HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-11-14 - Orange Coast Pilot4¢# 2£11 • :a 4 II • --~ -..... DR!NGI COAST YOUR HIMITDWN DAllY PAPfR SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 14, 1982 ORANGE COUNTY. CALIFORNIA SOC E NTS Downtown Costa Mesa putting on happy face? By J OL>I CA UENll EA ll 0 1 the Delly Piiot Stell Now JI 10 v1·.11-, "Id ( \..,1,1 M t'Sa0!> n-th·v··h1p1111·111 pt 11g1";1111 " finally lx·~11111111g 10 1·111m ot ··~w a n d !>h o\\ -.11 1111• -,1t1 rqp It al'l'ortlrng 111 '111 I'·'~' '''I"" 1 dl0 l.c11llng 11, ht:.lw \ ,111d p111gr ,.,,_., Releasl' o l 1tw .1r111u,.i 11·1><•1 I l'Olnd d es wtlh a H1'<l1·v1·l111m••·111 Age ncy ml't•ltng !>dll'dult•d 1111 7 : 3 0 p m Tu l ' !> d ,1 y 1 r 1 1 ht' N eighbor h ood <.:11mmun11v Cen ter , 11:1-15 P<irk Av1· al wh11 h <.'Ommun1ty n ·!>pon'>l will ht sought The aKt>rwy. wh11-.1· d1r1•1 1111-. ar e c it y <.'ounul rn1·ml11·1 ,,, w .. , forml-d tn !!Hi:! lo lit·lµ 11d tlw Residents of parks • increase Tht• y a rrt ve 1r1 c1 v:tr 11· 1) "f veh1des. from hand pc11tltl'd ~ 11110) buses and v 111t.1g1 h11u ... 1· 1r.11h·f''> to n e ar IH'"" mnhlft• honH''> equ1ppl·d with lt•lt '"'"'" ,111d propa111· !>tov1•0., Eac h V',l!>tlot h,1, ,, ''"1' Lciyoffls 111 th1 •1r hunw -.1.1tt"-. the !>taggt•nng l'O't uf gl'lling ttllt• a n apartm1•nt 1n s.111th1·rn Cali f o rnia . th1· r•·fu-,al ,,r landl ord~ lo .;llt1\\ < h1 ld11 11 111 rx·t.s Tht•y SlJY 111 tlll' ~1.111 p.11 k, systt'm fur m o11 tll-, . ..,1111wt 1m1·-. yt><irs. a II w .11 l lllg r 11r .. hrl'.tk HI the rl'(.'C'SSIC)ll:Jf'Y (loud l'OVl'I To many . thl: sw11• b<'.H'h park:-. a t Doht•nv. San Cl1·11wnt1· and San Onufr<.' an· ho11w T ht'lr rn o lh1·r:. ear µool children 10 l ol·al sl·h ou l .; H usbands k1 s-; tht.•rr w1vt-:. goodbye o ul.'>1d1• t·am1~:r trc.tlt•r:. before heading off to wu rk And th1• numtwr uf full llml' stale park "re-s1d1·11L-." in South Orange County 1s tnl'n•asing say local California Depar tm ent o r P arks and Recreation Dfhc1als Rangers attnbute murh of 1hr influx of park communit11•' 111 sto rmy c:cono my Jack P Stow1., .in"' m.111Jg1·1 for tht· thrN· <;I.alt p.J r k-. f1i.:un·' then· are bt•t wt.·t·n :!O .ind :m of what h1· t1•rn1,, 'p1·11·11n1.il Camilit.">" m San Cl1·m1·1111• St.1lc· Park al11n1., with -;m;oll1•r numl"wf<> at neat II\ l>11h1•1w .inti San Onofrl' s tall· µ,11 k' "Many 11f th1•<;1· <trt• r.,mi111·-. without Job~. no mon<•v, JU:O.t try ing lo get by." ~11d St11w1" " 43-ycar sldh· park r.111gn Greg Kauffm:on , -.11p1·rv1-.1ng rangf'r at San l 'l1•r111•nlt• S tall• Park. agrP«'d with has li11:-.'.' asses ml·nt 111 th1· nunihl·" ,.f long-l('rm c.Jmpo·r' The a ll rat ll11n. ~· .,,,1cl " tlw lo w 'rl•nt " .it ,t,111• park-, 1·urn•ntly $~ po ·r 111ght (or " devl'lopetl <.c1mp-.1l1• .Jflci $h f11r full tra iler hookup -,111•-, ThOS<• ralf:'S will gn up tho· ftr<;t of the vear. lo $h fur dP\'t•lupc-d sites and $9 frn hookupl> .,tell far chc•..ipc·r than 11•n11n~ c1n apartml·nt 1n 'oulh OrdllR1' Count" But· th1•n • drt' clr.1wh.11·k-, to ltvtng full trnll' 111 .J -,t,111· p.1rk besides thr 1ncon vc•nll·nt·I' o f walking to a r~troom. the· dui.t. the cr amp1•ci qu.1rt1·1" ••nd. tn so m t.• t as1·~ t 11nk 1 ng nu tdnors each d av For nrw t h111g. I ht• 111.1 x1mum COJlS("('Utl VI' p<'rlOd for Whll'h a camps1tc• may ~· rt·~·rvt·d ranges from S<.'Vl'n tn :IO day~. dPp<>ndeng on th ~·ason t1nd lo<·at1on W hen thr· t 11nt• ·._ up. long ll'rm camper'> musl h'<WI' tht.• park f11r a t least 24 hour:-. So what do the• s<•m r perma1wnt v1s1111rs do wht•n 11·.., tune to ll•avc·" "If thn"re .it S.m Cl1·mt•n11., th e y dri.;:,P UJJ In r>o hi>n v or (See R ESIDENTS. Page A2l 111\' 111 hlt,Khl1•d 1·1111111111111, S 1111·1· 1111'11 $/ .! 111tll11111 11 .... b1·1·11 '111'111 111 ll".11 d11\\ II I llt1d11Wll i1Utid111g,, 1>11\ p111p1·1l\ ,1r1d r1lo1 ,1t1• lt'll.lllb l'rn1:-.111H·t1011 c 11:-.b h.1v1· h1·1·11 IH1t 111 l1v 1111\,111· dPv1·l11p1.·1-. l'h1 d11w11t111.'. 11 11•1h•v1 lopnll'n t ·"'"' 1·11v1·1.., IHU~hly :.WO ,11·1 1.·:. hrn111d1•tl hy I ~lh :-.U 1•1·1. ( >r:1n~1· /\v1·11u1· 17th Slrl'l'I .111d l'11111u11J A\l'llUl' Sollll' 111 lho µ111jt'1 h 111 t h1 .ar 1•.1 111dud1· E'<p;.an.'>11111 of l.11111!> PJt k tn Plu1111·r S111•1'l Th o· N1·q~hli111 lro 11 d (.'ti 111111U111 l \ l\ • 11 t l' I ,111 d I 11 t ~l..tllon en L11111!> P<irk '• I\ 1ww l1hr1.1r y abo 11pp1·11vt'<I I 111 L11111!'> I 'u rk Tlw Cosla Ml's<I I l1st111w;al Scic.wlv bu1ld111g Th4' 75 un11 C<isa ffrll1t .11Mrt11w111 1·111nplt·x for i>l'nlOr I I 1 I /I'll!'> C.'lly pun·ha:-.t• of a 10-ant• l'ot1111wr<.'ta I l't·n te r at I 9th and I lat bur Boul1.•vard W1dt·ning of 19th JO feet hMwt•<•n P ark and Fullerton d v 1· nut'~ Work w 111 beg 1 n l~'l·1·mb4.·1 Tlw now-completed $1 7 mllhou Pat·af11.: Ft-deral Savings & L o an at I !hh and N f'Wporl Bou l1·var<l Conslrutt1un. s<'hc<luled lo l1l•g1n n Pxt y t•ar, to ;0111 17th <ll'fU~ Nt•WJ>Cll'I Tu dutt" :.!7 fumtl1t•s and 5:l bus1m·:si.t·11 huv1· lx:t•n m11vt·<l lo muk1· w<iy f111 n «h:1'1•l11pnll'nt prUJl'l'L'> d11w11lown, m,·orJ ing to thl' n •,.x1rt All Wt'll' n •1rnbu1 :s1-<l for n·l<x:allun l'O:sli. A It h o uKh rl'dt•v1• lo pm1•111 t'OllJUrt-s up 1rnat(t•1> uf l>ull<lou.•1"!> moving 111 anJ lung t1m1· bus1n1·S.-.t·s <111d n •:.1d1·nlS 11111vmg out t'llY o ffw1ab !><•V th.ii won't hapix·ri Ma r1I y 11 W ha :-.1• 11 .in J . t· 1 t y r <• d c v t• I o p m l' n l d 1 rt· t 111 r . pred1t·tl:'d thdl Vl'ry fc•w of t h t• I . HH fH' ll µ I 1· I a v 1 n g i n t ht' 2 0 0 -a 1· r 1• d o w n t o w n rl'dt·v1•loµ11u•nl un·<.1 will b1· forct;>d tu ll'JVt· th(' t·1ty • ~ha ring a crowded l'a mpsitt-a n · (from left ) Chuck Cla rk, Rost' S tc"arl . '\a n") Orgo van, Mike· Whitacrf', Chuck a nd Rose's <l a ug hte r-. l.i.;;a a nd Va le ri, and as!-iortt•d dogs. ") d1111't lh111k you 'll .,..,. 111ll1 It d1:.pla1·1·11w111," sht· :-.aid "Not ;11 <11l 11I tht• s1ll•!oo Ill till I l'Vt•l11p1111•11I <11va will Ix· dt·vt·h•J)l.•d " The· nty htts htn ·cf ,, group 11f pl.inner:. from lh1· lJ1 ha11 L ;111d ln:.t1lut1• lo ht•lp d1•111l1• huw 1 t•J 1·V•·lo pmt·nl pl.1 "" -.lwu Id pnx:1·1·d 111 1h1· 1.:11 y F uturl' plan-. .111· "••KU•· I\ I t h" u..: h t It l ' I' Ill p It ..... l !. down1ov.11 1:. 1111 1111111111•1t1.tl dt•vt·lopnwnl with ,1 < 1•1111.il tht•ffi(', lttllt• b1·y1111d lh..tl "' kn1>wn In a<.ld111on tu tlll' do~ 11111w11 rl'<lt•vt:lopnwnl .. rea. tlw •·1ty hJ:. t•at murkt·tl fur upgrading 7:-, acrt'S on thl' Wl'Sl s1d1· of town 111 dn area uountlt•d bv Hamtltt111 D•llY Piiot t lan photo• Home sweet camper at parks lla mmi I.ump, 6 , gtudi..-s a t pi<'nic table . By STE VE MITCllELL Otlhe Delly Piiot 81•n To Wtlltdm and Nam v Lumµµ. homC' ts a t1nv pop uµ ll :1il1·r .it San Clt'mt.•nlP S tate· P;ork "Thi!> was our rt•t 1 t'<tl111nal veh1dt• back 111 Ch1t·a.:o.' Nancv laugh<'d. po1nttnf( to lhl• two whee· I aluminum and t .invas trailer "I m·vN thought wt•d 1•nd up hv1ng 111 1l" W1lltam "ork<'tl as J wddt·r 1n C hicago Wh<'n th<· plant dr>M'll a t thC' C'nd o r 19HO. h1· foun d h1m.o;d f JOblt'SS "H1~ union ~;11d 1h1•rf· v. a:. work in Cahforn1.i hut bv thC' time we• go t here·. I hen· ·wen' layo ffs." Nancy .;.11d T he Lumpps rl'ntt'll a houst• 1n Escond ido. pulling $1.1100 down for first month':., la.:;t month's rent a nd a clPnning d<'pos1t H f'r hu.,band's ;oh scc>k1ng efforts provt-d fru1tlt•ss. And four m o nths latt-r tht• famsl v was as k ed t o IC'avt• bet·aus t; lht·y t'Ould n 't mak<' lhl' pciymenLs T h at's when thl" rnuplc. thc>1r th re<' dau~hters and two dog~ began staying nl stat~· µarks up a nd d o wn tlw t.·oast. living tn the ir tent trailt•r Wilham lamfrd . Jllb at th1• San Onofr<' NudM G(•nf'rau ng S tation in March He· was lmd off tn A ugust "We hdd JUS l .a b11u I sa v r•d 1•1u1ugh lO gc-t 111lu a pl;ic <' whP11 hl' was laid off" NarlC'V '><lid with a shnsg - I l1·'s bal·k <1t llw J.lOWC'r pl.1111 nov.. and his w1fco !>.lid tho· Job look s g ood al lt-a.;;t t tl rnugh Januarv Tht· ~'(1Uple pa) $h p1.·r d,1) for 1he1r campSlll'. plus another $2 per day for lhC' <logs And wh1k that's prC'tty cht•ap rrnt. Nam·v Lumpp ..aid her hu:-.hanci"s $7 ~u an hour '><llary 1:. s pn•ad pn·ttv 1h1n "Th<· 1 h1ldrC'n rC'alm 1h;1t rr d 11 ddy had a bPl tC'r JOb, WC' wouldn't he dotn~ this Th<' rouplr's daughtPrs a.s wt·ll as uthl'f C'hildrC'n 111 the par k. attend local schools. with park parc•nts tak ing turns driving tht·m to and fro m lhP Sa n Clement<• ('ampust-s Dt•sp1le the r a t hl'r rugged lifcstyl<', Nancy said th e• family has grown closer T hi' L umpps have bc•t•n a t San Stat<' Park for about two month-;, and s pt>nt thl' previous f 1v1• m o nths al the more ..,part.in San Onofre State Par-k And every 15 days w mel1m1·s l1•ss when lhe park is full the Lumpps must paC'k up and leave for a t least 24 hours. du!' to park ISee CAMPER'S, Pal'e A2l St 1 '" I l 'o1111111J I\ v1·11Ut'. I Ytlt S111•1•1 .11111 Jlla~·•·1111c.1 /\v1•11ut• l'l,111'> 111 butlcf 50 i1fll.trt111Cl11J, I "' I t1 w 1111' 11111 I' f (I fll rl l (' b I l' 11 t Ii I (> u ~lo I Ii I!> v l' u f' when l'11•..,1d1 •11t H1•Jlo(.111 ktllt·d a ft.1.ll-ral I l11u..,1 ng .ind Urli.or1 l.>t·v1•lop1nen\ .. u11 .. 1d v 11101<1.im fur nt-w .op.11 t11w11t 1·011~1ru1·t11111 1•;1 tot i-. 111 n •pl.ou• fund:. from ,111 al11·.1d ) ,q 1µri1vt·d ll UO pt 111<1 .1111 111 ('11:.1.i Ml•:-.a that d 1d11 l 111.1t1·11.ol111 · f.1tl1·d last W1·1·k .... 11ol Wh1-..•11.H11I 1'111Jc·c i... 111 th" W 1dlt1tu N1·11otltlxJT luxi<l .ir1·c.1 tnd udc F111n1.i 11v 11 11f dll .J:-.5(':.Sllll'll t dt'>ll 111 111 UfJj(f<tUI' :.1•ttH11l:. "' fS t't' .MESA. l'agt> At> Suspects in baby case held 8 } Pllll. SNEIDERMAN 01 th• Delly Piiot 61•11 T" 11 ..,1:-.t1·1.., h.avt· l>t.'t.'11 arrt·!>th.I 111\ 'U'-IJll'IOll of burgfdrtZtng the· hom" o f a Cu:-.1.1 Ml's<l w omttn whtl1· bahv -.1tting ht·r 5 y t•ar-olct son !Jul11 •· ,al!'>(1 <1n · envesugaung an ollq~.i1111n tlw boy wao., dr uggro bv th<· h«bv -,tttt·r:-. J '/\11w L yn Ow1•ni.. 21. and a 17 Vl'ar· ulcf ~1:-.1t·r whust· name• ""'~ w1thhl·ltl , Wl're arn·stcd w 1tli11u1 inndl'nl Friday rnght a t tht·tr hornt• al 11 Kamal11 Court, N1•wpor t 81·a1·h , .wnird1ng to Custa Ml·:-.a p11l 1c t· Lt Gary Wt•bs lt>r Hl· !Wtld th•· uldc·r woman was plan·d 1n Orangt· County Jail in ltl'U or $25.000 h<11I The younger su!>pt'l l was taken to Orange County J uvenile Hall T hl' two were sought by police a ft e r E li ~a b e th Ha m mad n ·pt1rll'CI th<1t. '>hi' rc·tumed ho mC' trom ,·1ork Thur~dav lo find h er s<Jn Chn:.LUphl•r tn a stupor and various belongings. mcludm g a sterc'O .ind a color u,•lev1s1on 9C't. m1:-.sing An <'mt>rgenl'y room p hysician .11 ll•Jag Memonttl Hospital said trJU''> o f a tra nquilizer w e rc- lound 1n the· hoy':. system T he bov ha-. r!'<'OV<'rNI att'Urdtng to .outhontu" I l,1111mad tuld pohl't' s ht> had· lttrt·cl a n·d h;11n•d bahy s1tt<'r nam1•d "M:-irv" on WPdnesdav Th ,. v. 11 rn a n h ad be f:n ,1('<'11111pan11·u l.J~ a <;1stcr while l'ar111g for C hi 1M11pht•r and h1~ I() \ l '.l I old urot her Lt W1•l1s 11·1 ~a1ct all llf thl· b1:lo11g111~~ allt•gc•d ly tttkl'n from tht· I [,1111m.1cl h onw h;iv 1• bN•f\ ff'( 11\'1 'I t'(I 111· s.i1d thf• Nl'wpor Beach .. 1).tt•r' .111 lw1ng ht.·ld on the Ii u 1 g I ,1 1 v l h ,, 1 g c· H <' s a 1 d .iddrtmn.11 111vc'St1gat1on 1s being l 11 n d u ,. t t ' d r l' g a r d 1 n g t h 1• clrugg111g ,1llt gat111n Firn1 lays off 366 workers F.1ghl~ lwu workers at an (rvtnC' dnlltng b1l fac tory were among :J66 S mith International c·mpl11yrcs laid o ff tn a n e w round of cutbal'ks a nnou nced by tht• 011 dnlltn.lo( Pqu1pmPnt firm. Smtlh ln lt•rnatwna l. w h ich has It!. l'Orporatt' ht•ad quarte rs in NL'Wport &.•al'h . said 1t also h~ laid 11ff 880 ot hPr workers ove f the Inst two mon ths. mostly in its Tl•xas o pt•rat111ns Th<' Smtth payroll has been ('Lil from nt';1rly l:l.000 c>mployees in J anuary to 9,500 at prC'sent Com p any .:µo kt'sma n Paul Russ<'ll said lh<' layof fs resu lt f rom a stffp d('('ltne 1n dom estics d rilling for ml and natu ral gas. rt>Sulung from d('(·hntnR dl'mand. Three still hospitalized f roin gas leak ----INDEX-----. Wanl lo l'UI )OUr tax bill thi~ year'? By PHIL SNEIOERMAN O("tfle Delly "ffot lltlfl T h r<'e p eop l e rC'ma 1ned h09p italiU'd Saturda y as a ret1ult o f a toxic gas leak that forced thP evac uation o f at l<'a st 1.00 0 people from an industrial arf.'a 111 lrvln e on Friday night P olice and flre ornc,als 11&id 27 peop le wu.Q .urke n to a rea ho9plt.als for treatement aft<>r a cloud o f e thly e ne o x id e , o chemical sterilizer, e.caped from a ruptured tank a t Bentley Labs, 1 '502 Annatron g Av e lrvlne police Sgt. P hil Povey. . . ' w h o had been at th e iK't'ne of th<• spill for several h ours. w as in stable condition S<\lurday night at W este rn M ed1t"a l Cen te r in Sa nt a A na , a a nurs i n g supervisor said One unid C'n lified Bt•ntlev Labs employee was reported in good condition Saturd ay night at Hoag Me mo ria l Hospita l m N ewport Be a ch , h ospital spo keswo m a n S usan Maricich said A third victim of the chemical m ish ap . whose naml' was not dilclOlled. was in stable condition at Cost.a Mesa Memorial Hotif6tal. r -•-• • _ __., Irvan<' police Sgt Scott C ade s a 1 d o v c• r a I I 2 0 B e n t I l' y employees. o ne Orange County firefighter and six Irvine police o fficers w e r e tak e n to a r ea h os p itals alt~r co mplain ing o f throat irr itation and tightness in the c hest BA a result o( the toxic gas leak. M oa t w e r e r eleaae d alter \rea~nt. he aald . County fire lrtvest1s aton were exp e c te d lo co n tlnue tholr in veetlgatlon In to the cau.e of the aa. leak, but C.de Nld offldal.t believe the chemical tank, which contained about 900 1 a llon1 o f l ethyl~·m· o x1dr. mup turrci Ali u r esul t o r m C't al f att ~u" in a p ip e lln<' T he IC'ak. which was reported at abo ut 9 :3 U p .m Frid ay, resulte d in the t>Val·u11t lon o f about 1,000 peo ple in th<' five - sq ua re-m Ile i n d u s t r ial area around Bentle y Labs. P h on e calls to the <.'ompany we re n ot answered Saturd av A ccording to police-and fire o ff i cia ls. thl' t o x ic r u m e 11 d laslpated before they renched a nu r b y resid en tial a rea o r th~ Marlr l' air b8sc In Tustin .,_ --·· --.. -· --··- WC''rC' going lo tell you how in u se ries of orticlt·s~ uTrimming your taxe ,'' s tarting Monday in the Daily Pilot. Busin<'SS Classified F.4 f\, Crossword Death• Notices Editorial P ag t' Enterta inmen t F eatur ing Ann Landt•r.- ) DI-:.! F'l -6 E3 E3 A 6 El -2 C5 C5 Movies Natio n al New s Sports St<><:k Mnrk<'L<l Theaters Travel w ... ~thor W o rld News E l -2 A3 Bl -6 03-4 E l -2 C6 A2 Al .. .. -. -.... --~----.. L Oran e COHI DAILY PILOT /Sunday, NovemtJor I•. 1982 ~------------------·---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. 'Get me to the church on time' CAMPER'S HOME • • • • rul<'i. l11n11ing thl· lc11gth •ii l'llnl>l'('U\IVl' dayl> ,1 l>lll' lllH\ lit> 1 l•st•rvto<l Tht· family usually dr1vt·:. uµ l lll1:-.t lo Doht•ny Stnt<· P ark ur dtJWt1t~1asl lo lht• F.ll 111 Fnn•-.t ltl i'::M•ond1d11 to StJy (111 <I d:1y nr I\\ o " Wt' l ,1 11 1 t o 11 r v c11· J l 1o 11 Wt'(•kt•nd.'' Nunl'y -..ml (.javt•n <i t·ho1n-. Narn·y S<JIU th•· 1.11nily would prl'l1•r tht• ,.,1ab1lity II f ll h ') llH' l o l h l' l r a n s 11 ' 11 I l1f\-,.,1yll' 111 th1• stall' park "ys11•n1 "But I'll $J.Y ww thing fur ttu:. k1ml uf lif1·," :.ht• added "You dun't likt• u:. 'l't11•v '>J V Wt·'n • hvll1R off tht• u.ixµuyt•1,.:. Chuck i.;11d "Hl•ll, Wt' pav 11'111 JUi.l hkl' 11t1YbiKly e lse " Tht-'u 1g~est µ1 uld1•111 with liv 111~ in the µark sy,.,1t•111, l'hul·k ,,11u, ll> lht• l'1Jns1<111I lrlp II> the 1.ingt•r i.wt1on lO kl'l'fl tht•11 ..;1te 111 t ht-p<irk "About tht• long, . .,1 vuu t·..an ,.,1ay in 1ml• :-.put 1::. ",. d.1yi.." Ho.,t· .... 11<1 Wh1•11 tht• tmw's up, mw 111 th1• udulb must get lo I 111• ran'°'t'f ,.,1.11111n a t l or :\ am 111 w.111 111 lmt· '"'"T he c·hildren realizt• tha t if d a ddy h a d a h e ttt•r j o b., w t• wouldn't bt• d o ing this."" ,·11ul<l11 '1 a s k for ,1 h1·,dth11•r a tm11sphl·rt· .. Not to menuon what l>ht· trrms a "1111111011 dollar" Vll'W from tht' d1fb at San C leml·ntt• Pointin g to the 1x:1•an bdow, llntL'<.l pink by a law aftt•rnoon ::.un , thl• formf·r M1uw1•stl'rnt•r sm1ll's and asked, "llow manv p<'Ople get to see th1' evl·ry day'.'~' Bdure las t wt'C'k . C huC'k Clark. h1~ ~1rlfnend ROSt.• S tt·wart. their thrt'<' c hildren and twu pit bulls sit> pl in a I 0 -year-old L:>odr.w van :md a s mall tent. .. And tha l's JUSl tu gl'l on the "'a11in~ h:.t al 8 am ," Chuck t•xplainl'<.l. s haking hL-; h t'ad . Thl·n somC'One has LO n •turn at 'l. p.m. to St'(' 1! tht•y t·an kt'E'p the s ite for a noth e r four or five days. "It's a real hassle. but wha t can you do," Rose asked? J eff Burdick said h e and has girlfriend Yvette Canlu. plan to move out o f Lhe1r campsite JUSt as soon as they can scrape up t"nough LO get into an apartment in San Cleme nte. ( I (~oa,tu Mt>"u ',.. (;urry Luku,, ~""' In t•· for h il'I weclJinti< Sutur d u)0 -bul lw t•tmld11'1 clo nrn<·h n hout it . St•enu1 h ii, hc·;.11 mun, hrollw r P c:tt-r Lukuh , h u ndt•u ff t•d '1im to a post in frmH of lhc• Co~l u Mc·su Polic·c· l>c.•purt nwn t c·n route· lo lh c· «hurc·h . F iu nlly hi"' d utl, T o n ). u nJ O ffic·cr Tom \\ i nlt'r 1•rovt•tl lo lw 1lw kt·y mc•n in O pc •rntio11 Matrimon ), l o 1lw rc·l ic·f of h r icl c• t\nrw M ill..r. D•llr PllOI phOlot by flleh•rci Koehler Now they've a<'qu1rl'CI <• 1954 trailer. making things a little more comfortable for tht• family . Th;.it might tx, somt• llmt• off. t h e bt.<arded elel'trat·ian and m cc h a n i c con c '-' d t• d H e· s u n e mployed n ow. but m a k es e no ugh to stay in th« park Crom odd JOb s he dot>s for o thl'r visitors RESIDENTS OF PARKS INCREASE • • • Tiger vic tim gets a n e w baby brother T h ey sharP a campsllt• a t San Clem e nte State P a rk with another couple. M 1kc.· W h1tacrt• and Na ncy O rgov<in. who hail fro~ Ohio. Cpuc k a n d H ost· t'ame t o SmlJhe rn California from Texas t.:1. ... t May a fter C hul'k lost his JOb as a plumber. Mike and Chuck now do somf' hou sf' 'painting and odd JObs, w hil<' Nancy and Host• t'IPan he 1USC'::. 1n nearby S;m Cll'nll'ntt•. ··We.· don't live herc.· bt't'oUS<' wt· w<int to," Rose 111s1sH·d "We dun't have any damn l'hOIC."t' .. Shl· said the two l'OUples an~ c a u"aht up in a "Catt·h -t2 " situation. "1 could walk into a restaurant anyWht're on the coast and gl't a JOU llkc.• that," she said. snapping hrr fingers "B ut the e mplo y <·r alwavs " d n t s a h o m e p h n n c· a n d . naturcally, w e d on't have o nr "A nd once they fmd out "'1· liv1· in a state park . forget 11 · T ht> t w o couplt.'S said thry get ;ti11n~ pretty w e ll w ith oth er I u 11 J1mt·rs in tlw park o;ystem - hut it take a lot of abu.'*' from ,. ••t·a\ 1onl'rs ·'1'host• wf'ekt•nd warriors J eff said he's b<•t·n hv111g in statt• parks for tht' past f1 v 1· yt•ari.. His girlfriend J01n1-d him •wo y('ars ago. Tht·v llvc.• in a t·:1mix•r sht>ll th<tt f1i.., snugly u~ tht• rtatbed o f Jdf's 1952 Ford p1t·kup Thi' dn•am of <tn a1xirtm«'nl of tht·11 own bt'(·amt• less n •ahst1l· a h·w Wl'c•ks ago wht•n th1• couple's puppy broke its ll'R "It l'ost $350 to repair the· leg a nd I had to give the vet tht• pink s hp t o m y truc-k bc.•furc ht•'d operate." Jeff reeallro Jpff so d<>tc-s som1• surf f1,.,h111g off S un Clt>mcntt· 111 put food on thl· table. saying hc· t•an u sually t·om1· up with a p;.inful r1f c-roak<•r o r ,urf perch 1 n t ht· l a lt• . .Clt-rnoon Y Vt'llC' .,a vs "hc· ·... u 111l<•n1 to h\'(• m 1h1· park.-. for 1111w . d1 ·,p111· lha· lll'tjUt·nt tht-fL,, IUll 111' \.\llh \ .tl at 111n1·r" and rH't :1-.1011..i I di....put1· ... with thl' ran).(1•1 .. , "It'!> rc·allv beauuful ht·n · · "Tlwn:!> fresh .. 1r vou '4'.ln St't di1· lx•ath. a nd thP pn~l' 1:-right " down to San Onof n· for a day or twu," Stow1· said. "If th0&.· <:amps an' lull. thl'Y park in thl' day-use ;1rc•:1s unul nightfall. thl•n drive out and p<irk on thl• s tn't.'l " Only to n •turn tht· m ·xt clay. Stowe· s aid tht• maJunt y o f long-tt·rm v1s1tor:. Jr<• "good pPopl1· "''ho an· JUSI down o n lhl·1r lu!'k " "Q u111· .1 ft•w w111 k at tht• rowt'r plant," Stow1· sa id , nofc.•rnng to l'U rurtruct1un workers a nd c ng1m""t·rs a l th<' San'Onofre Nuclcdr Gc·ncraung Swuon , just th ree miles a o ut h o f Sa n Clcm enll' State Park Many of those w orkers either n mnol ,1ffo rd rent. o r <.·house to l1v1• in the· park ·system, figuring tht•1r JObs arc· only temporary. Other lo ng-term park v 1s1 t.ors .in· un1•mploycd. or work at odd JOhs. Ir~ ing to S(:rapc up t·nough n111rn·v to gN mt.o an aparlmC'nl :n rH'.11 h\ Sdn Clt·nwnh' Bu I K.1u If m;rn t·onC't ·dt'Cl :.onll' ol 1111' tull 11m1· n •-.1cl1•111. ... ot thl' IJ.• l'K •' n · •• p1ohlt·111 \N1 ·,1 n ntl'd an 1m rt'<''" 111 1111 fh n-c 1·1Hlv." KJuffm.111 1><11u • \V1· \'t• bt't'll )<)';Ill~ •• lo t of Ill' Winds decrease (.'"a s t n l . Lo!l'I varoab1e wmds becom1no wPSI lo souchwest 10 10 t5 kno1s 1n attarnoon and dacreaaino on aventio Sou1hwes1 swells two 10 cl1roe reel Va rt able 11 ogh cloudiness ' C'a lifornia Cold noohls and cloudy day~ Ch8'8Cletoze Southern Cahlorrua weather this weekend but no repl•y ot lasl week's torren•~ 1s e•P«:led HithS today Wiii oenerally h1I the mod~s and mod· 701 woll> lows applpacn•no 40 1onioh1 V8ftable h•Oh cioudonen """ prevtll 1n all areas Los AngeleS wtll uve a h!Qh today and • io. ot H hi will range lrom ab<>ut 70 52 'f 'O"' 10 7 on 1ne valleys and •tono lhe COOSI. dipping 10 52 8 to 62 In lhe Owt!rll Valley Lows to'1•Qhl wlll dr o~ to the 40& and lo w 501. 11n "g lo 28 to J8 '" Owens Vel T«nperatures will 1111 into lhe 601 ~x tended fo recast V•lat>le hlOh cloudiness w11h cha~ ol tl\ower1 at 11mM m11n1y In "*'nl81n• In COHtal MCtoon9 hl0h4 S4 to 72. lows 5 4:1 It. 5~ Mouttaln hight'" 501. lows ~o 10 4S lf .S. sunirnary I • • SllOW we t 1ca11ered from Iha n0<11\e"' Rockies acrou tn. Orut Lakt • end cnio lhe norther" APP4'•chl•n• Salurdey and COid t1mf1retur11 1pread over the Norlll C«llrel stet* T ... 1110W had eprew:I KIOU the Gre4t Lek .. region during the night and by eerty In the dey wu conc9ntr•led O¥er the io-OrMI l •kt• r•glon l'1d the centr11 App1 11cn1an1. wct h mo lt 1cclfnullllon1 •round one 1nd two ~· On Frldll)' the tlorm h•d dumped up to 18 lnche• of ano" on 1om• pert• ol UPP•• M~. .... lllOWf .. i de> .. OP9d CMll ti!• .,o<.,..n Aoc1c1ee. whef• a lnch6t Of •now tell ea 8111t!!QI, ~""" ~..,.. """ In flle tMne -• .Ullefed from ~ MICf"9I" to Mont-I n' •er m • r r•glone, r ein oont Mine the nlgM tN« .... t Of New Enolend, wMll • 1 75 inches a1 HllT1l0<d. Conn end t 5 1nel\eS at Provtder>Ge R I Bui n0<1r>et1~ wind reac/leO lhe New Enoland coast duro"9 Che day eno1ng the nt1n and oroppong cemperalures into the 30s Temper at u1 e5 around lhe neetons al 2 p m EST ranyed lrom t 1 degrees ac Duluth and 1n1erna1tonal Falls Minn . co BJ at l.A1am1 and Wes• Palm Beach F111 1 he day s 1ow was !> 'below ze<o at H1bb1no end tnCernauonal Falls Minn For lo<Jay sunny sic.1~s were l0<f!Cas1 over moSI of lhe nallun w11h s11ow sprea<11ng through lhe Great Lai.es region rnto New England Snow CJ Highs the 20s were prf!d•cted over the northe1'1 P1111ns and the Great lakes 1eg1on In lhil 30s and •Os lhrouoh New Enotend lhe Ohio Valey. the ~nlrll Plains and into lhe Pac•hc NO<lhwest m the SOs ovm 1~ South '" lhe 60s over 1ou1nern Floroda end soulhern T .. es an<I m ll>e 70s In aoulhe"' Cahlorn1a Fronts Cold .-or Wc1rm WW Occlueleel ~ Stahonary •• T er11pera t11.res NATION Albany 64 H All;>uque<que' !11 27 AnchOrage J9 29 A.Hallie 7 t J7 Allsnllc Coly SJ 43 Ball•more 7 t 46 B1111nos J4 JO Bormtngham 68 J4 Boose 46 27 Bos1on 10 54 Bullalo 68 J8 ChllrlMIOn SC 75 55 Chll<IMlon WV 75 3J Charlolle NC 72 44 Cheyenne 36 02 ChlCaQO 60 2J C1nc1nnat1 67 27 c..-.e111nd 66 J3 COlumt><•. S.C 78 48 Columbo• 6:1 211 DaHn -Ft Worth 65 32 Denver 44 22 Des MOlnes 44 11 OetrOlt 80 32 El P .. o 6J 38 Folrt>anh 35 20 Flagtl•fl Jll 2t 0rM1 Fllll• J8 21 Hlrtfofd 85 44 HonOlutu Hout1on tndoanopoios JAGkton MtSS nc~aonvtll~ June nu l(ansas C11v lH vngas Li1118 Rock Los Anoeles Lou1sv1lle Memptus M1am1 Miiwaukee MPlt·SI Paul Nathvtlle New Orle•ns New YO•k Oklahoma C11y Omaha Orlando Phlladelph1a Phoenl• P1ll1burgh Pa<lland Me Pa<lland O•e Reno Salt Leke Sen Ar1ton10 San Diego S•n Franc1aco Se111lle SI loula 81 Pe1e-lampa Spok•ne T~ka Tucaon Tutu Wuhrnoton WIC:htll 82 &8 73 48 63 23 7 t JS 81 5• 34 l t 49 t5 58 J8 68 26 71 57 64 26 70 29 79 73 St 2:1 28 06 67 27 80 46 68 47 49 07 J5 t3 83 62 88 .. n so 611 33 6!> 56 45 39 42 20 47 38 70 41 7 t 51 57 47 44 34 65 18 82 70 JS 18 .. 17 68 48 53 28 73 48 4!) 18 BURf RIPDRT twf ... ... .... Zl.wn• 2 3 10 811111 Monica 2 3 tO ~8eKh 3 -4 10 Sen Diego County 3 -4 10 OutlOOI< lor Monday Liiiie 'llhltll09 • 3 3 3 3 aw WSW waw W8W CALIFORNIA Bakers held 60 40 Eurei.a 59 41 fre$nO 60 4J Los Anoelf!$ 71 57 Paso Robll'S 61 36 Rad Brull 60 311 Redwoo<I CtCy 58 ~ ~no 42 40 Saaamen10 60 J5 Saltnas 64 4 I San Diego 1 t 51 San Franc•sco 57 47 Santi Barbara 69 41 Stoctc1on 54 40 GL08Al A'l'~Ce<dam !12 45 Alhens 64 43 Be11u1 59 52 Be1orad1> 59 43 Berlln 54 41 Brusselt 55 46 B·A1re1 88 !)4 C.t<O 66 SS Careen 82 ee Co~nh8Q<I" 55 48 Dublin so 4J Frankfur1 6t 45 Geneva Sii 60 H1van1 81 72 H.a11nkl 4!) 45 Hono Kono 70 83 JeruHlem 60 4 1 Smog The Air Ou•llly Managemefll OttlrlCI pr8dlC11 good 81r qvality IOd•y In all pof110na of lhe South Coua Air Buln Goo d 11r c:11J 1llly with • Poflut1n1 8111\d•rd lrtdex of 42 le lorecut lor mearopolll•n Loa , AngelH end lh• Sen Oabrlel. Pomone. S•n F•rnando end Santa Clorll• v1tteye A PSI of 42 le elto PfOdlclld f0r lnllnd Orange Cou11ty. th• AIY9r-4d..Sen a.rnerdlno erH. ~1e1 regaone, 6-11, eennmo. M~t·fiilnore r90ton Ind 8'0 8Hf lei\•. AO!litd"flmng9 .,. • I~ ~ QoOd, O•tOO; unh .. 11111111 l•t .. 111111 ve people. 10 t ·200t un.,...thlut fOf ewryone, 201·300 ttld llelardou9. .Jac·k S l o\\ t• l' h l' '> I "> • ( 0 tl d d 11 d l ' J 11) p I 11 g l'CjlllJlllWlll .. "Wt•'n · 1 ·v~·n f.{l'lll11g yuur IVplt <.il domt•Stll' di:-.1.JUlt· .... " hi' i-<ud. l.iughing But mc1ny t'Ompl.imL-: .1hout th1· full-llmt· populatu m at thr stale' pa r ks L·ome from rt·turn vacat111nf•rs. who s1•1· th<• sarn<' campt•r,., t•<wh year "Th1'liC.' people r·omt· bal·k , set"' tht· p<>rt·nnaa l stayers a nd say. 'My Cod. it's tough r no ugh lo gel a L'a mp s1 tc and th('S(' people are a l"' avs here.' " Stowe said. "Th ey don't realize these J>li'OPlt' stay the hm1t, the n have lo le a ve for at least a day," S towe said But both rangers said the state parks syste m is n 't set up Co r full-t1m1• uS<'rs S1owt.> said the pa rk s department 1s con s idering llm111ng a vistor 's s ta y t o a " maximum of :m de1v~ p1•1 ,\'l·ar "I 1 wou Id g1\'l' vac·a 11011c•r:. a c:ham·1• to gl't away rrum thl· h11hbul> 11f th<· nt~· for ,1 wt•t•k or lwo " In lht· nwant1mc>. r:.ingc•rs will cu111111uC' to at·com modatl' the· long-tl•rm campers, wav111g to thC' f<1mil1ar faces a" tht•v t'Onw uncl gu through th{'1r owr-1 gatt>d commun1tv "T hJt's 'exactly what we've got h1.·rt'.0 ' Kauffman said "A guardt.'CI neighborhood." STEVE MITC HELL MESA • • • Pala<.-e and Ste rling. -City acquisition of abou t 3 acres for the construcuon o f the 50 apartments. -Already romplC'll'd w a te r service lmprovc.•ments. Two -VPar-old Anthony S•op<ini. t'Onvalesdng at M1ss1on Community Hospital 111 M1ss1on V11·111 from a t1gc·r <ittm·k . has bt.•t•n 111nl'u 111 the hospital by h1~ moth1•r ;md nl'W b rotht·r. N;wm1 StopaA eh v<>rro <1 son Wt>dm">day at tht> hosp1ldl. The• Stopani~. from Upland, now havt• four ehaldrl•n . all boys A hospJtal spok esw oman said tod~•Y t hat Mrs S topant was v1s111ng Anthony Mo nday when she· h ad "<.'omplications" that led doctors to hos p1tah2c h t!r The b o v was born a few wt-ek s pn:matun·ly Mt·;.inwhtle. dol·t orl> an· pn·µaring Anthony LO lc>a\'e the hosp11<11. tht· spi>kt-swoman said Ht• is l1sa•d in fair cond1t1on. rl'('0Uf.>4:rattng from hc·ad anu lc•g wound.., hc.· suffrred 111 thl• Ol·t :?:J attal·k during a wild a nimal :.how :it L ion Countrv Sllfar1 m I rv11w . Ltun Countrv officials. who hav1: bet.•n 1nvest1gat1ng tht' JnC'ldPnt involving trainer J ohn C<impolongo's "Ammal Fantasy" a c t . have n o t yet r e leased 1nformat1on ronC('rnang h ow the tiger may have escap<."'Cl from the, caged ring Thl• ugcr p1c:kro up the boy b.> the hc•ad and ran out o f the temporary arena. Camplo n go purSUl'<.I the> animal and freed l hC' bov. but not bf.'fore he suffered a i,k UIJ f ral'lUrl'. An t hony. who 1s 1n good s pirits. had been hoping for a bahy sis t er, th e h ospital spok eswoman said . REllT OUR SKIS lllD BOOTS (which don't look like rentals} ALL IEW EQUIPMENT! V isu alize yourself In th i s pi cture,-not stand ing i n a rental line when you arrive at the ski area. We ren t F i scher and Rossi gnol skis , Saloman Boots. Our rental facility Is newly lmporved and will help take-the hassle out of renting. RESERVE IOWI RINTAL PACH:lt:Y LlnLl ITOll ............. ...,.. ....... ..... (1t4) -~ .. , ... \ WORLD Thousands file past Brezhnev's casket MOSCOW (AP) -Tena of thousands or Soviet ciUz.ens· ril ed pa s t L eo nid I. Bre zhnev's o p e n ca sk et Saturday in u two-mile line tightly guurded by troops, police, roadblocks and checkpoints. For the S<.'t.>ond straight day, Soviets trekked six abreast, silently and somberly paying respects to Brezhnev, whose body la y in s tate in the downtown House of Unions. Central Moscow was sealed off. Thousands of pohce In gray w ool oven •oats and soldiers in brown uniforms patroll e d s tree t s and intt'rst.'Ctions, turning back all who lucked proper passes. Bru h nev's body lay 1n state on the S('(.'Ond floor of the hall, and a two-story high portrait of the late leader, bordered in black on a red background, hung o n the front o f t he columned bu1lc.Jing Walesa's release told WARSAW (AP) -The Polish m a rtial -l aw government a nno unced Saturday that Lech Walesa, c h ief of the o utlawed Solidarity trade union,' had been freed aft.er 11 months of internment, but he could not be located. A devout Roman Catholic, he had spoken of serving the church in some capacity, and there was speculation that he might have been s pirit ed away by church officials. Reliable sources said that at NATION 3 p.m., Wa lesa boarded a helicopter and left the remote governm e nt r eso rt i n southeaste rn Poland w fiere he had been detained, but t hey did n o t k now his desunauon. They said he was released after being interviewed by a report.er for the government television n etwork. The interview o riginally was sch eduled to be broadcast Saturday night, but then was rescheduled for Sunday with no explanation given. Space walk postponed CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) -Mission specialist William Lenoir. s uffering from nausea, called in sick on Saturday -prompting flight officials to put oH for one day the space walk h e was scheduled to take e arly Sunday wath another space shuttle crewman. Lenoir became the sixth of NASA's f irst 12 s huttle astronauts to be struck with motion sickness, the malaise o f weightlessness. He and Joseph Alle n had already unstowed their equipment for the outdoors exercise when Ho uston sent word of t he postponement "We looked at it and said let's give them another day and not push it," said flight director John Cox. Rift with allies defused WASHINGTON (AP) - President Reagan announced Saturda y "substantial agreement" has been reached on ne w guidelines rettricting allied trade with the Soviet Union. permitting him to drop sanctions against industrial nations helping M09COw build its natural gas pipeline. The action defuses a serious rift beween the United States and its allies in Europe and Japan. "W e have agreed not to engage in trade a rrangements whic h contribute to the mil i tar y o r stra t egic advantage of the U S S R or serve to preferentially aid the heavily militarize Soviet economy," Reagan Jd a na tiona 11 y broadca radio add ress. "Now that we've a.t!'f'IW~ an agreement with our allies which provides for stronger and more effective measures. there is no further need for these sanctions. an d I am lifting them today." he said. Panel delays big rote ALEXANDRIA. Va. (AP) -The Social Security reform commission decided Saturday to postpone until next month a showdown on whether it can forge a compromise package o f tax hikes and benefit cuts to bail the system out of its financial crisis. But fo r the first time. libe r a l Democrats on the panel 1nd1cated they are willing t o f;ie lay next su mmer's cost ·Of ·llv1ng increase for the 36 m11l1 on Social Security beneficiaries as part of the solution. That move was discussed in private as part of a propost.'CI rescue plan that would involve a payroll tax hike in 1984 to generate most of the cash to cover the deficit of $1 50 b1l11on to $200 billion facing the system over the next seven years. STATE - Wife of Begin dies LOS ANGELES (AP) - Israe li Prime M i n ister Me nachem Begin cut short his 10-day visit to the United States late Saturday after learning that his wife, Aliza, had died in Israel, an Israeli consulate spokeswoman said. Begin learned of the death Qf his 62-year-old wife about 6 p.m .. and was returning to Israel during the night, said Naomi Levi, a secretary at the lsrae 11 consu late 1 n L os Ange les. The 10-day tour was to have inc lude d B e gin 's first meeting with President Reagan s ince Israel sent troops into Lebanon in June. Mrs. Begin was admitted in October to the intensive care unit at Jerusalem's Hadassah Hosp i t al wilh serious respirator y a nd circ ulator y troubles. She had a history of asthma problems. .. . Judge· rules Ladies Days not biased "Ladies Day" spec1aLo; at lcx:al car washes and nightclubs are not a form of discrimination against men and can continue, an Orange County S uperior Court ;udge has ruled. Judge Edward Wallin , in a decision released Friday, ruled that Anahe im resident Dennis Koire was not entitled to damages because the specials are not a violation of state anti- dlacnnunation laws. Koire had sued l t county car washes -including the five- outlet Metro Car Wash chain with branches in Costa Mesa and Huntington Beach -and eight local nightclubs. He had sought $5.000 in d a mages and a discriminati o n ruling that effectively would have stopped ladies days. Wallin ruled that ladies days "are not calculated to make men feel unwelcome. una<."<'cpted or undesired." The specials are "simply intended to encourage woman to patro n i z e the defendants establishment," he.• wrote in the 3-'h-page ruling. Wallin rejected Koin"s daim of damages by saying that Koire actua ll y may h ave be nefited from the specials indirectly, beca use l o wer prices f o r ever yone might result from great er over all patronage attracted to the businesses by the specials. Tustin attorney Ron Talmo, who re presented Koire in the suit, sa id h e will "in a ll like lihood " appeal the ruling after talking to his chent. Talmo maintained that any type of ladies day special 1s by its nature d ;scriminatory, saying "there can be no ;usti f1cat1on when a busin ess draws a distinction between m en and women." Talmo said he argued in the s u i t t hat the specials are demeaning to women because they imply "that women net.'CI all these little bennics (benefits)) to get aJong in society.'' He said the fact that the Metro chain also features a r:1en's day s p ecial o n ce a w ee k was irrelevant because businesses use them only to justify coooucting ladies days.' We're Listening ••• What do you like about the Daily Pilot" What don't you hke" Call the number at l~ft and your message will be recorded, 842•6086 transcribed and delivered to the appropriate editor. • The same 24·hour answering service may be used to record let· ters lo the editor on any topic. Mailbox contributors must include their name and telephone number for verification No circulation calls. please. Tell WI what's on your mind OAAHGE COAST Dally Pilat , ..... '·Haley l'Vlll"'* ofld Cho.I hec:uilve Offtce< M6cheef , • Harvey Olte<!Ot °' Moll e11119 IC.~ CIHt#lect e~el"9 71411'2-11'71 Alt other d9pe111Mnte 142-021 MAIN °"1CE m Jll"4 ... S4 .. c-. Mew, CA Melt ........... ,,.., C•M ,_.,.,CA fl!IJ• c ......... ""0r..., c ....... _....,.. c-.. Ne -tW!ff, lllVtlr .. IMt, Mllet .. I ~., _. ,,.. .... "*"' ..... .., .. ·----.......,. t.-ci.1,...M1"61ftet c...,.11111-. • Orange Oout DAILY Pll:OT/Sunday. November 14, 1882 Elected Newport Beach attorney~ Ronald Schwartz (left) a nd Mark Robinson Jr. have been elected to the board of the California Trial Lawyers Association, meeting a t Anaheim's Disneypaod Hotel. Chili chan1p Beuming over a 1,500 first place check in the first annual Cook (or Kids C~ili Cookoff arc m e mbers of Esta nc ia .. I '1• '\• ., .... I •• ! ... . •.: High SchQol Jail Housq • Chili team. Clockwise from bottom left are Diane Randall, •• ~ J ennifer Bowley, Chris tarkenburg, De De Thompson, Mike Reese, Amy Connolly and Leslie Franco. .. The event was held to benefit Costa Mesa and '•' Newport Beach high schools. .•: " , ... ,. 203 OFF EVERYTHI NG I OUR STORE Starting Monday, November 15 Doors Open 9:30 a.m. One Full Week thru Saturday, Nov. 20 Bua Sperry Topetder Florlhelm Coi.-Hun Sedd ... Dexter l we1kover Nike Adldu Tretorn MENS LADIES· CHI LORENS . Kede Clark a 9-W"t ./ Ute Slr!Oe Heturallnr Hlckelt Bueter Brown Luy Bonee W•tclltf Pleu Newport llMch · Sebago L.J. Simone Aller-Hours llltle Capezlo Annie Shoes BueWMtuM Oeclt Shoes. S~ Ptue Other9 All AcceHorlH; Hines. Bonnie Doon, Interw oven. Wi gwam, end tec:tlee· hendbeCJe. "'· lnYentOfy on hand only ' •• • ' \. .. ----------... - Orange Ooaat OAILV PILOTl8und1y, November , .. , 1982 An islnnd that i~n't is"Forbee Island" in Sausalito. The 400-ton ho useboat, built by For bes Kidoo, ie possibly the. world's most lu xurious ('onerete barge., c • • .. ~ .... ..... .. .. .. Fofbe~ ls.Ja.nd:· A ·\ffint~sy land..· SAUSALITO (~ -It's a. story. of fam/:! an<I money. l\.nd , fant.asiee aoout m~ Came and more mon•y and -much adQ about Kiddi!For~ Kiddoo, • 44-y.~r-olc,t ge buOder wit!\ ll Cap~n N com~e". Se'V'en ye rs ago. Forbes - hardly a~~e uses, t)1s last name -turned ii.tent& 'to buildb\J wha~ may ell be the world'a .. most luxuribus concrete barge. a . vessel whl~h resembles a Civil War ironclad' with palm trees. Two years ago, he launched "Forbes {sland" in Richardson Bay, which borders this languid com munity where $500,000 homes dot. the hillside. ln SeJ)tefi\ber. the waµ a.,. . Journal ~~ about ~ rugs. a wme celler, a ptofuaiOD of mlr.rors. p0Tthole1 tb~t ~••• • ethereal liaht, a sunken Uvlni room, a ~ of StJ\._('09ml an airlpck1•• • concert ..-.-arr and • ·a~ puioo. ... -."• • , ... . · ~eNJ aay ther:e a~ two grand l>1anpe. Soroe say t here are ~81 pian()I.. F~ Won't say, • 4'hd he h¥ ~tely tur~ do)Wn toUr requests Crom the ined1-. Toiling hard a t h'!s c;t uaty bualQetm as th'tee dop LrOlic in front of an adjacent junkYJlfda, ' Forbes said the journalists simply didn't lndicate the proi>er type of interest. If the ta)( man come.a, Forbes could just move his lsland, 1om ethlng h e already has demonatrated an ability to do when h~ towed t~e ia1a>\i:a sttore so th.at a crane could , on ttle ~ trees. A few plQPle peeked Inside th.at day. • "I remember being lm~ , with the number of pLaJ')Clli ''an4 ' an organ pit and a w,~atocked · ~' Wi ne cellar. It Wal opul9 bt , luxW)'." said Laurie l>urrieU. .95 Using a . tug. a bulldozer and a hydraul(c '.ram, Fbrbes and friend• l!hpved th'e' 100-foot, 400-lon hpUeeboat out of Forbe;' wor"rf'd and into the calm. cool "If eomebody comes up with some green. then l'U. take \hem out there and open llP a case of champa_g'l~~said the husk y, smooth-uwang man. He says he's now tryh'g to line up "an exdus1ve" with a television show thal specializes In oddities. Other villtors noted t h e 1 :M>,000-gallon water tank, the air lock for acuba divers, a seH- con tained sewage treatment facility , the 18-foot polished mohogany bar and underwater windows that help complete the effect of Jules Vern e's underwater adventure "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea.'' The book told of the exploiff'pf Capt. Nemo and h is submal11ltf, the Nautilus. U.S. Choice Dinners with soup or salaCf, baked potato bay~ , It took! tbrec days to launch and. JocaJ ~end has 1t. another thr~ ~· io celebrate. Forbes says thole abc days of fcsuvittes c:ost .lllm. ,10,000. · AndForbes Island, tethered by chaina ahcJ anchorc.-d by Ste.'('), has been (ld.tin« 600 feet from shore ever si~. waving i ts palm trees in the-air as rumors pread about the fant.as\iC floating mansion. In. M_,_y, the stories drifted acr~ ~Golden Gate when the S~n ranc isco Examiner d i' bes Island as "a pad o f ~h . .1pute d syba ritic spl4tldar ~t visitors gasp with ~\.'' • ,. . ..;- ;!J • f -. ~ ... ! ' t. '.· 1 .. ., "l was asking for $10.000, but they said 'Oh . no, that's way beyond o ur budgc.·t. ·" s ays Forbes . Marin County and state tax collectors have· beC'n trv1nl( to figure out just what to do about f orl:x•s for some time. But thl'Y just can· t decide what Forbes Island is or who should tax it. "It is not a legal houseboat at this time," says Bill Johnson. a county marine inspector. "lfs just something floating around on the bay." .. Forbes'. dogs, Shane and Nemo, live on the barge. But there have been other guests, Including county Supervlsor AJ Aramburu, whose board soon will b e decidinl{ what to do abobt the island and other "anchor out" dwelling8. "it's sort of like entering a fantasy land," r ecalls .J.he ~ervlsor. "There's a sh arp f.erenc:e .bfttween reality. and w t you J nciunter. U y°" want to delCTibe it,~'d MY it'& early Captain Nemo." or rice pilaf, and toasted Ranch Bread. The Ranch Specials. Special values like these won't last forever, so come to Stuart Anderson's today. You're going to feel good Inside. FOUNTAIN VALLEY, SANTA ANA, GARDEN GROVE, T~~NCE, CERRITOS, LAKEWOOD, ANAHEIM RQ btlsons ·-i. ··MEET ... . tr.... ..t. HERE TO $=~,f ~" YILLEROY AND BOCH NAIF DESIGNS AND OUR . UNIQUE PORCELAIN GREETING CARD . . His vivid , primitive paintings depfct the colotfut beauty of FrenctfTural life, and decorate the most imaginative tabtes of Europe on Villeroy a nd Boch's charming dinner-war• patterns In addition to NalJ and Nalf Noel, Mr. Laplau a lso designed five beautiful new porcelain cards. Purchase one, or any of his designs from our • 1Pllection: and he'll personally $1gn it, just for you. And with your $50 purchase, a , ~clal l.4Plau poster is your g ift. A. Nalf Noel 3-pc. set. $43. B. Porcelain card. $10 .. "11l avalflble: Naif wall clock, $70. Naif four seasons plate. S32 Naif trivet. $21. . . . ...... ' COME MEET AW~RD·WIN--IN,fiMft PLAU In. Newport, Thursday, Nove~r 48. Fr• 12 noon·4 p.m. in Aobinson's Gilts, 59. To order. caU toll-fra, 1·800·345·8501. ~~llNSON;S COMPUTERIZEQ.WEDDJNQ GIFT • AiOISTRY Make an appolntmer'U'with dai consultant at your nearest Robin$)n's. We'll record : • #xJr .gift prefe rences in every s_tore via the only c~terlzed service in Southern California . I•· ~very bride who registers In any Robln$on's will r•cetve a complimentary copy of lbe Bride Guide 1 ; ~lie isuantitles last) t ~ . .. 1 SAV -~ ~··. on our entire stock · of Levi's® jeans and shirts for men, women and Junior Bazaar Junior .... Levi' .. ...... ......... , ........ ~ cooon. Levi' .. Boys FahlonJMne ...... ,. .. 1091 In b19ctc Of white . ........ oo •30 .. •. SAVE •300 Levi' .. Saddlemlln• Denim• ...... 12.tl 911 SAVE•300 Levi ... Pl•ld BlouM. YCM"'I Junior IT·14T• ...... 11.11 1511 Boy'• Levi' .. Pteld Sport Shirt .......... ...... ........ ........... 1·t• ........ 1711 · an our entire stock of·Levl's® jeans 1 · and shirts for Levi' .......... Pt.Id Shirt Levi' .. pocket Jeana, wtetem I etyllng . M..._'.a.t. boys and . ...... •23 mv ... •20 ·SAVE •s•o Levi' .... Men. lruehed ................ ...... girts •• ( . ' . t I I~ Orange Coaat DAIL v LOT llunda • NcNentblt 14, 1"1 I Nuclear waste: Stop passing buck here .r. • Several w ee ks ago. th e S uch a solution 11 reaUy no Californla Highway Patrol held solution at all. public hearings in Sant.a Ana on The most direct routes. lt seems, proposed routes for shipments oC as well as the safett, 1hould be radioactive waste through Orange selected". Not the furthest. To County. suggest otherwiae is to offer only ., For th e m os l pa rt, suc h parochial anawen. radioactive material would come The casks the mse lves - from the newly expanded San transported by truck -have been Onofre Nucle ar Generating shown through testing at the Station south of San Clemente. San~ia Laba in New Me xico to be ltowever, sh ipment of spent fuel vi r tu a 11 y imp reg nab le . r~ds from Sa.n Onofre to a Unwarranted fears about le~e reprocessing plant in lllinols al radioactive waste in~ accident would not be necessary until th~ should not .become the only bN.llr- end of the decade. for selecting routea whath add Neve rtheless, representatives miles and safety ·risks. frOQl local government voiced Deserving co111icl°eration are l(neasiness at the h~aring about factors such aa accident rat.f:I on ~nt.ative selection of routes which certai n highway•, ·the dmea would bring these and · o the r shipments would take i>lace, such shipments near their commuhities. as non-rush hour, and whether The proposed routes include the local officials should be notified Santa Ana, San Diego, Costa Mesa before the shipments come and Riverside freeways. throµgh. · More recently, city councils ih The CHP, which is empowered Itvme and Lagµna Beach.voted to only to find the best ways to get oJficially oppose the northern the radioactive materials out of rputes, preferring to see the Orange County, is to make ita final shipments head south and then recommendations e..ly in 1983, east on Int.erst.ate 8 -and away As a final note, although we fiom them. realize. the danger of a pouible 1 Their rationale is that the nuclear accidept, it's worth stiipments -carried in steel mentioning that an accident cp!ltainers known as casks -involving transported fuels or YfOuld be safer going thf9ugh less chemicals is far more likely. In l*>P\llated areas on their ·way out fact, that has happened. ol Squthem California. We'd like io see city fathers as Expressed more simply, their concerned about these dangers as positionisJ"eallythis -.keepitout they are about t he nuclear of our bafkyards. potential. Jlnlons expressed in the space above ar: thOM of the Dally Pilot. Other views ex- P1'1tSHd on this page are those of their authors and artists. Reader comment Is lnvlt-... Address The Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Phone (714) ~~·· • And in . An editorial from the Sacramento ~ an Che naeional outlook. IU'a un1$ely that in the lame-duck s ... lon pl•nned for this month . OOngress will act on many of the items on its q enda. But one piece of ~ business that it shou.Jd be able 1o conclude is the passage of a commercial nuclear waste disposal law. The Senate has already passed Its own ve rsion , a nd three H o use convniu.eea have passed theirs. All that remains to be done la to reconcile them. It shouldn't be bard. Although n\Jclear power issues a re always divisive, and although there lan't a state in the country that wanfithe f'lttltiOh'I nuclear waste repository its op.rir back yard, the neceuit for ~ 1a universally recocniJed_and ~ qwa pro quos that muat be traded tor·action .re obvious. Ever since the Q>ngre.ional Office of TechnoloCY •\t• 1 1 ueflt canvassed the pJayen and di8covered the comprombe that would satisfy moat of them, it has only been the members' reflex.Ive grabbing for a little be tte r deal that has ke pt Congress from resolving the issue. There are, ln fact, 36 amendments to the waste disposal bills now on the House floor, mos t d e signed t o effectively prevent someone's home district from be ing c hosen for a nuclear dump. But time is running out on su ch maneuvers. And this Is ·recognized both by those who would like to delay the was te disposal program ln•order to discourage construction of new nuclear power plants. and by those who would like to delay ln order to e ncourage development o f a nuc l ea r fuel reprOcessing industry. By 1985, the tint of the existing nuclear power plants will start running out of temporary on-site storage space for their spent fuel; permanent burial sites are png to be needed no matter what dittction \he nuclear industry takes in the future. Congress OTHER VIEWS Clearly, nuclear waste repositories will have to go aomewhere, and no site will ever be c hosen tf ,_, individual states are allowed a WflD over site locations. On the other hand, the states must be a1Sured that the siting choices wlU be made fairly and cautiously, if they are to give up this veto power. Thus. the nuclear waste law haa to provide for s e veral national repositories, so that no one region pta stuck with all the risks of tranapwtina and stor\ng the wastes. And it· bu to Insure that enviromental reviews and safety stud.led of the profK*d alles a1'e-1horough enough to fully reflect local concerns. To enable the nuclear utilities to plan ahead, the new law a lso h as to have a timetable for d isposal site development and gove~nt guarantees to take the wastes if it is not me t. But the timetable must be realistic enoush to a~""e the states that development wlll not be unsafely rushed. To the extent they Ignore these necetllaJ")' assurances, attempt.a to use the d isposal law to achieve other ends -like the Reagan administration's "fast-track " version, which ja designed chJeflr to give a boost to the nuclear power industry -will simply fail. Indeed. the administration's plan -with ita Catc h 22 language. prohibiting environmental review• until aft.er sites are selected, and then prohibiting consideration of any new alt.es after the environmental reviews -ought to fail. The trade-offs that will reconcile .n aides to action are neither complicated or unrt.•asonable. And this month'• lame.duck session of Congress wouJct be a good lime to accept them -to call a halt to the jockeying for ulterior positions and to finally paaa a workable program. , ,, ~.M. Boyd/ Ostriches • Tbe rule and female ostriches do not divide the egg hatching job ~·The female aita on the egp cfi6ly from 8 a .m . until 4 p.m. The rriale alW OYemight all the way from 4 p.m. until 8 •.m. It'• not fair. 1 In Italy, if a spectator at • Md ·mw pine boos, ihe referee can ltftd 9lld offelder to jail. .. 'On th• Adrlatlc aide of \he Darclanen. • a lighthot.Ule. lt or one Utll ta hM a.rt there for 27 centurMI. ,,, •'fl~.,...., .. nomwl, lt WM at , ........ '°" ..... 10,..,. old. ORANGE COAST DIQJPll1t Q. Do dop like candy? A. Not lf typ4cal. It maket most dep sick. Human blood contalna lron. not copper, 10 It'• red. OotopUI blocad cont.alna copper, not iron, IO lt'a W\ae, Think of that! True blue blood. Q . Do fOOkeepen pt 9'Ctra ._, tor handliN elephanta? , A. Ww do. Huard pey ll atwn tn the PhDadelphla 7.oo, for lnltmlOI. Then waa • tlme whea _,,...1. obedim& to Ille Talmud Mid o.M~CIDt lJ'OUnd for dMfte Wiii bid ..... · t-...P.~ ~ ...... .... ~ ( .~ ..... f4ol0f .. Feminists; gains f~rgotten SAG HA&BOR, N .Y. -"The fi.nrt job tnierview I had after law .cbooJ, I Jus\ lilted my ftnt name aa 'D.' instead of Diane," aald • w~n who ia now a Sw>erior Caurt judie In California. "I walked Into the office of the man who WM doUig the lnterviewina for this firm and he aasped. 'There's been some miltake het'e,' he uld. 'We don't hire women u lawyers.' " "My flrat interview was with the telephone company," Hid another women who had later formed her own manuflltC'tU.rtna company, among other thingll. '"nley llnew I was married and t waa a CalhoJic, and they made me describe what kind of birth control we practiced. I did it and I promised I wun't going to have children, because we needed that job ... THE TWO WOMEN, one 38 yean old and the other 40, were ait1i"I in our· living room with a third woman, a 26-year-old report.er for 'Ibe Wahington Post. The younger woman had said that ahe didn't think 1he had ever been diacriminated •1•inst. "Eve r y thin1 ~ 80 eM'f ," were her exact words . "Dn not aare I ever really think about '-=:."f~ started our conversation - and. I -..ect. more than a few others -.. tbl GIMN' •tor)'_ in that IDOl'llb-a'• ..., YorlC 'nm. Maauine. The title ... : "Vall!la From the Po.t-Feminist Generatiaa. .. The point of the article by Susan Bolot.ln, a 32-year~old editor of The New York Timea Book Review, was the same one I wu lleeina and hearlnc filht there. Ma. Bolot.1n had tn1el'Viewed women in . their early 20a and they had. generally, re~ "feminiats." the aerm u.ed in placea like New York City, or "Ubbera,'" the term •in smaJler places near the t-enter of the country. "I did not know that 'feminlam' had become a dirty word," wrote Ms. Bolotln. But it had to career woman like Rachel Flick, the 23-year-old assistant managing editor of Public Interest magazine. ''Look around and you'll see .arne happy women, and then you'll see 'thoee bitter, bitter women,'' said Ms. Flick. "The unhappy women are all leminiata." Looking around: I saw a couple of old er women who have s uccessful careen, liovlng husbands and happy children. Both are and have been very 11etive feminists. There was, however, one touch of bitterness. The woman who ha4 been forced to share her personal life with the. telephone company said, ·~ of the women in the article had very ~ jobl •. .'' " •.. that we aot for them," finiahed the Judae. "You know ," said the younger woman, the reporter. "a lot of my friends woula say, 'ls thla what they fought for? The right to work like a dog ' 80 hours a week? i:. th.ill an--" there is?' .. No. 'Ibey fouaht 80 ~t women would have a choice, and the chance to control their own Uvet. And they won -at least to the extent that women 10 and 12 yeara yo unger can iake aome opportunities for aranced. AND THE STRUGGLE will begin again when the "post-feminist" generation la blocked as the older women once were. The blocki"I, now, la jLwt at a hlaher level. Women, many of them, c.an ge\ joba now as lawyers, reporters, editon and vice presidents. When 80IJle of them find out that they ar. not p.ng to be allowed to become man•1ing partners, editon.-in-<:hief and eMtc:Utive vice presidents and presidents, then the flgh&ing will be1ln again. The post- feminista will then become feminista. I don't care who they are or what they think now, while things look aoo<I. I am reminded. with some delight, of the acene in Sen. Jeme Helms' hotel suite during the 1980 Republican convention ln Detroit. The conservative North Carollnian's telephone was answered by a woman, and the caller, a male reporter for The Waahlngt.on Post, uked, "Is Senator Helms there?'' "No,'' said the woman. The reporter then •ed. by name Uld one by one, ior the teNtor'a four top Maiatants. all men. ''No,'' wu the....,... each time. "lan't anybody there?" asked the man Crom The Poet, with some annoyance. "Yei. l mnere," the woman Mid. "rm aomebody. rm Phyllia Schlafly." Letters to the editor Pet pf!licy protested To the Editor: I wonder if anyone elae is aware of the injustices found in the "apartment rentals" section of the newspaper. Animals are born .and destroyed dally becawie of lack of 'homes. I know 8everal peo ple who would w e lcome the • opportunity lo own a dog or cat, but their ren'81 ~nt expressly forbids It. I don't th.ink there is a lack ol owners as much as a shortage of potential ownen' hQrneS. With multiple dwelling housing representin g a significant percen&ap of the state's residences, why ia &hat 98 percent of apartment rentals won't allow pets? Interaction with peta provide auch a calming lnfluence In this harsh and pressurized e nvironment. Uncondidonally accepting, pets liaten to us, are always available to us and give us someone 1o love. - STUDIES SHOW that pets can a ctually make a difference in our survival -they may decrease our blood pressure and alleviate de preuion or loneliness. For the elderly, ttiey may literally be the only being they can touch, cuddle or t&lk to. And yet, we are prohlblt<.>d from having them In our homes! 