HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-11-25 - Orange Coast Pilot.................................................................................................................... , ........................................................... ..._..._..._..._..._..._ _________________ ..... _ ................. ~~~~~~ ""; .. DRANGI COAST THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 25 . 1982 D•lly Pllol Pholo by G.,y Ambrooe llo\'>artl Shafft·r holtf.., La nl1. 11 :.!. a11tl Turri. :l. '""" hu~ ... l1t•r molht•r (;•·or~it• u~ lht•) u~ail futlwr·~ lwart trun!-!plunt. Bergeson pushes hearings on bullet trains plan By GLE1'.1\ SCOTT or lh• D•lly Pflol SI•" A-.-.t·rnbl' v."111.t11 1\1.111.i11 &•rgt'-,on fr u-,11.tl•·d li~ 1111' q1111·\ pas~agl' nf ... 1.111· l1·g1-.l.1111111 allnw111K a hull(·! tra111 rou t1 1hrough ho·1 d1 ... tr11 I "'1 x.1111111111g wav-, 1Jf f11r11 11g pul1l11 lw.111111.!' 111.·r"on I Wl'-ll 11( t10111 0 .111 l11·g111 BergC'SOn, H Nttwµorl l~:<K h , 1:, t f' a m 1 n R w 1 t h c· o I I •' a R u t• s ,\~o,;t·mhlvnwn Hnh• ·r I r 1.011 • H CJrl-.h;11I ,md 1,111 ....,, 11 Bill Cr c1\·1 11 H \' .-.t.• 1. • ·' .11 • h I • ,1 ml'lhnd-. ltt , 11 ... 1111 pultl11 1111nJ1 'ohl -..1111 l~·rgo .. .,011 h.i-. IM o 11 • 11111 .ti 111 lht' "'·" ll1t ,\1111111111 11 1.~h S pt1·d H.oil ("111p "·o' g1.i11t .. d ,JUlho11I\ II• 11111'-IJ\ltl 1111 1.111 ltn1· lwtv. 0•1 11 l.11-. A11g1 lo·-. .111d San I h1•g1• .trnl 1hr1111ch < h .. 11g1 ('mini v .I l.0-.1 111111111•· 'tofl lt•lt lll't• 11Jllll1t1l11·t • rtlt'<'llllg hd\\ 1'1'11 -.l.olt A-..-.t'rnlih ..ind So n.111 111• 11il)(•r .... l-11-.•l)(·rg -..mJ n ... , g(·-.on rt·fu-.o·d ln v1111 · 1111 Y11un,i(., 11111 . d.11111111g 11 w .• ,.. tl11 • 111-.t '"' h.111 hi .. 11tl .,f tl11· l1·g i-.l.1 111111 th.it ,., •. 111pl1•d tht 1r.0111 r11ut1· f 1111l1 -.!".11u11' m.;ndalrng s t,.;ti> Co ci:,t .. I Cnmml"-'ltnn ond f'nv1rnnm<>nlel f t \'ll'W r~rgt'""" 11""' ,, lll\1 ·-.11g.i1111~ \\lwth1·r the r.(<•\1·111111 1;u1 1-... ... u1 ,111 o '\l'<'Ult\'1• 11rdf'I fl't!Ulflllg tht -.1.111 PuhlrL I 1!11111 ·-. ( "01111111-...-.1•111 !11 hold pul>l11 h1 .1r111g-. 111 fun d1 ·1 1d111g "lt1 tho 1 111 1-.-.ur .1 C1·1 lllr<.1l• 111l'ulil11l1111\1•1111•111• .11111 N1• ,.,..,,!, I-r" 1 1 .. r g ., ,, 1 d 1 h' I' I l YOUR HOMITOWN DAILY PAPIR ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS Friends take heart lh .JUDI ('AUENll EAU O f.Ille O•llr PllOI 81011 t\ .,..11 p1111 l.111111 d lrl ,ilth 1·11th11-...1.,1 .111d li.1-.o·l1.dl t llol\ h . lli1 l.1.,1 th111g Ill 1111 \\"'Id l l11w.11d Sh.dl1·1 tl111ught lwll lit• fo.11111g ,11 .IO v..1-, ,,.,....,,1,1,. d .. o11h full11w111g ,, n1.1:.-.1v1· 111 · .. 11 ,lllJ< k ,111 itl l.tl k tlr.1t 0("{ lll I I'll V. 111'11 lr1· \\ "' :.!H Slr.dll1 11•1111·111lwr-. 1it·1l1-t·1lv 1111 d.11k du\ th.11 -.rgn.11l-d tilt' do11111 .ilwad Hl'lut 11111g from ..i v1-.1t v..1tlt 1 .. l.c11v1·"· th1· f.11111l y had '>l11pp1·d 11uL-.1do l .. 1-. V1·g • .-. It'",,., th1·n· 111 tlll' -.u1)11111·1 tJt l !lttO tlt.11 Sh.it 11·1 "'"" -,1•111·d h\ ..i 1111·11111g Vl"4.' gr 1p Irk .. p.1111 111 hr.., 11 It -.1d1· 111· 1h11ughl 11 w.1:. lll'.11 -.u11k1· 111.., phy:.111;e11 d1,1g1111-..•d .111g111.1 pt'( \Ill 1' .1 d1-..''1M' 111:11 h.1·d b \ -..·v1·11· , ltt·"l p.<111 du1· 111 lal'k 11f oxy~1·11 to tlw I 11.,1 I I St.1111h11g 111 111?-. 1i.ir 1·11h' t ·u~t.o M1°?-..t h111111 11111•1· 1111111\h~ l:ott ·I', ShafC1·1 ~ufh·l't ·d a 1t1a~rv1 h1·art lttlill'k lit · ~llH't' ha:, lwt·ll hu~prlal11.1•d tw1c1• f11r <'1H1g1•s11v1· lw:1n failun· Ov1·rn1glt1 Sh affl'r·~ wot Id w,.-. tut 11t'd u 1i-.id .. dow11 Oru·1· tltt• -.u1)(•rv1~1r of HO JJ4:oplt· .11 " l't1,..t.1 M1·"'1 111;111ufa1·tw 111g frrm. Shaff1•r 1111 l1111g1 ·r 1~ ;1hlt· to w111 k I It· -:upporu. hr.., w1k ;md twu voung d1tlclr1·11 with w1•lh.1n• l'h<'<:k~ ,\11 o1\ Id b.t-.c 11,.JI pl.1 \1 I v.1111 I Ii.II lll'd ,I e 1111111.itl\ 11-.1111 S h.ii It I "" l·111g1 ·1 ( .111 \\.ilk ,11 tllllld 111-. { "" d1 II l :111VI .tJloll 11111 Ill 11 1111pl1 •' \\ 11 lt11111 I'' ''1111111).'. Ii• .1\lh It v. ,,., 11111\ ,, '""' 111111111! .... 1g11 ,, • .11d111lo1:1'>l 1t1ld Sh.ti 11·1 11111\. e1111 tli11og 111uld ~e', 111.., lilt· d 111 •• 11 11.011 ... pl.1111 Sh.olltt .... 11d 111 .. 11d h.-. v.rl• ( "·11rgu· .1l11·.1J\ kou v. tli.11 Mo ·d1 (',ii v.11uld11 I 111\1 1 llr• 11~1 of tlr• $ttll 111111 111111.1111111 " p11111 <"u 11 -.till f I 111 ... lllt •J I'd l"l'Jlt I lllll'IJt,11 St.tlilttl d l\lt'dltoil ( t 1111 I 11 1I 11 1,il-. \\ ,lfl l J ~ 1110\Jll dt 1\\ II Jl.t '\llllt'lll lit 1111 \ I \I II I llll'oldl I lllg 1111 -.111g1 I\ ...... d Sh.1111•1 ~ r 11 11d , .<1111 v. 1 11 \\ 1-.h .. 1' h1 ·.111ng •i t :-.h.il 11 r ., pl1gli1 v. .tll! l<t ht·lp Tiu l-:1111olilt· I 'Id\,.,, .tlld I >.11111 ·1-. 111 I.orig Ht«11 Ii v. rll 'o\<.igl· <> l.111111\ 11111-.rt.ol "!1111.idv...t \ l<t·vuc ·" o1t 7 :w µ 111 S.itur 11.1\ 111 ( '11-.1.1 Mi·-.,t'.., l-'a11·v 11·v.. St.JI!' Jl n..,p1t.1I .1t1d11111111111 111 11"·1·1!-. w il l go loo 11wd11.d lur11I -..·t up !111 Sh,dl1·1 Ad1nb,..11m 1~ $:~ S11 1 .. 1 $1:!11 h.1-. lw1·11 l'oll<"l·l1·d . "II'" a l1ltlo· 1>11 1·1111>,11 r:1•.-.111g ," -..11d tho· v111111g Lotlwr ·1 111 ,\0 V1•;11-. 11ld ,111d lwr<· I ;un <• I Ji,1111 \ l '.t" ·1'111 gl.id 11 .., 111·111).! d1111 1· l11·1·au..,1· it tSl'l' FHI ENOS, Pagl· All D•llY Piiot Photo br LM p • ., ... Auth11111A1 l11111 1.11111 dur 111g tlt1 final d,l,, 11( 1 h1· l1•j!1-.l.1t1\ ,. -.o·.,c;111n 1°n I.ti•· i\11g11-.1 v.111·11 L'n,1bl111g l1·gt'ol.1t111n v. • .-. 1,11 ko·d unto what B~·1 g1·...,H1 .t1do· .111111 Fn)t·lwrg d1 ·~ n lwd .o, "' 1.1llt11 1nn0<uou-. tr,1n-.p1111.1111111 htll -.pon -.on•d Ii\ """'llthl' 111.ill Bruct Y 11u11g I J I), 1v.. 11t ' 1 c•rllf11al1 <•l'l~"'r... \11 1,. tho f111.d .1pp1 0\·al th1 1 111 p1 11,11 11111 rn·1·1h llC'fon· rt t.in l1<·g1n 1011-.11\JI111111 I' l ' (' 1111' I I\ IH · r" Ill .I \ I .ti I r" I h•·.ir1ng., w1tl111ut .1 i;11v1·rr1011 · ... l'dll I , -.h1 · t1rld1•d. 11111111g !Ii.ti lht thrt·t· l1·g1.,l.1t11r-. .JJ•· ...,., k111g -..·1>.1r.11<• lw.1nng-. 111 { li .111gt· I.•" Ang• It·-. .111d So111 I lrq~11 1·1111111 "'' A f tt·r -tl in rH·r· t•xerc1sc Tht· l1ull1·l tr""' .tllth11111.1t11111 "' "'' .11ld1'(t to Y 111111g ' Iii II tlu1111g Blaze hit 3 hon1 l11 • • l__J aguna Ill s, KARE:\ E 1\1.l-.I'\ or"th• D•lly PUol 91•11 0111' 1. .• g1111 .• H• ... lo 11·-.1d1 Ill I \\ " ' d I' ... I I " \ I d ·' 1\1 I I \\ " 11t•1gh l>111111g h11111•"• 1l.1111.1go·d V\'!'drw ... d .1\ .ilt1·111111111 111 .i 1111 Whlo h I ,111-..•d ,111 !•'o l 111\d\O d :r,:1:Hl.:111t1 "'"'th 111 <1.1111.ow f111 · rl1•par11111•11l 11111• 1.ol-. .... ttcl Thi· fir• r • fl"I lo·cl ,1t I .! • I' flt 11r1g111:111d 11J-.1cl o· .1 th r•·• l1 ·\1I h 11u._1 ,11 l .1 l 1 Ho 1:.1 11,1 ll 11.11 t \\ hrc h W,1<., dl'qlll\t'fl t'fll' I .Ill-.• II f I lo I h I .1 I I I ... II 11 d I I Ill\ (•<.,l1g.1111111 I 1 .. 1)11111.1 Ht .ti It 1'"1n• l>I p.1rtmr 111 -.p11k•·<,111.t11 .. m l Tv.11 .nl 1.1• t "' "" 0 111111-t' ,ll l ~ll ~l .tnd 1'1 1 1 H1·,K.11t.1 H11.1d suo;ta111Nl -;tru1 t11r.il dam.11oto• to thf· r oof c; ,ind -;1d1nl(" the· spokl's man o;.1111 No tnJur11·-. Wl'rt' rrpnrtPd Thi gult1·d lo111i-.1 """' rwd 111, ( ; r o • g .I " h " ... " 11 "r l. '" 1 .. lt.1 d HolH'rl Bo.11111.111 r1".1d1 ·d 111 till he HI"' .J11(• H11d1. .o f11r 11w1 l '.ild111111.1 An1otL·b h.1s('h:ill pl.1v1·1 1111v. with thl' Oakl.llld A'· 11w 111•d tho • 11·s1clf·n1·1• ;1\ 11111· t11111 • the· s pokC'.;m.111 ~.11d No·r~hl111:' -..11cl Hu d 1 11 w n rd t 111• h 1111 ~ ,. ".., n~ <•n!lv as tw11 11w111h-. "il" l t touk .1pp111)i 1111.1I1• I y :1 ~1 f1rf'f11o(h h ·r-. fr11nt t 111' < 11 a11J.{1' ( '011nl v ;ind I .. 11o(tm:t 1~·:11 h 1-'1n• dPpar11rwnlo; nr;ir ly "" hour to cont rol 1h1· hla7C' 'Erlo(hl 1•nlo(tn1• enmpanw" and 11n1• purnntl'llrc n'!'nond1-<I th<· <;p11k1•.,ma11 "'''" no:i!man·, , .11 lll'rr'lhMI "''1111 th1• hllll"4' dlHlll,K 1111' hl:t71' r r<H t .. ·rg ..... 1d Bi·r g1·..,.111 ,tl·,q '' ~"·1gh111g 11tho·r It g1-,l.ol l\'• !St>e HEARINGS. Pa~e A31 \n yont• w ho on·rindul~e~ u t th t• Thank~~i~·in ~ tablt• today muy """' to join thi!'\ youth for u ~troll throug h thf' uutumn color!'! around l'iorth La kt' in lrvirw· ... \l'oodbrid~e. Oellr "'lot "hello br "•trlGk O'Donnell l.n~unn Hf'nC'h Polin· Offkt•r Kirk K intl••r lt•avr!' rin· """"•' with rifl f'"' lw lutc·r rrlurnt,d to owrwr. Refugees face bribe counts :3 \'ictna1nt ... st• arn·st~d 1n c·o unty under('ovt•r probt• By ROBERT BARKER 01 lhe D•llJ l'llol Sl•tt Thn·1· \' 1l'tn.1m1 " 11·t11go·1·-. Wt'fl' .<rl 1•-.l1•d \l, 1·tltlt'-..l.I\ 1111 ~11-.µ11·11111 111 h1 ilw1 \ 11f p11hl11 o lf1<1«I' 111 ()1.i11g1· l"11unt\ f tt J ) 11 V. I II g ,1 I W 11 Ill II 11 t Ji undl'r111vo·1 111vc .... 11g.1tl\lll S.111!;1 An.1 pol1n· -..1111 Arrp-,11•d 1111 varving 1111111L-. ol hnlwrv .ind 1·1m ... p1r:u·~· lo 1·11m11111 brtlwrv wl'r 1• I .an R1d1 Lt'. :rn. W1•-.1m111~1"1 . I l1111g Thi Nl{t1y1·n . :M . Urnngt·. ,111d Th.1nh K h,11' Ru1•. 24 . llunttngtnn l~·;U'h S:rnt.1 Ana 1'11111·1· l';1pl .I.urn·" D1t tm.1n hPad1'<I tlw 111v1•st11o(.1\lon that 1111 ludl'd llw W1•<.,tm111 ... H•1 and (;,1rd1·n (;r11\'I' p t1l11 1· dPpa1 tm1 nt<. ,1nd th•• <·11 u11t\ D1strwt /\ll<irnr·v·., Off1< 1· I I t' -. a 1 d t ha I h 1 1 h 1• 1 v allPE(al11m., involv1'<l .1 n •-.tJur.11H 111 Sanl.1 An<1 .1 prop<l'o(•d 111gh1 duh m W1·-.1mmc;1c•r .tncl ,1 1110\'11• tlll'all·r 111 (;11r<4•n (;n1v1• II(· alo.,c1 111l1•w •d thf'n• w..i-. .rn altPmpt to brthl' an Or.1n,K1· Counl v l'O\lrt ufltnnl ln rl1.;1m...., ,, pt•ndtng I''< tort 111n n isf• 01ttm:i11 ..:1111 1111 l'orruplton 1111 th1~ part nf p11hh1· offll'rab WI\' 1nv11lvl'd and lhnt tht• all<'KPd payorrs wl"nl only to unckr't·ov1•r o ff11·prs p :Ht11·1p:1lrnM 1n tlr1• Ill Vl'Sl lj.{H I 1011 Drt1m:111 said a drnm o r l'Vl'f\lS b<•gan w~wn l.1··~ Lang Van l'11 fe In San br /\m1 rf't'<'IV•'<I .i l'IUltton for l'X'lnl( OVNt'roWdt'<I D111ms111 nlll't(t'<1 that Nguy<'n hrsl t·ontAC'l<•d Santa Ann f'tr<• ()c.partmC'nl hatlnhnn d11t>f J im M o n l ):{om l' r y w h o I 11 I l' r w as all<'gPdly ufft•n •d n hrtbl' o f $200-$:Wll 11 monlh hy Lf• "to look th1· nthf'r w11y " Polter wrn• 1ontn1 tpd nl this Jllllnl .ind ;111 unrl1•nt1\1•r 11f frc11 pn-.r ng .1~ an 1nfluPnt.Jal < 11\ 111 (111.ol \\ ....... ilkgt'tll~ p.ild $.l.1tl 111 gl\'I 111 Monti.:111111·n ()111111.111 ... 11d Sh11rt Iv th1•11·,ll tt 1 I )111111.111 -..11d. L1· <1 <;k1·d t h1• und1·1111v1·1 11ffwl'r how tnllt h pnw1·r lw h.111 111 We-.tminst1·r D11tm<1n said ..,ht· ;;llPg,t•dh w." ll \'tnJ.( to gl'l a ~·r11111 to opt·r.1111 ,, 111,Khtduh al Magnolia S1n·1·1 .111<1 Hol~1 /\ v1•nw• W1•s lm1nsu·r µetl1n• 11fl111·1 F'.:1rl1• (;raham sarrl L1· .11lq.~1·dh p.Hd $11 ,000 tu an uncit·r 1·11v1·r Wl'Sl rn1nst1•r po lll l'lllilll whu poSt'<i as "a 1.:ruok1-<I l"OP •• HP prl'lendc-0 to lw t lw 11.11-.1111 ht>lW•·en the nty lllUtH ii .ond allcl(Nlh was KlVl'I\ nw111·' lo ).(IV<' to thr C'ounnl m<'mb1·r ... to 11vprtu1 n a pla nnrnl( um1nl1<;.;;11111 1k111oil of th!' p•'rmtt (;r.1h.t111 .... 11d till ·•Pl" .ii 1-. -.ull p1 ndrni.: Th 1 h 11l1t r \ Ill\ , '1 1g;11 11 111 11111\·1·d to (;,11dt·n (;111v1· wh<'rt' a \'11 •111.1 1111·-..· 1110\'1 1· thl'.1ll'r .illq~1·dh "'"" ... 1i11w111g · triplt X. -.t,1).! 11111\'11•-.' .111'111 d1ng l O 1)111111.111 111• -,,ud L• .11l1 ·1<(1•dlv p.ml the· u1Hh-11 ovt·r Sant~• 1\nd n ffrC'f•r $:1(111 to w ·t 1wrm1 ti,. for tho• mov11• 11w 1wr 111 ~how 1h1 · t rim" lulll1mc 1>11trna11 -.,11d 1l 1-. 1101 clt•ar wh.il I.,.·, .ill1•g(·d 11111•1 <'~l w as rn 1h1 tlw.111·1 Thi· 111\'l''olrgatum nrxt movE'd 111 1h1· l1·~al !..V'>l<'m, l>ruman said. w~w11 Lt• .111d Thanh Khar But' .1llq.~1·d(v 1>-nd ''i1 court off1nal" $:1,()()(l In d1c;m1SS <I p1•nciing 1·x1ort1011 t'ilSI' <ipparC'n tl y 1nv11lvrn~ Vll'tn amt-i.1• n<1t11mals Tlw uncl1·n ·ovc•r t'ourt off1nal (See REFllGEES, Page A2) ----INDEX ----- "'hic·h c·amt· fir ... t -th•· S~ Mfrhi~un or Nf'wporl ll nrhor '~ Ttw un ... w•·r i~ ohviou!'-hut tlw oltl tu~ ha~ lc•d 11 ('o lorfol hi ~t nry a t tltt• hnrhor . St••• Pn~t· At .. Al Your St:•rv 1et· BullC'tm Board Businf'SS Cavakadl' Cla._.1...,1f1E'<l Comics Crossword Death NollC't'S Editorial F.ntertainmrnt Horosrope A·I A9 B14 15 8 2 L'9· 12 B l ti Biii C9 A 10 BUI 20 B2 li1u•nrni...,1on Ann Landt•rs Movies Mutual funds Puhlk Nul1l'<'S BUI 82 BIH-20 815 B4,:1,1:i. C4.9 S porL-. Or S trmnnhn Tl·l!'VISll)I\ ThNHCr" WC'alht>r C l 8 8 2 8 17 818-W A2 .. .,~ ----·,,,,.--:._..-... ,.,.. -·. .... -...... .... ~ . - .................. ~ ....... , ....... , .............................................................................. ~, .............................. !""" ........... t"""'!""'~ .................. -.-. ............................ ~ ....... --.,.,.. ........................ ~~--~. • • •• -;-• . . , \2 ( lt u11uu t.;uu~I UAll Y I'll 0 I I flur~lliiy Nuvun1hur I~• l!ltl ~ Recessior1 adds new meaning to Thanksgiving B > Tht• Ai.i.udutt·d 1'1 n !> 'l'h, ,111111 111Th.111k'!-:"111g .111d 1111 A111111n111 11.11ltllt111111 ~t.111111~ locik 011 '"''' 1111.,111111g lht' \I• .11 •°' ltlll\111111111\ .1lld I h.1111,.lllt lo(f1JU1'' \.\ 111 k 1·d l11 11111•1 1111' hulid.iv 111 ·1·1!:. u l 1111' p11111 tlw lt1111wlP:-.' .Hui th1· u111·111pl11\t•d Tilt' lt'U':O..'>llll\ "'''ttll'd 111 111· "'' t'Vl'I yollt'0'> 11111\d ·•1'llt·1t.'!> 110 4u1·,l1on th.it 111111 1~ tntH l' l>1•111g thin" 1h1!> \'1•:11 . 'ii I ti l. 11 I -, { ltq..( ll .t V , p ll I ti I 1 11•l:ill1111' d1t••t l111 lur th• Sc1lv.1111111 t\1111\ 111 Dt'lr wt \\ lrrt Ii d1:.tr1but1·d I 'ill Tlt.111k-.~l\'111g h..i!>kd:-. thl!> \\ t't•k 111 I'•''' \1•,11 .. lhl' jo(fllUp h.1mh•d otll 1)11' l11od b..1:.k1·h """ di l'l11 htlll.l:O. I I k I II I t I I I·" ' " I II I "I I I l1,1t 1t,,lol1 ,1~:1 Iii II' j)IJgll.o\ t.dk•'<I .1l1t1t1I tl11 '11t" I"'"' 1111 I" 11plt who I 11111 I It• 111"·1\ • 111 lh 1 d 11!11 II 1111 lh1 11 1\I 111111 Ill I 111 II It\,.... lwt .1\IM' "' t "' ft'\ t .,, .. Ut I 111 'I •• I I 11 It I 'I I " I I " ,1\1111\\ Ill k1·1 -. .111d ... tt 1•I\\ "' k.1 I • ,111.I lll'llp l1 \\ h11 111-.t Jiii>' 111 11·1.tlt d 111d11~1111 · .... " ,1, .. '"'" ·"J'ht•\ Jll'l .11111'1 h.1vt• l1k1d 1111 t "' 1.1 lil1 . 'lh• <'l1•\1•l.111d th11pt1 1 111 tlu \'"I ti II I ,. I I ' I• I /\ Ill I I 11 " .111111111111 Id I ,11 Jl!'t 1)11•, \\t I k 11 " 1>1tl ti Ir .1 \ 1 t " • .1 111 •·I II ' 'f'Jt.111k..,gl\ Ill~ Ill• .d ,1 ti .11lt\ll1ll Ua nu Point µ;r uu p acldl'-$:1.000 in invt"S tif(ation of lwuk-suwin~~ Mutilated pelicans reward fund grows By JOEL <:. OON 01 lh• Dell, Piiot Stell A l>a11.1 Prn11t group ha!--1.tll11•d to thl· ;.11d ol tht• 111u ttl.1h •d In P\.\ 11 pelica n !> with ,1 $:j.11\HI n·w.u d ( und for m form..; tr on 1111 w h1 w. ·v1 ·1 1~ s1.1w1ng or dwµµ111g ol 1 t ht h1r<;is' bt·;.ik :-. Thi' 11011 profit L>.t11<1 1'111111 Ocean lnstttuu· Fuund.1111111 .11:-. .. St'l up <I Savi· th .. P .. lrcans lu11d l~>ntrtbUllOI\!:> fr11111 Y. htl h \\ tll ht turn<'d ovl'r lo l'rown V..illt' A n imal H osp1 Lol rn Laguna Niguel. where 12 o f tht• ma1ml'd birds arc undt>r car"' -"Da nu Point 1s blanwd lor th1• inutila11o n s and c•!>tabl1sh1n~ 1hest• funds dt•monslrat1•!> our o wn o u l rage· a l w h .1 1 1.., OCTD buses ha¥e the da y off Ora ngt> County Transll D1!>trtC't 1s s uspc-ndC'd today tx~:aU~{· u f the· Thanksgiving holll.lay lk~u l.11 scrv1ct• will rt>Sume agarn Frrduy T ht' sus pens io n of S<'rv1n" pJu, ..i 11 u a v s P r v r t· l' t' u t hat k .., ~<:h«du t'1·d f o r Chrt!--tma!> .ind N l'W Y l•.rr 's D~1y , Wl·rt· vot l'd earlt<'r th1:. yt:ar as .i hudge'1 l u t t 1 n ~ nw a::. u rt· h v d l'.t r H t dJrt'ClOI'- h.1ppt·11111g t11 lh1·111 (flt lrt ·'"') • ,,11d K.1tlll1·1·11 t 'o,l1 1111. dtr •·• tt11 II t d t. \' " I Cl JI II' I ti l I " I t Ir , . I, 1Lt1td.1t1011 Thi· l111111d.t1 11111 i... tlr1· lurrd 1.1 .... 11\g .11111 111 tht' 01:111i..:1· l'<•Ulll\ l\l,111111· l11•.\11ltt1 l '11..,t1•lli1 .... 11d do11at11111 m.Hlt lit tlw gr11up "ould ht• t.1l\. ti• du, 111.tc <.:ontnliulJur~ l'dll lw !--l 'llt to I ' 0 Bo\ llH Dan.1 1'111111 !l'..!li:!lf .111d d 11111ir.., ... hnuld ,,,.~ 11\ tltt 11 \\,11d 111 S.l\'t· tht• Pt'ltt .11h fund <:1 "'tl'llU sau.l morn•v dc .... 1gn,111 ~I 1111 th t· ht1sp1tal 1;111• of lh1• lllJUI 1·d birds wrll Ill' ust'd for 11wrl1l'al t rL•a tmC'nt ;1!:> W l·ll a s rtKJd Crown Vallc·v v1·l 1 ·r111 ~1r1;.in ~t ;,_,yJc· Hulx·rt.' s<ird Lht· h u:-.µrtal "du•11w::. f ish donalluris P (•lrt·ons f.1v11r matkl'rL·I anJ bon1111. :.hl· ..... ,d Tlw NcJL1nnal Audubon Sc>( wly .iln·ad' ha.-. about $14,000 111 11.-. "" n rt•ward fund, l'!>tahlr!>hf'd -.min .oftc'r lht• f tr!'>t muulatc·d 111111!-o turnc·d up around mid Ul toltt•r Thi· U S Ft..,h .1 11.J W tlulr fl· St·rvrce con t ribu t1•d $!i t)l)(J to that fund l'l l\'.d•· tlon;1111111.., f111 1li1 1\udul11111 ·, Br11\\ 11 l't 111 .111 Ht·\\ an! l:'u11d ma\ Ix· matlc·d t11 .1.1 1 Audul1011 Plar~ S.tt rn1111·11l11 lf;)H:,!.1 REFUGEES ARRESTED From Page A 1 was playt·d bv d1,trwl atturm·\ 1nv£>s ll)o(at11r ,J;1hn (;ll'I , I>1ttt11an s;11d 01ttm .111 -,,11d tit.it thc· tnVL'Sllg.itron l.istt'tl J!i long ,,., It did ~ poltn lrn•d to gt'l "to lht· h1gh c•!>l MIUlll ... , tht• atlt·gt·d hnbc nrr t·r,. H t• -;.ud ho" £•vt•r h<' drdn t bt•hc•vl· 1l ts an orgamz<'d t•ffort 111 .in org..int?t·d u 11111· d11n' l opt•r.i Lt· u 11d1·r '"~tc·rn 111 lh1o.; 1·11u11trv things ahov1•boa1d .. · Out \\ ,. ,t hr tl11· W1· d11 Tht· 1h1 1·1· !--U'>JH'C h \\'C'll l11dg1•d 111 Orc1ng1· County J;11 I B.111 o f $100.000 h,1, hc'«'n "'I 101 Lt "hrlt· $50.000 ti.111 w.i' '>t'l (111 !lung Tht Nguq·n .ind Th.1nh Kh.1< Rut• Dtttm.in ...:ud the lhtc·• "'·" Ix· ollh' 1111111 1111 I ",, •ii lllHlll ' "'1111 I t 111 II 1 It• 111111 Ill I lllltllllltllllll • It I 111 111 11 ti Ill \'\ • f I •'I I I I I._, I I' I 1 l ' f •• ''I I l1.111f.. fl\ lllj' 1111111 I 11111 lit.ii .... \\1111d11 lltl ..... 111 1<11 ...... /1 M th olfl t< 1111 111 I lt1 \ 11)111111 I I' Ir 1 .. 1 ll.l\1d I' J<tl,, 111111• ,,d\.&111111 .\1111 \ Ill l'1111l.111d I tr• • .. 11.t 1111' g1111111 •'I''" h II• ·,1•1 \I I ./IHI 'J'J1.i11k-.gl\'lll"' tllllllt'I' l•Kl.n ,1 :111 tn'll l'llt 11111\'0I"' 11\i t•I 1. ... 1 \1'.ll '1'111 · 1'11 .. t ,.,, .... 11,t1·11,111 \•It 11 I t Ji I II 1\ II 1 .i 11 \ N Y .rllll\ q1.ll1•' •I "" 1111111lw1 ,. ·t \. 111 ( >111.ol1.t IH .\H I' • I I'' .. I Ill II' 111-.t Ill 111 1•1 "Jiii 1 t "ti I I Ji .I j~l 1111)' I ,.Jh d 111 Ip t·:.11 h .11111 t\11 I(, ,11 Ii I lt.1111<-.~'l\'111~: I'·''' •" k" 1tl 1111 .. I 111 ... 111 .tl>l•llt 111111 lri llf'lo I 1lft1I 1111 ,. \\II)( )•111 lt1.111k ')'I\ Ill~' d111111 I 1111 ll1t ltt' "' h .,. ltt t .. ,,,. •• ~ \1 .nl1t1••11.d ,,.., 1111 1111 k• \ .11111 t I 1111111 I 111•... t 11 I 111 .. I I\ • .. I 11 ..... 11111111 111 t .d1l11l lll,1 11111 d111111 I "111111·,111' Jill d11•1t•d I h,1t 'h1·1 I 11\1111111 I , 11 1 111d1g1•11l:o. 111.1V '11.1111 lt1od 'llppltc"' 1111.., 111rltt·y dav • '1\1·1 .......... 1 I It·· l't'lll\lllllll '>lill.il11111, WI• l1111k 101 .1t l1•,1s t 1. di() pt·•1pl1· . Vt·t 111111 W.1 It I .1d1111111,t1 ,11111 111 tlw Salv;11 11111 1\r111v ... ll,11111 11 1.rgltt l'1·11t11 111 I .1,... A11g1 It· ........ 11d Wt·drw,.i.,, Wt· II k1•1•p g11111g unlll \\ • 11111 n ut 111 luod And you think you've got troubles 'I I 1 • ti I . " I I II \ "' •• ~ I I 111111 I' ,, ,, ,,ti 111 d 11\\11t""'"' S l-111 Jt.," ,111 ,1 I It.ii l>I ,111 .I I ttl lll~H'I I I 11 , "' lhtt.d I 111\\ tf , 1 t t II' II 1111111 . .J 1111 J lt.111k-.gl\ 111g It ·"t' I ht ( 'Jru11 It 111 tl1t · 11111111 " "h1ol111\\ M''''"" .it I· 11 tit .011d I '. \\ 11 1· ... I I I' I' I • I ' I• I ' t ~ I '' w1·lt 111111 • .t 11 ,,..,, 1 111111 I" "I"' lo tablt·s ~wt up 111 <'t11cl11n1·d 1.1 I .111•t1 11f f11lll 1•1\y lilutk:-. 1•:1 ... ,.wlwrt ln·1· lt""t:-. \.\Ir• 1•l.111111•tl .it \)IC' ll1111t•d !-.t.tlt'' 1\11"'"".., l1.1114u1 t .it U1• l.u11gp11· l'.11k 111 ll11ll\\.\11111l I n South < "'" hu ... 1111·-,,,111.111 v .... tlrus "Htll' I' 1rt.1l' 1k•i-. w.1-. It• l1>11t111ul· 11" Holw rl \ in ... on 26. of l>irrnlla, didn't rt'('t•iH· H \C'I'~ \\ctrm wt•lt·onw lo Ora n ge <:ount y Wt•dnesday. Tht· trat:lor-trailt>r rig ht· "a ... d ri' i11 µ. l'-pitlt·d it ~ loa d of lumht·r . 21..12•) board f('t•t of it. do ... iuµ. tlw lran ~ition roud from lht• Santa Ana Fn·t '\\ct~ to tht• -.0111hhou11cl Col'-ta !\lt·~a Frc·t•\H l) for ~t·n·ral I.our .... 11\\ll 11 .1d1111111 '" d1111 .it11q• ,jlflfll I ... llll t Ii 11 I 11111111111111 \ ' • Id. I" .111d lt.1 11d11 'l'I" d :-. .. 1111 p• ''"" tl1d11 t \\.ill 1111111 t"1l.1 \ t11 d11-• 111 1\1 I ,t1( klll'I ti ( '111 fl '.111 t 1.ol l :,,..,. 111111\ J1l.11tl Ill l'.d1111l.d1 111.111.11-:• ''" llt '1111kt" tl11 l tllkl \' ,111d I 1.0(1 I lltpl11ye , .. , II'''" 1d• ti t Ill' 1111111111111-:' I 111 ,, 111•"'1\I' l•'.t ... t Ill .Ill .oll llOilt l1.11tgo11 V\'1·d111• .. d,1\ 111 :-. .... 1111 g11 .i •·•J..'. t.1g .11 111v 11 1 ..... 11.. 111() Jll'tt)lll qllf•(JI d 1111h1d1 lit• d11\\llll1\.\l1 H1 · .. tUI' 1\11-.-.11111 1111 .• d.1\ l'.11 h It .l't tit.ii 1111 '4>1111 \\,1-, th1 II )11 ,t ...q\l.111' 1111 .. tl Ill 1111111111 ... 0.11, Piiot Photo by Rlcherd Koehler Mediator sought • teachers' pay dispute lrnpa!'-1~(· eontinues 111 Irvin~ Unified School Dis trict wagt·" hour~ talk ~ Tt-;wht·r,., <ind n•pr1-M·ntallv~ n( lhr f rv1nt• lfn1f1Pri SC'h ool 1>1 ... t 1 11 I .i 111111u 111 • d VJ 1·d nt ·<.chi\' 1111•\ h.i\I• 11 .. 11 lwd 1111pc1:-.~1· 1n t llll t I ,IC l 111'~:• •t 1,tl It 11\' ,111d h11l h ..;1dt•!-o \\,111t ·' tltl'llr.11111 N I. g II II . I l " I .. I ll I t h •• i :! h ''"" 111 '' .111tl lite tJ1 ,tlll'\'!-- t1 U!--l•·t·-. h,I\ t' 1111 t :! I 1111"'' -.1nu· April hut lt,l\'t he t 11 \lndlil1· 111 .1~1 c-t• 1111 .... tl.11 w' .ind l 1,,.,_..,room hour-. 1111 111111 th lhr••11gh -.rxlh· g1.id1• \I ,11 h1•1' Thh I!--tltt 111 .. t v1 .. 1r '"'' 1 tlw d"t111 t fn11111•d 111 )'Ii:! th.it lL•a1:h1·r" havt· sat dow11 t 11 Th<tnk:'l~lvln~ ri!nn<'r w ilh nul n 11111t1 ·'' t ll ow1•v1•1 . \L'<H 'hl'r c tlfl(l ,wt dr-.putt·.., h.J\'t' 11111 h<"<·rt u11111111111t111 111 01.111g•· L'11unt y l h " ·" .11 I w1 .rlt-.e· of f ltt· t rglt t ... 1.111 liudj.(l•t 111 whu h 1111 111•\\ f 11 " d ... \\ , · , , . , 1 1111 a 1 , d f 11 , llJl< I ,t\11111°' 11f l1 M ,.J "< J11•1J.., I 11·1 I \\I .111 d""'f th.111 Olli 1111 n1.ol J•"''t11111 '> rndrc .111• ..111d mt1n1 \ '' 11,,11 \ kl'r·pl ng ll' •• p.111 • -..11d .l.11 k"m Parhm!--th• d .... 1rr1 t.., c h11·f 1wg11t1:1t11r "I I.it! 1111' 'Wit• µroVIUl-d an} ltlLrt·.i-..· Jl .ill 111 ~··n•·nd fund m11n1•v rt \\11uld h,l\'1 rt1adt•ll1.i!-o1t'1 1111 .di 111 lh .. 1\ d tlt•d ll'ltl h•·r :-. ' 11Pgnt 1.1t111 L.111\ t'hl\~t.'.J "I ;1111 l111pl'I u l lit.ti ,1 1111'lkil111 will Ix• ;ilill• tu pr11po"· co1111rn111 l-{n1u11d t11 l11111g II tllJ.,!I t Jtt I , H111lr "''''"'' h.o\'I d1.tlt1d •• jt1lll1 dn J.11.tl11111 .l'klll).! tht l'11ltl11 Empluynwnt Ht J,1111.n.., Bu.11d t11 ,,.,_.,1gn ,1 111l'dr.il111 ln1111 th•''"''' l\I L•d1 .1t111n ,11\d L'ounnl1at1CJ1) S 1·1 \'IC •· ltJ a!--SISl \\1th thr· t;ilk' ll W••" u n l'll·ar "111·11 .1 1111 d1.1ttt1 1111i..:lrt 1111t1,1ti·· Ill'\\ dr!-o' W•!--11111' '] "11 \\ 1·1 k' .11111 I hi dhl I'll I B11.11 d 11 1 Tr u,11·(·' .. 1g111 d 1111ltr,11h \\Ith lh li.!ll l'i,.-.!-orllt'd \\ 01k1 , • .., .ind I h 111111 u ·rt1f11•d 'IJ )It r\'1"11.., gt\ 111 ,L! tht'm .j p• 1l1·111 ""'of ll\0111g rm 11 •.iS<~ Lu gu .tl1111g \\ttlr :1 fJ11tl'll\ JllllU<tl \\ ,lf.!I '>t ,t), 'lt'JI tnt 1 t ·"t '' Tlt11,t 1·11,t 111 II\ 1111-{ llh ""'"" \\I II , , 11 11 .. 1lll\'1 t11 .)111\ I " Sunny Thanksgiving FRIENDS TAKE HEART • • • From Page A 1 t\lth1111glt Ito l1l.111u • ... "'fl ''-' 1111111 111' 11li 1111 h..Jp11w 11 1 t .111" tl11• ht .111 p111l1h·111 .... Sh.ii 11 ·1 ...:11d ht ,, 11 ti h 1-. \\ 111 .11 I 11 ll I Ii I It I ' I 11 I e' II t II I' J\ d1•111 I'" d <..:ofl ... tnl Sunny and Wdtn1et 1 \l\.tJv Coastal 1n1anc:J n1ql"'os rn•ti 10, Coastal 10.,.. ~ •h•anc1 •3 WJl~1 63 E1s.ewn9,e wmds snuthwes! )3 10 13 ~nols 11115 allernoo•• oe comtng li ght "'"' va11ati1P Cl"""0 1ne n ight Wesl l o southwesr 'well ' 1n J teet w11t1 comomed seas fll 4 1v t teet nvef outer wale'\ f a11 thHJuqt 10'11Qhl l ' .. '· .'41un 111 a ry COICI '" re1c11eo oeep •nlo 'ht> South on weaneSClav """' s"c>"" rrom New MtJ tC.O into ""'e~1 c e ntr3 I re .. as Slept .,., southeastern New Me111LfJ ana 'reezmg dt1ulP 1n the 'oulhwe~t ,,.,, ot the ,1s te Traveler ~ advtsortes weru 11svfld IOf lh.-mountain.-. o f N ilern Ne\Of Mt>"CO and a wmter .Corm w1rn1nQ wss '" efle<.I tor 11\e slate s m ountains anti IOUll>fltn 8fea' A travelert aovisor•f'S also was 11SulKI ac1ou the ~°"'""'" plains o t weS1111 n lP•a• a nd~ sloe-mens a11v1wry cove•NI '"" Tttxes n 1H counlty an<J ~outr' i»nl•al pans or lhe s111111 In th@ N or1h"a51 ~' u w ea:tende<' trom northe,n M•ch•gau and ll>fl IOWl!r G111al Lakes tnlo Pl rtl of tlle upper Ohio VallPy end norfh11rn N~ EnQIAnd Rain fflll 110"11 the m1C1 All~nhc. CoHI anCI Coestal &ecl•nns ol ~England Ov&< lhe P&c1h~ HurnGane 1wa move d 1ep1dly away l•om the H1wa11•n 1s11nds. but a high surl •dvlsory '"matneCI in etre<:I Thi! a\Ofm c:auM!d 11a1.,.,s1v11 dtmege 10 lhl! 19111nCls Clur&"Q the "'II"' Temperatu<l!I ••ounCI rne n•11on W1!dn111day all11rnoo" r•no•d lrom 17 d11gr11"s a l 8ozeme n Mo nt to 8.C al 0.•"411•11111 Fl1 Th4' nation s tow f()r lhe Cll Y wH 26 Cll!Q•ftM bfolOw z•o et WHl Vellow11on11 Mnnl ,.U14Jt,.,,, A111 •l•d n u-p bU"' a1 ,t 70(; ti\ r r1r1d;\ '"'" tt p 10~ ,..,..:> 4 rl• J-l~f)wf·Pr~ T e11tpera tu rPs NATION W.ctn .. dey Albdny AlbuQvP'fl'l'• Amarillo 1''10101il\)•' A'hM1lle AHStnftl A'l1tnf1' ( •1'1 Ausfui Ba1t1morP 81>1 nQ\ B1rm1nqn.t'' 811Sm.1r w 8fWSP Bo~tor Btt>iwn._.,,,,.. Botta1 8u1••no1r•r \,J5Pf'• {.riar1ec-..n' c.nar1"""' w IJ t.nar1011P t• C Ctil!yf'nnp (.n1CllQ(• G1nc11rndll (.l(IVf'llln() Cnlumb1A c, < Columt><>• Dalla, r1 """'" Datt on ()(lin..,.p, CH-s Mo.,,,., o .. 