,_, All~-Defore 1:00 ,M ,....,. .................. ......,., "AN OfflCIR AND A GUfTLl1llAJf" 1111 ----- '"T9m~ ----------- I ---·-~.__ --1:.. lAl<tW OOO C fNTfll SOUTH..,. • " "CRUPIMOW"' ... ·---- NCMC TllUTlll ...... _, mll "IWTCll,.. _______ ... ...... ....... ~"-!!.J!ft!!..t.-...... .. iu~- ANAH(IM '~, •• N "LOft cear ... -"OIMI .... _. ... "IMUoG ILi r -·----- t 11; "~ •• • :1 !.,'... .. • ., .............. -•toJo ---- l "'-. , \.. ) I "'4 ~-~ ,_~ 10Ree' ...... -.OMllDml ~ _ .. _ '°CMmPIMOW"'119 -~r- It hur ts ·Ann Miller, star of the burlesque musical "Sugar Babies," unwraps bandaged wrist prior to reh earsal for the show in Chicago. She injured the wrist in a n a utomobile accidei:it in Califo rnia. Slasher 'stuff' to fade away · PITTSBURGH (AP) -Horror film director George Romero says "the slasher stuff" in entertainment eventually will fad• away, but classical horror movies will last forever. "A lot of the horror genre has gone to the slice-and-dice movies, and people complain horror has gone to hell," Romero said at a "Cream of the Creeps" party celebrating the nationwide opening of his latest movie, "Creepshow," which he ca.lled "more gothic and more traditional. "What will die is the slasher stuff.'' Romero said. "It's all the same -someone's tr:rped in a cab and there's a crazed slasher. The re horror, the good stuff, is never going to die." THE FILM THAT "LIFTS YOU UP WHERE YOU BELONG• NOW HAS THE #1 HIT SINGLE IN THE COUNTRYI "-~ c:.r.o•-.uu., __ _ ------18th SMASH WEEKl--- .u ..,...., IUCtl ..._ WUT-TU hbtvl Btu Plaz' Edwllds Newooi1 Cinema CWledolN Edward! C.-West ,, 529 5339 644 07&0 134 2553 191 3935 MllSIOll '1EJO Edwatds voe,o TWWI 13011990 ------ A-1111{,, ---NOW PLAYING -I • 1MA COITA MUA Mllwl Illa Plal' UA C..-529 5339 540 0594 COITAMEU UT-EdwJnls c.-&l•ft& Sadlllelllcll Ctnlct 979 4141 681 SUD --Clnedoflle 134 2553 aumr ~lll'~ln 6391770 SUN CITY, Bophuthatawana (AP) -Liu MlMeW •Y• her mother t.auaht h~r a lot about ecllna and Ute. But the leAIONI didn't Include the alnlinl lhal mado Judy Garland a l~end around lhe world. "SM never helped mo with 11nalna becaute I wun't very ln~reet.ed in It al flnt "'"MlnnelU aay1. "She loved th~ W•J I danced. She was alway1 ielUna me to dance.' Durina thofill' flnt acun1 leaona, Mlnnelll aald that her mother 'f"AI "Juat wonderful. She Uled all , loved that character (Pookle Adami). I alway• plctuncl her a1 the kind that never l11tened.' 80rts of different lmagn. It wu amazing because she had never been formally trained." The techniques included "pulling things out of your past then applyln1 them to the future in a completely different altuation, even in a fa'iry tale.'' Mlnnelli .-id. Later, when she took formal acting classes, MinneW said ahe heard the same thlnp her mother had taught her. And, she's quick to add, the training may have helped her singing atyJe. · "Acting has a lot to do wlth singing," 1he .aid. "It does with·me. and I thlnk it did with Mommy, too. She always believed what she' waa singing." Minnelll has declined to sing her mother's hits and only ln recent yean consented to perform·one of Garland's mott famous -"The Man that Got Away." ·~ ... ~ .'' f ~,. •l' ' ...... ..... 1 ,,, ' ... ! .... ' TAe etory of a boy eudtlenly alone in tluJ worlll. •:--. , .. ~ .... ,,, . ~ The num w ho claalleq e labn. A nd the lirl who M lpe laim kcome aman. - Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Saturday, NOYemW 13, 1912• •t l "Sh IMll Mr mom'• hlta.,.. twr ...._, ... " aaya a friend travellna with MlnnelU duttnc a cona!rt tour Mrt!. Minn•lll won the Academy Award for beet .ctl'MI for h r portraye.1 of Sally Bcnvi. in the 1972 fllmi "Cabaret." She recently appeared in the mov e, "Arthur'' with Dudley Moore. But her favorite character wu Pookle Adami in "The Sterile Cuckoo," for which lhe received an &.'lldemy Award nomination. • "I loved that character," ahe uld. "1 always pictured her u the kind of girl that nobody ever listened tq, aq 1he didn't talk to people u if th~y ~ere 80lnl to ll•ten." Right now. Mlnnelli aay1 her Ille le just "terrjfic " · 'I <ion't>know -maybe it'• becauae I had eome time ol{," she aaid. "Laat New Year'1 wu the last time that I worked In concert. I really took time off to atudy and to juat look around at all the other thlnp tha1 happen in lire betide show bualrM!IS." Minne lli, married to producer Mark Gero, sutfered a miscarriage two years ago. She still wants to have a baby. "Not ln the next 20 minutes, because I'm a little busy," 1he says. "But yes, I would like to very much. Probably next year or IO." Then MinnelU mJght settle down ,a bit, though this tiny ball of ener1y considers a Broadway show slowlng down. "l think Broadway ls kind o{ the perfec;t thing lo do when you really want to settle down and live in New York," she said "After I've had a baby, that would be what I would do, because in a way, It's a part-time job. You only work three hours at night except for matinee days. TllEllAN ... SNOWY a1VEa ,.D. M T/--.. =-.... , r ....... -......... . rorl Mftel- 0«& l Oltte:ll llD \T MONSIGt«>I CDC:\11.\t llAOlO. ---.. nm •l llON.YY" ,.., ........ UTl-.1-. .. ........... (It) •1• .. -- "You're able to work and live in the dty and yoi.ar days are free." Minnelli's immediate plans Include a tour of Europe and a New Year's Eve concert in Vienna for $250,000. She also has movie projects planned, includin'- a film version of the Broadway musical, "Chicago. • M!CMAll PALM .. ,,. MISSIONARY" Ct1J ............. UTI-. t• lrtl, .. ........... .,_ITOllY "LOVE CHILD"-. ................ .. ,,_ trtl,, ... -........... II Orange Coa1t DAILY PILOTl811urday, November 13. 1U2 James Caan ata_.s in :'.'Rollerball," ·a movie about the rulers of a luturistic Earth s0ciety who devise a violent sport in which the winning score is tallied by the highest number of deaths. The movie is on KCOP, Channel 13, at 8 p.m. ())MOYE •• .,. "Pet.rnlty'' (lNI) Burt Reynold•. BeWrly O' Angek>. A bechelot In hie Iott!" whO _," lo be • la&Mr ...a-·for IM right W01M11 IO beer 1111 dlld. 'PO' .MOVIE •••. .,,.. M...nc.-.. • tlon -Of Emily" (11141 JamH Garnet, Julle Andr-. Aomence grow. betwMll • Britletl ... wld· °" and • iton-lwolo offl. oar Mlllgned to P'olllde hie 1UC*kn wiltl IM lwwriea olllome. 10".aG I =:NA * "A T-C.iled H91" (tt7i) Aoblft 8tlew, Telly' ~The~-· Mexican ravolullonary "8da 10 • Ml8ll llOlatld 1own. • THe LEGllND cw KINGMTHUfl Art.tu l'lltuma tom IM Wlndlelt« ·~ '° ftnd ~· 8CCUMd of Guido'• dMttl and hldng puniltlmer1t by deMI\. (Pan 5of8) • IVIRVDAY cooecJNG wmtJACOUU~ "Ora lln Parmenll•r" Jacqu9 ...... """' two leftower dlaf-. .., -- aleganl llWfl-.. -~-.. MYmf (C)MCMR •• "Carbon eopy· (1811) 0--ge Segal. au.en Saini "-·A •ucc111tul .,.._ bualflesanian dlacovera thet "" Ma • ~ _, MM> It b1ac1k. 'PO' (B) ... '8-.T: MUH' ... ttl>AU 11:00 I a THE JIT90NI .MEllCA'8 TOP TEN 9 MBa!NO INCW.. "Thi ~ Of Aecl Clllll'' A MMll boy dleer· ~~to two NII' llkS~ tMt ortlM r::~ • • • "'You',. ..._ Too Young" (1955) o..i Mar· tin, Jerry LewlL A d"9t conductl ..... -~ ..... poloe kloll for • ltolangem. • ..c:AOWAW CC)QQR'( I GROWING YIAM 11:ao a R.AIH GOflDOM i GMN>l'NXOIAU.- ITAM •• .MBIOAN IAHDITAND Cl) MOVIE •• w AbbcMt And Coilllo .... The ~. 8cwta Kar· lo#" (,..., .,,. Kartoft. o.ry Moote. Mia --................. 11o11-~ murdlnd. , • MMICOIOI. ,MmNCI l:::"°YIAM *" ''oe-1 otw." ("57) J•mH Craig, Audrey Totw . An underwatet ~ '°' burtad .,..... ""'9 Into•~ CJl)MCME * *.,. "Fooln' lvfNlwd'' C IHO) Garr •uMy, Ami"9 O'TOGla. A ,..,,. ~lo)' lllaalOMn • t>Mlltlul, 90pN9Uoalad aalllga .,.. ~ from ........... tlerl09 and ,_ ~ ""'*' ..,,..,, 'PG' (%)MOVIE ..... "Tiie """" Of 0.1. c:oopr• (tll1) Tr9et Wll-..... ....,, o..a. A. ...,..,,.... . ..,..., ......... .....,CMf C>Ngen ............. ....... .....ey.'N' 1bl0.ATONS ... : --""""Loell· .... 1=8'0a- ··~ .._.., ........ (1'1=•1 I ... ... ---~ llllrw "' .. -• -...... , ............ ................. ··----· ...... """' -............ Dlwld ................. ......... KCET (28) 2:00 11 ln1lde Bu1lnen Today." "Findln1 and Landin& the Right Job," An employment aaency owner, a c1roor couna~lor and o corporation ~rt0nn 1 director tell how to !Ind what career la for yuu and wht'rc th Jobs arc. KNBC (4) 10:0 0 -"The De lvin Connection." Nick falla for a beautiful heir"8 who 'is actually a ruthleu lm~ter out to defraud an estate of which Brian la th_e executor. . KHJ On 10:00 -''Th~ Great Eac;ape." James Gamel' and St.eve McQueen star in story of the plans of British, American and CanadJan POW1 for a ma&sive breakout ~rom a Nazi camp: weal lnlenUONlly ratUM ""' ~•IJW vtewpolnt of local llCtlool boetd INmbere. (l)MC)Vll * * 14 "Prlllorw Of Ww" (1N4) Ronald Aeeoan. Dewey Mllrtln. TWo POWt from Ille Unit.cl Stal• continue In~ 1fOf11 ~ appewtng ta ll8Ye cradled uridef oommuni.1 lndoolllnaelon. l'.IO. WDTUN OUT'DOOAll u.H ~Pl!Clllng In Nortlwn CalllOffll• e•1 ecwr1~ Cl) GOOD T.a . ...,..,... WOMIMC» cau.r: "°"" Garctn., ·~THI ~OBn'URY 1::: .... "The UN!nown T•- .... (tl61) John tiowerd, ...... ~ A ..,.,... ...,,... ~ • man- ..etng ~ In 8outtl Amertce. l:OO I Nk'I •ST IVSR. ,,. • 41...L MOVll ........... OoHome" ( t9H) fred Owynne, Vllorw'8 0. Certo. The IQv. •b.. Hatman Munater lnMrtl9 "" 8rtllltl uncle'• .. and l'MnOf. • ICOJAK A man.,..._ a lall lflOW 1-c It urging Nm 10 k• .,.,... ....... elmW!t- ed. (l)unu~ON TMe~ ~,..,.~ ..... .. ...._.~lo• mcNnlaln cablfl to -... tw, i.-a tnea lo help. eMCME •• ~ "Floodl" (11119) Aobarl Culp, Martin Mllnet. TWo MMoopt., ploU """ aid to • 8IMI '°"" -...... .., • flood ......... .. call9pee of.,, rilCl-:::.fAMW/ WC>NJ INTO...,_. "Oarl '~•m•n'' The award -wln11ln11 tcr-llet Of "High Noon" and ..... av.- Tiie ,._ Kwal" .... about Illa .. '!tit wtllll It -·e~ln ~ tloood dUl1nO ltle late • 40t and ·so.. ..... "OWBI (I) __.WOMAN W9nder w--. rnuet1uae .. her ttrengtfl and power kl lllop • tarrortle group "°"' ILJdl.,.. ..... and _.,.,_,., ... ,~ • MARY TY\9 llOc>M ~ .... Oft .,, atr• tD0 to awn tfl9 moneiy IO ..,, ..... .,, ..., ..... SMCMa • * * .. ....._ Nrll Aird Mtt(' c•m AMNIM . .... and Mltl.-'dl .. . ,... ... wllo ... ..... l"=.., ..... 'G. ..... "lorro" (1171)AMlll DllDR. ......, ..... A 8p•nlall nobl•m•n becClfM9 • awordeman and 1Kgee the poor to rebel agalMt • ""'°'le mlltflf)' oo-wior . I: ti CZ) MCMl * * * '1 Sent A Leiter' To ~ Lowe" (1111) Simone 81gnoret, Jwl Aoc:Nfort. A mlddlt a~ -wllO ... apeM moat ol lier ac11111 .. c.1ng for lier lmleld brotMr ~ to wttteal9tterl0•,,.... l*loMyl'IMrta~ 'N ' la • .-cJftTewoN.D ~~ ... of .. A~ Kalula I ,_. Mc:Celll ~ ...... lf1Id1111 ,.,,.. IMIUI (frOltl All9ntlc °"' M.J,k __ _ • ol _ CAA'T.....,... .. Mo,.. (fnlM ,.._.. ................ .,'I: _... ..... w...·1 w.ttd ...,,,.. .... ~ l•t::.::-=· ............. .. ...,i ...,, oolMI "* • ,.. .. ......, ........ &·----~ -~:...-= .... , .. .... "" .............. ., ........ .,, .. ..... &::..wa A ........... ,_. .............. v.... ................. It , ... .,., ....... myat.noua "man with no name" .,,..,. • gang -belw"n two lacllona eteer IO ... w!IWiey and. oi-to Mellleane and lndt-.,., • COWUTM ~ • WAfTING fOA A AIMOH "The Paper Of CIUtlflca. Oon" (I) ITAll TMK Folowlng • long mlMlon, ""' En•prlte , ... thor• lffve on • -lngty ~.plantt. 9 GAIATRT lflORTI •wsme "W•ll Frazier" Hott: Brook• Aoblnton. aMCM1 * * * "The 8atlcley9 Of 8rMdwTY' (19491 Fred Aatalte, Qlnoer "°far9. A .... ttcal couple .. up -• dlMgii•t•lt --C*l'llng _.., Mure orlly 10 tlnd lhal .. '°""'for eedl ..... ~ • AIM.QTATI ~Tl (C)MCMa **~ ''St. Ivel" (11178) a... 9roneon. ~ Ina ....... A lornlw crtrne flPCW*·~ ....... .., . ......,.,, ......, '° ,_.,,. .... ol lna1tftlliillllt19 .......... 'PO' •:ao I INTIN'Am GAIATaT lflORTI &.-"lob Olbton" Hoal: 8rooka AolllrWOll. (l)NaA~ Qlk:lloO .... VI. Indiana ,... • 8'0ATI AMENCA "Ntillonall a.o.e-Atdl ,.. ... Star $0ftbal Game" • WNTINGfOAA AfAION "The W0td" (Part II 9 .,.._ W&K LAIT ~INTHEHA. (B)MCME ..... "8pfllruc" (11181) Frtnll Langella, L~ ,.,_ Down. A """'-II**_... ant .... ring 9ttemptt to atop an Egypcologlae from dltccrt- ""'9 "" .... aabouta of • pt'lotlMe .... ..,. -;i:'°--·'PO' •• ,,. ''The PUl'tUlt Of 0.8. Coopet'' (1111) Treat Wl- lllnw. AoClert OINtll. A ... ~ • .,..,.11"4 .,..,.,._ IO~ -ONgon wlltl • tonurM In "°"" moMy. 'PO' (I) GAIAT LADID M OOUNTin' MUllC • Lrnit Allderton. ~ f:wgo and L.cr J. Ol*on .. e.tur9lll In a M par- ~ t..,.cl .. "" MOM ,Gtand Hotel Ill Atno ....... .MCMa • • • ''TM Uttle ,.,._ .. (117•) Aldlard ~. 0.. Wider. All alrtna plot ..,......'" .. ~ . ............ ... bOJ '""" ....... ...... --·~---ol-•al'•fs'& l:t01-•HDlll ...... Pl.A'900K .. • HAWY DAY8 MWN Fonda .... • bargllln ~ ltle devl'• ~ to go wlthoUt • kllt '°' 24 hours lo Mlle CMdll't ..... eMCME •• "Man In The Wider? nMt" (191tt Alclltrd Hentl, JdWI Hueeon. A -~ • brutal INUlng by • ,.... ..... oaitlnt 1119 •lounded ~to wortlllp flllf'I • • r~ .... ''O&Qlng Into Dr-." Aoy ~demon­....... .,._,outs• ............. ~ ent app.._ 10 .. ............. (I) rA•t•H ......,..._.. ...... r~~.-lft •=OP **" . .,,_,_....Oto.a . OMIMr" (1tl11 T,_. WI-.... "°'*' OIMI, f< ...... e ...... .............. ONllft ........... "' ·1:-ri':-&AVIMI&......, IGGllNM' TMllftl ..... •lll..,_. ...... ,,.,.... .. ..... 1 .. -...... . Hiia .... ... lMIM.AXY 11191M .. ~ .. .... ..... ....... ..... -............. ... ' l ctl1111111 8aturday, November 13. 1082 Looking Jor a career in sales? See today's Help Wanted ads, classification 7100 ., .,,..,;, .... ,; ~!Mf!!!!!!'! .. llif ... !.,.f!!tld .... mt P!Jl..f11.'!l. .... 1.~ff .... ,11!!1. .... 1.~ff !•!1..'111.'!l. .... TJ.ff ,,__ W• nMd n•w ••c•• ror LOST • 150 "8WAAO AdwwUMt• ....., ....... Rtet•Utlflt --=-·-------= our famous •• : • ....-;;::............ ll'loc;ltllng & •citing H · AtMll•n Meltm\lte, Mlle, II NIPll PLANT PIM~ Tiii Ull ...,..., r••r• M/F, •n~ •11•. 90 lbe, l floppy.., 111111 MW 'l'll .. 7&·to~ 11 looking for ruu & pl ... IJtnf~!l ... !~ r•e•. Hot~ Mgmt 8S7·2395 15t-48"2 NO !XPl!AIENCI NIC Leoll t.cJ .. tty Train.. time htlp, .~~y or -~'Oh'· uundr1met tor Nit. In• (213) 'l'U· 2l2 Found: 81k Lab. In Harbor WE TRAIN Type to. lltt legal t lC.pe· QppOrtunll,.. tor ... vtn• DIMES-A-LINE elude• Flull I Fold. -. aaay Vltw Ar .. Nov 10, rltnct or COii• training Ct!Mtll APl)ly i to Soni, ~~~ & Adam•. ........... 552·"4521 alt 8 $7T0.8ST9A 'Thr A-:t.~.ct. Pit ... ~Ill tor A::11c:: Hwy, Lag '°h . . • .,.-T Ullll Found1 lltO• bltck male ~, Mary Hlekle Ao-nc:y lllll t ..... 1 ae1uty l elon, Newport •~ S•lttt, well trained. Yor· tt?e2 MaoAtthur 81\/d - IMech. Cotti M ... .,..; .. per pel'ton. Pot l.uclc. b• Lindi l(M, 846-1310. l.0011 Co. now tllclno """"'·QA 040.2120 ~ OARDEN window, lluml 100 EACH Tlco '"llPI S6 .,,NO Pono llbl• 111. PRESTO lltrllo11 boiler 7 atit1on1, bu•"· Call tt1 Group• ol 15 and up. eppllcetlon1 tor PR· --,......--,,,.,,..,.--,..,,,,..,,...1 50 381 tOO ~ duty eitl>C>Md Merit tltc:trlc train M1 110 MunNY Bektr atol• 8PM. 867th, tu btnellte. 133.5a0e 876-797'1' ,.,,._.,, Ad~ltlng·OtilllttY·Mtf LIAISON IMPORT MOR Salts........ num, width In n. Jol•t hl'hOttl 50c: Meh. with trenelormer. Ciro• l•r to .. ttr $15. l.loydt •••••••••••••••••••• • Department l'·Unau•I. 1 year expe. FuU/Utne t_,.,PotllV c1-. width l30. 844-7183 100 itMi eleettk1 bo•• 1950'1 '45. AJrbtuah ktt AM IF M AFC rad to _e_'l'_S-_l_eeo ______ Ntl I t .. a IJlf • -• t -CALL MA. JOHNSON rlence. $1000/mo. Able 1hltr for writing up WOOD dtlk 511 $45, with brackec. 50e MCh. (brand new) $20 Ptnl· S12 50. Cove'! S3~. Prt· Wiiiard Wiier. Htn on •••••••••••••••••••••• .,.... •-• (7141628·1000 to ape.ai & writ• ChlneM C1'11l1tma• HIH. Oood Wood dftk 31t $35. Tw 50 ..ch doublt electric 1onlo 8 trick AM/FM •to Air COOier '400 '36. "10 mini ." Dlatrlbu· PHOTO MOOEL.8 & Englllh Job IOc:ated In With rtgu1H, q1.11ek, with ONtt or drewert 41111311 bo•• fl Meh. Pulodt rtertlvtr (nHdl work) Foreign colnt 60o·S5. to11hlp1 avelt. Chrl1 ESCORTS/DANCIRS ............. ., WHtmlnlter, CA. Otrtet n .. t hendwrlllng. Con· 140 .. oh. Bookc:n•. nalll SS. 3 rOlll wire 400 110. Roll·•·w•y bed $20. Commerclel Frnh Hind Htnclric:llton~783 fOlll) ADS OUTCAU, 2t HAS M1turt coupl• tom•· & COOfdlnatt the actM· teot• J1net Poland, wood vtnH r 4'~it21Alt IMCeechrollN.OnerOll Sollgor 1uto T•I•· A1tet1nS3S.TwoMt1of Mur.I! HMltl lllO' 18 unit bldg, quiet tlM Involved In purcb•· 646-5021. • 1 3 5 . NI g ht 1 I• n d lte• 12 Two MCh 21 foot Conv.tMf 311 to flt Cenon new Ure ehaln1, .he1vy !IUl.~U.at!! •• 1•11•••• • ARE FREE hari.2,'dtprloc•t••r~~·. ~~ ••no & dletrlbutlon or ..... _1 Oltrl (llfll) t~ttitH\11 116. Orn•· etMI 1111 PIPt S2 Heh. 125. t7S..~ duty ,20 •Mt Vi H.P. *** ..... .., "'""' aportlllg equipment Im--n1tntal wood tablt 20 ABS llltlngl 50e fllltr end rump $50 rl1umH to Ad • 1085, ported from T1lwan. Olllc:• •upply eompan~ 7~fldltx 1'hft 140. St Heh Sit day 7AM IHI TIRES 1·L78Jt 15, D'l'Olt 14, Commerola whHlbar• 111.2nctt,3rdt._,. Cal·, lffl..£11 flrflr Delly Piiot. ~AO. Bo• Coordlnal• contr•c1 hH tullltlm• poaltlon c:rttary chalr'S30 Twin 10AM s ~ 1AM IHI 0781116 $10 ••oh. '""' wMel with ettach· ltettHlll •n 1580. Co1t1 MHe, Ca apeellleatlona, produc:-•v•ll•bl•. Wiii train. bo• •Pring mattrH•. noon.' ,:5•2'/1s. 1585 831·3701 ment $115. High IPHd "'"'. l ... a..~. 142 ... ,. Optn 24 hra. day 9282e.-0580 tlon a Import IChedutee. Newpor1 St•tlontf•. Inc:. lr•m• $45. Unlciyc:I•. Rlvtr•ld• Ptac•. Coat• CEDAR~ boltd• (to) c:1rbur1tor gq-c:1rt tn· FOUNTAIN VALLEY Jacu~l~r.!~oe•I• Ar1111 devtlOp ftltth0d1 a l>'O-S57·9212 (Mr. Emmon•) Sch~lnn HO. Unleycl• Meu. Ott 18'\1'1 an\j 11n1131n11ert 260 Heh. Qfne $3S, H1m1fllf Ml, •...... 8111 UJIUT etdur• to trek\ t'he 1tafl •-• ..,, ....... ~ 11 8'lhwlnn $30. Blc~cl Tustin. Bird e~31nlt1eln•181n new latot run, originally ._.. •• wtll 11 Toucltc1 •rrJ• ""' ... • •100 135, EJ4ctflc ---.----.-.--,----L09t· lrl•h Mttw .tern. m•y 8 1 d A to lnapte1 a ev•lu•t• the •••1"•••••••••4•••••••• S50. Elltnlnge and WM $7.50. beg .2. L•· • . now • ...--bt -ring Tena teo•. •nkAmerc1t ' mtr· tqulpment to lnaul• Sal .. Eitee. nMdl beby ktnd S48·8T3? I• INCH g,_, 8011• rea-dltllce1llel•llzt8S6. w••d machine 110. 111. ·2nd and 3rd TO'•· 2300 ...... °'· E Santa =~~~41C:.'::4t::'. ARTIST qu .. lty lltnd81'dt. Send tlttw, 3 rWQh11 WMll. NB MENS 10 ~ blk• S4S. !°"3s'.blJ.Gpr:'e:rd~~c-o~ Minolta Super 8 mo11I• Shopcrllt ~. d(IH, ••• Now 11 the time to •ct Ana Hts. Much IOVed ta· c • PAIT TI• 1h11 ad & your reeum• to: are•. 55g.66()5 1 1 • c:amtr• Ilk• ntw $50. c:effent 112.50. Pots and wt11i. lnttrHt "'" •r• ml"' ..... ,. BIG rewwd. any 2112 Hllbof 81· M • Job 8-3 202, PO 8011 Mena 8utov•800ld1 wr 1 s.40·.-013 Argue alld• protector p1n1 25~$2.SO. Toole ' 7 ...... Id 1 t ,.. llJ 15102, L""" • ..,... .. ,, c• S•IHman, mu1t b• ag. witch $45. tat oner ... ...2 3s2a SOc..$5. 111 f: r-tw tow. CaM on OUf' , • .....,, I n t o r m a t I o n e e 11 COEDS • Wou ove o .-., .... ..,-"' ~ •20 N ..,......, t DRESSER and mlrrOf S20 -.,.. • ,...... ' .,... """15. no latw th•"' Nov. "'teHlve & h•v• ••ten· • · ew ,...,_, · · 17.50. 2253 tpubllc. at no c:harg• to help you 548·1919, 840-4404 party w/you. Call Sue or Oltrlltall wtft """ -· • f 11 1 1 1 $29 Whit• HWlng m•c:hlne with your ptOblema. Z• 1----------,-1 Kathy anytlmt. (213) 23 1982 •111• knowltdge 0 1 P ng c. eu a or · ... 5 A 11 di(llng tablt SCHWINN crulHr $60. Coate Mtaa. Corner of nlth Funding. Cell Art. Lo1t Tiny whit• dog, vie: e 3 4 . 4 s 7 1 • ('I' 1 4 I 5 houra d•lly. Mondey • • IYPN ot marine tlectro-AM /FM Dlgltal clock ~· H~t"'";50 919 Oak Power r ... mower with Repubflc •nd Wiiton. 857•1422 Harbor & San Dttgo Fwy, 527•7186 thru Frld1y. Af1trnoon1 Lm·ll ""'1111 nlc1 tor the pltHur• radio $20. Anttnn• rot•· 's · C 1 · M cetehef 135 Car bettwyi----..,,.----::-':""'.:"::-:-::-::-'.:-:-:: nr Ftdoo. Rtwer d . ----------t preltrred. E•perl•nct Hollstk:ally·orlented wo-bolt lnduatry, both In· tor $38. Kodek alld• ~e-0~~ os a Ha. 12v ellcellent condition WO new P235/7S/t5 • .,,,.,,,, fnll 5~7"'4453 Custom Ftnlasy Phone nectue1y. Start Imme· man want•d tor prog· aide & outlldt lllts. lull protector 110 llldet $50. $20. Small power rotary llMI belt $50 each. SM OHb Sl31'·L-o""'a-t-: -M-c-.-11-c-Q_c_•_t-. -0-nl Con~c~~:~ ~l~hh~:rbel dl1tt1~. Call Ptreonnel. reaslve Lagune hom• to time, itlnt co llenetlta. 546-2855 . 3 H.P. Brigg• and Stratton mower 129. Men'• bike al 197S Pomona ( 1). •••••••••••••••••••••• Nov. 5, D•n• Pt area. Call 638-0701 842·4 21. Ext 217 give m1111941, prepare eiallflt4 THREE lllce baby atrolle<t gu ltwnmower $45. 10 •peed S25. 10 IPMd1-Cot.........,1_1_M_"*._,..-· --,--,--I.I. um11 l50rtwlrd.861-S874 DAILY PILOT 11'9't1tlan mtel• & light .,,....... ••• Ilk• ntw StrolH 110. Soundealgn record bllc•trameandwMel$5. OANmohoganydou0!9---:--~ ............ 0.0 .... F--"' Boyfriend. llCOft. model. houHkHplng. Room, 549•9671 E.O.E. M/F/H 118 128 Nice musical c:h1nger $15. L.C. Smith UltrHonlc: gtntrator bed sso. Slit 12 roller S -1111~ 1 1 & 2nd .....,,.. Reply to Ttnn, PO Bo• B.O.E. boerd a tlt11lbl• pay. crib. mobile $'4. Oki high 1llent typewriter 125. Sin $10. Suptr squar• 2Sln. llk•t• ss. Hand Iron $'4. pee : n 1 Ftmal• Aetrltvtr Ml11. 5278·54, Santa An•. ca.•---------PIMM call Mlchttle bet. Sales Chair $5. 842-0237 wide eyelet $1 yard. Zlp. color plcturt tube, Ilk• Marble c:heu set, no TO 1 1949 Blectc· Male LhaM APtO 9210• A t p rt Ori 9 & 12 noon, 41M·IO 14. TY MlllZllE ptrs, buttons, mattrlel, ntw $36. Old 3 trick board SS. Sptaker wire Robt. Settle< NH/CM 8 r o ~ n & W ht t : F ~ ---'"·------1 U 0 3 $ ver SURFBOARDS: G l S 711 tlllllC: 1 c-SOc:. Doll• mocM111111S10. Cer Ur• 50c taeh. Varlou1 old R.E. 8'okw 8d RMltort Cocic·a-poo Blk & Wht. *llTl•llll* lerg• Orang• County •t ... TI IEEIS Gypty Ryder S50. Slllll-SOc-$2S. Dlshet, old 141n . SS ••ch. A••I m 1gazIn•1 fr om 842-2171 545-0et 1 Newport ~ech Anlm•I T' 11111 ••in Volktwegen duleranlp 11 Ntll• Naturally In the derd L..,nlng Boetd S7. bottlH 25e-S 1. LadlH mower need• polnta $15. 1920· 1912 2Sc:·$3.SO. WIDOW HAS $$S tor TD'I Shelter, 125 Mna Oflve, I .. looking for 1mbltlou1 Ranch Ma.rket Baek Be) Profeulonal advertlelng 3S9 Nau au, Co1t1 clothea 10c·S1. Plent Old blkt $10. Rutty out· Sun tamp 13. One video RE Lo1na. 10K Up. No C.M. 844-3658 Models, dancert, neort• P«ton to 1t11n the Part• Ctnter. Ha• only 1 s11· 111ete>er1on. Etm t11tr• MNa. 657·8212 poll 50c:·S2. Saturd1y board caddy SS. 2080 c.uett• n1ovle (no nu· Crtdlt Chtck, No Pen· LOii 1119: F bltt Lab mix. 669-89l3. Opel'l 24 hfl. b\ltlneu. Outltl win In· tlon left for aomtone w/ mely large eommlHlon, GOLF club• 115 tac:h. &.4. 220 CllNlllia Lane, State Allt .. cosi. M .... dlty) 125 Elect ric elty. Dtnnllon & ANOCl whit• pet eh on ehtst, 41 Piii IYIHE elude 1tocklng par II, est c:llent•I. Moat aup· working In a prottcted B•O 12s. DlahH, gold Costa Maa. FolloW Oak Sir Ht, home blanktt eontrolt s 1 NCh. 673·7311 "'' c:olllll, vie. Adams a pickup & dellvtty. Mu1t pllH lnc:ludtd In rtnt. territory within Orang• trim. 4 Hll 160. Cart VANITY top and bowl. 1'1tl' 1pm, Old ldwrtlMmtnll, car, <>--· E llOllTl lN-1111 be ovtr 18 year• old & HMlth Insurance avail•· County. Sell Display Ad· $3S. Ortic• chelr $50. crtam formic• 221148. _M_l_N_l _b"""'l"'.""k-,-,~r-.-m-,-w-:1-:-:th:'"I elg. Cok• Cota. Stttlorl H4' Sii.ii YllLI ~~·8 ..._.. .. d. "* 24 hra. by appolntmtnt havt • good driving r• bit vtrtlslng tor TV M•g•· S36-8030 EAc:tltent 125 or you r• 1 h di• hit, trudl, luhlon t>oozt, S7SK note, payabl• ------:::----• cord Apply In peraon: Judtlh 551·to70 line, tht n1tlon'1 largeat 1 SS 84~712 wh•els. 1 rH, 1~35 children, TV ind many S,000 ,._mo. '--'udl"" Lost.· Ptr1l1n Cat, grty, SPIRITUAL READINOS Jim Marino Yolkaw-. 10c:a1 weeti"' ""•bllc:atlon. SPINNAKER pole 12tt lor move or · bart and brak" • • othtr old ad'• $1-$5 ..,.. """' ... 1 11 tt _,,..... ••antcurlst. We nted heir '7 "" SSO Clock out"'oor ~I hied 15% int. Alt due 11 mot. copper tyH. Vic:. B•y· Advice n • ma "'· 18711 8"eh Blvd, H.B. ,.. ~ Ben•IJt prog11m provl· 3011·35rt boil · FOUR Brown Jord1n • " • • 1 ch . c e 11 Soot t Ste. by , .. 1 Ht•tt In· erHt. N.8 . Call oon love. merrlege & bual·•·111-b---,--1--1-H--1 .. -~=~t:~ •=~~i.':fi: dtd Som• p1rt·Jlm• 552·3S19 c:heln, needl ~nt $15 SDISOal.t~lO. ~~ 54µ143 com• trom n1tlon11 Htnaon 548-7362 ness. Also counMllng. ,..• 1-"" or •r"' 1 'J.'52 1vellablt. For lnttrVlewt, NG.,......, 311 t21t eeeh. Two Seara toldtng ----• 1----------compiny 1 ptraon•I ---------1 1815 So. El Camino Real. w1rd•11. CdM, 12· 15 lion Yltjo. 49..-12. call 11141859-a140 SWIMMI ........., IC • blc:yc:t• $20 .. eh. Two of bicycle part1, rreme. W 8•1• p1rt1, tendtrt guatent" of equlpmtnt LIST UT San Clem. 492·7296 dyl pr mo. No wknd1 9DIU1/fllll T1tlt SALES with Bet Unt Fa-~":':Se=~ rice c:ooktrt S15·$20 ~~.Jl. ~: :::S..~6~9c;w~· Costa leue • 163,000 llltH 11• Yellow m.,. l•bby, shon --S-IR_V_E-IL_LA_NC-=E,---1 644'8025 Fr:ont orlle• poalllon 1hlon1. Fleitlbte houri. ttflre 241n glrl• erulaer Ironing board s1.so. $3. Gardtn 10011 $2'1---------,.--:--7 1 4 I 2 4 0 • 1 1 8 S or htlr. 7 yra. Not fat but Ustenl"" devices tor the CARPENTER (FINISH) ••1ulon Vltlo Secrtll Hi.... •--F d ....... ...,~ s2s H•..,.....,.. ranch Small round table, mat· 1 ,. 1 bl k d 5 INCH black and white 53 "' h "D ff " ··• S I h nd -•1 "' · · '"" "''" '" wer '0""· """' · -"'···• bl• t ype S 10. •mb•r ••ch. • n. IC an •"5 k """"' 25 493-11 ''" paunc: · u Y • discreet. S98-7S11 llrw•y • r .. up. rial e11pr. required. Bonus ward rob• w/ ,,..-lamp $5. Children• h'"""'"" •·-11"s. p....... whit• TV S40. Thtr TV -•• wor 1 ¥"""'· Aew1rd. Vic SJC a E/ 1----------1 842·0881 9s. 060 ,.. -..... _ .. ., .... Inch TV not working $10 Tru1t Deed lor lllt. $5S. Bluff Oya. 957-0889: HOLISTIC DIET •---------4 1 direct Mlllng t lCpw. lnlo gamn. l>UU ... and loya lamp $8. Color TV $50. mo11at for furnace SS. (3) OI d 1 bl · 000 at 13%. Ou• Jun• e v 1 / w-" n d 1 . LoM w...,.ht & Improve •-lfll llLP Mtdlc:el Back otfloe. Ex· 953-0142, 6"8·1489 10c:·S2. 01111 clothH, Klt ...... -ware l"-$2 Sat· 936 Mac Kenzie Plact. n. rdou, 1 n._ .. ~ .'.'s· 983 Lind I le 0 --10u _., v•• _. G p I N e ·~ ......,.,.,._,, 1()c..IS. "''""' """" "'·51·"'•"'" tlalnlld an n, .. _, ... 1 d r •11 1 1· ,.,_,11·11• '' 819-240·9114 health w/vltamln1 & Full lime, plr1 time, d1y ptr. Nee ... n · · SeamstreH pit, a11p only. K...,lt"_ ..... ....::'.;'e5c:.s2. TWo urdey-a"-6-S"'n~ _--"" __ ,___. -----t ~Maldl1ng benef\'1 101 or · md odn. -L--.--S-h-h--d-herbs. Celt Htld l• shift. Fle11lble ac:hedule. 631·S301 Call 499·t985. 30848 A•k''"kiic ..... -chain SlO. 9·4:30. Cash only. 29S66 15 INCH tire vw SL rim $10 each. 5"0·1735. Follow• 2 truat •• • 011 .... u11 •P er 1· 495·2738 •pp1u In ..... -. 7t1 E. c t......., s L .,. ·-· VI Alto Cerro Laguna 1---------'."' totallng 182S,OOO. Wiii Grey a blk puppy& Blk& ---------• "'e 1·bo' 9 ..... 1 ... ~· ktltM4111str ou .. _,, All· Mtn• ind women• c:lo· 1 · · 115. Jol•t hangtrt all UEEN btdapread, dl1count to 2S% yltld. Brwn mother. 850-1S80 Chrlllopher Nelaon. 11--'--'·-•-uva-----:--Ftr lrtbr llOIRAIY thel 50c-S2. 2474 Santa Niguel. 831-1173 t1zet 30c MCh. Stelnten cuatom qultttd, IHf Steve 875-328S •• led Wht / think Y.°" .,, a wondtrtul RT Typlll needtd for Pa-11_, _ more Good genertl akllta·. An• Avt. Coate Mes•. VOUTH library table desk ate•I pot1 and pan• green velvtt Ilk• new -'---------Found: ... a F oga. _.. ... w men. Happy Daya. Lov•, TAB Tet•• Ottlee. (714) -·i"t1 .. ,:: .... c..:"".::;::..,."' word pr~--·~ ,11...... 8·2pm Sll1Kday. with 2 chelra $40. Twin $7.SO. Dlatle hand 11w $25. S52·8803 tan tpOll .... r.... s·-"'. 97" 7 ' 3001 D....ahlll .... .... .. ·-· ............ ,,_ I db .. $8 s s I k so ,,. ________ _ Aa.•Dff•••ll/ collar. 842-8038 -·-"'-'------,..., 1 · .-... ' Cell 9 to 3 PM. r lenee htlpfu . New WASHER $50. Dryer 150. w eker h•• oer.. · 4· n c: •11 nde·, __ .. tin. bladl Ind whit•, ·----•-:; T·BEARY'S Bklg 5· Sit 108· CM. 213·94D-0874 e11t 17 Colt• M•U ofllce. OlltlwMMr IS. Aefflo9-Two plat• glut mltr()(I .. oh. o,..... • t-new $3S. Encl lab ... $25 ~, ~ FOUND; Orenge & wnlte. GhJV\ girls (to go) ,. ... .__Ship 'Ab, all occu-iiiiiiiiiii~===:-iiifi~1~-e~2~ti.7i9i2i1iiiiiiiiiil 11tor $50. Kirby veeuum 21tx3tt 18 e1c:h 8•· 12. Conc:rtt• block• $2 .;..I t /eo/UI Vie ""-~..-o. ""..... "" ........._~ • ..,. Puehmow« throom light ttxtw• S5 Meh. 50 tbe Freon tank and S10. Smelt coffee ••••••••••• •••• ._ •••• ~j M•r. Frlendly. 645 -891• ~ •vella~ Grrt Sto.~k: AA-StO. end s1.so. Chlldr•n 14. Wom•n'• 1ho•• ...,._ 16. Qlrt8td 1urn1e-... 1-•••ls II• .... 7Ne Prof. foreign M, 20'1 opportu ty. or ~llf ILL Olrl• blk• ...._,30 221 boo411• end toys 2Sc:.16. 12-14 Mdl. B11nd ,_ bte 1 10. Large IUltceM rH.im••••••-000 '"'"" •••k• relet1on1hlp· Into. 312-IN-•347• •111 Secreter.., potlllOft In 1 c 1 ~ end adult do-walker 1 50. Nute a11d 1 26. Lare• tllooka ot Wltnetl _,tad. $100 wil FOUftd: llll latl, vtc. "''"de d I ad y . ._c-_10 _______ ,_ active Newport Center "ower lrttt, 0 ' • thing S 1 ·$5. 14882 bolt• tc: ••ch. L•dlH wood S1 eech. 5 gallon b• paid to l •n Juin .,....,,1'th. 2131854-8204 Dell Countt<. Deya FIT. Rt11tor'1 office. Front MNa. BtlAfr• Stre•t. Irvine. jogglno mec:hln• SS. buelcetl 11 ••eh. Old Cepfttrano riltn & wo-&45-0tO,, s.45-D958 ENJOY AEtAlONO IMI· Tu.-Sal, Alk for Hwotd Offlot !H*tlon requlNt TOOL IMd llH of two 561--0840 Aeil0ln9 temp $10. Oolf It"'° pflono-rldlo SS. man who w9f• hitch· Found. Sml r.m. WNh UiJe In ti. prlv:,cto:t or Duane. 4t5 E.ut 1111\ =telephone vole•, trlllh c:en9 $30. 50 "'°" MAFilLE Cir..-411 with c:.t a-ow S15 needat:-~~,...,......-7-:--=-:---::--:-:-hllt~ll'I L.agune e..dl COf ... llltt.n iNd-Od ..__ --.... t St CM . lhcw1hend I IC>-.,.uerlum $20, Turtillll -'-r-....... ...:. .... ..:... ~ work Bl•ck end whit• TA Crib ..... Double on t. 5. 1192. Wit· Ftn.•.',.._, •~:. ..,.72 . your,,...,,., On-or • --·-·-· -----.,... ...., "" ...., ,._,. ,_, ....,.... C _, •• ... ,... ~ ..,_, ----pearanee. At•I ffltt• ...,_.ry 120 156-3293 F R .A. • .. -· ... ''"°°"' bed US. ~ bed '50. n•H•d a let• •11•e•d · b '1 • m • 1 ••u1 e · 8TM. ~llY nperlenct htlptul but · · r9mlc poca •1 tlleh. our carpet M. 3ft bamboo Htc»+btd S2S. CMtt or automobile wtllc:n lnvol· FOUND Fe. mind SI· 631-3209 Full time, front & bid noc ~el. Prwter 1oc:111 HHTWOOO roctl., 1<15. tlec:trovolc• twetter1 13. e ueball mitt $3. dr•w•rt $1'1'. OrtHer wcS tM man Who pldled moytd W'1t & Pc Puppy • -·• ,._.