1 have wondered what the reuon for this 11. Supposedly because of "m esses" they may make? Do they be~ adults, who slncerely need and want a pet, are not resporwlble enough to clean up after them and take wha~ 11tepa are n«e91ary to prevent aparunent dama1e? Granted, some •r•n't. HOW9Wr, lf we must all auffer for U. llC'donl of a few. then nothing can ~ accomplllhed to brine homelem antmala '°ll"~ wlth lovina owners. A.rWn.l lovers can overcome thla "pet P.!eJudlce," just aa ac\lvlsu a1atnat 'IClults only" apartmenta took a stand and won. We h.ve only be1un. The ~la did not uk to ~ bom. In their li""1ml we haw to help! Call or wrt .. to 1'M'. .... Gl:i= --.. wbat -...... to--~-.,. ....... , ma~ta' poUd• tbil. "prewnt" u.a '""" ownina and ~!'I ~ Mlmal. NQllA K. HYLAND EmJl«r:nwd l ToditM.-: 1-.n ........ ,, ......... Oo1dlft ~· I ... ldui!H 1 ... OaNn View ........ lllt .,..,. t ~ ...... ll&iiln•whoww.-... ~ .,.~snll• ••--mc1a.- MAILBOX we did an immature thin& -lettina the air out of ecbool vana' tires. I waa lftlly ~ for mywU and my parents. It ~ a chi1diah thing to do. I llave jwt read an article referring to the average scores in the Scholastic Aptitude Test. Thia list inebadea five school dt.lrict9 with a total of 11 achoola. My aim. mater, Ocean View, _... LMt in both verbal scores and math aoorm. 1 don't know if I am more mm.rn.ec:t about pulling that dumb "pruk" or attendln1 Ocean View. Come on OV people, let'a do 110mething abOut thJa. ERIC F. RDNHOLT'Z Challenges loom To the F.dltor: Election '82 may be over, but 10me new chaUen1es loom heavy on lhe horiaon. The first la a challenp 1o Bob Badham, Marian Berget0n and Sam Bamm who ~ a Jetter sent 1o all Republic.am ln Newport Beach •nd Corona del Mar • few days before the elect.ion. h was a letter more commonly known aa a hit piece a1•lnat counclJ candklate David Grant. Ia that your Idea of nonpartisan politics? How mH)' foruma dkl.any of you attend tot....-&hit candidates 1pe•k about •,..)" .__, Wt"re all the people on your ieu.rbHd aware of the content of your.._, Do you repraent all RepubUcmm1cW' )Ill a few? I have been a Republican all of my adult Ufe, but WM penonally •ppalied by your leek of ethics and heavy-handed power play. I ahal1 never cut another vote for either of you and wlll enciDW"8l9 anyone wbo will u.ten 1o do the ....... Ila for thole people on the • lettem.d ahame, Iheme. I remember -ol ~ edrnlftlhtnc me not 1o '* ·~-'" t•ken at the Republican ~ openlftl a few week.a 8'0· Piii' l DlllilOa you Mid. not ethical. It ~' ..... '46dan o1 ... Nie. 1.-____ ,_, __ ,.. money doesn't owe any allflllante 1o anyone tk.at ~If. Can that be aD bad? Further how can the Executive Co'lncll e"xplaln why many of its member• contacted" the council candidates who were not a put ot their ala .. behind claeed doors to •poloci• for their .Ute? After seeing the 11-ted mecnben ot the Executive O-nriJ I am funhw p•nled that ao man,y '"out of townera" want to get involved in Newport Beach politics. What Ilaire do they have ln the outcome of our dty council election? And lastly, since the J:secuUve Council WJU ao upset with the larle cmnpmgn expenditures I chel ...... U to come up with a low-<.'09t plan fer palltk:aJ chall9naen. thoae virtual unknowfla, to 1•ln enough name id enUtJ to aucceaafully ch•llenge an i~t. We'll all be waiting. Isn't it tn.....mg wbat large expenditures ..uno.t didn't do in the Hummel-Alee race? Pender ht one but not for Iona becau.e CX11M '1M It will be buainesa u usual. Govwnment of the people, by a few people, for a few people. BARBARA AMSTAM'ER Wa$ race issue? To the F.ditot: Since the conclusion of the Califamia 1ubernatorlal race an often aaked queatJon b "Dtd Tom Bradley lose beca"9 he i9 tUckT' In other wordl, did white Democrau vote wbtt••9"t 'Democrat? ()r WM the C!Onlll&~ cJcm M lt WM beeaam bl9ck voted black-not Republican~ nehhet. t.t us beliwe ....., .final~-sally accurately tefllleld contndlctoey opinions of ii ~ad dlwne •tate ln a time of polllk*l .._ and ecoellOmic Unct"rtaini1! ____ __ LEE A. McCULLOUGH 86 Jiu kie lake ir1 ide track to Ro e Bowl. ·n.5. • D 0 ; :Aerial speciacle, 38-·35!i UCLA, RamseY outduel Stanford; Elway Poised and r eady Laguna Beach His!i's Annette Juptner gets set to pass the baJI lo a teammate. For story, see Page 84. : . By DENNIS BROSTERHOUS or .. ..., ......... PASADENA -F.mtle Harry tried to ah.NI it off. The Fountain Valley High product had jult enjoyed perhaps ht. tnolt productive 1ame this year fOI' Stanford, catching five pa11e1 for 130 yards and a toUchdown. But lt waa all in a losing effott becauee the Stanford defense could d o nothina aaainst a rejuvenated UCLA attack, as the Bruins all but clinched a bowl berth, with a wild 38-35 decision over the Cardinal before 78,452 at the Rose Bowl Saturday afternoon. Meanwhile, Stanford's bowl hopes w ere diminished, primarily because of a Cardinal F oothall scores UCLA 38, Stanford 35 USC 48. Arizona 41 Washington 17, Arizona St. 13 Long Beach St. 24 , Nevada-LV 13 Cal 34, Washington St. 14 Georgia 19, Auburn 14 Mlulaeippl St. 27. LSU 24 Clemson 24, Maryland 22 S. MIN . 38, Alabama 29 Michigan 52, Purdue 21 Illinois 48, lndlana 7 SMU 34, Texas Tech 27 Nebraska 48, Iowa St. 10 Penn St. 24, Notre Dame 14 ~ Pltt1burgh 24, Army 6 Oklahoma 41, Missouri 14 Texas 38, TCU 21 Ohio St. 40, Northwestern 28 Flortda 39, Kentucky ·13 BYU 58, San Dtego ~t. 8 (COlftplele ....... hge M) .,. USC pulls out all stops -As a result, Trojans o utlast Wildc~ts, 48-4T TUCSON , Ariz. (AP) - Southern California Coach John Robinson said his Trojans' 48-41 win over Arizona Saturday night was marked by two "marvelous" comebacks played by two teams that refused to quit. "This was one of the wild ones I've been involved with," the Trojans c oac h sa id afte r Southern California withstood a late comeback by Arizona, which bad trailed at one time by 21 points. up with the defensive play that made the d i ff e rence , ·as corne rback Darrel Hopper stripped the ball from tailback Vance Johnson and ran it 59 yards to put the Trojans ahead 48-34. with 5:35 left in the game. Both Arizona's Tunnicliffe and Southern Cal's Tinsley were effective in throwin1 the ball, TunnlcWfe ablo hitting for three touchdowns, but neither team was able to mount a sustained running attack. Tunnicliffe passed for 303 yards and outgained Southern Cal in total yardage 413 to 335. Tinsley completed 14 of 25 passes for 209 yards. defense that has yielded 79 polnts In Its last two games. "You never know," said Harry referring to his team's chances of post-season competition. .. All we're worrying about now Is California. IC we can win that game next week, we'll sec. But a win t oday sure would h ave helped." liarry was on the receiving• end of two bombs .from quarterback John Elway, one or 47 yards jus\ 51 seconds beCore halftime for a touchdown, and another whic h involved a double-reve rse pitch-back to Elway " tossed a 49-yard completion whic h set up a fourth-quarter score. In analyzing the flea-flicker, Harry said he called the play arms way moments beforehand. "I told the coaches that their safeties had been cheaung up on the line of scrimmage," said Harry. "The play was there and at worked as planned." In the anticipated shootout between Elw,ay and UCLA quarterback T o m Ramsey, neither disappointed. Ramsey's statistics included 19 completions ln 27 attempts for 314 yards and no interceptions. He also threw a pair or TD passes to J ojo Townsell and ran for another. Ramsey, however. re fused to ta k e the full credit. "The offensive line totally conLrolled the line of scrimmage," he said. "Those guys were a primary reason for our jS points. "When you win the war in the trenches like we did t.o<Jay, you win the game, and that's how lt• was won today. Thi.I ls one of the best days I've had and a lot of that had to do with our line." Coach Terry Donahue called it "Ramsey's best day ot the year.' He was spectacular, that's all I can say about him. He kept t~ baJI away from Stanford when we needed It." The Bruin.a drove 91 and 80 yards on their first two possessions to lead 14-0 and stayed in front throughout. Scoring were Frank Cephous on an 11 -yard run and Danoy Andrews on a burst off right tackle Crom seven yards out. Stanford scored the. next 10 points on a 40-yard field goal by (See UCLA, Page 86) • 't!.,J: .· . "It was just a ma rvelous comeback for us to be where we were at halftime," Roblrlson said of his team's turnaround after trailing until the last play before intermission. The Trojans went ahead 24 -20 on a 53-yard interception tunback with no time left on the 900reboard. "We had the game 21 points ahead and then it was just a marvelous comeback on Arizona's part. Theirs just fell short ... it was great in temlS of both teams' ability to just keep playing," Robinson said. " ... Neither team quit. I have great admiration for Arizona. I have admiration for their coach. They have a fine team." Tunnicliffe, on the next Arizona series, marched the Wildcats downfield again, hitting wide receiver Ron Stivers on a 16-yard touchdown with 3:38 to go. But Southern Cal held .on with the aid of four corwecutive penalties against Arizona -the most critical a personal foul call on fourth down after Arizona had forced 'the Trojans to punt with less than two minutes remaining. Arizona led for most of the first half, but allowed a Southern Cal score on cornerback Joey Browner's 53-yard interception on the final play of the first half, giving the Trojans a 24-20 halftime lead. Laguna Beach High's Annette Juptner (left }, wi th some late help from teammate Mollie Merchant, blocks the shot attempt of a St. Bernard player during CIF playoff action Saturday. ., .· .. 1 The Trojans held off Arizona by capitalizing o n three turnovers, each going for a score, and quarterback Scott Tinsley's three touchdown passes. Southern Cal led 41-20 In the third quarter, after a quick 17 points, and seemed headed for a blowout, but the Wildcats drew pew life after recovering a !umbled punt on the Trojan six- &-ard line and tailback Neon 'Edwards ecampered In on a two- 'vard run. r Arizona pulled within one touchdown at 41-34, on a Tom ~unnicliffe to Mark Gobel three-yard pa11 with 9:22 r"'8ining, but the Trojans came Rustlers thumped by Mounties, 40-13 By CURT SEEDEN O(ttieD..., .......... WALNUT -Golden West College's hopes of a South Coast Conference c hampionship dropped about as fast u the tenlPerature here Saturday night. About 3,000 fans braved an Icy night at Mt, San Antonio Stadium to watch their Mounties score an easy 40· 13 victory over the Rustlers and hand Golden West its first conference defeat. It was billed as a conirontation between Golden We1t'1 revamped defense and Mr. San Antonio's explosive offenM. It didn't take long for the MounUes to take cenl4!r stage, however, thanks to a 26-point (int-half outburst that buried the Rustlers in a hole that wu simply too deep to burrow out of. "Physically, they're probablr, the beat te~m we've played, ' lldmitted a beleaguered Rustler quarterback Adam Gragnano afterward. "But we have n't given up. We're looklng for a bowl bid still. The rumor is Mt. San Antonio wants to play in the Potato Bowl against Taft. We still feel we have a chance in the Pony Bowl." Added Rustler Coach Ray Shackleford: "I really don't know What to uy. The thing we were most fearful of wu livinl them (the Mounties) eome euy points, but we did just that very quickly. They simply outplayed us in every phllle of the pme." The victory upped Mt. San Antonio's. conference record to 5-0 and ...ured the Mounties of no leas than a tie for the oonference championlhlp. They c.lme out the INIOl'l next week at Cenilol. Shackleford'• Ru1tlers, meanwhile, came into the game sporting a 3-0 conference mark and plenty of confidence after showing steady Improvement since a. rugged pre-conference achedule which left them with a 1-3 record. But the Mouniies came up with a polished offense and a stubborn defenae to hanrl Golden West its worst setback of the year. Quarterback Mike Clopton, the' No. 2 pu\!ler in the conference, did In the Rustlers, toeaing three touchdown paaes and f(nishinf the night with 180 yards (15 o 23). When Clopton wasn't passina. runn.ingba.ck Rich Hanson wu doing his job, as he finished the n.lght with 139 yard.ti. The Rustlers. perhaps, realized they were in for a lon1 nt1ht when Graanano fumbled on Golden West's first play Crom scrimmage on his own 12-yard line. Even though the Rustler defense kept the Mounties out of the end zone, not all was lost as Roy Botsford connected on a 27-yard field goal at 9:41 of the first quarte r. A 3-0 deficit after the first quarter didn't seem like too much to w orry about as far as Shackleford was concerned, but then came the aecond quarter. Clopton steadily guided his team with a mixed bag of offense, with Hanson showing why he is the No. 2 rusher in the South Coast Conference and Clopton hlmeelf showing how he had managed to throw for 1,349 Y.arda coming into the ~ame. A 37 -yard field goal by Botsford had 1iven Mt. San Antonio a 6-0 advantage at the arvey asks federal mediator to intercede t.alkS chief ne1otlator, ln what he characterised H "very preliminary talks" aimed at ~'the IM-day-old •trike. <\ Th~ m~tln1 ln McMurny'1 office rrtday reOectec1 a re\Wlal o1 ~Y held paeitiam. l:uly In the 1trlke, mana1em•nt ·~ae1ted federal mediation, but the union declined, ln JMl1 ..... Danllln once worbd for IM .rnedladOn llr¥tce and hid ......... -Wtdi..., of the mecHaton. Mc!M""-Y nna.:t. Md a 1in1a11 Ne; .. broupt the two ........ ID dlilkle on an outlide rnediatl>r -Sam Kasel, ~ over JWIOU.tlone for • month or; ae.vtnc_ heft_ lut weekend for his home ln Sen rnipcta'O. ,,_ lime It W.-Garvey whD llUU.ted the ~ with the mtdtatlm'I lll'Ytce. .... ·~that lf the two 8'del Mt down......_. Wida Melllurn)', tw could ....... llt ''afte llnllbY lllMtlnl when ........ aould '9 NlolWd." But Donlen aid he •Imply read llcM~ • S.. ,._ &he a.tw tw mntlD~ .......... lnlt.he llicl ... OWWI ~-dlrlfJ amblaµllin about'-their final contract off~r' that ta~ve ulaen In player meeUnaa, but that \hey Wf'f'e 1ticldr\I k> I.Mir final money offer. MHnwhlle, conlu.aon "°"Unu.t over which teanw haw llCCepttd, at lelll la prlnc:lple, mana1~nt'1 offer. Th• union concedH t t N•w Orlean1, Dallat. Hou1ton a d Denver have .ceepted It in pri e: ~t rL' ~:.a.c: M~, M~ and Clnclnneri, but p~a.yer r:;pc11 c..._ol~._.~..: ~ : .- .. . \ ! 1 l Orange Oout DAIL V PILOT /Sunday. November 14, 1812 Kim near death after M~ncini KO From AP dl1patcllea LAS VIDAS -South Korean m lightweight Duk Koo Kim was described as "just about dead" · Saturday night by a neurologist who operated on him after h e was knock e d · unconscious in a fight with World Boxing Association Ughtweigh\ champion Ray "Boom Boom'' Mancini. "There are no signs or any brain function.'' Dr. J..9nn.ie Hammargren said after the nearly three-hour su rger y. "The re a re no reflexes, no m ovement, nothing." ·• Hammargren said there was no hope tor K i m 's survival. "What little there ls left of brain function will stop working after a short while," llANCN he said. ''The pressure in his head wW go up and up and that will be it." Hammargren said there was a large blood clot on the right side of Kim's brain. He said he did not know whether the blood clot was caused by a culmination of blows or by two vicious shots to the head that knocked the South Korean .out Gervin 1eore1 but Sonic• win David Tbompton ••tm't.I 3~ polnll m u th~ uodofaol d S attlt Supt>rSonlct dowmod tho San Antonio Spura 107-08 In NQUOnal llukl,tball - Auociatlon ¥('\lun Aaturduy nl6'ht. Geora• Gervla IK.'Ort_<d 24 pomt.11 to go ovl•r tht• 20,000 mark for hl1 cnr('()r, bcromlnH only tha 14th pltlyl•r to reoch that pl1Al4•au on the profc.•lonal lcvt>I. It waa the Spul'1' lone brlghi 11pot of the n ight . . . E l1ewhero, Eddie Jobnaon tired In u c·areer-hlgh 35 polnta to h Ip Kun1H City anap a three· gomo l0tlng atrcak with a l 12· I 11 victory over San Diego . . . Moae1 Malone scored 27 points to lead six l' h 11 O d t' I p h I a • p In ye r ~ 1 n double figures as the 76en topped New Jeney 110-100 , osRVtN • . • George Jollnaoa hit two froo throws wiCh two seconds remaining to 'help Indiana down Ch icago 119-110 .•. Bernard Klag scored 27 points to help the New York Knlcks score a 11 2-100 win over Detroit . . , Joe Barry Carroll scored 30 points as Golden State broke a four-game losing streak with a 114-101 triumph over Atlanta. Oiiers drill Flyers, 4-3 Pat Hugbe1' seventh goal of the Iii season at 17:43 of the second period ' boosted Edmonton to a 4-3 victory over Philadelphia to highlight NHL ~ ·c1lt the beginning of the 14th round. I• , :-; Hammargren said Kim was being kept alive • · by Ufe support machines. !'Ction Saturday n ight ... Elsewhere, defenseman Mike Miibury'• 40-foot slapshot with less than three minutes to play rescued staggering Boston and gave the Bruins a 3-2 triumph over Buffalo . . . Al Jensen stopped 24 shots and posted his third victory in as many starts as Washington dumped the New York Islanders, 3-1 ... Keat Nl111oa S<.'Ored twice and goalie Don Edwards stopped 31 shots to lead Calgary to a 3-1 victory over Pittaburgh ...• Tom Ly1lak scored a power-play goal at 10:09 of the third period to give Chicago a 3-2'edge over Detroit . . . Center Roa Francia rammed in the eventual 'ame-winning goal and Mark Jol1.n1oa scored tw ice to lift Hartford -past St. Louis, 5-2 . . . Peter Stastlly scored twice and added an assist and CllDt Malarcllall recorded 31 saves as Quebec bombed New Jersey, 7-2 ... Gre1 Terrio•'• s h ort-handed goal with 12:3? remaining h elped Toronto to squeak past Minnesota. 4·3 ... Laclea Deblol1 scored the winning goal in the third period and Winnipeg got solid goaltending from Doug Soetarrt to nip Vancouver, 3-2. A powerful left-right combination by Mancln.I to open the 14th round aent the top- ranked challenger s prawling on the canvas I : beneath the ropes in the nationally televised ; JighL He staggered to his feet. but fell again and ;was uncon.:ious as referee Richard Green moved ~F to stop the fight at 19 seconds of the round. ~ n Quote of the day .. ,. "Running the marathon felt impossible to me when I started, but I decided to try it. And no matter h ow far I got -and I [wasn't even sure I could even finish -at , least I could say aomethlng is possible if you try." -U.cla Dowe, who finished the New :-,. r· . York City Marathon in las\ place, but recorded a penonal triumph. Down, who has cerebral paby, finished the marathon on crutches. "Dantley listed as •satisfactory' ·· SALT LA.KE CITY -Adrian •• ;Dantley, the Utah Jazz' leading 9COl'er. ~ wu Uated in aU.factory condition ~ .. today at Lakeview Hoapital where he , was belng tre9ted for a fractured atnus suffered . in Wedneeday's game against Denver. Dantley rnil9ed Friday nigh\'.s NBA contest in w hich the visiting Atlanta Hawks beat the -Jazz 106-~. Dave Fre dman, J azz public relations director, said the 6-5 Dantley was admitted Friday to the hospital in Bountiful, just north of here. Cuba continues dominance of U.S. A Cuban na tional team led by • three-time Olympic gold medal Winner Teofllo Stevenson· continued its dominance of world amateur boxing with an 8-4 victory over the United States Saturday. Stevenson scored the only knockout of the day, defeating super heavyweight Tyrell Bl111 in the second round of a acheduled three-round bout ... The NCAA has cleared Clemson's No. 1 quarterback, Homer Jordu, of any wrongdoing in its investigation into recruiting violations and related matters at the school, accordina to a South Carolina newapaper •.. Wa1ae Levi, winner of the Hawaiian Open last 6bruary, took the leed after the third round of the Taiheiyo Maaters golf tournament, shooting a 69 Cor an 8-under-par 208 after 54 holes. Alone in eecond place was Sc9tt Hoell, 1982 champion of the New Orlea.nis Open ... Mille &lcCallam of Valley Stream, N.Y., jabbing from start to finish, defeated Ayab KalaJe when the former junior middleweight champion failed to answer the bell for the eighth round. :. Dionne scores winner for Kings • INGLEWOOD (AP) -Marcel t Dionne ICOred on a 25-footer 1:49 into the final period to help the Los Angeles Kings take a 2-1 National Hockey League victory • over the Montreal Canadiens Saturday night. · five minutes remaining when he connected for his 10th goal of the season. Lessard and a solid Los Angeles defense turned back the pressing Canadiens during \he final 41 seconds after Montreal goalie Rick Wamsley was pulled in favor of an extra attacker. Jimmy Fox and Charlie Simmer got the assists. After a 1COrelesa leOOnd period, Dionne raced in from the blue line on a breakaway, s kated around a Canadien defenseman and drilled hls seventh goal of the season Crom the {aceoff circle to put the Kings ahead 2-0. . I l t . L os Ange les goalie Mario Lessard, who lost his starting job ~~ly this aeaaon, gained his first victory of the campaign. It was his fifth start of the season. Montreal's Doug Wickenheiser spoiled Lessard's shut.out with Bernie Nicholls, the top 900rtng rookje in the NHL this season with 16 goals, shot the K.ingslnto ·a 1-0 lead 4:34 into the opening period from pointblank range. T he loss was the second straight on the road for the Canadiens, who lead the Adams. DivisJon with an 11-4-3 record. College football THURaC>Ara OAm Mleml, 0 . et Clndnnetl, n IATUN>Ara GAMEi .... USC YI. UCl..A et AoN Bowl (t:30) Stanford et c.lifornle Mione It Oregon Bowtlng GrHn VI long BHCh St ., Al\lhllm SlllCIMn f7:30) Fr9n0 St. II ~Lu Vega. n eel Stele Fulletton at Peclflc, n Coior.clo SI. et Sen Diego St .. n Uleh 81. et San JOM St .. n Mont1ne el Oregon St Wllhlngton at Wlllhlnaton St eel Poly (SLO) at Cel Poty (Pomona). n Ponlend St. et cal St1te Nof1hndge, n ........ Nol,. Oeme et A# Force 9olle 81. et ldetlo St., n Hewell It New Melckx> BYU et UtJlh Weber St. et Ncwttwn Arilone ...,........ C..trel Mldllaan at Nonh«n I*"<* lllinOlt SI. et Aell St, WMtern Mldllaan et Eatern Mlchlge.n Kent 81. et Onlo U • W•t Teua St. et Southetn llllno19 louttl South C..ollne at C1emlOn Nof1h C.olna ., Duk• Florid• St et LSU. n Loultvme et Mernpl1lt SI Nof1h C..Ollne SI. el Mleml. Fla. MIMIMlppl \IS. ~ at J~ LOultl-Tech at Southern MIMINlc>pi. n Kentudly tt T8nMIMe Florid• et Tui-, ~ Tenn 11111 Cheltenooga et VllnOWbllt Merylend at Virginie Vlrglnle T ec:fl YI. VMl et Nol'folll WMt.,n Cerotln• at App8"c:hlen 81. et Ten-st .. n MorehMd 81. •t &.tern Kentucky The Cttlldel et F\1fln811 i.-'-··~ towe St. et OklMome St ~et SMU,n TCU etT-A&M ~et T-El PllO, n Howton et TIUI Tech T-Attlngtonlt~,n Tulle It North T-81. SW L~ et McHMM St .. n SE LOl.llllww 1t Nlellc*I St., n NW LOlllllMe 11 NE l.Ouleilna, n Middle T--... St. et T-Tedi ... , ~1etP"t Syrec:uee et W"1 Virginie Holy Croee 1t Boeton College Colgete et Botton U. Delewwe •t Bucknell l l • f i • s I ,I ~ ....... toweat~St. ~·~IL lndleN .. Purdue .... ,..,.. .. Wlleol•• Colcndo et ~ St. I<-II Mteeouri Brown 11 Columble p.,,,. Comell Y•at~ UHgfl •t Llf~• AlnericM lnt•netlonal et MUNc""-tt1 Oenmouth II Pttnoeton !Mt C.olln• 1t Temple IYU ·over Ufoh * USC over UClA * Stanfwd She's do'Wn for the count • • • D . ' . • • ut at lack of opponent ·which may KO woman boxer 8cln11 of umplt> Mirth and f ftlmlllar with thl• roqulrement1 of \hit national ln1tltutlon, thet '"tJCkt.all hour, Doo Fruer K'Clnll w@ll 1ulted to ltf • In Sacramento. Jo'rmwr. who t.ollt,'(J tor (i couple of decades at O ly mplc Auditorium and the Forum boxlnai department, wu rc:ct>n tly appointed to the Callfornln St.ate Athletic Commla!on. There waa • break 1n tradJtlon, of counc, Inasmuch u Fraser It not approaching i,"etlrement age and he haa all that expcriN\ce on Bash Boulevard and Caullflo~er Canyon. At any rate, Fraser says there i• more lo , Sacramento than cocktull parties and dinner -with lobbytsta. "We are busy," Fraser say1. ''There are decisions to be made. More than you might lmaglne.-11 For one thing, the commission was recently tormented by the demands of a lady named Shirley (Zebra Girl) Tucker. Ms. Tucker ls a female box fighter who had a rather legitirnate~plalnt. She was experiencing diUlc;ulty in mak!ng ends meet financiall y because she could not locate sufficient action to g~nerate a satisfactory number of purses. You see, the number of women in California who wish to enter: tl'le sweet science. 11 limited. Therefore, the Zebra Glrl assaulted the athletic comm!ssion with the demand she be permitted to fight against men. "We '"8turally thought about the danger of Shirley geuing hurt," says commissioner Don Fraser. "On the other hand, there was the pressure Sports on TV today TELEVISION l 10 a.m. (2) -COLLEGE BASKETBALL - Indiana University vs. Soviet Union. Noon (4) -NFL '8% -Latest news and developments on the NFL players strike, 12:30 p.m. (2) -NBA BASKETBALL - Washington at Philadelphia. (4) -NBC SPORTS SPECl.U. -Bjorn Bora takes on Ivan Lendl In a tennis match from Seattle, live. · 3:30 p.m. (4) -WESTERN OUTDOORSMAN -Fishing for trout on the Snake River. 4 p.m. (2) -COLLEGE FOOTBALL -USC at Ariz.ona. Taped Saturday. RADIO Basketball -Cleveland at Lakers, 7:20 p.m., KLAC (570)., BUD TUCKER of equality and that tort of thing JO when lt 80\ down to the bottom' line, we reall~ didn't have much qholco. •"We gave Shirley her Ucenae to box against men." Commlllioner Fruer, of coune, was curious enough t.o make arrangementa to catch the Zebra Girl'• firit encounter with a male· pua but the bout never came off. Unfortunately, Shirley was unable to attend because of a problem connected with her children. The Zebra Girl wu picked up and gjven 60 days in the slammer for alleged welfare fraud. Clearly, the case should have been appealed on the ground M1. Tucker obviously had trouble supporting kids on the limited number of bouts she was.able to line up. When she gets ollt, she will at once enter the ring with men fighters and the commlalon wiU watch the ecen~ closely. "By all means," says commissioner Fraser. "We certainly would not care to permit anything resembling a mismatch. I knew of a couple or guys who would have made good opponen\4 for Shirley but they were so bad, we had to pick up their tickets." Hopefuliy, there will be enough guys around who still have licenses and reasonable ability when S hirley the Zebra Girl is finished serving her time. It ia also too bad there are not more ladies around to keep Shirley busy. Commissioner Fraser tells about another lady puglllist from Northern California. Her name was Paula Trichel and there is a touching family angle to the story of her career. Paula Trichel has a brother, Doug, who was also a box fighter. On a card one night in Santa Rosa, something like boxing history wu made when brother and sister appeared on the same program. "Unfortunately,'' sa "we had to pick up their ti The family thing, ap of commission rules. "No," replies conuniaaioner got knocked out." r. ''They both SALE! SAVE 30~ DURING OUR DECORATOR QUARRY TILE SALE! HURRY, SALE ~NDS NOV. IOI rxt'x 11tr ~.NllJIQ .. QAlllC SAW1KOH Prc:ftnished to • rich iuster, ow ~ oak parquet bla ~ t0fl9.le and ~ cd9a for asy c»it-younelf lnltalletioft. ....... sale 49: ~«.M M>Oa 1U Prectlal, MUll'll dlll9r\ lhlt ~ wd wtlt\ f/IPf decor. fJlc •••it for ~·--umtyend ramity rooma. ....... sale18~: , ... , .. ~ At Cotor Tiie, Oft/I trained penoftMt .,. ~ .. ~ ecMce on dcHt-youncW ~ end d9cor111nt. NII ws'I loln ~ tpeeAil tooll. Ww'I ~ ,_.,,.. YoUr moncv on f!IPf unuMd tile and uncut roll ot · 11ccwir • ., come to COIOr Tiie llDr ...... MleC1'on end ICMcc f:llCt'f cMyl ...,,..All 1'• Claelas "8MM ,.._,.. ..... So Elegant and So Practical . . . l ltallan Quarry Tile At 303 Savings! You'll low ttle sophisticated style and lavish colors of Imported quany tkl It's unmatched tor durability -ttle kiln-fired glaze is complete~ practical and MYer needs waxing. Beautifully versatile, quarry k>oks exquisite on flooB, walls and counte!S In lil'fY room. This long- leStins tk Is dlJP, stain and saatch resistant and wil 1ceep 1ts g11sten1ns look with ef'tortkss care. ...,. 1.»t.59 SAW 111'0H -11 FT. VINYL R.0011M1 For buuCy and c:bllbillty, ~ this tamous no-w.c ftoc:Jrin9. It fMs most rooms without SCM\S. Dec:orltNc peltcm5 In loYcty hide and scufkalltM1t cOlon. Rq.S." 73 sale .4 '°~ • :-J!iia Seaaon • .:, send Holiday ............-.. _ • • Greellflll with a · Color nle Giff Cwtillftlte .•. and aet a free Chrlatmu Sift for yourselfl A he U9 Ortental·.t)1e rut wlda a-.y -t1ft ttrtlflcale J'0'9 ,.rdaue. •e•H•able •• 571 atOlft nadonwtde. • SANTA ANA 2111 S.. WESTMINSTER 15111 lllClt ....... SANTA ANA 322 •• 11th stnet COSTA MESA 2221 ...... ...... ... j """' St. ............ ) 557-1324 547-7711 ......................... 645-1121 I i 111-3311 . ..._""" ....... -Monarch men, women finish strong Uni¥ersi1y, Edi on women also headed to Saturday' CIF final ly RANDY TIFT .,... ..... w, .... Ma~r Del Hlah School advancc.'<I lta • men11 and women'• team• Into next WMk'• CIF crou <.'Ountry final• while University Hlah'• women dominated t h eir dlvi1ion to al10 advance in Satu rday's ClF Pr~Uma at Mt. San champlona. are t1lrly flood al10. And who cloet he think will bu Matc:-r Ot>I'• •trofliHt ch1lk!~er? "l thJnk It will be Mal r 0.-1 and El Modena to watch out IOI' In the flnall." Rlchard10n predicted. Antonio College. The Monarchs pla<.'t.'d six runners In the top 12 In the first heat of the men's 4-A dlvtaion, capturing first pl~ with 37 polnta. Ricl<y Martinez wQ the first Monarch to crua the finish line (sixth CROSS COUNTRY overall) with a time of 15:42.5. Martinec was followed by teammates Rob Arsenault (7th), Jim Toner (8th), Mitch Eddy (10th), Sean Dolan (llth) Actually. EJ Modena rlnJahed 11tt<>nd In lt.s heat to Palos Verdes, which placed its five top runnel"I a)1\0ng the ffrat 21 finishers. slightly le11 comparable to Mater Del's showing In it.s heat. Newport Harbor placed fourth In the second heal, and El Toro and ~untlngton Beach were second pnd third, respectively, In the third heat, to also qualify for Saturday's finals. • and Malt Munoz (12th), constituting much of the same nucleus that led Coach ' Bob Richardson's Monarchs to the ClF ' 3-A U\le last year. Rlchatdaon thinks the Monarchs chances of repeating, this time as 4-A In women's 4-A, defending champion University dom.lnated neat two as Julie Seleine (second in 18:46.5), Judy ~Pirates whip . {:~Griffins, 27-14 , Orange Coast College converted two fumbles into touc::hdowns and the Pirates snapped a six- '". pme)osing streak by defeating visiting Groesmont, 27-14, In South Coast Conference football action :. Saturday night. · The Bucs, in winnJng, improved their overall record to 2-6 and their league mark to 1-3. The ' Grifflns, who are 0-9 this season, have now lost 15 games in a row. O,CC got on the scoreboard first when linebacker Eddie Kesky recovered a Grossmont fumble at the Griffin 49 and one play later quarterback Clay Tucker hit Gary StenJund with a 49-yard touchdown pass. The GriffJns countered with a TD of their own in the first period as quarterback Dave Schramm hit Joe Gloud with a 16-yard pass, but the point- after failed and OCC held a 7-6 advantage. The Pirates then closed matters by scoring 17 straight points in the second quarter. Kicker Tim Greene started things by kicking a 24-yard field goal. The n, following another Grossmont fumble, the Pirates drove 52 yards in six . plays with Cory Stephens going into the end zone from six yards out to up the margin to 17-6. Finally, just .before the intermission, Tucker drove the Pirates again, this time for 55 yards in seven plays with Kurt Swanberg scoring from one .. yard out. : Greene added another field goal in the third • quarter, this time of 22 yards, and Grossmont 8COred a touchdown in the final quarter to close out the acorlng. - Tucker finished the game completing 10 of 22 P88leS for 134 yards. : OCC's next' game is Saturday night (7:30) at AD STAITS SUI. 10 DEALD SALa GVMOVT PIO DUCTS CARBURETOR "FUEL SYSTEM CLEANER JET SPRAY CARBURETOR AND CHOKE CLEANER DIESEL FUEL I ; San Diego Mesa. i * * OCC 27, GrlllMIM M ... :'. , ......... o-.......,7-42,••••• ... 111; Bolden, 1-4; Smith, 1-4; Colleen, 4·1or minus 8; Cloud, 1-lor "*-•~ klw-. 1 ~ "*"" 17. WOLO TIVll LOallllD . ......,0-W. • OrOMmOnt 8 O O 8 -1 .. : OrDnge COMt 7 17 3 0 -27 ~ OCC-Stentund .. , pus from J Tucbr ~kid() - : Q..Cloud 18 p.-trom SdwWMI :~24 FG • OCC-S1epnen1 8 run (Gr-• kic*) ! OCC.Swenberg 1 run (G,_ • kldl) I OCC-Gr..,. 22 FG • 0-M oKa y 37 pa•• from ! Sdvamm (Sdwamm run) : Atlendanc»-1,500 {ea1trnaled) • a-........ • • occ • Flr81 downs 18 14 , RuaMe-yarda 39-22 33-98 I Paaeing yatd9 174 135 ,_ 18"30-1 12-29-1 : Puma 3-40 2-1 Fumblea-loal 8-4 2· 1 ' Pwla/IJea..yarda 11-130 8-112 • occ -Braog. 8-4e; s-nti.o. 1-43; s---. M : ~. 1--l; Roney, 1· 8; Bflgh1. 3-lor"'""'-2: Tueller, 5-for_,,._._.., lld\1fu11,...... G -Sc:Manvn, 18-20-1, 174. 0CC -Tueller. 10-22-0, 134; Danflam. 2~. 1; Oumam, 0-1-1. 0. 1Mtv'leal"9oa= 0 -Moore. 3-40; , 3-30; M cKay. 2·42; Cloud, 2-27; ~ •• 2· 12: Read, 1· 14; .... 1· 10; Hanna. 1-4; Flaming, 1-for-minut 11. OCC -Glddingt. 3-45; Roney, 2· 14; Stantund. 1_.9; Swanberg, 1-12; Dunham. 1-9; S1an. 1-6; St~ 1-S; Brlgftt, I~ Btaog. 1-lor-minua 7 i Anteaters stay I jperfect, 11-6 1 John Vargas scored Cour goals and Jim Bennan : added three others as UC Irvine's water polo team ; concluded regular season play undefeated with an : 11-6 PCAA victory over Cal State Fullerton '1 Saturday. The victory for the No. 1 rated Anteaters : improved their record to 23-0 for the aeaaon. 1 UCI led 5-1 at the half and coasted the rest of • the way behind the fine performance of Creshman : goaltender Mark DreweJow who recorded 12 saves. ! Next for t h e Anteaters ls the PCAA : tournament Friday and Saturday at Belmont Plaza : in Long Beach followed by the NCAA tournament : Nov. 21-28 at the aame sue. : On th e high school front, senior Terry : Hourigan scored six goals to lead Mission Viejo to a • 10-7 decision over Claremont in second round action 1 of the CIF 3-A playoffs. The Dlabloa. the No. 3 representative Crom the ! Sou th Coaat League, also received some fine goaltendin g from Randy McCafferty, who had : eight saves. , T he DiabJos, like UCI, jumped out to a 5-2 ' halftime advantage and were never threatened. I ' I : CdM, Newport home Tuesday ti Sea View Leaaue powera Newport Harbor and Corona del Mar, tf>e two t.op-Reded teama In the ' CIF 4-A water polo playoffs, have drawn home I .-Agnmenta for Tue.day's quarterflnall action. I Newport Harbor will host S untet League champion Marina and El Dorado• at Corona del (f.Mar~·~each~~·=3=:1=5 =oon;;:tes=t=.:::=~;5i5~::::==::=!!11 ! FRESH LOCAL LOBSTER • • DINNER '8.98 molud .. aJaolce ol .aup or Ml•d, ud pol•to « nee pl.la. 0a11 r. R•1naUon.e ~ .. steel plate irwt&lla with 2 no·becll·out onewaymaaL (I mu.t a. out of touah. I -..:;__~-,,, th0U9ht Wolo wu the b ig fuay fella in "Star Wan:') ROTATING TRUNK LOCK GUARD 99:~ 99 •4006 JIAIDAf U 6997 •4009 BIL SPLIT LIATID 0111111 nova 2 97 PR.tl44M "85 ln a 30 a.one? It'• th ... glO'N9, officer. I alip them on ln the mornme and I beoarn. a cbiring fool" Wiii AVllTIOI CO•POUD ICTIOI . lllTAL lllPI 59! How'd I get .tuck writing about glue again? Goocl for wood, oeramica. and more. Driea tan and clear, and p&Nnb know it'• l\OI\ -tosic. @metrong 89! DlllTIOIC IOYAL SOLAllll 10-WAI FLOOlmE 12"s 12" •lf • sticken. .. ..., to put clown (liW my mother-ln- law) and come ln Noe pattern. like San Ylnoente. Salerno and EJ.vant Lece. WATDll&TD · lllUUTIOI ILllllT 666 Ill TOOLI 11 PC. WOODUIDLI ICllWllllll lft 297, Aunt .. ••·~ Mw\'t nm thU lliNI ., =·-........ -..... -...... ......... --.: 4x8 CD PLYWOOD SHEATHING 3/a" ~" 9•7~ .. . TVCID 30 ULLOI TUllCAI 4 9 !332 ·.· What can you N Y about them? U you can think of eom.thlng, • hf.9h payinq career ln coj)y writing can a. youn. .Ju.t mall m t.hia m.atchboolll COftl' with $8.98. . IUllllllAm PIODVCTI . TVUTOLE La.,. IUNI\ or 2•• ~atoraee. 18~ •• diameter. t2300 UICEITOUU r~TOLE 3!! CLEll-LllEIJI" DIAll OP Goocl .tu.ff to hawe on hand for minor plug•\IP9 ln the pipee eo you don't haw to tear the phamblng apart. oJ/I> -· -;. ._ -• :-• ... • • ,_,,,,,.,... • ... ~ .......... O..enge Coat DAILV ftlLOT/aunday, Nowmw 14, 1HI Six area volleyb all teams a d vance. Mater Dei play Newpo1rt, Laguna Beach rac We tminster Tue1day · Quarterflnall1t1 In the C I F 4-A women'• volJeyball playoff• look like a who'• who of Oranae County with lix of the elaht remalnln1 team• from thl1 area. 'San Clemente. Mater Del, Newport Harbor, Laguna Beach, Westmjnater and Cor ona del Mar all advanoed to Tueeday'1 play. San Clemente defeet.ed T<>M'ance, 3-1, and will play Mira Cotta, the No. 1 aeeded team ln the playoffs ln ltl next putlng. Mater Del struagled at Santa Barbara but cam e· out a 3-2 winner over lts hosts while Newport Harbor downed hoet Dana Hilla, 3-0. These two meet Tuesday. Laguna Beach stopped St. Bernard, 3-0. while Wesunlnster was downing La Serna, 3-2. They meet on Tumay. ·Corona del Mar won over St. Joeeph'a of Lakewood, 3-1. and will race Santa Monica ln Tuesday's quarterfinals. .. "St. J06eph's ls a really good team," said CdM Coach Harold Noreiga. "They got the best of us in the second game but we came back and kept pushing to win. "Outside hitters Pam Lawrence and · sophomore Brooke Herrington played College football very well. L.awrtnt'ft had l l klllt and Herrlnaton had 14 on thll outald ... "When we sot the ball to tht'm, w WON virtually UllltuppilbJ Th y bvth had ll great nl1ht." BUI Ashen, tht• Lasurw Beach Coach. felt St. Bernard /.'"YC!d well afalrut hill team In la.Ina, I • 14, 16-9, 16· 3. "They had an outstandln1 mlddl blocker, No. 8 (Tereau Smith) who rould VOLLEYBALL hit over the top of any block. She was awesome and played very well for them. "Out regular setter (Mollie Merchant) had an off night and her replacement, Brook Blnley came in and did a fantastic job. Molly came back In the third game ano dld very well, also. 'It's really nice to have the luxury of a player coming off the bench like Brook did tonight. "When that big No. 8 (6·0) hit the ball, it was hard and Brook stayed right in there and came up ~ith a save straight up in the air. The girl11 played very well ~night." - UCLA 3S. ::~ord 35 0 Vandel'btlt 45. Virginia Tech Callfornla 34, Wuhlngton St, 114 ~·O n g B ea C h S I. 2 4 • Ne'(ada-1.aa Vegas 13 Fresno St. ~. •ontana St. 14 . San JOM St. 31, Pacific U. 0 Cal Lutheran 17, Azusa Pacific 0 E. Carolina 3 t. Wiiiiam & Mary 27 Bowie SI. 8, Diil. of~ 3 C e raon -Newman 4 5 , PrMbyterian 14 Georgia Sou1hetn 17, Men H .. 3 H~Sydney 8, Randolpll. Macon 3 7 J.C. Smith 3 I, F~ SI. t3 N. C.Ollne A& T f3, N.C. Centrel Mater Del 1truuled In ha m11u:h at S.nta Barbara, but wu 1bl to pull It out wllh 1 16·8 decla&on In the final 1ame. Sant.A BarbMra muv('d ln front, 12·0 In the tint 81me whh the Monarc h• mmln& back to IOI<!, U>-7. They wok the nett two gamea, lOlt th fourth and won the fin.al. Santa Barbara waa cnught oul of rotation twk.-e In the third game and that 1cemed to up1et their mental rot)Centratlon. Chrll Donahue and Peggy Baker, both ecnlor out.side hllt.en1 dld well for Mater Del u did setter Anarea Fort. We1unlnster dropped the third game agaln1t La Serna but had more bench strength. ''We had more people on offense than they did," Coach Dave Lindquist said. "They had two very good blockent but we had four and that waa the difference. "Connie Watson had lS-kllls while Diane Wat.on and Jackie Mendez each had 11 with Stacy Schlange getting 8. "We got behind In the second game, 14-7, but came back to win 16-14 and I think we had a little letdown In the thlrd before getting our concentration back. I don't think we wlll have that problem against Laguna.''. Occidental 42, Pomona 10 St. Mary's 31, U. San Diego 10 Santa Clara <M, Sonoma St. 8 . Or9gOn Tech 31, W. Oregon 0 S.i) Frend9co St. 17, Humboldt St.3 &rogweter. Va. 7. Cethollc U. 3 Ft. Ve/Wf St. 83, Beptlat U. 0 ~ 13, C.tawt>a t2 Newberry 48. Lenolr·Rhyne 22 Virginie Union 43. EllZabeth City SI. 0 WHh. & LM 8, Georgetown. o.c. 0 2.91_ l.88 . e, Oregon 23, w. wuto1na1on 20 E. Wuhlngton 41, w. MonleN 14 Youngalown St. ». M0teheed SI. 19 Hamc>ton lnll 34, Vlrgln&a St. 13 J a mee Mad l a on 52 . 8 Unfleld '27. Jre.-Lutnem ·t a Or9g0n 32. c.n1. wuto1ng1on ~ 38, lewta' Clettl 8 Pmclflc. Ore. t 3, WllefMtte 1 I p~o SI. 42. HeYwwd St. 33 ·""" Pevl8 5). ~mmento St. 8 Roc:llJee use 48, Arizona 41 Wlaahlngton 17. Artzona St. Shlppenet>utg St. 22 Uberty Baptist 35. lndlene, Pa. 13 Austin~ 31, T-Tech 27 Delle SI. 47. Tenn •• MattJn 0 E~Yile 58. Georgetown. Ky. 14 13 Mlllaepe 31. MllM 9 Mun.y St. 18, Akron 14 BYU 58, San Diego St. 8 Colorado 28. Kansu 3 Montana 42, Weber St. 20 Wyoming 24, Wk:Nta St. 20 8dM St 30, u..tt St. 10 •• Vt-" 62. MMle ... 20 ~St .. Colo.M .W.N9w Meideo 27 Coloredo MlnH H . Colorado Col ,8 M9M. Colo. 21, Ft. L.ew1a1 7 8 . Color ad o 33 , N . Mu.H~13 .......... St,4U 34. Texas Tech 27 Oklahoma 4 1. Mlsaour1 14 Baylor 35, Rk:e 13 hel Pitt 24, Nfff'1 I B oston College 20, Syr~ 13 Penn 23, twv-d 21 Yale 37, Prtnc9ton 19 Colgate 24, Temple V Cornell 35, Columbia 26 Dartmouth 22, Brown 16 Hofy Cfoea 21, Maine 7 Boeton U. 14, Budtnell 1 f Connecticut 21, Rhode Island 21 Delaware 55. w. Chest• St. 13 Ma11achuaetta 27. New Hampshire o T*icas 38, TCU 21 Arkansas St. 20, Texas· Arl~ton 17 Albeny, N.Y. 49, M•llt 0 Allred 24, Buffalo 21 Ark ·Pine 8lufl 18, Bllhop 14 American lnll. 24, Springfleld 17 21Nf.. Oki.homa 23, SE OkJelloma Amherst 52, W-.mt 241" ............... 14• H..,.._ 13 Btdgwater, M-37, w~ ....,._..... --.., St. 18 Penhendle St. 30, Mc:Murry I c;.,.,. 32, Miio St. 10 . ........ F8iml0nt St. 23, W• liberty 10 Michigan 52, Pwdue 21 Fmllln & MwaM 34, LeOeinon Men's Crew Socks 3-pair package. Comfortable Orlon, aaytic/ltretsh nylon Fluorescent Clrcle1 Light Converts Incandescent lamps to fluo- rescent. t!i~~ &ta~1fo1nt ~i>~ Out p atien t R eeo very Ser vlee For Alcoholl1m/Chemical Dependenciea • JCAH ACCREDITED • STRONG AA INVOLVEMENT • COUNSELING SERVICE • FAMILY PROGRAM • AFTERCARE • FINANCING The majority ol HEAL TH INSURANCE policles will cover all or pert ol the • treatment for alcoholism chemical dependency TUSTIN COMMUNITY HOSPITAL 14812 NEWPORT AVE. TUSTIN, CA 92880 838-9800 Ext. 428 SERVING ALL ORANGE COUNTY 2.51· Christmas Paper Rolla Stock LJp now for the holida~. t Gal 2.51 Ernest I Julio Gallo Wine In Rose, Chenin Blanc or French Co- lombard. llllnola 48, Indiana 7 Vel 3 Ohio St. 40, Northwestern GetlytburQh 44, OldtlNon 7 28 • Lode.._ 81. 12. ~St. Iowa 28, WllCONiu 14 7• lycomlng 17, Faif191gh Olc:ken o Nebfaaka 48, Iowa St. 10 Maine Mar111me 44, ~rwnlngllem Oklahoma St. 24, Kanna St. o St. 18 MHt. Marlllme 13. W. New 19.88 ' 4.66 3.99 2.22 3 s1 For Penn St. 24, Notre Dame t4 Englend o Bowling Green 24, E. Pfymoultl St. 541. CWry 13 M1CNgan 7 ~ t7. W Virginie St. 0 S. Connec11cut 24, Cenl Cent. Mich. 24, B.it St. 13 Connec11cut o W. Michigan 18, Ohio U. 7 T~ St 28 Cw Pos1 13 Cincinnati 52, Xoroan St. o Trinity, eonn. 31.'w~en 8 • N. Illinois 12, Miami, Ohio 7 Tul11 21, a.t .. 7 · Toledo 3, Kent St. 0 Union, N.Y. 14, Hamllton 0 Drake 42, llllnola St. 35 Upaela 13, JunleUi 10 ~Ill. 35, North Perk 9 W. Va. Weelyn 24, Selem. W.Va. 8enedlctlM.ll. 14, NE M11no1a a 8 Co n c or d I e , N e b . 1 8 • : .. ~i.2·P~.d F~~:burg ~K.wi. 18 St. 7 ~ 10, P9tU St. 0 Widener 24, S-.ttwnor. 7 o.rton 42, WIL-&19erlor 0 Ce1forn1a. Pa. 14, ....__.Rock E. illl'1da 73. l(entudly St. O 12 _, E_,,.. 23. Unco1n 1$ ,... __ L«• 41. Iowa~ o .....-Ion St. ZI. Cent. St .• Ohio 23 "' Delew-St. 15, Nor1ti.atem 7 s1:!i!,mo Ne.terene 4, Culv•r· Edinboro St. 38. Metcytiurtt 8 .u-•-~ 23 w-..... o Geneve 21. a.theny, W.Va. 14 _,, --" • -,.~ • ._... Hober1 52. RPI 7 NE Mleaourf 21. Mlaeouri-Rolle 7 9owdolr'I ti. Colby 2 NW lowe 56, Mldllnd 7 lone 21, F«dhem 15 1581. NOl'bert 24. MldllgM Tedi ""-34, Klnae PolM 0 Plttaburg St. 28, Mo. W•em 20 ~ 341, Kuatown s~ : St. Jottn't , Minn. 41, Be~I*, 4, Will• 3 Minn. 21 18 MuNenberg e SE M'-1 38, c.nt. M N.Y. Tedi 2l, .;.,_, Otj St. 7 341 Nor..tch 23. Mldclebury 14 8. llllnola 28. SW Mleaourt 7 ~-t4 Allegheny 7 SW ~ 32. Bethel. Ken. 14 St. l-enoe '40, CortlanO SI. 27 8tertlno 27, Ott.we, Ken. 22 Wegner 42 KeM 0 Teb« }S, St. Mety'e, K.wi. 12 Coal G • d 12 Hofttr 8 Mo ~Hytrnan 35. WuHngton, oai.-~•. 8: ~ 3 Weyne. Midi. 21. Fente It. 13 ..... ntle I t. 31. New H-14 Wllo1illlgt0n 2t, Flndley 7 0 W MeryW\d 22. JQt,,,. 'HopkiM ,,..., 55. v.,,.,.,.., 20 Grand Velley 8t. 55, Seglnew Cheyney 81. 20. Noffotk 8t. 18 VIA. St. 7 H-24, Teytor 23 Kenyon 23. Hiram Col. 8 ... 481 Cent. Metlloc*t 7 llulfton 17. &t1hem 13 ... 14, lndllN Cel\"1111 7 Ft. ._. 8t. 21, Emoorte St. 21 ....,,_.-..a 48. l'ertllo 7 w.....a1.D9P-8 SW OldlNrM 63, E. Cer!trel U. SMoMn f'. AuM1r1 17, L T-it-,, ~iL"';:n1a ~ 1, et.'*' 14 . F 34. WflNlorl 12 C* It. 24, It. Cloud St. 0 .... ~ Clllofola 11, Auburn 14 • Mlnln tnit IL 27, LSU 24 ·> QerMoft 24, ~Id 22 · Q.o,,la Tech 41, Wike Cerolna It. 21, OUM 11 ..... LOl .... 14 .. Olfell'9 t1, ~ , .. •: '11 2 ; 1111 •• AlllMIM Ml. San Anlonlo 40, Golden West 13 Orange CoMt 27, Or-1 14 Fularton ae. San Diego ..... 0 .....,..c .. caa ..... _ Compton ti, Rio Hondo 11 IHI Loa Angel•• 49, LA Soutfl•• 14 LA H9rllof ,., Loa Mgetea CO 7 ... $1-CSlll ZS TJft4',......_ t7 IJ Cal'lllno •• L°"9 ...,.. 00 t4 ........... CC M, LA Ptstoe 0 .....,. ..... 01alam11 ---··~· ~~11.Haflooall14 ,. ........ 0014.~ Duch-Bird cage Pacific Cage floor model metal bird cage. Latch Hook Rug Kit 20x27" canvas with Pf&-CUt Acrilon• acrytic yam. U quld Fish Base A fine lawn, flower and v~· tabte g91'den plant food with organic flttl. J iffy Muffin Mix Butter~ biscuit mix with otd fashioned baking powder. ... , ... .. . ---- ~"'~~~ ~-=~~ 4 88 s133 4.47 27 ,. .. s39 · Plin Fntmed Door Mirror Stereo MUllc Syatem Cerda for Chrlatmu FE T Es Your daily aid to good Sound design mu8'c sys-20 SC>lld·pack Chnstmas Plus F E.T 1 43 Ea Plus FE T 1 eo Ea grooming! 1em wrth cassette record-caids in your choice of Mounting lnctuded • No TredHn Required 1ng. uaorted designs. Fnco 50-CI Tl'Mh .... 2.93 Memorex 60 Min. Tape 80-mlnute blank ca11ette tapes. Record yourself. Alce Mata Rice atraw mats, attrac- tive and Pfa<:tical I .·Rosy Orange Coat DAILY PILOT/Sunday, November 14, 1882 outlook for Huskies after beating A u l- 1 SMU, meanwhile, survives scare; Penn St. tops ND: and Alabama loses again From AP dl1patclaea TEMPE, Arlt. -Seventh-ranked Wuhtnaton converted two fumble recoveriet1 lnto touchdowns and Chuck NelAIOn kicked ht. 23rd field goal of the leU<>n aa the Huaklet held on to upeet third-ranked Arizona State 17-13 Saturday nJght In a Pacific 10' C.Onference football showdown. With the win, Wuhington moved back into pcmtlon '° clalm lta thlrd atraiaht Pac-10 title and . accompanying trip to the Rose Bowl while e11entially elimin ating the Sun Dev.ils fr~m contention. The Huakte&, now 9-1 overall and 6-1 in league play, can wrap up the championship next week at winless Washington State. Arizona State 9-1, 5-1 la idle until Nov. 27, when the Sun DevUa end regular-season play at Arizona. Pe•• St. 24, Netre Da•e 14 SOUTH BEND, Ind. -Todd Blackledge's 48-yard touchdown pass to Curt Warner early in the fourth quarter lifted 5th-~ed Penn State to a 24-14 victory over Notre Dame and virtually, clinched a major bowl bid for the Nittany Uoru. The victory waa the ninth against one loss for Penn State, which ls idle next week when the bowl blda come out. The Llona close their regular season 1Walnst Pitt Nov. 26. COLLEGE FOOTBALL AUBURN, Ala. -All-American Herschel Walker. IOllring put the' 6,000-yard career· mark, raced for 177 yards and two touchdowns as top-- ranked Georgia trimmed A'-4burn, 19 .. 14 to capture its third consecutive Southea1tern Conference championship and a berth In the Su1ar Bowl. Walker smashed over from the three with 8:42 remaining to erase a 14-13 lead Aubwn had taken five minutes earlier when 170-pound acatback Lionel James streaked 87 yards for a acore. But SMU Coach Bobby Colllnt dug dMp into t\11 bag of trick play1. Blane Smith bobbled the kickoff at the MuatA&11g 10 yard line and kept dribbling the ball around until the entire Tech r turn team wa1 nearly upon him. He then 1natchcd up the baU, faked a handoff and rifled it acrou field to Leach, who dashed the di1tance without being touched by a Red ~Ider. The play took 13 teeonds. §. !lllMJ .. lf'f'I 38, tllabama •• TUSCALOOSA, Ala. -Reggi,e Collier K'<>red three touchdown1 and Sam DeJarnette got two and rambled for 152 yards to lead Southern MlsalBaippi to a 38-29 upeet over 17th-ranked Alabama and hand the Cril'NOn Tide lta flrat loa at home since 1963. Collier, dlrectins the Golden Eagle offeme to LUBBOCK, Texas -Bobby Leach took an perfection, paced Southern to a 28-7 haJftlme lead across-the-field lateral and ran 91 yards with four as his team made good on Its first 10 third-down seconds to play to give second ranked Sothern conversions and .scored on their Cirst four Methodist an Incredible 34-27 victory over Texas possessions. Two of th~ touchdowns came on runs T<'ch and al least a tie for the Southwest ., of 22 and 8 yards by the rangy 9uart.erback. Conference championship. . SMU, now 10-0 and 7-0 in SWC play, seemed destined to have Its record soured after Ricky Gann's 28-yard field goal with 17 seconds lett tied the 900re for Texas Tech. !llle•I••• $2, hrilue ZI ANN ARBOR, Mich. -Michigan tailback Lawrence Ricks ran the baU 31 times for 196 yarda ' Mattel lntellvtsion Yldeo TV KmertS... Price Hoover Vacuum Cleaner You'll like the quick & •clean bag change system. Video game unit has special Input keys, controls with side-mounted action buttons, other features. .L ... F~ Aebale Yo.x Nel Cos' A fl• F acioty Rebate 1199 -•50 5149 29.97 Mattel Video Cartridges Games include Night Stalkere or Star Strike. I Astro Slnaeh ................................ 24.17 3.38 Beacon Curtain Pan ... No Iron tailored cunaln. Machtne wutWbte. 13.93 Matchbox Glo Racers Glo-Racers™ Streak Challenge. Glows in the dalt(. ' Buy 1-Roll at 1 C Regular Price Get 2nd Roll for Attractlle Wallcoverlng Add new decor to the inside of your home. 9.88 T-Leg Ironing Board Legs told for convenient etorage. • wo .. 1'1 C19f1rt11tle C1111I In aoft vtnyl, trim drawltrlng bow. 8lfCk ooeor. and two touchdownt aa the Wolverlnee clinched tM Bli Ten championahJp and a ROiie Bowl berth with a 62·21 victory over Purdue. The Wolverine., 8-0 In the <.'Onferenoe and 8-i overall. will repreaent th•~ Big Ten ~•t the Pac-10 Conference champion In the Bowl garne on Jan. l regardlem of how they fare In their final regular eeaaon game aaalnlt Ohio State ne,ct week. Purdue fell to 3-6 and 3-7. !llls11lsslppl §t. ~7, IAV 24 STARKVILLE, Miu . -Dana Moore kicked a 45-yard field goal In the fadlna ICCOOda to lift the Mississippi State Bulldogs to a 27-24 upset o( unbeaten and sixth-ranked Loui1lana State In· a frantic finish to a regionally televiled game. • Moore kicked the winning poinll w ith ~O seconds left. breaking the BulJdoo' six-game lacing streak after It appeared LouTalana State h-4 rescued a 24-24 Ue on fullback Mike Montz' 35-yatd touchdown run with 4:52 left. • _, .Lf!n• Beae• St. Z4, VNLI' 13 . . Quarterback T<kld OiUon completed 29 ot 44 passes for.324 yards and one touchdown and rait·tar another score as Long Beac;h State downed Nevada-Las Vegas 24 -13, in a Pacific Co1tat Athletic Association game. ;- Diablos earn share of title By JOE DUDEVOIR ...,..... to ttle D.itr,... For the second consecutive year, Mission Viejo and Capistrano Valley high schools will share Che South Coast League crown, following Mission Viejo's regular season ending 38-6 vic~ry over. Dana Hills Saturday afternoon a\ Dana Hills. · •. The win gives the Diablos a 5-0-1 league record, the same aa Capo Valley. .. Following lhe cont.est, Miss~ Viejo won die coin flip that determines the No. l seed in the conference for the upcoming playoffs. · When Oiablo head coach Bill Crow received news that hia squad won the toss, he said, "lt'll·be great to open the playoffs at home -especially since this is a newly formed conference, and we haven't seen any of the schools we will be playing' against." The Diablos' first-round opponent has not beeil determlned yet: so as Crow noted later, "We'll just have to sit back and wait." After rolling up a 28-0 lead in the first half· behind Roger Brown and fellow running back Sean Varner. who each ecored two TD's, Miasion Viejo scored on its second poeaession of the third quarter· for a 35-0 advantage, and Crow took out his· starters. But not before Brown piled up 154 yards rushing on 18 carries. ' ; The other half of the tandem. Varner, pie~ up 117 yards on oruy alx carries. But one of uWm measured 84 yards and IWU)ted ln a DiabJo acore-to put the visitors up 21-0 wtth 6:39 remainlng in th~ first half. Brown ended the regular aeuon with 1,098 yards on the ground. Dana HU&, which finally won lalt week to end a 12-game skid dating back to last year, got ita ~y acore on a Shane Pratt 1-yard plunge with 5:09 J~ to be played. Other than that. the Dolphins w~ completely smothered by a Diablo defel'l8e whlefs limited them to <?nlY four first downs throup three quarters of play and a mere 21 yards--On the ground for the cont.est. ' The Dolphins dld manage to out-gam Miss.ion Viejo through the air, however, totaling 183 ya~ to the Dia6los' 180, but moet of thoee yards came in the last five mintues of the game when it was well out of reach. · . * * 111M1on V1e1o a , Dene Hiie I Puntt 2-34 8-36 lcofe bJ a-teft • Fumble9-loat 2-0 .1-0 MllllOn Viejo 7 2t 1 3 -38 Peneltlel-y.,dt 7-77 7.32 0-Hilll 0 0 0 8 -8 111411 .. HI ......... MV-Brown 18 run CAec1or klclcl MV -8'own, 18-154; Vemw, MY-Brown 23 PIH from 6-117: 8Pt\lw, 5-21; Hiii, 5-10( Lelten~ (Rector >cldtl LeUenb1uer. 5-lor-mlnue~ 1; MV-Vlmef 84 run CAec1or kid!) Sdlutte, 3-tor-mll\uto-t. MV-V1rner 15 PIH from OH -Pratt. 13-4'; ~~· L...,.,_. (Aec1or lcldl) 1·3 : OeClllo. 2-2: Cooper. MV-Bn>wfl 3 run (Aec1or kldt) 9-lof~27. MV,.Welllo9 24 FG lhdle ............ OH-Pnm 1 run~ tll9d) MY -~. a.14-1, f31; Attendlncle-1. C•·I Sci~ ~~11-21-1, 193. ............. IMl\ljJ1llll111 ....... lllV DH MY -Co61r, 4-12: v.m.. 2-17; 18 10 BfoMI. 1-23: Irie*. 1-20. 42·292 22·21 OH -F'!Wldl. 4-100: Gennltl. 1eo 193 3-52: ~111. 2-2: Et'lcUon, 1-lt; 11-20-1 11-2... Hlrrll. 1-10. OeClllo, 1-1. Yachts scrambling Now that the battle for line honors (first to finish) is eettled in the Los Angeles to Mar.atlao yacht race, the ecramble la on for corrected time (handicap) poeiUona which is what the race ia all about. With all of the Cius A and mo8t of the Cius B • yachts ln port Saturday, it ap~ared certain that the overall corrected time and Cl'9a A honors waa in the 10le poewsaion of Richard C.tlin'a Sama Cnlt-~ Samurai from SUU~ter Yacht Club In the bay area. Samurai'• ~ wu 130.0718 hourL Thirteen boata were 1tlll at tee at the Saturda1· • 8 a.m . roll cal)\ but they wen expecied to finish in bunches Saturday and Saturday night wtth the entire fleet hopefully ufely ln port by tonight. eo.ui wtth lela than 100 mllee to So Saturday we~ Arriba. 38; Beet Wave, 43; Will of the Wisp, 76; ~ 81; and Mimi B. 84. Othen Wett Miramar, 120; Shamrock, ISS; Notorloua, 148; Rowdy, UO; Insatiable, ua; Swmtra. USO; In , 1 '10; and ht 1'11. •• Orano• Coat OAIL.V PIL.OT/lundey, Nov.mber 14. 1112 ~----------------------------------------------..... ----------------------------------. lAe AllA'toe l.ATUllDAY'a •IUl.TI , ............ ~--.. lltMT Mell. 350 ye.a. Klfodl tlllMMI 23.40 e.eo e oo llllcl!IOol SUa (CM...,I 4 80 3 80 0.-. Rodlet (Tonl!al 3,40 Aleo 11C1C1, IA Wom111. W911\ on Air, SllYlf SIH vH, Rlchud Ferguaon, Red Roen AllCll. lnlltlllnocl Copy Tlnle: 11.14, ta UACTA ( .. 101 plld S 115 •O MCOND MCL 400 yerda.. Ptoud Pelrtc* (Adllitl 5 40 3 20 3 20 Shec:l<)'I lmlCll (S-d, 3 40 3 00 Cocl)'I POP (Myliltl 5.llO leo rlCld. S-Kinda VOlllQI. Fenc:y Sort Conole>t, ChrlelOp/ll< Sly, Btedys Pop, CalCll Lt.tell, Aodly Dack Bii limo: 20.31. Tlw.D RAS°L 350 y.,da Ilg llctt (l:llf1) Ii IO 3.IO 2.llO 89rdonlc (Wlfdl 1.60 4 llO ''""'Rambler (krdl 4.80 Aleo r-": My P91* ChlM, Milo Si•. Tf'IOple Ctllfgett Hlfl Jot, Daaor1 Rocket, Sonny lhl lk.il. Tlmo. 18.06. II IXACTA (1·2) paid $37 20. 'OURTH MCI . 350 y11d1 Father Along (Bard) 11 20 6.80 4,20 ~ 8oy (Clf<IOUI 10.80\ 7;.t Ouc:k N Run IWWd) ~. Alto.rlCld: Vegaa Bo, SP"(ly Policy, Vllue. PUI Em Boy, fl•ymond Uoclcoye, Top~. Time: 17.tl. II UACTA 17-3) plld $104 80 WTH AACL 400 y11de O..ltoyet (lpey) 7.00 3.60 3 20 Plenty of Nothing 1cn. .... 1 5.80 3 40 EIMlgency Room (Smith) 3.00 Alto rlCld: 00.