HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-11-20 - Orange Coast Pilot. . . . ----;r------------ LOCAL FOOTBALL SCORES Edison 3 1 Loyola 2 1 Lo ng B each Poly 32 M ission V iej o 24 9 Founta in 0 M ater Dei 0 Loar a 0 (("-r. J Crespi Va lley -~JJ :' Huntingt o n 2 1 Newpo rt Ha rbor 5!:> Saddleback • 34 Los Altos 43 St. Fr a ncis 14 N o rwalk 6 Artesia 6 L aguna Hills 12 YOUR HDMITDWN UllY PAPIR SA TURDAY. NOVEMBER 20. 1982 ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS Asbestos materials f o_und at coast schools Ii\' HOBERT BA HKEH O(the Delly Pllol Sletf 111 1111 · !Ill., .111tl ~II ,, 11111.J 1h·:-tgll<'I'\ \\I'll 1111111 lllt d tlo,ll Ill ,I 111 t I I tltll~'·" I "llld I 1oll 'l'"I l>t 11111 d11ld1t·11 1i ... 1 ·' '"·'"'' ltJ , . ..,. ,1111· Tu prott~ l tlll' 1l1tld11 ·11, 1111 v 111:-.uiJl1·d ..,upp11f'I lit'.1111:-.111d I t • t 11 fl g ._ \\ I I It I II t l I' I ,11 d 111 g fra.1hl1· 11.1:-tl\ t ru11dd1·d) ,.-.bt•'\LU._ 1'11t II ~1111d llllt 11111111' h,I\ l' ll>llll' l1,11 k lu h.111111 I 11,1._I ... dltJlll di...1111 1:- Tt llSlt'I., Ill l h1· I lt1111111g11111 Bt·a1 h C '11 \ (1 It 111t•nt.11 ") St houl J>1..,l1111 1h1' \.\t•1·k .iulh111111d "IX nd111g UIJ 111 $ lllll 0011 In "''.tl tilt' .i:-b1·-;10 ... lo kt•o•p tlw l1ht '' Liquor arrest s riling By JOEL C. DO:\' Ot th• Oell1 Piiot Stett L.Jgun;1 l-31'.tlh l1qunt ..,,,,,,. owne rs ,1nd 1n.i11.1g1•r.-hav1· g1vt·n llllXt'd ri·v11·w ... on 1h1· r1·1 o·nt poltn.· e rat:kduwn uf t.l1111k1n~ .u1111ng minrn" ·W(•'rt• m.1k111R ,111 hon1• ... 1 1•ff111 l 111 1.11d l"'"!Jll' 1h.1l .1ppt df t11 bt· :! I ' ,,lid l'11\ 1• l.1qu111 11w111·r .l11h11 l.umh.01 d11 ' W 1· knt·W th1•11 • V.'llUld I~ 111(1('.t ... t•d ... urv1·ill;.11)< 1 fm adult'> hu' 111g tor voung k1<1 c; nnl th:it th1·' d lw ... 1·nd 1 t1g -.111111 1111• , t1 111 liu' I 1qu111 · ()tilt I "\.\ fll't" .1glt 1•d lh.1t th1 Jiol111 ••Pl'""'llllv < h.111g1•tl 1h1 t 11)1 ..... t t ht g.11111· Ill t h1 ·11 1 ll••th l11 qu.1 ... h \\h,11 ,., I• Ii•'"" t11 l>1 .111 1111 ll ,h1·d lhl "I lw•1/• lo\ It I lloli.!t I' ,1111f lo lht•I 111111111 '- TIH' 1""1''"111 "·'~ -.1.11t1·d I" l'ol1tt' Ch11·t N1 ii ~'1110 1·ll 111 rt'"fKll\:-t· I•• f 11111·11-..· .111.t 111111< I olr .. 1:rvJ1t11n-.. 111 1h1· lll'ld !-'our 1l·.1m:-. of 11( I 11 0·1 "'• '' ,1,'1gnl'<i ),1..,I Wt'l·kf·nd om ')II'< 1.!I p.1Lrol of L.agun.1., I.! hu'1nt....._~..., "ho ro· ,,i, "h1tl11 lw\'t I.•!!•.., o ,tll h1· pu11 ho1:-1·d In .11ld1111>11 t ...... ·1·111g ltqll•ll 1111\jghl ,,, .id1il h !111 111111•11 JH lhot '''"lf \l'll ••\lt • .I .1pp.11 •11th 1111d• t ··~·· I"''""'' v. ,ilk int o l1q11111 ''"'t'' .111d pun h.1S(• .ilt nhtol \.'Ith llll th., k nf 1d1•nt1f11,1111111 l'u111·11 ,,11cl " :!ti "'"'' old poli11· n•..,1·1 v1· 11! f111·1 v. ,,, 't•nt 1nt11 :-11111t· ... 111n·" 111 lnJ\ 11111•/• Tw11 hu-.1111·._..,, . .., "'1n 11 t1d \\11111 tht·\ ..... 111 ll•·t•r 111 1h.11 11ft1o ... "W1 · wan I 111 1 1irh dt >11k111g .11ni1ng m11wr .... ' .... 11d '1'111 '-.p1g111 11v. nt•r Sul F.oll.1111f ·1 th>11k \\I ' h,l\'I' J fllll\llllltlll\ p111hlo-r11 th,ol ._ 11111 l11·1ng .,.,Jv1·d 111d \.\ 1 r" f I 1 fJ lit II ... I ll f 1 ' ) l h I I 1111 • " I' 11 I v1c11m-. ot I h1•11 t I" 1111 • I pl.111 Fan.11111 1•\Jllt'"-"1·d 1111 ... 11.1111111 11\ o•r 1111)11 ,. I 0111 1·1111 ,tl ltoll 1111 l1q11nt ... 111to . .111d .11g111 d tl;.11 ... 1n1rl.11 .ir1c·"I" '111tld Ii< 111.111• .it Ill ht 'I lt11 ,1111111' "Jr llH'~ ... lflJl~Wd I\ I I \ lhlld 1·;1r on l'oa!<.I ll1~h";1 \ 1111 ·\ • 1111ld 111akt· a1 rl'..,I!<.. hut llwv 1 .111'1 d11 that .. ht· .... 11d Y1111 1 .111 "'"P <Ser l.IQl OR, P~ge A2 I 1101111 l11t111111111• .11111<11111 .01111 11111.do d Ill I r11pl11\01 '• ,11111 r1 if ltt .dllt pr 101111 "" I 111111 1111 p1111 ·1111.tlh h.1111tl 111 111.tlt 11.il Tiu I oh•> . • .111 c .111" ..... 1 ... .,1 .. .,1-. .ond 111110 1 !uni: 1!i-.1 ·'""" If hrt .11111 d 111 1111 II It Ill q11.111I1 It• ., Ill\ I ... 111:.11 11111 h•'o dtl 1 t I 111 ·.ti·. lllllllllll/1 d 1111• ,1·,l10 .,Ill' "' Ill lli...lll.1111111 fll ft11 ... .., 11 1.11 d.1111 111 Iii.it d1-.1111 I ~11· .o.,l11 •._t11-. ""' 1111111.t ,t1 c;,":".T1t B111J,.,. Kt:tJ.1 F .. 11l1t 1'111\ ~11111li.111d I h" \0·1 .,. ho"I" .111tl .it 1h1 dht111 I lw.1dq11.i1 ll'I" ~111 1 l l 'r .111111 r I .. 1111 • M1'.111v. l11t.., ,,..,11, .... 1rn. 11.,., ,,i.,,, 111·1·11 l11u11d 111..,. hox1l bwld111g., 111 < 11 1·,111 \'11·\\ S1 l11ttol l>i...lt" I ti lu111111gt1111 I\. .11 hl I lu11t111g11111 B1·.11 Ii l l 1111111 ll 1gh S1 ti .. 111 l>i ... 1·11\. No·•qirnl l\I""" U111l11 ·d .111d l..1gu11.1 H1·;11 ll L:11111 .. d :-( h1111I dhlr11 ·1~ 01 fw1.t1 ... u1 F1111r1t.1111 \ . " I 1 v .1 11 d I r \' I ti 0. .. l'I ., l ol I 111-.1>1>t t111g th1·1r pl.1111" S. h1Mil 11ll1u.t1 ... 111111 that 111 1111 , .......... did 11 .q1µ.·.1t th.ti d1tld11·11 l't1t t '\l"I' 1111 111 ,1.,111 ,IOI, 111 "'·'"' ..,.11,.,i., "·" l1r 1111glil 111 ligltr " I t 0 . I .. II '" fl \' II • ) 11 1111 II 1.1 I 1'11il1•1 11011 1\g1 Ill' ( 1-:111\ l t 1•qu11 f Ill! Ill l"'lll d l.1'\l '>Ill lllj.! 11111. 1 ll)g d1 ... t111 I., tu lll\J11• I 111111 pl.1111-. 1111 p11l1 1111.tll\ d,111gt 111Lh 111.1 I• ·t 1,il Tlli' l<l'A did 11111 r1 ·q11111 · tlll' ..,. hooJ.., 111 .,,.,ti llw .1 ... lw,10 ... 111111 11 \,\ ,,., I 1111111 I 1\ .J K11lk 11~ ht111.ol d111" tut 111 El\IS 1...11 ... 111 ''·''' 111111 Ill \\ 1111 h tiJJ1du1 II cl tlll' I lun1111glo11 lit .1111 lit-._,tlll lli,11 ii ,111\11r11• \\'I 'll t'\)1"'" d ti \\ ..... 11111\ loot ·' ..,11111 I 111111 .11ul .it r o J.111\ 1 1' 111\.\ lo\ 1 1' llo -..1111 l''\l>l>'lltl 0111ild o~•lll 11111\ \\ 111·11 Lh• 111,ol•·r 1.11 \\ ·'" d1 -.l11t lwd b\ 1•11qol11\t·1·" 'l'loo 11 \,\ ..... Ill) I \ ttl1 ·t11 I' n l '<t'l')fll l ... d1-.1111t1.11111 111 1111 111111 ... ·" lll\ ..,. 11 .... 1 ... Ill qth·'>lll•ll h• , .• 111 It \\11ttld ""' I •• 1 .. ,. 1111 .Oii\ 111111•r11 11 I 11.ul ho111 """1k111g lllldt r l 1111'\I I 1111111 l tolll" 111 • . 11lol1•1I '1'111 .d I• 1 I• .t l111old1111 . .:.., \\It•' o 1111•,lf llt lo ti 111 1111 )'lt1tl .11111 ,lj._ \)I I 11 I .• I.. ... .• Id I I \\ .• ... .• II , .... 1.1loli ... ti .. d pr .11 111 • 1 lw11 111 u ... 1 \ n ~ Pi1u·r lrng~ \li k t· P<u·u t and '1 ikt• (,alto ~hilt· Todd l>a ' i-.. \n cl n·a J ac·k -.011 . K im \1c•t•k-. and Jt ·rr~ ~'"" a rl art· a l-.o g la d th•· g r a ndmolht•r run-. lht•ir Tt•t•11 Ct•111c•r. I l1111l111glrn1 I~ .wh < '11\ So l11w1l ~ I l p 1 I I II I o II d I II I I .. t \\ t I 111 o Ko rnp• r .,,11d 1' 11ol;1\ 111· d,,. . .,11 I 111 ltt \I till Ill.do 11,ol "'" l"'"'-·d ,I ht•,.lllJ h.it.trd hot .tlf '>I tl11 · l1111ltl111g ... .ti I It l.111\1 J\ llt'\\ .t11d ll11 · .t ... lw ... t,,., """ ltfll 1111 rH·d lll I l.1k1 , 11t d11..,1 B111" l"•I• 1111.il ho .d1l1 l1.11,t1d h.,.. 11<'1 11 11lt 1111111 d ,111d II \\ 11uld 111 11 to "Jlllll'dJI • I" ft I 11 g•r llllr"'""··d 1 ... ., •• 111 111 1lt1 llu111111g11111 Ht.1.!1 1'111 .. 11 ll1 g h S1li•J1•i !>1:-.\tHl . I t 1o1I1 lo . • .... 11. '"' "" 111.i l 1 . f I. ii.. "''. t I. l11llrttf llt.11111\ Ill 1111 11111)1 I 111'1111' .it ll u111111g11111 B1 .H '1 .11111 \.\'t '>1111111 ... 11 I I l1gh S1 h1Hol... Iii• O•llr Piiot Pt\oto br IUc:herd Koehler M esa g r a ndHlothe r 'queen ' of t een center lh JOOI ('ADE!'l.llEAT> Ot' lhe Oell1 Piiot Sle ll l 11•1 f 1 wnd ... 11110 I h• t ..,i,,. \\ .1 ... 11.i1v I l1·r 011r11 ... 11·t w.11 n1 ·d h1·t 1h.o1 111d.1v' ti-t 11 .1gt•r-. .1rt• ,, tough lot llr 1 Ll v1 .1r old "1111 ._,lld "ht• d tll'\'t•r lw .ii.It 111 ftnd .111\11111 · to twlp h1·r At 7.!. Vt•ra 1'1p1•1 dc'f 1d1·d "Ito \\,1._n·1 gotng In 11-.11•11 In ,111\ w1 II 01Pan1n~ .1d v111 ~h1 '"·'" g111n)! 111 d11 \\Ii.it \\ • .-.. Ill h 1 t l'lllJllll\'1111 '111 l'IJ!i't 1111 11111\ht I nJ l111n .111d gr.ond1th•lh1·1 111 13 \\t 111 111 \.\Ork .11 .1 r. .... 1 fornl 11•-.1.1ur ,111L Sht· ('oinwd •·1111ugh 10 lill\ -.ornc pool talilo . .., .1 p1n..:1w111g l.tblt• .0 \ llli-11 g,iflft r\l,H hlllt' ,ltld " li'lc \ .... 11111 -.i·l ..,,,\, ,, 111 \\ ... pr 11g1 .1111 1111 p11nk r·~ k1·1 ... 1,,.,, \1·;11 .. 1t'l .dl1 d , • .,,.., nw-.1' k11t ... rwo·1lt·d •• pl.111 1h1·\ 111111<1 g11 ft,., 1\ pl.it t 1111 \ o 11tild •.ill tho•ll •I\\ II g.1\'1' .o -.1111 "'·""' ltu..: ,11 1h1· nght lllllt • "l'lll' 11nl.v rul1· '" 1111 -.111ok1ng .md 1111 prnfon1t\ ... -..11d 1h1· (l·1s1y ..:rc1ndmnth1·r v. ho ... 1111 wnrk\ f1v1· 11111111111g~ a '" t•t•k JI Nauglt-:. 111 lll'lf) p.1v th1· T1·1·11 Ct·nll'r·-. $:.!Oo n 111111 h Iv n •n t Al1h11ug l1 Chris 1i;111 mu!>H,' pl<i.V' 0111 tht• rnrl111 a11d rt·hg1ou-. nll'~Kt·~ an taped llll tht• walls, l'lp<'I "·""' <>ht• 111'\'t•r pt l'cll hP" di-.lt ll t'~ 11ld1•'l "'111•11., ll11h1·t1 lbdt•v . d111·tl11t 111 111,1tllll•fl,lf ll't'. -...11tf Ii ... llt'lll'V<'' lllJ ,11ult·11l!<. It.iv.a· l;1·1·n c·i..pn-...·d . h1· ,,11d 11\1· di-.trlt l .... l.1k111g f Ill 11 t ll\'t• .ot 11•111 ( )l \',111 V II'\.\ 111111 l.o j... I ••port tlwv .1bo h.1v1· f11u11d 1111 .i:-.lw:-.l11!> 111alt·11~il wr .1ppt·d .1111u11d pqJt·-. ,1t1d hVi1\1•r" 111 Lht• IJUilt·1 1111'1111!<. "M11!<.l .111 111 g11nd 111nd1L11111 " .,,11d Mr l t Bl'rg d111·<l11r 11f liu.,1m ·:-.." -;u pp"rl .. Hu I ""1 hJVt· l11u11d ;, l1·w I r.1y-. .111d "1· c1n· 11·p .. 1r111g tlll'm .. 111· :-..;11d 1tw nl~tll·n;,il w11uldn't o .11t-;1· .ul\ pr ohlt·m!<. u11lo ·,.., 11·, l1111k1 11 111 t.1111p1·n·d ""1th \\ ,. ,., tuld our m.11n11·n;int t· f~t·t· AS IH·;STO~. P aRt' A21 Jail • s1te sought 8\ J E FF ADLER Ot. lh• Oellr Piiot S tett At kno\\ ll'<lg1ng \\ 11!1· 1.111g1ng 11µpos1t1on 111 l'11n:-.1ru1 ll1Hl of an OrC1ng1· County )<•ti on ,.ny 111w o f , .. u .... prnno,t•d ~,,u._ ()1;.n ..i.1...0 l' o u n t y Su p 1· r \' 1:-"1 B 1 u < 1 Nt•ston<k .,;11d lw will n" 11mnwn<l th.H lht· ~·<11lh h1• v.1cll·nt'fl for a -.1tl' f.1r 1111111\'l'd f111111 .iny n· ... 1dt•n11al d1•\'1•lt1pm1·n1 Nl•st.;1nd1· ...,,111 Fridav th.ti h<· wrll Jsk th•· bo;11 d 111 ... up1·1 v1'41r-; "' hit h h1· l h.11r-. 111 rt'C'llll\'l'lll Lht J·" I ... 111 -. .. le 1 lt11n t n01m1111•1· dur 111g th1 bo,11d 1m·l'l1ng O\ .!II ;ind <lm• 1 II Ill 1dt•n1rh " fifth "11·m111t· ... 111 · ... ul1.)l'l.'I 111 f111 tht•r ... 1udv 1ri .t 1 .. ,, .. , 111 1h1· 1111d•d t·-.t .. rnd1· .,..,,.., hi· lwli1•v1 .., th<1t tl11 t11m1 t ti-. 11f 11· ... tdt•nL" l1,·1ng n t·.ir 1h1· l''"l"'"''d ... 111·" l'XlllT~:-.t·d dut 111g l.iut lw.1t 111g:. v.·1 ·r" "lt·g1111n;1i.· · ,111d "r111•n1 .ill•·nuon .111d .11·111111 Thi· lC'l 1•·1 go" . .., on to "'t \ l h<1l dut 1ng th•· 111mm1111 t " <>Ill' ~ 11'< lH1n prot 1 -.. ... ·'"' n 1111111 ... 1lt-s "' l' r 1 • o • I 1 m 1 n .1 1 1 d f . 11 m 1·11ns1d1·r,111wl 1111 th•· h,,.,.., of Lht· ;uldt·d 1·11 .. l!..111hr1ng1ng utiltlws Lu till' -..111" 1r.111.,porta111m ;ind l.md .1cqu1 ... 11tnn 1 o-.L ... ·Thi· gr.1\ 1L\ 111 1h1 ulumat<' d1·ns111n iitld tht• 1nl1gr1Lv nf thP .1:-s1•:-..<;m1·nt pro('(':-., dl'manJ LhE> h1•nc·f11 11f ::i t o<;l analvs1s and h<as1bd11v ...iudv of building a lllt'l.hum nl.l\11111101 f;1nl1I\ 1n ;:i 11· m 11 lf• I 11t ,11111 n · th t• It• l l t' r o onl1nu1•, Ht· prnnt<'<l nut that d11nng the· four "-.111p1ng" hPa11ngs 1ondu1·11·cl n1 ·:.ir 1h1· proposc•d l1it.1l111lh, oppo-.i1 1o n rrum lll•<Jrb~· t 1·-.1rlt·nb Wil ... \'tll'<tl wh1·thPr II ".1 ... lh1 :10 1><·r<,,ons who allc-nded 1h1 In·1111· h1·,1ring or :l.000 to S.nldll'l1.itk V.1llc>v Thi' fou 1 ... 1 t~:-. 1111w b1 ·1 ng 1 n11:-.1<l1·rt'll .11·1· Saddl1·bal'k V allP''~ Ja01C's A Mu"tl'k llnnor F'arnf. "'h1l'h 111uld ht· l''\µ..Jncit'<I 111 11wlud<' a jail £x pan:-.111n nf Sant a 1\11.1 m~t111 .idj<ll'l'lll Jlflljl(·rty t h1• ('X ISi t r\g J<lll n11 a n INDEX -------t ...... ,I In .ll•h '"'' llll('IH'<I Ila• T1•1·11 C't 11H·1 111 ('0-.1.1 l\lt·-.;i'.., H1·.1 ('11111n11111 11 v l'1·r111·1 .11 tihl I l;1mtl11111 ::->1 ,Jurlging lrnm lhP trll'ndh t 111\.\d t111lh11g .1111u11d "11 1h1· h.ord\.\11<1el fl1111r ... It•·" IH·o·11 .1 11·;1 I 'ill,., .... ., Sh l ... Ill ii l ' 1 h I I 1111 :-.1 ll d v.11nkll':-of 111·1 \\l'alh1•1('() l.111 · d1·1·rx·n und1·1 ,, K1Kgl1· With 111•1 halo o l pal<-hl11nd1 · h.111 ... 111 ' " l'\'l'I \ g1 .111dm111 ht·I \\ho l'\'l't ";11rhPd th1· nl'1ghl>11rh1111d 1 htld11·n 1111 lh1•11 "',,y 111..,. ho•1l \\ho pull I'd ,1 l);i tch ;,1 1 he~ 111.1 It• 1 l11p \ 11(1k1t· .. lllll 11f 1h1· IJ\'1'11 Ill Tiu f1r:-.1 w1•t•k 1h1• loud 0111 ... 11 (St't' TEE!':S, f>age A2l Sanla An:i l':invnn fl t Wt'tr ( ',rnvon Ho:id in Y .. 11 h.1 LindJ. l11•1w1>ic•n th1· H1\'l•rs11l1• .ind S.tnl<l (S<'r Rl-:M01'E. Pagr A2 I .J.1( k And1·r ... 011 Bli ( '1.1:-... 1) It'd Cl < • I <i Cum11.:::. C2 (.'11111 n11 111 !\ti ('111 ...... \ ... 111d ( ·~ 1:>. .. 11h N11111 , • .., ('.I ~:r 111 ·rt ;1111 1111 •111 B!I 11 1111111'4 111w• l ·:1 Mov11•" B!I l 1 I I ugh Mullig;111 t\.-) Na t1CJ~l·w1. A:J Puhft(· ~ .... C\ l{('ltg1011 Bii s C.d ~ t I( u-. H<i Sprn 1' Bl ;1 T 1·lt·v1i.111n Bl~ Th1·:itt·1-. B!I 11 Tnvi:1 B l I w('(ll hc•t ·~~ Youth A I I I' r ·I 11 v I •• I .. (I I II II Hispanic groups attack raids on aliens H~ .JEFF AflLEH Ot the Oell1 Pllol Stell H1·1H t'"1·n1.t11 v1·-. 111 "''\ 1·1.ol ( ) I •• 11 R (' l' () II II I \ I I I ... " •• II I l 1111-(.Jllll.lllon<, h,1\'1 1 .1l1Pd 11po11 t h f' U S . l mmq;<ra llon and N 11 I u r a' 11. a I i n n Ser \/ 11· <' t 6 l1•111pora1 llv h.111 11p1•t :1111111 -; .11 nll'd <1t illc·g.11 .d11·n ... 1111111 l'on~rrs' a 11' 1111 p1·t11l111K 111)1111~r ,1 llon It· K"l.1111111 "H;11ds an· nn urr 111K al 1 lw t 1m1• w h <' n t hr C rt'n g rt'<>" t !l dt'l111 11n~ th1r S1mps1111 Ma11oh 1mm1grat1C111 hill" ... aid 11 ma Hm!r lj(Uf>I, t li.111 Wllllli\11 o r lhl' Ot .in~1· Cm1111 v 1111111.111 Ui ·l.1111111' . --.... l'11n11l11 ... -.11111 d111111g " I· 11d;" lfl'V.." l'1Hlfl'I C'lllf' H11dt 1g111 •1 .... 11d o o 11.1111 kt•\ Jllll\ '''""" 111 1111 hill \.\111ild p1·t 11111 .1huul '..! ·1 11111111111 unrltX'llllll 'nll•d r)('r..,.ms hv111~ In ,h <' U S lel(aJ ~c.atur: 1' th<')' eoul.~ µt11\'I' c·o11l11n1"u~ n •-.11l••111·t• 1n Lh1· ( 11111111 \ "'1111 .. 111 11111•1111pl11111 1\111 .1 '>l'l lf'S 11( 11'<'1'1\I t .lld!<., ... uo h ·" lh•>"l' 1· .. n1h11 l1·d II\ US A111dt•1 Patro l aii:r111s ovt•r th1· last t lir1•r months 1n <'Prlilin nr·1~hho1 h11ods 1r1 1h1· 1·11 v 11 f Ornnj.(1" 1h1C ·11lP11 1lt1• ~tutu ... 111 1111d1K·11m1·1111•d 1111m11(t .1111s wlto h;i\1• liv1·d 1h1·r.-f111 11p 111 Ill v1•,1t ....... 11,. o;,1111 'No\\. JU'I ;1 11111111h •II two .1v. ·" P"""1lilt· lt ·~.d11 .1t11111 .111tl 1110 \\llh11111 11.11 1rn111· lh1-.c II I I j.! It h 11 r h 11 fl d t oil d ' ol 11 d d1•p 11 rtal1c111.," H n dr 1guC'z \-c-M unu~·'i "' · "A-. a n•sul1 11f 1lw d t·pi•flal111n, 1111•11 1'1111111llhlll .. 11''1dt•rn·t· Ill 1111 ... 1·tn1111t\ '' h111kt•n 1l11·rt•hv r11,1k1111o( t ht Ill 1111·lq.plil1· f11t .1111110 •,I\ ,lt1111ld 1111' 11111 IW>t,lllW lnw " H11d111-(ttl'l "'·'" 1111nl'd in ht>t 1 :ii I ! 11 1 .1 n 1 11 r .1 1 11 t 111 m 11 11 I Ill Ill I lot I ,It I II ti t ll Id' b V [ t •)II I " II I.It I\' 1•' ( I 11111 I h I' 2 1\ 1111· t """, Ft 11· 1111 ... SI' r v 11·1• l'111111rnll1'1'. th1· l<•ag1ll' of Latin A01c•ru 1n C111zr-no;, Lns Am1goo; o f A11.1h1·1m and 1h1 d1n'<·tor of H 1 ~p.1n11 m11H!>Lr11·\ for th1• U10l't'~' of Onm~t· Whll1• MJ th<Nr-w! 10 sat beside H ndr1gut'Z nl l h<' n rws mnf1•r!'nt't' agrt•('d thnl th<' S4'0J>" of I NS upcral1on ought to hC' l1m1tt·d until th t· bill 1!.. either P~'~rd u r dC'ff'a t rd several " pt' u k t' rs v o 1 rt• cl o u l r 1 J( h L 11ppos1llon to the lc>J(111lat1on C11llinH t h1· Simpson -M anoli h1 II I ht• mnsl "r<'sLric11onis1" plC'<.'(• of 1mm1~rn11on lt•lo(t!..l,tt11m 111 ht• JHOpns 1•d 111 ;10 Vt'.llS, Nut1v11 L11p<•1 of t lll' Anwnt·an Fr1l·11ds !-\prv11·r· 'Conim1 11 1'1' ... 1110 hC' t 1•prc ... 1•11 1~ ,, urnl111011 n f t'lvii 11t(h Lc;, < hun h . labor. 101m1t(1.1111 and t·ommu n1ty grou p~ unitf'd e~u1nst lheJ>lll's passa IX-putv Ch1d Da lt-M OS<'gM 1•s 1·t'm f1rmcct t hat bordc-r pat rol OR<'n L<; hav<· t·on ducted o p<>rallons tn th<' pasl st•vc·r a l munths 1n s 1• v <' r a I t' 1 t y o f 0 r .1 n lo( •· nf.'tghborh ood., • Durin g lht• m ost r N.'<•n 1 n 11d W l' d n I' S d ll y , f I V l' ll f( (' ll l S upp N'h1•ndf'<I ~~ mah· 11dul1s. ht> .... 11c1 ) 2 6P ~~~ .......................... -----------------------------------~-:--:-~---~~-~---· -...., .... .\3 01 IHI\]• (.,OHi DAIL V I'll (IT /~ulut 11Mt Nnvo111b111 10 ~' \\.t Continued stories John Wayne parking outlooJ, dlm ASBESTOS CHECK • • ix·opll· who work L1n1unJ 11 tu 11. • t·:irl'l ul.'' he said In Fountain V11l11·y. tru1>ll'l'' will rt't't.~1vl' a r1•n>rnmt'ndat111ro l">I."<: 7 to sarnplt', tt·:-.t 1md mukl' .1 l' l' JH> I I () 0 f I' I ,1JJ I 1 • II !> Ii t"' \ II S mute nab Ass1slunl Suµi•ra11t1•11d1•nt J<11 k Mahnkt•n stud a11 a1d11t1'l'l h.1" l'11~t·k1•d b utlJrnt-: SJ>t.'l'lfll'<tllOI" jlld dut·sn 't lwlwv1· unv f1 wlil•· usl>t.•stt~ ma1t•r1<il' w1·11· us• ·d 111 t·1111stru, tum 1111d' 1111 .. d11111· 'l\olt "I 111 1111' '"'" '1•1' 11" d Ill Olli '' h111d 'i 1111 111,lll.1111111-" 1111.ill "> 1·11t .1 p:-.ida 11·d.' S11111li ,,11d. IH'tolllM lllll '>('l\tHll,., \\.1°1t' 1111111 l1y .11t 11111•1·1 ... with k1111wl1·d~1· 111 •• ,1w-.t1» .. 11.1/.tl .i, .. I-:\ 1J1·1111· 111 .1:-.lw-.111-. ",,..,found Ill lll"ld,1111111 tJll lt1•o11lll~: jllf>t'' ,t11if l111i11·1 1011111-. 111 111.111\ t'\t!I\ 'I 1111111 111 I ht· N1 ""I"'' I Mc·,,1 l l11it 11·d S• l111ol ll1,t1111 .111111d111g lt1 .1 111 t'lll 'lll Vt'\ 111 I~ I t'lt'.1:-.t·d Tu1·,do1' K1 n Wl·• t d11e·t 1111 !II ,,,,,.,, I 111,11.i1 .. 1 11·•'"''' ll\lllg 111 p.111 ••••• 1l l11l111'v\.1\ll4 1\111•111 1 .111 I tk• j,. .111 11 It ,,,1 1111 1111 I 11111 I 11 1111 • l'IH 1lll'ol .. ,,.,,, 111 I 111' 1. .... 1 I Ill ... 11.1\ .111d V\'1 d1\1 '"·'' 1lo.11 lillt·d 1111 .1111••1 l' .! 11111 p.11k111~ 'fl•lt t"• ft1 llt• 1111111 lo," I "'c•d Ill l111tli lite u11 111111 '. ol .1\ .ind 11\l'I 111gh1 1111,..., '>.H d .111 p 111 I 111w1 .1111111' 1 1111·1 I >t•111' I l11n1 "N1111 11.illy . th1· pL11 k1111o: 1111,., 1wo1k '1'11u1,d11v 11 111111in~. bul tl11:-. \o\1'11K tl11·Y IJl •,1kt•d ,11\d WI' .11 tu.div 1.111 out o l p .11·k111g \\'. "• d.1v .. 1111111 ,.,pl.111wd Mesa sos 111 ,,11tl 1111 1111' ""t It o pe 11 'I 111" ""'' .111d p.11k1111-: '' ""' 11\.tt\altlt• ,allhtlllf.:h 1111 1111" ""'II 11pt·1.i1111..: ••• II• ••• I ·•I'·" II\ '1111 p.11 k111g pl 11ld1·11" 1111' W1•1·k \\I'll' lht· '•t'V1·11ll1 11111• 111" Vt·,11 tit.II d 1·111.111d 1111 p.11 k111g 1•>.1t 1·1 lt •d Ilic .111 p1111·, ,.t11l1I\ t11 JJlll\td1· ll. .111111d111g 111 .1111""1 111111 ·1. "' 1111111 l1l.11 1wd the· pl 111111·111 ,. ).(ll'•il1•1 l11·1\u1n1 y 1111 th1 1111 f'1•as111g 1111111 w·1 of p.1'>!'.l't1g1·1" 11~111g 1111· :1111111 11 o1·11d lite· '""I ,.,.,,.,j 'ol ,oltllg l'1IJl01!'l lll'' 11f office 111"" I)(' 11 !-)11111 I 1111 j• I "·•·•" .11 1111 .111111•11 Ill I\\ 'I 111 1111llt•1k 1111 Ill lool \1 ,JI I'll I """ 1, l111gh11·1. 1111111 ·"'" '''"' ,111l111p.il1 Ill 'I \'1-.11 ltltllt flt I ltHf, \\ 111 •11 I lt1·11 " ,, l'' ol1·11I1o1 I I 111 1111111111 111 '01111111 lllt d 1\, 1111 lh1 Th.111k 'H"'1111• l111Jid.t't 111•>.I ""t I k, 11111 11 .1dv1:0.1•d fl•h"'11g1•1:-. 111 t 1111l,1t I tlol' .tll Jllll I '' \'1'1.tl li11u1' 111·11111· tli1·11 pl.111111•d dl•J1.1l IU1t 111 t ht·t k 1111 p:1rk111g :1va1ls1htl11v "It 1111gh1 lw w fv1,.ol1l1· 111 h.1\·1 ,, 1·0111 111ge·ni v pl;111." tl11· o111 p<i1 I I 1111 f oltldt·cl 1111111.tllllj.( fJotl klflg ,l\,1rl.d11l1tv writ d1·11111d 1111 \\ 111 1111 I 1111 It ol\I d V,lf ,1111111 I I .1 I I I . I "I • I ti' ti I I I I •• " d 1111~1 111 11.oll11 • lli1lv l.1 ·.1 ....... k l)t,11q11· ( 1111111 \ "'P' I \'I'"'' g,11.,1 1111•11 ~II ,olll'old IOI 111•111' 111 l1Uild olll I 111111 c o11 p.11 k111g 11.t o11 ti ... .1i11.1111 I '11111111 1·11d liul lh,11 f1.1I k111g lcil W llll h \\ill 1 '"I o111 1 '>11111.itt ·d .~I 1111llw11, 1111dd l.1k1 lllJ t11 11111 •1 Vt'.tl'!-> tc1 111111plc •11 /\1 '" 'l. 111.11 1.,1 1111ghl l>t 11 ·,111\ 111 1111111111111 .... I l11r11 ...a id In La~una BNll'h . .c.lx'Sl~ w.1s l11und lo bt· u st'<l dS IHI lflSUIJllllll fo1 p11Jl'S in th1· bmh•r room B u s iness Md nagf'r a yd1· L ovelady said LE>at·ht•n, a11d studenlS art' ncv~r pcrm1ttt-d 1n th1• arl'a and thf" d1s trH·t '' lnvC'st1gat1ng ways tu pn•vt·nt a n y possible health h az.ard .111d '" UI llV lot 1111 d"ll 11 l ,,lid I 11.cl>h· JSIM •,tll:> \.I. JS lllll l11lJ11!I 111 ,111v e l.1s:-..n10111.' . I d1111 I l~·ht:\'l• th.It ll flt l'ol'' •' h,1/,11 d 111 lht t·111pltt\ ll' 111 llH ... 1u111·11l:-.., ...... 111 W1·1 I . Hui ii .... , d11ln'1 d11 .111\ th111g .1hm1l ll 1111 tilt' n1'l..t I~ 11r :!O \'l'JI.,... 11 might 1111:.1· •• p rohh·111 · target of thieves Mean while . an Irvin e o fril'tJI rc•porls that nu f nabll· .sbt·stos has been found so far an the nl\;:> public s h t•ooU! J D Smith, d1rt•c·141r ,,f ~1 lal'llil1t•s suppul'I s<·rv1t't'S, smd 111!'> dl'parlnwnt has 1·0111plN€-<:I flhout a third o f thl· surv1•vtn~ th.11 Th.-m :111•11.tl "' ·" ,w.t.14.i 111,·· , 11,tl 1111!! µ1 tw" 1 n fw;it 111g d u1 t... .111d l11.11lt·1 r11urn:-.. I )1st111 t off1n • .t:-.. \\di 1 l't'lllllllll'lllf 'l'lH"'d ,1\ tlt,1t tlll' l) ... 11d lt1n· ,1 111111 t11 't"tl lh•· '"ht '"''I" REMOTE JAIL SITE • • • A na frt.>t>Ways Or two adJa l t•nt Siil's 111 I r v 1 n t· • J l T 1 a b u 1· o H 11 .1 d bt:l w een S<tnd Can yon A vl·nu .. and E l Toro M a nntc-Corps Air Statto n . ur bl'twe1·n t h<> Sa11t..i Ana Frt-'E'way imd 1h1• air sta11011. southeast o f S and Canyon T h l' p r 0 p () !> t· d m e d I u Ill maximum :.c·<·uritv fal'il11v I'> 111tendl'CI lo r•·lll've• iJVl'rcrowd111g at the Sanld An.1 C"1vw C 1·nw1 ' main Ji.Ill N estanE who o ppost•s t h1• Musick H r F'<t rm s ilt• wh11·h " in hts d1 r1l·t. S<11d he has urgt·d that .1 n·mutt· s1l1· ht· ..,..lc'<lt·d 101 111nn· than a Vl'ill' Tht I,, .O I;. Ill l!ll!I .11 It•:> llU I th1·11· tw-J J.>1'1'011 clllll VtlU d1111 I 11tTd tu put 11 1n :.•irn1·11 1H··, l1,1lkVdrd." N1:s1.<1111.lt· ~1d Ii i· Lt ddl'd th at wh1lt• ht• 11µ1.rnst'S thl· M us1C'k hill' ht• "ould11'1 n1'l't•s:.anl\ oppu'>t' <1 11•1111111• lut.il11111 fur th1· j<Jll If ,1 ' 11 I I , old t ' I t 1 \\' I I I• ( It U ll d 1·1" "'ht n 1n 1h1· d1~l111 t "l.1·1·:-.. e hangt• th11 :-.111ng 1-r111·r1a ~ind look fo r a rt·motc· sit<" .1w:iv from rt•s1dt>ntral di .. m •. " h1· -..JIO S111111·11111 l11 cik .. 111111 thl' Sharl' Out Sdv1·, 111f1n· 111 Co:-.ta Mt•l>i.I ,111d "4tolc · t 'h nstm.1s I 111111 ,, It 11 o f hungr \' lo11111l11·, wh11 w1·1 c· .wlf.iW~Hl*'"1· 1n!"" ·Hitt -pountl~ or 1h1t,I' o111d 11th11 lll'lll'i l,1k111 1111111 tlw 111111 p111f11 11rg:1111z..1t11111 V11l11111 .. 1·1' who 11pt·1H·d llll' d11111 ... Fndav 111 Ht'.1 t'111nmu111l \' l '1•1111 ·1 .11 titi I I l;1111iltt111 St Imm; I .1 \\ 111d11w !->lll.1:.lwd Jnd 1.lw 111 fll't' 111 11 ... hanll>lc·' M1ss111g wt•n • tht• l'lll•t'"" 11t1· u ni v 1 ~1wwr1 t(·1', 1·11·• t 1 H · 1.111:-.. .an d P"l k1·1 '"1 It u l.11111 '· '1'111' tht1·\'1'' • \'I'll ra11:-..a1°k l'd a ol1•,k. 1.1k111g hus p.os"·:-. g1v1•11 lo lwlp µt•11pl1· loo po111 lo ,tfl111d t1.11hpo1 t.1l11111 111 a 1 u11duwn h1111·I 100111 111 :1 d1x·t11r', 111 f1l·1· SOS "'" ">t<.11 tt•d I:! yViir:-.. ago II\ J 1-.1 n "'" r ha 1 h J n d h ,. r hu ... h:1nd Ft .011k lo d1!>pt·nsl0 t·1111·1 gl·rll' food doth1ng .ind 11111111'' Shi· 1«111wd ,, lh·adlim·r 111 lht y' ·" .......... d I Wll Wt·(·k~ agu f111111 1h1· 0 1.ing<· C11unly Prl'SS l'luh f111 lwr humJ1Ht:1ndnrsm Tvp1l·:1I of Forbath'' c'Oll!itant 11µ1111110.,111, :.ht• nott·d th11l th1~ was th1• f11">t liurgl.1rv in I:! ,vt•ars LIQUOR CRACKDOWN FLAYED • • • people at a n·~tc.1un:ir1t and attribute· 1l t<• t h.11 pla1·t· " He addl~ h is bus1n1"SS 1:. down s i n c..· e t h c b o o s t t• d p 11 I 1 l • s urveilla1H01• program b 1·g a11 no ting muc·h 11f his ~alcs 1s 111 no n -akoh ol1c t tl•m s Fa 11;ir11I s to pped s h ort of t'al11ng tht problem harassm l·nl. but said h1~ business has b<•en hurt c•v1·11 though hP agrPcd to l'OOpt'rat1.. wnn tne po11ct· wrH•n tht program w as announC'Cd For his part . C hief Purc1·ll clcnil'd that thl· liquo r sto1 t · owners are lx.·111g l'ntrapp<'d 11r harassed ··They s.iy w t· ,·hanged th• rules of the game." h e said Pur1·c•ll <tc:k n uwlt·dgc'<I that lhl• 11ngin<tl intt·nl c1f thl' progr;rn1 was to stop a<iuJL, fr1>m huy 1ng liquor f11r 1••1·11 :JE-(C'I':> In '>tJ d11111~. 11rf11·t·rs t•111k at 111111 1111 otht•I' v111lat111ns "( l'ill\0 l 111s truc l 111~ u ffll'l'rs 1ml I v.ould not 111sl111ll lhl'm le• look thl' u tht•r wav." lw J:>S(•rt..<l ·Tht >' c·an 't 1gnc'ir" what lht•y h<'lt<•Vt' tu lx.· allt'gal opcrat1<1n~ g11111g on nutsick thl' front door" Not L'Vt•rvonl' wa:-. ups<>t with the• pul11·c• prugrdlll Tht•\ ( p11I H c· I ci l:>l'U'>l>l'd 11 "1th us ,ind I think tt'~ a n·Jllv good 1dt·a." said th1· managt.·1 t;f ( ;t'lll'' M.1rkt•l , who \V1sh1•d lo rt m;1111 ;.JOlll1 ymOU!-> 'J ,1 pproVt' of ' .inv llnw llw polic·1• hang around :end w ant 111 lwlp 111<• out I don't th111k IL·, h.1rassmcnt •· "I mak<· mon· m onc·v off o f sod;1 pop, o.,o lhcre's•n o ,·ncenllvl' f o r us to :.e ll (;ill'o h o l) t o JU\'t•111lt•s," a rgued Reef Liquors owrwr 1)1(.'k Goomcv "I think the poltu· .irt• trying lo· do a good job but we· d1d11'1 t•X pt.'l't the Laguna I~., .. h Polin· Dc:par tment to try 111 111.1k• .• 1111111· h a pp<>n · W <> ~1111 want to cooperall' but in a ~·n:-.1t1Vl' way . Don't try to m ak<> u:-.. t~1mm1t a crime " Pur<<'ll s aid he plans to c11n 11nu1• lht· s urvetllanl'C pro~ram on .1 penuche basis until tht· app.1n•nt problc•m 1s solved. Hui 11 .il-,11 l'anu· .it .1 111111· "lwn t lw 11ppcwLh111H ltulu IJ y hl•f1"'411I anJ Llh• WtH M'lllf~ 1·1·1mumu.· ·"!l!,l!l~l!!I\ lllU l:.t.'\C:. .lhl' J l.!1H .. 11d -T111 h1·lp "U111·11qJl11vn11·111 111111·(11 .... 111 · ru1111 111 g out" :-...ud Fo1b.11h "'l'ht "! 1'.111'1 ll11d Wiii k IJt•11pl1· wlto h.1v1· ll•·Vt'I h<1d l 111ulil1· l>l'rorc· ;1r1 • 111111111g 111 u:-.. for th•· firs t llllll' a11d th1·n· d11<·sn'1 st•1·m lo 1.>e · ;111\' h o pt· 011 t ill' hon1.1111 " La:-.l 11111111 h li,4Y~I t>t ·oplt• can1t• thruugh the· SC >S d1w>r' Ay lh1· llrtH' JHil l l't• fllll !->ht•d lh1•11' 1nv•·...,llgcit11111 ul tlw 1 n n11• M'l'n•· al I 0 a 111 :w 11t•opl1 · \\ 1·11· lln1·d Up, \\illllllg 1111 tl1111g' th.it Wt·n· go1w An\.11111· w.111l1ng lo g1Vl' .1 d onJl1m1 ol food t loth111g or mrnwv t .111 1 ..ill IH'..! :1 1:-i I •ll v1s1t th1• 1111t1 1 1\11111d.1\ thr11ugh FnJ.1~ t 11111l !:I :1 m t11 :1 p 111 Santa Ana man arrested 1n robbery A S;mt;i Ana man 1:-. 1n l'U:-to<ly today 111 r·onn1·c·t1111l with Lh~· h o ld-up of ;:i h,1nk 1n (;anl1•n GrovL' Fnclay. polil'C' ~11d Jnst:ph Pa ul Grl·g11ry. i -i was arres ted a t his h oml' m1null'S aftC'r a desc·r1pt1o n o f thP sus pec:t's vc>hll'lt• w a:-.. brnadcasl to poltC'C' P o I 1 c· t• ~a 1 d t ha l Sc·<.' u l'I l y FL-Oeral S<ov111g:. & Loan. 1222 I Brookhur..l Avenue, w as robbed of an und1sclosC"d s um at J ·40 p .m A Sant.a Ana offil'l'r . tdl·nllfted as D Pcralt'S, arrC':.lC'CI Gregory as he was rl'tummg to his San ta Ana restdl'nc·c P olice said the monev was rE'C'Ove red TEENS, GRANDMA BRIDGE GAP WITH HUGS • • • Plaza s tart season D•llJ Piiot l'llolo bf l'•lrlcll OOonnelf got on m y nerves," s h e' ronf1d£•' "Th e kids c amf' 1n at f 1r ... 1 e xp<'Cting a pitl'h I JUSt wanll'd t o o p e n u p a p I d c t' r • 1 r lcc•n -agers " Several teen-Jf(t' girls with tight pants, a n d long wind tangled h a ir talk a t a nf'arl1\ table Soml' bQys st:ind around th~ video m adt1m•, pum·h1n~ 111 quarters A p ool g;Hnl' 1s 111 progrC'SS The bant.t>r ts frll'ncily A blond I Ii-year-old rc"<-'l'IVt•s pt•rm1s~1011 to make some pt>p~:orn "I II 111 real careful." hl• prom1S<'S "It's real ntet• for IC't'n ·ag ('r.. 111 h ave' this p la <t'." says B rl't l Collins. 16. looking a r ound Lil th1 Cormcr t•lemt'ntarv :-i':hool wht·11 h e o nee took s inging IC'S.c;ons "h 11 a while 1t JUSI !)e(•mc'Cl like· <t !(h11 ... t town This has put 'W.>mC' hfc b.11 k 111 Another 16 ·yca r o ld boy 111 dark glasses a nd a rc-d bandan,1 ,.., racking up the b1ll1ar d ball' Anywhere C'ISt' and you m1gh1 think tw1t-e beforl' AAytng hc•llo But &:ott Yaklyv1r h . who-;,.,., h 1· h.is l11·1·n 111 JU\'1•nill• h.rll 1 h;1rgl'd with l>urgl.in turn:-.. •>lit 111 lw v1·1,v fr11•n Jly. c•,p1·<·1.illy whc·n tlw 1·onSt·rvHt1on tu1 n:-. ~ I 'q)(·r ") ha\'I· fun," hl' sci1d. "I l'om c· to St·<.· rny grandma S h c knows how to tn·al p<:><1ph· Lt's hLtrd to t"Xprc·~<; 111 Words how 111t't' Sr'll' "" "Thts pl<tre has taugh t 11w h1>w 111 ~et alon g with p<><1plc·" P1pc-r 1s pll•a<;(.'() by the• le<'n- ,1gc•rs' obvious offC'Ctron . but s ht• doc.·sn'l lakt' to t<ik<· full n1'{lit fur lhl' 1·c>nt1•r 's SU('t'<'S..S Shi· -;aid a l'OUplt· o f p{'oplC' t time· in t u h <•lp Jnd c,omc· ... 1udt•nL'> .11 South<>rn C;1ltforma < '11111'~<· rt'\'t'llllv cionatt'<I $2110 Suml'ttmc·' l h1· k 1d" nm f tdt· tl11'1r truuhlc·">. bul P1pl'r 1 ... 1 ,111'ful not to pr) Sh•· 1 Jn o;pi11 .1 kid on drug!'>. :.ht· S<t\'' llL·r "" 11 j.!1.indd.1ui,tht1•1 1" :.1:rv1ng time· 111 ,, l 11)11rado prt'"" f111 c h t·< k t11q;111g rrl<it<od to a drug h.1ht1 ·The· drug:. art• so pn·v Jlt•t1t " ... tw .;;.1vs. :-.ha k 1ng h1·r lw..id 'Thn ·• f11urrhs of th•· kuls ht·rr· know whl'r<· to ~<.'l th<.•m" Sh<· talk<'d lo a truuhlt•d wc·n - :tKt·r n~ t•ntly and made• 1t l'kar 1h.11 drugs wC'rL• not allow1'Cl in lht• c·1·ntt•r S h t· has n 't had a prolil•·rot "11l'f• 'I put my arms aruund him ,ond lw huggl'CI me." s hc said "A lot o f lh<'S<' kid:-.. don't gN that al hC>ITI(' .. The• T1·1·n CentC'r ts npC'n Tt11·,d,1y through Saturciay from :1 I ti H p m M a n y o f t h l' v11u11g,tc·1 s c·nml' fi ve d ay:. a wM.•k .md c,1,1y until dusmg "Tht•\ don't have a n ywh cr(• f'f'>(• to g11." <;a1d Ptpc>r "M othcrs hdVt' lll "ork and <;0m et1mes the k1cl'> 1 .1n't 1(1'1 in tlw house u ntil 6 p nl 111 f11u1 n111nlh' oil lht 11·ntt·r P1p1·r h,,., on I~ f 1•.111·d for h"·r .... 1fl'I\ 11m·1· 1\ m,m in his m td ·20s 1.lllll' 1n two wc·t•ks <igu with a ...i1•1·l pip•· .ind at:c•mpl l'd t o atl.1! k on1· .,f lhl' ,vnung:-tc.·rs P1pt•1 :-..111ml up tu thl· 1:1n~ry 111,111 , d1•m and1ng th,11 h 1· turn "''' 1 Ill!' w1•:q1<1fl Slw wnn II <idm1t that "'·"' lrighl<'nt·d ,"P1pf'r s aid "I reat'ht-d arouml h1~ hip and put m y arms ;;iround him ThLll's th<· advantagl· of being an o ld lady ," s h c s a 1 d . l u r n in g l h <.' n e ;, r tragedy into a laughable.· linl' All in a ll s he· doc.-sn't think tha t kids arto> anv w 0rs1· tudav thar1 past gt•nc•ratt0ns. "I w a s a IN:n ager o nl'C' ... sh c sa ys with a soft smile "Thl• opp 0rtun1t1f'l. an· gn·a t<.•r I was r a 1M·d in the· l'OUntrv a nd I didn't have.• anv bovfnc:nds' ~·ausc.• thl·11· wt•rt•n:t a ny boy:. around " Whc.·n sh e OJX'm•d l hl' <. t'n H·r last Jul~·. sht> said :-..ht•'d g1vt• 1l .it lt•ast on1· Vl'ar and thc•n nwvbt· l11u k fu1 :,11nll'om t b 1 lo 1:1k1 t l\'('I I'm K"l"R 111 lw 7 1 '111m '>ht· s;.i1d. w:t1t·h1ng the· l'ru\ql '1 know I lan't kt'l'P KP1n~ 11n "I'm w11rk1nj.l ln l1uild up .1 b<ink ;1c't·ount . I kn11w I 1.1n'1 ~t·t somt'onr• t•lsc· 1n ht·ri· without paying tlwm 11r c.•lst• th1•,•ll be· lx>S.'>;-1 I don't w.inl th;11 " lloi ~t lifled 55-f oot whitt· fir from Mount S hasta into phu·t· in fronl of South (oa~t Plaza Hote l wh('rt' it wu~ clt.·C'oralt•cl with 2 ,2 00 Chri stma~ li~hl!--. Memorial rites Sunday for Hunti11gton woman M1•mon;1I s<•rvw1·~ will ht• h1•ld Sund.1y in N1•wpor1 &«ll'h ftlf Unn:.. &1l!'tk.1 511. of I l untlll.lo(l•lll &•;i( h Sl11 '' .1s paq pn•,Hlt-nt ol N1\\po11 ll.1il1<>r C n1t\ Chunh \\'t1111111 ,ind tht Bu:..;llt''' .111d 1'111f•·"1t111,il V\'1111wn of Nc•wprn 1 I l.11 l1<11 o111d ,, 1w11·tl·r111 pn·-;1rl1•111 111 1h1 l.c•111.1 < 'lub 111 N1·\\·p111 t 11.11 ""I i\I 1h1 111111' 11f h1 ·1 dt·.1th l,1,t S11111 1,., ,hi· w,1, l11·u11•n ,111t g11\'t'l ll1H 1>1 J'.1111\,1 01:-.tl'lll 9 lh:tl 1n1 h1d1 ... (',ol1 l11rn1a. i\r11,.n.o. 1 \ .111.1 .1ml I I.1\\ ,111 Sl11 ''·" tho lO 11wrwr o f thl' H.1\ 1\1.111 l>.·lt\11\ S1·rv11'<' .ind "''" F'IH•" h111lt 111 Nt·\\'port f\..,u h l\111111111.11"1\111·!'> will Ix· hc•ld Su11d,1\ .it ~.Ill p 111 .11 thl• Zonto l'luh .11 L>th St11't t .111d lrvinc :\\I 11111 Sh• " ... ur\'1H·d Ii\ husband .1\ .... 1111 11111th1·1. 1>11rothv Van t\1.11lt1 llunt111gton &·a~·h and h 1 otlw1 .. J.1t k E V.in Markt . V111 lrt1 Lind.a Fair today with coastal highs near Coastal Mo111y 1111 today with 1ome , hlQh ctoud1 Gu11y ••II 10 nor1hWM1 wind• at llmM below the c•"YOfl• Hlgne In 1he cou18' •r••• U 10 75 0Ye<nlghl lows 45 10 53 Er1ewhere fr om P o1n1 Conceo lton to the Me•tcen t>o<der and out eo miles Sm11n craft 1dvl90<Y <Wilt out .. wel81'1 let norlhwftlerty wtnd1 1'.' lo ~ knoll today Comb4noocl MU II 10 9 leel Wind llgl'\I •nd var11blt 1on1gh1 bu1 wea1cirly 11 IO 18 kno11 on the elte rnoon wllh we11erly , .... 1 2 10 3 '"' U.S. 8lln1n1ary '"'""~~···•~ill•' p~~IW11c•O IOCtlily ~ ,.,., P:rld-V ftom ltwt Te-•• Gu ll Co ell •aroe1 LO\Jlelena end AtttenMt Incl 11110 -.i.mT-A PltClfle front 1wec>I • gvely winier 1101m ftrlht r lnlo 1'11 Colot.clo ~ocklet. prOd~ up to 15 lnchea of new 1now and wind 11 high H 50 mph The ColOfa<lo 8tat9 P11ro1 NIMI mo11 m •lor p a11e1 r 1p or 11 d enowpeoltad condlt10n1 suong wind gu111 •••uck Wyoming 1r1d elHwhere In 11>1 w•t ( . . -.... f~MPf"fllU'f)' around ltu~ ni\1•0n at noor1 PST •angf'd l•orn 7 dpg•ee~ a1 Culban• Mone 10 11• 11 M'Allen I !!•ti. For IOOay rain WIS IOlftGUI from Soulh Caroltna ac•oss M1111H10P• through tne 01110 and UPO•' M 1s1•1~1pp1 v •lleys Gh1ng1ng lo snow in the OekolH Snow wu tor~asl lrom no1lhern Utah acron we11ern Montana and Idaho through f'H!lttn parts ol Wath1ng1on ano Oreoon 11nd changing to rein on lhe north(t'rn PllCitfc C01nt H1gl111n thf 20• were pr Pd•ctfld 1n wutern No11h Oa•o1a and no11he•r1 1111nn1an1t In lhe •ow 10· mtd •01 1n the l>•c•l1c Northwest 1n lhe •Os 11cross norll'lf'rn N- E notand in I ne 501 and 601 •Cron "'" central plain! near 80 In norlhe•n Cahlornoa tn lh• eo. In mvch OI V1rg1n1a tn lh• IOW IOI •n the 1r.11nd Soulhwell neer 60 In 10Ulhe1n Flo11d1. and 1n lhe lo~ IOI In southern Te•H Temperatures Albany Altlvove•ov~ A'111rillO A1hev1111 .A111n11 .Atl~ntic C.11v Aullln 81lllm0<e e 1111ng1 HI le 53 32 57 311 75 44 49 411 112 50 54 so 1111 113 54 411 •II 37 '°'11'0"•• Wul"•' ~"'°'"' 90 "'o"" u r. D•PI o• C.P"'n r•c"' Joe~ son11•llP Juneeu Kansas C•ly ~no•v•lle Las Vegas L111le Rod Los Angeles lou11v111e Lubbock MemohtS M1111m• M•lweuk.e Molt-SI Paul Nuhvlll• New Qrlean<. New Yo•~ Nodo11o. PotllAnO 11111' Poflton!I O•P Pro1t11drnrf! R•lfl•gh Rapid C:1ly R~no Richmond Sall Lekf San Anl0t110 San 0'*90 San F11n~11co Sea111e Shre11epo11 Stow.fall~ S• lou1s SI P(!lf I Ampo St SI~ M•"e SPOk•"~ Syr acusf! topf'lia htCIOrt •J l1 .. 3 •6 49 39 S9 50 56 J• 46 211 53 ., •3 34 79 56 69 6• 511 S• 46 42 69 59 50 35 6 2 SS 81 66 46 38 4;t 36 ~8 J!t 116 51 69 ., 75 56 57· H 74 so CALIFORNIA Apple V~llf'> E!alier~llPl<I Barstow Bt!aumont Big Beat Bishop Ce1a1rne Culver C11• Eureka Fresno lanc1t1e• Long Beacn Loa~• Monrovia llllonteb@llo 1111on1e1ev 11111 Wilson Needles Newporl Bench Oa~l1nel Onleroo Fronts. Cold .. Warm ....., Occluded ~ Stattona ry •• NOllh Pl•lle Qklahome C11v Omeh• Orlando Phtladelph•• Ph()f!nu PntoburQh 69 62 19 10 66 52 66 s• 66 !12 15 57 68 57 84 54 7J 4!t 65 61 79 77 53 45 53 •6 66 58 112 67 50 48 62 !14 •II 3• 79 S6 59 •8 61 63 53 50 70 56 61 47 Tutu wun1ng1011 W1rtHIA Palm srr1no1 PHO Robles R1vt r11do Red Blull 81rm1ngham e11ma•cl< 80•"8 Bo11oii Brown1v1lle Bullalo Burllng1cn CatP•" Char1 .. 1on S C Charletlon W V ChsrlOll• N C: Ch•~nne Ch•caoo C1nc1nn•11 Cleveland (.nl11mb111 !l (' ~,, ... pai111_.,,, 'Ntlrth 31 Dwy1on 37 Denver 38 Oe1 Moontt 74 O•llOll 4 I 011lull1 '11 El Po('I 40 Fargo 55 Flaglloll 4 7 Ore111 r1111 48 Harllord 35 Hal8fla 411 H0t1olulu 53 Hou11011 .ca lndoanar)Olta 5~ Jiiek aon Mii• l I OI 7,5 .•. ,, •' • •' 11e .,.. 113 311 a 1 .ce 80 35 41 39 87 50 47 40 4 1 3.C 47 211 52 38 45 35 8 1 n 72 63 58 53 11 11.c , , , , , R.Owpod C/1>1 • , , 'IURf' RIPDRTI• /Ii• •ri!~~j)1lflilllf' turf turf hech Awt Me1 Zuma 2 J San11Monl0tl 2 • Htwpot1 2 3 S•n O..Oo County ' 4 Out!OI. for Sunday Lllli<I cnenge ' ..,,, ll'td n 10' to> 17 I well AVf I I t I well .... 3 3 J 3 lwell Otr SW w w w San Bern1rd1no San Gabriel San OleQo San Frenc11co San JON S1nt1 An1 S1n11 B11b1111 S1nt1 Crui S1tn11 Mana Santi Monica SIOCklon fehoe va1111y r~mal t • 64 ~o 63 48 65 55 63 3"1 41 58 72 68 60 62 56 6!1 6'l " 68 S'l 4J 7 t 65 60 66 71 60 61 60 Ill .:r Ill (l!t 8fl ' 119 111 60 1111 118 ea 112 115 115 37 11 .}!> 32 59 S2 46 •6 •8 60 51 56 56 ')1 25 S6 60 so 55 51 46 54 40 :i ••• 49 ()5 511 64 S2 47 57 s~ 51 41 57 .... 32 .... GLOllAL TEMPS Am;l,.•dam Alht''IS B&nglo.ok Barbados S.ttvl Belg•ade Bf'rhn BOQOll Brusse11 B Anes Cairo Caracas ~~ Oubhn r •an~lurt Gen1wa He vane lltllStnk1 Hong Kono J11iusa1em Jo bu10 llll!Y ltmA L11ho11 London M11K1r1t1 ='°"" Tide TODAY '14 61 91 86 i2. 50 50 66 411 75 73 112 ~ •6 Sot !>() 86 39 75 70 8, •S 73 63 so 57 Ill ~ 48 S• 81 11 ~~. 32 41 •6 39 61 57 68 A3. 39 50 37 70 32 70 54 57 32 61 50 45 34 70 ollOl I n r11 n1g11 1 04 • m 3 3 Fltal lOW ~21am l t Second high 10 47 • m & 9 Sfl<:nn(I IOw II •8 p m 0 5 Sun Hit loday el 4 47 Om 11Nt S111urday at II 30 a m Moon Hll IOOey et I 09 p m t1•u Sa1u1day 11 10 t.o a m t 3 .... NATION Union rejects wage-cut pact P IT T S B U !{(;II 'I' h ,. Untll•d S11•l·lw111 kt•rs 11n1011 hus Fl'Jl'l'tt•d a 11•111•g11t 1a tt·d l'VlllrJl'l thul would l1<1ve 1·ut wag1'S JllU hl·m·f11..' .1hl1ut 10 pt.'fl't'lll to lwlp till' slumptng s l l' l' I I 11 d ll s I J' y ;a II d I I s u1wmplov1.U wol'k1•r' Tli1· n •J1·1·11011 11n Fraduy up1·11' 1h1• p11ss1hll1ty of h 11.1111111w1d1· alt 1k1• a~11111s1 th•· '''"'I 111du:.l ry w h1•11 l h1• l')dSl1118 l'Ullll Jl'l l'XJ>lfl'S Ill Augu:-.t I !JH:\, <H't·onHng tu hvl la 111du:-.t1 y and u11 1011 11( fll'ILllS . Fed to iower lending rate WASll lNGTON T ht• F't>dt•rnl H1-M•rvc.• 80.1ru s<1ys at 1s lowl•nng 1Lo; own ll•ndmg rail' 10 hanks from !l fl pl'fl'l'nl to 9 pt•l'l'l'llt, tht' lowt•st an four yt•ars The movt• l'Ould , .. ,rly <.x·tol.x.·r and sixth sinc..'l' nml:Julv. "lwn th1• rat1• stood .11 I :l pt·n·Pnt E..411 of tht• l'Uts la •• s h I' I' II b y I) 11 l'-h LI I f 111.•n·1·11tugl' pmnt promµt nl'w dt•d111t•s 1n Thl' lah·sl acuon. <1pprov1•tl l'Omml'rl'lal mtcn·~t ratl'S ti 0 w11 h ont• nwmbc:r abst.>nt. Thl· t·ut n thl· "u1seount" lakl'S l'ffl't't Monday It brings rate" tha t tlw nali1111's t'Pnlrcal tht· kt•y h·ndi n~ ri,lt<• to its bank l·hargt's t·ommc.•rc1al lowC'~l point sinl·t• Nov. I , -"'h'mlt'r.ifllf<itm:rr mm;i.'1:11"--i971i.\ffi1'ii irwa"Sr.:ii;t'(Trrw,1 msututmn:-. 1s tht· f1r~t Sll1l'l· 8 '. Jll'll'l'lll to 9 ' i pt.·rl't·nt WORLD Salvador·an army hard hit S A N SALVADOR. El S a I v a d o r T h l' a r m v n·captured four towns nC'a0 r th e Honduras border from leftist guerrillas an h eavy fighting that rost tht• m11i1.ary mon• than 90 casua lli<'s, soun:e•s said Friday T h t• P r e n s a· G r a f 1 l' a newspapt.•r said tht• towns of El Jaearo. Las Vul·has. San Josl' las Flon ·s and NUl'Va Trinu..lad four of t he six tuwns takvn by guNrillas dur1 11 g ~ht•1r Oct ober u f f t' n s 1 v c> 1 11 n o r t h e r n Chala1c•n<1ngo Provance - WC'I'€' back under gov1•rnment control ·. . ·,_ . . ,- • D•llr Piiot Photo br Lff P•rne Ur IHllJU Coull DAIL V PllOT I SOturtlLay. NovumbtH 20, 1962 A tax hike~s a tax hik~, even if the president objects lh WALTF.R_R ... MEAR8 A~ lpeclal Corr~I WAS H I NGTO N l-'1·1·s 1d1.·11 t lh ·Jt U£•11 h u1rn't bcl!n ~rthrown. on ly 11v,•rtaken by <:v<:nL"' 111· s<lld 1t wuuld Lake ;& pula<.-i• <.•uup to mak<' h11n ~ th1• nl•ed for un y tax tn('rt·mw. bu t hv's c.·ons1dt•ring one now Hl• has, however. given 1t -v1 ahas T hul 1s sLandard prOCl-'<hlfi• a n y t 1m{• tht• H t.>agan admi n1 s~ra t 1on d1s<:u sses pro~sals ICJ ruisc.• morv fod.1:ral n•venuc.•. Thl• five-n·nt-a-gallon gasoline t ax i n l'r<:asl' n o w u n de r tons1derat1on 1s. by 'leagan's account.. nol..a lax but a usei: foe.. lt weli1d look-hke a t.<nr. a nd -actr ..,.J•kQ a !,;+¥ cw! • lwtvaQ,~"4;> <.·ailed the gas ta x a tax when Reagan proposed lO return' half of 1t to th<.· st.ates as part of his "new fedl·rulism" pr<Jgrum. ~he prot.•t•cds of an increa~. about $5.5 b1lhon a year. would be used to rebuild roadways and bridges a long the Ced e r.a l Inte rstate• highway ·system. Not i n cide n ta lly, the p r ojec t s 1n vol vt>d wo uld c.·r ea t e a n t'stimawd 320.000 jobs. A<.~'Ording Lo the president. the $100 b1lhon tax increaSt• enacted last summe1j was misre prcsentt.'d as the biggest tax incr,easc ~ven. when it really should have been described as tax reform. Before that. the assumed name for fede ral tax inc re ases w as revenue enhancemen t. adm in istration som e thing to s h o w th em. a n d al so a l'Ounterproposal to most cost ly, am bitious DemocTatic demands for public works jobs. But Reagan p lays down the •' •' job-<:rea t i n g aspect o r the h ighway plan. "I don't view this • proposa l as. l e t 's sa y, a jo b creat in g prog ram a ltho u gh, obv iously, there would be jobs created by going forward with that effort," he said at his Nov. 11 news conference. STATE Ailing drifter gets fortune Mirror above Patric k Mcintosh a nd· P e te r Be al is used to ch eck for police vehicles us ing drivc wa.y adjac·t.•nt to ne w em ergen cy a mbula nct· c1u a rte rs . The presiden t said on Sept. 28 that then• wou ld be none in h is new budget. under any name . "Will you fla tly .rule out any tax mc·reases. rt.>venue e nhancers or s pt'cifically an increase in the gasoline tax?" he was asked at a news conference. , "Unless there's a palace coup a nd I 'm overta k e n -o r overthrown -no, l don't see the necessity for that," he repHed. Actually, 320,000 jobs, which wouldn't be availa ble until the tax was passed , projects w ere chosen. and contracts were le t, would not do much to <..'Ope with un e mp l o y m e nt . 'An a dmtn1nrarton movelrl th,at direction would be a toke n. not a solu tion M o re .to the po int, Reagan always has scorned Dem0t·ra tic • c a l ls for public w o rks jo b s " programs as makework. quick-fix solutions that have failed befo:-e SAN F RANCISCO After a four-year l'OUrt battle· that took ham from a Detroit Clophou~ to a San Francisco fortune. a ailing ur1Cter w ho says h(''s been d()S(' to death has won l'Ontrol of his share of $1 2 mtlhon . ~pending his money without I n l e r f l' r C' n l' l' f r 0 m h I S rl'latavC's or court-appoanll'd l'On xc•rvator~ Irvine's arnbulanae · But he has been overtaken, by rising unemployment, with a bout I I .6 m illion Americans now ou t of w ork. The pressure for a jobs program -public w orks. tax incentives or some combination -i s comi n g n o w from Re publican s as we ll as from Democrats. and would again. "Let's quit kidding ourselves." h e said Tuesd ay. "We will not so l ve t h e pr ob l ems of unemployed a uto workers and .. steel workers with a nother giant, t e m p o r ar y, pu bl ic w o rks program .... Probate Judge> John Ertola made the dcns1on F riday.. an favor of t he w h eC'lcha ir · bou n d M e t son , w h o 1s suffering from tuber<'ulos1s and kidney diseas<' but has ref used t.o stay in \he h<lilpit.al. gets a new honie Rc·ubcn Met.son. 51. heir to an oil fortune amassed by his great uncle. Jafet Lmdeberg, has been deemed capable of GOP leader ponders tax LOS A N GELES - Assembly Republican Leader Robert Naylor. who has often spoken out against ra!srng taxes, says GOP lawmakers would p robably support a temporary stat~w1de tax incre a s e> to he l p c urb a projected $I 17 bill ion budget deficit. Nayl o r told sc"'Ve ral hundrt>d county offa~als meeting in Los AngPles that if "thl' problPm as a $I billion problC'm, I d oubt seriously wheth<'f ll c·an b<' solved without a rombinauon of hudg c t .. l'Ut s and a tax increase_• Leg1~lat 1 ve Analyst William H amm , th e nonparusan adviser to the Legislature on fiS<:al matters. told the• same group ll was too latl' to close the probably def 1l'l l th rough budget cu ts al11m· "Thl're is no way you can do 1t." Hamm said lr v 111l•'s c.·1t y-funded emcrgenc·y ambulance has been shiftt•d 10 a new home. giving it a mon· <.'<·ntral l!xat1on and quicker rt•s pons t• time· lo locat ion s throughou l tht• city. Thl· bright rc-d ambulanc't' has bt·<·n moved to the Orange County Fare: Dt·p<.irlm<'nt station at East Yal<' Loop JUSt southw<'st of Barranl'a Parkwa y 1n Woodbridgt· _ .. It formc>rly was park<:'d ell tht• t•ountv fan· sldt1on on California Avl·nu<.· JUSl off Campus Drive m•ar UC lrv1m• Bl'fon· ii C'ould be moved . howt>vt.•r. l'Onstru1:t1on workers t.·omph•ll·d a $68.000 add1t1on to th<' Woo<lbndgc• station so lhl• :ambulance· would havt• a protl'<.'lc·d gar'?gl' We're Listening ••• Wh:it do you hke a bout the Daily Pilot? What don't you hke., Call the number at left and your message w ill be recorded. transcribed and delivered to the a ppropriate editor. 642·6086 The same 24-hour ans we nng service may be used to record let· tl'rs lo the editor on an y topic Mailbox contributors must include their name and telephone number fo r verif1cat1on No circulation r ails. please Dlilly .... hhery a.Gu w11eed Mondey·r,,.,_, fl rov 00 nol "•"• yout paper t>r s JOp"' '*'-· 1p"' .,H:I your copy ••II oe _.., Saturday •nd Sut'ldly 11 you do nor rece+~e ~°"' C(JCl)I by 1 • "' w be!Pte 10 a m ancl y()Uo COOy -De_.., , ... ,, __ Mos! Or•MQe County ,.,_ ... ~, -tV>tongton 8Mcf\ &Weo1-er -.1no l~H9"' _.... Tell us what ·s on your mind ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat Thomo1 P. Holey Pvb11i""• and Ch1el [ <e<vlove {)il1ce1 Jone Amari f.K411,.., Id•<>' l . Ko)'>Schulh V1co Pte-t~"' Raymond Mod.eon COt1t1ollt!• ond 01rec10t of Ad..,tf'h\14'\Q Michael P. Harvey Q,,eclor al M0<le1ing 1(,,culo•-onl , • 1..000~888-worth-of-:fcwetry -7\1't-C la~~· - Objecl d'Art -Louis lcart Etchings - Porcelain f'igures -Signed Rem ingto n a nd Russel Bronws -Persian & Oriental Rugs -Max Karp Enam el on -Copper Paintings --- 18th. 19 th & 20th Century Oils -Silver l~~and •, ., ea Sets. Cl•Hlfled advertlsln9 7141142·5171 All other departments 1542-4321 MAIN OFFICE DI We.I a-. SI • (O\la -·CA "'•11 aoo..u 8o• 1'60. COiia -W CA. n.Jt c..,y;\;M ,.., Or-C.,.>t PutHl•hl"9 C-y No n•w' \tof''4'~ Ulultr•llon\, HttOf••t m.ewr Of' ao. vfftlt•""-""'• ,_.-.Jn m•y bl reprOd\IC.ed • ..._... •e>«l•t i-,.,.,,tu loftof <opyri9fit _,.., llw O•-C.,.,, Oatlr Piiot, •1111 -ICll ~ <- O•MG IM ,.._..Prftt," PVl>llt-Dy ltw 0raft99 C.,.tl PulllliN"9 Comp.M>y S.per•t• --are P<IOll.--.v 111"""911 Friday lor COiia -· H•wll0'19Mc!\. H""ll"flOtl tie.ell, l"-~V .. tey, lr•ll'W,..._._,,,S....11\C .. '1 .,..._,........ Oodlll.., I• p,Aill-SM11rday• -~ Tiie 11<lnclp•l IM>tl\l\"'9 Pl4tnl .. •I DI 'W•M .. ., Str.t. P 0 tloa IMO, (Oita Mew. Cellfornl•.,.,. VOL. 75. NO. 324 Wiii ~t one Item or entire fftalff for auction • Caty Manager Payl Brady J r. said caty o ff1C'1als agreed to transfl'r tht• ambulaoC<.' last year afll'r a Sl·c·ond para medic unit was plan'<i in tht• d ty. T he first u1111 has been located at a station at lleratage Park. the second wPnt to th<' sta tion near UCI "Over the seven-year period e nding in 1981. governme n t s~ni. $66 billion on so-called jobs programs and d uring those seven years unemployment increased • and the economy worsened." Capt S1:ott Nelson said thl.' ni•w loc·ation should cut rC'SponSt' t1m<.· virtually in half for ma ny runs. p:nt1c·ularly thost-into c·astc>rn par ts of the e·11y . Sen. Pete Domenki, R·N .M .. c h air m a n of t h e Budge t Committee. says the new budge t should put the emphasis on jobs, even if it costs a Little inflation. C hasten e d by t h e e l ectio n returns that cost the m 26 House seat s. other Re publ icans are thin'lcing that way. loo. T he h igh way p rojel·ts t h a t would be fi nanced with the gas tax money would ~ave t he Reagan said a 10-year trend of r ising unemployment "was not caused by highw ay potho les." But he added that h ighways and bridges need repairs. "and I am considering a n 1nit1a tive for • , that.'' Although paramcdll' units can carry v1c t1ms in e m c.•rgencies. publal· safety officials say they'd rather usc the ambula n ce so paramt>di<.-s C'an rC'mam on call for · othC'r t•mergcn<.·1es Thi' I 979 ChPvrolet ambula nce <.'an c·arr:·• up tn four p<>rsons on strl'll'hers at onl'e. Adoption Fair looking at Amerasians' plight La"t month. the ambulant'<' was sent on about 250 l·alls. an aVl'rag<.' of c•ight per day. Brady sa id t h e a m b ulance w as t>stabhshed bat·k in 1974 by the Irvine City Council to e nsure propt•r C'ml•rgency service• for rc'S1dt'nts. T ht• ambulance 1s used strictl y in c.•mergenc1es: the cn y p1c·ks up the ball. Bcx-ause two firefighters staff tht• ambulance. the Woodbridge station now wlll have Uve rather than t hree people o n duty , Nelson added. "How lO adopt an Amerasian child" will be among the topics d iscussed at the sixth a nnual Adoption Fair, sch eduled Sunday a t Golde n West Co llege i n HunllnRton Beach. T he fair, co·spon.sorcd by the Adoption Council of O ra nge County. will be he ld from 11 a.m . to 4:30 p.m . in th e centr;il quad area. Ad · ion is free. and child care w va1Jable. The is for me mbers of the pu and for professiona ls who w o rk w ith adoption . FLUORESCENT SHOP LIGHT 48-lnch Workshop Li~ht . Includes Bulbs SALi •12•• ·Information will be presented at. booths s p o n so r 'e d b y organ izat ion s in Ora n g e, R iver sid e and L os Ange l es counties. Workshops wiB be offered on topics such as infen ility, inte r- county adoption. search for birth pare nts. legal issues, how to talk to children about adoption, and adop t io n o r p h ys i c all y handicapped child re n. More infonnatit>n on the e ve nt may be obtained by calling the community serv ices oH ice. , 891 -3991. MULTIPLE OUTLET CEITER SALE ---~~ .. .· •12•• 24-INCH BRIJ.E-1.J1J.L---~==~---r:-rni Fluorescent Light Fixture with Replaceable Bulb -L-ua;r 1-6'8- ITIRI E.T. II IEIE Limit~ To Supply On Hand Oller Good Th1u 111i3/82 more than you e~t In a hardware store ,..._ .... · ' .... ''1' '::~·1 ·' •·•••·• MsA· HARDWARE .. • . Or 1mqu C.011111 [)All v Pll 0 T /S;11urd11~. Novombur 20. 108' _llepublicans _giy~ jobs.p~gr.a~ "highes~ ._p~~o~"ity • WASlllNl:'l'(>N tA l'I Ht•puhlll'1m lt·11d1·1 i. 111 t'1111i.i11·..s urt• tt•lllnK Pn'!\ld1•111 U1•aj.(.111 1lwv wall pui.h 101 ,, Jobi. 111 uj.(1 .1111 111 th<.' poi.I t•h•t'lllJI\ W'>Nltlll . but wurmng tlwy M't ' 111111• hnp•• loll moving up ttw lm.'01m• tux 1·u1 111 • Junuurv Artt•r nwt·11111o< with H1·11gan .11 tht• Wh111•.1Iuu:.1•, S1•11 1111· 1\111)11111 \ l-.1·i11h·1 I le1w11rcl II 8 .1k1•1 .rnd llnuM· lll•publl1.•u11 LA·c1d1•1 Hobt•1 t Mkht•I Kttlct u jul>lt 1>111Kr.1m '" utlt' of 1lw prh11•1t)I'. 1111 tlH· lumc.··dU('k lil'lil>ICll\ •l>tm 11118 Nov. :w Tht> con~r<>ssiunnl l1•11d1•rs, l'onf1·rring w ith R1.•ugnn for tlw l1rs 1 11ml• 1>1n<.•c t ht.• N ov. 2 1•ll"t·t1011, S<ml th1•y ulso luld tht• Plt'hlUt'l\l Ill' 1k1l 11111 1111\ I' l'll•IU~h 11uppc11J 111 11w;h up lht• duh· ol lht• lox 1u1 "W1• don't . hUVI' till' VOii'!\ •• M1dwl m11d tw 111101111111 H1··•M•111 D1·pu1 v WhH1• H ow.1• pr(•M• 111.•t.•n•1u1·y L111·1'y S pl'Ukl•8 HI.lid l11tt•1 1lw p r<•a1d<.•n1 w11n\1.•tt w dillt'Ub.°' llW lUX l'Ul l~'\Ut' (urlhc•1• with h is l't'Onom k udvjsc·1-:. .. ~p1•.1k1•,. ... 1111 ~·111l11y ltt'\16(111\ p'tuhulil v would dt•udt• 111 \Ill' '"'"' l1•w duy:. wlll'tht•r tu Ul•k 1hy l111l11• dul k M">.'i&1111 ol ( 'cmj(rt'l'o.' 111 ndvunt•t• th1· dutc• ol th•" la>< 1·u1, bu\ would 11ol 1rv 10 h11111( ll up durhlM th1• 1·1•1(u~1r tun. 1•1>!'1101m l 114•i., .. ic111 Ill')( l Yl'lll' . Ask1•d wtwth1•1 J\p, •11n ww1- 11urpn •wd to ht•1tr lhal I clut•:.11'1 Jaav1· 1h1· 111-tt''-"'' v vott· .. Im tlw 111 11pos;il, S1i.•.1k1·~ 11·pl11·cl, "No, wt• k 110 w 1 t '" Ko 1 n I( l o II c d1frltull .. Ill' m k11owl1.·d~1·d H1•111(.tn'M mlviM·r~ w1•1•· l111't1 mlc•r ttw 1 ... -.Ut., 11dtlrng, "1'1w µr't•1tld1•n1 vt•ry 11111•11 u1·1i. l'onfllt·unu o p1n1oni; frum hi' adVIM'fli " '1'1 ~n~vu• 1.n1u11 S t·l rc·11.ry n re· w I,,. w he i11.11c ~ .11 II I h 11 l 11111µti-..1I wuuld t 11 .it1 .1h11ul :1.w. 000 .1111,.. H1•al(1111 111 1•11•1 n 1101 to rnll It 11 Juh~ pr 11grmn ... 1m·t• tw upfWhl d the· pu bl ll WO I k:. upprrnJl'h to 1111' urwmpl1>ynwnt 11ilcmn111 clurul')( 1lw rnn•fhll~n New · conflict r_ules .fOr UC researchers Ruk1•1, who " I 111111 'f'1·111u ... ~·t:. lt•lt 11p1·11 lht• l'"''1h1l1 1y lh;1I ht• 111uy wuppw l 11 mm·p 1•>i;1t•nslV4' job~ p1 ogrn1n. though tw did nut g1vt• uny cktuil~ 1~1 add111on. thl' GOP lt•ut.11•11' prl>dlt'tl.'d 11 would l.ll' t.11ffkuh to mukc furltwr l'(J t.i; in non-dt•ft•nS4• s1H·nding, 1h•splle R t•auun 'i; a s!\t•rtlo n in New Orl c•a n s Tu<·sday \hu\ that II> prcc1111.·ly "Whal l'n1 say1nlo( I~ I'm uorng . . . SAN FHA N<.:ISl'O (AP) Tal·khng t•lhl1·al qu1·:.1111ns r:111>t·d by n •volu 111111:1 ry ~·11•n Ii f lt' ndvunt'l'S, till' U111vt•rs1tv of • Cah fonua has :-.i•I nt•w t'Ollfht·I· of-1n 11.•n •s 1 r ult•:-for f:H'u lly researl'ht•rs fun<lt·rl by µravall' mdus1ry The rult'l>, 1i.sut•d Thursday. rl•quirt> n•s1.·~1n:hcr:-. lo dasdost• any ftnanl'uil intt•rt•:.t tht·y havt• m l'Ompames funding th1•1r work a nd rcstr1t•\ un 1vl•r::.1 l y inves tment in cntcrpr1s1."S that Antique Show Huntington Center mall today thru Sun. Last show before Christmas. -e!!.:! ""' GONOll!Of..o SOlAll WA 11111 HIA TINO IAlMIOOltl 111-...G c,, l ,.,.\, s--hne 5111111 II Y°"' OoO< (CAI SIOfe -es• Y°"' Ar .. \ COSTA MISA 641-1289 152• ...... ,.., ........ MIS.MON V1IJO 495-0401 ,..,, c;...,i-c.,i.--1'-' ..... ,,_, ., """ ,._..., I l' 0 u I ti lw 11 l ' ( I l r r" m (' u 111l p u s rt'Sl'OJl'l'h Thi· 1ww J)rovis111ns addn•ss st1':.1t1v1 · t•lhll'U I questions rniS(•d n •t•t•111l y by tht.• poll'ntial for • hugt• f1nant•tal ~a ms fn· SUl'h rapidly t•xpanding fie ld s as gt' n 1• 11 t' l' n gin l' l' r 1 n g and 1111t·1·ob1ology. Ulll Vt'l'SllY "f'(•St'lll'l'h t•r s a11d prlv111t• 1·umpnnu.•s thnt of lt•n pay for llll'lr work "!'ht· rc.•gulutions wt·n· first µ1 u p v:.t•u l wu yt•ar::. U80 b y unlwrsily offrcwls worrlt'<'I about potential. l'<mfht·ls o f interest. T ht•y respond to a crillcal problt•m umv<.'f'Sillt'S nuw face how 10 t>n courag<' mutually be1wf11.:rnl ties with private rndus t ry witho ut sani fl ~ang ltr1•111 unlvt•r111111·i. 111 th1-. 11d1•qu:ill' t·art• Is lx·ing , th1• qu1•s1~uni. t·ov1•rt•1· guHJ1•lr11t•i., :.u1d un pn-s1d1•n1 David S:1xon 111.mlry. \ 1•11" lo liv tlw I I !>II y T h l' g u 1 ll t' I 1 n c• w t' r l' wht•n• ht! mll'nds to cu t. to talk tu llw spt•ak1•1 IThCJmaJ> O'N<•tll) um.I Wl•'rt· J.:lllllg to gin "I think wc•'veC'utjustaboulus up u 1.obli btll," Bakt·r -.aid much as Wf' c•an cut," Bak<.'r said. U'N1.•il • D-Ma:.J> . .' ,., tht· llouS\.' "Wl"w wrung a lot out of thl• s k lll>n·dt•fl•nst• :.idt'. Now wt• an• • pt•a t•r ~ • grnng to havt• tu 1.;1kt• a look at With unc•mploy111<'11t :it 10..4 tlw deft•n:.c Mdt.>." ptrt'l'nl. M 1dll'I said. "ThL· kt•y But on tht> jubs 1ssuC', Bakc.'r c•lc•mcnt 1s JObb and pulling said he tx•llcvcd Reagan would 1woplt> ba(.'k to W\lrk Thc> propose' Thal Con gl'l'ss pass a qu<.-sllon is, how du you bc--st do pruf.(ram to repair highways and that?" Un4!mploymt•nt was a Tht• gu1dl.'hnes also rl.'1lcratl' t'Xll>llng rules on studcnl-ful'ully rl'IJllqnsh1ps. timely publication of n·s1•art·h results and public d1sdosurl.' or t ics bctwcc.o mdt>pendc•nti.• and integrity . · .. r l' as 0 II II b I('.. r 0 r •• :' u I> I at• llh\ltuuon. ulthough •11va u • un1 vt•r:.1l1t•s hu vt.• !10 lllTil.'ll l'hos1.-n d1ffl'rl'nt paths, h1• s.ud, nut111~ H arvard Uni. 1 l>ll y's rcla u o n :.h1 p with M .-.untu Corµ. and Sl4'1lford Un 1 1 Mtj's ~h-wtth-fntcl~ bndg<'S financed by a fiyc-C£nt-maJOr issue In the November a -gallon incrJ.>ase i~solrn t• 1.•k'(:llcms m wh1(:h th1.• GOP lost t!f~t'S ---Z6'ltqust.:_,<;<.•a s · -''..l'.m-q~•n.- Maria ela Alvarez Lebron of the Dominican Re public is crowned Miss World in London by the 1981 winner, Pilin Leon of Venezaela. Le hr.on, 22, is the fi rst Mi World from her Excellent profit Potential 100% to 500•4 1st year Write Off $5,000 -$10,000 Minimum Investment HERMES MILANO, INC. PERSONAL TAX CONSULTANTS (714) 751-2400 pay 8.0•row• · a . .llVllll 111 ILL . "IDE DEPIRTIEllTI II ~J-ILL lllE BUii ~ 111118 SCREEI TV'.• ~ APPLIANCE GE MICROWAVE • 1.4 cu. ft. • DEFROST • 25 Minut• Timer • RecifM Guide OILY $299 95 WHIRLPOOL 11 cu. ft. • NO FROST • ENERGY SA VER • 4.73 cu. ft, Freezer • Porcelain on Steel Interior SAVE 160 OILY s55995 GE u11ERICllll" ONLY· GI OfUVPS Q USHID ICI, CUllS AND COU> WATH • 23 s cu. ft Financing Avalloble - RCA I" 1111 .. 11 OOLllTlll • S1 ...l.o<k Tuning • A.:o .... ht Son. . • X:wnded Life C '1Uil C:-~ ftCll GE 11" li-a1111 • C n Monitor • s. :f State • 8 · ,k Matri• P•~ture Tube · COL\,.. $299 95"'·"'~ llLY . =lV•&o siMY 21" ..... fililfiil RCA 8-HR. VCR ftCll • 24 Hour Pr09rammable • S.arch · • Remote Pau1e OILY $449 95 SOIY IETllll e Front Loading e Beta Scan e 7 Day Programming • Wireless Remote 181/llTSUllSHI Baldwin. o RGANs mn PIANos M • Acfju11. GloH Stt.hrft • E-tY Sov .. • 24 Heur Programmable • Wifele11 Remote B*wil Mdl. 600 $ OO 40" Console Pbnos 19 9 5 Dmticaly Reduced lo· On al 8*win Offer lnited to locludes Bench _ free Delivery Pianos & Oren Stock On tbnd. ~ Ocl 31. 1912 ORGAN AND PIANO CENTER 270 E. 17th ST. COSTA MESA 645-2471 ,., ..... .IEIERIL ELECTRIC IUILT-IM DISIWISHER r UYE •10 • INHGY SAVIR • TUFF TUI INTHIOI , • HIGH GLOSS ~CK ::. '21911 SEE Ill lllLT-11 APPL. llP1. FEATURING: • AMERICAN • CALOIUC • CHAMURS • FRIGIDAIRE •GI •·"AIOWIOC • JINN-AIR • llOPClt • Remote Control • bpre11 T'fning • Cable Ready SOIY II" Di11on1I TRlllTROI • Remote Control • Matri• Twin Spealier Sound • Electronic Tuner UYE s5ooo IOI Ill SCREEI .............. • f ij F111etion Rtmolt • 100% Sold State • 4-spkr. SCUld llW llLY $1,895 IE WllESlllEI ~--... .--~41''•• ...................... irl ..... ,... .... • Duol Mede Remote • Chonnel llocli Out •Cable Ready • 4 Spealier • Sound System lllL •t o• = •401• ... ... 01 cmge ~0111 DAILY Pll 0J1Sutu;(.luy. Novumb ' 20 198~ J\3 After I 0 . ye8i_.s,.· nllclea:r plant ·still unf lnished . . MUSL'OW. Uhtu \1\1 '1 Mori• thun 10 y1•11rs uftt•r' 1•11111'11'\ll'llOI\ bt•tlun, th11 Wrlhur11 11 Z11111rn•r PuWl'I' St-t1t1un :.rti. :.1h•111 oo tlw bunks of ttw Ohio ltrwr. u $1 7 billion nucll'llr powl•r' plant that still isn't fihashl'CI. l'11111n111111 (.;,,, & t:h'\'tl ll' t'u., tlw Ill I ,1 11111111111 ,1d1111111o;lrntur , Junw' Kt•pplt·I', Is 111-..1 p1oµc1i.11l by ( '1111111111111 t: . .-. pl11111 's lllllllilMl'I'. 1111d 101 ('II J\11d lht• 1·11-.111 1'41llld .ro 1•v1•11 Hii i 111 (lt•d thia l d\•11 11e n 161\,d Al ~:t1•t'll'k Ill wow. With II""'' 11w111 ·1~ 1),1\'lllll P11w1•1 & L1Hhl ••. l111:h11 . ''"t11•1•t.tlh 1dlt·1 tlw 11111i.t11111t1111 dd1•1·1-. l111v1· h••1•11 11111.)t.,ll·d 111 $:.!fll 0111111111 Co .11111 l'11lll111h1h & S11uth1•111 N111h.11 ll1•t.!11l.1l111\ ('111111111,,11111 n1111·111-cl ;111tl lh11t tht•H • I' hllh· l1ttlrlv 111 1111,.t .. "I\ lli.11 "1111• Ohtu ~;h.,1111· Co 1 • .-.1\\Itk1111h·1t·d ·11w u11h111·-. tu llkl'11hood IH'W u111•i. will \,.. llt1·11. till' 1·111wpa11 v lr,1, 111•1•11 C '(.:11\t ~: hn' sunk $HHtl rmlhun h:11l .tll k1•y.pl11nl l'Olll'lll'Ut'l11>ll fou11d p11 k1·d 111 d 1'.1lh 111 1111111111.tl 111 \.\ h .11 lh• \ .. tll 1111 11o11 .11111111 111.11 "II l.111 d Ill 1111' lllll 1!1711t- • Builui11~ tlw fut·rhty hu.; l11-t•;1 u • dl•t·u d1'-l o 11g h1'.1d ul'111· for 111111 Zarnnwr. l),1 y1un Puw1•1· l't4 'f'lw Nit(.' .,.1111 u m i.ti U<'llllll l'llll Th<.• nrt.J~r tli only tht· lutl'til m -:.1 ul11tud1•s u lJout llUl'lt•ar 1111w1•1 Light $!\.:1'5 5 m 1l11un ontl n ·s u1111• 1111lv uf tl'I' t 1'11 · st•rlt·11 or p rohlt•n111 lhlll havt.' from:u1 '1•1a ul l)/llVC'lt•dllllllf.(llw l'olumhui. & Souttwrn Ohtu 1 111111111,,111 11"-. 1 i•g111 11 ,1 1 pl.1t:l1t•d 1111· plunt l'>llll't• 11 w;1s 111 .. tg1•J11·r .. 11111111l 11ud1.11 plaul' l 'l; 1'V~. 1111 1d1111 W1ll1.1111 l>H ld1u111 I h.1 h 1•11 111 l/1 d ll11• l.t11•-.I f\w l<l' Ill d1 I h .illlllg lllll'\11111111111 '·'' 111i: 1111 .11111111 '',q1111 •,f'I ..,. Ill 111 fJIHljJllllU,, 11111111 1\ 1 ,111d drn ' 1111t!i111g (11 '. I· / Wood FOldlng Chairs · ... ~· Nice tor so many occasions. In hand· somewalnUt flnlSh. $22 vat. $1•eMft. This beautifully slmple sofa comes w ith cushy comtomble pillows and side t>olsters covered with easv·to·ciean. durable fabric In a natural beige 78" Sofa S509value s359 Also a Wide variety of sofa models In stOCk ... for special order In your dlolce of ............ of fllbrk •llcttons 20% • 50% off. Danish OCCMIOnal Chair by Kebe unusual design features steel frame wltn dUrable QUiited cover avallat>te In 4 COIOrs. $169 value. Imported Teat aootcases TW01or$178 RoseWood ... TWO FOR•249 == tooklno. name-grain teak t>ookcases are a direct lmDort purchase and are an unbeltlbte Vifue. Crafted Of tne ftnest teak veneer with adJustable shelVeS tnev measure 76" x 12Y1" x 35". llck ~ -constrUCUCI Wltn INtehlng PVC IUY sgg ONIFOR IACM ,, H. u~\• ll1• l'l"l th Ill • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-=--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ , A wonderfUI way to expand vour dlr*'G or CIOf lfel •ice "°'1zonst tt expands frOm 35Y>" x 35'1>" to a spacious 35•;," x 106Y1 .. and ts available In wann teak or precious rosewood. . aeechwOOd Dining Table This table Is crafted Of beautffUI beech and measures :· x 31 ''. x 58" high. $209 vatue. ...... style CMlrl trom talY Handcrafted In walnut or ~tural wooa finish with oenulne heavy·dutv cane baCks & seats on sturdy chrome frames. $ 29 Side S!g Ann Chair Chair $79 vat. $89 val. SIOel:>oard oestQn features 4 taroe center drawers wttn 2 Sliding ooor cOfnl)lrtl'Mna fOr targe Items on either Sidi. Hutch features Qlass llldlrl fOr tMautv and autt ·free stonoe. Sldet>oard 74" tong •275 HutCn 74' iono •195 $389 value 1279 VllUe •, ---··. ---·. - Dlreetor's Chair Director's Chairs are oerfect tor entert.alnlng, lndOors and out. Natural wood frames wttn a vartetv Of bright canvas colored seats & backs. $59 value. MagazlMRadl Teak & canvas constructk>n Breaks dOWn Into tts own malllnQ canntster ctncludedl. $53 vatUe. ... . . NeltOf 'hlllll fl'Om ' Dlftlllartl These unlQue tables area reatse>aee m;"v,,. SOllclTeat Dining Chair .