HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-11-15 - Orange Coast PilotTHI DRANGI COAST COUNTY IDITIDN ORANGE COUNTY. CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS Faulty • suits force NASA to scrub space walk C:i\l't-: t'ANAVEH AI., ~·1.1 ( A I' ) S l' r 1 11 u ' I-' 1 11 h I 1 · 111" dt·V1·lu1Jl'd th1i. 11111r11111~ ''1th N A s A .:. 111 w l( I 'll 1' I .1 t Ill" $2 ·malll1>11 'l'iHt' SU ll:. Jlld M1s:.i.111 l'untrol l'iH11·d1,,•d 1ti1 lung aw.111t"(l JOlnt :.pi1l'\' wulk "" two shulllt· a:.tronau~ It was till' f11~1 lt•st o f tlw Mllh. whit·h hav1· hud a h1st.11·v 111 dc•vt•lupmt·nt trouhlt·s that 111w ,. tha n do ul>IL-<l lhL·1r L'o:.t N A s A u r r 1 l' 1 •• 1 ,., ,, , . , , . L'Ulhldt•t 111~ t ht· pusstl11l1 l y 1.t cXtt•ndmg the.• s huttlt· n11:-.."n11 Im Who'll have the last lap? By KAREN E . KLEIN Of the Oell1 Piiot Stett 0 1w rught tn Novt•mlx.•1, l!J7 I. J o hn Gardner had a erazy d n•c1m lit• dn·anwd ht· w;.i~ stiling 111 ;i departnwnt ~lof'l• sonwwht•n · with a W•>man <>1tt1ng un ht" lap and <• eruwd g<.tt ht·rr <l <Jrt1und t11m Evl'ryone has hJd trd1y dn·ami: But not vt·rv m.111v people· think of c·;.i rry 1ng th1:m out. mut•h It•$..'. maktng pt"'rso11,tl tTusadt•!> out of them But J o hn Gardner·~ not JUSl anyon1· Gardnl'r turrwd his C'tght yt•ar old drt·am 1ntc1 "' n •altty ~nd into his life's gn·atc·:.t adv C' n tu rt' II t• b Pc am C' l h 1 • world'~ uff1nal l;.ip s 1\tt•r Ht• wro tt• and pubhshc>d tht· w orld's only b<xlk o n the Sdmt• sub,)(~·t H e called ll, "The Iron L<1p" W h e n h e w o k t· u p t h a t morning m 1974, Gardner had no idea he'd c•ver really hve o ut hts dream But h e JUSt couldn't shake the feeling that the dream was to be h LS d N>ltny So. on Feb l, 1975, h is wife. Jean, became the first person to o fficially sit o n h is lap and rt'mrd her name in his lapbook. His daughter, Karen, who was one at th<' lime·. bec-anw number two As o f Thursdav. 94 months and ovn 7,000 s1ll1ngs lalN, Gardnt·r was 'ttll tont1nu1ng lo follow whi.t ht· !Jllc; ht~ "G ratt·d S<'rt'nd1p1t v "Evc•n if I rlon t gt·t anything back from 1t. I havt· no rcgn•l.\. in following rnv drc-am." Gardm•r sa 1d "l'v1 ml'l fX·op\P from <t II ovt•r till' world Thts ts m y th111g. m y rlrt•um. ;ind I JUSI h&d t11 1.1k1• 11 tu tht' limit " (.;ardnn ha<. SfM·nl $:l,Hllll of h1!. own llHJn<'y 1m h1' lap -;11ttng proj<'('l .ind $2,500 on ht~ hoc•k (See LAP 'ITTER, Page A31 .. 111 · ',11 .1 d,1\ ... \\'1 ""' '""' 1t tlt1 '1111' I ,lfl l>t fll\t d l,1t1 I ltHl.1\ I'll I \\ 1111 Id .d 1 .. ,, .• T111 ... d.1' 'fhll. \\·"I.. 11111 1 lw " "1.11111 w.1, 1\111 It ~· likt I\ ''" 1111111.d ,,,hi ,\t 1111th1111111111g tl1t '""' ..... ,.,, 't 111 11u l 111 '' h,u k ~hu11l1 · 111.111.1g1·1 c.1,1111 Lunn··~ 111ld 11•p01 tt•1,, \.\'1· ... 1111 lt·1·I v1•1' go<KI ,1houl 11t1 ... I light " 11tll1ng tin• 111·\\' ln"t w1 ·1·k h;ul Jl'l'l1tt1pll,lwd 11,., 111 .. 111 tlll:O..'iHll d 1•ployt111·11l 111 lWlt 1111111111 Ill.ti ,,1l t·l l1t 1•' But ht 11 ,1rl1ly I lllll'l'(lt•d '\.\'1·'11 d1 .... 1pf•llllll·<l'' Ii\ lilt· •,111t l.iilu11•1> u 111 · . II I I '" II 11 1. \ .) ' "I II h t\llt II. It.id ,I l1,1tl 11>.\ga·tl l.11&, oil Id '"' l1,dk111t •,,., .1 . 111111111 b11.11111g . -..1u11d \\ '" • ll'.11 h .1ud1blt· It• 1\.11-.:.11111 l '•111t111I Th•· t1 11ulll1 with th• ~l~u11d ... u1t. doll!wd Ii\ W11l1.1111 L1·111111 , t·1111ld 11111\ h a· "'•'II •Ill ,1 g.111~t· O l l1nab :...11d ,, regulatw 111d1t·111t·d lt1v. pr t•:,sun Alll'I' 1\ll1·11·.., I.in l1111k1· d11w11 . 1111 tl'l,lb W .itllt·d L1 ·111111 111 lL•-;l hi, "'"t 111 .1 "Pill'!' "~land:.llll" h v 11111\'111g lllll 111111 l'11lu111l11a ·, :tll'lol'k, tlll' -;h11J'~ d11ursl1•p to Cai tlin Sirw .. , I i , of Laguna Bt'<H'h h t·<·omf'"' tht• 7 ,329th f)f>rson lo "'i i on ltw lap of John (~arclnt•r durin~ a 'it•\\ porl Bt•at'h -,iltin~ "'Jlr<·t•. 'fl.II 1 'l'lt,J1 ,.J,11 lt,ad Ill ht· .... I ltl1b1" 'l'hh , ..... I tllll d;1v tor 'iUIL .... .... 11d t\ 111·11 who It.id 1 t•h1·<1r "·d Ilic• l\\11 111.111 'IJ·lll w.dk 1111 Olllllth JI It 1 11111111'1 111 \\ill1•1 1,11J< '>llllUl.tlHtll~ "(.;1HKI tt v hut IHI ug.11, . .,;1111 Hob1·1 l S11·w,11 t , thl' g111u11d l'Ot11111u11lt"o1l111 "You k1111w how M 11 11d.1v 11111r11111g~ ;1rt' " Th•· st'ruli 1·a1111· ;111 h 11Ut lwfor1· ll11 · ·I :10 ,1 111 1~s'J' "Put·1· w alk w01" 111 hav1 h1·glt11 Tlw .1~t111n<.1ul~ w1•rv llt'~t 'I Ill d;111gt•1 , ,111d t'Vl'll II lllt• p111lll1•111~ h.1d lll'l llll• d .tflt·I 11t1• w11lk h.1d lll'glln l.1111111' \111d 1111•11 W111tld h.1Vt· t1111t tH °"1fl•I\ 1·11d th1· w.tlk Tiii' 'utl" '\\t 11 d1 \'f\l1J111 d l1v I l.11111It•111 Std 1111.11 d I>" i...11111 111 ll111t1·d '1' .. 1 h11 ulog11·, u111h·1 ,, :S·Hi 'I 11111111111 t·ontr .wt 111v1 1111g '1 .1 Mllb .1tHI 1:1 Ilk ~Upl><ll I ,V.,ll'll" Pt 11hl1·111~. tndud111g .111 11>. yg1•11 (11 1• Ill a 11 UnlllOJIUWd "Ull <1lld ;1 )>I l'~"UI l' l1•;1k h1·t";ll lSt· 11( I .• t1 .. d -.t 11t h J1 1g 1·11111 1 illlllt•d to l'lli-l 11v1•1r1mi. th.11 pu .. t ... d 1 h1· ;11 lllill Jllll't lo 1111 irt · l h.111 $ 1117 r11ii111111 I ·w,,.11 ht• 11ght lmtk." Lunm·y .u hlt·d ,.,.1v111g th1· w;.tk 1111ght Ix· I•'" lwduh·d 1111 11rH• o f thn·t· I light" pla11n1·d 111 tilt' first half o f 111•x1 \t•Jr NASA w11uld hkt• lo h.JVl' th1' 1·xpt·r1t·ntl' lwfor<· t·11 rn1111ll1ng an a i.l r 1111<1ul ltt r11a1wuvt·1 awoy fr om the· ship with ,, thrustt·r µ11w1·retl b01t·k p.Jl·k •111 !light 11 in IYIH Thi• Nc.1t1on<1l At·ronaultt':o. and Span· Adn1 1111stral1un's t 1flh 'hu11l1 !light w.1~ :><'ht•d ult•d tu 1·r1d Tu1·~d;1y tht• !.petcc.• walk 11' 11111\ dt~1ppt>llllOH'lll Brezhnev laid-lo rest Rush , .6'hultz ,ioi11 thou . .;u1uls ell hu~t· f;_11·1•wt·ll for l ead er M<>Sl'< >W IAl'l I .1 .. 11rn I I Brt·1h11t·\', "gl111111u~ :,1111 111 11u1 h111111'la11d · v..a' l.ud 1111•''' l•xl.J\ 111 K1•d Squ.ir1·. g1,·t·n •• 1111111un11 ·nt;1I .incl 11111urnful f:.tt(·v..1 ·ll l1 v th" 11,1l1u11 lw lt·d 111 ,, µ1n11o11·ll 11i w111 Id µuwt·t Tht• 1110111 who SUl'l't'l'tb t11 111~ n1antl1• 111 S11v1t·l l1·<.1d1·rsh1p. Yur 1 V Andropov. plt·dg.·d 111 ci .. u logv lo f1dl11w "th1• s t r<Jll•g1l' 11111' 111 d1mw,.,11t· ,111d f11rl'1g11 polwy" that wa~. ,.,1iap1·d lJv lk1·1hnt·\' 111 ht~ 18 y1"1" '" ('111r1111un1~1 IJJI l\ 1·hll'I Thi l.11 .. S11\'1t'I pt 1·~1d1·111· ... lt1ll1n ""'' tlw11 lo\\1·1a'll 1n111 ,1 gr;.ivt• 111 ltw gr;i'-'' plot 1Jt•h111d Ll'n111·, 111:1u,oh•u111. l>t·fon· lht· tow1·n11g n·d bnt k wc.111 uf thl' K n ·mlin Fat torv wh1'llt•' W<Jtlrd ,111d t hureh lwll~ t11l l1•d Jt·ro"" 1h1' \'cl~l land. wh1d1 ha-. known tlnl v f11u1 11.11am11unl l1·ad1·r" 111 its six • • dl•t .1d1·' "' LIH" world'-. gt• .tlt''I t tlllHllUl\l~I l'lllltllry 111 lht· j.!t:tlll ; ... 1,1.i .... 1 .. 111 d -,qu.111· u11d1·1 .1 11111 ,, 111 B 1 1· 1h111 · v po r u <•' '' 1•·11' 11 t 1huu,.111d' ut 01d111.11' S o\. 11 l 111111·11' .;tood s11t •11th 111 1h1 l.11" ,1utun111 chill, J !>\"' 111 1 w h.1h .1ml 1111lit<iry l'<J P" Vll't• l'n·~1dt·n1 (.;1·111 gt· Bu,.,h , 1it•1 t· for L11dav's ~lat1 · ! un1•1 ;ii, p.11d ht~ f'l•i.pt•cts Ill th1• I.Ill S11v11·l l1·<adt·r <ind t·Jll1·d 1111 ,1 l'l'dUl'llllll Ill "t<JclJ v·, llltt"'l\'t' t•>.pt•ntlttun·s lor .irn),., .. S•"l'l.arv .,f Stall· (.;1'111 g1• I' S h u I t I w h 11 h ,, d a r rt \.' l ' d t 11 M11"< 11v. hou1.., l'<1rl1t•1 ~u11do1\ .... 11d 111· .ind tht• \'lt't' pt t·'-ld1·r1I \\11uld l1k1· l11 nwl't "'tth Sovll'I !had"" dunng tht·ll ~l.•\' Ill till' S1"'11·t t;1p1lJI hut th.it 1111 ,,.,.,..,1111" had IJ1•1•11 'l h1 dul1·d Shull1 ~.11d h1· w: .... 1".1rn 111g 1111 ">1'*'<'1111 nw<.~:1g1· fr 0111 Pr '''llh•nl • l<•·.og.1t1 111 1h1· Kr1·ml1n l1.,uh1~h1p I d11n 't think 1 h1· nwi..~1gt· is 111111plic.ill"(f," he· tolrl rt•p<1rlt•rs W1 · .art· rt•Jl1~l:., Wt' will stay th.it w.1y Wt· an· '1nmg W 1· will "'·" tli:at w;,iy. WC''r1· ecm~trul'llVC Jlld \.\'1· ar«· r1·adv t 11 :-.olvt· pt oblt·ms and will 1111H1nUl' lo bt• r1·;idy to do so, ri•ad v lo rl'!'>).X >lld" Tiii' s t·l'fl't arv 111 'talt• said Hc·ag;.in would wt·letinw <• !'>Umn11l with Androixiv "only 1f 11 n m bf· .1 1·•111strut•t1v1 · ont· Jnd h.1vt• an 11llll t11Ht Hu'h 1:-..,ut-d "' ~k•lt·m1·nl ...aymg 11 '" th1· Ht·:lgan adnu111~lt<tlt0n 's .. f t·f\'t'11 l hope• l ha l t11dJy·s 111:..""VI' l'X pt•nd1tu11·~ for arm~ 1.111 111· rt·UUll'll .ind that tht· \\11Jld ~ta nu ard of t1v1ng , 1·~pl't.'1ally for lht• 1rnpovt·nshed . 1":1r1 111· j.(n•a1lv tn1pr11Vt'fl " Gas v1ct1rn still 1n hospital B) GLENN SCOTT Of IM Oeolly P'lk>l a1.an A s ingle-Vtt·ttm t'X p<JS('<I lo a doud of tux1t· ga:. that c•S('a pt•d Friday night from a n lrvmt• manufa<·tunng plant rema1n1·d h os pt la l 1wci today 1n N r·w pu n Bc><ll'h B c-npm1n A quino . :i:i. w,1,., listl'd Ill stabl\• l'\.md1tt11n ol I loag M\•m1111.tl I losµtt.tl HP wa~ ont· of ltvl· 1x·opll' :11.Jmrllt'<i 111 h11,,1I hu,p1tab ,tfl(•r t•th:o-lr·nt· O'\.tdt• ll•akt•d from ;1 rupturc'<l p1ix· <ii &·nth•\ L.1b~ Im at Y :rt p 111 F ncia" t\notht•r 111 tlw v1t·11m~. lrv1n1· pnlll't' Sgt J1 h1 I l'ovt•y wa" 1L·h·;1,l'd Sund av from V'v\•,.,l1·rn M1 ·tltc al C 1•ntt•r in Santa An.• B1• 11 t l1•v Lab!'>. ;at 17 !1ll:l Arn1,tr11n).( Av1·. ll1·i. w1th1n tht• 111du,111.tl ;ind t111111111·1n;tl .111·;1 b111d1·n·d ltv tlw S.111 l>11·g11 .ind (.'.,..,i;, Mt·'a N1•wp111 l H1 ·.11 h (rt' l' w <t y s, B arr a 11 t a ,, n d J ambon •e roads. M o rt• than 1.000 1•mpl11\'1•1•' working night shtfLc; 11\ all ul tht· plants within lhal <'1ght-s4uan• m tll• d1strtt·t wc·n· (•VM·uatt·d Fr1c1<ty bt'f.·aus1· of thr danfo(t'r of 1·11.pos urc· to the• J:(as M o'l uf lht• workt•r.. t·anw trorn 'u1 h l;•rw· 1ndu~1n;1I pl.ult... J' Smith T 11ol .111d t\rn1•r1t,1n rvk<.;;1\\ L.1h,., -..;11d lrv11w polin Lt Rt1li Lt•111w1 t N11 rt·'id1·nll.d ;ir 1 ,1, v. 1·rp 1•\';11 u.all·d I .1·nn1 rt --.ud tlu g•1" 1s ht•.iv11·r t h.111 ,J1r .111d .1 I.wk of -,1r1111~ \\Ind l1•d u ll111,11' tu l>t'lll'\'l th.ii rc· ... 1d1•11t1.1l .111·;1 ... \A'f'f ' ...... ,.r l ' l'rt·ltm111arv f111ding" 111d11.it1• tht• ll'ak from. a :!.OOIJ ~.tll1111 1.111k tM't urrt'<l l~'t·au-.1• v1hr.t111J11 frcm1 .1 pu111p c ,1u ... 1·d ,, 11111 · 1111 h PIJ)(' It .1d111g tr11m tht· l.rnk lo hu!!.l fr11111 mc·wl f.1l1g11c· l.1•n1wrt '><lid E\hy lene oxide 1~ s 1m1lar m odor and c h <'mtcal make up lo t"l hc·r . sa id D av id Schapiro. d1n't:tor o f the OrangP County P o 1sun Cen ter at UC l rvtnl' Mc•d1l'a l Cc-nlf'r Th(• gas con µroduee th<' same drowsiness as l'tht'r but also m or(' 1rrttal1on, 1•sµrt·1ally to ey1-s and lungs, hC' .1dd1'<i E1hyl1·m· nx1d<· is not n•garded ,,.., a lethal gas. ht• nott'Cl. adding that a largt• dust· would be nt'l'cl•·d to l I 1·.1 t!' l1111g lt•rrn pr olil1•11" At l1·01s1 :r;-pt'<>plt w 1•n · tn·all'<.I a t lm«JI hosp11 ali. F rida y with 'ymµtomi. suc·h a!. 11umbn1-s.-, in lhl' mouth, t•n• 1rntal111n, and lirc·<ithtng dtff1l'ulllt·~ Among tho~· :w Wf'n• &mtll'Y workers. "1 ' v.1•n • rol1t'(' off1c-t'rs and on" \\,J, .i ltrt·f1ghll'r f rom lhl' Orang1· Countv Fin· !'>l:partmt·nl ISce \'ICTIM. Pagt> A21 Bus battle divides HB residents By ROBERT BARKER Of IM Delly Piiot Steff Orange• County Tran~11 1>1,1111 l busc-s thal lrnv11\ up ;.ind du\\ 11 Mam Strc•l'I tn llunttngton i:x., .. h arf' c·aus1ng -.omt· rumbling,., Suml· M.1111 S1rt•l't , ,.,.,111t-ni... say lh(•y w,int lo ~rt th• btlo<( 43 pas.<;(.•ngt•1 bu~"; out 11f 1tw1r llVC'S Th<'y d.11m 1111· huM-s m;1k1· 11)(> much n111<.1 '-rt•w 11111 111111'11 'mokt· tr .1vl'I too fast dnd t"otu~· \ 1 bra t111ni. 111 honws F..tv1· Ogdt·n a lt·.idt·r •lf th•· ..tnt1 bus forn·!. ''1'~ that 202 busc.., pass 1n front o f h1•r hom1• rlatlv "Tht'v start a l 5 :Ill a m and run until 9.:10 al night Sonw of thl•lll have only two 11r lhrt•P nd{'rs a nd som" art• crnnplrtc•ly c•mpty It's a wash· of m1lnt·v." -;h1 ' s:ucl ----INDEX----... With th•· 1ww tax bill~ ~oinJl; into <'ff t'<'I 1hi!ot )'f'ar thf'r t' t'ould ht" nwn• jinfc!;I•· in your jf'An ..... S<•t• .. Trimmin~ Your Tax•·~." ra~r HI . At \'11u1 S1·rv11·1 Erma BomlM'<'k Bttll{'tin Board C 1vakacit· C lassr fwd Comt<'!. Crt)!,.,"v..ord Ed1lortal Enh•rlamnw111 1 lon k.4·opt.• I 11tt.•rmiss11111 Ann Land1•rs Mnvtt•s National N1·w~ P u bhC' Notltl'S S ports Stock Markt•IJ11 Tf'lev1s 1on ThPaten W('athN .. ~--------....................... l'lc: ....... -.. .............. ~ ..... --~~-.. ................ . /\·I B2 A l H2 C:'i H B~> B:> J\li Al A~ R4 H2 R4 A:l C4 C' I :l B:l AO B4 A2 Hui ~··111111 111111 11.., .1 r11I ""n'" 11th1·r 11 ... 11h nt' llkt• lit• 1111"'" Jl'"' tht' W,I\ 1111 \ ,11·1· John H11lit•1 J1l1·,1d111l of tlw H un 11111~ 11111 B 1 .11 II ~ 1 111 0 r CI I ll 1' n ' (' I u b ',1 I <I 11 I J 11 \ r('Stcil'll1' -.h,1p1 th1•11 ,1111\'lllf'" C:ttound 1111' 101111·' 111· ,,11d huo;c•<. a r p !'> t' II II It ' 1111 I \! m '" l rt " II r transpnr 1.1111111 111d1x1111< 11fl w1 ·'· sltor1nng 1·1 1111·1 ~. 1h1 • d11v, 111•1"''" ,,,.,.,1 .ind lht• '1·n1111 nl11.t•11' ( 1·1111•1 W 1 • d 11 ll t "' Jn 1 an\ 1 o ttt 1 • 11•\ '"'"n'.' h1· told men)ht·r:-. 11( l h 1· • 1 1 ' Tr,, n., port a 1 1 n 11 ( 'mnnH:-..-,11111 dnd n·µrt'S«'nl<1l1vt~ o f th1· cx-ru IJ.'l wc•('k An111 hc•t ~u pportrr 1s Peggy c;lcnn ,1 n ''-lclt·nt .dong Main Strt·t•I 'Tht• husf'<. d1111'1 botlwr nw I !St.·c BUSES, Pag(' A21 Parking fees eyed for Mile Square Tlw F111111t;i1n V.tllr·v C1t\ C11unol "111 < on.,1d1·r 11111iatmg a r;irkinlo<( f1•c• ,,, tht• l'tty Ht'<Tt•atmn l'1•11l1•r ;11 Milt• Squart• Park tlunng tlw nw1ot1ng th:it IX'gtns al H p rn Tu1·-.clav 1n City H all 10:.!fllt Sl.it1·1 i\v1• P11rk1n1-< .11 1h1· H·11 1·111111n \l'lll<'r 1111.atL·d off Hr.111k hur:.1 Strt•PI "' 111•11 Av1•111tt'. is 1·u11111tlv frt•t• Thi• ~r11undi. 1111 lud1• l• 1uw; .ind hiiskc•thall I flu r I ' Ii ,I II r I (' I cl ~ a n cl ii If'< n ·at111n b111ld1111o( 1''11u111;11 n Vall<•v 11fC1nHls havt• l1t •l'n 111ok111~ 1nt .. l m ·w ways lo Rt•nc>rnh' rc>vf'nUC' to offo;1•1 I h1 \'ll~l!. nf th<' city'<i ri•trt•al111n program11 Tut>sduv thc• tounl'il will C'onsidtr 1n11tall&llon nr a gait• arm a t th~ e nl rnnt'<' to th1• r ecre1H1on C'f'ntCilr uml a 2~ <'<•nt.i. prr car t'hargr C rt y 11(l1c1als C'St1maH•d this will f(t•nc·ral<' m o ne y to pa v for the• g.ttr equipmt'nt oncl 111'\ llll<>ndnnt in 7 11 m nnth11 A f tc-r I ha I. l he parking f re w o uld IK· A l'Ont1nuing soun:e of rl'<'rrat ton r C'vt"nuc-. Fou11ta111 vn1111y City Counctl Aoend1 ORDINANCE.S roR INTRODUCTION R111olu11on 11nd ordinance of Ille Foun1e1n Velley City Council amending It.. \•nllo<m bulldlng C0d9 reg11dtng IOOllng mete11111 (Conllnu6d lrom Oct 281 An ord1nence of the Fountain Ve11ey Ctty Council deieQetrno rhe city manager cerre1n our .. 1 artd ~· 10 .ct at t>eeuno otflCll< AOMINtSHIA TlVE ITEMS Accep1ence of bld1 end eward o r conhect 101 con111uc11on ol 1111get1on and 1and1cep1ng et Cordite Pe1k -Re1ec1ion of bid• end 1u1h0m111on to re adverllH lor bldl on con111uct1on o l conc11t1 drlvew1ya In Colon11 Juaret Acceptance ol bldt end autholllallon 10 1uve purchese ord., lo• trlmm1no of ''"' A11·1v1h1111on ol city ot F'ou111eln v.-.., 10111,,11 or 1nllu•nce bOV<'ldlfy ReQu11t ot Foun111n Valley lltllil Mitt Sollbell 10 devfJlop tollblll field• 11 McDowell StllOOI 11t1 Con11e11re11on or 1n111llmg I perking IOI gete e1m dllVtc. and theil., 11 ti.. Founle•n Velley Rec:rt1t1on Cent., C<'n11d 111t1on or 1111bl11htng "'d•valopment 11111 on Iha well 11de '' Broollllutll 5 11111 from Tel bell Avnue to 011111111<1 Avenue, Ind Ilona R«r .. non C1rC11 llGENCY FOR COMMUNlfY 0£VELOPMENT AOJllO•l l ol Change order end acc11111n~ ot ~net •990'1 tor -•l•uctlOtl and r1tU1tec1ng of l!.uol14 Streat hom Warn.i Aven...-10 the S..n ~o FrHWIY ) A I ree grows in • • • If Vetf'rans Day comes, can Christmafil be Car behind? Not ._t Fashion Island in Nf'wport Beach where workers put a 75-foot Christma tree in place. The tree i~ a white fir from the Mount Sha1to area. .... ------....... ..---------------------... ,...----..... , I I I t\:l 011111un LOU!'ll ()All Y I'll I I I 1M u11duy N11vun1llar 16, 1982 ~\ OCTD saves 2 proposed Coast cuts ~ \• Continued stories ~USES • • 1efUSt II• h'I 1111111 111 11 ' 1111 \\ ,1\ 11\l· "'"lid "111 h' 111"''' .011ol p ~hll l ll Ull '>f•1tl l.1111111 .11 1 p 'r u (' t I( {I I ' p I u I I I.ii .t t .t II d ,t}n~1hlt· " }>l'OIJli• f\,l\'I' l.tltoll~t·d ,d~11tl 1111 \1U1>1'" 1111' .d~1lll d Vt'otl O gd1·11. •' 11w111l~·1 11! 1111 ,,., 1·n v11 u111111 ·111 ,.t 1111.11 d ,,11.t ,, -.1J u11on 111.1\ I>• 111 1111 1111111~ Cau!.111..: t lt1• op111111~111 . -.111 ,,,111 ls u pn•pll!>U I l1v tr.111,11111 l.tl1111 1 l'<>(Til1ll~IU1l1·r K1•11 l<11tlt 111 1rn1l1 1li l>1g UUM 'S ,1111t111tf M.1111 Slll'I l I\ dt'lll'I'!> \'1,1 'r'111 klll\\11 /\\I llUI .11 t ;11ld L'11 'v\ , • .,, S111, 1 " ~·::. Hol h'.., pl.111 111 "'I v1· 1\1,.111 J l1tltl lllio\1111 l\t ,11 Ii 11 ""' llh fll 1111 1111, ,lft l "111 I 1 lltof ,il111lll 111111 1 Hllh '• H11uh !. • 1111111 l ',d St.ill I• 1tll1 f lt•ll 1t•111 1111.11111g ;11 17 th S t,,., I :111d ( lt .... ,.,. ,\\I 1111• Ill l l11111111g 11111 l\.0,11-'1 1<111111 !II 11 .. 111 l\1t .1 1\1.oll .111d • 11d111~'. .ii /\l.1111 .11111 ,, h 'Ill th Ill I fl1tlllll~'lt1ll fS.'otl ft l<11l1l1• "' 1111111 l'(' 11\'llli 11·r111111.111111: .t1 1·;111 .111tl M.1111 S 111 ;•I Ill 11111111111:11111 lk.H h J\11 < >t. ''l'IJ ... p11kt•,\\ot11.111 '·"'' I IJlfl\ !. I "'" ,tll ,J\'l'l ,tgt• 111 :! 100 I'·''-" 11g1 ·1 ... )H'I d.1\ llllflt• :!!I, I H.111 P•''"'llgo·h d.111\. .111d 1111111· .11 I .l.111 p.h!>o•11i.;1·1' d.111\ Hy STI•;\ t·: Tltll'Ol.I 0 1 th• 0 .11, 1"1101 l t•ll Ho '1 111111!111~ to 1 tllllfllUlllh 111 1111-.. ,,.,1dt·11t:. 0111111-:i-('11u111v 'l'l •lll~lt lll.,ll ll'l dllt'l'tlll l> lillVt·d ..,,., Vll't • lrnf11)' Ill\ '>l'\'l'l 111 l1Ull II Hiit' 1111).!111ulh rt'• tllllllll'lldt•d 1111 I 11111111,tllllll ' '1'111 d111·1llll:>o, 1111 ol :J :! Vllll', oll.(11°1 of ltt ,,l\'I' Ullt' Cl( l WU dJily r1111m l trq" 1111 .111 1·xpn•s:. rotlll' l rn111 S.111 < 'l1·11 w11 to · '" l-'ull1•r to11 1>11 I .1111 .:o I 'l'l11·v ;1h11 agr «t•d lo '>,1\1 lftt of.t1I V IUlilld 11 IJI fl lJll) 1"11111 ·111111 111 Nt\\J>t•ll l\t .. uh 11n I .1111 :!fl I Al..,n '"\ 1·d W:I!> 11111· 111 lwo d;111\ I tollltd ll'lp!> 1111 L 1111• :lH I I 111111 S.111 t'l1•1111•1111· lo S a11ta A11.1 ,IJld 11111' llf \\\II d .11fv lllUlllf lf l lJ:> 1111 l.1111 !.ml Imm S.111 Cl1·nwnt1• 111 t '.ti S1.tlt Full1•rtn11 L11w 4!0'.l, J l tl.ht111g 1n n <111d Lak1· -.ln ·1·1-.. \\ Q'h a lt •s..., n111"'. lt'"" p11llu1111g n 11n 1 bu, An t.K.vl'l> t1ll1n:ol ,,1111 h 111,1\ I ht• pl.111 111.t\ 11111 111 I• ,1-.tlolt ht-GIW.I ' Ill !ti toJt ~ l• d t 11'h I lgd1 11 ..,,lld, lt0\\'1°\'l'I i'll"I' 1111J!d 111 t 111 liv ..,I I I'll h111g p11 k11p 11110·1 \.ii 110111 l'\t I \ 211 111 I \i I\ Ill llllllllll o; ··/.i11J.;1;:.t· .. ;.:.o r.,,. '"'·' ontl ,,,,.,."'"': ,/,•1·11/.' iuflut·twt• our morn/ /;, , .... ·· Bis hops tal{e • aim VICTIM • • at abortion l.t•lllll'f'l ,,11d :-.\'\I I ,ti \\Ill hi I., I 111111 1w1glil>c1n11g p l.inh .thci ,111 In· I 1t· v 1• d I 1 • h ,1 \ , ' 1.., 1 I 1 ti t'llll'l'l>:l'lll' I•• 1111" •Ill tlwtr 11\\ 11 A tnt.d 111 ~HI pol111· 11ll11t 1-. l1n·f1ghl 1·1:0. ,ind Kt·d l'111'' 111 f1t·wl:. Wl'l l' I .1l1t·d lll I lw '" ·11t• \11 ,11d Wiii ko •I:.. ,111d 1·\,1111.111 1111 d1!>lnLl. lw ,.11d Two • t1111111.011d 1111..,h Wt'l 1 f''l,tbl1'1Wd At·1·1ird111,a.: t11 polu t· Sgt I'·"'' l-'11•1•dl.111d l'tl\'(•\' \\,I' t 'l"''('d I•• lht· llt1ud 111 J..:d~ ,..., ht• .11'11\'t doll tlw '>l'lltt <>1h1·1 11111111 ... l11.o!1d ol lto!>ptt.tf, \\'1 II d11 t I 1111).! 11 . .r I It 111.1111\ .11111 d11\\1t\\111ol 11 .. 111 1111 pl.111 I A :.1~1l-.1 ·-.111o111 to r B1•11llt •\ ..,,,11t l••l,1v 111, !11·111 pl.111111•d 111 11·11 ·"' 111flll lllolllflll ,ii Holl\ tho Ith 1t lt 111 ol' '""" .1:. 11 1111tld IH \10lll1111t d .111d \. riftt·d Tllo· t 11n1po111\ 1 111t1lt>\' .11111111 I 1)()(1 11(·11pil htlll Ill 11 \'lrll \\'.·\SlllN\, I UN (J\1)1 J\, 11t1 11.1111111, J<q111.•11 <'.1lh11l11· lo1 ... h11t" 11 11111 ,t I h.olJt•llgt• Ill \ 1111 I lo .... 11111 It .11 \\'1•,1p1111' Jllllh'\ 1111'11 111lllt•t1•1111 lt-;11)1 ·1 Is li11k1ni: 111wh·.11 111il1t.1rv growth \\1th .11111 1111 111·11d .... 111dud1ng . .t .. 11 ·11111 ·Tho l111k.t).!•' J.!" l.11 ll1·v1111d Ila ,111 l.11 1 .111cl tft·t·ph 111flu1·11u• I h I . \\ "t".. ' .1 !> l 11 l flu I m <Ir ,ii I l''t ''• · -..11d 1\ 1 d 11J1,h11p J oh 11 H 1<11.11 h pn·-.1d1·111 11! tltt· N~1t1u11al I '11111• 1 t'llt t' o l ( ·.1ll11il11· B1 ... l111p' I lo l11ld tht "l"'lllllJ..! 111 1111•11 .0111111.tl 1111 .. 1111g l11d,I\ tit.ti "tlll' 1.11 1· l1l ll<lt lt•.i1 I 'lllll \11111 , lhl' 11\.t..,'>I\ I killlllg 1JI lh1• Wlil<ll 1100 .ind llw t!1-..·111q,:r.1l1t111 t1I 111.11lV 11!1· l>:I\ Ill~ I It 1111 Ill' 111 I '"11 IHI 1111111 .111 llllt'l 1111 krrtg th ,,.jf\ p.illt I fl I< I I I I It I I I :-.. I I' .1 lJ I \111111• •IJ" iit' ..,,,1cf th.II Ill.II n;1g1 11'1'11111111 111111 .01111 \ oll"ttlU' 11tli1 I "''"l'n·s~11111' ol h uman lll·lid 111 'lll\'IVa l •tlld lOl1111lUl l V" h avt• 1~·1·11 urul1·111111wd bv lhl: nude;:ir 1h11•;n • ·11 111\'11lv1·~ 11111 only Hw te r ror 111 lw1ng 1·x1111gu1s h1:d but a lso 1 lw hard 1·r11 11g of ht·a rl rt-quirt'<.! In .1 101111111tmPnt to t•xtingu1sh l hl' llvo·' of 1Jl h (•r, 1nnOC'l'nl IH0111g' .. ht• -.;11d 1\ I K 1lll . IOll b1sh o µs I rom <•l'l'OSS l ht 1·n111Hr_v wt•n • p n ·:..t·nl fo r tht· \\t•('k l1111g rrlt'l'll n g a l w h 1t·h •ht\' \\I'll' t•t cllS('USS 1111' d n 1ft o f .1 P·"'"' .ti lt•lt1•r t·on1.h ·m n 1n g p .11 " 11 f I Ii t' U S nu d t ' a r ..,11.tlo •g\ For soJne WASll l NC;Tl)N t AI-') l'.or.1d111g \'11·t n ;1111 Vl'lt•ran Ct·11rg1 H11h1nson t.111 1L'd a s ign toll c·.,11 ... 11tut111n ,\\'l'rllll' whit h tit-< I.ti 1·d th.11, 1111 h11 11. till' w.ir ts Mesa police probe drugging of child 1,ttll flttl 11\t'I P 11l11 t Ill ( "'''' i\11 .... t II• lll lll!llll lllg It 111\1 ,fq•,111 .dll•go1t11111' 1 Ii.ii o1 .! I "o11 11lil l1.1lt\' ~1111 ·1 .1111 lt•d 1111 '(l'l'fl 11111 111 huq~l.1 1\ 111.1\ lt.1\1 d111g1•1·d ,, l \'l',ol 11fd 1111\ l1 f I Ill ho I 1 .ol • J'.·\m, L'l1lh\1·1" .'.I .i11dl111 , \t'.11 oltf '''I' I \\Ii"'' 11.ollll \\a.., r\ol l•·l1·."1·d l>ct .tU"' 111 ho I "14'· \.\.t ·n · .0111·,tt·d F1 1d,,, 111gh1 " I I h I N t • \ I' 111 I B. ·" h 111nd11m111111111 1111 \ h.111 1t-.• 1111' mnv1-cl 111111 E J17:1li1 t h ll.1111111.iol 111 l .... 1 .. :\11 .... t l11lol 1111111 t '"·I ... ,,, hllt'll !ht It.ii•\ ""tilt I \.\1'llrl•'"l.1\ 111 \\ ,J11 11 lit I ""'' l 0111 hl11pl1t I \ \' I 11 II ' I I I I t I l 11 111 " II t Ill If ll1H'-d.t\ ll.1111111.td 1told f"illlt' "I I" II II I I I I I I I I t ·'II d 111111 .• l11~lo1 ti• Ill 1..,1111< I l.1111111.u l ,,o1ol ,Ill l1111k 111 I '"" \\Ii•· ·'l•P• "" .t do11t•d 111 I l t1.1j.! :\111111111.il ll1•'1'it.tl 1)1 Hub1•1I Jt II h .I II I It It I ).., t 111 ' pl" .111.111 o1I tht h•"t•ll,tl 1 ~1·<· SITTER. Pa~t· A:l r I 1111111 ...,,,,.( II Tl1l' "'1 ·c-k 1•1111 ·~ t \ 1·nts -.t 11111111ph.1111 1h1 t'l' h11lll parrick . 111d tlw 1lt•d 11.111011 11! ;1 Vll'tncrm \'1·l 1•1.11h M 1•111onal w c·nl "p It· 11 d 1 d I v I or p .1 rt I l' I pal 1 n g Vl·l1•1 ,,.,.., ::.l·rv1n g as o lon g IH't 0dt•d t .tlh.tr-.i-. Hut 1h1 "gn H111J1n..,11n hdd S.11111d.1.' 1.11"·d .... 11111• qlll'~llnn:.. 1111 p.1r 11dt• 1'.111 olll!>\\t 'I "\\'llY \\,,..,,.·, w.11 d o-< l;1rl'11"" \\'llY \\•I• th• pr1vil1•g1·d • ,, tltpl' \\'II\' ,fi,,u ltl 1111 I 1 " ,,1111 flt t • loll 1111 Ill.Ill\' \'-'llY 11111\ 111t11 tn th1· ... 1.1L1ghlt·1" "\\'I IA'! h." l1<·1·11 lt·.1r111•d '1 "l'U W l l<>to.1 .111• Anwm.ins 11u l1 •httd' C It h1·r \ 1 ti 1 ~.n, h.ivt· ulhf'r Cloudy skies Inner w atPrc., Qt I ,,., u , w·nds hecnm1n•1....,.n1..-1f 11 t 1 knots w1ltl lvrrrCJ f0f1I flt'•ntt ..,,t.,.,•<l. Weslerly swell" cm .. t•• 1 .... 0 ffl'f•t m(reas1n9 h1Qh t.luud' our1og UfP day Outer w.lt~r~ 11nrttJw ... "'.lh•l"l'f winds 5 ~o lS lrnot~ ...,.1th two'""' aHernonn wine1 W 1\oPS WPSIP•I~ ! w p 11 s 1 w "' t n I n • .. ' t· .~ ' 1nc1eas1f'lO f qf tr u<J\ rhu '"Q l"f- doly V ··'· .;;111111110 ry Snow 9t,etr.hN1 hom 1hP u(' "'' Midwest acros\ mur_h oi thP Oh1rt Valley l!'arty IO<la\' ~ om1n9 ·~·" as ti r each,..d tti-P n11rJ At1anr1c slates rhe sno"" "'"eJ11J aciosfi m~ C.reat I akrs ,,.g,,m l' ·~ the u~Ot?f two thirds nf Jh~ Oh•" V11lley The ~nowlall wM l•gh1 ~•cep1 ~I a l~w spots along ftie lowo:ir G1e111 Lai.~ Snow gai;~ way tn rain nver thfl' Carohnas V1rgu·ua ·tnct a•oog thtit 1l"ld-Allan1oe co1"1 A few rain 1,hOwers mearl"tllfh1te novered ovtH southern New E~e<cury •eo•alered Jn the teens 1n lhe leu s panhandle and over Ill<! upper M1s.,ss1pp1 Vell'"Y lo !l'le wellern Gre111 Lall .. Light !lllOW wes t0<eca51 14ter today tlC'O .. Nt!w England rein was expecte d over weelern W••hington. end cloudy ak1ea -e predk;ted ov~r the re~I ol lhe F'9Cll1c NorthwMt Them wu e c:llance ol lhowe11 in soulr>ern C•llfornl1. end •unny lk••• etMWl'MW• California C alllorn11'1 1111 lines w11re f11mmed over tl'le weekend •• tklef• frollclle<J ~n thfl r-oue 01 IHt weelt'I ,_vy llO<m and 1"41 Na llo net Weather Sttrv1c11 predic:t«t 1lft'I rein •1aa on lh1 I'' l ,-,, ,Q •f •Jtr t Lt u1·•1ctrt Mill WdCi l1H1·t1 l f ~1Pi1t..n, h·f •" ,, •• '1('1Jf!I t I Ur)•• .... ,.,-......... , u'""A•'ll ,,, W11tJflt.N,1nt1 1tlt>t , 1 , "'.ttt 1Jd1 I r t"l>~•r 14'•1 '-'''' ''l1 ""c) r11.Jr)' 1J " lhfl .n "' r ,.,.., Beu a 1J1,e< 1 , 1 u .. 81Q +•., t • 0.11•~· lt 1 \J .1t r f::hJtPJ -. 1•a r • ._.,,.. ""•' r rr· ,.,0 1r 11 ,_..,.t r ·-i'r-0 m""' u l• JO 000 • ,. l It• ' , , 'lrr<1•~ .. , tt J Ht• l' ... ''r1•pl•, -.11 Tf•C-, tf'\t.I i' 1111 .... lrlC1 .~ It q .... 40 f'tT1l1•~ t\ 1••t ,1 I (,1, 411 J~il·':> ~#It I lf·l•f Qi lt1 'h (ll ~dl'f f f.JI • 1.J.lpcJ lf,t• t f:te1, • I~ \'\'~ 'l"' G tr·•·• ~mla•t' • ,• AIN-i• -l~ f'l'hlflf I •'\\, Jfld lt(J:'t_.l~ '"r• •JfP() Ptl 11 tnwcto; 1 1;P• rtlf' ,. ..... ~··rid r lw ¥fPatlu' ••t 1(.f' hJr.·C:41~1 n''I Jfl t.i1n RrP4l l11Qt1.., f 1J(''\(J,1, hum .ss to S~ w lh 1,,wr, most11 •ti "" 201 e"rl 10 1,.,d loqhl ra111 Owfl'ns VaHPy 11~ l hct1: a c.tlanc.P 1 ram w·lh ti .J' from 45 10 S3 1 1f'sday 'h'ilh "' ,,., ,,,,. 20s fnP. Wl"f11h•~• • tVtCP pr~•(fPt1 ,, 20 P"'''""' h.H1c.P of ltQhl ~how pr c. tor l os Angeles rue,tlay wllh GI011c1y ·~•e$ and IOWS 111 lhP moc1 ~Os Coa~lal highs ""ff! lore<:aSI on 1hP 60s also with low5 1n me 40s II' the SOs Ten1peratures NATION HI l o Pgp 41 37 Alti~ny Albuquerqu,. Amarollo Anchorage Atlanta Allanhc Cly Au .. 11n ea111mo<e Birnunghm Boston Buffalo Bu1hn9tn Charts\n SC Cha11s1n WV ChM•IOll• NC C.n,.yenn" Cn1ca90 C1nc1nn1111 Cl<tvel11no Columb•• SC Columbv• 011 Fl Wth Oem,ef Oe• Motnet 0.HOlt Et P1so 53 26 SI 17 3• 30 03 52 34 57 36 65 81 36 46 38 58 33 42 39 O!J 4 1 31 07 40 34 511 51 45 33 411 35 33 17 30 15 •2 23 311 29 t3 57 35 39 27 57 32 •J 16 .}() 16 l4 26 • ., 37 ""'"°"'"' wu ..... ~· l>o() AA U S ()epl ol Comme<c~ Fronts Cold -.. Warm .,.. Occtuded ..-Stationary •• J. d tO.Jn~~ 18 16 ''"O~tall 43 21 tldrtfou1 43 36 Hnnolutu 80 11 11nuston 64 43 lrHJ1onapo11s 38 70 J&ei.an MS 511 II .lune•u 44 )8 llansas Cly 37 I(> las VeQa• 59 ,., llllle Roell. 54 2!> LOS An9elef. 73 S7 Memphll !>3 30 Mlemt 71 7' M~wa1.11<ee 30 16 MP" SI Paul t 3 11 New Orleen$ 113 48 New Yorlt 49 43 Okl•Mma Cty 45 19 Om•na 31 20 Or111n00 79 62 Ph1ladetpnla 45 40 Ptioenta 77 52 P1111burgn 41 28 Prtlend Me •O 30 P1Jland Ort 63 37 Pro~1oence 411 41 Rllf'O •e 20 Sell Lttl<e •5 24 Si n An1noo 67 39 Sen Dt~o 71 54 Sen Fr1nc11<:0 6<1 45 Se11111tt •8 34 SI Louie 41 20 SI P·llmpa 79 65 Spotc1,,. 32 20 lopelt• 311 111 luceon 76 •8 Tulle 57 46 Wuhlngln 49 41 WIC'llla 40 IS 07 C AllFORNtA (},,lli!f'r\ltetc1 60 41 08 (t,jtf'k8 62 43 ''"'""o 54 38 t ,H1C1lt;IPt llO 29 L ., .. A ngt'1•.S 73 57 On~1,1nct 59 41 06 Paso l'lQl•lt's 64 34 Red Blufl 60 40 He no 46 20 S11<1amento 46 40 Salina, 64 4 1 Sim 0t"9o 71 54 San f ranc1sco 54 45 $,tnlD 8Artl•r a 69 41 Stockton 411 •n 14 l"AN AMIEl'llCAN Mn Min Acttpu1c.o Ba1bAdos 01 e .. rmud& Bngol" Cu1&c110 22 rreeporl 93 7!) 118 75 75 66 m 411 90 111 81 86 112 45 86 72 Ill 1111 Ouadal8l&r• 07 Ou11detoupe Havan11 01 Smog Where to t i ll (toll lrH ) tor l11M1 emog lnl0fm111on· <><•• County. (8001 445-3828 Loa AngelH C ounty: (100) 242-4022 l'llYWlllM end 8an e.mardlno c:ountlw: (800) 3t7 ... 7t0 AOMD £plt0Cte Centtt: (8001 242·411M I "'8,{~lft tnOW&fl were l•pttcled Tue1d1y througnour much 01 Soultlem Clllforn11 toc1ow1"1l tne ,.. .. ___________ ...;. _________ _ weellend't felf 1kt99 end w1rmo1 •. r A~ lll'M. bul hlQllt T UHdey ' lhOUld be In the &ot. lhtl Nellonel WM1her a.rvtce NYI SURf REPORT t•MP•nlu•e• A tllghl COOlll'Q .. trend wu p pecled •n th• Lot At anow llngered in prtme I • . tllllng er••• over the -'<•nd ••>iiiili•~iia' ... 1110•-----------Jlf reeew _...,. l und-v IOtino • mi.lnQ llllnolt man ~ NICI been lt1rl luff t~ In Nt _.., ,,_ l"9 9Mcfl crHt of Pin• Mounteln Aldge Zum• ..,_ T~• t40fm 1111 81nte Monie• Lot A.... Coullly "*'Ill • Newport 9ffc.h Oec1utY Mtllony Or IOI MIO .. rl1 Stn oi.oo Covni y todev fl\OMll ..,.., 21. Of Outfoot. '°' Tuted•y A•t MH 1 2 1 2 ' 3 2 2 Liiiie change tutf ..,.. tO 10 10 10 ..... ••• 1 1 I ..... ..... 2 2 2 2 ..... Dtf aw aw WSW WSW Tides TOOAY 3 15 p "' 9 Hpm T\MJC)AY ,,,,,, low 2 34 e m ' e ,,,., n19h e·o '·'" ' ' 8&COl'ICI 10w 3 48 p.m 0 !I secono 1110f1 10.14 pm 3 t Sun H I• loelty et 4 41 p m • ""' flleldey ti • " .. ,,. Moon Ml• tOClly ti 6 11 p m . ..... T\itldey 11t 1:IO I m Ill ll(lllllllY 1111111 S.in l'lt•m t•fllt• Ill l)1011~1· ~Ill llllW IUll l ftlll\ L..il(UllU 11111,. Ill U runi,:•· Prop111oo1·d 1·u 111 111 S111111 d ,, \ 1>1 ul u Htdt• 111•rvH·1· w 1·1 1· n11L dlM'UK!H1d Il l tll111 11 111 1'11111!.(IS nu .. ·1111~ Till' ct1n,·1111 !> :1w 1·1·d tt 1 d tM W"' lhUI f•lllllC#i ii .11 1111 Ill \t 1111•,•lln~ 111 I )\., 1·111ltt 1 S t·v1·1 ul 111111•1 route·' M'I ' 111g I ht• 0 I' a 11 lo( P (.' 11 t1 !>I W i• I l ' 1·l1111111.111•d b v 1h1· d 1n·l'l111 !>, 1 1• I I 1• 1· t t 11 ~ a 11 1• ,1 1· I 1 1• 1 rt.•l 111111 rw nd .1111111 I 1 11111 UCT J) ,,,ti I ThvM' rou\t'!> 111du1fr l.11w 7 1 Ir 0111 Bu1·11a Park to I li111 l111).(t1111 Ht·al'h , L11w !M r un11111g t ht •Jug h M1!>.-;1u n V tt'JO und Uigurw 11 111!'4, dnd L 11w <!Ofi I r11m N l·wpo1 1 Ct•ntc r to M , .... ,um V lt'JO 01n-c:trn ~ ~a1tl th a t kl'<'J>lll).( llw Ruben Bohorqut·z Viet vets, ('OOCl'r n s . less global th an Ro binson 's. b ut s llll urgt•nl They feel th('y a re s uit p :.iving f11r h a \'ing s<.·r vC'd V 1 (' t n a m "., r v 1t' l' 1:. a Jo II h,rnd1t·a p. an·ord1ng to L .111y Brin k C'r. a L a bor Ot•p c1rlml nt offln al He said me n who f11ugh1 h avl:' h ig her unemployrn<ml than thosc-who stayC'd homl' "T h ey have to bear th.,-brunt o ( t h e d is app ro v a l o f th a t conflic t." h e s~11d "The b1gg('~t problem thl~<· Vl'll'ran s h avc-had 1s lh t· '>lt g m a o l V H·ln <.im ." A g l•nt Oran g l'. a • c·hl·m1cal ddol1a n 1. •~ ano1h c-r m utt·" th;i' Wl'I\ 11111 'ut would -u1vc· 1h1· tJ\,tm I ;11Juul $1211,111111 h·104 than hud lwu1 1111t11 l1JUlrd Tiii' l'\lh i.1111 .111• 1'),JX't lt'tl Ill ljllVI' .11 li·uhl $1 ·Hl 1111llwn in 1111nuul llp1·111t111g t'l)i>l' lllCI Vll'l.,., du1 111g lht< yuurt .. r, 0 CT U < i ,, n l. r 1a I M a n a g l' r Ja111e11 Re1ctwr 1 •t1l~ r~venuc11 ulso W l'ft• down bt."<·uu H l~ol 1mlo11 tax "'>llN.·llons . puymPnti I rom w h lt'h !lll JIJ}()f'l 111>o u t h111f 1h1· lr1Jrh1t d 1Nt1 lt't'11 hud~1·1. Wt·n · l11\A.'1·r th.in t·X 111·1·1~I du1· 10 ,, '"'j(.ii'h 1•t 111111111y Tha t i.low c tl 11'l.11l is.1l1• .. tX"l'I> 1ill111.d' <11111~ l1~11r1°11 ll1.1 t .lt11\\t•d hotli 11cl1•1,h1p .111d ~" 11i,:t·t ~t 111 1.tl•·d 11·v1·n u1·11 111 ·1•1\'-t·,111·1 t.tt1cith. 111 1~1ruJlly h ... 1 , .ol l1·d f•11 1111 1·11111111.1\ltll l ol tri111 ltM ;ii 111u11 ..... , •. v1·11 1·xµtt•, · --......... '4 ·:\pllt• 1111"1' prolil1•11111, 1111111y 1 t·iu •n p, w h o 11t-1· lht· IHH;i. 11111lt•.., anti S.o1111da~ 1>101-.1 H1d1• p 1o p 11 c·d l u1 1•l1m1 11 u 11on . ..,, l\'llt l''>IJl'l'la llv !)1,d u H11ll' u i.t·r!>, Sl.ol"'"' f111 1lw 111!.l tfUar 1t•1 "' 1111 1 u 111·11t .l11lv 1-Junt• :w < X 'Tl> v1·,1r s ltowt·d H 11dt•r1ohlp 1111.d 111 '/ lJ lllllllOll p:tSM'fll.(l'l'S 'l'ht· l>u d g t•l f11r 1111 · y t·.ir had fi I' l ' 11 d I ,1 W n IJ p WI I h l h (' 1 '111 1 1,1111111 t h .1 t II :1 m 11 11<> n I'·"'' 1lj.!1'r" wntlld , ... n('TI) Vlllt"t'd ~II 1111~ olJj('('tllllll> Ill lht• 1 ulhlH k !JI fl!Jfl!>,tb <i t <• N11v J p 4)1li< lwaring 'J'hlll'I' a lfl•t tH J Si.lid o lhl•1 , Ulll>f}('t'll ll'J llllt•r llllllVt'!> l<l 1tw 1 outt• rt du• t111 1n 'houlcl h t· l Cllhldl·l 1·d More bull than fight at Mesa fairgrounds t\h11 u l 1 .1011 ;,a11~1 y tllkt•L lt oli,111:. 1·),J.H'l'll ng 10 Sl'l' .1 bl111llh ·" b ullfight S unday at th(· Ornng1· l'ount y Fu 1q~rou nds w 1·rt· t u r nc•d a w uy r ('d -f;,n ·d w h1•11 1111' fight was Unl'XpL~kdly l'<llll d c·d /\1111111 18 Co:..;.a M l·sa pu l1u · u n1I!> Wl·n · callt'd to tht· groun d' to lwlp l'lmtrol o r der w h e n 1h1• l1g ln sch l·dult•d to gn nn <ii 4 p 1t 1 was l'am'C·h·d a t 7·:m p.m No 11111· w .1s a rr·1·!>ll·d F a11 groun d:, manager K l'n Fulk ... aid t h t· bullfig ht was l'<mn·lt·d Sunday wh1:n pro m otC'r ttulwn B11hur4u1·1 sard he d idn't ha v1· 1·1111ug h m o nl'Y to pay fm thl' hulb vr lht· m a tado rs . Bo horquez tu nwd uw ay about :rno f;m, Sa1urdoy. saying that thl· .1n •1w w a s too soft He· to ld 1h1·m lo 11•tu111 Su11d,1\, F ulk :..11cl F u lk S<.11d t h a t uni\ ;1 ha n d fu l or lhl· SJJC'( l ~11 11 r~-S.1turda v 11·<·1·1v1·d l'l'f u n d!> 011 th1· t11·k pis th..il rangl'l.i 111 pnn· l>c ·tWl'('n $5 .1ml $:HI N11 1111 t· 11·1 l·l\'t·d rt·fu n ds !::> u n d .t y 13 u h 111 q u ,. 1 t o I d fd1rg rourab 11fr11·1:.b that a bout $~.ouo tu $H.OOll W<" m 1s1.1ng frc1m tlw 1·.t~h bux S u ncluv and h e h .1d n11 m111wv for n ·funi.h F ulk !><11d fa1rgrou11t.h o fr1l'1a ls n•qut·s t t'd lhdl Bohon-1uC'z b~ clt·w11w cl hv l'osta Mt·~· pollt't· to th ·tt·rn 11 m • ti .in u n lawful atl h ad ot'l.·urn·d N11 <irn·sl w;is made Bohwqu1•7 ~Id Spl'<.'taltJl'S t'UUld I l'l't•tvc· 11·fu11d:. todav from h ts o ff11·<' ;.it ~>-1 I S Spring S1 . S utt<.' :son. Lo:. Angt•h•s the war's not over v1•i.111g \\ orry Thi Vt•t1·ran s A d rrnm st ra t1on !><I'' 11 h a!> n u pri.1of that 1h11S<• l'X J>c >~t·d to A gt·n 1 O rungl' h ;wt· .i J.!n•:1ll'1 11'k of t·ontr<it 1111g ciint·cr "' of f.1th1·n11g t·h ildrl•n wllh h11 1 h dl fros Thrt·1· )'l'Jr:. af11•1 Congrcs!. tvltf tlw VA tu find tht• a nswer., It I I ho..... 4Ul'SllU11S. I ht• rf-s<;:ux·h p rt1)!'<'l h:.t!>n 't Slilr lt'CI At un Age nt O rangl· forum last w11·K. G lC'n ll S1 ndd1r, 35. o f l'h-vc ·Lind said l'al'h uf h tS f l\'l' 1 h1ldn·n was born w11 h a birth d 1 II'< I V..'h1•n h e· w 1·nt 111 a VA ho!>p1tal 1111 .tn t·xam. ht· ~1d. ll took :ill hi:. s;..•11 -l'ontrol to k e<·p I rom ~tr anglmg Lhl· elt•rk who rn 1 • t 111 111 w 1 t h b u rt· a u l' r il l 1 l' -.:. rl'·"'" 'Oh. ri not ht>r onl' o f \i1U .. I p..i~ tJ Xto::. dnd I fought for 1h1!> l·ou n tr v. a n d !'vi:' bet'n 1 n«itt·d llkt• d·1n ... S 1m l<11r said . Ex-G ls g~•v<' him a s tanding t)\', 1 lion V 1•t1·rani. nolln·d th a t t h C' 1111•m1Jr1a l ~as b uilt a t the msttg•:tt1on o f vetC'rans -not of thl· c:ou nt ry -a nd th a t gt1Vl·rn m1·nl p <trllnpallt>O was m 1111m a l The distinctive look of o ur Own Make sportwear Our o wn tailo rs le nd their expert hand here, w o rki ng w ith s u perb m ateria ls to produ c e h an dsome, las14ng casua ls. T he navy worsted flan ne l blaze r is our 3-hut ton mode l with G olden Fleece butto ns, patc h pockets, welted edges, $270. Wool Tauersall vest in navy-red o n white, $65 In addition 10 r1gw lar, cltort, lon1 011d 1 rlft.1 lon1. "" of/tr 1lt11t jocllfll '" m1d1wm '""I• proportio111J for "''" .S' 10" to 6'. V111 '" 1wn ltH I J8 10 46 •1111/or, 40 ID 46 10111. ISTAIUSHIO tall ' • WORLD - Begin's wife buried at Mount of Olives JERUSALEM (AP) Prime Min1 s tl'r Ml•nac hcm &gin's w1fl' Alita was buried at the b1bllt:al Mo unt o f Olivl•S today in a s imp le ccr<·mony attended by her gric•v Ing h u s band. (•lost• friends and relauves. The burial took place against a backdrop of national mourning for the 75 Israeli soldiers and securi ty men killed l\,St Thursday an the collapse bf the Israeli military government building in Tyre, Lc.•banon --th(• wor11t sin~ll­ d 1sastt·r in lsri.wl 's :14 Yl'lln. ui. I.I !>ti.Ill' S1n•ns walled throughout thl' t'Ountry to t'<>mmt•morak thl' Vl('tllns of the blust thut l' o 11 n p s e d l h e b u 1 I d 1 11 g Parl1 anH•nt scht>dull•d 1.1 Spt.'Cwl nwmorial St'SSIOll LNmtng on a canl', lkgtn wulkt'tl up the stl<ep s lopt.• tu thl· l(rave site re:.c..•rvt•d for (1ghtt.•r!> an lsral'l's pn· 1948 u n d t• r g r o u n d w a r for tndt.•p<>ndt•m-e. Angola to free Americans HEBEL-H ELD SOUTH- ERN ANGOLA (AP) - Pro-W estern guerrilla leader Jonas Savimbi handt-d over two Soviet airmen to the• Red Cross today. clearing the way for the release of three Americans held by Angola's Marxist government. "We agreed to release the two Russians bec:ause the American administration of President Reagan has asked us ins iste ntly sin ce las t November," Savimbi told an Associated Press re porter Ln thl' thatc hed-roof hut thut Sl'rves as a hcadquartt•rs for his National Union Cor th<- Total lndependenl't' of Angolu (UNITA) somewhl'n' in thl· southl'rn Angola bush. G ar y A c k er . 21L o f Sacram e n.to. Cal if . and Argentine-born Gus tavo Grillo. 36. of Jersey City. N.J .. w e re arrested for h aving f o ught 1n Ang o la as mt>r cenaries The third American is b('lic·Vl'd to bl· pilot Geoffrey Tykr, J:l, of Lakeland. Fla. Walesa vows faithfulness GDANSK. Poland (AP) - Lech Walc.•sa. freed from government detention afte r 11 months. vowed today to remain faithful to the spirit of t h e o u tl awed uni o n Solidarity. H e had not "s igned anything, declared an ything or joined anything" during his detention. Walesa said at a news conference the day after NATION he returned to his family Ill• a ppa re ntly refl·rred to ''loyalty oaths" e xtrac:tl•d from som e unio nists as a c·onditaon for freedom. Explaining the myst<.•n ous one-day delay in his return home a fte r being rele<tst>d S unday. he said he was t.akl•n to a meeting with the Polish gener a l prosecutor f o r a review of mar tial law " Public pays Nancy's flights WAS HINGTON (AP) - Na ncy Reagan has flown three times by helicopter at public ex pense to the presidenoal retreat at Camp David , Md .. White Ho use records show. The C'OSt to taxpayers came to $3.100. The first trip occurred on Jan. 29. 1981, JUSt days after Pre s id e nt R eaga n 's inauguration. to inspect thl• presidential retreat for the first time. And last Sept. I 0 and Oct 29. Mrs. Reagan made On('- way helicopter trips to m~t her husband, who had flown a separate helicopter to Camp David following out-of-town trips. 2, I 00 lose Chrysler jobs DETROIT (AP) -About 2, 100 U.S . Chrysler Corp workers began layoffs today because o f the s trike by Canadian C hrysler w orkers The automaker said the strike may close Chrysler's five U S assembly p lants before C hristmas. Bill Stempien. a Ch rysler spokesman. said Sunday that STATE t he assembly plant layoff!> could begin at a [)(>troit car pla nt and a Warren. Mich . truck plant within thC' next four we<'ks 1f the Canad ian walkout continues That would idle 10.000 workers at the two plants with a bout 43,000 being laid off m the United States if all assembly planL5 close. he said Meatcutters ratify pact Eroding bay cliff fenced in Newport A :-i•vt·rl·ly l'l"odl·d d 1fl <1 long lht• wc•:.tl'rn l-<lgt.· of tlw Upµc•r NPwpurl &y as lx.-mg fcm<t'Cl off lo tht· puhhl' tu rt'dun• tht· n sk of Ut't·1tlt ·nt-. Tht· so-l'allt·d W l'sl Bay prupNly , off l r v int• Avt·nut· bt·twt•t·n Un1vc•r!>1ty and Santiago dnvl'~. is a popular and Sl't•nk .1ogging an •a Nl'wporl Bt·a<.'h l'lty nff1d'!ils said th1 ·y'v<' g1vl'n t•mc·q~c·nC'y ;.i uthorizat1 o n tu thl' l rv1nl• Company lo l'rt.X'l th<' fem:tng on thl' 71 -at·n · strip uf l<ind. Tht· 3 Coast chainhers • eye COllllllOll issues Thi •·t· Orangt' L'oa!-.t t·h.imbt.'rs of c-omnH•n:1· hJvt• fornH·d a t"oa l1t1o n t u :.tud y t r;,cff1c:. dt•ve lopml• n l a no ui ht:r ISSUl'S c:ommon to Nt•wport Bl'at'h. Irv mf' and Costa Mc·sa T h c· c o a I 1 t 1 o n 1 n v o I v e s members of the• Nl'wporl Harbor An•a. Cosw Mc·sa und Irvine· chambers. Carol South, µn·:.1dl•nt of the N ewport ch a mbt·r , s aid tht' f o rmati o n o f a t:oa l1t1on undt•rM·on ·!> thl• nt'l-<l tu rr'<:ognizt• that ·1'ul'h t·1tv and busint•s:. eommun1ty 1~: no lo ngf'r a n is land " K<·n F11wlt•r. Cos t <• f\.1,,., t'h<rn1bc·r pn·-.1clt>rH. :.aid 1.ra I fie 1..·1rculat1un a !. wc•ll a:. :.ltttc k·g1:.l;H1cm that 1mpnt'ts the ltx:a l busuw-.s t-ummu111t v wall be f1r..t on the-group':. agt•1;da dl'Vt·lupnwnt f1r111 will p;1y ;1hou1 $.'"l,1100 fol th1 · lt•llt'l' Tiu· l'I os1nn. t·au~<'d hy wat<•r 1 unoft nHr.-tlv frum ruin :.turm:.. h.i~ t'lll dt•t•J> 'and :.tc·t•p ravuw~ al thn·t· prnllls ;.ilo11g tht• d1ff Tlw c•x1st111g pubht· Vil!-.t•nu•nl w ill lw n •ri1U ll•d out:.1dt· lht· lc•rH"t'. :.a1 tf Ril'hard S im, a n lrv1m· Comp;my Vll"t.' J.>rt'S1<ic·nl Tlw ft•nl·1 ng will bt· rt·11mvt·d .cftc•r the..• rwnv :.1·aStm w hc·n tht· l1v inc· Company will crnTt't t tlw t'fll!>llm prublc-m LAP SITTER REALLY ONE OF A KIND • • From Page A1 which h e wrot<> in longha nd b e tween Jul y 197 9 and December 1980 and publis hed himself A nc•1ghbor ty ped the manuscript fur him for free Tht· book lasts :l7 lap sitting rt><:ords Gardm.•r h;is filed with the Guinness Book o f Wo rld R c c 0 r d s 11 I s r c· c 0 r d f 0 r t·o ntmuuus l<1p sitting at lt·ast one• sitter a month for 94 months --1s his most treasured statistic, but h t' also holds world rtx•ord~ fur lap s1 llmg marathons. lap sitting at high altitudt->s and total numlx•r of lap sitters Gardner has rccc•1ved little o ff1c1al rec·ogn1t1on f or his endeavors The Guinness pl'Ople told him his r('{'()rds wt•nm 't valid · because he had no l'OmlX.'lltors. so he's never actually bc<-11 hstc-d m the book. In material terms. Gardner h:\s little more than s<:raplxlOks. T- shirts and 3 1 , lapbt.>0ks to s h11w for his eight yf'ars of lapsittmg "I've had all kinds of failure," hC' said_ "I've sent lcttcrs all over thP world that have· m·ver bf'C'n answered." gottl'n to do something very few peopll• do follow an original idl'a through to n,•allly. "l"vt' had s1t1<•rs from almost l'Vl·ry ('c>u ntry Huss1a. Iran. I · v t· got t l' n m ust o f Sou t h Anw rica ," Gardrwr said He·~ had s1tlt•rs from " thrt•t'-Wt•c•k old bab\ to c1n llY vear -old grC'at gr:cnclmolhl·r · Hl' c·om•t·clt-d hl•'!> lost frll'nd:. a lo n g tht• way. peoplt· who C'ons1clc•rl'cl lap silting a l1 ttll• unn irwt·nt1onal But Gardnl'r's madt· for morc friends than he's lost And ht."s h ad so m l' wonderful t.'Xpt.'rie nC'es lil• t•n)Oyl·d telling thL· s tory about thf' hl•av1csl woman whu evl'r sat o n h1:. lap When sht• t11ld ham s h £> weighed 256 pounds. Gardnl'r said. "You 'rf.' a good sport to tl•ll me• how much you weigh " To wh1l'h shC' replied. "No. ynu'rc· a good s porl to lC't me· sit on your lap." C;H·dnt'r's IJpbooks an· filled with the namt•s and addresses of ""omen who've' sat on his lap. Tht•n •'s a slar pastc·d alongside tht· naml• of thl• Miss Orang<.• • · P t' o p I c· r· o o 1 f o r !-onwonr who wanb lo g •· l ~ o m t' w h ... r t' • lo :u·hit->\'t' a l!oal or rt•at•h a cl r eam .·· County llont•y (~uc•<'n who S<Jt on his lap a l thl' G nrdl·n Grovt• s<'huol wht•re he tl'aches fifth grad1• I Jc. k<•t·~ his lapbooks and a blue• fold111g bc>at'h l'ha1r tn thl• trunk of his t·ar. just so thcy're :ilw<1v~ handv in casC' ht• runs tnlll a n lll11'XPc~'lf"CI opportunity to log anothc•r n amt• on thl' ro.,tt•r Whvn th<.· f<.'malt• ~tuden ts in h1:. das:; ask to sit on his lap he rf'qu1rl's thl'm to bring in notes from their part•nts or havt• th<.'ir p;u·«nL<i prC'SC'nt bC'forc he will lt't t hl'm Sit ~tl't·e worked ovNtinw to be.• a • Oallr Pllol Photo b; ll'alrlcll O'Doftftell c·w1>orl IJcac-h t·i t y official hav•· g iven t•mergency authorization ·tlw lrvint· <:ompany to to f t•nce off c·rotlin~ West propt'rly. SITTER From Page A2 Bay • • • ;;ppt>ared the t:hald had been druggc:-d Police said thl·y re<.·overed a color television. a st<.·reo, lamp .md paintings belonging to the H<1mm<1ds a t the> N<.•wport &ach <"ondominium Sgt. Bill Bech tel said today p o li <'e are continuing t o m vcs tigate thl• possibility that th e b oy may hav e b ee n dC'l1berat.ely drugged. Owen s r e mains at Orange County jail in lieu of $25.000 bail The 17-year-old was released t.o the t·ustody of her grandparents.. • ~entleman on this," he said . He's reje c ted som e p eo pl e's suggestions that he make the sittings X-rated to attract more attention. .. I'm a m arried man and a family man." he said "I wouldn't thmk of it." •' Gardner's lap silting r ecord pro bably should have expired two years ago when he finished ha s book and s topped t:ampaignang a t beaches a nd -, parks. "But people st ill keep j trickling in,'' he said, and he will I prubably kec·p on lap sitting as ..,, long as there arc.• w omen who want to sit. "People root for someone who wants to get somewhere. to achieve a goal or reach a dream." --l he said. As of noon Thursday while at t Ne wport Center. Gardne r had I <.·ha I ked up a tot a 1 of 7 .333 wom e n and girls who had , occupied his well-worn lap. We ll. make that 7,334. An interviewer c ou ltcln 't r esist • helping Gardner make his dream come true.either. LOS ANGELES (AP) - Meatcutters in Northern and Southern California have overwhelmingly ratified a three-year contract with supermarket chains, ending the threat of a strike. a union spokesman said. With most of the voting comple te d 1n Nor th t'r n California. 92 percent of tht' United Food and Commercial Workers union ratified th<> pact." sa id Dan S winton Results of the remaining local votes would not change the out.come. he said. Gardner rC'COrdsS<lmt' of those-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- failures tn has book: hc•'s never been in an Amer1C'an magazine. never made 1t onto a tC'll'vision talk show. nC'vt'r landc-d a major celebrity on his l:ip lk rece1vc-d State's grape crop record SAN FRANCISCO <AP) California. producer of 70 percent of all wine sold in this country. has just gathered a record grape crop, d espite storms thought at hrst to be a disaster to the rape fruit. "The grapes just grew and grew." said state Crop and We're Listening ••• 642•6086 ~ ......... ~·'notry " '°" 00 ~ r.:;: :.."";.e,,·:r~ !:."' and r out copy ••" D• ...... eel L1 Vl'st1x:k Heporlln~ :X-rv1c<.· st:ll1st1c1an Kelly Krug over thC' week('nd. He computed tht' 1982 harvest at more than 3 million tons. far ahead of last year's 2.4 million tons. If at hadn't been for the storms. he said. the new figure would probably have gone to 3.5 million tons. a letter one'<.' from Curol Burnett which he displays proudly on the board he ('c;1rnt's around with him to promoll' his campaign. but he was nt'vcr able to actua I ly gct her to sit. •·Sht' h as a ver y busy schedule," he t'Xplatned. Though he hasn't be(:ome a commercial SUC'Ct'SS. Gardner has What do you like about the Daily Pilot" What don't you like" Call the number at left and your message will be recorded. transcribed and delivered to the appropriate editor. The same 24-hour answering service may be used to record let- ters to the editor on any topic Mailbox contributor s must Include their name and telephone number for verification No circulation calls. please. Tell us what ·son your mind OAANOE COAST D~ily Pilat CIHelfted advertlelntt 7141142·M71 All other depal1ments 142.,.121 MAIN OfflCl DI We .. e.. SI , C•I• Mew, CA -.-... ... IMO, C.te loleM, CA fMJt c .. ,,, ..... I'll Or .... C .. tl l"'*'l\lll"t C:-Y ,.. ,,_, ,.., .. , 111...-, .. 1.,.., .. 11 ... c m..w.., .. • .,11 .. _.. ........ ....., ....... ..c.c .......... t.-clel """',..... .. cwittillll-•'· i.MIMY tnd ......,., I! ff"' 00 ftO! IK-• yOV• WI!':,,: ~c.11 eopy~ ''*"-'·"°~ l'ubllthef ond Clllet hKU11¥• OfflCe< .. ......, Jene AIMlrl loymetMI Med.Hn l •Klll-ldtlor COlll<olet MkheelP.Herfty 0..KIOI c' ~.ilftg tC1ttiAiiitiolll i'· • f e b:zaut.1iu1 c.o11a.c1Ac:n or hand wcm.n ac.otlYI t.~ m thcl. meet. cz.xdtn'19 color.s ond pelt.4ms )OU ll'Mtt ~-~ ~QN 5dli vmted hocklng cx:et Wlth W\rrl t-'b oleo ovoUobltL with tiet-m or pot.chard flop ~ a.och c:cet. \& t.ol looui fot 1.e, ~fbtya.J- . • ~ t . ' t l I l f -·· I t [ , ·• t rangl \f 'ith tl(J ~nd in I A)S ANl:VL.ES IAP) l '11u1 t \\lfl ll'H'" l"lll\ 'f'lh '10ll\ Ill 1111• "I litl .... 1d .. ~11.111glt·1 . l ...... h··· oll"l' llll' 1111 \ I" ll.1\ lllg olll ollllll\ I I °"II\' I"" I\ (t'-. h1111 11111 \1,11 'd ill\ lltt• m,...,, 111111 d.·1 111 .tl "' Ang, lo Uw11111 l111111glt1 1h1 ·111 tng,·th vr. ,1111f till' o•l\d I'> 11111 Ill '>&ght "( h11 l.i°'t o ·-.I 1111.111 , Wlll'll \\I' '.It dtt\\ 11 lo• l.dh. . .1111\ll II, \\ ,1, lh.ol ti \\011&ld I 11ol Ill 1-'1 hr II.it\," I>. p11 l\ .\ 1111111•' lo1·111·1 .ii i\111 h.lt'I N.i ... 11 ,,,1ol 11111 I th111k 11',. g111 11g 111 !.(to .1 lo•\\ llhllllh-. follJ.:<'I th.111 th.it Th ..... t.11 \\It Ill ...... l 1111I1·-..-.i·d 'llrlh1do• St1.111glt 1 K1·111w1 lt l\1.1nd11 . ti ..... IK 1 11 1111 tlt1 '''lllll''' ,t,111d 1111 "" m11nlh:-gl\'&ng l n ·111111111\ • 11111 lll't111g st111·11·:-of lht· lllllltt.1 ... "' Ill \111111)..: \\llllll II .1ml 1~11i..."1111 h h1 h.1:-I 1l;11r11ti1111 Buum• hr t 11u .... 111 H1.111d11 pit .1dt d g111lt \ '" I I\' 111 tht• -.l 1\llll.:'> Ill 11°111111 l"t l11·111g '>('.<lnl llio• J,:.o-. t h.1111111 I Supt•11111 l "•u1 t .jud,i.:o Ho•ll old (;1·orgi•, \\ h 11 ·""' 1J1 t" .111 1·111~ t I>\ tlw d1·l1·1b1· to ,1(,1111 tho ti I 11. 1n.11nt.111i-. .o 1111·1·1 1111 ·"' 1·pt.011t·o 111 tlw pn11'<·• d111 c-; 111.ii;11ho11 l1 ·11g I h ·1 th11ught 11 "11uld 111 d11111 \\ 1111111 .• \'t'oll ho -..11d "'"" .. ,111110· 'Hl it l'\o· 111-.t ltl\ 1.ip.11 II\ Ill 111· "lll'pt hi d .ii Ill\ 1111111' Ill ti"' 0 '·" (;1·111i.:1 -.,11d 111 ... ~·r.11. tuJ 1111 d1t .1 .. 111.t!Jilll "' .1111111 :-\\ 11 .. ti,,,, 11111 lw• 11 -.1·•11w-.to·11·ol 'I IH o 1ghl \\ttlll• 11 lttlll Ill< 11 ,11111 -,1\ .tit• 111 1\t Jiii 111-. 11,0\ • It• n1111 lik1· ·' l.01111 1\ l111ld111g t.11 thd.1\ p,ll lll'' 111 tho 1111 lllPlll .illol '"'"'"'"~ l'<ol.1100" l'h 1111 • .. '" • .11h01\h11 1111 "'1.1phool.. .. It \110!.. llllt< 1111111\h' \fl 'loll I u I \ lit I .I \I'>( "I 1 h •' I \. P• l t. d It 11gl h 111 lht t11.ol ··J1 " .. ll'o lll\ fl'IH'\\('d Ill\ I.11th 111 th• Jlll'\ ,, '"'Ill ( ;, Cll ~(· -..11<1 .. Thi\ 111 .• \ ( I\ • 11h1 >;I\' ~~· •lip . ond ''"'11 "' 1J11·111 11 .. ,, 1111111 t•1 l lllll l I\ t II \\ht ll I h1 \ \\I I 1• n111g h&ll J..' n l l\PI 11 t·l111i.: \\•II l'h1\ t.d\I ll ttll ... o111ol pt .a lll'1111o lll I Ill llllfll , . .....,, d \\•th 1111•11 :-.L;il11llt\'' Onh ''"' 1u1111 Ii 0\1 lt.11111. I" r111l.111·d Ii\ .oltt·1 11,,1t-. -.11 ht tlw In.ti l,.·g.t11 lllH· 111.111 \\ 1111 h.111 ,, ho olth prohlt 111 lo I l .ii tht• out-.1 l ... 11tl .1 \\11111.111 1111111 h.111 111 11 ·1111 n lo "111 k "11111 111 1 l.111111': ... u llf'n'<l l111an1·1.ol n ·\1 1'-.. ... On<· pt'r"m 111 n1urt 1·v1 1' ct.iv Start Being The \\OOlan ~ Want to Bel ICa~~ '••11u10~ 1?b ·u·~ ~e "" ~· Ca Jr ~"mt ro1a1 '"' J co111~hmtn'a11ana 1i 11n: p1og1am dil:u111on ... J. 1982 r' t r ial hits one-year .mark • Jlll·y 1 ... n 11111 d1 -,1u1l1ld th.in otlu•rs .11>0111 th1 du1.ot1111l 111 tlw 111.tl Hu " 111• t h c· I H -' l' .i r · o Id di It 11ol.1111 . l'lll.1t1.oll•d ;illt•r t\\11 ', .. ,,..., 111 Jail. "''I'll\:> tu ... 1u mp lot\\ 1·r 111 h1-; 1·ha 1r 1•al'11 cJa v . gl.1111\g :-tll0 llt l y tll'l'OSS thl• 1·11u 11 11111111 a t B1anl'h1 , st•att·d gl u111I~ IHI lht• Wlllll'S.°' Sl<Hld. D1•l l'l1"1• law\ t·r K a lht·rtlH' l\l11d1·r :-.11d Buono has IH'l'll p.11 titularly uµs1'I b y l'l'l'l'll t d..t t ·11-,1• d&~l'll\'l'l'll'S 111u il':lllllg <I k1·\ 1•\•·w1tn1·s:. l;il ll•d 10 l 111 riil1111 att· Bi:11wh1, Markus\ <.'.1111d1•n h <11.l spl•&\t unw 111 a 1111 11tal ho-,pn,tl · 11"" 1:-A ng1·to·•· MJdt•r rl'· 'I• If ttf. d Ill .1 Cjlll':>l IOll l'I' •· J h• IS I ui.'111u..... t ru ... t 1 <ttt•d .ind b1 llt•r" t l1.1t "'" nH·n "huM• nH·nt<1 I -.t.1bil1t' 11,,,. h1·t·11 qu<'sl1o n t'd Ii.I\• i.,, pl 1111111n1u,.1ud y l rn t\\u '··--·· ... n I ti It l 1 I h Cl.. t II n t r <Id I l' l l' d 1&1111-.. 11 it 1>«·<•t1'cll v d uri ng 11 -.1111 .. 11\ 1n1plat.Jllng Buono 111 th 111lll ti• 1... Ruonro "il< Jd fast I\. dt Ila·~ 111\lll\I ltl\'ll l Ill thl• ktllinc-.. At ""' p11111t H1.11wh1 -...1111 rn·1 tl11 1 h1 11 .. 