__ REA X-A9y r-•"'-nt. F~ Int-vi-CoftM teble 125. W«* 125 eacil. Leave. mH· n-.... .,.8,L '°""' to 38"• __.... -'-or •••. T-' lhttn ~ & °"* C8' he (2) Malt, rnl11ed Twrltr r•;:;.. SJfl Ll;,-'r';q~Selarj open. c:i'Mra. Oubj ... $10. Super~ $20. Mot 845-1'70 ;Id. ioek e~d hlngH j;';' SSO. w;:d :~;;,; r::~. ~~~ F81k Puppy, ~ed tail. •••••••••••••••••••••• Somt S1t"'deya, btfl9-Wttltf 1. t..e.r le, Men e1~d•swo~~nl fl~· TWO king ec>rud1, velWt 110. 20t2 Waitlee A¥'t .. $22. Doublt btd $45, -.,,_.,., re• to goo om• • -.. fits, Newport Beech.,... ........ -~-4910 thH ·• • P• n 1 $50 Ollllled $25 Teblt eo.t• Meu Couch $SO. Love Met .,.. In the Ctll plMM M.,. Mixed Lib, Blk, 2 .,.,._ 842·8180. Aft 5 • .._,ora 50c: per tube. Fabric 1 1 · SlS v · uum · • contact Jack Uttllf Al· yrs old. vtry lov .. ble. Stop tmOl<lng In 1 hr1 942.9887, Ev .. /Wknd• d•pendlng upon 111pe . per y1rd. Sewing pet· •mp• · •c: Llf METAPHYSICAL book•. 135. End ttbl• .15. torn• y • t Law N-pon Beach Anlmel (Alie lbou1 guerwllteS) 847·8032. rltnee. E11eellent com· Reetptlont1t1Sec:rttary. ttml 25o wh. Chrl•I· H~1&5· S..: uaed: Thou11nd1 or ... _54a-0854_..,__· _Of_H_,3,,_1~148-7~ 7141720·1433. You will Shelltr 844·3856. 12S Alao IP9'tlle control &i---------peny ~rts. Send r Gentral offlc:t, typing. m11 wr .. th $4. Broom r.._ 50c-$2. Cet beektt theml Splrltual, Chrll· ANY toya and books bt p1ld $100 .. ch for M ... Drive, Cotta~ eetf Improvement Cost Dtntel , sumt to. Kiiiy Newman, phOnM, part/time, non-$5. Tools $1·$10. Chev $7 50 Pleauo prlnll 4 lien, lndlan, Setf·Help, 2k-S2. ~te game your 1tetemtnl rtQlf· SSS. Avail for publlc Ellpttlenced R.O A. ,_.. Director or Peraonnel, smokw. Call tor epf>t. V8 gHktl Mt S10. 8'11 I · H L I I th Diet and H .. llh, Chtld· $10. Tennll rec:ket1 $e ding the ec:ddtnt whtn It ....... " apeal!Jng & teaeblng. ded ror Orthodontic: Mtrrlll Lynch Realty TSL Mgmt. 142-1803 helmet I 10. MAC Oo bor 0 II t t ~vef5 c: S 5 o' birth, Ortaml, ~· Metl. Pool CUN 15 eecn. ~f~e:!t.t:.' ~=~: =--=-~~ c :r. In~~~··~~· .. r:,:~~~3~':°" VleJO ~:~~aSt~4d. ~~:!~ lloMtllY/l.llt... ~'p1'.~P~~,: :,~~·a~~ 840--0748 eiurts -. ~~'!';ch~i1:.: =:r.t::11!:5irs~= mix. L .. ther eolllf. RE· M.S.WPhone 873-5379 .._. ... f CA 92804. EOE. Sharp Ptf'IOll ntedecl to 10c: HCh. Corntr or MEN'S snow 1kll1 and phy, Anthropology, TM-mower $25. tee eruthet Find what you went In WARD. 846-4739 Nwpt Hypnosla Center Pe::tt::e.":Frl .• ~'sun. work In fell peced N.8. Santa Ane AY9 1nd Ao-po1et $1S. Norelco cor. chlng, Poetry, Jtwl•h SlO. Sterto cabinet S3S. Delly Piiot Cl11slfltd1. Went Adi Cell 642·5878 FAMOUS CIRCUS S:45 AM to 8:45 AM. Cell ... , nm llLP c:omm't real tst•t• orne.. wer. 300 Flowtr, Coat• fM malcllf l1S. ~ lou· Htrlt•o•. A•1rology. Smelt WondW·H~ $8. 1 Good owort. lor PWIC>n Mae. 8·S Sat1Kday. ..,.,. dOor 281n•80ln S 15. Scltnct fiction 2Sc-~. 2s Havenwood, Irvine. 873·20.-0 before 2 PM. JANITORfAL/~.,ldee w/ellCet. typing and die:· NTIOUE •~ 1 $35 Small 1tereo cabinet wlth 724~ W. 191h. ec:rou Seturday only. DIVORCE by MEDIATION SETTLEMENTS COST LESS! • Have a non-combative productive parting. • Attorney and counselor 1uide both spouses to negotiated legal divorce. For more Info a appt. ••• 752-1084 Robert QlaeMr, Atty. ---a ... n QJaeer MFCC Malirnu~ CIOMd Mon Ind TUM. lor retired or t1Phone aklll1 and word A '"""' amp · record changer S2S. from Sllttt Brot, bthlndi----.,...-----•nu~ --11 ... _. '°"· 8t5-44IO, proceaslng e11ptr. Con· High, chair welnut S2S. Survivor tire proof ufe llquor 1tore. 541.9572 or OVESEAT $50. Matching _._ .,.,._., IVERPAC OAP. 11 c: t f, r r 1 e , 1 Chlkl 1 roekers $12 and 125 Electric: broom llllt 931•2892 c:Nk $50. Ottoman·S2S. ~~·~~s~:r~ ~:,~ ::. s1/~~~J ~. :~:. 5465 Prod Dr. HS 714/833-2900. ~~Sh C:afr': ~de:~ ntw $20. OHie:• type· SCIENCE fiction books: ~~·~ =.~7~ Open from 10 AM until 4 ling pey Call 537·2880. TIIE llG'Y /mt p~ttn '"II 4118 $2o. Hell wr~t·~~3 Ilk• new 100·1 of theml 50¢•$4. AM. 7 daya • week. Fr" Ambl11out couple or mt-Financial lnvettment firm runner 120. Dr1pea S5 S3 1978 Star Trek puule EARS Cralt1man dual .butttt. 719 No. Harbor Earn $$S YO Oolden Rel. F tu1• tlnglH. Marketing tor educator.. Pw90llMI and S 10 ~· Electrolull WHITE~ ttove $50. Gii $15. 6-U-9572. 724 ~ W. 1ctlon under• brand BIVCll;MtMll2 ~·~~;i/,:1;1°1~'· mgmt tamlly bu1lnt11 • c:onw'l'IUl\lc:ltlon1' dept. veeuum SSO. Eureka dryer . a.II end Ho-19th S1, Cotta Meta. ;~,1n14~.xJ!~:1R:~~·~ tJCPandlng. &4Mne sec'y. )(Int typ. & S/H cennl1ttr vtc:uum 145. well iuptr a /;ojttCtor NEW quitted purH 14. ltructlon type boot1, ALL MAJOR CREDIT bteftale.... Part-lime ,..._hone 1011· req'd. &te. Mefttarlal Hewgolft ... $1~100. $50. 557. 81 or Ladleelln 101ctlk.-brand,,._ lln 110. 6 CARDS ACCEPTED f .., .... I -~... CM tq>. e must. Non·amkr Large dog door U. C... IMs-8751 $1. New IMcyctlng book 5 Angeta W/H'PVf Heer't Wt = 2 t11thull11tlc: ~::'~ =-~~·Claire pr~. Call S53.o940. rol *•'* 112• Yenlty ANTIQUE HI of golf $3 car redo or c:MMtte = ~r .U.~s..~etlll Style c:ut heir wllove & ladiN whO wt greet on 5404391 SEC'Y/RECEPTIONIST ~ Ji1~t8:'::: = dutlt. eppro11kne19ty 50 112. MN Burvlet.A&ann.t-~'."-='"-:-::-:--:':""~-:-:---e•rt Only $6. Ptrm1 the phOflt to boo« r ... Pll'1 or Ml time wor1! from PfeaM •.pply In peraon h Ir ,,5 Sllverwere y .. rl old, c:enva1 beg new $25. Man 1 gl· ORLD Wtr II le11htr $30·$35 Up Mr. M•I'• trVatlon• ror our ••citing home Clptfltlng 1 'Yi>lno w/resume. eoe11 Ceta· ~11 S7 ~ 115 ,.._ 160. Mo·Ped bum.per '°"'"· MW $3. 70•13 ~!nct~1on ~ 754-9904 and growing bualntH. _ .. ~ ..... maran Corp 3401 w _.. _, ... ..._ soC-15 racka S12. 844-1033 SB WW tire, Ilk• new A,_,0111~.__ 50 ...,,, .. t S J lb am/ awvto., det ... s. _..., F -s t A '°".., ..,.,,,ft,"" · S 15. ~ t"tament In ...... " _ __, ...., .. f t •NI USI 1 •IY onua progr •ddreaud 1tamped or .... Mt, an• "" 2350 Cotteg• Drln , YW Met $20. Two lewn· CHHttH or HI Fl , .. tr.ck tapH. Pop and •••••••••••••••••••••• berltfita Apt>tyln~ton tnve1099Tedlman.21·A Strvtrt. 5 yra ••P•r .. eo.11 Mela. ~2 · mowers $10 each, ClOrdl 14t . Young mana Aoc:ttendAolal t0tS20. '------------------For 111t round trlp ticket Frtdey to 10 8, Sit 10-4· Wintergrewi, lrvlne, c.. ~ 3-5PM In Ptf· Seturdey an.moon wortca. 54M6t3 ----... eo ......._ 1111• 55T-4328 or tMve me. -------'"'!!!"'-~-~~-::---to Anehottge. AIHke. Sun 10·4 lo PACIFIC t2714 n.... ..... ........ . --1 F h-1-. fllY"11NUw C.~'O ,i\,.f -f)'C h a.• -.. M. S300 975-0412 COAST BOX OFFICE. ' '°"·"""' ..... n1 ..._.au· LA00£RS $5. Extenalon FlSHERSter te&lkltl25. new 4. 11 ng 911r..._ .... .....;;.._. __ :------P\¥ J.'4U lV" '4t J:;<,r~ -319 Ptclflc Coeat Hwy. Ptlltbotornl11 tor medleal rant 37 Fllt\lon ltland, $2$.$60, TWo Sltlll NWt OolOrnlte tlZ.t 9 lkl boo\I 10C..ltS. Woodin pelnt· HER MADOR eltctrle _.,C1A•1.-•-&.--• I Huntlngton8Mc:tl(etthe lab. Leguna BHc:h, N8Applylnperaon. $1S EJectrlc chain NW $20.F70-14WIWtnS8. ed M .. ard 123. ev ~ renge top, Toe> of line •--...... .. ... --· Huntington IMecf\ Pitt) PIMMC811633-5&34 SERVICE STATION •I· $35. HM¥y Duly trailer P1t5n5R1• radlel "" mini motorl, GH 1ldlo1 oeoornoochf11121Pfed '-~ !.... ti.-/a1tJwfiM T• No phone cell .,...._ -,...-----..,..---:-tend P/llrne tllptr Ap-or bo•t hlleh $50. Soft $5. car \Of> rac:tt SI. Cer $5.P. Hew llldlng door aQulrret Gtsjt blower. 1ow "' •-,_....,.. _. •••••••••••••••••••••'J Plant MrVtc:e (Int.) need• ...., ~ St iion 11th & dflllk unit, complete $50. double blkt r1ICk '8. 'In rotler1 60c·S 1. Ntw Iott\ In aQellent OOf'Cll· p~ Eliptt Hou~ tor ('Wl1blt m1lnttnenc:e ;::in. ~ i..eti Flahlng Otlr bllt teftk •U o d tad d er S 3 . electrical plum~ tlon $50 eech. 1&443"'1 J o I L F E o I Oynemlc: e.,.r. Plano & re1ld•nllat work. Lv ~ PIT. 13orne ptent · ....... ,..,.. 136, Two lllh clHner &45-3834 50c.13, -4to Cotta I I I I I' Compo11t1on LHaon1. M...age. 831.a222 up. preltrred. Own sous CHEF • Pereon•· unlta 125. FlberglW lftd TWO pelr •lldlng war· StrMt, c:o.ta Meta. ERCEOES Btm ~ . . . . . . "Mualc1tn1hfp before Eltptrttnc:41d Cook• need· Ir-. Ma..5022 btt. lor private club. High m•tal f fllt• 26o-S50. drobe doon wtth trec:k, WHITE Cflb with meur ... 1orlH: Ptu1h cerp•t .... 908IH''l84&-0te2 eel for dinner hou11. P11ymatn Smell World. quelll)-golf COU1M P•lll· Ca9tatn1 writing d"k hardwareOOOdcoodttlon 12s . P leypen s 10, mate, Ilk• new, m;~l r_A........,N,.._H,...E......,V.....-tl 1, Night & Dey Shlt11 e11elt. 549.3977. Preschool lion, over·lht·counter '60. IMlge JIUl'IP f2Y new ... 1D06 Alt Viet 1 10 eolora. all model• :-111-1...wl Qood Pay. & Btnertt1. TMCtler, btMftt•, Mon· Hrvlct. 4H·5T8'1' tor 135, Heavy duty lddlng O..,r?!,al~-port Beao:. Weltter, ridlnl '*-· I*' ltl. Front wtlMf dual . I r I I •. ~................... Apptv btlwetn 2 . 8 PM, Fri. fl.I" time. lrnmed -lnttrvlew. mac:ftlnN S1o.tt5. V'*•· ..... ~·::.790 NurMt)' ll"'P ••• Crib ~ $50. Plrtllll .... t ,,. ,, .. ,. 1111 llofon·S.t. VICTORIA ploymeftt. eo ytlft old HO. Pie· -mobile ''· Ori~ "*''' redlal ..,.. (2) OA78Jt14, I M U 8 0 X I ...................... ST TION 990 Oovt St Ttlt,llllt •... tur• lt-$50. Otuaw .. QUEEN b•d•pread and $1 MCh. DI..,_ palt It. •~ condtt~ S10 ~-__,...-......_.,_~ ! rr.le guylknowlaeoduflltl. Young m•rrled m.,, wlll A ' . AE.AL ESTATE S~LE· Adu1t1, hrt 11·12 I /or end eriltll d l•hll meteh d re pu $25, Beby beefl tub 12, II Mdl. 567-4328 or IMve I I Ii r " do genwaf handY work. N. B. SMAN. NHd t tJtP•• t-4pm, 1tuden49 5-tpm 11 ...... OOI ""~ 115. CrH'I.-pl..,. ....... •"dt Wiii• $4. F.P. = rMMllD' ~ lff went Into 1 f~:..-. lftd Cell eve1 & ""kend1, •-y -·-I I d • C" l ......, ~ ' ... -7·•-,. - -,.,. IO F P t:,...,....,,=,...,..--,.-:--.-::-:-:-: .._...._................................... .. ,_,_ ,_ rttnc:ed H "P•raon n to con 1o1c:, r ltm.. Walking 111e11. 9'llltf end $15. Stutt.d dlllr 135. t ., ... -· · · · Yflltd, -,K 912 .. 526. l9k for ... An lhtft• avallebte. Ideal commereltl & lnduetrtel funding campe 1011 for tllwr Pitt•. ~. .... "''door 3211'1•78'Mft '50. center 13. Baby toy l.__.;,.f...:lw-;;l .. W;.:....fr-;;C_~, MatW<e. rellebfe women tor matUta WOftlan owr rHI Htete tor • auc:· •ocl~ handlcapp•d POI•· vu~•· gobl•tl. Outoh doof $20. W004 5c·$S. ltby c:lol"" r I I I I • ~ :-... ~":: .... ~lob for aelf 30 No phone calll ... ~·"" & growtng "'""· and un ~~· cende9 ...... NMfta door• 115·130. Mini :f~it!:i si:~~.~~"e' L-....1. ........... _ .... _ _.._ ----~--...._ "-...,.,.... i w.. a l'ld young c:Mct. iont ... Bett wortctno conottlona ~ St11rJ & .....-. iraya • ,,,.. s t·SM. titlnd• e2'1.1n aao. 11•.4 FWer--. 131.2907 ........ ~v~~c:,;t~~: H8 ~~4~.::.g:.r,~ Bue: h . :,r.JOO:lpeue.-£._:;· ~ • l~oo ~~To' ·~:~•J: l~i. 24~~''11'/.~~ ·~;) $~ :.C,.v~ 'r; ... ,.;:;:::.urJtts ~ r r r r r I O•nlafl glf; 21. llv•·lfl, ~ ,... ,.... -tel., a.rt SH t:nd A ---·~mfiB I I I I I I ~~~.,=.~U'J."'PO· 0:..0::.,...eon. ~.:n,~,a :_~ ..... · :.r.:.;~· ~~. "··..., .... ~::, . -trol~Medl,,T Otllce1*0f*!delkfor 1~ ~ .., ........ IH.90llt JA0£f*9C~~ ,....._. Wfl, C.. --un........ •. ...... GeMrel °"'°' l*Ml•lll • .,., ... ,,, ...... end Wiit Trl lft, ER clllifl ..... 16-110 Mir· .. , •• ntl 1 ._1 .. --....... 11.IO. lflOWer Enlfy ... l)Oeltlon. T~ ,.... '*90"· Oelwoua S40·lt0/dly , ron 110-lto. erai. ... 1'..*"" ... ~·· ~~ .. eurtelft 9U0 ... 1""111W11--...,.....,,,---...,.....,-~-pl1t9 reca Otfic. bP9f ~ llOMdule Pleye "41"9 • IWldey ... Of ~ --... I·•. a'" Mu I 1 .. lletflul. Ca tt Cflarl•' flll~1fDO eat-a11t · oflad DW9Maon u .1·a . utm•llt w ~ c.a MeM Mor1C9eY,t ·11.tn..ot1 '2"'-dapaldll1ot~l2SllO. l tO·UO. AIHtllJ•l --~of8rlelofolt 111•ra1•11 ~ '*' ... ......... J'-*;;;1eoe~~l40~--!~;Ji;~~~-iii~~~~~~[:es~ for "*91Cl l otc, MOfl, • ... "-· ~.r"'f:J -l t...0,14& sn.:: ........ 1 1 Well Fri, .,iwant eoun-ft IDl '1r.o-· --,.._ Clll •7· , T•• . ltOTTl"Y ...... ~J ... M _..... ..... ,...,., ...., CetalM l t-'10. W-. ~Ill."""" Co- M Wt4 I lltd.. "'"· lolt, pllWPlft $40. Wiii* a roM pcWtallle ..,.,.... ... on. .,... cw bOel wilndOwl l •b1 clolbM l1·t10. ii; 't t. c I I • H O e Hfl, Plreptae G• llwn teller .. 0. t wlllndllfl l fl. ~UIP!Mfll 110. l ib 100111 Ho-tfO. 1111 llfW...,, --~~~~=:--::=-=--~-= peda 4 11. raf" 1 E 'Cillo M • TUftle , -.. ruffte an ...,., CIOll•• ,.. • l 11urdey •nd al!ln\ ...,. ..,_ 1 11. p "'"'°~=:..... ... _._,, •. t _,. 110. ......... llU MOtt. Wlefll "ltll et '1 YW en ow Uret I ll. MtrW't" tilt 10 "" Oe••• M-0* ...... '"''· HOi& ., ,.. ... 1aiii•tl-.iiii~E&ill:liii9;; •t J ...... , MW lfflt -~·!··· , ...... 1:.·~ *••• '="=:trl\r'I .. a-.::. Fi.r..,.·· .. . .. • • 1 .n Or1n91 Cout DAILY PILOT /l1twd1y, NOYemblr 13, , ... .. T•E t'..\'91L'' C'laCl'I by 811 Keane "They're playin' ·patty-coke." by Srad Anderson "·11 "We lost 'cause our star player thought his main Job wu to Intercept Ice cream trucks!" Gi\al'IEI..• ~A"Fl&&.P'a LAW: GA11 &M£P.IN Pl1'£CT PROPORTION TO TMEIF\ C.ONTRA!>T WITM A PERSON'S SUIT MMN M 1:1..LIN8 Vfftl w~u. ... ,ANP YJ~ ~ ~1 'f<A'(o. LEARN10 ~E:CToOR a.PERS. /I -!J ltCAOSS 1 ~ ... t LUlter I I 8uMI wltfl reeldlnt 14T• 15~ 911 teAolldlel t7Pllf projllc:tion ti Cill 20 SlfOnl enufl f2Wlrll 23 Dept: VII , 25 Wllfln. Pf., 21Ccwtea 21 "*'t·L• -~ ..... 21 Allln • ecPMlllll'• La 30W*Y 3 t Uplllll'ft 11 tnlC""'*" JS,.,.,,... ~v Vlrg1I Partch (VIP) DE!\:\IS THE MEN"CE Hank Ketchum ~ 1 I . ~· 'SEE ~ CHRISTNAs IS JUST A ~ AWAY ! " by Jim Davis by ~erd & Tom Johnson SHOE SLU660, PEOPLE WHO LIE AROUND ALL DAY NEVER GET ANYWHERE --- OH, YEAH -- WELL l'M GOING SOMEWHERE by Ernie Bushmiller .. " .. by Kevin Fagan J MOC NOTICl Mllt NOflC[ YCM.I Ml .. OPAUlT UMDlfl A 'toTJl10UI ._,._ .. DllD °' TMllT OATIO ~ ...._ IT•~Nf 1-. '*Lall YOU TUI AC Tiie foOowlng parton I• do!no TO NtOTICT YOUR 'llONRYY tk1tlntM u ll MAY II ICK.O AT A flUatC IS T /4 I " W A V 0 f I I G N I AL~-'-" Y 0 U NI I 0 AM CONSTRUCTION, 11111 11\erbeek ll~MIATION OI THS NATUM ln . Huntington 8Mcll, CA HIA7 Of' TMI "OCllDtMO AGAllNIT Robed Abdelntby, 1H 11 YOU, YOU IMOUlD CONTACT A 811etbeck ln , Huntlf\OtOft te.ctt. LAWVIA. CA t2M7 NOTICI CW ,_,ITU'I IM.I Tllll butlMM It conel~llCI t>y Wl T.a. Me._,. lnCIMdutl NOTICE IS HliR£8Y GIVEN, lhtt Robtft Abelllnlby on Friday, Nowml>tr Ill. 11182, II Thi• lllllll'lt(ll Wll llled Wtlh the e.oo o'clodl Liii. of at1<1 d1y, In the County Clerk 01 Otanoe Oountv on room HI H id• lor conduollnQ Nov i . 1012 Trutt .. ·1 S ..... Within Ille olllc:el of ,a1t17 AfAl. HTATE 81CURITIEIS .'ubll•h•d 011no• COHI Ot llV hAVICE, located al 2020 Notti\ Piiot. Nov e. 13. 20. t7, 1H2 lltoadWay, s..lte 208. In tht City OI 4713-112 Senta Af\I, COunty of ~lr\09. Stitt • 01 C llllotnlt, lfNIFtCIAl. rtalC NOTICE MAN1'GEMENT C()APOAATION OF AMEAICA, • Olla(ir1re OOfpctltlon, 'ICTITIOUI ltUSINSM • u duly 1pp0lnltd Tru.•tH under NAm ITATIMINT arid p to the~ of .. conferred Tht lonowlng peraon 11 dolno In th at ca tteln Oetd ol Trull butll'ltlll M tlltculed by JAY ROSS and GAil. 8ETlY l.OU INTERIORS, 3800 AOSS. hulblnd Ille! wtle 11 Joint E. Cot11 Highway, Corona dl4 Mtt. ltnlllll, rtCOfded AplU 10. INO, In Calltorf\11 112828 8ooll 13588 of Olllclal Aecordl Of 8e11 y . lo u Conn o I e y , 8 u ld County. et P•O• 1178, WhCtewalt1 Drive, Co•ona del Mer. Aecorw"1 1111trument No. 13380. Ctlll0tnl1 82825 by rMIOl'I ol 1 breach Of doleull In Thia bull~ la cond11<:teel by en peyment or perlorm1nc1 ol tll• lndMClutl. obliga tion• u oured theret>y. Setty Lou Connolty lnc;tuellng lh•t breech or Cleftull. Thie 1111-1 wu flleO with the Nolte. ol wlllCh wt1 r-dod Juty County Clerk or Or'"°9 County on 23. 11112. u Aeco;der'• lnatrument OCloi>tr 21. 11182. • No. 12-25588.9, Wll.l SELL AT PIOOnO PUBUC AUCTION TO THE Publllh•CI Otano• COHI Delly HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH, PllOI. OC:t. 23, 30. Nov. 8, 13, 1882 ltwfUI monty of Ille United Siii", 4688~82 or a c:11111«·1 oneck drawn on • 1111e °' netlontl t>enk. • 1111e Of Nit.IC MnTICE i.ci.ret credit union. °' t 1111• °' 1 _______ nv""------ ledertl 11•lf'IG8 anC110111 uaoci1tion FICTITIOUS IUllNISI domlc:lleel In thll1t111, 111 payable et NAME STATE.MINT the time ol 111e, all right, tllle and The following perton 11 doing lntetHI held by It, al Truatff. lro bullntll 11: thll rell propert'J allulle In aeld THE PROGRAM WRITERS. County end Stitt. dUctlOeCI es 20401 B1tc;h Slreet, S1n11 An1, lollOWI Ctlll01n11 02707 lot 3 of Tttel No. 8817, U IN>Wn Ranelel W1ll1td Oriac:hel, 2040t on e m1p rtcOICleCI lro Book 405, Birch Street. Santa Ant, Clll1lomlt Ptgel 44 10 46 bOth lnctustve, or 92707 Ml1cell1neous M•pa. ttcorda ot Thia bullness ts conClucteCI by en Orange County. Cllll01nl1. lnC11v1<1ua1 The altttl addren or other R•ndal.W. Orlachel common Cleslgnetlon ol the real This 11aternenl w11 llled wltn the property hetelnlibove Clelcrlbed It County Clerk of Otange County on purpor1eCI to tie 6 MonltOI, lrvtne , October 21. t082 Cellfornla. The undersigned htteby Cllacl1lm1 111 ll1blllt y lor any lncotrectnese In Slid '""' eddr ... F2002S3 PubllsheCI Ortng1 COHI 01lly Pilot, Oci. 23. 30, Nov II. 13. 1082 4638-82 °'other common dealgn11lon. 1------------ S1IC1 NI• will lie made wlthoul MtlC NOTICE wu rent v. e11pteu or Im plied. •---FfC-Tl-TIOU--9-8-u-.... --.-9-- ,.g.,dlno lllle, po111salon. or N ..... STAT., .... NT e ncumbr1nc;e1, to 1111ary the .. _ "'-princlptl baltnce ol the Note or The lollow1ng petton 11 doing o ther obliglllon secuteCI t>y aalCI bustneaa u . Deed ol TtuSI, with In terest end FAITH BUILDERS. 938 Hollow other sums as ptov10eCI thereon; Btoolt. Co111 Me11. C1lllornl1 plua 1dvances, ii any. under the 92628 Orengt OoHt OAU.V PILOTl81turd1y, NovemMr f3, 1082 ('I Ill "*-IC NOTICl "'MUC •na (-MLIC NQJIC( -' MlJC NOIU NCmc•r.~:&"IM.I .:f.Af,•,ift,'n'r:'r.: '~m.'°l'ta~•-~-~· "°=-· JM:Tmoul ....... U.-1 .,._,, ~ IJAJllmn Tiit ~ "''°"' .,. tf~· Tll• tolfowlno i>et•Clfl I• do1110 I 211,No¥tim=T ~1!.'.i. !!,t•,1•,tlllll~• DIOIMUlll ti, tllt. UN&.111 T 111 nan1e o l Illa 111111na11 "'' tollowtne p41,.1n It doing • ,. "-f'llUll" ,. YOU lAlll AC~ TO """'80T WHTMINt llA l fO , IOC:allCI 11 DUIUIMt .. NtlMMM blitl,.... .. DCN I HtlAfltllllSH. HOI SMAll IUllNlllANAlYll l , IU"A COMPANY. 1 c.tlfoml1 YOUR NO'llTY, If MAY II 482 t Teller Avenue IU!le llO, In OllPIAAOO'I ,,ZIA. HU GOfl>Ofl tlOl'I .. hUllM. or Sue '°"°AT~.: IALL" YOU N9wpo/I llMdl, Ct lllOfrlll tHtO ... Wllntf Me ' Hl#lllnflon IMGtl, CA GH10r TruetH or lubttltuted ..... All TION °' THI 11eu1by reeit1111C1 by tfll lollOwll!Q tH41 TrutlM, 01 lf11t certain OHd of MATURI Of , .. flAOCllDHtO petM>nl OUY T TOMA. 1120 H M.,lnl Wuner Annu•...i_.lullt 201. 2114 Atdwood Coet• Mo• Hununeton IMtll, WNlomle 12640 CIHIOfllla 02t:lt Netllan Craig LM. 17801 Cotlie ltuc• Oe vld ll.c#lle1d, 2ff4 Tru•I •HCllltd by Htlen • Hen AOAttWT YOu.:..u IMOULD eot11n1 Ot••oPrNnl Co~v P8C'Me °'. lOllQ 8elch. CA IOI03 cocll. I widow. and reocwdtd JllM CONT 'A LA I 1780 fOfftlllO Vtlley f\otd. '"'"• Tiii• bl'~ i. Gondueted 111 en ~. Hunllno•on leech, ClllflOfl'll.t fl\edwood, CMlt Meat, CtlllOtnl• 121-'7 0282' 21, IHI u lnltrUINnt No 33l4t, NO °' TMllft&'I IAU 2ot. ltn OMIGO. Clill0tnll ta121 lndlllld;jll Ctlclllta Merle ...... 17801 Collie lhlt bVtlMM NI ~\IC-Dy an Lant. HuntlflGton .. iiell, c ... 1orn11 lndlvlduel 112u 1 8tvge lltcl\t0td Tiiie b\ltlf*t II con4uettd by t Thia tt•t.,,,.,,.t W .. t'*I wkll Ille ln lOOl 14111,Pto-'24.otOlfl· T.1 ..... 11tee L• Jolla Ototopn1ent ouvT. Tom• Giii "-c:ord• 01 Or•no• County, NOTICI II Hl"'[IY OIV!N, lhet Corrtpany, 7155 lv1nnoe AwenU•. Tiii• tt•lamtnt WU llled WUh lht oeMftl IWll'lfltnlo Cf>unty Clttk Of Otanoe County on Httlltn C I.At Oc:IOO« 18. 1H2 C"ll°'n11. and purauent lo 1n11 on Pt1d1y, o.e.mber 3. 1112, 11 8illtt •OI , o toic UH. L• Jot11. COunly Cltflt ol OftnOe County on certain Notice of o.tM thatevo-II 00 o'clOOlt. • m ot atld ctav. In'"' Ctltt0<nlt 020:.. N~ber 2, IHI Cler rec0tded AUOU-t •. 1112 u toom .. , ltld• for oonduc11na Thi• buell*e 111 c:oodUGllKI by 1 nt11 .. ln1trum9flt No U ·Ht 11?. In Tnitltt't l lltt1. Wltt\ln t"-Olftc.e ot Limited Ptltnlrahlp Publlthtd Otl llOt COHI Diiiy Ottlcltl "-COldt Of Mk/ Collnty. Rf;AL Ht AT l StCV,.ITllJI Colllfll Ot1/91c)p1Mnl Co PllOI, Nov 8, 13 20. 11, IH2 Thlt tltl""*'t wM l'*I wltll 11\t ,_. wlll under end pur~1n1 10 Hid ""VICI!. IOC•l•CI ti 2020 NOtlh •v ~· A Stine, .. 21·12 County Cltlll 01 OttnQt County on Puott•h•d Orenge CoHt Delly OCIOO. H . IH2 , P1101. OCI 30, Nov 8, 13, 20, IM2 DMd of Trwt .... II pvblio 9\ICtlOn llo.dwty, hll• 208. In lht Oliy Of Vice PIMICl«lt tor c11h, lawlul f!'IOney ol the Sttltt Ana. County of Orenot. Sllle Thie 1t11-1 wu flied wilh "" P'tatC "°"t( '*"' 4780·82 Publl•h•d Oranot Coal! Otlly PllOt, OC:t 30, Nov. 8, 13, 20. tN~ 47117.92 Unlled 8 1ttu ol America . 1 Of Ot H101nl1. OAANOS QOAI T A ltanch, Coun1V Clerk of Orange Ollhltr't cheoff o•ytbll to. .. ,Cl H 0 M e L 0 AN. • c 11110 r n •• Countv OC:• 1:). 1H :I tru•••• drawn on 1 t t11e or coroqrttlon. H di/IV epoolnttd '111111 natlontl t>tnk, 1 llet• or leeleflll Tr11tt ... unw and put1U11•11 10 11\t Publltbed Or1nge co11t D•!W ettdll \llllOn, Ot • •l•le °' tecMttl oo-r 01 Hie conteuec:t In 11111 Piiot, oc:1 23. 30. t<lov e, 13, 1m ••vino• end loa n euoclatlon ott1111l 0..0 of TNtt t11ac.ii.cs by 4618·12 clomlditd In Ihle'"'•· at Ille mlln l. YNN BARNETT end> MA"°AAEt en"8nee 10 f'ltat Amerletn Title E BARNeTT hulb4lnd tnd wtlt M P\&.11' NOTICE lneutenc. Complll'J IOGlted tt 114 ~nt ttn11111: recixci.d Oecemb« ..,. EHi Fiith Street, In the ally of 21. !Ht, In Book 1031 of Ottlcltl tl.WIMOR COURT Of S lnl• An•. Celllornla, Ill lhtl Rec:ord• Of Hid COllntv. It Pto-• OALWORNIA right. 1111• Ind Inter"' conveyed to 1170, Recordtr't lnttrument No. COUNTY CW OtlAMGa e nd now lleld by It under Hid 270M, bV reuon ol a bfMCh 0t Ill tM Mallet tf IM Mfft .... DHd ol Tru1t In tht orooerty ci.tUt In 111'1""*11 or petter~ flelltlon et IHAWM THOlllA8 lltueled In UICI Cf>unty tnd 8t11t of Ille obllgatlone MC;Wed thtf-. ITAMCMP•LO ............ ,.,.,.., deecllbed u . lnctudlno thac l>foecll or dtfevlt. C... Nt. AO 111tt L....nokl lnler•t In Ind to Nqllc• ol which wH recordld CITATION lot 177 of TrllCI No. 2813, .. Augu1t 5, 11182 ... Recorder'• THE PEOPLE OF .THE STAtf; OF per map recotdld In book 94, lnalrument No. 82•272811, Will. CALIFORNIA PtgM •5. 48 •nd 47 of Mlecella· SEl.l. AT PUBllC.AUCTIO~ TO THE To JAMES JOSEPH JAYCOX: -· Mtpl, In tn. olllc• of the HIGHIST 8IOOER FOR CASH. 8y<prd•r ol lhl• COUtt yo11 .,. county '9GOfder or Mid c011nty ltwllJI money of Ille United 1111... hereby cii.CI lo •PPM' t*ore the 'ICTITtOUI IU ... H NAMllTATI_,..., Th• tollowlng peraon It doing •------------1>11W-11 ASSl'.Mll. Y SERVICU. 18781 v I ewpot n I l. en•. A p I te3 , 1---,-IC-T_mout ______ __. .. , .. ,-- Hunllngton Bffen. Ctllfornl1 02847 MAMI IT•Tl•NT Ruth a .. r. 11711 Vl•wpolnt The rottow•no Pttton• we 001110 "'"'· Apt 163, Huntlngloll BllClh, bullne" ••· Calllo;nle92847 WOODSO N REGIOMAL Thi• bull,_ I• conduGled by"' CE!HTEA •2 MEAOOW f'RE81-lndMdul~utll Su r PRODUCTS, 15042 Pet11w1y l.OOP Th .. 1111-1 ~u 1,~ with Ille Unit "c ··. Tustin. CllllO<nlt 02680 ... -,_, 8ennle Ewreu Woodeon. 11112 County Ctorll of Orange County on Mltcllell •211, Tu11ln, Calllornl• November 3, 1882. 82680 PaOt• Atlene Woodeon, 11112 Mltchell Pubill hed Orengl Co111 Dally '•26, Tu11ln, C1lllornle 112680 Piiot, Nov 8, 13, 20, 27, 1982 Thll bullnetl 11 conduoted by 111 486().82 lndlYIClull . PUBLIC NOTIC( Ml.IC NOTICE The etrot 1ddre11 or oth•r, or • c:eelll9''1 cheek drawn on • jUClg4I prnkllf'IO In Dec>artment e ol common dellOn•tlon of MlCI !HO-,._.Of netlOnll blnll, 1 tttlt or thlt court on J1nuary 21. 1ee('I. 11 petty 11 put ported to t>• 200 I leelertl tftdll llnlon, °' 1 •lllt 0t 8.45 1 m , than end th«, to_ jhOw ftCTmoua llUtMNIH 81y1<1ere Terr•ce, Corona del ledtrtl Mvll'IQI and 1oen tltOC4ttlOn c1u11, II any you htvf. wl'iy th• NAllllll STAHMaNT 8ennle Ev.,.ett Woodaon Thie slat-I wU hied With lhe Coun1y Clf(t. ot Orenoe county on November' 3, 19112 Met. Cat11oml182625. domlclted 1nthli1tate,atlpeyable•I petition ol SHAWN THOMAS The lollowlng peraon I• Clolng Seid .. le Wiii be mad• wllhout the llme 01 ... IN right, title Ind STANCHFIELD. tor th• adooptlon ol butli~·o~'E T RE ST AU RAN l covenant or watronl'J, eMpreu or lnttrfft held bV 11, u Tr111tM, In JESSE JAMES J AYC X end lmplled, u to lllle, pot-Ion °' lhtt rHI p~opefly tltuite In H id JAMES SEAN JAYCOX, your minor SUPPLY, 15701 Tuttln VIiiega Wey F201225 PubllthC.d Otenge COHI Diiiy Piiot. Nov 8, 13, 20, 27. 1082 4858·12 encumbrenOH 10 11t11ly th• un· Countv and Sllte, e1 .. crlb•d .. aona. lhould not be gtented. #J8, Tuttln. CA 112680. pllCI ~ due on the opll °' tol1owl: Dtted OClot>e< 19, 1982 Ronllel 0 C11Jg, 15701 Tualln 1------------ notH 1ecured by nld DffCI or Loi 23 ol Tttc1 Ho. 1211, 1n the HllTMAN a Mk.LllllS Voltage Wey •J8, Tu1t1n. CA 82680 MLIC NOTICE Ttull, to wit. S..30,547 04, pk.it Iha C11'1 of Newport 8Ncn. u I* map • ..,..,.. et uw Thlt bUllnatl II condue1ed by tn 1------------ lollOW\l'IO eetlmated COlll, e•pen· recofdeCI In BOOll 37. Ptgtt 47 to 1010 N. Malft It. • 1 2 5 lndlvldutl FICTrTtOUI au9MS9 -encl advanc.a 11 the time of 40 lnciulllle ol Ml-lltneoue Maps, Senta Alll. CA t2701 Ron11<1 0 Crtlg NAM« ITATIMENT the 1nlllt1 publlcallon or thos Notice 1n the Olflce ol the county flecotder (714) 114·•101 Thll 1111oment wu llled with the the following po11on1 ere doing or Sale: S3.389.42. or 11ld County. Publlahed Ottnoe Coesl Dally Countv Clerk or 011nge C011nty or bu1lnets u : NOTICI TO NOPaRTY OWNl'.R The ttrot 1ddre11 ot o ther Piiot, Oct 23. 30, lllov. 6, 13, 1082 Nov 2. 1982 AMERICAN C 0 AT ING S YOU Allla .. DlfAUlT UNDllll common dHlgnetlon or the reel 4887-82 P201t29 TECHNOl.OGY, 2201·H Stendttd A DllO Of TMllT, DAT10 J\INE l)<opetly hlfelnabove deac:nl>ed it Publllhtd 011nge COHI DfllY Avenue, S1n11 Ana, C1llfornla 11, tH1. UNLISI YOU TAKI putpotted to be 708 ~· JtmH MLIC _NOllCE Fillot. Nov 8, 13, 20, 27. 1082 112105 • ACTION TO ,ROTICT YOUR Pl-. Newport 8ffcn, Ctlllornia 4812-82 Jerty W Smyth, 18211 Sin N()PaflTY,ITMAY•SOl.DAT The undetelgneCI hereby FICTITIOUSIU ... 19 Paacuet. S1nt1 B1rbata. Cet1lorn1 A "'9LIC IALa. If' YOU Nl'.10 dl1cltlm1 111 llebllll'I lor 1ny NAMI STAT'eM«NT MLIC NOTICE 93101 AN ll"-ANATIOM Of T .. NA• lnconec1nt1t In lllld atrNI eddresa The lollowing per1on1 tre doing FICTITIOUS au .... SI Arlhut O Powets, Jt , 2732 TU"I OF THE ,ROCllOINQ or othtf c:ommon deelgnttlon. buelneat 11: HA .. STATIM«NT Hiiitop Drive. Newport 8etch. PUBl-IC NOTICE PICTfTIOU8 ........ NA ... STATl•NT The 1011ow1ng peraon 11 dOlng buWMUU NEW PORT SU RFIN G CLASSIC I , 2813 N-por' llvCI • Sullt t32 Newport 800111 CA 112683 ANTHONY STEVEN GAT'l'I, 1407 S111t1ago Or . NewpOf1 Bitch, CA 82eeC> Thie bulinett II coneluCled by an 11'141vlClutl Anthony G4"ll llll• •t•letntnl wtl liled with the County Clerk OI Otanga County on Novembet 2. 1982 • F201tll Publl•h•CI Orenge Co111 Delly P110I. Nov •• 13. 20. 27. 11182 47 ... 82 PUBL.IC NOTICE FICTITIOUI ~H NAMESTA~T The tollowlng pereon 11 doing ~sln ... u . TROPICAL 80A T SERVICES. 9591 Grlham •34, CyptMI. Cllil 90630 G,reo Fr-. 9591 Gtlllam 34. c~"'· cam .. 90630 Thia buaoneu 11 oonCIUCleCI by en ll'ICIMdu1I. Oreg FrNM This '"'""""' WU filed with the County Clerk of Orange County on Oct 28. 1082 ,..., Puollehed Orange Co111 Dally Pilot. Oct. 30. Nov. 6, 13, 20 11182 4792·82 MLIC NOTICE AGAINST YOU YOU IHOULO Seid Hie will be made wllhoul CROWN COM PANY. o/o C1lllornl192660 CONTACT A &.AWvP. waHlnl)', exptesa or lmplled , HAYMAN . 0 ARNE l l AN 0 The lollowlng Pt flon II doing lhlt bualneat 11 conducted by t NOTICE OF Tlt\ISTIE'S SALi Otted N bar 5 11182 I BRESENOFF, 180 E. Main SttNI, buslntal H Hmlted """rl(lt'ltl!P T 9 No A ... f'l~MERiCAN Tlll.E regerdlng I tie. po11111lon, Ot Sult• 215. Tustin. Celfl0<nlt 112880 M FERGUSON •od HAHN ...-rthui YOU ARE iti WAUlT UMOllll A INSURANCE COMPANY enoulm~r 1bn~e1, IOI sh1t11Nlyt Iha G F won Muellllng, • 3 El RHE1xe"h"~,E~.TANTe~p3oOOOrt BWec"1'chC,oaC1At lhlt 11~1.,:,,~·:~i!l ~th the DEED 0 F U UST• DA TED Prine Pl t ence o 1 e o e Ot Concho l t ne. Roll Ing Hiiie, -' -NOVEM81 .. ti, 1Ht. UNLl!IS A C•lllOmla COfpofllion Other Obllo•llon ltcurtd by 111<1 C1lllorn1t 90274 92 3' County Cltfl( or Or•nge county on YOU TAKE ACTION TO NOTICT Jeannine L lewtte DHd of' l"ruat. with lntetlll anCI H E N R I E T T A M A R I E September 30, 1982. 114 E Rlth Sltetl, other auma 11 provided theroln: Betty Helin. 208 Cern111on YOUR PROPE .. TV IT MAY 81 Santa Ana, Ctlllornla 1 d II h Drive, Cotona del Mer. C1lllornl1 FERGUSON, 300 C1gney'l. ltne, F11M41 SOLD AT A l'U8UC SA1.E. It" YOU Pus 8 vances. 1ny, undet t e 82625 •203. NtwPOfl Belch. CA O<t&e3 Publl1htCI Orange CoHI Deity Nl'.EO AN EIC~ANATION OF THE tetme lhtteol and lnteteat on sucti Bot>ble Arthut S tewert, 936 tdvenc;es, and plus rees, ch.,ges Hollow Btool<, Colla Meaa. and tApenses ol lhe TruatM and of Calll01nl1 92626 Tet 17 14) 5511·3211 the trusts creatoCI by seld Deed or Tiiis bualneu Is c;onC111e1ed by .,, Publlahed Ottnge COHI Ot it'I 112701 19Jm' thereof 0•n~ lntrre11 on euch Mery Trude1u,. 32711 seven This butlneas II conducted by an Piiot. Ocl 30. Nov. e. 13, 20. 11182 NATURE OF THI PROCEEDING 1 •tncas. en pua "'· Chttges 8e11 Otl•t. South L1gune , inC11111du1I 4717·82 AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOUl.O •nel tAP81'1-Of Ille TrullM Ind ol Mi 112877 Hentl4ttl• M Ferguton Iha lruttl creeled by -d DNCI or CtlllO< .... lch 20 E • Thi• ... ,_, WH flied with I.lie CONTACT A &.AWY2 19'.1182 00 Tr1111 The 10111 •mount ol H id ~Ip/I " ens, 1 • .. ot>O• On Oectmbef • 1 • II I I obllgetlon, lnctudlnn reHone bl" Mtrll'IOt, Stn Clemente. Ctlll01nl1 County Cler._ of Orenoe County on P\111.IC NOTICE • m .. LEWIS end BOUCHER d I • ' 02672 No,,...,,bef 4, 1982. E NTERPRISES Ciba/TITLE estimate HS, ChttgH end Thia butlness Is conducted by 1 F201111 NOTICE OF ,U8LIC HEA .. ING SERVICES 81 duly eppolnted Ttuet Th• total 1mount of said lndivoClull P110t. November 6. 13, 20. 