- - These dining chairs are a solld deal solid t eak. that is• They're covered 1n easy·to·clean. durable'fabrlc, ---11llJ1---and at these prices vou can affOrd as manv as you need• S99val Famous Danlsll valentlnsen Dining Table This smart, practtcat teak table has 2 leaves Which extend the top frOm 48Y1 .. to 90y, • ·Teak S8J9 va' $465 ourabfe fabric seat 9Dlld'-a..lr s75 IO•Wooclatatre429 $125 val .... .. . . 5195 val • I I •• • . . Orang~ Const DAILY PILOT /$aturd y, Novu"llltt1 ,0, HUW l .. . . . . . . . .. .. ... . . .. t--··--.---- (On selected styles and colors-and there a·re lots of them!) PLUS . ' . (1/3 down-No interest fina-ncing for six months on approved credit) PLUS (Exclusive .at Harlo·w's i·n Southern California) • . . (Sale s·tarts at 9:00 am sharp-be early. for best· selection) Featuring Lees, Mohawk, Bigelow, Gullistan, Alexander ~mith, Milliken and many more. All carpets are on sale at 10°/o, . 20°/o, 30°/o, 40°/o and 50°/o off! This sale is for a limited time only! • ~ r. _ . Harlow Carpets .·w., ~ .. ,..~ .. 1,., .• ~: .. w ....... ,. ~.~lPc.!! . .-e IMHMe "? ' . OAAOEN OAOVE . t: "\ ·'iac#~ STORE HOURS: Mon. thru Sat. 9:00 •m·5~~·n111i \Nt~·· :"' ·•11 .,,, • ~~" ' ~-, Legun• Hiiia Mon. thru Fri. 9.9 Saturday 9-5:30 Sunday 12·5 Convenient Crec:M T em\$ Av411l1b le 12802 Kno tt Street 11.ol South Street ~ E •th Street 11 8 ti. ,..o Ga,oen G•o•t F ,..,,, 1Ac1ot• lrom tfle Cen•tot ~'' I Ac rots troi\11 s..r.i (7U) 111~1157 • (213) 514·H21 . (21 • .__.20 ... (213-432·2221 PLACENTtA 127 E Yorb1 L 1nd1 • 1 8•• wesi o• ts.1Hme11 (714) "1-1321 CORONA DEL MAR 3838 East· Coast Highway 1Acrot1 lrom ,,,. Cro-n1 "91tawrlt'lll (7U) 173-... 3 l ' I 15073 Goldenwest 1lefl1nd Don JOH I I Coco I I (714) 113·711, • C2, .... 2., L'AQUNA HILLS 22,351 Avenlda De La Carlotta tBelwMn El To1101no l•ll• ForNt e .. 111 (114) , ... , ... " Gerden Grove • Open Sunday 12·5 • ., Piiat SATURDAY. NOV. 20. !982 ENTERTAINMENT I • TELEV,ISION . ~ 89 8 12 • Troja 11s · (,, .,or,•tl l1y 0 11e· tn 1t•r l )(4'1JA a l llos~ Bowl. 113 . 0 D ---li's cle~r ~ailing f ~r N-e~port,-· 55·~-6 By CURT SEEDl!:N too· smull, both in Kii .. nnd numbers, l'l cwntuh1 th1· runK ot :t und 1 l yards for 'l'O;i, wa11 th<• 1't.'t'IJl11•n1 of l'l'l'(tt ti for most ~inl.ll IK.'on'<':I by a Newpot't Harbo; \ Of 1"-0.itr '""°1 ll•tt explos1v1• '.l'ar ufll'llSt.'. • u M1k1• Wt•lb TIJ pm.-. fnr 14 ·y:.infs und ad1focJ a ll•am NORWALK I\ few m111utes aftl>r the fi nal' Norwalk Coadl J<•ff llrmkll•y had just !IS 41i-ya1u TU punt throuHh th(' uutdu~'<l Lt.1nt·1•r "lt wo& mcc to ha\lc a IL1ughcr. but the guys .gun. had sounded und the respcct1vl! almn muters play<'rs to work with this st.•<1so11 In l'ontrast, dt'ft•11Sf• k11ow thl•y'rc not gome w lutve any more games played. members of the Newport Harbor High 01ddin~'> rnunugt.'<.I to USt' ull 70 of his plaJ:t'ri> uflt'r Br,1z11i,. didn't •11•t all ut thl• f11M·half uJory. Ilk•· this unt., .. Giddmgit stl'd. "They (Norwalk) football team triL'<.I lo muke their way up into thl• S d .. J. "" ,., r l ut _ _. • n aht They d 'd everythinu tht' a1lol':5 ha of)l•m'll u 4i-O hatfunw a vantuup hoWKlv«r Wt•lls hookN.I up with M•nlur· widl.' Wt.' t• JU~ 0 -manoe.-u •0 1e · 1 ., stands. to be with thl' Sailor faithful " G I W I f ·'" " TO I I tlwy wt.•n• suprvwu'<.I to do here exc-epl grow big ' I "Wt.• Wl'rt:' J'ust a httk• bi t biugt"r thun tht•ir ll'l'l'IVt•r 1 urc: or u "" yaru IX•""' 11 t w r--11 turned out to be t .,.,e only time the Sailors e I II ·football players in this sc. nior cla,ss." • ., guys,'' notl'd G iddings aflqrw~rt.f. tryintt to so, und as Sl'l'OIH quurll·r ;1:. Wt• . wNc stopped in their tracks all night. That's , 't 1 ~ N1~rwalk <:am<: into the game with a 5-5 rncord, b h N 11 b f I consoling as poss1 l c. "We wt>re ablt.· to clean our . <...:1tftl1 11gs tht•n Wt•IH to his n•st.•rvt.·i. 1n lhc 'l'h•• L"O"''"S' flni'shed •'n a four-way ti'c for the · ccausc l e l'Wporl ar or ans immt'd1alt' y . L..,. h · h ·' bl 'b d h If II h' ~ u ~ ..... mobbed the players _ and deservedly so. ucnl· tonig t unu cvcryom• was a e to conlri ute." ~(!On a to a ow 1s starl<'rs some tune to r~l up Suburban League championship and then won a Giddings can thunk his hard-working JUnior for m•xt week's co11fnmtat10n w1th unddA•att•d l'Olfl rlip lQ citrn the No. 1 designation and the home Cooch Mikt.> Giddings' squad, propelled by fivC' hnlf~1C'k ~razas for making things t.>asy ovt•t_!.tw...__f.ullc1·w11 ( 11-9) whwtr npp<.'<l ·Borst'.rCra1)(lt....-4{1-7 fidd odvantage. Brazas touchdowns in the f1rsl halC alo final 24 mmutt.'S. • Tht'-Stttltn~,_lt,,w<l-&.> l~hottw-tt'ttm tor th ..Bu.l lhal oidn!WmlUu'-10 the Braz.as-led offense n as -"55: v1otory OVer bp~arwalk..__._:_ f"Dr-tnsnfu('(Y-, ~l"1'm'S nrsrst't oldow!!!i, !st><-ond routtctethontC'St':" borthC""'rrcrcr:JI gumt' stw • .°' tht--T1'r deft•~ .which held the ,Lancers to a before a ut 1.800 fans a11 Excelsior ~lf.hof'hool-1,Braz.as cam l l' OOTl our times, urycf'Thc result b;,is A~l ~~ ~ _ -mmWO&Ul yauda ruaWA8 ~venlng. -ntttny-l'ffgl'\1: mttil• firs( round or p ayocl • was ll Six-ptay. tt6-yard"'th1v~~"tnmt-:t.nsr-um5e . . Th<• only resembla ' of an offense watt ·action. yurds bl'longt'<i to Braws w ho simply Wl'nt up thto! 0 1dd1ngs, nu doubt, will worry about that gt·tH·ratl·d ·by Norw ·~;ir.~n c ~ mHJdlt.' and ramblro mlo lhc end zont.'. gam<.• 11 huh: lall'r and t·ontlm,w to Navur Friday ~ It was simply a case of the host Lancers being Before th<.' half was over. Brazus had added night's v ictory which turnl•d out to be a st·h~I lSee. NEWPORT, Page B ~ • Edis9n. rolls, 31 ~9 ' CIF brings nut bes t in ·Chargers . . By CR AIG RUSSELL a,.cw lo TIM O•Hr '""°' ·By Edison s tapdard:., .the regular 1982 football sc.•ason was vt•ry un11nprcssivc. - Through thP first tour games. thL• Churgers were JUSt 2-2-1. induding IOSS<.'S to Vista High of San Oit•go (6-0) and Banning (20-7), and a lie w1lh Mawr De1 (7-7). . .. W l' d 1 d n · t ma kc• many brother, Babe .. .is the s tarttng m1i,.tukt•s off('ns1vt:ly. and we qu;t1·tcrback at the University o( s1.·or1.·d whl•n Wl' had th e lndiana,was4-4onthedrive.He ch:.m(·t•s," said Workman "And c·onn<.-ctcd with Lance Fauria for that's soml'lhtng we huv<m't done • 25 yards, Joe Broussard for 44. all yc.•ar. Gary McCar thy on a 5-yard "Dl'ft•nsiv<.>ly we played very screen , a nd, a fte r a pass w<.'11 ,' .. conttnue<l Workman "The inl<.'rfcrenc-e penalty, with Mike only J>Omts they got came• on the Salerno for seven yards and a ftt•ld goal after a penalty. IOU('hdow n with no t1me During Sun!wt Ll·ague play. Bill Workman's (•rcw got on the winning t rack but was never ovcrpowc.•rmg. to say the IE•ast. Edison t•vcn lost a league gamt•, to Wl'Stminster ( H -l:i), and had to scttll• for a <:o-championship with arch-rival Fount:un Valley aftC'r winning the title outright four straight years <Crt•s p1) t'o,uldn't do mu·l·h on rt•maii;11ng on the clock. offt•nst• agam~l!_s__!!!lc1 Wf' k~_l _ But that's as...clm;e as th<' Cel~-__, thl'fn 111 p()or fic.•ld position." got as it was all Edison in the 0.., NM lll'IMleo 11r IUctwd K_.., Edison's Leona rd Sim pson finds a hole created ,by Andy Sinclair (75) in cha rging for a large gainer Friday night. . \ •• Crespi (U-:.J) oix•ned the Sl'Ortng s{'('ond half. · wjth a 34-yard f1£'ld go;il. The Whill' the defense was limiting C <.· I t s w (' r c a 1 d <' d by a n Crc.-sp1 to JUSt 43 yards in total intc>rft•n•nt·e penalty on a fair offense in the second half and ml<:h. which put the ball at the lnll'(<.cpung three passes. the • Ed1wn 22-yard line offensc took advantage a nd But in the first round of the C IF Big Five Conference playoffs l''riday night. the Charg e rs werl' indeed overpdwl.'ring and 1mprcss1ve in dl'fC'allng Crespi. 31-9. ~fore 4. 500 fans Al Orangl· Coast Colll·ge. F..d1son will now play Citrus Bch Lt•ague champion Colton. a 36-7 victor over Long BC>ach M illikan at a .s1 tC' t o be determined. Colton, which lost to St. Paul last season in the Big F1vC' champ1onsh1p gamc, has now won nine straight gan;ws to. run 1ts rt'<:ord to 9-I Tht• Chargers <.>arned the · semnd round game bc-cauM• of .!l 'stingy dcfcn!H' and an a opportunistic offcnw. •· Ed1M>n (7-3-1) took thl' lead for S<.'Ort'Cl two touchdowns and the good rri1dway through thl• S<.'<.•ond spcdal teams .added a couple of RNiod, marching 42 yards in five more points with a blocked punt plays Quarterback Jon Nowotny for a safety. passc'<l 15 yards to Don Gibbs for On Edison's first possession of the touchdown. It was only the the second half .. Griffiths broke · second touchdown allowl'd by the game open with a 47-ya.rd Crespi through the air. · to u,·hdown run to culminate a · The Chargers extended their 66-yard four-play drive. ll'ad to 14-9 less than four The (•x tra point was a take ·minutes later. John T homas kick that holder Man Hombs ran intl'rt·cpt~d a John Laufonbcrg in for two points. pass, one of two he would pick Tht· senior defens ive back orr on th.<-' night, to g1v~· Edison would be,> very instrumental in thc.· ball at the Crl'Spt 28 giving Edison anotner couple bf F1w play:. later. tailback Dc>rek points a few minutes later. Griffiths srored from two yards W1th Crespi facing a fourth- ouLiuri:nl>crp got ,.the C<•lts back down and 11 s1tu~t1oh at the into thl' game whh an HO-yard Edison on e-yard line , Hombs touchdown march at th(• l'nd of blo~:kt:<-' the punt which Crespi the half Laufe nberg. whose (See EDISON;-Page 84) Surprising Oilers ·win. Lakers . ID overtime Higginbotham 's interception clinches 21~-1 4 victory over S t. Fran ci~ riddle Bullets By JOHN SEV ANO OfttM 081ty "°' ..... GLENDAL E -Junior linebacker Mike Higginbotham ha<! spent most of the night, as did the entire Huntington Beach High defense. trying to tackle St. Francis' powerful running back Mike Kane. So. -when the Golden Knights decided to pass on first-and-10 on their initial play Cfom scrimmage in overtime, Higginbotham was . surprised. · And. you couJd imagine how shocked he was moments later when he saw quarterback Rick Betance's pass heading in his direction. Well, Higginbotham clutched the ball like one would a block of clay at the goal line. in the process assuring the Oilers of a dramatic 21-14 overtime victory over the Golden Knights at Glendale High Friday night. didn't practice with the team all week because of a bout with strep throat, hit junior tight end Billy Ray with a 4-yard pass to give the Oilers firs~ blood. Zoran Katz then conver ted the extra point for a 21-14 lead. thus s e t l i n g t h e s l a g e f o,.r H1gginbotham's heroics. A c tually . bolh sides s quandered a number of opportunities to win in regulation. I The Golden Knights, desptte a 7.3 average on first downs and 192 yards on 32 carries·by Kane. could only get into the end zone twice. Field goal k icker Brad De , Jnrdin missed three field goal attempts to add to St. Francis' mtserics. however, the last one being 42 yards with 2 :4 0 remaining, the kick sailing wide left. Huntington Beach. too, had an opportunity in the waning seconds. but the Oilers fumbled the ball at the St. Francis 25 with 27 licks left and the Golden Knights recovered. "We had a few opportunities to win be fore overtime," said -a relieved and smiling Oiler c'OaCh Greg Henry a fterward. "We fumbled down here and all we were trying to do was set up for a field goal "Stilt. 1t was a great ball geme. Defensively. that's the way we played the last thrL'C week.5. We get tough when we have to." The Oiler defense allowro 236 yards on· the ground, 1hcluding two touchdown runs by Kane of 14 and 26 yards. and another 36 yards through the air. But the Oilers also picked off two c rucial passes when il counted. And the offense did a good job of taking some of the pressure off their defensive t eam m ates by k eeping Huntington Beach m front. Never trailing throughout. the Oilers led 7-0. 7-6 and 14 -6 before the Knights finally t•au~ht them at 14. A pat~ of big plays S('t up J:>oth Oiler touchdowns 1n regulation. On the firs t on e Lawtpn connected with Jeff Lopez on a 42-yard aerial to give Hunungton Beach a first-and -I 0 at the Golden Knight. 25 Scv('n plays latcr Danny Thompson went over from the one and K atz t.'Onnected on the conversion with 8:30 remaining in the second quartC'r. · The Golden Knights, winners (See OILERS, Page 8 4 I• I N G L E w o·o D ( A p , - Kareem Abdul-Jabbar S<.'Ored a game-high 23 points and Bob McAdoo came off the bench to , con tribule 20 to lead the Los Angeles Lakers lo a 122-92 National Baske tball Association victory over the Washington Bullets Friday night. The Lake rs improved their over.all record to 8-3. also got d.o,uble figure scoring from Norm Nixon who scored' 16 points and J amaal · Will<es and Michael Cooper t.alhed 13 and 12 points rcspecuvely. · · The Bulle ts. who lost their fifth straight game and fell to a 3-8 seasonal record were pared tn scoring Greg &1;.11 d w1lh 16 and J eff Ruland ·and Don ColliQS with 14 each. The Lakers ran off to a 36-20 lead at the e nd of the firal quarter as they made 16 of their 25 field goal a ttempts for 64 percent. Los Angeles led 61-46 at half- time and Washington never got closer lhan 10 points in the .. "I was looking power (run) because they had been ddfng that au night," said Higginbotham as he was being pounded by his jubiliant teammates. '.'Then I saw hjm (Betance) starting to roll and I wasn't sure whe ther to go UJUiV not. --- "l ~jasrffi the right spat. S<.'COnd half. 1:-::i:~~~~llr'ffi-m::==~ ~ roughout the fourth R ight s p ot o r not , Higglnbotham's interception pul5 the surprising Oilers, the No. 3 'representative Crom the Sunset League, Into next Friday night's second round of the CIF Big Five Conference playoffs. HunUngtonJ}eac:h . .which has now won four In a row, ·Is 8-3 overall, and In the playoffs for the first time since 1966, will \ pa.~s~.~~?i~t• ln~at on, the Golden Knighu (5-6) won the toss and . elected to delend. T he Oilers, however. needed only three plays to crca lhe goal line unde r t he CIF overtime format, in which a team geta four p l a ys t o score from th e opponenta' 10-yard line. • Quanerback &le Lawton, who .. Looking for help •'ounaain Valley qua rtt"rback Breu· Slt"vt"n iA pun u.-d by pair •lf Loyola dcafendf'n durin1 CIF 1amt" f riday. See story, 84. ), ' . .. period .and led by as many as 32 point.I. The Lakers made 55.3 percent of t heir field goal allempta connecting on 52 of 94, the moet accur ate In t'heir shots were Mic h ael Cooper 5-5. Abdul- Jabbar with 10 out of 13 and NIJCon 7-10. Thia ia &he 10th time in 11 sames this 1euon that the Lakers have made 50 percent or better of t heir field goal at~·'."'' .... ftl1".ut•11 daAde MJ'y 4. ~t nf their shots. -i-• The Laker• outrebou ndecl \Va1h in1ton 43-42 •• re1erve forward Mark Landsberttr pulled down 9 rebound• In 13 mlnu~. Laker 1uard Earvin . "Mal'° .. Joh..,,. ll'Ol'ed only 7 polnta bu\ pulled down I rebOuncfa lnd had ........ l Mon«!ay ni~ht ~~me ·to he· blacked out? From AP dispa tches LOS ANG ~Lb:S A spokl•smnn (or thl• Los Ange ll''S .ttauJt>rs suid Friday night that the team's National Football U.-ague gamt' against thl' San Die~o Cha rgt•rs Monday night wasn't dusc l(> being int•llout 72 hours bcfor<' tht• kir kofC. so 11 probably won't-be Le lev1S{'Ci in thl' Los Angeles .area. ~s far as l , . Rockets flnally get first win of year • (l;lvln "">*'" hnll .... ~ '"""t" uml m pulh•d d11w11 I:! 11•ho1md• uml rnolt.w Tt•rry 'Tu 1th· ,hual 11 1-1111111· h 1~h ;m p11111ti. and !<IX U!ISl'lll'i UN J1 11~1111u11 <111w111•cJ lntlt.11111, 111!1 IHI. ~·11tluy nt.iht llw Hcx·k1•1"1' 111 .. 1w1l1111 llll' '''""'"' i.;1,...•wll"1t' 111 tlw NBA. rn11k11• lluu SC'lttwnl' 1·m11c· 11fl 1lw b1•11l h UIHI lll'llt·tl ol ~Ullll' hl~h ~.I fltllllh ti!'. Ph1l11dt•lphl.1 owr\\ lwlnw\I M1l\\,1t\lk1·1·, I:! I IOU, ,.f111 th1· 7ti1·n/ l11u1111 "olrHl~hl Gartner's goal gives Capitals lie Mljlt· (11trtn .. r 11111°1! hh 11th ~ .cuHl 111 till' -.1·,1"11111 111 111)·1 ol tl11• thlld • 1'4'1111.1 t11 llll Wi11;h111ftlOtl 11\tCI ,t":I :1114' w1111· W11111111f1.: 111 tlu• 111111• N11111111:1I I l111·k1 ·v 1 ... 11~111 · u111He 1''1 llluv 111~lit t:111 t11n lit•111 W111111p1'"' "'1111111 J)uua 8't•tru•rt 011 11 tiW·~ I rum Ot>nnl11 Ma.ruk, wh11 hud 1w11 UM•Li.U. loi tlw C.1pll11l,.,, h1lh1w111H a f1t1.t~11f Ill llw .Ith' 10111 'l'ht I .o A111.tl'11•!o K1111ot' a11I Ll1t v h.1~ f(i'illlt d 4'1t'11 Wlllj.( St"Ull c;ruhl 1111111 Llll'll N1w, lluvc·11 l.11111 t•luh VH 1111 r Robert Pa.rl!4h I M 1111-. .1 R.·11-..111 lu~h :1~1 '"""'" Nicklaus tied for Austcallan lead uncJ IC'.IHWtl with ('hurlt•t Jat•k Nh'klau,, d\•i.plh• u t•old !I Bradley for u11 l'lf.lltl µolnt puttn. l)11lv1•d tlw tou~h Au,tra\11111 Boston 11pur1 1 hat Iii tt•d tlw C:oll ( 'luli wurM• of tu:. uw11 <4\-!)'1~11 h11 {\•l1i1·!. 111 ,1 l 111 111 triumph u ~ uudc•r 1111 ,, 70 F i lil4.1 y to lit> • • ovc·r v isiting Sun Antonio Austrnllu11 Bob Shce n ·r for tlw 11·1111 a t 1lw · · Re1u1le Th&•u• puuu«I hulfwuy µ1Jlnl of tht• Au:.1ral11111. Op1•11 ~olf 111 42 poanls, tops in hlit mrt'(:r, t.'humpumi.h1µ Ill S yd 1wy Larry Nelson und Qulntln Dalley uddt.'<I :W firt'<I i;1x htnflt•:. c•n 1·11ull• to ,111 up nnd dowq HAYH to l)llWt•I' (.'h1mgo lo U 1:!7 111 :l '\Jlldt•t pill 70 lll Wk•• ol Ulll' '>lmk1• l1•1ul OVt'I victory OVl'r Ut.1h . ~ Kelly· Trlpucka. talll<'d , Tom Purtze r ultn 1h1• .,,:1tt1nd 10urul nl 1111' .:l6 porn ts as Dl•tru1t movl-U intu f11"l>t pla<.'t' in tht· l'hck·rnx gull tut/1 lll'Y Ill Miyuu;k1. J .if)IJI\ Central D1v1s111n with a 10tl-I02 wm ovt·r Gol&•n Curlis Strang4: -.hot a 2 umlt·r par Hti .ind took StulC' Catvin Natt ~t·or(•ll '/,7 prnnti. aH lhl• M-.·und iound lt·111..I m tlw A1l.ml1l'H 80~1v1!,LU Portlµn<l OUISl'Ol't-d Nl•\V--Jt'rst•y, 1 IH IOR · · B1.111llu11 Opt.•11 in Ha o dt· Julll'llli Ha le Irwin wa~ David Tho mpson and Jac k Slkma. nou:ht•d 17 in ~h1rd plut•t· al I :M .iftcr a S('l'<1nd-rnund" 07. polr\lS apil'Cl' as Seattle wun tis l~lh stnught wh1l1• A1111•t'll'Ull J ohn Jacubi; was 1n 1.1 thn•"•wuy ganw, 101 -!N. Thi· Vll'lur.v g1Vt'li tht• Sunk-s t~,(' tu· fut· fifth aL 1:J7 - third-b<•st winning s lrl•ak in INlKlW history to . . F.rom Page B 1 • I Bohkh"W14t., wh11 11111,.,lu'<f tl11• 11i~h1 \'fJfllJ'lc•L111.c II 11r :!<I JIU"'"''' 1111 !Ill ya11l1o1 • ( '"'' 111 hlN l>ll .. St'lt WIJS JJ!t'kt·d ofl ,,., lht• third q11.u111 II)' N1·wp1111·., Sc•u11'f1111k who r1•1urr\"d ll .Ii v.11d., lw .111111111'1 tout hclow11 111111 •J HI 0 Suitor .11h:11111.1g1 J1 11 Nug•·111 g,1v1 ttw S.;1l11n, u 5:'1 0 .1dv.111t11g1 •" ;! !ill ••f lhc· tl11rd <tU••rt•·rL hut Ku1 t J .11h"· 1111··""' h1.., 1111lv l'A'I' ll 'V 111 1·1uh1 :it1f'n1p°' Wht th1•1 tii.n 'Jlurn'<I 011 tlu· L:11w1 ,.,. m l\ut um'l 4utll' dt·J1 , hut Not w;1lk c.Jul 11·,fJUllU with ilM only ... usl~wwd c.Jrlv1• u( lilt' 1•vt•n111t-t afl...-ward with u.1v11I ( :111h111n M.'111111~ 1111 II 7 ~unl~l'll JJ'llMI from · Boltkll'Wltl m 11 0-t ol llw f1mtl pt·ncxl Nl•Wport <h·lt•11s1v1· lrn1•11w11 81'1•tt Ka~<'ura lilJOl'kl'<l t lw dd'l'llM'. i:u11-.wntly lt·uthng o hordt· of ~aah>1 s 1•1 uwhrng 1h1 ough the· tiny Lww<.·r line to l'Ulll WhJl tlu·rt· wai; or thl· Nm walk off<·nsivl' g;lllW J3ruw4 I in1sh1.J th•· 111ghl With 112 y.1rds on ntnl' t.•urrws. all t'Ollllnf.( tn tht• flrt-l half * . '"\ Newpotl 55, Norw•lk 8 Punli 2·45 7·38 ko.e bf Ouethtf• Fu,,.blea·io.1 2· I 6-38 Newpoll ,.. 78 13 O 55 Pen11111-va1d1 12 t35 5·40 Norwulk 0 0 0 6 6 lftdMduel llwhlnf NH Br111<1s' 34 run (Lohi" ~lci<I .NH Brazu 9 t4~ HowHr. NH Or&l<lt 12 run (Loh5.41 lllCll.J 4-40, Nugena 8·34 Sllllltr, 9·35, .,~M Brazat 3 lun tLohte ki<l\f ~lmliOn I· 18, Pow11r 1-8, Brow(I, NH WoJrd 46 1111~~ from Wcllto 3-28 Lowe 3 3. Greely, t·O, flottae k1ct.) Goodlield I\ I --~,1'1 ~ ----:---·-.--~ ·---wattrtp'sets""Tecorct·'11t ~-l-~~~P!W--.~~~~~~:rnn--.-.::1o~ -~-nge es· _.....,_,~ ~l Qhre k!Giu.,,-t/... .•• Ql.o,L.U·.a.2...a~.J·;.A.11\..__-' P•ezes 14 png\ trocn Well$ Tru1lllo. 2·fOr m1ouS• l. M-uto. Clohse 1ock1 1·1or-m'1nua 1 Bobltlew oz ·s. tlic mmmglng genC!Jal partner of the Raiders, and Eugene Klein. the owner of the Chargers. ugret" to lift the blat•kout. D~YIS T h e N F L d e c id c d Thursday to relax its bla<:kout rule, which usually requires a game to lx• sold out. 72 hours prior to tile kickoff, because of the players' st'.rike. NFL teams are rC'lurning to action this weeke nd for thC' first time·sincc Sepl. 20. . . ·Quote of tne...day "In a ·corre lat1on of mx lows and lughs, this has Lo be the highesl high. For me, baseball has been more agonies th<ln e<..-stasies. but I think it's true generally. Baseball is a game of failures. Yo·u fail more than you s u cceed. tyly pe rsonal case h appens to be more drama tac." -D4rrell Porter , the St. Louis Cardinals catcher who has ovt•rTome battles with akohol and drugs, upon being presented his 1982 World Series MVP award. >.. Garvey's NY trip 'productive' NI-.:W YOHK Sll'Vl' CarVl'y and his agl•nt. J{·rry Kap!.ll'IO. nwt w ith Nt·W York Y:.ankt•t• ownl•r Gt'tlr{W Stt.'anbrcnnC'r Frtday as lhl• frl'C'·Ugl•nt • sluggl'r t'Ontmul•d his tour of tc•ams which sclt'l'tl·d him in the 1:e.cntry drart. "Wl' met for over two· hours and had soml· Vl'l'Y st•rious discussions." K .:1pstt'in smd. "I t'tin tC'll you tha.t G t•orgc is very, "t•ry inlt'l'l'Sled in signing SteVl' and our trip to New York has lx.oe n very worthwhile." Kapst.,•in sa1<l tht•rt.· had lwl•n discussions, "of dC'lmk'd malll'rs of substanc<.•. ll was a vt•ry produt·t1ve m l'eting. lll•'s very s1nt'l'rl' tn his intt•rC'st t0 bring Stl've Garvey to Nt•w York." Garvl'y, who met with off1c1als of lhl' Son Franl'isco Giants on Thursday. said hl· was Opl'n-mmdt•d ·abo\Jt where he would sign "Obviously, I'm looking al th<.·sc cities from a diff<'re nt pt.•rsp<.•t•tavc than I did as a visiting playC(," the vell'ran first baS<!man S<IY<l. "Aftl•r sµcnding 12 yt'ars with ·the Dodgc•rs, that c·hapler of my lift' as <:los...·d. I'm in a ml•nllll transilion now from b<.>mg a Dodger." Allison, who :ir<' cmt?ro1lcod in a 11ghl balth· fur tlw HUi4! Winston Grund Nat1onul i.t11t·k l'Ur <:hamp1onship, \\•111 start om· 1 wu 1n S unday·s wa~m-t•mJang r<il't', l hl• W 1 n l> ton Wt:s tern 500 at K 1 Vl'l'!.l<ll• lntl•rnauonol R:1cc:oway. W<1llnp grablx'<.I the Nu I starting pos1tum with a ~rd-sN11ng run of t 14 9U5 mph during Friday's qualifying Ray Morrison, who coachod SMU lo iL'> firs t thrl'(' i.•tmfrrt•nl·e football championships, d ied Fl'iday at tlw agt.• of !J7 ... A cclcbn1t<.'d palimony lawsuit fik'<l·againsl tennis star Billie Jean King by hc>r furnwr h•s bian lover w::is d1sm1s...<•d J.'riday by a JUd{,'t' who :wid the-!"(' Wl'f\.' nc1 grounds for tht• at·twn . Stan S,he riff, football t't>;wh al thl• Univ<"rs1t v nf Norlht.•rn Iowa for tht' pas t 2:3 v<'ari. ond rurmt•r Cal Po ly San Luis Obispo . Liult• All-Amcrkan center m thl' mid 1950's, n -s1g1wd Friday. but said hl• w ould n•main as lhe &:hOQI'!. athll'llC director ... Tht· e ntry of 25 thoruughbrl'<.ls Frida)' split lhl' fwld for Sunday's Hollywood Turf Club race into two divisions w1>rih a lo(u:.m1r:itccd $400,000 . Tht·•L os Angeles Lowrs s tayed winless In MaJor lndoor Scx'l.'(.'I' Lt•:.agul' action. dropping an Ll -4 dl'<'ISWn bn tlw rood lo Pittsburgh. • ., ............. " 6 '"' • .,,,, 51 ___ _,_.,, •. __. 1elurn (LCll•~ll koe.lo.1 '"4.lvldual '••elnt NH Nugent 10Hm(k"k la1led) NH Wall• 10-15 o. 169 N G1aham 7 p•u fr om Goodfield 1·3 0,, IS Bob~e .... icz c1uc 1o. l•1teo1 N Bo1>1\1ew1cz 1 t 22· 1 90. Atlen<lan<:6 1 800 1e~11mo11e<S) Granado 3-4· I 40 Game Slelletlce Full 00Wll5 Auslles-vards Passing 'fdrdli p,.,..n,. .... 20 39·248 1(14 t 1·18·0 lfldlvlduel llecelvltlg • Ward 3 74 Bruas, 3-45, N Brown 3·37 Pp wer I· 13 Hol<Hln . 9 I· t5 23-f 19) N Holler 4.37 Lopei 4-25, 130 Esp1nou. :>-35, Muro 1-24, 14-16-2 Graham 1·7, e111se, 2·2 GWC,_ Gauchos dealt ·setbacks - Suddl<·lrnl·k and G olden W est Col lege 1Ja~kt•t~1ll tt·am~ got off lo an mausp1cious start Fnd\J~ mght. losing o pe ners to Fulle rto n and LA Pwn.'t' Tlw S:.idull•back Gauchos dropped an 86-67 vl'rdic.:1 to Fullt•rton at home whit<.' Golden West travl'll'Cl w J~wrt:c to lose by a 77 • 72 <.'Ount. Charlie Amaral a nd Dan Wright paced Pullt.•rtun w11h ao tmd 27 points m a game that saw l-hf'-1 lorrwl .. mo\!C out an front and never look back. CdM • Ill role of underdog tonight Amoral. a former SacTdfoback play<'r,nil f4'" o -- W from thl• ftl•ld wh1l<> Wright was canning 12 of 18 as tlw Horm•Ls hit a lmost !'i5 perct'nl of their shots I l·om the floor Kl•v1n I ll•ndt'rson ' · th<· Saddleback S<.'Oring lt•ad<•r w1'h 18 points. hilling 7 of 10 from the Cloor. C1•rw An<·nt•aux had 15 points and was the Gau<"hos' ll'ad1ng rt•bound(·r with nine. Se.a King volleyball t.e-am shoots for CIF title_ against Mira Costa Tht• Gau<·hrn,' next game 1s Tuesday night at Mt. San Antonio at 7:!JO. By HOWARD L. HANDY OI 11\e Delly Piiot Steff Corona del Mar High returns to the ClF -t-A · women 's volleyball championship game after a two-year absence. determined lO bring a third title !O lhc Sea King instituuon. . That may be easier said ihan done, however: as Coc\ch Harold Noriega's squad gdes up against a team that de(eated it earlier in th<' year an_d has ~led a 22-0 record this season. • Mira Costa. the ClF champion an WHO in its last apl>Carance in the finals when it dt'fcated Laguna Beach. will be favored l6night a t Marina High (7:30). "I'm glad we get anothe r chanl'e at them," Cd.M's Pam Lawrence says. "We've worked hard · · thi.'1 week ge tting ready for tht< finaJs and I feel we ca!l play with them.'.' , CdM. a finesse-type tecim with Lawrence as tht: Lop outside hitter. will be facing a taller Mira ~ta squad that includes 6-2 senior Syicey Peoples " and·6-0 senior S..rbara Fon tana on the front line Kara McGuinness, Mary Ann Muller and Brooke Herrington are 5-11 and the talll>st members of the CdM team. Lawrence. although only 5-9, is the Sea View League's most valuable player for 1982. The small schools final as at 9 th1s morning followed bv the 1-A division ( 11 a m .). 2-A division (1 :3().p.m.fahd 3-A at 5. . , · · "l feel we have . a good l'hant'<' or upsetting lh~m in the finals," N 4riega says. ".When they beat us, it was early in the ~ear and we have improved a great de.al since that time. · "I think the turning point in .our season caQ'le after we lost to Rim of thl.' Wo rld in a tuneup. for our match with Newport Harbor m leagul.'~ pla.y · · "We realized then what we had lo work on and I feel we have accomplished as much as we set out to, do. We played very well against Laguna Beach Thursday night (in the scmif1ryafs) :-'dee wraps up vOlleyball crown Orange Coast COiiege wrapped up its fifth s trllight South Coast Co11fe r ence wome n's volleyball championship by defeating Santa Ana FrM;tay n1ght, 3-0. .. • .. '·Golden West concluded its Season with a 3-0 romp over v1s1ting Fullerton t.o finish ihe season al 11-3 and 10-2 in con ference play. • , Orange Coast will now await the Southern California playoHs that "begin Dec. 4 al EJ Camino. · ·Tl$ playo1 fs wiJI involve s ix confe rence char:npio~ with the .winner playing for the s\ale title m Northern California Dec. 11. • Kathy Mollica. setter. and outside hilter!i Lori Ad.ms and Val Grady played w e ll for Coach Jane Hi~endorf's Pirates. . For Goloen West, Lisa Ost<.•rman. an outside: hitter, and Linda Bohm at settt•r, wen• the.catalysts m their victory. When the Pirates en \er the Southern California playoffs. they will be c:o-favor1tes along with host El Camino m the double-loss elimination affair. In the past Cive years, Orange Coast has captured two state championships, finished secon<I once and third anoth~r time.. "l figure it will be, between El Camino and us," Hilgendorf says. "We beat ·them earlier this year and I think we can do It again and 'advance to the stale playoHs." · Pre-Grand Openln.g PARTY! Sip Beer and Wine and Munch on Hors d;Oeuvres Saturday, November 20th 1 p.m. to I p.m. • • ''Wl• lost matches'this year to Mira Costa, San Clemcnw and Rim but thing$ have improved since the last loss to Rim." The Sea Kings are 18-3 for the season: Lawrenl~. a senior this year. was with CdM'as a freshman, the last time the Sea Kings wer~ m the finals losing to (losing lo. Newport Harbor).-CdM has w on the title twice, in 1977 by dl'reatlng Newport and in 1.978 by 'topping Laguna Beach. Laguna holds a win,ovcr the S<'a King in 1976 .in Goldl•n West foll behind by 10 at halftime and . was 11l'Vtfr ablt· to rl'COVCr J ohn Krt'StCh, a transfer frol]l Orangt··.Coast. was the leading scorer for the Hustll'""' wnh :n while T yron<· M1IC'S <.vntr1buted 16. . . U~I iriumphs twice LO ; BEACH -The unbeatel'.I a.Jld top- . r<Jnkt·d UC lrvmC' water polo learn took its first two ~<l'ps toward a PCAA crown F'rtday by beating . 'PcpJ>l'rd1m•. · 11-8. IH)d Long Beach State, 10-5. in lht• fma dav or attaun an lh(' t'Onferencc tournament . at &•lmont" Plaza the title matt·h. · · CdM will st1.1rl, Lawrenc(• (S .. -9. sr., o utside hittl'r ); llc•ne Hess (5-6, sr .. setter), Cammie Doder (5·9, soph . 1111pdlo blockc>r), Ml'Guinn(·ss (5-11 , Jr . ~Wl lN-hlllt'r): Ht.•rrmgton (5-11. soph . oulstdl• hlltl'r), and Mulll•r '5-11. sr , m1dclll0 l>luC'kl•r) · Mira Costa has five juniors a nd l1v<• ~niors on t!W' squad and as a combination of Mira Costa :md Av1at1<?n High wams of last S<'llSOn The Oly!llptc Leagu<' champions are l'03l'hcd by Oaelca Aldrich and include the following s<.•111ors· Fontana : In tht•1lrs1 gaml'. J ohn Vargas and D1ggy Riley l·h1ppt'<I 1n wllh thrl'l' goals ap1lX'<.' as UCI bolled to c1 i :.? lto;1cl ovl•r Pt·ppt·rdmc• a nd was not i.criously 1hno;1tc·m-<l • _ (\~.11n,1 Long Bt•Jl h. UCI (25·0) kod only 5--t • (;1tl m tht' thin.I J>l•r1od when Varga~ and Tr~vor Dod..,1111 '>JJJI kPd a four-goal run that put the Jenn1fer Lee (5-7). Peoples. Dc:bbtt• Bl:il·k (5-9). and Amanda Amlx.•rson (5-8). Antl«ll\. r' up. 9 4 . ._ · In ttx.l..i~ ·~ pla)·. UCI fal'CS P ac1f1(' at 12:30 al'ld m l '\. l:. UC S:.mt.1 Bar l><lra. which wt•nl :~-0 Friday, in Jumors on th(I squad includt• Wt'ndy Fletcher · (5-H) Christa Hale (5-4) V1ckii• WN1tlwrt'7 (5-IH &-ah Hovnn (5-7) and LiS<I Hovan (5-1 ). a11 II :m pm· shuwduwn El Toro f at·c Bellflowe r In gaining thl' finals, Mira C<bUI dro ppt>d a ga"me lo San CIC'mentl'. winning 3· l . but won CVl''f'Y other' game• in the four playt'CJ Corona del Mar, ltkt'WISI'. lost o~nly one.game, lhal to St J~·ph uf Lakt'v.'9Qd m a S<.'l'Ond round malch · Mira Costa was •Seed~ No I bt:lon• tht• El Turo I l1gt\', St•a View League 1'0-1 • .'hamp1'?ns dul•I &·llf111\\ 1 1 tomg ht at Mission Vll'JO in a ClF l\ n11 ,1l Cm1l1•rt·nu· gamL·. beginning at 7:30 El T1 10 I!> 8-:.! a nd on a s1x-gam~ wm'ning ..,lll.',<lk Bdlflowl•r (7-3> 1s the wild card scle<:tton . playoffs sl.artt>d and ~orona d l•I Mur WOS l'i.llcd 'No 2 ~ College f Ootball Centr•I M1Cf119iln al Nortnem 1111no1S TOOAY'S OAM«S 111.noos SI at 8;sM SI ' Wffl • We1te1.n ~oc:hlOiln 11 EHtt>tn M1Ch191111 use vs UCLA .. Rose Bowl jCllartnt~ 7 •1 Kf'fll SI 31 Oho<> u 12 50 pm. WHI TPXBS St II Sout~rn lll•AOIS Stanlord ar Ce1tforma South Anzone al Otegon South Carolina At Ci.tn~on • Bowllng Green YI Lono 8".icll SI al NOrlh Ce10Hna 111 Dul>.e A1111heim St11d1um (7 301 Florida St al LSU n Fresno SI el Nevada•LH Vegas n Louisville al Memph11 SI Cal State F'ulle•lon a1 Pac1he, n NOrlh Carolina St •I M1am1. Fla COiorado SI. 11 S1111 01ego SI · n Mississippi vs M1as1ss1pp1 o! Jeckaon Utah St Al San Jose St . n ~--=---L.llllll!ana T..KU~Mlg)~IPR !.\ .......... 0i111n"' ... TeriTill'JiY ofTennea~e.i Washington 81 W11h1ngton St flottdUl J.ulane .Jl.._ "-'~~~-Pely•P-1t1I " lttnllt'ts:te·Ch•tlaooog•••t v1111dtttb1t1 POf lllnd SL •L Cal sw&..NofUM:ldgo;. n ~---·~"IT"Vlrg1nta llocklet -~~~ V•rglnta T~h ... VMI 81 NOllOlk Nolle C1ame al Air Fon:fr" ~ w111ern Carolin• at Appolach1en SI sc liOIM 81 IUd I o ST "'fi · T entl4HIMH! SI n MllWlllrel Nevw M••tCO Marthe.id St al eas1een Kentuckr BYU DI Uleh , The C.I~ 81 Furman 1 Wet>e1 SI II N0tlhern Aru:ona SW lOUtSlene al ~CNH"4! SI n S--fl•HI SE lOU•l•an• II NtChOllS St " feaas II B•vto• NW LOUIS•ana at N('lOU .. •lnll n ~ 1~• S'I an OlttllhOma St Mtde!I• lllflllt'SS1'lt! SI tH Teri-1ech /\rkanMS 11 SMU bet lCU 81 leAlt A&M Wyoming al Te•as-EI Paso n HOUalon II Te•H Tech Ttt .. ~ Arllngto~al Lema,, n TulM ., Norlh ~Md SI .. Mtdwfft Iowa 111 Michio••' St MtChtgln •1 On10 SI (Channel ~ 11 II 30 Im) tndlene el P11tdU4\ M-t11 al W1sc:on..o , :', CO!otlldo'el Kel'IMS St Kansu •t Mte&O\HI ~ .. Aulger,\ at Pitt Sy1ac;u$8 a1 W11~I V1tg1n111 Holy Cros~ at' BOiton Collego Co1Q11e 01 Bo.inn U l ~tllw&re 111 Butknt'll I Brown •I Columb111 Penn •I Cornell Y11t<1 111 He1v•1d Lehigh el Llll)'llllll A~~n 1n1em111on1f ill M11uac:huM!ll1 0t11mouth et Pt1ncet°" EHi Cerot<n• •t Temple :Cea~e of ,.~"r'I ' • flt ~ ,,.. ,,~ .. ' .. .../:. .. .,,, _s;;,., .. 1,/J Any Make or Model at the Lowest Price Alk lbOut our.,.,.,.._. ....... ,,... ·JOHNSON -"SON presen~ .. ~OLLIGI ................ BYU over Utah * USC over UCLA * Stanford 1 • • .. . . • ~ . . . .. ,. 01 lillU Cuu1tt DAILY PILOT /Sutut t.hty, Novt1mtJ r 20. 1<l82 -USC~UCLA game hasn't IOst itS luster· No bowl bid, al slake today, .but· the Ro c Bowl h~uld be -jum~ing anyway Bowl bid .. . •• • 1ncent1ve By ROGER CAR~ON o<-. o.ltr Net ..... PASADENA -Th<' Trojans ot lhe University of South(•rn California and the UCLA Bruins have always contl'ndl'u th ey don't need any r~1u1on·out.sld4 or pride to make thell' Big Onm<' tht.• attracllon It Is, tmd tht're· 1. n'l. Bragging rights art'-th<' only lhing at stake today as th<.'S<.' two Southland giants t.'Ollidc hl•rt.• in the Rose Bowl, beginning a t 12:50. The Trojans were banned Crom competing here on New Y car's Day and the Bruins wi ll be spending their timl'· in Hawaii at the ~loha Bowl. r!.!gardlcss of todays ou trornc. alttlough there is a h igtlly improbabl t> madiemauc -c!hance lc h for the Rose Bowl. \ . "Thill Is II v1•ry {'011\fW lltiVl' 1(111111i,*1:. tl\1 •111 cl1111)(1•111u~ Imm (':llllt'(I ..... hall :17 tlllll'lt for w :1 tt•um " 1 • a ny ~pol 1111 tlw lll'ltl " y.ll'di. 1111<1 110 tou1 hdowm1 1 t 's nllio a tPam with on • 'l'1•1't'V l>un11hlw, R 11h111 .. 1111'11 111 t'tllllntlll to prwr y1·1in wht•n lJUIKlUlldlllg dl'fonsc nguln~t ('tlllllll'I put I Ill UCI .A. Ill lllCll>tlv '11 wa11 use whkh wa11 cloillt( lht• t"h~ run and pu'Ss. and tht•rl'in lif'll l'(l tH•1· r rH' d w 1th US<.." 11 ht I.( wh1•d111.t u11u dt•ullng nnd th1• lilt' nop1 .. :;?_lrn· 1h1• Tr1ojun11 t1K!Jini>t w1•11pcm, ch·(1•111>4• llruani. W('ft• ~Otnl( tll it V<•ry the mulll'-U1 lcnt1•d UCLA ' "Thi.'y 1>l11y un ut~•l·kml.( type_• c.·uullously. thh, llnw lhc 11h<K'8 off.l'nsl', ~hkh has _!;arrlt•d th<> of dC'ft•n1w, tlwy com1• ut you aµpt_•ur tu he· 1111 thl' oiJwr"rl•t•t. Bruins to tlw nation's No. 11 spot with biK ix-oph'." he s.1ys. "Th(•lr. h 's USC which mu1n pluy it " in tho polls.. · · ddCJiseJl.wi bl-cu oul,li.lilo.dh1R ull &uflly, rely on dc!tm.he and play It b<'gins witn"Romscy, who Y l'IH, It s tirnulut(•s u lot Of for tlw bi~ bn•uk. · hus L'Omplcted 180 of 287 pa&ies turnOVl'l'S 'rht• T1·0Ja11s' blf( otrt•ns 1v<• r o r 2. ti IJ 9 ya rd s and 2 0 "l think w<•'rt• goinK to haw to hop1• may rt•st w ith n '<.·<.oiwrs Jt•ff 1ouchdowns, a complt•tion ratio bl• ubll• tt> run tht• ball as wt•ll as S1mmoni. anJ Tammy While, of owr 62 pen.-ent and with .an w ho t•un mak1.· u pusst•r look ovcragl' oC only one intt•n:epllon On 'l'I' tada.t prl'lly (;(ootl. pt.•r game. Tlns h•y's work lai.t wct•k "I've always likcd -T pm t•llannPI 7 at 12:$0 indud t'(J thm.• TD p.'l8Sl•s.aga1nsl Ramsey as a quartP.rback," says ' Ariwnu. "Sc.•oll 1s a Vl'ry l){'('Uratl' Robinson, "But there were th08e throw 11," conunues Donahue. passer," says Robinson, "and he's who said he couldn't be very ''You can't just say you're goin~lso ~oviding great l«>adership good ... and I was hoping they to run aj alnst them. I round out l'pr our team." were righ t. the hard way. You can't just say Simmons has 41 "-'C.'<'{'tions this An•J ,pnxlu~·L, ora 1h1• T111)1lll1;' ro11tt•r lrwluJc· Junior· tight" t•nd Murk Boyl•r (l•:;c;J 1~m), 1111phomon• d1·ft·n"1v&• butk Duouw Juckiw11 ( 1'.:.dlNCm) und Hcm1or <.-i•nwr Miki• 8 r u 1n mt• t 1 ( U o Id~ n W 1• ti t Collt1gt'). . Anywu~ you slll'l' tt, tht• HOM· Bowl fi~ur~s o bt• jumping t..oday. GWC wins 14th title -. • 10 a row for GWC (iold1·n Wl·:.t ;1nd f''ullt'rton l'Ollt•f(t•ll !iqUl#rt• off torttght 8\ .... ull1•1 tut1 ll1~h ur u gumt· wh•<'h ""11n'1 d1•t·1clc• tlw South Co:11H <..:011lt•1 t·1wl· lo•Hbull run· but t•ould p ropl·I on t• o{ lh1· \Wo ll'tun11 into tht• Orangt• County , Bowl. B ot h lt•nms ta rr y 3 --1 t•onrt•r cnl'l' m a rk11 Into ttic c.c·un Ll'8l. A runner-up ftnl~h c:ould give <•ath<'r tht• Hurnels or the · Husth·r11 a shot at Saddlebock <.;_ollt>gl' m the Orange County BowJ Dec:. 4 a l Orange Coast College M eanwh1 ~ . .OCC trave ls lo Sc.in Diego Mciia in Sourh Coast Co nf erenct• play. whi le Saddl<'back entt•ru.ins Citrus in M1ss1on. Con!er&!JlCC-JlClion • .Al1 _. game~ arc..a.t-'l.;30..p.m ~fa<.+t.h~Brums af'i candidate Tom Ramsey and the Trojans could give a good performant•e for a M.A.S .H . episode. it's USC which carries a 1-point favorite's role in to the game. 'I think' Ramsey's the be 'r ~hrow against season nnd 9-1 ~~r catches, quar er biick 1n the coUhfl'Y7 t cm. Cl er. rround that oul the Including 21 in his 188'4.hrcc timi«I Ro9i11S011. "lw ~·ed hard way. too." . --. --• 11 week in and week out this USC leads the series, 30-15-6. Pacing thtf USC dt>fc~ Ooldt•n Wei;C College wrapped up lls 14th stra1gh( confer.t!nce championship by downln&. bos Mt. Snii A&tortfo, l't-6: jn •he 1'.'~tr'f~S'O n c-ommun11x ~· wat.cJ~fmatc:r Ji riday GoldC'n West s:a cr1cs a 4,µa..__ • .___ ... ovmtf mar into tonight's affaµ-, and the Rustlers are used to season ." . with all 5 1 Qf th<¥ contests held All-Amcr1C0an safely t·an~at~ _ While Ramsey has averaged at thl' Los Angelci Coliseum. The J oey Browner. who has scored 269 yards passing per game, the Bruins are currl•ntly 8-1-1 and twice with •antcrcept1on s a nd Bruins' running game (Danny • th<' Trojans are 7-2 and despite returned a punt for a TD'. USC (ranked No . 15 in the nation) will have a fou rth· stringer starting at lailbac·k , a third-stringer at fullback and the Andrews, Frank Cephous, Kevin the negatives that surround lhe The Bruins a nswN some or Nelson. etc.) has pounded out 188 game, it still figures to draw in this firepower with s~me big yard s a game, a combination exct>ss of 9Q,OOO at the Bruins' . numbers, however, including w hic h makes the Troj~ns' nt'w home. receive l' Cormac Carri:ey (43 , bac kup quarterback (he would ha'!~ been No. 3 If John Mazur had not tra nsfe rred to Texas A&M) opening in tht> backfield. • of_fe nse ra ther .pale. especially In contrast to R amsey's receptions for 732 yard~, ·J ojo without S?Phomo~e quarll'.rback glo w in g s t a t is t i cs, U SC Town~ll (37 receptions (~r 673 Sean Salisbury in the line up quarterback S cott Tinsley's yards 'and 10 TDs ) an~ the (knee). _.numbers include 36 completions consistent runnurg oi..Aruife_ws "Our team has it has p'roven heart and resiliency all year," says USC Coach John Robinson. '' U.C LA .is ex.tr em e I y in 67 attemµl8 for 499 yards and (5.2 average). cxplos~ve," said Robu~son, .'.~~nd' 3 TDs. Tailback Anthony Gibson And there as Dokic Williams, l h c Y 'have a n at t 1 tu de of has rushed for 438 yards and 5 the senior receiver who averages wheeling a nd dealing on offense TDs and fullback Zep Lee has 26.7 yards every tune he touches the football -including kick Georgia has it all figured out ' returns and pass receptions. Among the UCLA starters is Fountain Valley High product Duval Love. a sophomore guard whose defense against the pass rush has been a bonus for the '2-0 team s have just as g~od a shot as the Rams RAMBLING ALONG; . . . · Bruins. Lee Knowles. a red-shirt ----~phomore. has a lso emerged as a •The bes t line at Rams Park Wednesday. where the players finally returned after a 57-day layoff. was supplied by none other. than owner Georgia Frontiere when she said: "2-0 teams have just as good a s hot as the Rams of making the playoffs." ru let you think about that for a minute. SPOf\TS COl.UMNIST JOHN . SEVANO •The Rams. who would normally leave for a game east of the Missi$sippi Friday. have postponed players' preference to have J'erragamo calling the their departure until today in order to get in signals over Jones. _ another rutrday of prat:tice. •With the owners having ex~nded the roster •One coach confided durjng the strike that the to 49 players for the remainder of the season. the reason the Rams got off lo such a poor start w~ Ra ms will now also suit up quarterback Jeff Kemp, because Bert J ones wasn'l familiar yet w ith the running back A.J . Jones, tackle Wally Kersten and _sy~ "And:' the coach added, "we may ha'(e los . ...._ __ ta-'-c_,,J'""e Larr_y Brooks._ . _ as many as four games before he did." •If nothing else. lhe end of the football stri~e •Add Jones: That's why Vince Ferragamo. who means at least two TV games Thanksgiving Day. 'As knows the system, and the Rams looked so good a sid enote, it also means Thursday's contest whenever he came ill ln a support.ive role. The between Oranae Coaal a nd Golden West echeduled question now, w ith only seven games to play. is lo starl at 11 a.m. might draw a few thousand gnats how long the Rams can afford to go w ith a ... if they turn the lights on. . · defensive standout. Also among the Bruins are freshman tight end Greg Bolin (Fountain Vall£'y ). and freshman q uarterback M att Stevens (Fountain Valley). "learning" quarterback? Answer: Not long. but look •I'll be ama7..ed 1f anyone who starts a· game for Ray Malavasl to stick with Jones anyway. Sunday is still standing by the time lhe fourth~:::::~::::::::::::~ In n ofncr game. O range Co:ist ended its campaign by defoatmg host Cypress, 14-5. GoldC'n West will c.'Ompctc in lhe Southern California tournam e nt al Saddle b ack College Wednesday as the No l seeded team . "This confcrem·e thi6 .season is a little harder than the one we have been in," Golden West Coach Tom Hermstad said. "We did .a n ice job with ·balanced scoring lQday and that's what did it." • The Rus tlers hcid nine players dent the scor i ng co lumn with Brett Del Valfe and Tom G rall each contributing three. T he Rustlers finished regula r sea.son play with a 20-'3 overall record. Orange Coast had eight players con tri bu·t e t o the scoring in. ifs victory over the Chargers. Bill--Haw--ki-n5-w~igh ..w i-th three while four other players each hit for a pair of goals. Orange Coast conclud ed th£'. regular season with a 17-7-1 record and a 7-5 confe re nce mark. fating formidable oppon ents. Thl•y'vt• airendy met some or Jhe lx·sl tn No. I ranked Tart, No. ':Z-rankt•d Suddlc.>bac:k and No :i -r:rnked Mt San Anton 11J ulrt·ady. It will be the rus hing o r Golden West's Rich Stahlhcber again s t Ful'l t•rto n 's La r r y ' Jackson and the passing or the . Rus tle r s' Adam Gragn ano against the arm of Fullerton's Vern Harris. . Both teams are potenually • explosive 'tmd conversely stingy on defense. At San Diego Mesa, for Coach, _ Dick Tucker's Pirates to win their second straight conference game. the Pirate secondary will have to find a way to slop QB Trent Annicharico who h as tprown for I . 725 yards this season. OCC, 2-6 overall, will ha~ some momentum after earning his first t'Onf.crenc.--e VJCtory of the yea r la s t week against Grossmont. The Bucs are ranked fourth in team defense m the conference. SALE •It's moments like these that the Rams could quarter rolls around. Staying in .ca rdiovascular use the knowledge and experience of such veterans sh ape is one thing and staymg m contact shape. is like Fred Dryer and J ack Reynolds another. That's hke a boxer preparing for a fight •The Rams' coaching staff used the last few without doing any sparring. 11' STAILEY TAPE Reg. 15.6'5 $991 weeks to do a deep analysis of the talent on the •Prediction: Tl')c Rams will only get as far as club. You'd be amazed at how low the team graded Jones will take them ... wh1C'h will probably ... and how many players figure to be on their translate Into a 3-6 record. . way out after this year . . •ll:s not that I have anythmg against ·Jones. •What I enjoyed reading was how the NFL but he JUSl flat out doesn't know the syslem yet and Players Association had lentatively ac.'Cepled the the Rams can't afford lo wast<' any more tim£', at owners' $1.6 billion package Tuesday. Of t'Ourse. least this season, teaching it to ham. that was the same package. for the same amounl oL ~•Assuming tht• Rams don't make lhe playoffs; money, that was also offered by the owners Sept. 9. and that's a tremendous possibility, the NFL is •Some players are quiet about it while others looking into using Anaheim S tadium as a neutral are downright adamant. Either way, Ed Garvey's site for some playoff ,games. • • future as head of the NFLPA will probably be •Now that the jscason has resumed. I hope Call Home free on MCI #PLS316. ~,, x 16' Siil ROUTER llT #931-2 With Carrying Case and A Reg. 89.95 SALE · . $4991 . ~ shorter than the 1982 NFL campaign once the Malavasi can keep the same demeanor that tie had season has ended. · during the strike. He was actually pleasant to be E.T., you -anyone con coll home any dCoy 'til Dec. 23 free for the holidays from Hunting- ton Center's MCI phone .. -----------•'---------------•• center. Your Free ~·~ •Some things never ch.ange . . . like the around ... honest! ---·-- coll by MCI is on us. 3 ·min. long distance llAllTAl((/7 -· H-y holidays. ~. L Reg. 88.59 SALE ~4619 SALE I '.rn) 1nd1 l'11ous lo lne Am.uon. 11l'JC•lul c1od fund ol \w1mm•n1; 111111 two 01 lhrte ol by b111lhl'I' .tnd \1,ttr:. See mf al ,\qu,1111 l 1op1c ~I~ where I am on \,1IP under thr htlt "Silver Oull;t1 · lor only l -98 Siil PUllER #96 1~:g95 $1 0995 VISA° .. ' m1w ..... ~. 5ft.llllec.. ......... WEUUIER Reg. 39:95 Model 507 16" Trimmer-Reconditioned . ... ,.... .._ ........ ......., .... .... , ... lt6t CIMTUily PL COITAU~ -"' ·SALE , -· , . . Orange CoHt OAll.V PILOT/Saturday, Novembet 20. 1982 • • • • easy 10 · .. win · over safety. Edison put the final nail in the, coffin late in ~e game when.Jet( Hipp scored from a yard ou t. Fac.-ed with a desperate situ·auon, Ct-espi w e nt for it on fourth down from its own seven -yard line, and Joh·n Steinlge r 's interception at tbe 14 set up the final score. · •i1 think this was' our best game ot 'the season," said Workman·. "~ow we just have to gear up, slay healthy and take it one game at a time. I know that's a U'ite rema rk. But we played well tonight ... and there's no ~n why we can't play well again next week." Statistically, Griffiths led the Chargers with 83 yards gained -on rhe ground on 12 carries. L eonard Simpson added 62. rifowotny was 5 of 9 th rough the air for 40 ya~ and a touchdown. T he Ce Its we r e I e d b-y Laufenberg, who passed for 129 · yards and a touchdown. B~t the senior was also sacked on three occasions for losses totalling 35 yards. * Edleon 31, C'"Pi I C<.-pt ._.. .,, Q)llll't-;-8 0 0-9 Edison 0 14 10 7-31 C-Hayes 34 FG E-Glbbs 15 pass f1om Nowotny (Grll'tam kid!) E-Grltflthl 2 run (Graham kick) C-Sale<no 7 pasa from Laufenb«g (paaa failed) E-Grltlllhs 47 rvn (Hombs rvn) E-Salety. teem rec:~ In end zone E-Htpp 1 run (,ZerlUche kick) Attenda~ 4.500 · 0-Stadatkt C I First downs 1 9 Running back RoberL Bandaruk (left) is na'!ked by Paul Ellison and another Edison teammate while moving upfield during the Chargers' 31-9 CIF Big 5 victory Friday night. ~yards 20-mtnus·5 39-175 Puaing yatds 155 40 p-13·25-4 5-9-1 Punts 4-3e 5-32 Fumblel--losl 1.0 o.-0 Ja·ckrabbits come out hopping OILERS .. • From Page C1 Pena11 ... yatdl 2-13 6-37 tl!dt1daal.._... ..._ • C-8atlste. 3-18; Callahan. 9-14. Mc:Cartrry. ..,. 2-3; BloUslatd, 1-1: Leufenbe<g. 5-mlf\UI 41 of the Del Rey League, came back to score their first TD on the ensuing drive, but the Oilers got a break when St. Francis' holder fumbled the snap from center on the point after. And Mat~r Dei can't patch up the holes in 32-0 defeat E-G1ltlith1. 12-83: Simpson. 8-82. Hipp. 8 -19; Nowotny. 8·14, Bandaruk. t -8: Wallerlc:h, 1-0, Alkins, 1-mlnu1 5. Jon11. 2-mlnus 6. ................ C-Laufenbe<g, 12-21-3. 12§. Patrl, 1·4·1, 26. E-Nowotny. 5-9·1, 40. ... ~ ... c•hinf ,. C-Brou-rd, 4-67; Cellahan. 3·15; "9url1, -~-30: Flef•1. 1·28: Salemo, 1-7: M~Carlhy, 1-5: Fuu. 1-5. E-Slmpson. 2-8; Phenlc:ie. 1·23; Gibb•. 1·15; Griffiths, I-minus 6. CHRIST COLLEGE SUFFERS DEFEAT Christ College of lrvine opened the 1982-83 basketball season by losing to visiting West Coast Christian at Newport Christian High. 73-57. Friday night. The game was the opening erwounter for both teams with Cnr ist College coming back torilgbt at home against Cal Tech. The Eagles pl.a~ without the services of leading scorer Fred Hartman who will be in the lineup tonight. George Brandon and Tom Heck each scored 14 points for the Irvine team. "The Eaalea 1Lar1ed th.fee guards in an effort to run against the taller visitors but fell behind and could never catch up. In the second half, the Eagles pulled to within six points but that was as cloee aa they could come, falling back to a 16-point deficit at game's end. The Oilers scored again at the outset of the thir# quarter when Buddy· Noble took the kickoff at his own 24 and raced 43 yards to the.Golden..Knight....43. The Oilers, f ollo w ing a penalty, were then faced with a third-and-24 at the St. Francis 42 when Thompson. rolling lefl on a sweep, threw a perfect right- handed pass to James Dunn for 38 yards down the left side line . Following a roughing penalty on the play that put the Oilers on the Golden Knight two, Carl Satterfield went in for the toore to make it 14-6. Huntington llMch 21, It. Fr...cte 14 Sc.-by ....... Huntlng1on 8Nc:tl O 7 7 O 7-21 St Franc:IS 0 IS 0 8 0-14 HB-TllOlnpso() 1 run OCatz kic:ll) SF-K-14 run (kid! lelled) MB-Satterlleld 2 run (Katz klc:k) SF-K-26 run (&pe s>eM llom Betance) HB-8 A-v 4 peat from ~on (Katt Ille*) Attendance-3.800" l•tim•tedl 0-Sletledcll .. .,, Ftrll d~s 15 18 Auahes-yards :µ.131 50-273 Puling yards 132 39 p-8-1'-0 3-6-1 Punt• 3-23 t-35 Fumbles-lost 2·2 t-0 Penatttes-yards 4-49 4-39 •lfh''tu a .......... H9-1:1wton. Clor-mrnua 19. Se'ltsrw.ict. 16-110. Thompson, 14-55. SF-8et1nc:e, 7-24; Johnson, 5-34. K-. 32-194, Egan. 6-21. ............... HB-Lawton. 7-13--0, 94; Th()mpson, 1-1-0. 38 SF-Betance. 3-5-t, 39: Jollnaon, 0-1.0. O 11•a•usl'91uh ... HB-Ounn. 2-~: loe>U. 2'-53, Satterfield, 2·11, Trrornpson, 1-10, 8 A-v. 1-4 SF-&pe, 1· 12. De Jardin, 1· 10, Atolllo, 1 -l.46 - By ED ZINTEL 18 yards on the ground for the SfiecWteltleo.ltr,.... night). and· that was the NORWALK -In trying to difference. sum up what went wrong for his "Their speed hurt us badly," team Friday night, Mater Dei said Coch run . whose team High h«tcad football coach Wayne fi nished the season with a 6-4-1 Cochrun said, "Well. it seemed record. "Their linc_mcn were like they (Long Beach Poly) even quick and we just can't played the entire first half in our practice for something•1ike that." territory." 2 Long Beach Poly, 7-1-, came The Jackrabbits just about did into th(' game with Its senior on their way to building a 26-0 tailback Kirk Jont'S being heavily halftime lead and an eventual touted. Jones, who had gained 32-0 rout of the Monarchs in the 9 l4 yards in eight games. is first round of the Big Five considered one of the premier Conference playoffs at Cerritos running backs m the nation by College. scouting services. However, It seemed that Mater Dei <..'Ould Friday night. Mater Del keyed on do nothing right and Long Beach Jones and held him to just 46 Poly could do nothing wrong in yards on l3 carries that half as C'OStly turnovers put a No matter, Long Beach Poly slow leak in the Monarchs' Had other weapons. In addioon to balloon before it could get oU the McCullouch and Morgan, the ground. Jackrabbits utJliRd a btg. strong That, combined with Poly's a nd yes, very quick deferue to blinding speed and, as Cochrun smother Mater Del's ground pointed out. Mater Dei's lack of, a ttack and quarterback Roger turned what should have been a ,tteynoso. In all. Reynoso was balanced game into a one-sided sacked 10 tames for losses totahng one 3 1 yards. Long 8 each Po I Y loo k It all started on the first series a d v a n t a g e o f t w o p a s s of the game as Morgan spotted interceptions. an unsuccess~ul MC'Cullouch m the end zone and fake punt and the speed of wade threw over the o'u tstretl'ttt?d rcct>ivcr Tyrone McCuUoucn to ~ . .hand of • M~ ~ de~nder for "' dis~ 6f t?lc Motfa~!t a 21.yard touchdown pl,.y. McCullouc h caught three Mater Dci managed to stay t o u c hd own passes fr o m cl08e but a pass interception by quarterback Derek Morgan of 21. Poly's Arthur Wilson kept the 6 and 57 yards and Morgan Jackrabbits on top In the first caught a touchdown pass himself quarter and then a Mater Dei on a halfback option play. fake punt attem pt failed gving Mater Del, on the other hand, Poly the ball a t the Monarch wu unable to establish a running 29 rd l" -~a me. 11t•~t~Monerehs hed • rninu.-McCullouch thl'n caugn\ a ~ports on television today TELEVISION York and Bo8ton marathons. (28) -SPORTS FREE 9 a.m. (2) -NCAA TODAY -Brent Musburger AMERICA -Many Hopn meets O.ve Peck in the AND and Pat O'Brien examine how the bowl 1elections finals of the 1982 Catalina Pro.am racquetball PICKUP " 6-yard scoring pass and then. Wilson recovered a fumble at the Mater ~i 9-yard line. That set up Poly's third touchdown, a 23 -yard halfback option pass from Ricky Aer~uarterback ~rga~. ~ Mater Dei's defense, in' all · respect. played well, particularly tackle Jim Birmingham and end Andy Rymer. Reynoso passed much better in the se<.'Ond half and wound up with 103 yards though the air. * La Pdr 12. ....., Del 0 8cefelllfo-rtet9 long Beech Poly • 20 • 0-32 MatetOel • 0000-0 LB-Mc:Cullouc:ll n p&H from Morgan (lode failed) LB-Mc:Culoucl'I 6 pua from Mc!fpn IP9M fMed) LB-M«Qen 23 pua from Hams (Cooper Ille*) LB-Werel 10 pas from ~ (Cooper Ille*) LB-Mc:CuUovch 57 pass lrom MOfgan (lilclt lallecf) Allend.,_-3,500 (estlmei.d) ca-• ....... La -F1<1t dOWflJ 11 8 Ausr--yatff 27·95 24-mlnut 18 P-ng yard• 192 114 Paa-8-13.0 t3·23·2 Punll 3·3t 5-35 Fumble9·10at 2· 1 t-0 Penahtes-yatds 7-55 6-ee -• i.dltdll ......... . lll-"""9. ""4t: ..... 3-1~ MOrOI"· t-1: Biggers. 3.e; Cooper. 2· 15. 1"1arrl1, 3·25. Glt>b<>rlt, 1·fot·mfnul 6. MD-AOUlrre, e. 14; P04a. 3-fC>f·mlnut 7, A.ynoso. 13-lof·ll'linul 31; Jones. 2·• .. ............... LB-Motpn. 7.10-0. 133. Harri•. t-3-0. 29 MD-Reynoso. 12.22-2, 103, M Jone•. 1.1-0, 11 ~ ......... alhllh ... LB-Werd, 2-29. Mc:Cullouctl. ~4; .carter. 1-lot-minU9 3. Morgen. 1·23. Smtih. 1-15 MO-Op1lan, 1-11: Agulrte, 1-2; Doan. 4-23, J-. 1~. 3-45, !.069. 1-13. Locy. 1-t are made. tourney. DIUVIRY FOR ,.•P:30 a.m. (2) -NCAA FOOTBALL -Michigan 9 p.m. (4) -BOXING -A boxtna triplehetider YOUR MIRCIDES BENZ at Ohio State. taped at Atlantic City. Featured: WBC llf.ht . ·i2:30 pm. (7) -NCAA FOOTBA?.L ·-USC at heavyweight ch ampion Dwilht Bnx&on (18--1) 1 . Purchase or leaae 1 new or uaed Ul:LA. · L meets Eddie Davis (23-2-11' In • 1cheduled ,., p.m.' (2) -CBS SPORTS SATUKDAY -15·rounder. MiddJeweiCht Bobby C1ya (21-0) aeta Mercedn·BenZ fron;t Dave . ..... ::','Mm:bo"c.m.dlo(l8·0)va.G~~,1 e----..M.MM&1lll!!!-.&.1~ ..... ~.Ill-a.1 .. 1e, San Juwt (ll.t»:l19 ........... .-.~~·ti ~':4!iia"ftl9"'.,..J"1-11t11•~--·-~·'·--.·~·.,......-~8ltlllil). ..... 'I ,.~ O~.., -..t. • errera (42·8) In a.junior mlddltwelcht bout. lo wtlen ·rout Mereedta-lenl II reedy ror • t9Mce, )ult · 2:30 p.m. 4) -WESTERN OUTDOORSMAN -l _l p.m. (5) -..COLLEGE POOr8ALL -USC YI. call Dew NDMw and flt_.'*" up~ Mertee111 ._ Whi surflha on San l'randlco Ba~. UCLA. Taped earU.r In the day at the Rem Bowl. ~~f\M,.!'c,~~~0:J=!!:= 3:30 p.m. (4) -IPORTIWORLD -Two PK.A · RADIO .,._ "°"" Ind .,_ ytu 1 ._.. ... .._,11tw,...1M c,Mmp6onlh.lp karate matches: Jean Yvet Theriault Football -USC YI. UCLA, 12:50 p .m .. KMPC lftd.....,.,.,, ... HllDfll. . .,_ C\lft'Y Roop tor the mkldleweiaht Ll&Je and Bob (7JO> and KNX (1070): c..a State Fullerton at lllON v•-•O IM~ Hunter v1. Eddie McCray l o r the 1uper Pllclfk, 7:10 p.m .• KWRM (1170) and KWVE (108 Ml ......._1• rvn • • midd1ewet1ht crown. Allo: Unliml~~~·~tion FM); Citrus at s.dd1eb9ck. 7:30 p.m., KSBR (81.5 .. ______ ... ....-_. .... .._~-----•:I In the International Aerob9Ucl chamfi'Li:'3£r FM). .. a• Tl ,4:30 p.m. (7) -GREATEST IPOR LE ENDS Hockey -Buffalo at Kl• 7:20 p.m .• KPRZ IL~=== -BUI ftoclaen. fOW'·Wne winner of both the New ( 1160). FV- ~ 21, Fountalft Veley 0 ._. .., a.rt.re loYOll 6 .8 7 0-21 f'OUl'llaln v.,..,, 0 0 0 u-u L-8'-1 run (klc:k bloQ!ed) L-Mc:CrllCken 9 run (Mc:C111Cken PUI 10 Seinl) l -Mc:Craeken 10 run (Vardugo kid!) Allendencle -4,800 (•tlrl'laled) 0-a .. •1t1a1 l ,,.,. dOwnl 19 ~)'Well 54-237 p...ing ywdl 07 p-5-8-1 Punll 1·29 F~to.t 0-0 ~yetdl 7-82 FV 7 16-43 70 7-19-3. 3-34 1·1 5-33 INIMduel-.... l -Centantet, •·~; heob, 5-29;-Blown, t&-55: McCracken, 16-49: Saini., 2-35; Garc:la. 2-5: Noona, 1;jt, Malloy, 1-1: Coltanzo, 2-6. FV-Swige(l, 5-24, Crall, 2-30: Garrell. 3-10, 8 1even1, 4-for-mlnua 10, Frye, 2-lor-mlnus 11 ....... u ........... L-McC1ac1ien. 5-&-1, 97 FV-St_,1, 4-t 1·2, 39, Frye, 2·5-0, 28; TOiiner. 1.3.1, 3. 11Mlt1h .. '91Ulvlfte l-81-. 3-84: Sainz. 2-33. FV-Thompeon. 2-38; Crall, 2-19: Cung. t·8: Mother'head. 1-3: Swigart. 1-2. Laguna Hills dealt 43-12 playoff loss "HACIENDA HEIGHTS -Los Aftos High's Conque rors. top- sceded an the C IF Southern Conference football playoffs. open<'d the first round. with a 43-12 victory over visiting Laguna Hills Friday night on the strength of three touchdown passes from Mike Smith. Smith. the 6-10 senior who doubl~ as an All-CW basketball p layer, too, upped his season totals to 33 touchdown passes with strikes of 28, 5 and 3 yards. The Conquerors jumped to a 29-0 halft.lmc lead and were in command, 43-0. before Laguna Hills struck twice in the fourth quarter. The Hawks of Laguna Hills snapped Los Altos' shutout bid with a 13-yard touchdown run from Allan Roman and a two- yard dash by Ted Willich. Daren Davis, the 6-~. 19~-pound wide receiver for Los Altos. caught two of S mith's touchdown passes to give him 12 scoring catches for the year. *· ' Loe Allee G, Lo..-. ... 11 .... ..,o-wa Leguna Htlll 0 0 0 12-12 Loa Ahoa t 20 1 7-43 LA-Ouetdl H FG LA-Sc:Uf1o 1 rvn (GuwOt lllc:k) LA-Ea4rlCI• 5 .,... lrom Smith (Guerdl ldck) i.A-la4rede 22 run (klc:k fellld) LA-Dftls 3 pns from Smllh (Guerdl lilc:lil LA-0.¥11 28 pass llom Smllh (Guerdl kldl LH-Romen 13 run LH-Wlllldl 2 run .. ~ OCC opens tonight Coach Tandy Gillis unveils his Orange Coat Coll~ basketball team tonight (7:30) when the Pf/lites host Mine.a.ta Collete. O CC is coming o ff a dtappolntlrW 13-1:1 ll!UOft. ... .. . "' " ..... NflLMde IUNOAY'I OAMll • Atl•ntt 3' t 0119t It-• • Nn YOt t. ,,.,. I'• ov" t1e111more •• PnUtoelpnta 1 OvM ClllelMltl Oetrott :l ova< • Chicago K111us City 2'• ovei •-N•w 0.lean• ir !MlllO I 9~ MW'" _ _;.:_:.----~~~ Bay }V, O••• MlnneM>te • C1eve1a11d 6' • over New England , Pllllburgh II ov.1 • Houlton a-O•llas 1', o-.r TarnP41 Bay LOI AlemltOI NllOAY'I MIULTI (10ltl ............ ...,..i-.. -•lftt> l'IRIT ltACI. 360 ye101 H" In fllglll (Tr11) 4 00 2 IO 2 40 Mr MOMy Lend .. (Haro & eo 3 eo e 1.-1 .. 1 LU Red (C•MQ .. l 3 00 AllO tec;eO Botgl'leM, S~ POiley, Mt Ebony O•um1. Oe1ert Son, Muell•. Aeve<end Jim Time 1101 11 lllACTA (&-101pelO 1~8 00 HCOMO "ACI . 110 yar01 DH-Fa11 Jeth•• 1e.,01 "2 eo 3 20 2 40 -·~1 ............... San Fr1n~1a.co 4 ov .. a-St L01111 11-~v" 1•, over SMtll• JI-New VOtk Olantl I OVlt Wnh1nd11m • MONOAY'IOAllW A-LA Raider• I'• over Sen Diego • denotH home team C~munlty colleae • TC>tMGHT"« OAllEf' leullt c-t Ceotlef-• GOiden we•t at Fullerton Orange CoM1 et Sin ();ego Met• Ml San An1ont0 at C'ett1toa "fs:f·· c..llllwa-., ___ _ d k Rivet • at la na , ____ ,.,. ~1 Soull>wM.l .. n Metropol!Un ~. THIM> "ACI. 350 y.,da OMtroye< (leclleyl 4 40 3 00 2 40 a .. eo Man IHerll 3 eo 3 20 Gotte Go Te (C.rdOH) 5 80 Alao rec.a Win MO'ld•y. Some Kinde Voltege, Corpora'-' Jet, Bug• Mechlne, Teutonic. ()jemoncl Slatlla•e. H'9f'llan<t Sea Chic Time 18 11 12IXACTA I10·41 p1ld $18 40 P:OU"TH RACI. 350 r•rdl Go High TymH (Valdez 8 20 2 IO 2 4Q St Raln ear (Craege<I 2 40 2 40 Ward5 Best (Hert) 2 80 Also raced Often Rlgttl, Jella Oarbo. 0ugsy Cota, Savannah Book flme 18.04 12 EXACTA (5·81 paid $15 60 P'tnH "ACE. 350 yerda Hesa Copy Two (Creager I 68 80 17 80 6 20 Top Rae .. CRouQhl 4 oo 2 eo Dot Roios <O••dl 7 eo Alto raced Jedeo1an Andy Ou•, Ban on Bars, Orano<>utar>Q Oon T.,.,,. 1118 • 12 EllACTA (4·111 paid $3511 20 llXTH llACE. 870 yatOI PantMrrloneyl'loney IHarOfl 40 4 40 3 20 NOtsy Reb (Pautine) 3 40 2 eo Town end Back (Armlltong) 2 50 Also •aced Bobby on on. Go Ow>Qhl Go, C-Wateh Me Fly, Josego ~o Time 46 45 SEVENTH llACE. 400 yetds Go Proudly (Peuhnel 2 IO 2 80 2 10 ~~Joe Jt ll110mNI ti 20 3 80 Dusty Oupe (Leckey) 3 00 Also r&C*l Min Gay Awey. L-N1tu1al Nine. S&l1lle< Cinch, M111y MIJI Time 26 15 12 EXACTA 16·51 paid $20 20 12 l'ICK llX I'•· 10·6-.4· 1·6) palO S1 522 60 .. 1th lour wonning llekllt (Ma hOtaet) $2 Pick Sia consolation paid $ 16 20 woth 111$ wlnnlng ticket• lflve hOtletl) 12 Pick So• scra1ch consolation paid $11 80 wnh tl72 winning tlcll&l.S (lour hOtWs. one tcralthl EIGHTH llACE. 350 yards Mlz Chic (Tonk•) 6 80 • 00 3 20 Pass My Copy (Cr .. g•ll • 60 3 20 Lady Wins ICheveil 3 00 Alto racea Kay Cee Deb, 01111e11. Bookies Chick. Silk Kiiien Time 1800 NIHTH llACE. 