1 H1 P11111 \\a.., tll\ 1ol\'t ,! Ill If< ktlltllh• lllC'll d o•-., I ilJl d IOI lll l 1 ' ,1nd -.t1 111g11l.1111111s. 111s1 ltl\g Bu"''" \\,o,. ha ... p.11 ln< r Ill' .11 .... , d1<1:i~···d ol1 to1&1 ... 111 h" .11n1u11t:-of ho\\ ht· .111d Bu111111 ;dlt•g,·dly t·111111111tu·d 1h1 l 1111\•'" 811111111~ .. \\'.rllh II ol\'l'I' with," !\1 •• d• 1 .... ud "lh· kn•m -.. hl• d uln't h.rll .oil\ brn h ,011d lw \\.ml' t11 \\,1lk t1Ut 111 iw11·" B ut M <1 d1• r a nd 3 not h e r • a nn1ver ary Kt•nnNh Uiuau·hi ch•ll•nsl' laWYl'r . Ge rald° C halt'ff. '"" the \ nlus t poin t up l'V~ry pm •. -.hll' l'Ollfhl't an B1anl·h 1'sstory at th1·v Ul'l' to w an Buono a n tl<'tfUll ltll "Wt· huVl' to bring uut l'Vl'ry 1xi1111 wh1•rt· ht• as mcorll>i sll'nt," sa ys M u d t•r. "W e would Ill.' rw~ligl'll l II wG• didn't." Chull'ff is in his 1:l1h w ec:•k of 1:ros-i 1•xu m1111ng Bia nl·hi. 'l'hl• p roM't.'Ut11m qu<•stiom•d him for s1•\'1•11 Wl·t·ks, and udd it ionul Wl'l'k b wt•r1• 1qwn l 1>l11 y 1nJ< v 1 d c.• o t a p " " o I H 1 o n l' h 1 • 1> int<.•rvh•wH with p.>1ychwtrat1l8 Ck•l111 ~ JJ111m·h1 look tht• Htuwl, tlw pro11t'<'~i11n hud c.:ulh'<I 1ntll't than Wil t 1 th11r w11111•sl!4•1t Nnsh suid ulx1LIL iO 01111•t• w ill w11tal y bdon• thl' {'W"' Is turawd ovc.•r 111 the dcfc•n!>l•, Chalt•fl nnd Mudt•r 111'(•11 't say111g h ow muny. witnt•s.<u•11 lhl'Y wall cnll, l'Xl'l'Jll J.u K11y th<.'rl' will be ";1 Jot," Mc.•tmwhih'. they un• tr ying tor a m is trial o n j(ru unds thu l info rmuuo n n •gordang Cumdt·n'i; m t•ntul hlstorv wu11 w1thhc.•ld frorn them. A0t a ht'urang lost wc1.•k, detet·t1vt'S tc.•sti fwd thl•y knew Camdc.•n had bcc.•n an n mental hosp1tol a nd rt'layt>d that informuuon to the pr()S(.icution. 11 o w e v e r . 1 t w u i; n c.• v c• r m e ntion ed whe n th<.' witness testified und th<' dt'fl•n~ lawyers S<JY th<'Y wcrt· n ever told. T h l1 h l' u r 1 n g c.· 11 n l 1 n u l ' s T hursd ay, a nd Gcorgt• saad hl• tXpt.'CtS to mukL• a wnttc n ruling on the iss u e s h o rtly ofte r Thanksgiving. But it appears unlike ly aftl'I' a ll this time that he w ould ord('r a m istrial be fore t he ca sl' is plat•t•d in the hunds of thl' jury for a vl•rdk t -pro bubly next s pring or C'urly sumnw r. Uni High .s tude~ts ,. to stage : 'Picnic' A Pull t:tt>r Prlzt·-w lnnlng ploy . "Pil'nlc," wall l~ u fft'n'CJ. thl'l't' tlmt'll this wee k by s tudent actors at University High School in Irvine. Tht• production will be s taR('tJ a t 7:30 p.m . Thursday and a\ 8 p .m . both Friday and Saturday at the school's Little theat~r. Tk·k<'ts are $3 a nd mav be •Tlw F<Htnlain V a lley Branch Library w ill loelebratc Children's Book W eck . Tuesday though Saturday with various games. stories and a C'OSlume party. A highlight wall be lhe "Who's Who" party Crom 3:30 to 4:30 p .m . on Thursday. Childre n 6 years old and older art' inviwd to l'Om<' dn•sst.'d as rt'KC'(\1t•d II~· t·allinlo( fl:t:i :i644, t.'Xl 38. Tht· Wilham ln1w play 111 dlrec.•\l•d by Daatel Trevino and fl•a turc.•1 Mar ce lle Bol41a 1, Karen Cul, Pblllp Gol4, Kelly Goodman, Satan Grta1le, Kim G•1zetta, Fred IUela, Rlclilard Joae1, Kalby Perry, Trlela O'Connor, • J effrey Teller and Mell11a Wilmer. their ravorale book characters, and pr1ws wall be awarded 1n several c:a t egoraes. The• program will foaturc movies. ston es and refreshme n ts. The library is located o n the corner or Slawr Avenur a nd L os A lamos Street. adjat•cnt to Fountain Valley Cllv Hall. ,~~\ ~,,,~ -Travelers need rjght questions By PAT HOROWITZ -,J 01 , ... 0•111 Pllol Slaff DF:AH PAT: Speaking as presid ent o f the Orange County l'h up ll'r of Amcm can Sod ety of Travel Agents Inc .• I have a problc·m 1 lnw to get travelers who arc sh oppmg for bargain air fa n -s to ask c'<1rrl'Cl q uestions to gN th<' right information from t hl·&r trnvl'I ag<•n t. With air fort'S chang mg daily witho ut any advance nou cc, md utlang adv;im·•• 11nlll'E' to travel agen ts, it as import.ant that air travl'lc•rs ga ve· l'SS<'nllal m lorma t1on lo their a$:t<'nt Wh<'n askang lur Lht• "l'h(·apc.•:.t air fan'." Tc•ll you r agl'nt whe n you ar<' going and wh(•n you are I <'lllrtHng, l•nabhng Lhe age nt to d clermin<' if your length or stay w ill q ualify for a lowc•r fare. If you arc rc.>Sponding to an atr fart• vou 0Vl' •wen m a n adv<>rtiscm cnt. bl• sure to read t'Vc ry thing in thl• .id· nanw uf a1r lane, type of fare, d epa rture city, validity dates, and tlt>:.llnallun c·11y. Tell the agent in w hich nc wspap<>r you saw the• ad, and know the sec.·tion an d page number. ln most cases. the agl•nt w all havl' a c'Opy of the ad in the o Hice . If u "friend" has told you about a bargain air fare . get the same information from him or he r. Keep in mind that all bargain fares are very rcstrictavc.· m th<' number o r seats sold at that fare. If you wish to book at. uckt t it at the same time. Presently there arc no canc.oellauon fees for doml>Slic air fares, only international . When your agent "quotes" a Care il is only good al the tame of the quote. It's possible that the fare could ch ange or expire prior to your trip. Almost all bargain rares h ave an expiration d ate Ask your agent when the fare expires when a bargain Care is quoted. And. it really is a disservice to your travel agent if you •shop for a fare. With proper information, as detailed above, your own agent will be able to find the best travel bargam for you. Thanks for your help, and h a ppy travl'lin g to ever yone. R.A., Laguna Beach f Tha nk you for providing information that can s1mphfy travel arrangemen ts for both agents a nd travelers. C'H IOI fr ee r•IOntUllO• ORANGE COUNTY 3 TOWN & COUNTRY. ORANGE (714) 547·8228 1 .. is • • ORANGE COUNTY MUSIC FOR ADULTS. PLUS • MARINE WEATHER -The latest information from tides co temperatures. direct from the Orange County Harbormaster. • TRAFFIC REPORTS -Weekday morning and afternoon dravetrme freeway and highway informa- tion from the Orange County office o f the Highway Patrol. .. • • • • COIT MOBILE CARPET CLEANING • STOCK MARKET REPORTS -Twrce daily. the most up-to-date information rn the w orld of finance, as 1t pertains to Orange County. from Bob Schaff of '>'1emll Lynch rn Newport Beach. • FITNESS AND RUNNING REPORTS 1 '1 -Expert advice from U.C.I. Track Coach and U.S. Ol)'mplc Development Coach Kevan McNair. twice every day. Our mobile carpet cleaning plant comes to your home with the exclusive. gentle Electro-Jet~system. that cleans your carpets top-to-bottom. Destructive grit is jetted out to the Coit van. Your carpets can last longer-so you won't have to replace them at today's high prices. And they'll look like new. PHONE FOR FREE ESTIMATE ANO DEMONSTRATION SERVING All OUNCE COIHITY RADIO DISPATCHED VAllS FRIE PICK.UP & DELIVERY • CALL COMMUNITY NEAREST YOU • AllAHEIM •COSTA MESA 1 "• • El TOllO I • ' • FUUUTOll • • •• A • UtlDEll lillOYl • • 535·2039 6-42·0270 155· 1111 119-1030 971 .5511 • HUllllllUOll IEACH IJI\ \t•'I' ... • lACUllA IEACll 11).·• ~ • SUTA UA 1~ ,..,, .. -... • S°"Tll ORAllCE CO '• '11 o.t "•~ • TUSTlllFOllAlllE to. ,,.,,.. 11 142·0J20 711·0711 -IU-2111 Ml-21J.4 m-•m Mein Office• & Pl1nt 1297 Logan Ave •• Coeta Meu 540-1311 Open delly. 7 AM to 6 PM • Sit 7 AM 10 5 PM • Offet EapfrM 11130 12 NCOIT Th1·Wor111 .. t.irqi:.I •• , •. 1f, .· '11 l .. trtlt'f 1" [Jr.qll'ry I "111•· . . . . • CONSUMER REPORTS -Listen for KOCM's own Consumer Advice Specialist Mary Ann Price. She's ouc co help your Two t rmes each day of the week. t • NEWS -M o re than Just headli nes. and a special emphasis on O range County • ENTERTAINM•NT REPORTS -What's good - and not-so -good --;, on Orange County stage and screen. exclusively on KOCM with Herm Boodman. • A CLOS•R LOOK -KOCM's own weekly detailed took at pertinent news topics. with J<>Mln Reynolds and Susan Vaughn. • . • COMMUNITY PORUM -An award-winning pres.ntation of the Junior League of Newpon Harbor, aired weekly only on KOCM. delvlng Into the unique lnt•nsts of our aru. KOCM IS ORANGE COUNTY MU IC • • • AND MOCH MOREi • • • ON YOUR PM DIAL A T ' \ Nuvt•111l11•1 " H1P.;> I I I I . WITH INSURED SAFETY PL!US A· FREE ·pACKAGE OF. IMPORTANT MONEY MANAGEMENT SERVICES. Annoilncing Home Federal's lnsand MoneyMarket Plan• and a bonus advantage for signing up immediately. The clock is running. ·A new law w ill soon take effect. · And at that histo ric momenc, Home · Federal's new I nsured MoneyMarket Plan will offer you a combination o f high potential earnings, money management convenience and safety . . . never before possible. A new, insured investm ent w ith transAction privileges better than most mone)~ market funds -linked by transfers you control by phone - to a Chextra'" interest cht>cking account for day in, day out ca ·h convenience. In sho rt, the Insured Mo neyMarket Plan stands up to the return and flexibility of a money market fund - with one benefit not a single money market fund can o ffer. Safety, insured up to sioo,OOO by the FS.L.J.C., a U.S. Government agency. A solid 2.50/o advantage if you sign up now. We're committed to make and keep tf ome Fed eral the best place for .. You'll earn an extra 2.S%on your investment d ollars for the first 6 months over the average yield on money market funds according to a leading index. you to make and kee1l your money. That's why we're making this 2.5% bonus offer if you sign up immediatdr . But Hutty. This offer to earn bonus hiterest for sigriing up early may be withdrawn at any time without prior notice. The miQimum to begin is S5,000 (wich a maximum o f $75,000), <ler.osited in a '5-1I2% saving:> accbunt -then transferred automatically to the higher ea rning account on the first {Jar the law allows. · Not just money market · earnings, but the extra advantages of free Chextra . Interest checking too - automatically. One o f the m ost advanced money management tools available lt)day is a Chex'lra interest checkln~ account That's why we 'vc made it part o f your Insured Mo neyMarket Pl~m. 1 Free. With an initiaJ supply of personalized checks. Also free. Use it in good weaJth. You ~an also apply for the added convenience o f Overdraft Pro teaion with Check Guarantee. And your cho ice of VISA• accounts or MascerCard.™1 Sign up today. Welcome ~ack to the growth, convenience, safety and strength of Home Federal Country . Home Federars new Insured MoneyMarket Plan is better than mo ney market fundc;. With a commitment and a purpose that could easily replace a great variety of other investmentc; too. By combining high earnings w ith safecy and money management convenience. If you've always been a H o me Federal customer , thank you. If you're returning, welcome back. To Home Federal Country. Where you've always felt better about your mo ney anyway. ' Orano• Co11t OAILV PILOT/Monday, November 15. 1H2 altr ans deserves rap • t' from 'Little Hoover' • Tht• Corona d1.•I Mur fl'l'l'WUY is a short stn•tt.·h of road with o long h isto r y tou lu11t:t. mun y would suggest. The frt'l•wa y today t•x tcnds lo just northwest of lrv tnc Avenue . S outhbound tru l f1l' pou rs o nto Bristol S trl'l'l fur uhima ll' t ransfer to J ambol't'l' Hoad or MacArthur Boulevard Bris tol. it :it•c m s, is a lways c.'Ongc.-sted. sna rll.>d . Add a st.allt..'Ci \cbr or a minor fender -bender a nd Bdstol bc<.'Om1.•s a parkang lot. F o r vt.•ars. lo<.·al officials pus hed fo r <.'X t c n s 10n o f the freew ay to Mal·A rthur. Tha t b a ttle w a s won ovc.·r pro tc•s t of Cahra n s. t he s t att• hig h way agt•ncy run by Adriana Giantur<.:o. who. on<' can safely say, d oesn 't likc freeways. Work on tht• $10.5 m illion e x t en s ion t o M a cArthur l s sc:hcduled to begin some time a fter Jun i . l~tt-l. Ull l\'ltlh~ HU:-' l l \\Ill \ o k I' 11 l I l ' 11 s I I 8 m u I\ l h II l'Ol1Stl'Ul'tum .1u1· it to b4.• t:umph.•tt.'<J. Should thl' f'rl'l'WU Y huv1.• b<•l'n built in pll.'l'l'll)l.'u) fush1un'! S hould it haw wkcm loc.:HI offidals ye>ar aftt•r agon1 i 1n g yt.•o r to t·1mv1nt.•t• th1.· stult• to fund tht.> t•x lt•n:.ion ., J ust tht-st' 4ut•sttons soon will <.'O n fro nt t ht• Co m mis:.lo n on Cahfornia Stulc G overnmt'nl and Economv. l'ommonly known as th1.1 L ittlt• H uoVl'I' Commission . h 's m mmg io San tu Anu this Wl'l'k to gl•t the low d own on thl' history o f thC' Corona d t•I Ma r frt.'l•way . The.• inquiry is pa rt ol u stud y o n wht·thl'I' Caltran:. tkvt•lu ps a nd :-omplt.•tt•s projl"t:L'i on tim1.• a nd a l the lowt•s t possibll' l'OSl. Wl' think tht' t.'Ommission will dt>tt•rmine in tht• l'USt· o f thc.• Corona d e l Mar I r 1.•t-w c.iy tht• answt•r is a n ·sou11d111g "nu." Newport needs broad plan It should sur p;·ist• no one tha t fo llow ing tht: Nl'w p ort B each C ouncil e k'l·tions. the parade of development has started. T h t· I r v i n c C o m p a n y annount'l.'d last WL'('k it wo uld seek an a mendm<'nt.ito th~ gene ral plan a llowing the l'O n~ruction o f a 325-roo m ho t e l o n a five -acre par<.'el nt-ar Padfk Mutua l Life InsuranC'e Co. in Ne wport Center. Thc h otel would ~ operated by Four Seasons H otels. a T o ronto- based firm tha t owns the Pierre in New York City, the Four Seasons Clift in S an Frant.·1st.·o a nd the Olympic in Seattle , Was h . ' T he Irvine Company's latest quest comes less t h an a year i ter it abandoned plans to expand ewport Ce nter t o th e tune of 26 million. T hat e xpansion drew h eated oppos ition fro m som e in the <..'Oml"(lunity. An6 lh e r c hunk o f the l26-million expansion is a lso back r another airing . T ht! Marriott otel Corp .. whic:h o wns the 7-roo m M a rrio tt an Ne wport n ter, wants to build a 12-story addition to that facilit y with f11other 234 rooms. That would ma ke M arriott's Newport Cente r hotel the largest M:>tet in the county. boasting 611 ~• m s. The last time around. the arriott request was tied lo the ine Company's plans. When the \iltter failed. the former a lso died. ·Marrio tt's re quest c:om es before i e p la nning commission this eek. while the Four Se asons· an won't be air e d until the IJ>ring. ·1 nl• po111t ht·rc ts not really wh<'lhcr m o re h o te ls or these hou•ls In parut·ular art: good for the city of Newport &-al·h . The problem is tha t when the Irvine Company w ithdn•w its planned $126 million addition to Newport Ce nt e r und e r thr ea t o f r <'fe r e ndum. the cit y lost its cha nce a t a n intt.•grat cd, w c ll - thought-out proposal that wo4ld h ave pro vide d the nc~cssar y · publil' improveme n ts for road s. Bv d oing the deve lo pment pic'l'<'n1eal. thl'rl· is greate r risk o f overtaxing the road system and o f failing lo properly in tegrate new a nd e xisting projt.>t.·ts. • Although we support further deve lopment in Newport. Bee1:h, w e find th e .. pro jl•t•( a w eek" process distressing. Th e pl ay ers have b ee n c hanged s i nl'C th e la s t t i m e around. T h ere is a new member on the c ity coundl who will be seated in Japuary. Paul Hummc,l, a voci ferous o ppone nt of the Newport Center projt.>ct, will be g o ne . In a ddition , the Irvine Company has a new preside nt and a posture leaning mo re l~~ar~s sensitivity to lht• communities 1t touch es. Pe rhaps it is time lo sit down again with an overa ll plan for this a rea. rathe r than lo proceed on these individual projects The re was a good d eal of talk during the las t e l et·tion a b o ut fac t · finding, seeking consensus and finding fair solutions t.o problems. Maybe Ne wport Center is a way to put that to the test. Opinions expressed in the space above are those of the Daily Pilot. Other views U · pressed on this page are those of their authors and artists. Reader comment Is lnvit· . ed. Address The Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Phone (714) 642·4321. Boy d/ 13th floors Just about half or the big office buildings in thts country have no 13th floors. A client asks the why of that. Mauter of money. The occupancy rat.es on 13th floors t.cnd to be lower ihan on othe r floors. Even some peopl e who cla im they are n :t 1¥persUtious prefer not lO put their -bltsinesses on 13th floors for fear their 4istomers .might be. · Q . How did Hong Kong get its name? A. Don't know. don't know. Can report. though. it means "Isle of JPragrant Flowers.J1 Every soldier in the army of the ancient Persian conqueror King Cyrus was required each day to exe rcise just Grw>ugh to break a sweat. no moi'e. His l_Oops were said lo be the best ,..ysically conditioned of the era. Egy ptian hie rog lyphics In the tombs of the ancie nt pharaohs Indicate those rule r s de voutly t:felieved In sex after death. Q . A copperhead can't make a ~ttllng nolle with Its tall, can it? ~ A. In dry leavea. It can. Doesn't Have any rattles, but it vibrates Its tall like a rattler. Amonlt people who are not teetotaleni, the average person drinks ~ut an ounce and a half a day. 1fudie1 ahow. The count of people who live alone ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat · went up by almost t>U percent in the 1970s.' Q. The w1Ce of a count is a countess. What's the wife of an earl? A. Likew ise a countess. Q. There's at least one country with a na~ that begins with ever y letter of the alphabet except one. What's thac letter? A.X Q . Nevada is the sta te with the highest suicide rat~. but which state has t he lowest? A. New Jeniey. Q . How come you never see an amgator's tongue? A. Because the tongue slides back to act as a throat valve anytime the alligator opens its mouth. The suicide rate among American Indian teen-agers is 100 times that of white leen-agers. Undel"l\and the Japaneee are now Ulirlg ""a "laughing au" to povter some of the molorcyclH. The Yamahaha? Amons 1tutterer1. the men outnumber the women four to one. It ti now known that atuttertnc _.. to run ln famillee. eomewhat. More than half of all the ratlro.d atallona ever built In the UnJt.ed Statel have been tom down. · JeM A ..... f.,, ..... '·•'O' VIPS abuse ·use of planes WASHlNGTON Whl'n Adm. J ohn Havl·s. t'Ommanda11t of thl' U.S. Coast Guord. wanL'i to fl y out of w .. shington on offldol busint'SS, he dOCllf\'t have lO chl'ck a irline schedules likl' lesse r mortals. Hl' simply has his driver take him to an im'Onspicuuw whitt• hangar at the north end of National Airport and hops aboord a Coast Guard plane kept lh<'r<' for his c."Onven ienl'e. When Fed eral Aviation Administrator J. Lynn Helms wants to takc a trip. he uses his agency's $800-an-hour Citation jet. and gc•nerally lakl'S his wife along ·for the ride. · THE PLANES Hayes and H e lms l:ommandccr for thei r trips are just two of the 650 ain•rafl ownt·d by f1.>deral agencies o the r than the De f e nse Department. The planes <\re wor th $340 million and last year C'OSI $446 m1ll1on to operate. Most of them have proper uses. such as inspc.i<:lions and surveillanl'l', but ma n y a ro routinely abused by high officials with an inflawd sens<.' of their own important'C. My assodnte Peter Grant checked the Clight records on Washington-based Coast Guard and FAA aircraft for the last six months, and found that they are used mainly to s troke the egos of imperial bureaucrats. For. example: -Adm. Hayes' use• of the Coast Guard plane sometim<'S costs the taxpayers 10 tim<'S what a commcrdal flight would havl.' cost. ' -The FAA's two planC'S at Naoonal Airport are intended primarily for use by agency inspectors to monitor the nation's air operations. They require a support s ta ff or 20 people and an annu11I budgc•l of $:1 m1l11on. Yet dunng the p<'l'iod s tudicd. almost half thc> flights th1.• two plan1.-s madc were by Helms or his deputy. Michael Fenello. tu rlX'<'ptions. l'Onvcntions and t-crumonic-s. Thl' General At'l'ounti ng OCfll-e found .IKI llllml that Helms' tra ps during his 11rs1 ~1ght months m offlt.~ t'OSI ~00.000 morl' than t'Ommcrd al fhght.s would havt'. -Helms is nu dog in the ma ngt•r. wht.·n he's not using his plane, he leL'i Attorney Gcnernl Wilham French S mith borrow it to keep speaking engagt•mcn ~. And when Helms US<.'S the plane. hl' not only takes along h~ w ife. Lorraine. but often the wives of crew members and, on onl' <X.'l'asion. the w1fl' of an aviation lobby ist. "Helms is an e xtre me ly famil y -orie nted m a n .'' a n FAA spokesmllr'I explained. -Helms has scheduled four trips to Flo rida this w i nte r . The a ge ncy spokesman sctid this is the busiest Clight season in the South and that Helms. a hrenscd pilot who usually flies the FAA plane himself. is able to check first-hand on agency systems and programs. His monitoring efforts. or course. duplicate those or FAA personnel whose job IS to supervise the programs. -The Coast Guard's Washington air station (the hangar al National Airport) consists of a Gulf Stream jct a nd a turboprop plane. a staff of 20 and an annual budf.tl'l ol ub<1u1 !111 5 m1lhun. Its m1s. .... 111n is "lo providl• transpurUH1un on d l' m :.i n d · · t o t h t• S e l' r c l a r y o r T r a ns porta t1on . the Coast G uard l'Ommandunt and anyom· else authonzc-d by tht• l'Ommundant. A Coast G uard spokt'Sman t•xplaim:d that th1.· admiral u~'!> thl• praval1.· plan<'S so that he can c·hungl· dc!)llnat1un!. in mid trap when an l'llll'1·iwm·y anM'i> llowl'Vl'r. no onl' c1>uld n •nwml:x.•r whl n then• had bl-en such an c•mt·r1.wm·,v -TH~: COAST GUARD also u~'S iL'> planl'S to win frwnds and mflul·m-c big sho~. l'rt'l-ildt·nltul Couno;dor Ed MC<.'Sl-. his w1flo and daughll•r were flown w a Coast Gui.ird At·adcmy football game: Rep. Walter Jones. 0 -N.C .. was pit·ked 1,1p ril his honw tow n i.ind flown to a l'CfL'mony tn Norfolk, Va , Rep. Norman Lent. R-N.Y . took a hopscotch tour of AlaskH that C08t almost $40.000 in flight expt•nst•s nlonc: Re p. Ma rio Biaggi. 0-N.Y .. was givc•ri a tour of Coast Guard basl•s 1n Pul•rto Ri<·o . and Sen . Bob Packwood. R-O rc .. was flown to the Coast Guard Acadt>my in New London. Conn .. ror a v1s1t that inl'ludl'CJ a cruise on the oc·adPmy's sailing ship F.agle. AU o f thl's t• me mbers o C Congress , mdcfon tally. scrvc on committees that fund the Coast Guard. -Dt•puty Tra nsporta tion Secre tary Darrell Trent was ferried on the Coast Guard jet to Dubhn. Paris and Zurich. Tht• air fare alone cosl $40,000. a s oppclS<>d lO $1.500 on 1.'0mmercial flights. A DOT spokt'Mllan said Trent needed the Coast Guard plane so he t'Ot.lld be back in Washington for lht• s wearing-in of the nC'w l"C1mmancl;int Aunt's importance ·a ·relative matter I've been making a study or aunts In America. We take aunts too much for granted 1.'0nsidering how important they have been to all of us. I conducted my study by studying m y own mind. and thes<> are my conclusions: -Aunts are more apt to ~ eccentric than uncles. but they're often nicer to :vou · -Out o f <'very 100 w o m e n In America. 84 of them are aunts. -A aunt who has children of her own ls not as important as an aunt who docs not have children. -JN LITERATURE , aunts have been pictured too ofte n as s mall. pram. unlntl'r <'s t1ng little w o me n o r no paruc·ular 1mpor~rn:e to anyone. This is wronji!. -Aunts li ve longer than uncles but not as long as grandmothers. -One out of every four aunts drives a set'Ondh$nd car. -AP. nice as they ar<'. they a ren't usually very good cooks. • -The word "avunc•ular" pertains to an uncle. If a person is referred to as being avuncular. it means he's "hke a n uncle.'' There is no comparable word that means "like an aunt." This is unfair to aunts. not thol "avuncular" is all that good a thing to be called. -· Solll<' aunts are more auntlik<> than '-""', URllE ~· otht'rs. Many aunt.s are nothing hke one SH all -Aunt.c; should bl' generous to their niC<'C'S ar1tt nephews. They should read lO them when th<'y're young and t.ake them to pl~'CS that lht'lr mothe rs and rathers wouldn't. They should give them $5 ont.'t' an a while. -No onl' should bother keeping track of anything but real aunts. It Isn't ne<..'CSS8ry for the wife of your husband's brother to be an aunt to your children unles.~ she's very rich or especially nice. -Rosalind Russell was the only really important aunt in a movie and there have been almost no aunts al all on More Americans studying Thinp, I Learned En Route to Looking Up Ufher Things: -That 1teadily increasing numben of Americans are required to go back to 1Chool In order to retain their jobe: .xne form of continuing education la now mandated for at least 16 licensed n11nu• profnalona and paraprofeaiont In 45 atata. -'nlat throuahout ita billions of years of exlltenc.'e, the Earth haa never puled throuah the ume pla-e twice and It wlU never retum to the place we att now In the t'OSl'nQ9. -That u late u our Civil War, It w• a•neraUy con1idered t hat the t>.at history of th• Arntniean ReYolullon waa written by an Italian, Charles W. Bo\ta -who wrote hla ll«'OUnt orillnally tn Italian! -Ttiat the faat~owln1 then.,_.tk ........ In an thi ••p.aa c:Unlm": ~ wm anly .. lft the munuy. • 1170, and today tMN are more'INlillOO. -'n'9t &M ~ ...,_... ...... ' f irst in the sola r system to be "discovered" wholly by mathematical calculation. before It could be seen with a t.eletlCOpe. -That In the 19~. only 12 percent of American women with children under ~ age of abc were ln the labor force; today there are four times as many workin1 mothers with children six or under. -That It wu Thomas Paine. an exiled Enaliahman. who first applied to this coun\r)' the name "The United States of Anwrka.'' -That one recent atudy dlacl~ that 10,0C)O MPtrtn tablets.,.. 1wallowed NCh minute ln New York Ctly alone. -That Patrick Henry rather than Oeorp Wuhln1ton clewrvee to bl' called "the ra~r of his country" -Henry had 11 children to aupport. -·Thal DNn t:lwlfl I.med hia unlettered •rvanta .. a 10Undlq-bo9rd for hl1 maaterp~ "Ou1Uver'1 Travel•,•· .......... Heh ~ of It .. t. wrott U, to make WUH th•.1 could Unclft'lland every .,...,_ of U'9 text. -Thal ... deeth ,... ,..,.. ....... ~~( ........ ~ .... :a:o:=~l.i'!:l=t; ~................... r tc•ll'v1s1on. This 1s probably good for i.iUnts but bad for telt>v1s1on. Aunts a rc rank('d ninth among rt>la11ves. Tht• listing goes: 1) mother 2) son :i) dought(•r 4) father 5) brol~cr or s1sl~·r Ii ) J(randmother 7) cousin 8) grundlathl•r 9) aunt 10) uol'l<'. It is mtl'rcstmg that niCt.'<' and nephew are o nl v 13th a n d l~th i n o rde r o f 1mpi1rU1nt't' ' Aunti-1.\lm<' on Thanksgiving and Chr1stmR.., It 1s lx•st 1 r a nae<:<> or ne phew d0t.-sn't have more than two aunts. Three 1s maximum and 1f there a rc more than four 11 1s as bad as not having any aunt at all. -Tht•rt• hns never been a popular song about an aunt -Aunt.<: ar<• not big spenders. -AunL"I improve with age. -Ir som<• of your relatives have moved to California an past years. it is po!>.'>iblc to havl' a n aun\. you've nevt•r m<'l. This 1s not nl'<-"-'ssarily bad. -NOT MANY Am<.•rica ns pronounc-e aunt "ahnl.'' If they pronouncc aunt "ahnt," tht'y also say "tomahto" a nd "nrv<'-thr r ." In America aunt is prunounn•d "anr· but thl'rc is never any 1.'0nfus1on in anyone's mind w ith the bug of the same pronunciation. Even if your mother has seve ral brolhcrs and sisters with children. it is hard to thank of her as an aunt. It is alffiO!lt lmp<Jlll.<lible to get to be Camous as an aunt. -Thc•re arc• not even any aunts m the Bibi'" and if th<.•rc are. don't write me ohoul ll Aunt' llrt' good to ha~ In Florida or San Frarl\.111(:0 in t'M<' you want to go then • and Vt!.ll Aunts are g<'ncrally bt·t11·1 1f 1h1' don't hvt• too dc.llK' Aunt.11 ought to hire the pl'Oplt• wh() do l"t>mmt•rdol11 for pohtadans to 1mprovt> their Ima~" Thcy'I'<' wonck·rful pt.'Op1c who h•vcn't hud the <.·ri-<til thl'y ck'lll'rvl'. MONDAY NOV I~. 198~ THI c• 111 THI c11m CAVALCADE ENTERTAINMENT COMICS 8 2 94 BS ,t.;11 •rli11~ ll1ty t/f!11 11l11 y.s llis lu•1·0 t• it /1 lots o/' Hlt•/Ju•1·i1 y ." f'"K'' 116. D 0 .Ne~ tax bills put jingJe •• • more Ill your Jeans By LOUl~E COOK ~ AHoclated Pre" Writer ~ Mallions of J\nw1'k1111s Ul'l' ubout 111 n •ap the• lw1wf1t.' ond puy th1.• pl·nultll'' 111 1111' Wtl I a nd IYtJ:..! tu' utlh µu:.:.l·d hy l'o11gn•:.s. l\l1111y 111 llw lll•IJIJI fJl't~V1:.1on' 111 lust yN11 's lax l'lll dill 11111 ta k1· c•tll'l'I u1111I this vc• .. 11'. You w ill :.t•t• tlw first d oll<.1n.-ancJ·<'l'llh 1;1:>. in1p.1ll o l 1h1n~s Ilk<• ull Suv1•1s t\·rttl1t·at1•s, lmliv1du:,1 RNirt'rnt.•nt J\i.'t.<ounts .. m d tht• rt-duc·tto n m thl1 m ur riagt.• J>l•nulty whe n you fill• 1h1.• ri.•\um dut• April 15. 19U:J. Congr1•!>.'>1on..1I oc·11on thti> yt!ar wru; m ut•h mun.• hmilt'\f, but lhe T a x Equity and F IS<:ul Rcspons1b1hty At·t or 1982 also t'Ould arfect th<.' amount of morwy you oWl' or the size uf the• rl'fund you Will gQ\. Th<.' most swt't•pang change• 1s the· four·slagt• rt.'<iUl'llon 111 rali.'s that began 111 0Nobl·r 1981. The im pal'l on last year's Lax balls w as rclativPly small a 5 J)<'rt'l•n l t·ut was ampk•m('nl<.'d on Ot:l. l , spr<'~ld O\'t•r thl' t•n llrC' Yl'ar. 11 ml•ant a rl-<lUt'llon of only l.25 pel'l'l.'lll . The 1982 lUl, hOWl'Vt•r. IS a full IO pl'f"l'('l1\ and so IS lhC' rna:i rcdul·tton Tht• IYIM t.'Ul will bt· 5 JX'rl'<'nl Hc•r't."s an t-x:1mph• of what 11 m<·ims: A.~unw vou'n• marrwd w1lh a wxablt• mt·omc· or $30,000 and are rat ing a .JCiint rt•turn. You r ft•drral inl'Onli.' tax l>11l for 1981 w us $1i, ltiU. Your m:1rgmal tax rul1' Lhl• maximum rall' you paid w as :n pcrl't'nl. You r IYH:! tax bi ll will bl• $5.tiU7 a t'tlt o f $55:i Your marginal tax ra lt' 1s :J:i fX'l'Cl•nt. Your 198:{ tax bill :it tht· sanw inl'Omc• lcVl'I w ill Ix• only · $5,0li-I ,1 l'Ul 111 $;,.l:j Your n11.1rg1nal rau• will Ix• rt'Cl ut•t'<I to :W per1·t•n1. l Tht• ratt• t·hang<•s nwan tha t 1m·om<' you l'arn n<.•xt year wall be worth mort• mom ·y m your pO<:kl'l than income you earn this year. A nd. on lhl" opposilt· sidl• of thC' c:oi n. this year's dechl('tions w ill bl· worth mon• than next yl'ar's. Suppt>St• you C'arn an extra $500 this year. You g<'l a Christmas bt>nu'> or makl' an extra sale. T he lnwrnal Revenue &•rv1t't' will t<1kt• :ti JX'r<.'l•n t or $lfi5 lf you t•arn that l'Xtra $500 next year, th<' IRS will take only 30 per<.'t.'nl or $150. ConvC'r.wl:-·. suppose you rcduc-e your taxable incom e by $500 this y<'nr not by t•arning ll>ss. bu t by <'tJlling the a mount that is subjt'l't lo fN.ll-ral income La x through a dl'dut·tion. t•xdusion or exemplton You 'll C'Ut your Lax ball by $165. Next year, the same rroul'Lton in tnl"<>mt• would bt' worth only $150. "Tht• yl'ar l'nd pla nnmg strategy 1s to try Lo defer your incomt• unlll 198:i . a nd to at'C'<'leralC' deductions into '82," said S idm') K l•ss. a partm•r with lhc ac:t.'Ounung fi rm of M a in eHurdm;in and thC' l'Ompany's dtrC<:Lor o f tax planning and policy. KC'ss said wxpayt•rs sh ould start looking £or savings an the category of (•xdusions and ad justment'> lO incom e -money tha t doc..'Sn't havt• Lo bt.• counted as income £or lax purposes. You don't .··Trimn1ing y<>ur ,a . e l · ···-··-••• • 3.226 • 3.186 $ 2.893 $ 2.606 $ 2.461 • ' , ... 8.238 10.220 14.778 27.778 6.180 10.098 14.693 27.431 6.807 f>.~1 4.818 1.41Q 9.196 8 .301 7.868 '·· ••• 13.306 12.0144 11.368 i.410 26.056 22.61 '4 21 468 •• i10 "·-, •.• , •.• ---·-.... .. 1.au 73.628 107.032 124.22 .. 141 .724 41.473 72.609 106.88'4 122.671 139.962 l 37.119 ~.190 62.119 69.002 87.149 81.002 99.9'49 96.!>02 11 2.'449 109002 'Xi ••• a fOf G 1 26 pefCent credit Churl ~ho\\Jo. lht• tux liahilil) for n1arrit·d 1u.·1~011:-. -fi ling joinl f••cit-ral tux rt•lurq:-. from I 9HO through I <JH I a nc1 l:"t'r ) t•tu ·:-.. 32.100 66.521 81AOO 93.900 106.100 havt• to 1wm1Zl' vour cil'dut·t1un~ to takl• ,1dva11t.igi· ol lhl·<.t• exl'lus1ons. · .... 17,QM ••• .... M.U4 T hl• 11llt'lt•sL t•anwd on an All Sav1·i'l'I Ct•r11f1l·<1t1'. 101 t•xumpk'. IS l'Xdudt-d from your inc·oml· up to a maximum 11f $1.000 for u single pt•rson a nd $2.000 for a marm'CI toupk· filing p intly. T hi.• ccrlir1caws wl'nl on sail• Oct. l, 198,1. tht'y will Ix· ava1labl<• until , . • Ix'<. :11. l!Jll:!. It you h.1vt n't 1·t1rr\.l•d 1l w 11111x11111011 •. you 1111ghl • w11111 111 buv oiw of tlw l'•·rtil 1~·111t·s. 1 11 H•1t·~l 1·111 111d m IHH:i! t•a11 lw 1 •>WI udt •d In 1111 HJll2 11wo1111 . · <:1111111huti11us l11 un ln d1v1d u11I Ht•t1r1•1111•111 J\u·m mt or n K1•11gh plan ubo rnn Ix · suhlr:ittl'd ln1111 yow 1111·1mw; tJu•rt• 1s no la>. clu1• 1111 tlw l'1mt n l>u111111., 111 1111 tlw lllh•1 t">I thl'y l';1r11 until you h1•g1n w1tlil.h uw;1l1> Stw t111K 1111.., y1·ar, anv \.\ t1g1· 1•a1 ru•r l'Ull st'l as1dt• u p tu $<!.<IOO 111 rn1 I HA. tlw 1111 111 011 c 111111 1hull<m'> to n K t·ogh plan u stn\llar 1.1x·i.ht:h 1•rc·d f)t•ni.11111 fur llw st•ll 1·m1,l11yt'<I wai. raistcd to $15,1100 You hilV<' uulll April 15. 11111.t '" 11111 ·11 an IH A llll nu1i. VllU 1.1n d1du1·t l'UllltllJUl lUllS tiu111 vour IY82 im·unw c•vt·n 1f you d on't opcm ttw nc'toUnl un til H111;1 Ttw rull•s fo1 lJ Kc•ogh .1t't.'11un1 ai 1• d1ff1•11•11t you i.'an i.'t111t11hutt• lo a n t•x1st1ng plan u1111l Apa II l!'I and i.t11l takt• ttw 1•xdu.,1un on your I YU:! n•turn. but you rnui.1 01xm tlw Ul'H>Unl ttwll bv J;m l 'l\vo 1m·omc· l'l1upll·s will gc•t a brt•ak thi.. vc•:.11 'l'hl'Y t•an adJUSL thl'll am:omc.• to sulJLral'l 5 J>l'rt'<•nt 111 tht· lt'S..,i.'I' of tht.• two am·onws ur $1.~00 -w h1t·hc•vc·r as It>:.." T ht· ma>.1mu m dc'l.lut·Uon ll">l'' to $:J.0Q(l in 19t!~I, J\ murrll'd {'IJUf>lt• Wllh lnl'Ollll''> U( $15,000 and $10.0UO for ('Xampl<'. l'an dt•duc.·t $500 f1 prl·c•nl of,thc !>nialll·1 of thL• lWo int•om<:'s Whill• many µt•(Jplv w ill puy k·~' W>-than thc.·y t'XfX.'l'll'd , Lhl' u m•mplllyt•d ll'K•Y p:.iy mm·c•, Kc.·~., s<ll(I '• · Thut's tx<t·a ust• thl· 1982 tax uc.·t c.•hang1·d tlw wuy you l.'ukulatt.• Lhl' a mount 1>f urwm ploynwlll t·111n1x•nsnt1011 IK'aw fits whit'h Ul'l' tax:.iblt•. Und<•r• the: old law, the.• amount ot u1wmploynll'11I <'1>1111wns:>tion inducJt.d us prn·t of a wxpayc·r·li gross 111c:o11w was th<· k•sst•r of IWIJ figurl·s. The amount of tlw l'C11111x•nsation itself or half o f tht• sum owr $20,000 for a smglt· 1x·1-s<>11 nr $25,000 fo\ a marnlod JX'rson filing jomtly . Undc.•r the.' nl'w law, wh1l'h i!'.I n •tro:it·uvc· to Jan I. 1982. thl' thn-shold goc·s down to $12,000 for a singh· pt•rson rn $11i.OOO for a m.1rrll'd pt•rson f1hng JOinlly I lt•rt."s an l'Xampll' of w hat lhl· dMng1· nwans You're.• married. filing a JOinl rt•turn You c.•a11wd $17,000 lrom J anuary through August. lh cn you lost youi .)Ob During the n•:.t of Hill:!. vou rt'<.'CIV<-d S-1.0(1!) in unl•mpluynwnt LOITIJ><'nsallon bl•rw l 1 L'> -· Undn tht• old law. none• of your u1wmploym<.'nl <.'Omp<.'nsation bl•1wf1L' would havl' t•oun11.-<l 111 your gro:..., tnt'OnM? for tax puqxN's s111l't.' bt·m·fils und anmnw mmb1m'CI dad nut cxcc-ed $:!:1.0()0 Und1 I tlw 111'\.\ la\.\, you wall havt• tu 11wludc• $1.500 or the 1<., I" .it·t11 .di~ :u•ro I work m;:1yb<.• om·t• :.1 y1•ar. mi.·unw Dc•JX•nding on your taxabk• 1m·onw afl(•t dl•d ut·uon.'> lhut c::.111 mt•an scvl•ral hundrt.•d dollcir~ :.1ddc·cJ tu your t<.1>. bill. I Next: Shi fling Deductions to Sa \'C I . ' Th~ bunny deliver balloons for the birthday girl . . . Hua •1w •·op clt'l iH·r~ a warranl to Kee li Davenport. .~. on party pairol but he, won't be k .eeping peace , I Of fie er Zeke By KAREN E. KLEIN Of tile Delly Piiot Steff T h e party l'i an full swing. The gu y in tht' b unny cos~ume has de livered a bu m·h or ba lloons a long with bc·st wai.hes to the birthday guest o f h o n o r . Everyont' is havin g a great time The n s udde nly, a poltet.' officer appears al the• door. asking for the birthday girl. lie ch t'C•ks ht'r ide ntifil'alion and announct'S he has a warrant for hC'r arrl'Sl. birthday." he says. as the music -anr. profl•ssional d:rnL·mg or s&.arts to swell and he unbuuons stripping lx.>Con• his shirt. "I JUS\ go d cSw n ln b 1k1 n 1 Officer Zeke has struck agam. briefs." he said "l k l'<'P ll me.·<-' Orftet.•r Zeke 1s Zeke Torok. 27. a nd clean " a Hungarian-born graduate of A Cr1f:'nd of his rl'fl'rr('{f ham to tht• C oldl'n West Polit.-c AcodC'my Darr last Ma rch . and a fter he got who n~cd to mak(' som<.' money o ve r his tn1t1a l r<•sc•rvalaons, whale wailing to gel hired onto Torok ngrt.'<'<l to s tart strip ping the polke forC'C'. for parl1l's, So he took a job with Balloons Th<' at·t h as b<'<•n sut't1(•1-sful. hl' Unlimited o f Costa Mesa, said. Ile• usuully workl> c•vt•ry · o ffering an allernalive to the w~kc•nd and two ()r thrt'<' llml'S ----------------------------during lht• wt•<'k •J do rw·<·llt•111 l'ole playi"K· Th.-da11ring wt•// ... 11111 I tlo11·1 gel carried away and use foul la111!Ull/!l' or shoul. I slay real • polite aml n1/m ... This one old lady ~ rilher did11 •1 bl'li<"t'f:. nu-or didn 'I care. he j us t N WJP u1>. J<i~sed me and saltl, 'I'm 100 old •. ~ 0 11 <'LUI •1 uJlce me any,.·here.' S h e• laugh s . Anothe r gag. r ight? "Comt• on," the host says, •·we'r e having a party pert'. The re must b<.• som<' mis ta kt'." One of the g uests with legal tra1n1ng s tc pli f o rward t o examinC' th<' wa r runt It looks like the real thing to ham. The off1C'<'r scarc·hes thl' gu«>St of h onor. Shl' as beginning to wonder what will huppt·~ if this lso't Just a gag. "Don't JU t slund thf'r('," th<' h os t 's wlf<' 8 houts "Do 1omcthlng!" The gues t arc starling to get nl•rvous Th<•n th<' offkt•r takt-s out a pair of hand<-uffs. wkc°'! tht' gu~l o( h onor by itw shouldl'f'll and livr• hc•r u 011( kr I "H1o1ppy ' bunnrc.>s and clowns who usually deliver singing telegrams and balloon grc~lings The rvsponse to Offiwr Zek<• hos b<.'t•n exccllt•nt. said Jnnict' Darr, o wnt•r of Bulloo n s Unhm1t('(I. "A lot of propl«' IM'f' Zeke' at a party and th(•n ordt•r h im for thc•ir own partit•s." shl• suld. But Torok wusn 't so cnlh usittsllC' about tht• rcfc•a wht•n Darr £1r11l a~kt'CI him lo work Cor h e r. "l didn't want to do tl at !irst. b«'oWM.• I had to wkt• my l'lotht"' oU." he Mtd. Although T orok had taken btlllt•t daw'S in junior htah and high llChool on the advK.'(' of h&a wrf'lllhnfC t'Olk'h. ht-'d nc-v•r done• Muc:h of w hat h1• d ot•i-during t h l' Off1l't'r Z(•k l• r oultnl' h <' lcarnl'd from J'o ltc·1• Ol'ad c·my trarnmg, he• sm "l do <:XC'c·lll'nl role-playing." ht" su1d "The danC'lnlo(. wi.•11 Bul I don't gt't t·arrwd awav and us<.• t oul language or shout l stay n •al polite.• and c.·alm " Torok quote" u·a l pt·nnl t•ock :. Whl•n ht• ll'lll! hts C.'lit'nt~ wha t Lhc•y an• bc•ing t1rrcM<·d Cor "l usu~•ll:v uw a parking v1olot1on and tc•ll thc•m thc.·v havl' fml<'d to apJ>l·a1 rn ('()Urt," ·ht' said "M<"'I of llw m c•nci up <Tvm~ ... ht:-Slud "But \\h1•th1·r tlwv'tl'Vor nut thc•v oil hc.•l1t•v1• 'me• c•vt•11lu.1llv" Thc•n • wu1> onl v mw c.·aS<• wlwrt• Torok t·ouldn't ~c·I his d~·nt tu fnll fnr the• rioltt•t• 1·uut111c· "'rl111> orw old luclv 1•1th1•r cl1cln'1 lwllc•vc• me· rn d1dn11 l'oll"\'.' ht' Hfll<I "Stw JU~t t·unw uf>· k1s~·d nw und llllld 'I'm loo ult . vou c•;m 't 111kc• f'ht• unvwhe·n• · " 'rornk m11dt· up 111' own clarwt' routine'. U'lln(( hi" bull1•t h11C'kf'rotmcl llc• U!tUally •trlJ~ tu "f1na•·r on the> TrifUlt'r ," o r "TUl'n Mr l.A1o!M'." ht• ~td I h-.uldi. sonw 1u·robutll'11 to hvc•n up tlw i.ho\\. "I'm d1mc·tnR ur•ou11d. tuklnJ.! m~ dotht•i-of I, ;Uld I do 11 h~•t•k I ltp." h<' saul. Torok whcl'W ' lurnllv movt'CI lo thl' U S t 111111 llunl(ar~ In Ulflti. l(rt'" up In N\'" · .J c>r!I~ .rnd .-n'tod m &h~ Nu\'~ u a dtVf'r m ltH4 111· i.1111 wo'1ul lli' a dave•r repam~ ah1Jlll dudwd )n 8albo•1 y,·hrn hr IJ!l'l llU1Pf>lhlC He .11tc't\cl1itt the• Onlltt-n Wt•f Pnhc1• At.telc·m\ and ~W.tt-d 1n \ .J11nui11·\'. UIH:! S11Wl' t hC'n, ht• has waah•ct' to hc• hm.•d hy a l<K•al poht.'<' fcn'l't' ill' has ulsi> applll'd ·for n Joh 111> :i stuntmon , lli11 frw11cls w hu nrt.• polwcnwn IOVl' h111 ut·t. lw siud. "Thl'Y usk nw to tlo ll for thc•1r wrv~. and ont'f' tht•v f'V~n want..cl ~ le> ,.trip tor 'a ,.hll•f'11 M'<'n •tary," he• aa1d; "Th~v rt'ally t"n~ 1t th1•y W11lh thev-t'O\lld do it." a£..'.:. But c:n1ea MM pol~~~ • l'hll Hartman wa,.n't 10 Tht· offit·er frisks the lad) a nd before he kno~:-. what i~ ha 1>pt·n ing~ Officer Zt•"t' lrikt>s a~oi n. , t•nthu~la'llll' ulx1ut 'J'orok's act:~~ think 1t'11 an rt'ltllv ll.ld ta!'lt'." su1d "h doc•im 'i pw tray wh wt"cl hkc.• J)l'Opll' lo think or •• polkt• offat'f'r " AnMht•r l'oflllu M1•!111 utfl( u1d. "l t '11 r~M ll ~ kind POlht1rri1oCAln1C •• ~· llhon~ ~ un ~l·!lt Mntl 8 • Jlblk.'flt Wf~r 'lom~hln.r •*' ~ up. "I' plavlnll 11 by .-ar.' he Mid. -Orange Oout DAILY PILOT/Monday, November 15, 1881 Q. l -Both vulnerable, aa South you hold: •t c:>Al086 OA&Q71 •AQ5 The biddln1 bu proceeded: ._ ... Weet Nerdi £ut l 0 r ... I c:> P ... ' What do you bid now? A. -Since thia hand hu all the earmarka of a poaible alam. it la your duty to advlae partner of thia. The 1ure1t way to get your meuap acroaa ia with a jump ahilt. and t he only one that pre· ae nta it.aelf is a jump to three duba. Don't worry about partner railing cJube; you can return to hearts at the aa me level. Ir partner bids three no trump over three clubs, a simple lour hearta will be adequate to complete the description or your hand. P01 SHOrs . BY ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT ... EV£"Y DAV GOif i 01 lllDGI ev CHARLES H. GOREN ANO OMAR SHARIF Q.1 -Neither vulnerable, at South you hold: •AQI05 <:::>A4 0 "4 •Jl7t The bidding hat proceeded: Nertlt Eu& Se• ... w .. t l . , ... l. , ... I c:> • PaM 1 What do you bid rt0w'I A. -Becauae or partner'• reverae, you are again in alam territory. The principle la the same as in rile above - you naah the aignal to part· ner by jumping. Here, the ob· vioua jump is to lour cluba. Since you have bypaued three no trump. you muat be expreaaing slam intereal. Q.S-Both vulnerable, as South you hold: •1Ul06Z c:>A98 0 73 +SS. Partner opens l~e bidding with one spade. W~at do you retpond'/ A.-Oon't let that. flrt.h apade talk yo4 Into doing 10me thins raeh. You have a rel•· lively balanced hand worth 9 p0lnt1 In aupport or apadea - no more. That quallfiea your hand for a aound ralae to two apadea. Anything else would be foolhardy. Q.•-As South, vulnerable. you hold: •Al07t <:::>5 OJ952 •AQ95 The bidding has proceeded: 1 Nortla E .. t Seuth WHt l c:> Pua I • Pa• l • Pau 1 What do you bid now'! A.-Your hand revalues to about. an opening bid, and an opening bid facing a hand that has opened and ju mped is in the slam zone. So it is aimply a matter or orderly in· vealigatlon. Start off with a CUt ·bld or four cluba. That will convey your lntentlona. Thertiafter, all further movea are up to your partner: you have done your bit. Q.5-Neither ~ulnerable. at South you hold: •AQ'1t2 <:::>85 01 •&1151 The biddin1 hu proceeded: Wea N_... Eu& 8" ... l e:> ow. •• 7 What action do you take'/ A.-lt looka 11 If Eut I• tak· Ing advant-ae of the vulnera· bility to engage In a bit of psychic bidding. U he hu spades, where are all the hearts'! Partner aurely isn't doubling with ahortage in spades and heart length. The way to expose him la lo alart orr with a double, then jump In apadea youraeU. Q,t -Both vulnerable. aa So uth you hold: . •AM <:::>JU OQ5 •KQIOISZ · The bidding haa proceeded: E .. t 8"&11 Wu& N.nll l • I • PUI S • PUI T What action do you take'/ A. -Your hand la worth a ahot at game. but we do not 1ugge1t that you bid three no trump. It Is a aou nd principle that, when co ntracting ro a cloae game, the atron er defensive hand 1hould be n lead -Id gain a trl or iempo from t U partner had 11 li ttle 11 J.x 1pade1. So we would cue·bi hree spades to give par tner e chance to convert to three no 'rump. get a meaJ around here?" • flMA IOMlfCI "On Monday?" I asked. "J ust sit quietly in a chair and I throw it up in the air and you snatch it before It hits the floor." "That's disgusting," he sald. "And speaking of disgust, this place is a dump. We ought to move." AT WIT'S END W E MOVE FARTHE~ · "We did," I said. "A week before the Super Bowl." No one will ever convince me that the "Why wasn't I told of this?" F"OM TMI: PAST, occurrence or the NFLJootbaU strike and Halley's "You've never wanted to know before ." comet within the same decade is a coincidence. "Well, tomorrow I'm going to m ake some h 's God's way of gelling men to their feet changes around here. You'll see a difference come again. . .. what's it called again?" And frankly. I'm not sure I want my husband ''Tuesday," I said dryly. on his feel again. Since televised pro football came -"l know Tuesday. I mean the others before the to a halt., the man has driven me crazy. weekend." Oh sure, I used to kid a lot about his infatuation "Wednesday, Thursday and Friday." with the game. The nightgown ou t of ·Astroturf, "We're going to go out into the fresh air with knotting the cord in his l .V .. and dressing his the babies and have picn ics and p lay a little mother up in a Minnesota Viking uniform for volleyball and throw sticks for the dog to chase." DEAR ANN LANDERS: Pleaae Inform "Sleve11 Dauahter" that eome men not only kbl with their eyn open, but they c'heck 1fterwarda to 1ee If they 1tlll have their walleta and other valuablet. WARY HARRY FROM TULANE DEAR HARRY: Wblle ,our eyet are opea look aro.Dd for a beuer cl111 o womu. DEAR ANN LANDERS: I need to get my Chrl1tmas sho pping done as 1oon ..-po1albl~ t ~uae I'm golns lq for surgery Dec. 1. r ' Can yqu su ggest a book tha t Is CLEAN,. · substantive, upUCtlng and plculng to people of refined taste? (Under $15, pleaae.) -EJA OF K .C. DEAR EJA: Tbe perfect &lft 11 "Comla1 of A1e" by Caidld1 Lund, 1 conectloa of e11ay1 descrlbla& tile tanlaf polal1 la .. e Uve1 of 10me fHclaatln1 people. ln1rld Ber1maa, Gertnde Bera, Slllrley MacLaine, Gaadlll, James Joyce, Bea Hecbt and muy otllera.) Write to noma1 More P re11, U 5 W. Huron St., Clllca10, Ill. lfflO. Price: $U.H plus U for glft-wrappla1 H d posta1e. E nclose your Hit of n.amea ud •cldreues ud flte : ·pt bH1ber will mall eac b book wltb yoar personal , card. DEAR ANN LANDERS: My husband and I are living in the same house, but we have no marriage. I work fuU -time . He hasn't given me a dime in years. Our single daughter, age 25, and her adorable 7-year-old son live with us. "D." is on welfare. She is also on drugs. Every dime she makes goes to support her habit. She is a lousy mother. My son Insists I sell this big house. He says it's foolish to cook, clean and wash clo~hes for a man I no longer care for. I'm always broke and just plain miserable. When I move, I don't wan t "D." to come with me. I would gladly take my grandson , but she wouldn 't allow it. She'd probably move in with some hophead and I'd be worried sick about the boy. How do I get out of this mess and slill sleep at night? -DESPERATE DEAR DESP ERATE: Sell Ille llo11e, move to smaller '1,aarten. Take yoar dHgllter wltb yoa. Urie "D. to 10 to AJcoboUca Anonymous. Becaaae government funding baa been cat, many dr a g a buse centers bave bad to fold. Alcobollc1 Anonymous ia fillln1 t be void la a magnificent and lllgbly 1bcce11faf manner. For yoa, I recommend Families Aaoaymoa1. YC'T SOMEHOW GCT NO CLOSE" T'O T HE' F"UTUlltl!. Mother's Day. It was·a joke! Actually, I thought it was a challenge. Tills orgaalutloa la a support groap for relatives u d c1rlag friends wbose lives are bela& clJ1rapted "THE BABIES ARE LIVING in Los Angeles." by someone (most often a teen-ager ) wllo la "With a sit ter?" b "I don't ask." a aalng some Hb1tance (drags or alcobol) u d • llOIOSCOPf ~y ~NEY OMARA TMMaJ. Nevember II ARIES (March 21-April 19): You receive news concerning travel, special communications, long - range projects and legal decisions. Refuse to be limited, restricted or intimidated. . T AURUS (April 20-M ay 20): Don't be di.u.ded from tasks at hand. By digging deep for information you could hit jackpoL Protect assets, make inquiries concerning financial status of those ' who make extravagant claims. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Do plenty of Uatening, analyzing. By pennitting others to assert their views, you gain vital clues and detect important nuances. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Avoid attempting to intimidate others or to fo~ issues. Maintain low profile. Go slow, be receptive and realiz.e that time is on your side. Major dbmestic adjustment is h ighlighted. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Aura of romance dominates. Promises are made by per'30ns who are sincere but could be misinformed. Focus on abrupt changes, speculation and w hispers of sweet nothings. NOW THAT HE'S OUT of the chair and entering the mainstream of life, he's a diUerent person. I don't know him anymore. He said one day. "What do you have to do to LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): Individual you admire pays meaningful compliment. Morale soars, you take not.es and decide to communicate with one who can smooth path for progress. VIRGO (Aug . 23-Sept . 22): Be aware of accounting procedures, appra.isals, basic regulations, license require men ts. Accen t on responsibility, intensified relationship and eecurity measures. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): S,urprise due where money is concerned. Funding will be available, you'll have chance to Initiate research, educationa l or entertainmen t project. Outline requiremen ts, take initiative in contacting key personnel. SAGltTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Focus on communication, personal appearances, renewed confidence and return of vitality. Moon in your sign highlights timing, judgment and daring moves which succeed. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Attendance at social affairs leads to invitation to join prestigious org.an.ization. You might be asked to appear before the media . AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Cost for special license is reduced. Material you seek is available and pracllcaUy handed you on proverbial silver, platter. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Spotlight on career, business venture and the gaining of allies. Family member lends support, harmony is restored to domestic front. I.OS• ••IGBT-STA•T TODAY USE YOUR MIND INSTEAD OF DRUGS (The Secret of Mind Control) WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 9:30 A.M. Limited Seating -Call For Reservation °'""., ftOllDT EMMET DOWNING Ml D.D .. Ph.D •• M.D .. N.D .. .1.D. 0-... Y-. In,,_ -. • 142-6182 AT ZONTA Clue 2101 IRVINI AVE. I~"°"'~ Hat1lot H s) ' creat1D1 tile related problems tut raise laavoc "We're golng to get back to basics. I know I've wltll family life. neglected a few things since the games have been Families Anenymoa1 11 a self-belp groap, like on. We've got a lot of catching up to do, but we'll ,AA, free u d open to all wbo wl1b to attend tllelr start by fixlng up the house, rotating t he tires, ti Tb 1111 11 1 t 11 fertilizinf, the lawn and spending more time with mee 0 1•· e P osop Y 1 0 c ange yoar approacb to Ille drag abaser, get off lal1 or Iler the fami Y and doing thing, that don't cost a lot of back, make blm reapon1lble for bl1 belaavlor, be money. Incidentally, where ls that nightgown you more loYblg and leH condemaatory . made out of Astroturf?" • -1 d i I 1 b "I aent it out to be mowed... AmYO•e ntereate n earn •I more a oat Families Aaon~moas 11loald write to tile utloul "Look at tha t!" he said excitedly. "Is that 1.--=-o B 344 T Calif H508 Hall • arri · 1 ?'" ucm • .... r1, . . ox , orruce, . . Vi s comet vmi;ear y. Or, p ZU-775-3%11. (Tilts 11 NOT a free call, lease God, 'let it Terry Bradshaw going to bat (t may be Ille best money yoa ever apeat.) Good _w_o_r_~_. __ __.,__ ______________ l•ck ud God bles-="'=·----------- BENSON & HEDGES Only 6 ma yet rich enough to be called deluxe. Regular and Menthol. Openaboxt~ Waming1 The Surgeon G1ner1I Hts Dt1ermin1d TMI Cignttt Smating la D1ni1rau1 10 Y• Hllhh. • " 1,1•1"\ IOt \-1•• N'I \<II•• Nrl "'In Nfl hll'\ Nft "'!\<II C•o ... (flll ". IWI• ~·o ... t llt "t 11th (lo .. l l\o .. I ... , (IOY Cl\t ,. ..... (lo~ c ... ~;~: : ~ :j ii ~;:-. ~ em~: iif .: ,, tt::' ,: : ~;t~ ~ ;1 !i lit~ ~ ~==t :r.l ". '1~ 1·. loo ·r!t··~1~t· . ,; m~· i, .,.,.. N•• ~=·~rn ,•!1.il,: Ht H, =::r, ,t~,! ·~ u .• ' ~ :r,~:~ t #) LU H'• '~: E:~Lr=f ~ 1 : ' l;· :: ~i'n> ~ ]•• J't;:: .~~ ••t ~·" ~'"'t lflll~•••o to ll"""'' 10He• ~ll ,., .ia•. •. MtrH•ll'Oe I tj)•, '• ,;""'' uulo 11 4 1, 'I"' i '• ~ , • ., 10 / .,,. 71 ••, 1-M•ll I llOe 11 ~I i. , '• ~lrH 1111 40. ill .... '• ,..,,.,. DI I 60 ' I '' '' ' " I'" li!tN•" , "· IJ .... _ • • • .. " , ,, "' ...... .,." , • • ., JO • 1, • "".,,.t .. , wo I•· .... .,,nf I ,,;o • ww )O·.. ... 'Ml 'j '" . 01IN0111 II It ~"'" reyhi. • .0..11 )1' U f"'HOHA 1' • '• vMMIP140H tOll• .. f'1 l't00 ' 11!t1 \) U•; \o 11 l I. lft tt•u•,N 11J 1 ,''• tJ !