110<t Dulutn fl Pa,o r air nan.-"' f a1110 rtag•l11ll Gr1191 r Alt• H11<llo«I H"l(lnll Honorv111 Hou11on lndlin&pt1l1~ JIC-'0'' Ml,, Jac-'onv1llt1 Ju"4!8U Kansas C11v l AI \lf'OM lllll" RO(.> lOUll Vlll,. lubbOC~ Ml'mphi. M 1em1 Mllweu~"" Mplt St "~"' NAtllVtlll' 11' ' )J 16 J'2 ,,., ?9 2 • 52 }8 ~,, • .I 5 . 4 1 4 I J6 ',G 49 4 }fi 4<j ., )~ ,, ,., ,; s~ ,. .. . •'· ,. ~c. '7 10 4 1 l" '7 ' 1 41 11 tJ6 ~~ 1q 01 "8 14 )1 }~ l~ )4 78 5~ 17 31 4l 3? } ' 1'1 )~ 11 1~ '. 15 • 1 l'I 04 41 14 i" o~ )'I 00 D 30 40 79 ~3 49 26 05 80 73 52 •7 29 n 54 •3 7<l ~4 )I 26 l? \4 61 •O 4 1 26 11 32 74 "' 4 t 3 t Tll 7 l 7Q 16 n 05 42 15 The Forecasl For 7 om ES1 f 1 .. ~ ' • , • N••yi, r,, ""' \ NP>~..,''" Nntlnl\o No,,,, Pt,l11•· 0 11.1ar1om 1 t •h' Om~na Orlando Ph1JacJ.,l(1h1(1 Ptioflruc P•lhbu•gh Po111and Ml' Pt11ll11n11 (),.. p,OVldl'n('P 1-1a11119h 1-1ap1d C.11v RPM\ l'\1t nrnnntt <;a11 1 n•r San Anln111 s .. ,-.111 ... Sritnvf'(lOll Su')111-~ Allft 'ii tov•• 'it PPtA T ilmpn St 51~ ~n"" s,1nlc;.,,,~ Sy•~CU\I' TOP!'ka Tuc•on Tu"a w,.~,11notnn W •Chll..t CAL1'0RNtA WednH d•r APllll' VllllAy B11~11r•1tf'lt1 Bsr•tow Rf'!i:u;mont , ' .,, .,, .\(t ,, .,,, 19 OT ,,, "0 1A I~ R 1 '>Q ~~ . ' '1A ',u ~6 /'I '11 •0 4 I ) 1 ~1 48 1111 48 4<4 1. 41' ~8 ··~ 411 111 l<l 40 1 iH i, 4T }Q • ' l)Q ,, 10 ~o •,e n OR 1J o• 40 ')9 ,~ 11 '>9 ~ 1A ')) r, • ~, ,,, ,, S'I 11 "iJ 4 4 (if, 4 ' r.7 ... lt I Ut111 h , "' t .tlt!lf,t r 'It''"'., •r;o ... f I I ,lfh ,,~,tt•• I lflt) lfr,.,11 11 l1 c. AnQt'h· Mt•y~v111,. M •lfUi'\lhl M 1n1•~t ..-111 MnntNP~ Mt"""\ I N~dtP ... Uft'-Npt11t ltt•.l t <)al> 11nt1 Ut1IAr1t l'tt~rldftn.1 .. ,,, rlt1l·h•• n,.,,f11,~lft" nP11 Ol11tt flr-t1wonrt c •h n""O S,H'.rfH1Wnt'' "i-1,llt.i't 'i01n ()NnAHJt!Ut Sttn G&ti11PI '>an (J1PQO Snn r r Afl<.I,( ,, ~"" Jt')911' ',.lfttn A'"' .. ,;mt:. A;uh.un •,,ult,) (.tt./ ~.)n11\ ~IU1,J •,.1n1e Mnn11~ ·' ~ht<~ luh Twht1•,. VAllu'r '''"''""' lort•rtt t• Yurntt ' .. SURf RIPORT Tides TODAY ' . 4!, '>'> 7Q .. ~ 41 l>B 5.1 6) 41 ,.\0 4; r,o 18 74 41 ,'' !>6 Ii'> Ill 42 7Q 4<] 66 46 ~~ )6 fo8 49 bl! 48 fi4 41.1 TO 4 l ;t 44 r.o •!. ro, .c' f,j )Q "" . , 40 28 '>I 40 64 42 66 40 74 44 69 53 6~ '.>O 6;'1 •• 7fi 44 1\8 41 fi8 48 Tl 46 10 SJ Ill 4 1 ., ,4 ,., 4.1 " 48 7 I ~I I \l'I\ th111g \llll k' !•lit I'll J.,!l't t11 "I Ii i\ kid ... l11ngt·1 S1111' 1 ... 111g '""I ti t11 l1.1d .111 "'·" tl\1 1111 • Sir.ti 111 .,,,,, ht ""' 1111'" d pl.1\111g '"tit hr' thrl1h1ll l 111t1 l.\ll I ,1IH l Jl11\\,1td l .. lltl/ \\l\11 "ti I Ii. .! 11, .J.rrnr.11 ' I u ... 1•d 111 1.t•·t <>I I w111 k .md t.1kt 111' lttth g11 l t11 tlw I" .11 h Sitt "·'" .ti",,,.., "rt h 1111 h1 ..,llCJ · N11w I 1.111 t d 11 th.it \\'1 1 t '"II h11p111g ..,.,11 ... 1h111g \\ rll h.1p1wn .ind tiring' "tll J.!•'' lwlt1 1 · h1 -..11d I >i111,1l1c111' 1 .111 hi "'Ill to tin 111.11 t l:'und in 1.tn 111 th1 l .l\·111g I-,11th t '111111 Ir 11111~ H11..,... St . S;111L<1 Ana. ~l:!i'Otl ™-)(l,-f'/;-~-l"-~-J(ll'J-7.()_'/_/_1_~-'1-''---. THANKSGIVING SPECIAL LADIES Ralph Lauren Cotton Cardigans wen'~ (( .iblt> ~nit, ( c¥n1r.1'ting Tno111 Shetland Cardigan s (11,l\t<'I ( 11h.1ttr\I MEN Polo Conon S1?9rt Coa ts tA\'llr1t'<I ( 11louN(.11r,1 RCl:ERT A-LLPS f&11~ Y~11d/ /Yttyr1 For loCl•y. anow was loreca•I in tile 1JOYlh11rn RocklM. ml~ed w1lh ot ch•ngtng 10 rt1tn et towe1 ellv1t1on1 Rain mta•d wllh snow ,.... lorecut In thl! southern l'llQh Platn1. wtlh rein &<:<on lhe rell ol t"9 IK>tllhefn Ple1n1 to lhe wett9'n OuH Coal! A cher>ee or r sin wH IQl'ecell ever the norfhern Peclllc ~111 Scet11•eCI lturr1111 we re lor.c:ut over lhe n011harn 0111et LAI<" end llOf'thetn N.., Enot•nd • •• ~1i:zen ... -.. -.-~ ... ~ ............................. .. '"" ft)'IN Se<:Ol"O lllOh Secono •ow '"'°"y II 4 I 11 m ~03 pm II I'\ pm ' \ 311 09 All MAJO R C REDIT CARDS ACCEPTED Hlgne In the tMf'lt •nCI 201 -· predicte d from north••llftrn Montenl end North Dllool• 10 IJS)pe r Mlch1gen •nil n0tlhft1n Mliine. kl the SO• from m091 ot '"-' Gull Cout lnlo 110JlheHt1rn 1<1 n 111. m o ar or M111ou11 Ktflludly Ind the \llrgl1'1H , In the &ti 1nd 801 from Calllo•nlt to , ' V1lld lo 6 p m lodey hech Zum• S1nll Montee N-i><><1 Buch Sen 014190 Covnly Oollook tor F<ldey turf turf ... , ' 4 2 4 J ~ J ~ Nol mur.n Ch8nQft ..... .... 17 t;> 14 ,. •••It Prd I l 2 ' ..... ,. .. , 3 3 3 3 l•ell Ok SW SW w w F1111 hlQn 5 ~6 • m 5 t F111110w l?tllom IJ Second high !> Sii o m 4 I S.cond ">w I I S t p m l 0 t Sun Mii 4 4 .. pm 111e1 Friday 636 am Moon 11ae1 rod•y 1 .cG n m 111t1 FrtCl•v 1 "'0 1 m ' ' ., --~~---. "-....,-._-_.. ......... - 1 J •• •• it•IF..#'9-••'• tT ..... 01111111t1 Cu1:H1I lJAll Y 1-'ll. U I / 111111 ~duy , Novumt>ur '1!>. Hl8? NATION 1-lurrican Tree's plight worse than hark evacuee turn l<) ong, prayer By The Auocluh·d P re-sio <'Jtq~ht Ill 1111· ''Y '' 111 It U I I ll' U 11 t • I VU ' ' I ll t l ' rl !>I• WllH.h . ll'l I ifll'd t•V,n 'Ul'I'!> tunwd to -..1111-t ,111d pruy1•r u:- 110 111ph j.(U:O.L., sht•ai t•d LI'\'<':'> • 111d I l.11 ll'llt'd h111ld111KS 011 La hut'. l law.111 S1 11 g1111{ "(i o d Bl .. :-.:-. AnH·rll'a " Jnd l'hr 1st111.1:0. 1·<11111:-. .• d111 ut :wo t u ·mo t•v;wut•t•:-. !>µ<·11t Tu1·~lay rngtat huddlt•d 111 a n1·1Khho1 h1111d l'l'fllt•1-111 Kalau1•.1 "It W,c. llllt' uf !ht· M'<ll ll':-.t lllllt':-. ['Vt• hdd," !>illd J 11,1r1 t\lt•t !"a(), II M'l'f1 ·1t11 y 110111 t\11.d11·1111, l'.1ltl "T l11'11• Wt'l t' ,I 1111 111 l1U l lt'I fl11 •:0. Ill thlll lu11ld111K " K.111.11 M.1y11r Ed11.11do Mal.q11t said W1•d1H·::.d ay 111• l'X!H't'l:> dan1111:w •>n thl' l!>lu111I lo 11 •.il·h $I!"> mt 111011 to $:.!O 111illt1111. illmost four t1m t·s tho· $!1 7 mill11111 <it•vastatton l1·ft wl11•11 I flit nt·;_inp IM1t l\lt 111 l\11gu'l IH!"'i\I ( )r11· p•·r,011 w ,1:0, ktllt-d .111d Ill lllJlllt'd l>Pf11r1· 11h1· hu1 t w.im· ~w1•pl ou t lo :-.1•a Tlw 111.1n ktlh-d ""·'!> .1 NL1vv Marines welcomed home MO REii EAL> <.'ITV N l' Flag-wav111g now1b, hrgh Sl'huol ban<l::. and lt•Jrful l.11111ht·' gr •·•·tl'd nu111· th.in I, tiOO l\la1rn1•::.1111 W1 ·d111 · ... d.1\' ,,... t ht•Y r1'1 U I 111•d h111111• I "I T h.iilk::.gt v111g I 10111 ,1 1111""' •11 that 111dud1·d '"'" 111 .. 11111-. 111 war ton1 Ll'h.1111111 F1v1• N;.ivy shqh -.1 q1p11I up s pt' t' d t 1> b r 1 n g th 1.· M :j r 1 n 1• :-. f r o "' t It 1 • Nk d1u·rrarwa11 lial'k Ill 1h1•11· homl' bas1•s al Cantp Lt•J1•ur11• near M ort•h<.•a d Ctty, a n d Hiring bia C HAHU:STUN, W \',1 Tht• natwn':-. l.11g1·:-.l toal proclUl"C'I. P1·<1l>odv ( 'oal l'o agn.'t.'lf W1·un<·:-tl.w to ,l·ttlt· .1 thrr l' Vl'ar old :o.t•xuul d " crimtnalton :>Ull fm $:100.UllO, a law v1·r for 1h1· pl.1111111 f, said · &•uv J t·.1n II.all l,1" ,,., 1111 tht· Co~ll l-:rnplovnu·11t P111~' \, bast•d 111 Du111f111•.,, \'.1 . .:-..11d th~· ::.1·ttlt·m1•n1 .ibu n·q urn·::. WORLD De Lorea11 th1• l\l.111111 l 'or p:-. A11 St.1111111 .ol N1•\\ H1v11 111 \11111 Im thl h11l11l.1\ 'II ~ j.!IHll l \II l>t 11,H k 1111 11\ il111·d g111u rul. .....11d l'pl st I'\ I' HI II II,. I :.! I II I l'11,·111gt1111 K, ,,... l\l.111111 ·' l1ll).!g1•d tilt II 11•J.tll\ I ... ,i\ l'.1111p Cl·1g1·1 .111 ,11111 1 >. 111 t'.trnp l."Jt·u111 · l'lw l\1.1n111·~ o f t 111· .l:.!11tl l\l.111111· i\111pllil1111u :o. ll111l lll'g.111 .I r11Ull1H "' 1111111111 ti , • p I " \' 111 j . II I I (I t ti I. M1 ·d1t1"11'.11H .. 111 1111 M,1\· .: I uit settled l-'1·~h111h 111 !11 g1 11 l11 1111 g \\01111 '11 1111 .. h.1:-.1:-. 111 "lllll ' 1111 .d111u\ 1•\11\ l\\o 111 111111 1111'\.JWfll'llll d lllt II lht•\ lt111 I( (I II {; I I '. " I I ' I ti .1 'Ji.ik1•..,111.111 101 P1·aho11\ ,ol th1 t fl m ".1 n ~ . ' ( ll ,. p II I ·' I I h1•,1dqu.i1 L1·1, 111 S t L.1111"· -.;ud the· :o.t·lll1·11H·111 \\ "' 1111\ .111 .id1111 :0. ... 11111 111 guilt i., 1 h• 111mp.in) II\ ~IH I" f\ll I< 111-.I I 0 1 11'1• (Jollf f'llul lilall 11 •• ""' l\lq·~·1· l\l 1 1'i.'. I 11-:1111 .. 11 11111 ' ·'"''I ,, ol1111 I \\ ,.-.11 I 1:.1111q: 01t 1)11 10 l uul I 111,11\ plt1 ... 111111 1\1,l~IJ.I' •, lt.11kv.11d ,,11111 h1 11111111.t 111 l.u1tt•"' 1uH·111 .dHHt\ l••·• ·, 11·, 't11 • 111:111 ·-.1 '>1111·1!11 ,, ltlthlt'".I d,111111 th111g \llll • \'t'I '·'" M.01:i.:11 """ '''d S11 11111• It 1111 11111 -.ll\ \\lt11h ,1lu1ut Jl!K 'lll~ l11 •111p '"" l11v1·h ·" 1 ..... M.i~l-(1 1 ', ,, 1:1 V• ,11 l .. 1g1111.i H1 -.11 l1 10·-..td• rd .111d -.lw'll lo·l I \1111, .1 t.1\I•·'"' 1, \\ .1111 .. d to '111 ol11\\ll ltu hll).!1 I 111.d\'pll" Ill• t I 1 .o I '111 ._,I\'.., d 11111 I 11, II I ' 111' I Ii ... k \ "' d '1'111· h.11 k1 d ln lw111,,1h d1 1111p' 11d11111u:o. 111111><+• '"""' .111d h .. ,, . ., 1111 111 I Jl.11111 1-"l 1111111llo ,1\1· h111 ·d .1 II•'• It 11111111 I \\ h11 1 .11111 11111 ,111d t•lll tf11w II ,11 11111 t ,1 d1111 II 111 l hi' \\h tlt li.11k1•d t111·' th.it tl11tl1•d h1 ·1 1''"1"'11\ 1111 M"'' S111·1·1 A 111 ·1ghh111 ,..,k1·d h1 ·1· 111 '·'"'' lltt llllt' 11 ·111.1111111g g1.111l hill M.1g1J.1• '""I ... 111' 11111ld11'1 h.1111111 lho· 1111·:-.-. tl11 IH't 111.1d1 Thi· 111 ·1ghlin1 w1·111 .011111111'1 1111111• I rll111g nut .111 .applw.1111111 .it l '1l\ II.all 111 pl.o t:t• th1• o·lH';olvptu' 1111 I .. 1..:1111,1'-. I h ·11t.1i.:v T11•t• l.1:-1 T iii' I II\ .... ·11t .. l1 ·lt1•1 '" M.1).!).!11' 111d1•1111g h1•1 Ill k1 ·1·p h1 ·1 h:1111b ;11111 1'11.1111 ... ;1\\ 1111 1h1· tlt'I" unttl 1111 t'tl\' •·ou111·1I nntld n1;1k" ,, d1·t1 ·n11111.otll•111111 1111' l.1t1• "' tlw 1111l.1g1· Th.et d1·1·..,11•11 1·;11111 1:1~1 \\'1·1·k \\ lw 11 I Ill' 1·1111111 ti v11 t1•d I I It pl.11 ,. th•· 111 •1 1111 tl11• ll1•nt.1J.;!1 '1'11 ·1· l.1 .. 1 d1·-.pt11 p1 1111·,1.11111t1• 1111111 l\l;1gg11· th.it'"' \\.t!'o IH•lfl).! tf1 pr l\'t •tf 111 ht ·1 p1 11)!4'1 I\' I 1gh h 1111 lhn1.1g1·'1'11 .. · l ..... 1 ,or·t 111 .• K111i.:, X 1111 l.111111u• 1 IPt" "·'' •·:o.t.ol1l1'l11 ti 111 I .. 1gu11,1 111 l!ll 1 .111d 111 d,111 .l:l 111 1· .... 111·" d1 ·-.1g11.11t•d l\l.1k1 th.it .I I S1t11 1 th1 111111k .. 1 l\1.1i.:g11·• II < I h .1t,(1 .i -.l "' f1•1·t Ill t tn llfll ft•11•1lt 1'. II f.ilb lll\U lht 11llt I1.t 1111 1111 il"l111t 1111 lht I.-.! Tlr1• l .111 tilt· 111·1· "·" t .ot 1·1111ugh lo 111 ,, llc ·r1l<1g• Tt11• d 111·' l1 1tl•· 111 :o.m1111lh th•· h •I \ '"" 11]d \\ 11Jo.,.. ':-. ruf I lo ·d It .111111 .. lhtl 1111 11.11111 111,1\ 11111 t .. 11v1·1 I '"·"'' .111 .1 p1 1l11.1t11111 "'rlh 1111 t 11\ 111 .11 11.,,...I .1l111\\ 1111' \11 It 1111 tht d.111111 111111 ~." M .1~~11' .... 1111 "'i l11 ,,11d rlw 111 •1 '' ,1 lto11.1nl .111.I -.h <111ld t 111111· d11Wl1 Ill .ii lc•,ohl 1111d1•1 g11 .I " Vl'l 1 fll 11111111{ Hut "'ti.11 """" 11 11,b Mugglt' 1-. 1t11· 1111111•11 111.11 .• 1 lll'/f•ll, tl111111gh .. 111111111 rp.ol l1111 fy, 1·;111 II ll lll't wh,1l .,ht· t ;111 Ill l'illllllll k1•1•p 1tt1 lll't flt llf>t t I Y ( g 111·,, tit.it , wlrv 111y 11 l.111\'1• ... '""1-{hl 111'th1· H1•\11lt1t11111.11 y W;11 , .,,, 1 d lt.1v1· lo ,1,k pt I llll'i'lllll Ill 111111 lllV 11Wll ll l't Ill lllY ""'II y,11 d," :-II! .... 11d ... ,111 """'.div M.1 gg11· ,,11d ... tii"' lit·1•11 ht'"l'j.{t•d With ph111 11• l';oll!> Ii lllll w1·ll w1-.lwi-. .111d :o.uµput 11 ·1 ~ -.1111 1· tl11· 1rn111u1·, d1'<·1-.11111 · 11 I lll'ar 11rn· 11\0l't· 1x·r :0.1111 1~·11 nH· h o\\ 1 t.111 ktll th.11 1r1•1• \\ 1tlt11ut tlw t 11\ k111w.1 11g .1h1>U\ 11. I'll dw.'' 'ht· laughl·tl Ft .111k 1', -.111 · ,,, rd . ..,111 ··., .. wk of 1h1 ·\\lwlt ... uhJt-<t "I"' .-.h .,,11111 ·rn11• w11uld l'Loll 111t• .111d tt·ll 1111· h"'' 111ud1 tlwv hk\· 111\ 1 .. 111111g .... 111 '"111•·th1ng ·· Dellr Piiot Photo br LM Payn• '1aggi<· Meggs dot•s n 't see a n y thing lovely about t•ucalyptu or ht:r fight with tlw eity to c·ho1> it ffo\\'U . 1a r" ~rll 1111.• •I• 'I "' l ' f1 1 I .. , ''. ... cars sell quickly FAHNBOHtl tJ c:11 . E n gland D1.,il1·1s .ind C'o ll 1·1·t 11r~ f 101·kpd t o ;ir1 auc·tron Wl•dnl·::.d.1y to !>n.ip u p l I "f .J 11 h n Z () 1• Lort•<Jll'!-g ull w111gt·d :o.po1 h c:ar~ f ro111 I tll' R.·lf ast f ,u·111r' that w1•nt bankrupt l;1..,1 month ••pt111n t1 1 buv th« Bt·lf.1 ~1 pl;1nl and lll':irh l ,lOll "'-'"" thPrt· Ht• s;..ml tlw µri1·1·o.; µaul w1·n· roughly 1·q!-.llVJll'nt 111 thosf' 111 the Unrtt>d Stlilt'S What's youth missing today? Simplicity .· All the car::. offen'<i wrrt> sold tn 30 m111uh·., .11 pr 11 , • ., ra n ging from SI H,ti8:l t o $:l4.247 for J lot..11111 $~'.!1 "141 Among th1· onlo11kt·1-. """' J t' f f r (• \' A b r ,1 Ill ' \' 11 ' µrC'i.tdc·n t of l'on ... 11l11l.1 t1 ·d I n t t• r n " t 1 u n .1 I I n 1 o t Colomhu!'. Oh111 ""1111 h h," ,m ( M<tJUr d1o.;tnbutor· 111r I h« 1,1r on t ht· Wt>:-l Co.1,1 111 1h1 Un1tt·u St;it1•' '' l111·~ot 1·tl 111 l rvine. Cali ( ) Autom.•k•·r lh· L11rl'.1rl "'hn got n1•;1rl~ 80 mtll11111 p11u 11d.!. 110'1.\ w11rlh . .111 1111 • I .HI m 1111 on 111 B 1 1 11, h go\ t rnmt•n t -.uh ... td 11 ~ 111 l.1um·h th1· & lfa::.1 111x•r.1l1w1. " fcit 1ng drug t 11n-.111r;11' l hdrgt-, rn California Nicaragua criticizes visit MANAUUA, Nw;1ragua ou:o.<:rblt· tt-rrori'-l ;i\t,1( k' during the prt•"d1·111 ·, ... to pciv,·r th1·rc By GLEN!\ SCOTT or 11'1• Delly Pllol Steff I >on.dd ( · Halx:oc:k 1:-c •IH.' 11f Ir vrm.':o. n1 •w1-sl rt·:o.td1·n~ ;11111 wtl o f 1L-. uh.Jt.:.t lfr 1~ !J7 but 1110\'l'Cl to \h t;< c1ly lc-ss tha n a year a go. WhP11 h1· talk., about hrmsC'lt. ho· dl''>U th<.·' ht~ fou r µrrnnpal 1 h.1r.u \l'r., 'I 111 ,J m1111.,1t 1 I rn .1 p111 t of \t•n lttth nutt· l'nt a pro1ft-s.'-<>r of h 1-.t11f\ ,1 ntl I'm ,, pr1Jf t•si.ur uf phtl•N>Ph' " h1 "'"-; rn a fnt.·ndly I011l' "I n .1dd1t111n lo that, I 'm 1•xtn·nll'lv old "''I don l furn tum ,,, .1nvth1.ng · Thrr1· arc· thos1 · w'111 might I" k ,. Is s u (' w I th h I~ s ('If t•ff.111·rnPnt, hut rwt wt th his l>lnl'l r1• .ind wc·ll -rn1•asun·d 11pµrrn1d 1 Wh1·n B:ih<·cK k r Hit·' through 11 vr ni• t1s a µas.o,(•nge.r in :t car. for 1·:...arnµl1· ht· :-.:1ys ht• t•njoys w.1tt·h1ng young~tt·r.., CIS tlH•y 111vt•n1 th1•1r gamt'l> The act1vll1cs ht! :>ct•::. 111 his n t>W s uburban sel ling Sf'<'m far t (' m 0 v e d f r 0 m t h () l> l' h l' rl'membcrs as a boy growing up m tht• bluff l'ountry of thl' uppN M1ss1~1pp1 Hrw·r 111 MmnC'sol.<J ThPrt· IS a monotonv 111 the: mod1·rn st•llrn~ th.JI h(• fH'Vt•r fl'll •IS ,1 l htld. hl• S<I\'' "Chrldrl'll :.ta li form tht.·tr lrttlc• g.ing:-.. but lht•y don't havt• th!' sanw k rnd o f w111 Id:· lw ~· ys "I k11ow thl'Y rt• 11111 looking for s~·m palhy . but :-tall. I l·an't hl•lp hut f Pl'I tht chil<in·n I st·t· ;in• n11ss1ng :-.omt· of th1· c·xpc'r1t.·ncc::. o f 100 yl'ars ag11 'T lwrt> was a urrC'<.'lnt·~ .ind ... m1pl1nlv Hhout lrft• tlwn " !Jonald Ba ll(·oc.·k 11> a man of ll'ttc·rs It 1s <1 l<'rm seldom usc>d tvday and pt•rha ps It~ so rn lht· futurC' nu"' that c htldrt·n art· m o rt! lik e ly to satis fy th~'.ir c-urioo;ny a t a l'f>mputer t.C'rminal than 1n an upstairs lrbrarv lt•a frng through 5lJ<.'ks of o ld hound magaz1m~ Ba!X:O!.'k tl'rncmbt•rs ham.•,(') f a boy ltke othc-r bovs Hr hkt'l.l to buu around the bluffs t<xplonng new pl:H:es He ltkl·d to go hJrC'foot But h<• al!'<> hkc-d to rc•ad and sllll savors thos<· moml·nLo.; in t h t' µ u b I H ' I r bra r y a n d h 1 !> grandf a th1•r 's pt•r sonal o nt•, whl•rp ht• c-u uld rr·ad from a sc:lc'<.'l1on of hooks or poc•try from th1• Atlantic Month!:.· Little did lw susµc't'l th<ct h•' wou ld bt'<·omo.• <.t fllH'l But p<l4..'lry WH:-..omething that "SE:emcd llJ ta kl " wht·n hl' ht-ard 1t 1n t·las:o.ro(lms One o f his mos t mem1Jrnblt· momc·nLs he recal~"'-J was the day a new e locutiof\¥I tt'achC'r re-ad to Babcock 's class Slwllc•y\ "To a Skylark " , ~ Evt•ntually. Balx:o<:k saw h.-. 11wn po<•try in the• Atlantic . Month Iv His adult interests :: fnn1.,.'C.I ·on pursuits on<' couldn't. M<t'. 1•xn•p1 rn writing. from the ltHt'lll't tual tu th1• religious. "I w ould comb1nt' them rnl& thC' philosophical." ht• says. eve11 o.;tr~11ning to rC'ftn<' a thought : odav. hr:-. dav-to-day world t•t•rilN.,· o n a no1h1•r library, h is '' own lil• hves wn h son Nathan a n d d a u g h l t· r · 1 n -I a w J u n t'l BabC'Ut·k rn lhC'tr Wood b r idge (See IRVINE. Page A7) ·._J A top 11ff1n.tl of N1l':11·;·1:u•1 ·~ lt·fttsl r«g1m(• n illl·u P n ..,tdl'nt Reagan 's v 1,.11 to C1·1H 1dl Amer 1 ca n 1• x t w <· <· k a "cy111cal" al·lron ag<1rns1 thr:-: coun try. <ind a st'(·-..rnty chrt>f rn ne1gh borrng Hondur;"· Maj. Juan Bla.c; Salozar. ht•ud of the S<'<Tet pohCl'. w anwd of Comm;1nd1·r H1·111 \ Hu11, N ll' a r cl g u a . s m I n I ; I I . r 0 r planning. dt'SC:rih<'d H1·aga11·., Dc:t.· :i --1 \'t~tl lo ( · os I <1 H IC' :i <t n<.l 1 londuras as "1 vnit.·al :ind with thC' only t1hjt'l'l1v1• ol dg,t:ravat1ng N tl'arngu.e · HEARINGS SOUGHT FOR BULLET TRAIN • ''$ I • • STATE State revenues take tumble SACRAMENTO Rev15(.>d f1gurt'S for tht• first quaner o f tht~ f1 snll year show s tall' rl'Vt•nuc•' 'l.\'t'rl• $ 2 0 7 m 1Il1 o n It•.," than expectt'd, Controllt•r Kc•n Cory S<11d Wt'Clnc-sday He• said rl·vt·nuP~ for lhl' f;rsl four m 1Jnth., o f tht• 1982-83 hsc:al Yt'ars wt•rr• $5 -1 b 1 111 o n . w h 1°( h w a., S 1 n I mil hon IC'SS than st.ate• off1l·1;,,ab t • s t I m a I l' d w h I ' n t h ( Ll•g1slalun· pa"--.('Cf lhl' budg1 ·t in Junt' Tht' rl'Vl'nUC' tot.al w.1!> <Jl<,11 $115 million lc-s.<> than 1n tht• samC' J)f'rrod la.c;t ypar , h<' s;11d Hotel fire ,displaces 350 LOS ANGELES A" many as :150 n •sult•nts hav1· been d 1spla('('<I hy a fire in t heir H()llywood apartmt'n t holC'I. thr !W{'tmd hla1c• th!'rt· in less than thr<'t' wP1'ks. th<• F 1rt' f)l'partmt·nt -;.11d T h l' f 1 r (' . 1 o n f 1 n c· d WC'dnC'<.d;,y l11 .in Pll'C·t111 ,ll vault m \ht• haSC"nwn t of tlw S t Franns !IOtC'I, l'ilU<it'Cl h ttlt· damagt• to thl' rt'St of th<· old. f1vt·-st11rv hutldrng. ~11d F 1r1· Dcpartrr~Pnt s pokro.;m;on Ha y WJlkt-r From Page A 1 rC'ml·drc·, lo n •solvC' "wh.1t w1· C'<1 n 4'1dc·1 t o lu· .i very µollr .,1tuat10n " Amo ng poss1bll' r<•med1t•s. A nt'W c·onclttron th;at ;,i eonsoruum of lot·al offrc·1als must a pprove thP trorn rout<' before' the PUC can grant lhc· n·rll flea le Lawrl'ncc· Galson . prPStd<'nt of thc· prtV<lll'I y f ma need Amt'rican ll 1 g h Sp t' l' d Ra rl Corp . c1nnounn·J last Wt't'k that Irvan<' bas<'u f'luor Corp has bt•cm st'lt'Ctt'Cl pro JeCl manager for the $2 b1l11on syst<'m, whic h could Ix· operating by late 1988. Said Rergt'Slm· "It 1s not our inten t to halt th<· pro.)C'Ct but w e do rntf'ncJ to c•nsure that t he firm c:oordmatl'S w ith lo<:ally planned d <' v (• I 11 r m (' n t a n d I a n d u s <' sdwmcs, rndudrng tr::insport:llwn rl'ntPrs rNHi y for and untlrr construC'lron • · I a m p I t' a s <' d w 1 l h l h c :-.c>IN·llon of F luor Corp to desrgn and C'ons truc t thP p r ojc•<:L l lowc•vc·r. rt 1s in PVc>ryom·'s best We're Listening ••• What do you lrkl' about the Oatly P ilot" What don't you like' Call the n umb<.>r al lC'ft a nd your mC'ssagc wall bt• recordt'd, transcribed and delivered to th<' approp riate' t'd1tor T ht' same 24 hour a ns w<'nng service may be used to re<'ord let - te rs to tht' editor on a ny topt<' Mailbox contnbulors must rndude their name a nd telephon(' number for verr f1<'al1on No c1rculat1on rail~. plE'ase 642·6086 Tell us what '!> on your mrnd Monday I IO(My II tOU cl<> not n1v1 t fWt p•P•' Oy 5 J()pm -1>9•ooo 11>m and yout cooy w•O b• _.., 8e1u,dey •na Sund•v ti you oo not 'Ke'iVit V~" copy Dy I e m W 1>910.e 10 e m Mid yllUf COOV '"" be-ttd -~ ........ T f p'•- Orenot ~y "'-.. ,...,.,, -~·8-.1'1 .. ___ ...... ,nt Uguno~ - ... ORANGE COAST Daily Pilot Thoma• P. Haley p., ... ~.~hitt.t nnfi Ch.,,., r 'ff\.-\Hl\illt!l 011•4..M Jone Amari f lf'C ut•".-fdthX l. Koy Schult1 V<• P•e•o<l<tnl ond 0...:1.,. ol At1•fl''"'"il Raymond Moel.eon c ()(ilrofl@I Mkhoel '. Han1ey o .. ..:IOI ol M0ti9h"Q tCwr11lo11o••I CleHlf~ edvertlelng 714~2-54171 All other depertment• 642~321 MAIN OFFICE >JO WHI I• SI (o\le M•w . CA Mall edel1'9H llu 1~ Cool• Me••. CA nu• C111>yr111~ ,.., O.anoo Co•"' Pu1>111h1no C-y No r\ew' ttor .. , lltu\tratlOftt , edMorlel m•ter or •6 v•rtl\•m.,..h M"I" may b4 reprOdu<.H wilthiOut •9N< l•I perml1\kwt of coovr'9ht 0111rner S.conct <I~• OO\t•OI" IW•d •• (O\ta Mew , C•llfoml• IUP!. 1 ... IOOI \Ul><(llpllon l>Y Co•"•' t• 11 .._ihly Dy m•ll ")0 monlllly '"" O•-, .... O•lly Piiot wllh wht<h " cem- 11'""' .... -· p, .. , ,, pVl>ll•l'IH l)y .... Or-e.... Pulllj\fWnQ (orn-y :Mperol• "'"._ aro llVl>lltl'IH -.0., lhr°"9f' '''<l•Y l•r ( .. I• _,.. .. , Newport llH<lo Hunlln9(on Ilea<" '-'•'" v .. 10, lrvlM L-l •tt<lo joutt> Coetl A \In ... ,...._, edition " ,. .. .,u....., ~lurdey\ """ ~ f"9 ~~rw ::: r;:1~';.";: ::!~.'~:111:,,:~~Y Slrwl, VOL. 75, NO. 328 1 n l t• r 1•' t ... t ht· µ u h I 1 1 prupurwnL'-.rnd <;t,1lt• and ILll·al uffi<.·ra ls for tllC'r<.• to be. pub Ire: h1•;inng:o. and pc·rhap:-t>Vt'n 101.•al mpul into tht• approval proct'S.'i prior to1 l'ommc•nc·t·mc•n I o f t ht• µrt>)l'<'l .. &•q,~1·,on'.., 1·urrl'lll 74th dr::.trit.·t 1nlluclc·' lrvrnt'. S an Juan l'Jµ1o;lr;1no. C:tp1o;tr,1no Bc·ach dnd San Clt•m C'nt<'. all arf'.iS through which tht' tram rou tr 1s !'l·ht'Clulc·d to pass Offlcrnls for AnlL'rit·an II 1gh Sp<.'t.'Ci Rat! Cor p have l'<mfirrm-d that tht•v m!l'nd to tunnel inland of San juan Capistrano and San Clc-mt•ntt> rather than have lhC' trams para lkl ex1s trng railroad trarks near thC' beaches Nt-ws of the tunneling e lrC'11t'<i 1mml'dtaH· protes t s from r('Sldt'nts living among tht' h11lc; rnldnd fro m the two c rl rt'S Frol'l1t·rg said B Prgeson rl'll..'IVl'U du1t'ns of lette rs l'alls Crom ups<'! rt'sic!ents. ~,.,, ha~i I and , • ' Whl..'n a nt'w lt'g1slat1vc session bt•ginl> D1•c 3 tn Sacramento, Bergt·~on will assume' the new 70th AssC'mblv D1 s trrc t T hatr. d1 .. 1r1c·t .-alt€'red b. rt•J pport1onmt'nt. wall s t al l' 1ndudt• San J uan Capistrano and part of Capistrano BeaC'h. but nol Irvine or San Cl<:mente • - Tell Her You Love Her This Christmas Eternity Ring AA ore of diamonds set In olollnum or gold. To celebrate the post-To welcome the future. A. '1600 6 . 15060. C U 7SO :U r •VW)n l"•NI N•wtl\itl'-h• .. 4 ~ 1n ....... ...., .. ,., .. ~.-~ • .,._. •• RAFF·ieWelry ti F•Moft l1e&end Newport .._._ • M4 IMO ' ............. ~ pefeoMI .mo. . 1 I t I I ' ' I ' ',. ' ~ ,_ __ ... ._ ______ .............. __________________________________________________ . .. • 0 1 angu Luullt DAil Y µ1 l 0 1 !Thursdny, Novombor 2 b. 198:7 aga of the SS Michigan a Newport legend I -l ' .. -~ t ~~ • ... 0.11, Pllol Photo bf LH P•rn• T he SS Mic higan with its 3-year-old owner, Alexande r Dale, cartoonist Virgil Parh·h and artist George Giroux (from le ft ). Children's ppet Show It's the season to make kids happy at Huntington Center with the real Santa, Jcaroling and entertain- ment See the Mitchell Marionettes. 4 shows daily { IVE BEEN TO N••~ •••rt• ........... , •u .1. For ClaMiflN Ad ACTION C.11 A DAILY PtLOl AD·YISOtl MZ-'471 SAVE 50°/o · CUBIC ZIRCONIA COLLECTION IN 14K GOLD MOUNTINGS Make your selectlons from among rings. pendants, earrings. necklaces ond more. '"' contemporary or classic motifs. Ane Jewelry j APPLIANCES PARKING LOT SALE i BARGAINS FRI., SAT., SUN. COOK TOPS & OVENS From ' 1 09°0 REFRIGERATORS Delu .. 2 l>oof Models From '294°0 DISHWASHERS 4 Cycle & 2 LEVEL Wash Only '217°0 ' ALL WASHllS & DRYIRS llALL Y CHIAPI l·Z. TllMSI MICRO WAVI OVINS LOW LOW PllCISI · UllEI llOVE IPPLlllCES If <111 the bc.:ndit~ of an Indi.vi<lua l Rc.:tin:mc.:nt Account have !-.u<ldcnly become.: very im- port;mt to you, but you thought you co ul<ln't afford thL:m , think again. Bank of America offers an IRA PLUS account that lets you c:irn hi gh r:HC!-> with a dcpo!->it as low <l~ $.SO, to whi ch you c.:nn make additional deposits. So even with all the other expensc.:s you have to worry about, you can still enjoy the benefit~ of an IRA PLUS . BANH OF AMERICA·s IRA+ 11~109·%* , 'a MONTHS \ "'4 t n11n101unl Cur u n1 r.ut• 1~ "ul11tt.11nthnn)tt R.uc vnrlt'' w1 ~k Iv hH .... -J un 2'• Wl'<'k U ~ lr<'.l'lll' hill AJJ111111ul Jt·pu"tt~ I" 11n1u"-J Tax .1nJ "UbMi11nu.11 rc.·n.•111<'' l\\r <."Ml\ wtth<lrnw~ What's more, IRA PLUS gives you n variety of plans to choose from. You can choose investments which lock in a rate, or a variable rnte investment for more flexi- bility. With IRA PLUS, you pick the pl an that best suits your individual needs. THE SAFETY YOU WANT Of course while cttrnin.g money market rntcs with IRA PLUS, you nre ~1 lso getting nll the ., Uy STt;VE MARBLE 01 tft• D•llr .. llot 11.tf · It':. d1ffll·ul1 to km1w wlll'ttwr till' S S Mic:hl..c111' Is u proJuct or Nl·w1~1rl 1 lurbor ur w)wthl•r thl' lturhur Ii; u prcxJu1·t u( thl• l1•aky old lug l Buslt 111 11'4 0 ror m uck1·rl•I f1:;h1ng, thl1 t•o lodul littll• boat has ll·l t u tiix.•dul ln;ipn•H.-Jion In ttw· hurbor by Ki nking Sl'Vl'O um1·s. burning oul six cnt(lncs. grnng through l"tiunlll•Ns .owtwrs and niorl' than 1111ythmg t:liw by surviving M1t:higar1 lore hu.'I ll thut th<: mighty i 4 -footl'r, If ldt t o ht>rsdf. will ('hart u l'Oursl' lo the rwan·st watl•rfront uivcrn simply uut of habit. Thl· boat, wt th 11.S fl ying l>r1dg<• and 1ts rainbow paint job. has mon· stories att.ac:hl'<f to 1t than barnaclc>s. There was the time th e M1ch1gun made nppll'S Ill boaung c 1 rd l's d u ra n g ltH• an n u a I Character Boal Parade wh<.•n the boa1'i. s kipper got thirsty halfway thro ugh the parade roUll' and slt't•rcd the ltttl<.• vessel into a harborfront suloon. Half the other parade entran t s followed , never to <.•omplctl' th<.' paradl'. There was the timl' that the Milfogan, moving al A rapid clip, sma s he d into o dining room window at the Ba lboa Bay Club and promptly sank. Dick Shaw. a Disnl·y urust and Newport Beach resid ent, brought thC' bn<it into its own m the IC1tc HHOs. It had alr<.'ady bcl•n own1;;-d b v t h r l' l' p e o p I <.' , h a d mysteriously bet•n namt'.'d the Michigan and was muon-d in the • "/'like the hi~h mtes plus the $50 minimum~' u l r••m4·mhe•r wlwn we• hud it lir1 .. t1 out mw limt•. It look•·cl lilw u f)orcupitu·.'