3SO yatds s .... 1 Crystal (Sardi A 40 2 80 2 40 Miu Mighty Mo IWardl 4 40 3 80 llltl• Tara IM•tc,,."J 6 20 Also reced Rebellious Gal, Ptolot Plan, 1<1nn1klnnlck. Rebageln. Conleu. AdlOI s .... 1 0a1>y. Reven Stuy Ttme 11 Otl ti DACTA (8-31P01iO 121 80 TINTI4 "ACE. 350 y111ae Jubel ToP t.tOOI\ IHWI) fl 20 6 20 ~00 Feature Lacie< (C•MQe<l 17 ao 7 00 Wee V1t1or1en (lKlleyJ 2 60 AIM> tacecl Hool< Em 0aby. Mou Easy Cape<. My Clleftee MutPf'IY MIM FHI Pride Rab A Jet. Easy Ruth Shotlly Alter Fhle Tome· 1194 12 EllACTA (7·tll pelO S11fl 80 Attendance -fl,330 Hollywood Park FlllOAY'I llEIUlTI 113111 of 31-dar '"°'°"'"1Hec1 -""9> FlfllT RACE. 6 lurlOngs All 1,,. e.11 1V•toY1C1>1 t 4 60 4 &O 3 eo Fuzzy FrHze (HewleyJ 3 00 2 40 Allowance tBllClll 6 20 Also raceo Cry11a1 Table Moors Moun1a1n, Ten Pucent. Breeie O'Erln ea1111 1 Mike, Gent~msn 01•d• · Ttme I 11 116 St!CONO RACE. 6 lutlong1 CumptMnos 1S1b111e1 13 00 S 80 • 40 Sur1e< 0oy fOhvares) 5 00 A 40 OilVla Gtt0tge (Mccarron) 6 00 Also •aced Jaded Encounter. Captain Flsby. NHherabOb K1p1y 1 Sar, Impressive Fella. Strike First Stop Crow01ng Swill Hill et. Oog OYk .. Tome 1 It '15 S2 OAIL Y DOUBLE f2·tll paid Siil 00 THlllD llACE. I 1/ IG IT'lles Fogahann (T0tol 7 40 3 IO 2 80 Lady of Y0tk (JOhnsonl fl 20 5 20 Oecep11v1 1c .. 1aneoa1 3 40 Alto rec;eO Larllef\ Ooon'1 Ledy S.-ia Tome 1 u 4/5 SS EXACT A 1•·21 paid S 119 00 FOURTH RACE. I I 16 "'11es Manzanatn IVa!OnNe!•I 6 60 3 60 3 20 Styhsn Oueen (McCarronl 2 60 2 40 Cool Mano< (~OI 'J 80 AISo raceo R1pu1111on Mou Picture 0rode Pe<lectat>ohty Oue T ttQute. Stet let Sail r,,,,.. I 4$ 21$ S UACTA ( 1-6) peod '49 $0 P'lnH llACE. 1 lvrlOngs Ctoao (Obv111esl 30 00 11 80 3 20 Oemldg• 1McCe<ronl 6 ~o 2 40 GOid Rule< (Bl-I 2 20 AllO taced 0.ablO LaOOH!l tm1nen1 Lad. p,,ate Man. Hur Powe< 'rime t 22 3/S SS EXACTA 17·51 p11a $357 'DO SIXTH llACE. I 1116 mo ... ltisn Guy (McCaiton) 7 60 s 00 3 20 etow Tapa 1ca11an.e011 1 roo 5 40 Nasrullan OoutMeO (Valenzuela> 3 00 Also raced Away W1111 Gold. Oav•d's Oan-. Siii< Court Wullatk. Stage Highway Time. I 45 t/5 SIYENTH RACE. 6 ~rlongl Lucky Pu•chue (0htckl 44 40 GOO<lby• J Y IMcCarron1 Gene<al Cullet (Romero) Also t1citd Pal's Pel Bed lltlO 680 •OO 320 800 Aaacal. Trammel Luci<. Umbfella Fleel Time 109 1/5 IS lfl!ACTA 111~1 pekl 14•2 50 12 l'ICK SIX (ti 4. t-7·2<11)9111<1 $$8.057 80 I with two wonning lttk•ta lhve hOtHll S2 Pock Sue conlOlatl()tl Pllld S t&e 80 wolh 224 wmnong lltlltll llou• l'IOIMS) S2 Pock S1• ICtlleh contOlatiO!'I peid $ 14tl 20 Wllh IOUt wlMlllQ toolo'*•tlllf" -..s vne KtatdO IDOKTH llAC:ll. I 11 t8 mo• on lul'1 W•t•n (McCarron) ti 80 • 00 2 80 Vetata (TO<O) • 50 2 80 .sun WorllliP IAorrlero) 2 to ,AllO raced Ctoonawfflon LUC:Ullua, Olar~ Account. Ctuwgjng St• A-B1nll Jl(t'.1L I ~.di NIHTH llACIL I 1116 mloes tepl\atlle 8tyn IV~l II 00 3 20 2'20 °' Nlllve (~anou ... yel 3 40 2 20 l&ntt• (McC.,ron) , 2 40 At10 rectd Nalet 1 FHl>lon Ooulllt moll• Cumaon Klaa, M111 Outdt Piteh Time 1 45 115 a Ix.ACTA (4·1) pekl S35 50 ~-18.2•9 DAV.Y'IDL-:t.l=-C~ ._.., -n e.qg••t1 22 onito. 3 catlco iuo. 3 IMC*~ 2111 r COCI, 4 MnCI bMI • DMA wttA.,, -43 llllller9 111 llHI 2tl bo'tt110, 12 m1cktrtl, 11 roc11 cod, :I I ~ I ~. 3 lllue -'1 lllAL NAOf•-~· •"9tef1-. tH rock • cod , .... , -3 11.ililkil 2& MICl!erjlj ? Nnd l>IM H -It crCMlh r 60 Q-hllh Oaket&(lekl 11 Santa MOlllCll CG El C8""no .at LA P11tc1 Pasadtnll CC el hit Sovt.,..n Cal Ceoti.enc• • • Compton at West Las Ano-iwt1 1 P m East Los Angettt a1 RIO ~onclo LOI Angeles cc .. LA Soutllweal W"tefn Stale Conference Glendale al Hancoct.. I 30 p m Lo• Angeles Valley a1 Santa earbara CC Ventura at MoOrP!llk Foolllllt Conlet1nce 1mpet101 Valley 11 Mt Sen Jac11110. 7 pm Oetert al San 0etnard1no • MrraCoSla al Anlelope va1111y All games al 7;30 pm unleaa olherwose fl~~ • ' CIF r1aroff1 (Itta round) 1110 FIVE CONIElllNCE Loyota·21, Fountain Valley 0 lalcewood 13. 01shop Amat 12 Alemany 7, Fontana 8 Hun1tng1on 0MCh 2t. SI Fr~ 14 lot> LB POiy 32, Malet De< 0 EdlllOn 3 t. Cfffl>O 9 Cotton 36. Millikan 1 ClfNTllAL CONP'EllENCE Fulle<ton 40. Botaa Grande 7 NIWl>Ol'l H.,bOt $6, lll«wltlt. 6 erea·Ollnd• 20. Rlt'Cl!O Al&m!los 19 Sllddlebecl< 34, Att-fl le Habta 27. la Mlreda 0 Los Amigos Ill. Valencia 7 Sunny Hilts 7. West•n 8 El T Oto ,,. llellllo-(tonoghl al Mluoon v .. IOJ ~OteNMMCE­LOS Altos 43. t.eguna HlllS 12 Sanla Ana 13. K~ 13 Mission Vle)O 24, Loera 0 El Modena 32. Clowney 24 Espe<ania 40, Aowlan<t 8 lynwOO<I 19, Votta Pwk I• HH WllllOn 3tl. Captatrano Valley 17 Foo1hm 40, Patemount o COAITA&. COWllllNCll West T 0tr•ne• 4tl, San Mtrcoe 10 Muir 12, Hart 0 Oxnaro 33, Rolling Hlllt 14 Westlalc• 35. San Get>rlel 111 Tl'IOuaal'KI Oaka vs. Santa Monica (tonigl'll •• Santa Monie• College) Arcadia 24, Santa B.,bate 21 Schurr 20, Soulh Totrance 17 P aseaena 33. ~blirY Perk 0 NC>flTlnffSTllUI COlll'IMNCI V.,bum Del 27, ~ Hlh 7 R1g1>e111 2a, Anletope Valley 27 Culver C11y 16. Santa Marla 14 Blalr vs SI Betn8td (tonight at PaMCllna CC) Lompoc 3 t Cant...,1 O C.&nr2t:t lSeuous>2 t feml)le Coty 18 ~ Mon1_., 19. t<ew!hotne 13 Monrovia 17, Ouerti Holl 7 IOVTHUITERN CDM'EMMOE Batdwln Parl< 20 Central 7 lndlO 2• Azusa 12 Rosemead 22. Chino o VICIOt Valley 20, Arroyo 12 Garey 15. Royal Oak 12 C•le•OC:O 19 Gl&OSIOM 18 C&jon IS Ouatll 1 If ASTERN CONFIMNCE Glen<l0ta 13, South Holl 10 N0tco 2a Ar~no1on 1a M0teno Valley 11, Ctaremonl 16 Ramone 18, El RarichO 9 Rlve<l•de Poty 34 Palm SPl"'OS 7 N0t1h-11 Monttl>elto (lorughll Bell Ga<dens 24 Rulll<IOwl ti Oamoen ~·~Elll.NCE Btet~<en 33. Lulhe<an (LeVe<n•l t2 Ke<n Valley 23. Marsnall 7 Valley Chrisoan 27. Rosamond 6 0ese,1 20. Yucca V,alley t On1ar10 Ch11s11at1 48. Mojave 6 Nee<IM!• 21. San Jacinto 16 Whittier Chrosuan a1 Serrano 11on19"tl OEH"T·MOUNTAIN Atascadeto 39, El Segundo O Agou• a 21, eosnop Diego o • Reoondo 14. Carplntetla 6 · PerrlS 26, Chamonade 3 San1e Paul 11 Oak Park 1tonoglltl SI Genevieve 3tl Santa Vnet 1 Notre Dame 13, Moralesle 7 RIO Mesa fl!"lit JOffl)fl 1 llrulllan Open (•I Rio de J-4ro) Curto~ St••noe (Us I 66-66 134' EduatdO Cabellero ISP••n1 6S-68 133 Hale Irwin tlJ S I 67 61 1:µ Pho.nix tournament tat Mlyaraltl, ,...,, L11ry NelllOn (US I 140 Tom Purtzer (US I 14 t Danny Edwatdt (US I '1•2 Tom WallOll (US I 142 C.lwl Peete CU S l 142 Scotl Hoeh (U S I 1~2 Teruo Sugthar• (Japan) 142 Sa1><1ro Fu)lkl IJlp&n) 142 Masash• JumbO Otakl (Japonl 143 wavn• t.evo (U S l tu Bernhard Lang.,, (Wttl Germo"YI 144 Hsieh Mtn Nan !Taiwan) 1u Toru Nakamura (Japan) IU Sh1nsalou Maeda (Jepant 144 Kt~uo Ata.1 (Japanl 10 Fu1t0 Kobayashi (Japan) 144 P:alled to 011alllyl Jtm Simons (U S 1 t& I Vance H .. ,,,., (U s I 1$1 ' TauneY\lkl Naloa)'ma (Japan\ 151 INO AOkl IJ&Qan) 151 Auetnbn Open ) (llllJdMY) Jeck Ni(t.taus tU $ J 14!t Bob Sf'leare< (Au11ra11a1 14S ~ Stephens (AU1tra1<a1 148 Rodger Oav111Au.1ta1,.1 148 Bob Shaw IAUSltaloal 14tl OaVld Gooo (Ault•tlllal 148 Cont area ,..ulta "-"° '"' ......... ·-• C:hllt C"-ploolf".lp Chlfl'ni>'OOshlP Fltj)ht 1 kemy fleu 1 81·17 83 24 t 2 G••I• ~ rent• 82·'9·88 -2!.t •3 Cfl1rma1n TotM" 80..a~·IOO 28 · flfat F1ogn1 1 Sue Eewer 28~ 2 (1l~n Vr-burn 291 84!tcond Floglll I Barb••• JOOea 303. l Maroon McGratlt 307 Tllord Fllghl I 08tlle,. D~llla 2t7 2 Gttmll• Pet1e11Ult 3oe • .. Wae..... •A coufoc • w1111• cow11111NC1 • ~AA f--1 ........ Dlwteleft (al ... _I l'leu) W l li'CI 08 UC ltwlM 11, li'eHerdine I 5-<1111• 12 0 I OOll l'•l'I._. ''"'" • ti i I 4 • Pllc.e1t1• 11 ¥ 1&0 I UI ltvothl 1 4 I ii 11 Ll'er• , f'll fl•PP••lllltOI •• 111111(1 . Uult.•11 2 0 Po1ti•<11J ti • !lOCI J ' 0 ,., Qu1u11 2 U••t '/ l<lt1•l<a I N"et 1 OOl!Jtln tll•le 4 1 lllJ UC l!Vl1tl tl t1t111g V.itQd~ J Hoity 3 !1101t OMIQu ..,_.weel ,..,," ... ,~ le) "' Motio>r twn 1 OOOiu111 1• Camnt>W" I -"' •• -· U0 Ir ..... It. L.....i .... II II I 5..,, A11101110 1 ~ ~U Long 8Hch !II I I 1 1 ~ Klll•tl'I C•ly 4 I 671 '• UC r.vu111 • I 4 ' 3 10 01111•• • 6 llOO I Long lluch $1 ILOrlng CLJWt.n 2,.--Oplvll ti II 4M1 1'• f'ett11<1" 1 Cc1n1111..,. 1-si:m · lJleh l ' 300 3 0C lfwl(• .Aeotl.rlcl VatQIOI ;) QodlQn 2 JIOii!JllJll I 10. 011 I f.l't OllVl•or I ltobt'rl•on t, Rlfey I P C¥mllbtH IAITlllN CONl'l"INCI I J C111npb<tll Attartllc Diwlaton DtMr lc0tH Pt11J.u!11l1,1J11u to I 90ll ••• • 1 f UC Su11lli 010rt>ur11 17, CS Full1<1on 3 Oo1ton U 2 118c:'tl•~ 1. F1•1no !II \ H•w J••'"'Y 5 1 I r,. , UC 81111a Barb11<ll 11, f1111no SI e Wuah111111on 3 I PIM;lllO ti CS full 11011 7 'New Y0tk -3 8 77J 273 7 L0tl0 8e11t;1t St ti. llepp.ordioe 1 Central DM11ort f•nno Sl 15. CS fulMoton a Oertoll 8 4 UC Senl• 8atbata 12 Pacific 11 M1hoeut.H 67 61> Clncaoo 1 2•. 2'• COMlllUNITY CC>U.llOll lnd·•n• 5 8 01..,.. c-1 14, Crllf•ea 1 At1anu1 4 II OratlQ• Cooltt 3 3 4 .. c .. v ..... t(I 1 g l 6 Cyptets o o 3 2 s l'rfGtly'• k0tH O••ng• Coot Honng Hawlorna 3 Lall .. • t2l WatMlQton 91 Skv.o.ront111 2 Stmmont 4' McC0tmw:t. 2 eo11on 119 Sw11 AnlonlO 111 SIWblnl 1 0ro ... n 1 AIVt'• I Seu,., I Ph1ladell)hla 121 M11 .. eui.11e IOG H<yl)'Q" •OIJJflO!tf1U 91 -·-.,,._,;.o-,-o.uo.t 106 <IOtc1e<1 S1a1t UJ'2 • '3-4"""o5Mg~T17r----;c"'h""ic,;;;"'::0"'°'1"'t,..1 "'°'"•" 111 • Ml Sen Anl9'"0 3 0 2 I-6 P0tllWIO 111 M/y 101 ------GOklen WHt scomg Del Valle 3, GleM 3 S.altle 101 1tnd 94 _.-~ W•"-2. Lund 2 Step,,...soo 1 Nady 2. • • S•lve< I 0.mpsey t M0teoo t All l'aclllc C~I C:eotlef-Teem NICk S1movicn IS•ddiflb&Ckl. ftm Hugar ISdddlebec;k) flra111 Mc Mutran IS80lllflll11Ckl, Do1vt1 DftM4!0"' (Saddlllbatl\), Toao Soundefl 1Soe101t1bac;k) Ch..ck Bowes (S&ddlflllilLk), JOlm "41id (SedOlebatk). Oave Prto (G1oumon11. Gnry Hui (Grossmonll, Oon Mont11 ($11n Diego Mual Cnuck llmt>etg 1s1n Diego Mesa). Al Gros• (San 0.4!!JO Muaal. Eroc. Oentell 1Sa11 01ego Mesa\, Chtt Johtlalon (Palon1•rl, Sc;o11 John (Palomar) Moat voluablfo ptayttr S1mov1<;h (Soddlet>at~I Coacn 9 1 Ille veor Fl lp D11,, 1seooleback1 Wln1ton Wfftern 500 C•I....._...) H•• -troe liut 25 queitfylng ~toons ctltlCl'le<I Fridey 10< the Won.ion Wetle<n 500 ·~ c., mall• and ~ I Oetrell Wallrlp, Bu!Clc 11• MS 7 BOOby Ailttorl, PontfllC1l4 953--- 3 Joe Au11man• Pontoac 114 705 4 Tim RochmonO Buldc. 114 67. 5 Aldly Rudd Ponhec, 114 266 8 Geoff Bodine Pontiac, 11 • 236 1 Oale E.,M.,dl, F0td. 113 573 • a L1.k• Speeo. Ponuac, 113 4119 9 H••ry Gani, Bul<:k, t 13 421 10 Jimmy lrt.oto, Pon11ec, 113 4119 t 1 R1<:natd P•lly. Pontiac, 113 250 12 8111 Eltiolt, F0td 113 075 13 Nell Bonnell Ford. I 12 320 ]4 JD McOullle, Buick, 112 314 15 Ron Bouchatd. Old\, 1 12 314 16 MOtg&n Sl'lePl'le<d. Bultk, 112.2115 17 H.,allel McGtllf, Buick. 112 274 18 Roy Smith, BulCk, 112 207 19 Riek McCray, Buick, 112 134 20 Maril Martin. eu;c;1o, 111 970 21 Jom R-h. Chevy, 111 •11 22 Bl~ Scnm111. Buick. 111 6211 23 Jim Bowr 0u1Ck 111 454 24 Jim Rollinson 111 337 25 Jody R1e1i.v F0td, 1t11124 NHl CAMl'9ELL COWlf"lNCE ... lithe DMeioft Edmonton Klftte W1nn1peg Catglll'y Vancouvt< W L T Of QA Pie . 9 8 4 98 68 22 9 7 3 1• 72 21 9 62776$20 8 tO 3 90 92 19 7 10 3 10 66 17 Noul1 OMalon M11>neso1a Cl'l4CllQO St LOUii Toronlo O.trOll 13 1 1 86 71 27 II 2 5 &I 61 27 ti 11 I 7l 79 17 4 8 s $9 72 13 3 13 4 54' 92 -10 ·WALES CONFE"lfNCE Pet1tck OMelon '4Y Islander• 13 1 2 85 6 t 28 Phol8dftfptll& 11 8 1 80 65 23 Wa1h1ng1on 1 7 4 64 117 18 NY Ringen 8 10 I 72 60 11 P1!1SIMQh 6 11 3 61 97 IS New :H!t.ey 3 13 6 62 95 14' Adame DMelon M0t1trea1 Bo11on b9' lfalo Hetll0td 13 • 3 95 6$ 29 11 6 3 73 60 2S 9 8 2 113 89 20 • ti 4 tl3 10 20 5 11 2 63 tl1 12 frlcl1r'• Score· Wa•n-ng1on 3 w"'"'lleV 3 Te<tltlll'•O-• 0ulflloOal lt1"9' Caig11y 11 t13rtl0td vanc:ou-01 Eomort1on Ph·l•OclpN• II Montreal Cl'loc:ago 11 New v °' ~ lslan<te<s Botton et Polltbutgh NI"' 'l'Otk Ranqets 11 T0ton10 ~ Jersey 11 M·nnesota DelrCMt 111 SI Lout\ NHL Scoring Leeder1 11 r 101 10 ~'·°''"'' •n 1111' "1lht>n&I HOC~uy lHq.i• lh•OUgh QI!"'\' of Sunday Nov I~ Utt'U"' ldn Bossy NVI M Slil Illy nut• P Sl• ln_y Ou" Sa"tHd Lt•1 N~ '"" C~t Gooit'~ Uot' lt!llli.tt NVt l'o•. LA A $1.,.lloy 01"· 0 A~• .. 3 1 45 1R 1~ "11 13 16 JI 17 t4' 29 7 21 211 ~ 18 27 ·~ 10 25 11 13 25 10 ·~ .2~ I! 19 4'& Laker1 122, Bullet• 92 WAIHINOTON Ball11d 16 Rule.no 1•. Mll'IOtn 13, ea1ea 6 S Jonnaon Q, Oavll 5, Colton• 14, Luc .. 6, llngenl~ler 4. J Cooc>e• 5. Terry O. Werrlck 0 Totala 36·83 20·31112 LOI ANOILll Rambll 6. WllkH 13, Abdul-Jallll8r 23. t Jahllson 7. Nl•On 16, M Cooper t2 wor111y 8. McAdoo 20. Jord1n 4, Lendlbllrger 8, McGee 4, C' Jonn1on I Total• 52-94 111·22 122 k0te llJ 011ertet1 Wa1n1ng1on 20 26 24 22 92 Loa Angeles 36 25 28 33-120' Three-p01n1 goala None Fouled oul NOne Rebound• -Weahlfl910'1 A2 (Ballard 9, 'Ruland 91 LOI Angeles 43 (McAOOO fl. E Johnson 9 Lendsberger 91 A111111 Wa.sn1ng1on 28 (S Joftnson 61 Los Ang•ltt 37 INo•an 101 A 14.94$ NBA leeder1 (Th'o"llll Sunday 1 Gamo) fttf' NJI nf'tl 8,u~tHb1•ll A o\04.••U•on sc0ti'hq t~D<..uhd•''Q •" t ttt1ls t.tt,_. yo~ perc.c><113g<r 1~.Klft•• lndlvld"al 1<orln9 ·Oc.,1Ut.:, Vt.JO Getv•n SA Theus Cno Fr...e GS 0 I'll A•g 1 4' •0 )() 0 E~ -.~---Ttlpuc;ka °"'1 9 '66 29 G 9 249 21 7 6 t&i '21 0 -9 ~ 1'tl 10 2H 25 7 COLL~E Weet Coat Chr. 73, C"rl1t Cotl. 57 WlflT COAST CH"ISTIAN COLLEOI -Mon1gom91y 23 Worrell 16 Loc~nu111 6 Wilby 6 Uylor 6 Turne• 6 Jam11on • Mc~man I. Sommett 5 10181\ 33 7 13 73 CHRIST COLLEGE -Pul• 8 Wood fl O•endon 1• E1chelburger 2 Hanten 3 Massey 7 Heck 14 Totals 25 7-13 57 Hallllme West COHl Chrotlllf1 • I 26 To1a1 lou11 Well Con! Chr1111an 12 Chrosl College 12. Foul~ out None COMMUNITY COLLEGE Fullerton II. 8eddlebeck 17 P:ULLEllTON -Amerel 30, Wtlgl'll 27, L•Rue 12 VIII 8. Kelly 4 Ferm 4 Frehne< 3 lorals 35 16· II 86 IADDLE8ACK -11tnoerson 18 Arcaneau• 1$ R1n1rop 8, Wa<d 7. AO.ms 5 Molchell 8 Ohvier 2 Brown ' W1t~er 2 fCUAls 28 11 16 !17 Hallltml F"lle<ton 38-32 Total IOlll' Fulle<'lon ltl Sa001'111Kk 21 Fouled out Wright IFulle<1on1, Techn•'ll loull Ren1toP. tSadvlt~l\l LA Pierce 77, Golden WHI 72 GOLDEN WllT Ourh&m 13 MtlH 111 Oomam 2. l(res"h 21. Rev<t g M1rtono 3 Sober 8 TolelS 26 20·26 12 • PIE.ACE E111 2 t Setone 6 l0trll 15 Copeland 14 Voung 11 Coo• 5 Lannon S Totlls 3 t 16-20 77 Hallhm• Pt4!tfce 41 3 t Total louts GOlaen We11 22 Pierce 2• Fouled OUI None Women'• 1op 20 The Top Twenty team1 on Ille ptlHlton •Gmen 6 tOll&ge bfll~ltbllll Poll Wtlh llrll• place voles In partnlhUlll IHI yeer I rec:or ds ano 10111 POmlt. es COf'rlPllt4 by Mel Green11erg ol the Ph1ladelpl>11 lnqulr tr POinta 1n votlnQ by 54 women's co1c,,.1 based on 20-18 ttl-11.16 15 14·13· 12-11. io..11.9.7.c;.$.A ·3-2· I 1 Soutl!em Ca• 1321 2 Lou•Slana Tech (Ill 3 Old Oom1n1on ( 101 ~ Tennessee fl) 5 le<H 6 M1rylend 7 Georg•• 8 Kf(llUCky 9 Cheyney Stale 10 Long Be11cn St 11 Kansas Stele 12 Penn Sl•t• 13 So-Jlh Carol4na 14 Rulge<S 1$ N CatOlona St 16 Atozone Stat• 17 S1epl'let1 F AUJlon 18 Of•k• 19 M,s+Sl'PP. 20 Cal,f0tnia 23·~ 36·1 22·8 22·10 3S·4 25·7 21·9 24·11 21·2 24-tl 26-6 24 8 23·6 2S·7 24·7 25 1 IS·9 21·7 21·5 ~3-10 '026 995 972 932 166 754 670 64t 623 5114 485 41>6 337 336 258 252 t4$ 117 117 flt Women'• wotleyb•ll COLL.ICM UClA tltol Arozone St 15·9 15·8 IS·t °' COMMUNITY COllEOI Golden Wtoit d~t rullert0t• IS S 15 6 15-6 . Orungu ,Coul tl~I Sont~o I!>· I, tS:·f2 15.5 C" FINAU (etMemt•"""'I Small lclloOla 9 i) m Boron VI llnheld c11 .. ,11 1n 1·A 11 ~ m Mim OI lh~ W!lild "~ Sonia P•ula t ·A 1 JO p '" L•k!'Woacl "' l .i H lh1 ft , .. ~pm lUI Am•QO v• Mo1•lhOIO<><th .... Orand Prl• lourNIMftt ( ................. , ~ ........ -~--1:10 ttm ~~c..-• Gel M•• va M1t• Cost• AnOr" Gornf't tfcull<IOtl Oii 0..nMdO •Bo.it' u l8e1Q1uflll. II 4 11·3 MatCOI HOC4!var -TB<n~J d•I Jao1a Velasco (Cotombo•I 6·0 6' c~ ........ , ,.. . ... ,, JMtn Mt[nroe 1 1 ,.., r, r ,,.. tA•fl"'"hntll ' ~ ~ 1 t • Or•nga CuHI DAIL. V PILOT /81turd1y, November 20 1912 l)efe~·se·· keys Saddlehack wi:D Uy ROBB MUNSON :iU y.11J ~w 11l6' aitnkt• lpeclel ••IM Dettr "'°' A 1 h i;i.1 turm·d tlw bl.all over w 11 w111> u Mronl( J)u1>i1 rush b y S.tdclh h._it k uni· play lal4.•r • ..w}w" I h 1• 8 a d cl I 1• IJ u l' k II 1 ~ h ~lk••ll mWl"CT-j)tt:O a defkic~ Ho.1d1 u11111·1~ Lbaw~n pm.,.. Ar\d JUM onl' minute later~ tu dc·T<·ul the• Arh•sl:1 P lo1wt•1s, p1 ,ak f1iuncl Cu"l' aaaln tor 6 :!·I Ii, f'rnluy nt,llht at Santo Anu :rn y'tird toud1d own paai. Uuwl hl th•· fmll muml 11f lht• P t•!>ljk'l'I run for two point.a w~ l'W Ct•11t1·ul Co11lt•1'l'lll'1• play11llt-inm i·ssl ul. and with 3:29 lefl lq Lt·d b y Hay Ptorc•z, Alc•x tht• hull, the 8(.'0rc was 2 1·0 In, l 'H'kt·• mK. Jdf Lindnt•r\ Bl<.ikl• favor of Saddleback. ,•, Smith . (;lc•n tlulkt•ll a ncl othl'I''),, "Our passing game w~ great. th<' Sud d l 1' buck d ,. f £1 r\ "c t \·:...tk did jn t.'XCept lonal JOb, and l o rn bi IH'<.I to s u <: k A rt l' R 1:. Cog<' niado s0ml' Cine receptio"'.:~ quurtt•rh<Kk Shannon J ucubs IO !klld Witte ·- t1nw:. In tht• first half alone, Pesak "Oui dl'f<.·ll..,l' won thl• guh1t•," wm, K for 13 for 162 y ards and i.;11d Saddlc•bat'k Coal'h Jerry thrt'l' touchdown s Cage had fi'<C W1lll' "Wt• ha~ a vcr~ cCCccllw rvl't•puo ns for 111 yards and twl • p;,tl>l> rul>h whrt·h lrmrc<.·d lhc11 touchdown!> .: pa.<;..<;111g gOml'" ... _ _..;...;..-~~ S\ldc.U.~1:Htek--(t·O· IJ S<!on·d' 1 -, -.,, .... I 'ii'i'i-' -Wttritds«•i'i with thc> hep Arteci.---~«!'!.~~~...--~~----:'! 11 an Ar~~Fm'i'fig a Saddteba<.1< 7 • e 7-3• _.f.t.rttT•"'i:ind · I 7 a L .. L hl' Ar t l'l> 1 a s Cage 8 pns lrom Pnak (P ... k klGflt :if.l·y urd lrn<'. Rod Pt•suk Wt•nt Sr Maldonado ~8 pn1 l•om PHek (kfGI\ ~~ . bl.ilk to punt. Hl' k1ck<.'Cl. but a s Cage 25 PIH Jrom P ... I\ (Pesek rUfl)•. pc.•nalty flag was thrown s Roo,,11uez 15 tun (kick 111..01 • A1·Lt•sw ( ~-7) was. ea lied fur l\IG~I Rooriouez 7 P~H from Cook (JI,,,... having tot> many players on thL• A M&nu 17 run (P,•U 1•11~1 frl•lcl. The ball was m oved 15 A11enoance 3.500 (ett1m1t~I . . a.me •••ll•llcl yard~ frum lhl' Jmc· of scrimmage, ;md S:idd lL•back had just two · yards to go to make a first d own . K c.•vln Bradley gained nin l' y~rrds on th<.' n ext play to give.• Saddlcback 'a first d own on the 14-vard line .. Three ploys la te r , Saddlebal·k was again fa9ing a fourth d own · und-two. Witte o pted to go for a first down , a n d P esak hit Todd Cage.• in the corne r of the e nd 1ont· for a tout'hdown M oments later, Saddlcbac:k rcgam<.'CI possessio n with 5 .19 lefl m th<.> half. Three plays latN. P<.>Sak hit Luis M aldon ado with a A •t F1rs1 Clowns 13 .17 Ru&llH·YBrds 41°103 39·249 • PHslng yards 38 1111 PhseS •·11·1 10·18~ Punta 8·38 4·35 Fumbltl·loll 3· 1 1-1' Pen&UltS·y&rds 8·• 8~90 lndhrlduel "41etllne A Jacobs 12·IO•·m1nu1 52, Menu, 12·8t, Agull••. I 1·36, Andrede, 3·20, we111er, 1.o:- Agu1re. I tO. Brown. 1· I s eredtey. 12-51, PeHk. 3· 15, Roo•Jguei. 12.101 H11t.e11 2-11. Siad•. 1·34. c~. 5-19 Lov1le<lt 2· 19 Florn. l·IOM1'11nu• 3; TaylOt 1·2 lndltrlduell'HMnt A Jacob•. 4. 11· 1 3tl S Pes.11 9-14-0 184, Cook, 1·2.0, 7 A s I 22 lfldlvldual ltec:•lvtftt wa11oe" 3.31 B•own, 1-7 Cage 5. 111 Meldonedo 1·38. Dl8'., Stack 1·8 Roo•iouez 1.1. ,Bred~. 1·5' .. Dt:iblos pUt brakes to Loar a 's offense. s·y TERRY WHITE Spec:lel lo "'9 Dellr Piiot The M ission Viejo H i gh Oiablos used s tro ng offen sive gam~s by Klaus Leitenbauer a nd R o g e r Brown and an ove rw h e rm i ng defense to c hn11nate the L oara Saxons in t h e firs t r o und of the CIF Southe rn Confer ence playoCCs Friday nigl\t. 24-0, before 3.500 fans at M ission Viejo High. Wi th 6:33 left in· the frrs t quarter. L citen bauer srunned lhe Loara d e fense by scampering 60 yards down the nKht s ide line to g ive M1ss1o n Viejo a 7-0 lead. On the Diablos' n ext possession . Leitenbauer was a t 1t again, comple ting passes o f 8, 13 and 11 yards to sel up D avid J ohnson's 38-yard field goal with 11:4 8 re m a;ning in the first h alf to boost Mission Viejo's mar gin to 10 -0. In th e th ird quarter, Lt>i tt'nbauer put the finis hing to u c h e..s o n a d a z z I j n g pNformance b y s h owering the L oara secondar y with l'Omplctio n s o f 56 a nd 11 y ards, the la tte r going for a touc hdo wn to giv<' the Diablos a 17 ·0 cushion with 7 :2:J left in the period. "I think we played a sohd all· uround football game for four quart.t>rs:· Mission Viejo c.-<1at'h 8111 Crow said . "I think o ur o fCcnsc and dcfens<.• d id well:; lnd<.'<.'<i they d1d . The d e fense hm1t<'d the Saxons to just 46 yard s rushin g, a nd David Hill l"<.tm c up with two interceptions. In the-SC<.'Ond half, the Diablos s h ut off the pass ing lanes, limiting L oara q u a rterbac ks to jus t lhrce comple tions in nine a ttempts They also forced the Srixons mto three interceptions. On o ffe n se, Fre d Coler had four r eceptio n s for 87 yarda, whill• Brown a nd L e ilenbauer c:umbin<'d tor _269 of· Mission Vrl'J<>'!> 286 total yards. Brown also had o n e oth er TD. an 11-vard run with 7 :12 left that" ga;l' t he D1ablos their final 24·0 margin * Ml11lon Vleto 24, Lo.fa 0 k0ffby0-18re Loera o O o o-0 Ml5~0n Viejo 7 3 7 7-24 MV L1t<ten11eue• 60 run fRectOt lock) MV JOl'lnao<i 311 FG MV Brown 11 pHI lrom Le1tenbeu1r 1Rec10t loocll) MV 8r°"'n 11 run (Rector klctc) Altendaooe-3,500 (Hllfllaltrd) Game ....... . .L Fl111 downs 11 Rushet·Y••d• 26-48 Passing yards 110 Posses 9·22·3 Punts 4-33 PumblH·IOlt 1·1 Pt1t1allles •·t" • lnclfvlduel " ...... ..., 12 30·111 125 7·13-2 3.41 1-1 7-18 l Oerlkshen11tn. 13·U : Oetllge111 •• ll·f01·m1nu1·8. Taber, 3-8 Meyfleld. 2·2. ;._ , MV Brown, 1•·67 l e11enbeuer, 8-.,; Varner 3 tor-m1nu1·4. Schutte. Ml. HNI: a,;t. Greg0ty 1·2 • lndWldull ........ l OelllQl!la 9-22·2 110, Zau.-, 0.(). '· o. MV Le111nb1u•• . 8· 11·2. 115, Schutte. 1·2·0 10 lndhrtdual ltecetvtne L Tober 3-211 WMlde. 2·311. WHklntOn, 2-27 Sl•eng I· 12 O..a1<1t11n1en. 1·5 MV Colef. 4·67 Brown 2·27 Brick. 1·11. Capo ·valley ousted·. <:<>uga1·s fall in eco11d half, 38-17 By RICHARD DUNN tht• Cougars f irst play on their l.,.ctel 10 the Diiiy Pltot nt•)l. t drive • ol Capi:.trano Vallt.•y H igh'!! 'On the Cougar 15 ;yard line, H ·<·kh-ss <;(•t•ond half offrnse W ilson drovt' in for anoth..r p rowtt't•ostlv in Lts bid tor a fin,t i;('Ol't.', Tucker rambling Jn .from round fl Southe rn Confere nce . .lh1.• st•vcn . ' vwtort-Fl'1cl11y night, s tumblmg Call O<.'C·ountcd for J 47 y~ to llnc-IC'ndn H eights Wilson . passing and 135 yards rushl'lfl :111-17 . but th<• Cougars just couldn 'ru.•d at 17 al inte rmission, tht• St'<'m t o pul onything on the Cougars gave• v rsrtmg Wilson u bo:1rd. , • gtCt thc•y would n ever forJ(l't * .•'• Tht' Cougars (7-:J. t) took the • i; l' co n d h a I ( k It' k o (( . a n d H.H. WNlon •• C.po. v.-., 17., 11 .. _..,a-.. . promptly Cumbk'd o n tht>tr firs t ~ H9'Qtlta WlleOn 3 1• 1• 1-a play Wrlson recovt>rmg o n thl' Cep11tr1no Valley 7 10 o 0-11· HHW 0 NtCHllO 3S FO ('a po Vallt•y 11 yard lmc, St'Oring cv Pendleton 1 run (Mc:Cture kid!) , a rnlnuw lawr on Tom Tuck«'r's cv Band• 2 run (McClufe ktcltl first of thrt•c• lOUl'hdown s. HHW o N1ceu10 12 peu troM , Nic:IU<On (0 Nica.-klct1)' ,;,J putting tht• W1ld,cu.ts up 24 17 HHW V1ns1 ... 1 34 pen"°"' Tuell• (D. Opt•nml( up malWrs m th<' first ~ klOlll h W"d d CV McClure 25 FQ 4ua1 tl'r. l t' h t'&\.S JUmpt' o n HHW Tucker 1 run 10 Ntcasalo Ille*) to p first with a 38· y ard Dave HHW Tucker 7 run 10 Nic:ueio 111c11I N1t·~11•s 1n f ield goal. but thl' ~~:d.~~.,3~:.::;:ro llldl Cougars bou1wt•d but•k with 14 ca-ltatteltll . · .. sh-aight pomls on toUt'hdown .... 0v ~Ir I down 11.--& • runs by Rt•ggit• Pt•ndll'lo n a nd A~.:C,1 •MolO n-1eo Frank Banda, giving thc•m o n P1111ng yeid1 135 ,.,, l't1r1y 14 .~ lt•ad • ;:r• ,,,1.1 '°"...., W1lscm (•amt• b<tc.'k w ith two Fum: .... 1011 2~ ~ ... toul·hdnwns or ll~ llWI\ In tht• P9flellMll·Vllt:t;. 1·10 .. \' ·u ~~.~-~.~bl. t~1'L1'1M*~!;!:.1l11~un• n~ 1 ~ ··~~ '•fA'l ..... ~;i,.u1 ~ •· Mie· .. ~9" rt•mainll"f'R, the• Cougars. IN.I by 3·1of·mlnut • the Cinc.• running o ( Burt <:all. ~~·~i•.'~:.'t.~'""1"'· •·lt'i drovl' down to the Wildcat .,.,., at,.__. 9 yurd line•,. bt>dto"'IM'ttdln1hwtth a 1.~.:,"3;• 11ttc11110. ,., .. ,, '°" TV01t91.: 21;-yard lt'l 110• wit onf' c'/ c111. 10.n .1. 141, llenGIMon. O.t·\{ M'\'Ond lt>h on thl' clock o ' Afh'r W1li.on ~·apttnlm•d nn HWH "=•=.~~.a.;~· Capt!ltrano V 111lt•y • fumbh• 1•m I ~ ~an ,.1~ I tn the· 11t>t"Ond'1alf, Wth1on'11 Tun\ ·cv l1n111m, ., .... 111111, l ·lt, Gonzalt-t in\l'm•pted " p;a"-°' on ~~"-'It, DeCeMI '"'3• "'••ton. ,., ... • .. O<ang Coatt DAIL V PtL.OT /8a1urdDy, Nuv•mt>ttr 20, 1812 . 00 00 [UJ [U] ~l~JTI · 'GranI.y units'. tneel real need ~ . ...... 8)' THOMAS D. ELIAS:. . Only rarely docs a truly important ntw law re<..'eive-as little public attqrHion ~ s.a 1534. possibly the most importont tllllDllll fll:UI ' lncludC' lowt•I' i.wopt•rty vulut.'li l.x!cuW«.' of llkt·ly ov«.>n·rowdlnfl, murt• crinlt', ov(•rlooding of woll•r and S<1wer fat•11itll'S, ovcrc;rowdmg of sc.•hools ond lwav1N traffic. All those argumems wen• rmSt.-d I~\ Sacramento and brusht•d asidt' 11\ tlw hope that granny units will IUOS<•n tht' tightest hOU!!ln8 market California has ever seen. mf&surethestateLcgislaturehaspassed "Second units also help you ng ~in the last few years . ... 1aw wbjch takes eC(ecs .Jno households purchase v~ml's and nll't.'t ttld--m&lte-besie-ehan ™ . n I. t:utren Mnll!Tt!S't"Ta . ('() . • ~a~ pr Ul'e incomc,ti'!iiTi't_,..,ia"it~'l'!\"1111'~'!rt'l-41-i& at the same time, go far .toward solving ~enry"tdcllo of Montl't'ey;-tttt.~ne.w- . the 'state's ever-more-serious housing la~ s sponsor. shortage. ' · Only lime will tell whC'lhl·1· many . IT COULD DO all that simply by compeUing all cities and counties to allow secqnd units on at least some of· tht' lots they now wne strictly for single fam1hcs. homcown<'rs will use the new lt1w. But at the very least,., it offers the-pott>nual for a major lifestyle change. ; " ' ... E ED Mt allElll. nJtQ. CMIANC ta WDER. eur aE a: U5 WU. UMIE 10 00.. • The new "granny" units must be smaU, limited to 640 square feet. But that shouldn't matter very rpu<.·h, since so mtaeh of California's present housing stock is occupied by si ngle-person households. Small units are a natural development in a state where household si?.e has been shrmKing steadily for 12 years, even as the number of households Syria's Assad· seeking .Arafat. ··ouster • in~reased dramatically. In passing the new law, signed with no fanfare in September, the Legislature found that "there is a tre mendous unmet need for new housing that will be further aggravated by the severe cutbacks in federal housing programs." It also noted that "existing stocks of WASHINGTON -ls Ya'$S{•r Arafot about t o los<' h is leadership o f the Palestine Liberation Organization after 14 years? Secre t intelligenc·t> rt•ports describe a move to oust him. The wily Arafat emerged from the PLO's Leba nese disas ter with an enhanced reputation as a modt•rate clewr to be caught in that trap. Ot·spHt• their longstanding hostility, Arafat has had good reason to be gratdul to Assad in the past. As secret C IA rePQrt.s note. Syria was for years the indisp1msable arms supplit>r lo PLO forct.•s in Lt•b<inon . "Almost all arms and equipment dt•suncd for the guerrillas in Lebanon, whatc.•vt•r tht>ir source, (came) through Synan wrritory." a CIA r<.'port said. Thrs obviously put Dam:\SCUS "in a position to contro l the flow of arms lo the fcdayt•cn." and otht!r Fat.a h leaders tried ''Lo counter Syria11 influenC(' -and demonstr&lC' cht•1r own indepcnderwe -by patching . ~ their relations with PLO radicals and ·~wing dO&'r to leaders of Arab stal<'s interest('() tn limiting Syrian influc•ncc," one mes..c;age·said. housing are vastly underutilized." l"l llllllll- What-the Leglslature=-:r.1=n~sa=y,-.,cna,.,..-___,~1 • -that second units ·a re the cheapest, ___ ....;. ________ ....;;:i ... -:;_ simplest way for the state to attempt· a housing solution. leader. even a statesman. Hl' had an audience with the pope, and St.>eml-'d on the verge of gaming world acceptance as a, reasonable man .. Just as obviously, this arrangement -- rankk·d Arafat, who lookc.•d for ways around·it like setting up din.oet links to the Soviets. Since they'll be added only where existing property owners want them. and under design restrictions set by local gove rnments. they'll stir far less controversy than would a large. state- run housing program. They'll also cost the taxpayers nothing. For the new units will often be income producers and will be paid for by existing homeowners who. ~ant to ma~e previously-forbidden add1uons to their AU this cuts no ice with Syria, the most implacably, immoderately anu- Israel of all the Arab states. In fact, the more r~asonable Arafat se<'ms lo be<.-omc. the more he is detested by Syrian President Hafez Assad, who has long wanted to oust Arafat and replat-c him with a full-blown radical. The !><'riousness with which Arafat is taking' Assad's challe nge 1s evident in PLO <.'Ommunications inten-epted by the National SN:urity Agency. Several of the~w decoded messages, classifi ed "SN·rct Spoke," were shown to my associat<' Dale Van Atta. The messages described emergency PLO rommand meetings Arafat held in Beirut lo figure out ways of deahng with Assad's attempt to unseat him. Arafat .property. WHAT MAKES this significant. of course, is that Syria is now the home of the greatest number orPLO guerrillas. The latest intelligence reports suggest that Assad is determined to take advantage of his poSition as host to the PLO and get rid of Arafat once and for all. I . THE STATE LAW a lso seems to intend that the new units be cx'<.·upied by persons aged 60 or older. saying as much at one point. But later on it appears to open the ·housing to all age groups In Soviet 'blunder' no U.S. • any case. the chances are that there will be no age limits, 1f only because suc·h limits would be almost impossible to enforce. ~ Said Don Terner, director of the state Department of Housing and Community De.velopmenl under outgoing Gov. Jerry Brown, "This is a housing solution that can be acted on cheaply . There are no new la nd costs and constru«i:tion is cheaper than new units because sewers. w~ter lines and the like already exist." Although one of every four California cit(es and counties had been voluntarily considering "granny" zoning for some single-family areas even before the law passed, now every part of the state will have to allow such wning by July 1. 'There's n o doubt some con)- plaints will come next spring, as city c·ouncils and county bo~rds begin to comply. The fears of opponents will _. lThe Syrians have secretly been trying to round up support among PLO leaders for their choice as chairman, Abu lyad. Though Iyad Is now in Syria, there is no eviden ce. that h e niis given any encouragement to the Syrian efforts But some PLO leaders are reported to have pledged their support for lyad as the new chairman. Assad's clandestine moves to oust Arafat -and the support the Syrian leader has gained -were spiirked by- Ara f'at 's talks with Jordan's K ing Hussein. Both Arnfat and Hussein have been relatively positive about President Reagan's peaCC' plan, which is anathema to the Syrians and the radical PLO leaders. Assad was also angered by Arafat's decision to set up ~is temporary headquarters in Tunisia. Assad wants PLO headquarters to be in Syria, where he will be able to control it. Arafot Is too Bv llARO~D W. ROOD -Dr. Rood is a professor of political scienc:t• at Claremont McK enna College. "L1k(• a thunderbolt picr,cing the murky sky ... Soviet Russia has s~tc-hro out its nwclcar arm across the Afluntic to confront us wi,th a deadly ch al lcngl'." Thus, 2U yc-ars ago last month. the New York Times commented on the d1sc•ovcry that Moscow had secretly installed nuclear-armed missiles and mroium bombers in, Cuba. Announcing the d1scovt'ry on Oct. 22, f9ti2. Preside nt K enm•dy responded by Instituting a naval blcx:kade of Cuba. Six days latt•r, on Ol·t :rn. th ~ Russians bl.'gan dismantling the rockets and medium bombers in order to return them to the Sov1N Union The Cuban M1SS1le Cr1s1s had ended THE SOVl ETS, in the opinion of most commt•ntators, had gambled and lost. Their action. Henry Kissinger wrote in l!eagan threw away , r his ·best 'lever'. I 8~ JOSE':PH C. HARSCH Union is chronically s hort of g rain. manner ot his remarks m the domg, he is 'fhere a re. I suppose, other things Without the coarse grains it becomes advertising the dependence of the U.S. besides grain which the United States short of meat -Which Soviets seem to on the Soviet grain market. He wants to ~+d withhold from the Soviets to their want quite as much as other JX.'Opll'S do. sell them more than they need or · dvantage; although offhand I cannot Without the fin~ grains they might run probably w15h to buy from the U.S. ~of any others except in the area of short of bread. Thus President 'Reagan has thrown hi b technology which is supposedly The U.S . has the world's highest . away the strongest and best piece of · anyway. capatjty to sell or withhold grain. The bargaining leverage he has over the e o( the difficulties about trying to ability to withhold is tne slrongest rmm-~etr. &Jme l!xpens thtnkit is t~onty pli pressure on MQSCOw by witliholding or economtc l<?Verage whieh the U. rul 18"er~ he has.Besides.has Qbv.iou.s... so.lietrung is that the Soviet Union is the has over the Soviet government and its desire to sell them tM srain actually m~ht nearly self-sufficient of any policies. Others -Argentina, Australia. gives them leverage. They can say, COUQtry in the world. It lacks· only two France. Canada -can supply grain • But "Well, what favors will you do for us if raiv'-mat.erials within Its ~wn borders -not all of them together can comfortably we agree to take those 23 million tons of naJural rubber and quinine. Otherwise, supply the quantities which the Soviets your surplus grain off your hands?" tt ~as all the metals, all the foods. fibers, want. "'-...... He wants to sell, more than they want a~ wildljfe that matter in commerce "lp buy. and trade. -n k Which means something in other areas l oESlf?ES, If the others were to ta e , because t here is "linkage" in a ll HE U.S. IS SHORT of m9re thln&s ove~ enurely the supply or grain to the international transactions and two can November 1982. "was d1fficuh tu cxph~•n ... cxC'Cpl as a c'Olossal blunder The Ru~ians dearly miSJudgt.od thl• c:haractcr of the Pres1d£'nl and the mood of the t'Ountry." Suc·h, at any rall', is tht· l'Onvc•ntwnol analysis. It has sddom l:>et'n a~iw<l. Yt't a dose exanunation of r<'lations bt.'tW<'<'n America, Cuba, and the Soviet Union both before and since the t.•ris1s casts doubt on thl' notion that the Un1tt•d States w~s the v 1t·tor in lhl' C..'On fron ta t101') ll was Castro's rise• to power In th<• Int<' 1950s that laid the groundwork for the l'r1s1s. By 1!162 thc·re was little doubt that Cuba's new lcadt•r was a mmmunlst and an ally of the Soviets. for thousands of tons of m1htary t•qu1pment had bec•n pouring into tht• island from the Eastt•rn bloc. These devclopml!nls had not gone unnoticed in Washington. Indeed , in April 1961 Pr<•siden t Kennedy proclaimed thQJ "the United States does n ot inte nd to abandon C u ba t o Communism." And one month before th<' missile cris is. the U .S . St'natc resolved by a vote of 86 to 1 that "the U.S. is det.ermmed to prevent Jn Cuba the creation or use of a n externally sup ported mi l itary ca pability endangering the S«::urity of the United Statl'S." .. That determination disappeared, however, with the onset of the m1ss1lc crisis. Notably. that cn sLS seems to have been purposely precipitated by the Soviets. For instance, they, made no <'ffOrt to md<" th l'fT fnflaTTntron <ff ·mlssill'~n Cuba 'hough tht>y kne.w~S~ rcc.'Onnalssanre aircraft were flymg over -the island At any rate, in return for Moscow's agreC'ment to removC' its nuclear wt'apons from the island. President Ke nnedy not only promised to lift the nava) quaranti n e but a lso pledged that th<' "Umted States would join with other nations in the Wcstc<rn Hemisphert' in providing assurances against an invasion" or Cuba. ful to modem industry. Chrome is Soviets, those others would pr<?bably play at the linkage same. . If it came to a battle of boycotts, the have. to buy from the U.S. to fill o ut THE SOVIEf UNION, then. used its ScMe~ld deprive the Americans of theirld?wlarn a~t ar. aTnarhey ~~ :he bogrt~ye F R 0 M N 0 W 0 N ... v e r y l ; me nuclear weapons to threaten. war over _ .... _ t t'-e A --n·ca ... ,,..,..uld depn've wor • .,.... e "' • c ba d th u It ...... Sta·-. -pon-· mv.... n ,.,,.,..:-,.., '"" of last resort. Ame rican diplomata meet Soviet u 'an e n 11." ~. tn '""' <ftc• tht SOviets. ~ Which mak-it all the more aur~'sing di 1 •• ti ti t'--guarantt'Cd never to attack Cuba and Pt for One thing araln ..... Poma-over some ne9o a on ._re overthrow C ..... tro. Th~ miss1l"' crl111~ -11:>" • that"at a time when President asan wlll be in the back of the minda of the ... ..-" merely one of the curioua things holds the Sovtets responsible for the members of the Soviet delegation that. r('5Ult('CI in American acquk't&C.'t'n<.'t.' in thl' a_bput co~unlsm as lt works in the su presaion of Solidarity arfl hence of Mr. Reagan needs their market for hia tvnversion of Cuba to a Soviet militMy et Uruon that It cannot manage to ~fitical (~om in Poland, and applies I nd I 11 h ln I ally e the good earth produce good crops. Mnomic sanctions on Poland for that gra n .. a s eager to, ee t em gra: n During he past 20 years therl' h••~ bt'l•n he Rusaia of the czars was self-deed _ he turns around six days lat.er spite. qf a ll the unk.nd thin1• he has no Anwrican effort to pr(went Mc.r..(.'Ow's 1ulficient in foodstuHs. and offe-to -ll the Soviet.I more grain previously ~Jd about themh. u~· of Cuba a. an advann>d bas(• for ---1 n.-1--'---lona been one of the ''" "" Besidet, ror. Reasan ca not be very S •t o "'ra·•on i; 1n tht' Wt•i.h •rn Aral<JI was ~u dc•spcratc• h<· t•ven a~k<'d the la te Egypt i"an President Anwar Sadat to ask the UnilOO St.ates to stop Synan inll'rft•rcncc in Lebanon -a r C'q uc•s t basc•d on th e s tartli ng assumption ·that U.S . infl uence is s1gnifkant in Damascus. Thl· Syr111ns' current favorite to rt•plan• Arafat, Abu lyad, has what the CIA l<.'rms "l'xcellent radic-.:tl crc'<.lent1als" In Synan l'Yl'S as head of the defunct terrorist group, Black Scptt>mber. But there arc other candidates the Syrians would approve of: Dr. George Habash, the uncompromising lead er o f the M<:trxist Pupular Front for t he Liberation of Palestint'. and Achmad Jabril. a rorm(•r Syrian army offic-er and ht.'ad of the Popular Front's General Command. Arafat has deflected other moves to undl·n·ut him over the years. and he may sut·cc·cd again . If he does, the CIA pn•dit:t~. 1t will b<' by his usual deft methods. "trying to preservc frt.>edom or man(•uvt•r and exploiting any opportunity fur playing off other Arab st;Ht•s, both radical and t•onservat1ve, · agatnsl Synj " victory l:x.-.:auS<' "the arms that the U.S.A. had character1i.ed as offensive are withdrawn from the island " In 1970. thl' Unit<'d States appeared to l'Onclude that Soviet submarines O(X'ratinlo{ out of Cuban ports could not be dassir1('() as "offensive." Yet between January and Au~ust 1942, a handful of German submarines operating Crom Ol'<:upied FranC<' had sunk a malhon and a quarter tons of Alhed shipping m the waters of the Gulf of Mex1eo and the Caribbean. It was. therefore, a fo rm1dabh' l'Xerc1se in diplomatic modcrat1on to suppose, in 1970, that Soviet submarines armed with nuclear w<•a pons and op<•rating from bases in Cuba would pos<• less of a threat than their Gt'rman c'Ounterj:>arts had in 1942. SINCE SOMETIME Ill 1968. Soviet heavy bombers have been flying rt>gu lar patrols off the Atlantic Coast of the Unitc·d St<ll<'s from bases in Cuba. But because' it has Ix-en concluded that they carry l'Um{•r::is and not tx>mbs, they too arl' not offtm"1ve weapons within the terms of the Sov1ct-U.S. aJ?recment on Cuba. The• St>Vll l Unum has conllnuod lo supply Cub<• with the most up;-to-date weapons and mrcral'l, and has given Havann thn•1• submarines to operate. Units of the Cuban army have rou9ht alongside· th<'ir Soviet ally in Ethiopia . and oJ>('ratc elsewhere in Africa and the M1ddl<• Eai.t where Sovie t interests dictate. , ll IS dJffll'Ull on this, the tw('n- lll'lh tinnlvl·rs:.irv o( the Cuban m[.;sllC cr1sfS, to belfe~hat tht' outcome of t~l ci:isi3 w,ai; a victory for the United States. F'll'l.'l Admiral Gor-9hkov. the Soviet Flt•et 's Commander-in-Chief. wrott• m 1963. ln th" past our ships and naval av1ntion have operated pnmanJ:v near our l'U<lsts . . ~w we must be prcpan•d through broad oCCensive operalrnns to deliver cru5hing blows against s<'ll and ground target.5 of the in11)('r1al1sts on any point of the world 0<.'t•an and adja('('nt territories . It now Sl'('rT\.'I th.lt th<' miAnnt.•r in wh1t·h thl' Umtt-d StatNl rMOlvt'd tht' c•r1s1s of 1002 helped to render poa1ble · the carrying out of the mai;sion or the Soviet f'lel'l. as dcscnbt.'Ct by Admiral Gnrshkov ORANGECOAIT "ne v ... _ .... ,... • . than. they have ever befor• imported 1erloua about wagina an economic "cold ovi~ P• u ,~~·w. r!4:~.mJ:r:~h0:J~~F.la!r: ... "--'ilaeu.s.~•.moMd!fP"-·_.\, .-.. ~ e r••·--•·».1L~·'"~~.tV ..am;;· ~~~f~ · ·~ fir0b8lb1y hanale even if tliey wan...t It to throw aw1w h ie belt pt~ of 1t!ftl'I--the communls• revolution. Staltn rom th US He ...... n promi--that if l J •-"hi• d 11y. Whf'll in 1970-lt bct•aml' 1 1 1 "'"' ~ e "''"''"' ...., aaa nst them ' " ...__ 't1m11 ult• ll'HC l'r' I' JlfCl'lt•nt lber.ately starved the peasant.I uf the t hey orde~ ·23 millio n toni during • · apparent th•t Sov!et 9ugmarlnC'!I wt•rt• 1n11 11 ,11rl\'l' nl fohlmfntun raine to b ri ng them to h eel. November he will guarant~ Its dt'hvt•ry . The only r,:!a~nabl• a nd plauai bltt ua{ng Cuban ba!K.11 while cruising m the • on to111t·., or 1nh•rt•\I 11n1I where between 2 million and 6 for ahc months -no embaraon. aaaumrrtlon w hich any diploma\ can Caribbt'an and Gulf of Ml"xko. lht• •l1tn1hoin1'C'rrommform1•d11h m llion (there ls n o provable count) All of which rever9ft the normal role draw ~ the affair la that Presict.ftt Sovat-t newapepc-r lzvatla r.mlnded It.I '"nrn11n(hpokt< .. mt<n U atnian.1 died of 1t.rvatlon In that 1 such ,ten ReetaR •anti-Soviet lalk la juel&alk and n••df'ra that thf're was a mutual faql.lne. The Ukraine rei.liat.ed n ma . that he it a cold warrior aaalnat the undf'r1tendln1 be twffn tht Sovie\ ' Ulb.,~t roduct fc for the communl1t.1 Soviet • on the Am~rlcan political U I n "nd thf.' Unltl"d S 'a tn dat1n1 . Y l'O P n ~ hullllnl(l' but not In tht-rNal pc.lWl'r 1 n ° 1.:.2 In whi"'h th .. un1·-:a Si.t-w~t it OMe did or the kYlaka. THE V.S. PRESIDc."'T 18 belling ..,orld rum "" • .. ..-~ Th.~ .. _ Today, because of inefficier\clea and the Soviet.I to buy a hup ~thy ol ... ,.,J,,l~l•d from "" Cflrl•ll•n lctinc• had promlM'd not tu lnvade·Cuba. l• 'poqr weather condition•. the Soviet U.S . araln. By dolna ao, an~y tht ~tOf &1ret•RM'nt had c.'Vfnl" about. lzvt .. tla said, Thnmcu P llalt>11. P11bh~lw1 8al1nl1y, Nov. tt, IHI ' • Room for one more .. . ' . Happy Thanks Afwr opening lhc mail this wee k. Un cle Le n knows his young friends are ready for tht• celebration . H e got a lot of drawings o f Pilgrims, which seem onl y natura l · as they had th e first Thanksgiving in celebration of good harvests way back m 1621. An abandoned baby squirrel finds a warm place on the e chilly days as it nestles up to Minnie, a cat nursing her own brood at the aptly named Katz parking lot m New York. We have a lot 10 <·clcbcater lOOr and Uncle Len~ hopes you pin him in cowtting blclsings. Uncle Len got a chuckle out of lhe drawing of a P1lgr1m family by David Gomberg , 13 , o f Huntington Beac·h . H avin g finished their feast, the litth• boy obviously is suffering from too much food. Uncle L<m wants to remind~is friends not to overdo J:~m'x-Iegac)r": ·Folk songs of America By CHARLOTTE MOSER Smlltleonlell New• Service Most every time Franklin Delano Roosevelt. journeyed to Warm Springs, Ga .. to e nJOY the restorative waters, the local band welcomed him at the train station with "Home on the Range.'' It was FDR's favorite song. Born on the Amcrjcan frontier , passed along by scores of unknown balladeers, this unabashedly sentimental tune about a people's love for a proud and beautiful land became one of the rallying themes of a New Deal seeking ~ revive a nation's prosperity and pride. "Home on the Range" did not start out with such grand pretensions. It was f1r!t recorded by a pioneer folk song collector on a pnm1t1ve machine in 1908 in an alley behind a saloon an the red-light district of San Antonio. Texas. The singer was a black bartender who, while working as a c.'OOk on the old Chisholm Trail. had picked up the song from homesick c.'Owboys. S uch country songs.. crooned by strange . lonescme vagabonds, were merely odd d1tt1cs to most listeners in turn-of-the-century America. "Home on the Range" might well ha\·~ perished forever on the cattle trail· were it not for the work of that intrepid collector, J ohn Lomax, diligently recording m the dark Texas alley. Lomax was tireless. Before his death in 1947, he recorded some 10,000 folk songs from remote comers of America from Wyoming to Mississippi. He started a family profession that for three generations has helped enlighten the folk traditions of this country. · His son, Alan Lomax. helped usher in .the enormously popular folk song movement of the 1950s and '60s and. as an anthr opologist, h as devised a song measurement method that may revolutionize song scholarshiJ>. His daughter, Bess Lomax Hawes, is currently drrector of the Folk Arts Program of the National Endowment for the Arts. The Lomax story is the talc or how "poor . people's music" found a permancn t place in Arn('racan culture. The songs they found are now musical legends. among them working songs like "J ohn Henry" and .. Take This Hammer": prison songs like "The Midnight Special," and talcs of woo like "Goodnight Irene" and "The House of the Rising Sun:· about a house of ill-repute . '.fhe performers encouraged by the Lomaxes - "Leadb<•lly," "Jelly Roll" Morton, Woody G uthrie, Pct(• Seeger, the Almanac Singers -won fame fo r their songs mainly based on social diS<.'On tent. ~ Lomax even wrote a folk song about one of the trials of today's urban life: being trapped on the Boston MT A subway. The L o maxes also helped s h ape the contemporary folk festival. They developed the "feedback" theory where folk-music was sung by lls original singers instead of inter preted by professional performers, says Ra-lph Rinzler, din.'<'tor of the Smithsonian's annual Festival of Amcrit·an Folklife. "Were it not for the Lomaxcs, our fC'Stival mi~ht not have ''ome into being ... .. Waitin~ for a home . Orunu• <..o.1r,1 DAILY f>ILOl /Saturduy, November 20. t982 - at the tablt.• Ii.kc this youngster did. F or his humorous e ffort, David gct.-i the $5 first prize. Misty Bullcy:-8, of Corona dcl Mar, wins the runner-up-prize of ~ . 11Cll lll1 CIRllR $2 for her rendering of a young Pilgrim setting foot on Plymouth Rock. Anothc•r good idea wab drawn b y Ch l' t.• • SC n W I r l h , 8 , 0 f Nt.•wporl Beach, whu has Charlu.> Brown dining with a friend. Undc Len apprcciatt.•s Chce- S t.• n's wi s h fo r a good Thanksgiving. Howevl•r, he's a little' jealous of the two days ore Ch<.'e-8en (and all of you) will get from school anq his father gets from work. Uncle Len only has the holiday off. A l~o rcc<>1ving honorable mentions arc Bethie Coulter (no age an Uncle L en no-no). Corona del Mar: and &.'Ott Smith, 8. and Ashley Smith, 6. La~una Beach --.. • • Unde Len f1gur<'!. his friends arc already preparin g their Christmas wish hst.s, so for next week the contest them<' is what's on t ht· top of the hst. . 1 • Draw ~>n 4 by 4-inch paper in • black ink. Include your name, age and address, and ~nd your • entries lo Und<' Len, c/o the Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, Costa Mt.'Sa 92626. Some entries have been arr1v1ng too late fot considerauon. so mail early to be sure Uncle Len r(.'(.-eivcs them by Wednesday. Meanwhil~. happy eating. ,. Water. skiing les_sons squirreIY SAN FORD. Fla. (AP) - Ch uck Bes t operates a r oller skating rink. In his spare time he t each es water skiing -to squirrels. land-loving critters tntO a rubber raft. after a Cierc."e storm. He-took he r an. built her a two-story house from plywood and river gravel and gave her th'e run of the place. She became a pet. Best, 34, c limbed into his backyard pool one day, tossed in the tiny homemade styrofoam skis, then hitched a thread-like rope to a re m ote-cont.ro lled , 31-inch fiberglass' boat. His .wife patiently positioned them on the ~s. a triple set with eight-inch po ntoons o n the outsides for the two males and a perch in the center for "Camera," the female . ~e-apparatus is connected undi?rneath with a piece of plastic so it won't sink. "When I b ought a r emote control boat for my daughter, I had to come up wit'h some reason for doing it," he joked. "I told people I was going to use it to tee.ch my squirrel to water ski. They didn't believe it. Neither did I." His wife. Lou Ann. climbed In the water a fter him with "Lights," "Camera" and "Action," three tiny orphaned year -old bushy-tailed squirre~s sitting on her shoulders. F..ach 1s no bigger than her hand. After a few false starts and ~ couple of spills. the dripping skiers were off, hanging on with their uny claws to thc·mounted cross bar. Around the 24-foot diameter of the pool they glided at 9 mph. Best, a skier him elf, took "Twiggy" everywhere, even to the l ake on wee k e nd s . Gradually. the animal overcame a fear of the water.,he said. "lt took me three m0nths to get them used to the water," Best said as he gently coaxed the One. Two. Three. Four spins. "I know I'm nuts." said &>st. who st arted this nearly four years ago with ''Twiggy." a baby squirrel he found abandoned "Lights," "Camera '' a nd "Action" arrived at the Best household almost a year ago. worldscop8 (10 polntl tor Heh q_ueauon Mltwered corrKllrl 1 In responte to the Tylenol tr19edles, Se'cret1ry of Health and Human Services .. f .• announced a new rqulation orderln1 dru1 companies to ~kase all over-the-counter medications In 11mper-reslstant contalnen. J Paul Lault 11reed to become the new ch1lrm1n of the Republican National Committee after rules are chan1ed 10 allow him to hold that job and still keep his Senlte seat from .. l .. a-Arizona b-Nevada c-C11iforni1 J Unemployment rose 19aln In October to 10.4 percent. President Re111n responded to the news by (CHOOSE ONE: endonlns. !ejectln9) the Idea of_ a n~ feder1I jobs prosram. 4 President Reapn chose Donald Hodel to held the Department of Ene'IY. replacln1 former *retary of Ene'IY James (CHOOSE ONE: Edwards, Wan). 5 The llllnolt 9ubernator~I race between Incumbent J1mes ThompM>n and ch1llen9er .. 1 .. was too close to call, thoush officials expect to· name 1 winner by Noftmber 22. A re-count or court Ktlon wlll probably follow. (10 ,olnll If JOU~ ldeftllfy .... ,.,_;'" tfM _, Lut week, the necutlYe committee of the United Auto Worken prt.ented tu choice for my ls!llllillln .. repl1eement a union president. My retlr•ment will become offld1l 1t th• UAW convention n••t May. Who 1m If match words ...upreme, 111-lmponant Quit answers appear (upside down) beneatb' quit • news picture (10 polnb If rou ... _ ... ~ con.ctly) James Brady returned to work at the White House more thin 1 year and a half after he was ~ durlns an usaulnatlon anempc on President Rea11n. At first, Mr. Brady was 9lven lhtle chance for survival. But hit recovery has been remarkable. Now he will return for 1 few houn uctt week to continue hil job as Whhe House (CHOOSE ONE: Chief of SC.ff, Preti Secretaryl. peoplawald1/sporllldlf ' • (2 polntl tor Heh quMtlofl 8111-.cl correc:tty~ 1 Cowboy ~t11 Roy ll09•n celebrated his .71st blnliday In Loi Anse!es. He wu joined by well-wishers, ln~ludln1 his wife and co-star .. l.. J Richard M. Daley, son of the late Chlcqo mayor, 1nnounced that he wlll challense Incumbent Chlca10 mayor .. l .. In the Demo-."'fatlc primary In Febfuary. J flete Vudovtch WIS narMd the winner of the American Lusue's 1982 Cy Youns Aw1rd, makln1 It two In 1 row for the Miiwaukee lrew•n. Last yar's 1Ward went to lrew9n' reliever (CHOOSE ONE: Jim P1lmer, Rollie Flnpn). 4 The Clevel1nd lndl1n1 91ve up attempts to brlnt lilly Martin to Ohio and narMd Miu Ferrato as their new manapr. Ferraro has been 1 coach for the .. l .. for the JNst four Y""· 1-Y1nkees b-Dods•rs c-Ans•ls · 5 Mercury Morris wu found 9ullty of COCllM tr1ffktil"1 and 1 other narcotics chirps that carry 1 minimum sent9"Ce of 15 years. In the 1970I, Morris was 1 star h1lfbadl with tt. (CHOOSE ONE: Pl"sbur9h SCeelen, Miami Dolphins). · YOUR IC0.-1: 11 .. 1M ........ -f~ ICOltll 11 .. II '°""' -llfflltM. •VIC. IN .• Utl-U This black labrador mix seems to be tired of waiting for · aomeone to adopt him. The year-old dog is playful and good company. He is at the Newport Beach Animal .Shelter, 125 Mesa Dri"e, C.O.ta Mesa. Phone 644-3656. Houn are 1wu1w -~ .-•• ., ·u~IUt.!f amoa1-.: ·.-uJ.<g ~!~:~~ 9-6 weekdays, 8-noon Saturday and noon-4 Sundayt. :1uwA3 "tWCJ·t :.iHDl1J.llOdl/RJJ.VM31d03d ._""""':"--------------------~~-----------------";----~~~'"""'."::"::=~~~---AJ~olJ~lSll9.ld:3lln.LlldSM3N I ., .... J .. . . " . •• Orange Co11t DAILY PltOT/S1tYrd1y, Novembor 20. 1082 -. tJi1e·stoite f~!,~~~~!~b~b<'M .. n;llnM ,.; •onu.•m1>0rory anvolvc•ownl Wt'rt' n.'<.'llllt'<I 11\ lht• rvrnt.4-<.:omniunlly Church'11 50th 1.1nnlv(•r11ury 1.'ll'l>rutlon. . · As thl' Rev. Dennis Shc•rman l'f'Vlt•wed thl• h111C ·• )'1\lury of history during o program lu \ Wt't'.kt•nd. mwr IJ"IStors and mcmlx>rs Wert> hunurt.od. , T lw nun -d~nom1 nwtlonal c h urt·h wali istalJlishl•d ns a Sunday School on thl' Irvin~ Rarn:h l932. It was l<nown as the "Blblt• T cuC'hlng • hureh'' because o f Ila prima r y ministry t~ad1ing tl\e Bible. Shermntl said. • f' The churcl1's first home wat1 tht' old lrvlnl' loolhou~· J°"·uted next to the railroad tracks in st Irvml' Al the lime of Its founding. there were , other l'hurchcs between El Toro and Tustin. ermun said. The schoolhouse also served as a community II, where dances were he ld on Saturday nights. rtha Roman, a n early Sunday school teacher.' membcrca having lo get up extra early on undays so she could clean the building beforl' nday school l'legan. 1 ,.__.;.;..o=.; 14trtlf~Cl"V"ed 11s-pr~si dent-ul ~h~ r-----~~~--=~-.;.:-.. _ _::.. omt'n's IQl1ss1onary ·foty-llh1tim""ttfc board\Jf ~usr~s w h11t' ttre-t'Urrent church was-being built land d onaled by James Irvine J r. The Rev. Dan Hepp, pastor during the building riod, r N:alled how members volunte<.>rcd a fter ork on weekdays and on Saturdays to help lhl· ntractor. I"" ··women worked aloni;t with the men," he s:iid. l\r:id when they were approached by a union , Hepp s!:i1d, .. Bertha Roman told the union leader 'This 1s Cod's money. We don 't have any left for a union· ... The original building, dedicated in 11151, still houses thl"sanctuary, fellowship hall and S unday hoot rooms. As the church grew, 1t reat hcd out to me-et mmunity needs, such as sponsoring refugees. Tnc Nguyen Tue Tran Van Loan fom1 ly, now Hlintin~ton Beach, attended the function to press their gratitude. • . SAINT MICHAEL AND ALL ANGELS EPISCOPAL CHURCH Holy Communion -Sundays 8 & 10 a.m . Tuesaay 7 a.m. Wednesdays 9:30 a.m. The Reverend John Rogers Davis, Rector Pec:lflc View Drive 714/M4-G413 Coron. del Mar 12125 Dellr Piiot ,.,.,. Pholo ln1 in~ Mayor La rry Agran ( lt•ft ) and Pastor De nnis Shc•rman al t:ommunily <:hurch rclebra1io1i. Alflllaecl will! OMnt Science COMMUNITY CHURCH BY THE, BAY • where an atmosphere of love. 1oy and freedom prevails. 1ri wllteh eiCh person can leel safe to be himself and develop his own divine potential If you are seeking a chllrcll lam1ly like 1h1s. .welcome home! · Sunday Cele~rallon of lite I Spe1llert WorUIM)pl I CIHSH I llooll Shop Youtll Grot.lp / Mwwrv care Holistic He1nt1 Ctt1ter SUNDAY AT 10 A.M. "Think Llvlng=<T~•nkaglvlng" 7 p.m. "PhJllCI &.Met•phJllCI" or. Allt!Mlnr amert (PftJ•lcl•tl Dr Fred Devi• 0-1........ . 7850 1'8 EAST 22fl> STRllT/COSTA MESA/CA 92627 • .. . . ·Pilgrim service re-ci-eated L.i uun.1 1" 111 h 1 ln11d1 "'wr11 will "h•ti 1)111 k 111 111111• \\ ht•ll tl11 •y Hll1•11cl n II urlilh11111I l 'llF(I 1111 1i111·vk-1 • 811111lu\ ~·1111uw111U' lU~t11111" 111 1.h1• 17th 11•11tu1 y, Llw N1 ••!l•h111 h1111d l'u11u11•uu11111111I l'hu1lh w ill 11'1'>1 111hh· .111 old 1111't•t111u huu-.c· w11 h " huu1· h111 n of 11h•l'll y 1111 .1111• all111 • A-. Hl1•111llwr" urr1v1· 1111 till' 10 11 rn •s1•1·vll'1.• 'Hu111L1 y,~'111 v will tlu11 µa µt·1 Pil~ri 111 ~·ullari.. App1·01J11.1 • w ... 1u1111•-. will Ix worn h)I uslu-111 ijnd du>1r nwm ., ,, 1111d tlw lkv .John M Ht•ynold1o1. 111 t 'l.ll l'i· Am · 1 .in pn•nt'hn's 11uit, will Ix• Um{·d by n11 houl' ~lalil> a-. WJ'> tlw l'u.-.to111 ol th111 t•ru T llHt:1-: d1uu·h t.>h an<r u i.ypagogu{• 10 lh~· 1-.al(unu N1~ut•I ur('u will n•l1•llrutt~ 1'hanksglv(nl( togNh1:r ut 7.:m p ni. W1·unt•i.day ut Sl Thn1.ahy'b Cutholk Chllrl'h Ft•utun·tl slJN1kc•r will tw lhe Ht•v David SumJl.x•rg ol tht• Sh<'phl•rd ul tlw I h it' Chur1·h: Having JUSI 1 l'lurm•d from o 1wbbul1l•ol lt•uv1• Ill Eastern and Wt·stcrn Eurupl'. ht· will prl•St•1H 11 pt•rs1x.1c.·Liv1• on lhC' mt•unln~ of Thanksgiving for Anwr1cuni. todoy. · Al'>O pill lllljJ'-lllllg In lht.• i.t•f"Vllt.' Wiii ~ lht• Rt.'V 1 larnld Fumo of St T 1111uthy's, Pastor Ruy 1''anws:> of tht.• M1ss1o n LullWrJn C hurch and Habb1 HobNl J~ m T~plc Beth El .,.A...JHANKSc:tVI.N6-1M.:1·v11.·1.• 1s plan1wd tit 10 a .m . Thursdu.y ut lht.'-Cttrts 1 '•icflc:l' Church/' Co.-.tn Ml'SU. TllE RILlllT REV JOHN GfBJr.:;-. 81.'>hop o Covl'nll y. Eng lund, will pn·at·h a t tht• 9 Th St•1 Vll'l' Si,mdHy a t S t. Mary·-. Episcopal Chur1·h., Luguna IJ1·ad1. Bishop G1b1Js, on sab~a11cul 1n tht• Unill'O States. 1s Vill'al10111ng in Lagum1. '1111•; N 1-:W l'J\HIHll ltAl.J. ut St l'uut·~ t.1111,11 1.111 l.'h1111 h , I .. 1~111111 8'·1wh. 1., lo IJt• d1 •du ut"d 111 1111 1'Ull .1 111 ,,., vlw Su111l11)' • /\ llllN<il-'.ll 1"AIH Ill 1.1t'4' lund" for th•· m ·1.Jy 1 .. plH11111 ·tl 1111111 11 u 111 tCJ ~ .w pm Sunduv ~t < ·1m .. t 'P1 l':-.1'1y11•11w1 C:hu1< h . I lu1111116(Lon 8'·,j<.'h A ll 1':A L I Nli 1':N i':Ht: Y 1''01 uni will la-1111·~ ntl-U ul 1 ht• l'wllmu1111 y· Chun h hy tlu-Buy, C11sto.1 M(•i..11, .1t 7 :so p .111 Ull th11•1• c.·ohst•t•ut1vt• Wt'<lm·-.d~y11, bt•g1nn111!'( rw>.t \.\1·1·k ~The ~Dropouts !· . . ~ ·South Coast ' \ Comm unity Church Ser~ices 9;30 A.M. & 10: 15 A.fl... : So ofter high school : : you lefT lhe orgonized : : church bur you said . : : oll olong you ~1111 : : beh(>ve 1n God If you : : f~I If~ oboul Tim(> : : ro ger srooed again . : Corono del Mor High School, 2t01 Eo1iblull Or., Corono dtl Mor .. , '11d1•rM,utdl111f 'l 'h•• l .lfrd .. hlp "' ( 'hrl!tt .. · J1wu I"' /u .. I'' 111. t,,,. ... , ... IH'lf'-••r T IM.\'K ~Gll'l.\'G 0 1\) Sf:IO'I CE 10:00 .4 . .ll. 11 1:'1/., 11rrl• f ;,,,:,,111. J 11.J,;,.,, J,/.,,,,/ ••.111111 I ... t '11r t .fiip1•1•l11I '1'11111• ,,, .tih11rlulf n11d ,.rnl .. 1• •• For Info: Call 644-1350 , ; you're 1nwed 10 : :,_worship Wllh us ; Lutheran Church • • of the Muter • 2900 Pac1f1c View Or : Corona del Mar 92625 : \'.iorsh1p Service 10.30 am : SUNOAY School 9 15 am lhanksg1Y1ng £ ve Smice Nov 24 7 30 pm Orange COast RELIGIOUS DIRECTORY -' hurch of St. Matthew by the Sea (T radltlonel f.plecopel) ' OL Y COMMUNION -Each SUnday -9:00 AM (Book of Common Prayer -1~1) • MERTZ HALL f Community Congregational Church 611 Heliotrope, Corona del Mar 1'.he Rn . ......_ ttoltfelcl -m-m1 WELCOMES YOU 3209 Via lido, Newport Beach lund9f W A.M. ..,.,., .._, Ho1r C1•••Rl111 = WA.M.CllNolt ...... Md~lduulleft 10:00 A.M. ,.,.. .....,, .,,.,., .... HalrCllHIU ..... 1-*JI ........ ...., ............ . t:aO I 10:00 AAI • ......, C.. CHANlllATIC MAM ,.,_,........,of .......... -,,_ P.11. -' T......,_.,.A&....,I •n11t ................. Lafllll °" OI ...... The""· '9M P. A-., I,....._ -,.._ ........ ••• ..,. .... ,tz, .... .,~....,_ . 1 Q2 Bushard, Fountain V"'1rr/ 963-3801 .... , ••••• w ....... llCTOI t.Y COte"'"90M ..•••••••.••••••••...••.•. W A.M. OI ... NAYll..cMUmCH SCHOOL •••••••• t:l I A.M. 01._ NAYOl A SllMOM .............. 11:11 A.M. · . ' .. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCHES ~· Of T .. MOTHll'I CHUl'OI, ntE '1MT CHUflCH °' CHNST, ICIUfflST IN IOISTOM, MAMACHUMna "Soul And Body" Sunday, November 21., 1982 Coat• Me•• -Flrel Church of Chrlat, Sclentlat --. ..... v.,.Dr .. eo.te ..... c....-• ....., ....... -10:00 A.II. ....,_.......,_.._.V .. Dr. I A.II.~ P.11. Mon. llWU let. Wed. 1·1:IO P.M. -1-1:11 P.M. lnlne -Finl Church of Chrlalt lclentlet .......................................... •1••11111nc .... v•> a.ell • ......, ...... -10:00 A.II. RHdlng "°°"'·cm lerranc:a Pkwy., luff• 1'5 ••onetHntf'lau 10 A.M. -4 P.M. Mon. thru S.t. 10 A.M. -7 P.M. Thur9der CMd Care -S..l'>jley 6 W-ey Huntington Beech -Flrat Church of Chrlat, 8clentlet lthlOllwe,Nuntlllltton ..... , Cllurdl I IUftd9J tcdloel -10:00 A.M. "-dine Reoftt -221 Mein It. l Newport Beech -Flrat Church of Chrlat, Sclenllat 3303 Va. Lido, Newpcw1 .. ec:h Church I 8UncMJ khool -t :OO ' 10:30 A.M. R .. dlng "oom, 3315 Vie Lido Mon. thru 8•t. -t A.M.·5 P.M. Tues. -7-t P.M. CllllO C.,e Pro•~ T.-deyo -9 30· I I 30 A M for Sludy Tome Newport Beech -Second Church of Chrtat, 8clenttat ,,.. P90lllo View Dr .. Corone .. Mir ChUrch I a--. 8Cltlool -10:00 A.M. • RMcllftl Room --... "I . COMt Hwy .. CclM WEP. EVENING TESTIMONY MEETINGS - I P.M. ALL CHURCHES All ere coro1e1ty 1nv11ed 10 •1181>0 the chotch tetVic:es ano en)oy tile pr1YlleQe9 ol lhe Aeeclong Roomt Chlld Care P10Ylded Al ALL SERlflCES Chld C.,. PrMld1d AT ALL A"VICll SERMON TOPIC: NOV. 2ht I~ 9:00 & 11 :00 A.M. ... v . "S1nie of Gratitude" Rev. Peggy BeHell CtUtCH Of RRIGIOUS SCDCE Member of the United Church of ReligloU. 