HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-11-18 - Orange Coast Pilotsswes c. . . 0 -~ .. • THE ORANGE COAST COUNTY EDITIDI THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 18, 1982 ORANGE CC UN TY . CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS State Ol(s most of Huntingto~ coastal plan U~ ltoUEHT BAlll·U-:H 01 the O•llY Piiot Slell 1-:1. St-:l:UNl)(I lll1111111gl1111 lit• ... h ' JI I " I"" I d I ... I -. I .ii dt'Vf'f11p1111 Ill plolll "'llh 11111\ 1111 l'I' I''' l'f"'"'"· 11," 111·1·11 .q1pr11v1•d 11\ 1 lw .. 1.111 · ( '11,.-.1.tl ~\11111111!'.."1111 Appt ov.11 111 t 111 l.111d 11" pl.111 th.11 h." ht•1•11 l l\1 \1,11 .. 111 11!1• nl ,\1,.111~ fill olll ' 1111 111\ h ,t' t•l1•.ir1·d .i 110.1J111 hunll1· 111 d1•krr11111111g "'h.11 d1·v1 .. h1 1111 11·111 wd I t:ikt· pl;,.·1· 111 1 h(' 1·1>.1 ... 1.d 7 11 11 c• p .i 1 t 1 1 11 I .1 r I \ t ti 1 dNl•f'1or;i t I fl~ """' 11 IPW II .11 I ... Expe n sive a le \'1 I 111 11• lt"'''l\l~I. h11\\l'\1 ·1. h tho 1111 111 1 •I .1-.111p111 l.111.I .d1111g l'.111111 1· ... ,,, ll1gh\\.1\ l1<•l\\1lll lk.11 t. ll.111k\.1td .111.I 1111 ~.1111.i A II .1 H I \ 1· I I h .1 ' .1 I I .. I II( u 111p I • .tllg I ti ll .11I1'' '" II I\' I ti \' I ' ti I II .i d I ' I' II I I ' II\ I' l w1·1l.111d ... .111d ''ill 11< '"'•J•<t'f 11l 11111!11 1 .. 1111h v.:1<1111 ·-.d .• , •. 1µ"'"'·" 111 1111 land 11'1 pot 111111 111 1h1· 1 0.1'.'.t.tl pla11 .1bo 111•".111,., th.11 tl11• 111\ ' pr11p11,,d, 1111 hnlt'I .... 11111t1·b . oflio'I• l1111ld111g' .11111 11 ''1111·11 11,il llllll' Ill th1• d11~\ 11111\.\ II n1;1..,t.d ,1ft'.I lt,1 ... thl 11!1•,'>lllg ol till' .... I 1.d f 1 11111111~ ..... llll I''.'. 11111!1 I llll t•I(\'•, p),111 , '°/\ '\Ill V 'It Ill 1111 1'' Wll1tld 11<• ll4•l t11lll1 •d Ill 1111 l\l.1111 SI 11'\'l l'.11 ti II (°11 ..... t ll1g lt\\,I\ .1110,1 B111ld111!.(i. t'llllld g11 1 \'1 11 l11gl11'1 II pt 11pl•t I y h I 1111 .... i11.t,111 .. l 111111 Jl•Ult 11W111·1,h1p 'l'h 1 .. (g1·l1111g 1111 • pl.111 ·'llf""''·d) "1111 k1·\ 111 u11l111 k111g 11111 lutt111 M.1\111 Hoh M.1111111 .... 11d "1'111 \'l 'I \' h.1ppy .. M .. 111d11· ... 11d th .. 11 1·1ty pl;i1111 .. ,, l'~ll I llllW pt lll'l't'd W 1 l h /111111 lg p11·paral1111" 1•>.1·1·pt tor 11t1· 1;11111 111v11lv1•d 111 I IH· w.-tl~111b d1·b.itt 111· ~,11d ·' 'IX'1f1t pl.111 1111 tlw Janic·t· S11owdt·n c•luH·h es an itt·m sh<· didn't sell at her garuge sale in Fountain \'all•·~. Sh(• did. hmH'Vt>r. !-.<>II h t'r 1-{rt•t>n jog~inµ; suit -"ith a n <·~timatt·J S I0.000 worth of jt.•"clr) in th.l· po«kt•t for 82. "'h<··.._ hopin~ to ht•ar from tht• s urprised huyer. Irvine seeking revenue B y G LENN SCOTT 01 the Oellr Pllor Stall M1•1T1bt-r' 11 f tit• I n Ill• I 0lt\ C"uun c·tl h.J \1· ,,1111 t h1\'ll cons 1d1·r ,,.,f'r.il rn1 0,1t1' 11 f cr<'attng mon • rnun11·q1<1l 11·\'1·n111· -111l'lud1ng llllTl'o .... tllg lh1 ('II\. tx><l t..1x .11 ,1 I H• 14 n'lo•l'\1111:! M o..,l 1nu111 ii 1J l("T'n h1 ,., li.1\1 l:x't.•fl µt11st·d f11r ..,.., l'l ,ii 11111111 It' tr. 1nt·rt'd St' lhl l11•d t.1\ f11 1 OVt'tntght hott·l ).!llt• ... L ... f111n1h1111! p e1 l c·nt o t th• rc111m 1.111 H ow1•\'1·r 1111 ' l""'l1<1111 ·d .11111111 u n til J t.1-.k f11rc 1· 11( husin• .... '"'' 11 rc'(·um n wncl•·d 11pl 11111S f11r 1.1 .... 111).! m orn ' 111 ,,ff..,. 1 .1 pi"JI ' 11·.t ~" 7 mtllt1111 dl'f111t O\'l 'I tli1 Ill 'l ll\1 yr•;1r.., Thl t.l'>k 1111 r 1· 1 .... 1 "1 • k suggt•..,t1·rl ..,, \l·r.il p 1 •1t·1 d 11t .ti ch;ing1·' liul 1111 111·~ 1111 tlto d -. f111 rn1~1ng m1 inc " M1·,.l1ng 1'111• ... l,1\. 1 1111111 ti 11w111IH·t .., .1gn·1·d to .1 hc·anng 111 t\\11 '.\c•1•k " .11 l 'tt\ Jl,oll to ael 1111 I ho pn1po..,t d I llU • '"" t\1 1\1.1 \111 L.111\ t\gran ... 11·qu1•,1. 111\ll h ii 1111 111bt·rs al'" .igt•·•·d \11111n..,.d1 ·r '1·V1•r;d 11th11 111 1"1 n ' I 11r ,i!t 1wr .1 l1 11g m o r1 1111•11111 .ill 111 ttw111 l.11 g l'l1•d .1t , 1111111w111.il 11J1< r ,111""' T h• ' .111 H1 .HIJU't111g 1111 Ill'-... $1 I I l.11 1.t11 f11r blhllH'" lt1 l 'lb•" \' II I 1 lo I J..: h I' I f I I ... f 1 I f J.1 fl~ I' I I II to I J1I '" '" l ·h.11 g111g ,.,,,.,, lwr " fr11111 $ 111111 ~.!IHI l"'r v1·.11 111 firms ~1th l 1trg .11 .ol,11"111' hr •1k1 d 11l111 lh1 f II\ " p11lll 1 d"JJ.l ll l1111g "'f\ I\ t 1\djll'>llllg tilt' 111 \ ·..,I ho11'j.~I'" t01r 111·\\ d1 ·\'1 l11pn11·nt 111 llllT""''' tho IK'l t l 111.1g. g111ng 111t11 fu11d1, 1111 l llll,11111 l lllll o f Ill'"' p 1tlil11 l.H tlttll"' J11111.i1 111g "'"ro· n g or1n1' I 1tl111t 1•rtll'lll Ill l.t~ ... ,1IHI fllll'' f111 l' 11 u 11 1 ti v. "m .111 Ba 1 ho r a \\'w1w1 the 11111\ rnt·ntl>t'r who fi,..., 11pp1..,1•d thl' ht•f l.;IX 1nt'll';JSt'. 111 gi·d 1·1h· .1dn11111!-o.tral11r:. lo "dig d ow11" 111(11 tho· c 11 :; liuflgd for .. ho rt ;11HI lo 111g 11•1111 1111·,i<;UI ,., lo ..... I\ t f l H lflt \ Shi '.'.oltd 1h1· 1 t t v ..,h o uld d•·\ l'l11p .1n ,1ggn·....,1v1 1 111·r~y • 1111~1·n.,1t11111 progr.1m al ntv I llll t.11111111·' ,111d '-'':trl'h t11r w.1v ... ll• lllrn .i p\.111111·d bu .... 111d I r.1111 ,1,1t11111 1n .... 1u1h1•rn lrvin1· into J pr11f11.1hl1• v1•11ll11 • M1.,11l\\ htl•· ,1dn11nl'>tr.1tor ' '"'" Tu•· .... l.1\ 1h.1t th•· $hi 11111111111 r1 .. r11 11 i... ntJI firm for 1•x.1111ph" $'.I m1llwn of tlw lot.ti 1s fut I ll'(~ o f .ll'ljlllrtng J,md for <t 1w\.t 1 1v11 n ·nt1·1 R<'t au<ot• tht· l r \'rnt· C11mp:1n~ hJs 11ff1•n ·d 111 rSee lRVINE. Pa~<' AZ) ' Car dealer claims harassll1ent By STEVE MARBl.l-, Of lhe Dally P llol Sl•H Al M;nd1k1.111 . " Nt'" I"" l B<•<ll'h hu!>tnt•......,m,111 \.\l10 1mpml' cind ..... lls h.1rd t•• find F1 ·r1 .11" Lamb11rgh 1111 .... 1 nd Ml't 1 • d1 ... chum., hl' h.1s f,olll 11 v u111 11 111 1111 "Pinto m1 ·111.d1t\ · ul (.',1 ltf111 n1.1 l>{t1Vl'rnmr·nt M.1rcltk1:a11 .. 1 nil• 111111 f, 11 n11Jl.1 ran· 1·;.1r d11 \1·1 h.i... 1,.•"11 111 .11111 f)Ul 11( hot '.\ ,111·r with th• "'·''' for twn yC'.1r<; for .1111 g1•dl'v "ll1n1~ rmp,,rts th.it don I nH'l'l ... 1.111 smng st;indardi. This Wt'<·k . M .11 d1k1:111, 11w111·1 o f Tn·nd lmp11r1 S.d1•o; 1111 . I :!llll W Cllil!'l ll1gh\•,1V. filo ·d f111 prn11•1·1111n fro rll 1t1 ... t r .. d11111 ' undl'r Ch.1p\c-r 11 of 1111• f1•d1·1.il hankr11µ11 v L1w., 11 .... t1 r n1 ... , r1·d1t1•r 1h1· ... 1.111 '' '.'.('f·kin,H $~00 tl()fl In fll11 '' ,111d \IH• 111ill1on:-r.f u11ll:.t1" M.trdtk1:an rt•µcirtc'<ll v has rn.1dl' .... 11111~ j•)o,pt•t\SIV(' c· •• r ... Ill Wt•Jllhv jK·opl1• · I v1· h.id to .SJK•nd rn11n· I h.in $'.l!'lll.IHIO Ill lt•g;il (1•1·s .11lll c-Vt•r y 111111· I 1111 n .1rollm.I 1'111 hn\•111g In run up lo Loo; Angi·lc•i. lo g11 111 1 ourt " tlw 1·;1r 1mpo1 tt•r l l;111rwd · Trc•nd 1an·1 su rv1v1• thr<o " M.1rd1ki.1n say.;; 1h1 · ... t.111' I' h .11 ......... ng him bl'<.IU S I' h1· 1mpor l i. high p1•rf11rma11l't' r:111 npt•.1n t'ars that art· rar1•lv f11und 111 1h1• Un1t1·d St.<1t1•s lit• s.1 v1, lw 1111po1 ts < ,.,., .ind tlll'll 11 ·d1·...i~11~ thf0l1l 111 tn1•1•l f1•d1·r.d I llll'°'lllll (1•,ls S11-..111 I h11 l1111 .1 tl1·11111., s1.111 INDEX .111 111 rw; g1 rwr;1\ who t!-. h.1ndling 1h1· 1·ai.1• .1ga111st M ard1k1a11 .ind rt'prl'!>C'nt111g thl' slal1,.s Air H1•s11un·<·.., fio;1rd , c·la1mrd the Nt·wport hu..,1nl''i.'>m:m ha ... h<'<'n • ,r·llrnR 1 ar<o th;it o;1n1plY <ff(' 1ll1•gal Ill <:a Irr orni.1 l 'aldornra .... tw 110\l•d. h a s th1• tough,·st .i1r q1111li1y law., 1n tlv· 11.1111111 M<t11v nianuf;w1uri·r' 11H hrd111~ l\111l'rll'.1n f11 m s m ;1 k I ' <I II I "m n b I I l'... f II r di...1nh11t11111 111 •HI st;1tl'' ;md .1 <.,t•parato• C:1hlor111;1 modt•l further, sh e sci1d, C;ilifornra l.1w rr•qu1n•s that smoJ{ sl;indards l)(• 1111•1 dur111g tlw manuf;wl11nng p1111·1· ....... Sh•· c·orn·<'drd 1ha1 rn.iny r.UI 11p1·.in (1rm" <.,1ntpl v ""''r -..1111• · 11( I h1•11 m11r1• 1• x11t11 mo 1drls j Sc•1• A\ ITO, J>agr A4 ) d11~11111\\I) .. 11111ild 111 111111ph•lld Ill')\ I 11111111 Ii M .111d11 ,,11 d ho· 1''111'1 (' l llol'>l.d \Ulllfll 1'>,l11jl •'l•Jll ov . .t 111 1111 1111.d (1!.111 1111 h11h11g l.11111 ........ 11111 /11111111-( b\ lll''l ..,llllllll•'I /\1 111.11 11111•·. 1111111 11 1 11 1 d1·\f1·l<1p1111·111 Ill th1• 'l,11(111,1l'll">11! ll>J,.,l.ol l.11111 will '""" r111111 th1• lOil..,t..d l'lllllllllS'l"ll 111 llt1· ('ltV Still 111 111· w111k1•d ,-1ut lt11Wp\'1•1. I!'. 1111· n111l111v1•t ... y llVl'I tlw t 11.1 .... t:ol ... 1np 11f l11nd fr11111 B••;wh B11uh·v.11 d Ito tl1t· S<t11l11 An<• H1v1·1 l'11.1!-o.t.d C 11 111111 "''"" "t.tl l 111 •·11)!11• r.,, I I ;a 1111 I 111' l.111 cl 11111s ltllll1•.., n •..,1w .1bl1 • w 1•tl.J111b .111d ... 1t11u ld Iii· pr 11t•·111·d 1111111 d1 •v1·lup1111·111 u( t •·,1.1111 Jii l!>. hult·I,, 1111111·1, .11111 :o.lillJI'> MIUl.(hl liv lho nly J\ll111111·v H11IH'rt I .. Mu11n·, n·pt1",1·111111g Mdb L.111d & W;1tt:r ( '11 ,, l.111d11wn1•1 111 th1· an·;,, l l:i111H·d 1h1 i.tat<· ruirwd lht• w1•tl.111ds w l It'll It u1•vl'l11p1•d tltt• I lu1111ngt1Jt1 St,111• Bt•.id1 111 th~ I !MOs 111· s.11d till· ai.su11111t11111 tha t till' pr 11p1•1t v 1111w 1,., .1 w1·l lar11ls ...... 1Jlat.111t .111d fab1· .. Tht· So uthern Cal1fo rn1a Ed1so11 Company's gent-rattnH plant 1s involved an the wetland. d1·batt• Thi· ('Oa st<tl comm1ss1on staff CJpposes plans for the powe r st ation 's ex pan s ion into "wC'tlands ." It instead suggests <·xpans1on to the n o rth n e ar the SU'vt>rson Brotheni mud dump Bul Jim Palm, city director of dt·vl·lopme nt services, sajd lhc µroposal may bt' e nvironmentally damaging to n .osidenlS of the a rea n1•ar Ha milto n A venue and <See COASTAL, Page A2l Revamp plan confuses Mesa downtown meeting pr<>ves unproductive B y JODI CAOf:Nllt.:AIJ 01 lh• Delly Piiot Srell Pl.inning go;.ib that Co~ta M1•s..1 c·nv1s1011i. for a !>lll.111 st<t:tton of tht· 1·11v's ag111g dowmuwn havi· ht·t·n uutltnt•d ~ill>l•ft vagut'ly tt1 about I :lO n·s1dt·t1 L'> L'11 \I H1•dPv1·lopml·nt Ag1·1wy d1rL-<'loti.. hoprng to r<<t'1•1v1• .1 fl·W 1d1·.1s on what th1· nimmun1tv would like to i.t'l' d111w with 1(1 ocn·s ut tlw ('orn1·r 11f l!Jth Sirvl'l and l brbor B11ul1·vard. w1·n• gn•1•l1·d Tu1•..,day nrght w1lh s tony sil1•11t·1· t rorll 1111 ,1udH•11ce of n;;.11111\ 1111ddlt• ag1· 1>1·opll· and l'l1h·rlv Expl0 l'l111g ;i• niud1 '"'·ii l1·r turnout. l ltY 11fl1t·r.1b h :ul 11111 mad<• suff'1n1·11t c·np11·i. of tlH· 1luck <11111u;al n·1>111't d c·t;11hng t ht• progn•s.., .1nJ h1s1111 v 11f lh1· I 0-yl'ar old :.ge11t·y As a rt·sult, sonw !Jl.011µlt• left the nH·t·tt ng two h.,ur)> l.:1tt·r l'11nfu~·d ;.1hout lht• fu1un· 11f the· now d1·moltshl·d l'ornmt·rcral u·ntt'r purchased by the city for $!'"1 8 million . "I wanted to f ind o ut what thl'Y had an mind for the ·Supt•rblock'," said one woman. "But I didn't find out a lot." R t• d e v e 1 o 'p m e n t b o a r d diarrman Donn Hall to ld the audwnce that the ideas expressed i.lt the meeting would be used by Ur ban Land Institute planners in plotting the possible future of the site'. as well as the entire 200-acre (See DOWNTOWN, PaJte AZ) Bullet • train massive pr~ject Ttw Fluor Corp ·.., l Onlr<il'I to 11v<·r"'''l' l'on:.11 ut t111n of th1• l'.il milt• bull1•t tr~11n r11u t1· µl;.innt•d bL·lW•·\·n Lol> Angl'lt·s a nJ S an OiPgo 11·pn·st•nts tht• larg1·st JI.lb thl· 1nH•rn:.twnal firm h n s v <' 1 u n d ,. rt a kl' n 1 n 11 s Southl•rn Calif o r n1,1 h omt'. 1l!> chairman says Although n o spc.'C1f1 t value ha:. yl't bt•cn ass1gn C"d to F'luo r 's serv1res as proj<'<·t manager for th£' ambitious nt'w tram pro)eC'l, C hairma n J R o b e rt F luor C'Strmatc'CI 11 t'Vt:ntually wrll fall somc·whe rC' \x>t Wl'<·n $200 million and S500 million llang in the re Ill· :.01d at ;.i pn·ss t·11nfl'n·m·t> Wc'<.lne.sday at thl· 81ltn1on· I lotc·I 111 Lrn. Angt•ll•:. that tht· ~•Z<· of th<: contrm·t will surpas..., thoS4..' uf µast pru .Jt'l'L'> to c•xpand 101.:al 0 11 rrftnc•rtl'S Ht• a lso> agn·c·d lhc.' tr<11n p roJN't 1s a subi.tant1al add1l1o n l11 the· 1.ompany·s sagging bal·klog Flu or·s i..t>lec tr o n was anno u m ·ed at the l'Onfercnce by Lawrence yilson, the confident young prC's1dc:nt uf A merican Hig h SpN•d Rail <..'orp . the pnvall' firm hoping lo 1 un lht· train sysll·m G ilson said Fluor was <:hOSt'n AP W~.,,noto Lenore, u <J-month-old py~my •·himpnnzt't.', swinl(s from n rope in tlu• piny s trm·ture a t thP San Diego Zoo. The c·him1> i~ onf' of 12 members of th<' c·nclan~t·rNI sp t•<'it.'f' born u t the zoo. from among "a relative handful of companies o f sufficient size and e xperience" to handle the proJE'(.:t, esttmated t o cost $2.9 billion , including long-tenn d ebt payments. H e acknowledged that officials m his fann were eager to hire a Cahforn1a-based company, and he noted that as many as 100,000 workers are projected fo r t>mploym ent each o f the five years the syst e m i s under ('Onstrucllon. ~ project manager. Fluor will be responsible for plannjng and (Se~ BULLET, Pa1e A%) 'Red Car' route buy set Tht· Orange County 1'rans1t D1s tn1.·t and Southern Pac ific T ra n s p o rtation Co. r e ac h e d tentative agreement Wednesday fo r the $1 5 mtll1on sale o f ahandoned railroad right-of-way rcgard c.'<i as a "key component" rn the county's trans portation future OCTD Board C hairman Ralph C lark said the transit district b oar d will m eet Nov. 22 to cons ide r the te rms of purchase for 7 .15 miles of railroad right· o f-way The track extends from Raitt Street in Santa Ana to Bt-ach Boulevard in Stanton. Clark hailed the tentative agr~ment a s "a major step in ;,id vancmg toward our goal of a ra p1d transit system fot-Orange County" The a bandoned nght-of-way, frrst used 77 years ago is part of thC' Santa Ana lo Los Angeles "RPCI Car" ro ute OCTD General Manager Jamt-s Reichert said the district wou Id It ke to break ground for a Taprd transit starter line by 198i. lit' said options including an Pl<.'vated bus way I.me. rapid rail, o r surfac'(' transportation are now tx-1 n~ evaluated. "The Pacific Electric right-of· way 1s o ne o f the prime rnnd1dates for the beginnings of a svstt'm," Re ichert said. The purc hase pf'lce o f the pan-el was ne gotiated following protracted proceedings in Orange County Superior Cou rt conrem1ng h ow Southern Pacific was appraising the parcel's v a lue. I At Y .J\Jr N-n .. ·1· Alf M OVl{"I • DI l Bu.;;11ws..., ( '7 !I Mutu.il Funds CH C11v;il1 .1dt• I\:.! Nnt1111litl Nr-w'.'. J\'.\ Mor.tgage f i rm boss !"egains OWf'.41'..rship 11;1..<;si f 11•d I) I II Co1111t'l> I Mi Ctos .. c;word Bti 1>1•a1h Not11 "' I H F..4l1tortl'll J\fi Entr•r\JI 111nw111 r > 1 :t For th(' R1'(•11rd I >4 l l11nl!l(•o 1'W' m Ann l.nn<ln-. Ill Pulil 11 N11111·1·~ fl7.C'7 11,t>:l IH Sports ('I Ii Sto!'k M.irk1·1 .... (.'•1 Tt•h•v11<1nn ()J T lwn11•rs 1)1 '2 Wrntlwr J\ '}, W11rld N1•ws J\:l A f Pdl'r.11 JUdgl' h;ii. plt11 t•d .l11lt11 G Hrnaldo bat•k 111 rontrol o f ht"< four Nrwport B1•a 1 h l11mp11 nH''i. unrnvt'ltnl( tht• rr'(·r1v1·r-.h1p iwtion apprnvl'CI two d11vs 1•11rl11•r hv sta t£' t'(lllrt JlHll(1• Bank r u p11·y Court J11dl(C' P1•11·1 1':1111111 n 1l1•d tlrnt o;latl• 11ffll'1Uls had 110 .1ttlh1111ty to take c·nr11111l o f H1naldo'.; Amen c&n Honw M11rtRURC' Corp ' 1-:11111t t !'aid h1111kr uptcy rourt pl'tttt11ns automnlll'Rlly stay all suit.<' M Urt prOC'N'dlngs. Hl' said hl' w1111 "i;hock('(I" that the stat<' 0.·p.irlmPnl o f Corporations hnd pursued the receivers h ip w ith knowledge that Rinaldo had riled . for bankruptcy. "This means ever y thing goes back to Rinaldo, to the great jeopardy of his Investors," said deput y Cor p or stl o n11 Commissioner S tevt'n Gourley . "He's 1n \hf> catbird S<'llt " The s tate agen cy clalma Rinaldo has defrauded 6,000 investors out of $60 million. On M o nday, Orange County Superior Cou rt Judae P h illip Petty ordered receiver Danny Santucci t o take contro l o f American Home and ltt thrN (See MORTGAGE, Paae At) -.,.._---~--~-...... = ~ \i OrlllllJtt Coull DAil Y Pll 01 lfhuradu N o11ombar 16, 196? ~\ .. ~N_e_w __ J_W ____________ __ \\.t Continuf!d stories owner Drug case suspect· no·show COAST AL PLA.N. • • Mag11oliu Strt•t•l .. lwt•a ust' tht•V would bt• t•x po."t'll tu portkula11·~. fallout and llOIM'." Anolht•r ,1rt:1.1 t·xl'ludt'd (10111 approval mvolvl's a 30·UlTl' si lt· a djat·l'n l t o lht· Buba t'h1t·a m a rs h I J 11 d o w n l' d b y t h t' Metropolttan Wuter 1>1s tnt·t Tht• city ('<lllt'tl lur rt•s1dt·n11ul use but lht• t:oast:JI t·omm1:-.s11111 ~luff said 11 shoult.l Ix· proll'l'lt'tl from drvplopnwnt "'l'h1•1 t•':-. 11111y a tJ11t1d ol w,1lt•1 thul 1111 yb11dy n an JUllllJ lll'l'llMI and ruur 111 l1v1• 1·l11·11lyf1IUl'o ll'l't'" lhul ought tu (h• lJlill1•ll out 1)1.'l'UUw llll'Y 11n· d1~t·.1»1•d," Pal1 11 "<lid Tht· thn·t· 11n•;1!-. pulkd 11·11111 tht• Lt'J> will lw !>lUd1t-.I and 11· asl>t'l>!>t •d wh1l1· wurk 1-. prm·1·l•d1111-: 1111 tht• rn.l 11r lh1• 1·0<.1sldl plan, 11ff1l'lal!-. :..11d DOWNTOWN MEETING. • • downtown rt'dl'velopmenl art•ci . "Wt• ho p1· to dl'vt•lop 11 a:. intenst•ly as poss1blt• with n •ta1 l and ofCi(."(' or rPl.atl and housing." Hall said. One woman said t h ~1l sh£' would like to SN' a market hu1lt there. with a bakt•ry and sh1>ps. A •man s uggc•s ted that res1dcnt1a l and l'ummc>rl·1al development lx-considered. P adfjc Fcdc>ral Savings & Loan Assn .. build ers of the $17 million Spanish slylt• l'omplt•x at 19th and N(•wport Boull'vard, recently agreed to relinquish bargaining rights on the s1tf• pending outcome of the Ur ban Land Institute study. Two business owners in tht• redevelop me nt a rea expn•ss('d fears that their properties may one d ay be conde mned by the city and bulldozed to make way for hig her yield economic USC'S. Davt· Huffl·ll , vw111•r t1f Huffoll's Uphulsll·ry ut Ullh ,;nd Harbor. askt·d n •devt•lopml'nl d1ret·tur M.inlyn Whi...,•nand what he t•oult.l di> lo pru1t't'l hilt propt•rty fn.im 1·omkmnallon. "Thl• threat of ('f)OUt·mn:iuon 1s hanging ovt•r t~ur ht•ad~." Huffl•ll said "All surrounchng properly owm•rs don't know wht>tlwr lo u pgrat.le ur nut lx'l'.IUSl· surnc•om· biggc•r l'ould movt• 111 ;:111d liuy <Jur propc'rty " Wh1sl·rnrnd '<lid 1t 1:. poss1blt• fur a 'prupt•rty owm·r lO prott'(·l his property by upgraJing 11 and signing an owm •r parl1t·1p<1llon a g r e t· m l' n t w 1 l h t h l' rt'<il·velopml·nt agl'rll'Y Several humt·uwner!-. 1r'\ th1• area also exprcssc•d eont·t·r11 that lht•1r homes mav onP day stand in the path of progn·ss c~ms1dt.:n'll necessary to rt•vitalizt• lht· t·1ty MORTGAGE FIRM RULI NG affiliate companies on behalf of investo rs. Rina ldo. who has refusl'd to t'Omme nl publicly about the t·ase. accused t h e corpoi:at1ons comm issio n e r o f trying lo "railroad me ." "I don't have the inVl'Slors' money or their investments," Rinaldo said "They are S<.'C·ured by r ea l pro pe rly. My maJo r consideration now 1s to work to m a k e s ure n o people lose mOllC'V Rinaldo's auorneys also sought a contempt t·itat1on aga ins t Gourll·y for his allloged viulalt<m of bankrupt('y ('ourl laws l nslC'od. Elliott s1.•t <i Nov 26 hearing on whether to appoint a trush.•t• for Rmald{)'s lrt>ubled firms Gourley said hf' would <ippt•al Ell1ou's ruling to an appt•llaH· b a n k r u p t t· y p a n e I 1 n L 11 s AngC'll'S IRVINE TAXES. • • donate lhe land m exchange for d evelo pment rights, council members agre<'d the deficit could be reduced to $3.7 m11l1on OC that r evised figure. $3.3 million are COSlS Of the d ebt service m paying off bonds sold fo r construction o ( the n ew anim al shelter and corporation y ard, said J eCfrey Ni ven, manager of t h e city's fiscal operations. The projected deficit does not include cos t~ for a pr o posed performing arts center. though Agran SOiid h e beheves the c·uy has committed ttself to build such a facility citing voter approval m !Y7.J ror J bond ITit•aSUr<· for LI center He· l'Sl1ma It'll t ha l thC' t•osts for suC'h a C'enll•r would r;JIM' thC' de(1c1t back nC'ar thC' 1n1t1al f1gurl• Thl' ('lly's budgl'l 1:. for o;;ltghtly less than $20 million this year. Michael McNamara. dirt't'lOr of admm 1stra11ve servu.'es, said the debt service and escalattng costs will create a t least a $1 I m1 lhon defldt next year unlt•s-. more revenue 1s gc•nt>ral<.'d In a relaU..'<i mallt'r. lht· c'<Junt·1l delewd $1 00.000 in amC'n1t1es from a new ammal shC'llt·r soon l o be built un Sand C;inyon Avenut' proud .l1.t1n I< W.1 r d , 1lt·v~·lop1·1 , N1"1,,p111t u ... uh tl·~1lh:J1I ;111d 111·1·11,:-.10111tl l1•1111ls plltYl'l', !>l<Kl\l .1lx1Vt• 1'1•1111•1 ('OUI l ltl 1111· Johll W.1y11t · '1'1•1111 1., ( 'l uh i-rntl111g proudly • · ·Th 1 ' 1 i. a n t ' x 1· 1· I l 1• n t pu11 h.1:.1•," lw i.<11d. look111g down ·at .1 s111i.:ll'l> ma1d1 "Thi::. 1s a t1•11111s pl.1,v1·r's 11•11n1s l'lub :rtw li.·~I th1·n· 1-." W.1nt. f1 I . b purTh:i::.mg lht· Hi t11u1·1 ll'nll•s dub . foundt·d . P1gh1 y1·:.ir' nli(u Liy the· l<ilt• ;u·tw anc.J a hanJt ul uf 11wt•s tors for a pricc h t•lWt'l'l1 $4! 5 and $;i nu 1 licm Prc•sult•tll ~ board t·hu1rman . of Southpurl IX-vt'lopm<'nl <:orµ, Ward s;11d h r has no plans for. mcijor d1an~w al lht' po:.h fat'1hly .ind mtr·nds tu hang 011tu lht· dul>'s managt.:mt·nt lt·am. Tht• dub has 70:! m1.·m~x·rs and 1s lu('alt'd off J amborl't' Hoad on u rwar fivl'-acrc spread ifd,iat"t'n l to the New porter Kt•n W1ll1g, 1:11-foundC'r of lhl' dub with· Wayne· and µrt-sently nlUJlll'lly ownl.!J". said L'S(.TOW is set to dose I.A'<.· 15 Hl· said he• will al'l as a l'Onsullanl lo Ward during ..i brwf trans1l1on. Willig, who now livl's in La' Julia. lr'll·d lo Sl'll the dub C'arlwr this vt·<ir fo r $2 5 mtlhun to ci group of 1nvesturs from Nl'wpurl BULLET. • • From Page A 1 mon 11 o r111 g prog r C'ss. eourd1na11ng s\.Jb('ontraC'lors, managing mall'rl.ils an d ovt'r.\C£'tn~ budgt·t.:.. thl' t·hairman nok•d Fluor s.mf about I 00 t•mployees o f h i's t' 11 n s t r u c t i o n a n d t.•ng1nl'l'nng firm probably will be· assigned lu work full-time on the prOJC'l'I However, he said h e tou Id n ot projc<:t whether the pro)l'Ct might cauSt· htS company lo rt•hirt• workc·rs who recently havt• lx·en laid off Muc·h of the work probably would ~ farmed out to s ubt'l>ntra t'lors . h l' <'Xplainl'cl Gilson rt•pl·att-d earlier projt·t·t10m. that an est1malt'd f1vr-yt'ar dl·s1gn and construction phaM.> of the· prO.Jt.'<.'t t:ould begin law next yc·ar if the• complex f i n a n<.·ing a rrangemc·nls arl' eomplN{'d T h e train co ul d b e g i n upt.'ralion 111 late 1988.~nt• added The bullet train. modeled a fter tht• prof11;1bk• Sh1nkan~n s:ystem thcit runs bc·twc•£>n Tokyo and Osaka in Japdn. 1s plannt'<i to run al spc<.'Cls up to 160 mph Gilson sa id t ht• rar~· 1n Sout hern Cal1forn1<t ha!> not been set although 11 should be less tha n the· cost to fly and mort-than a conventional Amtrak run ShoW'ers forecast Co o s ta I lncr&u1n9 cloudiness wolh 20 percent chance ol anowe<s Coastet low m1d-50s, inland mld-40s CoaSlal hlOh 65, Inland &a Weter 64 E'-'>ete. l>Oht var1able winds lhrouoh 1on1ght e•cep1 south,.esle•ly 10 to 15 knots 1n et1arnoon1 One 10 3-1001 wear to southwesl swell Parlly cloudy with chanee ol light showe•s thrOUQh ton ht from ~ to 48 Soutnern oesert h1ohs may •anoe from 65 10 73 with lows from 48 IO 55 T e n1pera Lures NATION AIDAny Alt>uQuerQue Amarillo Aahev1lle Atlanta Allanhc Clly Austin BeJhmo•e B1ll1ngs Botmlngnam 8l1marc• HI lo 51 24 57 •3 50 •3 50 43 49 48 51 40 S9 S3 :~ 34 ,.,. .. ~ 'IY•ll'T'\ifJ' s.r..<t Boise Boston Brownsvtle Buflalo Burtlng1on C11per Ch1rla1on SC Chatleston w va ::>O •O 55 49 43 27 49 45 so 33 76 64 'I 33 "10 .U. u S 0.01 o• C.ommrt~ LJ .S. SlLl1ll1l(lry Ftonts·Cold ......, Warm .,... Statoooarv• • The Pacllic NO<lhwest and lhe Southeaa1 got more rain tuirly today w hite cloudy skies stretched lrom the Midwest to lhe East Coast and hung o•e• the d-r• Sou1nwes1 Rain continued across Iha northern hall ot California bul Cim•nisheO over WHhlOQIOO 8nO Oreoon W ei weelhar also cov ered mu ch of the Southeaatern quarte r ol th• United States. Skies were cloudy from Iha IO<Jlhfltn 8AC mld-AllanllC coaat through the lower M1ss1u1ppl Valley 10 lhe 1ou1hern H1oh Plains Orlzzle and dense log covered the eallern southern Pie.Ins CIOudy sktes and acanered •a•n pr11Yalled OWK Aflzona anel New M exico, while clear slttes atretched lrom the n0t1he•n end oentral plains throuoh the upper OrNI LAkM to N-England California Southern Cllllorn11 should h e ve cloudy 1k1ea, cooler temperatures. gutty wlnda and the ct1ence ol rain •hower• 11 the weekend neut. the National WMlhel Serva llYI R1ln on Frld11y wu mo11 fi(obeble In northern coast81 and mounteln e•ea• Chartolle NC Cheyenne ChlC8QO C1nc1r1na11 Cleveland Cotumboa S C Columbus Oella11-F1 Worth Oey1on Oenve< Des Moines Oelr0tl Duluth El Paso Ft!rgO Flaostalt Great Falls Harlf0td Hetena Honotulu Houston lndoanapollt Jtckton Miu JacllM)(lv"1e Kanu1 City Lu lleo•• llllle Rock lou•svllle Lubbock Memphis Mlem1 Milwaukee Mpl11-SI Paul Nathvllle N-Otleant N-YO<k NorlOlll NOflh Pl11te • 49 24 so 36 68 55 54 46 57 46 53 30 50 27 5S 50 55 39 64 55 5'4 47 !>a 51 55 · •6 82 28 54 35 ~ 30 33 30 67 S4 41 28 43 37 53 41 51 28 so 38 79 68 65 60 56 36 60 S7 74 62 5• 42 O~lahoma C11y Omaha Oflando Ph1l1detpn11t Phoenix P11t1burQh Po<lland. Me Porllend. Ore Providence R1le1gh Rapid City Reoo Riehmond Sell Lelle Sen Antonio Sea Ille Shteveport S•ou• Falls SI lOU•S Sr Pete-Tampa St Ste Marie Spokane Syr~cu~e Topeka Tucaon Tutie Washrnoton WlchHa 61 37 CAllFOANIA 52 4 8 B111\e<theld 53 46 Eurelle 66 45 • Fresno 56 53 lanc11ter 80 77 l<>& Anoeres 48 26 Oeklend 45 21 Paso Robles 55 49 Reel Bl411 86 82 Re<lw~ C11y 51 43 Reno 62 52 Sacremento 81 24 seuno 52 54 82 50 6• 55 ., S9 54 59 57 52 58 S6 68 '61 SI 57 57 82 37 SI SJ 57 63 SS 60 .. , 44 San Ooeoo 36 Sen Francisco 83 • Sanl1 Barbare 35 StOCkton 59 Berstow 43 81g Bear 28 Catalina 49 Lono ~ach 35 MonfO'llll 42 Mt Wilson 33 N-port Buch 41 0n1MIO 39 Palm Springe 35 Puaelene 58 Rlveralde 42 San Bernsrdlno 51 San Gabriel 45 San G11>r1et 45 San Jose 84 San11 Ana 30 Sanr• Cru1 •2 Tahoe Valtev 26 34 50 48 41 •O Calo err Edmon ion MonltHl 01taw• R901na C ANAOA Toronto 5B 48 llencouver 60 52 Winnipeg 5<I 48 6<1 so S mog 69 57 SS 55 68 50 St 44 73 44 S2 31 70 55 71 55 73 48 55 41 67 55 67 50 70 53 70 50 6" 48 65 48 72 49 72 49 SS 43 74 55 62 52 48 37 44 19 29 14 .. 28 •S 25 39 31 45 27 46 35 42 28 66 56 56 53 61 50 44 42 57 65 52 41 46 48 58 51 Where 10 call (toll lfee) tor ' , lllMI einoo lnlonnetlon: Of•noe County· (800) u we:>e Lo• Anoeiu County (800) 242-4022 Lo• A noele1 hlOh• were l0tecut In the mid tl01 wUh • 20 percen1 ch1nce of rain and lows In the mid 60t Tempe.aiur• In COltl .. vlllep mey r..ch lnlO the ..... _.lft •••• .,_ 41 .,, .... l'rlday. "'--ther ~ Wd Mounleln hlOh• may renoe ltom 45 10 62 with lowa from 30 10 40 end wlnel1 trom 15 lo 30 mph Frldey The weelh1r service p redicted anow would 1111 •I SURf RIPdRT RIY9fllele enc Sen BetnwellnO 1 eountlee: (800) 387-4710 ~"1l°nt C.O•• (IOOl • 242-4Me Tides 1.000 ,.., ._. av °'*""'9 Vllley higN mey r 1nQ8 rf lr()fn 41 to 65 with l'ows trom 211 to 9-11 AWti M11 35 1t1~•now e1 e.ooo leet. Z8..me M 22 2 lout~ Wind• rrom 1& 10 •nte onlC• 2 25 mc>f1 ...,e tor-t N8'NP()fl Bffch 2 3 Hlghe NII northem ~· -e • • o.,. Olmo. Cou~ty 3 S .-oected trOf'll H to ea With IOWI OufTocW'10t F rfd•v ume cn•llQtt ' ) . .,,... ... I 1 2 3 ...... .... 2 2 2 4 .. .., Dtf SW w WSW w TOOAY Second low 5 09 P m ·O 0 SeGonel h!Qh 11·&& pm 3 5 '"IOAY Fl,_I IOW 3·49 II M 2 8 Firal high t0.09 I M ~.4 SttconO 10w S:S-4 p m 0.2 Sun 11811 4 48 pm. rlM• r11dey e '9 .,n ' • • • . . An Ul'l'Ul!l·d Lu KU n o Beac h t'OCOlnl' dl.'Ull•t rorff'tll-d $It)~,()(){) bail wh1•n 'he rallt.'tl w oppeur (()r the awrt o r hiH trial Mond uy. hill auurney stud toduy. M ark M(>at.J , :rn . had bet·n t:harj~t·d WS.lh f>OM!W811ion ..,, C'OC3lM Wllh intent lO se ll -.nd HC:Veral t'OUn L' or lfl•llmg c,'()C.O.Jn after hil'I J un. <!I ul'l't·Ml, ::atwrncy Keith Monr<X< ~ud Munroe, who wm; rt·presenllng only Mcud. ~a11l three ot he r de(c ndants 1pdud1ng Mead's wife. Holly, Wt·rc.-prt"l>(!nt for the start o( the.-11:1al bdure Judge Everett Dickey in Orunge County S~pcnor Uiurt Dic.:kcy lbsu~ a warraot-1,pr Mead's a r rest and set bail a t $250,000 afte r hl' fail ed to appear. Mo11roe d id · • Ml'ad's January arrest was, (;los ing the d eal on the sale of the John Wayne T ennis Club are John Ward (left ), the club's ne w o~ner, and Ken Willig, co -founder of the Ne wport Beach facilit y. at:t:ordin'g t o po li ce, th t· culmination o r a six-month 1nvest lga t1 o n by f ive law enforcement agencies. Orange poht.'e arrested Mead as he lert his business in that city, the Jealous Ear Boutique, and said they recovered three pounds of cocaine plus cash and a ledger outlining some drug deals that he was carrying. Bcaeh . The de.al fe ll through several months later when iJ plan to sell limited par tnerships in the club to member~ failed to pan out. Ward said he has ~nginecred a "straighl oul" purt·hase and has no plans to sell off mt.crest in lhe fac ility . He said th e Wa y ne family has agreed to permit the club to oon unue to use lhe late actor's n ame. W ith that evidence, poli('e obtained search warrants for his home and a Brea location ·and · la ter r ecovered an o t her five pounds of h igh -grade cocaine. Judge OKs taped confession j By J OEL C. DON 0( the Delly Pilot Slaft A v1d(•otapC>d · recording o( a def e n da nt r eenac ting the decap ita t ion s lay ing o f his Mission VieJO r oommate was e xpected to be sl'lown today In South Orange ~unty Municipal Court. J udge John A. Griffin ruled W ednesday that the taped inte rviews be tween Cody Leo Schre iber , 29. a nd Oran g e County S h erirf's De partme nt investigators could be admitted as evide nce in the d efendant's preliminary hearing. That action was taken after Dc·p utv Pubhl' Defender Ramon Oruz unsuccessCully argued his client did ool receive a speroy arra1~nmt•nt. He charged that s he riff's d eput ies delayed the . legal proceeding to obtain the purporte d co nfessio n and reenactment of the grisly crime bl'fore a public d e fende r was callc.'CI. A portion o f the nearly seven hours of v1drotaped intervie ws, made on Oct. -18 and 19, were played at the hear ing Wednesday afternoon. The a lle ged re- enactment, recorded in pa rt at the cr ime scene, occurs in the last few h ou rs or the tapes, according to sh eriffs m vesiigator J ames Sid ebotham. Schreiber. a Monta na s late mental h osp1 tal escapee , is accused of k illing 24-year-old Dennis Schubert and burying the decapitated body in the backyard of tht• slain ma n's Via Guad1x home. Sheriff's deputies later found the head buried in a hillside near the house. The suspect was arrested Oct. 16 as he was getting ofi a bus in S~cra mento o n his w ay to Roseville. Invesugators said he told tnem he fled Orange County becau se h e had wi tnessed Schubert's murde r by two other men and feared for his own Life. Sheriffs invcstJgators said the three-day delay in Schreiber's arraignme nt was due to an investigation or the accu sed man's story. Schreiber w as a rraigned o n Oct. 20. . Ex-chamber head dies Judge Griffin agreed"that Law en fo rcement off icials had to c h ec k out S c hr e i be r 's information a n d his fear s o( people from the "black market," • who he said had been try ing to 1 kill h im for several years. Orti z maint a ined that investigators should have told f Schreiber that a public de fender I t"Ould be made available. He also (Tit1dlC'CI deputies for not te lling 1 I the press that a man was unde r a rrest ror several days Ho ward Mathl'ny. a past prC's 1denl of the Huntington Beach C.'hambC'r of Commer ce and a former businessman in lhe city. ts dead at the age o( 58 M athe n y died Saturda y o f c:anccr in Monterey Community Hospital. a family member said. H e was m a n a g e r o f Mo ntgomer y Ward & Co. a l Huntington Cente r fro m 1966 unul 197:!. He was former president of the H unungton Center Merchan ts A<>.c;oci~t10n. and a member o f the Rotary International. He also I served as a preside nt or the Un ited Way. M atheny m a naged the Montgome'r y Ward & Co. store in F..agle Rock from 1973 unul he retired in 1979 and purchased a printing company in Mon terey. Survivor s in c lud e w ife Bar bara or Carmel ; daughter Bar bara. of Irvin e : daughter Kimberl y H emmingsen, o f Carm el; son William. of Irvine, and son Edwin. of Fallbrook. Private funeraJ services were he ld. Chief Deputy District Attorney James Enright said Schreiber. in the vid eotapes. late.r drops the s t ory tha t t w o m e n k illed Schubert and allegedly confesses to the slaying. In the first few hours of the • recording. Schreiber said he gol · into a dispute with Schubert over missing Playboy ccnter Colds . Storekeeper Mark Page is wearing our classic lightweight poplin jacket with red tartan plaid lining, ~nabling it to ., l be worn comfortably for all seasons. It is water and stain resistant, and has a solid brass zipper. A practical garment, available in tan, navy, red, and green. 1 .. • 1 A tore thot offers <1 selection of fine -~--""""'---'4'· iditional sportswear for mcn .• -women, aNS·ltdyl •• • 1028 lrvu'M!, Ntwport ~ach. C1liforn1.t. Phone 642-7061 I NATION Reagan to p~opose . , nuclear s afeguards By Tbe Atsoclated Press WASHINGTON In a ·".con fl de Ii cc -bu i Id Ing· ' message to the Soviet Union. Preside nt Reagan is planning to propo.~· 11l'W measurl's to gua rd against a N·1dc nta l nuclear war, al·cording to administration sour'l'l'S. In a spt.•ec h nt:'aring completion and t o be delivered within a Wl•ck, ~ Hl'uga n w ill t'a ll f or improv an_s_ the hot 1111 · be.tween Wishiniton an<L Moscow und more notlflci tlon lxifore nu"lcar mlssill• tosts, the sources miid. The spt•e<:h is designed lU 'assure the late Presidl•nt L eon id I. Br cz hnC'v 's suc·c:essors that lhl' Unitc>d StatC'S 1s t.-omm1ttl'd to armi; l'Ontrol ..- .-.-.-:ri"llncer-virus in~-:-:.- NEW YORK -The link between a type o f human ca n ce r and a n ewly discovered virus 1s now so s<ro ng that blood banks should begin screening donor blood for thl' virus. its discoverer says. Dr. Robert Gallo o( the National Cancer Institute said Wednesday that although he has not conclusively proved that the virus causes canrer, he is virtually l"ertain that it does. He and his collaborators have been working lO develop a simple, inexpensive test to detect the virus in blood. he said. He predicted that lhe ' test would be._ayaj_la.ble ~n and that blood banks in the United States would be using it routinely an 198:.t Holiday deaths forecast . CHICAGO -The National Safety Council expects between 420 and 520 fatal traffic accidents across the nation during the four-day Thanksgivi n g h o liday weekend. T he holiday period gets und er way at 6 p .m . Wednesday a nd e nds the f ollowing SuTiday at midnight. Last year the death toll was 413. In 1968, there were 764 traCfic fatalities during the Thanksgiving celebration, the most ever in a U.S. holiday period Indian claims supported · WAS HlNUTO N -A federal judge says the Reagan admin istra tion must go to court or Congress to resolve 17 ,000 claims of Indians who wer e illegally s tripped of their land, money. or fishing rights. U.S . District Judge Howard Corcoran said Wednesday the government is obliga ted to . represent the Indians and he concluded the administration "breached that duty.'' • A public interest group. the Native Ame rican Rights Fund, sued the Interior Department to force officials there w resolve the claims. Federal law imposed a Dec. WORLD 31 deadli n e for th e government to file claims on behalf of Indians who were wronged before July 18, 1966. Corror.an's · rulinJ? dealt with those pre-1966 claims. T h e j u d g e s a i d t h ·e government must either file lawsu its to protect the Indians' claims or present Congress with a legislative solution to t he clajms by Dec. 15. Sen. William Cohen, R- Maine, has introduced a bill to extend the Dec. 31 deadline. and said he would try to have it approved during the lame- duck session that begins Nov. 29. Polish strike failure WARS AW. P o land - Fugitive Solidarity leaders admitted failure for the first time today. saying the lack of response to their call for a protest strike Nov. 10 was "a serious blow." "Refusal to join the strike 1s a serious blow fo r the authority of the Temporary Coordinating Commis5ion" of t.he SolJdanty underground. It is the first time its call got no support from union members," the statement said. "If there wasn 't e nough determination for a one-day strike, it is difficult to expect pla nning for an all-o u t general strike," a reference to the underground's call for a general strike in the spring. 22 killed in stampede C ALI. Colombia -A human stampede on an exit ramp o f a soccer s t adium killed 22 spec tator s and injured at least another 200. many o f them ser iously, authorities said today. Doctors said most of the dead suffocated, and others were crushed and t1"8mpled an STATE the tragedy Wednesday night after a soccer match between Club Deportivo Cali and Club America ended in a three-goal tie Seven young children and three women. one of them pregnant, were among the fatalities. they said. Telephone hike approved • L 0 S A N G E L E S -The assessment, "hich will General Telephone can assess add about 79 cents to a typical "itS c\istomers A 10.23 ~rcerrt ~~ ~i'f8~rft:4 ft~~~mn-r.t» surcharge beginning J an. 1 to m o ntt'tl y phon e bill, is offset expected attrition an expected to generate $50.7 earnings, the Public Ut.Jlities million for the utility . Commission said Wednesday. "':!:;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;:;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;:;;;:;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~-----·--0_1_ • .,~,u~t-•~~~o~n~a1~1~J~A~ll~Y..;.P~ll~O~T~/~T~h;u'~'~d~a~y~,N;.:.:,ov~•~m~b~e~r...,;;18~,-·1~e~e~2~--;.:,:l~l ' • 2nd ' 'gianl' oil dis~overy revealed . . l.OMl'O · CA I') fuu1 Wt-U11t,,.luv lhat u11•cxplt1ruto1y t·111111m 111t•11 h11v1· unnounl't'<I u wt•ll 111 11t1• M1111h·n·v 111111111111111 Mot·ond u.CIOnl" IJ I d llll'OV<'tY nrf Wl'l\l 111 1'1111lt Al gu1•l111 I'' 111lu11 ·ii l'<Hnl Aq1ul'llo .. and tht· •tatt• up to l ,IJOO harrd" ol 1111 11 c.J.1y. (.'out1lra l (.'o n1mi 11i.1on h u11 .., Tt•x1u.•o Prt•Kldt•rH J n 11H•11 11ppr1w1·d dr1lllna;i for what 111 K1n11c•11r 11uld tht' Wl'll wui. sho prn~ up to bl• ttw IUl'Ut'lil drllll'CI tci u d c•pth uf ».~ocl h>t•l In donw11til' oil f1mJ ilm·1• HlfiH 111 1,1)4:1 !1•1'1 u~ wot1•1, und u Pru<!hol' Buy, Ala11ku platr111111 111 bt•ing clpi.1tcrwu to PPtl'Oh:um lnduinry an1.1ly11t11 hunt.II<• prod.tH'l1 11 11 rut.1•1; :-.uy th£> Point Argullllo flc:ld off t:l<t't't!di nli( !;0.000 harrl'l11 d11lly. the 1.'0nsl nt•ur Lompot'. 1!)0 mllt:l!I l n 11 t.aII a1 1o 11 11 n d d r 1II1 n ~ nurthwl'i>l of Los An~t·lt•s, m11y op1·raLion11 1.·ould bt•J(in· in ltill' haVl' u "far-rc:Jl'htng" t•ffl"<.'L on 11)115, Kinm·a1· suld In lluu11tp11, the· "10rld 1)i I markl•t .irnd the Tlw Point Argul•llo fl1•lcJ ha'I Uq~an1zataun .of i>t.'lrulc:urn bc('n cullt'd till' 1:11'{!l'sl donw11lw Exporting Countrlt>s. 011 d1&'0Vl'ry Mtll'l• tht• Prnclhot• H OWl'V<'r . thl• Coas tal Bay ftnd thnt lc•d l<l th1· trans· Commission, me<>ting Wednesday Alaska plpcllm•. 'l'h1 • fll•ld 111 near Los Anj$cles, rejected a t:'stimatcd to havc> up to u billion p roposal to drill for oil farther barrels of rc.-..'Overablt• crudt• oil, south. an thl' Santa Barbara at'(.'Ordang to the trade pubhcauon Channel, site of a disastrous 1969 P.e troleum Infolltgcnet.• Wc'4.•kly 011 spill. The trade papcr says the Point Texaco U .S .A .. ac t ing·as Arguello fi e ld muy havl' operator for four c.'Ompanies. said • · 1 n t t.• r n a t i o n :a I L m p I 1 - ._.Fraud case ,eye<J in Mesa Charges that $2 million of c ustomer m on ey has been misappropriated by a former employee of the Costa Mcsa- bast.'Ci Downey· Sallings & Loan Assoc i ation are under anvcstagation , police said. Lt. Jack Calnon, head of . the Costa Mesa Police Department's detective division. said J errie Nichols, a long-time Downey employee. is \he subject of a fraud investigation for: aJlegedly ·investing cus tomers' money in real est.ate deals that .never paid off. - C'.:alnon satd police are unsure whether Nichols made the investments with the backing of Downey Savings or whether she acted on her own behalf. lUl1u 11i1 th ll < 11uld tw la1 11•;11·h111R. 1111 Liu• 111dU'll1 y .11111 Ol'EL' t•vt•n tlwu~h 1l mtl)' Ill' Ill" n I h !; b I' r (Jr.. t h i· ( u 11 . Mi(nl fll'bllCl' of llw 'MIMH' l ll'W 1'111 n l Ar~u1•1l11 I 11•ld \2N·111m•H 1'11•111 .. 'l'lw rww fu•lu wt111 lt•uwd 111 .huw. 1979. by Tt>xo<.·o, Pt•nnto1l <.;o , Sun 1':xplorutio n und l'roduc.:lio11 Cu .. and Krll'h Explorut1on .co .. whlC'h paid the· ft•df'rul g1w1.:rnml'nt utmost $:1~.:i 11111111111 for 1•x1>lvratlon rtli(htt1 Mt•11nwl11l1.· an 1-:1 St·li(undu, tht• C:oai.tul Commli,sion approvl•d llp)>ll('UlHJOS w •d1wst.lay .by lkt:1d1·11tal Pl·trolrum, Ch1•v1011, C:11noc.·o lmtl Phultps Pc troh.:urn Cci1. offi.hort• drilling ol r l'omt Ar~uc•llo StJndarcl 011 Co. of Californ141 and Phalhps P('troleum Co. paidµ n't'Ord $333 6 mil lion w leaS(' 01w pan·el in ihe Point Arguello field, 11111ku1g It tht• Oaulll (')Cpt•n111Vc.' otf!Mwr • ull tru<:t t·vt•r lt•IJM-d by thf' l11 tf'n11r Ol•parlmc..nt fl U t l' o' 01 IO I 8 Ii 1 'o n t• I I u11 u111mou11ly rc•Jc·ctt•d Union 0 11'11 bid for two tet t wt•ll11 10 the C.:hanrwl lsllmd• Nutkmal Marml' !:'anC"tuary nc•ur O ><nard Union w111rtt•d to 1drfk two well!; five m1lt'H fto1Y) AnacapM bland, ju~t 500 fN·t from no rthbou nd Hhippint( lun'i.•s an the• Santa Bllrbara Chnnnt•l. 1'tw comrnli•sw11 '1t Hlll ff hu'd n·<;ommt•nac-d that thl' U nion pt• rm.it be d l' n i c d , c 1 t i ng (•nv1ronmental and navigational huwrds. It rej<.-..·led assuranc:(.'8 by Union spok(-sman Je ff Attebery that the company was ready to dt•al Wllh any cmcrgcncic:s. St•veral witnesses cited the 196!) spill, which fo uled j>eac,hes and killed ma rine wildlife, in o}>posing Union's application. The case' was bro ught to Calnon's attention when Downey custon)ers began complaining they collldn't get money they said Nichols owed them. Nichols. who lives In Irvine, left Downey last month after ~orking there 10 years. DellJ Pilot ""9to bW LM ...,,_ Han Wiberg, Adam Johnson, Gordon Moss a nd Peter Schurb ·'This case is so Involved, and involves so much money, that it ~ould t.ake several weeks or a monln before we come up w ith anything conclusive," Calnon said. The amoun t o f money allegedly misused ra nges from $400.000 t o $2 m i llion , he confinned. A Mission Viejo attorney. Stephen Carlton, said he knows of about 10 customers who have t'Omplaint§ about the way Nichols handled their investments. Downey·Saving~ has assets of $ l.5 1 bllliori a nd 36 branches · statewid~. TWA slash...-:--_.... East Coast fare to $99 NEW YORK (AP) Pros~ts for another na tional air fare war heated up today with a move by Trans World Airlines to cut ats coast-to-roast fan.• to $99. TWA is matching the fare of the n e w discoun t Capitol lnternat1onal Airways lnc., "to beat them al their own game," TWA s pokeswoman Sally McElwreath said. T he fare Is good on non-stop flights between New. York and San Franci~'O. Los Angeles and San Jose, Calif., only under the following conditions: r eprest>nle d Ora n~e <:.:oast high schools at Smokeout kickoff. Srnokeout a·ttacks bad habit. County teens join national e ffort t o kick the ir butts Cigarette smoking lost yardage when the Orange County unit of the American Cancer Society touched down on teen-agers to make their point regarding t oday's Great America n Smokeout. Football players from county high schools kicked packages of cigarettes through the goalposts W ed ne sday a t Chapman CollefOte's stadium in Orange. Gordon Moss of Corona d el Mar , Pt-ter Schurb o f Costa Mesa. Adam Johnson of Laguna Beach, Kirk R ector or Mission Viejo and Hans W e ib'erg o r Woodbridge H igh S choQI in Irvine were the Qrange Coast repr esen tatives in th<.> 20-school com petition won by Ray Berg of Westminster. Smoking is m crt-asmg at an alarming rate among teen-agers, acrording to Don F'orkus. Brca's police chief and county chairman of this year's Smokcoat. "We hope that by 1nvolvmg ~age group in thC' con test W<' will bring about a n aware ness of the health hazards among teens. Bes1dt.>S, they had tu.n competing for pizzas donated by S hakey's." The 1979 S urgeon General's report esumated that six million Americans under age 20 smoke. 100,000 of them 12 years old or younger. Seventy-five percent of regular smokers said ~hey took up the habit before 21, usually influenced by adverti sing campaigns targetf!d towa.rd youth. Nationally, millions of smoke rs -coaxed.by Pac-Man, "E.T." or a promise of free lunch and cheered on by runners. bosses and non-smoke rs -woke up today with a vow to kick the cigarette habit for 24 hours. The ACS expected between 16 mallton and 18 million smokers to part1c1pate nationwide in the sixth annual event, spurred '1>n by symbolic cigarette-burnings. "Adopt-A -Smoker" programs, "cold turkey" lunches and $10 rewards for a tobacco-free day. "lt"s trym_g to g~~ people to qull at least for one day, but hopefully they'll quit for good.'' said Rita Bailey. an administrator for the Maine chapter of the American Cancer Society. In Farmington , Maine, the Bass Shoe Co. scheduled a "Run Y$>ur Butts Off" road race, while in Oxford. Ma ine, e lementary school students were dr~lng up as the movie character "E.T ." to perform in antJ-smoking skits. Red. Adair. who has battled oil , we ll fires all over ' the world, • planned to put· out a giantJ ciga re tte al a rally today at Sharpstown C('nter in Houston. Also at th<.' rally, quitters will be cheered on by P ac-Man and M s . Pac-M an. p layed by· performers fro m As trowo rld amusement pa rk. who will gobble cigarettes instead of the usual video game monsters. At the Empire State Plaza in 7\lbany, N.Y .. a cafeteria serving , tho usands of state government . workers planned to serve "cold tYrkey" lunch es. with a side ' otder of information on quitting . available at booths on the plaz.a concourse. .. It is available between Nov. 30 and Dec. 14 only, for trips that b egi n o n a Tu es da·y or The-m ost efficient and cosc-effective way tq buf.!d your w=~c a,~~,~~a,.,:touvHeSir ttauit p{jlelaa""'st+t=,,.:!.;.;~BEl..._<Wlittdt~fJQ~#ti an expottA~~ confidence in - The ticket must be purchased at fc · J J h · h · J · • · 'd · least seven days in advance, a a pro esswna c ot 1er w o spec1a 1zes m prov1 mg round-trip ticket mu11t be bought expert kn~H\•/edire concernini1 the various elements at $198. and disc..'Ount seats on the c o nine daily fligh~ are·Limited. o f quality, service, value and advice . • Whal do you like about lhe Daily.Pilo{" Whal don't you ltke" Call the number at left and your message will be recorded. transcribed and delivered to the appropriate editor. -· .. We're · Listening ••• -The sam~"24~hour an11wrerin(! service m•f. bt'-..:s~d lo rtcord i~ ters to the edltor on any topfc Mailbox contributors mu!it include their name and telephone number for ver ification No circulation calls . please We feel we have achieved ches6 objectives and in wrn invite you to take advantage of our optirnum ==== selection for (his season.·· __ ...._ _ __..._.., ........... ___. .. 642·6086 Tell us what's on your mind ~ ....... .-.._.,.r . ..,., 11 r011 oo r>OI ...... you• P•P•• o; 5'11> pm CAii lltlO>e 7 p m •"Cl you• copy wlfJ oe I /~' # •"' •\ tlalWdll, ~ lunc!ej "' you CIO f'IOI •KM• yov1 ffl~!i:';..;..~ lleCllllW'ecl ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat Jon• Amari f •e<UllVft fd•IOI • L. Koy Schultz • 'llCt "''"~ ond OiUIClOI ot Ad*ht"'9 Roymend Mod.eon C011t•ohl Mkho.t,. H~ °'''''°' ot Motft11"9 1Cotlllotoanl ,. . . Cla111fled ectvenl1lng 7141142·5111 All other dep9'1men1a 142-4)21 MAIN OFflCE a WHI ... $1 , COiie MeM, C .. ~11 •-tt lo• IW,.C•te WM, CA ftta r , .. ,, .. ,,, ,., °' ..... , ...... ~ ... '"""' ,......., Ho....,., \IOrlot, lll11Mr .. ._,,, HMota.I MMlet or M- ..................... ----..,.. ?'fo~~ ~ ..... ,, .......................... -' ' . • ~- Gentlemen's Clothing Inspired by tradition 46 Fashion Island, Newport Beach (714) 640-8310 . c. \ ·. 4 Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT /Thuradav, November 18, 1082 ------~--T-~· C111ty AUTO .. MOG STANDARDS ... From Page A1 away from California bcc:UUM' of the stiff laws. Allwrt Mard1k1un ~:num 't.'rtnli( Ht• 11101d b<• hus b~ult h111 own "There 111 no' le~a l wa y . Pxotlc sport!! t ur u MorJ1kian JJ~Car--·-Sale. ·, ·· · Now la the time to buy~NYTHING~ M ardlklan can so t111f~ t b" that will 1wll for a modrst s\andarda. l don't L•are what Mrt ~ t45.000 and r ett«h spN•ds In of hardware he throws on tbl' CX('('S.'I of 200 mph. lfo plunis to carts, he caD't. ffi('('t the s~ndarda. m a n u fat t u rt• o n I y i 5 O • • In surger y •.Fifth Distr ict • ~upervisor Thomas Riley under went · 'surge.r y in H oag Memorial Hospital :. to(lay for re moval o f cata ra ct fr om his rig h eye. ".But that hasn't .stopped him Mard1kl~ns. tw ~1d. from trying," s he added. Durbin, though: claim('d the DurQln snld s he be ltevc11 Newport buslnt'SSman has yet to Mardikian's bankruptcy filing ls havt• his pew car certlfi l'd for a legal mnneuvC'r to land his case smog standards and d ocs not in th£> federal c..'Ourl and gel It ~ h a v e a p r o p c r s l a l e away from ~talc jurisdiction. manufacturinli( lkcnse. Mardikian, though, sajd he has •"I haven't sold an y yet," said lost money, has laid off workers Mardikian, "but I know the state and has to turn away eight to 10 probably will be all over me c:ustomers a week because they a_gain. are (;alifornia r~ldents. Durbin s~id that Mardiklan can sti~sell his imports to non- Callfornia residen~. · Mardikian: who wa!I born in Syria, raised in Eutope a nd learned to drive.at tbe age of 8, said he will continue to Qperate ''You SC(', I was taught to believe the United StatC's was the land or freed om a nd t hat Americans can get an ything !fey want. Well. thl'Y (•an 't ~l'l high· per formance exotic cars. .. Th'" !iO'lat.c." he added. "wants everyone to drive a ""Pinto." 5 to 20 yd. 8'zee In all colors. Priced from .2.Hto .H aq.yd. 4 •• sa to 200 yds. Most earthtone colors available (same , Mlectlon a1 roll balances): Priced from $5.H to $11.H aq. yd. ' )Us hit residents near dump INSTALLATION AND PAD ARE AVAILABLE. WE HAVE OUR OWN IN·HOUSE INSTALLATION CREWS. With 1•v1·r y ptll e,h.isl' or ovf'r $100 w1• will q•vP orH~ compl1nw11L1! y d1111wr .it Al L1•os H1•stc1tirc111t 1n Corona d1~I fvl ctr More headaches. nausea. loss Health Services Department Dr. site. But they were angry that a ol appetite and other h ealth Raymond Neutra told. a special cleanup of the eigh t-acre dump Conveniently !Gated et ~lems are suffered by adults meeting of about 40 residents may be months away -at least liVing near an abandoned World Tuesday. June 1983. ShepW121retl&elll•1r15"' •Vost assortment Of stytes and COien to · ttioose lrom at low discount prices •Showroom with lulCUrlous DecOlator Design --~~·-' ..;;"';..'".-"-' -!1111[.'/ . "' ~19 8ovd Street. S.nt• Ana. On the Newp0rt Freewev War II chemical dump than those Few expressed sul'}>rise at the "T hey didn't surprise me," said l\Ving away from the waste site results, sayjng they were more Connie Burdick, whose home i\ Fullerton, a state s tudy says. afraid of the second part of the borders the dump. "Tonight, ''By any use of the defirution study due in J anuary . on health they finally admitted it was a health that I know about, problems among the 450 or so health hazard. I'm very concerned t ere is a health problem," state children growing up~near the about thoee children's reports." 1 · • ' She said her daughter suffers b H from asthma and the family mus,t -41rown napies utson ~~~~~err~n~h°ew!t~~tbecause ., oc b h Other health problems found 0 COUrt enc a m on g th e McColl residents .included trouble sleeplng, dizzy -----· 1p.elli.........U ti&u ~.__!PLlH.ea, also is a member of the Barnard he adaches, loss of appetite, S. Jefferson Law Society and is stomach pi,ins or aches, sinus pre siden t of the board of congestions, Irritated eyes. nasal directors of the Legal Aid Society passage irritations, runny noees. ' : Gov. F.dmund G . Brown Jr. - Center e Most types Of floor covering available Cerom1ce PorQUete L1noleum •Always 1mmed1ote 1nstalla1ton and a rive veor guarantee c.n all labor ' at Ed lneer. \t,hose term expires in January -'" continued Wednesday to fill jJldicial vacan~i es w ith the ap~intment of attorney Robert g Hutson to the North Orange County Municipal Court bench. of Orange County. sore throats and coughs. He replaces Judge James J . An estimated 100,000 tons of Alfano in the '$57. 776-a-year petroleum wastes were buried at Stay In the black not In the dark with .. Coming Dec. 29 p ost. Alfa n o was e leva t ed the d ump d uring and after World recently by Brown lO the Orange W ar 11 . The n acid-s ludge County Superior Court bench. r e finery wastes and o ilfield in the ~Hut.son, 40, of Fullerton. is a <teputy Orange County _public defender. He received his law d egr ee fr om the California College of Law in Los Angeles. , A member o f the Orange County Bar Association , Hut.son In recent weeks, Brown has drilling muds were dumped until filled several vacancies in Orange 1962 at t h e site own e d b y Count.y and elsewhere a round -. Ramparts Research and Financial the state. Corp. of Laguna Niguel. lailyP~lat Outlook '83 year-end business review and foreca~t. A R0b1nsms Sde 25%•33% OFF THE -DESIGNER SP-ORISWEAR • .. 0 ... YOU'VE ALWAYS WANTED TO OWN . . . \ -• ,. 7 ~ ' "' Orig. $125·$640. Sale 181.91-$425.11. • The best. From the world 's great fashion designers. On sale in the month that marks the beginning of all your holiday festivities-when gala clothes are the order of the day. But only In our Beverly Hills, Del Amo, Fashion Valley, Newport. Santa Monica and Santa Barbara stores. each with different designer collec tions. But hurry. like all thlng"S of the season. there is much to savor, but just a little time. Robinson's Designer Sportswear. 27/104/128 . 1HOP IOl•IOWI llONDAY_,_AY .... IATUMAY •7, WAY 11 .. 11109INION'I •WPORT 'AIHION llLAND • (7M) ....... • ROMllON'I WllTMl•TD MAU. • (714) HI tart I • ' ' • .... • Wid.ow lecture set The l:WS:, Wuy far tlrs, a. _ Th • pco~rnm bcf<lr\¥ al 7::\0 st.ude nt s upport group for p.m. in tbt• studl•nt lounge, widowed people, will sponsor H u en uni l ll' s Roo m 1 0 1 . a r r ct• 1 cc t u r c en (I t I l• ll Let·turt•r· wlll be (lta Filb"er, u "Startmg Over -Where do twkl•·wicluwcd rl•sjdcnt of l Go Froln Herc'?'" Friday at Lung Bt•uch and author of "A Goldt•n Wes t Colle ge i n Widow's Gu1dt• to Life." H untington Beach. . John Rodr iguez, general manager -or Puolic Agencies Data Systems, will be guest speaker at the Fountain .Valley Mayor's Brealsfast next WedneSday. Mnyor: Marvin Adler, wil~ conduct the sess ion. which begins at 8 in the Fountain Valley Community Cente r; Betty tsaldWi.!l, an Irvine, resident, h as been named director of purchasing at the Coas t Community Colleges.· b e hind. Ci t y Ha ll, 10200 Slater Ave. The event is ope n lo the public . C h a r g e for ·t h e ·breakfas t buffet is $l.75. Reservations· may be pla~ed w i t h th e C it y Hall s wiH:h b oa rd ope rato r , 963-8321. .. most n.'<.·ently was supervising buyer for the Lo~ Angeles County Superinte ndent of Schools. The Coast Community College Dis trict overs4'es Orange Coast. Golden West . .. .. Oran • Coa1t DAILY PILOT/Th"rada • November 18, 1912 Al · ~ uman ·:r.igh.ts debate cOniiiiue ~· . . • I : Critics say R eagan tol~rates bloody ac ts without protest WASHINGTON (AP) Tu lta critic'S,"\h<> Rea1C1m admlnlatrouon . has downgraded .human ri41hts to u point wht•re 1.he! bloodll'ltt or dictators can engage In srou Bl'lil of repn>uion wftl\out a rnurttur of prol.eSl from Washington. To lu supportt'rs, the admini11tratlon is lu.