· middlt• of th•· harl.Kll', l'U!>lllll{ und tuklng on w11t1•r. "1 th ink lw lookt•d d11w11 through tlw wat1•r ut lh1K twit submt>rgl•d th111g und ff'll in low with It," says Vll'Kll Purlch . 11 c:urtoontst and frn:nd of ttw lal1• Shaw Shuw raxl·d up tlw ll·ukang M1<·hig1m by J3mming p<•n<.·1b, 111 the.• var1oui. holei. in tlw boa~·,. hull. "I remember wht•n Wl.' hud ll l1ftt'C! out one tinw. ll lookc'tl hkl• u por c upine," sa ys Partt•h , luughmg By 1951, the M1d11gan hurl. been <.-stubhshl-d as tht• flagship of thl1 Balbp a Scul11ngwnd , Punting Associauon. a ma'l!cap group of sailing cnlhusiai.ts. "We had about :W ml'mtx·n. hulf m11ltonaires and h:.tH bunis and 1t was 1mpossibl<' to t<.'11 who was whu:h," Pa rl.l'h re<.·alls. The Michigan. a boat built for urw. often would be packed with the c ntin· membership as 1t dipped and churned its way around the harbor. G e orge Giroux, another Disney artist a nd a collector of M1 c h1gan m cmorabi l11a , remembers tha t Shaw often would be in need of money and would S\,'11 o ff interest in the boat. "He'd sell off shan"l> then th<>St: I l.>t-t1plf• would K''' 1111111 ut Stww l11r i-om<• l'('U"'>n and t)wy'd it•ll ttw ir ~th.Ht'" Ill !!Ollll'Ufl(.' t•lllC,'," "·•Vt. (:arom< "lt '!C JIO!'! .. 'tlhl(• half of N1·w p11rt had "41111t• mu•n.:t>l an th•· M1e hiJ(IH) fll orw point " Thl• boHt WU, .. 11 Ul'kt"tl uown lu Son D11 ·~0 1n tlt1• 1 IHiOH to <'11111111•11• 111 a tug bout rau.t "Shuw loi.t thl• rtitl.' bt.'caust· lus hat bh•w off during the rUC..'tl and h11 tuwwd uround lO gt>" back :mt.I j.(l'I 1t,'' 1'<1rtd1 t•xpluins. Tht• n<·xt yNir Shaw got n •vt•nw· w ht·n tht' rat'\' was held 111 N1·w1.K>rt I lurbol' und the San . 011'N" 1•111runt ll>Sl a fter having to i.to ~ w !p H·k up a ft'male pw..'>'•ngc•r w ho had folle• off the M1ch1gan Giroux bought tht· Mac'.:h1gan in th<· I ~7CJi. shortl y after Shaw <.l1~'tl Ill' found 11 much as Shaw had. moored up in the harbor, t:akmg on wull'r and rusting. "I trtl'<l to fix ll up out there in tht.'. h arbor ,but I kept falling overboard and dropping my tools an the wutc r," S<Jys. Giroux. Su he 11<.'<.I=· tug up to a dock cm a wm 1rory•bas1s, of course cm the h· side of the Villa Novu Rl>st.uurant. Six years later, it's stall then .. G iroux, scni.1ng the Michigan was 111 n eed of fresh blood, gave lhc boat to 3-yc:ar-old Alexander Da le:, whose father, Jim, is manug<'r of tht• Villa Nova. "I ft>c.•I a liulc badly about th:Jt," says -Gi roux. smaling. "i':vcryone who has owned it has got divorc.•ed That's part of its legacy." J im Dale says his son is still too young to handle the Michigan or" (See MICHIGAN, Page A7) resources of California's leading. bank. Bank of Amcricn's $120 bil- lion in assets provides you with just the marg in of sa fety you need for a long-term investment such as this. NO FEES A WELCOME TAX SHELTER When you inve tin IRA PLUS, you arc also investing in a healthy tnx shelter. You and your s1X>u sc can set aside up to $..tCXX1 ($2lXX1 per workh1g in<li- vic.Jual) each yc~ir. This money is t<lX c.Jc<luctiblc from gross income on focdcrnl toxcs nnd the interest earned i~ tax defcn c<l ns well. You 'll find both fc :1turcs t0 be valu- able benefits m rnx time. . - At many institutions, you'll pay a fee for setting up nn IRA. But at Bank of An1crica, no matter which IRA PLUS account you choose, you won't pay a penny in set-up or maintenance fees. , On top of this, you can count on all the expertise that Cali- fornia's lending bank can offer. So if you want an IRA that '~ n1ore than just another IRA, stop into your nearest Bank of America branch soon. Look into IRA PLUS -Californ in's lending IRA from Cnli fornia's lending bank. 13191 HARBOR l&.VD. 131-11~1 131-1333 ,.,._(lf o!Wf!IUNI& ...... ,._.,_ BANKoFAMERICA .... ' ' l • . . • .. l Save 1/3 on an updated version of the classic pump. This all leather shoe f ea tu res the new low heel and NOW $48. Lanz Newpcrt Beach aily! ~·' , a Soft Cashmere Sweaters at a Very Special Value $69 .85. I An elegant assortment of full fash lonod calhmere sweaters at a price that guarantee• they won't be around tor long. Chqose from cardigans, cable front ctew neoks, or side b~tton mock turtlenecks in ~ilver, navy, oatmeal and red. Sizes S,M, and L. - Newport F~ lsland 644-4411 at M-. Elliot's: Swth CalSl Plaza 557-6a!O WHOLESALE WAREHOUSE NEW HOLIDAY STORE HOURS MONDAY -FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY -10 A.M. to 9 P.M. 10 A.M. to 6 P.M. 12 P.M. to 5 P.M. POPPA'S ''NO.QU•BLI'' lltOLICY QUALITY GUARAITEED111 HOIEIT PllCEl1?1 IOIEY IACK?11 . . . OF COURIE · ..• YEii ..• WITH A •ILEI FIT IUAllAITEED??? ... Of CGUllE FRIDAY-SATURDAY -SUNDAY NOVEMBER 26-27 -28 OPEN FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 28111, 10.A.M. to 9 P.M. ' Ornnoft Coast DAIL V PILOT /Thursday, November 25. 198? .\I SALE PRICH GOOD THAU DEC. 12, 111~ INTERITATt DELIVERY 1111 wllllUcttlllllt._ 531~9 .............. -~ -·---- Nite ftyder c.bs whh for· INCREDIBLE VERTICAL werd/N~ Md operMlnt TAKf-OFFSI HO ~ heldllthtt. •O' euto-couple r-•t comes with 2 flit bed trellers with oon· futurl1tlc AFX Liar 2000 .......... t1lners Md oper11tine coup· cers, 2 verllb,. IPMd hMd • lint • uncoupllnt, doub,. controllers, Plut·in termlft· · len• trudl termlnll, cont· al trldt, curve 9e1ion1, 1lner loed/unlold termlnll 1tr1itht Metlont, trentltlon with overheld cofltliner 11etlont end tn1P·ln Luer 11ntrv, hMd held IPMd • 2000 gu1rd rell1 . ._ direction controllers 8rld ~ 12 tredc llCtions. 39" • --'8" l1vout 1ru. REG . $44.99 REG-. $39.99 --'""·-· ~~u.!'~ .. 32.99 28.99 Off rold A/C cer complete with duel •ldl. 5 function, proponlonll 1._ine rldio end I ~le NI.Cd better· IM. Speeds up to 30 MPH. Cl AA bltteriw not lnduded). ..... RIC bolt complete with plmtlc hull, 5 function ,.,lo 1Ylttm end • Ni-Cd redl.,..lble bltteriet. 7 · 10 MPH. 11 IV blttery needed • not Included) 1/10 1e1le RIC model off rold cert, \/10 _ .. RIC model off roed a with motor, •-wheel independent au•· with motor, •-whNf l~ent pentlon, •mi·pneumetlc tifes, etc. pentlon, •ml·pneumMlc tlrw, IRldlo end betteries not includedl. IRldlo Md bltt•riet not lnclud $99.99 I "PP,.-.... AERO SPORT TWO RADIO ---"' Slntte etldl rldlo CIOfltrof tYttem t"-ii .... for I 111 RIC .. tders. Wlm metll i -· 2 --· dry b•· -terv boa, IWitdl heme., • • •Iii ~ ft11 Md full ••'9ntV. hn9riel not lnclud9a. s 69. 99 ~ ~b._ FP-Sll ~,,~,. I RADIO Cl/\Nf ·l 7 ~f\ VIN< 1S REG. $139.99 $114.99 REG. $144.99 $114.9 I' p;SMck. SPIRIT of Z6 All foam RIC glider kit l"lt tor the .....,._. A..-., In • few houn. ._.,..: 71 In. 2 ch8ftMI rldlo ,.._.,1 ..... LIST $49.95 .. $ 29 • 99 DAE MEL MOTO TOOL Muttl WI toot for hlth ....-cunl ... 21.000 RflM motor,°""*"• lltht· .....,.t, with 1' H I Mee. NO. 2.01. LIST $47.96 SJ6.99 LISTS24.96 EIEIUll, ...... , - ... I ft • ._ Ille ••¥1 • wHll ..... ,.. ....._, ... trllft, u...-...... ,.... ................................. ........ MM 1119• wtdl--. II 'D' Mttertel ""utfed ·Mt........_.,, REG. $24.18 118.99 Nf C l4lli AA WI MA te:I I.. lW S69'/ea .. t ,. Holiday crafts detailed L ea rn t o make handmade• C hristmas gif t s. or name nts, decora tions, and card's d uring Orange Coast College's third annual Christmas workshop. T h e w e c k e-n d worksh op 1s slated for CX.-c. 4 and 5. from noon t o 4 p .m . 1n OCC's S tudent Ce n te r. 270 I Fair view Road , Costa Mesa. Admission is $5 per person per day. Tickets ar<' on sale an the OCC Ticket Office, located· in the college's Admihistration Building. The o ffi ce i s o pe n Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m .. and Saturdays from 8 a.m. to noon. Tick ets may be purch ased by phone. u s in g V isa or Mastercard. by calling 556-5527. . Ticke ts also w ill be available at the door. T h e w orkshop will in c lud e f o ur w ork stations. and attend£'es may vis it all four. Station on<' will focus on orn a m e n .ls and decorations: station two o n s u c h g ift s a s notepape r, en velopes. bookmarks, place cards. a n~ g ift cards: s tation t hree o n c raft s a nd calligraphy. and station four on Christmas cards and envelopes. For information about the worksh o p. phone 556-5880 FV P olice set a uction · 'the Fountain Valley P olice Department has scheduled a n auction Dec. 4 at 10 a .m. at the poUce parking lot, 10200 Slate r Ave. Items t o be so ld include bicycles. a new stereo set. cameras. tool boxes, costume jewelry and a violin, police said. Santa Arrives With Extra Terrestrial JI Hun11ng1on ,. in fine feathe r Mort• t turn I 00 studt•n ts ra n over oh!-!taclcs during annua l HTurkt•y Trot''.' a l E l Morro School m l.aguna Bt>at·h . ChipflC'r Appt·I, left, a nti ;\r royn Uoyd , rig hl, won six lb and f ourlh g rudt• races. Ashtion Drown a nd A p1•~·I were lhc grund wimwrs of turk t•ys. .. BE(JI NS ·rc>IWl()l=tl=t()\~f A:r 9:()()A.IWI: I• ' 'A VE 40o/o: SUPPLE LEATHER HANDBAGS 26.99 Orig 45 00. Bags with so m•ny convenient companment1 they're bound to become the ones ~ou carry most often ....... Choose from• collect1on of hobo and double handle styles with iop closurn. sturdy fitti~ ind colors you'Q w .. r into apr1ng. lMther Handbegs. 117. SAVE 25o/o: ALL.OUR KNIT .SCARVES, HAT AND GLOVES 5.25 TO 25.50 Reg. 7.00 to :M.OO. lt'1getting to be bundle·up weather. Time to pull on some soft ac1rvn •nd glovH. You'll find a l•rge coll«:tion of colors end yarnt to choole from. Sure to match up with your winter coatl. or thoee of 1 Chri9tm11 giltH. AcceMOrlel. 41 . 293. 'I ,. SAVE 25%: OUR ENTIRE JEWEL Box · COLLECTION 2.25 TO 52.30 R19. 3.00 to 10.00. Beeutlful ~ .... fOf the pn>ttctlon of your mOlt precious piec:n. Wooden, welvec end cer8ll'llc bo••. '°"" wlttl muelc. AM w4ll melle very IPIClel Chriltmn 91fta. Etceter1. 18. Center 1n the big w~~ R11d Fire Engine IJ th15 F~1 at 12 noon . to . .kick oll qur great t1ol1d~y SPASon,1:1~~· ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ photos & children s 1 puppe1 shows • 1 'CLOSED THANKSGIVl~G DAY. OPEN ATI A.M. IOTH FRIDAY ~D SATURDAY. ,. ' . . ---... . • • Orml(lt'I Couat DAILY Pll OT /Thursday, No11emt>er 25, 1982 La11d bought for county rapid t1·an sit IRVINE RESIDENT ONE OF CITY'S OLDEST -AND NEWEST AT 97 Thl' Ora ng<' County Trunsit D1 s t r 1ct a nd th e n>unt y Transport.alion Commission have rormalizc d purch ase o f an a bandoned railroad right-of-way that could form the first link in a l'OUnty-wide rapid transit system. Thl' $1 5 millaon purc hase from the S o u lhc rn Pac i fie Tra nsportation Co. 1s for 7.15 miles of raght·of-wuy between 1 Santa Ana a nd S t a nt o n . Agreement on a purchast> price w ru; announced last Wednesday. The transit district Is partially paying for the purchase with $970,()00 obta ined through the transportation .._c;.'Ommlssion from • the state Tra nsit Assista nce Fund. Transit district board members set early Monday to approve the funding request. L a te r, the transporta tion commis s ion approved the dis~rlct's request to disburse the money. The terms of purchase require that payment be made by Dec. J, ac.-cordmg to a n aide to Ra lph Clark, OCTD board chairman. 'l'rans11<>rtation planners say the right-o.f-way can be used as the first link in a rapid rail line, elevated busway or for other Corms of surface transportation, (From Page A3) h u 1111• cu1 1'hun<lt•r T1 wl llrt't'I Thrt'\' woQdl•n bookca1WN In t11i. UpHtalri lx ldroom url• fl lll'Ci with hurd-bound·volurnc'll tlf llterutua'l' and ph1lo."<lphy. Forty-fiw more curdboord boxes full of books sil In th(' fomily gorag". Bulx.·oc:. ·k dl-scribc.>s himst'lf us o "bookJsh man." Also sitting m hlS bc.'<iroom is a hundsom<' wooden amwhalr. An engraved brass plow on its back l'Xplolns thot thC' woodt'n chair r e prese nt s on t.>ndowed profl'SSOrtal chair l'Slablishl>d in his name in February 1962 at the Una v('rsll)' of New Hampshire's Philosophy Department. Balx'OC'k served from 1918 to 1956 at the university, rl'tiring as chairman of thl' department. A dozen years aftt•r he lcCt the college in Durham, N.H .. 1ts first grad uotl' residen ce hall was named Babcock House in his honor. He was still working then tlS an associate in1naster ·of the Qurham COmmunily Church. He moved to frvinc after the death of his Sl'C'Ond w lfo. 11 was difficult to agrl'<' to an, interview. but he ronsented as long as the f e ature s t o r y wouldn't na ively picture him as a h e r o looking b ack o v e r a triumphant life. No. A few anecdott•s for public cons umption could no mor~ capture the m y r iad private experiences of his life than l'OUld MICHIGAN SAGA. • • From Page A4 the boat's r e puta tion but, is learning the ropes. "Kids love the boat," sa ys .Dale . "T o them it looks like something out of Di~neyland. Everylime we take it out, people snap pictures or want us to toot the horn. "I bet.it's the most used boat in IARL'I PIY •11QMA,_ AllCONDnW IOUI WA-MIA,_ a.u.-lllMOGll- )' I< 71/oH 8eNlce Tome Sl'"'1l al YOUI Ooo< (C811 S1ora N9.,n1 Your ArNI COSTA MIU 641-1289 U2' Newpe<t ltw4. MISMOH V1lJO 495..()401 21922 c...... c.,i.-11-.... "wy."' a_,.,...., I the entire har.bor." he add1>; "It's also the most fun." So on any given weeke nd, the Michigan in all its splendor can be se<>n in the harbor with any number o f owne r s or pa rt- owners clinging on for safety, hoping the boat's not a bout to go down for the eighth tame. .• f II l"O\Jpl1•1 ll•kN\ out ot t'Ol\h•Xl t»Cp)Ulll tlw 1whnt•hli or II J>IM.'O\ Bnbmck sm on hit' tluuhh• 111-.I li t• 11·unt·d bn~·k . "Vuu iwt•, anything I tt•ll you as only u part .. . . Balx.·uck pulJhstwd thn t' bot1ks uf p o t:try that lut.t•r wt•rc• c·ulleclt•d into an t•<htlon lllk.J "So In th<• lkurt," whal·h also Is tht• namt• of 11.s 4ntru<.luL·tory ,pol"m. In 1929, ht• puulisht•d "Man and Sot·iul At·hwvt•ml•nt," US4'll a.'> a te xt an some• lnlrodul·tory philosophy l'<>Ul"Sl-ti. A fe w <"Oprt'S of 1t are kept m thc• full bookcaS£• by h is bc.'Ci. Ev<.•n though ht• now hVl'S in. California, Babcock says he has QOl adjus ted. Ile was born a m ldweswrn cr but clu1ms hi» stronges t emotional attachment to New Ehgland, thc• source of so much Ame ri<•an .writing und writers. lt was as 1f he were born there, had grown up with its standards of right and 'Wrong, hud always considc>rcd it home before he e ver Sl<'ppcd off th<• trnin; he suys In S o uthe rn California. he dO<'Sn't feel the optimism that some others show when tht>y St.>e new tracts of stuc."<'O homc.-s rising in patl·hwork neighborhoods. He admit.s. tor difficulties. for instance, with suburban Irvine and the way travelers sec empty fields suddenly g iving way Lo housing tr:lcts, which soon yield again to fields. "It's all a difficult pattern to me," he says. "It can look very unsettled and lonesome to me wben 0th ers might say 'That se<:uon is getting along fint•.' " He likes "old New l!:ngland houses," with their fireplaces upstairs and down. their storage sheds and barns. "There are lots of them left," he observes. "I've lived in them." : At the same time. Babcock Dellr Not Photo bf Cllerin ,..,, Donald Babcock, 97, recalls "directness and simplicity" ?f earl y life .. .. , marvels at the people who move west drive n by an unconquera.ble need for room. The westerner is . a special man who is born with that feeling. he says. · Batx'OCk grew up an Winona, Minn .. a t own 100 miles sou thwest of his b irthplace. Minhcapolis. Has horn(' was along what he calls the most SC<'nic s tretch of the Mississippi. Said he. "When. you we nt to thl· top of my bluff, you could sc-e a 40-mile s tretch, 20 milc>s.up the river and 20 rylil es the othe r .way." Tiii' hoUM• w .ei, llt•111 11 hpol whNt• th1• r1vt•r had c turntwd C.'OU1 M', shurt t•utta111-t u ht.-nd und cn·utmt( u hike· I 1 is rnllt-cl an ox bow lake•, a ri~atll\ tornu1t1011 WI t.'ommon 111 B:JbC.•<ll'k\ youth us u cut dt· ·hm m1~ht Ix• for Jrvan"'s young Rt•hg11111 wu.., 1mpor Wnt \CJ him ;tl un t•a1 ly agt• In l!Hl9, he.• b<'l•amt· u MHhod111t rnlnlswr in Washan1o<ton. riding u ho rse bc twcc•n thn •<• towns 0 11 lhl· c 1 r i; u 1 l r 1 d l' r s h a d d o n e g<·m•rauoni. b<·forc Lat<•r , ht• movt!d to Salt•m ' Depot, N II , when · h(• work<-d c lose enough to tht.> Bos ton UmVl'l'S1ty to <•nroll us a lht'OlCJ~Y student, commuting :i2 milc-s by train four dayi. each Wt"t•k. 1 . Tht• acadt•m1c· world <'nllccd him a nd hl· c vl'ntually gainc.'<.I a facult y pos it i o n at N e w 11 Hampshlft.'. whc•re he made hlS . home. Ht• and his first w1fo were I marric'<.I 50 vears. · • · Sif'1 <.'l' a ~t 1v ang 1n Lrvanc , Babccx·k has begun thc•orliing -w hc th N the co mmuni ty -'i indl'(•d , Pvrn has ver y block -I rould h:iv(• been the location or ; Ht.-l<'n Hunt Jac kson's well-'. known novel of early Cali fornia I life. "Ramona.'' 1 The• ~tory com:l'rns the love I affair of a young couple during• • _! trans1t1on<.1ry times when the . • first Ya nkee settlers d isrupted j th e tra d i tio nal 11f<'s t y l e • su rrounding the missions a nd • 1 Mex1c·an ranchos. It was an era preceding the ~ time J ames Irvine acquired the rant·hlands, before a barc•foot boy in Minnesota thumbed through o ld m agai1nC4l se<trching for po<'ms of L o ngfc•l low and Whittier nnd long beforl' children ped a le d their indestrucuble bicycles over the we ll -paved streets of Woodbridgc But an th e 9 7 -yea r -o ld imagination of Donald Babcock, it all lives. . " •• Free ·Phone Call Home 1-1·AVE THE .FU~ OF GETTING TWO FOR ~ Now thru Dec 23 M :t and Huntington Center will give awa y ovP.r 15,000 3 -min. long distance.phone calls for the holidays. Just visit the MCI hOliOOy booth in the center of the moll. Children's Puppet· Show It's the season .to make kids happy at Huntington Center with the real Santa, caroling and entertain· ment. See the Mitchell Marionettes. 4 shows daily. Santa Arrives With Extra Terrestrial at Huntington Center in the big RPd Fire Engine this Fri at 12 noon 10 kick oft our great 11olld ay season followed I > '-i.lllfd photos & ch~dren s puppet shows -·- If It's got IHHldles you'll grab ..... •••tlr In D•llyPllot clalllfllCI Hl.c.11 M2·9'71 --THE PRICE OF ONE. (WHAT A TIME TO BUY GIFTS!)3 DAYS O~LY. The spirit of giving os elive a1 The Broedw1y during our spectacular 2 for 1 evtnl. ,)ult pick your f1vonte item from thOM shown below, end take home 11nother from the same collection 81 no ext re cherge. Tomorrow through Sun .. Nov 28 only. Buy one Diane Von Furstenberg novelty pullover from our selected collection It 32.00. end take the second on us. Choose from dynamite acrylic tohds. stripes and jacquards on pastels. brights Ind ba9ic colofs. F0t S,M. L In Paau Sponswe1r. 149. Buy one Btldoch Pot>C* from our Mlec:ted collection at 31.00, and the MCond one la you,., on ut. Choclte from lqUIWe IM v·nec:k atripel, °' crew nec:lt IOllde in a lu11u,1ou1 11111 / acrvllc blend Sliea S,M,L. In Spom;,eerl0'1, 40. Buy one genuine suede vest from our selected col· lectoon at 20.00. and talle the second one on us Choose from en assortment of colofs But hurry on. quan11t1ff are limited, so first come hrst served. Sizes S,M,L. In Misset Coats, 25. Buy one Trou1t11 Up turtleneck from our selected collection at 12 00. and telte home the MCond on ua, In any color you chooae Whether 11'1 bleck. plnll. whit•. hght blue. nevy, red, purple, or yellow. ii'• yours In potyeaterl cotton b S,M,L, Colori rnr; very by l'°'9 In Junion, m (:1-tl;tBr~CJ WiTH ·r1e BROADWAY , CLOSE6 TH~NKSGIVING DAY. OPEN ~Tl A:M. BOTH FRf8Av AND ~ATU~DAV . I I .. f. ,. 4'8 . Orenge CoHt DAILY PILOT /Thurlday, November 25.1912 ' ~ lnv~Stig'ation closes deputy's. conduct-ca ~e THE R E WILL BE NO Internal dlacipllnarl action taken againat an Orange County Sheriff • Department, deputy recently acqulllf'd of charges tha t h e had sex with a 16-year-old female member of the de partment'• Explorer Scout post, a department spokeaman Mid this week. Lt. Wyatt Hart said "the case ii clOled" after an Investigation of the conduct that led to charges aga1nsl Deputy William Lee Griffith, 27. Hart said a fter Griffith's acquittal Nov. 9 that even though Griffith hod been cleared In court the d e partment would look into hls "conduct" In the matter. Two other department members resigned \heir jobs after pleading guilty tq sex ch~ges COUNTY llGllT involving the same Explorer Scout. They both received three years' probation on the. charges. *· * * . OCTOBER WAS A BUSY month at John Wayne Airport wi\Jl passenger traffic up 2.2 percent and ·airline operations up 2.1 percent over 1981, according to Murry Cable, airport manager. The bigges~-increase, however, came in the number of aircraft operations out of the airport which increased a whoppinf 17.2 percent over the number of operations recorded in 1982. Some 42,171 takeoffs and landings were recorded this year as opposed to 34,906 the year before. Private airc r a ft accounte d fo r 90 percent of the airport's total operations during October, Cable said. ' Some 208,996 passenge rs arrived a~d departed from the airport in October compared with 204,414 in 1981. * * * T H E LEAGUE OF UNITED Latin American Citizens is trying to help a I-year-old Stanton boy obtain a liver transplant that he must receive before he is 3. Once a liver donor is found, young Nicolas L eon needs to be transported to Pittsburgh Children's Hospital within six hours to begin the long operation. '' LULAC is seeking a pr ivately owned jet that can be used to transport Leon to the hospital when the donor is found. Also. the March of Dimes has opened a trust fund for Nicolas. Donations can be mailed to the Jerry King: New Riley a ide Nicolas Leon Trust Fund, March of Dimes. 661 Hamilton St., No. 650, Costa Mesa, 92627. * * * ORANGE COUNTY SUPERVISORS agreed Tuesday to allow "Code 5 Sam" to join the sheriff's department. The department's new additi&n is a bomb- sniffing dog donated by the Los Angeles Police Department. Sam, as he is called for short, is now able to identify smokeless gunpowder. black gunpowder, C-4 explosive, dynamite and TNT. The n ewest me mbe r of the Sheriff's · Department canine c..'Orps will be used to protect visiting dignitaries requiring Secret Service protection and assist the departme nt bomb squad. * * * A BOUT $90 ,000 I N ST A T E fund s is available for construction of the 1.7-mile lrvine- T rabuco bikeway, county supervisors have been informed. · 'l'ht• hakt•wal. would run from .9akl• Parkway to "T" Strt'(.•t ut tht• 1-:1 ·roru Murlm· CQrpil Air Station. Thl' board author1wd tlw Erwh onrl)('ntal M1uu.i1't•nwnt Agcucy to fall' an opplk'aUon for the.• fund11, wht<·h will lil8Ve approximately '63.- 000 in <'Ouruy road funds. * * * THE CHAIRMAN OF THE NEWPORT ~at·h Plannlnti Commission has bt't'n named as a volunteer executive assistant to S upervisor ·ThomalJ Riley. · Jerry A . King , prl'sid<:nC o f K i ng Engineering Co. of Costa Mcsu, will work with the 5th District s upervisor's stafl on specia l district matters and issuci; cont·t•rning waste manage m<>nt. · A graduate of UC Irvine, Kang as currently <.'Omplet1ng work on a master's degr<.'l' an urban and regional planning a t UCLA. · A Corona del Mar resident, King recently was appointed to the Hoag Memorial Hospital legislative committee and Is a member of the b oard o f directors o f the UCI Industrial Associa lion. Riley Initiated th~ volunteer' program six years ago in order to better tap !ipecial skills of residents residing in the d istrict on particular issues. * * * COUNTY SUPERVISORS have agreed to begin .dt.