~ " • '• d""°"' l ~ • 1t1u "°'' I\. H•""" .. 1\ IJ l'!•, •, APCO 1 llO a ..., H•, •, .-.0111 11 1 , 11• *.,. '• 11ri l. u w ~ n ~I .. :tO•' I'• CNPlll pt .Ml t U' 1 11elU h + /I H • 1 Mer~d n ti IO J~ '• P•p•I o.I 41 10 •I" 1, f \, IM I,. 11 •tr• "'' 11\mllh 2 t0 U .ol U \.. ~. d11Pn! 11fjl!O .. d \1 \,, H•fleM .. t 1, MerMltl I H I ,~ ) lo t\t il'erllll iOJI ,.. 7 l'o '• !lty , t C10 *~' • \. 8vtlr111 Ill• JOI ••' • '• but.ti' :Iii 1 JJI Uh Heltmn .n-11 ,. 1, t, Mt•ton .. 41 11 •••, ''• "''m/•" u .. I .,., ~, '• 1P111 I• t71 '-t~, ... 1 llull•• " •• ' •• §Ui• 111 10 110 /I ........ ,Al' 1 • .0 v ·~ J •••• ""•' ( ·g u .... , '•"'I'. I.., I' ,, ., Mel ... ,. n .. t't • l l•U c c u • 0 ., 1000 ... ' I ....... c " JI 7J\o •• Mer pt I . . '° ... . . , P• rtft tO uu ,... •• ' llCI f j 1 J1H IO~•. ~-C Bl tn I -• •01 .... ., II. Pl 1 •1 t ..... ' ... H•jrlnl I :Ill 141 Ila 1 \1 ·~· Mertlot , .... )4'• '• "•IN• •.• ,. to ,,.. 1, M •nH ""' 1. AAI• 41~1 Alf •· th\ 1 IO It 611 I•" u e O II tlMIO h" • 4' ~· mP .~ • Uf 1••• 1 \• """""" l lf i~ O lo ', Ptb•r I~ ll alJ'lt ill. ~. It , 't;IO ·r~• ~ Air • , •• •J· •l .: u~N.~1JO: ig~ !~~= .. ~;ft l ·il'f1t,t :!: .. ~ ... :~f~r. 1.n .. ,.1 ,!~: ... =::~~ JH. ,:4 tr· .~ ~~~r~ 111hI~ ;"' ,t: .::: : • u :.:; .~ AM• 1 Ml • ••"" 11 • • CIC. j>I 111 O tt•1 1 guq pl I ii 110 1,j 1, Htr~c; n 70 111 111, 1, Md c;11p ... • i'I d •, ~ P l•tEI t.tJ J IW 1~• '-' 1111Wk .I• 16 l'J 0 II. AMR l U .. o • , '• c lC ·~ ,,. • ,, uq p J ''°° I''-. ·-Htf c ott.)O • t•• •• '• M•U9 .. •• ,, •4~. \o p I Pl • ;o 12.0 ti $ ·~it' t• 10 ,. ,..,, \oo AMR ... \I~ \ • (NA Fn 11 I 11•. •• Duq pt , 0) •IAO 1).. ..., y , "' ........... ""-•"11 llt,U . .. .... '. Pit E pt ··n "10 ,, .... 1• • t.?O.. JO 101.. 1,, AMM ~I .' '" °' "-. (NA ~I 1 IU 6 U1 • • '• Duq prK2 10 2 I•'" . . tieUIOll , 10.j ._ I M•tM l .1 .. II '1t I Ht '" Pl\111: pl I f 1tf0 ·~ t' ell ,,u f MO tl9 ~ Al'l .,. l • • • CNAI 1 lOt U 101, '• Duq pr J .JI 1.•lOO Ille ~, Mtlll\.llf 1011 I ••• • 11 Me .. yf )')~ J PhllE pl t.I , l20 M t, M90 ,IJ9 It i6 ''• ¥t AlltA I lo '"' IJ '< CP( 1111 7 10 I »• ~· .. • '• Ouq pr ),ti . 110 l11o HewiPI. .J• u 1~7 Wt I'• MHCP 2 S. » ~· • • • • PhltL ti ti 1110 IU terc"I 161' I ttl-1 ASA "' ., 1 ~· • '' • er Nat 1 .. 1 n th. 1 Oy(oPt .tA 1 '' w , •, Muoi • .o 21 .w 11 1. Nl•tfn( I ~i . •• 11"° . """ pf 1 to 1110 ,.~. . • ttlo .n f " •"'°~ ~. AVl< JIM! Ill l•lo .. C\llC 2 M I ~ W• 1 OynAf'lt Utt 3J f'• '9 HIS"9Jr )0)1 •1 10•, MlhUI! J)rllalU ••1,, 1, l>!lh b IJO ~ tt tt~ \, lerlot l10ll JM) U I. A\Ml.•11 .. " .,. J/.. • IS I II Jll 191> IA -·-• HIVoll . IS It tl6 ht ... ~, .. , *' • )~I ,.. • 11• """"'r 1 40 • ~ ,.1, I •vnJ I.JO IJ 1) 101.. ... l\Cll'•fC 1 «> I II IAh • •!IOI ~ a 10~ 21' • •, EGG , ,n tt ttl t•'• ._ HllllW, ,IO 12 30 J/I•, 1, Matel wl ..o 7•'• t'• ""!"nCI u 11 nt 21.+o '• twwrn t. .. 1e U 1•1. "" A<nltl n llb " 11 •·· '. ~·"'"' 3 1 ••' • E so, .10 tt 1u .,., '• H 11on 1.IO., llO ... , ~ M•yOS t.12 10 ~• '°"° h "" ltn f' I 10 ~·· ~ ltoll\IC .... • » «> o,. !~Z'f.11 l1~ 11 1!~ ,:• • : ! c:T1r: Hr l4A t!! t;~ ~::~:p t ~ 1~ ~:? u:~~: : :: ~~,,~=.n 2.~ :: ~ ~~' • ~ =~~·,,,, I~ t! u!f ~., t :~ ~~ :e~ t ~ ! ~t n~; n;: l~Cvfl.~ ill~~ .:~ + ~ ACl"'M' ?u" 11 llM •• '• Camrnl 40 • IU 101' 1 EHIAlr t/8 •" '• HoltyS ; I•• .. ,, , '• M<Dr pt 110 •• U " Pitdiht ~• 9 »1 lH• I• tonC J ,6() 11 '° 21 •• AMO . .. ,., ,. ' •••• ,c.C~ml~pll ,·'°·o .;. !'!", 11\o EAL wtO 10 71 •••• Hmeo pit 10 " ••• ' '• ~Or pl 2 .0 ' n . Pl•NO I. • $ " ~ lopSh' I.JO • 2S O \o 1 AflftLI 7 '1 J l'l<o/ •l • • ~ • u "3\., EtAlr pt1,•t I 11 .. Homtt~ .«I S1 W <I()<. 111 MCO"I \ ... 11 lO)J ~~, t~1 Pi.r I 1• •I fie ~ lorTt( 10 W' U1o l•o AUl 011 C)lo-JIO ,.. •• 'COP•< 0 1 «> 8 191 ,,., ~.·~1'0' p. ti, .• ~ I ~ t•'I> "tionda 31• II ,., 3''• • 11· Nl<Ono 1.1• I 561 u·~ '. Ptltbry t,41 I ttOI o •. h Stor•• .7121 31) ,... "" 1 Ahrrln• "'1 "" I&'-ConPE 11 80 <19 t•~• • ... F .,, .WT 12•• I• Honwll 3 .o 1 e.. IOOI<. ,,, McGEd J 10 SI le'• I 1, Plon .. r 1 I• n U9 t111 t $trldRll I.,. 10 '6 U<. •• Alfft<O\ 11J I C•n•lfl .M4) 3 ~ .. E•$1Utl 1.10 • 41 ,,. ... It Hoovu I 1'" ~ 141' I \, M<GrH .... I) " II) t. Plonr£1 ·"•19 I IH• ~. Su.vSll ,JO • uo .,~. \, •• AlrP•o tk• 11 ~•1 Je'• " C•PC.IU 20 ti n '"" 1 EiKOCI ~ u 1'31 '°\• 1 HortBn 1.u ' , tt\oo MClnl II 12 221. "4o P lnrB t.llO 11 tU ~\, "• EPrG UOb a •3 JI.._ '-Alrbf rl 00 1• Oii " '• (4pHICI t :n 9 .. u•.' I E••on 1.n" 170 U l. .. Horlton ~t 50t llS 101, i, f\jl(Nttr «> .. 14 14"' p In& pt 2 12 ' • ~J\o i. ll•lr ,l•I .. I~ ., .... AIMo•" •• 1'. '• (•••no 9 21 ,~ ~·. 'I Echlin s. u ne 11 .. HO•PCP ... It llJ S34. '"' Mud I,,., 219 'IO i p ll•ln • .o 11 '30 \·IU• ... lkl LOii I •3 ,.... •• Al•l' lllAJ tl ' ..,.. ,.,, .. 1.. .,, 10 "IM ll ,, Ectierel "13 19S ""' l. lelln J 11 ' ,, .. , 1. MHHM ,)JI .. .. u•.. •• "l•nR~< 10 "' 10'• ... nCh ... ,,, II ti\ .. 1, ~,1·.~ ~rt '•'t ,,!! II.!... C•m•I , ' ~ d•'. I Eolutr ,: .. " ,,., 21 •• HoueM 1.60 I ISi 3SI I \, Mtdtrn .. " U9 ... \. \, p antrn ·'·" tp ,.,... ... SllnEI .111.. " ,, ... ~ r ., -..., •, Ca•oFt Moll II 111 • I Edw•ro .ne IS ... 4).._ f 1, Holl&F-b ,00 I• 316 " t•o Melton 2.2• t 49 4J \1 Pt1y1>oy . llj .. ?It H• •• _, SunC::o 2.30 4 ~S t11., 1 Aj•P Ill ii 1~ ,.., """ '• • • C•1 Pw 1 '° 1 Slt 10'• 1 EIPe10 1,:.1[ I a1011111• "> HO\l•lnt 1,U 10 t31J n \) \, Mtlvlll• 2.CM " ~ ••I• '" Plf\MV I.IS. .tt ?• 101•, ... Sundsl• l,IO I 361 ""' '1 A •P pl I 18 ISO oJ c;.,P Pf 1.61 · 'IO iJ EPO dfll.3', t io.. \o Holnt pl ,,50 ,. 1 »•• 1, MtrcSI 2 t I "\" lo PnellNI 1 .I011 203 JOV• 1\) $\lnMn .. 321 11._ '• ~11•!1"M:n•o 11~1\1 n,. uJOll ~ < •, Ct• h e 210 ta n '81.. EPO p l .lS . 1211 2t'-• .. , Hotlll pl .2s.. 11 51.,, \. MerTu 11.2 I 13 2•'-• '• PoooPo .60 tO au 23'4 h Sun•t•t !l'I s1. "• ~bit ' .., ' ~ Car~Pir I.JO 11 .. 19.. El< Or .JO . 31 14~• ..... Hou Ind I• S 21•1 ltt.• \, MtHk J.IO IS 10 IS l' Pora rid t SS II.. 26" .. . pr\11 .S. U 2t1 ?•• • ~. 11 41bt•rtu '' 111 N I , CadHw 1 22 11 313 IS'-EIKA> 14 16' 111. h HtkiNG t.70 S llJ 32\'o •, M"dlll\ I.to • I llO....... Pnclro• .SO tt 110 2JI.+ .. SUprOll .20 1• Ull> 281-o 10 Alhl \.. II) l•J •••••• {ertWI .. 11 ,., u10'>+ I EDS .M U •• o 41 ..... HOllOR ?.JS. .. u '!~ •. ~ '" ~r,•aLPy '.~ 'P,•J.Os .,~. ''· POPl•• IOJ2 21 ti.loo \;, Sul>mllG ... 9 121 :JI ' Al1 •11 'Int• JAA 71 (~)<NG"'" ltl .. , EIM•MIJ 100 s~ '· Mow•ll 40 IS " ··--I •Y ..... IS '· Pon•c .,,, ,. 12\• ~ Supscp .. SJ ,, .... Al<nSw 11! II UO II• '• c.,.•'trlplLl~ 1"°1Jt ~ .~:: EMM pl I 8 7 ...... Ho'!"PI .-01' •• i.4e '• MeUR 1.2/o • 212 ,H, '• Portsfll S.SO 1tO 79 .... Swenk ,to IS 4 14 ,;._ Al .. AI nl .. ,, '"° II lO """ EIQln 1.60 6 " tl ~. HubOrd 2 10 " ti{. .. MeUb 199 I ill 9\t \, PorlGE '·" s 2'2 IHH '• Sybron t.Ol 16 ., .. "'• .. Ale•<h •• u IU' • ~=~:~:. ! .~ 1~! ~.. EmrsEI 7.10 .. 1UOJ'I )91'> •• Huor II .t:! ti :1!;. 1, ~::~ s 11 ,:,2 .. t;· '10'" Po•G pl , Ml J 10 ~. 5yl1<n pf2.,. ' '°"". \\ ~:~~~r :~·~ ;~u~t.'1'° C.•lenpl nO 3 Jl lo , ~~~~l .SO~J; :: '~~~~ltTI :a.Sm '''• ~: MIE ptGlll 130 SO ::~8~::~ ~~ tt~~ '·~~~!\''·~:~IW, ~:: \, Algln pt 2 It Y 11' '• Celeron .0 1 114 11' • 1! 11 t 2 olO • 113 .,..._ J, Human t 10 It 246 olO\• M,,,..tEa P01He.n •• IUl•lO S?_, Polltch 1°<1114 10 3H• •. "• .:_ T-T -Al11lplCll 11 •• Ill>. •• 1C&nltl I :IO 4 86 34'• 11 E~pr,', 1:u • 30 "tl"1. \: um• pn'.so •• 12 ,,., •. ; Fi " p tmEI 161 • 232 ,. TOK n U t IS tl) 31\J, .-.H11Pw ''° bJll1 ll .. C.•n••• 2S18 II) 3llJ 'Emppt .•7 ttOO ,~ •• 1,HuntC" .-011 •• 12"" '"~~~,~~-, .:J ~; ... ~ '• P:te1p1•so 110 39 •t TECO ·, ••• •50 J(>"' ;_.. ~:::ci '.:, ~ ~~: \~ ~:~~u~ ~:: : 4;~ H~ ~~l!~(n ·"° ~, 311~. ~~~. \.; ~~~~~f .:~ t~ tor. n;: :: MdCTtl I.ID • 10 2th t :~!~r~' ·-~ 11 •1: ~:'!. ~~ ~=~ J.J ~ ,~ ~~~ ~ ~~~ P P:• I~ ~ ~~ ~:~::~~ :.:: ~ l;~ ::·.: , , EEnnon:~p .80s.128 ~ !!, • :~ IC 1114 2:-21 19 ~ 11'" ~. :1:~V~ u: : m: m: t: Prttley .JO 1' St 11•~ ', TRW Pt• . .tO • 3 utS:Jln 3"' Allot/ t\t I I '• CLaEI n I 11 I Jl "'• .8 -•• -CI 9 '"' MldROS 1,«ltl SJ t6\1 ' Prmrk n1 . .t0 I 4S 21~• I• TRW pr ,,SO , 11 110 ..... • ' AlldSh I 80 • H j>. • CLAEI D,. II 70 )I'; ~~:~:~" t.60.g"m"13 ~: :cN" pt l.50 ri 11) ·.,. 1 •• M!ttrW I.SO. 10 314 26\,, -t:: :~:~' 16 ~ 9!~ W'" 't H~.\~ In t~ !T ..• ~ AIOhl 11 I W Jl I I••, •, Ct MPw 1.80 I 0 IS•• ENSTR .60 • 2l4 16,, ... tNAln t.'2 2 6 16't Mlllllrd t.20 II 81 111• ~· ProctG •.20 It •SI tll t•, T•tley 23 •\• ~1 l\lll&Ch t•l ••· '• CnSou .. 11 3)4 IS••• 1 Enter• ,8' , 218 11 ~. 1u 1n1 1.u 11 in 16..,, '"' MlllR • .U 12 49 21~. / PrdR•n :n 11 49 13~ ._ ·T•llty pt 1 .. 1o to•., v. All•C.11 pU .. , 11 ,, • • CnVtPS , 16 s .. n•. Entu '·°' • ..,. .... ~ ldalloP 2.• 1 ISJ 71'-II. /ollMM 3 20 13 ••005 13\. "' Proltr /., ·~ 9 26',. hndy 71 l'lll <Ith H, AlpllPr 10 ulS •, .. CtnlrDI 120 U• 1 EQllll• l l.J2 U 70 2}•, lo. ldHl8 I . tS4 11'• ~ MlnPl 2.11 \ 36 211 • . PSvCol ), I ll/l IH.. I• TndyCll l8 12 12~• "• Alcoa \,JO JI! .!<< 11 •o Cnl•vTI I< • Ill 8•• Equlmk 1 .. 4 , lllPowr 2.41 1 109 lllo MlroCp .olO · SO 11 1 t • .._ PSCol pU 10 •. ISi 11~ t h Tennet Utl • SS t \• t... °"""•' '10 I" Jl '-C~n~lll < I 3I oiO'o ' Eqmk pU.31 I "'' l. llPow Pl J.CM d lO ull\• • I• Mllftln' 80 1 'I'll ":--' 1' PSlncl 2.1• S 1104 tn• 1, Tchdr .11 U SI 11'• Ama. pl J • "' • c,:~,t~1o, ~ 1, ~ 1137~ ',I : EqtG•.l t so s .tO ?•••. >. II Pow pl1 21 . tlOO 11•, + 4. MP•cC. 3.80 I 2• 12 ' 1 PSln pl I.DI . tllO I'> ,,_ Ttklrnw I 1' 111 •9 i...: Amr<t I J2 ltt • .... " •• ~ -, ·~ Eq\Lf .71e511 l 1s• .. '• HPow pt•.12 I S.lOO 3Sl'o +. MoPSv 1,nb 5 16 l4ol. . PStn pl •••.. 12100 •.S• .. t•. Tt!Com 147 , •• '• ~:::~.~1 t t{If 11,} ~~ ,: ~~~f~~ I ~.S 11~ ~:~: ' Elmm I .. 10 tSO 61'• 14< ::~-P:l I~ t= ~):' "> ~:~ g~~·~ ~ ~~1 :• PSvNH 212 6 l1J 11\o • TtldVnt 11114 13S•1 ,,, AHO\ !>I J >U J ''~ J Cllml pl •.,, 31 ._._' ' Elqulr I ·" I 3 l•~· '• ltP= g,"'•. l 1 33 ' t~1 Mltel ,'' IC)(M ,.,;.' \: P5NH pl2,ll 6 JI . ~'''• t 2 141S09 '·'~• ',, AmAvr OS1 ,,, 7•. Cll.tmSp .IO 11 436 .... ' ~::~t~ -~ '~ :: ~~.: ~ ITW t t• 11 IS ""' '• -bll ' • 1~30 23:,., t .. PSNH pU.lS t4 30., lo Ttnnco ~. 6 "l ~. '• AB•-· • •• IQ\, • Cha•lCo I • ooe 13 ... I Etl'lyl t so 1 111 33 ... tmp•C.11 •16 14lto .... MobltH 99t ' 1. ~~~~ Pll:~ . ~ ~·,, ..• T:~~ ~; I.,. ' ... ) • , ABr•nO J ~ 1 nn ""'• '• ,,.,.,, wl fib 6'• '' Etrlyl pl f olO 1 IS' 1 I INCO 20 · .all ''' • '• Mo<ICPI ;, !St 11'• h PSvN'J J 10 I !St 16'-, Terdyn • 19 S.I 31 \o • 1, A8rd pt 1 1~ 10 1>' • Cll.,t Pl 1.bS 4• t1 '• Ev•nP isJ . IJS 91• .. lndlM pll 16 . 11000 SI'• lit• Molle>e U '3 13~ '• PSvEG 2,$6 9 11U 22{o• '• Tuor«-.-AIL-1-IWI. ~ !3~~·~' ~ ~ • ~1J11 411'. Ch .. e J '° • 22l' st .. t Ev•n pl i .IC) . tO , ... \, lndlM 1112.u .. ' ,... .. . Motl-Ot tS 821 ti\• "' PSEG pll.<IO . • ,,. ..... TtlOf "'2 16 t2J lO'· '· , ..... II I • Cll•U ptT 60 29t .,... • Ev•n pf , 10 " ...... ~ lncllM pl2 u . • 11 '· MOhRub .90 • 116 l3 \, PSEG plS OS 1100 "°"' ... Texaco l s 21J3 ,.~ {e ABIOM I II Sii .M• Chase plS 1S 11 41.., " ExC.tlO t:60 I 67 2''• . lndlM pll.•3 14 114-. i \t /ollonr~ll ,80 8 Ill tt • \1 PSEG pt2, l1 . . I I Ho 1, TaABc nl. .. I • .W , !~"c':no 1 )I> ·i ,t: ~. • I Cha>t' pl2 3Je 11 61 ;, Eaclsr 1... t t6~1t ~. 11141GH 3.CM I S? 11111>' \I) MonoQr .'3 10 JO <IO l\o PSEG pn,43 3 20.. TexCm Ut 8 613 •I•• i1: ~ -'"•l\H tOo • 704 11•• Enon • ' • ltCMI 29., .... tnolPl 2 Ml • 141 ,, ...... Monl9n 4 4 .. 1 Mlto 1\o PSEG pn.Sl .. UC> ., t•. Te•E1l •.10 I 1.i S.'> ' AC.an pl ? 80 l 1• Cllmt!<I nl 2S 11 •l Jll•, '• _ ,,_,, _ lne1tco .1' 10 201 ... .. MnlOU 2.2' 6 S6 134, ~. PubHck . US 711 I• TtxGT 2.12 ' 706 301,, 4, ACnlrv 10• lb I 8 ChNV s 1.88 S QO u._ ... .., FMC 1 IO 1 600 30~+ .. lnlmtc n IS 162 21h 1 MonPw 1 411 6 ISS HI. v, p.,.blo 11 1 94 l\lo • ~ Te•lnd ,too u ISi u:W.'•, He !~\an : ~~ :~ •::: i~.: 1 ChNY pflll 'u30' • • .. 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RCA pl 3 SO tltO JO•t 1 ThrmEI 20 21 18>1 !: · ~~:..o. ~") ,~~ >: · i •• ~~~F::. tili ·::: • ~ ~=~: ::~ ·; ~ ~t i;: !i~~ ;~ H .~ ll~ · ~ a~~~~ t.~ 'Ltl HE. ~ =~::: d . ~: n:~ ~ ~~~~ t: :' ,~ ~.. : : 'INalR " J 4 1ol :... • I • C.n•n pl ... .... I+ FdSonl' :., 13 11 20A,. '• lnlFtav I.CM tS 102 U\<o Murrvo I 20 " u '°"". ~. RLC n '° 12 IOI I'. ... Thrifty IO 10 •299 19•. 1, ASLH~ "II 1•'• C.hurCll I II 111 31' 1 '• FtdDSI 2.tO 10 Jl6 SO 1, lnlH•r• · !OM •» .... MutOm t.•I•. 22 tl'• '•RTE 40 IS UJ IJ'• 1, TICaro 1.20 1 2J II'• • ~~sro "°" • i~ 11 C•n&t11 1 n 1 11 ull' •• 1, Ferro 1 JO u 48 ... 1nol< pt t01 H'!! • !! My.,,L ?ti . 1n tn .. " R•1>Pur 78 211618 11•, .. lldwtr ·'° s 180 , .. • " 1 1t11 11 11'' '• ClnGE 2 1' I IWI •••• P1 FldUnl 2 IO b 1• 11 . lntMln 2 .0 I t4S -• --N-N -Remad . 3SS S'• 1, Ttverln , 191 I I• :.. ASttril 3'! 11 .... ,... C.lnG pl 4 1130 321.. FldCll 2,, 110 2s•. .. lntMull 1.60 I 10 '·· " NBD 2.0I s J1 ,,~, . 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Ar.•u<~ btJ r8 '• • ClvEI pll.«1 l<IOO )I~,. 1, FNSIB J o10 S 21 lt'-lowltG 2.~ 6 3l 11 . ~ NICn• s S. .. llO 18', '• RtPCP .0 9 d 22' i. ', Towle .. 9 .. , 11•• Am·~t> 1\ '" • C1evp11. .00 9 Mo tt•o " FllP• 1"4 S'• lowePS 1 ... I SS 12'• • 1• NetOISI 2.20 t 2SO 7•\\ 1, RepFnS 1.20 t6 S u .... T-l•J: .'4 ., 10 IS.V ' ~~~::, ; ~it t~ ~; '• l::r:P :! 1: s: ~~ ~ ~:~;=~ t.: '! tn :;~: ~ :~:c~~ 2.t I~ rl; n~· It =::~tu ~~ ; n ll~ + ~: ::r,r:, U~ I '1 !U! • ~: ~~:~: .JO~ m ;~:: .. ~: Al"'t pt 68 tJ I' (l,..t pl I 18 I)._ '• FIWl!K 2.10 S l ll'• • '• lrv9B11. J.36 S S4 0 • '• NatGyp 1.att _, 21 1, RNV pfA2 . .0. .. 10 S''"· •. T••M t J6 IO tat 11 '• >lflHl•O I &() 1~ .oti.o t• •, • C.oachm ,'JO 21 211 24'• I" l'lathb 2 • 112 .... 2 114lkC.p 300 tOt 22S 111• 1 HIH""1 '91 •'I) RepSU le ll ll'• \'o 'tW C J0M 1111o An<tt1r n ,, 18 1111' ·~ Co.o•l•I '°" •• ,. JO•.. •• ftl,,,,Fd 10 , IS. 10-.. .... -J-.J -NMCICr• .. io Mil "•" ~. lt•P•-··-•• ?SA )tt, .... TW ""~ .. "' ·~· .. _. 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R-•n pfJ.'4 . .. 2tV\o y, UMET .•te It )4, J.... . Athlonr I tA If )I •-Confd> 1 :n 9 111.1 46'• " GTE of 2'• • U'e. KenNb t -10 .. 2'"-\.• Nontk .OI • 2SI 7t, '• RC Cos I 0. 10 • tt~ "• UNCRu , . Sit · •>11-AIC~E• 118 q "10• ·.C.MFrl •.OU • S3•· ·~ GelHou S1t0 112 -· -..K•nPLli.«> 7 t7S U~· lt NACoal .IO. 1l Jl\, ••• RoylO 2'2. s "'JI ... .,.usFG J,60' us -~t1•1~.·,•r 1~ • "' 1 C.n>NG '' • • 600 22'• '• Gannet! 1:ao 11 138 sa~ 11> K•PL pf2 n . 2 20'" ft NoAPhl 1.10 • 12 47 ., Rue.rm in ,6 ,, u ~. untt•r t.nt 1 t .s1·~ -1\ ~ " ~ o ''°" ~ '• ' C:on•Pw 1 .. 6 tO'n '"• G•PSI• .SO 11 10 ,..,. \• el'(.ln 1 SI 11ft \o NE11rO 2.•7e 9 27 11 '• Rut Tot 1 1 tw 11 Uni NV 4.lk 6 t• 12"-AlllH pf 3 ' 1.. 'lO'• C11Pw pll 0 t4'10 SS' 1 I'. GuSvc t.J6 9 t 12 .... , e11tllr .t• 11• 13~ ft NO .. IUI 1 2t I 6.W ,,.,.. fllyenH t 116 lOO ).)V,'.. tl't UCemp J 12 '1 .S'•-I All Re ~· 3 IS •IO Jl · CnPw pll n 110 S1ol. <if•rhl 3' ' 'lAl 131'J >11 Ktller .30 10 111 It~• IA Nlnc:IPS I.SO 10 Ml 12'> 1• RyelerS t.• n "' •S\• • \o UnCerb S.AO 91211 Mo 1 All Rt pt t IO ~ '71•• I'• CnPw pfl I• ti SO SI I • Gel<o I 1111 •t ,, .. _ ,,. KtllOCHI 1.50 9 493 21 '4 No5tPw 2,74 • 41 ~ 1, s-s. UnComr .JO IJ IS 19 2 AtlltCp 1St J IJJ II• •, CnPw pl3.11 14 ,.... . GemCa ts ?J 4111 .. Kt lwd ,.1(1 t •• t• ~ korTI t IM 106 ff'\> 1'' --UnlonC .J•t "'4 •'I> '• ~~0•0t I ~ 2138 .. 3'" '• C.nPw pl7 68 t1870 SI t 1 Gtmlrt t ,.00. S I• t ... Ktnal .10 3 IOI (>.flt '"° NllMMI 0 , 9 )l, , !>CA 20 13 351 1''+ l~t UnEIK 1.M I 112 u•• • ' ""'' ~ .. l 37 CnPw pf • 19 JOI• . GAlnv 4.1'e SI "~ enmt ,'6 It S2 30lilt t Nort'rp l.IOM tt .. •th• •• SCM 2 t l20 JO\.o ~ UnEI pl 4.50 .. 1100 l' , Av<aC1> I 'IO 10 1'18 H • t , CnPw pll 01! • 10' • GA 01 loOI: 12 14 311 'ti.. KyUl I 1 20 I 102 ~, NwllAlr IO '" •14 Jt:W '• SFN I t• ' .. 11'• lo UnEI PIM • 19 rt~ Av<o P1 1 2fl I IJ Cf\Pw prJ U II 21"' .. Gn::'c.s111' ,a ' 31 n•' KerrGI ;._ I 1• 13"° lo Nw18CP 1.IO I SS 21 t•, 5PSTK .n IJ ,._ Ulllo • 1"' UnEt pl J.IJ 10 "" Av•rv QQ 1l IO .Ill • C.C.nnPP~ Pp',', 2so3 "a t1•1:,'" • GClnm s n tt J1 ~· j\,. K•"G pf 1.10 . 16 7t I• NwttEn 1.40 t•a310 I(>"'° .. s.t5,!!: ·~~ lt n~ 1~ OllCel 1 t2ll3 Jll1 >•n~\ I ·~ ~IA ..,.. -GCI f.. 2) 2~· ... tcerrMc 1.10 1 ... ,." •• NwEn PU.1J . lJ '"•-.. .... • s . • ""•( I.ID 12 lSll U IQ •• Avon 7 • l~S n. . CnPw P•4 (fl s 10 I,\ Gnc:'::'.p . ,,, IS\, \) KeysCn .. 13 121\ • Nwllnd 2 .. 2 .,, J7(o ~. ~:=~(.. .. 2; ·~ I Unlroyl 11 .,, 10'11 Axla I IS ll l~S u?Q.'-• 1 •1nPw111143 9 19>, '• GnDyn n 11 2.lSI JO•> I K•,r;;nt 1 ... 11 38 2311 . NwMLI 120 t I l);w, ,;._ 5411-y ?IO 'i l"5 •I ... -: Un•1I pf 8 . 1100 Mol• Avoln' 82, 8751< r< • '• CConntllC.Cpop 1 60 1 v..'.~ 2•1:•,• ... , GOyn pl .:tl l I• 2 (Kl s 1,10 t 211 ll'> 1 .. NWSIW .II), 3' 21'• -. ~Cp -54 11 a»9 lt' 1 UnitOr J O I'• • .-. Ge El 3 «I 12 2Jtl .... 1 KlmbCI 4 I tJ 711• ) Nori on 2 IJ 0 Joi • '1 St o• p I -• n 1 .. • , Un8rll4 .20 , 6$ 10 llaornco so ~ I ' I•. '" nUGrp 2 60 • •"' JJ.. n "° Joi .,~. I Kn9"tR ,.,, •S SS. .. \oo \t NorSlm 1.0l 11 Jll 2• SP•"I t':::: -10\ • UCtllTV .14 ,, 211 u B••lnll f'l b 1 .. , 1l I CntGp pf , •IA 11 •• GnFa• 2 IO J ·~ ,., K-r 1.2031 ,. tS •• ~OYO Ht 11 ISi o~; ... SIR~ p ,-,, ·1 ,~. , .. • ··,c UnErt•ll 2.n • 101 te•• 8tl!IOr t1 •6 u i) • ntGp pU.SO llb :W. • '• OG1h ·~•77 .. ,,_ ~ KofMor .1220,1"3 U'eo \1 Nucor 52 t• 2l SI 'e ,_ •ll _ 3 IJ ,•1• "Ulltum t.'2 S 1' 1S"9 . BeldU• Iii <1.10 41 1·~1111 111111 21l.. ._ GHO\ll ,,.. ... -.K 1-11 -l•"' • ... s 4 I"• .,.ltlll -•• "• ••1 J 10' 1 BldV pl 106 I 1•1 6 Ofl\Tel t)t • ICMI "" '• GnHous 20 ' IOO ~,,, t: I(=~· -. 't. ... ~= """ n ,;•~ -•1'• l'lt SOltGI t:a • 331 ..,. •• ~:::~:: 2'10 1t~ t1 ·- B•llCA:. • 1 CM I •J 11» •• 10•1• .SS 10 Ml «>' • '9 g~~~~s 1 ·: ;; ::! SJ-.. "' Ku111m 80• ' tJD IJ•.. 0•-1nc1 1• ' 6«J ts•, " t:~=:= i:3:.:1n 14~ :~ '• Un Ind s .10 IS S6 ""' ::::~El 2.~ f '~~ r.: :-: ::;;-~ ~~ 10 1l~ ~ GMol 2.,,. It•~ U 1\lt yocer .71• 2' )1 ,. ... • '• DeklteP I.SJ tO •• m. ~ S.ncltn n 11 112 56'• • '• UJ1,,8• 1.2• • 13 .. ._ e•nc .. 1 I .,,. ., 4 ,,,. ·-~ I Sl 6 IOS •s•~ ' GMol pf '3_15 '11371,,. '. Kysor .20 .... ~ I ... ~c,PPttl2.60SO • J'IS21 """ I SAnllRt .... ti 11 ""' It UldMM ., , •• • .., ~ • GMol pl s 2l 41~ 1\\ -~~ .,.c p 3, .. SFtlnd ' ' 5'J 21-. • • USFoS S.07• SI n ea".~!.~! !!!,•l 0 .~. '• CoooopplL011.,90,. ,,ns ls~:! .~. GNC •• ,. " 11~ ., lN Ho nl.41• II .. ,."" .... CkclPpl 4 .• s 5"~ 3'• 591we1 M014 I ,,..,, .: USAI• .It. 'IOI 2P• ·~ v "' • ~ b .• GPU II 1137 Sh 1, LFE 1 1• I CkclP P!2.SO .. 11 11-. ft• s.tulRE 2W lO e• • '~ USGy.Pl 2.«I •• 211 '7'4 BB~nNQP 3 !IL 11 !?. ', ;•, CCooOPprwdT • t 6'16 _! 61S '311:~. • 4 Gen Res 1 OI " 1'3 •2'• I LlCCp • 1\•. , Oc:clP pfJ. 11 • 21 141, 11, S.vE:tP 1 M .) 1 tt • USGy pf I.ID 1 •11• " '" -• ll! ~ • -• G R f • " 4 '1.LCCp pf • a S'h •• CkdP 1>12.30 . n u.. .., ·-E • ·-' USHom ·"• ... 26\1 B-o•V• I J1 9 u 2\ '• Cordur~ .60 13 •SI ts'• 11,. " • ' / LTV 2S ' t,.S tote ~• O<CI p( U,(>2 . 1016 tS\• 11, -• P• 1 ... · I to •· · UStltd .7' • IN tO{, BnkAm 1 SZ e 604 2l • ICO<t!ln 44 11 JI It\,, .. GnStoril t ... tO t .. •l • h TV pl I S 10 1 OOECO t S UI It "'' S.•ln •· 61 1 USL .. 1J JI l'' BkARly 2 «I l'i '° 12 • ;,, c;ornG 1.l1. tt.jl 65"' '• GTlre t.SOll lJ 12tl te 1 O..lnt t n US Jlle '> gmn I IO l Ill 16'/0 ... S.vln pt I.SO .. 32 11 + '• u• Reta' .. ; ... 2 20 11~ . 8 .T , ~ • ,,.. .. ,. c 81' I IO.. ..5 ..... ..... Gtntco • 111 s •• G 2 -• ,. ,., ' . Scll•PIO .... 11 11S lS\1 ,.. .. y •• "' • •n r y~ , -, •. "' • • ...... ., GnReo .10 SS 141 30'·• l\t ~ ·-, • ~{' •• 0 loEd 1.7' 7 .... "'•· Schlm• ·" • 2Sl0 Jt... '• U55'1M ••• tO 231 SI 2 81\Trpf 1.511 s U'o •ICowlK ,,. 201 ., ..... Gemt9· • .o •17S "'' "' •m,--_,, ,nss 2·t:!.' :t_OtlEdpfJ.'°·· ISO 2t S<IAll 11101.ZT IS -"'USSteel ,, .... ""' BkTr pf' 11 JOl JI', ICoaCm te II lit •t I'• Gtl pf 168 ? 10. Y> n.., ·--,. OflEd pl•.«> . r20 l3 '• Scoe I M 11 173 34~, ti. USSU 11U.JSt • IU SOI•• llanntr 11 M " ,. • !Craig .. .. 1•.. 1, GenUPI ,;. i> 211 ..,, •• "' -Uni .n u 1Q tO'lt •• OflECI pf •.JI . 110 JJ•,,. \I SColLad • 11 ,. 41• .... USTOIK ,.., IJ JS .... , • I BarOCR ~ ll 111 •1 • I' ICrent 1 60;o 2S 114 1•"" t \'o GIPI< tO u tl10 1llio .. r~ 1-JJ ': tt: ~~_: ·~ OllEd pf •.20 •• l..0 _,.,, • t~t Seo!"•' I.ID t I(> JS.lo • Urth<ll t .40 1 lttDIO SSI~ 1 ==~~;~ 6'l ~ ~·· '. ~~::~ 2 "° tt ~ r.~~ t .. G•Pc pf U •.. 2J )11-1 .~s pf2.1S . ' IO ,.,. 8::1: ::l~. ~ ::·· .~ 5<o IP 1 I SS1 l0"4 Ulclt ~ ,.17 • ·~9 .9\,, 1\1) &••ne• •oe•o .. 31'-croND12.11 , n -•· g:~:a:tt .. 'l ;:t. ~~·,·~:2s ~! ~~ ~S?!!Eopf•· .. ··J100 6$1,.,,,, ~:~lr,1 i:trn ,~ ~\. :':tl~N'.f' dh"M m:. "'~ ~:~~t:,' ? : 14 .~ ~ ' ,: ~:t," t O:' l~ : ·:,•: : : 0.Pw pf!.IO , iJ00 t0'1 . Mlllll 1' It 13 ttau3'. t .., "'"~pf 10.16 • 11 11! • •• SeeCI pl 1.... 21 11 ,. \,. Unl\419 .2f II 191 n ~ 8atltes 211 II ..... ,~ • Ci'Wlfl I 711 IS ... tn . \. GaPw il/f7.72 . llCIO ff\<}•'"' .. ,., ·.,[, • 2•~ I• p ,1c 7 . .0 . ,,~ s. . . SHCI pr 2 10 . • u• •••• tJnlv•r ... ti 1J ' ,, ~- Bau!KI> 1.\613 JT• .,.. • rlel 01 • •l JO ., ...... -"' GerllPd •1,J6 • ,. n -"' V•I . u ""• °" -"t1·1S 'i """1'"'. '• SeeGO<ll 0 • 11t6 1' ... Uftl~F• '·°' t 0 n\'>, 8:•1Tr .. t4 SI' '8' l rlel,18305 .. 101 ll"4o• "-Gtt'1'Sc ,t2 )I '311 U~-\'o n fl2t . tt7 ts"1.~-.. i~ Oll:•cfp1 ·~ l100 11'' \i Se .. tl 1, .... IU IH> I• Un~ t ... I _ii JO'l :.: 8 yfln l(J\ ~ 10 •• rum t1•1rn10 S2 ~. &:::v H:. ~ : .... -~'~ et1n•r ·.20;t "' It ~ou: 1:20 ·• 1'1 u ... :: =~~r uo,: .~ ~ '·· tlcm·e 1::1 m :;, • ..., eavStG ,.,, • 31 ,,, Culbfo 110 n SJ~ ,, O••n~f ' .: ,,. ....... --:.. 1.IO':"'Jt ~~·tV.o"'.·" 116 t•1 ..... '• t;J'Alr MU 2" ,. USLFpn.u •• U'•· ... :::r~J 1 J 1~ ~ ~j;; :; ~:!:~~ 2 ~ tr, m: n~ GiOrfn .. n• •11 t, 9Ufs u 129 1'\. ,_ Omncr n ,.,21 1< .. ~ I etPw 1.4411 .n 41~_. "Uttltfd t.O.., ti t t, .• Beat pt ) Jll 11 .. •• ""'"( I 10 ' 70 •1 •. Giff Hiii '7 •• 20S II .. h .~11: .. t. t ~ 4112 olOlto ~. 8:i~·K '~ : .u J:."" :,: ErteO .s2 16 3'2 ~· .... ,, uiiPI.. 2 •• to 1161 11\o ~· 8Ktn0 110 ll 1 .. 46' urlloll I 20 I •T Sil•. .. Gllletle 2.lO 10 Q 4Ja.. 1, OF-I :IO 10 11 11'• '• 0 Ilk I S-• ••t l ,Jt t• a-lfl h Ut i. ft J,IO • 4 t•\1 • • Oek., l~I ~ '• YtlopstlO., lO'rl' •I? 81::1: ·1J. 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J 'toj~ ,,; .. r .. .'~ 1; 2:1 =• Vf (., J-20 ytylt ti'> ~. 81-mno '' 0 111 11 ~ • oanRlv M •• ..o !• '• G<lrch pfJ.12 . . 16 JI~. !I. ·-.... • tO • 2!J.oll P ,. .. .,.11 n Jot V•I-,.io • •1 10 411 =~~~\ 9 : ~ 10 )': ~·· 8:~.~fl 1j: '2 ~ ~ 1t! <Mdyr t ,40 f •2 JO'> '-t':=t'" 2 1! i~ )I~+ I o;;:r: ,'G 'i 11l ~I 1!• win .Ue 2t tSl II~ '1i,o Vetedln ·3:'J 3' 1' •'• :; ll•nCllA J n 1' JI/ 19 • ' Dell Kr l .60 IS 611 •S' > • \1 &:,1;J 1:~ ,; 2J: : , tVO d11Drt 1..:00 j S11 '2~• + tJl'IOr ::rn JI l:W. ~: ::v t 11: ~ 2~ m~ ~:.: ~:co'" 1.12 J ~ 't•. • l'o BB!ftdnt ~}1'• o; IJ I~ .0'> .' 8::;~: ? ~..,? ~~; ~ Gre<e 2.to (> ..,. '°'' -., t"'r,,f L i ,J m~ J!r. .• 1J la la._ u, IGIO . 90 ' •t 1.-., II.a Yerlen S2 1' J71 M'" ~ • C" 73• • ~ Greiner t.14 U 211 541, « ""fi .IO • 37S I~• 1. I" pit .:IS 1 1'\oo Vero .«> 11 " "' ,,. Ben~l 111 •.JU l )2',, D•IPl'll .,. l:IU tll·t ~. Orenllv •• 1 toi.. • 1.0<tll• ,.~20 '! tte•s"v 2' OW.rt 1.2041 »I ~ t~, to" ... ,._ I to•·· i·~ VM<O .2014 JM ,, • ~I Benet pl • '" 1100 lll' • • Devco I•» it' t~i. •.•• GtAtPC . ,,, 11.,. . Loew' .-• l• ' " 0wen1 I t ... 1 '" tH• ~ 1 '" ·-·• " V9'\CIO t•1 ''• ~. rt•n111 8 W• u 110 S'• •• DeyHud t.10 16 aG> SI 1"• §''-kin ... 12 .JI ~ LMnF.n t.w 1J 11• «>~• i.. <>Mill 11fUJ • 1 QI.) \o rw n 1 n tto •• \l v .. tle 1 * it 100 1 "' Btrkey 11 8l ) , • D•ylPl 1.tO 616'0 l61u V. Hirn .:ne j U ~.' .. 1..tmMI t.'8t IO J1 1' . O•lrdln 1.17 I JI ft .\, W Pl 4,CI • · 11.10 1»•1 l~t Yl•etl'l ' ,JO JO Ill 231,, V. 8,..1p 11 ",, ,.,, 18 , '• DPL pt 1.• . 1500 uSl•o t '-tNoNll 2 1 ..., 'f'• ~ LnSter f.tO ti tu J0'1n 1., -~ -rPec 1·" • IOO !f\• • '-"f!W JS I 1' "" 8etn~tl 1 10''1> 11'• • • DP\. r 7'0 . 1100 511 t\•1 g1wF1n .«I JI m ll'o LILCO 2,01 I ~ 11'9 • .. P.HH 1' 16 :M Jl\!t i ·i :1 t!? 5;::_ h YA M I l41J tatt , zr:r~:v ~re ~;': ~.. '• 8::~. " ·'t;: 1on :"' • ~ c;=~': 111 14 1: \1 :!::. ; tit ~U:;:. 'm fl • :~!M";'W ll: !:v, m11~ ·•tts 'i 1'-.. ~· ~ .• '. 11 ,!l. .-;, Btnn~L 11'I 11 47 JI', •, OtlmP t,SI 7 211 '' ''" Gr~ uo 7 1'1 '''• !.II. plV ),,SP . M 11 • PS" .tO 1 u ,, !.'!!' ,1ot • _. 't'., '"" y ,. .1$ ttO "ni 1 1 e1t~'!I •I ,., 0e111•• 1 to.f u•. +. Gni wt . . '" ,,." ,.. LIL llfU 4.u . '!! ?!_~-Pet•s ' "" • il.... iYlli~ >.90 ·' ,1s5 !,._ ~ v ,. fl!MO • " a•1 ..... B••<~P ,I 1?'1• "'• 'o O.llon• . 10 ••• ¥< §'"""'a.1$, r-JO ao ' LPffaat . .. ..... Pe<Gl ) •at• I ·-·5-, . "":l ... J'1.n ... 0 ' •. Blkl~l<w 7 «I • ., ".. 1. Dlll'Clt-1121' 1SO ,. •• lit ,..i.," i ,,. ) • IL llfS ,,., . JO U79w. "•t'' J • ill .. llllflllAI •1 ·1 .,"1 !!'-""Ydf' .. , ,. . '''° st ..• ' Bl•l•Jll ' .. l<t )I ll;Oil\MIOl'4 11 0 ., .... '• •••0 .Mbll 141 10lt I Lll.ffl"t4) , 11••-.. PIK tim .,. llJ ,..... n • ~ I'• --... ltl.o '• 81o·~A 1 ., H 104 u • O.nnn' 'fi 11 ... p '> \lllUy• .. 10 t\oo. ' • Lii.. "'° If •I 20\'o. Pec .. w ) ,. I 303 ''"' •• ~. ', -t ...... ~. ',, Vuit ftM '·" • "" n .. , a , S&L chief sees 1983 turnaround N1';W 01U .. £ANS (AP) Ttw iwvlnp ond k>an I muu1My. iU.ltft•rlnu IL't wo1•11t f11Hmc1ul buttering sh1'<t.' the f>t•J)r'(•!l.>tlun, will llk<.•ly turn tht.• ('Or n1•r In 19113 and muy 1•11rn monl'Y for thl' f 1n.t tinw in three years, a , ft•dc•1•ol n•gulutor 1my11 . , Ai; u rt·sult ut l111l1111j 1n1vn•111 rat~. RJ<:hard Pr·:.ut, chuir11111 n uf 1tw l"t·d1•1·al I lurrw Lolln Bunk Board. ' pr1•dkts the.> lttt.lu111ry will h ovt.' "tt good chance !'ll>11l1.•umc.t in I U8:J" of moving from ·•;_1 lo11s position to" profit po111tion." t :vttn i;o, "Tht•1 c• will 11t11l Ix-u lot of firms lhat d o11'1 mak1.• that transition In 1983," he said ln an I '.ssocwwd Prcs11 inwrvil'w in his bm.1rl.1 offices in Washington. . • Prutt mad(• his t•l)11tl)l(.'OlS as the U.S. League or f Savings Assoc1auo11s. tht.• nation'a laraest S&L trade I group. prC'purcd to op<Jn it.s annual meeting h~re today. Soviets gain technology W~!:>HlN <jiTON (AP) The Commerce Departrn1•1\l appan•ntly has faik'Ci to pr<>venl thC' flow of U.S. mlllt.ary wchnology to the Soviet Union, a ' Sl'n~1lc.• sutx.'ommillt'<.' !iays. In a tl7-page r e po rt rell'ased Sunday. the \ pc>rman t'nl sub<:ommitlec o n investigations ' recommC'ndt.'<.I that th<.> United St.a t<-'S strengthen its intelligence a nd c nfo r<:emt.•nt e fforts to halt a 1 "massive. well plannt:d and well managed" Soviet I effort to at-q uin· U.S. l<.'<:hnology. T he subcummith't• stopped short, 'however , of adopting a staff recommendation that the department be s tripped of its enfon:emcmt powers unde r the Export Administration Act. "The evidt•nt·e is strong tha t virtually all the technology they obtain from the West is applied to the v-iet-military-lndui>try-." the panel said. The minority staff of the subcommittee, after a yc<ir·long invc>stigation, rec·ommended at the hearings that the Customs Scrvict· he given full responsibility Cor t>nfor<:cment of export controls. Mexican TV strike end~ MEXICO CITY (AP) -Some 1,000 workers at the government-t.'Ontrulled television network caJJed off their s trike and went back to work early Sunday, ending a 32-hour blackout of 40 sfations. the official El Nadonal newspaper said. It reported the strikers modified their demands becaust> of "severe financial problems" at the Channel 13 nC'twork and a st'ttlement was re ach ed late Saturday after the Labor Ministry intervened. The p aper did not give the terms of the agreement, but Channel 13 reporters said the workers were given monthly wage hikes of $21. Industry sourc'<.>s said that before the strike, salaries had ranged from $6. I 5 to $2:.J per day, and the workers initial demand was for 50 percl.!nt increases. Imported supplies up DETROlT (AP) -Stockpiles of imported new <:ars in the U.S . rose to a 58 days' supply on Ot:t. 31. a 6 perc<>nt increase from the 48 days' supply reported Sept. 30. an automobile industry trade journal reports. Wa rd 's Automotive Re po rts said in today's editions that some 369.318 cars were in stock at the end of October. up from the 347,901 cars on hand at the end of Sepwmb<'r. ... The gain in stock includes all foreign-made cars • and was across the board. although Ward 's attributed the rise in Japanese inventory to the s ta rtup of Mitsubis hi's independent sales operations. By The Associated Press Selected world gold pric'CS today: London mo.ming fixmg $404.50, up $6.50. London afternoon fixing $403.2~. up $5.'25. Paris afternoon fixing $405.13. up $3.30. Frankfurt fixing $405.57, up $7.60. Zurich late afternoon fixing $403.00, up $5.50 bid. $404.00 asked. Handy & Harman (only daily quote) $403.25. up $5.2~. Engelhard (only daily quote) $403.25. up $5.25. Engelhard (only daily quote) $423.41, up $5.51. Me tab NEW YORK (AP) -Spot nonferrous metals prices~ today: Copper 71-74 cents a pound. U.S. destinations. Lead 21 b-26 cents a pound. Zinc.38-42 cents a pound, delivered. Tin $6.1766 Metals Week c'Qmposite lb. Aluminum 76 cents a pound. N.Y . Mercury $360.00 per flask. Platlnm $343.00-$345,00 troy ounce, N.Y. Si.Iver Handy & Harman, $9.35~ per troy oun('('. Doing Bu•ln••• Under A FlctltloUa Ne me? 141-4321 DAILY PILOT All new bullftffM• U91"1 • tlotltlou1 MIMI, mutt by ••• be ,......,. ......... County Clilrll. TM DAIL V ~ILOT prolltdH the fonnt •ftd flllnt ..,,.... .., ... , eutt•MeH. If reu are 1t•rt1n1 • new bu91nen. HM .. MILY ~ILOT tor lnto'"'etlon eflCf fonM. .. 1 i Btu.I t _,tt 14 JI Otll11MY 11 t 14 ... , ·1ifri·• 1t 1•1 O •• t &AllllDr 1-U IS 01~ • ~ Pee,. r Ut • f•, •11 -•' ·-lO 1'" • •> -W-* aoetn9 1 .io '> '111' 71'.! '• Dtlolll 1 2 M '" n• ... ~ """ , • 20 n~.. Llflit ... 11ll1 •'• 1"1<P 401 11 ~, ~" , .... I.•• •~1 :"" I• w1c5 1.14 .1 a 11•, 1. ltOl~•C ' 'If),. ,~ n~ •• Oltlf.CI 1 .. I ,,, ,, ... ' . • .. ,, ,., »h I LAOtlll ... IO «> 10"'. " Padc ·1 tO 71 ' lot ' 901 ,. • • i • .. ,. I \, &otdan 2 h 1 1•~ O"• It 0.IE a t.12 .. 1100 .. ~ • \II .JJ •Utt "" • l •UM 1 e •S tt .. I P~fln • tOO I I yC1 'a·!.~ IS HOt t't~ 1• 11f a. 1 vtt +J RuttW• I \2 Ill 1t0 l' , '• PflE P 7,.. lJOfl lltl t I~ ii" ,,. I 4J''tl II• Ul"tc L. ,.. ... Mt. "-.... ,= , 14 ta 4 j"'° L ft ·-t lO .,. "'° W .. 12 m ,... ... &vrrr1n. ll 17 •. , Ott 1.45 , UOO •'••IV. I'll 1.• II~ H + 'J i._O,,i,a t 211 •11 PAtm I , it 17 .. ~ i:•<C_.f·i IJI• h .Ill ~ l'9 =M 1•u ti 7••• °"'WMftf' 1111f111 U'' 8 Cd 2to I t•J ,,, 1,Deltp11• 1'30 ~11 ti/It I t • tJJ, 1--nt•IM 1 f ... ~ .. I\ 'l t'" '• c .,... · 14 ..... s llJt .. yt .•1• )M Uh ._.._.,,.41t . JI e 0 \ ••NI 70Q .... ,DCplF 21s.. , ''" '• r1s , ""' .... tO\lrH .•11 IOI JI~-f'•AWl '" '• , 0 ' ''] ..., ",. . ' "•• ....... .,., • •11.... "( '. ,, •• e:!E ~, ,, ,. :i ~ , IE pf& us ,, 1ia•'-< t ··• u '· i .. •t'-•""' 11&n1 1.oe 11 m iw ' ""''"'c , • ~ iff , 1. ,,.,,n 'Ii 1 ... 1oo 11 •• 1i • "" ,._ :=• • ,. 11 ,11 , ._ 1. ,,,, ,._ U \l 8 f prt.. t 11· •t EpfMlfl , 10 1$>o .. 1• "'' .. 2t gg• lolflWIJI t0'1 10.J H I'•[" tfi It I'-ft • 4 ,... 1 aet .... 1• It~ . W f'-94= 1•• Pl 1 1"• e~io'!tl 1 JM n JO J7: '• f prl.. • 1! JOI• t .. 0 ~ pr•.e ·t .. ~" ""L..CllyS l.JtH 421 114.t, • , etmtlll Ji ! JC '• Ill 1 •I ~ ~ ., It ~uft'.,•1'• Wll IP 1,' t tit U '"" WflPll ~ •. rtCIO ~,,, &rhtM 2 1~ t• tOlt 6' ,.. f. pfl( 4.12 , lo 30\o +I Olltfutd I.• Sit i.. 't ltlMftt .7111 JI II ,,. 1,l I = •, ..S ·•5 I I 1 -.. ·• e "' ill I SJ.. '-11!f1kl1 ti 1• 11•, • 1,. Wllr.¥ S .. 1100 ii 8 ,.1M p1 1 tfl••»• •IEoprt a 011"" 1 .. 0111Mn .. ,. 1't4' •, -M-M-., ,,, • '• ••tt• ,,.,~ n 1 ,. ,, •·~ ''WllAlrL • 211 4-. ,Wiit 1•1,m •1 RrltPI I U. 4 -I• l'lt , De~ter 11011 11 ~. ... -.._H -MACOllll .It• .SS d'n+ er•l'f 1•11 ti'• .. 1· .. , ,,...._ .. Wtnll< • • 1 llt ~· '-WAltf' S 11•1 "'Wiit I JDll ii 1"' 8,0., n 1~ 11 Xiii 11 • ., PIO/or "ti 1u 11'• ~. HMW • 1t •°'" A •·•" tat '''"' '"" I~ ~ 14 ,..,. • .. 111~ 'I 'drn~ ~ • "'wmc"' 1 1 Ml "' 114 WCN ,.. i "" •'-..., 1111.a '' IHOwy t JI t 41 11+. It 11• I'll t e,-. 110 4i• lo l'fllT ~ '! 0. t•• ""1111 I .It 14 'I If.! loo erM t , ,,_,, . l I ti • • ,.19 lot Iii lMt '• '"" W~KI ' U ti I"' tt111 I ... t I li•iuCi 1 10 1 \~"ff•:~ l:C:l 1 S:t:-mi u~ ,~; ~:.~1·bo 1J ""~ U-.· L.~' ... ., ul ·~::· t :W' .. ~· ~ N J'l • 1~ ~ : I t.::. ~=~;.\I' ''::,.. 1:: ::,,,.~t>ll ~ • '''·' " mtl•I ,. !1''1! l~~ l\, H•MliM 1-{! .,. ;;"' MG•...... . J ,... .. '"' • .. 19' u~ f. J " .. i.. -11-t 1· I . , ... """~"' ,,,,t :~ :~~ : ... ,,:.: 1 10~ ~ :1·~· t~r:Jt,~re 1 ,, ~~-~f,·~1·:~J ' ~ ..... .:1 , ~· :~ t ... ,· '"'·-. : ,~. m~·,:: · ,~ ::;.\. =~ .. ~~ : :; ,,. l,.. .. 11 Ut • ,, ,, " .. H;i,H I ... . 11 11 .. "'' l ~. I• • ~ .. . j 1•.. .. ' *" "" » F ._ i":;~~., :a i.t a~. :: ~~::.~ .. " ': 1~~.: ~ =" J:t ~ i·;: '-'·· .~ ~ ~. ,..t:.\1" • • \. """ .. ,, .~ '-._ . ' f~ .~ : ,, ~·. •· 11"411 .0. II U 11 """"•{ to ... fllt Henne I .. ., ~ 't ... .., ,....,_., t I u 1\io . " • " ., le " I "' ""''" 1 1~ ,. 11'• Ovn~t .. 0 1 1e•, HttlYJ ( I 1' ,.,._ .• b t 1 •• ~ f'lf'L 2 t I I l• I t • -I . ,,. · tt e 14 r • 11rlllld t U It llJ 11 ... 't l)onL l'O I• nn tt•, 11 Htrlnd t211 )J JI... t 1J , .. ,,,., 11 ~ .. L ,,e .. rtt II t a t 14 I. 1f1 .. •' ~.-•• ,~ .... t.!l~ .. i'!!!l!lll~~,..,, ....... _ • .., ......... ~~~~*'!!:Slii.:llill .... mll .. lll ............................................. 111 ............ lillllllll Orenr Co••• OAILV PILOT/Monday, NOY9fftblr 11, , ... So to-Mort•ltini in ! ~Sweeney ' a musical assault • : By TOM TITUS I Of tit. Delly Piiot lteH l Sw(.-cney Todd c.:ould be a real pain in the neck, i and the musical chronicling his bloody exploits in · the barb<.•r shop 1s not for those fa irn of heart or j squeamis h of stomac:h, : The UC Irvine drama department, in a de finite , coup, 1s prt-scnting the nauon's fi rst production of • "SwN-ncy Todd, the ~mon Barber of Fleet Street" •since the s h ow 's post -Braodway lour. The j f bbrcvialed e ngagement runs Tuesday through a I flosing performance Saturday at UCI's Fine Arts : Village Theater ; , It's a powe rfu l a nd unsettling experience • noticeably lacking in comic relief, save for a few I t hoice moments lalt' 1n the first act and early in the I second. Composer-lyricist S tephe n Sondheim leads a musical assault on the audience of near-operatic : proporuons and his hard-driving score is relentless 1 In its thrust. At UCI.' director Robert Cohen and musical ' director Irvin Kimber have teamed for a brilliantly , executed (no pun intended) production . The only : flaw in the show 1s the mdistinguishability of the 'chorus' lyrics -at ll•ast in the back row. It's not , that they're drown<'<.l out by lh<' music; they just · <..11n't be understood. AudienC<'S may find the mselves on the horns of ! a mornl dile>mma a!> far as pt•rsonal sympathies he Sondht:1m 's hc•ro, a b a rb<.•r vit-timized by !uncon sc-1o n a ble inJUSlice. beco mes a Cha rles I Bronson-ltke avenger. wie lding an indiscr imina te rawr while bis w idow companion prepares meat lples downslairs from the cadav ers produced lu):>st.ai rs. In s hort order. the hero turns into the lvlllain. I I In the title ro le . Brian J . Whita k e r is •OUtstanding. a formidable presence whose effect On !others. a nd the audience, is a lmost hy pnotic. .Whitaker does an exc<'pllona l job w ith a par t !written an a single, vengeful key. One does not have .to empathize with h im to appreciate him. If there ts a s h red of comedy tn "Sweeney 'fodd." at ts gobbled up by Donna Soto-Moretuni as 'the woman who cooks the ··w orld's worst meat pies" and falls readtlv in with the idea of changing FR~SH LOCAL LOBSTER DINNER '8.95 Includes choice of soup or salad, and potato or rice pilaf. / Call For ' ., R ... rvationa ~ t!iJ &73-772& -.f(f ~!~~;)_ IOI -} BALBOA L lalMa llri.1 ... 10~ ... IVllnMINO IN THI ITOll Thru Saturday Novembef 20 flll PUILIC UCTURI Healing Power of Goel in lu1ln•••" by RALPH C. CHARB ENEAU, C.S. A mtmkr ot •he loa14 ol L«1111ti111, of l The MCMllll C'llun:!I, llM , ,,... C'IMt h o(C'l\rlcl, Scltnll'I J TUESDA~;~~·;~;;R 16, 1982 • • 8:00 PM /j:..RST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST 880 Mesa Verde East Cottt Mesa, Ca . • II Are Welcome Child Care Provided I h<.•r l'l'l'IPl'. IIN s ts a lusty, lively performant•<.• brimming with ull tht• humanity her partner lacks. Christ<>phl•r Nilson is spl<'mJid as the young s~ilor in love w ith T odd's bcauliful d aughter, strikingly portrayed by Pippa Winslow. William Kerr is a formidabk• villain as tht• judgt' who kC('ps he r sequc•stt.trt•d . w ha le J ohn Cardone makes a lastin g 1mprt'Sst0n its the young he lper who diS<.:ovcn. thl· hu.lruu~ plot. Andrea Pr(.-S.-. turns in a haunting at'<:ount of the beggar woman who bc<.'Omcs increasingly more crucial to the plot. wh1lt.' David Way and Barron Blat·kman impr~ in supporting assignments. T echnu:a ll y, th(• UC I prod u c tion is a masl<'r.work: w1lh Laura Stow e's stark set-n il' d esig n establishing u sombe r mood . and P J Cesnakas' elaborate platforms moving effortlessly an a nd o ut o f thc1r bac ks tagc "h a n gars." Christopher Burr1ll's subdued ltghttng sustains the omino us t'ffr><:t. Curt.am 1s 8 p.m Tuesday through Saturday for this final Wl>ek of "Swe<'ncy Todd" at UCl's Fane Arts V11lag(• Theate r . It's a s h o w that undcrscort-s JUSt how far the m us1C"ul thl·awr has l'Omt• sin<.'l' "Oklahoma." ,,~!'!'.! AM COt!OITIONNO IOlAl WAflm llUTINO .,.~-­.,, I 7116H Sert1ce T-Stene et Y-Ooor le.II Store _ .. , Y-AtMJ COST• MBA 641-1219 ,,,.~ ....... Me$SOf v.JO 495-0401 2"'2 c....-. c •' ... ,_ .... "'-!' .. ...., ...... , If it's got wheels you'll move it faster in a Daily Pilot classified ad. Call Home Free on MCI E.T., you -anyone con coll home any d('ly 'til Dec. 23 free for the holidays from Hunting- ton Center's MCI phone center. Your ~ree 3 ·min. long distanc;e coll by MCI is on uS. Happy holidays. the sender ._ ..... ! .. ~~~ --..---~!.z~ ---NOW PLAYING --- MU MMln lllu Pwa ~29 ~339 COSTA•U EftaJCS ConerN Celttf 979 • 141 COITAMllA UA ConetNs s•oos-. U TOM £4•110s $,)dO,.,OKll sa1 seeo .... c-ior..e $34 2SS3 ..... SI°""""' 011veln 639 8710 WllT .... Tlll ECIWaids ~ Wast 891 393S "°'UKl~D '°" 1 " .. CNGACllMOll ( LUXURY THEATRES ~ ~ 11Cllillltilleta..••YS'2lRIWtuOtllenrilellltf'd ~ s 11am44.na11.1~ 25ss1~a;!, J s 1f FOR Ml HCITEmEml Vas1tOur... * • ~OV E CHI LO !~!.~.,D.!.1] Showa •M1/i \'1\\ 1' JO L.e"'Y,l\ \fJl'\111'"10"1"1 tlle11lll• 11101':'Ht1l il0 .. 1\\Uc1•• -------- 1 '. I I I \I II I . l I' I I t ' I I I I I I I: ' I I' I 11 ',I 11 ( ' \ I \I 11 I ~ ,., II C.0-Vll UI I r·~mo *BARGAIN MATIN•••* Monday U•ru l1turday All Portormancoa botoro 5:00 PM I&• l,ecW E• .... 11111111 .. M*IY11 "C"l!EPIHOW" 1•1 * OOL8Y ___ ..... _ LAKEWOOD CENTER WAtl< IN ... "'911.M.~cu.M ....... ---... "4._ ..... ,.....,... _.,., --- lAl<EWOOD CENTER SOUTH WALK •H "80ACEAE88" l"t , ........... . ••.• ' v ANAHEIM 0 111\/f IN ·~!•!'~" l n-9HO "\.OYI CHll.0" l•I -•CHAIM llAltO WO.:N" Ml "AN OFl'ICE" ANO A GENTLEMAN" 1111 .-..-.---- "FIRST BLOOD" 1•1 , ....... ,... .... ,,. focu11y ol Cona1e.ooo 213/531·95IO ~TIME BANOIT'""t ----... - "T£MP£1r· , ... , .... ... -"MY FAVO"ITE YEAR",,.., I uo.- "THE MAN F"OM SNOWY "IVEA" i-.1 --.-=-.•"' ..... "C"EEP SHOW" 1•1 ................ wao"CEMll"llll -"FOftalOOEN WORLD" "HAUOWIEN Ml" ""--'----CM_,. _____ _ ~ ••'"' •A ..... BUENA PARK ORIVI IN . . . .. .. LINCOLN 0 111\11 IN hf\C.OM A_,. We•t cM •f'Oft 111·.070 ' .... ~ FOUNTAIN VALLEY 0 111\11 IN ____ ,_ .. __ , ... , Ml·Mll ... LA HARR A •• •' " __ ......... -- 17'-lltl --------- '• ORJ\NG E I·~····'" "CREEP SHOW" 1111 .... "SUPERMAN 11" '"' "TIME •AM04T•" t"I .... "INO Of THI W~D• (N I ·~ eMIOfTI" '"I -..... Of TMI WOlll.D" '"' MftlO.._I,.. •-c-114•1 lllU NlW,OIU llACN M · 111 ... ,.,. I d•••dl 1.••ir •t C. 'o10I , t llH 0110 MIUION WllJO 10 .. • v .. 1 r .... , 1111111u·10 ....... WHTM*ITlll I t ....,.,,.... I Od ldl C-We I &H 7~~J ett jtJ~ ' • . ,, .. • T Ht: t'.\MIL'' C'IR('l'N MHi fit:URGt: by V1 rg1I Partch (VIP) -~:--­ ~l I 1 . "Couldn 't;have been me, Mommy. Nobody has taught me how to tangle yet!" "I h1t1 Mond1y1." '9 .\R~.\Dl'IU·: by Brad Anderson 01:::\:\IS THE ~E:\A{'E "He's never satisfied with just a pat on the head!" It.OGE PARKER .-.-------6UT, MR OAIVER THE AwARE THAT TONY 15 ON HIS VVAY TO THE HOePITAl., SAM ~S THE POLICE TO STOP THEf\E eEFOf\E HEAD· ING FOR THE OISTP.ICT ATTORNEY'S OFFICE' ACROSS 62T uicany cuy 1 Asian drtts &3 On lhe ball SF~ &4 Of leftslcles- !1 A91MCI~ 66 Co«ande< 14 --10 67 Image d•llf'< 68 A·S vassal I~ Admued 004' 69 Hell 16 A BanymOfft 70 L1z11d Ii Put Mell 71 Waler bOdres l!l $11'Vf>Ptllt'~ .'0 lllm<'!JClh DOWN :1 NNl'll 1 Parenls :.1 Sulllntllf'd 2 Alamo :wn<d~ 3 Govern .':O P11110f Plf'Cf' 4 Ltglller ;6 C"f!YTl'MI 5Seemly .·~ Up aolf ;illcllrl 6Eve'smate .•:-r,lrmff ~ 7 CarrM!d ,lllft> WlAW,ly a L11eq1ier J 1 Bff byt'I' ingtelflf'lll ~ Alli'v 1 9 °'"'"'up ,,!I Ooldunrl lislht rays 4 I NV IH!W• IO~f!IACllY ~ :' Soomf nul 11 Avnui .IJ1 l'1'fm4',1h• 1;i Gr11111 u1r m1•t1.1•101 1:i 'Mllld .,., ,;"'"'"" " llonl!M M.11111·· lllM.•X11111 "II \t•I !lllHlll n r"" ""-lflf'Cf .,_. :lwl'l'f 1hl!1' "'"'""''"'~ .... l1t'lll IW'I ,.r....,... ml'll n n • .., .• .......... ,-.v • ...,.. ... DISTPJCT ATTOf9.JEY TOLD US TO 6AIN6 THE THREE OF YOU TO HIS OFFICE ' • ANP JU51 WHY DO I HA'fE MONPAVS? 10w 44 Pr()pftf1"'9 30 EalenlMI 4fi CUfl 31 Town ne;v 47 tmones Poou11 49 Squillled 32 Whttnpflf• 5' Epoay 33 YOIHl!l llOllllAI 53 Stlofl hnwt 34 On - -55 UnwOrdy With 56 P-.npp. :J."I CAI ·a 11Qlllll· 57 C.1 90Uflll~ b01 f.t Wllct pnrty 31 M.-~ ~ HlpfJnnel 40 ~1C IO T uirwict "flM """' 11 ..., 43S.....-~S.riMllr by Harold le Doux MEANWHILE I THINK "IOU'R€ RIC:rHT,5COTTY1 THAT~ L.1Ke OUR eov TONV • Orang Coast DAILY PILOT/Mond1y. November 15. 1982 I I I t" I 6 I I Ii A :\:\,C\' NANCY, WOULD YOU LIKE TO SEE A REAL FLY ING A CE? -~ .· II-IS •ABBLE !30'.,l ! IT16 ~AU.Cr' BEEN AW~ll.E., ~·r 1r~ l _____ _, ~ If.~. u.t Iii. AA~t A LOOK,~. \'\.l ~ If U9 IM Mi ~O\ 'IOVf -Cl.I I~ C!10Ft00, i:,JJl.f l AM A~MEAD, THE 11 evr~ i.IE>C' DA,YJ''f by Ernie Bushm1ller SOMEONE LOST A DECK O F PLAY ING CARDS IN THE WIND by Gus Arriola -· .. by Tom Bat1uk cx.w.g I Bill ... COV\8.,, by George Lemont Hel.L..O? FUNNY FARM~ :X: HAVE! A PICKUP FOR YOU/ lAffiNA STAY W1F You~'-'· ~.L .. Sterling 1layden portrays his hero Ac tor .fi ry abolitioni t on 'Th Blue a n d the Gray' L OS A NG EL~S (AP ) S t l'rltnu lfoyclt•n wui1 HUZ11.,,..ou l lll 11t•u 1tw i.t·a lhol hall IUl'l'U ham duri11!( UIUl"h ur hli. lifetime. "'fhl•rc's l'utnlin,1," he 11<.11d, pomttnM lo an Island ht t}w Plll'I hl' CA.'C.•u11 I rn111 l111• th-floor ball-ony of hbs holc•I roo11l "And hero's Pal~ Vl•rcJt-s. Mudt•le11w (Cot roll) l.O have a houi.c.• t here. Slw would pwk c up at Purun111unt m hl•r hmnu1">1nt• wllh Fre nch chauffl'UI'. Thttt wus bt•fot't• W" ere murrit><l. and wt• had tu lx• l'lll'<'ful hat we w o uldn 't ht• St'l'll b y lhl· lumnists." · Haylll•n wa:. 111 Lo:. Angl'lt>:. pul)ltt·1wll( he CBS min1:.t•rll's, "The Slut• :mt.I th<' "ray." Ht' appl'urs 111 the fin11I t•p1'>0<.ll of he Civil War t•p1t• Tut'Sday anc.I Wcdt)t"><.!a y jghts as the C1t•r y abolt tionist, John Druwn. t is an ideul role for an actor w11h a full ard, and who ofw n has ltved outs1dt• thl' orrnaJ bou ndarit's of SOt.·at•ly (Part two of c miniS('rit•s airs a l 9 p.m. 'l'ucMlay 011 NXT . Channel 2) "John Brown wru. orw of my longllml' e roes. and 1t wui. with no ll h lt• lt•mt•rll) l'v1· lit•\•I) u l l l'rl'tf \hu n1lt• o f ft'runklln HoolillVt'll, 011<1 I wouldn't prl•11u1111· to umh•rtnk•· I\ ··nwwn wns sonwthm1< ••1114•,'' tw said . l luyd1•n Id \tu· ll'l'lpl w tu1 W•·ll·wrltll'll "T ht• worcl:c wt•rt• aiu bt• utlful th11t 1 n1ulcln't u 'tll t," h1• 'ilud. "I only workt-d 1wu cloy~. but the hnit d11y wu~ th<.' bl.'!Ct I how 1•v1•r spt•nt tx•forc 11 "urYwru. I was worklnK in 011 Ark11n s11s 1..·ou rlho ust> bt•fon• 1•10 t•xlni~. ;1nd 1l foll uwfully l(Ood. Tht• tx•w\.'' I 1 111 not surpr18tnK thu~ Ha yden focls un al I l111tv for the· f1rebruml Brown. The :wwr'i. ~1w11 1111.• hus lk"t.•n full of turmoil 1 lt• run ofl to &•u as a teen-ager, S&Jihng I or M'V l•ro I yeo rs o n sc h oon e rs . A ph11tugraph o( him was spotted by somoont• tn tht• fi lm industry in o ma gazine and he wa& llfl't'ti ltl Hollywood. DurlnJ< World War II, he served · as a Murin<• 111 the OSS ll wos afte r the war t h ot Huyd c n q uic k l y plunge d Into t.'Ontrowrsy: Ht' tt.•stlflc.>d before Che House Commlll•-t• on Un-Nnerican Acllvities that hl• hacJ bt'{•n a member of the Communis t Partv a nd he named others in o)'der to av111d lx'ing blackl1sl<.'<.l. fk·11111t,.. 1wtl11u. w lm·h lw c:l11ln11.J to h&ll', h •· p 1· 11 cl u l ' c• ti ii 11 u u t o b 1 u" r u I' h y . "Wondt•rt.>r ," In w h ich h ch •tu1 l11 hill murriugt• 10 Mi11.~ C11rroll und hi11 Ctijhtl$ whh i.tud1011. Ii <' uti.u wrott• u 1wu rwvt•I, "V11y11J(t>." During his 40 yt•t11 11 111 tlw publk cyt'. lht· Ci6-ycur old lluydt•ll galtwd a roputution 0) u' worlcJ-clu · drinkt•r Tha t's over, hl• Ma cJ. ·•t huv(.•n't had a drink in 10 months.'' ht• says. "I'm an uk'Oholit", ond l rcallw I can't drink any liquor. S ure. I m1HJ It. But I kno.w now that 1 cun 't funcuon u nlt.'bS I 11t.uy c.Jry. I found that out m a hosp1wl I wt•nl 111 In th~ Mid west ah t>r I had crul'kt'tl uµ. "I didn't huvt• a drink until 1 w as 22 years old, und 1 didn't havl' a hangover un til 1965," hl' swd . "l rt•ally didn't Kivc too much attention to what booze did w me, ii sccmc.'<l like a very natural thing LO do. The last five or six years have lx><•n real bad - four-day binges, then four days to !K>bl>r u p. 1 was either cul'S4.>d or blc.'S..<ied w ith a strong constn utlon, so l was able to w ithstand the punishment. But 1 can't anymore." Sobriety has not im proved Hayden's concept or the acting life: "My acting carC<'r is practically zero . l work maybe on<.'<' a hut I acc:eptcd thc role." llayth·n :.ays. 'There arC' some things I am hl•sllunt about, nd playing a hero of mine is om· of thc•m A ft•w yeur'i later, hi.' defied a t'Ourt order and spirited his four children to Tahiti on his ~:hoom•r. year, and of ten I'll tak<' jobs because they 1-1 d offer good locations." Slt•r ling ay «m \U l;'t.;l>A Y l.'00 ID. HEWS CHAAUE'S ANGELS ; l .. A conndenc:e man -a woman medium as a meet>• ol robbing aklerty rleh women. D EIGHT 18 EHOUOH Abby and Tom Mild the klda away tor the weel<end ao that they CM have some time atone. (!) BEST Of' MIOHIOHT 8PEQAL Hosl. Halen Raddy Guests: Nell Sedalc•. Gian Campbell: LaBelle. Electric Light Orchestra: Joan S-; Janis Ian; Minnie Rlpenon; Freddy Fender; Earth. Wind & Fire. • M'A'S'H Chanes' Franch hOrn prac- liclng drt-Hawkeye and 8.J to go on a bath strlll• • HAWAII F1YE4 The daughter of 1111 orga- nll.ed crime IMdar It .... $10 million from him. • OVER EASY 4 Guest: antertalne< Max Showalter.a 89 UNDEASTAHOIHO HUMAH BeiAVJOA .. Ganetlc Psydlc>IOgy'" 1 ~£~HE I MOVlE • * "The lncredlble Shrinking Woman .. C 11180) Lily Tomlin. Chaflaa Gro- din. A houNWlla llnda it hard to cope when etie 9Udd«lly begins to ltltlnk loaize.'PG' (I) B.C.: ntE FIRST THAHQOMHG Anlmated.•A ca\1911\an and hb preNstorlO pall ~ l>fate a most unusual Thank9gN!ng. •e:ao1 ALICE : DOC CAVETT I GUMt: Jonathan Millet • (Pat1 5)(R) 89 SEWINO POWER (l)Q!NEWS OJ) 8AANEY MIUE.R Wojo nick• a liquor store robber wno shot at him and a couple Ill arrested lor assaJltlng a private actlool officill wno r•jec1. ed theif 900. • r. e WON.D Of' P£OPLE (I) FMHI< SINATRA "Concert For The ,..,,_._ cal" On.mmar Buddy Rich joins Sinatra lrt 1 concert at the AltOI De Ctiavon Amphllha1tre In t he Dominican Republic .MOVIE t. 'I .. " t >-I n ' " * * * "The lhtla Prlflcia .. (11174) Rlehard Kiley, 0- Wldar. Ari alflina pllol llr..oed In Iha "-1 encountetS . ltrenge lfttla boy from a dlltant pf-I wno It ...,.chino tor the ~=,~===-..C:NlWS HAPPY DAVI AGAIN Fonda 8M Roger help Lori 8eO'I with her p11n1 to mer· \ I l j Alc:He In G""'*""· MCNlWSc;J 80AP cn.i«. thlnlllng he II Marlene Otetrlch, diNp- pesa wtllla lhopplng for ,,.. ltoclclnof i :.a OOtl/PAHY Ang i<' Dic kin on stars in. "Urt•ssed T o Kill'~ the sror ) of a police earch for a p!tyt'hot ic murdere r who bu1<.•ht•r a uburba n hmt~l·w if f' on the 9 p.m. movi<• o n KNBC, Ch a n ne l 4. from bulld1og1 and bfidgas with par llChutas, a look at the wwkl of twins during a on.d1y IW\nt lesteval. 0 EHTEATAJHMEHT TOHIGHT An lnt«V-with Lairy Htgmlln m OAANOE COUNTY T~Y MOVIE ••• "I Sent A Lett• To My lOYa.. (1118 ti Simone S.Onoret JMn RochelOt'I A middle-aged woman who hat 14>8fll most of her adult It• caring '°' her lnv1lid brother decides to writ• 1 letter to a newspa· I* IOnely naarts column 'PG" 7:30 IJ 2 ON THE TOWN Featwed an .,.,,_ wnh Paul Newman. an ...,,,._ nation of the book .. Ula Exteneion". lhe c:ondl..ion of the o ... , American Steambo6t ~ I Qt FAMll. Y FEUD lAVUIHE & SHIRLEY &CCIMPNl'f Lenny and Squlggy .,. Mlel:ted • coniest11n1s on "The Dating Game." 8 EYE ON LA. G MADAME'S Pl.ACE Mad-hltas a tlCky In..,_ riot dec:Orllor to rede- corate the meMIOn. • M'A•S•H An« 1 lr-lulion using a pint ol Frank's blOOd, Hlwkey9 .-pects him of ~llepatrtle • (I) TIC TAC DOUGH • MACHEll.11.BiRER REPORT • 8HEAK PAEVIEW8 HNI Gabler and Jeffrey l)'Ollt rlYlew "Jimmy, The t<ld" and "The Sender " I ~ Alf<ED FOR rT * * ''Ho Road ~·· (11157) Slup Homel9r. Sean Connery A London nlghtdul> owner wno la deal Ind bllnd becomea Involved wtlh • gang Of fawel th...,_ wno try to p1n a murder rep on her IOl1 and~hter. CC)MCME • •·• • "Shoe Shlne" c 11147) Rinaldo Smordonl, Franco lntarlangfll.. T.o imPOWrlaMO youtl\I want· • 1ng to pun:t1ae • horM In potlww ltl!y oet mt~ed up with unaavory Cfl8ractetS end .,. _,, to 1 ratonna- tory. Pally and L.liurtn ln-6- gata W--H}gll'1 IC8fldakidden campaign tor a ,_ IChool maacot. D QI UTT\.E HOUIE: A NEW~ Nellie Olelon retuma to Walnut Grow and taoea unexpected hOatllily from th• o ... on's ad opttd d809l•Hancy·Q • MOYIE • •14 "Ben'" (11172) lM Harcourt Montgomery, JoMpt'I ~ A boy t>elnenO• .,, lntalhgent ret, herborlng him from the pollce. 8 9 THAT'8 INCfEM8lEI D MOVIE * * "A Aelll Arnar1can Hero'" (1978) Bttlll'I ~ ~y. Forrest Tucker. Sherill Buford Puu~ •"emc>U to nin a T--. -moonthifl8r out of ~ (!) 90AP The wedding of Danny and Elaine .. Clim4lxad by • 11attllng annourw:iamenl from her father • 11".M.MAGAZINE ~ ""'° llegally fump from bulldlngl and bridgaa with panichul•; Rod ~ bin from many of tode)"I talellillon oommarclell. • MOYIE • * * * * "In The HNI Of The Nigllt" C 1M7) Sidney Poitlet. Rod Stelglf The mood .. 1enM ... • 1*1:11 d9lactJve tr-om,.,... dlllphlll ~ In • tnWlll u 1u1111pp1 town to help a IOcel radneetl lll«lff aol¥t 1mwder-. • GREAT PeAFONU.HCU "The Oh~ Of P11· ma" F~ 111•.o for murder, Fatlrillo fall In lo'4 with Qalle, hll ...... daughter ...... ~ Gina s-in. c1oee -vthlng In her ~ to -her,._ (Pan 4) Ii) NATVM "On TM Edge Of Para- dlM" An aJU)loratlon of a ~long archlpelago of ltlandt In the Cll'lb- t>ewl, a ~of gr•I net• Ufal ~ llwMtened by 20th"S*'tuty lndUatttllllm- llOr'l,•lt Pf-ted ~~ * • \t "Ode To Billy Joe'' Roper pleyl • dl1Y tridl • ..................... ® OOHl!IUMER ~PM.llNT8 ''The Oolart And SerlM Show" A IQOlc 11 18ken tNI monltl al lflll mot1 eiffeG· M _, of ill4nO Palll and the cMlpeat Wfff to a..i lland·WM!leblea (O)TDMt C 11178) Robby 8en1on, Otynnle O'COnnor. 8Mecl on Ille MW'll by l«*blt Qentry. A IClmllMed MM-' ................ IOI& ~ 1111 ..... fl'OIMNl9. 'flO' ... ~ln-•Y98'· I M)KM'8WIU) ....... ~ Cl) ~.Ill. MAGAZINE ..... wtlo ~ fump Bl«n Borg ve. JlllVftY Con· nor a H09 IQUAl'INM 1CHANllL LISTINGS I • ICNXT 1cas1 9 1<NBC CNBCI • t<TLA Clnd ) .l(A8 C IABCI e i(,~8 ICHI •• l(HJ TV Ufld I e KCST CAIC.I e 1<TfV Cllld I e11t(~fV (llMl.J !•""''"" e ,coCI '"s' 0 On TV Z 2 TV H HBO C tCl"t'm11111 f IWOPl NY .N V It IWT ~l f ((SJ'NJ Ct 15nowtm''81 • *lltql\I • CC:.c>t11tN •• Nt tWOtkJ (l)MCMI **\+ .• _,.. .• , .. ,I lutt Aeynoedl, a.-ty O'Angalo. A.......,, In NI lottlet wflO --lo .... ,.... ...er. '°' .. """ WO!'*' to .,_ 1111 d!led 'PG' .MCMI • • ''Good NdclmMle" CftertoM ~ ....... Ttto A 11'1111111 • 11- Y9S-oed'1 ........... lar lllf lllOIMr~. I 1:10 MVATI OW1.8'1~ "'9 Mflll .... ...... IOot1'111 ........ .. .... ". 1.,,., •• ., ., ·•=k mwau ""' . .,,." pajg!l to p(ove hlmMlf u ·lhe 4077th'• champion PJaclical le*•. D 8MOV1E **\+ .. OfelMd To KUI" ( 11180) Mlclla•I Caine, Angle DlclclnlOn. Police -ch for the paycllOtlc ll'IU(d8(8f wtio butc:t.ed • IUbutblln~ •• MOV1E "I, DMlr•'" (Praml.re) Oewt Naugflton. Merllyn ~ A coron«'I aid ~ o4>aaaaad ... "' the , .... aaductlo!