1982 obllgtllOn. lncluC11no 1H1011ably Bot>ble A Stewart 4833·12 e1tlm1ted lees. chuges enCI Th11 slltement wu !lied With Iha ------------expen-or the TrullM, 11 Iha time County Clttlt of Orange County on PUBllC NOTICE or lnltltel publlcttion of 1n11 Notice. Novembef 3, 1982. F20t117 Publlahed Orange COHI Delly PllOt. Nov 6. 13. 20, 27. 1982 4680·82 11 $32,425.34. Oiied: October 26, 1882 8ENEFICIAl MANAGEMENT e11pente1 ol the Trutlff. tt Ille time I PublllheCI Orange Coatt 01llw TO 8E HUD 8V THE O"ANGE NOTICE Of' TRUSTll'S SAl.E of inltl•I publlc•tlon 01 Ihle Notice, la gentttl pertnet1n p, ' C 0 U H T y 8 0 A ,. 0 0 F Trustee unCler end purNsu1nt lo l.oen No. t,tt~G&JASON S78,61M.71 G. F von Mutlthf'IG Piiot, Nov. II, 13, 20. 27, 11182 9 U , E .. V I 9 0 .. 8 F 0 .. Deed ol Trust. recotCleCI ovember T.9. No. 0.-.. . Dated. Novembef lO, 1082 Thia llllemenl wes hleCI with lhe 4826-82 AM IND MINTS TO TH l 19. 1081. ti 1n1t. No. 21478. In CC>NtORATION OF AMERICA, e Oel1•1re -..tdon. •T,,.. .... HER M ES FI N AN CI Al ORANGE COAST County CleTk ol Orange County on .,. .. ,IC NOTICE TRANS'O"TATION El.EMlNT l>Ooll 142Q5. pege 1238 ol Offlc.ltl CORPORATION .. duty IPC>Qlnted ~ 4, 1882 n-RecOfdl in the omce of Iha Counl'I MllC NOTICE Trua1H undtt the lollowlng HOME LOAN, F101112 ANO THI l.ANO 09£ ILIMaNT Recordtt of Orenge Coun1y. ------------dactlbed deed of trull Will. SEL.l A Ctllfomlt CO<potltlon, ICI Orange COHI Delly ftCTITIOUS au ... 99 AND FO.-lllal.ATIO NC>aCTS. CllllO<nlt AIAL llTATE SECURITIES ER •RVICI, 1 CalffotNt corporttlon, IQ Agent D~.Morger,"1Pr.eldent -N. lfoectw1r. •206 Sanl1 Ana. CA 112706 (71~11$3-6610 PubllaheCI Orengo COHI Delly Piiot, Oct. 30, Nov. e. 13, 11182 4776-82 F'=!!f!OU·T· .. ~NT.. AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE ~El'~'"E':TATE SECUR· Pllot. Nov. e. 13, 20. 27. 11182 NA• STAT'eMENT NOTICE IS HERESY GIVEN thtt Will SEl.l. AT PUBLIC AUCTION ..,....,. "'"'"""' HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH 4024·82 The lollowlng petaon la doing on Novembef 24, 1982, the Otlngt TO HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH, The lollow•no pereon 11 doing (payable et time 01 HI• In lawful ITIES bu.slneu u County 8oatd or S11petvlsora wlll CASHIER'S CHECK OR CERTIFIED buslneaCR,EAaaT:IVE COOROIN •T1NG money ol the United StatH) Ill SERVICE. • Ctllf0<nl1 MLIC NOTICE TACO TIO, 7871 Warner Ave .. holCI -• publllc 11e, ttlng to ncodnlklt h"• CHECK. (pay1ble •I time ol Nie In " ""ht title Ind Inter•! c;on__. to COfPOfltlon. 111 Agent Hunllf'IGlon 8-ath. CA. Pro Po • • ' o • me ltwlUI IT10IW'I OI lllt Un1tte1 :.11tea) 1300 SUIM• Lane. Newpon 8etc;tl0 '-v • •• ,-D.J. Morger. 111 PrMIClent STATl .... NT CW UANDONMINT YOON HEE HWANG, 425 S. Trensportlllon Element (Y 82·21 et the ltont enttence to the Old CA 02660 • end now helCI by It under Mid Deed 2020 N. 8toedw1u •206 Of UM cw New H1mpthlre, Apt 302. l.01 tnd the lMld UM Element ILU 82·3) Orenge Coull!)' Court/\ouM, located JENN IE ROSE THOMAS . ~~kl the property hetelnlttlf Santi Ana. CA 92708 ftCTlTIOUS .,.._ •• N.-Angeles, CA 90020. tnd other rellled pr~I. on Senta Ane Blvd . between 1300 Sune 11 l ane. Newport TRUST OR· RAMON l.OPEZ. (714) 8534810 The lollowlng p ereona hive "fhil butlnal1 l1 COl'IOucted by an I. The Publlc Hearing wltl lnClude Syumore StrMl 1110 Broadwev. e.acn. CA 02660. o.l,4MI£ LOPEZ. JAMES J. GRAV. Put>llaheCI Ot1nge CoH t Detty 1btneloned Ille UM of Ille fld1llout lnd!Vldutl. 111 e Io 11 ow Ing Pro Po I e d Stnlt Ant, CtlllOfnla. Ill right, title Thie~ la conduc1ed by en BENEFICIARY: MERCURY Piiot, Nov 13. 20. 27. 11182 butlMN name Yoon HM Hwang amendmente to Ille Ttllf'llC)Or1atlon lnCI lnler•t conY9'Jt(I to and now --IC NOftl't lnCll1(ldu.tl ...... _ .... ,, __ "'"-s Av I N G s AN 0 "0 A... 6027·82 COMPUTER DIVISION Of' Thi• •••I-• WU llled With , .... Element: helCI by It unCl4lt 181<1 Deed of Truet ____ .-_-. ____ ,_~----Tk'I -==-,n:-.. .:.:.:.':''.!!... ~ ASSOCIATION; tecorded Augult BESCO, 31121 8. BtlllOI, Santi Al'\I, County Cterk of Orange County on A Modlfic11lon to the Miiiet In the property tltuited 111 H id CW.,., ·~ ... _,_, -,,_, _,.. .. _ 1 t 1tlt .. lnelr No 11913 In 8ook Ptatc NOTICE C.itfomlll 112704 Nowmber 2, 1882. Pltn of Atlt1lal Higt'rwl)'I (MPAH) .n County and State detcr•bed .. NOTIC• cw TMllTWl'I •~ County CleR of OrW>Ot CountY on 14178, pege 51; 01 Otticlal R«orda The Flcllllou• Bualne u N1m1 '-1t• the Miiiion Viejo area Lot 81 of Tract No 4003. In Ille T.S. Me. tM November 3. 1982 In the olflc. 01 the Recordtt 01 'JCTTTIOUS 9U-U referred to l bov• WH fllld In Publl1heel Orange CoHt Dally B. Technle., rellnemenl• to Ille Coty of ~ BNcf\ Counl)' ol NOTICm ..... Or-tnge Coun~ d9ed of tnm NAm ITAW Orange County on September 10, Plot, Nov. 11. 13, 20, 27, 1882 MP.AH to update propoud Ott nge, Stele ol Ceiirornla, H YOUAM•DP'AULTUMDOlA Publlahed Orange CoHt Dally o..cno..itie ' • The I~ per.one -CIOlng IM2 4820-82 11tgnmen11 to e1t1blltlltd lhownontmae>thereolrecotdedln DID>OF11tUST,DAftOA"'9L Pll<M,Nov. 2. AleaMtlotd•talllnand to lot t>utlneel•. 81tphtn S Scott end •-"'NOT'M't ellgnmenu In Iha Sen Ju1n 8oolllll8 pegesl3 14 15 18 17 49•0 82 SOUTHERN CAl.ll"ORNIA A1aoc111 ... 4500 Cempua Orl,,e, .-wx."' •~ Cepiatrll'IO.,.. ',1 Mii • ' ' ' ' 2I, tHt. UNLEaS YOU TAKI • 5ll of Trttel No. 702e, tn the City of WOMEN IN ADVERTISING, 412 828D. Ntwf)Of't Beech, Cllllornl11 flCTTTIOUS _,..... C Ttchnlctl relinemenll to the l8 & Ill ol IKtlltneoua Mtpt. ACTION TO '"OTaCT Yo,uR Nit.IC NOTIC( Newport BHGh ... per mip Watt Foutlh 81tffl. Suite 208, 92660 MPAH to updlle ptopot•d teco<Th~a·,..?'~~~d·n~. on'lNIEl ~RT't, IT MAY M SOLD A A rtcOfded In Boole 268< Pege 43 to N,... STArn.NT •v ~ ~ ·-~· v-·~ " "*1C aAUE. If YOU ... o AN ftCTTTIOUtaua .. aa 471nclullveol miac:etteneou1mape. Senti Ana . Ctlllornl• 8270 1 ThltbullnesswueonCIUGttdbye Tiie lollowlno person 11 oolng allgnmenu 10 ••t1bll•l1•C1 NBAILEY1nunmarr*l~en aJIJ'\.ANATION Of THE NATUM NA• STAT'eMl:NT In the olltc. ol lht counl'I rec0td« OotothH A. Cteeg1n. 25582 Oorpotlhon bulll'l9I M lllgnmtnla In Iha ltvllltlN•wpotl .Tiie llteel lddtesa •nd othlr Of T ................. •o·-•T of ..... ,., CrMk 0t1ve, LtQun• Hiiis. Olllfornll Stephan S. Scott 8tech .,., tJon ..-.-..... ........ .. -Tiie lollowlng persona .,. doing .... coun.,. 92t53 •nd AllOClat.. c R E A T I v E v I 0 E 0 0 Revltlon of the Muter PIM or common ~· . If toy. or Ille YOU, YOU 8HOULO CONTACT A ~ 11· YOU ARE IN OEFAUl.T UNDER A G PRODUCTIONS, 23 t Ctbrlllo, · reel p.operty ClnctlbeO above 11 &.AWYa:f'. l & R AVIATION . 4000 OEEOOF TRUST DATED 7-30-81 ... , .... °"'· 412 WMI F-111 MtNn w_ r..iberg. Coat• Meta. Callornl• 112827 Countywld• Blk•w•y• IMPCBI. putporttel to be-et Lind• .... Drive, On November 18. 11182. II 8:15 MacArthUI' Boulevard. Sulla 5500. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO Street. Sulla 206. Santa Ana, Stcrtlary Greg Thompson, 231 Ct_b<lno, modtlylng Iha reglontl blktwty NtwpOf1 Buen. Celll0tnla 82880 a .m . A LL AN B W ILLIAMS WHI Tower. Newport Beech, PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT Cllifornlt 112701 Thll ll'temonl wu f•ed wtth the Coate Meet, Ctlllornlt 82627 aystem ln vetlous localiOnl 1'he unelttaioneCI lruttee CORPORATION, 1 Cttlfotnle C1Jll0<njt 92660. MAY BE SOLO AT A PUBl.IC SAL.IE. Thlt "'111""' 11 conducted by an Counl)' Clar1! of Otenge Counl'J on T'hll bullnelt 11 conC111<:teCI by en throu~hout the County. di I I 1 1 lltbllll lo 11)' corpotellon ts duly appointed J 1 m 81 R . G 0 rm an. 3 4 IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION un1nc01por1teCI Htocl1t1on other November 41, 1082 .,l'""t1t in<llVldl.ltl 2. he P,uOllc He.ring wlll tnclude ln:~!c:Tneu n:, Ille ltr~t 1Jd:.U TrllllH under end putau1nl IO Chtlttamon Eul. lf'lllnt. CalilorMI 0 F THE NAT URE 0 F THE then 8 partnerahlp. r •• Gteg lhomP80f\ 1 he f o I Io w Ing Pro Po 'u• d IN>d other common ClellgflatlOl'I, If OteCI ol Trust ttC<>tCled April 27, 92714 PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOU Oototllet A-C;:;p1t11 Put>llthed Ortnge Cout Diiiy Thia ttlltlMl'll wu filed with Ille :=t•nta lo the lend H any, lllown herein 11181, u lnalr. No 32260. In t>ook Peul VIiia. 10408 ltcebte. SHOUU) CONTAfT A LAWYER CouThn~y·~em:·~ eo::'y1:: Piiot. Nov II. 13· 20, 27·~8~:U.82 Count) Clerk of Orl!!Q! COli!'IY on _ A Seket·Sllvaton Gtoup C5att Stld Hit wlll be mtde, bul 14034. p1ge 1517, of Olllc:ltl Founttln Valle)' Calilomlt 82708 ..._r11e add•-o 111<1 p.operty • ~·-..,.. ...... October 22 11182 wllllout c:ove nent ot w1uenty AecOfd• In the otnce Of Ille eo-,,nty Llwrence 'c Bauelt, 32161; -19411 Port locksle\z~/~~ce. Novembii 3. 11182 • • F2GOltl 1acrea) IOClled In the nortlle111 Et eJIP(-°'Implied, regttdlng lllle'. RecOf'der of Oranoe County. St••• Se• 111end Or•ve. Leguna Niguel. ~ Beech. CA 9 · (II • P 1 c no1tr9 PUBLIC NOTIC( Publl1he<1 Ottnge coatt Dally ~~:in:1~:~1~~~oc~~;l~y• poast1110n, or encumt>raneee. 10 of Clllfomil-Ellecuted by GERIK_ c.Jllornll 112677 a t reat •delreu or common ubll•h•CI Oreng•2 °1~1 0 • ly FICTITIOUS IU96NEll Pilot, OC:t 23. 30. Nov. e, 13, 11182 B Ceplstrtno Betch Specific P•V th• unpaid beltnce 01 th• SMrTH, "'unmarried__,, Will Thie bulineu I• ~ucted by • oe11Qn1tlon or P<operty It thown PllOt, Nov. e, 13, 20, 7, 18 4:22·82 NAMa.STAttlllOCT 4683·62 Pia~ toolleel In the unlncOl""'lled note(•) secured t>y llld 0..0 of SEl l. AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO genertl ft'""ntrShlp. , tbollt. no wtttanty II Olvan N 10 lte The fOllO I I Cl I • ,..... Ttull, to-wit. $840,747 _01, lncluCllf'IG HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH 'J~ R. G0<mtn comc>le1-or correctnttt)" Tiie MLIC NOTICE butl,_. 1,.w no P•tton 1 0 no PUBLIC NOTICE communll'I ol Cepl1treno 8ttch es provided In uid note lt) =It II time of .... In ltwlul Thie ttttemenl wu flied with lhe benellclt ry unde• H id DHd ol PROFITOUEST ASSOCIATES , The ,..,___ V'-... ~u• ,...._, ...... ln~iu~h: ~u:1f01~::i'~ ~::.~: 1d11tne11. II tny, undlf the ltNN of of the United 8191•) II Ille Cf>unl'I Clerk of Orengt Couniy on Truit. by reuon ol 1 breecll or flCTITIOUI .,..... 1648 WHlcllll Drive, Newport .,.,_,, -~ ..,..., .... Pfoje(te aa1C1 OMO or Trull. 1-. charges front entrtnc:41 lo the old Orange October 6 11182 ci.leult In tne OOllQlllOnl MCUteCI MA• STATU9NT a.em. CA ll2960 Amencan ln<llln ECWC.llon Title IV A Z 0 n • Ch• n 0 1 8 2 • 3 7 and hl*lMI of the TnmM and of County Courthou11. loclled on QOMllAN 'AND IA1.TAREW thllfeby. hetetof0te eacuted and The IOfOwtng "''°"' are doing s Bruce Pettlaon, Genetti Projec1 le Calling • apecitl meeting the 1N111 crMteCI by .. ic1 Deed ol S e nti An • Blvd .• t>etween A "'•f•Mlotllt lAw C«pcwellofl dellveted to Ill• undetalon•CI • bull,_.• Penner, 1235 Sentlego Or . Tuesd'y November 18, 1982 Ir~ (8tke<..Stlvltori Group) propoeea I Tr\lst Syc1more S1. & Brotdwly, Santa 4000 IUcAtttlur loutew9'd written OedarttlOn of Oefeul1 ei'ICI (A f NAT I 0 NA l IM AGE ~Beach, CA 92880 1to11 ~ m The hear1ng will be held change ft om t he A 1 "Genet1I The bel'lefie!e under UICI OMd An1, CA. ell right, tltNI end lnlereet Suffe 1100 WMI Towet Oemtnd IOf S•. end M itten 11011<>1 COORDINATE ENTERPRISE, (B) Thll bualntst ;1 ClOl'ICIUCled by e •I Plehant View School. 18802 ~itlcullurtl" Oiatrlc.t. to thl PC ol Trual heteto7ore uecuted Ind oonlleyeCI to end now held by It Newport a-fl, CA l2'IO of br'9llCh and of elecllon 10 cauM AUTO CARE SPECIAL, 1015 E. 18th ilmlleCI ptnnerahlp, l•t1d•u line, Huntlngto" BHch, ltnneel Communltv Olllrlct 10 delivered to th• und•rtlgned 1 under H id 0..0 ol Trull In the F1teo70 the under1lgned 10 Hll H id StrMI. Cost• Mesa, CA 92827 s Btuc:e Pelllton Ca•tornle 112847. Tiie hearing wlN lie prolllde tor commetclal/ofllce, light wr•tten Declaration of Default and property lltutted In telCI County PubllaheCI Orenge COHt 01ffy property to Mlllfy NICI obllgtllona, DAVID G. CARNEY. 318 lrll Thia ltllernenl -• llled with tilt helCI to dlecuu the 1983-64 PfOfecl lnduatrltl, Hild •nd grevel, end O.m1nd for Sele end • written lnCI Stet• deecrlbtCI • PllOt. Oci 23. 30. Nov e. 13. 1082 and thereefter the underafgned Ave. Corona del Mtr, CA 1121125. county Cfllftl of Otenge Counl)' on Proc>OMI At 11111 """· ret6Clenll Of open9 ..,_C 0 ml':'u~y P, 0 111 • Notte. ot Otfeull 'en<1 Election to Lot 28 on 8IOdl 2t of ~ 469Q..82 c:--' Mid nollc:t of breech end of JAMES GARNER. 2111 Wah'lut OCI 29 l882 Ametleln ll'ICllan ancntry -utQed Sell Tiie IJl'lderMgnecl C11UMC1 NICI BMch. In the Clt'J of~ 8etGh P\BJC NOTICE ,eleetlon to be ~onted July 13. St .. ~ 8eadl. CA t2M3 · • ,_ to give Input, crlllcltm, end lletp Amendment 112· I 1 (Bet.411..Stlvet0<I Notio. ol Otleult and ElectlOll to Countr. 01 Orange. Stele ol 11112 H lnttr. No. 82·241530 In ._. r--•'""e i"-""""'am""'-·' """" Group) concurflnt ectlon wllh ...... 10 ..... ~...,..,In 1 ..... -·nl{ ---..... .......,._..._ MICnAEl E. MOAIARTV. 2111 Publlelled 011~e Co111 011ly "' ... ~ ...... ....,.. ...........-,--"'~et Plan Amtndment tnd Zone .,_ .,... ,.......,.,,... ... ~ Cellforn •. u per map tecordtd In 8oolt page of .,.,...,91 .._..,. Wtlnul St . Newport BHch. CA PllOl OCI 30 N e 13 20 11182 111ve 1nv que11lon1 regerdlng the ''"'"'" wilt<• the reel P<<>Plft¥ la loc;eted. Book 3, Page 28. Mlace11eneou1 FICTITIOUS auSINEIS In the olllce ol Ille Recorder 01 92663. · · • ov ' ' 4783•82 heating. pleeu cell 1nci11n Chenge. LEWIS & 8CIUCtiER Mape. In Iha Office ol Ille County NA• STATl•NT Orange County: Said tale win be Thia bullnttl II conelucle<I by. Educ:tllon It (714) 847·7001. c . Ctpltlrtno Beach Specific ENTERPRISES dbl Recofelet of lllCI County The s1tMI The nemaa ol the bualnelHI: ( 1) made. but without coven1nl or o-at pertnerthlp. ,.._IC NOllCE Publlahed Oreng1 COHI Delly Pl•n llont Ch•~ 82·39) ptopoaes Tiiie SeNlcea addrelt ol Ille rNI propetl'J .. 113 GOLDEN WESl BUSINESS PARK w1rr1ntv. t11prHI or lmplled. o.vtCI G Ctfl'l8'f ,--PtlOt Nov 10 I I f2 13 11182 'p. c If I 0 Cl . v. '0 pm. n t ,, tllCI T I 29111 StrMI. PMwport e.ec:n. CA. 12) GOLDEN AK.AR ASSOCIATES. regtrdlno 1111• POIHHlon. or Thll ll•t-1 WU n1ec1 with Ille FICTI'TlOUI ........ • . • • • 4972·82 redevelopm1n1 tegul1tlon1 e nd r:.n. F.::.· ... The underalg ned l ruetee loClted 114821 Telle< Avenue, Sult• e ncuml>r1noet. to P•V Ille County Cl«tc ol Orengt County on MAm aTATPmNT tCldtetHI Ioctl public H rvlce Vlei PrtSldent dltcl1lm1 1nv lltblllty for eny 1~.!:1 ~ Beach. £.t'!!.,omta1 .... remaining prlnclptl t um ot the1 Novembers. 1882. The loftowlng l*IOftl 1,. Ootng Nit.IC NOTICC s'":!!'ttandlc Po11tn'*•'10Cll10 .':!"'*•• "'•• The1 .. _ ~T,,,... °' ,_., lllCor'rect,_ of the •treat ecklrtlS .. 2.....,, II ·-•by reg11tet..., v1 ... nole(tl aecured b~ ••Id dHd o '191• ~ u: ..--~ • ,,. .... end other common Cleelgn1llon, II lollowf<Al perlOf'IS. Trust, with Int_, It In Mid "°" Publl1lled Orenoe Co11t Delly C 0 UN T R y G A R DE H PIQTl'nOUS llUeMll loetl COHiii Program (lCP), TITLE II 8 tlf'i, lhowrl herein. 750 sin• OeVllOprnenV•''-' RI Comd f!,~1 · ptoYlded, lldvancee;,.~~!f'IY1• Tunder PllOt. Nov. 8, 13, 20, 27, 1882 CATERERS, 719111. Mein St .. S1nta n..... 19!,A~T~e Clol"" j'tmnpc~l!111011olnlleplalnenlodr 1~!~tlondn 109 91Mt Mtnlu IMvd., S a id aal• wlll be made, but II 0<rento .,,_, 01 . ....,. • the term• of Mid ..,_. o Nil, 4891·62 Ana, q1 92701 .... .,..,..~ .. -v ..... ~--... C,...,_, ,.., ,.... Wte 119, without covenent or w1,,tnty, 209. Slfl Diego. C1lllorn11112121 .... e11ttgee and npenMa of Ille Sombreto St reel Ille. (I (>utlnat1.• of 1pl1treno 8Hch wllhln lhe ..,. .. --.. CA_.. tllpt .. or implied, t8Q1fdlng thle, Se c on Cl U.S. Aku. Inc .• a Trut1ee and ot the truttt crNted 111 P\llt.IC N011C[ Ollll0tnla COfPQfltlOl'I) NINI S HEARTS. 2 Skipper. ,Coastal %ont (ttl) m.1711 siou-1on. Of encumbftnoea. 10 Oat-• eotporltlOl'I Mid ()Md of TNl1. Stlcl .. """' lie Thi bu'"' .. concsuc ad ..., lf'lllne CA 92114 0 . c 0 mm u n I I y p , 0 I 11. p bll fled 0 c I 0 II pey the~ prlnclpel ~of l"'-bu*"-ii c;oneluc:led by t 11.+d Oii: Monday, fit~tlef 2t, ITAttlmNT Of MAMOOf-.n' t .. -1 ~, 1 J°E AN M SCHAOEOER 2 I Amendment 82· 12 (C1pl1tteno u 1 renc. OH t y the not• eecur.o by Hid Deed of JQlnt Venture 1 tN2. t1 2:00 p.m. et Ult Chapmen Of U8I °' corporetlOn Stopper, ll'Wle. CA 82714. ' jBHch Specific Pl1n) concurtent PilOt, Nov 13• '°· 7• 11182 .......... .., Truat. wlltt lnterett thereon, ea CoMM 0..etoprnen1 Co A~tinttenotlolhec.N'cc.tt• PIC11TICMJa .... N NAiii .. ~~ =:" OERAlD A .. SCHAOEDER. 2 action with Oen•r•I P11n ~ prOY\ded tn Mid note. tdVanCM. If By. Robert A Stine, 9u1C11no. 300 Eut Ch~ Ave.. The lollowlng pereont have P:reeldtnt ' Skipp«, IMM, CA 82714. lArnendlnent lllCI lone Chtl'lge ----1111---IC--NO-nr_t __ _ eny, undef the tarm1 of atld e>..t Vice Prffielenl OttnQ9. Ce 1bandoned IM UM of Ille llcfRloul -Thll-•lal_,. -flltd with in. J hlt bu*'"9 ll ~ltd by a COMPtlAttC E WITH THE .--. ,,_ 4 1 Truth -feH, c:harge, and This lll~t wll llted •ltll lie At ll!t time of tht lnllll l pub-!>'*'-_. Countv Clerk of Or•noe COUflty on ~el ~J~~.· .,.....,,._.._ COAU~llFITVORAtlCIAT.· ENVIRONMl!Hf Al. --l'IC--TlTIOU---.-_,-... --.. ---upanMI of Ille TrutlN and of the A Btenoll, County Cletk of Orange •• •llon ol thl• notice. th• total M. FERGUSON & HAHN. 3000 OC:I .,., 28 11182 -· ... ....., .. _ " NAm •TATIMbfT trutt• c:rHl•d,..b'I H id OHCI ol County. Oct. 13. 1082. amount of the Ul'lf)lld t>tlence ol 1119 W. Coaet Hlghwey, ~Beach, 0 • • ,_,.. ll\ll ttatement.,.. fled wttll IM The lollowlng envlronmen111 Th• followlt19 peraon 11 doing TNtt ,..... ot>llO•llon MCUted by the 6tiow CA 82M3 Publltlled Oreng• CoH I Delly County Clettl of Ot.,ge County on OOC-tlllon ,,.. .,_, prepared bu.,,_ ... T"9 lolll lfl'IOUlll of tM unplld PubHshed Ottng• COHI Delly docrlb•d CIHd of ltult and Tiie FlctlllOut 8utl~ Heme Piiot oc 30 H 6 H2 October 1 1"2 '°' '"'" Pfoje(ll pcnuant lo I.lie G 0 I. 0 E H E A G "E tNllerlCt of IM ot>llgltlon ltCUted Pilot, Oct 23. 30. Nov 6. 13, 11182 fftlmtled coatt, expenHt, ind re ferred to ebovt WH llled In 1 • ov. · 13• 20• 1 ' ,,.._ Ctlllotnlt Envlronmental Qu1111y t>y lh• proptrty 10 be aotd end ...... 2 ecfVlnC* It ue. 11&.ee °'""" COunry on A11QU1l2S, IN2. •7N-e2 Publl•h•d Oreno• CoHI Delly Ac1 wtllctl • lie r~ by the ENTERPRISES. 1172 Malloy Or . rHton•bl• Hllmtl•d COllt, Tiit ooenlna bid may.,. OOlelned HENRIETTA M PERGUSON, PUllllC NOTICE Pilot, Nov e, 13. 20. 21. 1812 lol.rel ot SupetVllOtl prior lo or :::1~f.'c'!::"M;.:, ~:ie'"29°· aw.per1-and advenoee 11 the time PUBLIC NOTtC( by ~ (7f4) 837-oHe the dtl'I 3011&2 C1nt1tbury St . '-•oune 48084a concurrent wllll the propottd Sien Slmctie Glltatmlln, 8172 of the tnlll•I publlottlon of the before the.-. Niguel, CA 92871. 1'1CTITIOUI .,...,, Oeneret Pl111 Am•ndmen11 •nd Me/lay Ot .. Huntington Beeol\, CA Nolie. ol s• 11 $9,425.00. 1'1CT1110UI .,..... D4"•, Octol>er 2t. 1882 l.OU18 Gl.ENN HAHN. It NAiii ITATI_,., P'talC NOJIC( rat1ted PfOjecW. 821148. The beneflclll')' 11ne1et Mid o..o NA* 8TAn.Jff Hermee FlnMGJat Stonelngton, l.1gun1 8e1cll, CA tile rollowlng ptfton I• doing ~•llve Oeclar111on1 12Pot021 Tiii• llullnff• 11 ~ucted by en of Trull herelof0<e eucuted end The lollowlng peraon r1 doing CorPO<ltlon tff5t but1nfM aa· PICTTT10UI .._.. an 2POI007 -Trt11tportetlon ll'l<IMdull. =.1i':,"J'.c'.:,::::nu:.d~~ed~ ~~A1s & ASSOCIATES. ~~.~~~':;E Thia .... ::-::.M"'9Cl~IM ~J J lNTER,RllU. 1555 Tht :=1:~ doing =~\~~~f.I..'= I.I 01t1etn\an 303, R II I 0 I 0 .. , Countv ,.._.. of Or-,.._,_,., -........... c"..!'~ .. !:.~· aoo, Cotti .... .....-... " -----......_I. to ., fhll .... _,1 -llllCI ... ,h '"' Oem•nel for 811•. end 1 written •nc v aw r ve, reno•. COMPANY, Aoenl , -..-~ -....-...,_.,,, -· -..,,.,.,_ ....... .., ---...--_,,.R,..... Cou ll'I Clerit of Orantt Cownty on Notice of OefNI and EJecllOl'I 10 Clllfomlll 821185 I )' Marco er...... November •. 1812. John It Noblt, IHI Metl MA TILl'S TIUNO URVICE. ~· .,. "°' l)r!>ilc1• unoer Oo "at 1N2 Sell Tiii 111~ GtUMc1 Mid Chrlellnt l.ynn Stenley, 3030 Allle4ant lecretery , • P•Ut Verde Drive E No. 400 Cotti '"'°' Nept. Tllttln, Ct. 02tl0 Sfttt El"' OuiOtl!MI) t. 1 ,_ Not!Ce of Oel9U11 tnd Eleotlon 10 ~Drive, Oranoe. CallfO<nll One Clfy Blvd .. WMI, Publl•h•d Orange COHI Otlly Mw. CllltomlallHH • Rolltrt Bflln Jollnton, 1073 l!t!W0111Mnl .. l""9C1Atporl403 l>ubltehed Ort~• Co••t Delly a.ti 10 bl rtcOfded In the ooun1)' 112111 Or•noe. CA. 028M Pllol, Nov .•• 13, 2(1, n . 1912 Jenet L No• ..... -1. NIPll. Tu.tin. Ct 02'80 -8tlltr·lllvll0tl Group. ....... N ,. 13 27 1912 ,.._.,,. rMI property It loo8ted, Titll lll.wlMlt It conelucled by an Tel (7141 t315-82H 491&-lt 1188 .,.._ Verde ~lw i,''CO;i1 Ttllt ~It condueled by en An bWonment.i ll'flPKI Aepo(t '"""" 0• "• · 1 ' ,919..e2 o...: ~ 20. 1 .. 2 lndMdu& l....evblllhed Newpofl Harl>Of Nfwl ..._., calltomlt tMat lnCIMdlMI .'".'\ 1111 t>••n prepued lor tl\t ALLM .. w.uMll OfW"*'9 L. • ..,., .. r Pt~ COfl'll>IMd with 1119 Or•l'IOI rmt.IC M)TIC( Tilll butll'9lt II collduCltd by I "°'*1 8rlln ~ ~ano .... ---""" 1------------. ~TION Tllll .......,_,. -llleCI wtltl IM COal1 ,......, '"°' Nov & 13 II -ti _,_.,. Titll 1t1te1Mnt -fled With tilt fl'le put>llo llWlnt • lie Mtd In B . ,,0. ._.,_ county Cttt1I of Orenga Collnty on 1H2 .....,, . . • • PICTmOUe-ll .,..._ ... -.. Noble ~ca.tr of Otenot ~on Ille a-d of~ HMf"'O usinessmen • T-. CA -~ 2t. ,. 4451-§1 ..... ITAW Tl'• .......... -flllCI .with ... Octooet ,., tH2. AOOlll on th• lltlt floor or Ill• (1MJ,:,~ ,_,. -Tiit IOflOwlnO s-tOIW •• ~ COun1Y Oltr1I of Or r .. -.. ,_, County Hell ot Adlftln111r1llon I f d t" g ..... .. ,,... Pulttltlled Or•nee eo ••• Delly PUBLIC NOTICC bultntet .. : OOtoMr H 1H2 ............ , on "''""'00 Ot•n1• COlll Dilly luMOlnO ti 10 CMo Center ....... JI 0 u (J ,. t 0 ,ublllfled Oren~ COtll Delly Pll04, ()et, JO, Nov. 9, 13. 20, IH2 PICT1'TIOUI IUIMll Ttrr~.Lg,~On~~IM:,~c=:.!: 1 ' ~Not Oet. io. Nov. , 11. 20, IH2 ltrlll Me, ~II HO Im. 0 ll S f n t SS Un d ~ r (I Plot, oat. 30, Nov.•· 1,, 1eea ~ ..._ ..,.,..."' t202S Pu1:>1111100 Ortnt• Coe11 •1t4·12 ::.,-::=.= aro llwltecl to F'l crtt101u 81.111"'" ________ 4_7~ __ 2 P9lJC llOTIC( ,,,. IOllowlng 09tlOnt.,. dOlne J8"9 T ~. 1111 ..,.. ...... '*"· Oot 30• Nov•· n . ~~ •• .,. -watttl•• 11te1 vou w1111 10 b• \lame llQU or~ r~wrH Ml.IC NOTICE • blltiMltM Tert-. Cofone dtl M•. Cellfomlt .--"""-brouglll to tll1 lotrd of ,..., I f 8WtMll and "'9Ctt'i0Ue Ml'll•H NlWMAN AVI PAATHE,.I. t2t29 ••.,. -HCflhOUI ....... l111pe1wl10rt' 11tonUon 11 Ille v11 OW NnnoutlUlll... um1TaTWT 1218-.m11110.Newport8eacll,CA 111ubt111 o Maloy. 111• .--....,,-. umlTAW '-'"1mwtDtllledw1tt1111eci.ti Pro/eHtOM CO<W. ~ . ..... IT&W T"41 folowlnt petaon 19 doing 0"90 t1n11ne111 T1t~~-!I C0ton• dtt MTITIOUI MJll•tl TN ,_... ...,... aro dOlnt of tt11 ._..IA._.,,, -lfl'IOr 11900 to 11930 J to /Ue a TM fOllOwlnt petton It doing ~~ a : TtO V088, 111t lant1100. Mat, Ctlltomle Inn ... ITATll!lllft IMIMlt •. 10 tllt 1Gt11dul•I ....,.,., 1111 ooPie1 ...... -I WUT RO MAHOI. 1822'A Newport 9aedl. CA HMO Anch•w l'. M•lo. ,. 11 Tiit IOftowlnt ,.,.... It dotno OICA" llAUTY IALON .... ,, •• ,...,.,.... f'it' t jt IOU Bu••"'" IUftlHINI PIT f'A,.M. 1312 Htwport llvd .. Co111 Mau, flAUI. IHA,IAO. 3104 "Iv .. ,.,...,.... Terreoe, COrM dtl Mir, ...-... ea: w. ''"' lttMt, llftll Ani, CA F11r111er lftformeuon car1 •• Nomi Slatrm•nl Giid a.dlfl Otow IMI .. Oerdlfl Otow, Ctlttomle 1"21 Ave , """'t IMCifl, CA t"'3 Ctllfatnll tltll .. . Wlotil INITAl.LATIONI ll10I ~ llY clfll"t "'° AClvllftCO ... a.-I ~ '2141 Otvld A. Alcllardton, 111 ITll'HIN MeCLUI,., tOt Vl1lolla L. MeloJ, U 11 .. , ...... II, lrWle. Ce Nl14 ' ~ LY, 11•021•tl•Olt1. ~ ,..,._ ~ M laa~ ft puudl,_ or O.. lcol!llN. l02ll ......... ,..,,_ •C. Coltl ..._., ~ IClllfl "". ~twflort .. ICll\, CA ltnlol'Olll Tllff"9, Corofia fOI ._..,. L ........... MOt MtJ' o.r.r,, •111, llOw...,., (714)134-lllO /our cOftlttUftor ~r ..... Ma.~ 12107 Ha1 _, ,..,, Ctlltor"'9.... ,_. .... -n111e ea,,91tte ~ .-l't ON)I" Of' THI IOAllO Of' TMl~•-dl-.dllfen TNe~ll00110uGW1>Y111 n.._,_•.~llr• Nt~1111111Mt•11J• ,._ •••••llr• ~Hue'"-' ~Ltf\Aff, eu''""~~ OAA .. H WE at Har DA LY ~· ~ .. --.............. ,_ .. : 0 ,._..'!..:...•,..., --............ !.'!..lllL... .............. ~-· '1~:r~·~g~11~: ..... :.·~pJtOT co11 .._.~. ,.. -..,,.. -··· Oewlf A. RICMrdlofl ,.,. .....,., --. .., .._. -_..,. --·-· -,.,.~ i'l1 ""'411111 '"''' .. tllld........ .,,... ~· .. 111111""" IN Thll ~ .. Mid wttfl IN TNa ................ """.. '*:Ti.. -... Tili ~-"""'A' ~ tlol"-. CiltJl!w f~ ~ oe 0r-.. COYnty on C011111Y etin " ~ C4M!tY lift. ~an ot 0r-.. 0aun1y • ~ Clllll 111 o...ee a..,_.. _., '-llf0flfli9 .. ·~ o.£• -_... o-ip A Rflf e at 1i-.,,,,. --"·'"'· -.,,., .. ,,,.., -• ,,.,_,,_ ---· w;;:;i,"'· ~..::;:.. UJ.4111 Sri JU /or ,• .,,....._ °'"* C-1 0..., ~ °'""° C:OHt Oallr ~ Ot .... O..t Dal¥ ,......., 0rwe c .... ~ ...,..._ .. Ot ..... c.t!I.~ f'IHll • 0.-oa.t~ ".,.._ C.... 0.-, fjrfMr ...... ,._, Oil II. JO. NCl'W I, tS, tW ...... 0.. 11. ao. ..... I, ti, ,... ...... N9¥ I, 11, IO, "· 1MI ....... ND¥ I; '9, •tr, ,_ ,,. Oil • ""'; t. 11 .•• -Nit ..., t, tt ... If. tm *' "-ttlf _ ~-~-~...,.,. • ...... llC1-tl • ..,.... ..... • • . ..... • ' • ,,... ~ .. ._ ___ -! . .,..----.--" • ~ ·~ t I' I • Orang• Oout DAIL v PILOT llaturdey, NoY9mber 11, , ... Mexico • • cr1s1s ~'transitor y' By LAURINDA KEYS A11ecllttecl "-WrMer CORONAIX> -U.S. banks will be forced to change the credit policies which allowed Mexico to amass the largest foreign debt of any developing country, according to a Mexican am bassador for special affairs. l The credit extension policy ol Amerk an banks "in no way excuses our errors, nor explains our incautious expansion and the related increase in our debt," Sen. Fausto Zapata told the Associated Press Managing Editors convention. "Yet it certainly helps in compre hending them," he added. "Whe n we examine the history, yet to be written, about my country's financial crisis . . . the people of the United S ta tes will dem~nd an accounting of their banking institutions and will revise their methods and credit policies," said Zapata, a former newspaper reporter. He said his country's recession, unemployment. currency devaluation and foreign debt problems amount to "a transitory crisis, but one of undeniable gravity ." Despite Mexico's financial problems, he said, "The strength of the national state remains intact." He said the s tability of Mexico for nearly 70 years is one of "the reasons considered at the time .as valid for granting Mexico the la rgest credits the international banking system has to offer . . . "The precariousness of the state, or its non- existence, as such, often gives vent to the political instability that makes of Latin America, with few exceptions, a land of pain and abuse, diametrically opposed to every American notion regarding human rights," Zapata said. In a reference to killings in the Palestini.an refugee camps of Lebanon, Zapata said, "Today, part of Central America Is a vast Sha tila-Sabra with no limit to torture, atrocity and death." He said immigrants and refugees from Central America are increasing on Mexico's southern border. "We may pridefully take credit then, even within the tempest of this financial crisis, for the worthiness of the position that maintains our moral solvency throughout the world," Zapata said. The managing ~itors heard a different view earlier in the day, when Mexican author Mauricio Gonzalez de la Garza said his country exhibits "all the repugnant liabilities of a dictatorship in decay.'' He said that when Mexican President-elect Miguel de la Madrid takes over from outgoing President Jose Lopez Portillo on Dec. 1, "it will be like inheriting a ranch." He said Mexico "is heading toward chaos, and I will not deny that chaos Is fertile ground for conununism. •• He urged the editors to "think about what will happen to the United States if there is a revolution in Mexico, or if Mexico becomes a C uba or a Vietnam with a Viet Cong, or becomes divided into a North Mexico and a South Mexico." 1 He said that oil revenues which were expected to make Mexico wealthy were wasted on whims, such as an orchestra that traveled the world playing for free in the finest concert halls, although "no one wanted to hear a new orchestra with an unknown conduct.el"." In a response to de la Garza, Zapata said, "He is almost fanatical in his political view. He's been able to exercise for many years his political criticism in the freest form." A grou p of visitors tou rs fhe control room of the !!uclear plant a t T hree Mile Isla nd in Middletown , Pa. Three Mile Island now • • a 0 tour1st attraction· By RICH KIRKPATRICK • _ .. _. ..,... WrtW MIDDLEI'OWN, Pa. -There was a time when a manned entry into the radiation-dre nched containment building at Three Mile Island was a big event, widely covered by the nation's media. Now, entries are made about three times a w eek with little press attention. Once, fe w people knew the name Three Mile Island. Now, the plant. isolated in the middle of the widE!