>signing improvements totaling $460,000 for Aliso Beach an South Laguna. lmprovemepts include construction of a "lot-lot" on the ocean side of the park, expansion of inland parking lot, rehabilitation of the parking lot on the ocean side of the stn'Ct and replat.'Cment of a deteriorated wooden stairway at West Street. * * * COUNTY SUPER VISORS also have agrC<.'d to extend a contract with the state for law enforcement ser vices provided by county sheriff's deputies at Crystal Cove State Park. The contract calls for $168,574 to be paid the county in return for the services of sheriff's d eputies who patrol the state pa rk, located between Laguna Beach and Corona del Mar. * * * COUNT Y REGISTRAR OF VOTERS Al Olson has certified results of the Nov. 2 general.._ election lo county supervisors. Olson's certification is the final step in completing the formal election proc-css. · -Daily Pilot County Bureau I Working poor, newly jobless • • • strain c1t1~s WASHl~GTON (AP) Thou1and1 of ~Pl"' thrown mLo poverty by um>mploymcnt are overloading local gov~rnroont 1ervkft and charili<.'8, city officials and public &ervice group& say. . In u m<'<'lang called by the U.S. Conference of MayQrs, representatives of mayor charitable organizations jou\ed city leaders in delcribing the <'Ondilion of #new group of people -poor for the fi rst tune· and unable to cope. Ml'lannc Ve r veer o f the U.S . Catholic Conference saad the re has been a dramatic increase in calls for atd from Catholic charities, "not just from the chronically homeless but now from working poor and the newly unemployed." "The stark reality is that the resources (of private charity) ~re not of sufficient magnitude. to replace the cutbacks' an federal human need programs," Verveer said. . -"' Pal &rretl, vice president for govemment relations of United Way of America, said her organization 1s trying to ratse more money for human service needs dropped or cut by the government, but many former contributors are now an need of help themselves. "People are calling up United Way oHices and saying, " 'I need help. I've been a long-term <.'Ontributor to United Way and now I'm finding myself in need of help.' " Barrett said. "If Franklin Roosevelt could say that he saw a third of the nation ill-housed, ill-clothed and ill-fed, today we could say we see one-fifth of the nation ill-housed, ·ill-clothed and ill-fed," said Nancy Amidei, executive director of the Food Research and Action Center. "When · they give their children to welfare agencies a nd to Travelers Aad, to temporary foster home places because they can't feed and clothe and house their children, something is very badly wrong in this country," Amidei said. "There is a new group of people out there," said Chris tine Capito Burch of the Amer ican Fede ration of State, County and Municipal Employees. "They are unemployed but they've worked for 20 years. They have a house. They want to keep up the mortgage payments to keep that home. In order to do th8;~· they cut down on ' Sign ups at OCC 31 ,785 '118 ·rHE SAIJ: 131:1:C>l~I: C',Hl~IS1MA-.c; 131:c;1 NS ·rc>IWl()l~l~()\f\f A:r 9:()() A.M: Orange Coast College h as conc lud ed registration for its second semester of nine-week classes, boosting the college's fall enrollment total to 31,785 students. That's a decrease of 9.6 percent over last fall's compar a ble f igure. OCC 's 1981 fall enrollment was 34,679. Orange Coast d ean of admissions and records, K e nneth E. Mowrey. says the dro_p can be attributed -nr~tate ­ mandated course cuts that were instituted this f a l l. A total of 285 courses were eliminated from OCC's schedule. . "Our e nrollmen t is down a total of 2,894 s tude n ts over a year ago.'' Mowrey says. "The drop is a direct result of the canceled classes. If _ you consider t hat the average class has 30 students, we lost 8,550 classroom seats to the cuts." M owr ey says an additional 200 to 300 students will sign up for assorted s h ort -term classes before the end of the semester. pushing OCC's final fall enrollment figure over the 32,000-mark. The Orange Coast d ean said this fall's nine-week registration was the heaviest at OCC in the past five years. "We had more tha n 600 students sign up for those nine-week classes, which began Nov. 8," Mowrey said. OCC's spring semester will begin Jan. 31. Registration will get under way Jan. 4. For regbtration infonnation, phone 556-5772. S1nt1 Arrives With Extra T 1rr11tri1I at Huntington Center in the big RAd Fare E\igine this Fri al 12 noon to kick off our great holiday season followed l)y ~{llllJ photos & ctlaldren's puppet shows ,: .. SAVE l0.00!0 30.00 OUR ATARI VIDEO GAME SYSTEM AND SELECTED GAME CARTRIDGES ------- CHARO YOUR PURCHASES. NO PAYMENT DUI UNTIL Pl•UARY 1913. 24.49 • ........ li8ii ...... ............ Orig. 34.99. Chooee W1r1o«ta. $Upefmen, Super Breekout. Defender or Aaterokts. AH ere .ure to keep you cM!tenged fOf hours. limited quentltln. Not 1ll 1tyles in 1H 1tcns. Electronlc1, 'l57. .. I '\ CoIDputer seminar slated at college through Friday from ts a.m. to 7 p.m .. and Saturdays from 8 a .m. to n oon . Tic-ket.s. lf available, will be sold at the · door. Ever ything you've ever wanted to know about Apple computers will be explained during a four-hour aeminar Dec. 4 at Orange Coast College. Activities will run from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. in OCC's Seminar director is Fred Science HaU. • H o l b o r n , m a n a g e r o f Cost is the seminar is $6, Computer City, one of the and pre -registration is largest Apple distributers In advised. Registration is being the Orange County area. The c o n d u c t e d i n O C C ' s seminar will feature the lateet Community Service Office, hardware an d aof(ware on l ocated in th e college's display , a nd business Administration Building. The applications will be exibited office is o pe n Monday and e~lained in depth. "" • A series of weekend sponsoring the workshops. crafts workshops for children Fees are $18 per day for one ls offered through Dec. 18 at child or $30 for two. They UC Irvine to aid parents who cover crafts materials, lunches n eed time to prepare for and snacks. Profits gd..Loward u pcoming holidays. / setting up a comprehensive• The workshops, which run child care facility on the from 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. al campus, said spokeswoman Verano Place Recreation Tery Bishop. Center, ~e scheduled for this · Friday and Saturday as well as Saturdays, Dec. 4, 11 and 18. The Child Care Coalition Co mm ittee of UC I is •The Orange Coast YMCA will continue its policy of providing free memberships to unemployed people in exchange for eight hours of volunteer service a week. J im de Boom, executlve director of the local YMCA, said more than a doze n resident!_ of Newport Beach, Free Phone Call Home Now thru Dec. 23 M ':I and Huntington.Center will give away ov~r 15,000 3 -min. long distance phone calls for . Parents must register their children in advance by calling J ean Martinez or J a ne t Stevens at 833-6861 or Bishop at 833-6427. Costa Mesa, Irvine and Santa Ana Heights have received free 30-day membership5. De Boom said the program wiU continue during this time of high unemployment. The YMCA is located at 2300 University Drive in Newport Bea c h . F or further information. call 642-9990. Oren e Coaa1 OAILY PILOT /Thurt day, November 25. 1982 Al Life .'On hold' iii Age of Khomeini By CHARLES J. HANLEY .......... ,....,..., TEHRAN, Iran In thf' aa(' o f tK h omt'i n1 , t hi • M ldt•ut nwtropolla still buzu>tt w ith life -until 7 p.m. Shupi1 are full - of un1old goods, not buyt'n. ConstrU4·tion cranes ride atop the ci t yacape -but they art' mollonleu, frozen lt'tl\Alment to an economy In retreat. ~t four years aftt>r the fall or t h e monarc h y. and as Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini's revolutionaries strive to shape a • "truly Islamic society," Tehran moves along at half-step. • The only full-speed opeOltions seem t o be the sec urity apparatus, which is everywhere, and the official graffiti-palnten and poster-hangen. In ltorefronts, in bus windows, on the stone flanks of great monuments, painted sayings from the K o ra n and s t e rn portraits of .turbaned, bearded clergymen remind Tehranis that they are living ln an age of Islamic renaissance in Iran. The Khomeini portraits glare fr o m w a lls eve n in th e a partments of anti-Khom eini Iranians. "It's Insurance for when the komiteh (security men) come," explained a young U.S.-educated e nginee r w ho is quietl y preparing to leave The oountry. A revolutionary fault line runs through Tehran. It separates the middle and upper-class north, where the anti-shah upheaval has transformed lifestyles, from the poor sections of the south. where life stiU revolves around the timeless themes of mosque and survival. In the crooked, teeming streets of old south 1'ehran, the mosque has become more than a social center.and place for daily prayer. It is the distribution center for the ration coupons \hat mean survival. a "town nieeting" hall for hearing the lat.1_politlcal .· ., • Ira n ian girls demon1trate loyalty to Khomeini in T ehran streets. news, a recruitment and training "The shah wanted women to center for volunteers for the war show themselves off, to be 'free.' against lraq. The clergymen, or He wanted there to be aloohollc "mullahs," are more powerful beverages . . . The law of God than ever. should be observed!" said this Aa a government propagandist housewife, a small angry face lost noted, "The people who we re in an enveloping black chador. poor before, they're still poor In n o rth Tehran, where now. They haven't changed." Western "corruption" once made What has changed is that their its biggest inroads, there ar e · traditional Shiite Moslem life of , fewer mosques. And these days austerity, of spirituality, of the re are a lso man y f ewer shrouded women and self-denial .. movies. concerts, non-religious or is temporarily triumphant English -la nguage books, a nd against the influences of the music programs on radio. . "corrupt West." ' 'The TV we ca 11 'mu 1 - Shokat Fayzi. finding a small lah-vision'," quipped a young group o f foreigners in h er middle-class housewife. "About neighborhood mosque, spit out all they s h ow are religious her revolutionary phiJosophy in a programs and s peeches by few bitter words. mullahs." A1' a. H'iUh, unoffK·Ual "video 1hop1," 1t•l11nl( cus«>ltl·• of Wt'lu•m fllma, an• orw of lhe few booming busint.>tlBt.., In Tehran In a north Tt>hrun apartmen t ont' nitht, a repo rte r found two tt•en -agl' boys and two girl• huddled around a v1dt.>OC..-ettt• rt'cor~l'r watching "Ont• Fle w Over the Cuckoo's Net1t " Not only would the mullahs have frowned on the film, but the plhering ltJl(:lf was illicit - putting boys and vell-leu girls IA:>gether ia an offense punaahable by a d ozen or more lashes ordered by religious C.'OUrtll. Tehran's video craz.e, like 80 much 1n Iran tod ay, can be prohibitively expe n sive. A re<.'Order costs the equivalent of $10,000, and a color television is $lJ.ooo. The Iranian economy is reeling from a series of blows -post~ revolutionary disorganization. the flight o f capital, Western economic reprisals connected with the U.S. Embassy seizure, and the war with Iraq: Except for Iran's at?undant fruits and vegetables, many staples are m short supply and strictly rationed -l 1h pounds of chicken per person per month, four ounces of butter, milk only for those with infanis. -!How do Tehranis get by? "We've simply cut down, cut back on our consumption,'' said this woman, a teacher. "What I don't understand is how the poor people make it." An Asian diplomat, a veteran here, offered religion as a n explanation. · "Shiite Islam is a religion of self-flagellation, self-denial," he said. "They'v,e been cond1t1oned. They're fighti ng-a h oly war against Iraq. They actually enjoy mari.yrdom. joblessness, giving things up." 13ECllNS ·rc>MC)l~l=t()\f\f A:r 9:()()A.M: ... ~VE 30o/o TO 35o/o the holidays .. Just visit the MCI holiday booth in the center of the moll. ON FAMOUS MAKER ROBES AND SLEEPWEAR U8AlllNE, ICOMAll, ICEYLOUlll ll0 ... 27•TO ... M•Mllous robel to put undef th• tree for ChriltmM Eve. Here. but• glirnpee of the uvings ye>u'll find: Komer fleece zip with u11n yolle in pink or blue, orig 40.00 Z7.•. Santa Arrives With Extra Terrestrial .:it Huntington Center an the btg RPd Fire E•,,gane 1111~ Fri a t 12 noon 10 k1c.k oll our great 1111110.ay c;pnson followed ' • '-. tftfd pliolo::. & children s puppet shows MANY FACTORS CAN CHANGE A DRUG'S REACTION ·~: I I , Ph. g ., You may not be familiar with all of the terms Ind phrue1 we have llrled here, but any or these rectora could change the action of any ,Sven drua -favonbly or hannfully. Sbie of crysw. lrrl ta lion. Form of Atent. Purity, Coaling1, Melting point, De1ree o f H ydr ation , Ionization, Diluent, Surfece T e nsion, Allergenic . IUblt.lnt'ft. Slonlp, Enlttic Coating, Flavo r i n g , &.tained rete.e. ~. Vhcoel t y, Do1e, •ph , Antlo x ldent, Vehicle , PreHrvetlon. Con tainer, Solubility, Contemlnanta, Dllintecration. Quellty control In menurecture and close 1Upltf'VWon of all proc:lucta In the phamwcy -.ire you of fully effective medldnft YOU OR YOUR IX>CTOR CAN PHONE US when you need • delivery. We wlll deliver promptly without utn chute· ~AMUDO~CY ,...~ ,,., ..... , ...... -=-=- CellMl-H11. "'' • few wont• toworll for .... Uuone trepunto fleece wrep in~~ grape, orig. 40.00 27 .•• Keyt~m fleece z.ip with medellion~ colon. orig. 80.00 .... All for S·M·.L llla1. Selection veriel from store to store. Robes, 51. ICOMAll, GILUD, MllAD 811.,_D IUIPWIAll M.• . Orig. 24.00. Brushed lleepweer with eh the soft, cuddle·up details. Rich eppliquea, embroidery, floral l)fintl, utin 1rim1, lace embelliehmentl. Here, iutt thrH from the collection: Be~ nylonl~te gown with white lace detailing in pink or blue. Gilead nylon/_..te brUlhed gown in white with ftofel print. Komer long nylon brUlhed gown. AM for S·M·L liz•. Sleepwwr, 24. --~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~--- ... °CLQ81D THANKSGIVING DAY. OPEN AT 8 A.M. 801'H FRIDAY AND SA TURD~Y. . ' r I 0 Or nga COIAll OAIL Y Pll.OT I Thurad1y, November 25, 1982 ~ ... -_._..._.,,, 111tln1t1n 111cb------------ Buses vs. residences There probably always w all be conflicts when large buses are brought through residential areas. To be sure, buses are noisy, they spew smoke, they cause roadside vibration. Residents who watch the· scores of buses pass by their homes understandably get upset -particularly if their homes arc on a r oad h e avily irave le d by large buses. Just such a stretch of road. is Main S treet in HuntY,gton ae.ach. Hundreds of buses each week: pass n ea rby r esi d e nces whose occupants arc complaining . There were some suggestions , to re-route the buses to Lake Street. That's really no solution. It w ould only transfer the n oise, • s moke and vibration problem s elsewhere. IC r o u tc c h a ng,•s u rC'n ' l foasiblt!, at would Sl'<'m the only course of action would Ix• t>ilht·r rrductlon in Crt."'qut•nt·y of St•rvi<'(' or ctrnngcs to small e r , q4ictt•r. cleaner und lighter bus(•s . The former idea has little appeal. Too many riders depend or\ thC' Main S treet buses, Including many senior citizens who hAve no other m eans of trave l to s hopping centers. doctors' offkes.' senior centers a nd the like. That leaves a change in equipment type as the remaining a lt er nat e -a nd one, unfortUfUltely, that carri~s .·a yet ·unknown cost. But that cost may have to be borne -either by the city or the Orange COunty Transit District or both -if bus se rvice a nd residen ces are to be compatible. . . , -111ntain 111111---------- Honesty still lives Letters to the editor Health, safety must come I irst MAILBOX government. Keagan s hould not be annoy('d that Israel rejected his peace plan that calls for Israel's surrender to the PLO, for that is just what his plan CDlls for. Instead he should be grateful that Jsrael cleared the way for the U.S. to step in, so easil y, a~ the great power in the• area. And the Arab st.att.>s should be pleased. too, that their fears of Russian aggression against them can now be allayed. They say it's be tter to be lucky than rich. . Janice Snowden of Fountain Valley was both this week when sh e was re unite d with the old green sweatsuit she'd sold for $2 at a garage sale. along with $10.· 000 worth of je welry s h e had s t.ashed in its pocke t -and quite forgotten . It w asn't until four days after the garage sale that s h e remembered hiding her wedding ring, a pendant and other jewels in --~e1Weelsuit and sounded the alarm via ad vertisem e nts and signs posted in jewelry stores and pawn shops. Dotti e Zuve l a, also of Fountain Valley, heard the sad story on a television newscast, but didn't ,connect it wi'th the o ld sweatsuit she'd bought a\ a garage sale and hung up in a closet be<tause the newscaster said the · ls h'dd · h k t To thC' Editor: ,ewe we re I en in t e poc e Your Nov. 14 editorial ("Nuclear o( a coat. Waste: Stop P~ing Buck Here. . .") It wasn't until the phone rang regrettably fails LO grasp the forcm~t when s he was washing he r dog rt>Sponsibility of our city government an tha t Dottie grabbed the sw~atsuit Irvine: the health and safety of those to keep warm, felt someth1ng in who n.-sade or work in our municipality. the p ock e t and pulle d o ut a Our City Council unanimo usly leather pouch. directed me to write a le tter to th<' Ci ty Council, like that of the Laguna Bca<:h City Cound l, was not, as you suggest, "parochial " lt was in k£'Cping with ou r m os t fundamt•ntal l'l'Spons1bil1ty a-. 10<.·al elected ' officials. LARHY AGRAN Mayor, City of Iavme PLO costs too GOLDIE JOSEPtf · CARE's challenge There we re the Snowden California Highway Patrol, expressing jewels. The connection with the our belie( that nuclear waste materials To the• Editor : To the Witor: ne ws story about the garage sale arc best transported away from major The Evans/Novak Nov. 15 column, Members of the Fountain Valley b . S d b h population <'enters en route LO Illinois .. West Bank l'OSt to U.S. eyed, .. should parent group , CARE, Committee wF as 0 vio uvs· 11 t eer e 1. Y the and other possible disposal sites. While also cas,t an eye on ~hat the PLO costs Advocating Responsible Education, have ounta in a e y po ace, s e your faith in techno logy may be the U.S. T~c PLO .1s mostly ~upportcd conducted responsible research since last contatted Robe M>--t--ad mil able.-tl Rlli&l --be-wmpcre.~d-w~i t._.b.____..b<J.y__...th ..... e._,,,U n.i!fQ_Na t1ons, 1.ha t as most~ t.o..substanliatc.. the_ Wormation arranged a "surprise" reunion for common sense. And. common sense supported by U.S taxpayers' doll::irs. being distributed for its recall campaign. his wife. the swea tsuit a nd the suggests that. when alternate routes arc That money has b~ught .terr orism The CARE sheet contains specific jewels. available for transporting potentially around the world, paid Russia for arms verifiable facts which CARE members Zuve la said she was "thrilled'' lethal radioactive materials through less and training and suppressed the l'OUntry have consistently maintained can be to be able to get the jew'els back to populous areas. tti~ routes should be of L~banon, bring1.ng aggressive forces documented. In response to the one their rightful owner. Which goes preferrt'd. The absurdity of trucking ~1thm s t~akmg distance or Arab oil CARE fact sheet. the school district has to show that honesty is 8 virtue radioactive wastes along the Santa Ana. fie.Ids. whale U.S. s~pp<>rt for Israel has issued two Cact sheets, one for the not forgotten in Fountain Valley. San Di ego, and Ncwport-Rivc rs_idc paid us han~mc• d1 v1dends. general public which denies CARE's Freeways. throug h densely populated L'>rael has liberated Lebanon, not only inf 0 rm a t i 0 n and an 0 th e r f 0 r , areas, should be apparent from the PLO and Syrians. but als? from management only which admits to casta 1111---------- Council game-playing the Russian boot that was da ggmg m certain of CARE's statements. IT IS IRONIC that your editorial there. They opcnc-d .the spot for t~e U.S. Could th~ district's allegations that appeared on the samt.> day that you to bl• the predon11nant power an the CARE's basis for recall is displeasure reportc-d the forced evacuation of nearly MuJdle East and. af allowed to, would over school closure and middle sch•'Ol be a thousand people in the ·Irvine Business b;ang ~a<·c to the region lO protect our a s m 0 k e s c r e e 0 f 0 ' f i 1 c a t Complex as a coniiequence of a leak of od supplies. mismanagement. viol~1on1 of state In an odd little maneuver last week, Cost.a Mesa acquired a new mayo r and vice mayor -the latter in a secret ballot, the first in the city's 29-year history. Costa Mesa city councils are nothing if not well organized -at least when it comes to having all their ducks in a row before the meetings get under way. There are those who feel it is beneficial for council members to get their act together in private in order to keep from getting into arguments In public. Others hold the o ld- fashioned view that the public's business should be conducted in public, eve n if it does expose occasional disagreement. Be that as it may, Councilman Donn Hall, a former planning commissioner who has served on the council since 1978, was elected mayor in an open , unanimous vote . The n came the selection of the vice mayor. That's when HaJJ to ld the audience this would be done by secret ballot to spare members the embarrassme nt of having 'to nomina te themsef ves. Somehow this had never been a problem before. S o th e r e were n o nominations. Everyone was free to check off the na me of the vice mayor of his or he r choice. Thus Councilman Eric Johnson was e lecte<t on a 3-2 vote with his own a nd Hall's support and that of outgoing Mayor Arlene Schafer. The other two votes we nt to Counc ilwoman Norma He rtzog who voted for herseH and was s uppo rted by Councilman Ed McFarland. Presumably coincidentally, J ohnson had proposed prior to the vote, with Hall's concurrence, that t h e v ice mayor no longer be required to serve as chairman o( the city's Redevelopment Agency. as has been the custom. He will not be so required. lniae------------- Charge no~, pay later This is the time of year when department stores offer special deals a llowing you to charge purchases now and pay nothing until next spring. The problem is that spring always comes, 11nd when it does, there never seems to be enough money to pay 'all the bills. That's a situation the ~ity of Irvine Is learning about fast. Irvine is a small jewel of a city, filled with beautiful new buildings for the use of the public. And more a re poised on the horizon. The problem is that suddenly this jewel of a city has a rather significant deficit -l6.7 million or $3. 7 million depending on whether the city allows the Irvine Company to donate the land for a new civic center. It ls also worth noting that neither of the deficit figures quoted above includes costs of building a performing arta center. In 1974, residents passed a bond measure for construction of such a facility. ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat 'f .. AB a consequence, Irvine City Council will be deciding Dec. 14 how to raise revenue to cover the shortfall. Increasing the city bed tax is a shoo-In for getting the nod. Other methods on the tab1e will be readjustment of the business license fee, a charge for burglar alarms hooked into the police department, forcing developers to provide more public facilities, better enforcement of traffic fines. Getting back to the department store analogy. Irvine City Council's response to the revenue shortf aJl is sort of like ·getting a second job to pay off the charge cards. People do that, but wouldn't it have been better not to have charged so much in the first place? Consequently, why doesn't Irvine consider a pay-as-you-go system -like the rest of us do with personal finances? It's true, you acquire more slowly, but you sleep better at night. , ......... , .... .., ,~ .......... ,_9(111!'1• fdtlol ................ (dltor..,,.,. ... e thyle ne oxide. a highly dangerous education codes and standards and rompound. · SECR ETARY OF ST ATE George failure to respond to -community needs? It was only through the rapid responSC" Shultz and President Reagan, should CARE believes this is so. Cl\RE has of our public safety ofl1l·1als and a series lessen their anger at Israel's sNtJement ronsistcntly staled that it wiU present in of fortuitous circumstances that major of the West Bank. It is lsraer s only pubhc or private form documentation to inJuries and even a number of deaths prott.'Ction from their hostile neighbors. substantiate ats allegations that the were avoid<'Cl. Obviously, 1( a cask of And the s<'l tlers, that they claim are district administration and board radi oa ctive waste mate rials was being subsidized . would have to have members are presenting infonnation to ruptured in the event of a vehicular some inducement for moving into such a purposely mislead the public. . accident on one of our major freeways. dangerous area as a shield. It is not their Will the board and district accept the the consequences would be widespread place to tell Israel what it can, or cannot, challenge to meet CARE on neutral and disastrous. do. lt. is also not the United 'st.ates' plat'«.' grounds to refute our research? CARE Accordingly. the a<'tion of the lrvinc to deal with dissident Israelis out.side the welcomes the challenge. ..... ,. .... _________ _ Insults can be fun The cover calls it an "expose comique." That's a euphemism for a collection of zingers that are sometimes too close for comfort. Example: "You can always tell a· Newport Beach Executive. No one wants the check. but there's a fight over the receipt." It is "Th e Ne wport Beach Answer Book," a sort of Preppy handbook for the coast city. It's divided into four chapters -the Newport Beach Woman, the Newport Beach Man , the Newport Beach Couple and the Newport Beach Executive. Some of the jokes are Bob Hope rejects. Some aren't bad: "What's a Newport . Beach <;s>uple's idea of an Intimate party? Where the host and hostess actually know them." As well as the jokes in the book, there are a couple oC others surrou nding the book. For ins tance, the two me n and one woman listed on the title page as autttors are actually two other guys. The woman doesn't exist at all. The other joke is the last paragraph in the book. It says, "It is the sincere 'hope of the people who put this book together that you will buy ml!lny of these books and give the m to frie nds and relatives. That way we can fund our next book. 'The Middle-Class Guide to Nouveau Rich (sic) Hangouts'." That should be fairly easy. since the 63 small pages of inordinately large type are priced at a Newport Beach-appropriate $6.95. That's the best joke of all. All of us may be laughing at the jokes, but he who laughs last, laughs longest. We bet the authors will be chuckling all the way to the bank and beyond. 