8clencl · SEACLIFF VILLAGE SUITE 45, 2223 MAIN STREET HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92Mt Adult• & Jr. ChUrch FM Information 10 & 10:30 538-5160, 536-9338 loutll 0.11f loi1•01 tf llMI South Coaat Plaza Hotel San Qabrlel Room Co1ta Meaa, off ltev. Emit Nylander Brlatol St. on Anton Servlcea: 9:00 & 10:15 Eech 8undey Reverend Ernie Nylander -Minister Reverend Christian Sorensen-Associate · "'Vl~.!~'9 =- L-. "· --=-...... -111-•11 .... ........ WGMl•lllMOl-11•11WA& ..................... a....-... A& Ct«t181 3 ...... , ....., _ ..... . A CORDIAL WELCOME FROM TtE lMTED CtutCH Of C .. IST COlllUITY CtlltCH CONGREGATIONAL 111 .......... .... Coronedllllllf 144-7400 DoMld W. Kuta. Mlftllter 10 A.M. -a--. Wonfllp Cllut\ll lctlOOI MCI ~ C- NEJGtllORHOOO CONGREGATIONAL CtlltCH J40 Sl ._,, Pllc1 .. """""· l .......... 4M·I061 .... ll lllllll.DS ....-T -EllOlDS ....., llUl.-S.., ... a.dll ldllll ' """" HARBOR CHRISTIAN CHURCH (Dleolplu of etwtee) M011Mne ............ Ml-1111 ! wor~WAM s-11, School 9 AM Gene.I........, ........... Attend The Church of Your Choice IT. MARK PRe8BYTER AN CHURCH ......... Dr.' ................ ,.,. ..... RM ...... lloOuold ..... TOftf Wolta .._.... A .. c·1 .. ,_.. Rodt., Whitten, Muaic Director Church School & Adult Cl ..... -9:00 a,m. Worship Service -10:00 a.m. NurterJ Cl.N el Both Houn -'°' Info: Call 144-1141 A Cordlal Welcome from The UNITED METHODIST CHU CH Coet• MMe FIRST UNITED M!THODllT CHURCH 19th St. & H•bor BMS. Churdt ldlOOI .... Wonhlp ... Chart. D. Oettl, Minister Costa M ... North ME8A YRRDE UNITED MRTHODllT CHURCH Wonhlp I CIMCllt 8cMol a:to .... A.II. Dr .......... .... CHRllT CHURCH Huntington BMch FIRST UNITED MRTHODllT CHURCH 2721 17th St. 536-3537 Wonhlp lenM 10:11 Lift. ~c...u--. c.....,...,...._ .. ..,., Huntington 8Mctl North COMMUNITY UNITU> MRTHODllT CHURCH Ml2 Hall Aw. 142-4481 w ............. ..a .. l:aO........, ....... 10:00 BY Ttte llA Founteln v-Newport 8Mc:lt __, 1400 w. Mboe IMI. l'mT UNITID 873-311>9 MITHODllT CHURCH Rev. Roblr1 lheNrd Jr, 11225 Buehlrd St. • .,.... a Clllnh..,.... • 1111 • .... A.M. Dr. Carroa E. W«d, Mlnlater WllcMJ .,,.,....... Wanlllp I CIMINlt 1e1toe1 1:11 ~ca;... A ..,,:.ao..:t-..... NRWPORT CIN'RR UNlftD MRTHODllT W1-1u ... Awe..C.......aM1r M4-0741 worahlp & Church School -9:30 A.M. ~v. Ken McMiiian - OTHlll MWllTl"I M1k11 ra1ta Delle M11C01m, Ttd MOOf• I MIWOI idtrl DIAL·A-DllV0110M --1111 0.. --1111 .............. Olwtll ... ,.. This Sunday Worship In IT. ANDREW'S PMIBYTIRIAN CHURCH 800 St. Andrewe Roed • Newport 8Mct1 • 831-2880 Dr.-........... ·~'-' WorshiJ) Servlces-7:30-8:45 & 10:15 AM "FIRST LOVE" 0.. Jetln A. Huffman, pr-hint PROGRAMS 7:30 a.m. -lnfan11 Thru Kindergarten, Chlld Care 8:•5 a.m. -Infant• Thru Adult Clules 10: 1~ a.m. -Infants Thru 61h Grade!' Adult Claaaea UC Hllpllne~2222 Comrreunlty PrHbJterl•n Church 411 Poteat An., UjuM ~ .._?la Rev. ArthUr J. Tankerlley Rev. Craig Wlltlamt Chrl11lan Educetlof'I 9:00-10:00 A.M. Worlhlp -t0:15 A.M. NURSERY CAllE PROVIDED OURIHO URI/ICE PRESBYTERIAN CtuCH OF TtE COVENANT -,..,. ......... c..ta ..... -111.- .,... A. Kunll, Peltor Terry McCanne. Direct« of Youth Mlnlstle9 Howard l(Nllon, Direct« of AdUlt Mlni.trlel Don Maddox, Dltector of Slnglel Mlnletrt. 8llndlf Wonhlp -l:aO I 10:00 A.II. ChUrch 8Cltlool -CNldren 11Wv Adultl 10:00 A.M. -..., .,. IHI Ne -e:ao a 10:00 A.M. v...-. -7:GO P.M. CHURCH OF CHRIST 211 w. Wlllon, Coete ..... 1414111 We're A Going -Glowlng -Growing Church IUM>AY UfMCa8 .-a aTUDY t A.M. WORIHIP 11 A.II. a I P.11. 10 A.M. -"Are You Assertive Or Passive?"-. 1>, 11 6 P.M. -"Sir, We Wodd See Jesus" --1110-U P9UI Thomae, ....... -Do"I Coll, Youth M ......... SHIR HA-MA 'ALOT HAMOR MFOMI TIMPU. 111111111•~-- ,,.., • .....,. a11 P.M. t e a n n •. Ptret Prtder of ;:r...:::-1:11 P.11. Rabbi Bernard P. King JembcW9I & IEMt'*'ff Dr. Mullc: Arte Shlkter N9wport Blecfl, c.llf . EdUcator: Nancy LM'I Par IRtH ... en ... 144-191 ,. .......... _,, A1'1!MP--E SHAR2,! ••• .., ¥ ,,,.School -....,,.. & lund9y 9dtOOI .. IMltZYM Training I Youth Or~lletertlood SeMoea:, • 1:11 p.m. lat. 1:1 ··"'· SUn. t:ao a.m . . 117 ·-· ............ Coe• -.,... FRE·EDOM OF WORSHIP \ A..-.~-.__.. _ ... _ • . . .. " .. 'I • ·--. . . .. . . .... · Daniel's· c~reer . 'doctOred~ LOS ANCELES (Al') He WU C>m'e preildeot oC thl' United St.ates and a mcmbl'r of'a ainglng family. Now ht 'a s computerized car and a auraeon. William Daniela. wt)o tt.al'll in NBC'a new medical drama, "St. Eltewhere," la a veteran of 37. years or at.age, mm and icle acllng, and his rin t appear came In televlalon'a experimental ' I • ')fl th,• •UIMt.' 1md '" t~ muviu with Pul1row'" w1fr. tily1tw l>om wr. und 1h1•v wt•n· fr1t.•mb l>r Muk Cru16( 111 ht>ad or hUtl("l'Y 1111d OIJ lht• k'iM.'hll'IM •w fl ut St ~:lit(lus ll•~plual m Ac•um, w h i t' h I w n I <' k n a m c> d S t • El11t•wht•rt•. Llkt• "11111 Stret.•t Blut•111," It huK· 1i1 4irgc. d1ver11e atwff and is •• rt•1i1lu1tk. en.-entrk dr1i1mu with '-ln11ht•s o f dark humor. •t DAILY PIL0T/Saturday, November 20. 1982 " NOW SERVING COUNTRY STYLE SUNDAY BRUNCH ~ 99e ••• l:tl 1712 Placentia 645-8091 COST~ MESA FRi:SH LocAL LOBSTER 11lNNER '8.98 · ' • Includ••. cnolc. of .oup or Nlad, •nd pol•lo or rlCfl pilaf. Call Fol' ReHrvatlone -...--~ y r o. 173-7721 -· ((f t,~!~~tu~:~ IOI . HAlOOA L .......... . . da91. Aa a member of the 11ingln., D an i e ls Family, h is rlrst · television .appearance came in 1943 -also on NBC -whlcl'l did not launch Its n etwork television venture until the end "Dr. Craig 1s u bit of a prima · doo~.~~po~n.~~loJcll at ·~-~-~~~~----~~------~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ JX'Oplt.'. a pt.'rh't.·tlc.inlal, an WlCd to gNtlnR his wuy," said Daniels. "lfo'11 a martinet. But he's an hont•11t man, up front, with no or the 1940s. · "I had an ambitious mother," he said. "Her Idea was to gel us out oC Brooklyn, and Indeed It got us out of Brookl n. We could dcvlouimcss." Danlcls•Js well known for his portrayals of members of the l'Oloniol Adum.'i.Jamity. lfo was ~n Adams in ·• 1776": r 0 y atlorcI ·~ns or one, so 1--- would ~ class and come.home u 1:11· n 'ela .... ,.. hrn -iiiy::iiiter-wnarJ~d --1'!...I Jaf(Lv~Q.t'H .. -~. -~-He was John Quincy Adams m. ".Th«,! Adams Chronicles." In "The Baslflrd" he was Samuel learned." Daniels made his Broadway debut in . "Life With Father"' in !945, and has been acting ever 'shows. He said. 'If you WQn l to play Dr. Craig the job's yours.' "If was good to read rive scripts because every character isn't that prominent in every show. It was superior writink. the best I'd read in years." Adartis. You wun lt see his n a m e lis ted in tht• credits of 'NBC's "Knight Rider ," but you may re<:ognizc his voice. He's the voice of KITT, th(' CQmputerlted car. ·Since. ''St. Elsewhere," in which he plays the head of surgery, is Danie ls' fourth series. He also sta-rred in "Captain Nice," "Freebie and the Bean" and "The Nancy Walker Show." . "I got a call from Bruce Paltrow saying he was sending over five one-h our sor.fpts," he said. "I thou g ht tha t was unusual. There was no pilot and he · had a commitment for 13 Daniels called Paltrow, the· executive produ<.-er. and said yes. His wife, actress Bonnie Bartlett. was lat.er hired lo play his wife on the show. "My dutiL'S on 'Knight Rider' arc very simple," he said. "l do it in, about an hour and a half. I've never met the cast. 1 haven't even met the producer." He said he had n~ver worked before w ith Paltrow, whose last series was "The White Shadow." But he had appeared in "1776" H e said G le n Latson, the creator and executive 'producer. told him he wanted a "polite Ma Bell" for the voice. -SolOisi still believes· iii ·bands . . NEW YORK (AP) -Greg Lake has his first solo album out and is working on another. But this former member of King Crimson and Emerson. Lake and Palmer still believes in bands. · "People talk to me about my solo aibum," he says. "You don't do anything on your own. really. I'm a great believer in bands. You get so much more ._-""._....:ng1h_.!mm a group~ · "When I left Emerson. Lake and Palmer, I went to California,'' he ~id. "I decided I woaldn't have a band any more. Toto did some sessions fbr me. They were great musicians. They talked it out so quickly. But there really wasn't time for the music to be personalized. It all came out sounding the same. "I realized then that for me· to infuse the music with m y own personality w ~uld req uire a permanent band, so I could craft and sculpt it every day. It takes weeks to develop my musk. I can't do it in a morning In a studio. caJJed "Greg l,.ake," is now cutting a second album for Chrysalis with his band. It will be out early next year. He started playing guitar at 12 in Dorset, England, where he still has a farm, and quit school at 16. When he was aboot 18. he formed King Crimson with Robert Kripp. Michael Qjln._ Jan McDonald and Peter $infield. Their first album was out in 1969 and the last appear~ in 1974. But Lake. bassist and vocalist, had left. Emerson, Lake and Palmer's first album 'Came out in 1971. "King CrimSon was playing Filmore West with the Nice," ·Lake said. "That's whe re I met f<eyboards player Keith Emerson. We decided there and then to form a band together. "We set about looking (or a drummer. The first person we thought of was Mjtch Mitchell. The Jimi _ Hendri~ Experience had just finished. Mitch said. we should get toge ther with Jimi. We were scheduled to have a gel-together when he died. We were trying to put tofJether a quartet. It wouldn't ., ................ 1o ..... . .. ,..,.. ..... ................ ...,_.H ._,.,_,_.,., UMllM Ullll ..... HA•I AMC o...., Miii ._..DI 17141111 lnO ...... 011416»4401 11141131 0340 :u ..... 11141 llD-4022 ~~.~ c-.. ~~~·::~11 ctlTA MIU UA C-.. 11"1 MO °'94 11141111·311) ... PROJECTIOllSTS LOCKED OUT!!! UllTED ARTISTS TIUTERS UIFllR!!! We are locked out becauM _. refueed lo ION up to 75% of our jobs, d0uble the work lol!d ol those remaining, end allow our exJ)9rtlM to be utlltzed to enable underpaid, lne11perien<:ed kids to handle the highly complex equipment In the projection rooms ol the United A_rtlsta Thntrea. · Men.gement enopnttJ and ........, .. , demanded that each projectionist empl~ MtVlce as many as .......... ICfMM In complexes M much as hNfttr """ ....,._ We believe this 10 be unfelr to the SO· 75% of the projec;tlonlats thal would have lost their jobs under thele conditions, and ......., to the movie patrons whO ere paying top prtce for their llckell, wilh the Chane. of Melng ..... e1Md9111 pr1t1111eft of the IMtUf• they paid lo .... -• We were willing to negotiate. but the Company CflctaiCWlelr and enopnttr LOCKED UI OUT. YOU CAI HELP! PleeM don't to Into enr United Artl9ta ThNter anrwhefe. Your written letters of support wlfl be appreciated by us. They should be addressed to the Southern Association of IATSE.Dlalric:t Two Locals. 630 Geneva Street, Huntington Belllfh. California 92648. We wtll forward to the p'oper party at United Artists. . TllllS FOR YOUR HELP!! Southern Association of IA TSE c;>lstrlct Two Locals, Walter H. Blanchard, Secy-Treas. "I believe that's the way forward for me. a permanent band." Lake, whose first solo album is have worked anyway. · ..--------~-~~---------'-------------------~~-~-~~~----~ -MARK HAMILL · HARRISON FORD · CARRIE ASHER BILLY DEE WILLIAMS · ANTHONY DANIELS .._QA"10 PflOWSl l(lNNV ~R PfltR Ml.'WtlEW fR-OZ -.. IRVIN KERSHNER -.. GARY KURTZ -.. LEIGH BRACKETT -LAWRENCE KASDAN -.. GEORGE LUCAS - ----GE'ORGE UJCAS-::-.. JOAN'NILLIAMS CDJa--tJ· ........... . • .....-... ~-·,_.._~.__. ......... ..__._c..._._. ... ._. ___ .. __ • m;::a....;:.-;:; ,...;_r.:;_:,:-:;.:=, IN 70 MM • 8 TRACK DOLBY STEREOPHONIC SOUND , .... l:OO, 1:30, 10:45 SAT. 1:00, 3:30, 1:00, 1:30, 10-.41 -SUN. 1:00, 3:30, 1:00, 1:30 • . If it f I oats, ehances are you'll read about It in the . Plllt. 642-4321 1 is • •· •' ORANGE COUNTY MUSIC FOR ADULTS. PLUS . . • • • • •• . . •• • • • MARINE WEATHER -The latest Information from trdes to temperatures. direct from the Orange County Harbormaster. • TRAl'l'IC REPORTS -Weekday morning and afternoon dnvetime freeway and highway informa- tion from the Orange County office of the Highway Patrol . • STOCK MARKET REPORTS -Twice dally. the most up-to·date 1nformat1on m the world of finance. as it pertains to Orange County. from Bob Schiff of Memll lynch In Newport Beach. • FITNESS AND RUNNING REPORTS -Ex~rt advice from U.C.I. Track Coach and U.S. Olympic Development Coach Kevin McNalr. twice every day . • CONSUM•R REPORTS -llsteo for KOCM's own Consumer Advice Specialist Mary Ann Price. She's out to help youl Two times each day of the week . • NRVS -More than just headlines. and a special e mph asis on Orange County. 4 • •NT•RTAINM•t(r R•PORTS. -What's good -and not-so-good -on Orange County stage and screen . exclusively ori KOCM with Herm Boodman. ' • A CLOS•R LOOK -KOCM's own weekly detailed look at pertl'nent news topics. with Joann Reynolds and Susan Vaughn. • COMMUNITY PORUM -An award-winning preseritatlon or the Junior league of Ne"1Port Harbor, aired weekly only on KOCM. delving Into th~ unique Interests or our area. & • • • • • ___ _._._ __ ~---~---------··-·-·-··----·--------- • • • ON YOUR FM DIAL AT 101.1 •• I: ,. 1·: -~ ,, : ·. •1"' ~ :· .. . , , . .. . . . .. .. . . . ••• Orange Coaal OtlL V JllLOTIS ;\lurdoy. Novemb•f 20. 1912 Creatui-es ~trlinge · beyo'Dd belie1 ~ · . . . llOLLYWOOl> (AP) Whot Wut l\" unu "'l'lw Emµht• 8t1lkt'll l\nppt'I\." wht'11 tht• ut•ot111 ol tlw &1ck " MupµN11 untl lht· prouUl't'r of Tlwv huvt• lwt•n ju11wd hy "SlUr Worll" t:11mb1m.' t~wl r f 1,1nk. (.)7, tht· vult't' ol M1ic1t lalt'nts? Tlw rt•sull 111 '"l'lw U.11k P1~~v oncl Yodo, und Brion Cryslul." n movil' w ath nun F111uJ. t'll-lllustrutor of lht• l.>t•t1t hllmnn actor s In u s t rang4.', ~·lllnK l)ook, -'1l!'ut•rit'll " unworldly lam.I." Tht· starit of lhl' $20 million At C hrlslmos\lmc, fjlrngo1•rs movw art• nl'Wt·omt•rs: Jt•n , w.11 1 be• u b I e t u. Sl'l' l h l' Aulo(hru. Kira, l"in gig. UrZuh colluborullon of J im Htmson, thl• un<I n vnri<'tY o f Gclfl1nt't1, rni)n who mad•· puppNfY u l'nujlll" SkC'ks1sl>S und Orrw1. • industry. and Our y Kurt?., T hey live an n world "out of partner of Gt'Orgc LuC'as in "Star time a nd pine~ with a 11eC'rt'l, ~uppets creatpr Jim He nson and his friends : MOYIE RATINGS R>R PARENTS AND 'YOUNG PEOPLE llESTlllCll:D Uno.t' 11 'eQ\#'" eccompany.ne ._..,_,, 01 Adult GCil•tdt.al\ 111)10NJn" .. 111rhtt·11111w una1i111111 •• a worlc of tu11111 ijV uncl 1m11.clnu1 h111. wlw1 t• turt•Kl und .w.1 mp br••t'(I ti II nat•r ll nd um·1•11u111ly (.'11•uturt•11 ¥trung1· lM•yond t•xp1•111•nc.·t· hop, t i:awl and 11kllll'r. 111nl(lnti 11w.t>t•tly or 1hrlcklnt( in unf11mtl1u1 lun1uutil'll .. Unlvnsial Pi<·tur••i. tw hoJ)(•ful thut tht• unknown cust und tlw lmaglnativt• plot' and hx.·ull'll will cupturt• tod uy's youth·ttrll•ntt•d movlc-murkt•C. K urtz. HcnKon an~ Oz Wl'rt' In Ll.)8 Angt'k'H rl'l't'ntt y to OfX'n an e xhibit of "The Dark Cry11tal" artifacts at the CraCt and Folk Art Museum It's part of the campaign lO cull attention to the film. which opens m 800 tht•atcrs o n Dec. 17. Henion, a lcari, full-bearded maf'\ of 46, safd "Th<! Dark Crystal'' '"°twd fnJm chal"M' ten on.i;,e s ho wn on television 's . ''Saturday Night Live ." '"rhey were puppcl.s'"';"bu t cy were unlike the Muppels a nd· because the show was on 1atl' al night, we were able to do some q\4t.>stionabl~ material," he said. "For the first time we used taxidermist's eyes in the puppets, making thl'm seem like living creatures. T he n it became a c ha llenge to lake them a step further. Coulp we create another world in which there we re no prop le?." . . Henson skct£ohed out the story of Jen. an tM-likc creature trom an ancient race who pursues a quest through fantastic lands to Forgive me, Father, for I have $i1111ed. 'I~ ... ~·· ~ ~·.' MONSIGNOR LUXURY THEATRES 1st ............ ,.2JQ"6t~lllllff S 11am44.1 .. 11,16J~ !25ss1~;:,) FOi Ml EJ&Cntmam Y111tOur ... ARC ADE of GAMES• -' . . · ~ "A~~ enveloptna movte ... tt ts a succeu thrOugh and through·." -J1net Muhn. New York Ttmea "TIX" --NOW IHOWINQ-- COITA MIU UA CillttM ~O·OSM 11¥111 ~551-0IH lMlu IUCI llAlllE lllldl C.. 414-1514 UA City C:.-. 134-3111 HAllll WllTlllllTH .,..... .... 137-0340 e;.., Wiit 01-3935 -....... ~,....., ...... ,...._ ....... _~--···- _._......_. .t ull 1 II 11 p111f 11w,·v Tlw ll('rtJ>I wui. writh•11 IJv )11v1d 01.Ml, who h11d work1'CI oil '"l'h•· Mup1>l'I Movtt•" UM Wt•ll "" lht• tt•h •VIHIClll 11how11 l\1'11111 1''1111,ul't. v1i.uul11111111 n" tJI OVIUl'tl tht• 1•11rly :1m1x·lUli for tht• projtoet, I lt•rn;on llUl<J • "Rut 1 I\l'W r km·w It wm1 ~111oa 111 tnk1• f1vt• yt•u n • .'' Ill' addl4 Th<' 42.yNir-olcJ Kurti jotrwd tht• proJt>c.'l wlwn lw utikt•d I ll•nli0n'11 h1•lp In t•rt.•uti11A Yudu, thl• IW~' of "Tht.• .. :rnpir~ Strlkt-s Bm.•j< " 1"At that ti mt' J im htid u fa•w pt•uplc• working 111 th<' luh.'' Kurtz say11. "lit.• shuw<.'CJ 11w thti problems they wc·r·l.· having with the lult•r molds. und wt• tulkl-d at length about tlw proJl'l'l. I wus intriguc:d with th<.• iut.•u or doing a film with no humun bl•ings." Aflc•r "EmpirS'." Kurli. dl•voll'<J full t i m e to rcsl•u r c h .,nd (fev£>1opmenl or llw "l)urk Crystat' .... <:harad 6'Jmt-aft> 30 Inches high._ some• are snc f(.'('l. Theta move a nd talk and express cclngs lhroug c omplicukd mac hin ~ry : m ec h a nica l , hycffaulTc. radio control. cable linkage. etc. "The film is lavl'-a c t ion throughout, no anim a l ion ," Kurtz emphasin>s. "Sometimes we studied th<' swryboords and said , 'This c haract e r Is n"o t ca p a ble o f performing that action.' At time11 like tha t, we . thought h ow mul·h l'USl<:r it would have lx.~n to hire. Barbra Streisand and Robert Re dford. Live actors only have to s te p onto the set and do their work.'' With real actors, the producer One. oLlh.e. elf-like uealur~ .. _.,u..._.lbl! Crystul," a scene from tlw has no huma n uctor ' ' rt•us<.ml'<J. the budgN would haYl' beon one-tt.ird less. But actors wo uld h ave c r ea ted an ant h rOJ?<>morphic ~ff t'l'l. • - "We didn't want an imitation • of human beings," Kurtz said . ··w e did a lot of animal studiL-s; espticially of dogs a nd the way they express .themselves with tl:lcir ears and eyes." Henson directed "The Dark Crystal" along wi-th h is longtime partner F_rank Oz, a bald . angular man of 46. They also provide' voices for thr<.'<' of the characters. "I do so many recognizable voices so I limited myself," Oz says. "We wen• looking for good, tcxlured voices and found most of them in England. All of the recording was done 1Jfter the <.'Omplction of ptoduclion.'' . "Tt\c Dark Crystal" was filmed in 26 weeks at EMJ Studios in L ondon and o n locations in En~land . · 'FiizcaITaldo, noble, stunning and courageous! Has a majesty and audaciousness. Werner Herzog is the most challenging filmmaker at work in the world today." -Roger Ebert. Chicago Sun-Times -... A g111nd comedy ... I can·11n.-11lne a morea1r~ble or rno<e enchant1n11.mPmory 1hat 1hf' rado•ntl) good·humflf'lld l>"'formance-b> C:laudi1 Cardinale • -\)nr-IA•bi ,. .., n,.... "Di.uyingly cinemallcl You II t,., emhra111!d l.lau• 1-lnsli 1s the, magnlOunl embodlm~nt ortwoolr lunac.1-~<l!•tl•ll<-r '""''"""'""" "fudnatlng and bMullfull Nl'ver lon1 ll1 grip 11·1 a pt1V1l'fie. 1 rare on11, 10 .,.., a film 1ho1. from b<>ginni111110 end ah Ivers wllh passion" '''""" ~ ... n ... n n. ,...,. 11..,..1~"' MExhlle111tlngl A I.Ind or jungle levN permeatrs every J,.m~ of ·~·11icanaldo • 1'hert1'1 smnuthlng lnl'1ls1lblt• aboul the n~tr1v111ant Imagery lion<>jt ha.1 cunl11rod up a sun.baked .. 1ut1t lo rver)' m1n'1 wlldesl dreamt• """ • 11111 .. m..,., l'lotho)' "A maMIVe eccompllahmenl 1h11 c.ould lit-com~• mas1erplKe on 1he otdllf of '1 hu Afrk.an Qui;en' • -11<!' M...o "A miracle of• -let A ride on • mask carpel with non·ftop excllemenl Thia Is a monumental WO<~ ol a vltlonary Olmn.-ket • ' • ha.rd 0.-.W GottMn N.-.PIPfft . .......... ~ -W 't'ltacanalclo' prod"'* a .. n .. lne exali.tloft 1u climu 11 one of the moat movlnc ulabratlona ol human labor on Olm· • • _._~.1--.. -Extnonlluryl A catadysmk. ppatlc i.1111...0 el• ....tel The motl 11pbe91 Olm one tould lm.11lne. l1'1 about d,.rns and bard .. ~ lo make dre<om• come true· --M<Lol• s..,.. ""Tc-.. ~ ~M l HAARISON F()I)() CA00'1E FtSHEQ Bill V DH 'IJlllAVS J!NIHONV DANIELS Fltzcarraldo. ·-·,. . , -, '.._ •. IQVIN llfRSHNEI? ·-· GAAV KUQTZ ·-LEIGH enAC>.(n -lAv,qNCf l<ASOAN • GE()QG{ llJl"'.t.S ----..GCOQGE lVCAS -.JC»'N..-JILtlA>,1S ...-PG_.,....., ... ,,. ~ ::::..-::=: _·.-..=._-.:,:::;:-·---······~I-··---·-···--· ..... ..-.. Cinedome & South Coast Plaza In 70mm Dolby Stereo The Outlaw ... The Outcast ... and the Legend that was bl~r than both of them Willie Nelson \ KL.AUi IUNIKI 1n •ffTZCANllM.DO• CLAUDIA CARDINAL.I edwards LIDO CINEMA ~ ... ':' ... 673-8350 '4 --- I I II \HI\ 11 'I II I I \\ \"I It I I I ' I \I I ' 1 t l I\ 'I it • I 11 .1 •I\.._ \I ;1 11 I The etory of a boy eutldenly alone ln the world . The nutn wlao chall<'f16e· him. A nd the 6irl who help• him become a man. for Janie NASH VILLF.:. TC'nn. (A P) S inger J Wlll' 1'1-il'kc (pronoum'\>d · F r il'-kt•f') g o t mur rlt•d f>llt' afte rnoon, gnvr u bcmt~Clt t'\)l\l,'t't that evenjng and appt•arl'<1 with the musical group, Alubumu. for the next thrru nig h ts. Three -Aecks later. s hl' ~uppt>tl • off he r• scven -yt>ur eareer by w inn ing the fcmulc" vocalist of the year award from the Counu·.>' Musk· As.-wclatlon and rt'l:('lving a s tanding ovation Crom 4,400 appr eci a ti ve fr iend s and a£SOCi~tes at the Grand Ole Opry HOUS('. lWll 11\ll!'lt ;'Xl'll~t.C lllUllth~: uf ht•I 11(1• "You havt.• t o bt' u h uppy rx.•ri;on," Nht• snJd. "Vuu huvt• to ll' 'h11 17py w ith y11u1 1wlf uncJ huppy wnh thc> pt.>O pll• you low ll showi> in your pc.•rfon11unt'l•. I think l'v<' ach irwd it," Thl• ~H-yeur-uld sm-gl•r had ht.'l' 'firs t No. l rl.'cord th is year. •·Don't · Wor ry About Mc &by." and h l'f' l:urrcmt singll', "It Ain't Easy &>m' Etlsy," is m th e top 10 of the t'Ountry music charts. Also o u>I. now is h e r gre a l t.'Sl hits illburn, plus her sixth LP, also nr.11n<'d "It Ain't Easy Bei n ' .. . . 0111111111 Cn.i&t f)All V PlleT /$ hird uy Nove111u.,, 20 , 1982 ••• J What are yOur movie cho!c.es_ ~ • TfUVIA BOWi. XXVlll STANDINGS I C Cl St:Mlit lit lfll 68 2 Ov111 lllf ,11111 o.,lil tfll 02 C•.renc• ClllPMdOWI (Ill 112 3 • 11 .. O.O• r .. e•• (~'•I ::iu•, • ·s11111om I•' •I 311 & N~ l"tlOI \41 0 Rick INWtltlt f 11 7 Wll14'f Wlllllr I II II JOfln Rut11t11 t31 • no11111ry 1o<:e1v11<1 "0111 ... .,ded ~9 Ill 7'• 3 11 .. 11 011 .. 1 • 111111n1.1 I\ 111 w h o l pluv wuu ltl ·y11u rind JuC'k B.11 mn.1hh ., !J 111 tlll' n1nv1t• "P11vutt• Lt·i.Mm"," (u> w h lah htlo(h sdwol tl1d 1<:1 w Arown ulh•nd und (b) how rm ,1d1 01u111·y w;,1s hl•ughl 111 1h1 · 1·xtoruon'' LU. 'l'ht• I uu111v1· d 1ll llll1'<l ho. iilnH•':Y to uvoul 'cJl•U:t'llo n. l>ut wht•n lt1s 11rg:11111111ll<111 ((Ot o ff tht• irm:k 11 wus Unw to l'UI ulft till' fu11ny bu11lne1.!1 m what 111ov11·~ l,.u t Wt!tk'11 An11wen -I. u. ..... tirunt (11unH.• t hutiut·) rt.•mmn mt•t•d tully 11111f1t•l('M!) submltwd 10 Rorvdtf • 2. llc•nry frhl(•k('n hawk) Hcugu11 muvlt•ic. 3. Tw1•lw (1•1•t ( Doolc.•y's yiwht) · All they havt· to Ix• un• your i:x·r11o nal chok os. 4. Alb<•r l B Ful I, 1w<:rM1.1ry of the interior SencJ '{•m to tht• addn·ss l~lvw and thl• winn<.>rs will (l·abinN fl•lun) appl.'ur lak m Dt"C1•n1llt•r. 5 H1•l' fur mul (lost ut thf.' Astor) Meanwhllt>, thl• top t hr<>t' co lumn <.'Onll'tltan t.s 6. "Hal')dom llarv<.•st" (Colema n's amnesia) ea(•h colll.'<:ll'<i niuf.' points so th<• Matus remains qµo. 7. Ff.'wt.'S'T" fumbles. ont• each (Riggins anq ·' Now she's making· the rounds o f t h e te l evision s h o w s : "E nte rtainme nt 'T on igh \," "Me r v!" "T he Mike Douglas • Easy.'' • Fril'ke fif.st received nation41 recog n i tio n 1 o r s i n gi n g Cl>IT!lncl"tftlt)tngte-s for Uhttett Alrlin(•s, ;:u-p-;-Coors Beer , T.Qyota, RC Co la, Pizza, Hut , Orange Crush and Red Lobster. Jnnif' fo'ricke T hts WC<.'k's puzzlers: • McMillun) ' l. Frank Morrison chong<.'<.t his name to be<.'O~ 8. "SwetJt Charily" (Daddy Brubeck) ==---. -&cnewn ffi kwcat"y.~~•ld1'V ~Qnmet8k~ 9 . ta) Oodg~t s amt h~. ~b) Fern·-~.._,,,,__ -.'lfoneym oon? Wha t's that?" s h e s a ys dur l n ~ · "'ilC.n telephone interview from Da llas. whe re she lives In a 130-year-old refurbished Tannhousc complete with four fireplaces. as-whom? Vale~uclu ("Lookt·r··.~11 game) . · Your Y-1 I~:· by Ro!l!).!t..M!~1L-2 . The n i c· k rHtnH'. p le· as<', o f Funk Y. __ ~.-.11.l-·..:.:!bt:-Las~ P~turt· Show " (movlc riddle) : ~ • ... 1 With such a sofia b.iekjrouOO.-W lnkcrbcun's li1gn scnoot roorumi CCuin. ---:-"i she has jokms ly been accused o f 3. ·Th<' sing<'r l!OV1s1onlod a girJ w ho "wiggles (Sc•nd yuur answc>rs IO TRIVIA, d~ the Daily "l'n) not sure which ones arc s til l s howing bu t I still get residuals," ~c said . having Hi vo1c'\.'li. w hen she walks" and "((iK81l'S w hen shl' talks'' in Pilot, Box 1560. Costa Mt.>sa 92626. All ehtries must" '·I d o have d 1 ff e re n t wha t·song? . be receivc.•d b.Y Wednt•sday. otherwise half th"j. "T here's n o time for tha t," sh e s ays. "We enjoy ju s t getting home and resting for a day or two. Our honeymoon is being on our farm and ge tting dir ty and muddy and feeding the CBts." Later. Fril'ke became one of Nashville's top back-up·voc·alists. Her voice h as b een o n s uch recordings as "I'd Really Love to S~ You Tonight," by England D a n & J o hn Ford Co ley ; "Stranger,'' by 'J ohnny Duncan; "('m a Stand b y My Woman Ma n " and "L e t My Love B<' appn>al•hcs for different songs," 4. Identify the rt•a l lake> on wfl"'h "On Golden player 's last S<vre wj ll be uwtJrded> sh e says. "It depe nds on ·the P ond" \',!as filmed. S h e an d h us ban d ,' Ra n d y J ac k son , w h o a lso Is h e r • manager , have just sh ared the •U •W'°"l IUctl Mann Btu Pl.lta Edwa•ds Hewool1 ConetN 529 5339 llH 0760 MIUIOlflUO Edwards ViefO T Wiil 830 6990 CNIHGf WUTMIHTOI C.neoomt lowa1ds C.11tm.1 Wes1 634 2553 891 3935 -···-----.... :~ ~-6-----NOWPLATING··~·-=· --.· .. Mann 11/u P!illa 529 5339 COITA.U Edwillls 8'1SIOI 540 7444 COITA•U Edwards Cintnla Center 979 4141 lll-Edwillllls ~k ~15810 -Clltdlmt 634 2$53 Wll~TDI UA T ftl Clntnlils HS 5333 ...... ......,.. PiKtllc's Anaheim CA"ITM• Duve If\ Pxinc's Mission 879 9850 • 011n In 493 4S45 NO,_SACCl"ID JOI! THll UOOAOUll NT ....... pgdlce ••• _ ................ :__ .... Leef ... mood of th<.• song and the sty le of 5. In what movll' did John llocJmk suffer from music·. It's fu n lo c•hange it amnesia? around some ." 6. In the song "Everyhody's Doing h." w ha t Fricke was raised in South was cvcrybod~ doingY Whitley, Ind . She h~s a de gree in 7. :Abe Simon, G us Dorazio and Tony Musto elcmcntu r y e duca tio n from had one particular <lct v~at vry titll' in common Indiana University. among sports fans. What was 1t'! * aARQAIN MATIN•••* ...... , .... ,. ...... , All ll'erfonnMCn before 5:00 ,.,. I~ ..... 111111•1111 IM lteliUrll .. THI MAN '1KJll SNOWY MYIR" IMJ __ ... ,...._ "AN Ol'PICllt AND A UNTLUIAN" ··--··-.., ''MONSIGNOR".., ---"THEY CAU Ill lllUCI" .,., ___ _ "THI ..... I ~J.A.£.".:r --c•::r 4111 j '!.~~a,.nr ..a ----·-•t'•f• 'iii'1i>i.ffi0 J "THll .... ITRIKll •ACK" IN I ·---· ·~---- LAl<fWOOO CtNffQ SOUTH .... , .. . "0"1111 • ............ ,..~ ..• "TIMI •ANDITI" IN I .... ____ _ "MONatQlllOR" 1•1 -··---- "CRH, SHOW'' -,_ ............ , ... ............................... IMPOllT .. T •T1Cl1 CH .... _. 11 flU! -__ .. ----.. ,. --··.---·-·CAI-·-.... ,,, .... CM ____ ,... ___ ....,,.llll ______ _ ...... ANAHEIM r ~lvl ,,.. ·-··--" 179-fflO . , ....... ITRlllllUCIC"fN t -·-11 T.-... OVT •• .'' l"OI CIMfl- • I ••• BUENA PARK • ;1 " llAC ___ .. _ HMO'JO ..... LINCOLN l•'-' .. • .,.. ltfllC:oM••• ....... "°" 121-4010 .. FOUNTAIN VAl I ( [ll/IV I IN _.,......., .. ...-is., "G"i-1 -........... WIMWOU'· .. LOllDCIM"' I'll .. ... ., ... IOllO•' 1•1 -. "°" ........ ""'"- "ClllP., SHOW" .. , -"SUNMIAN lr1N1 •fMI..,_ 1~11 IMICll" INJ -....... ,.-1tA11 OVT ••• " 4"I Ml•a.1 t.-ft- "l.T."--"MONCO 911.L Y" '"' C•H- 1."CLAllfW 1llrl" I. •TMS LAIT AllPICAll I. -:~·.,-~I ., ---"' .......... ci11 .. _ ' . LA HAH;.iA . ·• ·A&.Gm • '"' ........ -.. MllAC~4111 CTlll .. _ ... -,;;,. ... •Mt..-.CAN WllllWOLP .. LOMOON" ftll CTlll HllllllD "'"' .... .,. .. ~.-..., ...... , ........... ·- Read all todays news everyday in the ........ TBEllAN ... SNOWY a1VEa ...... ... IATllWl.t• ......... I UT.Ola.Y ..... .. "HEIDI'S SONG",., E.T. TabftA· TaaDftUAL • To Place your "Fast Result" Service Direct ory ad .... Call Now ~,.....,. .. ,. .. IATllUN. •:JO. 1:41 FRI. 7:15, 1:30 SAT/SUN. 12:30, 2:45 5:00. 7:30. 10:00 "HEIDI'S 80NG"101 F .... 1:15, 1:15, 10:15 IATllUN. 12:15, 2:11, 4:15 1:11. •11. 10:11 -" DalOlll lOVCiH TEX TlNOEA .... ••.u.:.--.,~· FRI. 1:15, 1:11, 10:15 SAT/SUN. 2:11, 4:11, 1:11 1:15, 10:15 642·5671 Id.JU THEllAN ... ,JRl IAT18Ulltlill, ... <t:ao ......... Clll FRI. I:• . ' . I ATllUN. 1:00. •M. 1:30 "1001 RAUIT TALEl" 101 '"'· 1:11, 10-AO IAT/IUN. J:11, 7:00, t0:30 "THI LAST UNICORN" 101 TIME BANDITS ...... 4", IAT/IUN. 4:11, .... "TMIY CALL -...UCI" '"' Nl.e:a,-. IAT/IUN. a-.-. t:a, 1•;JO FIRST BLOOD "THE LAST UNICORN" ).-I • 1 I( PM. l:ll(NI IA T /SUN. 12:JO. •:JO, t;JO "THEY CALL •BRUCE""'°' , ...... ,.. .. ,.... .... ,,., .. IATllUN., ... a:.t ...... , ... .. . ,., FRI. l:JI. l:tt, -. SA T/IUN. 12:11. 1:41. J:20 1-. t:JI, 1:11, 10:00 -1AT1¥-1:41. 1:41. 'ICl-t------------4-~ "HEIDt'I SONG".-1 • • • 011010• Cou~t OAILV Pll.Ol IS•turd y. Novemt)OI 10. 1982 ..,\ll 'Kl>A\ MOMHO 1:00 (!) U.8. FARM IUPORT (C)MOVIE * * ·~ "Roogh Cut" ( 111901 &urt .Reynold•. l ••l•Y· Anne Down lQJMOYIE * * * "Ghost S1Qr~· (1981) Fred Asll lre, JOhn Hou••·~~n 15:29• MOVIE • • "The Mad Ooo1or Of Mllkel S1'HI" , (1941) UOoe1Ji1wlll.JJ01 ttxot-. l:IO (!) TIEWOAt.D 'TOMORROW aeuKOUf MOVIE • * • ·~ "Prtnoe Ot The City" (1081) Trti1 WH· llama. Jerry Orbach A New York cop la ceugh1 between federal P!ffaure end loyalty to his fellow o~• du1ln9 an lnveatt· gallon of wld11pr11d police couupllon 'R' • 1:44 MOVIE * •.,., "Out Of Season" ( 19751 Cliff Robar11on. V-sa Redgrave ~-· CAPTAl!'I KANGAROO I 8~NCMPITY TEEN TAU( "0.llng" I (!) REX HUMSARO I 0000 DAY L.A. IAT\JAOAY MORNINO ORAPEVINE (I) PUBLIC AffAIR8 Ol NEW8MAl<ER8 Q!NEW8 (B)MOVIE • * "The Grea1 Adven- ture" ( 1978) Jack Palanc:.. Joan Colllna 1:301 THATSCAT PACE8ETT£RS OROWINO YEARS VOYAOE 188UE8 UNLIMITED Joel II i~~ins slur, in comt-d y Sf'ries uSilvt.•r S 1loons," ·a l H::lO p .m., Sa turd~y on KNBC {4·). Brent Musburger an<! P11 (H) 80lOHG'8 BEaT" 0 Brton examine how the ORUOOE FIGkTI bo,.I selecttons ate rnade (a> MOVIE U LEAV£ IT TO BEAVEA **'A "Charlie Mullin" 8 t!)) MON( & MIHOY I ( 1974) David Htmmlngl. LAVf.RN£ I SHIRLEY Ralph Rlcharda on 0 TEEN TALK "Coping With Strm" Cl) MOVIE .., MISSlON: * *Ii\ "T ru. Contfflionl" IMP08818l.E P9811 Aobet1 De Niro. • Ei.HQT ANOL.EY Robert Ouvlll. • IMO llUE MAMLE 11:30 D al FLAIH OON>OH fD FOCUI ON SOCIETY Q " MOVIE . • GRANO PNX M-AU.-* * * "Love Me Ot L .. ve STAM • Ma" ( 19551 Dorla Day, 8 111 AMINCAH Jemea Cagney. 8AN08TAHO (ti) MOVIE C!l MOVIE * • • "Father Figure" • • "Abboit And Coattllo ( 198 ti Hal Linden. Timothy MMI Tiie Mummy" (19!151 Hu11on · Marie Wlndaor. Mk:tlaet (O} MOVIE AnMt• • * * "My Favorite Will" • MA0C M-~ (19.COI Cary G1an1, Ir-PAINTINO Dunne tlD~YlAM MOVIE MOYIE * •• "Gholl Story" **'..\"Balle Starr" (19411 • 41, ~ofr ............. ·==M MAMll llMROU .. JT (CIMCMI • *'' 'fht 01•w11l119 ~ 11t761 ......... IMfl. Jollitie WOOlhltlfd Il l WAC*Y WORLD°' JONATHAN WINTW 0-1 Monty Hall KNlk. 1 n 11 :m Urant.lluttwr :-.; urut HKky .10111 twld 111 trn1 huno p 111• "81lv<·r S 1>C11111" •• 11 '1r1s1i.l!. th11t fo:Uw:ard c)ta ltw <l111s wt :1 d1n1w1 I 00 • GM.L.IOAH'I 11&.AND Ollllgen dlac:overa en ltland bUall thet beef• INCi• Whlell melt• """4· rMdlng potlllble. KNXT t•O II p "lll'ar No Evil " A clrun1n nhou 11 1''1 tin1:11H·o p11lu·1• ch•tt•c·tav«' wl t.·1·unwi. dc•uf whc•n 11 G GRIZZL V ADAMI O•IUly IMCflel t-IUM· Wit)' 0tPf\M8 I leMor\ of tutllhial In the ~MM • MOYll mutorc.•yt·lc· ga11~ he• trws to n :HI for munul uc.·turang .me.I du.lr1~ut1n"' l'Cl~ uttcm1pt.-. to kill tun\ • •'1' "Pon~ Eapr .. a" I 11&~1 Cllarllon .._.t0t1. Rhonda ~ltmlng. ··~IUIMll TODAY "AdYeflllltlg. , Trlc:kl Of Thi Traoe" Malter "'*'· Cftanl l.tn Mattloll • cOm· P«•lllet~wttll '"-of 1111.Jlf~ '1 a KAB<.: (i) 1,.0 p.nl. :•Fantasy L-.lancl." Ambitious t'Ountry i;ingt."r (Mil-kc.•y Gi11c•y) (ands himsl•lf ttw s tar t1tlruc:taon at u ' St'(.·ond·ralt" cnf\• run by u mon UA-nm.s Cult•) who l'~'<.·ts lhc.• <>n!Qf!c'llnC'I' tu muk" ht~ .EfUt'l' lWJ.>Ot'LauL -E ""'ltlrle _..,.,,y. AMINCA:THI --. tltOVa cetnllft cu1loner'1 Song," "Brim· ltOM And Treac:lt" and * * ·~ "Red Sundown" the "•tinker 01 lhe week " ( 1951) Rory Ctllloun, Miii-• SlflOftTI AM1NCA VI• ttyw. "Ca1allna Pro-Am Rac- (t:t) koao.AOe ~lball TOUt~I" "TM FOUt111 Annual Ven· • WNTWGFOftA lriloqulam And· Comedy MA90N Show" M1111ette !111111ey "The P8C* 01 Analytlll" ho111 Ihle ratum ~ O 'THll Wiii< LAST menl IMtUrlng Iha -ld'1 YU.. IN 1'HI H,L mall.,• of the maglc:al art (I) MOVll ol ventrlloQulem. • * "High Country'' (198 t) '(I) MOYIE 'timothy Bottoms. Unda • * * "~ So F~' Puri ( IHO) Franlc Slrlatra, Gina l:OO 1 HIW WILOINCll Lollotltlgida fWDIM PLAveooK .MOYie '12 **~ "Petwnlty" (1N1) • HAPP'YDAYSAGAIH Burt Reynold•. e.vrty D'Angelo. Fonzie'• aching tooth 2:30 D WUTIAH c:rampe hi• romantic atyi. OUTOOOMMAH 8 ~ ANNOUHCIO Wind surfing on Sen C!l owv•05 Franclaco Bay * * "Ellacuttw 4c:tlon" e OM ~J ... 11&.AND Ct97318Uf1 Lancaater, Will The Proteaeor ~ 0-. lhe SlllpP*f at IUff9rtng • 10UD GOU> lrorn • vltAll'IWI deflcleiict. G WOC>OWRIOHT'I (!) ™-MUflNTI lt40ft 0-1: Berneoetle Peters. "Finding And Fixing" Roy • WNTmfl UndertllH golie lrom JuNt· WON<aHOP yard to flea market in 0-t: .Jotln Hewie". • March of the ~d•y ID AMINOA: THE looll of Y91terday. llCOHD CPTURY (I) M• A •&•H QI M400A Char... Wlnclleal• Join• l:OO I LAIT~ THE WllD the t-. HOI Lipe retuma l'Mf,.+AU. lrom her holll¥"'00tl and MCMI Kllnger 1Nmt tNlt his i.w-**'A "Jack And The ywlaeptiony.(Part 11 Beenatallt" ( 19&21 Abbott (II HeW1 i=...WITH LAWMNCI W1U< • "Tl\lnlt You, Arnerlc•" ~ MPOAT e AU.CMATIMU GNAT AHO IMAU "Nothing Like Eaparlence" Jamea m1k" • date •• wltriout Trl11an'1 help •• and the practtc. lo ... a cu11omer •• wllh Trlatan'a help (Pan 8) Cl) JACK AHOeMOH CONAOINTlAI. 0 80 YOU THIHK YOU GOT "'°"9La Q!THEMUPNTa Gueat. Elhll Mermen. -~AMOW "Can A Nuclear WMOQna ' Accidenl H19Pen Hare?" St-Talbot PfObee the hidden hlatory of l1Ucieer WeapQrll ac:ddenll CZ)MOVIE * *'" ·~True Conleu19rll" (1Jla1) Robert De Niro. Robert Duvall Th4 utuaNy MP*'•I• world• ot two brolherl. 7:30 B DANCE flVP Celebrlty judgee: lrtene Mandrell. Robert Pine. L.it Garrett. 0-t· Nlc:olette LMaon. . D OLEN CAMNEU Guats. "" Supply 8 EYEOHL.A. IOIMCMI a**'' ''r'""* Of Tlla Cit~" ttNt) frMt Wll· llllM Je#r'I Ofbeotl A N9W Yori! CIOI) la OIUlflt ,,.._ ...... .,,.._,,. eno k>Valt~ to hit 1e11ow ~. duflftg .,, "'-ti getlon Of wld••PrHd PQ4ke corr10C>Uon 'Ii' t-oo • 11.l MOYll ' HM< NII fvll" IPr-•I 011 0..110, 9arnle Ceaey An Independent pollee Oetecllve carri.t CM 1111 0 .. 1 lnvntigatlorl ot • mot0tcyc1t 11*"9 ~· eel of manufac:tUtlng and Ol•lllbuttng llltg8I dt't'9I etter Ill) attempt on 11te 1119 IMWINmdMI D OllOXIHG Cover• or the OWlgllt BtHlon I Edcsi.Oevle 111· toUtld wee llOf\t·llMvv· weignt Ch8fTIPk>nlNp bout, ~-· Of Iha 8obby Ciy1 I Muatafa ~ UltrOWM&.. •lddl 1 ... gh1 ...11GUL W-198 OUtolf Ofty Ayele I Cartot Herrara 12- r o u n d _ WBA Jvruo,_ mlddleMlgflt lllle allm!M- llon l>OUt (ltom Allantlc City, NJ ~ a ENTPTAIHMINT THllWlll< lnlarvlewa .tilh Lany H*IJ· men, Johnny Cati. /l\n(fy Orl"lth, Erik Eatteda. Bev- If ly Suaoon and Jtl'ne Wyman, TV'a m... ... ·~mbol1 M 9 LOVE BOAT On • Thenkegtvlng DI)' crulM. the er-atop epeaklng to each other. a Wiiia boy 11 lorn ~ two la111er1. end a girt gets 8 IUIPfiM wtlar1 lhe lnlrO- ducet her tltnce IO her (i)~ * • * "The Gr_, Berate" ,1.1~ea1 JOhn Wpyne, David Jan1Mn A cynlc:al, entl- \lletnem MWSmen tra11911 on aaalgnment to the 1ron1 Hnea with e bold team of American cornmandol. • MYITPY "Father Brown The E'ye Of A9<>11o~ f' at her Brown haa • llrange myatery to IOlw In 11111 StOf)' about Ille bllndlng •"tct of light on a 1un·worllllpP*f. c:;i (h)MOVIE * * y, "So Fine'' (IN t) Ryan O'Neal, Jlcio War- den A sluffy COiiege ptO- lfflOt .. ,,.. hi• t11t1er·1 tloundetlng garment lac:to- ry by Inventing a ,_ type • ELEMENTARY NEWS (I) VOICEOF • AONCUL TURE (198ty Fred Aatelre. John °"1e Tlerney_Randolpll Housemen Scolt 9:30 8 (1) NCAA FOOTSALL MOVIE and Coelallo, Buddy Baer. • YIDl<MllONI Of' 8 KOJAK OfWIQI COUN1"i' Ko!lll'• anger with en IYIOIOJUKUO)( --..,...t1Jr'9d:'Wl int~ - Bob Hope at 1111 home: a of lacllea' jeana. 'R' {.S).MOVll-*' • * "Southern Com· fort" '(1081) Kallh Catt•· dine, Powera Boothe. A group ot Netlonal G1.1ard1- m1n on weak end m-11111 In a Loulalena bayou spark a lt'nall OU*' • ntla w• with a community ol backWOOC11 C1jun1 'R' (Z)MOVIE Ol lr8 YOUR Bl,J81NE88 Qt n1E MUPPET& WACKY WORLD Of' JONATHAH.WINTER8 Gueat~ Monty Hall 7:00 8 DUSTY'S TAEEHOUSE D Q! THE FLINT8T~E FUNNIES g BIO BLUE MARBLE I 0 8UPERFRIEN08 DAVEY ANDOOLIATH <f) CHARt.AHDO I LATINTEMPO FIRST P£RSON • YOGA FOR HEAL TH (I) INTEAHA TIONAL ~ e FURY • ~MOVIE *•'A "The Drowning Pool" ( 1975) Paul New- man. Joenne WOOClward ©)MOVIE ** "A Ha~~lng In HMMlln" ( 19751 TM epic llOfY of the Pied Plpet who rid• a vitteoe of 111 pea1cy rodents la 1e1old "G' Cl) THE OOLO BUO Cap,aln Kidd'• bufla d treuure and two mys1eri- OUI sl!angera edd up to euspense and ed"91lture for a young boy 7:18 MOVIE • •'n "The Haunting Of Julla" (19771 Mia Farrow. Keir Dullea. 7:30 9 PANOAMONIUM I 8 THE SHIRT TALES OR. 8NUGOLES 8 0 PAC-MAN/ UTTlE RASCALS I NCHIERICH G DAVEY ANO GOLIATH i ~~WOMAH CONTEMPORARY HEAL TH ISSUES G FURY MOVIE * * * "I Go Pogo" (1980) Animllad l/oic11 o t Jonathan Wln1er1, Vtneenl Price. •:90 • Cl) G4LUGAH'8 l't.AHV D Q!SMUAFS • MOVIE * • "Back In The Saddle" (1941) Gone Aulry, Smiley Jhirnette U HOTFUOOE i =JEANNIE SATUAOAY ~ORAPEVIHE • AMENCAN SHORT STORY • MOVIE * * Y, "Trait Of The Vlgl· 1an1ea" ( 19~01 Frariehot Tone, Broderick Crewford A man from the Ent II brought W"I to llmt a raway bundl of OU1111W9 (l)MOVIE ** "HlghCountry"(1Nt) Timothy 800om1, Linda Purl An -peel convtct and hit hendlcapped glrl- frler\d flee to the moun. lalna. 'PG' l:tO • Cl) BUGS 11UNNV I ~~ 10 PAC-MAN WILD, WILD WON.O 0.NIMAl.I (!) YOVAGI TO THE 90TTOM M-™-MA ·=N'IHPOU •• " "Any Which Way You •• £!'J.'..:.,.il9MU-Cllo ·---olfWOOd~~ra Loch. t:OO. Cl) -rOOAY lnc:ompe11111 dlatrlc:t ettor-OH VllW I ney oet• him ~ MOYll Mtchlgan at Ohto Staie * * "Legend Of TM Wiid" D Q! THE OARY I t9801 Oen HIQO*f1Y, Oen· COl.£MAH IHOW VII Pyle • from the force • • y, "So Flne" (1N 1) D OZZ>E AHO HARRIET 0 WILD, WILD WUT (!)MOVIE * * ·~ "Walle Of TN Red Witch" ( 1048) John Wayne. Olg Young. fD HIOH flEAn1ER "The County Fair" The Childr"' dlacover the run ot OOOklng •.nd prepare eth- nic; 10001 lor the county fair mJ FOCUS~ SOCIETY m MOVIE * * "Under Weste1n Sklea" (IOU) Marlha O'DrlacoH. Noan BMry. tO:OO D QI INCAE018LE HULi( I AMAZINO SPtOEA-MAH g 8HANANA e a 80008Ya 8CAAPP'Y 000 I PUPPY i SO( MILLION DOU.AR MAH m 808.IONES S) THIS OLD HOUSE Bob VIII and his Ct .... 1ac:l(i. lhe Insulation ot the old t1rmhOU11'1 ,_wing fD OAAHOE COUNTY "Wastotng1on Aulgnmen1" Congre11m1n Jerry Patte<son. J Robert B.ed- ham. Dan Lungren. Ind W~lllam OennemayH d lSCUIHI changes In SOC:lll 911CUrlty with Jim Coopet, FRANK 81HA TRA ''Conc:erl ~The Ameri-cas" pru,,; Buddy Rlc:l1 jOlns Sinai a In a c:onoett at the Alloa De Chavon Amphltheatrt In the Dominican Aapul>llc: 10:30 g 8HA NA HA 0 MOVIE • ••n "Apache Uprising" (1966) Rory Calhaun. Cor- inne CaNel m THE LEGEHO OF IONOARTHUR Sor Galahad joins Lancelot In Marcil of the HOI)' Grall, Gu•-• 11 cac>turtd by Ag11v11n •nd his IOldlers. (Part 8 ol 81 fl) EVERYDAY COOKINO WITH J.ACQUU PEPIN "Pllell 01 Mu11al1 " Jacqu.1 Pepin d•mon· a1rat" hOW 10 ChooM, Clean and prepare mussale Ir! I vatlety of Wlt)'S. Ct CAl.aAHIA wpt( IN AEV1IW DMOVIE * • "Return Of The Dr•· oon" ,(19721 Bruce LM, Chucll Non"lt 11:00 I QJ THE JETIONI AMINCA'I TOP TEN 0 WllJCINO 8"CIAL "Soup For Prllldarlt" Tloo mllohlevoua bo)'t conduc:1 an elec:tlon campelgn for Cl-pretldant. (R) Q • IOUlTMIH • MOVll •• • "The Far Coun1ry" (1055) Jam.. s1-ar1. Ru111 Roman. • IMAGUIH WATPCOl.O.. WYTH CHUCKGUKM l:'"°YUM *'" "Vlgllant" Return" ( 1947) Jor1 Hall. Marga1et -t.~---·~ (C)IC...,.. f'OOM (!) GOOD T1Ml8 Ryen O'NMI. Jack War-E~lltng --to be den coming up ,_ for 1111 Cl) MOYie 12:00 D AT ONE Ev-untH .. the good * * "The ~t Men In Gu.et: author Leonard 1>1en1 run lrlto enaga. The W•t" 11979) Char ... • Wlbbarly. • MOYIE • Bronaon. L• Marvin. ··~STOOOU *** "Timmy And The 6:301 ~WllKIHAEVllEW -~..... Bac:halor" (1957) Detlbll ._ ..... **'A "A Man Celled Reynolde, Leelie Nlellen. • LAVIRNE &. IHl"LIV Sledge" ( 1'71J Jam.a • ec......#llWTW I a 00/MPAHY • Garnw • Denni• W-· WON> INTO !MAGI Shlriey IHCllM Laverne to e MOYIE "Roo.11 Towne" The dnw "Muters Of Kung FU" ()A scr_,wrlter ..,_ uec11t1 • HITCHHIKIA'I OU10f bodyguard in a martltM erll Include "ClllNtO'llln" and TO ™-GALAXY cont .. 1 atternptl to ltMI I "Bonnie And Clyde" Arthur and Ford nnci llWm· large l•<le aNpment. dlac:u-1111 role In the ..._ eboatd • llOlen .• WOOOWAIGHT'I fllrnmaklng PfOOMI and ~*"· IHOP ~wtty he c:rMt• the char~ • ~FOOT "Gaiting inlo Dr-•" ters he doea. CIAN>ll•tO Roy Undtrlllll de mon· • leMNG ~ Cl) Ala 11ta1ea the Int end out• of Cl> WONDeR WOMAN ..... , ... In loYe lhrM llmee drewar making with di1ter-Wonder Woman .._ the '"one...., "'' lp9f'oecMe 10 Iha tiny country of Malak• by Ill MOYIE CIHllc: aolutlon. catdllng the llllel wtlo * * "Hitched" ( t971) Sally fD M-IEARTH ANO MAH stole the royal Jewell, Fleld, Tim Matllelon A "Tiie SOYlet Union Land 8 MARY TYUR llilOOM p.i. ol ~ aurvtv. 01 The Peuant" Mary eccepta a date aflet a varlely ol proe>tema Wf111e '8 UT:rl.E HOU8I OH being lnt*""-ed by. * ~Ing Iha W•t. THE PM1M ne1 IP*'* cOIUmnlat. • ~ PAOTICTOM Mery nMCll an lmrnedlall (fi)MOYll (fi)_, .. ~ oe>et•tlon. ao Pa'**-the · * * ~ "Any Whlc:tl Wsy * • • "Fath., Figure" lerm to Mll1I • dangeroue. Yo.. Can" I IHOI Clint ( 1N 1) Hal Unden, Tlmotl!y h19't·paylng joO. (Pert 1) Eaatwood, Sondr• Loca• Hutton ' tH) V10EO JUKDO)( cm MOYll cm MOYll litt.t()IVIE ** "Gr_, kle" PN1) *** "Ceddle" (19811 * 1' "Flat• Of Fl.tr(' ( 19731 Ryan O'NMI, Arww Aidt/el, Helen Mone. J~ Thomp- Bruce LM. Marla Y~ (%}MOVIE 12 .. 30 D .na ........ F....._ .. ,, eon. WP """'" ..,.,.,~ • *"' "Deelon For Living" USC al UCLA (1933) Fredric Marcil, Gary EVININO • GUITAR WITH Cooper. FAEoeNCK HOAO • llOO I()) cea HEWS "Tiie Hall Bar" l:tO D 8PORT8WOM.D 8 H9C NEWS fl> °' EARTH ANO MAH Sc:fleduled cowerage of MOYll "The SovWt Union: Temple the PKA l<•ate ai.m-• * "Plppl Goea On Of lnduat,Y' plonaNpa (from Montreel, Board" (~9711 Inger Nh-tD MOVIE CANde): COWWIOI Of Ille son, Par Sundberg * * * "Saddle Tramp" lnternaOonet Aaro«>ata D 1181 °' MIONeOHT ( t050) Joel M<icree, Wtn· Cllamplontfllpe (from FOfld 8"CIA&.. d• Hend(h1. An unambl· ~~~OH Hoit: Helen Reddy tlous ranoh hand entrulled THE ~ G~t•: Nall Sedaka; Oien wllh the welter• of fOUt Campbell; LeBalle; Elec:1rtc: waits gatt lrlvolved In a The lfl9alll do thelf beet to Light Orc;lleetre; Joan llalp e young boy MIO -range-. rejec:Md by ttle t-..olk S-: Jtnls len: Minnie t.t()IV1E ..__ ..... ,.--. f'llperton; Freddy Fender, ***"I Oo P~" (19t0) -,_ -·--en Eatttl, Wind& Fife. Animated. VolcH ol 1~°'900K8 e THMraC:O.AWt Jonathan Winters, Vincent llWINCI POWP ~. Roper ""'*• Ille c:an- Prk:re. I09 NIWHMT did dilry Cllritay la lran- t:OO •(I) IPORT8 11'• • atao ThriaoMng tor 1Ctlblng 11 her own. IAT\JAOAY Bob when Ernlly fllee off 10 • MOYll S<:heduled: llve coverage join 1 lernily r_.,,,, * *'A "Whlll Ugtitnlng" of IM Supett.kat• exhlbl-• MCMI ( 1973) 8ur1 Reynolds, Jen· !Ion lututtng toe> figure • * "Alla Into Lararnle" nller Bllllngaley. ..... .,, Ctrom Madiaon (1954) JOM Payne, Merl • WILD~ Squate 0.den In N9w Blancflard "Al Thi Cr-Olde" An York~ .._ coverage of tt1e CC) ~·•o "°°" eap1or111on of wtldtlte'• Hector Comacho / Greg e ....,..,.. 11rugg1e tor _...,,., '" CO¥eraon 10-round llglll· * * * "The Greet Aa-t-modern America IMlurea weight bout (from Lat ture" ( ttU) KJ•ll many endengered "'*""- . Vegaa, Nev.). kl!adorlt, Anderl Nor· mala. blrcta and flan.. tflat DMOYIE ~ ·~-~~ * * "Klller9 Of Kiiiman· •:OO 1 · wmt V0U befofe. jero" (tlNIO) Robert Teylor, Mll.MAGAZINI I WORL.o0f'900K8 Anthony Nftley. MCMI AUM IMITM AND • THE MUNITIM "Oregon On Fire" (ttlOI JON9 Harman ltt tallen In by • arum u. CC> MCMI magazine lldV9rtl-1 • MCMI **Yi ...... Sterr" (llMI) and bU)'a 10 r_.. --• • •• ""'"=" CaeeldY Oet'8 ~letftey. R*"'90lph of land And The lund.,_ Kid" 8Got1. i ~.,,Oft,.. 1 ,1111 ,,1111 """'*'.~ ual~L--.:00.. • * * 'h "The Oulll Min" *" "9dbd. Mery leerna 11111 Iler ( 1952) .JoM Wayne, Mau-~ COWUTIRDMCILll ~ tu return la a11out IMn O'H•a. _,..,, to be llUdlted ~=:.Of 1'-·AOe ==-'°"· I :-.. ~WORLD Sc:ientiell" a-wlnn9re ''The Wont" IPert 2) ~ ,,.,_. ol tllll )'Nf'I Wetting• Cl) ITAi' TMK HNI Ga111er Md Jef1r9y llouH Solence Teien! The E"'*"""9 ~ Lyofta r1vlHr SMrc:fl, wtlOM tnl1111t1 ' *" ltletedttlll m11n9'1C "~" and "Heidi'• range from •-me 10 -~-~·=Of~Ol·n·=~"°'"!!!:~~·!....+-_,~~= ;Wfiltr&riiciir Ill---~ IJ)PMNKMeATM Q --·-• ~•• ·•c-t llor TN Amen· • OCUNUI: THI ~ Cll'' Drum1Mr llldd)' R1011 .......... ~ _." • "AfflflllM" Hoat: Ken jOlne .... '". conoel't CHANNEL LISTINGS a~~ Howlrd .. "'* Aftoe De CM¥on kl'lecMed: COollf ... Of 8MCMI A191plllt11Httl lft 1111 IOOk at rocll star• that haw <!led lnc:ludlng Jim Morrison. Jil'!ll Hendrix. Jonn Lennon end Keith Moon • PMUNTE Cl) FIGHT llAC*< 9 EYE OH 8AH DIEGO F ••lured. a perac:hute jumping cleu; gourmei chel George Munger darn· onstrates 1111 1tulled rnua111oonr recipe: a loolt" •t 1'l)Utt1a'1 ,_ culfllral cant~ I WUKINO MAGAZIHE couw YOU.EYaAU. Miione Wltdc:all vt Call- lorn11 Stet• Tlttna ®~ • * * "The GrNt Alh<en· IUtl" 11971) Jack P~. Joan Colllna {Q) NGHl' M-A DOZIN ITAM Hlgllllglltt are p.-1ed of en -Ing ..,..., 1hla 'f*8' In Loe Angelet In wllk:h a llallat gathering of ac:1or1, comedian• end mualc:lana got togeche> to ralM lund• for Iha Nellonal CornmlttM lor en Effective Congf-. 1:00 9 Cl) WALT D11NEY "Blec:llbeerd's GhOlt" A COiiege tredl coach (Deen Jonell gall Mddted with tM gfloet of Ille lemed Pit••• 8tacllbeerd (Pel• U.tlnov). D all>ff'AINT ITAOl(U Kimberl)' enler, a candid picture of• Arnold In the buff In • ~ phOlo ;'t;·~TMJ( 8 0 T.J . HOOl<a Hootlar goea up agalnat en ambltloua detac:tlve who It determined IO eporehend a dang11ou1 gang ot robber• befofe Ho<*er doea. • MOYla ** "Blood On Saten'1 Claw" ( 1970) Patrlck Wy!nln. Linda H.,.,,. • MOYll ***Y. "Meat ,,_. In SI. Louis" ( 1945) Judy Oar- lend, Tom Dralle. • MOYll .. * * * "The Bridge At ' Rwnagen" ( IMlll 0-ge leo*i. Robert Veugftn. A fierce balllt ragea be'-11141 American A.rmy and Ille NUii tor c:ontrOI ot the taat remaln- tng bridge ac:roe1 the Rhine. • OOVS.V· • "Uttlt lnjuatlcee. Ltur• Nader Looell At The i.-" Anthropologlal Laure Nader c:omper.. Ille •-r ...., eyatem• In Mell6co end Ille United Slit• Mt· "' dleputee and ~ OCllWIPlainll. '"' 0 ··-OMHGI. COUNTY (eJMOYll * • * "Tine O.~ Of The Condor" p975)' Robert AIOtord, ,. eun..try. (Al f~TALI TMIATM ....... Md Ore191" Rlclly Sdwodlr .... Join Collnt .... "' • • ... of ,_ IOlt ClildiWi W"6 cMdlla °' 811 Ni wltofl ..... Ill ........... IPP*ltte .. Olllldr9n. .lllOVll • e *... "TM Howlint" (1H 11 D" W1ll1c:,, ----...,--°7:-'.°:::'7'-----~-r.-~~':.J....., ... the PtCA ICM... CN1m-* * * ''Wofde And Mullc'' ~ ~ -.. . ~.~..._ ........... ., ~eye~ ,!19--. . ... -•. 0 . On•lV .~ ....... II ... ••lt;..J..'t19 ~VOt'" z 2 tv "'"·-· .. ·-···· •atUIU • t..,..,.,,..,., •• ,. ~ " HBO ~--(fl'Olll ,Ond * .... The hny" , , .. , ny .__ 9 ICNXT~\l~ e l<NBCMl:l • KTLA (Ind I .KABC IAOCI e .CFMB 1cos1 e KHJ·TV (Incl I e KCST IA8C) e KTTV (lflO I P8'rtcll ,.._ A "°""" ....... ....-.. ........ _ ..... ---"'" l:IO •• M.VIR IPOONI * '. e ICCOP TV llnd I e KCET IPBSI e KOCE (P8SI Ou LJG. Wit.) PMw ...... Clludlnl ....,..._, C IClnt'tfl<l•I tA'llllOVll L--. , •• "llARCM°''" IMJ A.a&,-, ..... _._ "TN~Honof'' '' IWOR• NV • N V • .... "Hlr,., Yl lley -.. ,_._ I MNTUCIC M IWT8~1 PTA" ett111 llfl>are ... mT..,. --"°"' l ,IESPNI r..a:••W C.. 'llllm 1MIMMIW80YI/ t IS.-.l~r ea • .....,..OITNWN'' ~----· "°91: le.I NMIDfDMW • St>otliOlll Ctt1') Clll9f °"' ....... CJ) ATMMCMm ....... . ' e (CAl>l1>New~Nt1lwork) lflrlllltoll.._ ...... ....,, IN .... Tiie .......... ..... 1:IO• fl.TROOP lltlltl revle• .._ 1 '""' 1"'11 ...... '"""""' 11 llldftlpped !tr "Cf............ ''Tiie ... .. ...... """ ........... ' Gra1uu1111e1 IHIUOll ..... ttlet ......... Na11rlolllNM011lledlll • ........... "" ........ Of !'.~,......Ultor MllWY YW' ,._,a.Ill ............ -Uflllmo ••. T1ll ,_., ........ ............... * * • "Gho11 S1ory" 119811 Fred A11alrt, JOhn Hou11man My11erlou1 o.ttllt beglo to cMClmall the renka of • small cltcte ol elderly men Who "'*'• bolh • mQ!llhly •torytalllng get. logtlher and • 50- yNr •Old Merel. 'R' t:30·=0NEI **°""TtueC-leaelona" (1981) Robert De Niro, Robert ow ... The u..aty MPatll• WOt'lda of two bto1her1, • Loa Angalea pOlica d91ac:1.... and en ambltloua Roman Catholic: prleat. converge dutlng • murder lnveet'91tlon. 'R' 10:0011 HEWS 'AHTMY lllANO A'1 atnbitJous country alng- ., find• hlmMlf ttle 11• 11trac:tlor1 at• MCOnd·rtle cal•, and • dlvorcM 11and110 rec:e!W • 10f1une II w can -"""* • llorror-Dled~c:;> • • • "S (Dollarar• (19111 Warren Bealty, Ooldle Hewn. Two c:u..,,..tt are chaM<I all over Germany IOllowlng a banlt robbery In Hamburg. · I IOUDGOU> HfTCHHIK!R'I GUIDI TO THE GALAXY Sclllerllbertlut 1ev1111 that 1he Mc:Ore"-11 haw bMn bulldlng planet• lor year• and are currenlly cr .. tlng E111h Mark 11. CC)MOYllE * * * "Love Me 0t LNve Me" ( 1965) Doria Dey, J.,,_ Cagney. A mobater m1rr1e1 the llnoet he made l1mou1. but ~ enreged Wllln he can't contrOl her. 1C>'.30. JAOK AHOEMON CONfllOINTIAL • MOVIE * * *in "The Men Who C-To Dinner" (11M21 Monty Woolley, Bette Dev· 11 A ltltty celebrlly llrtnded ~ Of en ac:c:ldenl dedOea to help out .. hll halts' home • eMCMI ***"Al Al S.." (1951) Alec Oulnntn, Irene Browne A ahlp'1 caplaln ""'-8 trorn a dleutroua malady. ----• NOTM~ '°°'9ALl HIGHUGHTa "Air Foroe0 00 VIDIO JUtCDOX I0:41. IATURDAV "'°"1'I l'AGI 11:ooeDeCl)lld8 ... • ooume '°°'9ALl IJCLAva U8C .MCMI • • * * "W*lt Side Sto-ry" (IHI) ....... Wood, Alc:fllrd ..,._. A W. Sidi~, ... '" io... ...... Puwto Nolfl git!, eddlllt ""' 10 ffle tire of -· • MCMI *•in "Mear-i ,_ .. ( tt73) Cllnl hatwood ..... HOlelfodl A Ian F'8llCiloo deMcltM Ir-. --of 191urd*'• or no1ortou1 ~-·~ ~-.. ' (ll)llCMI ..... ": ............ .,.. ...... 1'1115) K.ir Dulle. Olv1e Huller. A,.._.. .,.,,.,. ...... "" ..... ......... ~ ...... •Olll••--(1)- ,llJlll --......... ................ ................ ................ _ r .. ••'..\ .. ,,.. ,., ....... Mulie.i' C llPtl ~ W•• ....,,_, ...... """"* A ._ • .,..-o111 •oeower ,,.,. .,. to '"" ,,. ..... "' ...... Pfotlet by~"~"' .... ,_,.. ... tl:JO·THI~ fllLM ~ Jim d911vera • ~ 10 • 111'98' In Lat ~ Ind llftdt IN NI a PfitOner • Cit MTUN>AY NIGHT LM HCMI DI• lttrymote ~ SQueea• 1:---• * I "Llltle ,_ And Big H•y" ( 1870) RoWt Aedf0td, Mleflael J POI· lard T'wo mot0tc:ycll111 lellve b4l1llnCI • ltrlng of llr«*etl llMr't• at''*',.,,,. lbl~ 1M 'Nell OA ~ --with 0..-l*el•df--' OMCMI "Huttlt" c 19751 lurt Reynoloa, Cllhtrln• Deneuve The retatlonltllp ~a laugh CQC) end a glamotoua call glrl rHChea • c:ri.11 point during the 1n-tieauon of • vouno -·•ileetll. • MOYll * * y, "Alder• Of Ven- ~" C tt53) Richard tor.11. Vlvec:t Unolora • After Illa wlf• ii ""'4'dared, a Pfoepec:tor ...,en. lor Ille killer• and 1eam1 uo with • man who wu robbed of hie •l•I•. (O)MOYll "High 8c:hOCll MemoriM .. (!Ht ) Jamie 011111. Anrletle Ha¥en, ')( (l)MOYll * * "Ooodbya , Emmenuelle" (1977) S)'Ma t(ri.,11. Umb«to O\,llnl. A belullful women'• ...,ch tor IN ultlmall arouc ••.,.,..,_ twinge her to • llarUlng rMlllallon. 'R' .MOYll • • *"' "The Lut Tycoon" ( 1971) Aobef1 DeHlro,. ,,__ Mor •. In th• lfoll~OOd ol th• t830t, one man'• ~ mall• him the friend of atara. IN envy of poww- ""'9Y •x4cutlvw. and the moat aliglble l>ec:Mlor In town. 'PG' 11:418 MOYIE * ** "1'o Sir With Love" 11een Sidney Poui.. Jv6y 0...00. A tllacll roan 1..a-hi• 11uc1en11 more than-wtlat the lelltbooll• haw to otter attar ac:ctpt· Ing a joO In W' E.ut End London IChool 12:00 (!) FROM THE !DfTOA'8 DESK • 12:06 ct) MOVIE , *'~ "Bocly And Soul" (19't) Leon tMac K-. dy. Jayne Kennedy, A young blacil turn• to prizefighting to ralM Ille mor>ey he need• lor midi· Cll ac:hool. 'R' 12;30 9 NAME M-THI GAM1 A reporter ln••tlgat• cillfgel that I district e11orney about to be IC)POlnted 10 • fUdOMlllCI la unfl'l for omc:e. (!)MOVIE * * "Big HOUM U.S.A." ( 19551 BroderlC* Crawford. Ralph • Mealier A - m«ltt FBI lnvolwment when • Y°""O boy la lllO- napped lrom a North Country C8IT1P 1t:40 MOYll * *" "The Formula" ( 1NOI Merion Brando, George c. Scott. Whlle lnveetl09llng Iha lnUfcler of • oollNgue, • veteran cop unco"*'• a conec>lracy lnvoMng the IUPC)feuion of • •theelc: 1uel tormule by.,, ol cat'lal .,.. 1:00 D EVBMG AT THE IMPftOV GIUT M-~ INCW.. Host: Helen Reddy. G~ta: Halt Sedaka: Glen Campbell: Laa.n.: Etec:trtc Light OrchHtre: Joan e.z: Jenlt len; Minnie Rlperton: Freddy Fender; &nll, Wind & Fire. .NIWI QIMOYll ..... "Ben" (1972) Lee Hercourl Monlgomery, Joeeph Campenalla A boy befriends en lrltalllgent rat. harboring him from the police (Q)MOYIE * "THn•g• Tremp" ( 1973) Allefla Fontaine. JoM Oarnet A ._. glfi II led Into • • Of drup and Pfoatltutlon .,.. (Z)MOYll *•in "The Heuntlng Of Julia" C 1977) Mia F9"17W, Kalr Dullea. After -· Ing lrom en emotional c:n- ala. a -purdl-. • ,_ "'*' ..,.,... to be ~.·R' 1:0I (I) MCMI . " * * "Ohosl Story'' (lN1) Fred -"'*"-· Jofwl HOUMm•n. MyateflOUI dMtM t>egln to dlollMte Ille ranlta of I Mflll c:1rc1e of aldef1Y men wtlo IMre both • montlll)' ltorytellng oet·tooMMr _, • so. yeer-old -.I. 'R' 1:10e MCM1 *•'A "Kone Coal!" (IHI) Rlchetd looM, Ver1Mllel.A~-. .,. dill of. *Ma!Dlr.doee and the ,,..,. wtlo ..... her the dr\111 _. ..... to .,., tougfl, MlgOlng ..... . • MCMI * *'A "Ww Of TN Wld- CIMI" 1'9al JolWI ..,._, ...,,,.. 9-t. A PN"Y ldlooltWflel ~ """' • --'°"" tor ..... illOotl ~ ...... of romanllc rlHlr~ "'-,_ Oltllllo!,Yll Oii """· .MOVll .. • • ..-.um OI TM er.. '°"" 11111) INol L.•. Clllldl Norrie. A ,..,... -- -~~ ... t =r.m ... ~.-:.:.11 ......... "'°" .... t1411 AIO-.. lltlCMI .." .................. .. ..... ,.,., ..... .... IM.T.., ........ A_.. ............... ............. _ ....... ........ ... _ • t ClASSIFllD StthJrdfty, NovttmlJur ?O . 198' ~!!~ .. ~·.!!J~'-'!.!.~~ ,! ... ~ .. 1!.!!.f~~!!.!.~!f 9!!!~~.~!~1~! .... !.~!f '':!!:::, .. ,,l ,,., ~~!!.~.!.'.';,~ ... .!.~ .. ~!.'l..Vf!!~~ •••• !.'.!f Str-'Ohl M nonlmllr 10 lhr Reep 1mm11e to 1h1 lge OFFICE SPACE lor lelM, •••"'A°l"ie••••• •••••••• 111111 :,91111,, malll. v t: H.1---------- 2 br, 2 t>I E/Slde CM •Pl 0-IOOkl(\g Laguna lull tervice IHH 13 OO L1und11m11 101 Hie tn-''' 1l 0 r or rnlo c111 BEAUTY IPI. 1260 + u1111 Dy.-8 ch 1275 ulll Inc; I* l.Q 11 Nr Jlml>Ot"' cludu rlull & ~'lid 1>311 0203 " 942.54411, •vs 642•5620 497·43 t3 MacArthur In Newport 18000 H•lt>O• & Adlri••· -F 30 BHch 7 14·553·8255, fuuno r.,,, ouooy 10· p ffp I I Fom 1111 new X·lrg aondo, Ml ovet • non-:mkr Ilk tor P111y C M 640·11754 oroa ~mo1 Sh1phercJ rtl Ill I t• So Cat PJa11 All am-prel l o 1h1 3 B NB --type. gold wtt>li\ n1ua1t men. (7 t4) 557-4329, condo·w 1ndy, 631•3gso le4tr• 1/G lfflH Llllll i••• 8J1,~t>o~-,:1 n0r,.M~r1tl-h•ur_ Lookl'hg to aero 10 out (t1~r ~0700 "~ 10( MlF lo ahr 3 bl hM, N,B , H.IJHTIH(tt()H eeAOH 4 -----.... .... •• • ~. • l&&U. 1 UJlllltoi.ed ----Merit ---b-rrlo b c ' • ' 11~..W tielel\~ .. Vatu••I•.-~. ffl•-... ~,. WU•J.l&l..Atl"1 A1~t111d Fem 10 lhr 2 br condo W/2 S250tmo 1146-6334 • 11 avail 11 50c, lnclud.. bli•ht<t_ butlne" In gr•" fl I .. f Hf Ol.ieltlle, 200 M'ewport 1111111111 536·'7604 IO<I In truly ou1111ndln11 •• ,..., I · -#~' Center Or N 8 · girts. Own tm $200 + ulll Fem ""7mmtu wanted, 4 are• ol major devtlop· niee• •••••••••••••• --------- Pool/fee. 775;8t48eve bdrmhouHnrOCC Lisa 2 158 Newport 8 1. CM, m-I Sacrifice 81 1300. 356 Ideal 1 a r 1ce1n 11 '"'' UIU I Yllll'I Boll Repairman, UP•· • Lge 4Br lurn hOUM, excl. 548-172 t. 662· 1 I . n 7u20' 0111 '" w 000 incl Inv AllO 2·~ PHOTO MOD.LS r1tnce Ill lleclronlCI HB N.B. harbor 1re1 Non· lt•llll w••t-~ i•• O c. Laa • acr .. comm'! RE e11111 "' a r e• a 4 8 . 4 4 9 7 , amoller S250tmo & ulll •••••••••":°~ •• !!' •••• ~~. OFFICE & DESK SPACE 1750,000 Ownttt fin Box oE~g~~~SIDAt.l~:=~S 2 t3·592-4492 Cell Henry 11 f45·1955 Quiell~llure /Arlli t ic 1n Downtown L1gun1 887. Big Bear Lek•, CA .alt.O•Ol ••••in + F•U Shi belut NB lurn 2BR needs ren111 rt1soo1ble "above World S1vlng1 92316 t -8116--3301 ---iilililliiii•iil•-ml - apt w~eture quiet empl . 640·5172 bel 8em or all overtoolllrig m1ln bitch Ownet/8tu OOPllTll F over 5 WIO pool $325 9pm • Ans Sefll. Recept & CoPY * * * (xper'd, rellable Farrell "uu 642-6492 Rm or t>1chelore11e tor macn. 497-1744 "'"''•••I lfllRfil Parlor Const 64~97~ Rmmte wtd. MIF lo 1111 work retrell. St50 mo l•li•lll l1•t•I ffH f'.lr.fl••l!l, 1111 0...,. 24 .. ,, 8 day Ol9arl•"•'1 lffttrl beaut ... 3 br twnhOtn• In or leu .• 73 t-5 157 or ••••••••••••••••••••••. ••• ••••••• •••••••• .,_.. ,, NB on the Bay Blk to 631 ·3537 llO •• n . I I Mini Blind cleaning 11r, 7'daya 1 week State lic:'d & b20ondod -. • • • ·vie• & equ1p'1 S t200 Jacuzzi. Sauna Locals agenc~ Must be • OWf\ bell S330/mo 675-2529 C.r••fl l•t lt•I f3S 1200 SQ fl · HOO/mo Mus\ sell due 10 other as well as Tourists trans 2 yrs coll11g1 or MIF N-Smkr shr beaut ••••'••••••••••••••••• 328 No Newport Blvd bu11ne11 Interest C111 B1n1tAm1t1c:ard, Amer• relaled ••Pr req e 111 Balboa Penn house Dana Pt single storage, 720-1665 Paul 645-86t6 1c~n Eapres.. Diners All 645-3746 $22() + II 675 508 secured. street entrance. -elco 714/645 3~"'3 -mo u1 • 1 34097 Graneda 160 RetaJI store al 2850 ,..,on, Play zero ·92 & '83 Income w me • ...., Ch1ldcate m my home 3 C.M n-2 t>r. 2'h ba.fllfn 673-3313 493-0803 1665 sq 11 plus 8 car 11aes 1eg111y, get relul\dl .!_J t2 Hlirbor Bl CM school age children 3 condo, M/F nonsml\rl 2 ' • garage 64t·8777. for '79, '110, '81 ru .. COEOS . Would love 10 hrlda11y, $2/llr, 5 days tar ger, lge yard Pets Ollitl ••t•I ff Bootn renllls, ve'ry reeso-St00,000 wrile oll, St. party wtyou .Call "-'e or Own Trans Cal] aflec. welcome Av111 1mm •••••••••••••••••••••• nable Mission Viejo 000 down 400% return Kathy anytime (2 13) 5.30. 979-905 t 63t·5352. 52S..436t *llLHl IFflOH• 937.4997 wrnly Hurry! 638·9 t11 6 3 4 • 4 5 7 1 , ( 7 t 4 I Chlldoare. Grandma'• t MO. FREE RENT • , I --·•••s 527· 7 t86 "'elpe ltnled to help M/F roommate share new t room 10 2800 sq II c ••• ,,r;.1 .. ,1. • -· -· -----II r w C d M h o u s e • n o n • F $ t 6 1 A 1 •• ••• •••••••••••••••• Womer1 6 men. relaK with grandma c11e 101 hat 2 rom . I a aq t. ,.,d l1•l•l1 441S RUL llTITI L•••1 a massage. ~ng grandchildren . PIT• smol\er. near. stable Alrporter Inn & Frwys •••••••••••••••••••••• -I arlable Hrs 0 p Area employed peraen $280 Coll AM 8l3-3223 111. 2nd1, 3rdt, 4th• cat 497-57 t8 · ,., 10 $290/mo. all 6 :30 IOlllL PllPEln Ot•l•••lll 831-6266 or 493-2637 ( "d .1 640 5 80 1617 Westcllll, N.B 256 Custom Fantasy Phone w., y.., • 1 10 4000 sq. 11. 111: floor. • fll LUii II TtulH I LtH ht'• Corwersallon with Barbel Pool/Jae 4 br home, SC Agent 541.5032 fDllTAll VALLEY FOUNTAIN VALLEY MC/VISA 24 n1s Plaza. M 2 t -35. Sir. 964-911 t Call 638-0701 nsmkr, $250 64 t-3523 Airport area • Exec. Sul-Olllce Building or SIO· EXOTIC O"NCERS Its From 225 450 sq 11 rage 15,880 sq II. XLNT RE LOANS. 191·3rd , "" 2 bdrm. 2 be, View apt Promontory Point. $380. Female, 25·3~ years old Cati Ans-1 ad No 533, 642-4300 24 hrs SI per sq. 11 Many xt;as: corner'tocation, parl\lng 90%, comm'f, constr BachelortBache1ore11e Coll,557-7010 Lease all or part Annu11 F.ast funding 1143· 1645 party enter111nmen1 400·900 ~I.US 1400 fQ. 11 Penthouse Baytront Sui- te. p1rf\at1racli11e rustic upstelrs setting. We wpply deSk. spice. co- pier You supply phone, & .$95 pr mo pr desk Cell lease wltfl option 10 re-738-8538 558-8538 n-50¢ sq II Fountain leur t11•ftrhta11 Valley School 01str1c1 O• sooner Now Is the Naomi Wieland, (7 t4) lime to act While loans 842-6651 are avail We lin1noe 111. 50'1sh lady wants to shr _ Hs M/F S275 NB t child $475 non -smkr 640-0394 2nd. 31d TO'a ZENITH FUNDING Art 857-1422 Fem roommate 10 share 2 644·721 t ••=H, f1a1I bdrm 1p1 in Coron• del ---IUITlf---,-L---i Olllce/Work·S l orage, I llJS Wanted 600-900 sq II tor olc & assembly of bikes 548-2384. 642-5114 evs Mar $250 mo 673-5296 436"r E 17th. C M $450 •••••••••••••••••••••• Rellat>le hsemlle 10 sht llWPllT lfml mo 646-2559 AM or PM I.I. UTTI.11 Wtlh use of reception. ...... ... O. I •llTIHIClllft T'• 11111 111n Models. dancers, escorts 669·8913. open 24 hrs SPIRITUAL READINGS Advice In all matters, love. ma,,lage & 1>us1- ness Also counseling t8 t 5 So El Camino Real. San Clem 492-7296 ocean tront dplx apt cont room. kltch. phone, /alat1i•I -·• ' "' w11n w orking mom & secretarial & word pro-•••l•I fSOO Specializing In 111 & 2nd flMOtJS CIRCUS teenage son $400 mo c•ssing Mail & message ·TO's since t949 " 650-1105 serv IVlll separ11ety II s7so·~;·r11o""1;"j~d~: Robt 61111411 NH/CM R E Broker eo Rea110ts Maxi'mus Share 2 br. 2 ba 11ouse, desired Can Judy. str1a1 • Olltce 18t0 t Re· 642•2171 545•061t Lido Isle. bey vi-. shp 7 141760-0100 dondo Clrc!e. P & T Massage Parlor Gor· Incl. $450 675-3321 HIOmYI lllTll Huntington. Beach. WIDOW HAS 1S$ lor TD't geous girls 10 serve you 842·2834. RE Loins, tOK Up No Open from tO AM unltl 4 Shr w/Nwpl execu11111, Full seryice Keep your St d 1 ed Credit Check. No Pen-AM 7 days a week Free beautiful oceanlron1 overflead low & proles-orage yar • enc · nr ally ........ nnf·~" & 6 ·aoc $ Harbor .nd Bak., 50 X ...,. ~· ,.... bullet 719 No. Hart>or h ome. 550/mo, 111 & sional Image high. Pre· 673-7311 IHI. Call 631-8056. allgloe. 14. 63 1•3651 150 11. $225 mo. Lerger ----------• Bl¥d. Fullerton area also avail, H~ lllOlllT '114·110·1112 <;1erlca1 . IY ITICI Hillllll llllH FIRI needs experienced t>ack ollice employee Mus1 have typing speed of 50·60 wpm Early no.irs & good t>eneflts N B Coll 644-5570 (Pat) h Computer PlllWllEll E1tper1enc1d m DEC/ OIBOL MuSI be know- ledgeable m RSTS/E, I RSX or RT -11 Fullume posi1tons Salary com· mensurate with expe· rience Apply in person Ca1ttorn1a Systems As· soc1a1es. 2845 M eu Verde Or E , Colla Mesa Sl6:gn5 c •• ,..., Pru11•••r Experienced wTth perso· nal computers & perl· pherals tor tutoring on Apple 11 System Possible employment H prog- rammer & consullent In luture 979-0440 PllMOITllY PlllT DELUXE SUITE 549-8181, 720-1444 S50.000 3rd TO. Prime ALL MAJOR CREDIT Furn. luxury 2 br, 2 be, 2500 sq, II. near Hoag Ocean front properly CARDS ACCEPTED OMIT. llOllllO catfledral celling, lrplc, Wlftr frtlf .... Hosp separate ollice & 975.1170 eves, wknds T·BERRY'S w/tools. Exper In wel- sundeck. all amenities. 11.501,q 11 Leese restroom. s9oot mo. 966..6545 de. Go-go girls (to Ql>I d ing and lat>rlcaHng W iit shr w /prol. M 642-4644, M-F. 9.5 Aulomotlve ok Bkr 660-8914 req d 646-0S68, 8 AM · 673·3887 all 6 •er night lee. $500 mo 10 64s.6266 IO~ 11.-.T 4 PM mo or lse 552-7730 eves ____ .....:.... __ , SS0,000 4th TO. •High lnt 49 PARK ·vENUE c11m1 p1•111 Room In CM S225t.mo plus $50 ulll 641-4913 2400 sq fl. 1720/mo 17th Short term Prime New· " " Tired of crOW<led lr-1y & Placentia, Costa Mese po r I 8e1 ch re n 111 i•-IJI Experenc:ed or will train commutes North'> Would 646-1164 675-1170 -Full and part llme Responsible. neat, MIF. to you like an ollice II Ille -2-400--9-q-l_t_i-no_u_s_rr-la_l_u_n_l_t, lH-1111 499· 1985 30848 South 1h111 111119 2 bd Apt In beach 11111 your family with 900 sq 11 Aa .. una•fl/ I• lln .. ,-~...... Co111 Hwy SDuth L•· Baywood ComplH N B • could use on week-end• •-----•-/ ------· QU'1• Need Bdrm furn onlv. u • vi.c:.tlon unit? For 2400 n ,., .... 1 ........ ~1 '"---.... CPA llt 11 1 $3~/mo. l nei ulll1• leHlrtg Information call ~ """'1 ·--" '-1 f f•au -• r• m as opening Or 1141-4055. Gary The C1plst11no Suri with 1500 sq It ••••••••••••••••••••• 145-3646 a luH charge bllllP• Mull Center 661·6292 or Unnrad--' off"'-AaaH~nll Siii Lid" 28 attr desires be experienced Mulhple Female 10 share large condo. 3 blocks 10 t>each $2SO t mo 960·9ll05 83 50a ..,, ""' ........ • 1 client responllbllllles l · 4 will combine y;;·~;;;j~~;·,~·c·:,• ,~; POS•llon 15 housekeeper. S a 1 a r y open C 111 l1ttlle•t LM ..... Prime lnt•rsecllon ot 2 Rooms avail for quiel MacArthur end J1mbo- ma 1ure person F1o m ree SI per sq It. Sub· S 1 7 5 . & p 1 r 1 u 111 leese available 1120 or 556· 724 7 t 200 sq 11 lor 1 year can Sandy 213-820-8857 7 141751 -4760 Pnncipals only modtllng & tct1'1g Cl· compen1on. o~ driver. 641-0125 reers Mt F. any •gt, 90l2an62~a, Box 11 50' c M CPA lttm has need lor race Hollywood Mgmt ----------1 (213) 792-8212 TREAT YOURSELF TO A uperienced •1111 IC· counlant on a per diem ,••n pt• ··-refilling massage In ltle 1>u1s Data processing -... polvacy ol your homa. experience 1mpor Cell Coc:ktall. crul1t1, wed· olllee or boat Send one 641-o 125 • -( .. Looking for a ca·reer in stiles~ See today •s Help Wanted ads , classification 7100. ·: 1!!!1..'!l!~'l. ••.• !.'.!f ~·!1..'!!!'!l. •••• !!.ff ~/}!!!'.~~ •..•• }.~!. !!~.!,Jf1 ...... l!!f ColCl •pot A1lr1g 026. f r" 10 OOoO hOtne wllfl wn11lpoo1 ,.,,.11 Utt! ~•rd ~llOl\lt .. y 111e eu Kenmore .,, .. ht1 195 , .. , 09"1i.e1 g1e111111. F'11g1dalre elac: drytt wall mennet1d mo Old Mtd•c•I a111 front and back lyp1110 !KOS. VtnlpUt1'1Utt, 114&· 1720 Mld1ca1 AHi 1r1 & Ok ore P/l tor b1411y 0 P 3 vr• ll~Ptf 548 93 10 Modtlt Hottywocro "•'•'"''' 00fftf)eft,.. IC1f MCIW IH fl/ Comme,c111a U11ckoround or non· 1peak111g only) is MMllll11g mo<l&I typee & olhert tor commftrC:1a11 1uah •• Fashion wear, Cosm111c, H111111 Club Advert!· 1men11 Spec111 n..O tor PHuly Contu t lypH NO e11pe11ence nee••· •&ty, snapahot required on 1nterv1ew By appl (213) 464-7514 NEED EXTRA MONEY? Work 11 nome or PIT. soldering, 1111 & crsllt, Call (7141 549-7932 OfFIOI IUlllH Variety of dullH 1nclu· ding bookkeeping pay- roll, MP, AI R, phones, IVPlng & misc Nwpl B<:h othce 675-6J 10 Piil •TllL 11011 Leading Local Pest Con- Wen"~ goOd peoote 10 160 5411 8672 81J11 11gtr S oan1111 1.1b 1e1 up &Pf>OitHMeflte -• mtx L 011 e1 people lrom'our Newport 8eldt •6 cu 11, ~ 01, '''' lr111, 644·6404 onice m •lie even•no for l.-lSM•l.aa'-4r1iO.:IRlatlrlge"to1 1100 O!.Q .£...1'1.Q!.I~ Sheep.~ 6 ~ lnft'• -"""' 10010,-AlCC. fem1I•. •Ion ~~:u~ nrt:11tw1re Sood Slat need• fOYlng-l!oma 813-67•0 111•r t PM ~':!,~r=~"=' _4A_8·5.., CTS7 TILIPlllll llLll 1148-8773 ... "Ill" •IHI - S1udenti, HousewlVH, Relrlg Sea11 Col~1po1. s weet, 1011lng Cottle & Ser1101 C111ren1 We will copper. lro1lfrff, S160 Sh•Phlfd ml• adult ft· train Guar•nteed Hourly See Set 9-3 11 409 De· male need• gqod home. wage Al)ply In peraon at Sota TeHace. Coron• dtl Moving • can't take hit 2925 College Ave Sulla Mar ~ p ..... call 842.0100 °' A ·3 . C M · or c;~I Near new M 1crow1ve & ·"~4~·1101133il2~~~~~~ 754-7332 O E Oven bllln S700, =-- Typ111, General oiiiCe Call 675·4009 7 mo old m• Gota.n Lit> . nPIST G E 01shwHher, nr new m1• Ot>edMtnCe trained llllUL lfflll Almond eolo1 1250 ~8211() __ Need sell mollvaled, 675-4009 Collie Mt• 3 yra Old. mid consc1en11ous perso(\, SCOTMAN Ice M•ller u , spayed all ll\011 Sl, Good benefits Grell sso. 1751 Plue del Sur, gen11e 549-9676 atmosphere Newport Bal Penin 67S·4009 hr ilan IHI Beach 851,;_962-5---' SEARS Tr11h Masher •••••••••••••••••••••• WlllHlll PHlllHt avelllble f rom $6· $ t I/ht In our publ KING lee, 537-2880 S75 Good cond 1151 **'BUY** Plan del Sur , Bal 675·4009 • Good used Furniture & Washer & dryer Set Hotpolnt. almond color. $350 pr 83 I · 1241 Appli1ncea-OR I will NII or SELL ror You 1101 Company needs llflti••lilf Route Ttchn1cl1n tor •••••••••••••••••••••• ~I relng, Wiii. t 1.11 ll&ITlll lllTlll 1.t1-1111 1aa-112i steady job Entry level Aali•IH . llOS c I , llke new ;. · $125 497;5095 ·I llY fUllTlll Les 957-11133 pos11ton We train. No ••••'••••••••••••••••• eaper neoenary, Call C harley, M on, 9··12, 979·6021 WESTMINSTER ABBEY ANTIQUE MALL 11,,11 Ct•'!''I W11lt E;;'r1y ~mene<an Sot,. tr earthtones. $85. I 1751 Westminster A111. St25 5•8-2335 631-1762 PllllUCY GARDEN GROVE DRUG STORE CLERK: 554-6103 lltrt:lfl , 10 M edlterr1nean couch ••• ,.-......... •••••••• (Thomasville), hardwood E•pr Q•el 40 hrs, SS SO -~~~~~~~~ hr to start Laguna Hills Antique sohd Oall Lamp Mane 768-3784 Tat>le $29. "matching 11" llRLI 1111 construction Gd cond. $15-631-1762 Mull He $75 John ---wkndsteve 7.20· t6S-f wti P /Tiii l&LEI Supplement your Income by doing 1n1ere1tlng tele{>hone salM work on blhall of nauonal com· pan11s Frid1y Alter· noons & Weekends. $4/hr guar + tucrahve bonus 1ncen11ve prog- rams Sales Eltpe1 Pref. t>ut will !rain the right person For 1n1er111ew, Cell Mr Patterson at 545'5778 pieces ava1lat>le . 840-7051 ~ ....... 1111. Mongoose Suite. Goose davs 833-.2650 Cnromemoly F1•me All -----------Alloy Paris GOOd Cond New dtlUH IOldtrtg chair•. $ 180 Firm 642-5107 P1dded btck & Miii, 4 lor S60 552·3075 Holiday show today 1hru N ov 2 t Huntington Center Mall. 405 Frwy & Beach Bl., H.B N-mens 10 spd Colum----------bia b1lle Rag s 180 Mii Almost new Lane Sola $ 1 2 O 6 4 5. 3 1 1 o 0 , Tibia Persons style, rt· 642-0460 1111 $350. only $95. lllTMllll ••• 840-7051 -·.. Girl's Rea tO speed 1>1ke. ---------1 l&LI $50 QUEEN HEADBOARD ASSISTANCE LEAGUE 548-4903. 645-0272 Padded yellow/gold $llO E Po E evs/wknd 548-6737 NBAWLL ·RROTO.~ J .......... 1 .. Ii .. ,., ,., Dini ng ta t>le. cull om T107°7AMEJOREE AO-3-9pd, •IM cond. $190 t>l1cll & go(d, ext s:;-, -~ NB 642·46111 or 631·5785 $300 Evs /wknd IUL llTITI UUI A Soll~ 11121. '~-;~~· o l1i1'i•1 549.5131 ' Well located Penln1ule 2 t3•433_4100 #•l11i•l1 llZ Custom 7' sole. velour office, hes open desk for ·:-------,-----1 •••••••••••••••••••••• leopard &. te._k. $375 lie d aggressive selea Persian' Rug, Evs/wknd 546-6737 and rental Pl£SOn Gen-S300 OBO llW Ht/ S.· Ft. e1ous commission tche-549-8457 R· 19 fiberglass blanket d u I e P I a y a R . E Antique Secretary. beve-1nsu1allon. Cell Rick • 673-IOOO led mirror. $675. 1612 llO·IHI ake your snopp1ng ... sler t>y using the Daily Pilot ClassllHtd AOS. Iowa 957-1165 "Ask about Gas Co $302 --------- Receptionist. llg~I Cieri· ----------• Rebate" c•t Responalbllllles. Eno tables. chairs, coffee ~~~~~~~~~~ Worf\ In aurecllve sur· tables. statues. bflu round1ngs. 641-1584 t>ed. Hammond organ. C•a11•1 I pictures. misc . .Prtental L•i-••I 113 llOlmlllST rugs. all sizes. Vases ··~·"""•••••••••••• Good phone per1on1lny. llallan, French & Orient· Cannon 35mm SLR eq. Lite typing, 111 employee al Armolres, nutches. Lenses. Wiers, caM etc t>enelils Newport Cent· t>uflet Furniture style 1100·$250 646·2374 el •... 101 Ron Ja-·on d isplay c•s•s Much 64·4·Q•2 EOE ...... more See Sat only II ltt11lll "'" o ... ,. 1701 Pomon• All, c M • W/IYtrythlng incl Carion RECEPTlONIST·TYPIST • or call 631-0671. zoom, HOO 975-9275 for law firm 8 30 to 1·30 Cell J1yne 640..0800 A••'i••nt Ill Elmo super 8 moll\e ca-... ,.................... more, -zoom tent, 911 tlec: Reitaurant Help Needed HARBOR AkEA auto, w/c11e Ilk• new Cook .. Wiii ·e-son" APPLIANCE SERVICE $95. 6411-7909 •11er 2pm Bus person .. Ex· We Mii recond • guar Ek1ll1e und1rw111r nou-p1r11nced people prer app111nces 549-3077 ....... & lele-""oto lent for XLNT worl\1ng environ--'V ,...., men 1 1 n B 1 1 b o 1 I Ill &PPUAml Cannon A· 1 Complete 1175-7829 Les 957-8133 $350 Gerl 548-4903 645-0272 lllTlllAIT WaSher·Oryer S 125 ee Going Into Business? Ae r..,nd br lew, new bueln••••• uelnt • "cllUoue Buelft ... NeMe llMlel ,., .... , ..... .. ... ........ Counlr ClertL Celt Ille DAILY "LOT LEGAL DeP~NT tor fonM end furtller lnfonnllllon. loQ-.Q21 E.11. m Roommate needed tor 3 Br house. jtcuu l llNI 1&111111 $300/mo Exec Suites Incl. recept., 642-6096 sec'y serva, conl. rm .• Beaut., very lrg OC8ll\ vu kit • mall handlg. Ru- ponslve to your business I • /'-, / home, Leg B<:h P1ol. to needs Adi 405 Fwy. In •11.•111 unit; ding~. any tOClat event• to a lrtend 63 t-3209 ---------Full/time experienced wa11ren tw111er• & bu• Full 11~. lront & bec:k per•ons Apply The expeflenc;e, REA. X·Rly BeecflhOUM. 619 Sleepy Loe: req Selery· open Hollow Lene. L1gun1 Some Saturd1ys, bene-Beac:h Wiii coordlnlle 111 Hr· \llcel 64 2 .0994 ' Hll&L lllllTUIT l11s. Newpot1 Beach aree ---------6 4 2 • 6 8 8 O A 11 5 • Room & board In lat>ulous Otshwasher $100 Elmo 8mm sound proj , Relrig $200 646-58411 Senllyo c1rnera, editor. screen $575 648-1464 1111 ITIYI HI, Canon AE1 wllen111 & 111 557-9752 aft 6PM acces lncld Never uMd __ R_E_F_R-IG_E_R_A_T_O_R __ • c • s e I n c I $ 5 7 5 Frost tree. 2 dr. $165 979-2516 * shr $350 Incl. utll 111. F.V lndiv. oles . Mo/mo. F1•••tl • laaL & sec.. tt94• l2.94 from 1325 963·8"'45 •••••••••••••••""'••!•• LIYI AT Tll IUOI -------rlad•n• ::,'Tsf"111~~!~=~o .. ~ ~~: ~·Ft~ ,;!•!o ... '!.fr.!!~~!!f •.. !.~! teenager. 1285. ulll pd 328 No. Newport Blvd. IAPPllllll 11 Own bath 675-9t42 111 720·1~ 1 •tw llFter tllit II _s_. ________ Retell & olllct space prollteble, exciting 1nd Fem non-smkr 10 shr 1vall1ble. 17111 St, Cos1a tun!lll Glw yourMll thlt Balboa Penln 3 Br 2be. Mesi from 1250 a.I. to gift. Part time or full $ 2 2 5 / m o & u 1 11 400 1.I. 645-3477 l ime. Smell cap1111 In· 673-5174 IEWPllT OllTDI vestment aelllng 1 unique )(ln.l lio~eanmg Ser ROOMMATE WANTED Full StrY1Ce Sullft personaliZld CUiiom de-lltC8 • NB/CM Rell1bte lmmed. 117 Abelone. II'" -m SI signed hne ol tugg1ge. fNU\ ans Refs on request Balbo1 Island 1173-8377 -hind bags and eccesso-UUl1ll "" 642-5470 $650.. Furntshed ries. The Income it unll- bdrm 1ownh0me In Irvine monthly lee! more into Neel• Ournn. good references Al1er- nr San Diego Fwy Bdrm 640-5470 car.1om1a L71fage Uni•· noon or reltel 548-~514 6"'2·6187:-f!vin/WllndS" ti.Net\ llonwl In 111cll 847-8032 for Ille f!Sllp'g & some Dental cnlld c:are, 675-1273 Eitpeflenoed RO A, nee-s;lesirer"'iiii for Major d~d f or Orthodontic Dept Store CllriSlmas pracltc:e In Mission Viejo help Set & comm Lill Area 830-3703 213-652·73 40 DOMES T IC, N inny/ Sales llsel<pr, Eng sptcng 4 yr TY llWllE old boy Smell home, exciting cflild Hign qu•· IEEDS ltlocallons Big C1nyon F/11~. ltw 1n 760-9180 lllYlllPnltlHI av11l1bte to S 17 50/llr In our publ For '" Info, call 537 ·2880 KING Rmmte wanted 10 lhr 3 All you need lor one mlled Call soon for ARE FREE I Compenlonl Alde Very wt seml-pvt bath. $300 1-1-.--"'-1----.. -.. -.-_1-1-1 m11ect. 71417 1·8581 Cal: WANTED PI T secretary. Or master Bdrm w/pvt •n ••-• • --1-.-•• -...,----1--• housekeeper, lld• or ~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiij 1>a1h. $400 Nonamlu . 940 sq 11 11 ~ per 11. -••-.. MJ·llll wt111...,., Exper'd meny i p r 0 1 p r e I H 0 me Incl ulil 9 10 24 mo IM at II b1clo. & 1>1t1er than ·---------freldt 842· t 207 Prolesslonal eover11s1rig saletpereon Eern tAtr• mely l1rge commlstlon, wor111ng In a PfOlecled letrHory wrlhln Orange County Sell Display Ad· verllslng lor TV Meg1· zone, the nat1on·1 largest ~· WMl!ty publication Benefit program provt. d1d Some p1rt-llm• 1vaoleble For lf)tervlewt. oall (7 t4) 1159.e 140 551 -36 4 6 . w or k samerllt ever, have perfect ---------~• 833-8343 8 4 1 • 3 2 1 2 d • 'Is • sv-tem (goes good ecq-Loll 11~ brown rabbit, ••I• WulH 11 963 t983 Ev nomy or b•d economy) 11 9 "'--h •••W°•••••••••••••••••• Neat & rnpon&lble female • / l•ngton --. •-1m••••• , mullt:.mllhon $ potent1111 c a 1 1 "4 • F d a y s -•• ----roommate 10 snare 3 br. For Leese-Office 3 rms. Need so•;. p•rtner with 213-539-9140 ••t 203 2 Y" up . 1gency or 2 b1 CdM apt. $260 mo. 1200 sq It Good tr1ttic $ t00,000. Tile Um• 11 comp1ny Payable• &. & I utll. 673-4053. good sign & exposure r1gn1111 859·5955 Found Young Mate Ger· recelv1bte1 Xtnt bene- 111423 Beech Blvd, H.B.1--"---------1 min Shep VIC Herbor/ Ills J1mn lnwrence. Ir· Call 7711-8803 MacAr1hur 894-0809 v 1 n e c e 11 M au r 1 n e . OFFICE REllTS 99• When was the last time you saw office rents at 99' per square foot? • Airport Location • On Site Management ltll ... 752..()990 (EOE) w/ garn11 Mltlno Lost Arlltt Newport C1melb1c11 UYDUT llTIST PllT·Till . , . .,.,.,, POii Ollie• Nov 17111 REVIARO 553·8191. 1144-4835 Found Lge M puppy, Great Dene & Bour, brownish SA Hgll 979-1478 Oltrtat. .. "" 5 hours dilly. Monday thru Friday. Alternoons ptelerred Experience neceaeary Sllrt Imme· dl1tety Cell Personnel e.tt-432 • !xt m •m11aa1 Newport B11ch Public Library needs tni><>nsl· ble mature peraon with 1 good drt111ng rec:otd as driver/clerk M ust t>t available dally 8 to 12 noon. t9 hrs per wMtl $5 6018 per IH Call 640-2 I 19/C1ppy Lt· brary Admlnlstretlon 858 San Clemente Or. New· gort B<:h. General. OUlce Brlglll person for dlvtrallled worll. M cGregor Y1cn1 Corp 1$31 P11cent11, CM ...... llllPllY f/T ltnmedllte Full Time S.. cretary needed Typtrig, Radio Shack Computer and basic 1klll• Salary open t o 111perlenc1 714·998-9090 Ask for Mellesa 1111n111 u •. S1cretar111 position In 1ctl11e Newport Cent1r Re1llor'1 olllee. Front ollice po111ton requlr .. good telephone vol~•. lyplrig, shorthand & ap- peer ance Real e11111 uperlenet nelpful l>ut not euenttel Pttf., local reald1nl For Interview call Mrt OUN 893·9060 "' --------~---------·' . . =~~, Frigidaire relrlg. 2 Or .. toP _Tllm freezer Oreat cond . _.r_ C). s 2 5 o or be st o fl l\nock1 often when you 546-6648 uae rnull·gelllng Dally · Piiot Ctaullled Ads 10 Relrige1a1or. frost free, reach the Orange Cout ::> ei1celten1 S 185. marllel 548·4485 Phone 1142·5878 ~!t.'}~~ •••••••••• g.{f ~~~~~~~~~~i • I ------·-·---._·-·-·-·-·-' . -. ' l!UBLIC AUCTION Spectacular E s tat e and Contemporary Jewelry Museum Quality Porcelain Bronzes, Crystal, and Paintings Sliver Services. Etc. HYATT ANAHEIM HOTEL 1700 Harbor llvd. S•s Smelly 2 p.111. Ind I p.m. Inspection 1 ._ prior ta '*' Mlsterurd lftd VISA accepted 00 •• • -. Utilities and Janitorial Service lncladed ·· • Office suites ranging from 350 to 2400 square feet 1111•" II Liil Pretty gray ,..,,_ Tiger cat, longltfl tur, Hves on cnr1111ne Dl'IV• 1nelf Benning &. Maonoll•). Hunllnglon BNcft PIM· .. Clll "4--0332 aft e DAlY Pl.OT E.OE Comm'I. Pfopel1)' & cas- u11ty u11 Exp nee , min 2 yrs 1nc:1 typing Xlnt beneflll. Jamee In· surance, Irvine Cell Meurtne, 752-0980 (EOE) .IAllTlll&l ::.:? L ''e4~0 -··-~-·-·-•.•_•_-_._._-_. .. ·---· .. ·-·.•-••_•_•_·--- llO'Y /1111 -==• 'O(l!\\4llt\-~ • One to three year leases ·available Prices effective "ovember 18-23, 1982 4500 Campus Drive • Suite 116 Newport Beach, California (7 14) 979-0084 ,j ¥1 "' 13 1 'i' I ·~T, 1 I ~ .. ~ t~aktiro'' oMce ~~i~/1Monoay-Frtday 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Speclal Hours: Saturday and Sunday November 20 and 21 9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. Full Commission to Brokers • Found. M :'usl. SheP. brn & wf'lf. green eyea. Beck Bay er11 He·Oel7 • Exp'd 7 30 pm-1 t 30 AuP•r for care of 1191 & 2 prn. Mlulon Vteio 11e1 cttildfen Rm/brd·Mllf)'. $4 25/hr 541·3311 tltp«, ret. Matt tnfo to: --9 trecy 7439 Le Palma LIQUOR CLERKS. Nlohll • llO. luen1 P1tll, Ca. 4PM·12, Wed·Sun Mull lnCf ". 11-Celll A41Vl11er ell- Financlel llW9'tmenl firm ,,._ ., caa• a. ,.... ------' '°' 1<1\41tl0fl Per.--' ·~ ~ :: • commu~llons ClePt ._ .. ..., ._ ,.,,... _. 1tc'y Xlnl lyp ' S/H r d Eaec l \ \ • -. ('I 01angt Co111 DAILY PILOT S lurday Novttmbtr 20 1982 \ , THt: •·A~IL'' f laCl'N by 811 Keane W:\ R 'I.\ D t · 1u~: by Brad Anderson ·~ - .. ~ ' "When Marmaduke wants you up, he means it!" \< •IGGEORGE by V1rg1I Partch (VIP) /1-UJ " ... i nd 11hol of V(0.40 for my pal hef9." Dt:~'.\IS THE ME'.\ACE F\1 T NOW, MP. C ONE OF HIS eovs WAITINC, OUTSIOE YOU TO LEAVE THEY CAN PICK YOV V P1 Hank Ketchum ·' " II· 20 ,.i \ ·, ... " J -. • • ·• by Charin M. Schutz ------- SHOE . ~~ . I , ' , , , , ' ., ,. "' ,· ~ "''.·,. ~ ,, • 11-10 ' . ~~ -n /~·\ ~ -____________ _.. ~1· NOV 20 GORDO l \~T ADMIT/ """":, ~ \Aai:-J HU.~a::, ~~ ~A &IZA&i..E ~#ZIT'°' -~~ ABOlJT ~IZ etfATE~DE ~! //-J.O T HAT DOE5N1T AD.D UP--IF THE WEATHER IS J FAIR---v y ~ ~ -THEN 5LU6GO 15 GOING TO TAKE LANA ~ONA ~-PICNIC·· .. t 'l''.\K ,. •INKt;a•t:i\N I WEfllT OOA.lN 1b TH£ ~MEITT~EAO &Ji fEACHIN& lb WHAi I . REAU.t.,> wqm-m oo 1 rrs IN ff'I.) BW0D ... voo SORE CAH1T 801LO A F06 MM ! . ' by Jeff MacNelly · by Ernie Bushm1ller -AND THAT'S NOT FAIR by Tom Bat1uk ~ iO -mJ ~ GET A .l'.>8 ~ ... by Jim. Davis ,~_,_""'7'"""':~ ~II.£ 1 WA~ FIUJN& 00T ffV.) APPUCA110N. r ~EOW -rnE SPEUJN& ON lWO 01l8 PE.OPl..E'.S ~C6 ! ACROSS 51 Crowded t Filctl 57 Water bOdy I le llf!Oll'll to 51 Palled tO Coffin alancl IO An Apostte t4V.... 13TlleGoat 15 Mtlody 85 Ctlampion· t8 Wonllleu lhlp t7 Eatly 88 Weight unit PlfUYlln 67 Geraint'• wife 18 Trlldl 88 Cour1 2' l(lflCI of '*"" 22 Can puw 2J Ellllopll' 1 MlgflOOf 25Puutn 27 Oel«mt 30NC ri. , ' OllllhllM '°"" .. 32 TIWtllO'N 34 ,,..... ,.,,.... .,.._. .. -OOWN - 'Sever 211W1fllt ·~tm 5 Wtlll•llllld bird 8Amty0flllr 7 lnc;lnlf .. I Coi4* 33 lneome f«m 64 fnougll • "" oceupenl 35 [)few ~ 55 lllcll wood A FREEB IE! LET'S ~fT CXRS ! 41 .... aptal 43Qf ....... 4SL....,, IO""""' pert 31 Unplleslnt 5t llMI proctuct '-"'~~~ ...... 47 l(Mf 4'Ur_, IOWelPOM NC... I I L.... 37 lnclMdulfl I I AtmtloM 12 ....... -. 3t Dt••OUt 12 ....,.,, .• 13 Mi* llgl!S 41 -Wllfl fltMr . It Of ~ klltd 14 lenotfl unit '°'* 44 -ArlOll 15 Tie -lot , I by Ferd & Tom Johnson W~,AT f.lAPPENEC> IO TRUTH IN At>V~RTISING ? •· 811110CK • l A GRee , MA. COON6Y, w ives PO w e1"P 1'HINCSS WMl!N 1'H9Y'~ MAP' A"f "f'Hf!IR 'jHU96ANPS ... EUZA5ETH , I AM GOING lb t'<EEP You 1N , . • . .ANOOONT GtVEMe.OE · OF1ftOSE 5 LOOt<&.-- 'jit ~ .... .. IM~NE.. J • .... -. -T - 1 • r .. I Oruugtt Co••I DAil V PILOT /Saturday Novon\b.,, 20. 1982 t 'I .. , ''Quick in signs?'' do yo~ believe MllC NOTICl .. ICTmOUl ..... 11 NAiii lfAT .. NT l he 1otlow1n1 p1110n It doing bulllnetl u I UOGll ~t91A UHA Nl 8UP .. LY, 11701 f1411tn V1ffage Way •JI, Tu111n, CA HllO • Aon1td 0 Cfelg. 1&701 Tutlln Vlllege Wey •JI, Tutllll, CA 92680 Tllll bulll114111 It COl,<fu<;tld by 111 lndlvlduel. Ronald O. Cttl(I Thie tlll&mefll wa1 1111(1 Will\ lhe County Clefk of OtAnot County or NOlr 2, t9H ,.,.. flubll•neo O••no• Cou1 O•lly Piiot, Nov 6, 13, 20. 27, 11u "' • .,. 481z·82 PUBLIC NOTICE r tc:TIT10Ut IUIM ll NAMI ITATl•NT Tl\1 lottowlng per•on It 401no b111lnet1 ... TACO TIO, 78t 1 w.,ri .. Avt , Hunllnglon Beac;ll, Cf. YOON HEE· HWANG, 0 6 S N1w H1mp11\lre, Apt 302, LOI Ang ..... CA 90020. l'hlt butllnHa 11 conduoteo Oy •n indlvldull. Yoon HM HWlllQ Tlllt •t1temenl Wll flied Wllh lht. Coullty Cllfk of Orange County on November 2. 1982. n on• Publl1hed OrangefOISI O•llY Plol. Nov. 6, 13, 20. 2 • 1ee2 . , 4920·62 NILIC ftOTICE MUC NOJICl M flTIOUI MllMll FICT1TIGU91f,..9UTl=I NAiii HATl ... MT lliAMI l f 1o Tiie' loU11w111u ,,.,.o" It ll(lhlQ .., lie IOllOWlllO P•• •Cln I• doing Ille IOltowi"O l*IC>hl ... dOl"O bu .. MQ II butlMM le llutil11 ..... tOYTHl & o\lllOCIAf(8, jltf'QtllQUUT A8 $0C!t'TH, IOUfHfMN CALllO,.NIA :o te:l A1111n 1ng t1 p11ng• l ene, 1Ui We•tCllll Ortve, N1w1>011 WOMfN IN 11\DllrtnlltNO 412 Hum11101on a.eth CA 9211•11 9Ncll, CA tHtO Wetl '011rlh StrHI, l11t1e 201. fdytrre lw1okl11 20 Hl2 S Brue.a "•1tl1un. Oenerel lh1111 An•, Ce1t torn11 t2t01 t•\u\ntng 8p11110• l.•tl41, H1;nli11gto11 P•rtner, 1'13 6 8 tr111100 Ot , Oorol'1H A CtHg111. 2~682 IS.ten CA 926•6 Newport hlC.11, C/. HMO CtM~ 011ve Litgunt Hlllt, Ce111orn11 ' royn\t 1w"kle1 Thi• bulll•IH• " c;ondu<:..0 by .• 9110113 Tttl• ..... ~" Wat llled Wiii\ ..... "rn•l.cl Pllllnfllhlp Nlla114t OHi .. " Witt fourth CounJy Clerk of Orano-.Coun1v 1111 8 8rl.!Ce P1U1aon $lrH1: Sull• 2011. S1n11 An•. Nov 1(1, 199a TIW1 llllWMQI WH flied wllll ll'MI Cllllomla HtOI , .... County Clerk of Of1ri11• County on Tiii• OuttneM II c;onducllO by en Pul>ll•h•CI Or1ri.11• c o••• 0111y Oc;1 21, 1912 un1nciorpo1111e1 Htoetallon othet Piiot. Nov 20. 21. o.c 4, t t, 1N2 ,_ lhar1 • p111n111111p 5134·11 Publltllld Or1nge CoHI 01Jty Oo<olhee A CtMQAn ----------,,......--Pilol, Ocl so. Nov a. t3, 20 1912 Th" •••lemenJ,,Waw llled wnn the ......... MftT.-• •793•12 CO\Jnty Clerk ~1'1Q4"00Ynt., oo '1IDLft. "" n.1; Noveinbel 3, 1912 llUNIC•AL COURT °' PtJBLIC NOTICE n oo• T .. STATI °' CAL•OlllMA ,ICnTIOUI ..... II Publl•h•d Orang• COHI O•rly C .............. -.. ..-P1lol, Nov•6, t3, 20, 27. 1.962 WliT,,UO.CtALi.i'TiiCT NAiil ITATIMINT 492M2 IMt • *' l lteet bu~~:::~1:w'no pereont .. '.~ dolllQ Nil.IC NOTICE WMI........:~=-_, (A) NA T I 0 N ~ L IM~ 0 E F-TITIOUI .... _11 UNLAWFUL DETAINER STATE COORDINATE ENTERPRISE. (81 ... --AUlO CARE SPECIAL 105 e .ae111 ..... ITATllllMT lfAfl!lllNT or u••o11111·n OP Ull Ofl PICTlTIOUI ....... NAiii f11e lot1ow1110 pe110,,• 110• ab11IOOMd Ille "" IJf Ille 1"101!0\I• bulk°'6• nan11 COMl>U I lA OIVlllON o.- Bl!Seo. 39:1 I II Brltlot 81nt• An•. Ca~lornl• 9210• Tiie f tellliOUI BullnH• N•m• 11fer1ed to 1t>ove WH filed tn Otll\Qfl County on Septemt>et 10. 1982 S l•P'l ••l S Sco11 •nd AUOClllllH '500 C•Ml>llt 011ve, 6:?80. New1>9r1 ·e .. cn Cetuornr• 9:ie60 Tnot tl\lllln"t• wet Cbr\OUClld by II corpor•oon. • 81tPOatl 8 ~II ,,,u A .. oc1•t•• M•rl•n W OrHri~g. St<;•tll•y 'til• e111 ... 1e111 w11 tiled .,.r,.., ,.,. County Cter~ ot Orlnot Coull1y on NovFl'lbOf 4, 1182 • • , 1'7171 Publl•h•d Or•noe Co111 Delly Piiot, ~ov G. 13. 20:27. 1982 4881-82 ~1~SINO LAW. 6 01y RHponM Sl!MI, Cotti M•••· CA 92627. • Th• 10110111t11g pereon 11 ctolng CAN NUMUlll 111a DAVID Q CARN~Y, :2~~;r" b1;11i:;-: ~·ENTERPRISES, 1566 PUBLIC NOTICE PLAINTIFF. HARBOVR•PACIFIC, t.ve.:,;~~s·c::A~:k 2~9 Welnul ~ .. v ... d. Drive E. No . .00, Colla I TATlllrteNT °' AIANOO•-NT L T 0 " • c • 111 0, n I• .11 m II • d s• ... _P"'' 8e8dl CA 92663 M .... Cellfornl• 92e26 • OF UM °' ~~:"JoANT· MICHAEi.. J '· WCHAEL E MORIARTY.' 219 John E. Noble, 156S Meta FICTITIOUl llUIMll NAMI TAVBMAN, II\ jndlvldull, WILLIAM ~~'11 Sl., Newport BHch, CA ~~ C~~1~:!n1~' 9~:26 •llO. Coate 1b~:!:o:!::~~':,~/:,rl~~~1~::! c . TAIJBMAN, •(' ln"lvld111t: end Thi• bu•l""9 It condliCled by e Jllltll L. Nooie (NM Phlllrp11. t>utl1'415t name DOES I lhr()UOft 10, lnclutlve. Q41110fll p.,1,..,thl!). 1555 M••• VINd• 01lve E. Cotll ' M. FERGUSON & HAHN. 3000 NOTICll You luiwe bMft eued. Oevld G C1rney ..... Cefllornle 9264'6 W COHI Hlgl\wey. Newport Bffcll. ~ :..:::-..::r::..:: . Thi• 1111emeo1 -~· llled with Ille Tl\19 °"•neu 11 cofldvcled by a, CA 9~::3Flc;llllOU• Bu1tnHI N1me rou ,...... Wtdllll I ctera. ~ ~:~~~";~ ~J8'tang• County 0" "'"!rel ~~~·"~oole re1erred 10 a~oye wH filed In ttle lftfonllettoft Mlow. F2012IO Thia t111emen1 was flied wl1h 1he Orang41 County on Augu11 il5, 111112 . K..... \ If you with to ·~ the ecMc;e of Publllhed Oreng• COHI Oi.lly County Clef~ ot Orange County 'on HENRIE TT A M. FERGUSON, NOTICE OF Dtlac>LUTIOtit.. an •ttorney In 11119 melter. you Piiot Nov 6 13 20. 27 1982 0c;1o1>er 28 1982 • , 30962 Cari111bu1y St., L•oune OF PARTNIJllHIP el\OUld do'° Jl{OOIPllY IO lhal.,YOUr • ' ' . . 4891·82 • F200711 Nill(MI, CA !ne7l'. HA~,.~ POOllCllOtll:Wl ... 1141fli:glven 1111( writfen retporise, lleny, may b• P1il!lllMJLQ.ttnu-cA.. Ul~l,J:!il:! HAre~· t6 VR~W"'S Mt. FRANCIS~FBAtt Illa. w.1.00 11-• PUBL lfol.OCr~ov 6 13 20 19112 _ o~ no)on.tagunilre , Gl.fOLA~X'"'Ul .AHA I A.YJ.,IO-LU1J.J• It• al.Jlo ' ' ' ~"'~ 9285,--S.¥..S~TI--. F-la------t111etW10rotT~~neuunder ifii" de111e11dedo. II trlltu11el pued• FICTITIOUS IUIMIS Hl)!lrlella M Fefgueon --~'"''"'~ flclllous llr(TI rieme end 11y11 of decldlr _,,. Ud. Ml IUdleftole • NAM! ITATl•NT Ml.IC NOTICE lhls statement wa1 llled with lhl CRAZY PIZ2A. at 6915 C11111os -Cl'le Ud. tetpCNlde defttro The I011owl110 persons are doing County Clerk. of Orange County on S'unday, N ovembe r 21 · ARIES (M arch 2 1·April 19): ~phasis on involvement, ad~ed responsibility and realization· tha t in deed a rela tionship is "serious." Focus on desires, speculation and u tilization of powers of p e r suasion. Means you can make your· own w ish es come true. • TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Promotion due, .respons.ibility increases. you gain wider recognition a n d ~pie· expect -more from you. S trive for balance: fitness and keep resolutions con cerning diet, n utrition and healt h . Aries, Libr a natives figure prominent ly. Ave .. Cl1y of Stanton, Counly ol ~I dl11. Le• 111rer111ec:lo11 4'1M but1ness-1s· -FICTTTIOUI IUIMll November 4, 1982 Orange, Slate of C'llUornle, did on ue. VALCO, t51 8 San11netta NA• ITATHteNT F1•111 Ille 26th day ol September, 1982, I Usled d111e sollcl1er et Terrace"Coro,,a d•I Mar, Celllornla The lollowlng person is dolrig PubllahoCI Orange Coeet O•Uy by mu1uat consent, dluolve lheaeld conHJo de un •b<>oado en Hie 92625 t>uslneu ••: Pilot, Nov 6. 13, 20. 27. 1912 par1ner•lllp and 1ermln11e their a a 11 n Io , d a o • r r 1 ha c er Io Jane 'T Meloy. t5 t8 S1n11nt1ll1 f'AITH BUILOE~S. 936 Hollow 4925·82 1elallons •• petl,,.,s therein. immedle11mente, de "'' m•ner•. Terrace. Cofpn• del Mar, Calil<?rnla Brook. Coste Mesa, Celllorn1a Slid llulllnets in the Mure will t>e to tettC>Uetl• eec;rlt1, Ill hey elgune, 92625 92626 · ' · ' • c;onduc;lld oy Ms. FRANCIS puede ter regl11rect1 e ti.tllpo. Ellubelh o . Meloy. 1518 Bobble Arthur Stewert. 936 FRANCO, who w111 pay 1nd TO THE DEFENDANT: A c1vll S1n1enell• -Yerrece. Coron• del Hollow Brook. Costa Mesa. dlsc;herge all H1blllh11 and debit of comp111n1 hH been 111ed by the Mar, Catllornla 92825 C1llforn1a 92626 the llrm and tecelve ell monlet Pl•lnlllf ageln1t you. II you witlll lo Andra w T M •Io y. 1 5 1 8 Thia bus1n11S •• conducted by an payebte to the firm. , defend tllrs lawsuit, you mutl, Sant1nella Terreoe, Corna del Mar, lndlYldual Further notice Is hereby given wilh1'1 I d1ys after thlt tummon1 la C•llfornll 92625 Bobbre A. Stewart ' lhet the uriderslgned wlll not be Mrved on you, Ille with 11111 c:ourt 1 'v 1c1o,11 L. M 1 Io y, 1 5 1 8 This s111emen1 was llled Wllh lhe resportllbte, ftom 1ht1 dey·on. tpr wrl11ert reepome to lhe complelnl. San11nella Te111ce, "'Corona del County Clerk of Orange Coun1y on any obligellori lncu1red by the other Vn'"' you do '°• your defeull Will Mer, Ca11tom11 92625 November 3, 1982 In 1111 own n!llM(•I or In the n1me ot be entered on 1ppllc;a1ton of th• Thie bus1nes1 le conducted by • F201117 the fltm, pl1lntltt, and 11111 court mey enter 1 general pertnerUllp Published Orange Coast Daily Oiied el Stanton, Cllllornla, 11\11 Judgment egalnll you IOI Ille tellel Jane T. Mlloy Pllol, Nov. 6, 13, 20, 27, 1982 111h dey ol November, 1982. demanded In ll'MI c;ompl1lnl, which Tiiis statement wes flled with the 4860·82 MUC NOTICE -· FICTITIOUI IW-11 MAME tT A TE•MT The following p111on ts doing busmeas es CREATIVE COOROINATING, 1300 SUSSOll Lane, Newport Beach. CA 92660 JENNIE ROSE THOMAS, 1300 Suss•• Lene, Newpon Beech, CA 92660. This business I• c:onducted by en 1nd1v1dua1 Jenrne Rose Thornes Frencis Franco c;ould •Hull In gernl1hmen1 ol County Clerk or Orenge Coun1y on GEMINI (May 21-J une 20): Be ready {'Or Publlahed Orange cout Dally wegea, taking of money°' prOPlflY Novernbet' 4, 1982 n e w start , added independence a nd outlet for Piiot, Nov. 20. •1982 or other reOef requested In 1111 '201'10 Ml.IC NOTICE Tttls stalemenl w1s filed wllh the Courity Clerk ol Or1nge County on November 3. 1982. el 5131·82 oomplalrit. . Published Orenge Coest 011ty FICTITIOUI IUllNlll creative capability. Lunar emphasis o n trav • Oeted: Aug. '18. 1982 Pilot, Nov 6. 13. 20. 21. 1982 NAm ITATIMINT education. publish in g a nd communication. You Ml.IC NOTICE RICHARD J. WACK. 4868·82 Th• following per1on 11 doing are not goin g to be caugh t nap ping! Keep eye on FICTITIOUl IU..... ~~:uSAN LYNCH. ---Nll--IC-NO_T_l_CE---1bu•lm~ ~~E'S TILING SERVICE. • F201111 Published 0111101 COHI Dally Piiot. Nov. 6. t3. 20. 27, 1982 •9•9·82 Leo! NAMI I TATE•NT Deputy ----~-------1 IUIJ Nep1, Tu•lin, Ce. 92680 he follow1A9 .----k>lliltt+ ... _'-9'.-V-e......... ICTITIOUS ••-H t-BtlaD-J.oh,AS<-,-"U'-J'i-----l'Ulllt -CAN CER (June 21-June Z2)'.l3e~aw-a~r;~e-o..,..,...--1--t>u-1<el'ne18~ VOii 1-, ........ ome. l ult9 . NAiii ITATEMENT Nep1, Tullin, Ce. 92680 ----------- f in ancial status of thqi?e who seek a "closer co u NT R v G /4 Ro E N 100. P.O. ••• 11177 1rwtne, The 1o11oW1rig peraons •re doing This busineH os c;oncluc;lec:t by 1n FICTITIOUS IUltNll l associat ion ." Review your own expenses, clar ify · CATEFIEAS. 719 N, Mein St., Santa Cellror11te 12713 T-1.: ('l14J bu11ness u ; lndlvrduat. 1T 1NA1 Mil ITATl•NT d 1 Ana. ca. 92701 ..... , CR Ow N COMP AN y , c / o Rober1 8rlllll JOllnson he o tow ng peraori 11 o ng expectations. You may 'be dealing with tigh t Sombrero Slreel Inc. I• Pubt11h1d Oranoe Coest Dallv HAYMAN . OARNEL'L ANO Tllia11e1emen1weaflledwilhthe buSlnessas bud get and s h ould -be awar e o f fine print. Cet110<t111 corpor1llon) Pilot, Nov. 20. 27. Oeo. •. 11. t9821 BRESENOFF, 1eo E. Mein SlrMI, County Clerk or Orange County on ST A' R w"' v OE SIGN Ca . ) Tl\lt business ii conducted by 1 5135-82 Sulle 215, T1111ln. C1llfor1111 92680 Oc1obll 28. 1912. CONSTRUCTION. 15811 Sherbeck Ano~her nce r figures prominent y . oorporlliOn. G. F. von Mueffllrig, •3 Et nooao1 Ln . Hu,,11ng1on 8Clacll. CA 92647 Sombrero SlrMt tnc. Nil.IC NOTICE Concho Lene, Rolllng Hiiia, Publl1h1d Orenge CoHI Delly Robert Abdelnaby. 15811 LEO (J uly 23-Aug. 22): Some reports are Peter o.. Rldle<s. Cellf0<nl1 90~74 Pilot Oc;t. oo, Nov. 6. 13, 20. 1982 Sheibeck Lri .. Hunt111Qton Beech. Pteelclent l'ICTITIOUI IU-11 Belly Hllin, 201 Ce,nallon 479•·12 CA 92647 flimsy, requ ire review a nd should not be taken Tiiie 1111-1 wu llled wlth 1111 NAMa ITATl•NT or1v1. Cororia dll Mer. ca11f0<nla Tiiis 1>us1nesa Is conduc;ted by eri too literally. Popularity increases, b u t the re could County Clerk of Of•nge County on Tiie lollowlng person Is dolrig 92826 ----.,---1c-NO-T-IC£ ____ lndhlldulllR.oben Abd-'neby be 1 1 1. · K · k · · · Oc;tober 28 1982 bu.,_. u : M.,y Trudeau, 32711 Seven ~-. " "' ega comp lCattons. now It, ma e inquiries, • . '2lll07ll PRECISION INSTALLATIONS. Seas O'lve. Soulh Legune, FICTITIOUa ..,.... ThlS Sletement WU flied wl1h Ille give full play to inte llectual curiosity. Published Orange CoHI Delly 3501 Pecan St., lrvtne, ca. 9271' Oetlfornle 92677 NAMI ITATla.NT County Clerk of Orange Counly on PllOI Oct 30 Nov 6 13 20 1982 Robert L,-1• Boggeu. 3501 Relph Hlchena. 120 E. Lol>os The f()llOowlng petec>l'a .,.8 Cloing Nov 2. 1982 ' • · · · · · 479&-8~ Pecan St .. Irvine, Ce. 9271' Merinos, Sen Clemente. Clllfornl• buslf\eu ... '201117 VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Emphasis on Thia bulll,_ 11 condliCled by an 92672 OSCAR BEAUTY Sl\LON . ._.17 Published Orarige Coa11 Delly current tasks, special studies, improved services .,_IC NOTICE 1f\dlvidua1. • Thia bullnesa 11 conducted bV • w. ,,,,.1 Slreet, sinl• Ana, CA Prtot. Nov 6, t3, 20. 27. 1912 d " h · f h d " y 'll be ked ,,,_, Robert Lewis 8ogona generll parlnerthlp 4713-82 Ml.IC NOTICE •11'74 NOTICE Of IALI OF M AL PIM>NRTY AT PNVATI IALJ ............ In lhtl Superior Courl ot the Slate of C1ht0<nl1, In and lor IMI County of Orange In 1h1 M111e1 of lhe E•l•t• ol LARRY V Mc:CART, deoe1Md NolJced 11 lleflby g11r111 thel Ille undtfelgned will 1811 et p1l111te ..... 10 lhll highest ano btnt bidder, 1ub1ec;t IQ corillrmauon ol H id SuPlflOf Court on or aflet lhe 23rd dllV or November, 1982 at the office 01 COOlteey. Coleman anct Howard. 17782 E 17th Streel, Tuefln, County 01 Oraoge. Siii• of Calif0<Ala, II~ 1111 rtgl\I · !Ille l!ld iriterest ol said minor, ln en'CI lo alf lhe cert11n real r&!l.ll_e Slate o .§.!J!ror11fa~ p1rliCUl~eWT6e. Fo1iOW.. . IO•Wll. -Lot 1 oc Tract 5823 as per map rec:orded In 800k 214, Pege 33 of Mlllcetteneous MIP$ 1n the offlu ot the Recordet' of Oranoe Courily • ·More commonly known at 4502·,.504 W. Thlro Strlfll, Santi Ana, Ce1tf0<111a Terms of sate au cash In tawtul \ moriey ol lhe IJnlied S1a1es -on - conllrmelton or sere. T1111 per cent of amount blCI 10 t>e deposited will\ bid Property is t>einq sold 111 "AS IN CONDITION". Bid• or otters to be lri w11t1ng and will be received at Ille aforesaid ofloce et eny lime efler the first pu1>llcation hereof end belOre dale ol sale. Oiied lh11 12th day of Novembflr. 1982 Mary Poiltrd Admmis1ra1rht Pullllshed Orarige Coast Oa1ly Pilot, Nov. 13, 14. 20, 1982 5035·82 NILIC Jt(JTIC£ FICTITIOUllUllNEIS NAiii ITATIMINT The IOllow1og persons ere dOlng A L W TRAINING CENTER, 1700 E Garry No 107. Santa Ana, CA Ben Wood, 33415 Perow1nkle Or .. Laguna Niguel, Ci\. 92677 , Grant Jonsson. t5292 Moullns, lrvrne. CA 92714 Thi$ busoriess ls coneluc;led by a/I untnc;orporeled assocletrori ott.er then I PWtne<tl\1p ' Ben Wood Tiiis slatement was filed Wtlh 1he County Clerk ol Orange County ori Nov 17. 198~ '20M1t Published Oange Coas1 011ly Pilot, Nov 20. 21. Dee ~. 11, 1982. 5084-82 "8.JC NOTICE .. ' I an a c angmg o t e g u ar · ou as lp Thi• 11etemen1 wu flled wtlh 111e G. F. von Muettllng 92703· revise; rebu ild. review and to provide blu eprint FICTTTIOUI IU...... Collnty Clerk of Orenge County on Tllit ltat-• WU filed with the PHUOC LY, SS•021·12·0591• Nil.IC NOTIC£ FICTITIOUS ....... f f t A . L C MAMI STA~a.Nf October 211. t912. County Clerk ol Orange County on 1•111 COtdery. 1t2l9• Hawtllofne, NAME STATEMENT or u ure progr am. quart us, eo, ancer The 1011ow1no per1ori Is dotno ,_ November 4. 1912. Cl\. PlCTrTIOUI ::-11 Tiie following perton I• dolno persons figure p r ominently. . butlin4IM .. ( Publl•ll•d Orengo CoHI Delly ,201312 PHUC THI Of E M TRAN , NAM! ITA MT Ousmets es ~ Vie:spSoEl~B, LLYa~E•R.vt;Epr: 1,6;~~ Piiot Oc;t. 30, Noll 6, 13, 20. 1982 Pubtlalleb 011n~e Coltt Delly ~.S1•021~~.-~~-12c~ Adem, No. The following perton Is 001ng MANOOCM PVBLISHING CO .• • LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): Favorable lunar aspes;t coincides with creative pr.DceSS. e motional responses, intensified r elationship. Elements of timing, lu ck ride w ith you. Shake off status quo, imprint style and win a contest. Virgo figures p rom inently . 4795 •2 Pll t No " 13 " 27 1"'•" ... • .,... 1 ...._, "' busilllll u : 1304 Logan Ave , Costa Mesa. CA Huntington Beech, C1lilornt1 921147 • ., o · v. v-. ·" • • ...... Tllil s111ement WU flied wlttl Ille HARCRIS & ASSOClt.l S. 92626 , Ruth S11r. 1676 t V1ewpo1n1 PUBLIC NOTICE '924•82 Counly Clerk of Orange County on 3039 R•ri.chvlew Drive, Oren Menouchehr-Varasteh. 59;1• . 1 Lane. Apt. 163. Huntlfl91on Beech, -------------1No~ber 1, 1982. · Clfffomla 92665 . Llnderi Ave .. Long Beach. CA .• • C.llfornle 921147 PICTITIOUS IUIMll "8.IC NOTICE nGlll2 Cllrl11lne Lynn S11n1ey, 3039 90805 ! : This 1>111111111 II conducted by an NAMI IT.ATl•NT Publl11\ed Orange CoHI 0111y Ranchvlew Drive. Orengo, ca111om11 Tllrs buSiness ts c:onduc1ed by an . 1 lndlvidual. Th• following per1on la doing YOU AM• O.'AUL.T UNDEfl o\ PilOt. Nov 6. 13, 20. 27, 1912 92865 tlldlvldual Rull\ Saar bullMSs e1. D 11 D 0 F TR U IT DA T"I D 4911-82 Thia t>ullneu 11 conducted by en M1nouc;hellr-Var11tetl This t1e1-t wu flied wllll Ille M. FERGUSON end HAHN DICEMllR tO, 1111. UNLll l ------------1 indrvldual. This siatemeni was lllecl with the County Clerll of Or1nge County on REAL ESTATE. 3000 w .. 1 Coa11 YOU TAKI ACTION TO PRO'TaCT Nil.IC NOTICE Chrlttone L. Stenley County Cle<k of Orange County on November 3. 1982 __... Hlghw1y, Newport Bececll, CA YOUR PROPIRTY, IT MAY II Thia alelement w .. filed with the Nov 17, 1982 . '201z;w 9266i. IOU) AT A flU&tC IA&.I. • YOU FICTTTIOUI ....... • County Clerk of Orange Counly on F20241' . Pu011$hed Orerige CoUI Delly H E N R I E T T A M A R I E •ED AN EIJILANATIOM cw TM ..... ITAlWMINT .,_, mber 29 '912 p bl h d 0 c ' 0 I 6 3 20 "7 98" N'"Tu•1 OF T-p•oc11DrNQ T.._ ro1•....a,.,. --·-s ere doing ~ • • • u 15 e ••nge oas •1 Y PllOI. Nov .. 1 , •' • 1 ,. FERGUSON, 300 Cegn1y Lane, ,. " ... " '"' ..,... •. .,. ,.....~, , F1-14 PolOI Nov 20 27 Oec 4 11 1982 4860·82 <1203. NewpOft Beech, CA 92613. AOAINIT YOU, YOU IHOULD bulll>eM 11: Published 011nge co .. I Delly ' . ' ' s086·82 ·------------Ttlis businett .. oonducled by an CONTACT A LAWYIR. DCN ENTERPRISES. 5901 Pilol, Oct 30, Nov 6. 13, 20.1912 Nil.IC NOTICE ind1vldua1 · NOTM:I Of TllUln.'1 I.ALI W Ir n er Ave nu•, Su 111 2 0 9 , 4808-12 Nil.IC NOTICE . I SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Stick with practical issues .. Remove safety hazards from h ome. Emphasis on domes tic adjustment. d ecisions regarding money and w h ere to ,keep it. M eaningful compliment received from one you a d mire. Taurus, Libra per so ns figure p romin e ntly . -· SAGITTAIUUS (Nov. 22-DeC. %1): Define' t erm s. avoid scattering f o rc es. see pl aces . p eo pl e in r ea li s tic light. S h ort tri p may be n e cessary. Streaml ine techniques, im p r int style, steer clear of self- deception . One close to you imparts information whic h had been con idered confidential. Henrlelle M F1rguton T.I . Ne. 11* Huntington Beech, Catlf0<nl1 926'19 FICTmOUI IU ... 11 Thrs etitemenl wu 111ec1 with the NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, lh•I Nllllan Craig LM, 17801 Collte P\8.lt NOTICE l NAiii ITATIMINT County Clerk ol Orenge County on ori Frrd1y, Oectmber 3, 1982, .II Lene, Hun11ngton Beech, Cahf0<nll PWCTITIOUI 9UI M l l i The lollowlng person ts doing Novembef '· 1N2. 9•00 o'ctoc;ll am of said oey, ln the 92147 • · ncmlOUI ..-11 MAME ITATIMl!NT buSlneas "' F201311 room HI Hide lor c;onducllng Cecille Merle Lee, 17801 cOtlle. NAME e TAlWMINT The follOWl"V P8f$00S•ere doing ' war,:.~!~~~,?.;~,~~.;c;;.9gi Publlslled o11nu• co111 Delly ~r~~t'·~~~rei'hsne'~O:.~-:SE~ ~;:7 Huntington Beech, ca111ornl1 bu~r~o~:,wlng per1on 11 doing busf'::. ·~~ooucT•ONS. 195,.2T 92646. Piiot, Nov. 6' 13' 20, 27' 19::26-~2 SERVICE, toc:eted et 2020 Notti\ Thia butl,_ la oonduc;led by 1 SMALL BUSINESS ANALYSTS, Sierra Solo Rd .. Irvine. CA 92715 t GUY T. TOMA. 9129 N. M11ln• Btoec!W•Y· &Ille 208. In the City of generel Plftnerthlp. 2964 Redwood, Cott• Meu, Barbara Berr · l95,.2 Sierra I Peclllcl Or •• Long Beech. CA 90803 DllDI IC NOTICE $'111111 Ana. County of OrllllQO. State N•lhen C. LM Cefffornll 92628 Soto Ro ltvtne. CA. 92715 · • Tiiis butlnen 11 Gon0uc1ed by en l"UUL of California, ORANGE COAST T"l1 tlet-1 wu filed wlll\ lhe Bruc;e Oevrd Blec~lo,d. 2964 Roben Barr, 25901 Spruce ! lndlvidulll. NOTICE Of' TIWI Tlt 'I I ALI H 0 ME L 0 AN , e Ce 11 Io r n I a County Clefk of Or1noe County on R~. Costa Mesa, Celilornle Lirie. Leguni Hiiis, CA. 92653 CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Money that h a d been "J.ied u p " in litigation is released. M eans greater cash flow results. Em phasis also on payments, collections, location of article that had been lost, misp laced or stole n . Watch Cancer! AQUARIUS (Jan. 20·Feb. 18): Cycle high, judgment and. in tu ition will be on target. Major decision reached tn conn ection with C'areer, b usiness. Go after what you wan t, know this is you r . "power-play day.''. Aries •. Libra persons figure in f ascinating scenario. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Light is s hed o n areas which p reviously had been obscured from view. You get new lease on life. Optimism re turns and you'll make successful new start. You also get to heart of matters in conn ection w ith member of OPJ>QSite sex. ' DllTI llTlal Guy T. Tome I .o. tw. 11... , c;orpotallon, es ctuly appointed October 28. 1982. 92826 This butlness Is conduc:lao bV a This ttllemenl WH llte<I wllh the Ori Novemt>er 26. 1982 11 11:00 Tru11 .. under end pursuant 10 t ,..,.. Tl\11bullnels11 conducted by an general pertnersnip County Cllfk of 0rllllQI County on 1 m. FIRST AMERICAN TITLE IN· power ol Hie conferred In 11111 Publlslled 011nge CoHI Delly lnclMdu1I. B91bere Ben November 2, 1982. SIJRANCECOMPANY.1Clllfornle cer111n o.ed of'Trull e .. cuted by Pllol, Oc;t 30, Nov. 8, 13, 20. 1912 Bruce Blec;l\ford fl\11 al1lelN!f\l we1 tiled wilh Ille '201114 corporation 11 TIUtlM, or Sue· LYNN BARNETT end MARGARE1' 4797·12 Thia llllement wu flied wl111 ll'MI Coun1y Cl«k ot Orange Counly on Publlahed Orerige Cou1 Detty cea1or Tru11e1 or Su1>1ll1u11d ·e. BARNETT, hutblnd and wife u ------------County Clefk of Orange County on Nov 17. 1982 Pilot. Nov. 6, 13, 20, 27, 1982 Tr111IM. of lllel •. f "'rte1n Deed. ol i04nl 1enent1, recorded December P\llLIC NOTIC£ Oc;tobef' 21. 1982 F2D417 4921·82 Trust IJIOC:Uled "'Helen B. HI/\· 21. 1981, In 9oo6t 14331 ot Ofllcilll ------------4 ...... Publlsned O~.!_COHt O•lly 1-------------i cock. 1 widow, and rec0tded June Aec:orda of Nld County, 11 page FICTmOUI IUIMl l Pu~'ange Co111 Dally "PllOT.-Nov~. ~7:-Dec (; 11. 1982 • 23. 1911 H lntlr\1"*11No.33341, 670. Rec;o,der'1 lntlrumenl No NAME STA~NT PllOI, Oc;t 30, Nov. 6, 13, 20, t982 5099·82 ' Starting a New Busln••• in Boak , .. 111. Pege 924. of Otfl· 270M. by reaon of • brMCll Of The rolloWlnQ pettonl ere dOinG 4790-12 c;lel Rec:otelt Of O'engeCounty, default In peyment 6' pert~ b!JIM"81S .. C•llf0<nl1. 1nd pu11111n1 lo 11\et of Ille obltQetlonl _,., tl\eteby w 0 0 0 s 0 N R e G I 0 N ,. L Nil.IC NOTICE certlln Nolle• Of o.flllllt IMftlUn· tncludlno fl\1t breec:fl or default' CENTER •2 MEADOW FAES~------------ der rlOOl'ded Augutt 4, 1912 u Notice of which WH recorded PROOUCTS, 15042 Perk-y 1:009 I FICTTTIOUI .,_II fne11ume111 No. 82·289157. In Augull 5, tH2, H Recorder'• Unit "C .. , T11111n. Celllornl• t2eaO NAMI ITATWmNT Ottlolll Record• of Nld County. 1"9trument No. 12·.272178, WILL Bennie Everett Woodson. 1192 The followfno person 11 dolno wllf under and puttu1nt to Nld SELLATPU8llCAUCTION TOTHE Mncllell 126, Tuslln, CallfornJa ~ u : Deed of T""t Mii II public .uctlon HIOHEST 8100EA FOR CASH. 92tl0 TROPICAL BOAT SERVICES. for CHI\, l1wlul money of the lawful "'°"'>' of 1t19 United 81..... Arlene Woodson, 1192 Mllchell ""'"'l G .... 34 C'-' C Ill Vnlled S""' of America, • or 1 cetflier'• c;heGlt drewn on 1 •28, Tu111n, Cellfornla 92880 90i;,o ,.,,em • · n ... "8, • ce1lller'1 c11ec1o pay1bl• 10 11td llate or netlon8I benll. 1 state or Thia butlnets la concluc;ted oy en Oreg Fr .. M, 9591 Grel\11m 34. , Tru11ee drawn 011 e lllle or lederll credit ~. or 1 atei. or lndtVldull C Cellf ..,.,,..,,. nellonel blnk. 1 at•te °' tederel ...,.,., MWlp encl toen ~ Bennie Ever9't Woodson ypr-. · ·• ~ credl1 union, °' • 11111 or ledWll domlcleCI In tflll etete. all peyat1te at Thia ll•temenl ,., .. llled with 11'18 lnd~~11181 ts conducted by •n 11vlng1 end loin H1ocl11lon tl\e time Of ..... 1111 r1gll1. tttll end County Cterll of Or1nge County on Greg Fre- domlc:lled In 11'11• •l•le, ., Ille main Int-• held by It, .. TNlt ... In Novembe' 3, l982 Tl\11 st••-· WU filed Wllh Ille entrll!Ce to Fl11t Ametlcen Tttll 111•1 r111 prc>perty llluete In Mid l'I01nl Counl'I' Ci.rt. of Orange County on A C C C 0 f d I n I t 0 ln1Urance COmc>any IOUted et 114 County 1nd 911te, dllcrlbed 11 PuOlltlled 011nge CoHI 01tly t 28, 1982 CelHOfnfa ....... end Eul Fllll\ StrHI. In Ill• Cll'f of fOllowl. ilol. Nov 8. 13. 20. 27. 1M2 ,_ Prole1._ Code (he. S1n11 Al"I•. C11tlor111 ... •II 11\et Lot 23 OI frec1 No 1211. In ll'MI 4IM-J2 Pvbll1h1d 01111ge Co111 01tfy 17100 to 17tl0) alt rtghl, 11111 Ind lntereat conYeY9(I to City ot, Newpof1 BMCll, •per map•-----------PllOI, Oct. 30, ~·I. 13, 20 1982 bu Ind now held by II under Hid ,_did In 9oo6t 37, Paget 47 10 "'8.IC NOTJC( 4792.92 pereon1 dolnt tine•• Deed of Trull In Ille property 49 lncluelve o1 Mlecell1neou1 M1191,1------------ Ml.IC NOTICE FICTITIOUS l&.llMU NAMa lTATl•NT The followlnct. peraon la dotno bulllMlt ... CFIOWN AUTOMOTI VE-• INOEPENOENT CAOllLAC SERVICE. 738 W 17111 St . Coale. Mell. CA 92627 • H1mllton S BlfnerCI. 1620 • Hawaii, Hun11ng1on Beach. Ci\ .... 926•9 • Tiiis bullness 11 conducted bV an 1ndrvldual. Hamll1on 81rr1ard This stetement was filed wnh 11\e County Clerk of Orange County °" Nov 171 1912 . ,,_.11 Publlahed Orenge COHI 01lly Prlot. Nov. 20, 'l7, Oec 4, 11, 1912 5106-82 ,_CINOT ... S l&L•OADWAY MOllfU.AaY 110 Bro.ctway Costa Mesa 642·9•50 under • ftctllloue name t11111a1ed In Mid County Ind Stet• tn the Of11ce or the county Rec:otder PICTTT10UI IU-1• BALETK.A fftUlt Ille a 1tetement cteecrtbed .. ; of Mid County. MAim ITATIMINT OORIS JANE BALETKA, with tM County Cleflll LMMholcl lnternl In and to; The 1tr••• 1ddre11 or otll•r Tiie followtng person• ere dolao PWCmlOUI .,... .. Nl.IC NOTICE Ml.IC NOTIC[ d .. "_....,, ... _d LOI 177 of Ttec;t No, 2813, .. common d••lon•llon of lh• rell~MEl!ICAN CO '"TIN"·S NA•ITAT!mln FICTI-TIOUITl~I resident o f Hunt ingto n In nl"9 ......, nw per mep 1ecorded In book·94, property h8reinlb0Ye dneribed It ., n ,.. " .., The following per1on ts do1nv NA •••-"' Beach, Ca. Plllled aw ay on f 0 U f t I"' e I In • PeQel 45. 46 and 47 of Mllceli. l)urported 1o be 708 SI Jimet TECHNOLOGY. 2201·H Stenderd bual1111s H The foltowlng persons ere doing I I • I • I IM.fl--ON SMITH & TUTHIL1 WHlCL.lflP CHAPIL •27 E 17th St Costa Mesa 6~71 Novem ber 14, 1982. She ia n••IP8"' MfWl"t the neou1 Mepe, In fl\e oflice ot Ille Piece. Newpof1 8eectl. Cellfornlll Avenue. S1nl• Ana. Cattforn11 G O L O E N I! A G L E bu .. ,,...": h d .,.I '" •hlch .... doUnty ~-of Mlct c:o.!'nty. 111• 11ndersJ,119ed llereby 92705 ENTERPRISES. 9172 Melloy Or ' THE NEWPORT co. 501 Sl t urvlved by e r ·hu~ban bu1lne11 le loeetecl. The tfreef U cfrH• or 1>111., . d'llcfafmi illlletiltf(y for any Jerry w. 9mytl\, 1ett Sen ...,,.,flnO'on 9"ell:-G,...'"4e:··fl.O Mdtew.8 Cl •• ..N~ '-""· CA. -.. Juatln and her brother Jack common deelon•tlon of NICI pro-tncorrect,_. in Mid"'"' eddfWI PllCllel. Sent• 8erbar1, Cellfornle 8o11 2311, COiia M-...,cA 92628 92te3 • Van Martar. Servkel will be perty; It putporled to be. 2001 °' Olllef common detlgnellon. 93101 S11n Stmc;lle Oltt11men. 11'72 The Ernett R. JOhnson, Inc .• 1 ' held on Sundav, November T h e 1tetefllent II Bayadere Terrace. Coron• def Seid Mii Wiii be mede wOllolll Arthur O Power1. Jr , 2732 Miiioy Or . Huntington 8Moll, CA CeUlornll corporeuon, 60 1 St. : " re'"Ulted .... tew Ind ta M11, Clllfornl• 92625 warri nty, u preu or tmplled, Hiiitop Drive, Newport 811c;11. 92948 Andttwt Rel · NewpOrt Beec;ll, CA • 21. 1982 at 2:30PM at the ... -r Seid .... Wiii " "'"' WllllOut r1gerdtno lltle, POIHHIOn, or Callfornlll t2MO Tiii• bUllnttll II c;ondl.lc;ted by In 92663 1 Zonta Clu b of Newp o r t "9Cel18'y le........... coven1111 or -renty, eMpr ... or eno .. mbte noH. 10 H ttily th T"1I bl--. 11 conducted bye 1nc11Yidu11 Ttll• bu111-it condueled by' t Har bor, 2101 E. 15t h S t ., JOUt bu1lrte11 ftlffte. ln'lpllld, • 10 11111, p0111•on or pr1nclp1t b•l•noe of tlle Nol• 0, limited perfnerllllp s .1 s. 01111e1men corporet~ Ernetl R i.IOt1111ot1. inc : l~~-::---;;::~;;--;;;;;;;-~--tJ-fi!~~~esa!j!~Ca~rn·~Irn~i~eouR:io~t+._;M;:•~·~•...;:'~14n.111;1~~':•~«1~u;1;r•;_._i~enc:;;:u~'";1tt~anoee~~~·o~ .. ~·~··~fy~111e~~u"~·~~·~~"'~lf:O~~~:;:~::::t:~~~~·~~~~~~~~~~i!i'~~~ ~!~-!:'E'Jt::?.:-le.i::~-~ ......_ I o ru1t, with tnttt"' •l'ld I • _, -W'ltll ovnty Of"' Jlmft "°'1er. VIC:e ...._ PAC9'1C YllW flowers t a 'I note• 1eeure4 by Hid Deed of othet '"'"' .. p(OVlded tllerlln, County CWll of Otente County on OCt 29, 1912 This 118"'"'"1 WH filed wftl\ ,..,. 11 ....,..Al PMtl donation s be made to t he TrU9t. 10 wtt: '430,547.04, pll'9 111e plue advanc:"· Ir any, under 111 ~ 301 1tei ,,_ ,_ Cou111y C"'11 of Of1nge COUllly Oii c.n.iery Mortu•ry Zon ta C lub o f New port IOllOWlna •tlfnated ooa11, upen. lerme "**" lllCI 1n1er•i on -Puolt1t1ed Or1nge Co11t Delly Noll 17• 1112 ,..... 1 Chapol--Orematory Harbor, Services under the , ... DAIL\' PILOT -encf ldvencet •• '"' time°' ldvenoee, and plU• ..... ell P11bll111ed Ore11oe OOMI Oelly Pio!. Nov I . 13, 20. 27. 1M2 p 0 c' I Oall 3500 P8C1r1c View Drive d'-'on of H.a"'..__ • -w n · ...... ....... ·--'"' lnltlal~IOll oi 11111 Noltce lllCI • ....,,... Ol tlle Tr\111.. PllOC. Oct. 30. Nov e, 13. 20. tN2 > 4919-12 11bllthld range o.. ''"' u_.. '""" ... prov._t ~· ,_.,. Ind 01 S•· ·-,.. ._ ..., ...... ............ •11112 P1101, Nov 20, 27. Dec;, 4. 11, 11a. Newport Beach M 011 M f ..... _~ ...._ w · ·-· '· ,,,. ""'" etet• ... by --.. • " .1"'7-81 , ount ve ortuary •O pu-eer-1. • MOtm TO "'°"'""' OWMl1t Tr1111• Tiie .... t amo11n1 Jfl llld "8.fC !l>na "'' ~-2700 Co.ta Mesa. 540·5554. I have al MMIMfY YOU Ml• mrt:;T WDIW 01>119111011, 111ct11d1ng ree\on1bt '1alC ll>TJC[" flla.IC llOTIC( ,.,,.., end "'81nt•n • :.~,~~i .~/::I ut1ma1ee1 '"'· c11err • end PICtmOUe-ll ~=:I' MOU. dlllJ HtVIH to th• AvflOM fO NOflOT YOUll "t::' °'~ '!!!''"·' the 1 MAim ITA~ Tiie '°''°"'"' petto11 11 dolno ROSE MOLL, ,_dent of 0 t • " I • C O U " t J .... JI A' •Y • 10LD AT of r;~t_. Ol lfMe Hota., II Tiie ro1ow1ftt ......... c1o111f ..,...... ... Fubmon, CA. Pwd ewa1 ~ ....... -:-~ .. !,,) • •••ll'f''~I "9f•r• ta 1111. ...._. -· -!!.;; ·~~ ... .._... , .... e lfovember 11, 1911' She. •' t "-A • ..... ...~ ........ , • .,,. .• 1• • ii turvl~ by her hueband Certve1tleltt oftlffl. Ot A•Allllf YOU·~= IN HOM! LOAN. JIAN M. ICHROl!Dlfl, I Benjamin , dau1hter Carol ~OftO llte LIQAL COllfACfALA :.~ooriioratton .... 'Pr*.INIM.CAN7'•. Beth VeenhuyHn. •••ter PARTll9NT ........ Deted. Ho•--•. ,.., "IAL 11'ur1 HOUR· , OIRALO ~ .. OH .. Olaf'. I Jean Sln o v u k y and e .Ill. UI for lftore FIMT .AMlllUCAN TITLl ITlll ....... trwtne,w.111 .. tnndchildren. S.rvkoa wtu lftfotfftltlon lftd ....... '· INIUMNCt COMPANY lllllVICI •• CallfOmla fllla ................. I .. a f>• h e'ld on S und 1y, ~=ltlOrt 0011101elOl1,Ma~ ..-•~,,::n*':,·llMu•• N ovemb er u : 1982 u 114 1 "'""''*'· O J.~~ T1111 111 .. ..,.aeW.9MI ..... 2:00PM at Ow Harbor Lawn , --.... .,101 111111 .411•. C1t11or1111 f.:. \.;.CAll~IOI ~ cen ~ o..,.. a.., 1111 Moun\ OUw Memorial Park, ...-iiJ .._ Tll· t?14166Wl11 11!41 llMt10 ..., ,, ._ ,,._ 8ervklll IAnct.r the dinocUon Publlahed Or1nge COMt Delly Pubfltlled Ote"t• Coall 0.., ,uMtelletl Oflftle C08ll Dell• o f H a rbo r Lawn· Mo unt .,, Nov.nbef 8 13, 20 t912 ll'llOI. No'v 13. IO. n . ,.., Hot, rito. t. 1i. •. n . tta Olive Mortuary . 540..&&54. •133·12 to2742 ....., 0 . ... . " I { ' -, --~~----_._...._. __ ................. __________ ................................. .... • ·~ .. . -. ' ~·I Ot nge Co11t DAIL V PILOT/Sa.turdnv, Nov mber 20, 1081 -----==========:::=:::==::::::::====================:;::=:::;:::==~======;::::::====:;;;:==========-· ·18Ssiultal Sm.._ • ---------·1M~{'!!~.'/.~!~~!!'!!r l~.•1.!{1!!!'1.. .• • • • • • •. f !~~.'~I..~~~!{~~~ •••• flCMOO 6P(Cl.4HSI 011by1l111ng lo my ~. (.;IHlllrlQ 2 1eflrw11 [llQ u~.~4A!e!O\PP~f IOI D 30 day ad In thv l&ILY PILIT SIHIOE llllOHllY 00 11 NOW• ... ,., , ... ,. Your Daily PilOI ' Servtee Directory Represenlellve IU-1111, eat. 322 ~!.~iJi!~.'l.~!~~!!{•.t JO Allen lie 202162 lloxlblu hll Loving mo apking wom1tn wt1.l1um Oumle<I 404 18"10 lllitl' 642·0872 y 1 h o m Ii • • r • t A I S I l•ll'''' OH 6291 .!'.~'!!!.,I •• !!!.!!.... •••••••••••••••••••••• Ct•ltHlfll 8-•1111 ~OFF rlAST MONTH CUSTOM HOME BLOR •w.·······'·········· ~J>tind11bl41, l llOHlllble. needs SMALLER JOBS NCIM 2 blO, none 2 1mall esun1101 A111werlllQ butwetin houses Fr.. From A to z -dO II all ur vice, H cr11111rlol & ost Coll 01111 537·0342 7 14·675·9436 lie 42!178 I businon ettrvlce•. moll bo• rental, word proces· Cdi•ll Jllaii•• REM 0 D n Com rn s1no • Telt•·Foc:11mlle. ••••••••••••••"'•••••• rnl1ltr111111, 11111•01 1111 de ent P""'O 1 5 C11bine11 & C111>41nlry provemenls, major re or r ry, .,. 1•· oa 0 Small Jobs & repalra pair•. Bldg renov'"l•On, buy. desk space renl1tl " ANSWER NETWORK Free HllmalN 645-2003 cod• couecuons. etc 20 531.9131 (ask ror Av 1 CariuDubS i•tl•. y11 Orange Cly •• bond~. lna.LIC •191801 Pa· A1•ialt · ltere 1SZ-IS I lombo Const Anyllme 1 ••'••1••·············· 962·1314 • Orrveway1. Perking LOI EXPER carpenter dou Aep1t11s SeJlcoa11ng add'ns. ramod, decks WH OlllTllOTIH S&S Aspllll 631 .. • t99lte Skylights & rep11111 Free Uc •420802 Plans '"'i);;;'H811berg Gred1ng es1 Dan, !'41·4592_ Financing Ave1lab .. & Paving Co Reslcomml Custom Carpentry by Dick 142-1200 Lie 397680'4 8•2·1720 & Ne11 Paneling. lormlca. •• Moonlight Otallsman Home·Add'ns-Remode~ Attlllllf.1 Member AIBO 645001871 ••••••• ••••••• ••••••• ---Aggressive Mto1noy. No SLIDING GLASS DOO~S Fee Initial Consultation: doors. etc Ph 642·8809 Experienced Corpeoler Oemolr11on 10 Finish J, •• l441titll 'SINCE 1962 R 212542 Mllte Macarew1cll Installed/ Remod, add ns Personel Injury Cues. & conctt111 • ..uc:... 36.t6.8J~ No AeCi)'fflfy No Fe& Joe 892· 132 7 4!!!:,.859 I 760·2685 548-8654 111-1211 ----HOME IMPROVEMENT '°"lt:"T~Aot!~ -----ft.~~~~'N.S .-c;~A~~c~.~,="=" .. ,~-,.~.~,.._..fle.c--~--4-.-z ••• ..-.-·•••••••••••••••• Contraclor exp~d In alt l• .. i•tiH hsic• Mouldings, Ftreplaces. Add Room~ 35 y1s exp Clean lie No 276943 714·859·9905 Trade your old stull lor new goodies wiltr a Classllled ad 642-5678 ~!.~!{'!!~t .......... . Will SIT 1n my CM home fenced yard hot meals. reas 101ea 548-267o4 Sell with EASE• ll'S a BREEZE c1ass111eo Ads 642·5678 No Steam/No Shampoo trades n•w cons1r. re· • S1111n Spec1a1ts1 Fast moo & small tobs Lte dry Free OSI 839· 1582 3 Ui209 675-9585 Shampoo & 11eam clean Color brlghlene11, wht c:rp)s • 10 min bleach Hall, 1111l d1n ·rms S t5: a110 room $7 50. couch SlO. cllr $5 Guar ellm pet odor Crpt repair 15 yrs ---f!'.·.'!~.!!!t~~~!~. DISTii Cablnets·Pullmons·Bars Wall Units 6<'2·0881 ------------------••I exp Do work myself Reis 554--0 123 !J!!.1. !!~~,!~I. ....... . SupplyllnstalllRepalr Loe selection + hard· ware Bob 6•6-2923 evs J a m es L. Zimme rn1 a n Certified Public Accountant f!!'!!~!I.~!,!!!!! ••••• Cemenl·Masonry-Block Walls-CuSl work l~ :r381057 Rob 547-2683 ll1dtleal Full ranQe ol personalized professional services for small businesses & 1nd1111dva1s ...................... ELECTRICIAN-Priced rtght, free eshmale on large Of small jobs • INCOME TAX PLANNING & PREPARATION Or1vewayS·P1lllOS•Walks Block wans-masonry Free est reas 892·4557 Ltc 39662 1 673·0359 uc·o ELECTRICIAN Oual work/Reas. rates • SYS.TEMS 0£SIGN & INSTALLATION THOMPSON CONCRETE PahOS·<lrrvewayS· loundallons .,393393, 642·8482 • BOOKKEEPING & FINANCIAL REPORTING • Free est. 631·5072 • FrH 64·0 -7026 ELECTRICIAN • Sml Jobs/Repairs Lie lnlUal Conaultatlon 2900 Park Newport Newport .. ach A I w a y s • • • I II I n 233108·C· 10 548-5203 clasStlled·read the •d• Sell tilings last with Dally .. every day.-642·~678• PITol Want'Aas. Reach ·over 86,000 of the Orange Coast's most affluent adults .. • Advertise-' in· the_Orange Coast's ---most successful · real estate magazine .. Call 642-5678 to see how little it takes to reach so rnany. laily ··Pilat Newport Beach• Costa Mesa Irvine • H~tington Beach Fountain Valley • Laguna Beach ti . f, ,- f!!!!~~'~-~ .•••••....•• ~!~!.".!·~ •••••••••••• !'.~!.A~!~~ .•••.••. ,_~~!!!{'!!!'i ....•..... I r~!!'.1!!'1 •.•••..••••••• HI f;IU '( OMM I /IHIJ Tll PLAIT ... JO.,,, Uo my own WOii\ LIC 2'804 I Al (~II 81.-0 lllTIGlt.111 ... , .. DUSIN('l$1\AAN WILi C..U'ilOAA PAINTWOhl< HOVSFSlt (duClllNl Con1111 11,;,.1!1 "'•Pl"tnO lt11Jnor pltull r .. r• ""'Homa r•p•ltlflemod flH "" OJI '2b't .... f l•·ll Se1v1c.t A cap11bl• 644 636'11 1111m111n I 1111 Jub Iha AMII ( 1.ri I ll•mod•I•. 1tJ "' •Carpen1ry •Plumbing A 11 d1 1 1u11 • o • r ':'! ••• ~/............... •lloc; •fin. C11~1111y wrk\hOtrl low lllOI llcl TRAC. T~R WOHK £. •On·MOICllnO• Cubineta 30157 J~ '"' 04G 7318 t OYlllllllJ COll'lj)ICllOn •!\hOllltnO •F1uct1• 10 011ckhot :io y11 up gar d1 1111111101 e10 or JHllHIM ..•..•.....•.•........ COMM l JANITORIAL & CARPt t CLEANING Otte 1 Clt11ro1no Serlllc;e Lie 8011i)11d 983·647• IMl .. 111'• King [quip 831·7392 trotlll /Wit dO h 11111 (HI. I .... ..... I ellltle1l1 111rvl<.• 20 yra £ ' J ')~'1:' HH'••H tnp tic •6311285 1 .!!'..!~~.~I.: ....... . J 6 1/' "'nu 1 •••••'•••••••••••••••• 9!i 1 8067 Olil Country lal1d1Capea ~ lit •J.... I CarfJ*ntty M1tonry l•lillllillili ______ I · Anything ou1111de the Rooting P1urnbr11g ., 7 TOP<lUALITYWOAK 01ywull ·StuCCO'·Tlle home " 6 4 u·5511 AT REAS RATES R1t111odel J B 648 11990 !~l!!~!~~!'!!'f........ 675 6058 Lic'd Joel 547·H 25 Carpentr y Cablnet• ROBINS CLEANING lfllM!l . C. ' J Plumb Oram Cleaning Service • 1 11101oug111v ••••••• •••••••••••••• I I• •• El-tr·~~i • Tt"" cMlan hOUH 540·08$7 BRICKWORK Small IOba ••••••••i'I•••••••••••• ~ """' "' NewPOll Colla Mtll TIUI Reis Don 1168 0149 IMllWlll trvtM Rel$ 675·317~ Toppedl rtmove<I Clean 28 YRS EXP DUNHAM WlllTll 8toc:i.tBric\.. Walls, Con· up 1own renov 75 t-3476 HOMI: IMPROVEMENT creie very teas llc'o Tll 11111 10111 Remodet-1epo111·lenclng OClb 673·53671536·9908 e1ec111eal-plumb1ng High quality housework Law1Hree-1hrub lnltoll Troe trim/removal Lown M&lnl/Rototllflno Free esttmlle 548·6065 c:erpeniry 631·8530 Experh111c:e<1. dependa· ble, nones1. 1nte111gen1. JACK OF All,. TRADES mellcu!Qus. fle11lt>le I om Call Jack ony11me, 1 h e b e s 1 p h o n e --Exper Gardener & clean Day or night 675·30 14 673-7012· afl41r 6 PM ~ T1ee-""1~£4 est Pete 64 1. 1096 -1&1111111-WUTI._ Mowing. edg_1ng. raking. sweep1n11 ~r ee estl· mates 645·5737 JAPANESE GARDENER SPECIALIST ma1nt '. clean up, 111mm1no Low price F1ee est 548-9483 Jessie's Gardening-- Clean-ups. lree tnm & mam1 servlc:• 540·8035 Lown service l1om $18 mo Yd c:lean·ups, wee· ding, iree work . Ken 964·1083 ... u. ...... . ....••.....•. DUMP ;oas & Small MovJnQ.J6ba_ Call MIKE 6•6·1391 HAUUNG-ORAOING demolttlon clean·UP Cot'crele & tree 1emo1111 Quick serv 642-7638 LIGHT HAULING & CLliAN·UPS Free est 642·2657 HAULING·student wlfge .. truck , aame lo rates Thank you 759-1976 John ~.'.'.'!~~ ...•..•.••..•• Hllr El 141-1121 Furnace·pOOl·water hell New 80.000 BTU Furnace SAM FUl<UMOTO s & lhermostal 1n1talled $750 00 (7 141898·6512 Gardening, clean ups, K&O Landscape Ma1n1 Restd/Comm Clean.up Sp11nkler sys 548·2489 malnt • ttec trim. sml B••• l•ui11 randscope 645·3540 ••••••••.,..•••••••••••• Clean ups • Trimming Sprinklers • Malnt. Freo eSI 642·2657 JlPAIESE .... ;.H I 839·$035 Pa1n1tng. plumbing. elec . drywall, tole, carpenlry Maril 546·7816 "HELPING HANDS" You name u. we'll do 111 Ed & Bobbi 240.0275. 24 hrs f!!!'.i}!!! •••••••• 1.~~f f•1•it•1e HSI ,, ,., ...... . ..............•..•... week.days All day i1tur· •Y end Sundav · ~C"'LfANiNG Good , .. , T.1anspottatron E•· pel"d 970·!1756 .Q 1l)>- _w101 a~ aJ Touch p all Beth -..0·.0933 Housecleaning, reliable rel Own lrat'Sp Reaa YOLANDA 642·0•05 HOUSECLEANING by Sc:andmovuin lady 5•8-8027 HOUSECLEANING Also wlndows11pp1cs Reas 662·2874 eves ------Cleamng Lady with e~per Would like housec:le•· nrng by Ille day Good refs 55o4·6655 I WISh lo lrnd a IOb Clea· mng houses Re11s rates Xlnl 1efs 645·4105 ... ,,,;,,; .. ••••••••••• w •••••••••• OLDER COUPLE WILL HOUSESIT. XLNT REFS .. 543·52'41 673· 195 t Have somelhtng 10 sell? c1as51f1ed Ids do It well #ari•f ....•..•••••.•....•.. *'q •tVlll• lop quality 25 yr exp ,Comf)f!t11111e rates No ov811lme 730· 135:? ·ABC MOVING· Ou1ck. Careful Servrce low •ales 552.on ·- S TUD£NtS.MOV™G CO lte T124·436 Insured 641 ·8427 WATCH US GROWi !~}~!!~1 .••.•.•...•.•. FllE PlllTlll • lly Richard' Sinor Lie 280644 13 yrs of hepp• local eus10.t1ers 'Thank you. 63 t.44 10 --- -PAINTER NEEDS WORK' 30 yrs exp, Int ext Acoushc celhngs lie 366780 l'ree est • Oa111s P~~ 842_·5_!!• low•st rates• Prompt neat profess1onal1 1! yrs exp 636·7149 RALPH'S PAINTING LOWEST RATES Lie 380015 536·9891 Isl CLASS PAINTING Wallpaper. lnllExt Ae parrs Free est 979-529 111.1.,olr." ''" 11 •1111 4Ull ll':tHO aWlllllOll & So11 p 1111111" Con1plt1Ht ••• t 1101 homo Jrom S39!