>compljshing more .through quiet diplomacy than former PresidC'nt Carter did with his actiyisl approach. . The d e bate over how the United States can molH effectively deal with dicwtorial regimes l'Ontinues Ullbated, with h aw k s and dov es often questioning each other's motives as well as their judgments. Should the United Slates . prov ide aid 1 0 d r.ep ressive. government? U aid is withd..rawn, will the government be overthrown and replaced by a r egime more re pressive and righ"8 under Carter .. describes the ''Th e r e ro r e, w e• r e being anti-American as well? Should Reagan approach as "a deliberate compared .with some mythical dictators be received in the Oval policy of being anti-h uman paradiSP that never existed." .. Office? Are private overtures rights." Abrams, 34.. is a former head · more e ffective than ·public Derian 's s uccessor, Elli'1tt of the Harvard-chapter of the admonitions? Abrams, seems to lopk on Derian liberal-Americans for Democratic Almost six years after Carter as a human rights gadfly who A c tion who now embraces made protection of human rights made a lot of noise but had little· conservatism. an administration prjority, no clout during her four years in Because of his mild manner, he consensus appears in sight on ofljce. generates fewe~r-passions than Lefovre withdrew' hla name (~· c.'Onslderatlon aft.er 1¥1 emou confro ntation with llb&r senators. • Much of the nol1y debad centers on the rnerit.a of ·qu~ diplomacy, as opposed to tiit G:art.er adlniniatrafion'a pc>licy fl pubh~ly criti~iiing or ampoeilj U/)C:taons agaanst governmenta Ii found violating human right.. • Abrams' theory is t~at forei91 governfnenta are more likely if cooperate with the United Sta ... pn human rights issues if t~ are not subject to public ridicule. But Detian says quitf diplomacy is m e rely a n administration cover for doini nothing. She claims s he hai "terriCic sources" in the State Department who maintain. thtrt is no human rights dimension td administration policy. : "Th ey're wrong,·: repliet Abrams, w h o says foreigll dissidents are well aware th~ Reagan jidmini~tration suppar.14 them. -· Baldwin. 51 , was a purchasing age nt for six weeks with the Glendora Unified School. District and and Coastline colleges. how to answer these questions. "Her personal views o'! human did Reagan's first choice for _ . _ P atricia Deria n , assistant rights we re not the _Carter assistant secretary, consen(ative ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!m .......... ,,;,1.~s~ec~·r~e~t~a~ry~o~f~s~{a~t~e~fo~r~h~u~m~a~n~~a~d~m~i~rus~·~tr~a~ti~o~n~po~l~ic~y~.·~·2h~e:·~sa~y~s~.~~a~a demicia n Ernest Lefevre Abrams also insists his quiet a pproac h ha s been more s uccessful th a n· the Carte{ administration's . "beca use our pu blic rhe tori c has not antagonized so mansr governments and made them less likely to cooperate with us." '. .. , ·' .I • ROOnSOns ... t . .. : m1---aMERICAK HoME-o~ WATERFORD,AYNSLEY AND -BELLEEK COME ·DISCOVER OUR · EXCWSIVE WATERFORD CRYSTAL COLUCTION. THEN WATCH .OUR MASTER' 'ENG~VER PERSONALl2E YOUR CMOICE. f - -. You can search the world over for exquisite treasures or you can find the most unique ones of all at Robinson's. Through· an exclusive arrangement with the"tlaterford factory in Ireland, we're pleased to present a unique. personalized collection of the finest in Waterford crystal. It's· a select group of exceptional pieces you ~on'.t find anywhere else in the country. Each piece is moutti·blown. hand·cut,full·lead crystal, esteemed for its fineness .. and beauty. And here to personalize your new treasure will be Mr. Roy Cunningham, one of an elite gr9up of five Master Engravers from the Waterford factory in Ireland. ·-• MEET MASTER ENGRAVER ROY CUNNINGHAM Here to personally moriogram your choices from. the Waterford we show here. plus other select pieces. Watch him demonstrate his delicate craft. exclusively at Robinson's. Plain Fancy A. Biscuit barrel with two letters .... S185 S200 B. 01d fashioned glass with one ..-'!-----· --• --·---letter .. : ........................ S55 S70 C., Shot glass with one letter ....... S40 S55 D. 5" jewelry tray with two letters .. SIO S115 Als·o available: • You can see sa,.,;ples and place orders for all monogrammed items In all stores except Palm Springs,. lf...you-eao:t..come ii}. ~ust call your-0ea.i:est. Robinson's and place your order by telephone {sorry, no C.O D'.s on monogrammed items). Robinson·s Watertom Crystal. 142. Sunday. November 21 , from 1-4 p.m. Monday. Novemtier 22. from 11 a.m.·4 p.m. Tuesday, November 23. from 12 noon-4 p.m. and.Hi p.m. During these same hours, you'll have a chance to meet Miriam Chestnutt from the Waterford factory in Ireland; here to discuss this beautiful crystal arid to answer your questions. Come see o•r dazzJing collet.UQn. aod..ha_1,1e _ your choice hedwtth a hand-cut monogram. in either p·lain or fancy lettering . • E. Ship's decanter with three letters $280 F. Spirit decanter with three letters . S235 G. 5• ashtray with two letters ...... S130 H. The Waterford Cup with two letters ....... : ... · ............... $15 Each Item may be monogrammed with the number of letters shown. Mr. Cunningham completes · during bl$ vlsJLwlll be .delivered approximately four months after placement of your order. (Plan for Mother's Day now: place your · .order by December 20 to ensure delivery.) ' Now add the perfect accompaniment. wrth metal engraving, script lettering on stainless steel blades. J. Waterford knife. Ill. t<. ~tans CU.WNer.~e.' Charge Is S 1 per character for m•t•I engraving. Please allow three weeks for delivery. S310 $215 $185 S125 . To order. call toll·free 1·800·345·8501 . And be sure to ask about our Waterford Club Plan . And see our wonderful array of exclusive items and new lntroduct!ons from Aynsley and Belleek as well. Their famed artisans will also be here to personally engrave your purchases Wednesday. December 1 from from 11 a.m.·4 p.m ·and Thursday, December 2 from 12 noon-4 p.m. and 7·9 p.m. Robinson 's China. 67 . Ask about our China Club Plan. .. ( ROllNIONJ COMPUDIPp WIPPIN9 91rt Rl911DJ ·MAKE AN APPOINTMINT WITH OUI CONSULTANT AT YOUI NIARIST IOllNSON'S. WE'U RECORD YOUR' Gin PREPERINCIS IN MRY.ITOll VIA THI ONLY COMPUTlllZI D llRVICI IN IOUTHI RN CALIFORNIA . . \ .. ----~ ----------- . - f8Y PAT HOROWITZ .O(eMDely"9411eff • • DEAR PAT: Two of my daughter!l have had ;extensive orthodontic treatment this year. The • only positive thing about this l:rom a financial ·viewpoint wes the medical tax deduction I .thought w.e'd get. Now someone told n't! this is not the case due to the t.ax changes that will drop •the medical deduction substantially. Can you •explain these changes lo me? P .R., Newport Beach • fte medical deduction change' do not take · :effect utll next year, so you still can deduct· · .att0rd1D1 to tile previous tax formula. ID lt83 · t•e deduction of up to U50 for balf of tbe ; medical in1urance premium• you pay wlll be ! ellmluted. : Also , you may deduct only medical !expenses mere tban S percent of your adjusted 1ro11 Income (it'• 3 percent now). Anotliler ;c•aa1e, effective, in· 1984, wlll eliminate the 'CJrrent rule allowing taxpayers to deduct drug :costs that exceed 1 percent of their adjusted IJ'OH IDc:ome. ! Instead, expenses for prescription d'rugs ,ud Insulin wlll ~ Cbmblaed witb other.medical expenses to meet the 'bew S percent rule. And, .. t8, 1982 ·, ... ., .. -all of your ml'dkal IH•raat'e prt'mium1 wUI be Included In tot•I medleal n1>t"n1e1 la ltU. ~tucly securitil's DEAR READERS: Every lave1tor hopes to bit it lucky ud buy Ille 1&ocl& tbat wlllf.uraatee a 1oldea flaanclal future. But, altbou federal and state securities laws provl e many pro1ectloD11 there i1 no 1uarantee of the eventual wort• of a stock or bond. It'• up to you to jud1e t11e merits ud llabllitles of individual offerings. , Be H careful abut securllles ... you would be about any cosily purchase. Never buy 1ecurllles offered only by telephone, and check tbe credentials of anyone wbo offers you an lnvestmeat opportulty. Beware of .salespeople wbo try \O pre11are you into lcllng immediately; remember that tbelr comml11lon d~peqds on your purd!He. Don't buy 011, tips or rumors. Not only 11 It safer to get tbe facts first, but also U is illegal to buy or sell securities based on inside Information not 1enerally available to other Investors. Get advice if you don't understand GREAT BUYS FOR CHRISTMAS . . BELGIAN WAFFLER SALE PRICED 5 31.95 -ATUS PAS.TA MAiER SALE PRICED ~29.95 REG. $42.50 REG. $38.50 , OFFER GOOD THAU SUN. 11 /2 1/82 My Fav~ri e · Thi.ngs Gourmet Accessories, Unique Gi for the Home . . . 497-1944 332 forest Avenue Mall #25 • t.aguna Beach, CA '92651 203 OFF. . . EVERYTHING IN THE STORE Througti Saturday, November 20 AM acceuorles: Hanes, Bonnie Doon, Interwoven, Wigwam. and ladles' handbags Inventory on hand only .. WMtcttft'Plau 17th end lrvlne, Newport 8NCh ....... Ba11 Sperry n>'p.tfder Flor1ne1m Cole-HHn Saddles Dexter Naturall••r Nlckell Buster Brown. Lazy 8onea Sebego Wtllliowr Nllcl Adidas Tretorn Ked1 Cl•k1 9·Wfft Liie StrlcM \ L.J ...... .• Aft•·Houra • Llttll Cepezlo Annie Shoet 9ueW•funa Dede Slloel, 2'11pt)ef• Plua Ottwa l'"OM OU" IPA,.KLINQ CH,.llTMAS ll!=TION BRASS AND-COPPER CANDLEHOLDER From Chl na .. 99 • eva• tall ~. WONDERFUL PAINTED WOOD ORNAMENTS From T1lwan Blrd1 In Nest 1 'la• 1111 Soldier on Rocking Hor11 2va· 1111 Sled 1 Ya• ti ll Sant• on Skis 2· tlll Angel In Star 3" tall HOLLY C~RISTMAS TREE ___ ,_ CANDYSTRIPE 'Va• x I Ya • Folded ....-... Pkg. of 11 YI · nNf top hll m1tchlng flnlltl tllrd· ...... 1nd sllde.0\lt •• .__ ___ lHYll. f • Bela blockers · ·fou1,1d har11Jlul liOS'l'ON'(AI') A d1 u~ thut lwlp'I lll••VNH 1omeu11ni la .a pro1pec1u1 or a piece 4's sale• 111':111 .111111 k' from 11~·u11111g 11 1l 1111 k•kt•11 1>• w11ptly may 111frt•ull(• ttw d1•ath rule 1f 11 IN ~t.urtt'<I mon • 111.11111vt•a1·11ft<.11 1h1• pi.!ll!'nl'i. inlJ 111l ... •1t1Ju>, i. .,ludy· i.how-. literature. . • • -. Be 1keptlcal of promi1e1 of quick profit•, and be e1peclally careful wltb tu-shelter lavettmeatl tltat proml1e U(tplloaal tu wrlle-ofr1. • 'l'l11·M· d rugs, t•u lh•d lwt1.1 hlm·k<·• !\, 1·11Kt' d1·1111111d-. 1111 tlw J11m1J~<·tl h<.•11r1 U11ul 1111w . d1K.·ton • 1~v1• lx·1•11 u11i.uu• how long afh •r llu .. • 1'14•.arl .1l1.Jl-k tlw 111·1.1111w11t tan P.· lit..trtt-d or how Imig It :.h ould ( onllJIUI' Jn it• book called "Wltat Eve7 1nvestor Sboul~Know,'' the U.S. Securhlea an Excbange Comml1tlon warns new Investors that tbey are ultimately responsible for tbelr own protection, and tbe more information tbey CH get-before Investing, tile better. For a free .copy of tbll book, send a postcard wllb your name and addreu to tbe Consumer Information Center, Dept. 855K, Pueblo, Colo. 81009. TtH 111·w 1>~udy, dtJIH' in England, found that b•·tu hh11·k1•1'!. !IC.'<.•m to l'llll1'4' a h1glwr than ui;ual tfouth 1·1111• 11' tlw nw dit·uwin is suartt•d mun · than u yt>ar afl1·r llw v1l't11n rt.'t'O\l{INi f1om 11 h1•art attack "II 111111 11 mtod, tlrn, unl'XJX.'Clt.'<J Cmd1ng ('arru•s thl' 1mp111 tJ11t t·lin1<.•al mlossagt.• thal the.> ovt·rull Jlf'l'Vt lltlVl• l)(;n •f 1U.. of tht'8C drugi> may ~ t•onrh)t-d to n •lut1vt-ly l'.<ld y mtt•rvt•ntion," thl' d ocu1rs wrow. "At tht.· lutl'!{t•, lr£•a lml'n t should probably tx.• sturtc.'(.I within thl' first fc:w Wl'eks aftt'r myot·urdiol infort·liun (hc:art 'attack)." · • Gor a problem? Thtm wm.e to .. i Pat !'orowi~. Pat will cut re:<J tape, · -gettmg the answers a11q acuon you ·~ neerl to sol ve in<'qUllies Jn, Thi• study wu!> dirt'Clt-U by Dr S II. Taylor of Lt.•t'(li. GC'rl(•ral lnC1rmury a nd was pubhshl•d m thl• Nt.•w England Journal of MC.d1cinc. · · government and business. Mail your questions ro Par Horowitz, At Your Sl!rvwe, Orange Coast Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, ~ta Mesn, CA. 92626. . St•vc:rul beta blockl'rs arc on tht;' market. But only onl', llmolol, has bcl'n approved by the Food and Orug Adtnm1strul1on ror US(' m lhe United Stu11•i. 10 prevt•nl ht.•arl attac·k!>. The drugs arc: also g1vt•n to rt.•hevl• angina chest pain, h igh blood pn·ssun• ;rnu disturlxmt't.'S in heart rhythm IPA,.KLINQ CLEA" QLASIWA"E From England ~akH It all tHte e¥•n better! BRANDY SNIFTER 3oz.3V."t111 1.58 ~ ~ESIEAT DISHES • lot•3"t•ll 3y,• dla. 'v.. di•. 1.58 llCh DICOMTID WHITI IONI CHINA THIMILU GOLD ACCENTED "AYON TUNIC From 1,,d11 ' From Eng~and Aaaorted dHlgn1 and gold trim make a i>r•tty· 1cc11aory. •111•1 DHP ton• ltrlpH 1 • 1111 1 • dll. 1.71 each Jewelry Secflon COTTON JUO MOP • From England 1r1•c· cented with metallic threading. AHorttd Colors S·M·L ., 13.88 . IL.ACK VELVETUN- KUNQ FU SHOES '-•11.....,._. From.Cht,,a l lack VllVltMn lhOll hlVI 1tr1p, buckle and ptaatlc aol11 . PLUM PUDDING From England /f.#At~ii\'IU • oz .• 97 1& oz. 3.87 ... ~ ....... --------~ .NAT"Rl'I OWN , 12• long .88 IAKINQ IHELLe ~.o.------~ NEATLY NOVEL NATURAL IAIKETRV From The PbillpplnH 1nd China From Japan Appro>C, , 5" IOl)Q .. 1.~9 Pkg. ol 4 BURI CANISTERS From 3" toe• dMp •• )( 31• SlldM open 10 eo· 1ont 111.18 e· long 10· long 5• wld• &Ya. wide 1.99 2.89 FERN CHICKEN For eggs or bread . CLAlllC TAPERI From Hong Kong In all the great colors. Red, White, Graen, Ivory, Orange, Brown, Yellow ind Tan. 1o· ·-.20 12· 15· .25 .30 WHITE PORCELAIN "PARTY" to-__ ...,.. ____ _.. __ -....t MOLDS From Japan HANDSOME HANDC"A"ED ChHrful moldl for decoration, COCONUT HAMPl"I From Haiti Ice cream ·=..,.~~~a:ii Roomy helpera or gelalln to hold toys, dl1t111. laundry Both or lltter. 1 V. • dMp 14V."to 19' dla. 20• dHP 8.48 22· dMp 1.41 2'" deep 12.41 NATURAL IAMIOO I MnAN' PLANT ITANDI OR IND TAILD f'rom China lt"nnlnoty orafttd of 1pllt blmDoo, lub\lllr r11tan and r1tt1n etrlp Dlnelln91. e· .. -w.-....-.aft...,. 7.11 , ...... O'IN 1 DAVI A WllK MON. TO l'IU. 10 A.M.-t P.M. .... UT. ti A.M.-t P.M. IUN 1' A.M.-t P.M. VllA • MAITIM:ARD AMP&.I '"II PARlllNQ NOTILIPHO• 0" MAIL QRDl"I .. ... _...,; - • ... -> r ' l. I I l I ' I / I • • . o o I • ' ; 1. • . . ·e '~e ··closing · o·uf·:·: . Fashio·n ·Islana 10Cation·-. · ' . " • .. .. .: .. \ .. . ......., ... .. • I • i. . . -. 14K . Gold Bracelets ., . . -watches 30o/o. to SOo/o off. ' .. -. Ri~gs. to SOo/o -. 70°/o~ off . Diamonds, Rubies, Emeralds, Amethyst and precious stones. '· - ... :. · .. · ·Pendants & - DiamOnd Necklaces • .. EVERYTHING MUSTGOI--~ ~-. . All items subject to prior sale. • • -.-r-• ,.,........,.._ ____ -----..,..,. .. ,.., .. ,,_,,,_-. .. ___ _.... __ .... _,.. . .-... .. ·--.., -~ . ' ; 35 Fashion Island Newport Beach 644-249~ After January 1 we wlll be pleased to serve our customers from our other locatton, for appointment call 642-4638 . . ,. ' ., ,. ,. ( ~· Orange Coaal DAIL V PILOT /1 Rur1day, November 18, 1882 • llilllilll lam,--.------- Bolsa Ch ica put on h old Last week 1t bt•t:ame d<'arly. apparen t to Orange County govei;nm<'nl officials that a multl- facet<.'<i plan for both development and preservatio n of the Bolsa Ch icu m·ar 1 luntington Beach was in troubl<'. · ... As magh-t be.• c.•xpc.•c.·tcd, tht.• (.'OOstal commission staff found tbl' pltln I.<> OC' loo much, too soon. ll opposes the 01arlnu. the nuvlgublt.• ot:eun at.·t?csswu y and wants t.'Onside rubly mon• wetlands a~a rt.•stort.'<:I o'nd pro~t.'Ch.'Ci. The writing o n thl' wa ll indicated thl' stuff o f the s tate Coastal Commission -the panel empowered t-O approve or reject major coastal developments -.was not happy with a plan supported · b y t h c c o u n t y B o a r d· o r Supervisors. and the landowne r . • Signal La ndmark Inc. · . Coastal commission s l a ff recommendations have a way of being routinely ac.'Ccpted. Thus, it was cle~r · any commission action on the Bolsa Chica proposal would have bee n negative -at least from the perspective of the 1county and Signal. Th e plan ca ll ed for construction of 5, 700 homes. a n 1,800-slip marina, a navigable p assage t o .the oce.a n and r estor ation o f 600 acres o f ·degraded wetlands. Recreational and commercial developments res ta urant, shops and ho te ls - also were proposed. With W e dn es day's {' 0 m m i s s i {) n m e e t i n g r a s t approat.•hing -and with last- ini nu te n egotiations getting nowhe re -the county took a bold stt•p, It withdrtWJ the plan from consideration. Better to withdraw thah to proceed and obtain a denial , t•oun4.y o(fid als suggc::.ted. There's more to the equation, · uf l'OUrsc. What the county and Signal arc banking on are changes in the make -up of both the coastal commission. arid. perhaps, the commission staff. Gov. F.dmund G. Brown Jr., a c hampion of the .coastal rommission, is on his wa.y out ol o ffice; Gov.-clect George D c ukm c jian, a fr e quent commission critic, is on his way in. Deukmejian's presence may cau se a shift in development attitudes -a shift the county and Signal obviously are wa}ting for. ln i11------------- N od f or good ci tizens . We'd like to glve the city of Irvine a pat on the back for doing something 11ice for the good people out there. • • Beginning next mo nth, the Irvine Chamber of Commerce and the Irvine Police Department will ·'jointly present a monthly "Good Citize n Award." The point is to recognize r eside nts for their positive deeds. Given the fact that. about the only time we hear about· people these days is whe n they have done so)llething wrong. we think this is a good idea . I The chamber and police are • hoping the general pu.blic will norpinate ca ndidat~s ·for the award. They have ask e d that anyone with a nominee contact Carol Schroeder of the chamber at 641-1667 o r police Capt. Jim Blaylock at 660-3730. The only problem with all of 'this is ·knowing who ~ould qualify. The origimrf guidelines said the award wouJd cover everything from heroically saving a life to driving courtesy. That seems a rather broad range. W e would e ncou rage the t'hamb e r a nd the poli ce d e pa rtme nt to come up ·with specific guide lines a~d take their screening duties seriously. If It looks to the citizens as if there is excessive subjectivity In the judging. the award la&eS its importance a nd the c hoosing of w inne rs ends up making more enemies than friends. • ..... r11111:•---------- Goocf news f o'r padd lers With the restoration of Upper Ne wport Bay a t long last under way, plans· to develo p an aquatic center for human-powered craft -kayaks. canoes and the like - on North Star Beach are..especiall timely. North Star is a weed y and seldom-used stre tch o f public beach o n the w est s ide of the Upper Bay, directly above Dover Shores. It was in the news a while back when residents of the Shores · wanted to use it as a collection s pot for dredgings from their priva te harbors. but were blocked by the region~) water board. Now~ -non-pro fit group called Newport Aquatics Center Inc. will develo p the 'little beach a s a launching s pot for small craft, with boat storage facilities and a syp_ply _of boa~tals. _ Because the Newport Beach city charter prohibits altering any piece of public tidelarrd without an okay from the citizens, the North Star proposal was placed on the Nov. 2 ballot. Not surprisingly, it won overwhelming approval. This will be · an excellent addition to the area and will give the less affluent a chance to enjoy paddling around the bay without making a major investment. Clslllea~~~~~~~~~~ M_esa j ·oins h otel race For some time no.w, Costa Mesa has managed to ge t a long with just two major hotels, the 17-story South Coast Plaza Hotel across Crom the South Coast Plaza sh opping center and the five-story H<Jliday . Inn sou th of the San Diego Freeway. But it appears there will be a good deal of action on the static Mesa hotel scene. The Holiday Inn has won approval of a second • building and this week the City Council approved prans that call for a nine-story, 495-room hotel. three seven-story office buildings and on..e...story-hank and restaurant on 13.6 acres formerly occupied by Montgomer:y Ward and Co. Additionally , Cive other high- rise hotels have been proposed in the freeway area, including two 400-room hotels o n 98 acres of sttg~e-tr-'>:m prope~y n,ea Fairview Road. two· 3-50~roQm hotels on the Sakloka property east of Town Center and an Arnel ~v hotel on 43 acres near " T S "l. • "" .:1 CJ ""'"· ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat ,.,..,,.,.._ ....... , .......... , HO Wf\I ti•• " . , ....... "-"' 0•"·-· .. &e• .,... , ........ '" .,,,. . I s Cost.a M esa trying io t'O{npete with Irvine.and Newport Be ach as the hote l capital of Orange County? True, hotels bring in bed tax revenue and lots of customers for restaurants and shops, which in turn yield more tax revenue. But it also should be noted that hotels can be subject to the vacancy rates n ow besetting n e w office developments in the county -a 20 percent va~~mcy rat~ that adds: u'p to 5 rAillion square feet of empty offices. And empty space doesn't produce much in the way of-n?venue. --- Residents in the area around the development approved this · week have criticized the 85-foot height limit adopted by the COl;lncil for buildings south of the freeway a long Bristol &treet and are disturbed by the prospect of still more traffic from the 'project.-· Perhaps equally disturbing could be the prospect of even more unoccuplfd floor space if thi1 ~pace~~ ~·r2. .Jene A,,..,I ( ••'•'••t (d IQI '-'-• KreilNch flfl0'41 'oee (O•OI ' t .. • Letters l o . the ·editor Why gun con't¥ol advocates failed T.c the &ti tor: • This is addressed to the gu~ oontrol zealots: I have been in your corner since I was I eight year, old, some 57 years ago. At that lime, the lovable. happy-go-lucky tenant hvlllg below us in our Chicago walk-up was gunned down as he opened the vestibule door to the street. It was early in the morning_. and I can still see the sprawled blood-stained clothing on the big man lying out in the doorway as I waited to RO to achool. Twenty-eight plus months of oombat in WW2 only reinf~ my posiµon for gun rogilitratlon -811 guns, and the wish for severe and rapid punishment of all persons owning unlicensed weapons. or using .a weapon in any crimi~l act. SO I A$K, you. why did you prevent the possibility of a gun licensing law by introducing 1mpass1ble irrelevant additions to a simple legal proposal? Contrary to your statements, Proposition. 15 was not defeated only by the millions of dollars introduced into the campaign by the gun lobby. Its defeat was pre- ordained the moment you included the limitation on the number of legal hand guns that would be available fo • Californians after Propoaition 1!5 ~ law. What· was gained by ·forcing a , MAILBOX perfe:clly responsible citizen to buy a gun from another citizen except to give the gun lobby the perfect target to prevent pasaage of a needed bill? Bootlegging of guns could have become as profitable as bootleg&ing of whiskey during-' prohibition. Had you devoted ·your energies to the logical safety needs for good hand gun legislation, today California might have the ability to impose stiff penalties on all unregistered hand gun owners, and even stiffer o..nes for those using a hand gun in the commismon of a crime. Please. for th e sake of all grandparents and the grandchildren they hope to enjoy, .on .your next try simply r equire all hand guns to be licensed-and provide-stiff-penalti~ Coe._ all who carry unlicensed guns, or who use any gun in the' commission ~f a crime. IRVING X. BURG .Pr_of e~so~' p_a y To the Editor: I don't know where F.arl Waters gets his information. But he is wildly off base in declarin& in his Nov. 10 oolumn that, ''.All profe990rs at UC are paid more than $50,000 a year." Such a galling and irresponsible Ul!lertion demands a factual response. . . In the 1982-83 academic year. the ---~~--------~~~--' . . . W h at makes e d ucatio n? The tate ot a portion of · the L aguna Beach Unified School District's planning for next year rests on the outcome of another school district's lawsuit. -'the 2nd DistcicL Court o( Appeal in Los Angeles recently ruled t.tiat the Santa Barbara High . School District cannot impose fees for extracurricular activities. Santa Barbara has appealed that ruling to the ·sta~ Supreme Court. This is vital to Laguna Beach, becawe that district charges $32 pt?r student for each after-school sport tht: student participates in. That amounts to about.-$25,000 per year from fees: · In itself. this is a dollars and ~nts issue, one of the mahy facing schools all over the state. That it exists at· all is prp~bly thanks to Proposition 13. The concepts involved, however, are more complex than simply the bottom line. ' vast knowledge of those areas, constitutes education. Without the extracurricular activitjes most or us enjoyed in school, we are not educating human beings, w e are constructing repositories of facts. There is so much more to learnipg than books. Whether il is the team effort sports teache5 or the appreciation of spiritual ~ beauty engendered by appreciation of music and art, it is too integral a part or growing to be deleted. And if there (s to be a charge for those special qualities, then they become the province of the rich. That does not seem to reflect the goal of free public education. · Proposition 13 was passed in a time when the pendukam had swung t oo far in the other direction. Money was being spent in the public sector with little regard · to the voter's costs. We .wonder sometimes if things have not swung equally Car in the opposite direction. A foundation in Newport Beach recently range of annual salaries for full professors in the UC system is from $30.000 to $5 1,500. Adistant and associate pro fessor s ea rn less ($19,700-$30,000). Ln general, only those faculty who have been advanced by means of a rigorous process of evalualion to the top level of profes..'iOr, Step VU. accorded only lo those of highest distinction, receive regular salaries ~n ·exc.'CSS of $50,000. The only exceptions are in a few specialized fields, such as medicine ·and law. Furthermore, these salary figu~ are prec:isely the same as in the• previous academic year 1981-82. as there were no increases this year.# The University of Cahfomia is by no means a perfect educational institution . But it is a damned good on e. And whatever flnws it may have, inflated faculty salaries are not among them. · . • SPENCER C. OLIN. JR. Profl>ssor of History. UC Irvine Help Soc·ial ccurit y To die Editor: Several of my wf'althy friends receive monthly Soc·ial Security f heclc.s. ln view of the desperate situation of the Social Se<-ur1ty funds. l feel people in their bracket should pay taxes on Social Security income. . ' Many people who cannot even buy , basic necessities are fearful of losing their meager payments How much better such a plan would be !or helping to bail out SS than to rcduru bchcflls and raise deductions. If I wer<> in their· income bracket.s I would be very happy to pay taxes on SS ·ewn though 1 did pay in quite a bit. We are called upon these days to sacrifice (Reagan is c.wnstantly reminding of th~). The sacraf1c(>S should be made by people who can afford 1t. E. JOHNSON What' enough? To the Editor: My reaction to the articles by Steve Marble on growth-no-growth was to wonder if any of the "pro-growfh" people living in the coast.al area have seen the old movie ''Key Largo" lately? Try to remember the famous ._-ene in which Humphrey Bogart asks &tward G . Robinson i( he knows what he wanta. (more), and if he's ever gotten enough, (well, he never has). It's such a good scene because Robinson is so good. His eyes tell you lhat the questions never even occurred to him. Maybe it's time we all ask ourselves -how much is ·enough? weau ·enjoy the advantages progress and prosperity can bring. But how much of everything do we really need? Are the pe0ple who can still afford to live in this area beyond oo'nsidering needs? Can they only oonsider their want.s or have they forgotten how td di{(erentiate between the two? It comes down to asking what education is. The state requires free public education. Are after- school activities "frills" not really part of the educational system, or are they a vital part of it? u contributed $45,000 to reinstate MANY WHO encourage. development remedial reading in the public of our coastal areas claim responsibility We question whether knowledge of grammar and history, math and spelling. even schools there. for seein& th_!! those with enQl19b mone)"' It is true that we have sav -.--1t--:who wisli to move here and. enjoy the ourselves from tremendous tax area are not turned away. That .eema a expense. We wonder what that little ironic to me. 1f mo.re units and will cost us in future generations. homes keep being built, more people· (and all the oonveniences they aeem to 11111111 lllllJ-------k;o --~ulre) keep being aqueer.ed in, there Ian t going to be anything left to move here for. Anyone who could afford to even.think about moving to the Newport area just isn't going to suffer all that _I'arkiiig · f~JtiJ~i!fkA~~ Pursulng its efforts to make all city recreation programs self- supporting .. the Fountain Valley City Council has decided to charge for parking at the city's Mlle • Square Park recreation center. #-. _.The llt~ r.&iar1~ of 2~ <.'('nts per vehTCle seems reasonable enough. It is expected to generate about $27,000 a year to help offset the coat of o~tiNi the recreation ~~' .......... -. ba1kt>tball rourta. ball fields and a rec11eatibn building. For. starters. the 1yatem will use a gate arm entry and one-way '" exit •pikes at the parking lot entrant'e on Brookhunt Street at Hell 'Avenue. This ii llmtlar to tM parking arrangement at th• county'• park ~u:ance on Euclid SlrHt. ,, .l llC l'.UUl~·•I l't!Jt.'Cl~. ·coa th4.' time being. a proposal to build a ~uard shack and hire a parking attendant tO ease traffic congestion and prevent vandalism during especially busy hours. That would cost an additional $8,700 a year. The shade and an 11ttendant to mun the gate can always be added If problems arise. Installation of the parking f e-e collection system, ..,.,;ch rouJd be Jn pl#e by March, wm met the ~)ty about f\.3,0M, bw that's a one-tim~ investment and the evenwal revenue should make It mo~ than wt>rt...,hlle. Certainly. 2~ ~nts is little enough to pay for access to the many attractlon1 of the recrNtion ~nw-r -and it t. io.dcal to npect the .. ~·•r• \o help finance the aubltanUal coet of m1tntatntn1 them. " ' - a': e: re~~~~S..,.orlfboO!.~ low income hC>U&ini ill at 1\ake. What about our responslb1Utie1 aa .good stewards to the land itaelf, to the people who were here before us. to our own children? Please. let's think about It. " TRUDIE DLEDERJCH .. r---~---ft 'l'he w.althy ball dub ownera ihould p11y bide 10methifl8 lO the col~ that train their athletes Cor the "pro11. • I FAIR PLAY •, .· .. . . .. , . .. . Ora!'ge Co11t DAILY PILOT /Thurlday, November 18, 1982 .. ' ""' It I . •"• . . .. •"' . -· ~ ••• • •1 ·1. ~ .. ,; I . . •,' WITH INSURED SAFETY PLUS A. FREE PACKAGE OF IMPORTANT MONEY MANAGE·MENT SERVICES.~'. . . Amlo~ Home F11deral's lnslnd MoneyMarket. ,._..and a bonus advantage for signing up immediately •. The' clock is running. . A new law will soon take-effect. And at that historic mo ment, Home Federal's new Insured MoneyMarket Plan will.off~r you a combinatio n of . high potential earnings, money management convenience and safety . . . never before possible. A new, insured investment with transaction privileges ~tter than most money market funds -link<::d by transfers you conrro l by-phone - to a Chextra:.·'' interest checking account for day in, day o ut cash convenience.· . In short, the Insured MoneyMarkec Plan stands up co the return and .,. flexibility of a mo ney market fund - witnonebeneflt not a single mo ney market"fuhd can offer. Safety, insured up to $100,000 by the F.S.L.I.C., a U.S. C.ovemment agency. .. Free. With an initial supply of personalized checks. Also free. · Use it in good wealth. .· ,.; You can also apply for the added convenience of Overdraft Protection with Check Guarantee. And your choice of VISA~ accounts or MasterCard.™1 • ...... ' Sign up today. Welcome back to. the growth, convenience , safety and strength of Home Federal Counby . You '11 earn an extra 2. 5% on your investment dollars for the.first 6 months over the average yield on --,----m oney market funds according to a leading index. Home Federal's new Insured MoneyMarket Plan is better than money market fund~With a :.;3 commitment and a purpose that . · could easily replace a great variety of . ~ '- you to make and keep your money. Not just money market . other investmentS too. By combining That's why we're making this 2.5% earnings, but the high earnings with safety.and money bonus offer if you sign up management convenience. immediately. exti'a advantages Of If you've always been a Home But Hurry. This offer to earn free Chellra Feqeral custo mer, thank you. If bonus Interest for slanJng up yolll're returning, welcome back. To early may be withdrawn at any Interest checking too -H d 1 wn.. time without prior n odce. o me Fe era Country. ~uere The minimum to ~in is SS,000 automatically. o u've ~Jways felt better about your (with a maximum·of $75,000), on~y an)~~ . account -then transferred ' management tools available today is a . .deposited in a 5.1 /2% saving$ One of the mpst advanced money ·~ .. 1 "'""'mbrt1 4u.111n~~ .... ~eor..,,L·· • 1. · arnin Chextra interest checking account. 1r:-:.--:.~Wiwee~'r~e~c~o;m~m~itrute;ditcto~m~akk~e;~~ndd~--~~a~c~c~o~u~n~to~n~th~e~fl~rs~tdd~a~y~thhce~la~w~~~~i1uai'Fs-s=wi~we~~~~~~~~i.c....~----~~ . keep Home Feder.al the best place fof. allows. lnsur~d Money Market Plan. • , .l"l • \ .. ' I .. Orange Coatt DAILY PllOT/Thurad1v. November 18, 1982 , .. ·re taome ·to Starting December 1st. tome and see our large selection of , Xmas gifts and antiques, , Of California Expire• $500 12·2·t2 I . • Off " . . Reg. Price W /This Coupon Ladles petites & regular size slacks Dress Affair ~848-2242 EARN55%MORE PASSBOOI< INTEREST 8.5% I 9:0% Simple Interest Annual Yield $10 ...ut •NO TERM• NO PENALTY nH UT WITI I llW IOOlllT Awllallle lo Clil•llil 1t1Went1 _,, First-Thrift of. \1l"1t•rk·a 847-8880 . 'W' . -tf-c~~~ Shop _ ·25% 011· With This Ad Now Through 12·4·82 , ·. . AF.U Service Salon for Men a Women MANICURES PEDICURES HAIR REMOVAL BV THE WAXING METHOD BECKER'S HAIR OESIG.N '--.._.~'; Two free lines of Imprinting when you buy 2 boxes of Chris tmas cards now through 12-10-82 Open Sundays 11·4 Now thru XmH ALARCON'S JEWELRY Free Smoothie WITH PRUCHA$( OF ANY SANDWICH OR SALAD ~ $2 OFF' 00~ ~7:A~~N~~~~· • · SUPPLEMENTS · Good thru 12-15-82 w/ this ad ~YSOFHEALTH • 847-8002 -. 15%011 All Thanksgiving Flower Arrangements Couqtr)' flo\ver~ Swltcll a 1Ht11e More 'Tll•• • B•cli·•·llllg . •t R•IP•• 847-8393 FUNFEST Trave 50%off Mini Blinds } :z;,, Yom Tr;,.,./ C11r~s 8~ Ow1" . ~ ... 'I'm Tom the Turkey; Here to Say ... ·"Please Have HAM n Thanksgiving Day!" " .. 848-8575 ~ We specialize In cruises - Now featuring an 8-day "'escorted Hawaiian Cruise tn early March. Call Nowl limited Space Available Blanks Subject to Availability ·with C~upon thru 12-2·8" .J/"/,,,, 'J .JJomt' :lJl'Cor 847-3386 . I ' ••• I . . ' TIE CUIT Ill Tll l:•m , NOV 18, l{)b? CAVALCADE COM4CS 82 86 '·· . • l ,f•t·l111iq111 •.i; 011 llf•t•on1i11J.{ 11 IJf•ll '-'r l1ritlgt• 11111 ,,,.,. . ~_;.,,.,~ 11) l .'h11rlt-.... t;ort•11 . 112 0 o . -ConsUfflers.' cQr.nplaints can. m .Elke a· di£ler-eD;Ce By LOUISE COOK Anoclet.~ Pren Writer .. Consumer.Watch Virgini'a Knauer is trying to tt'ltl'h t'or\Sumers ' how to c:omplain. • Knauer is the special assistant to the• president I h.•r 01l 1t't' ll> d1inr1hut1t1t( I rnllhun tOJJW'S uf u and dirc<:tor of the U.S. Offic.'<.' of Consumer Affairs. rl('W c•d1t1on u( lhl• l'<msumc•r'i. ~!>OUl'l'l' llundbook, The job is not new lo her: she held the same a "liuw und ·Wht'f'l'·IO ('or11pla1n" ~u1d1• lo ~l under Presidents Nixon and Ford. But the ~ovt·r.~10~1•1\l , og<',m·1~i. .. ~'.·udt• u~sm·w t11111l> ;.rnd Reagan administration has drawn strong criticism w rpo1 all l~>nsumc r ~~ pn ~'.llull~<'S . ' from consumer acuvlsts a nd Knauer is on the The handbook 1s availab~e at no c hargt! ~r,ml defensive. the Consumer lnformuuon ((•ntc•r, J>ul'blo. Colo.i.l She bristles at suggestions that co~-have -8-1009~ · !- beeo forgotten. . · , In a re<.'<'nl mwrv1l'W during a trip to New "No, I don't think they have," she snys. York, Knauer dt•nat'd th11t ·admm1strut1on t•fforts lo J..1ke ·other administra tion officials, Knauer C\.ll spending and the s1LC o( the fod1:ral gowmmcnt points to the decline in the rate of inflation and are hurling c.'Onsum(•rs. lower fnterest rates as signs that better times are 011 "The basic health and safoty laws an• on the the way. A free and healthy marketplace, she books," she said. argues. is the .best protcctioi:i for t~e consumer._ ~All the basic co~sum<>r protection laws paSS(.'<.J Meanwhile, Knauer 1s trying to convince in the 19ti0s are still on the books" individuals their complaints CAN make a difference She conceded thf.' onlJ·bureaucracy mood of and that they do. not necessarily need more Congress may have hurt consumers in some government regulauo~s. inStances, such as in the veto of a proposc.'Cl Federal Trude• ( 'ommis.'>ion 1·uh1 to n ·gulah• U!!t-d n u• dt•alt.•1s. "Shop l'~irt'l ully, of ('Ollrl'K'. But sht• argucH tlw tl'N\d beuiin undN formc ... r "8ho,. 1mrl eomp:in., Pn•i-.ult•nt CortC'r und nm not be blwnt·d on I ht· "Ht>ud and t:ompar'l' iht• wurrunllt'll from the • th.•agun udmmistrut11111, point or vft•w Of t'OV<•r&gc• and term how long it's Koaut•r nlso s u1d consu1mers h av1.·"' guod}ur . · rC'Sponsib1hti1.'S as wl•ll as r1ght.s. "Jf wt• bmwbt.•at ) , Look mlo thl• exc·hungl'. n•gulauons. How easy industry 10 give us murt• produl·t 1nformalion, thC'nr-' 1~ at ~.0 f'Xt'hung(' thc produC't! .., it's up 10 1:onsunlCrS to n'ad It " Knau<'r said And sav<' all the· sal(>S slips und warronll<.-s m h ' ' l'W1t • 111yth11l" d1M 'l> "'I wronu" ' SJlt'CUlaung about t e numbc!rs of owners' manuals · ' "' "· ..,. "' · that probably sit unopcn<>d 1n automobtll· Complaint lett<?'r::., she said, should be be1rf and. glove t•ompurlmt>nt.<.. . · to thc point, but s hould include the type of She• s.ud complainl'l should start at the loca l purchase, th<' name or the product and the model level: "Thal local ITU.'rclµtnt has a vested mtt•rt'l>l In and sc·r1aJ number, th<' date ll was bought, the store. kl'cping you satisfied. He doesn 'I want you thl' natur<' or the prob~cm and c.:op1es ~ doc~ments . complammg around tht.• neighborhood " that support your' clam. Explain what you want · r The Cons umer's Ht'SOun.-c Handbook mdudt'S a basil· guide to wnung a t'ORlplaint letter and gives mformalion on what documt.>nts to include. It also dcS<:f'i\x's outside agl'n<:lt'S that con help, including state, county and ci ty consumer oCflces, Bcttcr Busin~ Bureaus: mn. ... umC'r action panels, etc. What sort of advkl' docs Knauer have for consumers?" done -~a rt>(und, a repair or an exchange. And keep a copy of your letter. Knauer S<ud that ('Orporat1ons in general arc "mon• n•sµon~1vt•' tu ('otll>Umcrl-o than tht•y used to b(> "and not nP<'l'Ssarlly from· at'~; sense <>f altruism. but bt..-cauM: It's plain good business ... It is cheaper for a company to resolve u complaint ~nd satisfy a t'Ustomcr rather than go out into .the markN and gN a new customer." . ~ . Holida.y·~]iopping l?Y mail POST OFF"'ICE By PAT HOROWITZ 01 the Delly Piiot Ste" Aoliday shopping by ·m ail sounds like a good way to save time and energy, but what if your gifts arrive late, da maged or not at all? delivery period is promised, the seller must ship the mercha ndise no later than 30 days after your complete order 1s rC'Cctvcd. Does this rule apply to everything ordered by mail? Jio. The rule cloc-s not. t•over. . photo-finishing. m_agazine subscription -~except for the first issue). COD orders: seed s and plants. er credit orde rs whe re youc.account is not ch arged before the goods are shipped. .. Man y consumers don't know the answers to these and other questions that arise w hen mail-order purchases prove to, be troublesome. The Fede ral Trade . Commission (FTC) reports more mail-order complaints a re received in the post-holiday months of January and February than a t any othe r time of the year. Tne FTC notes most consumers w o complain are unaware of a rule that gives them certain protecljons when shopping by mail -the Mail Order Merchandise Rule. This FTC rule requires the seller to send your mail order goods within 30 days· or when promised, or to give you the option of getting a prompt refund. WbaLshould.1 do.. if m._,,_,__,,o"'"rd=e=r"--=ar:..:r"""iv-'-e=s"------------ damaged or does not fit? Instructions on how to h andle sut'h proble ms arc often included with your order. If the re are no instructions, write the company ,and explain the situation. In your letter, provide all the information tha1 identifies your order, including your account a nd order number, and keep a copy o f your le tter. The company should let you know how to correct the problem. The following list of questions and answers from the FTC can help holiday mail-orde r shoppers avoid problems and know what action to take if a snafu does occur: What can I do if my order is not sent when promised? · You can cancel your order and request a complete refund. The rule requires the seller to mail you an "option notice'' if the promised shipping da te can't be met. This notice tells you the new shipping date and includes a postage-free way for you to cancel your order for a full re fund or to . agree to a new shipping date. If the ,company cannot meet 'the new shipping date, it mus t send you a second option notice. Your order will be canceled automatically unless you sign the second notice and re turn it to the company. If I cancel my orde r afte~ceiving an option notice, when s houlCf my. refund be sent? If your order was paid by cash . check or money order , the rule states that a refund must be mailed within seven business days. If the sale was by credit. the seller must mail the papers that adjust your account within one billing cycle. What if no shipping or delivery date is promised? Under the Mail Order Rule, if no if your o rder has been damaged, you may want to notify the post office or the company that delwcrc.>d the product. Wbat precautions are advisable when shopping by mail? Note the de livery or -shipping time stated in the ad. Order early to allow plenty of time for delivery before holidays. Find out about the merchant's return ~licy. If it is not stated. ask before you order. Note the merchant's name a nd address. and the date you sent your order . Keep a copy of your order form. canceled checks and charge at:coun t records. Check the re putation o( the firm with the Better Business }3ureau ·or a consumer protection· agency. Who should I contact for assistance with a mail order problem? · First, contact the seller and try to resolve the problem lf that qoesn 't w ork, the consumer protection office in your area or in the vicinity of the company may be helpful. Your local postaJ inspector also may be a ble to assist. The Direct Mail Marketing Associauon, an indus try group. m ay help resolve your dispute if you send them a letter explammg the proble m and include copies of relevant documents. DMMA's address cs: 6 E. 43rd Sl., New •I ' York. N.Y. 10017. The FTC also enforces the Mail Orde1 Rule. While this agehcy cannot resolve your individual complaint, information about your experiences cs important to t.he enforcemE>nt of the Act. The FTC Tht> FTC n btes mo ·1 consumf"r ' who complain are unaware of a rult• lha l gives lht•m d•rta in p rolt•t•l ions wh<'n ~hopping by mail lht• Mail Orde r Mt•r <'hanc lise Ruic·. ..: a ppreciates rece iving t'Opies oL your complaint corrc>spondence. For more information, write for a free copy of ":.lake Knowledge Your Partner in Mail Orde r Shopping," FTC. Washington , D.C. 20580. Cho_ose caref Ully when buying · camera for gift Special to Dally Pilot Hgh t, select shutter speeds, and CH(CAGO -Since the le ns ope ning. S e lection of introduction of the Brownie, compacts is massive, but there cameras haVJ.? been as traditional are really two kinds -automatic as the tree (or Christmas, focus and non-automatic focus. appreciated by members of the Auto-focus compacts do what whole, family. their names imply; the)1"foclls Thanks to the microchip. more . a u tom a l i ca I I y • a o t h c ,· people than ever before will be photograph er (particularly able to afford the Jatest models of amateur) can enjoy the luxury of hi-tech compact cameras -workin g with the picture's __ __,.._y.ALO-c.arcy,. almpl R,erate sub~t. These cameras are so and-smalL(sometimes) smarter .. uf.Otnitic, tn act1 tnal n·s nard than a pack ol Ci~afeues). ""for· the photographer to goof Thf' biggesl n(•wR in fixed f o<·us came ras is the rww Kodak Oise 6,000. The 6,(H)() is rccori11nt•ndcd highe!!lt of tht-three new dis<' intros from Kodak, a ll of which help a malt•urs make dear 1>icturf"s. c'Ompacts -zone and fixed locus, AX I (lis.c $145/sells for below a nd bot h are s impl ~· to $80). Olympus also makes a understand. Zone focus cameras recommended zone camera, the require th~ photographer to AX2 (list $160/sclls for less than c hoose a focus selling that $95). Though this three-zone matches ~he distance or the model doesn 't have a built-in subject, which once mastered, flash, Consumers Digest says the give the photographer more acccssorized elt'Ctronk urut will creallve leeway than f.ixed focus work well ·cameras, which can't be adjusted Other tone t-ameras to watch for focus. The fixed system ts set this Christmas are the Minolta • b_y the manufacturer; the H1 -Mntlc S2. with Illuminated pllotograpner can"'t sliool CT"osc-zone.• focus t'hat wm allow tne ups with these. and should avoid photographt>r to adjust distarleell But affording (and knowing muc , QJnft\Oll miJJta kes, are how to buy) a compact Is one eliminated by th~~·-·. thing. Making sure you know competency. GeneraU}' ih~" dim lighting situations. m th<' dark (list S 149/sells f0r Tht> biggest news in fi xed under $1110~. Mam1yu U -a focus ca~ras is the New Kodak futuristic. h1ghly-rompact apace what you're getting ls another. ex pensive of the cornpac t It's essential to know both. cameras, the automatics provide In the November/December i he hi~hest quality of picture lssue of Consumers Digest. with tHe least work. · Alfred de Bat describes 1982 But a drawback to thet4' compacts, d escribing their remarkable cameras. is -they capabilities and making specific .?at batteries! While the camera recommendations. Included in works so hard, it Wies power; two -~, -;..1,,,'I.~.)JP are list priccs,~~hkh >:A All\.il_~ batt~rles (with -'n~0n1umer sh ould "&vo'd discoultt~~ • . )~eel\ paying. They are merely a as much as film. One Canon guideline from manufacturera; sure-shot AF35 owner reported moat p meras can be purchMed she nee4ed batteries after every for a good d~al leas than list three 36-exposure roll1 when price · using flu b, and .iter every five smaller than their btg-.:..Collt. when mixing flash a nd brothers, the Ingle lens reflex. daylight~, compacll can take good pictures, Consumers Digest rates C.non day and night, and their tiny AF35M Sure S h ot (ll1tl'd computerized brain• meuurc; ~240/can be found for •110-130): Ku~ µ.~ W•t 'l 70 c•a be fou~ fi>f .100) and Minolta H I.- Malle AF-2 (liltt $210.~0 can be found for tlOO) 81 thi' overall bt>tt automMlk focus cam<'ras to buy lhh1 ChrlAtmu Non -au tott11t t1 c com pac t cameras will f'nt1ce camera- huntcra this Chrl!nmas, and a huge 11e ll'ctlon of nc-w o ne1 feature desl1n• with battery Hvln1 devices, advanct and Disc 6000 (lists.for $89.95/can be age unit (list11 for $189/setla round for $65). The 6000 IS under $105), ar\d the Konica EF;J, recommended highest of the With fOUT·db1antt 1lteps (lists fol-•• three new disc Intros from $165tsells usually for SIOC)). # .. -- Kodak, au o r Wh}l'h ht•lp It'$ importnnt for shoppen IO I amateurs make clear p1cture1. carefully consider the penonali~J But the disc cameras have hiddt'n of the r't.-ceivcr or the camera. , drawbtw:ks -if the batteril'S fall, An bod 'can ~ke good pfctures n:wlnd. LN\a al ukl·nllXk'l 'a.t:··\k'i~-o'.UAol• " .. ,. ~· &a ·,,,.. ~I. · ~ ·-bu\ a automatics continue to liner rc•turn~ to Kodak. AIS<?, ~nly mns df-ra!" fti1C·1iver will try te retail shelves. and Conaumers om• film Is avallabl.-ASA .2 tM'lcct the camt'ra with the design Digest cautio ns shoppers to wturh only makC's 110lor prints. and capacity that best matches ltl St."arch out new models, optinl And though Kodak claims thai.. c v t-n l u a 1 ow n e r . I s t he for two conwnlt-nct' featurt'I _ di9<' t•Jtlmt'ras will provide c:lear phot~rapher apt to lllkl' outdoor automatic pl'Oll'ammed expoaure. pkturcs up to an 8 x 10 sl.z(•, shot,,. Wlll hc.•/sh(' want ctt.e-up1 and buclt·in eillctromc fluh with ConsuJ'n4•ni Dtgest Mys no; A .J x more nftC'n than not? A good automalk flalh eXpolUl't'. 5 will be-thl' bigett dNr p1c;ture marrla,t> t:>.tween pho\Oll'ap~r c 0 n s u me r1 o 1 1 ".-t • ls 0 \ht• c:JuTW'ra can rnakl' and carn.ra will n\ake thla yNr s fottwama buyera that ttK"re att Othtr recommended tlxed holiday photos the bHt and two lcinds of non-automatic focus ( .. mt'ru are the Olympua brilh lf'!'l rvt'r .. , ••• Orange foHI OAILV PILOT/Thured1y, November 18, 1082 ; . • DEAR ANN .l.ANDF.RS: J am t•nc lusing u <-:olumn writtt•n in 1959. The uuthor i~ DI'. Waller C. Alvarez. for many years u nutl'<i physician with th1• Mayo Clintt•. This column did more to cdu,•ate m e . about homosexuality 0 lhan uhything I ever rcoct." To • t\a ve s poken out this way l n · 1959 took great lOOragc. Time has provl'n Dr. Alvarez knew what he was talking about. 1 hope you will print whdt ht.• had lo say. L A MINNESOTA READER .. . Hol.h vuln ... rabl«. South dNtl• NORTH •KUO · ~ lOA O K98 •AU WEST •QIO l\;1 J96 5 .o QJH2 •J9 SOUTH • A 3 ~AK4 0 A5 3 t:AST. •na v Q732 0 106 • 1087 + K Qe54 Tht! bidding: GOllll 011 ·lllDGI BY CHARLES H. GOREN ANO OMAR SHARIF 4 M Pall 5 (I PH• 5 l'H• •5 N'I' 1• ... 7 + f'H• Pa.. l'H• ' 0 Jll'OlnJC h•111I: ~u ... t•n ol (). Uon'1 'l'lllt• fort h1· ohv111u1 11111'. U you dig d<•1·111·r. yo11 m11<ht (ind u w,1y or rornb1n in1< yO \lr rh1uu·e ... 1•IJ1h'I o\ n So111 h\ l1 v1• h1·11rt '· lh11t would hnw lwt•n lht' -.1•n-1hlt· 1·untrart. W l''ll lt•d l ht• lfUl1l•ll . OI diamond,., and dl't·lurer 11&w thul ht had iw>m~ work lo do. lie had to hnndlt• a loi.t'r 1n 1•11eh rt>d 11uit. Ir sp11tl1•<1 hrokt• !f :t, ht> t:OUfd f\l'l Uri I WO long <1pudC"'I untJ that would be lhai. Hut the percentaae• favored a 4·2 spade divl1lon. Could that l>f' handled'/ t:11~l .. hown out. d1·1•lar•r would h1tv1• had no prohl•m•. llut whtn t:1111L produ<•t•d a 'ip11dt'. dt•1•lur1•r hacl to hop<.1 ro r a (11vorahlt• 1l111lributlon. tQ. t ht' ho~rd with u'" klnlf or diamond• tc~ u•h l hr Int 11p11de for h111 t hlrtHnth trick .' DE AR R E ADE RS: I knew Dr. Wa lter Alvarez. lie was a splendid d octor -kind, compassionate and br:illia nt. When I sta rted to -wrll~ In' 1955 be was one of the first to offer encouragf m ent. ,Here · Is an edlled versl~n of Dr. Alva-rez' column. > • "Man y moth~rs write · me pathetic lellen expressing punlem ent and sorrow over a son who Is not very masculine. Often be is too good-looking for a boy. His interests tend to be a rtistic and· be neve r car ed for a thletics. When be turned Zb or so be b ecame upset because be realized be .was diffe rent. His love inte rests were directed toward ~n. He knew be would never marry and have a South Wett I+· PaN 2 NT. ·paN , 3 0 ~aH North I • 3+ ~. l::H t ..... Pall ..... North Soulli had an overly al{l(rt''i'tht1.' 11111•1 lon lo .1 n odd uic111n1tl l(rand slam. W hrn ~outh nr11 h1•r bid lhrt•t· no lr ump nor · rour sp.1d1·• .. it wu<i oby11111., that hii. t'Ut• hidi. wen• in w11r1•h ol ~ duh i.hun.• With ull hi-; 1101nlo; In primi: vulut'' and ohviou\ly work1nK 0 wt•ll - bt·rauw uf South', Jump lo '" o no trump. Nori h t·oo1>t-r nted 10 lht• h1l1. lluw1·vn. "" .,q?uld hu v1• ~il(nt•d off rn six Yet .._ 1r 1-~ut held three trump• or. ir WH t held the long truro ps and also the long spades. Declarer won the open1nic lead with the ace. rashed lh~ aee and king or trump11 antJ then the ace kinic of 11pades. Next cume .u low spade from the tuble. Jlad lltt rum•d With .J IOW trump: Had 11p.ad ... ,,_ bet'n :J :J, dt•clart•r would have dr11wn Lht> last trump afler WnL followt>d, lht•n croi.sed to the king or dwmond11 lO la kc two di.,t•ards on the establisht-d !tpade11. Uut Wt>11l did not follow, fortun11lcly, he WU ul'!O out or trumps. So no" dcclurer's forcsiicht paid orr, llc cashed hi11 high hearts und ruffed a heart in dummy. lit' ruffed nnoth1.>r i.padl' to wt up the fifth <1pude on lht· table, th~n .dr(•w the la'il trump~ lie 1·ould ,..,illl get back lhltlter ltrld1e cl•lt• tlu·.....-&lie c .. •&ry ... tlM ... , .... ltridc• ..... at. Do they how .... ta.lq Y•• d••'t 7 Cllarlu Gore•'• '"Feur·Deal Bridie" will teacla yo• dae 1&ruepe1 ucl tacUu of tW1 fut·pece actiH , ... ta.at provWH tile c.,.o for uaeacllq nblten. For a copy ucl a 1eorepecl, M•cl 11.75 to "Gorea·Fow Deal," care of tlll1 newepaper, P.O. BH Z59, N'orwood, N.J . 07648. Make clleckl payaltle to Ne••paPfrbooks. , • -. f~mlly. . · · "I. don't know bow anyone could fall t0-.lee1 sy{Dpatby for a n unhappy lad who bas Inherited a tendency to be more like a woman tbl n a m an. Certainly he Is not r esponsible for the genetic and glandular m ix-up 'that we nt wr ong. As I' was . w!iting this I stopped fo r two hours fo talk with a . yeung ma n who told me be ta kes out girls and ho~s one day to m a rry. But be knows it is danger o u s because he feel s s u c h a strong attraction for, good-looking men. He realll'es such friendships can be hazardous ancl is fighting ha rd ta stay away from them . · -- • HOIOSCOPf BY SIONEY O~ARR Friday, ~vember 19 . ARIES (Marc.:h 2 1-April 19): You receive sm1sfal0lion of knowing that judgment wm; corr~·t w h en· pun·hast• w as t·onct'rncd. · TAUR US (April 20-May 20): Empha~1s on t•om mumcation. travel. spiritual growth and lonJ!· rnngt· legal dl'c1s1ons . GEMINI jMay 2 1-Jum.• 211): You'll be mvolv<.>d in. money "transaction whkh a ffects numer o us 1wrsons. Accept responsibility, strive to understand po t t•nlla l. · rt'8pullSl-s dominate you'll w nsc whPn sqmethmg of 1mportanct• is lo occur . LIB~A (S<>pt. 23-0ct. 22): You'll have more working room. Surroundings will be more pleasant, you'l l fc<.•I (rt•(• to inviw fr it•nds . -. SCORPIO (Oc.:t. 2:3-Nov. 21): Decision reached HI t•onnN'llOn With properly~ SCcUrity _and the closing of transnct1on. Trip could ~ o'"! agenda .. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dc.-c. 2 1): Emphasis on crt•utivc challenge, ability to obl.<.lin needed material and chance to rl'C:oup financial loss. · CAP~ICORN (Dec. 22 .. Jan. 19): Patie nce ts rewarded. Special honor rould be bestowed. Focus ~n individuality, possible restoration . of land title and return of harmony LO d om<'Stlc front. AQUAIUUS (Jan.· 20-Fcb. 18): Action occurs behind S£,"C'nCS. F'ocus on ins titutions. organizations and fina ncial contribu tions. Comm unicate wit h md1viduaJ who aided cause in recent past. "He had gone to sever al psychia trists and found no help. Som e of the wisest doctors toJd him they doubted that anyone could change bis sexual preference, a ny more than they could change the ps ychic make-up oJ a beterosex1tal who adores bis wife. "Let ~ put ll this way. Only a turkey has thl' right to movt: that fast this time of the year." CANCE~ (June 21-July 22): Finish rather than m1uate pr~l. You can sut-ccssfully s howcase sp<•<:ial material or product. LEO (J uly 23-Aug. 22): Optimism is restored; job gets done, you look forward to ne w contacts. PISC~S (Feb. 19-March 20): You ge t what you p wan t -powers of persuasion will be.succ-essfuUy utilizc.'CI. Scenario highlig hts romance, money and "I urged· h im t o avoid doing anything that might <!