1111• 1am-----------:---- Pets need your . help Let's hear it for life, More Important, let's do something about.it. The Laguna Beach Animal Sh.elter needs volunteers. It la an unusual experiment in these times, pe rhaps reflecting the le11 orthodox approach tO things in the roast city. . Anlmala taken to this shelter are not in God's waJting room. 11. ii more 9f a new I~ on Ufe than anything el8e. Since ltl inception several yean -.0• the shelter ha Md to euthaniae only 2 percent of all the animala taken to lt. Thme dled mmtly a a ...alt of ler1oul tnjurtes or lllnell, lntirmlU. IO srave a wterinartan w• wWlnl to YOW thwnbl down. The Nit of the er.tun. leaw the lhelter GM day -and It may be monthl later - to 1tart a better life elllwhere. T h a t i,s a n i n c r e d i b 1 e accomplishment when some figuree show about 90 percent of all animals turned In to pounds acnm the country will die withln 1even days. Now the shelter needs help. It.a staff of one full-time and two part-Ume worken feed and care for the animals and clean out cages. But help ii needed to f Ind homa for the ofphans. Sometiines a kind hand la needed to quiet or exerdlt an animal. la that too much to uk? We don't think eo. Thia ii a shelter that f.lves Ille a chance, that donn t req\a&re animals to pay with their llwa for our I.ck of auenUon tb tbelt welfaN. We Ul'l9_ 10U =&Id the lh'el• ., 497 -1&&2. a Thanklltvl"I pwent of tour time. • JANET &CHMIDT Shelter I unds To the Editor: It is very encouraging to learn the Laguna Beach City Council has voted to continue work at tbc local shelter with their reserve funds. However, no dog li~nse program has been set up due to lack of personnel. A program for this purpose would mean thousands of dollars for the city and would eliminate having to use reserve funds. As there is a permanent patrol officer on the beach. why rouldn't one of the service truck drivers check each residence to sec if a license has been issued? In the winter their services are not required on the beach for the leash law. IT IS necessary to have a paid rabies ,. certificate to get a dog license. An identification on an animal is very nt.>cessary for the owner to find their pet should it be taken to lhe shelter. A rabies shot is a protection to the animal. and also lo the public. If the service truck driver would spend two hours a day going Crom door to door, the whole city rould be rovered .An two or three months. and much revenue would be taken in. A license prQgram is very necessary to get funds, and the shelle r would not be over- crowded. as the owner of the pet would be found . NAME WITHHELD l.e1ter1 /rom readers ore i.wlconif!~ T~ right to condm~t> lf'tfera to /U spac~ or ehmina.te Ir~/ IS reserwd 1Alttt1 of JOO words rrr leu wdl bf/ gf Hn prrfnnttt All letters must include .signature and rnaalmg oddreaa btd names may be IUllhhRI °" re· quest I/ sufl1c1enr rea1on ts apparent Poetry well not be pubh1llftl. l..f!ttn1 IMW be tel•phonftl to 642.Q>N Name and pllOM number o/ tlw contnbtltor m1&1t be givn /or vert/ICOllOft Jl'lrposes If lhiere Im 't a a1MI or ctilalter the TV nltworks wW cr.te one real f•t! UNMOYm E*i":clf :i:b!-='l'~I ~..:= l r I 0flt'IQI CoHt DAILY PILOT/Thureday, November 25.1982 "11 Ordering by m~il? Check out you~ legal r ights By PAT HOROWITZ Of tlle Delly Piiot lleH DEAR REA DEHS. Dot•s urd(.•r l ng crchand1sc lhrough lh<' mail or OVl'r u phone (( U a SCllSi' of foreboding l.X"<.'UUSl1 Of lhl' dlsurnt·cs nd uncertuintics involvl•d'! Well. yo u a rc o t u l o lll'. Altho u g h ,pt•o plc .SUl'Cl.'SSfully order millions of iwms through mail order l'<>mpn nics each year, muny still believe that. as Murphy's Law states, ''H something can go wrong, it will." While .nothing ('an be dont.' to redu('(' tht' dlstam~-es invotved, the um-crwint1es can be lessened som ewhut if you undcrstnn~ your legal righ ts when ordering by mai l or p~onc. • Wm kln.C loit•tlwr. tht• Anwrwun 1':xprt.,._, t'o , \ht• U.S. Oftic.'t• of l'on.'iu11wr AHulf'li und th(' U.S. Poatlll St•r\1 1<.·e havt• produt·l•il a fa·1•t• brodu.u·t• t•xplainlng what your righlli 1m .. This brochur1• andudt.'lt a hundy, w11llt•l al~tod c·1.mi surnnu1r1una your ri&hts, and al»0 ptovidet lips on how w avoul problt•n\li bt•furt• )IOU ordt-r. For a r~ ropy oC "Muil Ordt'r R1ght11 , .. l('nd a poatcard &o lhe Consumer lnformatwn Centt•r ; Dl'parlmt'nt Ii lllK, Put•blo. Colo. 8 1009. Credit recourses DEAR PAT: I was &urned down for a loan recently and tbe reason 1lven made no sense so I clleckecllny credU file. Some Information In It wa1 totally Incorrect. I wa1 so upsel &bat • I didn't follew tbroutcb on la &hen. Wbat can I do &o ictt 11111 laformaJloa remove4 frem my Ille? J.K, Foun&aln V•llty &•1m.ll'H allowing you lo lff wh1tt'a1 In your lalt'. tht,• Con11umt•r Credit Rt>portlng Al(1•1w1es Act 11w1 you the right &o dispu~ lnfurm at1on with which · you don't agree, ac.<tordmg to Civil Codt.• ll'CUon 1785.6. Unleu the cn'<lll reporuna aaenc:y leela strongly that you're making an unJUStlllt'<J du1putl'. 1t has to rl'HIVt'li tlgut.c the mforrhation undt.•r question. lnac;curute or unveritlablt• informullon has to be Ulktm out or your fill'. If lht• l-rt•dil rl'porllng agency bc•ht.>vcs lhat your dispute is unjustif1t..'<I, you must be.• nutiflt.od lhat 1t will nut n •mvest1gate., If you s till fot•I the" 1nformauon 1s m a('t'Urali', you can filt• a slatemenl of 100 words or less giving your sidt• of the story. which must be includ('(J when future credit -Robinsons .. rl'pm h; 1111· 1<1·11l oul u11 you Upon your rt•quc•i.t, t•o1 n ·t•lt·d 1nfurm11t111n or your 111laH•nu•11t 1111 1111' d1sputl' mua.l ht• Hl'tH 111 unyo1w who has n •t'l'lvt·d a t'rt'<.hl rt•po rl wilhln two yt:ani for t•mploynwnt purpo8(>8, or in lht• lu!'.t sax monthi. for otht•r purpoli(~ "Got a problem'> Thm JUnte to Pal l/111·uw1u. JJ.At will t•ut l'f.'(j lllpt'. 1t•tt11)// the anawera and action JIOM Med to 1oltlt' inequitie1 in gotlt'mmenl and bulrnea.t. Mall JIOUr queatiou to Pot l/111vw11t. Al Yuu1 &•rvlt't'. Oran11•-' L'olut Vad11Prlol,P0 Bor 1560, Coila MHa, CA 12112' Ai many letters a1 poinble wrU be a"'~red, bul phoMd 1nqu1rv1 or lf'Uera not rncludmg Ille rftlder'a lull name, addrf'llf and bu11neu hours' phoM number cannot be conhdered Th11 column appeara daalJI ez. cept Sunday., " AFTER· THANKSGIVING ·sALE AND CLEARANCE CLOSED THANKSGIVING. SPECIAL HOUOA¥ SHOPPING HOURS: FRIDAY 9-9:30, SATURDAY 10-9, . . SUNDAY 11-6. 330/o OFF CAREER-AND-.......... , S16.99-'s3l.99 SCENARIO GEORGETIE BLOUSES1 9ENTURY AND· SUMMIT SKIRTS. Classical match: our beautiful flowing dolman sl~eve blouse from a collection of georgette and crepe de chine polyester. 6·16. Reg. $26. Sale $18.99. The classic skirt you can't hve without. from a collection. Solids or.patterns. Wool/polyester. 6·16. Orig. $37-$48. Sale 923.99-131.•. Aobinalre Sportswear. 7196. '24.99, '27.99 CHAUS BLOUSES, CLAUDE CUMMERBUND SKIRTS · · Very suitable: jacQuard bow blouse in ivory, gray, garnet or turQuo1se polyester. 6·16. Orig. $42. Sale $27.91. Our well·bred classic skirt. Black, gray or navy polyester/wool. Orig. $38. Sale $24.99. Aoblnalre Sportswear. 7 /138. • l--~-- .. 1'17.99, S23.99 OUR JWR SHIRTS IN MENSWEAR STRIPES.a.. PWS OUR GREAT·FlnlNG PANTS. Casual style: a selection of shirts in stripes with contrasting collars or hairline stripes with fluted collars. Assorted colors. Polyester/cotton. 6·16. Orig. $28. S~le $17.99. Our own great·fitting, greaHooklng pants with double pleats Black, navy, khaki, wine or brown French canvas polyester. 6·16. Orig. $36. Sale $23.99. Aobinaire Sports)Near, 7/65. • • •. .. Orange Coaal DAILY PILOT/Thurlday, Nov.mber at, 1812 Robnsons AFTER· THANKSGIVING SALE AND CLEARANCE CLOSED THANKSGIVING. SPECIAL HOl,IDAY SHOPPING HOURS: FRIDAY 9-9:30, SATURDAY 10-9, SUNDAY 11-6. . - T~~ .. 11Q.LIPA!~ .YN&t~!·-YOU WANT NOW . . . ' ' ... ~ . WOMEN'S FASHIONS • '42.99-$45.99. Reg. S72-S78, Ms. Chaus graceful dresses of Polyester georgette in luscious colors, 6-14. Updated Dresses. 135. . • $ 79.99. Orig. S 11O-S148. Famous maker, luxurious silk dresses in varied styles. solids and prints. Dresses, 84/ Young Designer Dresses. 17. · • $49.99:0rig. $72-$82. R. & K. Petites collection of 2-pe. k~its In a9rylic/polyester/rayon. ~ssorted styles and color•. I 4 14. Petites. 55. · . 'll • $53.99-$122.99. Orig. S72-S164. Evan Picone·s fall novelty separates: Jackets. skirts and pants in assorted fabrics to mix or match. 6-14. Robinson's Coordinates, 147. • $58.99-$99.99. Orig. S88-S160. Famous New York maker coordinates: Jackets and skirts in winter white or navy wool flannel. Sizes 4 -14. V.1.P. Sportswear. 3. • $39.99·$99.99. Orig. $80-$152. Schrader Sport wool crepe separates: one-button blazers and dirndl skirts in assorted colors. And beautiful blouses in polyester crepe de chine. All 6-14. Heritage Sportswear. 9. • $79.99. Orig. $125. Adolfo's luxurious velour Jogsuits in polyester/cotton. Assorted colors, for P-S-M·L sizes. JWR Clubhouse. 89. • '54.99-$111.99. Orig. S74-S150. Famous maker petite sportswear group of patterned suitings in assorted colors and styles. Sizes 2·12. Petite Sportswear, 143. • $49.99-$99.$9. Orig. $74-$150. JQnes New York collection of wools in crepes and flannel: Jackets. skirts and blouses in assorted colors. Sizes 2-12. Petite Sportswear. 143. • 2 . ·'33.99. Ori . S40-S52. Uz Oaiborne petites-our entire co ec ion o a s 1 s. pa s an ouses n curren styles. colors and fabrics. Sizes 2-12. Petite Sportswear. 1'43. • $39.99. Reg. S56. Marisa Christina boldly striped pullovers in silk/cotton. Assorted colors for S·M·L sizes. Sweaters. 1. • $32.99-$38.99. Orig. S52-S68. Lloyd Williams beautifully embellished blouses and Liz Claiborne's silky Jacquard crepe de chine and georgette_blouse8. All polyester, In a brilliant array of colors for sizes 4 -1<4-. Blouses. 25/ Young Designer Sportswear. 105. • $38.99. Orig. $52. Famous designer Jeans in classic Indigo cotton denim. Sizes 26 -31. Weekend Wear. 114. • $29.99. Orig. S4~. Chaus Jacquard bow blouses in ivory, gray, garnet or turquoise polyester. 6-16. Robinaire Sportswear. 7. • $23.99-$31 .99. Orig . $37-$48. aassic skirts-a bountiful collection from Century and Summit. Wool/polyester In solids t or patterns. 6-16. Robinaire Sponawear, 7. • 518.99. Orig. $26. Soft. dressy blouses In graceful georgette or crepe de chine polyester. 6-16. Roblnaire Sportswear. 96. • $24.99. Orig. S38. Cummerbund waistbands accent classic skirts by Claude. Black. gray or navy polyester/wool. Sizes 6-14. Robinalre Sportswear. 138. • 517.99. Orig. $28. Our own gaily striped shirts with contrasting or fluted collars. Assorted colors. all polyester/cotton. 6-16. Robinaire Sportswear. 65. • $23.99. Orig. $28. Great-fitting double-pleat pants in French canvas polyester. Assorted colors. sizes 6-16. Robinaire Sportswear, 7. · • $49.99-559.99 Orig. S76-S92. Our exclusive sweater coats in mohair or wool blends. Assorted shades for S-M·L Roblnaire Sportswear. 116. • $28.99. Orig. S40. Collection of our own fashion-stripe skirt styles. wool/polyester in assorted color combos. 6-16. Robinaire Sportswear. 138. · $34.99. Orig. $58. Long-sleeve, silky blouson sweaters in acrylic/angora/nylon. Assorted shades for S-M-L. Robinaire Sportswear. 138. • $15.99. Orig. S24. Button-d<>Wn oxford menswear 'shirts in solid shades of polyester/cotton. 6-16. Robinaire Sportswear. 65. • $23.99-$52.99 Orig. S37 -S80. Act Ill velvet pull-on pants. skirts and Jackets of triacetate/polyester. Robinalre Sportswear, 160. • $28.99-$.32.99 OriQ. S44-S50. Romantic rufflJKt, ivory polyester blouses. from Act Ill. 8-18. . Robinaire Sportswear. 160. • $12.99-$28.99 Orig. $20-$42. White Stag coordinates to mix or match. Skirts and belted polyester cotton corduroy pants in assorted colors. To team with plaid shirts. 6-16 orturtteneoks, S·M·L, in polyester/cotton. Robinaire Sportswear. 160. • $15.99-$23.99 Orig. S25-S37. Koret collection of pull-on and fly-front pants in assorted shades of polyester. Petite sizes 8 -16; regular sizes 10-18. Coordinating Polyester I cotton blouses, 8-18. Robinalre Sportswear, 160. • $39.99. Reg. S60. Totes raincoats in lightweight. water- repellent nylon. Many styles and colors for petite and regular sizes. Coats. 88. • H9.99. Special. Suede cardigans. distinctive topping for any outfit. Assorted colors. 6-16. Coats. 38. • $79.99. Reg. $122. Raincoats from Luba. of lightweight. packable. water-repellent elastomer/Polyester. Sizes 4 -14. Coats, 73. • H~.99. SpeclaL Pantcoats in beige or camel wool/nylon. varied styles for sizes 8-18. Coats. 38. • $~9.99. Orig. s~o. H~d bomber jackets in cotton corduroy, with Polyester f1berf1ll and acrylic sherpa lining for snug warmth. S-M-L. Coats, 38. l'ASHION AccmS80RIU . • •11.99. Reg. S20-S35. Rings for your lingers In 18K gold • electroplate or sllverplate, with simulated rubles, sapphires. amethysts. topaz or emeralds. Fahion Jewelry, 18. • Ul.99. Orig. S58. Lou r.4• or handbags, each with Its own vanity mirror and 24K d-plated hardware. Leather-look · Ultrahyde• vlnyl In 111 e belie colors. Handblga. 188. • '34.99. Special. Soft leather shoulder blQ8 In cau1I or tailored stytes. Wonderfully versatile colora. Hlndbegs. 149. • 35~ OFF. fqeg. S40. Sale '21.99. Wafer-thin calculators in Dior's soft, natural le1ther cates. ChOOM the credit card holder or checkbook 1tyte. Peraon1I Leather Acc:eleorlee. 111. · 3" · 31~ O,F. Anne Klein person11 1 .. ther ICC8110t'i" of smooth. glace cowhide In 1 wide ran~ of colorl. From the collection: framed clutch. Orla. 137. Siie na•. Framed coin ourse.OriQ.113.50.SlleH.ll.Per90nat~.111 . _ • 33" OFF. Orig. S12-S16. Sale 0 $7.99-$10.tt. Fashion belts in leather pull-through styles and assorted fabric obis. 'In a rainbow of colors. Fashion Accessories. 10. u...-• • •41.11. Orig. 160. Christian Dior robes in softest fleece. Zip. front styles in peach or IQua trlacetate/nylon. P.S-M-L. Robes, 40. • 121.•. Orig. $45. Satin Jacquard kimono wrap In soft pint< gray or white polyester. S-M-L. Junior Intimate Apparel, Bl. • '21.19. Orig. S48. Lily of France long-sleeved romantic gown In brushed nylon with stretch lace trim at cuffs and yoke. Rose color, In P-S-M-L. Contemporary Sleepwear. 144. • SH.99. Orig. $24. Brushed nylon sleepahirt. White. pink or blue, S-M-L. Lingerie/Sleepwear, 11. • 28~· 28'. OFF. Yanity Fair sleep coordinates. Luxurious travel collection with flower appliQues and satin trim. All in pink or turquoise nylon. Pajama, 32-38. Reg. $21. Sale 114.99. Coat. 32-38. Reg s21 Sale $14.n . Shift. P-S-M-L. Reg. S15. Sale •10.99. Lingerie/Sleepwear. 11 . • •17.H. Orig. S28. Lanz cotton flannel, long-sleeved gown. Chfrming floral prints edged with evelet lace. P-S-M-L. Junior Intimate Apparel, 83. • •1!.99. Orig. S28. Warm cotton flannel pajamas in fanciful pm~ts with eyelet to~hes at neck and sleeves. Our own. In 11zes P.S-M-L. Intimate Junior Apparel. 83. • 25~ OFF. Warner's Whimsies Daytime Collection. Reg. '"·50-S19. Sale 13.29·•13.99. Choose from bikinis briefs. camisoles, brH}iPtl. half or full sliPS. · altOmS • $72.99. Orig. 198. Gloria vanderbllt 3-way, high-heel boot In black, chestnut or bordeaux leather. Contemporary Shoes. 6. • '49.99. Orig. $75. Amalfi suede sandal, c1asslcally stvled. in black, taupe, cranberry, gray or dark brown. Color sefectlon varies in each store.Amalfi. 177. • •41.99. Orig. $70. Palizzio pump in goldwash kidskin for day or evening; in assorted cofors. Shoe Salon, 64. • $48.99. Orig. S70. Enrico low-heel salon pump in assorted shades of baby calfskin. Shoe Salon. 64. • fn.11. ~· seo. Our own Gavena sll~mpwith bow ~tail. Sleek k n In taupe, blec* 01 gniy. ~· Shoee. 47. ....... • '21.11. Oriq. S47. Fleecy Jogsuits in grav. white. pink or red cotton/acrylic. S-M-L. Color selection varies In each store JWR JR'S, 37. . • $28.99. Orig. S45. Finely tailored, corduroy trousers In black, gray, camel or blue cotton 5-11. JWR JR'S, 165. • Ul.11. Orig. S48. Sasson doubl•pleat cotton corduroy trousers in assorted colors. 3-13. JWR JR'S, 179. • $18.11. Special. Bright geometric-design acrylic sweaters In aaaorted shAdes, By Santa Cruz. S-M-L. Young JWR JR'S, 52. • •13.99: Reg. $22. Collection of mini skirts in red, black or turquo1H cotton. By Santa Cruz. S-M-L. Young JWR JR'S, 52. • 112.99. Orig. $19. Sasson cotton sweatshirts In a great collection of colors. S-M-L. JWR JR'S, 179. • •12.11. Orig. S18. Classic ge>-with-everythingcrewneckacryllc sweaters. Assorted colora in S-M·L sizes. JWR JR'S, 154. IUDS INFANTS, Kids, 53 • H .99·•12.99. Orig. $15-$20. Buntings by Cuddler and Stemcraft. • H .99·•13.•. Orig. S13-S21. Pram suits by Cuddler and Sterncr1ft. S-M-L. • H .lt·H.99. Orig. 110-$13. Blanket sleepers by Stemcraft, S-M-L sizes. • f 14.99. Orig. 124~ Winter-weight Jackets by Tiny Tota. M·L-XL. • H .99. Orig. S18. Hooded Jogaulta for 8-12-18 months. TODDLER BOYi AND GIRLS, Kids. 113. • '7.M·f11.99. Orig. $12·•18. Young Set sweaters In cardigan and pullover styles. • '14.99. Orig. 122 .50. Klelnert's jogging suits In utOrted colors. • '21.99-f31.19. Orig. 139-$43. Collection of Jackets by Playtand. • H.ll-t11.99. Orig. $11-126. Snoopyc t-shlrts and fleecy HP1111tn from Rob Roy. OIRLI 4·11, Kids, 49. • •10.99. Orig. 117. Belted paperbag pants by Sparkle. • H.19. Orig. $14. Vertical-stripe blou181 by Spartde. • f 18.11. Orig. $28. Jogsulf9oby Kleinert, in aaorted pastels. GIRLS 7·14, Kids, 45. ·• f11.H. Orig. 130. Fleecy mini-skirt Hts with striped skirts and matching toPt. • •17.99·f11.19. Orig. 128-130. Collection of cotton corduroy pants. • •12.99-t13.99. Orig. $20-$22. Group of cotton/polyester blouses. • H .99-f11.99. Orig. 114·$28. Acrylic sweaters in aeorted 1ty1e1. BOYi 4·7, Kids. 32. • '7.M-t13.99. Orig. 111 -•1&. FleecyMP1rate1 by Scoreboard. • •11.99. Orig. 130. Lightweight Jacket9 by Pacific lt'lll1. • t11.n . Orig. 118. Belted flannel dre11 P1nta In PolY9ater/ acrylic/rayon. • tt.M·f11.99. Orig. 114-$22. Famous m1ker 1we1ters In IMOrted fibers. . BOYi l·IO, Kids, 22/39 • f11.M. Orig. 126. Famous designer striped cotton Polo lhlr11. · ua.M. Orig. 130, B~ p1atd lhtrts 1n brushed cotton twill. • f14.•·•11.19. Orie. 120-123. Belted flannel dr ... panta, •II• I· 12 and 2&·30 watlt. • '"·"· Orig. 140. Pllctflc 'htl lightweight )acketa. • tll.M. Orig. f32. Jogging 1ult9 by Sc:cnboard, S-M·L·XL. • f11.M·t17.ll. Orig. 111·124.50. Famou1 maker IW99tert In lalOtted flber9. . 0111~8' ACCESSORIES·AND SLEEPWEAR, Kids. 34/120 • '2.99·'7.19. Reg. U .50-S11.50. Legwarmers, hats and scarves. • U .99-n.n . Reg. S5·S10. Collection of canvas bags. • H .99-113.99. Reg. S9-S21. Group of rag dolls. • 19.99-•11.H. Reg. S1 .. ·S18. Famous maker sleepwear in cotton flannel or polyester. Sizes 4-14. • •11.H . Reg. S16. carter's fleecy blanket sleepers. 5-14 LEROI HOSIERY, Kids. 120. • 8/$4.49-8/tl.99. Reg. S2-S6 pair. Girls 7-14. • 3/'3.39. Reg. 3/$4.50. Boys. 4 -7. • 3/14.19-3/14.49. Reg. 3/$5.60-3/$6.75. Boys 8-20. • U .99. Reg. 13.85..i S4.25. Infant tights .. ..,.. •• TORa · 25" OFF. Orig. S195. Sale $148. Our own wool suits--a great collection of solids, pinstripes and plaids in finely tailored 2 and 3-pe. models. Men's Clothing, 35.* · • 25" OFF. Reg. S250. Sale $117. The go-everywhere camel- hair SPortcoat. Also available in gray•nd navy. Reg. S275. Sale UOI. Men·s Sportswear Clothing, 95.* • 25" OFF. Reg.JS 75. Sale '58. Worsted wool pants in a comfortable year-<ound weighl. Assorted solid colors in sizes 30-40. Men's Sportswear Clothing, 95.* • $41.H. Reg. $80. Leather shoes from Italy-our own,.mPorts with full leather uppers. soles and linings. Choose the goldtone ornament or braided leather instep style In brown or black. Men's Shoes. 2. • 115. ·•1 . . amous ma er. ra1g -c ar 1 ~lyester/cotton broadcloth. Orig. $23. Sale $17.99. Or our oWn button-down stYte In polyestM/cotton. Orig. 121. Sa_!! $15.H . To go with neatly patterned silk/wool ties. Special $10.99. Or solid lambswool ties. Orig. S11 . Sale $1.99. Men's Dress Shirts, 20/Tles, 158. • '34.99. Orig. S4 7.50. The classic cardigan In soft. flGe-Quallty lambswool. A great range of colors In S·M-L-XL sizes. Men's Sweaters. 195. • $99.19. Reg. $135. Our own 100~ cashmere sweater- luxurious in light blue, burgundy, navy, tan or gray. S·M·L-XL. Men's Sweaters. 195. • 25"·"°" OFF. Orig. S40-S50. Sale •H.99. A great assortment of pullovers. V-necks. crews and cardigans In Shetland wool, lambswool or acrylic. Assorted shades in S-M-l.·XL aizes. Men'a Sweet-.. 196. • •11.•. Ortg. 130. Famou~er. betted flannel pents In taupe, charcoal. chocolate or silver polyester/acrylic/rayon. 30-38. Men's $portSMar C&suals. 123. • f21.99. Orig . S30. Comfortable belted corduroy pants In lightweight. 14-wale cotton/polye1ter. Asaorted colors In sizes 30-38. Men's Sportswear Casuals, 123. • 111.99·'23.99. Special. Our own cotton velour pullovers- V-neck or collar-and-placket styles in a rich array of colors. S·M-L-XL. Men's Sportshirts, 107. • •14.99·•19.99. Robinson's own cottOA corduroy or SuperSuede• triacetate/nyton sportshirtl In a collection of seasonll colors. S-M·L-XL. Men's Sportswear, 107. • Hl.91. Orig. S85. JWR Club cotton/polyester velour Jogsuits. S-M·L·Xl. Men's Acfive·Sportswear, 118. • f 27.99. Orig. S40. Wool crossover crewneck sweaters with cabled sleeves. Assorted shades in S-M-L-XL New Directions, 99. _ *Nominal.charge for alterations on sate merchandise. HOl•STORli • 25~ OFF. Reg. $130-$190. Sale •N.99-•141.99. Cuisinart food processors. with large capacities. powerful motors, slicing and shredding discs. and dough and chopping blades. Choose from 2 stytes. Houl8W8res, 121. • HI. Reg. $100. carvel Hall 1()..pc. cutlery set includes 9 assorted knives In their own block. And. with your purchase you'll receive our gift of a 7-pc. steak knife set (a s"o value). Houaewares. 82. • •12.99. Reg. S25. Javlt 2 .. -pc. crystal barware set lnctudel 8 each: 10J.S oz. on-the-rocka. 18J.S oz. Ice teas and 12" oz. beverage gt ..... Housewares, 28. • H .11 eaoh. Reg.19 MCh. Exclusively ours. ToWte's Silhouette P1ttem of fult-tead crystal optic atemw1re. ChoOle goblet. wine, flute champagne or cordial glaeel. Gluswlre. 88. · 4"'-'°" OFF AND MORE. Irregular Queen or king 100% cotton. no-Iron sheets from J.P. Stewns In solid shades; flat or fitted styles. If perfect. $34-141. Sale f12.19-f13.H . ca ... If perfect. 125, 128. Sale f12.ll. 113.H. Domestics. 30. · 9°" OFF AND MORE. Orig. S27-S50. Sale tl.99, twin or full; f13.99, queen or king. First Quality fitted m1ttress pads with cotton/Polyester covers fluffed wlth polyester fiberfill. Domestics. 30. • f21.H ANY SIZE. Orig. '85-S195. First-quality designer comforten from Wamsutta. and cannon. lWln, full/Queen and king sizes with polyester/cotton covers and polyester fiberfill. Bedding, 54. • 4~-~ OFF. Reg. s100-s220. Sale t41.H·t1ot.M . European feather/down comforters with 100% cotton reversible cover.. l'#ln, full/Queen and king sizes. Bedding, 54. • 4"·41~ OFF. R~. 1180-1300. Siie lll.H·•1Tl.H. Our exclusive Danish Star comforters filled with IOfteat Europe1n down In 1 piped-edge cotton cover. Anorted reversible 1olld-color combos. lWln, full/Queen and king slzn. Bedding, 54. ·~OF,. Reg. 123. Sale f11.M Bath. our exctu1ive Avantl embelllah8d towel collectlon. Cotton/polyester velvety velour thlt reverte1 to thtmy terry. Hand. wash and tip towels 1Yai1Uie It 39'·47' uvtngs. • 21'H.M. Reg. 211320. Rich. Wlrm solid brul l1mpa with beige fatarlc •hid•. tr tal!,,.!>Y lmperill. Alto av1ilable singly. Reg. t180. Sile 111.w. Llmpa, 72. · '°" °"'· Premium qual'q" ..... -choOM Simmons Maxlpedlc super firm or '1 Poeturepotee eima firm. lWln m1ttr ... or boxsprtng. Reg, 111.H •· pc. Sale Ill 91. pe. to king size 1et1. Reg. '"9,H Mt. Sale Mii Mt. Or, If you Drefer, Simmoni. Max~lc or 8ealY POltuNpotae ultra hrm. l'#ln, 91. pc. Reg. 12 .II. Sate 11tl. M .j)C. to king Ht9. Reg. 11 ,099.15 Ht. Sa eMI Mt. SIMO St\Op, 75. Robinson's After·Thlnk9Qlvlng 8ale 1nd CIMr1nce endl Sunday. November 21. Hurry In white quantlti81 are plenttful and Hlectlon• utenelve. All lteml 1ubJect to prior Ule. ' f CLOSED TMA~KSCMVING. SPECIA' HOUDAY SHOPPING HOURS: .. PllDAY t•t:IO, IATUIDAY 10~.9, I r f1·6. ... -. • • l •.• - • .. THURSDAY. NOV. 2b, 1982 CAVALCADE 82 . ~ Public Tele¥ision i8 6i¥ins some thousht 10 expandin11 the MacNeil/Lehr;r . .. ' 1 111 mllT lllTll mJY TELEVISION B 17 ENTERT Al NM ENT B 18 Report. B 19. 0 o· Wood~ burning · stoves popular again Dally Piiot pboto By RICHARD KOEHLER Mable Moler and daughter Joanne Ter Bush load a one-eighth cord rack with firewood for a waiting customer at A & L Firewood and Land Clearing on Newport Boulevard in Costa Mesa. f;aref ul yo.u dOn 't get burned bf.!.ying firewood. . Buying logs,-for a wood-burning stove or open fitiplace eounds simP.le enough, but a few tips are in 'Order IO you don l get burned before the wood dalla. Wood is sold by standard units of ~l. A standard or full cord la a volume of l• cubic feet, measured u a pile 16 feel long, 4 feet hip and 2 feet wide. Knowin~ this can help ~ if you get a "fair aha.re' when buying a ¥ or half-cord that la delivered and dumped, ,..r than stacked in a pile. • '4 Actually, there are only about 80 to 90 cubic f-of wood in a stacked cord; the rest la air apace. A.Jill cord weight about 3,000 J>O'.'f'dt when dry. · A variety of woods are avaUable in Southern Qlfomia. Scarcity and dlatance from the supply alia have a lot to do with price. ' I Oak or walnut are not nece.arily the "best" ....... 'Ibey are hard to lplte, but the lop bum l . Soft pine bunw quick1,Y and '8 .-y to start. yptua burnt like hardwood if it's newly cut, .. the sum drt• thla wood burrw at the tame M p&ne. C>ranpwood burnt hOt and fat. Pine, ypWa anct oranpwood are very aromaUc, ,but · y ~ prefer the "woodsy" odor of oell or Ut. ' "' Since each wood hat Ila aood potnla, many C111t.om1en order a mixed cord, the wood lotf report. bardwood/aoftwood combination with some wood II a popular chok:it. rnlftl ao(t, oily_ pine wood can cauae a buildup in the chimney, which mey 1"d to a chimney fin and a p>CI chance of ~fire If the .