\ of ..,,. .... ,_, by Ill alh.wlng Holl)'wood PfOltltut• wtlal\ he flndl hlmealf Illa object ofherflllltaalea. • MSW GIWf1N 0-ft: J-Fonda. Fem- my DalyH r. Barba re Woodhouea, E'Wlyn 1<1n9, Jim Henion. Frri Oz. • THEMAOIC~ DANCE '"The Romantic Ballet" Dame Margot Fonteyn fOCUMt on the ethereal ballerlnu wno dominlted 1ftn.canlUfY beltet: ~ tributing artltt• Include Ivan Hegy, MMguarile Por· t«. Roland Petit, and tha Roye! Ba1191. • NATIONAL GEOOMPHIC IPfCIAl "Etoahe: Place Of Dry Waler" ExtrMW~ an\-"* behaVlor la ob88'wd In ltlla lllm recording the wlldlte of Etoetl&. a pre- -11Krounding a hUQa dty lake In tile IOUt~ AfricM country of Naml· bia. CR) • oe<l.AHOMA fOOTMU HIGHUGHTS "Mlaaoul1" ~MOYll • ~ "UpeUCll" ( 11178> .,..,. oaux HelN!gWY. ,.,.,,.,. Bencfof1 " t09 faeHCfn model • humllleled and, INttratad by her ~ c.aful attempll to ..,.. ...,_ the min whO raped her to prlaon. 'R' (Z)MOVIE * * "Z..btlllcle Point'" C 11170) Merll Frechette, Datle Halpf In. Dlr«:'ed by ~ Antonlonl. A young eouple ·-• wortd In wtllctl ~ -the o nly pou lbl• r~ t:a . Cl) HEWHMT Didi 8lllllblta an uncenny abfllty 10 am~ Joan- na no matter how hard he trlea 10 do the right ~. (!)MOYIE • * * ''The COuntry Gitt'' c 11154) Bing Cfotby. °'-Kally. A faded 8ro.dway 11ar lmmaned In aalf-9fty la glYen a cMncl8 to etaoa acomebadl. 10:00 8 Cl) CAGNEY & LACEY WMn a construction work· « fella from a MW high rtaa. Harvey l.-v ~ vine.a hi• wlf9 and Ctwll that Illa Irland'• deetll -noacddaM. • ••• HEWS 81XGMATIDEA8 "liberty" Dr. Mortimer Adler declarell ltlat tiler• .. no IUCh tNng as Nberty llaMI. e 1CMBC~--w111111.i11r1w-1 WON> INTO MAGe "RoNrt Towne" fha acrMnWl'lter wi-etedlll Include "Cfllnatown" and "Bonnie And Clyde" ~ Illa role In the fllmnlelllno proceal and ..tly ha ctM tea IN cNltac- tera lie do.a. • THI VWMNIAH A ....,_* boy la torn ~ aooepllng Tran.- pea•• Imitation to an hcwt- eat • or keacilng a ,.,.. cMlrwua wlttl an outtew ~- •• "81~ Of The Nonh" (1M11 Ellan lkn- tyn, Tom lkerrfU. In 1111, • youno "°"*''' marrllte lo I lrapptr ...... her 10 e .. Of IWdllllp lrt ..... .,,,_Of~ Cine- -'PG' • Cl)MCMI • • '.'toe C-" 1 "11t ~ JollNon, "'*" "l' ...... 'A 111omWI• YOl"'I ..,,. .... 11111 .. ~ tlnd IUOdell .,.,... IWd IO oope Wllfl ... ... ~to ,,. tof I Pf'lo()tr"'41110 OOft'IPll- liofl. .MCMI ***"l .O.a."C1M11Wl- H11ft HOICI•"· JuHI Mdrwl.A .... ..._ .... ~ ..... . ............... """" .... """ ........... ........................ ............ -_..°' .... lltWGlllm .... IUllTDPPIRB KCOP (13) 8:00 "In T hl• H t·at of T he Nig ht." Th<' mood is tense wht•n a b lat·k d e tective fro m P hilad elphia a rrivt.'S in a sma ll Mississippi town to help a redneck sh eriff solw a murder. S idnc>y P oitier . Rod S teiger star . KABC (7) 9:00 -"I, Desire." Coroner's aide becomes obsessed with the fata l seduc tio n of severa l me n by a n a lluring H olly w ood prostitute whe n hf finds himself the o b ject of her fa n tasies. David Naug hton a nd M a rily n J o nes star in prem ie re . KCET (28) 9:00 "The M agk of Dant·e." Program looks a t the e the real ballerinas who d o minated 19 th -cen t ury balle t. Contributing a rtists includ e Ivan Nagy, Murg ue rite P or ter, RoJand •PNit and th e Royal Balle t. Hoell: Pet• Coolt & Dud- ~ Moor9. Oueat: Hell SedakL G .. IEMCttOF •. "Tlla Lo1t ·Dutchman t.41na•• I THAT QUIZ SHOW 8TM£T8 OF SAN FMNCl8CO K ..... nesly 10M1 hit Nfe wNla traneportlng a Pffl.. oner whO la being PllfllUed i tour Oeaperale kllen 81181NE11AEPORT OOCTOA IH THE HOUSE Mlchaal runs the ot>ataclle c:ourw of IOW. ~ MOV1E * * ~ "The Ofo•nl"t Pool" (19751 Paul New- men,~ Woodwerd. A prlvata lnveltigalor la lllred by • WMlttl)' SoutNm oll ,..,_ to ~ ltla ~of the author of 1111 Incriminating ...,. (%)MOYIE *'-' "V-'" (11178) Oii· via Paecel. A vlrglnal roung woman IN-the convent In wtlich Ifie WU rlli9ad to run a onlln of F11 E...eern b0rdallo9. 'R' 11::aCI • Cl) TMPPER JOHN. M.D. A band of rww>lutlonarlal hOld Trapper'1 a11-wlle hoatlloe In eaehenge for a -*" pollollnen being tr9eted at Ula hoapltal. (R) 8 8THE8UTOF CANON Hoi t: Johnny Carton au..11: Peter Strause, Devld Stelnoer1 (RI e lll MCNlWS MCIHTUNIE I YOU AlfCB> FOA rT THE JEFnMOH8 George'• problem• In the bedfoom ~ him In i · panlcttad -cti ror IOlu- ttona. I fOCUS ON 80CETY P98lATBmHT Ho9t. Dannie~ 1:.cu. ~ * ''Emmanualle Around The World" (1M 1) Laura Gem-. A -l·knowfl -joumallel '"°'' dol#n a wtllt9 llevery ring .,.. 11:11 ® MOYll • * * "Cutter'• Way" (ttl1) Joftrl .... d. Jell lrldga&. A maimed Vlei· narn wt and 1111 llaal Irland, • IOdal dropout, fOCUI thlir ..... on ~a murder ceae 'A' 1l:OO. INTERTJIW fOMGHT All lnteM9w wlltl Larty ~ ·~ tA8f WON) • *" ''WNfl EJgllC .. T~" (1971) Ant~ HclP- klM. Aotlerl ~ A ..... aeent 1a onllred 10 llfMt up • gold flljecillno ~. 1= •••• ...., Dunoee" ·-°*"°" "*'°"· ....,_ HantL A ~ ............ 100~ """°""" Oii • ~ mlHIOft 11111111 Ille r~UllACAN STYLE '"Love And The Triangle" A ventrlloqulst laku 1111 dunv'n)' alOng on hit hon- eymoon. "1.o¥e Altd The Fly" B•b• g oH to nit-to get her hue· band'• attention. (l)MOW: * * 'h .. Back Ro1d1'" (11181) Sally Field. Tommy l• Jones A hOOl!er and a down-on·hl1-luck bo)[er meat and head _. in -ct! of a MW Nte 'R' O MOVIE * * • ''The AmericaniD-llon Of Emily" (1964) J•ni•• Garner. Ju lie Andr-. Romenc:4t grows ~ 1 Brhitll -wkJ· °" and • non-Mtolc offl-e« aselgned IO Pfovlde hit eupanore with the lu11urlal ofhoma 12::111 (%) CIHEM48COM 12:30 8 8 I.ATE HIGHT Wffii DAVID l.ETT£MAAN Gueats: ., .. ,.., Altdra the GIMI. comedlanna Mar· gery Groee. ~loon voice Met 8lenc. l~UP CLOIE Gueat. l'tlyltll Dlllar • LOYE. AMENCAH STYlE "Love And Tile ~ kwpar" A lloppy hOuM- wlle develop• amMSI&. "LOW And The Jokar" 8111'1 11r•ollca1 lokH Uweatan hit rotl'IMICa. (Z)MOVIE • • .... "Sclrlaca" 111132) Paul Munl, George Rift A .,,,....,!me hoodkJnl riaea to the toe> of the~ dUr· ~ ~olllblllon. 12:40 B Cl) COlUMBO A ruthlul TV network execullva murders her boal wMtl he ~ her owr for an anticlOaled prornoclon (A) 12:16 ~ MOV1E •• "EmilY" (11178) t<oo Star1l. Vlc:lor SpinenL In lt20I Englend •• ,..,... glf1 cornea of age ltlrougll Ill affair """ .,, ArnerlcMI ldloolt..:Mf 1:00 I =AUTRY * * "The Deedly ~ .. (1171) Tony Francloaa. ,...., Uwtotd A pair ot hifad llllllrl ,... lo "" the fUty ot • IOf9at fire d!lt• them from pu('IUlng the young oouptl ""° -lhek lntendael vlcttma. i=:'AMP * • '.t "Chrl1Uan Tiie Lion" (11711 1111 Travera. Virginia Mete-. A lama "°" • lor"oed 10 ~ In lllewldeofAl'1ca a INT11'fANlllNT TOtDfT All ~ wlltl Ulrry HagrNll CD)MOW ** "Love & ~ .. (1llO) All)' ....... Onwt- ...... A loa~ '*"' ._,..., .. II IWMd ~6'11111 .... ....... lllCI ....... •OIW._., ........ me .... °' a ......, Git· "*' .......... ,.. 1:.ao e eN1CN9WI JOHN DARLING OVUMOHT 8 GE.NE AUTRY (8)MOVIE * • * '-\ "The Howling" (1981) Dae· Wallace. Patrick Mac:n.. A wom1n reporter It menecec:t by 1 11111er wl'lo ~• 10 ba a -ewoll.'R' I :Sii (I) MOVIE * * • "All Night Long" C 111811 Gene HICl\men, 81rl>f1 SlrelAnCI. Altar being demoted from COi'· oorat• uecutl\le to cnaln- etore night menag41r. a mlddle-egad man's llfa- ltyta and values are turned ~lk»-down. 'R' 2:00 9 (I) C88 HEWS HIGHTWATQt i:"'TEU. **"''"True Contesalonl"' (11181) Robert De Niro • Robert Duvall. The ueually MParate world• of two brother•. a Los Angelel poflce detective and an ambitious Roman Catholic priest, converge during a muroar ln"8111gatlon. 'R' 2: 111 CZ) MOYIE * * "Zabrrlkle Point" ( 11170) Miik FrecheHe, Detla Halprin. OW.Clad by Mlc:hel8ngelo Antonlonl A yaung couple tac. a world In which vlolanca -· Iha only poulble raponte • 2'..211 CC) MOVIE • * * "love Ma Or Leave Ma" (11155) Oorrs Dey, Jamee Cagney. A mobstar marries the •Inger he mada tamou1. b ut l>eQornea anrllged wtl«I he can't ccnttot her . 2:IOl(llNEW8 M>GMPHY MOVIE ••~ "Tattoo" (111811 en-O.n. M-.,d Adlme An 00-.cl ta1100 811181 kldnape • fa.hlon model and p,-OCMda to co... haf body with hie llllldlwo"'-. "R' 8:00 ~~H4Mf * *\+ "Sphinx" (11181) I Fr 11111 Lanoetl•. leale)'· Anne Down. A rulllleal black market anllqulta.. ring lllampla to 1109 .,, EgyptOlogllt from dltcoY· artng the WharMboutl ot a prloelall statue Iha _, permitted 10 view. 'PG' 3:05 (I) ~THON A comedian hOll and four comic contutanll who compete agaln1t one another are featured In this unctn90rad comedy galM lltOW S.'30 (!) FA.mi 20 S!M Cl) MOVIE * * ··ic. Cu ttaa" ( 111711) Lynn..Holly JohnlOll. Rol>· by BenlOll. A promlliflO young figure etiater and '* boyfriend find IUddefl -hlld 10 elope with wtltn ltl9 le choaln lo train lor a pr.olymplc c:ompetl· Oon 4:00 (!) TOP 0' THE ~ .M<>Vtl • • ·~ "Th• Survivor" (IMll Aol>er1 Powell, Jen. ~ Agutl«. A ptlol eut""'- a Clllattrophlc 747 creeh unacmcfled and ~ lor Iha man r...,oiialb6a 4:1l ~OIBIMCON 4:30 ~ IUlLWN<l.E *'.t ~lctc" (11178) M11- gau11 Hemlngwey. Anna Bancroft. A top faatlion model II ,..,...ad and .,_,...., by '* unauc- -"" lttempll lo ~ terlCl9 IN l'IW'I wflO raped ;~.'R' ** '"Juel A Gigolo" etM 1) Dll'tlld &owla, t<lln Novell. An artatocrauc ,.,......,.. IOldllr ,....,,. to a.rtn eftlr WortCI War I to earn 1111 Mng • I ,,... 9111111. .,.. (l)MOVll •\41 "V-" (1111) Oii· 1111 Peeoll. A 1ftrt'M! )OMI .,._, ...... ... ~'"--... .. rlllld IO ""' • CIMlrl ",.. ..... " tlOfdlllal. .... Tew•dat1'• D a 111 i •r Mo.,lr• 11:00 0:0 • • "The Incredible Sh1lnk1ng Woman .. (1980) Uty Tomlin, Charles Gro- din A housewife lln<I• II herd to cope When she suddenly begin• to lhrfnll In illzl 'PG' t.oo Ct • * * "Rich And Famout.. C 198 I) Candlce Bergan, JacquefJ(le 81-t Throughout thl'' 1191 and down• ol their raspectlve lllerary c1reers and romantic llvet, two women de9efld on their lrlendt!"'P for atabltlty "R' • (}) * * • .. Whittle Down The Wind'" ( I 1162) Hayley M~ll. 8em11d tea. An escaped murderar eurren- derl to police fnalead of destroying the faith ol lhe children who discovered him 8:30 CC) •• "Myetery Of The Million Dollar Hockey Puet<"" C 11175) Mlcnael Mac- Donald, A~ !(night. Two orph-try to outwn a Pair of d•emond l"'8vel whO have concJMlad their loot lnllde • hockey puck belongmg to the MontrHI Can Id lane ©)**'A "The Purauit Of 0 .8 Cooper .. (1981) Trut Wllkame, Robert Duvlll A th,.I Slcy)ICkt 1 plane and f)lfadlut81 10 safety over Otagon w;th 1 IOt'luna In stolen money PG 7:00 (!) • *. "Th11 Gun For Hire'" ( t 1142) Veronica lake, Attn Ladd. A hired llltler eeelcl revenge altet he II dou~osaad . 7:46 CZ) • * • 'h ··Scarf-" (11132) Peul Munl George Raft " llnelf.t.me hoo6- lum ,... 10 the top of the hMp eluting Proh<l>oUon I*> * * 't .. Harper Vllley PTA" (11178) 8trbara Eden, Ronny Cox A very 111>arated young mother with • grNt deal ol sex appeal 1nt11ntionalty rattles 1t1a oonaervatlve viewpoint or local IChool board member'• * ··~ "Foolin' Around" ( tHO) Gery BuMy. AONlle O'Toole A naMI country boy lrlea to win a t>eautltul, aophlsll·1 cated COiiege coed 1way from her enobbllh lllOCe and her equally uppity l~.'PG * • • 'The Runner StumOfal" I t11711) Ooc:k Van Dyke. t<at,._, Quinlan A CathOllC Pf ... I IS tried lor the mUtder Of a nun with WhOm he had bM<l IUS- pected of h•Yff111 an affair. 'PG' 9 * * * V. "Day For Hight" ( 11172) Jecquellne BlaMt, Valentina Cor1-. Oor«:'ed by Fraocio4a T ruf· llUI. The UV. and loYas 6f fllm parlonnerl .,. •tud- lad '" • moWa-wlthln-a- moYla. 'PG' a:so c_m ** "tc.CMtlea" C 111711) Lynn.HOiiy JOhn· '°"• Robby Benion. A promising 10U"Q rtgur11 •• ,.. and ,_ boytrtlnd find IUddel'I lllCClla hard I~ cope with wtlan .,.. It ~ to train tor 1 pre- Olymplc compet•llon l:OO c;, * *"' .. , .• Be VC>Uf"I" ( 11147) Deanna Durbin, Adolphe Manjou An unao- phlsllcated yaung Dir' rrom a amalt·town cornea 10 lhe big city Where Iha pr<>rnpl· ly gete herMlt Into trouble by llbblng to a -'lily admlfer t'.80. * * * "Tiii Deaatt FolC" ( 11151) J-MMOll, Jelalcl Tendy Flald M.,. ahal Rommel eintfget ... unique m111t1ry llgura dur· lno hit World War II Atrt. Clll camp,1ign (%) • * *" ··c.net Knowtedga" (1171) Jecll Hldlollon. Ann-Margret TWo ootle9' ,,.,. ~ _.. years ...,, Md .... f'acMlloll ~­me ... by..,.,.,. and 9wltolllng aeotl Oltlet'• gltl- trleftdl 'A' by Annstrong a Batluk ' I 1111111111 t MONDAY, NOV. 15, 1982 ClASllFllD C5 Edison draws a wild card Surlse·t .· Pitted against Del Rey; Newport faces Norwalk By ROGER CARLSON Of ttle D.., Hot ltaft Edison High h as drawn a nother wild card entry, Fountain Valley won a coin flip and will host an old playoff nemesis (Loyola), Huntington Beach draws the Del Rey League's No. 1 entry (St. Francis) and Newport Harbor has drawn Norwalk in the first round of the CIF football playoCfs. Each of those four ("Ontests, as well as the majority of the first rou~d. is scheduled for Friday night. It's the Del Rey League vs. the Sunset League in the Big Five Conference, as Sunset ~ague co-. champion Edison duels Crespi al Orange Coast College, the Barons host Loyola at Huntington Beach and the Oilers tangle with St. Francis at Glendale High. Angelus League runner-up Mater Dei has drawn Long Beach Poly (featuring the much sought-after Kirk Jones, a premier running back) and Coach Wayne Cochrun is trying for Santa Ana Bowl as a playing site on Thursday, ~ause J erry Witte's Saddleback Roadrunners have the Santa Ana Bowl tied up Friday night with their Cent.rat Conference duel with Artesia. El Toro and Mission Viejo are in the same situation with the Mission Viejo campus the site for both schools -and a coin flip to determine who gets the Friday game was set for today. It's much the same situation in the Central Conference in terms or league vs. league with the Suburban League's entries of Norwalk (against Newport), Bellflower (against El Toro) a nd Artesia (against Saddleback) pitted against one another. ORIO HUM,. JIMVWITTI Newport Harbor's Sailors, 6-4 overall and boasting solid size In the front lines, will meet Norwalk at Excelsior High in Norwalk. For the Sailors, it marks the fi rst time since 1978 that they will make an appearance in the eliminations. B4t for Huntington Beach, it's the first since 1966, and against a team which truly belies its 5-5 re<:ord. St. Francis lost narrow decisions to such highly regard ed teams as Pasadena, Long Beach Poly, Bishop Amat, Fontana and Crespi -fi ve straight -much in the style that Fountain Valley dropped five in a row. Since that skid, however, the burly Golden Knights have won four straight, including victories over Notre Dame, Alemany and Loyola the last three weeks. "Very honestly," says Hunti!1gton Beach High Coach Gn•g Hcn1 y. "thcrl• ore some things we fc.'<·I we can do. "St. Fnmns plays a dlHerent style or play, sort of a trud1uonal type or football. They hne up In a straight 50 and play It tough, and their defensive backs don't do a lot or disguisi,ng in their l.'OVCrages. "They're big, but we haven't played anyone smaller than us." The big question In the HB camp 1s thC> extent or runnihg back Danny Thompson's knee inJury. Prep f ootliall pairings Friday'• gam" Edison Coach Bill Workman noted that h111 team drew a wild card selection a year ago (Scrvite) and thC> Chargers' attack may be gelling u s hot in the a rm with the return of linebacker Tony J oha nn If all goes well today with the removal of pins from his thumb. Big Five Conference CreitP• vs. Edison at Orange Coast College Loyo~taln Valley at Huntington Beach · Huntingt on Beach vs. St. Francis at Glendale High Crespi averages 1Y9 pounds per player among its s tarting 22 posi tio ns a nd a m ong t h e heavyweights is two-way tackle John Kidder (6-6, LB Poly vs. Mater Del (tentatively Thursday at SA Bowl>- Centrel Conference 255) and e nd Lance Faria (6·5, 225). The cl~ic matchup, however, is the Fountain Vallcy-Loyo a skirmish. Newport Harbor vs. Norwalk at Excelsior High Steve rady's Loyola Cubs were 6-0 al the outset and 8-0-1 before losing to St. Francis, 13-3. in the last round of the Del Rey League's black-and. blue sessions. , Bellflower vs.,J:I Toro at Mission Viejo (Satj urday) Artesia vs. Saddleback at Santa Ana Bowl Southern Conference Loyola sent Fountain Valley pack ing in 1979 when the Cubs rolled to a 42-25 decision. and the 1977 playoff game was one of the more me morable in ClF history -a 21-20 double overtime verdict which e nded Willie Gittens' prep career, in addition Loara at Mission Viejo Hacienda Heights Wilson at Capistrano Valley Laguna Hills at Los Altos (•II gamea et 7:30) (See CIF, Paie Ct) . Cavaliers gain a little S1olace But Lakers win anyway By CURT SEEDEN Of tM Deity "°' Stefl INGLEWOOD -ln defense of the Cleveland Cavaliers, well , even Clarence Darrow wouJd be hard-pressed to talk in the ir behalf. The NBA's worst team a year ago, which is working ont that same tJtle again this season, the Cavalie rs came to the Forum Sunday night to face the World Champions. Wh il e the r esults we r e predict.able -the Lakers won , 111 -98 -it really wasn't that easy a victory. The Cavaliers now 1-7. did plenty of things right to keep themselves in the game. but there were lots of no nos. namely 22 turnovers that once again made Cleveland look more like· the Cadavers. For the records, the Cavaliers have now lost 25 or their last 26 games dating back to last season. Only a n overtime victory against Golden State the other night has left a blemish on their record. which. in the end. went to the Cavalit'rs. • In fact, Cleveland out-boarded the Lakers 49-33, thanks to some hard-working big guys in the middle like Cliff Robinson a nd reserve Phil Hubbard. • But in the end, it was the 30' points ,Crom La ke r forward Jamaal WUkes and a very Jow 11 turn overs which h elped Los. Angeles gain its ~venth victory against ju.st one defeat. Ironicall y, that one defeat was' administered by the only team the Cavaliers have beaten - Golden State. '"Th ey ce rtainl y mad e a concerted effort," conceded L aker forward Kurt Rambis. "They were all inside and they were really cutting down on our effectiveness on the break. The whole team was crashing the boards." Newport Harbor U>ach Mike Giddings (left), along with Mike Milner of Fountain Valley (center) and Edison's Bill Workman, await playoffs. What made this game so interesting was the statistical edge in both rebounding and shooting percentage departments "When we play a team like Seattle. the coach really doesn't , have to say too much ," noted Wilkes, who was also the most pro duc tive p layer against Cleveland last year. "But it"s games like this that make the difference between winning your division and almost winning your division." Owners won't budge New proppsal doesn't NEW YORK (AP) -A repo rt that the National Football League players union is drafting a ne w proposal isn 't e n o ugh to bring the Management Council back to the bargaining table, Jack Donlan. the owners' chief negotiator. said today. The New York !J'imes quoted a player at union headquarters, who asked not to be Identified, as saying the leadership was "preparing a package to give to the mediator." But Donlan told The Associated Press the Management Council would not return to the table just to receive another union demand. "We're not going to go back to the table just or! the news that they have a new proposal," he said. "lf they send a copy of a proposal over to us and it's someLhlng that's very close to what we have on the table, then it might be worth coming back. But just sayi~ they've got something new doesn't excite us at all.' The New York Dally Ne ws reported today that the six-man executive committee of the NFL Players Association voted Sunday to accept the general framework of the owners' offer. Approval 1of the 26 player repre9entaUves would be necessary ·for approval, however. David Sheridan, spokesman for the players Hloclatlon, said Sunday nlfht that ~B player· representatives had m et 'for a ;jO-minute Informational meetina. No volel were taken." ',l'he meeUna did not start until 10:30 p.m. EST. after bei"I pc»tponed 1eVeral tlmee. There were 11everaJ indicatlona Sunday that ~~ would noc. take pl-..e agaln without mowment on the players' aide. "1 don't think they will meet IOOI\, not unlet1 the ballplaycn mow f'!fther from the goeition tti•1've alread~n. aald Kay McMurray, ~ ot the Mediation and ConclllatJon SerYk.'e, after ltpU'ate taJka over the w~ With man1&emenl JMIOUator J.-dc, Donlan and union chief at Gaiwy. , MacMurray Mid he ei<pKted both mdet "ant 1mnc to have to let the pretSUrea buUd up'' before . \ stir management there is movement. Meanwhile, Donlan said Sunday he has told mediator Sam Kagel that he saw no reason to have another meeting with Garvey. Kagel recessed the latest round of bargaining Nov. 6 after little progress was made. At that lime, Donlan made what he called a "bottom-line offer," a package the owners valued at $1.313 billion over four years, starting in 1983, and $60 million in b:<>nus money in 1982. The union has ask ed for $1.l billion over three years, starting in 1982. · Donlan confe rred Sunday with Chuck Sullivan, owner of the New England Palrlota and chairman of the owners' executive committee. Sullivan, asked if he felt the best interest.a of the league were being .erved in DonJar\'s rejecUng Kagel'• proposal to restart• the talks, replied: "Ablolutely. The meetlnp we had In Cockevsvilh~ Md .. and New York were a waateol Ume. It created feelinp In the fans and players that IOfllt'thl111 was happening when, in fact, nothilll WM happening." Garvey pulled a reven1C of 10rll last wet-k by enlisting the aid of MacMurray. In hl11 quest to rMume the negotiations. OSU-Michigan to be aired NEW YORK (AP) -Next Saturday's Bia Ten college football game ~ween conft-re~ champion Michigan and Ohio State will be tflevised nationally by CBS-TV aJt~h the pme wtll hav. no bearing on the ROie Bowl Ior lhe lint lirM since 1971. The neiwork .nnouncec1 SuncMy that ,, wm a1r Cl tM annual a1 T.en ...... wn only --.. LSU Ole quarters turned down • l'9q\lelt to move ti. pme with h I Florida State tn •con...,... from ftilht to ct.y for Portlaed' Lalayene bver eriee out w I e natJonal TV. LIU. which tracl1Uonally ,a.,. li. belni 1 .. led by Phoenix'• Kyl~ Macy home patm M IUht. Md lndlcllld tMt tt would W WUUn• ID mow fOf' • MtlGMl TV pm., but i.w · Su11da1. Chaftled Ill mind, ..,....."' to a CBS ......... • L.;,..., ___ ~,_;;;;..----.;.;;..;,~------llim!"--..... • • Indeed , the Cavaliers we re probably taken lightly by both the Lakers and the 12,806 fans who showed up for ,Lhe contest. Yet d esp ite holding a 32-18 advantage after the first quart.er and a 57-46 lead at the half, the Lakers couldn't shake the pesky and, no doubt, hungry Cavaliers all night. Wh e n reserves Mark Landsl>erger, Mike McGee and .Clay lohnson don't make an appearance in the late at.ages of a Laker game, it's a pretty good bet L aker Coach Pat Riley isn 't savoring a victory. "I don't think any opponent is Inferior. They're all pros," Riley '8id arter the contest. "We're 7-1 and I'm JUSt glad to be get out of the blocks like this." The Lakers' first aeven victories have come over teams with a combined 13 wins this season. They have yet to be teated by a Philadelphlt1 or a Boaton or even Seattle, which, inddentelJy, ia now 10-0 and atill uop the Pacific Division standings. "I'm not worried about Seattle.• h's eotna to come down '° tM tMm which cracks first. Ever)'' pme la mpificant and we.want . to wtn a1 rrwny u we can now," added Rtley. : 'ft\f' Laken menaced to do Jwt that Sunday nl&ht •• y.'llk•s ' pymped In 14 of hll JO Jlll!'nta in ' i1M \bird ~. whifl. Kareetn ' A.bdul·Jabblr wu hitUna 11 of 1& lholl rrom th• floor on th~· nflht ID finllh with U P°'nta. .. It WI ;.t a IODci ._.. .tfatt ........, .... ......-w...~cne vWMry. ·•The,..~ ..... ., or \ak1IW a ...... Uke CliWlmid tao U1htf1 • ...,..._lly wheft.we'N IDi"I .... ra.d ,.. CS.. LA Cit COHt DAILY PILOTIMondly, November 11, 1112 •• ~...-.------------------..... ----..... ------------------------------.,....--------.......... ----~-----------Ad am 1, Luca1 1p1rk Phoenl>e Alvo A•1m1, fotl"1d 1nw \ht• rolto m of •ub.\huw by \he1 flu, l•anw ott 1ht• btnc:h Sundiay ni&M W M.'ON 22 poh\\I and \eam whh M11rie1 L11e11 and lead Phatnlx to 1 10:l·84 v~toa·y In Portland. L.uc.'11, playl"I 11&1Nt hl1 former k•m, Id~ 21 .polntt for thl! UNI . . !11t•wtu>r• tn thC' NBA, S..ttlf 1uard 011 WUll11111 nNted 20 Inti• to IHd undefea\e'1 Scottie to It• 10th Champion prays for fallen opponent From AP dispatches .. LAS VEGAS -Lightweight II fighter Duk K oo Kim clung tenaclou1ly to life Sunday de1phe having no slgp of any brain function. while a dlslraughl Ray "Boom Boom" Mancini attended an impromptu Maas to pray for the South Korean. atral"ht vk:tar)', 102-99 ovor Hou1 ton . Th1:1 Roc kota ft>malnt•d wlr\lt•1111 In eight pmct . . . Cedric Muwell aank <>ne of two ftt'e throw• to break • tie with 1 !> aeconda left, llflln& Botton to 1 100-98 Win over Milwaukee. Larry Bird c&inned 20 p<>lnll, as the Celllcs recovered from blowlfli a US-point lead they ADAM8 had held In the second quarter . . . J•llua Erving St.'Ored 2~ polnta and Moses Malone added 20 to carry Philadelphia past Waahlngton, 102-93, In a nallonally- televlsed game. "( pray for him and I ask the people of America and my family to pray for him," said , \ , I Mancini, the World Boxing Association champion who knocked out Kim In the 14th r ound· Saturday with a Quote' of the day · Jolan Jolaason, on learning that he had been released by the Seattle SuperSonics after 12 years In the NBA: "Am I eligible for unemployment?" '·· \• j' . vicious righl hand to the left side of lhe face. "I also pray for his family." Kim , kno c ked Bourque, Bruins blast Blues II.), \ unconscious b y Mancini's savage attack, was being kept alive by life support machines In Desert Springs Hospital, playing in ll>nly his fifth game since a ' Ddenst>man R ay Bourque, ~ head injury, sc:o1·ed two goals and assisted nn two others S unday ni~ht said neurologist Dr. Lonnie Hammargren. "There was no sign of any responsiveness," Hammargren said after examining Kim early Sunday. "What functions r emain. we don't know." Hammargren, who operated on Kim for nearly three hours Saturday night, said-the fighte r had a blood clot on the entire ri,ht side of his brain. He said the 23-year-old Kim took a turn for the worse during the night and indicated there was little h ope for survival. "You always try. you always hope," he said. •·But it would be very unusual if he turned around." Hammargren said ll was "most probably the last blow" that tore a blood vessel in Kim's skull. In lt!ading Boston to a 7-3 romp of the St. Louis Blues. The Bruins broke a 1-1 tie to go in front to stay on goals by Peter McNab and Brad Palmer JUSt 65 seconds apart in the second period . . . Elscwher<> in the National Hcx·key Le~guc. Wayne Gretzky had two goals and two DSSJSIS to pa~ his league-leading total of 45 points. as Edmonton snapped the New York Rangers' five-game hortae winning streak with a 7-2 triumph. Gre~ky has at least one point In every Oiler game this season . . . Pittsburgh's Dave Sbedden talllt'CI with 2:08 left to play to lift the Penguins into a 6-6 tic In Buffalo . . . Rookie Steve Larmer Sl·orc>d three goals, as Chicago nipped Minnesota. 5.4 . . . Morris Lukowlcb nelted two third-period goals as Winnipeg edged Vant'Ouvcr, 6-5. Volleyball teams draw home gallles Coro na dl•I Ma r . Laguna Bl'ach, Ma tl•r Dei and ·San Clemente all draw home as.'l1gnments for the quarll•rfinal women's volleyball 4-A C IF c:hampionship piayoffs Tuesday night (7 o'clock). Corona dcl Mar's No. 2 seeded Sea Kings race Bay Ll•ague c:h ampion Santa Monica while Laguna Beach's No. 4 rated Artists are hos ts to Sunset Lt-ague champion Westminste r Mater De1's Monarchs, winners of tht• Angelus League title. will host No. 2 seeded Newport Harbor while San Clemente's Tr1tons host No. I rated M ira Costa. In a s mall schools game, Nc•wport C hra!>t1an, the No 1 GWC needs win Tuesday The Golden West College water pol<> team finds itself in an unusual position as South Coast Conference action enters its final week. Coach Tom H e rms tad's Rustlers. who have won the state community college championship the past four seasons. need a victory Tuesday against visiting Cerritos (3;30 p.m.) to put a lid on the conference title. Golden West. 8-2 in conference play, Is narrowly holding its head above water with both Santa Ana (8-3) and Cerritos (7-3) b)oeathing down its neck. ratl•d team in that division. travels to Chadwi(:k in Palos Vt·rdN. ' Corona dcl Mar, under coaeh Harold Noriega. had trouble gNung started Saturda:v night against St. Joseph's but once the team started moving, it had little trouble in posting the victory. "They got the best of us in the sa·ond game but the girls started pushing themselves a little harder and came back ver y stron~." Noriega said. "When we got the ball to o ur hitters, we wcr<' virtually unstoppable and that's what happened in the final two games." Cd M will s tart S<'a View League MVP Pam Lawrence (5-9 1 •• S r.); Brooke Herrington (5-11. Soph.); Ilene Hess (5-7. Sr.); Kara NcGuinn (5-1 1, Jr.): Mar v Ann Mueller (5-11. Sr ): and' Cammie Dodc r (5 -9 1 i. Soph ). Laguna Beach's Artists, like CdM a perennial rontender for the Clf crown, has depth to its advantage. Mollie Merchant is the starting setter for Coach Bill Ashen's team with sophomore Brook Binley able to fill in without a letdown. * CIF Playott. 0.-1erftnel Pelrlno• 4-A DMMorl Mora Costa •I S•n C1aman1a; Newport Harbof al Mater Del: w .. tm1ns1., et Legune Beach Santa Monoc:a al Corona del Mar ,.. ot.Won Mtltfb«ougfl et ~; Sen GMH1a1 9t La Ouinla El OotlldO al Lot Amigos; t..aion at Sa11 Merino 2·A~ Lallawood at Olmdllooe. Colton •• Jordan: LB W"ton al CamllflUo, S•n GorgonlO at La Habra ( 1-.a DMlloft Inglewood at Rim ol l"8 World. 29 Palm• al c.labuas. I.A 8ap1111 et ChlnO erg Bew at S•nta P!MM ...... k'"*8 DMeleft LAKERS. • • From Page .C 1 the next few days. The Lakers play back-to-back games Tutsday and .Wednesday evenings In Phoenix and Dallas after playing six of their first eight games at home th&S young season. And Riley Is hoping Wilkes can c.'Ontinue to quietly go abvut his high scoring like he did Sunday evening. "Tonight I felt like I was in a groove -not at the start of the game but certainly in the third quarter," Wilkes continued. "A couple of easy· 1ayups r eally helpes.Your whole game " Still, it wasn't quite a~ easy a victory as many would expect. Robinson, the former USC standout, finished the night with 20 points, tying guard Ron Brewer for team scoring honors, and forward Scott Wedman ' added 18 in a losing cause - which 1s about the only way the qivaliers do· SC.'Ore. * LAKER DAleel.E -The C•valler1 led on -.i OGC:Ulon1 aerty In the game, bul Ille Lak8'1 w.it on lop 10< good by ecotlng 18 Of Iha llnal 20 point• In Iha llrll quuter Cleveland -gol qo., than .._ polnta eltet that TIMI last C..,,.,aod ~Of)' over Ille L•kafl wH a memor1ble o,,.. ft latlad lhtOUQll four Owrtlmaa and ~ up 154-153 In Clwllend ~ on Jen. 29, 1880 . "°" .,._ -8"1denlelly polled In Iha eye by J1Meel Wllll•• tn Iha waning _,, ol Ille ~ and Old not rall#n He "A win over Cerritos would put us in the driver's seat:•· admits H e rmstad. "It's an extremely important gam~ for us." ~port Chtllllen el Chmdwlck; Trone et Boton. Rio Hondo Prep at Linffald Chr11111n: ~ BrflfltWOOd at Fhntrldga Sacred Heatl • -lalet -beiWlg ..... *' Into lhe ~.,,. 11~ room I« 11u1man1 II I• not known II Ille lnfUrY II Mtlout . Both roed ~ lhll Wffk -TuHd•Y nlgh1·1 contHI In PhOIMI Ind WadnHdly night'• glm• In 0 ..... -wlll be ,......._, by l(HJ, Chennel t , beg.Inning 11 S.30 bOth evenings. I Mazatlan race co:mpleted By ALMON LOCKABEV Delly ..... hednf W"'8r When the yacht Intrepid crossed the finish line off Mazatlan Harbor at 9: 19 a .m . Sunday it marked the windup of the 12th Los Angeles to Mazatlan race apo n aored by Los Angeles Yacht Club. There were 21 starters In the race and Intrepid WH the 20th boat to crom the finish light at Creston L~t. The other boat, t.Uanight Sun, abandoned the race al Cabo San Lucaa becauae 1he was atalled in llJht airs and ..veral of her crew had t b return home. Led b_y Rlchaa·d Catlin'• Samurai, the apeedy, lllht d•aplacement Santa Cruz-~ dominated the Pierpoint Bey YC~ 2. Mimi s fl d ,..,, __ A th (IC-40) WllliMI Wlllon, LAYC1 3. eel an '-'-ln e Mlrem., (7t 11 katch) John final corrected tlme 8or1pp1. Sen Diego vc, 4 standings. No1orlou1 (Olton-40) Aendy ~. Wlndl-• YC, 6. 8u•atra, tlapwortll-60) Al Following Samurai In Martin. LAYC. the overall standi'TCWU C l A/S 8 C -1 · I r I 1 • Kl k E kl 1 or.o (~I Didi Melne, LAYC; 2. r e rs ne I . .., HNI wa .. IDHldeon·••I Dick Earl of Mar out of ~'°"· LOftl .. acfl YC: 3 Monteref Penln1ula W110flNW11p.1.....,....2ton1 Y h C b S . Do11e111 Wlllon. HOftll IMldl YC. ac t u • avan1 •.Anee1c1111u • .,..,...,..., enough time to edge tnto 111~0• VC; • 111u11a111e third place WM the a.. CN•l1011 ·1Urelt-41) Tom Amllnlll. Celfofnle YC C y a c h t• B r l 1 a • a CLAll 0 -t lll•nttoofl Choate-48 lkipper.cl by =·•• cetolll ,.., Oltftey, Dick Melne of Lo• 1· "••41. C" •·HI Fr8e Phone Cal Home Now thrv Dec. 23 M ":I and Huntington Center will give owoy over 15,000 3-min. long di5tonce phone calh for the holiday•. Just viait the MCI holiday booth in the cent• of tht mol. ~ .... YC Angeles Yacht Club. .----------.--'-----------! Clu8 handicap re.ulta: CLASS A -,I. IMlural llC•IOt Alefllfd Cetlln, ....... YC; 2. EMI of Mllr (SC-IOI~ ....... Monterey P111l11etil• YC , I Oeoc1, (SC·IOI Ll"Y lllft~!'..1 811111 Cruz YC; • ~ Tr-~'t:O~ ,::,,LA::,·~· ,,end& YC. CLA8t I -t .-1ve1111 (Oleon-40) W•yn• WIH•n•lf1. • 11t ,_, Write Oft ll.lllt·--• MlnlmUm tnwetntef'ft · HllMIS MIANO INC. •••OttM TU coeii'UANTs (714) 711·MIO Pryor'• uM of etlmulant1 denied MIAM 1 Aaron Pryor'• • vhy1klan dt•nlt-d allt•11atlona Sunday \tu1t the World &xrna ANQCiatlon junior wt:lttorwullJhl champion ullC!d 1tlmul11nt1 In r..-wanlng hi• title deten9" aplnat Altt>d• Ara~llo. At a n1w1 l'Onfc.>r•~ In which Ar1uello'1 a1ent amnoU!ll't-d that • rormal protNt h.ad bc.oen flled, Dr. Ronald Cheek.I of Cincinnati called th char~tt "rldlculoua." ·1 caan gu1r•ntce ... the re were no 1timulant1 •.. ullt'd In Mr. Pryor'• water or lnhah1tlon or any other form," said Ctwekl. Arauello, aporl!na 1titcht'd cuta around hl1 ltft eye, said he wouldn't quc .. uon Pryor. But Bill Miiier, Arguello'• agent, said the protest was filed with the WBA on behalf of hia fighter, but without Arguello'• content. It aaka that the tight, stopped In the 14th round, be declared "no <.'Onletlt" and a rematch ordered. "The basis for the prolelt la that obvious mlaconduct took place either before the contett in the dreuins room and-or in the corner where champion Aaron Pryor wu admlnlsteN!d obviou1 foreign substancea against the rules." Waters fired at Michigan Stalte Michigan St.ate football coach • Mlldd Waters was fired Sunday, the schoof announced. Michigan State beat Minnesota Saturday, 26·7, but the victory only Improved the Spartans' reoord to 2-8 thls season . . . Out.standlns defensive play and the passing of quarterbat'k Dieter Brock propelled Winnipeg to a 24-3 Western Division semifinal victory over Calgary in the Canadfan Football League playoffs Sunday. In another game, Kevin Starkey's five-yard TD run early In the fourth quarter keyed a 30-20 Ottawa upset of Hamilton in the F.astem Divis.ion . . . Scott Hocb, winner of this year's New Orleans Open. won the Pacific Masters Golf Tournament in Gotemba, Japan, earning $65,000 and a Japanese car . . . Wayne Hardin, Temple University's head football coach, said he is resigning at the end of the year . . . Anldaa SaboDJ1, a 7-2 teen-ager. scored 25 poinlS asl the Soviet Union beat Indiana University, 87-71, In an exhibition basketball game· Sunday in Bloomington, lndjana. relevlslon, radio TV: No evenlS scheduled. RADIO: No eve~ts scheduled. Servite stays atop rankings Servile High'• Friars, on the the basil o( seven 1tnight victories and the Angelu1 League championship capped by last week's 42-7 thrashing of Mater Dei, remains No. 1 in Orange County high sctiool football circles in the final rankings with CIF playoff action next. . The list of Top Hi •'?ams was shuffled a t:>it because of Mater Del's resounding loss and the ~-7 loss of Saddleback High's once unbeaten team to El Toro in the Sea View Leaaue finale. Mater Dei ~!1d Saddleback remained in the top 10, with F.dison nudging back into the list, tied for 10th. . Dally Pl .. t Top 18 Orange County .. Ip adtool football (flut) Pot. TP:im , record 1. ~r11te (7-1) 2. (lie) Foothill (9-0-1) El Modena (9-0-1) 4. E&peranza (9-1) 5. Fullerton (10-0) 6. Mission Viejo (8-1-1) 7. Capiatrano Valley (7-2-1) 8. Saddleback (9-1) 9. Huntington Beach (7-3) 10. (lie) Mater Del (6-3-1) EdiBon (6-3-1) Playoff foe San Gorgonio Paramount Downey Rowland Bolsa Grande Loera HH Wilson Artesia St. Francis LB Poly Crespi CIF tennis opens Thursday CIF women's tennis playoffs begin Thursday with Sunset, Sea View and South Coast League teams all involved in the 4-A competition. Thursday's matches Include Westminster at Laguna Beac h : CoMna del M a r at Edison; University at Marina; El Modena at Estancia; Capistrano Valley at Rolling Hiils: a nd Dana Hills at Miral<'Ste. CIF PLAYOFFS . • • 'From Page C1 to tlnl1hln1 • l0-1am• winnlna acr ak for tht- 8aron1. Loyola hM th• beef, too, with 6~6, 26t>-90und tackle Craia Kamlnakl 1pt"arhvadin1e an offenaivt> line whlch av raat'l 221 poundl from tack.kl to tlaht «>nd. Thl' dPfenk' av('ragea 201 pounda. and that Includes the tK.'<.'Ondary. ao I\'• very larae oblUM:le In tho Baron•' way. ''Loyola la just a very big, physical, quick and 1kll1ed team," eay• Founi.ln Valley Coach Mike Milner. ·"They have a lot of blocking 1eheme9 and the d eCcnsc ls similar to Marina In some ways." Seniors dominate the Norwalk offense, but In contra.at to Newport'• junior-oriented and 1lwable front, Norwalk's Lancers get lt done without a 200-pounder in the lineup. · Norwalk's offense has produced an average of 12 pointa a game aside from its 1-0 forfeit win over Glenn High. In the d<:fenalve trench there are two Junior¥ and a 155-pound aophmore counted on -and that defense has aUowed 15 points a game aside Crom the forfeit over Glenn. "ll'• the only league we didn't seout," said Newport Harbor Coach Mike Giddings, "so we don't know much about them." Bob Bobkiewicz, a 6-1, 182-pound senior quarterback, has completed 100 of 238 passes for 1, 193 yards and 7 touchdowns tor Norwalk. Bellflower spreads the defenses out with its double slot offense and quarterback Mike Wilson can hurt the opposition with his passing and running. Artesia also is considered a small, but· quick outfit. employing split backs. . South Coast League co.-champs Mission Viejo and Capistrano Valley draw Loara and Hacienda HeighlS Wilson. respectively, in home assignments. Loara's Jon Derakhshanian, a tail~k-safety, is considered the Saxons' chief threat. * CiF f6otball pairings •to FIVE CONFEMNCI S•n Gorgonto l•·SI at Servtte (7·11 Loyola (8·1·11 v1 Fouftt•ln V.-.Y (4 ... ) al Hunllnglon Beactl Bishop Amal (8·21 •I lekewood (7-21 Alameny (8· 1-11 al Fontana (S·4· II "IHltlfttllon leech (7·3) vs St. F1•nc11 (S·S) II Glertdale High LB Poly (6·1·21 •I Matar Oel (8-3·1) CrltlPl(8·2)vt. EdllOft (f.S-1) •I occ Mllllllen (8-3) et Collon (l-11 CaNT~ALCOMFIRINCI 8o1ta Grande (S·SI II Fulleflon 110-01 Newport ""a.or (1·4) va NO<Wlllc (6·S) al Exc:etllor HoOI\ Rancho AtamllOI (9·11 at &rea-Olindl (S-4-11 ArtHI• (4-6) VI Saddlebaclt (6-11 II SA Bowl La Mlr.Oa (4-8) et La Habfa (•·6) Valet1c11 (4-S) et Loi Amigos (7-2) Sunny Hiiis (5·41 al WHtern (7-31 Bellflower (7-31 al El T0<0 (9·2) •OUTHERN CONFIRINCI l~una Htll• (•·81 al LOI Altos (10-01 Santa Ana (7-3) el Kannady (5-4-IJ Loera (8·41 a1 Minton Viejo (8·1·1) El Modena (9·0· 11 at Downey (8-31 . Rowt9tld (4-6) 11 &perania (9· 11 V11te Perk (C5:3·11 al Lynwood (8·1·0 HH Wiiton 18·21 at Capo Valley (7·2· I) P•r1mount (8·31 81 Foothlll (Q-0-1) COASTAL CONRMNCI 811hop Montgomery (C5·2-11 et HIWlhOrna (4·51 Ou1r1z ii•ll (4-81 11 Monrovia (8·1·21 IOUTttEAITPM COHFEM!NCE Ceniret 13-71 al Baldwin Park (10-0) G1nesn• (7-31 " Appia V1lley (6·41 AzUH (7-3) al lndlo 16·41 Roaemead (8-21 al Chino (6-4) Arroyo (6·31 11 Vietor Velley (8·21 Roy1I Oak (8·•1 at Geray (8·3· \!. Gledstona (6-AI at Calaalco (8-~ C•ton (S-51 •I Ou1111e (8-1-11 EASTERN CONFl!RINCE Glendora (7·31 at South Hiiis (8·11 NO<CO (S·21 •• Arllnglon (6·3·11 Claremont (7·2·11 •• Moreno Valley (5·51 Ramona (7-31 at El Rancno (7-2-11 P•tm Spttngl 18·21 at R1ver .. oe POiy (8·21 N0<th'llew (!>-4-11 at Montebello (9·11 Bell Oardflfls (7 ·31 II Rubidoux 17-2-11 Nog•lel 17-31 at Dlll'llen (8-21 INLAND CONFERENCE Lutheren LaV•rne (5·•1 •I 8'81hren (9-11 AqulllH (7·2· 1) 81 Merthlll (8-1-1) Valley Chrl•ll•n (8·•1 at Rosarnono IS-4) 0....1 (8·1lat Yucc. Vallay(7-3) Mojlve tS-51 •• OntwiO Clv•lian (9·1) NHdltl (7-31 el San Jecon10 (7·31 Whilll•r Christian (8·•) at Se<rllllO (8-21 Mont c:ta lr Prep (CS·3·1) et T anachapi (t-11 San M1rco1 (S·S) •I w... I .. l ... D ... 0 v "TIA IN TOr'ranca (10-01 C~MNCE MUlf C7.J) a1 Herl (7-3) EJ ~ (5-Sl et Al~ Aollt"!I HlllS (S-51 et Olcnwd (9· 1) ( !0-0) U~~~" Gabrlel l&-41 81 W"llalc.e Agoura (8·•1 11 BtlhoS> Otego Sanle MOt!ice 1•11 •t Thout1rtd-(6t~rp1nterte (5·5) •• Redondo Oaka (5-51 • (5-4I 17~~ud1a (6-31 at Sent• 8erbata Clwll'll~ '6-3l at .,_r11 18_11 So Torrenee (1·21 •I Schurr Senta P8Ula 17-31 •t Oek Pertl: (S.2} (1-11 ~bur;Perk (S.Sl•IPasadana Santa Ynez (3·S·ll .. SI ( 10-01 ~= .. ~-~~) et Notre Dame, !tO'tTH'MlSft ... C .. MJICll BaYaf'ly HIUI (5·5) at V4"bum Del (9-0J Antelope Velley (5-SI el Alghetll (7-31 Santa Mana (8-21 at Cul..., City 18-21 SI Bema<d (•-4-1) al Blair (8·21 C911twell (5-•) II LOmpOe (7·2·1) Temple Cl1y (6·31 at Cenyon. Saugu. (7 ·31 • Riv (8·2·2) St Jouph, Santa Monie• (S-A· 11 a1 Rio Mele ~·21 l!IOKT •AH UC:OND "°'*D RIO Hondo Prep •I MHAda 8IOOl'lllng1on at El PHO de Rot>ln Cep11tr1no Valley Ch11tll•n at Templeton FIMlh Bapllsl el Flintridge Prep College looiball TMIRIOAY'a GAME Mi•ml. o. •• Clftclnnatl, ri IATUM)Ar9GAllH ...... USC w, UCl.A et Aoae Bowl (1;30) Slenl«d el Celllomle ArtlOtll •t Of9gOfl 8owllng OrHn "''-Long 8Hch St. et Anaflalm Stadlulll (7,301 Fraano 81 et Nevlde-lu Veglll, n eel Sl•I• Fullerton •• Pecfflc. n Coiofedo St. et Sen Diego SI.. n Ulall St. et Sen Jome S1., n Monlene et Oregon 81. WMhfnoton et Wllhlnglon 81 Cel Poly (SLOl •t eel Poly (Pomone). n Portland St al eel 8tele Nor1Mdge, n ........ Notre Dama et Alf Force 8olM St. al ldlflo St .. n H8W8M •• ,....., Medco IYU et Utah Weber 81. •I Nor1hetn Alllone ......... T-•~ iow. St. .. OltllllOIN 81 NII.,_ et SMV. n lCUetT-MM ~et T-El Peeo. n Houeton .. Tu• Tedi Ta-Arington at L-. n Tutu .. Nortll T-It. ....... ... Ill ...... 81. Mldllgell Ill Otllo •• llldlllll .. llUrdue .......,.. 111 Wlet:oNln Coloredo .. KanMI 81 K-II Mleeouri (. Centrer MtcNgan et Northern ~ 1111noit S1. al 8all SI Weltern Mll:NGen •I Eea11tn Mlc:nlgen l<an1 St el Ohio U. w .. 1 Texu SI. •I Soutwn llllnoll a.th South C...oline II Clamton North C...olna .. Ouk• Flotlda St et LSU, n LoullVlle el Memphll St. Hotth C.Ollna St el Mlllml, Ae. Ml~ ¥1. Mtale1lppl el J.ckton LOUlelane T eefl et Soulllem M!MIMlppl, n Kanluelty et T-- Florlde et Tlllene, n T e11t111111 Chettenoooa el Vandefblll Merytancl 11 Virginia Vlfglnle Tedi vs VMI 81 Horlolll W .. tetn Cero4lne II Appalachlen SI 11 Tanneeeee St .. ft Moteflead s1 et e....,,, Kantuclly The Clllldal et Furman aw Loulalene et Mc: ...... s1 .. n SIE LoW!Me 11 Nic:flo4ll St , n NW Loutalane et NI! Loulllana., n MlddleTannaMMSt lllenn...aeT~h .... Aute-• .. Pitt S1f-et Wwl Vlfglnle Holy Croee at loaton College Coig9l9 at loMon u. Oetewtte .. 8uol!Mll "°"" Ill Collllnble .._ .. Cornell Y•etMenerd lllhlgll .. Lal .... ~ "*"'8tlotlal el M89111Cf111Mlll DerlmOllltl .. ~ IMt CarGllnl at T~ JOHNSON I &SON pr-.nta ... COl.LIGI ............ BYU OV9f Utah •· USC .,,... UCLA * s ...... COLLEGE How top 20 fared Htue 1 how uu• teams 1n The Anoc11t~c.1 Press l op 1 ... en1y college too1ball poll lated lh•• w..ek I Georg1il 110 0 0) buol Au1>urrf l\J ,. 2 & ' Ml'lho<MI 110 0 0) beat , .... ~ leC:h 34 '7 3 A111ona s ... , .. 1'1 I °' IO•I 10 Wi15M>glon 17· 13 • Neoru~a t9 1 (h oe .. 1 Iowa Stale 46 10 5 Penn S1aw 111 1 01 oeat Notre Dame. 2• 14 6 lSIJ 17 I 11 IOSI 10 M1SS11S1pp1 s1 .. 1e u 24 7 Wash•nglOf' 19 I 01 DUI Amooa Sllll' 17 IJ 9 Piii 111· 1-0) llt'AI Arm~ 24·11 9 flo11da S1111• 18 1-01 oeot Lou1sv11Jie 49 .. 14 tO Arka11~os 19· I 01 Mal Te•as A&M 3~ 0 11 <..temson t' 1 11 Ilea! Marylano 2• u 12 Ul.LA (S 1 II llft"I Stanlo1d 38 JS 13 Not•" Dam• 16 2 11 toil to Pe1111 Stat" 24 14 14 M1ch1gan 18 2 01 oeat Purque 52-21 15 00.lahoma (8 2 01 1>t1a1 M1uour1 41· 14 16 Southern Cal1l0<""' 7·2·01 t>eat Anzona 48 41 17 Ala Dama 17 3 01 to.i 10 So M1ss1sa1pp1 38·29 18 Marylano (7 3 Ol lo'1 10 Clemson :l• 22 19 WeSI Vtrg•n•d ,a.2 Ot oea1 Rutgers 44-17 20 '""H Hi. 01 04!at Ta.as Chr1s11•n 18-21 SATURDAY S LAT£ SCORES .1 ~ ' • • t 5 ' 1 • ~ I • • • -1.. ,. I,_, 1' It • r o. to s t th ~,.: l,f I J~1 '· COLLEGE STANDINGS Paclllc·\O WNIWllQIOO use Ar•1on1 St UCLA Arizona S1anl0t<l Calltorn.a W•Sll•OQlon SI 0•1'<,j<>n SI V•eQ<>< . COlll. W LT 8 I 0 s ' 0 5 I 0 4 I I 3 2 I J 4 0 3 4 0 I 4 I 0 6 I 0 6 0 a.a-w LT 9 I 0 7 2 0 9 I 0 8 I I 5 3 I 5 5 0 6 4 0 2 7 I 0 8 1 0 II I PCAA f•t'Sn< SI l "'II Bch SI Uldh SI San JOI<' St Pacific u UNlV CS ful••rion Conl. W LT s 0 0 4 I 0 2 I 0 3 2 0 I 4 0 0 4 0 0 • 0 S.•-w LT ,9 I 0 4 5 0 s 4 0 1 3 0 I II 0 2 1 0 3 7 0 WHlern Athletic Conference Con I s.a- BYU New M~:uco A1t Forttt u1a11 San ~OSI HA#lt Colo<aOO SI Wyomtf•Q UTEP W LT WLT 6 1 0 7 3 0 S I 0 9 I 0 4 2 0 6 4 0 3 3 0 s 5 0 3 3 0 s s 0 3 3 0 5 3 0 l •O 4 60 2 s 0 5 6 0 060 100 Big Sky Conl Sea-W LT W LT •aahO S I 0 8 2 0 Montan~ s 2 0 6 4 0 Montana St s 2 0 6 5 0 BoiSfl St 3 3 0 7 3 0 weoer S1 2 4 0 4 6 0 Nortt'\ern Artz~a 2 4 0 3 7 0 N•v Reno 2 4 0 5 s 0 ldallo S1 I 5 0 3 7 0 Allantlc CoHI Conference Clf'mton Ma•ytand N0tth Catohna Norin Ca..-01tna St Ou•• V1tQH'•• Wak• Fe><tll Georg•e Tech COlll. a.a.on WLT WLT 5 0 0 7 1 I 41 0 730 3 2 0 6 3 0 3JO 6 4 0 2J.) sso 1 4 0 270 0 s 0 3 7 0 0 0 0 6 • 0 Big Eight Conference COllf. S.a- N<!Otas-a Ok lat-om• 0 11\ehOma 51 Kansai S1 Mt-'SOUfl COIO<&OO Iowa St t<.an~a'\ I W LT WLT 600 910 6 0 0 8 2 0 2 2 2 3 • 2 l 3 I S • I 3 2 • 4 2 I 2 7 I I 4 5 I 1 4 1 2 11 2 Orange Cout OAll.Y PILOT/Monday, Novembtr 1&, 1982 Big Ten Conferenc e Con1.\ l eaaon M1eh•o•n O"'° SI l()wa llhnoos Wt5GOOa+t\ Pm du• lnd•uno Mich•gan SI NOffh.-.l\llf!fU Mmneso•• WLT W LT 8 0 0 8 2 0 810 130 520 6 •0 1130 740 4 4 0 b 5 0 J 6 0 3 I 0 3 s 0 4 6 0 260 280 270 3 110 1 70 370 Penn Harva1d Oaramouen Yale Punc.eton Ce>< nett 8town Cotumb1u Ivy League Coftl. WLT S I g • 2 .... °" W L T 7 2 0 6 3 0 4 5 0 4 5 0 3 6 0 3 6 0 4 5 0 I 8 0 4 2 0 3 3 0 3 3 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 I S 0 Mid-Amer ica n Conference CO<\I .... _ Qo...1tng """'" Cefllr al Michigan We.s1ern Mtcn+gan M1am1 0 Tole<IO Northefn HhnOt& on.a v Ball SI E3stern Mt<ll gan f<~nt SI WLT WLT 720 720 5 2 I 6 3 I 5 2 1 7 2 I 5 3 o. 7 3 0 5 4 0 6 s 0 4 4 0 4 5 0 44 0 550 4 4 0 4 6 0 I 7 0 1 9 0 0 8 0 0 10 0 SouthwH I Co n fere n c e SMV lvkanu• le•8S Ba~lo• TtlAdl l och Houston Te•JS A&M rev R.ce Conl. SH -W LT W L T 7 0 0 10 0 0 S I 0 8 1 0 4 10 620 3 3 I 4 5 t 3 4 0 4 6 0 2 3 I 3 5 I 2 4 0 4 5 0 250 370 0 7 0 0 10 0 Ml11ou rl Valley Confe rence lulsa WIC/111J SI Sovtt\.,o Jll•flOI' 1nd.ana St °'"'" W..st 'Oh S• New Me••CO S1 111mo1a St Cont. Be••on W LT W LT 600 910 410 030 3 10 550 320 560 2 4 0 4 7 0 IJO 370 140 380 050 280 SoulheHtern Conferenc• COlll Be•-W LT WLT c.eooo•• 6 o o 10 o o LSU 4 I I 7 1 I T eMOS!IM 2 I l S 3 I Alabama 3 2 0 7 3 0 Aubutn 3 2 0 7 3 0 Vandetb•ll 3 2 0 6 3 0 F•onoa 3 3 O 6 3 O MISS•"IPP' St I • 0 4 6 0 M•UIKIPP' 0 5 0 • 6 0 Ken1ucky O S O O 9 2 Southern Conference Fut man Tn-O.a11an~ w Ca•Ol·n• Appatacn••n C11aoet VMI MatSll;ill E TenneuN St CO<\f • ..._,. WLT W L T 5 10 8 20 510 730 320 550 330 415 0 330 550 730 550 150 370 I 5 0 1 9 0 Southland Confere n ce lO\Jd.t•na 1 OC.h NE Lou111ena McNeesa St Atl\anSH SI Lamat T e.11 A$·A!'hngl0t'1 Hc'f1h-Te.a~ S1 Con I ... _ WLT WLT 500 8 ?0 4 I 0 1" 3 0 230 46 0 230 550 I 3 0 .. 6 0 0 4 0 280 000 ~80 Y•nkff Confe rence Ma~ Boston U Massachu~lls Con,,..c;11eu1 A1100e 1s1ano Ne;. Hamosiwe Conl. SeHon WLT WLT 320 7 4 0 37Ci 5 4 0 320 •6 0 320 550 230 640 140 46 0 Ohio Valley Conference Conl SH - l(""IUC~) Youngs1own St Akron MIOdll' Tenn"SSM Murrfty St "'°'-ad SI Auston Peat Tennessee Teen W LT WLT 500 80 0 4 20 550 •20 550 •330 730 230 450 240 5SO 2 4 0 3 6 0 15 0 370 MaJor In depen dent• lennt''SIH Penn SI FIO<lda St P11tsbu•gh WHI V~(l't'•• HOit C•Oll eo11on Coo11199 Notre Oem• $ MtSltlSIPPt SW LOU'Sll na Cotoate E C.,otone NW LOU•atan• c:.nc•nn•lt Moam< Fla Vorg1noa I eel! Navy Putve•• w 1<en1ue•y Temple South c .. °"na lOU'SYtl'e Army Tulane Wrr 8 MiltY S)'l'KUH Memon•• SI R""'"°"° W L T 8 0 I II 1 0 II I 0 11 1 o 8 2 0 11 2 o 7 2 I ' 8 2 1 7 3 0 1 3 0 6 3 0 6 4 0 6 4 0 5 4 0 5 4 0 5 4 0 s $ 0 5 5 0 4 !I 0 4 6 0 4 11 o 4 6 0 4 6 0 3 6 0 2 • 0 2 • 0 0 9 0 0 9 0 SCOREBOARD C FL Playoffs IUNOAY·a I COflH ... lelft Seft'llllMI Onawa 30 H..,,111on 20 w .. 1.,n ...... MIMI WonftlllOIQ 24 Calo-<y 3 IUNOAY't O.,_I helefft 'lnel 0 111w• 11 IQronto W•elerft Fln•I Winnipeg 11 Edmonton IUNOAY, NOY. 2t Gier c-. C"-ploftelllp Grey Cup a1 T cwon10 C ano '• C up Rega1t1 ':~~~c~1~~~~~~, Pehte F"'AI I O.a~ Coas1 C' tlL l ~ t ( A ' I ~ I~ h\• t I ~I 1' t..1 ,111t1 I 1ti,1 f t I! 1111tl• Lt , d U • \H l A. A tJ1 1lhlt.• <.l t 1 t Uf,UH1• l.. I I A VARSITY DIVISION • ' l• O• 11t1,1 t 1 LI t• St ( t l HI lh t I •I I l..11•'''' I 1n, Ul 1\ l)t,,1 11 < n t •I ~ ~ ll A l1l ''·'" I MIHlon S erl•• (•I Capl111ane 8•t YC) R11<:e No. 2 PHRF A I Blue M8• Bruce AtHh+f ~( n l( -''" 1f1tr10 ti•I)' l\..t L SIHIQt°'I M1to.t1 YJ.11'1\•fl lC.Upi ,tflJflO Bil) YL 1 J (.; 111rt11111.1 < .. oltl f t••lJ 0 <.;onnP1 1Ut110 -..·., .. I•<~ Pt-•'-l• ft l Alotu II (.,.f'fitl Re<.•d •S"'-'"' SIKJ'• •<-• 2 M•tl•fHQU1.' 0.lvt" t Of,•t•t tL 1, I• ii• fiJr T(. I J 80fd f Utl;t:_ £ tJ t...uit m0w 10.;nJ PooU VC.t MORC I Ot>ta1ls. Alan Andrews- t.11vt..i-\., • .,. •l .1111• 1 '(.I 1 Wll•,.,_fCtJ,S A (1 ,. ·*'''"'' H tpl .\t .... ,.,, h •y Vt.• J M ,, 11' ,~, ft1 Wt fti'Jllu•I ~ ,,., IJuv.l.ttt 1l ,n,001 ,, R~• No. l f i. ft r• A H Pt· I U• Sc..t•O 1 ,,. ,i.._ 1f ... t.u .,, C:• 1<.t' YCl 1 l 1Mt1r1 .1 UohJ f1<'d 0 Counu• tO.,.no W1•· I Vl.1 I lllut MU• Brue. Anderwu i(,.j,I -.ff JOO ts.1..,, Y(;) !'HIH H I AI0'1,) II l. t•nn R...,d I f)t.;th >•• ., .. Y(.. 1 MJ'f+t••QUU 0-e.;~ ( n •1><·• \;JI I,,,, 0 a~1 •C l Bold fOfbt"~ ftJ <.:un•mO•f0d••o Pun1 YCt M0Rt. I Oi!ta •~ A1.-n An<lrt-"• t.l•u'~ t.u ·lw 1fl10IDOO YC.1 2 H1Qlt S1tung Bob Strong 1c11pis11ano Bay YCI 3 New WDV8, Boo Mwlv~le (Dan• Pa<ni YCI R11<:e No 4 PuR• A. 1 S•11 'lt.-"' M .. -.: ~1.l•nen tCai••'' "'l U •r ¥t.1 L F4•D Pe1~1 SchO< ''"' ·~~· IC.in• llO Bht(h YCI 3 Blue M•• l;1u'e AOOl'<W<• 1C.eP.tt•ano Bear.h v<..1 PHRF El I AloM II Glenn ROO<I tS....lh 5h6'tl YCI 2 M.lrhtlrque Oa"e Cooper 1C.o•w•no Bay YC1 3 Bold I O<Of> ld (..umm•"• tOa"• Pu0n1 YC1 ~O<lC I Ot1 111'.! A•"' Andt<''"'• Chut~ C.v<>•• 16AIU(l.l •C.I 1 Ma•alll(>n RoqP• AolldOrl Lynn Bow 1•• tBalboa YC.) J >t1QI S 1rn11g Bob Strang tC ... tll'.\tf,Hlti Bo, vc, B arney Lehman Tro Dhy OVERALL FINISHER' 1 " eu ~.ngh.tm ,.... .. , ... 0 811en "~"'pot 1 Hof' t>"' YC • ? PNfl'1 W1lsort 1N .... pon H ttbo< YCt 3 t.narlP• Bl'r~ (Newo0<1 Ha1001 YC) Maleh Racing Champlo n1hlp (al Newport H.,_ YC) LS....u.lt.~~J.Utt..or xc1 Ott•'" K•n !it cJ~• tNt:~IJOfl H.uC>f'>• YCJ tnO J""' Nvtrrt•Jf' tBah• t Cor1nOl•llin •C.1 Lowell North Tro phy (For Cl• .. ·A Sabol S.lkHe) I Jim 0111 (Alatn•IOS S.t YC) 2 J J GobDell tHunhnglon H8•bou1 YC) 3 P.iu• Nounq U~ur·t 1 ql~n Ho1t>our YC) 4 Ktrk Cuse>I 1Bah•• Corinlhoan YCI. 5 Ke<lh Luplon 1Hun1tnq100 Harbour YC) Dave Ullman Tro phy (For LHer Sklppet•) "'t. tt 11t..-v tVeutut.\ YCt 4 JOhn ,,,.,,,<k 1(.) •fll,\ c;o,1nlh4ttn "l • i Oouo Camobf'H (Cotonlldo YCI Hum phre y BOilarl Serl•• (al \lorat•" Y.chl Club) t.. • 4 • Sp1t1f AHPn 91o•n •Vor."19" ,1,; Cta' I I AIOh• I C.•t'"" Reed !iovtr1 Sr , ,., YC:.J NHL CAllWINLL COWl:lll:NCI[ t myttie Owtelon Chicago M1n~o1a SI LOUii T0tonto 0.trC'!I W L T GI' GA flt• II 1 4 96 84 22 II 5 I 72 55 19 8 6 3 117 S3 111 8 8 3 95 112 19 1 10 2 ee 92 18 Mortie OIYleloll to 2 5 78 59 2s 11 7 I 76 87 23 7 II I 65 77 15 4 7 5 61 16 13 3 12 3 47 84 9 WALH CONf'IMNCa Paltlctl DMelOll NY 111endefl 12 8 2 eo 58 28 PMICl .. phla 10 I I 77 63 21 NY R111Q8'• 1 10 I 16 711 15 WllSIMnglon I 7 3 58 61 15 P1111ourgh 5 11 3 83 114 13 New Jeraay 3 11 8 57 13 12 Ad•ma OlvlekHI MOOllHI II 4 3 81 80 25 Bolton 9 8 3 83 5$ 21 Ouet>ec G 8 2 H 75 20 Bullaro 7 7 4 75 16 18 H1t1l0<d 5 II 2 H be 12 t urld4lf • Scot .. Botton 7, SI LOUii 3 Pltttburgh 6. 