&use him to be blackmailed Ol" tbrown 1r 1 .. --------- jall. I said I hoped he would neve r marry to put up a fronC. ·Jt is a miserable trick to play on a girl." Dr. Alva rez died in 1978, too soon to enjoy· the progress made by homosexua ls In the area of civil . rights a nd s·ocla'I acceptance that bad been denied the m too long. His "born w rong" theory certainly bolds true for la rge numbers of homosexuals. But many a uthorities now have documented cases in which ther e is no genetic or hormonal problem. The deviation occurred a t an early age because of environmenta l fa~tors. It could be an absent or punitive fa ther, an overly s mothering mother , any number of situa tions tha t might affect the em otional development and send a person in an unus ual d i r ec t io n . Nor d i d Dr. Alvare z acknowledge that m any hom osexuals are coi:ate nt with their lifestyles and would not choose to be straight. , I would like to pay tribute to a kind and gentle man who bad the courage to speak out on this subject in a sympa the tic way at a time when it was pro~ssional!Y da·ngeroos to do, so. H~ was a model of what every physic ian should strive to be. How to -and how much? Find our wirh Ann Landers' n<.'w booklet. ··How. What. and When LO Tell Your Child About Sex." For your copy send 50 cents along w11h a .Jong. swmped. sell-addressed envelope to Ann Landers, P.O. Box 11995. Chicago, l/J. 60611. . POT SHOTS .~Y ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT MV THOUGHTS ·- ARE FREE TO GO ANYWHERlr i. e,uT 1-r"'S .SURPRIS ING ~ow Os:T~N Tl;tE Y HE'AD I"" YOUR 01R£CTION." EYE OPENERS ... leg lengtheners •.. foot flatterers. . , \. The naked city s[al . for dress. by day r ; night. Strippys • for curve . Slim~Jligh heels for ve~~~t~p. Look. And yjela. to tempfatfon. • .... - •Annou~ )'OUfMlf with .Joyce .. _ "Shana" 14909 . ~. H""/Jl£!J • RUFFELL'.S UPHOLSTEltY • ... 11a ..... .-s... I '22 HAalOI IL YO. COSTA MIU -541-J IH DRY NAILS INCREASE WITH AGING ·~: R. Ph. n ftrzji f'mgt>r and thl' toe naab that pc.>el. spllt and break can be both a d11turbang41hyslcal and appC!aranet• problem Senior c-1llwns l'.h1efly have this trouble Nail flex1b1hty depends pnmaraly on the •InOUnt of moisture n:-1<11ned Bl'<'ause of low winter temperature outside .1nd heating inst<fo. hum1d1ty dro ps: permitting thf.>. s(trroundmg air to absorb rnoasture from the s kin . le~ang to ex~ve ~ Avood conuicw with drytn& liquids. and every night mu.age, a good"n0Unahln1 cream tnlO the sktn and on tJle nails YOU OR YOUR l>OCTOR CAN PHONE <US when you need a d elivery We will defaver promptly without extra charge A .great many people rely on us for their health neech We wekomt' requests for dt'hvery Rr~ and c-harge act'OUnU ". . .. - #14 FASHIOM ISLAND, MIWPOIT llACM 17 I 4t 644-4111 • #17 MAIM S1lllf, ALHM _. IJ I It lft·M71 . . • I ...... • i -· • . ·---.. - · frl'!>h corK:cpi,s. . VIRG O (Aug . 23-Scpt. 22): Emo tional new friends. ' · ' Here .Comes Scinta Claus your f•v~rite ChrlstmH ·c.rols will be sun g by the A~I ~~;.~ChQrus with j>errorm,ncet ,, : 6:00·7:00~8:00 P."'1 . Complimenfary Hot Chocolat,e will be served to all. I .. ---. SoutlfU>ast Plaza. ViUage _ Located at Sunftower & Bear Streets Santa Ana. CA 92704 • (714) 751-6595 .. .. I . C~OC'1 ~~~.ive Director Harold W. Wa4e, right, with BOb and Wmnle ~c~y. -· . . · . P·ad*'fuos se~t · ne . ,.1 ' , officers More thatt. Pad~ showed for the group's Ma ry Gladman was chairman or the gourmet fourth annU'.a.li d6ftner al the ~heim Marriott lo d inner ich featur.ed entertainment by vocalists see ~ new ~la$t:; of officers ~ke over next year's Jan Kno llon and Paul Harms. c ttvatidl. · • I . The an-rP-11 .support grou p is starting its ~ f<lirth y~•.ll f~ raising f~r Crularen's Hospital • of ·Oran1e1 ~ty. It has 600 members on its '"'MEM ERS HIP BRUNC H: Janet Aengst hosted a m bership brunch in her Corona del.Mar home for t e new Coast Communities Guild ·of Pacific SymRhony. More than 35 attended and heard Keith Clark, t.'Onduclor. who was there with his wife, Doris and Marcie Mulville, discuss the support group's plans. Mary Joh nson is president of the group which encomJ?38St'S the beach cities and inland lo Irvine. · · n1embership ~e. · - I ' Supe~ Tom Riley installed Donald BaiJey Michal H~' Mel Miller, Fred Salter, Dal~ Paisley and • __ ter D. Douglas. Robert McCurdy ,.... presldilyt Ullf1 YNf· " : \' ' . . . , Ja~net A.,..,,:1, Kellh Clark a nd Lorraine Lippold. . ·, • : ':· ·; Holiday Greetings •f' .. from -~-. ,<· .. • . A~qµ_e .s ou' ·efitlre stock of fabulous fur~ reduced fr.om ~(' . •, . . ' .... .;. • )1 tl . t; ; ' ' I ' • • .... •' I . ; ' ~ .. 1;.t. : If, ,·,. I ~ ·.15°/o TO 50o/o . 100's of exclusively · designed .furs from M. Jac,QUB~ including . • natural mink, sable. Cat Lynx, Canadian Lyme, Ermine, Broadtall, Sheared BeavEtr·, Nature' Red Fox, Starlight Fox, Misty Blue Fox, Indigo Blue Fo x and Sliver Fox. Also the finest quality Blackglama and Black W}.llow Mink and others too numerous to mention. Sizes 4 to 40 Memo to Men: Achieve the splendld • surprise ... Our expert staff wHI assist you In selecting the right fur. · · : Full exchange privileges, of course. · • ' ' .... <.. ,..,., Fwr#tlr Skloe ff;Q ' ~RS AND MANUFACTURERS OF WORLD'S FINEST FURS • f4 ION ISLAND -NEWPORT CENTER, NEWPORT BEACH tu4-4H 1 • , , r · • STORE HOURS: 10 AM to 5:;10 PM MONDAY •nd FRIDAY 10 AM to ~ PM SUNDAY 12 Noon to 5 PM .. . . . . Orange Co•t DAILY f'ILOT IThufldey, No¥9fllber 11, 1112 a ... MERVYar&.~ .. ._ I -... ' . . starts ·Friday, 9:30: a~m~· many limited quantities ... not all sizes may be available in each grouping ... colors and styles limited to stock \ on-hand, so shop early for best selection! • 1n our Huotingto.n e ·each store women's sportswear ·buy~ for boys • NOW 13 ACTIVE Co-oRDINATES .. .. .. .. . .. ....... 98c . _ NOW 17 JUNIOR IUN TOPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ 98c 23 BOY'S SUNGLASIEI ..................... lie 234JUNIORJEE StlRTS ...................... 98c 11 UNDEAC>089 UNDERWEAIL ... ~ ......... lie 10IJU'*>R TEE StMTS ....... ·. : ............ 1.98 95 BIG BOY'S 8. ILY . ....,.. ............ :-. . lie 5t_.8'co-oROINATES ...... : .......... 1.98 27UTTLEBOY'8~.8LY.ll•UT8 ........... -.lie 41LAROE81ZETOPS .... : .................. 1.98 53UIJLEBOY'8PLAIDll•UT8 ............ 1• 12311111E9'PANTTOPS .................... 3.91 11 lllOBOY'88.9LY.ll•llS .............. 1.98 44JUNIORYEST8 ........................... 3.98 11UTTLEBOY'8JACKETS ................ 2.11 13JUNIORPUUOYER~f ..................... 3.18 4180Y'8 LILV.COU>..RED....,.. ....... 2.11 31JUNIORCARDIGNIS ...................... 3.18 31 BOY'IJACKETS ....................... 3.41 131 JUNIORTOPI ........................... 3.18 57FAllOUSllAKER8tlRTS ... .' ........... 5.98 31JUNIORPANTTOPS ....................... 3.18 5381GBOY'SPANT8 ...................... 7.98 102JUNIOR8HIRTS ... : ..................... 3.98 29FAllOUSllAKERJACKET8 ............. 1.98 33••E1'8KIAT8 .... · · · ............. ' ...... i .18 buys for men ·-··PANTS ...... l.( .•••••••• " •••.•••. 1.98 I •CASUAi.JACKETS .................. : .... 1.98 · NOW •LAWllZE•ANTTON ......... '. ........ 1.98 41DREUIOCK8 .................... .' ..... lie • 131 JUNIORCAIUAL PANTS ................. 1.18 47 PRlfTTEEI . , ......................... 1.98 . 111•1U•OU1D ....................... 1.98 43TIES ................................... 1 .. •J!INIOR PANT TOPS ....................... 1.18 33 IHORTS ............................... 2.11 llJUNIORCCM>RDlllATES .................. 9.'8 111 COLLEGE TEEi ....................... 1 • 37LAWllZE8WEATEM .................. 9.18 llPLAIDll•Cll ......................... 3• ALAWllZEUW.-8ENDOYER89 ........ 9.18 41 POLYDilllTIRRYllMCll ............ 2.11 1•JUNIORDRmYPANT8 ........ , ....... H .18 1218.ILV.Tm .. ~ ...................... 2.11 41JUNIOR BNTTANIA• JEANS ............. 15.98 21 LILY. ACRYLIC UCIS ................ it• women's dresses NOwi 111 8CR&NPWTCOLURED11•11• ... _ ..... -~ I 771.ILY.COUJ.REDSIUCIS ............. .... ,OJUNIORDAaSES ........ ~ ...... ·-.. ~ ..... 5.98 111WEATPANT8 ......................... it• 27 HALFllZE DRESSES ...................... 9.18 471WEATJACICETI ...................... it• llJUNIORDRDIQ ....................... 1 •. 18 AGENTLlmlrl~ll ACQ .... .. 17WES'DREllES ...................... 14.18 31POLYEITERTIMYVEIOURSl .. ll .... 4 .. 31...U'DRESSES ................. '. .... 19.18 45GENTLamrSCOLUREDWil ...... I• 37 ... ES' DRESSES ...................... 29.98 115ACTIVEWEAR8EPWTE8 .......... ~. 5.98 ling,erle, loungewear NOw •DAESSILACKI ........................ •• • 31 UGHTWEIGHT JACK£TS ................ 1.98 117ILIPS, CAmOLES ...................... 1.18 33 FAMOUS llAKERSPORTStMT9 ....... 11 • 35BRA&a-.-........................... 1.18 . 1sLoi1NGEM ........................... : .. 1.18 · shoes for the family 73 DORtl 8tlRTS ........................... 3.98 71 LONG ILUPWEAR ......•.....•....... __ • 3.91 J7 IHORTILEEPWEAR .....•..... · .......... 3.18 13 IL&P8tlRTI ............. ~ ............ 5.98 20UNFOMITOPS ..........•............... 5.98 11 HOSTmLOUNGERS .................... 7.98 10 ILE.EPWEAA ............................. 7.18 -NOW -30SWEATTOWEL8(SHOE DEPT) .. _ ....... 41c 15 YOUTHI' ALL PUrJ:sOSECLEATS •...... 3• 30WOMEWS .. llDO_. SHOES ....... &• IOWOMEN"SDRDSIHOES ............... &• 21WOMEWSTB••IHOE8 ...• '. ......... &• 5 llEN'I LEATHIRCAIUALS .............. &• 1111EN'SCMUALS ...................... 7• women's accessories NOw 21 CHAISTMMORNAllENTS .................. 2lc 30WOllD'SDRDSIHOES ............. 10• . 33~ ............................. :.: ... lle II HAIR ACCE88l>RIEs ................... • .... lie 73BELTS ..................................... lie 29 DREISER ACCESSORIES ................. 1.18 411CARVD ........... ·····-·············· 1.18 111LEGWMmRI .......................... 1.98 40CHLDREN'STENMllHOE8 ........... 10• 11 llEN'I WORK BOOrl ................. 11• 20 ...... CAIUALIHOES ............... 15• 20mmnDRD1900T1 ................. 11• 1ommrsJOGG1NGSHOE1 ....... , ... " ... 11• 17WOMEWSFAIHIONBOOT8 ............ .. 118HOll(ACCEU.DEPT.) ................. 3.18 f h · · .. ra .... ,, .............................. 3 .. ·.or your .ome •CANVMHANDeAOS ...................... 3.18 .. . NOW infants and toddlers 17 PLACEllATS ........................... lie NOW 111WAIHCLotH8 ........... .' ............• 41WATPPM>OFDIAPERCOVPI lie llHANDTOWILi · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·······.lie *~5::::;;:; ; ... ~~~17·~:~::::::::::~ 11TODDLIRGIRl.8'¥ANTSETI ............ 7.98 · ~ ................... . DUTMTOWELI ........................ 4 •• b~rs for girls • 11DRAPU ..................... '. ........... . NOW • 27WMIMIDIHDT'I ................. 11a • •MGR.I' TUR TOPI .................... Zic jew•lry buys ·. 13'Gllt8'~ ............... : .... 1.98 • 4NOW ta ...._TllNIWIUIUTI ·.: .......... ., ..... 1.. . 11 IHOILACewtllTLU .. , . : ............ lie 11"""'9 .................. : .............. 2.98 20~Ta.NICKLACU .. : .. : ........ lie a•GILl'RO• IM ................... 2.98 IOPAC-llW,_ ....................... 41c 71UTTLl-.a'aoulb .......... ······ 2.11 -DJOGGIM'WATCHD ·-~ ............ 11a •1 PAllOUI llAICIRTOPI ...•..........•... 2.98 11 GAMIWATCHD ... : ................. 11• 1•w~w11 ..................... 3.M -41ICl9CNIM ..................... · ... •. : .... 3 •• ,, ................................. . •• _..,Miii ............ ~ ............. . ·e.,•••N ....... ~¥.:._'t'~~~_,. ~ J:'tl 17111C,...,....,..... .............. . allGGIM.ll OVllW.LI .................. •·• •MCllW.l'ucaHTwmHT JACKETI ...... 7 •• ... Huntington Beach • 9811 Adams .Ave.1 at Brook~urst ~t. • 963-973~ . . • .... J r I , . ·- . Coaat DAILY PILOT/lhur aday. NovQmber 18. 1982 iPerf ormi~g f O[ kicks· . At the annuul parent-te~cher. variety s how at. Andersen . chool in New.port Beac h,'.Jim Kelly, Rich llawlcy, Tom Jayred and Bruce Harriaigton will do 44lley Big Spend~r." Sue llousd t•n, Carmen Smith,.Pauy White, Na ncy Harrington, Carol P ett•rsell,· ue Warmingto n, Lesley Ke nley, Kay Lesh~ ue Bise and Mih•i Va nderslice will perform HCaba ret." Tickets arc $2 \ ' for the s hows 11t 7:~0 p .m . Friday and utunlay a nd i: 3:30 p.m. unday on the campus at 900 Port Seabour1w ·Way. . ... ( . I ' .. r~ . Antique s~iw Huntington Center mall today thru Sun. Last show before Christmas. .. NOTICE .i ·.WHAT CoNGRESS CREATED;~ To clerlty our Turkey FIDELITY FEDERAL · -" gift certlftcete off~r In • . . • the Seere November 17th edvertlalng HC· Uon, the offer •ppl'1• \ I di•• eppearlng In the only to the merchen-• IMPROVED. center .·1preed ed (paeff .,,_d 5) or eny . eppllenc• purch•M of . $150 or more, or $100 • 2 purchH• of furniture ' t . 5001 or carpeting. We •In· Eam ·•· /0 tnterest·now, with FldelltJ Federal's cerely regret the feet , . . ·Free Phone ~~=~~~:· rn~~:::.':°r: new MoneJ Mark~t Plus A£cou~ th• 9d. It's the best deal in town. guaranteed. · . Because if) addition to·the high money m arket rates and insured safety t · ~n~wHt~~~.~~~n 2~;,;: authorized ~Y Co ngress. Money Market Plus gives you instant' a~cess. and (all Home ~ill give away over . Fidelity Federal's own com prehensive package of free banking services. 15,000 3 . min. long Is I . And you don't have to 'wait. . . cfrstance phone calls for ears Oper:l an Ea rly'Sign-Up.Mo ney Market Plus Account now. with a the holidays. Just vis;t \fAO\IOflU( ... ..O(O deposit of $5000 or more . and you'll earn 12.50% bonus interest t il l the Ma..ooli-OO)Ht)()(l'*A-P'---llllil!l!l-111!!11!!!1!!!!!11!!~-December 1 5~ Then we"ll automatically transfer your money into yo'ur in the ~enter of the mal~. fully insured Money Market Plus Account:where it's guaranteed to • . , Holiday Gas . ! BA1:l-B-Q SALE I . : l I I ."AMCO . ~~'"ui:as Sv11pt;-- Spttlallzi1Jg. fa IM coordln11tlon ai IM dttortdlY_~ luuflwan for your pro}ttt. · Flnlshttl hardware for: • I • l>OpRS, BATH, KITCHEN, J ' ' , , • t .. I I ' I I ·~ I -BARS, CABINET AND BA TH ACCESSORIES . ... ('.714) 642-4184 .CloMd MOIMlay1 15t4 Newport Blvd. Cam r.ta.. c.lif. ·'2627 I . . ~ . OPEN ·uoUSE 4 • • ·November 21-27 . "' . f'o u ~re lnvited ·~--... - ,. . t •• ,to visit our READING ROOM . ~ ·. ~ .. during , .• National Bible Week ) :1' .: ~, r. ~ • .. -. • • J Com~ ~nd vieJ o ur d i~play of the ' · many ed~ions of' the K ing James . Versjpn .of 1tlie Bibfe together w ith • an abundance of Bible aids for those seekinJ~rispiracion, g,uidance and lf~aling in die Scriptures. . . . • : ·•. · · .. ~rf1tien Sc.~tt Readl"I Room ~~ 3... ~·~ . : ~ (£ntr11nct on ;V1rN~~1u) ' • -&rona del Mat. Ca hforni• • ~ (714) 675·4661 • llour.; , • Wttid1V8 Q 6 • •• ' S.1 /1).5 • ' Sun J.~ • CJoe,d l'h1nf~1w1~ " . ' . 1w.· ~. • • ' earn high money market interest rates . . MoneJ Mm'ket Plus II the best .deal In toWn. Guaranteed • MoneJ Mai1let Plui. Better than a moner fund. Every Money Market · Pl us Account is insured to $100.000 by the FSblC. • .,-· Moner Market Plus. Better than a sweep. Al I funds eo rn high 'money market interest. No low-earning chetking balance : .. requirea. · ~, . , . · .. Monerf1arketPlus.~eaderaccess. Funds tire always immediately avai la ... ble: Yo u can~even· tra.tJSfer·to your . Fidelity Fed Checking Account by phone , ......., ...... Plus.More free Nnklng ~'(our Money Market Plus Acco'unt automatically qualifies you for service-· · . e,;/~"'"? charge free 5~%' Interest Checking with . ;,; . • · . · no minimum balance requirement. and . · / · ~ other free banl_(ing·services of The / .. / I Grand Award . Plus a VI SA Ca rd with • ... · no mo nthly or annual fees a·nd · overdraft protection up to $5000 for qualifyi ng customers. - ·Open yout'Eatly Sign-Up Money Mad<et Plus Account now. and start earning 12.50% b on us interest . ~ Just stop by any Fidel ity Federal o ffice or use the coupon to open your . account by mail. M oney Mar- ket Plus. It's the best deal in town. guaran teed . we're on·JOClr Mcie. .,; [~ily 'io~n ttp A<\;QUnl JS 001 .i ''''"~S ~«1'un1 .inJ r>ot •n~rt'd bvt r<o>t~lt'd •lld h1df\I b~ US Co• .. inm.-nt "«u 1111~ \lun<')' ~..rt Plus ... tcoun1 ·~ nwrN 1115100 000 b)' I~ fSllC '°"''' '""'"' do.'PM•I S~ 000 . . " • .. ' t • . ' . t f. . -a.....-..__.__ .. -- -.~ . .... ' . . . . . . . ·. ~ . . • . . . ) ~nd . J rY\ tef/IYJ9 'f()IJ fhe .· . ·" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . •• "JI> .• . .. Orange Co SI DAILY PILOl /Thuraday, Novesnbtr 18., 1982 ,--------------~-=--------------~-------------------------------...:....:.._ __ _ TH£ t'r\'91Ll' ·.claCl'I by 811 Keane "Mommy! The. toilet won't stop tinkling." "--'R'9ADLKE by Brad Anderson .r "Marmaduke likes all kinds of puppies ... even human!" _)LOGE PARKElt YES. SAM! IT'S MFic COULD '10\) MAKE our .(No HI& NUM&ER ONE WHO lHE MEN WERE eov ... &COTTY' IN THE STATION ~N. CHAF1.LEY1 ~ ~ 0 0 ACROSS 48 Grass genus wEDNHOAY'I 11so11ted 49 High pelk PUZZLI IOLYID rocb 50 Brit tltle 6 SPlnlll't cries 54 Ell1h "1111 10 Ticket plft . 5 7 Scorch 14 Roed mlklf 58 Rodent• 15 Compolilion 59 Rlll9t plrt 18 n..,, rrvef 60 One II - 17 Oilp1tch boat 61 COlster 18 HOUM Ptant: 62 Buckle • 2 words .63 FOfm 20ClllllQI deeOt · OOWN 21 Hlfmllll 22 M•ture t Jlbboom 23 AdjlClflt • 2 Spetunlcer's 26 Army rlllk pltce 27l'urill 3 KMn 30 Aom1n VIP 4 Echoing beck 24 Comp. pt. llener ~~ 5 Bdw~ llgn 25 Thoma -4 IF.-nt IOUfld If. ~t:..I ...... 210ftall••· .... #._,, ,, 33 &#mount n1td tHtn 44 Cepturt 38 £11Y11e 7 Burden 21 -vlUll 45 Treee 37 Some h«MI 8 Building p1rt 28 rmmorll 4t MY111•• 3' Hlnct!,I dMntty 9 Peru money 29 lnequlllly 4 7 Cofntllrie 3t •own1t 10 OigetlMI 30 Stupid '' Allln gi,,/f 40 Snootier Shot 11u1c1 32 w .. 1 model s 1 Melody • •IGGEOaGt: 41 ..... 1 t Threefold 3t Pttpwllloi 1' 52 Tiit Mount• 42 ,...._. 12 Not,~ 35 Exceed 53 Old pronoun ~~-+- lllUCll t 3 Beltlt of IN 37 DtleM 55 T emit lflOf 44 "owldll . 38 Kind of fut>. 51 Common 41 Mtrqtltd tt Otlginlte 2 worde oonlflCtlon 47 ""'91't Ntt 21 llngf' 40 - -1 5 7 D1no11ttp f • \ by Virg il Partch (VIP) UNl'TI "lt'I I llYlng." Hank Ketchum .... ~ ~-=: •'H r: by Harold Le Doux THEY DON'T KNOW ME.ON ~! OPtOP ME OFF IN F~ Of: THE H08PIT~! THEN YOV CAN °"'W ~O &AC~! TONY MUST eE WARNED' Jai. No. MAAM .. J DON'T KNOW THE AASWB .. ~ t i-IS • t 'l 'NK,. 1'1NKER8E1'N HAVE lJOO EV8'. ~ED I~ 1ME MllJlAAt..,) ~ • by Chart• M. Schulz -------~ T CALl OM ME FOR TME NEXT FEW YEARS MOONS i..n~~ 1HA1 PO SOME1Hll\IG" i'O ME:. c I ' J I I " . J • by Ernie Bushm1ller HERE'S YOUR MEXICAN JUMPIN6 PRIZE FOR BEANS WINNING THE POTATO SACK HOP, SLU660-- ~ .. I FEEL HURT WHEN YoJ ~'r'ft,.~ 1Z> ME, LIZ. I FEEL ALL~. - .. lfT. SOFA CHOICE OF STYLES ANO COVER~. WIDE SELECTION OF COLORS. .. -... ... It you've put aside your decoratll(lg dreams tor a lovelier living room untd you find a real value ... here's the answer to those dreams, all the finer quality features usually found in sofas regulartr ..aHng for SI00.00 to 11,000.00. TWO WEEKS .seg)·-5· 00 ONLY . . • . .. ~ U L.OVE SEA TS ()NL Y '~95 H.J.GARl\Elf fU~NITU~E HOURS: DAILY 10 -6 •SUN. 12-4 2215 HARBOR BLVD., COSTA MESA• 646-0275 ~ ' . PlBJC NOTICl "8.IC NOTICE Nu: NOTICE Ml.IC NOTICE .. IC-41J11 YOUAM•DIPAUL.T~A C#ll111 YOUAM•DIPAULTUNDIJIA ~cown °" Dll:D 0, TRUIT DATl:D NOTICI °' TMMTDI' IAU DllD O' TRUIT D~TID C~ONU HllTl ... R n, 1111. UNLlll T.a. No. 11111' ,._,AllY 11, ,_, W&all YOU CINTRAL ORANa. COUNTY YOU TAlta ACTION TO PROTl:CT No\lemMr 24, 1982 •t 11:00 a.m. TAICI ACTION TO PllOTICT JUDICIAL IMITJllCT YOUR PROflHTY, IT MAY II FIRST AMERICAN TIT l E YOUR PROPl:llTY, IT MAY II 100 Clwtc Ctr. Df. W... IOU) AT A llUM.IC IAU. • YOU INSURANCE C 0 MP ANY. a 10LD AT A "*-IC IM.a.• YOU len'8 AM, CA N11D AN IXPLANATION Of TMI Calilomla corporlltlon, u Truat .. , Nm1D Alt IXPLMAT10N OF TMI , LA I .. Tl,,.: p" ILL" ... NA TURI: 0' THI: "'OCHDINQ q' 9UCCMIO< TruatM or SUbetltuted NAT""9 °' TMI NOClllMNO MUTCHIRION and MAlllY I . AQAINIT YOU, YOU IHOULD TtullM, of lhll certain Deed ol AQAINIT YOU, YOU IHOULD HUTCl9RION CONTACT A LAWYIA. Truat HKUlad by Fatemah M CONTACT A LAWY'lll. ft. NOTICI: Of TRUITl:l:'I IAl.E ABDI, an unmarrl.0 woman, and NOTICI: Of TRU8TD'8 IAU NnNDANT: I~ t. mil. T.a. .... -1ec0tdad Septambel 11, 1979 a1 T.I ..... -IMIRLl:Y c. Niil, WllTl:RN NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. 11181 lnalrumenl No. 9455, In Book 13304, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. lh8t MUTUAL I IC R 0 W oa W~I)'. Novamw 24. 1982, Paga 1966. Olllclal Record• ol on W~naacl8Y. Novembet 24, 1982. CORPORATION, • Callfer•I• al 9:00 o'docll a.m. ol Mid d•y. In Or1nga County; Calllorn1•. and et 9:tlb o'clock a.m. of Mid day, In _,.,."°'" fNTZ QLMIDJl. Mil Iha room Mt allde for conducting purauant 10 that oertaln Notice of .the room aet ulde tor concluctlna DOSI 1 ........ 10, ............_ Truat•'• s.i... Within tha olficaa of Dalaull tlleraund9f ,,cor~ July TruetM'• S... within Iha officea ol caota COMPLAINANTI: REAL ESTATE SECURITIES 13, 1982 H ICI lnttrumant No. REAL ESTATE SECURITIES -1 L -. ... ........, c. SERVICE. louted •• 2020 North 82-240208, 11'1 Book of Olflclal SERVICE. fcic81ed •• 2020 North --BfoedWay, &Iha 20e, In the City of Recotde of·uld County, will under Bfoedway, Sulla 20I, In Iha City of • ft. San'8 An8. County of 0r-.. State and purauant to Mid Deed ol Trual s.nta Ane, County of 0r-.. State ~a.Tl:,._..__, of Celllornla·, REAL ESTATE Mllatpubllcauctlonlorcuh,lllwful of Celllornla, REAi. ESTATE M. MUTCHIRION, •ARY I . SECURITIES SERVICE, a Callfornla money ol the United Stalaa of SECURITIES SERVICE. a C811forn'8 HUTCMl:RION, WllTl:RN corporetlon. H duly appointed Am«lce. a cuhlet'1 check ~ble corporation, aa duly appointed MUTUAL I IC R 0 W Truatee under and purauant to Iha 10 Mid Trull• drewn On a 11ate or Trust .. uilder and putlUMI to Iha CORPORATION, a Callfer11I• po-r of Hie conlarr.O In that national bank. a 11a1a or ladaral power ol aala conlarted In that c~~~··· ANNA M. ROM cer18ll\ Deed of Truat a11aculad by Cfadlt unl<H>, or a elate or federal certtlln Dead of Truat allea.lllld by I: me .. PNTZ • AlmR, JUDITH C . PETERS EN . who uvlng1 and loan auoclatlon THOMAS J . LA NPHIER and 8Rd DOSI t ....... 10. ......_ ecquir'ed tltta M Judy C P91er_. domlclllld In thll 1tete. at the m8ln MAR 0 ARE T L l AN PH IE R, • macMlle ON recorded Sec>tambet 2t. IMO. In antra.flc• to Flr11 American Tiiie '-blind and ...,., .. joint lanWltl, ~ 8ool! 13783 of Offtdal Recotdl of lntwanc:e Compeny IOC•t.ct at ,114 rac:orctecs Febtuwy 17, 1982, In !tie · C-.... 1t917 •'aid County, at page 1518 . EMIFllth Slreet.lnthacltyol Senta office ol the County Recorder ol NOTICl:I Y" ..e.. .._ ..e. Aacordal''• lnem-t Ho. 40010, Ana, Calllornla, •II th8t right. t~ 1ald County, a1 Recorder '• Tiie-'.., ~ ........ ,_ by ,...,,.. ol a breedl or default In and Inter•• conveyed to and now lnllrument No. 82-054158, by .._. ,_ ..._. ~ .... payment or ~rformanca ol 1h• held by It under Nici Deed of Trust rauon ol a bleach or delaull In ,_,........ .... • .,._ ..._ obllgatlon• aacurad thereby. In the property 11tuat.O In uld payment or perfOf'manoe ol Iha lllle ......,.,, c ....,., lncludlna Iha! brHCh or default. County and State deac:rlbed •: o bll ga1ton1 aecured tharalty, If you \IWWI lo_. Iha~ of Notice ol wtlidl w-. ,_dad .My l.:OC 3 of Tract No. 70M •per Including llltlt brMCll or clef8Ull, an attorney In lhl• m•ll•r. you 30. IN2, • Aacordar'• lnatrumanl Mep rac:orded In eoe. 328, Pagaa 8 Notice of wtllctl -~.My lflould do ao promplly ao ttlet )'Out No. 12·285047, WILL seu AT to 11 lnc1u11va ot Mlecell•neou1 22, 1N2. • Aac=ordal''• "*""'-'1 Wfltlen responM, II any, m.y be PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE Mepa In Iha office of Iha c-tty No. 82-254340, WILL SELL AT llladonllme. HIGHEST BIDDER,FOA CASH, AacordarofNklcounty. PUBLIC AUCTION TO THIE . A'VtlOI Uatecl ... a l cl• IRfulmoneyofthaUnltecl ..... bcepca•oll.ollrlgllll,mlnetata, HIGHEST BIDDER ,0 .. CASH. -..-"4M9. I I trlMMt ,,.._ Of a CMflier'• Check dr-on • minerel r'lgftt•, netural 9Q,• t1gtlta. lewful ~of the United at...., .....,_.,.Ull.. a ......... or nMlolW b8nl(. ..... or and o ther hyd rocubona by Of.~·~ on ...... or ....... U11. ,....... .....,.. .._.. cndft ""'°"· or .-NI• or ""*--"-Thet may netlon•l "benll, a 1ta1e or lederal ......... &.. .. tfmJl1r ... ...,.....,.,_afldloenaMOC'e'kln Ila •lthln or under aald land. aedlt union, or a ..... or 19deral ...-.. domldlld 111 ihla ........ ~et toQllMr wl9I Iha perpe4u11 rlgh1 of 1aw1n1• • anCI ioen eHoclaHon .. I Uatad d,UH 1ollcl1u el Iha tllM ()(...._ .. ~ uae end drllllng, mining, Hplorln9, enCI dolill 1da.it111e ....... .,.._ .. conMto d• un abooacto en "'• i.teraat Mid by It, .. TruatM ,•ln operattno tMrafor, end a1ortng In the llfne ol ..... ,_ 1ltla end 1 I unto , dab a r r a ha c ar Io tllal 1_.i pro.,_,y 8'tuate In Mid and remG'llng Iha -If-Mid lntereet Mid l9y n, • Truat.. In lnwn9dlatMnenta, de .... menara, County and State. cSeacrlbed H land or eny other 18nd, lndudlng the that ra .. ptoperty 11tuete In l8id au rempueata eacrlta. al he)'..-, follow9: riglll 10 wfllPllOdl or dlfec:tlonelly C°"nty end State. deecrlbed H P'ieda -raglattade a lfernpo. Lot 5 of Tract 5005 • pat l'NIP drill and mine lfom l8nd9 ocher then lollow9: '·TO THE CR06S·DEFENDAHT: recorded In Book 183, Pagaa 17 to lhoM harainabove deacrlbed, Oil or PARCEL t: Loi eo of Tract No. A dvll oomplalnl ,_ bMl'I fllad l9y 18 of Mlacell8naoul Mapa, In the ga ...... !unnal9 and INfta into. 10348. In the City of !Mne, County Iha er~ egelflat you. Ice of the County Recorder ol through or aclOM Iha~ of of Orenga. Stet• of Celltoml9, • "you wlltl 10 ~ .,_'-At. S.ict County. Iha land ~alnabove daac:rlbed, per map recorded In Booi. 474, you muat, within • d8'll 8fter Ihle Tha llraat addr.eu or other and 10 bottom IUCh wl\lpltoc;l(lld or Pagaa 18 through 18, Mlac:iallaneoue aummone 19 ~ on you. tlle with common daalgnatton of the real dlrecllonally dtllled well•. tunnel• Mepa, In Iha ofllca of the County thll court a written reeponM to lhe Pf'opaft'I harainabova daac:rlbad I• and 1hal11 under and beneath or Aecordat of NICI Couflty. COll'lplalnt. Unleaa you do ao, ~ purported 10 be: 3108 left 'Way, ~ the exterior limlll thereof. E 11 capt a II o II , g a 1 and daleull wlll ba antarad on Coeta Mau, c.utornt. and to radrlll, ratunnal, equip. hydrOCMbon 1111bltenc:iM end Olher appllca11on of Iha croaa· The undattlgned h~•by maintain, rapelr,•deepan and mlneral rlgh1a,•Without l'llDweller, the •· complainant and Ihle court may dl1clalm1 all llablOty tor 1ny operate any euch well• or mines, 11gt11 IO an1er Iha aurf-of Mid en1er a Judgmant TlgalNt you for Iha lnc:ofract-In NICI atreet addr-wllf!OUI, however, Iha right 10 drill, lend d,j>wn to a dlltance of 5(!0 l99t rallef demanded In the oomplalnl, or other common dellgnallon. • mine, atora. aJCplOfa and operate trom the 1urlaca theraol, •• whktl could reault In gamllhrnent of 88ld .... will be mede w!Uloul through !tie _._ or the upper 500 ,...._, In IN Deed ~ Mey ...-. 181clna of money or P'°'*'Y warranty, HPrau or lmpllad. feel ol tha iubautf-of aald land, n . 1NO. In book 13815, .,..,_ 151, or other rerial raquHtad In the ragerdlng tltla. poueulon. or •• raearvecl In the dead rec0tdlld. Oftlcl8I Aac:ord9. i:ompleint. encumb!ancea. to aatlaty th• February 28. 1974 In Book 11084. .PARCEL 2: Eaaemanta 11 ••t o.ted: A49* It, 1912. ptlnclpaf b81anpe ot the Nota or Page t 159 of offk:ial record•. forth In the Sac Ilona entltlad ...._,.a. IC..., a.ea other obllgatlon aecurad by said fha a11aa1 addra11 or other "Cert81n ~II tor Owner1"', _,. C---. .,.,_, Dead of Truat. with lntarut and common daalgn1t1on o l aald "Support, Settl•mant and ~a 8ei a La. C.,.,,. ot~ auma u provided therein; property II purCJO(lad to be 3571 Encroachme nt'' and "Common 11111 .._.. ..._ 11103 plu• adv.,_., If any. under the Nutmeg. Irvine, c.llfomle. Or._.y e-1" of the Arflde HunUngton a-:n. CA 92647·5"9 tenna lhareol..,,cl Int•• on '9uCh Saki Hie wtN be made WlthOul anlltled "Eaaemanta" of the (714) t47-t041 adv~. and plu1 1-. ch8'gel covanarlf or warranty, opr-or Dacleratlon of Covanenta, Publlahed Orange Coal! Delly encl ••penaM of thaoTruatM and pf fmpiled, aa lo Ulla, poMMalon or Condition a and Rntrlctlon1 Pilot, Oct. 28, Nov. 4, 11. 18, IN2 Iha 1ru1t1 crM!ad by Mid Deed of ancumbr-10.Mtltfy the unoakl daacribad In "SUBJECT TO:" below 4753-82 Truat. The' tolll amount' of aald baltnca on the note or nolu (the '"Dacl8retlon"). ____________ 1obllgatlon. Including raaaon1bl' MCOr'licl by Mid Deed of Trull, 10 PARCEL 3: E-1• H aucfl P\llJCINOTICE u tlmate d lau. chargu and wllh S31;o&4.8 t. !*II Iha followlne ....,.,,.,,., .,. partlc:ulMy lilt tot1'I -------=----·leKpanaea of Iha Tl\lltM. at Iha llma e111ma1ad co11a. ••P•n••• and In tM Artda an11111d "~ta" IC-41111 of lnlllal publication of thil Nollce, II adv-111 Iha time of the lnltlal of the Oac*ation of Collen8nt1, .....-COURT Of 133,809.28. . pu'*"'lon of lflll Notice of 8ela: Cond ition• and Rellrlctlona CAUIONIA , Dated: Novembel 2, 1tCl2 154.508 72. cleacrlbad In "SCl8JECT TO"' below COUNTY Of~ REAL ESTATE NOTICI TO PllONllTY OWNlll (!tie MMler Dacl8rellon"I under the ,. CMc Ctf. Df, .... SECURITIES SERVICE. YOU AM •.DHAUL. T UNDIR A Mellon Secmon heeding• In llldl ..... AM, CA 11191 a California corpor1tlon, DUD Of TMllT DAftD ..... B. Anlc:la antlttad • loflowa: ··o.n.r. p LA INT IP',: NA Tl ON AL .. TruatM, 1m. u....11 YOU TAKa ACTION Rltht• and Du1lel" "Utlllllaa. end AMl:lllCAN TJTLI INIUltANCI: 8y. (6EA1.) D J. Morger, TO NOTWCT YOUR ,......n, Cabla Talevlalon," "Sldeyerd COMPANY. lta Prealdam IT KAY• IOloD AT AW Ena manta." ":.::::.:11 and Dl,ODAMT: MAROLD I. 2020Nor1118<oadWey, IALI:. IF YOU NllD AN Settllmenl,""Encf ,"and TA'f\'C)ill; llAYlllOltD P. PANICI; Sult• 208. 1111\MIHICMI °' nm UT\MI "Community FICll!llaa Eaeemanl." TMOllAI L I~ PATllCIA S..'8 AM. CA 92708 CW tMI PROCQIMNO AOMNIT PARCEL 4: e-t tor lng(w, ·~a.ALTAR UVINGI T....-: (714195a..810 YOU, YOU IHOULD CONTACT A 911'"' and llrMI purpoMI. •!Id a LOAN AllOCIATI0!!.1. a Pullllalled Oran~ Coaal Dally LAWYlll ' Orelnage In, under, thro11gh end Orang• Cout 'DAILY PILOT/Thur1d1y, Nov•mtMr 18, 1982 A9g.129.N , He8r police, flnr. r.wav. hams, weather •. and moN! Channel-IOckout switchea, ~ 98COnd scan<telay. *2t>-123 Ctyllll9 un Ha'1dv. AM/FM · ' Pocket Radio -By Reelistic Save~2 1495 Save•&o 11995 .~ Aecotd From AM, FM Stereo or "Live" With Bullt·ln l!'lkes Gi)le .the lasting gift of music! Great- sounding 2-way speakers, and a 5-LEO meterfor signal stntngth, re-- oord levef and battery conditoo. ~Wide· for enhanced reaJism, ~Stop, Autc>Levet, pause: AC/ battery operation. #14-nS eeneroes a111re Reg. 79.~ &ch Tenfflc Sound ,. ........... Get $20 on• mmaz. Ing epelker! Rugged aluminum endo8ure, · S" wooler' 8nd 21/a" twMter. 10'/zx · 61S/1e >< W¥1e". #.CO- Aeg.139.1,5 ~·i\-ln Sun SMde for, Outdoor u.. Only 5'/a pounds, •• but ttefivers a bright. clear plcturef Stid&-rule dial, etectronic ft.!ner, 3" spellker, cany Mndle. w;tt(eerphone. Runs on AC, batteries or car/boat power. '16-102 a.ttary P1r8 • • ·~~ ··., •• Weight nduda9 batterlaa and oc....., (not Incl.) l f ' I i ! I .. t . . f $ I I I . j .. .. 1.,,,.rell111; PARICIR llCTTVW Piiot, Nov. 4. 11, 1f, 1H2 FIAST AMERICAN TITLE eoroea thllt portion oC I.of N and I.of COllPAllY, ..c .. e ......... 4t72..a2 IHIUAANCE COMPANY. 42 of Tract 10334, •per map lllad .._....;,;;=========~=~========;;..._-.------------~------------,. •cu.TY A&..&.JmD lmlVIC9~ a c.lifornla corporetlor) In Book U 5.i::&:• 25 _to st =:.:-..:'lon1 1 i.:!,. -. PWJt9 NOTICl • ~ n:i~i.aut.horiw! otr1cer ==· o'r •~Id cou':;~ .~!:,; NI.IC NOTICE Ml.IC ll)T1C( Ml.IC NOTICE NI.IC NeTICl .. ii •'"4 · NOTICE TO CON'nlAC~ Santa ,,,,,.,.. CA 9270'2 M Common Aoedw9y on ExlllDlt I of FICTITIOUI -II FtCTmOUI .,_11 ..CTITIOUI ........ MN •Jr --. , __ IMM1Ml1 ~ . •-(714) 558·3211 . thel hpplementery Deol8ratlonriof Na. ITATnmNT .._ ITA~ NA• ITATl:•NT FtCTmOUI .,_ .. o • I I: co• D AM I" D I D Not .... • hereby ~,..-, that 1... Publlahad Oran1.• Coa~t Dally Covenanu. Condition• • d The lollowlng peraon 11 doing The follOwlng per-. we' doing Tha'-tOllowing '*'°"' .,. doing NA• ITATlllllNT , I , OOl9'I Wf Na•port·Mau Un Ila~ School Piiot, Nov. 4, 11. 1 , tN2 "-'rlc:tloM recorded on Auguel 15, bualneea u . bullnaal aa· bullnell ••~ Tha lollol#lng paraona afa doing CAIRlllO....... Dl•trlct ol Orang• oun•~· 44157-a lNO. In llook 13704, :-co!" to YORBA LINDA STATION. FLINT 8YITIMS. 11475 SINGERS, UNLIMITED. 8947 buslneea U ; • NOTICm ,. .. ...!'.!.!!. ............... ~I :'g'i, ~. ~ ~r~.: ~!!. ~~· of Oftlclal 1111 of 1137 j •••ell Blvd • Sulla 240, hndlller Circe..~ "ellay. CA La PalOma Avenue. Fountain Valley, TAN DE M c 0 Mp u TE R TM_...,_ -,.. . -..... -.... . Hunt.__ lleectl, Caltlornla 92647 92708. Callfomla 92708 PARTNERSHIP . 9811 Aragon ...,. ,.. Mlltt....,. .._ Contractora 10 raglatar l~r Tiie etr••1 ad reaa or other A;."°nd~ll w. B1anc:111rd. 9381 RONALD THOMAS FLINT, ThomH R Antal. 8941 L• Clfcta. Buena Pll'k, CA toe20 1 ,.. ,....._. _.. ._.. .._. ncrtlfkall.Q I lutur• lnlormal c.ommon dea19netlon of the ,. .. Folkll-Clfda, Huntington Beedl, 8927 8wel8w Awe • Fount.in Vllflltly, Paloma A•enue. Fo11n1a1n Valley, THE TANDEM GROUP, INC .. a .. ....., I '911111; blddlnt projlc:tl. property ~ daectlbed '" c.tlfornta 92947 CA 112708. / c.11torn1a 92708 Cellfornla corporation. tet•.Ateeon . " >'OU .wl lo .... tM ~ ~ .~ -~ • .. ~orteCI IO be: t. lnowepple, Thia butlMM .. ~ucllld by an L!ONAlllD THOMAS Fl.INT. Joye• Annt Antal. 89°"7 LI Clfcle. BIJana Perk, CA toe20. I an att-In tllla mlltW ...... "°'*' Dlllrlct Purcliaalng omce, 1157 , Celltoml 1927 .__........ • F F 1 v 11 l'hla butlnee9 la conducted -. • l do lO-::TZ . ._.'° ... ~.:,,:;;-......_ Placantla St., coata Maaa. CA, SWIFT SLIP, 2121.AAv111• 1 .. , unuralg' nad llaretly lndlvldual ___ .. ..,.., °"ntalnValley, Palol'l\8 Avenue, ounta n ~ ay, _, ..,., r-wrn-• Balbo CA 92681 .. " Randall W Blanchard CA 112708. • Calllorela 92708 GfMral parlnarlfllp. • . f r~ eny rney be lttad on OUrlng ~ hOura. A Bid Bond •. · ......._,,-dlaclllt ... ~1 Jleblllly for •ny Thia 1ta1emen1 .. llled With tha Tiiie buell'9M II conducted by a Thll butlnell la conducted by• The Tatldam Group, lllO t time • • ,... be requlr9d. Pater_ Campbell.._ t. 9092 lnCOffeCIMN'lfl Mid_.,_..,._ County Clerl of 0r-County on ...,,.,.i Plf1Mrlhlp • ,,__., pertnerlflij') Samuel Wanegret, Pr .. A y •• OJ u. '. f ..... f. Thi• Holle• I• PU bll•h•d In C.rrolltown St. Hwl1109ton Baec:fl. or otftar OOIMal d•fll'*'°" Nowembet ... 1912 -·...-~ T. "Int ...-·-~ R. Anl81 Thia llatement -llad with tfle t .......... If TrMHl•.t -r• accoielwb wtttl 1lle ptotlllutii of C.A. ~ 98lld ....... w ...... ..... "" -COunty Clerll of Or-Coun"' on ......, ~ w, ... 1 p "111 • Ed Coda 39649 5. Mark Seavty: 2127 Sevllla. warranty, .. prHI or lmplled, ,._ 11-1*11 -_. ..-... 11116 ••• II wl»ecl Wllll. llll -...,.... '' -U& ............. GOVERNING BOARD B•lboa. CA 92M I regerdlng 1111•, poaHHlon. or Publl•h•d Orang• CoHI Oalry C°"""I Clerll Of Or-. County on Counl'I Clartl of Oranta c--tty on NovtrnW',S,..,.., ,... I • •,: '-18 Wmili 0,.. Dorothy HllfWY ,,.,,.,, c .P.M. Thia bu..,,_.~ conduc1ecl ity a encumbrancH, 10 Htlety 1118 Piiot, Nov 11, 18. 211. Dae 2, tt82 Nov.,._, 15. 1912. Oct. 14, 1t82 ,,..,. GROe....,..,.. a OllAltT' ...._ PIHd!aalng Olraclor general partnerafllp. . PflMlpal 11•enoe of Ille Note °' 4"'7-82 ,_,,. 1111.....,. It. , "91 U1tad dHH aolfclter el Detad: Nowembet 15, lt82. Pflar Swift . ot~ ollllQetlon aeoured by ••Id PublllheCI OrenB:c CoHt Delly Pll:~.b=~t.oI:"lt 8:c~a~. ~~~ Clllw9r Cftr, CA -f con•to de un •llOO•do en aate Publlahad Orange Coaat Dally Thi' 11a1-1..wu 11 of T'rvet. with lntereet end "8.IC NOTIC( , . Pilot.~· 18, H , .1, •ec:,.~2 4Hl-e2 Publl1had Orange CoHt Dally e 1 u n t d, Cl ab a r f e ha c a r Io Piiot, Nov. 18. 1tt2 Courity5C1ar9!\ of Or8'199 Cdunl'/ on Other auml .. Pf0¥1ded therein; ftC'"10Ut -·· Pilol, Nov 11, 25, Dec. II. 9, 1N2 • ~ c11 ... ,,.,..., 5too-t2 Nov 1 • 1 -ptu• ee1v.,.., " ..,, Yftder tt1e ..,... nA~ rtaJC NOTICl rmtJC NOTIC( ' sot0-a2 l "',.....,.....-,,..,.,....,..-, __ .,...,..TIC( Puti111had Oranl!:ccoa~ ~~~~ ..... °":'=:"°' Tiie IOllowtng petlOll 11 doing ------· •-ec-puedl W RZl Miii • tlempo, fUllLftl nu ....... 25 ' --,,_ ---• · nwliliOUe ._,_., r_,,,_ ---r-. nu1~ I. TO THI£ Dlfi'INDANT: A CM! ,.....,., Nov. 18' ' 2• I , ttu and...,.,_ oA .. ,,..._ of IAI IT Aft T!LICOMM UNI· ..... ITATimln ..... ITAftmNT 00ftltl4eillt Ilea been ~ lly the '~!!?!O"'IT·~--11 503342 ttl8 ltllall areMed "Y Mid Deed ol CATIONB (Bl ITAATIEL IC) The fallowl!'I l*IOflll.,. doing Tiie followtrlt pet90M are doing hCTmOUI ....... ptllntlff ........ >'OU· ")'OU""" to -.... ... """· Tiie tot•I -•uni of Mid T (LIP H00 N ! N IT w 0111 K OUll-.. : . bul"--• .... ITA~ .....,,. tflli .._..,you muet. w1tNn The IOlldwWlg Plr'IOnl era dOlng ... IC flOTIC( 011 .... tlOll, IMkNllnl rHIOflably TECHNOLOGY, 1IOO I . Oeny AllJ., KAff<OfMN=OPP PAIN TINO QUALITY AUIMILlll, '5177 The lollowlng paraon ft dolnt • day1 ett•r tlll• aummona la tlullneaa ea: Htf••l•d feH. Oh8'1H •nd lull• 111 lerllA AM. CA "'°' COMPANY 'Al t• Lene Coate Or"'8m ltr• """"""°" lleaatl, bullNM II . .._. on >'OU .. w1t11 tNe _, e CALIFORNIA MAATIAL ARTS PICTmOUe 9UIH•a IA Ille ffU89M. II .. .,_ WDLEY N CUffOM 14e0 MeN CellfOrnia ' C..... HM • CHANNEL ISLAN09 MAl'INI -. ....... IO .. -..-.. SUPPLIES. 1193~ heel! BIYd.. ..... ITATWT' pul11C ..... olt"11Nolloe,ll Dlltt• ....... Ooec• ...... CAilue Ow AIM .....-.111...... Peul l noll.anllo. 11311 MAINTENANCI, 1MU CerovMI ........ ~do ao. '°"' ....... ltenton, ~ '°"° Th• , .. IOwlftg "''" •• dolftt 7,711. ti. _.....,... ..... I , ... ., en ....... Cotla ...... CAmle Hiii· ........... L-. """"""'" .... L-. """''""'°" Baec:fl, CA '"41. won ~Ion ~ha Lam~j';'n~Ji"G:,;:'7ar~;1 ~~ 8 U .,.,. l'•a ~••••;rd~~ ............ , I ' -~ P•ul Pranci. ~ ' 1J Cllloriia •. ,:-4~-1 It ._.c,"if~",. ";..B=tLi " ~-~ G r r.-• •~ _.-.. ,.. • ••It i... tlWWI ._. •• .• ~. •n•. ...... ., .........., Tt;; ~-wtltcfl Dena Aay Reynold• 7811 Oona. 08pleerw llelldl, c.tlfornll fruelee ~ ~ ., qr.,.. 0ouriey Oft Tiiie ...,_ 11 OOfl""°''' 11'1 1 Celllefllla IOllO Thia ~ le conclUcteCI "Yen ooulcl rHut In gernlellm•nt of Lemp10, •4, Chrdao Grove , 111124 1 Oellfornll OOfPOlllfilln, • Truetee fllou...., ti,,_, .....,.. pertnerlfllp'. Tilll lluelrlW IS oondllettd 19y.1 ~ ....._ ....... of mone, 0t P'°'*'1 C81ifofnl8 IOllO Wt111am J.,,_ P1ttmM. 27tol ..1 MOM"'-lte ..... : .._ Guy f<rlllortlft .,,._.....,..... • Cfwlatotll* c:;or,_ °' .. ~relief requeetM In ·~ Thia llullMaa .. oonducled by . Ciat• da Oona. C8fljltrllftl Baec:fl. N lroedMw.J!O -Pulllltflef °'rw:.Coell Dally Tiiie ................ wltfl"" ...... ~o Tlllt......,... ... llltd....,. Ille ___._._ t**al Plt''*aflifl CellfOmll 9H24 ~· CA ft'ru. .._. ....... 11 -• t 1-. r .... -,_... OI ~ r .... -.. ...... Tiiie ••11"'911 w lllM """ the County Clerti of Or ... ~ • ~ .• "' ~ t,1tl1 v•i. V Lewie . T ..... .._..,..la GOftduoled .... M 14t tO .--., .._... '••· •• ' -~ .. , _ .. _ .. -_-..,.. .,,._.,, _, ,.._-., Cllrtt of~,.__,,,,, -N ..,_I -'-T.....,... Tl'lle etatenieM -111ec1-"""" ~ ,,., ~••d ~ 0w1 ~ ..... -. •· ,_ w ~ "· ,.~--__.....,. _,.,...._ · ·r-,.... --~ ~ C.__ Ot Drtnte County on WllllMI ,,.,.,.."""""' , Not 4, If, If. 1111. Pu11t18'1ed 0t11199 Coeel Detty .... Pulll .. Md Otenge CoHt 0~ LIW••• me. NcMmlMW •. 1tl2 Thia .. ...,,..,.. -ftltd *"""" ~ To ptece.,..::r.~ Piiot No'I " ..... o.e I .... Pulltlleltff Or~ c .... o.~ '*". . No'I ti. H . DK I, •.:u ... ~-Plt•M COllllty Olar~ ot Or8'199 County 111'1 r........., pu ...... , ' ' ' ' 4 ..... lilllot, flow tt, ti. IS, 0... I, t• -Publl1heCI Orenge Co11t OeltY N0¥ I&. 1tl2 • -. .... _ 9"d -It a -~ .,._ Piiot, Nov. t 11 II, H . Dea. 2.1.J~ ,_.,, _.,.,,._ -• ,...__ ~ CMl4 = 4-..z "ublllhad OrMt• co .. t Detty ,. ........ """ ...... Deity "'°' MtL'f NLOT ,..., Oat ... Now. 4. H , Iii. Want Heep? Pllol. N0¥ 18, H . Dec I. IJ...'...MI W"61 OIHtllle• It Ill CIHllfted, ...... ,. .,._.,,,;; _..,. ft..liGI.. --.......__. ......._ 4r•1.a 142·M71 -1•12 lbOut .. t-1171 ,_ -n WI ~ -',, . < .., h .,., - .. • .. Orang• CoHt DAILY PILOT /Thur•d•Y1 November 1e. 1!82 a • "' . Reagan vows to break pOweri(,f ~mob.r-in U.S;.- HOMl:STEAD, Jo'la. (AP) In an 1.1lrport 4la n1ar heavy 'with \he •nl<'ll of marlJu1rna1 Presadt'nt-tteacan has lnaptoet.ed--.ett.ed cech... 01 drup, gun.a and cash and pronouncf'd them proof that hla adminiatration wlU ''brea~ the power of the mob ln America ." • , ,; Reagan flew_t.Q.10uth Flodda Wednelday w · pa;y· ,_ttlbut.e to the e fforta..1tf ,. special t.aak forre credited with the ielzure or more than $3 billion in Illegal drugs In the area ai.nce ~t January. · • "Withou\ ,Your elfori., thne dru11 would - have ~n on the marketplace providln1 profits for organized crime, fueling the drug culture that has done so much damage to IO many lives In our 10Ciety," Reagan said. Reagan's first stop was at the 110-foot-long Coast Guard cutter Dauntless, wha.e personnel have ronfiacated more than 371 ,000 pounds of marijuana, seized 20 vessels and arrested 1114 Smui/ilei-s fiD.d .new ·paradise· POR·TLAND, Maine (AP) -With the heal on in Florida, drug smugglers have found' a · paradise in the vast woodl ands and secluded cov~ along the 3,500 miles of coastline in Maine, ·authorities say. . . A ·federal crackdown on the drug trade in south Florida has. diverted ~any dealess northward to this state which. in addition to its coastline, has more than 200 smajl, unattended airstrips and 50 unguarded crossings to the Canadian 'bdrder. Maine, says U.S . Attorney Richard S . Cohen, is' "very desirable" for smugg!ing. , Just this week, 30 tons of marijuana were seized aboard a 90-fool freighter that docked in the night in th.e coastal v illage of Bremen, with eight Colombians among the 24-man crew. Also, Cohe n says, "there is cocaine smuggling going on by air'' involving people "normally seen in south Florida." Maine trad itionally has been an entry point for drugs, 'primarily marijuana, that Is immediately trucke<!A~lsewhere to be sold. But Cohen says recentrl1lvestigations indicate M~ne may be developing into a distribution center as well, with cargoes stored here and sh ipped out of state in small loads. Cohen he lped institute an anti-d rug smuggling task force composed of st.ate police and fed e ral agents, and one of Preside nt Reagan's 12 new drug-fighting task f9rces Is to be localed in New England: . But the Coast Guard's 1982 budge t was held to 1981 levels, and its vessels are in dire nee9 of repair a t a time when smuggling "is geUing worse," Cohen said. "l( w e'r:e intercepting one in, 10 sl1)uggles, • we're doing well." . · Cohen aal<f 95 percent of the Individual$ involved in the trade areJrom outside Maine, as -.re the boats.and the drugs, with most. of lhe marijuana coming from Colombia. 1 • • • "In every .. <Ul«: we~ve investigated ~he origin , • has been a foreign .eountry," he said., . · · . Authorities consider the smuggling to ~ ~e , work of -organized crime, bu( the individuals .involved do not fJ"t the conventional image of hatde°iled criminals, Cohen said. • . · . · "A fot ~f therti are brigh(, x_~g P,OOple,. . veterans~ some..college graduates," he said, · . . .. . . "I've had surfer types from California aod ' ""red~l'M!Ck types Y<>l:l wo\Adn'l even oorisider tli be liberal pot-smoking types,"·said Bangor attorney .McU:shall Stem, who has· def.ended smugglers · from 1..4 boats tlult.b.ave been.seized: • ~ ·. "Tbey·-r~ .articula te,' they're brlght, they kno~ there's a ris~.·but 1n t'hf ir own minO, they don'l~ they're do~g anythi,ng crim.jnal,l' he .ai~r . . . . . • ·To the sm~le[s.~ he sai<I, ~juana is a . "cash crop'' \hat is not l)armf ul. --. 'The maxlm\1~ sentena.t for importing marijUaful is now l5 years in J>riSOir,apd "a-lot ot ~ple ~·thinking more abOut it,''. Ste~ sa\d . .. '* SEMESTER IN PARIS. * (Otnc1.-Oreng• 'cbat Cotleg9' Progrem) . Not Only APRlL.IN PARIS • .. "4 • . . -NO AGE UMITaTION- . ·:Full college c;edlts, round trip Air. France No"'Stos>'. llve with.French family or pension, all meals -excursion. ALL'. FO~ $4600. lmpof1ant ·meetlng Nov. 20, 11 a .m .. Orange Cosst · College. Social Sciences 101'. . . . .. . . . . pt1r1101\ll ovl'r 11 two·yt•11r .pe-rlod 4•1111l .-..·;1h•d 111 drnH .ar11•Kt"' WllKl' u ~ww wur againat nar<'Otk"' by hirmti 1.000 Aa thl! 11hlp'• ('r'\IW llnt'd thu llUll tlllt'<I dt't'k, "Tlw ra· he ll() tjUt•!il4<11l thtll tlw 1111uth r1or11l11 IWW 1nv('!O tlgJ)t•in und 200 fl-.foral pr:()k'C.'Utorfl und 1tu1dlnt( a( MttOntion in drt>11 uniform. tht• t11'1k lor e·•· hiaH bN•n 11 l'lt•ar 11nd uu4 u11ilflL·d c"IUll>IM1a<Joze.n 11trlkt-fort't'll OCrOlll thc· l'OUntry. prl"lidt'nt ~·nwd thtt ah1p'•1 t•ompuny with n NUl'''i.. .. ," Hc•ugan 11auJ lit• a;aacJ the• Mil.Ith Flor1d11 t1t11k fon.'t· "prow'!>! unit citation fur lhttar anu.Jru1& work , flt• KSlld thot 111rK't' the· uai,k fum •, h1•ucl1"I liy w1• huvC' tlw will uncl n~1ur<,._ Lo bn•ak up-al>« Th t n R ll a 11 ll n flt• w from MI a m I t o V1t't' Prc'lidt•nt Gt-orJ(t' 8u11h , wn11 1-stnhlhiht'<.I lra'lt ut ~nniwd c>r1minal synd1catt'H thut for too lonf( lfomt~WJtd Air Pon:.oe Bwit• to ln.~·t lht• 11t'l7l'<J J onuury, dru1&-rl'lal1.'d urn•1.n ... huvt• lnt·rt•uM•d by 'J.7 h11v1· lx't'n. u tt•rrlblC' blot on"our nut1on'11 hu11A1ry dru((ll ~fore n,,turnlna to Wuhington. ix•n.•t•nt In MOuth Florida, dru~ '11Cizums wt•rc uf' .Bale• of marljua,n. wei1hlng 7 lh tom and 1about .50 µt•rc,•nt und thol ttw tou1I vulut• of h I "Our w1al Ui to brc:ak the> powc.•r of tht> mob In \11dth all-'Hthnaw'<I wholf'Ml~ valu~ of .... ~ billion clruus 1wit1•d In tht• 1u ·1•u wui. mo1·1· th.111 $:j Anwak u and nothing short of that," said HNagan were st.at'ked on t:M floor or the.I' airport hanaiar billion ·• .. "W<· mean l<I end their ·µrofits , imprison thl'ir ~ '# There, WO, wu a table conlalning packs or pure "This Is not tQ suy. the• bulll<• Is wo11," 1>1.1ld mc•mlx>rs and t rippl'• their organl7.a uons.'' - : cocaine. WhLCh 0Hiclah1 lUud ,was wortk . $5.9 ~ Rt•agan. "Tht> Influx pf drugs into i.outh ft'hJl ldtl lft• at:~·ui.c•d dll• Dt•mocruuc-ru n House of million. • • and othc~ areas o(,,. th<> nation Is Rllll a M•nous stall111~ action Qll an admini1>trataon crime bill, Next to the <-ocainc waa st.acked more than $4 prol11cm mul•h of the work agoanst this nwnacf' S::aylnK, "I wonue'r how many or you know that in . m illi,on in large bills. and a few Jet.1 l uwoy a . li4'H uhead of us.'' • the lluWit' c.>f lteprt>acn t.alivN our crinlt! paC'kagC' u1splay of rifles. hand'<un11 aod other weapons Reagan nott'<.I his annount.'<.•mcnt Od. 14 to n •mallb boult-d u1) in <.•ommlllt.•t:.'' ,_.......;:,__.:;_.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~__;~~~~~~~~~~__;.....;;...;..;..;..__;---~- GoodTime for GranitewGre Enamel OvaJ Roasting Pans with ·co.ver. Great tor all your holiday. cooking needs. Sturdy, lightweight and attractive, the smooth, easy-to-crean porcelain enamel surface on thermal steel resists odors, stains and scratctles. · · • · 9-12 lbs ... 299594 ... # 508 .................. reg. 9.98 6.99 15-18 lbs ... 299602 ... # 509: ................. reg .. 12.98 9 ~99 1S.l12 lt)s .... 2996,0· ... # 5t0 ... ~ .............. reg. 15.98 12.99 ....... If &111Ni.' . 11iru•1 '~'' Glladen late~ ~all and ceiling paint. W~ite only. 1 gal. 61f28 Reg. 1:99 Super heavy duty l:>atteries t1om Eveready. 2 pak 0 cttlls. 291.10 R~. 1.39 . . • Sturdy construction. To~gh 8". iron skillet for your cooking 'needs. .. .......... Keroeene heater•. Other modil1 · avalleb .. et compereble uvlng1. trr ...... ,,. . . Reg. 8.99 4·~ _,,,.,,llt:lt., ••• .,,., lnttenlOIY ~I HARDWARE •<::>< Where FriendL11 Serv ice is a Famil11 Tradition ••1 111 ,.at fer •rll ~ Ind dicker " .. «lft fOr light duty Wirt. bulld~ lllCI remodeflng jObs. #7004. Reg. 18.99 #122663 12•• Dependable Oucane. Complete with Post and Base. Free Warming Rack with purchase. ..... , :..~.0 .... ~·=:.·" 19411 For Info: C•tl 551-5IOO or 142-11~1 _ _ • ';~~;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;~~~~~~~ ,. ......................... 3. ... Germeln'a •nf'Ull ryegru~. 10 lb. bag. Perteet for a winter ~wn. overMedlng and lnexpenalve m- por1~ :awn1. • 2. I ,11% OFF! Nat. Gas ... Reg. 244 ... now 194.95 ..... ..................... .. r. ~ . ---· fuu:sa · LOCAL ABALONE DINNER '17.95 Include» choice qi aoup or aalad, ' .. and p0tato or rice pilaf . . . ~. :Jke. :·Stan/orJ · ~·~e Call Por MEXICAf4A FIESTA NIGHT Friday a aeturdaJ PtloN'IWtetlUI MARGARITAS Ir ~ . 1i12&, M11nol1 913-0179 : 1t ..,.... .t. Fcurtaln V•J -121'-'- 40 gel .................. 131.ll 50 gal ........................ .. I r , .................. ,., .. SI• · diatlnct cootclng method• with · one untt: 1tnotdng. roe.tine ..... m- ing, b.b.q., 1hl1h k•boblng end 1ry1og. . #471 Reg. 79.~5 ..... . .... .. ... , ••eter Ju1t In time fbr all yo~r holldi eooklng need&. ' • Turkey Bait• ' #275099 ................ Reg. 1.49 Super B11ter With 3 Tips 2 41 #50220 ................ Reg. 3.59 4-pc. all bleck flretool set with ~. bru9h, ~·end •tend. #422 Reg. 19.99 { .Hy JOHN SEV ANO 01 lhe 0811y Piiot 8t•li It was a two-t•tlgcd :;.word tlw Hu111s pl;1v1•1'S carried with them into pral'tit'l• Wt•t.hwsday. · On the om• hand . tne·playt.•rs wt•rt• jus t t.'\-stutw · to be workmg again . f<'ifly-s1•vcn days is u long tinw to be, without a puydwck. · · · On tht• other. though. sonw fl'lt llwy hud bt'l'll sold out by their uwn union th•H what w;_is accomplished after nine 'weeks of hugglii1g ·i·oulll have been done in two. ·' : ~ ' "We lost 50 percent of our pride," insisfod' g~ar~ Bill Bain."'lf you go on strike yoi,A sht.iuld tx• ,. w11lmg tli go to the> wa ll ... und if the soason is called off tho season is call"'d off." "We certainly could hove approad 1ed it 'i11 ll diffe rent manner,". added Bert Jones. "I know I wasn't .a large winner.". "Wt• now "have the sanw offer w1• had 111 September," ni)tet:I Nolan Cr9inwt.•ll. "If wei had known this w.ould be the ending. we c:ould have settled earlier. I'm not upse t, be<:ause· now I'm back to playing footba ll. but I think w e should have . studied ihe "offers more. · lllly Plllt •. I HllH'.l IA 't .N.U'V'"' IM "Ill.' .~ot ;., I (.'oil••!.(•' ~ BUSINESS .. C7 STOCK. co . /1u·k iup. •1•·111 /1 _ --I lu·iµ./11 .. ~,.,. t: I . . w 11u1 <•vt.·n rt·u~l111g t•ontl'avt. :u..t <•ptt.•d 1t .inyw11y or; wt•nt thmuglt a full ~orkout at.l p.m. l>:llll ....... ,•Hlll 'll.lll.llU'. '-',· ... lat·~lailt • th1• rl~·on\flU '11t.Jatmn of thl! Manag1·11wnLCuu11cil All hut flv<• play<•rs were.~ in uniform, toO, aa \ ~ • • ., '"'' • .._ _ . ··I l h i 11 k 1 h 1· s t n kc· h u 1 l t• v l' r y 11 n l' )(um·d 19t·ni11s J larnih was in Miami. tight end Ron . · ~ir~m·rufously ,'' ~11d Jo'runt11•rt• Wt1d1wsd11y. "I don't Rauh• in Shn·vt·porl, L..a .. defensive tackle Mike -S.unday -a t Atla nta (Channel 2 at 10 ttU11k any tl'am will conw out with a pmf1t th1!. Jo'nnnln~ In Uklahomu, and player represeniptlves a.m.) . . y1·m·· •Carl li:k<'l'l1 and Ivory S ully in New York. All were Sun.,' Nov. 28 -Kansas City.' 1 p.m. . "I think it i~ a v1•r y good d1·al fur \ht• µlayl•rs," exl'l~'LMJ to b<.• bac:k in Anaheim and at pradi<V Thurs., Dec. 2 -San Francisco. 6 p.m . said FronlH'I'(' of the• contn.11·1. ") think th1• playt•l's t0tloh . . l Sun., Dec. 12 -Den11er, 1 p.m. <t:aml• out !" a tx·ttt.•r posili<m ." • . ~ Coaeh Ru y. Malavasi put what p~aycrs were Sat .. Dec. 18 -at Los Angeles Raiders, 1 D~spne . dc fondrng manu~cment s pro posal. · prt.·Sl'f\t Wt•Clnt•sday through a rigorous workout p .m. F'ront1t•n • did ug tee that n<>gouattons were: too · and wulkt.>d away pleasantly surprised. ·sun., Dec. 26 .... Chicago, 1 p.m. le ngthy . ~ , . Sun., Jan. 2 :.... at S an Francisco, 1 p.m. ··I,'m not tt•tTibly plcaiwd ,that nt-gotiat1tH1s • ·:n 1.c:y ~.t· in mu<.·h. lx·~~r cond1ti?n •than ·1 had ·• I '<i h ., I "sh • said. "But l think both parties antiC'rpatcd , smd Malav~1. 'We went through two .. Eight Wl•eks of no11-pro<lllctivt• negotiations ~ were kind of dJshearwning: I think ull wt.• can du is· rati fy the contract: It's C.'itht•t• a takt.•-it-or-l<'ave-it conti·ac t' ... J.'ith<.•r takt• it or wait unt.il nt•xt y<n1r." The Rams. a~ \.vi th all :W NFL teams. will vow on the own~rs'. latc>sl contnk t ~roposal Tuesday. The owners hl·ld thr1r own volt' Wl'(.fn~sday and . unanJmously up'1t.•lu t he at{re<.•me11t . Rams Ownt•r Georgia Fronliere. who admitted astt. .t ts o~g. l . . • . hours of pracuce, in wh1ch they went hard and acwd m the lf'\ll'rC'St of their ma.JOrtlics. h . •.·. . · h d T h ' "I don't think th<'rc was any effort to discredH l c:y tan s pnnts .a t t e e n · ere 'Were no the uni o n or bre ak it. That was s trrctl ~ <.'Omplamts and I think thaCs a good sign. propagimda.". · : -· ' . . "'fhc· onC' good ·ree ling. I have i~ ~ha.t nobody's With the s'tnkt-oc'hind the m. th<• Rams turned m.1urcd. Hopefully, t~erc will be no tnJUnes the rest their attention to playing foo tball again. • of lhl· wt.•ck and we .JI be at full strength." ~layers reported al 7:30 Wedn('Sday morni~ to --fh(• Rams, who will start their "sa'Ond season" ~cl th<.·ir equipment situated and immecliately went in:a d~·cl? hofo. <!l 0-2; know they must win, and win in lo t ean,1 mN•tings .. Al 11 a .m . the squad · i1J1mediatd y, 'if \ht·y have any chance of qualifying participated if\ a walk-through J>ractkc an~ then ~ Sl•t• RAl\IS, l'ait1· Cl! I •• F .a .ns'· .reaction· diVitled So~~ are ecstati<;, oth.ers coufd ca.re l.ess \ \ By CURT SEEOEN Of the D•llr 1'1101 81•" " . · It had. p r;..ob a bly been a pleasant d ay oC "Nah. jt doesn't make a lot of difference lO me,"' .Garri~on continued. "I ,really didn't know· what the wt1olc thing was abQut. But it.is a shame... they had to go on strike , C$pecially for s0me of the shopping for J oy Davis as sht.• exited the doors of the Westminster Mall Wednesday morning -until she go1 lih with THE QUESTION. , rookies who just gol out of college." . . ~ .·Short and sw'C<.'L. the question dirccll'd at the ; Westminster resident was: \;\'ha~ is your reaction to the settl.eme_nl of "lhe NFL strike? . "Oh. 1 don't want to 'hear a bout it,'' Davis vctorted. ''F won't.see much'.of my husband now. Se ttlem ent of the strike w_.s news to Jay a<>binettc ~f Los Alamitos who had only heard some preliminary rumblin~s and didn't cat.ch the Tuesday night news or Wednesday newspapers. "Hopefully, everythiitg·is worked 0ut," holed: • -He'll watch games one. after ahother. I don't care who's playing: You know you try to talk \0 him and pe doesn't· hear a word you're. saying. It was a nice eight Wl'Cks." • • Bobinette. sounding more like an NFL spok~man than <1n interested 'bystander. "I'm glad about it. I guess you <..'Oul.d say I supported the players -so · 'I ... ,,,,'I· see much of 111y Jiusba11d "'".._ llt•'I/ walt·h gan1es on e ·after • u 11 o f h t .. ,.; I · do 11 ' I c a r e w h o 's . . • Yes. the footbaJI s trike is over .. Atter 57-days, a $1 .6 billion. five-year t'Ontract was agreed upon by the NFL owners and the players' union. . -~ /Jiu nl1g:~ D~ after day of ·haggling has paved the way __ ·....;...· -·-. ___________ ......