\ Burning' aof t, oily wood can cau&e a creoeote buildup in the chimney, which · may lead lo a chimney fire and a good chance or hou&efire if the chimney collapees. ' chimney collapaea. A chimney cleaning after burning three cords of pine it a wiae pnauUon. . Check with the wood dealer to tee if you are buying eeuoned wood that hat dried from three lo six months after bein8 chopped. Green wood hat a pie.ant odor and It c1oes bum with cnckllnc and atzzling. bu\ a lot of klndli"I la reqWnld &o start It. Well-aeuoned or air-dry wood can· have a moisture content u low u 20 percent. At thia moisture level, 4 percent of the enero " lost by evaporation. Green wood typ6cally hail a mo6lture content of at leaat 80 percent. At thJt rnoilture level more than I~ pert"ent of the helitlq value la lmt. When orderl"I fla;ewood, be sure to Mk the dealer for a apedflc delivery price. Mlleate from the wood yard ii the determlnln1 factor. And, don't wait unUl the laat minute &o order wood for the holimya. Some ct.Mn report a 10-day wait now, with even more delay antidpeted • the holidays appro.ch. The follawlNI lilt of bulk firewood dealen can help ~ 8't ma klee of the price r.,. Of firewood aJona the l>nnll Coalt. -A·l rtrewood. 20111 Orchid, Senta Ana. 701-0842. l:ucalyptw, pbw and avocedo COit $188 a cord ($100 half). Price Includes delivery, but not stacking. -A & L Firewood and Land Cleerlnl, 2053 Newport Blvd., Coeta Meu, 846-2887. Open 1even days 9 a.m. to 0:30 p.m. Pine it priced at Sl48.40 a cord ($79.&0 for half, $47.70 a quarter). eucalyptus at S159 a cord <•90.10 half, $58.30 quarter) orancewood at $189.80 a cord (Sl00.70 half, '88.90 quarter) and oak and. walnut at $238.50 per cord (S127.20 half, $79.00 quarter). Minimum '20 delivery charp: ateckfnl within 30 feet at Sl7· extra. No yard J*kup diaoount. . -American l..anclalpe Supply, 18801 Golden West St., Huntin1ton Beach, 842·8888. Open Tuesday throu1h Saturday 8 a.m. to O p.m., Monday 8 a.m. to noon. Juniper, pine or aycunon COila $180 a cord ($8& half I $40 q_uarter); euCalyptw la prlced •t.1185 • t'Ul'd ($100 llalf. $55 quarter); oran1ewood le $210 • eord ($110 half, •&7.&0 quarter), and oak la runntnc '26& a cord ($135 half, •70 quart«). Local dell~. II $10, wtth hl1her rata for outlytna ......_ 8&ae1e1n1 a.ta $17 per Cord, $10 helf-eard anCI .'t ~.-... -Callfomte Lanclilmpe &upply Inc., 23271 Cherry Aw.. a Taro. au ....... Open Monday throulh Friday 7 a.m. to & p.m .. Saturday 8 e.m. to 4 p.m., Sunday 9 a.m. lo 3 p.m. Ponderoea pine it priced at $160 a cord ($85 half, $55 quarter). Miaion Viejo area delivery $10 extra; rates hi1her ebewhere. No stacking 1ervlce. -Sepulveda BuUdin1 Materiala, 28092 Forbes Road, Laguna Niguel, 831-7500. Open Monday through Friday 7 a.m. to 5 p.m., Saturdax 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Pinon pine coeta $173.&0 a cord ('81.&0 half, S60 quarter), juniper COila $189 a cord ($100 half, $72 quarter), oak la $222.&0 per rord (tl22.&0 half, $80 quarter) and a mixed wood cord runs t198 (1107 half, t75 quarter). Price Includes delivery and dumpln1 In Mlulon Viejo and El Toro area. Delivery charg. for other areas. -Tony's Firewood, Canada RQ.d, El Toro, 768-4888. ~n 9 a.m. co 5 p.m. Monday throuch Saturday. Call fint. Eucalyptus runa Sl60 a rord ('80 half, t&O quarter), plnon pine la tlU a cord ($95 half, SH quaMer) and mixed or-.wood and eucalyptus l"Oltl Sl80 a cord ('90 half, $52 quarter). Delivery on half cord or more only at Sl5 a cord or tlO for half c.wd in immediate 8"" only. Other attU at lHlt ·ts more. -The ,Woodlhed Firewood Co., IOU N. Batavia SL.~. 874·3268. Open"""" cS.19. a.m. to & p.m. Ponmroaa per. coats •1e& up to •lM a c.wd ('85 half, '80 quarter), wdar or, IJ(non p6ne '8 prtcld 1t •1• 1 Nl'cl (tl 10 half, tSO quarter), Ncalyptua or junlplr et put a cord <•11& half, '80 q\IAl_'W) and -• ~ .... ~ a\ P40 per cord <tll& half, t'70 quarter). Price lnchadn deUvwy and "8ddnl 1n um ... All wood pnc.. ......... atbjlct to ...... Oranoe Co11t DAILY PILOT/Thurtdly, November 25, tH2 • IBillWffi[rnffirn~ r1ianks given .tor colum_ns 1• ·~ DEAR ANN LANDERS: My husband and I t ve au the way from Evunavlllc to hear you 11peak Vincennes UnivC'rsity, ll was a wonderful perlencc and the only time WC' ever saw a speaker iCelve a standing ovation both before ond after a h. Now that we have see{l you, we feel as IC we w you personally, Will you do a favor for a uple of friends? Please rerun the column I am losing. It was one of the most cnjoyable 11've seen all the years l 'vc bee n reaqlng you. The ro rlate day would be Nov. 25. God bless. - IER ADMlRERS DEAR FRIENDS: Wltb ple11ure! Thanks for lag me the day off. I•. DEAR ANN LANDERS: I have a <fozen 'iroblems I <.'Ould lay on you right now, but instead ~handing you a skull-cracker, I am going to write different kind or lett.ef and ask >'ou to run it on anksgiving Day. f. ,.. Thank you for havfng the courage to proVI·de a rum for every 'kind of human problem in nguage we can understand. l have learned so uch from you about incest, alcoholis m, fi>mosexuality, drug abuse, high blood pressure, 9rly cancer detection, depression, kink~ sex, how ~ handle pushy neighbors, nosy relatives, book· tprrowers. free-loading relatives and drunk house '1ests. You even gave me the nerve to tell folks to tJYOB when they got too personal. ;!: IJ'hank you for being' brave enough to take a pnd on issues that most people wouldn't touch ~ith a 40-foot pole. ti,~ Thank you for traveling thousands of miJes to k to all kinds of groups and appear on TV shows. must take a lot of ene~gy. but it is certainly worth t No one who sees y6u can doubt that you are "1cere and committed to your work and that you ~ally do care about the people who. write. Thank ~ for your terrific sense of humor. Some days I ,: :·r •• •• •• .~ •• •• •• •• •• •! rou1 HIAlTH DR. PETER J . STEINCROHN walk around with a smile on my foc-c lor hours becaw,e of something you Mtld. Certain lines Crom your columns have i:>e(.'Ome part of thC' language. I hear you quoted in supermarkets, on buses and even from the pulf1t. (Our pa1Hor ls a regular reader.) • Thank you for the <.'Omfort you have given to millions of people who think they are the only ones who have such crazy problems. You have made so many frightened, insreu~~ folks feel "normal'' and less alone. You made me see I was too hard on my~l(. I stopped being a perfectionist, and 'llY migraines disappeared. • • ·You have helped me do a better job of dealing with my husband, my mother-in-law. m y neighbors, friends and -most of all -myself. Have a happy Thanksgiving, dear lady. You deserve it. -A STAUNCH SUPPORTER DEAR S.S.: Wbal a day-brightener! And now t-.e•next letter ls exactly what I needed before my bead got too big for tbe halo. It's from Miami. . DEAR(?) ANN LANDERS: You make me sick. Such gall! Such conceit! S uch arrogance! Such self-nghteousness! You are never at a loss for an opinion. How can one person be so smart? And your foolish face ls ever ywhere! No matter where l travel, you're in the paper. Even in Tokyo. Please take an early retirement and give the world a break. -SICK OF YOU DEAR SICK: Tbankl for the bumbler. I needed that! ·began to depend upon the pills and not upon their diet. Besides they became habit-forming . Patients couldn't get along without them. They wore them like a crutch long after the "fracture" had healed. I discovered that patients without the use of pills lost weight more satisfactotily than ; DEAR DR. STEI NCROHN: My doctor is T here were other shortcomings. I noticed that lbbborn, but I like him. I've been overweight for other problems developed when they took the ~an. I've constantly asked him lo prescribe appetite depressants. Some began to complain of ~uclng pilJs. He won't budge, and .says they are intractable insomnia. They became worn down by li1armful. Two neighbors down the street use tbem. lack of sleep and not by their diet. -Others actually 1~ d l b b • I h i h b had a rise in blooddr~ure. Still others complained +fl m l t ey aven t osl muc we I .t. ut some of palpitation an rapid pulse. Like a blanket l~s is better tban none. ~ ·How do you feel about reducing pills, Dr. covering all these complaints, they all said they ~lacrobn? Are they as'bad as all that? Why can were;~;oy:r doctor Is try·i~g t.O do for you, Mrs. olbers take them and I be deprived of their help? A$ times, I've been tempted to change doctors so I B., .is help you walk wi~hout crutch~rQnce you ~. get a prescription of the reducing medicine. _ begin . to ~. them theres a tendencyi to l~~n on s B them mdef1mtely. Be thankful that ~es sufficiently , · · . interested in you to say no. Follow his advice and ;. DEAR MRS. B.: I shouJd hope you'd like your _.:; it's less likel~hat you'll get nervous, lose sleep and ci9ctor even more than you do. He's being stubborn develop high blood pressure problems. f9' your sake. It takes a good deal more interest to ~use writing a prescription than getting it all over ~th and saying, "Okay, here it is." i: I confess that I occasionally prescribed appetite ~pressants some years ago. Laier on. as your own ct9ctor does. I also refused. I found that patients Dr. Steincrohn welcom es questions lro.m readers. He cannot answer all individually but will include those of general interest in his column. Send your questions to Jtim, in care of the Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1560. Co,,ta Mesa, Calif. 92626. *** 30%'off our great selection· of sweaters Lambswool, Shetland, Cashmere in V-neck, cardigan and crew styles ~ovember 22-27 Only A great way to save money on that special Christmas sweater. *** 0 . 17th&. Westcliff Avenue • Westcliff Plaia •Newport Beach •. 645-0792 llOW IS THE TIME! To plan tor rour holldey partlH and tamlly get togethera. lllEI PllTY IEnlLS .... 9"fflhlng JOU need to make your event a •ucc••· YOU CAN RENT . Holiday €heeP /' TABLES CHAIRS BARS HEATERS HIGH CHAIRS BEDS PERSONALIZED NAPKINS & MATCH BOOKS , CANOPIES CHINA ANO MUCH, MUCH MORE CALL OR COME BY ~akntfYJ~~~ n 1151 BAKER STREET ~ COSTA MESA 545 867 f , " r • GOlll 01 lllDGI BY CHARLES H GOREN AND OMAR SHARIF Uoth vulnerable. South deal1. NO&TH •AH ~ 41 O QJUO •14 WE8T £48T • .110174 • u 1$1 JIU ~ Q lHU 0 v.w 0 41011 •AKU •es' SOUTH •AKQ ~AK O KU • QJ 1097 The bidding: s .. tlt WHt Nertlt Eut ! NT P ... 3NT Pau Pue P ... Opening lead: Jack of •. When you learn ts> play bridge, you are taught many general principles. But it is wise lo remember that those pr inciples are just guidelines -individual'cases sometimes require unu1ual treatment. North had a choice of two ac•Uona after hl1 partner Opt!nf'd tht' biddhla with two no trump 11 1llghtly ag grl'1tll lve r•tlR' to three no trump in the hop•• that part· nl'r could u•'° h111 six·card ault, which wH North'• choice. or a pass. ·rhere w11 no poll\t in introducing the. diamond suit, because an I l·triclt contract was almo1t surely beyond the limit of the combined holding1. Declarer was fortunate that West had a natural spade lead -the contract would hue foundered had the other major been led. Declarer won in hand, and if he followed Qne of the batlc precepts that he had been taught. he would have led a low diamond toward dummy's honors. As· the cards lie. he would have fall· ed. East could win the ace and shift to a heart. Now when declarer finds that diamonds 'do not break, he has no time tJ set up a ninth trlcll betor'• the «MlencMra hav• the heart• eac.abUahtd. But dec:lartr had avaifahle a prl'lty eounter. At trick l wo he led the kins of dlamond11. Eul could not al ford to win this trick. If he did and 1hlfted LO a heart, declarer would 11lmply win and duck a diamond. Eaat would win a nd return anotheJ hurt. but now tteclarer could take lour dia· mond trick• lo bring hi• total to nine. So East wu forced LO duck. but that proved to be no better. Detlarer needed no more than one diamond tr ick and the tempo. He aban· doned diamond• and went after clubs. and he wu one step ahead of the defen .. West took the king of club1 and shifted to a heart. but it was too late. Declarer won and forced out (he ace of clubs, and he had nine tricks via three spade1, two heart.I. a diamond and three clubs. •• POT SHOTS BY ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT HOIOSCOPI . BY SIDNEY OMARA F riday, November 26 ARIES (March 21 -Aprll 19): What appears a setback will boomerang in your favor. You'll obtain needed material -puzz.le pieces will fall mto place. Past errors will be corrected. . TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Encouragement received from lively ind1v1dual who recently earned your respect. Written material plays important role. Membe r of opposite sex expresses feelings in unique manner. GEMINI (May 21:June 20): Rom~ce could be EVEN PEOf'LI: WHO HAVR FREEDOM '\. A"E ICVE,-. F'IQS P9'0M TMs ~l .. ONSlalLITY O~ DSCIDI .... MOW TO USS IT. • wishes -and powers of persuasion. You receive ~ift which lends tone to surri>undings . Review sit4ation with dependents, relatives and CANCER (June 21-July 22): Orders from top are s ubject to change due to lack of subtance. See pl~ces, people in realistic light -avoid self- deception. LEO (July 2J-Aug. 22): Plans are solidified for educational projt..>ct, possible travel and long-range policies. Pressure in <.1r eases, you have more respon s ibi lity a nd chances for increased compensation are enhanced. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Emphasis on accounting procedures, possible tax write offs, survey of financial responsibility of those who wou ld participate in partnership project. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): Break from past ia part of scenario. Focus on publicity, confrontations. lively exchange of views. realization that you gain mast by maintaining independent stance. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Follow through on those who encouraged you in rece.H past. · SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): De fine terms, give full play to intellectual curiosity. Emphasis on charisma. special appearances. intensified relationships with members of opposite sex. Speculative vpnture proves exciting . CAPRICORN (Oc..'C. 22-Jan. 19): Build on sol.id base -perceive potential, read between lines, deal with individ u al willinR to lend benefit of experience. AQUARIUS (Jan . 20 -Feb. 18): Past procedures could prove outmoded. Make inquiries. display versatility and sh..>w that you cA n be Clexible. Focus on short trips. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Money is counted -emphasis on improved living conditions, more satisfying surroundings and restoration of harmony at home. Findncial picture \s bnghter than originally anticipated. I . ·-· \_ ;;'.) I 'J1 • -·A ·- . .. \ I,.• • • -: ... ·· . ·- . r ' . , l~:. -. DIAMOND STUOS! For the ear· A.$575., B-$1390., C-$3525 , 0-$205., E-Stud $210., Jacket $80., F-$525 .. G-$600., H·Stlckpin $195., 1-$ 195. 17Mll lr•IM Wettclff,._• ....,.,. ..... BeaudfidJy mhed brass wtth 24 kt gold toM! • Display an ornament reminiscent oC the scenic Englsh countryside, so much a part of the Dic:Mns tracition. This dimensional. etched brass omama\1, featuring a lustrous 24 kt. gold tone at:1d elegant -box. ls yours for only $3.00 with any HallrnarX purchllK oC S 10.00 or more. While supply lasts. C> ••2 ""'""•"' c .. o.. Ille Christmas Store Hows Startq November 28 Ddy 10·8, s.ntays 11-4 ~ Your lifestyle says IZOD ® 25°/o OFF . Selected Shirts (limited time only) ,-' - • • • • . _-.. • • • \) mes am1es • \) \) \) 0 Teens ~ • • W e saj1ff Pla za 1132 Irvine Ave. Newport Beach Caltf. 92660 7 14 -631 -6008 ••••• BUSTER BROWN. ·--c...-......... _ ··----.. -°"'-... THEY'RE HERE I I• Orange Coa»t DAil Y PILOl /Thurldav. November 26, 1882 m!I .....,.. Veta's ..l,07 nt'"-'fin •""tl'l\l"U~t• I 1f•/ t .. tlllilf' •l.lft td.1tNa l•• II\""'"'·~.:_,,, ·~ll1-t t\i1t1••in .mrJ.....,·~u•''""" .._ '14' •' • .illtl't•I h•l-.•·1 \1,,~''' ~t\.trplhiddta I •II 1ftlr1t~\1t\\IM1tllitr11 .. ti \ ., '-• .. ~t-If\ u .. u lf.titt--$•1 ..... Think of everyone who'd love a Christmas gift from Hickory Farms. (.1111111 -~ h "11u\tr )IJOtlttht,IHL:lh 111,f\ llftl\ut .h,11" I""' ·11•1•11• '• tlflli~,J\\llhl.t•I\ I~ l1dtl • \ •hto llt..ol.•lh l•11•i. 11111• flt 1.11t ... -nd1t1~\•t1ll t..'1flf"t10I - Fashion Island Westcliff Plaza ..,. ... Id! 17111 ' """ ....... ..,.. BtKll 840-8030 642-G972 NEW GIFT CENTER NOW OPEN WOODBRIDGE VILLAGE CENTER IN IRVINE Antt:lony's Shoe Service• Bank of America• Charles Barr Jewel'3rs • Crown Hardware• Or. Lou Elder• Hair Handlers· salon• Halliday's Men's Clothi Hickory Farms • Humpty Dumpty • t:e Chante41 •Hughes Market• Mes Amies Teen' • Nancy Dunn Antiqµes • Newport Balboa Savings• Paper Unlimitfd· Sa v-On Drugs• Serendipity • S.torekeeper • Storekeeper for Her • Veta's"'lntimate Apparel• Westcliff Cleaners• Westcliff Corners• Westcliff Shoes• ~ . . .. Orenge Coaet DAIL V"PILOT /Thurtd1y. NovemMr 25, 1112 .. Newquist, David St~inmetz ana Marla Bird • T en-mun th-old art luver Cath~rine Crowell with her mom and dad, Ann and Tony Donna Ke ll y with Jim and Charlene Croul 'Changing Trends' hang at Laguna FetJows of Contempora ry Art, a Los Angeles and was greeted on arrival by Marla Bard, LBMA based group of art patrons, selected the Laguna president, and Bill Olton, {l"IUSCUm directot . Beath Museum of Art aa the lite for an exhibition Others present t.o enjoy the art and the hon featuring 36 regional works by 12 painters. d'oeuvre table dC<.'Orated with a Call holiday theme The museum's Junio r Council hosted a (the latter arranged by Kathy Douglass and Linda members' preview to cele brate the opening of Bratcher) here David Steinmetz. chairman Jor the "Changing Trends: Con t.ent and S tyle" on display FCA, Dr. and M~. Gene Levm, the John Parkers, through Jan. 2. T om Megonigals, Wi llia m J orda ns, J a c k The exhibit was cura ted liy Robert Smith, Llnklctters. Charles Hesters, Ted Paulsons, James directo r o f t he L os AnJCe les In s titute o f Crouls. Tony Crowells and Jack Boyles. Adelaide Contemporary Art. He was present tor the opening Hixon and Or. and Mrs. Bernard Descnberg. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.--~-.-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~__;.~__;.~~~~~~~~~~~-=.~__:::......_~~~~~~ ~IC NOTtcE NI.IC NOTtc£ · YOU AM IN DEfAUl T UNDll" A YOU AM .. DEfAUL T ~A 0110 Of' TMJIT OATIO AUOU8T Dt:IO OI' T"UIT OATIO AUGUIT 1, 1111. UNLlll YOU TAKI 11, 1971. UNLllS YOU TAKI ACTION TO ,flOTI CT YOU" ACTION TO '"OTICT YOUR NON"TY, IT MAY M SOl.O AT A "'OH"TY, IT MAY M IOlO AT A "'klC IALI . If YOU •I D AN l'U9LIC IAU. IF you ... D All 91P\.ANATION OI' nttl MATURI IXP't.AMATION OI'-T._ NAT\#m Of T._ "'OCHDINQ AQAINIT Of THIE "'OCllDtHG AQAINIT YOU, YOU IHOULO CONTACT A YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYI". LAWYIR. · NOTICE OI' TRUITH'I NOTICE Of' '""'8TH 'S SAU SALE T.S. No. M01 T.I . No. JIJM NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. tlllt NOTICE IS HEREBY Gii/EN. thll on We<IMtday, Oecembe< 1, 1982. 'on Wednesday. o-ntt>e< 1. 1982. at 9.00 o'ctock a.m. of Mid day. In at 9:00 o·ctoc;k am. or aald day. In the room .. , aside f<>< conducting tt'9 room Ml Ude IOI conducting Trustee•a SaleS, within the ott;ces of fruatee•s Sales. within the olflc.a of REA L ESTA TE SECURITI ES REAL ESTATE SECURITIES SERVICE. located at 2020-North SERVICE, located at 2020 North Broadway. Sulla 206. In the City of Broadway, Sulla 206, In the City ol Senta Ana. County of Orange. State Santa Ana. Countyol Orange. Stet• ol Californi a, SAN MARINO qt C1llfornla, ]fEAl E'ST.\.TE SAVINGS A N D L 0 AN SECURITIES SER~ICE. a c.Jlt0tnla ASSOCIATION . 1 Calllornla ·corporation. as duly appointed corporation, as ~uly a~otnted power of u1a conlarrad In that power or Hie conferred In that certain OaeCI of Trull ••acute<! by certain Dead of Trust executed by DENNIS F SCOn ad PENNY L WAL TEA M •• BUSH and EIKO S. SCOTT. husband and wife who BUSH. husband and wife. recorded acquired lltle as PENNY SCOTT, August 29. 1977. In Book 12356 of recorded AUOost 21, 1978, In 8ook Official Records of aakl County. at 12807 of Ofllclal Record• of H id page 159, Recorder's Instrument County, at page 1032, ReeordM's No. 47153. by reason of• breach or lnttrument No. 29777, by reason of default In payment or perf0tmance a breach or default In payment or of Ille obHgaoona MCured thereby, parformeoca of tile obllgatlona Including that breach or default. M Cured tharet>y. Including that N olle• of whtcti wu reoorded brHCh or default. Notk:a of wnlch February 24, 19112, u A«ordaf'a waa recorded August 3 1. 1981. In 1n11rumen1 ·No. 82·084792, WILL Book 14 180 of Official Aacord• of SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE said County, at page 1027. H IGH EST BIDDER FOR CASH. Recorder·• lnatrument No. 18749. lawful money ol Ille United States, WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION or 1 ceshlar'a cheek drawn on a TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER FOR 1111• Or national bank .• atete Of CASH, lawful money of the United fedatal credit union. 'Of a state or Sbt•, Of a euhler'a ctleCk drawn fedatal aavlnga and toan ueoc:latlon on a state <>< natJonal bank, a atata domicileCI In tNe etata, .. ~ at or federal credi1 union, Of a atata Of the time of aale. all right, title and feelafal aavtngs end loan anoc:latlon lntarell held by It, u Trustee, In domk:lled In this stata, all payable al that r• prop«ty eltuated In said tba time of sale, all right, title and County and State. deecrlbed •• 1ntlfesl 'held by II, .. TruttM, In followw; tllat real property alluate In Hid PARCEL 1· County and State, dHcrlbad as Lot 110 of Tract No. 5788. In the followa. City of lrvlne ... pe< ~ recorded ALNMllolc11ntar•llnandto In Book 218. Pagea 19 to 27. Lot 5S of Tract No. 1700. aa lncluslw of MltlClell_, Maps. In shOwfl on a Map recorded In Book the ott1ce ol the County Aecordet of ..._ 52, pages 7 and 8. of Mlaolllaneou• Mid County Maps, records ol said County. PARCEL ~ The atreet addreu or other An eaaament tor suppor) and common dealgnallon of tha real Mtllernent Where aeld lot adjoins prop«ty herelnaboW deaeflbed II any other IOI In said tract. together pilrported to be. 1312 S1n11netla with auemenla tor eavH or Terrace, Corona del Mat. California. ov91tiangs. whera suoti ea"8S are Tile undarslgnad hereby conatructad Jn accordance wllfl disclaims all llablllty tor any applicable municipal ordinances. lnoorrectnesa In said strMt addr... An aHament together w ith Of other common designation. au e menu for support and Said sale will be made without Mlllement where said lot edJolns warrenty. uprau or Implied. any ottlar lot In aald tract, together ragerdlng 1111•. pouenlon, or with aaaa ment s for eave s or encumbrances. to aatlafy Iha overhangs, where auch eaves are pi'lnclp11 balance ol Iha Note or conatructed In accordance with other obligation 1ec:ured by aald applicable munlelpal ordlnencet. Dead of Trust. with lntereat and ·the street address or other other aums aa provided therein: oommon designation ol the raal plus advancea, II any, under tha property lle<elnaboYe described ia 1erm1 thereof and """"1 on such purported to be: 10 ~ WrHlh advances, and plua •-. charges Way, Irvine. Calll0tnla. end ••pen-ol the TruatM and of The und aral g ned hara by the trusts created by said Deed of dlactalma all llablhty lor any Trull. The total amount ol nld lnco<rectnaa In said ttreet addresa obllljallon, lnctudln9 rauonably °' otheir common dellgnatlon.. Hlimated laea. charge• an d Said eala win be made without axpan-ol the TruatM. at the time warranty., axpreH or Implied, of Initial publication of this Notice. la r911ardlng title. pouaulon, or 152,747 Ot encumbrances, 10 satisfy the Dated· "°"9mbe< 10. 1982 principal balanca of Iha Note or REAL ESTATE o ther oblioatlon MCUted by aaid SECURITIES SERVICE. 0..0 of 'fruit. wll!I lnterut and a California othar 1um1 aa provided therein: COfl>Ofa11on, plus advances. II any. undlf the u TrustM, term1 thareol and Interest on IUdl By (SEAL) DJ MOfger, •. dvanc;es. and plus f-. charges Ila Praeldent and eJQ>anMa of the Trustee and of 2020 N Broadway, Suite ihe trust• crH led t>rtald 8aed ol 208, Trull The total amount of aald Santa Ana, CA 92708 obllgallon, Including reaaonably Tat (714) 953-6810 aatlmatad lees, chargH and Publlahad Orange CoHI Dally a11pen-ol the Trustee, at the time Plot. Nov. t I , 18, 25. 1982 ol lnltlal publk:atlon ol this Nolloa. Is 5002-82 S40,o465.09 Dated· November 8. t982 SAN MARINO SAVINGS •-tc W\flC[ ANO LOAN ASSOC-,._ nu IATION. aa T"'91aa Sf ATIMINT OI' MANDONMINT Ofl U.-OI' a California Corporation, flCTITIOUS _, ..... N._ By: REAL ESTATE The lo llowln g parson h.. SECURITIES SERVICE, eOencloned the uw of the fictitious a California corporation, ~~ lll Agenl BOHDAVI ASSOCIATES, 18430 6 y: D.J. Morger, Brookhurat Streat, Sulla 204, 119 Pretldanl Fal#ltaln V*'f. Callfomla 92708 (SEAL) -flle Flctltloua Bu1lna11 N1ina 2020 North Broadway rararrad to above WH filed In Sulla 20e, Ol'9rlOI County on Sept. 7, tH 2 Santa Ana, CA 92708 David A . Paf ara. 18430 Tal:(714)Q~10 etookhurat Streat, Sui te 204, Published Oranoa Coaat Dally Fountain V*'f, Celltomla 92708 Piiot, November 11. 18 and 25, 'Tilla ~ •aa condUcted by• 1N2. ........, partnaratllp o.¥td A. P9terl MOC NOTlC( 'fhll .. atamant -flied with Ille c.untY eterti of Orange County on r--::N0::::::11::ica=-:cw=-= .. =n=uma===--'*.,.,_ 22. 1N2. TRAWllt AND LIAMeACll ,,_, Notice 11 hereby Givan lhal Air Publlthad Ora1198 Coast Dally n1a 1 CellfOfnla COfl)Ofatlon ~· HoY. 25, Dec. 2. 9, 18, 1982 ec1c1,'-at 363& 81rc:tl SIYWt, 5207-82 Newp(>ft ea.en. CalllOfnla Q28f 0, -----"."""'.'~:'.'::"::----tandl to tranefer to and l•••bedl rtaJC 11)11C( • from Sunblrd LaH lng No. I, a --===~===--Clllllomla limited partnerlhlo with ACnnoul _.. addrau al 506 North 1'u1t1n llAm ITAftlmWT A11anu1, Santa Ana, Calllornl1 TM fOlkJwlnll parlOl\I -doing 92705, pertonll property~ ~ •• o-ibed M IO!lowl: One-lircrlll LINOOfilA MEDICAL CLINIC, manufac tured by Bo a t no .. ...,._ ll\ld., Suite H-3, Coata COfPOf'lllOn (Model 737-293) end w.. CA tff2t. one •er.rt angina, togtthar Wltll .. ITAMPEA MEDICAL CLINIC lqlllpmant tnd _,_... therltO 1f.c; a ~ corp0ratlon, 33Q3 1M110ng1no to MCtl Of Iha fOfegOlllO. HwbOf l htd., Suite H·3. Coat• Thl l 1ran 1ac11on 11 t o b • ...._ C!