8ullalo 6 Edmon1on 7, New YOik Ranger• 2 Chicago 5, MlnnallOla 4 Winni~ 8. V811COU-5 Tonltlll'a GIMM NO oamH acMdV!ed ,....,., .• o- Mlnnesola al Kinta Monlr&al at H1rll0td Bot1on at Ouabec Calgary at We1h1ng1on EdmOnton al New Ye><k lalarld9rt N .... Jeraey •• St Lows O.trou al V•ncou- Miil WH TEllN OIVtttON W L l'cl 08 PlloeN• 2 0 I 000 Wichita • 1 0 I 000 '"' K•naaa Cily I 2 333 , • .., San Diego I 2 333 1'11 GOiden Bay 0 I 000 I'> SI Louis 0 I 000 '" 1,u.,. 0 2 000 2 EASTERN otVltlON Buffalo 2 o 1 ooo Cleveland 1 O I 000 l't Balllme><e 2 1 167 • .., New YO<k 2 I 167 '> Clllcago I I 500 I !Mtnpnts l I 500 1 Ptlllbl#gh 0 2 000 2 talurday'a ac .... Bal\lmore 7. Pllllbufgh 8 Ckieego 6. K•ntH City 4 Wichita II. Memphis 8 • ...,., .• ac- Phoenta 5 New YOik 3 c ..... anci 8 San Diego 11011 Tenlfl't'• 0-. No gama tc'*""9d •A wt:anM COWDIRMCa .......,.,..,...... . W L ~-08 SNllle 10 0 I 000 UlaOfe 7 I 875 2 PllOenill • 2 900 2 0-St•te 4 4 500 6 POt11and 4 8 .00 8 San Diego 1 8 111 •'A Midw••• otvtalOtl San AnlonlO 8 3 167 Kanus Ctly 3 3 500 l'A Dallas 4 5 444 2 o.n-3 8 333 a U1111\ 2 6 250 3•.., t4ouS!on o 11 ooo 5 .. EAaTEM C<>NnililNCI: Allentle Ohteleft PhHadelphla 8 1 9411 Boalon 7 2 7711 I New Je<sey 5 5 500 3'"1 Wut11ng1on 3 6 333 5 New Ye><k 2 7 222 6 Central otY1a1on O.lr011 7 3 700 Molw9UkM 5 <I 558 1.,., Alllnla 4 4 500 2 Ind-4 4 500 2 Ctllcago 3 6 333 3'"1 ~ I 7 125 5 ._., .. ._.. Ula.,. 111, C\e'lelancl 911 Pl'Mladelphla 102. Wlllhlnglon 93 lloslon 100. Mllwaul!M 118 Seallle 102. HOUtlOO 99 "'-"!• 102, Pe><lland 114 r-....·ao-.. NO g-IChedullld TUMCley'a..0-. Lllt-al~ll Houston •I New York lndllfla at Mllwaullee Kan ... cuy et Sen Anlonlo Golden Stile al Chiea90 Allat\18 al P0tltlnd 0en"91' •• San Diego Laker• 111. Cavallera II CLl:VILANO -Roblnaoft 2 0. wecim111 11. Moltukl 8, ar-20. Hualon 4 W1lke11on 0 Hayes 6. Hubti.fd 15 84Mlley 8 Tot• 47·88 4.7 119 LOI •NGeLlt -R9mbl1 11, Wiii< .. 30, Abdul·Jabb•1 25, E JoMaon 7. NIKon 14 Coooet 2, W0tlhy I, MCA<IOO 11, JO<dll\ 0 Toi•• 42· 71 27-38 T 11 I ac-e.ro-.r. CleYeland 18 21 21 24-118 Los Angela 32 25 34 20-111 T ht-poff\t ll(Nlll -Hone Fovtecl out -Mol!etlll Aebounde -CleYeland 411 lRol>lnton, Hut>t>ard 111, lot Ange!M 33 " Jollft!IOll 121 "99111• -CltYeiand 33 tHouslon 171 los A~ 34 (Nl•on 121 T otel louts a.v.land 31 Loe Angliee Ill A -12 808 CAMEL FILTERS NEW HARD PACK o..o ... ttahlna AllT•I L.AN61NG (Newport ... llCll) - 74 anglara 14 ban 34 bonito, 25 ~ke<el 264 rocto; c:od 24 ~. 3 tcutp1n, I while Ml bast OAYEY'I LOCKlll (Newport .. llCll) -102 ongle•s 8 bonito 4 cahc;o bHa, 628 mac:k8fel 2111 rock c:od. 28 ••nd blN DAN.A WHAllf -58 •notet• 13 bast 129 t>on<IO 53 m11<:1terel 63 roe~ ~ I rocll l1an. 15 snMpt/le8(1 7 aculpon 2 blue parc:n. I m1acellanaou1 llAL 8EACH -48 ang1011 50 bon110 2 ca11eo b liH. I ling cod, 398 rock c:Od I S8n0 blSI. 6 allffl)Sl'IHO 12 sculp1n 10 wn.t• 111n e P8<Ch (8e•~l -84 .. tgfetS 20 boMO I hll1bul 270 mllClla<el 1 tculptn 220 "'Me croat<er 150 q-1111'1 Hollywood Park SUNDAY'S RESULTS 1111111 ol ll·d•r mHlln9) FIRST RACE I m" Lk ~, . ._ tl0¥\•~'1I 1 t 4-'U .J 40 "i 80 P1Ht-•t ~to U.C.k1~ (tt.111 1' 1 40 '2 •O Jf'to-ntt ..,_,;i,,..., tJJmcuy• 2 .tO Al· u r•t.d1 JJJ•hu.tl/ V1 tit t Prt•" Notte• Pierce 1 Dream Royal Serb. Now Viclory Mr McM0058. f0<1tt Sea I• t l .fb SECONb RACE t ' It, n •" w.1• ~""" '"~"''') 1 ... , O<• 1u ~o "'\it> St"<.unJ N1H1<i1t. tB1,1t._,J IU tk> 1 •SO lll(UI •H'' 0th1ltt~·nl 4 40 A• 1 fJC(i<J Sul1.J1 ol !;,"'''J S t1uuJ.1,,. I' l •····''I ~., ... s• .. h!ofl lu'1 •I' I • I~, .J !> '~J DAILY DOUBLE 1H1-t•U ~IW40 THIRD RACE b horl<1n9~ (., I 0< Gtrls 1Mc:Cn1 5 20 3 20 J 00 l)Oof1 < 00'1tSho••mu~,.,1 5 80 3 40 t ""'-f Ot 1nteQnty tS.bollt•I ' 'l GO A• :> t~t..·d P.1 t:i. or t.~, <Jc 0 1·.t" ,.,, ..... , .. u.1, Ac. .... ct •OJ Rt:3 NOl•On ~lJJOI I\• lti~S Vihll H~.tvt"fi IHHO I 15 4 b '5 EX.ACTA ,9 JI IM•ll S7bOO FOURTH RACE """'°"9' l.•n<.O Gr~ tShm~rr 5 20 J 00 2 60 H•·a Good M.>11 181 1<.0.I 3 00 2 80 lu '"" P<.....,ny1Roo..-.c1 •OO Alw "'ceo J<)ll\Je• Wil(;•y C••OllO<I Sctil)UOYf.., Cthtn,4 ,, Ot• GPMO M.tr..,tit llf\I_• '""" 1 43 l !> U EXACT A 18 t 1 &;dt<I ';4S 00 FIF1H RACE I lv•IOO<)s on hlll fk U (C)O l~•""b' 1 If 16 40 IQ 20 4 00 C..l•t<.•.>I Jommy 1Stt " t'•I 8 Oil 3 80 D1w....:11 .. 1M,C1t1ron1 2 C.0 Al..O roced Alway• o Cha•IC" Ma1bel Court o .... o l.a•~ Bar.1 1 ... ~ Noblt' Ml>! • HO l.hO) Md.;ul<;heO<t l ime 56 3 S U EXACTA t 10 Jo f'.l•O S:1117 SO SIXTH RACE h ''" ''"(l Sh~l.y Blue (Ha.,111y1 11 60 7 00 !> ?O FIMI N8•·••a 1Fton1t·•U1 II 20 6 80 We><d "'°''h IM(;(...orron) S 20 A"'<> ••Cea ""'II""~ Rappo•I R J s OrphJn N 11, l:t.rd ~el1t·• Nol Pa\• Man, Gl.K tt-. Jt·tl l vUtt ~•u04f" tn<r I IS Ttm" TO§" 4 !i 8EYENTH RACE l m11"' on tut! W1ltl 0.>h 1 IO<OI 8 40 4 20 3 20 VO<l:\<ole< 1c.~ .. ,,...o... 11 00 6 40 fllt41•1 &e.>1 1P••M 171 • 20 A. 1at.-t."d Pt1n(.(I• CHClt' Ph •('It( Tower 8 fldQ• Grell Grenoaon, C<Jpellno Cl1 a• VtH<l•CI Blue R•rn RI>'~ lrtQonome l1mt' t 46 2 S SS EX.ACTA ,. "111;i-<1 Sl'4S l\O ~ ~K au 11 9.11. 10-2·2) par<! SS • 081 80 ~1th .t0 .,.mt11ng l1<ll•I • tf•._,ta not~t,at ~2 ' ''-• Su. conw u ,, u.110 S8 I 110 "''"' 11:, "'" n1n9 '''~'°" llour noru•>1 !.1 P"• s .. .CtftlC:ll ton'°'OltOrl tM•C1 Sbt ~O 't\ttl oot' w1nntnq \tl'kf'I Ohtff f'IOfSH ,)nQ .(t.Je. n• EIGHTH RACE 6 1.wtc.;r l Mad Key lOOI,,.,.) 14 60 6 20 4 00 St,ltn.tt.:11 .. 1Ht1"1ey1 • •u ..s LO OJ• I' ' r 11ond 1ShO<'MAl.l'f I 4 00 AlllO •aced T-10 E•pt<>CM. To a O• Not (;.hJrnp.iqn• 8.0 SmoO.•I• Ht>v Roi C.•otn•Ot• l.<>mm.tndet I• .. I Oil I !> NINTH RACE 1. tu• "<l' uri:.•f'd"lablol 11:11ack112 60 ~ 20 3 •O Rf'm<:mb<'l JOhn 1MtC•rton1 3 20 2 60 f.hmoo._ Pau ISltOetnaher) 2 40 Also t aced e.i1011 Laughing Boy Island Whtt1 l\em Two Pass The Tab ''""' 1 oa;;:. H EJtACTA 1 1; ood S 114 00 All1"ld tnc.t. JJ.11• Warning : The Su rgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. 17 mg. "ta('. 1.3 mg nicoune av per cig11111e by FTC method. Orand Prix to urnament l•I Wambl•r . fn111endl s1nvi.. f ln•l J -'' I t f If I I tJ. Ill Go11l118d IU S 1. 6·3 6 2 6-4 fM,Entoe ~lfl 1ti0U01 Do,ubl .. Fln•I M,.t111 I···\ f .... I ttt_•1I •1 I .. I' fl ' t' !)mt-.J I'" I• I tM\l•·· ... ~It'"- ,, .. , ... , ' II• ' 11 ' I Taipei C hamp lon1hlp (II Taipei, Talwen) Slnglt• Flnal ~···· I loo I U " t, lli1 I •U 1 h I l I IJ ~/1th1 l_l.J S l. 8 I~ II·• (Gllt>etl wins S 5 000 'If •• , • D"ublo Fonal-. Stefankt·RODe•I Van I Ho' (Us I oel Fr8dd1e Mc:Nalr· Tim W1lkl110n IVS l 6·3 1.5 (Stelankl, van'1 Hof &pllt $4 500 McNalr Wtlklaon SP~I S2 5001 J1ft I Exh ibition m a tch 1a1 s .. 111•) "'I ·~•HJt•lll ,, l JI SI~ f)QI 110111 •. ' f J ·~ t U JI• .\111\ •• r•l#UI M IHd Do ubles C h ampionship (al Hou•lon) ~ Flnalt I • ,,.. '·' '" I ~· • I· I N •• , Jlt•Y. I !:>lt.-.\.1ft JC>1Hlhl h:' , lt H'4Lf41flll ., I ; 100(111\lt Paclllc MHtera (el Oolemb9. Japan) 27' Scoll Hoch $65 000 73-70·66·69 211 M Kuremoto 532 500 118-73 69 71 2tl Wayne LIVI Sf7.500 72-67·611·7$ CaMn P"te. $17,500 73-71·69·'1 214 l ae Elder, $9 500 73-74·69·69 N_,,ic;ni Ozaki, S9.500 71·70· 73·70 as Sam Te><rance S6 900 71·7 I 70 73 Othet A,,,.,lcaft ICOf- 217 Tom Wiiton. $4, 100 72-74-611-72 290 Doug T-. $21150 71·74-70·7~ Phol iiancoc.li S2.9SO 75-67·82·416 192 .wry Pe1e l2 175 72·73-7~7 I 2tS How .. d Twitty Sl.850 74 n -1• 75 "' Barry Jaec:k ... SI 725 72.74.H .78 Ed SnM<I SI 725 79-e7 78 72 217 BOC> evmen. s 1.s1s 1a.12.1• 15 "' 0.Yld EOWll•d• SI 500 73-75-75·75 G•y 8'-SI 500 76-72-75-75 Men'1 tourna m ent (at Jakarta. lftdor\a•le) &.<• ( t\tl al J... u s 276 f0<>1 J"'-~'.,, B••I • 2711 WMllend tran1actlon1 8AI HALL MILWAU~E~;--Added Andy Beene Bob Gibson Fredd)' M¥1tnel and Tom T .. ,,,,.., pi IC'*• B•• 'Schroeder catcner Juan C.a1.110 and Randy Reedr. lnlltld••• and 01on Jemt1. ou\lle1aer 10 lllalr 40-man roster HOCKl[Y NetlOMI Hoeller L...- 8UFFALO SABRES Rec.tll8d O.ve Fenyves delenNmMI hom Roehesl4H ol tile Ametlcan Hockey l .. gue HARTFORD WHALERS -Recalled Paul MKOetmtd, forwltd. ltom Windsor ol (he Oftl•t0 Hocltey l.MgUe NEW JERSEY DEVILS Announced INI Rockr Tromer 1-d 11.ci agreed IO terlM on • mu111.,..., CO<\lrac\ end 8"lgned lllm 10 N•neimo ol lhe Wesletn Hocker League Aulgned JuHa Porvart tell wing 10 Wlch1la ol 1ha Centr at Hoc.key league CDU.aOE TEMPLE -Announced Ill• 1ealgn111on 01 W•yne iiardtn lleea lootblW COICll •llee1tve al lhe eno OI Ille M310n I l l ! I • I j • 1 ~..I f! I C4 o,.., Co11t OAIL.Y PILOTIMond•v. Novemb., 18, 1982 WOMlrfl IPON'I HOWARD L. HANDY · Area le.ams . • 1 gun for finals With the CIF women's volleyboll playoffl under way, there ii lltlle cha.nge in the pl'OC'a'dJnp &.• far N teams from thJs area are concernl'<l. Th"' one bi1 difference this sea110n ls that the No. I rated school la not from the area In the 4·A playoffs. M ira Costa High. leader in the Ocean Lc!iagu with an undefeated league record, ill No I with Corona del Mar No. 2, Newport Harbor No. 3 and Laguna Beach No. 4. Perhaps It's the fact that CdM lost to Rim of the World, the No. 1 rated team ln l·N and the defending Division ll state champion a.nd that Mira Costa de(ea~ Rim in the San Marcos l0Urn81TM?nt In one game early in the year. I If a ll goes well. CdM, Newport or Lagun& Beach will be among the enlrantB in the CIF Southern championships to determine a s tate finalist In Division l and Rim will be successful In defending its Division II tille. The CI F Southern Section playoffs end Saturday St with the Southe rn Californ ia tournament at Cal State Dominguez Hills on Fr-iday and Saturday, Dec. 3-4. The state tournament will be staged tll Sacramento State Dec. 11. FOR HIGH SCHOOL volleyball fans, Mira Cost.a gained strength this year when it was merged with Aviation High. Players to watch Include hitter Barbara Fontana, twins Lee and Lisa Hoven and middle blocker Wendy Fletcher. Corona del Mar has a h ighly skilled and experienced team with senior captain Pam Lawrence playing well on both offense and defense and being named MVP of the Sea View League. She is the team leader with sophomore Brooke Herrington paving the way at the net and Ilene Hess as the setter. Newport, runner-up to CdM in the Sea View League, has an outstanding setter in Lara Asper. a 14-year-old freshman to go along with all-leaguer Mandy Kenny, Beth Price and Julie Evans. Laguna Beach. under Bill Ashen, has a young team with two seniors, three juniors and one sophomore as starters. Included in the group are Cathy McKeown, Paula Berney and Cissy Weldon as outside hitters: Anna Reigal and Lisa Fegraus as middle blockers; and Jenny Englander or Molly Merchant as setters. Volleyball in the state of California is running a close third to basketball and softball in popularity with high school players. There are over 22,000 high school girls playing volleyball and the sport has had the most dynamic growth of any sport in participation -150 percent since 1906. • • • POLLY PLUMER, a graduate of University High and now a freshman at UCLA. set a freshman record in cross country this fall for the Bruins to go along with her national mark in the mile run set last spring. P lumer , honored as the amate ur athlete Headline r of the Year in Orange County last week. placed fifth in the P ac-10 cross country c hampionships at F resno last weekend and AUalified for the nationals. . On the future, other than running for UCLA. she says: "I will run both the 1,500 and 3.000 in track in the spring and see what happens. Some poll had me among the contenders for the Olympic team in 1984 in the 1,500. but right now I prefer the longer race." • • • STANFORD UNIVERSITY has come into its own as a volleyball power this year along with cross country. The Cardinal is second to San Diego State in the WCAA st.andin~ in volleyball and will play USC's Trojans at F.dison High Friday night. O ne of the big reasons for the upsurge ls freshman Kim Oden from Irvine H igh. Oden is among the conference leaders in kills, total attack and blocks. Her average is best in kills with Ii.I per outing in the most ~nt WCAA statistics. 111111mm McEnro • wins • again WEMDl..EV. t:nwhmtl (AP) Je>hn Mc•jmll· still wlnnlng 111 th<• Unit e d Suatc8 tl'nnl» team prepares to dt•C••nlJ the Ouvlt Cup aaoimct Frmw\•. lie downL·d 81 Ion Cottfrit-d 6·3. 6·2, 6-4 an the Cim.11 Qt n Grund Prix tournuml'nt at W1·mblcy Arena Sunduy ond hns now wotl 49 sets in o row. McEnroe will µlriy in cxhlblUona io tht..• Unitc.•d States this wee k anJ then h('•da for Grt•nubll'. whc•rt' the O avlil Cup final Is scheduled for Nov. 26-28. "l must be pretty close to playing the best te nnis of 'ny career," McEnroe s~ld . "Anyway. 1 am pottmll~lly at my 008t for ne>-vear. "l am looking torward to the Davis C up. l always e njoy the Cup matches becal.ise it is an hon or to play for m y country." M cEnr oe has no t dropped a set since Jimmy Connors beat him in the U.S. Open final in September. The W embley tournament was a n important Davis C up warmup for McEnroe. In the q u arterfinals he scored a hard-fought straight set win over He nri L eco nt e , the brillia nt 19-year -old French star who is likely t o play him again a t Grenoble. Lecon t e played brilliant t~nnis a t times but was not good enough to hold Mc Enroo on a medium fast rubber court. lfATI Qi CAL•OMIA O,,ICI 0, TMI •uTI MICtlTIOY DIPA .. fMIMT OP OINl~A~ '"'*" AOYlftTIMlllNT ,. _. ""*'° NOTICI llALIO l'ROPOIAL I Wiii " rtc411Wd In Room I019, 1or loulll It~~. LOI AngtiM, C1l110fnll, un1U 2 00 p 111 , WtdnuC11y, Oec:eml>tr 1, 1112. 11 wnloh llMt 1111y wlll oe P11t>llcly optn.O tnd rlld In 9'oom 110111 uld addrMt '*IC NOTICE MUC MOUCC NOTICI °' TMllTll'I IALI ..OTICI 0# nlUeTU'l IM.I NOTICI 0# TMllTll'I IALI CW.,_ L-... ._,. L ....... MC CAU.Ull L-...... ,.. NOTICI 0# T'llUITll'I MU T.I ..... ...... f,a. NII. A.-J C..... YOU AAI IN Dt'A&Jlf UNOI" A ll)l\llNOfON rlMM•CIAL CHINOVALl..IYIANK .. duly 8tAllDr PINANCIAL OHOO~TRVltOAYIOJANUAltY lllWIOIS, INC . a O•lllo1nla llllPOlnttO Trlllltl 11notr '"' QDl"·O~MION •• duty •Ot»inllcl J7, , .. , UNI.HS YOU lAKI corl)OrtltOfl u duly 111001n1td IOll11w11111 dttqt~d clMCI ol tru1t tru11et under the tollow1na ACTION TO PROllC1 YOU" lrutlH 11ndt1 th• fo(IOwtna Will IUL Al PUii.iC Al)CftON dHCOt>tcl Hid Of ltUll WILL IUl ll'M)flfRTY, tT ...... 11 IOLD Af A clelcfllMld detd OI '""'Will ICLL fO fHll HIOHHT alOOllll '0R Ar PUILtC AUCTION TO JHC ll'~IO 8All If YOU Nlli> ~ AT ll'UILIC AUCTION TO THI CASH (ptyll>le al lltM of..._ HI HIOHl!ll llODIA fOA GAIH lX,.LANATtON 0, THl NAlUi.I HtOHH T l lOOIA 'OA CAIH la'#f~ ll'IOllty Of lllt Unlttd ·= IP•Y•~ at ttrn. 01 t•I• I• l1wtul 0, THI PROCtlOINO AOAINIT IP•Ylblt .. tllllt o• .... In lawllll Ill right, 11119 and lnlWMI -mon•r OI lh• Unltad Siii••> Ill YOU. YOU IHOULO CONTACT A money ot lhl U111tad ....... Ill lo and now lltl4 llV It undtll Uld tlOhl. 1119 llld lntelHI COllYj~ IO LAWYCA flQlll, lltle llld 1n1erttt conlleY9CI 10 OHCI ot 111111 In Ill• p1optrtv 1110 now l'ttld by 11 urldtr Hid OHd on Mondt,. lht 2tlh dly ot '"" IW>« '*Cf by It 11""' Mid Deed 119'.itl•ll• clelCfltltd of l111tl 1n 111• property IMl•tll\tfttr Novemt>.t. I 12, al ,.,. 11our ot ol 1 t.i•I In tl'MI PIOC*"IY hweontlt9' TR u. T 0 Ill ... A A 0 u f A IT I dttell~ 10 00 o'ci* a "' • of Ulcl day ... IOU AO' ffteltO..: PIAVIY MAAOUIAtfl MC TAUOTOlll l.EWIS KAAN ond lllt lronl "*".,..,_Of F~ ~: ...... ,.Au.-1.5'r~R, PAAKI TAU8TOlll llllCHAAO J CALLUM MICHAii.i MCCALLUM NANCY MAATIN KAAN. 11u1111no N•llONI TIM"*"-COIN*lr IOI O 1111 'Afl TION rOU,.fA, 11n 1111111&11'90 man HNll"ICIAlllY: CHINO VALLtY and wtlt 001 CMc: C4tnltl' OtiW. Wttt. lanfa AN 8 C ctlMf!NU ITA fl llNf;FICIAlllY MIOWIU IANK 8£NtltCIAAV FIRST FEOCAAL Ana, C11tlornl1, Coun~ of Otenoa. llAC~N PACtr1c FINANCIAL. INC .. •n low• Aeoorclacl June 17. 1111 .. tn1tr 8 Av IN 0 G AND l 0 AN 81111 ol Cllltlomlt. Fldellly .... IONll IAN CLCMINTI!, OfoANOC c:otporlllon No 2117t1tnloOll 1'104,pao.604 AS80CIA f lO N OF 8ANlA fltlt tnturanc:t Oo111 pan;, H COUNTY. CAL"OANIA Aec:ot"° September 14, IHI u 01 Ottlclel "9cordl lfl lhe otlloe of MONICA. 1 COfl)Oltllon, r-dtd Trutt• Wiii Nii 11 ~auction, to (W 0 PSI 1071 "''" ~ 15603 In boOI\ 14217 paee lht A«:Ofdef 01 O•"'Of COUllly, July 13, IHI •• lllllf No leoe3 1n Ill• hlgllHI lllddtl, lot c .... In Thi• proltot compr1 .. , llHofOfficillAac:ordtln tlltoltic:e ltld dMd of t1u11 clttetil)tjl the oooi. 1413 7 •••ci OHd ot trutt lawful 1110fW1 of lht United l1tte1, c:onltr~llon ol 1 1wo-1tory wood ol the ~dtr ol OrellOf County; IOllOWinO property; Otterll>M Ult fOllOWtl\O property 111 pay1bll ti tht tlMA of ..... 11\t framed lffeOutrd I~. Mid dlt<I of trull dtlCtlbt• th• PAACEL 1 Lot • Of Trtcl No. PARCl!L I Unll 340, •• Ulown on tol1ow1no OHGtlbt<I , ... pr00tt1r,· Blddtr1 mty orcltr e>l1n1 inO lollowlng prope1ty 32U, In tllt City 01 lffWPor1 8"ch, 11111 c1r111n Condo1nlnl11m Ptln 1ltulltd In the Olly OI 'ovnll n 1,1 I " I PARCtL 1 County ol Ora n gt, 8111a OI rtcOIOtd In book 12614, p1gt1230 Valtey. Coun1r of~, 81 ... of •P•O cil on• .,y con1tel ng Unit .. _ 1'"" (lht "UM"l u lllOwn California, It ...., m*"' •9COI"" In to 2"'1 i..~•·~•ue. Oll"'t~• Aeclofdt ot Cllllforn11, Ind c known• Con111c:t M1nagtmtn1 8tctlon, '""' "" ,..... .... " n..,..,... "'., I P.O aox 1079l l1CtA11*\IO, 85805, 11pon '"• Condom1n 1um Pl• 110011 10 I , PIO .. 33 '"" 34, 011not County. C1t1torn1e. on 18060 811tt11 ltr•tl, Founll n Ttilpf\ont (9 lo) 322 281 (tflltlltd "Conl)oinlnlum PIM! for Lot Miec:tllantOut Mape, In ttlt OlfW:. Of o.o.t'nbtf 30, 1111. u dtllned tn Vlllty. C1lll0tnl1 11\d bflno moft ,.._ and eptet~t1lo~, may ~ 1 ot Trec:I NO 10681"), Coun1y 1119 covnry recorder ol llllO coun1y. 111e 01cl1111ton 01 Rt1t1tc11ona paruoularty dteerlbed .. loloWI oottlntd wllllOUt chl•O-011n9e. S1111t ot CelllOrntl (lh PAACEL 2: Thal portion ol recorded tn 110011 11784, p1gt1 Loi 42 ot TrKt No 5333 • ptf PrtQuallllCallon o1 llld,<lttt undw "Ptan '). r41CQrOtd on July 12, 1979, lrvlnt'• 8ut>dhlltlon, 11 pt1 m•e> 1~94 to 143 1 1nc1ualvt, Otllcl•I m1P rec:ordt<I In BOOll 194, Paoet lhl 8 1•1• Coniract ACI ,, nol .. Docum4P1' No IMllO. In OOOk r•cord•CI In bOOlc I, page ••• Atoord•, IM In l>ooll 11714. PION o .so lnc:lull•t 61 Mltetll•ntOl.tl ,,ulled 13226. paou 76 through 11 Ml1c:ellanaou1 Atoord Map1, 1432 to 1<186 tnclu1lvt. Olllclal M1p1, In tM.,Olllc• ol 1111 county uccHtlul lllddtr al'latl lurnleh 1nc1111lv•. Ofllc:lll Aecord1. ol II rKorO• ol 1tld Orange County, Rac:o•O• 01 Hid County, 1nd 1ny rac«det Of Mild-county payment bond ind ptrformanct O•lllQ9 County, which Plan Ptrl111n 1dtolnlng H IO Tract No. 3283, amtndmtnu or 1nnu111on• Slid 1tlt wu1 bt meo. ..-111\0Ut t>ond 11 rtQUlred by taw. 10 lhlt Pl~ty dttertbtd In Traci l>Ouno.d N lollowt. 111¥110, Ind localed on 11'111 ct1t1ln COY«llnt Of w11ranty, t11pr....O or Purtuant to Sec:llon tt70 of lhe No. 10587, rac:o1dtd tn llOOk 449, On tl'tt North by 11141 WMltrf't rHI plOPftly Clffcrlbtd u LOI I Of tmplltd, regarOlng title, poa ... l'On i..e11or Code, Tht Otpirtm•nt 01 P•OH 5 and 0. M11cell1neou1 Mapa, prolongation of tl'tt Northll'ty ltnt o1 Traci No 9093, In the City of lrvlnt, or tncumb11nct• 10 11t11ly tht lndutltlal Aafallon• llt• uc.rttlntd record• of .. Id Or•noe Counly Loi 6, Mid Trec;t No. 3283; on tht County ol 01ange. Sitt• of obllo•llon aawrlcl by and pur~I hi .,. .... I I PARCEL 2. Wffl llV I line 11\11 .. Plfallal wlltl C.Ufornla ... pet map recor"41d II\ lo tfie power Of .... conttrted In a ~ 11:::,nif:' wh~ ~~·~:T:: An undivided 0920 I pt1c:1n and 104 00 feel Eatttrly from lht book 42 1, peg .. t 1 and 12. e«laln dead ol 1rvet txeculed Oy Ill dont. to tit 11 llll•d In the lnta•ttl In 1no 10 lht Commo Easltrly llr>t of TrlC1 No 4003. • Mlac.ttan.oua Mapa, In lhe olllCA ol ELDINE HEOELE U Tru11or, IO D•P••tmant ol Traniportellon Ar••••• 1hown and dllll\9d on t per map rec:ordtel In book 118. the county recorotr ol IMl!d ~•Y ESCROW ENCOUlllTEAS, INC . • llOOkltt anlllled G_,11 Prevaltlng P11n: tHt1vtng tht1ef1om th p•O•• 13 to Ill tnc:lu1tve. PARCEL 2 An unellvlO•d 1192 C1lllorn11 corporation, u Tru•I•. Wagt Ratft, <filed 11 111 lorlh on tollowing. Ml1call1n1ou1 M•P•· record• ol 1n11r111 In end to 111 ol 1h1 rHI for tllt t>entlll and e.curny ol KAY PropoHI Form CoplH 01 1111• (I) An t llCIUllYt H1tmtnt (Olh•• aald Orange County; on Itta Soulh PIOIWlrlY Oescrtbed .. Loi I on Iha E CROUCH, an unmatrl.o woman booldel 1,. on lilt 11 IMIO • 6th thin Pwctt1 3 ind 4) d1t1gn11ed • Ill' tl'tt WMl«ly proiongetlon of 1M map cl the above reltrtnced lrec:t. dated J1nu11y 27th. 191 I, and StrMI, S1c:1emento, Cllilornta. and "Reslricted Coml!l<>ll "'-" on t Soulherty llne of Mid Loi: on Itta 1oge1h•r will! 111 1mprovemen1• rec:orded JanuatY 30. 1N1, In tht we avaltal>le 10 any lnler"ted party Plan and 1-~ lo other Unnt f EHt by Utt WMl«ly tine ot Miid lhtrton, uc:epttng therefrom ottlce of 011 County Recotdat ol Ula t uH as parking 1p1cH. 11or10 Loi. Conoommlum Untie 330 1hrough County ol Oranot. Stall 01 on rtQue:ARRY WASSERMAN, 1 IPICH . t111<:onl11 end/or PlllOI, PARCEL 3: An 1pur1an1n1 421 lnc:luslve. tocated \htlflOtl Clltlornla, In Boo6I 13933 of Otflelal F.A.l.A. and non ... xcluelvt eutrnenl I0.00 , .. , EMCEPT THEREFROM all 011, gas, Aeooldl" Pl9' 200. STATE ARCHITECT (II) A non-u etuelve 1t1tmtn1 wide tor tltlllng, ntvlg1llon, mtnt11l1 end other hyOrocarbonl, Tiit 10111 amount ol lllt unpaid t'ullllah•CI oreng• Cot1t Dally 1ppurtenen1 10 111 Unita ahOwn on ciom,,,.tc• and ace9a1 over that bttow 1 deptll ol 600 '"'· wllhout 1111-of lllt obllgatlon Meu<'ed 1, NoY. 15, 22. f982 4774-12 lht Pt1n lor lngr111 ena •o••H, portion Of Irvine'• 91.illdMllOn, u th• r1ght ol 1urlac:e entry, •• by tllt proptrty to 1141 aolO. tnc:Ndlno euppor'\. repair, m1lntenanc1. end lhown on • map lhtreof, recorded r~ In 1n111ument1 ol recorO Htlmated CCIII, axpenH• a11d l'tllllC NOTICE encroec:hmanl In book'· page 88. Ml"""-'• PARC E L 3 An e1tctu1t11e ldVancet ll 152,339.0I Tl'ttname. ------------1 EXCEPT THEREFROM all olt. g11, AtcorO Mept, rteordl ol H IO eaMtMnl 1ppy1ten1111 to IUCh unit atrtal addrtH and ttlellltont C~·-1 mineral• and 0111« hydrocarbon•. Ofanot County, ldl<>lnlno Mid Trec:t tor tllt un ana occupancy ol thOH numb« ot tllt TrustM concNctlng NOTICI Mi TIWITal'I IALI below a aepth of 500 IMI, wlthoul No. 3283, lying 49.00 feet on tech porllont ol the re1mcted common Ihle Hie 11 FIOELITY NATIONAL On o.c:.mt>er 6. 1go2 •• lt:OO the right ot 1url1ce entry ... •Id• ol th• loltowlng dHc:rllltO ., .. dQlgn11eo In lh• Declar•tlon TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY. I m. FIRST AMERICAN TITLE r-ved In matru,,,.ntl ol rec:Ofd cent« lfne• ol Rt1trle1ton1 1nO ahown on the IS600 Magnolll AV9f\Ut, RiYef'lld4I, INS U A AN CE C 0 MP A "I Y. I PARCEL 3. Commenc:lng 11 tllt SOulhfftl Condommk.lm Plan lor euc:h Unit Celilornla 12506. (714) 682·6000. c.ltfornla corpotlllon .. TluatM, An ellc:lutlvt rlglit end HMmenl to cornet ol Trllc:1 No. 4003, It ~ YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A Tiit namt, lddr-and lliephone or Suc:c.aaor Trust• or Sull1Utu1ed ult ll'MI palio llH(I) deslgnlled on mep rtcOfdtd In l>OOk 168, Paget DEED OF TRUST DATED JUNE 26. numbtr ol thtl 8eneflcllfy II wtlOM TrutlN . ol ,.,., Ctrlaln Dffd ol lht Plan P· 100 or the Balcony 13 to II lnctut14e. Ml~lanlOUI 1981. UNLESS vou TAKE ACTION request lhil aale It 101141 condueled. i:ruat txtc:ultd lly t-IARVEY 1'roa(a) designated on lhe Plan 11 Mapt, 11corel1 ol H id Orano• TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY. IT 11: 1'LAN ROTHMAN end BONNIE ALEXANDER ELLIOT Ind B·Non1, 11being1ppur1enen1 to County; tnenc:. 71 degftt 54' 00" MAVBESOLDATAPUBLICSALE. OlBLASt, 450 WMI f'ourth SllNI, B~RBARA J. ELLIOT. huall111d and lh• Unit, 11 welt ea 1n excluelvt Eut 104001Mtelong lheOrdlnary IF YOU NEED 1'N EXPLANATION S1nt1 An1t1 CA 92701 , (714) Wife. and tecordeO Augult 14, 1981 rtgl'll end HHment to uH lhl High TIOI Line u dlec:rlbed lh lhl 0 F THE NA T U A E 0 F THE 558--0812. ; .. ln1trumtnt No. 17820, In 800k ator199 1roa, ii any, ~a.gnlled on llnal dec:rM entered In c ... No. PAOCEEOlNG AGAINST YOU. YOU Olrec:llon1 m1y lie Oblllfled to 14181, Pege 1122, Of Olflcfal lllt Plan S ·Non•. at balng 20438 Supertor Court of Hid SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER loc:1te tht properly being told, Atc:orel1 of Oranot County, epputtenanllotheUnlled.Anyeuch Counly, to th• trut point ot StrMt1Cldre11ol1t>owprOIWlfly pur1u1n1 10 a wrtlltn requell Calllornla, 1110 purtuan1 to 1hll ttorage ere1 1h1ll be used only tor ""Inning: llltnc:e ltavtng .. Id llr>t 11 302 Tangelo. lrvlne. CA 92714, No eubmltled to ll'tt ben41flc:ltry within Ctl'laln Notice Of 0.lautl llltl'eunder atorage pyrpOMI 1nd not H IMng North II CltgrHI 08' 00" EHi Wlrr inly 11 01v1n al lo Ill 10 daya from lhe llnlt pul>lieallon of recorded July 21. 1982 11 qu•rt111. 527.41 IMt to tllt ""Inning of• eomp\81-or oorrec1neu tlll1 notice ' tn1trumtl\I No. 82·28148CI. of PARCEL 4. CUMt c:onc:•vt Wfft«ty having I Thi 119nehclery ~ said Deed Dtteo Not>vember I, 1812. Offlclal Aeclorels Of NICI County, will .\n ••clullW right ana e111m1111 10 radlu• ol 684.00 1••1. thence ol Tru11. Ill' reason ol a Ille.ch or FIDELITY NATIONAL TITL.e under and putautllll 10 IMlid Deed of uaa Ille parking IP-or IPAC" I Nortllerly 4.4' 86 INt •long .. ,d default In ,,,. Ol>llQ•Uons Mc:Ured INSURANCE COMPANY Trutt Mii •I pyl>lle auction for caeh. de1ignated on tlle Plan as P1r1c1ng cu••• through 1n 1nol• ol 43 tll9rtb'f, nere1otore executed ano Ste"' Gonzares. lawful money of I~ Uniled Stat• Of Spact(al PS 130. deg•-20' 00": tlltnel Nortll 25 ellvered 10 lht. underalgned t Aul. s.ote11ry Am4Hlc:a. a c:athlar e Cheek payable PARCEL 5: Clegr-14' 00" WMI 98.41 IMI to wrlllan Oectaratlon ol Oel1ull Ind STATE OF CALIFORNIA lo Mid Trvttee d11W11 on I llate or One Ill Me mbership tn The Ille Soulh•rly llne ol Lot J , 1alel Demand tor Sate, and"""""' notice County ot Rlvtraldl natlonal bank. • 111te or ledtr1t Vtt'611tes Homeown.11 A1soc:1111on. Tract No. 4003. ol l>llldl ano of eiac:llon 10 c:tUM On thi• let d1y ol November, In credil union. or • 1111• or ledefll t0991t1er With alt rlghlt. privileges. EXCEPT THEREFROM Ill oil, the unaer11g n1e1 to sell u ld the yHr 1182, belo11 mt, tlle 11vlng1 and totn 111ocl1t1on ano 0111101110111 appurl•n•nt gaa, mln1r111 1nO otll•r pr09ef!y IOMlll!y Miid Obtiglltonl . undenlgned. 1 Nollry Putiac 1n 111 domlc:llad In lhlt llatt. 11 lht main llltl'tlo. h)odroc111110n1, below• <Mpth of 500 1nd 1herealtar tll• underllgned Io r aa Id C ou n I y 1 nd St 111. -----------tntrenc:e lo Fllll Amtrlc:en Tlllt "YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER f .. 1. wllhout th• right ol 1urlau c1uMd Miid notice ol br .. Ch and of per1cm1t1y 1ppear•d Sierra PlllllC NOTICE ln1ur1nc• Company llultdlng, A DEED OF TRUST OAT.LED W1lry,urM«Vedlnlnstrvment1ol etec:tlon to II• recorel•d July 28. Gon21le1 p«t1onalty llnown 10 m1 -----------located II 114 fall Fifth Sir .... In SEPTEMBE~ 3. 1981 . UNLi::SS r-0. 1182, 11 inltr No 82·261155 ot (or prCMKI lo m1 on Ille 11N11 ol NOTICI Of' TINSnE'I IALI lht city Of Santa Ana. Cll1lomta. IN YOU T Al<E ACTION TO PROTECT YOU AA& IN OEFAUL T UNDER A sttd Ofllc:lal Rec:orda 1thsl1e1ory evtOencal 10 b• lht L.-..._ 11ta lhll right, !Ille tnO lnlerHt YOUR PROPERTY. IT MAY BE DEED OF TRUST DATED 8/0l/81 S1ld H ll wltt lie made. but person who taec:uted lh• within T..I . ..._ ~ conveytd lo and now htld by It SOLO AT A PUBLIC SALE IF YOU UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO wllllout covtl\Ant or wtrranty, 1n1trumenl u Asaistanl Sec:lat.,.., T.D. SERVICE COMPANY u duly under Miid 0..0 of T1u1t In the NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT t•PIHI or Implied, reg1r01ng 111 ... or on bth•ll cl lht c:orporeuon 1ppolnt•d Trull•• under the pr0f>et1y lllualed In Mid County or NATURE OF THE PROCEEOtNO MAY BE SOLD AT A PU8LIC SALE. po11es1lon. or 1ncumblences, 10 '"""" named, ano aac~ loltowlng de1erlbed dttO ol lrvll Slit• dtlc:rlbed U: AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION pay the rem11nlng principal tum of to me that suc:h corporetron Will SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION PARCEL I: Lot 31 ol Trac:! No. CONTACT A LAWVER." 0 F TH e NA T u RE 0 F THE 1119 not• sewr.0 by Miid Deed 01 Utcuted 11. TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER FOR Mee, II lhOwfl on I M9'1 r-deO The atreel tddreu or common PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU. YOU Tr1111, wtth inte<HI u In said not• WITNESS my hand and CASH (payable et lime Of ui. 1(1 In BOOlt 41, Pagat 47 10 50 lndullva dtslgnatlon ol lhe 1t>ov1 II 102 SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER provided, advanc:u ii any. under ottlc:lal -1 tawfUl money ol lht United Sl•t•I of M*-'an.out MIPI, In the ~ Scholz Plut. No 145. NtwPOrt Tiit edOrtu 01 sa>d property 11 111t •«mt ol said Deed ol Trull, Pny1111 R Sorosa .. rigflt, title and lntetett conveyed of tht County Aec:ordtr ol H id 8eactl, CA 92ee0 No warranty 433 Htrllo1 l1ltnd Dr . Ntwpofl ,_, chtrget and ••Plf'MI ol tlle Pul>tlth•O Orange Coast Dally to arid now held by It under Mid County. given 11 lo Ill comptetene11 or ~~h CA TrutlM end ol ll'tt tru•I• crell.O by Pilot, Nov 8. 15. 22, 1982 Ottd ol Trull In tht propelly PARC!L 2: An EHtm•nt lor corrtctMU. . (ti • atreet eddr ... or oommon .. Id Deed ol Tru•I. Seid set• will~ I 4042-82 htrtonaflar clelcrllled: lngr-. •-llnd Wljoymerll over Thi 1141ntllc:lary und« said Deed dMlgnatlon ot properly 11 lhown held on Tueaday, Novembt1 30, -------~---TRUSTOR· DENNIS F SCOTT the oommon .,. .. Of Mid TrllCI No ti Trust, Dy reuon of a llrlac:h or •l><>W. no wwran1y II gl11tr1 u.~o II• 1982 11 2 oo p.111 at 1he Chapman f'tlll.JC NOTICE and PEHNY SCOTT. hu9blnd end Hee. •• ••• lorth In Artlc:I• II. cs.feult In tllt ol>ligatlont NOUred c:otn91at-or corractneu). Thi Avanu41tnlrenct 10 iht CMc: C.n1er -..,.-'."."'!"~~~==~:"'."':-=- wtfl .. Joint ltnantl EMPLOYEES Stctlon I ol The Oecltratlon ol tllef.t>y. 11tre1olor• Alttcuted end b•n. tllc:11ry under Hid Deed ol Bulld lno. 300 Eut Chapman NOTICE Of'~ IAl.I PROF It SHA A ING PL1'N OF CovenanU. Condition a 1nd d•ll••••d to lht unde11lgntd Trutl. by ,_,. of I brHC:h or A"'9NHI. In lllt CJty ot OflnQA. CA 11'\MSUAMT TO CARDIOPULMONARY MEDICAL tfftrlc:tlont recorded Fel>ruatY 7, wrtUen Oedlllllon of Default ll>d default In 11141 otlftoatlont -.cl Al th• llme ol tll• 1n t1l1t Ol~TION°' GROUP INC.·M M lo an undivided 1178 In Booll 1256e, P~ 1519, Demand for Sala, and written notice lhertt>y, ,,.,.iotore executed 1no pybt1C1tlon ol thl1 notlCA. ,,,. 10111 coWNANTa. ~I 50 &••c:•nt ind EMPLOYl!ES Olllclal Rec:oro1 ol 1110 Orange of C>raach and ot alfcllon 10 c:tu dellvertd to 1111 und1r1lgn1d • amount ol lhe unpaid balanc. of the ANO MSTNC'T10NS PA FIT SHARING PLAN OF County. lh• unel,ralgned lo satl uld wrllltn Oaellr1Uon ol Oelaull end ollllO•llon H C:ut•d by the abo•• YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER CAAOIO PULMONARY MEOICAL The lltHI add1111 or Other property to utltfy Nici o«lllgillOnl. Oamlnd IOI Sala, and wtlnen notice OHc:rtbed d eed ol UUSI end THAT CERTAIN DEGLARATION OF GROUP INC ·W .. to Ill\ undMcMd :ommon de1tgnatlon Of 1110 and lher .. f1er lhe unde1119neel of llrNC:h and OI eltctlon to CAUM etltmlle<I c:oalt. eapenMt. and COVENANTS, CONOITIONS AND 50 perC4Nll lt1t9'•t. Otoptrty II purported lo 1141 1109 ceuM<t Mid notlce of braadl and lht unde11lgntd lo utl tald edvinc:ts 11 $21,407 52 To RESTRICTIONS OATEO JANUARY Aec:oro.o Febl\llfl' •• 1181 .. Oe nnla Drive, COiie M•••. election lo ~ recorded July 28, property to Ntllly Nld o«lllgltlona. dllermtne ,,,. ~·no bid. you m1y 10; IM7. OF THE HARBOR VIEW lnttr. No. 1288 In book page Celllornl•. 1182 H 1n11r No. 82-200120 tn and lh1rtaltt1 tlle undtralgned can (7141937..()968 H I L LS H O M E OWN E RS of Oflk;llf Atcor~• In the oHlc:il of Satd aai. wlll ~ ma~ without llOoll 01 Hid Offlclll Record•. cauMcl Mid notk:e OI S>lttCh and ol Oale. lilovtmllef I. 1982 ASSOCIATION, UNLESS YOU Iha AICOfcler o( Oral\ge County; :.Ovtnllll or wantnly, HPrHI or Said 111• wllt b• mad•, but etecllon lo ~ recordtd July 21, S E A S I D E F I N A N C I A L TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR IMlid Oead ol 1ru11 dtterll>N the mplitd, U to 11119, PllllM"'°" or without covtn1nl or w11tanty, 11982 H lnatr. No 82·252310 In CORPORATION PROPERTY, IT M1'Y 8E SOLO AT A lollowtng property: anc:umbranc:ea to Hlill)I Ille unpaid eJCl)' ... or Implied, ~ding lttl9, Olflclel AlcorOt In ll'tt olflc:.e of the It said TrullM PUBLIC SALE IF YOU NEED AN LOI 68 ol frac:t 1700 H per tlllance cl;,. on lht note or not.II pot-llon, or lllCU{l'lbr-. to Recorder ol Orange County. TD SERVICE COMP1'NY agent EXP~NATION OF THE NATURE M9'1 recorded tn 8oo1c 52 pagea 7 MC:Ured Ill' Nld Oted ol Trutl. to pey the rMIAlnlng prh:Apal tum o1 Satd Se tt wltl bt rnadt, 11111 Cindy Sdloonover Asel Seer OF THE PROCEEDING 1'0AINST and 8 of mlecellen.out MIPI. In lht #II see.~.78, ~ Itta IOltowlr\Q ,,... note MCWed by Mid Deed of without c:oven1n1 or warr1n1y, _9nt City 8IVd Wttl YOU. YOU SHOULD COHT1'CT A olflc:• or lhl County AecorO•• of 111lm1tecl co111, uptnHt ana Truat. wUh 1n111•1 .. In Mid nolt •xPr-or Implied, r~dlng tllte Ot1nge. C1' 92oe8 LAWYER Mid county. tdv~ II lhe time of Illa tnlt'-1 provided. ldvenc.a, If any, under l>Ol-tlon. or enc:uml>rlt\CM, 10 (714) 835·0288 ON WeelnHdty, O•c•mbtr 1, YOU AM .. Oll'AULT UNDI" A Plll>licatjon OI thll Notloe of SAie: Illa ltrml ol Mid Oted of Tr11111, !Ml)' ll'tt rtmllnlng prlt>dpal tum ol Publlthed Orange Co111 01117 1902, 11 10 00 a rn .. or II 1oon D 11 D 0, T .. u. T DAT ID S7.877 39 '-· c:Nrgat and ... ~ of tl'tt tht nott(•) ltcured llV Mid died of Pdol Nov o. IS, 22. 1982 ,,... .. n ... tnly lie rauonable ... UIMAIM't a tt11. UNLIU YOU ..Onc:a TO TIUllM Ind of the ll'Ulta CtUted Truat, wltll ln19'MI M In Aki note 4868-92 111• front ,,._,. ol tM IMPERIAL TAKI ACTION TO fJ"OTICT ~ OWNIJl Hid Oted Of Trvat. Said Ille wll 1141 prcwlded, ld¥1nc:91, II ll"f, u~ BANI< 8UILOING, 995 Town c.nter YOUR fJ"OfJI""'· IT MAY al YOUAM•DIPAUL.Tu.mcRA htld on Wednaaday, o.c.tnbet 1, Ille l«mt ol Hid Dead ot lrvtl, PlllllC NOTICE Drive, in the Cily ol Colle,..._, 10LO AT A "'9lJC 1AL1. •YOU OISO °' TMllT, DATID AUGUIT 1982 et 2;00 p.m. at the Chapman ,_, ChlfQel end •JIP9"-OI the . County of Orange. State of .._ AN IXll\.AllATION Oil THI 10, 1tlt, UNLlal YOU TAKI Avenu• entrance, to tht Civic Trvt1• Ind of tht trvtlt cr .. t.ci by Ctlllornl1. tl'lt HAA80A VIEW NATUtt9 Mi T• NOCllD ... Q ACTION TO ll'i.OTICT YOUi. Center au.tdlng, 300 &al Chapman Mid Deed of Trvtt. ~ MlllNlll HI l Ls H 0 ME 0 w NE A s AGAIN IT YOU, YOU IMOULD • fT llAY • IOL.D AT A A.,.._, In tt11 Clty of Ofanga Slid .... _. 1141 held on· Mondey, ....._ I TATl.-NT ASSOCIATION (11141 "ANodallon"). COWTACTALAWftll "*.IC IAL.I. •YOU NIB AN Al Iha llme ol the lnlllll Novel'nber2t, IM2.at2:00pm.ll ThtfollowlnQl*--dolnO thr~ llt dUty IC>Pdnled ~1 1312 Santanella Ttrt-Corona IOL.ANATION Of' THI llA~ put>41c:atlon of '"" noOot, the 10111 IN ChlC)fMn AVWM.la tnlranc. 10 ~It! and to lllO•nfl'· LEE H DUAST, dal M¥ CA 92925 . 0# THI "-"DC•~ AU..T amOunl of tllt utlpAld balance of the IN CMc: Cent• Bulldlng, 300 EM! BREA CANYON VILLAS, I wl'4lM tlrttt lddr-MO I...,,_ "(If a· .. , ... ~ or common 'IOU. Y041 IMOULD CONTACT A ollllgallon Mc:ured br Ill• Ibo¥• Chlprnlt\ Aw .. Orlllgt. CA. o.n-11 Partn«lhlp, 18371 Beacll numbtr It IN>wfl below. WILL 8Ell DANIELS daughter Claudia Weyer O( dHlgnatlon la ehown allovt. no t..AW'f'lfl. • Ot1crlbed deed o 11utl and At the time Of Ille tnlll•I Blvd .. Sulle •240. Huntington AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE THOMAS 0 . OANlELS, Costa Mesa, C a .• Kath y warrenty 11 glvtn 11 to Ill Dated Novtllllltr II, 1982. Hllmated c:oett , eapen1H, and publlc:allon ol lhtl notice. Ult total Btac:h, Celllornla 82647 HIGHEST 81DOER FOR C1'8H resident o( Westminster, Ca. Lefat.ad of Golden, Colorado, cornplat-or corrtctnatl)" ARST AMERICAN TITLE •dnnc:H 11 $28,742.78 To lmOUnloftttaunpaldl>lllffCaofthe Randall w &lanc:hlrO. 18371 (P•Y•llM ., time of .... In lawful the V' I t Kelly o( C.0.ta Tiit llanellc:laty llndtr MIO Deed INSURANCf: COMPANY. dtlermlne tl'tt opening bid, you may obt101t1on Mc:ured by 11141 11>ove Btold't 8M1 , Suitt •240. Hunting-money ot tht United StalHI Pueed away on November 9, mo r '° e Of Trull. by r__, of 1 C>reach or • Calilornla eorporltlon c:lll (714) 56'-8333. OHcrlll•d d••d of truat and ton 8Mcl'I. Clllforma pursuant 10 the power of 11te 1982 Services were held on Mesa, Ca., a brother Edward default ·1n Ult OC>llgatklnl MCUf1c1 Linda S. Pronovoet Oete: November 1, t982. Htl1111ttd c:ot ta. t•pen111, and Kirk s. £¥1n1. 11371 h•ch conferred In tl'ltl certain Oedar•llon Monday, l'{ovember 15, 1982 M . K elly of Bakenfield, Ca. tlltreby htfatofor• txac:uted IM'ld Authorized Offlctr BURLINGTON FINANCIAL adv-1t l607,•4e '19 81vd .. Sult• 240. Huntington e.acn, ol Covan1n11, Condlllon• end at FalrHaven M e morial and cousins M ariam and dttlvered to 1he und1r1lgntd'a tt4ElllFllthSireet SERVICES.INC. Theopenlngllld~otltllned CA. Restrlc:tlont (th• ·•cc&A'•"I •• . C h apel WI.th e ntombme nt H e nry Kehler of L o ng wr111en Dtclw9tlon of Oe!IUll and Sant~ Ana, CA 92701 u Mid TruttM ~ ~ C .... 714) 937 ttll day John W. Ullom, 1H637t 1Beacll1 iec:ordtd 1t1 8ooll 0988, Pao-... .. -...N-1.tJdre Demand tor S• and Wl'lt1tn nolkla Tai:•• 1416S.·32U T.D SERVICE COMPANY, agen1 ,_ore,.,. • 8tvd , Suitt •241, unt ng on 1nclu1lvt, Oltlclet Records ol Im mediately following. Beach, Ca., 3 IY .. -.u n . of bfeac:h and cif -.c:tlon to~ Pul>llllltd Orange CoHt Dilly Lorrie Womtc:lt Datt Oetobtr 27, 1882 '8Mc:h, c.lllornle Orenge County. C1fllornl1 and. Services Wlder the dlrection Funeral services will be held tile undtrtlg11ed 10 nll H id NOi. Nov. 15. 22, 29, 1982 ,._, Stcratrt. CHINO VALL<EY BANt< Thie~ 11 c:onduc:tld Dy• wllho111 c;ovtnanl or warranty, of Harbor Lawn-Mount o n Wednesday, N ovember propeny to Mtllty said ol>lltatlont, 5000-82 3833 CMllnO Oet Filo M llld Trvl1M. generll pa11nerahlp. •JlPIAI or""'*"· ':t';dtng litte, Oll·ve M ortuary of Costa 17 1982 at 3·00PM at Pacific and thtrHlter Ill• und1r11on•d •uDilC NOTICC South, Sul1e 204 c'o'1 T · O · SER V 1 CE Ktl'k S. E'v1111. po1 .... 1on or encun1 1nce1. 111 view Moriuary Cha el cauMd Nld notice of brMCll and J"UUL San0tlgo,CAl2106-4044 MPANY PrirtMI' lhtlcetlllnrMlproptrtylltualectln Mesa. ~·5554. ap · eleCtlon to lie ,_dtd Augual 3. ftcTITIOUI .,_11• (714) 584-8288 agent Thi• 111ttmant wu fl141<1 with tllt the County ol Orengt. Slat• ot KELL y lntermt;nt at Pacific View lN t 11 ln•lt. No. 1400 In 11oo11 ...._ ITA...-NT Publllhed ~ Harbor Newt 8 y Wanda McMlllon. County Clari! of OrlllQI Counly on Calllomla. delc:rlbtd .. 1o11ow1. THOMAS B. KELL y , Me m orial Park, N e'tl::rl 14188, page 1479, Of NiO Offlc:t.I The lotlowlno perion It doing Pr ... combined with the Of•noe ~~1 =-=. NoWml>er 4, 1D82 nonn In L:0~811o~~r:.:':::~:'tr::'":: resident of Newport Beach Beach, Ca. Pacific lew Aec:ordl 11\191,,.. es: C::-' Dtlly PilcM, Nov. 8• 16• 122• ~ CA t2Me · Pubtt1hed 011nge c oa11 Dally tnelulM, 01 M~ ..._,.In Ca. Pas a e d away o ~ Mortuary direct.ors. Seid ult wtll 111 medt, bul PATHWAYS, 262 I Hert>or 1 2 &-82 Ttl • (7l4) 1311428& Pllol, Nov. 8, 111. 22. 20, 1982 th• Olllcl1I Rtc:o•O• ol Orange N ovem ber 13, 1982. Bor n wltllout oo111n1n1 or w~1'lt,, &lvd .. F·5, Cotti M .... Callfornl1 4i4 Pvlllianeci Newport Hwbor Newt 4137 .. 2 CO\iflty, Cllllornte. BALET&A ••-°' lmP!lad. regar,....., 1 1 • 9282e IC W\nrr Pr-combln.d w4th the Or•"""' .-----------J a nuary 26, 1917 In Los OORIS JANE BALETKA, ~~mbl'anc~: Wllllam Rey Mu11er. 2021 PlB. """'""' Cont Ot11y Pttol. Nov. 8, 16, "{i, flla.IC NOTIC( cc!:'~~t~:~·~ ::. ::'::.! Angeles, Ca. Survived by his resident o f Huntington :' ,!1.[•>~tc1';y'":'0ae0 of ~:.;~B~~2/·5• Coata Meu . PtCTmOUa .,..... 1N2 4849-12 l'ICTmOU9 • lll•ll rtal property a.tcrlbed a-.ove 11 Beach, Ca. PUied away on Trult, ""9t lnl•• •In Mid note Thi• llutinetl 11 conducted llV'" Tne =1~0 ~ Oofng __ .,. W\Tll'C ...._ aYATIMIWT purported 10 ~ 3912 ~~~ IAllZ ..... OM ' NTH a TUT'HU. WllTCUflP CHA,_ 427 E 17th St Costa Mesa &4&-~71 • November 14, 1882. She la pt0¥!0ed. ed.,eneet, 11 any,"'""" lndi¥1dutl ,,... .. ... ~ ""'.-. Thi IOlloWlng l*'IOlll .,.. doing Oflw, Corona ..... Mer, ..._..,.,_; survived by her husband ~ 1'!.."!! ot ~ Deed ol ofTrvt~ Wllli.m A.,-MUM« FlEX-0-DECl<'S , 15187 Mofan ~~IT"~I buO llnaaaC • " .. N ;_,AON T IN TE R . ~·h~~!° ~~.rore~r J Un and .__ ..__...._ J k ._ w-Dat .,,.. •llPtll... '"" Tlltt tl•l-t wet llled wllh lht W I C If I -.. • ,._ .. • "' " r I.I.I • ..,r -~w1l~be Trvlt• and of tht 1ru1t1crHled by County Clerk ol Oflllgt COllnly on trHI, Hirn niter, " Ofn . Th• lollowlng pe11on I• doing NATIONAL 1618 Wtst Oct1,, YADEGAA1'N end AOWSHAN Van Martar. Services Nld 0.0 of Trvtl. October 25, 1982 2":1""*' Anthony Cl-. 17132 1111.w-a ... ~~!'8~ewpon 8t1c:h , 'f'A~:~~:.,.1 ned Truitt• held on Sunday, November Said .... wlll 1141 htlcl on T~. ,_.11 B h L. C MAAl<ETtNO, 33919 Ao-.....,.,.._ """" g 21 , 1882 al 2:30PM at the DectlftMr 7, 11M12 at 2.00 p.m 11 Pullllthtd 011nge CoHt Dally ·~=~~nllnoton t1c: • l>tee. Ow\I Poiftl, Celttomla 92929 P1meta Olene ~e11u111rtc11 , dlec:lalm• any tfilllllly tor Uy Zonta Club o f Newport the~ A--8ulld~'-300 IE.O Ptlol, NoY 16. 22. 29. Dec 6, 1982 Thie l>ullneel II ~led by If\ Charlel Nowell, 33119 Roblta. 1616 WHI Oc:t1n Front •A, Wloorr.c111tN of tl'tt -~ ~ 8 , .. .-.... .....,,.., ""'' • 6012 .. 2 Dant POlnl. Clltfornla 82929 NewpOf1 8"cf\, Ctllfornla 92MO and Other eotnmOll dlAIOMt!orl. If Harbor. 2101 E. Uth l ., Cflapman Avenue. In Iha City of Stephan A Claut Thie butlntll 11 condllc:led by 11n Otborah A. Polftltl, 1705 any.~...:!. ':11tl:t _....._ 10 .--... Cotaa M esa. C.. In Ueu of Orangt, et,, f'ta.IC NOTICE -· l1'6A..., h , .. _ lnclllllduel Shtrlng1on Pt-. Newport a..cn. Said -.. ....,... -" flowenr the family req~ Al lllt 11111 e ol tilt tnlllal ..... ••et-I w• • ...,.. ... t '"" CMrtte Nowak Cllllornta 9Heo the obligatlon• ffCUred by, 9ftd I be d l b pul>licatlOn ot thll nollee. lhe total '1Cnnou9 .,_II "I Clerk of On1not COunty on Thlt IUt-t ... flltel wtlh tht Tiiie ~ It conducltd l>y a pu11uan1 10 lht pow•r ot aale don at orui ma e o e _,.,.of IN~.,...,_ Ol thl MAim ITA~ 11tr •. 1912. ,,.1• COunty Qar1I of OrltlOf County on Oftlt'ol pannwlNp conterr.cs tn Anlcle Vt of flt.-.... Zonta Club o f N ew rt 01111ga11on eecureo Ill' 111e abOv• Tiit '*"""' .,.,.-•• doing 0 No•~.1. 1M2 Pamtia 0 ·8ctlu•ttrlc:ll rtterenc:ad ccaA'a: anct SMWt Harbor Serykes unde e ciucrllltd dt•d of 1ru11 tt1d llvtlMM.., "ul>llthtd Or•no• CoHt ally LAW~• Thie 1tai.mant ... l1ltd wtlll '"' to Artlc:lt VI. S•ctlon s ot Ille direct!~ of ~rbor HllM•t• C:Ollt . tMpenffl. and Af.Lf.YANCE, 2017 E. Oetl•n Mot. Nov ••• 111, 22, 29. 1"2 ....... tAWU. Coutlty Oltrlr Of Orange County on CCI.A'•· ,,,. Nolict Of All1117*l M o unt Olive M ortuary f =~~r4~ .. ~~ lllvdA::!~1ft~!~9ri::.uar .. _.,. -- 4177 -tt =.-:.•,-:.•,a:,=..... Novemlltlr 4, 1N2 ,_1119 ~n:.nc;:•~:. 0!~ :,:=: C.O.ta Mft8. &40-5™· cal (7141937 • Avenue, COlll Mell, Calllol'nlt ~ ..,t-. p Ill 0 c 0 II property tor ~ of ... ....... t2tilt ..... • II 11"90 rana• OHi • V and unuments on Oaoel'flelr 11. BUDION --; ';°0~~PANY l!llullaVI w ..... aotr 1 °'*" •nnoue M11n•M u,..., c1•1 • .-r-4• Piiot, Nov.•. 18. u . 20, 1112 lttt, 111 9oolt tU30.,... 1111. • MlLTO" STEWART A9ealdTrvteet, IMl .. ""-.Call*nletHM MmftA.,_. ,._ 4 .. 542 1n1tt\#NMNo MMOllllN~ HUDSON, Nlidenl ol C.O.ta 9y Cindy 8c:r10011over, Tllll llualneM la ooncluc:'ltd Dy • Tl'tt fottowtnt '"''°" 11 dolflt ftvl>litheo ~•nte Coat1 Dally •-ic -ftM' l'ltcord'• or Orange Coun'~· Altlttant llecrtllf}I OfMtal '*1MrtND. bualMM •· OO S Plot, Nov I. 1"• JI. H, fN2 ... -. nvi-. C""°'nlt; Aftd, """'9r, tM Nolil Mna. Ca. p~ awa,y o n • Ona Cit eoute¥arcl Wttl, .._ ~ AOVINTUllll IN I ALL N . .41311-tl ol Oelt11ll and !lecUon to l oll November I , 1882. He 11 °'""PY CA tHM Tiiie t11alemlnl -11-.d wllfl !flt 1111 Mellelm AWIWt, COtl• MtM. PtalC MOTIC( K.-.r1 altectlno 11id rMI "'°'*" w•• aurv1wd by hilt IOI\ JMnet, (114) Nwat 'Y C... o1 °'Wiii' County on C-:::.. ~~. ,168 AMMlm MTmOUI MIH•N racorCltO July U , ttU. ea dau1hter Jane Cuben9, Pu.,..lhM Ofange Co••• Oally "'°"...,..,., 4, 1NI. A¥Mue. C0tl1 Meta. CllllOffli• PICTlftOUaWll MW ITATW INtrumtnl No U ·HI ... In .... brocJWr .......... Marroy and 2 Plo4. Nov 11. n. 21. 1Ma fllttlf1 _7 um naw ~..::".~ .,.,_ ~ dOll'9 ~~ oi ar.,.. eoune,. andchn;;;:; ~ ill 'tM-la ,.ublltlltd Oranat Co1tl Delly .,._ by fM ~ l*IOlll -dolnO ,,_,_,_ P' · W ,_.,Holl. I , 15, H , 11, 1111 lllll ~la ooncluCted 111 b11AinMt 11 THI LOTUI AOOM. 11•1 Tl'9 total arftCllUM Of ._ _,..... be h e ld o n Tuuday, "8JC NOTICE '8'IMI lftdMdutl, THI "01H COMPANY, 3H 7 A4*N •A.CottaMaM,c.itrornla MlaMe o1 IN _...ton IOCllfM November U . 1082 at PiCYITIOU8Wll •-• --Thie ... ~~~ "'911 !tie Birch l treet, Suite 210. Ntwoou 92941 i.y lflt property to tie MICll 9'41 8:00PM ll lhe Harbor !Awn .. .._ n•-~ ..,,_ -.... ... Or Coull... lead\ ~ ~ Aa.n 111 c .... eno. 1011 W reHOnalllo etUrnatod Ooata. -... _, COU11tY ..._."' .,... '7 °" Lt"'on•• Von h a"' 1oua Ctlaftdltf, lent• AN, Celttornle ........ • ..,_ • --Memorial Chat-I w1\h final The fOllOWtnO petM>ft I• dolnt ...,_b«, •. ,... ""'* CetarlllO ....... Sarti• An•. ~ '21'04 •• IM ........ "' ............ .... lnurnment Mrv~ beln1 llualfltl8 • "' 1 cl 1 0 ta101 v.ce.1 " Caltlw. 2011 w No-. at--. ....... ......,., hwld at Or••n ~er •• ANN IC OlllAll'HICI. 1,1u1 ~otrn• "'"ft •• ono 11'1o1llllaflM Or8'1r: Coatl .. .., 01• •••trtct lv•n·~ CMftfler, IPla Ano. Clllfomla ...... -. •• 1 ..... 00. C•motery, Ferndal e, ,°!!'!.'118' WMl!Wnlltf, CalfOtnl• IO"CU,, a1to1 ICIOwl, l'llot,Nov.l . ll.a ·"· t':. .. 11 c-tloPint.llanlaAne. 911'04 DMelt.NI•..: W .... I 11 f ·-.., __ .._,, e.t11ori1i1 Ht4t H70t Tlllll ..,._ 11oon•111d 11r MAMOR.ftW 81n n1toa. n eu o Gor d on K Cntn. 11111 ·--....... ·,. 1 to ,_.._ .......... Dyan 11..,... ... (HulM!ldl...._ MOMIQ~ naN rloww9 t1'9 fMn&ly ......... Oet-.. WMtfftlllttef, Cellfonlta L-OMe A OOll4H. 1 f lftCIMdutl Alan" G..-. Bl°'"" /11/t/tf~I donaUonl be ..... to th• NIN = ~ .._,. Celtotnla l..lrllonto l'tOlll v., ll a...t T .... °'*· Dr t chartty of yo"r cbolu. "-•='"K ... a.i~ .. n...,..... .. ~~-Toplaeleyoljf,.... TN11111ao"w111M.-1M f'-1111110•-•--• 1-.M .__. ·-.._._ at.... dll .._ ........... before lflt COumy CIR °' e>r.,. COUftly Oft Cllrll II °""91 ~ I" Mt-tiff _.....,._ ---Oounly CIM °' Or119 °" HouMlblt I, 1112 QalOller II. 11U OrlMI C ... Deir of ................ Smith .. Na\..., I. IM2, LautWIC:e A flooll~ilmt ttod1n9 publlo, ,_..,. ......... ,_, • ti. •• , .. Tuthlll W"tc:llf• Chepel ll'1o11ttlefled °'r.7:. COM~=· lllltlfllfled Oranot CoHt Dally ~ fJ111tlltfleel °'"',. ceut OOltw ~ °'9111 c. Dllr "'" ..... MonUUJ of c.M ...... -..... ..._ 11 12 "'-1 l'llOI,...., "· n . n , o.a •. 1911 ~ ..... 1 ... ,8 ,_., ..., 1t. n n ; Dec ~.1..~ , "'¥ 1, "· n . •. "" 146-9171, ,..._,, ,_...., ' ' '.,.. eOn.ft ll03t .. I ._ _., ....... D11r I \ -~=--- •If CL A ... Monday, November 15, 1982 Looking for a career in sal~a? See today "s Help Wanted ads , classification 7100. llSMSS, INVEST· MOil, FINANCE ==-· ::.=:~' _, ......... _, .. __ ...,__..yo·, OIPllnlEMT & PIUAIATION Sc-•-JMWaalNI• ....,, .. -.M•r ... 1• I.., .... 1• ... ·--I .. IMO .... ... .... lllN llltl ,,,, ,,,,,, ................•..... 1:5)" EQUAL 1400llNO Ol'l'OIUUNIT\' P!!!'.1:1. .......... '.Ill U lltl YllW ltlll llHE YUi Quiet p1rk•llk• Hlllng Am 101 l)IOdl• ttnnl1 and poot Great tor orchttd Cul·OO·H C ti 3 bdrm1, lam rm $290 bOO LOW ground lttlM $315 yHr, t 7 yrs before •Olu11m1 IHHI ,., ,,,, -...... ,., ,,,, ............................................ f!!!t.tf!~ •••••• !.~~f ~{~! ••••••••••• J.~1 ...... ,,, ,.,, -.... ,,,., ,.,,,,, - ••••••••••••• ••••••••• ,,,.,, 1400 ·~· .... ~ ,,,, ..................... . ....... ,. Wll ..... ;·;.:; .. ••• FOR RENT! Ulfltll T•llt Ovff fintne.;::p, tow Wlttt VllWI 2 t>tdroom, 2 bllht 6 2 bt1n11v1Hy rtmOd.i.d 3 down 1 Bdrm unll 3 Bdrm. 3 be. Ull· 1lor1 .. In TWin P1ak1 In lc:trm home flalurlng Poot1, 1tnn11, ep1, SH, Lek• ArrowhHd 1rea lergt ma111r 11.1111 l 000 lllC:hanr or IHH OP Hll bvlfl•lnl & flreptace •••Ma bllh, gourmet kitchen ltl-1211 110s!~ ~·~·un It•& flrt1, 111111 & depoall re· -and 1d<11d 1umpu1 32 quired C1tl (7141 PElllllU ""' room/ 111111'1 lluOlo b•· 21 King• Ro.a 7 6 8 . 0 28 6 0 r ( 7 I 4 t11Qhly d•tlrtbl9 IOCatlont hmd OlllOI Cut de llC CONDO 2 Br 2ba. vltw 687-0657 w.ellday ...,._ Jutt ll•P• to oc:e•n llr .. t Atktng 1175.000 nlng1 elttt 8 pm If no P1t~ll1ller'1 ••tlttl beach •nd b•y Four be-FOf 11Pr.:n1ment to '"· 01 oc .. n Ind ctty Sett Of 1n1wer, ple1u keep Ill ·~ 6 uch•no• 1 250.600 1 i 1 All reel estate aOvllllsed Oroom two ltory home c u .. '11 1 Open dttly, Unit 2 14 ry ng H4·4110 tn this new1p1ptr 11 WOUIO consider <.trrytng (V.,ulttn Ctoeed gait) •111 •11111 b th F 0 I tir11 trull dt•d or ex· " •· iv 1ec1 to • • er• S .,. OIE OF TllE CO b 1, ... L••t•,f ••-F•tr Housing Ac1 ol 1968 change •vv.000 N O. 3 Br 3b• eno ••• :".".': •• ,.. •••••• :!'.'!'! which makes ti Illegal lo IS1·lat0 unll, view ol Costa Me11 FOR SALE OR TRADE aov111111e "any prel11en-IEIT park $147,1500 1111 or All1cad1ro Centret ' «~!!!!. '!~!!!.-.~•!'.'... '9~!ff!. '!~!!!~'1A'!. .. c,,,, "'" JUf m•• 1144 •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• EASTStDC 3 bdrm, 1 b• Turtttrock, 3 Ir 2 I• , R room llreptac:e, l1m 01n1ng, frplG p11v•t• t~ yard, {!Onr, cptt 11cuu1. prof ci.cor •P •nd OrlpH HOO per Pfl1mcet, 2 cir gareg•. mo 111 ano 1111 ptv• c:ommty Poot I 1tnn11 $400 277 Roblnhood Ln a1111t Dec: lit HO&tmo 656-1737 446·2353 Npt H1111 area 3 Br 2'<\ B1 condo. l1m rm trpc:, In· Ory rm g1r 1800 mo Condo. 10r. 101, c;tun, 01rpo1t. 1,.75 mo 730.3777 M·f t ·&PM 631-1281 ----e11u1 2 Br hom• Lo• Newport R1v1•r1 Fmty coontry kttch, 2 c11 gar, condo 3 b<I 2''r b• 2 nr poot. 1hop1, perk, car gar Poot Tennll No tennll $695 551-2770 pet• S750 844-2682 evtnln..:.o_s __ Lo111ty 3Br. 2BI. dbl g1r. L1kelront 3 Br Woodbrld· gerdaner, 2370 011ng1 ge $1400/mo 5& 1-IMI 15, l 871i/mo (213)541·6198 641·8224, 8·5 Mon/Fri II 1r ·-lfll lflll llllt , .. ct. limitation or Olitrlmt-IO' flHTllE LOCATIONS In Turlte exchlngt coul Euc 3Br & dtn nation baHd on 11c1. llAGll WIAll Rock Viet•. 2 bdrm. 2 b•. --------•I view home on 2 acr11, E11t1IO• condo. Olean, 3 color. ret1g1on. su or OOUI IUI. fill PllOI ltl,OOO & den, tptlt 1_.,.._ Thf:. llllStl UY IU&.n 01k 11ud1d 1tte. 1225. br, 2 b•, Oen, trptc, 2 ear !!l. .. !~.l!.'!.t .. 1!.if ,, 1• ·-... nattonat origin. or any C0<on1 Oel Mtr'a "Gold Thlt brlghl end ch••'" patio• Short walk 10 t•• ll'I ••i Hll 000 F,.e & clear gar $900 545·6ee5 ~~':hnt~~;te'r~n~:k~(fl~:'.~ e~~r :,o~~~l:n~ lw.~~hy Garden Vitia teno1 11.Jt pool end t1nnl1. $2 8, -· • -• Owner/bkr wltt finance EHtttOe Twnhme, lmmec:, t1onoro1scnmtnat1on " •-•-.••t•••-• and hghlS E•lstlnghome 10 hlgh·llyte llvfng wHh 500 141-1111 or traoe lor Orange 3 BR. 2'• b1. lrptc pvt tuJCurloo1 earth tone car-~~~~~~~~~~ County coastal home p11to, balcony, 2 c:er gar, T 1s Quality con11ruc:tlon -Call (805) 468 4043 for 11~ his newspaper wlll not tl•TLEllCI Two-story 4 Bdrm. 8 peung thruout Beautllulj Hl tf A lt•I 1 1 • poot, 1ac: $750 mo 9 to 5. _ knowingly accept any n bathe. 3 car 0.,100. well co-01dln1t1d win. Larg8lt laketront 101 In _n_o ________ 845-4349 :: ~~~·~~~~~01s'~~ ~:::i~1r;~ U41,000 Harowooo 11oor1 ano dow treatments Se1 In Npt Bch. Over 20.0001.I IY IWIEI 3 bdrm. 2 ba with taroe HARBOR OCEAN FRONT Nu 3200' tu11 hm on bluft 180 099 vu ol herbot. Ii> surf, mtn1. 3br. 3b•. b sac:urlly. 11un1, •P• Sl9001mo 496-7000 EMERALD BAY 3 Br 2 JI 876-2255 or 675-3017 l: 01 ttie law. Drastic reiuctlon on la· many 1pec:111 tuturts. prime 1 1ocat1on. ~ real lot on Cherry lake w/4 $1651< eQuity In comple· yd. AamoOeled kllc h, 1'111 1'iiiiiiiiiiiiiill-•I butous BA !amit y Lot can be 111>111 eno you oem 0 a buy 81 1 •tow Br 31..; Be home Rec:enlfy tety rebuilt Newport dbte gar $775 Drive by t Br I Ba lrlpte11. gar. pa-1• t• home Open, bright & can butld lrom plans lhet price ol $69 000 $5000 ,.,-iovlted Asking $495, Height• pool home 10 894 W Wiit on Catt tlo. 1tove & refr!Q 624 St : E••o•s• Advertt' _ cheerful plan 5 In 1mm1-are ava1tabtl\ ano 1nctu-moves you In w/tow o o o 6 13 .737 o . exchange for tncoma 559.5001 _______ 1 Anni S800 utll pd 11• "" n • cutate conOltlon, upgr•· 0 0 tn ch••• "jce monthly pymta ol $711. 