_ __ _ for armchair·rootball fans lO watch game after game they could have &omething when ·their football beginning Sunday when . the NFL kicks off its careers are over." · ,S«'Ond $!ason. ' · · Westminster's Paul Hamilton agreed. "l think • /1 Rea ction fro"G, a itampling .of patrons al it's about lime. l was more for the players with all · Westminster Mall was divided with some people the hasa~ they go through and what they:re not lldmitting they havefl.'t Jost sleep over the lack or being pafd.'' · . • · Sunda-y -m~r.n.ing en\ertai.nment a'nd others Hamilton. obviously a die-hard football fan, anxiously awaJtmg that first kickoff~ . spent what will go .down as the notorious eijht "I'm glad ifs over." offered Tony Valenzuela. weeks either playing 'football or·watching Canaduan The Orange resident said he had bee'1 spending his Football League games on his sacred Sundays. Sunaays at his in-laws, s.hus, perhaps, the And then. there was Mike Foertsch o f exuQt'cance. "I could see .why the players wanted a Huntington Be~h who was happy to report how pa~ scale but I think it was a little bit Ol,llrageous." oblivio u s he is about the NFL s trike and.its , Valenzuela )laded that fle s)'l'npathized with subsequent settlement. - the players' task. · · · "I. co\,Jld care less. I'm not into football," "h 's hard to buck city hall. You mess .with the Foertsch responded. "I think the players are yetting · big boys (presumably th~ owners) but they just more than they should. IC I had to take sides, gµess play too hard: .. Valenzuela added. • · u I'd go with the owners. But basically. I didn't lllUl's- . Garden Grove's Steve Garrison. meanwhll<>. thing." · wasn't exactly in.agreement with Valenzuela or lhe • Disinterest was also admitted by Phil Pepin of players. . Garden Grove, but for differ.ent reasons. ll 'was business as normal Wednesday at. ~a{lls Pitr~ ~s. fter,. Jo!l~S and_.Company prepare for re · um pt ion .of sea on~ . .. "ll doesn'1 make a {bleep) or diffe rence to me. ··1 re~ tiaven't followed football that much ( like football but a SOB geuy,g·$31ffillion a year with my schedule.'' noted the former St. Paul a nd he's (bleeping) about it? <See FANS. Page C2 I Rise of Oilers: .. No fairy tale Lack of turnol·ers ( 011 /y eight ) i.i.; big ,.,.aso11 fo1· 1L11·1u11·ou11d Som e a r e co n s ide r i n g the r ise o f th e Huntington Beach HifJ h Oilers as a legitimate football power as a Cinderella S tory. but one look a t this crew and It's obvious that thts is no .fairy tale. With a 7-3 record and three straight Sunset League victorit.'S in th e bank (the league's longest s treak al the moment) il has .become evident that the Oilers are indeed'for real. Friday marks the first· appearance for HB in the CIF playprcs sin~ 1966. . The funny thing about all ttljs. or course. is that d.uring the long s tre tc h of losing teams. including 35 straight Sunset League games without a win Since 1973. the Oilers were seldom ).akel') lightly. . But you could alwa'ys count on one thing -_if you couldn't whip the Oilers, the(d give· it to y.ou, anway. by way of a fumble or interception ;it the right time. • • · W~l. former Marina H igh quartcrbqck and Edison High assistant Greg He~ has'changed ~II that. There are no more gifts "forthcoming from Huntington Beach. . T.he 198~ seasQD has~seen qffa'tt'Cr ac -E'r :r L..awto1*lfjumor, go to the air 135 times. completing 74 for .1.:n 3 yards and 10 touchdowns. S par)<lir}g figures. indeed. But the ones tha t really count are numbers of interceptions -a nd he has· been• intercepted just three tim....,_, __ A year ago the Oilers cl'c intercepted . 22 times. Id 1980 the Oilers lost 15 possessions by Interception. ln 1979 it was 20 interceptions. In 1978 it was 17 lntercepllons. In 1977 ... weJI. you get the idea. . - Then there is the fumbles category. The Oilel1) have Jost only five all )'.ear -and 1.-ombined with . the lack 'Of interceptions'. lies a big reason for their success. ~ight, turnover~ In 10 games. • . • .. "lt has a who!~ lot to do wit~here we arc, says Henry. "We've been forrumr~fll'i'"'l.r11lck·of penaliies. too, although we Jgoi a little sloppy against Edison and Ocean View. . .:J,i all ~. ba<:k to wl'\at I was sayifli before \be~ began. w~ you put th as ""~" time aS we have on a year-round ba'sls, it's just that mu<.'h tougher to lose those d ose gaf'!'CS. "ThC' weigh( r'oom has a lot to do with rumbling the bull." • Not everyone is. willing to concede that the Oilers have truly arrivc.>d. One Sunset League coach aaya the Oilers managed to stay wilh them bccau!I<'. o( Illegal holding by the dc(ensive line on just about every play. 1 • .. But f~, this angle, I think you'rf' going to , , • I PREP SPORTS. ROGER ~ CARLSON ·.· have lo consider Huntington Beach as a than just a spoile r an the future. "' . . SPEAKING OF THE.. FUTURE -Edison High's freshman football team went 9-0 during the l!JH:! season. and shutout <ill nine opponents. Considcrang the Chargers reportedly had l:! . district tra nsfe rs on , tht• s1deline,s 1f hO were ineligible to compete for ont: year, you have lo think Edison will continue to be the team to beat. • • • ST. P.AlJL HIGli 'S 'two -year p a·l't w1lh Fount<1m Va ll('y has not bc><'n rc>ncw<'d . which mt.•an:s lhc-S.wor<.bmll.!n .. will tes t <>range• County ta lc•nt only from Servile and ,Mitter D<.•1 during . Angelus LL18gU<' play in l!lH:t FM.lQtain Vall t.•y has .rc pluc·Pd S t P:iul with Mission V-tcJO .for next Sl':'ISOn '-., · . . . . .... OCEAN VIEW lltoff'S Byron Bttll, by ~~of' · Newport 1larbor. has signed a national letter oL inte nt to play baske tball for thl' University of Oregon. · , Beron• he 11acks his bags. however. tbe 6-8 All-Sea Viow League star from last season. figurt'l HI ~lay a' very .prom inent-role m Ocean View's sul'Cess this year .. • _ . Ocean View is the early, eorly favorite lQ win the Sunset L~..igul'. with a challenge <.'Omlng from Fountain Vall~. . · Thosc_two. along with Mater Ot>i. an> the only OransCounty teams entered in the prl'stigiou11 San J; urnament ot Champions.at Cal Poly l'onio ,, ~ ~ Unleu you're t')<pectlng something rea"°"8l) y good lo happen In the year. you. don't get Invited to that particular tournament. • • • CONTRIBlJTIONS to thti Todd .Hart fund continue to mount for th~ mjurro Long Beach Staw football star, n former All-Onange County selenlon ut St•rvate High. I The.• Ma«-r Dl>l·Servitl' gaunt' nNtC'd him $~,()()() I S4'c' H ISF., Pa•• ('fl I .. J Vince fo"errag•mn unlimhf.n right arm tlurin14 P,rat!lieP al Ram1 Park WednflMlay. .. •I ( ... t 'Miracle' •shot tops Lakers DALLAS (AP) -For the · e)(pansiOri l>allas Mavericks. it will forever be known as "Marl<'s Miracle.'' Struggling to reach 'a semblance of respectability. Dallas stunned the National Basketball Association champion Los Angeles Lakers Wednesday night with a shot that had to be set!n to be believed. · Mark Aguirre's desperation three-pointer from the corner through a forest of Laker 'hands banked off the glass an<t into the bucket with ·a second left for a 118· l l 7 victory that sent a lellout · c rowd of 17, l 34 into wild celebration. It was Dallas' first victorY-ever over the Lakers in Reunion and only the second in 11 tries. "I don't know how Mark hit that shot at the end," said Maveri~k Coach Dick Motta. "That sucl<er hit the glua and -nestled in. 1 dQn't think he ci>Uld even see the hoop." LAS· VEGAS (AP) -Duk · K'oo Kim was declared le1ally dead Wedneeday nl1ht, and JM comatose boxer's mother uid hia organ s wou ld 1oon be ··•!'ti.: ..... .c.w ..... 4< ·: an Uve, . . • Kim has been de9cribed by • neurologllt u "brain delld" lira' thortly after beina knocked out Saturday in the 14th round of II U1htwf'ilht title bout 11aln1' World Boxln1 A11oc latloft champion Ray "Boom Boom" Ma~clnl. ' -., Bell ID!l~t con\plete. 40 hours of service I " 1982 pontley's G 1 carries Utah I Adrlaa Paatl•y .-·rn t>J ;11 ~iutnta m und jllmr1l11 Rlrlley lirHa u11tl Darrfll Orlrfll19 l11i4'll pOUml 111 Ill to ('Ul'r)' Uwh co u 101 .a7 vu·tury uvc•r N1•w J"nwy Wt'<lm..U .. y l\lMhl • . i-;t•·Wht'n• m ltw Natlomtl 0.111kttlball ~&uliu11 Wl'u1w-du~. Devld Tllompaoa pumµt't.I 111 i·I point.Ii, 1ndudlng 16 lt1 tht•, thlrd qu1&rtt+. lu h•nd uruh•fc•utNI St>•llle to It• 1 llh Klral1ht v1c·1ory. 11' ll .. »7 t'Onqut11l or Atluntn With 1t11' vk:tory, S.•11ttlt• mMl<'ht~ Uw 1964 i6 8'.cl011 Q•lttc. .. for thl' \Nrd·long~l W!/lntnlC litrt'uk ul I hl· bl•ghminl( vf a HC.•w1on From AP dlt1patcbes LA WR ENCE, Kan. -Tailback Kerwin Bell of the University ot Kansas'football team pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor driflking char'ge Wednesday and was given one mo,nth to complete 40 bours of pubTic service work or fac.'l' a possible jail sentence and firw. tmJ 1NTllY ,.,.,b Wltllarn1 nt•l1t·d a ('iHl'l'r high :Jl p111nlll. lndudlng lht• ganw-wJnninl( t)alikt'l with two S.'<un'Cl11 lf·ft an ovcrunw, to lift Jnd1ana to a I 2 4 -I 2 2 t r\ ump h o.v o r v18H1'ng Goldt•lt Statt• Douglas County Dun.Diet -Judge ~Ike Elwell ordered Bell, 20, in March lb donate 20 hou~ to · public service work within six month,s in lieu of a jail sentence. In reviewing th<! case, Elwell fmimd that &II, an F.di.son High product, had performed none of the work and scheduled tiis trial for Wednesday.' v . J Bell appeared in court ' t>efore the· scheduled st.art. ·of 'his trial and pleaded guilly, t.o MlL . • the c h a r g e o f it lco.h o I consumption by a minor. · · · Elwell doubled the am~~nl o( public sel'Vicc work to 40 hours Wednesday and t.old BeU there would be no jail senten~ jf he epmpletes the work by Dec. l 7. The charge carries a maximum penalty of ·30 days in jail arid a $200 f~. Bell, then 19, was arrested March 11,at an over-21 priva~ club in ·Lawrence that caters to students. · . · · George Gervi" had 40 points, as San Antonio brokt• ·a thrce-gam(• I0111ing s\rcak by d1spa1.ehing Washington. I 14-112 . . Andrew Toney and. Maurice Cbeeks llj>t:arhc•adc'<i an cxplostvt' third · quarter in whit:h thl• 76crs oulilCOrcd Detroit, 18-~. ·as Philadelphia downed the Pistons, 120-103 . . . Larry Bird and Danny Aia&e scored 12 points apiece and Robert Parltill contributed 10 points in a dl'<'l,.ivc. first quarter a.s · Boston handed Houston IL'> IOlh stral~ht loss at • the start of the season. 112-94.· Quote of the day Juanita Leonard, Su_gur Ray lA><>nnrd's ·. '-\'.lfc, after Lhl' boxing champion retired from the ring. on whut she told him ootore 1hc announcement: "I just told him 1f he 1 didn't quit I'd ·break all his fingcrs." - Boro~ hited to manage Oakland Steve Boros, a Montreal Expos' •. coach who·.was-managing in the low minor leagues three years ago, was named manager of th<' Oakland A's Wednesday . A's President Roy Eisenbarjlt called, . . ,. · . Soros "the best person tor this job al this time in ·· .Chicago extends Devils' streak this community," .·. The tape of Aaron Defen serrian Doug Wilson ~ fryor's vi~ory "?".er Alexis Arguelld will be notched a pair of goals in a 33-second ' . shown Saturday, instead of Sunday, as part o~ span of the second period Wednesday · live fight card, a SP,Okesman. for CB& TV said night lo Hft Chicago to a 5-31 National Wednesday . , . . T~ird OOs:eman Ron Cey ot Hockey .L~ague victory over New .Jersey, the Dodgers 1s. the 28th wmi:ier 'OJ the Lou extending the Devils' winless streak t.o 15 games Ge~rig Memorial Award, which lfoes lo the . . . Elsewhere In the NHL, Pat Boutelle'• ~a.JOr-league baseball play~r best fitting the third-period power-play goal helped Pittsburgh image and characl~ of the late .New York edge Hartford, 4.3 . . . Don MtJoney tallied .Y~nkee player . : . A tape recordmg·of good twice and Mike Rogers ac;lded a gbal and• two wishes .from all hlS t.cammalcs has been sent to assists t.o lead the New York Rangers to a 6-1 left wmg Normand Leveille of the Boston romp over To~onto. The def~ar e?<lended, the Bruins, who remains in poor but st.aQle condition. -Maple -Leafs' win.less road streak to. 20 games T I i I ·-(O-lti-4). datJng back to Jarl. 31 . : . Gille~ e ev s an, radio Hamel.· netted a pa.ir of goals and rookie Sean• TVi :No events scheduled McKenna had ·three assists as Buffalo downed. RADIO: Hockey -Dclroit al Kings. 7:2Q Winnipeg, 7-2. . p.m., KPRZ (1130). RAM RETURN TO PRA{;TICE e • e • - From Page C1 . tor u l"llil !l('WIC>O pluy<Jf I NJ'lll. ''Wt•'w t<Ol lO be· tht• f1&11t•'lll rut In thl1 ruc:1'," 1111lu widt.• 1'(\t't•lvN Wlllic Mlllc•r of the.• 1t•vt•n "rt'gulnl""'l 1't'IH•on gan""i the 1Uami twvc lefL ''U we.• l'UO Ut •l pa!!l Atlunu1 (th~ Kun"' oppont•nl Sur\duy), wo'll huw monwntum Our ~>nly wuy "' $(0 la up.". In olht•r dt•Vl•lopmN\tll arol,lnd. lh~ NJo'L.~ w_..h1t•sday. :lti of the 2H clubl wc·r"' elthcr t.aklnu phy111<'uhs or rP1umlng pr1u:iicl-11 by mlddhy; with lht• De-troll l.,.ions and N't•w York J,•i. the exc..-eptions. But ea<·h warn auaid they wouh.I join the fold today. Th" Lions rt•fusc.'<t ro rt•turn to lractlct• W"dnl•t1day, sa'y1Jlg tbt'y d'isapprove of lhl' tt•ntal!vt• at(t~mf!nt, but 11aid Collowlna( a two-hour mee1inj whh play"r representative Stan W.hlte, a membl>r of tht• union's executive commhtPC, .that they planr'll-d to practil~ today. • "We'rt.• returning at the Insistence• of ih<' playt•rg aSSO(l(ation,'" team <'<>·captain Keith Dornl')' said. AFTER THE PLAYERS met: Lions Coach Monte Clark said the players told them they "had u vc>ry long, heated discussion aryd .felt that by not coming in tonight, they'd be sending a message to thf resl qf the players in the leagu<'." Added Clark: "I 5ald I did not approve of this,• but did not want \o r e hash this. J'm just disappoil\ted we'r(! miulng a day's work." . Jim K~nsil, president of lhe Jets and formerly \NFL CoinmtSSionet Pete Roze11e's .right-hand man, kept his lear(l's facilit.les clOsed and turned players away Wednesday; but after a lengl.tly meeting among .Ken~il , RozeJle and Jack Donlan, the owners' chief negotiator, lhe Jets said the U;?am's camp would open today. • !tozelle, meanwhile, said that an initial negative reaction by the fans was expected when the season resumes Sunday. Asked·whal the league lost during the !ilriker Rozelle replied: "From a practical standpoint, a bunch of money was lost (estimates range·upwards of '$27~ million in team revenues and player salaries). From a general standpoint, I think there will be a turnoff ini\ially by the fans. "I just hope by working together we (the players and owners) can gel enlert.aining NFL football back on th~ field." . RO'ZELLE CONFIRMED ai. a news oonfererice Wednesday. night a "Supe r Bowl Tournament," the 16-team playoff by-product of the strike, will starl Jan. 8-9, and l)e said the conference champioriship games leading to Soper &>*I XVII in111y b1· J>IA)'l•d at nc•utral. warm-, W<'alhcr au.c.• r 'fhe" ''flffiffilliltiOnt•r aa.1 unnounct'<i lht' Jan 2 a makt·uu Wt't•kmu ·•·hedulc, t11l' <.irn.• which will fill out 1tw rc·1eulur Sl'1&1111t1 Lo n1m• Hl&rrM'11. Among the P"fllkt•up gunw11 on J1-111 :l I.II'<' lhl' Rums •l San •'ran('llK'O and th<• Htudc•r-M at Sun Oat•gu Tlw (inn wund u( th(.• pluyufCs wtJI pair tht- c•lghth . plac.1• l.l•am ul the finn-pls1ct• t.t·am and th•• (iflh·plMCt~ !<'anl ut tht• fourth pla<.'l' team in ont• bmckc.•t of (•och t.·onfen•nt-c. In \he othe r brackl•t, at will lx• tht• ll("v"nlh-plat.1.' k•am ul th~· 11t.'(.'Ond-placf' wam und th<' s1x1h.pla<.1.· tt:lim at .tht• th1rd-plac.--e lt•am. In lht• s<>cond round on Jan. 15-16, th~ mat.chups will pair the winners of 1-8 against 4-5 in each mnfercm't' and the winners of 'l-7 and 3-6. The conft.'n•nt·t• championship14 are &el for Jan. 22-2~. which wru> supposed to be.• the idle weekend prect'ding thl' Jan. :m Super Bowl gamt' in the ~ Bowl -· . THE PLA VING · of post-season games other than the Super Bowl at neutral sites is a departure f(om existm)J pohcy and the dccisaon lO consider shiftihg the games was prompted by,. the league's conc.-ern over foul weather, in view of lasl year's sub-zero, wind-whipped American Conference championship game at Cincinnati. In the event of ties in the standings at the end of lhe season, the league will use an eighl·ti~red tie.-breaker system starling ,wtth ·h ead-lo-head records and finishing with a -coin t.Oss. The tie- breaker system generally follows the normal one, but eliminates refcrenc...-es lO division games. The league also said that roster sizes had Qeen increased for the remainder of the season to 49 from 45 and that nM-t year's co11ege draft will, as usual, be based on this year's final standings. • I FANS' REACTION. • e From Page C1 • High and Rio Hondo college football player. "I'm a fireman now and l'tn on duty a lot on Sundays, so it's hard to get in~rested." "I hate football," responded an unidentified woman without stopping. "I'm tired of my husband not' having a~ything to do on Sunday9 though," she added as she disappeared through the doors. When posed the question, Grace Ear~ of Long Beach C<>Uldn't• help but giggle. Cd.M. faces Wilson ton_.i~ht .. "1 was Jµst 1augrung because it <the strike> didn't bother me. I don't know m\Jch about football. • Who's in the series anyway? Orno, that's the Super Corc;>na del Mar. will play defending champion Bowl, isn!t it? Lonf Beach Wilson. in a 4-A CIF water _wl<> "You know, my husband always claims he isn'1 se"'!i l~l c;ontest lOnigbL(.7.;30) aL.Belmont PJaza ·a football !an but. he watches every game, no matter · Olympic pool in. Long Beach. • . who's playing," Earl continued. "I guess I'd watch Th~ Sea Kings (26~) on \~~ y~ar, moved tnlt.? .the Super Bowl, but the only way I can tell the semtS with an easy 13-1 dec1S1on over El Dorado ' anything is by ,asking my-.husband w'1ich tearQ is Tuesday . weanng which color; T~at's all that matters.to me." ,. Conference .favors · SaddlebiJck BYC sailors set to 'race By CURT SEEDEN OftMD..,Notle.ft · \t "appears .that Orange CQunty's itiss will also result in a lot of Josaes for ,San· Diego-area community college basketQ&U teams this season. · ' ~ith the realignment of community college conferences earlier this year, SaddJeback College chp&e \0 compete in the n ewly-created Pacific Coas't Confe~nce rather than the more Orange Cou nty -o ri ented South Coast · Conference. · • What th.is all boils down to is -Coach · Bill Brwrunel's Gauchos, who shared the · MissiOf\ Conference title 'with, Riverside cc Jas--i season; should have little trouble . in earning the Pacific Coast Conference's inaugural crown. • - Brummel's ~am has a solid nocleus in the form of five sophomores, including , talented '6-2 guard Tracy Mitch~ll. who averaged 9.9 points per game last season. Several promising youngsters are e:irnected to fit right into Brummel's fast break style of offense (inherited' from former Saddleback Coach Bill Mulligan). Combined with what is exJ>eCl.ed t.o be weak competition from the other.schools, . eveyth1ng points to another s'uccessh.il. season for the Cauchos. ' . . · "Our. main strengths this· yt?ar are talented individuals ;md ·deRth," notes Brummel .. "Some of our smaller guys can play with bigger men an~ we have real good depth al guard." Last year w11tr-George T~mer as the floor leacter, Saddleback .finished the sea.sqn with 4 20-12 record and a 10-2 confe~ence maTk . And two of"tne Gauchos' defeats were in the-form of . forfeits for usmg an ineligible plaY.el'. Turner, lik~ another Saddleback ·gl-eat,J<evin Mage<!. has gone on • UC Irvine to play for Mulligan. bur the t.alent continues t.o pour in~Saddleback ~ much to Brummel's delight. · ·.Mitchell tigures to do a -lot more .scoring now that he won't be able to dtSh off assists t6 Turner. A at.ate finalist in the commumly college Jong jump,. (he won the Southern Califorrua jump with a 32-3 ~ effort). MUchell leads a long list of Gaucho leas)ers! Fbr instance, there'• his brother James Mitchell (47 feet tn the triple jump last aeeaol'l in MueachU99etts), and freshman forward ... center Gary Arceneaux, a . College football TODAY'SO.. Mllmt. 0 . II Cincinnati. n IATUN>AY'I Q,._I .... USC V9 UCLA II ROM 8owl (cnannet 7, It 12.50 p.m1 Michigan at Ofl.0 St (Channel 2 at 9 30 am.) Stanl«d at Celil«nia • Arjz:ona a1 ~eoon Bowlin~ Green n Long BHch St at Anaheim adlum (7:30) . . nefensiwe abilities:· Brummel says. second~team All-CIF' performer out of Alt.a Loma who are on hand. · • Arceneaux ;lveraged 21· points and 18 . 1 rebounds lllsl season and twke hauled down more lhan 30 rebounds in a game. He (s battling a oouple of former area products ·for 1he big .forw'ard position on Others to be considered are 6-5 swingman Alex Adams, who played ~ • center at. Long Beach Poly last. 'season · and averaged 17. points and 10 rebounds. Balboa Yac~ CLub's three. month Sunkist Series gets under way' this weekend with small boals racing inside. cour~es Saturday ·and Keel boats sailing inside-outside courses Sunday. · Bru~l's squad. . . , The olher two are Roger Rentrop, a 6-5 sop!1omore who played last year al .. lledlands.. and Bcett Olivier, a 6-8 ~ · freshman out of Laguna Hills J:ligtt. "n entrop can b4t a real solid player for . us. He's a gre<\l Wader,1 ' Brummel says. "Olivier tras. ~rformed very well in practice and he has a,great attitudt!. We think. he's going .,, be a fine player for us." ' .. .. ' Joining Mitchell at the guard position will be either returner AnCly Ground or newcomer Kevin He ndeirson, a 6-4 sharpshooter from Centennial High in Compton.. • "Andy's experien~ sho\.dd relilly help him this' year but he's coming ofl knee surgery and. it might t.ak~ until mid-, aeuon ft:>r him. Henderson,.has shown great shootJn~ ability but he's gol.na 'to· .. have to improve on his ballhitndllng and • Brummel has to decide what t.o do With the versatile newcomer. "Alex_ is a very talenlCd player-who has all the tools. He:s a good outside . st\ooter and has been very . diliB.enl. in Jei.fning to:ptay·outaide," his coach says. Waiting In the wings are-6-8 Andy Ryan out o{ Missiofl Viejo High: 6-5 Dick Petchul frofll Illinois; 6-6 Bill Beecher, Mission Viejo High's-'MVP and a first- team all-league selection; 6-2 'h Paul Morte~n from Capis~o Valley. . • ......... ICfl•.. . NoY 19 -Fullerton; Nov 23 -al Ml San AnlonlO. Dec. 2-4 -11 MllM Eaton t~ Dec 9·11 -It Santa Barbare Tovrney, Oec:. 17,: 11 -Saddleback Tourney: Dec. 22 -Santa Ana. . • Jan. 5 -GtOMmonl"; Jan I -lmpei'\el ValfeY': Jan. 12 -at Souc"-1~·: Jf/11 15 -at Mir.co.ta•; Jan 19 -s.. Diego cc •. Jf"' 22 -.. San Diego Mew •. Jan :ze -Pllklmer' • Feb. 2 -al GroHmont ·; Feb. 5 -al lml>filll Valley·. Feb 9 -SoulhwHltrn • ! Feb. V - Mlr.Coe11·. Fell II -ll"SM °""°cc·; Feo. 19 - Sar;t Ol9gO Mela". Fetl. 23 -11 Pfiomer' AU glfl'ielt begin 11 7:30 p,m unleM ~ noleel. Toumernent gerne lfmoe 10 be wwiounc:ed. Pac:lfle Coal Con~ 0-lnOiclted by ... -.riak Weekend bO•fi"Q cai.ncs.r· • l .. ·~ llMctl • AJarnotot Bay "f.-cht Club -Turkey Day Regatta. (PHRF and one-deSign), Saturday, Sunoay. . ............ .., Del ~ Yacht Club -lntraclub O.um1t1<:k ·-·Sunday • Redondo Beach, yachl Club -Turkey Shoo1 (k ... ~11). Sond•y Metlna Yectit Club -Turi<ey r-(PHRF). S.IUtde!'- Ml1ilon Bay ~c~ub -Hot Rum Atoana (al m-). Sunday ~Yacht Club -Turkey Day';ac41 (1111 dUaR), SwndaV • San Oleeo Yacht Club -Stnnholer Hot Aum S.let (IOR). SuNlay S"-Gate Yecllt CluC> -Swet1/H- Ru"' Runner Serles (PHRF), Sund1y, Slnnholer Mug 0 Rum S«-(SDHF), Sund1y, Turi<ey ,_, S-Oq • ..... ............ &,nla Barbera Yeeht Club -Cenl-iel Trophy race (PHRF}. Salutday, Sunclq ~ Yactll Club -S.. Gllllery S«iel (PHAF), Salurday • Venturi Yacht Club -Fall Ser-(PHRF), Sunday • Weallake Yacllt Club -Turkey Day Aeg911• (dlnghiea). Sunday ,,,, ROSSIGNOL CHALLENGER w/Tyrolla llO D • ......... Poke A compact ski for beginner and lnter- medlote skiers with a safe ahd easy Freeno I. at Nevada·LM Vegu, n • Cat State Futlerlon at Plldflcrn - -Colot,P SI It S.::DlegO Sl, n -Oiifi:et -~ .. ,.... ?-~;:j;~~~ AMei__,~19on St. -"-' Wathlngton et WMhlngton St LADIES GA. ..,... SALE . s94aa ~~ .. -n-i11t.r.rl'llte ......... SIOI.• ... Ce1 Poty jSLO) at Cel POiy (Pomona). n Portland St. 11 Cel State Nortllrl<IQe, n "9ctllee Notre Dtll'ne al Air F«ce Bo1M St. at ldallo St .. n Hawlll It Hew MelticO BYU al Ulah Webef St. at Northern At'1ona ........... TtllH It Bay!Ot Jowa SI. at Ottlall<>ma SI Altc-11 SMIJ TCU•T-AAM Wyoming el Te-El Pa.o, n OUl1on II T•••·Tech. .. ,..Atllngton at L9mat, n at North r-s1. ....... IOilli(JiliilflcNgan St. .....,. II Putdue winn.otl It WllCOMln Colorldo .. ~ 8t. • I(~ et Mlsa®fl . JOHNSON &SON presents ... COLLIGI .............. IYU over Utah * use ·· .,,., UQA * Stanford over w.rr'h • .111--~ CallfenJlo .. MJch ... n .,,., Ohle St. * Metre Dome .,,., Air ' I SIOO •. ·ALPINA .MENS TURBO SALE e ... s199~ K2 8f2 GS W/Salomoa 737 An excellent crutsing ski for agQres- slve skiers with our most popular ...... ••~•-m-•ae•• .SI 10. ~ ff----btndtnt-, .. 1v frtce ......... Mal.II l .SALE ee•e *391 . OIUGI . . ....... 1 blldi • ona Pwy ..... Packages Include skis, blndlnas. and custom btndlng Installation . .. 17 mg "tar". 13 mg. ntCOllOO BY P81 CIQ!llOllll by f fC IOOlhod ,.. I .. • - • - . · ... . Wlmt9'1: · fhe Su;v.UJl .... Gtner1L..ff•~. Qlretmintd T~at Cigarette Smo~ing Is Dangerou s to Your Health . ... • .. .~ . ., Or1111go Co;.,, DAILY P1 LO T/Ttiurtday, Novembet 18, 1982 , • " ,, Discover the taste of t;amel ·~ilter.,s~ now 1n a Hard Pack .. ... . .. f \ . ..· ' ' I • . . .. ..... \ . . . . _ .. (':I ·. I l ·1 f . . t t • . ' ' • . . . • ti O"nge Co111 DAILY PILOT /Thureday, .November 18, 1982 height, depth ~ (:t: 01>c n · ca on Saturday 8y JOHN SEVANO Of tM D.Ur Pllol lie" Sou&.hern C411 College l>ask!-llPall "-"OaC:h BUI Rcy- l)Olds isn't sure whethe r h~·V~uards will tk> able• tO equal their efforts of lnsl se&S<>n. After all, SCC did finish 21 -10 overall, and although ihe Vanguards , were a dmhlul 6-7 in ~ague, they bounced back to rt-ach the finals in the NAlA District tournament. "As far as the re<.'Ord is l'Onl-etned, it would be ~ard lo dupllc:ate w hat we did last year ," Rcyholds,, beginning his scc.:ond season as head (-pach, admits. "Our schedule is so much toughe r this lime. We play at least £our Divis1orflI teams, and we also play Pepperdine in its opener (Friday, Nov. 26). Plus, we're on the road 10 or QUr first. 12 ball games." f The Vanguards. an ~AI J\ Di st ri c t 3 fffil ii)te, open the season S aturday a t Cal State i:.<>s Angeles (7:30 p.m.). f· Although thin in lieight and depth at the• luard p osition , eynolds feeds his am's quickness will elp to overcome. any ficiencies. :· "We eXp<!Ct to be ¢!om peti tive," says ~eynolds. Rill llcynolds •: The SCC roach will ily heavily on returning forward Mike Roberts -2. 170 pounds) and junior guard Rick Pluimer . -0. 175) to provide stability and leadership. I.I • Roberts, a senior, averaged 16.1 points per 4 pme last year and ~.5 reboun<fs. Plui~er. although i e averaged but 6.6 points, was tqc team's f!aymaker, dishing o(( eight assists per contest. ~, "We're very thin at the guard spol this year.. We have only three guys who can really handle t-tie l," Reynolds explains. Besides .Pluimer, senior Rich Rogers and freshman Robert Aviles are also in the backcourt. llogers averaged .4.3 points per game, w hile Avil~ *<>red at a 16.9 clip his senior season in high school. <; Finally; other guards who figure to sec a lot of action .a re 6-3 Andre Smith, a transfer from fullerton College, where he had a 16.7 scoring ~erage, and junior transfer Mike Shannon from MiraCosta College (11.8 average) .. Up front, Reynolds won't have much size .. ; b,ul then he didn't last year either. · , "We were 6-4, 6-2, 6-3 across the front last year," says Reynolds. "I don't think we coulo be any smaller." At the post, Rfyn<?lds has 6-5 senior 'Richard .Pierce. who red-shirted last year. or 6-4 junior Dan . Mortensen (5.0 points. 5.2 r'ebounds) to choose from. · , · The other wing will be• manned by either 6-2 junior Dave Corsi (7.5 points, 6'.3 rebounds): who assumed the role of the sixth man off the bench last ~a.son, or Larry Hirst, a 6-6 junior who spent most Q( last year on the sidelines with a knee injury. Reynolds' one big man with any height -6-7 senior forward Paul Hohmann (7 .1 points. 4.3 rebounds) -is ineligible until the second semester. "We rt.'aJJy don't know how we're going to line up yet," Reynolds explains. "I know the playe}"S are getting impatient because thin~ haven't fallen into a clear pictur'e yet. "But one thing I've ~n trying to emphasize to th em is that it's not who's starting. but who's ending that counts." The balant-e of the Vanguards' -squad includes: Senior guard Rich Rogers (6-0), who figures to•see some playing lime against teams that zone SCC; sophomore forward Ro-n Reddick (6-1); freshman forward .Ba.fry Sllveoi (6-3): and freshman forward .. Randy Tift (6-3), who pla~ed last year al Estancia 00.0 points. 4.5 rebounds). · 1 Southern Cel Coft.ge ecMdule Nov. 20 -·et Cel State Loi Jan 11 -Westmont; Jan 14 - "'>GelM; Nov 23 -II La VerM (8 II Cal Bapllll (8 p.m.1. Jan. 18 -p"'".t. Nov 26 -at Pepperdlne: UC San Diego; Jan. 2 t -at Cal NoY 27 -Redland1 lutt-an (8 p.m.t. Jan. 25 ..-at l>ec. 3-4 -11 BYU (Hewell) Point ~ (8 p.m ), Jan 28·- t our namen t (ti mes to be AnlS8 Peclflc. alln0\lr\Q41d): Dec. 6 -at Hawaii Feb. t -et Blola (8 p.m ). Feb P,aclllc (8 p.m.); Dec. 8 -Cal 4 -Paclllc Chrlstlen, Feb. 5 - Tech: Dec. 11 -II Chapman: Alumni; F.ci. 8 -Cal Bapll11; Feb O.C. t8 -11 Pactloc Christian. 11 -Fr~ Pactlle: Feb. IS -at Dec: 29 -at Color County CIUllc UC San Diego, Feb 1~ -Point (18A). Dae. 30 -et Southern Loma. Feb 22 -al AzvN Pecif\C ~h St (8 pm ). Feb 2S -LA Bapllsl. Jen. 4 -Concordia College All games star! 11 7:30 p,m ~braska): Jan 7 -La Verne: unless otheNtlee Indicated Rustlers seek clincher Golden West College's Rusllers will try to put a lock on the South Coast C.Onference water polo championship Friday afternoon w.hen they mee~ Mt. San Antoniq in Walnut. - · The Rustlers stayed sharp Wednesday with a 1'!-9 victory over the USC junior varsity squad. Cell 642-5671. Put• few words to work for ou. !M!:.t am co;e;;;: • a =:o:':.:: So I )ll•ll ~T_ It_ ... V-Oior . -"-~ COSTA MISA 641-1219 ,,,........, ....... MISMOH vQ, 495-0401 2"22 c:...... c.,, ,, •• (SM .... ..., ... A.-y .....,, ... ... _u_n_u_n_r_•_u_•n_•' ....... I~. 10 DEALER SILES _ FOREMOST . FURNITURE TWO SIELF . I llD.labeduDlt.Llmlted / ' ,,, Qu(mtltl••· -. #J . '. 'I': WA--DROBI; CLOS~ WITH ·sLmllfG oom. WCIVerly Walnut flnl1h. Pretty eaey to aeMmble. (Compared to what? A tran1mlHlon ?) i OPE!.~~~SE 1997 ;~)~ DELUXE T.Y. 91'T · . . \r..--)u _A ..__-3 PC. LIBRARY WALL UIJ · .' Attbertelrolrepeatlaga:, .. u. 23 97 Chec:lrltout.you.a•• 97 77 you aaNmble tble w~t . a bunch when you buy lllllebguy.UmlteclOuantltlH. ' -alltru...Wcrlerly • TWI-~: ,.._ walnut llalllh. l .D. ,.._ Duuim:" ILUIGllU• FOLDIRli TOLES . . 14"" t 11, Ir .... . -~ M"lll" cam FILI Jl"171" lllPLllF ···tt· cam,.. 25'1'1 We"NgotaelMtofllyow DMda.fowaemall 13~'1 clleplay,ablgyardeale •. S 'l'I ora ~luan eoclal affair. . liLISS • MORE 69• II-IL Hmmmmmm. The name remlnde . me of another brand. which lecrY•• a etlclry film on glaH. I'll han to ·try thle. • 5 PC. · DllEI IE SET 99•• . . . YllYL UP•LSTEBED ftlCI CBllR 19"" All-oc:c:aeloa chain ln baalc brown. (I MIW a lrltleb eel.ace-fiction moYle laet night. You could tell II wa lrltleh • cauM lhe Mcmlana all canled umbrella•.) liLID 33 lilLLOI . TBASR BIGS 2 9'1 . . llCll'ln # .... iW'e'hope ow tiaeb'collecton don'f go on etrllr,e lllre they did ln New Yorlr. I'd ban no place to Ille all th ... newepaper ade. ... t DISBMISTER FIOCET sea• .... _,. U you'•• got no more than 4 mouthe toe..d..ibie.Mt with.. ----=Hand=;.. puehbutton .Cra~ waehlng and ••4U>unln9o etyl• table and 4 rlnalag. lncludea fitting' for wall or deck We might Mll out. but don't worry we'll epeclal order ~foryou . fawn upholeterecl chain might mountlag. Now how do you get the kld1 to UM be yow meal ticket. lt? 7 PC. DllEI IE SET 12888 For a bigger CNW. Mt hoe• x IO loala'lll etyle table cmd I Scmd LatlDo upholeterecl cbaln. 7497 339 ' li.E. DECORATOR BULBS .. Writ• tbl• down. I'm only gonna eay lt once: name. curl. or etralght tlp etylH ln 15. 15. 40 0r IO watt. and cMlce of clear. white. or amber. FIREPLACE PRODUCTS cusnrc FIRESCREEIS Black. Pollehecl lrau. Antique Irene or latln Irene ecreea1 with pull chain. up to 50" wide. Special Order OD lheee. friend•. · GLIDDEI . SPIED S~ 8''11 Cbooee the w•t look of •ao-1. or aatla llalah tor the walle. either way you get Glldd.a I quality In ta1t·dryt119 waehable 1tuJt. AJWll sfta'UTD IElll-CUIS DllllL 111" CIL. .r - .. COSCO FOLDllli CHAIR Chair l1 llk• th• one• you .•l•pt ln . during th• "Wonderful World of Wax" preMnta,tlon In blgh echool. $699 .. STEPS TOOL Stepetool com•• In Chocolate or Almond llcnon. 1099 CLEIRTlllERS : ·seoilT SET 3 29 #IJl-J TILL SET 3 99,._, Take your pick. either Ml lrMpe the gooda lrom gettlnghaay. and that'• the long and ehort of It. IRICO STEREO CASSE I IE IDIP.TDR FOR ~TRACI( TAPE . PLAYERS Oust off that old I track ybu • .. got ataahed ln the cloeet and con••rt lt to a mo..re conftnlent .ITllLllE~Wlllll8 · ••. liiiiilill!l!-caaaette._:__ ......... 1dt •fiiz:;1=· M #b ,... ... ,.._. ~~ ............. ...., .................. SEITCGtERS . 2 -3 88 · ' . u. Daa't let tlaoM raggedy Nate Nin JOur'tNclr'e loob. OettMeebablue. black or brown. tor ............ tncJie with tow orldgll 111111 , .. JE ~caa• s•«*P1¥11 . 'IEITCltEll 43''u. • I • • 92YI' 2 I 4 WRnE -RR . ,STUD Stud grade cqn•tructlon •tuft for the home .. (Home l• where you can •ay anything you . llke, bec:au•• nobody pay•.any att•ntl9n to your anywczY.) -- ~-I ~. FIYE llCB CUSTOM llST4J,LED RAii GU I I ER 01£ OB TWO STORY .. loon. QI. s1~~. . : Get Nady tor the wet monthiiabead with our ' white or brown enameled cnatter. Price• are tor normal lnatallatlon on realdentlal propertlH ~ downapouta extra. LESS Tiii lotin. son. Mii. ~ . l"•u ! 'Feaa up. An you one of thoae people who wait (' : for the llaahllght to dle and then buy juat : enough 7 St~ up. i !3•7 ( u. ~ MOLDEI PLASTIC TOILET SEATS .... Can we really Mil· em tor thta price? I• thla a dlapoMlble Hat or · what? War aurplua? llURBIY TWO T8IE 31" llOllTEBEY CRUISERS WITH FEDERS YOUR CBOICE LID~' ~~. llEl__,_'S__,_.- 88!~- • liEIEBIL' iLUMllUM DESllilEB WIDOWS @@ -~~ ~~ ~ . T~y aDOOty window• tor t}ae home. Get th• Wluaualoctagon or buy the round one and ptetend lt' a a porthole.. "· 67 .. . 77• OCT&mlKl.ln 97aa ICT-·~ Liii 11 , •• RUST-OLEUM SPUY PllllT . ·23• ., .. Protect• the bar~ue and patio harnltwe from th• el•m•nta and ward a off Old Man Ru at. 25 PC. Yz"DBIYE DIPOBT SOCltr SET 9'7 IAt me get thla atralght. la the aocket Mt lm~ed. oria lt for Imported aoclreta? I'd aaylt'a a foreigner. • 138 .. _.;. Youccniputthl1haDcly -UIUIL gadget up youneU U you'n llln'ILLITm Or1nge Co11t DAILY PILOT /Thurtdl9y, Novemt>« 18, 1982 ·.you TIL& •rM klD, I 'LL JO.RN · · THI PAHS. BOUGH REDWOOD '"· 21• ... 1•7 '"· . 2•7 ' 314"¥ • , 011 TBOJll BOARD Fine for a fence. yup. (I loH ccnnplng in the ----H.;.· a our aolld hardwood 1trip paneling that'• redwooda. Th•re'a U..1 there that are older happy either on the walrs-i>r the tloor. Tongu4 than my mother· In-law. And better and grooHd and end matched. co1qe1in20 aq. It. preM"ed.) pakonly. I ' PICU'IC DRIVEWIJ BESURFICEB '877~ '. 5 UL Sounda Uke a to.ely birthday gilt to me. Wrap It up Dice and tell yow mother-in-law lt' a a MW ladal. #> • • .llDISTROlli PLACE I' PRESS 11.00B TILE Comee ID PalaUaJ. lradtord lrtclr. Oalr laoll. IJhought anyone could dolt. but Uncle Herlry put th• w">ng aide down and lntlll atuck In the lrttchen. 12"xl2" COLllMllll. StopmeUyou'n Uftll beard thia one. 10__.;.UIBD• D Stalwart fellow ha• ....... 3 tamper· proof SECUllTY I ·h~gH. deadbolt .• .• and 'le .. extruded •NI.;._ DOOR. aJumlDwnJrame.· '"'tu.Siii Chooee Gold or SUnr nelrtone 9777 Hnlah.ln30".32"or "'lcrwt!! btead deflae• aU..o.tCii whee two P90P'9-"oaletali• ad __ ...._ ~tla-to pay for It. ..... MISIDlli TIPE ,, Ye'' 1 '• DI. 39•. I" I• DI. 59t 1~•· I • DI. 79• r · 1 • n,s. I 1 • ' · 14" I 24" ... BOIEYCOMB DOORMAT 1•• Unca. Herlry bell.,,ed me when I told him that it takH 5.000 tralned t,eea working OTertl- to make on• of tbffe CLOSE~OUT SUIBEIM GAS liRO.LS lllUEIKltLY ma•• n IUILIRIEI 188~· Got aom• great deal• on th• grille. w.· .. got to moT• •em out to make room tor the '83 modela. (Thia guy aounda like Ralph Wllllam1.) No raincheclra. 111'VUL cu ~~137-~ mm IDEJIEllKITLY 209 .. CDllULLED DUAL IUllEI nm 2 97 #2$11 Comee wl~ lour Upa. Make1regulm acrewdrlnn look like Nalwtmpa. 01£ PIECE ELECTROllC 'PIOIE ' A claHlc atya. that ne••r c11 ... with whtt•walla. chrome touring handlebar cmd coaat•r brake. ncnn Wockclaeny..wl~wllda. got aome tt .. to •pare. or " .. mr w.. • ...,.............. ____:._, ••• _ - dlrtytlae........ • Jut .._.h epace lor the laeta. ao I'll t•ll you It caa ... -* "•" cmd ~ .. drlll,to eh~n blade• • ..... imdliailla. DrlD ntta. ' 1 · ! • i 1 • B TGILS tan P1JllP 2 •• #n1 . . .... -.i~f.t.:~ ..... ~··-­....... -.... ...,....,. AJ..gNat•otMr .......... • r SIELL llW/ • WT.· FllE • ICE ILL -SEI .. -Jlftll OIL 81 •tr. • ~~111.--. I .... ..,,. ... ,... _...,... ..... .., ... ... ........ •1•wattaeo .... ., IO•IO'atr._alee-4 .......... • I ., Oood prlceoa title bcabr with lat •uaber • '4 • ......... Cd~··~ ......... ... h•tMrh•adat ........... ... . , ' .. . l Loe.Alemltae WDMl18A,Y'I Ml"'-TI , .............. ~ .. _. .... , ,_ ... MCC 350 y.icia. SUtc:Nty CCerCloH) 5 40 4 20 2 80 Hyctr_.ic !Hw11 II 60 6 80 Prlllll Z.-A CrMO'l"I • 3 20 Al.o raceCI SwHt Rocket Oo. C1y1tal '*"-'ell. Mlc:keyl Rarnbl.,, Tpe Hllltl f"rlcleyl Fot111. h clullVI AlltJj, 0011•• Moon • Too • • Time II.CM :'. .. IXAC'l'A 110-a) peid S6J 80 ICCOM> MCI. 350 y81Clt NowaytotrMI Alecly ICfgrl II 20 2 80 2 40 OH.Chako ll:flltll 2 20 2 80 OH·~9"1<4H (l(~.I) 2 20 2 60 OH -OeadhHI 10< pl-' AllO r~ CIOuCI Strea~ar In Bloom 8ermu4e Tr~le Time· 17 89 •A WHTI"" CQIW'IMNCI Pacific~ W L Pel. Ge S.IUltt • 11 0 t 000 PhOllflllK 11 ' ate Lehr• · 7 3 100 P0<t111no 6 ll 455 Golden St1u1 4 I 400 San 011110 t II 100 Mlclw••I Division San Anl~IO 1 A 1136 Kan .. • City 4 3 57 t Ollllat :6 5 600 Oen-4 II 400 Utatl 3 6 333 Hou11on o 10 ooo Atlantic OMelOft Ptlllaoflpllll 9 '1 llOO 8o1ton 8 2 800 1 NIW.J .. sey 6 6 455 , 4''> New York 3 7 300 II W11hing1on 3 1 300 6 C•11•~a1~ Oetr0<t MllwtuUt lndltn• Atlante CIMCaoc> Clevetena T 4 836 11 4 800 s 6 600 4 6 400 4 6 400 I 7 12~ WedneadeJ'• lc«M O.ita1 t 111 L•ll•n 117 • Bos1on t 127 Houslon 94 1no1ana t24, OOlclen Stare 122 (ol) PhMaoelphia 120. Detroit 103 TI4IN> RACE. 400 y81dl San Antonio t 14, wuh1ng1on 112 Mu.I 8 FH1 ITonkl) 17 60 15 IO 3.l!O Ut•l't 101, New Jeney 97 . Ima Jet Rall (Myles) 6 40 4 60 SHllll 119, Atlanta 97 ~aluetao (Creager) 2 80 ron19111•1 Oen!•• AllO receo Jell A Fire, Mighty Marcu1, Milwaukee at New Y0<k 8ar The Coach. Heu C1tun. Win Het E.esy Denver al Photn1a Time. 20.411 • Cleveland 11 San Ofego .. IXACTA IS-II P•ld s 108 00 M•verlck• 111, Letier1 117 "-,OURTH RACE. 870 yltdl LOI ANOILEI -Rambls 11, WllUI 19 ::-: Mr B B Roeket (Pin) 4 40 3 00 2 40 ~bdul•Jlbblf 22. Nixon 4 E. JohnllOn 12 ... ~ Wild Rebel IMltchtlll 3 80 3 00 (:ooper 20, WOfthy 21 , McAdoo 8 To1a11' ,. Miiking MemOfle• (Valdez) 2 60 47-89 23-28 117 :E Al10 r11ced: Snappy Tiger. Spani1h DALlAI -Garn1111 8, voncant t8, .,. Amante, Sir Loves Gem. Olrecr Polley, Over N1mph1u1 2. OllY1s 14. Btec:kman 24. ·~ Sltadow. Cummings 22, R1nsey 4, Agu11re t9, LIOyd •. Time: 46.43. 5. Spsnarkel 4, Turner 0 To1111 44.93 a-IXACT'• (f·~I paid '14 40, --2&-30-1-1 ---' ~ MCI. 350 ylldl. lcCHe itt Oulnlfl S Noble OlllU (Trar) II 00 3 40 2 40 LOJ Angeles ' 33 33 24 27-117 Noholme PHI IBltlvlnl) 4 00 2 80 Dallas 23 30 37 28-118 S OH·Rllli:e a Roon (WerCll 2 80 Thr...,polnt goa1, -Aguirre 2 fouled out OH-Forlunt Rocktl !Hart) 2,20 -None Rebounds -Loi AngtlH 32 OH-Oe1d11MI fO< lhOW (Ramt>ls Ill. Dallas S3 (Cumming• 17) AllO r1ced, KeynHlan, Lots 1 R1c11e1. A1~1ts -Loa Angella 33 INt•on 13), 01n11 Bublltee Jet, Sttlt• Touch 26 (Vincent 111 Total louJs -LOI Al)lllle• Time. 17.89 211, Deltas 24 Technlcall -LOii Angetes • .. RllACTA (11-7) pa1C1 $32 60 bench 2, Oallet bencn .\ -17, 134 llXT'H MCI. 1170 yards Tiger Weltt (Hartl 7 40 3 l'O 3 oo· Macho Miio (Peultnl) 3 80 2 80 Mr Stec;y Bob (Rotighl 3 20 Al90 r-0 '*-Reml>long Red Savan De V-ille. WojoNMli, Tl'tlnk Sia, Strep Timr 4580. MYINTH RACE. 300 yard1 Haa KOjell ICfNOI<) 5 00 2 80 2 40 VegM 8e (lachy) 4 00 3 00 ClllcaOo Rel> IM~) 4 80 Al90 r-o: Amen Jon. CO<.,.tton. Smooth AocUI, Johnny Chwger. Jell Velue Time: 15 711. · • IXACTA 16-31peld12080 II PICK .. l 12-11-7·11-11-11) plld S:l.76' 20 wlttl -WIMlng llcketa (llx ho<-) $2 P1c* Shl coneoieuon paid 164.00 with 137 winning tlcllete {five llO<MS). S2 Pick S1• scratch consolallon p1ld $90 110 with 21 Winning tlckell (lour hOr-. one 1eratcM · ltGHTit llACi. 350 yards Up Front Linda (Crgr) 5 60 2 80 2 tO Jlltl Cau11 {HOlllnglhMd) 3 40 • 2 10 Paint T,... Town (Han> 2 20 AllO raceo: Hurry On Now. Cameo Aw•y Time: 17 .115. 12 lllACTA (4-3) peld $20 20 MNTH RACI. 354J ylldl Metronome (Fryday) 12 40 7 00 4 80 PUMm Tru ILa-gne) 41 00 20 20 Ealy Winning (Adair) 9 20 Alto r~· Oalhin Fancy, Go Stride Go. MX Mlulle, CIUllC Thoughl, Going l'teOnum. Lets Go w .. 1. Money Spinner Time: 11 ae 12 IJlACTA (s-al pllkl S28S 40 Allene!~ 5.572 HollYWood ,.,. ftONRloAY'• Maul.Tl (11111 If ...., .._ .... ' 14 -""I) ""'9'1' RACE. I furlongs Oh GM.(St.,_l 54 00 22 IO 13 40 llielaclOOn {Ollvar .. ) 44 80 11 40 S--Slllof (V~l 700 Atso rued WatertorCI Biiiy, Bublllt Oumrno. Ptltltec, ~ Mtter. s.r-S.QIO 1tle String AIOnQ. Hanll S . W11 H- Tlme 1· 10 ,115 UCOND MCI. 1 1116 miles • [)omlnent lM (Shmkr) 12 00 s 60 3 4() WhY Zentlll (H1w19tl 4 00 2 IO Meilnd•'• Plum 1De1a11ousw;el 3 eo Alto r-0 VetYet B<m. Regal'• FlllC)'. S9fl'f Cologne. Ouctlesa Pelrone. au. ... Time: 1.44 0. , 11OAILYooua.E 11-4) Plld $3911 20 TMMD MCI. II furklnQt Perll pmc. (Plncay) 5,00 3 40 2 211 Rott A NatUfal (Plefoe) 3 80 2 :x> French Me)Mty (Vllien1.ulla) 2 20 Atao reced. Oetawere Joe, OO-S1e1llng 81Ne. 8'-ten. 81< RuNllt 00-0ltqualltled trom thlfd to loltl'I Time; 1:09 115. • HACTA (S.11 paid .. 7,SO FOURTM RACE. II tut1ong1 Agita1UI \Plncayl 11,80 I 60 5 40 Aslorlen Hawley) 7 20 4 llO Belly Knoc:llen 1Mcewronl 8 eo Aleo r1ced. DO·Coia .. , Champegne Counlen, Comfort Len. Ledy Fun Austwell. ~ FO< Me 00-0llquetr.., from MConcl to """' College Kore ' V11g1111a 94, Soviet Unoon 87 (2 011 NHL CAMPMLL CONfERENCE Sfinytlw Ohrlelon W L T OF QA l"t1 9 8 A 98 88 2' II 6 t 74 62 19 8 1 3 ~o 11 1t 8 9 3 88 119 19 7 10 3 70 66 11 Edmonton Winnipeg IUnge Calgary 'Vancouvet Chicago Minnesota St lbuls T0<on10 Deir Ott Noul• Olwlalon 11 2 s 81 61 2J 12 7 1 8' 70 25 8 11 17279 17 4 8 ~ 59 72 13 3 12 4 SI 88 10 WAUI CoMFERENCE Pelrlcll OIYlalon NY istenoeu 13 ll ? 84 58 211 Pt'Klaaelpt><a 10 8 I 77 63 21 NY Rangl'I 8 10 I 72 80 17 • wesn1ng1on 7 7 3 81 114 17 P1tt1burgn 6 11 3 117 117 15 New JerMY 3 13 fi 112 95 12 Adem•~ Monrreal • 12 4 3 ae 61 27 Boston 10 6 3 70 59 23 Oueoec 9 1 2 " 112 20 8utfelo II 7 4 82 68 20 '4arlfOl'O S t1 2 63 17 U . ..._.. . ._.. New Yori( ~ 6, Toronto 1 P1tllbutgh 4. HW11ord 3 ~S NewJ4Hwy 3 ButfalO 7 Winnt1>419 2 To"'9llt'10-~ Oetron et lC ..... &<>.ton at New York lsllll1de<• CalQwy at Ph!i.oelpllla Butialo at M~a Ouet>ee at Monlrtal Womeft'I vollefbell COUIOE use def UCLA. 15-4. 11. 15 15-e. 10. 1s, 15-11 -, , COMMUNITY COLLEGE Or .. Coast Cl<tf C.rltot 15·3. 10-tS 15-13. 15· 13 Golden WHt def Cyprns. 15·4. 1S·ll. 15-11 HIGH IC"°°'-CIF 4-A ..... lllnele '• In' Hornets' nest WCTlow'*'*'I (al 0..11111\IHMI, w ... Oet-r) ..................... Hustlers visit Fullerton Saturday Wojt"",. 1t1.U. lf'ulAhtl) lhll ltat<.•1 l•Ut I•• uv '°'""' 1din.u1 -.. .. , .. "' .. ~ ..... 1u,, o•• !>; cuaT SL'L'OL', .... ... , ll<11~• IU ") 4 • 0 3 G 4 ...... Ir IJI ~-C ... elo ltle D.., Piie! llaff t_ eMtlaM, JllallMllll Unm•rVl'i.L by 11n ('ffil)ijrr6Aliallnt( JCl'•¥lll~n e:::~~ ~i:::-9commiqu• 40-l J a.t•thi.t·k W Ml. Sun Antmuo 6eclel 1f1•1tt•>. t 11. 11' & '1e1•t11;1111. C.91\1 Collt•iu lu1il wc•c•k., ttw Gold(•n II·~ 6 2, ROIMld Slalllel (Sw1t111ler11J) 11tt "'' CDI' n " n n ft! M n MlllCH tA1.1ttret111 w 1..J1111 a .... ..,, (U 8 J, 11· 1. W""'t Coll " 0 u .. tl ....... a !t 1 Chrl• """""dnr~u•nJ111rt;-4 e;-P-&;--e .... ---1:.a" ~ ..w.i t-h a f cu:. m.i d a l · P•t•r r11g1 1Au1tr11111 oet Oten HolroyO oppont•nt Saturday ni.,ht in the• (U 6 I. 11'2 6 t Mike O•v;it IU S l o•l Rand e tiv•1•111u s 1. 0·2. 11 2 host Fullerton Horncui. *omen'• lournemenl La11t week's St•tback l•lim'ir1~lt!Q, ':!c~~"~a::i any chance of o South Coast Su• 01rk•• (B111M1n1 11a1 Su• Moaca111l Confcrcnt'<' championshlJJ for the 1u s 1. 11'2• ~~id llCMIM 11,,.11• Rustlt'rs. l>ul victorll•s Saturday Pam s111 tv•• 1u s 1 a•f s .... ear ""r night over Fullerton and· next llJllllMnl, II :I, II?. c•thetl1\4t , ... vMlr It l811C4ll W""''k ngaa·nsl Oranuo c""''Sl '"'Uld del B"D11111 J0<oan IU S). II· I. II 4. Wendy ~" " e '" ..,... """ Turnbull IAulll•lll) d•I Nancy Ytltgin earn Golden Wc..-st a bid in the IU s 1. 11 o. s 1. Menuel• Ma!Mv• 1Butg•11•> Orange Count~Bowl (formerly a.t Le-Atten CU 8 ~ 2·•. 1·2 1·11 Men'• Hhffttllon Pony) against ddlebaek. • (11 ...,....., v11.1 Mt. San Antonio. which has Gu111t1mo v•a11u s l oet JoM McEnroe alieady clinched at least a tie for IU S l. II 4 1·11 the conference crown, figures to accept an invitation to the Potato Sowl in Bakersfacld, prot?ably against Metropolitan Conference champion Taft. In all likelih9Qd, the w inner of the Golden W est -Fullerton contest will get a s hot at NFL Khedule undefeated Saddlebac k, adding 11a111• •11 At1an1:~~~ ... ,, ut 10 1 m1 plenty of spke to this conu.•i;t. oa111"'°'• 11 New York J1111 Elsew he re, Orange Coast C1nc1n11011 11 Phllodelp111a ,Colfcge will try to win its second OeltOlt II ChtClagU Kanus City 11 New Of1t11u s straight game when the Pirates ~:~~.:~~·~,.,."Doy., Milwaukee venture to San Diego Mesa to NewEngt1111d e1 C1eve1anC1 (ace the O lympians, while P1tt1t>urg1111 Houston Saddleback puts its 24-game win Tamp• Bay 11 Oolles sin Frane1aco at s1 Lou111c111Met 2 at 1 streak on the line against the P ;~•ttwt at Oenve• ICl'lannef 4 et t p-m-,---•-alwa)!s-dangerous_utrus Ow..l.li 1n wuM1gton at New YOik 01an11 Mission Conference play on the MONDAY Gaucho field. San Olego lit Loi Anoete1 Raiders THURIO>V. NOV. n Kickoff for all games is 7:30. New YO<k 011n1111 Oetroo Here's how the duels shape up: cieve1and :U::~. NOY. 21 Golden West at Fullerton Kan111 City II ....... The Ho r.nets or Coacb H al 8alhmore II Bullllo Chteago ti M111nesot1 Sh t!f be Ck 1o8 t th l • I r ( I rtl t -eon!cttncc.. game: ot ~.g_uon (u~&ln1t Mt. San Antoniv) a nd narrowly dt.'fl•ated Orunge <yoa.'lt a couple of w<.>t.'ks ago. 1 Stal l . Fullerton c ntt•rtl -Saturday night's gam<: as-tht• No. 1 team In the t:cmfcrcnt·e in tot.al offonm· (382.8 yards pt-'r gaml') and Nu. l in wt.aJ def<>n~ (222.0). Ev e n w i tho ut rt>gular qµarterba c k Troy B o dine (broken arm) the Hornets have had manor difficulty an moving the ball. Backup Vern Jfarris has completed 52 or l t5 pa~-s for 929 yards and eight .wuchdowns. "They seem lo have• things r o 11 i n g a g a. 1-n , ' • a d m 1 t s Shat•kleford or has oppone nt. "Other than their quarterback, they're pretty healthy right now the healthiest they've been in a long. long time." Tailback Larry Jackson gives balance to the Fullerton a ttack. The s peed y sophomore has picked up 389 yards on 84 carries during an injury-plagued season . Colden West will be looking or few more successful bursts from ha lfback Rich. Stahlhebei:. The N o . 2 rus h er in th e conference. Stahlheber was thoroughly stifled by Mt. San Antonio last week to the tune of 32 yar~s on 16 caf_!ies. .., GrMn Bay II New York Jets Houllon at New Eng111no Lot Angeln Raidllf1 at Conc:inrlAll PltM1oefon1e et wesn1ngton · SI Louts t1 At11n11 o.n-at Sin Diego N-Orll<IJ\111 San Franc;11Co P•tllbu•gh et SHttle MONOAY, NOV 21 Mllmt II Tamp• Bey THURIOAY, DIC. 2 San Fran61CO at "-' Ashen's .new teani· nieets his old one IUM>AY, MC. S BuftalO vs OrMn B•v 11 M1lw1uk .. Houston al,_... v0r11 0111111 Kan1u Cny 11 P/tttburgh Mtnneeot• •f MtllJ\I By HOW ARD L. HANDY Of Iha Deity Piiot 119" VOLLEYBALL ,,.... EngtenCI 11 Cniceoo St Lou•1 at Pl'ttlldefpl'tta s~n O<ego 11 CleVelend There'll d efinitely be,sdme mixed emotions for Laguna Beach High women's volleyball "We arc bappy to get another coach Bill Ashen tonight when cha nce against them," As h<'n f ~mQ• Bat .i N-Orie""* <., .. ,.,..u11 u et Balt1mofe .. Dallas 11 WoJnlngton All91111 ut 0.1nv~1 . , Suett111ot Lot AngelM Aa1<1eta MOHOAY, DEC. t New Y0<k Jell at Oetr.Olt . I ATURDAY. DEC. 11 Pn1110uJph•a al New Y0<i. Giant• San Ol.-oo al San f1anc1sco IUNOAY, OlC. 12 Qenv1;1 ltl """' P11t111Urgn er Butt110 h is Artists. tangle with Corona ·says. del Mar in ~ CJF 4-A semifinal Noriega feels much the samt• match at Newport Harbor High· way. only he adds: ··1 don't foci at 7:30. the vtctor y the firs t time will Jn the .other 4-A semifinal, m ake that much diffe rence, Mira Costa, the No. I rated team in the pl.:iyoffs. wall hosi. Mater These arc the CTF semifinals and Del with the game at Aviation i( we can't get up for this mat.ch, High at 7:30 All scm1flnal gamt.>s we l'an't be ready for any during · 'Un tht• i.c·ru1on. Stahlhc-b<'r has amwisc.-d 85:t yor ds on 176 "arrnoa Quurt{•rbiu·k Adum Gragnano. likt• Stahlhl•bl•r, would lalw w forf(N l11s t wl•c•k '» uutln~ The Culd~n Wt••t frt•111 hmun hu 1)1,J' (J w n tv l ~ J l 3 ~ rd .. (70-for l!'l2). oowt•vcr.--- Thl' Hui~llt>rs wlll be without linebacker Damon Lanin, who as stall recuperating aftir being involvl-d in un aut.o u~1dcnt on Nov 12. Lanier wus thro wn through the windshield of has car qut (.>S(.•upt.'<i with a lilight knee il'lJury and manor cu~ The Rustlc•rs, no doubt, will be looking for some or that kind of luck Saturday ni~ht. Orange Coast at San Diego Mesa Tbe Olympia ns should be hungry fo r a v ictor y after dropping their last two contests, including a 36-0 embaarrssment at the hands of Fullerton last week . It marked the first time in 10 years San Diego Mesa had been shut out. "You c·an bet they'll be anxious to put...the ball in the end zon~gainsl us:· cautions OCC Coach Dii;k Tucker. "They'll be motivat.cd." Quarterback Tr e nt Annicharico docs much of the motivating for the Olympians. The sophomore QB has thrown for 1,725 yards this season, much to the chagrin or Tucker. ··They must grow quarterbacks on trees down there because Mesa comes up with a great one ever y season ," Tucker says. referring to former Olympians Tony Ril.'ciardulli, Paul Berne r and Matt Kofler a mong others. · The OCC defense will have its hands full with Ton y Giles. Annkhanco's favorite receive r who has caught 35 passes for 464 yards this se~n. OCC. meanwhile, actually got a sustained rushing attack going · m the Bucs' 27-14 victory over G rossmont las t week. Rodney Bragg h e ads that attac k , although he has managed just 185 yards this season on 29 carries. ·Still, lhat's . a 6.0 yards- pcr-cal'f'y average. Most.. o f the Bue off e nse ·revolves around QB Clay Tucker who has now connected on 75 of 169 passes for 739 yards and three touchdowns. Blllllmor• 111 M1nnHOll Cleveland 111 Conc;.nnau Oetr0tt at OtMn 8ty MlllmO at ~ EnglanO T-p• 8ey 11 New YO<ll Jets Wetntngton at St LOUit Cnicego 11 SNttll are at neutral sites. the year. It just adds to the In the small school playoffs. situation to have our opponent as Citrus al Saddieback No. 1 rated Newport C htislian Laguna. It's lOO bad th ts t'Ouldn 't Whale l h l' 0 w Is boast a New 0.leen• at At•anta LOI AnQ411ea R.lidlfl et KaMU C11y MOM>AY, MC. 1J OllMet 11 Houston IAT\MOAY, MC. M """9 11 Lot A~I Ratderl New Yori! Jell 11 M111m1 IUNOAY. MC. 1t 8ullfllo 11 Terne>a Bay Houston 11 Ph1laoetpn11 MtnnMOtl It 0.llOlt New Yorti G1apta 11 Wunong1on P11t111Urgh at Cleveland • St loul• 111 Chic.go Green Bay at Ba.lt1m0<• Klln.-S City et Oenv4H New OtlH/\I at 01111111 N9w England at Seottie At11nt11 It Sin Franc111CO MONDAY • OIC. 20 C1oon~att at Sar> oieao llUNOAY, OIC. M ClllCllgO ti "-C11vel1no 11 Houllon Detroit at Tamp1 Bay G1een Bey 111 At11n1a New Englan<I 11 P1tt1bufgh New YOft. Gttnll 111 St LOU41 New'Y0<k Jell at Minneaota • San franc:llCO at Kenees C•ty SHttle II Ctn<'•nnatt Wuhingtnn •t fltcw Orletf • Baftlm0<1 al Ston 0.eQO Hi'th is host to Boron with the be for the championship." mediocre 4-5 r~rd this seasol), -game set for Valley Christian CdM is the No. 2 ~ed t.eam t}ley have consistentJy presente,d High in Cerritos tonight nt 7:30. in the playoffs and 1s paced by Gaucho Coach Ken Swearingen Ashen as in his first year at S ea View L eague M ~p Pam with one or his biggest challenges Laguna after serving for three Lawrence, a 5.91;, senior hille r. each year . years in a s imjlar capacity at Other starters include Brooke Among Catrus' losses are a CdM. Herrington (5-11 , Soph.); Ilene 28-2~ heartbreaker to Mt. San "I'm coaching against myself," Hess (5-7, Sr.); Kara McGumn Antomo and a 16-9 de feat to Ashen says. "I helped build the (5-11. Jr.); Mary Ann Muelle r Fullertqn. Last week, the Owls Corona del Mar team into a title (5-11, Sr.); and Cammie Doder rolled over Santa Ana 56-9, and contender and figured this would (5-9 ""1. Soph.). they did it without their top be the year for them to win the runnihg back, Robbie Bartlett. CIF and here I' am at Laguna M a t er Del's Monarchs are The potential expl06ive Citrus Beach." paced by senior outsic;ie hatter a ttack fa~e& the neutralizing His tenure at Laguna hasn't Chris Donohue (5-9J. ·Andrea e ffect of Saddleback's. rugged been an idle one. The Artists won Fon (5-7, Sr.) at setter; Peggy defense, which is ranked No. 1 in the South Coast League in Baker (5-7, Sr.) hitter and sister the state. The Gauchos are undefeated Cashion with league Kathy Baker (5-8, J r.), middle .a llowing an average of just 141 co-MVP players Mollle'Merchant blocker. yards through the air and a 'mere and Paula Berney pacing the Mira Costa, combining with 25 on the ground. team. . Aviation High this season to form Quarterback Craig Miller, who In add it.ion to t:.,:h.:;e~c;:O.;..·~M;V!T-!P-~a~fo.arm.,u..i'.!'idi111aub.1.1l.i;;e_lw;e~a~m1.1-1t~huau.l-W111.1.0"'n~th~':'e-massed the Santa Ana g~ two p1ayers, guna had Cit'hy Ocean League, has been seeded weeks ago ($ddlcbacJCnaaa bye McKeown on the first team. No. 1 for the playoffs. last week). with a sprained .Anna Reigel and Chrissy Weldon a nkle. is expected to be healthy on the second unit and Lisa Newport Ch'ristian unde r again for Saturday night's Timr. 1.10 2/S, •-..ACTA (4"31 peod S2 II OC> F1fTH UCI. 1 '~ m"9I on tUt1 Twin'• Tomedo (Hawley) 7 10 4 IO 3 IO . (Tontpt'e ~ 7:JO) Miter 0.. VS Mira ~· Al AvtallOn Hjgll JO<dan vs Lakewood ... Volfoli1111 HJQll 1.1 M•tll 0.. vs Motl Cos!• II AvoaloO<l High ' ... Oen-at lot Allgeill Raiden l>tlt1adelph•• 81 Oetta~ -; MONDAY. DEC. 27 Buflelo et M1em1 Fegraw; and Anja Re&ch on the Coach Billi Walde r, is the No. 1 contest, third squad seeded· team in the small schools Maller has hit 70 of 136 pasites Fegraus. a starter early in the division and although .it drew a for 907 yards and l 2 TDs this Coclly OOlter (~) 3 60 2 IO Dorn OrltndO (Stbllltl 4 40 Alto raced~ Fearsome Foursome , Venqui911. In '"' Ry9. s~ N Sneat.y Early M-Tlme· 1 47 li/5 • IXACTA (2·31 pelCI S70 50 .. XTH RACE. I 11111 mlln IJpclef Autlel\1TO<O) , 116 00 39 40 19 00 Ac1ual Count (VelenlUllal 11 20 8 20 Negollate (Llplltm) I 80 AllO reoect Top Entertllntt, A Rlgl'lt Idea. •• on Cenler, Debt, Newly oa..,.,, Bar1Ha HUney Hu« an: Lltayett• lltk, Ju•I WHt Time. 1,44 CIFJ..A ............. la °"'"'• vs MltlborOUOh a1 01ene1111 Hight lo• Am1go1 vf Ca1on at Sen e.. narelono v-., College CIF2·A ............. .lorden "' Lallewood 111 .,_.,, Hiotl. La H1bra vs LB WllSO<I at (ellewoocl CIF1·A ............. 2ll P"m• vs Aim or the WO•ld at San Gorgonlo Hign. LA B1pt11t ... Santa P•ull 11 Ventu•• College CIF 1m.-klloole..,,,........ Boron '!I Newporl Cht11111n 111 V1lley Ch1111t1n (CarlllOS) L!nlleld 'Cht1st11n vi 8'entwooel at H.,,...,d SchoOI HIOfflC~ All-loultl C-l~ue UYPfTM uce. 11 tUflongl ,.,., r- FlaMlno Flt (McCatfon) 4.80 3~ 2 40 Cathy McKaC)Wo tL11guna Beach). Tracy 8111 A.c.r (HawteYl 4 20 2 80 Millar (Sen Clemente). LO<I Luhnllw (Sin IUNOAY, JAN. 2 .._. ti San Ft1nci1CO AUent• II N-Orllana New YOik qoants at Phlladetph4a Sl LOUii 11 Washlng1on Gr..,, 811y 11 Oetr0tl ~at TlllllP• Bay M•aml •• Btlttn'IO<I BullalO et New E.nglena New YO<k Jell II l(ansat Citt lot A"91lel Rltdefa 11 Sano.ego Oen-et Stlltle C1nc1nnall at Houtlon Cleveland et P1tttburgll MONDAY, JAN. I o .. tH at MlllnffOll year. hurt he r knee with major home assignment, had 10 go to year. H is favorite rece iver i& ligament damage an the opening Valley C hristian an Cerritos to John Marshall, who has caught league encounter and has been find a neutral site. 48 passes for 751 yards, tops in sidelined ever. since. Newport is paced by Stella the conference . In the only previous meeting Berkebile and Debbie Mohler as "They·re a well-coached team between the two schools this hitters along wllh back row and they have good athle tes," season. Coach Harold Noriega's specialist Sa ra Humphreys. The says Swearingen of the Owls. Sea Kings posted a 3-0 victory in Omquerors ar~ 20-2 overall this "Citrus 1s j u st a consistent non-league action season winner." M...., W•rlor (Plnc•y) 3 00 Ctemenlel. Cardy P1n•n1rd tOana Hiil•). tao , .... , if~M411~ ttaU¥-Moo4\n.,.1Q.-1JLl:illltLl.il'-.1itr~..._-...; M1a111ra Bllllilnl Ooub& [Minion VleJOj CO-•MVP-::;""M°'lle U4HCl\ant -"n;;;;: 13 ·21 . ~twgvmrflwic•t •HFPaulil h••t ft:evu11• • UACTA (9-3) peld $59 00 &foacll~ . hcondT.- .. l'IClt 1111 (4·5·4·2·7·11 PllCI t114,• Chrystal Doughman 1Ceplttreno Valley) 117.IO wtlll one winning llctill (II• hor-l Anni Relget, (Lagun• BHChl, Ch/luy "19 S2 Plett Sia conaol11lon peld SS3& 00 with 71 Weldon (Laguna 8Ncn), LI .. Luhnow IS•n Winning alc-81 (live hOfMtl S2 Piek Sia C-1•1. Julie Cook JOana H1ll1). B111b11e ICtatefl lllon peld '7311 00 with 51 Belly IMIN<On Viejo) winning llellet (IOUf hOr-. one ICfllefll · ft*d T--;;,..