_ ~usquehanna River, draws thousands of tourists each year. They board buses for plant tours and the chance o{ standing near the site of the nation's worst commercial nuclear accident. And on the island itself, 1,200 people come and go each day, caught up in daily work routines found at any industrial plant. Here, however, everyone wears a small badge -a dosimeter that registers radiation expo8Ure. Elaborate aecurity measures are in place. visitor aroompariled by an escort must register at the outer gate, then re -regis ter at th e plant processing center. Everyone walks through a device that checks for concealed weapons and explosives: visitors are aearched: packages are X-rayed; and employees carry plastic cards that must b ej inserted into special lock's to gain, access to various pa.rt.I of the plant. Since the March 28, 1979, accident, the plant's owner, General Public Utilities Corp .. has divided Unit 1 ud Unit 2 operations. At Unit 2, the drama of thoee first entries into the containment building have given way to drudgery. Workers are scrubbing the surface contamination off interior walls and technicians are repairing an overhead "polar crane," which will be used next year to lift the 140-ton head off the reactor. on the reactor," said TMI spokesman Doug Bedell . During the summer, technicians lowered a miniature television camera i nto the core to find out what happened. The upper live feet of the 12-foot-high fuel assemblies in the middle of the reactor core had collapsed Into a bed o f rubble . Although some uranium oxide fuel pellets had cracked, there was no evidence they had melted. Extensive engineering 1tudies are under way to determine the best method for removing the fuel. Once out of the reactor -a job that could begin by 1985 -lhe fuel will be packaged and disposed of by the federal Department of Energy. Since the accident, a number of minor water leaks and a fal9e readin~ of elevated hydrogen levels within the reactor triggered emergency alerts. All turned out to be minor incidents. One of the biggest problems has ~ financing plan for the cleanue. Gov. Dick Thornburg s co.t-ifiinng measure has stalled in Congress, mai.nly because lawmakers see no need for charging their constituents for mistakes made in another state. Thornburgh's plan called for contributions to the $1 billion cleanup oost from the federal government. the nuclear indu1try, the state s of Pennsylvania and New Jersey and GPU itselr. Pennsylvania -haa already appropriated its $5 million ahare for 1982-83 and ratepayers o{ GPU companies in Pennsylvania and New J el'Sey have begun paying $36 million a year towards cleanup. In 1983, GPU expects to spend $70 million for the job, Bedell said. With increased revenues and a lowe~ of its short-term debt. GPU's financial picture has brightened. After the accident, water was a help and a hazard. Water kees-the reactor in a safe. cooled condition, but 600,000 gallons of radioactive water that spilled out of the reactor coolant system unleashed radiation within th~ ----------• containment building. Plate NOTJC£ Most of that radiation has been For the nine months ended Sept. 30, the company reported net income of $32 million, up from $19.5 million for the same period in 1981. However, It has not paid dividends lince 1979 and is retalnlng earnings to meet caah needs, said spokesman Joe Benish. "The financial condition o{ the company has improved over the same period last year, but major uncertainUes...remain," Benlsh Mid. ~=========~ MNl1t74 filtered out of the water, now'lltored NOTICE Of' IALa Of' in two ·~o0,000-aaJJon tanks at the ...CI MOJMHS m&.MOADWAY• MOllTUA&Y 110 Bro.c!Way Costa Mesa 642•9150 IA&.TZ-... oM IMTM'. TVT'H&l WISTC .... CHAPk <427 E. 17th St. -Costa Mesa 64~9371 -· ...c • rm MOllTUAllH ~8Hch ..... 11 ur:= .. ... ....,.Cu611,ano ... ,"' MAL~AT e IWVATW IAU plant. One problem la restarting Unit l , whR:h had been cloeed for refuelina when the accident occurred. Although not,. damaged at the time, the plant wd ordered closed. .... ,._,.... Radiation levels have dropped in In the Superlot CO\lf'I Of the Stat9 h .... f th ''"i t 01c.ittomla.1n atw11or 1,,. County t e upper pa ... o e con-nmen ot Orangt. building. permitting workers to spend In the Mallar ol the Ealate Of more time lnaide. LARRY v. McCART. daceaMd. "A main thin" now is reducin:r the During teat.I lut year, crack.a were discovered In Unit l 's steam generating tubes and the company ii In the middle of a $25 million repair program. Noticed it hereby glWn t"-' tfle • undertlgnad wt11 Mil et prl\I... ..... radiation level•. In and aroun the to th• highest and belt t>lddef -----we can have a s"•• .. 1-ed aublect to eonflrmatlon of Hid •~..,r .., .... _... Supetk>f Court on«.,.. tM 23rd ~nee there when it'1 time to work day of NO¥amb«, 1N2 et the oflloa or Coolceev. Colemen and Howerd, 11782 E. 11th StrNI, Tuatln, County 91 Orange. State of Cellfomla. Iii Ille right. tllte and lnter91t of Mid min«, In and to all IN eartaln ,_. property eltuated In IN County of Orange. Stal• of Cellfornla. partlcularty ci.KTIMd • foll~. lo-wit: Loi 1 « Tr.ct llH M I* map recorded In look 214. hoe 33 of M~ M~ In IM ofllce OI lhelAaoofdw of ~ County. 'More commonly llnown ••: 4502~ W Tlllrd Stte91, Senta AM. c:.lllornla Tetm1 of Ille Ill c:MI In 1-.M money of the United Stet•• on oontlnMtlon of ..... Ten I* oen1 of MIOUlll bid to t>e d""*1ed with ~le belrlll lotd In "'Al IN ...,. Of °'*' to .,. In """"' llld lie received et Ille afOfeMld 9t MY time eftef the lltet .... --.loft ...,_ llld .,...,,. ... .... Det9d '"" 12"' dey Of No ..... '"' MetY,._CI Admlnillflltfll ftuOlltfled Of•ntte Cout Deltr ""°'. Nov "· 14, IO, 1111 ..... T To PIMI ........... =~ 011~~ o~ean d ,umping pei-il? I STAMFORD, Conn. (AP) -The Navy Pl'OPQMI, announced in Dumping oblolete nuclear-powered January, lnvo~~·= of up to 1ubmarinet In the ocean off the U.S . 100 defueled, nuclear cout miat\t do Jone-term c:tamace to 1ubmarlnea durlq the next \hree marine llf e and eventually cauae decedet. One pomble dwnp lite la the "lnsldlou1 human heahh eUects," oceen. A Navy envlroftrnfntal report warna the Oceanic Society. la expected latier \hil )'Mr. The U .S . Navy 11 prepartn1 a The OoNnAc 8odety -which ii Md propoul to dump •• many u 100 by ~ Roolilvelt, Onndlon unwanted nuclear aubmartnm off the of Prelldent Fnnkl1n D. Roalwelt - Califom6a and North Carolina a:mta aakl It Al "JINM&ure" for \M Navy to over the nut 30 )'Hrt. Bu\ the eo1111der the w 11 a dump sraund ec:.nk Sodety, a prtvace, non-profit for \he aabmartnel. M'6onaJ poup, W'111 a delay Uftdl tM ~ .W-In thll dedlior\ U"9 tao po11lble effect• of rel•H• of hl1h '° r.rm~k, lrnveralbl• ~'1 Into tM ~ Cln be deCWom. \he '• rwpart ...... studied fwlhlr. The c.u...-ntlan poup miln.._ Hu the NnP .. -...... -.mlinl thin 11 1n1ufftdlnt lntOnMUon "' propaal II -~· at will Involve how much radloaetlvttJ will tie d nted .. nounu of nh•1dfr.n\MIUftlilin.......,._ iDfO lhe oc:ew •• the lnta. &bll" •rfM.maz•t. boW Ollllm* ftmld. ' ·,hltltdtoacUvltJ~ Ii move The Oaellftle 80clet1 II a marine throUalt the web al -1118 ltlMI -ntlan orrllllAfJn wttll 70.000 iowaril bumna llDd ~ w,..__ mmtbln. It hlil ~ID ltmnfard to human Ille on 1-.ch lnereued m IMTladllo. apoaun to l'8CllolrivttJ. t ... I c1~11/tl tdl Dud W<ls pnmd, and Mom W<IN N'ul/11 l>et1111f11~. Ami <:w11 Aunt llurrlet ~ot "little milty 11nmml tl1e eyes . I Aunt Harriet always swore \ fd go to the dogs Mom always wanted me to he a doctor. Dad didn\ much care, ~long as I amounted to somet/if11g. But Aunt Harriet was convirx.'fi.1 1 would come to a bad end. The reasons Aunt Harriet wus not exactly kindly disposed toward me stemmed from when l inadvertently left a pet catel]>illar in her sterling candy dish. After that, Aunt Harriet felt truat my chances ol evolving into a re&ponsible human being were bleak indeed. "Headed right to the dogs, that boy;· she'dmutter. To overcome this grave f)aw in my chamcter. she began bombarding me with US. Savings Bonds. Figuring. no doubt, that money might lead me away from evil rather than tow-.W It. After all. I needed all the help I could get. And Aunt Harriet couldn\ have helped me more. 11lose Bonds grew up, 'along ~th me, into a nice, fat nes1 egg. One I kept lapping as I moved along in my life. I finaJly hung out my shingle tod.ly: John Petrie, doctor of veterinary medicine. I could tell Dad w-.is proud, and Mom w.is really be.iming. And even Aunt Harriet got a little misty around the eyes. After aJl-shes the one who predicted I was going str.Ught to the dogs! Buying US. Savingt Bond.r on a rtE,.'l.liar basis helps Arnt'rica . And it can help a dream /J(!C()rne a reality iMttad of something. that might M ve been . ............ , ... .... ' !!!f!.!'tlflfit .... , fllM!.~ ............ lllMlf.!IMI'" ... M.9111. ........... ~ ............ :-l!MtaR ............ ~ ........ flfttra. .............. &P.JM ...... ii:oj. ...,.,,..., ... -• ~·:.=~I.CM C...... & ~ LOlllfll Motil fof ~ ~ i.MH llt ct·"•mode11, ~ • MMoftrV .... ._... )(.pert brick a oeme111 l'lf1tllna lntwlot MOllLI HllWISIJ Wu Ptr D.1 .~ .... .....:... ••t· £ 1,lftl lfNll Jobe & ,....,. feflt, ,...., 1W JM\bo. Add I J JO n I , O It • .......,.. •"""*"I .... _ ... ._ work, Nwpt./OM elnoe HANOlNG/ITf'IPl't ~MM/New~· -._... - -ttUo l'r .. .-... ... ..._200a ,.. & 'CH, Na t?l-0?11 wrtilMPt, Low ,. ... I.lo Dr)owlll • IWOIO • Tit WllTll 1t1t, o.u .n tw a 11ve VIM-MC loOn .. 1.tu NltCM onl)t .. l.ff52 ·1 ALL y0u" Den H~ Grtdlng l!.t_,_ Loving mom wtM oer. fOf _!!!t?M. ._...,,a,. ~ J.a ..... "'° Ml-Nl2 • l•P1tt w1llcover1nt In· r. Ji . tor 1 & PIVlflo Co. "-foomml ml'm'i'I•••••• .. ••••• "°"' ahlld 1.3 ~·· my -'J.i" c.._.,. · c-"""' _., -· .,...,.,., ., .... C••· .-.... -. ....,.. .1 ................... , M._d9y ed ua. atfllO' "2·17IO .. atmAYlll C.M ........ ~ Plumb . Dr•ln Cilll\lnt llCPttlent~. depend•· 11191e. Vf/ly rt 1M. llo'~. tant AeaigNftt. N1 .. lt0 TILi IHITALLIO ,., tfle A "911onlbla prto11: '-'· e..,._._.._ .._, '-. lleclf!Cal • Tiie ble, honeet, ln1tllloent, lob 173·53(JTl5H·t0ot W• tel• ahd h•ng loge· All l<lnde. °'*1111eed .... , .. 'l!ffm............. profHllOl\11 WOtlC ~ rm ........... n.·u·r.ni.. ' Ill Aefe. Don Hl-0141 rnat~OUI, lle11lble. I Ml ....,_ ,jM;, Hang. Hl•ct, U~· ...... John e.o-1211 II.IT Our otllc•1• '";dre •II =.•=..WC:i:'U!>o.: LI. hft•• I... 2H10-i:.~1~p;t.:.0ovu~MH1A!tT ~;:.10 U~;.!h1°;~ eanw ••••• '!!!.~.,.··· ho11ter w1111 831·07 o F•lfm• .. 'T. ""' ol aw. rompt, ~t• ,110hen .=!:odel Uc. IOllll. ~. TOii QUALITY WORK , "'" .., " " ... MltkdlYI AK dty hlur •&-1 .,... Mytlmt eiU'•••••••••••••••••• ...... , ==tm~ic:.:::.• & llnlihtd car,,efti;y • Add'nt1 Callltleta. AT '"Al. AATU "-:::::=:il~tr°"'° dly 11t1d lundey. • Tap=· H yt 111p, ''11!.Af!-.ll I LOW MT•& I ~I pl\jlnb.I ~lti ..._HM/l4l-4l4• LIC'd, Joll 547•4•H O*pentrv ~1L 11 you ~al\t your hou.. C°""'9t 1~,. ,._, •• .,. • ••••••••••••• T~ ~~'gt~· 7~~:" 00 IT HOWi Ator ... lve Attorney, No GCM;niertop1. I do~ C:u•tom Aernod/Add'n• ..... ,.,_ .. A!ALLY ·ouAN c II No owolme. TS0·1153 •••AVANT'&•• u . --..... • , .. lnttlel Con~lltlon; thlnQ trom ttltt to llnllhl ,,.. •t. CNallty tnd In mr.t .. 'nle........... JACK OF ALL TAAOl8 ' a ·AIC "40<ilNG· Wei~ "-move! TtM removet, trlmm"'O· AM hf.... P1raonal Injury CHH, c.11 lrad It none! 8endel Qonet, , 11111 Cllt Jo ant;'""· ~d• ltt-0311, Oood QuiolC, C1ref111l lervlcl. All typee. 142·13"3 ""'"'~ MrVtoe. Lie a Your Diiiy Piiot ::...:::r.very, No ""· (l1t) 111·11M Uc. ~tt110 6"8-4111 Topped/~. er.en .o·~.~ fllOhl. 15-3014 HOU~ICLIANING: Good Low"'"· 55~.Q410 ''"' &-... lnlklfed. 538--ot1• 8=:..~ Aamod. & ll'epelre. ''" None 2 big, !'OM 2 l!Mlt, up, tewn f*IOV. 751·3471 .,,,... r• Tranapot1allon. Ex· STARVINQ C•Ol.LlQl clJ9iio:--=·~~k,·~~ F•lftJ .. •--11J• ...... Ill ~'!!fl••••••••••• .. t. Lo rat•. Deckl. pe. Ftom /4 to Z we do n all. 1'11 ... ... ••••••OlJMP•.;ou•••••• per'cl t7t-t75t. STUOIENTI MOVING Vlfl redwood decke & •••••••"••••••••••••• -., -WILL SIT In my CM~. tlo. Steve 752·1551 T14..e7&-MH Ne 42571) LAwlM'-"*"b IMtall I Smalt Movtno Jobi Quality ~Ing CO. Uc. r 12~•:M ~. ~ .. 1-M22 MOit ~. IM4 ~~~~~!!!~~!I ler'°9d yWd. hot""""· EXPER. ctrpenter do .. AEMODIL • Comm· T ... trtnl/remowil Call MIKI.,...,,., wltll a'Penont! Toucti tneureo. Mt ..... 27 01y/t11t •s' 110/hr, ;;;M(( I rw . rat ... Ml·2t7~ add'ne, remod, oeekl. ,.1lden1111. ttnlnt Im• L.lwn Mlint/Roeo~ Call leth 950-0933 WATCH VU GAOWI lllltnl••-..lt Mr Morgcto"L~t the ..... , fEtddfu I F rm... Ua.eoll HAULING.QRAOING Moving? Ewp':'. reliable, ••••••'4:7°~•••••••• lunlhlnt In •"nn'l.I n :sir.a CHILO CARI: rny ~. 8kvtaf* a ,.,... ,.,.. provemente, mi or ,.. ,.. .. d•"'Olltlon, ol•M·up. HOUNClllnlng, r•U•bJ•. .. ~ 10'8 lltLAST!RING Cail Sune!Wle Window !lll*leftoed c.,,.,,.., lunch/tnackl Included. .. •. Oan, .. 1 ... 112 .g palfl, 81dg ftnOVltlon. Cl(pet Gardener a clean Concfet• a trM remGYel. ref. Own lrlntp. AMI. IO COit. Anywhere. ,..,.. ~t '9'dlee. lnVHI. Cleaning Ltd S4a.at53 AlmadeUAdd-onlAipM LtUge ywd. 8"e-1t38 .. ........__ .,.......__ ~ c:Orrec:1lon1, etc. 2Q ·upa. Tr .. tr~. Free Qulc:tl een. IM2·7138 YOLANDA ... 2-0'°8 "'· Qary 483-2382 Ae.etucc:oe. 145·8251 20% M0ntNY Ollc:ount 710-2916 Ut.te54 - -Yf9 Orange Cty, bondilcl, Mt Pete IM1 1 •-1 ., Chrllllan mom wlll bal>Yllt Flnlah & r91n'dl crpntry. ln1, Lie II 111101. Pa· ' • HAULING • •tudenl hH Holld•y HOUM Cleanlng, r .. •u•1. PLASTER PATCHING WINDOW CLEANING ~t Or8ftarnlft your 2·4 yr old. Call Referencet. 411-3105. lombo Conel. Anytime Landec:aplng·Yd Clnup1 lg• truck. S•m• low low ,., ..... 11matH. ••••·,~·:,~~·••• ~·,•. ~~t°'. P·_!~1 'f!ft.;.,.3707 RESIO & COMM'L HolN-Add',,._Mwnodela Jt1c:kle 775-1318 Na-1314. 1 TrM ttlm/remov-MllRt =· Pr"""'l. 758-1871 •"'~ru 7'"1 9441 8htUon -~,,_ .1• ,_ ---6• FREE EST. ••t-1132 MtlnberAl80 .. 5-1171 ---------1CuetomC&rpen1ry~Olc:k ,.,.,......._ J'-a•t·"l"" ~·... .,,_' "· ' by Richard Sinor Uc:. .... a Nell. Panellf!g. lormlc:a, Wllf -.ti._ .. ._......... "" " '°" ... Ttwlntl you, John 857-5317 2908"4. 13 yru of llappy Platter & •'""°repair No 1•---~111111111~-~=~~~ . .0.00 . .J'J.n8• door., •tc::Pt( 8"2-810t ue: •420802. Plan• 1&11111•• WUTU •Mflll•. •Hou1ec: ... nlt1b·hon•••· ,focalTh ~t~'s'1 •£10 lob i:Oyr~':";,.., Tom IPNITlmT & concret;-"~ :M™1 f!.t,,.. ~ -Flnlndng Available Mowtng, edging, raking, ••••••"•••••••••••••• rell1ble. Ouarftfi work. • .... you,·~ • ._ 845-4191~5-4203 knoc:tce often WMrl yov Joe 192-1327 tt.r..'•••••••••••••••• ltJ•1ltl IWHplng. FrH Htl· t•r U 'V ltl•llll Rell. Sue 145-t It INT/E)(T PAINTING UM ruult..gettlng Dally No Steem/No Stlaml)OO ,,,., ... 145.5737 Furnaic:e-pool•wllfll hell • lttl & WALLPAF'ERING 11 ... ,.'I. Piiot Cl•Hlll•d Adi 10 AluwfU.f i.nH. Stain ~1st. Fut .... Mhlltl... JAPANESE GARDENER New I0,000 BTU Furn~ .. ~!!~! ... ~I.......... Cu11om worll. Fr .... 1. ........ .............. reach the Orange Cout ••••••••• •••••••••••• -----....,..-:-:--dry. FrM •I. 131·1512 SINCE tH2 S PECIALIST: malnt.. & tllermollat lnatalled Prof. M 311 llMkl hou.. Reu. Steve 547·4211 H•r It ") ltl•ll21 market. ~F !!_RST,,MOdNTH Computerized bookk••· Shampoo & 11..,,, clHn. Mike #2125o62 clean up, trlmml~. Low 1900.00 (714) ate-t512 t itting oppty or live In palNTER Nl.'EDS 40 gal waterhHter S225 Phone 142-5871 .._............ a "' •ble, ping trom 150 mo. Aleo c 1 b 1 h Ill 1111 r1 F 1 • • 8•13 r111t1onltllp In exc:h. for ,. •nent11r. An1werlng mall 1111 & payroll . 0 or '~ tenere, wilt • P c:e. '"H ·'" · .. hJhld maln l. 4 repalre. WORKI 30 yra e11p. Intl S SAVE ~20°/o • 400/o ~~~~~~~~~ Hrvloe, Hor1terl1I & M2·2430 c:rpta ·,d1I mln.Sble1• ach. HOME IMPROVEMENT JMlle'• Gardening !~!.!~~••••~••• H"arbor area. 842·7717 e>ct. Ac:ou1t1c c:elllnga Lio. Plumblng/ HI •271703 -bu11neH •«vloe1, mall ---------1 Hell, llV n. rme .,; avg ALL TRADl!8 Clean-up1, trM trim & 311790. Fr.-tmt. Guar. fHI Ae1/c:omm. .--------- bo11 rental, WOid ptOCM-I.JU.,, room $7.50; couch S10: REMODEL/ADD'NS malnl . ..,vice 540·9035 lllTIOILlll •T'I Prof. gentleman looking Davie Painting ,147-518e 537·4378 GG •Ing. T•l••·FI Ollmlle, •••••••••••••••••••••• c:hr SS. Guar. ellm. pet 141-IHT VH--r-alr/ .. ·-od. for long term hOUHllt• 1'" I' I 883·5474 HB onfw entry, PllQlf9·1MM CUSTOM HOME BLDR odor. C<pt repair. 15 yr• Lewn Hrvlce from S 11 ';'F .. lw·-lt" ••• :=~· ting. e11ch 1raa.. Refa ., yre 111p. m umal . m~ bUy, deek ~rental. needs SMALLER JOBS exp. Do work myHlt. mo. Yd c:IMn·upe. -~ _....... avell. Brad Buller. prlc:u ere llTl 1111 Aon l•'-1.•t1111 ANSWER NETWORK between houtee. Fr.. f'tfa. 55"-0123 l!ta.,,. ·~-ding, trH work. Ken •Carpentry •Plumbing 751-o6853/175·7110 150·1477 181-e1848 •••• •••••••••••••••• rr. ••••••• ';;1' ....... 'Tnt. H4· 1013 •Etec. •Fm. Carpentry ' ---AC RAINOUTTER 131·9131 (aak IOI A.V,) NI. Call Den 537-o3o62. t..-11c..n.11 •at•• •Or .. Moldlng .. Cablnetl JHJlllJIJ Lowut fllHI 12rompt, Bondad·lnt·llC: 8344714 James L. Zimmerman Certified Publlc Accountent Fufl reno-of~ l)l'OfellJonal MNlcM tor ~ bual,,..... & lndMdual1 • llC<ll TAX rt.MNRi & PllU'MATION • SYSTOIS DDa & IMSTAUATDI • BOOKKEEPING & FNMCW. llJIOUMG 640-7026 2IOOPwti ........ .............. •••••••'"••••••••••••• I-K&D Landec:epe Melnt. •Shelving •Feuc:•t• to •••••••••••••••••••••• neat prole11lornal1. 15 FrM hi. 1·52'4·5824 Cemlnt-MMonty·Blodl C1blnet1-Pullmen Bare RHld/Comm. Clean-up. gar. Or 1prl11g1. Bl, or COMM'L JANITORIAL yr1 exp. 838-71.tlt Walfa..Clm. work. Lie:. Wall Unit•. IM2-0el1 Sprtllkler •v-541-2 .. 88 amall , _do lt altt .. 1. & CARPET CLEANING RALPH 'S PAINTING ~!!~I. ......•....... •381057 Rob 547•2813 a..1t1AJ SAM FUKUMOTO'S efficient NNlc:e. 20 l" 0..'• Cleaning Serv~ LOWEST AA.TES Huber Rooflno·•11 types. om.ways.patios-walk• •••••••••••••••••••••• Gardening, clean up1. exp. Lie. •B3528 1. Lie. Bonded. "3-8474 Uc: 380015 538-8888 New-rec:over·dec:kt Btocttwelte-muonry !LECTRICIAN-Prlced malnt .. ., .. trim. 1ml t51-Me7 ,,..,u••'•f. CUSTOM PAINTWORK Lio. •411902. 5"1·9734 F,.. Mt., .... 112-"557 ',.,lo!:!'!!..!.'~.'• on 1an01Ca99. IM5-35"0 •••••••:;c:• •••••••••• Comm'l/rnld, •ttlpplng, IMf PtlllU11 .,.. ........ ,.., ,....... Painting plumbing elec Old Countrt lendec:apu, THOMPSON CONCRETE Uc:. 3tle21. 178-0051 NM• d ·all' Ille 't ·• "Anything oulllde the al1lnlng. The Job that Don't rt·roof. repair at Patlos-drlV'tw.-•••••A•••••••••••••• ryw~8rkS..':'J:,'1a'Y· home." 845·5517, •P••k• for l uell. traction o t co11 . loundatloM. #393313. LIC'D ELECTRICIAN fRACTOR WORK: EK· 875-6058 481-1580 857·2880 • ... 2-8482 Oval. wortt/Reu, ,.,.. c1v1t1ng, compaction, •1 "'.""M_a_c:"""B_•_th~C,..o-.-C.,....o-nc:-r-•-te-1 FrM Mt. 131·5072 backhoe. 20 yr• e 11p. conat: llab•. Waiki, curb, ELECTRICIAN King Equip. 137.7392 guttf/l & Ooc:tt. Alto ,... Sml jobt/Repalr1. Uc. '*'· 552-6610 233101.C.10. 5"1·5203 i~'!~!~~'····~··· ROBIN'S CLEANING Service •• thoroughly clean houM. 540-0957 !~~!l ............. . BRICKWORK. Small job1. Newport, Coia Mela, lrvlne. Refs. 175-3175 111 CLASS PAll'llTING· ROOFING REPAIRS Wallpaper, lnttE:>ct. R• Smell job1 OK. FrH P•lra. Fr" eet. 9;7~294 11llm1111. Cell Tom or Palntll)g Int/ext reeld. t-C-huc:k __ • _~_2_·13_1_2_. __ comm. Calm woi· 11. Reta . Mae your en~°\, ea-RESIO/COMM'L/IND. :.:. ~ ~ ally ~.~~r~.o;:...~ .Cl111lll•d Ade are the anewer to • 11,1ceeuru1 garege Of yttd .... , It'• a bell• way to tell m0t• peoptel TIRED OF HASSLES? Ou111ty c:leanlng help It ,,.,., Ref•. te0-7452 Fr" .. 11m11" 8:!11_.858 Hive eomethlng to Mii? ------Claeelfled edl do It well. CIUllfled Ada 14 2·5&78 ~.. ~.~ •••• I!.!. !m.!!.r~ ...... lt~! •••••••••••••••••••••• Oan.. & Saller gu duel Pupe, ~ Gld. Rat. ~ •b. .._,,._ Ml oven, gt ... door, it6ve. 5 wHkt. 139-7115, ••••A~.,••••••••••• electric auto Elegente. g11·2112 Petty * Al'nell * St75. 48"·2185 Wented: 1m111 pet• tor Glrol. Single gla11 door OH frM platerMf'lt. Pet Zoo 1111 ' 14.tto. over rano• 'oven: 'n' Plant• Too, 2330 unlU t IAmD Magic: Chet, new H5. Newpot'1 Blvd. lllft ,...._2185 Shtltle. Prefer elderly Single gal OWf'I with two ,..., -2 door ~ l*90fl, needa lntle Clll• atOtege ctr.-. on left. r8t«, 11 oublo,... St75. and >CLNT watch-dog . Sheff at Hc:k of ,.,. 117-3138 711·1068 0t !MM20I lop ..... ...,.,,, ..,.,,,., .. ..... _ Alfngerator -'la ........., IJerman Shep. F, I nioe. &e/.~ •••••••• l!jf l~!'l. ......... 11!.f • Pr lar -..._1 GOid coin w/ball, $100, • ..... 1 I W gOld c:llaln bracelet, $20 ... 131-1762 StOO. t ' GOid chain br• Double mallrHI & boll c:elet, $100. GOid antique ....... t $50 lllok pin w/nugget. 135 . ..... ·no• 11 • · OuMn Nefertiti c:nerm, 131• 11•2 1311. "87·5133 Early American Sota. H fl di d d eartlltonee. 1100. ave ne amon an 131-1712 otller Jewelry, Need good car for deugllter'• 11th 3 month old 8eaty St&f· birthday. " dr. Foreign llOht Ultra OuHn Md economy In 13000 lo with frame. Paid $o615, ta000 ptloe range ... '°' 1225. 141 11111 • ...&-1190 -... to appr....... 175. • .,...... blk a t•n pup; •l•o Alli~ ~ .. _ IM~13 pregnant 111\w & mixed Nn OuMn t12ed Water lfMla'--1171 (71 ) 1 -r• M. 113·1278 •ft. 5 Bed. 1heet1. blanket, •••• e;:::i•••••••••••• (71") •M-3200 eve.. at-1910 Heevy duty elect. .,_,.,, ma11r ... peel a I Sovtll lend I " full me-t4i 1p,"'. dryer (11\!t'! Hver) F Auel. 8neep0og, 2~ yr dreenr drewara. chin• lathe, tooled, ... tll ...., 1115. 141 912 old. •P•Y•d, med. u , $4001080. 17s..setl 11500 And otnera. loy.i pel, frM .... 2.eo611 t I 2 R L Alft&lla te• freeut, cop. 1400 Brown Corduro 1 1 um••Y ane, A "clltlevl at1.il'leH ............... flle4 wlell Ille C-, Qeft le ¥111141 ..... ,..,. ""' wlllcll "-eeMl"-"'I Welfle _ _.. ...... .............. __., •••r 11 tll•r• .,. cM ...... c..i ... Ueel oe,ert••l'll e t tile OAILY .. U.OT ter ,,., .... ,, ...... -·...,,~· MJ.4321 ..... iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil per1one ffoel tree.""* Fri.ndly Germen Shep/ Recliner Uk• New 1~ H.I . ..._1 .__ WE8TMINITEA A88EV c:ea.t t'140 a..2.--Doble 10 moe, M 0. ' · '1!f --~ ... ..,_,, · ·..,. ......,.. aperatlit 545-0571 • Ceah. l4M113 llJ#t&a..., •••••••••••••••••• •••• •••••••••••••••••••••• •••...,..."••••••••••••••• 111tr==-Ave. Full lln. Kenmore Uoyd'1 Truly Snooty Fur· uuuu••uu•u••u ...... ..... J F-.J iiLI s,~r~~~~·dl==~u~~ GAAOIH GROVE Wufler, dryer hc•l r, ltut •H n It u r •. C • n tu r Y -·~ M Hllm lat/fa M Sat. only t -2. T)'ptwrl· Bolte of lebrlc:, Cwmel 554-8103 C: 0 n 0 · S 21\0 b 0 I h • .Fe!••••••-••••••••• "Champelle" bedroom I to 20 tono. set per ft.. l(lng l double bl1d1, t.,., 2 ruga, mite houM model cornice •oxet. I 111-tOH **'BUY** NI. 7 pc: Dining Rm Set. n&-1491 anytime. OVWI, r&1199. furn a bettl llOld. No..,.. befOte I Sleep 1011. dllhH, c.....s wood dlalr w/rOtM Wt•tpc>ol c:ompac:t drfe'. Sieeper/Sola. 25' Aman• OAK FIREWOOD. YOU nxtures. 81c:ydff. Wed· 3087 Loren Lw. c:ll•lre, etc. 1700 Port colored hlc:k•d fabric, $75, excel c:oncl. Oood uMd Furniture & Ref/Freezer· •Ide/t ide PICI< UP OR WE DELI· ding glf11: China. cry Ital Ch• r I•, .1. H v H. NB SIS. IM2·5006 131-tOH Appllanc:ee-OR I wtn Mii ~ 1 1 c • t 3 Im k r · VEA. 413-8741 I 1llver. 512 Angel lie, !!!~!~~_!~!!~•••••• 7141751·1u71 ANTIQUE LOVESEAT REFRIGEAATOR "'SELL IOI You 4t~-~i5~, Ken-ny 11 1 2 · LIYI l&U..S 873•1700 Tool•. cookware. chef'• "HOllOey Boutique"' Wood treme w/tuc:ked Froet rr.t, I df, 11e5 ll&ITIU AllTlll Send eomeone you love t•1I• lltu knlvee, kit. equip .. other A gathering al llendcral· up h 011 t • r y. s 2 0 0 . 113-9090 ...... IJl-H21 Twin 11ze bed w/wood • t>MUtllol bouquet of 30 ••••••••••••••••••• .. ••• goodl11, klng·u foem ted tr..-.e. -•vinos. &42 5006 frame, mettreH & bo11 Hell balloon Perteet Gold tat gl ... top coffM bed, 111ec:. delll. lg. po-tole pilntlnge, doll•. · • ...., a lrJ9r I llY ,...,..1 1prlng, Ilk• new &8 5. IOI";~· •• Great table. mltcnlng end tab-ker teble, 5 loldlng bear•, mlc:•.:. ChrlttrnH BeauUlul qullt lrom Mid-WHIRLPOOL LMI• new. LH 857..e133 759.04119 Caeh Only. decorating Ideal 11, couch, refrlg .• For· chair•. Sat/Sun t -5. ornament•. ;:;at. Nov 13, _, $150. $450 Of belt on.. 8 · mica dining t1ble, 1111d 1&038 Carleton (2"'blk1 E. 9 5 305 Cedar Newport 759-18n u1 .. 1... Dini"" table. 12 c:halr1 & Oak Dining Room Table & e73""4t · rnlae. Sat/Sun 2009 t<.or· ot ZODY'S) • . ' ._ ...... .... ... Ileen T 8 upholet•r•d chalre. Sllorn, olf PCH It Pro-• Antique Plano. Lovely •1 .1~ .._ buffet, rnagnl t ho-Xlnt c:ond. HOO. 2450 Air Ot•,,tattr net °'· •••l'~I'"'• ,.,.L apec:t t>etwn Superior & __ .. ltlon ....... , ...... lnl .,.,,._ -muvttle M«m., 111 wood. "'-t e~ ... M f .. $115 •7rt: .... 2 GARAGE SALE s t Iii-;-., ,, -•• Senta A-R"--...,.,.... ' ~"' ,..., ay. •••••••••••••••••••••• 12900/obo Remote RCA ,..,. .. ...,.. '""· ngra o • 1 H . ..-. v ;r-I\ ,., a ..... •••••• •••••••••••••• ·-'""". S825 Of make°""' II" lllLS .. 25 .. Med. Conlote. 1 yr. floe. eutomotlve lleme, ll•t•· Baby ltema, pool Ible. Stlnor•y bike Microwave "'2~14 S40 131-1712 old. •Int cond. Jaoo1 New mettreH ft•t•: full .... IMltter, llO reo. c:amerH, c:lolttH, boat. 8721 Larkaport. Food Proc.: Sovba gr.: ---------• ... 2 9,.._ , S e5lJ-1131 mlae. 3018 Molokel Pt. Magnolia & Newland. Miao. Sund•" e.-3. 1907 Antique dlelr. c:olfec:10t'1 Boyt Bike 20 .. Fr .. 8pl-.... • 4..., 15. q_uffn S 05, king CM. (Herbor/Gllle<) Nov 13-14 9'-4pm ' Item, carved beck, r1t. y~ 1 iu, 9 mo Baby Stroller, Twin, •t21. A1tdy 7~ 81noc:ul•r• 711.35. field of · · Port Tlggan. dainty. 1295. 840-80lt old, MS. 790-3910 Custom Perego, accea. vtew 11000 yde: 3-41 n. HUGE 4 FAMILY SAL:e Glr1'1 bike. roll away bed, Sat t-5 Sola bed, chalra, 7 a11 Mirrored king ••ttfl>ed 125. 14()..70!1 Furn, booka, c:lothua, toy1, mlae llem1. 1241 drapee TV etc. Antigue IOlld 08'! !..MIP 5 •!>Md ... ch CrulHr lnc:ld. $t 5· I '"2511 ~mutt aell. A SIMI mite:. all klndt. OO"l'T Royalla1 Or. Sat 973'.1910 (e-. PMi Table S2t.-matclhlng SH . Cell 1IO·H01 or King Sile bed $75. Twin · l3t-1271 Oc:toOwf .. t Souveneir: MISS! 3238 Montar1a, ,_....;.. _______ 1-,-----'----..,- P I• c: • • • v •II• b 1' · 840-5100 Alk fof Doug box 1prlng1. & Matt. 7' wtllt• Haitian cotton, 90 min. tape, 111 ruu... CM. (olf Glalef') Fri & S at. Rlrnlture. dotne. & mllc:. Wilt bdrm et. bookl, Ley· 840-7051 ......... ......., ... 2 • ....,.. II /£' I I L beaUtllUI German muelc. _ 1402 Lakeside. ton tit wtr unit I mile. 8-itffUI Antique Pwllan 1.J"'-1 __, -.._.. c:ouc w .. ov .... • umned quantity, 114.H Sit/Sun .. AllOfted furnl· Set 1·5. 1907 Port Stk1lng. 10..... ,.___, tbl5 .. ~-'--Large See1 Sofa with bed. Jhape. 1200· te0-7tM ., Uon Lu. 1458 &ipe. ture . c:ouc:hH. c:of •• 1401 w lid k L '::'1"'""2 _...........;' .,,.,.. ,....2 ..... r.:= ...... ~ Subdue d floral print. Antique Ctlalf, Colectof't rior, C.M 131..eM& table, 2 IOfa beds, et..,eo 1 o a toe: n ... CJ .... -.. _.. ...... ,.,_., lllllliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilllliiiiill Xlnt ..... 7• ... 11.... It C d 8 k • __ ......., _. 2175 "I Sat/Sun '-"· Water lkll. •••••••••••••••••••••• ---------1 . -· " ... em. erv• u • [4) beautlful frll'lled Arul ....... CM. ~5790 v. c:olof TV. furn . mile:. mall Ill.I -.. lll.Ulllll .. !If/ ... ft. TWIN IED w/mlltreH, Oeinty S2t5• IMO-IOll Rli •llerc:olor1. S 150 bola. . . Starflre Ln At Hud1on. SofM, liv rm ehalra, teb- 70.100 yrs old, from my ~!!r.::*et boll eprga, maple head & Sofabed, yellow. floral ea. CHRISTMAS BOUTIQUt:: SAT 1-3. Tiie trlvete. bar IH. lg Orienta! 0 111, home. M5-59M • to 0 I b rd • • I 1 O O • pettem. new Snut. 12~11 5" .. 1219 Sii Nov 13, 1°""· mltrore, lempe. Oual. 1amp1, k·bed. 1•3 Ave. "All! ==-Co '302 tee-2115 or belt olfet. 75t-«>Ol IBM Electric typewriter. 418 e.t:!~i'niCM (o i•r rnlac. If flin, ~tpone t Vaquero, San a.m.nte tlr,,._, Mii .._..... I' ... ..,....... Medlte,,anHn couch Xlnt Ct1r11tm .. preeent. weeti. Set 11/13, 10-SPM. ~·-•••••••••1"•• ~~~~~~~~~11_!S85~.--.,....~940-~~7~05~1 (ThomalYlle). hardwood 1195/090 1574380 Garage end Chrlltm'!' Geraga Sale: mite. Mhld ... t • w-..__. .. wor·ld HAA80A AREA -conetruc:tlon. Od c:ond. ..a..---Boutique 8•, Rain •:H goodl c:lothlng app1ca ,,. "'"""',_ APPUAHCE MAVIC! MUii ... S75. John ...... .,,.. -Shine, 9.5 pml Sat & 10~1 'set/Sun' 1121; of Shopping. right at we ... '9COnd., gutr. wtinda/eve 720-1151 wti Sl5 MT-3930 Sun, \3th, 14 "· H 5 Tobeoo (Ward ·, York· your flngerttpa everyday! 11PP1la11oaa. ~n ctays 133-2'60 LM llLLllll ::i.:~ c 1rc:1e . c.M. town) ~:~'." ,:'~~';::f~~ I Ill ....._. New o.ki•• toldmg otta1ra. Send '°""°"' Yo" love · ,_, c:.it 142-5171 eno tet • ~ ff7 .. 13a Padded b8dl & ...... • 1 bMl.ltlf1' ~of 30 Am wtb1, kit prlv, POO I nee~f•••••••••••••••I' CIUalfled Ad·Vllof help Wlltlf/l-Dryar 1125 ... Dlltl .. ..,,., S 100 Refrlg. l200 ... 1-1141 2 Aefrlg'• 1250 & l300, ......,,c1ryw.•teo ... Touter cwtft, Mr. Cof· fee, blend.,. other am 1PPll111011. ca ,.,.,,., Ad #70f, .. a_.300 2 .. ..... • AttentlOn .......... IOI MO. 552-3075 helium balloon•. Perteet ~. ten eta. ~Mlkr . Sofa, tenipe, m1rr0te, ... you. Almoe.t "•• Lane Sola for Ill occa6one. Great Ael. Nr crottege, bac:lt wtno mec:fll'l•· cU•fl••· rr:===~=====:.. Table, P11t1on1 etyte,,... tor Th•nk1glvlng. bly.1225/mo. Me-~. ttmcJ pict'"9. ~ .... tall '350, only SU. 113-•419 Gerrard turn .. Me, Ole>-tJ,·· t 840-7051 BRIOGI & STRATTON i .ll GAMGl.-TYPE thft, ltlon, hendcr•tt ~ T.:. ---------• .. A,..._ ... 1-... ...._, WAAIHOUS! Item• 25•·• 15, muc;h ~ Tat>le 41" rd, I 1V1. • .., ,,_. .. _._ ..,. -·"'-I t t hc:ellel\t condition. ALI by l\a lon1I Y · more. 1.,---...---..,.,......--11r1, eood oond. 1110 541•3031_ Sat· known women• 1et1vt1 25 11avanwood, S,at. 1216. 141 ll3o6 .,,,.... mtor. 8A VE onty. O-ale_C_1_n_o_p.,.f_W_a_t.,-be-d-1 Sun Ill day. Up TO 111~. °" fleee• •-Sup9r--o.._---.... -.-Gln--'a """' ....., I Iner, ""'· Phon•m•t•. •utom1uo '"""~ ltHl9net9 111 bdrm turn., 111111 chll· t1500. aaottrtce taoo. 1e11pllo111 11\lwerl~ 1ampte1, 11l1tfl'l&11'1 ..__, ..... 1 ......... _ __..__ a 11mple1, ttrecl 1too11 , ....... -""""'·more, 8tnate Houlleau ~ & .......-wlremot. 1 . ~ "' ..... !Mftrw-~ ........ . Meo .. vlrtMy HO. Cal Anawer Ad --1----umn------• Of' by die ,.,0. Gar• s .... 1111 equip. HI0.141-000lo61W'1 llO .:::-~bt~11U tefllftMle, .,... ~· le. ...... !NofOWlve, QUl8f MIAD90AN> 1 eet ,...,. aoor9 •. w/ ~=~rm. ~AY"W: :.-:;. '*C.. & ::. Pldded ,._Jl#l"" "•rdwate '200. HS COIT. °'* ~ Ofllr M 1 ........ 1 T CM ~· •1•• d691: Diil ........... 1.T_fM_ree._f_,a"'._::r._..--.......... --..... -IUNG tifADiOAN> ........ - -...,._I .... oaf .. -. __..,....., eoa CClla =-:a.._ --. ~.,. a•• l ,., ... • •• clothlng, CIW-. ... •· ~· 1-.. ........ f MNd NrA • ~ntln91, ..,..._.~, ... new. c.11 -1 .,.._.ry ..... -.. 0 tr•lclJ!tlll a more. Plttll 110 ... ="•· IOe41'0-letllun 10-3 ::::.. -:. ITUT_ 11 llloclltOal, UNvet9lty ALL RIAL CHIA ... N Plrk. •••1 ~ov u ONL YI *""" w ... ''"' .... l . l' 1 . . 1 ~ . . . • e>range'COUt OAH..V '9LOT/la ............. 11, , ... ...... .r •C• ., ....... WEEIEll IPEOllUI ,.: .... a. •2tt H' fiCIJ '6" '7" *8" ............. ,..... t4H-4 ., ... oet, fluffy or•.t:· 1hota, Heidi -J ............... v .... ,,,, ... lowlttt do1 . •••• ,, .... , ... ,d . ..... " ~...,.aiiiiii.w. ...... ,,,, C l(i~l'H'' ' ~H Yll• •I I t ' ., .. " ' ~' .. I I 1 I J Ll ( • ~ t ROBIN S I( ~I' I ..... ,, '11 VW ICIM>CCO Clood Coo•on .,.. ...., .. , ·ii ICA .... ANN GHIA 1978 CAM.LAC ILOOltADO llAlllTZ (138VPV) 17995 1 .. 