> lnc.ltv Oulll roorn• lton1 $46 m111111ol1 f\•lr., Insur~ Lie 205341 63 t ·•87 ,,~~'~············ Fart11111g 1r11.-ri0t 04ts19n HAN<;i_lNOISTRlf>f>ING VIH ~ Scoll 6•5·932 Elfp&rl w aHcovermg 1r 11a11a11on Reas Consul lllllll Ass1gnm1 581·859•) we gala lhd llano loge • Iller Hang S81f!C~ Ui:. 11011111 walls 839·073 anytime t~~~!!~~~~! ...... . *•BRYANT'S** Wnllco11ermg Removal All ty~I 642·1343 lali• C•r111 ..................... CUST0M wood palto cc,. v411• eOwood decn a lences Ran 4 1 . ~~~!!'/.!'I!!~ ...... . EDS PLASTERING Neat patches ln1/e•1 Restuccos 645·82! 8 PLASTER PATCHING Aestuc:cos 1n11ea1 ~o yrs Neat Paul 545.29; 7 . . -r!~!'!ti~I ............ . 2-r El 141-1126 40 gal wa1er~~5 ~.·}~~!!!~~~········~· AC RAINGUTTER BonOed·tnS·lrC B344764 Free est 1·524·5824 ,!!!~i!~!~I ...•••.•• ~. J 0 Hom RE!!rn1shlng Antiques, kit cabinets, fine parnllng 6o45·06f;4 ~!!!!~I. .. ~ .. ==-~ Huber Roolrng·&ll lype~. Nt w·recovet·decks Lie "411802 548·9734 ~!!'!!''··············· . ......... , Don 1 rt rool r11parr Oil 11ec11011 u t coet 857 21190 ROO~IN() R(PAIRS t>m•ll I Ob• OK f ru11 1111m111.. C.all I om or Clluall 5•2 63112 ,.,,. .. •••••••••••••••••••••• MOBIL[ SERVICE Re0Ctl't'n1/Naw t(.14141111 N9tCM IJ•lly 642-9$~2 IH11la1ial S.1rie11 ...•.••.••••••........ PROFESSIONAL SECAE I ARIAL Sl:RVI\!( 75o4 63611 • till ......••.............. TILF'olNS tALLEO All l<incls Guar1n1ee•J Ae!S John 840·92 11 T11e Se1rie1 ···············~······ $LOW RATES$ T1ee t11mt remov. clean ups. mowing !'>54·701 T Oayteve $6 & $ 121111 Mr Morgan 645·5173 !'!'!~~!.~{~~~!"··· .. "let the Suns111ne In' Coll Sunshrne WlnClo N Cleaning, lid 5•8·8853 20·~ Monthly 01seou111· WINDOW CLEANING ~ESID 3 COMM l FREE EST 581·1132 State Law lt,•irts: That all contractors ... 110 perform wo1k over $:<00 rnc ludtng labor and mote11a1s must be lrcen· sect Unhcen$Cd contnc:· 1ors should so s1a1e 1n thetr advertrStng Con- tractors and consum•lrs contect Marv Grondi•! al (714)558-4086 with any questions Contractor's S1a10 License Board. 28 C1111c Cenler Pluza. Room 690 Santa Ana. CA 92701 S20 ea 631· 1762 Sml d1ne11e sel. $80 Sora. BABY CRIB • Wood. used $25. baby walker $5 Calt 839-390 t ask for Maru -~~~ HEADBOARD. French carved queen sz Fturl· wood SSS 644· 1096 E blult good cond . S 100 545· 147 t or 549·9676 Carved Spanish loveseal bench wlstorage. S90. 673-5302 Lrdo Isle ' DOALlnLE ilU81NE88 IN YOUR OWN HOME tlHI IZ WlTHIEI New mall l hlr, wood ped bOse S 250 675·9275 Wino Backed Chr. 1ulfed. avocado velvel. wl woo<I trim from Beals $100 673·3600 SPYGLASS HILL 9 drwr dresser. 2 r111e stnds, k Ing 1\,(1 b I d $ .:J 0 0 , 644·4201 CdM C u s I o m B u_ll_l_D_a_n_1_S_h Couch. Teak & Blk Crepe German Vrnyl Very Sim· pie Xlnl Cond $275 645· 1418 Bea'Utlfut 0r;;;t;Oi~ Cl'llna cabinet. $450 644·6848 • SOLID MAPLE FIDOLE· BACK ROCKER IN BEST CONO $80 645-1572 --Ouahty solld maple bdrm 1urn1tu1e lrom the Berk- sll 1 re H..uae C lles4.. oresser with mi rt or. 2 night stands Also, 2 anllque dressers. chllfa· robe 957·2525 all 5 hrtit11rt Wt! e wood & upholstered Otnrng cllairs, 2 captain and • regular Wood hke new 6 plain dining chairs High beck easy cherr Bed frarne, antique double bed Couch Brown Vetve1een 8' sora & ma1c111ng cllerr & 0110- man $230. Ph 675--4009 Beau11tul 11ng1e canopy bed E•ceuen1 conduron $50 5•8·•903 645-0272 Oak sec y trundle bed upnghl l1eezer. Chris!· mas lree & hghts lamps, tables, d inette 1e1. 553· 1095 or 553· 1081 5 drawer f1rep1001 heavy duty hlrng cabrne1, $50 831·124 I 12' pc playpen sola set. camel color. idnt cond. $600 831-1241 Bookcases(31. 2•x 1511711 ea. wl drop·leal desk. dk walnul $150 831 ·12•1 early Amer hwy 'Pih8 dm set needs relln 8argaui $200 831·f241 L" SHAPED 3 PC SECT SOFA SH ~200 1131·12o4 1 MOVING SAl.E 3 pc Ceder beige cordU· roy sofa, $300. IOtll tab· le. $60 coffee table, $50, end 1abll!" $35, cllesl ol drowers, $40. 2 n•ghl s11n'1s. $30, While refrlg, S230 single bed S50. dbl bed. $75 d 1n1ng table 4 ChlS S225 Call 675·3043 daystevs Haro,..oo<I ~sk. 60x3o4 . • drwrs 1 Ille drw r N e wly relln $125 963·7398 6"6-5219 SOFA 7'• II Gd cond !~~~~-~~~~~ Floral. pillow back $135 Spyglass Hiii Corner t>ed group (2 lwrns). like new. wlcorner oalr. tbl S350. 6A•·420 I ----------Tablea. lamp, cocktail. chow S 160 Pecan fintSll )(Int Cond 962·3851 8 Sota. Earth !ones. 1n excellent condition Call 556·8842 i:iNCo'LN_T_Y_P_E_R_O_C_K-ER- Good c:ondlltOn S65. call 556·8842 Colonial style blk nauo•· h yOe couc h w / coordlneung coffee l bl $75 6U·51185 Oys. 556·4487 $150 962·3851 Captain s • In 1 beO. For sale. King Site watet"· dresser cab1ne1 & Ollak. bed complete. anytime $35 557·6448 __ _ CllrlS 662·3308 Contemporary wal Otning 011 while 2 pc sectional, good cond $250. 64•-68•8 Lio antique dining room lable. pecan & w~1nu1. ornate, S400 or ~91 of· fer Men'a dresser. lro 6 drwr , 1n11que walnul. $200 or best ofter UHCI bed Scandrnav1an mod· ular I 125 or bell ollet 642·6980 room table 4 chairs, 2 leaves. $300. Ron 714·855·2308 alt 5 PM Lo11e geat, couch, rm set wl6 cllrs & bullel from nice llOme Moving 752·2197 BH11t•1' c..11 lllS ................•..•.. Waterless Coot<wart LHI 2 20·1>C H ll , $3$0 ea Reg S•ll4 960-~ GAIAGI SALi ADS NOW CLASSIFIED IY CITYI 511 llLOW . .. It"'~;, t;. ~~v '·I\; .. 4'111 ~ ••• •16N lllu' Cn11 M-.a ..•••..•........................•........... !'!~!!~!~.~~~ .... ~!!!r.!!.~~!~ •..•.... MATERNITY WARDROBE Pv1 Ply 6000 sq It anll· & GARAGE SALE • Sz 10 Ques. l,mps. furn & deco & 12 Page Boy & Mo· 11ems Sir 9-5 843 W 11\erllooo Sal. Nov 20 15th 548·0135 9·• 214 Opal, Bol l9'e MOVING SALE Kg or On Cfl••• ''' #at Waterbed. 19" TV Zenrth •••••••••••••••••••••• remo1e control furn. SPYGLASS Hill Furn. oppl's. tools_2332 Elden, lamps,_ go-cart. toys, Apt• 10. 645-0388 c:10 1hes. F P.r;lce doll 11ouse. All tdp cond China. glas~ware. gifts. SATI SUN 9.4, 29 Cem• Fostoria. Nippon, Capo brta Or 6441-4201 di Monte. c:ranberiy 1817 Oriole Sat 9·3 Garage and Christmas Aoullque Sale. Rain or Sllrne. 9.5 pm, Sat & Sun 20111 & 21st 595 Fayeue C1rc:1e. C M {011 Paula· rrno & lud1ng1on1 556-•309 A hllle bit ot every1h1ng1 Hshld Items. loys. car slereo. etc Sat & Sun 8·6 3060 Fernlleatll Naw baseball gloves, rac- quell. sports apparel at wh tOO 2063 Monrovia 6•6-7642 PA TIO SALE·Chrtstm•• uniques. Grannys patio aate 1198 B1Sma1k W•y (Pautarmo & Fairview) Sun 10_,,. -------- Tools. Housewa1es. Ma· rtne Equip, toy:. 1943 1 CalltSh Circle, Sal-Sun. 8·3 GARAGE SALE·Sat Nov 20, 9AM·o4PM 17101 SI Andrews Ln HB Sewing macll. furn. ml5C ----·· STOP• Your Ghr11trnas Shop~1ng needs will be sallslle<I Lois 01 c01Jnlry collectables & more al 1owes1 prices Sal/Sun 8·• 30 219 13th St (1 blk PCHI lniH ...................... Hard mowe1 ~ TV stano. rn1sc Sat Nov 20 l>'or tllwood. Irvine 730-3609 BRANO NAME OFFICE FURNITURE Desk cllelrs. contemp waiting rm cllrs, chrome & glass desk 4 dr wr Hon Ille cab More qual llems ln mini cond 2151 N1chel· son. S1e 190 FrllSat 8·5. Ph 833·8308 Bt~ moving sale, includes Dataun 200SX '81 & Cougar XR7, '78 Parr. West Apts. 270 t Park v i ew ln N o 4A a ,.,, 559.541 1 ...................... ·--------~-YARD SALE, stereo, non working color TV. etec: dryer. & misc 11ems Set/Sun 9 .30 -5PM . 2 tll42 lakeleno, El Toro. • ~.'.'!r.!!.~~!~ •..•..•. IUUll llU ILIWHT The Orandaddy 01 lllem all. Every1hing mu11 go. Buick Opel Sport Wa· gon. WlllrlpoOI gas dryr. color TV, Oueen water- bed, 4 si>kr 11ereo. Dolby CISMlle declr., Slove lop, guitars clothing and lots more SAT Nov 20. BAM 2610 Vlata Ornada. Blulla, 6•0 ·8268 or 64•·6286 SUPER SALE Furn ap· p ttances 11ou1ehold acces dee uems plants. etc 206 o44th St 10·4 Sat only GARAGE SA LE furn , antiques. /amps much more S111/Sun 9·5 1855 Port Manietgh Ptdte -T---34 FAMll Y G ARAG E SALE 'Benolll tor Nwpt Harbor Soccer Club B oy's Schwinn Bike. Shotgun loedmg K11 Thur FrJ Sal Sun 9-5 30. HO I l•vtne Ave CM NB 1978 TrlUmptt motorcycle. btCyCle lamps 3M oeslr. copier, new basket, ctlals. ttuoe hon PIClure. books, clothes. 750 Ad· vent lge TV & mrsc 5 Kamalii Court Newport Crest Sun only 9.4 ----EUTILIFF Clothes size 8· 10. llou- seware, urn. 11ereo sys Sat only 2901 Calalpa Sam Ski equip stereo car co- ver. ski 1acil. b•ke. mlSc: goodies 915 E Balboa Blvd on lhe Ptnintula People who neoed people should always check the Service Directory In the OAILV PILOT ·-· _._ / Irvine Coast Country Club .membership· for sale. S tSOO t o ller 714-67S-86S 1. 568-4722 CAT lynx v. coat Xlnt condition and quality. $3000. 640·S3241 ' Mesa Verde Country Club Full Membership. S26. 000. Answer Ad "708. 642·41300. 241 hrs .. 751-8162 PEG BOARD 4'x8'. '•" ---------1 Painted & tramed $7 LIYE UllHIS 631·766s_ -- Helium balloons dehve· 6 wood bloc k prints. rad anytime 673-4419 "Sharaku' . "Chintz" Radiant Heater IOf pat . w/Propane tank $7S S40·6472 Fostoria. Fr Prov bullet. Gorham-fla w ar e 9S1-7906 . ATARI GAXE & CARPETING 800 eq II, CARTRIDGES. seo beige sand. $450. 300 sq It, rad. S 12S. 67S-05S8 ,549-9852 CHRISTMAS BOUTIQUE HERMES Elect11c typewrl· Gilt ilems includ. jewelry ter. good tor student Sat 2-6 pm 11181 Frlmt _s_so __ s.._8_-_s_63_3 ___ _ Ln .. H.B. 840-1982 4 tires. size GR 78-15 S65. Cash Kirby Vacuum cleaner. $35. cau Sunday only. ____ 5s_2_·_87_8_9 __ Calh only. 646-1149 NB ..... 11 .. , ... 40:50~. oH all skates In stock while they last. Oceanfront Wheelworks. Balboa. 67S-6510 WHIRLPOOL GAS DRYER SSO. Cati Sunday only. Cash only. 646-1149 NB Oflitt F•r•il•tt ' . .• ~!!f~!~f. ••• !C!. SHARP SF750 COPIER Any paper. S moe new 645-5383 Matched custom modular 3 desk set. 2 exec & 1 sec'y, an 01 part Confe- rence & work tables, sola. side chairs, lamps & tebles 645-5383 our famous • •rlftt them or Mail tflem wltll conect caah to Deify Nol. ~ W. ley St .. ctate MeH. CA. t212t • Eeclt itefft ""'tt be p1lced wlll'I no llem . ewer MO. 20c per line -11 .00 lftlnl1num • No livea.IOCk. PfOChtC8 Of plant• DIMES·A·LINE •• THIODORf ROBINS FORD J')t,() ~iAtlttJI 6LVD (U\U. Ml~A t,41 UOIQ BAUER MOTORS 2925 Harbor BlvcJ Costa Meso 171'1 §79·2500 73 British landro ver Model 88 52,000 mi, needs gu1dea. runs weU I S38001bSI offer Must sell 768·4572 ('3 v,., H10 .........••••..••••••. 73 OOdQt V11n Com1tt• 1ion Auto. alt . Ster 281< m1 $3200 646-3843 78 Ch!'ll)I 'I ton V8 lWIO. 111 am/Im st~ p/b p/•. new mes Exit aond $41100 t52·8388 A·.,., WHIH "'° •.....•....•.••.•••... COMM Ell CHEVROLET ,. .. ,. HJ • t ,.., ; \ \1 r S41>-ll00 1111 llYEI Top dollars lo• Spor11 Cers Bugs Campers 9141 s Audi s Ask 101 U/C MGR Jiil 1111111 VOLISWllEI 187 t 1 Beach Blvd HUNTINGTON BEACH IU·2000 WAITED. LatP model Toyotas. Volvos Pickups & vans c~u us today• • DIMES·A-LINE ADS MUST BE PLACED BY 3 p.m. ON FRIDAY. FOR INFORMATION CA1.L· LOIS, 642-5678. ext. 319 . • No C4NftflWfClef ad• allo•~d TEAC cassette deck $40. FARBERWARE rotiueroe FISH tank 30 gallon StO SET 1' tnch snow chains GIFT suggestion, unuMd 3 BROWN coats sile 10.. TIME Ule Photography STEREO 8 track record NEW black and white so LARGE wood<'n ship put. American Encyclopedle hke new S2S. 962-97S9 1P1ng Pong 1able S2S $20. Eteclrlc weed ma· ~ .. sts8f'9'eoa~ ~~";: 12 lur SS each llgtlt Serles, 10 books SSO. player unit S50 Glass lid State 13ln Zenith TV leys $35 each Medium Mt $40. Strotee strollef C S Roller skatn. Size 7.8,9 chine $5. Swimming pool ,,,,_ ... green slack lull slie Old 45's from late 50's top, white and gold end $50 GE AM/FM ctock s 15 each large copper and Strotee ear seat $40. 1~l~v::~la~e: -~~~~~.-~~ S5 pair ·~ $118 l1wnmo-hlter tank S40. One,l)orM 18 Poker chips S3 Fen· 10· 12 13 631·104S Ol\,$3 tor bOx 15 Chit-table S20 Crockpot S10.. .. iad!p s9 Pole lam.D $6 veni~tor $35 Bronze fair wood dresser 140. sizes S2-SSO. Chairs -SS. Croquet S81 $3 meter S40 Pump 125 cyd-~a~~arkdleSS230 ~W~sh CHILD'S portable phono drens cauene, story Vaccum upright $15' Wooden bar slool w11 boat tr1ite1' winch S2S New tevelors s1s each. $25•550. End tables Garden tools $1 each w orks good Toots s tapes; some with boolla. Lamps SS and S 10 back $9 Ktdney shap Two boys bikes' 241n 10 Ceramic Illes 25o each Goll shoes size 8 $5. $4-S 15 Can openers. hook ktl $2. Alba e with color organ $ lS ages 5-8 S 10. Antenna Men's clothlng jeckets g111s dressing table with speed $35 each Girls 642·8704 $ 2 s -$ 5 O · Te a P 0 t 5 Ch Id's table and chelr pots and pans, dishea cuetom pole S30. Oullted Speakers stereo pair $2. Pair of apeakere $5. SS-$10 Construction drawers. shelves $45 clothing size 4.7 25c-S3 $20-$50. Candle holders $4 Post digger $3 Over 5c-$8 Radio's SS-S8 purse SA. Auto-van bur· 6imt tOmx l4ln St5 Lug· ProJectlon screen S5 Wheel barrow SSO. ~end Double bed box spring, 2476 Santa Ane Ave METAPHYSICAL books S t ·S2 s Sugar end 1000 paperbacks 10c Solld'wood frame 8ft glar alarm 125 lures, gage rack S8 ·Kfd·s ty· Assorted book• 25e or '•Flex 10011 rolls 120 mettress liame S25 Coste Mesa used: Thousands of cream servefS StO·S3S. eact> 1782 Westminstet sofa $35 WheelbarrO'# JlgsS1·S3 J1gmast8f SOC pewrlter S8· Sterling by the box $8 Alpaca each Cast iron deep Heavy duty exerciser ------ theml Spiritual, Chris-Vases SlO·SSO. Bowls Ave .. Costa M esa. with Ure $10 Foreign SL reel S30 Book Spain water cooled air COl\dt· rug made 1n Bolt'Vla 4x6 wash atnk complete $35 $39 Cash only Satur-BLACK and Deckers•, tian. Indian, Sell-Help. S2·S40 Goblets $5-S 15 548-086S Saturday only . cofoa 50c·S 10 Genuine S3 Ben ctock S8 Ptluget tlonet llS (U Is). Ctock S50. Child ege g.7 Bllr-10ftx 1211 carpehllg good day Sunday g . 4 a n d 7 '• c tr c S 8 w Diet and Health, Child-Tools Sl·525· Skill saw redwood planter bo1(s, t022reel114 Boat pok radio (as I•) s2. Tube berry Trench c oat condition S15. ~tire s45.'1 5 14 near Fair -$22·$26 50 1• d11ll birth, Dreams, Relncar· S 15. Pictures S t-$SO LARGE canvu picture $5 custom made $12-S25. holder S2. Wooden mar· type FM tun8f U to 108 booght in England 150. H78· t5 S30. Four wtleel1I grounds S 12 SO·S 16 50 Jig saw nation, Psychology, Pa-Add Ing m 8 ch I n 8 s Guitar $2 Loi s of chll· 2253 Republic, comer of tin S 10. Travel diary S2 MHZ S 10. AM Iulo radio Arts and Crafll books same alze S 10. 1211 work ---$1 t 50 6'tln· 7'.1n·91n rapsychology, Phlloso· SlO·S45. Belt tank s3s dren ·sand young adull Republic end Wll•on, ButanellghterS3 'Ftyliltl S8. 7 Inch Muffin fan S7. $10·$12 a bo•. Wedellng bench with cabinet 150 TV 241n color, maple ea-carb sew Black end phy, Anthropology. Tea-Fishing geer $1-$50. Fl· games 50c·S3 Stuffed Costa Mesa pole S14. lHtl'ler ~) Portable Realistic AMI dress lift 10. originally Four •helve breckets b1net S35 S•9·4900 Decker S6·S27 50 1•.1n ching, Poetry, Jewish shlng arrows $4 each animals Sc-S2 Kitchen· cs.,2s"8feaS4n..._~n$927 Hreel•'-CFM11c'urf'11.,.or'~1tr:dpl~~er S300.onlyl30 Arneocan complete $10 set '•1n PORTA crib $40 HtQh Dannellng Bl $3 Skill Herl,age, Astrology, Pumps St0-$35 Light "'are 25c-S2 Sleeping TOASTER 4 slice S10. ""'"" " -Herllege boolls 12 MCh clear p l ate g l es1 cha i r walnut $25 router $27 50 Stanley Science fiction 25c-S8. fuctures S10 -$4S. Ele-bags, SS each Lots ol Food processor $20 chppers SIO Garcla t4KI 1UP9fyS8 81nctl~• or 12S box. Auorted U ln174in not temperl<I Chllds rockt1s S10 and tapes 1211 1611 25f1 724'h W. 19th, across phan1 plant stands $50 fnlan1 end toddler toys Place mat SI each. Pa-pole S30. Blble In UI Ill wall boll 17. Oval m11· books SS box, lncluo1ng 115 eaeh COl'lCfete aea-S20 Doll cradles S3 $6 S3 50-$7 20 OoOt tocks from Statef Bros .. behl-each. Swords S10-S50 SOe-$5. TV not working perbacks 25c each. Can cassettes or 23 Ill fl r• ror in wooden holder SS many Mystery novels 3 tar IS gallon l 3S ShPPer chair 1 10 Efec:., $4 50-$7 Bat Charger 8 n d 11 g u or sto re . Coke dispenser $SO. 2 $5. All sizes clothing opener 15 Wine rack $4. cords S20. Galoshes 13. 1S book• on bu1lne11 RoHmond print•. Ira-Waterproof sealant 5 troluJt vacuum $45 New 9nd 10 amp S21 50-$24 5'8-9S72 or 631·2892 fish cleaning units S•O 5e-S 10. Saturdey 10-3, Iron 17. Hand towels S 1 S48-!1832 $15 EleCtronteJ>OOI(• I~ med SS each Large gallon 110. !• anchor Franciscan epple p811ern Floor J&Cll '" and 2 ton each. Tapes St. Clothes, 1898 Park crest (west each Olshe• 25G each. MEN'S and women's each 01e .. v .... SJ. g painting $20 framed, bolts 71n long S 1 25 A~~ie ••r 520 Dnn door S27 SO·S32 Case Pem 2 SCIENCE fiction book•: ,_ 300 pieces S5-S25 end ol 19th St) No eaf1" Picture frames S3·S5 Inch •Peaker SS pall I M ., M J d NCh T ~ of ~Mtlng """"" .-...., 011 10 30 s22 so case 100·1 of lheml 50c-S4. Statuaa. porcelan ob-sales Costa M... ' Saturday and Sunday Levis and Jeans. aSIOr· 2130 Doctors Circle "D" 8" rn onroe, u Y u . $6. Siiverware chests S6 • · 1978 Star Trek puz:zle jects $10-$50. Trailer • 101m 400 Princeton led sizes 12 large Coal• Mesa 542-7589 Garland and JlllTlel Dean Sl NCh Eleetnc Sign for and 110 Cl1Jrol Ha11se1-Valvohne racing 011 30 S15. 548-9S72. 724~ W. hitch S50. Heavy duty DINING set $50 Recliner Drive. Cos la Mes• drene,, long and shot1. ptlnts. 2h24, llmlted bar S7. 329 Rochester ter StO 556-8842 ":TJ2s3 Smell tools s ukulele $35. Silverware $10. Lamp $5 Air purl-9S7-3282 tops $4, Old phOnogfeph BIKES men1 IO·sP"d edltton SS NCh. !Mtled. (down alley) 645-25" 2· 40·736l 19th t.,.Costa Mela. $1·$20. Bird cage $2S lier S 10 Toaster S2 rtcOfds S2-$1S. Stereo l1dlH coHter brake 135 framed Jotin Wayne BEAUTIFUL s lid mallo HEAVY aluminum cooking o·BR E CAMP I NG tent 9x 12, c 1 di o 1 d s 1 o h • d cruiser 1110 3 speed -1nts 18x20 limited adl· 0 • ware S2·S7 50 Enamel· 1 N wooden ski, •I-I S35 Tea earl S4 5. Rugs hildrens encycope a Pl.Al earthtonesoaand recor S • IS 81 n _,. • rl 13 SiS f 8 Id ganypedestaflablewltl'I ed Iron and enameled most new SSO ~leeping gVoodW chcoronmdl,t ornlm. a s2' 52. S 10·$50. Boat lights S 10. $10. Intercom $40. Fan love Hat $SO lor both glassware, pots and Look itnarp and run new Gounm b •' 11 m arc hml n e' teether top, 1 drawer lleel pots end skillets bag SS Camers ~ 10-515 Brau fixtures $10-SSO SS. Tools lOc-$5. Fishing Soundetlgn atereo $45 pans 11.SS. Sle-8280 E•tras choice s-49. C•ll $50 l11ge walnut 11nllh S S 0 6 s $ VW llf• SR170-15 S15 1701 Pomona Ave gear S5·125 4 on ro.d Good electric llec!ge RC Alrctaf1 5 channel FU· Sat111day eve CK Sunde~ S5·110 ExerclM bicycle cott9a teble 24x60ml2S 1· ~.le ~~we~,e~ecu· S~;k~s Ca~~1ie1~~ur:1~ , and ltO. SR18S-1S SS. Costa Mesa . tires 1ox1s S2S each cutter s1s Three com-llbe transmtlter ISO. morning 1168-8138 130 10s Rockvlew, Ir· 8taMboundHatchCOll8f "i es h sso' :wn bums St T~sSt Rall $48.-0910 c Io th•• w i I h r Im s merclal c.icu1e1ors S 15, Receiver $SO Nlcad1 NORELCO coffee male" vtne 955-2380 30Jt48 S25 Two 3 way c,,o,~~ becoducsso Belt i~g1" SS Stereo SS W~ts -~-HOTPOINT 14cu ft, no 50 $10 S t d d $25 $35 H ldf I k I ............ 1750 ..., • STANLEY garage door lrOlt relrlgeratOf. bo. uom. C· ' a ur ay an · 0 ng an and Harnesa S25. K&B S 15 New louver door SET of 41·B78x 13 belted amps Wit"........ brator $4S. Brau chan· SS t2 sPffO bike SO °'**' $35. Doof hinges freezer $50. Hoover Ola· Sunday lo-.t. 732 Weeto for AV with gate valve .40 engine 140 Thunder 281nx801n 115 Sm eh tlret on Vega wtleef• $39 pair New electricians delter with 8 hghls and 615 Ir vine (15th and wtlh .. 1e1y springs S20. lamlllc vacuum cleaner Drive. Coale Mesa. llet· 140 All llama guaran· . Tlgtr . 1 S engine s 15.i stereo ca~lnet wltl'I re· pair r111ee A·78x 13 on wire puller, peld S32 aefl 49 _prtslma $50 Saturday Irvine) Across from High 557-4-480 s 2o. Storag• cabinet, ween t8th and ll>th 0 " leed Sat and Sun 1t11er Electric 11111er S 15. Fun cord chenger 125. Survi· Opel wh'eeta $50 Two 120. large Sell boat de-and sunda.y 9.5 16038 Sehoot Sat and Sunday 3 SPEED 26 R stldlng doori 1$25. caan °1 Pomooa. ~m 325 Eath.,. Slreet. can K&B 500 fuel with vor lire Ploof tale 125 A 7 8 x 1 3 on Va 11 ant oorator picture for geme Cwleton Streel, Fount a· all day In boys a-1y 3093 Ceyl Rd LIDO 2 pair sliding doors '\..osta Meea 14&-7909 electric fuel pump at-Eleclrlc bloom. like~ """81• S3!1 All of at>ove room 17 SO 4 lA& In Valley 2 blocks East ----- lalgfl bike S20. NeW Po'· on · on ' S 2 5 eac h . Cu a Io m 10 ......... b*e 150. ~ laclled S25 3 new k1t1 $20 Office typewriter are on balanced ..._... wheel• S2 SO each 4 of ZOdy's (Harbor Blvd TWO hanging lamps SS tat>te trailer mlrrora for Costa M888 ...,...... S25eech Newmonokott table, like new S35 Mo-1·87ht3 on Vega for Ford 141n wheela $2 and Lilac) H eh Gold velvet king ?' uMd once llS pair. GOOSE Decoys (21 white dra~. need c:;a-~no 4 toys SS.S2s·:11•':boetd Iron 118. 8A5-<>'90 Ped bumper rec\• St2 apare S8 t-OA?Ox13 eech 2 P2-0S/7SR1' re· · headboard, needs trim 72 Cllev pick-up AM and honker type, sluHed pair l5 20 eac:673 4~~· wneeli 50c. 1 1~1 VW Hat $20 Antique S tS D70x 14 G78x ts dial tires, high rubber S lO Potttry 7 sc-SS radio S10. Flush mount kapok S6 each. Lynx roda eech • microscope, new ATTRACTIVEyellowl11mp men hole cover. fiUgre, 145•13 11•0 eecl'I : S20 pair. Sunday only. 2 DECORATOR ctocka S8 Clothing 75c-$3 Shoes cesMtte pla~, tor car Predator woods 1.3,4, BATHROOM Sink enCI ca-Student lamp SlO. P0t· decoreted wlll'I emall lrom San Frenclaco, Cir· 831-370! • 17SS Anaheim "10··. and S10 40 year old je· 7•,B SI pair Pocket I 10. 548-97S4 $40 each Cash only blnet 42ic22in 12~ Cold· table sewing machiut amount of nower1, '931n ca 1908 135. IM._ 1033 Costa Meta 8',_8746 wetry set 140 11150 tar· books S 1-$5 Jewelry •• -,.ll ~ ~Ceylon Rd .. Costa apot refrlgeratdr 20cu s2o. V•n ladder $5 '-'O"' 115 Out of Big --CHRISTMAS tree plate rings SI p11r Hanging costume 25c..$3 Kodak 110.,25. Rackalball Mesa. S15.Skibootamen1llze rCahcrkom1•1 211821100nRwl:!~n5 Canyol'lhonle,Nntiltlb4ue BICYCLE 135 Lawn 112 CaooOIMonteplete tOFT PVC pipe IC"8d lamp end chain SI Cap· cameras $5 end S10 SS S1s N g StO. Single bed mat· "" grey, go!C! and avacado ~ s.4S Sewing m•· 130 Foat or la Holly 40 a.in It, hn '2. 21n S3 Iain's Chlir S10 Large Fabrtc remnants S1-S5 racket• • • ylon QUEEN walerbed frame treas and bed springs W/W sttel l i re 120 drapes. good condition chine 150 w11 .. 1 chelr cryacal s3, Cranberry, Three adtuat•ble tin to easy chair UO New 9343 Grackle. Fountain sport ~gage SS-I IO. S50. Queen w11erbed 1 tS. vw car bike rack each Four pallo cflelr& • 120 Brua polllhed fire 140 Bar 110011 S30 Nippon 12. S.turday and 21n pipe threading die• Tempura ~er 16 Old Valley, 9 30 1111 3 00 Mena womens.-t mattreu SSO. Head· 13. 494•6458 SI each. Two patio Chai· e•llngulal'ler 150 M2·7313 Sunday 9.3 11711-t275 135. 545. ISO Pipe coffM urn and tray 115 •ult~ end tops S5-S10. board S1 S. Crib S30. 111 S9 each Executive 2·950-11 truck urea with • 1117 OrlOle Or1"8 Coste wrenchea 61n to 381n New Bauer hoci.ey Selh,ig anytnmg w11n • Men• tennla lh<>fl• and BaHlnet S20. Aquarium TWIN bed, maplo S 10 swivel chair 150 Ship• trlNd ISO. 1953 Aer>ublk USED petlo lumbel" Red·I M ... (MIU verd9) S3 -S7.50. 18038 ~erle• eketN sso New ski O.,ly P1101 C11ss1tied Ad sfllrta 110.50 ••ch. De-s10. Ski boou s10 Four drawer deal< $15 wheet 135. 1es1 Elba Av•' Coate Me•• wo o d po•I• and tonStre.t,Fountaln Val· lacketme<1 sl:reM-l SSO •s •simple matte1 IU•• draftsmen lemp '30. POies 13. Barbie Dream 0-..r .,uffad chal1,. Cho; Circte. Meta Verdt. 11·3 a.2.oee2 itringef•. Iona 2112•1 for YAMAHA 90 tralf 11111•. ran lay 2 block a Eal! of M9n atretch' 1111 pant• 32 JU'' call 642-5618 Bo ya 2111n. bike 135. hOUae. pool camper s 12 co111a s 10 Wall candela· Saturday only 979-1320 1~ complet.-S&o. Queen ltl•t tummer. Mids min· Zody'• (Harbof Blvd and as New 141dl88 "'°" a1ze Saturday end Sunday each Rattan books bfa ft ...... 120 TV lland. ...... or work 150 Bo b Lllec) 8at11tdty, Svndey 7'AN St Heir dryer 2083 Monrovia Ave.. plctur· .. 7Sc·S·5. Selur: det'uf'"'e ss. Sln"•r vt· CAMPER laclll. porteble, QUEEN mattreu S35 Ila water...., end"~ ..... 892 • IM6-78'2 • hltt ntw 150 eeeh Win-Queen aprln a $30·.~ 140 lo• spring and ..,t•1 t-5 worka 11 60 large Coate Mesa. day and Sunday 8-5. cwm cleaner 13 LaCllCll dows tor recreational Queen frame 1,0 0r..: meut .... vwy ci.&n ~ PANASONIC Wtlkman Samsonite aultcaM SS 90AT ..... ,., 110. Heeth-181 2 D. Iowa. Costa ovemtght caM 14· G.E. vettlcte 12S aactl. Dinette .., $15. vacuum clHner Commercial "oor PO· with AC 1 1 40. FOIJf i.ge .. '!'.!~11P wrap• ••Off 121 ••• --·--iff~!!'..!t1~¥.fi~· , . . "'D'mnw .,.., ••o. . --2-.IQ.6Mlkm,,_.-~~,., Cl'laln and lint US. FISHER 165 skla Tyrolla • oots, '""' • cYcte boo11. IGO LMO-fype;,l\e,. 125 Stand OVE8E T l50 -COl\lllMfl ( I M elai !~~ 'C::: binding• l 1S Oolomlte g:~ =~~=2' 13 lalaat front r9')tlle cagt H Oouble btd U5 \.,.,, .~ Otto!:~? Aaeortment of car 'PM• ~"::,'1o 2:;·~~~ ...., . .,_,_.... tin 9 alll boot• 115 Nl· -10 131·'41t Stereo end •PHkera 11118 ,,.. t79-t4M1 llera. .. OOoCI 12-ts. Two !Wk: 1'lga MO. Teek 125. N• eeco attl bindings 17 50 PICTURES $1-125 Bed 135 Coffee end •net .... .,.._., ,.....,..., 25c· Aquerium lleet v ... lor plottlng board Cat top carrle1 S7.&0 '30. °'...., 125 G•-S~NN crulHr HO ••• ~j'•"• GIRLS 24111 9dMlrwl 11111• 09" flold tOift anct 1111 t•mp 14 Nice ladlea, .Jll. New doCll llnea Cer 00\IDle t>Mle c.rlef den tddt IOc-110 ' • -~-,, ---. ............. IJlll &lt&.-lllP INftl ~lothet 2k·St5 ~·-ut= 11~~111':. r,:~~c~~n!t~ ':'':'11:: i::;~ .. M~~~:v1~f,. .. ~"°"'rot~ Twin -=-~.:.and ~·~~~rt~ •¥E'S tenf.m ;~g~~: per e 70· 15 tlrt 120. ~· __ ___ mOW9f 129 Man'• '*• dl9lrl '30. Mi.ot54 0t tn.2212 ICM'ao ='-· lllOI-116 Ladlee lln 6, bOyt ,_.., ltO. Comoltfe aet 545-3838 TAii.ii lamp $50 Velvet JO 8PMd 125 C8' 11tW HS-M87 l •WI)' ~eel HO. Tete· .... 11 tot .. ell lltO· ~ .... ltO. Me-I OCker uo Hanolno ""' 15 MGtl Old'*-THAU""" round ....... IOCC SUZUKI 145 20 pl'IOftH IT , .. lunar ,,.... ..... 16 HlfMt· ..,. 111mp lfllde 111 CQANEA group bedt 1 10 lamp 145 H2·3151 110 OutDOerd cactcty 15 beaullfully :=•n 911101\ 1qu•rtum Incl l20 ltlle IH Tutle -If •ny·to·rouncl It. Two Mt• ltalnlet• llf· HC,, Match ing llbl• THEAMAOOA •••ctrlc 20tO Stitt Ave . Colt• ....... enct !'~~ICCllllOrlM .. '30. l4MISI ••PHH•., .• Doubte verwara 17.60 HClt. 810. er.., 118. r)lak rengetop Jopottllellfle MeN FollowOatilt,_ NOii ~ MnCftel ...., Md,,_U Men'• ... ,, loaolrla mechlM l"· ,,...., hlteflel 5. 15, decor hood w1111 bl•ck noma aner tpm •10 Mdl Hiri cOlof TV[LUQOAGI LadlM AINlll UIY IWlfll, WWtd up ttO. lftOM "" ,,.. 13 HI. LOWil iuto. ~ tO. New poof table befit 81•• front lfld 2 ~ ---nol •Ofklng ltO lltn 1ert11rt HI LecllH ltrOIH liebr 1trolltr QIUtll • MOii Oolf beg ~= 111. 1171 Club IH. ~ tOOll II =:rr•I c•o• blower KllCHIN tMll lftf tow 1118011 ancr •llrt• TV A"9tcart Tourtlllf ISi 1i11001er crulM), .. .,. IUO I071 lanla Ane ,_.,C..M9aa. HI Prealdlo Or1v1, '"11tce11ent oondl· c1111r1 . fine condition work• aooct tao Man• two tuner 121. Yllouf ... ......, OOftdl-tO S~D ttlfl iftuet 9111 Awe .. Colla Miii. lat· ICM laturdty Oftfy. Colt• Mela. t7 .. t3" uon I~ !1'4·2341 _131 112-7.al _540-1731 14'·1I07 ftOll Ill Ml-tnF 1-. llO .,...., ""'-Oftfy, en. tlfll •• t ' .- c• ........, .._::ir Sln:BOD----- -Beauu(ul con cluion __ -CJ:im.pJ~u.• eh.x·tromi· and instrumentation. Will finant·<· or trade for incom(• property. 213-592-1573 Ulll·RIYICI LWI• 831-2040 49~949 UllLHACC . .IR 28402 Marguerfle Pkwy Mission Viejo (Avery Exit olf 1-5) Open Sundays Sales-Service-Leasing 1112 IMW DllSEHT Nice Selectilen! • ·74 3 OCS. 4 speed. (960NAC) * '76 2002. 4 ICXL loa-ded (255PL V) • '79 5281. auto , lea- ther (5343820) * '80 3201. 5 spd. sun root (859Z01() • '80 3201: 5 sfJd .. all cond (1ASX048) IH-3111 '75 FIAT 124 SPUR 5 spd. stereo. mags dark red, very sharp. 589NAJ. s3595 208 w 1st. Santa Ana '77 FIAT Closed Sunday CHOICE INVENTORY 124 SPIDER .' VOLUME SALES 5 spd, casselle. mags, ~ dark green beauty \II ACP577 Ill ••LllEI s4495 lllW Sales·SerVtCe-Leasong '78 FIAT 850 ~a~~ etvd 124 SPt>ER 122-HU Racing Red, 5 spd. Open Sunday mags. s tereo/Tape iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil Mint cond. ( 1296). s5295 TIHlllH IMWt We need your trade-inl Call or -our used car manager. Wollgang •Jun .• nek. Liil IUCll llW Sai.a-Servic•Leaslng 3870 N Cheuy Ave LONG BEACH ·ao FIAT 2000 SPl>£R 5 spd, stereo, mags. smoke Qrey, 1 OWnef. 27K (4345) 114 111-llH ~~~29~ NUii OHITY'I .,, tL"IT '71 FIAT Xl/9 ·5 • 4 spd. Fac(qry ai r , stereo tape. mags. -'79 BMW 7331 Alpine, 4 apd, many xtraa, lmmac. St8,500 or $1500 T/0 l tt , 855 -8325 dyi/494-8061 eves '80 5281, 5 apd, 1unrl, letthtf, iclnt cond. S 13. 500. 831-8558 r!~l ..•....... ~.1.~!f '80 Capri AS. Turbo, 5 tpd. c lean, loaded. $5 200, 494 -3 448, 937-<>e72 I .. ,,.. f1lf Only 43K m i . (1BUC707) s3995 The Best of Condition The Btst of Prict. Al VlliclH Ci111ullllff OUNG( COUNTY'S OlDlST rACTO.Y MITlaVCO f IA f.lMICIA D£W DICK MILi fR MOIOll\ ,.. ,·, . ••••••••••............ . .... 111 ................••.... '11 ........... .. auto-pvt ply H2-5522 17 Dettun 8210, 8 IPd. 'U -111111 87,0CJO ml, MtcMlln tlf•, •·t. _._.a----.. gteen w/l:ltll Int 12475. s.. ' ' ,._.,. --.-. MS.82'2 11300 Mlol082 su us f1 JOI TOUI • ' MXT,,.AIDA ' ·"""'. , ___ ... PACIUTTI 1125 11111 11 CUii •lU 101114 DICK MILLER M OTORS ' fj fj. •'"" \ Jf I i Ar1 1 (Jk' : { llPH llrnl I 1IOO ·73 good body . xlnt motor & Iran, au10, new • Sa11e $2000 '82 white AX tires 543·6'485 Snd Loaded 5 yr war-, l•ntll1 11SO '63 Conv Bug Xtnt cond r an t y L 1 k e ne w ~··••••••••••••••••••• Must sell $3200 or bes1 6-45-7278 78 SC. red/bl~ lll'lr. snr1. olr 646-7285 AC. can , P-7 s. flawless, _ -------• lffltHn ,,., 1140 t o w n er S t 9 . O 0 0 '69 vw Beetle •••••••••••••••••••••• 759·0490 GOOd Cond S t695 You can afford to buY your Mercedes Benz from us. .$0 DOWN LEA E Appll" to new U tl 1n 11oc1< On 11>pro•.O creo11 t.llSTER NllSllE/ 1111 1363 t Harbor Blvd Garden Grove lales-lemoe Ltasiq 114 131-2111 1>44·5585 _7_2_V_W_V;;;aody good cond AM/FM cass. Abll eng w/Poreche parts Dual Weber carb $2700. 547-7 t86 Scoll 'lD YW 0.11. I 1ll0 WkdyS 9-5, 83t -4 t18 Mary ·72 91 IT Cpe. blue/bll<. 7" 1980 VW, Vanagon Low whls, Blau, cass. 70,000 ml., air, am/Im can .. mo 759·0490 mag whla. new tires, uallent cond $8450 57 356A Coupe. many Days 642-1835 eves new parts. eye cateller & 873· 7388 s1ea1 at $7800/080 1-,63--v.a.-8--P--.._--895-4515 ?' a1a. orsc .... en-om•. road race suspen, 1111121 Ptrstlte quick' $3200 0 8 0 Extraordinary 5 speed 846-6985 Cu atom Slack lmron ro C_A_M_P_E_A_e-uS_B_u_b_ble_ Paint Slack leath« Int top. brand new brl\1. w/bleck leather Aecaro tores. motor & paint Elwc. Ideal C aeats Tinted relr!g, propan. atv, Klltllf wtndowa. Polished atereo $4800 obo wheels w~new Plralll 646·730 t & 631-7439 ' Urea Custom Ads Al-· I pine sound s f st am '73 VW Sus, Mint, perfect Custom security system Chrlllmat gm. call lor Radar detector Prlva1a details 552-7••6 I owner $2t.900 Wk da Super clean ·1_e_Sc_1r_occo_ --lltd... "'/'") .J ' 2 t 3 -592. 4025 ' or rbll eng. nu paint & more ... 1 t4-846-7303 Ev.is an<1 S4900 oeo 875-9962 wknds 714-842-203 t t»t 0... SI 11owpor1 lloldl , '7 8 VW C011vert1 ble, per- 7141133-tlOO lllltl3~ 55 Speedslllf. xlnJ C:Of1d. Itel cond 22 000 ml Orig, rebll eng. $1 4,225 champagne edition' (2 13) 780-8648 avu meny xtras $7000 oeo' • IEIGEIEI WAITED lll1•11t hll1rs ""· Call Pttar Kay. • Olel2t30f714 637·2333 ..... tf •• ,.rts, .... '81 360 SL. 7000 m• Wirt (805) 496-6649 760-t4 t3 7ili'l~ 2 o. 5 apd. ap-m w 8-UQ--1-o_w_n_r.-x-ln-t pellfanct group. amlfm cond , AM/FM; 12500 atereo $6,000 or batl 957.9059 oll. 955-2538 '12 NISlll O.•rl11et •9g Sqbck O d orig co;;- Auto, fuel Inf. new llrn $1450 801> 839·8297 '89 VW BUG 30,oc)O""";i on tn11 & trans New brka Sttrto caHtllt ' CONNRL CHEVROllT '" .. ""I 1 • I r i ' \1 t Hi>-llOO 1912 CADiLLAC fLIHWOOQ IROUGHAM I 1[~l~45J s15,995 191 t CADILLAC IL DORADO DIHIL (64170 tJ $13,995 1979 C~DILLAC COUPE DI VILLI l104YSOI s3995 1971 CAQIUAC SIVILLI (475358) s9395 For Ad Action a a Daiy Piot AD-VISOR 642-5678 AND FORD MO.TOR COMrANY ANNOUNCE NOW AVAILABLE T1lc1 Your Pie With 10.ll , ....... . With Yotr Fi111et11 ;1·oi OR $1" 000 0 A.P.R. FINANCING 0 011 ALL --1112 ·caas T1k1 Your Pick on '12 ESCllTS WI .. 10.ll Wltll , .. , Fl111et11 Fi11 .. t11 ;2·00 OR ·;410 Faol•fJ l•Nt• Faot•fJ leute Faototy leNte Faoter;-leNte ----------~,Lus------------~E:~~~ s I cc c . ~:r~·.F~~~PANY ON ALL REMAINING 1982 TRUCKS & VANS! 111 LAKE TAHOE VACATIONS! ON UI! Mr.,_...... IMtt9I ,eu teetay at ettNr tfltLalot TIMelllller 1111 TllMar c-L .... ler • ...,._. ......... .._.,_,...-.._, lltW er llttd -· tl'VP or ••"· 3 DAYS 2 NIGHTS • I $250 Wtl Tltla l1'4ll•1tt 'acttaea lc11rdt1 Centhttntal lrtattltat """' en t.W, 0-1 DNll WtMar tn ,..... la ..-... ......... .......... 2111 fleur latte c111IH en tile lltttt1t11i tatllnt tlt918 111 fa111 tultlllt ritw Ti.. ... ri llle•trtl M.I Df1ta _. _, Vaeld tar -,_ ,__.. 19 ...... 11M.....,llalf1118 ,_ tf ,_ ... 7 .__ ______ .. ------- \. OEADUHES For Tueect.y through Saturday publlQdona, 5:30 PM the prwioul day. For Sunday and Mondey publlcatlon1, 12:00 noon S.Curdlly. ERRORS Adwef1..,. ahould check tNlf ada daily and repor1 """ lmmedlatety. The OAtl Y PILOT _,,,.. llaibilty 'tor the ftf9t locon..a lnW'tlon only. 0 =~ 642-5678 0 n D n • --~~~--~~~~-----------li~~-PUa94EA'S NOTICR: AH reel ......... 11Hd In .... fW I' JI II .... to._,....,.. F8tr Houalng/ld __ ...,_ __ ..... to•a11ae"any......,..Mle, lst1Mlla ... 111....,.IDttlllllllOft ,... ODIDr, rellftOn, ... or Mllonll =• .. litla.W. to,... .,. ... Pf••t0e. 1"'"916oft. or P-llan." 11111 net...., wHI not llnowlilllf....,. .......... for,... ...... wttldt la In ........ of ...... ·-------------I --= I llllTAl.S ~ ... -·-..._._ ........ ... ==~ ·-.... c.-.., .c:, ... ... ~-~· ,. ==\;---·-·-~ ·--= '~!::,· --·~ ----= t. -Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT /Saturday, November 20, 1982 . . Dalebout Bay ·• Beach Real Estate REAL ESTATE EXCELLENCE SINCE 1949 COME WITH US TO ••. • LIDO ISLE ... Ma1est1c Country English home on the Baytront w1ttrpter ancrsttp-fort.3larrrgc;ee-tbrco1at.:---.---:~---":--:-~¥=::-"--..::...-----;__--:~._-WWllEl&llrtAUIF:ff...,.... -:-. ...,.~Femily-Ofiemed ~our bedroom sandy beach . FI v e bed r 0 0 m s p I us home. Two master suites. Family room with office/library. Six baths. Master with steam fireplace, barbecue and wet bar. Convenient to room. Huge living room, dining room and brick schools. library and shopping .......... $356,000 terrace make entertaining a pleasure. Gourmet ki tchen ... two self-cleaning ovens and microwave Complete security system. Owner will carry large trust deed. interest only, or consider exchange for units. commercial or ....................................................... $2.700,0QO HARBOR ISUID DRIVE .... Exciting new Bayf ront home. Five bedrooms. Elegan1 dining room. Spacious entertainment room with wet bar. Lovely guest apartment over three car garage. Custom pool. Pier and float for 48 foot boat. Owner extremely flexible as to financing. Will -consider exchange for units. commercial or ... .. . ................................... $2,350.000 MARIOR ISU .. ROU . . Bayfrol"'t. Owner will carry One Million Dollar first trust deed. Five bedrooms. den. maid's quarters. Sixty feet on the bay with pier and slip for three boats. Wiii consider lease or lease/option ...... $1.500,000 Open Sun 1-4:30 ..... 11 5 Harbor Island Road llG CAIYOI ... Fascinating home in a luxuriant setting. Five spacious bedrooms. Formal dining room. Huge family room with wet bar and large bu1lt-1n television screen. Custom pool and spa. Located on the 18th fairway ......... $1.495,000 . COROH IEL MAI . · .. Gracious two-story, landmark home on two full size lo ts .... overlooking Big Corona Beach, jetty and blue Pacific. The home has· four bedrooms. three b~ths. There is a two bedroom guest unit over the tt>ree car garage. Property is clear. but owner would carry a first trust deed three to five years. ....... .......... ....... ............ ..... . $985,000 Open Sun 1-4:30 ....... 3212 Ocean Boulevard HYER SllOIH ... Incomparable bayfront home with large pier and float. Luxurious home des.Jned to fill a particular need ... yet quite flexible. Huge living room. formal dining room and den/library. plus master bedroom In main building. Across the used brick patio is a separate two bedroom guest suite. You own the land. . ................................................ $985,000 Open Sun 1-4:30 ....... 308 Morning Star Lane IHllE ruuct ... You will never tire of the 180 degree marine view ... enjoyed from vlrtuaJly all areas of this spacious three bedroom home. Restful family/billiards room. Tremendous patio with custom spa and gazebo. You own the 85 .foot wide lot -worth total, asking price of $985,000. Open Sat-Sun. 1-4:30 1301 Dolphin Terrace ' HHI SHIH ... Quality shows in most every1hlng -particularly in a home such as this custom four bedroom built with l*'i aod plaster. Situated on a private beach. Master bedroom suite balcony overlooks beach and bay. In-law or maid's quarters. JUST REDUCED $60.000. .................................. NOW $920,000 Open Sat 1-4:30 ......... 509 Evening Star Lane 11¥111 TEllACE . . . Conveniently located near country club. Custom multi-level design. Three spacious t?edrooms .. Separate den, beautifully appointed with built-In bookcases. Entire home freshly painted and carpeted. Low maintenance corner lot. Custom spa In court yard. This impressive home is situated on Irvine leased land. The land quote Is $135,000. a real bargain m our opinion as we estimate the value to be $250.000. Since a change in family plans create an urgency to se11. the home is offered at an attractive price of $398.500. Owner w ill consider exchange for commercial. boat or submit. Open Sun 1-4:30 ............ 7 11 K-Thanga Drive HYEI SHIES ... Prestigious five bedroom, four and one-half bath home. Restful bay view, especially from the living areas and deluxe patios. Plankwood floors. trench doors and gorgeous woods. Maid's room with separate bath. Room for spa in front courtyard. $150,000 to $200,000 down. Owner will carry balance at 12°/o ........................... : ....................... $740,000 Open Sun 1-4:30 ................ 1210 Polaris Drive LIM ISLE . . . Prestigious area. Top location on the widest street on Lido. Just steps to private beach. Easy walk to tennis courts. Four spacious bedrooms. Practical floor plan, built around large patio. The land alone worth the total asking price. REDUCED $70.000. Now ............................................................ $625,000 WISTCllfF . . . Quite private. yet exceptionally convenient. Four bedrooms. den. family room and dining room. Authentic plank flooring. Custom kitchen cabinets. Beamed ceilings in ·living room and family room. Spa and gazebo. 90x132 pool size yard. Owner will finance up to $300,000. .. ...................................... $475,000 Open Sat/Sun 1-4:30 .... 111r:s Somerset Lane U&.U& PllllSIU PlllT ... Highly desirable location! Just steps to best ocean beach. Easy walk to bay. Four bedroom, two story home. Large kitchen with eating area. Great potential with a little paint, paper. carpeting and TLC. Owner prefers cash but would consider carrying first trust deed or exchange. $480,000 • I llftl llNll ... New listing we believe to be the lowest priced bayfront in Dover Shores:Thr'ee bedrooms and den. Formal dining room. Two secluded private patios. Seventy-seven feet on the water with pier and slip for large boat. Owner will assl1t with financing. .................... ........... ..... ....... $395,000 Open Sun 1-4:30 ............... 104'4 Polarls Drive Ill CHUI ... The much sought after "Versailles" model. Spacious four bedroom Oliff llVll ... Custom built thfee bedroom home. Four and one-half baths. Custom three bath home with unobstructed view of bay ·decorating throughout. Extensive use of and ocean. Numerous built-Ina. Tremendoua beveled glass. Parquet floors. Comer lot. Very potential. Offered by original owner. Quick IHllEST . . . Distinctive three bedroom and convertible den home. Fascinating living room with cathedral ceiling. dual stone fireplace and wet bar. Waterfall just outside the picture window. Tile floors in the traffic areas. Spacious f~mlly room overlooking the custom fool and garden. Great hobqy shop in oversiz two car garage ............................................... • $350.000 Open Sun 1-4:30 .............. 1724 Terrapin Way #HTClllF ... Your own little world! Custom· built home wraps itself around inner atrium. Enormous master bedroom. tw~'Spacious bedr'ooms plus a convertible den. Ideal for mature family. Solar heated Jacuzzi in garden. ...................... : ..................................... $289,000 Open Sun 1-4:30 ............ 1115 Highland Drive l&YllEST ... Choice Ivan Wells three bedroom home. Designed for easy entertaining -30 people. no problem! Huge J1vin°" room with searing beamed ceiling. Ouahty and Informality. Reduced $40.000 ...................... Now $299.000 Open Sun 1-4:30 ...... 1837 CommOdore Road ua• VIEW .. , ... The popular "Carmel" model. Three bedrooms. New carpeting. Spacious patio. Luxuriant garden. Property In top condition .................................... $2f?8,500 •11•• • lltm ... Spacious three or five bedroom home. One large bedroom and bath downstafrs. Two bedrooms upstairs plus bonus room. Large pool and spa. Just reduced $23,500. . ................................... Now $230,000 Open Sat 1-4:30 .............................. 5 Colonial Tiii ILIFFS ... The much sought after "Franciscan" model condo. Three spacious bedrooms. Two tiled patios and gas barbecue. Shows like a model. ................ .... ..... $229,000 Open Sun 1-4:30 .................. 685 Vista Bonita mtl 1111 (~) ... "Mini ranch" with fruit bearing trees ... avocado. apricot, lemon, loquat. peach, guava. orange and concord grape vines. PLUS solidly bullt small home of concrete block. Raised hardwood floors. Steel window sa1h. Lath and plaster ........ ~118,000 .............. Prime location in Eastatde Costa Mesa. Nearly a full acre at 18th Street and Orange Avenue. Plans and permits for· 28 condos available. Price Includes near new triplex. Excellent terms. Owner will consider trade. JUST REDUCED $200,000. Call Harriet Perry Now $950,000 I llltll,tml Choice parcel 13.85 acr•. Study complete for 55 duplexes or four per acre. 'Uaage . . • duplexea, condos, apartmenta or lnduttrlal d9""opment. Near new homes and lhopplng eenfer. private and secluded. Superb view of golf posMSSlon ........................................ 1395,000 .._~~-1-~~c~u~r~se~·-..:.:. .. •···~··~·~··~·"'"'~WUA.......,.......,........,_,...-"°".~OOQa.«iM...._~OOKJDtn Sun 1:.4:.a.o----..._.~-~~·..JA12~1l.1.JISIDIQl...fll:lllG~--';auUil13G&:.aLllllrmliCIL.lll~IMl11118----.-i~YU11iJ---tt--~·-1 1617 WESTCL/FF DRIVE ... ---, Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement ti the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, November 20. 1982 -3 ( 7 6...ft.&333 3 CIVIC PLAZA #170 ~~~~uv-~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~ ... ,....~~~alACH,-CA~~____,~~~ • un• llllTY View of Golf Course and Night-Ligh ts from extra large custom size Cul-de-sac lot. 4 Bedroqms. Formal dinJng. 3 car garage. Submit on financing. Asking $795,000 or Trade. 760-8333. PlllUlllC YIEW Oc·can. harbor and city lights. Outstanding Portsmouth model in tip top c:ondition. 3 BR_.family room, formal dining. Superb Spygl~ Hill~ation. Priced to sell at $625.000. 760-8333. UYFlllT WITll PIEi Ill IUP ... for 50' boat and side tics! Gorgeously maintained 4 &droom Home w ith Study & Formal Dining Room. 3 Baths, Spa in Mstr Bedroom . Comp! built-in Kitchen. CozY"F1rep ace in lrg livingroom. Beautiful residential area of Ba lboa Peninsula. Owner will finance entire balance. $1.395.000. 675-6670. .;. Lllll ... lllPlllT man 60 ft shp and s)de tie. Spacious ma i:ble entry with Cathedral l·ciling. Sunny Patio -5 Bedrooms, 5 Baths.-Formal Dining. Assum£' existing 10% loan. S ubm it on Dow n P ayme nt. Reduced to $1,200.000 for 'immediate sale. Will Trade Down. 760-8333. .. A ·01v1elon of JACOB _______ .._ __ ~--- 675 -8 & 7 '0 You must ~ this delightful Pol10fino. Impeccably decorated throughout with taste and love. Central air. Every room bright a nd cheery. Gour~t kl.t.chen. 4 BR. bonus room. pool. spa. assumable financing. $375,000. 760-833:J. WllTIWITll YIEW from this 4 Bedroom. 3 Bath enl<'rtainment pala<.'('. Pool Jntl • Spa arl' loc:atcd m private' l'OUrtyard A Sw1rway lead:. to H beautiful Caml'O Shores beach. $1,950,000. 760-8:ti3. A room for cvC'ry member of -UM' fa mily from a gourm<.'t k1tl·hc•n for mom lO special play rooms for the kids. All don<.• in traditional design a<.'Ct'nted by wooden s ta irways. Frc nc.·h• doors. stained and leaded glaM windows. 5 bedrooms. pool. spa a nd wading pool. $895.000 or Trade. 760-8333 . ........ ..., Beau tiful Family H~ wtluah l..ancbcaping & FABULOUS BAY VIEW. 4 lrg Bed~ HUGE Family Room. FcH"flWI "' Dining Rm. Sic Kitchen &i pvt DK-k ffff M.'ltr Bc.>dmum Suite Wuh 20% down, OWC BaS.nce for 10 yeani!~ Isl Umt.• offc.-n.-d al $675.000. 67:S-8870. I I 4 -Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday. November 20: 1982 .. ----SECLUSSIKO~N~Of'-.C;MllM"--C()VI~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A remarkable opportunity · within the village atmosphere of China . OPPORTUNITY AT SHADOW RUN Cove. Live aboard and remodet. or tear down and rebuild. Third floor Traditional Warmington-built family home In Irvine's village of overlooks Harbor entranc~.' Property Is surrounded by million dollar Northwood. Four bedrooms, two and one-half baths, and a big homes. an~ is priced at only $37_9,500. Calf Marilyn Hiii for a private bonus room. Formal dining room, separate family room with wet bar, showing. and a thr~ garage. Cul-de-sac location. Priced to sell, and the seller will assist with financing. Giv, Carol King a call. . SECLUSION Exquisite Mediterranean villa in -q uiet Cameo Highlands. Four bedrooms, four baths. Indoor jacuzzi, private pool and sauna. Extensive use of skylights and french· doors. A super expression of quality design. Call Linda Tagllanettl for an appointment. NEW BAYFRONT -ASTOUNDING VIEW Very luxurious qualit y-build three-bedroom .hom.e, featuring skylights. and the extensive use of woods and ceramic tile. Large bayside patio overlooks private pier. Great Investment opportunity -$1.295,000. Motivated owner. Call Dion Schmehr for the exciting details. SELLER MOTIVATED! Cul-de-sac location. 3-bedroom home with separate quarters ·for teenagers. mother-in-law. or guests. Terraced yard has patio, kol pond & waterfall. This home Is a "must see" for the family that wants the Newport lifestyle. Divorce forces sale! Call Joy Helker for a showing. WATCH THE BOATS Entenng and leaving Newport Harbor. You will see it all. from the numerous decks of this dramatic custom-built home. Four bedrooms. family room. A view from every room. $1 ,500,000. Owner will assist with financing. Call Cathryn Tennille. · NEW LISTING No games here. Sellers are motivated and realistic. Priced $20,000 under market for fast sale. Three-bedroom, two-bath Harbor View Hills home on fee land, with· many beautiful upgrades. Lovely secluded garden setting on quiet street. Call Trudy Stubblefield for a showing. GATE GUARDED SEAVIEW Beautiful three-bedroom home. Family room, exceptional built-in kitchen. Elare larger cul-de-sac view lot. Room to expand. Secure communi~ provides pool and tennis facilities. Call Marilyn Twitchell for a showing. REDUCED Wonderful potential for famll~compound, or pehaps redevelopment. Fabulous Balboa lslanl:S bayfront location, with private pier and docking facilities. Two classic "Island" homes constructed on adjoining lots. This property represents a remarkable opportunity for the family seeking baytront surroundings, or tor the builder/Investor seeking an outstanding waterfront building site. Priced at $1,800,000. Call Don DeThomas at 759-9100 for details. ELEGANCE IN BIG CANYON Two-bedroom and den ''Dover" model decorated with exceptional taste. Dramatic high-ceilinged living room, and large private outdoor areas. A tr~mendous opportunity to own In Big Canyon. Only $395,000, and the motivated owner will finance. Call John Merrill for details. · " PRIVACY AND CHARM Expanded home In Newport··, Back Bay area. Completely private 4-bedroom home. Large 19Parate family room. Wonderful muter suite with unique ttreptace. Many French door9 to Mciuded rev yard. Complete country charm --, ~In ~ location. Aeklng only $285,000, with excetlent financing available. Call Binnie Dlxon for qetalle. NEW ENGLAND REVISITED Outstanding bayfront home in Corona del Mar. Character ind warmth reminiscent of the East Coast. This superb property features four bedrooms, f~ye and-a-half baths, and a billiards room. Outdoors, a private brick and wrought Iron trimmed courtyard, plus a fine bayside patio. Marvelous view of bay. Pier and slip. Priced at $1,200,000 fee, with excellent financing available. Call Linda Tagllanettl. CHARMING Immaculate two bedroom hon\4f on large lot. Rem~ed In 1981. Good financing and owner Is flexible. Call Dorothy Hardcastle for more details and an appointment to see. VILLAGE OF WOODBRIDGE Large two-bedroom home In Irvine's most desired "village." Ideal for couple or small family, this well malntalned~property Is located In a quiet cul-de-sac. All community amenities, plus Woodbridge shopping, are nearby. For sale, or lease/option. Call Joy Holker. POOL HOME Enjoy sweeping day & night views from your kltcheA, family room, living room and master bedroom of mountains, ocean and Catalina. 4 bedroom Turtle Rock home complete. with pool/spa and Indoor Jacuzzi. $555,000.~. Call Dion Schmeh1 for additional Information. ·REDUCED $84,8001 Exquisite custom wood and glass home. Quiet cul-d•sac location. Featuring three bedrooms, plus a convertible study; spacious family room, beautifully landscaped garden, patio and pool areas. Off-street RV parking. Large assumable loan. Call Joyce Debolt or Don DeThomas. SOPHISTICATION JUST REDUCED. Elegant beyside drama. Beautifully appointed five-bedroom home on Promontory Bay Is keynoted by an International ftalr. Luxurious materials throughout the home, reflect- ing a most refined taste., A superb ftoor plan, adaptable to lavish entertaining, as well as comfortable famlty Hvlng. No amenity has been overlooked. Of course, a private pier and slip for a large yacht. Priced at $1,350,000 fee. Owner wfll assist wrth financing. Call Cathryn Tennille. . BRAND NEW BEACH HOUSE Re•llY Charming new three-bedroom, two-and-a-half .bath home. Private master suite, super kitchen. Fantastic quaHty thr9UQhout. Two-car garage, plus covered parking for two more. Great Perilnsula location near beach, restaurants, and lhopptng. Good financing options. Try Juat 10% down. Call ~ INVESTORS -DEVELOPERS Don't min ~hla appealing eastalde Coeta M .. duplex, elJCh two ~rooms, one bath, well m.intatned. PLUS. there ta land enough for two more unltal S 175,000, and owner wll carry with about 20% down. Call Joyce Oabolt. ATTBmON INVESTORS . Two sp8doua Newport 8Mctt condoe -llde by llde '1ocmted near Corona del Mar High School, Fathlon leland, churc:hee. and many other amenttr.. Ccimmunlty pool. Very de*able rental units. GG9d a.umable loena. Owner very motivated. Cd Salty 8Npley for a ahowfng. •, •Im °"*"' connection Newport Center .. . . & » : LiEW #&ZS Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, November 20, 1982 -5 • J...· ,.,.. • L 6 -Orange County Re~I ·Estate/ An Advertising Supplement to .. the DAILY PILOT /Saturday. November 20, 1982 MACNAB -IRVIN---C-.REALTY llLIOl ISUll CASTLE R1verrock custom home on the canal w/dock s for two 20' boats. Only the finest quality used throughout. Solid mahogany, brass, roof garden w/ spa. BBQ, & wet-bar. $1,000,000. Gisela Jenkins. P.ICTURE1>pEllFECT with VIEW I POOL Seller financing available. Exciting views of Newport Cent~r & upper bay. Solar heated pool & spa in gard'en setting. Formal dining & large • skyhghted family room. plus 4 BR and tam. rm. $750,000 incl. land. Larry Oyer · ltlO ISLE WITH FllllClll Cape Code custom -2'h yrs new. Perfection. Bank of America assumable 1st T 0. Bring offers. $685.000. Call Oona Chichester. lllllll WAY Dramatic residence for entertaining & glamorous llving. Glass roof atrium brings sunshine & stars. Formal dining rm. wet bar, plantation shutters 4BRs + den. Secluded pool & spa. $675,000 Incl. land. Cathy Schweickert. IOLF COIRSE YEIS&ILLES -Sll0,0001 Large view lot, full size swimming pool. sep. spa. Mexican pavers. Bermuda shutters. air conct ni e lite_view -vacant & ready tor occupancy. Nothing like it price-wise in-Big Canyon. Beverly Morphy. Open house Sat. & Sun. 1-4, 4 Rue Biarritz. Big Canyon. $121,000 -Ill CllYll IUUYILLE On the golf course. Lowest priced 4BR townhome w/ lovely view, spa. beautifully customized. Sec. system, automatic lights & sprinklers. Professional maintenance. free landscaping -Gated community. Beverly Morphy. IRYllE TEIUCE -VIEW! Sit-down ocf!an & bay view w/lg. hi-beam living rm. All new kitchen w/bnck floors. Spht level w/4 BRs. $595,000 fee. Bever~y Morphy. &mlTlll llAT LIYEIS! A best price on waterfront w/boat slip. Price reduced to $495,000. Excellent financing. Beautiful master suite & sitting room. Completely furnished -A-1 condition. Waterview from living. dining & kitchen. Mary Lou Manon. PRICE REllCTI• ClllU llllUllS YIEW ·Fantastic ocean & canyon view 3 BR, 2 BA, dining area home situated on very lg IG>t -room for expansion & poot $425,000 Fee land. Donna Godshall. YIEW II .lllmlE CIEEI Single story 3 BR, on wide greenbelt with large master suite, separate dining rm & lg tam rm. Large low interest rate assumable · 1st & 2nd. Near pool & spa. $385,000.' Maxine Propp. IELllllTFUL II WESTCLIFF Exceptional 3BR + Fam. rm w/beam ceilings, sparkling pool. Inviting decor n' warm atmosphere, custom shutters, newly landscaped. Pride o! ownership! Exceller:i t Jocatlon. $269,000 .incl. land. Jane Paqurn. IEWNIT IElllTS IElllllL Outstanding 3 BR, 2 bath ttome completely remodeled situated in Newport Heights. This, beautiful residence has lots of charm plus a sparkling pool. Close to beaches, shopping & schools. Priced to sell at $259,500 including land: Donna Godshall. lllLIEl'I IEPlllEI ... Terms galore on this 3BR +FR Turtlerock home! 2 fireplaces, huge butcher block kit. counter. Beautiful mountain view. Submit on down pymt, owner fle)(ible. $249,000. Barbara Callihan. Ulllllff CUl•D Sparkling emotional atmosphere prevails In this 3 + fam rm Lusk beauty. Numerous custom features.& upgrades -Newly fandscaped w/parklike rear yard. This shows like a new home! Excellent location adjacent to park. $239,500. Jane Paquin. ............... Reduced to $215,000 Incl. land. Darling house w/ 2 private patios, lg spa, french doors, B-1 bookcases & 11replace. Lots of exterior brick. waJITo M"arfne rs school Beverly MorP.hy. ,. 12-lllUULE Two darling houses on R2 lot in Newport Heights ;_ charm & great rentals. $187,500. Terry Hanes -Tom Alllnson. TllTUllOI IE• Exceptionally lovely 3BA, single story home. quality prevails. Lg tree shaded lot, very private, excellent location. Large assumable loans. Call now! $179,900 incl. land. Jane Paquin. .... 111 ..... PllT ... View -light & breezy -spacious 2 BA + den. Quiet cul-de-sac - flexible financing. Owner has moved. Must sell. SUBMIT!! $175.000 Fee. Beverly Mor,phy. E111P11111u' anumn An exciting 2 BR. 2 BA w/dlnlng rm condominium wtsunken lfving rm. Fireplace -wet bar -lg patio tor entertaining. Separate garage connected to stairs in8'de condo. Owner will help finance. 5 minutes to beach. $175.000. Mary Lou Marion. • • TllTUl.a Mtn view, tri-level. 2 BA, FR townhome .• Cozy llv rm, fplc, handy gourmet kitchen. Assumable financing. $174,900. Barbara C&lllhan. UIT lllTI 1111 -. 2 BA. 2'n BA. atrium., large encloMd patio. Lota of privacy. 2 years old. Immaculate. Assumable loan $147,900. Berlt Mltchefl. •.• UllSl•E ll•E When you walk In the door -You are welcome. Beautttul 3 BR, I lmll1 llY garden fam. rm with wet bar -oversized formal dining rm. Gourmet Hard to beat price for a Newport Beach condo w/3BR, 21h BA. kitchen w/eunny breakfast room -oversized lot. Sparkling pool. All flreplaeet open beam ceillng1 In matr llllte & garage at your patio for $379.000 Including land. Barbara Aune. ______ d.QC>r Sttl.50() .. Coby Ward. · - ; . . Tlllll ,-t• UNIT -11 ... Turtlerock builder wants jast one sold! S + Bonus, spa, 2 covered A beat buy In Harbor Ridge Eetatee. 3BR, 3BA, Fam. rm patios. luscious landscas>hMJ. Builder wtll carry the paper or buy down w/magnlfldent unobatructed view. ~ 1.-ge 30 yr. loan. Seller a loan, lease option poSsih-le. $309,000. Barbara Callihan. will cerry 2nd. $559,000. M.,,..,, White. . •1111111 Wl1I PllFllT ... Beautlful lot w/ stalls for 3 horses. Like new house w/hlah beams, wood panelling, used brick, country kitchen. Separate bcfrm suites. loads of room tor expaNion. $299,000 Incl. land. aevwty Morphy. .... •• a.~ Country French -reduced for Immediate Hie. 3BA, 3BA, 3 fireplaces w/mstr bdrm retreet. Fam. rm totally PM•l•d w/bullt_,., boOkcaeee. FintMtk: ~ a • -.. ~ooo . ...._.White. ••4-1211 • I . ;.. I- I I. -,;l .. Orange County Real Estate/ An Advettlalng Supplement to the DAILY PILOT /Saturday, November 20. 1982 -7 *WATIRFRONT HOMI & SL"* Sensational executive home featuring 4 Br, enormous living & dining · room. 2 fireplaces & room for 55' boat! Only $559,000. FEE with ·assumable financing. Call 759-1501 or 752-7373. OCEAN VIEW + POOL •SPYGLASS HILL* This truly magnificent residenc.-e is for those who embrace re laxjng luxury as a way of life. This home is complete ly remode led & dec..'OraU>d. featuring imported pavers beginning on the front patio & rontanuing anto ihe entry & thruout the Cmly rm. kitchen & breakfast area. Ot>corated in Meditel'll'anean style w/curved arches. rt.>cesscd lighting & liberal use of mirrors. The remodeled gourmet kitchen features solid oak cabine.try, Jen-Aire Range. Portuguese tik"S & a breakfast nook w/ocean view . Naturally there is a panoramic ocean & night view from LA to Catalina & of course a pool & spa are cncl'd in a private courtyrd. This fine home is unmistakably Newport! Priced a t $849.900 FEE wl,assumable final'lC'ing. 759-1501. •DOVER SHORES* This custom Ivan Wells designed home was built w/e xccutive entertaining in mind. Quality thruout, from the solid oak paneled den' .to the mahogany paneled ~mly rm. Some of the nume rous features are: sensational view of Fasiyon Island & ocean, black bottom pool & spa w/outside ·bar. 3 car garage. complete security system & of course formal dimng. To view the luxurious features of this magnificent residence. "call 759-1501 .. for private showing. $1 ,500,000 FEE! • *HAR I OR VIEW HILLS• Totally rl•modcled inside & out this dt!lightful rancir. styll• homt' features 4 br. 2 frplcs. 3 car garage. ocean vic.w & large lot wlcustom spa. Priced to sell at $340.000 Low anterl'St assumabll• hnancmg Call 759· l 501 or 752· 7373. $279,000 • DOVIR SHORES* Spacious executive home featuring 4 br & 3 'h ba, pool & a view of the backbay & Anthony's Pier! This fine residence is located in a very desirous area & priced for immediate saJe. Low Interest assumable financing available. Call 759-1501 or 752-7373. ESTATE SIZED LOT * CAMIO SHOR IS* This outstanding exec home features what must be the larg~t lot in Cameo Shores! The rear yrd features a Japanese garden, waterfall, Koi pond, pool & volleyball crt. in a spacious environment designed for memorable days thruout the year. A lge liv rm w/frplc overlooking the pool & gardens exemplifies the open spacious feeling prevalent thruout. A huge kitchen, frml din rm & 4 spacious bdrms including a mstr sult.e w/bll-in shelves, sunken jacuu.i tub. Offered at $670,000 FEE w/assumable financing al 11.75%. 759-1501. •7Y.3 DOWN* •IAYCRIST• • 12 :Y• financing spacious executive ranch style home in prestige area. "This home features 3 brs .. fplc, large lot & fee land!! Lowest price at $240,000. Call 759-1501 or 752-7373 for appointment to view. ~IANDONID ARTIST'S CHALO SACRIFICI PRICI OF $169,900 This English Tudor style home is vacant and waiting for a new owner. It is custom built with many features normally found only in higher ' priced properties. Noti~ the bay window and artistic wooden planl.('r boxes. What you can't see in the picture are the five skylights, used brick entryway. ceramJc t.le kitchen. floorjng. secluded patio or the lofts found in each of the large bedrooms. Added to that is a spacious family room and three full baths which make this cozy five year old hom~ l~ated only two miles from the .ocean truly an exceptional value in today's market. For more informat!on'. please call 556-7035. llCYCLI TO THI llACH FROM SUPERI LOCATiON This highly upgraded home with solar heated pt>Ol is only minutes from the ocean and is m the much sought after Edison High School District. No expense has been spared in lavishly appoan~ng this showpla~ with wall coverings, wooden shutters. minj-blinds, mirrored wardrobe doors and MORE!! A very large formal dining room 1s perfect for. the coming holiday season. With a ll of thrse amenities. you'll find the priCC' hard to believe: It's offered at the May. 1982 appraised value of $1 58,500. Call us for details on the t"XCiting · financing plans we have available. One is certain to be right for y~u' 556-7035. CAPE HUNTINGTON TOWNHOME AFFORDAILE IEACH LIVING What would you normally expect to find for $112.000? Certainly not a double car enclosed garage with an extra large patio, and probably not a den with a wet bar or a la rge fa1nily eating area. But even if you did. ,,we'll almost guarantee the master bedroom suite wouldn't be 18'x15' with mirrored closet doors. AH this and more can be yours IAl1thm a five minute drive of Paciric ~t Highway. We'd be delighted to give you any additional information 1f you'U just call us at 963·5671. WATERFRONT CAPI COD OFFIRID AT $559,000 Huntington Harbour's finest location on the boat parade· route includes a forty-five-foot dock that will accomodate up to a fifty.five.foot bool. Enormous living and formal dining rooms (ace the water. Fur maximum protection frt:>m the elements, a glass enclosed patio she lters the expansive wooden dedong. Two massive fireplaces warm those cold winter nights. Terrazzo entryway and iron security gate C9mpletc this picture perfect home. Our owner is motivated and will help flnanee at 12% or will consider a tratie for your more moderately pr1c.'