__. ... c .. 1,.., lut.......,1 . LIU Fegr1u1 (L1guna Buehl Ll .. -·".... -.. Artllf!Cll (Ctp<&trano V•lley). Lean NotlelU Lvdly Lelleslde tMcCn) 7 llO 4 IO 3 80 (Oana Hiii•) Phoebe Llm1brook (Sen rm Pr .. tigloul (P>ncay) 5 to 4 00 ~tt). Jennifer Adwnt (San ~lementll Cel1lelancl (C>nl!lllt:Y 10 00 ·-·-.......... ,. --..___, Alto raced Flv ~LI ..... "'Table Seen, .,._., --Eaetern 8el1or. y T•, Yuma o-. Golder! ....... ()Hgt lady TllN 1.11 115. ...,.. """·" 1111 mltM lurl1 of'°"' (11\f) ti 00 10~ 1140 H9110 H~ (Valenrutle) I w 4 IO I.& Pr"-(Mceerron) 3 40 Aleo reoect ~ Bronie, LI V-• Soneta. P.,... Cll, Laje1. LO\'lng Thougl\t TlfM• 1 43 4111 • lllAC'l'A ( 1·1l pticl '2M 00 Al1efldan0t': 17,4M ~ !'--'' A"r' ubc.-::=L"' -~1 •"ii*• Ill b••• 2 bon•to. 142 mackerel, 2 rock lilh, 13 lheel>lhffd 'DAYIY'I LOCltl'll ( ......... llNcfl) -.34 AnQ!efl 44 boni10, 1 calico 0 .. 1 1 Nng cod. i 3 machetel, ~27 1och cod, 3 ta11cJ ball DANA '"'A"' -35 MCI~ II 11111, • b::lillo, ~ruc:kertl; 1 U roO cod, I -·] ..... •.. .,,. COMMUNITY couaoa ~ WHI 12. USC IV t USC JV 0 2 t 11-8 GOiden W•t 4 2 2 4-12 GO!Ottl WHI ac;ornlQ NllCl.v.. 4, ~ ~. -C-un4 1 W•llOn t. Srepnenaon t, HlighH I UC Irvine, the No. 1 ranked team in the country. will be the prohibitw<' favorite this weekend to capture the PCAA water polo champ1onsh1p at Belmont Plaza in Lon~ Beach. The Anteaters, 23-0 on tht• season. are ll"d by All-American Pt"ter Campbell , w ho has s«>red a. team-high 50 goals this season and John Vargas. who haa..&.oued m. .a 7. The top-seeded Anteaters, who finisheQ 6-0 in OCC nearing conference title ()rangl' Coast College took a 11ant step toward the South Coast Conference women's \tolleyball title Wednesday night by knocking off Cerritos. 3-1, in th(' Falcons' gym. PCAA play, o~ aga1ntt l;llh-~ed Pepperdlne at 11:10 a .m. Friday. then meet fourth-seeded Long Beach St.ate at 8:30 R.m . The championship match is scheduled for 8:30 a .m. Saturday. UC Sqnta Barbara, the defending tournament champion, 1s the No. 2 SC<'<!, with Pacific' third, Fresno St.ate s1xth and Cal St.ate Fulle rton 11eventh. "We. should win 1f our players lteep their headl togt!ther." said UCI Coach !!'At Newland. -rt should be an interestin~ tournament. We have the tal~t and ab1hty to wan the champaonahip." ~-JJCSSion tickets for th.-tournament are $10 for adulf! and $5 for students. Individua l game tickets are $4 for adults and $3 for students. RISE OF OILERS. • • . Wedn•..,.• trenwetoM • The Piratet1, atop tht' conforl'nce 1~ndlng1 ~ " with a 10-l record. can wrap up the crowra Friday From P,age C1 OAKLAND AJHLUICS • N•mto e1.... night when they host Santa Ana. ' eoroe. m1111eotr. 8llt)' W1ttia1M fd Hol1tl Meanwhilt>, Goldl'n West (10-2) 1<>lidlfled 1\11 and thca upcoming game between tht! 49ers and ""' Aon lk~oO: hold on aecond place by ~uttJn1 out Cypnw, 3·0. Utah State at Anahf'im Stadium Nov. 27 figuree '° elu a•cwr -o 1111111•1-. 11& m11011tef. 800 rock coo. 160 tock lllh. 2 18nd "'"'· 1~ t1Culp1n. 47 ..., .. " f1111 ~ .~~UU: ~=-~ Af:e. ......... .....,.., • ....._..._.11·m11 add ID cm tum. . Sproul, querttrbllCll. to • two ..... con1rlll1 occ had to rome lrom behind to claim the ma\th . . /\ t "' petr' ~ \M ~ ceiianty ~ -~·-. N!W JERSEY QfNfAALS Signed Mark aaaintl CcrrltOll ln the fourth 1ame. Down. 11·8. thl' arabbed 2~0 ticket• for the 1ame and Reaal• ....:.oaa.·~r.., • =::·,:id:.=~·~=.::;;:; Pirates called u.n.out and '°°" tralled ju8t. 13·12, Jae~. Stu Naban and LA Dcprem off6dal C\ai'ly 1tt-~flt""'~w LO~~l ~~Dur .,,.,, J-Mo«•.-*· Oona1c1 love, before ptting ttw lict. out and lt.'Olina th@ next MOl'Non took 360 ll'9ftl at a recent pthertnl of ;:: = ~!!.¥\'::.. ~.~·• ,__.,San 01mM ~ oor,.,..11111 :!:T """*" ..... thrM poana to wtn the l'NtCh. 0..... County .mt.. , .. _v ... ~.'~... va11TURA -ca11t .. 1.a1ot,PWv1.•• • ........ """'9 Outl&df/htti.rLaurt.Admnl,thetamaptaln. Aart remain• In Pa .. dena'a Hununaton :::"~'fa• u 7 ._. ::=-.. -.~o"•_t=.~"wool•• O:..!i..°i':.:i~~.~ wtter Ka&hy Mollica and oua.lde hUW Deanne Memorial Hotpi&al with• broken nKl& aftcl le ,., -011re ~io*I' .,..._,a ::'~ v;~~· 10 .... Liii• o1 ""c.ner• ... ~~ Low apoerhHded lM attack for 0ranp Cout. unable '° mow a.low h• ~. ~ : = /:w, = ::=· I loll KHN Hatt Per II Lelle Kern Aiwer IROOKLYN C~~ A--.d .. The ftUl\l~n. WhO C~ OUt t._lr camsm.n 'fkke'8 far the.~ can blf putthaled bJ ...,. _ "*""'°'• io•i 11 ,,._. 11cwa11 ~ io Oer11octe1 t>w11 KN '""""'"' o1 ..._, •111•, .-.. ....,.. \ =:nst Fullffton Friday. wen led M-wtwr Lina. I wrtU ... to \M Todd Hirt C'--...--..'p;' P.O . .-. ,ow.>._ 10 Liiii....,.... OOllOll "'3 -.... --•..-..- 11 -''--•;;;·1._1 ___________ ...._ ___________ ._ ________ ...,. m a,MI outllidfi hitter KrllU Ollon. 241. SM'8 Ana, n'70I. t ' . -' .... -_._....- ~ j. ~ I t ~ ____ _,_-Jl. t I S,,uttle work nets an award OdeUca Spaceborne Division of Anaheim hu won lt\e prestigioua Publ ic Service Group Ach)evement Award from the National Aeronautial and Space Admlniau•tion ..for lJa wor.IL on... . the U.S. Space Shuttle. • 'n\e 1pacebome tape recorder manufacturer located at 1859 S. Manchetter Ave., wu·one of 23 eontractora on the first three •J*.'e ahutUe flights to receive the award. Parker Hannifin Corp. of Irvine was the other Oranp County firm .elected for the honor. • Odetrics, w as ci ted for "outstanding accompliahments 'in developing tape recorde r equipment for the Space Shuttle Orbiter," NASA Administrator Ja.mes M. Befigs said. Odetica President Crandall Gudmundson and Vice President of Marketing J erry Muench eccepted the award at a recent preaentation in Houston. J e rry Mue nch, Odetic1 vice president, left,· and· Crandall . Gudmundson, president, show award~. Chapman sets economic forecast conference Chapman College will hold its fifth annual "Forecast for Economic AcUvily" on Dec. 2 and '3 at its campus in Orange. Security Pacific National Bank is sponsoring the presentation. Campus officials said the f orecast -expanded from previous years -wit! include predictions on 1983 economic ac tivity in Orange and Los Angeles counties in addition to national trends. William H ood , d ean of Chapman's School of Business · a nd Management, will review the forecast prepared for 1982 before business professor James Doti presents the 1983 forecast. Doll IS director of the college's Center for Economic Research. C ha pman professor s Paul Abbondanle and Frank Doti also will speak about financial trends Hollday Party Facllltles a •• 11.w. _CALL 1-f NITTI -644 0050. y/lf'HJ!»t~ ~~~tit ~"'411 t:'-'ITlll I II UICI\ I. l\l.• 111f1T Ill \I II l.\lllOM\I \ "~"•• . Excellen! profit Potential 100% to 500% 1st year Write Off $5,000 ; 110,000 Minimum Investment HERMES MILAN(>, INC. HISONAl TAX CONSULTANTS (714) 751-2400 rmuc ll011CE NI.IC Jl)TICE F'ICllTIOUS--~ MAim STA~ NAlm STATDmWT The 1°'1owlng pr.ona .,.. doing Tiie tollowlng per•on I• doing ~-bus!,_. u: D.C.M . MANUFACTURING, YOUR SECRETARY. 18952 1315·F E. St. Andt_. Pl., Sente M1cAr1llur Blvd., No. 200. ltvlne. Ana, Celltomla 927Q5 CA. 92'15 , Dennll E. Mcintyre, 1315-F E. Kathryn Lowe, 2429 Andover St. Andr_. Pl., Santa. Ana, Cent. Pl., c6s11 M .. a. CA. 92828 • 92705 Tiiis buSlllffS It conducted by an Conltence P. Mcintyre, 13t5-F lndivldu.i. ' E. St. Andrews Pl., Santa Ane, Kattvyn Lowe -..~ Calif., 92705 This Slat-I WU f...., with the This ~ 19 conduc1ed by a County Cl«k ol Ot111ge County on geiWel '*"*1NP. • Nov. t5. •982 Dennis E. Mcintyre F2D21 f4 Thil ata-.ment w .. fli.d with the Published Orange Co11'" Delly County Clerk of Orenge County on Piiot Nov. 18. 25. Dec:. 2. 9, 1982. Nov. 15. 1~2. '111.'\LJI, · n111141 • NI.IC NOTIC£. Publl•hecl Orenge Co'11t Dally ----------J Piiot, Nov. 18, 25, Dec. 2, 9, 1982. FlCTITIOUS eu ... as 5092-412 NAm ITATl....-T The IOl!owlng pertont we dolnG • for the coming year and federal tft<.'Omc lax slralegic.'S ·for 1983. In previous years. Chapman's economic forecasts have been limited to Orange County. Business people from L os AngclL>s and Orange counties are invited to attend lhc conference. . The cost is $25 pe r pe r son. Further information can be obt ai ned by cal l ing (7 14) 997-6684. .. • Orange Co11t DAILY PILOT /Thurtday, Novembet 18, 1882 . ~ aiker gets· Tico;r po~t Rltoacla Walker of ltvlne h&lj l)f'('n appointt'd 1 c 1111• n1Uonal_cwrd!nalor of lht· Tlc:or Tilll' ~rvlt.'H -...----.....--------~ ''<'tllt•r for llw Oranl(t' County oHfo(' cJf Tll'fi:-- lnauramoe and 'rru»t. . · · Jam el L . No111e hu bt•t;n admitted to p&rtnf•a'Mhlp lo lht' worldwldt• public ae<.'Ounllng firm oJ Ernal and Whlnney. of Newport Beach. NC>Qle. 35, joined the firm In 1970 Cla•dJ• R. Warwick hwi bcell 'promofed to vice • preeldent, Commercial Ba nk1ng-GTI>up AdmlnlalraUon/Support Servit.oes Division. Newport Beach. Jack Grundhoter, executive vke president and head of the Commercial Banking Grou p, announced. Sh~ Is re.ponalble for personnel. She has been assigned to the Commercial &king Group for the past year and a half as assistant vice Micro General Corp. of Irvine t\,U annourx.>t'<I tht• award of a $1.7 million contract fr<>m the U.S. P~ual Service for the 1uppl_y of mlcro<:omputer potiUll 1Cale9. The ICaJe &a a hi&h·tec~y product whk:h instantly computes the pmlaje when a le or parcel tt ~on lhe ecale and a dam of--~ is 8C•lc-cted on the keyboard. president. N.cwport Beach insurance r epresentative Riclaard Slaaapanaey has earned the lndualry's 1982 Nauoi!al Quality Award for the fourth lime. He as an agent in the branch office of Transamerica Ot-cadcntat Ufe Inaurarxe Co. '1,MO, ... worth of Jewelry -·Art Glass - Object d' Art -Louis l~art Etchings r • frtdaJ ' Porcelain Figures -Signed Remington · and Russel Bronzes -Persian & Oriental R4gs -Max' Karp · Enamel on Copper Pa intings - 18th. 19th & 20th Century Oils -Silver Corfee and Tea ~ts. SltardlJ " ..... Nov. 19' 20. Audian st.ts at I p.m. Doon open at 1 p.m. La Jolf a -Newport Auction Galleries SOuthern Callromla's Most Prestigious Auc tion Callery 25.42 W. CoaSI Hwy., Newport Beach,"'CA 92663 (., 1 ,.:i llOllHS: 10·4 fri. & S•I. ~ [ Will 8CCePt one item Of entire •t•t• fOf auction ~ . .. ' ·1 . I · I • .~-1 •·· . . I t AlreOOy more than most Money Market Funds. r I .. • ' ., , -··~.·c .. .· .. • I. ... C8 Otan Jooaat DM(Y ~ILOT /Thurtd1y1 Nov•mber 18, 1812 MUC NOTIC(.--• P\a.IC NOTICl ---:Ml~tc~,.....--~ou w • DOA"'-T UND9ll A NOna: ..ate NOJIC( MiD OP TIMIT OATID AUGUIT MOTtC~-= ~Tll'I IAU MOTIC8 °' "9UITll'I IAUI ...... '11 1, "''· UNLlll YOU TAKI ' ..... c.:=' r ........ 11~ --""""'" uu :a:J.:N TO '9'0TICT YOU9' N W~ORT tOMf LOAN INQ 0 YOUllUI .. Dl•AUU UNDU LQeUM -.--"8UO"M_-;Yy• 9°'.DATA duly 11>POl1 T1ull• u~ IM • DllD. OJ fRUlf DAUD IN Of'AUlT UNDER ·~•Ano. Of' =.-:::u: lollowl ,.~ dMCI 01 lfUll ~IOlll•H H , '"'· UNLlll :, l1Mll~,.1~"~f: ouro ::U~ou~'*':~" ~\Ht H1:~t:~~tf~~'8: vftl'flo\\m. '~'::~:: ~&'t,~~i1o.l 10 ,~\f~T LAwYIR. A ~~u7 =~' :~11~.~ ~ == :.~~=·c: ;: IOlO AT A PU~~·e~'l:-~yy~ NOTM:I CM' TIMllTll'I Ill tlQlll, tltle 9"CI '"'""'con NATUM OP THI NOCHDINO NUU AN PPl.ANATION Of' fHf T IM.I 10 tnd now Mid by 11 uncMt Mid A9Mtf1T Y0'!1_ YOU IMOULD NATURt Of' TH( PROCUOINOI .I . Ne..... . 0 .. cl o l Tru11 tn lhe p ro rl CONTACT A LAwYIR. ~OAINIT YOU. YOU SHOULD , NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. lhtl heielnelltt dMctlbed· Ill y NOTICE 18 HfAllY OIV(N 11'111 COHTACf A 1.AWYfR on,wed~•Y· Otoember '· 11112. lRUSTOR. DALE E. PAQUIN 11110 MAR VISTA f!INANOIAL. INC. • On ~rlclayt o..nbel 3. 1t42, •• .. 00 0 ctocli Lm Of Mid dly, In H JANE PAQUIN COIJ)Ol'allon. 717 ,,....,, "(" •• ,... 11 00 • m • M~AMERICA TITLI! ""rOQ!n .Ml lllde '°' conClucllna BE NEFICIARY RUSSELL g 811\ ... llMdfflo, caitomla t2403' INIUR-NCl COMPANY ,. ffWIW•Salal,Wlthlnlheotncee9l BROWN or MARY CAROLYN T~Numbef (71•1N9-o231' CelltornJ• corpo11Uon, •• duly RIAL ~TA.Ta S&CUlllt.-tE:$ 8ROWlll.hUllbM08'1d-.. ~ •• the l)feMt'll Trull,. ljflOet ... 1ppolnllcl f"lllH und•• end SIRVIOE, locllad 11 202<> Nori II 1eninta "-Corded 4i1Pttflil.* 2• 0..0 Of trutt tlMwwfW HWilllUiied =· IO Oeed Of TrU1111CCMded lroadwl~. Sulle :>oe, In Ille Clly OI lHO. M 1n11r No ~877 In t>ooi1 Wiii NII 10 the h1Q11et1 ~ldcter ltH --21, 1971 II p lr No Senl1An1,~n1y of0t1"91,Sl1I• 13756 P•oe 1403 OI OlllClll Clth In •awful "'°MY of the United • Moll 1B323, page 110. Of of C1lllo rnla, REAL E'STATE! Reoora• ln 1111 office l>I 1111 S•1••• wltlloyl Wllflnt)' 01 tll'ly kind OlllClll R1c cHd1, IHOUl•O by· SICURITIES SERVICE •• ClllfO<nla Recorder 01 Or1no1 Count . Hid .I • publlC auction II '"' lime Ind Oregor)' A Tully .. lru110f{1l In Ille COfpora llon, 11 duly 1ppoln11d cl t•d of tru•I dtacrlb:~ 1111 plao• dHlgnated below, In the olll~ ol tll• County Recordet of Tl'llttM Under and l)Ul'9Ullll to Ille 1ot1ow1n9 propefly Counly ot lhe 81111 ol C1lilorn11 Olenee County, SJ•I• of Callfornle. P .. lr of Hll c:onletted In lhll LOI 1 of Trac:I NO 3e07 In lhl dllllQnAled b91ow Ill of Iha rlglll WIU. IELL AT PUBLIC AUCT!Ofil °"1eln Deed Of Trual u.ec:uted by Cily ol N9wpofl ~ti C0unty 01 11119 Ind int4WMI now lllld by Nici TO HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CA&ti DINNIS F. SCOTT ad PENNY L. Orange Sllll ol CllUcHnla u Trull" In end lo 1H 111•1 et<llln (peylble al lime of Mle In llwM • SCOTT, llu1band end wit• wllo mlP r.:iorded 10 Boole 128 ,,.:: proJHtflY w111c11 11 ailuale In ••Id money of tlle Unlled 81atH) al: eoqulred 1111• 11 PENNY SCOTT, 37 and 38 Mitoetll•neou• MIP• In County end 11 Clelcrtbed below The South fronl 1n1r1nce 10 Ille old rcorded Augu11 21, 1978. In 8oolC tlllbfflol of Ille Counly Reciordef of 11re11 1ddr111, II any. or other Of"Mget County Coun'-. City Of • IH07 ol Offlcl•I Record• of .. 10 Uld County. common dlllQnatlon 11 eny, of llkl Sant• Ana. Stele of C1Hf0tnla Ill County. II peoe 1032, Recorder'• YOU AM ... °''AULT ..,..,.RA propetly ... Ml IOtlh bllc>W. '""''· lltle Ind,,..,., .. , con~ lo ltwlrumenl No. 29111, by reuon of D 11 D O' TR U IT DAT ID Said Oeed of lrult wee e11eeuled end now held by It under Mid Deed I lbr~ Dt dlflUI\. In pa)'!Mnl or ~ 1, ..._ UN&ill YOU by Ille T/U.lor delignaled be10w end Of TNll In Ille ptopertJ.!':"** In performance ol Ille obflg1llon1 TA•I ACTION TO ,ROTICT wu recorded on tile dell, In the llid County end State lbed IL 1ecured llle reby, Including lhll YOUR PRO,IRTY, IT MAY al Book Ind 11 Ille Pege 11 Documenl lot 15 In 8lodl 11 of Tr.ct 772 bfMCll or dlfeu". Notice of wNc:'1 IOLO A'l A "*'C IM.I • YOU Number of Official Record9 1n 11111 11 lllown on • map recorded In •• rec:ordeo A~ull 31, 1981, In ••D AN l.ll'LANATION ·°' TH9 Office of Ille Counly Recorder of Book 23, P1g11 5 end I of 8dOk 14180 ol OJtlclll Record• of MATURI o' THI l'ROCelDll~O HIO county. 111 11 .OHlgn•l•d mlec:e111neou1 m1p1, Record• ol ••Id C~unty, II p11g1 1027, AOAINIT YOU YOU IHOULD btlow, and conveyed Mid properly Ot1nge County, Cllllornla. Rllcotder I lntlrutMnl No-187•9, CONTACT A LAWYtft 10 the Trull .. !herein epeclfled Tiie tlreet lddtHI 1nd other W1Ll SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION Tiie 11r111 lddrH I "or common Sale of Iha properly wilt be~ common cleeigt'llllon, II any, Of Iha TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER FOR dellgnellon .of Ille lbOYe 11 1212 g:~nl 10 1111 demend of lhe rHI propert)I deec:rlbed above la CASH. llwful ~ of the United PembrOlle Lane .._POtt Beacll lar\I unoet Mid de90 of 1ru11 PIKPOfted lo be: 231 Cenll 81r111, Stt111, or I cathler • c:lledt drewn Cllllorl\11 !No wWrenly 11 Olven ai and by r111on ol d1l1u11 In Ill• N9wpOf1 Beech. CA. • ~• •t•I• qr n1llonll blnk. • 1111• 1o 111 complelentu or correcl,_) p1ym1n 1 or perlormino e of Th• ~nderalgned Trut11e or ledltll credll union, or 11111• 0< Th• benellclatY under llkl o..ci obllgallona Mc:ured by Mid Oeed Of dl1cl1lm1 any li1blllly lor eny ,...,., uvlng• ll)d loen lllOcilllon ol Tru11. by reason of 1 brNCh or lru11 Including Ille dlflUll, nolfcle of lncorrecl,_ of Ille llreet lddr-dclfn~ In Ihle 11111, 111 p1y11>11111 dlf1ull In the obllglllon• MCUted which wu rtlCOfded on Ille dale, 1n end olhtlr comm,on dnlgn111on, It the lime of ..... 111 rlgllt, lllle and 111er1by, lleretofore exeouled ind Ille booll Ind •• Iha Pege. Ind 11 111~· lhOwn ....,eln. • ln.,NI field by II, u Trus1 ... in dlllvered 10 1111 underal ned 1 Ooc_,I Number OI uld Olflctll Seid 1111 wlll bl m1d1, bul lllal real properly 1llu111 In said wrillen Oedlll•llon 01 0911~1 Ind Recordl u CleliOflaled below •llllou1 covenant 01 warranty. =~ and Slate, ducrlbed u Otmand 1°' Sale end wrlllen nota The lotll emount of Iha unj)lld •11Pf9M °' Implied, regarding title, : ol b<NCh end 0j ellcllorr 10 cauM bllenet ol Ille Ollllgatlon -eel Po•Nnlon or enc:umbranc;ea. 10 A l1U411'10ld lnle<Ml In and 10: 1h1 undersigned 10 1111 u ld by Uld "9d ol lfull encl Mlimlled C: lhe remaining prlnclpal""" ol ~ol 58 ol TflCI No, 1700, ... proOetty 10' Sllllly Uld Obllglllon• COlll, ·~· Ind .av-II ha note(•). edY-. It eny, under lhOwn on• MIP recorded In Book and 111eruller the undersigned Ille lime of Iha lnlUll publlc:allon of Ille l1tm1 of .. lct"OMCI of Tru11, ages 7 and 8. ol Mlacel•eneou• cauMKI u ld no11oe ol btllCll Ind of 11111 Nolle• of TrullH'• S•I• 11 '-· c:llargea 111d •Kpen-of Ille , rec0td9 of Nici Countf. election 1o be rlCOl'ded AUQU91 9 dellgn11ed below. • Truel" Ind Of IJ'le lruetl cr .. led lly • 11r111 1ddre11 or o lller IH2 11 1n11r. No 82-278&n 0j Al uNd herein "Trualor" lhall be Mid Deed Of lt1111, for Ille 1moun1 cCllTlmon de11on1llon of 1111 rul Official Records. ~ to -"Trualora" If more. ~ Mtlmetad lo be: $40, ~ herelnabove dMcrlbed It S1ld ula wlll be made but lhan one Trullor I• dulgn111d M1.tl. purported to be: 1312 S 1n11ne111 wllhoul c!ovenan( or warr~nl below, end "Beneficiary" ltllll be The~ under'uld Deed !•r-. Coron• tie! Mer, Calltornla. expr1U or Implied reglardlng 111i:,· 4-ned 10 mean "BenellclerlH" If :it Tru11 lleretolore 1xec:u1ed and t111 und-eraton•d hereby p0111111on or encumbrencH 10 more111enone8enellclaryex11C11led ~•liver~--'~-Ill• under1lgn1d 1 dj1cilalm1 '" llabllll)' lor 1ny pey the r.,;,alnlng prlnc:lplll tu~ of lllt Nolk:e ol O.leull hlreln.ta:>ve o11rllten .-.-etlon of Oefaull and lnOorrect,_. In llld llr•I lddreu Ille nole aec:ureo by uld OMO of mentioned. Demand for Sele, end a wrlll1n or olher common dellgn11ton. Tru1t. w1111 '"'"'" u In Mid nol• Tiie IJme end piec e of uie. t:.tce of 0.faull end Election to' Slld u1e will be mid• w1111ou1 proYi<leO, edvencet, 11 eny. undet deec:rlpllon ol Hid property and · Tiie und9'aigned clUlld uld w1rr1n1y. ••Prlll or Implied. Ille te<ms of Hid OMCI 01 Truit Otlllt Oatl refefl9CI 10 above -.. Notice of Oefeult and Elecllon 10 regerdlng.11111, pouuslon. or •-. chltget and eJ(pen-01 1119 IOllowt Sell lo be recOfded In the c:ountt lf\Cl/mbr1nc11, 10 ullsly 1111 Trual" and of Iha lruels c;r .. led 11y County. Orange #here Ille,.., proparty le loceted. prtnolpal b1l1nc1 ol Ille Nol~ or 11k10MdofTrut1.Sllldallewlllbe Trustor: JOHN BONO, AN • TRANSAMERICA TITLE Ollllr ,obllgatlon Hcured by Hid lllld on Thurldly, December 9 UNMARRIEO MAN INSURANCE COMPANY Oeld ol Trull, wllll lnl•r••• end 1982 11 2:00 p.m .. 11 tile Cttepm.,; OllCS of Truat: Recordallon D111, II uld Tru11M olller 1um1 11 provided 111ereln: Avenue entrance , 10 1111 Civic December 21, 1981. 8oolt 1031, By LOIS LIOOELL plua 1dv1nu1, If 1ny. under 1111 Cenla< Building 300 eu1 C"-Pmlll Page 468, Oocumanl No 28932 Alallt9nl Secreter; term• ,....,eol Ind ln111 .. 1 on auch A-.ue. '"''he City ol Otatige CA. Nollce ol Oef11111: Rec:ordeiton P.O. Bo11 •81ot echencn. end piu. .... cllargee NOTICE: Al time of .... bld9 m1y °'"· Jul)' 13, IN2. Ooc;umenl No, ~llMlll Sllllon end IJCpenMS Of the Tru1t11 lt'ld of bl m•O• In cuh e,nd/or Ill• 92·2.-011•. L.oe Anaelll. CA 80048 '1ha 1ru111 cr .. 1ec1 by Mid Deed of c eshllfl -or c erlltled cllec:ka Time of Sale: IOIOO am. Wed., Tel.: (2131 N&-3000 Trutl. Tiie 10111 amounl ol said apec:illed In Ctvtl Code Secllon ~tier 8. 19'2. Pul>llallad Or•nr Co11~ft'~ oblJg1llon, Including r .. ~n1bly 292•11. Piece o f Sale: Nortll tront >ilf· New.•• 11, 1 • 19'2 • 11llm11ed 1111. C!'lrllH end Al 111, t ime o f lh• lnltlal Jnlrenc:e lo Ille c:ounty c:ourtllOuM, •-ic 1111\ftl"r . pen-ot tile Tru91ee;-et-1"4H'-pullllelllOn-ot-l~AOllc:a,-the-,IOtaJ roo Civic c.n1er Dr!Ye WMt. s .• 111~1=•..i.:---::='"=-.=~""~'~""';.,,---I ol lnllllll publlc1llon of lhll Nollc:e, II lmCIUl't of Ille unpaid bllllnOe of Ille ,na, Cdf~ -_..,.. COURT cw--~ S52.H7.0I. obljg1t1on ~·~ by Ill• ebove Totll of otlligallon end Mtliiieled Dalect: NOYember 10, 1982. d11crlbed deed of lfUSI Ind ;oeta, eMpentM, Ind lldYenc.e II COUNn~ REAL ESTATE 1111m1f1d coats, upenses. and nitlll pubjotatlon: Slt24i37 1•. In ........ : ORMMll SEC~RITIES SERVICE, 1dv1ncn 11 S22 ,OU 8 L To Street aodr-. °' octw common e t R' CURTll ,:-, c-r::,• .-~t 1 Cll1l0tnl1 dlle<mine·llle opening bid, you may Jlllgnatlon of uld ptopeny. 2593 ......., corporlllon. call (71•1937-0966 ~LO!N AVENUE. COSTA MESA. c... .... A·U .. t " ' .. Truslee. Oat• November 11 HMl2 ~ALIFORNIA 9HH OMafl TO IMOW By (SEALI DJ Morger, NEWPORT HOME "LO.AN INC. Dncrlptlon of Propeny.' '°" CMANCMI Of'~ tis Pr111denl II Slid TruSIM Loi 26, TrlCt 378, u per ITllP HARLEY and FAYE CURTIS on 2020 N. Broadw1y. Su111 T D SERVICE CO, egenl recorded lrl 8oOlio 15,~PIQM 29 of behlll of RJ CURTIS llN 1119d 1 208, Cindy Schoonov11 Atsl See ..-1tce11eneous Mepe, In Ille office of .-Ilion In Santa An1, CA 92708 One cuy 81Yd w.S1 · he Countt A««der of Mid Otenge ,... 11111 court for an order Tel: (71•1953-6810 Orange CA 92668 ::ounly. -Except ,h.Hlrom Ill• allowing applicant 10 change 11" Publl•ll_•d Ora nge Coesl Daily 1(71•) 1135-8288 'IOftllWftlffly 204 ,_ llllreof =slfruR~ iY.RTIS 10 HARLEY Pilot, NQY. 11. 18. 25, 19~2 Published Or1nge Coast Delly Dated November 1, t982 It 11 llereby ordered lllAI 111 5002-82 Piiot, NOY 18, 25. Dec. 2. 1982 MAR VISTA per1on1 lntereal•d In Ill• metier ------------51oi-112 FINANCIAL, INC .• ' •forlllld app9ll b91ore '"" c:ourt PlB.tC NOTICE P\aJC NOTICE ;,::-••ion, inc o.p.nmero1 No. 3 11 100 ·CMc T·t.... SURl't & HELLYER enler Drive Wiii, S1nl1 Ana, NOTICI °' ~·· ·~ ........ COURT°' A Prof111la ... = Celifornla. on Nowmbef 2•. IN2 et T.a.-. H11C •8I CAUPOllNIA ey. JoefWt Geor 10 30 o'dodt 1.m., end tMn end MIORTMIT NOTM:I TO couwn °' ORAMGI Attorneys IOf Truet.. "*9 ---· " .,.,., tfte¥ '*"'· "90Pl9"Y ~ 711 ~Mo Ctr. Dr • ._. P11bll111ed oranr co111 D•ll" why Mid "111'°" fOf change of YOU ARE IN OEFAUL T UNDER A •-a-... .. Pilot, Nov. 4, ti, 1 , 1'82 ' -"II~~~ gr~ed. DEED OF TRUST, DATED •-29-•1-.... -'!':9 AM. CA_,. •1113-82 ._,. __ ...,ecfb...acopyot U~LESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO ---Of': . lhia «def lt'low CIUM be publllllecl PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY IT ""'""*"=KYONG'°' CHOI --"" 1111\'hre • In Delly Piiot, • n•••P•P•r of MAY BE SOLO AT A PUBLIC SALE-9'1111'0NDIMT: YOUNG IMtlC l'"UULI\< ""''""' generll circ:uletjon, publltled In 11111 IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION .... CttOI NOTICE TO'CMDfTOlla counly ....... once. --kif tour OF THE NATURE OF THE IUMllDM.J,'Am.YLAW) -llUUt~ conMCIUllwe ... •priorlo theday PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU. YOO MO CAl9 -~t (.._ l .W• U.C.C.) of ~ed ~:t.. 12, l982 SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER.. -..... !...~I .... ~..._ ....._ Notlc:t 11 II ere by g iven lo Publll ........ Oranne COlll Oailv On NOYember 21. 1982. 11 10:00 •--·...., _ ...,._.,_ credllora of 111• wllhln named ,._ • , A.M ... HOME RECONVEYANCE ...... ,_ ................ 1r1n1teror ,.._ ... bUlk 1r1111l1t I• Pllol, OCI 28, NOV •• ti, 11, 1H2 COMPANY. 11 duly appolnled ~ ~...,. • .,._ ..... 1bou1 lo be med• on per.aonel •745-f2 Tru•I•• under end pu11u1n1 10 ---•1 o _...,, propeny llerelnaher O.UllMICI-.. -"" ..,,.,...c O..d of Trust recorded Mey 5 , If )'Oo.I wllll lo ... the edYlc9 ol Tiie neme and ~ acldrMI ~ nu .-IHI, u inlt. No. 5155, 1n bOOll • i n attorney In 1111• matter. you of lhe lnler:Oad 1r1n1teror ere: NOnc. °' 9ALI Of' A peoe , of Otftc:ial Aec:orO. in l"9 ~ Oo IO promplly IO 1"'9 'iO'Jlf LARRY HAAMSE. 14450 "A"~ VllML YAUIB» AT MOM olllce of Ille Counly Recorderl of ,~or p!Mdlng. lf any, mey be ~-. !Mne. CA-• Orenge Counly, Slit• Of Cellfornla filed on dme. The locMton in c.tfptnla Of the N Ice' TMM .. lllKUled by J-F. Fett./ Ind A y ' • 0 I u • ' • -II • • '4 • chief uecutlw olflCe or Pffl!Clpel 01 .. her9by glWn PIK-• L1nd1 L. Falley WILL SELL AT =:., .. .-.. 11 ,,,._., '"''* t1u1lne11 office of ma lnlendad' ~~;-':~.~-~~; ~1,;.59~!= PUBLIC AUCTION TO HIGHEST _.,. U&. I ....... tr-teror Is 14460 "A" CuMlr Dr .. Code of Ille Slll• of Cllll~ll Iha BIDOE;~ FOR CASH (p1y1ble 11 --.. U& •:::: ...... Nine, CA. uncterlllclMd· liml ~ ... In lawful money of IN ....... '--.... .. All other bU1lne11 n•m•• •no MARlkA cX/NES INC ...... " United SlalM) al ttM: mlln enlrllnOe ......_ Mfdr-uNd by Ille lnlended blic euctlon 1 10 1 Nort .. _ ........ lo City Hell I CMc c.n1 .. Cirde ~· U•l•d dH•• IOllClllr •I l(Mllfetor within lhr• ~· 1111 c: . • 11 -·- llloe. C• '2621 111 right. tltle "'° c:onH fo de un ab091do en 111• 1111 10 fer 11 known lo 111e 92~ :9:.&f~:9:~;...c;:;:~;1• lnle<MI conveyed 10 and now lleld • 1 u n 1 0 · d • b • r 1 a. 11 • c • r I o n1endild .,_..,.. are Nolie. of NoY9fTlber {982 11141 toll w1 •Y by It under Hid Deed of Truet In Ille lmmtdlllamenll. ae •ta '!'Af*I, Tiie neme and ~ eddr-dtleribed openy io wit· 0 ng property altuated In Hid Counly ~~·~· eecrll•. II lley algun•. ,, lhl Intended tr•n•I••-ere: Miii• or boll' OWENS· MOTOR Ind 61•1• dllerlbed u : . ....--...r Ide. llerrlpoA N,t.LTER G. seon. 18439 CoMltl 1/0 CFea 9AT· 'y • ' lot 45 of TrlCI No. 6005. u per 1-TO TH RESPONOEHT: The SI. Founllln V..,, CA. · 1 • -of Boal: 57 mep recorded In Book 183. pagea Petitioner hll lll•O • P•tlllon The I tll• properly perlinenti .. ~~~~t~C::. ~~ 1°1 po'#NI I N•n-•t U>I °'\. P(I 0111elpi• ,~-Oii nt , BrH O 1 1. Oii 11.I 3 GOh<O , v. Oii 11 I • Aen<lln \ • .,.. Oii 11.1 ,, Zonl< Ho .... Ott to s • Berton \ 1 ~. Off t.7 1 l u lott• 10 ' Oii • 'I • u 1 .. ur s •• Off t.'I ' M1nrE:n11 s ~. ()fl t ,J 10 l11lr<Llt ••• ~. Oii •• 11 Llecom s•. ... Oii • •• n Bu•E"<h 1•. \lo Off 1.r 1J ~~r.~ Ho '·) ()ff IO u , .. v. Oii •• .. u TWslE~ ·~ ... ()ff It . , ... •• Hertel • > 1. Olf 1.1 \. 11 S•0tOro • .,.. ()ff 11 •r, :: TomlO oo > 1. Oii 1.1 Mitri Ufl J•tt ""' g:: 1 A 3 I 10 N•hame 3\lo "· ,,. P" JI AlfcoFnl 3~. v. Off 7.1 .>u n c ... 1c.o JI,.. v. Oii 7.1 . "• >3 MIOISWI >I• .... Olf 1 I .. 1• OmnlO• 3 1. ()ti 1,1 ... 07• .00 )S C•men s ... Olf 70 MUTUAL FUND NEW VOllK tAPI TNT 10 21 NL Fl I p -The, .. _.,..... .. ..... ct. ...... , ., roo, J...... 1CU1 NL Molt Sftr 47M NL PUlft•M F-i Stock " ... NL .. IGlll, ......... 11¥ Or1fl .. ti II.. ~·"· .... N J-Htri<oc:•· N••uT lifl•v.il GOflY 14.~ U.t St11Sol ll.67 NL !fteN•lloMlAP«I-E ... 11 iu 7'92 n<IT• .,,. N ·-l434 U'9 N•IAv•• •A.NL tll!ltEQ 141J IS-5t11Ta 1n NL lliOfl of S.Curltlft nt Siii 1itr3 NL 1"°'111 4.14 N Grwth 12.2' ll l3 Net lno t) .. OD NL "9ff•I U • 1' Slrtllnv 7.6> I Joi o. ...... Ill<» ... I rt f'O 1.:12 1CU7 ~.i= .. cw~·IO N us Gvt ..... , Ntl Sitcurllt.•1 G•wlh ,, !O ,, , Sir•• GOI 21.17 NL l"9 O<'ICH •• MW<ll .. Dir 11.61 NL .... Ap 14 .. u" Tu E• t .10 .... • •• I • " HUllll ,. r• it, S..~Grlh 11.W 12.n INN MCUf'lll• ""'-Jt 15 NL KO 11'• ,.· Ktufmn ,73 NL I I . ' 1 I , v I Ht. VIO ,. .. 11.• T•fl M90 16.30 17.70 t4Mo110 .,..,. -I F....., • " Kemper f..-B-J 4' 3 73 l"<om • 71 7 Tempt.ionN•-· .... IN•t ..... ,..... IUl ll 7' ~r-1.11 t . 11\Com ... I 11 Grwlh t 11 t IJ nvul lD 10 11, GI->t 10 JI 10 ••••> or ....,... o""" .... tT7 ncem 6.7> 1 Gr-12 17 13 >O Pr9fo • 7'I 7 n Oc>ln n • n Gr•lll 1 » a oo CW•I• Phil ... "' v.. .. .. ,·w Nl411H • JO.. HI Vici • n IO.. ln<om • 71 I JI Tu I!• 20 .. ,, • Worlcl 20,3' n 14 , ... ,... WM. Ill<-la 1-12 ft:" w 6 21 •-11\llFO ·10 .. 11 6S Stock t 7S 10 SI VIiie lt » JI 1 Trn• Ctt> 10 tl 11.12 .... .... QM,t ..... -,. .. ~· .. ,. • ..,...,. B , .. 1 11 Tu Eo 1 " • ~ Voy.. H" " Trl\IN-l.l7 NL AC .. ,. F 3' . .S NL t•a Me II.SI l:JSI :: :1,,q .... IO C)ptn 12 Ot IUI TotAo ~ 11 • 11 OutHr 4.)6J N Trav Eq 11 JO 11 JA ADV 11l't NL ... 0111 n.11 NLF•··· u.u NL S..mm 21.Mtl71 Ftirflcl ltJ '1••••110w Jn N TuorFO 1sa IJIL Afutur• u:11 NL Wllll Al l.J1 1.42 ,,:. ;"' ; = ) T•<ll 12.JA IJ.111 ~-··oa fdl AOdlT• 11,"4 u TwnC Gt 11.0 fltL AIM Funo1-... CO ,... 1 .. f' • S Tot At 1J 10 14 J2 llllFO S.IKO Secu• Tw..C S.I ,._., NT ~llVle lJ;Ot ,.. .... .. ... -'*o .. ~'i"""' us GYI .... '·" N •. ,, 100S !!'quit tell N T......C UL SM ),tr) Gr-y 11_, .. n'•• -&• '-• I* NL t<ey11-M-· otGll\ 106 1 U Grwlll IS JO N USAA G•oup HlYW t:7t t0e ~· J:; 10;/~ ""'°"' '"''· NL cu• Bl u 11·" n N•tBo 'n 1o'n 1nco n'" Nt. ~·"' 12..w .J(l... AO.,.., n ''5 NL · 1 Moltll t27 •w Cu•BJ 11l1200INELlf•f'UllCI SIPt11llftvn1 HIVIO ll>t NL A a lrthT 1111 1•.00 ~t '"l~• 1' w 5"<1 2U1 Nl Cul IM 1: .. t 70 EQUll ll 0 JA 40 GAPll U l6 I) 1 11\CO ii S1 Ill Am.k F-· dOMlln Gr-Cul KI ._.. I" Gr•tll 21 9J U.. Grwlfl IJ M 1• Sbll IJ.. NL A. ... . Onctm 1.01 1,M AGE l.M l 7\ Cu• 1(7 711 I . lncom 10 11 II,. Soe<I ?017 N VIII A<tu • ,, NL Amt~ ,~,;: :.':". .. '4 .. '!.11.SI ONTC 17 .... r C'll•Sl 1111200.1 ll•tEQ nn11 uSc.-rF-u""' Vnll MUI 107l_NL A Mull u 'M 1.;y -••• "GTll NL G•wth tM 10 Cui SJ LIJ t" h•E• 6., 6 n Com St ll n N UftolMI F-._ 1i .. II 03 t • ()ptlofl ._JO '-Cul SI • S1 7 1t --.. r a.rm Oeveo SJ" NL A«m t G 141 74 f'O Inv • t0' Ofl Miit .... NL VIII• S.>O s 11 .......... • » • 11 Eft•IY IS.. NL Col>Gr 11 IS N --s u Ull Grwltl 11'~ 12 ~ :~°l ... 1l·: 1'NI~ in<O!TI I ... i lal(Fr • 7 .. 1 H GuerO ll.fJ NL l11<om II SO NL illlGlh 14 G 1 .. ll lncom tlS 10'11 ·-··· GrO.., ' us Gov 7,29 7. Miii 12'ao "0 "'bly ) .. NL Intl FO 1S l6 NI_ Con In( 11 .. 7 "w ICA • ., 1017 Do< t • , . r:pll • " Ill Lu l1111on Grp Mofllll ... NL MM8 • 1 .. NL.. FoOuc 77 so JOOS .. "-" iu IAI o.i:. ;1 C: ~ ~ ~II Ul • 01 Cp LOr 17 10 u n Ptrlft 14 29 NI. Sec11roty F-11'10' Ho In' IJ,,. 1411 t uE tCl5 ''° Oel<ll t 1l l4SF IT• •» •1'1 GolOIO JSI NL NewtGt Utl Nl 8ond i .. t21 ln<om IO lt ll tO w ... Ml • .. UI r. ,,,. ~ • .. ~~.'."'. t.14 10 g~MA 1.. NL :r.:-:.:.1'!" 1rn :t fn'!~':. • ;~ I~ 1 ~'E~ ; ~ ~.~ .. ~ ~"'~~ I Della 11.00 1102 11\YOI to,. 10 11 11.:' ,n~ :t NE In Tr 11 " NL Vitt• .. , '., VM19 u •S 17 10 E,.f,. 14 01 1s'~ ~· Al ri;.r, :L Ploot IOAO II ,. Llnol\r -,, rs NL NE lnGI 10 0 N. L S.le<lto f'UllG• u s GolO s ., NL HI Vlei .... 10·,. SI L 5unbll 11.1' u IJ Loomis "'''" Novefo 14.. NL Am Sii\ 814 NL v ..... LI ... FO Mui\ B It .. 11"s1 ...... ~ ~ :t GT Pee 11 S7 Nl CtPlt ,, JI NL NY Vel\I 1 loO • )t 'r.' Siil 11 .. ,..L Bono "-" NL VOfttr as: .. a 'it • I I G , Goll Op 14.47 NL Mut 11''2 NL NuvHn 1 00 NL Sel oman C.raup Funct 14 14 NL im•U. u 7S q·., Ai::. 'fi· °"' Elt< ll\Y' lord Abbtll <>rr>... 10,. Nl CepFo ID ... " 41 IMOtll .... NL ecll J&41 NL Of'nf ,:·: 1'~~ Elf11Tr 21.1• NL Affllkl , . ., t Ot Wm 11 IO NL CmSt~ 11 .. ti 6 Lev GI .11-Y NL 0 AM t:i1J t:LM LI 1.:., 1' ft"'h t.... . and d4I • tO tt ,.,,.lmer FO Grow Oh 1 ot 1 6 SOI Sil 1l,. NL or.. ... NL :r.: . ' JO., NL 0... Gt ,, .. 24 00 1••<1 17 .. "., 111<-0 17 II 1J 12 v ..... s.-.. HtrlW 1J.JI 1i"! :.. ·= t: =t s Le 10.. Nl ln<om '°' J )I 0-n • J9 '17 SentoMI Group I Mom 11 u,1i• Pkl kA1 y-111 Ea IO.• NL Gift SK 1U1 NL Llllhe•M Bro HI VICI 1• Ill » 40 BalM1 I tl t 7• ln ... \I , 1 l'T S1 ,..,...,.. U• nwe~ ET 11 » Nl ,._ ,, 11 1111 ~ uoe nu ._ •,, • u•rwe 11 • ,.L AG .. ,. ... .... .. .. N rtlllnd J0.67 NL 111<9"' tH 900 I 1t•J1~ c_oms .. 11117$1 c .. pEI uoo NL. ill -lte J.111 NL :C..tH-~· 11.11 "llA UM 17 IC MUlll .:1s I 11 • Fre 1 CM 7 )t Grwt~ ll ti O 11 E\IGlll 7 14 1,a ""''"I S.'7 • SJ ... • "'"' HOA S.AI s.. us Gov ' •• ,. AIM • .. 61 ,. OS S.QllOlt )114 NL EV Ta 11 c 11 .. A l~M • JO NL ,..,i;i: .~. 17 INL Hort Gtfl 11,)I NL MMI Fl11encl Time 00 60 11 SI Sen1r, n SI 14 Olht I Joi "4 NL .. I '" t'.l4 Ill lncom • 10 'I . Hert LOY llll.00 Nl MOT 11,IO '17,, OTC Se< u 11 n .. Slw•<lOll FUllO' o .. ,, I H 71 NL Am JJ.67 HL '"' ... 1:.S ..... ,_ ••• NL MIG IJ11114» Parem M 11'1 12 .. Apprc UN••·• E•8.\I 71.40 NL ANIG .. 4.H•f1 S.CI 7tl5U _..,..l\U,'7NL MIO 17,Gl1142Pa•WIO 1010NL HlYIO 11*91t'7 Eaf"'Of ... SSNL A Htlll< II.It 1t• ll«a 11·" It M111tafld 11.H Nl MCO 1007 IO ......... Sq IJO NL. lnco!ll uNvtol FIOE I IS9J NL ....... , "" ... ·-·-' Gt-. HtoltG81 ,, " NL MEG IO 17 10 ....... n ..,.., 4.. NL MMun 11 •• I) l6 S<'FIO I .. so NL AKllGvt t .a NL t;: IO.loS ii INA HIV t 41 10 11 Mf'O 11 tl 1J .. Pllilt • • 10 10 N•Oor U1W••li Spec: IJ 77 14'0 A• H ....... Gll: II t ISi Grwp: MfB I) to 1J M "-ia CllO'-S~rm 0 6 '3 NL V•...,...rd Gr-FM • '"' II 01 119 : '~':.IS Grw91 '·" 1 •1 MMB • SI • 01 BtlMI 10 .. 11 . Sterr• G1 IJ II NL E•1t•• JO.. NL IMom ... ., ) • ,-··· ,,-.. .. ln<om J." • t• MFH • n 1 JO CvFO 11 01 II. S.t m• F .. no. 11\Cf Tr 11 •7 NL Meo 't .. 1fc ;-lit T"t"' IO.O 11.C '""B II~ 11.. G""'1'1 IJ 41 OJ,, Ctpll •O 02 10 ., GNMA • • NL ~Ot I • !6tt :i;tl-t.~ . ,....,.,,.., .... Nl Mo111ers 27 41 NL HIYIO • 11 10 44 tn<o 7 • • 11 ...... IJ .., NL Inc I M M... ,,,, IG l4.J't IS lt•t1rca1Jttetr Mtr"'O L•n<ll. Stoc:~ 11 16 ot • lnvu1 IJ Ill 14 tO Moro II .. ..,..L .W Ill< 1 M Nt ldlret .. fVllll• lllC• 10.a 11 4' B•ll< 11.10 IS 05 PC Cap 14 11 '9<1 " 11 lJ l) 41 MuHY UNl•t•I lny lt.16 .. ~ l.d• tt.V 10. "•''v".. ,,, .. 141! CIPll 17 •7 .... Pli1r1rn C.rp lru•I •.tJ 10 SJ M115111 -... 11 G .. lt.l'O NL Ila<" .. ,. N .. .. 11.tl 17 EQU lld II J7 10 70 Plle FO II .. .,_,. Vent I ... 1l MUll\I -"*' . Hiii 11" NL Ml ICM 11.1' 11 1Ntll~ •. 71 1 1 HI in< 1.11 1.10 M .. c; S JI ) I SB fQlf U IJ IS., Mul9 .,,..,,. .. w .. r G-· Ta ,,. L6J N i•~• t.J7 t HI Oil 1t O 00 U Mel Oft I 07 I SB i&Gr t JS t.. 001• I U 141 NL 111 fO IUJ NL USG"' 1.27 H :: ~k ti!! te lftTrm 10 SI 001J P~r funo "'°911 In 14 IQ U U OOlv II I 05 HL tel l'e IA.a NL FletfllY G.... ~ w NL Ll,_..t ttl :001 a-t10 IOO S-11\(11< 4 6S NL TtSICo JI .. NL ..... C.: A..t 17.ft H -GIO • II M-HI I.ii I It F-It 01 ~ Sowr II\ II 01 11 •1 Wollsl IJ 11 NL IPI l!K -io ii .... M 1 ._ lllUl\lift • M. '2 1111\C IJ 40 04 Sttl• B-G'P WelM11 11.111 NL c...-, -Ill 1 , .... N ~ ._ .. •.t lfla<Fd 10.15 ii.SO p;.,. '"" llftaY•ll Com SI S .. • 11 IGBnd I )1 NL ... t FM 11AI li.41 t1.S1 .. 0''1 ,!'~ ,! 1 -·· •.• 10 OJ Plltrno 14 1J NL 01..... s 70 6 ll HIVBO '01 NL ..... & ..., Gt!: II.. r ,.. • Sel V•• 10. II 10 Price Fur>01 Proero .. .,., .,. Wnchr 10 . NL e to.41 NL • tnc n.• -·,;, HIY l.71 J, Mltl AM 7,°' 1.1J Grwlh IJ.97 NL SIFtm Gt t 11 NL Vet1lu•l11 10 G 11.&J S 1J.S1 NL acll ''·I N I :o US• I.tr M-0111 ll'O.Jt NL ln<om IA7 NL SIFrm 81 IJ 17 NL. W•llSI G 11S t 47 11 ... NL I • 11 '" .. 1 I MSI FO . "·'° NL Intl 1005 NL SIStrecl lllY Wtlll Eq 29,03 NL Col•"'" ....... : ..... '4 ... ""' : .... os f" lOJ.Jt,.11 SI -•en 11 a ,, " N Er• 1),1) NL E:acll 70 '1 NL WIK one l 60 NL lllk lo. i..• 1101 f'ietl 19.. NU • l, MelOvt 10.. NL N HO<il U • NL F.01 44 U NL W-SlrulMn. c-7,111 , .. G"' S.c • .., H"' ::v ,,~ ",·.," 1,1 1 _. .... Of OmtN Ta ,.,. • JI NL Onvoo Ulla..... •V•• ~. NL OM• J. l 11 .. ,..... ..... ML " Se . A-r 11.10 NL Pro S.rvlcn Slc•Omtn F-S -". NL Hlin<~ 11.211Ut H v .. 11.M Nt.t~":' VM \\~~ION 0,..111 S., 611 Mt<IT 1974 NL Am 11\0 JJ\ HI PIM ., .. NL Manin 10.• II.. I.I MUii , 74 NI.. .. tn<em I " • M '""° • 17 NL •lft Roe Fol NL NO -Nt ws t ,t7 ...... ""''"' 11'w NL ''ii FO 11• Nl T• ,,. '71 10 u 111<9"' I JJ NL Belan 1105 NL IHI" ....... , ,,.,,. t .71 •. ., $o1Hlt ,,:. NL JJlfl GI'"' ., .. !! u Mt:Ouol I) 14 NL Pru SIP 11 tt OJ II 8-.,, NL I ,.,.,,,_ NY'I 11<0 » t 19 C•D OI> 13 41 NL _.. I 15 and 18 of M~ ~ c:oncemlng 'fOAll merrtege· If you laoll l'lltllo 11 deeerlbed In '914'*11 u ...,._ °' llled In Ill• olflce of Ill• Counl lo Ne 1 r~ wltllln 30 oa,-of Pool SUpCJty SIOre Ind ill located 11 11°''" '9" In the emount ot M .· ~-ofuld-~Coun~ Y1~dllltll1tllll1wmmon1 l1 l«~"~'~Dr~ ·~-c • 12900 t~llhar wllll ~lltolr-------------------------~-~-~~~--------------------..,._..,.... .,, a1tY9d ,..., nTI<,., " ed.....,illng Ind··~ of .... Th• 1trHI 1cldre11 and olller ...... on you. Y°"' Oeleun ~ be 927 H Dalee! th!$ 9111 d•y of November ~i~ SAVE S100 ON OUR common dellgnallon. tt 1ny, of 1119 en••-and ~ha court may en111 1 The ~ name llMd by 111e 1982 rHI property deacrlbe.S above 11 l~~ment containing lnjunc:11~ or U ld lr1n1l1<or II Mid locallon ii Publlelled Orange Coall Dally putp()f1ed to be: 3129 Boalon Wey o ,.., ()(defl c:onc;ernlng Cllvlalon of Irvine Pool C4in111. plot No 9 ta2 Coeta Mela. ca g212e • property, spouH1 111pport. cntld T1111 u ld bulk 1r1naf.-r 11 1 · vembef 1 • 1 ~7"-8? Tiie under1lgn1d T ru•I•• cullody. child aupoporl. 1Uorney 1n1tnded 10 be conaummated al Ille dl1cl1lm1 any 1f1blll1y for eny ..... c:oeta, Ind IUCh °"* rellef • offlol of NORRIS & ASSOCIATES. "8JC NOTICi lnc:otrec1nMa of Ille 11teet addr-""!_,~ grenled lly 1he court, Tiie INC , 4570 Cempua OrWe. SU11e 9, Ind °"* c:onwnon dellgnetlon. 11 g11._.ment, of wagee. taking Of ~ BMc:h. CA t2MO. on or a U , I R I 0 R C O U " T O ' Afll, at_.. ...., .. n. · · money Olt Pl'GPlrtY. or other c:ourt 11111 December I, 1M2 C~ Said 1111 wlll be made, bul au\llorlzed prOCMdlng• m1y 11100 Tiiie bUlk tr1n1ter 11 aub)KI 10 COUMTY Of' OAANOI wllhout covenanl or w1rr1nly '"J:· C11llornl• Uniform Commerci1I In lhe Matter of llle All)llllcallon of eapr-or Implied. regal'dlng 1n1e: led: October 21, 1'82. Code Sec:tlon 8108. JENNIFER LEE BRICK. For Cllef199 poa1111lon, or e ncumbrenc ... NlftcJ Ol'...t. ~ Tiie n1rne end eddreu of lh• of N-. ' lncludlng feu. cllargea end ~ OMoM 9'Y.T. ~ person ..,.,II Wllonl ctelfnt mey be c.-..,_.. Att1177 ~ of Ille Truet• Ind of Iha nD W. 1ltfl k hied 1t N°''" & AaaocletM, Inc:.. ~ TO 8MOW CAUU trua11 c:re111d by H id Deed of C.... ...... CA_, 4570 Campua Drive. Suite 9 , FOii CMAllCll °' MAm TNlt, to pey tKt remaining prlndpll (714) ..,_ ' N9wpOf1 Btect'I, CA 92MO and Ille JENNffR LEE IRICI( ,_ llled 1 -of the notl(•I 19!ed by Mid Publlthed Or1nge Coell Dalty 1111 dey for llllng cl1lm1 by eny petition in Ihle court for an or• ~ ot Tru11 10 wl\: s 11,7QO.OO Pilol, Ocl. 24. ~ .. 4, 11, 18, 1982 eredllor N\111 be Oecembef 7. t982 altowlno petlltonw 10 Cflat\OI her illlihllltw-ltweon:JcomJO-U-t1 ' ' ' •· 41'46-82 11 500 pm. wnd'I 11t~1>u11nt11 neme lfom JENNIFER LEE BRICK .•• 20 pucent pu 1nn11m u , Mtl~1ha~1'atll loJ~~ea. · • ptOl!lded in llld notl(•I p1u1 cbll• "8.JC M>nct ~ abOve.. n 1 1y oid9Al"m1t 111 enc1 .,.,., eoYenCM ot sae1.eo w1111 ,ic--o.t«S Novem1M1t ~ l**"'9 • • ,......, ..,..,..,, • • ·-· .,_.. w...., o. Scou lfot9llld IPPW l>efor• INI oourt The~ undet Mid Deed NAMI ITA'fllmNT lnt4inOed Tr.....,_ In ~t No 3 et 100 CMC1 '« Truet heretofore .. eculect and Tiit lotlowtng peraon la doing Publlalled Orange CoHI Oelly Cen1er Drive WHI, S1n1e An1, delivered '40 lhe underelgned 1 bualnets u : :>11o1. New 1a. 1H2 ~ on ~ I . 1112, It Written ~lllon of default Ind c 0 v EN T RY . AMER I c AN 5109-82 10;30 o'clock •-m ' and lhen end OelJtancl tor 8•11, end 1 written MOTORCARS, 2052 S . Grend 1'*9 ~~.If any they'-. Nollce of Oef1ull end Election 1o Avenue, S1nl• Ana. C11llornl1 P\B.IC NOTIC( Why Mid """°" tor oh•noe of Bell. The under9lgned CIUlld Mid ,270.S . • l1llM lhollld not be grMted. Notte:. of o.teull and a.ctlon 10 Merlln H. LaV1n, 4752 ~ fllC'"10UI .,..... II• ""1119' ordered tt'lat 1 COf1Y ol Sell to be recorded lh the countr ~· IMnl, Clliforn4e 92715 ' MAim ITA~ Ihle order to •how uu .. lit ~ tM reel propeny le loc:eled. Tllla ~ II c:onduc:ted by an Tll~ tottowtng P9fl0n 11 dolno pultl••ll•d In th• Delly Pllol, 1 0...: October 3 , "1tft-~ ltueir*ll •· flUlll"'9f Of generll olroulatlOf';, HOME RECONVEYANCE artin H. UVln TKWN•1-U7 f . M'lflllM, publllhed In lhlt county ., ..... CO. • Tllll alllemenl Wll llled with the "9wpol1 Bwll. Cell!Ofnle 02'13 CW'°' I ftlr tour -I 11 .. 11 Mid'"''"" Counly Clerk of Orenge Coutttt Jell Prlc• Tutor, 4211 Whkl prior 10 Ill• dey vf Hid ' 32.20 C er .. CenyOl'I Ad. November 9, 1982 lnclnlta Awe .. "°""'49d. ~ .......... Diamond Bar. Ce 91765 • ,.,.,. 11110 Deled: October 2t, 1112 ( (11•) ffl..t 111 Publlslled Or1no• COHI 01lly r .. "'*'-.. concluoted lly en fMHI( DOMINICHINI 8y Helen Lomberdo, Piiot, NOY t 1, 18, 15, Dec 2 1112 lndMdull l9CMAla, I . lllCMTWI ....... Secy. •MM2 ""'P. Tulor ... ...., 9IM.. •114, Pultllafted Orange Co111 Delly Thie ~ -ftled wltll nie Colla ....._ C8Mofnle •~ PtlOt. ~· 11. ti. 1982 "8.IC NOTICE Countt Cterti of Orange c-ttt on '" "~"'' 41•4-82 'IC""°"' ....... N8Wmber 9. 1 .. 2. . l'p"bll Orange CoHt Diiiy -----------• -' ""'" ...... ()ct. 21. No¥ .•• 1 t, ti. 1N2 "8.IC NOTIC( NA• TATllmNT Pub11111ed Orange Co1t1 Delly • 4149-12 The lolk)wtng ~ are OOlng Pllol, NOY. 11, 11, fl, Dec 2, 1te2 '1C"'""'8 -·· l!UW-M: 493112 ·-ic -TIC( MAim ITA~ •810 PARTNHllHIP, 204 _;"------~;.;...;..·.:: ,--. "" The fo4lowll'O pereona are OOlne Alllerlldl Avenue. IMwpoft leacft. PWUC NOTIC( fllCnnout •11•11 .,.,.,,._ •: CA 92113. "ICTmlOUI MAm ITATllmlT FMHIOH OEllONl,.220 Vie IAWIN F OEl.LMAN. tUe .-11 Tiii followlng c>ereont n doing =• ....... ...-. Mlt '* ......_U.. ....... ~CA ..._ ITAT911111T 11U11fteM.. _. • .... ... ...... ~,... ...... -0-4 w ,JJlT-""' ..c.. JU Clar~• Wlohl, 220 VII IAMAM L OILLMAN. 1121 ~.I. 'riiluctctNG, 939 ce•1r ~_!.u-.a1,J!1').. I.;.~~ ltOf«I, 8Nch, Caollf0tnl1 Marian i.-, New90fl IMcll, CA " ..-orn1a--. .. .,.. t"'3 t2M3 Slr .. t, Coate Mtu. C1lllornla Q & w TOWlna. lno .. aCMlfomle Howard L WIOlll, 220 VII IUGENf AIRAMI, 11111 tH'.?11 1 II .. I 93 COfllO'AtlOn 13f lndualrlal Wey. Koton, NewPOrt UMGl'I. CellfOfnlt ..._.. Loe A,..._, CA I02l5 ' 0 ... tevenaon. • COiie u.... c.torllil 91127 --Tiiie tJullnee9 II O«lllllCMd w. C•d•r • ., •• ,. Coat• Mtu. Tiiie llullMel .. OOf\dUC1ed lly. "*'-le ooncluCted lly Ill lltnfttd 119'1""""" ~~II ~... .... ~Alton , IMne f . °""'*'· ... , tfl G & W TOWING, INC Cieri Qladyt W1011t Oenertl l'.-tNt" lnCIMcluel.. .. 0 w, Miiier. ......... -Med wM111M Tiiie ala~I ... llled wllll Ille Thie et:rtt;t. 1'"' ·~ ~I Cllrtl f/I Orange OourltY on County Clerll of Orll\09 Countf on 9"*' ... ._., .... 11 the Tilll ... ...,_., -flleCI with Ille • II, 1.a • NO•Mll>tf ti, 1te2 ~ ~ll\09 ()cMlty on County Clerti Of Orll\09 County Ol'I . fl-1 .... uM , , No\-Mr I. 1111 ...... Or-Co•t De11Y 'vl>llthed Orenge CCMll4 Ollt)' ..... """' ..... OOt 11. Nc1¥ 4, 1 t , 18, tllf Pllol. NOii. II, n. Dee. I, t ttll ,uelltlled OraT. COi" o:;, ,uellthed Ortntt Co11t Oatty .....a ki'-a f'llol, Nov 1 t, ti, , Dec !tiMa "'°'· Nov 1 t, ti. H Oec !it:..': ' ,..~ COLOR COMPUTERS! 16K Standard BASIC· TRS-80 Color Computer 29~·- • Greet o.m.. ... UMful Prognme-All on Our lnatent-l.Mdlng Pnlgr8m Pelc .. c.rtrldiee • EducatloMl-tMlpe With M•th llnd "-ding • Lwn BASIC~ In Color I . e Eaay to Expend • AttKhee to Any ,TV Color Compute,. with Extended ---. -........ ---. ---a•n••••••••••a ·-----------· -u~•••o•-•••--. BASIC f or Greet Graphlca r------~---11 LowAa • 39995 1IK (2W002) .::\s ftad1e lhaek A DMllON Of T/l/IOI ~TION ' • SEE IT AT YOUR NEAREST RADIO SHACK STORE. " COMPUTER CENTER I OR PMTICIPATtNG DEALER .. _ .. f- f ' .~. Orange C•at DAILY PILOT IT huraday, No11amber 18, 1982 .NYSE «:OMPOSITE 'fRANSACTIONS o.uo,•~fl.ONU..C&.UH llAOUO• , ... •IW't'M'k.lllllOWUT, ••c1•1c •••• •Ono• 01 UOlt ••O , ... ,, ..... "HOC• •• a M.lt II •@ •tNI HO av fMl N&•O MIO l1ttf11t• f • ' ., ' ... , to go 'moderi:i' 0~ PL.Al NF,S, Ill. (AP) Th<• rinil hamburger swnd to Wt•ar ltll' goldNl un•hu1> of tht· Mdlunold'tc fast.fond empirel will c.·ook 1\Jf lust Big MtH: M-><l yt-ar, unablt• to nwteh thl' sit •dowrt or dr,ive-through servit'<'S of ncwc•r cornpctiturs. Mc.:Donald'!I Cuq> .. bow('~ in Oak Srook, lit , announced this Wl•ck 1t will shul down th\' 38ing awre sometime m 1983 1n favor ol a nt'w. more modern M<:Ounalcl'N 1.1cr0t>S the slrt-et. · _ ~- Ttw company want!! to give its customers. in this ' northw61sl Chicago suburb the tt.>atur~ of the ·1980s that the flagship rl'1>"uurant. built in 1955. cannot offer. GM· l~ys off 2 ,250. . . . .. . LOS ANGEL-ES lAP) -General Motors says its 2i250-workcr'-second shift will not return when itlilJ • Van Nuys assembly plant reopens Nov. 29, arid a rood '· · line has been set up for la id-of( worker,s at a~dther Southern Callforni.u CM plant. ' · The furloughs Cm: palf the 4,500-membdr work force flt. Van Nuys arc indefinite, pfant manager Ralph Hallquist said Wednesday, and production of Pontiac · . Firebirds and Chevrolet Cam aros will be cut 50 "percenl.. • The plant has tx·en clo,"(..-d Slnl'C Nov. 8 because of laggi.ns. auto sales. · .. LONDON <AP> -T he .. British pound steadied ~ay ,f rom itS three-day battering on world f<>reign • exchanges .. and the· U.S . doltar also recovered some \ost ground, dealers ~id. • · · But trading'~as he<:tic and 'oerVo~s in the opening ti ours. . : . . Gold prices. 1which had benefited }rpm the weel<'s currency ~-saw, clip~ Jo.wei:in quiefirading. . . ~ .. ·~ -.-.-:- SlO.CKS .IN TH[ SPOTLIGHT oow 1otiEs AVERAGES · · ·~~ , • NEW YORK (AP) -· s ..... We<Jnesoav p11ce. and ,_ el\anQtl ol tna Mt-. moat tetlve New York Stoel< Eachinge ltsuH. 1radllig netlon .. ly a1 mote lmin S l 10~E~id~A:0':'~,7 F1rw1 Dow.Jone\ ••O~•~·~ ; STOCKS :I,. • JO Ind ~ Ml... L-C e • ~1 ·:. 10~ 03 1032.1• 1012,os 1021.so .. ''·'°-• , lO Trrl Ot llo '3110 'ts 71 '3l 68• 1,ij ~~ ~,'~ ~-~ ~rn ~-~ ~:~: ;:12 Indus .......... ·••• •• • • 1,35'.JOO El'EX<ll n 2,N.'IOO 1't '• SOny Corp 1,0SO,'IOO 1' '• Amer T .. .,, 995,100 61~1 >t. Euon • ~l.SOO 29 + ~. Va EIPow WS.100 u • \, ~ ---IG,JOG M •l --"5t00111not·~. ... _ ... , 100 ,...._. ,...._..; ::r,.~~!ic ~:u: ;~:~ : 2t :.an-_ ...... ....,.~.,......,!< .. 1u.r.....,. ---·, .. ~.,......._•~·~.:.~.: _....., ,:n,o.':7'J11:,.ee-l4---u SO< • . • • • .. • • .. 11,! •,.,. • Hume11a ... .,-1.300 39'11 • ~. -rr111 Lvn .. i,..oo • 451,, • 1' • Southern Co •it.IOO 1 He • v. ~1:_ Edi• ::.-:: ?:t.. : 1~ 51d011Cal Wl,SOO ~ • " WHAT STOCKS DID NEW YQJlll. tAPI No•. t7 (API NO• 11 "IEW YORK 'OO:;f Pre-v. ~l, Actvan~..i 0.CllM<I 19j' SJI Un<llenoa;J 211 11J ToCal"l~HuH w lU New htOll• '1 • u New fO'#,t I l METALS ·· '• NEW YORK (AP) _. metal PflOes roc:1ay ~pot nQnlerrous • CllPP•' 70.,·12 oarti1 • pound, U S dt1lln111ons _ • &.aed 211,.26 eenl.s •pound Zinc 38-•2 cen11 a pourid detl\lefad Tin .S6 0083 '4e1a11 WMli comP<Kite lb Aluminum 76 cents a poond N Y Metcwry $365 00 pet tlatk N ~latln_!I'!! p•S.~·S3•S 00 oov ounoe. Sit YER Hendy end Harman, S9 58 per troy C)JlnQe " ' I • GOLD QUOTATW-NS •r .Iba ANKie.teii Pr9" _ Selected world gold p11oos 1o<1ay . Loncloft morning l1(1no S•09 25. oil S3 25 London allt•noon fi11ng S408 $0. oll $400 . Perle alte<noon 11ung $-108 36, ott U 14 Frenllflar• ha1ng S .. 09 911-. up~ 01 . Zwleh late •tte.oooo 11 .. n9 S .. 07 !>O, oll S5 75 bid. $408 !>O asked Handr 6 Harma n \Ollly o••ly.;.quotel i .. oa so. otl s• oo £~ Conly daily quote) $~08 50, ott ~00. E~ (only deity quoit) S428 93, oil Sf 20 ______________ ....;.... ... , . 1U1 J • ~ Orange COHI DAIL y PIL.OT /Thurlda ' Novem~blt:;..;,1,:,:l•..;1;:;11::2:.....~~~~~~~""""'l'~~~~~liilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll~~ ....... iiiiii.o~~~ BIJ"IP Plus fO sealn · , . ANTIQUE OR POLISHED BRASS SINGLE CYUNDER .. aeadllol~ or snerv1.ock CllOose from Ovtf 70 custom mix· tel SOiid or seml·tnnsc>R11t ml· ors to match any wooo or d«or. l2H3·•HS.S37. . ..... ~ .. ~ • S 9 9 Cr~tfd 'with· higheSt stanclaras· for durdty :.io security Un· · c~• QUatl n ec:onomv. l ll160/ll&&Ol1100l1IOO . SAVE UP s 40 00 TO . ECONOMASTER JOGALtON G•••~•r ---~ -····· I B O ll<i. 1159.'99 . · VERSATILE SANDED FIR . 4' XB' . ·~-..Ji--;22~""1'--· -:~:-'sio.••:•• ~ 114'' •11011 Plrwof!HI REG. 15.99. Eltn m 1n10 to wet surf~rs. ~blf so GAU<* 15·.SO mn In rillny Wfathfr 1613 WP. • '?1ttt • •t79.e9 10 YEAR ACRYLIC caulk ··~" REG. 1H9. A ~ dable xryllC latel td Where extra du'3blltY IS •I ~J9KJo«Noo42. COMPACT PORTABlE 1400 WATT ELECTRIC •oomHeaeer . . •••••• cord,..• ~Ill'' Orlll •52••. .... ,.luo,.,,.c•itt ,,, .... -t ·· IEG. '1. 59 RuclflDM tulles COit 1155 to ll5t than REG. •2•.99. SINI nl .,._,.fut 1.00 watt fan fOrc· ~ Dues. For stron!I. !lln frtf, COOi td acutatlon. Thfnn..O.Ol~:.l\Mffi1Wlt~'fMc""-"4-i-lll ... t=lll ••'f4111"~ .... ~ CLllA•~NC• . . . ·:·-~ . . • 14" ~o~c.. ~:~~~'.'~ 21 .. . . coco••••ae• .•t•.!' STUD GRADE B·FT. ••Mc~ ouo11er 2·· • •·· •eud• · ., .• , . . . •·~·I . THERE'S AN ••• AN88LS IN YOUR NEIOHBORHOOD SHOP MONDAY THR0uGH FRIDAY 9 TO 9. 'OPEN SATURDAY ~AV 9'To I • • ... •ss NOtlll Mills ' 3f4 Orange $flow 1093$ E. FlmlOM 12112 CNpmlll '3!1 E Soucll SI 7800 Edlnglf Ave 2~0 Victory 3309 s .,, .... St (714) 624·1693 (714) 8"·9M1 ~2\l) IMl8 "91 .,. (1'41 7~3'~1 (213) 42H611 (714) 8-tJ.IOM (213} 34Hl50 (7'4) 17Hlll ' I • PANEUNC -.C. Pltao 1 Bll'Wf IN 8.00 . 110.99 - 171& llllhnl 11111 Z314 s Mouftllill (7141 '80·~12 (714) 113·3144 . .. • Look-alike AP Wlr•pf\olo llllyllllll THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1982 .. - l!oJDe tow~ ge~ring up for Stewartr • 1 .. • ---'~By LILLIAN SWANsON • ~··owmg up lhctc. l vu.lUL! th14UW WAtlchNl-Stew;nt '11 4·aru~r ••-laled ,, ... Wrllllf rnuch us iAllythmg In m y hfo." blossom from his first m ovit.'. PI TT S B U IH.i II A Ito k Y Stt.•wm·t say11 h,1 hasn't lwcn "Thl• Murder Man" in rn:t:; to Compt>t•ll remt•ml.x•r:> many latt' back to Indiana In abou l rlvt' th t• r f' c 1• n t I y ,. om p It• t <'cl nljlht se>sslons a t lwr country years. The trlpji an• infrcqut•nt ''Right-of -Way" \"ith S1:ttc.• h o m P whl'n Jimmy Stt•wi.irt because his parents, and sisll'rs, D?lvls • playt.>d th<• at.>t'<Wdlon u.nd her late> Virginia and Mary, art.• dt.'t-CQS(.>d. ••Evt:rybody llkl>S ~im. Always husband, Dutc h , pluy"d the "Since my family is oil gun<' haw," he said. "Ile.> always had a piano · . from th(•re, l haven't lx'<•n back good il<.>nsc o f humor, a nd ·•1 think ht-'s just exactly as he very oflC'n. It will tx> vt'ry niC'c to everybody enjoyed that. appc.oars on tht.• S(:rcen," shl' says see tht> town," he said. "He's done most of his work an .. , ''alut· lht• town a nd the. things that • h a p1wm•tJ' th(•rt• whilt• I wos growing "I'· vuhw thnl us mu.-h us anything in nty lift•." . , . of thC' soft-spoken aNor. "He's • not a bit d1 rfe>rent. He's down- to-curth. Ill' s till h as a good many (nend!> hert.'." · The tr('('·linc.od c·ollegt• town of 16,000 as planning lo celebrate Stewart's birthday by ~·r(.'(•teng a 9-foot bronze s t alut• o f its favorite son , a nd holding a pa rade. a dinner dunl'<' anrl a festival of his films. u vc·r y natural way . H e's a forthright fe lla. Everyone en town rcspt.>c:ts him." Stewart was born in 1908 in lndiapa, wl\ere. his fathe r operated a har9ware store. As a youngster, he laked to go Cashing and camping and was crazy about aviation. · ,~•in Nt•w York , Stt"wart · n •fusc:d a ht•ro'li wcll.'Omc," a Life magazine al'tlck• saad at the lime. ANor J ames (~uu n portrays the lively spirit of a la te Broadway chorN)gru1>hc r in newJilm ''Kiss Me Goodbye." llis look-alike puppe t · "'t'o-sta rs" wi th a lly F ield ~nd J e ff Bridges in the •romantic .com e dy due for r(•lease in· December. "Here" is Indiana, Pa., the semi -r u ra l t•omtnunit y in Pennsylvania's mining country where tht' scn'en legend was born 74 yvan; ago. Stewart will return to h is hometown next May 20 to cele brate his ?5th birthday. · "I cbns id<'r i l m y ho me," Stewart said in ~ tclt•phone inlcrvic•w Crom his California home..• "It is when.• I grew up. whc.r~ rny roots are. "I value the town and the things that happc.oned while I was "We're very excited aboul ge\til}g him bac k hen',." says · Indiana County Auditor Linda Moore, who heads the planning committee for the celebration. "Our community needs a boost. We need something to look forward to, and to bring people together." David Hall Blair, a boyhopd chum and pro bably Stewart's closest h o m e t own fri e nd , He ignored. his father's advice to joan the family business, and opted for the th~ater. He left Indi a na for pre p school, Princeton and finally Hollywood. After fiye years in 'the film business, he won 3fl Academy Award for best actof'I in 1940 for "The Ptiiladelphfa St(.lry." Stewart returned to· Indiana in 1945 as a much-de<:oratcd World War 11 hero. As a bomber pilot, he flew 20 c..'Ombat missions and was awarded the Distingul1hl'CJ Flying Cross with Oak Leaf ClustC'r. "lnsll•ad, he drove off to his old home town of ln(,iiana, Pa. There an his pare nt's comfortable red brick house on a Hill overlooking the town, he sle pt late, played the piano and joked w_ith his father about the old days." ORANGE COAST COLLEGE CALENDAR OF EVENTS Nov. 18 Nov.20 Nov.21 Dec.5 LURI! O.F ALASKA Armch&r Adventures • Willis Butler FALL CONCERT OCC Chorale & Ch4mber Singers "-!.... JAZZ CONCERT With Bill Watrous, Trombone OCC SYMPHbNY ORCH•STRA W/th Daniel ·Pollack, Piano Dec. 0 • 11 "STl!AMBATH" Drama Lab . Dec. 10 CHRISTM.AS FAVORITES All College 'Choir ·Dec. 11 Dec.12 CHUCK MANQIONI! T.wo Shows • 7 p.m. & 10 p.m. Reserved Seats .on Sale Nov. 22 . . 8 P .M . -ROBERT MOORE THEATRE TICKETS /Visa-MC -556-5527 ' .~ ~~ RABBITT INSOtMCE 441 Otd N41wpcwt Blvd. Newpcwt BMcft, Ca. a1-n• "Afwmy,·~ .· erivelopfng. movie ... It ts a silccess through and th h .. . \ roug . . . · • -J~net Maslin. New Yot~ Tlmca • "TEX" .. ~C» -STARTS TOMORROW - AIWIEIM · LMUaA IEACM ........ 712-1441 ..... c-t 494-1514 .aA . 'HUil UA ...._ ltM022 Or-.. Miil 137·0340 COSTA llUA UA Cill.-54045M OIAIH UA City C-83-4-3911 WUTMlllSTEI c-w .. 191-3935 the sender --.. ~.f~~b~O ------NOW PLAYING --- IMA COSTA MllA Mann 8' ea PQ.1a UA Conemas S29 ~39 ' S•O OS94 COSTA MHA · El TOIMI ECIWaids CinllN Ed.itildS SaooleOac~ Center 979 4141 ~a1 saao CNWlll ~tclomt &34 2SS3 QUiii( Saadoum Olive In 539 8770 a. IMl'J i!MlSlflSIC' WllTMl•ITlll ld"'atdS C·~ Wes! 89t 393S NC> 'AMH ~c;ca,no fO~ IHll INGAOlM(Nl OJIS !J ~ SMttlH1'U l M"M 81USllMCMI llla lNI ~,_. .. tlf•IJl~MM--ID~l-at m .111 um P 11 i. a 1 .lhllll flll ...... ' MAAK HAMILL HARRISON FORD CARRIE FISHER BILLY DEE WILLIAMS ANTHONY DANIELS -t.Alh tlllJ(Nl!L W!NNdWC~ q~""'-'•"'-.N IQAN>'OJ -..... IRV!N KERSHNER ...,. ... GAl?Y KURTZ \-.. WGH BRACKETI -LAWRENCE KASDAN -.. G~ORGE LUCAS ·---GE~E LUCAS -.. JOHN W1LLIM1S • --faff Home Free on MCI Rememberthose great Thanksgiving dinners you en1oyed so much? • The Newport Beach Marriott Invites you to have an Old Fashioned Thanksgiving turkey dinner with us. You'll be carving your own turkey '::::'=~~-~.!!."ID ~=f!~ '..I.' ........... -, .. ---SfiUtli!i l'OMORROW .... Mllwl llfA P1uJ S29 S339 ll Tiil l1@jfij ~SWf'~~ Eci..11ds $acldle0Kk $31 SHO ............. hcif!C·s ANhHll 'CAl'llTMll E.T., you -anyone can coll home any doy 'tif Dec. 23 free for the ho\idoys from Hunting· '· ton Center's MCI phone center. Your Free and the ~ftovers belong to you. Our holiday entertainment will be the famous Marriott twin pianos. 3. min. long distance For information and reservations· coll by MCI is on us. Phone (714) 64014000 Ext 6100 T •" H?PPY· holidays. · Beginners of all ages welcome! Whether you've Ice skated before or not. you're never too old to learn. · We create fun, we treat people speclal. . rr----------;i .. ~~~.:~ : $<t!~.~.J ~ .... 2701 Harbor Blvd.,: BEGINNERS ONLY Herbor a Adema • l'retent coupon ror dlacount. ·. COIT A MllA U: -~·~·_No_:m~r ~· ~:. -:!J 979-8880 PUBLIC ICE SKATING EVERYDAY 1 New~Beach ~· ~ Tennis Cub CGITAMIU' Edwlltels 8'1SIOI SCO 74U COITAMIU EdwardSC- Centet 979 4141 ou-CIMdolne fi3C 2SS3 WUT•.STHI UA I •lfl C."41NS 89~ S333 .. ' OltVt 111 PJC!loc·s Mlwon 879 98SO Ol111t In 493 4S4S ... Gfod .for fliM pilCH of Jllicy, iOtd'" bfown Keftt~w frltd Clllcllen, with four rolls, 1 l•lf col• s1n, • flflf mnhed pot1t011 llld 1 mtdlum 11r¥Y· -~ .. mre.