1 CAOIU.AC COUPI DI VILLI AlftOIOOf • (1AHLait 1_12,995 1*7CADILLAC ILDOIADO COUPI (mlZQ) •5995 -- -------• --# ..-. _____ i,.,;;_ __ ,_ ----· .. -- n 0 n .. n 0 I n "'- n , . D ~--=. ----;----= == ·--==-r=----.._ .. Many ow~en are 0Rering_1alll'tantial price ~ductiom and terms. SoOle will exch~ge and ."cub. 1peaka" Lower than listed price, il y.nu have euh .•• Call foJ' details and sobmit yQUI' offer •.. I llOU.E HO•t •M WAHR In ClflMIJ Y~ Pmrll bf Dalu.,.a Ruta1r.e atld r•ht :z ... •L ,.,..,.,. • 11•• a AJ peel Md rac;111 --. .,_.tar :u::• .. -11•1111 ...,._............. i .... ,.,... .. 111 UdohnDr. #MA 11:2W.2r..._.-....... .,_ •,oao. ... .,. UT/IUM. t .. P.11. BLUFFS -WITH FINANCING UptrecMd 2 atorr cafMlo. four ......... 2¥1 MUI•. lemlJ rOOftt plun .... eAal111d pa1lo. Rnd unit. t1tO;la ~. ' NEWPORT HEIGHTS FIXER Pool honM Oft eat1011ttent w wltlt I II a llrOOMa Oft lefga lot. OWtwr .. .,..... ler..,... •.._,_..or .... o...-tuMtJ t. ..... INa bomel A I' II' fNM of 111:2,o.10 .. ti'*"'· 111-1400. fhlluad ta tm• NEWPORT DUPLEX REDUCEDm lart• d1tpM• aunt atepe to baecta, peal ""' ........ S.,.ckM• 2 w. 2 Ila. unit&. ...... ,.. ...... llJ , ... .... VILLA BAtaoA-TAUE Vll!WI FabukMl9 one bad. + cleR """ ....... VU. OWMr .. . c.,yy n.wlng .... 21,..,. •• 10% ............... .. la2,1JOO Iii. MOO. HAR80R VIEW-PORTOANO W8111 to ac:ltool ....,.. .. illcalr fac a 111 d s bad. hoMI wtltt......, room -1 ueCl:sdaltad .._,..... -Pt. W9' Clrda .. -- DUPLEX-3 DOORS TO WATER L°"'J ~ lefga 4 a I ltacl. ......_ l'f1111nt daOGr -1 owner .. celrf 2lld or .,..... -.-111·,._ CONTEllPORARY--P£t•t9ULA PT. v...,a .. c-. .... ........,,......_.. ... ..,a 9Ndl.u...tf~-----ll .... I bed. + dtftlng. Ortwe .., -.,.. It.. "' ...... ...... ISIS,CIOI. CUFFHAVEN-~ VU-TDll8 · LMN/optlolt •.,_..-.,.tor IMlla• _.., ....... YU wtth two 2111•* u _..Oft t:'J:.a.e.,... ler ...._ ,._~...__.,...lite ... ,............_ ..._.,......, 3I01 re-.. Road. ........ t.111·Ma • . •I •••111 ' llAYW -EXCITNI I 8DROQM ................. ....., ....... ...., ..... .._ .,. wa1ar ... 11 1ta1fo ,_ Md f1111ra1ar INillJrea; ....... -.---&QC ... ...,, ........ 4l9ctt ........ , •• wtllt .,. ..... All ............ parn411M ... ,. LANO ..... ,, • .,, ,., ,.,.. , ...... 11~ .... IJMlll. ~ llAYFRONT -50' BOAT SUt ..,... ........ ..,....vu._ ...... ,, •• a ....... WA~ LPfWa ........... + 1 l ...... '°' .......... c~ ... ,..., ....., din. rM.. ,1 ..... ~ ............... ,....... ...... ""* ...... a ce1o1t11 ....... _, ...,_ a 1111 .... 1•1 •11 llaatmcad ta 11.-.-.... 111·Mll. Op.._. ,.._ 1CIM E. ...... LINDA ISLE-10% CASHI •u.Wttl earner Pf•per10ltlt Iha Mat '" 41acor tht ... t.MI I bed. + all Mein a11ter1alnl"I raoMa. ..... , ... tor I......_ OW hlfp ...... at 11% WAh WI' ~-.,. ,_,...,.._ A ,.,.. ....... tor...., ...... a ~ 11.--.en-Mll. -. - BAYPRONT ON PROMONTORY BAY ..................... ,..,, ................ Gar= 2-ntorJ, 4 " .............. .....,,.. ........... • ........................... 0.. ... ,...., 11,-.-.111-MOO. WATERFRONT -llAUIOA ISUMD U•elial,_ta41 YleW aR '"'"'"• Main of .. ,trant. , .............. of ..... ,......, lM9a 4 lllf ..... ...... .... 1 ltacl. 1p1mwL C. be ....... ....., II clatlred. Pter/nllp for s Mata. 11,MO, ... faa r.41. 111-Mll. l1Mlll. NEWPORT ISLAND WATERFRONT • a.. .............................. ..... etOtry, Mitt I• ... ..,.......... caatar, ,.,_.. ...... . .................... .,. 111•1 .......... ~ .... ... ll1fr ..... + ...... ,,., ................ ..... CIRllillDtlll Oft .............. ~,...._ Wa1ar ............. A ..... 11awper1 lacnUaR ...... ..... 1111,111 111·,,.. .................... ..... ••111cfl.,.,_dllb:•ne. BAYSIDE cove UYFRONT ..,.... ... Dl1•1IUl,._•w...., ... 2111tn1 ,2 .....,... .... ~ ...... ..., ............... ... vt.w, ,..r -1 ..... l1a.tttr .......... lip au 7 II , ........ ~ 111·1411. I 1-ISWI .::: .... • FllONTW--ocaM•VD. I c.... ................. .._ ........ .................................. ..., ..... ca.,..& ••• T-..... , • .. I ..... I w ...... , ............ +_,.-..>I ...... -_. ... _.,__~._ ........... , S'f1A ......., .. ...,a11 ......... Cell tar delslla • tltla nc1pM1mat ......._ aet LMtl8pllr/w 0.... Op. ........ 111-Mlt. ~ TllRRACE FOii FAia Y rC."'ii'9lfllllfill1• .. I to F....,_ 191..r .... ..,.,_ llnciaa. A ..,, ......... tllle lltacl ................ Oww must ...... --PRICE 8LA8tEDI -8AL80A l8UJID NOW •1,1111 Oft ... ft. tee. Adu811fa 2 11r 1 N w/llltdl,..... A tuNlt VAL.WI tn--. BALllOA HILAND -l'LExa.E OWNER ............. _.. ..... .., ........ I a4Md I Heir••• uatta ••141 fullr r.r•a"-41 ......... .. _,....._......,,...,.._All asupttaMI pn111rtr a1 • r..rlaUc prtoa. Lar .. •••......._ ..... , •1,MI. .,,... CORONA DEL MAR -BEST 9UY1 .· lflfMIMIM•1111a.itlml•la ...... 4 ::::-., .....,.,. l1rfe ....... With ~.:::a~=::: ...... .:=--. ~ lwl .IA&l•E CREEK -ELEGANT a.rat oul tla w fla1llltd I ardaJll ...... "'' , ...... daoar IRMRUI I ltacf. + ... A ..... lpa.. MDUCB TO .... PRESTIGIOUS SHORECLFFS Pftoa ,_, rMuce4I .. Ma,IOO. w/XLMT ........... 1 ll1dn1•1, 11a1WL I •11t1•1, I w ...... Oii,.,.. ......... ()pa. ....... ~ -·-··-om.. c-... -. OLDER CfiAllM 8M.80A 181 AND #and11M a._ 4 ll1fn1• i.-www1u 1111""" beMtHttl =..--a ""9 . ...,_... l,..t pataa; 2 lfapfJJI ........................ 114 ...,._ alllaltlaAClll .................... 111-Mll ..... .IA8-CRHK -TN-LEVEL .... ... ~ ......................... decor. ............ WI JR .. IW. .... d111tlilm• ... a1r C1Rdlllal1"'9. ...... ..H..,. A lttard9cl ..... ~ BAY 6 UQHT8 W -8UPERI ~ ........ Ila c..... .. -..... •llllllPMlllllS.-· ....._ arMI 'xxFSJ d11ar1l1f ,,....__ C. N I Pftw1la ,..._.-I 1111111•1 or,._+,........, ...._. ,., •. , ........... ~ ..----~·-------------- ::>range County Aul Eatate/An Advertlllng Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, November 13, 1982 - 3 760-8333 Taal IUlllflL Is what you will say w~ you ae th.la delichtful Lautremont model, 4 BR in Harbor Ridge. Family room, fonnal dining, 3 baths, custom oak paneling, ceramic tile Oooring, designer carpeting, air conditioned, 2 lovely patios. Breathtaking view. $795,000. 760-8333. ElllUllT~ Super sharp 2 BR.·& study in excellent location with view of Back Bay. Formal dining, pool, tennis. No payments on 2nd for 2 years. owe 3rd. All for only $189,500. ~60-8333. ~- 1111111111 ..... F.njoy the serenity of this lush Oriental garden with Kol pond or bask in the beauty of the 60 ft. pool and spa all included with this lovely 4 BR. Big Canyon home with family room and formal dining. Priced right at $825,000. 760-8333. 3 CIVIC PLAZA #170 NEWPORT BEACH, CA lllWIWlllTlll Beautifully maintained 4 bedroom New a.dford model with ocean and city view . Profeesionally decorated and lancbcaped. Quality 1 upgraded throughout. Private spa -brick patio. Excellent value at $365,000. 760-8333. IMn • TIE IUIT IF ••llT a nd within walking distance to the Beach, Markets and Udo Village sits this gorpoua 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath, and 2 Bedroom, 1 Batn Duplex with $210,000 ln a.umable financing!! This buy won't last long at 10000. looo price of $280,000 and the Owner wlU aaist with Financing. 675-6670. • • • Extra i..rae Lot behind 8eM Oceenlront Al"ftl ... Nbly Mmnllinecl. Specba. 2 Bedroom Upper, One Bedroom Lower Duplex. Owner would like lo tr-* for Palm Sprinp Condo and •11 SUBMrl' YOUlt Orn:RI! 11\ill m11y t. )Ill what .,., ... lookln8 ...... and .... prtm .. affOl'd9ble al -.ooo. t16.e870. 4 -Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturd-.y, November 13, 1982 WHAT DOES IT TAKE TO SELL A HOME IN 30 DAYS AND NOT ''BUY THE FARM''? Tti~ U~IOO~ ~()LUTICN IRYAI II TllTU ... -. This 2 Bdrm & den hOme overlooks pristine greenbelt. earthtones, plantation shutters. spa. Great financing. $219,500. IPIOTIOIW -Dover Shores, Immaculate S Bdrm , Incredible views, perfect condition. $675,000. HIETllll HltlE -Architects homel In Seavlew, 3 Bdrm, view, dark room. loft and tasty touches throughout. Really special! $425.000. I ....... -Immaculate! 3 bdrm, den, 3 bath In Irvine Terrace. Pool, shutters, spa and good financing, tasty at $389,000. PllHCT HI 11111 YllW -Hard to find Broadmoor, expanded 4 Bdrms. gourmet kitchen. extra large master suite. $429,500 LH. ftlDS WU ,... • •111111 -Harbor View Hiiis. Owner will carry $250,000 @ 12-te Interest. No points for 5 yrs. Nr. comm. pool. 4 Bdrm 3 Bath $429,000. 1111 UY F• --"'1 acre lot with ranch style home, oak floors, loaded with antique . fixtures. 2 story barn, large pool. A kick! $465,000. MWNIT I _. -In Eastbfuff, ~tacular night-light view, clean, fresh condltron. Onty $275,000. II Ol&IT PUU -Area, 2 Bdrm. 2 Batt) condo with security, spa, sauna. pool and. financing . . $87,500. • ULAIY • -Mountain and bay view•, 4 Bdrm Dover Shor•, overflnenc:ed and anxJoua. Only $375,000. -• UI een• -Charming, central location, big back yard, R-2 zoning and loweet prtce. $215,000. • UINI .... ..:_ Prtvacy, HCUrtty Md a romng lawn. 5 Bdrme, pool, .s>e and quality crattemanshtp. Only $799,000. u -1 •• -Brand new, d•t•il•d, chanftlng. ,,... perk & blUff. ~ ~"""'· ' L X :\ \1 I' l _ l: ~ lfll IATI• 1-1 Newport, 5 Bdrm, Nlte View, near school $275,000 ............................... 2531 Bunya, NB. 4 Bdrm."view of lites, spacious. split level $429.500 ...................... 2515 Windover, COM. Old COM -5 Bdrm. new, spacious. exciting $549,500 ···-··············: «2 Begonia, Old COM 4 Bdrm. OWnr fin. fee. vacant, anxious _ $429,000 ..................... 2706 Lighthouse, CdM IPll 1111-1 Spyglass. 5 Bdrm, view of Bay and Ocean $850,000 ............................ 5 Point Loma. NB. Large family home, pool & spa, 5 Bdrms $349,500 ......................... 2406 Francisco, NB. Back Bay Farmhouse, % Acre +. Pool, Barn $465,0QO ............... «5 E. 20th. off Irvine, CM Btuffl. G Plan. 3 Bdrms. 3 Baths $250,000 .................. 2420 Vista Nobleza. NB. Balboa Isle, new and vacant with charm $575,000 ................... 211 Opal, Balboa l9l8nd 5' Bdrma/Bonua room/near Bch, rustic. cozy $425,000 .............. : ... 118 Ruby, Balboa Island vacant -sparkles -spa & pool, dean $369,000 ................. 1315 Santanetla Ter. NB. ._ UlllL/fm -IUll -Cute clean, 3 Bdrm with dock for 2 boat1. Owner ftnanc»d. Priced at MAI $528,000. fm Ill IUll -Famllv home. Beacon Bay waterfront, tennis. need• TLC, owner wm finance. LMMhOld la attractive. $695,000. • flal-• •MllT -Pool, apa, lmmllC. decor, over 3500 aq. ft . with 5 Bdrma on a quarter acre lot. Sellers fleJClble, Harbor tft °'9trtct. i:Mt,500. · -NW -1111 -Good 4 Bdrm home, good 12% loane. good neighborhood end greet value. 1311,000 LH or 1415.000 Fee. .... -., -Populer Cl ...... 3 BdnM.. den, 3 Bathe. "*'°"' ..... ll&0,000. . . ULIU llLm HMI• -Bay view! Half block to water, clear lhotl 2 story. fireplace, 3 Bdrms, 2 Baths. Owner finance. Only $339,500. llWPllT'I llllTlll 11•11 -Thia one Is a teaderl 5 Bdrms, 3 ftreplaces, unlimited view from Spyglass. Sunny, cozy, exciting, practical. $850,000 Includes much of the furniture. Ownr financing too. Ill UIYM, LIW Pllll -_,.,.Dover Inside Big Canyon. Priced to seU. light & airy atmosphere 2 Bdrma & 2 bath• with den great patiol Only $350,000. ... lllL -Solid 3 Bdrm, Turtlerock, sunny with plantation shutters, atrium. upgrades, loans. s 179,900. '8Y •11• • --Near park, 3 Bdrm, 3 Bath, very tut.rut, adult• with teens room. $385,000. -.ul NW -3 Bdrm hldeaw-.y with guest cottage. clean 1llght view, well financed . $365,000 . ........ ~ --............. ,. -.... .... _....__ --.. -......... .,,,.,,.,..~,...,.,, ______ ,__~~ eoit nrnLrr ~ mvrs mrnr cortr nnr ROOll FOR TENNIS COURT ......, 1.1 ..... of• •cl•••• prtweor ............... IA! .. pod and ape aftd a Hperate , ... , IHMIH IN NRWORT RACHI Oww d trade. Good .... ..,. ..... nr..clng .... owner .. 8Mlet. REDUCED TO--· WW tr.- DOWN tcw oeMr .... port 8Wtt '*'-· LIDO ISLE WATERFRONT flMefttlJ red..c~ SIOO,OIO. tllla cuat .... I bedrOI• ........ at.a..tee"*'-'tcwtM,....11111..e oeek......., ....... .., ........... .._ ...... we ....... , t••port ..... :-::c; A pier MCI llp to HU••ldltl 8 .... boM II-· -tJ.-W u••.udail• •P t1•1RI c111pllLt1.-.-. ON TtE 1llh FAMWAY o...ot .. c_,_ .. ....._ .. ,,,*•••....__.. ..., .... 2 ••• ,. ......................... ,,.,., ........................ ,... ..... ..,..._ .... ... ... tldt .... .,. Tiie ...., -..... """ .. ftnMal•I .... wW tr ... DOWN tw oeMr 9Mcll c1tJ ......_ "8dYc 1dto11-.-. LOCATION-WATERFRONT -LOCATION TN9 URde .... ouMala ttfM • ... fllllR et.IMI .._ .............................. _,... .. ...... .... ~ ............... ._ ................. . pier ..... to JUI Mlilft 1 ...... Cllltt II ~ ......... ,,..... ..................... ...., .............. LINDA ISl.E'S 8E8TI! • ......., P....-..... ., .. ,.. ........ ....... ,.nte-..ST" ... ,._ WHUll, ,_ _. te ... M fWtlW.0..._~ ....... 117 .......... ... .................. .., ......... .,, .... ,,...., ,..,.rtr .... 1 .................. -.-. 8Pl!CTACULNI •\YFRONT . o..,.........., ... 50,~ .• ............ ............... .. .......,. ................. 9 '•"" .r: ......... tW, • ...._ .. ,._. _, .... • ...,_ ;;owy: 'YMG = -.... ......, ..... _..., ........ "' ...... ~ • A PRIVATE WORLD o .. taatdRI .... IM't ...... w/ • aJr ......... .._. ......... ,. ,, ................ .,.,.. ~ c:er.-............. 4 •• ,, ............ .... ... ...., .-, ...,_II 11111D1 I_.. Dir .... Al ........................ ,...., ........... ..... .. .,... ................... ...... JAll•IE CREEK -REDUCED TO .. ... nle....., I •1fl11 ......... ..., ltw .... .... ....,,_, ............ =~ ............. ..... .::Wt411RC-.................. .... ,..... ...... 'Y ........... -1 A I II .. _ .. _,, ................ -.Y .. ....,.._.._ .... _., .. .,. .................. .,...... ~ ....... ...., ..... BIG CANYON -ON THE GOLF COUME O•• al Uta ft•eat ••••plea at C•••trr Pr•••ft .......................................... ....,.. _ _.,YI ACM LOT, rllM • .... ...., et .. c..,. c....., am. ow.. -aatH1111 llr • u•••N19t "'''rtf· °"' t'l.I -al •11-11111 .......... FA8ULOU8 V.W nee....., .... ,,. ... _ -e.-... I~. 4 ..... ........... ,...... ............... ... :.:~ ::.,-:. :-: .:i .= =. ~j; ....... _ .. ,.......,._.., ... .................................. 111• , - I01 UDO -PRE.-ER ADDRESS Located o• Itta Ith ""' of tit• 111011 preat111e" .......... oon•••lnlulll In Or .... ewer ........ Mir U1t1t oflara I••* ....... 2YI ....._Md 1put11111l1 baJ, OOWI a ............ ....._ M ltour .. ., ... aeow1tr a,_,.,.... •••,...... tnl.IDO. -...... .., ... c..,. . .,......., ......... TURTLEROCK -IRVINE Spaalou1 4 bedroell'I, 2YI ltetlta\..fe111llJ Ito .... wltlt -• ......................... ow.. -............. ... .....-.n, In Or-.. CountJ ........ LAKE FOREST -JEWEL • .................... , ..... 2 ............. ..... c•alOM pool eftd ape ... w pl•lt carpet•, •••leM eltuttera end l•••IJ 9r_•••lt•••• window. Good ............................ BACK BAY Wint POOL ~ ................. , •• , ...... 2.,. ........ • .,...._ .... __.va., ........ , ,,,....,.,..... .......................................... HIGH ON A t&L • PRICa MDUCID ., ....................... ._ ... , .•..... 4YI MtM, • .............. -=AND a t•HfHI uzno .. ,.. ...... 1n1•' .......... .,. -..... :I:: .......... , I P1llll1. 0.. 1.-..... .... .. ...._~n111Rtltll ........ T .... n. ...... ................. -. ,,,.- IEANW. OCEAN a BAY vmwa •••parld .................... 4 , ...... .._ ... . ........ _ .... ., ... Al ........ ..... elt4 teatofwl wall oo•etltt9a •d .,,., 1111,111 of ...................................... l9QllT umR'8 •DAY LafT8 ~ .... -:=:-..:=om._ .... ...... S 'zl I 7 w4 1m1 ....... ... ......, -,.... ................... ..,. --. ............ :'C: ..... .., ................. .... ............. - oaT ... C08TA maA ................ ._ .................. . .................................... ............ ow.. ... , •• , ....... .-.. ,.... ... ,URI J llSIDINTIAL IEAL ESTATE 5llVICIS NEWPORT BEACH NEWPORT BEACH BEACH COMMUNITIES •IAllll ..,.. Deane Deauvllle. Superb location overlooking the 18th fairway. This dramatic 3 BR family room townhome has It all. Huge master suite, glass enclosed patio for outdoor living. •UITll ....... 3 bedroom Monaco model. Freshly painted, new landscaping. Charming country trench decor. Lowest priced Monaco In Big Canyon. Priced to sell. Owner will help finance. • SUYllW 1411 .... Spacious 4 BR family home In private gate community. Security for your family plus association pool; spa & tennl& close by. Pool-sized lot, view city lights. IUFFI PH• City lights & canyon vista are seen from the deCk of this outstanding 3 BR home. Totally upgraded thruout In the best of taste. Owner highly motivated & will be flexible on terms. IUFFI .,..,.. Largest one/story on fee· land. Beautifully maintained Inside & out. 3 ltR 'fa family_ rm 9n wide greenbett. Fireplace In Hvlng rm & master BR. Flexible financing on one of Bfuff's best properties. ..,. . 1211,111 Immaculate free-standing X Plan on lovely private greenbelt. 3 BA, family rm & cozy hot tub, all enclosed by a lovely wrap-around patio. Seller very flexible. •••Ill llD 1111,111 An exceptional value In this well located condo. Only 2 years old & shows beautifully. Community pool, fireplace & wet bar. 2 BR each with Its own bath plus powder room. Excellent financing. •••Ill ~ 1111- Charmlng 2 BR decorators cottage. Just refurbished throughout. Huge lot, alley access & auper Newport location. Good financing awllable. . ..... _. ..... LOw prleed oceanfront In Cyprus Sharee. 4 BA. g9ted community, private beach, ueoctatton poof, spa & tennis. Xlnt financing. Sale, lease, or lease/option. ~ ..... a.tter than new with a v'8wl Monteclto 3 BR + family rm. Impeccable, fully landacaped & proteHlonally decorated. Seller now out of atate. Must sell. Minimum down. Try '-8/optk>n. ..... ,,.,.,.. Seller wants this property sold Immediately! Make an offer on thla lovely 2 story condo lft the "new" Bluffs, located on the greenbelt, with new neutral carpeting, and live In ~I UITRln .. 1. Private courtyard entrance leads to gracious entertaining & views of Newport. Large famlty rm, breakfast area, 4 BA or 2 den/offices. Owner wlll hetp finance. · IAYmlt SMI ... Brand new listing -12•1. $200,000 fixed, 30 YR, assumable 4 BR Ivan Wells, customized skylight, beamed cetllnge, oak floors & din!g rm. • Easy care, easy entertaining & easy to love. ..... _ Mn.- Owner will contlder a tr,ade or a le8M option on this bright & cheery Dynasty model. Sky lights, custom shutters & off white carpeting. 2 BR, 2 BA, Mparate suites. Owner will ~P finance. .... 11.-.- , Enter thta magnificent golf courae home thru leaded be'leled doors to a sweeping atatrw.y, oak wood noora, hand carved mant•. gourmet new kitchen & Shelyt Wagner baths. Everything new. CORONA DEL MAR ---,,,.,.. Spectacular oceanfront. Newly con1tructedl Oak floors. Water purifier. Alarm. Intercom system1. Two BR. Oen. Hobby room. Stan to , best swimming beach tn So .. California. 11111111 -an.-1dea1 location on greenbelt with mini oo.n vlewl Perfect plan with 2 BR & cozy de11 lnctudlng corner fireplace, large sunny lot -el adds up to our exciting new listing! -----.... FantMtlc ftnancing on this cheery duplex In a good are• of ofd Corona del Mar. 3 BR detached home plua tuper 1 BR apt. Don't mlla this great buy on a corner lot. • OTHER AREA .S ---... CarefrM IMng with styte. Townhome with 2 maater bedroom suit•• + den. Taetefulty decorated, plantation ahuttera, cathedral ceUlnga & pewn, vi.wt Aaeume first and OWC 2nd. • ---....... Exceptional bayfront on fM land. Cu1tom amenlUee galonR Oak planked floort, 3 spiral _. stalrcaaes, 4 fireplaces, carved oak pub plus 2 additional wet b,ara. Step-down formal dining rbom, walled In glass. IAL.llllllm ..... little Island baytront. Enjoy the charm of Balboa Island from the patio of this Ideally located home. Presently a duplex, could convert to~ngle family. Motivated setter. unma 11...,. This home hu a flair for living with 4 BR, large family room overlooking the bay. All the amenities of a guard-gated communtty. Good terms are avaflable . ----.1.,.. Ttu1 lovely duplex Is located on a corner overliled lot. 3 BR's In fr0f1(, separate gst rm & large 2 BR Apt. 3 car gatage wtth additional parking for 3 cars.• See this first! ' .... .. .. Anxious seller has reduced price to sell fast. Large 4 BR family home on 45' lot all freshly redone. Very flexible terms. Submit all offers. Owner want1 out! ... ..,. Thi• lovely 5 BR plus Den gives the whole famtty their own epace. Sunny south patk> clOM to private beaches & tennis courts. Great family community. ---·-Charm la the only word for this wonderful 4 BR. family home jult lt9pe frqm Betboa'a ~ beactte8 & renown harbor. Surrounded by a White plck9t fence & pretty now.a this houl8 would detlght the fuaieat of buyw91 .... .. .. Extra large lot, extra large home. Fabulous potent191. F«m8& dlr*1g room, 5 8A, den & IPL '--Ve IUndeak oould be .....wul garden room. Owl1er ......... aftlra.· .... . .... Your f8"'11y wtll love thta apacloua 4 BA In exoalent condttton. En~ the many Woolatk>n f.cllltJea doee by. L..-ge dining room, 3 patios ptua ab1wn wlapa I waterfall. ---·-.... View pstc, IMe, mountalna, llghta I QOtf coune flam tNl lcMly 2 BA I den condo. Showa pride at._....,. In many upQr9dle I condttlon. ·~ I ,_,. ftMnolng Mrll•bll. Open T~ M. CAMEO SHORES OCEANFRONT -A spectacular location for thrs Harold Zook designed home with 4 bdrms., 4 baths, family rm. and formal dining rm. Lush tropical landscaping adds to the atmosphere. A one of a kind Investment at $2,500,000. HARBOR VIEW HILLS VIEW -Popular Sausalito plan nicety maintained with an exceptional professionally done patio and yard -great for you green thumbersl 3 bdrms., family rm. and a large gourmet kitchen. $347,000 L.H. ~. SPYGLASS HILL FAMILY HOME _,Ideal for an actlv~ growing family. There Is a large game rm. upstairs 1tnd a large family rm. downstairs. 4 bdrms., 3 baths, a badminton court, dog run, 3 car garage ~nd a view. This home Is spotless and a deUght to .see. $723,400. • CORONA DEL MAR BAY a OC8AN VIEWS - Featured In _Orange County Home and Garden M~azlne. Fabulously designed and painstakingly built 3 bdrm. 3 bath home with lavish use of wood, brasa and stained glass. There Is a view from every ,room! Priced to sell by out of town owner at .$975,000. \ . f I -~ ---~~------~~--~~~~~ .... !f"• -... .. .-.~-- 3 -Orange County .ReaJ Estate/ An Advertising SuppMmerlt to the DAILY PILOT /S.turday, NoYerhber 13. 1982 REAL ESTATE EXCELLENCE SINCE 1949 ~llU ... MajestlcCountryEngllahhomeon COME W,ITH us TO.,.· • the Bayfront with pier and 8'1p for large boat. - _ -_ ..:: ,, _ _ _ _ _ _ Sandy beach. Five bedroom• pfua elegant Hllll HL ... Gracloua two-story, library. Six bath•. Ttte huge llvtng room, dining tandmark home on two full alze tots •.. room and patio terrace create a regal owrtpoklng Big COfona Beach, jetty lllld the atmosphere for gracloua entertaining . . . blue Pacrtl~. The mlllton dollar 1unaet1 regardless of reason or the aeason. Owner wtll be treaaored almost dally ... so varied you .., MWB •.. Highly desirable location with a "forever" vtew of the bay and ocean. Two story three bedroom home with lnvttlng brick patio PLUS complete guest unit over three car garege .........•..........•......•. : ................... $499,000 llMllW ... Delightful four bedroom, three bath home, In an area Just old enougl) to have extr~ flexible aa to financing or possible 1 will never ttre of them. The name hu four trade .................... --.. ····················· $2, 700,000 bedrooms, three batha. Also, there Is a two 111111 llLUI 11m . . . A masterpiece of • bedroom guest unit over three car garage. 1 elegance and dignity. Five bedroom home on The property ta deer, but the owner wouia CllrfY 1 1 character. Spectacular ocean, city and bay view. Port Roylll model on extra wide lot. Spa In atrium off family room. P~ble exchange for the bayfront. Pier and ftoat for 48 foot boat. a first trust deed three to five years. $985,000 I Sparkling pool. Huge complete apartment over Open Sat/Sun 1-4:30 . 3212 Ocean Boulevard 1 • three car garage for mother. Spacious __ - _ -_ -_ _ _ _ entertainment room with wet bar. Owner extremely flexlble as to financing. Wiii conJlder exchange for units, commercial or smaller home .............................................. $2,350,000 ..... ISUll 1111 ... Bayfront. Owner will carry One Miiiion Dollar first trust deed. Five bedrooms, den, maid's quarters. Sixty feet on the bay with pier and slip for three boats. Wiii consider lease or lease/option ....... $1,500,000 • lllY• . . . Fascinating home In a luxuriant setting. Five spacious bedrooms. Formal dining room. Huge family room with wet bar and large built-In televlslon screen. Custom POOi and spa. Located on the 18th fairway ... $1~95,000 IPflUll -.&. ... Top of Spygtasa. Two story beamed celllng living room. Formal dining room. Family room with wet bar. Five bedrooms. Spa and wet bar In meat• suite. Lovety mountain view. Four car garage. Seller extremely motivated. Submit offer. ~1.395,000 11111 _. ... Coold be your dream home on the water. Huge living room, formal dining room and beautifully appointed library plus master bedroom In the main building. Across the uaed brick patio Is a separate two bedroom guest suite. The pier and ftoat wlll accommodate a 55 foot boat. You own the land .............. $985,000 Open Sun 1-4:30 308 Morning Star Lane llYml TIUAll ... You will never tire of the 180 degree marine view . . . enjoyed from virtually all areas of this spacious three bedroom home. · Restful famlly/bUUarda room. Tremendous patio with custom spa end gazebo. You own the 85 foot wide lot -worth total asking prtee of ............................................................ $985,000 Open Sat/Sun 1-5 ....•... 1301 Dotphln Terrace NHI 111111 . . . Quality ahowe In moat everything -ptlftk:ularty In a home such • this custom four bedroom btJilt wtth lath and ptaater. Situated on a private beach. Muter bedroom suite balcony overtookl beach and bay. In-law or maid's Quarters. JUST REDUCED $60,000. ....... ............................. NOW $920,000 ' Ill HHll ... The much 1ough1 after "Versailles" model. Spaclou1 four bedroonJ 1 home, Four lhd one-half bath1. Custom decorating throughout. Exten1lve uae of beWted glUI. Par~ ftoorl. Corner lot. Very_ prtvate and aecludect. Superb view of gotf courM-·········-·······················~············· '850,000 -_. ... Ewry day II a holiday In thtl .. · enchanting hc>rqe. TWo maeter bl*°Oml In one wing. Third bedroom with own entry and pm ... Nth in the other wing. Sit-down .. of OOMn. URPet bay and c:tty flghta. NA room8 open to Indoor dehumidified pool. 8ecurlty tyatem . ...... may carry 11t trult deed five~ 12% """ '800.000 down........................... '835.000 . .a _. ... Prestigious five bedroom, four and one-half bath home. Restful bay view, especially from the living areas and detuxe patios. Plankwood floors, trench doors and gorgeous woods. Maid's room with separate bath. Room for spa In front courtyard. $150,000 to $200.000 down. Owner will carry balance at 12% ..................................................... $740,000 • IPl&UI l&L ... This delightful four bedroom home reflecta' an a ir of comfort and contentment._ The feeling Is accented by the spect~ and everchanglng ocean vtew. This Is the highly de8'rable Capehorn model. JUST REDUCED $25,000 ..................... Now $725,000 L.91 ml ... Preetlgloua area. top location on the widest street on Udo. Just steps to prjvate beach. Ea1y walk to tennis courts. Four spacious bedlooms. Practical floor pten, built around large patio. The land alone worth the total asking price. ············-···· .. ·········· $695,000 IPlaAtl l&L ... Megntftcent view of ocean and city light• (no rooftops). Four spacious bedrooms. Spantllng poot and spa In courtyard. Brick and tlle walkway. This Is the rare "Tradewtnds" rnodel with numerous amentttel and conveniences. Uberat terms ....... .$825,000 Ill IUY• . . . Townhome la a pristlglous location overlooking the sixth fairway. fhree spacious bedrooms. Formal dining room. Vacant and ready for quick occupancy. Attrac:tNe ...umable financing. J\wlable .... or .....,optlOn. An excellent buy et $599,000 or ,.... et $2200 a month. -I I • •.• Oellghtful aptlt..,_ horM. Nothing monotonous here. Beamed oelllng. Fretil;h doors. Shutter• and tevelora. Thr• 1pacloue bedroom•. Den and famlfy room. Prope~ In top condition. Spa. Available $575, Fee or. 8'4(),000 Leuahold. --... Preattgk>ue home ~ty upgraded. Four bedr'oome. Dlntna Room. 0... with 10' bat. Spartcllng pool. Extraordinary financing: Wtth 25% down, owner wt11 hetp buyer obtain "-n,.t truet deed at 10'A%, amortized over 30 years due In live YMn· ~ .. ~.~.~~.~~.~m SITiatler hon'9 ...................................... $475,000 Open Sun 1.-.:30 .............. 1915 Yacht Puritan ....., ... Quite private, yet exceptionally convenient. Four bedrooms, den, family room and dining room. Authentic plank flooring. Cuatom kitchen cabinets. _Seamed cetllngs In llvlng room and family room. Spa and gazebo. 90 x 132 pool size yard. Owner will finance up to $300,000 ........................................ $475,000 Open Sun 1.-.:30 ........... 1118 Son:--t Lane U"llST . . . Comfortable family home In a highly desirable area. Four spacious bedroom• . Huge IMng room. Formal dining room. Large family. room with floor te celllng flrepCace and wet bar. Maater bedroom suite. Gourmet kitchen with microwave oven and new dishwasher ................... _., .........•.... , .... $449,500 ... -... New listing we believe to be the IOWMt priced bayfront In Dover Shores. Three bedrooms lllld den. Fonnel dining room. Two eeduded private patloa. Seventy 98V'8f1 feet on the water with pier and allp for large boat. Owner wilt ualst with financing. $395,000 Open Sun 1-4:30 ··············~ 1044 POCarls Drive UIT.., ... Fee land. Largest "Lusk" floor plan. Five bedrooms and family room view home. Very private, eaalty maintained yard with pool, spa, garden lighting and aprlnklers. Covered carpeted patio with bar. Excellent financing. Below mari(et ..................... $389,500 Open sun 1-4~ ·····-············· 2201 Atta Vista ......., •.. Family oriented four bedroom home. Two meter eultee. Family room with flreplace barb9cue and ...... Cotwenlent to . ~br8'Y Met ahopplng ........... ssse.ooo Open Son \-4:30 ................. 