('(f nomc or townhomc. 556-7035. SURFSIDE CUSTOM HOMI OCEAN AND IA·Y VllWS • $650,000 This natural cedar and glass home on two large lots offers incredible value for*1e discriminating buyer. Three stories of uncompronusang elegan<.-e s;pntains every imagjnable upgrade including oak planked flooring and super plush carpeting. Three thousand eight hundred square feet are pN.~ntL'd in one of the most unique floor plans we've seen in some time. Of course there's lots or decking with a custom spa to sink In~. '9:1e oversize garage features an automatic opener. Best of all our owmir will finance with only 10% down!! This truly 1s a home .that must be seen to beJlpprcc1ated and we would be delighted to make an appoin~nt for you. 556-7036. · NEWPORT BEACH OFFIC~· 2170 San Miguel Drive , Newport leach, CA l2llO (n4) 719-1901 . dlt AMERICAN HOME SHIELD "We Protect & Service · Things That Service You:• HUNTHllTOll IEACH OfflCE 9032 Adllnl Ave. 1111"1 ... l11•,CAl8tl (114)1M-703I .. ._.._. ...... ,, I ---· 8 -Ora~ge County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, November 20. 1982 HOW DO YOU DECIDE BETWEEN A ·TURTLEROCK GREENBELT AND A ~--.BARBOR VIEW HILL? • Tti~ U~l()U~· i()LUTI(),_. SYLYH IM TURTLE HCI -This 2 Bdrm & den home overlook s pr1st1ne greenbelt. earthtones. plantation shu .. ters. spa. Great financing. · $219.500. SPECTACIUR -Dover Shores. 1mmacuiate 5 Bdrm. incredible views. perfect condition. $675,000. HMETlllH H~QIE -Arcn1tects home•' In Seavlew. 3 Bdrm. v~w. dark room. loft an<1 tasty touches througtfout. Really special! $4'25.000. A IHI IEAL -Immaculate! 3 bdrm. den. 3 bath in Irvine Terrace. Pool, shutters. spa and good J inanc1ng. tasty af$339.000. PRIVACY UD OCEU VIEW -Hard t o find Broadmoor. expanded 4 Bdrms. gourmet kitchen. extra large master suite. $429.500 LH . OWMEllS Will FIHICE II 11110•11 -Harbor View Hills. Owner will carry $250.000 a 12% interest. No points for 5 yrs. Nr. comm. ~I. 4 Bdrm 3 Bath $429,000. · HSTSllE COSTA MESA -Cul de sac location! Nothing this low on' this large of a lot. 3 Bdrms, owners will carry. $119.000. lllYIH TEH. PRICE HWI sn,ooo -Fee land, 3 Bdrm. i:nin1 view. 2 lireplaces. a large family , r oom. owners will carry 1st Trust Deed. $352.500. ICUIFlllT SICLISlll -Little corner of the local coastltne: surf. dramatic rocks. exquisite 4 Bdrm , pool and spa. Nothing else like It! $2,500,000. -IWlO UIU lllTS -Neat! 12°/~N . Rents are steady. Tree-lined street convenient to library. shops & beach, $289,500. ,... Mill • • llmllLI -3 Bdrms. 2'n baths, immaculate. Air cond. patio, financing under 12•1 •. Priced below competition. $149,500. . • un• 11&.mT -Privacy, eecurlty and a · rolling lawn. 5 Bdrms, pool. spa and quality craftsmanship. Only $799,000. ILi Ill I 1111 -Brand new. detailed, ·charming._ near park~ bluff. name prlce-terma. EXAMPLES OPEi SIT /SUI .1-i Balboa l!Sle, new and vacant with charm $575,000 ................... 211 Opal. Balboa Island Old CdM-5 Bdrm, new, spacious, exciting $549,500 ..................... 442 Begonia, Old CdM Vacant-Sparkles-Spa & Pool. clean $339,000 ................. 1315 Santanella Ter. NB OPEi SUI 1-& Newport. 5 Bdrm. nlte view. near scho61 $260,000 ................................ 253 1 Bunya. NB Back Bay Farmhouse. 'h acre+. pool. barn $465,000 ............... 445 E. 20th. off Irvine, CM 5 Bdrms/Bonus Room/Near bch., rustic, cozy $450.000 .................. 118 Ruby, Balboa Island 4 Bdrm. ownr fin. fee, vacant, anxious $429,000 ..................... 2706 Lighthouse, CdM Sunny, $olld 3 Bdrm. Turtlerock & good .loans $179.900 ................... 19251 Sierra Cadiz. Irv. Hideaway, clean_ 3 Bdrm.. vie_w + guest house $365.000 ............................... 409 Dahlia. CdM HUI C&IW./FIEE All CllAll -Cute clean. 3 Bdrm with dock fo' 2 boats. Owner financed. PJICed at MAI $528.000. ClllU IEL 11&1 ctTIAIE -Charming. central location. big back yard. R-2 zoning and lowest price. $215,000. Ill FAlllU .. • .. ,.., -Pool. spa, immac. decor. over 3500 sq! ft. with 5 Bdrms on a quarter acre lot. Sellers flex;ble. Harbor Hi Dlatrk:t. $349,500.' -.. •Ullll -Good 4 Bdrm home, good 12% loans, good neighborhood and gr•t vekle. $399,000 LH or $495,000 Fee. . .... -ml -Popul• 0 Plan. 3 Bdrmt, den. 3 a.the. tpKtoul ..... 1250,000. l&l'nm .-Tl --2 Bdrm home with 1 Bdrm tncome unit, 6500 eq. ft. tot, assume 1st loan under 10%. excelf. rental are (91 (8roadway & OrMQe) 1132.000. ULNA ISUll UIUll -Bay view! Half block to water. clear shot! 2 story, fireplace, 3 Bdrms. '2 Baths. Owner finance. Only $339,500. IEWPllT'S EHITIH llMH -This one is a leader! 5 Bdrms. 3 fireplaces. unlimited view from Spyglass. Sunny. cozy. exciting, practical. $850,000 Includes much of the furniture. Ownr financing too. Ill 111111, Liit PlllE -Dover inside Big Canyon. Priced to sell. light & airy atmosphere 2 Bdrms & 2 baths with den great patio! Only ,$350,000. . CllU IUl -Solid 3 Bdrm. Turtlerock. sunny with plantation shutters. atrium. upgrades. loans. $179,900. CIAIMlll Fii CllLllH -Across from park. walk t6 school, 4 Bdrm with great appeal. $245.000 in Harbor View. YEH SPECIAL II O• -Near park. 3 Bdrm, 3 Bath. very tasteful. adults with teens room. $385.000. OLHI YIEW -3 Bdrm hideaway w ith guest cottage, clean slight view. well financed. $365.000. iiwlanc •IP1 -Dover Shores 5 Bdrm. sharp. new kitchen, was over $400,000. now $299,500. FllSI I F• -Carmel Plan on Port Lerwick. beautifully eicpanded. maintained, landscaped ,. & financed. $275,000. II TM Ull -Duplex. good Income, West Newport location with plans for new home, good flnanctng. Asking $550,000. ~ ·g 1•1 -Portoftno 4 Bdrm, owner )Viii help ftnence fN9ly way poa ..... gueat 'ftxMn with bmh. _Aeklng 1319,900. llnml, 1111-1ft .. -Tennis, bo9t lllp •. flex Ible Mltef. 3 Bdrm • 3 bath property 11 leaMd untN Apt 11. 1988, but le ._ to .... . -.. Lia -8Mutlful decor, ..... tMteful, 4 8drma. 2~ ba on ,_ '-'d. AlkloQ 1311.000. f-- Orange County Real Estate/An Advertlslng Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, November 20, 1982 :--9 . -. Many owners are off er~g suMtAntial price Lower than listed price, if you have. cash . reductions and terms. SoD1e wiU exchange and , "cash. speaks" .. Call for details and submit your offer •.• llLlll ISL.Ill I I __ c_oR_Ol_l_D_EL_l_l_R __ OCEANFRONT ·SUPERB QUALITY ... , Cot'-c1et Mar locetlon with ,,..... beech ecceM. The ftnnt throughout thl9 ""'" COMtrucled 2 Md. + ct.n home. A totel ercNtec:turel trtumph with oek noon, French ~· end a chef'• clefleht kitchen .... to belle¥•. 11,475,000. '31· 1400. 90' FRONTAGE-OCEAN BLVD. .. •• WITEI I I ·= ::: I PIER/S~JP -1212,SOOI N•~ ••rllet In • 1•ted weterfrOflt complex. LOWfft on ,_ lend with e clock! Ufwe I bed, 2'h be. + or .......,. .... '31·1400. BALBOA COVES BAYFRONT 8andr beech + pler/allp for 41' boat. Priced under market end owner wlll exchonge, l•H•/optlo~ or? Plenont 4 bedroom home with klNI ftoor plan for dally llYlng end CMuel ontwtelnlng ... 71.000 tee. BAYSIDE FURNl8HED--$U7 ,500 Owner wltf carry 2nct T.D. of 1311.000 et t.5% ln..,..t. Dec:oretor coordlnoted wtth loftlr fWNaNI~ In thla 2 bed. + den end clNnt .... '!:::°"..... of -• tight•. Poof, ape a boet alp " . 0.... la llrcludlng membenhlp In tmne C-'fJ CIUb. .A ~ Yolue with a NEW VIEW LISTING-CLIFFHAYEN Tw•etolJ, .....,_. roo1M end 111• VIEW of 8eJ end oc:oon ....... Odllad 3 bedl'OOMO, IY, llotha. Wine color, ape a 1orge clocll. Opon .. t. a lun. 1·5 P.M. et 1101 !Unga Aoed. Ml5.000 .... ' . LIDO ISLE DRAMATIC 8plrel atelr• and profffalonel decor throughout thl1 1pactou• 4 bed. 4 beth home. Perteet tor the femlly. ~ Exlatlng -umeble loorl8 of aa,ooo et eftectlYO 12.3% lnterfft ...... fWlco .... 500 .... CLIFFHAVEN VIEW CorON "' Mar'• "DOid coat" locatton •"h VIEWS of oceen, feHJ and ltghta. Exlatlng home la quality oldef conatr11ctlon. Two-atory 4 bed. I be., 3 car t•;•t•· Hardwood ftoor• + many ~ fHturee. Lot can be aptlt end you can tM.ttkt from p&en. that ere .,,.....,._ a Included In purchH• price. Cell few ct.tall• on thl• exC9t)tlonel offwtng. 201 l,.erkafMfr/comer OcMn. Open Sat. a Sun. '31·1400. -prfftlgloua condominium home. - Aornodalad 2-atori hcMM Wtth doM-.. YU of ..,, boot•. oc.en end ntgtlt llgttta. l ntorteln onloJobtJ from tMa 4 bedr-. temlly r-plua prtYot• petlo. owner fte•lble with gooc1·nnenc1ng. 15tt.000 '" Und. f7S.el00. LAGUNA PARADISE VIEW On almoat 'It ec:r• of J~ia end pethwep t.o •· 9rotto poof, waterfall end t . Uft6que two-atory 3 bed. + den hot'ne with wood, , .... a warmth. ..-tc.ct to Sl95.000. 131-1400. $j5,000 PRICE REDUCTIO~I s.tten wlM elao pey tor toen ortglnetlon chwvMI Brend new Cepe Cod home In CoroM clet Mar. L"9ty brtck •leps, planter• a roof dectc with ocee11 a feHJ VIEW. 2-•torJ with qua&lty ct.telle + .2 bacL +·dee. Cen be 3 bed. See 314 Martgold. Now 9M4,000. SPYGLASS-REDUCED $M8,500 low .. t priced 4 bedrOOM In the .............. home with .ertum, temMJ r-. 2 llfetilllc• Mel 3 car.., .... Motlweted a coo.,.ratlwe Hiier. 8ubnilt your otter .. '31-1400. PRESTIGIOUS SHORECLIFFS Price lu•t rfduced to 1425,000. w/XlNT .flnan~Lng. 4 bedr6om•, tam. rm. 3 llreplec:ea, 3 car .., .... On large Cot'ner. Open .... Sun. 1·5. 320 .... erd Dme, Corona ...... . ' OLDER CHARM-BALBOA ISLAND Wonderful a warm 4 ll1droom hcMM awrOW1i11d wtth bHullful gerden a lr•H. Secluded front petlo; 2 ttrep&ec:ea. °'"' tocatlon ctoee to ao. 9eytront. ... 114 Auby from outatde a cell tor Ylewlng end det...._ 131·1400 "25.000. • JASMINE CREEK -ELEGANT NEWPORTIS.BAYFRONT An ottordeble prtce on the wetw wtth pier/alp fof 30' boat. Enloy outdoor llYlnt with lerge patio a deck. Adoptable ret.ldence can be duplex or holne. owe 1orge 2nd T.D. Ml5,000. ,... • WATERFRONT-BALBOA ISL. Peffect beoch cotti• with beeutlfullJ coontlnoted ct.cor. Dock tor two I' boats. OowlMt kllc:Mn. beam cetMnga. owner wtll con11de!' exc:l\onge. 111!1.000 OCEANFRONT HOME-REDUCED! Beeutltul cuat-with "pride of ownonhlp" core a detell. Two atory 4 Md. 3Yt bo. OWMr wtlf...., finance Super aend aw MAC .. RONT. Now 1115,000 Welk by BMW. OcMnfrowt • cell fer ...... Open .... 1-5. BAYFRONT-8EAUTFUL An extre large lot with clocll tor .. lo _. beet: Atrluln entry, bullt In -••rt•lnlWOnt cetttor, ,.,,.. .. dlntne, .,.....,.. '°°"'· 4 ...... Dr.....elc end ••dtlnt 2-elorJ ........ with 5111droom1 + melda rm. end MCUfltJ ,,. ...... 9olld conatructlon on •tool glrdln. Extwtot petlo on wet9' with geaebo. A quiet Newport locetlon on loo .. nd. 1115,000. '31·1400. , ... new. It'• new ol'I the mortc•" Eapec:wtJ fine ........... . 103' WATERFRONT_..,,000 FEE owner wttr ecC9t)t 5% a.-down ...,......t end carry the financing et 10% lntorMt. OYOf 4'00 ....,. ... , of cuato• doalgn. ,our 1pecloua ttodroeM• lncludlne meat• •ult• with NUne • ........... ,...., room end rooftop docll with View. Menf ..,.., ......_ p1ua ..,... room. Nell ~ a clocll tor IO ft. boot. A MW letlng. '31·1400. BAYFRONT ON PROMONTORY BAY New on rnerflet. Wff9' pier/_.. tie tor IO' boet.. GotgH• 2-atory, 4 bedl'OOM homo with fOMltJ ""· a kltc:Mn vtEW on the • ..., ......... Mlle with wet bor. On ,_ lend fof PENINSULA PT.-FABULOUSI . Totalty remad•l•d end Hcoptlonel 2-atory ....... Ono ltouM tr .... oc.en with 2 flreplec:ea, patio + ct.ck, a 4 bedrooma. OW exchange °' CMfJ large note end T.D. 1470.000. LIDO ISLE~' LOT-LEASE/OP. l unny South petlo end remodeled and new doc:Of. Hordwood ftoon. INcled ...... .....,_, llltchon &,. Ihle 2 .... ,_ ...... den. Priced undef IMrllot tor qulctl ..... Auumolllo ..... end ow help nn-. .... .soo. CLIFFHAYEN-YU, YU-TERMS a.....1...-or trade down fer unlta or.,_,._ hcMM. VU Wtth two 2 badroont unlta on :C lot. "8ne tor ......., plua gwal ltouM end pool lncd with prtce. Submit . att.SOO. DrWe bJ 2001 Klnge Roed, Newport. '31-1400. PENINSULA PT. NEW EXECUTIVE Comptotely r0fftodo14Pd Cepe Cod ec:roa• from Perk. • ..... lo -Oooon ....... club .... ooo ........... ""t T.D. A OW ...... wtth .....,._, Ull,000. PENINSULA PT. PERFECT l"""acul .... odorolllo ....... .Nat atepa to bey end beach. E1cellont ftMnc"'9 on tMa 2 lladroont, 2 both plua detl. patio home. Dme bf 1577 bet Oceen end cell IMU~. BAY SHORES-TRADITIONAL . Quiet cut ff UC beMnd guarded ................. decor enMnc.a 3 bed. + den a c:.tom 8pe. REDUCED TO $375,000. 11,300.000. 111·1400. Wonderful fetRflJ er•• with • preatlftou• eddreH. C-"f ,renctl J bed. J lie. lM8e country ktecMn. lktck petloa end mMJ emonni... O~ tint T.D. A must .... 1311.IOO. en-eeoo. . . ,. DUPLEX-3 DOORS TO WATER BALBOA ISLAND-REDUCED TO S285,000I .....,._ prtce reduction tor tMa home on ,..,.... .a. tot. Adorebl• > bedroom cotl•t• with IM•m•. brick a wermttt. l'rlce lnctudee plana tor new Cape Cod ,_.,. - or tiff In It • I• '°' now. Cal for loen ..... -OW help ftnencel WATERFRONT -BALBOA ISLAND Unobalructed VIEW on tuntlnt booln of ••rtront. ,....,.....,...end ................ c.n .......... ...., lf dfflred. flter/ .. lp tor I boota. 81,IOl,IOO fee lend. 131-1400. en-eeoo . l"9tf end large 4 A I bed. unltL "9•11tt decor end • owner wtll carry 2nd ., trade. -..-. 111-MOO. OCEANFRONT LAGUNA Elegent 2 Md. 2 be. co-op rtght on tM bHc:ll. lecurttJ, febutout VIEW. All extr• tor hHlthy llwtng 6-tec:rHtlon, 1nctudlng P.OOl.. a11,ooo. PRICE SLASHEDll -BALBOA ISLAND NOW 1254,000t On .... ft, lot. AdoHblo 2 ., 1 ba w/brtc:k potlo. A ltJNft YALUll en-elOO, ~ • CORONA DEL MAR -NEAR BEA HES CAMEO HIOHLANDI lmniecutel• end rn nlcured Htetlor. , .. lend on ...-1111drOOM hcMM end W ..... t nnanclng. Aoll"'9 Slt4.SOO. 111-1400. -I . BA YFRONT -EXCITING I BEDROOM 8ecurttJ end ...... ....,, Into.,. i....., ............. on wlllor with dr.....elc ,...... end duaralof .....,__ tntetlor aw. ape end •-r•ndad llllnrJldee. "°°"°" deck few aunnlnl with YI W of elf. An entortelnlne paradlH on '' LAND. ''•rleflp for tergo 1•cht. 81,111,000 .... ~. BAYFRONT ·-50' BOAT SLIP l unrlM to auneot a night YU er.... ........... A ....... WATaN'RONT home. Ler9e _.., aullo + I lladrWM for.......,. 'C!:'° llY. ""··..,.... dlft. """gourmet kitchen With f•t .... ,,... ....,. lo INtoll ...... a colotfut pnlon. Menf ••tr• a decorator ........... Reduced to 81,AI0,000 .... llM400. " LINDA ISLE -10% CASHI •••i:""' corner property with tho boot In decor "" flout I ttod. + ell 1"•1n onlertolftlnt1 , ....... Plot'/ fer ........ ow .............. 11% """ ... CMtl ""'"'~· A .... "-ler......, ... A eclult ...... • ., ..... .,_,.. PENINSULA DUPLEX • Ck>M to.., end 9Mctl """fftorellle 1onn1 w ,_ ..... Ired• In I an Clement• erN. 2 a 1 bedroom unit•. Dtt.000. ~ BLUFFS-END UNIT Now tlatlng . Wide, •chld1d ........ tocetlon with • wrap-around patio end • I bed. 2¥1 both hcMM. ftrlcoct • unc1or •erti•t e1tno.ooo.111-1... · NEWPORT COND0--1115,000 A quiet loceti.n on • centr .. Newport 1trMI with -. l•••culeto end 1peol0Ma l ·•l•ry condoMlnluni re1ldenco. Prtv ... ...., .... lo tMa I ll1drH• .._..""" 1¥1 ....._ end e11Dl111d ....... L...e, ............. end edlolftlnt ....... ""' ..... ,..,... ................. ...,, n..ur ....... ,.,.... . WATE~FRONT HOMES, INC. "' Sain. Renta_ls. Property Mftnagen.ent 315 MartM Aw . 2436 W . Coest Hwy. Balhnll Island 67!1-6900 Newpor1 Beath 631-1400 / S iallaJ .. 611 ,..,..,,; Olll tk wet"' . • . M'IU' tlw ••lff: .. -4 •It'-\'ww ;., wew , •• 2: '. '-' . _ _.a • ·-- ... , . t I 10 -Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY P1'70T/Saturday, November 20, 1982 cart nrru.rr © .mvrs rnrnr conrnm ROOM FOR TENNIS COURT Neerty 1.1 ec:r" of eecluded' priwecy wtth • ..-tdlng pool 1nd 1p1 end 1 ••r•rate 9ue1t houM IN NEWPORT BEACHn Owner wit trade. Qood -umable'tlnandng Ind owner wlM ....... REDUCED TO ... ,000. ~Ill trade DOWN few oU-Newpor1 llMctl "-· r- LIDO ISLE WATERFRONT Recently reduced SI00,000. ti.la cuetOM 5 bedrOORt leat-a SL C.._... ldtcMft tor tM ,...._. eoumtet cook. MNrtJ MW Md werr fltOClem, tM ..... ,,.._.. contemporary Newport llMdt ......,... A pier and ellp'to ~DdMe I tM.-boM, .. II ctu•1d -trade tor -fftefelal or ............. COMPle•· 11~ ON THE 11th FAIRWAY One of ... c..,on·· ................ , ..... c:uelcMn ...... . .......... 2 ........ -deft ........ ..ad'• ......., •. ........ "a HClu•1• pool and ,.d Md .. ~ rllM on ttte 11ttt ,..,__,.TM owMt ....... , wtti. tM ftftaftelfttt Md wllt trade DOWll for otMr .._.. cttJ '--· Rl .. Ced to 11........ , LOCATION -WATERFRONT -LOCATION TMe Linda .... cw._. r'8M °" tM ll9lft CMnMI Me rec:eftltJ --r.-cM to ., ....... ~ "' ..... and readJ to -In, tNe "-Me 5 111 dr•-• Md-. ,.. Md elp .. 9CCllM•Ud1t1 S ....... GM9 t•rded wll9' lte own pm ... Mech and .._.. oowt, tNe ._., .__ .... " ... LINDA ISLE'S •STD M COYntry FNMll ..__..., II ,_ ._.. _. ....,.,. "THtE ••T" Me ,._ ..._._., ,.. .... le '9oll no ....... 0-................. ,17 .......... ... .................................. _....... PfD''"' .-• s ar ...... ..., ~II ........ SPECTACULAI' •'YW °"..,..... ......... so• D, • .._ ...... ... s.-. .............. ..,... ...... ........ kite'*' .. 1111111, lrntudu ,._ ....... ._Mata ... , 100', a ...._ .. r1wa1 _,Md a NUQll PIMMft' YAM r'9M on tM ::J;. ,,.,.,,_, II ... U, ._ ........ erlafttad ....... .. LIDO 18&.E WITH POOL One of .... beet Int..., Udo ............... Oft .... martiet, """ 4 bedrOOIMo .. wtttt tlMlr °"" Mella on 8n ...,..... lot AM>• ltvM cer ......... RV\partllng. A lowefr, ..,.. ... pool and .,.. -.. 1-.1 nnt .. tM Udo CIUMHHIM an4 tennl• oeurt. lltt,111 wtti. a ...... ............ ...... LIDO ISLE -SMALL VIEW Lovely 4 11111r ...... S bettl ....._ wttll Ml._ Md• ..... wlewofh..., .................................. . ..,....,...... .................................. ..... .. can1ld1r tNdllll tor........,.......,..,..... ....... / -.- .. CONTEMPORARY GOLF COURSE ";-•,. ttred °' 4*IMrJ FNMll --*' ......... ..... ..... '°"" cuataM ... c..,on ....... ...., ......... .. tOU. T~ rem1d1l1d Juat 1 ,_. ... Md ........ 4 .... , ........ ,...., ,..... AM> ...................... -arctttactur .. ....., In.......,........._ WRY..,..... pool ... .,.. ...................... i cara.11.nu. ... .... ..... .. ........ .. ...... -'el, ..... -...... 00 .............................. . A PRIVATE WORLD Oweltoelllnl Nawpel1 .._.. 'w/ • 219• ..._, tllla ....._ .....,_ • 1pulu1 ......_ _.. .-l .. 1rtM Frenoll ~ ... aaa.. ... ' .... , ................. ... .... ......,,...,...,.11 ....................... .. .......... , ...................... ,...... .. 11.-.-................ ~ ..... ....... JA-IE CREEK -REDUCED TO-·-nw ......, s ti1dr11•, ...... ..., .._ _. ._.. .....,,..... .......... ::: ......... _ ......... on.rtn11 "' Corw dat , • Oftd _. .-Ila °""' ............... v .. ..-..-.............. .... to c:erYJ • .... _.. iilr ..... ...._ Y• ,...,ae..M- tllle ... -..... _,, -.,... .. P.-~ Deeatt ..... -.....,.,.._, BIG CANYON -ON THE GOLF COUR• One et ti.e tlneat ••••~lea ol Ce•Rlrf Frenei. •ci.11ac ...... taa1UrM1 ............. ., ....... , .....,.. ....... ~LOT,,._.• .. M'*-r at .. C.,.. C....,, a.. 0ww -II IDIRll .. • u••u .... llflPl"tJ. 0.. 11.1 ...... _, 11nmallt1 ... ... ~ PA8ULOUS VllW TNa ...... == t .. ..._ .. I Ill D I, 4 ......... : .... ,...... ............. ........................................... -. ·--.... ...., .. -..... _ ....... II:. ....... _ ... ,._._,_ __ ........ ..... ...................................... ,,. OPEN HOUR 211Vlellllo............... 11.--• "'=Dr, ............ -·-----= Mii ... ........ .... ... --M -- I01 LIDO -PREMIER ADDRESS Loc•l•d on ti.e 11111 floor of 1111• •••I proall9lou1 Watefronl COIMlomWuft In Or ... c.ne,, INa adufls ...., unit ...... 2 .... , ...... 2'h ............... .... ..................................... ......, • ,.. ....... ,. ... -.-. -.......... c..,... . .......... , ....... . TURTLEROCK -IRVINE 8pecleua 4 bedr ..... 2¥1 Nitta, l••Hr '"""9 •11111 ......................... oww -............... .... a,portunltJ "' Dr-.. c.ne, .. ..... LAKE FOREST -JEWEL E•eouttft apMt '"91 4 ll1•raoftl, 2¥1 1Nt11 "-wtltl cuetot11 poet 8Rd .,.. New pltlall cer~a, 011atOlft alt•ltora ••d low•IJ tr•••lll•••• •l•d••· Goed -•Ill•""-•'• ...... . BACK UY WITH POOL c ............. .., .......................... 2¥1 ........ • .......... peelMd YUY ....... tl111•1M ,..._Prlwele ......... ... ......... .... 1"1 ...... ....... -- HIGH ON A *LL -PRICE MDUCED y-----~ .............. 11 •• , ..... . ...................... ~= .. ··•····· QAD80 .. ~ ....... 111"11011 ............ ._ .................. , ......... 0..1.-..... .......... 1t11an11 lll ......... Tlld9r. Tiie....,_ ............. -. IEAVIEW -OCEAN a UY VllWS •• , ................ 141= --••1•11 ......... . .... ,, ,_ ......... _ .... .... ~ .................... ~ ......... .. Ill C .. I .. 111 ............... ... NIQHT UQHTS • DAY UQHTS --. .... _, ...... ._:-.:z:c... .... -... .....,". 1' ......... 1' M41TI ..... .... ~· 1 .. ttr , ... wltlt ~ ... lel ......... _. •H • ......... ..,::c: ... T .... 111 ..... .._ .... ,.... ....... ... · EA8TSIDE CD8TA ••A ........-1...,, ......... -................... . ..... ............. .....,,... ........... .... ,.., ........... oww ............... ...... .............. --ORT tmGHT8 8TARTU ~ twe a1•11c, ... -_.•Ir• IRDd ...... lll f1RaHM ._ ... = hnlle •• c1lll1 .... I,., ... __ ...,._ -I . Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, November 20, 1982 -11 ~The Harbor Area's Oldest Real Estate Firm . -Gf'.IOWING FAMILY? -Move them into this immaculate New Bedford plan in prestigious Spyglass Hiii. There Is a large game rm. downstairs -4 bdrms., 3 baths, full size badminton court, dog run, 3 car garage and a view. Priced right at $723,400. nni..,..,..ace ea ured In Orange County Home and Garden magazine. Bay, Ocean and Jetty views! Lavish use of wood, brass and stained glass. A quality of workma(lshlp that must be seen to appreciate. 3 bdrms. and 3 baths. $975,000. BA YFRONT HOllE -60 feet on the bay with private pier -"d float to accomodate large yacht. Spacious 4 bdrm. home with formal dining rm., breakfast rm., hobby lhop Md den. Large brick patio Ideal for entertaintng. 1185,000 L.H. (213) 828-2128 A REAL SLEEPER -You will love the spectacular sunset views from ttlls well maintained Harbor View Hills hortje. Professionally planted yard, covered patio, full security system, 3 bdrms. and spacious family rm. A terrific value at $347,000 L.H. RENTAL IN~f)llE -.In orona del Mar. weii located rental untts just a few blocks from the beach on the ocean side of the Hwy. Lowest priced untts In Corona del Mar at $229,000. Seller will finance at 12%% interest with 200/o down. y ~· year o tilt-up lndustrlal bldg. on hig'h vl&lblllty corner in South Santa Ana. 5 quality tenants. AttractM aeler financing. S 1,CM0.000 -OWner is motivated. (714) 1734- .•. . 12 -Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, November 20, 1982 bl!!JO I NEWPORT BEACH ' 2123 SAN JOAQUIN HILLS "Your :J.irjf . Stop :J.or a ..JJo/iJa'I ..JJome " I. IAYFRllT CllM IVEllLMllll Ullll ISWI Elegant 2-bedroom condo plus den with fantastic views, wet bar. fireplace. stained glass. pbol and use of private beach. $855,000. LAUTREMllT MllEL II Hllllll llME This 2940 sq. It. home with 4 bedrooms and 3 baths has spacio~s patio area, many custom features and large secluded spa. $790,000. -llYllE TEIUCE-STEPS' Tl WCI Sweeping panoramic view 4 bedroom. 3 bath home with large pool. complete privacy, Ideal location for watching the boat parade. OMC installment sale. $600.000. EMERlLI UY FUllLY llME Country charm radiates throughout this 5 bedroom, 4 bath home with famlly room, formal dining and huge master bedroom st e . $755.000. FlllLllS HUI VIEW lllLllM SITE Seller will carry with $280,000 down on this lot above "Palm Tree Circle." Sites like this are rarely" available. Act now! $385,000. SUIP IRYllE Ell lllT Rancho San Joaquin view condo with 2 bedrooms. 2 baths. fireplace. nice landscaping, decks plus use o f p ool and spa. owe. $159,000. •Esa VERH uu· mc1 snu Lovely 4 bedroom home on a large corner that's been beautifully landscaped and boasts a large solar heated poof. Close to every1hlng and priced to sell. $159,500. .llST USTEI II Ill ,OAllYH · Upper level 2 bedr'09-I'\ ;l bath condo with white plantation shu ter.es' Cfoors. Try lease/option! Just $205,00Q, USJILIFF UICI snu Owner will trade thif lovely 3 bedroom. 3 bath , home for smaller horpe in S. Coast area. A'SSumable first at 9•1 •. $259,000. IUSTIC-IEEI Tl SELL Owner must sell this 6 bedroom family. room, 3000 s.f. Harbor View pool home. To the lucky buyer seller will provide an 11 day Caribbean cruise Dec. 11-Dec. 22, Asking $449,000. PWA AIU IF TIE ILIFFS Easy walk to shopping from this 4 bedroom, 2'h bath home with tile roof,. large patio, nice landscaping. With 25% down · seller .may carry or try lease/option. $170,000. EMEUl.I UY cm•• Outstanding quality remodel .with 3 bedrooms. den. 2% baths and new carpet, landscaping and other t_ouches. A real charmer. $710,000. IWIEI Will TUE LIW, LIW MWI Motivated seller must liquidate quickly this 2 bedroom condo with den, 21h baths, great location in Santa Ana Heights. $118,000. LIM UllS·WILI Tl IUCI Perfect Newport starter home with 3 bedrooms. 2 baths, minimum maintenance, use of pool, racquetball and tennis. $159,000. Ulll ISLE WlTllFlllT ._ Handsome traditional 5 bedroom. 4'h bath residence with family room sunken living room,· imm~nse formal dining room plus a charming courtyard s pa. Owner will help finance. $1,450,000 .. 1111• YIEW -· Charming Carmel model with 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, Me~ican pavera In entry, redwood deck plus larg~ patio area. Good expansion potential plus loans are assumable. $249,000 FEE. I DIST& ... TllPLU Near beach and shopping, this Income property has a perfect 3 bedroom owners unit plus additional 2 bdrm. 2 bath rental. Real pride of ownership. $245,000. •WI ••E wm II' lllT llCI Spacious 3 bedroom, 2'n bath family room home on Trinidad Island In Huntington Harbour with assumable First T.D. at 9~w. Interest and lllnm lllm IT tll IUll additional seller financing. $399,950 FEE. 3422 Unique A-frame duplex In South Laguna near Sagamore, Open Sunday 1-5. • A,llso Beach with great ocean view and LIYEL Y lllllOLIFFE, llYI• We just sold one here but you can still have this 2 bdrm. 2 bath Arbor Lake townhome with den and mt. views in natural setting. $175,000. IOUI VIEW OlllTIY cua• -E This 6 bedroom, 5% bath residence with beam ceilings, hardwood floors and brick patios has an additional family room with fireplace and guest or maid's quarters. Just reduced to $680.000. -&•Ill Fl• IOUIFlllT Emerald Bay 3 bedroom, 2 bath whitewater view home on oceanside of Hwy. In prestigious community. $895,000. l•ILY •m&TEI llWI Try just $75,000 down or lease option on this corner lot ocean vfew 4 bedroom, 3 bath home with traditional styling. An outstanding value with full use of all facllltlea plus 1\1 own spa. $825,000 . fireplaces. Owner Is open to creative offers, ao submit on terms. $210,000. Ollll•TIEWllT-Laguna Nlguef 2 bdrm. 2 bath unit with view of the greenbelt all near-private tennis and golf club. A perfect Investment. $118,000. UI ..... ML.111111" .._ Flexible financing package offered by seller to the buyer of this 3 bedroom. 3'h bath fabulous vtew home. $695,000. un•111......,..U111 Spacloue family home wtth. 3 bedrooms and family room, large corner lot, gate-guarded security. Good terms. $495,000 FEE. 11111-.an..un 11 mwi Spyglass contemporary home with 3 + bedrooms, family rqom, 2 baths, patk>I. gated entry courtyard, great vfews. $475,000. , . Orange C~nty ReaH:atate/An.Advertlsing Supplement to tbe DAILY PILOT/Saturday. November 20. 1982 - RESIDENTIAL REAL EST ATE SERVICES. NEWPORT BEACH BEACH COMMUNITIES NEWPORT BEACH 1110,000 The most ou ts1.anding townhome available. 4 BR. family room, all exquisitely decorated. High ceilings. crown moldings .thruout. View & \!OrnPr location for utmost privacy . llYEll SIRES 1121,000 Mini est ate , exclusive area, custom 5 BR. separate maid's qtrs. beautiful pool, spa, covered patios. gourmet kitchen , 3-car garage. Great enterLaining home! $200,000 down, Owner will ' carry $425,000. 11 % 5 yrs. Submit. . 111 CUYll l•ll,000 A ptirfectly charming Deane townhorne behind the gates o f Newpor ts m ost prestigious. comm~nity. All on one floor. This ideal couple home is in move in condi\1on. WYIEW 1•11,ooa The most popular model m Seaview & the only one on the market. Single story. 4 BR. family room, utility & master suite. Views. Seller wiU be cr~aµve. Gated community with swimming & tennis. · 1•,DIO 5 plex prime corner location . 2 BR units with fireplaces. Vacancy Cactor..for this ar ea is almost non exist e nt. Close to beaches, schools & shopping. Call for rents & expense$. m•NW ... ES 1111,IOI Rock bottom price on this lovely fee 5 BR Somerset model. Neutral, immaculate decor, beautHuJ low maintenance landscaping. Great financing too! · "' CUYOI CIEST 1111,000 Dramatic large 2 BR condo with separate sitting room off master bedroom, vaulted ceiling, 2 fireplaces. Qverlooking the pool. Great seeurity location. WaJk to Gelsons & Fashion Island. IEWPllT •EST 1212,000 Lowest price plan 5. 4 BR. clean. bright & cheerful. Near pool. spa & tennis courts. Owner will carry financing. Try 18% down. Move in condition. Call for more deLaiJed info. IUFFS 1211,DOO Dream away the hours enjoying wonderful views of the Back Bay & city lights from 3 BR "Dolores" plan decorated in earth tones. SeUer motivated, has priced well be!ow market! TllH 11• llY 12,lll,lll Magnificent ocean front estate situated on three lots. P ool , gr eenho u se & guest quarter~ Spectacular views & sun.sets. Complete security system. Private community. NEWPORT BEACH OFFICE 2161 IAN JOAOUIN.HILLS llOAD UYllllEI ·11,ll0,111 63' of fee land, bayfront. Spectacular Cape Cod family home. 4 BR. separate dining room,· lrg high ceiling living. Central vacuum system . Separate master suite. Secluded patio. TNE CO~E 1121,000 Fantastic price reduction! Gorgeous bayfror.t condo. highly appointed & customired. Uppe~ & Lowe r bayside decks. View Crom almost every room. Compare prices & values. LllO ISLE 1121,DOO G racious a nd private custom French style home . on prime comer lot. Walk to bay. beaches & community tennis. Spacious 5 BR with large & private yard plus spa. Owner assisted financing. LllO MOG,doo Elegant country setting. 3 BR & large remodeled k itchen. Beam ceilings, wood Cloors & lots of charm. 2 fireplaces. Large assumable loan & owne r car ry 2nd. A good house with great financing. CORONA DEL MAR 1111,IM Salls, Sunsets & Catalina. A magnificent 180° ocean view! T his 4 BR home oH ers a large private courtyard with a pool. remode led kitchen, large family & living room. Owner wiJJ finance! CAllEI SIRES SlllMI As the sun sets over Catalina, this e legarlt remodel Is transformed into a lavish enterlainer's mecca. F eaturing a cu s tom free-standing' fire place, a chroJ;Jle-glass wetbar, 7 fl. stereo speakers, all open onto pool. UI .. VIEW llUI llll,IOO Tastefully appointed 3 BR, family room home in quiet residential area. Upgraded thruout. Home Service Protection Plan provided by seller. You own the land! OLl•lllln·llU 1111.- A bea.utiful updated & upgraded duplex: Close in location. Upstairs has plan tation shutters, lots of mirrors & both units have own patios. Nearly new car~t. Great for owner or rental. Ullll VIEW llLLS 1112 ... Enjoy ocean & sunset views. 3 BR & family room home with large private yard. Good location & financing. Lovely peaceful setting, reduced to sell. LAGUNA BEACH Ulllllllll ........ Ocean & city lights Crom this private 4 BR estate on nearly ~ of acre. Selected as home of arch itectura l significance. Rest ored in 'bl. G aiebo, greenhouse & hardwood b eams . Privacy. UllH 11111 1171,IM &st buy in lhis e xclusive guard galed area. Elegant Kensington featuring 4 BR + Cam rm. Lovely upgraded home in pristine condition Fabulous condition . fabulous view. Largt.• assumable loan. Owner «II be creative including leaS<'/ option. UY~~EST 1118,000 Beautiful custom 5 BR Spanish home with formal dining & family nn has a fiesta size patio with pool, spa & tournament area on fee land. .. UYCIEST 1141,000 Best hnancmg & best value. ~ume $200,000 faxed 30 YR at 12% on lh is unique open plan 4 BR with oak floors & cabinets, fam & din'g nn. Large patio & lots or privacy. A custom Ivan Wells. UYCIEST 1121,DOG We are excited about this lovely home. It really offers so much with its extra largt.> lot with spa. 4 BRs. its perfect for the medium to largl' family requirements. ..... llEW ... 12•1,IOI Beautifully maintained 3 BR. fomtly room home in great family area . .Beautifully Landscaped. large pool~ spa. large added storage area, GOQd financing~ fee land. · • llllM VIEW llmEI 1211,8M Outst anding "Mo naco" on fee la nd. Just remodeled wilh over $25.000 an upgrades. Features 3 BR's, spectacular t.'Ountry katch(!n. • cathedral ceilings & a pool sized yard. A great buy! ILIFFS 1111._DOO Price reduction! Owner needs to sell! G reat location in Bluffs. 2 BR condo with greenbelt view . Pe rfect for singll' or couple. A; m\Ast see! ll.lfFS 1111.aoo This beaullful home as JUSt like ne w! Plush neutral carpets. lovely upgrades, fresh & clean. Great fina ncing too! Assume $105,000 Isl & ow ner will he lp with a 2nd. TIE ILIFFI 1111, .. This is a VIEW Condo serenely enhant.'\.-d by high ceilings. and open lo two patios. It has a large ·master suite & another BR with bath. Its just a great place to live!! .. .... , 1111.- Gorgeous view from most rooms. easy walk to beach. tenn.is rourts & pools. 4 BRS. new carpets. fresh paint. Assume 1st T .D. at l l" & owner will carry. c.a ~ .. cmm&. ... -... ··=-------RM~ ........ ... ---U11lllll llCllO l ft.Ill t-. •llJCllll lllT 1111'1 --........ mE-Dlll c.11 ••••• -1111'1 --=:-'~s Hll(----...... -----.. , ... lUCYBl -·---..,.., --KIW --mmu ruam.o EWllll .. JO c.i-· B KW _,_ • 14 -Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement .to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, November 20, 1982 1100,000 •••Ell u11n . Take over payments. New 27,000 Sq. ft. office bldg. in Irvine under foreclosure. Just pay bac k interest and costs of $500,000. $2,950,000 full price. Ric Quevedo 631-1266. 23 I ICUll YIEW 2 Br. 2 Ba. Great ocean vu. $170,000 1st at 13%%. Try 10% down. Vacant. Delia Flack 631-1266. STEP llTI YUTDYUI Brand new bright 4 bdrm Vic torian masterpiece w /ocean view. Price just reduced $45,000 on this COM beauty. Flexible financing too!! Call Ron Salter 631-1266. •••••,..au Spacious family / entertainment sh owpiece. 4 Bdrms. large yard, and views. Try $315,000 and terms to suit you! Call Ron Salter 631-1266. IEST UTI Duple>1. low down $99.950. Triplex near beach $198,500. 4 plex 5 yrs new $245,000. 4-Plex E. Costa Mesa $220,000. Great tax-shelter. All have existing financing. Ask for Bob Younker AGT 631-1266. •••• , llPLU Fee land. steps to the beach. tennis, racquetball -+ Bach. unit. owners unit - will trade $259.000. Carl ~sen Re/raax 631-1266. ...... -.T Sharp 2 Br Condo in Laguna Hilla. Great view of surrounding hllla. $92,000. Call Anne Mccasland 631-1266. mum• Beauti ful 4 Br home Ol' cul-de-sac. Assume $99,000 loan and sellers will catry very large second. Full price only $ 1 9 9 • 0 0 0 . Ca II A n n e M c C •~I and 631-1266. IPI IL .. 111 POI jlllllll Sold -Z ptan of ViJta Umbroaa. Av..,._ -2 Br dekaxe condo wtth view of back bay & Fashion 1-*'d. Fee land. Only $280,000. • l ' •!,Br If you're buying or selling, I can h'elp. For lnfor~atlon call Pete Johnson 631-1286. IEWNIT CllTIM • YIEW • Sll0,000 Brand new custom Fr. Normandy home. Now reduced $35,000 for fast sale! 4 br .• 3 ba., family room. formal dining room. Large yard with alley access -Owner will assisJ In financing -Great area -Will accept trades. Carl Mosen 631-1266. UTILE IAlll IEDEI Qualifi'ed buyers don't miss this. NPT HGHTS c-.ustom home. For details call Rusty Guinther 631-1266. GlllU ML UI Wll1I WITD YllW Truly the most unbelievable location in the area. Plus pool. Call TIM RHONE to see 631-1266. 720-1263. 191.D High income, assumabte k>an. Fantastic area. Will consider exchange. Asking $183.000. Robert Milliken 631-1266. .. ...... Eastside steal. Assume V.A.. 1ST of $97,500 11.50. Take over 2nd. 4 BDM., FAM AM. Clean & spacious. Prln. only. Diana Cappel 631-1266. .... Prime Newport Heights lot -owner financing available -every owner very anxious to sell. Submit. Call Joyce Waltze 631-1266. IEITIL • lll1lm Darling remodeled 3 Bdrm 2 Ba home on quiet street. Lg. Fam rm .• lovely gardens. $900 mo. Call Joyce Waltze 631-1266. 1111m111a.- GoAGEous EASTSIDE COTTAGE with warm wood & open beamed ceffings. Charm plus 'ocatlon. Just listed. Call Today! SAE RODGERS 631-1266. 1111M1••··---Lowest priced 2 bdr., 2 btl. condo near the ocean. Fresh, clean & retcty for move-In .• May lease/option. J•ckle Handleman 631-1266. -.... u.. .... +--Prime cul-de-Mc. secluded spa, mint condition. Reduced for faet ••le • $199,900. Jackie H•ndleman 831-1218. . . . . ---·-· ... , •. 1 Br., 2 CAR GAR .................... $140,000 2 Br. + GUEST UNIT ............... S 169,000 VIEW LOT ... , ................. '. ........... $235,000 4Br + G~est ·Unit, view .... ........ $325.000 Brand new 3000 sq. ft. ............ $349,900 CALL "CODAY, RAE RODGERS 631-1266 laF IMIE FlllTllE $>0LF COURSE FRONT AGE Secluded on 'h acre & ·set among tall trees. Privacy abounds on this 4 bdr .• • contemporary custom home. Private pool & s pa, p~ddle tennis &. golf course panorama lend to the ultimate in comfort & privacy. Jackie Handleman 631-1266 Ill OAlllll EU- versa111es over lake & fairway 4 B.r, 5 Ba, formal dining. sep tam rm, maid's qtrs. huge master suite. plus room for pool. "Must Sell." Lowest price Versailles at $700,000. Bob or Dovie Koop 63~-~2~. um1111m1TUL $590,000 Fee 4 Br. 3 ba. Fam Rm. Dining rm, Pool. Pri. Beach, 180° ocean view. very low down payment. Bob & Dovie Koop 631-1266. .... __ ,_ Must sell submit.any otter on this beautiful new custom 4 br. 5 ba tam. rm. all-oak. for din, library, harbor view. 4 fireplaces & spa. Asking $1,500,000. Bob & Dovie , Koop 631-1266. -····· 4 Br. 3 ba. pool, spa, NMer will finance with low down payment. $740,000. Miike offer. Bob or Dovie Koop 631-1266. ..,llTlmlTIR.._ 4 Br. 3 ba, form. din .• huge fem. rm, w/flreplace, tile In kit. & ba .. lge yard, 2.800 sq. tt. Steal at $350.000. Bob or dovie Koop 631-1266. ..... ... 4 Br. pool, lrg. bonus room, private area In C.M . Assume $96,000 1st at 8.5°/e. Must sell. Steal at $208,000. Bob or Dovie Koop. 631-1266 . -•1111• JllDllllB 2 Br. 2'h ba., formal dining, hugethaster suite, decor, paper & moat furnishings Included In asking price of $225.000. VieW of Nite lites & Bleck Bay. Bob Pf DMe Koop 631-1266 . -··••11 Outat•ndtng.tton w/vu or •Ill Bac.k Bay & Fuhk, .4 BA. 5 BA. tam. rm., pool, r 1•m. Steal-at $685,000 ''"-de loc:al or leaM/optlon. Grt ht1. • 1lable. Bob or Dovie Koop 131-1HI. -• 188 lfflll Lov.ly 3 ~. 2~ ba. or_..,. condo. atepe to poot S225,000. Submit beat on. or trade. Bob or Dovte 131-1211. ........... 2 bO., 2 ba. The ftneet vu av.II. In NMupcwt. Sec. Bldg .• poq1, bOat w1no1tce. saa:ono: IOb or Dovte Koop 131· 1291 . Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday. November 20. 1982 -15 Big CanJon ·Open House ·oay . . SUNDAY, NOV.~21st •5 P.M. Class-Style-Elegance-Quality. All are truly descriptive on one of Big Canyon's truly custom homes with a wide frontage on<>the golf course. 5 Bedrooms, 6'h baths, plus all of the amenities you would expect. Seller· financing available. An unusual opportunity to step up without convenience. $1,950,000. Shown by appointment only 644,..910. • 111111 ..... IN .. L• llltm 4 Bedrooms, famity room & dining room. Immaculate throughout. New carpets, drapes, marbte entry & decor. Electronic MCUrlty system. Wet bar, 2 Hrepleces, 3-car ·garage. Artistic pool and spa. Priced right at $695,000. Gate guarded area. Call ~_.910 for permission to enter this exclusive gate-guarded area. . 14 BURNING TREE OPEN SUN 1-5 .................. 31 Foot living room with high celling. Overlooking the beautiful 11th fairway. Large muter sutte on ground floor. Secluded private yard & patio, 3-car garage.. Vacant. See Anytime. Gate guarded area. Call &44-4!h0 for permlsslon to enter. 11 RUE VERTE OPEN SAT/SUN 1-5 ---.-·----..:......._ _ _,,__, ____ .,............._ ---- Elegant Townhome 7 Rue Rlllars \ Sll0,000 . IPll SMAY 1-1 Lovely townhome overlooking the golf course, with night light views. Best value. many upgrades, good assumable loans and motivated sellers on this 3 BR, 3 ba home. Call Trudy Stubblefield to show anytime. IE•IE w•s ,,.., ........ w 111-11• Lowest Priced Home In Big Canyon ... ,lmJ ... '111 1111.-....... , 1-1 , ... Lowest priced home in Big Canyon. 2 Bdrm, den + large patio. Great location and shows beautifully. Don't mis$ this great buy. 8 OAKMONT. Open Sun. 1-5 . , .. ...., 1111•• BANK LIQUIDATION $1,215,000 20o/o Down Fabulous Flncg. 5 BR··s Ba Pool Spa 125' on golf course , .... no -..u•GI GERRY, a Cl'IRJBTA (714) 873-7781 ·' /l I . -. I \ 16 -Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, November 20. 1982 * lllSA YllM ,. •• lllllflll1' Llll'lllll 4 bdr m h ome o n corner lot with unlimited view of beach & ocean. Spa & patio. Owner very flexible. Priced to sell now! $625,000. BWLllMI 1.91111.1 •••• ,. ..... -... 1 .. Prime Udo Nord beyfront, 5 bdrm, 5 ~ beth. Lge L.R., air oond., 2 boat alipa $1,500,000. ~led 3 bdrm, 2 beth+ wae rec. rm •• --...... ·--beam cellings. fumilhed, ~tics. $420,000. On the goll course. Custom beautiful 3 Bdrm P11Mtsaier'1 htiHI hotne. many, many ••· All reel estate advertised Ires. 1279,500 1¥\th, 10% on this newspaper Is down Ownet will cerry et subject to the Federal 12'11% int1Hnt. FaJr Housing Act or 1968 hJ ...... , lltr, Bay front condo, 3rd floor end unit, 2 Which mekes It 111ega1 to Ml-llH bdrm, 3 baths, den, 2 decks, boat slips, ad~1M "any preleren· ~~~~~~~~J b & ., · S 31. Foot living room with high ceiling. Overlooking the beautiful 11th fairway. . PllllllU - LBe master suite o n g r o und floor . Ocean & jetty views. Marine room, 4 bdrm, 3 Seeluded private yard & patio, 3·car •th. 3700 .q.ft .. Sl.385,000. Oceanfront. ce. hm1t111on or di5crlml· = ay ocean views. uper buy at natton 1>ased on race. * * * * * * * * * $525.000. garage. Vacant. See A n ytime. Gate 1 .... Ill.I U_.... color. religion. sex or •UYflllT* national origin. or any llAT •• • 1nten11on to ma~e any _. such preference. llmila-l&llf llill Uon or discromi'll.!10n." hw Priff 1411,llll Thos n-spaper will not 38 BALBOA COVES, 3 knowt11g1y accept any bdrm·den-2 bath OPEN advertising for real es-DAILY 1·5. tate which Is In Violation AIT lllYlllTTI ol the law IUlTll/ .... 111111: Advertl· sers should check their ads daily and report errors im- mediate I y . The DAILY PILOT as- sumes liability for the first incorrect insertion only. •111-1111• ******** ~YFIEIOI lSTlTI . Nr FALL BROOK I I acres 6200 sq It hm, tennis court. ate $675, 000 Owne• woll carry. Call 7 am to 1 pm, Mon thru Fro 2 13173 l-<1962 ELHHHI 111•11 Hl•IUI SPUUSS lllH HI h o m e w/puul. spa & :3 -l:ar garage. Huge cul-d c-sal: lot overlooking ocean & t-anyon Selle r assisted financing. $790.QOO . Anita Brndshaw. 752-1414. IHITIFIL Ullll H•E ocean vl\·w on lg Int This fully n-stnrl'<i 2 levl'I seaside cottage ofrl•rs warmth & t·harm w / .. ,.,1rly l'OUntry" flavor. There an• ~~ lx'<irooml'. i 1 ~ baths. fam rm, mun try kitt'hcm & guest qtrs w 1 ;~ fin•plan•s: vaultro beam l'l'tlmg & Frl'nl·h w indows. The Ju r~t· lot offl•rs s u ndN·ks. flagstone· patio w/spa & m·hly landS(:apt'<i garden. Dun't miss this om•. Offc •t•d al $397,000. Bill Wt'Clmort•. 551-1:1700. HPLU ·c11tr11 HL ... This prim<· invc.-stment property is lc~:akd on u <.'Ornt'r lot & has 2 :.!SH unlL": Good annual income with low maintcnan<·c. All n-t·ords availublt•. Property easy to st'<'. Off<.•r<.'<i at $299.500. Bill Wt'<lmor<.'. !55 1-t1700. LEHI tPTlll II 1&1111 11111 Vit•w! View! View! :JBR's + Fam. rm. library & spa. Only $25.IH>O option mon<'y, $22SO/mo. $5111.000. Cull Lila 'Harpc.'r for dt·talls. 752-1414. fll llMSTNI N STllTUI Well lot:att'<I t•onvcnicnt location this honw hag :i BR. 2 BA 2 car a tt M·h°c•d garage. Walk t o c·ommunily pool. High loan balam·t• w/low Interest rate. $ lll:UIOO. Young fads, W .:87Qi>. ... g uarded area. Call 644-4910 for .._ 1r .... 1 Cllla LIUTllll pennilBion 10 enter. t..aoon view fnim 8 bdrm. 5 beth, playroom. • U• ISLE 11 -ftlll .. UTI• 1-1 darlt rm. den. Boet dip. Now a1.ooo.ooo. '!his ~y charmingi:J 3 & bd_rm home ~as IUlll IPl I ITIPI ,_ Jim m Ufi81 PUii ~ust .een p~l ntc !s ready or· 4 Bedrms, family room & dining room. Specw:ular beyfront dplx 2 br, 2 ba up; 2 br 1mmcd1.a~e oe<:~p~ncy. 45 lot. near the immaculate throughout. New carpets, 2 be dn. 2 boat •J*.'!1!111. Reduced. $1,500,000. bay. beach .& tennis. Large patio. Perfect drapes. marble entry &'decor. Electronic for e ntertaining. $398.000. security system. Wet bar, 2 fireplaces, ~ llW. Uffllll Lllllm K~p your 85' boat in the slip you own in front of this spacious rondo on the Lido -ttArntng basin. 2 bedrooms & den, 2 baths plus separate captain's quarters. Perfett for corporate investment. Also for lease at $2750 mo. or $3750 with slip. car garase. Artistic pool and spa. Priced right at $695.000. Gate-guarded area.· Call 644-4910 for:_pennision 10 enter. 1• --· Tiii ... • ..... -1-1 -··------ftlU. Charming 3 bedroom home with lots of extras. You own the land. Great family home. Price reduced $45,000. Beautiful large comer lot. Walk to the bay, Balboa Island, and Fashion Island. Owner . ....... .... New 4 br, t in be, cmtom French Noftnandy F..\ate 1.2 prime K hilltop. $1,7:50,000. •••••• •n <:oroMdo laland cwt. beyfront lot. 85' boat dock. Pian. avail Now $370,000 w /1er11». BILL GRUNDY . REALTOR ~ 1 • • • • • • .. ~ • ; ,._ Liii ISLE UYFllO 40' II lllTI lllE Priml· location with a gorgeous view of main channel. Features pier and slip for 60-boot plus side ties. Patio, deck, large living room, ramily room with wet bar. Home gives you a feeling of spaciousness throughout. Perfect for entertain ing. motivated. This could be best buy i11, ----------------• $1.6~5.000. ~ -- U• llLE YIW IPll lllUY 1 .. 4 111 "' llllil Perfect house for formal entertaining. 4200 sq. ft. with 88' on Via Genoa. 3 bdrms. 5 11oz baths, den, dining room, 1000 sq. fl. mast er suite with bay view. $895.000. MILTI .. KIJll•Lll 1111•111111 IPEll ...aY 1~ 111¥11 .... IHI C hoit·t• ov~rsizcd inside lot. Spacious horn<' built around very private pa tjo with spa. 6 lx.'<irooms, including maid's, and 5 baths. $847,500. 11111m...,.. Newport Beach ('Ondo 1st Cloor. 1 bdnn. I b,,th. like new. beautiful pool and spa areas. Assumable loan. Lowest prttt in Vt•rsailtcs. $114.000. Lido Realty 613-7300 ........... ••um LOWiy hOme on ~ NC ... Mar lo. COMI Pteu. '•mrly rift wt W9ltl·behlnd Mt bar. Wiii ... VA Glen ........ ........ ... , 111UW •man L8rg8. rMltlllng, country ttome wtlll panor1lftlC view of the lllOll ley, Na•port Center. end ""'°" men. , ...... lllNl'*"OI--. HOHS to laoll ley ., .... ---··--·· Buying •ltd NllfftO M a (114) 111~ rHIDft•~ ptlc9-tllat'I ------------' wllat claHlfled I• ell HMe ............. lllrt Hout .. , ... ,. 0111tfled ......... . COM. $320,000. Financing available. 1141 I'll'• nu•. -UTI• 1-1 ... ,, ....... Charmi ng ·n ea r -n e w 2 -atory architectural gem. 4 Bdrma, fam. rm. Quality design and decor throughout. Desi8)1ed for guest quarters. Priced sell $595,000. Seller finance. No loan fee. 211 ..... .. UT/-1-1 ...................... Two-story Nantucket 4 br. with beautiful Sunset pool surrounded by 14.000 red bricks. Tastefully decorated throughout with wallpapers a nd shutters. Shows like a model home! Many upgrades. Seller will finance. Submit down. $760,000 incl. land. •WFll1' -.S • mTI mlA Charming 4 Br. & family room, 2 brick fireplaces, country kitchen, quie t residential area in young development. Seller w~finance. $229.000 Fee. .... ......... , ... Quiet, park-like settinc. Rm. for peddle tennis and pool. Great for orchard. Cul de sac st. 3 bclnns. fam. nn. $299,500. Low ground leue $375 year, 17 years before adjustment. · __ ,_.,,. .. Detached 3 bdrma, 2 IA ba. home on greenbelt near community tennis and poo1. S 114,000 in -.am. loarw & you own the land. $1~.ooo. $21,000 down. -.U L ·TAn.. ...... ,_ • .._,.1111 .. "'' I -... ··---1& .... ----------- FltST T• OFFERED ................ Completely remodeled Newport Harbor. ocean & Catatina Island VIEW HOME. Featuring: 3 BR. famtty room, 2'n bath. 3 car garage, pool, tacuzzt & \JCtrmore. $595,000 Fee $495,000 Leasehold Open Sat/Sun Noon to. 5PM 2507 Lighthouse Ln. Corona del Mar ., ....,1 .... (114) MMl12 Peoc>!e wt10 need People That'a wt\el the DAILY PILOT SERVICE DtA£CTORY is .. aboull 'fou don't need • gun to '"dr•w IH I .. when you pl.ce .,, ed in the ~ ~t Went Acla! Cell now I '42·5e78. Bir COZY AUTHENTI~ FRENCH REGENCY Su~r v i•w hoi;ne in secure g ua rd gated hilltop Newport Beach community. Snuggled among mansions with forever view o f h ar b or, o~ean & kaleidoecopc horlzon.&.nance is paramount in this wann 4 BR. ~ Bath, Ulwary & 2 family NOID home with m aater 1ult• as •leonl balhln& ~· Ama.111 mwt.1-mlllion dOUar Mm.. thll channlnc. elepnt property cu be youn for only tl.9H,OOO with affordable ffnanctna or tl.500.000 cash. Amo will tra for commercial property. Available for leaae·optlon tM>.000, optJon payment rrooo per morith. Call Tom Alllnmn to .. lmrMdllltt"ly -.,...rerably at .W.l . • Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, November 20, 1982 -17 --------------• #11111 l•t S1l1 B•11•• l•1 S1/1 ••••n l•t S.11 ••••n IN S.11 #11111 l•t S.1¥ ' B•un l•t S.le ............•..•..........••.....•.•••...•.••••••.•••...•.. , •••........••.•.•.........•• ········1············· ....•.•.........•••... WHITEWITEI VIEW llCIElllLE PRICE GfH11l JOOZ ... ,,1 JOO ••1111 IOOZ c,.,,,1 IOOZ C.•1111 IOOZ Gl••t1I 1002 ..•.............••......••..............•••.....•..•............•• ······················ .•.•.......••••.•..•..•..••............•.••. 11-2 LIT THE MOST UNIQUE NEW HOME on Hazed Dr. SPECTACULAR VIEWS' or window nx·k tide pools and l'anyuns from puol s 1dt• & l1v1ng area EXPANSIVE 4 bl'Clroom. 7 years new. CALL FOR EXCLUSIVE SHOWING or thts SC<·urny gawd resident·c. \ Large & lovely 2 Br 2 Ba home located near Npt Hgts Have approved plans for 2nd unit As- sume $t21,000 12 19/o loan Owner will help f,. nan c e 631 -7370 , 675-6766 TIM lllllE IE/MU UE lllHEIS 131-1211 TJUDI T 10\.\L REALT\ _______ , ~ . llJ danae corpomtion "' 2515 E Coast tf1ghway Corona del Mar. Ca. 92625 Real Estate Investments & Home LO'(lS Properties dtfered for Sale ltw,trt Crest Sweeping ocean view. 3 br. 3 ba prime unit. Fee ownership includes pool, spa and tennis.courts. $230,000. C.Htry bcfislt h,IH Corona del Mar. 40 ... ~. D units. 2 years new. Used C!' doors. quiet street. $385,l .:t CALL (714) 1&1 -1135 . h•c ~•lltJ Lie. lrtbr .. PENTRIDGE COVE UIEI IW lllSTll, C. M. ouaun FEA~IH Fii 'IETTEll LIVll~I 2 Br. 2 &, f1replat<t-'. hydrontc heating, ceram1t· tile. 2 C'lost•d garagt•s. Your private d<'Ck fa<.-es Alpine grounds wllh streams & waterfalls Enpy pool, spas & convcn umt to 2 frcew'a~i;. Sec Na'ncy Napier at 79:3 Grayling Bay. IPfl Slllft 11-• OPEi SlllAY 1-•:ao HU UWY lllVt (Fff Ll•4) Luxury & perfoclion 1n Dover ~hon.>s 5 bdrm. plus plus' Fl'l' land View·. Fanta!>llC scller fmanC'ing. Don't miss thts Olll'!1 UCIELLE lllEIS, IUL TOI 171-2171 What a Wonderful World You don I nee<! a gun• to o t Shopping righl at draw fast' when you your fongertops everyday• place an cld 1n the Daily Oa1ty Pilot ClaSSlhed Ad· Pilot Want Ads' Can now Visor help you I 6'12·5678 REDUCED $100,000 lctufr..._.l st sell. 3 Br. 4 Ba, 2 years new. Designed as home or duplex. $550,000 cash-price effective January 1, 1983. 111¥1 IY 4111 SUSlllE cau 111-1111 ., ... 111-1111 MUST SELL! VACANT! Anx1ou~ owner' :i Bdrm, den, hugl' cornN lot. lots of tr(•cs. Completely rcfurbt!>hl'd. $69,l>OO 1n l'Xtsting loons or ~ . Grf'at ror Isl llml' buy<·r or tnV('Slm{'nl. $109.500 Ac11t 117-1&07 . . . &LIT FOi &Lin LE F .. 11 IUHIMS Huge hving-d1ning area buoll-on sunroom over 1600 SQ II Only $920 PITllMQ TllEE IEllllHS Waterfall, new kit ap- pliances, great 1oca11on Only $834 Pll I/Mo TWI IHIHllS Boa1 & RV a ccess custom cabinets country kot wllireplace No Quahtylng-low down OON 1 OELAY CALL DIANA TOOAY• llAll PIOllNL-YllPf HI-HID FAST SAU PllCI 3 Br 2' •Ba 1am11y home trg 101 conveniently to ca I ed Pr !Ced welt btilow m;irkel 111 127K 751 3 191 Gel GREEN cash IO< WHITE elephanls with a Classified Ad Call 642-5678 I People who need people ShOUld atwa.,s check the - I Serv1ee 01reclory In the Have SOt'(leth1ng 10 ~If? DAIL y PILOT Class1f1ed ads do II weH --- Being above every other dub in the desert means many things. If you live in a Tennis Townhome, it means drinking in magnificent views from your rooftop Observation deck, located just above the master 30-year financing subsidi/.ed to 10.Y• % (11 % APR) for 5 years on some models, substantial discount to cash buyers, and a generous decorating allowance which you can use to purchase f urniturc and accessorie from our Design Center. I ' bedroom suite. Or relaxing in the privacy of your own courtyard spa . It also means championship tennis, golf and a combination of privacy, protection from the wind, scenic beauty, and amcnitie that no other cl ub can match. The TennisTownhomes start in the' mid $150,000s. For a limited time we're offering ' The Gub Above The Rest. Come up to Ironwood today. You'll be toasting your good _., fortune for y~arc; to come. IRONWOOD -1...~Hll\I\,\~ ... : 49-200 Mariposa Drive -! '* 1 ,~· ... Palm Desert. CA 92260 --"" ..... •..:..11.:...' --L ___ _ (619) 346-0551 Sales office open 8:30a.m. ~oS:OOp.m. I ' I hllilaltUt'l ltfrt .,. IRONWOOD ... • .. . ' .... 18 -Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising ~upplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, November 20, 1982 This Weekend ! \ hep tt.;, "-cfy dirtclory witt. you ltih weet&Md H y• 90 IMMIM lultilMJ •• IM i.e..-, li•hd IMlew ere d.-cribed iii CJ"•lff detail by ""ri•lftcf tlHwlten ;,, lodey'• DAil T "lOT W AMT ADS. r.tr-1 1howl'"f .., hou\H for Hie or ""'' -.,.,,_d lo litt 1..cll ltof.,_...., ifl thl• <.......,. tecll Setwdey Ot1dSwodoy. • HOUSES FOR SALE J 2 BEDROOM 2380 Cliff Dr. (Nwpt Hgfs) NB 642-5200 $359.500 Sun 1-4 661 Vista -Bonita. Bluffs. N.B. 644-9060 $195.000 Sun 1-5 2 BR plus FAM RM or DEN * 19 Curl Dr, Jasmine Crk, vu, CdM 640-1515/1-728-5151 Sat/Sun 12-4 3425 Ocean Blvd., Corona del Mar 631-1400 $1 ,475,000 Sat 1-5 434 Catalina Dr .• Nwprt Hghts. NB 548-4360 $169,000 Sal/Sun 1-5 43 Beachcomber (Jasmn Ck) CdM 645-0303 $300,000 Sat 1-5 3497 Queens (Wimbldn) C.M. 645-0303 $159,000 Sat 2-5 4 Rue Fontainbleau (Big Cyn) NB 675-6000 $350,000 Sun 1-5 3 BEDROOM 1843 Pt Manlelgh Pl (HVHms) NB 552-2000 $249,500-fee Sun 1-5 3071 Platte Dr., Costa Mesa 966-2481 $127,000 Sat/Sun 1-4 407 Fullerton, Newport Beach 645-9554 $265,0()0 Sat/Sun 1-4 327 Ogle St., Costa Mesa 548-0040 S 150,000 Sat/Sun 11-5 128 26th St.. Balboa: Npt Bch 759-9100 $369,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 2338 Rutgers, Costa Mesa · 546-3375 $132,000 Sat/Sun 12-5 2619 Way Lane (China Cove). CdM 759-9100 $379,500 Sat 1-5 ·-1~r~-wav.'NeWP<>rt~ ·· 759~9100 $349,900 Sun 1-5 ••603 36th St, nr. Udo Viii, NB 673-6776 $595,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 439 62nd St., Newport Shra, NB 675-1771 $216,000-fee Sat 1-4 234 Orange Ave .• Newport Shores, NB 675-1771 $229.500-fee Sat 1-4 211 OPlllr BaJboa lsland 675-6000 $575,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 3 Woodland. Irvine 644-6200 $155,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 •427 Catalina, Npt Hghts. N.B. 644-6200 $259,500 Sat 1-4 •4515 Perham. Cameo Shores, CdM 644-9060 $695,000-Fee Sun 1-4 1411 Kings Ad. (CllH Hvn) N.B. 642-5200 ·s525,ooo Sun 1-4 7 Rue Chateau Royal (Big Cyn) NB 644-5116 $665,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 3 BR plue FAM RM or DEN 2611 Circle Or. (Bayahorea) NB 645-6218 $269,000-L/H Sun 1-4 109 Via Ensueno (Marl Pt.) San Clem 759-9100 $465,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 4 Yorkshire (Hrbr Rdg) Nprt Bch 759-9100 $2,000,000 Sun 1-5 339 Cherry Tree Ln .. Newport Bch 759-9100 $325,000 Sun 1-5 111 Via Dijon, Udo ISie, N.B. 673-3146 $375,()00 Sun t-5 **1036 Polaris Dr., Dover Shrs, NB 759-9100 $899,000 Sun 1-5. 937 Acapulco, Laguna Beach 675-2172 $325,000 Sun 1-6 *1472 Galaxy, Dover Shores, NB 642-2510 $695,000-Fee Sa/Sun 1-5 ••38 Balboa Coves. Newpor1 Sch 650-9187 $469,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 :frf5 W. &!bot BIVd., Pen111; N.8.'"' ... - 675-1771 $399,000 Sat/Sun 12-5 101 Via Genoa, Lido Ille, N.B. 673-7300 $895,000 Sun 1.-4 25 Ruatllng Wind, Trtlrk, lrvtne 759-1501 $269,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 62 Drakes Bay (Spyglass) NB " 64-4-7020 $475,000 Sun 1-4 I «5 E. 20th St. (Back Bay) C.M. 675-6000 $465,000 Sun 1-5 3422 Sagamore Or. (Trln Isl) H.B. 6«-1020 $399,950 Sun 1-5 * 1315 Santanella Terr., CdM 675-6000 $339,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 11O1 King Road, Clittha)'en 631-1400 $895,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 •501 Tustin, Newport Heights, NB 631-1400 $235,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 314 Marigold, Corona del Mar 631-1400 $654,000 Sal/Sun 1-5 **1621 Bayside Or, Corona del Mar 760-8333 $1,395,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 * 2507 Lighthouse, CdM 64.t-4'872 Sat/Sun •511 Irvine Ave., Newport Bch 833-9773 $299,500 Sat/Sun 10-6:30 2001 Yacht Resolute (Seavu) 760-8333 $425,000 Sat 1-5 7 Bltterwood (Woodbridge) Irv. 675-5511 .$178,000 1301 Dolphin Terr, Irv. Terr, NB Sun 1-5 631-7300 $985,000 Sat/Sun 1-·4:30 ••308.Morning Star Ln (Oov.Shrs) NB 631-7300 $985,000 Sun 1-4:30 711 K-Thanga, Irv. Terrace, NB 631-7300 $398,500 Sun 1-4:30 1318 Estelle, Hrbr Hinds, N.B. 644-9060 $183,500 * * 1044 Polaris Or., Oov.Shra. NB Sun 2-5 631-7300 $395,000 Sun 1-4:30 * 1211 .King Road, Cliff Haven, NB I 631-7300 $395,000 · Sun 1-4:30 9431 Gateshead, Hunt. Beach 964-56-46 $324,000 Sal/Sun 1-4 11 Rue Verte (Big Canyon) N.B. 644-4910 $485,000-Fee, Sat/Sun 1-5 1218 Key West (Hrbr Vu His) CdM 6'4.t-'4910 $299,500-L/H Sun 1-5 1837 Commodore Rd, Baycreat, NB 631-7300 $299,000 Sun 1-4:30 * 1724 Terrapin Wey, Baycrest, NB 631-7300 $350,000 Sun 1-4:30 760 Via Lido Soud (lido) Npt Sch 675-8670 $575,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 11721 Candy Ln., Garden Grove 638-2515 $115,900 Sat 12-4 ,J69 Joann St., Coeta Meu -,. 546-2313 $124,900 7 Rua V... (86g Cyn) NB 759-9100 H50.000 1807 Cornwall (W•tcllff) NB 8-42-5200 $281,000 214 Amethy9t, Balboa llland &M-9080 $449,000 Sat 1-'4 Sun 1-5 Sun 1-5 Sun 2-5 4 •DROOM . 2111 Yacht Wander•, Newpor1 Bch 552-0462 13!5,000 Sun 11-4 320 Seewli'cr, llPiorlc:llfr9. NB 831-1400 1425,000 S.t 1-5 ... Rue IMarrttl (Bia Cyn) NB 644-8200 S850.000 Sat/Sun 1-'4 2572 Clrde Or. (Baylhorea) 8-44-8200 '875,000 S.t/Sun 12-4 . . "'" ' • .. ( Orange County ~eal Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILPT/Saturday, November 20. 1982 -19 4 BR plua FAM RM or DEN 1441 Galaxy Or. (Dover Shrs) NB 548-5647 $420.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 * •542 Hrbr Isl. Or. (Prom. Bay) NB 759-9100 $1,200,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 8 Rue Vlllars (Big Cyn ) NB 631-1266 $700,000 Sat 1-5 *4527 Fairfield Or .. CdM 631-1266 $745,000 Sun 1-5 210 Via San Remo, Lido Isle, N:B. 675-3048/673-2556 Sat /Sun 1-S 114 Via Ensueno (Marl. Pt.) San Clem ·759-9 100 $875.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 •49 Montecito. Spyglass. CdM 759-1501 $849,900-Fee Sun 1-5 21 Bull Run. Northwood. Irvine 759-150 1 $249,900 Sun 1-5 •910 Nottingham, Dover Shrs, N.B. 759-1501 $279,900 Sat/Sun 2-5 510 Aliso, Newport Beach 631-1266 $350,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 932 Coronado (Mesa del Mar) CM 631-7370 $145,900 Sun 1-4:30 •4626 Roxbuty. Cameo Shra, CdM 759-1501 $670,000-Fee Sat/Sun .1-5 201 Larkspur, Corona del Mar 631-1400 $1,875,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 601 Bayside Or., PromonJory Bay 631-1400 $1,300,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 18891 Antioch (Trtlrk) Irv. 552-7500 · $235,000 Sat/Sun 12-4 #4· Trafalgar (Hrbr Adg) N.B. 760-8333 $795,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 * 1812 Port Stirling (HrbrVuHms) NB 760-8333 $375,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2288 Meyer Place, Costa Mesa 642-9568 $134,500 Sat/Sun 11-4 36 Morro Bay Or, Spyglass Hiii, CdM 957-6507 $495,000 Sun 12-4 * 101 Via Florence, Lido Isle. ~B 673-7300 $595,000 Sun 1-4:30 •1717 Bayadere Terr (Irv Terr) CdM 644-7020 $600,000 Sat/Sun 12-4 •2283 Waterman. Costa Mesa · 631-7370 Sat/Sun 1-4 1543 Serenade Terr (Irv. Terr) CdM 1118 Somerset Ln .. Westclltt. N.B. 63 1-7300 $475,000 Sat/Sun 1-4:30 4511 Camden (Cameo Shores) CdM • 673-7761 $825,000-Fee Sun 1-5 2901 Ha~bOr View Or (HVHls) CdM 673-7761 $550,000-fee Sun 1-5 1112 Westclllf (Westcllff) NB 642-5200 $255,000 Sun 1-5 611 Cliff Drive (Nwpt Hgts) NB 642-5200 $247,000 Sun 1-4 2408 Narbone, Costa Mesa 645-0303 $125,000 Sat 11-2 621 W. Columblne, Santa Ana 962-4962 $167,000 Sat 1-4 2709 Gannet, Costa Mesa 549-2782 $182.500 Sat '11: 15-2: 15 *2425 22nd St .. Newport Bch 760-1900 $695,000 Sun 12-4 5 BEDROOM 1204 Ave. Buena Suerte', San Clem. 759-9100 $865,000 • Sat/Sun 1-5 •708 Via Lido Nord, Lido Isl; NB 675-6161 $1,500,000 · Sun 1-5 2531 Bunya (Eastbluff) N.B. 675-6000 $260,000 Sun 1-5 422 Begonia (Old CdM) CdM 675-6000 $549.500 Sat/Sun 1-5 **219 Via Lido Soud, Lido Isl 760-1900 $1 ,995,000 Sun 12-4 5 BR plus FAM AM or DEN * * •29 BeechwOod (Wdbrdge) Irv 551-6829 $395,000 Sun 1-5 1930 Port Chelsea (Hrbr Vu Hms) NB 494-1840 $390,000 Sat 1-dark 118 Ruby, Balboa Island 675-6000 $450,000 Sun 1-5 •7 Muir Beach Cr (Spyglass) CdM 640-6259 ~ Sat/Sun 1-5 1210 Polaris Or .