-Pllleoe Go Go. Bii 8o Miii, Plt.tndlle Fluh, Steoc> N Up, SllnlM Jug, Bob Van Moon 00-0i9Qulllfia<I Ind pl.ced IUI. Tlmo: 20.43. '2 UACTA (7-81 paid S3f.40 aaxTM AACL 870 yerdl. Win Polley (P...in.1 11 20 7 60 • 00 Aelloll Actlon (o.lornbal 7 80 4 00 MlQllty Duell (~) 2 80 Al90 rK*I: Aun Native Run, Mr Leo a..g, ThteoWlld~ Tlmll: •5.le. MYUfTH RACL 400 y9rda. P-"''" BuMy (Hlfll e.oo 3.40 2.40 Porla Fen (Adeir) 4 40 2.80 Dolly• Hope (81evlna)2.IO Also r.c:oo. AelelMly Aiure, Poggy Genl9. Foggy Foggy o-. Blml Lei Bid T1mo: 20.07. II UACTA (3-11paidSii40. .. Pee Ill( (8-1·7·7-3-31 paid $5,191120 with ... wlnni"I tlcllttl (lb• llenM) $2 Pie* Sill CONOlatlOn paid 178.llO....,. 142 wtnnlng llckel9 {llW "°''°')· S2 Pick Sia ecrllc:h conao1111on paid S208.20 llrith nlno w1nn1n9 llekell (lour hOf .... ono wetchl llGtlTlt RACE. 400 y9fdl No-. Short (l onkl) 7 .80 3 40 Play Tuft tCardoUll 3 40 Gyp ClliCll (Cruger) Allo 1K*1: lextwe. HorNng Jet '""" 20. 12 '9fTM AACL 400 V-dL 260 2 llO 3.00 aeon L°""9 (Bard\ 2 80 2.20 2.20 A'fl Oere (Mlirl 3.00 2.40 Heu Ttu Aeb'4 (Frydlyl 2 80 Also rKld: Mr. Ouldl""8, Vilclng Copy, Joe Ale Cool. Ve<IO Time: 1(1.27. • IXACTA 12·51 paidU90 TDfTII llACI. 350 yerdt ~ CNrgo (T....ura) 6 20 3.40 3.AO TNC:ld9 Angel (ClMQlll 3.80 3 40 Gaye PIUll (Dominguez) 15 60 . Abo rK*I. SuM F'irtll Rebel. Wylidlil a...\ Away, s-t P04tcy. Rocket Faster, Manie Of). Bold Johny Tlrno: 18.02 '2 IXACTA (1-111 plid .J16.40. AllenclMlce -10,214. "'"'8 ~-=-~zit.)_ 55 ~ I NM. 11 llOftllo, 04 I todl ood, 1 KUiplll. DAYEY'8 LOCICDI (Mewpot1 ._., - 119 englofe. 255 bonito, 3 CO'W cod, 79 mec:l<Orol, 90 •OCll cod, ' H nd b.... ' llonllo ..... ~ ...... New YOtk 112, DlllOll 100 PhilaoelPNI I 10, New Jortey 100 ... Ille 107, Ill\ Al'llonlO .. lndtenll 111. ClllC190 111 Oen~ 140, 0111•• 130 KallHe City 112. Sen Diego I 1 I 0~ Stell 114, Alllll'll• 101 TMllllll'•CIMIM c.....i.nc1 11 &.e1.,. Wllll!ngton 11 l'llilldeiphla lloeton 11 MilweukM 8N111e .. HoutMon Phoerli1t 11 Portl4ln0 ..... .............. Ktnga 2, Monlrell I Botton.3. eutt.io 2 Hlf11ord 5, SI, Louie 2 Edmonton ~. Ptlhlclmphl• 3 OlllOIQO 3, Ootrolt 2 Qulblo 7, Htw Jereey 2 WinNPOll 3, Vlll'IC°'!\IOf 2 CllOIWY 3, PllllburG" I TOfonto 4, """'-'• 3 WuNngton 3, NV 1""'°"9 I , .......... °""" $1 Louil •I loelOn Plllllburgh •• Bufl*> EcSmonton al NV Aengert MIMelote II Chlc:IQo venc:ou-•• WlMiPIV ........ cou.I"• UC lntfto 11, Cl ,...,_ t CS Fullerton I 1 1 3-I UC lrVlfll 3 2 t I-ti UC i.-. ~fleNlll'l 3, .... 1, P, C1mp11111 1, 1, Wong 1. HIGH ac:ttOOL ........ Ylef"te,Clw IAl7 Millllon Viejo 1 4 3 2-10 Cler-• ' ' 2 3-1 Minion Viejo' aco•ll'g Hourlg1n e . Reymonl 2, Ryen I, Flec;ll-11!n I, Olllor ...... Tustin us. w"'"" 2 Tlloueand OIU 13. Muir I , Indio 15, FOf\1-8 F~ 15, l.9gunl Hllll t ~POly10.~3 San a.n-to It, .._d 1 MIMiOn Viojo 11), 0-1 1 V ... Par119, Aoyllt cou.a• · UCLA al, 8tMf9fd • ec-. llf o..tlr'I Stan!Ofd a 15 Q 17 -35 UCLA • 14 1 'I 10 --,, UCLA-Ceplloue 1 1 tun (l.M lddl) UCLA·~ 7 tun (IAI ILidl) Sten-FG Hermon 40 Sc-Wllile I Nl'I (...,._, klclll lJCLA. T __.. t 11M8 tram ,_,..,. JLM kid!) Slln-Ktrry 47 PM' trom ~ (T011¥11 !NIM trom Elwey) UCLA-TownMll 4 P'tl from Ran.oy (Lei lllClk) Slan-FO Hatmon 37 UCLA-FO Lei 50 $1M-Oot1erer I tun Harmon kldl lJCLA.Aan.oy 5 tun LN ILldi 9111'1-Wlilte 1 I PM8 fror'n EJtioroy (WllllO pa.Ir-~ A-71.462 UCLA WINS, 38-35 • • • From Page 81 Mark Harmon and a one-yard dive by Vincent White. Townsell's firJt touchdown grab of a nine-yard toss in the comer o1 the end zone made it 21-10 but the Cardinal drew within a field goal on Har-ry's 47-yard reception and a two- point conversion. UCl.A, which was forced to punt only once Saturday , continued to move the ball at. will, however . The Bruins ba1anced their attack with 351 yards naah1ng and 314 net yards ....... for 6°51 total yards, the ieconcf:.hichest in UCLA history. •-n.ere la no question we pve up a lot of yardage today." Stanford Coach Paul Wiggin unden&ated. "We could never stop their running game or contain Ramley." So potent wa1 the Bruin rumUna pme that running back Dlinny Andrews ~ the ftnt UCI men take PCAA ctown FRISNO -Mark' RuelH finllhed tint, Mike Carlton ninth and lohn Gerhardl 10th to .... UC lrvtne'• men'• c:rom aoun1ry t.-n to the PCM dwnp6omhli> Mle. Ruela1 ran away from \he field. «aplet.inc hil run In 11:&1. TM AD_..,. ftnilhed With a \eam ICOf'e of 207. The hott ........ al l'w SteM Mn ....... la tlle NCAA Dlvl1lon 1 ~lflnUlatwomm.VCI EIOdawlllll~ PalJ ....... of Glib ......... time ..... _ .... UCLA player this .-.. to pin over 100 yards when be ftnlShed with 148. Stanford's top lfO"Jld-plner was Edison High graduate Mike Dotterer, who ran for 79 yardl and a touchdown. "Our plan at the outlet w• to try to control UCLA's pasinc game," said Wig1in ... A team with (Connac) Camey, Town1ell and (Paul) Bergman ii alway. dangerous. But they ahowed a stronger running ,.._ than we expected." Stanford made a laet-ditch effort to wln the pme in the final momentt, ecorlng on an 11-yard TD pu1 from Elway to White. A two-point conversion lhaved the margin to just • field ao-J with s\fll a little ie. than lour minutes remalnlnc. But the Cardinal cmchlnl tta.ff cllldained the on-llde kick, and Wlwll UCLA took p 1111llon on their own 11, the Brutnt were .a.ae to run out the clock with ,.. ftnt downt. Slw•y, the NCAA career 1-der' ln completiorw. WM 29 of 39 far 3&2 yards md completed 10 In a raw at one ttap late ln the ~· The lndivtdual ttata ~ mway, but the ~ line ti tM1 Stanfonl hat not 11J1W '° • t.cnd' Pint lince die llirdor q'*1111Wi arrived. .., .. to have IDod ....... na~. but M)' Nn ~· la,_ UI a> Ill to a llowl llllJll." he mil will almai&~ .. ... .............. ........ =,• ~~'l:n... . dnnlnl room a:low=e ~··-... .,. __ ~-.... tlC." T" , ............... llM ~!L.. cio:-.. 111 I~~ r.;;e yei• )ti ,_.....,"~-0 ,..... :I040 I l'Wll• '0 '""*-IOI! 1-0 ~YIWW UI 'tmo 04 llci.......,., .. :IO UCl.A .. ., ., 114 1• "''"° .. ,. ••• ... , 3UO ..................... llUIHINO 1111\fOf., Po411111f 20 711, Whll• • It. l'erk a 6, llwey <I·~ UC~A. AnGIHI 2 1"141, Noleoll 13 '°..r Cec>hOt.t• I' ti, lllamtey 7·11, "l.lllO t · l.i, Townetll 10 l'AlltNQ ll•nforCI, llw1y H •U 1 -3H1 Co1111ll 1 I 0 10 UC~A. llan\MY 1 .. 21+:114 RICllVINO llanl0<d, WNI• 14-124, H11ry l •l)C), ~--0--U, Doll•« t.64 UC~A, O•rney 1 ·137, Town1etl l ·U • lll(llMM 4 .. 2 UIC 4'i Art10M 41 ...,..,o-.. lollllltfn Cal 3 It 17 1 -41 Arllont 10 10 7 14 -41 USC·FG Jo<dan 41 ' Arlr·llo•dwly 32 ln111cepllon •llt.t•n (ZendejM kldl) Arll·FO ZINldejM 18 Alll·FO Ztndljll 21 USC·81mmon• I PHI t1om Tln•ley (Jo<dan lllClll Arlr·Andereon 72 P•H f1om Tunntcllllo IZenclej.u kick) U&C·81mmf>n• 31 pen ftom Tlntley (JOtdll'\ klelll USO.J. Browner 53 ln111c:epllon ra1u1n (JordM lllclll USC.Wlllle 33 p ... lrOll\ Ttnllloy (Jorden kk:lll U8C-FU Jord111 25 USC·W•I 27 lntlfceptlon 1otutn (Jofden · klClk) Arll·Edwerde 2 run (Zllwleju klolll A1lr·OObl l 3 PIH 11om Tunnlolll'le (Ztndljll lllcilll U8C·Hoppet 69 fumbt. 1111.11n (Jo1d1n kick I Afl1·Stlv1t1 18 pur from Tunnlc:lllfe (Zendtill lllcll) A·55, 1 tO ( .. I.) T_8,......_ UIC ML FllSI downs 15 111 ,_._.yerdl 42·12' 42·110 Paeelno yerdl JOI 303 Allum yerde tM 30 .._ 1-a.1 21~2 Pt.trite ...., 4-42 '~'°" .... w Ptnll!-..Ylltde I~ 5-450 Tlmo of PC11911ion 21:31 '4'°2 AUSHINO~a'-•Qn , .... Pola 4-33 AtllDn9. 1'4l, ~ 11-11. Otltlln~14. PASllNO -8oulll0tn C•I, Tlnaley 14·25·1·201. Arlzon1, Tiinnlcllllo 21~2-303. R~CEJWIQ :1 Soulhlln Cml. ~ 1·105, Wiii!• 4•1t. Arlrc>fta, Andlfaon, 5-121, Keel 6o11, Wlfd .... ................. RUSHINO-""LV, ttellOlt_, 5-40, Ma 5-30, R. Cunningham g.30, Long Bloch, Rowe 15-18, Dillon 7·77. Gt-t0-16. PASSINO-UNLV, A Cunnlflgh1m 22·40·2-2'8 long Inch, 1>111on ~1-324. RECEIVING-UNLV, L•Ft•nc• •·Ill, ~ 6-83, Hambttdt 5-'3 Long IMdl. LOft8 M7. J, MontQCl"*Y .. 70, fnlll4-44. co11M1N1TY couau ,......c...ec1•1r• .. C••-"...., W &. &. PPPA Ml. 8an Mtonlo Ii 0 1 ~ '30 ~w.-3 1 • 4 111 150 Fulllf1on 3 1 I 2 200 t7 Con1to1 2 2 a ' 134 156 0rmnpc-1 3 a 1 '" 204 San Diego...... ' 3 5 3 155 1111 Gr--' 0 S 0 II 13 2IO ............. Ml San Antonio 40. Oolder1 W•I 13 Or111199 CoMt 27, Qr-• 16 Fullerton 3'. Sen '*'° ..... 0 ........ CllMlel Orenge ~ at San Dlll90 MIN Ooldlfl Wolt • f ulel10n Mt Sin AMonio 91 C.rltOI ........ c ......... c .. -o.-.11 W L W L "'l'A 40 10219 33 3 I e 2 '" II 3 1 7 I 211 117 s 2 4 5 219 tlCle ' 3 2 • 125 217 ' 4 3 I '°' 20I 0 4 2 • .. 172 ............ ~ Ollao CC 24. Pelor'nlf 15 °"'-.. a-. Ana • loulhellartl 11. RMnlde cc 0 GWC • • • ... ..,. ......... C111111 •I 1.0-.. l\lvetlllde cc 11 len•• An• Pllolft., 11 loulltwMlttn HM1N ICHOOL ITANOtNOI ...,...c ... ~ , ...... , ~~rt"" Cep1111-I 0 I 7 t I 2 I 14 MINlon Vt4tl0 • 0 I I 1 1 '91 1H i..ot.tnt Hllt• a 3 o 4 1 o 111 11e a.ii Clemenl• :I $ 0 I 4 0 13!1 113 ~ ""11 I 4 0 4 • 0 •1 1tt Wclciellfldoe i 4 o t I o 111 193 0... Hilla 0 e 0 I I 0 lot 39 I ...,. IMlon VlejO Hiiia I o· °"'' .... L...-L.09 AlllnHOI 2•. Cypr-0 o.r-..Ot-.....-lerllllOO II, lolM Otlllldl t c ..... OOUl'lff'Y COLL.aQll l'CAA ........ ,.,,_ ..... , ... I RuelH (UC lrvlno). 29 52; 2. M4Wfllld (Fr-St ). to. 16; 3. Armndl (UNLVI. :f0l15; 4 LN (Sen Joeo 81 ). 30.45, 5 GonzalM (F1-81 ). 30'49; I . long !Vitti St« 30.st; ' S.111 (Long lloeell•811. Sl·OI. I. Fuel (Freano 81.). 31:10; I Clf1ton (UC lrvlno). 31 11; 10 Getl!lldt (UC !Nino). 31 20. Teem .corae: 1. ~ lfWll, 207: 2. Fr-8t.1 22'1.3· Long hid! II., :IOI, 4, Utllh SI., :S2;,; 5. -ld•·lM VIQM. 364; I San JoM 8t , 3'5; 1. UC 81111• 81rbar1, 412, l.,CS Fullorlon, 5'8. • • NCAA DWlelofl I ,, ..... tlMMriot •I , .... _ ..... , .... 1. Hiii (OrlllOlllo 21.50, 2 ~ (Cell. 29 25 3 Mc:Cofmec:k (UCLA), 2t.3'; 4. Z11H1a (Orefoq). 29.37, II. lkllllf (UCLA). 21:17; I . Anlb9fry {A1IJon1), t9:37; 1. FlioMr 10raoon St.). 29.47; I. ~ (UC ~ -.Sf: II. ErMn (Oregon). 2':6'( 10. ,_.,~30.10. T-•: 1. Onlgon. 63; 2. UCLA, 66; I . Mione. ; 4. Weahlnglon 8t, 114; 6. Callf0f"l1, 171; e. Oregon St .. 171; 7. ...,.,d, 111: 8, uo lf'Wlo. 207; •• Fl- .... 22t; 10. Long 8Mdl SI .• 30I. ---1. HOPP ("9nlordl. 11 03; 2 .......,... ....... otd>. 1t:Ot; s. ~ (WMlllnatOft). . = 4 ....... (Oregon), 11:19. I. ~ ). ,._.2A; L ........ llart1 (Artlona It.). "°9 IQraeonl. 11:31. L ~ 11:31; •• l'.8. ,._,,_ (~). tO. Loeb (a..ntord)1 11;31. 1M1 -1. lml!OfO, 33; 2. ()Naon. ~ ~. 120; 4. Celllomla, 121; •• ,tM. 1t ... I t Oh1111b111 11'1101 Vt•Oftl If llO o. • Oilln•llo IK•l .. 111 ,. OJ l l to OIV141 , .... VllM) ti oa .. 11 llNll (II MOMll•I 1t Ol 71 ti "'*'1• Ill MoeleNI • 11 OI O. II Of1M411 llf .... Vttcioll II 01 I, 14 Kl1101 INewPOfl H•rbo1I II Ot I, 11 AiqUl4ll (TllOWMCI Oell•I 11 11 1 HIAU fatm ICOf" I II Oolldo '9. I II TOfO, 11, I ~llnf&Ott 9lldl 117, 4 MM111, 140 I JuM""*' (l.M Alllml!Otl 11 00 I , ' OlllMWIN jl'IMdeNI) II Ot 11, :I HlkMlll'I 1•1 OOtt-01 18 H a. 4 hpof&e ll•nl1 l•rbaf•I 1f·M ,t . 6 l•nenlltlcl (MIUik•n! i•,41.7, e. Ot.tlnonea tHununeton kull ,. ... 0 7 O•hll>erg (l!Oylll II 41 11. I la1ow lrt Oor1dol 18 &O II. • Allen (El 0011dol 11 Ho. 10 M1k1n1 (II Toto) II N 4, II Wood Cll Oofldol lt04 7, 12 ~(CIToro) 1105t, 13 r111en 1E1 To101 II 01 6. 14 ltahpo (Qlondo,.) te 01 I, 16 111111 !Kober (ROll'"O Hilla) ,. 10 3 .. A HEAT I -TMITI _.. I MonletHlllO, :ir7, a. Canyon, 11. a. lo• At101, 121, 4 Burbank, 133. Oth9f1: I , WOOC1btldg11, 181 1 W•••on (Ot nyon1 15 21 I ; 2 Ctui ·(ftlHblllk) 15.44.I; 3 811111y IMontM>lllo) 1e 01 o. 4 Vld1kl (Montatllllo) 11·01 e, 5 C111lllo IMontllMMllol te 02 .2, e 9'id~ (LOt Al4oel II 04 s. 1 Ooni .... (MollllOolio) II OI 0, I Or1191 (Monteo.llol 18 Of I, t AleayllCI• (Monllbl!IOI II 01 6, 10 Perei (MOnllballol 11-ot.3, 11 Ponltue (Callyol\I 11. 10 2, 12 lfldbuty (Werr.,,I II 17, I, 11. De So" (Cenyonl II II 5, 14, Winn (Atllngton) 11.20 Q. 15 Kroego11 tC•nvon) 11·20 e HEAT 2 -TMm M:Offt I •••etow, 51, 2. Mlt• Coll•. 101, 3 Mlallon Violo, lot; 4 ffllOll•, '23. I Or111 (e.t11ow) 1s 11 7, 2. Cllttord (81111 c1emtn111 16·21.1. 3. To10 (l.,•towl 15 29 3 4. J. Trtlhlck (1.9 Clllld•I 1s·11.e. 5 E. C•1r1eco (St.ton• P11k) 15·45 2; I . C.lllOn (Mlf• C.•I 1e•07 I , 7 80llll ll.ll Slerre) II: 12 1, I Chrltlla (Mlellon l/l9IO) 11: 12 I, 9. MOflon (811llOW) II 14 3, 10. ~· ("4)wiendl 11:15 2, 11 IMQltl <.._11•· 1e.3: 1a. Mor• 1aauau11 11: 11 •· 13 atu (C..rllbll 1e·23.3, 14 8 Tr.vii'"'" (U Cenld1) 11:23.7; 16 J. JOhMon (Mire C091•) .11:24,5. HEAT 3 -Tnm KOfH I H1wth0<no, &el 2. o-Hilla, 87; 3 South Httt., 88; 4 811'1 Mmrino, 130. I, C1m"'1ck (South Hilla) 1!1 22.t . 2 UPl•ntt (P1lmd1lol 15 37 3, 3. NHr .~, 15:48 7, • 0 Aeynoldl (South Hlilll 16:49.1: &. BKa ts.n Marino) 1&·51.5: t .,.,.. C~I 15.64.2; 1. p...,_ (HaMllOr,.) 15M O; t . Kwne IHMlrltlomel 1f;03. 1; t . Kelly (Dana Hlllll I· tO,f: 10, H•n•o" (W1lnu1) 1':11.g , 11. Chrcl• IOowMVI 11:13.1; 12. a10ti. IH1wtt1o<MI 18: 14.3; 13. Bonlo (W•lnul) I: 14.1: 14. Munoz (Alh•mbr1) 1':1'.0: 11. Rubio IHwt!IOfnol 1e:1e.1. __. .... HEAT 1 -T-_,_ 1. FOOINI, 35: 2 Pelot VetdH, It: 3. 8 uon1, 9 4; 4. E9C*-. 101. Otflote. 5. WM1mlnt10r, 123; 7. ~ .... 174 1. K. ~ (hlOI Verdell 11:25.0. 2. MOftla (0..te ..... , 11:42 I; 3. Wlltls ( ...... tl;N.2: 4. ,,_,.,. (Footllll) 11:17.0: a. ''* (l"alot vwdet) 11:51.3: 1. Co• (FOOlllll) tt;04.0; 7, Valdll (EllCletlllU) 11:~ t . Friend CFoothllll 19; 14.4; t . Allf l'OOIMI) it: 14,8; 10. VllndmNI (1Ulf!9) 111:17.•: 11. Young (E1potW1UI 11:21.0: t2. I. O'Hlrt (PllO• VetdM) 11:3t .I ; 1S. Kine (Foothlll) 1';40.4; 14, C•rtte1 (FMtllHI) 19:40 9, 15. Correl <W**··~ *4l.3. ltiTl-t---.1 ~,ati z. ~ o.a. 69; 3 MMkan. N; 4. "°"'II .... 1'. Ollwl I 1 OcMrl \n9w1 :JOI. 1. FW-(T'-9ncl 011<•1 11.43.I; 2. S~il-::6. 1':4U , 3. MGl.a4lltlfll I lvl ti: 4. Barrio• t~ 18:52.t: I. ~ (Aollncl H111J 19:01 A: I. loltllMI 09fado) tt:20.4; 7. NourH (Ul'lvlf 1 19::1.4.1; t . Ahl• (Kenlledy) 1':21.t : • al>Otl (ThoueenO O•hl 11•21 7; 10 ... _I (TllOUH"41 09111) 1 .. .31.2; 11. Perlin(~) •..t17; 12. Hillt1dle l~I lt.32.4, 13 ~ $19'.Jl,.f:M • .....i (...._ .... 18.T ...... C Hll918:tl.•. 6 I -=-:s-:."='?. Tllllin, 74': 2. lt;S. 11:4.0ol~ ~l..T0.,10I. I. Mlllt CT-., 1t:l3.:-; 2 ~ tll r-. 11:a.~ i. ..-.... (Uplll'tdl 11~41.2: 4. ~(0.~)1~420:5.~ ~ *47. 1: .. l'lMale (TYllln) 11:$4.2: l'. luc·ll (El Totol 11:5* '· I Ft.tOH (W•tt••I 11:59.1; t . llmmo<m•n j= ""**-1 19:00,2; 10. VllldlrMolln (E. 1•20.2, n. Hwo io. PUMIG911.,.2• I; I& IN QUALITY LUXURY CARS; McQ1•n11 1U&1l•1tdl II HI, 11 l' .. ltlll fW .. t 1111•-I It $11. 14 lfrtlt lldltolll 11 U 4 11 !»I..,_ ffom1nM! It M 1 a.A H&A 1 ' ,..,.. ~-' ..... c:.., 14,t lllllOll•· 71.J Afllntlon,'4,• O.W ...... , I C•lm1'fft l .... I CGIY) 11 U :I I llllrllO IH.,l) IUt la:,::•lel,..,ICotlai 107 7, 4 'Mftllt C I ti 41 >. I C-.-IArllnttonl ,, 11 o .• Qood (A1l11>g10111 IU4 7, 1 llvlwd IAttllltlOftl 11 OU, t wo;oen 1~ tt Ol t, • .....,. 1o.n. ..._, 1• 11 2. 10 AocM1t cw....-1 •• n '· 11 0.111 (WlllnllO It :11 0, Ill Dlllnll (Dent Hllltl II 4 I t , 13 MHO" (Mire COtl•) 19 d I. 14 VU41* CAllltMllt•I It 14 3, ID Cotll lltio<tll.,.._.I 1t M 4 HCA1 I T-"°'" 1 ilellOO AINI, &$, 2 AowlaM t1, 3 Hou;o, 116, 4 u •••• 1:1' °""'' • "--..... 112 1 llllner (llttlolf Amet) It II I , 1 W1l~M18 \NOfCO) 11 1t I. :I 9-1111\ M111no1 I 11 e. • lrvlflO (l•n M111no) 11 20 o. 5 M•ldOn•dO 1•11hop Am••I 11 20 5 I Hlyl (AO•llndl II 20 t , 1 PllctllOIO (Ao•l•nd) 19 20 2. • lbintr (811hOP A"'"'' " 39 0. •• 8ny• (lagull• 8eMlhl tt 48 5, 10 Oo1m1n (Rowlend) It 52 1. 11 loll• (l• 81ort•I 11 54 ~. 1f Oona•IH (ll•ho6 Am111 1t H I, 13 Htfllllld8 (AnlalOSle Villeyl NT, 14 P~ (NOQaleel NT, 15 Card (lmguN e-111 NI Htl.T :I -r-_.. I Mi-V'9;o, M. 2 Hawll>Oftle. 11, 3 Mtlor Otl, '4, 4 u Cenad .. 131 1 Feil (MMe< Otil 11 62 I, 2 MoeQuer• (Sen G•brlell 18 18.6. 3 MeVat (CWltOlll 18 45 0, 4 Amy (H•w1h0tn•I 18 05 I . 5. A1ml1ea (Aullldouxl It 11 O: I 8m1Jllon (HIWtt'IOfnol It'" f i 7 Hul"*-1 (M!Mlon Vt.jol 111 3f.0, t. Molina (Loe Ahoel 18 U 0; t CrOIHU (Mllll Del) 19 4'.7, 10 Hoell (flubi<IOU•I Ill 512; 11. Daly (M"81C>n VIOjo) 20 01 t , 12 WllQMt IMIMICMI ViojOj 20;~ 7: 13 Oellnller 1aou111 Hlllt> 20.07.t . 14 Mehot (M•IOt o.4) 20 1 I I. 15 Collin• CMl•elon Viej0) 2013 4 ·-=·~ .~:1:. ... Mir• Cot t • del, Lot.tltvllle, •core Ullavlllabie. 8111 CllmenlO def. T~. 16"1, 16-11, 1-15. 111.11. M1l11 011 def S.ntl 811b111, 7•1S, 16·10, IS.13, 11·15. tM. N-pOtl Heritor dot Dane Hiii•. 15·7, 15·12, 1M Lotun• Beach def. 81 Bemero, 18-14, 15-9, IS-13 Weetmln&ler Oii IA Sorna, 15-7, lf.14. 7·15, IS.I $9"1• Monie. dof. H--, 15 I, 15·1, 15-t. Coron. dei M91 ~· St .ioteph, 15· 14. S.15, 15·7, 15·5. 2.A Ullewood dll Aoyll. 15-4, IS.I, 13-15, 15-5 Gl1d11ona def. Rlvenlde Poly, 15·7, IS-12, 13-16, 1·15, 111-7. CollOf\ def Pllm Spnng•. 11-14. 8-15 • IS.12. 1111-15. 11-14 Jorden ... 8ellloww. 15-13. 1&-5. 15-41 LB WlllOn Clef, T'*-'d 0•111, 17-15, 3·10, 16-7, &-15, 1S-tl C11tn1rlllo dof. N0<1I Vlei•, IS.I, 15·5, 15-8. - Sen Oorgonlo def. Troy, 15·12, 15·11, ... 5. 15-13. U H•bfa dal An9htim, 13·15, 15-4, 1·15, 15-0, IS.7 1·A ~ of the Wor1d dlll lncl<o, 111-2, 154. 15-4 El Monte dof ~. 15-11, 17.15, 15-13. 29 Plllml def OrrtMD CMlllM 11· 15, 15-t, 13·15, 11-11. 15-11. Clllll•H• .... Pareclett, 15·•· 15-t, 10.16, 15-1 l.A BIQllll tlll. Peso l\obleo, 13-15, t!>-7, 1s.1. 1. is. 15-10 Ct11no dot Mountljtl v-. 15·9. 15·7. to-15,IM log Beer°' So ..... 15-2, 15''5, 15-13. Santi P~ dlf El Segundo, IS.I , 1s.t, 154 • . Lincoln. Mork VI. Continental. Consumers roted them to be the highest quoUty luxury cars built In America for the 1982 model year. WITH PROGRAMS THAT BACK THEM. For 1983. these luxury cors ore bocked by programs among the best offered by any American car builder. VIRTUALLY COST-FREE DRIVING. Scheduled maintenance and llmited worronty coverage lets you drive our 1983 luxury cors virtually cost-free f0t 3 years 0t 36.000 mlles. whichever comes first. Offer llmlted to residents ()f CollfomlO. Woshlngton, Oregon. Alaska. and ~-now through the end of the 1983 model year. Limit one per customer. Accidents. abule. tires. and fluids between moln1enanc:e lnteMJll ore not Included. • · " 0 RA A S T "l • • • Home frarrance makea 1cent1 ... C2 • Pioneer• of enterpriae aaluted ... C4 . . .. .- Blac·k tie means tuxedo for him · If the Invitation reads "Black Tie," the appropriate dress for men is the tuxedo. The classic tuxedo communicates prestige and understated elegance. Takin~ a clue from women s more elegant after-dark attire, more men are including tuxedoes as part of their eveniog wardrobes. · A variety of rainbow colors is available for special occasions, but for understated ele~ance, the _ · selective man still opts for the black tuxedo. Today's tuxedoes feature narrower lapels and trouser Jegs. The black bow tie to ~ccent the formal shirt with f rench cuffs is still popular, but showing up at parties are red, electric blue and maroon bpw ties with matching cummberbunds. Another handsome approach to formal dressing is the three-piece vested tuxedo. For a less formal occcfsion when "Black Tie Optional" is indicated on an invitation, the color of the tie does not come into play, but die color of the shirt does. Appropriate dress for a black tie optional event calls for a dark business suit, a color coordinated tie and always a white dress shirt, according to Noddie Wehner, I. Magnin fashion coordinator. The looks for a casual party are wide and varied for fall and winter. Each man can ··sport his own interpretation of elegance and an easy wa{ to do this is with separates. A wool sport coat in a plaid with an array of colors can be teamed with a straight-legged slacks, a sweater vest and wool tie. So regardless of the occasion, men can find fashions that work and can dress with style. FASHIONS AND JEWELRY: Courtesy of I. Magnin, South Coast Plaza, coordinated by Noddie Weltner. · LOCATION: South Coast Plaza Hotel, Costa Mesa. Sam Habif of Newport Beach and Ygal Sonenshine of Laguna Beach. PHOTOGRAPHER: Richard Koehler, Daily Pilot Staff Bill Bia•• cartiea out hia idea• of ele1ance in the ainsle-breaatecl black wool blend tuxido worn by Sam Habif. Fabric covered buttons lend a touch of claaa to the formal wear -aa doea hie jewelry - a lapia rins and cufflinka and a Concord Polo watch. Sonenahine'a three-piece tuxedo ia crafted of 100 percent ailk by I. Ma1nin. A reel bow tie and pocket aquare contraata colorfully with the black and white. He ia jeweled with 1old cufflinka, a rins with a radiant cut irradiated canH)'. diamond aurroundecl by round brilliant cut diamond. and an 18 karat sold Concord watch with ref.tile band. Botll men wear b ack patent leather ahoea. Sonenahlne (risht) la on tarpt wltli the proper attire ant1 clMcldns an the time ,_ the .. st "Wack tie ..... ,. event. lk.t ••r• • three•plec• plq atrlpe nol ltlentl •ult tar !Cal•ln Klein, ........... •hlrt And ...... allk tie 1tj Allen Solb of Eftslanll. ) • , •• Orange Coaet DAILY PILOT /8unday, November 14, 1982 . . By VIDA DEAN Oe1tr ..... .....,...., ln pal\ (.'O}umns, W{''Vt> wtkt'd 1 lot aboul new fragr m:et . . . now for anotht>r on . This one ls different It Is nol personal fragran~. but one ror the home Artull and designer Diane Love of N VI York describes h as a floral hlcnd. "h 's fl't'th, f(rccn, bu\ not any one parlll•ular IK.'ent 1 wanted i\ to smell like a flower gnrden arter o summer rain. ll'a an overall floral fragranef' that men, women and children will enjoy." Tht,> fragrance c.'Oml'il in several forms - · potpourri, candle., silk Clowc1 petals. candles, oil and apray. It Is the-basis for the Diane Love Objects of Fragrance for Prestige Place. Love was in Southern California recently to launch the collection which will be carried in several Orange County stores. (Neaman-Man·us has at. Saks is ~eltinl( it soon and I was told that 8 91}1nson's would have it.) Love has designed unique containers for her scent a large frostCd glass ginger jar fiUed with potpourri. leaC-shapt.'CI embroideted sachets, rectangular-shaped Clora! embroidered pillows with fA fragrant flannel inside, a silvered bronze metallic basket housing a taupc·l'Olored candle, silk flower petals in a fluted bowl (petals can ~ scattered in any attractive way or in any container) and a metallic J:>rocade drawstring pouch with a silve red bronze basket bottom containing potpourri. ''Many of the containers can serve dual purposes," Love said. "The glasses and bowls can be used for dishes, baskets can be used for • nice, new ilvered bronze me1allic ha ket polpourri or small precious objects when lhe candle is finished a nd the pouch, a Shingen Bukaro, mspin.'CI by a handbag used by Jar,anesc women, can be carried as an evening bag. ' "I wanted the objeNs in collection to be used everyday, not hidden away in the bathroom or kitchen, like a lot of other home fragrances. Mine arc neutral, but decorative and can be used with Chippendale furniture and with chrome and glass.· My favorites are probably the basketry and the fro:;ted glasses." •• . The collection features two color families u well as me tallic brocades and taupe-toned materials. One group Is warm with· peach, mauve, old rose and salmon and the other la cool with smoky teal, mint and celadon. "They wlll work with many different color achemes,'' Love Carme lo Manto hosted a luncheon at La Strada Restaurant (or the committee planning the Christmas Tree Gala and F eslival al Ne~port Harbor Art Museum. Marion Seeley, left, and Bee Jay Hershman, ehairwomen, show him the "WU.rd of Oz" decorations that will go on one of the trees. · 'A Time for Giving.' • • 1s coming Santa Claus, Jim Gamble's puppets and other entertainment will be provided for the children throughout the Christmas Tree Festival, Dec. 3-5 at the Newport Harbor Art Museum.' The theme thi.s year is "A Time for Giving" and Nordstrom. South Coast Plaza, in keeping with the theme will underwrite the ac:lftlmion of children under 12. One boy and one girl will receive a specially designed and hand-decorated Christmas Tree. Pacific Chorale will entertain during the three-day gala and on Friday al 3 p.m . Nordstrom will present a three-generations f~ion show -models will represent prominent families from throughout Orange County. The shdw will be foll.wed by an F.nglish high tea. Ex hibits by eight artists is scheduled featuring fusion glass, painted fabrics, sculptured macrame. acrylic painting. photography, cer~ If it's got wheels, you'll move It faster in a Daily Pilot classified ad.Call 642-S678and a friendly ad- vi}er will htftpyou turn your Wheels1nto ca$h. NATION'S WEALTH IS IN REAL ESTATE Haft Yo. ID.ated Yd? , • A rare opportunity to im-est • in residtntw real t>State. Investments from 510.000 in San Oieao and Orange Counties. For WormatlOll Qll: MC.-. 7wtel-1 IG .......,,...,.1112 sculpture, innovative batik ;md sculptured gold. And, of course, there will be beautiful C hristmas trees to view . Companies and individuals have donated the money for the trees and after the festival they wtU be given to OC facilities for the holidays. (The museum Is a large place and they will still take donations for more trees.) The festival will be open from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. each day and tickets are $2 for adulta and children over 12. On Thursday evening from 6 to 10 p.m. an invitational preview will be held at the museum. The Orange County Master Chorale will perform a nd t e mpting taste treats cate r ed by Pennington's will be available. Darlene Ferrari is honorary chairman of the event and Marion Seely and Bee Jay Henhsman are festival co-chairmen. fragrariCe for t-he home VD~ explained. Shingen Bukaro When the potpourri and silk leaves begin to 106C their scent. Love has an oil and a spray to give them new hfe. "I think a home needs a nice fragrllJllCe to On the cover • • • Sam Habif of Newport Beach is chairman of the bc»rd for Hand H·Floral and Craft Supply Co. which has four stores in Orange County. He ·end his wife, Lucille, remqe in Newport Beach. Ycal Sonenshine, a restaurant and hotel r· ls married to Judge Shella Sonenahine. are rea!denta of Lacuna Beach and are the ~ta of three children. The two businessmen will continue their "modeling careers" on Sunda~~ 21, whel'\ the Newport Beach chiapter of h holds ita third annual pledge dinner at 6 p..m. In the Sou4.h C.O.t J>1ua Hotel, Co.ta Mesa. Silverfem ... A short and pant you'll find you can't live without... use it to ploy hard or just to lounge. Available in 14 colors. I . Fragrant embroidered pillows . . . " complete the environment. My fra~rance has a J(ood track record. It was tested in my New York stone !or two years before this national launch. The respanae was good and I feel comfortable in expanding It." I Joining them as models In a men's Cashion show featuring clothes from I. Magnin will be Don Bernhard, Hal Birnkrant, Len Foster, Bernie Green, Ben Helphand, Richard Meyer, Arthur Samuel~ Charles Shindler, Ron Shenkman, Bernie Samson and Dr. John Siegal. 1 Su&y Duhan and Marjorie Shane are co- chal~ ~ event at which 200 are expected. Proceeds wtU benefit the Hadusah hoepitals in Israel. ~ Steve .Berliner's Orchestra will play for dancin& and vocalist Ellie Berliner will entertain. from New Zealand .. -------- ~~~ .. 56 FASHION ISlAND ·NEWPORT BEACH · (714) 644-7030 • FV businessWomen schequ le meeting FOUNTAIN VALLEY Chuptl'r of tht• American Business Women A5socaauon will mt't"l Thursday at 6:30 p.m. at Sir George's Restaurant In Huntington Beach. EXECUTIVE WOMEN Intcrna\lonal will hold Its executive's nll{ht Wl'dneliday ot the Balboa Bay Club with u social hour bcglpning at 6:30 p.m. For reservations, cah Chnrllnc Berg, 731-7711. IRVINE-COAST REPUBLICAN Women's t 'lub will nlt'N Tu\•1Mhay &l th11 Hhuk J1li.nd Ytwht Club to h ar 11uth11r C.'twryl &"·k dltt·u"*' hl·r 1ww book, "T h Nt1wµt1rt Woman " f'ur 1 rv•l.lona. c:all Hf'l\•n Mell, MI 25iA COLONEL WILL.JAM CABELL t·hapu•r Q( the.• 0..uehtt'rt ut tht• Anwnc1n Ht•volutlon wall ffil't'l Wf'dm'Sday for u noun lunrht'On und n d1*:UL"lon oC nallvt> Anwrlc1mJ1, for rt'tl4'r vo\lon,., Cllll Mrs. Arthul" wwls, 64tJ-06tl7. AVPL.AUSE CUAl'Tt-;R or the Orangl' t'ounty Pt•rfurtnlns Art• Cl'nll•r will dl1K·u11s up<:omlng fund raltieni Fl'ltlt1y In WoodbridMt'. Fc>I' dlrt'<.'llOnll and rurther Information, ~·all Cas.wndra Oum pert. 052-a 161. LA Sf;RTOMA lNTEHNATIONAL of Santa Anu will honor. Its dl8trict governor Tuesday at 7 p.m. at Don J 06C'11 in Tustin. For rnservations, q.111 Donna S hutt, 551 -0395. HAHBOH VIEW HILLS Philharmonic c:ommilttlt.' w.111 hear a piono rtl(·1tal by Rk'hard Nlv<'r Tuesday ul 10 a.m. In Newport Beach. Fol', Orange Co11t OAILV PILOT/Sund•y. November 14, 1982 ('I N'M•rvaUoN. coll &14 -!l468, COS1'A MY.SA WOMKN'8 'luh nwmbcn wi,11 hold th Ir monthly lutk·h•'<>n mf c.·Unti ut the.• clubhoWMI, tilO W ltHh St .. Friday at 11:3() u.m. For lun<-hNJn rt-..•rvauon•. c.•all Morlho Roth, 96:t-fl&e7. LAGUNA NIOUEL. WOMEN'S Club will mt;ct Thur11duy 11t Nl6(Uf•I Hllh1 Junior High &-hool to rrnuh.ie pluna for a Chrlatnm honw t.0u1· uncl boutlqut" l''or Information, t-ull Karen Maytltld, 831 ·!l736. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION for Mcdlcol Tran11erlptlon will lllffl Saturday al Fountain V11ll.:y Cornrnunlly Hoapllal al Y:30 n.m For lnforrnuticm. call Vicki Reeves, 55 l-843Y. LUPUS CLUB m ember s will hear the1,amatologlsl Or. Daniel Wallace Tul'Sday at 7:30 p.m. ot Westl•rn Mc..'<ilcal Ct!ntcr tn Sant.a Ana. For lnformaUon ubout Lho dub, call Ann Whitman, 750·ti472. WESTMINSTER COOPERATIVE Nursery &·hoot pu1t•11ti. will hold thC'll 1mnu..I t:hri•tnuat bc1um•U4• -.nd wuntry flur Saturday from 10 am to 3 pm. at Wl'AlOUNIA.•r ('lvk Cc·ntt>r rf'Crl·Mtlon bu1ldtnfl , B2VO W1·11tmln•tf"r Ave For nformuuon. c.ull 1u1a ~4H!\. STEPHENS COLLEGt-; AL.UMNAF. will mccl Thun.<h1y Al 7 pm ln Jrvlne LO ht>ar a rt.•odlnf:C of ChlH h'll Dick<·n1' C'hrr1t11\¥11 Carol by Paullnt• Jlngut• ft'or mM·rvuUontf. call 847-1622 l''IUl-;l'H)S OF SOUTll CO{!lil Rc.·,x•rtory'11 Nc>wport &•u<'h Ouald will mc.•cl Thul'fldar at noon in lrvlnt• For mlormuuon und dlrl'<.'t1on11, call Shlrlc.•y LB\nJ)(lrt Ill 553-1471• A Chrtstmui. boutl4U<· and gift ahow wall be held Suturduy, fmm Ill tun to 4 .pm at the• ZONTA CLUB hou!W, l ~th and Jrvan •, Newport Bench. • HUN'rlNG'rON BEA.CH C HAPTER 8~7 AARP will mN•l 'fut•sday at 12:30 p.m. in Murdy Recreation C<'ntt•r , 7000 No rma Drive. Huntington Beach. The more you compare, the more you'll agree • • • .. .. • • " "'II • M~ for qUality, seleCtloil .and savmgs infant&' famoua maker polo shlrta here for less marshalls price 3.99 Short slttVC. polyester/ rotton knit polo shirts from this ~ry famous makl"r. Assort«f !IOlld rolorsand pr1111 .... 1~ ular.sligJll lmJX'rfcellon w111 no( affect Ot. wear. Sizes 12 to24 moe.. Infants' brand name twill overalls comparable in quality at • 14 marshalls pr1L'<' 4.99 Flrst qualfly. bib-front °'"'Mlllls In polyes(tt"/C0(- 1011 rwtll Assort«t <'<>I or... most wHh appll quai.St.nes l 2 to24 ~ Past sca501l. famous maker 4 pc. bar and stemware aeta regtilar price elsewhere• 15 to• 1 7 ma rshalls 7 99-t 8 99 price • O • Choose from several lovely s tyles: hi-balls. coolers. brandy and aJl·pUfJ>Ol'!IC! Included. All perfect for your holiday entertaining and glft-gMng. Sold In sets of 4 only. . braDd name 2 qt. tealrettle9 regufar prtce elsewhere •30 ma~~ 12.99 F1rsl quail ty. natloQally advertletd porce-~ laln-on-stceLiqt. teakttllcswlthwooden handle Shown ls Jual a sampling of th~ many patterns avaJlable. brand name pajamas if first quality regular price elsewh ere $25 s Wo~n cotton/polyester pajamas. lrrt'· gular. slight Imperfection wlll not affect Ot. wear. So)lds and prints. sizes S.M·V-Xl... famous maker flannel shirts here for less mars~~~ 10.99 Wann. wtnterwctghl rotton Oannel casuals In awldt'sel<'<'llonof colon:. and pattems. All first quallly. W1th famouslabellneadl.Slz.csS.M liXL. de8itEDer confuroy jeans comparable in quality at $35 mara~~~ 16.99 First qualllycottbncorduroyjeans from this famous dt'Sl~ncr. al half the price you'd vcpect 10 pay. Five pocket styling In assorted <'Olors. Sizes 29 to 36 . I ./ men'• famomname wool aweatenl comparable in quality at 38.50 lnar.i~ 19.99 Pint quality, Sbetland wool. crew oecll sweaters from tide famoua maker. ANorted col- ors with fine.line atripe. Sl&ea S-11-L-XL famous maker tenolawear 8. 9Q each abirta pretlcketed by the famous maker at $21 aborta comparable In quality at $16 Manv.manycolorsll11hcoUarandplM'krl l'ni(lltal llvlln!(. with two pcl('krt~ ""81> styllnl(. ~n1 piping. Slr<'S S-M l.·Xl. "''81 I.In pof\ntrr'rntwn 5'llla Mrts 28 F'lrs1 quality to 3R F'll"lt q11ul1ty. CANOGA PARK: corner of Vanowen St And CortJtn SI COSTA MllA: Harbor Snop Ctr at thf' 1n1orsec1ion of Har nor B1v,1 nnd Wt'50f\ St GRANADA HILLS corner ot Balbo11 and San Fernanoo Mission Blvds HUNTINGTON a l ACH: rornt>r ot Beflch'Btvd ctnc1 T l•rry Dr LA MIRADA: Grtwn tMls Shopping Cir fest Imperial .Hgyvy corner 01 Sal'\IA Gemudes Ave LAGUNA HILLS: OakDrook V•llag!' on Avcn1c1tl de In C a11011 ~kc E.t l oro An exit oft San Diego Frwy 1R10 !\ ad1 to Laguna Hills Mall THOUI AND OMC I: 1n the Janss Mall North Moorpark Road 1 2 n11I(• f nst o f lhf' Q,1k Mall f • .,... ......, """ ............. "'· '° t :JO ' "' ...... ....., ti""" ... ~··· • Orange Coaet DAILY PILoOTl8unday, November ~·. 1112 James Roosevelt, Bob Fluor and Henry Segerstrom Chapman CoU8ge Betty Hutton William& with Do nald P. K enned y ' celebration d'raws Eleanor and Irving Burg are presented award b y Sophie Gendel. crowd of 1,·00 .0 • ' By VIDA DEAN 0( the D.ity Piiot l tatt Smith presented oil portraits to the principals 'of each family honored. honor of \heir 50th wedding anniversary. Their children, Jim Edwads Ill, Carol Ann Roof{ and Joan Edwards Randolph hosted a buffet' dinner Samuel Gendel Human Relation awar.d for thei leadership in communal and civic activities. Mor than 200 attended the event. It's not often that you can get 1,000 people to show for a dinner, but Chapman College did. The "An American Celebration II". the second of s.ix celebrations leading to the college's 12~th anniversary in 1986, was held at the Anaheim Marriott and honored four Orange County pioneers in enterprise. The evening was dedicated to the Fluor and Irvine Camilles, Donald P. Kennedy president of. First American Financial Corp. and Betty Hutton Williams, chairman of the board of Hutton As.1ociates. A musical theater production, "An evening w ith George M. Cohan" w as produced and directed by Ron ThrorlS(ln, head of Chapman's Communications d epartment and music was ·provided by the college's symphony orchestra .and the college choir. At the coqclusion of the 40-mlnute performance, President G. T. Smith announced •the appointment of James Roosevelt an executive' director of Chapman's Enterprise lnstitute. .. "I am honored to be associated with the Enterprise Institute," Roosevelt said . "The Institute's aim Is to ennance aware ness and understanding of the free enterprise system which the four ho nored -families have exemplified for generations. They are outstanding Americans . . . . " Jack R. Duddy, a trustee for the college, was chairman of the event and honorary co-chairmen w e re Dr. Arnold Bec kman, Carl Karc her, Virginia Knon Bender, Marion Knott Montapert and Henry Segerstrom. • AMBASSADOR 'S BALL: Former President Gerald Ford will be the featured speaker at the 6:30 p.m. Nov. 20 Ambassador's Ball at Warmington Plaza's first and secpnd floors of the north tower. J . Robert Fluor, Henry Segerstrom and Don Kennedy are co-chairmen of the ball being s pon sored by the Santa Ana C hamber of Commerce. T icke ts are $60 pe r person and more Information is available by calling the chamber at 541-5353. . CELEBRATIONS: KOCE-TV will celebrate its 10th anniversary Saturday. Nov. 20, at the Disneyland Hotel Grand Ballroom. Comedian and satirist Mark Russell will be the guest entertainer and there will be music for listening and dancing. The no-host cocktail hour ~ill begin at 7 p.m. with dinner at 8:30 p.m. Tickets for the affair may be arranged by calling 895-5623, Ext. 242. Cocktail attire is appropriate. Mr. and Mrs. James Edwards (Edward Theatre circuit) had a surprise celebration in .. at Santa Ana Country Club. " COUPLE HONORED: Eleanor and Irving Burg were honored at a buffet reception held at South Coast Plaza hotel by the Orange County chapter of the American Jewish committee. The Corona del Mar couple were given the 0 Ygal Sonenshine and Dr. Daniel H. Ninbur were co-chairmen of the event which featu H yman Boo kbind e r , th e W ashlngto representative of AJC, as speaker. Herbert Schwartz, Aaron Moyer, Rene Goldstein, Ilene Spear and Irwin Field wer installed as new officers. Sometimes the Nicest Way to Say Traville to show yachting fashions @$2ove Designer Travilla will present his fall and yachting fashions Saturday in t he Plaza Ballroom of the Newporter Resort. The event ~ing sponsored by Tiara de Ninos Auxiliary of Children's Home Society includes a boutique of handUlade gifts at 10:30 a.m. (preview at 10), luncheon al 11:30 with the fashion show following. One of Travilla's fashions will be awarded to a guest. Tickets may be obtained by calling 542-1147. Anne Forbes is chairman. Big Canyon PhiJharmonic Committee will sponsor a fashion show luncheon Wednesday in the new Sea Island Clubhouse on Jamboree. Be tty Sue Mack and Barbara Taylor are cochairing the show which will feature fashions from La Galleria modeled by members. Ticket information may be obtained by calling 759-9585 ,or 640-5452. A Wednesday excursion to the Los Angeles Gannent District "fill be conducted by Orange C.oast College's Community Service. A bus will leave OCC Auditorium parking lot at 8:30 a.m. and return at approximately 3:30 p.m. Tickets a very special boutique for children at W es tp ort Square 369 E. 17th St .• C<>s1a Meta, 642~7l4 We now carry sizes 7-14 along with our infants and toddlers gilts and styles ~ FLORENCE EISEMAN 'lit BETTI TERRELL }f>'FISCHEL .!(> ABSORBA ~ PETIT BATEAU ¥-FELTMAN BROS. ~ SYLVIA WHITE a• e-4090 bte sMippiag erpe•teace O f , "69 b, lil' A\ldRt ) & -. Clothes from the wardrobes of the world's best-dressed people . $11 per pel'SOn must be purchased in advance and are on sale at the OCC ticket office or can be purchased by phone (556-5527) using charge cards. ROBINSON'S: Susan Barker, reJ)l'ftenting Covermark Cosmetics will be at Robinson's, Newport Beach, Tuesday for consultations. Gerard Laplau, French primitive p11inter whose artwork appears on Villeroy and Boch's Design NAIF dinnerware will be at Robinson's Crom noon to 4 p.m. on Thursday. H e w1JJ be autographing NAIF purchases and his porcelain greeting cards. BULLOCK'S: Teddy bear buffs can hear talks about bear collecting and see collectiO!lS at Bullock's South Coast Plaza. Alan and Peggy Bialosky, authors of "The Teddy Bear Catalog'' will be at the store Friday Crom noon to 4 p.m. and on Thursday, Michele Clise will appear from . 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Also scheduled at Bullock's Tueeday from noon to 4 p.m. will be a Wedgwood event with Lord Wedgwood to au tograph purchases and answer questions. II AllllOUllClll9'' Jewels of Newport's First Annual How bttttr to~ }'OlX ~and appreda- bOn for htr lXlfading St4JPM throughout )'OUr marnage. than by gMng ~r something as PMONI and meaningtul as an ~or Eternity Ring. Boeh symbolize the t~ depth of your ~ling for ~r. and Without saying af¥hlng at all. you \Nill ~ chOSen ~ of the nicest ways to slncerely say it alll At~~ WI! Design and C~ate a ~ untque and exciting collecnon of these nngs In 18 Karat Gold and Platn.m \XA! de~ explain differences in quahty and pnce that you will Stt from st~ to store. and then Dack up your pur~ from ~ham ~h with a money bad< guarantee of value. \Ve want you bOth to la.le ner ring and to knOw you bOUght rt welll Most Diamond Wedding and Ann~~ry Rrngs Range From SJ 100 to S3900 Wyndhanl I .:::;1ghNEWPORT Lt: BEACH PRE-CHRISTMAS SALE 3 llYS OILY!! Trt o..,.r11on Shoppin1 II la HI -,_ .., ,..-..,_.,. ,.., .. ...,,.,, ,,.. ,,,. ,,.,..., ... ,.,,., ............. & ,,, .. ...., .. .., .... ... _, ...... ~ .... .,,.,# .. .. ,,,,'" .... ,.. .... .... ,,..., ,,,, ., *"" .t .. ~ • ..,, " ..... ,. ,,., ., .,..,, ,, ...,,,, -,.., .... 'T.,"" .... ,.., ......... ., .,,..,,. SElll I .... ~ 41% '" CHltle111AI &.AYAWAYI AVAii.MU Stalh your coemetic -"'Ill In our 116 fitted travel~· Free with our ~ ~· Thll W91k onlyt'AO ' Orange COHt DAILY PILOT/lunday, November 14, 1812 I Aerie's no gripes-from this Navy wife I lift of Time Tl DIAi\ ANN LANDERS. Can you 1tand OM more comment to the wonwn who complain ~'*' they never .. th.tr huabandl? I'm rererrina lO docton and mima'-*' who put the netda of othera ahMd of \htlr laiftlliea. My hueband f.U. lnto th1a catelQry. H eerves hil country ln the U .8 . Navy and wm continue to erwun the ufety of thia nation for another 13 .,.,..Durlna the flrat five years of our marrl• we spent a \OW of two "'nd a half yeara together. The ·pMt 18 months have . been shore duty, suppoeedly tlme toaether, but ofter a 12·hou r day drilling recr\1111 at a navaalnlna center, there'• not much time left for me. , Tonisht. anothe n1Cht alone, I remembered how, when Chuck w out at eea, he would phone from Panama or l to aay, "I am thinkina about you." I have dolena half-pace notes (he hated to . HOIOSCOPf BY ~IONEY-OMARA M..ay, Nov. 15 . ARIES (March 21 -April 19): Emphasis on collection, abil~y to analyze data, ne<.'essity for getting files in order Attention centers on security, home, family ~d e obtaining of best possible interest rates. native figures prominently. TAURUS (Apri 20-May 20): Perceive picture as a whole -bits, piecet wUl eventually fall into place. Focus on le l rights, special permissfons, popularity, long-dls ce calls, plans which could include. travel and o ning of international markets. W~h Saaittarlus! · GEMlNI (Ma 21 -.7 u{le 20): Emphasis on details. courage of victions, closing deal which had been pendin for aome time. Element of surprise works i your favor. Unorthodox individual rs dra you, becomes ally. Aquarian figures in usual enario. write) uylnl, "llave you and mill you. True. tFie major rMponaiblllty uC ralalna our two chlldreft hu been mine, but why gripe? So what it I will never know a normal marrlaae? The time we have COMether la IO prJ,.>clout we mab the moet of It. 1 thanlt Ood for every minute, i.nd thoee complalnlna . wome n ahould do the same. - NUMBER TWO BUT THAT'S OK (FLA.) DEAR NUMBER TWO: I 've always llad tremendous admlratlH for Navy wlve1. We au owe $em a debt of 1rad&INle. Lei'• laear I& for tltese <.:ANCER (June 21 -July 22): You'll have greater' freedom. more of a chance to imprint style and an opportunity lo fulfill creative desires. Emphasis on important changes, relaxation of regulations and a ''serious relationship." Virgo plays key rol~. I LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Take steps to improvt! security. Check legal docume.nts concerning. property. Important domeetic edjuatments highlight acenario. Member of opposite eex preeenta aurprile gift. Taurus, Libra. Scorpio persona figure prominently. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 12): Forces tend to be scattered -you make numerous contacts, relative commW\icat.es desire for poaible vial\ and short trip may be necessary. Look behind scenes for anawen. See places, people in realistic light. Watch Piaces! . LIBRA (Sept. 23 ·Oct. U): Foe.us on achievement, investment procedures, added responsibility and chance to Increase income pot.eQtial. Member of oppo&lte aex Mks questiqns and could ask for a definite commitment. Cancer, Capricorn penorw p1-Y key roles. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Project which bad been delayed wUl show new life. You reach more people, personal appeals gain desired r~ponses. Circumstances take tum in your favor. You Ube at WoH•rf•l wemea wlto 11crtftff H 19-'· .,._._. for wrt- DIAR ANN LAND.118: ,.._don'& tC111 ddt l~U•r llNde b.c:au. m_y prObllm • lri.vtal oam1*9d lo moet you n!('elve. To me It'• • tltrkMa one. • Whcnevt-r I oat I a lway1 mana1e 10 ,., something atuck between my ... th -ulually &'1 1pinath, br<X.'C.'011, 1reen bHna or thJnat Wce &hat. I dblcover It after MVeral houn of c.'OnveraaUon with frienda and am terribly embarramed. r. there a way of •Un.I that wW prevent thil? -RED-FACED IN am BANK . DEAR UD: I lllClftC SH followlq: CalTJ a 1mall pocket mirror Ud eMcll &H pearly -'Itel after eacll ...... Have a foWtq·&oe~9' ID ytu pane at all &lmet. AIM a ... dipick. U 1• M4ld .. Cll1lod1e partJclea of IC*I, tsHH JHrMlf ... M ·~ In tlae powder roem. • right place at right time. Judgment, lntuJtion are on target. SAGITTARIVS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Open new territory _,.areas that had been prohibited or forblC:lden will now reptetent lelitima1e avenues for eXJ?_loratioJ). Stre11 initiative, independen ce, \vUllngnell to make new starts ln new din!ctions. Keep· eye on Leo! CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Good lunar aspect coincides with fulfillment of desires, added cash aJl(l talk of promotion by professional superior. Pleasant surprise due from family member. Another Capricorn plays key role. You'll locate item that had been Joet, missing or stolen. ~QUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): •Emphasis on civic, political activity. lndlvid\tal you respc:.-ct urges participatlon in project which could result in plaudits from public. Highlight versatility, willingness to list.en. Give full rein to Intellectual curiosity. l PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Reach beyond current e~pectallons. Rules will be changed - you'll benefit, horizons will expand and you'll have genuine opportunitiy to pursue educational project. Spiritual values will be defined. Investigate travel invitation. ITllT I FlllLY TllllTlll Grandfather Clock Re1. •1195 IAU 1699 Hoaumd ..... , Both clocks feature solid uak ca11es and key wind, Westminster Chime l 'l11v• :1 ~•ut/fu/ 1·111h1cJr11/ 1•hlnw1 1'/c'hl,v 1711i1hed 11•/t l'Hl>flll/ fl' movements. Two fine timepieces from Howard Miller. Full Line of Antique & New Grandfather, Wall & Mantel Clocks LYOllS' lllTIQUE CLOCKS 631-4346 2350 NEWPORT BlVO. COSTA MESA IE VAN DOREN WANTS YOtJ! SATUIDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1982 10.12 noon Find out h°' you can make a small trwetment that will pay off for •whole lifetime. We will glvevou the golden key to greater income, social success and real happiness. Call f14) 111-1111 Fer 111....,lti•• .._ Happy Hour Hon cl' Ovevres 4:30 to 6:30 Mon.-fyi. 14982 Redhill At Edinger Tustin 730-0115 1naei"~ ?2etJta11eallt DAILY LUNCH SPECIALS ~.85 DAILY DINNER SPECIALS $3.25 CUU 8'°"1'8 ON GIANT ac..... TV Happy Hour 12 to 5 Chidl• C.dln .. SIJO frnlllld ..... 15.95 TertJlllllllll ... S&JO Slctd'-tltlllSl.95 SUN. FRIED CHICKEN DINNER MON. BEEf ENCHILADA DINNER TUES. CHEF'S SPECIAL WED. BAR·B·Q BEEF RIB DINNER THURS. HOMEMADE LASAGNA DINNER AJI dlnn.rs Include soup or Nlad, ho/ brMd, and din,.., epeclal brlerage. 11774 Br.-...St 1 ... So. of 405 fwy, F•ait V•y Coll ,., ._,,_,,, 963-23" CHINA PALACE -RSSTAU~w lllLY u•u• IPIOllL •3~25 All luncheons Include soup, salad, fried rice and fortune cookies. ...., & Wine Ser"'9d Lunch & Dinner 11:30 Lm. to 10:30 p.m. 7 0.ysAWMk l'ood to Go 29JO VI. cc>hr HWY. NEWl'ORT 8EACH (714J 631-8031 Cl Pacific Adventures takes you to excih~ment By SANDIE JOY Of" ................ Picture a duck. Serenely floatln1 on the aurface but with unaeen feet paddUn1 a mile a minute throuah the waten. That, aafd Butch C.rber, la what Pacific Adventuret' leaden are like while tendlna to the needs of ..their guesta. Pacific Adventurea la a Riverside-baaed outfit designed to offer people vt1ealiona they always wanted to take but perhaps didn't know how or were too timid to attempt alone. Carber and partnj?r Alan Ehrgott', both experienced outdoorsmen, conduct outing• designed around aclivides such u river-raftlnl, cave exploration, hot air-baltoonlna. cross- country skiing, bicycling, canoel'\i and snorkeling. Both men are proficient in a wide ranae of outdoor skills Including sailing, snorkeling, aoaring and skiing. Most trips are weekendera, Carber explained, with prices kept to a minimum - from $95 for a day-long excursion lnto Rancho California including hot air balloonlna and • winery touring to $795 for an eight-day honie and mule trek into Baja California to explore ancient Indian cave paintings. • · "With the economy as sluggiah as It is," said Ehrgott, "people are looking for exciting trips close to h ome that aren't exorbitantly expensive." · When Carber and Ehrgott, both 30-year-old UC Riverside graduates, first conceived the company while exploring caves In Baja California in 1976, they expected their market would be in two-week wilderness trips. But, with the tightening of the economy, they've discovered weekend tours ar~ in the greatest demand. · Most trips are camping expeditions, but aome auch as the three-day crou...country ski touring trek to Sequoia National Park Include lodging. The Sequoia weekend -including transpoctation, two nights lodging, most meals, ski equipment and instruction -carries a $249 price tag while a three-day cross-country ski touring expedition to the closer-by San Jacinto State Parle with no lodging has a bargain basement rate of $69. The trips are "small, intimate vacations," he said, "designed to create a cohesive environment where people can feel comfortable with their fellow travelers." Guests are held to a maximum of 20 on each trip with n early 75 percent of Pacific Adventures' first-timers new to the wiJdemess. Mostly from Southern California, the guests tend to be 30-to 50-year-old upper-middle class professionals who're seeking a new experience or an opportunity to meet new people, Carber explained. "The flexibility of the trips allows individuals to go at their own pace, while not feeling pushed," he said. "The program also allows them to push themselves just a bit further than they initially think they can, thus providing a built-in sense of achievement." Campers, he said, are encouraged fo ahare their experiences around the campfire each evening. Each trip ii looeely constructed, he added, to provide a aenerou-supply of outdoor th.rilla and fun, an opportunity to become acquainted with the beauty and tranquility of the wilderness and a taste of back-to-n:ature gourmet meals. • Usually, Cacber explained, guest.a are eerved fresh campfire-baked bread, cakes and pies plus tasty di.shes made from fish caught that day plus fresh vegetables and fruits. Tiley even have a happy hour with a different wine each day and a Sunday breakfast h ighlighted by strawberries in champagne. ti Watc hing us cook Is part of the entertainment," Ehrgott said. "We take great pride in our food ... Often, we have flowers on our dinner table, just to give that little peraonal touch." Cacber and Ehrgott lead most of the outings them.elves although the firm has aix part-time staffers including one who has been around the world twice on hia bicycle. Before Ehrgott co-founded Pacific Adventures, he walked 1,800 miles of the Pacific Crest Trail alone and, with another man. claims to be the first to have walked the length of Baja California. No one is expected to keep up with Ehrgott's pace, however. Experience in the outdoors isn't a prerequiste to taking one of Cacber'a and Ehrott's trek.. The company provides all equipment and instruction except for sleeping bags and personal gear. The firm can be contacted at P.O. Box 5041. Riverside 92517. Christmas camping tour set at OCC A Christmaa camping tour to view Baja California's wOt'ld-famoua rock paintings will be preeented by Orange Coast College's community eervice qtfice. . Cost of the. 14-day trip from Dec. 18 to 31, ia $3~ per penon. The fee includes transportation, all meals, and guides. Transportation la via 15-paaenger vans. Participants will hike into various sites, using mules or burros to handle ....... "Baja's rock paintings are world-famous for both their ai:ze, which Is larger than Ufe ln moet catee, and their well preserved color,'' said Don S.ud, a tour leader. "Becauae of their size, early explorers thought they had been painted by giants. While we still do not know nactly who the peinten were, we know they were at their craft ln the yeer 1054." For tour Information call 556-6880. Excursion to Mexico on schedule at OCC A ax-day eXCW"ldon to Mexico City and Puerto Vallarta will be offered by Oranp Cout Colleae'• community lerYb office. 'n.. trip, from Nov. 22 to 27t1tl11 include three nlchU in Mexico Qty and two nlchta ln Puerto v.u.r,a. CGllt Ii •• ~ penon. 'nM , .. 1ncludm air ~ .... _GeCUJIMC)' ~ airport trwltn,.Md ,.,. MndJ&nl. R ,.....daft dl9dl.lne 11 Oct 11. rar lnfonnauan ... tr.. trtp. phone 111-lllO. I White water rafting on a Calif omia river Island hopping off coast of Mexico __________________ .....;;;.. ____________________________________ _ • an an The islands of Hawaii. Mystical. Magical. Extraordinary. Now her sunshine and beauty can be yours , for just $145 one w"I on lm,!ted. An extraordinary fare. tApeclally since your Hawaiian experience beRlns the moment you leave the Mainland. You'll enjoy United& exclusive Royal Hawaiian Service, which tncludes authenttc Polynesian delicacies and exotic drinks . ··"' And best of all , you11 experience Hawaii throu&h the eyes of the people who know her best. The peoole of Uiitted. Holiday surcharges apply. Other restricttons apply, Hilo fare ts sll&htly higher. So call your 'Davel Agent. Or call United at 973-2121. AnO come see "our little comer of tlie world" for just 1145 one way. Extraordinary. • _r' C~mputer~. . . ~ opening up new vistas in bartering By KAREN E . KLEIN or-..,.., ...... ..,. Your neighbor has a bicycle his children h ave long since outgrown. You h ave a lawnmower, still in good condition. that you haven't used since you got a newer model. Your neighbor offers to give you the bike and you return the favor by letting him have the lawnmower. You may or may not-know it, but you've just negotiated a barter. \ Sunday, November 14, 1982 STOCK MARKET~ TELEVISION 03-4 05 • Aparl1ne11t cu11 t ruct io11 n1ay be heudi11g f<Jr a new boom. Page IJ2. the 5eller. That way, instead or the old system, where a barterer would have to find someone who had something he wanted and was willing to swap with him, the modem barterer now has access to a varieiy of goods and services he can to trade for. With more and more possibl ~ uses of computers becoming available to consumers, Meyer said, barter will continue to grow. Now, he said, barter accounts for around 1 percent of the gross national product In the U.S. about $2.5 trillion. By 1990, he said, barter deals will sw ell try to get out of paying their taxes -not just• barterers, he added. Bartering fulfills a need in society, Meyer said, as it has for 3,000 years. And bartering is more widespread tha than most people think. Because so much of it is done on a very high level, the transactions are invisible to the general public. Barter -the exchange of goods and services without money -was a round long before Manhattan Island was traded for $24 worth of wampum beads and cloth. Bob Meyer knows about computer bartering · · to make up 15 percent of that figure. The Sheraton hotel chain will barter $25 million worth of rooms this year, Meyer said, for television and radio advertising time and a variety of other promotional goods. And other large companies do a similar volume of bartering. And, with inflation and d ollar-value depreciation ever-present facts of post-i.ndustrial society, barter may be the wave of the future, according to Bob Meyer , a Ml.saion Viejo resident and ex-professional baseball playe r who ·• publishes a magazine chronicling the barter world. As a culture, we've been brought up to think in tenns of money. "People are going to have to get away from that money mentalitY," Meyer said. He sees bartering, an ancient form of exchange undergoing a renaissan.ce in these depressed times, as an increasingly popular alternative to cokl, hard cash. "Bartering Is a ver y creative activity," Meyer said. "ln order to barter you have to realize your full potential and take stock of everyµtl.ng you have that might be attractive to someone else.