1400 NottlnghM\ •.-r . . . OtattnctlY8 three· bedroom and convertible den home. F--*"dtt'U ltvtng room ~ cattledtll 1'111nQ, dum llone flreplace, wet bar. Wa'hrfall Ju1t out1ld• the picture wtndow. 119 loofe owrtoolcJng the CUltom pool and genlen. Great hobby ihop In OWi .. two car o-aDe···-··············· ...................... ISS0,000 Open Sun 1 ... :30 .............. 1724 Terraptn Way ...., • . . Your own little wartdl Cultom bul1 home WfllP9 ....., •ound Inner etrtum. Enormou1 ma1ter bedroom, two 1paclou1 =::.a;::~u:o:c,:~·~d••I ,~, ............................................................ ~ Open ... 1-4:30 ............. 1118 Highland DrM GREATLY MDUCRD Hlghty upgraded property on the Bay et Dover Shores. Superb view of Bay, Crty and Mountains. Three-bedroom residence Is flnlahed to a very high levef of quality and taste. Extensive uee of wood, brick and tlle. Private courtyard entrance, fabulous wet bar, ..cluded master suite. The tiled rear terrace leads down to the Bay and to your pier and slip. Dover Shoree' best buy at only $899,000. Appraised at $1, 125,000. Call Binnie Dixon for an appointment. INVESTORS -DEVELOPERS Don't miss this appealing eutllde Costa Mesa duplex, each two bedrooms, one bath, well maintained. PLUS, there Is land enough for two more units! $175,000, and owner will carry with about 20% down. Call Joyce Oabolt. CHARMING Remodeled two-bedroom home ecross private lane from a creek and nestled under wonderful oak and sycamore trees. Features large master bedroom. modern kitchen and rock flrepl.aoe In comfortable living room. Priced to sell at $86,000 with assumable loan. Call Mary ./ • Richards. FANTASTIC REDUCTION Exquisite custom wood and glass home. Quiet cul-de-sac location. Featuring three bedrooms, plus a convertible study; spacious family room, beautifully landscaped garden, patio and pool areas. Off-street RV parking. Large assumable loans. Call Joyce Dabolt or Don OeThomas. SPECTACULAR OCEAN VIEW Unique custom home; multl.-vel five bedroom, 41n bath, plus spa. Dramatic entry with 17' fishpond, atrium and skylights. Panoramic ocean view. Maid's quarters. Security syttem. Poaslble LEASE/OPTION. $865,000. Cal Sally Shipley f.s>r further details . ............ DRASTICALLY REDUCEDI The charm of Old Corona del Mar. Oarllng two-bedroom cottage with fireplace, country kitchen, and wonderful patio. Lot Is zoned R-2. Outstanding opportunity to own In CdM. MUST SELL! $195,000. Call Sharon Collins for a showing. CUSTOM ELEGANCE IN BIG CANYON This spacious custom-built French Provincial home epitomizes the casual elegance of Blg Canyon with commanding view of lush 8th fairway and night lights. Ave bedrooms, Includes maid's quarters. secluded panefed library and large family room. Classic moldings. Pool/spa and much more. NOW OFFERED at $1 ,850.,000. Call Miiiie Howe. REDUCE DI A true value on Newport Bay. Exceptional costom bayfront with four bedrooms and a billiard room. Offered at $1,200,000. Shown by · appointment only. Call Unda Tagllanettf for deteils. FAMILY RETREAT AT AFFORDABLE PRICE Large Knotty Pine Famlty Room W/Brlck Fireplace & Expansive Vlewa Of Cleveland National Foreet Highlight The Comfortable Femlty Atmoephere Of This 3 BR, 3 Bat" Home. Excellent Orange Unified 8cnooe. In A Rural .Atrnoaphere ~ Than .30 Mlnut• From The Newport Freewey In Or8f9t, Or The Sen Otego Freeway In El Toro Make This The ldMt Home Fbr The Family seeking A Quteter Pace Of Ute. Prioed To Sell At 1120;000. Clllt Mary Rlchard1 Today. OWNeR WLL FINANCD Superb Oolorw model In the .,,... R9re Mo-ltory with wonderlut vt.w of Back 8ay. Three b9Cfroome plUe bOIM'8 room. Handaomefy decorated, and In excelent oaodltlo11. And, don't forget, OWNEA FINANCING 18 AVAILABLE. Cll Muriel 89rr. . POOLHOlm Enjoy sweeping day & night Ytewa from your kitchen, famlty room, living room llnd muter bedroom of mountains, ocean and Catalina. 4 bedroom Turtle Rock home complete with pool/spa and Indoor Jacuzzi. $555,000.00. Call Dion Schmehr for addltonal Information. CHARMING REMODEL Four bedroom family home In excellent Coata Mesa neighborhood. Remodeled In great taste, and with super akin. French doors, display shelves, and many unique touche8. Cloee to shopping. Fantastic VA loan, and owner will assist with financing. Call Mary Ann LaFleur for details on this fine value. BRAND NEW BeACH HOUSE Realty Charm1ng new-three-bedroom, two-and-a-half bath home-. - Private muter suite, super kltchen. Fantastic quality throughout. Two-car garage, plua covered parking for two more. Great Peninsula location near beach, reataurants, and shopping. Good financing options. Try just 10% down. Call Susan Trtvtaon. SUBSTANTIAL PRICE REDUCTION Seller Is desperate. Absolutely must eetl Deauville modefin exclusive Big Canyon. Handsome French door• throughout; high ceilings liave all been plastered with smooth finish. lmprealve two-story entrance and living room, oak-ftoored kitchen and famlty room. Luxurious masU9r suite, and large brick terrace. The home Is vacant, and awaiting your final touch. The price has been reduced to $650,000. and the seller will carry paper. Call Trudy Stybblefleld. CHARMING lmmacutate two bedroom home on large lot. Remodeled In 1981. Good ·financing and owner Is flexible. Call Dorothy Hardcastle for more details and an appointment to Me. THE BLUFFS Sparkling upper bay view, night light• and mountains beyond. Beamed cathedral <*lings offer warmth and richness to the Spantsh tiles. Ceiling fana accent the elegant Cuablanca look of this three bedroom and den home. Present nnanclng ts assumable, and owner will carry back paper. Retired owner Is anxious to make a super deal with youl Call Mary Ann LaAeur. $110,000 A88UllABLE 10t,fa % Lovefy Newport Beech condo with pooll6de Mttlng and large private patio on luth greenbelt. Exceflent uaumable financing. Owner very motivated and wtU Cfllry second trust deed. Call Salty Shipley today for a showing. Only $185,000. ELEGANCE IN 9IQ CANYON . Two-bedroom and den "Oowr" model decorated wtth exceptlonal taste. Dramatic ~Hnged living room, and large private outdoor areaa. A tremendous opportunity to own In Big Canyon. Only $395,000, and the motivated owner wtll finance. Call John MerrtH for detalla. HARBOR RIDGI llANOR HOU• Now under con1tructlon 1.n gate-guarded .. arbor Ridge on apeotacul• view lot. Elegllnt new "*"'°" betng developed to the hlghelt ttandardl of qu911ty and IWCUry. If you purchaM now, you can 1t111 talk>r the ftntlh detall to 'f04lr ,.qulNfMnta. Contaot 8Ulan Trlvt90n to review the plans. Priced at $2,200,000. ( .11111m1 ....... -Private spa off master suite. Cathedral ceilings. Open floor plan. Contemporary interior. Only $260,000 Including land. Call Pete Johnson 631-1266. unu IAll IUID Qualified buyers don't mlsll this Npt. Hghts custom home. For details call Rusty Guinther 631 -1266. SAYE 1111,8111 Brand New. In foreclosure. 4 Br., 3~ Ba .• Pool, Jacuzzi, Top of the World, mountain view. Laguna Beach. CARL MOSEN 631-1266. FEE-llPlEI -llWPllT IUll Owners Unit + 2 Bd. + Bach. Steps to beach, racquetbaJI, and tennis. $259,000. CARL MOSEN 631-1266. WAITEI • IR.llll.E Lilla Costa Mesa. Newport Beach. or ? CARL MOSEN 631-1266. .... , ...... p ..... Brand new custom Fr. Normandy home. Now reduced $35,000 for fut sale! 4' Br., 3 Ba., family room, formal dining room, large yard with alley llCC888. Owner will assist In financing. Great area. Will accept trades. CARL MOSEN 631-1266. ....... Contemporary o..,e Cod ntate oHerlng prest+o• and aecurlty. Six bedroom1, m•ld's quarter• end gymnMUn ... few of the '"S'!'I outatandlng featuree of this custom golf courM reektenoe. 83:1 -12f58. . · I , _______ .,_.....;. .. IUTPMPLD East Costa Mesa pride of ownership. Assume 1st & 2nd. OWC. Try 1o-/e down. Asking $220,000. Bob Younker 631 -1266. llPlU High assumable loan. Fantastic area. Wiii consider exchange. Asking $183,000. Robert Milliken 631-1 268. FlllQ TUllFll " Priced thousands below value for a sale by 12-11 Beautiful 2 story 3 bd, Irvine condo in Fabulous Woodbridge $14'1 ,500. Call Melane 559-94'00. ........ Immaculate 3 Br., 2 ba prof. decorated and landscaped. Excellent financing and priced at only $165,000. Call Anne McCasland 631-1266. 1111.-.... llT 11111 Lowest priced 2 bdr., 2 be. condo near the ocean. Freeh, clean & reedy for move-In. May lease/option. Jackie Handleman 631-1268. ... 1211,111 u.. .... +-.-Prime cul-de-aac, aecluded apa, ml£1t condition. Reduced for feat aale • $199,900. Jackie Handleman 631-12ee. ... llT ll.lffl • Pl1I Jl•I• RENTAL AVAILABLE. Only $800 per mo. 3 br 2 ba FP. 2 car garage, NEW carpet & paint. C.11 Pete Johnlon 831-1268 . . ' ... "' •11111 lllllmlb 1 Br., 2 CAR GAR .... : ..............• $14'0,000 2 Br. +GUEST UNIT ............... 1181,000 VIEW LOT . ................................ $235,000 4' Br.+ GUEST UNfT, VIEW .••• 1325,000 • I have other exclu._ HEIGHTS lletlnge, CALL TODA'(, RAE RODOEAS 831~12fe. . . • 111n1 n.aa·• Vers8'11es ove< lake & fairway 4' Br. 5 Ba. formal dtnlng, sep fam. rm, maJd's qtra, huge master suite, plus room for pool. "Must Sell." Lowest price Versallln at $700,000. Bob or Dovie Koop.631-1268. -.... llllD ITUI. I $590,000 F• 4' Br. 3 ba. Fam Rm, Dining rm. Pool, Prl. Beach. 180° ocean view, very low down payment. Bob & Dovie Koop 631-1286. · l'RlllW•T• Must sell submft any offer on thil beautiful new custom 4 br. 5 ba fam, rm, all-oak, for din, library, harbor view, 4' fireplaces & spa. Asking S 1,500,000. Bob & Dovie Koop 631-1268. . .......... 4 Br. 3 ba. pool, spa, eetler will finance with low down payment. $74'0,000. Make offer. Bob or Dovie Koop 631 -1266. ...... 4' Br. pool, lrg. bonu• room. private.,.. In C.M. Assume $96,000 1at at 8.5%. Muet sell. Steal at $208,000. Bob or Dovie Koop. 83.1-1268 . -····-.. I Ill I 2 Br. 2'A bL fom'9I dtntng, huge rnMter aulte, decor, paper & moet furnishing• lnduded In Mklng price of $225,000. V19W of Nhe lh81 & lleCk Bay. Bob or Dovie Koop 831-12ee. I . IPYIUll .. Panoramic ocean, bay & city lights view from this two story "Southport" model. 6 bedrms, formal dining rm. family rm, + a bonus rm profenlonally decorated In bright colors. Beautiful sparkling pool & spa. $890,000 Incl. land. Donna Godshall. ..... -·-.. Panoramic ocean view from this elngle story calffornla Ranch home 2 or 3 BRS, 21hBA, formal din. rm & fam rm. High beam ceilings, Mexican pavers, French doors, plantation shutters. Completely remodeled & profeselonalty land9CllP9d w/loYeky epa.. $849,900 lnci. land. Donna Godshall. Mllll ____ ,.. Exceptional SBA + bonus rm w/beautlful ocean/bay view. Aaaumable loan of $400,000. All Safe Alarm System. $795,000. Maureen White. -• • lllYll'I Fmst . Deane built Oeauvllle overlooktng fakways, country club & night lights of Harbor Ridge. This bright & cheery 3 BR, den home has a lg entertainment aree with private pool &.spa. $785,000 Terry Hanes & Tom Allinson. "1111------ lnterlor Designer's Home -Huge master bedroom with retreat Including fireplace & bulH-in bookcases. 2 lg secondary bedrooms, 3 baths, fam rm w/flreplace & bulft-fn bookcases, custom wet bar. Assumable $296,000 loan $725,000 Fee. Maureen White & Martha Macnab. Llml It 11111111 Imagine yoursetf owning a custom 3 BR+den home juet steps from one of Laguna's moat beautiful beectles. Watch & listen to the surf by day & view the city lights by night. $599,900. Ma.xine Propp. "121•-··--Lowest priced "Lucerne" model. Magntfk:ent unobstructed view. Priced for lmmedlate Nie. Aaalmable $278,000 1st. Setler highly motivated & will carry 2nd TO. 1559,000. Maureen White. 11n&1n "fiiEI" M Is -where Is -3 BR condo on the water In Udo VIHage area. Great location and potentlal. Need8 evwythlng. Sffp awllable. $450,000 lnctudtng land. Martha M8Cnab. ' 1112•-ltlmTW Don't mlss out on this beeuttfuly deeorated C... Blanca In HR. 3BR, 2'hBA, two story w/viflfl of mountatrw & rw11"11oir. Seller very motfveted. Lota of pwqliMlt floortna & den wlbult-W. booklhetvlng. Htgh aaumabte 1st av•l•ble. $454,000. Gleela Jenklna. ......... 1111111 . Oetightful "Renallunce" In .xoll1nt ~ w/3 vl9w ct,cke. loft & gourmet kitchen. Home~ JBA8, ~ rm wlcathedr• CIMlng & .... of glMa. ~ .... ...-.ooo. Anita Sc:hMdel. .... pa 111711 ... Fl•I ... I FI •I" Fabuloul flnandng .. belaw rMrUI•' Inlet •t rel• M'l:llbte for a qullMfted ~. 5 BA. tomMlt dlr*'a rm., fem rm. with lotll of p1n1lng & frendt door9 end wtndowa. PoOr & epe. Gr9lt f8mlly home. ao. to community~ & ..... 1429\000 Ind. lend. Danni Godlhal. -----a.utlfuly decorated 3 BR llrtgle 910!Y condO Jn ~ CNlk. A .... locetlon Md ... ~ li•ldltg. lll0,000 ...... '-ii· U..1111AtfU?lb. ... ....... New on the merket. Jhls fabulous "Bar Harbor'' 18 lituated high on the hill affording a superb view of OQMn, city lights and coaatNne. 3 BR, eeparate tam rm. Shows t>;etter than model. $410,000. Anita Schandel. . . .. .... nm ... The "legend" model one BR, den condo lituated within steps Of the bay. Completety redecorated. The mat• IUite occupie9 the entire . second floor. Financing la excellent on this prestlglou. home. $395,000 Fee. Donna God9MM. · • 4 •• 111111,.. Low, low priced 4 BR trMevel Broldmoor home w/vautted ceilings, formal dining & separate f8m rm. Beauttfully land.caped garden o'looklng greenbelt. A great famHY home. $349,500. Belle Partoh. ....,.,. You're going to love this custom bulft landmark home. In greet condition w/bullt-fns & 2 maaatve flreplaoes & 3 lg BAS. $289,000. Coby Ward. ••llT ••• m211a Outftandlng 3 BR, 2 bath home completely remodeled situated In Newport Hetgttts. This be9uttM reekMnc:e has Iota Of charm + a sparkling pool. CloM to bw:hea, shopping & Schools. Priced to 1811 at $262,500 Incl. land. Donna G~. ............ Beautifully redecorated 3 BR home nur pool & greenbelt. lMge assumable 1st T.O. New appllancee & bathroome. Reedy to move Into & priced to Mii 81 $245,000 F•. Maxine Propp. ... , ....... . 2 fplcs -3 BR & a catalina vt.w. LCMlly lg lot-beautiful location - close .. ~hoofa & fahlon 191and. $24-4,500 Leuehold. Barbara Aune. ···--......... , ...... Bright & 1UMY .. G" PW\ end unit ...... 3 8R IUlt-. eKtt w/prt. bath. Redwood deck 8P• w/remlda overhlng & tlntM glua wlndecreen. Low llJt. _....,.. 1at TD. Ptlcld under marUt at $225,000 L!9aaehold. Paula BaUy. . ...., ...• Rare "Pten e•· ek9e story, 4 BRS, Wn. rm, dlntng rm home lltuated In lovely Eastbtuff. Jl'9t pltlAld lnllde & out -~ bMutffuly. An Inviting apa la located In the prot...aonauy lanftoaped yard. s 199,950. ~ quote 181,800. Dona Godlhall. ••t•.m-Grelt eutlkte location 2 BA Md't on lg comer lot. Gf'Mt 1nwetm1nt at $170,000. Berit Mitchell. .. , ....... . Charming ~on qul9I cul de 11c 2 brick fplca. curb__.., loeda of ctwm. Al for t1•MO. Terry A&M'le ""*' TOIJ' Minion. &Jiii Charming 4 bedrm home w/brllnd MW llOW'fM!.I kitchen & coz, famlty rm. OW... .. r99dy tD ...._ IWl:W Ul.Anna ....... ........... .. VERY PRIVATE RANCH HOME Seller will trade this lovely Eaatbk.lff 3 bdrm. 3 bath home for .one In S. Coast area. $259,000. OCEAN VIEWS F.ROM IRVINE TERRACE One story wood home with 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, pool, terms. $600,000. ELEGANT BAYFRONT CONDO On the Cove overlooking Balboa llland wtth 2 bedrooms. den, 2'A baths. $855,000. BAYSHORES CHARMER OPEN SUNDAY 1·5 Spacious 3 bedroom famlty home with famlty room and French doors, large corner lot, good terms. $495,000 FEE. SPYGLASS JUST 11h MILES TO BEACH A family room with flrept~ plus c:trametlc wet bar and formal dining accent this elegant 3 bedroom home. $475,000. ' WATERFRONT HOME IN LINDA 18LE Tradttional 5 bedroom, 4'h bath home with courtyard entry, spa, slip and side tie for 60' boat. $1,45Q,000. SPANISH JEWEL IN THE BLUFFS Lowest priced 4 bedroom wtth spa and security system plus fireplace and garage. $269,000 FEE. A MINI ESTATE WITH POOL, SPA AND KOi POND A beau~ifal huge yard surrounds thla 8 bedroom, 4 bath home wl~h fireplaces and owner fln&(lClng. $449,000. HARBOR YEW "CARMEL" HOME Near beaehes and schoots with 3 bedrooms, covered patio and huge redwood deck. $249,000 FEE. LIDO SANDS NEAR POOL, BEACH AND SHOPPING Great starter home with 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, patios and fireplace. $159,000. THE PLAZA AREA OF THE BLUFFS Spanish style condominium with 4 &drooms, 2'h baths. Try lease/option. $170,000. CITY LIGHTS FROM SEAVEW Seller will help finance thi. 4 bedroom, 3 bath home In prestlgloua, gate-guarded community. $465,000. · ACROll FROM OCEANFRONT Whtewater view 3 bedroom home Qn Oceanside needs TLC. $895,000. HIGH QUALITY ReMODa With 3 bedroom8 and den, thl9 newty C*'peted home realty shines. $710,000. FABULOUS ~.JI ·VIEW LOT Above "Palm Tree Circle .. wit".....,. ftnanclng up to $100,000. $385,000. NEAR PARKI, TINNll AND RACH Country styte horM with~ bedroOrne; 4 INdhl, r.mtty room. brick patio. $755,000. .. • COUNTRY CHARM PLU8 OCON VteW WaJk to pool from thla 8 bedr90"1. 61n bath home with makh quartera. seeo.ooo. LOW, LOW DOWN OR LUM/OPTION Ocean \flew, completely reetored 4 bedroom, 3 'bath home with family room, comer lot. "25.000. CAUIMIU RANCH POOL HOim" . . &ener wlll ~wih IOW''d.wn on Wei Wnft. 2 MMi ~ vllw houM. 1395,000. EXQUISITE FURNllllllGI AVAUBU Very pdvat. and HCUre 5 bedroom, 4 bath home with financing. $1 ,385,000. IDEALLY SUITl!D FOR l!NTERTAINING "Lucerne" model with 3 bedrooms, 31A bath, 3 flreptaces and famlty room. $695,000. SPl!CTACULAR OCEAN AND CITY YEWS This expanded "Miramar" model la ldealty located near pool and tennis. A 3 bedroom for low down and terms. $575,000. SEE THIS ONE AND COMPARE Try tow down on this "Dynasty" model with 2 bedrooms, fireplace, terms. $379,000. PREMIUM LOT FOR FORMAL FRENCH HOME Plana for a 10,000 sq. ft. virtual estate are lnciuded. Try joint venture. S1,500,000. ·. "LAUTREMONT'' MODEL WITH TERMS A spacious patio area surrounded by lulh landecaplng plus 4 bedrooms. $790,000. -, JUST LISTED "JODELLE" MODEL Striking Interior with furniture tnctuded, 3 bedrooms. 21h baths, good terms. $865,000. · SELLER WtLL CONSIDER TRADE This "Devonshlte" model with 6 bedrOOtM, 4 bathe, has fireplace, atrium and panoramic OCMn-and city tight vfewa. $875,000. CUSTOM HOME WITH FINE CONSTRUCTION Detailed 5700 1q. ft. home with <t· bedrooms, 4-car garage, wine room, elevator, fireplaces, marble accents everywhere. $1,895,000. MOUNTAIN AND CANYON VIEWS Two story condo with 4 bedrooms, 31n batha and famlty room plus nloe locatlOn nw the R111N01r. Pnc.d below market. $550,000. "CASAllLANCA" MODl!L WITH GOOD TERMS A fireplace to wwm the n6ghta • you 9U9 out to the Nghted city. A 4 bedroom. $520,000. •:::;:::::::~::::::::::::;::;.:_=:::== -- ----------.. ·------ OCEAN VIEW + POOL * S'YGLASS HILL * This truly magnificent residence ia for thole who embrace relaxing luxury as a way of life. Thia home la completely remodeled & &corated, featuring imported paven beginnina on the front patio & continuing into the entry & thruout the fmly nn. kitchen & breakfast area. Decorated in Mediterranean style w/curved arches, recessed lighting & liberal use of mirrors. The remode~ gourmet kitchen features aolid oak cabinetry, Jen-Aire Range, Portuauese tiles & a breakfast nook w/ocean view. Naturally there ii a panoramic ocean & night view from LA to Catalina & of course a pool & apa are encl'd in a private rourtyrd. This fine home is unmistakably Ne.wportl Priced at $849,900 FEE w/assumable financing. 759-1501. *WAftllPIONT HOMI & II.IP* Sensational executive home featuring 4 '31", enormous. living & dining room, 2 fireplaces & room for 55' boat! Only $559,000. FEE with -a•mable financing. Call 759-1501 or 752-7373. $279,000 * DOVll SHOlll * Spacious executive home featuring 4 br & 3 ~ ba, pool & a view of the ~bay & Anthony's Pier! This fine residence is located in a very ·~desirous area & priced· for immediate ale. Low interest assumable financing available. Call 759-1501 or 752-7373. *71h~ DOWN• •aAYCllST* 12 ~ financing spacious executive ranch style home in prestige area. This home features 3 brs., fplc, large lot & fee land!! Lowest price at $240,000. Call 759-1501 or 752-7373 for appointment to vie~ * HAllOI VllW HILLS * Totally remodeled inside & out this delightful ranch style home features 4 br. 2 frplcs, 3 car garage. <>eean view & large lot w/custom • spa. Priced to sell at $340.000. Low interest assumable financing. Call 159-1501 or 752-7373. *IXQUllm• Contractors own home!!! Smashing 3 Br home featuring Uled brick and wrought iron, 1kylitea, attium, ahake roof, and extensive uae of mexican pavers. Offered at $165,000 w/••mnable financing! Call 7141759-1501 or 7141752--7373. '* fOllCLOSUll * Take advantage of excellent pricins on tbi1 3 Br home w / 12 ~ wwnabte loan. Bar-pin priced at $lH,8«r -tl46,500 with VA tenna available. Call 759-1~1or752-7373. ) ISIAll llZID LOT /V *CAMIO SHOlll* Th.la oulltandina exec home features what mus' be the laraest lot in Cameo Shores! The rear yrcl fee~ a Japan8e prden, waterfall, Kol pond, pool & volley~ll <rt in a apedol1I environment dell.ned for memorable days thruout the year. A Ice Uv nn w/frplc ovmocikinc the pool & 1ardens exempJUies tbe open aplldoua feelin1 prevalent thruout. Ab~ kildMn._(J'ml din rm & 4 apedow bdrma lncludi"I a nwtr suite wlblt-in lhelves, sunken jlcuzzl tub. Offered at M?0,000 FEE w/uawnable finanCitll at 11.7K. ?H-1501. M D Alft CHA IACllPICI PllCI OP $169,900 . This English Tudor style home is vacant and waiting for a new owner. It is ~tom built with many features normally found only in higher priced properties. Notice the bay window and artistic wooden planter boxes. What you can't 9ee in the picture are the five skylights, uM!d brick entryway, ceramic tile kitchen flooring, secluded patio or the lpfta found in each of the large bedrooms. Added to that is a spacious family room and three full baths which make this cmy five year old home located only two miles from the ocean truly an exceptional value in today's market. For mote tnfonnation, pleaae call 5~-7035. llACH INCOMI 'IOPEITY . HU"'9NGTON HAllOUI Two attractive new triplexes located within walking distance of the ocean and one half ·block from the propoeed Bolsa Chica Marina. 'nle9e are pride of ownership buildinp with superb design and floor plans. All six units are two bedrooms. two and one half baths with wood burning fireplaces and lofts that could be converted to an extra bed.room. Vacancv factor in this excellent location ii almost zero. Available indi'lidually at $320,000 each or make the aeller an offer on both. Complete financing information available at 556-7035. DIVONWOOD ISTAllS 3500 SQUAD Pin POil $315,000 This is the much IOUght after Chel9N Model with five bedrooms and three full batM. For the Jarae family this home of approximately 3.~ square feet has it all!! The muter bedroom suite fa particularly enchanttna and Includes a luxurious aunken oval tub and .eparate tiled shower. 'nlere la a separate family room with wet bar and a 15'x21' .bonus room fot the kida. 111.ia entire residence has been profellionally decorated including custom draj>ee throughout! Formal dining is provided aa well as an eatine aree off the kitchen wrut decotative ceiling fan. The kitchen is a marvel in itself with gas builtins, microwave, trash compac:tot and aoft water. Custom brick work and spa oom.plete the picture perfect back yard. Call us for details on the excellent uawnable Joana or the suprisingly affordable price in todays mark.et. 963-5671. HUNTINGTON HAllOI POllY.PIVI POOT aOAT DOCK Channing waterfront Cape Cod located on the boat parade route. F.nonnoUI llvtni and formal dining rooms faoe the water. Forty five foot dock awmmodatea up to a M' boat. Glw enclmed 1>9tio wUh .•sw:ioua deck. Tm entryway with iron 81!CU.rity pte. Two larae fireplaces. Seller will help finance at lK. Tti1a ex.ceptional value in waterfront property ia offered at $558,000. 983-5671. luafllDI CUSTOM NOMI OCIAN AND aAY VllWI • IU0,000 Th.la natural cedar and .,_ hom9 on two ..... lotl often incredible value Im the clia'imimtaw bu,er. Three ltor1es of uncan ... a ~ conla&m nwy .......... u....-"'clltdlnc o.ar .,. __ ....,.llU_ floor1na and auper pkllh carpettne. Tliiee ttamnd e6Cht UndNd 1quare feet are praem.d In one of the mGI\ unique Ooar plans Wlt've teen in .... time. Of CIOUllllt ......... °" deddna with • c.wtm\ ... '°link Into. 11.e ownUe ....... ~ .. IUtamadc openlt .... Of all our owner will flnaam'"wilh Gnly l°" down.'! '1'hll truly II a hoaie that mmt ~ aeen llD be ...,.miect and we would be deli&bted llD make an appointment for you.-&58-7038. • .. , ' JU >' 14 -Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/8aturday, NoYemtMw 18, 1112 \ . EROM CENTURY .21 WAlK-IN REAlTY Tit. Top S.Hlng C.ntury 21 FrondtiH in tit. U.S. REGISTER FOR A FREE DOLLHOUSE DRAWING AT ·ANY OF THE FOLLOWING OPEN HOUSES OR AT ANY OF OUR WALK-IN REALTY OFFICES! Look for our balloons at ~ach open house OPEN SAT /SUN, (see below) NOV. 13 & 14, 12-5 I081 MANORAELO, HUNT. BEACH. $275,000. 2 yr. old Bolla lendmertl. Huge master w /t>M:ony, IWge family rm+ CClnY9rMtlon pit w/eo:cy l'lreplece. SAT ONLY 11181 ENORY. GARDEN GROVE, S149,900. 4 bdrms + din. centr81 alf. SAT ONLY 19932 ROTHERT, HUNT. BEACH. 8Md\ Giant. 4 ~ bdrme. Family rm + pool & spa. 0nty 3 yn oldl Beet buy under-$200.000 In Hunt. Beactt. SAT ONLY 18771. DEBRA. HUNT. BEACH. $119,900. Charming country cottl!IQ8 neer park. Exceptnl v81oe. SAT /SUN 11f81 GREENVIEW, HUNT. BEACH. Set on 15th talf'way. Up91ra/Owrletrt gott courae views. Locel pric»I SAT 11889 MT. CIMAREON, FOUNTAIN VALLEY. OeYonwood &tat-. 2nd story muter w/bak:Ony. Family rm wt_. of glMa +views ot spa & partl-llke grounds. SAT. 3402 GILBERT, HUNT. BEACH. $430,000. Hunt. H•bor'a bergaln ot CentUIYl Large waterlront homewL40' lllpl SAT. 1'3 10TH ST., HUNT. BEACH. Steps to surf. New. but old-world ctiarm. 4 bdrms. hot-tub & IUndeck. SAT 20442 GRAYSTONE, HUNT. BEACH. S&S Tri-level. ledi lded muter ate, 20x22 bonlJI rm, gazebo & partt-lke ~SAT . 11188 SANTA SUZANNE. FOUNTAIN VALLEY: Lg. 4 bdnn w/eky 11r plan. W•t ~tam. rm. & Country Kit. SAT 1171 HUMBOLDT, HUNT. BEACH. Howeofgia.uduaiYe ltumbotdt Ill. 4 bdrme +pool. Oney $40,000 dnl SAT 1411 NEWBURY, HUNT. BEACH. Country kit. + ..terie1ner·1 Hv. rm. + twln-llud muter & o"'9lnd Wrma. SAT. G12 FMIHEllA HUNT. BEACH. Mordllllte houlir'I .. 11111t Uk.-new conc111on. see.ooo 1u1y _...... ioen @ "*' 17112 WRtOHTWOOO, HUNT. BEACH. 1124,000. Prtde of OW1Wltllp . ..,.. dnl1o Int. Wow! fully wmble VA of -.000 @ 1U%8AT ::.'~a =:c. ~H~r~~-4 bdrm 17111 TOfVAIE. '<>UNTA .. YAU.EV. Tiiie S bdrm home .... a a..... clr*'O room.~ betN. SAT ONLY l.... TYPHOON. HUNT. BeACH. eo.1111...,iwy a eeoryon t;;li.d lllmd. 42' llp on rNlr'I c:NnMI. Ni .._.,..show .... ~ '40.000 dnl SUN ONLY IOl41 ,BANCROFT. HUNT. •E,\CH. A-Fr.,.._by ..... W pmecy wlUfl ....... II I 11rMN. SAT 942ZSEAN WAY, HUNT. BEACH. 1140,000. 4 bdmw. 1'A beth. Quiet c:uk»-uc. Or•t tamlty location! SUN OHL Y . 10032 BIRCHWOOO, HUNT. BEACH. WOW at 1225,000I 4 bdrma, 2'A beth. M«edlttl G.,dena. SUN 200I W. HEMLOCt<. SANTA ANA. 1171,900 4 bdmw, 21A bdl. Pool, jacuzzt, & centr81 lllr. SUN ONLY 17853 SANTA MARIA, FOUNTAIN VALLEY. Thta 3 bdrm, 1~ bath home NI new carpee. thruout -a beauty of a buy tor only 1129,000. SUN ONLY 6072 COMANCHE, '(iESTMINSTER. Highly upgraded 3 bdrm, 2 bath hOme w/lota of emotional appMI. VA o•tt SUN 18219 SANTA SOPHIA. FOUNTAIN VALLEY. Thta 3 bdrm. 2 bath S163,000 home In planned community nelghbomood Inc. pool, ateem room., c:tubhouee. W/20% down, owner wtlt help flnan. SUN OHL Y 21381 BRETON. HUNT. BEACH. Low prtce Seabury, wt111 to beech end wtll ... VA, only S133,9501 9..e GOLDENROD, COSTA MESA. 1194,000. Specilll 4 bdnn, 2 battl Gr9enbr00k home ,,_. South Coe9t Pteza. SUN 18731 MT. MtCHAEL. FOUNTAIN VALLEY. Werm end ~ ttwuout. 4 bdnn. pool & spa. Sedllded cut de w:. Take owr 1174,000. SAT/SUH 18132 BA.AUNA. HUNT. BEACH. Country French on -1 4 bdrml, atrium. cNnnet view & excel. F1nanc. 1175,000. SAT/SUN . 18841 BOLEAO, HUNT. BEACH. Arc:t'"9Ct'1 Or-..nt Euc. mstr *· + retreet, 3 rm. klde wing + lloor/cellng nv. rod! trplc. 40' dock1 .. WI tor '916.000t SAT/8UN 1-..& PONDEAOSA. FOUNTAIN VAU.EY. 4 1M1r1M + den + ~ blllt'I for only 1171,IOOI IA T l8UN IOl1 JASONWOOO. HUNT. BIACH. 1277.IOO. A to-, home, 4 bdrma. 3 beth, & a pool, tGllf IAT/8UN 11132 8HOAELINE, #8 HUNT. BEACH. Fow modm to ehooee from. 1113,000 to 1128,000. Some tno • ..,_. SATlllUH Mlt HIDDEN WAY, GARDIN~ 1107.000. 2 ...._ 2~ blllll. Quiet end unit. ColtdO w/pool. IPA. NO roo. & bey......._ SAT/BUN IMI AnON ~HUNT. IUCtt. l •.a. S lldnft, I ..,_,,_.a--.""'* a._..._""' IATllUN 20111 TRANQUIL LAl9. HUNT. IUGt. • ....... ..,._ •I ... elder.ct a panlble AV-. Qnlr l iat,°"' SAf/8UN. '1HO IOWA ST .. COSTA M ESA. 1125,000. All the Amenltle91 A fentaatlc: Buyt 3 bdrm, 2 bath. s.. It on SAT/SUN 8851 OEAEKaACLE. HUNT. BEACH. 3 bdnn, 2 bathwltrg ,.CS. RV~ frpk:. VA <*I 1110.000. SAT/SUN 8812 SEAWAY CIR., HUNT. BEACH. '2'9,000. 8eQenllv decor. home w/4 bdrma, 3 bath. Don't mla9j' SAT/SUN - 18271 SANTA LAUAE'l'fA. FOUNTAIN VALLEY. 2,000 ft of IMnQ apece on one ftootl 4 bdnM, 2 bethe. GI .. !bl OOk. S1d,900. V... tN1 lovely home on SAT/SUN 18350 HEMLOCK, FOUNTAIN VALLEY. 1 129,900. ~ flnane. for thll greet 3 bdrm, 1t'• beah hclrM. SAT/SUN 8751 SWALLOW. FOUNTAIN VALLEY. 1154,900. Feeturlftg a aper1dlng pool & 4 bdrme & 2'A bath. SAT/SUN 19971 FELCLIFF, HUNT. BEACH. $225,000. BMutlful former Landmattc Model Home, ftSYthlng upgil eded, 4 bdnM. 2'A beth, tNly a ftndl SAT /SUH 1IOM SAHTA CECtLIA. FOUNTAIN VALLEY. Frplc. lg tub/ Red•ood bthrm + bonus qn hlllte this 4-5 bdrm Gl .. lbloolt SAT18UN 18a SANTA EU0BM. FOUNTAIN VALLEY. o. .. lbiOOk home W/epeltllng pool & 4 bdn"M & 1~ Mii\. 1195,000.. SAT/SUN 3871 AQUAAIUS, HUNT. HAA80fl 1571,000. Thta hlgNf ~homeNlecla~~ ... ~ ...... 8 bdnN +a Illa A 'MaiM .... M'f"ISUN 1 .... MNTA CAIWILA. POUNT'Mt VALLEY. TNe I tldnlt.IMlh ...... ....._ellllJOOll ·•-........... ol 11, ...... Wll ....._ w/_,,, 1CM ...._ SATllUN 207l1 El rza.llTM ~· 8UCH. 3 IMha, I b1e fAVL._-. 