~· ... '......,.uo._.. .... 1 con1ummat1d on December a, 11111 --19 ......... l.v VJ 1912, .. Newport "9cll, Clllfomla. '°"°'.aon .... _ ............ ""-'-.. -~ .. '°"" llbo¥9. Tiie -----abowl ~ propll1y la IOcetld '"°' "' ~ ... ~. Niii I .......... Cotil. At" CAL.c>MA WY· ~---or·LllMll tflit .. I MAI ... flied Wltll tlle JclM J. WOCldlocll C°""! ::--"' Of1ftf9 ~ on ~. ANnoe .............. ., •. ,... -. ....,, ....... .---· .... ety ~illllaf'ICI Orlftll COlll D1l1 ,u.111"" Orante CoHI Dally ""°'' NcW 12, tt. II, Ole :o:~ Ptlol, NoY'll'l'IOlt H . tN2 5ttMI t ---- CLEAR GLASS HURRICANE CHIMNEYS 6 SOLID BRASS CANDLEHOLDER ~ Festive comblnallon wlll hold a classic taper and holiday trimmings. CHIMNEYS ONLY 4 'A • and 5 '/• • dla. 12· tall 3.99 14" tall 4.99 JACK·BE·NIMBLE CANDLE HOLDER From India 7 1/a" >< .,.. tall 0 fl 0 GRANDLY GRAPHIC "SLICKER" APRONS From Hong Kong Vinyl coated cotton aprons have bright and shiny designs "JAMS & JELLIES" GRAPHIC "CHEERFUL SANT AS" 3.99 SPARKLING CLEAR GLASS VASES From Turkey Wonderful clear vases fn. crisp contemporary lines. CV LINDER 4• dla. >< 12· tall 7.99 each _.._ ..... ;;....----4 NATURAL MONKEYPOD SALAD WORKS From The Philippines 9.88 #' Smoothly ftnlshed bowts to mix and serve the salad of the day. 12· dla 4• deep ~--------C-LA-SS-IC-TA_P_E_R_S___. 11 ·99 From Hong Kong In all the essential colors' Red, Whtie, Green, Brown, Ivory and Yellow 10· 12· 15" .20 .25 .30 COTION GINGHAM PLACEMATS From Ind•' Classic 318" checks make pretty placemats. In Yellow, e1ue. Red or G reen 11--------•~ With White. 19" long 12'/1. wide .99 NATURE'S VERY OWN SPONGE From The Philippines The real thing! Approx. 6111 • dla. 2.97 WALNUT FINISH WOOD SHADOW BOX From Hong Kong Display many miniature treasures. With brass corner details. Hangs vertically. 16•1t• x 241/1" 8.99 CLEAR ACRYLIC RECIPE 1 ACC£SSORIES From Hong Kono Protect cookbook or recipes! COOK· BOOK HOLDER 9• )( 12''1 . 5.49 RECIPE CARO HOLDER 3· x.s· .99 BEER LABEL EARTHENWARE STEINS From West Germany Handsome, hefty steins have printed vivid.beer label designs on pale grey. Assorled label designs. 1 plnl 4 oz. 5" 1a11 6.99 each ~---~ Soft green bowl has molded de· sign surface. 41/r" dia. 85 2· deep • OM OUR TOY SECTION •iftijliiiliift From China ~r!!!tJ CARDBOARD • ~ALEIDOSCOPE Dazzllng views t 5" long .49 COTTON "HAPPY/SAD" DOLL Wilh two faces. t2" long 6'!1" wide 1.50 MINIATURE ACCORDIAN Prinled paper with plastic handles Opens to 6" 1.25 PAINl ED WOOD HORSE ON WHEELS Colorful canter s· long)( s· tall 5.33 MON.·SAT. 10 A.M.·1 P.M. SUNDAY 10 A.M.·7 P.M. 12.99 PAPER CHRISTMAS CUPCAKE CASES From England Bitty red and green FROM OUR SPARKLING CHRISTMAS SECTION "NUTCRACKERS' GALORE PAINTEQ WOOD NUTCRACKER From Taiwan 10•1, • 1a11 7.99 GUEST TOWELS & 3·Ply Towels 4•;,• ><1)'11" Folded .88 Pkg. of 12 Cocktail Napkins 5" >< 5" Folded .44' Pkg. of 24 1 ROTATING METAL CANDLE CHIMES From Taiwan 12• 1a11 --~ ............... ~ holly design 't-...::111_.J on white. 21/r • top dla COST PLUS' OWN DESIGN FIREPLACE MATCHES From Taiwan Perfectly packaged wood matches 11 • long 1.25 Box of 70 BABY'S BREATH GAGGLE OF GEESE NATURAL RAMIN WOOD ACCESSORIES From Hong Kong Brass·rlmmed box to hold vitamins, matches or sweetener. 11/1"X2" v"" • deep .99 4 '/•"><2" .66 ..,....-: Pkg • of 21 · - COST PLUS OWN DESIGN - WRAPPI NG ~i~i:~CI PAPER (; Rocking Horse SQUARE PANDAN BOXES From The Phlllpplnea 2·TfEf( NATURAL BAMBOO FARMER BASKET NICELY NATURAL BASKETRY From Mexico Especially thick rattan forms ruggedly hand· some baskets. to carry stonea Netural pandan In a thick weave for grand gifting. With natur•I hinges. 5'/r • 101• deep 5'1t" sq From China For gourmet treeaurea or collec· tlons. Strong enough 11i~I yet elegant ;;ca•-. .85 11'1i • dla enough to dress up any plent • 5 11ZH 12· to 19• dla 12· to 20· deep 8.1910 18.99 TEAK OR WALNUT l'INISH HARDWOOD TABLI ON CASTERS From SlngaPore Solldly conetructed table ha• leak ven"' top with thick hardwood legs end lremlng with en over·all finish BAlllOO SLAT I WOOD FRAMI IOAADWALK CHAIR From China Noetatglc ellng chelr la handeome enough to combine with any In· CANE LETIER TO LOG NATUML MMIN WOOD llRYINQ TAILI From Hong Kong Lift-off tray make• tor de· llgt'ltlully easy IOOd Mrvlce. To carry gifts, letters, leaves, laundry, logs or litter. PALM DOLL "CRADLE" Snug tote to llne and be· ribbon for the Christmas doll. Approx. 16" tong 9" wide 9• tall at hOod 8.99 4·Rum, Brendy or Amaretto 18-Petlte Babas 14 oz. cans 1.Heach IOLID IRAU NATURAL CA"Z SHELL ltOITHOLE WITH , LAMPIHADEI From MIRROR From Telwan The Ptllllpplne1 To make a tine cabinet Natural white trans· door or mirror on the lucent captz 1hell1 of elthlf teek or walnut. 1e· x 21· rormat deeor. Rug~ 1~---~::::iii ly conatructed or nat wall. have 1ubtle color accent• With 20· tall 53.88 ur1I bamboo atata and nylon cord on 1talned and Y,,. nta'*I herdwOOd • 191/t" wide 7• tall Adltaata to 32• tall 14.11 ONN 1 DAYI A WlllC' -.-MT.,. .... _,, .• ......... -,, .. J metal hanging plate . PINEAPPLE ev.· 1a11 14 'II• dla. 28.88 eunl!Rl'L v / 14• tall 1e· dla. 31 · .. Orang• Coa11 DAIL v PILOT /Thurlday, November 25, 188~ - Bargains by the bushel at Ticktocker Thr.ift Shop I What borgelna end pri~l'!I the 308 worMn &ook the Balboa Bay Club wht•n tht• OrMJU(•' L'ounty home from the National Charity ~ luncheon Chap~r of Exoculiw Woman lnti'rnatlonal ht•ld 11.11 • and 1Uent auction held at the Newpo11erl 30th executives nl11ht. In 1963 the Tlclltocker Thrift Shop committee T he room was decoralt.>d In r()6('1 and aa Jhc held • potluck salad luncheon and allcnt auction In· honored cxecullvea arrived boutonnlNea were the back room Of the thrift •hop. It WU IO popular during the next eitht years they moved the event to preeented to the males and corsases to the fl'malea. the Newporter In 1971. It was the execuuves' night to JUSl alt back and The "cream of the crop" thrift shop ltema relax. The Baxter Street Singers entertained the 1rouped at one end of the Plaza Bell.room drew 120 atten~ng and following dl~ner each honoree such enthuala.sUc bidders that no one wented to a\op · waa introduced and stood to glw out the slogan of for lum;h. their company. AlthQugh once seated at the red draped tables The OC c hapte r is one o f a bout 75 EWI centered with baskets of white cyclamen, memben chapters in the U.S., Canada and Mt:Xiro. JoAnne and guests found that they had an opportunity to · Story of Air Cal la president this year and Debbie win one of the more than 50 prlr.es. r 1 I ll' f T P roceed s from the auctjon will go to t he ..,.. c ne I o ra nslerra E"plora tion Corporation Golden Timers Senior Citizens Center, High Hopes, takes over t~c office next year. Y.E.S., Harbor area Adult Day Care Cen ter and 20-30: Major league outflel<tei-J ay JohnStof\E' Sherman Foundation Gardens. left his own birthday party long enough to aaaist Those attending inoluded Gerr y HastinJ., Kent Briggs, a past area president, and members of president: Bobbe Geigle. bhainnan of the Nov. 2'1 the Active 20-30 International Clubs as t h ey debu tante bal\; .Esther Cavanaugh , director of distributed $~1 .456 in awards to children's groups: charities; Lynne Graham, silent auction chairman, • Th~occasion, 8 black tie ball bPld in Balboa Maud J ohansson: co-chairman , and Dot Clock. · Bay ClU!> was attended by 170 with repreaentatlves Penny McManlgel, Cecilia Nott and lucky Betty from the recipients and members of five 20-30 clubs Kilmer, w ho won a gold rope bracelet w lt h · Including Newport Beach , Santa Ana, Anaheim, diamonds donated by Mary Barr. Riverside and the Women's Active 20-30 Club of · LAS SOCIAS: After the NCL luncheon there Orange County. Champagn e reception was a tea at Carolyn Shea's Balboa home hosted by Receiving the funds raised by the servk-e clubs The boa rd of the Adoption Guild of Southern Orange County· t he board of directors of Las Socias of New through various activities incluaing a chili cookoff I d be Directions. Some of the same people that were at and a golf tournament w e re For Kids S ake, we come new me m n at a champagne reception he ld at the luncheon around the food-laden tea table were Leukemia Society, Services for the Blind, Cystic Cannell a nd Chaffin. Member Phylli8 Carpenter , who is the d esign seen. These are calorie and calendar fiUed daya. Fibrosis, Fairview, National Sport and Recreation service director fo r C a nd C, pours a bit· of bubbly for honorees, for Handicapped Children, ~erican Riding Club EXECS HONORED: Ev!?r ything waa ~osy at for the Handicapped and the NHSRA. · (from le ft ) Candice Budge, Kay Evans and Gin ger Zimmerman. ~~~-,-~~~~~--.~~~~~~-=~~-.-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Nil.IC M>TICE '1CTITIOUt .,..... t UNNCMI CMT °" .. ._ ITATW-.r C~ The following pwaons 11e dOlng CouenY Of' NC buslnesa as; In the......,.,• ,. ... -::.-1 KRIKOAIAN I KOPP PAINTING o1 "ATNCIA LOUIN COMPANY. 6t2 ShHte1.en\. Cotle '°' CMftt9 ol ...... ..-.. Celllomle 12626 .... A·1,._ •Guy Alen KrikOflen. 612 Shute OMl1' TO .-.OW OMl99 L-. Coste Mae. CelllOfnle 92626 '°" c.....-M ..... Peul Frencla Kopp, 21982 The eppllcetlon of PATRICIA L e k elen d Ave nue. El Toro . LOUISE WEMME .. US lor oMflge ef CelifOfnla 92630 neme • • . llevlng ~ flletl In Thia bulln ... la conducted by 1 Court. and If ~ from Mid genetel partnership. epplk:ellon ltlef ,.A t .. ICIA LOUIS! Guy Krlk()(ien W E M M E R U S II 1 a ti I e d e n Thia atetement wu ft1'd wtth the eoolieltlon p<oooelna tll• her -County Clerk of Orenge County on be Chengiao to PAf"RICIA LOt.nSI Octob« 22. 11182 SCOTT. Plate NOTICE flCTJTIOUe ...... NAm t TAftmWT The followlnD per90n Is doing bYelnela u : SP ORTS TODA Y, 15500 PBNdon Awnue. Tu111n. Calll0fnl1 g268() Phlltlp Parsons, 15500 Puadon A-. Tuslln. Calll()(nia 92880 Thie bu91""8 19 conducted by en lndMdual. Phlllp P...one Thie llal~ -flied with the County Clerk of Or1ng1t County on ~lier 21, 11112. noino Publlalled Orange CoHt Dally PllM,Nov.26. DIC.2.1. It. 1192 5113-et '1CTIT10U9 ., .... NAMS t TAT'llmNT ordered end directed, thet ell pereons iflter"t.ct In Mid met'8f do 1ppeer before thla c o urt In Oepertrnent 3. on the tat· dey el o-Tlbet. 11112 et 10:30 A.M. ot selct dey to 9'loW -why aucll eppllcetlon tor chenge or nerne SllOtJld not be .,entect. It Is llK1'lw ordlrld IMC I «Yr/ ol thla Order to Sllow CauH b e pubflahed In the ~co.et [)ally Piiot, • newapeper o f general clrculatlon, ptlnted .1n Mid county, at tea11 o-each week '°' lour ~weeks prior to the day of s.ics heenng. Deted this day ot Oc1obef 20 , 1982. • Metil A. loOerl Judge of Mid Suoertor COurt ROeaT~ LAW Of' t • ue ........ CA9'7 Put111e11ec1 or • ...-com" PtlOt. Oct. 22. ti. "Nov. 5, 12, • 1882 ~~ IMflON .,. doing P\aJC ll)TIC( ) I THE MIHAYLO BROTHERS. a ocnnoue ....... C alllornla generel pertnerahlp, ~ 8T"'IW 21111 Bluebell Drive. Legun• The to11ow4nt ,.,_ -~ .lfloull, Cailfomla t2t17 butinMs es: Andrew W. Mllle~l_o, 28181 (A) ... AXTON CA .. IBIEAN Bluebell Drive. Ll gunt Nlguel. MANUFACTVAIHO CIDMPAHY. «*9 Cellloml• 92877. (9) BRAXTON MANUFACTURING CherlH v. Mllleylo, 1l33l COMPANY OF CA~-11:01-'p',ffA IMIJ:$9 Drive, Santa Ana. Celttomle INCORPORATED. 1713 MOIWOVll 12 Metlh-M Mllleylo. 4270 :=· Unit ··z·-. C<*a ...... CA ""'*1el Ortve. W• Linn. Oregon 8 '1u X T 0 N C A "II• EA H t10M MANUFACTURING CCJl,t .. ANY, e Steven G. Mlheyto, 5710 N. Oel ewere c orp o retlon, f7S3 2tWI Piece, Plloenl•. Amon. 85018 Monrovl• Ave .. Unll "Z", Cott• John A. Mlheylo. 241 s. E. M-CA 92827 Airpark Avenue. Bend. Oregon Thlt tiusir-... conducted by a 97102 eo<por•llOfl Thie bull..-le conducted by • lraton CetlOMln Mfg generll Pertnersllilt. Co • Attdr.w W. Mlfleylo Joeeptt E. TrllnO, Sec. This llllement WM ~ with the Thd aletemenl -Med with die ...a County Clertl of ~enge County on County Clerk of OrWl09 County on Novwnber 22. 1912. ,.,,,, November 15, 1H2. P\lbllahed Orange CoHt Delly ..lilOt. Nov. 25. 0.. 2, 9. 18 ...... 2 5171-12 '-'11 Published Oran .. Coaet DdY ftlot, N6V. 18, 21. Ok. 2, 9, 1"2 5MM2 PlB.JC ll)TIC( ~ CONIOi:JSA1fD REPORT °' Co n solldat ed Re p ort of C ond ition 9t "INTERNATIONAL CENTRAL BANK & TRUlt CORPORA'flON" of El Toro, Orenge County, end Domestic Subsidiaries at the cloae of bualneat Oft September 30, 1982 . ..... llank No. 1217 ''-... ASUTI Caah and due from banks .................................... 12, 142 Investment ..:=urltlel (Matttet value t 7t ,581 ....................................... 78,804 ,ederal funds BOid and MWrltlee · pwchaNd und9' egreementa ' to NMtt lft dOmeetlc offlcea .............................. 11,887 Bank pr..,._, F.F. &;E., etc ...................................... 51 °"* .................................................................. 1,ltO TOTAL ASSETS .................................................. 110,831 UA&mll TOTAL OEP081T8 IN • DOMESTIC OFFICES ...................... 99, 151 Total d9n\and deposits ................ 2t,717 Total time I Mvtnaa deposits ..... et,442 TOTAL Dl'°81T8 lfll DOMESTIC ANO FOMIGN OFACES .................................. ", 1M Other llllblltlel ................................................. : ..... 1,104 TOTAL LIABILITIES 1 (axctudlng eubordlnatec:t not• anc1 d9ben"'= ............................................... 101.eea IAMMC>LHR• IQUl'TY Common atodl .. No ...... authorized 10,000 b. No . .,,.,.. outstanding 10,000 1,000 8urotut ................................................... ,... G TO'tAL CON,.,..BUTEO CAPlt AL .......................... 1, =1~D'ERi .. lourrt::::::::::::::::::::::::: :. • TOTAL UA81UTIU ANO . IHAMHOLOIM !QUfTY ....................... -........ 110Mt The ~ncNrr, Jeck L. TauNr, ~Claftt and Dental J . ,..r;;,Eaaoullve Vice ,-,tatd.,•t of'"' ...,._namecl a.M. Mdt dealeraa. for hllMlllf atafta Ind not for te,. OllW: I have pereonal II~ tflt fMIWI oont._. In ... report encl I bll9we -* " ........ "" ..... report. trve .... of ........... . for '=* ... not for ... GIW, .... ......, of ....... .. .. .,.,. ....... ~ Oft~-II, ;ar .. • T ... 0111 ....... .... l.T.,.. . ,., .,.,.... J. ,.... • ..... .. a....a...o.,,... .............. .. . ... , .. .- On November 26th at six otlock in t4e evening, the Segerstrom family invites . you and yo.,ur family to kindle the warm spirit" of Christmas at South Coast .Plaza. This truly memorable family event will commence \ ... with lighting the huge glittering Christmas tree in Town Center Park. ~There will al~o be a giant family punch bow} __ with refreshments fQr all, while the fabulol.ls All American Boy's Choir warms our hearts with traditional Christ111as Carols. Of course, Santa will arrive in --truly niemorable style which is guaranteed to ._. bring smiles of delight to every member of your family. Please j9in us. We look forward to sharing this~ the best time of every ·year with you and your loved ones. I • tftt t.+ t+ • 1 Me11yCh1. I •( •• ... .. • •d . , -0 I ! t ' . ove, yoga • • asc1nat1ng o novelist PARIS (AP) -It'a dltflcult tot.ell lf Lawrent.-e 11 "8 just joking . Wrllera, he sa~a, "should ht> t on a reservation and gassed,' Christianity Id be rubbed out," and death "will be a relief a t.er publishers." At 70, the author of "The Alexandria Quartet" still trying to shock, as h., did In the 1930s when critics dlsmialed him as part of the "decadent" wd gathered around Henry Miller and Anais Nin Paris. He kept writing through 20 years. of limited ptance, four marriages and a series of straight· jobs that kept .him from devoting his 'full time to literature. Then In the late 1950s, Durrell went from self- deacribed "respectable also-ran" to literary sensation with the ''Quartet," an ambitious effort to squeeze. "an investigation of modem love" through the wringe r of space and lime. What c ame out were four commercially and critically successful novels full of exotic acters progressively revealed agail)St the riell, re backdrop of an imagined Alexandria, F.gypt. A special one-yolume edition was published June by Washington Square Press to mark the 2 th anniversary of "Justine," the first· in the series. "I always had a hankering to write classically," 11 says, sipping red wine at the Dome cafe in · • Montpamasse district after recovering Crom t "nervous breakdown" of finishing his latest vel. · "Classicism means becoming a spokesman for t e cosmology of your time, and what.. was the ology of our age if it wasn't Einstein and ud," he says. "So I used the theory of relativity, four dimensions, as a kind of point of departure make a classical frame in four volumes." But the cosmology has shifted, explains · ll, a short, stocky man with pale blue eyes. Modern love has ceased to be any kind of love at all -"· t ra and vul arity" -and the Indian-born Britis expatriate now says our 1mens101'lfi are on · short. • He has just finished the third in a five-novel series based loosely on the Buddhist theory of Cive elements of reality. · ."When I was loolµng back the other day to what my career had been. I found I was really trying to find my way back to India," Durrell says. He spent his boyhood near the Tibetan border where his father worked as an engineer for the British colonial government. "l1think I really must have been marked by that enormous silence up in ·the mountains." Durrell was born in the hot central plains on Feb. 27. 1912. but spent most of his childhood near the Himalayas in the northern Indian city of Darjeeling. His family, including younger brother Gerald, an internationally known zoologist and author,-visited Tibetan monasteries "like people here go to the country for weekends. He spent days "camping and fishing and shooting in huge foreists rich in every imaginable kind of thing." His school years in England, his early literary days in the Paris of the 1930s and his subsequent travels to Argentina, Cyprus (about which he wrote in "Bitter Lemons"). Corfu, Greece and F.gypt a5 a writer and as a ~ress officer in the British diplomatic corps did not lessen lndia's pull, he says. "If you live in a kind of a Buddhist context, even if you are an aggressive little colonial. . . . Whatever we were, It rea:lly works on· you. rm an intellectual refugee, really. 1 belong In the Himalayas." · Durrell describes his latest project as a "kind of a yogic book" and says the daily discipfine of yoga helped him through the book .. "You have to treat yourself like a psychiatric case when you're writing, really," he says. "You're always swallowing amphetamines and alcohol and so on, but if you do enough yoga you can hold onto your9elf, go through a jag of hys~ with good grace and not too many sleeping pills and then do a spell of not drinking and get back into form." llST SEUllS FICTION 1. "Space," James A. Michener 2. "!Ott: Odyssey Two," Arthur C. Clarke 3. "Muter of .. e Game," Sidney Sheldon 4. "FoudaUoa'1 Ed&e," Isaac Aaimov 5. "Ml1tral'1 Da•lliter," Judith Krantz 6. "'ne Valley of11ones," Jean M. Auel 7. "Tiie Fall of Freddie U1e Leaf," Leo Buecaglia 8. "Tiie E.T. Storybeoll," William Kotzwinkle 9. "DUfereat Sea1on1," Stephen King 10. "Croa1ln11.'' Danielle Steel • NON-FICTION 1. "More by Andy Roo•ey," Andrew A. Rooney • 2. "Jue F ..... , Wonoet Beoll" 3. "Uvtac, Levtq 6 Le_,...,,'' Leo S.11C11glla 4. "Wlln Bad Tiii•&• Happn To Geod Peeple," Harold S. Kushner 5 .• "Ule Exteaalon1," Ptanlon & Shaw 6. ''Tile 0..MIHte Maaaaer ," Blanchard & Johnlon . 7. "Havtq It All,'' He~n Gurley Brown 8. "Meplrnd1," John Naiabilt 9. f"lteeplq r ....... Jlmmy Caner 10. "Tiie G Spet," LedM, Wlmpple & Perry Courtesy of nme. the weekly news magazine. Man jailed af fer 'nailing' hot. dog ANN ARBOR, Mlch. (AP) -A maEho •dmitted' placinl a nail in a Hygrade Bal Park Frank u a joke on hla airlfrlend haa been ~ to 10 days In Jail and alx montha probation. Michael McDaniel, 21 . al.lo waa fined $20~ in court c:mta and wu ordered to perform 80 hows of community tervke work McDaniel h.cl told police he found the nail in hil hol dol and later admiti.d he put It then h1ml9lf 10 aN hAI plfriend. He pae.ded IUfJty' Nov. 8 to• charte of tmnc • tai. police report. j . I Holiday Blues take on a new mood. IVY'S LEAGUE FlllhkJft w.nd, NCwpor.t Beach • 640·5721 .. . SEBAGO Genuine hand sewn loafers with leather soles. FOR WOMEN Sizes 4 S AAAA AAA AA A B c .. x x x x x x #CJ-> FASHION ISLAND 6 1 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Xi x x x x x x x .. Tassel Moc cordo brown calf a great campus favorite 8 x x. x x x x x x x x x x Penny Loafer cord<> brown caff . -9 10 ')( .x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x ~ U'j~ SHOES NEWPORT BEACH 759-9~51 The more ~ compare, _the more you'll _~gree. • • ... brandn•me tope comparable In quality at 7.50 marshalls 3 99 pr1ce • Final quality. ahort slttYe aewnecklopeln~ ~ pol)aterr.;ol. cotton SlU'.9 4 lO 14. femoqe.mme P' ... comparable In quality at • 19 manhall• 9 99 pr1ce • She'll chooee from hol lday putela and brtahts In 1 oat. woven cofton. All nrat quality. alma 7 to 14. regular and sllm. Put 11C810n, Uttle ~· brucl •me puata com~ble In quality at 816 .................... I. men'• dml.rner tlea pre-tlcketeJb; the famous makers at 8.50 to 18.50 ... 4.99to8.99 llAR8llAUB GDT CBRTD1CATES bi • 10 and •25 denominations. Available at our service desk. Redeemable .at any one of our stores. • .• I • Oqce upon a ti~ . . . When the Fountain Valley Library invited youngsters to dress up as their favorite book e-haracters, David Pescarolo, 7, came as the "Last of the Mohicans.'" Julie Jones, 9 , carried a puppet cat to comple!e:'her witch's outfit. Miko Me rida, 6, portrayed Cinderella and Richard Parke r, 7, decked·out a s a robot. They were """ celebrating Children's Book Week. ·• . , ... •. . . Marshalls for quality, selection· and savings everyday famous designer crepe de chine ~· blouses sold !-. elsew_h~re ~t ~-.~~~~ ~ , season at $30 . ,. t marshal.ls price 15.99 Ftrstquality. nationally advertised po~ crepe de chine blouses in ail assortlflent of solid colors. Each with destgnerlabel&us 6 to 16. famous maker brw decorative acce•1odm comparable ln quality . at $15 to 32.50 marshalls prttt 7.99to.14.99 ,_...,,.,.. __ ,., ~ "{,-· -::.-• .. ===.:=:.::~:.-:::;:.:-L· ==-=.: M11rsl~11lllls ~r _qaallty" __ ._ .. _ ... _ •• _ .... _..,_ ..... ...;,-_....., __ ... _•_-_._ .. _ ... _~ __ • -----~-----9rond Nom& for less/-------.---- A select Ion or Orst quallty brass acce&- sor1es from a naUonal ly known makcr. candlestlC'ks. bells. bookends included. Perfect for holiday gtfts or decorating. • , COSTA MllA: Harbor Shop. Ctr .. at the.intersection of Harbor Blvd. and Wilson St. LA Ml9'ADA: Green Hills Snopp1nQCtr , East Imperial Hgwy corner ot Sa,,la Oertrudes Ave HUNTINGTON llACH: corner of Beach Blvd and Terry Or LAGUNA HtLLI: Oakbrook V!f!age Oft Aventdf de fa Carlota take El Toro Ad e101 off San Diego Frwy 'Rte S). adt 10 Laguna Hills Mall . ...... ~......................... • .......... NMMl;elcy ............... =... .... ................... .., .,.........,,. ....... ..._ -,., .................. ..,-.... .... 0 •• if I F '· • ' ~4--~~---~-=~--" -... • • tJ .J "t ·' '• .., .. •oo. . .•o:r I. .. .. Orang Cooat DAIL v PILO I /Thuraday, November 25, 1982 "seminar s et for stereo conSumers Is It po881bl~· to buy nnd opt.•rmc• u good •tereo aytlcm, whhout llJwndlng u million do11ans or having an lillRlnecrlnl( degree? Judy Arlene Dav1ds6n thinks It ls. und she will te11 how on Dec. 4 from ll u.m. to 1 p.m. in Science Lt'c lurc Hall 2 Bl Orange Coast Collegu, 2701 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa. Tickets are on sale in th~ OCC Ticket Office. in the college's Administration .Building. The ofClce ts open Monday through Fr iday from 8 a.m. •to 6 p.m., a n d Saturdays Crom 8 a.m . to noon. Tickets may be purchased by phone, using Visa or Mastercard, by calling 5!W>-5527. Tickets also will be sol'd a t the door. Oevld"'1n, who t•1m wd a t'h.1>. lrom UC l rvlnt· In 1ol'h1logy, hu built n umNou11 apt>u kt.tr •Ylll t•1111 She.-IH currt!ntly unde rgulna tralnlnti &al an t.tlect1'\mlet1 tl'Chnldan, and la wriung • book on how to buy and OJ>eriate a good swreo system. . "Information that I will prt.'lt•Ol In my OCC 1eminur la no t no w readily available to l'(IOst people," she uy1. "Sales of aterto equipment today are h igher than ever , yet the avPrage consumer lacks the cxpe rlt>nC'e o r knowledge W make a propl'r sch..'<·tion. "Ohcn, the only recourse lor the cons u me r is to ju s t jump r ight in , purchu.~ some sw~ equipment without LCD Calculator With 4-Key Memory EC.273 by Radio Sheck • ""-"'' ~ '40% ~Off ;.-;.;.~ 11•. rnmm•• mmm•• mmm•• mo••• -----. ..._~ ET-100 by Radio Shack "Hene-Up" on Any Ffet Surfece ,.. Save•10 n•ully k11uw1r\te anythlna iabout h, 1u\d hop1 (o1· th&• l>t-tt. Thia u.ually turn1 out t.o be-.. xpt-r\alv(•, llnd oflfln dlMlltl'OUll" Tht• ••mlnar will help partklpanll to •h op for , 1clcc:l and optr1tll• l lt!rco l'OmpunN\l1, They will learn how lo fl&•lt~:l a •tt·rN> 1y1tem which fi ll their partaculM r bud&t>t and lk't'dt lMtruc\Jon in r<>utlnc malntt nanc.·'4 alao will be pravut4id. "Attendc.-es ablo will learn 1hoppln1 str ate1lr11," Da~daon aaya. "They'll dtst'OVt'r which component to shop for first, how to spot/u good buy. a nd how to ·avoid bt•lng pt.,asurc•d into buying unne<.'t'liliary equipment." For information about the Sf'mlnar. phone ~~-5880. -r ~ 2995 Reg 39!! "!~.~~· ~r;_~~· ve•1eo 21915::.~ Buy two for the regular price of one! Long-throw 8" woofer and tuned port deliver solid bass. Wide-dispersion 2" tweeter is ferrofluid cooled fOr greater power handling. Lattice-wor1< grille. 