·· , The last' time bartering really flourished, Meyer said, was in the Depression Era of the 1930s, when money was scaree. It was common in those days for men who were out of work to travel around the country offering to do odd jobs in exchange for a meal and a place to sleep. That kind of a trade qualifies as barter, and it happens all the time on all levels -from neighbors swapping favors ·to multimillionaires pulling off int.e0J.3tional deals. In the '30s, barter existed mainly on a one- to-one le vel, Meyer said. But today, with barterers' goods and services plugged into computers all over the nation, bartering is a much more sophisticated venture. And one that is much more profitable. Barter Systems Inc. Is a bartering club that makes about $200 million a year with a service charge system much like the one Visa uses, Meyer said. Barterers who join Barter Systems Inc., and moat clubs like it. pay a one-time initiation fee and an 8 to 10 percent service charge on each transaction they make. The club issues a laminated barter card which can be used with a system of "trade units" set up ror its members, Meyer said. All the goods and services of a barterer who belongs to the club will be listed on a master file in that club's computer. Then, a member of the club can go to another member and purchase something from him using his card and crediting his trade unit account. A record of how many trade units each member has accumuleted is kept on another comouter file, where it can be easily verified by Even if the economy makes a complete turnaround. he said, barter will remain popular because of the other advantages it provides. "Aft.er you barter awhile, you hate to spend cash.'' Meyer said. Bartering even becomes a social activity, a way to meet people, he said. One of the biggest criticisms the bartering industry comes up against ls the charge that bartering is tax evasion. The Inte rnal Revenue S ervice regards barter as part of the underground economy, Meyer said, but usually baner deals are ''a wash when it comes to taxes." The ~oods and 1ervicea that are received in a barter deal, he explained. are equal to the goods or services that are expended., no taxable income ia 8CQUired. But to keep bartering on a legitimate level, 300 barter clubs recently joined together to form the International ABsociation of Trade Exchanges -a group which lobbies for the barter industry. As a result, the lRS came out with a ruling which was signed Into law in October, Meyer said, requiring barter clubs to sl?nd copies of all their yearly transactions to the IRS and to their members. Members are required to report those transaction s on a tax statement called a superfluous income form -the 1099. The system "keeps (bartering) nice, simple and clean," Meyer said. After all, he added, bartering it.self is not illegitimate, it is the people who try to circumvent paying their taxes who are doing somethin~ ille~al. And plenty of people Count.er-trade is bartering which is done on a very large scale -between countries and powerful firms. For instance, Meyer cited Occidental Petroleum's $20 million barter dea1 this year with the Soviet Union. Occidental agreed to build a factory in a warm w eather port In the USSR, providing jobs and industry there, in exchange for a supply of anunonia and the end product of its factory. But bartering doesn't have to take place on s uch a n elevated level. Anyone can start bartering, Meyer aaid. All It takes is a good a.esunent of one's skills and assets. First, sit down and list all the things you own, things you can do and peopJ• you know, Meyer adviaed. Then make a· list, of things you want - products. work done, contacts. Thefl comes the hard part: finding someone to barter with. The best way to do it is by associating with other barterers in a club or through classified ads. • Meyer runs barter ads in his magazine, BarterNews. "I have not put one paid ad out on BarterNews and I've had 60 or 70 ads out on the magazine," Meyer said. He trades ads in his three other magazines for ads in larger publications, like the Saturday .Evening Post and Mother Jones. Bartering has passed the test of time, Meyer said. "Anyth ing that's been around 3,000 years has got to be gOod," he said. What does the stock market's dazzling surge me8n? NYSE president thinks Volume Shares Analysts say big rise • econoHJ1c upturn near • 132.182.810 should not be ignored The spirit of the bull market in the stock exchange will break loose and stampede across the naticn's economy very aoon. said J ohn J. Phelfln, Jr., president of the New York Stock Exchange. highly visible economic lndkator, a healthy market has a positive p syc h o l ogic al effect on consumers. When the general public sees a bull market, the feeling in the country is that things will get better, he said. Issues Traded NEW YORK (AP) -The stock ma r k e t Is fam ous for unpredict able , even wi Id, behavior. but does its $400 billion surge during the last three months mean the beginning of better economic times? aft.er this kind of market rise flies in the face of history." Phe la n based his bullis h ouUook for economic recovery on the record-setting highs the market has hit over the last few months. In a speech to the \Vorld Affairs Council o f Orange County Wednesday, Phelan said he is prepared for stock market volumes to hit 300 million shares a day in the n ot-too-distant future. "It's like having a Mt. St. Helens In your backyard," Phelan said. The latest record - 149.3 million shares traded in one day -will most likely be broken before It makes the ~rd books, he aaid. Stock market gains are one of the most reliable predlcters of recovery. Phelan eald. "The market has predicted nine out of the last six rec.'ftllon.," he joked, "and tbat's as good as your local weatherman -and he hH a farmer'• almanac to help hlm out." Since the atock market la a Over the past four years , Phelan has headed a capacity Increase program for the NYSE. He has invested $70 million, he said, in the program to adapt and apply new technologies in data processing and computerization to market trading. Phelan said he is now working on computerized aystems for buying and selllng stocks from banka and department atoret. One day, he aaid, an investor will be able to sit at home and brine up stock market information on hb televiaion ecreen. From hla living room, the investor will be able to execute an exchange which wi11 take immediate effect on the market. Though he waa optlmlatic about America's future, Phelan t..ued a word of warning about the economy. "Thi• naUon's 1ot a lot of praying to do," he aaid, "becaute If we doo't have a recovery we're &o'J\I to have a lot of problenw." " When NYSE preeideat John Phelan Jr. 1poke' In Oranee Coaa1y Weda_.y, 1he markel tntled 132 milhcnl lhaNI. ~ ) .. 2.000 Up 764 Unchanged ·310 The market averages have soared from the de pths of a gloomy bear market to record highs in less tP.!n three months. Until Aug. 18, the New York Stock Exchange had never seen a day in which 100 million wres were traded. Since the n , it . happened 19 umes. . The numbers by themselves att dazlling to market watchers. But behind the figures lie even more fascinating questions for every participant in the U S. economy. b the rally an accurate forecast of b•tter tlmea ahead for ce>naumera. worken, 1tudent1 plann&n1 career• and retired penaionen? la inflation dNd. and ~ arowth carNn.I beck? MOit people paid to lntarpret the "*'IP of the market uy the ..., power ot Its Nl'!Mlt rile cannot be l•nored. Donald ReDn. the Tftuury eecntary ana fonMr ChainDan of Merrill Lynch & Co., awnmed up &hat vleW when he declared that 1tack martaM lnveltorl l'Ol'lcluded that ''Ont • .,. would have fCOUOl'NC ·~· end two, &hat lnte,... ,. .. wOukl be faP'nl. ''TM ltOek nwbt IUtnl out to M a very 1ood pr•d~tor of economic tren•.' Ml• O.vld auw. ctu.f economllt ., the ln"9tm•nl adYi10ry firm of ......... • Paar'• Corp ... It'• Ml a.--. but dfln ...... .. Gawllliil lndk..,.._ TO •Y ~t '\ .•. ,..,., The record high of the Dow Jones industrial average that bad stood until last week occurred almost a decade ago, on Jan. ll, 1973, wh~n it cloeed at 1,051.70. As inOatlon-ronscious analyste are quick to point out, the dollar has shrunk drastically since then. By some calculation the Dow Jones lnduatrlals would have tq reach about 2,600 to equal In today's purchasing power, the wealth represented by the 1913 peak. • ' There are other atriking contrasts between then and now. At the b e ginning of 1973, economic growth waa 1tronf. Inflation had slowed undet- wqe-price controls lmpo.ed by Preaident Nixon a yeer and• half earlier. and he was phuing ti.. out. In 1982, the economy is mind In receasion. Stoclu atood at • two-year low ln early Aupaat. About the only upbeat newa wa • drop ln inflation and, alter a: painful delay. a decline ln int.erett rat.ea 11 well. . ,.., The market too la• dlff~ ullmaJ ...._. •YI· Gl"el &n~ ~ dlndOI" of l'fllal'Ch et the W Street flnn of Pn*n~a.:M SeeuriU., polntl OU\ that lt ... • become mon volaule, both. \ip end down, partl~ blcame oC a proliferation ot flrm1 ad pw6on fundl and othw ~ •• ~ .. 1'hlle m''L"*:r hiWii . ......_.,., ... -.. .... tbelr rHul\1, In a fl• ~litM ............ =-~r:t: :. .. =.·~~ ..... ' Or.no• Cout DAILY PILOT /8u"d·~· Novemb« 1~. 1982 I 11111 CDllT ITDCll Followlna are the 11\.0C.'k mork~t truruwc:Uon• of publicly lradod Orangt• County firm• or the week cndt'Ci Friday, Novt<mbt•r 12. Duta provld:-d by N'wpc>rt &l(•url~lt·11 t'urp · .. ,.. I '"" I -------------,-w1m ---, T -.-1 MIAOOUUTIU ·~ooucu MARO\' PrloatPrl.. • .,. "' tUO lllD HUNUI !Nit I 1.0CUIOll 11.o,.11.1i C"AllOC • I r1101 • In 1000'• . ·--··-····~······· ............................................................................................................. . ~ph• llloro AU41 ' \to Cor,, ALIS , or. Olea. ADO• t:er.Hed-0.nt l#r, Pooo. All:~• Aaerloan IL , por.nurMI I Ii IOtr lnl~. llCO ' !II lan-·!lewperl • HJ' II t lyo, lno. 11rL l l" tovor tniuat. 12( l rtd1tord Fd . IUD• l), Jul ldtro l••· IULOS lflo.,~apll,r1110 II< • l~ Carl ~arolltr CO L l~trlron Corp. CU~ 1~ ~toapeoh CHU l ;cntu na h nlc • I .ColoMn S~•· • I .Coluql• s... · 2 I c;o•eroo, lno. CllRO 2 Co•pr e. Ca rt C"'K l"' Co• I nclon con• 2~~t11Mn lltot CUait 2~0 Du1p0ver OPW~ 26tJ:a utron D'fJ!M 211 ~'"" DATii' 18' vnoy Su. 08L 29: H CO', Inc. ID:: 1011 1' Hloro. 11'H : , U:{!~~::o~0~nk ~~:. .H~•olu~lon T•oll • • , ,~1 taeout. Ind'. II I lSI "•r lltat r!n. "'' 36()'1 rtt AHr. r. ,AHR 37l)'1uor Corp. FLA • 3a:.rluorooarhon PC8N• 39i*dr Bettor L. P8TR •Ofllantral Auto. GINA • ll'!ltntr•I T•••· OTC! 421.l)lah 810tMd. OISHC •2:foldtn II. H. OVH • •3.~rHt••JtHoap OHi U o . .tt.l lonatloa lllLX •s •lier 1t11• Ionic llRTB .16'.Ho•o Health KHCA •1:!_•perlal Pet. !14PE •S;!rvln• Stnaor !RSNU •t~ylo Teoh. U L! I 50*ag. HI lls Ut 1.40 5 l !.asor 'r•o, LAU 52 t.lhorty Mat l. -Sl~~lon Country ORRR SI oa AIHI toe LARC 55 uthtr 'ltd LUTH 56 Coooba Corp. 57 f'11ercury S.v. HSL SS ~oro General • 59 loroaHloon. HSCCA' 60 rehouse Ind HI XS 6 I ,«SI 0.U Corp HSI • 62>llatlonal fd. Ntx: • 63 'llau,lu Pood NAUO , 6• )eloon Rah NEl.R 65 ,llwpt/h I S..v. • 66 i•ewport Corp. NDtP' 67 Miowport !loot NEii! 68 '11owport Phar• NWPll 69 !Mew llorld Co• llDtV 10 11uc le.r Hod. NHS! • 7 I IOdet !cs 00£1 71 IOlanlMdlcal OMNI ~l :r.:m. ~r~~p PSX 75 ,,arkrord Pet• PAf P 76 lPenn Pac. Corp PU C 77 •Pl per Hydro PSllN 78 kruloy Co. PDC • 791Prlntronl• PTNr• =~ i::·~~~~.~~!~ ::re :~ t~;::~o~;~:. ~:: 81 'Stah••• 011 Sl!AK 85 'st I Icon Sya SI.CM' 86 SI 1 .. rcrut SLV ' 87 3oi lth Int'l. SI! ' 98 South II. Ban• SOBK 89 13t&J1dtrd Log. STt>t• 90 3 tandard Pao. SPf • ' 9 I 1Stan, Hydro. Sl'GH 92 ls..odlo11, lnc. SWll> 9 J ISyatonotloo -• 9• lrechnology HI! t TKn• 95 ~elotl It Co•P -96 :t .. p.St lk TDll 97 r•n•I erra Ea TSD:: 98 .Oltra Modi col • tr•ln• Antlh•I• !lewpor\ eooh An'1Jtl• Ntwlor\ e .. oh lltvtO•\ lloaoh Irtlnt Oran1• ~:r:·~.::•oh S.n\• ln• Anahtl• f'lll ltr\on San Juen Cap 41\ahtl• Anahtl• lt•por' llt1oh Coota "u• Santa Ana Anolltl • Or1n1• Newport a .. ch ruuer\on *"'PO"t l•aol'\ Slnt." Ana ll"'vln• Anah1l• Coit.a Htt•• Santo An• Newport B••oh Tu1tln S.nta Ant ~=~~? •.. HeMport. Beach Sant• •n• lr\fln• La1una Nl~uel Lacuna Ill 1u• I AnahtllO Tullln S.nt.a Ana .nu An• Santo Ana Ir.In• An&J'IOI~ Sanl• An• La1un• HI I I. Coit.a Ht•~ ltlf•lon Viejo 1.4guna HI 1 l~ lr'•ln• H11nt. 8•ach Lasuna IH Ila Loo AlH ltoa Costa MasA 1rvtne Hunt.g. !l•ach 1rvln• Sant.a Ana fut ler'tO-n Coate Meaa. Newport BeACl't "81 larton Irvlne Newport 9,4raah Costa "e" Sant.1' Ana Hewport. B•ach Coit• Hes.1t Newport Beach Anahel 11 Aoah•t• Fouftt.aln Vall. Anah•l• Newport 811oh Sant.ft Ana Anal'\et a Newport fhtl"'h Ir YI ne Santa Ana (19vtne Nelilport Beach lrvlne Newport. B~ach Tu.st ln Bo@na Par1t Nevoort 8eacn Yl•l• Sant• An• Coata Mesa .. S.n Cteaent~ Hlorooo•puler Ir• $ouftd -.i. a 11•• Mtd. Olaanou to proo, O.n\•I H .. ltll Plan Hoa• bl~&• a tlfO\, hnlttnc n.or .. 1 tfttrO 011 t tt lO 14utp. ••ftkln• • hr.•loe aut Iona llooh••loel 'll•od, '•o .. n rood prod. MortU,lt Dt•, Loa no llan1t1nc rut roou Ha~netlo UP• pro. Hrc. llood dooro knit Ina Haohlno '"°'' prd1. Savin•• A loon Hl 11 ltrJ ~YI• enc•. HeAll ... care .... Ho••· bul ldtrl Radio & Tole. & Tron. Powu 1upoly .•r1. Hfllllroproce1aort •1•· Spe1. tlto. ar1. Saving• 4 looft lltol. •Y•· & awl tonH Mlorovavt qount.er"'a ·1r:~m .. ~c• Co11puter ara. Motor llo• .. • Savln1a & loan MUOAO au U SO AO OTC PCH OTC OTC t.1110.1* .SO' ·'j l.,, •. , i.n 1.1 5,15 '·'' s.oo ~.oo 1.1s 1.n llUI H, I) 1~. )8 OTC ¥.00 s,oo NUOAO .1• , 38 OTC .06 .06 MASOAO 2.75 a.n NASDAQ 1.06 I, 19 OTC 13,so 1).50 MASDAO 1q, 11 11,50 MUOAO l,IJ 1,15 O SOAO • )t . JS OTC 9.00 9.00 OTC • 19 I .OO OTC 2.so 1.1s u ao Ao 9.25 10.so 19. lJ 2.81 ,,l, 6.so 2.q II.SO 8. TS ASl J. 2S 10. 75 NASDAO l&.oo 17.TS OTC 7,50 &. 75 NUDAO Jl.2S J•.so OTC .05 .oa as1 J.ao 3.00 NYSt IJ,75 1-.IJ Tl t it lnour•no• NASD&O l1. 7S l7. lS Heavy tnar. & oonat. NrSE U .J8 n.oo Pluorooorbon olut lot U SO AO 9, I J 9, 75 'r•••H concrtt• M•SOAO 1. 75 1. 75 Hlnl0010outtr •Y•· USDAO 5.6] 5.50 Co11puttr dl•Pllt tor. llASDAO . l& • 7S Htdlc•l dtVIOU OTC j.;o 3.6J Hobll ho•u f A31 n.75 11.63 Opera te tioaplt"la Power Conv • Laaera llanltlng Hoaltn Caro 011 product Ion tnra-rod rocal Pl•~• Paceeakt,. Terall\a\a Sewer aervtC!es lrr. Selentlrtc !natru. :m17f r. p.rk Race Track tntravenoi.11 Catntt•r Real ••t•t• & part.. S.vtnca 4 lo•I'\ Htcrooo•putttr Soa 1 t.t Se•lconductor pr41a. lnduati. oroce1• aaol\. °"ta entry ttr"'•l na ! l'I Hu111n reaouro• devel. fast rood rtst•urant. Inr,, Proc•aaln~ Prod Hrg. CT Soonnero ~::~"f nst.~. & 1ys .. Otl & Qas 011 and Ca• St>hr Heattn~ Syo. Hoa• Con~ t. ruct I on Co•puter Print.ert Conct'•t• Pt r1p\1c•• ,.,t•ll Vurnlt1Jre JojoOa Bean rara tkas. Telephone Sy1t. Ol 1 •nd Ca11 '4(,.; lf'lte~rated Ctr~ Mobil• llO<l•t Dr\llln~ tool•\ eq. llanU~~ Digital IVI OOIOp. HoM con1t.ruol.ton Water r•aova \ daa HYS£ 11.50 11.88 llASOAO 6. 00 6. IJ NUOAO •.25 11.00 MASO AO J9. &I 113. 50 NASOAO , JS .h NASDAQ NO 6.,0 MASOAO 6.25 S.J& HASOAO 9.00 9.00 NASIUO 6.~0 6.50 OTC 20.00 20.00 NASO AO NO llO NASOAO 12.'\0 l),00 NASDAQ .IJ ,l] OTC •.'\O •.so ue 6.88 1. J& OTC t. lS l. 25 OTC 3.00 '· 13 NASDAO }.50 ). 38 ASE 18.1) 17. I) NYSE l7.1) 19.00 "4SOAO 1'.50 18.00 NASO AO IO. 25 HASOAO 9. TS oTc a.oo WYSE 16.11 NUO~O • 16 NA SD AO • ~3 NASDAO , )I lO. TS 11.2s 8.oo 16.25 . l) .so • }l NYSE 1). H 13. ~ NA3l!AO ,0. 00 2a. 00 ~UDAO • 9• I. 50 NY SE 11. 1 3 t). 75 NASDAO 2.00 2.00 NASOAO 12.25 12.25 OTC 2.61 2.so NASDAQ 9. )! 10. 1~ UE 5.?S 6.11 NYSE 2S.OO 26. ?S USDCO ).SO ).SO oTC s.oo •.so lfYSE 1].~] 13,50 NASDAQ 7.13 T.11 Gardon Cro•• Hrg Yabrlo•t•O Prod. NAS!>AO q,oo 9.00 I.SO 2.)8 Anah•I• ProJtot .... 10Hwore OTC NO lrvln• Marlco\lna Strvlc.. U SDAO 2.so :.:;!:! ... us ~r:!~r .:~::~e~~~ ~,~fo : ~: lloport hoch 011 l a•• np. • dr. USO AO 2. H rountaln Vollo Htdlcal tnatr. OTC .')() .]& .66 2.so .so •lf,f 0 ••• ••. o 10.01 •1 .1 o. Ul .1 ., 0.11 llC 1.01 llC llC (0.09) • 1,0 ),)6 1.l 9•)0o81 NC O.TS 6.T lf·l1·8l •I l,6 (O.Ol) • 6°J0·12 o.oo • 12•)1· I NC 0,,] , ~.2 lO·lO• 1 .12.1 1.01 1,2 9.30.11 11e o.n 1e.-s u.11-&1 •10.9 l.'\l •10.6 0.1) MC IO.JS) NC O. 71 ·•26. to.•t> ·10.0 (0.8)1 .13.5 ,f8 • 1.a o.«• ·12.a s-1•-ea 1 .. 0.I (Q,U) ll•ll•&I 11e 0.10 1.s 9.10-11 •)6.8 0.01 -)·)1·&2 ~az.~ 10.1101 -6-lo-82 • l.8 (0.12). -12-11-81 • 6.7 -12-)1-&1 •)O.) • 46 2).• Ii~) 1.81 -i.• 0.67 26.5 9-10-81 .16.1 1.10 6,1 12-11-a1 .10.w 0,96 15.9 6-27·8' •60.0 (0.081 -10-)1-&1 NC ?.l~ I. J 9·)0.tl • 2.8'11.9•1 • 12-)1-81 • 2. 8 ( t. 95) • 1.7 1.IJ • 6.8 .61 NC 1.•5 • 2.) 0.05 •97.. (0. 26 ) • ).T (U. l9) -· 1.0 (0. 16) • ). ) . 9• • 2.2 o. 16 • ~.9 0.09 • 9. l ,)7 .15.a o.o• 110 O.Ol .13.9 0.)6 MC l. U NC O. 36 NC llO (0.25) . ·;.~ ~~:~~) llC t. )8 • 1.) (2.03) NC(0.11) •)7.7 O, I) -).• 0.2) • ) . 6 I. 95 •I0.9 2.29 •2•. I .6• • 7.S 0.09 N<: 1.s• • I I.~ I .06 NC 0.01 •1.7 (0.171 .q.8 (O. 11 HC (0.01) • •.9 0.58 •IS,4 0.61 NC 0.~7 • • 7 I, •2 .ia.a o.o• -zo.6 co.20> llC (0.07) • 12-31-81 7.8 10-11-81 15.2 1.31.0 t.9 12-28-61 8-01-81 6-J0-&1 6·30·82 S-)1·&2 12.6 9-30-&1 )8.J 12-11-61 •••• 12.)1-81 -6-30-82 l l.0 9-)0-&l • 1.03.92 tQ.9 8-31-f l •.z 12-J1:a1 18. t 12-11-&1 ll·l 1-82 -12.31.81 ll.8 9-30·&1 -6-10-81 3,3 ll-)1-81 • 12-Jl-91 • 12.31.a1 )I.& 9-30-&l ""7 8-11-&l 1).9 1·27-92 8.) n-11-&1 28.1 6-)0-52 • 12-Jl-&l 10.1 l·ll-82 2•.s 1-11-82 12-31-81 •-l0-8? 7-ll-81 S·ll·U l&.5 J-)1-82 18.1 l ?-ll-81 n.o 12-J1-81 11. o I ?·ZS·ll I l).0 9·)0-81 -9-30-&1 -12·)1-fl • 1.8 1.10 s.8 1-11-82 -J.' 1. 3• 20. 9 l-l 1 -U •59.6 (1.61) -l·)l-82 .13.• .')) •1.1 6-)0-81 11e .oa 2,.0 10.11-&1 NC 0.•9 15.ll 6-JO-&l • 1.9 0.0) SJ.) 1.?-)1 81 •l•.6 0.17 6).l 9-)0-81 .16.a 11.•a> 6-10-82 • s.o s.110 •.5 12-11.ai NC (0.l]\ • ll-)1°81 .10.0 (0.61) lfl-•1-81 -.9 .9~ 15,9 l~-)1-&t NC 1,81 ).8 9·)0-81 NC 1, )8 NO • 7 l --·· (0 • .69) NC 1,U NC (O, lT) • 9,1 (O.)O) llC I0.2ll 6.s 3.2&-82 2. I 2-1•-•2 2-28-82 • ) 9-30 ll • 12·)1-81 • 10-11-&1 6-l0-82 )6, 12• 10,631 • :z:m J, lll 1t,8M llS,7S) 126,•6• 6,073,l9S aa,2•2 )7. 106 12• ,A9l 13,-.9 2,3oq 59. 100 72,SJ) 1,2•s ll .995 •7,625 2,U) I ,582 • 1,6)3 .6, )88 'l,013 N~ 2,013 18,5'8 91 l ,O)l 99,oa )6) 7 '91 l 10, 150 ss, na II) ,260 SS ,832 1,2&2 •.997 ia. 169 10, 167 9,"'167 229 •.069 115,010 61,855 ll,700 95,002 1 ~18) lO, 187 5,. 1),022 JI ,686 I, 191, 159 1•.) 17 •. ])6 88,0ll) n,8J5 ]9, 789 s.s~6 5. 785 a,2a6 I, J•l 3. 712 l.QO? I, 162 no 1,691 2.201 l,)3) 2,66• .3,889 -) • I] l 159,l38 2,70 I, 115 •2' .90 I -69 -529 l ,715 57) •66 I ,960 381 a 762 708 ?17 Ml ·'67 1,218 .759 HI -1,U11 -202 1]1 1ll 11, 7&0 s. 199 2,)75 318 277 ),716 6 -1.•10 .715 -6' 1,009 t ,667 554 8,IU 10) -2, 12& -250 9, uo ~. lk7 -·' )00 958 606 689 68 Th -t ,986 1)3, I 16 -6•9 .i ,887 ], )60 1,09 1,710 6SI •l.&69 z.zn ·•29 _, ,669 -b61 Apartment boom near · A nuw boom In Southt•rn Calltoroha OJ,*rtment t'On11tru1:tlun la po .. lbleo In 1983, a«0r<llng w Robert Ouallam, prcaldcnl of the Newport Economk• Croup. Speaking to o rcct•nt meeting of tht• Nallom&l Alil<x:hatlon oC Wom4ln In Conatruc:tlon in l'"ullcrton. Dunham Pointed to the favorable markN foctort1 now evident. Virtually no appartments have been bullt since the early UJ70'11 he eald. And the need for apartments has continued to f.:limb sharply a1> h<>u!llng pri<:t'S 1tnd monthly paymenti1 have> out11tl'ippcd gains In family Incomes. The third lngredlt>nt la falling inio·rcsl ra(J!& . .Sustained declines wlll bring the feasibility of new apartmcul c.'Onstructlon Into view. '1c said. • • • • Mark S. Nlcbter of Costa Mesa has been promoted to tax manager in t he privately owned business division of the Newport Beach office oC Ernst & Whlnney, one of the largest of the Big Eight accounting firms. Nichter holds a S.S. degree in aa.-ounting Crom the University of Illinois. He Is a' ~rUfied public accountant, a specialist In the oil and gaa and mapufacturing industries . \ . . . . Southern California builders can learn how to conipJy with new residen tial ene_r:BY efClc;iency standards a t a one-day .seminar Y(ednesdar in Irvine. Building permits )'fill be lssue.d for new single-family homes after June 15, 1983, only' for homes which meet the new standards. Sponsors of: the seminars are the California Building Industry Foundation and the California Building Officials. Advance registration Cor the 9 a.m. to 5 p.m . seminar is $50 or $60 at the door. Additional information is available from the Foundation at (415) 981-1067. Anthony E. Maniscalco, D has been appointed a vice president in Crocker Bank's Metropoli tan Banking department, according to David Rhodes, vice pretldent ~d manager. Maniscalco, 36, will manage accounts and business development for middle-mal'ket oompanies located in Orange, east Doing Business Under A = Fictitious f Name? I Call 642-5171. Put • few words lo work for ou. "! i i I 1c•1• Loi Angeles and San Bernardino counties. Before joining Crocker. he waa a vice president In Flnt lntcratate'a corporate lending d e partmen t In Southern California. , Sc.'Curlty Federal Savings and Loan AJsoclation has appointed KrttU Sebring o{ Carden Grove as assistant controller ·of the association's Garden Grove offices, 12221 Brookhurst St. She previously served as Security Federal's accountant and bookkeeper for five years. ·Alan J. Jacobi of Newport Beach, chairman ot Lhl' executive committee of Bozell and Jacobi, Inc., h as been elected chairma n of the National Advertising R(•seal"\.'h Council, supervisory body of the advertising industry's self-regula ting proc•cdures to assure truth and ac-curacy in national advertising. · , /. 1. : 1 : , r . ~·· TAX FAVORED INVESTMENTS •• Excellent profit Potential 100°/o to 5009t'• 1st year Write Off $5,000 -$10,000 Minimum ln\{estment HERMES MILANO, INC. PERSONAL TAX CONSULTANTS (714) 751-2400 • ' ... • .. Now, geWn~help with your money IS as ~mple i 1 • I t t· ' r ~ l I I as coming~~ Scars. ~· - "These people understand that other people work too. We went at n1'!ht when it was convenient for us. The Coldwelf Banker broker '. knew what we wanted, was very courteous and \ moved quickly for us without being pushy." . ,._ Jim OIOU'<lcl<I ~-.~~ "The small Investor ts a little tnttmldated by a ~e. fancy brokenule office. In the Dean Witter of1f ce at Sears, ypu feel freer to stop in and chat to get started doing something. Bystarttng the Network, it shows me that the people at Seara are • • · 1 Y Interested in meeting m6re of my needs." ' ~ ~ Morgf'Smlth I ~i'" .. People are talking about the Sears Ftnandal Network. Because now, the flnanctal services you and your family need most are toQether under one roof. The roof of the Sean store tn the South Coast Raza. Becau.ee pcople-evai people who make a good living-need advice about their mone)C And they need that advlce euy to ftnd and etmple to understand. And perhaps most of all, they need It Crom people they trust. That's why Seara baa •tarted the Sean Ftnanclal NetWork. With Allstate for your tnaurance needs. Dean Witter Reynold9for~Jrwunenta. Allltlitr Su1J181 for savings and loana. And for real eetate. Ulere'I ~U Bank& ,. ~i "I evaluated a lot of programs and ,.A responsesandfeltverypos~tlveaboutdeallng ~ · with the Sears Financial Network. Also, my office hours extend beyond banker·s hours. ' Now I can do bus iness when I need to." · Comtyu Mrtlll•lll• • • ~ , , l • ' . . "We went to the Sears Financial Center to talk to Allstate about a homeowner's policy. The agent was very•patient with all our questions. She took the time to explain all the details of the policy to us." '\bu re lnvtted to see exactly what these companies can do for you. And tell us how you feel. . The Center ts open for your convenience during re~ Sears store ,hours. Mon~FHday 10:00 a .m.-9 :00 p.m .. Saturday 9:30 a .m.-9:00 p.m .. Sunday 11:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m . ,_ fmtJaer balaniultlall1 lf yoU can't Wiit the Cel)ier (It's at 3333 Bristol Street, Coeta Mesa. CA 93828), pleale c:aU (n4J IM0- 1118. Or vtalt any Dean Witter Reynolds. ADMate. Coldwell Banker or Allstate SaVtn19 office. ~ eem-s Flnandal Center at I ~ BecaUlet~ the beat plac:e I fotyGW" future ahould be with frtenda you can trust. SEARS f:INANCIAL NETWORK Allstate Dean Witt.er Reynold$ C~Banker · Alstate ~'1S· - \ • ~ i 1 • I ,, i l • . • ,. ~~s:::;-cu.;=-~~~ 1• r•••1~~~ ~:1 r11 •:1 MPahBJita: ~ ,.., -ffbt~--nn1n ..... --ma,;·i·-w-............. J ____ t= ___ -·-1 ... --... -·----"--.. -·.-....... ,-_,,, __ -1-.. ---··---.. -i~1t1:J·m-1.. • -....... ,.,......... ....... .._____ - _ .. ___ .. _____ .. _ .. _.. ---·---.. -..... _ .. -------.... ..... .. __ .. --~~-~-.-i • ,. . ,, s .,~.i •4 s~~ I •:·-~-~·· •-.e•W ~-~, ~.-. •• w -·~-~· w--·w-~·-·; ..... ----~··--··~·-,-~~~·-~··· ~ ~ ~ ·~-W--W•·-·~· - • ._. ___ W-~··-·-··-·~~·-·-1·-•w-w--••--w-••••• --·········--·-·-·-~-·-...... ---~· -----··-·--~~--•• ~ . • • • •• ,., •• • • •• s s $$$S FSS• I FS ~·· F • $ SSllFF•~ss $SS$6 ~$F$ $#1 •• ,, s s ~ S• SSS S77SSFSSFS ss ss1rr1#S# r SrS1ST#S~ s sssrsl • s r rs:1 :rc:rr111crr ,, ~~ ::1:::r: rr :: 1::: ::: ·-· •• -;l.!!l•.~~.!'?'!~~~~~~i~~~!!~~!~i~~!W~m!·~!!~~[~iili~] lf!l~~~!•!!i~~ •• t . ,;...., , .... :£;! ... t ..... 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M II • 1 ... ,. ,,~ '' • ff§ It,.. "°'" Jt '" U't u•, "'' .. ff"' ) .rolO t J» "'-JO'-... .... 1 " ' • • -'' ,, , ... AIHOI• .,, n .., """ »'-• • 1"' '• I "" JD " 11' wf2•• ,,,,. 11., "' t~1 :~J 1' 1 ij ,. '•'g•' '•;:"· ". • ' .. • ''" Arool'I \!: •' • '" f'", \• •• lrcltt ..._ h ,. "" m. tJ•• ~ 40 '°" , .. "'"'"" • ' • ... '• I"' n.. 1F1u1• 1 t ' 1''1 11.. •• " l''· t'· "'-i~ ' >ti ', "' I • ,.... h t~ t .,,... IO 1• "'"' 11. '-• "· t'· lye;,, I t 1 .. ""' " • " I'' .. ~ I) ' '" ... I..., ... Atwlcll .. I .. If\ ... ... 1 '-I 't l•ml l ltt 2••'1"' 1 ... U .. • 11+ .. 1' aofa• llt '9 Jt, , .. , \\ lfl• ... "-0 t0 11• II'~ 10'-1", 11 !'• li, '""' Ht u J1 tt Sh Sir> .... -,_,_r;.-!' ·11t: tt :~w~ .. ·~:' ·r · ·;·::· ~: ·~: IJ~ ... :::~ .. ·; ,; 1.~ rm ~h~ '" ,,:-; 1 •• ~~~ , 'IA 3s 'J' •1~ ,:.'"; ,ft ~ :: i:: :i: .. M,,, ,, !t ~· 1. ,;~ t '-Y ,. • .. rlt: 'l ... ,,"'. t u' .. • m: ::r.·.~ ·" I~ ... : .. .1o1· J1'!-~ ... ,i: JI.. 16 Allu\/ 1• t J uJl't I .. 11•1 • J4o '"' 21'' =· ll a It mu ' )I~ J ... ' 1: ~111 k w~~ 41111 U \ u I"' -{.4. \t J" • ""°'f~' It I• wt" S'• t'!' ft 11'°' I .. ~l>J S ~ 11 411 u l'o u .. 1j"'' 1'°' h > r!ll11 I IOI 70 '\1 ~ m~ :, '" l\i n~ 1& .. ~'"' • u 1l 1fJ ti!: 3t fii:' lf'o 11:: I ~: A t'' tJ JJ~ .'J~ ·~~ I ~: 1.. 11 "-Fdn • JJlt I .. I""•' I·~ 14"' IS A -I I JOO 1 r 11' ll'• u.. I> 1•1 • JO • 04 • I'• t , .. l "" ''• Ftlmol 10 10 nsi I•'~ U.... , _ • -.~.--• '"' ,!:.· --'• JO' !.': ~2"'" ... .!!!• ... i•l· ·:~; :~~ '11: ' , ·m: m. 1' ... Ille •'• IAT l'lo 11 10 .. '°'" -'°' Jt ... • ,._... ... ,_ U.. ....-. 1 I~• f 8 !04• 11 "1 .. ""' IOM • 11 11 m -... ,.\,,, '"' "" • °"'"" 11 ... ...., "' "' ':.! 'Ji: ~~C. -~ 'ti ~:: ~' •. 't~. J~ ''" llT 1t ''°' '"' 1'9 41> l dF I II • _r.-f ~I> ._ 'KllP 111 !Mt ~ ~ I ' "t 1 TIC 2fl llo : ~. 12:: ;::: ~ UI I llt>tf ... f'• h'; 'J::: ~ \, I \1 F ICGE 1110 ~t Ulo 111•• .. i~ I ' :: It :t~ It • .... t: 'f'' 11'• ,:f ,. ! wl .,, 'E ~· I \, t1·· Fj~ pl • ti , ... t": ,:: ... dwS 1U JIJJ w I ll. tt• /": ... !~ -.... n 1!1 w J'>. ... "'•, I t :~. t• ~It ).. t-'-, • .. 14.. It \'> tFd s. dO n l'> 11 .. n1o . .. ,J~ IH tO • ,. ... It .. Fl.Cao • lf. \1 ,... ,, ... ... ,~ ....... o •O'O ... '"' .... ,... • • ... :~· '° n ... ~1~ :r-.~: ,~ ,, Fl•At\ JO , , ...... " • \• '"' 'l'• fkl~oJ Ml 11 I w14'• n ,, .. , '" 00 On-TV CJ) Z.TV (I) HIO <m IOMtN•I CWC>ffl' NY., NY, e fWTISI "'""' ,., ("*"'mt) ........ • ((,leM ......... ..,_, . I ~Off"""" * * "Deltt Allbl" ( 1He) Sidney Toler, Senion Fong. Ctlartle Cnen Mt• off i5£- Corrnpo11den11 Lind• Wertheimer end Co411e Roberta joll'I ~eul Duk• for .,, uc>-10-tt.fl'llnute eum- mary ol CongreulOl!el ectMtlee. I~ cotTEU.O I Ml!ET THE PAE.IS ,! LOUii KAPlAH MOYIE * * * "Fethef Flfure" (1981) ..... Linden, Tllnottly Hutton. Alter tllelr mottw'1 dedl, NfO ~ ...... to lhleMlh INlr r.thef, wflOrl'I t"9V flaw not ~ lillce their l*.mt' divorce !Ne~....,, (D)MOYIE * * * "My FftOrile Wlte'' ( 1940) Cery <nm, .,_ Dunne. Long believed OMd.•-~· end dilcoll9r'I that her hueband llM r-ned In ,,.,~ (l)MOYIE * * "Tiie lncredlbl• 8hrtnklng Women'' ( 1NO) Lii)' Tomin, CMirtee <Ko- din. A llOuMwffe llndll It llafd to cope wtMn 1M IUddenl)' beglr'9 to lhrlnlc lfllia'PO' 10:30 I INTBW'ACE Ill .. T CW KIOlt AM. '8>Pt..E TOO au.ea: a.., A8Y ~ ..... CNrtle Oerlle6e, Ctlef'- l--=~:u U8'. °"'"..., WA&LITI&T WIBt "On The ""*" Gue.I: ~ T. Dlllo, Pf911- d9m, Bridgewater ~ .... Inc. (I) WONOlft WOMAN aN1tu1cena WlllCLY I CAlYNf'f~ 11:00 =YOU **.,. "Aoodl" (197e) Robarl Culp, Martin Miiner. Two hetleopter plotJI N9ll aid 10 • ""811 town de¥119t•ted by • flood lolowlng the~ ol.,, 919 dem. • MAS..,ru.,,_-ecc.- ~=-Tttem All ....; o.ys·· CNllenged by ,. tMCNng end content In 1119 mwt1ege to 9etll end ,,...., lwlfl daqller9, o.vld .. gl¥ar'I 1111 llrwt promotion. ;"~ THftOUGH THE ART'S 8 UTTlE HOUIEON THE~ !=: WIJ(!NON *** "The Y.l.P.1" (11183) ~ Teytor. Aic:Ntd Button. Al p1111 igera ol a de6eyed fllClh4 ...... , .... off In Ille VIP lounge ol a London elrpcw1, their ..... become curlouely 111..-iwtned. .MOYIE •• ''T.R.. Salliln" ( 1971)" - Candice Bergen, Pwter Boyte. A I/Ml-town gWI "'* emplOyment In CN-ceoo. but hM dlfllculty ...,.lngto~llle. n:te I HR 'I 9QT IYBll Ill nee Wll!K WfTI4 O.YID~ ·TllW(~ WMrTTNCIR Cf) MOVIE • •.,. ''TM Big Store" (1141) Mefll lrotllera, Tony ...,,.,,, A group o1 bumblers twn out to be poor cflOlo9a tor ... datltDll-• CHUIOt ltTHE ~ -~ THROU8H THI MTI ~=na •• "HllflCowrllr('(1tll) ~ Boftoma. LinR """' An ....,.., OOfWlct end '* Mil d'c..,... tlrt- fnlnd !lee to IN "'°""" talna. 'PO' (J)MCMI • • .... "lloodbfc#ler9" (1171) Ak:tllrd 0... T~ Lo llMoo. A ~ INfl --to.,,..,~ lrlf. ......... wOftllngln ....... ... _. ... .....,.,..., '"""'" .. ....,....,.. _....__ .... ,....,.,,...MM ., .......... ...... .. ..... ,...... .. .,... NOlll !Owe ,., '*"· ..... lie ........ ,..,. lllllbend of .,...., .. 11'1 .......... ,. II .... .,. .... 194AWM -......,Y" I'=. AMM04MCIO * °" ''OMlnber Of Hor- ,_ .. 11940) Lilli "tlll'ltt, LMlie lenkL lruttlly MW• dered wlGtllNI IH lti!WI lo !tie a-ber of Houora (1f) YMYWWtMl .. tt4I Dlot( er.t looll1 •t tllt era of WM bonde, "llleiory oerdenl," 1ooc1 encS "' rellOnlnt end the Big lend eound llionO ,With ...... ei-t Aelpll Levenbero. a ~of the lnlemout letMll DMtll Merch (a) 9'0CK ON TV 1l:a0. NIA aUKITIALL Wa1n 1ng t o11 11 Phllad1lpn1a. (4) Nae IPOfllTI INCIAL Bjorn Borg tekn on Ivan Lendl In a tennl• match from SNltle (llve) • WAU.ln.&T .IOUIW.\l~ • WILD. WILO WOALD CWAWW "Oteen c-. Of Bor· MO" The ·~119 111Me1' II 8fftOflO !tie evoiutlonwy eutloalllea ~ under the "Green Celllnga Of lot"neo.'' • UNDEA8TANOINOt HUMAN IEHAW>f' "Pel!I And H)'l)N>lll" I~ * * * "The Fellel\ Idol" ( , ... , Aelptl Alc:Ntdeon. llobOy Hen<ey. 8Med on • 1tory by GrehMI Greene. A young boy trtea to help Illa Idol ..... he thlnU he'• gully ol murder. .MOYIE • .,. "On The Righi Trec:k" (1911) Gery Colem1n. Mlctleal Lernbedl. A IOClel worller trlel to find a nor- INll llama for • train 111- llon llloeahllll boy wltll a talent lor picking the ponlea. 'PG' 1:00 8 ATONE Guell! lAoMrd Nlmoy. 8 ntE MUNITEM Gtendpa'a leulty magic g9ta him Into trouble M*I he lftea to turn Eddie'• lrtand Into • rabbit. I DIAECT10N8 HEEHAW • 0-tt: David Frlnell, 8fMlly Weat, Phll Hern.. Kim end Klm\llll Reid. 8 AOAM-11 a..c. Reed weltta Into a berlk durtng • rot>b«y end la!Mentioatege. 8 NATUM "l(opft: A Rodi For All Seeaon" A lllm llud)' ol , the koe>IM. ~ outcrop- plr'fl of rock In Africa'• Serengeti Pteln, .. P'-•- ed. 8 '81EIUCAN GOWN.m:IJ ''Col9eaalol• o-llgllt'' (I) HR fl'OOTMU. ,,..., on.ne a.lnla .. Sen a.ago Ctlerger9 fTentMtw> . ......, ..... Cl:::·· ..ooM ••'Al .. ~ .. (1811) lur1 ~. ee-ty O' AngalO. A '*'*« In hie tortlea who _._ to be • IMller -a-tor the "9flt -to bMr 1111 c:hld. 'PG' 1:11(%)MOVE ••• "LOW In The After- noon" ( 19571 GllfY Cooper. ~.-r ~. A dMec:- tlve'e daugllter becomM lnterwted In • bachelor from ,,., lallw'• ftte end MU out to lnttlgue him. 1:ao 8 F-TAOOP o·~ end AQem 11e1p Pwman• aludy for pre>- motlon to major. 8 AOOTS Aner a di.utroua rebellion ettempt lbC>llfd lhlp, Kun- te err1YM In Amerlu end Is ao6d to John ~ Clome ~); he IMrna NWllYSof hll ,_llta lfom • aleve n#Md Fld· dler (Louis OotlMtt Jr.). but does not bec:Ome r-ldled to'*~· ~~ * * .... "Led: A Dog" ( 1M2) Pe1er Brtck, Pegg) Mc:Cey. A crlppled girl 11 llided mentally end ph'f'l- Ctllt)' by • collie. 8 MOVIE *** "For AF-Oollere ~ .. ( 1M7) Cini Eaat· *OOd, L• Ven Cleef. r-boUnly hum«9 _.. • bend ol outtlw9 end klll IN W:iol'9 IMder. 8 ADAM-11 A eplled bottle ol perfume In lhtlf' '* "'°""' • bed dey lot Iha omc:.ra. 8 AMl!NCAN ~ "C0.91.....,. ... fWonn" !~ **~ "Tlle•Peny' (1MI) Peter Seller•. ~ Longet. ~ ~oua lndlen .ctor cnNltea utW di-. ..., he Cit'--. IOClel per1)'. Cl) W/IO(Y WOM.D OF ..c>NATMAH WINTIM o..at: 9111 Auaaell. t:OO I MTI OF AM ••IOM'I~ Tiie CHteweyt are MlblllMd end put 11'1 • .......... heedflunler9. • MOVll ...... "Aalendon ...... 11907) Tyr011e Powet, ~ ..... A4lrtft .... ................. ~"""',,_. .... _ .... d9ClllGM .. ...... -~---~ !MP•111,..a. • MCWll • ....... ...._. .. ( ... , Hulltpfwe, lloeer'. AMdlr9f ......... Tiie ..... .. .. ~ ......... . aoueflt •her by two , ~ ............... 8.llm&Dltk p-... , •• n ................. MMIUMll, NfClll ....... ..................... .............. ,..'111211• -.. w•1-.••,2u Orange Co11t DAILY PILOT/Sunday, November 14, 1912 TUBE TOPPERS KOOP ( 1:u ~:OO "Suurlnca.'' llumphrt•y 8ol(llf'l ancJ Audr<'y Ht-pbul'n 1tur In .itory of a 1wurc.'h by two W\.•1&lthy 1oc:lallte brotht'rs ror the• d•uf(htt•r ol lhe fomlly ch1tuffour. KN X'l' (2) 8:00 ''1'ht.• Dlut.• ur)d th<: Gruy.'' "Ottolx•r 1869·July 1861 .'' (Purl l). While on a~slgnmcnt ror h1H unl'ic.>'il nt.•wspapt.·r. Illustrator J ohn GcysL·r (pluyed by John Hammond) mc£'ts the mylitN·iOus Jonat:J Stcdl' ($to<..'y Keach) wht.•n th nution goes to wor in April of 1861. KABC (7) H:OU -"Super·mnn ." Christopher R eeve s t a r s as m1ld- mannered re porter Clark K ent whu thwarLS an arch criminal's plot to. destroy the West Coast with an earthquake. *.,. "Franken•t•ln'• Deutllter" ( 1959) Jolln Af/ltltlr/, S~r• t<nlgllt Or FtMkeneteln'• eon contln· '* hi• lather'• blzlln• npttlment• end cr .. 1• • ~IM lor the mor111er. Ct)MCMI ' • * • "Battleground" 111M9) Ven Johnaon, Jonh Hodlek. Amer~ aoldlera ol Ille 101•1 Airborne OM- llon engage In the French campaign end the Bettle ol the Bulge. 2:aG 8 ON CAMPUI "U.S. I Mellk:an Rele- tloN" ., lhe Unlwrlllly of SenOlego. • Gii • KWfl Ill.AND Giiiigan WPM up 01!e morning 10 dlecover that 1119 hair haa turned Whlta. 8 PM8ENTE "Wltll Certoa Fuenl• At Dertrncutti" The renowned Mulcen author pteeenla Ille llltwl on language. cul- ture end potttic.. (Part 21 • INTAOOUCtNO IK>l.OGY CB) ITANDIHG AOOM ONLY "Sllerlodl Holmee -The SUenge c.. Of Ab Faulkner" The mHter detective -rcllH tor atolen IOll9 lettara In tllll ... production, lec>ed .. the Wllllalnatown Thaetre Feetlval In ~·; Frri langelle end St• phen COMlll Ster. CD) CINDEAEU.A TEAMS The propenaltY lor winning Of IUCll ·-.. lhe San Frendaco '4eer.. tt1e Cln- Glnnetl Bengela end Hew y of11 '• Je«t end Glente .. uernlned. 8.,.ovtE * *.,. "Viva Lea Vegea" f1"4) EMs Prtele)'. Ann- Ma,gret. A Laa VtgM ewlmmlng lnetructor beOonlll IN objeot 0( llllec:ttor'I 1or • epona cer nut end ......... lrtand. ... :-•TUM U.U. ..... .,.... Glloet And Mr. Clll"•"" (1Ht) Don ICllons, ~ ~. A newapapu typeHtter .,,_ _.,, pet1la to "-'-a reporter b)' lno Htl(j9810g e ~ "lleunted'' hOuN. • CAU"OflNIA COHCIAEllOW. ~ • INTROOUCING 9IOLOGY Ill HEM'S LUCY Luc:)' becornel • nur.- meld to 8-v O.Yll Jr. I CULT Of' TM! LION 1:30 WQTEAN OUTOOOMWN F11nlng for ''°"' on lh• Snell• Riwr. 8 ATTIEYCMO "ti We Owned A MoYle Theeter" Roger Ebert end Gene Slllcel lllghllght eome of their favorite moYlea Cf) UTTlE HOUSE ON THIPIWAIE 8MmE WA1t91GTON HOit Mlr1l Sl*IOl IOOkl el the 1111erp1ay o1 po141ic.. PoWer end people In lhe nation'• ctipltol. 8 ...at•tCIHOME ....... Ill MOYIE ••'-+ .. ~ .. (1972) Alen Alda. Connie St• wene. T-divorced men become lrlende and MCrlltly begirl deting MCh otller'• _......_ (C)MOVE •• .,. ''&ele Sterr' (1941) Gene Tllnwy. Rendolpf) lcott. A derlng woman l••"'H her llome to ~ thelMderol an outtew bend •• lhe c;loM of !tie CMI We1. ~=-• * * ''Wllll* Down Tiie Wind" (1"21 .. ~ ... -lamerd L ... M ~ l'llUl'der• -9flder• to poMoa lnlteed of daatroy- lng .,. t1lltll of ttle c:fllldr9n wlto~lllrn. 4:00. CO' I .. POOTMU Mione va. USC -~y trrom N8C Studio'• 30th .-. ......... ~ Celabratlon 1:-1 ''TM 0., " c;.,,. To '*""' ~1tm W1n11 "°°' .... Geill'ga ooee.ai Ttle *11111 °' • ........ "" .. ,..... to • by • redle-..,. ......... ----· r=~~--Wlha ***"A,-... Of~ ..... C1tl1) Clllt ..-. .... ~ Kecll\. n. ~ "!NII wfttl no ,.,.. ......... ., ........... , ....... ... to ... ...._llld ................... £ ~ °""*"...,... ,...., lurt ....,....., _ar..e.,.,... t•ry •••••• .., ... !' .............. ~u;: .........,, ......... ...a;ai112& 11 ....... (I) WILCOME aAa<, KOm" Epeleln htlpe Gabe Ind Julie move lntb • larger ;·:· • • "The Saint And The Brave Gooee" 18" Ogilvy, 0.119 Hunnloutt. Wiien a men otrere MilP 10 a young widow he finds hlmeelf on • perilous -ch tor eunlc· entrneure. 8'cou.EaE FOOT8AL.L Celllotnle State, long 8Nch 4~ YL Nevada. LeaVegu~ (D) FMNIOE VAUJ llMIO THE trOUR 8EAIONI Meny of v .. 1·1 hlle, auch u "Sherry," "Welk Lllce A Men" and "Reg Doll," er• IMtured In this conc«t ltom Chicego'I Perit WMt Club . (I) HOU.YWOOO Hollywood reporter 8111 Harrie prtaent1 up-doM report• on the people and event• Wlllctl ere mlllling -In the productlOn end glamor capita! of Ille moYle lndl$y. • .MOVE * .... '"The Trouble Whll Gfr11" ( 1te9) EMI PreaieV, Merllyn Maeon. A trewtlng tllowmen runt Into all aona of trouble wt111e etey- i In 1 MldWeatern lown 4:30 OllASTEM It IEAACH Of' ••• "The Lo•t Oulc;hmln Mine'' • WA8HtNGTON WEEK IHMVIEW • IYERYDAY COOKING WfTI4 JACQUES PEPIN J~ Pepin M199Mtt hOW IO buy end UM Inell· P9flllve cut• o1 lamb wnen he preper• llUtfed br ... t of lamb. ~=THE NATION •• "Faffing In LOY• Ageln" (1980) Elllott Gould, Suaanr\1111 Y°"'. A men goea to 1111 lllOfl ac:tlOOI reunion In IN belllll ""' .. Cati ,....,. ttle good *"" ol Ulf peat. 'PO' (l)MOYIE * * "Tiie lncredlbl• ~WomM"(1M0) Liiy T om1n. Ctwta. Gre>- din. A llouMWlte llndl " ll«d 10 cope wtMn Ille e.Jddenty beglrll to wink lnllle.'PG' 5:00. HAPPY DAYI ~ ' Fonzie, 1111'9r1nQ from the flu, dllMlt 11\at a med Id- ....... ttlea to drain ~ ~"ooiOt •• 8 MCNEWI (!) WAU STAEET JOUANAl AEPORT , • AMGUNE • .,.... Rooaewelt l..eglC)''' ~ at1omey Edwerd F. Prid\erd. • TI.a OLD HOUSE BobVll•tak•~on 1 tour of a 1'1h-century - Greek RevlYal IWmhOuM whlell .tn be tr-'Ormed Into an "Idea llOuM lor the llOe .. (J) M0 A0S0 H Col. Potier Is OYllwhelmed by the attention Ila rec.IYea 11 1119 attft lrlea to reduce hll blood ~ betor• ,. annual pfl)'llcal. 1= ••• "My F-'t• Wlf9 .. (19401 Cery Orent. "- Dunne. Long belleved deed, • woman 'MPPM'' end d~• 11111 ner ~hu~ln ,,., ebeenoe. 5:111 (%)MOYIE • •'-+ "Cele &sw-" (1911) Nino Menlredl, Mollo C41i. An 91(~ ve"dor le chH•d by eut11«ltlea .. he t lternpl• to relM money tor hie eon.• operation by ll9llng .. --.0-d the ., ... ~. N9CNEWI LA,,_.1 ltMLIY a '*'1f'AHV ~ hM • c:herQ to lflow llet pi., to a lr<*I- _, ptoelucer. 1=AllDEMOM CX>lftllN1W. I~ AllOa ... tor ,. "' remo•lng lier llvt•ln mofflef ... ('"-1 2) 1:.--* • .,. .. ,_.. Cut" f tMO) lurt "9)'rloldt, Leae9y• MM Down-A •ttlltl ..... ._,,.. .. ,,,..,,.... --~ ...., out ol ·---~to ........ -.000.000 In ~ 1'0' bM llM. • HOllVWOOd dl>o tralntr • i:M()f( • • * "Ftlendly '-1111• lion" 11tMI Qery COOC-, Oof0ti.y MoG!it9. " lemlly °' °'*'•• , .... to fltll( -.-~~­~M ltat!MiOll muat br_. oft Ill• telallonahlp wllll a t>Mutlful women wn.ri he ltt'"I eht le the leader ol a MUtln~ 8 W0NJ> WAA I "TNv lenlt Tiie LueltanMI" Tiit 0.lllM uae ol aut>-mertnt ..,,.,. lnlluenoad U S to jolfl tilt war. ·~A "Htl't'I LOOll!ng fl You, l<IO" Tiie lntplrlng 11ory ol • ~ boy'• llglll 10 r~ from 8"1tf• bllr111 euftered In a 11ome ecd- dent .. told. 0 (J) MIO ll'IAAO>'I CtW>MCt.11 (fl ltOHT 11 INOUOH Tom'• Yleltlng lieler twne Ill• lloueehold upelde down whan ell• tnCOUtegee the children 10 i -dr..,rit end goell . NllCNlWS MOVll • * "Legend Of The Wiid" ( 1980) Oen Haggerty, Den- ver P)'M. ~rugged lndMd· uel mek• 1 llome tor hlrn- Mlf In the wtlderneea ot tne OldW•t. 'PG' I .MOYIE • *'A "Any Which Wey You Can" (1980) Cllnl EMtwood, Sondf1 Locke~ Before Niiiing down wltll Illa glt1 and pet orengutan, a ber•llt•ed llgnter 11gna up for one lat, lucratllll 1:301met~~E. PEOPlE'I COURT ~OPLE TO PEOPLE WHY IN THE WORl.D 8NlW8 MOYIE * * "The Gr .. I Adven- ture" (197e) Jeck Plllance, Joen COlll111. A young boy la abllrldoned with hie dog In the rugged Alttlcen Roclclea. 1•1 (I) ., ...nu 8YOYAGERSI Cleoc>atra II treneported to Hew Yorlt City In the Roar· lllg '20• after kllllng PNnMa. end Jeffrey dle- COWR that Babe AU1h hll become ,8 Yeudevllle Pef • tormer. • Ill NPL.EY"S IEUEVl fT OR NOTI Featured: etorles or violent volcano•: the bulterlly world: Spanlth IOYerl who bolll died of '-1brHlc • dey ..,,.,..: • rot>ot round- l_!f; llnglng cowboya. D MADAME"S Pt.AC€ Madame's Merine --geenl ,._, her H-hull- bend ene1 his,,.. ,~ 111111. OuHtt: Frankie Avalon, Wiiiiam Sllalner. i~TVAU OMAT NIO IMAU "Hotlllng Ult• Experlanoe" "-lllllllea a date -wMllout Tr~'I Mii> -and the prlCttoa ._ • ouec--"""" Trlaten'• llelp (Perte) • NATUAE "On The Edge Of Per• diee"An~O(· ~ •c:Nc*eCIO of lalanda In Ille Cerf b· bean, a ~or grMt nat- urll bMuty threetened by 20th-century lndultrlellu- tlon ... preMnled. • OMHOE COUNTY ll'ORT8 SCENE (Q)MOYIE * * • "Th• Oll1nce" (1973) S..n Connery, Tr• vor Howard. While tracking down • Child malelter. a London deeectlve llowl)' edeea lllmMff towerd a nertoue breakdown. 'R' (%)MO'lll * • * "Southern Com- fort" f1Ht) t<.tltl Cerra- dint. Powerw Soothe A group of NeUonal Guerde- men on weektnd ~ In a Loulaiena beyOll eperti • tmall fl*• rile -*"" • communfly or bac*WOOdl Cajune.. 'R' 7:30. COUEOE VOUEWIAU. Cellfomla St ... TltMI VI Santa Barbera OIUCtloe ct)ICME...a AOOM l:OO 8 (I) THE Ill.IE ANO THEGMY "October 1159-Jllly 1881" While on eaalgnment tor hie Uf!Cle'• -i>epet, lllultrllor John Ql)'Mr (John Hammond) meetl the myeterlou• JonH S'""' (Stacy kead'I); wtlerl the netlon goea to wat In AprN ol 19&1, the two Mende -one • combel ertlet, the otller I ceptlln In .,. Union Amrf -heed tor the llrwt m.ior 1>ante ~att1) •8MOYIE • • ''The .. LligOOn" (1MO) lfooll• Shlelda, awtetoptw Mini. rwo cat.._ clllldren grow to ..,._.IOI on I remote, loulfl Pec:lllc lalend end eicpertence ttle periga of .. ICM. 8 INT9'fAINMIWT ,__ Interview• with Gent H.-men. ~lck Nolte, Mldlllll Warren. tnd Oens rtr ~ • report on •· 111ur111li • ........ who ...,......,. lflto....,,..,,, •a YCMI ** • .,.. "8uptrm1n" ( 11711 CfWtopllet ,_,_., Matto• Kidder. Miid· ........... ....,., a.it .... ....... ltCfl ..... .......... to~ ... w...eo....-.... _._ .... ,"c ." . ..,,.. (J) IANllMY~ F-........ Gi.-• ...... MCWll • * "Tiie ....... ,,.., .. ( 1111) OolulMllWy ,. ..... .......... !Mon .................... ............. .._ ................. ................ ~~ ...~ .... ... "' ...... 1 ... .......... :···· . ....... ~ ... ..... = .... · .......,.. ,., _.....,_ 11? "°"· .. "'...,..., ·~ TMIATM "'o lerwe T'*91 All My Oaya" Whll• David -Ohea .... OOlllltryliclt '°' • r~ llUdenf •• pellcem111 '"'"" ti ....................... 2"'...o:-" (~ ltQ • • • "'°"fhe(" Com 10t1" (IN 1) Ktltll Cerra dine, Powere loOtllt A grOVP ol Nallon411 <Nlfdts mt" on w .. ktnd MtMuVerl In 8 ~ ~ IC*ll • _.,. ti*· ' rlllt w., wtlll • community of beei<wood• C8jwna, 'A' (ff)MOYlf * • ·~ "So Flnt'' CIH 1) I A.-11'1 O'NMI, Jedi W•· den A 1Mfy ~ PIO- IWIOf ...... "" lat ... flounder lnO Olf"*" facto- r)' by 111Wnllfl9 • -type of ledlea' ~ 'R' Cl)MO'lll * • • "Oho~t Story" I (19811 Fred Altair•. Jollfl HouHman. My1terlo111 death• ~ to dedmal• the renkl ol I lm8I c:lrda Of Mdert)' men wt1o lhllfa both a monthl)' ttorvtellrlf I geMogetller end a 5(). ' year-old eec:rec. 'A' .MOYIE **.,. "Peterolty" (11N11) Burl Reynold•, 9e'lerty f O'A.ngalo. A~ In 1111 I fonlel who ....... 10 .,. • ' re111er -""-lor tn. right women to bear Illa ; child 'PG' • l:30 G THE WORLD ' TOMOMOW ! IMI QNEMA8COM ! t:OO f'ICHAN)--..ONS • DR.CHO ; MOVIE ' * • ~ "Friendly Pereua-: llofl,'' ( 1958) Gary Cooper, ; Dorothy McGuire. A l11mlly • ol Ouelcer• refuMi to llgh1 , In the CMI War. ' • MOYIE : • * * "A Fllt1ul Of Oo4-: ,.,... ( 1te1) Clint Eaat· : wood, Marianne Koch. The , myaterloul "men with no : name" enter• a gang war , b•IWHn IWO faction• M99f to NII wlllllley end gune 10 ~end lndl- ena. • MASTEAPECE TH!ATN: "To serve Them AJI My 0•5'•" Whlle David -chel Ille countrytide lor a run1Way 11u0en1. a policeman errl\'11 It Bernt)'lde with ,_. of a tr aglc accident. (Pert e1 Q 6l!) MYSTERY • "Felller Brown: The H .. d 01 C_,". Father Brown narpe a gullt-•trlcken young woman whO 11o1e a ~ coin lrom lier brother'• c:ollectlon. end la now beif'9' bledlmelled by • m)'ltertoua 1trW1ger. c;> (D)MOYIE * * • "Ono1t Story" (11N11) Fred Alai<•, John HouHman My11erlou1 dNtfll begWl lO dedrnatia "" ,.,.. ol • ernell drda ol elderly men wtlO INlre t both• monthly~ get.together and I 50-1 &>.:.--·R' * * '.+ "The Pur'lult OI 0 B Cooper"' (.1981) TrNI W-. llema. Robert Duval A ltNI ellyjacta • ~ end perpchUt• 10 aeMty O¥ar Oregon ""'" a lof1une In .... -olen~ OAAONET. MOYIE 1' *'~ "Paternny•· (!Mt) Burl Reynold•. Beverly 0' Angelo. A becllelOr In hie lortlet who wanll to be • 1 lather -chel tor the rlgh1 woman to beer hie cnlld 'PO' DMOVIE * e * '.+ "Pr1nc41 Ot The City" (1981) Treet WH- •ema. J«rt Orbactl. A H.-York cop II caught bet'"9'1 leOlrel preuure end IO)'ell)' 10 Illa l9llow offlcwa dur"'9 an irw.u- g a If on of wldt1prud 1 ~ com)ptlon 'R' I 10:00 D 8 DOUG......_., MAGIC ON MOADWAY Doug Henning performe aorne oe 1111 dualcal llkl- elotll .. .... .. rneglcel eel• newr before -on ·~ 1 1,..,~TOOAY ICAE!NWRITEM I WOAD INTO IMAGE. "Robert Towne" The ~-..._c:redlt.t Include ''Ct*\atown" end "Bonni• And Clyde" dlacutMI Illa rota In the lllmmettlng procaaa end wily he CfMI• the c:llarlC· t••hedoea. • MUN>EA MOST INGUIH "The Unpl11111t1 .... At The Bellone Out>'' The general'• weatlhy ... .., dlea 37 mlnut• efter lie r.:e? 1' 1' * "The V.1.P .. " ( 1"3) Ellubetll T~, Nc:flerd luf1on. Aa p 111 lrgln °' • dele)'ld fllght ...... .. .. off In the VIP lounge 0( a London airport, their IN9 becomt curlouely ll••twlliecl. (J)MCMI •• * "Alatl Altd ,,..,.... .. (\911) Cendloe ....... Jacque tine lllHI ThrougllCM tfte upe and dowfl8 ol t• ~ llterery car .. ,. end ,_..., !Net. IWO WOINfl cMpelld on ..., .,.,.... tor .-.y. ·w , -1_:1zz-WMA-.ulT TOlft'MOMt"• ... ..., .. ,..,,.,.... ........................ ................. .. .... ..,.. ... ....... _._ NICWI IUllllAY .... .. Orange Coa1t DAILY PILOT /&undav. Novemb« 14, 1882 • I . ~ . ~ • c;: ! & r. ·~ :. . ·. ' J formerly /' . Polo Store , announces CHANGE of .NAME a·nd CHANGE of POLICY we' r.e maintaining the largest sele·ction of Polo Ralph Lauren But, we've extended our lines of merchandise to include all the best labels in the .world and qhanged our name to reflect t~is broadened viewpoint: GIANNI ACCARDI • GIORGIO ARMAN! JHA YNE BARNES • PETER BARTON PERRY ELLIS • RALPH LAUREN ENRICA MASEJ .~ MISSONI · ROBE~T PHILLIPS • NICOLA TRUSSA~DI . ~.SOUTH COAST PLAZA · ~ Monday-Friday 10 to 9 • Saturday 10 to 6 • Sunday 12 to 5 ' . . . I .: ' ,.. Sund•y, ,..oven1ber 14, 1982 · ClAlllFlll ... f :~Thi s Week' begins 2nd year this week lly FRED ROTHNBERG ,,,,~.,..., NEW YORK -The technical toulups on ABC's "This Week with David Brinkley" are, oddly, K measure o( the show's Imagination and ,.n indication of how it has helped wake up Sunday momJngs. Last Sunday, when "This Week" stretched televis!on's technologicaJ trickery by having all five new U.S. senators-elect on its live broadcast, the Laa Vegas s1gnal from Chic Hecht, the w inning . Republican from Nevada. was missing. he other linkups worked tine: Democrat Lautenber or New Jersey in New York; p blican Paul ~r1ble or Virginia in Washington; Democrat Jeer Bingaman of New Mexico in Phoenix and Republican Pete Wilson of California in Los Angeles. Wilson said he could hear Hecht, and the quick-witted Brinkley suggested that maybe Wilson 'fcould tell us what he said." This sort of glitch is not encountered by NBC's "Meet the Press" or CBS' "Face the Nation," which are studio panel interviews, often taped before broadcast. ~ OMualcal itorybook ~ntaay Gome GIOGLlte. STARTS FRIDAY at a t heatre or drive-In near you. M> MllU ACCl-'ft O '°" f-~ "Meet the Presa," which began, !ta 35th year last week, hi1hUghted the occasion by recallina t9e program's original Introduction -newspaper pressce in action, symbolizing that thlt was a print program on telcvialon. Th~ decades la~r. only "This Week," among the three network Sunday Interview shows. is a television program on television. Beginning lta 1eCOnd year today. "This Week" utilizes satellites and other technJcal advances to great advantqe. There are unJque riska. but liye 'TV makes for lively TV. With or withollt Hecht -, and his hookup wu eventually restored -last Sunday's show was entertaining and informative. The five newcomers were questaopecs by · Brinkley, Sam Donald9on and George.Will on sueh subjects as Social Security, federal deficits and defense spending. Their comparative views and political rhetoric were eye;-operung. , Hecht, for instance, was trying to back off his campaign views on the nuclear freeze issue, saying he didn't have all the facts just then, but Donaldson wouldn't let him hedge. "Sam serves a real purpble.'' Brinkley said. The Outlaw ... The Outcast... and the Legend that was bigger than both of them. Will ie Nelson Gary Busey ... LORD GRADE PRESENTS "BARBAROSA" Gil.BERT ROLAND ISELA VEGA • DANNY DE lJ\ PAZ Written by WILUAM 0 . W rrn.JFF Music by BRUCE SMEATON Directed by FRED SCHEPISI Produced by PAUL N. LAZARUS Ill Executive Producer MARTIN ST ARGER A WITT\.Jff. NELSON ANO BUSEY PRODUCTION IN ASSOCIATION WrrH ITC ALMS DISTRIBUTED BY UNIVERSAL PICTURES MD ASSOCIATED ALM DISTRIBUTION CORPORATION EJl~LlJ81~E ENQAGEMENT SAT/SUN. 1145, 3130. 51 15, 7!00( 8145. 10130 (Iii ... S9lll CIAST PUZA"') l~::W-541-2111 ) Beginners of all ages welcomel Whether you've Ice skated before or not, you're never too old to learn. We create fun. we treat people special. rr----------il Mesa Verde 1 $ J 0 11 Off 1 Center : Ice Skatl~ Lesson• : 2701 Harbor Blvd.,. BEGINNERS ONLY I Herb« a Adami PreHnt coupon !or diacount. COSTA MESA L!: ~·~e~o.:m.=r ~· ~:.. -~ 979-8880 PUBLIC ICE SKATING EVERYDAY PRl.IECTI•llTI LICIEI 111111 lllTEI llTISTS TIUTEll llFllllll 111111 llLPI Tlllll F• YMI Ill.PH Sou,,,.,,, Aaoclatlon ol IATSE a.trial Two LOClll, w ... H, ~. s.cy.r,_. "He untagonlzl.'11 a lot or p<.'Oplt'. 11<''!1 not bland, predictable or dl!)I. Thu other Sunday 11hows have thl'lr tough lnter.vlewer1', too. CBS' Phil Jonc11 in purtlcular was diligent In trying to pin down Rep. Jack Kemp, R-N.Y., last week's guest on "Face t~e Nation." But when oil was s£ud and done, CBS had only Kemp and NBC had only Rep. Jim Wright, of Texas, the Hou~ Majority Leader, making their partisan points, whale, "This Weck.'' a half hour longer. had imaginative interviews, plus news. backaround reports. comfT'lentary and a free- wheeling roundtable discu s1on. -Last Dec.-embcr. at the height or the scare over the purported hlt squads from Libya. "This Weck" scored with a satellite interview of the Libyan leader, Cof Moammar Khadafy. "I don't know If we got any great news out or • it," Brinkley said. "But what was memorable were the dramatics about It. He came on as it if he were John Barrymore. carefully arranging his clothes and preening hlmsel(. He was like a ham actor backstage." Khadafy also came live, which is the way "This Week" goes after newsmakers. · ___ ..,.,. __ ......,.._ f-ftAf-- f' .... 1U•• f'aUutt fOf"I "*"~••n_. (~IOl'lllC 1111\1 MONSIGNOR t.l._,\.\t lllUlt THEllAN ,.. SNOWY RIVER "Tff!YCAU ~ ME MUCI" CNI WIUm NILeoN ,_ -GARY llUaY .. ,,_, ... ...,_ .. Mv fAVOlfTl "BARBAROSA YIM m l'N.1-.-. IAT/IUN. aao 7 .. ...................... . i.r I !\ave clOll'H (HltMOl"lilll llU\1 MQNSIGNQR CL-..\1£\\ 111.IOlOllD '"· 1:11, e:a. 10:1S I AT/IUN. 1:0I, 2:11 ~ l:IO, t:• tO!U (R) " Dav•d Brinkley sta rts second year IKHAIL,AUN "THE MISSIONARY"'"' ""· .... : 1141, 1G:al IAT/IUN. 1:IO, t:11, l:OO 1=41,IM, 10:JI ":: .:_-i ...... fN. l:I0, 10:a I AT/auk 2:11, l:IO, 10:JI ""~~-lie (Jiii m FM.•IUN •:20, .. _. THEllAN,._ SNOWY RIVER ,. .......... IAT/IUN. 11111, 1111, _. ........ ) BEm 1111 AU.7:00,t:CI0,1tl41 I AT/IUN. 1M, UO, 1:11, 7:IO t:OO I IAT OILY,._ A TRW ITORY "LOVE CHILD" 1111 fN.1:41,l:lt,~ I AT/IUN. 1:11, a._ ..0 ......... TIME BANDITS. TIME BANDITSm FN. IUN. 12:11, 2:10 •M. 7:11, t:.11 FIRST BLOOD ~ ; H .,) ... .,) .... llN. IUN. 1M , l:IO 1:11, 7:00, ... 1Cl:IO (P'Q) TIME "THE SENDER" (1111· BAND ,..IUN. 1:11, 1:10, ... ;. ITSm "A BOY a HIS ... -~ ,N. IUN 1:11, IAIV'-.-=-. 7:11, t:JO ............... , .... CR> I· • . . . . El Orange OoHt DAILY PILOT /Sunday, November t•. 1111 UCI will host Ballet Trockadero Eleven male aatlri1t1 of the tradltJon1 and ambience of ballet, known u Le Ballell Trockadero de Monte Carlo, wlll perform a\ 7 pm. Sunday. Nov. 21 at UC Irvine. · The troupe of aerloua d11ncera who apeclallze In spooClng the hlfh artistic oir of ballet will appear at Crawford Hal . Ticket prlcea are $10 for Cloor 1eaUng, $7.50 for bleachers and $5 In the balcony. FC>r UCI studenta, the cost. are $8, $6 and $4. The event Is oo-•ponsored by UCI's Committee for Arts and the city of Irvine's Community Services Department. Formed in 1974 , the troupe has drawn laughs from audiences throu1hout the world. A s an example of their playful attitudes, members have adopted sa t irical name s s uc h as Tatiana Youbetyabootskaya and Ja uea d'Aniela. Osmond to wed .'PROVO, Utah (AP) - Jay Osmond, one ol the singi n g Os m o nd brothers, says he and . 20-year-old T~r~ Lyn · Chtngas, Brigham Young 1olJ_n iv er s l t y •a l 9 8 2 homecoming queen, will marry In early spring. .0 s m on d . 2 7 • a n d Chingas. a sophomore at BY U majoring in .elementary education who has worked as a professional model, plan to live in Provo after the w eddin~. .u MIM1lrt11'W• S2t S33t c:elTAmu Edwards Cinema Cenltf 979 •u1 COITAMUA UAc.n-as 540 059• ll TOllO EfWllds ~blcll S81 S880 .... CNdame 634 2SS3 OIAml Sl-...Of"'91n 6398170 WllT..aTla Edwards OIWN West 891 3935 Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned. . .. I • I have killed for my Cou11try, I have stolen for my Church, I have loved a woman, and I am a Priest. MONSIGNOR Cl"92 T-W. llill c~e;Ji- THI FILM THAT •uFTa YOU UP WHIRi YOU llLONQ· NOW HAI THI #1 HIT llNGLI · IN THI COUNTRVI A l'AUllU;Nl "I: f\l•I ,...,..,,,.,. • ..... , •• ..,~ .......... " ...... ww.,.. ....... ----18th SMASH WEEKl --- "'11 llll W,CNIT lf~CM OMIOf WllTMlltlTlll M.inn 1!111 P1J1.1 ~u111a1d\ H•wf)(Jft C•1t111J C11111do111e [dwtld\ ~ Wttl $?9 5J39 044 0160 63• 26U 891 3936 MllllCNI WllJO Edw111ds YltlO IWNI 130 tillUO No••••n•CCt•1t••ooo .... _""'N' "'The Chosen' ... One of the year's best!" ...,. ~""" 'il!IL•""'111Jarig"""' rv .__:_ •tel..._ ........... EXCLUSIVE ENGAGEMENT FRI. 4:20, 1:30 • SAT /SUN. 4:20 1:30 :edwards WOODBRIDGE i ·==-\.e:::.~c,:.~ 551 -0655 CO-HIT "DINER" FRI. 9:30, 10:35 -SAT /SUN. 2:15, 9:30, 10:35 ..... ltlle prectlce ••• ..,...cmlte •IOOd• lnice ..... '"LOVE CHILD' WILL LEAVE YOU AGLOW WITH ITS ULTIMATE CELEBRATION OF LIPE AND DAZZLED BY THE BIRTH OF A RADJANT NEW STAR." -Guy Flatley, COSMOPOLITAN LOVE CHILD A TRUE STORY \ 'LCM CHILD' A PAUL MASLANSKY Pll.OOOCTION/A LARRY PEEP.CE RLM AMY MADIGAN• MACKENZI£ PHIUIPS and BEAU BllJOOES (qinal Music by CHARLES FOX Scrtaq>lay by ANNE GEtW.D and KAlliflJNE SPECKQ Story by ANNE GERARD • ~td by PN.Jl. MASLANSKY !Mcttd by LARRY PESCE ! r-.L ... ._....,... """-'.,twSIOI ~AIJIOO~ ..... f·•tlr.l....,_V•-......._. ·--~---o -• •ARQAIN MATIN•••* .... ., ............ , All Perlormencft before 5:00 PM ('-fl.,... ln1111••• • ......,_, "AN OPFteaR AND A oaNTLallAN" 1111 ·----- "MONltGNOR .. t111 ----- "fUlllT llL.000" 1111 -----·-•r1tl1. fOCY~ 01 Cond••·-) fa • : c 211/IJ1·95IO lAl<EWOOD C ENTER SOUTH ..... " "SORCIREll".., ------· ··. . . ANAHEIM ,,11,~1 IN '-"•'-• '"""'° ...... BLH NA PARll. • d ,., ~--·-UMOJO ..,._ llANDfT"NJ ----- "n...IT"----"MY FAVONTE YEAR"--- "CM.IP IHOW" 1111 ----·- "IORCUm .... "" -"f<>MIDOEN WORLD" C...fl- Ir d • rtOTmOUI "*"911 ~-ITATl•MT Tiit ~ PltlOllt att dolf\O bUtlMM .. OIM Tl\AV L & fOUM. 110 r-.. A*-. l1\lnllfl910tl htcll. CAIHO HlNfllV Hll~ICH. 3112 l'leotl Clrolt , Huntington IHCll. O• .,..1 MONIC A I Hl,.ICH. 3682 IWltl Clrde, HunllnOlon 9Hth. CA .,..1 JOllPH 911G[L, :>Cit I R11nn1ngt1d• Ctrclt, Hun11no1on ltttlll,CAIMtT I IAAIAfllA 0 lllG~I.. 3119 I "unnlnglld t Clrc;le. Hu.,11no1on leach, CA 12141 Tiii• butlnetl 11 conctucttcl by • Otfttr .. pettn«-11IO HtnrylMonlct Hlftcll JOMPl\/8111>tr1 8ft0el Thia l ltl-1 wa1 Hied wl111 Ille County Clerk of Orange County on No~btr 10. 1912 . , .. ,. Publl•ht'd 011nge Cou t 01lly Piiot, ljOY. t4, 2 I, 21, Dec; 6, 1912 6039·82 Nil.IC NOTICE ftlCTITIOUa Ml ... 11 NAMalTATl•NT Tht following !*son. are doong llutlnela .. t1111·1 111111111 n11u ACR081 dWllrl "Oft•• r.ec. t\1111 , .. V1t1 1nrong ,. SrNn. t:st Pan 01 H unc.h or H "9aGfl I Olly on the .. ~ IWftCt brU~h ac;roee Seine 79Caatte Hlf ltoecl belt S3 llblle•I MOoao I HcMO!no dllchee 141Po-. OtOll0\111 t7 Detlr• ~ It Httdwood 142 'oreheede S5 UU*ly "T•• 11te 11 l<lnO OI 12 Only t 44 A Irle an <Iver IOOllall HHaclm•~ "*GY t3 M1Mour1 cuy l .. MI• SI Popeyt'1 10 I Hilltf o 11 ltag HAor .. 1 , .. Had lunch "lunch" • '°" 21 TtHt llVrt'll»f 141Wlllle 39 Oo by 103 Lttltf 1ne MA"*1 150 Hawallln ., ... r.ddltlOn. 22 r II Lofty bird t:pel or thOfl Aed bUfldlng 1S1 Lover'• card •3 ''°'"" 104 Laroe kta• 23 81ner 19 lrldtt 1a. Mechantc'• •s Oer11n1'1 107 Nlvy 24 Common orout> need Wiii 10l8herp Vll)tf 90 F1mlly 158 Or•I PlllM •1 for t11r tr111 110 Wild llog• 25Can. and member•. 157 l!urOl)ffn 49 Summar, In 111 Remedy USA J Cutlgrau penln1ut1 81. Lo 1movn11 28 Jftelry 9 Jhalland, 1511 AOP .. tlng &08ault -113 PO\lf forth Mttlng rmel'ly • 3nawed 'Matlt 114 -lhe 28Atlvene11 938 rlcle tlSO ltgl\t tr:J 52 Hurrlad fridge 30 -Oevm t50tf CoPY 182 Lubrlcal 54 81\otllrlng 118Z1ng 31 Japanne te 8"ch 1a. Require• 55 Heroic 117 lrl1h Mt ml .. bUCket 185 Stitched •torte• 119 i~c poetry 32 Attempt .97 Vlotort le& Slemmln' 158 Covtf with 34 Ring out tOOA!pped Sammy C'd 121 P .. led 38 Sffa~ 101 Heelth 187 T OUCl\el &7 hooting 123 Proportion ' Or1nge Co111 DAIL V PILOT /Sunday, Novtmb., 14. 1982 ~I Ml.IC NOfG WTANf NOTIOI ..OftCI CW TIMllTU'I IAl.I 'ICTffiOUi .,.... .. I' YOl,lf' '"Ol"l"TY II IN ,..._,...,TO NAm ITAT .. lfT 'O"W.~f'M HCAUH VOV .JICUM=OP Tiii IOllo!M"O l*tonl ate dO•nt AM IN YOU" "'AVMINfl COwwllAlfT~ ltlOlel DlleNlil .. IT MAY H IOLO WITHOUT ANY ...... ~ CllHT£Nt 4011111MINf. COU"f AOTIO'f, l'MI Y011 ~ 1111... YOU ""' IN AUU UNOf" Ut lat\ uel, ~OOfl .. Kii, Ille ..... rWM to bri11f ~ MGC11M11 rHAT CllUAIH DIOUAATI~ O' C...,f'la lfl toOC1 tflftdlnO ~ ~YltlO 111 of COVINANTI. CONDITIONS ANO Kim~ I , Horton, lttl Pen yo11r oa" d llt p1ymtn1t plut "ltTi.ICTIOHI 04TIO lll"flM• At>Oer • .....,_, leKll, CM!forllle permitted ooett end e•Pt ntn II" 21, 1t71, 0, THl l"OAD· t2NO within tllr• MOnlllt lrOll\ Ille date MOO" HUNTINOTOH HA"IOU" lu11e ,ulltr, U U Port 11111 nooce Of Mfeull WU recoro.4 COMMUNITY AllOCIAflOH UN· Sl\et!Hlld Newpoft ISNQi, CUllOfl'lle Tl\lt emounl 11 1 1 IH 74 •• ot LIH YOU TAl<I ACTION TO HMO Oc10Mr 11. 1N2, -Swill lllCI .... l""OTICT YOU" '"OPl .. TY, IT Tl\11 ~It c:onduc1td by I Ynlll ~ .:40Ulll beCOfnel ourrtnl MAY M IOLO AT A PUauc IAl! llm41td Plflnettlllp You f'IWY not 11e¥e » pay 1t1t entire " YOU NEtD AN IXPlANA TIOH Klm1>4111y S Norton unptld portion of your tc00\1111 0,. 1'H£ NATU"l OF' TH! PlllO· Thie 1111.ment •U hied with the tvtn 111ou91\ lull payment Wll OllOINQ AOAIHIT YOU. YOU County Cltf\! Of Otaoo• County on demlnOad. but ~ muet pey tl\t SHOULD C~fACt A LAWVIR C>ctober 21, 1912 ~• atated .-e On Wtdnet1d1y, ~tmbtr 1, '•111 Atter ,..,.. manlfll lrorn tllt dlle IH2. II 10.00 Im ' or .. 1oon Publl•h•O Ot•no• COHI OlllY ol reoord1tlon of 1hl1 dooum.nl 11\trNller u m1y IHI rNIOnalllt, 11 Piiot, Oct 31, Nov. 7, 14, fl, 1912 (WlllGh dale °' reGOrdlllon -w-• ,,,. front ll•P• ot lh• IMPERIAL 41CM·U hereon),""'-the otlllglllOn belnO MNK 8UflDING, 119& Town Ctnler lortclONcl upon j*mfit 1 lonttr Oflve, In 11\t Cily ot Cot11 Mffl, l'talC NOTICE IHWIOd. )IOll llllW only 11\t legal '.Iii"' Counly of Or111gt, 81a11 or CllllOr• f'tcnTIOUI .u1••1 lo 1100 11\t tortclOIW• by paying nit , 11\t BAOAOMOQR HUNTING• NA.Ml ITATl.MINT lht tnllrt amount dam1nd•d by TON HARBOUR COMMUNITY AS• llle lollowlng p111on I• doing )'04.ll creditor. 80CIATION (Ille "A11oc1 .. 1on"). ou '""' •• To llnd out Ille amount you muel 11\rouol\ II• duly wornltd 1genl • BUILOiNG CONTRA.Cl ORS pty, or 10 ltrlflOt tor peyment to and 111orney, ll'fil H OUR'ST. 422 Emerton Slleet Newpori ttop tllt torec101urt, or II your wnott t1r•1 lddrH1 encl I~ BMcn Ctlllomli t2eeo' property It In lortclOIUtt tor any number 11 lhown below, Will f!LL Jolln A Councllman 422 011\er reaton contact: AT PUBLIC AUCTION 10 THE e' ME A IT ' PR 0 PI" T Y HIGHEST 8100ER FOR CASH Erntr1on Slfttl, Newport .. c;I\, ( I .. I I I I Callfornll t2eeo MANAGEMENT, O/O Allen ' ,..... ptylbl• II lllH 0 •• n • .., u Tiii• b tlnett I• conducttd by lh •tt "°"" ·1- ,.,m Put>llelled 011no• Co11t 0111y PllOI, Nov 14, 21, 21, Dec S, !till ••12-112 Mt.IC NOTICE ~TITIOUa auaM81t NAMllTA,...NT Tilt lollowtng l*IOnl i re doing l>ut!Mll a• • ESOUINA OE ARBOUlS1318" C1ml"o C1pl1111no. S en Ju•n C1p11trano, CA 92815 Edward 0 LOl'lfbaOl'I. 1921 Y;ic;l\1 Enclltnlreu, Newport 8"ch, CA 92825 • AIRPORT EXECUT IVE ST A TIONERS. 32 1 AochUltl 1 • Street. Cott• Meta. CA 92028 ' MICHAEL BRIAN KELLEY. $49 37 lnltfMct 39YOIJllQ ... I •o Driving d uck 42 Grape juice reeort 102 Spring DOWN month 10• Beta noire I TrOUMll felt Hypn 125 Rengel word 121 Send fC)(lh &GScelllon1 129 StrOktd 81 Purloln1 lightly 4400 MtcArlhur Boulevard, lull• mooey pl 11\t Unlle<I SlllH) pur· Ind~ 310. Newport IHCll, CA t2MO., tuenl lo Ille~ of NI• contwrtd John A Councilmen (1 14) 752·7474 In lhlt Ctflllln OeclarltlOn ot co-Thi• llllfl'l*\I WU llltd wUh Ille 11 you 11eve any quee1lon1, you nante. COtldlllOn• and Ae11r1Cllon1 Count Clttk Of Or•noe eouniy on 1hou1d con11c1 • ltwyer or lht (Ille "CC&R'•"l M rtc0<dtd In 8oofl ~~ 29 ,912 Otvld A K11c;I\, 2481 I Via Atv11ado Mlulon llltjo, CA 92&92 Tlllt bulinell II conduct.cl by 8 gen«ll pertfle(tllip - IMnt A.,.,_, Htwport 9Hch. CA t28e0. JEFFREY SCOTT REUTER. 5•9 lntlnt Avenue, Newport Btach. CA 92&80 Tiiie butlneM ii conducted by I generll partntttnlp ' Mlet!MI Brien Kelley Tl* stllemtnl wu llltd ""1111 Ille County Clerk ot Or1nge County on Nowmber 10, 1982 f'2011IO Publl1lled 011nge Co111 01ily Piiot, Nov. 14, 21, 28, Dee. 5, 1982 4t7M2 DllTll IDTICll voaGELDERN DON von GELDERN. residenl or E Corona dcl Mar, Ca. Born In San Francl.soo. April 27, 1928. passed away Nov 12, 1982. Gradualed (rom USC and has Uved in Corona del Mar 1ince 1968. Don worked in ma.nagemenl at UCB and Callr. lat Banks. also active in Kiwanis Club and a member of N.H. Brd of Realtors since 1974 a nd prosently broker with Unique Homes and a member of NB AthJelic Club and School of Life Bible Studies. Memorial tervices at Mariner's Church, comer Bison & Jamboree, NB." Memorial se r vices at Mariner's Church. corner Bi9on & Jamboree, N.B, Mon Nov 15th at 1 PM. Surviving relatives include wife Mary ot CdM. daughter Lynn of Monterey, Ca and Kathie of Modesto, a lso siste r Ann Croaiield or Modesto. ocie ty CAE"4ATIOH ~AL AT llA 646-7431 Our llterature tellt the complete 1tory of our IOCiet)'. .. :....c..--_..... ....c11aon•s m.LMOADWAY ..otnVAAY 1'0 Bro.dway Costa Mesa 642·9'50 IM.T%1BGHC>t4 SMITH & TVTMILl WISTCUff CHAl'a 427 E 17th S t Costa Mesa 646-9371 PIHCIMOTHBS SMl'TMS' MOl'TUMY 627 Main St. Huntingto n Beac h 536-6539 l"AClffC Y•W .....Oii.Al.PAD Cen)etert Mortuary Chapel-Creroatory· 3500 Pac1hc View Onve NewPort Beach 644-2700 McCCMMICX MOHUAlaS Laguna Beach 494-9415 Laguna Hills 768-0933 San Juan Cap1s1rano 49!>-1na 44 Small valley 105 Totem pole 2 Warning 83 Burning 41S Oftnk llowty 106 BefOfe, 10 dtvtce S. Sey d GofdclOlh Kffll 3 Sun deity 680per•llC 48 c ... , l\ydro-107 Vold •Gremlin hlghUght eart>ons 109 Tun 5c11u1e.e.g. 67 Haullng S 1 Camera part t 10 m.., llde 8 Makt wagon S3 Angers 1 t 1 Pflllipplne 7 51 Rom 89 Trick· SS Sails Ir• 8 Aotreu 72 C111a 58 Cho11 voice 112 Mad. Ave. Garoner 74 Popular 60 Ice-cream prOduct 9 Ending with movie scoop• 113 Defame depart or 76 WHllrn 82 Bohamu 115 Banish deport S111e City t 17 Slow train 10 Snooped 2 words 6SWlnged 118 Continue: 11 Boggt<I 78 S04ver'1 &Jd 660owlth 2 words down 79 Horee 61S Takeaway 120 Rtd and 12 Food bll btanktl 7-0 Ltnglh Oeac:I 13 Not clerical 80 Vlliate meu. 122CIOMby 14 Sptlls 82 Complain 71 Yawn 123 Do a cob· 15 French 8• Flrtt-r8fe· 72 Molding bl..-'1 job painter 2 words edge 124 Nell toundS 18 Baseball 85 E11Unct bird 73bttpera· 1211 Guided Cklbs 87 Lealher tool tlon mlllite 17 Lyric poem 88 Fork prong 75 Second 128 Malit ready 18 GI green 90 Endures card 130 Army food 19 lmmunlzer 111 Girl 1e lnMCtego 132 Alrflne abbr. 20 Boehl 112 Submerge 77 PhlllpQ!ne 1~ lowera,u 27 Parts of 3-113Cutol mHI SEE CLASSIFIED SECTION FOR ANSWERS 130 Neckltot 13, II makM waste t33 Knowing 135 Slllrt feature• 139 Rough tava 1311 Strengtl\en 140 Cattle group• 1•2 Cert1ln ICOUIS 143 Sn1flllke 145 Blue grtpe pigment 147 Housetop 150Anclent 152 Helrn position 153Chemtul IUlllX 155 Falsehood 158 Digraph 161 Fla.'s ntlgl\bor 163 French article govem rneritel egency Whlcll m1y 12311. PION 578. lnclulllve, Offidal • F200l46 l\ave in-td your loan ""'°'d' ol Or111ge County, Callf0<· c 0 Re111tmbtr. YOU MAY LOSE ftla Ind Wltlloul coven1n1 or war· Publl•h•d Orange OHi Illy LEGAL AIGHTG If' YOU 00 NOT renty, ellptffl or Implied, rtgardlng Pllol, Oct 3I, Nov 7, 14, 21. 1ee2 TAKI! PROMPT ACTION. tllte. ~ or enc:umbr-. 4786-82 Pl8JC NOTICE NOtlCE IS HEREBY Gllf£N llltl all tl\11 c;enaJn rael property ellua-~tnt to Mldt IV. S.CtloM 1 led In the County ol Or1ng41. St•t• 1nd 2 ot Ill• Otcl11t1lon ot ot Cellloml•. dMc:rlbtd u I~ 'ICTttTOUI 8UllNEll Covenantl, Conditions 1nd Unit 191. or Trac:I 10004. 11 QOll• NAlltE ITATIMINT Otvld L VoOI Tiiie 11a1emtt11 -flltd ""4th Ille County Cltfk of OrtnOI ~on Oct 21. 1912 ,..,.., Publlthtd Or1nge Co11t' Diiiy Piiot Oct 31. Nov 7, 14, 21, 1912 479942 PtBllC NOTIC£ Restriction• e11ecuttd Augu1t 27. 1a1n1d In Book 12992. P1gu The fotlOWlng perr.on1 ire do;ng 1971 llld recorded Augutl 30, 1978 1791 et eeq, lnc;lullve, of Mlacelll· buSlneH ee "CTITIOUI Mll*Eaa In Book 11"8, Ptget 1460-1538, neou• M•P• In Ill• Oltlclll Record• OAlllO KERI L TO . ~ EmetalO NA.Ml ITATIMllMT Ottlclll Rtoord• of Orange County, ot Orin09 County, C1t11omlL Tiie Bey, Legun1 BMon, CA 92651 Thi followlng P•"on 11 doing C 1 lllornl1, • breech of th• "'"' addrHI and Olller common c y NTH I A ME l AN IE l>ullnttl •• • obllg1llon o f pay ment of detignallOn, It lrly, ol lllt teal pro-ARMSTRONG, 21 N1rbonne, BROWER'S GARDENING & -ll 1111 oocurred. Nollot peny detcrlbed 1bo1te l1 purported NewpO<l Beacti, CA 92ee<I YARD MAINTENANCE. 20181 of Mid brNCll and llefl wM llltd for lo IHI 1854S 8ord .. ux, Hunllnglon CAROLYN LEWIS MENCONI, Crown AHi Lant, Huntington rtcord June 15, 1912 at Oocumtnl BNcll. Calllornle, furlllet, vHling 10 509 Emertld Bay, Laguna Beecn, Beach, C&lilornl1 92~8 No. 82·204125 of nld Olflcl•I .. Id rHI proptrly 11 In Ille ntrne ol CA 92851 01vld J Brower, 20181 Crown Rec:ord• No ptyfMOI 01 pMI Out ROBERT w. SALAZAA. • marntd Thi• buainess it c;ondueled by • AHi Lane, Hunllnoton B .. 011, 1mount1 llM occ:urre<i. T"-tfort, man. oene111 par1nerat11p C1llloml1 92648 lht Gar<Mn Homu M1ln1en1not Tiit uneltrelgned Trulltt di•· A Clnely Armstrong Thlt butlneH It conducted by an AHoclatlon doe• hereby tltcl 10 clalml any llablllly or 1ny Incorrect· Tllll 1111emtnl wH 111ee1 w11h 1ne l11dl1tldu11 c1u11 to bt told, 11\t tollowl11g ""'of Ille tlrMI addr ... ind 011\er County Clerk or 011nge County on OaYld J, Brower dtlCflbtd rt1I property to .. 1111y c;ommon dNlon•tlon, II •ny, tklOWfl November to. 19112 Tt11s 11111men1 w11 ltltd will\ 1"9 the ol>ligatlon: llef'eln. • f21>1111 County Clerk ot 011nge County on Unll 4, l.01 8, lrtc:1 1999, 11 ptr Slkl .... wlll IHI midi to Ntlaly Published Ortnge Coast Dally November 4, 19112 mac> rtc)O(ded In Book 373i_j:>~ th• obllgat1on1 11c;u11d by, end Pt101, No,;, t4, 21. 211, Dee.&. 1912 F*1rn 34·37. lnclutlvt, ot Mltcel....ou• pul'IUtnt to Ille~ of Mlt con· 4981·82 Publltlled Orange Co11t Dally Mape, In tht ollloe of 11\t County lerrtd In Ar11Cit VI of the above r• ------------PMOI, Nov 7. 14, 21. 28. 198( Recorder or Orange County. lerenotd CC&R'1, and. purtUllllt 10 Ml.IC NOTICE 4878-12 CelffornlL Anidi VI, Section 3 of Ille CC&R'a, lht land rtt•red to 1n 11111 Binder tllt Notice of "-men• Ind Cl11m NOTICE Of' auuc TitANl'IR il.i1v.lted In tl\t State ot Clllfornta. of Lltn """ rtc:Ofded 1galn11 tlle (leci '101 .. 107 u.c.c.) County of Orange, City ol lfvlne and lboW dtlcrlbed rMI property '°' Notlc;e It lltrtby given ·~ th• f'ICTITIOUa IU ..... Nil.IC NOTICE i10ttcribedt1toflowt: nonp1ymtnl of dutt ind llSH• Creditors Of G"f\EOORY l NAMEITA'fu.NT PARCEL 1: Unit No.•. u lho-ament1 on October 8, 1981, In Boole RIPPE l 0 E and C AR 0 LE Tiii lollowlng pettont are doing Ind dtlcribed In tllt Condominium 14241. Page 1813, t1 Instrument RIPPETOE, Trantterors wnoH t>utlneu as. Plan recorded on Auou•t 9, 1917 In No. 7671 In Ille Offlclel Record• of 1>u11ness aeldrns ii 3221'1 M1t1ne THE FlllE·lWO GROUP. LlO . Book 12328, PIG9 1101 of Offlolel <>renge COunly. Clllfornla; and fur· Avenue, Bllboa 1t11nd, County ol 3800 EnterprlM SI .. Cotta MQe, Record• of 011ngt County, tl\tr, tllt Nollet ot Dtl1011 i nd Or1nge, S111e ot C11tlornl1, '"-' 1 CA 92826 Clllfomla. Election to 6tf4 atttctlng Mid rHI l>ullt 1ransle< Is tt>oul 10 bt made to Merv Eiieen Marslltll. 818B PAACll 2: An undlvleled -properly WH rtcordtd July 29. ANTHONY WICHRAMASINGHE H1m1llon SI , Co111 Men , CA , """' ( 11 tOltl) lrMl'Mt MI t_,t In 1912, M lnaVument No. 82-262839 and AMBER WICHRAMASHINGHE, 92627 oommonlnthl ... lnt.,.ln andto In tlle Offlcill Reoord1 of Or1nge Trenaltreea. who•• butlntu Robefla DaYil, 11168 H1m1l1on the c-i A.tea of Loi 8 of Trac1 County, Celltornla. addr ... ii c;/o West Cou.: Travel. St . Cot11 ~.CA 92827. 8"t u per mep llltd In Book 373, Tht 1otel amount ot tl\t unpaid 509 3111 SlrHI, Newport Beac;h. Tl\11 buSlneu II conducted by 1 PIOH 3• to 37, lnclu1lve, of b.._ ot Ille obflglllon MCUftd County of 011nge. S111e o l general p1r1nerlhlp • Mlecella-• Mapa, record• of by 1ne property to be 1old end California. Mary M1rthal1 Mid County, u tudl i.m It Otflntd ,_,.bit ••lrnattd oot1•, expen· llle properly 10 IHI lranattned Is Tn11 ll81tmenl wu tiled with Ille In the Arlldt tntltled "Otflnltlone" -and lld•v-11 tllt lime of loc11td 111 322t,, Marine Avenue, County Clerk Of Orenge County on of the Otclaratlon of Covenante, tllt 1nill1l publlc:atlon of tllt Nollce Balb09 Island. County of Orenge, Oct 28, 1982 Condition• and Re11rlc1lont of Salt, Jncludlno aHorney'a fen S1111 of Cllllornla fll001M recorded on Augu11 30, tt71. In and c;oell, I• 12.9'1.oo. Said proper1r It dttcrlb1d In Published 0 11ng• Coaal o1uv Book 111811. p1ge 1410. and Otle<I; November 1. 1982 gent11I ae: Al llock In lrtdt. PllOI Oct 31 Nov 7 14 21 1982 •m•ndmenl tnereto, of Ofllol1I BROAOMOOR HUNTINGTON flxlUrM, equipment 1nd good will of • . • . 4740-82 AeoOrdt of u ld County (the HARBOUR COMMUNITY ASSOC. lhll cert1ln S1ndwlcll & Otll ------------"DecllrtllOn")i Lee H. Durel, Atty, & Agent butlneu known u RIPP'S PtBllC NOTICE PARCEL 3: EaMmtlll(I) .. IUCll ffS Town Cntr. Dr • .tllOO S.ANOWICHES & DELI Ind loclltd ~I) II/are pertlcUlar7i Mt Coll• MtN, CA 92828 •• 3221'1 Mtrlne Avenue, Belbot --ftlC--TI-T_IOU_a_IMl_l_M_I_• __ fort II In 11\t Artlolt ent tied (714) M1·1397 111anc1. County of Dr•nQe. St•te of ~ ITATl....-T "Ea1tmenla" of th• O.Cllrttlon Publl1lled Orange Coaat Delly Clllfornl1. Tiie lotloWlr\g pereons tr• d0in9 under tht Section lltadlnQ(1) In Pilot, Nov. 1, 14, 21. 1982 Tiie bulk tr1n1 fer wlll bt bull""' 11• 1ucll Artlcle enllll•d H follows: 4943·82 ~ttd on or alter 1ne 2nd STRICTLY COOKING 1406 • "Support and Stltltment", .. _.,. Mftl1C( d1y of Dec ember, 19112 a l lllvlln Lane Newport Beach ·•Encroecf\menl", "Common ArM ~ nv A••ldtnllal Escrow Corp., 1470 Celllornia IM · end Communi ty Ftcllllltt .. ;;;;w I• tM etttee ef Ott JtmborM Aotel, Ntvtpon 8Nch, llnde T~ 1409 \/Men l.ane ~1", "Yard Utlllllft" and e•••r "eeeflltr t f Ore"I' County o t 011nge, SUI• 01 ~ .... ~ CIMtomit .......-' "Drtlrwot ~.. , Celdornla _.., .__.. ,.~ •·~"•Midi -ty. CettfetMe, -Oet. • So fir 11 known 10 Ill• eren B•tman, 3071S Call• __.. .,;. ptrtlcultrly ltC tontl -., lr1nstereH , 111 builneu ntmH Cf'lueca, Sin Ju1n Caplatr1no, In _ .............. ~..._..,..,,___._.. ~MT NOTIC« ..... _...__ __ sed by T 111\11 c.tifomll 92e75 .,_ ... _ -·---·-,,. YOU" "'"O"'l"TY II IN ..... -......-u , erorl TllM ~ .. conoucted by an of Ille ~.,Allon of Covtntntl. POMCLOIUR9 81CAUal YOU tor tht three )'Hll IHI PHI, II un1ncorporlled tHOCllllOn otlltr Condition• and Atllrlctlon1 A" I a I HI No I N v o u" d1t1•ent from tht abc>Ye. 11<e None tllen 1 partnertnip rtc)O(dtd on May t. 1978, In look f'A'OHNf8, ff MAY 81 80LO Oe.ttd: Oclo* 27. 1112 Unda Tt ylor 11730, page MO, and -1dmeo1 WfTMOUT 1Mf COURT ACTION. Anthony WIC:llrlMUinglle Karen Batman thereto, ol ~ Aeo«de of ~ Ind you may hive 11\t legel rlgl\I lo Amber Wictlrarnatlngllt. • TNI ltat-1 -·111ec1 Wltll 11\t County (the M•tar O.CW.tlOn I llr""8 'tO'# account In good stwwtlng Transfer-County Otrll of On1no• Count)' on uno. the ~ lltldlnQa In IUCh by piylno 811 of your PHI du• Publl111td 011nge Coast 0111y Oc1ot>er 211 1912 • Ar11Cilt enlllltd ti l o llow1: payrntnll p1111 permitted costs Ind Pilot. Nov 14 19112 ' '1ID0'7'M "Ownerel' Rtoht• and Outlu" ·~ wttl\ln ltvet month• from 5043-12 Publlsl\ed Oranoe Coast 01lly !:'filltltt and ~ T~ and 1ht dete 1t11a notice ot defeuh wat .. _IC MftTIC( P1to1 Oct 31, Nov 7, 14, 21:t9t2 Conmunity Facllltiel · 19Corded Thlt amount ii $111.15 '""°" nv 4739.82 FlCTITIOUS 9UalNIH NA• STA-n.NT PUBllC NOTICE .. P\111.IC NOTICE The record -ted owner• of tl\e .. of Oeto* 12. 1982, and will propeny rnort oommonty known u Iner•••• unlll your 1ccoun1 18 Cool 8r00k, lrvlnt, Ctlltoml• •• IHICOfnet current. You may not llave PUBLIC NOTICE P\111.IC NOTICE J-C. ~Un. Jr. WWf J-M. to pay Ille entire unpalO portion of ------------1-------c..-... --.-1--McUn0 ~'-banc!Oc _.._. ~ ~2 your accounl. even 111ougl\ full Tiit lollowlng person 11 doing fltCTTnOUa .,.._ .. l>ustneu at: ....... SCOTT FOREST COMPANY -ITATEMINT • MN 11174 '1CTJT'IOU8 IMJ8Mll F1CTITIOU8 .., at.... 1-................. HO"'E8 payment wa1 demanded, but you NOTICI Of' •ALE Of' ...... ITA~NT NA.Ml ITA'ft•NT . """"~ ... rnuet pay the amount •llttd above. MAL~ AT Tiie followlng pereont are d0in9 Tht lollowlng penon II doing MAINTENANCE ASSOC. Alt• tllrM monllll from lht dllt ftNYATl IA.ti t>u.ir-at: bulinetl H : DIANA SLATER I d ti I lhfl d t No. A-10Q24 BIOOENT, 248 Cajon •8, BAL HARBOR LIOUOR. 150 E. STATE OF CALIFORNIA) o rtcor a on o I ocumen In Ille Superior Court of the 51111 Uiguna 8eac:h. Celilornll 92826 Biibo• Blvd .. Biibo•. Callfornl1 COUNTY OF ORANGE I =~~~rl~~~:=~ 01 Calilornll, lo 1nd tor Ille County Terry W. Phllllp1, 248 Cajon 92881 SS fortclOMd upon perm111 1 longer 01 Orange .,B, Laguna llMctl, C.lllornl• 9262S A1ymond Kotdarall, 2138 1 On October 13. 19112. btlor• mt, ptrloc:I, you lltve only Ille 1eg11 rigllt in Ille Mauer of Ille Etllte of Chip Houetlt, Spur ~. 11'3, Gr11n Cove Circle. Huntlnoton tllt underaigned, • Nottry Put>lic In 10 llOP lht foreclolurt by peylng LARRY 11 McCART, d-ued Rolling Hllll. Cellfornt1 90274 Beacll, Callf0<nle 92841 and tor H id Stile, penonally the enllre amount dem1nded by Notlctd 11 llef'eby given tllat tht Tl\la 11ua1ne1a 11 c:onducltd by an '"'' 1>ut1,_ 11 conducted by 1n appeattd Dian• Sleltr. known to 'f04K crtdllor unc1erliQned will tell 11 prtva1e tale. un1ncorl>Oftl1d 11eocl1tlon 011\er indMdual mt to bt A/A Manager o t tl\e lo !Ind out tile amount you mull to '"' highest ind best bidder' tllan • pat1ntttl\lp, Raymond Kotdtrlll corpor111on ttlal executed the wttllln pey, or 10 arrange for payment to 1ubjac1 10 oonlirmllion of H id Terry W. Ptlllllps Tlllt 1111-1 w11 llltd witl\ 11\t lnltrumtnl, known to mt lo be tllt 11op lllt forecfo1ure, or If your Sllperlor Couft on or alter Ille 23<d Thtt at••-t -llltd wUll 11\t County Clerk of Orange County on pereon •l\o tJtecuttd lh• wllhln Pfot>erlY 11 In fortctosutt for any day of November, 1912 al Ille offlot CcMtty Ctertl of OrlflOt County on Oc10~ 25, 1982 lnllrumtnt on btllalf of tl\e otlltr ,_, con11C1: CARDINAL 72111 u urdy Circle Hun1lnnto~ Tnt lollowlng per1on 11 d~g ""' • " butlntll ••. • Beaeh, C1hlornl1 92847 ALCO Oil a GAS PARTNE:.As Wiii Allen, 7811 1 City, , Huntington Beecn, Calllorn11 92847 lO, 2025 W B1lbol Blvd., Suitt C, This t>ulineu 11 conducted by an llltwl>Ott Beach, Calltornl1 9~ lndMdUll Robert Mlcl\MI AIWfY, S Gretel wm AHen Ct . Newport 811011, Calllorjlia 92683 • Tnls atlltmtnt wu ltle<i w11n lh• Thi• l>ullnes1 Is conducted bf 1 County Cltlk of Orengo County on llmlled pirtntrlhip. ,• No,,..,,* to. 1982 Fao1m Rot>en M. Al.,.., • Publl•hed Orenge Conl Dally This 111temen1 ••• filed wttn tflt P11o1. Nov. 14. 21. 211. o.c. 5, 1e112 ~~~~te;~ ~ranoe eounty<Gn _________ 4_9_82_-_112_1 ,.,. PUBllC NOTICE Publl1hed Or1no• CoHI Oalty of CookMy. Coleman Ind H-d. Nowmber 4, 1H2 nlllMM corpor1tlon therein named, and PROPERTY MANAGEMENT. c/o !77112 E 17th StrMI, Tu.tin. Counl}' Fi01J7' Publl1hed Orange Cotti 0111)' tcknowledg•d 10 mt 11,11 1ucll AllEN & FLATT, 4400 MacAr111ur 'WCTITIOUI MllMll of Orange. Siii• of C.Ufomia. all Pubhtlltd 011nge Cotti Dally Pilot, Oct 31, NoY 7. 14, 21. 1912 c;orporatlon •••oted 111• wlll\ln Blvd .. Suite 370. Newport Beacll, NAm ITAT'l•NT ------------IP1lot, Nov 7, 14, 21. 28. 1H2 " •9324 2 IM rlQlll. Utle tnd lnter•t of said Pllot, New. 7, 14. 2f, 21, 1982 480642 lnttrumtnt purautrll 10 111 By·~ CA 928e0. (7141 762·7474. 111• tollowlng perton 11 doing minor. In and 10 all 11111 cerllln rHI 4187-12 1111,..1.,. MftTIC( or • rttolutlon ot ltt Board of It you have 111y qut1li0n1. you ~as: ------------ P'OP9'1V s11ua1ed 1n 111e Coun1y of ------------... ~ "" =m ~.1'1' htnd 111ould con1101 • lawyer or th• J a J . MAR 1 NE. 11a9 2 fllCTITIOU8 .,.... .. Orengt, S tate ot C1ltlornla . 'P\RIC NOTIC£ FICTITIOU• .,...1• officltl """"I g_,nmen111 egency whleh m1y Mac:Antluf. IMnt. Caltlomll 92715 ..,,.. aTAQ....,. • ' p1!~ularly dHalt>td u lotlowa. __..__ ---•• NA.Ml ITAftMUCT Ind · ~ "'-*' 'tO'lf loan. John Bohls. 1eee2 MtcArthur, Tiie lollowlng person 11 'otng ~-· .. _ .. ,,..... --The 1............,. ........,. Linda L Soccto Remember, YOU MAY LOSE lrvlnt. Caklornla 927416 ~ u -.;." Lot 1 or Trac1 ~23 •per mtp ...,_ ITAft....,. -~-""' ptrtOnl are ~.,. Publlshed Orange COHI 01lly LEGAL RIGHTS IF YOO 00 NOT Thia llU"-It conducted by a BUILDERS DESIGN SERVICE. reoorded in Boote 214. Pege 33 of Tl'lt following per1on It doing bvSI~ ~TH CO A S T Piiot, ~ 1, 14, 21, 28, 1982 TAKE PROMPT ACTION. corporation t8851 Florida SlrM1. Suite 245, Mlec.llaneous M8PI In the office ot bulinttl.. CONSTRUCTION, 2915 Redl\111 4941•82 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN 11\el John Bohl• Huntington BHdl. Celltom1•f2t41 Ille ReCiordtr of Ortngt County A 0 0 LES CE NT AN 0 A Sul! C.t07 eo.1 M puf8Ullll to Arllclt VI, Sec:ttonl 1-6 Thia ltalerntnt wu filed '#Ill\ Ille Donni Alt Ollvt lr1, 17102 ·More commonly known u . EOUCA llONAl CONSUL TI NG venue, 1 • 1 Ma, ol Ille Otciatellon of Covenenta, Coun Cltttl of Or Cou For IHI• lint. Huntington ~h. PUBLIC NOT1C£ 4502-4504 w ll*d Street, s.n .. SERVICES, 425 30111 ,sill:'· C&llf::r,e.,~2=?~\dc Avard, l04el "8.IC NOT1C£ Condlllon1 1nd Ru1rlc11on1 Oct~ 21, 1H2 ange nty on Celifornil 92&49 • • H•eeoe LAW..-MT. OLIYI Ml. Clhfornla "'-POlt 8elctl, Clllfomte ...... A F .. V•,._, tlltcUltd Novtmbtf 1, 1978 end F2001SI Thi•~ I• condUc1ed'i>y1n l•-of ...... c81f1 In lewful Duncan Pllllllp1 Forgey, 204 Mergarlt• venue, ount n --•• •-recorded Novem"'er 4, 1978 In ,_ ............ Morluaty •Cemetery .... Ebolf ,.._port 8t h c HI 1 Cllllornl1 92708 'ICTn"IOU8 ., ... II " Publlolled Orange CoHI Delly invmvv CrematO"' money of the United S1a1ee on , ...... .; ec · • orn 1 M•chH I wavne Volk , 50IS ....._ aTA.,._..,. 8ootl 11"8. Pegee 1175-1213 ot Pltol, Oct. 31, Nov. '7, 14, 21, 1ee2 Donna O!IWWa ·, Q011fwm1t1on o1 .... Ten per cent of .. _,, R .. ·" B 11 ,......._. Ofllclal Atcordl of Orin09 County, 4335·82 Tills lltlemtnt wu flied """'1he 1625 Gisler Ave 1-~·nl .... d to t>t dt""'"ltd wltn Tllll butll-.11~uctedby111 Iver ,.venue. "twport ••c · The follOwlnO '*'°"1 are~ ... Callfornla . a "re1ch of 11\e "-·-,.~~ t Or "-~ "~ "' .. -~ lndMdual Callf0<n11 92883 ~ u: " ......,.,!) ..,.,. o anot ......,..1y on Costa Mesa bid J'rC>Ptr1Y. It btlng told in "AS IN · · Rlrheard F Avard COUNTRY FAIR ASSOCIATES. ob 11 O a I Ion o I pay m • n t o I P\B.JC NOTICE Novern* 4. 1982 5-40-55~ D CONDITION ·. Ouncen p Fortey Tiii• llllemtnl Wtl flltd with tlle· 2915-C Aed Hill Avenut, Sulll lot ...... ,...,1• l\tl oocurrtd. Nollot '1IUln :·. ~~~========~~ Bid• or ot1en 10 be 1n wrl1Jng and Tl\lt tlatemtnt wa1 flied wltf'I tllt County Cltr'k of Orange County on Cottt Meta. CA 92627• ot llid breac::h tnd lltn wu l11ed for ...:nnoua .u ... 1a Publlel\ed Orange Co11t'Oally will bt rtctlvtd el the aloretald County CWll of 0rln09 County on November lO. '1982, ASOOl SHOPPING CENTER record February If. 1912 H NA-. ITATIMINT Pilot, Nov, 7, 14, 2f, 21, ttit• DOING BUSINESS UNDER A FICTITIOUS NAME? ofllc• I I any llmt •lier Ille llrt1 October 28, 1H2. ....,. no1m OEVELOPMl!Nl. INC ... Calffornl• Dowmtnl No. 12·053e11 ot Mid Tiit lolowlng '*'°"' .,. dotng q7.9·82 publioelion l\ereol and before d•t• 1 Publlshed Orange Cot1t 011iy cor-atlon. 2915-C Red Hiit Aw .. Offlcl1t Rtc:ord1. No p1ymen1 of t>u*-ti: -------------o, 111t Publltl\ed Oran~• Co111 Dally Pll N 14 21 21 Dec; 6 1H2 ,._. CA92827 p111 due 11nount• hat ocourre<i. MIN l·U·STOR/\GE, 18562 PUBLIC NOTICE Oettd 11111 1211\ d1y of NQVembet , Piiot. Oc1. 31, Nov. • 14, 21, 1N2 ot, ov. ' ' ' 's040 I" Sul1'...'.081C,ENCOtlLl•OM ... , '.. ......... c' Tlltrelort, lht Serrano Puk Mac:Arlhur Btvo .. Sulle 390. ll'lllnt. _________ _. __ 1982 4801.,2 • .. .-n • "c 0 ... r. _,,, · Community A11001111on dou C411ilol'nla tU15 ACTITIOUI -..-a• Mary POiiard Heare. 23100 Cooley Oftve. Collon, =t' to~ lo bt told tr,. Mifll,.U•Stor ... tlllf, a llmlttd NAm HATlmln •: Admlnlalrefrlx rtalC NOTIC( Nil.IC NOTICE • CA •2324· . dtectlbtd rMI property to par Iner 1II1 p . C J 8 on n 1 r Tht followlng oertonl -.lfOlnO Publltl'led Or1nge Co111 O•lly '1CTITIOU8 ..,_U ~ ~11 conductedby 1 •ltty oblgatlOn· Corporation. general partn11. a bull,_•: • Piiot. Nov. t3, 14, 20, 1H2 ...:..n:r:.• .,_.. NA• ITATl•NT I .0 ptr1AscJr·8HOPPIHO Lot 71 of Tract t24e, .. ptr::. ::a11tom1a COf'POl'altOn GAEASWlEP SOUTH, ,...51 503542 T.._ foll_l!fAP=~ doing Tne lollowlng per1on 11 doing OENTEA ~~ lnl M~~~.,,.. ..; Thie._.,_ It conducted by a CBtlGh llvd .. Wtetmln~ter, ,,. .... butlneu at OEVllOPMENT INC • ...._...,. O --,....,_, "' Amlted pertneralllp. ellfornlt 12M3 · • .,.,.,,___ MEANS BROS TRUCK TIRE JI KOCMUR v'p . lhtOfftotofllltCountyAecorderof MW-u.&ior• MMIK Nero,tolO~·· THE DOLPHINS, llO Orange SERVICE, le372 Contllon Circle. T"" ... ~ ... ...:... wtfti ltlt 0UN'IQ9 County, Calffomla. lllff, a Clllfornlt ,it257. CYPf99, Ctlltomit NOTICa Of' ~ATION 8IOMOtn, IMnt, Ce1tlornl1 t271• Eut. No 2. lrWle. CA 92714. "'' ;-"0t "~"County on Tht recofd -1ed-. of ltlt 001110fllllon Carole Ann Nero, tllO P\RIC NOTICE TO WL John G Dolphin H, Ind wife, LOREN RONALD MEANS JR., =-9 ~2 tllQ9 _u u ...l. property lnOftl -~known M C. J. 8ofWW C«p, Bfoomfleld, 'U 7, CyptHI , / f 1/ O u O re d? I n g M.COttOUC ~ Qeorfll E., 1IO OrlnQI Blouofn, 2023 M1verhan Piece, Antllelm, ' "9Wl1 21'71 •wn1c11 Amllltntt, El Toro, Qelwll P111rw Ctifomlt IOl30 •• bu tines s under a To WTlorn" ='~: ~ ==: :2~ted by 1 CAT _ ... ~ Publltl\ed orange Cot1t Dilly c.-.-&:-•-=~:r-~p4~1 ~": ~ ~ • .. ........ 1-"1~~.~tlMsl II c .......... 1td by an Ptlot, Nov. 14, 21, 21. Dec &. 1182\ ~ 12. 1M2. nJ.& ... ·:=....'~ ... · ·~ -1111...... ,..:::;_-:::;_ : Fictit ious Bus1nts 1 ALPHY'S tTAUMNTt. IHC. oer-pertntt...... ............. .....,_ .. ___ " ....., -· .... _ .... ..._.. -~to Int~°' J G DolOHt1 Loren Ronlld ........ Jt, -SOM-a ......... o l'AH COllMU•ITV COUllty Qefa of Otenot County Oft Thia.....,_,, ... tiled ..... ,,. Name you are required Aleohollollewtnlllt~tor ".i" TNt .,...,.,.,, ... ,.._ w11h 111t Thi•"'._,_, flied..,.,"" · ••IOCIATIOll "°" .... 2. 1912 CountJ ettrtt of OrlflOt c..., on bJ1 law r Buliness and ON 8AL£ eu" I WM (P\19. EAT. County Cler\ of Or•noe County on County c1tr1c ot Ortngt Coufl1Y °" PWllC ll)TIC( .... ...,... ,.,.. Octobtf 2', 1tu : C-..t-s PL) lo ... lkoMllc .,..,.,..,.. et October 22. 1912 N()Voanlbtr 10, 1912 8TAll °' CALWOANIA) P11Dlltlled Orenoe co .. , Di lly ...... Pro/eui~ vuc:. tc. 10111 T"'*1. Fountein va11ey, CA ,_.,, ,.,,.. rtennoua-H COUNTY°' OAAHOE "*>•.How M. 21. tf, o.c s. 1H2 Put>l1thtd Or•no• eoeat.,11911y 17900 to 1193()) to fiU a 92708 Publlt hed Or11• Coetl Otl~ Publltlled Orantt co .. t Del~ um HA~ • 602 .. 82 Pllol. Nov 7, 14, 2f, H 1181!·: F'ict it lout Busineu ~b~•.°',::r Cout oa11y. P11o1. Nov. 14. 21. I. Nov ~'~2 Piiot. Nov 14, It. n. oec. ~~t Tiie tot~~ P9'90fl" dOl"O ..°"~.::·al~~"':; ., "9JC ll)TIC( ~ Namt Statement and I030..u _.,. _.._ ANAMlt.,. AllOC1Atlt ancl fer,.,. 11a••· pertonatty rtllJC NDncE ct; h d I ~ ..,,~ "9lJC ll)1IC( TID, 11181\.at ......... """ ........ ._.. ....... known IO fllOTITIDUl-U It have II publia e or PWUC llDTICE ........ VlltO.Cllllrllll_, ••·~~°'.. .,..ITAW rteTmOUalll ••~ /our conucullVf weekt ftCTmOUa..,.... ll'ICTiriDUi wA NdWtl "' ....._ ITlll LAii :°'auen , ... , ••eou•ec1 '" Tiit ..,.... S*fOM -doing ' _,. tTA'19911 I Y '9C1ITIOU9 _,, 1116 _,. HA,_y flAm HAW ~=~ .... IOO. MllllOfl Vllft, 11.-w,_., ttnow.; to .... IO ~a: Tiie followi"t P9flOft le w £ at th' DA L ... ITA~ TIM loffowlnt "'"" " dOlnt The followtftt "'"" .. d04ftt I: -· ................ euoutelll .. alUIAN IAM.OW DANCl ~ ... Pl.LOT can Mlp wtth Tiie fotlowlllf ,.,_,,It dotr19 ~-. ~-..,._ ........... ~ ............................. fltt;ltWt~DANCIOIAI'. lllO MALCOLM. DAL.Y both. Call tM LEGA~ ~.-:IA LL IOQkl I r:i:i.ii.1~":::::·,;,':!.~ , ... T.::.~= ~~ ""'*"t......... ===:r.:i:.;-:::·.:: •. ~.;; :=r· Corona =.:. :c:.:~ Dr PA RT"' ENT Qt I ALANO ... 14MI " Coru10. 11117 ,,. -... .. ..,.,.... ....... .... .... .~ , ....... , ... va. ~ .... , 542·4311 £zt. SU for --:;?£:!ft.. _.:~:=:-.=-o~~ :,.,,;::;. &;..:~·~~ ~-...--::-:='.C:::.'=~ 1 ':t:-M:,511 . .....::.-="· =:-.;.:. ._. .. ,._,_14A-a.t.60ri ... , ~-...... 1~1.DALL Chclloft, ...... ~ C...... ' ,__ '"'"' "_..,,.. ,_ ........ • ~ &:i, In Tllll ~la OOftducted by an TNt ~It~ -.,. WITNlll '"Y ... _.......,.. ........_II OOftdUCIM &:i, a Tiiie ....,.. II _.llliil...alr ......... lfldMduat ~ · !'.:.!.'-, 11~Alln LW B,?'-................... ~ ,_a. 1111 ...-, M ..... l.oftut ~ I. Hert11 _. ~--It TNI .. ...,... ........ wtlfl IN TNI .......... w tlled ""91 trie TNI .. ...,_., wM .... .... .. ,_,......, Ollll ftlll wM lllld wtltl IM n. .........,_ W Cl9ll II -.. 0...., • ~ Clllll II ar... ONtlW "' ~ Ollrtr II 9'11"8 o.._ • NM .. Olt. It, . • I(· 11; al ~ Oowlly on ~ Clef\ of °"'119 · 11,ftlll. NecMtlllf 4. tllt. -... , ....... ._ -. I 8 1111 4. -Olllliw a.._ "'bleMcl Ortf!Of ~ "''""*" Oran .. Coefl.. "'blllheet OrMM C•• l'I Ml W Dt9Mt CMlt MlllllM Or ..... C-c:= '-'•llflld °'..._. "9t. Oct 11, "°" 'T. tt, at. "9f 1111t. Nov 7, t•. tf, It, tta Plloe, • 1. , •• If. M, ,__ .. ~ -,_,Oil.It, -:'l, 1-. II "°" 1, 1t..lf,... ~GIL 2'. *'· 7, .... ....,.. ..... 'l . 642-4321 ~ 1 ·1 I ,, , Clllllflll Sunday, November 14, 1982 Looking for a career in sales? See today's Help Wan ted ads, classification 7100. ~~~!!It!! •••••••••.• CLASSIFIED ·!' (!). ~tt! .. •' INDEX Te PIKe Ytur A•. can IOtJAL HOU11NO Ol'l'OIUUNIT'I' 642-5678 P1•111a.,,•, ltHt11 All tHI Hiiie edverllaed In Ihle newspeper It aubJeot to the Federal Fair Houalng Act 91 11168 which mt11es It 111:?,al 10 .. OH ac:t~llM "eny pre eren· ................. 1 .. oe, llmllatloo Of dt1Crlml· • ._. "tlr .. .., nation based on race, ..... ,, .... ., ... color, religion, H• or ............ T"9D41LY national origin, or any N.OT -~ Intention to make any ..................... such prelerence, Umlla· .......... ...,. Hon Of discrimination " Thll n-ap~ wl" not knowingly accept any HOUSH fO« SALi 1dvert11lng lor real H · IMJ. tiff 1118 whlCh Is In violation or lhe law. OT~2'!.~~.::un HHU1 Advertl· llHTAU t JIM · 4610 sers should check their ads dally and report errors lm- m e d lately. The IUSIMISS, IMYISTMIHT DAILY PILOT 88· AMAHCI ! sumes llablllty ror "" · un the first incorrect insertion only. AMNOUHCllMIHTS llM LOST & FOUMO u .. ... SOM.US UH SHYtCI DlllCTOtlY f \ t~L Starting ..... BullneH I '"' Ac ccerdt111 te c ...................... ............. c..c .... HUI te 171H) e ll .... -............... --,.~­llllf•lltee• ......... ' -: .. ~ .: " .. .... ;: .. SCHOOU& IMSTRUCTIOM "" JOISWANTID "" H&l'WAMTID 71N MaCHAMDISI ....... ,. Pll&TOYOU ... , IOATS & MA&IMI ~·" ....... TRAMSl'OllTA T10M '"'·' ... AUTOMOMIS '"'·"'' ... wltll .... c.-ty Qwtl end lleft lt~ ,.,,, 11111 •• '" • M ...... --.1 ... eree 111 Wlllcll Ille -.. ......... .__.. , Tiie •lete 111e et le ,........, .......... _ .. ..,, ............ J•lft ltlf .... M ··-· .......... 11. '•4'1tlr• .................. c.111•• ..... -'"• DAILY PILOT .................. ,...,._ ................ .......... _, ler111a eM _... .... • dal\r ..... 1c. te '" o ...... c ..... , Cewttiu1• . ....,.._. ... ••e ..... , . ................ ., pll••• ltte LleAL ~ . ..,_,......,,, lat. Ill fer ••r• ..... ........ --.. •·JJlfl@mll " ·· IPEI 1-4 ~ llllH SMlll llll,IM fR := View the boats & sunsets from this exciting 4 BR executive home. Remodeled with'ie legance & quality. Features private entry, pool, spa & private aa::ess to beach. See Debi Bibb al 4621 Gorham. UllllU 1'141,0M A remarkable & truly elegant 4 BR 3 Ya BA home on ext.ra wide lot featuring oak floors, FR doors, 3 fireplaces & perfect detailing. Totally remodeled to perfection. Owner will assist financing! See Cynthia Rumsfeld a t 133 Via • Undine ... lllNES 1111.- • First time offering on Fee land! G lamorous remodel with fine1t , appointments. Ocean & jetty view. Steps from private beach. See Frank Sennes at 4515 Perham. UMIW aat• Warmth. character & charll'\ abounds in this country English 2 • story home on best st! 3 BR, 3 Ya BA. 2 fireplaces, sunny brick patio, remodeled kJt, perfect condition. Quality thruout. OWC 2nd T.D. See Edie Olson at 2t8 Via Koron. ...... llLml MH.- Charmlng larg( duplex. 4 blodca from ocean. High beamed ceilinp, frenc h doors, lovely patio, profealonally landscaped. Owner will carry large 2nd. See Marcia Redick. .. ,...., Sellers have moved & reduced price. Specious 4 BR. 3 BA, formal dlnlna Rm, rea;nodelcd kitchen . Terrific family home. Terrific for entertaining & terrific fl.nandnc. Ataurne tat & owe 2No. &e u.. White at 1840 Tradewlnda. '!.'.~'!.!.{'!.~!! ....... !~!ff.~~'! ....... '9'.!fft.~h.'1 ••••••• ~'.!!!!.{~''~'! ......• 1!'.!ff!.{~!.~'!. •••••• !'.!!!!.{~h.'! .•..••• !'.!!!!.{'.~~~· ••••••• !'.•!!!.~~ ...... . ~!.~1.!!.'f!! ........ ~~ ~'.t ........ J.'.fl P!!j~'.t ........ J.'.fl F!!!~'.{ ......... !.~1 !P!!~~a.t ........ J.~I F!!!~'.t ........ !.~l F!!!~'.L ........ !.'.fl Pe!!.'.{ ......... !.~l ,,.,,., '-· •••••••••••••••••••••• P~IO Tiii Wlll'I YllWll LIW llWI lllT llYI nlllFIC Bell deterlbel Ille bay, I 111n1 c. ')) 11,llO . llWll Ull llLI •••• lllNUll_. .... 1·1 P.rime Lido Nord baylron,, ~ bdrm, ~ ~ bl\h. Lgo L,R., air cond., 2 boat 11Jpe al.!500,000. °' •• ,...., , ........ / 111-Htt }1 } Unbelle~able price 101 Oii LIOATIOI ohanhel end apafkllng Vacant, bargain prlclld " thla lovety" Bdrm home, I oceen views s.-n from . Bdrm. Fl••·· fixer with In• ~eaa Verde. Big, big ltrHI llall 11~1 ! thl• hUge cuttom 3 Bdrm eparktlng pool and bub· tlvlng room with creek· Cuatom • Bilrm 3.ba~ extcullve.. remodeled bllng hol apal Jutl redu· llng llreplece, dining matter tulle and tludy, home wlfh Hducllve ced to I 135,0001 Call Own., ,may talle 15.500 .down on till• huge con· do, wltll sunny llltchtn, large lflllf\Q ereH, thlm· mering pool and MOUflty gate Acl nowl e.-e-1111 lmlTNI ti Niii IF IWlllHIP IPI· 81ea Space aoe kllcnen, -..1 ber, mini lllew T., pool Ind deck eree ~... '4e·7 17 I nlee yard Witt. fencing A rlfic financing You own aume 1505.0001 Seller llHI II 1127,000. Call the lend. Only 1375,000. 1n.1tlous. cell "owl 545-2313 MAKE OFFER. Open 5"5-7171. Open HOUH Remodeled 3 bdrm, 2 bllh + larp rec. rm beam t"elUnp . fu.mlahed, petb. $420,000. Ol&l l1•tr 41'-IH II tll ,., ... "' • ., . a 1r .... , ...... tt • .,. THE ~EA L ESTATli:RS ::,~~!',;'""mo . ..... 171-lllO I --=-~tR~ ...... ..... .. '". iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil '''"'''· a a•t4 ,.. t.r1. IHl,000 cou °' NmWllORT MM.TOM ....... c..e ... ,. 'C.0-....... . 111·H t t IHA IEL MAR •3 Br poof home. Assume 9'Y• home & owner wlll carry with low Clown. A .. king 1130 .000 . 631-7370, $45-7836 TR\DITIO\,\l 1-?L\1 I) '* MU ¥1111 On the .golf oourte. Custom beautiful 3 Bdrm home, meny, many e11-traa $279,500 with 10% down owner wlll carry at 12'11% lnlerftt. •• , • ..., ... , lffr. Ml-1121 HlllP TIE ITlll Lo...iy erea of Newpon Crfft, walk to tile lhore Go 10 •leet> 10 the mutlc of tile turf. Recently r .. decorated. A11ocl1tlon duet Include: IPH. laU· nH. pool•. night llted tennis courts, etc Hurry on lhl1 one. won't IHI. 546-2313 THE REAL ESTATERS W E T P R E I I I' 1· I HAM S AT I --1-r-1•-1__..,l.--t Everywhere you look ...._..._...___. _ __._.__ .......... kid• are llatenlng to mutlc. R H E C N 0 1 They're really llooMd on t--"Tr"",,_.;...-.--..,.........,....-1 r8CC>fd1 tapea, radio a.nd I' I I I' I ttereo. You could aey they _.._ _ __.... _..... ___ __. _ __,, have en --mind. OCIAN YllW + POOl *SPYGLASS HILL* This truly magnificent residence is for thole who embrace relaxing luxury as a way of life. This home is completely remodeled & deco.ra~. !eaturing imported pavers beglnnJng on the front patio & conunumg mto the entry & thruout the fmJy rm. kitchen & breakfast area. Decorated in Medit~rranean style w/curved arches. recessed lighting & liberal use of mirrors. The remodeled gourmet kitchen features solid oak cabine try, Jen-Aire Range, Portuguese tiles & a breakfast nook w/ocean view. Naturally there is a panoramic ocean & night view from LA to Catalina & of course a pool & spa are encl'd in a private courtyrd. This fine home is unmistakably Newport! Priced at $849.900 FEE w/assumable financing. 759-1501. *WA TllPIONJ HOMI & SLIP • Sensational executive home featuring 4 Br. enonnous living & dining room, 2 fireplaces & room for 55' boat! Only $559,000. FEE with ~umable financing. Call 759-1501 or 762-7373. $279,000 * DOYll SHOllS * Spacious executive home featuring4 br & 31,i ba, pool & a view of the backbay & Anthony's Pier! Thi.a f.l.ne residence is located in a very desirous area & priced for immediate sale. Low interest assumable financing available. Call 769-1501 or 752-7373. *7 Ya" DOWN• *IAYCUST• 12 ~ financing spacious executive ranch style home in prestige area. This home features 3 brs .. fplc, large lot & fee land!! Lowest price at $240,000. Call 759-1501 or 752-7373 for appointment to view. *HAllOI YllW HILLS * Totally remodeled inside & out this delightful ranch style home features 4 br. 2 frplcs, 3 car garage. ocean view & large lot w /custom spa. Priced lo sell at $340,000. Low interest assumable financing. Call 759-1501 or 752· 7373. * IXQUISITI * Contractors own home!!! Smashing 3 Br home featuri.ne t..-d brick and wrought iron, 1kylites, atrium, shake roof, and extensive use of mexlcan paven. Offered at $165,000 w/ .. umable financing! Call 7141759-1601 or 7141752-7373. A • POllCLOSUll * Take advantage of excellent pricing on thl1 3 Br home w/ 1211. assumable loan. Bargain priced at~ -$146.500 with VA tenru available. Call 759-1501 or 752-7373. IST A Tl SIZID LOf' • CAMIO SHOllS • This outstanding exec home features what must be the largest lot in Cameo Shores! The rear yrd features a Japanese garden, waterfall, Koi pond, pool & volleyball crt. in a specious environment designed for memorable days thruout the year. A lge llv rm w /frplc overlooking the pool & gardens exemplifies the open 1pacious feeling prevalent thruout. A huge kitchen, frml din rm & 4 apacious bdnns Including a mstr suite w/blt·in shelves, sunken jacuul tub. Offered at $670,000 FEE w/aaumable flnancm1 at 11.Wi.. 759-1601. THE REAL ESTATB:RS RAMPED FOR HANDICAPPED Beautllut & apeclout Un· lverthy Park VIHage II 2 Br 2 Bl tk Yllohtt lhru· out, built In g:.•I kllcnen & wheelchair ecce11lblel Could be laat eacrow. 18205 B11ybetry Way, Ir· • Vine. Opf'n Houn Sun. Nov. 141n 1·4PM ORANGE COAST FINANCIAL REAL TORS I Herrlet Spencer 1157.()701 1544-59•6 PElllllU ... THE ~EAL ESTAT ERS Ocean & jeUy view1, Marine room, 4 bdnn, 3 bath. 3700 eq.ft. $1.38~.ooo. Oceanfront, OHITIY PlllOI EITATI UIU llU IAYFlllT Nr FALLBROOK 11 Lagoon view from 6 bdrm, 5 bllh, playroom, ecr11. 6200 aq II hm. .1--k d .,,__ -" N •1 000 000 tenf\11 court, etc. $875, wu nn, en. PU11l aup. ow • , . . 000. Owner will cerry. UYllH PUii Cell 7 1m to 1 pm, Moo lhru ~rl. 2131731-"952 Spectacular bayfronl dplx 2 br, 2 ba up; 2 br CIHtllled Ad• are the 2 ba dn. 2 boat spaoes!. Reduced • $1.500,000. enawer I<> 1 aucce11h1I ·Flll•a;...,1 ,;..,..;.· -g11age or yard .... 1 It'• e ..... _.... ~~tey to lell more New 4 br, 4 ~ ba, cuat.om French Normandy F.atate 1.2 prime ac hilltop. at.250,000. . 111111111 llYI Coronado Island CUit. bayfront &ot. 86' boat dock. Plans avail Now S370,000 w/&erm1J, BILL GRUNDY . REALTOR l·l "' f'· •, J . , •. .. ,, r , ,.) uiLnm s .......... , .. Large 3 Br 3ba. patio home wllamily rm. Super 1s1umabte ll11ed rate loan! Enjoy beautiful lek and security gatetl Comm. pool end club houHI $178 ,000. Call now 9711·5370 ... Ill.Am Rare Mesa Verde agl i. vel 4 Br & spa surroun- ded by V. mlllloo $ hOU· ••• but priced under $200.000. 751·3191 c:::' f ' _,..., ,:,J '. I A•A ID ••ns CHAUT SAC.IPICI PllCI OP $169,900 This English Tudor llyle home is vacant and waltinl for a new owner. It is custom built wlth many features nonnally found only in higher priced properties. Notice the bay window and artistic wooden plant.er boxes. What you can't see in the picture are the five skyl(ght.s, useCi brick entryway, ceramic tile kitchen flooring, secluded patio or the lofts found in each of the large bedrooms. Added to that is a spacious family room and three full baths which make this cozy five year old home located only two miles from the ocean truly an exceptional value in today's market. For more information, please call 556-7035. llACH INCOMI PIOPEITY HUNTINGTON HAllOUI Two attractive new triplexes located within walking distance of the ocean and one half block from the propoeed Bolsa Chica Marina. These are pride of ownerahip buildings with superb design and Ooor plans. All six unita are two bedrooms. two and one half baths with wood burning fireplaces and lofts that could be converted to an extra bedroom. Vacancy factot in thl.I excellent location is almost zero. Available individually a& $320,000 each or make the seller an offer on both. Complete financing information available at 556-7035. DIVONWOOD ISTATIS 3500 SQUAii PIO POI $315,000 This is the much aought aft.er Chelsea Model with five bedrooms and three full baths. For the large family this home of approximately 3,500 square feet has it all!! The master bedroom suite is particularly enchanting and includes a luxurious sunken oval tub and separate tiled shower. There is a eepa.rate family room with wet bar and a 15'x.21' bonus room for the kids. This entire residence has been professionally decorated lncludifll custom drapea throughout! Formal dining is provided as well as an eating area oCf the kitchen with decorative celling fan. The kitchen is a marvel in It.self with gas buUtlns, mi.crowave, trash compactor and aofl water. Custom brick work and spa complete the picture perfect bnck yard. Call us for details on the excellent assumable Joens or the suprlaingly affordable price in toda)')i market. 963-5671. HUNTINGTON HAllOI POln.PIYI POOT IOAT DOCK Channing waterfront Cape Cod located on the boat parade route. Enormous uvm, and fonnal d1nina rooms face the water. Forty five loot dock accommodates up lO a 65' boat. Glass encloeed i>atio with . spacloue deck. Terrano entryway with iron eecurlty gate. Two large fireplaces. Seller will help finance al l~. This exceptional value in waterfront property bl ottered at.$559,000. 963-5671. IUIPSIDI CUSTOM HOMI OCIAN AND IAY YllWS • $650,000 This natural cedar and g1asa home on two large lot.a oCfera Incredible value for the diacrlmlna\ing buyer. Three stories of uncompromiaing elegance contains every lmqinable uPlf'8de Including oal< planked flooring and super plush carpeUng. Three thousand eight hundred square feet are pre9ented in one of the most unique floor plane we've seen in aome time. Of coune there'• lote of deckina with a cuatom apa to sink In to. The oversize prage features an automatic opener. Best of all our owner will finance with only 1~ down!! This truly la a home that muat be eeen \o be appreciated and we· would be deUgh t.ed to make an appolnunent for you. 556-7036 . . AMERICAN HOME SHIELD •w. Protect & Service Things That SerVlce You." HUNTllllTOll llACH OlflCI IOl2Ad .. Ave. H_.1 .. 1l11oll,CAlll4I °") ... 70ll Orange Coatt DAILY PILOT/Sundey, N~ber 1•. 1112 Ba .__ ,,, Wt ...... ,,, ,.,, ---,., ,.,, ,., "" ---,., ...... .__ ,., ...... --,,, ...... --,., ...... t.mt.tr.AW ....... ~.tr.I.ti! ..... :. ~ ••••••••••••••••••••• 1 ••••••••••••••• ~............... •• • •••••••••••••• ~ •••• r:rl' ••••••• ~ •••• ~ •••••• ~ •••• :z:':' ••••••• ISl'll'll····r:rl'······· •• --,-· '"' "--111 J. "-fHI IMI "-•ti J.M•1---;J IM•,,__, IMI .__., J.MI 11 J.MI a..-1 J.lfl tftttt( ......... J.. • •••T••••••••••••••• ~ • .-•••••••••• •• ~ ••••••••••••••• -.ir ,.... •••••••••••••• ~ .........-••••••••••••• ,...,,, rrlll\,. •••••••••• r.~ r:lrr'··•••••••••• .-.iT • •••••••••••• .'SIT l'l'lfSST'•••••••••• • BYOWB ... _. ~~-LOI{-c~l I 1 1! . I ' I ~:J ----------mm .,, a mn ,.. nm m 4 Bedrma. family room & dlnlna room, Immaculate throughout. New carpets, drapes, marble entry & decor. Electronic security ayatem. Wet bar, 2 fireplaces. 3 car garage .. Artistic pool and epa. Priced rlgh\ at. $695,000. Gate-guarded area. Call 644-4910 for perm19slon to enter. 14 •1•1 ml II., Ill IUlM HI 1·1 -HMI .. UMI ... -fU LUI Ch.arming 3 bedroom home with lots of extras. You own the land. Great family home. Price reduced $45,000. Beautiful large corner lot. Walk to the b3y, Balboa Island, and Fashion Island. Owne.r motivated. This could be beat buy In COM. $320,000. Financi~B.!lvailable. 1141 llllUll m~E, ,_ UT /IH 1·1 IPYIUU .. &II IPl PUllOTIH Two-story N.an.tuc ket 4 br. with beautiful Sunset pool surrounded by 14,000 red bricks. Tastefully decorated throughout with wallpapers and shutte rs . Shows like a model home! M any upgrades. Seller will finance. Submit down. $760,000 incl. Land. llW EllUll .. llALlll llWI Charming n ea r -new 2-s t ory architectural gem. 4 Bdrms, fam. rm. Quality design and decor throughout. Designed for guest quarters. Priced to sell $595,000. Seller finance. No l.oan fee. 111 W• 1PD ~T/IH 1·1 ... ., llllllTI Sr.lit level Doll HOUie. 2BDR. UIHI Brick F re place, redecorated kitchen, lar1e ptaUo, Shake roof and new landtcaplf'8. Fantaallc Buy at a1H,&OO. Orut auumable loan. 760-8333. y 25•5 EA8TBLL1FF DR. NEWP.OAT BEACH, CA. MIM020 Tll ILlffl lllT lfflll .. 3 Br 3 Ba, family room, front row water view. Rt>modcled. Good financing. O~n lllT ! J~1Jtl !~,~~. 2v, ba'\hl, f•m. rm., wl1i.tl.'Ii'lbttlt, nc-ar pool.= •23~.000. 1'11 UH. WILL tmll. Oood ~rms. By appt Ult I •· 3 bath, ram rm, ronn din .. wide fr~nbdt 2600 ,q. fl. $2~.ooo. .... ·• llllfttta ..... W111-I 1111 '"'•.,...a If I~ 1a ''nae.-tu ht • ...,. 1,lwt llr Yt UH- c._.....y, ntWlv ,... 11• wn11. hlonli.O 4 Ir, tam1ly rm, Stoo by l•tllun 1·•· pool & If>• In Meal lier Turkey cuewlng No di Xlnl lerme & 1n1er .. 1 down, low clown on ttllt °'*1 lundav I 6 31'6 lovely Cotta ...... i It 2 Bermuda, CM 1155,000 ea eun1hlne home Oo;i,ner/A91 low Country ClllfMt r, ... H1·11tt corn., 101 Onfy 1110", 000 Ol 1n1 Oepptl, RANCHO SANTA FE 831·1He I 1141 Yhta latr••• a Ir a la'' ta•• · 2111 Vltta ..., ... ·1 Ir a la IHl-today 1·5. 2645 Vis~ ~nada. Ill UllYll LIT $525.000 ~uced 1170.000. ""'' MUI 8 0 I Cov90anl ao, a.ti u .. ble & leno9d, P« Itel tor a horHm•n' Hlale. PloCI hH tanta llv• tPlll tor 2 Iott. CULVl!R &. A8800. R E. Priff4 Tt ltlH Beeut decorated Condo Ful .. rton·Brta area. Nr COiiege 2 BR, 1350 eq II. Owntr mollvattd 11t9,000 btt olr 951-1344 Of 11129--3798 Build your dream home on this fabuJoua lot In presti gio us B i g Canyon overlooking private park o n quiet cul-de-aac. $825,000. 760-8333. Angellta 2 Br 2 Ba, waler \li~w, one LIELEN B DOWD level. Price rc:duc tion. S e lle r will fl • finance. $199,000. IOI.Tiii, 1•. 144-1114 1-76'-2478 CM!ltlace to Go-Carta Whaltv« IM FM! 111 ... E .... PT Buy this truly (nagniflcent estate on 3 Br 2 Ba, 2 'h years new. Vacanl. Immediate possession possible. You own the land. $282,000. Opn today 1-5: 1980 Vista Caudal. gorgeous view lot In Harbor Ridge and 1'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!l finish the interior yourself. Do your r: own . Ch oice of colors, mate rials and finish . Large pool and landscaping included in price of $1 ,600,000. 760-8333. llTIVITll lllLll • " PHIOLllllE .. 1 blk 10 lakt. 'No 2 Plan di J .W. Paler•. 4 Br 3ba, tam rm, trml dining. Must NU. 'No,3 Warm1prlng1. Open Sal/Sun 12-6. COLDWC!U. BANl(eR O Corona del Mar Duplex. 3BDR and . 2BDR, 3 Baths. 3 Fireplaces. Good income, Owner will carry. Submit all crou 111 are W/Yale --... ·•-loop & Thunder Aun. offers. Only .................. $274,900 760-8333 Lim Yll.DTim PWllTIU UTATI llU Nlnt un l1t: Townhome epartmenta. Cloee to •hopping. Seller wlll guarantN rtnl. Try 15% -------i down. 12% financing av all. UlfTlll m•s P11T11111 Spyglaul New 6,000 FllEOLllllE sq.It . custom home. 6 .. •-•••-BA , view , pool, 1pa, 2 bdrm1 wlforever view -•r••n -game room. E._vator end ol ocean and bay. Secu· Just a 1tone'1 throw lrom llbrary. · rlly gate. $290K with one of the bnl t>Mchel OPEN SUNDAY 1-5 owner financing. $265, Tll ILT*TI Pre11lglou1 N.8. Deluxe throughout. 5 BR, 4 BA, btlutllul llvlng. dining & tamlly room open• to ewlmmlng pool & epa. Secluded garden. 3 llre-placta. one In master suite. Gourmet kitchen, eating area a. huge laundry room. Sep11a1e maid's quarlClf• • 3 ur garage. owe loan .. 11W/o 5 yeare. S200,000 down • Aaklng 1825.000. ILIT fll WTILE , ......... Huge IMng-dlnlng lrH. bulll-on aunroom. ovtr 1800 eq. It. Only $920 PITllMo. TREE IEH ... I . Waterfall. ntw kit. ap· pllanc... grtat location. Only $834 PITl/Mo. TWl llHHMI Roll 'em oft IN matllel Wllh a Claullled Ad Cell Nowt 642-5878 Discover what's . . Gooking along the Orange Cpast in the . Orange Coast Cookbook • I • .• In Ille ...... Wtll "'8lnl· 7 MUIR BEACH, CdM 000 Cash Outl ..._ YllW •Lt .a nu ained one bedroom cot-141-1111 12% 111 Quie t, park-like settin a . Rm. for paddle lage. Zoned A·2. Only ~ payments $2200/mo llPI .... 144-.... Boat & AV acceu. cus1om ublnell. country kit. wltlrtplace. No qualifying-low down Coming Dec. 8 in the ·-"O $180,000. ~ 280 Cagney LAne w314. tennis and pool. Great for orchard. CuJ H1·ll• . ~~~-~~~~ .~~~hru Jttle Mill Muttet .. , on a DON'T DELAY de sac st. 3 bdnns. fam. nn. $299,500. AGENT 845-9850 Tullet. along came a CALL DIANA TODAYI Low ground lease $375 year, 17 yea.rs March IO your phone 10 R E A L T Y -------1 spider tnd read In the llily._. before acljustinent. Plate a fut-acting ~ • ·· -For Clattllltd Ad Dally Piiot Clanllltd llW 1211 ID WUT, • IPEI UT/Ill 1·1 _.,fled Ml. &42-5878 ACTION ttellon aboUt Mill Mut-"mllNl.-VILPI llWNIT •llm II OUT& •U Channing 4 Br. & family room, 2 brick fi replaces, country kitchen, quiet residential area in young development. Seller will finance. $229,000 Fee. 421 • 11tti PUii IPD U TI• 1·1 •Yim lllVlllITT Plll a U Detached 3 bdrms, 2 1h ba. home on greenbelt near commun ity tennis a nd pool. $114,000 in assum. loans & you own the land. $135,000. $21,000 down. l WllUY L TlYUI M., IULTlll 1111 ... ,,...... ..... •••WNIT~ mm, LI. MMl11 U1 ... MIN Muffet aat on e Tuffet. along c•m• a 1pld« end rMd In the Dally Piiot Cfaulfled MCUon about Miu Muf- tet'a Tun.t and bought it fOf $9.95. You can Mii your lutltt end 1011 ot other things through Dally Pilot ClaHllled Adi. Cell 642-5e78 . ---- For Ad Action Cal a Daly Plot AD-V1SOt 642-5678 FEE ll•PLE llYFHIT Spacious 5BR family home w / terrific main bay view minutes to h a r bor e ntrance, Dock. $1,500,000 incl. land or lease at $4,000/Mo. Martha Macnab. UIE IPHITlllTY • llllmMTD Panoramic View -Ocean, jetty, Big Corona. Steps to beach. 3 BR, 3 BA, library, 2 car garage with guest house. Beautiful oak plank floors. $1,295,000 Fee. Maureen White. HIPHUI II llllHLIFFI Charming country custom home with lots of wood and used brick featuring 3 BR, fam rm. This split leveJ home has a delightful master suite w/ocean view off deck. The location is unequaled! $432,000 incl. land. Sharon Smith. l .. WITI Pl9I Custom bull~ for present owners by Ivan Wells. Beautiful comer Jot. High ceilings, lg formal entry, formal din rm, lg country kitchen w /fplc & seating area . Sparkling pool. $424,500 . in cl. land. Owner will finance. Barbara Aune. IUlllll IRllTllllT Ocean & Catalin a views from this two unit property one hou.e from the aand. Upstaira unit 4 BR, 2 BA and s un J eck. Downatail'J unit 2 BR -2 BA. Owner umied fina ncing. $325,000 LH. Tom Allinaon & Terry Hanes. 4 •IHll + ,... Don't mill thia I mmac ulate h om e i n Northwood Village. Perfect family home with dar heated pool, separate family room, country kitch en & loa da of 1tora1e apace. $215,000 Anita Schandel. ' ... 1&.111 ... " PUI 0r111na1 mutt. 4 BR, S BA nwtr llUJte up, l\*t SUI .. down on IJ'"ftbeh near pool. tl98,000 D ick llaldenmn. Call• 111·1 Tufftt and bought II 111 • ._ tor 19.95. You can Mii -------I f~~~I:~~ your tuflet and Iott ot Selling anything with a 842_6878 other thing• through Delly Pllol Claulfi.d Ad Dally Piiot CIH •llltd 11 a llmplt malltr ... Ada. Cell '42-5t78 just c811 &42-5878. CAMEO 8HORE8 OCEANFRONT -A spectacular locatlon for this Harold Zook designed home with 4 bdrms., 4 baths, family rm. and formal dining rm. Lush tropical landscaping adds to the atmosphere. A one of a kind Investment at $2,5001000. HARBOR VIEW HILLS VIEW -Popular Sausalito plan nicely maintained with an exceptional professionally done patio and yard -great for you green thumbersl 3 bdrms., family rm. and a large gourmet kitchen. $347,000 L.H. CORONA Dll MAR FIXIR UPPIR -Just a few blocks from the beach. Well bullt 3 bdrm. 2 bath home on full alze R-2 lot with ample room to build 2nd unit. Home needs some work but the price and terms are right. $240,000 -25% down -12% Interest. '(213) 828-2828 •' 2811 E. Coast Estate Firm 8PYQLA88 HILL FAMILY HOME -Ideal for an active growing family. Thete Is a large game rm. upstairs and a large family rm. downstairs. 4 bdrms., 3 baths, a badminton court, dog run, 3 car garage and a view. This home Is spotless and a delight to see. $723,400. CORONA DEL MAR BAY a OCEAN VIEWS - Featured In Orange County Home and Garden Magazine: Fabulously d.eslgned and painstakingly built 3 bdrm. 3 bath h·ome with lavish use of wood, brass and stained glass. There Is a view from every rooml Priced to sell by out of town owner at _$975,000. COITA llE8A attOPPING CINnR -100% leued strip center on busy W•t 19th Street adjacent to huge Costa Mesa red-velopment project. Prime corner location. Attractive terms. $477,000 L.H. (714) 8l3 4400 LINDA ISLE $795,000 •• Ul1111 No g1mM here! s.llefl mo1lv11tdl H0.000 un· der mark•I tor qulcll 1ale. 3 Br HVHllll FM. Many upgrd1. c111 Trudy tor appl. ...... WAI== NOW Sa\ate MM lot. One of 111 ~·· fin. homee, ,.,,Kt for 1raelo~ enteruilnlf\41 & lamlly Uvln•. Qu1llly crafuman1hlp thruout, exun1lv• u1e of Oak. Mapilkwlt pool & tlpll. 