1 a-.-...... ..... 1172 ~ CGUAMllA. ..... .___.. ~°;',.::."' -_, ft tin -.& 1 Mlle ta .._..., .. .,.. PL, ~tmA. • ...._ 1-~ • .._.,....,,._ ........ _.Ml"'* :>range County Reel Estate/An Advertl8'ng Supplement to the DAILY PILOJ/Saturday, NOY9mber 13, 1982 -15 EQUAL HOU...o O~~OflTUNITY ,.. ............. All rNI •tate .a...rtleed In this newspaper la sullject to the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1"8 wtiich makea It itleQllt to lldvertlae "any prefwen- ~. llmltatk>n or dlactlml· nation baaed on rec:e. color. rellglon, sex or netlonal origin. or any Intention to make any such Pfefetence, llmlta· •• tk>n or dltctlminatk>n." COUOPlllWflGf4f MAI.TOM . .... -.c... ... ,. c-... ... IH·Htt This ~aper will not knowlnqty accept any lldvertlalng lor real ff· -------- tate wtllch la In vlolatk>n 1-2 LIT of the law. Latga & lovely 2 Br 2 Ba ''!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil home 1oc:a1ec:t near Npt I~ Hgta. Heve 99proved ----------------Ellllla Advert!· sers should check their ads daily and report errors Im· med lately. The DAILY PILOT as- sumes liability for the first incorrect insertion only. .,.1Mit knocks often when you UM r~...gettlng Dall) Pilot C~aaamed Ada to reach tM Orange Coaal marlurl. PhOne 642-5678 plans lor 2nd unit. A•· aume 1121,000 12.1% loen Owner will help fl. nanc:e. 631 ·7370. 87~768 TR \Di 110\.. \I f<f \1 r) For Claasllled Ad ACTION c.a. Dally Pilot A[).\'ISOR &42-5678 WWllWl1D YllW ••&•UPI• THE MOST UNIQUE NEW HOME on Hazel Dr. SP~ACULAR VlEWS of window rock tide pools and canyons from poolside & livi ng are a . EXPANSIVE 4 bedroom, 7 years new. CALL FOR EXCLUSIVE SHOWING of this security gated residence. m.- 1111111 The IHt"t draw In the Have eomethlng you want WHt ..• a Dally Piiot to Mil? Clualfled Ilda do CllSllfied Ad. Clll Today It wall I Call NOW. &42-5878. &42-5678. Being above every other club in the desert means many things. If you live in a Tennis Townhome, it means drinking in magnificent views from your rooftop observation deck, located just above the master bedroom suite. Or relaxing in the privacy of l&YlmPUll Spectacular bayfronn:lplx 2 bl', 2 ba up; 2 bl' 2 ba dn. 2 boat epaces!. Reduced • $1,500,~. •••11• un Coronado laland CUlll. baytront tot. a• boa• dock. Pi.n. anil. Now $370,000 wl--. BILL GRUNDY. REnLTOR ~ -. . . . ' _____ _.. IT'lls •IDTlll * 2 spec. NB. condos, llSI -slc»-by-tide. Nr CdM Ht. On the golf course. Faltl lal. ManyamenltleL Custom beeutllul 3 Bdrm Comm. pool. Dealfable home. meny, many ••· rental umta. Good H · tru. 1279.500 with 10% aurn. loans. call Sally. down 'owner .. r:.ry .. 12'~% Inter•. .., ......... Ml-llJI IJ~ COlY AUTHENTIC FRENCH REGENCY Super view home in secure guard gated hilltop Newport Beach community. Snuggled among mansions with forever view or harbor. ocean & kaleid08C0pic horizon.Romance is paramount in this warm 4 BR, 5 Bath, library & 2 family room home JNith master suite & elegant" bathing seutng. Among multi-miJJjon dollar homes, this charming, elegant property can be yours for only $1.695,000 with adorable financing or $1,500.000 cash. Also will trade for co mmercial property. Available fo r lease-option $50,000, option payment $7000 per month. Call Tom Allinson to see immediately -preferably at sunset. 644-6200 JO..year financing subsidized to 10"'• % (11 % APR) for 5 years on some models, substantial discounts to cash buyers, and a generous decorating allowance which you can use to purchase furniture and accessories from our Design Center. Come up to Ironwood today. your own courtyard spa. . It also means championship tennis, golf artd a combination of privacy, protection from the wind, scenic beauty, and amenities COMEUP10 You'll be toasting your good ._ fortune for years to come. IRONWOOD 49-200 Mariposa Drive ,~ .. ~ , .. ... that no other dub can match. The TennisTownhomes start in the mid $150,000s. For a limited time we're offering Palm Desert, CA 92260 (619) 346-0551 Sales office open 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. 11>•1 Ill .. .. ' .. • ·1 18 -Orange County Real Estate/An Advertlalng Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, Novef1'ber 13, 1982' u • •••• ,_ ••• m Liii Channing 3 bedroom home with lots of extras. You own the land. Great family home. Price reduced $45,000. Beautiful large comer lot. Walk to the bay, Balboa Island, and Fashion Island. Owner motivated. This could be best buy in CDM. $320,000. Financlrig available. 114;1 --· .,..... -1111• 1-1 1PYRA11 NIL m lfA PIUUNI Two-story Nantucket 4 br. with beautiful Sunset pool surrounded by 14,000 red bricks. Tastefully decorated throughout with wallpapers a nd shutters. Shows like a model home! Pvjany upgrades. Seller will finance. Submit down. $760,000 incl. land. DILllM ............. L•rge 3 Br 3b•. •ti home wlf8mlly rm. •11um•bl• ilxed r•t loenl Enjoy belillt.lflil .. •nd HCUrlly g•l••I Comm. pool •nd club hOUHI S 178,000. C•ll now 979-5370 \ f . ·/I I 11 r /t LINDA . ISLE $795,000 .. ,.. ... Ul.llA llUll C h a r m i n g n ea r -n e w 2 -st or Y !·-..:...:;.:J-~ijijimmiiiiiiiiiiiiiij[-architectural gem. 4 Bdrm.a, fam. rm. Quality design and deror throughout. Designed for guest quacten. Priced to sell $595,000. Seller finance. No loan fee. 211 ...... ""' llll• 1-1 Ullil Y11W all .. 1111 Quiet, park-like setting. Rm. for paddle tennis and pool. Great for orchard. Cul de sac st. 3 bdnns. ram. rm. $299,500. tow ground lease $375 year, 17 years before adjustment. • 1211 m WEIT, -IPO Ill/-1-1 •WNIT 1111111 • MITA IDA Channing 4 Br. & family room, 2 brick ·fire places. country kitchen. quiet residential area in young development. Seller will finance. $229,000 Fee. Ul -1• ft.Ill Wll llllm 1·1 .,..,asmraaa• Detached 3 bdrms, 2 ~ ba. home on greenbelt near community tennis and pool. $11•,000 in a.um. loans & you own the land. $135,000. $21,000 down. WUUY I. TA ...... IUl.Tm 1111 ......... ... .Jl ..... ,.MT, ...... u; MMI• BEST IN BLlfFS IUT ll'f. Lovely 20001q. ft. 3 bdrm, 2'h baths, fam." rm., wk!fu1reenbek. MV pool..~ $235,000 ........ -ua. WILL .,.._ Oood terms. By aiJPt. ... I & 3 bath, fam rm, form din., wide greenbelt. 2eoo "I· ft. $250.000 . .. 1.. 1111 ,.. ... , .. .. 1~ D11W1"9 ..... alMl9tlil Ha ....... llrlletl ................ ,_ ...,.. -"Kensington" w/loft. SUPER plush carpets, stained glass, spa in entry. This home has it all! Assumable loans + owner financing. Now only $595,000. Darle ne H e rman 752-1414. LUU IPllll 11 l&lltl llMI View! View! View! 3BR'a + Fam. rm, library & spa. Only ~.000 option money, $2250/mo. $510,000. Call Lila Harper for details. 752-1414. mr•llW-wmNll This 3 BR home offers a spacious, U1ht & airy fe@lin1 w /11 bedroom• & plenty of storage. ~ ~arct is very private w/Jc pool, a. cabllna. Good f1nancina is available. $249,500 . BUI Wecfmore 561-8700 . .... ,_ .......... Unique property & country U'M. e Bil. 3~ BA, tam. rm. &para1e kitchen, formal dlntn1 rm. 2 levela, pool w/deck opem off lanai & paUo deck off muter 8R. Good finandftll. flt94500. Marion Frizzell "1-ITOo . ,_ mm1 IT 1111,111 .. ,., .... _ 1 bedroom penthouse overlooking central court. Many amenities. Pool. saunas, etc. Owner will help with financing. YlllNll'llEllUT Keep your 8~' boat in the slip you own in front of this spacious condo on the Lido turning basin. 2 bedrooms & den, 2 bat.ha plus 1eparate captain's quarters. Walk to Lido Village. Perfect for corporate investment. an.111.••a.. This 3 bdrm home offers one of the best street IO street locations on the Island. Features a lovely patio, perfect for entertaining. Den, eJttra wide 1ot. 3 car garage. A must to see. $495,000. 1111111Y UNI Newport Beech a>ndo bt floor, l bdrm. 1 bath, like new, beautiful pool and epa areas. Aa.unable loan. Lowe9t price in Ver.ilia. tl 1 .. 000. --- * * Ill FIYEI Harbor Realty welcomes Nan Fryer, a real estate profe91ional with extensive experience and education in ll!Sidential and investment real estate. Nan was railed in nearby Whittier and graduated from U.S .C. where she affiliated with ~ Pi Beta Phi Sorority. In 1968, Nan moved to Corona del Mar to teach in the Newport-Mesa School District Mentally Gifted Minors PJ"OfV811l. Our community has benefited from her civic activities including the Corona del Mar Chamber of Commerce, Trojan Guild and she currently serves as president of the Orange County Guild of the John Tracy Clink. Nan was bitten by the real estate bug in 1978 and immediately became a a.op proc:h.K"er in the Newport-Mesa Board of Realtors. She has completed more than 100 units of D.R.E. certifie4 counea, is a member of the Nationat Council of Exchangers a nd has received her certification in syndication, limited partnerships, residential and investment properties. There Is an old expresaion, "li you want the job done. give it to a busy penon." U you are thinking of selling or want to buy real estate, call Nan. She will get the job done! She ls busy becau.e she is Suc:.'CeSI ( ul. 0 _,_ . ::>range County Real Estate/An Advertlai Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, November 13, 1982 -17 ... _ 114 llPITll Stop by Set/Sun 1·•· Turkey drawing. No down, low down on this !Owly Coeta M-. 3 Bt 2 8 • aunahlne home. Country charmer, lrg corner lot. Only $110, 00 0. Diana Cap pel, UM2M' RVM~ --- ""' ....... Boat & RV accaa1 , c:uetom c:ablneta. country kit. wlflreplace. Np quellfylngo-low down. DON'T DELAY CALI. DIANA TOOAYI ... Nl&IL-lllll ....... ........ ..... ......... ·a e••······ •• ................. r r ••• ee. ce-. "'" .. ·~ .. , ~" :-:==-.... .. e Mii 1ne .... ca.., a.ti ................ •••• el ••e •• e -., ...... .. ••e• ........ ... ............. T•e ••e•e-·• •• ............. ·1 n•r•...--. ............ -. •eet ...... ·~···· ,.... ...... ...._ II ... ...... T91e MIU Mot ,...... ... _ ... =·---· ... IF i -... --. ... ~ ... •re•1e Ce•••r ......... • , ••e •• e •• "11!• Jiii i ...... • • ueu .... ..... ,e ...... j PETE ' BARRETI REALTY C....'-1• ,,,, •••••••••••••••••••••• '". HER ITAGE Pf Al TnR.., ...... ,_...., mTm.L•11-. OWSpottaeac ~ ~ P riced UOK below tet-1.~ .. term mattiac. • Bt. 2 ea. Open 3br/3be+5bfl3ba-1 .. Sat/Sun 1-5. 509 Acacia-Wiik to ... ~ co.ta MeN St . Open HM Sat/Sun ~·5 c.11 87~1415 Aoent. • Ownerlbtlr 645-7048 -------':;._- Ml -t•o~!'!~ mkt, BY OWNER. 2 bdrm, 2 ~on 4 Br 2~ Ila! be. Den. Undlr mar1lat -.um. toanal Poulble price ot 1275,000. 10~131% dwnl Johf\ ?M-1811 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil :z..noe. t*r. 7ec>-Mlt .,.1 ...... Owner wll( t~b•ldlH ..,.,..... for ,. ,,_, 5 Bdrm, 3ba In MESA VE.M>I. l 1ft,500. Prln Oflly .... l3IO Mon thN Fri. REIM~ This custom bu ilt oceanfront home features elegant E uropean detaiUng, impressive stone & wood exterior, with leaded & beveled glass windows. 3 bedrooms & 3 baths, 2 fireplaces & much , m u ch m o r e . Po111ble tax advantage in easy convenion to d uplex. .,_ ... Im AT 11 .... (ll61lulll .... ,.. ...... ) PleMe call for broch~ ........ All Yll'LL i.nE ,, ...... ICWI YIEW 1111,-FEE IEIT .. lun IEllllEL ........ Fa.L .... YllW 4 BDRM & 5 BATHS STARNES COMPANY 3 Bdrm, Bba. 2000 sq TWO 1.0NGS ft(•pprox) Only $199, 900. 673-net or 7CI0-'597 ___ ... ·Ullll YIEW 38drm.2~. $129,900. llMES John Ast· 131-7900 Love.t. Montego Model 1.ost Lady'• Diamond on q ttrMI. 4 L>drms, Watch. Vic. F••hlon 2 be. lormal din. rm lala'ldl BBCRC RewlWd CoYered S*llo with built- 673-9G3t In BBO end 1"9pll. This PRICE REDUCED I• • mutt He before $239,000 .... LH. deciding on anything Easy Owner flnandng. 5 .....sauoo. &drm. c:toee to ec:hOols, shopping. Open Seti Sun . Agent Hedda 84$-1044 or ~-t742. 2allllTI .... Newiy decor. 3 bdrm. '139.500. >Ont t.-°' &l&OO IMNIOf*on Open Sat. 12-4.""' 7~795 "~ dptil, :Je' boat ,mo.sit: .. _ dodl. a.t buy on waeer. ByOwrw~ ........ WILITI ... ............... -View gatild OOfNnUo Auumable V.1.fl loan, nltylnc~·' ... llrld. 3 "' a. :': •~•· ""ef wlll ••· lol. l'rlClllld II 11.000 c ange, aullll w t -..... ~ .. mm am ~1111 acM CALL JO.N9f DORAN -..11 SPYl.ASS ~ °""*• I llr, =· ta-~ ""· tt•. no ao. .... Mh W~751 ()pf! ....... 1-1. 4 9Clt,,.., Own• Nye ·-""'°" "" .. ._. Crow . ..... ,,. ·-S aelr•. I Illa. ••II· --= Of ..... op. *"· ,IGO. °Ir.' ....,._ 11-6 Klllgt "'*'· - .· .. -1·- 18 -Orange Countv Real Estate/An Adv9rtiling Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, Novembef 13, 1982 HOUSES FOR SALE 2 BEDftOOM 11 7 Marine, Balboe Island 631-1400 $254,000 SatlSun 1-5 3121 3rd Ave., Corona del Mar 759-9100 $215,000 Sat 1-5 232 Magnolia. Cotta M ... 759-9100 $162,500 Sun 1-5 138 Walnut, E-slde, Costa Meea 754-1648 $134,500 Sat/Sun 1-4 •100 Udo Pane Or, # 12, UdoPen 831-1400 $25,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 *700 Udo Park Dr, #14, lldoPen 831-1400 $25,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 18205 Bayberry Wy, Univ. Pn, Irv. 957-0701 Handk:8pped Sun 1-4 207 E. 18th St., eo.ta Mela 631-7370 $178,500 Sun 1-5 2308 Clff (Newport Hats) N.8. 642-5200 $359,soel Sun 1-4 * * 10 Batboe eov.. Newport Bch 644-6200 $495,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2 ....... ,All_ Of .... 2132 Viste Entr8da. Bluffs; NB 644-e200 S2n,500-F• Sat 1-4 824 Hyde Court, Coeta Mela ~ 1134,000 Sat 2-5 3497 Queens Ct (Wlmbldn Vig) CM 645-0303 1158,000 Sun 2-4:30 5102 W. 1st St. #A, Santa Ana 645-0303 se.t,900 Sun 1-4 1824 Port 8tktfna Pt, Nwpf1 8ctl 848-7171 8*,IOO SM/Sun 1-5 3491 au..na Ct (Wlmbldn Vig) CM 645-0303 118'7,500 sa 2-11a 2-4:ao This Weekend ! * 19 CUrt Or., Jasmine Cl't(, Vu/CdM 640-161511-728-5151 Sat/Sun 12-4 I mDWll 128 28th St. (e.lboe) Nwpr1 Bch 759-9100 $389,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 *25« Weltmlnst• (E/Slde) CM. 642-6388 $132,500 Sun. 12-4 11 Rue Verte, Big CMyon, NB 2131470-2880 1480.500 Sat/Sun 11-5 282 Santo Tomea, Coeta Mela &45-3271 $150,000 Sat/Sun P.M. 314 Mar'lgold, Corona def Mar 831-1400 teel,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 **903 38th St., nr. Lido VII NB 87M778 $596,000 Sat/Sun Ml 1218 09vof'I (W.clfrf) N.B. 831-1298 S238,500 Sat/Sun 1-4:30 1543 S...iede T_,, (Irv.Terr.) CdM ........ 810 $320,000 Fee Sat/Sun 1-5 2338 Rutgers, eo.ta Mela • • 548-3375 1132,000 Sat/Sun 12-5 438 82nd St., N9wport 8tn., Npt 8ctl 875-1771 $218,000-tee Sat 1-5 818 Vie Udo Soud, Udo Ille. NB 873-7300 *317,512 Sun 1-4 418 AbMy "'"'· Coeta ..... 71C)...8U3 St71,000 Set 1-1 3411 0cmn aw., Cof'OM., u. 7I0-11GO, ~1--,000 b 1-a 1411 0. Ad. (CM Hwft) NB M2-llOO 'IUl.OOO • 8un1-4 I 911 plue ,All Ml °" Dae 402 Bucknell (College Pk) CM 645-9181 $124,SOO • Sat 12-4 f8e3 Braemer Wlff, Newport Bead'I 758-9100 1349,900 Sun 1-5 109 Via &naueno (Mar. Pt.) San Clem. 759-9100 $485,000 Sat 1-5. 1218 Key Weet (Hrbr Vu His) CdM &«-4010 $299,500-LH Sun 1-5 2611 CWcte Dr. (8aylhorea) NB 645-e218 $269,000-UH Sun 1-4 218 Via Koron, Udo, ... , N.B. 644-9080 $430,000 Sun 1-5 **1036 Polerla Dr. (Ovr Shrs) NB 759-9100 $899,000 Sun 1-5 2491 Cr•tvlew Dr., Newport Bead'I 644-7020 $495,000 Sun 1-5 1135 Pembrook•. Newport Beach 645-5555 $264,900 Sat 1-4 62 Drakes Bey, Newport Beach 644-7020 · $475.000 Sun 1-4 * 1927 Santiago (Baycrelt) NB 850-1356 $299,000 Sun 1-5 20172 Harbor ra1e Ln., Hunt. Beech 549-2330 $138,000 Sat/Sun *511 Irvine Ave., Nwpt Hgta, NB 556-4982 $299,500 Sat/Sun 10-4 * 1472 Galaxy, Dover Shor•. NB 642-2510 $895,000-F• Sat/Sun 1-5 * 1a.8 Port Sheffteld, Newport Bch 780-1302 $329,750 Sun 1-5 **38 Balboa Coves, Newport 8ctl 850-9187 $488,500 Set/Sun 1-5 -25 Malnull (....,.,.,Ck) CdM 640-9582 $314,900 Sun 1-4 217 Vie Ithaca, Udo !ale, N.B. 673-6494 1487,500 Sun 1-5 *204 Via Ebol, Udo ..... N.B. 873-7300 $550,000 Sun 1-4 101 Via Genoa Udo ..... H.B. 873-7300 $895,000 Sun 1-4:30 * * 1821 Baya6de, Corona del Mar 780-8333 $1,385,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2001 YllOht Aeec*M (S..W) NB 1~ '425.000 Sat 1-5 34 ha._. .. (Ttttrtt) Irv. 7.,_ 121D.OOO Sat/Sun 1-5 2211 Golden Cr •• •••:Port IMctt M-7171 '211.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1807 Comw.11 (WwluM) NB 642-6200 12•.soo Sun 1-5 1525 E. OoMr'I Bl., 8alboe Pentn 642-5200 S480,000 Sun 1-4 ' *1724 Temipln w.,, Ba)CNet, Mt 831-7300 '380.000 Sun 1-4:30 4515 Perham, 0.... 8horm, CdM 644 eoee NM,000 Fee Sun 1-4 ** 1044 Poe.ta Dr., Oovw Stwa. .. 831-7300 1115,000 9un 1-4:30 2307 FalrMI. PMlport ~ ........ $215.000 Sat/Sun 11-5 1ao1 DalpNl1 Terr., Irv. Terr:.&.~ ea1-noo 1111.000 ..,..,..1-4:30 :>range County Real Estate/An Advertialng Supplement to the DAILY PIL~T/Saturday. November 13, 1982 -19 . 4 BEDROOM 114 Ruby, Balboa Island 631-1400 $425,000 Sat 1-5 28 Drakes Bay, Spyglass 631-1400 $449,500 Sat 1-5 *4539 Orrington Rd., CdM 631-1266 $740,000 Sun 1-5 2404 Vista Hogar, Newport Beach 644-7020 $169,500 Sat 1-4 *4621 Gorham, Cameo Shores, CdM 64.t-90eo $769,000-Fee Sun 1-4 4 BR plua FAM RM or DEN 2315 Arana. E-Blutt, N.B. 644-6200 $199,950 L.H. Sat/Sun 1-5 1152 Kingston, Wimbledon. Costa Mesa 546-2313 $230,000 Sun 12:30-4 1255 Somerset, Costa Mesa 631-7370 $355,000Sun 1:30-4' 210 Via San Remo, Lido Isle, N.B. 675-30.S/673-2556 Sun 1-5 •5 Colonial. Northwood, Irvine 631-7300 $230,000 Sat 1-4:30 932 Coronado (Mesa del Mar) CM 631-7370 $145,900 Sun 1-41:30 1115 Highland Dr .• West.cliff, N.B. 631-7300 $300,000 Sat 1-4:30 •49 Montectto, Spyglass, N.B. 759-1501 $449,900 Sun 1-5 •910 Nottingham, Dover Shra, NB 759-1501 $279,000 Sun 1-5 *4626 Roxbury, Cameo Shrs, CdM 759-1501 $670,000-Fee Sat/Sun 1-5 1912Z Biddle Dr .. Trtlrk, Irvine , 759-1501 $208,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 510 Aliso, Newport Beach 631-1266 $350,000 Sat/Sun 12-41 9 Sun River (Woodbridge) Irvine 760-8333 $299,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 133 Vla Undlne, Lido Isle, N.B. 64-4-9060 $745,000 Sun 1-41 * 1848 Port Sheffleld. HV Hms, NB 64-4-9060 $329,750 Sun 1-41 * 1400 Nottingham Rd., Westcflff, NB 631-7300 $356,000 Sun 1-41:30 1031 Cheyenne, Costa Mesa · 957-5880 $144,900 Sat/Sun 12-5 -1118 Somerset Ln., West cf I ff •. NB 631-7300 $475,000 Sun 1-4:30 **633 Bayside Dr, Prom.Bay, NB ' 644-9060 $1,100,000 • Sun 1-5 19.S POrt Chelsea, NewPort Beach 648-7171 $330,000 Sun 1-5 •1840 Tradewlnda, Baycrest, NB 644-9060 $359,500 Sun 1-4 * 1955 Flamingo Dr, Mesa Verde, CM 631-7300 $2.45,000 Sun 1-41:30· 1015 Yacht Puritan, Seavlew, NB 631-7300 $475,000 Sun 1-41:30 3212~ Blvd .• Corona del Mar 631-7300 $985,000 S.t/Sun 1-41:30 1112 Westellff (Westellff) NB ~ 842-5200 '255,000 Sun 1·5 2708 Gannet, Coeta Mesa 546-2313 •112,500 I Sa 11:30.-3:30 Sun 12-4 *3185 Bermuda. Coeta MeM 831-1298 S155,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 4iT. 18th"~· Coeta MeM 944-4110 S221,ooo.Fee .. Sat/Sun 1·5 1635 ...., v..w Cit (SIMiia Roe> CdM_ 75'-0100 '826,000 --Sat 1-4 11 Elln, INlne ~. IN." 558-0S78 S148,IOO s.t/Sun 12-4 114 Via Enaueno (Mar. Pl.) San Clem 759-9100 $875,000 Sat 1-5 133 Via Undlne, Lido Isle, N.B. 644-9060 8 Rue Vlllars, Newport Beach Sun 1-5 631-1266 $700,000 _. Sun 1-5 2706 Lighthouse (HVHls) CdM 675-6000 $429,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2515 Windover, Corona del Mar 675-6000 $4291500 Sat/Sun 1-5 * 14 Burning Tree Road (Big Cyn) NB 644-4910 $695,000-Fee Sun 1-5 •4601 Camden, Corona def Mar 760-9215 $795,000 Sun 1-5 320 Seaward, Shorectlffs 631-1400 $425,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 201 Larkapur, Corona del Mar 631-1400 $1 ,875,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 *4527 Fairfield Dr, CdM 631-1266 $745,000 Sun 1-5 1441 Galaxy Dr (Dover Shores) NB 548-5647 $420 000 Sat/Sun 1-5 ••5-42 Hrbr Isl Dr(Prom. Bay)NB 759-9100 $1,200,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 213 Diamond, Balboa Island 644-4910 $595,000-Fee Sat/Sun 1-5 •487 E•ther St.. Cotta Mesa 631-1266 $208,000 Sat 1-5 # 14 Point Loma, Spyglass 11111a, CdM 673-4400 . .$723,400 Sun 1-41 222 Via Palermo, Lido 18'8, N.B. 673-7300 $367,000 Sun 10-1 * 101 Via Flor8"Ce, Udo Isle, NB 673-7300 $595,000 Sun 2-41:30 4 Trafalgar (Hrbr Adg) N.B. 760-8333 $1,795,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2425 22nd St .. Newport Beach 760-1900 $695,000 Sat/Sun 12-4 18891 Antioch (Trtlrk) ll"YI 552-7500 $235,000 Sun 1·5 2111 Yacht Wanderer, Seavlew, CdM 644-6200 $395,000 Sat 1-5 *1812 Port Slrtlng (HrbrVuHms) NB 760-6333 $375,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 * 1132 Ebbtlde, Corona del Mar 640-7246 $695,000-fee · Sun 1-5 I 9EDROOM 1204 Ave. Buena ~e. San C'9m 759-9100 $885,000 Sat/Sun 1-41 442 Begonia (Ofd CdM) CdM 675-4000 $549,500 S1t/8un 1-5 * •219 Via Udo Soud, Udo , ... 780-1900 $1,~.ooo Sun 12-4 * 708 Via Udo Nord, Udo lal, NB 675-6181 $1,500.000 Sun 1~5 **4028 Ch&llnel Pl., Nwpt lal, NB 673-0202 $865,000, Sun 11-5 2912 Carob, EMtbluft, Nwpt a..ct'I • -'84-4-1742 S239,000-LH Sat/Sun 1-5 I • plua 'All -w DIN 5 Point Loma (8Pvalua) OdM ,, 675-tOOO Mao.bOO SUn 1-5 *2408 Fr8nCleco, Newport Bd'I 875-eOOO '348,500 Sun 1-5 *' Oakmont (Ilg CMyon) NB 173-7781 •1.1ta.ooo "'" 1·5 2'=~= (E.rr= NB . 8et/8un 14 * 1730 Borwre Wa,, N9wport Mt 846-0711 11'2.000 .,,. ..... 1-I . ·1~.:-.t=.~ ..... 1 .. **37 Linda Isle (Linda I.) 675-2525 gate $1,495,000 Sa/S 1-5 1206 Key West (Hrbr Vu His) ~B 760-8333 $42~.500 Sat 1-5 *35 Aldg9'1ne Dr., Hrbr Ridge, NB 780-1900 $2,390,000 Sun 1-5 *1524 Antigua, Newport Beach · 646-t 171 $849,900 Sat/Sun 1-5 *1608 Galaxy Dr,., Newport Bch 646-7171 $799,900 Sun 1-3 4 Narbonne, Hrbr Ridge, N.B. 644-6200 $1,695,000 Sat/Sun 11-5 *2201 Alta Vista, Eaatbluff, NB 631-7300 $389,500 Sun 1-4:30 •1800 Jamaica (Mesa Verde) CM 645-0303 $409,900 Sun 11-2 *2773 Sandpiper (Mesa Verde) CM 646-0303 $265,000 Sun 2-5 ***29 Beachwood (Wdbrge) Irv. 551-6829 $395,000 -Sun 1-5 • BEDROOM 233 Via Genoa. Udo lete, N.B. 673-7300-$575,000 Sun 2-4:30 938 Via Lido Sood, Lido Isl, NB' 673-7300 $847,500 Sun 1-41:30 *41 Gole(a Pl., Spyglass, CdM 644-6200 $890,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 I llR plue FAM RM or DEN * 1848 Newport Hilla Dr E., NB 644-7020 $449,000 . Dally 1-5 · CONDOMINIUMS ·FOR SALE 1 llEDROOM *300 Cagney Ln(Versallles)#107, NB 673-7300 $114,000 Sun 1-4 61 Lake Pines (The Lakes) Irvine 540-1151 $115,500 Sun 12-3 28EDROOM Versailles (unit 214>. Newport Bch Call from gate 5-48-8836 Dally 1095 Sea Terrace (Blutta) CM 845-0303 $139,000 Sun 11-2 200 McNeil #202, Newport Beach tMe-7171 $138,900 Sat 2-5 3 lllDROOll 7 Rue Vlllarl (8'g Cyn) NB 759-9100 $850,000 ; Sat/Sun 1-5 *22478 Camtnlto Coate, v1nage, UQuna Hiiis 855-3017 $124,500 Sat/Sun 11-5 a • _.. FAii -er DEii •37 Canyon Creat Or., OdM 1eo..ee11 '248,000 Sat/Sun 12-6 DUPL~XE8 FOR SALE 1•c1• 2518 Elden. 0... 548-2313 m1.ooo Sat/Sun 12-4 , ..... •23 c.matlon~ Corona dll M• 875-l310 000 Sun 1-1 ...... , .. IOI Meola (OH•lllllt d tfwr)1 CclM , M5:704I '44UGM 8alJ8un 1•1J • Pool .. w.Mroilt * ** watwfront & Pool - 20 -Orange County ReaJ Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, NOYembet' 13, 1982 ! .. !'.!'..~'!.!II! ....... !~.~'!.~!........ .. ..... 1!!.h!!.~ ..... '!e!!.~1!.~!1 ..... !ffff!!.f!!ll!!r.11.!! ~.!.'!! "" ~.!~~~ .. !'.'.!!!!.¥~!~!~}!!~ .. ·~ IHd llf .___. ,,_. ,,,, .__, INd '"' ..... ,,_.,,. 1'11 .. ..-.....-A••••••u•u ... II . 1111 C.I•.... 3114 .:.a;;;•••••••••••••• ,.-.a;;••••••••••••'4'• •••...-ii•••• .. ••••'•••• •••••••••'i4••i4••••••• FOA SALE OR TRADE •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• • ••••••••11111111111•••••••• 11ft.11 Atucedero Central -4 Br. CdM $900 2 BR HouM & Duplex • : ·-••• I! II IWIEI Ideal owner'• unit: 381 coHI Exec 3Br & den 2 Br. fp. Bal Pen MOO 3 3 3 E 2 1 1 t St CM . ..... ~ BANK view ho~ on 2 acree 1 Br, t>eyfront 1900 10am-6pm ' ...., Tllll lfFEIEI 2b•: 2 Br 1bL Wlllt to oak 11uded 11te. s22s', 2 Br. ocnlrnt 11100 845-8103 645-6589 .... , th• beach. c101e to aa-a•••n llt\111\AJIQN ahopplng. Excel. cond. ..~ .. · • • • ... •. • OOO . Free & c leer. -._ Eut1lde 2 Br. quiet, MW 3 BR, 1600 sq.ft. s ngl s ty home on ~ Atklng 1115,000, euy <>wnerlbkr. wltl finance PllP ••• _., carpet. garage, yard, oversized lot, at quiet East end of Island. BIG CYN ClJSJQM le rm 1 . e k r , ~ lllTI mil or trade for Orange llM1ll · pool, no pets. $575/mo. Sunny So. patio. 24'Xl5'. Wrought iron 7141731-5181 Tllflll IJll,111 County coaetal home. Mngr 2-453 "B" Orange /d db 1 F' 1 On OOl1 couree. 20% dn. ---------1 Ent1ld• nigh rental Call <805> 416-4043 for 3 Br 3 Ba 2·•ty H9Clenda Ave. · e ntry gates W ea O ts. trep ace. Vecent. ehow anytime. lflllll lft,111 T 2 BR 2 be h Info Hate rtnt °' IN 1995 French doors to patio. Extra Flge dbl gar ,t. 11,295,000. IW IUll • I Jfl ~·2 ~. 1 ~th,~ Huntington Harbour $5oo 0 MC. 213/333-l307. ~.81~~~0~ ~~';'p~::: w /util -w orkshop area. ee title. ''!!!73-~7~71!1!or~7~60-!!1~3~9~7!I ... gar~. laundry room, home, new decorated, fenced yard, gdnr, cpts $375,000. 20% do~, owner ~inancing. 1: AM'-1111.... patio. N .. r the park, _._.. boat dock, trade F•--9 BTU ·and drapea. $900 per 1lll ,..._. •-. cloee to achOOls & ltlop-down any location. Cell Versailles se25 mo. 181 and 1191 plus 142YIA111111 Appto11.1011'1gtoea. ping. Owner financing 2131592-2869 dya, Lldo Patk 2Br $750 $400.2n Rot>lnhOOdLn. 3 Br, famlly rm home. Wll ... I h. lltn. offet'ed. 714/846-0554.8\181. Penln. ....... • .. 50 556-1737 Planked hardwoo d 7--IHI •••--.,_., .,. Close to comm· clubhouse, 3 beaches, ten!lis & playground. Qualified buyers may call owner at (714) 673-4063 for jetails and viewing appointment. floors. brick lrplct. com· ____ ._.,..._____ --FahbrOOk Grove Home for Oceenfrnl 3Br $s11~·1·N_p_t_H_g_l_e_er_e_a-. 3-er-2,-~-8-, plelely remodeled kit· ""-.1.1 sale or exchange. 3 + Udo late 28r """ condo fam m I 1 s~::.~~· ~oort, etc. -;:: lfll ~r=~:i a;:.:~ 40~.·:,~:,~3•e: oc8anltonl 38r S1AOO dry rm. ga: ssJgc;,,~: Wm Haz-lnket & Co. .. .. -."7'-...-............ tut. Btlr. l>eaullflilly d11cora1ed. -·-· 1- 83 - 1 "- 12 _ 86 _____ _ M S-5555. Opn Sat 1-4 --•• ••-556-617t large awlmmlng PoOI + Lido Isle 5 Br IHIOO Newport Riviera Fmly ----iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil Jacual. Lido Ille 2Br S 1100 condo. 3 bd, 2'h ba. 2 ELEUIT ....... For sale or I-cu11omt. -40,000 sq, ft. un<lef roof. Trade for Orange County Bayfront 2 .$2000 car ger. Pool. Tennis. No _, zed Palermo In Harbor single 19an. 128,000' ol Ill.Ill ,... home $295.000 appral-.. ·ytront 21..__ s1eoo pets. S750. 644-2562 IOYEI SIRES CONDO; Close to tenn1•. View Homes. Must ... to land L •"j doek 200 - -$ .... ...... club pool d .... ~ · o-ng · · _._. sat, · 150,000 mortg-oe. Freall.28r .... 75 Lo..-. 38r, 2Ba. dbl gar, • •an ,.,,opp • anpre. ""--Houee 1 10 parking ~ ..... -E•eltl"" 81"723 "'550 · .., ·-• 3B ' $250 0 ,.... ..,.,....., _..... " . ._ Priee reduced to $395. ,.... ~.. Lido 1Br 11100 c rdener. 2370 Ora,,,,. 4 Gel Or r, am rm. • 5. Nov 13. 19-48 Port afea a Bill Met en or ffiHi/ ···-1 41 axy Ive wilh land. t.4$. Prior CtlelMa N.B G'b w· .... • ... -~ooo 000 for thl• lentutlc I 1u1..i ·-I&.. Securlty/2Br $1250 75/mo. (213)541-8t96 213 /592-2175 or • · 1 -..-............. • locellon·a fantastic ...... mn Waterfront~ 4 Br. Oen. Formal Dining 880-3378 Ull ••• R tenn.a. 4 bctrma. 3 baths Eaetslde Co1ta Mesa. Reeltors 831-1400 Eutslde condo. clean, 3 Room. 2 Flreplact11, 3 --======---.-s up: 3 bdrma, 2 baths Poaltlve cun flow. Ow-br, 2 ba, den, lrplc, 2 car car garage plus large BY OWNER, reduced 4bdrm/2ba. Corner lot. down. ftlreplace. 4 car ner will exchange for •l'L...-gar. S800. 54~5. Hobby Aoorn. P004 llzed $50 OOO I S380K. Ownet 175-2157 gw909, IYndectt. Newport BNctl realden--E t·'"· ,...~h I lot. beaul. landscaped. • ' ( or 30 days -ce. Agt. M ike Crow 1aJa m 1111 18 ....., , .... me. mmac. Owner will Hilst el 11• only). Now S299.500. 3 vYUUIJ.Uv ,...--~-----.;;I l45-3H6 ••••••••~••••••••••••• 3 BR. 2'h ba. frplc. pvt nancl Only $420 000 BR, 2:v. ba, pool-Nwpl Widow ll'Utl Mii thl• a. -Penln Pt, 5 BA, 3y, ba, patio. balcony, 2 car gar, ~ Sal/Sun. ;_5 · Hgt1. S 11 trvlne Ave.. slrable 2 BR 2 Ba condo ._._, DI\ ffg PtllO, a 1~ ino. ~5 :,'!';,..$750 mo. 9 to 5, ..,......... 833-9773 ofc, SSl-4982 with ... ~ T•~·---.. ·~· .a ... 17" --._., Robinson: Realtor .... "'-· '""'-"''I;~~~~~~~~~ ••••••••••••••••••••••, to mo . ..,... --141-IMl hOme-:.':.~ellel. By i: · ...... hnl.W IC.... "' ,,_ 11~ Eastllde, reap edits pre-D.~tXH:/ •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••;:::••••••• f9rred. 2 br. 1 be, ga· ... , I.We" ..,... bMal 11• Harbor view 11111 4 ldnn r • g • . $ 6 2 5 I m o . , ·ux•""......, r'----"-. '81" I# WI '"' ~~~6~7~3-~7~31~0~•~0~~··•••-••••••••••••••• w /lac. 'h acre lot..~•-73_·_75'4<4 _____ _ ll.lffS llllUll You own the lend. 2 .. 000 sq tt. 38r, fam rm. 2'A Ba. wide ~belt. -pool. Far below market $235,000. WiN !UM op- tion. Bkr. 644-0134 \ f >I l / 1; F It ... L' -~ T '-v'' ,.., VY'!'""' •••••••••••••••••••••• S 1 • 0 0 0 •• sale or tease. Agt. -4 pleJt C.M .. pride of ow-We ..... ....,...._ /mo · aye 1125. 3 br, 2 ba, near 752-5710 nenhlp. Gd fin. 1295. lh _......,leaMI 1 45 -4311 or eve• schoot1, Mesa det Mar 0 0 0 . 6 7 5 -0 0 7 3 or Dupler.-8111 to ~. lg •n • te -...__ 720-0t36 Tract. New CfPll, paint & SSS 22~" lot. ,.. land. $179,500. r.. .... 2 8 1 B ' I I 0r-2car,,., '-yard · • .... Mars ha ll Realt y l*tel1.. r. a. rp e, lint ....... ..-.. .,,.. · Charming Laguna Beach 875o-4800 location to adlools. ten· frplc:, mature only pleaM. nome tor COfona del Mat · .......... ...... nls. ~. 1700/mo. Dr~ 2712 MendorL duplex. Cheshire Real 11 Units EASTSIDE C.M.. ll,.._ Dec. 1. 759·9570 or &42 or 974-2021. J ... •• ~'!!!!~ •••• !.~?! ·-lllTllll Gorgeous newly remod ~------­ he>me In prvt bch com-TrMltl11ll ..... mty. 3 Br & lam rm. h I.We. 1\.i Utt Super terms, mey trade. St89K fee conversion. Only $269,900. &45-1218· E.ttate 75!J..1877 g o o d I I n • n c I " g • 613-,.565 2 br. 1 ba. Drive by 2652 10xgron . Prine. only, J.1M Old CdM So ol PCH 3 Br Senta Ana Aw un112. Do ,...., Ir-"' .. 861t.&58-e111. _, ___ ,_ •1-tr ' ' D ' notdletvrbtenant1 $450 ··········•I'••••······ ,. ..... _ • •• ouae. c,11 lena. . Ctlermlng 3 bedroom, 2 C.M. Huge qua111y duplex I need a 30 10 50 unit i'.;:·~;·~·;;_;•4 83M2te • mo. 151-12.21. SALE! ....... WIT......W ..... , ... View ol ocean and ctty ligtlts. 3 bdrm. 2'),ba plUs office. 2 lrptc:s. Need of- fer. ()pen Suncs.y t2-4. 