· • l . e Cout DAILY PILOT /Thurada , November 18 1982 ; Ry BOB THOMAS i•-e.t.d l'fHt Writ., BEV EHLY lllLLS For y1•1u'ii, ~'()mt.Jlan.Rt'(J Suttons hus S(.'Ol audienres into torrC'nlA of laughwr with his liUiny of lh(\ Camous who "never had a dtnher" -includina hlm$elC. ••Jerry Brown, who.t' th~mt> song lK'CaUforn i1> Her£' 1 Go.' never had a dinner . . . Abe Lim'Oln, y.rho said, '/Ii hQ~sc diVidcd ls a condominium/ never tlud a dinner ... Sophia L9rcn, who said, 'That's the last-time 1 go to H & R Block.' ncvf'r had a dinrycr," Buttons suld1 But the Friars Club finally got around to roasting Buttons at one of ils legendary dlnn~rs earlier \his month. The red-haired comic ra'eiveq a Life Achievement award and the typical barrage of insults lrom his friends. "We owe you u lot for bt!ing a groat American," said emcee ar1tl Friars president Milton Berle. No ting Buttons' fl acning h a'ir, Berle added: "We both owe a lot to Clairol." Un c I e M 1 l.t i c contmucd: "l 982 1s the year that ~ed Buttons fina lly got a dinner. Which shows you what a lousy year it has been." · Berle maintained tight control throughout the dinner, introducing those entertainers who merely sat on the dais, spch as. G ene Kelly. Car y G r a nt, James S t e w a r t . Ro be r t Hed Bu lions Wagner. John Forsythe, . . Stefanie Powers a nd Vikki Carr, . as well as those who perfo.nned and roasted the guest of honor. Anthony Newley and Tony Bennett sang. And · then there were the comics. Henny Youngman to Berle: "Milton, I've been l90king high and low for you; I just d idn't look low e)lough." The pair are experts at trading insults, !laving practiced for 50 years. , Red Buttons had his ·dinner. He ended on a *rious note: "When I was a kid in lhe Bronx sitting "!"d dreaming in the second balcony . . . In my wildest imagination I couldn't have written this scenario tonight." I Ill· \111\ II·' OI 'LI.\\\'\ I Ill 11 I I \11. '"' H , ... l(,lfBCll<:--\Hill I CD_......,, . " • .. ; ~fl ..... _ ~-·-·--·· " ( .j.UXURY THEATRES ) ~ ,.. ..... t1 ....... ,s2.11111n1 ..... 111M_ '- S lli@¢•n.Jl6l654 25ss/~~y ) S· FOR FUOI EXCITEmEflTI Vlllt ' * aAllQAIN MATIN•••• MCNIUy lllN l8tunl•Y AH '-'tonnencH llefor. 6:00 ,M (U.,. ........ 1111 I ti ... Wlp) "CMINHOW" 1111 •DOLaY ----·- LAKEWOOD CENTER WALi( IN '111C>1118HINOR" 1111 ----- -..NUA.u=:C:-..,.... • lll.r"-1. ....... ,_,... ~=- lAl<f W OOD C HHf ll '\OUTH ..... " ••SORCERESS" 111 ------· "AN' OPPICIR AND A a.NTLlllAN" 1111 ----- '1llOllllK»tOR" 11111 ----- focv1iy 01 Cono .. •OOO 21J/1~1·9llO . "Tl• 8ANOf'T!'N 1 _...,_ .... - "TllllNIT'1N1 ---"MY FAYOltlTI YIAR"1N1 -- "CMIP' IHOW" 1111 ---..-.1- "I09tCERall" 1111 -"fONMDDlN WOM.D" 1.T."--~OIU.Y",... C.·11 '· "CLAM,,, ..... t. "'fMI LMT ...-CM :a. .. T'nD1 AT ---WT -.,.. .... --------- O~A NCI r~''"''"' . a.,._ "CMIP' ,!.HOW"' \!'I "IUPERlllAN "" tNt• ·~UMMTI" '"' -"INCi CW THe WOMJ>" IHI c• '' 1011110 ..,.......r ...... -.... ,,, "" WOM.D" -__ ,...., ·-~ ..... .... , A -A-11/lfr .. ,,, •• ,.,..,.. ............. .., .......... ..,,..'1:..,.'411 ... ..... .. __ I -__;;;_-18th SMASH WEEKI __ __. UIA I ••POIT IUCll -M.11"1(1.141'1.11• (Cl*tld) ... wpon C111tm1 CllltCIOmt I dw11ds CINma Wt\I 11211 ~,,, 644 0710 634 2$~3 Ht 3935 ........... .HI , f d*.1111 11,.,0 IWMl 830 11990. • MUC NOllCl ,. MUC mTa PICTITIOUI 9\1 ..... H V'ou AM• D6AULT ...... A MAMSITATl•NT DllD OP TllUIT DATID I h• ll)ltC)INUIO IHtl ton II do11111 NOVlllM• ... ""· 4111&.lll li\1t11M1•• "' YOU TAICI ACTM* TO PllOTICT t.OASI CAf1Pr I (.AH( •64 YOU• ,.o•••TY, " MAY •• P•tk Ave l<1111u11• R•a1.11 CA ICM.0 AT A llUa.IC aA&.I •• YOU t711&1 . .... ,... ............ °" '"' frlld ll•1fo1tl 464 JJ•11>. Ave MATURI OP T .. HOClllO•O No A lllii'!n• 011 .. rll CA ll~6~t AGAINIT YOU, YOU UOULD fltl• llu~lltll\I 11 toltll\11 11111 lly •n CONTACT A LAW'llll. • 10<.ltvululll • NC\'ICI M TMllTll'I IM.I rr .. o t1u111110 T.I . Ne.,,_ , 1111• •llllltl1111tl wffl 11111<1 Wlltl 11141 NOTICE JS HEREBY QIVEN, 11\al Coo111v Cl~t11 or 011no• C01111ty on 0<1 waane1C111y. ~'* t&, IH2. NQv l'I 1111" •t 9 00 0 ~ • m Ol 'M6(1 d•y. In · '*'°' Ill• room rf UICle '°' GOtlducttnt Publl•h110 0 ••11011 Cou1 O••IY Trua'" e ..... within lhl off_ of P!!t>t Nov t8 ~'; Oec 2 II. t982 REAL E TATE 8£CURITIE,S 'I048-17 SERVICE. local~ •I 2020 NO<tll lfoeci-1y. Suite 20I. In lhl City Of ----------&MY Ma. COunty ot Ot1111911~Swe ------.;...,.---------:,.-------~-1 PUBl.IC NOTICE ol C1111orn11 . BENEFICIAL MAMAGEMf;NT COR..ORATION OF ftCTITIOUI IUSINlll ' AMERfCA. I oetaw1r1 COfpot•llOn. NAMI ITATMINT H duly IPPOlnt.O TruatM under The toflow111g p11r1on II doing and pur1U9llt 10 the powtf ol NII bualne"' •• • conlemtd In 111111 c;erlaln o..d Of "THUSI ME MAF~IN( CO . T,..11 u•cu114I by LINDA LEE 1912G M<tgnuliil No 203·8 GREENE, rec:ordld ~bit 21. Huntington HHch CA 926A8 1979, tn 8ook..l t3• 10 ol Olllclal Ole:~ Young tQJ28 MllON>ll•. RecOfdt ol N~ Couftty. •• Peoe No 203 0 1tun11r1gton Bekh, CA 1488. Recorder -1netrumen1 NO 92848 34822. by r•ellOn ol I llfeac:ll "' Thi• bu1tn11i.s 1s co11<1uc.1ed Dy an dll•ull in Pl)'ll'*ll Of perlOf,,,_ unincorporoted 1usoe1at1on 01h111 of 01e oblig•llon• MCUred thlrll>y, lh•n o ponno11111111 including lh•t 1>119•ch or det•ull Dick Young_ NOiie• of "Vhlof'..\ wu r•cordeet Thil 1tntornen1 was llted with th11 August 12. 1982, H A•oord•r's ' County Ctml\ 01 0111nge CO\Jnty. on tn111umen1 No 82·28 t742, WILL ' <kl 20 1982 tHL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE F200124 HIGHEST 8100Ef' FOR CASH. Pub•••heo 01ano• Co•" O•Hy l•#fut money ol t~ Unl._ci St•'"· . Ptlof Nov 18 25 Dec 2. 9 1982 or • cuhll<'s e~k dr•wn on • 5083-112 •••t• or n•tlOn•l btnic. • 11••• or 1410et'al ~edit unlOn. Of • ll•te Of ------------19d.er•I Uv1no-ltld IOlln .. IOCl•tlOn PUBLIC NOTICE domiciled In lhlt lf•I• ... 1 p•y•bll •t 4 rhe lime of ••. •I all right, ltlll •nd FICTITIOUI IUIMll lrll•rHI held by II.• H j frullff, In NAMlf ITATEMENT 11111 rHI properly tlhllll In Hid ' The IOllOwtng perJOns are domo County •nd Stal•. d11crlb•d •• , 1>u11ne.s es rouowa CONSUMER CONNECTION PARCEL I Unit No 7111In 1111 city 3279 Amona lane Costa Mesa ol (rvme. county ol Of11n09. •l•I• ol CA 92626 Cal1fomle, as ahOwn ltld d1Kt1bld 111 Robert Irving W"ghl 3279 1n Ille l(OO<!Of'lnlum plM rllC()(dld I -.11zona l•n• Co~la MeH, CA on M•rcll 25, 1977 In 8ooll 12119 n626 P•OH I 1117 to i2 u1., ol Oll"1aL 1:.>1 Merilyn Ann Wright, 3279 Rec0<d1 qi safd county. Alllono Lene, Colla Mau . CA Ellcepling thet1IOfom •II oil, oil 92826 rlghll, mln•ral&, mlneral right~, This bu1111ess Is cooduc1ed by a n•lural o•• dghll. ,Ind oth., ~ener•I par1ne1shtp , hydtocatbona by wnataoe,,... n1rn1 Robert I Wright known th•t m•y 1>1 within or under Tf11s s1a1ement was !tied w1111 th• th• pucel of lend ll•retn•bove :;O\Jnty C1&1k ol Oraoge Counly on ducribed t ogeth•r wltll th• 'lov 4 1982 perpeiual rlghl of dr•11no. mll'llng, F201U• uplor1ng •nd op•r•Ung lhltefor PuDhshed Orange co .. 1 0111y •nd 11or1no In and r•movlno Ille P1101. Nov 18, 2". Ole 2. 9, 19112 • Ntn9 from ukl 14nd or eny othlt . 5015·112 l•nd, lnoludlng lh• right 10 ------------lwtil19t1oc;k Of dlf~lonalt)' drill ltld Pl.llLIC NOTICE ml1141 lrom llnd1 other than lhoM YOU AM IN De'AUL T ~ A lllr .. n•bove dHCflbld, oil or g .. DelfD OF TINIT DATU llAllCH w•llt, tunnels •l'ld 1h•fl• Into. through Of KrOA the 1Ub91H1K4 of 22, 1111. UNLlll YOU TAKI lhl l•nd hereln•bov• deac111>e<1 ACTION TO PflOTICT YOUfl ltld to bottom IUCh wtllp9todl~ cH NONRTY, IT MAY• SOLO AT A dtrectiOnall~ drilled we119 tunnel• ~ IAU, If YOU NIU> Ml d .....:. h . IXP\.ANATION OF THI NATURe •no Sh•tts unoer •n .... 11111 or beyond 1ne extetlor, hmlts thlteof, OF THE PflOCllDINO AGAINST •nd to re't!rill, r•lunnet. eQulp, ~~::u IHOULD_ CONTACT A m•lnl•ln, r•PJlr. dH,,.n. •nd NOTICi! OF TlllUITEl'I IALI eu>erlle •ny 1ubh wells or mlnet, T 1 No J70ll w1111ou1 however. th41 r~hl \o drtll, • • • mine, store. el(plore operate NOTICE 1$ H,EREBY ~IVEN, lh•t lllrough the surftlU or he upper Q.n We<lnlld•Y· ~bet 8. 1082. llv• hundr•d C 500) 1J••I of the 11·0·00 o'clock • ~ of said d•y. in eu1>1urt-of tlll lllnd 1'111 .. nabovl lhl room set •lkl;9 fOf conducting dlicribed .. ,~ In the dllcl TrvllM'I Salls. W<lhlfl the offic.t ol I h . I c 'REAL ESTATE SECURITIES rom 1 e Irv n• omp•ny, ! corpor•tlorvecordld Novemw 29. SERVICE. loc•ted II 2020 North t977 In 9oo11 12471 P9g1 708 of Br<!lldw•y. Suite 20e. 111 Ille City ol Ofhcl•I Records -SMI• Anf. County ol °'61189, St•I• Alto eac•pUnQ tll•relrom the of C•llfornl•. REAL ESTATE aubsurf-wal., rlghll but wltho\lt SECURITIES SERVICE .. • Calllornl• Ille rlghl ol aurl•ce •nit)' ., eorpor•tlon, H duly appoanted rH.,ved In the deed lrom the lfVl"41 TrutlM und., and pur.u1nt to·thl Comp•rt)'.· a,.oOfpor•tk>n. recOf~ pow•r ol Hie conlerted In IHllt Nov11mblf 29. t977 ,,.. BOOie 12471 C4<1•in Died OI Trust IHCUl9d by p 708 ol Offic:lal Records Aon11d S •nd S"9ron F Jurgen~ ~RCEL 2· An und111IC1ed one Trll.tlHI of Ill• Ron•fd S end h•rl)l·Sla c l/361 111,., .. , u •tenant Sharon F Jul'QlnMn F1mily Truet in.common In 1111111 lnt.,Hl In 9fld Ell•bllltl•d F1bru•ry II, t9aO. 10 1111 common., .. of Lott 1 2 Ind recor(l•d M•rch 24. 198:1.'. lo th' '3 or TrKl 8901 u per meo itled 1n olflcl ol the C~nty Recorder ?' 9oo11 3119 PllQH 33 ro 34, lnc;tutlw, utd County, •• R•cor(l11 • of 114,~lane<>UI M9PI. rec:orde"' jnstrume~t No. 8~· 1004~5 . b¥ u •d county. u such Term term 11 I tenon ol • brHch or del•ull In .d•fined 1n the Arllcl• entltl•d • P•ym•nr or performtme• ol lh• "o.finlll<!f'I •• of the Dec:ler•tlon ol obllg•llone Hcured lh•r•by Cov•n•nll Condlllont 1 nd Including th•t br .. cti or detllull. RMlr~tlons ;ecordld on Jenu•~ • Nolle• ol •lllch WH r•cordt.d 29, t977 lo BOOie 12048 p~ 11ae c August I I, 19112, H R.cord•r v,0 1251 1nclullve, of Olftcl•I 1 IOJ1rumtn1 No 82·280107, WILL R•cotdi of u ld County (lh_. • SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE ··oeclar•tlo n "I •nd •ny HIGHEST BIDDER FC>f\ CASH. aJT1\ndm•nt• or •nneullons t l•wtul money of Ille Unltld S1at•, lhlle10 QI • CHhl~(I Clleck df9Wn on I f91lrMnll U ~ Hlltnenll .,. 11111 Of nahon•I b•nlt., • elat• Of p9'1k:ul•rty 111 fonh In thl Artid41 Ndllf'•I credit union. or I •1.91• Of enlllled "E•Hm•nll" ol the fedlret u111ng1 lllld IOtln lllOClallo11, d•C:f9rllllHl-Un'd., lh• S•cll.Pn domlcllld In 11111 st•••. all P9y•bll •I he.Olngs In IUdl 9ftlcil Wlllllld u the time ol Mii, •II right, 11111 9'ld follows "O•n•ra" Algllll •nd lnllf'HI held by II, H TrUllM. In Outlet, Ullllflel •nd Cebll 111•1 r••I 1>tOP1rty sltu•I• lh Mid T•le vlalon" "Support •nd County •nd St•ll. dlKribed H ~t~I"'. "Comrnotl .At11 end IOllowl, Communlt~ F9CllJlle• Euement" Lot 75 of Tr•ct No, 81123, H ltld "Y•d UlllrtlM" lllOwn Oii • •eo recorded In Boole PARCEL 4. b11men11 •• tueh 247, P991• 18 to 20 lnclu1h1e ol eutments .,e P•11Cular1y Mt lorth • M**'-1 I.tape, In Ille oftl.09 ol In fhe Article 11nlllled "E...,.,11" · Ill• County Aecord•r o l .. Id of the o.crar•lion ol Coven•nll, County Condlltons •nd R•ttrlctlons Tiie flre•t •ddr~•• or other recorded on Ju"41 9, 11178 In 8ooll common 4Hlgn•llo• or lhl rH I ll71S8. P9QW 420 10 4114, lndu.i111. f Pfoper1)' hlteln•bc>Ye dllctlbld Is ot offic••• record• of Mid county • purported to be 2021 Port 8'1111>4 (thl "MH ter Dec*Mion") 9lld 1r1y f Clrdl, Newpof1 a..cn. c.wornla •m•ndment• or •nnea•llons Thi undeftiOned hltll>y ~ thllelo und9r IN MCflon hledinga ' 911 llebi11t)' for 9/ly lnCOrTICt,_ In in IUCfl •rtlcl9 Wllilled M follow9. u fd 1111•1 •ddreu dt other "Ownere" Rlgl!ls •nd Outlet, c:ommon detlQn•llOn UlllttlH •nd C•bl• T•levl•lon", ' Stid ••I• wlll be mllOI wltfl0\11 "UlllllJe s " "Support •nd l w•rrant~. upreu or fmplle,d. Seflllmen" "Encr09Cllmlnt" ltld J regudlno 11111, -"0111ulon. or "Community FM:ilillel E-*111". r encumbr•nce1, 10 eall•IY lhe The itre•I •ddr•u or othar f ---;:iiiiiijiiiiiiiiiUiD"-j--~iii"iiim;m~-----:; prll)Clpll blll1nc1 ot Ille f!lote or common de1lgn•tlon ol th• rH I • othl< obllgellon MC:urld by uld PfQPertY hlrelll9bc>¥1 dllCrtbld 11 Died oJc Trull, with lnterHI Md pu'90f'1ed lo bl 10 takllllew Ortw, • otl\9' •um• u pro'tlldld 1111reln. lfYinl c.lilOfnie I plus •d••nce1. 11 _,,~. undef lhl The undar.slgned h•reby I term• crHtld by H id O..d of dlecl•lms •II ll•blllty lor •fl)' t NII Tiie tot•I •mount ol Hid tncor~ In Nld •11991 9ddr"' I 01>Ng1llon, tncludlng r .. aon•bl)' Of other common ""'vnllion ! esllm•t•d l•u, chugu •nd S•ld Hll will bl m9dl wllhOul i ••Piil'" of the Trus111: at thl tlmt wirr•nty ••P••H or tmpfl•d t ol lnillal publlC41lon Of Ihle Notice, It regudtng 1111•, poa1111lon. o; # 115e.27t 30 enoumbr•ncH. to ull•ly the ~":.~:;;"-t5. t982 prlnclpll b•l•nC:• of thl Note ~ MCUllfTiml MflYIC•· olher obllgellon •Kurld tty H ., Olld ol Trull. wtlh lnler•I 911d c.:::.-::--..... ...,. 01111r aumt u provided t~ean, .I~· ,.... plus •dvenc.t. II •ny. under thl • • · 1 .. m1 t'*'eof ltld Int-I on 9UCh N. ., •206 ectvanc•. •nd plu1 1-. c:harO" •nt• Ana, CA 112708 •nd ••pen-of 1111TN91111r1c1 ol 1 1111 tru1ts cr111ad by Mid Died ol Publl•h•d Oreno• COHI O•lly Trual. Th1t tot•I •mo1.1111 of Hid Pilot. Nov 18. 25. Dec. 2. 11182 ~ obllg•Uon. lnCludlng re11on•bly 5t12·8ot Hllm•l•d f•H. 011.,0 .. •nd •apen919 of the Truat11. .. the time t----.. ---.,.-.,-TICE ____ , 91 '"'"' ~tton of,,. Notk:9," ,..~ 122,8111 31. ,ICTITIOUI .,.._., 0.led No\19mw 15, 1912 , MAMR ITATUllNT BENEFICIAL MANAGEMENT The lollowlng oeraon• .,. dolnQ CORPORATION Of' AMERICA bulinlM.. e Oelew•• oorporetron ENVIRON~ENTS, t,301 N. ~t!~~~ATI. SECURITIES Beylront, Bilbo•. lsl9fld. CA 1121M12 SERVICE • CallfOfnle ' 0 BA ASSOCIATES. INC . • • C•lllornl• corpot11lon 130 t N COfpor•tli!>n. Its Agenl a.vtront. hftlOI ,.,.,,.,, CUteet · ~~ ~orr,ro.t"' dot This bu9lneM Is conducled .Dy • S11nl• Ana, CA 11?1ot corpor•llon er,., .$3..e& to 0 8 A AAoc. Inc Ned• Brown Sic-Tr... Publlthed Or•noe Cout O•lfy Tflll atal_,I Wll hi.cl With the Piiot. Nov II, 25, 09C 2, Ull2 County Cietlt. of Ot•no-County ~ 5113-82 Ncwlmblf 15. IH2 . ,._ Publllhed Oreng1 Co111 Delly PUot. Nov 18, 25. 09C 2. II, 1912 5030•82 - I -. NI.IC NOTICE .. • .Nothing r'oUtine at" au<Jitions NEW YORK.(AP) _:_ 1'hr job.: a ppltc,a nts were told to b~ themaelvet, so one aiuy tried tht' old chair trick, yanking ll away just as the girl atarted to sit down. It waa not your typical bri~fcase, button-down collar modurn tolt.•vuclon. • 'LWllh cabl<' imd mort• tnudt•·forJl'V movi"": Wt' nc•c•d nctor11," !Miid Rundall Jam*'"· AH<;'H J!~i11t C(lu111 ca.ling mu nu g tn•. " W c' mu'" t H 1 a t'.~ cuhivutint« wuy11 (or tlll<•nt to it'\ to u~.'' . . 10intervie~. H~ alsu noted, howevt•r, "h The ea1er act.on and actresses t~kcs a lot uf guLS· lo oonw he1 •. who (!!&ponded to ABC-TV's These JX'<>plc have lo live with annuaJWtalent ~h were given· -_ce~tion C:tay in'nnd day out." four minutes o n stage, each But f9r· every l 00 or so hoping to ' do or sa~ or act rejections, '1ames expects one some thing so memorable that winner ... they would linger in the mind of T h a t · 8" w h y K a t h 1. e c n directors who will be casting Salamone of Schtinectady, N.Y., ABC's pilots and televisio n took a pratfall when.her audition movies for ne~t season. partner gave her chair the old The audili~ns began early in heave-ho. They were doin~ u the month and end today. In all, scene Crom "Beyond Therapy. ' a Ae<;:.expects tO see about 1,000 recent play t hat was yanked performers wishing upon a star, from Broadway as quickly as the and hoping to 'become one. chair. · Inviting prospects to mass "We picked a crazy, slaP,Stick auditions .and 900uting the New · piece to get noticed ," said \'ork theaters is a procedure born Salamone, whose-last. TV r,ole to help feed the great maw of was in the movie "For Lovers .-~· '· 4~ , ,, ~· ·~-~. 1111 ..:· ll \\ • .-n.-. •1CW1t tlillt> • l(TL.A'U•I .KAIC CA9C1 .IC,MICCMJ • KM.I-TV(•.• eKciTCAKI eK""(lftf,) ·• iceop.n "'-'·• .eKCETC ... I y e 1(0Cf CNll 'i ':'fl ...... .__._,·::- ao HBO (C). (c;lnemH) Cl) IWOIU NY., N.Y, a> IWTBSI <I> llSPN) II) CSflowelme I • 9"11itflt • CCMlle News ~efl#otlO Only," In which 11ht• play~•d a nt•wlyw<•d who1u.t huailurnd ll(nort-d hc•r· fur Puc: M£An. • "In tlw muull umount of &lmu we• h{&Vt', lht• bNt W <• Ci&fl do h• pkk u ll"ht. quick pwce and havti fun." • Ju1111•s':s 1.1dvk-u to !Actors WWI t.o pick ·sonwthlng that displayed cbdr str(•ngths. "lC tht•y'N> great .with pflytSicul <:q,m t·d·y, they ~hould show that off." 'he $aid. "Sorne try to rcud\ too muc·h." Wht•n AB<.: auditions in Now York, J am<'!! !1aid, a dltforcnt typt.1 or actin$( talent is on d iMplay. "The at.1ors in Los Ang~les are not as concerned w ith· being great actors, tt)ey just want to be discov~red," he e~plained. ''At a casting.call m Los-Angeles, you'll S('e a lot mor~ physicality. The acting dep)h is s:'O( there. People in ~w York tare more pragmatic, more serious about their craft.'' . . J .. Orange Coul DAIL y PILOT /Thurldav. November 11, 1H2 Quarterback quartet Th~·pigskin takes u beating from film sl.ars, •from le ft, HoberV Wagner, Dean Martin, Hob llope and Robert Prt•ston durii1g taping for llo1w's TV s11c4;ial airing Suflday night. on t:hanriel 4. al 9 p:m. TU BE TOPPERS KCET (28 ) 8:00 -''Gene ra tion to Generation." $pedals explore ch anging fot•lings a nd rl'lationships between adults and ttft>ir aging · pci,rc nls in "It's M y . Tomorrow. too" -a nd "Your Aging Pare nt.", KNXT (2) 9:00 "Simon & Simon." A.J. and Rick aid a forme r cowboy star w ho is susp<'(·tcd of murdering a film producer. KNXT (2) 10:00 -''Knots Landin g." C hip plays a dal'_lg('rous game as be carries o n a torrid S<.'<.'l'Ct affair· with Ciji while using and romanc:ing Diana . romentlc:dy lnvollled with lh9 wlf9 of. weelthy Get- man antr..,,._,,. 'R' 1:41 CZl CMMA8COAE 2:00 8 Cl) C8I NEWI llGHTWATar- .1 =, ••YI "Patemlty" (1981) Burt ReynOld•. Beverly O'Ange!O. A bKhelof In hie lortlea wtlO wants to be a lather -ehel lor th9 rlglll woman to beat hi• ehlld. 'PG' (Z)6'0VIE * •V. "The P\lr1Ull Of 0.8. • Cooper" (198 1i Treat WM- Ham1, Robert Duvall. A • thief 11\yjacka a plilf'8 and petac:hutee to Mlety - Oregon with a fortune In stolen money. 'PG' 2:JO·~ -* • V. "The Trial Of CtlllP- laln Jantan" (1975) J- Fr~. Joanna Miies. A Chaplaln In the Navy la • court·m8tllalad for ialll- tary. (H) BOXING'S BEST: GllUOGE AORT9 ofllcere during an lnveaU-· gallon of wldeapread polloe conupClon. 'A' t:oO(C) *'* "Myetery OfThe Mllllon ~Dollar Hockey Puck" ( 11175) Mlchael ~ac­ Oonald, Angele Knight. Two orphana try to outwit • pair of diamond tfllevee • wtlo lla¥a conciealeCI their IOot lnalde • hOCkey pcO belonging to the Montreal Cenedlana. • uoe •in "a.dge373" ( 1g73) Robert ow.II, Vt11- na Bloom. A ,._ Yori! City cop noaa • alngletland9d cemp9lgn agalnat • crinl9 7!00~· .. Th9 Waatem- er" (1940) Gary Cooper, Wallar Brennan. The tyrannk:al Judga Aoy Bean la oonffontect by the pow- erful "Weeterner." (D:J *•*'II "Mt. Bland· Inga Bullda Hla ~ H<Me'' ( 11M8) Cery Otani, Myrna ~. A man fr Manhattan movee hie fami- ly to the country wt.. he trlea lo build i .___ 7:30 (I) •• "lele c.atlea" (H) MOVIE l:OO .-MOYIE ••'A "So Fine" (1981) ••'A "Shadow Over ain-cn..-.~'ldl~~--1~~-llifCDO!llD!Jf=;:::_;;'-"_..~l--:---w;Mlt~• (tteej'-Jamee (1979) lynrHtolly aom=:-.--~ Ion, Robby ean-i. " den. A stuffy COiiege pro-TOM OOTJl.E: UP FrilnClacul, Lealie Nlelaan. •-....,. hi• father'• ClOIE After the llhertff mutder• a "'_..... ~ ........ ....---~· .... and her boyf\'tand flounclerlng garment facto-o-t: Hugi! Downs. young boy, an lncorruptl- ry by ln¥antlng a MW type • LOW, ~RICAN bla mari Mii out to bring pf ladlea' ... 'R' ITYl.E dignity bade lo the '-11 Cl) IEX: TEENAGE STYLE "love And The Buftf\11 of the townlP90l)le. The myths and realltlea of Groom" CelYln and Linda (JJ ~HUIT ~ iove. pa. pree-get !Nlrtecl 1n • nuc11a1 eo1-cm ........... -• and c:hanglng morals • ony. "Love And The • • •11 "Tha Po1tman are •Hmlned througfl Naglaeted Wlf9" " wit. AIW•Y• Ring• Twice" lntem.wt with t.na, !*· trtea to prOVOke jealOuay In (1981) Jaeti NlchollOn, ants and tNC:hera. tw huaband. ,,_.. Lange. A young 11:JO • Cl) QUINCY 12:11 (H) MOVIE WOINll'I and her io-plot Quincy ln-*lgltee the * • • "Oho•t Story" to mutder her~ 'R' dMth of a top.ranked (1911) Fred Allaire, John .MOVIE 111tallghter, (R) Hou1eman. Myaterlou1 • • ··Qood Alddanoe" 8 9TOMGHT dMlhl tleglrl 10 declmale Charlotte ~. Ma'urle Hoat;JaflnnyC.-. Iha ranka of a llMll c:itde T"o. A precodoua 13-• Ill ABC NEWI of eldarty man whO lhate yw-dd'1 obuutwa love NIGHTUNE • boCh a monthly atcwytellng lot her mother prOVOkea a I YOU AllCID fOfUT gat·laoather and a 50-Oeatructlw a1tJ11nO rMll'y. THI .JC I Si90WI. -Gld wnt. 'A' 1:210 CC) MOVIE . George catche• d sco 11:40 9(1) MCCI OUD • • • "The Four Hof-. ..... Mc:Cloud ia-i-Iha vie-man Of The ~ .. • MT°' IEING llm of a TV campaign (19'2) Olann FOid, Lw J, HUMAN aplnlt pollce bnllallty Cobt>. Worid Ww n pro- "The Protllem Of Evll" when he -.at• a mutder ducea 01nafing IOyallW ..... LATENGHT aiapect. (A) among Ille rnemberl of • Hott: Dennla Wholey. 1:00. MOV11 , . German family. • ~ CW8 *, * "Counterlelt Kiiier" 3:JO (!) ~ 20 cm_, ... _ ( tflM) Jedi lord, Shlrte)t (H) ...,... ... "Puelycet RMch" (1978) Knight. An-Undercovet ··~ "Paternity" (198t) Eric Edwerda, Samenfha pollceman lnflltratas a Bur1 Reynolds, a.-ty Fo11 .. ')(' cr1ma ring to upoae the O' Angelo, A bec:he6or In his • MOVIE actlvltlea of top crime lead-lottJea wtio -11 to be a ***'II "Atlantic City" era. lather ~ for the (1HOJ Burt Lancaster, • MOVIE right woman to bear Illa SuHn Satandon. Tfle *** "Snowbeelt" (1977) c:MO. 'PG' eatrwigecl '-l>and of an Bo 8_,..., Yvette Mlfn.. 3:40 (I) MOYIE oyster bat waltr-ltrivee 1eu11. A akl ..-t la terror· ••YI "So Fine" ('1911) wt1h her pregnant younger tzecl by a hlllf·human. half· Ryan O'Neal, JllCll W•· ...., and IOIN ltolan beMI klllar. den. A stuffy college pro- heroin, wtllch he want• an Cl) MOVIE te.or ....,. hie lather'• aging hood to ... for him. ••in "TWo Aaga Weet" flounclertng garment fecto- 'R' ( t950) Linda Darnell, ry by lnwntlng a MW type t 1:40 CCJ MOVIE Joeeph Cotten. A group M of ledlaa' feanl. 'R' **** "Shoe Shine" IOldlers from Iha South 3:41(Z)MOYIE (1947) Rinaldo Smordonl, join the Union Army to •*"'A "Cafe Exprea~'! Franco lntertangN. Two 11gtt1 ~. (1981) ltlno· Manfr~I. lmpOvellltled YoUltll wartt· • OUTER LMT8 Adolfo Cell. An 9llP'W Ing to purCflaM • hor .. In Four eoldllr9. turMcl Into vendor 11 cha1ed by PClltwllr ""Y 991 milled up ldantillc: ~ • the authorlllea • he attempte wltfl w-v c:Mracten ,_,.. of guna11o1 _,,. to ralM money for Illa and .,.. 1ant 10 a reforma-from foUJ ldantlcal bullet9. 1C1n'1 operatlorl by 191111'11 ICJtY. .,.. angtlQed In a myateri-Illa --aboard the 1l:O.O. INTERTAINMENT oua project. (Part 2) "9lnl. TONIGHT • MOVIE 4:00 Cl) 1W O' THE Int.,.,...,. ""'h Erik Eltra-* '*"' "The Happy MO....a da and a.-ty SMaoon. Th191191" ( tN2) Ae11 Herrt-• MOVE 1 0 THILASTWORD ICln, Rita~· A w11Y ••'h "~" (1936) MOVIE • art thief OON a couple Into 'Shirley Temple, Helen · "Ttlllned To Kil" (t974) 11ea11ng a ~ Goya Weettty. A llltle girl 11nga StepMn 8endor. Radley painting from a 8plniatl and clencae on the itreeta Tnlngton. Wt-.• hired .__.... of New Vorti to ~ klller tnea to rec1re he. -'° Ill INTIRT~ her..if and 11er prandl• the llNll town lhet he Mt· TONIGHT ' Iller. Ilea In. become ttle target lnteMewl wfttl Erik &tr.. 4:IO (J) IUUWINIU.e ' or • roug11 gang. de end a.-tY s-oon. (!) Niwa c:11cmMOV11 E'rida11'• • OUT8UJt~rT8 · '**'" '\The Octagon" D I -I After a IMI-cniah• In (llNIO) Chudl Noma, l• Giii •• 1nre1' •• find IUcldan -hard to cope with when "'9 la ~ to lrlin for a pr-. Otympic compMltlon. 1:00 (C) •• in "Sec:nU Of ' Three Hungry WlvH " I 11178) "-Franclacul, Je11lca Waller. Three eoc:ially swomlnan'I wo.-. .,. IUIP9Cled of mutder- ~. handaorne ~. 1:30 (Ii.).** "The II~ 8lvlnklng W-" (1NO) Uly T omlln. a.tea Qro. din, A ---ftnda " hard to ·cope .,_.. Iha a"9danly .,.. to 9flftnl! lnlDa.'PG' •••• ''TNUHl9 '"'"-" ( 181 .. , Alcflard l(llay, Gane .... All •· .lne plot atrandad In the deaett encoun1er1 a .. ,.,.. lttta boy from • dlatant pl_. who la ~lot the -a« ..unNsipl-. l:OO ••• •.t "Somelhllig In The Wind" (t847) o-via Ourtlln. Oonlld O'Connot. A P'9"y felMle dlac IOC*ey llnde lhat • ....ntly """ ,_ mede the MCI mlatalle of c:onfualng her wfttl her aunt.. ... cm • • • "lnalde Mo1191" C 1NO) John Sevaga, Oevlcl M-. A --to the group or regular9 81 an Oalitand bar may hold the key IO meklng the bet19n- der'a ~of bacomlng a pro belll91b911 ~ a realty. 'PG• l'.IO. **'A "Aetre81, Hell" (1951) Frank Loveloy, Alchard CWlaorl. 8oldler9 In the.K-Ww ,__ to tieck off In the ,_ of theenamy •• 10:00 (H) '* * 1A "Foolln' Around" (1980) Oery !May, Annatte O'TOOle. A naMI country boy trtaa to ..,, • Mautlllll. aopNIU- catecl college COed -v from ,_ anobltltlfl '*- and her aqually • uppity flmlly. 'PG' (I) •• .,. "Prlaonar ~ War" ( 19114) Ronald AMgan, Oewey MerUn. Two POW• from the Unit· ed Stat•°°""'-......,_ ~_. .... .,,..,. Ing to hell9 CHClked under COtMIUllllt lndootrtnaeion, • •*-A "ZOtrO. The Gey Blacte" (1181) ca-ee. Hemllton, L-.n Hufton. the Hui Tan Prownce, van Cleal. A wealthy handmade bullet9 molded young women hlfee a .. (D:J. ••.t "Arnel'ic9n Pop" The herOlc: ICln of°'° Cal- (1.1111) Animated. The ,.... l0tnla'1 femou1 IU8ltoe "°"' Ill ore find thelt way retired INrtlll arta otwn- 10 bema. (Pin. JI pion to protect '* trom • LOYI. MmlCAN terror11t1 trained by the l1'VlE ~Ninja cull. 'A' "L-And The Outu" Lee 1:1D(C}MCMI ar1'f Dotta.,.. happy untll *** "8outhern c- ttley meat • guni. ...._ '°'1" ( t .. 1) l<elttl ~ And The ..,,_.... Boni dine. ~ Boottle. A .,,..,,.... • ~ for ,., group of Ndonal au.. "-wlttlout'*"knowlnll men • on •••k•nd "·-...-. In.~ ~..... tltrOll "*" • 1111111 .,.: ................. ' .............. ......,., Nortfl ... In 'IN cruleat • of Mdlwoodl ClifuM ..... .,.,,._pert,.-. 1:11• 8NIC .... CJ) MCMI • OVINIGHT ***"'"9c9rf9ol"(1t32) .• .MCMI P9UI Munl, Geot0a Aaft, A ** "l-& MoMy" llftll.ttm9 lloodlllm rtlll C11191 '-IMrtley, Omel-'° t11e tap or• lll9P dur· 1e "'*· A Loe Mgllll 11:11il~°'=-wmt ::., ~-:..: ~ MVID LaTTIM1AN he 1M1t1 and beQom9, to,Y of l\meflcan pop • flgllter la 11~ ~ "1Ullc. fl'om _,... to a ricllnt ~. lerolnt NII rooli 'n' rOI, la t'9Clld foppWI br01tW to don the thtougll -al ganar-. • C11P9 and,,_, 'PO' Ilona or a f~ of ""*-t0: 11 CJ> * * "AfU!ne, TN Glena. 'A' I Wr81h Of God" (11721 .• * • • "The Concert Kleua Klnaltl, Ruy Ollarra. For l<ampualla9" (1NO) 10'.IO (C) ••in "Aougll Cut" PMll Moelrtney, The Wtlo. (tNO) 8ur1 ~la- A hoat of roo1i pem.11..,._ ley-l\nne Down. A lftllltl man, of Wflonl tat logelfl-IOOlallle ""-911 ..,,.. er 1n an ......, '°'* llofW l9Wll """ out of ~, .. .,. ~In .......... ..., .. .... tt11a -ci or a ..._ at l30.ooo.ooo 1n dlalftondl . oonoafft held for ... Ilene-'f!G' "' °' ,.... to ww-r....-11:00 cm •••• .,... Gonion" c.mDodla. . < tHO) awn J . .IOn9I, .... l:li CJ) * • • ~ "llftMe Of TM Von ~. A 9rtO a« citr·· (1111) ,,... Mo ...... .,... '° ... ...... Mr/ Orbeoll. A _.. Monfo end llllp lie New Yori! oop ta ClelllM CJMWJH d lmllllt9!111 Ill .,...... ..... .,,....,,. the -"'tow a« ... .,. MCI ~ to .. llllow lmplrorMlftt. 'N ' G by Annatrong ·a Bmtluk i i l t I · 1 H- I ' t t . t • l t 4 E I O .. Orange Coast DAIL v PIL~T /Thuo1d Bea vernJ8iiia IAL.T%1B6HON SMTN ... lUTHIU. • WUTC~ CttAf'k ---U1 E 11tli'Sr· Costa Mes;i 646-937f ,.c-.cv•w ....,..Al, ... Cenwtery Monuary Chapel--Crematory 35()0 Pac;1hc View Drive NewPort !\each' &M-2700 DllTH llTICIS YOUI Hometown Dally Newt~per DAILY PILOT • Ct11f0tnl9 CQrPO!'•tton. By REAL llT A TE Sf.CUAITIES S!RV,ICE. • 'Ollll~I• cOl'por111on. Ill Aolnl 9':0..1 .......... 41 .... ,~, ,,,, Wi~ • tHAL.I 2020 North 810•Ch1t•y Sutle 209. ·• S1nta Ana, CA t27ot • T.e (714) 913· .. IO Publl•"-CI Or•rio• Co.11 Dally Piiot, No~!Mf H . •11 911CI U , tM2 _I0031!, 5 6 ·7 .. • • ClllllfllD . . CLASSIFIED INDEX •.. , ,,,,,. ·····················"' ,, PllCt ,., At Cll .642e5671 1111111 11111 '°" 1011 •1111 .... ... IUI ... ... .... ... lllO 1911 l•t ·-IA 1'111 ·-, .. •• ·-11• I ---Hat Ult -fJOO -- P1Ml1l-.r'1 letl111 All r11111 etllt• advetllMd Ir• thlf new1p1per 11 subjecl 10 th• F"•d•r•I Fa11 Houalng Act Of 1M8 which makes II Illegal 10 adverllN "any preferen· ce, 11m111t1on or d1scrlm1· netlon bated on race, co101 rellglon, 1e1t or n111onal origin. or any 1r11en11on to make any 1uch prela1enee, limll•· tioo or d1sctimtn11ion." Th11 newspaper will not knowingly ~ccept any advefllslng tor real es· late which 11 in .11iof•llOf\ Of the law Hlllls Adverti- sers should .check their ads dally and report errors im- med I at el y . The DAIL v PILOT as- sumes liability for the first Incorrect insertion only . ...... ,., ,,,. n •••••••••••••••••••••• ... , ,,,.... . .•.................... •.. ,,, "" .. . .................... . : IDI•+ 5 . UTllT m111,. ::: Two maeter sul1es. could .-be double owtllf. Fant· :: asllc separate huge -bonus room. perfect f0< ttud•o. teenager or mother-ln·l•w BeaulHul end unit Everyday'• a -holiday with PoOI. tennis, ::: pnvate patio. etc .. etc = Call 546-2313 --THE ~EAL ESTATE RS .... , ~:: ., ...... i.m GORGEOUS 2 Br den = ho me in BACl(BAY ,_ GIV&.AWAV PRICE to .w.. sell now $120,000 In as· -sumable loans. Rae ! ... -.,. H 111111 SUIT ITIEIT •• thil loYety corn« lot In 1n a1e1 of pride-of· ownership homes Tree lined SlreelS Manicured lawns Beaulltul nerd· wood floors, big rooms tnr4ug~ut Unbelleva· ble emenllles. solar w11er system. central atr. Oak kitchen c1blnets. new carpeting, new paint, enclosed patio. fruit tr-. etc .. etc, Can -51 313 =t3111t}' -· -... •u •l --ml ----= -IN! -= ., ---•• LOOK For our new regular we.Illy feature IDIT SHOW-· CASE Eve1y Saturday In the Daiz Pitot Clalaltied• * •unm On the golf course Custom t>eeutltul 3 Bdrm home, many, many ell· trll $279.500 With 10% down o-Wiii c.rry at 12'0% lnt••I. .., ...... , .. Ml-llH ********* ••nmt• llATIUP lnPrlff"'t,IM! 38 BALBOA coves. 3 bdrm·den·2 bath OPEN DAILY 1·5. UT•Wrn IULTll/ .... ••M-t11l• ., ********• ..... , 1111111 f111t/PMI .... on convenient corner With 3 bedrooms on lar· ge lot -Owner Wlll'traoa 10< duplex on .._. IMO O< '" GrNI opportunity 10 lll'OrlOe lh .. homer " .......... ~ ot~~ $192.llOO ., 12' ·% ,... duc.d to 1225,000 - 1'Al1 "'''"'1 · , .. ,.., ..... MALESlAtE 6.11 14"1 ... 1111111 11111 Speclll Plan IL Z pvt pe. Uo•. pool I ..,., Deco· r etor accent• lh11101.11 Newly remoo llltch. in one 01 Cda.4 '1 flt'IUI communtt181 Ac>Pt., only Lindi T1gll1n111l." 71f.1100 .. . '' . . ~ .. .. ~.~~ ...... ~.'!!.~ ....... , •••• ,, ,., ,,,, f'Mtt-1(• ' IN • J t ··················•••• • • .............. , ~'-'!{ ........... ~ •••• ,,, , .. , Liil llLI Ml•I Pr~ Lido Nord bllyfr"tll!~ bdrll\, r> YI hluh. ~ L..R.. air rond. :.! bout 11111>11 ~1,500,000 . Renltdl'lt.'ll 3 bdrm. 2 bMth + larNl' n .>t' rm • bt.•am· l't~lllntc•. furnl8hl'<l, patJo. $•120,00() ' ................ ~ .... i. lfflUH llLL l111mai:ul110 Ntw 041<110rd, tndl W/IQe gAmt rm UPI I fl If a & I g 11 I• Ill rtn de>wll 11111 • U•~ut y111<1 wf bfldn'llnton court • Udrm1 & 3 bllll• A Ptt hlCI lomlly home $723. t .. \ 'Oran e Coaat DAILY PILOT /Jtlurlday, Novembet 181 1N2 ~.4".~ ...... ~-~A* ....... !'m!!.~!r.l!'!f !'!!m.f~!~.. ·~ ,._ ,....,,,,,, ha.twlil ~ J1i ... /I Jiff C M llUQ4f QU•lllt dUp .. 11 ' •• .f:.•••••••••••• •••H••••••••••••••••• ';'1';:".";e;;";J.;r;m;.-;; fll/f.lffff ..... ~.J.~~f .!.'flt!!, ... !......... j t1111c 3 O•• copper f!!'.~'.t ........ I.(!. lu11.,,.,, .L.. ~llM•I• JJ'/i ,,__,, a.-6 ~ .. I • ,..... pl1ntl "0 t t~I( tHU ,,,,, ''ff :n"•""••••••••••••••• ••• ... 1i••':l'111'•••fl•'U' ., .,.... •. Lii i rn•bh• loan ., 1t>•. Int .. ~-o,·· c,d .. M,1900......,. ....................... 11111 ... OC4l4ll'I lllft 3 bf ,.., •• , ....... <'J'#lle1 will 11.l1)1ldl111 lllTllll llLI I 1761<Ull r "04nl « .... p en -Lg lfr Condo oalcdhy. 1onve11 dan' rnelel '• leeutllul' In IN ~ p11yn1e1111 lor 11 mo• b ,..,-;-1.ii ....... "b da &.tl2 fltiefJ .' 111 , bayfrunl 1800 M<.Ur• 14211 mo Qu•"•'• 1 7Cf01mo p1 .. tio1ou• bid\ Oll•r· Odrm J h• '" M f8A ., l)I ....... # II n. "WI""' l 1t00 '142 70411 213/440-2621 r lob8'1n" OCU ll ...... vr nor I 18"1 ~00 Prln I din rm 111110. IQ p1110. 1111.n .. I , t>rtlv. 'IU 11100 Mnl'I lhtu t11yh l)Out11 c.~11 U100 Lill 1•1 l•I• llH PllP •••a•• Ue11u1 I 11v. ~ br. 2 b 180 d•or .. nc••n vi• Nnfy d.coreteo by fa• wl$1'1K~11 O cm n•• ;••••••••··~··•••••••• -MllT lttimt on qu19' cvl·<I• lrnm Otnlng I.Wing, Deft mou1 da11g~1 Comol I 11 hun I I I 'IP I"'' P>tt • 1101 II 'J la" (..01.1111rano 11M1JI '80, HM>lmo "°' eppt 4IOO Kllc."41111 3 0. & o.n, lu1n lge 2 Bt, 2be. Pool, Miil Ill .. .. ... tin 14U Ot!ll~~ $82 000 ~· owe 91\0 8•68 536 14311 901 • , •• lla lmmacul•••. No JllC °"" eilp I 1700/rno J ii 1><>01 h<inie A•wm• .,, "'• 400 11'.14;> IMNI J>ett 873-te32. _._ tmmed occu/.r"'>' "" PllllllU llllE CA-ean & Jt'llY view& .. Ma.rlr1c ruun1. I bdrlll. :J bulh, 3700 11q.h . $1.:.85.000. Ol't•ur1l1vm 400 o• .. noma & owner w1u IEWNIT llllllTI #n•l•I•, •••II, rHl•Hll "' s;&io 7 !~71~{";~7:· ioam c.11 e7 • 7U • carry Wllh IOW down Al 3 bd 'J Ill•. IMQ41 IOI On ••••ti 1411 •••••••••••••••••••••• ff2-4471, 068 t8~3 ...... 1 l1ull "'' ~-.. ,1 ... ,, k 1 no I I 3 O O O O Sitri 61trr\t1d1nn SI /it •••••••••••••••••••••• Penln Pl ~ BR . 3•., be, •••••••••••••••••••••• ~ • al Ila I Tj70, 646•7t30 kl"" $78!1 000 A111uml• Palm 0.t4HI Monle11•" Of\, lrOl.1110, I 1700 mo 0Hltt ~ 11)' homa On ••••I fW Lllll ISLE UYFROIT Lagoon v~w fn}m 6 bdrm, 5i>uth, pluyrt1tM, dark rm, den. &;at slip. Nnw $1,000,000 , 101111 PUCE Sp('(·taculllf bnyfront dplx 2 br. 2 bu up, :.! br, 2 bn dn. 2 boat s~-Rec:llx.'\'CJ~ $1.~00.000 F&IRUllS UICll New 4 br, 4!,-, ba, custom Fl'\'rlC'h Normondy F.atat.e 1.:.! prime acre hilltop $1,4!50,000 01111100 GAYS Coronado bland cust. bayfront lut. Ii!>' bu<1t dock. Plans avail. Now $370,000 wl tl•nm. .. BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR \.I I f\"V' ,j, Or •' ..._ B /)/~ /)161 11n111t uo111n TR.\Dt TI< )\,\I ~f.\l I\ FllEOLlllll ULI • Prtt• slashed 10 Mesa V•rde S 119.SOO 3 BA nurry call l<ey at 962 7788 COllO·IOH SLIP BeSI tuly view-m New- por 1 Lively ? bdrm ? t>ath on turning bHln S11p avttllable et lowett rnte In 11reos Elle llenl h ---------111 nanc1ng -673-7300 USTllll OllUll ......... FtH1etq Secluded • Bdrm plut l11m1ly room, featuring enclosed courtyard, prl· vale bock •yard with Kol pono Vary operi and airy wlOI lod'ds ot gla• Cur- rent 1st TO approxlmo· lely S 133.000 Asking only S 16$,000. Owners lnXIOUS Call 540· 1151 ~HERITAGE REAL.TORS ------- .. ., ' e " M f'' I C•n•I. w/O<>lt altp 4 bf, •••••••••0 ••••••••••• b•o finance 0•111ch•O CC Pf110 300 golf lalle/ 10 mo gl 7., 90to •• ••J·H ~e ltv erM 11250 "'° fMA...11"-' .UM O.arag• J"vul l>ayt min 11u 11891< 11~ aa • ~ I • ••• #UH•t JI" ~ ,, 11 n 0 w ,. • 11 •••:;';"•••• .. •••••::;tf 967·32211 (v11rHOO• eum pp 7'4/8&~ 41111 ... , •• , •• '' •••. •••••••••••••••••••••• • • .. E 8• I I L Ill I I 83 I 0'14.l • lllWI WIUI ... ordCGM~s;·;.-;c-.;:;e: 40' 'ooet., p111fO, <ltc;k, 4 960·8468, fi36 t436 '°' p .. / ~~~ofY ~~e •.,:: e hOuft Net Pall Catt O<lr 2 Sa, 3 ear O•r•. IPPI li!IO -Hr' Ir Pit. I 1800 mo. •aYOlllT lllll 1 Oletr....,, t11nn .. ConJo 018111 631•12ee owoar n&t592-400~ 117~ 3067 -2 bdrrn. 2 l>O Top toe · IH~u opuon • A .. tl•••ll f•t•llllH --- -Sunllle In w.,m111 prw111I Of•a• llo,832 7638 Ow111 .IASMlll 01111 •I"•••••••••••••••••••• Lg11 2 BA. I'~ be, lplc:, !J:' p/~:·~~11,•;u~~::v" :: Oi l •I Sl•I• 2 Bdrm plus den Teon11, ltrl•f Jiff ~!J~J!!~!'~ ••• /.~!f -:ni.:,w ~~.~~~.' l~ 1~~ COClhlO w/neutral 1011e1 lllMtlr llOI e~~!! ~l~=r ~?:m •••••••aiiii:1•1•••••••• IJ1ytron1. •m •luOI<>_:, utll1 NO 1)111 or g•1. 325V1 & quailly 1u1ure1 Lovely •••••~••"•••••••••••• 640 1212 • • -pd, qu1411 emplyd .,,IQ... O(and Canal 673·4700 to t111el\yerd w/room lor FOR RCNl lok•vl•w: " I to 4 t>Clrme, etamng at yrly $42ll~mo 1173-3800 ,.-1L.... • pool A home lor Hu• Orego11 R1ocn, 200 DuPle• at 717'r Orchid 3 1800 10 12000 , - hlmlly IMng 111 e1teeu1111e •er ea $400 mo C•ll Br 2ba. dOCk. v1&w 2 ear lllNI '••i•••I• 3#1 ataa $349,000 J~ Pa-owner Bbb Meytf (7 141 gar $950 Dy 540·4988, r, al I J11 •••••••••••••••••••• .. qu1n IU-6200 5811-3500. homa (7 14) eves 640·92f9 •••• ~ •• ~!!'.~•••••••••• 2 bdrm, 2 b• ~ Opl• 661-7622 or Birt (503) BAY FRONTAGE beach yrly Mllure non•tmllrl, 947·3536, home 15031 2 bdrm. 1 b•. Cape Cod pier prkg :>b• s'aoo lb; no pelt $850 JI 3 947•3716 Completely remodeled 1600 Vl;L ,;d 303 E 2131189·4195, 257-9712 fOR SALE·Lekevtew. Pr1S7~~7t ·~-~ Edgew•ter 11871·2866 ~7141673·39M ~ Macnab -Irvin el Oregon A&nch. 200 -$395 .. I Br dpb Utll pct. __ ecreS'. 28r hse, 2 corr•ls. C11• .. ''' #•1 J1ZZ 4 17 E Bay Ave, BalbOI LAROE FAMILY HOME :trout stream. 2 moblr.t •••••••••••••••••••••• Pert No peil 547-1155 1 d 5 BA 3 B Ocean view, beaullfully -on cu e sac a, homo alles $2211,000. 30 furn townhouse, frplc:. • BACHELOR • possible in·law quarters yr 10% llnanctng· Call pool & patio s 10951mo. Yrly. ulll pd. l :MO/mo. AV access Owner ·en· O'#rter Bob Meyer (714) 673-0896 201 E Balboa Blvd. •IOu• May help 11nance 586-3500, home (7 14) --6'15-9S62 Ma-1319 $225,000 Oe111n Real Estate 642-6368 947-31136, home f!!!~.!!!~ •..•.• /J. •• CHH• ''' llM .Uft 947;321 Fu•n 1 bdrm apls $365 •••••••••••••••••r:;:I' • I • ono up Enc garJ1gesl ITIPI II ... Ii •11111 2110 N-port Blvd CM Laroe 3 Br 3 Ba. many '?xtll•••• ZIOO s ~ ~ m n -7 548-4968 amen.II•• s 1100. Call •••••••••'•••••••••••• C••I• #,,. 31l4 ino 0 mi V ome on Dorothy 673-7975 or FOA SAlE OR TRADE •••••••••••••••••••••• acre park, cul-de-sac OAIA -IE 0•1 759.9100 Atascadero Cenlr•I Haute and Duplex 4 Rent across lrom lge comm n --------coast Exec 38r & den 333 E. 21st SI CM POOi. 2 bdrm, "2 ba, lam ALL UTILITIES PAID Garage apt, l 'n bl, ow. view home on 2 ecrea. 645-8103 645-6589 room, ltreplace, patio, · • gar • p 111 No pa.la. oak tsluded site $225. fenced va1d. pets conSl· Compare before you $650/mo. 1112·~ Jaamlne. ooo Free & clear. 1'A Br garage. yard. dated, 11110 car garage rent Cust om design OpendaUy 2·4.642-831( owner/bkr. wfil ltnenctf S525lmo. WeaUld• plus garage opener. lea· lo11tures Pool, bbq, -~---.-----or ttode tor Orange 641-0763. No pell H $900 Includes garde· cov'rd garage. surroun· Clean 3 bdrm, 2 ba dplx, County coastal home 2 BR House & Duple• ner, Hsoc fees, cable ded With plush landsca· pallo, o•r Avall 1214 Call (805) 466·'4043 lor 3 3 3 E 2 111 S 1 CM . 552-4489. 549-8651. ping No.pets • $990 No Mii 719 He- in lo 10am-6pm Ouallty 58r exec home 1 BR Furn $515 llotrope 972·9406 Al.SIOE .. flAl AfAl ESTATE SlllVICES ·trlWI 16SK ~ilv 1n c:omple· tely rebuilt N•wport Heights pool home to exchange for Income property Prele1 So Orarige Co fixer.uppers 6'45 -9554 • 1 _ _ _§45-.§58.11 -Tui.tleioc~an • 365 W Wilson 642-1971 EASTSIDE. 3 bdrm. 2 ba. $1750 n'lo Avail Die. 15 HWPHT Yl~L"'Ul~I~,.._;.;...-..;;:..."-~. cp•",.....,,...,,..,....,...-...,,,.:1 f 'R, room llreplace. GOLDEN PROPERTIES leHtifll l .. , .. .,. ~~o;e$~fr~ ~.~·~ IAIYN •EST IUl,000 Immaculate 3· BR condo on fee land. Master suite has fire place with view of the cit y & m o untains. S pacious s unning d eck. Gated area with pool, & spa & tennis courfs. IN NEWPORTCENT~R 644-9060 ' .... ., ··-·-............ ·-... _ ... ·-•C>-.. _ .. _ .... ...... ,.~ .. .,,,... ··-,,,. ,. .... ,.. ... .J>( .... f'I ..... ...... ,., ... ··--· ,,_ ...... ~ ·-.... .,,~ ... "°"' .. -.. _ 411ww..,,...,. u.-, ..... ··-~­u~ .. , .. ... ..... ·-.,_ ..... ..... ,.,_ ,._ ··-r11i1 ...... 14r"""" ,._ .. _ ~ Walker & Lee CHM& Ill IWI Lighl end spacious two bedroom home Prima locet1on. R·2 101:area1 potenllal tor lnves,or or builder. Owner wlll asstSt with financing $250 000 131-1300 .... All CIWlllll l1Yiat I Hf PW& AIU If TNE ILIFFl lmmaculatel~ maintained 4 bedroom wllh-landsea· ping. patio and seller 11- n an c Ing $170,000. 644-7020 Lllll REAL ESTATE e;·;;:;;:·L:::.;;:;·a; •••••••••• Lake Arrowhead 2600 s f home $230,000. Xlnt 1;. nanclng For sale or lraoe $ 100.000 equity lor So. Coast property. 7141966-6698 lenced yard, gdnr. cpts 752• 1589 Gas. watllf Pa1<1 Panos req Fn e-s. 417 lrlt and drapes 1900 per Lakolronl.3 Br Woodbr1d-w/pool. jacUW, saunas, ---------mo ISi and IHI plua ge $1400/mo 551·9615, 1ennl' courts, volleyball 1 Br. Garden apt. Newly $400. 277 Roblnhooo Lrt 641·8224, 9.5 Mon/Fri courts. Recreauon room dee • blks lo belch. 556· 1737 -J 1 bd I I S $600/mo 61S-949e L••••• •-,.,&. 3.~, r . urn shed, 430 3 bdrm, 2 ba wllh large •• 1 ••••• !'.:" •• ·.i: •••• ~~. Call 557·0075 C 11• llr UM yd. Remodeled kltcll, HAABOflll OCEAN FRONT $375 mo Dix mobile .! ....... !~••••·~~·n dble gar $725 Drive by Nu 3200' lux hm on blull home. No pets. Quiel, 894 W. Wllaon. 'Call 180 deg. vu of harbor, secure. 1991 Newporl 559-5001 surf, mans. 3br. 3ba, Blvd. 646-8373 Eestside, reap •dill pre· securlly, savna, spo ---- lerred. 2 br. 1 ba, ga-S~mo 496-7009 rage S 6 2 5 Imo EMERALD BAY 3 Br 2 Gn·754• Ba 1700 SQ 1t lrplc:, ... ,;.,1 •• ,.,,, J141 ..................•••. mellli•a arumm~ Beaulltully landtcaped garden ap1s Pool & Spe Pauos/dec:k1 No pet1. Bachelor 1395 Woodbridge. besl lace· 11on Mak.eotr 551·9615 64 t.822•. 8·5 MoolFn 2 br. 1 ba. 0t1ve bv 2652 ~r:c: cf ~'~0,;, ~1'.h spa Yll •SERVE m BANK HEMET Exchenge $60. Santa Ana Ave Unll 2 Do 2 131 8 7 6. 2 2 s 5 0 r Beaullful & parll. kke w11h 000 la.1 morke1 • S35,000 nol disturb aenants. 5450 675-3067 terreced pool Charming Laguna Betth home lor Corona Ciel M•r duple• Chesh11e Real E11a1e 759· 18'77 I Bdrm 1470 2,250 Veog1.1erd 540-M:zt ---. LIQUIDATION equity 2Br & den. W1ba _m_o_9_s_1·_6_2_26 _____ 1~ •Spacious Apts Cl •• RID&E hOme Gd eond, 1 blk to 1 B iel d FP br. I ba. walk lo beech. •Private P11los BIG CYN CUSTOM r qu . yar • rng, • $ C I 9 One of lhe mos1 livable Sear'.s Shopping_ Cntr, 2 no dogs, adlls prel 111 750 81 4 4·564 I alt •Covered Parking Bedlelor• $410 1 Bdrm l4aG floor p1a11s ln VIiiage 1 3 btks 10 Medical Cntr -Plus dlfp $4 7 Simo. 6 or wknds •Dining Area 131 E. 1eth. ~~ rn 1 E. 18th, 142 bdrms, 2 ba. one-story On goll course, 2o•1t dn. dntwn shopping WANT: 646.-9586 ooda Cove. 2 blk• 10 •Walk In Closets Fanlasllc location on Vacen1. atiow •nvlima, A 1 or condo In beach ocean. old 2 sly w/Sl!P •Home hke Kitchens Speciou12 Bt . 1Ba.1421. greenbelt, steps to pool agt. $1 ,295,000. area Can add cash. OWNER MUST MOVE· sludlo S 1,000. mo I blk 10 Hunllngton Duple-3 Br. 1'A Be. and lennls Call lor lur· ~6~7~3~·!17!6~1~or!!760-!!!1~39~7!! 1·927-3576 • Beautiful condo, 2Br, 494•7222 Center. transportation & 547s. Laundry fee .. pool, lher 1nlormalion : ---------2Be, lae/lae opllon. frwys 5'48·9556 12·7PM. •••1111 545.3339 u ... •; •' JISI mLmES nu •--------"• J••• •••••••••••••••••••••• EASTSIOE 3 BR. 1 Ba. ··•'•••••••'I!••••••••• • Belrm From $515 911Tllf • C• ill• 101, S I'. 'd~ plus family room $700 3 Br 2'• Ba 1n guarded Jownhse unlurn Eutlide $825--$135/mo . . ... ~ .. ! .. '!!••••••••• .!'!!!! •• ~!!'!......... mo 111, tall, dep No g at Ill comm u n It y from 1650 2 &. 1~ Be. T~. $5000 Down 4 Br 2 Ba . J.JNl ltl••' Jllf pe1s 212 Lilllen Devin S79S/mo. A.val! now. lA QUINTA HERMOSA all bulll·IM, lndry rM, covered petlo. vaulled •••••••••••••••••••••• RE 642-6388 l•••e option po11lble. 16211 Perk~ Ln. 1 bl!< carport. yard/balcony, cellln~. commty poot We •-* ... " ..... 760· t977 W ol Beech, ':I blks S tmell pet Of(, ....,.. 3 Br 2 Ba lrplc, bl1-ln1, TSL M ••2 -$117 . Cati 497-1657 ell M4 Wt .. er le ... 1 Oe'N decor Stoo lnclds ADULT COMMUNITY 2 ol Edinger 847·54'41 gmt ..., ·1-.. ·Pln .. te .. tn. ga•dene<. 646·7250 br. den. 2 ba, lrpt Nr * $350/mo up Bech • 1 Fireplace. pool. dlah· ··-.. _ ·-,, .... ·-· ..... ..... , . .._ ..l_ n-,._ ..... _ ., ... , ..... W.,l.a/•11" lffl ... IN comm pool. $800/mo. & 2 Br unlurn & lurn wuher, p\11 pmllo. X Le lltiill()U I: 11()Ml:.I ~f3CAMfus~l'IWlel •••••••••••••••••••••• le 11 • MESA VERDE 3 2 ba. 731·2514 or 494-1177 poo1, apa 18992 Florida. Ganlen 1 & 2 8t on f l Realtors. 675-6000 -------1 ,.•Jt," ~E~0IWh~~ Wlt•rfr"' ...... ~~~1~:~~5J~fjg2 gar. 11, 11 IHti 3111 8'42-2834, 842-3172 slct• 1480. ueo . "'-.. ... , .. ...,. ..... . .,._ ,,_ •.. ,.._ ••• .._ ..... ~,,_. . ...... ....... .,_ ..... . ._ ..... ·~=....:: .. l::"-'! ~ law 10 for"' I°"' almplo -· DEWRSH I I I I I r _ .__..,T;......;.J ....;F_,;;..U ..;.R~1 l1 .. .. .... .. .. _ • ... M ··-....... ·"""'---.. •c.i...·-· IV .. Nir ... ml 12 I I I _ t W 0 R R E I f A bus drl¥9f on vaeetlon ~-1 -1-1-1--1-;. ml1Hd hi• job an awful lot . _ _ . ! Eve<Y day at 11 .. p m he had ._.....___..__....___.,_.. -his fam1ty come Into the IMno K L O E C T I 'oom and -1ooettier r.--~1·""'"1 ...... 1 '-rlA-.Tl--T"l -1 ° c--.... dlut•t. Q-• • -by loll.fto .. .,.. ..... "9 -d• '---'-~-.__ ..................... , .... deoo•loc> 1.--No 3 ti.low IOIAll·UTI Anwert t1 ll•1tfiHtiH I 100 YOUCAll .1&1•111 CllD TRI-LEVEL New on merket. Magnlllcent condition end decor. Mariy special amenities 1n this 3 Bdrm condomt· murn w.tlh. air cond1Uo· rung $<430,000 Sec\111ly and gate gua•d REDU- CED to $375,000 - WATI RI HO'llT .l'ltlMI ' Jk, REAL ESTATE ' 6JI 1400 C11••• ''' #•r I OZZ ...•..•.•.•..••••...•• /.Jn "i!GEL ilA1LEl & ASSOCIATES COUllT .II JUllllE HEEi 2 bdtm. 2 ba, den Pn- c.ed onder malkwt "' CLASSIFIED •. -~~15-·~s~~ Cot•• lln• I OZ4 .. To help you sell Items you don't need To h elp you find Items you'd Ilk• to buy •··•·••······••······• I l 'Slll lllTI 11"1. ... 11 111 ,, ... Owner will ctrry 1ub· stenllal 2nd• on lhese well m•lnlelned •1ngla story I & 2 bdrm un111 Ptenly ot ott aueet par -king 4 cer gereg~ At· trectl\lely prtced at S32S. 000 144-1111 /Jn ·~· I. t 111 ·' : ' • 1\' ,',[)[ 11\ I I I I 1111rMO I. 11'9 3 BR 2BA Ip Lg IOI, mutl Mii tn 10 d• 631· 10!!3 1~% LUI. Auum.abla on lhll 4 bdrm homel Aef11rbl1'*1 kllchen, new pelnl end low m111n' y1rdl V•r'J' ' deall•blo are1, Juel re· ~~g SJ27.~. cell \ t >I I I 1l /' f( ' 'I' Ca<111iect 10 Go-Carte Wh•tever Ille f:ad Roll Hn off '"' merl\M Wllh I CIHMltld Ad Cell Nowt 64~-.5178 .• FAO• S 10~01rmr. 1105:000, lll-llH Nice 3 Br!'" ea. fanc .••• '!r. •••••••••••••••• W•••• .._, J7fl'•-5-s-7 -· 2 -8- 4 - 1 -· -----UllOLllllE 1-tong term ll'Ht1m: In ... IHI yerO.brfclf BBQ, I pel l Br i e., COll® • ..1..l:•! •• , .............. ,..... 1• .. 211. .. , Only 8 yra old! 5 Bdrm 2 A & H Inv e' Im en ts ..,... OK, nr So. Cout Plaza ga1age, neer Hoag Hosp Luaury etudlo, free HBO-, Newly oecor. ~H ptJ • story hm w/3 baths. !or· • 752-2 197 ,,.;•••I• J101 $725/mo. 751-7102 17SO/mo. Wiii aell $150 phone, meld Hrv. ape, encl gar. dw1hr. pool. mal d1n1ng and utll rm! ----------:t:;·P~~i;;.;·~·;;~·: ~~~5;;~h 10~. down. $130 wk 499-3015 bbq no pet•. 142-5073 . Owner absolutely must Otitr •••I l•l•I• br. 2 ba, spa. lrplc, eva11 Vp~k~~1~e=ME;':i:1t; ll~IHti J7ll 1465. 2 BClml, '9frtg, pe-sem PriG4l 1us1 redu<:41<1 10 ••••••• •• •• •• •••••• •. • 1 m med 1 hr u J u n • E •cl West ch« Villa, Dewer •• -.-;c-;-;; • •• • •• •• •• •••• llo no ..-1 edulla -S 145,000 Call 979-5370 #dJlt ..... Sl200/mo, ISi. IHI. MC BR. $625 mo ~5-9628 Or. master sut\e wlfrptc OCEANFRONT Of.a 2_,. Br 724.A J~ t73-71ej' NOW! IH S.le II <Set> 675-1853 3 bet, 2 ba Fmly Am, No 2 Br 2 Ba pool. 1acuzzl By week or month. ' •••••••••••••••••••••• -----Pets, 1754 Iowa. Mesa ete SllOOlmo 673-331~ 673-7873 NeM 18thlP-. 1 •. /.Jn N:GEL (lAIL[Y & ASStJC ·A':"ES f!I. .. !~. ,!,.-.~!.. !.O.~~ MIST SILL Miii 3 BR 2 ba upper corner El NIOuel CC Goll Cour· se Highly. cvs1om1zeo & uogreded Partial ocean view Xlnl lerms $159, 500 11 14L831·6335. (7 14) 831 ·1tl6 !~!!.!!~!~ ... !.'!! Two bdrm NB. new!y de-c., •• , ,., .,, JI zz v er d e . s 8 1 s I m 0 O• 675-3103 OCEANFRONT large 3 Bt I Ba, down•t•lrt, di •. corated over 800 sq It F;i;;;;·ai;~~;·,-9; 644-1836 THE PR~IEA Harbor 2 ea wshr/dryr, no pets. c.rf)Ort. water pd, 1 cNlct $24 .500 lo dn. terms. F ----------1 Rtdge u ome 4 BR, Wini-$850 67" """"" ok, no pett. $400. Aoenf, 673--6616 Condo rplc. pet lo, EISide. sparkling 2 br, 3 Bl. L•utremonl m........ ..,. ..,...,....,_ no lee M2.()217. pool. gar $750/mo A'.v•ll y-ard, gar., pool $575 """"' On the beech hotel t SP c 0 Llllll llLLS . Dec 31, 644-721 1 Agt 'tno. Mgr 24538 Orenge Avail now $3.000 mo room epl kltGhenelle & A I US 2 1Bd, 1 Be. 8 II I 24 """ 2 BR Av 760-1977 b h I I h e..m celltngs, arf. bar, eaut v • •wv • 2 C11t• #11• 1Jl4 e 1 · urn • e d Wood cab no p et• BA home Corner lot •••••••••••••••••r°•••• Execullve28r2Bacondq S.a .. ert Lhtq SJOO/mo. + $280 dep. $4 75 22s'e Maple : Island t<ltchen, Fam Rm 4 br. 2 ba. Lg Bonus Flm. wl alr cond . dbl garage, L.arge specious duplex. 2306 W Oceenfront, 548·7356 or 873-ta03. Light lnlerlor Enclosed Ger, E 11de, $950 micro-wave oven. nr So 1''\ b<Jrms Spic & sp11n NB 673-41114. ---------- po•eh. a11 cond $34,500 548-615S Coast Plaza $850/mo nr shopping. Sleps 1~ Nelller 2BR 2 Ba, 1475. 3 540-5937 Agt ., •-1. Jiii Avail 1211 Freo Gibson, be Jc h ye• r 1 y BA 3 Ba w/2 car gar. .l .. ••_•_1t~l-2_0_1-.. -,-1 ':!!!r.!!.~~!~........ Re/Max 559·9400 714/98S·5822 coll 01 Sp.dous singtt. OM S625 No pet•. 790-1411 4 'fH-::'01d 1 m7 lo LIDO ISl..E . 3 bdrm. lam 2 BR lplc, fnced P•llo. wknds 675-8720. & two ~ °' 642·7528 ew/wkncta. beech Deluxe washer rm, 4 Ba SHOO mo. w/open beam clg. n-2 BA & den. 21'\ be, neat ·~ts. *2Br 2Bf Near S.C and dryer 4 mo old Mfnl cpl. very nice $695 be1cn S 1100 mo & MC Plaza, SA LU•UfY eon. bhnds thruoul 2 BR. 2 OCEANFRONT 2 bdrm. 631-o92t Open Deily 431 Weal· do w/pool 1575. Ho .L.nl •••Ull ba HH t>een reducect to I Be SrOO mo B iii minster Ave 631·5661 pell 933-8974. -$32,000 545.6325 Grundy Allr 675-6161 MOdern 3Br 2'~b•. Wes!· You own 1he land 2.000 __________ 1 side house S795/mo Spic 3 br, 2'1' ba vety 2BR l 'itba, Olw, bl11n•. 8Q It 3Br. lam rm. 2' • NEWPORT BCH 8'•28'. in Oceen lronl yrly 4 bdrm. 631 -3566, 720·4152 Clean lwnhse, pool, loo· patio. gar. no pet•. 152', Ba wide Greenbell, near M H ae.ik. PCH $7500. 2 car garage and hot tub work g1ng. ate $800/mo. Agt ~i==r 548.,.291, 645-9857 pool Far below market Lv mag 9~9 675-7650 ---------1 5'44-1440 2 ar. 1"' Ba ~tnhM, $235,000 Will lease op· . 2Br'Le.i B-Jg_C_e_n_y_o_n 39r ' 1 Ba · gar .. new kll • or no pell. M t5/mo. 191t tton Bkr. 644-013• ... d ''~'!t: IJSO Mclain condo $1200 mo lrg yeri;I $580lmo 1112° Condo lor lene, Blulli , 3 UNfUINISllED Wallace 102.'831·3e71 ~~~~~~~~~-i(h.pi;;•;: rh;• sa~0JO~h yrty 832-79~ 1' aft 5 ~~:s~~~n~ei:,:,ec; ;~ ~;::: ~;:;. b::n ~ All Ul1U11U t..rge 3 Br 2 ea. Town- . sl NB Newly remodeled ---951-5863. n11 club S10001mo. 2757 PAI», H£AUH houM In quiet C()mpla, tn end out 3 br . 2 ba, ...... D•l•1-'•'" !--"---~----11111• Um bro••. N.B. a••s _..._5 lar-.....,.., ""' .................. ..... •••• • •• •• •• • •• • • • 3..BI'. 2Be u• , • ~-,,_ ,...,.... ..-,_, -· upstairs 2 br .. 1 ba. C.•till Jlfl Frpt, gar, No pets Date 1540-2384 SWS••G pliis ting. 167& 64S-.3Ht, downllatra Min 10% •••••••••••••••••••••• A 1 1 1 E B If __ ... 3 ......._ 675·5949 down OWC belance 81 ---------•I enge 1 P UI sac k.I c.,.,.,o, bf • ._., mvdl mortl Sony I 13 9,,, lor 5 yrs Orea• lor unaars OR $700/mo 648 w 18th 2·~ be Nr tet1nl1 club ....... ~ • lllTAll • summer rentels $735 nunn; f RENT 499-1617 Pello. lrplc, 2 c:ar ger "° ~.... $400-$41S/mo. 2 er. 1 LEASE OPTION 000 Armitage Really • • 4 br' 2·~ ba. 2000 -;q-il 1600 sq I t. Lease Ol>tll dilly 9 to 6. Ba poo111c1e apt. leundry 714-544-2484 ·11901mo Kids & peti S890/mo 7eo-04n9 O•k ood room. beemecl celllngl HARBOR RIDGE *MISSION·VIEJO• OK 548-"210 Speetaculer vi-. Pool, W No pell No laat monlfl 0.-1-.11/ S675·S725 IP• & lennls. S 1995/mo !Glnllell ~ ren1 depotll req. Cell Custom View ·•Home $~0.000 optiun mon~y 4 Bc-drooms. ~ &thll 11.299,50(, Spectecular View. t, epi tenntt Mull ea I. ~ar<. S% dn. 78CM~307 tl•lll l0t lllf 1100 FM LUiis t:trbr A6ge 760-9307 • · Newport IMda/Ne. TSL Mgmt 141· 1803 :·~,~~·c·;.:.~;i;;·c:.·;,: ··~~~~e. ~.:,~i~;m,.::.1e:;d~n 2,rB;1c?~·c~r8;·.~P:~~: aao ,,... Aw. ~:~. ~e·:~· ,en:.r =. nerahlp Gd lln. S295, Formal dining, 2 lrptc a 11195/mo 553·02S5 (it 161111 new cpl8. encl IJlr, 1ftdry 000 676·0073 or •FOUNTAIN VALL.EV • HOO C 645-1104 rm. no peta. 1575 mo. 855·2249 $750 mOe~;de'e 97" .. '3m70o .. t •II Slepa lo beac:h. Lo~ 4 Call 6 40·' 151 •ft ·1 • 1~~~~~~.,-~.,~~--e~~I Wrm. 11100 mo. 1,nmac Newpert ~S.. 979--3848. * 1~ PM! Charming Laguna Beach • home lor Coron• dei M duplea ChHhlre Real E111te 759· 1877 ............... Pride ol ownetanlp Gd hn 1295,000 675-0073, 855·2249 ------ll&.l IY IWHI uncllVldtcl •it tntertl1 In 15 unil1 apt bldg In Huntino1on B .. oh, CA. Cell 7 f41960·2,.11 lor lnlorma110n •CHILDREN• 1tPETS OK• YILUIE llVEITlllTS 1: Comm pool & 11nnl1 1700 16111 St. •·---------•II ... 548-5704. (II ~I PALM MESA APTS Exec 4 Br 3 Ba. formal Lido 111•. 4 bd, 3 b• 1S&1 ,,_.Of. dtn1nn. l1ml"' rm lmmac J •"" ~1!!!!!64i!Z!·!S!U.J~~~! MOO Untum. I Ir. ··• ., 1...,,, 222 V11 Paler'mo Call btwn 9.4 54$--G •roe n • r Inc I 75-7188 ...., $1200/mo S•ttct Pro· -2-8-------..U ,_., 2 beltm, 11~ be, flfeplmce, per11es 751-3191 r con!t;<x:"'port 2 bdrm. 2 be $850 mo gar, no pel• 1411. r:-" IJ JUf tielgftl•. r elect!•. I r 11 J u n. Inc I u ti I 549. 75 10 · .~~.~!~{~ .. ~ .. ~•••••• :~l,ek 1';~':~~:o~dv'•~i 752·9468. 850•0981 _2_8_r _w_/_g_•_r_l _4_4_0_/m-o. Why throw away r•nt t2-ll5 645-182!5 • --••••-crpts, watet pd. :Z17t wtlen yoo can own 4.3 -~ .. , .. ~a 9H-4ft0 w111aoo to 12000 ~v· lllWllll 2 & 3 bcl 111e11 by wt< or l ·5PM mtnll. $1751< • 121151<, mo Agl 11715·1 170. -------'--moll• In • take ov•r • 2•3•4· Br·l 75o.st25o Liil llW IUIT .. •h•re appracl•llon, call mo Freel Te.not•. •gl e•YfRONT t lrg Br wlllt In c!OeM, ••I Sue a1 Ht·55S& 831•1268t0t 831•2711 n I '91tHt ,. Im (JI·~----BALBOA l&L ANO 3 lrplc, 01hw1tlr. IQ P•t .... VIEWS PrtceO .. 9 2 ll'I gtOSI .. .... 2 er 2ba c:oodo OUlll, "" BAYFRONT l>Orm 2 be llouM In ••eel patio: pool, ..,., no pets. Wn• lncludn pool. 11nnl1 AGE T, NO FIE aouu~ excel loc.-/d cond Furn 01 unfurn s.75imo &4t-t447 3 Bdrm, 3 ca . •-'•· cou11t 4 y11 "11" In hkup, encl oar $575. BALIOA ISLAND S 1mm•d poueu1on 2 BT.rid IP•nlolnQ cteaft, t uchan_g• or IHH op· Ocaanald• 63t·1098 8drma, i be, excell•n' mo• minimum rental BA I 8•, t cw gw. no lion S~3.llOO 111-2111 1-m mfll.I cond Furn Of unlurn 11500/mo Owner pell SSIO mo ·H t Open Sat/Sun 12 6 .... U&Ln vef: MZI fu,,,,.,.. lmmeel POH•HIOn 2 644·9513 Santo Tomu. Ag t 321 King• ~old _ __ __ _ Lido P1tlt 291 1790 ~ Jiff mot · tnlt11l1m1m r•n111 142·63el Aper1menl1 wllf!tecl C M Penln Bactl 13IO •••••••H•••••••H•••• I I 15 0 0 I m 0 0 w n' It ------ CONDO 2 Br 2be. view All eetfl ~. can Clio.. <>cter\lrnt 31, 11000 ll*e to beech 4 8" 2be. 644·1_8_13___ 1 :~N~ 1t~~ !11~1 Oil, 01OGt•n1nd city Sell~ 1111t Bkr l..lclo ft1e aBt ltllO ·~1 l emlly h~e,.,!~ BACKBAY. 2 I r & de;, C1v~~~~~ lltlT.S~WAnNTED• 1011~• .• ._ ;;;:"'°'·~·,~;r ~ ~·· If.-,,.110. 11 .... ,,pie, ~ :. ¥,.-~ v•• 17501mo Pal HI 70H cant C8ll M "Oclgeft, ~ 8"~~--....a ........ · • _ 63 HHCI. IOI $850/mo CONDO 3 Br 3b• end 1 Med 4 toe llf'lt ~-Lido I ... 5 Ir ltlOO 4 bf, 3 be,~ rl!Of", UClCUTtVE B•y•IOe Dr BACtUt.OA ,urn·/ SPMC 13t-4t0f unn, view Of COtle M ... e11n91 1n N ewport or UOO I ... 281 11100 den. din '.,o'm. fr\Slc walertront hOIM. A.ell -..nfurn Yrly tit 11111 pct 2 Br 1 •• In 4·plea, p1rk tl47:500 ,.11 or Huntington 9Mcfl PIM· taytronl 2 NOOO It IOO A•ell now lmrMd 4 I•, 4 8•. ell New crpt, "" d,..,_, eteell. "'pet• 1430/rno .. •• call i.1011e,. at .. ~ont 2/0tn l llOO 113·4715 amenllle• 12800tmo beemoelt,tmmeCIOCQIP 271 "I "1lttl Pl '65·34154 --. l ..... ,!'!' • 1•001' Bolt •llP• alto ev•ll TIL MOM't 9'2· 1803 '4'-04U -..v -T1 ~ w9'0 Med ~ 05S..247S I n .. CI • 30 lo &O unit lecuflty/l8r l12IO Tfllf'• wtlat ,,,. --------OCfAN,AONT APT· t 8t. t ir Trallefl ltt 71lllO btdCI lf't Oranve co . that Wei""°"' Homel DAILY PILOT ... 8t. COtl... wtnlef renter. 1450 mo and .... ,1IO .. No rflelt .. ..,.. Ptla• cMI Aealton 13 Mtoo S!AVICI OIAICTOAY ''Pl 111$ U t11 Inc I N o pt l 1 cio91 IU till M .... bfOll« et ts&.'4~ _ It 111 ebou11 t41·3t90. II' ~l-tt30,.!!?·?l_.4 ~2 642·ttN Clld lun . • •• ' .. • • .. •• Orange CoHt QAIL y PltOT IThu~•d•v. November 11, 1H2 -I I •• -f1ffl!!.!!!!!!!X ••••. A"/1/ .. 111••-'•ll•• ---------......... ·~········ ... ~~/.'l.'!!!r .......... : 1 ~f!' • .'!!!!m,.fffnf! .. ~¥.r.H, .•••.•.....• !~!!!!~!w ....... . ~!!!~ ••.........•..• ""''''" • ••••••••••••••••••••• !'I~~:!~~~ .•••..• T!l! •••••••• ~ •••••• : •• R!MOO. SPf!CIALIST WILL SIT In mv CM home, None 2 blQ, none 2 tm1il, ltll(l.0 yard, h01 mull. From A to l we do 11 •II rHI .,., •• 548·2874 114·816·9438 lie 426711 lOP QUAlollY WOAI'. Carpentry • Matonry Tlf\rD OJ HA88Ll!S? Roollog • llilumbl!IO O~lly tlt1nlno help It . .. , .... ••IAYANT'I ** JILi IN8'{AU.f0 JO All@f'I Lio. 20278t. Bond.a 494·1810 Jal"•" - -ACMOOEL • Comm '!~.