'a BR, 3 BA. fun nn. fnnl dine rm. * OPEi TlllY 1 ·I Pl Gf 1HH.l f' KIN'• C 0 LORETTA CUAOI lJ~l()tJt t1()"61 I Cell ...... 1917 llWNIT, I 1•1, lllTI YllW, IUI IO•L • Ill FRYER '$275,000 ........ , .......... 2531 BUNYA, N.8 . flurbor Realty welcom<.'S Nan Fryer, a 631 3444 711-t100 rcul estate pfofC88ional with extensive ~~~~-;;;;~11~~~~~~~~1:H~a~119~to1;m~1e~th;lng~t~o~Hl~I?, ... thlftoa r.t wllli Deity .• 1111, H IP LITll, IPlf, IPLIT LIYIL experience ond education in residential ~ Clullfled adt do 11 well. Piiot Want Ada. $429,500 ......... 2515, WINOOVER. COM und invt.>stmcnl real estate. THIS IS WHAT WE'RE DOING IN 1982 •. Nun was rai~'CI In nearby Whittler and IU U.-1 .... , MW, IPlltMI, Ulltm graduated from U .S .C . where s h e $549.500 _ .. 442 BEGONIA, OLD COM aUlllatcd with the Pi Beta Phi Sorority. EXCLUSIVE LISTINGS OF WATERFRONT HOMES. INC , REALTORS a property to suit every lifestyle and financial position. Thts Is a cros!j-seclion of our properties for sale. In 1968, Nan moved totCorona del Mar to 4 .... IWH ... FU, Y&OllT, Allllll te ac h In the Ne'Vport-Mesa S c h ool $429,000 .... 2706 LIGHTHOUSE, COM . District M entally Gifted M i n ors llflWI, I I ... , VllW If UY m MUI Program. . . $850,000 •• -......... 5 POINT LOMA. NB. ~~ co~munit~ has benefited from her Elentals horn S600 per montl\ Moblle hOmes lrom . $25,000 Coste Mesa 3 bedroom home $114.000 Shorechlls 4 bedroom • . '" $.445,000 Spyglass 4 bedroom $.449,000 Oceanfront Duplex $499.~ Blulls 4 bedroom condo $190.000 Boylront concJo.Ltdo ... $549.000 • t·1v1l' acuvities including \)le Corona del Ulll FA*Y ... Piil I IP&, I 111•1 Mar Chamber of ,CommerC'e, Trojan· $349,500 ....... _ 2406 FRANCISCO, NB. Gull.d and shhe 0 C'urrenCotly seGrvesd as presment of t e range unty uil of l&OI UY FU•••U. ~ AO + NIL, UJI the J ohn Tracy Clinic. Irvine Terrace poof hOme $230.000 Chllhaven 4 bedroom $249,500 Corona del Mar nome ....... . $669,000 Bayshores new 5 bedroom $725,000 Newport Beach Duplex $279,000 China Cove hOme . $725,000 $465,000 445 E . 20th •• OFF IRVlNE, CM Nan was bitten by the reaJ est.ate bug in 1978 a nd Immediately became a lop producer in the Newport-Mesa Board of Realtors . She has completed more than 100 units of D.R.E. certified courses, is a member of 'the National Council of ExC'hangers and has received h e r ·ertificatlon in syndication, limited partnerships. residential and investment VIiia Balboa condo $262.000 Big Canyon condo $295.000 Balboa Island home ... $295,000 Newport townhouse with dock .. S320,000 Peninsula Point home .. $344,500 Bayc1est 5 bedroom home .. $325.000 Jasmine Creek 3 bedroom .. . $375.000 BaySlde Cove bayfronl condo . ... $775.000 Newpon Heights view . $820.000 Balboa ls18Ad bayfront .. .. $1.300.000 Linda Isle baylront .. ......... .. $I .395.000 · Perunsula Baylront .. ...... . .. S 1. 796.000 taguna tennis estate .......... .... S2.800.000 Costa Mesa -79 units ................. $5.600,000 Many owners are offering substantial price reductions and terms. Some will exchange ... and "Cash Speaks". Call for details to purchase any ot the above . ILIFFI, • PUii, a ..... a IATll $250,000 • 2420 VISTA N011LEZA, NB. 1&1.11& ISLE, 1EW All V&OAIT WITI 01111• $57~,000 21 1 OPAL, BALBOA ISLAND r I I 11111/lllln 1111/IUI IOI., HITIO. $425,000 118 RUBY, BALBOA ISLAND .. we have others . . . . . . • OPEN HOUSES SUN. . 111 Manne. Bal Isl .. . .. ...... ... $254,000 314 Mangold. CdM .. ...... ............. $699,500 properties. .. here is an old e xpression, "fl you want ' lllPPUI • .I UIM, IUI" WAI '400,llO the job d one, give it to a busy person." If $299,500 ·-.......... 1030 POLARIS. NB you are thinking of selling or want to 320 Seaward. Sho<echlls . .. . . $425,000 201 Lart!sput. CdM .................. $1,875,000 1024 E Balboa Bl. Penln ........ $1,450,000 2661 Crestview. Bayshrl ................ S254.500 Yaaa119 ••••(LU-SPA 1 _ IUAI buy real estate, call Nan. She wilJ get the -·--.. ..., · b done! She is busy because s he is $369,000 1315 SANTANELLA. NB uccessful. 1577 E. Ocean. Pen Pt ..... $34.4,500 1541 E Ocean. Pen Pt ................. $.470.000 502 "I" St. Pen Pt .. .. ... $395,000 225 Vta Orvleto. Lido .. ... ........... .. $549,500 985 Bayside Cove West. Coves ..... ......... .... ......... $.485.000 TWO OFFICES TO SERVE THE AREA Newport Beach 2436 W. Coast Highway 631-1400 Balboa Island 315 Marine Avenue 673-6900 VERY PRIVATE RANCH HOlll Seller wlll trade this loYely Eastbfvff 3 bdrm. 3 bait! home for one In S. Coast area. $259,000. ' OCEAN VIEWS FROM IRVINE TeRAACE • One story wood home with 4 bedrooms, 3 baths. pool, terms. ssoo.ooo. ELEGANT BA YFRONT CONDO On the Cove overlooking Balboa Island with 2 bedrooms, den, 2~ baths. $855,000. BAYSHORES CHARMER OPEN SUNDAY 1-5 Spacious 3 bedroom family home with famlty room and French doors. large corner lot, good terms. $495,000 FEE. SPY GLAS& JUST 1 Y, MILE8 TO BEACH A family room with fireplace plus dramatic wet bar and formal dining accent this elegant 3 bedroom home. $475,000. ~ WATERFRONT HOME IN LINDA ISLE Traditional 5 bedroom, 4'h bath home with courtyard entry, spa. slip and side tie for 60' boat. $1,450.000. SPANISH JEWEL IN THE BLUFF8 Lowest priced 4 bedroom with spa and security system 'plus fireplace and garage. $289,000 FEE. A MINI ESTATE WITH POOL, SPA AND KOi POND A beautiful huge yard surrounds this 8 bedroom. • bath home with fireplaces and owner financing. $449,000. HARBOR VIEW "CARMEL" HOME Near beaches and schools with 3 bedrooms, covered patio and huge redwood deck. $249,000 FEE. • LIDO SANDS NEAR POOL, BEACH AND SHOPPING Great starter home with 3 bedrooms, 2 baths. patios and flreplaoe. $159.000. THE PLAZA AREA OF THE BLUFFS Spanish style condominium with 4 bedrooms, 21h baths. Try lease/option. $170,000. CITY LIGHTS FROM SEA VIEW Seller wtll help finance this 4 bedroom. 3 bath ttome In prestigious, gate-guarded community. $485,000. J ACR088 FROM OCEANPRONT Whtewater view 3 bedroom home on OC.an1tde needs TLC. $895,000. HIGH QUALITY RIMODEL With 3 bedrooms and den, this newly carpeted home really shines. $710,000. FABULOUS OCEAN VIEW LOT Above "Palm Tree Clrcte" with Miier financing up to $100,000. $385,000. NEAR PARKS, TENNIS AND BIACH Country style home with 5 bedrooms. 4 baths, famlty room. brick patio. $755,000. COUNTRY CHARM PLU8 OCUN NW Walk to PPol from this 8 bedroom, 5'A bath home with m8'd'1 quarter•. *880,000. LOW, LOW DOWN OR LIA..,OPTION Ocean vtew, comptetety reatored 4 bedroom, 3 blth home wtth family toom, corner lot. S826,000. CAUPORNIA RANCH NOL HOMI Seller wlll ftnanoe with low down on thll 2 bdrm. 2 beth OCMn view hOUM. 1395,000. ··-••111.1 U~MJIJ~ t-ICM~S REAl.TORS,675-6000 l44S EMC C.... H._.,.,, Corou Ml MM WI! HA Vt: $3 OF THE 8l8T USTUfGS lN TOWN 113-4410 11.\J lll( >ll ixauearn FURNH111Ncaa AVAILAllLE Yetty private and aecure 5 bedroom,• bath home with ftnancing. $1,385.000. IDEALLY SUITED FOR ENTERT AIMING "Lucerne" model with 3 bedrooms, 31h bath, 3 fireplaces and family room. $695,000. SPECTACULAR OCEAN AND CITY VIEWS This expanded "Miramar" modet is Ideally located near pool a.nd tennis. A 3 bedroom for low down and terms. S575,000. SEE THIS ONE AND COMPARE Try low down on this "Dynasty" model with 2 bedrooms, fireplace. terms. $379,000. PREMIUM LOT FOR FORMAL FRENCH HOME Plana for a 10,000 sq. ft . virtual estate are Included. Try Joint venture. $1,500,000. "LAUTREMONT'' MODEL WITH TERMS A spacloue patio area aurrounded by luah landtcaplng plus 4 bedrooms. $790,000. JU8T LISTED "JODELLE" MODEL Striking Interior wtth furniture Included, 3 bedrooms. 21h baths, good terms. $885,000. SELLER WILL CONSIDER TRADE .This "Devonshire" model with 5 bedroom1, 4 baths, has fireplace. atrium and panoramic ocean and city tight views. $875,000. CUSTOM HOME WITH FINE CONSTRUCTION Detailed 5700 sq. ft. home wtth 4 bedrooms, 4-eer garage. wine room, elevator. fireplaces. marble accents everywhere. $1,895,000. MOUNTAIN AND CANYON VIEWS Two story condo with 4 bedrooms. 3~ baths and family room plus nice location near the Reservoir. Prloed below market. $550,000. "CAIAllLANCA" MODEL WITH GOOD' TERMS A flrepe.ce to warm the night• u you gaze out to the lighted city. A 4 bedroom. '520,000. TRY LOW, LOW DOWNI Santa Ana Hetght1 2 bedroom ptu1 cozy den condo need• a buyer nowt 1118,000. RANCHO 8AN JOAQUIN-lllVINI Two bedroom, 2 bath condo wtth nreplaoe, deok• and uM of pool and spa. $159,000. ARBOR LAKI OP IRVINE Boating and awtmmlng are avaHable to reetdenta of this fine community. Thia 2 bdrm. 2 bath II onty 9175,000. • · TRY 11% DOWN OR TRADI FOR T.D.'S Near beach and lhopplng, thll Cotta Meea trlptex hu garagee and aundecka. True pride of ownerlhlp. 1245,000. LOWLY ••A v•RDe HOMI A large IOlar pool plul 4 bedrooma and beautiful land1Caplng. 1150,SOO. • Gust GOLi' COURH CONDO caaune .... a ......... 2 blth greenbelt vtew unit near tennl1. sna.ooo. IMITllllTON HAMOR WITH .. HAT DOCK Trlnldld lllMCI _.. I bedroom flf'ftlly room hone with ...._. ftnMClng ...... teO .... 80UTH LA8UNA MOUNTAIN CA81t8 Beechy and unique A-treme duplex neer AHIO Pier with tlreplaoel. OCMn view. 1210,000. ..... .......... , ....... A bll of Hollywood on Lido • fornvr ct'lebrlty'1 home. Perteet houat• for formal t n tf'rtalnlnc <i200 M.IJ Ct, wllh IJK' on Gf'noo W ull<•d c·ourtya rd <'ntry , 3 lk><lroorn, dl•n with frplc and 10' wc.•l bur with back bar, ~·;, &th!i, formal d m in8 rm. & Coyer c.·ntr y Outstundlng ma11tcr suite npprox .• 1000 'I ft with Bey Vit.'W . hlH & h t'rll bathe & dn'tl..-.ing art.•a. $895,000. LIM llLI wt• LIT + PHL Walk t o Lido Village, 3 B e drooms, 3 baths, good assumable flnandng. Xlnt buy. Prke rC'duc<.>d to $~50,000. LIH ISLI NIL ... I IPEI IR 1-4cH 101 VltfLMllGI Xtro large.• 4 bedroom horn<> on lg t'Om e r lot. At an unbelievable prk-c. $59~.ooo.• This -de1ightful family h orne was o n Home To ur. LIM llLE IPH llllAY 2·1 2H YIA ll•A ' Almost wa t e rfront o n Via Genoa. 6 Be droom , 4 baths.~ needs som e rework & decora ting & prked ac.'COrdlngly . The bank owns It & we submit all o ffers. Asking $575,000. Lido Realty 673-7300 lalM lll1al I C•1t1 #tu 1114 ·····•·············••· ······•••••••·····•••· IEllOll llll,000 Young and gorgeou1 with leaded glau, brick and charm. Duplex with 4 and 1 bdrm unite Thie le a "FABULOUS BUY" - WATI HI HO'lll llOMI., t.c.' REAL ESTATE 6.Jt 1400 .. , ... ,,.;.,.,, 1001 ••..••.......••.•..•.• HAPPY-days are your• THANKS·See 3 Bdrm GIVING·YOIJ tun & beach E.xcellent financing aval· table. Move In tor 1urkey day INl IHllY 1-4 1UI L MUI 142-1211 j PETE BARRETI . REALTY · EAITllM 1·2 Charming remodeled 2 bdrm dotl house on large 6011125 R·2 lot. S.a.Utl· fully landscaped. Asl<ing S 137 .500 Excellent Ii· nanclng Call 540·1151 ~HERITAGE REAL.TORS - UITllM OIUm ......... 11 ..... , Secluded 4 Bdrm ptu1 ' lamlly room. featuring enck>Sed courtyard. prl· v11e back yard with Kol pond. Very open and airy with loads of gtau. cur-rent 1tt TO apptoxlma· lety S t13.000. Alklng only $165,000 0-1 arucloul. Call 540-115 1 ---~· HERITAGE RlALT(JRS ........ ,,. __ •i •--II $40.000 below mkt, .,_ -Wlmbleton 4 B< 2-A Bal ··;,·;uLt•;x,·e;N·vu·;·• Assum 101nat Possible ..... 300K loan Jasmine Crll 10%/35% dwnt John • OwMr/Agent 840-1515 latvos. bkr. 760-9669 41' .._LIT llLY 111.-•• With 3 Br. 1't• ea. lrplc. Owner will 1ub1ldlze "''"" paymenll tor 18 moe. S By Owner. 646·8....., Bdrm. 3b• In MESA .u ••• 22l,oo0 VERDE. $189.500. Prln only. 544-8390 Mon thru So. of Hwy 3 Br remodel Fri .• , on R-2. Aseume lrg loan. --------Vacant. Delia, 831-1266 LIW llft N .IAlmlll llER BY OWNER. 2 bdrm, 2 ba. Oen Under markel price of s 21s,ooo. 759-l&ee TRADE 1111 llft"YA Highly upgraded 3 Bdrm home wllh huge back yard. Large mu1er bdrm ..C'• & laundry rm. ~ & brlghtl Owner la an•kxl•. Only S 109,000 Call now 979-5370 \f >II I t l Ft! 1 I.' '' ", your boring Income pro-BY OWNER. 4 br .. 2150 perly or outgrown rHI· IQ II. asam. S 158,500. dance with• large eqully Anan at 11w1~ No Oual for 111is neat ru1tic and $1718/mo. owe. $189. roomy 4 bdwlth 199Cta· 500 Nr So. Cit. Plza. cular 180 deg oceen. 968-2602 C.tahnl llland and har• --1-,-1 .. -R.---- bor Yiews Prlcled II C\Jf· If --HIM rent apprel11I price of Charming E'llde cottage: $475.000 lee Owner 1\81 2Bra. lge lot. Move In $195,000 equity and Wll4 cond. A11um1ble loan. carry 2nd S 1 1 O , 0 0 0 . M er II y n 144-1211 Coombs Sun Co8lt R.E. llYllllftlUOI 1111,0IO Thl1 neat 3 bdrm. 2 b1 with over 1800 1q fl ol lovely patio• ind glr· den•. OwMr will lln1nc. 1ub1tantlal 111 TO at 12% Int. for 7 yr term A leaMttold estate. Priced to Mii in iee 144-1211 ·,1 ; ' • ' l" .', i'11 ll 1•'\' t c., 631-7090. 645-11115 MOVE FOR CHRISTMAS New ellordable rustic charm w/wood, lg 3Br. 2Ba, lam rm, many xlru. $138.000. "' ... COMPLETELY UP · GRADED 3 BDRM WtBA HOME. COLLEGE PARK AREA, LIVING RM AC· CENTEO W/WOOD PANELING, BRICK FRPLC, GOOD LNDSCP W/AUTO SPRKLRS, COVERED PATIO I GA· ZEBO. CEMENT DRIVE· WAY & RV PARKING. 1132,000 54a.33711. 11 ............ . No qualjfylng ' '*"'· 2 ba plu1 family rm. In MHa del Mar. Nr all schle, tennl1 I Tt'lllnkle Parll Many upwacte1. OwMf wllt conllCMr ...,. opt Reduced to t131. 1100 Open 1-5 Sun 754-121• EASTSfOE POOL HOME 3 IA 2 aa. dbl oar. hardwood lloor1 1132, 500 OPEN HOUSl IUN. 12-4 Devin Reel I ... 842-1311 · WATERFRONT HOME ' $595,000 YOU OWN Tll: LAii> · Doek for 30 ft. boat, quiet area. Steps to . Lido Village. 3 large bedrooms, 21A· baths. Tour this magnjficent custom home. OPEN SATtltDAY & Stll>AY 1-5 603 36th Street, Newport Beach (For more i.nfonnation contact) CANNERY VILLAGE REAL TY 673-677 OPEN DAILY 1-5 38 BALBOA COVES, N.B. BAYFRONT BOAT SLIP, private beach. Lite and cheery 3 bdnn, 2 bath den home. Fireplace. Price reduced to $469,500. CASH TALKS!! Submit all offers. · * BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES * 850-1117 SPACIOUS BEACH HOME Five bdnn, 4 !h ba. Three story, 3000 sq ft plus over 900 sq ft of balcony. Some ocean view. One block ·to Beach. $285,000 Full price. See owner in adj. house at 206 15th St. Huntington Beach. · 131-1111 COLDWC!U BANt(C?R tJ This impressive atone/wood home has leaded and beveled glau wi.ndowa. It has been deSigned for pttvacy. Three bedrooma1 3 baths, 2 ~le Jiving roe>f1'8, 2 fireplaces. Terrific inodern kitchen witb Jenn-Aire sto.ve top. microwave and many extras. um•• • ..... , IULTllll 2503 WTBltff DR., SllTt 201 fEWORTIOCH 640-55'0 day or .. ..._ Or Fran Scott 640-0017 Price slashed over $65,000 on this huge 2 story, 3 bdrm prestigious Jasmine Creek Home . T~nniB. pool, guarded gate, fee land. Drastically below market at $314,900. Open Sun. 1-4. 25 Mainsail, Corona del Mar. Steve Wile Associated Realtors. 581-1100 OPEN IN OLD CORONA DEL MAR Stnlay 1-5 p.m. Nicest duplex South of Highway outstanding location! Great assumable fi- nancing. 3 bdrm/2 bath + 2 bdnn/2 bath, each with 2 car garage. $435,000. Owner/ agent. 675-8370. 423 CARNATION _ .... OranQ9 Cout DAILY PIL.OT/8unday, November 14, 1112 O~ Intl 8~ND -Bank . Forec~ur• · . ·~ story, 2 ,biinn, 1 !h ba· condo ,beach co-op poo_1 sauna, weight room, sub pking. Ocean & l"ier View. Listed at $149,500, $75,000 I under mkt. All cash or new fin. Great opp'y Lfor one who can act fast. Agt. Jim Rlghelmer SIPEI 1111111 S harp 2BR. and famil,Y room condo in Canyon Crest. Large master bedroom with fireplace and deck overlooking pool area. For.ma) dining enclosed patio. Step down living room. An excellent buy at $169,500. 760-8333. 110·1111 LYllE YALEITIIE PllPEITIEI 407 Fll.LERTON ST., NEWPORT BEACH For sale or exchance by· owner Completely rebuilt Newport Heights pool home. $265,000 fuU price. Will exchange $165,000 equity for income property. Prefer South Orange Co. fixer uppers. 141-1114 BANK VIEW OF OCEAN -WALK TO SAii> $?19,995 -No On. -lO'J> Financin1. ~autiful cua!Om home: 3 Br. 2 II\ .,,_, tile entryway: Formal tiled dining rm. $t.ep !lowrt livin& rm. rna-fve wood burning Ci-pie. Step down family rm, ,ounnet kitchen, custom cabineta comp!. w/truh cornpecior, micro and eelflcleanlni oven. Fenced back yard, prof landtcaplng, comp!. aprinklera, 2 'A car pr w/auto dr opnr. Musi eee to apprecUite the many 1J10Ge amenities. Drive by 620 20th St. Hunllng10n Beach. and call 211/IH·INI er 211/H2·12tl PRIVACY . in Corona del Mar Almost Yi acre, pool & view! Extensively remodeled 4 bdrm home with dream kitchen & huge living room. One of a kind property; gated driveway & extra-large rolling lawn . $695,000 f ee . Call .owner/agent for appt, 640-7246. · OPEN SUN. 1-5 1132 EBBTl>E ROAD .. NEAR OCEAN AND HARBOR HUNTINGTON BEACH fhree and one-half year old house. 3 bdnn. l200 sq ft. Built-ins, micro wave, trash ::ompactor. Three car garage. Good Jo;m. .250,000. CBS REALTY 213-598-2466 ...... wffll VIEWS 3 Bdrm. 3 ba, ••II· ekchange or lea.. op- tion. 1683,500. Open Set/Sun 12·5 321 Kings R°*'. BY OWNER: 3 BR 11ou ... s 199,000. Lo ""· Conal· der 1ny on.r. 945-1841 .. ...,.. ••TRflMT-....... LIQll)ATION BIG CYN CUSTOM On golf course. 20% dn. Vacant. show anytime, agt. s 1.295,000. 87~7791 Of 711().1317 J PETI ' BARRf Tl R~ALTl • Orangt Coaat DAii. Y PILOT /8unc:say, NovtmDer 14', 1912 I alDltOOM 985 B•Ylld• Covt Wt1t. Covee 831-1400 1485,000 Sun 1-6 117 Marine, Balboa laland 831-1400 $264,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 3121 3rd Ave.,' Corona del Mar 759·9100 $215.000 Sat 1·5 232 Magnolia, Coate Mesa 759-9100 $182,500 Sun 1-5 138 Walnut, E-slde, Costa Meu · 754-1648 $134,500 Sat/Sun 1-4 18205 Bayberry Wy, Univ. Park, Irv. 957-0701 Handicapped • Sun 1·4 207 E. 16th St., Costa Mesa 631-7370 $179,500 Sun 1-5 2308 Cliff (Newport Hgts) N.B. 642-5200 $359,500 Sun 1-4 * * 10 Balboa Coves, Newport Bch 644-6200 $495,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2 BR plus FAM RM or DEN 1577 East Ocean, Penln. Point 631-1400 $344.500 Sun 1-5 3497 Queens Ct (Wlmbldn Vig) CM 645-0303 $159,000 Sun 2-4:30 5102 W. 1st St. #A, Santa Ana 645-0303 $94,900 Sun 1-4 1824 Port Stirling Pl, Nwprt Bch 646-7171 $209,900 · Sat/Sun 1-6 3491 Queens Ct (Wlmbldn Vig) CM 645-0303 $167,500 Sa 2-5/S 2-4:30 * 19 Curl Or .. Jasmine Crk. Vu/CdM 640-1515/1-728-5151 Sat/Sun 12-4 3 Bl;DROOM 2661 Crestview, Bayshores 631-1400 $264,500 Sun 1-5 502 I Street. Penin Point 631-1400 $395,000 Sun 1-5 307 Colleen. Eastslde Costa Mesa 642-5345 $121,000 Sun 1-4 4501 Ranchgrove Dr. (Willows) Irv 551-3208 $129.500 Sun 1-5 3 BEDROOM 128 26th St. (Balboa) Nwprt Bch 759-9100 $369.500 Sat/Sun 1-5 · * 2544 Westminster (E/Slde) CM 642-6368 $132.500 Sun. 12-4 11 Rue Verte, Big Canyon. NB 213/470-2880 $499,500 Sat/Sun 11-5 282 Santo Tomas, Costa Mesa 645-3271 $150,000 Sat/Sun P.M. 314 Marigold, Corona del Mar 631-1400 $669.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 **603 36th St., nr. Lido VIII NB 673-6776 $595.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1218 Devon (W.clltf) N.B. 631-1266 $239,500 Sat/Sun 1-4:30 1543 Serenade Terr. (Irv.Terr.) CdM 644-4910 $320,000-Fee Sat/Sun 1-5 2338 Rutgers, Costa Mesa 546-3375 $132,000 Sat/Sun 12-5 616 Via Lido Soud, lido Isle, NB 673-7300 $387 ,592 Sun 1-4 3415 Ocean Blvd .. Corona del Mar 760-1900 S 1,250,000 Sun 1-5 1411 Kings Rd. (Cliff Hvn) NB 642-5200 $525,000 Sun 1-4 •2001 Galatea Terr .. CdM 646-7171 $995,000 Sun 1-5 •2989 Jacaranda, Mesa VerC!e. C.M. 541-8077 $145,000 rent $875 Sat/Sun 1-4 S BR plus FAM RM or DEN 4845 Royce Rd., University Prk, Irv. 552-6145 $197,000 Sun 1-5 62 Drakes Bay; Newpcrt Beach 644-7020 $475,000 Sun 1-4 * 1927 Santiago (Baycrest) NB 650-1356 $299,000 Sun 1-5 20172 Harbor Isle Ln., Hunt. Beach • 549-2330 $136,000 Sat/Sun 2718 San Carlos Ln, Mesa del Mar, CM 754·6284 $131,500 Sun 1-5 2007 Holiday Rd, (Dvr Shores) N.B. 631-1266 $275.000 Sun 12-4 #5 J8$mlne Creek (Jaamn Ck) CdM 552-2000 $405,000 Sun 1-5 78Vla Lido Soud (Lido lale) NB 675-6670 $575,000 452 Broadway, Costa Meta Sun 1-5 846-3369 S 185,000 SurJ 1;5 1883 Braemar Way, Newport Beach 759-9100 $3.i9,900 Sun 1-5 109 Via Ensueno (Mar. pt.) San Clem. 759-9100 $465.000 Sat 1-5 1218 Key Wff1 (Hrbf Vu Hit) CdM 644-4910 $299,500-LH Sun 1-5 2611 Circle Or. (Bayahor•) NB 845-6218 $289,000-L/H Sun 1·4 218 Via t<oron, Udo ltle, N.B. 8"-9080 ~.ooo Sun 1·5 **1038 POlattl Or. (Dvr 8hrt) .. 1lf.l100 ..... ooo aun 1-5 2411 Cr ..... Dr •• Newport INch ~7020 S4H.OOO 8un' 1 .. DIRECTORY •51 1 lrvlne Ave., Nwpt Hgt•. NB 558-4982 $299,500 Sat/Sun 10·4 * 1472 Galaxy, Dover Shorea, NB 642-2510 $695,000-Fee Sat/Sun 1-5 * 1848 Port Sheffield, Newport Bch 760-1302 $329,750 SYn 1-5 * •38 Balboa Coves, Newport Bch 650-9187 $469,500 Sat/~n 1·5 25 MalnsaH (Jasmn Ck) CdM 640-9592 $314,900 Sun 1-4 217 Vfa llhaca, Lido Isle, N.B. ' 673-8494 $487 ,500 Sun 1-5 •204 Via Eboli, Lido Isle, N.B. 673-7300 $550,000 Sun 1-4 101 Via Genoa Lido Isle, N.B. 673-7300 $895,000 Sun 1-4:30 * * 1621 Bayside, Corona del Mar 760-8333 $1 ,395,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 34 Silver Crescent (Trtlrk) Irv. 760-8333 $260,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2268 Golden Cr., Newport Beach 646-7171 $255,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1607 Cornwall (Westcllff) NB 642-5200 $289,500 1525 E. Ocean Bl .• Balboa Penln Sun 1·5 642-5200 $460,000 Sun 1-4 * 1724 Terrapin Way, Baycrest. NB• 631-7300 $350,000 Sun 1-4;30 4515 Perham, Cameo Shores, CdM 644-9060 $695,000-Fee Sun 1-4 r * * 1044 Polaris Or .. Dover Shrs, NB 631-7300 $395,000 : Sun 1-4:30 2307 Falrhlll, Newpcrt Beach 644-6200 $215.000 Sat/Sun 11-5 1301 Dolphin Terr., Irv. Terr., NB 631-7300 $985,000 Sat/Sun 1-4:30 1901 Galatea Terr., Irv. Terr, CdM 644-6200 $795,000 Sa 2-5/Sun 1-5 218 \'la Koron, Lido Isle, N.B. 644-9060 $430,000 Sun 1-4 **308 Morning Star Ln, Dov Shre, NB 631-7300 $985,000 Sun 1-4:30 321 Kings Road, Clltthaven, NB 640-1718 $683,500 Sat/Sun 12·5 1837 Commodore Road, Baycrest. NB 631-7300 $299~000 ~at 1-4:30 4 BEDROOM 2182 National, Costa Mesa 979-2390 $124,950 Sun 1·5 * * 1024 E. Balboa Blvd., Penin 631-1400 $1 ,450,000 Sun 1-5 ' .. 1956 Flamingo. Costa Mesa 546-23 i3 $199,500 Sun 12-5 405 Vista Grande, Bluffs, N.B. 644-6200 $198.000 Sun 1:30-4:30 4 BEDROOM 114 Ruby, Balboa Island 631-1400 $425,000 Sat 1-5 28 Drakes Bay, Spyglass 631 -1400 $4'49,500 Sat 1-5 •4539 Orrington Rd., CdM 631-1266 $740,000 Sun 1·5 2404 Vista Hoger, Newport Beach 644-7020 $169,500 Sat 1-4 •4621 Gorham, Cameo.Shores, CdM 644-9060 $769.000-Fee Sun 1-'4 4 BA plus FAM RM or DEN •2283 Waterman, Costa Mesa 631 -7370 Sun 1-4 225 Via Orvieto, Lido 631-1400 $549,500 Sun 1-5 2515 Windover, Corona del Mar 675-6000 $429,500 Sun 1-5 1541 E. Ocean, Penln Point 631-1400 $470,000 Sun 1-5 •1801 Antigua Cir., Newport Bch 644-8200 $424,500 Sun 1·4 2797 Bunting, Costa Mesa 546-2313 $285,000 1108 Rldgec:r•t. Cotta Meta 546-2313 $162,000 Sun, .. Sun 12-" 396 Prlnceton1 College Prk. C.M. 979-5370 •127.500 Sun 1-5 2048 Port Weybridge (HrbrVuHms) NB 780-8333 1359,000 Sun 1-s ' 14 Morro Bay (8pyg1at1) NB 780-8333 '595.000 8un 1·6 1255 8otMtMI, Cotta ...... 831-7370 13515,000lun 1:30-4 210 Via 8an Remo. Lido Isle. N.8. 875-304'8/871-llM 8un 1;.a • p • 4 aR plu1 fAM RM or DIN 2310 Aralla. ~-Bluff, N.B. 644-8200 $189,950 L.H. Sat/Sun 1-5 418 Ot Sola Terr., Corona Hinds 875-5930 $375,000 Sun 1·4 1152 Klng1ton, Wimbledon, Co1ta Meta 548-2313 $2~0.000 Sun 12:30-4 11 15 Highland Or •• W"tcllff, N.B. 631-7300 $300,000 Sat 1-4:30 •49' Mol")tecito, Spyglass • ..N,B. 759-1501 $449.~00 Sun 1-5 ..: . •910 Nottingham, Dover Shrs, NB 759-1501 $279,000 Sun 1-5 •4626 Roxbury, Cameo Shrs, CdM 759-1501 $670,POO-Fee Sat/Sun 1-5 19122 Biddle Or .. Trtlrk", lrvlne 759-1501 $208,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 . 510 Aliso, Newport Beach 631-1266 $350,000 Sat/Sun 12-4 ·9 Sun River (Woodbridge) lrvlne 760-8333 $299,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 133 Via Undlne, Lido Isle, N.B. 644-9060 $745,000 . - Sun 1-" * 1848 Port Sheffield, HV Hms, NB 644-9080 $329,750 s... 1·4 * 1400 Nott1ngham Rd., Wes1cllff. NB 631-7300 $356,000 Sun 1-4:30 1031 Cheyenne, Costa Mesa 957-5880 $144,900 Sat/Sun 12-5 1118 Somerset Ln .• Westclltt, NB 631-7300 $475,000 Sun 1-4:30 **633 Bayside Or, Prom.Bay, NB 644-9060 $1.100,000 Sun 1-5 1948 Port Chelsea, Newport' Beach 646-7171 $330,000 Sun 1-5 * 1840 Tradewinds, Baycrest, NB 644-9060 $359.500 Sun 1-4 * 1955 Flamingo Or. Mesa Verde, CM . 631-7300 $245,000 Sun 1-4:30 1915 Yacht Puritan, Seaview. NB 631-7300 $475,000 Sun 1-4:30 3212 Ocean 8tvd .. Corona del Mar 631-7300 $985,000 Sat/Sun 1-4:30 1112 Weatclltt (Westcllff) NB &42-5200 $255,000 Sun 1-5 2709 Gannet, Costa Mesa ":46-2313 $182,500 Sa 11:30-3:30 Sun 12-" *3165 Bermuda. Costa Mesa 631-1266 $155,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 427 -16th Pl., Costa Mesa &44-4910 $229,000-Fee Sat/Sun 1-5 1635 Reef View Cir (Spygls Age) CdM 759-9100 $625,000 Sat 1-4 12 Elfln, Irvine GrOYeS, Irv. 559-0378 $149,900 Sat/Sun 12·4 114 Via Ensueno (Mar. Pt.) San Clem 759-9100 $879,000 Sat 1-5 133 Via Undlne, Udo Isle, N.B. &44-9080 8 Rue Vlllars, Newport Beach 631-1266 $700,000 Sun 1-5 Sun 1-5 * 14 Burning Tree Road (Big Cyn) NB 644-4910 $695,000-Fee Sun 1-5 •4601 Camden, Corona del Mar 780-9215 $795,000 Sun 1-5 320 ~ard. Shoreclltts ' 631-1400 $425.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 201 Larkspur. Corona del Mar 631-1400 $1 ,875,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 *4527 Fairfield Or. CdM 631-1266 $745,000 Sun 1-5 1441 Galaxy Or (Dover Shores) NB 548-5647 $420.000 Sat/Sun 1·5 **542 Hrbr Isl Or(Prom. Bay)NB 759-9100 $1,200,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 213 Diamond, Balboa ltland 844-4910 $595,000·F• Sat/Sun 1-5 # 14 Point Loma, Spygla11 Hiiis. CdM 673-4400 $723,400 Sun 1-4 222 V\a PalerT~.J. Lido 1•. N.B. 873-7300 ~7.000 Sun 10·1 * 101 Via Florence, Udo Ille, NB 873-7300 1595,000 Sun 2-4:30 4 T,..._., (Hrbr Rda) N.B. 780-8333 S1.19S;b00 Sat/Sun 1-5 241:0~~:0 Stje= llwh 8at/Sun 12·4 1•1 Antioch (Trtlrk) Irv. 611-7100 $235.000 Sun 1·5 •1812 Port Strllna (HrbrYuHms) NB ' 780-833a 137(,000 let/Sun 1·5 * 1111 lbbtlde, Corona cltl M• M0-1148 .... OOCMle aun 1-s • •219 Vie Lido 8oud, 1.ICIO Ille 780-1900 11.tff,000 lun 12·4 * 708 VI• l.ICIO Nord. Lido 111, NI 87M181 11.600,000 8un 1·6 • •4028 Chann.I Pl., Nwpt ltl, NB 873·0202 $965,000 Sun 11·5 2912 Carob, E&ltbluff. Nwpt Beach 844-1742 $239,000-1.H Sat/Sun 1·15 SIR plue f AM -et DIN • .., Muli' Beact\ (Spyglau) CdM 640·6259 Sun 1 ·5 14941 Rancho Cr., Irvine 979-5370 1159,900 118 Ruby, Balboa llland 675-8000 $425.000 *8 Oakmont (Big Canyon) NB 673-7761 $1 ,295,000 Sun 1-4 Sun 1-5 Sun 1·5 * 1730 Bonalre Way, Newport Bch • 646-0758 $212,000 Sat/Sun 1·6 * 12 Trafalgar (Hrbr Rdg) NB , • 760-8333 $1 ,750,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 * •37 Linda Isle (Linda I.) 675-2525 gate 11,495,000 Sa/S 1-5 •35 Rldgellne Or., t-trbr Ridge, NB 760-1900 $2,390,000 Sun 1-5 * 1524 Antigua. Newpcrt Beech 646-7171 $849,900 Sat/Sun 1-5 *1608 Galaxy Or., Newport Bch 646-7171 $799,900 Sun 1·3 4 Narbonne, Hrbr Ridge, N.B. 844-6200 $1,695,000 Sat/Sun 11-5 •2201 Alta Vista, Eastbluff. NB 631-7300 $389,500 · Sun 1-4:30 • 1800 Jamaica (Mesa Verde) CM 645-0303 $409,900. Sun 11-2 •2773 Sandpiper (Mesa Verde) CM 646-0303 $265,000 Sun 2-5 ***29 Beachwood (Wdbrge) Irv. 551-6829 $395,000 Sun 1-5 8 BEDROOM 233 Via Genoa, Lido Isle, N.B. 673-7300 $575,000 Sun 2-4:30 938 Via Lido Soud, Lido Isl, NB 673-7300 $847,500 Sun 1-4:30 *4 1 Goleta Pt .• Spyglass, CdM 644-6200 $890,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 ' BR plus FAM RM or DEN * 1848 Newpcrt Hiiis Or E., NB 644-7020 $'449,000 Dally 1-5 CONDOMINIUMS FOR SALE 1 aEDROOM • * 300 Cagney Ln(Versallles)# 107, NB 673-7300 $114,000 Sun 1-4 61 Lake Pines (The Lakes) Irvine 540-1151 $115.500 Sun 1~-3 2 BEDROOM Versailles (unit 214), Newport Bch Call from gate 548-8636 Dally 1095 Sea Terrace (Bluffs) CM 645-0303 $139,000 Sun 11-2 CONDOMINIUMS FOR SALE 3 BEDROOM 2221 Mesa Or .. Santa Ana Heights 644-6200 $299,000-Fee Sun 1-4 " 233 16th Pl., Newport Beach 644-6200 $165,000 Sun 1-4 S BEDROOM 7 Rue Vlllars (Big Cyn) NB 759-9100 $650,000 Set/Sun 1-5 •22476 Camlnlto Costa, VIiiage, Laguna Hiiis 855-3017 $124,500 SatfSun 11·5 3 BR plus FAM RM or DEN *37 Canyon Crest Or., CdM 760-8617 $249,000 Sat/Sun 12·5 3 M plua FAM RM or DEN 102 Via Koron (Lido Isle) NB 644-6200 $885,000 Sun 12-3:30 #33 Mainsail, Corona del Mar 546-2313 $339.950 Sun, ... INCOME PROPERTY FOR SALE S8"plua1• 409 Dahlia (Old CdM) CdM 875-6000 $385,000 DUPL1XE8 FOR SAL:! !!m.~.M ...... . '1!w1t! .fm~ ... !.'.f. Lo•I Lady'• 011"10nd Wttc:ll Vlo fluhlon 1111nd1 8BCRC AewlfCI 873·0239. PRICe ~couceo 1239,000 L M 1tr Ownet flnlllelng 5 Bclrm cloM to achoola, •!lopping Open Sill Sun Ag ent H1dd1 848· t044 Ot 8"4· 110 24H YllTA llHU Newly decor 3 od1m ' St3t,500 lanl 1erm1 or 1e ... 1optton' Open Stt 12·4 Agl 780·0190 Wat.eirlronc dPI•, 38' t>otl dock. Beat buy on water By Ownr. 87$.4430 UllnllUL In t~ rHP8Ct' Value & appeal. Only $360,000 lor thll 1111eutlve 4 Br 3•,o, 81 w/3 car gar, 'wet bar J,J-trplcs F"1bulous Be'{creit locatlon Call for viewing t ppt. 4131-7310. 649·3540 T~,\DI 110\.\I ~I \I I\ WILi Tl ID• Auumablt V I.A loin, fee 1ano 3 Br 2ba 11roe IOI. Priced $216.000 for teat Hie. IUL HTlTI ITllE • 111-1171 SPYGLASS IHl,IOO 4 Bdrms. Owner says "move II". Mike Crow Agt. 645-3176 Or1ngo Coaat DAILY PILOT /Sunday, Nov•1T1b•r 1-4 , 1982 ••• .ftmm.Mff ~~m.!JP.Md..;.. . . . . ~. .... .tfft. •• • •• •• ~.f'1~ .. ~'!fffr.'1. .~e.~ u.'r.:: • .., M.iiifi' C1al1l11ff L-A'Jf If 6ie,. ~ HM f,-l-.IMf ..._, a.-i 'JMt &.If ~ I.TM ••••••••••••;r •••••••• II 111/l•Hll . .• ff!f!~~d. .......... ,~!•t~!t~d. .. ".illl ,oc.o ,, 11 •. , DfOM •• r. ••••••• r.m.r... r."l'll'.rnn •••••• r:r11 .-•• .-n ••••••••••• mi emrn••'n1'lr'•··"""' rz; •• mn, ••••••• 'I: ~, ''' -., Jll,t lnclUdH pool, tennla 8t1 c II Ito'" II o rn 1 Nlwqor I l\1v1tr11 '"''J 1 uttf11ock G 81 I la llurt1 coodo l bt 'I'~ b• Prtt 89'hei01tllf apt In mtt.e•••••o•••••••T f1111.!f!ff ...... Mff .w11.lfm ...... tr.'f1 coufl•I • vn ntw In :,101~'11"!0 t 11 u~ /J~':' condo l., ~ ,• 1 b•N ram, dtnlng 11i11r., PflY*I 1011na1 llln 1m lam 1m. e~htflOtl ror o~UlnQ O•r•ot •Pt •'• bt, ow, Oct1n1 01 ' Cit u•1 n.,.. tMll Jecu111 Jlr ot lltc:Of. •P encl patio, ce>Mm pocll a wcwll 1•0 003• A.a!Ml o 11 p v 1 N n • • h 111·1111 86t•OllH 11911 1160 f4" '58' pll1nc:t1 2 <.11 gareoe. at t80 844·033& 111 • I HO/rno e12•t.ie.m1na 1 t>dtni, I'' bl, llrtPIAC'I. t tlf IY!ttt POUi. llf)• lnclty. Ull no pall S•U~ gar No pelt IUI . ...... ll&Ln c .. ,, .... JI If lOvtoly 3llr. HI. <lbl 0•1 . commly l)OCll & l•nm• 6'"' ·:~~.~:~1~ •:le .::~ Open d11ll}I 2·4 84~ 1367 I PA cpi. (Jrp• ilOVt. 2 BA '. b• IWflhN ll}lle, ---.. •••••••••••••••••••• g1ue1ene1, 2370 011no• •v1111 09c '" $00!iltnO t Olull condo. 3 br dtn. c1rpeuno Be"fl ,,o .. c1111n 3 b<Jrm 2 1>11 <Jph h1d1r la,11 11vt•I now No t•icl 91r. f500 AMI '°' 5•1 1810 OM> H71 oat 8 ----- I .ITI l ·lldt condo 3 011 2'• so1• tmo (f U)6•1t e 1H tMll 2353 2,, ba Ni i•nnit club 942•4014 PllllO ~Ir Avltl 1214 P••lt $)76 846-4382 II • 1 1/: o 4 6 . I 1 o 1, bl. 2 j'' VO Cflf Ptlt 1144 f' ?O IHI ...... ...... Ok ' 96 414:1 00110 . £ tl•ICJt Condo, claan 3 Condo !Ar 1011 ,, .. n, POii() lrpl, 2 c11r o•r II l --1990 0 Pt••· , II Ht· 2 lir W/f•Qr $440/mO br 21>11 a.I\ ftplc 2cer c.1•po11, S4 7r. mo 1600 •Q II Ltut ••l .. fli• 1101roptt 1112·040& c1pt• w•1h1r µd 2t7tl .. ., ....... "'· 4l60·08U oir HOO e4& Her. 1 0 J'177 Mr 8·11PM 1800/mo 760 0670 llltA 114G 2 Or , blk from btllCh" 'E PloCMll•l 630 41io ....... ,IT.. LI• IU·nH ffl. .. ~~.~" ... !!..!.'.!~ eas111d1rwiinme,11nm11c, Or@entr.e. 1ga 4 en .,., 3 OA 11111111.,. homw tn •Yil"iiilivi"iii" ~to;111. 1860 Incl u111 1 5PM I Jr!~ .. b·~~:~~ c,'~f,~~!· FOR SAL! BY OWNER .. ully turn 2 bdtrn twn• 3 6" 21t bl l1pto pvt bll, f Clf 081, tplc:.. comrn !1ttbl1Jll l llrOt prtv11tt 494 3324 lHttlUI 2 61 lllJIAI ntw hwndty pool Wllltr I I 11111,000 Two hOUIH hOm• Guud•d comm PMllO, btlcon.,.. 2 ctr gar, POOi OIW, $7110 nio ~lld CIOM to tcilOOlt' Offulllul. J)lrk Ilk• with ---------e;11rp11 g11r11gt1 ~ "" 0111 P•td No Ptl• on 1lmot1 't ICfl IOI. POC)I ttnnlt, wl(J, llnena, PoOI jilC l?llO mo 8 IO 0 AVDJI 1211 873 Tllff tt\opptllg It 150 P*' "10 llrtlced pool J Ill• pool 110 1>4116 $~7!>/llf(I 145 [Ht 1eth 645-270t W/Sldt CM 00011 In• etc No p1t1 S 77 6 &45·4!Mll , 1 .. 11 ,...1 3 a. W"""'bflO C1ll 0111 Wtdmoore •SPKIOUI A11ta W•rmlnglOn bit dup .. w Mngr 24S3 '8 • Or1nge W II I To 8 0 • " '"'' -""" 5$1 8700 •Pr1vo11 'P1t1ot .. Av• '* 2lh 2b• nr 6 C Pin COmt 1 carry SI 493.7 4 Eeti.tdt, rffl) 10111 pr• ge 11400/tno 6~1 Hiii, -•Covtfod Parking W!lh 3 bdrrrtt . 2 «>elh9. 8 A POOll•1>11carpor1 wl 15'h down 992·1658 ---If A Jiff ltrred 2 br, 1 ba, ga ~ 1·82241 1·11 Mon/Fii Sptct1cular view Pool, •Dinino ArH 1>1110. geraoe &.111ep11c• Ll•E llW IWY •tW $117~ chlld Ok. 162·692~ OelUllt 4°ple11 Meaa Vtldl ~!!'!r.!! ••• ~!••••••••• fag• S 9 2 6 Im 0 Ot1ngfllt .. PetlO l~OIN. 2 re· &. ttMlt 1111116/MO •Welk In 0101111 Afl bll·tnt , CIHptll 6 I Ilg 9, Wllliro tn GIOMI. (Spic• Slrteta) Oood LIDO ISLE • 3 bdrm, l11m 673 7!>44 Br or 1 9, + dtn >Cini Dr Hoge 7~307 •Hon"lt 111\t Kllchtr11 Orepe. I096 per mo trplo Clthwat1r, lg pvt Dial Iii.I Jiii I08n 15% down Bllr rm, 4 Be. $1700 mO 1825 3 br 2 bl, nur C:Olld 2 c1r,111g1, pool, 2 Br dtO, 2 Ba, we1 Oar. I blk to HunllnPcton 2.- 11111 1,11110 pOOl, 1p11, no P4tll •••••••••••••••••••••• ~~ •chool•, MH• del Mu 1enn11 11.e 5 mo tr pie 3 car oar, pool Centet. 11an1por11t on & $4!._lltrno 5•1·24•7 MW VllW Ap1r1men1s wenttd c M OCEANFRONT 2 bdrm T13CI New crp11, p•lnt & 768·2909 Tom, 581-3165 S895tmo 5!>3-025!> lrwyt t block from the btaell 1 Ba $700 mo 8 111 ITILITIH fall Cutt & COty wilh 2 11,1• 2 Br I 811 trJ'll dr1P91 From Dint P0tnt'e mot1 All c:atll t>uyer, cen ctoH Grund". Allr 675·6ll5 I. Orps 2 car glr . lge Y81d, evtt Sltl>t 1o bttotl Lovely 4 C & d blt·tna. no pell t,.o HcludeO •c:enlc btull 1111.Bkr ' hplc,matureonlyp.._M bdim s11oomo 1mmac 10drm fromUt5 place• arpols r•p•• '272Mt1pt1 831·2827 Llktnew•Only4unn•.2 5515-6171 Oc-;,;n;;ont yrly 4 bdrm, 011ve by 2702 Mendozo l.1•8al l••t6 3Z41 Comm pool & 1e11nte Townhse unlurn 1750 per "'o Or wi den Xtre lrg private 2 ca1 garage and t1011ub 042 c>e34 or 974-2021 ••'••••••••••••••••••• 548 5704 from S&llO HAA~7o3~4~0E0AL TY Brund 1p11nktn11 clean, 2 polio From 1125/mo Ouplu Blk lo ocean, lg 670·7650 ----HARBOR OCEAN FRONT • LA QUINTA HERMOSA v w BR 1 Ba. I cor 011, no Cell 661•6441 0, M·F, lot. let llnd. $179.500 2 br. 1 be Drive by 2652 Nu 3200'1uihmonblull E Bl1Jll 3 br condo nr 16211 PerklldeLn 1 blk ---------Pet• $550 m o . 286 9•5 043.0212 Orwe by Mer1h1 ll Really 2 Br. ocean v .... 2'tba, Son11Ana A11eUnf\2 Do 180 oeo vu 01 harbor, Tennis Club. newly oec w otetach.3blksS -8an10 Tomei Ag1 10 1812.eS83S•nllCl8fa ·675·4800 spacious Npt Crest , not disturb tenan11 $450 1url. m1n1, 3br, 3be. Non-1mllr• Av•ll $825 or Edtngtf 847-5441 C11t1 #•11 JIZ4 642 8368 11 Unlle EASTSIOE CM. S 1000 !urn $900/mo mo 85 1·8226 aecurtty. 11un1, spa. ll73 3069/(213)281·03155 -•••••••••••••••••••••• PINE-BLUFF APTS-Supe1 n11112) 1·8r Vlff'!t unlum Bkr Tom Golltlf s t900/mo 498 1009 -------• $3$0/mo. up BaGI! • 1 1 eo sma 1 & coiy. prl· Q o o d I t nan c In g 646·9200 I Br QUtel, yard, tng, FP • LIDO ISLE & 2 er.·unlurn & turn t Br & Loll Cll1ld Ok, vale S400·S'25/mo 1011(11011 Prine only no dogs. ll<llls prer t1l EM~ BAY 3er 2 New custom hOme, 111se pool, 1pa, t8992 Ftonda. me8ti811U pauo. view. lrplc, enc.I ·673 3313 493·080~ (or Bkr 5515-6171 Oc11nlron1 2 br, I ba, Plus dep. $475/mO Bo. 1700 aq 11 tr.,tc, option only, Call Ann ,842·2834. 842·3172 gar . gu stove, dish· lurntstieo)' • g11 . patio. No pe1s Utils 646-9586 brick 1>etlo, wllh spa Pelera wO&her. spu. lndry rm lllLDElll . (: M r•de'Velop lrll. 29K a.I Incl. • hom11 ,_r ~ Clevelopment & parll Chuck Spllltr, ·~· R&'M~ UNITS WANTED I need 4 10 8 unit buM· d ings In Newport or Hunllng1on Beach. Plea· se ca ll b roker a t 955.3454 I need a 30 lo 50 unit bldg 111 Orange Co · thet makes sense Please can pd Ava11 1111 June 2-8,, tBa, 1 story, aheg, s 1 6 o o 1,m o • . ea11ett Ally 642·5200 l.1•HI .,.,,, 314 apa•TMllTI 11550/mo * * * S575/m6 646-2510 2 131 8 1 " 2 2 5 5 I ••'••••••••••••••••••• .,. SPM,C 63 1-6107 cpt1drp1, pallo1 lrptc, ,. '""'7 "·· 0 r Lido Isle. 4 bd, 3 be. Lu11ury atudlo: l<ee HBO ee1 tllull 11ndacap1d L 2 80 lay lwt • lay YltW dshw•tir, bt1mtd eel· 61""""" St400 222 VI• Palermo phone. maid aerv. 1pa. gard~n apre Pool & Spa 2 Bi rownhouh1'. Ba. ~~~E~T~~~~OR THE On e11clus1v1W bey Av, ltngs 2650 Et<Jen S540 •Br. 2Ba h ... 4 addlllonal 675-71418 $130 wk •911·3015 P11101/decill No P•I• ltVlf\g & dontng llrtO kll· DISCRIMINATING $760 1 ktnO 38 2b h mo Cell Mr Berman llvlng qtrs. 2 Industrial -Bachelor S395 chen, lrplc attached ga-7 96 680_. toa r oome 556-2480 bldga22•30' 2xtraLge2BR3Batwnnme,ll•rr•rlJ.1t6 J1ff 18d S485 r8ge ,pool&spa Agl (14)4 . w111r11e recrMtlon rm & ---1 • tplc. W/O, nr Hoag $700 ••••"••••••••••••••••• rm / 63 98 * * * palio.Futnlnwhoteor ln OWN~R MUST MOVE· baths oroccupenta,ap- 1 mo 631•1105 OCEANFRONTDhi2·4 Br 22110Vanguerd540·9626 $625mo 1·4 4 part u tenant might Beautllul condo. 2Br. proK 'it.acre In Mt·A 10· ---~----By week or month 2 er 1 Ba In 4-plex. 0 V .wish owner's home, ne. 2Ba. tu/In option, ned 70 lronlage Laguna 2 Br cottage. Newport 673-7873 clean no pets s430lmo 2 Br . 1 Be cean u, ver rente<J before For 545.3339 Cyn Road. $2.000 mo, Heights, redwood decke, OC-EAN_F_R_O_N_T-1•-,g-1-3 Br eachelon $410 271 'B' 16,h Pl Ger K1d1 OK $495 lur1her info klndly call Al tor Ill. Avail 1ppro• Ftb brick walkl. wooded, 1 Bdrm $480 644•0452 96•·5927 ___ _ King 67$-0998 EASTSIOE 3 BR, 1 Be. 83 (7 t4) 782·3684 gar $750/mo Av ell 2 Ba wshr/Clryr, no pets 131 E 18th 648-6816 Ocee !>l1Ja lamlly room $700 12· 16 645·6e25 Winter $850 673-66.e<> 61 E 18 h 642-0656 POOL 3 BR 2 ea huge 3 8' · 2'' Ba.. n VIJ. mo tst, teal, dep N 1 Br 1 81 trlplex, g1r, pa· ----------• ----------1.,_1 __ "'."":::1:---:-::::-~:-:-!pie. pvt yard $825, all Gar lrpl t<1ds OK $695 pets 212 Lillian. Devin 110, stove & ralrlg 524 St. Nwpl t-tgts, apac Cape Magnlhcent view, 2 br, 2 Spaclou1 2 er. 1 81 $425 ""' incl 64s,.9161. esk 964·6927 ____ _ RE 642·638& Anns. $600 ulll pd. Cod2braplltlevel.S89S. ba. frplc, lnclds utlls, Oupte11 3 Br. 1 ·~ Ba. for Bob H••ll•il•• 536-1453 wkdya 548-4360, 494-0395 tennis. jac1JUI, Hune. $475. Laundry fee .• pool Ed~~~·y~~n;:r.2c~~/e:o TWI VIEW llllfTlLS 38r 2 ea. Westcllll ~:~~~1~11~1or~~'!r~o 648·9556 t2-7PM. 8~=~~11~a~~n~ro"'u~\n:r ••• ~!~! .......... t!~! dogs $525 646-5607 3 br, 2'A bl. fem rm. SI 100 H Fredenck. egt 0 7 3 · 3 7 2 0 Io c e I lllT&IT Ill wet bar, trplc. yard wn SlllPIPH lPTS Ocean views S 1100/mo 63t·1266 6 0 2 I 2 1 4 • 6 9 9 4 . Eastaldt S625·S635/mo deck encisd garage w/ A LOVELY PLACE .,.,,, U•l•r•i•'" ;;.~;;;i·········~;o2 ...................... 4 Br. CdM $900 laa Ja•• broker 11 955-3454 2 Br Ip Bat Pen $600 1 Br. bayfront $900 2 Br, oc:nlrnt $1100 .llCOIS RUL n 3 Br 2 Be lrplc. l:lll·lns. new decor S900 1nc1<11 gardener 646-7250 2 bt, oceanlroot. mo 10 602/998·28 t 1 collect. 2 Br 1'A Ba Townhouse. au10 door opener. no TO LIVE mo or tse, $1000/mo BAYfRQNJ $1000/mo all bulll·lna. lndry rm, p e 1 s $ 6 5 O I mo •Homey/Pvt 1 & 2 Br ••. ~.l!!!'!'!~ .••. !.~!! l!!!.!~~.~~~ ...... !.Z.o.! PllOP llAUIEllflT 111·1171 494-1096 eves On lhe be&Cfl f\Otel 1 corpoll yerd/b&lcony 54<>-0942 -1 •PoollspalbbQ Mesa Verdo Pool Home,3 ---------·• BALBOA ISl.ANO: 3 small pet OK ' ---1 •S acres ol beau1111.111y WlllW lllTIESS SALE! Charming 3 bedroom, 2 bath. 2 story, oc11n view home In still lovely San Juan Capl1trano on a prlv11e cul de sac. Many upgrades Move tn con- dition. well below mark· et. of course Quick sate deslred, wlSh to relocate Call 496·3880 3 Br 3 Ba 2·sty Hacienda Hgts. rent or lae $995. SSOO sec 2131333-6307 8 2 8 18751mo Lee Bdrma. 2 ba. ucellent room apt llltchenette & · 642 .,,..,3 1 Br Trailers S247/mo landscaped surroun-, 8 000 • £1•••• Hilll 3ZSO cond Furn or unl urn b a I h • I u r n i s h e d TSL Mgmt • lvv end etec $150 sec No dings se opllon SlO, down ••'••••••••••••••••••• lmmad possession 2 $300/mo + $280 dep Fireplace, pool, dish· dogs 133 E 16th St , Sp • Nr Fr..,,.s & snop"*ng 5'4l·80n Condo. 3 Br . 2'• Ba mos minimum rental 2306 W Oceanfront. washlf, pV1 pallo X Lg 42 642·9193 Clsd Sun • Ouiei.~rea "' E/Stde, cu1e hOUMI. 2 bf View, lllnt loc. rec cntr s 1 5 o o / mo Owner N B. 67~ 164 Garden 1 & 2 Br on El -$775/mo 497 3973 2 Br 1' • Ba $450/mo lorj • Sorry no .... ,, w/whlle picket fence • 644-95 13 ijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii s Ide S 4 6 O. S 5 6 O. "" 1n San Juan Cepistrano Fl•llllH llHTlU $650/mo 645·9628 ----• ---------• 557·2841 2 persons 755 w 181h (714) 147-HH $188,000. Can brOlllf lor Versailles $625 MESA VERDE 3 br. 2 ba. Ll'l.H• lliJ.HI 3ZS2 IH CJia .. tt JZ11 Spadous slnglt , Ont -----St. 646•9507 _) 8081 Holland Cr, HB HUIE OCEll VIEW LOTS delatls ltdo Perk 2Br $750 encl yard, lrplc,, gar •• ••••••• ••••••••••• •••••••••••••••.••••••• & two bedroom 11tt 2111. Jiil. 2 Br lrplc I Btwn Stater/Warner (7141661-0305 Pemn. Bech S3SO 5750/mo 557•2382 3 Br. 2h Ba In guarded Hiii side ocean vM!w 3 ~r aplftmt nls. Newly decor Gas pd. $500/mo I oll Beach Oceanlrnl 39, s 1000 ---------·• g a t e comm u n 11 y convert den & maid s encl g1r. dwshr pool. 540 36156 WOllWE .... ,,;., lh1•1t, LtdO tste 2Br $1650 ,, •• ,,,. v.11.,, JZ34 $795/mo Av111 now ljuarttrs $2000/mo ... !llP.lf'!R .... , bbq no pets 642-5073 -:::=-::1 ••1111 Z400 Oceanfront 38r $t400 ••••••••••••••"••••••• Leese option POSSlble. 213/449-2628 $465 2 Bdrm. relrtg, P•· Clean 2 Bt with pa110, nol Spic 1 & 2 br. lovely •••••••••••••••••••••• Why th1ow away rent 760•1977 -------• pets '43-0lmo , p1n11 & streams, aec FOR RENT' HflllllUll :~:~2Jgu,0c1$~~n p!~~ AOUL T COMMUNITY 2 t~~md'b~~~~.0t.~~~-v~ ~~~-~ r..:!s~~~~~7~~~I. _N_E_W-5-:-~6~:~s:PTS ~:~e:ec e~:~~ ~~clphgoyn~: $5000 Down 4 Br 2 Ba.. , Udo Isle 5 Br $1800 ments. $1751( • $2151(, br, den. 2 ba, frpl. Nr ind Ktlchen. 3 Br & Den, pool & ape "6•6 6591 covered patio. vaulted 2 "'-droom. 2 bat'"s & 2 Lido Isle 2Br $1100 move In • talle over • comm. pool $800/mo. 2 ·~ Ba Immaculate, Neer t81h /Pomon1. t Br, 1 Br & lo I Bach & loll -• celllngs. commty pool. a1o""r1u In Tw1·n Pe"eks In Baylront 2 $2000 snare apprec11a11on, cell 731·2514 o1 494·1177. S 1200/mo No pe11 F INISHD> or ~a~poa.fld, !::1.~'!!J.s; i~~d Frplc, rec room pool. Avall now 1 Br. I 81 S 117,500. Cell 497-1657 Ba"'ronl 2/den S 1800 56 ---673·6632. owne1 UNFU..,,.ISHEO """ )8C1JUJ, gea & water paid downslatrs apt, dswsh1, Lake Arrowhead arn Fr~h 2Br ss75 Sue at 89 l ·55 Hilltop, near ocean. 2 Br - -"" ok, no pets $400. Agent. No pets From $465 393 private patto, single g•· f••H• IOIO Hes bullt-lns & fireplace Lido IBr 51100 2 er 2ba coodo Quiet. ell ramlly room, d i ning LUXURY CONDOS. nave< ALL UTIUTIES no lee 962.0217 Hamilton.C M 645-4411 rage No pets. water •••••••••••••••••••••• Flfst, lest & deposit rt· Securtty/28r $1250 adult, 111cel loe w/d room. commty pool & ~~~:r '~· ~!v~~-~·;R 0i PAID, HEALTM SPACIOUS 2 Bd, 1 81, SpaelOus 2 er 2 ea. bl\-P •Id S 4 5 O / m 0 CFer Sale2BR~J ,lnB er Q u I red . 6C a II (77 14 ) Weterfront Homes hkup, incl gar $575, •P•· S7501mo Agent BA or 2 BR 2 BA & h""• CLUBS, TENNIS f)eam ce1Ungs. serv b111, lnr.. frptc, gar, 5575 No 545·2000 Agent, no'"· ondo. 1•. A. pool, 768 -028 or ( 14) Realtors 631•1400 631·1098 495·1064 or &et-2549 -• w ood cab no peta A 11 1 d W Santa Ana, Tustin area. 667·0657 weeltday e~ bonus room SWIMMING plus ·· · pets va mme MAlllElll W Good neighborhood, nlngs aller 6 p.m. 11 no HHliaflfa llillifa Vi•lt 316 Charter llHltJ muc.h mort ! Sorry. ::3~:90f !,5t,.6~7~~~.e Harbor/Baker 546-6009 Lrg 2 & 3BR1ownhouee close lo lre1w1y. good answer. please keep lllH. lfitA 3Z4G •••••••••••'•••••••••• •915-8122 ts Modtl 2 bdrm with yard $525 apts. encl gar. lrptc Near eiclsting rates. 542·8278 trying! /eai•l8U 3101 •••••••••••••••••••••• Marreen1. 493·8686 no Pf · S N&wlf 2 BR 2 Ba. $475 3 Kids OK Single story Hunt Hrbr from $545 Almost y, acre In seciu<Jed VIEW LOT Close to lakes. ;.;~j~·;.j,"5""eR~·;~·t,~~ 2:;:00~. ~~~aci~~!!' HOMES f{)R RENT la•I• A•• Jiii Ooptnkdally :.'.:..~ ::253 :: r:;{s~ ~:c;. f4at'8 963· 7600. 6•5·5735 Chlld1en OK 840-6807 area ol Tustin 2200 IQ f1 streams and 11111tt1 ()w.. OR lrg patio, ,1200 mo. 5495 mo 768•7633 •••••••••••••••••••••• a Wvvu or 642•7528 evslwlln<Js s~ 2 Br. encl garage WALK TO BEACH 1 8f 3Bdrm. 2ba, den wlfrplc. ner rlnanctng $69,500 to mo_ Agt. 673•9060 SA/Tustin Are• 4BR 2BA __ _ -----No pe1a 32 1 Monte s Io v e & re f r1 g • freshly decorlled, good Ag\ June Lake Prop laundry rm, l>OOI. W/W G.den Apaa'bltCftb 1t28r 28a Near S C V111e. $450, open Sat/ $400/mo 536-797(1 lln1nclng eva'I Call lor 714/648 7505 1<-f 1 ,,, .. ,, J••• w•-1 •MISSION VIEJO• carpet, 2 c&1 gar. $7$0 Plaza. SA Lu•ury Con· sun 1 3 640..0105 -. . . -~ • • ••• ,..,5 *"7"'$72"' mo Incl pool • lawn Nr-nw-rt •--...... /No. do. w1poo1. $575 No • ' 2 Br carpel, drapes. pool. details. 960-1980. MJck-A... .I I ••••••••••••••• ••••••• N-... b n~ 1 3 4 b 9V ..,,... ,., • ... 'r--. 9JllllC'~ 2 f b h ey Shafer. .,., fs ti,. Herbor v1ew hllll 4 Bdrm ...., y ..,_ ; • r malnt tat ' 1.eoo NC 110 IMM Allt, pell 833-8974 •MESA VERDE 2 Br. 1 blocks tom eac • •£!-I • I I houu In Huntington •CHILDREN• Be Newly decor $495 1 Ot n s I 54 7. 4 15 I ' l. I _, rrt•nrr --w Jee , -. IC•• 0 Beach, south or Adams 645•6292 C•l l6tll) 28R 1'rba. d/w blt1n1. No petS 833-8974 536-71153 Wnta •llft .,~ •••••A••7•••••••••••• S t 6 o o / mo o 1 y s Xlnt refs !164-0332 ,.,.,. 64S-U04 ss25 ••••,••••••••••••••••• 4 Br 2'..\ Ba. pool. paa· 845-431 I or tv11 •PETS OK • Nf SC Plaza. 4 bf, 2 bl, PlllO,gar. nopeti, •Lg Bachelor. pvt patto. 3 Br t "• 81 TownhouM, VA TEAMS·2 oh 1 tot, lures. palled dr1Ve, 1 ml ?20..0S3S 842-0100 d l•m rm, din. rm, lrplc. So 548-4291. 645-9857 S S 5 1 $99,500. Ownerlbkr. lrom 1own on 5 or 19•11 ale. e1ec: oar OP4Nllf No Ncwpoft leada/ . 59 W 19th t . 31 1>u11t-1ns. new carpe . car 545 t947 2 Br 1 Be l rplc xlnt B c d b pets $850 wlgerd-1. 1700 16ttl Sl YILU OOllHYl mo port olf Piiio 1't to • ac Financing avallable • . Lg 1 r on o, atcony, YILUIE beacn $550/mo tst last Realty World/M. Adkins location to tchoots. ten-secure. $425 mo. 1st 6 last + sec dep. l•tl>ov«r) Spacious E Sloe APll. 1 b1. rtlfr1g, stove, lndry. Clap 1531•7900 John OtAll •••I E1t1t• PO Box 667-TC Rogue nts. shopping S700/mo 842·7042 llYESTIEITS Avail. Dec I 968-9833 642-5113 Encl g1r p1110. dshwhr & Pets cone S395 1920 Agenl •••••••••••••••••••••• River Ore 97537 Dec 1 759·9570 or evslwllnd• stove Most ulll Ir" No Wallaca 640·t5029 lldil• ••• ,, 50315.82-05 71 IVU 673-4565 s,~~~~~lt~~~,~~ ,!! 3 Br 1'•bllCondO, llp. 8/C, pets Nr Fairview & Ba-.k.,-. 2-br-l. CltH ....... ,,, Sil• "" 503/582-2219 OldCdM.So ol PCH.3Br cpl. encl patio, llllCh (l14'a141·2000 pool. vacent, cpl prel ICIU ""' 1 BR 1 person r35 I ba, lndry nook-IJp. Nr Hunt Her 1 bt, enc •••••••••••••••••••••• • IP house Cell O'iana . carport $550. 11111111. AGENT:No FEE S575 15-46-6308 2 bdrm, 2 bl 1850 mo 1 BR 2 PIBOfl5 465 encl gar Children Ot< Oat $350 962-7780 lree•1f Part H ••llll 631-1266 dep 631-7900,JohnAgt •--------mt • '1111 June Incl Ultl. 2 BR No pets $475/mo. w•LK TO eE•CH Bee•. 201148 w/encioMd porch. l1ttA1••• Zl'Df!)iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii la•IA £1•HI JZll star11f19 at S510 "' "' " 2 BRl2 Ba Corner lot •••••••••'•••••••••••• Beaut I sty. 3 br. 2 b• II. t I• A JZI ••••••••"'•••••••••••• 752-94615• 650•0881 2323 Elden Ave. CM 968-96tl stove & refri~e. all ullts light 1' lerlort Thie Is 1"9 FOR SALE OR TRADE 3 bdrm. 2 beth. view over home on quiet cul·d•· •• -!!r.! •••• ~!••••••••• 2 br. 2 ba. frpl, nr beach. 1 BR, $375 mo ' blk 10 642-7605 Eastslde l1J11ury In • pine P a I d S 3 5 I m o I T Atascaoero Central clly, lurnlshed or unlur· sac $850/mo Call lor 11.IFFI Tt-11111 Sun Clee k , No P•ts. ocean-pooltengl edit rorest 2 br, t b1, r11r10. 536-7979 r _eest 6~_5n93~w:Ot co111 Exec 3Br & den ntshed. Excep1ional qu.. appi. 960-8468 (191) 38, +Den. 2-:a~ POOi $675/mo 675-8635 prel'd 642-5002 1g8~~;;',Jry42~~~· c?.~r~;~ dshwSher. enc gar. 880. 2 Stry rev_T_w_n-llse--2-8-,-.-2 ------·----1 v1-home on 2 acres, lily Sorry no dogs V1-•---------Frplc, wunlOry. Bll·lns fHlfl lf1t6 JZll -UIFllllT 1·417·2338 or 540-3666 gas incl $515/mo . Be, FrP4. gldl ep1 d/ger Two bdrm NB, newly de-oak Sluded Site. $225. cant & rtaOy S 1000 mo CLOSE TO BEACH 2 Br 2 p los 2 C -714-631-67• 1 $"'~5 No .... Is. 536·8610 , Cora led -r 800 sq ft 0 0 0 Free & c I ear slave & d11hwasner. Chi· at • ar g11r19t •• •••••• •• ••• •••• ••••• 2 & 3 bO II b ..... " B t• B u-~ h "" "" "~" l 1_/ ,/,/. Beautll. Quiet, Green-Beaut 2 sty home on •v• Y .... or ,. r ) • ._........ tn M. -$24.500. Lo dn. terms. Owner/bkr will finance "ftowna a.ei v'JUJi Id sm a 11 Pt I o k bell. Canal, w/boet sltp 4 br. mo Agt. 875·8170 no pell $495/mo 1916 2 Br 1 Ba. 571 W Jo•nn 1Br apt 3 blks lrom 673-6616 01 trade !or Orange ~ 1_._. S5501mo S36-7971t Relr~. lmmec. ,950 mo. toe liv area s1250 mo BAYfRQNJ Wallace 102. 831·3671 Upstairs No pets. beach. child & pe1 OK IEWPtllT WCI _, Seti un • .. vs now ., ·-u Lorge 3 Br 2 Ba Town-64 1 1324 County coea111 home * ue.> 00.,, & neat 2 Br. lrplc, 720 0507 .. 11 c-•1960 ..... 8 --$425/mo. Sierra Mgmt. $485 mo 960-7165 B.I •ire Home.light ,ca,11 (805)466-4043 for L"1" ~!)'-gar. Gardener Incl Wkd'/1(213)798·9504 loroppt(agt) B•LeO• tSL •NO 3 house•nQClle\complex, ----------Spactous3Br.2Baowntrs "' no fJf .,-'l ., $625/mo 968·5671 " " " 2 Br 1 Ba Maple Ave. unit. 1nct1em rm & 1111 rm. Interiors, 2 bdrm. 1 b1th, 1----------t 2 Br 2 e1 COOdo, 2 c81 fHtia JZH bOrm 2 be house In ••eel large pool, garden Ml· front llltcher't. expanded Hunti ngton Harbour *1 E.C:O..,Hwy .. Cdll II TIE Ult 9arage. near Hoeg Hosp •••••••••••••••••••••• cond Furn or unlurn ting $675 645·3381. Up st air a No pets wt lrptc. garden patio. llv, dining area Young home, new dec:oraled.~~~~~~~~~~ Vu of oc;ean 2Br 1'~ba, 1750/mo Will sell $150. 2 Br 1'> B• condo, Cir-lmmed po11e111on 2 675-5949 S,.Otmo Sierra Mgm1. (Ill. $750 mo. 720-8872 Adults & pets welcome. 44' boat Clock. 111de1: guard gall. pool, Huna. 000 with 10% down p0n amt pet OK. $525 mos minimum rental llST_l _l _T_ll_I_ 641-132• dys 8•8·9588 eves $24 500 540-5937 Agt down any loCltlon Call -'lSllllE OllHI ~ y m s 8 o o 640-532• 851· 1999. 770-9191 S 1 6 o o I mo . Owner 2 Br 1'"' Sa Twnllst East 1 9, 1 ea Gardf!n Apt. ' . 213/592-2859 Clys , 2Bdrmplueden Tennis. 90 8 6449513 $400-$415/mo. 2 Br 1 18tn St No pets Ga· I t 11 f hi ""' ,,, .. ,,,, IJSO 714/846-0554 eves pools. Guer<Jed comm. 131333·38<16, 2· 129 ILIFFI EllO OHIO o.,lun . ea poolside apl. laundry rage $625/mo Sierra ~~.~~.: : .. ~~mo rH y •••••••••ai.A .. ••••• St600 ·~mt from beh 2 B• Iba, 38r + ""n. 391, POOi a'•r•I•"'-~ J•-A,.1t.1al• room, beemed celllnga •• 1 641 13"• 8 OupleK on the Hnd. 30th Fallbrook Grove Home for Lease per mo ..,.., •· ... _., N 1 1 th .,.gm • ,. ___ Dee 40·550• I h 3 + 640·1212 ..... , fnc:d yrd mtn vi-. lg gar, Bll·lne •••••••••••••••••••••• "•'•r•/1·"'-.1 No pets o IS mon SI NB. Newly remodeled sa e or e•C ange, 'V 2 b(J 1 b .,, I ... d I c II E _, .. _ c 1 b 3 Br 2 B d 2 &1---:---...... --:-:-:---Cell 9158-42141 Beam cetl, wellpe,_, rm. 1, garage. •••••••••••••••••••••• rent epos1 req • ast"""" osll Meaa r a gar en apt In and out. 3 bf . 2 be acre• ol avocados ••tFIOIT CHM ....... c .. •• 1'---I "IO• TS •• 6•2 l603 d d I 8 ud 3 B -Pvt '"'II<>, lrptc $1200 0111 ... ese ... orn --.r• .,, • L ... gmt • Ouplex. garage, y11 • pr1v patios, w/ hook·up upetaira. 2 br . 1 ba. 1rnes.4 r 51 '°· • 2 br,21:ll.IOvtly ·spa-B1ketot>eecn 4BR2ba. SetJ&n 720..o507 955·1247, Altar 3 •••••••••••••••••••••• $-425mo Agt 875-1642 inside 1 enctsd gar downstalr• Min 10% bttutlfully decoreteo, c1ous Av111 now Ideal f1mlly home Lg Wk ..... (213) 790-9504 1546-15481 Garden Grove 2 & 3 Mn• Verde sharp UPI· wkdaya, 760-7241 Sun-$625 down OWC balance et large awlmmtng pool + fncd yr<J N-cpl tnru· .. ,. Bdrm. $425 to 1525 taJrs, 2 BR 2 Ba, bllns, days Dee 840-5504 13.9% lor 5 yre. Gr .. tlor leouzzl out Gardener Incl Bay91de home, 3200 sq ft., D••llHI u.1.,. JISO 636-4&90 """'cp11, encl gar. ln<Jry ------summer rtnl•I•. $735, Trade lor Orange County .llS. CllEll co•M $760/mo Pet 966-709& 4 Br, 4 ea, l1ro• mllter •• .,................... rm. no pals. $575 mo Th1nl<sg1vlng Spec11t ,,, •••• ,,,f, 3141 000. Armltege Really. home $295.000 appral· 3 br, 2•.-. ba. neutral col· I II I 3 Mesa Verde 3 bdrm. Olt llJH. liJ1al 31H Call 540· 1158 alt 6, MOVE-IN ALLOWANCE ••'••••••••••••••••••• 714·544-2484. sat. $150.000 mortgage ors. vacant. Evin Cor-4 br. 3 ba. bonus room, tu te w rp c, car ge-et pklng $675 mo •••••••••••••••••~•••• 979·3848, 11k fol' Pim Lge 1 br. crpt1, drps, In· NEU VIEW llPLD lde11 owner'• unit· 3Br 2br. 2 Br lb• Welti to tht beach Ctou 10 1h0pplng. E11c.I. cono. Aeklng S l65.000. eesy 11rm1 . Bkr . 7141731-5181 llMOO SH,000 HAI lllll ·a'" ... Asttl., MH,IOO Appro11. 1011'1 gross. W.tlHe I 0.. lffn. l2t·IHI 619·723·9550 9060 den. din rm. lrplc rage. 2 boal lltpl avail 5415-7•9• E·B1yfron1, Lltlle Isle, ken 644• · Agt S 1100 Ava II now 12500/mo 855-2473 __ """"'r 3 11,,,.. deluu lrg. ITr""li'~ ea sludio. pool, dry rm, prkg. wlllf pd, 10 minutes eo of Lagun1 wtide-9 5 ..... ~, • V1 11 hll g81 8 rerrio •va11 Xlnt on Dana Point's mos1 IY tWMa C.1t111•11 3ZZ4 963-4785 ,. • --Jurt•Htl f•t•i••H 28r. lrplo, Sl800 mo dcatporO,t< PN patso'e~7·· loc No r1s Ava~ now •ecludad 1cen1c bluff. $165K equity in compi.. ••••••••• ••••• •••••••• B ti , Cl ET REA T HOME w/ocean ..... -......... •••••••••• 675-3067 ''" 0 pt ... .. 031-842 B tely rebuilt Nn•port Houw and Duplex• Rent •• •I H '& harbor vu 1 1cr1 . 2 .. IH. lll••I 3111 646-1824 Ilka new. 2 r wi den, Helghll pool home 10 333 E 2tll SI CM N1tN8I JZ42 story home on Clllf Dr •••••••••••••••••••••• Lge 2 BR, tt.; bA, !pie, I~ PALM MESA APTS Almost New. 2 stry. 2 bd, ;~~1~':t'°Sf:~1a!eo.p~~j tllcll1ng1 !or Income 1545-8103 645-e589 ··~··••••••••••••••••• Each level hH own encry. Baytron1. em atudlo. ullll 11'-aundffk. yfly. S8 1561 Mese Di 2 ba, encJ yrd. gar. decks. 6 15 property Prefer So •t, dock, patio. decl(, 4 kitchen. librery, lrplc & pd, quiet emptyd stngle, mo 1st. last, l300 MC. $400 Unlurn. 1 Br & patio 1(1ds, Peta Q.t< 151· u 1 or M ·F. 9.5 Or1ngfl Co fi11er -uppere 's'"528£1J~r1~~·.r:t'ode r 2 Ba. 3 ~r g111ge. gorgeous vu Ole/home yrly 1•25/mo 1573-34500. No petC1 or g8a7r, 320025') Cell blwn 9-• 546-9360 $845 Avell 1il·1 Lorri 6•3·02102• 058rl3veSby to 6A5-955• owner 2131592-4905 use or shared llvlng. GrlOd anal 3-4 Wk<Jays 5"7·9571. Eves set II .. anti l54l-0763 No pelt i.ase option I 1960/mo Dog Ok .. ,... Sunny 1 bt, 1 t>a, no pt1S. 2 Br 1 Ba Eests1de, QU"t & Wkndt 850-0223 Clare 111..W.lfial llffs lovely custom home 3 er. Im•• 3Z4f 752·21117 R & H lnv .. t· 11al••al• 3111 Avail Dec 5 S5251mo neigltborhood. no sie••. SHA'RP"EiStoe, Mparare MUlnllT Eaattlde Colle Mts• 2 81. freshly p1lnt10. •••••••••••••••••••••• ments •••••••••••••••••••••• yrly 673-0111 near 1Chool1 1450/mo B f--.. .. encl Moat 1..,..ent .,.., bldg meny 11tr11. prvt. Ute & am&LI Winter Rental· 28'. pool. 1 ~ 1.11-615!1 2 R unit. '""' yor... """ -Poattlvt. cuh flow Ow· 1 1 r y 6 4 2 2 9 6 2 E•CluStve Wes tell II Villa. houM to bch S5$0_ Playt 3 BR. 2 81, yrly lse, 111, gar. new Cpll, no pela tn Laguna Beech, finest ner will e11ch1nge lor • • 1 to 4 bdrma, 11a1tlng •I Dover Or. master suite R.E 673· 1900 1191, $750 $300 dap. BEAUTIFUL 2 Bi. 2 81 Ce 11 5 • O -1 158 o~ 1oc111on In town, brlllh· N-POl1 Beach '"'den· 619•756•3246 S600 10 S w/liptc 2 er 2 81 pool 675•9859 11191 Frplc, encl gar, chOl<:e 979·3848, etll lor Pam taking 111ewa, all b1Jilt·lna. Ct Agt Mike Crow 2326 f0fdh1m St C. M )lcu:a.1' etc ll100/mo' Winter 2 br. 1 b1. encl area, ldlll prel $575 peetld pool. sub-garage, 645-31741 College Patk Aru 3 bd, 873_33·13 or 417,,.3103 gar $575 114 E Balboa lllMa 3094 Mace W/fedco Sell Idle Items 6'42·56781 'eltvator Lean only I I II 2 be. Obie Ga<. Lrg Yr<J, Blvd 870-5991 l••i••.U 3111 -• :r $850 & up ,,. I n/ •• ,,,, Frpl, $785/mo 63f·8062 THE PREMIER Harbor c. ' I. 3111 ••••••••••••••••••••••••• ,,,,.,.,, •• • 330 Cltff Or 494-eoa3 I·•!, • "-J 11-WutH Ridge View hOmt • BA ••• ~!.~ •• ! ... 'M ••••••• 2 bdrm, 2 t>a new8f dph1. ,,_} 3'10 ~ Jlf Oceanvlew. 