3 St. Tropex _.,.LIT .......... GrHI view of OOMn 91'<1 city llghta. WNI IUborcfi. nate -wll bulkt to IUlt. I 808 HALLEY REAL TOR ....... BEST BUY -LOWEST pr1c»d Npt Crest Pt9n 3 38r trl~179,500 Bkr Tom Gottlef 846-9200 BY OWNER: 3 BR l'louM., 1199.000. ~o fin. con.a. der eny offer. 145"-1&41 iiiiii!::==--· ....... ··~-..... Dock for 30' boat. Stepe to lido VIiiage. 3 lg• bdrma. 2'h tlattls-. Open Set ' Sun 1·5. fJ03 "'" St. 173-67711 ,,. LEA.SE OPTION HARBOR RIDGE 0.-tom View Home .... ooo opcb\ money 48tdnu1a.~•thl Sl,2'UOO Lge new custom home. open Sun 1·5, 210 Via SW\ Remo. Own/egt, =-2 i!'oT = :W 3 lrplc. 3 gar, cop~r :=:· In Orange Co · tnat br 2 ba '9• It~ avail 1 Br. quiet, yard, mg. FP. Juan Cap'~•~rano on~ plmb'ng. l125K, aa1u-•--·,,._call 1,,;med thru~ne 3bdrm,2bllttl,vtew0\W no ctooa. adtt• pref. 1st private cul de uc. Many mable loan at 12% Int. broll• at 955-3454 • 112001m<i ht i.t;aac' city, tumlahld or unfur• Plua dep. 1475/mo. IDT Tl IWI upgradee. Move In con-I 115 KI of r. Agent ,,.,, J.. i.Jt "" dep. 87s-teS3' ' · nllf*. ~ que.-1 __ Me-_86M _____ _ 1 Bit to oc:e.l: 38r 2t>a. dttlon, well below matt!· $42.·eee&. •••••••••••••••••••••• ~llty, ~ 1~• 28f. tk 1 11ory. anag • 875-3048/873-2556 et. of courae. Quk:k Ml'e Ill.I If twm -OPEN HOUSE ' JJ' · cpt/drp1, patio, frplc, Lido Sandt. C0mm pool. _.. ......... __.___ .,_, Sun d • .. .._ I $1 200 10 $ 1400/mo deslr ..... -.to ,_,.,..te. l.Jndhlldecl '°' lntetest In .,,.,/ 11-5 1 .. -.. r ..... amed c:e -U~i~o ~~:.~dsoop~r: Cell 4M-3180. ~~,:1~,·~~·~!~~gc~~ ICEll VIEW =~ =t=: .!; .tiL.LJ..:..., ~ c2:f'M~~~r= Down. 4 er: 2 Ba., I.ITS 38R 28A. FUtn ....... v~ 6541-2480 chase price. $3500 dn. covered patio. vaulted C•ll 7 4/960-2411 for · -Of ~-8491 •--------- Pvt ply. 8-41-4788 . ceUlngt, commty pool. Information. In San Juan ~rano. *~ =. =~agnt "'I" OWN!R MUST MOVE· Newpott He6gtlls otdel" 2 1117,500. Cell 491-1857 s Unit• Eastllde c .M. 3 1111,000. Call br<*« lor llft 1. C. 8Hutllul condo. 2Br, Br. 1 Ba. dbl car g..-age. rutlll II# yeers old, 3 8t 1% Be. detall9. :,:,:~•II•• option, 50 x 117 Rt tot. •••••••••••••••••••••• $30.000 dePrlO. deduo-(7 1.4) te1-o30& c,a1 ........... 1111 Ml -s-t1on '°' 18&2. 1100 ooo .. :r.e;;· .............. .; 185•000 fer ....... ...., down. S3t i, SOO 's p , ... ~ ....,, 8 ea c l'I f ro n 1 l'I om e . 2 8cllm PIUa cleft T..-. EASTSIOE 3 BR. 1 Ba. 481 Sat1te Ana Ave Condo. 2.BA f•_.8A, pool. ,. .. 1 a 11 ~~ •..a-lt200/mo. Sub. wlnler ~·· Guerded 4;)0f'lltn, plut ftimlfy room. 1700 548-5041 en I Santa Ana. Tustin., ... ""...., •• ~ •••••••• ~ montlla tnru 1115. L ..... 11800 ,,_mo. mo. lat, fut, dep. Ne n•-11•--" Good neighborhood, •.a -el1 5ee2 840-1212 peta. 212 UIHan. DeYffl H'e~-==di cloae to freeway,J::': Prleed 9.: t.;'~!, eroaa.. FOR RENTI .. ~ ... 1111 U,,_. -AE '42.e381 perfect 3 Br . Below ·~rates. 542 271 Include• pool, tennis • •••••••••••••••••••••• 2 tlr, 2 ba. to¥lllV . ape. E.atde. aunny 2 Br aep rw'ket at 13ee,ooo. ~ in-t ';\ ~• tn MCluded court•, 4 vre new. tn 2 bedroom, 2 batfW & 2 E11de ooncto. 3 BA. 2'h ctoua, A11911. now. = yet. ....... :~ nc 5% down. owe. 1% ataa ot Tustin. 2200 sq n ac.l9iefll. . 8'0l"tea In TWlft ,._a 1n be, 2. gar, va.-Cfiri.*• tltS , lnterett or tradell Paltlc:ll 3Bdrm, 2ba. den w/frptc, 111-llf1 Lake Arrowtieed area. ok. UH. 142-0095, .ML - -3 It. 2 k frplc. bit-In• Tenore, agt 831-12te hlNY decorated, good .... Ull.n H• butlt• & ~-l50-ot22 3 t1r, 2.,. bll. ,.... oo1-new deoat. llllO. lnddt ... .,., 11.. Rnand~111.80can for Fn1t. '-: ~ ~ ':"> i--.,_,,., Jin Ott, vacant. ~ Cot-..,..,.141-7250 -F cMtalla. .....,..19 • Mlc:lc· I mTI q u r • . • I 1 ........... .,........... kett ....._ICMIO, Afl. .... ........ v-......, ..__, :> •IST SILL Tiii ~ sn.ter. •-____....... 711•0218 Ot (7141 Fully furn. 2 Mrm twn· ~-..,.--.;.....:::....,.-1---........ .....,,,. - ',. ---117..oas7 .-o.y -home Ouard.O comm. ,.,,. ... •· 2 Ba. 1115/mo. l .. Wllll ., ..... ,.. •-. ... . ... nk1Q8 after e p.m. " no Pool, ·-"". w/d • ....-.. ···-·········-······ • oPl6on 110,000 down BACK8AY 2 8 & d •••••••••••••••••••••• ..._._ .... •n••er pl••• k .. _ .. _ --· .. HQU919'1d °""'8114 Aini 141.eon r en VA TERMS·:! on a lot, Ml-4111 ' • .... etc. No pets 171$. .... , ________ _ conaa• on cul·O.·tac 199 500 Ownet/t*r tf'/lnOI 4.:s.7440 .-.. e. 2tat a.. CM ,.....,. ,,.,,_ JU. I MMACULATE! AS· ' MS..1947 ' FOA SALi BY OWNl!A VIEW LOT C*aw..._ • .._......... •Ilf '4M103 846-taee •••••••••••::.."'~•••••• SUME 1120,000 1tt. 11$5,000. Two tlOUMt atTwna ~ 1111 llft. 0.: ._., -• Ht er gar•i• '/Ud Wtly throw awa. Y .rent .. __.. .._.tom prtoel ,...... -..., t .... I t .. "¥' • .-.... ei••••••••••••••• . ' . ...,.... ..... 0' ....., ,,,.., ,_, ,,,.,. on .. mot ... eore o ' ,..., ftnenclng. Slt,500. UOO ISLE . a bldml tam 1$25/mo. H1alde wflan '/OU cen own ... 3 RAE A 0 GERS •••••••••••••••••••••" W/Slde C.M. Good In· Agt. Jun• Leite Prop. mt .. 8e l 1?00 ,,.0 t 141.Q7M. No pe1a. W/t1IOO to '2000 PIY· N1 1zee ...,, .... come. WM Clr'Y 11t TD 1141941-7909 • • • ....... 11'6K • ll1SK, ,,. s.J. I I# w/15~ down. 112.-U OCEANFRONT 2 bdtm l~ ouMOnt'".__ I IJr, Move1n • t1k• ov•r • ...................... Deeun 4i*11 M.-Y.W ~fl,,.,. 1 la 1100 mo. I Mi ~· .:-...~~ =-.II :ec~lon. cell T.o bdf'M NB. '*"Y 0. (Spice 8tr"t•I· Oooct -ir.1Sl!l ..... J!llf ~. Ntt. 11M1t1. e Ir y . 14 t .. it 11 , .. ooratad ovet 800 aq ft loan. '5"' down. "" 4 Ir l\t la ....._ _... ~ "°"'" 4 ....._ 11 .. fM424t I Ir IN oondo. Qulee, al ~-LO dn .. Wma. t?l-4383. . u..,_.d~ 111'11. 2-..... .dtlolM», ll2I ~ .. C, .. adult, •11oel loc. w/d ..... '30.000 betow milt! 3 Ir 2 81 I ape. E11tbluff INd "'!f! !r J• l'IOma. Jotlrl Zanoa, btlr. -·--• • .... 780-.... T«ma, ._,,.... on tna llnd. '°"' m .. I It. Ne. ~ remod••d .. In encl out. a llr., I be. 8p1c1ou1, cwtolftlHd upttllra. 2 br,. 1 ba. l'lom•. prrme location down1111r1. Min. 1~ -. VtlW. ptloed • MN dOwn owe bet~ et apprelHd value wltll 11,.,. IOt 5 'I'S· .... tor owiw flflMClflt tor .,..1 tummer rent•. 1'7SI, 11ty 111uyer. v ...... 11oor ooo. "''"'"ate ,......,. .,..,, wlttl ......... bdtm 114-6U-24M. ... ,.,,.., ...... . Pool. apa, Kol -pond. You dllft't ,.... • .,.. to ••er c I a e r o o 111 , "draw f•t" -..-1C!U AC.11, 100...,...._ pleoe lft Id lft tftt IJllll ............. ....,. ...... .... """'Cll-. 111-an llct-llM. hfll ..,. Oft t er ,.,. 11f."80 CCllel9 ,_ Al9ia. S...; 9*up, eMI t•r. 1171, ··-ea. ""':::, .......... I Br. ooee~ vu1 2't4N, IM. _.. 0.. Ll'I ""9._._,_·------- ,C,M. r•dewetop er••· ~ 111~ ~ •P•Cloua Npt Craat, F,P. ITlllmo. llf .... ~K: Ht<•·'· IM1· 1" '*"-1 River Ore 115 1 11000 furn. HOO/mo Nr ooeen.. I 11r t • ~ _ _ ..... ;':'11~1;1::T;::".!,, 110311'u -oi11 •vei ~r T«M'! GoC1t1r ~..._ ~ • .-. • C.-. ~ MMll-ft'9 --• ..,..., ...... -,_...., '-M • ._""' .........._ ...... ,.rm lllTSWMlED ................. =::.rr, ~':.: •• • II 1tro1ter al ..... Ori -.111MW:i.f A• .._.~Verde I Ir. !_k 1 o# a kind., .. ,_ room, M -·•· -~ ..... Oft "" • ......,. pdO. fl\lm In ...... Olin IASTlml ------- pan •• ten•ftt "'""' 1 11r, t be. 9 --. I ...... °"'*'•........ ~ ........ -..... "' ,... ..... ,., ,...,, ,...., lurtl.-.r:.. ... Ill M =~----1!"!!~°!!!!!!!~!!! .. f 1 yr le&H, 3 br, 2 be, fenced, comm. pool. + .-... l800 mo. cal dye 851-3003, SYS 161-1180 3 Br 2'.o\ 81 townftof'N, 1800 a.I., AIC. 911'· fem rm. pool. i.tpgreded, !Mo med . oc:c . saas . 889-15-43 ::>range County Real Eatate/An Advettlllng Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, November 13, 1982 -21 • -• -22 -Orange County A.a Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, November 13,.1982 ~~-=!!L...a •,:::..., ----,,_.__~&....a ·.~~~&....a ~L...I H-•-•H••••H.. ...'l!l.!f.P.11!.e!tl '1!!1!H.!f.ftlll.H!lf •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••• ...................... •••••••••••••••••••••• \iV'JIVV ~ ,..,..,... ~ petlOn "99U9 \0 ,.. ·--~ _.,..,_ -,.,.,,,,._ PleaHnt turn. rm., kit. Lu11 -~ ....-T--........... __...._ e.M... 1Df.., h9t #II =-• .... .IW prhl., '"'1• yard. Adult 2brl 2ba, pvt )K. '360. duoe.,..,_IM8/etw~ ••••••••••••••••••-• ••-••••••••••••••••• U e~• !ff:e! ......... m-i .._ a.alt 1111 tamlty tlofN, Eut•lde AlillCI MfF 142·9146 Jim 28'. N8 ept wl~ 2 Bf 1 Ba. ,....... ........_ ... _.. -.... I::"•••••••••••••••• .. • C M Aeduc.ed ftftt fOt _.__ (._) M -.... --· -... ..................... 2 BA 14&5 YMfly, new wnait ................... Rell Newport Heloht• Town-·-P«ton ..... . .. blt·lns. no pets. *440. From Oer\a Polftt'• mo.1 1 Br. 1 Ba. Garden Apl. • ' i,eKh ,_,_._. • hoUM. bellut. l\Wn. a.. lure, non-tmllr. ~ 2272 Maple. 831•2927 NCluded scenic bluff. privet• pello. lrHhly =·o~p::!'. ~~71 ' =-=woman. 1200' tu re female. S350. rel• S300 "'°' 720-0514 Brend apenltlng cteen, 2 Like MW1 Only 4 units, 2 painted. s.4001mo. COUNTRY CU'8 LMNO 846-7555 DOVER 8"0AES-Need 2 BR t a..· 1 cer gar, no Br widen. Xtra lrg private Dee 840-5504 2 er. 2 Ba. Condo. OOMl'I Pvt rOOf'n w/1cltdlen prtv. t , b t pets. 1550 mo. 288 patio. From 17251mo. IN NEWPORT BEACH view. M501mo. Non smkr, non drinker, lge muter br, P'11t ba & rmm ' or m~ ••u Sant o Tom••· Agt. Call gg1•8441 or M-F. 3 Br. 2 Ba. gerden apt. 2. Singles, 1 & 2 Bdrm. 5-45-9911 111 t & 18 81. I 175. ent 1 blk to bHch & ho m •· A v• I now 642•6368 9-5. 843-0212.. OrlYe by prlv petlol. w/d hOoll-up Apartment• 646-eoee bey. B•lbo• Pen. 1300 _84_5"_9_5_1_5 ____ _ to -24583 Santa Clar• Inside 1 enclsd ger. 6 Townhou... IMI• Aa• _, mo. yf'ly. 875·5Cl74 2 bdrm ept, will en.re yrty, PINE BLUFF APTS 1625 From S580 •••••••••••••••••••••• R Cozy room. pttlllegea & I 2 Br 2 B• condo. pool. ullte. pelO. Chrltllan Roommete M·F. Irvine very Oeslreb •· many 1 Br & Loll. Child ok, Super neat (2) 1·8r Vlllu, Dee 840-5504 On Jambor• Rd.•• tac., tennis, So. CoHt w 0 r k 1 n,. w 0 m • n . 1250.00 Temp baeis 2-e emenltles $350. Ca,11 patio. view. trplc. encl 1 Be. small & cozy, prl· L.a. •---&. ••~I San Joequln Hiits Rd. Pina area. 840•8905, ,. ...... 107 ,. months. Call 857_..976 • 675·4000 or'", al 138~ gar .. gas stove. dlth· vale. S400·14251mo. '::7.••• _. ••., 144-1• $5 ~"'"" Topu Balboa tl•nd $::0~ •P•. lndry rm. ~~=,· 493-0803 <or •• ••iiiii•m••••• ler. 2B•. cpts, Orp1. 2~~-202 !~ ·~ 4. 50.:.. .. .,_1..,.. 4111 M,::n:~~~3::,2:: _M_/...;.F_r-~---,.-.-nonamll---r. 10 ...... IL.,,.""" _ .. I & "'· .,... lllr, -.c. .-. •••••••••••••••••••••• .,..,.. r ' 2 .. 30 1· -'"-· ..... ,1 .. -SPMC 631·8107 m .. ..,, .. IO. o .... --newly redec:o,.t..... n pool No pets. $5351mo. lfM w m1ll 1325 & 'h ulll. 645"9771 ... · o "'-• ~ "'"' * * * ~:cl~~~~ ~~~~t;: ;;~,~~ ~~:J:150 mo. (2 13) 213/860-9513. Wkly rentel• now avail. evs/wtlnds =i ~~,,.;:. = ! 2Br upstairs. patio deck w/garage. ws hr/dryr hook-ups, c:lose to So Clll Plaza, no pell 1525 ....,. mo 5'40-0117 EXCEPTIONAL 2 80, like new 2 Br widen Beeutlful 3 Br. 2 Ba. con· 1105 & up. Color TV. MIF lo shr 4Br, 3Ba NB '" ullls. 875-7127 OEN. ONLY FOR THE xlra taroe prtv,;I• patio'. 4 Br" 2 Ba. 40' from und, oo, overlooktng pool, Phone• In room. 2274 Waterfront home, neat, DISCRIMINATING. 1750 garege. S7251mo. Call wl batcony & sundeck. n •a r s . o P 1 a z a NewpOt1 Btvd. CM. employed prof. 1325 mo. Single mother Wlltles to Agl. (714~96-8804 861·6441 or M·F. 9.5 19 501y rty. Furn.? M!IOl mo. 648-0688. 146-7445 846-1309 INre lovely~ Verde * * * 0 1145..0340 "°"'9 wlrespontlble fe-2 Br TownhOuM w. a.. 6 43·02l0. rtve by t.1 ..., JeMj B (AC H AR (A M/F to thr a br. ~ ba male, wall< to echools, IMng & dining.,..., kit· ---------••e •I 24583 Sant• On Bay. 2 bdrm. 2 ba, ...................... ~on Cen.I In N.B. restaurentt, 1tore1. chen. frplc. ettactled ga-• .,,,,,,.,_ Qare. trptc..1 car get. Private Very i.oe upetaifs 2 BA, 1st. lat & ctep. 14$-2495 lheal.,, 1 cMd otl. No rag a . po o I & a pa. INI} "4f ....-T BNc:h. Good neighbor· ·~ blk 10 beach, n.wly ffj/wt Streight M nonsmkr 10 * 1 m k n g • n 0 p • t 1 . 1625/mo. 831-4164 •••••••••••••••••••••• ..._ ......., hood '°' GOUPle or tin-remod. New stove & r• ifOl't /SI C 54$-3831 557-6207 --------1 IAllP•D ~ Most __,,an1 apt. v-v· gle. 11100. 873·21t2. trlg. Gar on OoNn Ave. Aefl1gef"etor·Meld-.POOI 2 br, 2 ba E de M ' · 2 Br. 1 Ba. In 4 ·plax. -• •r -•• In Ulguna Beeotl. ftnelt t-tOAM ......... Joe et 714-$51-1452 ~ 8t'lld g W11eon apt. 1250 + utlls. Dys Prote.ional to stlWe lux. ctnn. no pet•. S4301mo A LOVEL y PLACE location In town. br•OI-• • Colla ...... ~1755 642-54441; aw 642-6120 cOf'do ·~. f\lrn wl 271 "B" 1tth. Pl. TO LIVE telling views ... bu111-lns.. BeautlM ..,.,. 4 Br. en-...... view, amenltlM. s.. to 644-0452 j •Homey/Pvt 1 & 2 Elf '-ted pool, ~age. cl•d pet lo, ll•P• to •••••••••••••••••••••• Pine K..ot Mo4el on co.st M/F "'8re 28R 28A two apprecfate. H8fl>of Knoll. •Pool/9Pllfbbq elevator. LHH only bMch. v-iy. 875-4419. U.. llAll • Hwy. NB. Stepa lo """'apt In CdM ~ 759--0Sff ......_ POOL. 3 BR 2 Ba, hi.ID&' •5 acrea of t>eeutlfulty seso & up Ea8' ocean. Wkly r••••· -• S3 · lptc, pv1 yard. M25. al lendecepeO surroun· 330 ,.._er' 4M-8083 2 Br". 2 Ba. Condo, • .... • 1145-0440 Mlkr. · 50 per month. Female roommate lo utlt Incl. 845-9181, au """" · · !Mull, upgradM. attectled Wkly rental• HS up. lndudes ca~ & Pf!One • ....,.. l\Kn. N.Q. C<>Mo. tor Bob dings oc .. nvlew, 1Br decor•tor O • r a O • • No P •I•· Color TV. tr" colfH, .... Wlla ..... 'h electrtctty. After 8'>m own bedrm a be.. pool & : ~""Z'.: "'<>Wino apt. garage. No. Laguna. 1950/mo. 551-7144. heeled pool a 1tep1 to Wiiiy '9ftlal1 now avail. 720-0832 laundry lac. 1350. can .... , • S<Kry "° pet• 1 t>lk to bch. no pets. Clean 2 Br. lfg k"ctlen, OCW\. l<.ltctl'• avell. Wlkltc:tl, color TV on c. Debbie alt epm & wti.nds APAIT9011 (71•) Ul-nH 1575 mo. 4 u -uo4 • Npl Hts. 2421 E tetti St. MS N. Coat Hwy. bte. WinC*' Rat• • blO Mature '-'\Ille to lhr IWI 5't-5te2. 1Br.12701mo. pluSutlls. 8081 Holland Cr. HS 8-44-4311 1450. Tropics. 645-5109 Laoun8 a.en. 414-5214 d l1counts . Step1 lo No. Laguna H ... condo•---H-O_U_SEM __ A_T_E_S __ No pets. No wsterbeds. Bl'MI Slal•IWamer Very Ctiermlng 2 bd, 2 ba. OCEANFRONT • Cuslm 190 & up with kitchen BNch. 34311 So. eo.t wlChrlttlan car..,. wo. ROOMMATES No vacancy In Chllcirenl off 8eecll 2 slory. ltpl. ~panel, decor. 38 r 2B• up. weekly OceM1ront Mo'. Hwy OP. 4te-5727 main & 14 'ff old'°"· s.aJ • Wa come 10 you! MCt lon. deck, trees.~ blkl emenll!H, yrly 11200 lel.815-8740 ,_,...., 411 85i5~710 evet. or •Allref'sdledled 2450 Newport Blvd. -.all o e • • n . N o end . mo 28r 1B• Own 800 •••••••••••••••••••••• 97 25 dys. • Ptlotoe !Men eeaullt..11 Townhouse near Spec. 1 & 2 br. lovely S8251mo, Incl utll•. mo:'MatlM'e P'• 7400 w Fem non--smtcr, rm w/hM 1 •Pm Fem• 10 stir with M/F, Oldea1 ~ 832-4134 back bay. 28'. 1'h Ba. pines & strHm•. NC. 640-5e21 Ocnfmt. 850·9 192 prlv. C.M. $225 llnfum.. ... I 1111! IU$MW e1ean well located we1 bar, lrptc, ywd, tun gel ... entry by pnone,Oee ----,--t-1_b __ p_n_ furn $290, 845-5459 . NB condo: 1275 mo. 3 bd houM to ehare. '.+ blk Oecic, encild garage w/ 1ge rec a!ea Incl. gym. lur~~ Ar::.ts. N~· ~ts: EASTBLUFF *-coiy room with pool. S.V.11 prime IOCations 875-1643 to bMl:tl. 1245 + Utllt. auto door opener, no, -'POC>l __ &_spa_._84_6-659 __ 1_ .,.,,.,11nc1 utll. 417 1 ..... 2 Specious 1 8 r. pello, S60 ..-. In ~" .,_ ~~ 2t4! M ..., ....... 1_~ __ ms ______ _ I 5 •· _..... • "" pool, view, no pete, .... •3•23 c:hOea om . .--t-""' '" Uberll ,,,_ --* .. ~. _.. 1 Pe t s 6 0 I m o . Av•ll now 1 Br 1 '8e. S5901fl'IO, 844-4787 .....,.... v hr ~tNon. planned pen~ 8P' wfMIM • ...,.,.,.,,,.1e lo .,,,,.. etge 54().-09.42 downstairs apt, dswlN. i.-.. •wMI 1111 8lllboe ~ Privete reerHllon, ••c:llln9 uoi-, 13501mo'+ aac. condo 3 ~•to belMlh. 1 Br Trelle,.. 1247/mo prtv11e patio, alngte g• ~.~··•'••••••••••• 2·•1Y condo, 2 8r 3 8e. Entrance. I 175. No gour~t meal• & Ir" dep. '250. 4f4.t218 M0-9905 end elec. s 150 MC. No rege. No pe11. water n Golt CourH . West pool. spa, sauna. $795 Pt smoking or cooking. local trlnepOtlMlon. c.I P 1 M/F 1 h 3 8 SN nu condo. blk to ocn. dog•. 133 E. 16th SI.. Sp p. I 0 . $ 4 5 0 I "'0 . Nine Condo : 2 BR 2b•, 2 mo. 751·3191 t75-3311 8111 Miller tod9Y tor the ro . ' 0 •,..! _ _.. r a. mbo 1265 Trecy 42 642-9113 Cl9d Sun 545-2000. A9fln1. no 1 ... car g1r w/opflr. WWI/ - -exdllng detalle. beech ront af>I .............. r. 631:8543 5.e-3'21 • drye1 Lower unll w/ ••• -• Lge, beeln. rm wlpv1 beth 7&t-7142 951.3162 ~101mo yt1y. 54M148 · 2 Br 1'" Ba SA501mo tor ,,,_. WILi pat 1 0 . s 7 2 s / mo . tm 11111 nr beecfl, H.8 . LAlflt llY. Fem lhr new X•g condo Room mete wan led to 2 penons. 755 w. 18th Lrg 2 & 3 BA townl'louM 714mo..1150 NEW o•••d 2o Town· rm & kit. prtv. $300/mo. • :.,__ •~-a..~ So. Cet Pina. All am: there 2 8'. 2 Ba. 1 b6octi SI 646-9507 apts, encl gw, lrplc. Ne8f 2 B 2 Ba ,.~.._ ""'I Mme. 'Ml LAGE COM· tel-2Hl "_._ -., -en (71 .. ) 557·4329 to t>Mcf\, frp6c, ~· Hunl Hrbr. llom 1545. r. · """""'on ""'' MUNITY 2 a. 2 .... • •••••••••••••••••••••• '" . " ' 1235/ + a..i non-2 B< trptc Children OK. 840-88()7 c:ourM. lalte, smaN vu. • .... .. .... 21 x 1s « room for rent, I t~~ 515"5700 Alik ror emo11:0a?3.s137 1500/mo. quiet. no pet•. nu crpts & 1800 eq. h. of pure lu-*-"' flOUte Meu Vet· FOR RENT ..,... ! 540-3666 WALK TO BEACH. 1 Br. dee. 2 car ger, bbq .,... llUf'Y, Garagee, IP• In de s.400 neg. 1 F~ roommate needed F non·.,.,,l(r Ovef 21. El Qean 2 Br with patio. no s I o v e & re I r I 0 e pool. WlhrlO, refrlge Ind. =~rt:. ~~~l~g· :::~:r, 751·321"4 2 bldroofn. 2 bldhe & 2 mere co~y 28R home, Side C M, 1225 + "'"· oets. $4301mo. SAOOlmo. 536-7979. S770lmo. 493-117(1. wood burning ~ Large furn rm wlpvt bath, stOflea 1n f'Mn Peek• 1n Bel ltland U15 mo. oc-Roxanne 645"2258 546-9950 12 Br carpet. df8')41S, pool. lli.U.. V~ 11f1 microwave ovens, prl· rw OCC 1200 mo. Fe-Lue ArrOWhHO .,... CUl*'ICY 11118112. Con-Ammte wtd, MIF lo •hr BAY TIMBERS 2 blocks rrom beech ••••••••••-:r. •• _....... vate petloe & ywd•. gar. l'lllllL HM l:IUM...,.. & .........._ tac'! Cer~ont bMut. 3 br lw""°"'9 in Spaciou• 1 8dtm, trpto. 1o1 h s 1. 54 7. 4 15 1, Casa Loma lar~• 2BA. c1e1ier Pfovlded. a.a-it ~2573, Coeta Mesa ~~~ ~ ~ ~ 11) "°":: .. _ .._._ d ~. r;30":!o~;~ pool & more 53&-7153 28A near poo . Large llYl.ng Oft1tt 15 mtnute9 to Aoom for Ctlrlat1an F, 7 1,1 •0218 o r p 14 1 Lge ..... ..,.,, ·--· ... --------- .._..., 3 Br 1'1t Ba Towonou.e. deck, vaulted celling, s c . Plaza °' O.C. Mt-Nwpt Hot•. kit. prlv. S180 et7.oe67 ..._ eve-N B harbof .,.._ Non· ._,.,, lrMIM fJll bull! Ins ,._carpet car coveted pat1clng. cent.rat pon. -"* ... °' .._. ~ 11111 M 2-41148 '*'OS .,.., e p,m. If no smoker. S2501mo & utlt ••••••••• .. ••••••••••• t NB~ e1otREE£!PT,s1on po,; olr pa tio. , ~ to ~:,:t° =.•i:2:"'' lelt •t pon ~ a eo. °' sen Smlll tum. rm wl....,. ent. en1wer. pteaH k••P c. Hetwy at M~ tt55 r... t . ......,, · beech. $550/mo. 1st Int •<> · Oteoo Frwy, 11000/mo, ,... t..-,,1 -IT .. 1 Frplc. rec roo.rrt, pool, Oep 83 1•71100 John • __ _.... _,. 831-5439, 2473 Ou1nge & N , no kit., pref. m• ''".., 1 8"1' Igo 2br 2'hbe, FP, 2 jac:uDJ. OM & water P91d. .6.wt ,,__, -• -A¥e., c:oeta Meaa. l\H'9 empl.. M noMmkr, PAL_, DESERT C.C. New ger, C.M. Fno4 yd, OW, Huntlnglon BHCh 3·4 No pets From $485 393 ..,,_. :-:.-;rn••••••••••••••• C ~ M s 2 5 o / mo . IBr •lew home. •P•. l340+. John t73-170t bdrm hoUH, south ot Hamilton, C.M. M~ 11 llete te ..... Nr~f!.~tvQ:tA!,.~!noo ~~~ '::'c~~!"::· 871-2158 Mell• reeerva11ont #flt Mlf room~ to* ar. ~. ~2~1~• t' · Specious 2 Br 2 ea. bit· Nr. Hunt. H81'. 1 bf, enc · 875-4912 Broker. 660-1967 ..... ..... ..... etMS l!iOlnt .....,,,.. CM. hie. 111 bdrm. l300 ~!!!!~~~~~~ Ins ..-... na1 1575 No gar. 1350. 182-7780 ra.t for rent 1118 lftO Park Ciel Utah Condo. m14o2:1~11Pd. ltt & laet .... .-1. "--• ......_:,,.:...., 1n. · .. ,,_, -· · 'h Block 10 beach 28r e.dlapt.Sme9 NogarOt • .., ....,.,. -" ..,.,.. ....... pets. Ava It. lmmed. WALK TO BEACH. Bech, bt-W & eltly. SUS tno'. leuftdry. l•oO ,,.0 Incl 22t -St. Hunt. 8dl. 8teepe • kftCMn, well apt CdM. °'Bel . ssoo. Harbot/Baker. ~ 11ow & ref~. all utlls Yfl'Y.~ utillfle9. tto-..,. to Mil lft. "Wll D.c 11 to M.-to f/lw .,,..... '8r Lv meg M5-t7M 2 'oOrm wllh yard 1525 Pa Id· S 3 7 5 / mo · "&4M18t OC9AN aMUIS Joo or 1t. $450, 71414"-0314 home. lultf "''"· pool. K.Os OK. SlnQle etory. 536-7979. ....-T bile to'*'· a-tut""'· Lero• Big B••r Ca bin not tut>. 60" TV, IHO lllMM I# t.I 1111 963-7800. 845-5735 2 Stry r.., Twntwe. 2 er. 2 3 bdr. 2 be. gar. great BAYf'ROMT be. IUm. tlMM. etc. TV Pool T..,.., cotor TV. ~ mo Ml-.271'7 ••••A•-·•••••••H••••• :l bd carpeta patio new ... Frpf. gld/q)C, dl ger. toe. Winter "'-"'"'· Uptype m• ff p lo'•· SIHP• 14 ~ ....... for Ml o.na Pl ..... atoraga, . .7dec'or. i": No Pe11, 15t5. No pet1. 538--84110. Sandy beml: S 8r JM, M9. ....,.., .._ a..t, 7 141M5-41tll. oc:nfront ,_ nr a... ....-.d. atreet entr8nea,. 1 45 0. 44_5939 or Bachelor, grH t too . excel concl. MontNy or ,,...,.,._,BueyWOftl#le PA'MDeHffTCONDO 1 Pl«. P•not•11t1C Ylew. 340•7 Granade, HO. 648-597• 18r apt, 3 blkt from yMtly. yrly 11500/mo. Owner ,.,.... No MMll•. no -D.c 2 elpe 4 ,..,d "1Y UOO lllO, l15-llOI f73.S313. 493-0I03. Spec. 2 9r. encl garage, No pets. 321 Monte VIiia. 14~0. ~ Seti Sun 1-3. 840-0105 •MESA VEAOE 2 Br. 1 ea. Newly decor. S4H .No pets. *334974 mo. ="rtio~/: OK. lll .... M2·1• 144-9613 :*U.Poot. leC 13H mo tenn11. etc. t?f dt 2 Prol,,... ..-... MW Storege OW•te• •1"911· I It 2 .... from ssis No 2 bt, 1 M. C"........ ·a,.2211 Mt-Oll7 to ... "'*"...... ::O~!o Coate MeH. peb ActOlt from ,._. r.'2 ·= St.c~~ HAMOft VllW ...-.g I.I< A•UllOWHl.AD•I •t, ~ ~ =~ 142-4907 wlld41ys. por1 a.di Golf Couree. • ._ n. .._,+loll I b9, I -·All lllil. · --845 4115 yrly t75-320t C41M ltouM, tam .. kit. ..._. 2 a•Qa:.... OOIOt mo.+ ~ ua c.i loon Ollt9dled garege. 400 eq _,. Mlf&I 1 Br. Apt. llPPfOJI 1 mlll prtw. 1211. ~71 1v. • 14. ~ -.. 0t """11~ ~ n. uee tor.-.... or of. ., " 4 -. ,...___to-. from~-· ...... 7 Llldf.._. .,.,.... PC111 IH•lwts"41. I 11/wtl. Npt ...,, ....._, llOO. ~ 1n11~ .,.._CnrME. ~• ----.._.,_ & ..._.In Irv. _,.,.,.,.._,_ ........... IO ..... "1•-.......... · • tum & ..tllt"n. ........ NINI! H01ii • CCIU WteMe to -·--... ....._ ell I _. ........ a. 1190/WIO. c.I 1-5, .._,, .................... e:..:: ......... --. .,...,. ..... --·........ ... .. ""'"MICll..,.... ..... 210. 975-4912. • _. , ... _. -.. + ,...., 9r l loll. 3 ....... IO ---------N t H t 2 b 2 b u 1.-; ... t•I . . lodge & ......... 1110 fellttolllrlbroondOwll ..._ ..._, .... 1':c10~•~ Av•li. no!: 1 Ir.· 1 ••· l ••P• to OOC .,.., 1110/mo. ~ ""9. ... ,... ~""llOO+ull.. ~nn-m .... .-.~ ~.!!f!!......... 11001mo .. a-1400 bMcll. HIOlnt0. utlll ~ :'ilfr· Lel¥e ....... 1w Ca1111n for 'nN141.... ·--•Miii• ............ ~ .._. ··-,_,.. I •· I I• ......... ._. N.a. IWft.... 1 MO. MR MNT Un.T , L::::e,\r.·~.::~:::· ..,..,......,,..,.,.. ,.._,. occ#l'rl"°""' ....... ,. 111-111t, • .,-. .... = , rOGM eo a.o 1q. n. 3 bdrmt. 2 N. aendy ........ •• .. 87e0 lllO. 'V~ ..... 14: 3 Ir, t aa. It~~ .......... , ._. .... ,. , ... ··~ FfOlll 11. te I,. ti. Mt. bMCfl, JOnC cond. Mon-.... IMl'-""&lwrM. ...... 11.,._~ ....,,lt?G. • MAUI:~·-,. ....... ; ==Inn Frwrt. ~ o.==u;;... ·'~io':*'nl:i ~:::.!,":.:I.I.... :'i1:i~1:1'--~.:... ~ = =-"~ , •. •. ;;; ..... -=-~ "'': -:.-: .. ... 2 er .. t le., OGelll Vu. J::l!1••-~1111,7i1-am ~l~,1-.hi& .·;a-..,....,,.,,1 £i='trll•• P" ................ . Oer t<ldteK._1411 . ._......,..,, tMWMYiiA ~ ••· lvlnl""·'*'· Ml ._ .. ,.... .... 6127 _.,._, "" Neoa " ._ MW :.;.r. . I .. Hi= Rm II • ... a •.. 2" .... OotM.... .... ... iiMiit ---. • ..... • -•• --mm ...... -... Olr .. "91.IC*OIC....... to ..... .... M IO ULL ... "*"' •.I .. _...._ ..... Mtf 011 $ f ... io et.... MO.~ 7t0-lltf Dilly ... 011 IW • M -. A PtJbfic service of the ; ..., .... Classifieds 642~78 .- ~· '/JI • • *•' * DHITM SllTEI Full ~. Keep your ovemead low & ri<of•· -... -----..... --.-.-·--sT_O_RA_G_E_Y_A_R_D __ alorlal l~biQb.. Pre-_.. -ww, • • 2500-. tt lndustrilil atlglou9 W•tcliff -of Xtnt toe. Nu amt In•. Unit with 325 IC3 ft of N4lwport e..cn. aat r:» acct'ng or law ofllce. 5000 ver Or. Ste. 14, 831-3651 _S300 __ LM_._720-() __ 1_1_1 __ 1 otfice & IQ tt of nphalt OOW!'«I ywd IWIE SllTE 17th & lrvlne, 6th floof. ONLY $150 mot F0t ci. 714/751-47llO Wllw Fl'HI INc ~~~Joel Cart1on1 ___ P_r1nctpa1t ___ on1y __ _ 1 1.50/aq It. l .. H . 24001qlt.1 720/mo.17th. 542-4644, M·F, 9"5 -& Pl-1118, Cotta Meaa.. --646-11&4 LWe ..... ,... 5 office ""1• contlttlngl-------- Off1ca, 650 sq II, over of 1050 sq ft on Coast 1100 aq.ft. olc werehM . ......,, tac. S500 mo to mo .._, new MKAl1hur Air xlnt loc., So. Sant• Ana. .. .,,.. · ·-1· · · 1652 Mtnnle St. CIOM 55 or 19e. 552-n30 evea cond1Uortlng &, patking. & 405 Fwy. 646-75l2 Tlr«I or crowded lr .... y 11050 per mo. net. commutea North? Woukl HAR80R REAL TY you *• .,.. office •t the 714 73-4M>O beach that your lamlly 3&" door 170/mo plus could UM on week-eMI ,...... .. ,., ff $ 7 o ' d -It • • vac.itlon unit? For •• .. •••••••-••••••••• • e c • e P 0 • · leUlnQ 1ntorma11on call Stor'atront Property at ~4154 . Newport The Captatrano Suri . Harbof & Ad81nt, C.M.1 ___ • _____ _ Center. Ht-8292 or Good treftlc & parking. #itnlUtnl 831-5084 640-8754 ... ,.,, 415' b11l11t LMae1M llo It FT I I ..................... . Prime lnterHctlon ot 1200 aq fl • i~t~~ FOR RENJI MacArthur and Jambo-328 No. Newport Blvd. • r•. S 1 per 1q ft. Sub· 720· 1M5 2 bedr00tn. 2 batM & 2 lea• available. 120 or 11orlea In rwin P•• In 1200 aq It for 1 yew. Call Ratall •tore at 2850 Avon, lake Arrowhead araa. Sancty. 213-t20-1157 1&e5 sq It ptu1 8 car H• built-Ins 4 fir~. garage. &41-8.!_n . Ftrat, tut & deposit re-191111111• quired . Cati (714) Ellec. SulMa lnct recapt., C--.NJ 7 88 • 0 2 I 8 or ( 7 14 ) -.c;'y """'· conf. rm •• ~ ... ,.,, Hl 887-0857 we9kday - kit., mall handle. ,..._ • ••••••••••••••••••• nlnga alter 6 p.m. H no PoNf\19 to~ bualMaa T OR LEASE: Newly anawer, pleaH keep neada. Ml. 405 FWy. In remodeled home wttft tryingl FV. ~-ate. Mo/mo large IOt Comm't mnlno. _H_UN_T_E_R-'S_S_PEC __ IA_L_ "°"' 5325. M3 9445. •di to NHrport Blvd. 24' motottioma, fUlly Mff &42·1334, 151·... contained 495-9171 WNt a Wondertul WOftcl --------1 . ' or Shopping, right at ......... • ....... ~ llngerUpa .... ~ .... ~ .. ... . ~ 1141 Dally Pltol Claaatfled •• .. •••••••••-••••••• ••••••••• .. ••••••••••• Ack. To ...... yoiar ... 1r.=:==::=::=s::~=s=:::===:=:==::;;t call &42~1........ • 0111r.c1 M-vtw • Kennebunkport? ,au. Isn't thlt tN bolt thlt won Thi Arnll'tla's Cup in '75? lff'll(rt~ .... dllll't ........ _.,. ........ -~·-"'·~ ........ ......... .... =•••s..wlll Vlllgl In .. , ..................... ... afllllllptrlJJ M ••N· •1 • ....... ...... ~ ........ ·A lllrtlct llllllid fl=-Mllt-......... .._ ... ~_,- ....... Qllllld ........... "'--Add to ......................... , .... --. ............ fitUIJs 11•~-•lllElll,._Wauld .... IW: .. ., ....... 1') .Olil .. ,.. ........... . ........ c -- .· ... •" .. .... I . I ~ . . 24 -Ortinge County AMI Eatate/An ~Supplement to the DAILY PU.OT/Saturdey, NOYMI~ 13, 1912 ·~ • TERRY McCARDLE ,,......,. The outlook le good ... Home sales are on the upswing ... Survey shows home buyers are confused about the new financing, but Westerners are more willing to try alternate mortgage lnetruments . . . pecllnlng mortgage Interest rates should continue to locrease the volume of people searching for the home of their choice. Now's the time to buy! . •WPllT .aT, -• 1'11 ITlll -Fantastic opportunity to live In fabuk>us Newport Crest,~ with peek-a-boo views of the ocean. Walk, don't run to the beaeh, go to steep with the music of the pounding surf. Freshly painted, association dues Include pools, spas, sauna, night lighted tennis courts, hurry, won't last. s.6-2313. 11,111 ... -Owner may take $6,500 down on this huge condo with sunny kitchen, large llvtng areas, shimmering pool and security gate. Act nowt 646-7171. 1~41. Liii -Only $94,9001 3 large Bdrmsl Excellent condition! Perfect starter! Assume 7'1'1% loan. $36,000, $350 mo. and owner wm help finance! Call 963-6767. • NWl 11 -That's right no money down to GI buyer, approved condominium area. 3 big , bdrms, two stories, shows beautlfutly, new plush carpets, sunny kitchen with dintng area, huge private patio, near South Coast Plaza. Reduced drastically. Call now, 548-2313. · - -'Ill _,IU .. -Classic fixer at a golden opportunity prloel You must tee this one to believe. 3 Bdrm, family room. Prlced thousands under the surrounding area. Won't last, call 646-7171 . Ifft.I YILLIY --AWAY -Only $22,900. 3 Bdrm escape to the high desert! Low down terms! Mobile home In best Apple Valley .. Parkl HurryJ Seller motivated! 963-6767. IDT Ill • ma --Great price tor this lovely 4 Bdrm home In Meu Verde. Big IMng room with crackling (!replace. Dining, space age kitchen. Big yard with fencing. A steal at s121,ooo. cau s.a.231a. - LIW ..... mTY -Vacant, bargain prtced 4 Bdrm. Fixer, ffxer with sparkling pool and bubbling hor epal Just reduced to $135,0001 Call 64$-7171. ' /\ 4 II + Piil + 11&111 111• -Beautltut garden-home! Need8 TLC! Aaume $51,000 loan; e-1.. $620 mo. or try '2.500 down! c.11 983-6767. ""'".., •••• -Thia, plu8 lho0me out of thl9 tand9m 3 Bdrm 2 beth bWt\ di ..... ~nJoy the eparttHng Mart, private ctubhouM. tenni. and pt1Yate be9ch. for only 1215.000 ,_ -call todayl 648-7171. -r • -. ...rL&n -0own • quiet stre_et to a ~ 4· Bdrm gtant 2 story, wtth IP8Ck>ua rooms throughout. Huge llvtng room with ftreplaoe. formal dinfng, vwy private rear yard wtth Mf>•rate w9r" 1hop bulldlng, a 1torage •hop, owner has .some extremely attrectt"9 ftnanctng. Great oppot:tuntty to Ive In beautiful Meu Verde. Call 548-2313for details. 14111 .... 11\it~ -3 Bdrm + pool +.private spa! Beautiful garden home, prime neighborhood! New VA loan available for Veteranal Cell 983-6767. I 11 I 11 AT ti T 11TA1111 -F I t f o r Royalty, this ultra cuatom masterpiece awaits you. Huge 5 Bdrm, 2 story home wtth courtyard 9"try, prtvate lhimrnertng pool and bubbling spa accent this marble adorned palace. Unblll.,,.ble •leaMCe at under $850,000 feel Act toctay, can 848-1111. _ 1111 sm-..a-RB38drmhome, qul9&.Gul de._, IOcatlonl NMdl T.L.C.t Aaume 159,500 loan @ 11 ~%; 1731 mo. Call M:M7t7.