~A!e!:~R~r 01yw1111 Stucco • file l'lettl Rela 91().'1462 ~oa.I J B 641·9"0 Top quaE£11 26 yr ••P. Comptt tillt rat .. AT AC.AS RATl'8 Uc'd Jo.I ~41·4425 WlllCOlltflllO Removal AH Kinde. Oulrll\leed ,All lypt111 642·1)4 Rell JoM 840-9217 ·tor• 30 dey •<I In Ille lllU PlllT 1111¥101 ..... , .. , DO IT NOWI I .. hr t•••,. Y <X.lr Dally Piiot Ser11lce Directory . Rapreunt•tlve ,u.u11, .... an M~'!!!!!r.hm!f •••• ~ OFF FIRST MONTH ~able. .atloulable. e111nt1al .An1werlng s11v'c• secr.,ulal 6 bu11ne11 1er11icea. rm111 b011 rtntll, word proces· sing Te1u-Fac11m11e. order enlry. P!Qtfl·lt•M buy. desl! spale rental .ANSWER NETW.ORK 831-9131 (ask tor A.II.) ~!/.~~!~ ••.••..••.•••• Driveway•. Parking Loi Repairs, Sealeoatlng. S&S Asphll 631-4199Llc Dan Hllllb8fg Grad ng M"li••• ll••Hlli•• & Paving Co. Res/comml •••••••••'••••••••••_. Lie 3976804 842-1720 Moonlight Orallsman Home-.Add'ns·RemoOels All•t••r• · M~mber .AIBO 645· 1871 •••••••••••••••••••••• -------.---Aggreul11e .Attorney. No SLIDING GLASS DOORS Fee lnlllll ConsultaUon· • installed/ Remod. add'n! Per1ona1 tntury Cese1: & concrete. Lid'. 361681 No Recovery No F•e Joe 892· 1327 • 494-8591 ' Moutdlnga. Flreplaces Add Room1. 35 yrs exp _ Clean Lie No 276943. 714-859-9905 Incorporation. business a<lvlce. Reasonable lee• 752-1962 • Are you planning • mo11e7 Cl84*1lltd ads will point you In the right d"8C1lon 10 llod tile home you need. 842-5678 •••••••••••••••••••••• rt1ld•nll•I. ten•nl Im· CUSTOM HOME BL~ , pro11tmtn1t, m1jor re-~t-8MALLER JOll_S palfl, Bldg renov•tlon, ~IWMfl h<X.ltM ,r.. COO. COfT8CllOnt. et~ 20 est. C•ll D•n 537-034~. yrt Orano-Cly, bonded, C, " • ti ln1, Lie I 191101 Pl· .~ .. !~t.~ .. ~I....... •ombo Conti Anyllm• C1binell & CMptnlry IHl2·8314 SMatt jobs & rec>alra Wit .atl---.-.. -- Free esllm•I•• 845·2003 Lie _.20802_ Plaol C11••ln Financing A11tll1blt ···~···•1••••••••••••• 142·1111 Remod, & Repair• Fr ff .....___ est. lo ralH. Oeoka. pa· 1 ... M•1Hee1 tlo. Stelle 752-9658 SINCE llHl2 •212642 EXPER carpenter doea Mike Macar-lch add'ns. r•mod, declls Ill· 1111 SkyliQhll & rec>•lrs Free -est. Dan, 841-4592 HOME IMPROVEMENT ALL TR.ADES Cu1torll Catptntry by Dick REMOOEL/.AOO'NS & Nell. Paneling, lormlca. 841·8987 doors, etc, Ph 842-88091-------- Cll mn f!~'m.!'!!t!w.~!-..f. ·N~ st;;,;,iN~:Sh~~· lllTlm Stain Spt1elal111 Fasl Cabinet1~ullm8fl ... BM1 dry. Free eat 839-1582 Wiii Units 642-0881 ""'•).,, Caipentry • Cebl,_..• ••••••••"ft•••••••H••• "Pliimb • Ortln Ci..twno TIUI Cltelrlc81 Tlla Tolll*Sfrtrnovect tlean Rtfl Don M6.Gt .. up, lawn renov 761~34711 29 YRS El<P. DUNHAM Tll 11111 •Ill 110MI! IMPROVEMENT u wn•tree•ahrub 1011111 Aemooe1.r1pa1r .. ltnc1ng Tr .. trlm/r~oval tl4K;lrk:llf·plvmb'no Lawn M•lnl/Rolotllllng carper•lry • 83 1·1530 Fr .. ""m•te 54~-eoes JACK oF ALL TRADES b~r Gardener & ci .. o C•U Jack •nyllmt. up1. lree trlmm,ng Free 01y or n1~ ~7!).3014 ett. Pete 841~-B1all•• ua•••• wllTD 1.·····~;,;·jo&s······ MO*lng, edging, raking, & Sm1ll Mo111no Job• 1.-eeplng Fret Hll· C811 MIKE848-1391 mates 845-5737 -------..,,---H.AULING-GR.AOING J.AP.ANESE' Q.AROENER dtmollllon. clHl'·UP. SPECIALIST main• .. ·concrete 6 tr" remo111I clean up, trlmmltlg Low Quick aerv. 642-7838 pr~ Free •II. 548·9483 --...--HAULING • stu<lenl hH lgt truck Stmt Jow r•tH Prompl 759-1978 CdM Think you,.John Jese1t's Gardening Clean-up•, tree lflm 6 malnt. stfvic. 540-8035 L•wn service lrom S 18 mo. Yd cle1n-up1: wee· Sllampoo & 1tHm cle•n. Color brighteners. wht crpts • 10 min. bleach. Hill, llv/dln. rms S 15; avg room $7 60, couch S 10; cllr $5. Gu•r ellm. pet odor Crpt repalt. 15 Yl'I .,Htlltll ding, tree work Ken 86 964-1083 LIGHT HAULING & CLEAN·UPS Free eat 842·2657 exp. Do work myaell. Reis. 554·0 123 ei.0icf9Rtc~A~·.z:;,;tc•:d -.-K-&~o-La_n_d·-ac-•pe--M-a-1n-1-. right, tree eatlmate on Reaid/Comm. Clean-up. t•roe or small l<>b•. Sprll'kler ay• 548-2489 Lie 396621. fS73·0359 $,AM FUKUMOTO'$ LIC'O ELECTRICIAN Gardening. clean ups, Qual work/Reu. r1181 malnt., tree trim, eml Free HI. 83 t-5072 landscape. 845·3540 ~ .... '!~ ............. . Hlw El 141-TIJI Furn•ce-pool-wattr neat New 80,000 BTU Furntct & tllermostat 1n1lalltd $750,00 (714) 898-6512 No OVtrtl 730 1363 ....... ·AIC ~OVINO· WllTD Quick, Cwtful hfvtce ... .,...,, .. U lt'k LOW r IH • 55~.(M 10 E•Perlen1141d, dtp.nd•· STARlllNG COlLEQE bla, \1011•••· 1111alllgtnt. STUDENTS MOlltNO met1ciulou1, llt•lblt l am CO Lie T124·436 I ht b t I I Phone lnaured 841·8427 673-7012 •lier 8 PM WATCH us GROWi Weel<O•tt AU day Satur· • l ~­ d•'t ~Und•y -!l.,.•::1.:•••••••••••• II you wtnt your hOUH ,. PlllTlll ,,,,. c,...,, ''" ..,.,,, ••••••••••••••••••••• • ••••••••••••••••••••• CUSlOM WOOd S*IO I LOW MT!S I 111<1, riMlwood dee:-• & TrH 1rlm/remov. cleen ~ "'"°" S.tAIOU .uc>e. mowino ff4~10t!.._ llut11ll..._h TrH remo11a1. trimming. •••••• ::r.~.-r.•••••••••• eiMro-ncvNIVlot 1.10 & ED'S PLASTERING 11\IUrtO 638.C>t M Neal patches lntle111 Rntuccos 84!>·82 PLASTER P.A TC'HiNO" RtetuCCOI 11'1/t•I 30 yr1 Neal Paul 545-2977 T.a.'!'!!~ ••••••••••••• REAi.i,. Y .CLE.AN, C•ll ' by Richard Sinor Lie Linda 609-0318, Good 2IOG44 t3 yr• 01 happy II ti WI V Cl J Rais l<><:•I cut1om1rt · •• ~!'! •• ~I.•••••••••••• ••• "! •• ! ... ~!.!f •.••. Moll tubjectl, K•14 Day/.,.. $5 & 110/hr Mr Mor(J81' 645·5178 HOUSeei.EANING Good Thank you, 631·4410 Hltr II "Ml·Tlll "Lei the Sunthlne In" rela.. Tranaportatton E•· PAMERNEEDS «I gal •attthealer 1225 Clllt 8'.lnlhlne Window ptr'd 979·9766 WORKI 30 yrt tllp, Int/ C!MnlnQ, Lid 548 .. 853 • a1A.. Lie i.l•••l,.11 20% Monthly Dltcount Ouallty Houteele•nlng ••t .. cou111e ~-.,,• •••~•••••••••••••••• With 1 Pertonat Touch 368780 FrN .. , .AC RA NGUTTER WINDOW CLEANING Call Beth 850-0933 Oa1111 Palnt1r19 847-5188 Bonded·I a-lie B3447M RESID & COMM'L , • Ft""'· 1·524·.5824 FREE Esl &11-1132 HouaeolHl')lng, rall•bl• 15 yra exp, ·1 m amah, l"Y ----~-----1 _ ~ _ ------ "'' Own transp Reu prlcea are 1m1111 Ron l•ll•ldl• . . VOL.ANDA 842·0405 650-6417, 661-8849 •••••••••• ••••••••••• J 0 Horn ~lthlng Lowest rat11• Prom111. Ant1que1, 11J1 C•blf'lell, neat prole11ion1l1 15 1,,,. ~lntong 845-06e4 ltate LMI l1"lr"'. Thtl aN contractor• wrio petlorm wOt1I °'* 1200 1ncludtng labor •nd HOU$.ECLE.ANING Also w1n<1owslec>Ples Reu 662-2874 .,,.s ~~~!!!!'!!~'·········· OLDER COUPLE WILL HOUSES IT . XLNT REFS 543-5241 873-1'151 Juitni•I .•.•..•...•....•..••.. yr& exp 636-7149 RALPH'S PAINTING LOWEST A.ATES LIC 380015 536-9898 CUSTOM PAINTWORK Comm'l/resid. swpptng, staining The Job that SP••ks l or llatlf 498-8580 IHll•• mat8flala mu11 M 1~. • •• • •• '• •• ••• • • • • •• •• • le<l UnhcenMCI oontrac-Huber Rooting.all types. tors should so st•te In N-·reco11tr-dedc1 th 1 1 c Lie. • 411802 548-9734 elr ldllert 1 ng on-'' actor a and contumera. • .., .. .' contact Mary Grond1a-.t- (714)558-40M wllll 1ny Don't re·rool. rtP•lr al queations Contractor'• I ( a c I I 0 rl 0 I c 0.. Stale L<cel'IM Boat<I. 28 857-2890 • W, '"'" .. :J,,C/, .. ,.;,"' p'°", :J-1j..," f!!'!!~!I.~~!!!!!~ ••••• El.ECl'RICIAN Chrlsllan wnl do clean COMM'L J.ANITORIAI. & CARPET CLEANING Dee's Cleaning Service B••• l1aal11 Uc. Bond.O. 963-5474 ........ ~ ......... . ISi CLASS PAINTING· ----,-------I Cl11lc Cent er Pin•. Wallpaper, lnl/EICt. Re· FJOOF1ir.o~EPAIRS Room 690. Santa An•. pairs Free 811. 979·5294 Small jobs OK. lio8ee CA 92701 ~urfoiJe ::ba'l.S.,.,Jice Cement·MHonry-Blocil Walla-Cull work Lie •381057 Rob 547-2883 Sml job1/RepaJ11 Lie ups, ,hauling, tree trim & 233108-C-IO. 5.48-5203 yd W«k 85()-Nd P•lnllng. plumbrng, e1ec , w•'"~•f. • . ll•ti•• · dryvwett, u ... c-•rs>entry 1 ••••••• •• •••••••••• ••'•-•••4Pli••••••••••••• est1mate1 Cell Tom or1-:========= Chuck, 542-8392. Liability Insurance Restaurants, Offi~es & homes (714) 646-7503 I Ori'leWayt•Pll10l•Wal6ll -IJIOCNw•h•·muonry Free est, reH. 892-4557 THOMPSON CONCRETE Patlos-drl11eWa)'$- foundatlon1 '393383. 642-8482 Thinking of a new home '°' 9P(lng? Set lhe many llallngl In tod.y'1 clMtl· !lad COiumns. 842·5878 RESIO/COMM.L/INO. ~c""leli~n-u_p_1_·...,f~r1...,m-m""-...,tng- 20 yrs 00 my own work Sp11nkle11 • M81nt. Lie 278041. At-e.8-8129 FtH "'· 842-265'7 RMH Elect-Remodels, TIE PUil llO A d d I t I o n • • g 1 r • • Indoor plant care wrklhopt. Low r•t" Lie •325.738• lns,"848-7378 Free est 631-2259 • 1•-....... ..,_ UI·,_ ~ ¥!~~~~ .•....•....... TRACTOR WORK EK· c111•tlng. comp•ctlon, b•ckho•. 20 yrs exp. King Equip. 837·7392 Miik 546-7818 Old C<X.lnlry landscapes, ~lfthing lnt8flor Design --• "Anything outside the HANGING/STRIPPING "HELPING HA~OS" I ho m • ·.. 8 4 5 • 5 5 9 7 • llisa-MC Scott 845-9325 You name lt, we II do Ill 675-6058 --------- Ed & Bqbbl 240-0275, 24 \ E•pert wallcoverlng In· hrs. #111•1l 11611at1on Reas Con1UI· llHHCIHlll•f. BR~CKWORK .. S~~~·1:;;.~ tanl AHignmt. 58'1·8590 ••••••••••••• •••••••• Newport, Costt Mesa, We gals ShO hang toge-ROBIN'S CLE.ANING lrvlne Reis 675-3175 ther Hang. select Up- 5e!'vk:e • • 11\0foughly llolster walls 839-0730 clean houM. 540-0857 Block/Brick W•ll1, Col'· •nytlme Crete. Vtty real Llc;'d --------- Want Ads Call 642·5678 Bob 873-5387/536-HOejSell Idle Items 642-5678 tpr rour old eote DOLLAR DAY DOUGft SAVERS tor M~rchandlH under 11,000. Sell your no-longer needed Items for cash. If It doesn't iet1. we'll run It another 3 days FREE. One Item INES ., ... , .........•.••......... .MOBIL.E SEAVICE Rescreenl/N-1ereens NBICM only 642·9552 ,.,.,,,,,, "'""' . ...........••...•.... PROFESSIONAL SECRET ARI.AL SERVICE 754-8368 SELL Idle Items with • Dally Pilot ClaHllied Ad For Ad Action Cal a Daily Plot AD-VISOR 642-5678 OLLAAS per ad, must be prlc:ed. Sorry, no real eatate or commercial ads. CaU today for full details. , ........... ~dll1 In. .... '1M) 3 . 3DAYS CLASSIFIED8642-5678 A,,,,., •• ,, A,,rl•••I• A,,,,.,.11 ~,.,, ... ;,--""•••t• !'.'!}!,.'!!!!!! ... !.{ff ,,. .. '!!!.~.f~~!!.!.~!f 9!!!~~!.!~!~! .... !.~!f !'!!if!.~!~ .... !.~ !'!!'.'!..~!~!~! .... !.~! • U•l•1•j1iH u.1.1m1AH lllllu.Jd-4 lllllrualdttl ••• !~!~!~!!~!!....... lllL ... -Secluded condo Nwpt u .. ar .. ,.,., . •llllll ....... ._ ... __ I/I --- •••••••••••••••••••••• ,..................... •••••• ••••••••••••••••• ···~·······-;;;;:···,,,···· •--111 ..... ,. 11'1 --... 151. ........ ....... • -,.,,, •· 1 , Wkly rent•ls now a11811 Terrace turn 2br/2bl. Olhct, 650 sq fl, 011er 1 MO FREE RENT HUNTINGTON BEACH 4 C•ll• #11• 3124Cnt111111 1114 •••l••rl•• •••• ••••••••••••••••• ··~··••••••••••••••••• $105 & up Color Tll pvt--f•c $350 M /F niQhtfac S500motorno 1 room to 2800 eq rt. ~stobeactl 5501q. ·······Y,··········~·· ...................... .... 1141 NO FEEi Apt. & COl'dO 2 BFl. S465, yearly, n-Pllones In room. 2274 642-9545 Of IM 552-n30 -From $1 16 a lq 11. Adj " 111811 •t so.. lnciudee . t'.,~B500r 1,rptc • E/Side lge 2 BR, 2 Ba. •••••••••••••••••••••• reri1a11. 11111• Rentals. • decor. pool. nr beacn. Newport Blvd. CM Newport Hel"llts Town-Tired ol crowdeO fr-•y A1rporter Inn & Frwys. uUlltiet. 536-7504 ' mo. patio. gar, $500 .Avl 87 ...... 12 Br_ .... _ bus No 1>41,11 498-8277 646 7445 • ,..,_,.AU 833 3223 -----------54q-3666 12/5 283 Cat;irlllo, CM. ...-... ..,,.., . • riouse, beaut furn. Ma· commutes Norlll? Would ..,. ... • lulllni .,.,11 ffH NEW BREED APlS Open House 11-19 & 20. 'h 81<><:11 to bHch, 2Br, 2J!. 2J:C,~do. ooean BE 1 CH 1 RE 1 ture le mate. $350. you like •n olllce •t the 1617 W'9tclllf. •••••••••••••••••••••• 1 Br. & loft B•cll & Iott. 11 4PM 631 -0994 b(ighl & 8try. Se75.rno 54,. ..,,,11 ft ft ft 846-7555 beach Lllll your l•mlly to 4()()(J\eq Re18ll store 81 2650 Al/On, yrly 968-8263 -r•• s . M k "' could UM on WM*-endl Agent !>t 1· 1885 aq. ft pk.II 8 ctr Frplc. rec room. pool, 2 bd. 1 bl Apt,,Ptllo. Frpt. $84/ k lralghl nonwm r to r u 1 11.ution unit? For 641-1777 l8CUZZI. gas & water paid Ga.r, New Pnl, $500/mo. 2 Br 2 Ba from $525 No Nr SC Hoap. 2 BR. 2 Ba. W 2 br, 2 ba E/Slde CM teulng Information c8'1 Airport .,.. • Sul· P8Gt · No pals. From $465. 393 No Pets , 557-0915 or pet1. Across lrom New· ~llO. pkng $4&5 rno. No RefrlgtHlor·M.id·POOI apt. $250 + ullls. Oya The C•pl1tr•no Suri '" From 22r. 50 aq It Booth rent811. very reaao-Hamllton, C M. 645-4411 546-4198 por1 S.ac:h Goll CourM pets 891•1644 Nwpt Bllld & Wiiton 842-.5448; tvl 842-5620 Cent er 861•8292 or Sl pet 1q n xtf'a n1bte Ml11lon Viejo. '§p&clous 2 Br 2 ea. bit· 2 BR dpllo w/enc; gar, re-545-4855 • Cost• Mep 548-9755 F81'1'1 1hr ~ X·lrg condo. 831-6064 ' C•ll 557-7010 _83_7_·+4-89_7 _____ _ lnr,-trplC; gar, $575. No oec, gd-netghbof'hood -Rtfl-llDIU_ f~~.M!~ullJ.! PJne Kool Motif on Co.ut So. Cst Plata. All am-hetll .. l lHatlff 4Q0-900 PLUS 1 sq."· j 1t-..:.. ftW Harl>OIV'Baker 548 6009 .....,_ • ' 1213) 515 5700 .Ask lor rime ntersec on o le, P•rklng, pltloa. •-.i·-•-""1S pets. Anll. l mmed. $510 559-5001 3 , 4 Br ""'--to water. 2 B• 2 B• co~o, pool, Hww, NB Steps 10 men (114) 557-4329, P , 1 11 1 Pentl)oute ea ronl Sul·-• -----------furn & unlum, reuona-l•c .. tenn11. o CoHt ocean Wkly rat•• Mark : MICArlhur and Jamb<>-873•1003 ••~••=•••••••~•• 2 bdrm with yerd $525 WESTSIDE-1Br, stove/ ble. all •menffies. BrOller Pl1u are• 840-8905, 845..().440 ree $1 per sq It Sub-RENT OR LEASE N9wl)' Kids OK. SIMia story. relng. tndry lac, wtr pd 875~912 1142-2012 •" 4 S550. --1-m---1-.. -.-.E--1Fem10 shr 2 br condo wt2 lease available 820 or remodeled t\ome with 963-7600, ~5-5735 No pets $3 7 5 mo ---------1~131::.--:----·-:--:--::-:--r.-girls Own rm S200 + uttl. 1200 sq It tor 1 yew Call * ,.,_lot ,. __ ., ·-'--. Nwpt Hgts 2 br, 2 bl, 2 Ar. 2 B• •Ir, patio. MC. R Kl Poot/J•~ 775 8148 -,... """"" •"'m'V • •MES.A llERDE 2 ·Br. f 1_6_4_6_·4_3_8_2_:..... ____ 'II ml lrom beh 2 Bt 1t>a. 1paclou1. Avail now. g~le. pool $535/mo tHonable rates. I· ~-:----:--::-=·""7'-~·=··=1 • ...:S:..:•:..:n:..:dy.:._::.2...:13:...·_820.:..:;.,·..;.8..;.8.:.57__ · Prof adJ to Newport Bl11d Ba. Newlu d.cor $495. Mesa \lerde In 2 br, )'.\ Call Hl•4211 $700/rno, 645.7400 213/IM50·9513. ~herietth. phones. mllld Shr beaut.NB furn. 2BR llPll •••••,.1 environment, MrVlce. 1542-1334. 851·9889 ' • ,,.,vice, Z ch•nnel mo-/ 1 --or no "Nia lndMc:lual ol-,.,.,.--.,.~~~,.-....,..-,--No pets. 833•8974 bl. gar, patio. no pets. MADDOX APTS I &,2 br. LARGE 2 br, , ba. gar, ,..,, '--•• ,.,, VIH SANDPIPER MO-~!! ';':':io ~ :':fs Extc. Sult" Incl rtcePI. hoes or dttk ~. 150 W8fllad• 800-900 aq.ft. lor 1 br, relrig. stove. tndry S525 & MC. 979•4393. Nice. quiet turroundings <llw. 5308 Se••hore ....... ~A............ TEL. 1IHl7 Newpott BIYd. 'A u'll 642-$11tt-aac.')< urvs cont__, "· Pets cons S395 1920 1 bt, 111all now. ulils pd. $450'-$550 142-8788. $750 mo· Yny';M2-4t14 ll•rmlng studio. 1 blk CM 645-9137 kn . m•1I h•ndlg A••· 548-2384: 642-511 eYS Wllllace. 640-6029 $345/mo Call 893-5759 Bet 9-5 ffom beh tun dk, ooean DOVER SHOAES..Need 2 pon91¥8 to your ~ ~~~~~~~~~~1~~~~;,----- Eastslde luxury In a plne1_lor_IPP __ 1_· _____ 1 Nr beach, 1t>r,1 b•. lrplc, w . $350 491"4171 &.-.t•.'!.!!.ff!.'!.!.~!! ~~~t: lo; v':~ I b~~"ii! ~~~~jof:~ ~,,:f ...... -lM.:.':!f 4,. forest. 2 br, 1 ba, relrig. 1 Br. smell. utll. Incl. S350. gar .. yard .Av•ll. 08C. 1. .,,.. •• ,. r.n.J1AH Slngla mothef wlllhtt to 645-95l5 from 5325. '983-8445. AllrllCtllla rustic upst.Wa •••••••••••••••••••••• d1hwsher, enc ga'i BBQ, Pre I er 1 per a on 536-0297 .,,, -., II•/.,,, '"' share lovely M4IN Verde setting. we IUPPIY. c:latk. 1750 up 2 l80 11. lndu· gas Incl. $5 1:1/mo . 962-7940 Deluxe poolllde xlrt 18'0-COUNTRY CLU8 Ll'VINO ••••••a.va11111o&••uu homt w/responlible ,,. 1••1111 W1•IM 411$ llWPllT lllTll ap-. coplaf. You aup-atrltl . Olfloe 18101 Ae-114~1~741. 2 b r, 2 t>•. bit-In•. IN NEWPORT BEACH ... _ malt, walk 10 IChOOll, •••••••••••••••••••••• Fuh ~Sult• ply phone,' -Pt mo dondo Clrclt, p & T 2 Br. 1 Bt. 571 w Joann. ,,. •• ,.;., 11Zf dswshr. 11~ mi1411 beac:h. Singles, 1 & 2 Bdrm YI.Liii rtst•ur•nU, lfOrH. Q~:~.:i:~i'~:.::: II MT lllTI II pr c:ltlll. Cell 1544-7211. Huntington. B81ch Upstelrs No pets •••••••••••••••••••••• No pets $500/mo Aparlments llltattr 1 clllld <>k No •• 50 .,_....._.._.. •••-'42·2834. ' -UI -· a T~ New 1&2 bdrm luaufy s m II n g , no p • t • 640-SU2 bel 8am « •ff .., ............ " .. ..., __ , .... _ S425/mo. Sl8fre Mgmt. -ninw 536--8362 • From $580 ~II In 14 plMS 1 8dfnl 548-3831, 557·8207. 9pm AM you netc:I tor one • ,., mlll Stor8gt yard. r.nc.d. nt 64l·l324 D•na Polnt'a most H · Lg4' 2Br wl gar. Super On Jamboree Rd at lrom $540, 2 bdrm from montllly 1.-i "" H81bor and War SOX 2 Br. 1'/r Ba. Twnhse. East cluOed acenlc bluff. Like clean. clost to bch. Stn Joaquin HI ... Rd. S595, Townhouse from HOUSEMATE$ C.111.n /., l••I 4111 640-5470 With uM of rtctPUon. 150 n. $225 mo. L•roer 18th. St. No pell. Ge-n-I Only 4 unite, 2 Br S495/mo 9fS4 ·4886, 1••1111 $885 + pools, tennis, ROOMMATES •••• •••••••••••••••• conf. room. kltcll, phone, area al90 ,11a11. w/dtn. Xlrl lrg prlv•t• 7330 _. . I I I Q • We come to you! O•n1 Pt. lil'gle llor8gt, FULL SERlllCE SUITES secretariat & word pro-549_8181 720_ 1444 rage. $625/mo. Sierra patio. From 5725/mo. 536-d 2 wt •r a II. ponds! H • All ,.,., checil8d aewred, 1treet antr8f\Ct, Desk Space $275/up c.salng. Malt & mesuge · Mgmt. 641-1324 Call 66l-6441 or M·F, On B•y. 2 b rm. be, lor cooking & hHllng • Photos 181ten 34097 Ortn1da, SCIO. Private Oltlcie $495/up a8fV 1vall MC*'•laly fl 2500 sq tt. near Hoag ----------• Jni J144 lrplc 1 c•r g•r. Prl11•I• paid From San Diego O 832 3 673-3313, 493-0803 Na w port B t 1 ch dtM'td e.it Jvdy Hoep MS>Wate off1oe & Almost New, 2 itry. 2. bd, 9.5, 643--021~ Or~ by •••• ~!•••••••••••••••• S.ach Good neighbor· Frwy drl111 North on ldest Agency -41 4 75245408 71411.0.01o0 restroom. $900/mo ~ bpa~t:'.°:J:i~: g:;j,d~~ to -24587 anti 1¥• The Lak". 1 Br. loft, up-hood lor ClC>UPle or tin-Baach lo McF8dOen lo Shr nu condo. blll to ocn Stor•g• g1regt, slngle, ... Automot111t Ok Bio,t 5845 Av•ll 12_ 1 Lorri Super neat (2) l ·Bt lllHu. gr•ded. tennis, pool, ape gle S 1100. 873-2182. Se aw Ind 11111 •gt Oar, micro $285. Tracy. 9)\2 , Collt Meu .......... lree * aJ * &4M2M '"'kde.,. 547_9._71 Eues 1 Bt 1mall & cozy, pri.. $550. 832·2838 8-lOAM, 8-9PM (714)893-5198. 831·8543. 549·3421 S501mo. 940 aq n •t 80t per n, llltlTM llfTl1 '' ~-" • • v•te $400-$425/mo. -642-4907 wtld•Y9· incl utll 9 to 24 mo IN 11 2400 aq n. $720/mo. 17th & Wknds 850-0223 673•3313• 493•08Q3 Cor , _ •--...&. •• ,,, a .. ulllul large 4 Br. en· ..... 4,,, M/F N-Smkr 1hr bHut. --------:--· Full -vie.. l<ttP yOUf & Pl--.1I•. COltl Meta. H•••• _. ~ clad patio. Sltps to-•••••••••••••••••••••• B•lbo• Penn houa•. Gar11gt In Coit• M ... for same rate. 'ovtfheed loW & prof•· .... tt• .. SHARP E/Slde. HP•rate furnllhed) ••'•••::·~·•••• beach v .. rty 875-4419: Ullll IUll $220 mo+ u111. 875-!508 stor8gt. IOX20'. 165 mo 8 4 1 • 3 2 1 2 d • Y •. alonal Image hloll. Pr• ----·---------2 BR urnt. lncd y11d. encl ---.-------1 -••• _ • 831-0921 IHl3· t9e3 Ev at""-.. W.dlff -of 1100 1q.n. otc w8fehM. ~ar. ~ CPll. no pe1S. * * * 10 minutes IO ol I -·na 2 Br 2 B•. Condo, Eatt· -·-M•lurt petSOn to •h•rt .,,._. I ..... So .. _ .. __ .....,... bluff _..._ tt ..__. w ' $95 NB " • OFFICE SP.ACEflor ...... Newpott a..dl. 881 Do-JI nt -.. . ~··· ,.._ •I I 5 4 0 . 1 1 5 8 or t:XCEPTIONAL 2 BO on Dant Point'• most • uw--. • ac,,_. kly rant•• up. cheery • home ... rl· Ol/ln l••lll H• lull Hrvk:e .._ 13.00 -Or. Sia 14, 831-3151 1fS52 Minnie St. Ck>M 55 979-3848. uk tor Pa'!I DEN ONLY FOR THE secluded scenic t>lull, g • r • g •. No Pe 11 Color TV, free coif... vacy No leue S2t5/mo •••••••••••••••••••••• & 405 Fwy. 648-1512 E•atslde Coatt MtH 1 br DlS~IMINATINO 5750. llke new, 2 Br. wi den, $950/mo. 559-7144. h .. ted pool, & lltP• to + ulll .411•11. now Call Reu11 & o lllca spec• Cc':~t~u":'i~:=~ IEUIE Sim d I d A I 14 .... 966804 lltfl large private patio. OCEANFRONT. Cuetm octan,KltchsavaH. Join.845-0911. 8Vatlable 17th SI.Cotta BHch. 714,553•9255• llflMI 41H s~f5e~'o.g:~~g:j5~~~2 g . ,.. • $725/mo. Call e81-8441 decor 3Br 288 up 985 N. Coal! Hwy, C.M.new2br.N1>1lurn. MeH from 1250 s.f to •111 lor Patty Wiier frfft .... i~~·:;;•5p;,;•;2:0~ .... 8~ wkd•ya: 760-724 t Sun· * * * or M·F, 9•5 843-02 lO. •menltiH, yrly S 1200 Lagun• Beach 494"5294 condo. M/F non1mkr. 2 ,_4_oo_s_I_. _6_4_s._3_4_7_7___ S 1 50/eq tt LtH• 38" door $70 p1u d-· Orlve by lo Mt II 24se7 mo : 2Br 1Bt c:twn too 190 & up with kitchen. c•r "•r. l"e verd P•ll SELL ldl 1 h Tum lo loday'e ~ ... 2· ..... 4 M F 9.. · r · tmo. 1 -•-Sa ta "''••a • • , e lttms w I a lor lht btll buye. ,.. --. • . "" 10 sec depoal t 3 BR 3 Ba. bi level twnh· •••tl•il•a n """" ·mo Malur• Pfl 7400 W weelcty. Oc .. nlront Mo-welcome Avall Imm 081ly Piiot Cl-nea Ad ... 2·5878 Seit ic:llt 11ams 142.5171 873-4154 Newport •---•1111 \lery ChMming 2 04.. 2 btl. Ocn"nt 8~192 111 815-8740 831•5352, 525.4;,e 1 Buch me. pvt y1r<1. !pie, new, 2 --.,,, ,. 2 1 ft' wood ....-. blks S. Cit Pl. 851-9990 •••••••••••••••••••••• story, r,,., pt .... , EASTBLUFf Balboa Pent111Ul1. Privtle M/F roommat• &hart new -..u. ..... -2e_r _u_p_s_11-1r-,-.-q-u-1e-,-.-e-,,-c1 'f~~E~P~ :~c:i~~·~10 .'he~1!~ ~~~r0~1~~. B:of P~•:~: :;~:1~~·~rs::;11,~g~ ;~o~e~.0n°e~~.' ,7:b7~ • l•tu flll gar, no dogs. 11"10 111c-TO LlllE S825/mo, Incl u1111. $590/mo. 844·478 975.3391 employed ptrson. 1280 OFFICE REITS 990 ••;;UNTEws·s~~AL•• .a t or I a · S 4 9 5 / m 0 · •Homey/Pvl 1 & 2 Br 640-5629 --to 1280/mo. tit 8·30 • 831"8812 '" to •Poot/apalbbq OcHn front I br, part. ••• _, • FtH Bach.ioraltt apt In (wkdys) 840·5180 ~=~t':':'r. lalf •5 acres ol beeulllully furn . .Adult• No ptta. Tll 11111 :·~ano:..fr.o:;.:::~~ U/F 26 35 s ... CM 38 When was the last time you saw office land1ellp•d surroun-••""flncl utll 491-!082 NEW nattd 20 Towl'··----------1'"' • • '" ' _.,., • • hM wilg yd 1210 + utll rents at 99• per square foot? dlng1 , OCE EW llome. VILLAGE COM· Ura• le~ ..... Ill. IHt & dtp. All•ll •Nrlirwy1&1hopplng ANVIS'"""/ M\JNITY. 2 Br. 2•,; Ba. roomlo~r l195mo. now. 548·5180 or .... , IPUmlTI 1 ., 12tll ••· , ... •tll1. It •••t, II ............ , .... . :i. .. • ........... . HMlt ........ . 2Br, 18a. down1talr1, lnGd yd &. gareo-. $500 mo: 7M-09M • Quiel area llery nlct 1 br, '1VV ~· 1800 aq. ft. of 'PUrt II.I· t24 191h S • Hunt Bch. • Sorry np pela Incl. utlll. 494· 18 fO xury G•r•g••. IPH In .11e3g 84~·ee3fS mtg. Furn. Available 111try home • m111er , _____ ..._ ____ 1PenthN, C•talln• 11lew, (114) 147-1111 ·~ 1'.t •I 1ultt, dining roam1, Lady author, wtbeaut pool clOM to bch. H.B Pvt ent 8081 Holland Cf, HB ••• ••••••••••••••••• wood burning flreplacet, & garden home In Irv & b 11 h S 3 0 0 m 0 . Btwn Sl•ltrfWltn. e•YfRONT micro•••• ovana, Pfl• Tarr. CdM Wl•ll•• to 538.0794 off 8eMtl ft "* peuaa & ~•di. Olf· Illar• wlcu1tl11atad lady ---------BAL B 0 A ISL"NO. 3 dener prOYidtc:I E'--1 1450 +. 180-MOt. t ~.a" view •. -••i · ___.. Promont~ Point l380. •---Bdtms, 2 t>•, e11callent Nvtng ontv 15 mlrMM '° Room "' occ. P'll home, Female. 25·35 yeatt Old Spec. 1· & 2 br, 101111y cond. flurn or unfurn, S.C. Plue Of O.C. t\lt-poot,•Wllttltr/dfyer, non· Cllll Anewer Id No 8S3; pine" & 1tream1, He lmmtd pouenlon. 2 Pol'1 Juel -t of New· amkr. lt70. 730-9328 841·4300 24 hrs E/Slda, ipukllng 2 br, g11ea. entry by phone, mo• minimum rental port Blvo & ao. of San ~--.......,,------l---------- yard, gu .. pool $575 lo-fte arta Incl gym. SI 500 I mo Owner ottoo Frwy, ltOOO/mo. Furn. rm & boerd, prtvtte mo. Mgr 2453B Orange _pooi __ &_IP_•_._-846-6 __ 5_9_1_ 644-9513 831·5431. 2473 Ortngt home, flt Vlly "Fl • Allt. Cotla ..... ch r I II I • n I 2 2 5 m O A'I. lllltllll WILi Lic:lo Ille w11er1ront lrg 3 M2 8014 -L,~ .. a" BR l-h·ouM Br. 2 Bt, yrly 11250. ***NEAR HOAG • Rell1blt haemate fO thr L•ga Bllchelor. pvt patio, c ., v_,.,, n~ Kl L-... Ptl 159 w. 19th St. Costa ap e. tncl gar, frptc. Neat 873-8888 2 IA '" BA, 1495 """""• !Chen, .... y v OCMn lrOttt hM apt Wltll Mtla 13t6 mo • Hunt Hrbr. from $545, 2 BR 2 Ba <lpl•, Clown•· 83t•p: 845·•22 1250/mo or Rm & 8rd, workll'Q mom & ion. ~l!W/loft, P'f.1 petlo Chlldren 01(. 840·8807 111r1, fplo, OIW. 2 Cir VEAIAILLH. 2 bc:I. 2 bt, ~:?1i:;''" only w/r9ft 1400 mo. U0.1105 1425. AJIO 11uc:llo rtfrlg/ 1Br •Pl. 3 bike lrom x•r. 1800 mo. Agt Top Floor llfft, AOO. SllWt 2 bf. 2 be llOule, Slovt, utll pd $375. be•ch, child & pe1 OI<. 76-1842 "6-1515, 731·m& actnt B•chelor 1275. Lido 191a, Ny llfft . ..., ,._1,_. we-.._ ... 7tN ~ 1 ··~aw etui 1 M ~ • .!O'W* 542·3597 or 730·7115 ~ 1450 115-3321 z:::::a:: ~~ -... """' , Wt • ,... ~ ... ii:'~ MD'"" r, ...., ;111•1 ..... l•w . .,,'9Wf,' glf, u~. ~ Br .. •peclolis ••It! In 1rom' bch 212 30.11 St aec blc:IQ Pool. epe. gym bee11tltuf oc .. nrron.t Cfllld Ot<. No pets 132 E. cloHt. Cloy to ahop. MOO mo 0yrly 8J8..320e Atfrlcl met 1571 mo to PMoetuf Arta In CM fOf llOfN, 1110/mo, 111 & Bay 541·5331; 848·2325 cntr POOi, llundryroom, · • mo. Ii.gt 780-MH ernp m•le over 2t No IMt C• Nt-tOM evt gar $480 plut HO. 1bdr"'.1 t>aapt, ~ "'* 912 Htl (/s+de ~ 3 BA 2 Ba 19221 Oelawwe. Htlotit• Ar .. CIOM 10 t Ir 1 •• lt•P• lo r. • ..... .....,..., patio'. 2 tty, c•'rport: Near hatbout/beectl 2 .., "leadl 1426 mo blec:h IHO/rno. 111111 o Ctt Pta11 ArM Prlv ,._,, tu..-, 2 bt. 1 H . 1675 mo 14CH>tt7 t Ba conc:to l·sty peilo 667-ot75, 5*-'ttl lnctudtd ~ Hou· tfllr~. latll, "9fno, ca111Mrlf cefllnt frM • gar, rtfrlg ' Av•li 12n : 2 Bt.2 a.. lltocll to baeotl, M . 142·3150, 142·10tg W/O lor wrll'I "'"",. l\lflc:tec:ll, .,1 em9nlti.' 8oectoui1 2 8'1 upttal • llOO l40-tset Sh HU l•c:ly UOO/mo, tnct'1 Wiii thr •l:ro' M. ''" MtPle Ava. Bui I• • Np I 0 rtl. • Wltll 40' dodt '°' PoWer lltll'• 545· t813 afttf .. .,, •• 1 lft. tne. refrig, CJOt. <Ir..,.. & UHi houte. lull 1111.. l40·3717 Avlll t2/1, bolt. 3 IA 2'A t>•. con· pm Airport location On Site Management Utilities and Janitorial Service Included Office suites ranging from l50 to 2400 square feet One to three year leases available Prices effective November 18-23. 1982 4500 Campus Drive Swlte 116 Newport Beach, Callfornla Leasing (714) 979-0084 f"'-"~ '"}-'r,';'1'(' ~' .. (.{: Otttce Houra: Monday-Friday e:oo 1.m.-&:00 p.m .. Special Hours: S.turd•r and Sundey November 20 and 21 9:00 1.m.-4:00 p.m. F.ull Commlalon to Brok.era 11undry 1-ci No peta. quiet P•raon, no pelt, 3 BA ' Ba, I bllll to c:to. lflOO/mo w/Jleell, •~-'°' ...... ,-.,,.-.-._--A-N-,.-H~I 14..0/mo. lltfr1 M9"'t " o n • •"' k r . I 4 6 0 . batch, Piiio, pett OK. I 1000 wtlflout '9CJ< t f'IO 110rftt wtooot UIO ~14:::::':·'=)2.4==·========:i::"°==~=N==7==::.;:::;:::=~:11=::60::=mo==:•~1=~=37:2:•=::=~~~..,.;;.•Lono;;:=-=========1 ~tl3:-..:::4~1~1111~.·~"':::.::"'°"::.:.:_.1:=iii=::::mi==.:m .... ..it::::: • ~-l----;. -~---.' ....... /lnM/ ,,..,,,. ~ • ••••••••••••••••••••• ,..., .... , ... 'al~ ••. lt!f Mini 11&1\d dMftlftQ •· vlCa, I ~·t f1200 llluat Mii due to othef lllvalnen 1.n1eru1. CAii .. ....... &-.. 1', 1-.l!.ffl! .. IMf 1111. •&11 Lim 1•t. Inda. .......... ......... "'"' • Lim ... ,. ,OUNTAIN VALLll' ..... ,,, •I ·I l ., ) . 'I ; '\ r & -' Orin e CoHt DAILY PILOT /Thurlday, November 18, 1982 -01 ·~ '"'' tn ;,,. l.''f •' ! 'M l'ff I*! ·~ l~tf •111•1'•••11 .... ,,.,,, ,,,,,.,,.,, ..,,,, 111'' T!l!.~~ .••....... t!!d ' W11a ,. tr• ••• ,,.,.. DO .. • _._ ••••••li"•••••••••"•~'f •-·-Hff -.. .. , H ll ,, . .,.,, '16 A .. ,, .. ltt ' 01"1"01111••••11• ••• ....... •••• 1101 •• • •• .......... • .. .,, ·---· .,,v ... ... •••u• 11011•••11•••• lNJOY fl[LA>CINO 111 .. 111'*111 •----•-/Utt• ---•YOUR If wine CN•I COUtllly Ck4> ••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••11•••••• reo t ••••l 1• Srrtall ••• .., ... ..-·-· -ln•lnb.,ehlU IUI ••I• Lout l>HUIY HhJll ha• UOAT BllP"t AVAllAOl.C c.amper •h•ll 12 lft WIDOW HAS ... tor fO't 11g1 111 Iha ltrlvacv Of ---lnerp terlOn netelecl tu OWll MDflll I I l!I 0 0 I I> f I a t halt dryare lhampou N•wPQfl U•ltll M :lfl • 67~ 19 • Al l.oane, IOK Up NO your llOM4t, olllct or boll =~-WOfll In fa11 p~ N t ~ •m~ ia • 11'4 616 fffl I &el •122 chr1 & r•voMng jtwt111y W 36 40 & 46' C•ll C1edlt Cflteli. No Ptn· by• m••••u •• ~ commlrfAl..,•te'oftQ .......... IL:ll1 ~ r ~ c;-.19tllaHI t4&&1t) U2·•tu from 9,~, 77 Ef Camino'"'"'..: lllt; ~ten & AltOC, '31·310t OooCI op'Doft for pefMtfl i' f D•aullful H1tb0r ltlanll • Mon ,,I lt,000 1>•1111 jOD MAI•• e1~.13'' 49 p•DK AVtll It ~~··H~i: ;~~;e~:!~ •,!.:~ •y~1'ng' S';'tlnd_d"d· \t •>4 ' ·f:-~ # llOm4I ~ All •1•11quet "'-~,~ IHI s1.1Ps AVAIL. Hu111uio1on ,''.''a'· .n.im o~•'""!':.'o ~'6 M ~ pm 10 12 am '''· r .. , l ~=::"•• Con· ) •l . 1T l t " 1 :.a Cl~~~ i~~I~~~ llln NIH ll 1 r b our 8 t y. 0 • • , · ,........,.,./ l._TI s "'e 10 2 pm PIM ... r ., " )'tf ng ... ...................... 1140 ~~•!'> 1148 111>& 11 e fl•'> O<l'•1 .,.,,..,,,, ' /I0-1111 .~ ot':fror en •PP• ~~4~11~J 2S:X: I , •• I •AIAOI IAU ADI NOW ), C~\.~·r ~:!-:.,.?"~~~· BerAIUflT'.~1.2 26 . Rn~" p M 8 4 0 4 0 8 7 •11 , •• f ·100 .. •-I <' "4",""""•·•"'"1 CLAlllfllllYCnYt ·~. ,_ oor • yr wr V 2··•4•137•4 .... 1h,•1·oo 6"10'"'1> _, ,... " '"'""" A ,,., ... llLOW P• .. 1176-3731 s 141 ( , •• lltllv11rv ,.,. •• I y n v" • .. .. "" •••••••••••••••••••••• I lwt " "'.!:._ O•n.rll 8rlgt11 Plr1IOn tor a.II Avon Worll CIOM 10 CAT lyn11 ~. Cott Xlnt ~' 81Al '02 en;._.., s to v• l~.g ~!'.~• .. 1.1.ff 111111.IM PllS d1ver11fltld wOfk McOr• home I'll , .. ,h vou hOw conuwon tno quauty TV JOlln t 640 t7H 1H11, l,,H I t>•d 111110 1r11n• PIS SCRAM LETS 845-36411 go,.r,.!11.•1,c•h, 'c MCorp 1631 Sll•rl 5&:1 o 12~ &.a111l .~~.~!~.~.~~!!~•••••• $3000 1140 tl3;.I• Aav11nt 750 l.orge acrfltln Iii HI PIU $t.~00 fi41i 01111 p ~-SCRVIC( ST A TION .,. r. .................... Colleellbllll, Avon, Old . I T v I co a I •••••••••••••••••••••• • l 1 .. ., 28, ettr, d•llr• • * •W'"NTFO • * lioalhkll comnuttt 64K, 3 • a1te• n w 62 Mt•Cutw Ft1J111•11d, , .. JMSWERS ~·t~ .......... ~............ ,, JUN" J•Wtl"" y " ._ 0, I v •• I.rm In 11 . -· t>ll Cll .. 10 14 MlhO" 11,., 1s11o ....,.. ~· """"_..,...._, av1U1b1t Ap'? ki ~-pl Shell Stftton. 17th & " " "' 110..,.. m•K lurn Kwltk C &4? 11103 " "' u v, Ho1t•t1l"'Olt po1ttlon1 ltf~d, P/li!M, IKJ)4H "p " rtmtlll, Hl-'1·'"·8•d, ,,-1 -~-1 11000 Tom l.. ' ' . rompenton. or drtv•r I .~A-...._...po ' E.-..... 80·•· Of ltl 711 1 8876 4.otRS·232 PO/It, PIM • h u I I I " b 0 • r ti •••••••••••••••••••••• Shr-d -Fruit Dianna, Box I 1460, C w ion betwe<tn •6 R•u· t ... _, ._.... r .,.....,., " • S•t •oc.i.i, UHd tirlck, S 2 6 0 O 9 f 6 8 6 7 I Pion-SO·OSOO 10 btno 7 14·'>2!1·088'T ~ • LOektl 92621 'bell E L.ff .lilt1l1urlnt, SDUS Ctoii'F • P~•ona ~ llUU blllhroom h•turu, 010 Uffl,115•0 I per eh1111111I equ811Jtr N 8 Ole. fOt prwait otub High •-••••••••••••••••••• f.Otd OOOft Clollun.Q M US l S £ l ' G IHllt llllHI CROWDOAV AT FIVE qu•llty golf COUI .. P•vl MATERNITY WAADAOBE Hl'U Slllfll tNttr M•11 Vl'de Cou1111y CM>I ~ 81 y ••••• •••••"'••••• •• PM, HE liAD HIS FA-l11u•1l "lllT•lll llOrl, ovar-th•·ciount•r & OAAAGE ~Al&. $i 10 Hartior aod E"d11igtt1) Fiii f.ull M•mDt•llllp $26. 960· 1233 DRY STQR•GE MILV COME INTO THE 6-nltll S310 E11p'd 7,!)0 pm-11,30 aarvlct 498-5781 IOI & 12 Pao• Boy & MO· Sat 000 An1wo1 Ad 11700. Teac rndl A40700 rftCll to " LIVI NG ROOM AN ........... ,.......... pm MlltlOn Vltto .,.. 1n1111v .. w lherhood 811. Nov 20, Im•• ~42 4300. 24 tlrl .J r~ .. Mads, ~OO<l COtld CROWD tbgtllltf. "'5s~~:u:"~~~':~10~:·~ $425/hr. 541·3311 TAilOR 9~214 Opal, ~·I~ •••••••••••••••••••••• 116 6TU lo1eed llr ;..,,, $550• 1157,:_•8 0 Mlkt '--•I •11le11 I cue ,Only $6, Perms ~teat Mu~t tie ••P•rleneed In Ct1tal ,,, • ., ~end mow•r, TV 11and, S200 Muat SelL Brand Nilw '::'·•••••••••-••••••• 130 $35 u Mr Mel'• tHIEF TECH lor office 967 e 73 •••••••••••••••••••••• ml•e Sat No v ~o 751·8162 Beorcat 100 Scanner wl ",:J:;',.~t': ~e~t.~ 75'4:9904 P rlldlology Salaty c1epen alle••lloni • 1 $11 9.3 Antlq'*I & COi· Northwood Irvin• LIYE ULLHIS ee.cfftOrlH 1325 Ql>O Monthly bo111 atorage. itny 9'141 ?4 hr Meuflly, lrtt lo1unc.h1r)Q llWNRTllHI 1111 .... l1y Ir .. Ind wiell to find our ell· dent on e11par. Mlaslon Tele,-..H • Sal11 ltlCttbtH, etarlnet, Ille 730·3609 1 557.5095 ,.,,.,,' Viejo. 495·'4700 AdUltl, hrs 9· 12 &for cab., bHktlS, lamp•. BA "NO NA••f OFFI .. ( H•Uum balloon• de IVt -eclly whet your rights art 1 I I n CHll 409 " "" '° rud 11ny11me, 8_73 4419 Sylvania 25" Color TV U4-t110 from a lint group of •t· la1l1•ttl1a 10IS Medl eel tut, front and 1·4pm. ttuden\ll 5.gpm, 00 •· ur F V RN Ir U A. E 0 es k $175 I 1orniee; Call 547-8017 or f.i;;;••••••••••••••••• beck, Typing. EKGS, to conduct Christmas ~a~ _ ehalr1, contemp waiting Beaut rabbfl edllt. ta.ge, 955.2380 Irvine T!f!'.~~t'.~!~•••••••• 547-8010 for a frtt legal Venlpuneturt, 645-t720 funding campaign for Ct1ll.... rm chis. c;hrotM & glass mint C:Qlld --C••-ll lilt eonsultatlon. ~~mp:::_l~~'i.~!~~: 1oc1111y handicapped •••••••••••••••••••••• duk, 4 drwr Hot\ Ill• $30/obo, 845·7234 Panaeon1c Giant acreeo ,.. ' I I Medical A11t frt & bi( olc, '-nd underprlvlltgad chit· cab More qual Items In HllV duty 911 gala, acerd· color TV S350/b111 oiler lt•I I ,,.,, ',, .. , ''" "Mu1tel1n1hlp btlore P/T for busy Gp 3 yr• dre(I Solary & bOflllStt SWIP •n mini cond 215 I Nlehel· tO' 8' $100 548,4338 c~;;;i;·9.·;r~·i,;,~ ••••••••••••••v;••ti•j• aea.les"t 6•6-0182 exper 548-93 t9 $3$0 plus pl tlmt $800 Every Sundey. 8am-3pm son Ste 190 Frt1S111 8·5. ~~eo 124 x liiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiii-•I sips 2, eoniains 2 burlltf' Found: ~Idles •pie n _G_u_lt_a_r -ln_s_t_rue_ll_o_n_-G_u_ll_a_r' Medical e11ei..Offlee, EJt. to 1•500 lull time Fun & Oi•noe COHI College ph B33-&308 . I • propane •tov•. lee boll, Fashion Island. leHt · lnstllutt grad, A6ell, jau, N Gp 1 N B rewerdlng Job. Mr Telly Fairview & Arlington, ---&.---~ CARPETING 800 sq II. 'rop of the llne H1·Fi 8 ldenUly 575-3777 4 per, e~. ' • n • 979·0614 • Costa Meaa Admission Mtw•tl ••t• beige sand $450 :jOO sq Sys11m1, Sony 110 -11 ,$rnlt, wa'!irobe etos 1 iiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiil mlae. 64 • 4566 · 631 • 530 ' TILIPHll SILIS ,, .. to buyera Seller ····uaiiiiu.:i"··· ~ reo 1125 675·0558 r~ Phillips •urn, Allee• ~:~~:~:o ·~~~ ·:.c::Q fOUfl) ADS ARE FREE i.•• I ltrtlli1tlher Students: Houae111rlve1, Aeaervetlons/ Info, ILIW Ill CHRISTMAS BOUTIQUE I 5 0 0 1be 11 0 f 1 e' Suri SI • C M • or call •• x:~fi'!!~.•••••••••• fer ., .. ., Senior Clt1Zen1 WtJ will 556•5880 Gill ltem1 lnetud jewelry 675•5195 646-11669 Je•• Wulff 101S Part hmt. worn.n more train, Guaranteed Hourly Tht Grandaddy 01 •hem Sal 2·6 pm 17181 Frlml -- •••••••••••••••••••••• suitable Car necessary w..,,.., A""'" In person at Garage Eatale Site. loll 111, Everything muat go Ln H B 8110-1982 -25 •n Zen1t'" e-olor Wal #1l11eyd11/ Yo1.1ng married man will Call 9 to 3 PM, -..-.... , C 01 goodlts 81 reHonable Buick Opet Sport w a. ' -----., kHllll II SO do gelleral handy work 213·9'9·057~ evt 17 2925 College Ave. ,,...,, p lees 304 Hanover Or gori, Whlrtpoot gas dryr. New Queen 51ze bed and Remote control. Xlnt •••••••••••••••••••••• Robins' Van Conversions FIH TlllE Tllf (With purehllff) ASK r o A DETAILS! New Ol&CI llUTll VAIS 1tlu•m• llUOT YllS Ull-OlllP ·u.-u• PlGlflOI JI 1 Olm SlllFEI ( 120281) S1G,lll Cal:· 142-1111 Call evu & wit ends, .. .. A or call 754·7332 c' M FrilSat 9.4 • color TV, Queen water-frame, S250""Sltl boots, $ 5 962 523 'll 11111lL111 972·9525, 15'1 '°' Biii. Model' Typlll. 0-al Oflibe bed, 4 apkr Sltrto, Dolby $10 Sink $5 673-3728 COflO 17 • l $395/ol>o PIP 540-323' • Xlnl Houtteleantng Ser· Ho119wood Referral nPIST Children'• Sample Sak cassette deck, 11ove top, FANTASTIC GAR SA(.E .. ,. I #lli•I 111 IMO HIFER (087VUA) 11111 vice -NBICM. Reliable, ~~~:Ym': .~0;~·: 1 ~ llllUL lfflOI ;·~~55~8~~9 3~-~~:n~:: ~~~:rss~~~~vg2~~~~o~s All Items brand new. L•l••••I '759sH':::g~, "'~es:>:> ~~n'7s'' Ref s on request (background or non-Need self motivated, Leg Niguel 2650 Vista Ornada, lrg/sml 72 Cteret,lrvln• •••"';\•""•••••••~!"" $9$0/bSlolr 979-5595 Lost 1119· F blk Lab mix, _64_2_·_54_7_o ___ ~--i kl ""11 .__..,,.,, eon1e1ent1oua pe,.on. Btulls 640 8268 0, Thurs/Wed 760-t254, 1t-a111l Rll , white patch on cheat, spea ng on,,, -• .,. Good benefit•. Grell 3 Famlly Sat 9·3, 1954 6.,4•6286 • 759·8005 aak 10< Linda ~•••••••••••••••••••• MUST SELL 76 GL 1000 Ilea cotler. vie, Adams & ¥.'Jl..'!!!'.~-!. •••• !}.'!f. ~~~~~ 0:~~ ':; 1tmo1phtre. Newp ort Sanderlin~r, Anllqllft, POOL TABLE, Full sz Mllltll fl!L HOI · Goldwlng, lull dressed, Beach, H,B. Reward. Eva Artist Fash on W..ar, Cosmetic. Btaeh 851-9625 bed. SO!•· etc. 3 4 FAMILY GARAGE tourname11L $450. Ph FOR SALE plus Kira's ,!AUSI See 960·8635 UYOUT Health Club Adverll· -:=======::;;Ill'"' SALE Benell! for Nwpl 645•7301, 631•73119 642·4844, M·F, 9.5 · $2000 FIRM. v15·1234 sments. Special need lor • ••••• Harbol\,Soeeer .Club. '78 Triumph Bonneville Loal Sun .Nov '14· Ladltl UTIST Beauty ContHI 1yp11. WlllllllSI Pnffiell YAR0°SALE.0 ;i;;,, non Thur/ ~r1" Sall S\Jn l7. 1liu1U.... Drew te .,. • ho. Almost new. '4000 ml, Wlllte Gol<l'WatchatEI lllo_txpe(leneeneeH· avaltab~t f.rom worktngeotor TV,elec 9·5:30 t701 1rvlneA°ve , w..-.,~ IOll wlMOon 44 keteh.shr 's 1600 Tom Lee Toro PX. 01ta1 ttnU· PUT·TIIE aary, snaplllot r~ulrtd 16·11 I/fir In our publ dryer, & misc Items. NB. ••••••••~•••••••••••• e11penses. M/F. exp nee 642•1603 menta Value. REWARD. on Interview. By apt>t. KING let, 537-2880 Sal/Sun 9 :30-.5PM, • ·•ttl Sii.i Wantfd ln1etevlslon Car· Send t e •um e . to ----_,,.,,-.,,.---~I 71(·546•8009 Te•,.,lrJ (213) 464-7514, 21942 Lakeland, El Toro, • !rid~, Ad • 1040, Oaily Piiot, '80 HONDA 650C stored Found Blk Shep X Med Ollristals· .. rt New queen bed 1120, 667·3939 Box 1580, Costa Mesa. one year, naw banery, Size Male Dog. Wt1tlng Newspal>tf stuffer for LA #n ti.uiN double bed $75. 2 t0las, ca 92646 e 1 ea n s 1 4 o o o B o collar, no 1an1, 532·3832 5 houra dally. Monday Times, 2 hrs dally, 4 hrs •••••••••••••••••••••• For Classified Ad greeo and brown plaid • 49•-314 I ..., thr11 Friday, Afternoons Sun morn. 548-8441 or Ii•••• i-s ACTION 191s100.111rhile frost rree WllTll 1981 1•;, HP Outboard ----------1 'lost large brown rabbit, preferred. E•perlence 646· 1"13 •••'••••••••••••••"':'!• Call 8 tr lge, $300 Ho us• WAAOAOBE CLOSET Motor, $275 • MUST Sell Kaw11ak1 K9°?. 1119. Huntington e..eh. neeessary. Start Imm•· llllYlll llTllll Antique Treadle Sewing Oally Pilot plants SS to $$0. Sit/ suitable for bedroom 966·1085 SLTOOOD 51rFonlAgMens:2rusn2s1;e Ca I I M • F day I dlatety. Call Personnel. Machine lo bt rell· AD-VISOR Sun 20thl 21st 11 Ka· STEREO RACK 1 • 'll NllE llUI (239052) llff I '11 Hit· CAMPEii (6288t9l ..... 'I• Fiii Yll (A 18845) Ultl 213.539;9140. ei.t 203. 642·432l, Ext 277 f.S nlshed $100. 546·2775 "•2·5678 malll Court off Superior • tor components IHll, ~.Satta,.tl '74 Yamaha 360 ~ ~ N c Stmtl '°'° 2080 HMl>Or Blvd. Found pet rabbit. vie o•ILY PILOT Needs exper clerk FT.1_a_11_1_2_n_oo_n _____ ~~~~~~~~!!~~~n~2~.7~;~4w~7~p!p!r!t!!!r!e!e~t ~i~~~9~654~-0~3~3~2~a~l!!!t !!!6::i·••••••••••••••••••••• $350 and 3 rail traller COSTA MESA Orongt Ave & Santa ft Apply In person; 1231 *ll..a.r--........ MAl\INE ELECTRICIAN $250 or both lor S650 .. 2•0010 Hl·l211 Theodore Robins Ford I ab.I CM 'd.n'l fv E.O.E. No, Cst Hwv, Laguna .... .,... •••'ti/ "'"-ann/lnslall/Aana•r 1111 good shape, must 1 ' · ' 'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil Beh, r Thursday Nov. 18tll. 6 ,, .,..,. -.. 11 5 4 5 4 1 5 1 -548-7337 II ------.,,---~-PM. Amerlean and Euro-l IOIJ• __ Q_t1.:.y_w_or_k._5A_9_·_25_2_o_Ev_ s97e5_2273 • , or '67 Dodge ·~ T Van, 318 BAN~ING I r 'fH It •• 1111 IOSO ••lt••••I• ,, auto, new valves & llres FOUNO: Male mix Shep Part or fUU t me work rom pean furniture, Including •••••••••••••••••••••• F•tall•tl •••••••••••••••••••••• IHll, #11iH 1981 vam~"a SA 185 CC XI n I eon d $ 7 2 5 blkl brn, M ix Spanltl _f:ILE CLERK/ home oparlllng a typing tables, cilalrs, dr-• Frtt 10 ,.,.,.,. llOmt With •••••••••••••••••••••• !t I -JO • "'' 1 MfVlot, details,~ Mtf T 1 .. _ It'--wit'" .,....,. * * BU * * Y-'MAHA Base Amp ••-••t -Street bike Mint cond 548-4109 puppy, brn, whit•. blll, al e .... sts. van ..,. " yard, Abtolultly the cu· I Y Head with a OOublt Hi" •••• •"""•••••r•••••• 9" $750 ... 5 0490 ---------.. Fern Atd trlsh Setter. wt CUSTNJrD addrtased •l amped mirrors, primitive etoeka, 1 .. t. genllnt, prtttltll, Suzuki 5 hp outboard, v mpg, '" • •75 Chevy ,,., ton, Aun1. red collar. 2 ltm, mix l UKI\ envelope Taekman. 2 l·A glaH wares, toys. and well-mannered 8 mo old Good uMd f'urnlturt & PV speaker-cabinet. All s'"ort stem, xlnt c:ond, 1980 v'""•"HA 400 S"'"· and loolta great $3250 W nl-o -,........ Ce 1""1 0 1 In extellent condition. " """" ..., f 5 Samoyed whte/blk. M. SERVICE 1 "" '"""'" ...... , · Iota of amall Items. v n Springer SpanltllLab Appllanets· A I wff sell S800ob0 1225 845-5383 elaJ 11, 1850 or bell otter 645·8252 a 1er pm bMI ml11 terr. doc!kad t.aJI, 92714 · buv-ra premium CALL m l A. Loves people. Of SELL for Vou i •i-11 I 1..,. IHll •i-i ~o 675-0946 alt 7PM 79 Chevy Custom van• Newport Beach Animal Pl t lee (Int I nttda CHARLES lor more rnlo 644-5484 M•-1S &-1 • 1 ' r' ,.,.. m 1 9 ,.,. ~heller, '44· " 1 rellablt malntenonet ' , ,.ue 0-· ... 1 t 1•• ••n 1e• 11•1 1: k ,..1 • 1 ' 640 8300 XI t Condlfon 6 365• 25 an serv · L M .. ti 1----------1 -•5 _,.. l~~~~~~~~~~I •••••'•••••.••••••••••• .. 0111 •o••• S•lr, Alf·Crut11e-CH1 3 ""·~ ,.Mtaa Dr. CM •Entry level position S 556-9901 10 wk malt uotclc. kt tn. --' ••· & 370 Classie 18 L1p11ra e ltallllfllfl -llO -n 1 • ::...--------·•Experience preferred person PIT. omt 0P4tnt 1----------Short hair. Frtt to good •--1-11-,-,-.-1-111-1-1--B.~ss aeo6u.sue k & abmp. Century bay t-oat. 4 eyt: ••••• :to' ••••• ••••••••• Found·: C•tDera •quTP· but not necessary e11p preferred. wn ....... Slltw/s.le home 645-5257 .ega 1 · sp r 811 Grey. $3500 675-6161 17• Sett-cont Mtm. 80 .. m•n t, contact bwtn •Competitive eatory and trans. 548-5022 Holiday ltlow today thry •-e-y_r_old __ C_oek_apoo __ P_ou_l,..lly-.• Lt• 957-8133 g111tar. $800. 675-9275 '74 C1Hforntan, •II flbtf· wlcfe. '78 Toyota, tow 5:30·8PM. 793..e979. Npt ~11" Pll·lllllL TIAml Nov 21 Huntington Good wl klda. Houat/apt Queen 1lze 1011 b•d, Fender Basaman Amp glass. 10 w/Ch~ Eng. mitts. 17700 831-3513 A•ltl Wul«I HH ........•...•.•....... area. •Medical, dental. paid Chrll11an minlslry. Mutt Ctnttf Mall. 405 Frwy & dog Spayed. 842·4807 brown. xlnl cond Sl25 100 wan. <4)12" spkra. vansen Tralltr. good found: Mate Au1t. Silt· vacation, etc. llave early ehlldhood1_a..e __ h_B_•_. _H_,B __ -,,-,-Old Englllh Sri.p Dog, 8 &Ae-2389 hke new, 1325. "8·6128 running eond $1795. Pvt !!fJ!!!'.f.!!.'!/!'1..1.'.~! phtrd, Brown & whit•. For lnter\lfew, phone: education ctaaits 0' ITltllS lllW I mo. old, AKC, female. Twin size bed w/wood 'Ollin Frumllrut I Party Call 8'7•5866 or 8118' all llte1 tral1tr. lle1vy Baek Bay area. NB, 840-5100 • pre-ldlool teaching •x· llU nttd• roving llomt frame. matlrtll & box L.l I 11ft 536-3008• duty tlrH with spare. Pltua call ~7 G Pt r • Co 1 ta Mt 8 a · I I k $95 ~:'~ -----,1t,-W""t°"'40~Hc:-::P:-I 1375 494-2"5 Mlehatl rlmler 842·9191 .t.SSISTANCE LEAGUE 6'19·5M8 epr ng, I • new •••• • •••••••••••••• 18' Sponera 1__: ________ _ LOii.· Old Engllah S"'8p A•t. Op. OfflCtr NEW p OAT EA BALL ., , IO'• 759-0499 Cull Only 3•x60", 6 drwr wood ole Jollnsoo Motor. AH Elte· A It lttritt l•lll Oog. WH I Nwpt. Rt · . Linda Grlffll~ PIT secretary. 4 llra deity, ROOM ' !~!!'.'!~!! ••••••••••• "'.., •• ,.O_a_k_C_a_n_o_p_y_W_a_te_r_b_e_d desk. Gd eond, 195/obo ' r I e ' I ' 0 0 0 0 B 0 • I ward . 5 3 8 • 0 7 9 4 , Supervfaor 20 hr1 wttll. Glntfal Int. 1107 JAMBOREE AD ·--------•I with lltater & liner, new, 548-6'168. 548-7285 ofc 536-4!>53 or 557·1M99 •• ~.~~!ffl!!•••••• 84Me00 off,, 'l..~ tte Alttt••• NB FIJANITVRE . NEW $1500 Sacrifice $500 SHARP SF750 COPIER 14' Flbttglass v. hlh/ekl PAINT & hte body work. Found: M btk & gray dog, 1urn1c•N c M 0• OI 1 SVN. I 1121. 10·4PM, Mutt rel• Ct.II Single Nouveau Bed & Any paPtf, 5 mos new 30 h p Joh neon, trlr, up to sew. off your ell bllnd, deal, arthritis, El ftlftU\ ft P/T lllllTllY ADM PrlCM start II mallrHt wl1h h .. dbOatd 845-S383 , $800 845-6079. Biii 8"2-01001984-0332 Side C,M, 842-5087 -st•TE s•NK 213·•33-·hOO Maur•-& found ... $50 Call Answer Ad Mlletltd custom modular 4 14" radl.it. 175 . ft ft Prolt11lon1I woman • • Twin 177 -Full 197 •580, 842·•300 24 hrs 3 dlSll Ml, 2 Ute & 1 24 It SKIPJACI< Mikt Found: Malt black UI>. needs 1dmlnl1tratlv• A••"••ffl 1011 a.-S1•7 Klng S187 Nr. warner and Grahm 500 Newport Ctnl~ Dr.. sec'y to 11110111 20 h1 wk ,.,-r.:•••••••••••••••• Sola Bed• s197 BABY CRIB· Wood, uHd sec'y, 111 or part Conle-Twin Volvos l tS,000 SAS.9045 040-8382 Newport Beaell. A Exeell typing & phoM HARBOR AREA Soft & l.oYMNI $247 125. baby walker $6 Call renoe & work tlbl .. , 1~~~!!!98~3!!!·~64~7~7~~~4 eon1111e Rally whls, 175, Found. Young Mlle Gtf-~~E. personallly. Call aft 8PM APPLIANCE SERVICE Sofa 01net1t w/4 ellrs 93g_3901 •sk for Marti eola. sldt Chaifl, larnp• 1: 4 Ponuae Honeyeomb man Shep! Vie Harbor/ I~~~~~~~~~~ "a leave mesioegt w / Wt Mil reeond · guar. $97. Twin BED Spnng. lrame, & tat>lts 545•5393 Aa°-Gfand Banks tw. dll wilts S 150 857-8257 MacAr1hur. 894-0809 1: name. qualllleallons & appllanett, 549-3077 DtSCOVNT FURNITURE mattress, Turned wood Cass dlcllllng maell w/ traWftf. AIP. ,_ radar, BANK, TEUER: lmrnedla· AM phone number. ---------1959 Harbor Blvd. h db rd x 1n1 $9 s. transcriber & heact set, ~ATINAV, SSB. weather llLI 1• te opening lor Hperlen-975.0578 I llY lPPUllGIS Costa Mesa 631-M09 760.ots7 $50 645-5383 fee , wtr mkr Beauty wt garnet seUlng. LO.t c.ct teller at our Buena ----------1 Les 957·8133 ~~~~~~~~~~-ii~~~rtiHimlii~ $225.000. Must -sell Newport Cametbaek Park re9, otl. Good P/TIIE Ill.El Wuher·,0ry$' s125 ea. Aust-colored eouell & 2 tlHI SZ WITlllll Fine office furniture: 2 Trade TO or? Pron only Post Office Nov 17th. lnterpersonet eommunl· Supplement your lntomt Dlshwas1\9r I lOO ottomans, 1300 See Sai, New mell th tr, wood ~~i~ • ~e~~a1n1 ,~"!:~ PIP (8191 459·3103 A•lt1 /11 1111 ...................... IMPORTANT NOTICE ·TO AEAOEAS ANO ADVERTISERS WE PIY TOP llWI ,. 11111111 lUI 9'1111 PllTlll/111111 2480 Hl!bor BIYd. COST A, MESA Ht-4HO 141-1411 , WE llY IUAll Ull ·lllTlllll COMMHL CHEVllOLE ~ i' .. ,. rl ," • ' r-\ ,, • !>•~ 1 lOO 1111 llYEI REWAAO cation skllls. Eye for by do ing tn1trestlng Aelrlg $200 646-5848 9-3 at 409 DeSola Ter· P • d base S 2 SO ottoman Superb llT\j)O(· Ctasstc 22' Century A•· 553·8191, 644-4835 accuracy & attention to telephOne sales WOtit on race, Corona del Mat. 675-9275 . ven. Michigan boat w/ delalls. Equal opt emp. ,Pehalf of nalion.tJ com-ISll STIR SH. ---. f ted Europeen desk trlr. $3500. 556·9082 Fourtd: Lge• M puppy, m/I. 714·739-2711. penlea Friday Alter-557•9752 alt 6PM Pr oaM 'glass eoektal! tab· 711 GOid p11nt So a chairs All Uke new, Prt- Great Dane & Boxer,---------• noons & Weekend•. 1es,s·oo.'SeeS1t 9·3a1 $75 ced to tell, 2151 Nichel· IHll ,.11 IOll browni sh . SA Hg IS. llllTlllll $4/hr guar. + lueratlve Gaiters & Satter gas dual 1109 -'•Sota Terrace. 546-2775 alter 12 llOOtl son Ste 190, Fri/Sat. 8·5, •••••'••••••••h •••••• Top dollars for Sports Cars, Bugs. r ampers. 9 )4 s. Audi's The price ol 11ems Id· ve<tlMd b)I Vlhij;le 'ljff. lers 1n the vehicle elUSI· fled advenlsmg eolum(ls does not Include any appltelble taxts, license. trensler fees. lrnanc• charges. lees for.,, pol· lutlon c ontrol device cerlllleahorts or dealer documen11ry prepl,!ra· • tlon c harges unless otherwise specified by the aC111erliser 979.1479 wllh ell•n••I•. Balboa bonus Incentive prog· oven, glass door, 11ove. Corona del Mar rought Iron Room divt-1_833 __ ·8_308 ___ _._ ___ 1 2511 MaeGregor SellbOat ,,,,..,,, , 53.,_ llland salon. 873·4\>13 rams. Sales Exper. Pref eteelrle auto Eleg1n1e Decorator couch, seetto· de<. 8•1111 $50 TJ'9Wrlter hair wlou1board eng. radio, •••••••••••••••••••••• IUlllT + flmll but will train the right 1175 494-2695 nat. Vallow. green, 631·2250 s1s a.a6-8773 ~:;g0 ·~~ !u°-renpC,: lllPllTll person, For l(lt•rvlew, Stngte gJaas ®or• gas. orange floral Qulll•d Wing Baelled Chr luff~. 984·6371 UllA I Yllll'I Call Mr Palterton at auto. over range oven. Beau. 1500 752-8981 avocado vt111et, wlwood 1111 ,,,1 --------PHOTO MODELS Expet'd, rtllabft, Farrell 545.5779 M l Chel ne $66 •••••••••••••••••••••• 27' F ether OIHsie ESCORTS/DANCERS Const, 845·9711 49~~2~95 ' w . Double bed. Mattrffs hke trim. from Beats 5150, Mc:Caw blue & gold. tame. Fast, ~ry, very good OUTCALL 24 HAS ••-/--/ llUL m&TI ••• -n-(Sealy) $1~5 873"3600 $950 , eond $3900 675-7083 -" _, ns _. REFRIGERATOR 752·8981 Oak Parquet & bress kit· 645·2963 pp 111-IHl Hamhl•r,_ Hamltt. 1545 Well located Ptnln.ula Frost lrtt, 2 dr. 1165 5 Y"' ..... ff .. _ .. I B k b d II (L h ) e h e n I b I $ 1 2 GOLDEN AETAIEVEAS Adams, CM. P/tlme. Hrs o I04I hH open.,..... or 893·9060 un e un • ape 645.t389 6411_1700 ask *~~ op9n. Oty « --.Appl,y IJc'd aggre_!tlvt Hltl w~ u-•-.ont "'-'··--Orawera lneludeo In IO· I "It ,,.n PUPS · AKC $200 lll lll In person, 2·5pm Ind rental PtfM>n Gen---· .--....,.. • ..,_,.._ _.seet!On:-Top Of-l.lne or..,, c , 8om 10·26....s46-J.0~0 ." •• ti ••• rl.r erous eommlulon aen.. Hile new $250. Ma II r • • •• • I 17 5 · QUEEN SIZE BED. atmos1 Doberman Pups, ~ wks Computer dule . Play• A ,E . 841•1226 752-8981 new $125, 645-1389, ·oid,no papers o~.;! ~r:,:_:•v i PIMllAlllEll 673-1900 MAYTAG w•Shtr & dryer, White lleadboard, dre•· 644-1700 ask for kitchen $25 • 842-8786 J9•1euwuet1·1 Saasu~•0·u~~·. ~r:~c·;:.~:: ~ ~,!,;~ llllflll•IT ~: 5~rie 1::~oo :ii~~~~~~~~~· LUTIU SIH rea1 Dane Pupplu , •41' S1H hit* beautlful cond complete eleetronle & Instrument· a ti on wrn II n a rrc;f>O r trade for income proper· ty 2131592-1573. ledgeabte In ASTSIE. Imported ltall•n. brand Reas priced. must Mil ~ BankAmerl~ard, Amtt· ASX 'Of RT •11. fulltlmt Oood PhOM personality. Matching wUlltr & d'Y'9'. SPYGLASS HILL· 9 dl'Wf new, $900. 650-4897 646-933 t Lido 14, •3358, w/trlr ::'eo~~~4t~~.~~ positions. Salary eom· :;!•~rr.~~ ~1~;;ug:~rl :~~gl:~1.::: dreutr 2 nltt stnd1, Retrrger•tor, king water .. PMtllet 1,. PM ... " ~::id o~?ng41~~~n ~~ '12 OIL H . ltll hltl. $4000 837·3248 2t 12 tiarbor BL CM "ltnsurate with· txPt· er, alk for Aon Jackson wesher. nds work S$0. k 1 n g n d b rd S 3? O' btd With all ace.stories Teeeup-toy-mirtltture 732-0054. rlenee. Apply in Ptflon: 844·•242 EOE 646·1944 • 644'4201 ~M Walnut bookcase, head· 54e.28411 -------~~ ... 1 COEDS • Would lo-Ye to California Syst~• As· 2 yr old 7'1> rt couch. Rust board and frame Otts· Boarding & grooming 6-ilM1'• IOIS P8t1Y wl you. Call Sue Of toelalt1, 2845 Mesa IECEmlllST Frlgldaift rtfrlg 2 Dr ., tap l>Ju• white wllh 1an .., with rnlrrOf and mite •••••••••••••••••••••• l<atlly orryttmt. (2.13) Verde Dr. E., Co1ta f reezer. Ore•I cond. background 1225 or All In good eond olden rel. f, reg, 1 yr, Cuflis Hawk Sailboard AatifH•/ Cl1Hit1 ISZO .......•.....••.•••••. Mllll .. , .. 11 Shay t~llcaa, pickups & coupes 4 to choose lroml (006768) (Stk A3093) Prices starting I t •Y Sl,HI! THEODORE ROBINS FORD ;rofo(l HAR 60• ~ l v ::> CO~TA MIU (>4; 0010 I 3 4 • 4 5, 7 1 . ( 7 1 4 I Meu. 5>48-~t18, Part-time, ev•nlngs & I 2 5 O or be • t o 11. best offer. 840-8752 751-3476 adorable $100 S&<lO or tra"9 for Hobie 527-7188 •&llU ~--weekend• at Jim Sit · 546-6648 842·11663 16 Cat. 675-6t0'4 evtt •53 s1uC1ebat1erCtlamP1on -r-.-mons lmportt/Mtretdtl SIH/PUYnl Jntt'-1111 5 pus cpe Nlee ear Ask lor UIC MOR ....... YILISWllll 18711 Beach Blvd HUNTINGTON BEACH 142·2100 WAITED! Lalt model Toyotas Volvo•. Pickups & .Val"• • Call us todayl • ............. c .... ..... ~ .... u .. ., ....... 1 Wt'" USED CARS & TRUCKS COME IN OA CALI. FOR Fiii IPPlllS&L Cormter·OILlllo •man 18211 BEACH BLVD HUN'TINGTON BEACH 141-IOtl. 141-1111 Womtn&rnen,r.iaiiwith EJrptrtne)tdorwllltrain. Btnt dtal•r Apply In Cotd1pot Relrlg 1225, S!>itct.3 moold Brown •••••".''••••••••••••••• BABVKOll1Netl SAIL BOARO Curtis $3750 2131592•1792 •massage, Fult and part time. person Id Jon ~nolda, Whirlpool rtlrlg $295. MOO. 780•1813 , I.ad)''• gold wedding t•ng, (J19-11 Colored Carp) Hawk Gd eond. 1575, ---------·I catl 497·5718 •99•1985. 30848 Sduth Salee Mgr. 130t Quall Kenmore washer 195 hand crelled woven dt• 982-8280 63 1·356S, or 720·'4152 lfftl 1..,1 ...... Top Dolar Custom Fantasy Phone Coul Hwy. South LI· St Ntwporl BHeh Frigidaire elte dryer Quality solld maple. bdrJftl at g n .111 e 8 S I 0 0 llian ,1, n..,., llH work 1948 Ford w oody W• Convtrsatlon With Batt* guna. 933·.!kJOO $50. s.&-ae72 turnllu,. from •ht Btrtv 675-5274 ••••••• ~.-;;,~ •••••••• windsurfer. ehlld's mdl gon, 113,000 Paid MC'vls" 24 .. re w--.. -& ~ Sel vtnt 1hlre Hou1t Clleat. ACAIFICE Stort w & Xln d ... ...,,, .... , olr '"' " C"A prm hae C 'ng tor Atstaurant l;lttp Ntedtd. --""7 •• " dresitr wllh mirror. 2 Diamond Earrings, heart Clark eon-~;-~AA-' u•. 1 eon , ~~ .,.. v ! • Call 838-0701 8 "·I ..a.a.,.. b kpr,, Mull ,._..,. ,,,,,·, Walt"-" cond 1150. 1 d ..,.. -~ ..... 673·1133 ev. 1g~9 Ford Modtt A Town For our Car ---------'" "''-..-""""' ...... ~. 842-038 night llanda Alto, 2 shaped, peree _..,p. lutdatl2200. 6r qulc:lc Sedan•, $10,0bO .......... EXOTIC DANCERS M ti.perltnc.s, Multlplt •.... Bu1"person" .. Ex-4 antique ~·· ehltfa· 1 praised 170j) S.tt offer .. ,. 1 ,450_ &ceUenl .. IU &acM1or/Bachtlorett1 client r11ponslblllllH . perlenetd people pref Atft!gtratOf.. woruGcea1. r°"" t$7•1;52S'mft'S':' f15'-54MOPM eond 4,.....8n . ,!!,,_h ,. _ 11 875·f10l L111el1 .. ...., P-lf'ttflalnmtnt Sa I a r y o P • n . Ca 11 XLNT work~ng n1tlt 6.00. "' _., -4 1111.-1 Ir''-Ill 2&26 Harbor Blvcf • .,, • ., •~1-0125 lnvtatrntnt .,.amond & H .... c ----•••••••••••••••••••••• ,....... I••• C I M .,,,,. ..:,...,. 738-8538 558-8538 .... • mt n I l n o , Aft 8, ?1•·536-4423 ,.__..__• .... I Maton am.... ....,_ •••••••••••••••••••••• os a na ~.,.,._ CPA 11 h d I &75-19» rwnn•-2·28 ell. appral~d for Plano Perl eond 2 yr1 Prune lido Slip. no Skip· LAA~EST JEEP DEAi.ER G EST CASH I ~rltnd. aac:ort, model, rm H ntt or farberwort Solid Stat• ,a wood & upho11tered •sa11, •• 0001or SD1vor10,oeo•o °'cona11 old 12995, Pti &73-0122 per. no llvt ·•l>oerd. In ttte Wnt HI H mm•-~ 10 Ttf'n. PO Box •xperltnetd ttafl ac· Atstaurant rood proen-wl spttd Dining chairs .• 2 eaplaln •31_8056_ or 672•1220 50,+ 1550/mo PP dtaperataty nttdt dlattly tor your Wlfllclt, &278-54, Santi Ana, Ce, 'oountont on a Ptf diem TIM II control. Uatd once. S80. and 4 regular. WOod Ille• v 83 3871 875 2860 your JEEP domestic or foreign 92704. bUi1. Data proe•11lng 848 8773 • 1 1 di 1 Spinet Plano. wl benell. 1-or • '-'l~hest Dollar Paid 551·8285 ex-rltne• tmpor. Call 11 loolClllQ lor full & pl • new. " P 8 n n ng •1'•-11••--• lfl Good eond. 1900/l>at n ---------• .,.1111•1• &4t~t25 llmt llefp. day or nlgtlt Aefrtg, hart Cotdapot, ellalra High back ttly ••'."::.:~ .. s:'.": ......... otr 873·1133 tv l-Newport Bey .. Gary Grey ()ppoftunltlts for ~an-eopp(lr, lroetlrW: 1150 chair. 8.cl frame. antique --bl --Sllps 30-33ft 18ft 111111 llAST A•ltl 1111!'!!!1. .'J's lllllT lmPT mtlL UlllTllT c.mant. Apply 2 to&pm, Set Sat. e-3 ., '409 0.-double btd. Couch 18k, 20' long 36c per ft vtoranMn Prtmltrt Qr. s~C:-1~~ ~5~2e4~' ~~15 . .../.IUP/llllllT ·····"··· •••••••••••• MocMll. danetfa, .acort1 FYI! time. front & ~ 6t9 Coat Hwj. UIO 8ch Sola T•1--. Corona del 84e.5ait 775·1401 enYtlmt gen."'"' eond, ~on. 5'8·t901 2524 Harbor IMI .. OM N!f.fmtt •••••• l/.ft eet-etl3• °'*' 14 In. ~. AEA. X·Ray Salta/retell for Major Mar over 11500· 7'°"°'" ~9.aG23 &4$-7770 '11 ....., ...... SPIRITUAL AEADtNGS Lie. req. Salary open. Dtp1 Store. ChrlstmH FOf!MI d tlblt, OA!< FIREWOOD vou au. ,,,, SLIPS AVAIL CoroniClef --BEST iuY IN TOWNI Ad vlc;t In all matr.re. Some Saturday•. bent-lltlP Sii. comm Liu .. ,"'8f Fr Provtne11t l5CJ, PICK UP ~ WE OELI· ••••• r ...••..•••••••• T Mu Area .. It Coll fr•tt• "" lllecll, 11157. 8-0•1304 love, marrlege & bull· flts,NewportBeteharea. '21342•7340 •lflMll MB 2!:H78(noohalt•I VEA 493·87•8 t9(2 Sk i Nouttqlle Lind• 955·2'473 wild•••••••••••••••••••••• A-~' f•'fl . nt11. At10 eounNllng. I • 2 • e I 8 0 A I t 5 • •••••••••••••••••l';9';f Spygl ... HNI· Conw bed SURPLUS JEEPS • CARS "200 I" 0nty 31 "°"'9 9.5 _, 11 tlt5 So, El Camino Aatl, 142·&187, Evta/Wknds --I.I group (2 twine). lltle new, • BOATS. tnany Mii tor Altc> !lave t 1t77 For· -30-.-Boa--1-111-P-.-,-.