1Br decora\Of fT•I I 111 -• -•••••••••••••••••••••• 3 Ba. Lautremont mOdll. Oceen view, btlullfully y(ly Mature non-amlirs. •••~·~n••• uWii .............. apt, gar•ge N"' L1gun1 •••••••••••••••••••••• ~ 1uUab .. tor otta. AveH now 13 000 mo $650 X 3 l " 4 plex C.M .. pride ol aw-2000·+ Alao comm'I Of • • turn townhOuH, lrplc, no pet.s · t blk 10 bch, no Ptl• nershlp. Od fin 1295, llrlP C1r P/P 556-7135 760·1977 pool & PlliO $1095/mo. 213/790.41115. 257·9792 Kennebunkport? S575 mo 494-6404, 0 0 0 . 6 7 5 • 0 0 7 3 0, "'"' Tl ... 673·089e 0( (7 14) 673-3986 &44·4311 155-2249. liat•I• ~:',:,,~-:~:,;. ~'0 ~.~:. 1 Biii io oce•n aer, ae. C.it• llna 111f '395 1 Br dpl11 Utll pa. Isn't that the ,boat v;;y Cttirmtng 2 bd, 2 b•. Channing Laguna a..cti •••••••••••••••••••••• $8$0/mo.1544-183e 't513C"""5~... Lido Sands Conlm PoOI •••••••••••••••••••••• 417 E Bay Ave, BllbOI that won The Americas Cup IO 75? 'llory, frpl wOO<I P•'*· homefofCoron1delMar •••Ht F•t•l••fll $1200 to $1400 mo. Furn 1 bdrm apt• $315 Pen Nopet1 547-1155 fV"\ y~ daok, lrtu, ,., blk/ dupltll ChHhlre Rtt• •••••••••••••••••••••• EASTSIOE 1 Y' ltlH, 3 br. 2 b1. pymt S 179.000 1400 and up Enc garagtt • BACH!LOR-.--(!;: )a 11'...1 ~;.:;) 0 C..t 1 n . N 0 1 n d , esiate 759-1877 .. , ... l1ha4 JI 3 br, 2 bl, lgt houM, 2 l•flCed. comrn pool. + mo. toward• putclltH 2110 Newport 8llrd CM Yrl)I, utll pO. $340/mo. If you·re nc>t sort wflO (Of ~) Kenn~nkl>Ort $05/mo, Incl utll• ••••,.••••••••••••••••• frptcs. lgey•Cl '850 mo. water, 1900 mo Celt dye price. $3500 dn P\11 Pty. 548·4"8 2o1 E. Belbol Blvd WI!$, OOn't feel blel-yo1J"rt not •tone 640 5821> , ...... ,,, .. r1r MM ......... ., ..... 831-3091, 759.9531 851-3003, •v• 851-8180 847·•788 USA. -876·15&2 t46-13111 Ktnn~kport l~OfltOf 1 .. dl91nctJWly oc .. n front I br, l)lrl •• : •••••••• l' ••• ,.~-:;f ......... u-2 BR HOUM & Ouplett 3 Br 2•. Bl IOwnhome. ·-~--. I W... • p ft .... .._. --1 ......_. ...... at Sftwtlld VI•-.. It N t 333 r "I t St c u 1800tl.AIC.ger ... m --_ .. ..,. ALLUTILITIESPAID Pen I 2 Bn, I bl, "'"'"''"'"_ .. ,_, ,....,,.,...~ ..,,. lurn ... ou I o Ptl c M. H~ qlllllty Ouc>in ........ -,,_ " c I .... ........ _ ........ I l8109 tpeelout dVPlex 111nd1t. IClry, no pell In HuntJngl!Dn e-11 SNwlnd "'llllgt Is . '11ult MOO/lllCI utn 497·1082 3 ltp!C· ' g1r, copper ·-It,,... .. ..... 1~2""'·8'>!'!.. ........ rm, """' upgr....,..,, m· , ... ~rn11 lt>IC I epan, Comp•r• Hlort you H OO yrly 875·0983. d tculy pef10N~ltOP''Otelotlll ptll!Nng ptmb ng. S t251<, euu--.......... """ .,......,.,...., ff:.~543° co $ 8 e 5 nr 111w1n\ lttpt to rtnt Cu1to1T1 OellOn 675-19" 11'1 5 PM Tn. IUnd ~ ltttnltotl you Oli9tM m~!t.!lf.!!!..Y.ff ma~·lo•n II 1~ Int. ................... ...... e .. 1-· ...... 2 9, q·.._., ~ be. e., I y f t p I "'b f --'I w -" ....,. .... , ·~--•• uree. oo . v Q. A~ blltlCI o """" .,.., MnQ On Golf Cour1t .. , I 11SK10 fr· Ag• n t lll-lttl c:erptt. geragt, yard, Slnolt family home on 7 7 U IH4·Hat eoll or cov•ro gerege. aurroun· &.-'''II• Jiii na(Jtd In • fotlst With bet)C)ltng ~end quiet Nine conoo 2 IA 2ba. 2 042·MM. J>OOI, no pet1 '675/mo. ecr1 Park, cul·d•·H c Wknda 876·91~ Otd with ptutltt l•lldte•· m:rn •••••• .,....... _ ......._...., nat ,.1 oc:ea bf"2-. Adel to car o•r w1opnr wa1ht Ull IY .... ..,... Mngr 2453 "8 " 011nge . aero .. 110M lge comm 2 BA & O«'l :1•; b p1no No Pt1• lllPI Tl llUI .--. <-w, u n arvtr Lower unll w/ UndMded ..,lnttreatlft ,,_, __ ,. 111 Ave Po04 2 bdrm,2be.'9m Meetll110omo1&':r 11AF"'n 1615 L11t9e38'.31emarw tNtltMlt ttA.llU.twltMlll'IQ~•jlC•U•lnd petto $7 25/mo 16 unite·~· 11100 In •• :.~·~·;:;•; fA-s-=T-=s""10E~.'""3,....,...bO-rm-.-2-ba, rooM, flrtpllc•, oa1lo. Open Delly 431 W•tt· '85W Wlllont42·1t71 '"''"11111 11100 Cell ac~IO<.ttlOflllNf~ancl 71•1770 tHO Hunttnoton a.acn. CA ~ 2 119. _,,, " ..... rttlll F A room llrtplece. fenc.td yard, Pt1I COMI· mtnat• Alrt 831·Me 1 • --•-. AnlflOnY cle'f9 .. 2.01&1. tmpioymettt encl you"" 91iu plaet ~would 2 It 2 11 ~On Golf OaH 7t41H0·2411 for 1,,;med t·tir:"'junt ftnCtd y11rd. gdnr, CPll dl ftO. two car o•raoe ---..,.,.Af .___ ..,_.I wtlndt ~t·t830 ~ Qll llOnlt (t..o ~) lntom\etlOn, 11200/fnO, 1at, "''· w and Orepea 1100 per :i\&:;'=1:*oe,':: s:n ~~,..!,'·~.:: 011 :ttl ~:C.'*... iii u;:-MW orpl.10rpi Ont lflO two c.oroom. cw ~!:o Ollll =~"° •;::-. .:":~.;~ 5 un111 Ea•t•IO• C.M. 3 cseo. 676·1'63 mo tit •nO IHI ptua "''· aHoc '"'· ceble. ~. eto llOO/rno .401 •· ..., · Petlot 1 blocll ocean, t nc110 ll*trNlltS fl'Oft'I -d9c: 'cair r,· btM! eru. ~--· olO. 3 Ir ,.,. M. ::>,::: Aobinhood l.ri &&2·44 ... "'t·IM1. ..!!!:~O-:~.~=\~W,..-:::j ~pet• MHlrno -m:v::w -=~I '30,000 deOrtc OtduC-OPIN HOUll . ---Bt1ut 2 Br homt LO• Condo fot ...... lllln1, 3 coum Aec.11 _ ~ llOtt IOr 18'2. 1 100.000 ... IM 1"9 Np1 H"'991a• 3 It "'•la t ........_ I .... .,_ :.':r. I .... ....._ .__ ....._~ -!IM/Ji.lt'. .JIJI d n 1 •t1 •oo IP .... ...,. " • COl.llllry kltch. cer II'· If trld ""'1, llledl dOor ..,_, -,_" . -··-· l •V"'W• _......,, ow .. •" Ye11ty renttl 200' to condO. fMI rm frpc,. In· rlr poo1..1..•hope, p1tll, 10 PoOI . .._ from ttn-no pet• vtry '''"• • .,..._ ftO ,... '700 In· • • • 831 .. 511 1>eett1 ...,. oecor ire dry rl!'I oer H OO mo tenn11 NH 681·211t msdub 11000/l'llO 2757 14H tnddl .. u111 , .. ..,. ... SllHlflOtfoo.. -·-... _"""'ca CtM Loma ••rr ""' ~"" '""" ll50 Ot 131-1"8 aveninot Vitt• UmbrOH. N. ... •• ltC ~22 l"*>t•. Open 12·• l8'91!1 ~~ ·(-11•) ...... ,-... ...,, ••A.,.., ltOO L ... ~ ""° ,,., ,..,.,.. Uftfurn 780 ()Mw/19"1 ---T Olla MO... ---. -,..._, .,.... .... Hltlft9; ~ wflet thl 304 8'vtf l etllne anytfllnt wUll • CNI OMIN OMtl • UU mo 0 1• moblle I•· t le .,...,, a llf'Y. ,rem"" Sir! OtllO ,.,...._ *"" "°"" OI\ _.. • ~ ,.,.. .... OIMrtl DAil V Pit.OT I-:~===;;=~ Delly Piiot CfaMilltcl Ad fOf WHITI ....,...,.. ~ HtlQlttt. 1utMy 3 llCNM No pelt ~.. '"*· "'" ... catp0r1•. _,..., 111111 .. 1W1 -*'.-i • _.,,. Vlllllf • Nt ..... WOft't •. HfMCIDtMC'TOfllY h le t,...._ mett• wtttl•Cl•lftedAd bf.v•~.M78 1 1NO ttcure ttt1 NewP«t ...... no ... &ll801rM ~ .... •QpllldllljlOAM'1itlllll ll?O ... Mii te II alNI jUel cal .. l•M11 Clll Ml ·MH M-PIOO lifVd f46-a7i 1'0-'111 .. F4 Orange Co~tt DAILY PILOT/Sunday, Novembef' 14, \912 ------------- ~!!!!!m ••..••••••.•• Fl!r.!.l!!!lff •••••••. Our ollln• handle all NO StMmlNO lftMlt>OO ., ... OI l•w Promp1, Stiff\ 81M(:lalltt , .. , courteov• IMVloe FREE dry llrH .. , 1'9·11182 contullallon 6"t .. )3S Shampoo 1 ... am 0 ... ~ Agg1et•h11 Allorney, No Color brlgt11ener1, wlll r .. lnlllal Con1111tatlon: crpll • 10 mt11. ble1c:t). Perton11 lnJv1y C•N•. Hall, 1111/dln rme &16; 1110 No Rec:o111ry, No Fae. room 11.00; couch 110: 494..8591. c:t1r $&. Ouar ellm pet ~'!r.Jft.fffnn.. "11!.-!.w •••••••••••• !'!!!fr!~~ ••..•••••••••. ~flft!~tff1 •••••••• !~ff!'11 •••••••••••••• 111,11,1. ••••••••••••• """''"-'!. ........ ~. Tll •U ... JACK Ot' ALL TRAOEI ...... IAICKWOAK· lmall Jot>t. CUSTOM PAINTWOAK AC AAIHOUnlA WAY 1•11'111T• Lie 1420802. Pllnt ,lnlllClf'IQ AYalllble 141·1Jt0 . ........... . SINCI 1H2 •212&42 Mlti.a MIClrtwlCll 111·1211 I.awn ,, ... .nrub lnt1•M Clll JKll an)'tlme. Newport, Coit• Me... Comm'l/rttld, 11rit>Olng, IOnci.ct·ln•·lkl 8344764 TrH lftm/removlll e>ey or night 175·1014 Wlnll ~In• Rel• 975·3175 1111n1ng Tiit Job that ''" .. , 1·!124·~24 L1wn M11n1/Rotot1111no -• HIQn Q1o1i!iiYhouNWOf'k. ><-pert brick a c:amant •:i••k• for ttulf a.IJ..l jl Fr• 1111ma11 541·tof5 !fl.~~·.A.............. Exp1rl9r1c;ed, dap4tndl· work. Nwpt/CM tine• 4 1-8590 •••••• ! .. fl••••••••••• --DUMP JOIS *· nOMtl. lntelllotnl, 11160 Call now a Hiii lat CLASS PAINTINO· O•blntt• rtllnlahtd by c::r ,.?;~~~~1!o c}~: 6 lllUlll MoVlno Joba :':~lov~'i :11111:~·~ ~ .!~_12 ______ w111p1pir. 1n11e.1. f't. nut. Mctn..0 tamale. K HI Pttl 14HOH Call MIKI 148"·1111 113·7012 lfltr I PM Block/Brlc:k Wlllt, Con• ptlrt flrN .... 979-529.4 Adafnt. 7tll0·98t7 odor. Crpt repair 15 vre ... ~lll•t. ••P· Oo work my1111. To"'MEiMPAOVE'MiNT 00 IT NOWI wi9LL siTi; "'·=cM·h;,;;: Atlt. 554·012) ALL TAAOl!S ••••U• wa-• HAUl.ING·ORAOINO weekdayf AN dlV Sllur· Crtlt. Vary rtu. LIG'd. P1lnt1ng tnl/tlil rt1ld, •-/11• --·-demolitlon. clHn·UP. di~ e11d Sund•V· Bob 113·531_7/5311·~ comm. Calm Wolk Rafa r.e•••'•••••••••••-•• Mowing, edging. ,rtklny. Cooc:rete & tr" removll. Free Niimi! .. 631·'6050 Huber Rooflno·•ll ::::'' I • ---------ne••oD•Lt•oo·Ns lenCld y1rd. hot meett, C I IC. I ,., ... " "' , .. kt ..... flH lllH. 948·2174 .f!!!~., •••• !!t.!••••• 141•8067 'mwa•t .. •P. ~~g ... 7F3re7e ut . Quick -Y. &42•7131 II yqu want vour tlocuH lfl'ri•• '''l!!.'-!i LlcN~;rrerz~:9~,A ~g.., RE"LLY CLEAN, 111 •••••...,,••••••••••••••• ,. Your Dally Piiot c 1 ... 1 c~nt·M•aonry·Bloc:k Setvlc:9 Olf1C1ory hr 1111n mom w ... b•bvs 1 wau .. cust. work Lie:. AtpretentaUlll your 2·4 yr old. Call •381057 Rob 547·2683 J9Cikll 715·83U 141·Mll, tit. HJ '•"''" OrllltW•Y•·P•llos·w•lll• ~~~~~~~~~·••••••••••••••••••••• BtockwaJta·Maaonry = CUSTOM HOME BLOR FrM Mt, reas 192-4557 AMJl/.._.fl1•ffl1/Ja• l'IMC11 SMALLER JOBS THOMPSON CONCRElE ••••••li":I~•••••••••~ ~-hOu ... F,_ Expet1ene«I Clfpenter ""'';.:-·D ... 3 Pallos.-Or111tW1ys-Remoc1et/Add-oot Aep1lr "' ..,.11 •n ...,7..0 "2 lound11lon1, M303313 780·2885 546·1854 ~.~l~~~J!#}~I. •••••• ,_M_e_c_B_e_1_:"_c_2:,..06_.4_~2-o_n_c:_re-1-. Moonllgtll Dfattaman c Olnet & c... i Hom .. Add'na-Remodelt • 1 • pen ry -coo51: tlaM. welkt, curb, Mflfllber AIBO 845·1871 SrneH Jobi & reealre g\lller & dock Also r .. Fr" 1tt1m11n 645-2003 pllr. 552·5610° SLIDING GLASS DOORS lnalalled/ Remod. ldd'n1 C11antn CiiU C•11 & concrete Lie 381181 .••• ,-.~ ••• -,••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• J 192 1321 Fiii ISTilllnll Lolll"O Mom fOf your in· oe · ~sontble prlolt: fast. ranl, toddler, nr Jambo· A.1rn1iat. ltnitt .•...............•... 50% OFF FIRST MONTH Oepend•ble. allcxdable, euenllat Answering ser11lce. 1ecretarlal & bustneu 11rvlcea, mall box rental. word procn· sing. Tel•x·F•catmlle, order entry, p1gera•lease buy. desk apace rental. ANSWER NETWORK 631·9131 (aak lor A.V.) proleulon•I work . .. ree & PCH. NB 675-0711 custom worll tool No Job too amall or loo blgl Ce· blnett, kitchen remodel & flnlatltd Clfpentry ... elect.I plumb./ ctblneta/ countertopa. I do every. thing from start to flnlstll Call Br•d II (114) 111-HIO Remod. & Repairs. Free "'· lo rate1. Decks. pa· Co•l1Mt111 C.•11•/ ···········'·········· ................ Lie. 306888. Remodel, Add'n1, Cabinet•. 646·85861645-4144 Custom RemOd"tAdd'na Free tsl. Quality 2nd to nonel Btndel Con11. Lie. 411570 549·4271 110 Sieve 752·9556 None 2 big, nqna 2 amell. A j /I From A to Z we do II all. .!I..~•••••••••••••••• EXPEA. carpenter does 714-675-9436 lie 425781 Ortv-ays. Parking Loi •dd'na, remod, dectca. R c u ,0 0 r, C • RepaJts Sealo.oalinQ. Skyllohl$ • repalra... Free-"'.....: ........._ • Om m S&S Asphlt 131·4199Lic "'· 01n, 841-45112 resldenllel, 1en1n1 Im· provemenll. maJor re· uatom C1rpen1ty by Dick p1l11, Bldg reno111llon, & Neil. PIM!lng, formrca. code corrections. etc. 20 doors. etc.. Ph. 642-8809 yrs Orange C1V. bonded, Oen Hallberg Grading & Palling Co. Res/commt Lie. 3976804 842· 1720 Want Ad Help? 142-5678 ins. Lie: • 19t801. Pa· Find whit you want In 1ombo Const. Anytime Oatty Pilot Classttltds. 962-3314 f'-•.'m.!m~~!'!f. lllTll C1btnet1·P1o11tm1n1-e111 Wall Unit• 842..0881 HAULING • 11udent h•t Llnd 1 1 199·03 ta. Good .,.1 ........ , •• •••• ••••• .. ••••••• --• ••• JAPANESE OA~OENER 101 truck. Sama tow A.t •• Fa11111no tnttrlOt Del!On lllf rw--• SPECIALIST: malnt .. retet. Prompt, 7H·t076 ' Top quality 25 yr exp. HANG1N0/8TRtPPIN0 Don't ra•roof. rlf)llf at clean I.Ip, \rimming. Low CdM Think you. John. HOU!JECLEANING· Good Competltl11e ,.,.. Vlta·MC Scoll 145·0325 I r • ct 1 0 n 0 f c 0. t . price Free"'· 549.9493 relt. Tr1n1por1111on. EJi. No overtime 730-t353 expert wallc:overtno In· _!5_7_-2_1_eo ____ """'""_ ·-· G .. _I .Hl''•1• per'd 979.9751 ··Bc ··O"ING· lo .,_. Con•"L RS ,,. .. ,. a ,,.....,,no ••••!eA•••••••u••••• "' .., • 1t1llal n .,.., _,... ROOFING AEPAI Cle1n-up1, trM lrim & J411r II ,., Ul·llll Qu11ttv HouMCl .. nl"O Quick. Careful S.r11ic• tll\t A1tlgnmt 581·8&90 Small Jobt OK. FrH IJHltlt1/ ~ ttrVlee 540·8035 Furnac;t.pool·wller heat wtltl • Petaon•l Touch Low ,.,.. 552..04 10 We g•I• thd h•no too• Mllm•ltl. Call Tom Of erecT°RtciAN•..:_-.;;,~:d Lawn aervtca from $II NI* eo 000 BTU Furnace CiK Betti l50·0933 "'STARVING COLLEGE 1t11r. Hang, 1tlect. Up· ,_Chudl __ ._54_2_-83_9_2_. __ _ mo. Yd GIMn·upt, wee· • I d Houte<:IHnlng, rell1bte. STUDENTS MOVIHO hol1ler w1ll1 839·0730 _...,._ rlgh1, tree e111ma11 on ding tree work Ken & lhermosllt 11111t1e rel. Own trtnap. ~· CO. Lie Tt24·436 11\ytime .!:?f!••••••••h••••• la•ge ex am11t tooa, "64 ioa3 . SI00.001714) 191.S!ll2 YOLANDA 642..0405 Insured 641·8427 1-...;....-------MOBILE SERVICE Lie 396121 673..0350 _., __ • _______ ,---------· , I J K&O l•ndtclpa Mtlnt. ·-· •1a.ln Holld1y HOUH Cl .. nlng, __ w_A_T_C_H_U_S_O_A_O_W_I_ .!~~ •• !~~!~•••••••• Aetcrttnl.IN9w IOJMnl LIC'O ELECTRICIAN Rttld/Comm. Cletn·up. ••••••••~•••••••••• low rat-I , 111lm1t11. Mo11lng? bp'd, rell1bte, ••BRYANT'S•• NB/CM only fM2·tff2 Oval work/Rt11 '''" s 75 " s F 1 °·--·at FrM ltl l3l·50]2 Sprinkllf 1ys ~9·2419 ....--.. ,_ htrry 1·•44t, t11ron lo COi\ An~e. rM Wlltco..,.rng ,_,ovv • _,__.. '•· 157·5317 Ml G4(y 493·2312 All type1 6~2·1.343 fll, ---ELECTRICIAN SAM FUKUMOTO'S "'Home repalr/Rtmocs. •••••••••••••••••••••• Sml Jobs/Repair•. Lie. Gardening, cteen ups. "'Fl~·ll Stn/ICI •HouHCIHnlng·llOnHI, ,,,,.er,,,, TILE INSTALLED .,3310 •• c. to. 548•520 m1lnt • tree trim, aml •C•rpentry •Plumbing r•ll•ble Quality work. l•i•ll•• •••••••••••••••••••••• All Kindt Guarant..0 ' " landlc:lj)t. 645-3540 •EllC. •'1n. Carpentry Reil Sue 145-1169 •••••••'••••••••••••° CUSTOM wood Piiio co-Alfa John 840·9217 AESIDICOMM'L/INO. '' •Ort·Moldlno•·C•blnett · Fllf PlllTill vars. redwood deck• & 20 ""•·Do my own worM I ••• · •S'"el"lng •F•ucett 10 BHmilll•• b~lchard Sinor. Lie. tenc1t. Randy 641..o822 •..-•--Z-.. ,. ·····A·············· " ... . .•••••..•. r.......... 2 4 t3 I ol '"•PPY ........ r, •• Lie 278041 •1 •4"112111 1 B vr " I.'' ~'• I ••••••••••••••••••• ••• -----"-"_.,.. __ ., TRACTOR WORK: E11· gar. dr apr nga. lg or Prol. M 35 IHkt houH-,. illlll •IM I RMH Eltct·R1model1, c1v1t1ng •• compac:llon. 1ma11 1 -dolt •Ill Fut. titting opptt or 11111 In IOCll C41llorners. •••••• •••'••••••••••• SLOW RATES S -'fl I t I 20 1 I I hi .. t Thank""'" 631·4410 EO'S PL"STERING Tr11 trlm/remov. clean Add 11 10 n 1 • g 1 r . backt101. 20 yrs u;p, .,, c en aerv 09. yr re al ons p n exc:... ex •-· "' 554 7017 wrkehops, low ralM Lie King Equip. 637·7392 ••P· Lie • .t B352151. httlld malnt. & repairs. INT/EXT PAJ!'ITING Nell pelctlet. lnt/txl. upa, mowing • #325739, Ina. 379 --=--------1 951-6067 Herbor ., ... 642·7797 & WALLPAPERING Antuccoa. 645-9258 Tree remov1t, trimming. BH,ntla I~~~~~~~~~ I I kl Cu11om work. FrM 111. PL •STER p•TC"'ING tmer~wvlce. lie & TOP QUALITY WORK AT REAS. RATES llc'd. Joel 547·4425 ~!.~'!'~ ........... . TIEEI Topped/remoYed. Clean up, lawn renov. 751·3476 •••••'"••••••••••••••!: Pro . gant1em1n oo no SI 5 7 428 "' "' n I .... 5 "0914 Carpentry • Meaonry P1lnllno. plumbing. alee.. for tong term tlouaesll· Aeu. 8118 4 • 1 Re1tucco1 Int/ext. 30 naur...... · "'" Roofing • Plumblng drywall. Ille, Clfptntry. ting. BHc:tl area. Reta PAINTER NEEDS yra. Neat. Paul 545·2077 f J Drywall . Stucco . Tile Mark 546-78111 a111il. Brad Butler. WORl<I 30 yrs exp, lnll II •)i•• •'-~'!.~I.••••••••••••• Remodel J.B. 646·9990 "HELPING HANDS" 751 -4653/675·7I10 8111. Acoustic: ceilings Lie .•• ~ ••••• ,............. Mott aubtect•. K·14 C1rpentry Cabinets You n•me It, well do Ill JHll•tl•I 368780. Free eat. H•r El / Ul·llH Dey/eve S5 & S10ftlr. Plumb. Or;ln Cleanlng Ed & Bobbi 240...0275. 2A •••••••••••••••••••••• 01vl1 Painting 147·5186 40 g•I waterh .. tet $225 Mr. Morgtn 145-5176 Electrlc:al • Tiie ""· COMM'L JANITORIAL 15 vr• ••P· I'm small, my R.ta. 0on ee&-0149 & CARPET CLEANING 111 R s SAVE s 20% • 40-t. WI-'•• Cl1ul•• • _prlc~s IU-1 sma on -Ptumblng/~I .,..271703 ............ _......._ 21 YRS EXP. DUNHAM •• ~'!!!!!~~!!!f........ L~~=~Tngett~~:4 ,_6_50_·_14_7_7_._66_1·_8_84_9__ Guar, , .. , An/comm "Let IM Sunshine In" HOME IMPROVEMENT ROBIN'S CLEANING Lowu1 retest Promp1, 537·4371 GG Call Sunllllnt Window Rtmodel·reptlra-fenc:ing Service · a ttlorOIJQtlly WNM'-f!•f. n .. t prole11lona11. 15 983·5474 HB Cletnlng, Ltd. 548-8853 elec:lrlc:at-plumblno cta1n hoVte. 540-0657 oid·C~ni;; 1~0·:c-:;;,~ yrs exp. 836-7149 SELL Idle Items wttt1 1 20°1'• Mont~ Oltcount cttpenlry l3l·l530 TIRED OF HASSLES? "Anuttllng out1ld1 the RALPH'S PAINTING Dally Pilot ASIE" BY WINDOW CLEANING Ha..,. tomethlng lo Hit? SELL Idle Items with a Quallly cleaning help la ti om e.'' 14 5 • 5 5 9 7. LOWEST RA TES USING THE Oatt/ Pllo« AESIO & COMM'L Cltlalfled adl dO It well Dally PllOt Cluslfltd Ad. herel Ref1. 9fJ0..7452 675-6058 Lie 380015 536-9898 Claaslfitd Ada FREE EST 581·1132 tor rour camer• . ,-. - DOLLAR DAY DOUGH SAVERS to~ MerchandlM under 11,000. Seu your no-longer needed Items for cuh. If It doesn't Mii, we'll run It another 3 daya FREE. One Item OLLARS INES • .. '. ~ per ad, must be priced. Sorry, no real eatate or commercial ada. Call today for full detaUs. 3 3DAYS CLASSIFIEDS642-5678 , ................... I lxtra .... 11.01) A,.,:•,.I•',.•,!,' L...1" A,.,:.•,•.•,.•,~,' L...1 !•.'!}!,.'!.'.'!!! ••• !.{!f ¥!!t•.'!.!!.ffe!.!J.'!f 1 ¥!.-.~IJf.!!.ffe!.IJ.f! !'!!!~.~t~!~ •.•. !.~! ,!'!!~~/:!!!~.~ff ••:f,•n•/l.,.nl/ Aa:•~; "/ .,, •""'' .,, ... S90 & up with kltc'"en 1 VIII • t 1 HOUSE•••Tes IUmFIL Retell store at 2650 A11on, 1,•••t• rllNINM •• ••••••••••••O•. •••• •• •• • •• •• •••• • • •• • ••• " • tll 1 t I Mature lem•ll to ellr tu• ..,,.. 1665 aq u plu1 8 cer •••••••••••••••••••••• Wll I fiul ...... ,, •u• ,,,, ...... ,, ... ,. 1111 weekly. Oc:eanlronl Mo-Wkly rental• now aveit No. Lagun• HUI• condo ROOMMATES, llWPllT nm• garage. S41:8777. ••ll•n• ...•.••.•••..••••..••• ··-·•"••••••••••••••••' ··-·•"••••••••••••••••• tel. 675-8740 W/ktlc:h. color TV on ct· w/Chrl1llan career wo· : We c:~ lo YOU With use ol reception. • O• .. tl••it. SOOJ All••••U•l•lf 1111 NO FEEi Apl. & Condo Btch apt, 'h btk to bellc:h, Fem non-smkr rm w/tlst bit. Winter Rllff • big man & 14 yr old son. Suzt All ref• checked cont. room, kllctl, phOne. C1••1m1/ ···~""••••••'•••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••ll. rentals VllllRentatw. $400 mo. lnc:lds utll. priv CM 1225 unlum dltcountt. Stlpt to 155-2710 111es. or •Ptlotostlken Hcrt11rt1t & word pro· ll•lll.1 4415 Nat'lsc:hooipubllshlngco. Wltneuwented.$100wiM 675-49l2 Broket 850-8957 tur,{ s26o: 645-5459 .. Btedl. 34311 So. Coul 975·5125 dya, Oldnt Agen.:y 832-4l34 Cflling. Mall & message •••••••••••••••••••••• est. 25 yra· work bookl bt paid to Sen Juan Bach apt. Smlll. No gar NICe CO"' room wllh pool. Hwy DP. 4M-5727 Female to Sllr With M/F, 3 bd llouM 10 share '°' blk MfV 111111. aeparately it RENT OR LEASE: Newly for Jr & ., HS's. M0.000 Caplttrano m•n & wo· •.t Block 10 be•ch, 2Br. brlgtll & airy. Je75 rno yrly 988-8213 laundry. $400 mo tnc S60 _. I • 4lTJ IVS*' clean. well '°"'ed to ber.cil. &245 + uni.. dttlred. Call: Judy, remodeled home with ctsh + ln11. 556-7135 m•n who were tlllctl· utllittea. 541-M23 .!!} ••• '!'!!!........... NB condo $275 mo. 65()..3253 7 t41750.0100 ltrge lot Comm'I zoning, .... 1 II hiking In ~na 8eldl 64Mtl9 1 • nll 875-9e43 Adi to Newport Bl11d. -on Sept 5, 1912. Wit· ----------tBalboa Peninsula. Prlv•t• I •••trt Roommate 10 lh1te large * 111 * 142·1334, 851·9889 M naued a 111t .i119td 3 bdr, 2 bl g., great loc Winter BAYFRONT Entranc:e.&175 No Miii -~· LlberatMo-30wMllllt condo3 bfodtitobMch. DIMTIYIRfTll ITilmlLltm au1omOblllwf\lchlnYOf, smoking or cooking several prim• locttlont penttlOuse 1p1 w/Hme. 960•9805 Full ..vice. Keep your ll•IL PllPlln AnaJtv 1 reliable IMl'IN ll9d tht man who picked Sindy beach 3 Br 2ba. 175-3391 in Saddleback Vlltey 10 UQYn•. $350/mo +sec. Slit nu condo. bfk to ocn. overhe•d tow a proln-F• Wll • management svatem ftf. them up & ottlet ctr ht Bachelor. great toe yearly. tsl •Jmf 142·11H excel cond. Monthly °'. Lge, belM.lt. rm w/pYI l>llh C"°'9 from F111urlno 24 OIP $250 494-62l6 Glf. micro &265. Tracv. tlonal Image high. Pr.. lllTAll uai 1 tnr fordable lex 1,,. rllld 1ti.gedly r .. r ... nded. If yrly $1500/mo Owner nr ONcll HB Ugtll llY hr auperllitlon. pltnnad Prof. M/F t o 11\r 3 Br 831-65"'3,549-342t 11lglou•Wntcttll1teaof F .. ·~· lla.111\d Utt commttclll you-eoneolththllctl 14•·9513 rm & kit.' priv $300/mo. r 1c:reat1on. eaclllng belc:lltront apt. Nn-smllr Aoomm11t w1nted to Newport e.ach 881 00-Otflc:e Butldlng or llO· mlfk•t Our prodUC1 hat h"'ers "' ttlt cw peeee 968-295 gourmet meal• l free $310/mo yrty. 548.-4149 share 2 Br. 2 811 t block var Or S1e. 14.131-3651 rage. 15,880 9<1 f1 XLNT prOYen ltaell O\llf' a pa. conttct Jeck Utter At· 2 Bf. 2 Bl. from $525 No 2 br, t bl, g11 .. Min~. 1 local lr1nsp0f'1tllon Cal COfl'llf tocatlon. parking tiod 01 two years With Ii· t o r n e y • I L •w pets. AcToae from N_. Btk from ~Hcs'&o~va l 21 x 13 fl room tor rent 81n Miller today for tile Fem lhr..-X·lfgcondo. l~3';,:'· ~-~',:. IELllE SllTE Lea1taltorpart.Ann~ terally Tens 01 Thou· 7141720·143~ You will port Beach Go41 CourM. 2~ i~~1132~ I m dream hO\IM Mesa var: exel11ng delaltt So C11 Plaza. All tm· smoker. 673-5137 !else with option 10 r• unds In ull Oocu· ba paid $100 aach for 545-4855 yr.,. • de $400 neg 768·7142 951-3952 men (714) 557-4329, .... , Fr91t II•& ,_ soc sq fl. Fountain inenled HYinga 01up 10 your t1atem1nt regar· W1m •• m lLS t Br Apt appro11. 1 mlle 75t-3294 u1,,.11i•• •·allll ~ISi (2t3) 615-5700 Ask for F non·tmlu 011er 21. El 1 1.'S~O/sq 11 Leua. Valley School District 30% end m0ta on utlh ding the accJdtnl wtien ii 3 & 4 Br. CIOM to w111r. lrom beech. Large turn. rm w/p\11 bath. !!: •••••• ~ ••••• :.... Mark Side CM. $225 + u1111. 142-4144, M·F, 9.5 Neomi Wieland. (714) bltls ara common Pro-11 determined you -e turn & .unlurn. reason•· 642·2357 nr OCC $200 mo. F• Lge 4Br turn hO\IM, excl. Roxanne 645-225e 942·6851 duct carrleS lull UL ht-one ol the l'\1teh-hlker1. ble, Ill 1men111et. Broker •••NEAR HOAG male. FOR RENTI, N.B. harbcx aree. Non· Rmmte wld. M/F to ehr Tired of c:r~~,:W~ l•'••ltlll ling _., 675-4912 2 BA l'V· BA. '495 546--2573. Costa M... smoker. $250/mo & utll. beaut. a br twntlomt In commutn t ~s-We now h1111 people --·--63l·3188; 645.-6822 2 bedroom. 2 btlht & 2. Cell Henry •I 645·1955 N.B. on the Bat. Blk to you Ilka an office 11 the Inti/ " -e1rnlng well over &100, .. _ ,.._ Nwpt Hgt• 2 br. 2 be, Room tor Chrlttitn F, ... or .... In T· ... n PHkt In be1ch 11111 your l•mlly •••••••••••••••••••••• 000.00 ,,_ .-., and we • 1.-T •••- I eAS ES 2 ..... 2 b i I s1•" •• -... Stir ..... 2bt 21hbl FP 2 !)Ch. $330/mo. 75-2829 could UM on • ..--.. _ ... $750 up. 2160 fl. lndll· ........ ·-SW~ -1p1clou1. Ava I now. V AILL . ""• I , Nwpl Hg11, kt. pt\I, "" Lake Arrowhead 1r1a. CM Fncd d OW .. I "~•tlon....,.unlt;"F"'~ '1rtal. Otflct. 18101 f*. 1re looklng tor I locel $8 pef" peraon, Pot Luck. &700/mo. 645-7400 Top FIOOf 11iew, SIOO. Inc:. utU. 142·1141 .... , .... lll·lns & fir-I...... git, · Y • • Ledu author w /b1au1. ._... • -w'"ote11ler to Join our or"'""• ot 1,. end up n "" _,,......., S34o+ John 673 1701 ' 1tattng lnlorm1t1on call dondo Circle, P & T 1,'.:,,... ...... t--: WI of· ~..-"' . LARGE 2 or. 1 b•. gar. 955-t515, 73t·2835 lar&t It•••..... Flrat. tut & dep<WI r• • • garden/pool home In Irv. S t Huntington Beach ., ...... v ....... ,,_.. 833-5806 175-7977 C 7 14 M ... / 3"· rr CdM wlehel to thr Th• 1p11111no ur • · ter a comp•-11 ... ~ti d/w. 5306 s .. shore. 1 BA VERSAILLES. lo-"' room t·or rent. $l""' mo. quired. •II \ I 111 10 ... r w aame gf ••· .. 12 .. 2 142 2834 .. .,,.., ·-• ,.., 768 0281 11•1 '"omt full I rn pool w /c111tl111ted tad" Center. lvl• • or • · elng progr1m ltallJrlng $750 mo. Yrty. 962-4914 11u, n-cerpetlng. •dll 224 1 ... 1 .. St. Hunt. "~h. • or .. " • Y u • • '· 13l 50•4 ---------1 sec bldg. Pool ........ g""'. "'.:..,.,. ....... 9 °" -687..0957 WHkd•y 111• hot tub. 50" TV. &350 S40C>+. 780·le01 • " 2500 1q. It. near Hoeg T.V. 1111 Tom Bollly of PARK H PO RT APAR TM[NT S RelrlQ Incl. ss75 mcrt~ ......,........ olng1 •lier leHrl c.c. mo. 846-2777 M/F N-Smkr •hr beaut. b••lle.t LHlffH Hoap. aeparate Olllct & the thow "Htppy om··. mo. Agt. 760-6117 OCEAN BREEZES Jog Of new 2Br vtew tlomt. apa. Roommate w1nted tcx lull Balboa Penn houtt. Prime lnllrHcllon ol restroom. $900/m o. INVESTMENT RE UI· bike to bet\. ChMrfUI rm. Make reHrvllionl wk/ ocnlront hae nr Bllboa $220 mo+ utll 175-1508 MacArthur and Jambo· Au tom o t Ive o le 8 k r RED $35.00 frN; tb!;ch~ :5~·0~~~~~1:1: ba. hlrn. linene, eic TV end S50/n1 sae-11111. Pier. Panoramic Ylew. i..tw rtuw 4'll , .. , 11 '* aq ft. Sub· 145-6266 1-111-111·1241 COUNTRY CLUB LIVING Included Pr098f1Y H kltch prlv. Uptypa ma· Park City Utah Condo. yrtv $300 mo. 175-9G06 •••••••••••••••••••••• le•H tv11f1ble. 120 or STORAGE YARD EXT 251 IN NEWPORT BEACH M . 842·3650, 842·1010 turt. stable, resp. Clean, Sleep1 I kitchen walk 1200 tq f1for1 y.ar. Call 2500 sq It Industrial ASK FOR MR. JOHN• Slngtes. 1 & 2 Bdrm. nelt, quiet. Buayworklng to till 11t1.'Avall o.C 11 to 2 Prof mates ..eking M/F ma If ... 1 Sendy. 2t3-120-1857 Unft with 325 sq ft of SON Apanmentt 3 Br 2 B• Step50, person No amoke. no ta 1450 714/4M-03t4 to lhr lg. very nlol bet-Huntington Buen 3.4 olliee & 5000 sq II HI & TownhOUMS 642·l010. drink Pool, jtc $325 mo · mid celllngs apllt·l•vel bdrm houH, iouttl ot SIPll IUUllt of asphalt c:o1191'td ylfd !!!!1.!!.ffl! ••••••• From SSIOAd Ou"""'x 2 II", 3 BR. 2·~ ba. ind utll. large Big Baar Cabin. 3Br. 2B• lfC)I. c~~· ~!' Ad. m • x Int r •I• Eaec. Sult• Incl rec:epl.. IUI. 1-an L·a-On J1mbofM •I ,.... ' 631·2281 Pool Table, COior TV. 2 mo.+'.\ utll • .,... .......,., 964-0332. 142..0100 HC'y Hr111. conl. rm . 7141751-4750 •• -San Joaquin HIN1 Ad fptc:, den, high ciQI. gar. ES lrplc'a Sleeps 14 °' Jlln 175-N36 evea kit , mill h•ndlg Rtt· ..,,.,._,,...11 ,.,...., 111. 2ndt. 3'ds. 4ltls ..... 1tll $750. 2t3-244-3816 I HARBOR VIEW HOM ...,,...., ..... ~"' .......... .-· CdM hou11. lem .. kit. 7141645-eOll. Npt Beh. W•lc:Jllt, $300. Prof fem. IOoklng for 1Bf ponllll9 to your buslnHa -2400--aq-l_t._$.;..7_20_/_mo--'-.-1"'"11-11-.1 T1lrlft I Lt• Alt'I SCRAM-LETS ANSWERS Skewer • Nipple Pewter • Aethma Drench • Wangle EIGHT TRACK E11erywtl•r• yo11 look kid• we 1111anlng to mu· tic. They're ~ hoo- ked on racordt, 1A9t1, radio and atereo. You could MY they hive an EIGHT TRACK mind. 3Br, 2Ba, c:pts. drps. BAYfRONT prlv. $285, 720-0375 PALM OESEATCONDO, 1 Mature fem~to2. lh,!~ aptCdM,or 8111111. S500 ~~~~Jof:>5 ::J,! & Plac:enlll. eo.11 MtU. FOUNT•IN "•LLEY newly rtdec:orlled In & Lldy author wl bMUI pool dtyt Dec 2. sips 4. Pool. wtth ..,.,,. ..,~, br .,...,. L11 mag 1411-9759 from $325 "3-6445 646-1164 "' '"' 1-1/ •lkn f-oul. 1950 mo (213) BALBOA ISLAND: 3 & garden 't1ome In Irv. t1nnl1. etc 175 dy. lge llv rm, pool, 631-5489 Cu /ft lnl 41,, -------....,....-____ "4-__ 9_1_1_t __ .... ..,••••••••••••••••••• 332-4051 Bdrm•. 2 b•. excellent Terr. CdM. With•• to 844-0627 Fern 10 stw 2 bf condo w/2 •••~•••••••••••••• lit .. n • LI 1111toont locsq •• ''So· o.lcs1"n•1ar-!'!!· •-a-II you hd•.,., been llunld. or, c:ond Furn or unturn ,..,_ .__ 1n1ure n 1n ace an 4 Br 2 B•. 40· from land, . . lhare wfcutllvtted lady LK AAR0WHEAD·2 llY glrll. Own rrn $200 + utM. °*'' Pt. slngta s1orage. 1200 SQ Fl • $900/mo t652 Minnie St. Close~ tat. 2nd and 3rd TO't and wi.tn 10 fiod out tll· w/batc:ony & aundeck. lmmad. potHHlon. 2 '450 +. 7to·MOt. new 4br + lofl, 2 ba, 2 Pool/).c. 775-8148 ""· aecured. •treat entrance. 321 No ...__..... 8111d a 405 r...... 64S..7512 Now II the Um• to act ..,...., .... , ..,,.,.,, ...... t•.,. ? moa minimum renlal. · 1rp1ca 2 o.~ color 34097 Ortnada sao c · ·--..... ' · '-7 _ .. , ...,,. •-• .,,.. &950/yrly Furn a t5GO /mo. owner OCC ar.a. S250/mo. ~ 1V • ...:.... 14 ~h Shor• Shr t>Mut. N.B turn. 2BA • · 720-1185 I ISH while Int-I rat .. .,.. from 1 llnt grows> ot at· 145-0340 844-8513 ullt. Kitch. prl11. LH11• s:ls7':.W1c~d UH/wk: tpt w/m1t1111 qule1 empt 173-3313• 493-oeo3. -R-.-,.-1-1-,-0-1-tl-c:-•-•P_•_c_a_'.!!!!f!............... tow. Call on our Pperl tornltl; Call 547..-017 or on Bay. 2 bdrm. 2 be, •·-11,~,.,, ••• msg. 879-5380 ... ""'/-. 522•1831. F Ol/9r 35 W/O pool S3JS Stor•g• oar1ge. tlngle, •vallablt l7th St. eo.11 Storage Space 12· 11 11' •t no charge to help 547-8010 lor • "-llgel t I 1 P I 1 _. •--I' _..,,. .. ,.... '.+ utM. 642-M92 9 x 2 O. Cost• M • e •. 36" d 170/ ........ With your problernt. Z con111l11ti0n. rp c. Cir gar. '111 • •••••••••••••••••••••• Room nr OCC. pllt home, Ski condo, M1mmo1t1, 2 100/mo. M ... from t250 a.I. to OOr. mo • ....,.. nl\tl Funding. ~all Art. --------=-- Bffch. Good neighbor· 2 BR. 1415. yearly, new pool, wuhtt/dryer. nOI\· Br & to ... 3 B•. Ua..o 10 M/F rmmt• wented for ....... 4""7 -or office. In 400 a.I. &45·3477 S 7 O • • c: · d • P os It· 957•1422 • ~i a •.-~ • .-hood for couple Of tin· dec:or,pool,nrbe1ct1, smkrS1707309326 " ...... ~. 39rllte,GOOdlOoetlonln .,....,..., 173·4154. Ne...,port -••'--gl1. S 1100. 173·2162. bus, No peta. 498-6277 • • • lodge a ct11lrllf1. S150 CM . S 2 0 0 I mo p h comt!\'I ., .. , rw E. 17111 •WPll'f llllTll Btleh. ~r. ., fnll ••• •••••••••••••••••••••• e.10AM. 6-9PM Npt Ben, WMlcllff. &300. nit• 404·1840 14&-tt48 St. a Orang•. C.M. FIJI! Stfvlct Sulttt --.. _.. Be•utltul llfgl 4 Br. In· \:./ .::0~0• OCNn =~u:,:n:~0 2 ':,~ ~t e~o a~·~ i:~1~~~ Stir OcHnfront·B•lbo• :.:~~. Clll .. 5 • M·F. .. -...,.. •• -;:::i.··· "" ·····•· ... ···-.·:mn·········· fN IMI\ ADS c:ltd p1110, slept to 645·9911 ba, lge t111lng rm, pool. smokart, 831•9781, 3Br. 28tt wtm1t1111 non· _,_~·I 4411 Ar:!,·n:c,m1,::., •••••••••••••••••••••• -UUl1U beech. v .. r1y. 675-4410. R ... 631·5499 ... 2 ...... 51. amoklnQ prof milt '475 .,.,.... I •rt111• It, let, ARE FREE ____ _.... ______ Nr SC Hotp. 2 B • 2 ..... ..., ,,. m-... 28 ••••••• •••••••••••••• monthly Itel FOR RENTI ..ii 2 Br. 2 Bl. Condo, Eul· patio. ptlng. $485 mo. No PleaHnt furn. rm .. kll. mo •MLID ...... 840-547'0 Speci zing In 1•t l 2nd bluff, upgredel, 11tac:lled pet1. prlv •• nlc:t yard. Adult * MAUI/KIEHi. oc .. n· Nlc:t pereon ntadl lo r.. 1 MO. F~EE RENT ' TO'I If~ tt49 gar. 0.. N 0 pet'"· 881· 1144 family home, EHttld• vi.w7tux .t~:l.4~ dey. duct tltptn ... /tflr 0.Ut 1 (O()ftl to 2IOO aq. ft. ~; ,s~ICE ~~T6~sup 2 bedroom. 2 batlll a 2 Robt Stllllf NH/CM Cal· St80/mo. 559-7t44. C.M. Red11c:td rent lor PP ( 141 ....,.. 28r, NB apt wtanothef From s1. ti a . ft. Ad' =. •.• ~ ••""/u ttorlta In 'twin ,.._,In R.E. Brollet Bd AMflor • (t M ICI ,. ri"' , ...,..,_ ....... L•k• Arrowhead area. 142 217t 545-0811 ....... 11 QCEA~FAON'T • Cutlm ,_,. ~ amall tlelptulntH. Rell-... ,.,, ,. A•n 4M nice peraon ~I. •· Airport., Inn & Fr-vs N • w P 0 , 1 8 • • c h Hu bultt·ln• & nrll)ltoe. • - decor. 38r 2B• u~. ••••••,......•••••••••••• red IOI/Ing woman. &200. ••u••••li'•••••••••••• lure. non-smlcr, c:onsldt-Call AM 833·3223 752....oe First, 1111 1 dePOlll r• WIDOW HAS SSS for TO'll~~~~~~~~~ amenillH, yrly s 1200 2 lk 2 I• condo. pool, 5"'8-5991 Wtnted 1t1'11 to w CdM. 2 "t• l300 mo. 720-0514 q u 1r 1 d c, 1 I I( 11 1 4 1 RE La.ne. 10K Up No = mo.: 28r 181 dWn 800 jec . tennta. So. Coaat BR 2 ba lfC>I. NOfl lmltr. DOVER IHOAESNMd 2 1117 W•tCllff. N.I . 2!11 ART tor commarlcal 781·0288 or (714) Credi• CMGk. No p9r1. Loat:lrlltl ... terlem,!MY mo. MetlJfe Pf9 7400 W. Ptu• ., ... 140·8908. Pvt room w/kllchtn priY. $350 I ~ u111 Avell Dec. • lo 4000 aq ft. 1tt floor. •P•C•• & otf1c11. llftlh llMY Oennlaon I Alloc. be weerlng Tuee , .... <>cntrm.150-9192 142.2012af14 1650. ~~ '&~ra:f.' ;~n;5: 1.11s.soe1 ~~~1!.f0~v':~1 b~:".! Aoan'541'5032 quM11y,rnetc:ttanydtcor, ~~.T:~,r:; 1"3·73tt 1 2300 ,._°'·Es.ma EASlBLUFF 2 Bf 2.,. .. MC 081•· 8411 eoee N-port H•IOllll Town-645-9515 ~ "'9;25!': ~ ~·=e~~·:;, answer, p1 .... llHP -~ .. tm Ane Hts Miid! lo"9CI ... Sp1c1ou1 1 Br. Piiio. Pocit. No pets. t535trno. A Cozy room. PfMllOtt & "°'*· ~i tvr;3~~ 2 bdrm apt, wlll lfleteyfty. :;a per re:;;." Many~ .. : atcw99. 7to-t975 trying! 171K no••· p 1y11111.I :':Jr,';,.~ i'::"'ci ~ pool. vl•w, no Ptta, 213/te0-t5t3. utll•. •p1ld Chrl1t11n ~·75~~m •· very dHlrtble, "''ny Clll 651·1010 WANTED bOoltll...,., to HUNTER'S 8PEc.AL 11000,. mo ~ 6*1ttt, l40 ._. NIO/rno. 144-4717 ~a Br 2 ea. w or 11 in g w om 1 n . 1menltlH 1350. Clll lfl•r• office •P•C• nr 14' fl'IOlomornt, Nlly Mtf ""'Int Al M 17 mot~ 2 .. ty condo 2., 3 e. do o11er100111ng pool, 545-4107 Lge mllt• br. pllt be & 175-4000or ... et '31\~ ~~!::~=.~·"· Air-81 ..... ,mo .:,, .... contalntd 496-1171. Ste by,.., •tt• In Lael Ttny wtlite dof, * • • · p ent 1 1»111 to .,_., & Tope& lelboe lllMd ........ ,_ 1 lvl-........ "" "" coMe troll' n•tlon• Harbor & Sen Dl9oO Fww. poot,epa.uuna.l798 pr n e ar S C .~ar ..,.~ .....,_ 41M bay lelll09 Pen UOO -tt, perking, 'allot llld. 0. prOYtOed Cea .__, .n-'/ company & penontl nr Fedco. Atw arlli. mo. 751-3191 M60tmo. ..... .... m.w;m ...... u mo Y'lr 175.se74 MIF roonwnele. nonem11r. 1~1003 r 111·~ .,_../_ml ~., ~1 111·-MN "" _ •MW 9ITa 24·30, to ....,. 2tlr/1be ,. L & n-""""'".OOOIO . ..._ It ---,...-------• i..J...,. Wiiiy rent• now •lltll. Roommate M·'· lr•lnt .,,, COl'Oftl c1e1 Mar. 2 -... -...,,,. .... ..;rn........... -\.ott: M Callao oat, on Mllltt ...................... s 1ot a ., Color TV 125000lemp.,_2 .. lllktlromoeeon $300+ AttfeadftNlllllupatalr9 J(ll't loo. NI.I l ml IM,··-1u11 40 -1 t•I or NOY. I . Dene fill a,. •• fltt!W o•t•ct 20 Town· 'll~b\!'r f:!c~ 2~. PllOMt :'n rOOfft 2174 monttia c.a 1111 .... 11 .,. u1111 t71·7Nf MttlllO. we""'" dellt. ecot'ng or I•• oftlce .,.,,_,,.. 4"-UU NO~. M1 ... 74 .,... VILLAGE COM· ,;,,..,., ::.. ltM l ~ Ntwpor1 BMt. CM. Mff prOI 10 lfW aft lie Single"'°"*..._ 10 ..-.. ....... You ... 1I0-0771 ......... ;;e.c ... •••• TNlt Deed for ..... Ill,~ '111 , t11k "-.ml-. MUNITY. 2 9'. 2.,. I•. ...., oir,, Oft Oclewl Ave ... t-7441 l'l~Newport 8tlor• .,_. ~ M1e1 Verde pty ,._., ~ ... P' ml 171tt I lrvtnt ltl'I floor &AUftdtMlet '°' Nie In· 000 a• t3,. Out Jun. wM'le petotl M Clh .. I, 1IOO .... fl. ~pure !u-J;; at 114-581-1452 1321 & \t utll 14Mnt llOfftt 11r/reepone1eiee te-pr dellt. Qel ..... 711'. ONLY l1IO mot 'Of. oludH ,lutf I 'Old lltS lin'e tall ___. .. IOlar llte Mlri'9 l •"'Y G•eges. IP•• "' · B £ A C ff A R £ A ~'flltll'dl matt. w11k to aotioott. &-.&. --1eMt oe11 Joel Oerlaon "°°°c M .. ~ & M9fN. told tor 'bi' Mllllon. "-". H:i. ~. lft ewtry l'lom• • "'"11r .._. r utluranu llOrH !"1-llOI · _,..... lollowt 1 "'11 .._.,,,~..,..~~~----~-=~'"'~; ;;;;;-;........... ... ff A/wk M.:,:.o ~ .. c!:'in 2Nbl• ~~· ~·a::~.~~ c:a.mr.=.v. H ••Awlfl 11.ff .. ~ .... -.-"-~-.""'!o..._a_lo_n ___ N-.. -.... -,-or-1 ==· ~·~::v.::ILOOI. ~·· ...., ...... mlcrowMO ovtne. prl· ~T ...,,.:::,.~ tlt,IOlt6cMp.141o24tl 141-3'3, u1.ao1. O,,ICI l19'V ICll r.r:3eft0ftl ,,0p;,9 81 ,....,. ~~oft ___ 1WHI _____ =~~11.' ~=~:..::; Wkly ro ntelt 8H up. Nwpt INd & ¥!lltOn llraltl'lt M ftOMmllrtO tlW PfofHll~ to....,. Ill•. ~~~~~t·L~OD 'a':; ""'°' I Me!N, i .M. PM, llJ..0.. flli:lli Mitt 4l!ttr "MllM• to Color TV. ,, .. cotfM, Cott• Mlel ..... 91 .. :,:r·J.:-.·~::.:;; conclO lrl~. "'"' •I vten. I NVlfllONMINf. :::.rdlc . pnlftt. MOii' 'N Pop. ,....... :• .... •--•.... ..:\:: 8 C. "9111 8' O.C. Air· ""ttd pool & ltlf)t I Pini Knol Moe.I Oii COMl 142:...-. 9¥1141· v'9w. tmonlti91 .. to ITA" • ......._ !MD arowffl, I• w ..... .-1*1· ......... of ....... OOIM. l<Mdl'•... Hwy, NI lt•P• t o ' ........... .,.,.,,llnoll. THIHIAOOUAf'flM 1lt 11n .... .,...... ,,...,.. MUl&&;I ~·' •. of 1111'1 ... N.Coell~. OCH n. Wiiiy r •tu . nRllA 7M-OIM...,.., OOIWANIU ft --Wliiefi"'Wallf ""'oft 'iii:~~'!!! ar .... ~4J;~= &..tigunl IWft. ~ ~w.MO ~ ... In a.. ...,._ ,81"81• rOOll'M810 10 J Jt•t•t ... 1 :r..:-... ... "IO "'"''·'' 'otatrl•U• ._ .. er. ~rlefl;;;': ~ -._ CleN" .. d Aft •• tho ..... Mtl N.I . Celldo. 1 ._ .__ -. ,..1... lefei.1pa awall. C"rle "-'!t!:!:=~~~~ Z,Z;' _,,..., to I •.OCIHful OWft ...... I N .. pOQI & ---~ ...... 1 ... 9181 I ..... 7'1 .. ;'! u •• '" .., .... ,.,......,"... JeundlY tee. 1110. c..i omoo. ~fl.-.. TM...._.*-"' J,_ -~-· At W ..,,~,:.. .. edt ...... ..., te 191 MON 'DtMlo aft""' & wlllldl 1111M.... "'° .. 1110 We11. • I De~I C I MR J .-,... ~ ... • ...... ..... ......,. ........ ........ .-...... ... =·· llM. ... ,.,. • .. ' ,, ' ,,..., u ....•.•.•.......... For .... round trip t to Anchorage. Al•• '300. 975.()412. • • "' •••••••• PllRlll ThAt .. the Job yOu Mw dreUDld llbout. NMlanal AM °'f betaon In welaht conuo •••k• exr::-ad· anncuw modvelld 18 ea pro• to ••ll our unlq\la propmn to female illCll!IPK• We e•Y 10~ while ~OU treln. OpportUnlU. un11rn&• . ....... ,........°"" • ...,., IUOtfCH ,1~ • MUMTINCITON 11A • COITA..U Orenge Oout OAILY PILOT/lund1y, November 14, 1982 Pl • • Oranoe OOMt DAILY PtLOTllund1V1 November 14, ~- Octobwt .. I SOll\leMlf: 90 mln. ,..,., 111 lalue. t>eeutllul O.man mullc, llmlt•d quantity, S14.95 ••· Lion Lu, 1858 8up.-rl0t, C.M. 831-8&&5 (41 t>Mulllul lr•m9d Arul R1j ••ttrcolore, I 150 ... IBM Eltctrlc IYP••rlttr. >Clnt Chrlltm., prtMnt. 1195/080. 857-8380 ..... ..,,. . ......, 185 &&7·3939 BRIOOS & STRATTON 3.5 hp gu ~ w/cttch«. Excellent condltlo". 1150. 548-3038. Stt· Sun . .ii dey. PtrtlMl.latad Buch Port. with dtc· king, meny extru. Tr•dt • tor auto or Mii lor 11500. 842--8211 Phon•m•te, eutom•tlc 11l1phon1 an1w1rlng mKhlnl w/remolt 1185'. 494-2185 1 Set Frtnc:h door1 8' w/ hardwire $200. 893 Towne, C.M. 848-9783 Coe. Cola h~ 19"\p Ilk• ..-. Cd 552-a851 •tttr Spm. Lot Cebalttfoe RKqutt & Sport• Club. Ftn Vly '250 Ind unltd. recqutt b.it & Ioele tr, no w.itlng. &31-6'55. &87-4371 Sllvtrtone 1 ke)'brd orgen. Good cond. Exciting tor beg i nner . S300. 173-7144 Liv. rm. aol1 llk1 nu, wood trtrn. S250tti.t on.. e tt. pine "1. Xmas tr .. , 115. MIK . 548-1070. Chlldftn'• books, lrg box, ag11 8·14. S15. Al•o W11t Disney record• & boolt• 110. 955-2380 SACRIFICE: Storey & Cl.,k coneolt pleno vt· k*I at 12200. For quick Hit 11450. Excellent cones. 494-4877 ' .. • '80 CutlHa Brougham, IUP'tme lux dietel econ. xlnl cond . 18200. 848-0858 'lllNslltlau 2 door. ,..8,000 ml, Ilk• ..-. $3500. Firm 644-1197, 955·1453 . !!~!~ ......•. !!!! 'lllerbft Sllllttr, 4 1p11d. Orig. owner. VfllY QOOd eond. Ece>nomlc*. '3, 190 857-5579 1971 CADILLAC IL DOI ADO llAlllTZ (838VPV) s7995 1981 CADILLAC COUPI DI VILLI AlftlO IOOf (1AHUM) s12,995 1977 CADILLAC ILDOIADO eoultl (lllSZO) s5995 • •• AND KEEP A S'4ARP. LOOKOUT FOR THE ENEMY! .. GARFIELD® DID MISS SPENCER SAY WHEN 1'0NY LEFT TO GO TO 1BE HOSPITAL? ly Hank Ketcham PARKER •· THE DISTRICT ATTO~NEY SENT A COUPLE OF HIS MEN TO PICK U5 UP! THEY'RE WAITIN6 DOWN- STAU~S IN THE PAAKING GARAGE! WE'LL AS~ THEM TO DRIVE BY THE H05PITAL FtMrf · <l<J<l . . ~ i .. . .... MOON MULLINS · · You FlNt> · SoMf:THING, KAYo·? R.AGS .. :BeAT-UP CARTONS ... CRUMPLED P,APSR ... RUSTY CANS ... DOCTOR SMOCK :X: KN OW ... :X: 11\A <SOI NCS -ro use: "T'HES e>ON Pl NI PROCE::PLJRE:: • ... BUNCH OF C,ANS AND BENT CoAT ~ HAN~eRs. · .. I , /l-1'1 . by Fer.d and Tom Johnson HE:RE's s-oMi: · BRot<eN · out.t.., OLD WOOD, BUT WINDOW . DU&.&.. .. IT'S ALL-SCRE NS ... DU~t. ... SPL.INT~RY. . By George Lemont ' . I ~ • , o · I I I .... • CAN YOU TRUST YOuR aYISt ,,_. are at ........ dltfw. .............. Mtails ........ -..... _,..... ,. .... .... ....., CM yeu ffftd ...._, Qedl ••wen ................ . au•••• u•t T,....111ut 11111r,.., twtlla Int above. Add ll•ea te complete the scene. ~· ·lu1911"" •I ll>t!•S ·9 ·lu1n1"" •t •--0 'S ·~Mttlf ....,,.N •t ~·IP II VNS 'C 'llilffl"" t t ... '11*''11 -0 ·c •lut .. llM IA•-.,. ·1 :-.-.i110 ' For Better or Eor Worse --~ ......... ITS A PE.RFECfDAY,MlKE. WHf'r DO you SA'/ we. GEi OUT AND BUIL.O f\ GO· Kf\~T? WANl1b HE.LP ME=- F1X THE O\R? ·. THIM Kore 2 pelfttl IMft fer all .,. .. four .....,. ., ,,.... --~1------..... tM.....,,. TrJ .. tafe ........ ........ '61M '1Pl1 : ...... ...,... .J 1 I ,, . 1' SHOE B Gus Arriola by ~acNelly ~MI~ G~IPtlJWN~ 1iS CLOIJ06 ••• Warning: The Surgeon General Hea Determined That Cigerette Smoking la Dqerous to Your Hllh.h. . ~-- KATHRYll HARROLD Star of Yes. Giorgio Do you think movie stars are 9n0bbi•h? -T .P .• Lynchburg. Va. They only seem that way when you don't kno w them. Mer you've worked with a star or two. you realize they're JUSI people You e nd up sitting around talking casualJy with them. and that kind of takes away all the glamour I suppose the ex· ception to the rule is James Gamer -whom I still con- sider glamorous. DR. DOllA1 D WOOD-l•IH Assodate projeaor of plastJc surgerv. ~w Yor* Unlversitv flkdJcal Center .. It true that It'• bat to haw VoW noee bed when ~·re ~? - G.K .• BloJd, Mm. The ideal time for rhlno- plasty. a "nose job." ls when you're between the ages of 17 and 25. That's when you'll heal qukkat. It lt alto Im· portant, however, that you have reached fuU growth be- fore surgery. so that the new nose will match your adult fe•ure~. l'ROll THE "ASK" . mlTOR SPRING CHICKENS: Sir Laurence Olivier. currently starring as Gen. Douglas MacArthur in the movie In- chon , says this about his 75 years: 'Tm in my anec- dotage,.. and Bob Hope sums up his age (79) as "the springtime of my senility." The Incomparable enter- tainer Hildegarde swears she takes "birthday control pills." and singer Cleo Laine at· tributes her youthful ap- pearance to a "slow pulse." . . . .John Travolta. we hear, ls getting thln on top and is trying feverishly to re- verse the trend. via any means .... Paul Newman. now in The Verdict. is look- ing at least 12 years younger than his real age -57. A fan spotted him decked out In faded blue jeans and sun- glasses and ran up to him saying: "Ooooh. can I have your autograph. Mr. Red· ford?" Even when not COVER ILLUSTRATtON BY DtOK HESS mistaken for 45-year·old Robert Redford. Newman doesn't honor autograph re- quests .... For his next 007 film (Neuer Soy Never AgaJn). Sean Conney won't let his 52 years get hlm down. He's decided to take dancing lessons. determined not to fall flat on his face In a hoofing sequence .... BE- TWEEN THE LINES: G.orge Allen . former coach of the Washington Redskins. Is bracing for an attack. His new book, Pro Football'• 100 Greaie• Players. could be e controvertial one -because of all the great players he did not mention .... There's e deal In the works to reac- tivate the movie vcnk>n of Thv /IM#ghborl W(fc. the a-lw.. bat sdcr. which cost United Arttm a bundle three years ago end which has been lying In ttate on a shelf ever tlnce .... GET- TING SERIOUS: The tragtc death of PrMcw GrllCI has caused an andent cune to surface In Monac.o. "No apouse of Grimakll shall ever taste gladness In mamage." was t uppo1edJy pronounced tn the ttny country by a Flem· lsh witch, Jlted by Rainier I. tn th• 14th century. A11 " l'AWCmTT Star of Broodwav• Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Drearncoat Are you related to Farrah? -P.E., Hobbs, N.M. No. but Lee Majors once told me th.at we were alike. I said to him on a recent TV show, "f m Alien Fawcett - no relation to Farrah." Lee replied: "I don't know about that. You're blond. aren't you?" Later on. after I'd 5Ung, l..ee changed his mind. saying. "You're right. You can't be related. You and she sing In different keys." Do you bllleve .... IUC-c..-.a women poee a threat to men who ... a- wcc 111M? -G.D., fWn. ~.ta.a Both males and females who are sucxasful can be threatening to those who are less successful. Much depends on how you handJe SUCC!ell. The My to prcwnt· Ing f eellngs of resentment ls to remain humble and gra- cious about your achieve- ments. A woman who ~ .. he tuccas like a bmbe<f. wire )acMt. armed to Injure her mate, II a fool. A man who's content wtth hll own job.end who lova hit mate, wtll want her to be succeaful. Is He Too Good To Be True? By Shere Hite liere is a lot of talk to- day about men being more "sensitive'' than they used to be. We hear of men helping out in the kitchen and around the house. we see male movie stars crying on screen. One of the most popular TV characters tod,,y Is Magnum. P.I , a man who's tough on crooks but gentle with women Who are these new sensitive men and how many are there? Is the word sensitive supposed to mean the op- posite of macho? Does It mean sen- sitive to women's needs - or just sensitive to the world In general? Are · these new sensitive men what the women's j movement R has be.en ~ a s k ln~ J f o r . i Ha ve J Olen real- men have changed yet. but - surprisingly -many are thinking about it . Most men to· day are in conflict con- cerning their lives. wrestling inwardly with · how to define themselves. questioning who they are. who they want to be. how they "ought" to behave, what their relationships with women should be like, how to make these relationships work - and wondering why. even after perf ormlng successfully as men. life lsn 't all It was pro- mised to be. Being ness. Many men feel caught In an unfair trap. They feeJ an urge to be mor~ sensitive to women's needs. yet It runs against eve:t)1hing they've leaned !JO\Wlg up. To be tro~ ...., as a m• il ow 90dety is to be~~to deny, mistrust and sup- press feelngs, to be always rational. ICrOng and com- pemtve. In other words. to be -Of at .. appeiir to be -Insensitive. One ~man~ partlcl• pared In one of my studies de:9abed this e:xpenence ii ~ detail: "I U9ed to go hur'Olg \o\lltl my dad during my boy- hood. I gave up hunting after an i'lddent in which my dad and J were duck hunting in a bol!t wttl some other men. I had Just tro~ down a duck and we paddled the"bolll over to pick ll up. As we reached it. I was astonished and clellghted to ftnd It st1D aave and lookilg we.a. k seemed so cute and aaradive -I envisioned taking it home \o\ttl me, m.rslng II back to heekh and keeping it b a pet. One of the men picked It up. and prooeeded to beat Its brains out over the side of the boat." Other men have desot>ed to me how. whenever they became "too ernodoNli" as boys. they were told: ·shllpe up," "be a mM: "don't be a 9199y." Much of a young boy's concept of masculnMy Is baled on how the falher pil ati Its hrnself to the 900 and wMt role the fah4lr takes ~ the famly. Most fBdlfJ'S feel they must appear to be a rock of ttrensJh , eapab&e of handing anyihilg. never shaken by fear or emodon. never unoertM'\ or i"I dolb and always atJle to pro"4de b the flim9y. The result II that the~w.ti~ ION are often V9Y diltant . Explalned one m«1, now 40: •A1 the yems I wm ~wilg '-'>• my WMr wmalweys~. ~ urd laM • n~ Std on weeMnda. I elmoet newr nw him; he wa1 busy provtdlng "**111 th~ fer us. Todeywe d htMno~.twondwf I lhouldn't mi mr:n for hm than I do -I don't feel much, ex.cept mger." And another, in his 20's, wrote : "VJe used to go aabting together when I was In my earty teens. but we never talk- ed much when we v.ient. Even today I have a hard time talkS'lg to him -we're just not on an open. talking basis. My £alher keeps a lot to hlmse!f -he is a loner In his own famly. . . "And a thrd: "The only time I remember him taldn9 to me Is when he yeied ar. me for some- thng." Knowing their fathers from such a distance, seeing them so reserved and unemotional, so rarely passionate or "overly" affectionate, most boys grow up believing that It Is not masculine to communicate openly or spontaneous- ly about their feelings. In an amazing revelation. one man (in his 40's) put it this way: "t have always kept my c emotions to myself and been raised to ! believe that feelings are to be mastered J and controlled, and I can do It. That Is i the area where I have contempt for ~ people who can't do as I do." J This early training affects a man',. entire personality and carTles over into his relationships with women -and other men as well. One men ln his SO's talked about his relationship with hls wife : ··rm just learning how to com- municate my feelings -and how to feel comfonable listening to oth.zrs ex- Said one man, ~y father taught me that women are traps and burdena, but the beat that can be had for ouercomlng lonellneaa. w preM theirs. h's something few of us men were taught to do . . . " A 22-year-old man explained how this · early training had affected his feelings for other men; "If I'm buildlng or work- ing on my car, etc., It lsveryeasytotalk to men, but I have found It difficult to talk about feelings and problems. I don't know why. Dd I see them as somehow 'threatening'? Am I afraid they will belittle me and my 'softness'? Do they want to talk, but can't either?" Another mesaage boys often receive from their fathers ls that It's necessary to look down on women. treat them as s.cond class (even though usually men are also taught to .. respect" their mothers) -and this too affects their rsladonshjps with women later In life. : &MN Hite i. o&Mho.-.r•Mattlt«r of th« rttt»ntly tWMOMd. iwwondNlllNd~kccfldono/ The Hite Repon on Malt Se-icuehty (Bo/lontlM Boob). "The model my father presented was one of Prussian arrogance.'' a 29-year- old man wrote to me. "In his relations with women (mainly my mother), it was clear that they were to be always beneath him." Said another. age 34, "Father never said much, but his ex- ample was to let women wait on him hand and foot, then belittJe them In front of other people." And another: "My father taught me that women are traps and burdens, but the best that can be had fo r overcom ing loneliness." Traditionally. men have also been taught not to take love that seriously either -not to .. let a woman run your life,'' or "let love have free reign tn yow life." But most men do fall in love and experience all the f eellngs of ecstasy and abandon, all the happiness that goes with It -for at least a little whUe. Then many men become confused and apprehensive. Having been brought up not to let themselves ever be o ut of control or overly emotional. they mistrust the excitement, the rush. Any Irrational feeling ls viewed as not masculine, not strong. Vhote one man in hls 20's: "To be In love Is to be uncomfortable because you are out of control. you do thtngs you wouldn't normally do. A woman Is more willlng to be dependent, or feel as If she Is part of another person, than a man -who wants to keep a separa· tlon, keep himself for himself, who fears losing his Independence. Of course. one does sometimes start to fall in love, but you can always stop It before It'• too late. It wtl1 be nice In the future If they Invent a ptll to neutr.U. yourself If you fall In love -to alleviate your d1teaMr These attitudes toward women foster the traditional male-dominant mmliage 1 which Is lt1ll wktcly prevalent among men of o/l eg.s c:Mlptte lip •- vice In favor o f more sh,rlng of hoUNWOrk and chlld c ... etc. Aa OTWt man put ft, "'l'v• been maned tight years. I enjoy all the 'benefits' of mar- riage, i.e .. good food, clean house, clothes, etc., as well as having a chUd around. Sex, too. Marriage simplifies living by havlng most of one's needs met In one single Institution." In my research, most men who saw marriage In a traditional way (ln terms of rigidly defined male and female roles) also had sex outside of their mar- riages (unknown to their wives) and rarely vok:ed any guilt about it. lJsually these men saw their Infidelity as a kind of biological Inevitability, a male necessity -that is. they believed that men are biologically programmed to go from "blossom to blossom" spreading their "pollen" -rather than as a reaction to circumstances of their lives or their own choices. As one man in his40's put it, ''There is a bit of'tom- cat' In me. I still believe in the family unit that our society calls for, but ·1 do like a casual sexual relationship. A woman can never completely domes- ticate a man." Men with this viewpoint objected strongly to the idea that their wives might behave In the same man- ner. What do these male rules do to the man who believes them and llves by them? Is he content or does he some- times feel frustration or sadness because he is unable to relate fully to another human being? My ftndlngs ln· dicate that those men who most aocept traditional stereotypes of masculinity are th<>5e who are most unhappy with their llves. Nev.er mtnd for the moment how these attitudes may hurt women. Trying to live by this male code hurts and stunts men. There Is a built-In con- tradiction between the so-called male life style and human closeness. Men today are faced with the rather for- midable chok:e of either continuing to live their lives as In the past -con- stantly having to suppres1 and deny their own needs and feelings (and suf- fering the phySlcal and psychological repercuaak>n•) -or atatlng some- thing new. Some men -a minority. to be sure, but nonetheless men of all ages and not just younger men -are beginning to see women, love and marriage In a new way. They are searching for ex- periences that will allow them to grow and for relationships that will inspire and help them. rather than entrap them. These men are beginning to realize the beneficial effects of being sensttlve to a woman's needs. of putting more equallty Into their relationships: Ex - pla In ed one man. married many years, "My ,wife and I have gained a new respect for each other as a direct result of my understanding of how ex- pecting her to still be responsible for all the household upkeep, entertaining, etc., In addition to a full...tlme job. ls un- fair. Since I have begun taking as much responsibility for It myself -and It's hard, J have never done It in my life before -she seems to have opened up to me more, to like me more. and we have more fun together! We're more of a team." Said another, "BNlcally l was trained to 'take care or a family, to be head of a family and to provide for my wife and children '1 physical needs. Now I am worldng at learning how to care for others, to lhow my caring tn smaD ways, to lllten to them and lhare myself with them. l 1tlll think tt's Important for me to sup- pott them I but r cert.inly would listen If my wtf• decided she wanted to talk lbout working. too, or how she felt about m}l eerntng..al the money. Fun· ny, but before the lut few yeara, we had newr dtlc:UIMCI ll . I haw found It herd to bei.tw that small thlngl 1 do coukt INltt• as much to my wife as my supportJng her and our hom•. It maka me feel more human. More k>ved." Thae men _.. ftnally brPklng out of adluda about th• way men thould behave ... A t.w ~ IOO· I W11 hev· Ing aft8h on my wife """' 1nd WI." one min ...waled. "I felt 9\dlty and dldn 't know why I WM dotng It -11'* -.rrlYllULW thought I was 'male' and that's how we men are." Thought I needed variety. Now I realize our marriage was not good before I was un· faithful. I ju.st did not realize It ment and hostility against each other solidified until It became a wall between us. My Increasing anger and frustration . even desperation (I was fee.ling so egoless, so bad about myself). led me to the point where l became &ess happier. This time I op- predok and enjoy being mar- ried. I see It as a chance for EJ"Qwth together with another person. a free (even tho ugh monogamous this time) situa- tion which gives me a broader context for my life. lam more and dreams to one another. I am ju.st getting to know my wtfe -I never did before - and she Is great!" Few men have changed yet, but many men are very uncomfortable with things the way they are and are looldng then. I did not connect the r.