5~9 35 6 t p 1 s 53" 1453 ..... ....,, ,. sers should check Oed & eJCpano10 near c!n lor P~; .. 11, 0;;r lhll HURRY • won't taatl .. • 4 g~:~r lo lix~·u'~r: Eut11oe. resp edfl• Pl•· "" .... v, Z I ~ their ads dally and ~~~k~1~':'se~111~91•d In excep1ton11 ofleri"&:201 CHTllY 21 'S73CMwsll!fw. 845-9554 ~e!r~. 2 :'e 2',b11;.,o:· ~l.~!.!'l!!! •... J •• !. •J * report errors Im -144·4110 ~~:~~pur corner ean WALl·ll IULn l11/ l11111 873-7544 Condo. 3 Br . 2'11 B• "v 5 ~;I~~ 8 ~~~~TT :s~ 1;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ -Wl\11 Ht HON1, l·~~~·~l~C~·~S~S~l~l~~~IB~~o':b~~c,~!~~~c:it 1!:~~ ••• '!! ... ~.;. .•..... !IJ!f s:;;00?s. b~e~a b;e1 n~!~ ~~·,,:t 4'rr:3~%. cntr .H s umes liability for ll&Hll VIEW ~~!~~~r~7f llEWAlll ~~~:~~~~ ~!~· ~50~~~r/5• H:~.!~1~,~~ ~~~~.',le~; ~~:~~·2~8~ ~':r.'~i,J'.8~~~:. !!l. .. '!!.~!l.".!L.JA~~ 0 the first Incorrect LISI 6J1-14oo $40,000 be tow mkt.1---------1 fu J••• 1trlp ctr PI P 556·7135 lrptc:, malure onty pteese. 3 Br 2v. B• In guarded 'J :: lnsert1'on only. Beaullfut decor. serene, 1---------1 Wlmbleton ,. Br 2'' Bal W••u li•••I IOSZ "'~ IO'l --Drive by 2762 Mendoza ¥a I e c: om mun It Y • 1 .. ' 'L--l I ' },._ Assum toanal Pouibte ••'•••••••'••••••••••• "'' llt••• • I 7951mo •u111 now • :aae tas teful. • 80rm5. 2') ba -I•• .,_ •••• •••••••••••••••• 111•1• I 642·0634 or 974-2021 '" :1•--------•I on tee t1 n o Ael.tng ••••••••••••••••• •••• 10%13 5% dwnl John •Ill llll OHM WlllW llSTIE•• •••••••••••••••••••••• t----------1 Lease option po11tble ·'· we s395 000 IHICH Ull,000 Zervos, bkr 760-9669 3 B.R 2 b• upper c:orne< .. 2 br. 1 ba. Dnve by 2652 760-1977 ,,_ im BHlll for S•lt · y d EJ N•nuet CC Golf Cour •••Ill f•1ai16H Santi Ana Ave Unit 2 Do uit •••••••••••••••••••••• Uflllill()Ul:t1()Ml:S oung •n gorgeous HLY $101000 II. 'V • SALEI ,,···,~::·;;11··.·,·•••·,·1·~ not disturb tenants t450 AOUL T COMMUNITY 2 ·H -l11l lll1lt with ""''° glass. briCk Owner wttt i ubs ldlze ... Hlgh1 c:u1tomlzed & -'"· -br. den. 2 b•. frpl Nr ll = ...................... Rea1iors. 675-6000 =~~ ~h~~';°'m °:'Jt~x ~I~ 1! paymonta lor 18 mo1. 5 ~~~":.n1 ~!{!~'. f,'to': Charming 3 t>ed;oom, 2 ............................ ,_mo __ 8_5_1_-6_2_2_6__ comm pool $800/mo = "Hrll IOOZ l "FABULOUSBUY" Bdrm, 3ba In MESA 500 (71 ~)831 ·6335, b111h,2story,oceanvlew t Ht t J ti· t Br.Qulet,yaro.rng.FP. 731·2514or.494-1177. l -•••••••••••••••••••••• IOI Will LOVE IT! VERDE Sl89.500 Prln (714) 831·1216. home In atln lovely Stn 111114 Wl1ttr lt11tl no Oogs. edits prel 111 " ::: ID IDWI 4 Br 3 Ba. lrg addition -WATI HIHONl1 onty. 544-8390 Mon thru Juan Caplalrano on a Plll le ti•• frt• :~~-~5~:P· s476t mo. '!.{•!J!~ •• ~~·J! .... 1!.~! o I := II forms terflflc separlle 11. ~iEl!Ml.IE,ST~lE. Fri. ~!!!r.!!.!!!!~ ••• J~! private cut Oe sac: Many ltOO tt S1IOO •----------' rt. uoa Ta. t o money down vtng Qlrs Wiit prtoed at " LIW ltWI -upgrao .. Move In c:on-W t rfr ... 2Br. 1ea, 1 atory, shag, HOMES FOR RENT ' •1 •m ""1 ic " $155.000 751-3191 631 1400 .,. dltlon, -11 below mark· t t tit ..... cplfdrps, P•llo, frplc. ... to Gt bu}'lif Big 2 s10<y "H ltWI" VA lllffl IAIUll -1o wnhome. Suf1ny kf1· • "' ' I u IOZ Yoo own the tanO 2,000 et. ol courM OUIQ salt lll-1100 d1hw1hr. beamed Cll· ... ,.,.,.., I ,..,, Highly upgraded 3 eorm desired, wish to re~la.1---------hng1 2650 Elden S540 !: Chen. d1nin9 area. 3 btg ••,••••••••••••••••••• home with huge back IQ ft, 381. lam rm, 2'A Cati 496-3680. ,,,,,., mo Cati Mr Berman :..J bdrms. new plush car-llOIElllU d bd Ba, "'Ide Greenbelt. near -pets Huge p11yate patio lllff PllPE•n y&ar, ·Large mascter 1111 pool. Far below market S5000 Down 4 Br. 2 Ba. '••ill••I• JIOT 1_5_56_·_24_8_0 ____ _ R k n aunory rm. hffry & , ••••••••••• ••• ••• ••••• eduoeO for qulc: 111e Probate sate. dlecount bright! Owner 11 anKlous. 1235,000. Witt lease op-covered patio. vaulted lge Penlnwla Pt eJCec: 4 OWNER MUST MOVE· •MISSION VIEJO• $675-$725 i1 -,. .. »II ---3A» I 548-2313 ltlUITIC lor cash, reduced. 5875, Only SlOO,OOO Celt now tlon. Bkr 84+0134 ce1llng1. commty pool. br. 2 ba. ape, lrplc. avalt. Beaullfut condo, 2Br, P: ~~ ;~ H SllSn VIEW ooo. 6,.<1.1020 979.5370 11 11.500. cau 497-1657 Im med lhru June 2Ba. tu1tse op11on . .r>-z:O ltllt llUL ESTATE fitll• IHO S1200/mo, 1st. last, MC 545-3339 ,. 1:: A priOe ol ownership •••••••••••••••••••••• dep. 675-1853 EASTStDE 3 BR, 1 B• LOOK For our new regular weellty feature ho me tn Harbor View """ Hilts • 3 b01m1 8 family c• OUllEI ,., hit ~, h•tr C•ll• ,,,,, JI Z4 plus family room $700 rm A beiutitul. prolas-llPlU $211,000 Condo. 2BR 1'<\BA, p<>ol, •••••••••••••••••••••• mo 1st, t1s1, Oep No s1onat1y ptantaO yaro 8 tmmacutate 3 bdrm, 2 $12,000 llWI Santi Ana, Tustin eree E·lide condo. 3 BR. 2•..; P•ts 2 t2 lithan Devm lovely covered patio with bath owner·• unit and wilt help you own thll to-I Gooo neighborhood. ba. 2 gar. Vd. Ch/pe11 1_R_E_64_2_·636 __ 8 __ _ hanging bougatnvttla. spacious 1 bdrm rentlt, vety 3 bOrm pool home. LEASE OPTION ctoH to fteeway, good Ok $995. 642-0095, 3 Br 2 Ba lrptc. blt·ln1. •CHILDREN• •PETS Ot<• VILU&E llVESTllEm ·M .. . . 1 .. BOAT SHOW-= CASE : Every Saturdey In lht -Datl Piiot Classifieds $347.000 l.H both with tolled beam Every upgrade Jult Hitting rates 542·8278 1_6_50_.0_8_2_2______ new decor $900 1ncl01 17f~~!,~~!~~~:o ~:~:· ~P~~~: f~'~'i'~: $~;::000· BkrE84::~~oo HARBOR RIDGE !!!!~!~!!!! ••••• }.~ ~!!!r.!!.!!f!~ ••• /J.~! ::;:"'v~R:6;7:~ 2 ba, Corona Betc:h • • • • -C y · I/A TER MS-2 on a tot, LIDO ISLE • 3 bdrm. lam encl. yarO, frptc:, gar ·-f ·~ HAR BO" 144-'1!11 3BR 2BA Ip 2 cer, must ustom tew $99,500 OWner/bkr rm. 4 Ba. $1700 mo S750tmo 567-2382 ~!.'!r.!!.~!!~ ••• 1~. '• (114)141-2000 AGENT, NO FEE sett tn 20 dye. 631-1003 Home 54S..1947 1---------12 Bf. 2 Ba. eono 2 Cit .1 -1~~~~~~~ ~ ... , 1,11 • • $50,000 optlon money .. Bedroomll. 5 Datha 0t1H1 1 .. 1 611i. ?ci:~f~~Tm2o ~:1:i f!~~!'!~~X!!!~.!M1 r,'=~ "':.~C: ~~. •••••••••••••••••••••• Grundy. Att1, 875-6181 Why throw away rent 000 w 1th 10~ down J J - -... . ., - .. .. , r '. J • ~ • l -' ! "' 11.299,500 ,,..,,, ..... when you ctn own 4-3 f, l.J II# an front yrly. 4 bdrm, w/$1200 to $2000 pay-640-5324 ~ •• !f. ••• !oo••••••••••• 2 Cir gerage and hot tub men11. S 175K • $2151<, BtysiOe honwi. 3200 sq fl., ':> Two bdrm NB, MWty o.-._6_75-_7_8_50 ______ move In • t•k• over • 4 Bf. 4 Ba. large mailer •v c:orlled over 800 1q It oceanfront 2 br, 1 bt, sh1r• appreclelion. cell suite w/lrptc:. 3 car ge-$24.500. Lo dn.. termt. ger , patio No peta. U11tt 1_S_ue_e_t_8_9_1_-5_5_se ___ _, rage. 2 bOal allps avllt. 673~&418 pO Avail ttll June. 2 Br 2be condo. Oulet, aN $2500/mo ' 9~5-2473 Ir UllU 1111.U S575/mo 646-2510 a dult, Heel toe wto Wl(days 9-5 •l Be8Ylltut 2.41160 2 BR, 2 , hkup. encl gar $575, RETREAT HOME w/ocari .'1 BA home Corner tot ... ,., tla/11a11AH 631-1098 • hetbor w 1 ec:t• • 2 .fl i PEllllSIU llDIE THE REAL ESTATERS = 0..'Can & Jl'ltY v1l'wa. Manne room, 4 bdrm, 3 ~ Walker & Lee tstano 1<11Cllen Fam Am. =-·-··;,:,•1••••••••••·,·~1• story home on Chlf Dt. ·' l "'ht I I E 1--~· --... -... 11.,,.. Each level hu own enlry, 'V nttr or nc U"9U r••••••••t.•••••••••••• •-L ,.,., porch. eir c:ond. $34,500. 4 Br. CdM 1900 -•f• ... kllc:hen. llbrary, lrptc: 8 TE.II TE.1111 540 5"37 A •••••••••••••• •• •••••• gotgeous vu Otc/hotne ., • " gt 2 Br, fp Bal Pen 1600 2Br Condo, l'tBa, cplst h d ti 1 H1rbor I/few Hiiia mdt I B b "' t $900 Vie or S ere 11 ng ·'" ' 3 B B I """ lt••rl., l3SO r, a,.ron 01p1. poot.· i•c. ctbhse. S 1950l mo Dog ok • ..... per eel r. •ow •••••••••""••Au• .. •• 2 Br. oenfrnt $1100 $495 mo. 768-7633 .752-2l97 Ra H Invest-· ._,, :liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilbath. 3700 sq.ft $1.385.000 Oceanfront. ---"" --•1 --.., ------... --------.... •ta ti» ... ••• ... .. ,. .... - •10 -----.,. -- * •EU YEIH On the gotl COUii• Custom beautiful 3 eorm home. many, many ... trH $279,500 with 10% oown owner w.n carry at 12'"'% interest l•r lcCtr41t, lltr. ICl-1121 LllDA ISLE UYFRDIT t...guon v1Pw from 6 bdrm. 5 balh, playroom, dark rm. den Boat shp. Now $1.000,000 IAYSllE PUCE Spedac-ular bayfront dplx 2 br, 2 ba up. 2 br. 2 ba dn. 2 boat s~. Redut't.>d-$1,500.000. fllllllllS llAICll IEL, !rt market •• 1369,000 Onty Oupteic on the sand. 301h .l&Otll IE&Ln liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil ments. · 1t1 5% down OWC. 8% 11. NB Newly remodeled NIP IUIAllllllT Owner tas b0ughl1 ano-Interest or lr.Oe!t Pa111Ck In an0 001. 3 bl .. 2 b• 11 • 111 .. WAITll Exc:tusrv.-Westctltt Vitia, • ... ther and must HI this Tenore. egt 631-1266 upitatrs 2 br , 1 b•. .-• Need by Dec: 1 3.4 br Dovet Or, master suite gorgeous 4 eorm Mesa, ____ .;;._ _____ downat1lrs Min. t~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii hout• In Huntington wllrptc. 2 Br 2 Ba p<>ol. W00<11 llOrne Every up-llEWUN down owe bal1nce • ··-·-IEITllt • BNch. '°'1th ol Adams j1cun1. etc s 1100/mo. • • grade Don't mtSI this. $30.000 below mktl 3 Br 13 9% for 5 yrs Gre1t lor Vern-II'~• ::-2•5 Xlnl refs 984-0332 ""· 673-3313 0< 675-3103 Make o If• r Bk r 2 Ba a 1pa Ea1lblufl 1um I I 1735 ..... ..., •42-0100 " 848-0709 mer ren a 1 · lido Perk 2Br $750 1~0~~~~~~~~~ THE PREMIER H1rbor , h• -------• hOme JOhn Zervoe, bier 000 Armitage Realty. Penin. Bach 1350 1: Ridge view hOme 4 BR .... B••li•fl•• 760-9e89. Terms, term1! 1_1_1_4_·54_4_·2_4_84_. ____ 1 Oceanlrnt 3Br StOOO l.g 1Br Condo. balcony, 3 Ba. lautremont model. IHd IHO FIT fll A It• D•ile.rn/ lido Ille 2Br $1850 MCvre. $425 mo Avatl now $3,000 mo :.1 •••••••••••••••••••••• Spec:tou1, c:uetomlzed Ullill let ~II 1111 Oceanfront 3Br $1400 842-7042 760-1977 -: WIEIE TIE IPAOIMS llAOI.. home. prime location •••••••••••••••••••••• Beaul. 1 Sly, 3 br, 2 bl S.nlttrt LI"-& •• llFFALd Alllll 5 eor. 4.,., B•. 3-11y, 3000 with VIEW, priced e1 l\AAt 4 l)lex C M . pride of OW· •11111111 home on Qvlal cut·O•· l arge specious dupte11 .·- New -i br . J t, ba. custom French Normandy Estate I 2 pn me acre hilho p $1,250,000 Ctasslc liicer 11 1 golden sq II +over 900 sq. fl. 1ppr1lud vetue with nershlp GO lln $295, Lido tile 5 Bf $1800 HC, S850tmo. Ct ll for 1,, bdrms SPIC & span. t It 1 v COllOIAIO CAYS ol bllc:ony Some ocean owner f1nenclng for qu•· O 0 0 8 7 5 • 0 0 7 3 or Lido Ille 2Br S 1100 appt. 960-8468 (-Oii nr shopping Sl•P• 10 , ~:,~rs:' t~lsp~eto ::_ Coronado lsland cust. bayCront lol 85' boat view, 1 btk to bHch lity buyer Vertallle. noor 855'2249 Baytront 2 52000 Cozy & nell 2 Br. frplc, b • • c h . Y e • r I y tleve 3 Bdrm. !amity dock. Plans avail. Now $370,000 w /tcrms. 1285·000 F P Set owner pltn with MP6'•te bdrm Charming Legun• Betch Blylronl 2/den 11800 gar. Gerdener tnct 7141985-5822 cotl or ' .., room Priced lhousand1 In adj house at 206 151h wings lor any tlze family. hOme tor Corona del Mar Fteth 2Br $675 $825/mo. 96&·5671 wknda 675-8720 .'i unoer Ille surrounding St 636-1718 Pool. •P•. Kol pond, duptn ChHhlre RHI Lido lBr $1l00 Y! area. won't 1111, cetl It II·• flAU ex er ct•• ro om . Elt•I• 76g.1877 Secu11tyl2Br $1250 'A ml from bell. 2 Br 1b1, 2 BR & den. 2't bl, near • M 64g..7171 AC.$ I. 100.000 FEE. Walerfronl Homes tge fncd yrd. beach. S 1100 mo 8 MC:., I Close 10 octan, 3-3 Rachelle Rober1, Rttr. IK••• ,,...,,. Ziii a.1110<1 631-1400 Celt 968-4216 Open Daily 431 Wtst· '" 'lff~!;~·~ Pymts 11200 10 S2000. 675-2373 ........... .-•• ;,...... minster Ave 631-5661 t ) •illl • ·-s 175K 10$215K Move In ''iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilc M Huge quality ~IC Bike to bead\ 4 BR 2b•. '11 ~ 1:: • 11ke over 11\ared ap-11 3 lrptc, 3 gar, copper ,,,. ldHI lemlly home Lg Sp•c 3 br, 2'~ b• very' ~ prec:letlon Financing e•NK plmb·ng 11251<. llSU• ,,., ••• z. Jiff lncO yrO New c:pl lhlU• clean IWflhM. pool, jog· • ********* STAR GA'ZEK•• avaUebte Catt Sue et n mtble toan 11 12% tnl •••••••••••••••••••••• out Gardener Incl glng. etc $800/mo Agt * IHfltlT* a:..::-=-~~--1\'CLATI. POU.A • .._ 891·555&. l~ATION s 175K/olr Agent Penln Pt, 5 BR, 3'-t bl. 1750/mo Pat 968-700CI ~-1uo :•) ~ , ........ -tot I I Olllt 642·"68 DA. lfg petlO. Sl200 mo 4 br, 3 ba, bonul room, Condo for lease. Blulf1, 3 io'\ .. '' ••If .-,, .. -:-', •• -,. ,.~ .... , v to mo .&ftf 873 90eO -• -p ' ' •••1 IT tWI ...,. ·-• Oen, Otn . rm. lrptc Br end uni1, btck Ooor ltw Pritt $481,IOOl To 6f<¥ol011 ...... _ r°' MON!•• Large 3 Br 2 Ba w/2 car BIG YN CUSTOM -' C.rt111 ''' llM JUI S 1 100. .h •If. now. to pool, slept from 18n· 38 BALBOA COVES, 3 ::=...""'l!i:~to-• gar. air. & frptc: AllUme Undivided ~ lnterttt In •••••••••••••••••••••• 9&3-4785 nlsetub.$1000/mo.2767 .,, bdrm-den-2 beth OPEN ,_ "'-··-12 50% 111 end owner On golf courM, 20% dn. 15 unite apl blOg In Hlfbor view hills 4 Bdrm Vista Umbrot•. NB "J DAILY 1·5 :=-::=--EE"'' $'1"2~Co~1na63'1-~3"1":. ~tc:esn1t.~~.•nytlm•. ~~~.,~~~;6~~;~~·1 ~:; i ~'::c11~!c't!~'. •-;:Z,':: Jl4Z Daie 640-2354 ·~{ :.r,:~~-:r. ::r ;::.. :::--~9-3646 873-7781 or 760-1397 lnfonn::on -~~ 11 or evu :o~·d~.·~·a~j; .. ~k:•: N~~O~~·~ 'S;~ry 3 ~P. *IH 1111* :::.,.. :=._ ::::.. --•• Bdr 2 B• 3 car garege . 646-7800 = • ~= ~=-~=---lu•ur .... y hlglhl.Ner'--"condo, Prtc:.d II 9 2 11's groa .lllllRE 11111 owner 2131502-490S Bluffs condo. 3 br, 2'"' bl, ....,, ,.,_ .,.., ,,_ ~ ·-tnc:tud11 pool, 1ennl1 2 Bdrm plul den T.,,nll, ,. ... optjon tormat din rm. lam. rm. '17'19 ******** ,,... .,...., :!::::" ul• or ttut. Agt. courts. 4 y11 new. In pool• Guarded comm t """" .in ,.:. ::=:-• ,....... 752 57 o Ocl•• lid• . . Im•• Jlf4 enc:. P•lto. comm .,.,.,.. •111 OOlmYFIE•Oll ::._ ~;,.._ ~:!-. 1 n lll·2111 le ... 11eoopermo. •••••••••••••••••••••• s115o.6u-o33511t. :r:1 ~= ••-• '"-• ----------'BY OWNER, reduoeO 640·1212 llmll.I _5,.;.p_m _______ _ 4:i7: En&Tt ~~~!f :;~... =~-::t.. •ull•f,,. S5o,ooo. (tor 30 d•y• HIBi IUln C..t• #eu 11Jf 1 10 4 bdrm•. 1t1rt1ng •• ~ ~~r:.Ai~goR~qo~ hm. ii:="-ii:= !i!::" • .,.._, IH :;:~>21~0: •• '~:;~~P~ •---,-... ------•;.;;;·;d·o:,;;;;~·~ S600 to s2000 !ti» tennis court etc: 1875, :;:-_ ::: :f::"' •••••••••••••••••••••• Hgt• 511 trvtnt Avl . 12tl '-'I...... 333 E 2111 St CM ....... ..... ma 000 Owner wllt carry ~::-'"'• ::-::=: MUI ftlW -833-9773 otc. 5~982 ... 5-6103 645-6519 :;: Ctll 7 am to 1 pm, Mon ·-:;::;. •-3 Br. 2•., 81, 2 fr~. 2 "°"" .,..,., Act• !ti• thru Fri 2131731 4982 101• •'-•1-balcontH t1r11• p1tlo,•----------••• •111 1'A Br garage. yard "'a · · •• .... •'':':7• Obi gar1ge. 11e,ooo Spec11cut1r Vtew Poot, 1 _____________ 1 $525/mo We11ttd• A• cc••~••• u ::: Prit .. Te ltltl ~c;ooJ ®.\J,.,.. ():.; .. .,,, c:town P•Y• to auumeble •P• llnnl1. Mu11 Hll "partmen11 wani.d C. l\A. ...1-0763. No pets. c......,... ........... .,.., Beaul. decoreted Condo. ' 30 r:,•r Ill T.D. L..... l4,.15K, 6% on 760-9307 All c81h ~can ctoM L--'y c:u11om ....__ 3 Br. ,..._,..._ c.-ca- "• B '••1 ,. --. -' ......... '""'""' ""' t• "~'~L ,1.i.: flM Fullerton-rea area. Nr TWlf lMY 0.li'Q'O i\,.&_ f)-C b c.e Ml op1on ev111 S168,000. ~r. 2 81, lre1hty painted, :: College. 2 BR, 1350 aq. rH1UI ~ l'GU ~~ q, P<rv .... Ownr1Ag1. Ue-..285 • UIYtl 556-617t m1ny 11t1a1. 1)1"11. lit• & =-===- tm ft. Owner moltv111d. -"" QAf I. ------'--'•• ,.,.,. SplenOIO cuatom home 11 Unll• EASTSIDE c M . • I , )'. I. 2 • 2 9 I a . _ ........ ....... -1119.000 bit 'b fr un ..., fl I 11"7".3246 a&'l!l ........ ,._ Cltttl .,. 951•1344 or 11529•3798 e•-.....,, °' ._ •••••••••••••••••••••• on ex tr• l1ro• lot I good n • n c no . __ ._._..-_______ ~C'MM~llMlt ,,.. .._ ..---.. ;: ---------• ,_ _.......... ~ • WllllWI bdrm• l~kldlng mllO'• :~11~~1~:lnc only 23H Fordtll1" St C M t e11r 11111•• '" 1 ::;.: DOLlllfl '""to 1-,_ _. -• 15000 Own. owner mual QU.,.,.,. Huge,.., 119o-•----------• ColltQe Perk AtM 3 bd, I 'Ir l•Ht, 3 br, 2 ba, ,... ,, .. --. • '"' Se. hltt Atfn I F A N U S E I "" 2 Br condo EllCelltnt reno• overtook• poot lflTS WANTED 2 b•. Ot>te Gar, Lro Yrd. t.nc:eo. comm poot. + .,,. IA •1111•11 '"• l 3 8 3b I .. I I I and •P• View of golf Frpt, 1715/mo 831-IOU Wit,.. -mo Cati o-............ .._... ri:::w11.:i11yr!: s:; I' I I' I I ~=~·~·v·;1~:~~ ~: ::.~.-;::.:r: I"* 4 to I unit bwll• "'ooeen. 3 bl. 2 ba.'"" ea1"."3003.".v. Hl-11~ ~·::·::·.:. ': auumabte flHd rite c:tc:t lrom 1110,000. Alli large 11m1ty. 11.•so.000 dint• In Newport or le¥el condO, yardLP004'. 3 Br 2'~ 1 1 1ownhomt.I _...., "',........ toanl Enjoy "9Utlfllf 11111 I 0 A L 'G N I lor Mark, 644-13215 or , __ .....,'!!I!'"_____ Hunt.,....ton leech. Ptet· 1enn11 ct, ger 1811Vtmo 1eoo f '"IC 1 ,.., -.,,.. ....... . anO 1ecurlly 1181111 JI 6!59-6•42 " II ~':tt broker a1 lmmed. 91S.0.12 I ",. •J:i Im Mall •Hiii ,. ... ,. ~::.:; m~.~~~ c:~:.i .1 I I I I . t 1 .... -------· -._ .. _5_·_34_54 ______ ,..,.... v.,d.,., a,. :1•:oo'c,~r:' ,,·,/';-:::..~ .. -:.::-now t1 ... '310 • I nHd • 30 to 60 """ 11mt1y room, no P•t•. .. •. 16.43 • Tlie DAILY PILOT F AR l E I ! .., """ i. '"" ot ~ • lflt'sgot ::l lnOrangeCo·tMt aaao1mo .... 113e 11ng1e--,-1m11y--tiomt--on-1.M e-=1-:.=;: I t I I ? ~ ':. ~ ~'"' ·= I handles 0 7ea300 ..,.: ~=-cell -3-23-,-~-2-1-.-~-.-Duptex-, _C_M_, :::.:~~!m cl~d:~,: ........ .: ..:::-: ----t wtttl• leter you ,,." lo 00 "OU'tl lf'•lt ............... u • .-. ... on I 10Ml-tpm pool, 2 Wrm. ~ ba. t..i ..... , .., .... c •• '"'• ---I "• E 1 ,,..._ ,. "' __ ..,,.,,.. .... ,1.... "'6••-room, ftr-i.c., p1110, •••t• ••• ' -.rw • " R E ...... -. • a sale Tuttet, 11on1 oam• • .,. w ~ ~ .,Wo. pee1 ..-. .._., •. .., -. High Hhi"•bft 101n. I I* I I I e e=i:1a1a 111o c~tit••• .,.... I fatter In -----1Pleler and reed lft the l attalc» I er CMef, ,_ 11eree1. two °' ,.,... • ' • •' •' • • ' l1111u11o .,.., Wiii tonll·. . • . . • . "1 ::t:, "-~ -• Lott Ledy'• Diamond Delly Pttol CIHt lflecl 01rp ... '"''-'.J ye rd, ~..,--..... '"" ..... .._.et dlr ••Chlnt• Atlllng ,... ....... ... Ne ....... Dally Piiot Walch. Vic. l'Ulllon Nellon lbOUt Mi. Mui· pool. no pet•. N111rno .. ""----.... c::-· .... u e u 1113.00CI ftotler1 Miiii• i "wof=>lltfftS IN r r r r r J Clauffled ~~88C"° Atwerd :··~":' = -:r..: ::' 24U "I " Orlnll . ;Q:_.~.:--~~bte ::.t~':;!· • lf#?M*' 1t1"" I I I I I J L't3: "" '°"' actwtn·--ltlf'I---· r.::~r'",~r~.~"i::~:~ ... LITI .................. 1111 :,-:· .. T.::1:-...... =Yc:•::.~~·11••d .......... - .. Orang• CoHt DAILY PILOTI Mondav. Nov•mb•r 1!5, 1982 ~L~4A!e:ouop~1 tor• 30 <.lay ad In th• lllLY PILtT IHVtOE llHCTHY 00 IT NOW! ls• ftr SHllra Your Dally PllOI Se1•~ Otrectory Rep11sen1111ve 142-Hll, tat. 122 lessianal Sm'Vil:e Di ~!/.~~!~ ..........•.•. f~!I!. .. !'~ ••••...•.... Oftv-•v•. P11rklllij lo• I XII( h ~11111111111•1 """' n~·"· ,OOICOllll\Q 11<1<1 na llllllOd 1111 II sas A•plltt 631 41 .. lk. s~~110111a & ,,,. ... :,~ ,, .. ,, Oen lt•lll}•lll a1,d1ng ••I 0.111 '"'I 4~ '· ' PAv1no Co H1t1lcomn11 Gutlom <.,.up. nll~ by Dtl~ LIC 31170604 80 tno & N II P1rnt1l111g 1(1!1•111 II ~!!!!!!1! ••••••••••••• Our oll1cea non<.lle 111 1re11, ol law Prompt court•uv• llt•••C• rRtE consullnllnn l>4ll 033!! d11011 t•IC flh 04" Pl8011 f !!r..1• !!!.vf !! ....... . No S11•m/No !>11.1mpoo su11n s,,,~ .. 1.111,1 r11•• d•y r10t• trttl IUO 1!18;> Aggrnflve At10111ey. No Shompuo If. 1t1M111 duuu f'ee lnn1a1 Conaultatlon. Ce>l(l1 h11uhtan11r t. wht Ptrsonttl Injury C11e11. crpts 10 min bl.urh No Rei;ov11r y No F1u1 Hall llv, (!In 1mt I 1!1 1thoJ 494 9:,111 1oc»m S7 !IO couth S 10. CoaltlOIOtl 0111111/ ···········'·········· llt M OUi I l umm rt•tl\Jt'r11t11I t1•111111t 1111 IJI C•VtllOUllla llhljUI (II P •II• (11110 1tmov11trn11 ( <llfl l Ill"" I 11111~ oll~ 10 yr a Urnno11 C:.ly O•JfltJr .. J In~ 11e 1'411101 r>n lombo t.011111 Anyt1mtt Ult;.> 11.114 WAY OOMSTllUCTIOlt lll "'i'080? l'll!n• I lr11111r1110 lw111tu111u 142· 1200 """' lllllitiou SINCC I 'l ~ 1''>4:.> Mtl.11 Mite .1ruw1ch E/1tl1lt ll ..•.••..••••.....•..•• I Ill' (JIJAI 11 Y WOllK At Ill All HA I ( fl I~ ll Jt>iit '14/ 442!1 9~!!.' ... ~'!f •••••••••••• TRiii I op1H.tdl1tl1t11l•fle'I Clt1t111 Ull llo"tt 1 l'll•JV 71'1 I J41111 TME HEH SOHi l uwn lf\'ir ,1111111 tnllull Tr 11 111mir111nuv11t L.1wn Mt•U!l/f'lu101t1h11u f"rt'• tt•lllrlftlO &48· 60011 E •P!tr O•rJtH1ll1 8 Cl•on up T1111 1r1mm1og Fre 11"1 P11111 U41 t0'l8 !'.'.~~r!'!~!' •••••••••••• f.,uq11>11tr v C.1H1111ut• l'lmflll l1• 11111 t;l11un1no n ...... 11 11111 l••ho (lun 111\ 0 1411 llS YHS [)(P OUNttAM llOMf IMl'AOVfM(NT r1o1mu001 r u11111r• larn.1110 t!lt<:l•"lll 11lu111bl•IO 1.111(>11nlry 01 I 8!>'.lO JACK Of Al.L fnAOf!. can J ti< 1111y11mo Ouy or n111nt Of~ 301• ~~~!~·"·············· OUMf> JOU"l 4 Smull Mov111u JOb!t CullMIKr,040 13(11 lhlJh Quuhly hOUMWOlk r •1w11.,nt:.11d d•1111nd11 u111. ho1111•1, 111111 llo•nl. OHllltlllOu• 114!Mlblll I nm t he"''' Phorie 871 70 t:l 11ller (I PM wffllday1 All tJ y Satur dwy 1 on Sunu11y II vou w11111 yOIJr 11nu•• RCAll Y c1rAN Cell I 111d11 11&11 0311 Qoud Rd• ~~!!~'··············· •&·1 MOVIH• I <II' 4u11l1ty 21) yr t1•11 <.om11'•llt11111 t•I•• No 11~111t1m<J /'JO I I~ I AO(, MOVINO Outclr.. C•u•ful •rvlft Low o ••• 66? 0410 C\TAIMNO COlLCClf 8TUOlNI& MOVINO CO l11. T 124 4J6 l1111,1rtl(l fl4' 84?7 WA!Cll US OHOWI r~!!'!!~I .......•...... Ftlel Pltlelt ... t.·~~,~~ ............ . I • jllH I Wiiii< OVlll lrlll Ill 'l lllfHlll'll 1!1111< C.OllllUI hHll A •11111m1 '•8 I 8'i'~ W1 uut• ltd llllllU IO{)ft ""'' 1401111 ••l•tl U11 hol•h•I wulfa 8.111 01.)Q 1111yllrm1 r~~~~!~~!~! .. , .... * •RnYANI C. • * wancovttru1(1 H1•010V•I All l~l>t'• (,412 1.14 I 1•11• Cov111 ..••.•......••.•••.•.. CllS r OM wot;tl p1.111<> c.c. .. ~''" rto..,ood d~tk~ & l101Ct1• AJ111tly b4 I OGn lllH•I •••••................. MOllll r 'H I.VII t 111'•1 I ~It'-tH"' ..t U !I• NII ( ~I 01.ly (.4;> flG~7 "'' ......•..•............ Ill l INS t All ru All 1<111(1\ (iu111..r1l•••"I lll>l o Jr>ltn 1140 f'J211 T111 l11viu ····s·l·owt;A;i.;······ 1 t.,t• "'"' 1•,nuv l.ltt;tu Ul>h lroOWlrlll 'J!l~•101f frt•t rt•rUOltll hlrttUilUij • "" rq• ocy >1tlv1c11 I 1< .II II "" d 1 ti..C>'114 --. . ---~~ . ~~.tl.!!'!!~I .......... . M~•.1!~~!/.~!!'.'!':!!~~f Will SIT In my CM hom • ct1r $5 Guar t1llrn ""' OdO• Crµt llllfMh 111 yr• t'~P Do wo1 k nwe .. 11 Rtla 554 0 123 Ht-Ull HOMt IMPllOVCMl'!NT All IRAOC'l HllDHtH WANTED Mowlh(I, IOIJIOQ raklllU. 111w11111p1ng I r •• we11 m..iws (Ill~· 5737 HAUL INCJ unADtNG d•moltt1011, cionn up Co11e1111e I'. tree 111mov111 Quiet. ~ljrv 64,·7638 ttOU!lC.CLtANINO Gooo ruh1 T run~pot muon Ca p111 d 9711 01~1J Ouullly li<•uanc:ioontng ''""1 o PN1onal touch by AIChlr<l 6111or LtC. :180844 13 Y" or hOPPV 1oct1I cu11omt1t fha11k you 831·•410 r!f!!!!I.!!~~~~ ••••••• 1.0 S PlAf>fCHtN~ N11111 poitchu 111111 •• r. u. t.0.1 ! ~I. ...•.......•. Mt1'1 1tt11Jwc;1, K 14 !J,1y """ ~'.i II \10•111 Mr M (llCJ 111 f14'; !.t.'f, E1tptt1tnctd Catpenlet fenced ya1d 1101 mo1111 Remodel/Add-onlRepett ret15 1ates 548-2674 C1•1al Coat1111 IU MOO! l ADO N~ Ml 11'167 JAPANCSC OAROENER SPlC:.IAl IST molnl • cl11Jfl vp. 111mrn111u low prlc.c I rw usl 549.9493 Coll lklth 8!>0 09J3 PAINl EA Ntros WORKI 30 y11 t11P. tnl/ ••I Acoo111c c1111tno• LK. 300780 Free flit Att•tut.<.UI 1)4b 117(18 760·2685 548-8654 Moonlight Drallsman Home-Add'ns-RemO<ltts Member AIBD 645-187 I SLIDING GLASS DOORS l1i1'fll ·············~········ CUSTOM HOM( BLOR needs SMALLER JOBS between houses Free H I Call Dan 53 7-0342 •••••••.•......•..... Cement Mu.onry Ellocll Wallr. C..u91 worl< lit 38 IO!i 7 Rob 54 7 :168:.1 Or111ew,1~; I>•'""~ w,111<• 010<.t. w.1111.rn,1:.omy Fr..e fl~I rl'a" 892 4!157 f.u!.'!."! • ~~!~~~~~~ '!f • OU STD II C 1ti111~1 .. P11llmnns.-eo,. Woll Unth 642-0881 EJ,ttricil ........•••••••••..... l 11wn service lrorn $ 18 llAULINO atudenl ho 14ouwec1e11nmg rellabh1 lgc 1ruclt. .. unit ll)w 1111 Own tr•nsp Reo• rRtl'5 r(ompl 7f19· 1076 YOLANOA 0412•0405 CdM fhftnk you. John Hohdav Houso Cteun1ng, Uhr ED tow rute1. t111mate1 Sht!11y 751-94' I. Sheron 857 5317 Oov11 Pi;tnllng 847 5186 15 Y'• ei:p I'm small, 1oy p11cn er• 1m1tll Ron 650·6477. 681-88~9 PlA'lHfl PAIClllNv A1111ucco1 1111111/T'° 10 yra N1•1ll P11ul ~4 !i 29 77 !!~!'!~!~I ............ . Uhr ED 1•8· ll25 ~~~~~!':.~!~~~!'!I ....• 11 1 ""' &un .. 1111110 In I .• 111 :>un~ltlruo Wont'luw uu.1111m1 l l<I ~48 118!>'.l .'0 Monthly l.1• .. tvu111 w11mow c.LE A111NC. f £:S10 t. COMM L Installed/ RemO<I. add'ns & concrele Uc 36 1681 iii"Jiiloeili8•9il2iil·iiii1_3il2iii7111iiiiiiiiiii-f !!.i!'.~~ f!~!J!'I. • • •• • • Cabinets & Carpentry Small 1obs & repa11s fHOMPSON CONCAET£ , P,11106 tJnvoway!> loundOh0•1' 39'.118:1 64<'-8482 ELECIAICIAN Prtt lld 119ht hf'!• e811Hllll0 (Ill lurge O• 1.m!ill IOIJS rno Y<.I Ch1tln ups WtllJ• Futnlllltl·POOl ·Willo;• llOlll 0111g treo work Ken Now 80000 DlU lurne~ 964 1083 & II•"• lllO\IUI ln$IOJll8d • >tousect~ontng-honest, rt!llllblo Ovotlly work Aola Suo 645 G 16g Lowe1t r111os1 Prompt, """ proleHIOOlll 16 yr• eAp 636· 7149 RALPH'S PAINTING •O {JUI wc1101n1111t•• $22!. 5 SAVE S ;oo-.. 410•1. Plumbing ltie111 '7 170'l Guor falil Rustc;umno 537 41J78 GC. 963-<;474 HB I Nl f;',f '>81·1 IJ<' -------·-- Free estimates 6-45 Xl03 $80000(7141898-6512 l" 3"662 1 b73·0359 Juilori1/ ...••.••.•.....•••••.. LOWEST RATES lie 3800 t5 536-9898 Going Into Business? Mouldlngs, Flrtplaces, C1tunlt Add Rooms. 35 yr1 exp .••• 6'.-••• 1. •••••••••••• MacBetn C:.o Co11crt'lt! const alab' w.ilks tu111 gu11cr & dock Also ru pair 552-5610 LIC 0 ELECrRICIAN 011111 wort.1floa~ , .. ,,,. frt-o 11M 63H10n Kl!.0 l11r1dsc11pe M111nt Re~td/Comm Clll&ll· VIJ Spronkle1 ay~ 548 2489 '!.O."!!. !.?.~!~'. •.•..... COMM L JANITORIAL & CAA PET CLEANING Ot>e s Cle11n1og Service I IC Bonded 963·5<174 CUSTOM PAIN IWOAK Comm l/rosld, str1pp1ng. $l!ll11lng The Job lhDI apeok s lor 11se11 498-8580 Clean Lie No 276943 FREE ISTllllTESI 7 t4-859-9905 C•ild C111 ELEC rAICIAN Sml 10bs1RepaJ1s Loe 233 108-C 10 548-520J SAM FUKUMOTO S Gorder1111g clean ups. rn111111 tree trtni &ml land>eopo 64S 3!140 P111111111g. pl11mb1n9, eloc . <llywull 1110. c111pcrttry Mork 546·7816 ~!Jf~J!~i~I........... A• required by lew, C&l)lntltl rel1n111tt>d l.Jf In e w bu 1 I n•••• I nl'dl 11ee11se<1 h•on1lc• K usi ng • Flctltlou1 ~!.~'!!!!'!t.!~!!!!! •••• 50% OFF FIRST MONTH Dependable. allotdable. essenllal. Answering service. secretarial & bustness services. mail box rental,1 word proces· sing. Telex-Facs1mt1e. ordet en tty. pagers-leose· Reasonable prices. 111st profes~onal w o11c custom work 100• No )Ob 100 small or loo bog• Ca· b111e1s. k•IChen remodel & finished cerpen1ry elect / plumb 1 cabtnetsl counttnops I do eve1y- lhmg lrom start to hnrsh• aau Bred 111 c11•> n 1.3250 •••·•················· Loving Mom 101 you• 111 18111 IOddle1 nr Jamtto ree & PCH. NB 675-0781 Co11tr•clo11 Centt•l ···········'·········· R.J. M11fht1111 l Sott L1c 306888 Remodtrl A<ld 11!>. Cabinets 646 8586 645-4644 RESIOfCOMM LllNO 20 yrs Do my own worll lit ?78041 Al 6468126 RMH Clt•~t-Reonodels A d <I I I 0 0 n , g •• r w1kiohu11~ Low '"le~ l •C :12513!! Ins 6416 7378 ~!!!!!'~ ••••..•..••••• TRACTOR W ORK Ex td~iltmg. comp;ic11on, tHJCl\hOe 20 VIS exp King Equip 637-7J92 ~ ... ~~(!'!~!' •••••••••••• tlELPING UANOS You nurn~ 11 well do 111 fd & BoDbt 240 0275 24 hr!> ~O.~!~~!~~~!~f ....•..• ROBINS CLEANING Set••te ii tho1oughly clean h<>ui.e 540-0857 f~!l.~~~'!f!~f •••••••••• Old Country landscapes. · Anything ou111de the home · 645 -5597. 675-6058 ~~!!!'!( •...•...•..... BRICKWORK Smull JOI>!> Newp0<t, Costa Mesa. ln11ne Reis 675-3175 111 CLASS PAINTING· Wallpaper lntl E•t Re- patr~ Free e11 979-5294 Pmnti11g 1nt1ex1 re:.td, cornm Cslm .,...o,k Reis Free es11mall'S 631-41959 ,.,,.,; .. .. ,-.•.. , .....•...•.... Ad.J"'!> 760-9617 8u11nt11 Name mu1t · lr•gltttr thlt neme R r twith lhe County Clerk. •• 0.0.!'!l ••••••••••••••• ,c.11 th• DAILY PILOT ROOF PROBLEM? LEGAL DEPARTMENT D<>n 1 r11-1 <;or "'llJ" "' for lorm1 and further 1 r u c I 1 o " n I c ri s 1 11n1ormatlon. 8S7 2890 642-4321 buy, desk space rental Remod & Repzrns Free ANSWER NETWORK est Lo rates Decks pa· None ? bt{l non~ 2 small F1om A to Z we do 11 all 7141-675 9436 lie 425781 C11rpenlry Masonry RQOllll(I • PlumblJ•g Drywall Stucco • Tile Remodel J B 646-9990 TIRED Or HASSLES"I Olock/BrlCk Walls Con· Ouol11y ctoon1ng help •S c1e1e Very reos L1e·d Fortn1ng lnle•1or Oe&1gn HANGING/ST RIPPING visa-MC Scotl 645-9325 smutt iota 01< Fri.le Jt111'11al(t}I ROOFING R[PAIHS l E.rt. 332 I ... s11mates C.all lom or •.111111·w ... _ ••••• tit .... 11. 631-9131 (ask for AV I 110 Sieve 752-9556 here• Rais 060-7452 Bob 673-53671536-9906 Chutk 542-631J2 ............ .., .. ,.... ......... -~'-- Mt ut 6G-5611 ... .,,.., ...... ......... ...,,..awte ettl $ I c, ....................... ,.,.... .......... _ c,..lc ....... w. , __ ...,..,.. ... Or.,.. ... .,.. .... a.we" ..... ft-'. n. ..... ,... .. _, ......... 0...., C.U.11 ... ..., ... I 642-5678 DAILY PILOT .... J•' ~. .... ''· 1· f ~ • - Businessmen I I 11o u art d?l"g bu•lnt•• undtr a P1ctl11ou1 8ui1nt14 .'Vamt .,o.. crt rtqtu.rtd 1 bSI law 181111iwu alld ProftHION Codt. Stt moo to 1mo1 10 Jilt a f1c1Hlo1o11 IJutnru NtHrtf' Stolfm#fll Olld ho tlf It publuM<I for fOtlr Con#Clllivot i«tlu Wf; ol lh DAll..Y PILOT ('OJI ,..., w.tll boll! Call tlw LBCAt. OtPAltTMiNr al f42 Oii lzl IJ2 /or /t1rllwf ~'°" •·J.Dqpma 642..f!2J . !'.'.!!!!.¥~!!!!.i.'!'!; .. ~/ ... '.'!!!~!!.!!'!!'.;!!~~ ~l.'.~1!'!!!'!!.!!'!.n/!A~~ Ap~1;u~111 d A1;;::,~::;lled A1;;;:,~::;,,,., A1u:i:~::;.,, A1~:i.~:::,,,d I r.•.C.'.'f~!'.!.~~!!!~!.~~~ '-'.r!r.!!.~~!!~ ••• l~~? f!!!!.!!!!t ••••• 1.~~1 !t.r:t~!!.~!!!! • .t.~~! c;;~·i:;~···· .. ··i;2· -c:;,:·;,;;;······3;;4 ;;;;;;;;;;~··········· #;;···,~·;,;;;;···;;;; ;;;;;·A;: .... · .. ·;;;'o FOR RENT' E Bluff condo. 3 br den IEWPORT VILUI( OCEAN FROIT •• •••••• •••• •••••••••• • ••••••••••••• •• • ••••• lt1tll 3140 ••••r.••.••••••••• ••••• • • ••••••••••••••••• • • • • 2•, ba Nr tennis club leautiful La114scapt 2 l>d•m 2 ba ssso mo 2BR 1 t:Ja dlw oltins 1 01 rf'trig stove lndry •••••••••••••••• •••••• 2 Br 2 Ba trom $525 No 2 Br 2 Ba a11 M'G 9 .. 1~ 2 !Jt'<lroom 2 ti11hs & 2 Patio. lrplc. 2 ca• oar Gas waie1 Paoo Patios 1111 Ju" t' , n ct u 111 polio 90, no peh S52~ Pel!> con!i. $3'15 1920 2 81 ca1pet dropea pool ?Oli Across from New-pool No peti. ~'>'.'15 mo ,,,,,.., in r,.,,, Pt!aka 1n 1600 sq 11 Lease w/poot 18cum souno~ 752 Q466 650-0881 548-42<11 645-9857 Watlactl ti40 6029 2 block s h orn beach POrl Beach Goll Course 213'860-9513 L rk• A11owheod c1rea S8901mo 760-0679 ten . cou ts olle bolt 10th St 547-4151. 545·4855 H .. bu11t-1n~& hr1.1ptace ni,, r v Y I Bdrm $4251.no Cllrf)orl Nr Fo1rv1ow A Baker. 2 br. Spectacular view Pool ca..rts Rl!<:reut1on room .. •tlm .. nll g 1aun<1ry 1acll Can Siu 1 t>a lnor~ hook-up 536 7953 3Br 2Ba cpls drps ... ,,,, 1 II f ·/l ad' ru~I 1051 &C dopo~ol re- spa • iannrs $1995imo Jr 1 txl lurn1shed $4)0 np " , I 491_.,338 or 540•3666 I • /1 Ill IJ UIDll " Q u tr c d a II I l I 4 ) .. c II I b d • encl gor Children OK Close to loach new y redecorated in .. 01 Ualritn 3400 7 6 8 . 0 2 8 b 0 , 17 1 4 1 HrbrRdge 760-9307 C•ll5570075 IJllllJll t NO Pf'IS $4 75tmo OU I $950 mo (2 131 ~ -• • • •••••• •• • •• •••••• • • 2 Br 1 Ba Newer tnh56 Nr Hunt Hnr 1 t>r enc •••••••••••••• •••••• •• 6(, 7 06!>7 weet.;aay e~e- 2 Br den 2 Ba wel bar Clean I B• lurn co11n91• I G1ntr1J 3102 no pets S•951mo 19 16 968-9611 Q!t• 5350 962· 77110 332-41051 I SUWllD n1n9~ "'"" 6 pm II no lrplc. 3 car gor pool no pets very P• ivattt ...................... W>lllnct• 102 831-367 t Easts1de lu•urv rn a pine 2 SIP• rev Twnllse, 2 Br 2 4 Br 2 Ba. 40 fr om sano YILUGE oln6wl'r olea51' ~ oep lasl&sec 548-0522 Bt1rm S•25ro$525 lfHtlt' 1 Br 2 Ba Town-80 u $950/ 1 F "I N 1&2 bd $695/mo 553-0255 $435 mtlOs au ulll• 1~1 Gard~n Giove 2 & 3 roiest 2 br 1 ba. relr~. B~ 'Frpl gldlcpt dlgar w fbatcony & 1undeck I llt1ng1 Steps to beach Lovely 4 ti16 4696 dahwr;lwr rflC. gar $'>65 No pets 536-8610 Yr Y urn ew • rm luxury PALM OESl:Rl CONDO 7 bdrm $1100 mo lmmac S3 7 5 mo DI• m obrle hou•.e in quiet complex gas Inc. I S ~ 1 5 'm o 645-0340 ap11 in 14 Plona 1 Bdrm clly'> Dec 2 sips. " Poot Comm pool & tennis homl.' No pets Oulllt :·o·~~e ~G~l5 0~~~~~3~e: 714-631 6741 I Br apt 3 blk1 lrom On Boy 2 bdrm 2 ba lrom $540 '1 t.drm lrom tennrr. etc $75 dy 546-5704 secutl' 199 I Ne..,port B1Jboi.lllaod 3106 675 5949 2 Br 1 811 571 w Joann beacn Child & pet OK lrplc I car gar Private s595 TownnQu'I.' hom' 644 0627 Blvd 64(, 837J •••• .. •••••••••••••••• $465 mo 960-7165 S665 + pool~ t••nnlS I E·6..iyl1on1 lltllti 111•• Upslatrs No pels Beach Good neighbor-wa1orlalls pond\' Gas R1n l1l1 to Slurt f:JOO- lfllllOR lllDG( Free B11chelore11e apt 1n 0,.,, :i ,.0ry detu~e trg IMSTlMT II! $425/mO S1err" Mgmt hood 101 couple or sin-lor cooking & heating •••••••• .. •••••••••••• ESTATES exchange lor babys1t1111g 26r lrpll $1800 mo 5400 54 IS/mo 2 Br 1 64I·1324 f!l.~'!!.~t!.C.t •• !.~~f gle $1100 673·2162 paid From San Otego! & ""'°'" 545·0034 A ... lem 67S '106. B .. "'"''~•da opt laundrw 2 Br 1 Bo Maple Ave OCElM "IEW S·IOAM. 6•9PM Frwy drive Nor th on Completely customized ,,_,_ ·' w 'Lautremonl with lllbu· Hun liailoa 5,,,,,,, 1 "' 1 l:lo no p.>to; room beamlld cell•ngs Up o; 1a1 r ~ No pets 10 m;nutes 10 ol Leguna Beaulllul large 4 B• en-Beach 10 McFadoen 10 ROOllM&TE FINDERS lous ocean vista and ex-1,,c. 3740 Avu1I Dec s S525Jmo No pet\ No t.ist month $4401mo Sierra Mgmt on Dana Point 1 most clsd patio. steps to Se aw 1 n d V 111 o g e qutsrte furnishings lor •••••••••••••••••••••• yrly 673 OU!8 1en1 depo!l1I req Call 641 1324 secluded scenic blull, beach Yearly 675~419 (7 141)893-5198 01001 6 largest ag.-ncy All ct•tmts screened with photos & references lease $3.900/mO Antta YOU DESERVE IT! 1 SL Mgmt 6A?· 1603 2 Br 11, Be Twnll!le Eosl llkt new. 2 Br wi den, Schan de II M aureen Beauttlul 8 park 11118 with l1lbo1 Me ,, Verde sh;irp up1-t8th SI No pe1s G•· •tra taroe pr1va1e patio. 2 Br 2 Ba Coodo. East- t>lull, upgrades. a11oche<I Rooms 4000 Credits Co~m(lpOlllan Gooa M0<mog AmetteJ Too T omortow Show '* oll • to 1U who of'ed a place Whtie 6441-6200 lerraced ...,.,.., Peninsula 3101 ta"s 2 BR 2 Ba blln• rage $625/mo Sierra garage $725/mo Call •Spocio:;;A_pls •••••••••••••••••••••• new cpts. encl ger lndry Mgmt 64 I· t3241 661-64141 t Or M-F. 9-5 911rege No pats S950tmo 559-7144 ...•••••.•...........• USHA IElCM Pt p 2 t>drm. 2 ba n1·we1 dptA rm no pets S575 mo 643-0210 Drive by 10 * ivate allQS yrly Mah.Ire oon-srnkr• Colt 5'10 1158 alt 6 , 1 br avail Pool spa tndry see 81 24583 Sanle OCEANFRONT • Custm decor , 3Br 28a up. amenities. ytly S 1200 mo 2Br 1Bil dwn 800 mo Malure pis 7400 W Ocolrnl 850-9192 MOTOR IH Wldy reolals $95 u11 Colo• TV free cOllee Ma1eo pool & at&ps 10 ocflall Klltll r. avail •Covered Perking no pell S650 X 3 979-38<18. esk tor Pom I gar No pets S413 b Clara •04otng A•ea 2131799·4195 257-9792 6415·5677 bel 6 •Wlllk In Closets Or (714) 673-3986 2 er ,. Bo lludlo. pool I OCEHFROIT Mowport U 1·1 Ht •Home u~e Kitchens carport pvt patio cllll-Than~sgivin; Spf!Clal Motl elegant apt bl<lg 1 blk to Huntrngton $395 1 Br dplrc Ut1I pd Oreo OK No pets $475 MOVE-IN ALLOWANCE .,, L.Jguna Beach llrw&t 985 N Co;i'1 Hwy Loguna Beacn 4941 5294 Wanted ICIT' to.~hr CdM 2 BR 2 ba apt Non sm1<r S3SO & ur I Avlltl Dec I 675 5067 Center 1ranspa1Joloon & 14 17 E ftay Ave Balboa 6<16-1824 Lg• 1 br crpis dr~. In locahon 1n 1o.,,n. btealh· trwyi. p N 1 547 t 15!'> dry rm prkg w1te• pd UTILIT'irt FllEE ert 0 P" ' PALM MESA APTS gar & 1el1ig avail Xlnt 1111\rng views all built-ins ..,_ • BACHELOR • 1561 Mesa 01 roe No pets AvoJI now heeled pool sub-goroge. EASTBLUrF Spacious 1 Br patio. ·pool view no pets S5901mo 644 4767 $90 & up with ~lichen. '"'et>kly Oceanlront Mo- I Bdrm From S51!i Yll~ ul•I pd $340 mo s4oo Unlurn 1 Br 631_8427 elevator lcar>e only TownMe unlurn 201 E B111oou Blvd Cati Olwn 9 4 5416-9860 $850 & up tttl 675-8740 NPwport Heoglll Town- hou<l t>eaul ru,,, Mt1· 1u1 e 1ema1e 5350 646-7555 2 Br cottage Ne...,porl He;ohts reawooo decks brick watk5, wooded gar $750'mo Avatt 12-15 645·6625 LA QUINTA H~~J~AO 67S ~!>62 4 646'13 19 2 81 'B·• CastSlde QUIOI A~";,~le~~I~·,~ ~·~~ :ec~s 33° Chll Qi 16211 Por~~'"" Ln 1 bit. C1roa1 ''} #11 3122 n!'•ghborhoO<I no pela & pa100 K1d1 Pats 0 K Oceanv1eoN 1B1 deco1ato1 4941-8083 2-lly condo 2 Br 3 Bo Fem non i.mhr. rm wlhse pool spa sauna 5795 pr prrv C M $225 unfum mo 751·319 l lur11 S260 645 "•59 W of Beac;h 3 blks S •••••••••••••••••••••• near schools ~450'mo 5645 A varl 12-1 Lorrr apt garage No Laguna ol Edinger 847·5441 STEPS TO OCElM 631·6155 Wlldilys 5"'7·9571, Eves 1 blk to bcn no pets WMY HT TME IESTI Balt>O.l Pemnsul.i Prrva1e En11oncc $175 No smoking or coo1<1ng 675-339 1 M r to th• 3 b• 2 bot hou\tt on Cana1 1n N B ISi lost & <!Pp 645-2'195 '* S3501mo up Sach• I LBrgE! 3 Br 3 Bil many BEAUTIFUL 2 Br 2 Be & Wkn<I S 850·0223 ~;1.~3;r;o 494-6404, & 2 81 unlurn & Jurr1 ameninn $ t tOO Call Frplc. encl gar Ctl<>telr NEW gated 20 Town home VILLAGE COM - MUNITY 2 Br 2'~ Ba 1600 aq It 01 pure tu· xury Garag ... spas In every home • mast er 1u11e. dlolng rooms. wood burning 11rep1aces, mrcrowave ovtn1 p11. v11e pe1ros & y11ds. gar- M F Share 2BR 2BA two '10ty OPI tn CdM Non· 'lmkr $350 1)411 month 111c ulle~ cable & phone 3 Br 2 Ba Westcllll $1100 H F•ll<lert<:k &gt 631-1266 pool spa 18992 F1o<101 Anthony da~s 642-5757 area adlls prel S57S 842-28341 8412-3 t72 eves & Yookndt 631 6630 Jd94 Moc• W/Fedco -2 Br I Ba Brighi & airy BAYFRONT ffl.".~~.~! ... '.t .. !J.~f lrplc sun o,rci... carports, Lu•ury studio Ir~ HBO tease 110 pets S650tmo BALBOA ISLAND 3 phone maid serv spa !60·17l3 B<1rms 2 ba e11cetlent S 130 ... 11 499-3015 Garage 1p1 I br OW cond Fu1n or unlurn -gu • pvl No pe11 lmmed possession 2 litwr.11 l.acll 3169 $6501mo 612' Jasmin• mos minimum rental OCEA~·F•RON•r°Oi:2·;·9r• OP"'n dl'llly 2·4 642-8367 $1500 /mo Ownoi By we ek or mo.nlh C1ean3brtrm 2badpl• 644·95 t3 673-7873 pa110 g.11 Ave11 1214 OCEANFRONT IB•Ql' 3 Br $990 No PtlS 719 He· S•o CJ1a1olt 321 2 Ba wshr <11yr nc pets I otrop 972-9406 H7ii·.;~;·~;~·;.~·;·b; w_1_n_1er se~o 673-66•0 Coila /lies• 312f convert den & maid'• On lhll beach holel I "•••••••••••••••••••• quar1ers $2000/mo room ap1 k1tchcme11e & 213/4419-2628 b a I h 1 u 1 n • s h e d 180 degree ocean view lrom Orn1ng L1v1og Defl and K11chen 3 Br & Den. $300 mo + $260 dep 2306 w Oceanlron1 NB 673-4t54 2 '~ Ba lmmaculele.j••••••••• S 1200/mo No pell 673-6632 owner Spadous single. one & two bedroom IHI• AH 3Zll illpartments • • • • • • •• •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • .. IP.IP.Ill~"' .. ""' 3 Bi l'tb1condo,11p lie. pool vacant, cpl 0111 $575. 6416-630& ,,.,., '-•d 3111 .........••..•........ 8eau1 2 11y home on Canal w/boat ahp 4 br, lgl llv are• $1250 mo ) Avail now Call 960-8468 lor appl (&gtl 11111• 3ZH ...••••..••••........• 2 Br 1'\ Ba condo car- port, sml pet OK. $525 85 t-1999. 770-9191 "''''•" -r u.,.,.,... 3100 ...••.....•........... 2 bdrm. I ba. garage. Coat e M esa M orn 955-124 7 , Aller 3 6"'6·6481 FU tSHO> or UNFUINISHED All UTILITIES PAID. HEALTH CLUIS, TENNIS SWIMMING plus much more! Sorry. no pets. Models open dally 9 to 6 Oakwood •den Apartments Newport kac.t./No. 880 ll'VIM Ave l•t 16111) 6U-U04 ~!!.~'!!!~!!.!!!!.'!~!!. ,.,.., 111 .. , 31H •••••••••••••••••••••• Newport h.Ac:t./So. 81yfroo1. trn thldlo, uttla 1700 16th St pd, qu1e1 emplyd alnoie. (at Dow•) 9'e81iBAU APlUIHTS Beaulllully landscaped garden apta Poot & Spa Patios/docks No pets Bachelor 1395 1 Bdrm $485 2250 Veogu•rd540-9626 Bachetora $4 10 I Bdrm $480 t3 1 E 18th 646-6816 161 E 18th 6•2·0856 Specious 2 Br 1 Ba'"""S4125 Duplea 3 Br l'l Bo $'175 Laundry lac pool 5'18 9556 12·7PM tllTlllT 1911 E11111<1e $625-$635/mo 7 Br 1•., Be Towollouse . tll bull! Ins lndry rm carpo11. y.,dlbalcon~ amall pet OK TSL Mgmt 642· t603 i Flr~pltCI pool dllh wasner pvt l)al•o X Lg Gardt'n I & 2 Br on El Side t<160 . $580 557•284 1 11R. 211l. 3H. N~wly decor Gu po encl ger. dwthr pool, bbq no pell 6"'2-5073 , .. 65 2 Bdrm. retrtg. pa 110. no pe11. advlls prtf, 1211 A J•m1t, 673-1787 yrly S4251mo 673-3600 642-5113 N1onr lllhfPomona I Br ,.,.., l••••••••~ t Ba do...,M111rs di• 11•/•1•/1 3101 1 BR, 137~ "'O lk carpotl. wller pd. t chtld •••••• •• •••• •• •••• •••• '" b 10 Oii. no iat• S400 Agont, Wln11r Rental 2Br, pool, 1 oceeri-poollangl odlt no lee 982 0217 ~':1~~~$550 Plt)'ll prel'd 842 &002 SPACIOUS 2 Bd I Bii C.11H ''' "" 1111 2 & ~~&~!.~~wk Ot ~::oc:~~~gs :rvp:,•; •••••••••••••••••••••• mo Agl 675·8170 s 4 7 'i 2 2 5 & MI p,,. Octtn view. beautllully 073·ft1101 or 648-73&8 furn townhou11t. lrplc. pool & pell<> S 1095/mo 873-0IH CHI• #IN 11 .......•............ ffurn 1 bdrm •Pit 1385 111<1 up lnc g1r1gu '1 10 New90r I Dtvd CM 848-•Ht BAYFRONT 9AL00A ISLAND 3 t>drni ' b41 l'IOUIO In llXCtl cono ~urn or unturn lmmtd POIHtllon ? mo& n11n1mum r111111t1 S 1 ~OOlmo Owr11r 844 95t3 • .. Nlt'Ner ? on 2 ea. 5475 i 91\ 3 0• w/2 c111 IJlf SCl2S No pela 760 1411 Of 642 7628 •1111..tcn<I• -•7Br 2h Nti.H SC l'llltl 6 A Luwry Con ao wlpool 1516 NC> !Miii 833·8111.t 2 bdrm. I , b• hreplace gar, no pet s $495 !>48-7510 1 BR cpll drpa stove lndry lscll. 1va11 now No pets $375 646-4382 2 Br w/ga• $4410/mo crpts, water pd 2176 E' Pll1cenlla 636-41120 1·5PM EBSl,lde 2 Br quret new oarpet garage yard. pool no !Miii $575/mo Mngr 24153 'B Orange Ave LIU MEW RUH IOW I lrg Br wall\ 1n c1ose1 Ir pie, dlllw&hr tg pvt patto. pool spa. no pe11 $475tmo 549-24-t 7 2 Br 1 Ba crpt, drapes blHns no pets $4410 2272 Maple 631-2927 Br.ind sp•nll1ng clean 2 BR 1 Ba I car gar. no pet s S5 50 mo 286 S1n10 Tomas Agt 6 .. 2-6368 PINE BLUFF APTS I Br & Loll Chlld Ok, patio. view. lrplc, encl gar • OH stove, dt&h· washer spa. lndry rm $650/mo SPMC 63t-6107 2 Br TownhouM I" Ba 1tv1no & d1n1ng uh. lot· Chen. lrple &IUIOhed 011• rage pool & sp11 S6251mo 631·4984 2 Br I Ba 1n 4-pltx clean no pe11 $4301mo 271 ·9 16th Pl 644-04152 'l Br 11, B11 l4501mo for 2 persona 755 W 18111 St 646-9507 2 Br lrple SS001mo 540 3866 Cloa; 2 Br wtlh po(I(), no pets $41301mo 5418·\lll~ NEW BAECO APTS I 8r A lo" Bach • JOit F1plc r•e room, pool, facuw. 011• A water ptld No 0-11 ,:rom $405 3113 H•m•lton c M 846-44 I ' --Speotou• ' Br 2 B•. b41 1n1 lrplc; gtr 1515 No p111 Avell 1mmed Hlrb0rl8Ak1t1 84C·60011 2 1>01,;";i'ih ylrd '52~ l<1J• OK 8tr1Qle tlOr)' 963·7600 .845·5735 •MESA V~ROt 2 8r I Ba Newly decC>r 14115 No r>ett 133.ag74 SHARP E Side separalt 2 8R unll tncd y rd encl g&• new cpts oo r>ets Call 5410 1158 or 979 38418 OSI< tor Pam EMt&1de Co110 Mesa 1 br duple,( g1roge, yard $425 mo A81 675-1642 wkdays 76 7241 I Suo· days •28r 2na. nr SC Pin S A Pooll1pa.carport $575 Child Ok 752·5822 Very Charming 2 bd, 2 ba • 2 story ltpt wood pa net. deck trees '' blk/ o cean N o end . $8251mo. incl utlls 640·5629 Oce1n front 1 br pan lurn Adults No pets $800/tnCI Uhl 4197-1082 lge bt'eut rm w pvt bath "' beoJCh H B L1gn1 hv rm & i.11 pr111 S300 mo 968 295t elf.'(.troc1ty Alter 6pm 720-0632 2 t x 13 It room ror rent dreom house Me~ Ver-de $400 neg Prof M IF to Sht 3 Bt 751-3294 btac:hlronl apt Nn-sml<r dener provided Elegant Large turn rm wlpvt bath. S3 t0,mo yrly S.-8-4146 hvtng onty 15 mrnu1es to nr OCC s200 mo Fe Fem $1lr new X-lrg condo f!l.".'!~.~JI.".~{ •• !.~~~ PS;, ~~":ta o~~IOof N:~: malo mSoenC!il~ tP~al z5a57~~3a2m9. 0 Goll Co le W SI 546-2573. Coate MHa n ur e port Blvd & so of San (2131 515-5700 Ask tor Nine Condo 2 BR 2ba 2 oieoo Frwy $ ioootmo hr&• leach Ctdt Merk DH• 11/al 3116 ~~~:,•r l:~o:;run~as:: ~!~·.5~:ia:l~~.Orange TO-Om tor rent $1115 mo Shr lge 2br 2 >l>d FP, 2 • • •••• • • ••• • • ••• • ••••• p I 1 I o I 7 2 5 I m o ---------22'1 I 9th SI Hun I Bch gar C M Fncd yd, OW OCHtl VIEW 71 411770· 1950 Bach ept, ,., blk lo beach. 960-8639 $340+ John 673-1701 From Dano Point's moat -----S400 mo 1ncld1 ulil -HARBOR View HOMES SecludeO scenic btull 2 Br 2 Ba Condo on gall 650·8957 Cd" ._0 se ram kll 2 Prol moles seeking M/F course. lake smell vu. '"' " u · " · to sh1 lg very nice be&· ltke new' Only 4 units. 2 quiet. no 1>81• nu crpts & Bach apl Small No gar or pr1v $285 720-0375 med ceilings spttt·level Br widen Xlrl l1g p1wate d 2 bq I d $400 o 1 1 Cd $ 8 pllio From s 7251mo ec Cllr gar b lflMI aun ry m nc Lady 1u1hor. wfbeaut poor 3Br 2Ba apt M 2 0 Cati 06 1•644 1 0, M-F. pool wsllr/d relrigo Incl ut111118' & garden home 1n Irv. mo + 1 ut1t Call Scott 9•5• 6413-0212 Drive b" S7701mo ~93-g761 646·8189 Terr . CdM Wishes lo or Jim 675-8836 evoe 10 1ee 24583 Santo Cta..e ----• 2 br 1 b11 gor . aundeclc share w/cuttlvated tad I Fem 10 shr 2 br c.ondo w/2 - -M •• i.1.•.i.•.11 •• V..1.·,;·'•••••3•1.l.1. er• lrom beac.. •veil home. pool, washer I gtrla "'-·~rm $200 + u111 Super nea1 !21 1-Br VtHaa Cua Loma ~0arge 2BR. 2 t2 30th St SSOO/mo drytr non-smkr · $170 Poot ~~ .. 775-8148 eve t Ba small 4 c.ozy. Prt· 2BA near pool Large yrly 675-3206 730-11326 --vile $4100-$425/mo deck. vAultad ceiling. -Snr beau1 N 8 turn 2BR 673 3313, 493·0803 (or cowered parking. central t Br Apt approx I mile Holtl1, lft1lt/1 4100 epl w.mature qu,.1 empl lurl\ISlledl ltom beaCl't • •• • • • • • •1 •••• • • • • ••• r over 35 W 0 POOi 1325 *** EXCEPTIONAL 2 80 OEN ONLY FOR THE OISci:ltMINA TING $750 Agt 17141498·6804 *** H11tl•JIH ,,,,. 3140 .•.•....•.........•••. SAIDPIPH lPTI A LOVCL Y PLACE TO LIVE •HOmtJVIPY1 1 & 2 Br •Poot11palbl)q •$ ocr11a of t>eeulllully landscaped autrouo dtnga • Nr Frwys & ehepping • 0o .. 1 ertll • S0<ry no ptll (lH) 141·1111 0081 Hollend Cr, HB Btwn Sl11ler/W1tn4!f Oii Beech WMIUU Spec I & 2 br lovely plnoa l llrellmt, HC 11111t1.. ntry by phon• lgfl ftc 11rt'I tnol gym POOi l lf)3 146·059 I ~nowt er t Bt downsl •tt• •Pl dtwenr prrv•ie p1110 "•nol• o•· rAO• No poll. W81tr P••l1 $.l&0 1mo &45 2000 AgflOI no '" Mauiftl Wlll lrg 2 6 3 Ill! tO'MlllOUMI epl a. ~I g11r lrple NHr Hunt Hrbr trom 15 .. 5 Chlldttn Ot< 840·8807 air No pett Won 1 1351 81 6412-2357 SUURI llTEL 1 ' ulll 642•6492 1570 635-1428 --.-.-.-N-E_A_R HOAG Wkly 1entals now eva11 OOV"R SHORES·"'--' 2 /11 'NII J.1tll 31fl I 105 & ul) Color TV < , • ....., ••• "!~••••••••••••••••• 2 BR 1'• BA $495 Phone' in room 227~ rmm11 for my t>••ut NO FEEi Apl 8 Condo 63l·388e, 6"'5·6822 NOWPO•I Blvd CM h 0 me A " a I I now rent11ls VIiia Rentals VERSAILLES 2 bd, 2 ba. 646 7445 646·9515 675-4912 Btoktr Toi) Floor vi-. $800 2 btlrm apt, wtll share ytly, t Block 10 bHch 28r 955-~, 73 1·28~ 8 f. A C H AR [A vety desltable many bright & •lry $875 mo 1 BR VERSAILLES. lovely emen1t1es $350 Call yrly 968·8283 vu. new carpellng. edit. $84/Wk 675·4000 or see a1 tl6'• ---sec bldg Pool, ape gym Topaz Ba1boa •••and ICHlefRlllT Relrrg incl 1575 mo to Retr1gera1or-Mlld·POOI Single mo1he1 wishes to 3 bdr, 2 be gar greel mo Agl 760-8617 Nwpl Blvd & Wtlson $hlltfl lovely Mf'SO Vt'rde 1oc Winter Costa Mesa 548·9765 nome wlrest>onsiblto' 18• 81Cll•IOr gteat IOC yeorly TIL •&•t U2· 1toa WlllTtll IHTlll 3 ' 41 Br Close to waler furn & unlurn reasona- ble all amenltoH Broke< 876..41'112 Nwpt HOii 'J br, 2 ba. tp11c1nu1 Ave11 now $'10011110 845· 7•00 LAROE 2 br I ba gar '11w 5308 StHhor• '750 mo Yrly '62·4014 PARI( H PORT APARTMfHTS COUNTRY CLUI LIVINO IN NEWPORT BEACH Stng .. , 1 a 2 Bdrm Apartrnenll & TownhouMI ''om l!ito On Jamoor .. Ad et San J~qut!' Ht .. Rd ....,. wn tq '""'' olelllfled tor llte bott Duio. 141 .... 71 lllEWUIS Pine Knot Motel on Co11ii mete walk lo 1chob11. 2 3 4 Br-$750-$t250 Hwy NB S1ep1 lo restaurants llores mo Fre<I Tenore. lgl oce n Wkly rates. tlleeler t child ok No 631· 1266 or 1131-27 t I 645-0440 s m k n g no p e t s -5416-3831, 557·6207 BAYFRONT ..... VIiia ••••• HOUSEMATt!s-· -Wkly rental• now •••II AOOMMA TES 8AL80A ISLAND 3 W/kllch COIOt TV on ca-Bdrm1 2 bl. uctlltnl bltr w rn1er R11e1 • big • Wt come IO vout cond Furn or unlurn discounts St•P• 10 : ~:::C:151~~td lmmed POSHlllon 2 81>11ch 3•311 So COUI Ol"'A•I Age11cu 1132 411341 moa mlrllmum reotal Hwy OP 496-5727 ,.... ' • S 15001mo Ow ner I I 11 -flTS Shr nu condo blk 10 ocn 644-9!it3 .!! •• !'.'!!!!............ G1t1 micro 5265 Tr.cy ,,. c1,.,.,, ,,11 . 1 11 nn ~, 6!'143 ~9.3421 •••••••••••••••••••••• ••a•1 I •••11 Ltdy 1uth(lr w/b11ut 2 8R $465. yHrly, new --~1poo1 11 1n 1 decor pool nr bHch Sevat61 01lrM locatton• 9~;CdM wra~:• 10 ;~ bv• No pe11 499.41277 In 8•ddl•t>1ck Valley to w 10v 11 1., 111 , d I• d v cno.e hem Featuring 24 2 Br 2 Bo Cnndo octan hr eupervi.ion, plenned s .. oo+ 760·8&0t \llllW $6501mo recreation e11 c111ng Mir N-Smkr ehr beaut 545-ftt I gOurmOI m .. 1. A Ir•• ll1tbo1 P enn llOUIO Nr SC H°'9 2 11~. 2i';" IC>Cllt tranll)OrtM1on Cell 12.10 mo+ utr4 t7~tSOI p•tio. pttng 141& rno NC> Oob Lyon t()(lev 1or the l>Ota O"CfllnQ l:Jtl••ll ft•llll WMtfl f.tft 891 18u 1111 11~1 1&0-1~11 ........ r.m ••••• .-.-:1 fft.'l.Mt........ r.~~!ftft!! .. t '' I 81 co~o POOi. L'8'0• •to ..., Cetm l•C • '*""" So Co11t fteol Tetllo OOlot TV. I Plare ., .. l40·1t0&. trp10•1 •IHPO u 14t·I012 '" 4 hlO 7WMS .. tt .. -"-' Hunttn"on Beac:h 3·• Wttn llov .. , '°"'" °' Ad1m Xlnl •ef1 3 M:r.0.00 .. Orange Cout OAILY PILOT /Monday, November 15, 1812 Cf ~ltt.!~tll. .1w. .. tttt.~ ;::.:" lllfnttt ....... 1 .. !'.'1..rt1A'!l. .... 1.~ff ''"'1..V/11.'!l. .... 1.~ 1/Ji.!111'11. .... IJ.ff rwe!Pn ........ llM "s..~~; .., 11111lt'M'Jj;. .. : .. .. "' tlnOI• tlOf .... ~. ·:· .~1 't,MI :von· t...1 .a ~ .Ide IW.uW ,,,, HOU .... Mt>•r• .... ,,,..., JILINlll UUI Dinoog T11J1t 4t ro 'Iv• •• r.!.~.1.t!tt ••• ,...1 c .. ,.n, ..,. leOUrecl, ,,, ... .,,,,.,., .. , .. ,11' car ....... n.-.urr. ...... Tlii' .. "lffi"eT.uuleu a AduU• 4 OoO• ,,_ lor l'ledlcel olc, Mon, Student• HOUHWI~... • Chllll, QOOO oond BIAUTtl'UL u lllCA •• , IJ M ::~.~~t:.':"3'.::03 HO glflQI -... • ---A.•tu ..... l,IM Young mtolff tnen Wiii fnflllll IPtllllng '-'•td WICI P'rf, OielHflt eoun· lenlor Clllrena We will Utll -.&.Jilt! COIOf T\/ a y1 wrnty •••oo•••••••••••••';l' •uuoeeS:nfu ulT dO gen«ll llllldy WOtll T11Md1y & 'rldly I I Olng, llglll lyplno lo lrlln Q~rlnlMO Hourly Olk Ceuopy Weltrbtd t 141 ,rH dellory Oel>Ov9r C"""' fOf Im ••or•g• garage, •lnQte, c .... n1.1 SCR·M LETS 0•11 tVll a wkenoe. .... Hird Wotll 111111 00111 Pl1t1 .,.I, Call wtge A~y tn "''°" •• with h .. l•r' lfner new Opt11 l11n poo truck boot. ltltlill· e.2 • 00111 Mui . IHlfll 44{1 n • t?l·HH. 11111tor1111 844·8284 Mon. Wto 1 ffrt, 9.10. 211211 Col • A\le, c M . 11600 Sacrifice laoo' TV John'• 141·1111 Hrt, eotn« llCll• 1100 160/mo. ••••••• •••••••••••• 1NSW£RS ~tire• WOl'k H PIT .. ..,,., ft&fut J 60 201 .. k lor or or cell 7&4· 33J Slnol• NOllVHU l•d a l•nro AMlfM N·I trlCll 11141 840-HOe _ M2~to? wtld~. ~~~o~~.~E~:~. N!~~ n c°"'p1nlon Ifft t1111~, Pl.ANl ,. Ald'N • Cttou TILIPHlll IALU m1ur .. 1 wtlh lleadbot<O p11yt1 lOCkl:;\ IMI IOf· #t,.,,,.,111/ °:~~or'::9.e. 4: :! :~r.:·N=~1.zc:::1:J· ~,:·~ ~~~ ~~ ~~1gi: ••P' 1' 4 '11·6011 11a1n11111t ~~ ~1i1r0,c.~~.~~~~: ~:, ~~·.4~;:,hr:d ~:~~. ~:~~r i'.='~, ... '!!!.'!!! ••••••• !~ff floe,lncomm'l.,M.ntl. l4 ·1334.t6t·8N9 AOAIN •'·• 1111 ~ 1.IM UOlllll•lllMI PtrHlmt,1ventng1& 1 Y c ·1 OU!lNHIAOBOARO '•dtr 140 t12·2H3 ttl1YtmlfllSA 1HCC 11111 St. e. Oftnge, c M My w111 11 tired 01 hou· •• "il.."fl!im., •••• ";T llcenHd tneuraoc:. "°'I weekend• 11 Jim Sit ;:r~1f2 hr/day •• rt•Odtd yellow/gold MO .i1er 8 pm Street Ilk• Mint oond l\60/mo, Cell 9·11, M·I', l•'••lrl•I HwOtk Sht uy1 yo11 aoo•TAIT Pit 111111 e1evetop111g your mon• llltfll)ft1/Mercede1 •v•lwknd 54f.e737 1 op 01 lht llne Hl·Ft1 t5mPO 1700 8411·0490 142 .. atO lt•lll • •-'fl00 w1•h dl•ht• one week C I ti • •~ own 1g1111cr fodav We 8tnJ o .. ltr Apply In WARl!HOVSF Full or part S O I •••••••••••••••••••••• and two ~h• fatei you on• ruo on exper ... nc:e ere one o AMtrto•'•I J)erlOn 10 Jon Reynold•. rim•. no upr nee. 'tell l<INO HEA080AAO 8y•tem. ony 11 WI 1 '74 HONDA 700 4 lnlo 1 OlllH lt•l•I 44 1160 up 2160 It fndu· 111ve 10 do them AOAIN htlPhif, tor new Coeta '•""'growing Ute lneu., 81111 Mgr 1301 Quaff hr• H to 111 h1, •flrllog ChlneM tetll, HO '90• PhlttiP• 11/fn ., Allee• New b•H•r~. ttock, rune •••••••••••••••••••••• alffal • Olflet 11101 Ae· -M"• olflee 1·•21•7821 rlnet m1111t11no Ofgent. 81 • N1wport Be.ch pty Cau 113'7·2810 King lvl/wltno 641·1187 Bftl ofter e7&·5t95 111n1 '976 648·7178 ••ID lfflOll• dondo Clrcte. P t. T l.HIJ •ttlttl flfl Adv .. hMft Hllone Cell Mr HIMf •f 833 9~ fM Olnlnn t• .. fe, ,.11eio-Advent 760 L;;oticr~Yam•ha, 8A :z;oQ, tHO 1 MO fAEE AENT Huntington, Bt•ch ••'••••••••••••••••••• •t N-1 641 ot"t -" " " "" T I o I 4 fl you h•vt been l'turt Of • .r• · " A;,1111,.nt O.t1•f l•lll black & gold, t•t 6·8', 11 • OCt con w E111ttr f, Wlndehllld. :r;~0$1 \~ !'!° f~qAdltj •42•293 Injured In 1n 1ooldtnt IUHI •W IUllGllllTI l y••• llLL ••••'••••••••••••••••• I 3 o o Ev' I wk n d ~r2"'!,.S1000 Tom Lee luggege Aack. 150 ml, . ..... ' . 2500 lq It nter Hoag ond with to llnd 0111 tK• NO EXPERIENCE NEC. ...,. . 641·8737 .,.. ·tvv3 like New 541-1798 CA.,trpl ~rMlt~ .. 