-.. up to Ford ·77 '190, AIT. AIC. •••••••••-••••••••••• ~an ci.m. 492· 7291 847-8032. ......,_, • .. llt/ ... ft. •/corner ottc lbl 1350, \ff1C141r UO For Into call mula 110 20 fJ • Ilk• 3 o • pow tr boa t . duel ltftkl, 46K ml. mini • IHI .. , ... Dent.al .aecretar111 po1111on1n A·'9flDerolaetbllnket 6"·420t 1·312·931·1981 ew t NEW! Call (71•> 1200/mo All 5 eond Onty13 tt6.Llc 28,000mlltt.rutlytoaded Fillnl~ Cl"ttf(' EJll*ltnQtd Ao A ,_ aetlv•4'1-port C•nter lnaulatton. Call NO 22HA 842-IOOO & •for~ 960-4"43 8&301 539-7.,1 Dir aunroof. Gd c9'1d. Llfle ' ~ \IW ded for OrthO,dOl\tlC AHltor'I Olflc:t Fronf n .... I For ..... l(lng .. weler· my, Jr ti out. ptee.. n•w $ l~,400 Q80. MalirN.-praellee In Mltllon Vltjo office posttlon requltta "A!* llbOUt OM Co '301 ~11 c~~~3~ ttnytlfnt ~~~:~:~:· .'n"~!;r~~: leave lfttleegel ~= f:' :!~:! T'br~ 1981 Toyol• longl>ed, 8 4 5 . 8 2 1 1 E ~ • • • lllRN ,., ... 830-3703 goocl t•l•Pllont aolce, Aebete" rMC:hlnt w/r~ot• Siii! -..Sal..... Ent1P1v"lon 873·•tll body nttdl tome work, 857-9884 day•_·-;.--Maaaage htlO(.,. Qoei ,._..,. ______ ..,. typing. thofttland llP-Oft Wfllta a pc atellonll _4.9"·2195 1 fwole &O bul rune wtfl Buy It for ·75 Audi Fo~ N..o9 ltttte ...... t •· P .. tanc•. "9et "tM good c~ 12&0 AutNer "°· r ... -• · Newport IO' moortne wtlh wtiat 1 owe on It, 15.000 ~ ~000 or beet of· e,:c;m 1~ :~:.. ..... ,........ up•rltnc• helpful but A"*1Clen ...,,_,d t .,.._ "44·9841 Anne Kletn .. oft ltalhtr NOtdfta H 4 ~. Icon l>Oll Aaktn' ltt,500 '3t-0314 eft SPM f9r 857·ll87 AM.7 , avallal>tt to 117.90/llr In no\ ...,,,lat, Prefer tocal at wllll 1upp1v ., com• Jeana. never worn sire polea, OOOcl OOncl I too 7 141840-•oo ----- :Unet,dm a~.,= our pul>I For ftt Into. rnld•nt 'o' Interview mode, wtllle dllne, NW Lrg antique dining room 12.1• 175 &48·2731 comp! 6'4&·9111 ;i5For'd f tO'OP1c:ilui.3tO ID 11{i ~. Nl9rtoft l=cell==53=7·:2:llO=:k:ING=~~ ;;;;--_ 1271. ..-. =t I .:Vt, ..... iMMt ...,:::!!· IOAT aui;_A ._ • .,. •uto. wt olr -·•••••••••••• • 1 11M1M111 lXl*ienc.d Oootl• ,..._ ~ ~"'"12'4'.dtlr •· M1n'1 cnater, "'De ,..,,.,, t1'11 •7j Toyotllone bed 5 xlnt cond, 4 ltld . ...,_, A(L MAJOR CMDff ded tor dlnn•r tlouM l~~~~~~~~~l eteganl. ,_. wftolHAle drwr, 1n1tq11• w•lnut, "4S•2!t3 pp 933·1103 ( 11)191·2t30 •Pd A/C, CP1 n100 blue New 1ran1. Clutal\, CAN>S AeeePTEO Nlfl'lt I 09y 8Nft1 9"811 l1H .... lttS llOO OI Mil °"" Uled C ~ "' • n I M I a t r • ._,,_ ..... MM ,or ..... H O' of dOCtc F1fl'n Jim M6-t1N tit" l O mt 17•IOIOC>O T·K"AV• Good Poy & len•flll H C'Y/MCEPTIOHIST • '*'· loendln~ mod· -""'""o. type lt&O ;r.;:;;r.r.;-ev. •• ~·u ~In"°"' of,.,.., . 7~1332 Oo-oo atrfaj~O oo> Apply l:letween 2. 8 PM, Pl ..... .,.,~ In PWMln c. .... , ullf, 1115 Of belt °""· 931-t 113 '::i0=1: ~':..~~~ N,I rMtMlftl ldHI '°' 71 fiord LWt"'"' '70 IMW 7331 Alptn• 4 -....... .. Mori-••·· VICTORIA W/rff!HM, Oltl Ctt•· .. ,_, Mii "42 ... IO •IO ~.,.... "'...... "'Ion plCll up hS* dla ' IT~TIOH, MO Oo\19 II maron Corp 3401 W. -;a~•••••r.9'U' ~ bCllOOncl,. l•~:=eftdfender neve< 11Md 1175/0 tl09t9 ....... Loeded """*= 490en-m'.=~:t·~~ rt8reo1r .. 1rorr••la~10Mn'•~~P·~ N, I . flordflam, lenta Ma. ..... ""'.... """ wlftltdea of 9'Mn C..,. :,.. .• =-· "°" .... ,... . .. ow-. 4tt ,..,M_, "'" .. 11 •. 15 s .1 ~IS " re eve aometlltnt lo Mii? wt~"*· CMon OftlOll I ml lef\lna grn ... a.et 1'""91 fa9t Mttl Deir Hive oometNnl to -r ..,,.,_gee ... , "'I" d e d I . d 'I . f'lnCI Wlllt ~ In Cl...m.d ed• dO".... IOdm. 1100:-111-n11 ctw9 UtO. 541-0?13 Clealtfted Adi ... 2.11111 Piiot Want Adi C...-0 -io II ... llOO OltO 131· 141 d'la'4t4·,!!_lf.,.. .w 2131114-4204 0.., Plot . ... • .. i. { ' .. ' 1' DI o'ranoe Coaat DAl~Y PILOT/lhurlday.eNovember 18. 1982 ~!"'-!!!tr.~ ......• ~1.~1.!f~'11....... ..'!!.IM!!!4....... ~.'.~.!f'!ffff!4 ....... ~"-!Mftft ....... IA~ltwff!tt ..•...• ,,111.'! .......... l!.ff !'Mf ............ l.~fr ~mn.f'.riY. .. ll t111t~ ............ 1!.tt ,,~~ ........... 1.~tf '78 Civic Cvuc tHGllbk ur•sTER ··11 8ublifll l lli won. air O·tpd, , •dl•I• p p .. •hUWIOOlll (;011<1 W1y 1199& 0600•H Y• W lfllnl ID .... /&Ill ~:~u,:.!"'"" IUll> Illy ,.. MINl~ll 1Jt31 H11tb0f HIYd a.z "-a o.,o.., 01ov. ,, .. ,, 11-1 $0 ...... •--1t. ..1.-. ............... -i. _.., SH!> l llfbett.. 111111 '711 LtMlll -G••• & 111<1"' ilnl c;ohd . 114 111•1111 ~~rr111 s:1e1a e a 111 t ·~7 )88A Coupe, mll'i) '77 Cotolla l/8 , 9?K, D~WN new p1rt1, t)lt C;ll<;ller 6 autu. ulr, nu 1>1nk1,, 11111r11 •t saoo1oeo n41;0 11a1 3•11111 1111!1 4!; HI L. A I\ SC . ,,,..... 1111 "11 t •rg1. 1YIO 36K •••• •• r.. • •• •••••••• •• ~ ... '!.~ !ftr.!!~ ...... . Y!!~!!!tlt~ •••••• 1.~~. '70 vw o .. ,. • noo wllllyt IJ !I 11180 VW V•ru1go11 Low ml 1111 •111/111\ CllU m11Q wt1l1. new Ill•• Ulllllllll lOIHJ 164!)0 0 11y~ 84:,> tll.l'1 llVlll Iii I /'tlll! 1 J l/W Uu•. Mlrll pllr 11'<:1 C1t1111t111at gill, c•ll lor dotrlll• tJlj;>-1446 "•'" 1112 .......•....•••.•.•... : 1 Yelwt .... ., I•., ... ,.....,, ifN l/lf4 ········•······•····· f~!l!!! ......... 1.~!' Tll UllllT llLIOTlll ill IMIU rnodtol, low llllMIU 011 {;;ttl•11"4' Ill '•O<Jtlltolll C.ulll11rnt1t• Scoe u1 tcxh1yl llAllll OlllLUO ?1100 lli11bo1 Ulvd C.OSTA M(.5A 140-1880 . /lJ l I C>o1._du. lo n11 2(1 000 m1 cledn, $ 10.DOO (142 11bJ Oyll 641 8201 evtt' .. A1111 II•-' .........•............ f ... ,,,,. F.lf!C •••••••••• C••wil11 H •....•.•..........•.. 1114 · IHI •••••••••••••••••••••• U7 ft C..•rntuo J'J7 4 •ud. I 1 fOAO Mtve•IC.k 0(1()(1 '"'"Y tn•Gllon , .. ,. ,,.._ cotld 3 ne>11 tllff ~n .. 01111 '2',00 Cl•I 4511 H!>O 404 3211 · ll'J Mon111 <..tito. fully 118 wagon c:lt•11 •u"• to•d•d x1nt Gond loon nMdt bf•~• wrnk tt600 !>$1 1215 500 •oo 5'4'7. 4(1(1 'i'l;I$ llJ Monte C111<1 'I O• .... d 7~ fOIO II PllM W{lll All, UOvv t'On UllQ OWlllH, f>S. IOOlltllUM• QINI 111.C 61100 llft4· 14'14 S 1800. 89 t 'IOllO f~,~~~·! ......... 1.~~! 1917 Ct11y1lo1 CordQI>• All 1)0wt!• IOW rnrle¥ge t ownor $2995 4115 9171 f'ord Torino '78 runt, $280 5$4·4037 ml ·s· Su9'*1110<1 p. 7 84 l A4 4H'IQ '"'"''"Y rel>lt Bl4upunkt 111reo CIH N•w hridl4'• 1e1t1 end & CllllOld Al11rrn BlfO• IOI) N-lon11e11u COV1111 w11n1ua11 blu• IH>.c>k WINI n1.t11n111oed S2900 ' J 24,llOO C•ll An~ Ad OBO 552. 83 1 ' lo He No 8$3, 842·4300 24 Jira auto l&UI, lllVIOI au LWlll Ol/fRS£ AS DELIVERY EXPERTS l\J/7 Suvrllo l u mr fully f•t' IH' ICUJlfUU_.LJUatctHat Ot•V •• •••• • ••• ••• •••••••• • 72 l ro /VC ptut lull l)O wer 01111 owner 76K. pp s 1595 116() 049& 1973 Granq rorino S(>Orl N~brlltln Run• good $850 492·52116 , .. Sales-Service· Leasing 850 N. Beach Blvd L"1 H1tbr1t 111-IH~I Open Sunapy "••IA•' We need your l?d•·lnl Call or 9ee our used car manage1. Wo1toan11 Jurl· nek. • Liii 1001 llW Sates-Servlce-Leaalng 3670 N. Cherry Ave. LONG BEACH , p 14) IH-lllO IUHECHln'' ILIEIT \ & 3100 West CoUI Hwy Newport BHCh 642-9405 •••'• 11n •..•......••.......... llBAlllT11H We can l\elpt 8tf0te you buy, check our unbeata· ble selection, savings and MfVice todayl '70 Mercedes 280SL. Im· mac compl serv re· cords 2 tops, auto. •Ir s 17 ,500 1151·0226, 720· 1090 eve '82 MB 300 0 Cllam· pagne metallic, polished wheels, oustom pin S111pe. 3.000 ml PIP all 5 PM 530·1020 • '71 HOE Sunfool. AM/FM, silver blue. New tlrts Xlnl cond . .Must aell Betl of· fer. Eves 759 4 '66 230SL Cpe, hardtop & ' convert, very cle11n, ape. clat p11ce $11,500 Catt (213)592-2859 11m1sm l&LH I lllYIOE 2850 Harbor Blvd COSTA MESA '81 300SD. 1urbo dsl --ttilft;;etUA--~ sunrf, es new Warranty '78 Accord LX. meroon, 11>«1~1 GO~ll"'I• low mlte.Qe. automatic:. ~!'"°' 1''"1....,.,... $4250. 551·6JOO Call 642·51178 Classltled ~di 842·5678 -S3 t .500. MOsrsen. Ott• PI P (619) 459·3103 '79 240D Mercedes. yet· low, Immaculate Stick, 1un/rl, air, low ml. 114 000. 494-9882 • J~~!.~~~,~~'2:d Y!!~!!!~l!! ••••• 1.~?! Cuttom Bl•ck lmron Pa1n1 Black , .. ,ht!' Int w/black letthtr Aec•ro Ideal C st111 Tinted w ind ow • Polished wheel• wlnew Plrelll '72 VW Bug Engine mini cono Body In gd cond $2500 080 Call Answer Ad '924 842 4300 24 hrs llrt111 Custom Ads Al· '11 IUllT ISL p111e sound avstem 2 dr, air, AMIF'M srereo, Cuatom 11ecorlly :iystem new tires 5415.15355 dys, Aa'11r detector. Private 673·549• eves owner $2 I, 900 Wk da ;-, 2 t3·592-40 25 0 1 77, van, lo ml, Blau 7 14·846· 7303 Eves' and punlll. new rad'l1. xtnt wknds 7 14 842·2031 cond $4500 752· 1400 ~ ·~· 2863 • IEICEDES !!}!!.~!1!!. ••••• !~!! 7i C1mPir POPTop, one WI.TED 01 the beat $3650 · •1 DEALE~ IN U.S.A. 213.1592.2110 Ilise.Ht hlllrt Pihl. l'Y't.I CARVER '79 Co11ve1tlble. Stereo. Call Peter K•y l'Lll· ' AIC, lo ml. $7995, Olal 213 or 714 ~IC.~ Phone 673-1220 1137·2333 N.....JLL:) l'Lll\...[ -......... ,.m. .... ~~z~~~. ~:",!;~'" 'II IA.IA IH 11100 '81 380 SL. 7000 m1 w11~ ClfWI --.an 1a.1 l640cc eng n-parni. • over 11zed trres, AM/FM wheels $38.0001080 caasene 543·6485 213·132·8979 ,,,. 1111 --- Me<cede• Benz •••••••••••••••••••••• SIPll IEULE 11100 S• .-NII PH 1983 SAAB ·73 good body, xtnt -S motor & Iran, auto. new TIE IHT llY NOW HERE! 1 llres. 543·6485 I then check with ua. We'I '63~onv Bug. Xlnl cond show you over 42 t upert used Merced•• Benz 'In w e·,., your SHb LEA-M t sell $3200 or best stock lnapec:t, Select & SING speclaH1111 We're olr 1146·72_85 ___ _ Tesr Dmet Conlldt< 60 deaung now on lhe entire 6fS VW Westphalia Campr, mo' Pure ha• e w ' lrne ol modelsl See us fUper cond $3,000 senstbte pmll or altO'A NOWI 720-11148 us to tailor a tea .. to sul1 1001 11 ... TI --.69 vw Beetle your n eedJ Up to 1148 Dove S11eet Good Cond $1695 2yrs/24,000 miles war· . NEWPORT BEACH 644·5585. ··=~· et l•,erfl, IH 112-0100 '72 vw Squareback, per- Olel 714 0t 213 llNll 111Z feel condition, original MERCEDES •••••••••••••••••••••• 675· 1238 Sales·Service·Lealin9 -.7-2_1/_W_V_a_n_B_o_d_y_g_o_o_d IUll 11101 cond AM/FM cass. Rbll . 111111----f\9 w.tP~~ ~ai,1$ 111-IMI 41M••• ~f.t::rsc~~b 2700, EULi Ill YIUI 1966 H•rbor Blvd COSTA MESA ••1-1101 140.1411 'l2 ,.1 ... 11200, 642·9386 t980 Volvo DL, burgu11dy, bolgo int , AC, AM/FM case central tocking 11y11em. $7900 49<1.54 t2 445 E Coast Hwy Newport Beach 673.0900 °CAll WIOLEl&LE" 11ll RESALE SALIS" fi"uv • Sell · Trade "43 W Bay. C.M ac1011 lrom Robins· Ford Part1 & Service Andy Brown 645·2963 l1itk lllG ..•................... 75 Opel Spoil w agon AM/FM cass deck, A 1 condl Musi sell this wknd Best olr 644-6286 1973 Buick Centurion full power sports model $70017 4117 4 118 t970 Coupe de 111110. )(Int Ceno111011, tow MllH, M11~1 aoo IN PPPIOGl&le' ,$3000 (7 t4) 1162 692' 76 Sev11111. Xlnt Cond f'ully loaded must sell, S6000 642·8488 Early AM Lillo Eve '73 Coupl' DPVllle. good CQn<J , 90.000 m1 $1500/ 11ogo1111blo. 645.1389 644 t 700 ask tor kit Chell c,,,,,,,, 112' .........•..••........ SH US FlllSTI We have a good selee· 11on of NEW & USED Ct1ovrote1s• COH~RL CHEVRO LET '\.,.,ii I, .. ' I ' '°' I \ \1 ~ • 546-1200 '79 CuS1om Nova. 2 dr, auto, c/c, Ult whl, tinted g1ass. t ow_rTer 37,000 mr, $3200/make olr 496·9830 76 Monza 5 spd tint, runs well ctean. 1 owner. $1250 or bst 640·4573 ~--'70 Chev Monte Carlo Oooo shape. Runs like new $900/llsl ol r 642·2514 $850 (7 14) 545-0811 1960 Chevy ptckup. i , ton '73 Cehtu11on. new trans. w/cmpr Rebll V8, auto arr AM/FM stereo. runs sleeps 3. stove. rcebo11 & great. S600 646-3856 dinette. Eicellent cond ----$1150 or best oiler. 70 Buick Skylark n,ol 554·2079 S 6 O O O B O E v 1 Shop at home. It's eHy 646·9990; Dys, 538·5731 with claalilied 642-5678 ~====~~~=...!::============= pretty, but runs great ----I • • ·ATLASCHIYSLIR.ft.YMOUTH NIWPOIT DATSUN MATCH THE NUMBERS OM THE WITH THE NUMBERS IN THE BOXES • I 01 LONGPll POMTIAC Theodore Robins Ford FIH TUii TIHP (wllh purchase) ASM. FOR OET AIL$1 NEW MllTUI IT't 10.11% FllAIOlll OveR ~o IN STOCK Immediate De11very1 ISEI OU • llSNSAL l&U 'll MISTAll (137049) Ulll ·11 ·11A1&1A (115497) SHH 'l&HlllOIT (138422) S2111 'll FIESTA • '(A78550) , ' S2111 '11 T-1111 (159701) S2111 'll.PllTO (113295) 12411 Ll•t•li IHS •......•..••..•..••... '80 Mafk VI, 26K lo•ded, all White, xtnt cond $10 !>()() 631· 1133 77 Lincoln Towncar 4 d1 Xtra Clean S•800 49 .. ·711118 -----~~~~~~ ......... !.~!! 1110 • ., .. ,, ,.,,. White, tow mueage 650·4697 01'1a•til• llSS ....•............•.... '67 Dodge •' T Van, 3 18 auto, new vaives & ll•H Xlnt c ond $725 ~48·4109 - Pi•lo llS2 . ......•••.•..••....•. '73 P1n10 wagpn 4spd A/C radials, very rellabte $1250 OBO 673·3447 alt 5 74 Pinto Wgn. new eng .. e.xcell cond See to •P... ' p1ec1a1e $1 500/0BO 642-4271 r!r!!!~!~ ........ 1.1.!f '80 Champ, excell cond, lo m1. very clHn, great gas ml $3950 557.0975 __._ 1 .. 1i•t HIS .•.......••...••.••••• 7 1 Pont Gran Ville, 2·dr, all e.c1r11. ·s1000 151.8162 i if it's got handles .. : you'll grab Th d as.le eo ore •• faster in R b F d Dally Pilot 0 ins or • classified 2060 Harbor Blvd 1 • ads. (all COST A MESA • 642 5671 141-0010 1•0-1111 ~~.------ COSTA MESA DATSUN 2929 Harbor Blvd , Costa Mesa. Tel. 546-1934. 3 blocks south of.1San Diego Freeway off Harbor Blvd. Complete body snop. Sates. Service. Parts. Service Dept. open Monday thru Friday 7 30 AM. to 5:30 P.M and 8 AM. to 5 P.M. on Saturday 888 Dove Street, Newport Beach. Tel. 833·1300 At the triangle ol J_1tmboree. MacAnhur & Brlatol behln.d Vl<;,torla Station Sates. Service, Leasing & Parts. We malle great Cleats• 13600 Beach Blvo Wes1m1nster Tel 892·6651 Orange ro ... 11 1y !> oldest and larQ!.''\I Pontrac dealership Sales. ~e1v1ce Parts ' ' 2845 Harbor Blvd .. Costa Mesa Tel 540·6410 Serving Orange County for .16 years 11M11e So 405:. HACH IMPOnS Ml (>ove Str"t, Newpon BeM:h. Tel 752-0900. c.11 us, we're the specialists for Alla Romeo, Peugeot, Sa19b ~, Mneretl. • THEODOIEIOllNSFOltD Modern saln, hrvlce, parts, body, pelnt & lire ~pti Competitive rates on lease & daily renllila. 2060 Hart1or Btvd., Costa Mesa. 6-42-0010 °' So40-8211. JOHNSON & SON UNCOLH MaCUIY. 2626 Harbor Blvd . Costa Mesa Tel 5"40-!5630 57 Yeart 01 1r1endly lam11y service -Ofange County's oldest Un- • coh1·Mercury dealership DA YID J . P .. LLlrS IUICIM'OMTIAC-MAIDA SelH • S.rvrce ~ (Nting 2-4888 Alrela P.,_WllY -837·2400 NIWPOIT IMPOITS 311>0 W Coast H i ghway. Newport a .. ctl Tel. &4J ""01'540-1754 Tne,trr••~ • MAllRS CADILLAC 2600 1-jarbor Blvd Cosla Mesa Tel 540-9100 Orange County s Largest Cadillac •ler Sales Sel'Vlce Leu· rng • SADDLllACIC IMW / 28402 Marguerr1e Pkwy , A We offer what no bank or lease co ny can I E1epen1y staffed. most modern service &.iJar dept , 2 One of the Southland s most e1eperr1<1c"1'~es & leasing staff: 3 Ellm1n1tion ol the m1dc:llemah'b as1ng deaf8f direct 831·2040 M11,1on Ve10 • •95·4949 • CHICIC IYHSON POISCHl-A~Dl-VW "415 E Coast Hwy., Newport Buch 673-0900 The only dealership rn Oreng• County Wiit\ lhne thrH great makH under on• roof I • ALAN MAG MON POMTIAC·SUIAIU Q480 Harbor Blvd Cto1ta M9aa Tel 511>-'300 Sales, S.Vrce, L•H•ng Mr Goodwfench .... 715 Newton WIJ, Ootel MeM. Tee. 131-1313 "JACIUAM OUR INQAL TY" XK 120'1/ 1'60'911IO'a/JCJ'all· TW* ..... -ler*9 -....... ... °" Plllcefttla ~ 1711t • ,..,. In CoMI Mele • DICK MILLll PIA T /LANCIA "Probably lhe lowest priced Fiats In Soumern Caltforn1a" (Localed 1 mile norm of Spu1h Coas1 Plaza near Main S1 and Warner Ave. 1n·santa Ana I 120 W Warne1, Santa Ana 557 2132 • SAMTA ANA DATSUN 2001 E 17th Street Santa Ana Tel 558·781 I Your Ofrginal Dedicated Datsun Dealer • MllACU MAZDA We ve movec:lt Our new locellon 1s lJl25 Beker Slreet • Coeta M9lll Tel 645-3334 Stop by r vlllt our mod.,n anowroom end see why we re the 1'1 Mazda dealer in Southefn Calllorn11 Se111 Service Parta and Leasing • CORMllR DeLILLO CNIYltOLIT (Formerly Gr°'tl CtlewoleO 112 t 1 leect't llYd .. Huntington llMctl "'New • UMd • S.... • LMllng • Pitta • Service Come by end .. ow Huge lnY9ntory1 147-IOl7 541-3331 • SUNSET FOID. INC. (Home o f W1ll1e the Whale) S-4•0 Garden Grove B lvd , Westminster Tel 63&4010 • " ~.OIANGI COUNn VOL V 10.'ftO 9wden Grove Blvc:I • Garden Tel 530·~ 19o: 1!'lctu9lwety Volvo 10 cover requirements. 1 New•Used•Setes•Leaaln •Partls•Se Freeway clOH In tilt heart ot Orange Grove Blvd. & Brookhurst. r 22 years """"SI ice. Cell 541·1200, hOP line, 754-0400 0 ROY CA .. Y 15'0 JamborH Roa , S.Vtce Part• And LH I Sal ff. -' illli ~ .. • • .. . . ) . . ..... • '· .... THE 111111 CIUJ THUf~~OAY NOVI Mlll H 111 1 111 ~1.~· . ~~~~~l~I!: ~~~~~~~~~.,~~~ · this weekend wlll continue a officers cited three liquor stores from. pare nta and our own I I _l · crackdown on youngsters waiting for selJlng ak'Oholic bev,rages to · ofrtcera have auapectA!d that thJa nea r liquor stores and mlnorsandl7arrestaweremade w as· happe ning," he added. supermarkets to buy beer and of adults and juveniles. In thf' "We're Jolng to do aomethins other alcoholic beve'rages. maprity of the caaes, individuals about it.' Police Chief Neil Purcell said he launched the special program iaiit' Friday and Saturday nigh ts f ol l-0 w i n g what h e and community members perceived to be the mushrooming use of _ alcohol among teen-agers and o ther minors. He said the beefed-up s urveillan ce will continue on a periodic basis. By STEVE MARBLE I Of IM Delly ,... ..... • Al Mardikian, a N e wport Beach businessman who. imports and sells hard-to-find Ferraris, 'Lamborghlnls and Mercedes, claims he has fallen victim to the "Pinto mentality" of California government. were cited and released, he said. Purcell sa'id he is especially concerned because adults feel the juveniles are better off buying alcoholic beverages tha n an illegal, drug or narcotic. "There's a certain amount of (eelinjt that 'Thank God, thls • isn't pot, all -they're drinking is beer/ " he explained. Mard1kian, a'one-time formula race car driver, has been in and out of hot water with the state for two years for allegedly selling imports that don't meet sta te s~og stan,dards. · This week, Mardikian, owner of Trend Import Sales Inc., 1200 . ..... ......... ~~,.,_ ~Newport Beach's Al Mardikian, who collects small can as well as selling big ones, claims state pollution standarcls are ruining his business. I ·The problem of teen-agers buying alcohol appear.a ~o increase wlth'major aocial events, foolba!J game., on_holidays ~ before vacations, the police chiet said . He added that the recession may be playing a role in the rt. of alcohol uae among minors. . . ' W. Coast Highway, Iiled for protection fr:om his creditors under Chapter 11 o1 the federal bankruptcy laws. His firtn's credLtor -the state -is seeking '$500,QOO in "fines' and the m illions of dollars · Mardikian reportedly has made selling expensive cars to wealthy people~ "I've had to spend more than $250,000 in legal feet1 .M nery time I tum around I'm uving to run up to Leis .Angeles 'to go to court," the car importer claimed. "Trend can't survive this." Mardlkian says the state is harahi ng him because he impo rts h igh -pesformance tEur&peen cars that.-•re rarecy found In Jhe United States. He aay1 he imports cars and then redesigns them to meet federal emlsaion testa. ; , Susan Durbln, a deputy state attorney general who la hand'ttrur the cue against Mardikiari .nil re presenting the atate'1 Air Resources Board, claimed the Newport businessman ' has been selling can that simply are illepl In California. California, she noted, has the toughe.t air quall\y laws in the nation. Many manufacturers - lncludina Ame rican firm• - make aut o mobiles ·for di1trlbutlon in 49 atatet and a aeparate California model. Further, she said, California law requtr._ ._, lmOI .._....,. be met durlnl the~ ~· She conceded that many Eurofiean firms simply •teer 80me of their ""'"-exotic modeJa (See AUTO,l5•ce A4) I ClllT 110111'. ( .. ClHANLI < t llJN I Y < Al II Ol!NIA '1'1 CENTS on ·teens . buying. liquor _ • -1. "There aeema to be a whOle trend·i{l the wie of alcohol with YOW\I people and 1 think a lot of that has to d o with the eJ:onomy," he said. "They (teen-agers) all like to have aome little job after achoo! and jobs aren't available. So there's a lot of pressure.': Purcell said police officers will visit the 12 buaine.aes in Laguna BNch where alcoholic beverqes can be purchued. Though they will be watching for youngsters tryinl to purchase liquor as well . • adults who buy for minors, he said police also will cite store • owrlera f or riot c h ecking Identification o f. under-age customers. The p olice c hie f sald a 20-year-old police reserve offk-er with a "youngish" face managed to purchase alc,"Ohollc beverages at some locattons. The chie f acknowledged that liquor store owners cited recentl y have • complained of ~hat they believe la harusment of their buain~. He said he checked with 'state Alco holic Beverage Control officials before s tarting the program. Neil Purcell Bullet ··tr3ill big_ task IY GLENN" scon or .. ...., ......... The Fluor Corp.'s contract to oversee construction of the 131-mile bullet train route planned between Los Angeles -.rid San Diego represents"lhe Jaraest ~b the lnterpational firm haa yet unde rtake n in its Southern Callfornia home, Its chainnan says. · Although no specific value haa yet been aasigned to "luor'• 8ervh u proje!ct ~ for the ambitious ne~ train project, 15-year resident 1aecambs at 67 ~ C ha i rman J . Ro be rt Fluor estimated it eventually will fall somewhere between $200 million and $500 million. · He said at a p~ conference Wednesday at the _Biltmore Hotel in Leis Angeles that the si:ze of the contract will surpass those of past projects to expand local oil refineries. He also agreed the train project is a substantial additio n to the company's sagging backlog. Fluor 's selection was Ex-LtJ.guna Beach treasUrer dies announced at the conlerence by Lawrence Gilson, the oonlident young president dr Arperican High Speed Rail 1Corp .. the · private firm hoping to run the train system. Gilson, said Fluor was ·chosen from among "a relative handful of companies of sufficient size and experience" to handle the project, estimated to cost $2.f} billion, including long-tenn debt paym~nts. (See BULLET, Page AZ ) Francia S . Engelhardt, a 15-year Laauna Beach re.ident, ctvlc actlvf1t and former city u..urer. la cs.ct at the aae of 67. ~t, who resiped the city treuurer position Oct. 30 cldn1 fallln1 health, died of cancer early today. She had served aa city treasurer since Apil. UNIO. wa• active with several civic orpnizatiom and agencies. She WM a put pre9ident of Village ' Lasuna. a director of Laguna Greenbelt Inc. and had served on Over the yeara, Znplhardt • Hang in there the ~;ounc?a!air Houaina Council. ty Houatnc Coalition an C>nnge County Senior Citizens' Council. Enaelbardt abo had aerved 'as (lee TllEABVllEll. P•1e ·.u) Lenore, a 9-month·o•d pygmy -chimpanzee, 1winp from a rope in the play structure at the San J)iego Zoo. The -chimp i1 one of 12 memhen of the endangered species born at the zoo. .. Frances Engelhardt 'Red Car' The Orange County Transit District and Southern Pacific . Transportation Co. re.ached tentative agreement Wednesday for the $15 million sale of abandoned rail~d right-of-way regarded as a "key component" in the county's transportation future. • OCTD Board Chairman Ralph Clark said the transit district board will meet Nov. 22 to consider the terms or purchase for 7.15 miles of railroad right- of-way. The track extends from Raitt Street in Santa Ana to Beach Boulevard in Stanton. Cla rk hailed the tentative agreemen t as "a major step in advancing toward -our pl of a rapid transit system for Orange County."' • The abandoned right-of-way, first used 77 years ago is part of the Santa Ana to.Los A.Qgeles "Red Car" route. , OCTD General Manage r James Reichert said the diatriell woold like to break grouhd .(or ai rapid transit starter line by 1986. He said options including an elevated bus way line, rapid rail, or surface transportation are now bein~ evaluated. ri "The Pacific EJectrlc right-of- w a y is one o f the prime • candidates for the beginnings ~ a system," Reichert said. The purchase price of the parcel WM fM!8oUa\ed followJnl , protracted proceedings in Oran,e Co \l n t y S u p e r i o r Co u fl! · concemlna how Southern Pacif1a wu a ppraising the pareel's val~. > • -----------1ou----------__.;_---------........ ~----~~---~-----------~---------r.eg~ inS oW~ersliiP 1 At Your Service eu.lness Cavalcade ~ Cornlct Cro.word Deeth NoUcea l'.dj torial l'.nter1ainrnent Porthe~ HOl'09C!Ope ' A6 C7-9 B2 ~· 86 , 04 A6 Dl-2 D4 B2 B2 Ann IAnden ---~- Movies Dl-2 ... Mutual Funds C8 National Newa 'A3 Publle ..,...., • .,. .... , B7,C7-8,~ Sports 'Cl-6 ..... Stock Marketa C9 Televtalon D3 :Theeien Dl·• Wather ~ World News AJ Mortga.se ~AJ1!:t""~."·~ ' · A. f~eral Judie hM plMed John G. Rlnafdo a.ck In ilantrol of hla four Newport Buch companlff, unravellq the nceiwnhlp 8Ction • .....,,..= days ........ by .... court . .. ••nkrupt~J Court.,. ... P•ter Elliott ruled tta.t 1t11te .. "4dt...C."t""" ' ' ~ 7. , "I 9'fld9ll heel no.~~;;~ .. puraued the rteetvenhip with •""tlte s ta t e a gency c lal'mt eont.rol of Rinaldo'• American knoWfedee that Rinaldo hlld flied Rinaldo ha• de frauded 6,000 ..._......._Carp. for~. lnveaton out ol '60 million. On · "'nm..-.. everythlnl.,.. Monday, Oran1• County IUlou l9kl bdkruptcy court beck ., &iuldO,' to the ~•t Superior Court Judp Phillip ........ MltOIMtkellJ 1t111 •ll jaapwdJ of hM ............. lllld P.ity ordered rewlver Dmny -.. oaurt ,.t'19111swa 111 llld ilei._.i!yCorp6.r• t f on 1 Santucci to take ~ontrol of li!'!ll"lt~ulnit" dli& .... .._ CUii&:...0.-8'9Wft Gourley. Americ•n Home and lta \hne. D1n~1111 ..... ,.._...._m, 01 Cwpcwatkill ~ 11He'1 In tm mcb&rd -t." ( .. llO&TOAOlt. P ... Al) \. \,. .... ........... . . . ..._..~~~~~~~\'__..._._.~~ ---~ ·-.. • Orang• Coaat DAILY PILOTIThurlday, Novembet 18, 1882 ,_ ________ ..., __________ ......... ..,,.~--------------------..---"!"""------ ~ORTGA-OE JUplleu!"'"icompanlee on behalf of 'A~">rs. ,.pillJlldo, -Who haa refused to ~nl publicly about l.he·caae, \"fu sed the corporatroru . c~~mlsiioner of trying to . '"rallf98d me." • "I don't have the Investors' rttbney or their lnvestmer.ta," RIBaldo said. "They are terured ~Y real property. My major cOr\aideratlon now r,, to work to .make sure no~people lose mohey." ·''Rinaldo's attorneys also soueht a conte mp_t cita~ion against Odlrley tor his alleged violation of•• bankruptcy court laws. ln•tead, Elliou •et a Nov. 26 hearing on whether "> appoint a trustee for Rinaldo's troubled UAns.· Gourley said he would appeal ott's ru_1l• td an appellate kruptcy panel in Loa eles. He t;aid state re.gulatory ncies are exe~pt from. the. matic stay provlslons that k pr}vate litigation once .... IRM RULING bankruptcy act ions havt> commenced. "We.are In a critical aitwation," he told Elliott. ••we felt lnveetQ,.. were In direct need of the prqtection of ,a r eceiver. We proved our caac to Judee Petty with respect to .. the fraud and securities law violations and we · took possession of American Home under a lawful order." The Department claims RinaH:to created a network of sheJl cprporatloris n> mislead investors about how rheJr money waa used. Gourley claimed Rinaldo used thousands of dollars for h~ own invest..rrenlS. Rinaldo said he· never stole money. from investors. "I have been steamrolled by the stale. Everyone wants to listen to the atate, but they . have lied about me and perjured themselves over and over again. I gave away more money last year than r made. And I will work for free to save investors' money." ULLET TRAlN. . . e acknowledged that officials is firm we&:eager·to hlre a fornia·base<f company. and ted that aa l'NVlY a · 100,000 rkers are proje~ted for loyment each of the five· yeti rs the •ystem l~. und«:r constructlORi t • • ·.AB project nMU18ger, Fluor will ·be resp()nlible _,or plannihg and ~n ito ring progress , cil'Ordinating· subcontractors, man,agin• m aterials and ~~ge~, ~ech~ lllicf About 100 employees · coastruction and Ing firm probably will ed lo wotk Cull·time on financing arr~ngements are completed. 1'he train co u 1-d b~g in operation in'late 1988. he added. The bullet train, modeled after the prqfitable Shinkansen system that· runs between Tokyo and Olaka ln Japan, is planned w run at 1peeds up to 160 mph. Gilson said t.he fare in Southern Cali'fornia has not bee n set· although it should be less than . the cost w fly aod more than a conventional Amtrak run. "lt will be somewhere ln the high 20s Ci:om downtown to" downtown;• he said. owner . pr~ud J ohn K . Ward, dov~IOpl'r .. Ne-wport ~ac:h rt•si<Jtnt and ()('(•1&uional tennis player, ltood above wntl'r court at the John Wayn~ Tcmniti Club smiliojl p1·oudly · "This Is an t>·xcel l ent ; purchase.'' he uld, looking down at a "single• match. "This Is a terinll player's tennls club. The best there Is.'' Ward, 51. is purchasing the 16-court tennis club -founded eight years ago br the late actor and a handful of mveswrs -for a price between $2.5 and $3 million. President and board "Chairman o( SOuthport.Development Cprp .. ·Ward said he has no plans for major changt" at the posh facility and intends to hang onto tfte club's management team. The club has 703 members and Is located oU Jamboree Road on a near five·acre spread ad_jacent to the Newporter. · Ken WIUlg. co.founder of the club with Wayne and presently majority owner, said escrow is set Closi~g the fleal on the sale of the John Wayne Tennis Club are John w._rd (left}, the club's new owner, and Ken Willig, co-founder of the Newport Beach facility. to close DeQ. 15. He sald he will • act as a cbns ulta'nt to Ward Beach. The deal fell through dOring a brief transition. several months later when a plan Willig, who now lives in La ,to sell limited partnerships in the Jolla, tried lO sell the clut> earlier club w memberj failed to pan this year for $2.5 million to a _ out., 1 group of Investors from Newport. Ward said fie has engineered a . . , "straight ou\" purchase and has no plans to sell off interest in the · facility. He said t})e Wayne family has agreed to· permit the club lO continue w use the Jate actor's name. Drug case • suspept . no show An &l'l'U8l'd Laguna Beach l'CX'IAIOC dl·ul~r forfoitt.'d $195,000 • ball wh"n ht> talltod to apptar for the atart of his trilll Monday, hit attorney suld Coday Murk Mead, au. had be~n l·har&(•d with po1111e11sion of ~,;une with intont to sell and 11Cveral counts of aclling <.'OCalne a fter his Jan. 21 arrest, attorney Keith MonrOf' 8'.lld. Monroe, who wa11 representing only Mead, sdld three other defcnd11nt1 lncl"uding Mead'• wife, Holly, weN> present for the start of the trial before Jt.1dge Everett Dickey In Orange County Superior Court. Dickey issued a warrant for Mead's arrest a nQ set bail at $250,000 after h e faued to appear, Monroe saJd. •Mead's January arrest was. according Lo police. the . culmination of a six-month investigation by five law enforcement agencies. Orange police arrested Mead aa he left h1s business in that city, the Jealous Ear Boutique, and said. they recovered three pounds of cocaine plus cash and a ledger outlining some drug deals that he was carrying. · With that evidence, police obtained search warrants for his home and a Brea locaUon and later recovered another five pounds of high-grade cocaine. TREASURER From Page A1 Judge OK~· taped Confession the Laguna Beach represerltative to the Orange County Vector Con tr~ Dis trict board o f dh:ecwn. By JOEL C. DON of'ltleO..,Net ..... A videotaped recording of a defendant reenacting the decapitation s laying of his Mission Viejo roommate was expected to be shown today in South Orange Cou,nty Municipal Court. . sheriff's deputies delayed the .Jegal proceeding to obtain the purported confession and_ reenactment of the grisly crime before, a p4blic defende r was · called. home. Sheriff's deputies later found the head buried in a hillsiqe near the house. · -project. However, he said> be d not project whether the Although Qilson -once again declined to reveal possible station stops .. nA an exact alignment. lte said ofiiclais are looking at "thr~ or four intermediate _stops'' between the two end cities. They are· examining sites in both northern anCi southern Orange County, he said. . Engelhardt became a prominent voice in Laguna Beach polltlcs when she served as coordinator fon.a successful inlti°ative to impose a 36-foot (tKree-story) height limit on buildin~.· Judge John A. Griffin ruled Wednesday that the taped interviews between Cody Leo S{hreiber, 29, and Orange A portjon of the nearly seven hours of videotaped interviews, made on Oct. )8 and 19, .were pl&yed al the hearing Wednesday afte rnoon . The alleged r e- e nactment, recorded in 1part a l the crime scene, occurs in the last few hours of the ~pes. according to sheriff's investigator James Sidebotham. The suspect was arrested Oct. 16 as he was getting off a bus in Sacramento o n his way to Roseville. lhvestigators said he told them he fled Orange County · because he had wl tnessed Schubert's murder b}' two other men and feared-for Is own lir:e-. __ ,,. ~might cause hia company hire workers who recently been laid off. Much of the probably would be fanned ovt to subcontractors, h.e ~xplained. : ' Gilson re'p ea ted ear li~r projections that an estlma~d' . five-year desi~· and co~truction pha8e-ol the pr:oject .coWd begin •late itext ye.,-. i{• the complex Each train prot:>ably would stop at no more than qne or two stattona1 with locatiO~ siagered • according td times. ot the day, accord'lng to -Ed Mcltougal. a ·spo~e~man ~o r Gitson 's corporation. . She had been employed for 31· County Sheriff's Department yea~ as a financial manager with · investigators could be admit\ed the Los Angeles City School as evidence in the defendant's District. ... preliminary _!learing. . Engelhardt'.' ls survit.ed . by her That action was taken after husband Lester and• two _ Deputy Publlc Defender Ramon -children. ' · ' Ortiz unsuccess(ully argued l'lis Funeral se~ are pending. clieot did not receive a speedy .. arraiRnment. He charged that . Schreiber. a Montana s tate me ntal hospital l?SC(\pee, is accused o( killing 24·year-old Dennis Schubert and burying the decapitated body in the backyard of the slain man's Via Guadix Sheriffs investigators said the· three·day delay in Schreiber'• arraignment was due to an investigation of the accused · man's story. Schreiber was arraigned ~on Oct. 20. State itPP.ro_ves mo§t of HuntingtOn coastal pl.f!D Judge Griffin agreed that law enfort:ement' o fficials had to c heck o ut Schreiber 's information and his feafs of people from the ·"black market," who he said ·had been trying to kill him for several years. . Ortiz maintained that investigators should have told Schr~iber that a public defender could be made available. He also criticized deputies for not telling the press that a man was under arrest for several days . 8y1ROBERT BARKER' · making means the city has oc .. .,.., Not,..., cleared a major hurdle in . "~ SEGUNOO -. H\Jntington · detennining what" development Beach's prO'J>OS~d ~oasta l will take place in the coastal deteloplnent ~Ian, With only % one •. part j cur a r 1 y the tbree except10As , hal!, be"n deteriorating downtown area. =:: ~Y the state Coastal Yet robe resolved. however,~ on. the future of a strip of land along ~ L!Approval of the land use plan Pacific Coast Highway between ~f hu ·been five y~ in the Beach Boulevard and the Santa . \ A n a R I v e.r . Th a t a re a . encompassing 160 acres, is involved In a d ispute over wetlands and will be subiect oJ further study. • · ~ Wednesday's approval of the land use portion of the coastal plan also meam that the city's proposals for hotels. motels, office ~d~ne. and ~dential ShoWers ·foi-ecast ~ 'lfkrealllljl c:loudlMH with 20° perc:.nl ~ of .,_._ 1Lf:oHtal 1-mld·501, Intend ~-409. Coutal higll 85. kMod •. Weter 84. , ......._., llghl vwleble wlndl ~ough 1ontgM exc:epl ~tJwwlerly 10 to 15 knoll In 611001•. One IO 3-foot -I 10 •• .,,_, .. 1 IWll. Panty c:loudy wtttl of llghl ~• thrOUOfl .f.J.S.· summary ---Padflc Holltl-1 end the ~•I gol more rain Hrly t y, whit• c:toudy 1kl11 c:heCI from lf1\p Mldwwt 10 the Coa1t and hung over the Soul'-\. Rain continued -ac:rou th• hern hetf of Clllfornle bul l~nllllllhed CYier Wllhlngton end egon. Wat weather 1110 vared much ol the ulheHlern querier of the SI•*· Ski .. were cloudy from Iha end mld·Allenllc coeet t rough th• lower MIHIHlppl lley to th• eoutllern High atne. Orlul• end denH Jog vered th• .. ,tern eouthern from 38 10 48. ~hem "-1 llloh• mey fetllJ8 from 15 10 73 wlih lows from 48 10 55, Temperatures NAiiON ' .. Lo 51 24 57 43 50 43 50 43 49 48 . 51 40 59 53· 47 :w se 40 55 49 43 27 49 45 50 33 71 84 51 33 49 24 50 38 ee 55 54 48 57 4i 53 30 50 27 55• 5Q 55 3t ... &5 54 47 53 ~-5"5 ... 112 21 54 35 50 30 33 30 87 54 41 2S 43 37 53 41 Sf 21 50 31 7' ea es eo se » 80 67 74 12 M '2 81 37 62 ... 53 ... .. 45 se 53 ao n 48 2t 45 21 56 41 . .. 51 43 12 u ., .. -W•-s.r..t• NOAA us Deol o1 c-c• Fronts: Cold -.. Wtnn .. Oklahoma City Omlha Ortendo Philldelphll Ptloanl• Plttlb\Kgh PO(lllnd. Ma. Pohl"1d. Ore. Provldenol =:::rc11y Reno Richmond Sall I.all• San Antonio S.ttle ::u-:r.: St. LOUii St.P9te-Tempa 81 St• Marte Spoli-Srracuea Topeka TUC9Clll T ... Wlllhlngtor! Wldlil• .... ... , , I I < • 52 44 54 311 12 13 50 35 84 59 55 43 • 47 211 59 49 5' 35 69 42 67 33 52 41 58 3t M 38 88 M 51 42 61 51 57 41 57 ... 12 ... • 37 30 St 42 53 25 57 34 13 50 :a ~ '17 .0 58 ... eo 52 50 ... 84 llO Sell DlaclO San ,.nnc:llco Senti Berbara Sloc:ltton a.r.tow Big Baer • Ce1a11n1 Long BMcf\ Motwovl• Ml. Wlleon Nawpott 8"cfl Onterto Pllm SpMgl PMadena ANerllde 8ln llernardlno Sena... Sen Oebrlal Ian JON Sen'9 Anll Senti CNI Tehoa VllW; CNeADA .. 57 65 55 .. 50 51 44 73 44 ~2 31 10 55 71 55 73 41 55 4f, .:~ ~ 10 63 70 50 84 41 115 411 72 49 72 49 58 43 74 55 112 52 41 37 44 19 29 14 44 2t 4!5 25 39 31 45 27 48 35 42 2t M 611 r, ~ Smog 44 42 • IT H Wllett to Mii (1011 frM) '"' I :: ~ ·~-~=: ......... .. 51 Lot nt•IH Collntr: CIOO)• . ...... ........ and llft ...... ---(IOO) 111-4?to • AQMD ...... Center: CICIO) ......., '· Tides TODAY .... -I 'r:' IW w WIW w leooncl tow f;Ot p.111 .0.0 leooncl 111111 rnta p.111 3.1 ~· ,.,.. low 3:• • Ill. • .• I I 4 ""',..... 10:ot &11'1. • .• .......... 1·14 '"" ... • lun .... 441pm,,...,,.., .... "' . units in the •downtown coastal area has the blessing o f the coastal comml$1oners. Under the city's plan. six·story structures would be permitted in the Main Street-Pacijic Coast Highway area. Buildings could go even higher i( property is consolidated inlO joint ownership. ''Th is (getti'?g t~e plan approved) is the key w unlocking our future.'' Mayor Bob Mandie said .. '"I'm very happy." · Mandie said that city planriers l on now proceed with zonln~ preparations except for the land involved in !he wetlarlds debate. He said a specific plan· for the downtown should be completed n ext month. Mandie said he expects co~stal commission approval of the total plan - Including land use and zoning - by next summer. Chief Deputy District Atwmey James Ennght said Schreiber, in the videotapes, later drops the s tory tha,t two men killed Schubert and allegedly con(esses lO the slaying. At that time, control of development of the 3,000 acres of coastal land will pass Crom the coastal commission to the city. In the first few hours of the recording, Schreiber said he got into a dispute with Schubert over missing Playboy centerfolds . ..Jo. • Storekeeper Mark Pagejs wearing our classic lightweight poplin jacket with red tartan plaid lining, enabling it to be worn comfortably for all seasons. It is water and stain resistant, and has a solid brass 'zipper. A practical garment, available in tan, navy, red, and green. A store that offers a selection of ftne , Dd.ltiooaJ IJ>O!lfweilr for men, ~.'"llMboyl ... • 102& Irvine. Newport BHch. c.lifomi.i. rhont O.U-'1t»1 --- -. ··--·-~~ . .. -·'-·. -- • .. -· NATION Reagan to· pro~ose nuclear safeguards-. ;,/" By Tbe A11oclated Pre11 WAS HINGTON -In a •'<!o n flde nce-b ul Id In g •\ • ~ge to the Soviet Union, P T 1dent Reagan Is planning to propose new measures to guard agains t accidenta l nuclear war , according to adfl'\inistration sources .• lti ' s p eech n ea r ing compl e t ion a nd lo be d e livered w ithin a week, R eag a n will c all f o r Improving the h'"ot line between WasMngton and Moecow and more notification before nuclear missile teats, the sources said. The speech is designed to • assure the la te Preside nt · L eonid I. Bre1 hnev 's successors that the United States is committed tO arms control. Cancer virus in blood? NEW YORK -The link between a ty pe o f human ca n ce r a nd a n ew l y discovered virus is now so s tro ng tha t blood ba nks· should begin screening donor b lood for the v irus, its discoverer says. Dr. Robert Gallo or .the National Cancer Institute said Wednesday that althQugh he has not conclusively proved that the virus causes cancer, he is virtually certain that It ·does. I He, and his collaborators have been ·working to deve lop a sirople. inexpensive _test to detect the virus in blood, he said. He ·prM icted that the test would be available aoon and that blood banks in the United S tates would be using it routi nely in 1983. Holiday deaths forecast LO "!J'(J{: (AP) -•'our t•ol])tM(file1 havt! announcN a 'Ond "aiiant" oU d~ry off Point Arauello, and the state Coaatal C~l'n'ml u lon haa approved drlllln1 for what la 1h a plna up to b~ the larleat domeatfo oil find tin~ UHi in Prudhot' Bay, Alaeka. ~ Petroleum Industry analy1t1 .. y the Point Al'MUO field off the rout near Lompoc~ l!WJ miles no.rthweat of Loi Anflelet, may have a "far-reachlna' effect .oh the world oil market and the Organization o f P e troleum Exportlni Countries. How e v e r , the C o aata Cornmi.ion, meeting Wednetday near Loa Angeles, re/ected a propqsal to drill for ol farther south. in th"e Santa Barbara · Ch&JV1el, site Qf a disastrous 1969 , oil spill. T e xaco U.S .A .• ac ting a s operator for four companies. said Fraud case eyed in Mesa ' Oran9e Coa11 DAILY PILOT /Thurld1y, NoYlmber 18, 1812 . dis.covery reVea~e_d ·~· .,. ,; Wtdnetday !.hat an oxplorac.ory well In the Monterey 'formlUon wett of Point Arpllo produced up to 1,900 barn; la of oil ·a day. T e x aco Preaid,nt Jamra Kinnear aald the we ll waa drilled to a depth of 8,500 feet In l ,043 feet o f wate r , a nd a platform ia beln1 de1l1ned to handle production rate • exceedinl .G0,000 barrels dally . lnaulla\lon and drilling <tperadona could be1ln ln late 1985, Kinnear said inJiouaton. The Point Arguello• field has been called ·the laraeat domestic oil dt.covery since the Prudhoe • Bay find that led lo the t.rana- Alaaka pipe line. The field i• eatimac.!d to have up to a billion barrell of recoverable crude oil. accordinl lo the trade publication ' Petroleum lnteUJcence Weekly. · The trade paper aaya the Point Argue llo fie ld may have "Inte rnati o n a l lmpll - claUona .•. th1,,t could be far-rt"achlOC fM the lnduatry and OPF.C ev~n th°"&h It mar be m o nth• b e fore the ull 1l11niflcance of the 'liant' new Point Ar1ue llo flela become• · clear." •. The new field waa leued In June, 1979, by Texlk.'O, PenmoU Co ., Sun Exploration and · Production Co., and Koch Ext>loration Co., which paid the federal government almoet $3G.3 · million for exploration right.. Meanwhile in El Segundo, the Coastal Commluion appff>Ved application• Wuneada.y by Occidental Petroleum, Chevron,• Conoco and Phillips Petroleum for offshore drilling off Point Arguello. Standard OU CO. of California and Phillips Petroleum Co. paid a record $333.6 million to leue. one pa.reel in the Point Arguello field, .... . ,, " .. kln1 LkJhe molt..,t""naive offlhott G&f trect ever ~ by the Interior ~nt. ,,. But comm I a a l,o n e r.p unanimously r ejected Unidh Oil'• bkl f« two lftt wella In the Channel lalandl NaUonal MartJW- Sanctuary near Oxnard, Unlor\' wa~ to alnk two wells rive mlle9 from Anecape bland, jUl't'· 500 feet from northbound- fhlppln1 Ian•• In the Santa Barbera Channel. . ' Th~ commlaalon'• atatf ha~, recommended that the UnlOI)• permit be denied, ci1~~1 environmerftal and naviga . haiarda. It rejecled a.urances by, Unk>n spokesman Jeff Atteberi, that the company WU ready to deal with any emeraendea. Several wilneaaea cilea the• 1969 apill. which fouled beacru.. and kllled marine wildlife, in• oppoeing Union'• application. CHICAGO -The National S a f e t y Council ex pee ts ·between 420 .and 520 fatal traffic acciden ts across the nation during the four-d ay Thanksgi vi n g h o li day weekend . Wed11esday and ends the f o ll o wing Sunday a t midnight1. .- Last year the death.toll was 413. In 1968, there were 764 tra ffic fatalities during the Thanksgiving celebration, the most ever in a U.S. holiday period. Chprge s that $2 million of c u s t ome r money hal·been misappro priated by a former employee of the Costa Mesa· based Downey Savings &._l.oan.-.. A s s oc iation are under investigation, police said. Lt. Jack Calnon, head of the Costa Mesa Police Department's detective division, said Jerrie Ni~ols, a long-lime Downey em oyee, is the subject of a fra d investigation for aJJeaedly investing customers' money in real estate deals that never paid off. The holiday per iod gets und e r way a t 6 p .m ·. Indian claims supported WAS HlN l.i TON -A federal judge says the Reagan administration must go to court or Congress to resolve 17 ,000 claims of IAdians who w e re illegally stripped of thejr land, money, or fishing rights. . U.S. District J udge Howard Corcoran said Wednesday the government is obligated to represent the Indians and he , copcluded the administration "breached that duty.'' · A public interest gr.~p. the Na tive American ·Rights Fund, s ue d fh e Inte rior Department to force officiala Ulere to ·reeolve .the claims. Federal law impoeed a Dec. WORLD 3 1 d eadl i n e for -th e government to file claims on behalf of Indians who were wronged before July 18, 1966. Corcoran's rulinjl dealt with those pre-1966 claitns. Th e judge sa i d the government mu5t eithel"' file la ws uits to prote ct the Indians' claims or prese nt Congress with a legislative solution to the ~laims by Dec. 15. = Sen. William Cohen, R- Maine, has in a bill to ext.end the Dec. 31 deadliAe, and said he would try to have it approved during the lame- duck session that begins Nov. 29. Polish strike failure-- WARsA W , P o la nd -the Solidanty underground.' Fugitive Solidarity leaders It is the first time its call got admitted failure for the first n o s u p po rt fr o m unio n time 'today, saying the lack of . members," the statement sai~. response to their caU for a "1f th ere wasn't ·enough protest strilte Nov. 10 was "a determination for· a. one-day •seriol&s blow." strike, it is difficul~ to expect "Refusal to join the stn ke is planning for ap all-out a ser fou s blow for t h e general strike," a reference lo authority of the Temporary . the-underground's call lor a Coordinating Commwion" of . general strike.in the spring .. 22 killed in stamped~·· C ALI , Colombia ·-A human stampede on an exit r am p o f a socce r stadium killed 22 spectators a nd injured at least another 200, m an y of the m ser iousl y, authorities said today. Doctors said most of tht? dead suffocated, and others were crushed and trampled in STATE the tragedy Wednesday night after a soccer mat.ch between Club Deportivo cau and Club America ended in a three~ tie. Seven young children and three women , one of them pregna nt, were among the fatalities, they said. Telephone hike approved LO S AN G ELE S General Telephone can assess its customenr a 10.23 percent surcharge ·beginning J an . 1 to •offset. expected attrition in ~amings, the Public Utilities Commisaion said Wednesday. The assessment, which will add about 79 cents to Al typical res ide ntial c ustomer'• m o nthly phon e bill , la expected to generate $~0.7 million for the utility. • Calnon said police are unsure whether Nicholl made the investment. with the backing of Downey Savings or whether she acted on her own behalf. The case was brought to Calnon's attention when Downey cus tomers began complaining· they couldn't get money they said Nichols owed them. Nichols, who lives in Irvine, left Downey last month after working there 10 yean. !'Thia case ii 10 involved, and involves 10 much money, that it could take several weeks or a month before we come up with anything conclusive." Calnon said. The a m o unt of money allegedly mlau.ed ranaes from $400,000 to U millron •. he confirmed. · A Mi11ion Viejo attorney, S tel)hen Carlton, uJd he knows of about 10 cuatomen who have complaint.a about the way Nichols handled their investment.. ~rainer ·gives plea in. tiger attack case Wild animal' trainer John CampoJon10 pleaded innocent • Wednesday to charges that he fa iled to obtain permits and' lacked double gates for aafety on his caged arena at Lion Country Safari in Irvine. Campolongo, 3d, entered hit plea du.ring hia arraignment at Harbor Municipal C ourt in Newport Beach . The two miademeanor charges were filed on behalf 'of the State Fish and Game Department in connection with an Oct. 23 incident during the wild animal act at Lion Country when a Siberian tiger e9Caped through the arena's unlocked gate and grabbed a· 2-year-old boy. The victim, Anthony Stopani. ia recuperating from skull and leg wounds. Campolongo'• lawyer, Richard Levine, contepded Wednesday that the trainer had Pl',8Cticed an "ordinarr, desree __ of 1care and judgment' in handllnC h1a Uona, · lipn and other bt~ta. · Each of the two caniea a maximum penalty o a $2,000 fine and/or a one-year jail term. We're Listening ••• What do you like about the Daily Pilot! What don't you Uke~ Call the number .at left and your metaap will be recorded. traNCribed and delivered to the appropriate editor. 1·~same 24.-hour H••eriftl MrYift. rney M '9Hd to l'HGl'll lel· ten to lhe editor on any topic. Mailbox contributors muat IMlude their name and telephone number for verification. No clrculaUon ·642•6086 calls. please. . Tell us what"s on your mind. ORANGE COAST D1llyPil~ .. ~ ......... COl!lfollei Mlchaet '· Haney Olf9(90f ol Morlet'"t 1cw~wlor1011t L. Key Schutt. Voce l'lttodelll (llld OlfKIOf of Advert~ . - ( ClaHlllN .......... " .... M111 Alt otMr d1,a ..... ftle MM111 ....... ~. ......... -.c... .... u . Mllf.-..: .. 1 ... C.-..... CA ... ClrlfllM Or .............. ..,~ ...... .Hans W~rg, Adam Johnaon~ Gordon M088 and Peter Schurb represented Orange Coa1t hiJh eebools at Smokeout ki~korl. • • l • • '"\ Srnoke·o~.t attacks bad habit County. teens join national effort to kick their butts . . · Ciprette unoking lmt yardage when the Oranae County unit of the American Cancer Sodety touched dowp on teen-agen to make 'heir point regarding today's Great Ame ri c an Smokeout. Footb811 playen from county hip mchoola kicked packqes of ciprettes lhrou1h-Vie g()flpoets Wednesday at Chapman CoDeae'• stadium in Orange. Gordon Mou of Corona del Mar, Peter Schurb of Costa ~eu, Adam Johnaon of Laguna ·Beach, Kirk Rector of Mluion . Viejo and Hana Weiberg of Woodbridge High School in Irvine were the Orange Coas t repreiientatives in· the 20-achool competition won by Ray Berg of Westrninater. S~oking is Increasing al an alarming Tate among teen-agent. according to Don Forkus, Brea'• police chief and county chairman of this year's Smokeout. "We hope that by Involving this ace l!'OUP in the contest we will bring. about an awareness of ~health haz.ards amDnl teens. hopefully they'll quit for aood.'~ Besides, they had fun compe~ said Rita Balley, an administrat*. for pizzas donated by Shakey's.' for the Maine chapter of ae- American c.ancer Sodety. ·• The 1979 Surgeon Ge neral'• report estimated that six million In Farmington, Maine, th• S... Shoe Co. acheduled a "Run· Americans under age 20 smoke, 100,000 of them 1-2 years old or Your Butta Ofr• road race, while younger. Seventy-five percent of in Oxford, Maine, elementarj 1 regtilar .smokers said they took achooJ students we.re ~ up up the habit before 21, usually ·as the movie character "E.T.' II>• d perfonn ·in anti-amok.Ing skits. influenced by a ve rliaing Red Adair, who has battled 0~ cam~aigns targeted toward well fires all over the world, , yout · . plann'ed to put out .a gia!'t Nationally, millions·of smokers cigarette at a rally today nl -coaxed by' Pac-Man, "E.T." or Sharpltown C.enter In Houa~· a promise of free lunch and AllO at the rally, q4itters will cheered on by runners. boaea be cheered on by Pac-Man and and non-smokers -woke up Ma. Pac -Man, playe d b1l.. . today with a vow·.to kick the pe rformers from Aatroworra) ci&aretle habilfor....24 hours. 11muaement park, who w&Jt: The ACS expected between 16 gobble cigarettes Instead of the: million ancl.18 million smokers to usual video game monsters. ,• participate nationwide in the Al the Empire State Plaza In : sixth annual event. spurred on Albany, N.Y., a cafeteria aervin.ai by symbolic cigarette-buminp, thouaands of state government i "Adopt-A-Smoker" programs, workers planned to .erve "cokt "cold turkey" lunches and $10 turkey" lunches, with a sidd rewards for a tobaa:o-free day. order of information on qui "It's trying to get people to available at booths on the p quil al Teail Tor one-day, but :-COncoune. -- The-most efficient and cost-effecti\ff ·way to' build youf wardrobe 15 to find an expert you have confidence in - a professional clothier who specializes in providing expert knowledge concerning tf?-e v;irious elements. 1 Of quality, Service, ';'Blue and advice. . ... We feel we have achie"ved these objectives and in turn invite you to take advantage of our optimum ~lection for this season. .. .. ' ... • I ..... . Orange COHI DAIL v PILOT ITharlday. Novembtt 18, JN2 N8 ,. CLOSING 1,cm.10 Golden arches to go 'inodern' DES PLAINES, Lil. (AP) -The first hamburger stand to Wt!ar the golden. arches of the McDonald's fast-food empire will (•ook its last Big Mac next year, unable to match the sit-down or dr ive-through wrvic:cs of newer competitors. Mc·Don:.ild's Corp., based in Oak Brook, 111., announc:ed this W(.>ek it w)ll s hut down the aging store sometimt! in 1983 in favor of a new. more modern Mc.:Dona ld's ncross the -street. The comp;rny wants to give its customers in this northwest Chicago suburb the features of the 1980s thut the flagship restaurant. built in 1955. cannot oftc,r. GM lays off 2,250 LOS ANGEL ES (AP) -General Motors 8;3YS jts 2,250-workcr second shift will not return w hen its Van·Nuys assembly plant r eopens .Nov_2R, and a food line has tx·cn set up fot laid-of£ workers at another Southern California G M plant. The furloughs for half the 4.500-member work force at Van Nuys are indefinite, plant manager Ralph Hal14u1st said Wednesday. and production of Pontiac Firct>irds and Chcvr.olct Camaros will be cu t 50 pen:ent. The plant has been closed since Nov. 8 because of lagging auto sales. Gold pr!ces dipping LONDON VJ?) -T he British pound steadied . today from its three-d11y battePing on world foreign exchangcs. and the U.S . dollar also ret'Overed some los,t ground. dealers said.- . But trading was hectic and nervous in the opening hours. Gold prices. wl1i<'h had benefited from the week's currc-ncy sec-saw. dipped lower in quiet trading . MElALS NEW YORK ("Pl -Spot nonterrout IMlal P<IC<lt IOClly Copper 70'•·72 cents a"pouno. US 0est1nat1QM · Leed :n '"'·26 cencs a pound Zlooc 38-42 C41tlll • pOunCI. <Nit-eel Tlot M 0383 Metal• w.-compoeite Ill ..,...._ 711 C41tlts 1 poun<l,N. Y lllleraoy S38S 00 P9f 11.- 1' .. llnUlll 134;1 OO:S345 00 troy ounce, • 4 Name I EmpOE pl8 ~ t~i~~c • But .. r tnl s GalwstHOU 6 HRT lnclUst P GTFI 1 2Spl : ~~~~~r~ Q to colso l •Sc>I II HMW Ind I? B•ncTu .. U ~ltOM CJI " Gl•nl PCem IS KC. Sllwl pl t• OllEo UOPI 11 B•Urlnll II Svpen<i» " UnP•r-Min 10 GCA Coro 21 FlnCpAm • !~t~~~E1~ 2• Trl!.Ou In• U Bur1Nor pf SYMBOLS. · ... Pct. Oii 13.2 Off 12 s Off 12.1 Oil 1.0 Off • t Ott •• Oft 6 7 Oft • s ()fl • s Ott st Ott SI Ott s 7 Off ,,, Off s.s Off so Off ••• Oft ••• ()ft •• Ott ••• Oii • 6 Oii 4.S 011 4 s Oii ••• Off •• °'! • , N _t ___ _ ., GOLD QUOTATIONS 11J Tiie A-i.ted l'rMe Selected world gotd i><lces lodly LONkNI mom•"ij ll•l"ll S409 2$. on $3 25 L.ondon allernoon rn<11111 uoe so. o" $400 . l'•le •lie.noon lu;ong SA08 36. olf SS 14 ft91111fuft 1!••1111 $409 99, up $4O1 Zurlcll 111e a11 ... moon ""'"II $407 so. olf SS 7~ l>l<I. $408 50 asl<e<I • H•ndr & H•rmell (only daily quottl $408 50. Oii $4 00 If......,_ (only da11y quot~I $408 50. oft SAOO , C....,_d lonl~ o•nv quolet $4~8 93. oft $4 20 STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT SILVER Hendy •nd H•r!ftlll'. S!l.58 I* troy ounce. 1 • • r:i " \ -.