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::::::::; _______ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim'1 stresses and strains In our relationship -how we both felt tied down. especially by the kids, and blamed each other for It -with my 'desire' for other women. I did not see It as a form of hostility toward my wife -I thought It was ju.st my 'sex drive.' I see things differently now. We have changed our maniage a lot for the better and are much happier." Before a man can become sensitive to a woman's needs. ~. he must become sen· sitive to his own needs and feelings. He mu.st unlearn Reported one man. ., am }wt getting to knowmy~and she le gn:;atr some of the ru&es of being a man. One person who did just that tells his story: "I guess I had bullt up feelings of raentment and anger at her aD along, from way back ln the beginning of the relation- ship. There were things she did that made me mad. that I never told her about, etc. But even more, I think I resented- her for the feeJlng I had of be- ing 'tied down' -even though I wanted to get mar- ried very much. All the negadYe pmts ol my life couJd be blamed on the marriage. But at the same ttme, J felt un- free, I was afraid to leave the secuJity of man1age and get divorced. This depend.ncy made me even angrier, as I didn't like the cowardly pic- ture tt pramted. One solu· tlon to aD thll wu to have af- fairs -acaptng, but not --------------------------------- ~~ .. ~f COUl'M, all thls b&ew up ln my face. As my wtfe felt that I wasn't aB there with her. she became more end more distant, the wanted tn lal often (In some weyt I WM~. end our raent· and laa careful about hiding my affairs, and my wtfe con- fronted me wtth lt. W. eeparatcd. That Wll eight yean ago. 1Wo years ago, after a lot ol thk\ldng and talk- tng wtth nch other, we got back togtthc. thll time much 00.... When I am~ (or I node» Iha~. we .. abouU. We tMM a good dW'9 golrlg. I notlee, too, that our rally good MX ... ms to foDow tlm4ll of ~ or lhm1ng ttm• tog.ther, apeclaUy when we dtwlge our MCretl for something '**-· /u QOe man daclt.d htl t~tl on belnQ "*9: "Men .,. trained at an arty age to d'9ngmd any and every emotion and be 11r01t1J You take IOIMOM .. that and th9n woods why ttMy don't .. expreta feelings. Not only that. they are supposed to be a cross between J ohn Wayne, the Chase Manhat- tan Bank and Hugh Hefner. We are only human, for christsake!" But If most men are not happy with their lives at pre- sent, why don't most of them change? And why Isn't change happening more quickly? Some men are held back because they're afraid that seeing women as equals and alowtng feelings to have a more Important part ln their lives wtll make them seem feminine. Others fear that to change they will have to repudiate all the old Ideas of Equality In a· relailoilshlp bdl.oeen a man and a aoornan need not mean that the man ha8tobeleaa atlong. strength and pc>Wef, of being· ln control and getting thlngl done. But this ii not true: Women don't want men to be one-- skied. The Idea Is that both men and women ltlOUld hew the right to have strong and powerful Ilda. At the same time each should also have the rtght to be vulnerable at tlma and In need of help. lu one man potnted out, equelty In • m.tlonshtp be- tween a man and a woman need not mean that the man has to beJaa cong: "I UMd to be frtghtened about the Idea of women betng --ttve but have lost thJI -and. ln<IM. rather .. It. The t .. In my c:a11 (and I IUIS*t for many other men) 1101e bee.UM I MW thellMM k\ *"" of donilnlllon. 'Either I Md to domlMte t.. or lhe would dominate me -and I would hltw to feeJ eubmllltle and wonnlw. But not domt- natlng a woman doel not mean being wak and IPIM· .., Nor de>91 It alweYt m.r'I being ~ .• It ~meant .,._.her an ....a"'91t to be ....... ~ tllldng tuml Proportion Tailored in Petite. Avera ... and Tall! E~n "u Ladies Knit SLACKS PAIRS for Only 95 udies ! Of course you want these beautiful new fashion colors! Butplt1ase don't go spe nding the current $18, $24 , or even $30 ~r pair just to get in on the fun ! Instead, right here, right now. you can have the Shopping Party of your life and get 3 -YES, THREE -Pairs for only $21 .9S l And Just Look What You Get: • 100% Lona W~ Polyescer DoubleKrut • "-w Luxury T•xtu,. • 100% Permanent Press Wuh met WeM • Built -in "Indelible CrH.lt" is stitch«I in f0t tJw life of dle web • Gentle elaldc S. T-ll·E-T -C·H wa61t pulls o• easily, lnO¥a whee you do. DetU binds! e ,.._and BM Top F_,,ion Colon/ And, you get 3 or 4 peirs f<w the prim of one. I llJTHURRY! 21!§ ·--....... HWfiD tll(JlllBll,, N.lltt .... ......_, N.J. 07QO ,__....=:;==:::::::;;:;;;iiiiiiii==!:::;=iiiiii~--. Y£St ~ 8end at once .,.in C:::i!l!!l!iJ!i!l'!J!!i!Ji!i!!i!J~ of Ladles' IC S1tdcs for whidl I endcm .,_ " " " " " " " " ' " ' " nit ,,,.,,,,,,,.,,.,,,,,,,,, m)' full mnlttanc.nf t_ ph.w et.75 i.=..--• towards polt•p and hancDln1. Or °"'91 to i: VISA U MAITPCA .. O Acct. '-------- hp. 0.• --'--'--CVA•A.\'TD:t U .......... I• ......... ...., ........ ,_,, ........... ..,,.... • .,., lw• lvll ,,.,_ o/ ....,. ,,_.,. I 'jleitl ,_. MK·Atl ....,.,__ _____________ ~--·--_______ _..;... ________ _ a~n ... __________ _ ,....._.,......,, ............ r. ~~-.~-~-------, . I t r f f :J 0 • ~ 1 ~ ,~ I l~!J 1rf 'lil!if it 1!111~ f '1-:fltart~' 2 1 .. ' , , 1Ut1utr r1 I Jh~1 f !i··t;.if"1 \ !nrif .. hf.Uru·h~ • t t!! ff I . ~r (Ji (l .. }. "l lf .. i a ... ,-l . g~ >-> · 11 1· .. ·. · 1f ff ;11r ,~11 11 tihh •' •rl 1 . hn1ilu ~~rn H ~ ~ I. r . t' .. n j: !! ~ ~: HI · : . ~I JHP ~I id ~ ~ ftP'J~fl!lliifiU l!Ulf.If P ~a ' I t Ii 1! ;I 1J I ii!~.J 1f ~H -ra iHh!r!::~ i hHt~Juf ~ t. I f ~ f !< · .. . · · · • .. r Ii I~ 1 i . a • ·r ! ,J1.[Pih•1 · gsnrJJ! .. ---..-·----~.-... ,.-... .J I t ~ is ~ 0 n ~· ::; i . Bi It~ : = ~ I~ a ~-~f ~ ~ [ 8. : a~ri ~ ia~ = ?< a. tll . tD i - mS111n11AU: being 'dominant.' I don't think women want a man to be 'weak' so they can be 'strong' -I think they Just don't want to be oppressed .... We've worked It out now so that the Important thing Is we both say what is on our minds and both give each other the right to do what we think best. I don't try to con· trol her anymore, and I'm just as strong and forceful as I ever was." Men are also held back from chang· Ing because they are afraid of what other men will think of them. They fear that those men who have not changed (and this might mean their employers) will no longer respect and associate with them if they do not stick to the old masculine mold. One man. age 27, talked about his job as an electrician on a construction site : "On the job. when a woman passes by the men stop working and stare at her. aware that the others are doing the same thing. and will nod to each other if she is sexy or make a face if they don't think she is. If you don't have a comment to sup- port the group's opinion. you are con· sidered a real jerk. To keep your job, you must deal with this horrible social system." To change takes courage, plus a realization that the reason for change is not simply ~to try to please women." Men must begin to see how their own happiness and their own peace of mind as Individuals is going 10 be af· fected. To be sensitive is Intimately tied up with the abllity to be loving -loving not merely by providing a famUy with food and shelter. but by opening up about feelings. taking the risk of being dlff erent and needing someone. Most men's ability to be loving In ways that make them vulnerable has been stifled by the culture's demands for strict adherence to the "male" code; only during sex are men supposed to be out of control. But adherence to this at· tttude cuts off men's abiltty to feel fully alive. To be morr"sensttive," men have to fight against their entire upbringing and against how the world In general rein· forces traditio nal male behavior. Power -or the elusive attempt to get It -Is not s~t compensat1on for the lack of closenesa In a marriage or relatlonJhip with a woman or relation· ships with other men. Nor Is it com· pensat1on for that lonely feeling a man can have when he cannot reach o ut and thus cannot let anyone In either. For a man to be more sensftlve, he must become more In touch With his own deep needs and motivations. He must be more honest with himself. He mutt search out what might be getting ' ,AMll."l'WUIU.Y,,.__ M, 1m •t in the way of his being aware of himself on these levels. This will make It easier for him to meet the needs of others and not fear what those needs reveal. Men cannot be honest ln their relat1onships with others If they cannot be honest with themseJves. If they reach back to their burled needs, this will be an enor- mous step. As one put It, "As men, we have to move downward, make a journey inward, learn to refeel some feelings and do some hard thinking about why we live the way we do. I hope this happens. We need '1111 more love." aa.. r Adve1'1Mlftent 1 Million Famous LCD Quartz Calendar Watches To Be Sold For Only 54 Apiece In Mammoth Publicity Drive A II who wish to ~pply for a watch should .yrite to the company be/ ore Midnight, D .ecember 9, 1982 NEW YORK-One million famous LCD Quartz calendar watches will be sold as part of a publicity campaign for only $4 apiece to the first one million persons who apply in writing to the company before Midnight, Dec. 9, 1982. These are the same nationally publicized LCD Quartz watches advertised in The New York Times, TV Guide, Parade and other leading pub- lications, with a built-in com- puter so powerful it never needs winding and which is ac- curate to within seconds per month. Time and date are dis- played in full Quartz digital mode; and a unique "back- light" allows viewing even at night or in total darkness. These famous LCD Quartz calendar watches will not be sold at this price by the com- pany in any store. To obtain one at this price, apply in writ- ing to the company address (below) no later than Mid· .night, December 9, 1982. Each watch carries a full one- year money back guarantee and will be replaced by the company, free of charge, if it ever fails to function. There is a limit of two (2) watches per address at this price, but requests which are mailed early enough (before ... November 30) are permitted 'to order up to S watches. To apply for an LCD Quartz calendar watch, mail y~ur name and address and this original printed notice together with $4 for each watch de- sired. Add only $2 shipping and handling no matter how many watches you arc re- questing. NOTE: Specify model and color choice for each watch as follows: Men's Gold (Item #20710A), Men's Silver (Item #207208), Ladies' Gold (Item #20730C), · Ladies' Silver(ltem#20740D). I Mail to: Carter and Van Peel, I .. Calendar Watch, Dept. I 613-99, Box 1723, Hlcknlllt, I · New York 11112. (V21711) • I I I I J I I I I I ' I I ,.. I I AWIWAM8•UM THANKMIVINQ IUllQ'8 Mm8 TAYSRll CRllAll OP NAllUT ~ 1 cup IMlv chopp9d 0-. 1 cup lnely chopped cday 'i4 c:up IMlner or • .,..... 3 t.Wa.,aOM low 2 .... c:hkba broth 2 c..-c:ruey ~-buns 11"' c..-lltbt Cl'Mll'I Parties are more fun when~ serve the nutty-rich grail) taste of Clle.x P~ Mix. An American holiday favorite for 26 ~ tm A '!JIC(fMIY MKIE:ft .q==-·---,T .... ·=== 1: ~ ,. .. dl8,... '~ .... .... -·-,_ .... -......... -.-~ ..... --== i..; .... c-.a...::::a-·=-~ .... --..... .., ...... -............................ I. In Dutch own or ttock poe,-* the onion end celery In· butter until IOlt, but not brown. about 8 mk'luta. I. Sdr In che low .Mt ldr until Wiii blend· ed. Add the c:hlcMn broth .Mt, llln1ng ~· bmg to • boil. 3. Rcmow &om h .. and pwwe mb<ture a llnle llt • drM In food proc:e90f « blmider. Blend 1 cup of the IOUp rnbctuN wllh panut butlllr until nooth; ~ wllh IW\t aewn, add thll to remaining tC>UP mixture. 4. Return el to Ouach own end helt MS low hat JUlt until hot, but do noc boll. S.W glln\llhed wllh ~ pwiw. A wectous ~to..,,. ihk toUP II to a-6 It &om • l\ftel bdol9 your guelb. ,.._ JO to 12 _,.,,,,. 1(11.•16a.)....,. .... ,. ·-...................... O,..D ,.,....,....._ .. Q' .. a --7 -~------~~::-~•I N i~i C(•I 0 ~ N iij~ ~ . ~ ~HnmeJlr' 111 ~ i;unmnm 11 ..... r;t:t"Wlla.J2 511~ ..... '~··•llll 1J2 ~i§ ~ 1q1t{tf Wh I ~;! ~ l;•j tidhl~H ~1! r riltii~~,, 111 ~ 1~11· mnf J; i;~ I if r~utfliif ,. tii', f!tf f ijf E · n tt • ;d, --~ t . J 1 fl J., ~ ~~ . JHmr,". ~ ~~-~~~~=-~1 ir1~rr : n. a. a. I ! 1 g fjJ ~ ' ~ ~; Eil I D §ri~ .. ~, 1'lt>li ' . ~ti• ' ~~1 Ill J a ~L · t :sa i. . • .&.9-i • STOAE~ _ g r r rr iJ[ lfl(Bi) ~ l~'1'i tr1 l ~" J• r .N eJ. f I i5 · ht•tpmtm ! ~,.~· ·. Iii ; g Jll•,tl~i1llf ~i• ~. ~ ~1 i5 ~ .., ills• lllt ,f2 ~i~ I g i' f J r ! ~ lf.lrl~ ·l IM'f i~ ' . rf I ~, • ~ ~ ir.11 i rt1~11 "'ia ., ~ r I -"'. · · --YB ,Uf I riftJl2 I. "f ii f 11Jmnh1,, 1 1 r 1 ~ ' J1~i••fhff1l1 . ,( i · r!!1-if1i 0t·t·f f ! ~ l\2. . li ~ ,.,,,.,.,. .. r Ju -A ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ An original sculpture in fine, hand-painted porcelain ... The Tiger Swallowtail by Ian D.Loe A distinguished artist creates a butterfly sculpture of rare beauty. Life-size-in a natural setting- and in a single, limited edition, at the very attractive price of $120. Butterflies ... children of the rainbow ... are, without a doubt, the most beautiful and most graceful of all living creature. And of all the different kinds of butterllies t:Nt roam the world •• none is more extravagantly lovely than the Tiger Swallowtail. Now, the beauty and the charm of this en- trancing butterily have been captured in a spectacula.r new and original work of art, exe- cuted in a medium that is grutty trusUftd by collectors-fine, hand-painted porcelain. This is the work of Ian 0 . Loe, an artist whose outstanding painting.1 and drawings of butterflies IYve won him an in~tion­ al reputation. Loe has portrayed the Tiger Swallowtail, the most familiar of all Ameri- can butterflies, in a natunl setting-resting ~upon a sprig of dogwood. The saf-bon yeDOw of its wings, with their black vel· my stripes, hints of ~. and 9Calloped crescmts of yellow and orange .•. the delicate antennae . . . even the eyes, to tiny yet so bright ... all are depicted with predle real- ism, in authentic natunl color. The 1iger Swallowtail will be sculptured lifHi:zr in this delightful work of art, and will be produced exclusively for Franklin Por- celain. And this imported work will be luued at the modest price of $120-whkh may be paid in three convenient equal monthly installments. In the tradition of~ works in fine por- celain, The 1iaer SwallowtaiJ will be made available in a single, limited edition, reterVed adufinrly lot those who pa.ce orders before the end of 1983. Hae is a work that will provide a fudna- ting focal point of beauty for yom OOIM. And will become a treuured heirloom in your family, to be J>9lled along with pride for gen· ~tiona. To reterVe it, pleue be sure that ~ Rftftvatlon Applbtion is postmarMd by DKember 31, 19A2. ·-.. r-------·--------·----------------------------··•----••••••••-••••••••-•--1 ~ llSlllYA110N AlftlCA1ION ' I ' ' ' ' I I I I I I I I ' I I I I ' I I I I Tht Tp-Su¥fllowlml _ by llln D. Lot .......~. FmlllnC...~1'°'1 ,.._ aapt 1ftJ _,.._ •n.'JP S. ....... l9J ... D. Lot. lo a. ........,.. --In ............ ,.. .... PO* , I .......... ..... ,..a1,...mo.• : ........... ..., ...... ~ .............. In ........ .._...,.,a •afteo.•wh. ............ ., •• • ._...._., I ~ .. ....,.., ....... ..,... ....., ............. " I ... ,. .......... ...... lilplac ------' ... , .... , .... _~---------..,...-..--------• Ad&1191a __ ...;..._ ____________ ...;;_~------ • ! City, s.., z.,.__..__;,.. ______ ........ ______ _ L----···-··---------·----···----·-------------··------------····--···------~- 1------ OYalM D?RI Illla la-...._or_ ..... 1 '11 a..,. dMllll*I ... 1 '11 ~ dlopp9d ~ l tMhlf a .e chopped ....-1-.~ .... ~ 11 0 ..... ii.11 ca•...., ..... ........ l tMIM'll aw pcMlkry ...._ • .... • --........ brad Cllbee. ...... 1. Me.It the butter in a large, heavy sk111et. Add the onion, ceM!ry and pcn&ey and aute owr medium heat until the vegetables are tender. Do not brown. 2. Drain oysters, reserving the Ii· quiet. .Chop oysters coanefy. 3. Add the chopped oysters. salt, pepper and poultry .ason· Ing. Gook over low heat. Dring constantJy for 2 minutes. until oysters SUlrt to M curl•" 4. Place the tnad cubes In a large bol.IA. Add the sautBed vegetabie-oyl&er combinadon; mtx wen. 5. Add a IJtde of the reseM!d oyster liquid If the draling 9"mS too dry. Tmte for seaton· Ing. Stuff Md truss the turkey. Place any leftowr dNlllng In a buttered c:.MMrOie; pour any N · l'Nlirllng oylter liquid owr It. Bake uncowred In own with the turby for the bllll hour of the romdng time. Maka 12 cup1, mough for 0 20-to 25-1>. turbv · 0-..TWVY ......., ............ ...... 1-. .... 1 .................... .......... ..,.. 1 C9'Nt. at~ ..... 1...-...- lallry .... ...,... ~ llllfDIMI Mil "4 11 up a• ...a. Wiiek 111n1 Qjl'• ~CllP ........ •tor .. ••" 011• .. , ................. .......... 1. Piece turt.y neck and g1blets Into 3-qt. 181aplllr. add water. dow--studd«I onion, cmTOt. pn.y. celery, ~ t-.poon lalt end peppacoms. Hal to boll· tng: cowr end *""-IIbout l.li1 hot.a, Oil until neck and glJlets .. lender. I. Drain. ,...mg broth for wavY· Remow rftlllll from neck end chop llor'9 with dblttl for wavY- s. In 3-qt. llluccpen, blend pen ~191 and 8our lrDC>Othly. Add 5 cups raerved turlcey •ock. Cook, ltin1nsl until mix· ture comes to bolllng and thickens. Taste and add salt and pepper If desired; stir In chopped giblets. Serve boffing hot In heated sauceboat. If gravy becomes too thick, add a little more turkey broch. MoJca about 6 cups NO..WAllD Cl llliu\lla. CA• *YAm ......... 1~ I u JI CDI • di It UEEJD .. cold._. 1'11~...., "' •••• , ....... ctn •• "IIEIJDH ..... --. I'll tr lftW ..... ..._ rW I 11 1paw.__)lllce ,,. CllP ....... 1 t rpa11191• 611U ,, c.-...... 1. Preheat oven to 375°. 8oU8r a lmga ovenproof caawolt. l. Scrub the yanll. Cook In boil-insl. llbd WllMr until tender. Drain and m. wMh cold waler. s. Peel the ~ end cut them 1n h.alf lenglhwa. PIACll them 1n Iha p&91*C • I 111 oil. 4. DllloNe cornltmCh In the mid~~ the~ dnnanon, nutmeg, lemon rtnd, '-'non 1'D. or-. juice Md -In • •tCIPM· Brtng to. boll. Add the comatalcb mbt- tuJw. Cook OWi' meclum herrl, ldrrtng conllandy, undl It bc>lll and beconw thick and dear. R.mow &om the herrl. Add the 5. the mbctuN owr the ~. IW!aat375°for 15to25 mnuta untll bubbly. M-. 8 lmlfngl IUIQ'8 Alllll TA~ COU..AI MW Pm .. ,. ... l(~tD .... )lllllCll I ... reWllt or c:lddim, alt .. IA C11P 11 " ol ~ ................ ........ le..-... .... l'A_ ......... ___ 6 -cMM .... .-..Mtf ..., 1 ......... ...... ii.1 Jiii ..... ._. ........... 1 CllP cmr.t ..... l 11 ,, • ,. IS , ._ auu u 11 ._. 1.,.1&.11a1 •••• ..,... .. .,. ...... . . 1 ........... .... ~ .... .... $16 Below Our OWN Nationally Advertised Price! SQ ye $83.37 ~Id ORDER WITHIN THE NEXT U1' I 10 DAYS AND f tt\ RECEIVE A FREE BIFTI &I' 10 A $10 VAUJEJ Old Village Shop, .................... ,,. .. Copper Clad Huge 10-Plece Stainless Steel Cookware Set 1 Thousands of These $18 88 Superb Sets Sold At $34:M' • COMPLETE You can now~ the 11m11w ~<'Ind pt'OCltcol benefttl of~ a •PP• dad llolnleel ltMI cookery at an otbdable Pflce. Your k~ won't be comptete without thele elegant ond .mctent '*P motes. 1Uml cooking chofet lnlo a jOytul pleoture. You'll 191'8h the ort of goumwt bod Pf9PQratlon ... odds a apeclol touch to ~Y meoll. COPPER: THI SUPER HEAT CONDUCTOR 1'dl rtghtt Genuine 11pp" .._. ~ PfO¥lde lmPI0"'9d heat dilpef· "°'1 (Nducet hot IPOllng). ~-gauge llalnlele ..... bod._ ... can't NII. pit Of conode. Atlloc*'9 minor.ftntlh eldMtofl .... ~ O/nlf klchen decof. 'Jeweled' IOtln.ftnllh lnlerlon ore eoay·fO.Cleon ... retllf sticking and 1etatcNng. Spoce age ~I laell handlet and knobl ..• mode tough tor y.ors of wear. ~ croft••oontNp. Why apend thfM times the money when you can own 1'61hafldlof'ne10-ptlce Mt of tlfll.quoltty 01pp •r Oled 91alnlea Cooltware. Hunyl Ofdef NOW ond beat the rultt. All Ofden lt'6pped on o ft~flt. .......0 bolls ... Onfy $11.18 ... DON'T OBAY ... INl lnCNdtble low pftCe can't ~I .------DYNAMIC PRICI COMPARISON!!------. C()llfl(1t QM> l(T COM'~VA&.Uf " ~ sauce ~ _... C0"9f 1 r:1 sauce ~ ... OO¥ef 2 ~ sauce~.., C0"9f $~ f:I. Olk"~ .,., C0"9f ........ s uo ,3_50 , .. 00 27.75 W.00 '9.SO 101lt ....... 'C0¥9f ~l'tal~ with°'*"~ ''°"' (peut ta• ta11J ~---Rla40flDlttCOUPON-- - -I OID V1JAGE SHOP. Dept., VZ-1142 1340 floplarll......,... Pa. im1 ,.._. ""91 --llttl) .. IM'lta C...-a..it IUlal"' I ..... <**-. cnm1•>,. ....... .., ..... lee -:.r~ ... = ~·" __,__ 111'-111 • ....-~. r1111 't IMll _;;-1111. ......... --,,. ... ., ... F= I :JWftl IM ... 0.. TWO Mb fW . 911a ,._ · .... " .. ""' ....... -.. .... ....., Mck ........ 1 e~;~ OCorte•~ I Aof'I Me·-------EllP• Dat9- ~ le ----·CPA~a .td ..... _) I ..... ____________ __ I ~-------------­' °"-----'---------- 4 I ·I I I I i l Qa (lilh oa.) ......... OI' 1 •. .................. ~ 4 c..-hmy en.. Mia.,...,.. .... 1 .. l•••hrpa _ _. l. Preheat the oven to 400 °. Salt the cavi- ty of the duck and place on a rad< In a tt'8low rOMtlng pen, brcatt ski« up. Rollitt lor 30 nmum at 400°; reduoe the heat to 325°, and continue rOMttng unlil the duck t9ltl done, about 1 to 11/J hours. I. In i.ga sauc.plll'l or stockpot, *1unc ~ In about 3 cups ol water for 1 hour, or und tender. 1 Hat vegetable oO In Lsge heavy lldlet wd hot. but not smoking. Brown venllon cubes In hot oil, ltlr11ng and turning as ,....y, RemoYc vcnllon and drain o4I &om the lksa.t. Add port wrie to the lick, ~ to boilng, ICrllPin9 up and loo.enlng al brown pmUdes. ~ for 2 to 3mWium. 4. R.Mn wnllon to ~ and add the brown Muca. 5anm1r b 45 to 60 11*1· uta, or until wnllon II tender. 5. Cut the duck and rabbit i1to medium- .. plec:9 and place In the ... wllh the wni.ori to k.-p warm. 5-ori -.ce wllh Wotc •r lhh, grdc, SMPPC. cumnt Jii- ii;, "*"*Y Ind bnndy. 6. s..e the ft'IUlhrooml In tx.... und ~ brown.t. Fry the becofl urd allp; ..... ..... the onions Md dnin. 7. DMde fw mlldt.R IND RMdt.1111 ~ • ..... cMWI Md gllnllh the '°I> ol .ch wllh muftooml, t.coft Ind onions. ... Roi out s-ry awt. cut ~ Ir*> c:k.t. 1 Inch 9gs thin lndtvldull c.-... ..... '° allow • llHnch owdlp. Ailcl9 dous;i ~ on mp ol -.ch c.- ' ........ ; lrtm eclges f MCI y Md p1dc dw '°I> to -'ow -..n to c.:aipe. 9. In lmlll bowl, t.. egg~ wllh milk to INlke Ill\ • welt\. Bruth dw l\:JPI of dw pllltry wllh dw • welt\. 10. BMe an a pet •aad 350° own b 20 ao 25 man.... or urd Cl'\llt 11 golden brown. s.w SJll*'9 hot. McrA.. JZ ~ J5..,... J CIJfll. pa; Ill ... lH r; 1111111 1,1111 .... l ~1tu1 hi ....... L Mic the dry ............ togllhlr. I. Blend In the lhtw•q wllh • P8*Y ....... ot iaw. urd the mlllbn II ol ~con•• IC!'· 1 S.0.. In a ~ CUiM* In the ........... ... wt.. Meded, ~ out ... ...,.....: .. .,,.,. ....,a.. ...... a.. .... ... I • l\4 CIJfll 1 • N CIJfll ,..... ... '"' CIJfll .,,. .... ...... ... l~ CIJfll N c..- 1.t'wt .... •c..- 11•16• ...... ...... - 6. Moillmn the pllllry mix with~ lcl wet« to hold the do. togetMr when pulhed !Witly with a kn. 6. Roll out on a llfi#\tly ftouNd t>o.d or paltry doth. ~ 4 cupa Note: When a Ndpc call b pnbeUd shell or shell, line the pan with ~. prick well with. fork and bake at 425° '°' 12 to 15 nmuta, or untll golden brown. KHIQ•a ARM8 TAvmM COMMl 1811 2 c..-alt ............ CIOl'll an Cllp pldde ,... 'i4 Cllp reel ,..,. Nlleh Seit ~ ...,_. bllick,..... 1. Drain all of the ~ts well. In bowl, combine com. pickle relish and red pepper rdd'I. Add sell and pepper to tan. Chill before serving. Maka 21/% cu,,. l .......... (1 .. 1~ ... , .. --.. . 1 I' 0 ................. lt '""•aa.-w,......._. ~~~-... ~~ I "al IP ;n-....- 1~ II Mlllll .... \4 ................ \4 ~ ... 1. IWnow the hlld CON &om the cab-- t.ge head Ind dacaod It. Shred the cab- •. Add dw dlcml Nd Ind pen P9P- p-. I. ~thev!Mglr. oltnd~ I 9 I 9 t1•Vt ..t pour <Mr the ~ . T09 .... la.,e ... a••..w 1 ............... ...... "' ...... ..... 1-. .... ·~.-\4 .. CP 'www 1. Oq> the a•--CIW'l9 wl i.non ti a tood, PIOC*IOro Add the IUlflf, pecalW and c:c...u. ~ brtifly. I. Cover and let ltand at room ... ...... '°' 12 howl. 1Wt91• own.W-, ~ 3 CllPI Warning, The Surgeon Generel Has Determined That Ciglntte ~Is Dangerous to Vu Helhh. ItS Mare you. .. A WI' I •A•l•UllG ~SGMllG PUMPKIN llUf'l'lllS 1t't cup butttt 1 cup .... 2..- 1 cup cooked, mMhed pumpkin 1 cup r.u.tna 3Y, C\ip9 llll1>WJ)OM tour. dtvid«d 4tHlpOOM .... ~ Vt l...,_ gro-4 dnnamon Ya fNIPOOfl ground nl.llmeg 1 tNllpOOO .... 11.4 e11p9 mtlk 1. Preheat the oven to 400°. Grease muf· fin llns that are 21/2 inches In diameter. 2. Using electric mixer, cream the butter and sugar until light and fluffy. Beat In the eggs and pumpkin. 3. Dredge the raisins with 1/2 cup or flour. Sift 3 cups of flour and rhe bakin!:l powder. cinnamon, nurmeg and salt together. Add the dry ingredients and milk ~emately by hand. mixing just unlil blended. Do not overmix. Stir in the raisins. 4. Spoon into the prepared muffin tins, filling each tin l/4 full. Bake at 400° for 20 lo 25 minutes. Molca 24 muffins VIRGllllA APPL.a CUSTARD TART P..try for 10-lnch Altgk<rUat p6e 3 to 4 mcdham coolian9 111JP1a u-~ 5poaee cab or 1 ~ (3 OD.) ....... V.UO. Crum Cwtarci. redpe follows 'II cup 11pr1cot")am. forced thro ...... • alcw 1 mbtnpoon IUgaf 2 tablapoona ldnch ~ cup .alced almonds, toasted 1. Preheat the oven to 375° Llghtly oil a 10-lnch tart pan that IS 11/2 inct.s deep. 2. Roll out the pastry Y.·inch thick on a lightly floured board or pastry cloth. Pres.s It firmly Into the prepared pan. Prick the dough well with a fork. Cover with greased waxed paper and fill with dried beans to prevent the dough from rising 3. Bake at 375° for 35 mlnutes. Remove from the oven, take out bean.s, prick the bottom and return to oven for 5 minutes, or until the shell Is golden brown. Cool completely. 4. Line a baking sheet with aluminum foil. 5. Qu.wter, peel and core the apples. Brush the apple quarters with lemon Juice to keep them from dlsc.olorlng. Meke 5 shallow vertlcal cuts down the back of each apple quarter. 8e sure the cuts are shallow 90 that the quarters will hold their shape and make a design as they bake. Arrange the apple quarters, cored Side down. on the prepared baking sheet. Bake at 375° for 15 minutes. or unttl the apples •• tender. Cool completely. 6. Slice the sponge ceke In half horilontal- ly. Place l half In the tart shell. Or line tart lh.0 With 1 layer of clotely placed lady ftngm. Spread the Vanilla Cream CUltAlrd on top of th• sponge cake. 7. Arrange the apple quarters in a dn:Je on top of the Vanilla Cream Custard. Slightly overlap 3 apple qua.rters In the center Refrigerate. 8. Shortly before serving, combine the apricot jam and sugar in a small saucepan. Bring to a boil, stirring constantly. Remove from rhe heat. Cool slightly before adding the kirsch . Brush the nm of the tart with the glaze. Press on the almonds. Spoon remaining glaze over the top of the tart Mow 8 to 10 servings ¥MILLA CRUii CUSTARD 5 .. llOIJu 'n cup...- 2 ~-cornttarch 2 cups milk l teMpOOO vMllLa Cldrld 1. Beat the egg yolks and sugar rapidly to blend we.U. 2. In a saucepan, dissolve the cornstarch in 1/2 cup of mUk. Add the rest of the milk and the vanilla and bring 10 a boll, stirring constantly. 3. Pour tlot com starch·milk mixture gradually Into the egg mixture and blen.d well. 4. Return to the heat and boil, stlning con· stantly, 2 minutes. Cover surface with waxed paper and keep in the refrigerator until chilled. Makes 2114 cups I cup mUk Vt cup 8hortt11lnt "'cup ,., .. ... 4 QIP9 ...... all-puqlOM lour. dMd.ed Ya cupwgar 2 teMpOOM Ah 2 p-di ... llCtM ~ ~ 3 ena 1. Preheat the oven to 350° 10 minutes before the Salty Lunn Is ready 10 be baked . Grease a lO·lnch tube cake pan or a Sundt pan. 2. Heat the milk, shortening and 1/4 cup of water until very warm -about 120°. The shorienlng does not need to meH. 3. Blend 11/3 cups of flour wtth the sugar, salt and dry yeast In a large mlXlng bowl. Blend the warm liquids Into the flour mix· ture. Beat with an electric mlx.er at medium speed for about 2 minutes. scrap· Ing the sides of the bowl occasionally. 4. Gradually add 1"" cup of the remaining flour and the eggs and beat at high speed for 2 minutes. Add the remaining flout and mix well. The batter will be thlek but not sttff. 5. Cover and let the dough rise In a warm, draft.free plac:a (about 85°) until II doubles In bulk -about l hour and 15 minutes. 6. Beat the dough down with a wooden spoon. wire whisk or at the lowest IPftd of electric mixer. and tum Into the prepared pan. Cover and let riN in a warm, draft-ha plac. until It has ln- auted in bulk l/i to t/2. about 30 minutes. Bake fOf 40 to SO mlnutet at 350° unlll golden brown. 7. Run a kntf• around the center and outer edges of tht bud and tum It onto a plate to cool. Molca J lorg9 '1ng loo/ Lei Wlveli• . .... . yell'' •p .. 1' .. l"l•1•1•1f*ill pie. lrll be Ill rprlslnglJ SlllOOlh, aaa••1¥ a rich. Ca.mation" Velvetiu!d~ Evaporated Mill makes holiday pies so good that folks will want yo ur recipe. But don't 'stop there. Add the Carnation velvet touch to all your sauces. gravies. casseroles. and desserts. What a smooth way to get compliments! Cuaalloll Pampldll Pie I Makes 9-indt pie> 2 slightly beat.en egp 14 teupooa doves I Yl cups canned pumpkin ~ teaspoon nattne« I cup sugar I~ cups Cl tall canl ultdil•ud Yl teaspoon .. 1t CARNATION• Evsporated Milk I t.eupoon ciuamon 9·iMb single-crust unb.ked W uaspoon ginger pie sMU Combine eggs. pumpkin. su~ar. salt. and a piua. Gradually add evaporated milk. Milt well. Pour into unbak~ pie ahelJ. Bake in bot oven 1425°F.> 15 minute.: reduce to modenite heat 1350°P.> and contiaue bakiJas about 40 miaut.ea. or until lmi.fe inserted n«ar center of pie comes out dnn. Cool before •rving. IDEJOc ON 2 TAU. CANS OF CARNATIONe EVAPORATED MILK (13 ft. 01.1i. only.) -::-..:::=...-=..-~1:-::-.:­,__~&'---=~ ==~ .......-----...---,;;;:; -~----...-.~·... --· ---<--~~--.. ~~ ~"'::"' -. .... ... QA,.,~ ~-• '111111'1.~ ... Cl!l5C: ... t =ir'i ':==-==-c- 50000 ll.351.I ,.----------SATISfACTIOfl GOAllNITElDI MAIL COUPOll TOMYI ·---------.. I OU> VIUAOI: !IHOf', Dljlt. VM-2111. J40,,.... ....... "-'-• ftA 17Ul PIMU Niii __ 1111 of Ille Cielw1ne t..uw I I I I I I I I I I "Ralldltio" Dua Boot tor 1111 io. ptlCI of just $1U8 Illa $3.&0 ~ end llaftdlln1 on -PltllfT NAM[ ----------mofteY bKi CUM1ntff. Aho tflClow mt frtt Gilt with my 0tdtt (M545111X) ADDACSS -----------c; SAft lllOl£I Order two Nin lot lust $36 88 pl11s $6 90 PO$tlft end h•ndltnc on YIM CITY _.,.Nell au.nm.. ------------ --4'" Cotdovtn "°'"" (M24647D8) Su1--W1dt"-----ll"'-Bid (M2363568) su..___w1dUl-- CIWlll i;!j 0 Amef1QA ~-0 Di'*1 Club 0 VISA u CMt. BMlldlt 0 ~d STATE ------llf' __ _ I Acc·1 No.-----------I U.. O.te ---lnc:losld 11 $..-- ~ --- --- - - ---- - --C H.Jt.1. t~ tm -----------------• Genuine Leather Why Pay $49.95 Why Pay $29.95 NOW JUST • Hlndtome. Double·strtch Oet1ihn1 • Cobbler·Cr1tted • American Made • Concealed Sturdy Inner Zipper •Smooth, Butter·soft LHther • Lon1·wearin1 Composition Sole Ind Heel Here·• th• town boot of th• reng• riding WHterner ... Nggtd, unclut- tered, no-non1enH. No wonder the man of 1tyl• hu adopttd it tor hie ver· .. tne wey ol 111•1 Th• bold, aqu1r•toed detailing goee grtat with 1port1 clothH end )e1n1 end the 1leek. le1n dMlgn give a "with It" look to the bu11n ... 1ult. Thia 9Meon'1 Dr .. 9oot You'll wear lhH• booll every day, .wrywh•r•. They're hard to beat tor s1sss SAVE! 2 pn. $38.81 comfort. The 1upple leather breathee end the high &halt Cradlll 1nkl•. There'• a conc .. ltd Inner zlpt>er to th• boot ellpa on and ort &1 Miiiy M • loafer. Man·mad• tole and llMI rully 1tand up to wear an~ tear. Don't ml11 the chance to Qet thla ... aon'1 belt boot buy at an lncNdlbfy low price! .._., llne: n~. a,•~. t . '"· 10, 10)\ 11 12 ...._: C, D. E 0...: cordoven Brown, Black TRY THEM AT OUR RISK! ......... 1•*'•..., ... ( ....... .,, OWV.., .... ....._,,Atnlt Displays the TIME and DATE Changes 8V«Y 2 Secoods! Qolki ~ DIGITAL CALENDAR CLE>CK Elegant... Impressive... N~bl~~ 5 · .. $ IJ 88 SOPER-ACCURATE! • NOW If Your Choice• Golden• Silver Check Out All Tllese Great Futures! a atand of •p•rkllng-cl••r crywt•llt•. It llHhH lh• time 1nd date eltern11e1y ... • Quertz-ery1tm accurate--withln Adfuata lor long end 1hort month•. and 2 MConds ~r year. lup yearl Completely 1llent, troubl•frff e Easy-to-read LCD "dlal .. • ... Rune for• lull year on repla~bl• · bett1ry. M111ur.1 2 .. lnchH ec!ro11, • Oi1pl1y1 time ind date--chanoes 3~ lnctrite tell overall-~da reel dlttlnc· every 2 seconds. tlon to ~our horn.. or your de1k et IM e Ad Justa tor long and short months. olllce. Clock "lllOe" aurrounded by Golden beckdrop lor elegance beyond • Rune a full year on replaceable compere. ea eure to t11r nem• for,,.,. battery. aoneJllfng-Up ro 15 /ett9'• and apac:H. • Dlallnctlve "floating clock" on But hurry-Get youra tocley. whll• aup. Golden backdrop In sparkllng pt1t1 tut, 11 th11 rentutlc low Sl(ice. crystal-clear 1tand. PUU.Y oUAAAMTU.D • Pe,..onellz~M eny name. w.·,. ... ,. .,.., ... 11e -llMl•'Y delllhled-,. I f 0t rec••.,. • !vii rehilld tuc:.pe lllllp. & up to 1., ettera and space• or htndl.). °"' POll4:Y le to p•OUM en ordel9 Golden Pleque promptlV Credit ""' °'""' •re prOCHMd e THE PERFECT GIFT! upo" crte111 •PC»tOMI O.leye nouf..cl llfOllllM'Y· llllP'Hfll t1teran'"4I wltllln ID ..,.. The cloclt that'1 uniquely yours ... Hand· eomety llyltd, Incredibly accuret•. and engraved with your namal Arnulno mini- clock. jutt 1 l\ lnch• equer., "ftoeta" In --------SATISFACTION QUAltANT£10--MAIL TOOAV1·-------- 1Uftu. ........ Vl .. IH, .......... .....,, N 11"1 Yttl rlMH Hiid Goldttl Awtrd ,tnOMllttf alMll IT• 0 AIMrleaa lqlf.. 0 VIM Dl&llt =•I (l547041P>. I lltwe ~1t•ttd tht 0 DllMrt Cl9i 0 Cert• llWIM o-...~ MllM I Ilk• to "'" "''"* on H Cllt Acct ..... -----------Cl fl IOr f... Dile (JINM IWlelJ Ne,t MME ---'---------~ .... a AQIMU -----------.,, Cl"-------------~ ONC1ec.:lr~~,1vo1.11111-.aN!lf•. ITATI 1., 1 1AV111ter .• ,....,.to111111.alllflft. n:. • IWAf' , .. 91UO.... a~ ... ~~~·=-.: I , ..... ~ ........... , ~ L; ____ _r_~~-~-~--· IUl,I. -·--------------- By Susan Gordon 1 A fter years of. hearing advice about preventing and treat· Ing colds and flu . our memo· rills start to blur the hne be· tween fact and fiction. Bek>w we pre· sent some common notions about the ! common cold and influenza and ex· plain whether they're true or false . Colds and flu are m ore common In winter than summer. TRUE. "Three or fow times more common, but we don't know why far sure." says Robert Couch. M.D .. director of the Influenza Research Center at the Baylor College of Medkl:ne In Houston. The most wlde- ly accepted hypothesis Is duit when people spend a lot of time Indoors, coming Into contact wtth each other more, vlrutes spread more easily. This condul6on is baled on the rise In the tnddence of flu after 9Chools open In the fall and on the observation that flu season ln the tropics coincides with the rainy season, when people stay Indoors. Yoo con catch a cold Of' the flu by get· ting &Ht <X chlllcd. , FALSE. "That's an old wives' taia," l8Yt Dr. Couch. In studies that tested this myth by exposing volunteers to co&d viruses, the subjects who itood In puddles until chllled contracted colds no men frequently than the nonchlled group.. Dr. Couch points out, how· ever, that becau.. there ana so many varteaet of cold and flu vtrwwq and not ab ~ tated In the study, we can't be completely cenaln that torM s.-t Oordon Ito~ ..,,...~It "' '*""' llOpb. strains aren't mOTI? easily transmitted under these conditions. You can't do anything to prevent colds or flu. FALSE. According to John La Montagne, Ph.D .. Influenza program officer for the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious DlseMe:S, you can reduce the chances of getting sk:k by maintaining good health (by get- ting proper rest and exercise), by eating nutritiously and by avokilng crowds. Admittedly, colds are hard to avoid despite ·precautions, but the flu can be prevented fairly rellably wtth flu Immunization. GfttJng a flu that guarantea that you won't come down with the diwax. FALSE. A shot lmmuntzes i?lgZlln.st the three most common flu viruses quite effectively. However, an un- famUlar vtrus appears every number of years from which no one Is Im· mune. causing a serious epidemic. "That's not expected to happen this year," La Montagne notes. The Ad· vtsory Committee on lmmunl:zatk>n Practices of the Public Health Ser· vice spedfically recommends Ou • shots for those over 65 and any· one who has a h1gh.fisk medical cond!tion. There's no cure for colds or the flu . TRUE and FALSE. 'Though we haven't yet found a cure for the cold -research currently being conducted with Interferon [an anti-viral agent produced by the body) looks prornts. Ing -we do have a drug that relieva flu symptoms and speeds recovery," says Dr. La Montzigne. It's caDed amantadlne (sold under the tJade.. mark Symmetref) and must be pns- aibed by a doctor. It can also be used as a flu preventative, taken from the start of a ftu outbreak until the dileate aubeldas In your community. Mild lkie effects such as dimnal and Insomnia ... l"tpol led In only about 5 .,..rcant of UIG'S. A.plrln lhould a/UIOJIS be taUn /« cold and ftu hcodacha. FALSE. Asplrtn doa relieve the head and body aches of Ou vtcttms, but lf you're suffering from a cold, you may get more relief from a MMI ~t, ~ the Khe le utually due to dogged llr'IUMI. Alto, 8'Plrtn should not be given to c:hllchn under 16, ac:cording to the Amertcm\ Academy ol Ptdlatrtca. he UM hM blen llnJced to 1 deedly .ilm.nt rm c:aa.d Reye'• SynclrorM, -., Gctttn9 luner. A record 70 million Americans-a/mOlt ho// the adult population-are now wortdng out slimming down, and buiklfng up fitness. Twenty-six million ol them are joggers. . piling up 13.5 billion miles la.st year. five times the distance from -Eatth to Pluto. At least 13 million other body buikien are fighting the battle ol the bulge In about 5,000 health clubs. And now Amr.ricaa lndumy. grown a bit fat and sloppy while (omgo competitors were getting Jun and hard. .... caught the &ma. bug. s.t.am .,_.. A. a company. MobU'a dedJcated to tlte grDUJlng nadoftaJ rJ/rKf m modanltt /octx1rla and Improve prodJlcta. Our tynthetk h1brk:ma, to.- example, att helping jet aircraft and Dmott'a new C.ra to reduce fuel COMUnlp- tloo. Usblg Mobd t • ln thoee ........_ llgtftr can. some ol. which h-.. bullt.- mk:rocomputen to monitor fuel UM. can add up to rnMffot• of piton! of peo&in! .....ct each~- W... wlllchen. Fectories, too. are operating with less and less energy wasre. At Mobil's Container Corporation o( America subsidiary. a two-year-old "WasteWatcher' prognim has saved nearly 3 million gaDoris ol fuel oil. We....._. down WM&• In b1mmlng paperboard rolls UMd to make boxes, and reduced the nwnber ol containers damaged during production. We'N also converting two paper mills from oll to i... ape:ml\le coeL Tl:lat alone wlD save more than 75 mllBon ~ o1 fuel al a ye.at-and high a1r quality standards are being maintained by ed · vanced anti-pollution technology. twt,•ona. o....._apm....,. .. dlllllndumycould __ .. rec:owr up to S40 bllllotl each~-from WMt.e hNt tJMlt gc>et upthe~ Thlll'lao-......ro•: .. ·ra ........ .-osa ................ , ..................... . ...................... ,II ..ce ... 1paidlte,... cechlrea. uvtng the equl\lalcN of 18 mlDlon ~of cnade ol lft 1981, compeNCI with 1990. In our~~ ... .. ..................... bf .. , .............. .... ._> a ..... .._,, ktlwww .. cd::al••·•b-*....._Wock'*~ prociilcls blul GS tWty9 ...... Thw Md otblft' WWW~ C 1 .... Wdtw ~ AAMrtc......, .... ~...-: ftOt only hoklnedown CCMll9to .... us. goc*-. com.,...MM. but""° p1a1rv1119 _. -wb tW111ow ••• .._ -11~..tlt. ..... f.ct: Amcrica'I 10 largest eMr'QY'contu"*'9 lncluatMI uled the equ1Ya14mt ol 1.2 m1lbon benW ol crude oil a~,_ In 1981, tti.n wet uMd dally ln 1972, ~IO the D.pertmenlol ~ OI I t .. " .... OIC I • L ........... .._ ... Y.9'?9W-QQ-- No. 1081·11$249 No . I0- 1081·21 , ......... No. 10ec>21 50 mg. "8-15" ~No.1075-11 ~r-mac1m..._~ -'249 ""---·-... ----.-No.1075-31 SOC>-111.75 5GOmg. l·ml"l'OPtWE ..... lllt-"lll--)IOll'VI !Min -ino SO mucn *"'--men in dlmand _ _. No. oe3C>~s51s No. C>e3C>-21 ----No.101.22, ......... 19" No. 101•s2 •442.M No. 101•12 ... aus VTTAMlllS A 0 C E l-1 .. , 1-12 ,_, lloelllft. M PM' lallllllC IOll -llCld ...... ~. c-.. pllol· .... todlnl. ~­zinc COllC* ..._. ll'IG l3 «*'4f nalu•ll CGmPf)ftftlll No.0$8&-1 ,.._ No. 0518-31 s2os _.,,.. No.05M-41 ,.. .... AMAZING-BETA CAROTQ• No.oee2-11 1• 1399 No.100M1 •s5H 1-LU. T'A&.n'I 11 ... ~ LU.t-.rTI ~ UliWAllTSD HAllt AT • '900l'8' (,,.!or• II c•n grow b•c~ll HAIR GOES 21Loi.-onlv$499'tal'm1/e11oll•ontH lllorl / I H I Jwl r'Oll•O" -----•lfo-"'uetec:,,..•Ho--..,..." ...... fr•~ "ON 1111 IO'°"' - Al ................. ....,_,dullMI...... No. 4471-11 llllllllft .......... ...,,_.l ..,~IM ... 1111-2 lluldoa.-_,..,_ .......... '***'f-.... . ....-.-s4 99 ""·Of IWllllnf! L.oC* ....... "-! 300 mg. APPLE PECTIN .. .,.... Hels>9 r~ elevaled Cho ... terol ~-• S 5 49 enown In recent r ... arctlf No. oeec>-11 IOO- No. oeeo-11 100-11.21 No. oeeo.at 1000410.41 500 mcg. 8·12 .... oeu.t1 too-•21 e ....... ....°"'" ........ . .._11 ... ~ ONllllll MLCO.-.--.ct-.. •o..eM---•11• .--.... .... ,.....,_, Do-0.....,0. .. 111111 C....CM• I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I c..11 ..... l.,_____,_ a...•.... OYllA o~ ..... ...-t::Tt: ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ..... ~~~~~~~--~~~~~~~~~~- . 1VS THE BLUE AND THE GRAY REVIEWED BY PAGE SMITH By Page Smith I f the CBS mklilerles The Blu. and the Gray (to be broadcast Nov. 14, 16 and 17) Is one of·the mOlt am~us undertakings of the 1V era, It alto reveals a good deal about the •at• of the medium In 1982. The eight-hour drama, which praentJ an mray of ....... .,,.. 'onnnolt among them Gregory Peck • Unc:oln -b:uta on the expmi- es'\Ca of two related famllles during the American CMI W., the Geyters ol ~. Va., and the cousins, the Hales of Gettysburg. Pa. Jacob Hale Is the editor of the Get- tysburg newspaper while Ben Geyser, head of the Virginia family (a part played eff ecttvely by Uoyd Bridges). Is the prototype of Thomas Jefferson's yeoman farmer and the antithesis of the great plantation slave owner. We are thus spared the clkhes of the Gone With the Wind genre. The Geysers appinntly own only one domadc slave and befriend Jona· than, an ex-slave who Is a pOtter by trade .. At the opening of the series (which was directed by Andrew Mcl..ag)en. who among his Tl 8lms has dncted ftve starring John Wayne), John Geyser, one of Ben'• sons who shows a precocious talent as an artist, heads north to seek hls fortune. Geyser (played by John Hammondl prevails on his unde to employ him as an ii· IUlb'ator of articles for his newspaper. His ftnt aeelgnment Is to cover the trlal ol John Brown for h1s raid on Harpers Ferry. The trial Is a vivid vignette, With Sterlng Hayden doing a memorable bit • the Abolitionist leader. During the proceedings, Geyser begins a frlendahlp wtth Jonas Steele (Stacy Keach), a Government agent, special 9COUt for General Grant and personal bodyguard to Abraham Lincoln. Steele shares wtth Geyser the function of binding the various segments and subplot.a together, and needlal to say, we have them In abundance. On a visit home, Geyter Is the an· gulshed witness to the hangtng of his black friend, Jonathan, by slave hunt· en for the aime of concealing run- aways. This experience, plus the trial of Brown. convtnces Gey.er that he cannot ftght In defenM of llawry In the war that Is clearly Impending. Un· wilJlng to joln the Northern army and fight against his brothers. GeyMr deddes to seek a )ob as arttlt<OrN· IJ)Ondent for Harper's Wedly. Hll brothers denounce him as a tnltof. In his role aa recorder of bettla and tcenes of army life, GeyMr II able to gukt. us through the long, bloody coune of the wm. TheN ... of courae, the rcqulllte bettJe ec.nea - the.Aral 8ettJe of Bui Run II hlncled d.c:uv.ly -and IOfM rllh9 ... ,NM., W81(&.f, .._.. M. -•• ... -.... -_ C#Nclc da~1e quality f eatura: I .llllS TDIOllOW'S WUTNEI TOl'AYI .PIECISIOI &HIWI ClOCK IOVDIOT .FllE HAINOGD CASE .llCllU HAID PAllTED .CUCKOOS EYEIY llAITO M•I Direct from the ..,_ IUCI FmST -1 1'11111· nifictnt piece of folk art. for °"' two centuries, woodcMYen, clockmlken and 1rtlS1t1s hlwt plied ttltir trldes toeettltr to produce these ..,.. •-cllcb ... remember. e1eh one is 1 r•I ....... I• -llily hlndDllftttd, hind ISStftl- bled and cr1fted from Mllct. ..... hi 1 200 ye• old tr11dition. Tiiis full sized clocl futures tfll rllilbtl ........... (It tells ,..,,.,...., weetlw ....,,_ Men AIJtn haired Bnllllli* ...-s, witll hlf t~ blsUt of flowers, pod ....,_ Is ill tlle O""C. llut beware wMft """'" Hen' Hw strolls out wittl his umbrelll, foul wuttllf lhud. Tllert's W I ........ wiUI both Celsius 11111 f.,..._ heft scales! £.lch clock has I,,..... .... UIS Ill -it strokes ...., the seconds with I .... "Tic.Toe." Md of coarse, the lllO'ti!w c.dlDci slnas 1 merry "CocM:oo" '"'1 ...-llllrt You, YQUr family and friends will lo¥e ell tfle tiny detailed features: Tiny balcony witll flowef lily bol. little windows. water pump, troup, colorful $2,···95 :::i.. ~i :ir~ w111c~! with SWIJiftl pendulum Incl I ll1••w ~ ~_ .. llflt). But...,... ...t Id fastl ...... Jnt I lilltltM lfllCIUllt of tlttse NMIM clldls •OUftd. ,..... ~ ~ ,.... ,.. ... INIJ. UnfortUNtev1cn .,. -. to c-.. ill future offeNp, ....... on ttlt dollar'~_. llMI downs Oft £uroptafl llOMf IMtlets. ""' ... wblle .. still 111\'t I full ...,., Oii ....... ... 4111 ..... Cllllle CW/ WUl 1 &I I .................. , ........ .. • • ... ...... -.,. .......... -,., ·-""· ......,. I --· I '""""' ' --t II ....... -----.,_, .. , .. ~~ ........ ,. .. ...... I .m-.-:.-.:.:--·:::.!ft ,..., ..., .:!'t:':-s'Wt:..-C.:'L..wc2\ftit1kf "Portable Garage" Car & Boat Tarp Only $7.98 If You Act Within Next 30 Days Philadelphia, PL. Nov .• 1982 -lntematiooal Mail Matteting will send any consumer who sees this notice a giant .. Port- able Garqie" Car&. Boat Tar- paulin for just S7. 98 if your mponse is received within 30 days. This is a huge, 24' x 12' tarp constructed of heavy - puge polyvinyl and JX)lyeth . elene with eight reinforced tybek pommets to insure tie- down protectioo from rain, sleet, snow. dust. dirt, or salt spray. "Portable Garage" is larae enough to cover any car, even the biaaest limousine or station wqoo. It ii also useful to p~ ~boats and small trucks. bar- becues. prden tracton. lawn and patio funUture or a wood- pile from roup winter weather. Each t.ll'p coma backed by an~. iron-dad aua· rantee of satisfaction-it mUJt meet or exceed your every ex- pecWion or return it at any time within 30 days for prompt re- f\&nd of purchue price. YOU may order two tarpl for only S l 5; three for only $22; four at just $28; and five for only $33! "These are commercial-pade in- dustriaJ..strength tarpaulins suit- able for even the most ruged use. However, because of tbe special low price. we must re- strict requests to private con- sumers only; no industrial user or deal~r requests will be ac- cepted. There is a further limit of five (5) t.arpS per request at this low price. To request your tarp, please send your name and address, plus appropriate payment for each tarp requested and $2.00 plfr order for postap and band- lina.no mauer how many tarps you a.re orderin& to: Interna- tional Mail Marketina. Dept. GX-U28, 390 Pike Road, Huntinadon Valley, PA 19006 within the next thirty days. Credit card Olden wUJ alto be ace.peed; limply noc.e name ol card. account number, and n - pirabon dlle of card Oft the ume paper u your name IDd addra1 when orderina. •• ,.1 .... d ............... • Walnut Rnl1h Hs'Tree Hendy w.lnut finilh h•ll tree. Solid wood. 72" h•~t. Gre.i gift idell. Buy sewrll now for onty •1r BRASS HALL TREE Gifts of brass for rooms with class. Deli!#lt someone on your list with this el9f1tly • styled bras ~•ted h•lltree. 7'2" he9'1t. .... only SAnll'ACTION GUMNllTDD __ .. _....,,.,..._ __ _____ , ........ ----,..._~---........ I TH•Rum AllDTMGRAY corudous set ~es: Lincoln addressing a group of small· town citizens from the pla1· fonn of his railroad car on 1he way 10 his Inauguration (per· haps the best such scene In the series). and later. signing the Emancipation Prodama· tion. The suffering. confusion and terrible disorder of war are effectively conveyed to the viewer. as well as a num· ber of engaging details of the daily Ufe of soldiers. &o m both the Nonh and Sduth. The series ts also dlstin · guished by its painstaking at· tention lo hisiorical authen· ticity In minor matters. On the less positive side. this viewer found the subplots. most of them In· volving young lovers. dl.strac· ting (perhaps because he ts an old lover) and certain Thia viewer' found the aubploa, moat of them Involving yocmg lovers, """7octfng (perhaptl becaUle he • an old lover). themes appro aching the bi· zane. There i.s, for ex.ample. a mad Confederate officer appearing In variou s segments who gets hls kicks b y sabering wounded Yankees to death. Much Is also made of Stacy Keach's apparent clairvoyance. which serves no other dramatic purpose than to provide the occalion for some lurid visual effects. Perhaps the series' mo• .obvious deftciency, however, is ltJ failure to treat adequate· ly the role of black people• llave and free, In the w111. NO refcNnce Is made to the heroic achieWmenta .of black aokUm -200,000 of whom fo9t In the Union smy - nor the polltical Influence of BrodMrfy llotred: "'flt I JfW nobd ,,, tlw .... llll!re lo ~ ltfltOl)I Jtw 0 century °"more.• such black leaders as Frederick Douglass or So- journer Truth . After having started off so promisingly with the John Brown tri.al and hanging, the makers of the series have one brief subsequent episode lnvolv· Ing the attempted rape of a slave wo man by Union soldiers. followed by John Geyser Informing a camp of runaway slaves of Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation. There are other aspects of history that the program falls to treat adequately, Including the bitter oppolitk>n to the war that developed In the North and the prccal1ousnea of the UnJon vk:tory. The series "nds with Lee's surrender at Appomattox and the aasasstnation of Lin- coln. The lat scene depicts the wedding of John Geyser and hls nurse-bride at the famdy homatead In Virginia. There the Hales and the Gey.en, or at least those of them who have survived the war, are reunited. The message ls clear: Now that the fratricidal war has ended, peace and harmony have been restored. Of course thty were not. The fact Is that the palllona evoked by the war were to Influence the coune of our history for a century or more. Even today they are not eritnly ~· Becauae of ltJ exdUllon of Important mpecta of hlllory, The Bl.-and the Gray does little to extend our hJs.. torical awareness. hs makers have reduced one of the tragic conflicts In aU history to mere entertainment. Indeed. this viewer ls not persuaded that -despite subplots, stars and ndentlas action -It sue· ceeds even as entertainment, for the program does not hold o ur Int~ as a story or as a coDecdon of stories. Perhaps the fauh lies In the basic theme, which appear$ to be that after the bitterness of war came reconciliation. That notion ls simply too bland and misleading to give force and direction to 111111 the series as a whole. IA6I For Sears~ gifts, look in Sears trin1111eSt Gift Book. New th& year. Yw aa COUlll • ISearsl ·----c.- APNlllm lllVISB.I! IS A If your young chUd talks to Imaginary friends or pets, don't worry: h's not time to .have him committed. In fact . It could be a healthy sign. ~ should have such problems. The biggest wony actor Matt DlUon, 18, has these days is trylng to shuck his label as "America's hol· reports U.S.C. psychologist ~--------­-·~~--------------t test teen-age heartthrob." Jo nathan Kellerman. Kellerman told us that it's just a normal way for kids to engage in fantasy and ex- press creativity -vital fOJ psychological growth. In· deed. it's often the more In· telhgent. creative child who has Imaginary playmates. Or the child may use !mag: lnary friends to temporarily deal with a stressful situation . Kellerman knew one 5-year- old boy who had bttn in an auto accident but couldn ~ talk about it. He could talk . though . about his 5-year-old '"&iend" In a car aash. which was his way of distancing himself from the Incident un· ttJ he could cope. Parents should go along In a low-key fashion. '1'he parent must take it all in con· text." says Kellerman. "If the chlid Is doing all right In school, ls eating and sleeping 0 .K. and has real-life friends. there's nothing to worry about. But If It disrupts his llf e and he withdraws completely from real kids to his Imaginary fnends. then It may be time for counsellng." 8111THDAYS (All Scorpio) Sundev Brian Keith 61; Prince Ouwles 34; Mcl..t:sl Ste.ven· eon 53. Moed-. -E.d A.le 53 . ........, -Bur- ge11 Meredith 74; Bo Derek 26 ...... -Rock Hudson 57; Lauren Hutton 39; Gordon Lightfoot 44. Thunclllv -lmog9nc Coca 74; Eugene Ormandy 83. Aze you positive every headache ts rally a tnin tumor? Do you own a glow· in-the-dark telephone dial? Do you fret about getting • tuna fish in the mayonnaise? Then you're showing algns of the malady known as neur· osls. The prescription: OMllies Monagl!ln's clever and reassur· Ing new book, The Neurodc's Handbook, which reveals al those littJe worries we'r-e jusl too ashamed to adml. RAG.P I) In the old days. he says. peopk 1Nere too busy survlv· ~ to awe about spill-proof coffee cups, soft totet 9e.ats end the lke. But now wlh more free time, seJf~n Is making us crazier than ever. The true neurotic has an Impossible life. He tan 't sleep (too busy turning the plDow to the "cool" side). He can't enjoy any season, from win· ter ("Stale odors collect In the house. You can't smell them but others can") to spring ("You can be thrown In )a11 for, even accidentally, killing a praying mantls'1. And he11 never 6nd true love (the real neurotic: wlll give up when, at a restaurant, his date holds the eating utensils like a pmon Inmate). Monagan admits to an the q~ Indigenous to being a struggling full-time wrtter but told us that, at SS.95 a copy. "If all the n4i!urotics out there buy my book, It will end my neuroses forever." Rod& , ••••• Bo o-9 Frtdl!y -Dick c.wa 46: Jodie Fotte 20. ~ -Rk:h•d O.weon 48; ~ Bellard 56: ElteU. Panons 55; Gene 'Oemey 62; Alllt.s Cooke 74. Have hundreds of bn· portant scienttftc ex· perlments been sabotaged by Impure m Ice? That's the threat since the re· cent discovery by University o f W'9c:oruin reseach. ers that the aleged genetically identical strain of while mke used In laboratories everywhere have been~ and aren't so Identical alte al. The mice, inbred mem- bers of one Fan1ih· "'-.'ekb· ,-..-,., , ......... tlf~A-.,,.._,.11.~-- .... , •• "'Md~ flatrlolc M. Llnlk91 'Vloe ''Hlflnl Md M Dlr9ctor Blr8idWwoe Vloe .... lflflt Md Chnl. ..... JOnlthln Thompeon ldltot AlftMJY Cooper to have virtually the same genes no matter where they're bred. This Ls vital In controlled experiments. But the researchers found that a recent batch of mu differed greatly rrom the norm and even from one another. How wkiespread the prob· lem Is ls not yet known, but It's p ossible the results of ex· pertments in a variety of fields are now flawed and their con· cluslons er-· roneous. Seems he wants to be recog· nJied as a serious artist, and It TUily bothers him when girls rant, rave . riot and generally act like he's the reincarnation of EMs Presley. Actually, the star of l..lttJe Dorlmgs and My Bodyguard ts now being compsed to a young James Dean ar Mar- lon Brando, espedally after his sensitive, starring role tn Disney's fine new 6lm. T~x. one of three S.E. Hinton novels being made Into vies with Dillon. Back home In New York NCaidy. Ollon tc*i us. , try not to thSlk aboul this 'heartthrob. stuff. I'd rather have t0me· ~ come up mld say, , realy enjoyed your work.' And ' they're JX*, I'm hippy to talc. But wh«'I they ltm1 ltnmilillg In your .. n~• ecene when you're ~to be a.- Joe. wel. l's embs• .. Butlt's OJ<. fa girl slips YQU her phone nmnbe? At long .. •h•'• poMl,th.111? F'lathlng I shy lmiJe, Matt llyl, "Vteh, why not?" So remember, grm,saypleMe. / I I / / / FREE TRIAL ORDER FORM ' ,. ' ELEGANT JACKET DRESS '1 ONLY $19.85 I I I I TRY us ON FOR SIZE. FREEi Blair's Four Seasons Jacket I I Dress gives you a total. elegant look~ timeless appeal. It's the I ultimate in taste and luxury; superior styting that shows in the ruffled crystal pleating on the jacket front and cuffs_ I '1bu'll like the tong, tapered sleeves on the jacket \bu'll love I the back-zip slee\r'eless dress with its self-tie belt. ~ you'll feel good a.bout the fabric, too: Celanese FORTREL• polyester for I ~and easy machine washing and dtylng. 1 I I I I I -v-----I YES I Please rush me my Four Seasons Jacket Dress for I a week's FREE TRIAL After one week I'll send onty ,- $19.85, plus postage and handling, or retum the dress at my expense and owe you nothing. If I send payment ~ Blair pays All postage and handing 1 I costs. My money instantty refunded If I'm not pleased. MilMt Sizel· 8, 10, 12. 14, 18, 18. 20 Hiii Sia.: 141\. 16Yr. 18Y,, 20'1r. 22"'1. 24'1> I TO ORDER FILL IN YOUR SIZE AHO CHECK COLOR. I OESCRPTlON 8IZ£ PNCE I -: ----i.....__ ...... ___ .. 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