13n.n32'2s''wy1. Ho1p. ffparate o.fllce & ecth.. whit your rlnh11 are ' WE T"'61N Nat11 N11urally In th• I• looking lot 11111 a p/ ll111i1•ll1t . •7• ya1o1a1a ITllO ... -reetroom. 190'0/mo Ir~ • fine group ot II· "I< RlllCh Mtrlr.11 61ck Bty llmt help, dey Or night •••••••••••••••••••••• C111tom 1 eofa, velour • -II -,.-,-.,-w-.-.. -c ... llt-f.-N ... B_2_&e_1 Automotive 011 8kr to1nle1, Cati e.41·8017 or $~0~~/,Thf C"nter "HH only 1 •••· Opportur1111e1 fOf ~ven· A•ll••11 100 leoperd & teak, S376 IHll I""'" $500/obo "8·2149 to 4000 IQ. It '"· If()()(. 845·6268 547.9010 tor I Ir .. legal tlon ltlt lor totntone wl Ctmtnf Apply 2 to'°"'· •••• ,................. fvt/wlind 549.9737 L., •• ,., MUST SELL '76 OL 1000 Agent $41·5032 2400 eq 11 17201mo 17th con1Uftlllon :~1~;1:~~:~~.~~~I ,~",ft· _!99 Cotll Hwy. Leg ~h * llTltll * Bed• drHHrt, 11,,,pe, c,·~•j•••••••••;;j; Goldw1ng, lull dre1Md. Alrpof"t ., ... Ew.ec. Sul-& Ptacenfla, Coet• Men '"'' I•••' 1100 locef Co. now tlklng H111th ln1ur•.nc• 1v•tf•· Rtt•ll Sele• Circa tebltl & chalre MUST •• !~~~••••••••••••••• pt11• •tr•'• Mu•t s .. tH. F'rom 225-450 aq. 11. 148·1184 •••••••••••••••••••••• 1ppflcet1on1 tor PR • bl• Hiii I UMll 1110 SELL e..4-9805 M·F Mlllll fill IMI 12000 FIRM 64&. 1234 1 1 per tq." Many 11tra1. Ad11erU1lnQ • O.llvlfy • Judith 561·6070 llLIMITll UFHH • IATIUll BABY CRIB. Wood, UM<I FOR SAlE '78 Triumph Bonntvfllt C811 557.7010 1~~~ 1!::'.ts:1$,~i!'~~=· Mercnendlelng Oeperl· Menlcurlit we need help liltt C1tlller • ITOYl 126, baby walker 15 Call 942•46'44, M·F. 9.5 I Atmoet new. 4000 ml. 400·900 PLUS 1400 eq 11. 1852 Minnie St. CloH 55 FOUND ADS m~~ILl MR JOHNSON now, girt lte\llng, e•P•· Full/time temportry c•· Single gas oven with two ~·39o 1 Hk 1°' Merll. Orew ft l•I• . leo, 14~~1~3 T 0 m L" · Penthouee B•ylront Sul-& 405 FWy. ~6-7512 17141528•1000 rtence In •cryllc1, Ml•· ehter for writing up storege drewtre on left J I Ut'• w/MO on 44 ketch. •hr ------- • ••,:. p0031rkln9, patio•. 1..._ ,.111• IRE FREE lion Viejo 495·6212 ChrlitmH 11191, Good Shelf 11 beck ot ren!f• 1111 lf. ., tx""'nset. MIF. HP nee i '""'"i ft1nl 1111 or• .= .. ••••••••••] .. ~ " A11rt911t ••ec•r MlllOA•/f•H Tl•• wtth llgu1es qulcli, With loP With "bun wlfmtf ' •••••• • •••••• •••••• •• 8 ~ 0 , e • u m e t 0 •••••••,••••••••• ••••• i iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiils 8 I Melure couple to ma· - " neat hendwrllln" Con· Must Mt to eppreclete. Ootd diamond & pearl •o o o o I TllT 99a11 •1 tortgt P-12' 11 1 • Cal·, Front office poittton 1101 Jo net Poland . Alklng 1150 wom1n1 ring. 14&0 or ... "1 4 , •lly Piiot, •--*1111'1 HAI.I• 31" dO«. $70/mo plue nege ti unit bldg, quiet Minton llltjo Secret•· ...... ,.21. 17141953•8 .. 61 dewe beat otr 759·8001 Bo• 1560. Coste Meu. S350 546-3375 0 C I 7 o 1, c de p 0 111 . ees111de locelion. e11pe-.. ~ ... .,., " , c 92 ... 6 --. · Airport •rta. Prof. · · 142-Hll rlence preferred. Send rfel ••pr· required. (7141 498·3200 ev" 11· Gold coin wlbezet. StOO. 11 "~ Spece rent: trav. tr fre. envlron'"9f'lt. lull aervlce, 6 73•4 154• Newport reaumea to Ad • 1065. 49S.t060 Selll Exec. needs b•bi fer 6p.m 91~· gold c:h•ln bracelet, Wanted· Per1ne1 tor 26' Tradewlnds, 2191 H1r· or no trflfL lndlvtdual 01• Beech. Dally Piiot. P O . 8ox Medical Beck Ollloe Ex· •Iller, 3 nl~• week N Ail\ fer latltJ 1100 9' Gold chain br•· Relnell Tw1nacrew, 1978 bor Blvd, C M. 646-4151 ~ ~3=-IP~ ~!~ #IUtlll•H•I Lost lrlsh M0tr fem. may t 560. Colle MeH . Ce per Nee O p 1n N B erea 559• 5 celel. I 100 GOid anllQue Call owner 975--0412. 'l j • D JU 1111 FREE. 759.a97a .., lt•l•ll llSO be weulng Tt11H taga 92828·0560 631·530 t Sef11men, must bt 1g· 1 Carved WOOd chair w/ros. stick pin w/nugoet, $35 .!!.!!!~ ••• ~:!7. ••.••• ~~~~~~~~~1 ·••••••••••••••••••••• 2300 Mesa Or, E Senta A 1191 g1111tve & h•ve e11ttn· colored lucked l•brle, OuHn N1fertitl c:herm, a •• 1 ... I t IEW FUT IEI TILi -Ana Hl1. MUCl't toved I•· r Mertllll41ttr erve knowledge of au $86 642·5008 $35 497-5133 _. I , ,., • ••••r• FOR RENT' GUT ---·-.l -·· 4kll' 1295 642-3528 •II IPAOI OM mlfy pet BIG rewer<I, any LAY fer lrthr types ot marine electro-ANTIOUE LOVESEAT WANT: Jewelry or Gem•· ••• ~~~·!! •••••••• ~~'! ----·----- Allracllve ru1tlc upttalrs , Io f o rm a I Io o c • ff Part time, women more nice for the pleaaure Wood trame wltuc:ked tone• In TRADE for my MARINE ELECTRICIAN A•I• l11'llr1.1 11111 M l ting. We supply desk, 2 taaroorn. 2 b1th1 & 2 546· 1919, ~0-4404 llTIST eultable.:-car MCiesaary. boa1 fndulfry, both In· up ho I• t er y , 12 o o . so. Cal. or Hewell reef Oeaigolfnalelf/Aepelr I Atrflllllll HIO epace, ~. You sup-atorles In Twin Peeks In Loll Tiny White dog. \llC p••t·Tlll Call 9 to 3 PM. atde & oulllde sat .. , full 842·5006 estett 175-0445 or Olly work 549·2520 Ev •••••••••••••••••••••• ply phone, & $95 pr mo lake ArrowhHd .,.. Herbor & Sen Otego Fwy, .. 213-949.0574 ext 17 lime. •Int co benefit• Beautiful qutll from Mid· 545.9591 PAINT & file body worli, pr deM. Cllf 844~7211. Hu twnt-lns & tlrepface nr Fedco Rewerd , .. ,.,.,, ... 1Hfle4 St50 • up 10 S<W. oll your HI IUITIFll Flre1. taat & deposit re· 557..,.453 Oltrlstaas ••rt •llTUll 1,,11oaets HIJ -•1 759•1877 II.' 11 IOll ,.,,,, ll111H Bill 142.01001964-0332 , lllWNIT OllTll ~e~r.~~8 ;•d: g ~!l Lost 11/9:,F blk Lab mix. 5 hOur• deny Mondey ClllllUTll 549·9671 E.O.E. M/F/11 Antique 10110 0811 Lamp •• '.'!! •• ~!!.'!! ••••••••.• ~!~~!! •.•• !!~~ 35 gal saddle tan111 tor With use of reception. 617-0657 weekd•Y ,..,... white patch on c:heet. thru Frldey. Afternoon• A protasslonat to adml· Sates Table $29. m•lchlng Ill-ht .... SPINNAl<ER POLE 12111 pickup, $60. 919 Oak St, 1 1111 h nlnga eller 6 p,m, 11 no 11eac:oll1r,vlc Adams& preferred E•petlence nfeter 111 mortgege/ TV MAGAZINE pieces av•lleble. 8to20'fong,36Cperlt S75orB.0 C.M.646-046' con · room, 0 'phone, 1n1wer, pleeae 11eep S.ech. H.B Reward Evs neceaury Start Imme· 0 1 0 840·7051 775·1491 anytime. 552·3519 1 secretariat & word pro-dtetely Cell Personnel pro uC1s "ate prog· A•I., /11 Silt cestlog, Mall & message trylngl 960·8635 642_432 t, E.lll 277 rem wlthlll our mulll· llE£DS A••lllllffl IOJO OAK FIREWOOD. YOU •••••••••••••••••••••• Mnl. a..,.U. eeperately II HUNTER'S SPECIAL FOUND Fe. ml•ed S•· office , ......... com-... ,................... PICK UP OJI WE DELI· ... ,. ''"" HfO IMPORTANT NOTICE deslred. Call: Judy, 24' motorhome. lufly Mii moyed. Wht & Blk Puppy DAILY PILOT peny Appllcant must Proteuionel lldller1l•fng HARBOR AREA VER 493-6746 •••••'•••••••••••••••• TO READERS ANO 7141760-4100 contelne<I. 495-9171 (21 Mile, ml•ed Terrier n have exper1ence In loan ulesperson Earn exlrl· APPLIANCE SERVICE 198 I llbergleu d lesef ADVERTISERS 8fk Puppy. docked tell E O.E. orlgfnetfon, mortgage mely l•rga c:ommlsston, We sell tecond., guer. Blnoculere 7•35. llel<I 01 Nordic tug Full yacht The price of 1tem1 •d· * 111 * UIOITIYl lllTll Full service. l<eep your overheld low & proles. alonef Image hlQh. Prt- atlgloos Wutcilff ., .. of Newport .eeacti. ae 1 Do-""Or. Ste. 14, 631·3651 •• 'I.'''' 'l'•-it'/ Free to good home • ASST BOOKKEEPER:' Full underwrlllog. credit pro. working In 8 protected appliance&, 549·3077 vi-l IOOO ydS. 34 1 ft. trim. the best equipped vertlMd by vehlcle OH· '/"•0 • Male Mixed Lib. 81k. 2 ume potllion In C.M. to ceulno. ••cond•ry territory wllhtn Orange 525· 540··705i aver built! 4 pages ol ters In the vehicle cieul· ll•••u yts old, very fovHbfe Hsi. wlp•yrofl end In· markets. P.M I. •nd gov· County Sell Dlspl•y Ad· I llY l"llllOll Octoberfffl Souvenelr. gear. asking $59,500. tied ldvertlslng column• •••••••••••••••••••••• Newport Beach An1mat vo+cing Must be abhl to ernment '8ndlng. Salary ve,tti•ng for TV M•Q•· Lu 9~7·8133 90 min. tape, 1st tsaue, Offtce 897·4450: home doe• not Include 1ny ••1hln1 Shetter 644-3658 125 ll•ndle preasure •rid range 1241< to 130K. line. 111' neflon's tergnt Washet·Oryer 1125 ... beautiful Germen mullc, 548-5930 epptbble taiies. llcenM, ~r.,n••i!f. SllS Mesa Orrve, Costa Mff8 mMf deldllnes Strong depending upon ••P•· local weetcty publieltlon OithWHher SIOO flmlted quentlty, 114.95 Classic 18• Lepetreke tr•n•fer lees, finance ••• ••••••• •••••••• ,,._Wll" typing and computltlo· rlence E•ceflent com· 8eoellt ptogrem provl· Relr"' $200 646-5848 ea Lion Lu. 1658 Supe· Centu~ti.y boat 4 cyt charges, f-'°'air pot> Beauty Seton. Newport -net •kilt• • mull. Call pany benefllL Send r .. ded Some perl·tlme .,, rior. CM 631·8665 r 500 •1~ ..,161 ' futlon control device S.ech, Cotta Mesa •re•. Lost: Med. size tem. wht Carmella 714-545-2866 aume to· Klaty Newman, •valfabfe For lntervlew1, Near new 2 ·ooor refnge-4 G ey. u ......, cerlillc1tions or dealer DELUXE SUITE 7 atetlons, busy. Call 111 dog. beige eera cocker Of rector of Peraonnef. c:all (714) 859·6140 retor. t6 cubic feet $175. ( I b11utlfuf f~amed Aruf •74 Calllornl•n. 811 fiber· documentary prepare· 8PM, 857-0659 mix, L.eether collar. RE· •uto Parts Dr1'ver ~~~~~'. ;14n,c~ A::,~~~ Seemsrress pit, exp only 667·3939 Raj Wllerco ors. SlSO e•ess, 10 w/Chevy Eng. tlon Ch•rges uni••• Water Frtlf INc S 1.50/sq It. Leue. ~2-4644, M·F. 9-5 Mom 'N Pop. Terrific WARD. 646-4739 n Ave .. Ste C Anaheim, Call 499-t985. 30846 Full size Kenmore ea 54~9269 1nsen Tratfer. good Olherwlae specified by IOC•tlon. big grOW1h, tu Found luge bl•ck mete Large Orange County CA 92804• EOE Coesl Hwy. S Lag Washer. dryer Excel running cono $1795. Pvt the ldvertrser. benent1 673· 1690 Setter. well trained. Yor· VOIUwagen <Seelefshlp fl s-l"lllY c 0 n d . S 2 0 0 b 0 111 . IBM Efecttlc typewriter Party Call 847-5666 or •-• '/ b Lind 64e.1310 loo1etng tor embltloue '"' s1 631•1098 Xlnt Christmas present 536-3006 ,..flf•ff Utle Arel f••· Nat'f ec:hoof publlshlng C(). a 8 eru · person to team the p1n1 PerHJme telepl'lone 1011· Good general skfft1. 11951080 857-8380 tl•Hln ISZO Office, 650 sq It, over est. 25 yra. "".ork bOokl Dog. Male blk & gray. buslneu. Outlet wilt In· cllors, work d1y1, C.M. wor<I processing e•P•· WhlrlP<>Of comp•ct dryer. 9' DINGY & OARS '·~··•••••••••••••••••• night fee. $500 mo to mo tor Ir & "HS s. $60,000 bfin<I & deel wlerthrltls. elude 11ocklng p1rt1, Hrty +bonus. clll Cl•lte rlenc1 nelplul. New $76, excel cond. Stea• ,.,,.. tleHtr Fiberglass & THk 110•· lllllL ul "sl or lee. 552-7730 tYM cMh +Inv. 5se-7135 Nr M egnofla St. CM pickup & delivery. Mu11 5t19·839t Coe la Men o lllc1. 831·1008 $85 687-3939 t•tlon tank• 1225· Shey replicas; pickup$ & ---------•· t '·-11!••• 842·5087 be CNer 16 -are Old & 1·621·792t REFRIGER•TOR 979-6278 coupes 4 to choose Tired of crowded freeway M# •. -• --, •-Part or full ttme w<l'k from ,.. Per1.W. .IM•UI commutn North? Would •••••••••••••••••••••• 1flN•'11 S3SI nave 1 good driving rt-!\<>me operetlng • typrng Receptionist/ Secretlry Frost fret. 2 dr, $185 Be•ch Port. with dtc· 24 11 SKIPJACK '..'.e.'.!!1 lp0,<!_~69611.,}1ngStk•t' C Ille an off lot II the llAl fSTATI l.t&ll ••••••••••••••••••••••. cord Apply In P•reon: eervlc:e, Cletlils. eend Mlf Generef office. typing. 193·9090 "I ~ T _... T v...... $ ... 000 "~~ .......... ""• 1 1 2nds, 3 o 4 h Jim Marino VOlktwtgtn, "OQ. meny ., .. ,ru. r-win ""'°' 1..,, •Y II -..I acti thet your tamlly • • r s. t • 1 ._ .. I --18711 S.ICh Bllld, H.B. addrtued 111mped pnonn, pert/tune, non· W _ ... _I I tor auto or sett tor $1500 963•6477 ..,._ cOUld uee on weell-end1 C..ttHl.e .._ •-• envelof>e Teckman. 2 t·A smoker Call for •wt •-FJ9f' 1142-6211 I~~~~~~~~~ M a vacation unit? For Tltrfft I LH• lll'I PHOTQ MOOELS B•bysttter tor airline llt-Wintergreen, frvtne. Ce. TSL Mgmt. 642· 1603 WHIRLPOOl. Ukt new. ---------1~ IMalng Information call FOUNTAIN VALLEY ESCORTS/DANCERS iftUden. CdM, 12· 15 92'714. $450 Of best offer. 8res1 c:efllng fen (New) .,.,,, .. ii The Ceplatrano Suri 984_9111 OUlCALL 24 HRS dys pr mo No wknde. Put-t mt Set .. Work. ll•nUY I.I. 84 t-3153 w/5 Tulip flghll ei;;;.,•~•;;,;,;;;•;.;;;,~ Center. 681·1292 or llM211 8.44-8025 1150·""'"""'"'-" ....... 1_ I'' 1_ 11, .. 1100. 730-09H 1 1 1 fib 1 831 5084 •-.... -.....,..., .......... "--Stcrellrlel position In .~,.. -mm•cu • • erg ••• · -r-BANK TELLER; lmrnedia-Greg. ~1-5781 ectl._ Newport Center •••••••••••••••••••••• Wall Otocll, Oell Regutetor Columbia 30 Interior 1111•.t LMaelea 111, 2nd 8nd 3rd TD'•· * * * te opening tor a•perltn· Phltbotoml•t tor rnedlcll Re11101'1 office Front 6 •Pff<I Beech Crufeer by Colonial. $400 or besl blggtf' lhM moll 3S'sl THEODORE ROBINS FORD i 'r HA• ~0" " • , (Q~lA "'II• O'· . Prime lnteraectlon ol Now Is the time to act Old teller •I our Buena B olllce poeltton requlree $95. Cell 760·8101 or olr. 759-8001 Bunl{1 for e eduttl. Full M.c:Arthur ~ Jarnbo-white lntlf'Mt ratt1 .,. Aflallfil Parler P•rk reg. olt. Good l•b. L1g11oa tech, good ttlephone voice, 640-5100 Alk tor Doug 1940 Dunne Durbin doll, QllleY & held. Atomic 4 '53 Studtbak• Champion , ... I t per sq It. Sub· tow. Call on our expert• -Open 2'4 hre 8 dey tnttf'l)«IOnal communl· PIMM cell 933-5834 typing, ltlofttlllnd a IC>-~I S200 or bet Oft'. with Marttc prop, tow 5 P•H cpe Nice cir. leaae avellebfe. 820 or •t no chatge to h4!lp you 1 days 1 weell • cation ekllla. Eye lor Pt1yma1e1 Smell Wqrtd. pe.,1oce Reul "'•" ... ~-• i••s 759.aoos houre. FuH electronlc:s & S3750. 4!13/592-1792 1200 It 1 Clllf with your probteme. Zt-s L 1 accuracy & attention to 549·3877. Pr11chool e11ptrfenc1 helpful but -1111ul •• VHF. Auto. pllot. 4 aalls Sand;:c'2 f~~:S7 nfth Funding. Cell Art. ~:c~Z:'rt ,:u~•ourf!:.~ c1et1111. Equal oP' e<l'IP· Teecher, benefit•. Mon· not HMnlilll Prefer local •••••••••••••••••••••• Necehf con1ote Hwlng Including splnn•k•r. 7 ......... leffetl --=====--===:::::=:::--1~•::5:_7·:.:t;.4:;22:_ ____ -J 8allkAmeflcerd, Amer· m/I 714-739·2711 frl lull titne lmmed Im· re•ldeol For Interview .. llt/ ._ ft machine, woo<I eablnel, wlnchM.. $29,500 Office 1946 Ford Woody W•· •-• ua•aell • · ~ ..._men! '•ff Mrs Oulll ..... ' S 1 5 0 E V I I w k n d 8 9 7 • 4 4 5 0 . h o m e gon. S 13.000 -UI -..,,,.,,., • ,.,, lclll E)(Pf.a. ~ An -.ntJI llll .,..., -R· 19 llberglaee blenktl 54a.g737 5411-5930 Exec. Sult" Incl. ~t.. l>IHI SIJ we!Qome 714/845-3433 Fuff llrne. pert llmt. day Pll•llllll TUml W..e.r I . T.,tef 0.. 1n~tl0fl Cell RICll 1929 Ford Mo<Jel A Town Mc:'y servs. cont rm., •••••••••••••••••••••• 2112 Harbo< Bl CM shift At•lbfe tcl'eduft Chrlltlen mlniltry. Musi Re•ftors 644-4810 llO-tHI 3 pc red molded Semso-25 It MacGregor Sallboet s e d 1 n s 1 o o o o kit .. mell handlg. Rea-l.L llTTLll COEDS • Would love to Appty In pereon. 711 E. have Hrly chfldhood "A.Mc •boul G11 Co S302 °11' fuggege. pd s3oo. w/outboerd enp radio, 67S.et6t: ' ponslva 10 your bualnen .. ,.. ... C.. I••· party w/you. Calf Sue or Balboa, B•lboa educeljon ctusee or Receptionist/Secretary Rebate" only 569· l40·70Sl hea<I, atove & Genoa. --------- needF v 11.dAI di. 1405 !.WV· In o~1·•'-' I t & 2-" Kathy anytime (2131 CRT Typist needed tor pre-schOol teiac:hfng Ill· Gener11 olllce typing Smith Colona typewriter. $8500. Cell •11 7 pm. '2a9o~SK 100, MercSe5<13•o'o· .. n v.ocs ..,,o/mo . ..,_.,....,ngn SI '"" 63 ••• 571 , 171 •1 C .,.. 11111· ' I I 984-6371. ,.compete, from 1325. 963-6445. TO'e llnce 1949 ~ ~ '" TAB T.elex Office, (114) Per · o •II M 1 11 ,,.,ooea. Pl me. non· SEARS CEMENT MIXER mtnue • portable, w 080 Robt. Sattler NH/CM 527-7186 919-1711 3001 Redhln, 842-9181 '""*er Cllf for eppt Wheelbarrow f}'P4I $150. c:ase $50/0bo. 6411-9194 27' F .. lhet ClaUIC Roadtler Repllcar Aetalf & olllce •p•c• R.E. 8roller 8d Reali~• "··AtOM Fentay Phone '"""' 5, Sit 108, CM Progr1mmer/Ane1y1t, TSL Mgmt 642•160~ Cun ontf 13t·1173 "nlverslty AthleUc Club F•st. dry, very good 546-3~2 549·1174 1vellable. 17th St, Coste "u,.. ~ ~vv Y cor\CS $3900 675-7083 Mesa lrorn 1250 ··'· to 642-2171 .............. 11 Conversetlon With Bllbel ~1 yr exp Must be sr11nAIT/l.l1t... c. I MemberShlp (Men) Cost . ' WiHI lhirn ISSI 400s.f.645·3477 WfOOWHASSSSIOfTD'• MCIVISA24hre Crulf'Sh4pjf>bleall~· fleidbletochengefnH· Sharp person needed to •• ,,~. ', $900 . Self $100 .................................. . ---------RE Loans. 101< Up No Call 638-0701 == ~~~~tunify ~~~ etgnmenls & be wlfflng to work 1n tut paoeel NB ••• ~~~~! ••••.. ~.. 953,,..339 beeutlluf cond. complete LARGEST JEEP 0£ALER IEWPllT Olml .Credit Check. No Pen· Boyfriend. escort, model. tnlo 3 l?·668·4347, ext wSOfbk ~o, "'"i 1 deedllne1 •· cornm'f real estate office Can.non 35mm SLR eq. elec1ronlc & Instrument. lo the West Full Service Sulla atty Dennison & Auoc. Reply 10 Ttr1n. PO Bo• C·70 u mi H ery requ re· Good opport. lot pereon Lenses, flfters, c.se etc. ll•lir•I ellon. Wiii lfnence or deaperetely needs IS OIT Olm II 673-7311 5278·54, Santa An1, Ca Dell Counter, Dey• FI T, =~!s ~'8~~4~!~ ~:=~~~~ow:,";; $100-$250. 646-2374 l•llt••••ll IOIJ trade for Income proper· HIO~r~1~~·Pald S6SO ..... Furnlshed It~ Ill.II YllU 92704 Tues-Set ASk '°' H•rOld Irv, Ce 92716 procns•ng exper Con· C.•f.•1~11 1011 •••••••••••••••••••••• ly 2131592•1573 CtH Gary Gr•y All ~"::1':1 one $751< note, payable •flTllllOtM• °' Oulrl9 495 East 17th PIT en.swerlng servfct. No f I c 1 Terr I e at ••••Tl•l·• .. ••••1•:~:·1•1•••• YAMAHA Bue Amp. f~!!~!t! ....... ~f llAIU CIAST 640-6470 StOOO per me •nclud1ng T' llllT llln St C M exp. nee. 35 WPM typing 714/833·2900. ... He8d with• double 15" Curlis HeWk S811boerd AMO/...,/IUAILT 15% Int. All <Sue 17 mot. I lllTaL lllllTaM9 req. Cell "•t. 7.4, Mon IEC'Y/E•EC Complete with Double PV epeeker cabinet All S 00 1 H FULL SERVICE SUITES Desk Space $275/up Private Offk:e S495tup Newp ort Beach 752-6408 Sec. by reef estate In· Modets. d811Cef'I. escorts II -• thru Fri. 160.1000 EOE " Diak Or1ve, printer •nd In .. celfent condition. 7 or trade or oble 2524 Harbor 81\/d .. CM come from nelfonef 669·8913, open 24 hrs, Full time, front & beck Flnanci1t Investment firm soft wll!e 839-4720 S800obo 16 Cat. 675-6104 eves 549·8023 645-7770 comp•ny & personef SPIRITUAL READINGS experience. REA, X·R8Y PIT PL.ANT M.t.INTENAN· tor educators Personnel Ut-Ollt , .. ,. ,.,,,, IJj,. ...... L. ·s~o nuar11111 .. of equl....,._1 Lie req Sal•ry open CE • Foftage pfent • cornmunlcatlona' dept. ftH II 1•• lff •• •• JI • r-.:. ... _ • ••'"',000 1~;;.;if Advece In 111 matters, Some Saturd.ys, ben• ma1n1enenc• 1n ofhcea. sec'y Xlnt typ & SIH •••••••••••••••••••••• O.Ck1 H11 •••••••••••••••••••••• -....., love marrl•ge & bull· I N .......... Pun• •, Gld ... , ·~ • ... •••••••••••••••••••••• Toyota '76 AMIF'M Stt-7 1 4 /2 4 o. 1 18 5 or • •II. twPOfl ........,, area I · 16 hrs p1 wk Exp req'd Exec secret1rl1t ....... ..,. "" ...... Gulbreneen Organ Rialto BOAT SLIPS AVi\llABLE• reo cassette Smell WANTED: boOllkRper to •93 .• 1153 n111 Also coun&eflng 642-6880 Alt 5 • "'eferred Musthevecer exp •mull Non-amllr 5 weeks 839·7815. Theatre,, ..... , Model I<. f S2 75 ehere office 1p1ee, nr •-'"--------• 1815 So El Cimino Reef. 542.6881; Eves/Wknd• 557-0785 prelened Cati 553-0940. 971·2992 Pltty w/ eJ1tern.'i-Lealle Tone Newport Beech 25', 26'. e.mper she 1 1 Airport, s 150/mo. utlfs Trust Deed for &ale. SSS, Sen Clem. 492·7296 647 8032 r I ' Csblnet 548 8798 30', 35', 40', & 45' CeM _6_7_3_·66_1_8 ____ _ Incl. Desk provided. Calf 000 11 13%. Due June --------• P/TllE SALES SEC'Y/RECEPTIONIST •1• hl11 · 642·4644 from 9·5, ·79 GMC truck. dual g81 752·5334. 1983 Lind• Isle. Recently Go~g:EXfr:~·,~ goJ Dentel Supplement your Income Please apply tn person •••••*•••••••••••••*•••• Trombon•. Conn. XLNT Mon-Fri. tank•. full servi ce bed sold tor St 1 mllflon ~" •1914 Experienced A.DA net-w/rHume Coast Cata· * I BUY* Cond lorChrlstmesgllt s "'IL H w /cebover ladder hw,..t llW. C. •·. Follow• 2 trust deeds ----""------• ded for Ortno<lonllc by doing Interesting meten Corp 3401 W. $150 557-3299 SLIP AV.. unUngtoo $4700/obo 631·6259 Xfnt toe. Nu eml lne. s 000 p f f 1 M 20• ptlClfc:t In M15Slon Viejo tetepllolla ulel WOl'll on F dha Sa t An• Good uMd Futntture & Ha' b 0 u' 8 1 Y • D a tollflng 625· Will ro 0'' gn ' 1 Are• •"'"·3703 behalf of nlllonal corn· ~ m. n 8 •p..u--"R 1 wi" ....... 1t161-f•1•/t·•-I 840.5545. 646-7768. 6-9 '77 El Camino 1-mec 1ccl'ng or l•w ottlce. dlecount to 25% yleld seelis relattonehlp · ~ ... ,.. ... --... _.. "'11.. ... p M 8 4 0 4 0 9 1 "' 12o-on1 Stew 875--3285 m 1 n de d 11 <I y pen1u Friday Alter· SERVICE STATION •f· or SEU tor You L.J-Ht IOIS . • . St,000 paint job Mil· ---------L-~== 2131854_.204 h•P•9' f'J9f' noons & Weekend•. tenel, Plt1me. exper Ap· llASTlll &M1'1ll ••• ~.~"•••••••••••• 2t3-431·3764 tress. lhefl, IYnrool. ,, .. Pert time Fri., Set., Sun. S4/hr guer. + lucretlve J>fY Shell Stehon. 17th & l41-.... Ill HD IBM Seteclrlc ff. sell· Prime Lido Sllp, no Skip· reo. more . S4.975 s s s s s s s BINGO s s s s s s s ENJOY RELAXING mes· 11ge In the prlv.cy ot your homt. ofllce ~ boll by a m~•••u•e 631-3209 5:45 AM to 8:45 AM. Calf bonue Incentive prog· lrlllne, Newport Beach • cOf"rectlng, $300 6r belt per, no lfve·abo•rd, 645·09S3 673·2040 befOfe 2 PM. rems. Saftl ~. Pret. sous CHEF • Pereon•· I Ill fllllTlll otr, 842·9S75 so·+. $SSO/mo. PP. --,.-1-,.--1-,-.-1-.. -- CfOMd Mon end Tuet but wlli;treln the right ble f club High 8 1 831·3671 or 675--2860. • ----------• per1on For Interview, · or prtvet• Les 957·8133 34•60" drwr Wood 0 c: 1----~----1 Auto, $1400 631-0tOI llmll IHlll Cell Mr Pe11erso,, 11 qualtty golf c:outM P•lll· desk Od cond. St15 Av .. lebte frnmtdlately. 40 Full or p/ltrM. no •~pr 545.sn8 flon ov11-the·counttr ........ ,49 C.Hll 548-5468. 548-7285 olc to 45 11. Slllboll pref. A•,. rruw ISN 79 PARK ·vEYr nee StO 10 Sl3 hr Ilk· service 496-5767 for $85 M0.7051 •·ti •-f 18.SO II Weter •nd po-•••••••••••••••••••••• ft l1U(. ting pey Call 537·2880. REAL ESTATE SALE· Interview Must Hfl Con1emporar" ~•••••••••••••••~• -· 173-2162, 8-10 AM WE PAY f I t la.fl SMAN. Need 1 ope. ' R bl 3 nd 6-9 PM Watch this column or paces 0 DRIVERS wente<I, over rlenced 11l11p1reon In ,,,.,.... • ..... •tv•• bunk bed/ dre-F•b ~· L m:·c~ii "' -·--------· TIP ...... . Play Bingo. This column wlll ll0-1111 18. wl econ car & ln1. commerclef & lndustrlel Adults. hrs 9·12 &/or combo, II drwr• total, reno °f:· .,. Wanted: Sllp. Newport .... 2, a. ._ __. N••I 1ppearenc1 real etllle lor a euc· 1·4pm, 11ue1enta 6·9pm fnold'• m11tre11ea, eel Olenl 2· 645-~81 Bch. 40' trewter F• nll 1111 appear each Monday. To place .n ., --·· 751-0451 • ce11luf & growing llrm. to conduct Chrlstmu spree<I• & curlllnl. Coctletitl ~2·3050 • y 0 u r BI n g 0 par I 0 r ad c a 11 ,;,,.,,,, E•per HouMCftlfle<I tor Belt wor'lllng condition• funding Cltnptfgn tor 1325 MG-5079 Beautllul 8eb)' only SLIPS AVAIL Corona dtl AUi ...... .. ""' I," d I f I. In Newport Beech . 1oc:1a11y handtc•pped King size weterbed w/ S35 957·8170 Mar Are• S" It. Cell NINI/man 642 5678 Cl SSlfled Ads -. real enl I work. v 7 .. 1 .... SO"t an" oderrv uu__. 'htl • -8 ••• 83 1.222 1~ .,...,.. " "u ,..1. -w • wood fremt. llner & P•lr ol FlnCl'let ...... , out ol l,lnde 955-2473 wkda 2480 Harbor Blvd ' • ••••••;.:,;••••••••••• Me118ge, 1• dren Salery 4 t>onv"' hNler $75 ~6-5079 ,... I COSTA MESA Mission Vieio Elks 25092 :.:&:'r,. Pllwy. AYS Early BHd beglr'9 7:30 PM, Aeguler Bingo~ PM. All proceedl If• for cherlt1ble purpc>MS. Phone830-ELKS St. Catherine's -BINGO/ Tlu141~• .. I -[Jrtplrdl It 7:15 .. _,,.,e..... 3090 SOUTH COAST HWY. L1C1N ltd 494.9701 INTllODUC9tQ TU•llfflll ... .. r-..lltl EKperlenced Cook• need· IUL llTlTI UUI S3SO plua p/llrM. $800 thenest.tie.llhy.Slpalr _._s_______ 141..._ StoP smolllog In 1 1111 ed tor dinner hou1e. Well foclled P9f'lln1u1e to 11500 lull time Fun & Ltltlttr ltfl 957•8170 Doell le>~ 1v1U1blt on IA•k •bOut guerantees) Night & Dey Shiite •v•ff Office naa open desk for rewardtng job Mr Tiiiy 11111ao Imported Brand Ont pair ot heavy Pied 811 t1fand. 907 N. e.y. 141-1411 Alto 9')pefllt contrOI & Good Pey & Benefits aggreesfve Hies end 9794 0618 new. S900 650-4697 Cocll1tltf1 SIS11fr front SI pr ft Calf WI Ill self Improvement Coll Apply belwten 2 . 6 PM, rental pereon G~ous People wno need p ft Breeding tgt 987 170 675-0191 155 Avell tor public Mon·Bll VICTORIA c:omm. echeduft Pleya The , wtle eop French Provenclaf Bdrm ---------i &Ill .. .,,._F-"'°ln.!..!._eedllng11on call SNTABTIOH. 990 ~St A E 873·1900 0;1~y p1(6';' 8t1 w/db4 bed & dr...., II..., I~"" 30' Boet ltlp. laltet llP to -,..,.,_ SERVICE OIRECTODY S90 S~t-5007 ••••••••••• ••••••••• 3 0 • p 0 w., b 0 • I ' -Tl•• C t I JI L f 1 ,... SAC RI Ff Cf: Storey & S 2 0 0 Imo A I I 5 • m ••• GENERAL. Cfuatlled Ad• IM2·5178 I• •II eboulf R1lrfger•1or I 150. Ilk• Clark console oiMo VI· 850·4&43 M S.WPhone 673·5379 new. oecor11or couch llHKI 11 12200. For quick ---------1. Nwpt Hypnotl• Center JOBS JOBS JOBS MCtlonet, grntyel/Of. 110. ule S 1450. bctlltnt Dock for 40' ult bott No ' FIMOlJS CICUS TIP rll $400 Bunlt ~ w/ cond. 494.,..17 llve • botrdl 3 t1lk1 " Co Stiff Po11tton• drHMf $115 Wuher & Eaet/Pevlllofl 873-4921 S IAUIElm drytf l)Otn for s ISO Obi Muon .. Hemlln ContOlt Ntwpor1 llO' mooring .. ,n llawiiNa. 1000 bed S 125 752·1081 P11110 Perl cOfld 2 yre boll. Aikin' I 19.&00. ...... -11111 Old 12"1, pfl: 81'-4112 714/~ M1111ge P1rlor. Gor· .... QUEEN lfH 101• btd. or 872·1220 QeOU• g1rt9 ,0 ..,.,,. you ...,..,...... e11cetlent condttlon. --------.. ~ 1"" I ~from 10 AM untlf 4 ...,.. L.. ua•• 111.-.111.111 1 100 65t-<l129 P.!19 ........... l!!l Al AM. 1 dtlYI • week. Frtt •• Ir Th'· ,_ .... _ job you ._ _._ d---........i L"J' derlc wood dtak. 1 9 e 2 s k I Nau ti Q 1.1 e •••••••••• ........... . buffet. 719 No Harbor ..., ... lflll .... un: ,,.,,."" ,_,,1n1 21 Ille ck1wet1. 30x60 • 2001" OnlY 11 ~ M It .... 8ttld1F1ti~ •111 • about. National AAA Orpnii.auon Its MD--135' Alto 11•"9 • tt77 For· NEWPOfU HAAIOA •-II IJ,.rltllll I n. we i I ht con t r o I 1eek 1 v1e10t1en Spoor bed. dbl, mula 110 20 " .. 1111• 'IClll"" lftetufe. Med, All MAJ~:J lw .... ._,. exJ:ri•nced. at\nlC11ve moUvated w11nu1. S2H"' belt ot· NE W 1 C •I 1 < 1 1 4 I •llower. Plllng. llv•· nww a. "' 1ff.IOO, 142·2000 a • '°' Jim. ~ WeloofN. MOO .. ........_ wi"-H..... 1 w ..... 111 .. 1141 4 ... 1 1a el pro1 to tell ou-r unl~e --· --------1 mv. Jr If out. PIHH mo .... ._.. ...,..,.., -· un-... ~ • -' t 1 Mtdll•tr•nean couch teeve rntMa01f Stylt oUl ".., w/love a Otntrat ofllct, Co1te PJ'Ol.f•m to ema e proepecta. e ITllOfn Villll ,, dWOod --------- cere Only t i rterme Ml9H Pa rtlT, min. a eay you w h ile yo u t rai n . conttr:it1o11' o': COfld AOSSIGNOlll<l8 l30·H5 Ua Mr Uel'e derf/WMll =· .,_. Opportunit.iM unllm&ted. Must Ht $75 John W /IOLOM ON lllN· 7~"°" a tn llllllCIO Olttce Wt!Maltw,110•1161 Ml 116 OINOSl?S. .... !_119' """ t42·4t01 ....... ,......... °"" ... 133.19410 _J 17' 81NtfllM, ,_, ,_, IO. . AMl f M c .... full ~ vu. Ce1.1lkln1 trlr, wl llr kt H .000 010 540-3042 -'Oya • NIWPCMfr=ACK *" c111t1 .. fOldlnt cn.trlJI,.,., lt11,.,.,,1, Ho1t .. 1H /Llnt coou, • MUNT.ca11 MACH rtldded .._ a ...,., 4 a.. .-..111!1sAl=llL~•I """If ""''*''' "'-•· • COITA MllA '-llO. ltl-M79 i .. All•••••••n••lr.51 u t•11ranl II I I CoHI Al t NW Lent 8 0fa ":!'.';::':• :t;:·::: HWy, ... uP •o 91.00 tor -T-., ..,...,. ~. ,.. CH" r•gl1ter a 1011 :: OOCllt ~ "1 ,.,. .... .. ....... , .. • . ,,, 0 r. .., •. ' ,. 4 • ... ,., 141-0211 """" MCI ..... et 0011 HMllY uleft II• ,......,. e •"*'• "•'' •ri•••· 11ta111poo ::~~··'•ell :&..~ ' COMMhl Hf'fQ'. •l f '> 4 t> ' • -11111 To., dot tare tor 8por t e • Cert, 11101. Ctlfli>ert. 914'1 AUdl'I Alie tor UIC MOA ·--........ 1I7t I leedl llwCI HUNTINGTON llACH ..... t ', .. ~ ... .... t ~!.'!!1.!'!l'f'.~'~······ All• I••,. 111S .•.•••.•••..........•• '74 Att1 841fllnt. l/ry cln, amllm c11s, mag whl1. 12850. 960-1208 Ill Molllll lllW Sales.-Satvk:e-La111ng 850 N. Beac:h Blvd La H1bra 122•.0 Wt nttd your trade-In! A•" 1101 Cell °' -our uMd car ••••••••••••••• ••••••• manager, Wolfgang Jut•· IO b4i IOOO T1r'9 nett. 26.000 miles. fulty lotded Liii IUCI ••• sunroof. gd cond Llkt Slles-StfVlce-LtaaJng new. $13 ,400 OBO 3670 N Cherry Ave. 6 4 5 -8""2 I I E v t I • LONG BEACH 857-9684 days. ll4 lll·lllO ·75 Audi Fox Needs little~~~~~~~~~ work. $1000 or best of-1: fer. 857-4167 '74 Audi $11/gry, $1300 Good tires. nds some WC>fk 714/240-7237 SALIS·IEIVIOE Wllll 831-2040 495-4949 UllUUll IMW 28402 Marguerite Pkwy Mission Viejo (Avery Exit off 1·51 Open Sundays • A TLA.S CHRYSLllA YMOUTH I MATCH THE NUMIERS ON THE MAP WITH THE NUMIERS IN THE IOXES • NIWPORT DATSUN 888 Dove Street, Newport Beach. Tel. 833-t300. At the triangle ot Jamboree, Mac:Ar1hur, & Bristo! behind Victoria St1tlon. Sales, Service. Leasing & Pana. We meke greet dealt! • IOI LOMGPll f'OM11AC 13600 Be1ch Blvd Westminster Tel. 892-6651. Orange Co""'Y s oldest and larqest Ponuac dealer•h1p Sales. Service. Pans COSTA MISA DATSUN 2845 Harbor Blvd .. Costa M .... Tel. ~0-6410. Serving Orange County for 16 years 1 Mile So. 405. 2929 H1rbor Blvd .. Costa Mesa Tel. 546·1934. 3 blocks south of San Diego Freeway off Hwbot' Blvd. Complete body shop. Sales. Service. Pwt1. Servi~ Dept open Monday thru Frld1y 7.30 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. and 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. on Saturday . ... --------------... ~.----------------... ~------.... ------~.~------------...... DtCK MILLll llAT /LANCIA HACH IMPOltTS MA.IDS CADILLAC "Probably the loWelt priced Flats (n Southern California" SUMSIT FOID, IMC. 848 Dove Street. Newpor1 Beacn. Tel 752.()9()(). Call u.. 2600 Harbor Bl11d . Co1ta Meu Tel 5-40-9100. Orange (Located 1 mile north of South Coest Plaza (Home of Wilhe the Whale~ 5440 G1rden Grove Blvd .. we're the apecllllstl for Alfi Romeo, Peugeot. Saab & County s Largest C1dlll1c delffr. Sain. Service. L1... Mar Main St. and Warner Ave: In Sant• Ana.). W.tminster. Tel. ~4010. MIMflll. Ing. 120 W. Warntf, Santi Ana 557·2132 THEODORE ROllMS POU Modem Nies, Mnrlce, par1•. body, P1lnl & tire depcs. Competltlve'ratea on 1e ... & daily rentals. 2060 Harbor Btwd., Cot ta M .... 642-0010 or 640-6211 . JOHNSON & SOM LINCOLN MIRCUIY 2928 Harbor Blvd . Costa Mee&. Tel 540-5630. 57 Yen ol 1r1endly family service -Orange County s oldest Lln- coln·Mercury dealerahlp DAVID J. P .. WPS lutCIC.roMTIAc.MAUA Sales • Serva • Leatlng ' 248&1 Alicia P•kwey 837·2400 I Tel • SADDLHA.CI IMW/SUIAIU 28402 Marguente Pkwy • Avery Pkwy •it We offer what no bank or lease Con'IS*lY can t Expertly stiffed. most modern service & parts dept , 2 One of the Southland 1 most experienced sales & leaslng staff; 3 Ellmln1t1on of the middleman by leaaing deal• direct, 831·2040 Miu lon Viejo 415-4949 • CHICK IVBSON POaSC.A~l-YW 4t5 E Coast Hwy .. Newport BNch 873-0900. The only dealet1hlp 1n Or1nge County with 1tleM ttuee grNt makes under one roof! • ALAM MA•MON POMr'IAC.SUIAIU 2A80 Harbor Blvd . Colla Mela. Tel ~~ 81lea. Satv1ce, Lea11ng Mr Ooodw'911Ch • CLAlllC AUTOMOIUI 7ta Newton w_,, COiia Mma. T•. •1·1313 "JAGUA .. OU.. .,.cw, TV" XK 120'11140'111IO'llXJ:.,..T~ .... -.... -...... lllON °" ,.._ .... ~ 11111 a "'' .,. Coile .._ m!!!!!!!!!!!!!B!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!ll!!!!!!!!!!!!!I!!!!!!! • • SAMTA AMA DATSUM 2001 E 17th Street Santa Ana. Tel. 558·7811 Your Or1gtnal Dedicated Datsun DNlaf. • MllACUMAZDA We ve moved! Our new localOn II 1425 a.Iler StrMt, Colle MeM. Tel 541-1134 llDP bJ I *It ow MOClern lftowfoom encl ... why we,. tt'8 tt Mu«M dealer "' Southern Cellfornla S.lea. ~· Pert9 Ind LNaing . co-.a DIL&LO CMIVIOLn (flor ......... °*"• ,.,,.._......_...._ ... n..._ .....u.. ...... ~ ...... ..,,.. CW bJ n .. our ..... IR ..... J1 .. , ... ,. ..... , ' IOT CAIYll IOU.S IO~W 1140 .-...OONe ACNICll, Newport 9llflh. MO l 4H ....._ llrvtce, ,.,. And L .. 1"9 TIE 111111 l:IUI ClllT EIRlll OHAN<~[ COlJN I Y ( Al II OHNIA i'• Cl N f ', Faulty· suits force NASA to scrub space walk ' / .. . . CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. extending the shuttle mission for by the suit failures. s pace. That also had to be problema had oocurm:t after the prlc:<· to more than $107 million. (AP) -Serio us proble m s one extra day. to Wednesday. One suit, wo·rn by Joseph scrubbed. walk had begun. Lunney aiald "Wt•'ll be right back," Lunney developed thia morninl( with But morning-long efforts to fix J\llcn. had a bad oxygen fan, and "Thia Isn't our day for suits," there.• would haw been time to added, aaylng the walk mlaiht be National Aeronautics and Space the problem led nQwhere and the Its balkiness -a "motorboating" said Allen, who had rehearsed safely end the walk. rescheduled on one o f three Admlniatration'a new 1eneration. astronauts were pre parlr.g to sound -was clearly audible to the two-man apace walk for flights planned Jn the flr1t half of $2-mllllon space s uits and retur n T uesday, as originally Mission Control. The trouble month-after-month in wa ter -The suits were developed by next year. NASA would like &o Mission Control canceled the acheduled. with the second suit, donned by tank llmulations. Hamilton Standard Division of h ave this experience before long-awaited joint space walk by S hu ul.: manage r Glynn William Lenoir, could only be "Good try but no cigar ," said Ur)lted Technologies under a committing an astronaut to two shuttle astronauts. Lunney told reporters, "We still seen on a gauge. Officials said a Robert Ste wart, the ground $46.9 million c'Ontract covering 43 maneuver away from the ship lt was the first test of the suits,· feel very good about this flight," regulator indicated low pressure. communicator. "You know how suits and 13 life support systems. with a thruster-powered back which have had a h istory of noting the crew last week had After Allen's fan broke down, Monday mornings are." The Problems, Including an oxygen pack on flight l l in 1984., development troubles that more accomplished its main mission -ortlclals wanted Lenoir to test h is acrub came an hour before the fire in an unmanned suit and a than doubled their cost. deployment of two commercial suit In a space "standstill" by 4:50 a.m. PST space walk was to pres.'lure leak because of fail<kl NA SA o ff icia l s were satellites. But h e r eadilr, moving out into Columbia's havebegun.Theastropauts were stitching, contributed to cost Ttu• spac-e walk was th~ only disappointment of NASA's fifth shuttle fli~hl. considering the possibility of cono:ded, "We're di.sappointed • airlock. the ship's doorstep to never in danger, and even if the overruns that pushed the actual Who'll .;have .the Shelter needs help Pet· facility must have volunteers to stay 'life oriented' I last lap? By KAREN E. KLEIN Of'tM .,.., .......... One night in November, i974, John Gardner had a crazy dream. He dreamed he was sitting in a department store somewhere with a woman sitting on his lap and a crowd gathered around him. Everyone has had crazy dreams. But not very many people think of carrying them out, much less making personal crusades out of them. But Jopn Gardner's not ,just an)'.one. Gardner turned his eight-year-old dream into a reality and into his life's greatest adventure. H e became the world's official lap sitter. He wrote and published the world's only book on the same subject. He called it. "The Iron Lap." When he w oke up that morning in 1974, G~r had no idea he'd ever really live out his dreem. But he juat couldn't shake the feeijng that the dream was to be his destiny. So, on Feb. 1, 1975, his wife, Jean, became the first penon to officlally sit on his lap and record her name Ln his lapbook. His daughter, Karen, who was ooe at the time, became number two. Asof Thursday, 94 months and over 7,000 sittirip later, Gardner was still continuing to f~low what he calls his "G-rated serendipity." "Even if I don't get anything back from it, I have no regrets in following my dream," Gardner said. "I've met people from all over the world. This is my thing, my dream, and I just had to take it to the limit." Gardner has spent $3,800 of his own money on his lap sitting project and $2,500 on his book, (See LAP SITTER, Page Al) Delly Not ....... i., ....... O'OeftMI Caitlin Sims, 14, or Laguna Beach becomes the 7 ,329th person to sit on the lap of John Gardner during a Newport Beach sitting spree. By JOEL C. DON Of .... .,.., .......... WANTED: Volunteers for the Laguna Beach Animal Shelter. Lovers of dogs. CJJts and other assorted critters preferred. No experience n~rr City officials have long been proud o f a good record for finding owners of lost pets or homes for stray or unwanted animals. · But that humanistic effort may be in jeopardy if the shelter can't get enough volunteers to help out at the Laguna Canyon facility, according to Nancy Goodwin , animal shelter manager. She said the shelter needs a minimum of 14 people to donate their time for three-hour shifts in the morning or afternoon. The animal center has 12 volunteers, but wUl lose half that number at the end of the month. "It's through the volunteer effort that we're able to stay life-oriented," she said, noting the shelter manages to save 98 percent of its temporary boarders from destnaction. Goodwin explained volunteers are essential to the operation bt!rau1e they h elp answer telephones, check inquirlee about loet pell and, moet important, set up animal adoptions. The shelter is staffed bv one full-time and two part-time workers. "We try to find homes for the animals but there never is en ough help." Goodwin said. "We work very hard at adopting anything that comes through." Animals are fed and cared for by the staff and volunteers are spared "the dirty work" jobs such as cleaning out kennel cages and decking, she noted. However, volunteers may ask to h elp groom or exercise the animals. (See SHELTER, Page AZ) Andropov pledges better U.S. • ties " MOSCOW (AP) -New Soviet leader Yuri V. Andropov met with Vice President George Bush after the Brezhnev funeral today and pledged that hia country is ready to work for better relations with the United States on the basis of "full equality," Tass reported. The Soviet news agency said U.S . Secretary of State George P. Shultz and Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei A. Gromyko also sat in on the Kremlin meeting, which took place just hours after the late Preside nt Leonid I. Brezhnev was burled In Red Square. Bush, leading the U .S . delegation to the funeral; earlier ilaued a statement calling for a reduction in "today's massive expenditures for anns." Immediately after the funeral, ------llDEI---- With the new tax bills going into effect this year there could be more jingle in your jeans. See "Trimming Your Taxes," Page Bl. At Your Service Erma Bombeck Bulletin Board Cavalcade Classified Comics Crouword F.dltorial .. Entertainment Horoecope lni.mn.ton Ann Landers Movlel NaUonal News Public Notices Sporta Stock Marketa Televltion The9ten WHthtt ) ' A4 B2 A4 • B2 C5-8 B5 B5 A6 B4 82 84 82 84 A3 C4 Cl-3 83 B6 84 A2 Bus h went t o a Kre mlin reception, where he shook hands and c h atted brie fl y with Andropov, who was chosen to succeed Brezhnev as Communist Party general secreta ry , the Soviet Union's most powerful position. Their formal closed meeting came afterward. Tass said the American vice president expressed cosidole!}ces to Andropov on Brezhnev's death and the Soviets e'xpressed gratitude "for the respect which was sh own by the American administration." The two sides also had a "brief exchange of opinion on key questions of Soviet-American relations." the report said. but it did not detail what topics were discussed. Laguna to weigh building heights The L aguna Beach City ' Council is expected Tuesday night to reques t a review of building height regulations. The council wants the planning commission to look over the altuatlon b ecause aome builders appar en tl y have managed to exceed the city's 36-foot limit for c'Ommerclal and residential structuret. Current zoning regulations call for 'buildlng h eight to b e measured from the curb ad)K'ent to the front of the property. Becauae qf Laguna '1 aloplng terrain. eome bullder1 have taken ad vantage of lots that have front.age on two 1treet1, •Id City Mana1er Ken Frank. In thoee situations. height hH bee n mNlured from the hl1he9t curb, permlttina buUdlnp .. hleh as eo feet when feana the 1tructure from the lower curb. "A number of the council memben believe there al'C' tome buUdlt111 that hav• bt>en built too tall.'' hi .ad. The city council also plans to appoint two members to the Board of Adjustment, a group that regulates r.onlng ordinances and oversees the design of commercial structures and eome lingle•famlly hornet. The council h• received five applications for the posts, lncludln1 one from board member John Hefti. Ralph Yate9 hu decided not to be considered for another two-)'MI' tenn. Other rontenden to the five-member board Include Clyde Lane, Mar1ar1ta Parker, Wayn~ Petel"IOn and Yana Ruaidca. In other bullnaa at the 6 p.m. meetln1 at City Hall, counc:U memben are expedeel to approve a 10-cent bo09t In city parldns met« ratee '° 30 centm per Mui. The ctty alio Will r9vieW 118 mble televll&on &alk forw ~ on public 8C\'ell to •'"'*"' Md Mrvlee1 lhrouah l\1 franc:hJM with Storer Cable TV. Maribeth Sexton, 17, a senior at Capistrano, Valley High School, holds 4Magic' at Laguna Beach Animal Shelter. ~ tree 1row1 in • . . II Veteran Day eomea,. can Chri1lmu be far behind? Not•• Fathlon ltland In Newport Betleh where worken ,., a 75-loot Chrllim• tree In plaee. TH tree ii a white fir from &he· Motant S...... .,... • .. More bull than fight Mesa • ID About 1,200 angry llc.•k1•t h o lder11 ex pl' Ct Ing t o set• o bloodless bullfight Sunday ot the Orange County Fairgrounds were turned awoy red·lacl•d when the fight wrui uncxpt>clt•dly canceled. About 18 Cosn Mesa police units were called to the grounds to help c.'Qntrol order wh<'n tht' fight -schcdull-d to go on ut 4 p.m. -was cunc.'Clcd nt 1:30 p.m. No one was arrested. OC'tD saves 2 prOposed Coast cuts Br nEV E TRIPOLI OflllD_..,Nee .... Rt• pondln11 tu l'On1phalnu ot art>a 1 11l<lt••H•, Or•nae County Tron I\ L>11strl~\ dlr.-..:wra 11vetd tt•rvlc• toduy o n 1uveral bua rou11.·11 urljlnally recommt>ndcd tor t>limlnatlon. The• dlrtoetotl, on aa J.2 vote, ogret.>d to II\/~ OM ol two dally round trips on an expreea route from San Clemente to Fullt>rton on Lint> 201. 'fhey alliO aaarced to IUIVe thl• dully round trip from Fullcr·ton to Newport Beach on Linc 204. Also saved w a1 one of two dally round trips on Line 291 from San Clemente to Santa Ana and one oC two dally round trips on Linc 209 from San Clemente to Cal State Fullerton. Line 202, ort,lnally from San Cll'fMnW to Orana•. wlll now run from Laauna Hiit. to Or•n•••. Propou•d t.·ut11 In Saturday Dial·•· Rid<-1ervlce w.rt.• not dl1cu1Hd at thl• m ornlna'• mcNln". Th«.• d lrectora uart.'<'<i to dlacua that propo111l ot tho next mectlnai In Dccomber. Several other route!! 11C'rvlng the Orange Coaet were elimina ted b~ the d irectors. re fle c ting an (•ar ll f'r recommendation lrom OCTD 1taff ThOtie routea Include Lino 71 from Buena Pork to Hunllnt(lOn Beach. Line 93 running throu1eh Miuion Viejo and Laguna Hllli, and Linc 206 from Newport Cent.er to Mission Viejo. Directors said that keeping the ru~uea that wt•n· nQI cut woulcJ vt-ttw di trk•t al>Wt $126,000 lt•u than h11d bcl'n •ntklpoted Th•• t.•ui. aull ore l'Xpl'<'ttod w aav ut l('att $1 ~6 million In nnnWJl opcratlnl( l'Olll ()(..'TD otflciabl, citing Clguf-t'lf thot 11howod both rldt!rahlp und poisl'nit'r·gtm,•ratcd rt•vc>nUl'I b<>low l.,<p <:tatlonR, orlglnally hod <:alll'<.I for tht• ollmlnution of Cc1ur locul routes, ~.-v(•n cxprNs routt's and Soturday Diol·a-Ridt• !!l'rVkl'. Stotlsttt'S for the tlnit quur·tt'r of the current July 1.Junc 30 <X.."I'D yC'ar .showed a ridership total of 7.9 million passcngerli. Tht• budget for the year had, bl•en drawn up wi th the expectatio n that 8.3 million pusseng<.>rs would use OCTD ll(•rvlc.'t'll durln1 the q\&Mrter. OCTD Ot>nl'ri.I Monaau Jome•• R lchl'rt aald reivtonuff alao wert-dow11 t>.cau1e local .. WI UIX C'OlltetiOIW. paylMllU from which support about h•lf the tran11t dl•trlct'a budaet, were low<lr than expcctt>d due to a 1luggl1h ~conomy \hat 1lowed rN~il 8alt"8, Despite thOllC' problema, many residents who use the llnea propo11ed for e limination, <•&pC'clally Dll:il·u-Rlde u1er1, voked atrong ob.lectlons to the cutback proposnf11 at a Nov. l public hearing. Those affected said othe r . unspecified. ultcrnativea to the route reductions should be <:ons1dered. Fairgrounds manager Ke n Fulk said t he bullfight was canceled Sunday wh,en promoter Ruben Bohorquez said he didn't have enough money to pay for the bulls or the matadors Bohorquez tumc."CI away about 300 Cons Saturday. saying that the arena was too soft. He told them to return Sunday. Fulk said. Fulk s1.ud that only a handful of the s pectators Saturday received refunds on the tickets that rangt'<i m pm'<' bctwc.>('n $5 and s:w. One furn es victim still hospitalized SHELTER. • • From Page A1 For eight years, the shelter culled Its volunteers from the Laguna Beac h .based P e l Responsibilily Committee. But the pro-life group and the city had a Calling out a few months ago and members decided to halt their fund-raising and volunteer efforts for the animal facility. No one received rt>funds •Sunday . BohorquC'z 'told fairgrounds officials that about $5,000 to $6,000 was missing from the cashbox Sunday and h had no money for refunds. Fulk said fairgrounds officials, requested that Bohorquez bl' detained by Costa Mesa police to determine if an unlawful act had occurred. No arrest was made. Boh~rquez saJd spectators could receive refunds today from his office at 541 S. Spring St, S uite 306, Los Angeles. By GLENN SCOTT 01 th• D•llr Piiot Sten A smgle vktim exposed to u doud of toxic gas that escaped F riday night from an lrvlne manufacturing plant remained hospitalized today in Newport Beach. Benjamtn Aquino. 55, was listed in stable c.'Ondition al Hoag' Memorial Hospital. He was one of five people admitted to local hospitals after ethylene oxide leaked from a ruptured pipe at Bentley Labs Inc. at 9:37 p.m. Friday. Another of the victims. Irvine police Sgt. Phil Povey. was released Sunday from Western Delly Piiot St8" ""°4• Edward Kacic, left, of Fluor Foundation, a n a ffiliate of Fluor Cor p., Irvine, receive award for the foundation' contribution to the a rt . T he award was pre e nted b y R a lph P. David on of Time Inc. Medical Center In S~nta Ana. Bentley Labs. at 17502 Armstrong Ave., lies within the industrial and commercial area bordered by the S1tn Diego and Costa Mesa-Newpo rl B each freeways , Barranca and Jamboree roads. More than 1,000 employees working night shifts in all of the plants within that eight·square mile district were evacuated Friday because of the danger of exposure to the l(as. Most of the workers came from such large industrial plants as Smi th Tool a nd American McGaw Labs, said lrvine police Lt. Bob Lennert. For more information on the volunteer program . call the shelter at 497-3552. o.i11 Piiot Photo br ltlchafd Koefl* Eric Lucy goe chin to ch in with Ca ey at the Laguna Beach a nima l helter. Businesses honored for support of arts EI g h t 0 r a n g e Co u n t y lauded for its grant or $2 million businesses and affiliates were to th e Or an g e County honored Sunday night for the Performing Arts Center and 23 "Ontributlons to the arts at the other cultural arts groups, while first awards ceremony of the Mission Viejo Co. was cited for its 18·month-old Orange County support of South Coasit Business Committee for the arts. Repertory and numerous other trai n i ng seminar; Deloitte Haskins & Sells Cor contributions of space. services and corporate talent, and Segerstrom and Sons for land don ations for South Coast Repertory and the performing arts center. Four non-profit organizations arts organlz.ations. I · d d h In the s mall-size business a so receive a wa r s at t e In the medium-size business Ccre d ._ .... t th R't cateao'r y (less tha n 50 mony oon UCIA:U a e 1 z category (50 to 500 emfiloyees). ,, eslau a t · N t Be ch employees), the award winner r r n '" ewpor a · hono-went to the Da ly Pilot •" was Deepwater Chemical Co. for In \he large-size bus iness and Irvine Mirror: De loitte, 1ts s upport. of South Coast categor y (mo re than 500 Haskins & Sella, a nd C .J . Repertory. employees), h onors w e nt to Segentrom and Sons. Chevron Oil Field Research Co.; Awarps for Cultural A«;ts Disneyland: Fluor Foundation, The Pilot and Mirror were went to South Coast RepertQry theater designed, according to the awards committee "d~icated to building communication bridges between people in order to overcome gaps created by age and dlsabillly." Special Category Awards went to C h a p m a n C o 1 I e I( e a n d KOCE Channel 50, Huntington Beach . the county's public television station. The Business Committee for the Arts was Counded in June, 1981. by David Tappan Jr •. president of Fluor Corp. and other countv business leaders. an aHillate of the Fluor Corp.. cited for providing an advertislnl( and Stop -Gap, a n on· profit and Mission Viejo Co. --~~~_;_~~_.;;;._~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C he vron was cited for its s upport of the Orange County Pacific Symphony Orc:h estra, while Disneyland was praised for initiating the "International Very Special Arts Festival." ·The F luor Foundation was Cloudy skies Co astal loner walers. llghl varlebl• w1ne1a t>eCOming westerly 10 10 15 kOOll ... th two loot Wind WIYH WMterty swelb one to two 1 .. 1 lnereaing high clouds duong 1he day. Outtt wattts, northwetlerly Wlndcl 5 to 15 knol• with two loot afternoon Wind waves WMla<ly awe111 two 10 three feet lner-.ng high cloud• duflng lhe dey. U.S. sununary snow 1tretch4idirom lhe upper Midwest acron much or the Ohio Ve/Wt Nlly today, beCOrnlng rain H It reached lhe mid-Atlantic ....... The snow apre•d acroH th• Greet laka region and 1he upper two-thl<d• or the Ohio Valle)'. Theo enowtall was Wghl eJtcept et a few 1pot1 along tha lower Oreaa laka. Snow gave wey to rein over the Cat01loa1, Virginie and •!Ong the mld·Allantlo COUI. • A few rain ano-1, meenwhlle, hovered over 1outhero New ~~ reglettted In the teeM lfl Ille Teu1 p•nhendle, Md OY« ttla uppet M~ Vallny to aha we11arn Great Lo--. Ugllt enow -fOtecaat laMr lode\' ~-New Englat!d, r9111 waa ••P•cted over western Wufllngton, and clOudy "'le• --~ OYer the ,... of the Plldllc Norll!wwl Th«e -• c:NnOe ol .,_. In IW!flern Calllornla, and sunny 1klH ....... · C.lilornia the Ch~ sul>url> ol ClarendOti Hilts, wH Mite<! l>y hetlCOl)ll!f Oii the mounteln udge sU< mile• south-I ot Wrlghtwood alter a prlvlla pllot reported seeing "SOS" marlled '" lhe snow Pt1er Bellas. d1racior ol lhe Big Beat T °"''" and V'ISitor Bureau. •••d l>uslneu was 'boomong and es11ma1e<1 more th.,, 30,000 people crowded Big Bear's atreell, st0<es. rnaeurents and alt• stopes 90 mites _, ot Los ""r.:81ee1 or Ir esh poJl'lder blanketed the Sen Bernardino and San Gabriel mountains last week es ~ resorts and hot ... reported Mii-out crowdS over lhe -"end The .,,..•ther service forecast mount11n area 111gh1 Tuasdey from •5 10 55. with lows moslly 1n lhe 201 and 301 and toght rein Qw«ls Valley alSO has a chence of r-.n, with highs from •5 to 53 Tuetday with lows 111 lhe 20.. The WHther aerVIC8 Pfedlc:ted • 20 percll'lt chaoce ot llght, shower• r or lo• Aogeles Tuesde~. with cloudy skies end IOWI In the mid 50I Coaltal highs -· lorecat1 II'! the 60I alSO. with I~ In \he 40. IO the 50s. Fairbarnls F~stell Han lord Honolulu Houston lndlanepolts Jacktn MS Jul\ffl.I Kansu Cty L81Veg11 T e mpe raiures ~ NATION -Miami • ti Lo ~ MilWMM •t 37 Mc*-St.f'.ul 53 28 ,... Of'leen• 51 17 New Yortl 34 30 .03 Otltehof!\11 Cly 52 3-4 OmeN 52 36 85 <>nlindo 11 38 ~ 46 38 Phoenlll :: :: 05 :=t. • , 31 07 P'1tand Ore "° 34 PrOV!dence 58 It Aeno 45 33 &alt :.:Ila .. 35 Sen Ant"90 : ~~ g: r,::,m •2 23 9eMtll 38 29 • 13 8' UMI 57 35 ll p. T.,.,..,. SD 27 ~ 52 32 TCllNM 0 18 TUOIOfl 30 18 TutM 3• 25 Wctllllnt'n 82 37 Ylleflitl 18 18 02 '3 21 43 38 08 ao 11 84 •3 38 20 58 31 44 38 .08 37 16 51 35 54 25 73 57 53 30 77 71 30 18 n t1 13 •8 41 43 14 45 11 3t 20 71 82 .. "° 01 n &2 41 28 40 30 12 u 37 .. 41 07 .. 20 45 2• 17 31 Tl S4 54 48 .. 34 41 20 i: 01 3' II 71 .. 51 .. .. 41 40 18 lllf llPllT ... ..,_ 10 10 10 10 .... A .. ' ' 2 2 .... -2 2 I .... Dir J5 WIW "*• CAL•OMllA Bak~ eo •1 Eur ... • 82 43 Frnno 5• 38 LancHtar 80 29 LOI Aogelal 73 57 O•kland 51 41 Paso Roble• 84 34 Red Bluff eo "° Reno 48 20 Sacramento 48 <IO S•llne1 64 41 San Diego 71 54 San Franc:lllCO 54 45 S•nte Bat~• le 41 Stocklon 48 ~ f'AN AMSMCAN .......... 13 75 .. 75 75 .. m 4t IO II It 11 t2 45 .. 