• Oovef Shores. NB 631-7300 $740,000 Sun 1-4:30 •35 Ridgellne Or., HarbOr Ridge 760-1900 $2,390,000 Sun 1-5 1448 Galaxy Dr .. Dover Shrs, NB • 675-2373 $995,000 Sun 1-4:30 •8 Oakmont (BIQ Canyon) NB 673-7761 $1,295,000 Sun 1-5 644-4910 $320,000-Fee Sat/Sun 1-5 I BEDROOM * 14 Burning Tree Rd (Big Cyn) NB 233 Via Genoa. Lido Isle, N.B. 644-4910 $695,000-Fee Sun 1-5 673-7300 $575,000 Sun 2-4:30 213 Diamond (Balboa Island) 938 Via Lido Soud, Lido Isle, NB 644-4910 $595,000-F9'l Sat/Sun 1-5 673-7300 $847,500 Sun 1-4 *1715 Galatea Terr, Irv. Terr. CdM *41 Goleta Point (Spyglass) 644-9060 $445,000 Sun 1-5 ..644-6200 $890,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 * 1840 Tradewlnds (Baycrest) N.B. I BA plue FAM RM or DEN 644-9060 $359,000 Sun 1-5 * 1848 Npt Hiiie Dr E.(HrbrVuHms)NB 133 Via Undlne, Lido I~. N.B. 644-7020 $449,000 Dally 1-5 2 BEDROOM 1132 Sandi Ln. CGSta Mesa 751-3191 $112,000 Sun 1-4 1117 Sandi Ln., Costa Mesa 751-3191 $110,000 Sun 1-4 793 Grayling Bay, Costa Mesa 673-8494 $134,500 Sun 11-4 3 BEDROOM 7 Rue Villars (Big Cyn) NB 759-9100 $650.000 Sun 1-5 •26 Wlldgoose. Nwpt Crest, N.B. 673-7300 $199,000 Sun 12-4 •200 Columbia. Nwpt Crest. N.B. 673-7300 $2 14,000 Sun 12-4 •201 Columbia, Nwpt Crest. N.B. ' 673-7300 $219,000 Sun 12-4 •2438 Vista Hogar. Bluffs. N.8 . '760-0795 $139,500 Sun 12-4 22476 Caminito. Costa Viii, LagHls 855-3017 $124.500 Sat 11 -5 4 11 Oahha. Corona del Mar 673-8494 $295,000 685 Vista Bonita. The Bluffs, NB Sun 1-4 631-7300 $229,000 Sun 1-4:30 3 BR plus FAM RM or DEN 39 Beachcomber, Jasmine Creek 631-1400 $375,000 Sat 1-5 4 BEDROOM •204 Columbia, Nwpt Crest, NB -t• 673-7300 $189,000 Sun 12_-4 __ _ TOWNHOUSES FOR SALE 1 BEDROOM * 144 Pineview. The 'Lakes. Irv. 730-1250 $116,500 Sat/Sun 11-5 3 BEDROOM 2559-F Elden Ave .• Costa Mesa 675-1771 $149.900 Sun 1-4 DUPLEXES FOR SALE , 2 -2 MDROOll 222 Cedar Street, Newport Shores 631-1400 $258.000 Sat 1-5 , ... ,...., ... 416-416Y. Carnation, CdM 673-6900 $569.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 **215 & 217 E. Baytronl, Bal Isl 844-9060 $895,000 Sun 1-4 4 llR plue 1 M * * 132 S. Bayfront, Balboa Isl 631-1400 $1,300,000 Sat 12-4 I llR plua I llR 509 Acacia (Oceanside of Hwy), CdM 645-7048 .$440,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 644-9060 " ~--""~..! * * 115 HarbOr Island Rd .• N.B. 509 Evening Star Ln .. Dover Shrs, NB ------~~-~~.-..,4MMt-----4iw._.,.....ae-------- 631-7300 $920,000· ., •.>o. Sat 1-4:30 *5 Colonial (Northwood) I~ " ....... 631-7300 $230,000 • 4,,. S~t"1-4:30 3212 Oceen BouleYard, CdM~ . 631-7300 $985,000 "'Sun 1-4:30 1115 Highland, Or .. W•tcllft. NB 631-7300 $300,000 Sun 1-4:30 . , CONDOMINIUMS FOR SALE 1 9BllOOll 81 Lak• Pines (The Lak•) Int. 540-1151 $115,500 Sun 11-2 -r * Pool * * Waterfront *** Waterfront a Pool J 20 -Orange County Real Estate / An Advertising Supplement to the DAIL V PILOT /Saturday. November 20. 1982 s ..... ,,, ,.,, ...... ,,, ,,,, . • ..... Mt S•I• ...... "' w. I ...... ,,, ,.,, ...... ,,, ,,,, ...... ,,, ,,,, .•• ,,,,, ,,, ,,,, ...........•.••••....•....•••.........................•.••......•.••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••..•••••...•.•...•.••••..•..•.....•............•...•........•..•.......•..... Gl.,111 IOOZ C.Ht1l IOOZ 11•• ,,, • ., IOU C..I• #1u .1024 C.11• .,.. 10140...111.I 111' Jni.,. IHf Itri•• IH4 .........•....••.•........•................. ••··••················ .•.................................................•.••.•.......•...............•....••....................... . llYllE TtlUOl •Y 110,000 M. UnlQue 3 bd, 2 ba hOme. FUIM F•EOLISEI 000 Owner will subsldlic OIPI 111111 s179.500 Assume 5130· FHEOt.llHE I IEW IWIH 1111, payments for 18 mos. 5 Eastslde charmer Newty 000 at 12' 1"'•· No Quall-" ,, Th•s n.eat 3 bdrm. 2 ba Bdrm, 3ba In MESA redecorlled 2 Bdrm 2 lylng Ask /or Oennu1. Only 8 yrs old! 5 Bdrm 2 SIYI llLLI with over 1800 sq It ot VERDE $l89,500 Prln bath Ground floor 498·4950 or 493-6628. Story hm w/3 baths, for-No 2 Plan of J w Peters BEST IN BLUFFS HST HY. Lovt.'ly 2000 sq. Ct ;j bdrm, 2 1. i b;iths. Cam. rm . wide grc<-nbl'll, m•;ir ~I. Only si:J5,000 llCLllllS TIE UD! Will LEU£ OPTIO•. Good ll'rms. By appl. lovely patios and gar· Only. 544-8390 Mon lhru lownhome wllh fireplace Ling~ mal dining and ulll rmt 1 block to lake • price dens Owner will finance Fri Community pool. club· ...S~ActJ~AN Owner ab•oiut.toc....inusl reduc~1o-n 3 W•fffl1t-..S1JbJilanllal I.st TD ~t Ii selll"P&e 1us1reduced10 ""rings Cross sts Thun ouse, laundry, putting ANO HARBOR VIEW 5145.000 Call 979-5370 " • . ·, 12% 1n1. lor 7 yr lerm A green and ulra parking. Newly upgraded, 2 BA. 2 NOW! der Run & W Yale Loop 'leasehold estate PrK:ed 1&1111111 A very special place for Ba, lull sec , assume low Opn Hse Sa1/Sun 12-5 10 sell tn lee •EU YllH adults $135.000. dwn Ownr. 893-3 151 Agt 645-9850 RARE I H . 1 bath, fa m rm; form din .. widC' gre<.>nbclt. 2600 sq. ft. $250,000. 144-1211 1111,• 142·12• II''" IOJZ IY IWIH Redecorated! Gorgeou•t •••••••••••••••••••••• 10•1.% assum 1s1 T o 3 /Jn NIGU OAILU & ASSUCIAT[S PETE BARRETI OPH 1-5 2111 Yista l•~ts• large 4 BA family hOme ••••ME 10., LI Br, single lam hm, Frplc. with 2 lirepl&ClH. Pres-.... ,. • new cpls. drps. paint & OPfl 1-1 lige 10icauon. Hurry, $ l30.900 3Br Open W .... IME remod k1tch4!n lge oor-Ml-OIU Sat/Sun 1•4 Bkr 23932 $5000 dn, owner musl ner lot in The Willows. Nr 503 Awt. Ca•,. 1 IYI 2 Ir V. 2141 Vista htra4e 3 Ir 3 la Y• 100 Playa 3 Ir 2 ·I• wlla•4 s H0,000 iilliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii I 1431,000 $211,100 TRADE your boring income P<'O- perly or outgrown resl· COLDWeu BAN~eRO . REALTY Oswego 838·5368 sell 2 Bdrm condo E•cel schls. parile & shops, No assumable e•1s11ng It-assoc lees $129.500 Buli•flU nancing $97.400. Aedu-Ph 551!3209 ••~i IHI ced from $110,000 Call l~-X. Liii. HELEN B. DOWD dence w11h a larg1 equity ,_l~-- lor this '1eat rusllc and ~~~~~~~~~I Assumable on th•• 4 •••••••••••••••••••••• for Mark 644-8325 or bdrm homet Aelurblsned IPIOllll IOOI 11111 559·64'12 kitchen. new palnl and 5 Bdr, '4•,, Ba, 3-sty, 3000s __ A_V_E-$$_$_o_n_a_d_r_e_a_m SIOIJFIOE SIU 11' • 30 'i.' loan lg 1 BR water vlew S 116.500 730.-1250 REALTORS, 110. 144-0134 foomy 4 bdrm. 3'~ ba : home 1n WALK TO THE ... ,, , ....... BEACH CORONA DEL tow mafnl yard' Very sq ft + over 900 sq II desirable area. iust re· · (Home) come true. 4 BA. ot balcony Some ocean 2•,, ba tuaury hOme Over duced to $127.500 Call view. 1 blk to beach 2800 sq II Neutral cot-ftllllllll LllEFlllT MHTICElll ctllt 2 Ir I leff ••4•1 i• 4esiraltl• .,.. clese t• frH••Y• ltHcltes ad 1ir'9ff. Price4 te sell at Sl2,DOG. WlTllYIEW Ollll 1,1r14e4 car,et I tile ia Hlttr., tMes. hslt ladsH,I•&· 2 Ir l 'h la. hn•• leH, er ••Hr will tr-41 fer ltuse. l1- •i•1 S1H,llO. COUOF~ MAL TOM u 11·1.c-1tw,. c:-...... •75-551 1 2221 VISTA llUll OPH Ill 1-1 Boau11lut Btulls TOW!\· hou5e. Linda Model. 3 bdrm 2 bath. upgraded on wide greenbelt A oarga1n at $210.000 2 d Ci 7 7 kITT& Lee IAAIA•mtl. • t 1amiry 11ome. 5 '· 3 ba .• mint cond. :>I, nee! linanc:tng Call Agt. 10t .,. 1ts2or1.,..1e. >LST£ .. RIM. TY wl'lal't°" .... , In • P1io. OIM llllladl. * 12'9 FllWIOlll * UITSll(,. C.M. Spacious 2 story home perlecl for en1er1a1n1ng or large lamlfY' Fea1uring 3 Br & lamlly room. for- mal dining & 11 large lot on a qu•9'. private cut- de-sac• Priced for Im- mediate sate at S 187 .000 & owner will carry over $ 1 O O . O O o a t 1 2 %,. 759· 1501 Of 752-7373 ~ Walker 8 Lee MAR LOCATION wllh Lovely 4 Br 2 Ela home speclacula.r 180 deg situated on huge cul-de- ocean. Catalina Island sac 101 Great neighbor· and harbor views. Priced hood Assume 10% loan at current appraisal prt<:E or try VA 631-7360, of $475.000 lee Owner 675·6766 has $ 195.000 equity eno Wlll carry 2nd. 144-1211 SIOllFIOlll . V-·Hbr-Ocean-4Br POOi/Spa/Soiar Heat Fled~ to $329,000 TR\Dt 110\,\l ~I \I r) llLLDlllNlln 4kOIUEUPlll* This hne home hat been remodeled 1nrctuou111 Besides 3 brs. the owner has added 2 9"yt11as '" 979.5370 $285,000 F P See OW1* ori. upgraded throug- ln ad1 _house at 206 l5th hout Master bdrm re-3Br. 2' •Ba, lam rm. b) St. 536· 1718 treat wllh llreplace g owner Best location Make ofter 551-961! H M·M tlAlJ wetbar Owner says no hOme: 6' l-8224 \ t >I l I ti F ti . . .. ·. Close lo ocean, 3.3 reasonable offer rejec---------- -• Pymts $1200 to $2000. led Annette. 730-0450 W•••• J.Mi IHI • Piil _. S175K lo S215K Move in Merr111 Lynch Realty, ••'••••••••••••••••••• 3 Br 2 Ba $130,000 • take over shared •P· 552-17t4 Open Sun 1-6 937 Aca- 4 Br 2B Ba $140.000 preciallon Financing iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii pulco, Arch Beach Hgts 4 Br 2 Ba S t43,500 available Call Sue .. , ILIFF UYEI Gorgeoos 3 br + family 4Br28a$19.900 891.5556 + 3 ba. 18<7 degree All have HCellallt linen---1P11 .al Ocean/Ctty v-Dbl lot CIO!I 631·7370-•Ill PIUOE 1411 KINGS ROAD $325.000 Submit down ThtS home has 11 all! The Fabulous llleW, newly r• Bkr 675-2172. 499-3563 fTIOSI beautiful we've decorated l hroughoul. -,----.-'ill 1_1 TR \DI 110\,\I. ~I \I I) seen Format LIR. dlnlrtg Carpels, wallpape~s .• fl.'!,~ ..... ! ...... ~. IPll Hiii SIT/Ill 1-• Open Sundey t·5. 1033 Whtie Salls. CdM 760-1756 Ille lmly rm & re-hied tl'la "--==-=-=:;;_- kitchen counters Priced 2 .. II.I _. rm. 2 lrplcs. brealhtaklng paont, etc 3 Bdrm. dining Beautiful upgraded Santa landscaping Owners wlH room, wine cooler and Barb condo in Laguna finance • JuSI $149,900 denl htde-a11tly View-Vig UTAAS GALOAEU! .. No o ther like 11. Bkr Side balcony ec:ross en· Must -1 $124.500. 848--0709 tlr8c,~fN118SUNDAY 1_5 OPEN SAT ONLY 11·5 111 Oliff llm 855-30 t 7 Prtced to sell" 4 Br 3 ea· pool home located on quiet Costa Mesa cul- de·sac Owner will tell54! option Low down or trade Come by 2283 W111erman. off 23rd & tr· vine or call Jerry Smllh 631-7370 -...... -. .a t S I 3 3 , 9 0 0 w I Buy both tor $325.000 assumable llnanclngH 1754 Santa Ana St . owe 11000 llLIW •IT + $3000 REBATE at Es· crow C a I I 7 !I 9 • 1 5 O 2 o r t 2•;•1, for 5 yrs. pr1n only 2 bdrm. 2 ba, dar1 ,Pri- ced under market at $275,000. Owner 752-7373 673-0359 3Bd 2ba. lrpt, needs 759-1666 NICI llMTill BEST VALUE IN ~ Walker & Lee IAVINE TERRACE Your own PY1 spa In Illa --.-3 BA. den. 3 Ba home backyard 3 Br 2Ba. MP .. a., /sl,., lOOf w11h pool & spa Com-tamlly rm. fplc, $17,000 •• • ••••••• •••••• ••• • •• pletety redecorated dwn Low •'11erest rele llYFIHT + llGIM( 13 15 s ANT AN ELL A 979-8866 Agt. Homo on So Baylront. TEAR. L111te Island wllh 11p1 No11t $339,000 tee IPEI .al E11cellen1 opporlunlly 2 _T_L_c __ 2_1_3_'5~30-_5_1_59 __ 1 BA 2 Ba condo. pool. lllT Tl. llY clubhae. great So Cal ------1 Plau loc $79.900. EZ $2000 dwn, 3 Br 1'"' Ba, 1erm1 Properly House, den. tplc. lrg bacilyrd, 6A2-3850. 642· t010 qu1e1 cul·de·sac S 117 000 asaum hn 847-2593 ... • .at..w Beaul condo. 2 br. 2 ba Leaae o r leaselopl $850/mo 545-3339 SUIPIMll 1111 F•EOLllRI N TIE IOU hlr 10'9 .... Four co-ooe lrom S 195. NEW LISTING, BEST ,,_ ... ·~-' IHI BUY Gaiages-3+. AV :':7 ......... 7. ............. . space Pro·lype workshop Seller linen-Beau11tut 2 bdrm, 2 ba C•ll9 3 Bdrm·1 with out· $136.000 548-64_9_2 __ Side ontrance New rool. Wt lltHI llSS ptumt>tng. kttchen. tand· ••••••••••••• .. ••••••• scaping and lnsulalton FISH/SAIL FROM Pt1ced lo Mtl, $240' ,000 YOUR BOAT DOCK 142·1211 Newly upgraded 3 BA. tple. rec room l ake Fo- rest· II Ownr. 893-3151 A PETt BAR RE TI . REA LTY !~.~! .. !!.!! Owner will carry paper OPEN SAT/SUN 1·5 SattSun ,_. 3071 Plalle $925.000 Or Call Natalie Fogarty. Or 3 Br, Uv rm wllrpl. htlis WeM, lltr. agl 673-6571. 675-6000 t" Ba Neat. ctean. good on M<>yef Place "' 19th, 18 mos old 2Br. 1• •t>•. $130.000 Call tor de1all1 000 lo $325.000 AU with ·~~~~~~~~!! 10% assumable loafla, MYEIUllU Ill 1111 -C I .. -IOZ..11 loc, St27,000 By owner. ---------•.!!.~.:"!!~ ..•..•.... -: ~81. 751-5<418 __ IEST Ill 3 BR. 2 '• Ba Condo, IDT LHATI• UITlllE 1-2 S15o.ooo. 10% down Owner muSI setlll Char ming remodeled 2 3 2 7 O g I e S I • C M 3 Bdrm wtuntt Spactous bdrm OOll house on IMge 548-0040 _____ _ ltv rm. lrplc, 6eam oetl's 60a 125 A-2 lol Beaull· 1••y••H ••••••• fully land1eape<1. Asking -.. -- Del;ghllul & charmtng Unbelievably PftCed at HfJ 1211,DDD 673-6511 BEACHTIME REALTY ........ _. .,..,., ... ... d ... ,.,.. ~ tcndoeut• IOt· ... ---.... ,.. ..,.,. -.,. . """ C Ol"l\ef ..... , • ""· pool ..... mMl8I $137 .500 Excellent 11. Spollets 2 Bdrm ~. nanclng Call 540-t t51 tge 101 Assum loW Int ~·HERITAGE REALTORS ---- In Ju11 red lo S 100.000 SUNCOAST A E Merilyn Coombs. 63 1· 7090 & 645· 1915 -............ ... w ...... e DeHJ _f!tJof a111••• M. ~•. RIOH,T REAL TY 111-IHI •VIM SILE and owner will carry 2nd TD 7 11 Ocean Blvd Open Sal/Sun 1~ Call 540-1151 tor mofe tntormatton ~HERITAGE .•. REAL.TORS -------- • LICITlll LICITill 3 bdrm. 2' • btl Plan 3 1r Orcl'lard Glen • North wood Very toYely horn. AIC. skyllghl In ttv rm Excellent cul-de-sac loc:auon Oft qvl8t side of t,,. slreet ftast elefow pOSSlble 1441 Galaxy Or1ve 4 Br o.n. Formal Otning Room. 2 Flreplaces. 3 car garage plus large Hobby Room Pool eaad lot, beaut landscaped Owner will assist al li- nanc1ng Only S.420,000 Open Sal/Sun 1·5 Rol>lmon Aeal10t ....... , .......... Yr u own tl'la land 2,000 sq 11, 3Br, lam rm, 2''> a., wide G,..,-,belt. nMr pool. Fllf below matkat $235,000 Woll ..... op· lion Blu 644-0134 -Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, November 20. 1982 -21 ...... -,.,, ...... ,., ,.,, ...... "' ,.,, ...............•...... .•.................... ·······••············• ~.~.~! .. !."! ~'!P.!!-~ •• J.lj. P!.'!P.!!.~ ••• J."! Gorgeoua newly remod ll .. I Npt Hta/8-lt. c_,. Cod. home '" prvt bcf'I com-3 er. 2 e 1 . v 1 o w -'.::Br. splfl lvl hm, only mty. 3 Br & lam rm. Greenbltl pool. lndry rm. $169,000. $30K beTow Super terms. may trade. A-1 cond. Owner (213) • p Pr. 5 4 8 • 4 3 6 0 or S 189K lee conversion. 507•5928 '94-0395 Only $269,900. 645~218 --------- .. ..-r. .... ~ .. . ...,... Ooclt tor 30' boat. Steps to Lido VIiiage .. 3 lge bdrms. 2V. bath•. Open S.t & Sun 1-5. 603 345th St. 673-6776 OS'· ,, ............... h I.We · 1 ~ Lets mn 111111 eufftf I a.wal Newport Beach Cape Is whit you get In th11 Cod home: 3Br 2ba, 1 beeutllul two-story den & 110ry. and adj•· cullom hOme. Could be cent lot. Fee ownerll'llp. used as .Wo units • one Good financing. $380, for Income. Greet New-ooo . Incl. 101. Call port Buch ioaltlon wi1h 85t-~34 or 547-0420 Ocean and Mountain • vi ews. Olfers 3 be-REDUCED $50,000 drooms, 2 baths. Formal For Sale By owner $299, dining room. entry hall. 500. 18r. 381. swimming Two fireplaces. Three ce1 pool, lrplc-wet bar, llv garage and much more rm. din rm. fem rm. Xtre to see. Give UI • cell 11\d I g ~ c a r g • r • g •. come take a look. Call 833-9773. 646-0811 dys. 979-2390. $425.000. 556-4982 eves. '-~-~~'!. ...... '!!m.~I!.~.'! ..... !'!m!!.!!!r.ttr.11.!f ·~:, ,,,,.,,,u• !~~~~l~!~!!~!t .... .,__,, ... j ,,, ~ ..... ,.,...... ..... • ..................... t.IM ••·•~••••••••••••••• f# 11Jt I I• Management oriented Palm Deser1. Monterrey h8i•l•U 1111 5 Br Somerset, Harbor •••••••••••••••••••••• Investor ~· tinencill CC Plan 300, golf, Mike/ •••••••••••••••••••••• View HrM. ffg corner IOI, NEWPORT BCH 8'x28', In partner tor excepllonel mtn vu. S189K $100 as-Lge Peninsula Pt eicec 4 view, pV1 blc«y11d. room M. H P11ti. PCH. $7500. Newport eeacn Income sum. PP. 71 41855-4151 br, 2 bl, tpa, lrplc, avail. for boll, motorhome. Lv mag 970-14S9 prot)er119a. High appre-A-I-•.,,.~ i mmed. thru June. Owner 1n1rlous Asking ~a-•• clatlon potenll•L No ma--w ., .,,.. $1200/mo. 111. test. MC $390,000. Agt. '94-1840 _, --nagement required Fully ,,_,., dep. 675-1853 MU9lllT llPUI ~o=~ =~ooms, MCUfed 6~5-1170 -· FOA-.~i~~L~it::i;:,~ C.... •I,,., JIU y wknd• -6545 da. 0 •••••••••••••••••••••• By owner. Corner lot, •---&. h J• Oregon Rancti, 20 For tease· Glamorous 1 er 3br/3b• & 2brl 2ba, ~• w1tw • .-Tl •II 1c1e1. $400 mo. Cell C · F 1 685K. AllUme 172K 111 •••••••••a••~••••••• owner Bob Meyer (7 t4) ondo. rplc, pat o. TD . OW C 2nd TD. Duplex on Ille Nnd. 30th ~·::9h:;',,"'8ti!a~·:ie::: 516·3500, home (114) pool, gll!r. s75oimo. Avail 752-Mee 11 NB.~r~ yards. garages. St4t. 661-7622 or Bart (503) 0ec 31•64'"7211 Agt - --a•• ~p::'!'irc:i\ 3b~:·:::: 900. 947-3536. home (503) C.I•... JJZ4 ----d I I ··1 10"' Two trlpl•••• Ill 2·1 947-3216. • ••••••••••••••••••••• Mull sell preat1glou1 owns a rs. -n. "' · ' 4 br. 2 ba, Lg Bonus Rm,.,. Versailles Condo 2 down OWC balance at ~·m-.~· .~~~gt: FOR SALE-Lakeview, Ger, E'slde. 5950 bdrm, 2 be. Sea View. t3 9'1. tor 5 yrs. Great for 840_78140 558-8981 Oregon Rench. 200 548•6 155 , Flreptece Balcony and summer rentals. $735, Kits, 28r hM, 2 eorrei.. --------- much more. All ollera 000. ~rmllag• Really. trout stream. 2 mobile .... '""' JIZI Id d 0 714-544·2'84. ... WT hOrne "'"· $225~ 30 •••••••••••••••••••••• ~2~~1;r• . wner. OCEAN VIEW 1011 from ~a-• yr 10% financing. Cell Weekly gorgeous. harb0< -• --owner Bob Meyer (71') V19W, 38r. 3Ba fully turn Lge new custom hOme, open Set/Sun 1-5. 210 Vie San Remo. Ownlagt, 575-30481673-2556 $5000. Terms. BMutHlll Situated on extra large 586_3500, home (7t4J Deep sea llst11ng. golf. IFFl I II... Morro Bay""· nr bea· lot. 501(200'. " • HP•· 661·7622 or Bart (503) lennls, horse racing, lrl&ltt Jlteret .... ll. ctles Agt 760·8180 rate 2 bdrry1 house. den, 947-3538, home (503) theater & other enter· Newpor1 Hei9t1t• older 2 Located on large lot with Newly dee. Nr tennis 12 I AAA lireplac., fUll size~ In 947-3216 tatnment av1tl thru mgmt Br. 1 Ba. dbl car garage. • 2 patios, gerden Com-Club. Xlnt hn. S 139·500· 1 ,_. C...1ni.J lovely ptlvlle ylfd PLUS company No host. You 50 x 117 Rt IOI. mun1ty """'·tennis. JuS1 or Lease/option. Cell DRASTICALLY REDU-~ • 1111 2 one bdrm umts .. ch -• 1111111 name 1t w• arrange ti ,........ i 6 0 • 0 7 9 5 • D p OR.. h t z........o .--$lS5,000 steps t o the l>ftach. 213•281-0365. CE to selll AN ,... ••••• •• •••••••••••• wit Pftvate pat<> . .,......, 41 actes, zoned C-0. Wiii $1000 wk base. (7141 461 Santa Ana Ave SELLER wm even oonsi-1 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil MIC VIEWS ol BAY & R-4. Excellent llnanclog. cons l d er 2nd T . D. 642-6590 548-5041 alt 6 der lease option with $8, I• OCEAN. Ananclng aval-•Dl•mlll $230.000. 644-6428 BANK LIQll>ATION BIG CYN CUSTOM 000 down. Excellent floor Ill OllYH table CA l L TODAY. "'"""* r. --------• #ftlMll .... Jiii r~~~.o~ 1:~~r~~·~s.a'2 ~.::~1=1 ;,.~rFr~~ ~~-~l\40 D GER s 2 ~~~~~!!-~·:·,~lo I_ I ~~!:.:::.~ .. 2:~tJ~~1~;f~;,: baths. Formal dining drs. akylltes & much, zoned for 111 studio. gift F• 1 11a•ir ,._ yrty 832-7941 alt 5. room Entry 11111. Living much m:>re. 64'·5116. Sh<>p1. antlq~. etc ..... I lid ~ • 1155 room and llrepl-: For OPEN SAT/SUN 1-5 Owner Wtll carry flnen-Q ea 25 Ac. grape v1neyard, •WNIT 11611 On 091f courM. 20% dn Vacant, show anytime. ~u;~~:o~;I~~'.:' Call ;~7~R=ue=Ch~a;te~i8AJ;;R;'~al~ ......... sif15.~.2~:r;e. ~~ 6 73-730() ~-= .?~. :!.!-: ~!m:c:::~;u~a~ 111-lltl ii .... h •-.. or 752·7373, group ot serious w1~-meld'• quer1era 60 feet 3707 S. BRISTOL lY,~ ... _. mailers whO Wiii maintain on the bey with pier Ind ,t. St.295.000. 73-7761 Of 790.13g7 SANTA ANA * own..-Is oe>er'I to Ill of-well cared tor 8 yr Old altp for three boats. U'fmST f1lll fers, wlll accept 10% Ill.Ill,._..... Cabernet Sauvlgnon $3500 per month until For sale or teaM customl· zed Palermo In Harbor View Homa. Must see to eppre. Open HOUM 1 10 5, Nov 13. 19'8 Port Chelsea. N.8. SPYGLASS 1111,MI 4 Bdrms. Owner says "move It". Mike Crow Agl. 6'5-3176 U.llUll lllTIUI 111.E 45' IOI: 3 Bd, 2ba, den, d in rm. lrptc. lg patio. Tarbrlt HI \I I OH" .. ~ Lovely one story home on 60' of wattw In Dover Shores. Pier end float and lattlee COVlf'ed' bay- side patio. 3 Bdrm• and low pr}ce of $450.000 U H. 142-1211 high t>eam cell. S3700I:======;~ wfS75K dn. Open hse Sun 11121, 1-S pm. Pvt ply. 673-3146 A PETE BARRETI . REALTY ...... ••• SOT lllllTI , Vfllf)I bcitlng MW Vlcto- ... I rlan Style 3 8f 30e hOme. 3 bcl, 2 bl. large IOt, on Roof top garden, frplc. San Bernardino St. As-hOt tub • ....,_ to l>Mcil. king $285.000. ANUml-Agt 675-1711 bl• Finance. Detached 1:=:·;i;~;;;;1 Garage. Jecuul. Day• 957-3226. Evening• •• ,., 1111f 631-0143 Plan 4, 3 Bd<m or 2 end LARGE FAMILY HOME den. Dini ng room, on cul de sac. 5 BR 3 a.. break last nook, 3 bath• posalble in-I-qulf1ers. and master suite with RV access. Owner en-offal MWlng room/ r• •lous. May ~ finance. lreat. Thia loYely condo $225,000. Devin RHI has flreplaee. bulftln t>er, Estate 642-63e8 2 dee*• and do&lble oe-- FORECLOSURE FOR rage. 1199.500. SALE Newport Beech, 141-1111 cell John Ojeda . 213-304·3398 j PEH j BARRE n " titALI l Beautiful fou r bedroom, 3 bat'1 home ln guarded gate community. Profeutonally landscaped . $375,000. Good financing available . • .._ ... 11-4 IU1YmYW•--.. '' ... /llT. 111.-t. ... 1111 BrlnglfOUrpalntbrull'I& cash. lease opt or 1 ~ vi nes For delllls .luly1st '83or 12months broom to save SSS on Beaulitut home on corner Price reduced 10 5395. 1 1 ' I 6, 1 3 • ' 9 2 8 • at S,500 per month this 3 br. executive ranc with fie.Ible & reellsttc 000 tor this lantaatlc 2131393-5496 Agent, 63 t -7300 llyle home In prestige owner. Reduced to locetlon & lenllstle I I It ~:-,~~ i;:0~~~ !:~:·~~~~bb~t11°~7~~ HllllllllM.. 1erms. 4 bdrm•. 3 t>aths "1.1tt!!Z. Fur~i~rUf~~ toe. Ca I I 7 5 9 . 150 1 or listen." 40.000 sq. It. under roof, up; 3 bdrma, 2 baths •••••••••'-••••••••••• 3 blks to NHVC. ~oee •Ingle &n•ft 3 -·• of down. Flreptace, 4 car F Ub_.... G H~ for 752-7373 for details. -..-.. -• '"""' iove ,,,,_ st. to balhlng beach; may - "\I I HI HI" I land. Loading doc:ll. 200 g11age. auncleclt. sale or H change, 3 + have use ot outboard ~ Walker B Lee •IQllllTI• C o ntr1ctor '1 own hOme!ll Smuhlng 3 Br home featuring used t>rlck Ind wrought Iron, skylltas, atrium, ahake roof. and extenllve use of Mexk:ln pavets. Offe- red •t $165,000 w l uaumable llnenclngl Cell 71417511-1501 or 1141752-7373. ~ Walker B Lee .......... ...... ':'" •· ........... View ot oc.an and city hghll. 3 bdrm, 2"' be plUI oft lee. 2 Ir pica. Need an on.. Open Sunday 12-4 3 ST TROPEZ • ... Ju. 1111\tl' ''"'· perking places. Excltlffg ---------acres ot •vocado1 & runat>out, 3 Br, plus lrg aree Cell 8111 Metrell or -limet, 4 Br studio, 3 Be family room. nq patt0 & R~AL ESl~IE Gib WallCer 12.850,000 beeullfully decorated. BBQ. Owners home. ne- 631· 1400 large aw.mining pool + ver ~Of• rented. Phone jlc:UUi. owner Joyce, 675-0998 - lid Trade tor Orange County1 ____ ;._. ____ _ 0 8Q home $295,000 appral· Belul turn Stutts Twnh- 67<1.730() Ml. $150.000 moftgage me 3 BR. lam rm. format .,;r 619· 723-9550 dintng, 2·~ ba, 2 lge pV1 lid l~~~~~~~~~~j ----------1 patios, llflme greenbelt 0 ea II ".... s 1 '00 mo George 67'1730() &.II 1-i.11 1111 S 165K equity In compi.. Goldbaum, Southland .,;r •••••••••••••••••••••• lety rebulll Newport RllrL 833-9191 Heights pool home to WeetCllll 3 br Jba & den exchange for income $l200/mo 646•8635 af1 property Prefer So S 1 _ Orange CO fllleMIPPeB. _a_,_.....,._. _____ _ 645-9654 LIDO ISLE • 3 bdrm, 2 ba, I •-•.1--a.1-.1 ..... lemrm. S 1700 ·mo. Biii ............ Grundy. Rttr. 675-6161 Eastsld• Coale Mase POS!lfve cash flow Ow· • ..,,, D.J.nhW ner wlll ••change tor •••••••••••••••••••••• Newport Beach .... .i ,., ce. Agt -.alk• Crow •••••••••••••••••••••• &45-3176 Lek• Anuwt!Md 2tOO •.•. h<>rM 1230.000 Xlnt n-n 1 n cl n g For sate or trade S 100.000 equity tor So Coast property. 714/llM-6e98 to.IS FOR RENT •MISSION VfEjo• $675-$725 *IRVINE• $750 •FOUNTAIN VALLEY• $750 •HUNT. BEACH* $700 •CHILDREN• •PUS Ot<• llLI• lllllTllllTI • ... .. I J .. l I ... I -. 22 -Orange County Real Estate/ An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT /Saturday, November 20, 1982 ~-!'~ .. ~.f~ .. I~.~ .. ~.~ .. ~-'~~ .. ~-!'~ .. ~~~.'?.~~~11.&nt:.,,.~ ·~=.,.,. 3#1 ~!~.~ ••••.• 1.l:t~~!~.~ ...... 1.¥.1 ~ ........... 9.!1 ;.-....... ~ .. 1.P. ~.'!P.!!.~ .. l!P. ~.~ ...... H.¥. : ....... ~ .. H.!!. ...................... EtSlde, aparkllng 2 br. 3 Br, 2 Bl, W/t!de, pool ·lllTILI .... ,,.Utile SUS* apeci.,.a bf. 2~ ba •Wf•T ~ On the beach hotef 1 Penln Pt, 5 BR, 3v, b•. y~rd, gar., pool. 1575 yard . Rel. 1850 /mo. 1 10 4 bdr"'9, atlttiflO II Large epecloui duple•. condo, loft.type den w/ Ill 11111 LH .. llfl ·~~ h~'·1 ~r~~~ ~ DR. ltg patio, $1200 mo mo. Mgr 24538 Orange 1stllut rent. 64~7321 MO<I to 11475. ,,,., bdrma. Spic & span. wet ber, frptc. open I GM , Weter Peld. Petioa 1300/mo. + 1280 dep. lo mo. Agt. 673·9080 Av. E·slde condo. 3 BR 2'}, "--..... nr •hopping Steps to ci.emed oeillno•. meny wlpool. )aeuDI, saun11. 2306 w. Oceanlront. 2 BA. lplc. fnced patio, bl. 2 gar. Lg yd. Chlpet !fjJ b • • c 11 Y e • r I Y • ex 1r 1 1 · I 9 2 6 / m 0 · tennis courta, volleytlall I N.B 673-41 S4 c.,. •• HI llM 31ZZ wlopen ci.am clg, new S895. Fumlunlurn. ~Jl.L.-..., 7 141915·5122 coll or 84&·7452or141·2880. courts. ReuMtion room. ~~;;·.~·;;;~·~~:; -cp:· very nice. $895 642-0095, 850--0822 • 1 ~~ wtcnds 875-8720 Bluffs 3 br, 21~ be, weter Jr 1 bd. lurnllhed, $430 'DlvmnllT Br 2ba, deck, view. 2 car 63 -092 I 2Br. 3Ba lovely twnhie. ~ Spac 3 br, 2'J't ba very view, llMl pool. e-..1y Call 557--0075 DI\ 1 fft\111 I gar S950. Dy ~~988, Modern 3Br 2'J'tba, WHI-Poot. spa, ger. & c/p. No 183H60() clean llomhw. pool, 1<>g· lt800mo.553·920281cr Cleln I Br. turn. College. B A LB O A ISLAND 3 eves 640-9219 side house $795/mo pets S725 675·7 183 Qlng, etc $800/mo Agl 3 BR, 2'"1 ba, neer bellctt. no pets, very private. b<Srm 2 bl hOUM in exc.l 631 3566 7"'0 4152 544 1440 s 000 s 1 eond Furn or unturn. 2 bdrm. t ba. Cana Cod. · · ' • Famil" hom•. 4 Br 2 ea, • • 1. mo. & security. 410 Includes all ut 11. "" work · ' v u. 63 5661 tu & 546-0522 lmmed po111esS1on 2 Completely remodeled. lrplc, lenc. yard, garage. Condo for lease. Bt~lts, 3 1· · 1st. t seo. moa. minimum rental Prov. Bell. s 1.ooo mo 3Br . tea .. gar .. new kit . $750/mo 650-5719 '5iJCMwS~J.v. Br. end unit, back doO< BAYfRONT •••tia1,.,, s 1500/mo Owner 673-4771, 833-2900 1rg yaroJ $560/mo St t20 to pool, steps lrom ten· a..~ 31~.. 644·9513 plus $200 dep req Call 2 Br lba with yard •nd Quality 5Br eitec home., nosclub.$1000/mo 2757 -,,. -~Ui;niijlit;i/i=w-BIG CANYON. 2 bd, 2 ba, eves/wkns bef 9 pm attach. dbte cer gar. Turllerock Highland s, Vista Umbrosa. N 8 Balboa Island sandy •• ... ·••••;:;~·m•••• PllTlllSl/leefrt goll cou rse view . 951_5863 Children & pets Ok 51750 mo. Avail Dee. 15_ Dale 640-2364 beech. 3Br 2ba. ucel ~•5 S.eutoful & on the moSI $1100/mo 3 bd. 2"'r $595/mo 640-5078 GOLDEN PROPERTIES cond Monthly or yrly BeeuUful & p.nc lilce With · ba. new decking. carpets 3 Br. 2Ba • F.JJ 3U 4 752•1589 2 Br cottage. Newport s I 5 o o I mo owner 1 ed pool prestigious bldg over· & drapes S995tmo M Frpl, gar, No pelS {!!.."!!~'."!•••••~•••••• Heights. redwood decks, 644·9513 :~lou AOt looking ocean & 1111y Ferguson & Hahn Real Range 1s1 plus sec. Why throw away rent WllllRlllE brick walks, wooded. s s Newly decorated by la· Estate. 642·' 183 $700/mo. 648 w 18th. when you can own 4.3 I --gar. $750/m o. Av~ll ,.. c1,..... 1n1 •cPrlv11edP:liO:i mous designer Compl 499-1617 .-5r-• 12·15. 645-8825 •••••••--••••••••••••• * overe ., ng furn. Lge2 Br, 2bl. Pool, CHAFIMING: 2 Br, 1 Ba. w/$1200 to S2000 pay· 3B r . 2 ·~ea. lam r m. Hiil 11de ocean view 3 br •Dining Are• jac, boatslip.S1700/mo. lrg rms. beam cell. blks ments. S175K • S215K, suoo mo. 551-9615 ..... convert den & m1ld'1 •walk In Cloeell lmmed occupancy Alt t o bell $900 /mo . F•LIAlls move In · lake over · h0me:641·8224 23 4 B 115011250 quarters S2000/mo •HomehkeKlldlenl 1oamcall675-3738 675-9496 3 or 4 bdrm for tease on share apprec111ion. call • • • r· • 2t3/449-2628 1 blk to Huntingt on Sue 11 89f·555e WOODBRIDGE No. 1 Wild mo Fred Tenore. agt Center. transporletlon & 3 Br 1•,. Be lrpl Good prestigious Mesa Verde. Wheel 3 bdrm, 3 be. 2 631·12te or 631-2711 ,.,,_,.... ,,,, Location 'S90.0 /mo. Format Olnl"ij. 2 frple & 2 Br 2ba condo. au.et. 111 car gar. Family room. •••••••••••••••••••••• lrwys. 759-9570 or 673-4565 more $900/mo Call adult. excel toe. w/d Washer, dryer. Nr. Au'n BAYfRONT Beaut 2 sty home on 1 .. !"L"'l'm FrflBom 1515 I DeorMe 979-5370 Agt hkup, encl gar. S575, 1 1 tennl A 111 Cena!, w/bOet slip. 4 br, ...,. Small' Bl duplex. SlnyM 631·1098 ~,·,;:..smo.4~5-~tt BALBOA ISLAND: 3 lge ltv .... 11250 mo. TownhMunfurn W' mJ 3 Br. 2 Bl. upps. Furn/ unlurn Winter or yrly W sher /dryer lnclud Beeutiful -of oc:.M. tmmed occup or cozy couple Frplc. no' mS& 811 _ Bdrms. 2 ba. excellent A v 1 IJ. now. C 111 l'rom M50 gar. no pets S535 utll •••ti:SIM '--•U J.Mi JM cond. Furn or unlurn. 9'0·8488. 536-1435 for LA OUINTA HERMOSA pd 752-5822 El(ec 4 Br3Ba.formal •--· 31'...., ::1'.:e••••••••••••••••• tmmed.poueulon 2 ac>Pt (egl) 16211ParksideLn,tblk BACHELCJ-R . Furn/ dining, lamlty rm lmmac. --, '" HAR•OA OCEAN FRONT unlurn Yrly 111 Ulll pd aw&.11 ••• ir .. G d 1 1 •••••••••••••••••••••• 0 moa. minimum rent el "-~-'-' W. ol Beaon, 3 bllls S · •~ er ener nc ·Beaut 1 sly. 3 br, 2 ba Nu3200'1uxhmonblufl. $!500/m o . Own er __ .., olEdlnget .... 847~5441 New crpl. n-d,.,,.,, 2200 s.I 4 yr Old. compl. $1200/mo Select Pro· home on quiet cut-de· 180 deg vu ol harbor, 644•9513 Dahml.W JllS beam cell, lmmed OGCUP reoec 3 Br plus den or pet'ttes 751 -3 tlH sac. $650/mo For app1, surl. mtna. 3br. 3b•. •••••••••••••••••••••• 1 * S350/mo. up S.Ch • 1 I TSL MGMT 642-1603 4th Br 3 Ba. lprtc. crpt. $525 Cute Cape Cod 2BR 960-8468, 536-1435 egt security, sauna, spa. EXECUTIVE Bayside Or 2BR condo, pool. frpl. & 2 Br unlurn & furn OCEANFRONT APT· lB draoes. bar AU eppl Gw lBA wood Its new ept I S 1900/mo 496-7009. walerlronl home . .Avell carpets. dr.,.. Stenton pool, spa 18992 Aorlda. 1 r, . no pets Opn Sat/Sun • • Sharp, 2 BR 2 Ba. vecant, lmmed 4 Br. 4 Ta .. 111 5525 962.e524 Spm 842·2834, 842·3172 wontet rental. 1450 mo 12-4 6 14 M artgold drps. fenced yd. brocl\. $550, ask tor Kel th, EMERALD BAY 3 Br. 2 amenities 52500/mo U t ol 1nc1 No pelS 673-2230 $1300 no pets, gdr 645·2566 962·4471. 968·9853 Ba. 1700 SQ ft. lrplc, Boat •llPI also avell SC Plaza. I br & bonus IMIF•EI APJI 548-t930, 673·7844 ---SPA !'"-sch Hou•• 28r, yd. nat brick pallo. with spa. 955•2473 r5m500. amen631u.oes2558• avail now, 1 & 2 BR. pool , spa. 2 bdrm. 1 be. Charmer 2 2 stry~amlty room OvK • o P e7' Sa I I S;;;. S 1 6 0 0 I m o . BBQ. no pets, tum. •viii. A,.tl•nll $%8~;m~epAvoas1~ ~~e~ and spa room. on cut de 17142 221 14th St. $525 2 131 876 •225 5 0 r I'' ~~j ~~~-B tulls 3 br condo , nr (114) Ml-·111 D.t•i.idttl 15th. '83. 619-756 .. 5011 sac near all schools mo,. 842-6415 675'..3067 642•38so. ag:t Tennls Club. newty de· 8081 HOiiand Cr. HB •••••••••••••••••••••• da 619-756-2368 eves 2147 Iris Pt Etsode CM 3Br. 2,•Ba Condo. 2 2 br. 1 ba, walk lo ci.ach. coreted. Crpts. drp1. Btwn Slater/Werner lllNI hhM 1111 964-4503 pools. ;Int cond. 5695 $750. Call 494·5841 al\ EXCLUSIVE AREA. H11-pa 11 o , D W S 8 0 0 off Beach •••••••••••••••••••••• CllmY OITillE 3 Br. 2 Ba, family room. mo 12131 7119· 1932. 6 or Wllnds =~:-i.:=·ie':~~=-673-3069• 12131281.o365 Partly tum. beCh .'Pl All E;!:.y~r~~c!r/~~~~~:· 3 Br. So ol Hwy Avail Pet s. kid s OK S875 7 8 8 . 4 5 7 O. ( 7 1 4 ) Woods Cove. 2 blks 10 ge 1011 on , , ecre w/ .. _...._,. ..__~ utol patd Stngte lemete 28r, lrptc. 111100 mo now No pets. Call Diana 2 1 3 / 5 9 4 . 4 4 3 o 536-6203 ocean, old 2 sty w/sep trHs walk 10 Futoion :r.:-.-::::-••• !~ °"p ~y. St 16 b11v 5 Hunt 811 Bcl'l 1 675-3067 631·1266 or 642-3442 714/966-2930 CLOSE TO BEACH studio $1,000 mo. titand, beach, pool & ....,,,,._, 11• 1er mo ery -,.-1, ..... -_------ Agt EUTSlll otlll Brand new 3 Br, 21h a. 494•7222 schools Gardener Incl. •••••••••••••••••••••• te0-255t before 8PM -f~!!~.!!!~ ...... !.~~11 Cl~an. 3 Br. 2 Ba. den. :/oo<Jprlv s'::y~ks. :.~,:~notl 2 ~,.<'~n d.:i~~ p:;:,yre~lrc Avail. Jan tsl 759..()()60 e;r.;'ktt~il.= ~-~~ ... 1.~ff 2••b!d.nr•m•~ •• ,2!~-.:=_,.d•pl••} House and Duplex 4 Rent lrptc. 2 car gar $780. 'V •"" • v • -• Nwpt Hgta 2 Bf. 1 Ba. very ~rly. S42S/mo. 813·3800. Luxury studio. free HBO, ..., ·--~ C 545•6685 and lrpl All ulll pd. Dbl Plied and l)linted. Avail pvt & "'""' yd. 645-9095 p~oA•. m••d ••ru, spa, yrty. Meture non-smkrs, 333 E 2 1st SI M car gar Child OK. Drive lmmed, ABH $850/mo -..-i.INI " .... .... • no pets S650 x 3 645-8103 64~589 3Br, 2Ba single Sly condo. by 9 2 I A l 1 ba ma · 494·1177 East bluff condo, 3 Br r..i...U nn 1130 Wk. 499·3015 2131799·4195, 257-9792 I ' Br garage. yard. all xHas, quiet S750 mo 536-7979 ~'~ ~~~=~! ...................... •rvwr .... 1111 or (714) 673-3986 S525tmo W es tside Nancy 497•2149 Lease wolh opllOn. new 4 w-.. MJ.HI 31SI """"' '"""' BAY FRONTAGE. be«.11 ••••"••••••••••••••••• 6" 1-0763 No pets Woodstream split-level BR 3 Be Landmark Plan ••'••·~··•'••••••••••• thruout , ceramic Ille pier prtig 2br seoo ,i,; OCEANFRONT Dl.11 2-4 If S395 1 Br dpl11 Uhl pcs. Lovet" c"•tom k-e 3 Br. condo. 2. t>r & den, 2 ba, 20 $1250 848-5578 3 Br 2 ' Ba In gu110ed coun1ert0p1. new cerpe-H oO UtiL Pct 303 E By week or month. 4p!: ENo. 8!!, .. Ave547~1 lboa55 ' -""'" ow f 3 N 2 a t e co mm u n 11 Y . ling & P11nt. Pot11bly the E,._•t• '11871-11ee . 873·7173 -· ,..... 2 Ba. freshly painted, ·re rio. car gar r 4 bdrm •• 2 bl Children. no $795/mo . Avall now most comfortable home ..._-· ---------Studio apt. turn or.un'· many xllas. prvl. 1110 & p ool. No pets Avail. pets. SMrp roouae. Large Lease l>ptlon possible. In the Blulla. S 1200. Dia 2Br. 2BA, lrpl, II~ to OCEANFRONT large 3 8f furn Garage, WHher .. airy 6 4 2 ·2962 . 1750tmo.751•1879 yd $750mo Pat 760·1977 760·3825 ' bell, w/d, gar No pets. 2 Ba.Wlhr/~,nopets. dryer . S 350 /m o 6 19-756·3246 .... •ST MJE 968·7096 ADULT COMMUNITY 2 BLUFFS Yrly 1750. 645-8958 Winter S850 1173-8140. 673•279 t • Du 1 .,_ d 2 b 2 b Avail Dee 1 ---------2 BR House o pex oeaut con o. r. a. 3 Bdrm. 2 ba Near Meg· br. den. 2 bl, trpl. Nr 3 Bdrm, 2•.~ ba, lam, 11" -•• -2 BR 1._, b•. liOhl & llry, 3~~ E 21st St C M Lease-or leau/opt nolla and Garlleld Newly comm. pool. $800/mo. dec;or S975. 780-8384 2Br. 1Ba decoretor fur. -r-• avail now, S62S ytty Agt tOam-6pm $850/mo 545-3339 painted/clean $700 mo. 731·2514 or 494-lln. 11_ nolhed 8')1, t I* to lldl, 2 bdrm, 2 bl $850 mo , '-"•, 641-1220 645·8103 645-6589 •r•-• 1 I* 1 bey wound ·1111 June Incl uttl ...,_ ---------iCondo . 2 bdrm. 2 ba inciudo~~~;'· 2Br 281, frple, 2 car gar. lg uec home, spect• lmmed 0 · 'I' •s 752"'4ee. eso.oet1 _ 3 bdrm. 2 ba with large Near UCI Brand new WSl'lr·dryr/refrlg, lncd yd. cuter -. irnmecl oc;c;u-mo 834-~ICY e.n.. .,..,,.,. 1111 yd Remodeled kltch. A ss·n pool ano park • bd. 3 ba + swimming S700 mo. 643-0221 pancy. 12000 rno~ ytly ~ •••••••••••••••••••••• dble gar $725. Drive by AIC Av.,1 now $790 -~ Wiik 10 Beach, V.ILLA P •Ct£.lCA..""'· 675-7673 c.,.,., 1fM Jllj 2 & 3 bd evllJI, by wll 0t lllPI ti W 894 w Wiison Cell 650-3243 s 1 3 o o 7 m 0 • C81I "" --................. -... mo Agt 87M110. L11ge z If 3 Ba many 559·5001 F•"" -•I(••• ir 964· 1549 2Ba. lem rm, largest ol 3 Btu Ila 3 br condo. nr Oceen view. beeutllully 1menlt111. St tOO. Cell •---models, upgreded. Steps Tennis Club. n-ly de· tum townhouff. trplc. Dorot1oy 673-1975 or Eastsode. resp adlts pre-2 Br, 1'1· Ba condo. So Corner lot 3Bdrm. tv• be. lrom •P• a pool. A11111 coreted Crp11. drpa. pool & petlo. 11095/mo. c..-i--.a...1. 7S9..fl100 lerred. 2 br. 1 be, gl· Coast Plaza Low down. Nr. Edinger & Edwaros. nowS825mo 493--3784 patio, OW. S800 873-0IH -------------;,;3~7~44 S 6 2 5 I m o . $88.000 6-46-0686 =~215; •No JC:h ~ar~ MONARCH SUMMIT·2Br 673·3089, (213)211-03e5 S9KiOUI 18' ept. well to 6.......... ~~ ;:mA:11r :,';: -------~ 1 BR. quiet. yard, RG, FB, 963•3488 or 631:7;J . & den, seoo mo. 22852 oe..n w adult OOf'OO. 2 bC'1 & stor11 M!IO mo IPll1llllltl 1090 No pets 719 H-. $825 3 br. 2 be, near nodogs,adltsprel tst&j Andere 642-1028 Br 2 Ba, $950/mo. V•· lndutll873-41G7t .. llotrope 972-9408 schools, Mesa det Mer c:tep. $475 mo 64&-958e 3Br. 2Ba. cpts, dfpe, encl cant. Dell•. 63I·12e&. --· ..... ...____ ... ,,__ ......... Tract New crpts, paint & • 1 gar. lncd yd. s700 mo ...._, ,._. 1111 1111 _,,,.., eunMt • ..._...... 1 -· ....,oen ept .~7 drps.2car gar .. lgeyard. 1mon111 s lrMren1 Nloe2 968.1021 ;-.·.-;r.;;•••••••••••••• tor turn apt. Frpt dee , blk1 to oeech lrplc. mature only pteese. Br cond o. c Io•• t o lllffl ml -Herbor vie. Homea, 3 bd. Stt&/mo 873.oete. $800/mo. 875-MM Drove by 2782 Mendoze. shops. $605/mo Agt • IHI tlllJ .-_I• 38, +Den, 3aa, POOi 2 be, pool, Incl Gerdlnef. OCEANSIDE Of HWY At· 1 bd new pelnt & Cerpet . 642-0634 or 974-2021. 64S.9850 Tiny t Br. lhree blocks mtn view, lg gar, Blt·ln• 11300/mo 760-8101 lrac bacfl. W/D, evt 12"· seoOlmo klcl utll'• 2 br 1 ba Drive by 2652 4 Br condo for teaM. 2~ 10 Mech Stove, cerpet, Beem oell, well""9' E-Blun (;Ondo 3 or. Oen. f400 lflGI utll 81&-a1 15MMI09 Sa~ta Ana Av.• Unit 2 Do Ba. 1850 •I , tennis, drapH. Spo11en. No Pvt petlO. l'rplc. S1200 nr tennli club, l'rplc, p111 • ••DllD nol d1s1urb ten11n11 $450 pool. rec No pelt Refs. Pell. Water & ges pd. Sal/Sun 720-0507 P•llO, gereoe. new de-C...... .nM ALL utan'llS I Br .• frptc:, 1tove. b•I· ' I I mo 851 -6226 Avail t211, 544.S071 or Neer Std St Wkdys (2131798-t&<M cor. Le•H 1110 mo. ••••••u•••••••••:".-.. :1 ---··-cony, Vl9W, no peta. S100 7'.10-ll~• 421 Like "°"3tee 1....,. ft 7-.__ Furn t bdr1ft •••· _.... ~,_... lnctcll etec:. SH Hello-1 2e . 1 ,..., ---or-.-. ·--1" '"· "•-,,.~ ~ --"""llq. ......,..,., --~ ---.,__ -·_. ~ A71Laft'll .. n..-cptld~:s.' p·~tto.' I~·~~. • l W f 111 ft I I I ... fi_._ glllge. Mir Hoeg Hoep. Penthoull w/apectacular 2110 ~. •MlllMI CM ftWl.JG. llrmJ_.-·-.,-.·-.. -·•••'OQI dshwshr. beamed eel· llll• • ?..":: •-• S7SOlmo w ..... 1150, view ol oceen a bey .,... _.... -! c-, hngs. 2850 Etoen $540 •-,.,.. 000 with 10% Oown. I I t O O I m o . Ao t . _,. -· _,,, C II Mr Berman 1 Ba front houM. Near ··~··••••••••••••••••• 640·5324 84&-1397 •••• • -•-~ -• -mo a Rea Community Cntr. 40 dO<lk. Piiio, d«:k, 4 -iiiiiii'Tiiiiiiiiiiii:--....--••• S56•249o Carpets. drapes. laund B<lr 2 Be, 3 cer oereoe, ll .. I flWlll• --------I ALL UTllmES ,AIO .... -9 ID 6. ltO. 2 bd, 2 be. dtft Am, MESA VERDE 3 br, 2 ba. hookup, tncd verd, ger. owner. 2 131592·4905 38t +Den. 28tl. Poot 2 Ir 2 Be. dbl ger. '"'*· 0 I • llltala11111e, newlr d9oOt encl yaro. 1rp1c, gar. No Pe11. 0pen Sundey ..... option. Frpto, wnh/dry, Blt4n• :::= SAH. Ho pe11, ~•on':'Pc': .. ~~o~~li:: ... ~IHWeem •':"J"'OMI· °'"' Old S750/mo 557·2382 618 Harnltton 9'0·3989 Watertront condo. s ... 21>11io..2Cargerage IHturH Peol, bl»Q. Af•l HID· ~~•00~;:.~·.~1,0,: Nice 3 Br t 'i+ Ba. lenc FREE RENT NOV. gete l.uxurloul 3 bdrm, 3 Beeulfl, Quiet, GrMn-LUXUAIOUS 4 BDRM w/ cow'rd ...... -----" _ _ _ ~ • 790-tlOl yard, brtck 880. I pet POOi "°""'· 3 8r. M"9 ba 11075 ..... 5712 belt, POOl In BIO CAHYOk ded'r'&-!f! ea ........ Ill ·-r_-.:. ......... ...._,·---------OK, nr So Coast Plaza V erde S e o p l u1 •-... AetrtQ,lmmec,lt50mo. ·1 3500/m_o rr •••· --· ..u..--OW ... ept. 2 bt. t H . S72S/mo, 751·7102 $815/mo. 541-I077 '"'---a.t/lun 720-0607 .... MOO. In.tin Fum. • ...... lndry ,.... ...... °""' •••••••••••••••u••••• WlldYI 12131 J'M.H04 Nwot lflor-. 3 2 be. 311 W W11of1 IQ.tWt ........ I .iry ... 71/IM. 113'" VflflXk~utt~ hOu_!lf;:i::i.!; _' ... ~. tmT Tu.rU•.tPCk , 3 I L 2..t•:ll.iu;I WMtellff v .. ~. comm __. '~~ ..::.....; lrtlfopenl. 9"-7 .. 1 I> c e ence Ang, yerd, No pet9. Ulll lam. dlnlnt. lrplO, ~r'WP.: mMter Mte wtlrplO '"'· ·=·· tlOnell' Avell. r•:._!. m!:, 0.· "'.!.!'.!.--=, :._..:_-:_. I ...... I Ila pool ,._ BA. St25 mo. t4S-M28 Pd .. S576/mo. '" plu• JMIUUI, prof decor,..,.. 2,;,.. 2 ... __. 1211 ••• ... ,,_,,., .... .,...~...... ..:.,..__. --...: .. e -· ............ · · -MOur• 1M1 • '700Naa woana ......... _,, 3 bd. 2 t>a. Fmto/ Am. No s e c • " 4 '1• w · Pll•t1C••· 2 cer t••· e'lo. I 1100/mo, en.~ 13 a:. MIUn11. Ull '81tore Pets, 1764 io-1, Mela 18th4"·1111 1 commly pool a tllflfltl, orl7WtOI IBR-•~ IMI . .....,. .. , ... ~ ... ......,, .. V'1rOe.••,, .. , ... , ,.., " / ,-!.,..Dec"'-..,._· ~-?-~-..• ..,,.. ____ _ &U· 1131. WMt ~ C .. M 2·_9!1AI 146-23&3 .._. .-... ~---_ ~---· --Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, November 20, 1982 -23 A,.,,_,.,, A,.,,.,.,, A,l.tt•••I• humnll .,,.,.,, A,u,_••I• ,_, ... ,, 4111 ll"1•1•i1iH ll•lru•i•i~ ll•l•1•idH 11,.1. .. Ju" D.t, idtl 11. U.J, . /dN ••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• ······················ ······················ .•.• ...::-::~ •••.••••.••••...... ~~ ................. W~~~!!........ . •••• ~!~ ••••••.•••••• AOOfns • Kuchen. Lndy Pr1v ,.__ ' I • •i•• . ••..r • • 250/mo or Rm & Brd, ':!'!!~'. .. ! ... ~! .. !~.~ f!!!f.!!!~ ...... /.~~1 f!!!f.!!!!~ ...... /.~~1 ~.'!~l~~! ...... ~~ ••;:~ilf• 3140 ffl.'!~~-~'.~ ... /J.~f ~!!!r.!!.~f!~ ... /e.! ~~ii::••s only W/rels Bech unit Ba. 1 rm, Priv. 2 Br. I Ba. 571 W. Joann. ft Sr, Westside Coat a * * * •••••••••••••••••••••• Moss St. Sm 1 Br apt. 2 BR 2 Ba dplx, dOwna-ent. 1300. 619-756-5011 Upstairs. N o pets Mesa. Carport & pool Guest house, full kit . unconventlonel kit . talrs, fplc, OIW, 2 car So Cst Plaza Area. Prtv de. 756·2368 eves S4251mo Sierra Mgmt $415/mo. Call 833·8533' EXCEPTIONAL 2 BO. q •et pe son no pets lawn·trfft gazebo, ulil gar . $600 mo Agt entrence. Balll. Refrlg, ,..,ll#tu JIZ .. 64t-1324 OEN ONLY FOR THE n~n-s~kr·, $450 • lnc:t $425 mo 494·2255 ~2 , W/O for wrk 'gmatu~e :-~ .................... '! Almost New 2 stry. 2 bd. YILU OllllYI DISCRIMINATING. sno. 960.0587 Patric•• 497-4801 Judy With 40' dock IO< P<>wef l•d.Y S3001mo, incl s 2 ba. enel yrd, gar, decks Spacious E Side Apts Agt (714)496-6804 Moss St St11di0 apt Bdrm boat 3 BR 2''> ba. con-up~ s 545. 1553 alter 4 ..,....,_Bii & paho Kids. Pets 0 K Encl gar, patio. dShwtlr & * * * alcove, sep kit. trees, do $ 1200/mo w/dock, _ --__ ~'9U U $645 Avail 12-t Lorri stove MOstultllree.No M>meview,utlllncl $425 StOOOw1thout 650·1190Rmforrent,beautifulHB tPUTllEITS Wkdays 547-9571. Eves pels 1435 'Ji••li•I,.• mo 494·2255 Patricia Mrs Long home w/pool $250 Beautifully landscapod & Wknds 85-0-0223 ~ =~'. ~ ~=~~s 1465 lfiti Jl4 497-4801 Judy 1 bdrm, 1 bo apt, N-port _ 963,:8758. 964·~~ ~ardefl •PIS Pool & Spa SHARP EISlde. separate 2 Br starling at $510 •••••••••••••••••••••• •• ,, .. ,, lflti Jiii Heights Areo. Close to Pleasant turn rm kH ptlv, allosldecks No pets. 2 BR uno1. lncd yard. encl <'323 Elden Ave, CM S&llflPEll "'1 • SecunlY Gates •••...-••••••••••••••••• Beach $425 mo noc1:1 yard Adult lamll~ Bachelor '395 gat. new cpts. no pets 642-7605 A LOVELY PLACE • P(IOI & Rec Room NO FEE' Apt & Condo 557-0975, 546-4198 home Eestside CM t Bdrm $4 70 • 1 & 2 BR Pallo Apo 2250 Varlguard 540-9626 . ~7~~d8!18~ ~~k 11~r 5 P~mo r llSTUT II TO LIVE • l'.a10en lan<1seap1no rentals Villa Rentals 2"8r" 2 Ba-block to beach Pre I er retired woman 2 Cr "•Ba twnhse •Homeyl PV1 1 & 2 Br • 01shwas11t1s &980 s ~4912 Brolc~ Npt Shores, $635. S200 548-5998 Bachelors S• 10 I Bdrm $480 131 e 18th 646-68 t6 161 E 18th 642-0856 Eas1s1de Costa Mesa 1 bf duplex garage. yard $425 mo Agt. 675-16"2 wlldays, 760-7241 Sun- days ------- Bu•llins. laund rm. •Poot/spa/bbQ • Je19io8tK11 &S11e>ps ''>Block to beacti. 2Br, 840-3787 Avall 12/1 Furnished Am Pr1va1e •5 8Cles or beaul!fully !>fight & a11y $675 mo 3 BR 2 Ba -2 -blk~ 10 lhth In Home $200. carnort/gar. "Brd/balc tarf"scape" surroun o ' sm';.11 Pet OK F/p ding~ ... • ~~~ beach, patio, pets OK 951-•623 Eves El Toto $625-$635/mo • Nr Frwys & shapp1ng 2 Br 2 Ba from $525 No $750 '1'0 '673-3728 M/F rmmte 10 share most 2617. 2543. • Quiel area CLOSE TO BEACH pets. Across Jrom New-OCEANFRONT beeul lwnhse. In (Jn1v 2548 Orange Ave • No pets; furn avail Unique bacll. wlloft and port Beach Goll Course y 1 2 b 1 ba no pets Pk, l•v111e Pool. spa, gar 2314 Santa Ana Ave (71•) 1•7-1111 545-4855 ry '· • · $ 2 5 o / mo days Spa;lous 2 Br 1 Ba $425 3 BR ·3 Ba. b1 level twnh· Duplex 3 Br 1 't Ba me, pvt yard. lplc. new. 2 • • lrpl, stove and relr1g All S 10001mo 642-0251 Call tor appt 8081 Holland Cr. HB u I ' l Pd ~ 4 5 O I m o ----~ 759·2676. eves 552-63 to J TSL Mgmt Btwn SlaterlWarnef 536-7979 • Wlmll llEITALS Lease 2B1 1 ba. -tbar. 383 C ~ B 0 $475. Laundry fee . pool blks S Cst Pl~ 851-9990 548-9556 t2·7PM 1111. 2111. Jiii. Newly decor Gas pd, encl gar. dwshr, pool. bbQ no pets 642-5073 $465 2 Bdrm, relrig. pa· tlo. no ~ts, adults prel. 724-A James. 673-7787 Neer tBth/Pomona, 1 Br, I Ba. downSlalrs, di s, carport water pd. 1 Child olc no pets $400 Agent no tee 962-0217 2Br upstairs. quiet. encl gar no dogs. 1110 VIC· 1oria S495 t mo 631·6812 aft 10 HWPOllT lPAllT•HTS 1 Ir $2101••· ,1111 1ttlls. It ••ts . It w1terh4s. h v1e••· er i• cllilllrtH sec-ti••· 642·1603 011 .. ___ h 3 & 4 Br Close to water. 324' E Balboa Blvd rescent ay r ...,.... OE ARE p NES f & 1 ,. · Must see lo appreciate # t••EllATr LAW I urn un urn, reasona-.650/mo Walk 10 ocean 3BR on 1 level wllvtctien ICC.,a.:!y W~E 1 BR flreplKe. poo1 t>te. au amenities Broker °' bay 11680-3812 9 •o ltving rm lge P,altO 1 ble. -Spec 1 & 2 br. lovely Private paliO, garage 675-4912 5 M ·F lo bell $300 ft bdrm 2 Br 1 Ba. beam ce1t, l•und rm No pets. No lost mo rent req S400-S4151mo 2~64 Maple Call to SEE INSIDE TSL Mgml 6"2-1603 plne5 & streams. •ec S460 mo 8•2·8807 Bluffs 3 br condo. nr Also IBr upper 1111. pa110. ga1es. etll/y by phone, 1922t Delaware Tennis Club, newly de• v1'w o f ocn $400 lge rec area lncl gym. 2 ~llr•, 2 ~I Twallst corated Crp111. drps, 1s1/las1 (Will neg) Obi gar pool & spa. Q46-659 1 Tennis, spa, near beach. Pat ' o 0 W $ 8<> 0 avo1llorr9'll 497-7090 •UllEllS WALi 2202 Hess Circle c~u~~~~8~¥~i~~~G 673-3069. (2!3)28~ coilege Park ;;e;:-c--M, Ltg 2 & 3 BR 1ownllouse 714·960·3745 Singles. 1 & 2 Bdrm 3Br 2Ba upper unit w/ocn furn room, 5hare bath apts encl gar lrplc Near 2 Br wtgar. stove & dsllwr ApartmenlS view New remodeled $225 557-2783 Hunl Hrbr from $545 Child & small pei OK g_ Townhouses _!895 mo 640-97.19 Bltlboa Pen Bdrm unlum 2410 ••• ,.,, lh4. Newer 2 BR 2 Ba $475 ------WESTUIE YILLllE Bachelor & 2 Br apts avo1l Pool. spa laund rm No pels lmmed OC· cup Children OK. 840-6807 $500/mo 636-7979 From $560 2-sty 2 Br 2 car gar bit· Ose of house Pret le· tBr apt. 3 blk1 from WALK TO BEACH 1 Br On Jambolee Rd. at ins. lrplc 18 mo lse mole Across from Bell No pell 760-1418 or 2Br, 1Ba. downstairs. lncd 642-7528 evslwknds. yd & garage S500 mo 754-0986 beach, child & ~I 01( Stove & reJrig $400/mo San Joaquin Hills Rd $800 116 46111 S t $250 673-039<' $465 mo 960-7165 536-7979 144-1100 645·7500 Agl --.... I ,..,,4 oso 1 Br 1 Ba Garden Apt WAi:KroeEACH B•· a,;-Bay, 2 bdrm, 2 ba~ BAYfRQNT •••••••••••••••••••••• Large 3 Br 2 Ba. Town· house In quiet complex, large pool, g.,den H I· 11no S675 645-338 t. 675·5~ 49 Mesa 'erde. sharp ups- tairs. 2 BR 2 Ba, bltns. new ci>t>J. encl gar. lndry rm, no pets S575 mo Cell 540· 1158 all 6. 979-3848, ask fOf Pam PALM MESA APTS 1561 Mesa Dr S•OO Unfurn 1 Br Call blwn 9-4 546-9860 2 bdrm , ·~ b8. flreplece. EI S1de. sperkltng 2 br. Bachelor $375 yard, gar . pool S575 2 Br $525 mo Mgr 2453B Orarlge 955 w 19111 St Av TSL Mgmt Bachelor wl lofl. plll patio 645-8122 S.e25 Also studio relrtg/ Ceill lln1 JIZ4 s1o ve. ut1I pd $375 •••••••••••••••••••••• 645-6404 Lalge 2 Br. 1 B1. carport. laund. 797 W Wiison $450 2 BR. gar. upper. $435 642-8843 t>el 8pm child OK. No pets. 132 E 995-58 13 Bay 541-5331; 646-2325 ---------evs S Csl Plaza area 2 BR. 1 Ei'Side. cheefy 3 BR 2 Ba. polio 2 Sly. carport. S675 mo 640-0997 Ba. AC. pool. sec gates, no pets $550 PP 963-3652 pr1va1e patio, freshly che~or. stove & refrt~, lrplc 1 car gar Pr1v11e Room & board in fabulous Painted $400/mo & 1 ' Beach Good neighbor 3 B beach tiome tn exetiange g a w a er pa, • Sandy Beach t 2ba, tor ll:e hskp g & Gorne Dee 840-55-04 $375/mo. 536-7979 h<>OO ror couple or sin-excel cond Montlll~ °' chtld care 675-1~73 3 Br 2 88 garden apt 2 -gle $ !100 673·2 l62. yrly St 500/mo. Owner - Prill P8llOS. wl d hook-up Im•• 3144 ~~9~ -644-9513 --"'··'·'·'·'·''·"'········'' ••••• •.1.!f. 1ns1de t enclsd gar .•••••••••••••••••••••• Beauhlul la•ge 4 Br en- $625 The Lakes. 1 Br. loft. up-clsd pat io 11eps 10 ~~ •• ~{'!'!!~'! •••• //.!~ IUUll MTEL Dee 840-5504 graded. tennis, P<>OI. spa be&cll Vearty 67S..U t9 •, mo free renll 2 BR, Wkly rentals now avail S~50. 832·2838 . S 105 • C I TV MADDOX APTS t & 2 br · 2 Br 2 Ba Condo, EMI· $465, yrly, POOi, nr 9 UP o Or Nice. quiet surroundings. blufl. upgredes. allaohed beech. bus No pets. Phones In room. 2274 $450-$550. 8<!2·8788. £1n•1 lfftj 3141 garage N o p et s . 498-8277 Newpon Blvd CM Bet 9·5. ••'••••••••••••••••••• $950/mo 559·7144 Nr SC Hosp 2 BR, 2 Ba, -6"6-7445 Nr beach. 1 br. 1 ba. lrptc. 10 m~ ,Jl~aguna OCEANFRONT • Cuslm :::~o. pk~ S485 mo No 8 [ A C H A R E A gar . yard Av"l Dec 1 on Dana Point's most decor. 3Br 2Ba up, 89,.164• ger. nr pets $495 $350 Lge 1Br uppe< apt, S48· 7510 laund no pe1s. 3 t 1 W Lrg 2 Bd Beam ceilings. lols of wood tllruoul, serv bar $460 2256 Maple 673-8803 or 536-0297 evs secluded scenic bluff, arnen111es, yrly s 1200 _ $84/Wk Oetuxe poolside •Ire large hlle new. 2 Br widen. mo · 2Br 1Ba dwn 800 S.•I• A.I 2 br. 2 ba. bll·lns, xtra lerge private palt0 mo M•lure Pfl 7400 W •••••••••••••••••••••• Retrigerator·M"d•roo1 2 Br 1 Ba In 4-pie.... clean. no pets $430/mo. 27 1 "B" 16th Pl 644·0452 1 Br Trailers. $247/mo and elec S 150 sec. No dogs 133 E. 16th St . Sp 42 842·9193 Clsd Sun Beautllul Townhouse near beck b•y 2Br t•,., B• -t bet. trple, yard. eun deck, enctsd garage wl auto door opener, no pet•. 1850 /mo Wilson 631-2177 Spacious 2 Br. upstairs _s_4_8_·_73_5_6 _____ _ 1981 Maple Ave Bull!· Lrg 41plex 2 Br. 1Ba. ins, refng. crpt, dra~s & dshwr Wlstde Avail leundry lac. No pets 12 1 1 1 s 4 9 5 /mo $440/mo Sierra Mgmt 645•6625 641-1324 ---------- WE&TSIDE·tBr. stove/ retrlg, lndry lac, wtr pd No pell. S375 m o 648-•382 Meta Verde lg 2 br, I·~ be. gar. patio, no pets. $525 & tee. 979-4383, •HA Pt•I LIH.W dswsnr 1',_ mtles beach. $725/mo Cell 66 t·6441 Ocnfrnt 850-9192 2 Br 2 Ba • ., . pattO. sec Nwpt Blvd & Wit'°" No pets. SSOOl mo or M·F. 9.5 643-0210 EASTBLUFF gate. pool $535/mo Costa Mesa 548-9755" 536-8362 Drive by to see at 24587 Specious 1 Br. pello. 2131960·9513 Pi;;Kn01 Motel on Coast Santa Clare pool, view, no pets, Beaulllvl 3 Br 2 Ba con-H~'"· NB S t•ps 10 Lge 2Br w/gar Super -5 767 -' " cieen. close t o bch. OCEAN VIEW $ 901mo 6"4·4 do. ovfttk>oklng pool, ocean Wkly rate' $495/mo 984·4686. Very mce 1 br. $500/mo WIT HT near S C Pl• z a 645-0440 536-7330 Ind UlllS 494· 1810 $6501mo 646-0886 Near harbour/beach 2 Br Moss SI. Sm StlldlO ept, t Ba condo, t-11y. petlo. m1nimel lo.It View Ut1l gar. retttg. Avail 12/ 1 incl $310 mo 494-2255 $600. 840· 1589 Patricia 497-480 t Judy ···"····· ... ,,.:,.. Tll llSTI '* 2 Br. 1 Ba. off MkAr· 1111 I PUCEI NEW g"ed 20 Town-lhur BIYd • So Coest Reesoneble reles Kl!· home VILLAGE COM-v 1118 I s 5 6 0 I m 0 Ch-lies. phones. maid MUNITV 2 Br 2'Y 81 646•4687 service, z chennel mo- 160<1 sq fl of p>Jre" lu· vies SANDPIPER MO· xury Garegea. spas 1n IHI IHtt J114 TEL, t967 Newpe>rt Bllld every home • matter •••••••••••••••••••••• CM 8'45·9137 540-0942. ---2-B-r-.-,.-,ple----1 1 br. avall. ~: utlls pd. S3451mo Call 893-5759 t Br w/frpl . dsllwr. walkln ctOMt, poolsp• •• BBQ, l a1.1ndry On w/lrg pvt patio & carport S•75tmo Up. pool/ed. w/balcony. d41COr t.illng 1011 & prtv enclsd ger. $495/mo No Pets 2650 Hvla 649·244 7 .. ~~!~ ......... !~~! ... ~ .......... Y.~! suite , dl111ng rooms. Very lerge upstetts 2 BR, ------ wooc:t bufnif19 flrepl~ '" blk to beech, newly VHlllM •••l1l1 41Sf mlcroweve ovens. prl-remod New stove & r• •••••••••••••••••••••• Kennebu.nkport?. vet• petlot a yards. P · trig Gar on Ociean Ave. PALM DESERT cc. New SSOOlmo. tor app1 S.0-3666 detl4lf pravided Begenl Joe. et 7'4·551·1452 2Br view home, spa BAY TIMBE.RS Specious 1 Bdrm, trl>IC pool & more. 141-llU NEW BREED APTS 1 Br. &. loll. Bach & Iott. Frplc. rec room. pool. jecuu:I. gu & waler paid No pe11 From $465. 393 Hemilton, c M. 64s-<44 11 SP8CIOUI 2 Br 2 Ba. bit· Int trptc. ga< • .1575. No p•la. Avell. 111'1med . 2 BR dphc Wl4"1C get. r• 3 br. 2 t>e. patio. cerport llVl11Q ortty 15 tNnutee IO ..... Meke re-vallons """' dee. gd nelghborhot>d. No pels 2515 Orenge. Wasn't he the Ambassador from s c Plue Of o.c. Air· ...................... end ISO/nt 516-8! t9 ss10 559-5001 Apt B. 1610. 845-3380, Australia under Tedd" Roosevelt? P<>'1 Just _, o1 New· Ulm -Perk c.1y u1e11 Conde • • .. 1 ·-_ (213)546-2871 1 por1 &Nd. a IO. of Sen _ • Sleep1 e. kitchen. wetlt ....._ ..,.._. Oteoo Frwy, 11000/mo. -·-10 •Iii lift Avell Dec; 11 to 759 w. 1911\. BAY TIMBERS (" fV'"'\ Y-P::-. 631~5439, 2473 Otange Wkly rental• IH up. 18 a.so. 714/4ff.0314 Minutes from the l>MCh. 1 Br .. flreplece & pool .._. I I\../ ./' ~ Ave .. Coete M.... Color TV. "" coffH. ---------LUXURY 2 BR 2BA. Private patio & garage 11M19d pool & e19pe lo LK ARROWHEAD·2 1ty Merble pullman toe> $460. 8'18-9883 II 111ure not iurt whO ior whm ktlllltb1m•i>ort 1111 t Br. 1 Be 8 tep1 to oceen. Kltdl's..,... MW 4br + IOl1. 2 .,., 2 0ec0f'&t0t' drapes 399 W. Bay SI dOn t lttl 11.td • yod r' nol ~IOnt Ktntitbll~•j)Oft " t>eaell. 1550l mo ullls NI N Coeet Hwy. lfptce, 2 bllleoni.s, color Plush lw cer-11 urwo 01 14 d ""'"''lr d•lt••~nt ...... ,,llltnl llQ<ir olift) ~ ~Y Hou· l--Beac:tl 414.5294 Iv. alps 14 North Shor• . w ,,.. Dlu l.U.1 3'• ,.. ee. 642-3850, 142·1010 ..,....-1285/wllnd 1395/wti. Welk In Closet• •••••••••••••••••••••• ~I ~~ ... !Id Viii.IC• '" ll\inl•"llOn a-.. h S•• .. ·llCI I -..... .__._ • • ... Pnvate patiOe .... -, • ••" • tt\iill ol lot.illy 1111~.td. Q141t·"·•Mil 3 er 2 a. Stet>• 10 -•• -5"1mo &n-...... 1 G t Kit_.._ ••w 1 .. 1 11 1 .._.. • t t .___.. 11-1 ,,,,,____ room for ,.,_. S 115 mo s u--2 ourme ........ Dene Polnfe most M · Col nn•f1l ht '''"' o • t" "'" rou ..... .,.~.,. "'* f( .._, ._mo ,,_., 224 "'"St Hunt 8ctl Ill ~. -..moth. ' Carpotl wl~~ dud96..JllCenic bluff. Lille Vl'lld 61 Mvrr •M Ii.inc ~~lod tn • loml ••lh vi-. Property Hou... teo-ll3t 81 & Wt, 3 Ba ...., to 69•. outdOOl'--.SBO newt Only 4 unite, 2 8f l>At>bM' Ot "'~\ 6"4 qu ~• 111>"4' l«>Ull\CI oy n~tu .. 1 142.JllO, 142-1010. lodO• a cllelrllll. 1150 1 bf! reffr-•tow lndry l""'"'/moL9'1ftd~48.,. .. 30 w iden. Xtra Ilg privet• 6<.Un bttl'm Md 10 lh•l ttllfttl tou11' '~~"'C °"'*" J tty, 3 Bt't, 2.,. be, Fr• Bacllelotette ..,, in nlte. 494· IMO Pa1'1 co~i. S3t5. 1920 .,.,., ., v pello. From 1725/rno. !r'OI~ 4 ~DJ And A i~notn•tnl l0t dho11 ,..,,. .........,,,. "*· den, lliCll' clle. 18'· .. Chante for bMylitt1n9 llG eeAA • BMul. 3 Bf Herbor/9eleer 54e-.eoo9 Weltace. 840-6029 Lge 2 BR l'h be. Getage, Cell ee1-eu t or M·F, ·'~ '111u101"'•~1 •nd ynv •P tnl * p1,. t in1oM •o~ld t750. 21S.l4•311t I won. IM5-0034 Aelenl. cabin. Frplo. color TV, ----------• pello 292 E. 18th Pl 9-5. &43-<>212. Ortve by PJ~~a•1 1 •" helm• d ''" ~•M•C<•~~PO!l'i BAYfRONT OCEAN IN'flZES JoO °' etc 16 O p • r d • y •MESA VERDE 2 Br. t $550 mon. No pets. to 1H 24587 Sente Ciera 0"• •nd 1•11 btdroom ont •lld t .. o bat~ Dille to Deft. Ctleefful rm, _14t-__ ._,._1 _____ _ Be. Newly decor $495 . ...:.:__ ___ _;,. ___ 1---------.tO.l'tmcnU trom $54000 .,. tum "'*" TV No pet' 133-1974 Speclou1 2 bdrm. 2 be. &Jpet Mel (2) 1·8r VlllU, ~ ncl BALBOA ISLAND. ~ tiit'c .. pr'•• Upt'v~·ma· Studio/condo b•H or •ludJo Excellent Elll· 1 Be. MnlM & cozy. Pfl-" ,.,.. wenn ._._ Wt 1n Sun 2 81. 1~ Ba. TwnhM. Eal _, ........ IOo 1810. 720-0844 vile. 1400·S4Hl rno. i6' Bdrm•. 2 bl. HM!lenl IUt9 ........ reep a.en. ._.,w._ ......... cond Furn or """"" neei _.._. -.~"'°"'-Valley wlapec:tec:11ter 18th. SI. No pe1-. G•· Of 720-4891 873-3313, 493-0803 (Of 1n H.i'l•l\QtO• •I fl/'> llnm•d POH•HIOn. 2 r.Oi.""No-;:...;;: vi•• ol Baldy. Good ,W:i ~~~:~:·Sterr• OetlCMd 2 81. gar. lrpte,1_1u_,_n_l1MC1 __ >'-----J lt'IP mo' rwtlnlmum rentet ="* POOi. IK Ullmo ~~ Call Jacki• lrg patio, quiet. 1595. Lge Studic> ()repee,..C... • • ~-S 1100/lfto Owner ww "'* ,._...__· __ , ____ _ .. -'Ea1tllde !Yxury ln I pine 337 E. 18th St. 1175--8138 """I, OcHn View. 1280 , • &M·H13 ...,1•2211 ....... Aa.. LIM t 1 2~1 ~~ ~ l~~M~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~g~~~i~~i~U~~~-~~~~~~·~~~~~~~~~~~~~,-----~1 ..... :~,,..~. 990' 2-ett tv. ""'utH'• MMlt2 ii" l/1h 8'8'J'61' ~ •• wiin·;r.;. gu I ncl. I'S-fr: mo e. , , enc ger, r d'~f7c-mtw"tj/lt111"~tfll'fl1j'~ t73..-•·•--'•"' ._CleM ... ....., 71443t-&74t :l~S~5~0~0~N~o~p~e~1~··~·~·~tt~y~.1.J~~~~;::;::.::_:.:.l_.l!Mo:~l~Jd.~l!'~t~!~!.n~1!!~!Mr!!r~!~!!!~!w!St!!A•!·!"d!v!-!Kt!!~f!::::~~~~~~~OCC~~·~UCl~=n-~8"lll~=llll~~·l.jN~.l~C~onE:d:o~1:1~1:•:i"'::.o &-fled Adi 842'M7el 845-9l81; 844-2270 Ads 142·M71 ..... ~ IB-IMa ... .. .- 24 -Orange County Real Estate/An AGvertlaing Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, Nowmber 20, 1982 ,,... . - INTEREST DOWN ••• PRICES DOWN -Call u• Ind ill if JOU Clft • qu11ifJ to IUY llW! lo olllig1t~on! · J , The gain i n new single-family home sales in September is another positive sign· that falling Interest rates have initiated a h o u s i n g m a r k e. t recovery: The 24% advance In th.e seasonally adju sted an nu al r a t e over TERRY McCARDLE August, and the 39% PAESIDEf(T i n c r e a s e o v e r FllEOLISllE IALI -Very lovely .2 story home in nice area of Costa Mesa. Large entry into big. big living room. Large family room with French doors leading to big back yard, with huge spa. big enough for the whole party. 3 Bdrms with a fireplace In the giant master bdrm. Oversized baths. sunken tub. Assumable financing. Call for details. 546-23 13. .. SUi,111 IDHTlll -Priced $8,000 under last comparable sale in the area. Nine year old 3 Bdrm home on a large Eastside lot. A steal at $155,000-act fast! 646-7171. . September 1981 , reflect the substantial improvement in home affordability during September because of the drop in mortgage interests. The housing industry is on the way up, buy now! U.. C&S1U -2700 sq.ft. of luxury{ Steps to sand! Private spa + gazebo! Assume low · interest loan, flexible down + terms! Priced to sell at $324,000! Call 963-6767. L--------. "---------------lfflllllLE II WHTOLIFF -U nexcelled PHFHT STAITH -$94,900! 3 large bdrmsl executive 4 Bdrm home In prestigious area. · Excellent condition! ·Assume 1 111 •1. loan Spacious rooms, beam cathedral ceilings. $36.000: $350 mo .. and owner will help finance! comfort at evecy "turn! Tremendous assumable 963-6767. f-inanclng under 12'h%! A bargain at $234.000-call today! 646-7171. JHMllE CIEH -Lovely vacant property in gated community. Very posh location. Big rooms• and pools, spas, clubhouses, etc;. Call now 546-2313. PllUTt SILIS -Rock bottom priced 3 Bdrm 2 bath family home. In prime Mesa Verde area, near parks and schools. Call for details, a steal at $129.900-act·today! 646-7171. FllMll MllEU $93,500 -Gorgeous garden home, sparkling pool! Prime area! Low down. tow Interest! Call 963-6767. 111 ILDT -Best opportunity priced Monaco in Harbor View Homes! Shows like a model and seller is extremely motivated. Bring any reasonable offer. Priced to sell at $209.9001 646-7171. FllH -Thousands below market! 3 Bdrm home on quiet cul de sac!' Assume low interest loan! Call 963-6767. HUii YIEW1 1121,111 -Beaut1ru1 Costa Mesa garden home! Assume $98,000 loan! Won't LUSE IPT1llt SH• -Fabulous Villa St. Croix! • last! Call 963-6767. One year newl Sparkling pool! Ocean breezes! $7500 down. assume financing! Call .963-6767. ..an Ill.I -Save on tht• btg " Bdrin, 2'~ bath home In sunny Costa Mesa. Big living room with brick fireplace, dining, big, big bdrm&. Two stories. Put In your bid for this probate. fantaatfcally pffered at $139,500. 546-2313. ... NIWPOIT llAcH ~7171 COSTA.MESA -~231~--- II TIE WITH -A rare find '1n a waterfront duplex! Huge 3 Bdrm 3 bath owner unit plus 2 Bdrm 1 bath Income unit. Sparkling water views + dock. Won't last! Only $550,000-cell now! 646-7171 . 111 +Nil + IPA -$4500 down. new VA loan 12•1.1 Beautiful garden home! Prime neighborhood! $128,0001 963-6767. • .,,... •WNIT .... -Seller will sell or exchange or trade the muslve S Bdrm home -with -shlmmertng poot, bubbling spa and breathtaking views ot Back Bay and city llghtsl Excellent term• and Just reduced to S799.000-can nowteiee-1111. • llllW. Ill.I.II -Abandons custom beech homel Reduces price drHtlcallyl 3 Bdrm. skylight, sandy beach! can "3-8787. , WHTHI I H•ILY Fii llllll•H -Giant distinctive two story In 'choice area of Costa Mesa. Light and ai ry, spac}ous rooms throughout. Lovety family room. formal living room with crackling fireplace. 4 blg.bdrms, lush private rear yard with Si8Parate work shop, storage shed, etc., etc. Call now for details. 546-2313. t' • Miii llWll 1i~'9 -3 Bdrm + pool + private s pa! Beautiful g arden home . prime neighborhood! New VA loan available for Veterans! Call 963-6767. TIE llEIT EITEITlllEI -Fit for Royalty. this ultra custom masterpiece awaits you. Huge 5 Bdrm, 2 story home with courtyard entry, private shimmering pool and bubbling spa accent this marble adorned palace. Unbelievable elegance at under $850,000 feel Act today. call 646-7171. TlllH• 111.IW WIT -fllllJ 3 Bdrm home. 9utet cul de sac location! Needs T.L.C.I Assume '59,500 loan a 11'1~'!.; $731 mo. Call 963-6787. - llUl I 1111 .... -And look at the price! $139,500 tor this btg. big 8 Bdrm home located on a cut de uc. Big, btg rooma thfoughOut • Great tor the growing family or perfect for mother-In-law or whateYer. Excellent location cloH to shopping and school•. Call today, 546-2313.