72 11 .. ·Tides ""''low ,..,,,,. TODAY 1:18 p.m. 1:21 •m. TWIDAY 0.4 u ""' 10W J :M 1111 U l'lflt 1'111111 9'41 • m I 1 leooncf IOW 1:41 'm 0 I l«oM 111Jt1 101t4 pm U ........ r.fi 4:41 , ...... ,_,.,... Lift. .... .. • • ti'"'"' ,....,..._ ....... • \ ' The distinctive look of our Own Mak~ sportwear Our own tailors lend their expert hand h ere, workin& with superb materials to produce handaomc, lasting casuals. T he navy worsted flannel blazer ls o ur 3-button m odel with Golden Fleece buttons, patch pockets, welted ed1e1, $270. Wool Tattersall vest in navy-red on wh ite, $65 /.,, ""'"'•" tO rtplor, 1lior1, lo"I 011tl 11t1r11 /eflf, • o//1r '""' J«lt•ll "' .. ,,,, .... lo,,,, pro,or11'0"'" for "'"' s· 10· ,. ,., V111 '" .w11 '''" JI to 46 ,,, .. ,.,, 40 10 4d 1..,. ISTAIUI HI D 1111 ,. • ' I l l t I t I ' ' I I ' I I ! i • ' ' l ~ ! t i l • • • • I I • l • • • • ' • f • • • • • • • • • • ; \ t 1 · : ~ i I A4 * Orange CoHt DAIL y PILOT /Monday, Movtmbtr US, 1982 e-year 'mark With no end in -igfit,-j ury will cele ate anniversary LO~ ANGELES (AJl) Court w1U roccu t> rly 1\lt.'!Klu In thti "H1lls1dl' Strangler'' l'llSl' bt'l·uui;t• the Jury 1s huvm!( nn 11nnlvt•rst1ry part:v h 1s b<'Cn orw Yl'Ur stn<.'t' tht' mass murd<.>r trlul ot Ant(t•lo Buono brouf$ht tht•m tog<.•t h<.>r, ond th<.> end 1s nt1t in sight. "Our last t•s timatc. wh<.•n we sat down to tulk about it, was that tl would l'nd m 1''cl.>ruory," Deput y Att o rn<.•y Gt•nt•ral Mll'hat.>I Nush said. "But I think it's going to go o few months longer than tha t " Thl' star w1tnC's,, confessed "Hillside Strangler" Ke nrwth Bianchi, has been on thl' wltn~ s tand for six months giving frequently t'Onflicting stories of the murders of 10 young wonwn and girls which he has blamed on Buono, his cousin. Bianchi pleaded guilty to f1vl' of the slayings in re turn for b<.'ing spar<.'d the gas chamlx•r Superior Court Judgt.• Ronald George, who also fal'l'S an effort by the defensi.• to abort thl' trial. maintains a cht'crful llt't't•ptan<'l' of the prot·c•t•dings' marulhon length. "I thought 11 would bt• dorw within a year." ht• said with a smile. "But l'w lost my l'apacity to be s urpn sc•d at nnythmg in this l'llSC." George said ht"s gratdul for tht• d edication of jurors. who have not b<.'t>n sequestered. Tht• eight womc•n. four mt•n and six alternate JUrors havt• hl'<.'Omc• hkt• a family holding birthday pa\"t1es in th<• Jury •oom and snapping Polaroid Jtfcture:. o f each other for scrapbooks It took thret• months to st•at a Jury becaU!:>l' of the expel·ted length of tht• lnal. "It's really rl•nt•wt'<I mv faith in the jury syswm." Georgt' said "They are a very cohesive group and some of them have c'Ome to court even when thev W l'l'l' coughing or not foelin·g WPll They take n ou·s a nd pay attention. I'm 1mpr<.'sscd with their stability." Only two jurors havC' had to bl• replaced by ::iltt'rmitt•s since tht• trial began o ne man who had a h ealth problem left at tht• outset a nd a woman juror had tu return lO work when her family suffered financial reverses. One person m <.'Ourt evt•ry day Angt>IO Buono 1s more disturbed than othl•rs a bout tht• duration of the trial Buo n o. th t• 4H ·V"Jr -u ld dt•fl•nd .• n• """"'''!.t\c-d a fu.•r two yt•ars in jail. seems to slump luw<·r an his chair <.•at·h day. g l aring s tll'ntly al'ross the l'ourtruom al 81anC'hi. seated glumly on the witnt>s.'i stand. D<'ft•nsc lawyer K atherine Mader said Buono has bel'n partil·u larly upset by recent dl'ft•nw di~('overil'S indicating a kt•y eyew itness ca lled to corroborate Biant·hi. Markusl Camden. had spent time in a mt•1nal hospital. "liuw is Angc•lo'!" Mader rt'· spundlo<l tu a qut>slloner "lfo lS t u1:10us. frustrated and bitter" th<tl two ml'n whos<' mental s tabilit y has been qucstio~ed have kept him in custody tor two years." B1anch1 tias contradicted himself re peatedly during tcsumony implicaung Buono in the murders. Buono steadfastly denies involvement in the killings. Al one point, Bianchi said neither he nor Buono was involved in the k illings, then d esc ribed torture s and strangulations, insisting Buono was his partne r. He also changed details in his accounts of how he and Buono allegedly committed the erimes. Buono "wants it over with," Mader said. "He knows he didn't kill anybody iJnd he wants to walk out of hC're." But M ader and ano t her Kenneth Bia nchi defonsc lawyer. Gerald Chaleff. say thl'y must point u p every possiblc t'Onfht•l in Bianchi's story 1f th<.•y arc to win Buono an ul·qulual. "Wl• have to bring out every point w here hl• is int"Onsistcnt," says MudC'r . "We would be 1wglig<.>nt if we didn't." Chalcff is in his 13th week of cr oss-examining Bianchi. The prost'Cution questioned him for sl'vcn wct'ks. and additiona l W(H•ki. wt•rt• apt•nt plny lna vid OlllSH'll o f Bl11n&:hl 'I lnu•1 v1<'W» with p1ychl1.1trhn.11 Bcl ~t"' Dionc.'hl took ttw 11tand, lht• prOIK'(.!ullon had cullt>d mort· thun 200 other wllnl'llll(.'IS. Nw1h auld ubout 60 more will lN tlfy before the l'lllR' la turnt'd over to the dt•Ct·n.~·. Chul,•lf und Madt•r aren't saying how many wltn(•IUl('S they will cull, ci<c:cpt to 114Y thc.•rc will be ·•u lot '' . Mt>unwhlk•, they arc trying for a mis trial on grounds that information regarding Camd<.>n's mental history was withheld from thl'm. At a hearing last week. dNcctivt's testified they knew Camde n had been in a mental hospital and relayed that information to the prosecution. H oweve r , it wa s n evPr mentioned when the witness testified and the defense luwyers say they were never told. The h cur1n g c·o nt1nue s Thursday. and George said he expt.oels io make a written ruling o n the iss u e s h o rtly afte r Thanksgiving. • But ll appears unlikely afte r all this time that h<> would order a mis trial before the case is placed In the hunds of the jury for a verdict -proba bly n ext spr1n~ or early summer. Children 6 f a ll uget arc invill•d to attend a <.'rcallv<.> workshop at the Newport Harbor Art Museum to make Christmas dCl.'Orations for the mus(•um's annual Christmas trt>e festival. Children, who will b e • Laguna Beach ls seeking a city representative to the advisory committee of the O r a nge County H ousing Commission. The seven -member panel considers matters s uch as applicatio ns for housing • L aguna Beach Unified School Dis trict trustteS will rnl't'.'l Thursday to discuss education goals for the 19H:J-84 S<:hool year. The meeting, in which parents, teachers and students chorgcd $1. will make tree ornamcnt.s for them11Clves and for trees provided to area businesses for Cund -raiaing ventures. The workshop w111 be held from 10 a .m . to noon Saturday . For more Information, call 7~9-1122. assistance and proposal.I for new or expanded programs to meet the needs o( lower Income households In the l'OUnty Applicants should contact City Clerk Verna RoUlaser at 497-3311. ext. 209. are urged to participate, begins at 7:30 p .m . in the district headquarters offices, 550 Blumont St. For further in(ormation, call the district at 494-8546. ,~~\ ~,,,~ -Travelers 'need right • questions By PAT HOROWITZ of IM Dilly Hot ttaft DEAR PAT: Speaking as president of the Orange County chapter of American Society of Travel Agen ts lnc., I have a problem. How to get travelers who are shopping for bargain air fares to ask correct questions to get the right information from their travel agent. With air far es changing daily without any advance notice, including advance notice to travel agents. it ls important that air travelers give essenuat mformauon to their agent when as1<mg for the ''cheapest air fare." Tell your agent when you are going and when you are returning, enabling the agent to determine if your length of stay will qualify for a lower fare. If you are responding to an air fare you've seen in an advertisement, be sure to read everything in the ad: name of airline, type of fare, departure city, validity dates, and destination city. TeU the .agent in which newspaper you saw the ad, and know the section and page number. ln most cases, the agent will have a copy of the ad in the office. IC a "friend" has told you about a bargain air fare, get the same information from him or her. Keep in mind that all bargain fares are very restrictive in the number of seats sold al that fare. U you wish to book It, ticket it at the same time. Presently there are no cancellation fees for domestic air fares, only international. When your agent "quotes" a fare it is only good at the time of the quote. It's possible that the fare could change or expire P.rior to your trip. Almost all bargain fares have an expiration date. Ask your agent when the fare expires when a bargain fare ls quoted. And. it really is tJ disservice to your travel agent if you shop for a fare. With proper information, as detailed above, your own agent will be able to find the best travel bargain for you. Thanks for your help, and happy traveling to everyone. . ' R.A., Laguna Beach Thank you for providing information that can simplify travel arrangements for both agents and travelers. Start Betng lbe~lbu Want to Bel C11: for free i11lor.aho11 ORANGE COUNTY lbkt 1~1s smon '°'' t»1n1111 po1"t' C1ll Of COM llOy IOI i tt11Ph•twta1J iulym 111d PIOfl111 dlSCISSIOA 3 TOWN & COUNTRY. ORANGE (714) 547-1228 ..---·--.. COIT MOBILE CARPET CLEANING Our mobile carpet cleaning plant comes to your home with the exclusive, gentle Electro-Jetesystem, that deans your carpets top-to-bottom. Destructive grit is jetted out to the Coit van. Your carpets can last longer-so you won't have to replace them at today's high prices. And they'll look like new. PffOME FOR FREE ESTIMATE AllD DEMOMSTRATIOll SEIYlll AU OUlll COlm llAllO WATC .. YMS fHI "PICKUP & DILIVHY • CAU COMMUNITY NIAlllT YOU • AllM£1M ~ S SI-. Alo Ct I • cm• MESA 11oe .... .., 11 • n TMO m61 '"" •• • FVUHT• l~S c ~ ... • Wll• &HY£ u,.,} ,_ .,., 535-21Jt 142-t270 m -1111 171·tllt 11M571 • MTlll• IUC• ms,.....-.. e ..... IUQI J'1 0.1 SI •WTA ..a 1satr,.. .. -.. • *"' -Cl. 1002 11111'1• • mlll/-IM"""'" Main Oftlc .. a ptent t297 Lopn Aw., eo.t. Meee a.1• Open deity: 7 AM to I PM • S.. 7 AM to 5 Piii • Ofllr ........ 11,._ MZ·WI 11 ... 111 •1-1111 •.. ,,.. m-4111 ... ' t •. 1 • IS • • ORANGE COUNTY MUSIC FOR ADULTS. PLUS •• . . • • • • • • • • • • • • • MARINE WEATHER -The latest 1nrormatlon from tides to temperatures. direct from the Orange County Harbormaster. • TRAFFIC REPORTS -Weekday morning and afternoon drivetime freeway and highway Informa- tion from the Orange County office of the Highway Patrol. • STOCK MARKET REPORTS -Twice daily. the most up-to-date information in the world of finance. as it pertains to Orange County, from Bob Schiff of Merrill Lynch In Newport Beach. • FITNESS AND RUNNING REPORTS -Expert advice from U.C.I. Track Coach and U .S. Olympic Development Coach Kevin McNalr. twice every day. • CONSUMER REPORTS -Listen for KOCM's own Consumer Advice Specialist Mary Ann Price. She's out to help youl Two times each day of the week. • NEWS -More that:! j ust headlines. and a special emphasis on Orange County. • ENT•RTAINM•NT REPORTS -What's good -and not-so-good -on Orange County stage and screen, exclusively on KOCM w ith Herm Boodman. • A CLOS•R LOOK -KOCM's own weekly detailed look at pertinent news topics. with Joann Reynolds and Susan Vaughn. • COMMUNITY PORUM -An award-winning pres~ntatlon of thi Junior League of Newport Harbor, aired weekly only on KOCM, delvlng Into the unique lnter•sts of our area. • • • • KOCM . ·IS ORANGE COUNJY MUSIC . . . AND MUOH MOREi • • • ON YOUR PM DIAL AT 101.1 '4 • Oran COHl DAILY PILOT/Monday. Novtmbtr 16, 1(181 WOMlfj I fllOATI HOWARD L. HANDY Area teams gun for finals With the CIF women's volleyball ployoff11 under way, there iB little change In the procecdin.g2i as far as teams from this area are conc.'tlrncd. ~rhe one big dirrerence this season ls that the No. l rilled school Is not Crom th<! area In the 4-A playoCI~. · Mira Cotta High. leader in the Ocean League with an undefeated league record, ill No. l with Corona del Mar No. 2, Newport Harbor No. 3 und Laguna Beach No. 4. Perhaps It'• the fact that CdM lost to Rtm of the World, the No. l rated team in l·A and the defending Division II state champion and that Mira Costa defeated Rim In the San Marcos tuurnament in one game early ln the year. If all goes well. CdM, Newport or Laguna Beach will be among the entrants in the CIF Southern championships to determine a s tate finalist In Division I and Rim will be successful i~ defending its Division ll title. The CIF S o uthern Section playoffs end Saturday St with the Southern California tournament at Cal State Dominguez Hills on Friday and Saturday, Dec. 3-4. The state tournament will be staged at Sacramento State Dec. 11. FOR HIGH SCHOOL volleyball Cans, Mira Costa gained strength this year when it was merged with Aviation High. Players w watch include hitter Barbara Fontana, twins Lee and Lisa Hoven and middle blocker We ndy Fletcher. Corona del Mar has a h ighly skilled and experien ced team with senior captain Pam Lawrence playing well on both offense and defense and being named MVP of the Sea View League. She ls the team leader with sophomore Brooke Herrington paving the way at the net and Dene H~ as the setter. Newport, runner-up to CdM in the Sea View League, has an outstanding setter in Lara Asper, a 14-year-old freshman to go along with all -leaguer Mandy Kenny, Beth Price and Julie Evans. Laguna Beach, under Bill Ashen, has a young team with two seniors, three juniors and one sophomore as starters. Included in the group are Cathy McKeown, Paula Berney anti Cissy Weldon as outside hitters; Anna Reigal and Lisa Fegraus as middle blockers; and Jenny Englander or Molly Merchant as seti.ers. Volleyball in the state of California is running e cl06e third to basketball and softball in popularity with high school players. There are over 22,000 high school girls playing volleyball and the sport has had the most dynamic growth of any sport in participation -150 percent since 1966. • • • POLLY PLUMER, a graduate of University High and now a freshman at UCLA. set a freshman· record in cross country this Call for the Bruins to go along with her nalipnal mark in the mile rur:i set last spring. Plume r , honored as the amateur athlete Headliner of the Year in Orange County last week, placed fifth in the P ac-10 cross country c hampionships al Fresno last weeke nd a nd qualified for the nationals. On the future, other than running for UCLA. she says: "I will run both the 1,500 and 3,000 in track in the spring and see what happens. Some poll had me among the contenders for the Olympic team in 1984 in the 1,500, but right now I prefer the longer race." • • .. STANFORD UNIVERSITY has come into its own as a volleyball power this year along with cross country. The Cardinal is second to San Diego St.ate in the WCAA standings in volleyball and will play USC's Trojans al Edison ffigh Friday night. One of the big reasons for the upsurge is freshman Kim Oden from Irvine High. Oden is among the conference leaders in kills. total attack and blocks. Her average is best in kills with 17.l per outing in the most recent WCAA statistics. IEITH llTlal McEnro • wins • again WEMBL..~~Y. t!;ngland (AJ') John McEnrtK' I" t t ll winning IU the> Ut\lll'd StutUi t('t\rlltt lt•um prl'purt-s to deft•nd thl' Duvl• C up BKDlm1t Frant• •. lit• downt•d B l'lu n (fottfl'il-d U·3. G-2. li-4 in th(' Cinal of u Grand Prix tourm1rnl•l\l Lil Wt•rnblc•y Arl'no Sunday and ho now won 49 sets In u l'OW . M~:Ento(• wlll play In cxhlbltlons In t.h c United St3tes thi11 w eC'k and then hcad:s tor Grcnobll', whe re the Davi11 Cup final is sch eduled for Nov. 26-28. "I must bt' pre tty close to playing the ~t te nnis of my career." McEnroe suid. "Anyway. I am potentially ot my best for next year. "I am looking forward to the Davis C up. I always enjoy the Cup matches because it ls on honor to play for my country." Mc Enroe ha s n o t dro ppe d a se t sin ce J lmmy Connors beat him in the U.S . Open final in September. Th e W emb l ey tourname n t w as an important Davis Cup warmup for McEnroe. In the quarte rf i nals h e scored a hard-fought straight set win over H e nri L econte, t h e brilliant 19-year-old French star who is likely to play him again a t Grenoble. Leconte p l ayed brilliant tennis at times but was not good enough to hold Mc Enroe on a m e dium fast r ub ber court. rtalC NOllCC MUC NOTICl Ml.IC NOJIC( """ °' o~·~ NOflCI °' TMllTll'I IALI eeonot °' TMIATU'l IAl.I NOTICI °' TautTll'I H&A OPPIO I OP THI I TA Tl LMll Ne. Miit• L.Mll .... MO OM.LUii Well Ne. •197• MeflTICIT l .I. Ne....... l .I. .... A.-P C ..... DIPAlllfMINf OP OINl•41. IUIHINOTON '""ANCIAL CHINO VALLIY IANK .. dul~ • r A •• 0 I 'IHA H c I AL lllWICll lllWICCO, INO . I C•lllo1nl1 1ppotn11d Tru11 .. u ndlt 11'1• COAPOA~TION .. Outr IOOOl"l.o ADYl•T.....,. '°" ..,, ciorpo11110" at dulr appolnttel foi1ow1119 du u111H Md Of Ill••• Trutt•• undtr 1111 lollowlng flUalO NOncl Tr 111111 unC11r lit• tollowlllD WILL elLL. AT l"Vlt.IC AUCTIOH °*''"° OleCI 01 """'WILL. H Ll e•ALID ,..O .. OIALI Ill b «*crlbed de.a ol llUll WILL 111.L TO THI HIOHHT llDOI,. '0" Ar ,UILJC AUCTION TO THI ttmi>wtd In~ 301•. 1ot IOU!~ AT PUILIO AUOJION to THI OAIH (paylllle II time of .... In HIOHHT llOOlfl fOR CAGH BtOIOW•v. LOt AnOtlet CelllO!nil, HIQHl 8T 11001" F'OA CAIH lewtul Ill~ Of 1111 UnlllCI ...... , IP•Y•blt II 111'1!1 or •• ,. In l1wh1I until 2 oo p 111 .. Widnueliy, (p1y1bl1 11 lllM 01 ull In l•wM Ill rtoi'I. 11111 anCI ltll«"I -~ money ot 1111 Unlltd lllltl) 111 ~bit 1, ttn. 11 wltlch ll#N mon1r ol tnt u11111e1 111t1tl 111 to Ind now llelCI bV II undet lalel right. uue ltld tnllf•t coov~ 10 tn.r 111111 o. pubhc;ry tpel\eO end t!Ofll, 11111 and 1111••• OOft~ 10 0 .. 11 ol Tru11 In 1111 p1011111y Ind now '*<I l>y 11 unclw Mid OtlCI "'°In"°°"' 1101 II NICI ldelf ... ltlCI ,,_ lll!d by It llno.t Mid OM lllllinetllt ~ ol Trual In Ille Ot004lf1Y lllfelnlhft IOI. Of Trutl In Ille P•OC*IY MlllMll., TAUITO" MAAOUl!AITI ClllGribe<l 1,,"fOUAAD TOWIA O.Ctil*ll PIAVfY, MAAGUlRlll MC· TRU8TOA LfWl8 KAAN 1nc:t DIPARTMl!NT O~ PARKS TAU8TOA IUCHAAO J CALLUMMICHAIL.l.MOCALl.UM NANCY MARTIN KAAN, llutband AND RECAIATION '0LMIA, Ill UMltttltd men. llN.,ICIAAY: CHINO VALLEY Ind Will IAN 01.EMl!NTI! ITATf I CNIFICIARV MIDWl lT aANI( 8ENEllCIAAV flflST fEOERAl MACH ll'AClflC lllNANCIAL. INC , 1111 I°" "9oordld JllM 17, 1Ht M 11111.r 8 AV IN Q S AH D L 0 AN SAN OLIEMENU, ORANOI COll)Ofllloft Ho 2'7t11ntoot.14104,l)IOt504 ASSOCIATION OF SANTA COUNTY, CAl.IPORNIA AiCOfded SeolemOtt 14, IN 1 II of OfllGlal ~dt In 1111 Oltlot of MONICA 1 COrPOfttlOll, rKOfcMld (W.O PSB 107) • lnetr NO. IMO~ In bOOli 142171>181 Ille~"'' Of o.-. County, M 13, 1991 II In••·· Ho 16063 In Thie oro tecl oo mprl .. • lltlolQffiGlalAec:Ofd•ln ttieofflGI Biid deed of ltutl 0..C•l"9 the boo11 u1a1 11ld d .. d o l 1ru11 con1trUllilOn Of • twO•elory Wood ol Ille Atcord« ol Ot1nge CCM.lnly; lollowtng property; dttGtlbll thl foflOWlllO P•O~ll)' hllMCI Nltgu11d IOW«, H id dNO ol tru•I dttCtlbll lllt PAACl!L 1· Lot • of TrlOt No. PARCEi. ,. Unit 348, •• anown on 8 1ddttt m1y otd11 pl1ne ind lollowlno P'OCNWIY 3183, In the City of Newpot1 IMdl. th•• cer111n Condominium P11n 1p1Clllo111one by conti cllng PARCEL 1 Counly ol 0 11no1. 8111• Of rtcordld In l>OOll tU14, ~ 2,;M> Con1t101 M1n1gem1n1 81ollon . Unil Ho 100 (1111 Unit 'I II .nown ClhlOfnll , 11 P« IMP rec:0<ded !fl 10 2611 lnclut4ve. Olftclll Fltc0tdtJot po 80• 10711, 8•0t-1o, HllO!I. upon lht Condominium Pit book 10 I , P•OH 33 ind 34, Or1t1gt County. CaHfornle on T~ (11111) 322·2871. , (IOlltled "Condominium P1111 1or Lol Ml.c.lllll4IOU1 M.,., In 1111 offlct Of o.c.mbt1 30. 11111. 11 O..ltled In Ptina .,'° 1,,.cllklillon• miy be I ol Tr1c:t No. IOH7"), County o \ht county reoorder of Mid coun1y. 1n• Dtcletallon 01 AH1r1c11ont Ol>lllntO w11nou1 ChltQI 01an9e. Sl•lt of 01111ornl1 (th PARCEL. 2: Th11 portion Of recoidtd tn book t 1?e4. P•O•• Piequlllllcatlon of bidder• undl( "Pl1n ·1. recorded on July 11, 10711 l•vlna'• 8ubdlvl1lon, 11 pef ml9 1304 10 1431 1nclu1lv•. Ofllcl•I lh• s111e Contr1ot Act le not H Oocum¥nt No 15910. In book r1cordtd In book I, p1g1 U . ~O• Ind in bool! t17t4. ~ required · 132211. p1gu 711 lhro1,1g11 11 Ml1c1111n1ou1 R1eord M1p1, 1432 to 1485 1nclutlv1. 0 111(1•1 Succ1111u1 blddtr 111111 turnleh 1ne~1v1, OlllClll ~"'· Of " record• ol Hid 011no1 Count)'. Rtcordt ol Hid Counly. and eny p1ymtnl bond 1nd ptrtormenci Or1ng1County,1111h1Ch ~n pet11ln 1djolnlng Hid Tr101 No. 321S, 1m1ndm1n11 or 1nnu111on1 bond " requlrld by 11111, to 11111 propetly deactlbld In Ttact boundld M lotlowl: 111er110. 1nd located on lhll ~•ttln PUfaulrll to Sec:llon 1110 ot th• No. 10587, retOfdtd In book 440, On the Horii! bV 1111 WMt«ly 1111 p1ope•tr deacrlbld 11 l ot 1 ol l•bor Codi. Tht Oepertment ot P .. 5 1nd 8, Ml~1n10U1 MtP• OtolonOlllOn of Ille loi0f111«ty Nne Of Traci No 0093. In 1111 Chy ot lrvlne. lnduttrlll Retitlon1 tiu MCl(lllned record• ol .. IO Or•nge County lot 8. Mid TrlCI Ho. 32113: on the County o f Or1no•. 51111 01 1111 Qlnlfll pr1Vllllng lllt of WIQM PARCEL 2. Wiit l>y I llnl 11\al .. petlllel....,, C1lllornia .. per llllP rKO<ded In ln tlllcountylnwNc;hllltworkllto An undlvtdtCI 00281 p11c1 n Ind ICM,00 1111 Eu'lerty trom 1111 book 421. p19u II 1nd 12. bl doni, lo I>• 11 lleted tn lhl lnllrlll In Ind lo 1111 Commo Ealt«ty llnl of TtlCI Ho. 4003, It MJec:atlaneoua Mtpe, In the olllee ol Oep111ment ol Tr1n•portellon A•lll H shown and d•llM<I on th ptr m1p 11corded In book 181, 111e county recorder ot 11ld county bOOklll enlllled o.n.r11 Pr1Vllllng Pl1n: r11ervlng th1r1f1om lh p1911 13 lo 111 lnclu1fve. PARCEL 2· An undMdtd 1102 w1g1 RllM, d•lld u Mt lor111 on lollOWlng, Ml1tell1n1ou1 M1p1. record• ol lnllrHI In end to 111 of 1h1 r11I Ptopoul Form. Copl1t ol 1111• l•I An ucl111lv1 1u1mtnl (olh• Mid Or11191 County: on the 8oulh property desc:r1be<l H lot t on 1111 bOOklll ••• on me 11 1600 • 5111 lhan p.,ce11 3 and •I dfflgn1lld I bV 1tt1 W•t«IY prOIOngltlon of the m1P ol Ille 1~ 11l11'1ntld tract, Slr .. I, 81Crllnl(llO, CllllOfnla. and "RellrlCled Common Atll" on I Soulllltly llnl of Mid lOI, on me IOglllllt wtlh ell lmprovemlnll 1<e 1v11f1bll lo 1ny lnlerHlld p1rty Pl1n and r~ lo Other Unifi I EHi by 1111 W .. lerly Uni ol lald lhe11on, ucepllng lherehom °" rtqueet uu H parl.lng 1pac11. 110110 lot. Condominium un1t1 3;l0 througtl BARRY WASSERMAN, 1pac11. btlconlu 1nd/Qr p1t101: PARCEL 3: An 1purt1n1nt 421 lnc:lu1lve, IOCllled thereon FA I.A Ind non-e1tclullll9 .._, 01.00 .... EXCEPT THEREFROM all oil, 011. STATE ARCHITECT (b) A non-uclualve num1n1 wide lot llehlng. n1vlg1tlon, 1111n411alt 1nd pllllf h)'drocarbona, t'ul>lllhld orang1 Co111 Dally 1Ppurlenen1 10 111 Unit• snown on commer~ and acceee ov1< "'" below • depth of 500 IHI w11nour , New. 15, 22. 1982 4774-82 lhl Pl1n for tngllH 1nd oOllH, ponlon of ltvlnl'e SubdMllon, M lht right ol 1url1ce entry, n ·..11:1~.:;:.;;...;;:.:..;:;:;.:......;.;;..;_ ___ -I wppor1. 1ep11t, mllnten1no1. and l'-1 on 1 "'IC> Iller~. retofdlO reNrve<I In 1n11rumen11 or record Pta.IC NOTICE 1ncroachmtnt In boolt I, PIOI ea, MllOlllllllOUI p A R c El 3 . An o c 1 u 11 v 1 CPP..-.t EXCEPT THEREFROM a.II OU, 911, A1cord M1p1, recordl ol Hid llMmtnl 1ppurtenan1 to such unll .... T"'I _ , mlner111 Incl othmr hydroca•bonl, Or11ng1 County. tdjOlnlng Mid TrKt '°' 1h1 uae end occupency of thoN .... ... ....-TitUanl I IALI below 1 depth 01 500 IM1. without No. 3283, lying 411.00 1111 on tlCfl portlOnl ot the r1t1r1e1ed common On Oec:emt>et 8, 1912 II 11:00 thl rlghl of 1url1c1 1nuy. 18 1ld1 of Iha lollowlng d11crlb1d lrN deslgn1lld In the Oec;IArallOn e Ill FIRST AMERICAN TITLE r-v.d In instruments ol recOfd <*'1111' llnl' ol Rettrttllone 11'<1 enown on lhe IN s u RAN c E c 0 Mp AN v. I PARCEL 3 Commencing II the Sou"-1 COndOtnlnlUm Plan f()f l<ith Unit Caltlornle corpor•tlon H TrutlH, /;n 1aciuslve right •nd aasem8f1t to corner ol Traci Ho. 4003, 11 P« YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A or &.cee110< Trull .. Of Subllllulld uN thl patio ar .. (91 designated on m1P rlCOldecl In book 118, pagee OEEO OF TRUST 01'TEO JUNE 28, TrullH, Of 11111 Celllln 011d OI lhl Pl1n P· 180 O• lhe B1lcony 13 to 111 lnclu.elve. Mlacell1neou1 tOS I UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION Truel •••cul•d br HARVEY Arff(•I dealgn1lld on 1111 Plan u M1p•. r1oord1 ol Hid Or1n111 TOPROTECTYOURPROPERTV,IT ALEX ANDER EL IOT end B·Nooe. as t>elng appur1en1n1 to County; thlnOl 71 Clegf .. 54' 00" MAYBESOLO ATA PUBLICSALE BARBARA J ELLIOT, lllJ1btn0 Incl the Unit, as Wiii II en H Clullvl Ealt 104.00 fell llOng lfll DtdlnlfY ff YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION wit•. Ind r9COl'ded AUOUll 14, 10111 rlghl and 1111m1nl lo UH '"' HIQfl Tide Uni .. dllerlbe<l In the 0 F TH e NAT u RE 0 F THE u ln11rumen1 No. 17820. In Book llOflQI aree, II any, d"'Qn&led on llnal deer .. enll<ld In c-No. PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU. YOU 14181, P191 1122, OI Olllcl1I Ille l>11n S·None , aa being 20438 Superior Court ol Hid SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER Rico rd• of Orange County. lj)purtenantto tilt United. Any auc:h County, to Ille true point ol StrMI address ol 1bove properly C1Ulornl1, ind pureu1n1 lo 11111 ttOflOI aru enelt be uled onry IOI beginning: lhenel lltvtng Mid 1in. la 302 T1ng110 Irvine CA 11271•. No 0«1llnNotk:eofO.l1UlltllerlUnd« "°'IOI purOOSM 1nd not u hvtng North 18 degrff• 08' OO" E111 wirrinly 1i oiven 11 to 111 11cordad J uly 2 11, 11182 11 qu111er1 527 49 fet1 to 1111 l>eglnnt(lg of 1 complet-. °' CNreetness lnstrum1n1 No. 82·2814110, ol PARCEL • CUlVI c;onca111 w .. terly hlVlng 1 _ Thi blneflOlllY under ...d o..o Offlc11l Rec:Ofde ol Mid County. wlll An HcluslVe right lf\CI eastment I 11dlu1 of 584.00 1•11, th1nc1 of Trull, l>y reason ol 1 breach Of und« Ind pureu1111 to said Deed ol uM the p11klng 191ce OI sp1e11 u Northerly •4 t .811 Ifft 1long ltld Clelault In tilt Obllglllonl secured Trutl Mii 11 public tuctton tor euh1 des;onetld on lhe Plan es Parking curve through 111 1nglt ol 43 th«eby here101011 ... cutad end l1wfu1 m<>n1y ol the United Stat•°' Spaoelt) PS 130 degf-20· 00": ''*-Horth 25 d1flvered to the underalgn1d 1 America, I eunier'e Chlcll PIYabll PARCEL 5. degt-14' 00" Wt1I 118.411-1 to wrrllen OedlrlllOn ol Oel1ult Incl 10 llld Tru•I .. dt.-n on• 11111 or One (1) M1mbersh1p In Th the Soutllefly line ol Lot J, Mid Demand'°' Sill. and written notJce n11lon1I blnk. I ..... or ledetll Verulllet Homeown.,-1 Auoclalton, TrlCI Ho 4003. OI bfllCh Incl ol lltc;tlon lo CIUM credit union, or I 11111 Of ledetal IOQelhtt with Ill rlghls. ptM~, EXCEPT THEREFROM 111 oll, lhl undersigned to 1111 uld 11vtng1 ind loin 1noc111lon e nd ob1101t1on1 1ppur1an1nt 1111 . mln1r1l 1 1nd 0 1111r property 10 utltfy N ld obligations, domiciled In 11111 11111, 11 1111 mlln llle•llo. hydrocl'bonl, below 1 depth ol 600 1nd 1n1realter 1h1 under11on1d -----------entrenlll lo Flrel American Tiiie "VOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER feet. without the rlghl ol eurf1ee ciuM<I n•d notle• of brel<:h 1nd of MllC NOTICE ln1u11nc1 Comp1ny bulldlng, A DEED OF TRUSt DATED entry,11r~lnlnltrumenteof •IKlion 10 be rKord•d July 28. -----------loelted 11 114 Eul Fltth Strlll, In SEPTEMBER 3, 111111 . UNLESS 19COrd. 1982. 15 tnllr No 112·261155 ot NOTICE cw TMllT!a'I •AU Ille dly of Sanll Ana. CllllOfnla.. .. YOU TAKE ACTIQN TO PROTECT YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A Miid OlllClll Records L-No.,,_ thll right, lllla Ind lnt1r111 YOUR PROPERtY, IT MAY BE DEED OF TRUST DATED 11108181. Sild u te wlll be made. but T.I . No ....... , conveyld to Ind now held by II SOLO AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO without coven1nt or warr1n1y. T.O SERVICE COMPANY u dul)' und•r Hid Deed ol Trull In the NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY. IT IMprf.St Of lmptte<I, r90ardlng ltlll, 1ppotn11d Trustee und11 the $property el1u1ted I~ Mid County Of NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING MAY BE SOLO AT A PUBLIC SALE. polNHtOn, or encumbr1nec11. to following des<:tlbe<l Cl.MCI ol lr~ll 1111 .. ~rlbe<l U . AGAINST YOU. YOU SHOULD IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION p1y the rema1ning principal sum of WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION PAnvr.L I: Lot 31 of TrlCt No. CONT~CT A LAWVER " 0 F THE HAT URE 0 F THE the noll MWrld by Mid Deed of TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER FOR 1188&, • tnown oo I M1p rec:«ded Thi 1lr111 lddr ... Of common PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOU Truat wrlh int«nl u 1n Mid note CASH (p1yebll 11 time ol Ull In In~..._!!:.~~ 47 to 50 lndullve d11lgn111on of Ille 1bov1 II 102 SHOULD CONTACT A LAWVER. provktld, idvene1t. If 111y, under i.wtul money of 1111 Unhld Slllt1) ol M--M1p1, In Ille olflel Scholz Pl121, No. 1•5. N1wport Tiii lddr ... ol •Jcl property rs lne 11<ma ol said o..o ol Trust 111right,111111nd '"'" .. ' oonlleyed of lh• County Record1r ol H id S.ICl'I, CA 92860. No w1rran1r 11 433 H1t1>or 11:1nd Or., N1wport •-· chatOfl ind expenaes ol 1~ to Ind now lllld by II under Nici Counly. glv1n u lo Ila compl1ttn111 or Belcil CA TrullM 1nd ol lhe tru1ta c;11111d by 011d ol Trull In th1 p rop111y PARCEL 2· An E111m1n1 tor ~reetnees. "(tt 1 etreet lddrHI or common sllcl Deed ol Trust Slid sale wlh l>t h«linaher <14110rlbed: lngrlel, IQrllt Ind en}oymefll over Tiii l>tnlficllt)I IMlder NICI OMd dllignlllon °1 ptoperty II lhOwn hlld on T Ulldly NOVllllbt r 30, TRUSTOA DENNIS F. SCOTT lhl common -ol a9'CI Tr1et No. of Truet, by r-of 1 brueft 01 ll>O\ol, no -rlM)' II Ql\llll .. ,!O lte t11112 11 2'()() pm 11 tlll ~man Incl PENNY scon, llulblnd llld HH. 11 111 forth In Article II, deftull In the obliOl110fW -~-Of c:orTIClnlll). The A...-enlr~I 10 the Civic Center c,,__ NOTIOI "'· ~--IM.I YOU AN IN DUAlll T UNDP I. OHD ()II TRYIT DATIO JAHUM'fV 17, tH1 UNLIH YOU TAICl ACTIC)N TO P"OTICT YOU• ftRQHATY, IT MAY 11 toL0 AT A ,UILIC IALI. fll '(OU NllO 4" IXPl.ANATION or THI NATU .. ( Of THI PROCllOINO AOAt..ilT YOU. YOU IHOUL.O CONTACT A LAWVlA On Mo,,d•i· 11'1• Hiii d1y Of Nov1m1Mr, 1 12 et I~ hOllr of 10 00 o'ctock •"', of NICI Cler. M 1111 front malt! lf'llr-5'tdttMY Nlllonll Tlllt lnturlMt • eo 1 CMo c.n11t Dthlt. W••· An• CllllOfnit, County 114 Or11191. 8ra1t of CMifOtnit, Fldlllty '"1IONI Tiiie ln1ur1nct Com111ny, II TrutlM, Will ... al pubic euctlOn, 10 the 111011111 bldOtr, tor ctth, In ltwlul '"OMY of tM IJnltod 8111 ... Ill PIYlbll 11 Ille tlMt of .... . tht 1o11owlno dltGllbed ,.., propor11. 111ut1-6 In 1111 Clly ol ,ounl•ll'I \111\ey, County of °'anti· 8tate Of Ctl!fofnll, Ind~.._, .. 18060 lllHll a1r .. 1. Fount1ll\ V1lley. Celllorn11 1nd MlnCI more Plrlk:Ulatly cHltetlbld .. totlOwl: Loi 42 OI TrlOt No. 6333 .. ,., llllC> rec;orded In 800k 1M, PllOll 47·&0 1ne1u1lvt ol Ml~ltMOU• Map1, !ti 11\e OlllU of lllt CO<Ully record« 01 laid county. Slld Ille wlll bl mlCM wlfllOUI covtf\1111 Of Wlltlftly, IKprllMCI ~ Implied, reo11dinG lltll, llDUIU'on or encumbranc1t to 11ll1fy thl oblloatlon trKUrld by end """'*'t 10 tlit power of NII c:onf.,,ld In • ctt111t\ died ot 1r111t •.ll«llMd by ELOINE HEGIEL.E 11 Tru1tor. 10 ESOROW ENCOUNTEAO. INC .. a Calllornta corpor11lon. • Trull•. tor tllt bet*1t Ind NCU<lty of KAY E. CROUCH, en unmarrlld -dll•d J 1nu11y 2711'1. 11181, 1nd retofdecl Jl/IUM'f 30. 1911, In the ollicl of tilt County Aoc«der of Ille County of Of1ng1. State ol Cll"ornia. In Book 131133 of Olfidll Recordl 11 PIOI 200. The totll llY\OUnt of 1111 unPlid blllllCa Of 11\1 Obliglflon MCWed by 1111 property to bl IOld, lndudlno 11llm1t1d c;o111. eapenffl 1nd ldv1no11 l1: S52.3S9.0ll, Thi nll"I. llrtll 1ddr111 ind 1111pllon1 numl>ef Of tlll Trua ... eonducltng thil 1tl1 11 FIDELITY NA TIONAI. TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY. &eOO MlgnC)lla A,,.,_, Atverllde. Cll1foml1 112.508, (7141 11112-6000 Thi n1n11, lddr-Incl I~ numb« ol lht 8«Mtflelll'y II whoM flQ\IMI lhle .... le 10 bl con0uc:1ed. 19, ALAN ROTHMAN lf\Oo BONNIE DIBLASI, 450 Wiit Fourth Strllt, S1n11 An•. C A 92701. (7141 558-0812. Olrec:llone m1y be obl1IMCI to loc1t1 lh• prop111y b1lng 1old. put1u1nt 10 1 written requ111 eubmltlld to 1111 t>eoeficllly wltllln 10 dirt from Ille firsl pubtlcltlon of 1tu1 notk:e. Ollld Nobveml>« 1. 1082 FIDELITY NATIONAL rrn.E INSURANCE COMPANY Slll'r1 Goozllll. AMI. Sec:rll1ty STATE OF CALIFORNIA County ol Rillerllde °"this 111 day ot ~bit. in 1111 yelf 1082, before m1. 1111 undlfllgned. 1 Nollry Pul>llc In 111 tor 11ld County 1n d S 1111. p1r1on1lly 1pp1er1d Sl•rr• Gonuitl P«eonally known to me (« proved 10 me on 1111 ~of 1tli1l1etory ev1d1ncel to ti. 1111 oeraon who exec1,111<1 the l#llhln ln11rument •• Allilllnt SIC•lllf) or on 1>ah11f ol 1h1 corpo111ton lhttein named. llld ACll~ to me 11111 1uch c;or POtelOft ea.ecutld II WITNESS my ltand Ind olfte1ll -'· Phyllis R SorOll Publi1hed 011no• Co111 Dilly PllOI, Nov fl, 16, 22. 19112 41142-82 wife u JOlnt tenWlll EMPLOYEES Stcllon I ol The Oecl111t1on ol thereby, hef1tolor1 1xec:utld beneflcl1ry under 1114 Deed of Bulldrng 300 Ent Chipmin PROFIT SHARING P L.AN OF Covtninte. Condlllon1 1nd dellv111d to lhe und111lgntd Trull. by rtllon ol I bfl&ef\ or Avenue In. the City of Orlflge CA NOTICE CW TMllTU'S I~ CAROIO PULMONARY MEDICAL 1111tlc;llon1 r1eordld F1bru1ry 7, wrlllen Oec:tar1tlon ol DeflUlt Incl del1Ul1 In Ille Ol>llQ&tlon• MCUt'ld Al the time ol the 1n'11111 ""'8UANTTO GROUP INC •M .. to '" undivided 11178 In Boofl 1255e, P•oe 1519, Dllnend f()f Stile, Ind written nol lheflby, llltetotore 111.ICUled and publlcellon of lh11 notk:e. 1111 10111 DllCLAAAnoN °' 50 percent end EMPLOYEES Ome111 Record• ol 11ld 0•1nga of brMCll Incl of ellc:tlon lo dellvefed to the undtrelgned a emounl of lhl unc>lld b•lanc:e ot lhe COWNANTI. CONDftlONI PROFIT SHARING PLAN OF Cowlty. th• und1r11on•d lo .. ,. ... wrllllt! Oeclarlllon of Olflutl Incl obliglllon MC1,1rld by tilt lbOVt AND ••TNCTlONI CAROIO PULMONARY MEDICAL Thi 111111 lddr111 or oth11 ptopetty to •tllty lllcl Obliglllon•. Dlmlrlcl for s•. llld wl'lt1en nouce d11crlbed dlld Of lrual and YOU AAE IH DEFAULT UHDER GROUP INC .w u 10 en undMded :ommon dulg n1llon ol ••Id ind ther11f1er th• undertlgne ol bl'NCll Incl of elletlon to CIUee H llmited c;osta ••s>en•et i nd THAT CERTAIN DECLARATION OF 50 1>«cenl lnler .. I. PfoC*IY II purportld to l>t: 1109 CIUMd 111c1 notice ol breech Ind 11'11 undersigned 10 1111 H id ldYlncH Is 1·29 ,467 5 2 To COVENAN.TS, CONDITIONS ANO Reco rded February 9, 1oe111 ~1nnl1 Orlv1 . Co111 Me11. ellCllon 10 be r1COrdecl July 28. oropertylo•tltlyMidotlllgeltone, c:tel1rmlnel1teop111lngbld,yourn1v RESTRICTIONS DATED JAN\JARV ln11r. No. 112118 In book p1ge ... lllf0tnl1 11182 11 ln1tr. No. 82-28011211 in Ind lher11fl•r lhe und111l9n1d caU 171411137-oaee 10, 11167, OF THE HARBOR VIEW of Offlc:lal Riciofdl !ti lhl ofl'lcl of Seid tai. wlll be mlde wtlhOul boot! of Mid Offlcill Records. CIUMd NICI nol!Qe ol brMCll llld OI Dalt f.4oveml>« t, 11182 HI I. L. S H 0 M E 0 W NE R S the Reeoro.t of Orange County; :ovtnlnt Of warranty, txprHI Of S1ld ~111 wlll be 1111d1. but lllClloo lo bl r~ordecl July 21, SE AS IO E F I N AN CI AL ASSOCIATION UNLESS YOU 11ld <Med or 1ru1t Offertbet the mpl!N, .. 10 title. OOIMlllor1 Of wllhoul cov1n1nl or w1rr1nly, 11182 II ln1lr. 'fo. 112·252310 In CORPORATION TME ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR tonowtng proe>«ty. tnoumbt-lo Mlllty 1111 unpaid 1xpr-or lmplled, '9Qlfdlng lltll. Otflc:lll Aloordl 11"1 lttl ofl\Ce of the 11 Mid Trullll PROf>EATY, fT MAV BE SOLO AT A Loi 58 ol Tract 1700 H per bllance dUI on lhe noll Of not• po11111loo, or encumbr1n<:e1, to Record« of Or11191 County, T.D. SERVICE COMPANY, IQllll PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN Mep recorded In Book 52 pagee 7 teeurld by lakl Daed of Tru11. lo PIY tile remllnlng prlnclpll aum ol S1ld Silt wlll bl m1da. but Cindy SC:noonover. Aail. SICf. EXPLANATION OF THE NATU"E Ind 8 o1 ~ Mlf)I. fn the Nit: $119,838.78, f)lu1 11'11 fotlowlng 1111 note eecurecf by 111c1 0..0 of without cov1n1nt or w11r1nty, Ona City Blvd. Wett OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST olflGI ol Ille County RICofder ol Hllmlted 00111, 111ptn1ts 1nd Trull, with tnlll'elt u In llld not •114>'-Of lrnplled. regarding tltll Orang1, CA 11211611 YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A llld count)' .Ovat\C*I II 1111 time of lhe ln/1111 provtdld, ldYanclt. tf any, uncMr poMllllon, Of eneumbrln<ift, to 171<() fl3>82&8 LAWYER. YOU AM• a..:AULT UflDlll A :>ubllcltton Of this Norlce of Sall. the 11tmt or Mid o..cs of Trvel, PIY the remelnlng princ:lpll aum of l>ubltahtd Or1no• c0111 Daily ON W1dn11day, O.Cembtr I. DE ID 0, T" u. T DAT ID '7.1177.311 ..... Cha/911 and upen-of the '"' nole(I) -eel by Mid dllCI of PrlOI Nov 8 15 n. I~ 11182, It 10 00 I m .. or .. eoon JAMJMY a, •1. ~N YOU NOTICE TO Ttull• llld of ltll lrultletNtld by Trust. with lnt«ett M In Mid note ' . . •88&-82 tnlf .. fler u may bl ~bla. II TAKI ACTION TO P"OTICT "'C>Nft'TY 0...,_ said Deed of Trust. Said 111t wt11 bl provided, 1dVlt\Ce8, If 1ny, under the front 1tep1 of lhe IMPERIAL YOUR P•OPl•TY, IT MAY al YOU AM• DEFAULT UNDER A held oo Wldnetd1y, Daclmt>er 1. 1111 terma o r Hid Daed ol Truat, PlJRIC NOTICE BANI< BUIL.OING. 8115 Town Cent« IOU> AT A P'U9&JC SALL• YOU DID CW TMllT, DATID AUOUIT 11182 11 2.00 p.m. 11 Ille Chapm111 filll. Chlfllll Ind ·~-ol lhe Drive. ln tlll City of Colll Mela, NI.ID AM Ul'\.AMATION 0# TNR H , 1H1. UNLlll YOU TAKI Av1nu1 e ntr1nc1, to the Civic Trust .. Ind of ltll ltvlll orMled bV County of 011ng1, St Ill of NATUltl OF Ttta "OCllC>tNO lCTION TO PllOTICT YOU• Cent• &lldlnQ, 300 Elll et1apm111 tlld OMd ol TNll. FICTITIOU8 llUSINIH C1flfornla, lhl HARBOR VIEW AOAINIT YOU, YOU IHOUl.D ~.IT lllAY •IOU> AT A A--. In I.he Olly of Ot11191. Said Mii wl1I bl l*d on. Monday, NAm IT Aft...,,. H I L L S H 0 M E 0 W N E R S CONTACT A LAWYDI. ~ IAU. IF YOU .. ID AN Al the llm• ol tl'll lnlll1 I Nollwnl>« 29. 11182, II 2-00 Pm II Thi lottowrng ~••doing ASSOCIATION (the "Allooltlloft"). 1312 san11111111 Terra. Cotone tXPl.ANATION °' THI: NAT\Me publiclllon Of thlt notice, 1111 totll the Chapman A--1n111t1e1 to bUllrltll as: through 111 duly IC>POfnlld IOlfll c:te1 M1t. CA 92625 OF T ... ""OCllDtNO AOAINIT 1mOUnl ol tne unpeld b111t1C1 ol lhe the Clvle Cent« Elulldlng, 300 Eaat BREA CANYON VILL.AS, 1 and lo 111orney, L.EE H. OURST. da h Cla d w { ·11t I tlrlll tddr ... Of common YOU, YOU IHOUU> CONTACT A obllg111on eecuted by lhl l bovt Chapman Ave .• Or11191, CA G-11 Pll'lnetlhlP. 16371 Beech whollsheellddr ... llldtelephone DANIELS ug ter u 111 eyer 0 d•lgnalron 1111\own 1bove. no WYSJl d11crlb1d de1d ot lr1,1st end At 1111 time 011111 lnlll1I Blvd. Suite •240, Huntington nurnl>er lelhownbetow.WILLSEl.L THOMAS 0 . DANIELS. Costa M esa , Ca., Kathy wirrinty I• g l'ltn 11 to 111 Dated No~l>er 5, 1912. 11111111tld c;o1t1. 1apenMi, 1nd p.il>lleatlon of Ihle notlol. llll tOlal Buell, Celtf0tnll 112M7 AT P UBLIC AUCTION TO THE residentofWestmlnster,Ca. Lefstad ofGolden,Colorado. c:ompllt-OfCOfreet,,..)" FIRSTAME.VCANTITLE 1dv1ncH II Hl,742.78 To emountoftlleUl\9llldbaN!nceOflhe Rlnd .. W Bllnd\ltd, 16371 HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH P _......... N be 9 mother V iolet Kelly of Calta Tiii blnlllc:laty under alld Deed INSURANCE COMPANY. dttttrnlne Ille~ l>4cl, you m1y obllglllon MCuftd br Ille lboVI 8elCll Blvd .• Suite •240. Hunting-(pay1btt at lime of .... In lawtUI -"away on ovem r • of Trutt. by rMIOll of a brMCh °' • Cellfomla COf'PQtatlon call (7t4) 5114--1333, -d1acrl1>1d d11d o truet ind ton Baach. Calllornll mone y ot l h• Unlt1d Slal11) 1982. Services were he ld on MC!Sll. Ca .• a brother F.dward deflUll In the ObllQlllons lllCUrld Und1 S. Pronovost Diie. November 1. 11182. 11t1m11ed co1t1, 1apen1H. 1nd Kiri! s. Evan•, 18371 BHch pureu1nl to Ill• pow11 ol 1111 Monday , November 15, 1982 M . Kelly ?f Bakersfield. Ca. lhe(tO)', lll<llOfOf• IXICUlld Ind ~ulhorlnd Ottlcet BURLINGTON FINANCIAL. Id~ •• '507,448.711. Slvd .. Sult• 240, Hun11n91on BNch. conterrld In 11111 c.r111n Deolerlllon at Fairhaven Memorial and cou s ins Mariam and dlllv1rid lo the und1r1lgn1d 1 114 EQI F1lln Slrllt SERVICES, INC. Thi opertll"lg bid may be obtllnld CA. of Cove n1n11. Condition• ind C b Henr K eh Je r 0 { L o n" Wl'l11«t oactar1tlon of OlflUl1 llld S1n11 Ana. CA 02101 u llld TruttM bV tilllll1Q (71•1 937~ 1111 di\' John w Ultom. 18371 8elcl\ Re1trlcllon1 (the "CCl"'•"I a1 hapel with en to m ment Y 0 Darnlnd fOl'S•. Ind wrlttll'I nota Tll f7 14) 558-3211 T,O SERVICE COMPANY, IQltll befoflllll .-Blvd . S1,1tte s2• t, Hununoton ,_did In Book 11988. Pag11 M, Immediately following. Beach. Ca., 3 grandchildren. 01 breleh Ind of ell0110n 1o CIUM Publl•hld 011n111 Co111 01lly LOfrie WOINCll, D111 OGtob« 27. 11182 Beleh. Calttorni. lncluerve, 0 111c111 A1cord1 ot Services under the direction FuneraJ leJ'Vices will be held 1111 underilon•d to 1111 H id IOI, Noy 15. 22. 29. 1982 Allt. s.ci.twy C..INO VALLEY BANK Tt)lt l>Ulk>lll 19 condueted by 1 Orange Counly, C1llfornl1 1nd, of Harbor L awn-Mount on Wednesday, N ovember property 10 •fltty Niki obligl!lona, &000-82 :1e33 Camino o.r Alo 11 Niki Trua11e, O'"lfll par1nenhtp wllhoul cov1n1n1 or w11r1n1y. Olive Mortuary of Costa 17, 1982 at 3:00PM at PaciUc i nd lh••••ll•r the und1flfgned 1111-IC NOTICE South. &MW 204 BY T O . s ER v ICE Kh'll S. Ev111... •Mor"' Of lmpllld, 19gardlnQ 11111. VI M t C h I c;au..a lllcl notic. of brllCh Incl l"UUL San Ollgo, CA t2108-4CM4 COMPANY Plfl'* poneHlon or encumbr1noe1. 111 Mesa. 540-5554. ew o r uary ~e · e11c:t1on to be rlCOrdld Augull 3, ACTTTIOUI llUIMll (7141 &84-t2N ~ Thie 1111emen1 wu llleel With tlll lhal e«laln real P'Ol*tY lltlMlted In K.EU.Y 1Mnterment1 apt Pkac1Nfk 1ew 111111 11 lnitr. No. 1400 In book NAME ITAT'RmNT Publllhld ""9wport Harbor Newt 8y w~ ~lllon. County Cllttt o10t111g1 County on 1111 County ol 011ng1. Slit• of THOMAS B. KELLY, emorta ar • ewport 141M. page 14711, 01 Niki Offldal Thi tollowing petton 11 doing Pr11t combined wtll'I tne Or1nge AMlttant SICrelwy ~btr 4. 11182 Cel"omta. deecribed 11 '~ retident of Newport Beach, B each , Ca. Pacific View Recotd.e. bulltie111t· COMt[)llllyPMot.Hov 11, 1&. 122, OneClty8111d.W•t. "'1n"t L014'ofTrec:tM2511eonta1nee1 C P d M ortuary directors S1ld .... wlll bl midi. l>ul PATHWAYS ...... I Herbor lllt2 Orinp. CA 112Mll Publlllled 011ng• COl•l 01lly In Book 238, P1g11 4S lo 48 a · a 11 e aw a Y o n · · without covtn1n1 o r w1111nty. Blvd . F.5. COiia .... CaHloml• •048-12 Tll.: (7t•> 83s-8218 Piiot. Nov 8, 15. 22, 29. 111112 lneluelve, ol Mllcetleneolll M4IP9 In November 13. 1982. Born BALETK.A HP" ... °'~. regardt'1Q 11111. 112628 , Publllhed tffwpor1 Hlft>or Hewe 41137-12 th• 01110111 R1co1d1 ot 011n11• January 26, 1917 In Los OORlSJANEBALETKA. ~.or tnWmbr1nte1. to w 11111m R1y Mu•Hr, 2Ul P\ll.IC NOTIC( =~~with 1111 ?-enoe ----Nll--IC-NO_TICE ____ ~:·,fr:~,. .. ino o1n1r Jes. Ca. Survived by his r esident o f Huntington pey me ,_1ng prtndpll aum of H1tbor BIYd . F·5. Co111 M .. •. ACTmOUe ._.11 I-·• llol. Nov e. 5, 22, common dellgnallon. It mny, of tne Mlfl ..... °'4 SMrTM a TVTMLL WISYC ... CHAl'll 427 E 17th St Costa Mesa ~71 D Palled Ille~) llCUf'ld bV .. Id 0..0 of Caltfom+1 92t2e Nam ITA~ 1182 48411-82 PM:TJTIOUI -II r111 property dllctlbecl Ibo,,. Is Beach, Ca. awsay olsn TNll, h lnl••• .. ,"' Mid noll Thi• bullnet• 15 condvetld by In Thi tollowlng ~reon ,. dol119 .... IC NOTIC( T"'-I~ ITAftlmlT d ......... purpOrlld lo l>I st12 ln .. t Ille November 14, 1982. · he .provided, ldv1ncn. I any, unoer ind!Vklull 14,,.....: , .. ..,.,,....ng penon1 -,,...,. Dflve. Cofone c:tel M•. Callfomla: survived by h e r hus band IM term• of Mid °""° 01 Trust, Wiiiiam Aly Mu1111 FL"'"·O.OECK'I , 15197 Mor-* PICTITIOUt 8UllNlll bUttneM a : Miiier _, ...... ,0 lllO ,...,~= J ti and ..__ .... ~ ... -J k ..... dllf'Oll llld upen ... ol Ille '"" """""'' ... llllcl Wllll the ~ -· ...... -·-0 c EA N F " 0 H T IN TE R • "'V us n 1n:r urUUlC'r 8C Tr\111111'1ttdofthe 1n111a c:r11ted 11y "-·-iy c~ 01 ...__,.._._..,on lrffl, W11tmln11er, C1llfo1nla -...... ,_.., • 11 In 11\e nemt of BHE 0 EE Van Martar. Set'Ykft will be Mid Deed of TrUll ....,..., -" ""-....-.......... , ztaS Tiie lollowlng l)tfton 11 dotng NATIONAL, 1511 Wiii Ocun VAOEOAAAN 1 nd ROW8HAN N • Ocloblr28, t912 St--Ant.._,. ...... _ 171'"2 ~II: Front •A, N•wPOrt 811oh, y•-"'•n u .. held on Sunda~. ovembtt &aid .... wW tie l*d on T~. ,...70 ..,.._. ·~·1 ......., • El Cllllotnll tHeO ""'°"""""" 21 • 1982 at 2·. OPM at the Oec:embtf 7, 1t12 11 2:00 prn. at Publl•"•d Orin~• Co••t D•I~ Hlport. Hun1t1191on l11c;h, L.. C MARK IHO, 3311111 Ro-, Tl'l1 undtr1lg 11ed Tru1111 the Chapman A 1 1 " lllfornla 92e4t .,..._ D1na Point, ~ t2e2t P1mel1 Diena Scnu11111cik, dlsol1lm1 1ny tf1blllty lor 1ny Zonta Club of Newport 1111 Civic: Cenlet~ld:e~-= E~ Piiot, Nov. l5. 22. . Dec, ~;.1120~.. Thtl 1>Ulinn1 It condUc:led bV an C'*1ll Howllk. '39111 Robltl, 1511 Wiii Ocun Fron~A, lnc!oneot-ot the ltreet lddtw Harbor, 2101 E. l~th St .. Ch1prn1n Av1n.,., In tilt City of "" -· llldulll, 0tna Polnl, ClllfOfnla 92629 Htwoon llMCl'I. Cllll0tnl1 II .end othlf common deeigNtton. If Cot.sa Mesa. Ca. ln lieu of Or1ng1. c.. ,.._IC M)TIC( Stephen A c-.. Thie~ 11 conduc1ed by 1n b1bo1111 A Porrelll, 5 f/l'IV, ~herein rlow-the family ,,_.,, -· A I I h. 11 me 0 I 11'1 I t n 1111 t Tl'lll 1111emenl ... ""° wllll the lndMcNll si.tnglon "'-· Hewpot1 lttoh. ~ ...... tie mecs. 10 Mlllfy "'' • ,._...,___ blicatlon of llOCiOI 1111 10lll ACTfTIOU9 ._.... ty Clertl °' OrttnQt COllnty on °""* Now.-Ctllloml• ll2MO tM Obll91t1on1 MCVt.ci lty, end dona lions be made lo the ~1 ofltll ::..0 ~of"" .._ lfA,_.,. 4, 1t12. TNa ~t .. Mid wttll 1111 • Trwt l>Ull,_ 1• COnduCttd by • s>ur•u•nt to 1111 power of u11 Zonta Club of N ewport obllg111on HCurld l>Y 111e 1bove Thi IOllowlnt ,.,_ '"doing ,.,. ~ c:a.r-. ::.'t1/'91 County on ti ~IP.Sel\Ulleriell ~.-..lflc~i:,.~ ~ -== Harbor. Serylce& under the dHcrlb1d d .. d of 1ru11 ind l>Ullnnl u: Publlel'led Orange Co11t Oatty ~-~ii ft1I• ••••-• wu ~with the j;A';',jOi; VI, Section t 01 th• dlrertlon or Harbor Lawn· 11t1m1lld COlll, ·~"n .... Ind REl.E\IAflfCE. 201? E Ocean ~.Nov .•• 15, H. 29, 1992 -·. C£?CTllLL Counl" Clerk of 0nin-County on -··· .............. ..._ .... e····--·· Oil M f 1dvanc11 11 St8,402 14. To 8lvd , Bllboa, Clllfonlll 92MI 497741 --' ,.... .,..." ,,. ,_._"' ~-••••"-M ount ve ortuary o dlt•l'nlnt 1111 CIPlflll1CI ..a. you mt)' Roff Mlflln, 3112 Olb••lt•t n. ...__ c........,. Novemblf 4, 11182 and c111m of "*' wu '9CO!dt0 c.o.ta Mea. ~·55:W. call (714) 937.oMe . AW'l"lve. Cott• M .... CaMfOflll• PWllC ll)TIC( -........ ...... ,.,.,.. ..-inti "" ~ ~toed ,..., Oeltl HOWMlblt • ,1112 taat .... • Pubhaned Or1no• 00111 0111r ~ tor "°'~t of ~ HUDSON 1T o ... "":-~...: COMPA ... V lllrtMth w-~ ""'t7 1 .........,__ PICTITIDU9 MIH•H ....., 01•11• .., .. ,. Piiot, Nov •· 15• 12• 29• 11182 Ind 111111,,.111 on O.••• 11, MILTON ST!WA.RT At.:dTr::... ... llvcl .. tttooe.rn:'.tatat__, llM91TATW ,.._ 4MW2 IMl,tnlooll t::OPtoet17t.• HUDSON, resident ot Coa\a ey Cindy ldlool!OI«. Tiiie ~ 11 concluclld by• Tiit totloWlng pereon 11 dOifll Publltlled Or•nt• Co111 0111y IM1"""9ftt No 111 'ltle Ofllolel M Ca PUied AM!ltant ~ Q91*11 pepll•llWp bu1111a1t-. Hot. Nov I. t&, H , ft, ttll PtlllC M>TICE Atcordl o f Or•l'lt• Count~. N eta, .... ..: 8 1 t8•2way on .......... r.-~o w... "'°" ~ AOVINTUftt IN IALl.OONI. ·~ CllltOmte: Ind, """"'· CM Noelct ovem'"'r • • Ht ia ~CA tHM ' Thie llt*""lt -lllld wllfl lhl 1751 ~A'l!lflut, Colt•,....._ K.-r1 ot Def1u11 a nd llfftlon 10 l•fl IW'Vlved by hitl ton Jame.. (114) Uf.pn!I! County C11rtt of OrlnQI County on Callfofnlt tltl1 PWl.IC M)TIC( ftCTmOUl-H t'Metlftt Hid roll r.~ wa1 daufhter J an• O uben1, Pul>ll•"-4 Orlt\Qe Co111 O•lly Hottll'lltler 4. 11182 .~. co',·,Wlll· : ... • 11 ... c::= Pie~.,_.. --llATllllllT '.!Aooreloel ~"'~,·...-.. ~!.·Hi.:: bn>ttwr l:dpr Mam>y and 2 Piiot. Nov 15, ta. 21. 1"2 fllt11P1 tm'i'-...... ITA,.._..., fn. lotioWlng Pll'ION ..._ dONlt .... ttUIMflt o. ....,......, irandchildNn. &.rvicll will 4 ... •ll ,:;b~•: Os'fl' COHI Oall~ Thll .,._. It oonduc'9CI bV Ill Tiit l*-"'O l*tolll are OOlnO bUlinlM 11: =-~ of ~ c-ity, 6e held on Tuuday , PWllC ll)TIC( • , I . ,ft, 1'::.o.u lnclMdYtl ~,~. ...&O THI LOTUS lllOOM, 1Ut ""totlt llllOUllt of ... ........ N ovembe r U , 1981 at _____ 11 .. _.,. __ Mtfldal WMe H ...v H COMftANY. ~ "' ~·A COltiMw..CaiforNe MMnot "' .......... _..... r_,., __ -... _ ""'~ '""' •••• ; .... -.... wllh ... llrdl Str ... llllt• uo. NewOOfl Nt4I llY .... Pf..-1r to -.... lftd 9:00PM at lM Harbor 1..ewn llAMI lfAW Couft"' C*' of Of r--.. .._.. c.Mot'Nil tlttD Alln Ill Caulano, IOJ:r:. tOHOnOIO OitlmatM tHtl, Memorial Chapel wtth final The followlng ponon 11 doing '' Ml ... --"• °" Lamoni• Von lvel'I•. 10128 C111ndllf. lt11l1 Ana. Ca _..... ond --MN tlllll ln urrunent aerv~u beln1 bl*"tll M Tll M-llATlllllNT ~-4 ' ' w ~~"""·Santa A.-. Ctlrtoml• tn~lclly "· CMllMo. 2011 w ~ .!!'!!!.!.. pv.......,. et "'9 held at Or•en Ac:r•• ANN K ai.APHIC8, 111&1 • o O'fl'lnt ,.,..., 11 ctolnt ll'ultltttllff Of1n1• COfft DMy 011 , .. ,,.ce tvin•. 10121 1 ~ Oa11•111a __ -~J1"'MW'- C•m•tery , rernd al•. =""· Wo1tftllln11tt. Clllfor1111 ~.rcuP 2tll0t KIOWI Hot.Nov .. ,., ... n.,.. C..Pettl.laMaAM.Calttomit :::*· .,,,. Ila, ----::·{;i1i: I Wa1bla11on. In lieu of 00,,.11 K c"'"· t1111 Hune.,...,.9Matl.~NM ......, •JOt ,..•.-;::,,:..•!J!l•f" ·~-.... -,.....IM lemdy ~ O.otlrlo, Weetl!llMllt. C1tll0tn11 UurMH A ""*''· '''°' "911 ................... .,en ...,._ .. _ ~·~-~roftl r-rnacte io th• t2tt3 Oor*"1K aien • :=·""'"tnttonlttdl.~ .......,~...,.. :.".-.= La" ..... -..:r en•~ ty o 1nur ~hola.. ,,. .... ,_. ........... TlltlllUltlWlloonouo*IDrlll TIMt=••tw•wt111... n.11M1 .. _._.... 'L°'fAU ....... undt't the du.don County C... al 0r.,,. Couf11y on llldlwlOual ~ of Of-.. CCMltr Oii C...-et 0...-OU"r lft .. ,.,_, of a.Jta Bttpro11 Smilh • ~ I. '"' L.--A . .._... Nie•-.'· 1111. """' II. ,... &:/n. OtMia 0-. Dllr Tuthill WestcllU Chapel NtM" ,_,. -,. ........... = -....--o.... --. 11.• -...,. Mortuary of Cona MeN ttu1>h11\M 0t1ne-Coeec o.i1y ft11bll111ttd Orantt COMt o.IW r,.,,...., °'r.J'. .._ ~ -....... "' -..-"'371 I Piiot, Nov 18, 22, ft, 0ac ~Lt~ "'°'·Nov 18 t2. 3f. Ott I . tfll fllM ..... ti. ti, •Del:..:: , .. I. ti. II, , ......... _.. • llVH-11 IOS1oU } ' • . • Orange COMI DAIL v PtLOT /Monday, November 11. , .... ~ Dow JOnea Final I DOWN 18.48 1 CLOllNQ 1,Gl1M S&L chief sees 1983 turnaround · NEW ORLEANS (AP) -'I,'he aavtnas and loan industry. suffering its worst financial bettering ance the Depression. will likely turn the oomer ln 1983 and may earn money for the first time In three years. a federal regulator says. . As a result of Calling interest rates, Richard Pratt, chairman of the Federal Home Loan Bank Bolu'd, predicts the Industry will have "a good chance sometime In 1983'' of moving from ''a lOM position to a profit position." Even so, "T here will stHI be a ,.lot oC finns that don't make that transition in 1983," he said. ln ~n Associated Pres interview in his board offices in Washington. Pratt made his comments as the U.S. League of Savings Associations. the nation's largest S&L trade group, prepared to open its annual meeting here today. S o vi ets gain technology WASHINGTON (AP) -The Commerce Department apparently has failed to prevent the flow of U .S. military technology to the Soviet Union, a Senate subcommittee says. In a 67-page report released Sunday, the permanent subcommittee on investigations recommended that the United States strengthen its intelligence and enforcement efforts t~. halt. a "massive, well planned and well managed Soviet effort to acquire U.S. technology. T he subcommittee stopped short, however, of adopting a staff recommendation that the department Se stripped of its enforcement powers under the Export Admjnistration Act. ''The evidence is .strong that v~rtuall~ all the technology they obtain Crom the West as applied to the Soviet military industry," the oanel said. MOALS NEW YORK (API -Spot nonferrous ~., Pl-loelay co,,., 71-74 cont• o pou110. U S. 00.tlnallOM Leed 21'"°'211 GMllS O pound. ZIM 38-•2 oents • IX>""d. ~Od Tift Sii 171111 Mololt Week compoei!O lb .........._ 11 c.<>ta a pound, HY ...._, '* 00 per .... 1'1olln11"' $343 00-SS..5 00 1101 OUl'f'O. N V GOLD QUOTATIONS SILYEI