19 x 103/• x 7 1/a". #40-4030 6-ln-1 TV Game Cut '10 TV SCOREBOARD8 by Radio Shack Ptay Skeet. Target, Ten- nis. Squash. Hockey ,OK Practice. On-screen scor- ing, eound effects. "45" Hghtb8am pistol. #60-3061 -----( Bett-"" exva Kid's Walkle-Talkle Space Patrol9 by Archer • No LlcenM Aeq&alred • 41.1 MHz Opemlon Teniftc outdOor tun for kidll With code lc8y Ind Morw code cfwt, LoddnQ. buttan. ...,....,,.. MM005 for privacy. Ready to plug inl FCC registered. White, #43-284. Brown. #43-285 Hooks up to your TV in l800ndsl Audio output-attach to hJ.fl for dramatic aound. Remote unit duplica1ee .. front-panel controls . (±) --~iiiiliiiil.. from 20' away. #1 &301 Pocai ........ Reg. 10.95. 18().2152 ...... lele 17.11 HolcMJp• LCD a.me Wetch. '80-2173 ........ 111.11 LCD~ f80.2167 ...•............... 111.11 Tandy-12 Computertnd Arc8de. #80-2159 ..... 111.H Electronic Spece Shot. #80-2168 ............. 111.ts 2-Pteyer Footbel. Reg. 29.95. #80-2156 ... Sale 111.H Coemic fn.AWily Watch. #80-2174 .......... 124.15 1000 Flre-Awey. Reg.' 39.95 #80-2165 ..... Sale 121.11 Hungry Moneter"'. #80-2171 ................. 139.11 c.v..n.n. "6C>2172 ....•.......•...••..... 139.11 Co.nlc 2000 Ar.Aw1ty. #80-2170 ............ 139.11 5eneory 0-. f80.2176 ................... 141.H 8Mlefln extra. e11QeP1 lfl0.2173, ffC>.2174 Cuddly, Pettable Portable "Radios By Realistic Bultt-ln AM Redloa 1219 Cuddly Cet. #12-983 ....... 112.95 Peklngeee. #1 2-967 ....... 113.15 to AK<oon. #12-971 ......... 113.15 White Terrier. #12-9n ..... S13.H 1515 Country MOUN. #12·975 ... S14.H ~Chow Dog. #12-986 ....... 115.95 Bafttnea t •tr• Thl'.lll-e Minute Radio-Controlled VehlcleS By Radio Shack eorv.tte. #60-3082 ...... 111.H 1111 Ponche K-3. #eo-3016 ... 114.H to l:ftM Muat8ng. #80-3078 ...... 111.H .... -~ L.arnbcqhlnl. #8G-3043 .. 121.H ShenMn T8nk. #80-3007 . S31.H · Stlngrmy. #60-3079 ...... 139.tl AeMutt.~ ....... 141.H L8nd Cruleer. #8().3081 ..... .. All Of*ete on 27 MHI, nc.p1 "°'3011, 41 MHz lllte!lea ""8 • Toya to Brighten Any Kid's Chrtstm. Low-Priced Glttl fol All lite 311 1ftM Younpters on .Your Shopping LJ•tl '° ;,-- Holdey ... Special Purchae. #eo.2381 ''. '.13.• ZOOM Cycle. #eo.1080 .................... 14.H Drw Pol&er. 8pecMll Pun:hele. le0-2361 ......... . Pll lllc:raphofte. ,.,..,.,. .................... . =-=r3~~· .. ~~~~~~,.~~.~· ..... 17.M L91k ...... flO.l877 . ' .....•...•.•• ' .... 17 •• .................. MND06 ................. 11.• ...... D•utor. Alg. 11.ts. aooa ... lllit 114.• ......... Orgln. -.1 ................. , •.• • n 'I ·1 See Santa Arrive Nov. 26, 11:00 AM Santa arrives via the King of Romania's Mercedes Limousine. Join the parade between Robinson's and Buffums to Stage Court. Free Photos With Mr. and Mrs. Claus Nov. 26 Only Free photos to all children under 12 years of age. One · day only, November 26. One picture per child. 1tae Lighting Ceremony Nov. 28, 8:00 PM See Calltornla'a Tallest Chrlatmu Tree lit by the 1982-83 March ot Dimes pok Children at 8 pm In Stage Court. Join u1 tor tradition and noatalgla, 1 visit from Santa, Chrlatm• mu11c. hot chocolate and cooklal ) . \ . . ·] • ! I I I I I -- Orange Cout DAILY "LOT /Tnurlday, November 21, 1111 ~f:J The Red Bal!oon Special · This Christmas Give A Living . Gitt: 20% OFF PUPPIES . ' BIRDS, llTIEIS llD QUIRIUIS lllE llEIT Gins FOR ILL llES. '., .. ,... ""~-· "'" ....... , ....,.,., '"i-'"" .. NCi .. "'Qlt. ',...._' .1 ... ·•· •n •· ~•"' ...... ~ '°"'' .... l'h.·"'v...'111tft ••t11-'-"".....,."""''• ~'•Y.--.a•"C> UJ.t 'll.f ... ·•<A.t.' i.-'·•-(A tlf.•4J'Oftl•-C .. t.• ~ .. ,.,.,,..c;... Put it together with CaMn Klein from Al's Garage ... The gieot S-pocket mid·WCJle COfOJIOV jean. • Colors: pewter, comphof, petroleum. pumpemlckel and block. HUNTINGTON BEACH 16865 :Algonquin St. (714) 846-1666 .. Add one of our easy c0'9 sport shirts flom Gant to complete this outfit. -------~----- &~~~ ' . . 56 FASHION ISLAND · NEWPORT BEACH · (714) 644-7030 CHRISTMAS HOURS: MON.-FRI. 10.9 SAT 10-6 SUN 12·5 • Our classic cardigan f and pullover b y F lorence Eiseman monogrammed free with the purchase of two or · more. Off er good until Tuesday, December 11th. T oddler through size fourteen . ~17 THRU $20 NEWPORT BEACH . 19 Fashion Island (714) 644-8808 :J/w Per/eel C/uiJm<" G;/t PRESTIGE CARD CASE An ideal personal· ized gift for him or her. Holds business and credit cards. BRASS.. . . '7'° S~~VER PLATED. .. 19'° GOLD PLATED .. '1500 ., ................ ~ ........... . . ........... .. .,....., ,... .... ...... 0 THE BROADWA Y • BUFFUMS--• BULLOCKS WI LSHIRE • NEIMAN-MARCUS • ROBINSON'S • ' . I -- (I I I I 1 1' "' ol ~f;m . "-lll•lllH '-01 .... ~, t ti/ 11l 1M1I 'laf•l.U..bk lh,t'U\ '"'"" .!u •·•ho•t\0.1\\ 1\ "'"J"i..••I•\ '~" ........ u 11111 1111' I/ •• ,_,~ ,., \h1tttttH 't'-'f~l.ht"-"t" ul •.elt.,..L,iJ\\f• ii111 l -.it.e••' "' .. "t• tr\ ''""' 11.un... •• 'fi!.f Think of everyone who'd love a Christmas gift from Hickory Farms. l11r .... ·fr>•ll1o\l I btdllf<hnl l!lfl,._ 111,1\ Ill\ I\ I~ ..J-.ll\'-, .. ,,' and"""·•" hllt"ll" 1tlll.1•l\ ddi;:l11' \tld '" II J.:l.1<11\ l~11Jdlo.·,1ll th1: <k·t41I, '<!tdom: "''" 1.,11""'' flidcor1 rarms OF ONIO• Fashion Island Ntwpart Bead! 840-8030 Westcliff Plaza 11111 , hilt ."r....,.,. aeac11 • 842-G972 NEW GIFT CENTER NOW OPEN WOODBRIDGE VILLAGE CENTER IN IRVINE . r T . · It's aofte skiwear and coordi- nated Deeetn ski sweaters The '83 look combines fashion- ab1e style with functional extras, made for the beginning skier as well as the action- packed mogel masher' llD'S llV·2 Parlla ............. $185. Thinsulate BalalMtloa Put ........ $ 150. Stretch wool/nylon gaiter UlDllS llectn Pub ........... s 135. Thlnsulate BUlbltlota Put .....•.. $145. Stretch wool /nylon gaiter JIULLUTO• CBUITOS 2520 E Chipman 3 blocks w of 57 Fwy Los Cemtos Cerittr betwttn Nordstrom & Seers 87CMl71 .. christma9 1982 ... ou.r 100~ c.d..Lon otfbrd buU.on ddwn wC:Mzrlfiom tM. flnizat. ICJ"o9 &..epkl c:d.ta\, thin lel\onzd 1TI thz old '\M:)fld t,,rad\Uon with e.pt.ciel oU.4.nt.IOO to tbz.. roU of thct c.ol.lar ond.Efopzr l!lhoulckr end~ f\t., tcgz.thctr with tm. fi~ na«ikl \I.Ork 61.ell.a'l:ia. moke ou:c odad l:.d • thz. 213/IH·IUI ~jlll---J most canfurt:obl.cl., 0-M~ •-~~--,) cind lor1$ lost.111~ eh\T'I:. f yr::u 11 QMZT wa.er q.190t co~: blU12.,v.ihrt.a., pihk ,~l~,!ZCru,mdon, lavurler ond mint. $J"IZ'ltl . . 44 Fa.hion Island · Newport EJfach • 714/644-5070 1001 Westwood Blvd.· Westwood VIiiage • 213/208-3273 CllRl~TM.\S 1101 RS: MON .. FRI. 10.9 SAT 10.fl St,;~ 12-5 ' OIUUIGE 1802 E K11,11a I bloc!\ w of 55 Fwy 133-IUO 1-I t 1 1 I ~ ~ti: nwro•T BUCH Fashion lsl1nd betwten Buffums a Broedw•v. 144-2121 . . ' . . . cat hy jean I~( .. TllE BROADWAY• Bl •·Ft 1MS • Bl 'l.LOCKS Wit.SHIRE • l'EIMA ·-\IARCllS •RORI. SO ·s • • I ' ;. • .l 1,. , . & BAKE SHOP .HOLIDAY ENTERTAINING & GIFT lDEAS We offer .a variety of perfect gifts· for all situations *Pecan & fruit cakes, made with all dried fruits, loads of pecans, & no candled fruit or citron. Gift packaged 1-lb. $6. 75 *Fresh baked cookies in a variety of festive holiday packages .... .. From $3.00 *Superb. c-heesecake & carrot cake, excellent for entertaining & office parties ........ $8.75-$11.95 Don't miss our other delicious products Croissants • Muffins • Quiche Croissant Sandwiches Located in Fashion Island Across from Neiman Marcus 640-8211 ·Please call ahead for large orders. • LAYAWAY Shop now while selections ore plentiful. Use our Loyowoy Pion BAUME & MERCIER WATCH FOR TifE RIGHT MOMENT. You know-~h4'D the time is right -it's by Boume & Mercier. Now even more fashionable with our new stainless steel ond 18 karat gold "Summit" quartz --4· watch. Priced to help you put something wonderful up your sleeve. Lady's, $1 ,650. Mon's, $1 ,700. SLAVICK'§ fine .i.w.t.rs Since 1917 . Where rhe besr surpnses begin. fashion ltland (714) ~·1380• H9wport BHch Also Cirmer Los Afl9lln • Sin Ollgo • i.. Ytgas CllR ISTU\S HOt:R ': MON .. FRI. 10·9 SAT 10·6 'l'N 12·5 . . . ... ... -. -... Orang4J Coast DAILY PILO l /Thuradey. November 25, 1982 81 i ll J I . I -t. . . THE BROADWAY • BUFFlJMS • BULLOCKS WIL"HIRE • 'EIMA ·-MARCl' • ROBI NSO ·s ' \ \ \ .. . , 1111 ., I Orange CoHt OAIL-Y PILOT /Thursday, November 25, 1912 J <6rettin!W. ... ' . "! MERCHANTS' DIRECTORY Allyn-Black's Hair Faihion Bank of America Bonaparte. Bakery . Coast Federal Savin9s E-Sensuals, Lin9erie Orthodontics Needleport Newport Hills Animal Hospital Newport Hills Drugs Newport Hills Florist Newport Hills Travel Newport Hills Shoe repair Kenneth B. Schwarz, D.D.S. General Dentistry 640-9494 759-4572 759-1100 759-0181 644-1169 1759-0567 759-1911 640-7373' 640-7980 644-7371 640-7302 '640-2970 Parker's Pets Jo~n I. McLau9hlin, Inc. and Private Ledger F.S. Investment Services Ralphs Market Traditional Jewelers Villa9e Home Design Interior Decorating -~­ Walker & Lee Real Estate What's Cookinq? Restaurant Wine Country, Retail Wine & Beer Bud Graham & Son's Union 76 In & Out Photo 640-0090 640-9381 644-7992 760-8035 640-9193 \ 759-1501 644-1820 1 644-7597 644-7151 720-0459 ... . SAN • 1..-- ) • Oo11t111/1lll • t:lou . L •• • Frl1nily • Aio1/1 Ft11 P11kln1 ~·~·- '~ Wiqe Couqtry ~ Premium Wines. Imported Beers, . · ' Gqu~t 1rers. . 644~7 Newport Beach's Finest Selection of Wine a Beer At Every Day Discount Prices • Save Even More by the Case • Champagne Specials for the Holidays • Dozens of W1 es at Closeout Prices • Over 150 Beers m Stock • Courteous. Knowledgeable Advice • Free local Delivery w/M1n Purchase • ke & Glassware Rentals tor Your Party Needs • Crearettes • Soft Drinks • Gift Wrapping Available Anniversary Pre Christmas Celebration Nov. 20 -Dec.· 10 ALL MERCHANDISE IN STOCK . 20 • 50% .OFF 3 Traditional Jewelers 2630 SAN MIGUEL DR. NE•P()RT BEACH, CA. 760-8035 I 207 MAIN ST. BALBOA, CA . 673-1860 • No 11111/1 "Congllllon r -- MEN & WOMEN BY APPOINTMENT Mt\NICURES • MANICURES 840-9494 ·~~-'""• PEDICURES 2618 SAN MIGUEL DR. • ACRYLIC NAILS NEWPORT BEACH • GIFT CERTIFICATES ALSO AVAILABLE ~Walker Illa 1111 E1tltll C!ttrtificatt ,. GOOD FOR ONE FREE MARKt..'T ANALYSIS OF YOUR HOME Ana~1·sis will ht1 made by an a1:ent of WALK ER & LEE. INC .. . \peciali:ffs ;,, re.w le oj residential propertie.f Yo.1 .. , ttl•"' mall 1hl1 Certificate or CaU for an Appol•t111enl Newport Beach Office 2670 San Mlpel Dr. Newport Beech 759-1501, 752-7373 • . . ' . . . ' . Ornnge Coast DAILY PILOT /Thurad1y, November 25, 1982 • •• fh~t'wide spat on Florida· back roa.J.: ~t's a real Lulu By JOHN PLATERO A ......... ..._ ..... LULU. n"', h oppcMn on n10tt\ ro1.1tJ muJ)li a imull Jot on St.tt.t· Roatj 100 bt>tw"'•n Lukt' Chy and Lak(I 8utle'1·. Ami th(.> old jokt' -"Don't blink your cyl .. or you'll miu it'l applll'I, bl't'&UM' not too many proplt-know where Lulu. Fla., Is. "l'vt> heard of It, but I'm not exootly sure where L ulu, r1a., is," admi\11 a veteran .~lorida Highway Patrol ortlc..w. as he patrol!! lntenJt.atc 10 several miles north of Lulu. "PopuloUon is about 260," smtles Charle• DePoyster, the town's postal clerk. "but most of them are hidden in th~ woods." Zipping down the highway, about all that's visible of this unincorporated village is the Lulu ·General $tore and post offic..-e, a roadside beer tavern next door and the Gillen place. Lulu's houses are hidden on graded dirt sti:eets on either side or State Rqute 100. 11Uy11 Dt•Poy1ncr. 1'.:wryday •hopplnl{ 18 don" at Lakr C:ity nin<' mill's to the northwHt. Other pun.:hut•11, he adda. arf• madt' l n Gialnt>1vllle. a dlatan<.-e of 4~ mllt.'8, or Jackaonvillo, tm milt.'I '6way. ·•1 wouJJn't llv(' In u clly 11g11ln," uy1 Connh• Oakley, a mother of two, WI ahe &lOPfl by the gcmt.'ral store. "You cun }(1t your· kld11 loose und not worry about, anyone snatching them," she said. "No on«' Is a 1trang1•r here: ' c>veryonc is friendly." The seneral store is Lulu 's focal point d1,1riog the dn. where residents pick up mall, make s mall purchases or get gasoline from the pumps outside . They can also rill their gas tanks next door at Emma Pierce's place and have a "'-'001 one" inside. ' "I was born a nd raise d in the country." Pier<.-e Sa.ys after ~lling a c..'Old beer to a visitor. She walks througt) a large open doorway behind her to tend to pots boiling on a klwhen stove. t.'V<'r\ ft.wt•r know how 1\ l{ot II.II rumM..· · Whttn 7~·)'l'lr·old Alton Olll«'n' ~rundfathl·r· iwtllt.<tl In tht-art•u afwr tht• Civil War, tht• wwn Will called Haat•n. But In nearby Alachua County, them.• :rvu a plat-c called "J1ague Station." Thl• almilurit.y (.'UUIK'd some-(.•onru11lon and rl'8idents wt•rt• a.«1kt>d to chc>USC anottwr namr. "It wu around 1888," Gillen said. "My uncle, Wultc.•r Oillcn, wa1 influential, fl() he named the town aflt'r his girlfriend, Lulu." In its heyday. Lulu boasted seven -1 stores. two barber shops and a doctor'• offi<.oe. A paasenger train made regular stops on the now rusty tracks beiiide the highway. "Then the young 'went off to World War f." Gillen said. During th~ Depression, townspeople became land poor and couldn't pay their taxes, he added. As a result, most of the forest land was pu rchased by ITT Rayonier Inc., manufacturer of paper products. Lulu's only schopl was moved .- . to Lake City in 1959. . • Chari~ DePoyster and. his ·wife, Lee, who own the generaJ store in Lulu,. Fla.~ talk with customer ~nnie Oakley, .who says .sh e wouldn't live in a c.ity again. "Most of the people in Lulu were born and raised here," ~ys. DePoyster's wife, L:ee. They have owned and Of>O" the ,general store for eight years. e moved to South Florida in the la 19~0s. but returned to Lulu in 1974. "The only thing I miss here is being able to buy what I want Immediately," "My h~nd, Aubrey, and 1 live in the back of the store, so I don't get to go• anywhere -except in case of sickness," she says. "I'm· open seven days a week, but I go to Lake City on Mondays to go · · to the bank and do some grocery shopping." If few people know where Lulu is, Lulu now is a sleepy, but friendly, town. Locals gather at "Emma's pl.8'-e" Friday and Saturday night.S to enjoy cold beer and live fOuntry music. 1 But the comm111fjty otherwise has an isolated atmospHere. Plait NOTICE .. ~IC ."-OTICE V'OU AM .. DlfAUl.T utllQIR A . NOTICI! if TRUITff'l IAll! DUD Of'.TIWI T DATID MARCH Lo.ii No. PAQUIN 12, 1112. UNllll YOU TAKI! T.I . No. C .. 70M AC'flON T'O PROTICT YOUR NEWPORT HOME LOAN. INC. aa PROPERTY, IT MAY .. IOU> AT A duly appointed Trustee under the PU9C.IC IAU, F YOU •ID AN lollowlng described deed ol tru1t H"-ANATION Off THI! MATURI! WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION OI' nta PROCl!IDING AQMNIT TO THE .HIGHEST BIOOER FOR YOU, .you IHOUlO CONTACT A CASH (payable at time ot Ille In L.AwYl!R. lawful money ol the United Stales) NOTICE Of TRUlftrl IALE all right, title lllld interest conveyed T.I . No. l70lt to and now held by It und .. aald NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that Oeed ol Trust In the property on Wednesday, Oeoembef 8, 1982, herelnalter described: at 9:00 o'clock a.m. ot Mid day, In TRUSTOR: OALE E. PAQUIN lllld the room Ml ulde for conducting H. JANE PAQUIN. Trustee's Salee. within the oH!Qea of BENEFICIARY: RUSSELL S. REAL ESTATE SECURITIES BROWN or MARY CAROLYN SEP.VICE, located at 2020 North BROWN, husband and wile. u Joint BroedWay, Suite 2~. In the City of tenants. Recorded September 24, Santa Ana. County ol Orange, State 1980. u lnslr. No. 32877 In book ol Calllornl•, REAL ESTATE 13758 page 1403 ol Offlcl•I SECURITIES SERVICE, a C.lifornla Record• In t ne .office ol the corporation, H duly appolnrad R19order of Orange County: Mid Trustee under and pursuant to the deed of tru1t desorlb•• lhe power of sale conferred In lh1t following l)<operty: · certain Oeed ol Trull executed by Lot 7 ol Tract No. 3607, In the Ronald s. and Sharon F. Jurgen..,, City ol Newport B .. ch, County.of Trustees ol the Ronald S . and Orange, State ol Cllilorni., 'II !>er Establl11!ed ebruary 8, 1~80, 37 and 38, MIS<lellaneoua Maps, In recorded March 24. 1982. In 1he the olflce of the County Rec:order of office of the County Recorder of said Coun1y .. uld C ounty, as Recorder's YOUAf'l! .. DlfAUlTUNOUIA Instrument NO. 82-100485. by DEl!D OF TRUIT DATID reason of 1 breach or default In ll!PTlmER I. 1.0. UNLUa YOU payment or perlorm1nce of the TAKI! ACTION TO PROTICT obllgatlona 11curad thereby YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY •E Including th1t breach or del1ult, IOU> AT A ~IC IALE. IF YOU Notice ol which wu recorded •ID AN EXP\.ANAT10N Of THI! Augult 1.1. 1982, H Recorder's NAlURI! OF THI! PROCl!l!DINQ lnatrument No. 82-280107, WILL AOAINIT YOU, YOU IHOULD SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE CONTACT A LAWYER. HIGHEST BIOOER FOR CASH, Tli'e street eddreas or common lawful money of the United Statea, designation of the ebove 11 1212 or a cashier's check drawn on • Pembroke Lane, Ill-port Beach. state or national bank', • ltlle or Calilornle, (No werranty 11 glv.1> es federal credit union, or • state or to 111 completeness or correc1nesa). federel 11vlngl and loan usoc1111on The t>enetlclary under aald Deed domiciled In this 1t1te. all payable et of Trull. by reason cif • breech or the time of sale; •II right. title and default In the obligations NCUred Intern! held b)I It, u Trustee. In thereby, he<etolore executed and that rHI property situate In Hid delivered to tne undersigned • Co1fn1y and Stile, described as written Oectarallon ol Delaull and fOllOWs: Demand tor Sale. and writlen notice Loi 75 ot Tract No. 8823, H of breech lllld of election to cauM shown on• Map f'eGO'ded In Bool! the undersigned to 1111 eald 247. Pages 16 to 20 Inclusive of properly to setllty Mid obligation.. Mlaoellaneous Maps, In the otliee ol end thereelter the undersigned thtl\' County Recorder o f said caused aeld notloe of breach 8'ld of CoUnty. eleollon to be 1ecorded Auausl 9, The l treet addren or other 1982 as Instr. No. 82-276&77 of common designation of the real Officlel Records. property herelnebove described ls Seid ule wlll be made, but purported to be 2021 Port Bristol without covepent or warranty. Circle. Newport Beach, Callfornla. express or Implied, r9gMdlng li11e, The ul'lderslgned hereby dlsc:telms possesSlon. or encum·brancee, to ell Uablllty for any Incorrectness In pay the remaining prlnclpal tum of ufd 1tree1 address or othe1 the note 1141Cllred by Mid Deed of common.dellgnatlon. Trt111t:wlth Interest es In Mid now Said Mle wlll be mede without provided. advances. II any. un«Mr warranty, expreu or Implied, the terms of said Deed of Trult, regarding tltle, po11esslon, or f-. ctt11gea and expen-of the encumbrances, lo satisfy the Trustee and of the trusta created by prlnclpal balance ot: the Note or ~Oeed of Trust. Slid ule '#Ill be other obllgatlon HCUr8d by H id held on Thursday, Oe~mber 9, Deed of Trust, wtth lntereat i.nd 1982 11 2:00 p.m., II the Chapman other sums 11 provided therein; Avenue entrance, to the Civic pl"' advances, II any, under the Centet Building. 300 EU! Chipman terms cr11ted by Hid Oeed of Avenue. In the City of Otange, CA . Trull. The totel amount of Hid NOTICE: At time of tale bids may obligation, Including (e11on1bly be made In ca.sh endtor 1he 11tlm1ted lees. chargu end jcuhlera or certified check• ex!*l-of lne Trustee. 11 tne lime tpacllled In Clvll Co~. Section of Initial publlcltlon of this Notloe, la .2924h. $156,271.39. / At the time of th• lnltl•I Oated: Novembef 15. 1982. publlcltk>n ol this notlee. the total lllE4L l!ITATS amount of the unpaid balance of the ll!euMTil!I ~I!. obllgatlon secured by the a.bow • Caltemle corp«atlofl deacrlbed deed o f •trust ind ea Truetee, estlm11ed costs, upen1es, and "o.J.lilofger, "--Fvancea la $22,089.81. To ._ N. lroedw•J 11206 termine the opening bid, you may Sarita Ana, CA 92706 II (714) 937·0966. Oete: November 11. t982. Publlshed Ora11ge Coast Oally NEWPORT HOME LOAN INC, Pll<f. Nov. 18, 25, Oec. 2, 1982 as said Trustee, f 5112-82 ,T.O. SERVICE CO .. agent ,-+-l ....,...., --------Indy Schoonover, AMI. Sec. Nll.K: NOTICE City Blvd. Weet ange. CA 92688 1UPP110R COURT Of' 714) 835-8288 j ~~ Publl1hed Or1n8:c CoHI Oally l C • ., of ..... A t•--tlon I PllOI, Nov. 18, 25, . 2. 1982. 1 .. the .... u... t .... pp... 0 5101-82 MURRAY MONAHAN CLUFF For Chlfl98 of Name 1---.. ---.IC-..,.-TV't----• ON>eR TO IHOW .-~ nu11w. CAUll! FOfl C"ANGIE Of NAME c-No. A111111 MURRAY MONAHAN CLUFF 1111 The following person la doing flied a petlftlon In ltlls court for en ~~EA~: WESTERN SALES 329 ordw allowlng petltlonef to Change • h i t name lrom M URRA Y Avocado, llF, Coit• Meta, MONAH.AN c LUFF to MARK Cllltornla 92627 HAPf'Y CLUFF. Spencer Allen Lien, 329 ~hereby ordered that all Avocado, .Jt F, Cotta Meaa, I th It allfornl• 92827 • lntere•ted n • ma er Thia bullnesa Is conducted ..., an •• ~ appeat before lhl• court . w7 '!I Oepertment No. 3 et 700 CMc lndMdual. ce"ter Drive Weal, Sant• Ana. Thia 11aSC::. !':'~with the om1a on Oeclembef 29, 1982, et ,.......... f ~ "--ty o'cl<>Ok e.m .. and then and nty ,,,_,. o .,.enge """"' on lhow ceu1e. If eny 1hly hive, Octobef ~7. 1982. ..-N ~ •:!,~·~;:.;;.;.~nge of Publlehed Orange Coaat Dally 1H 11 tunh« or that a copy of PllOt. Nov. 25. Oeo. 2. 11. 111, 11112 t•ls order 10 ahow c1u11 be 5185-11 OUllJl.Wd ln..Qr8f!99 Coa11 Dally Pllet, 1 new1p1per of general --.....C-llJTD circM111on, publfthed In thll county MOTICI °' .. .,_ a t leaat once a weak for lour ~ MID Ll•-·CK conMC\ltlve --· pdOf 10 the day Notloe .. ~etly OIW'8l'I that AJir O!~ed"=nbef 17. 1N2 Clllfomla, a CelltcitnJa ~ellOll F,..,. Oomeli<:Nnl with lldclrw at 3Nt ~ I.,_, Judge of 1M Sooer1or 0CMt Nftl>Orl leach. Caflfomla ttllO, Put>ll1lled Orange CoHt Oally Intends to trwtet to and 11111111olc 'pl.,.. ........ 2" n-2 9 18 1982 from ACL Limited No. 1, a c.lllotl'lla ""• ,_..., "· ....... ' ' 5202-12 limited partnerlhlP wlttl adclr988 M • 19 Corporate Plaza, Newporl I Nll.K: NOTICE 11eaet1. Cellfomla HteO, _.,. f:1Y generally deHribecl • PICTITIOUI .,._.. : Orie alrcreft ~ ...,_ ••~~ by lloelng Corporation (Model tTlle fOllOWlnll ~ are OOlrlll 737-293) and one lll'Ofllfl .,...,., ~ •: together with all equtpmenl and · JAF CO .. 2658 Wntmln11er. ec:ceMOf..., 1her9'o llelonglng to co.a ...... CallfOmla 92927 each of th e fore110U1g. Tfll• .-,~ Alan Friedman. 265' tr....-on la to be ~ w n iter. Coau Mau, on DaaM!ber t , 1Na, • Newpofl 92827 ~· c.llornla, at IN adclr988 of LY"" Elaine Friedman, 2551 NI Cclllornla MC IOl1tl abCWa. TM t, n • t er, Cott a MU a , et>ove dalerltlld property la ~ tH27 In Orange County. '9111 ~ II conducted by e AIFI CALIFOANIA general part~. ~r--or•'--M) ..L._ 1.Yf'O E. Friedman , JoM J . Woodlclcll =ltement Wllf ... """ thl Preeldant. Cletk of Oterlll9 county on FlnaMe. 23, 19'1, ly: AoOert llfnett. ,_. lecnt«Y ~ul>lletled Orange Oo .. t Dell) "'blltfled Orange Co11t Detty ,.,.,.New. n . o.o. 2. t, 1•1. 1112 "°'· NoVember rs. t112 I Dft2·12 ., .... 1 " I. 7 ........... ~-.......... kautifuly ve~ ceramic well tile adds ltJ)(Uf'lous brilliance to baths and kitchens. The w;able, kiln.fired glaze resists stains and scratches tor effort· less care. Built-in spacers make the do- it-yourself instalation easy. kg. 1.49 sale 99!.n Save 15CX. On Natural Cork Tiie For Accent w.lls kg. 7tf sale. Permanently glazed mosaic ror baths, kitchens, dens and royers. Huge selec· tion or shapes and colors in stock and ready to take home. MOunted on mesh sheets ror easy installation. For beauty and durability, choOK this ramous no-wex flooring. It tits most rooms without seams. Decorative pettcms In lovefy tade and scutf-ftSistant coloB. 11CMU1 PAm.116 • ..,..... 311 sale IOYO. You11 kwcournewtr.,.•nd m.w... begs mldc wlttl LLD plntk for atre strength. Avelm.blc In con- vcnlcnt dispenser packegc with twist tics. 11 b99S per peckatc. Reg. t .99 special price Oo-it·youBelrers choose this selr- stlck ftoor tile ror quiclc and simple installation. · ft9~ ~·,~ sale ~ son '1-.cfl.[ ScMrshlncl!I ~ Tile Vinyl ftoor tile 1n decoratiVe patterns with a no-wax shine that stays bright Easy setr-stick installation. =:· Sale79!" 19" x 19· ~~ llllCI( • 11()(.1( Gl.(lo Tartcctt Ho-wax Floor Tiie A sturdy, no-wax vinyl tk with a long·lastlng shine and self-stick tor quick lnstallatiqn. 89~ ~·.:·°'sale so" ST-()111) Deluxe Vinyl Floor Tiie Solid vinyl tor high quality and per· maMnt durability. Easy no-wax care -just damp mop. 1te9.7t4 I 58~ ~ sa e '7san Color Tiie's stylish, no-wax Solar· thine 119 has the authentic look and size of real bricks. ~~-:. sale 69~ Fllll . . ... We'll give you Illustrated IMtnlctlon brocllurc1, expert MMce on ln19Hltlon and decoretlng and the UM of special tools. PLm ... W.;I cheerfully refund yaur lllOfteY on .av unused tile •nd.uncut i' rolls of wellcovertng. CW to Colornle for ....... , Mledlonand MMce CftrydiV. Fashionable wallcoverings, in stock and evallable in a huge arrll'f or colors and designs. Prepasted so they're simple to hang and vinyl tCK easy care. 1te9.6.9H.f5 Ale .487-6!! r~ WallcO¥Cri"9 n~~ Gulde NI itlustrated walcOYerin9 boOk is free with the purchase or J39 Of more ct IJITYWallcovering. Limit one per customer. Bautifu(, practical Italian quarry tile , comes in exquisite patterns and colors to accent IJITY OeCOf, The oven- fired glaze stays gorgeous and nevo- need5 waidng. • ..,, 1.19-1.59 . sale 96 ~ -1 1! Exquisite area rugs in jewel-lb colors enrich any ftoor. Supert>- ly woven of Olefin n1 with a luxuriously 'dense. pile, non- akrsenk and stain resistant. 1te9.$3t ., ... 47" sale$19!5 .. ., ................ lllA .. 4' • 6' ........... 711A lt3t 57• X IT . ltOl.UIA OO·fMOUltSELF ANO ~Yl AT COlOlt lU IUYMOW, PAY&Am CM:lt S7S l1lE., PAINT ANO WAt.1.COYlltlNG SUPOMAITS ...,_noHWI)( ;: 0 ~ I ii a \• SANTA ANA 2801 So. lrlatol St. (NMr ............. St.) 557-1324 ~ WISTMINSTIR 15191 leach Boulevard 898-3388 ' MON.-111. 9 • I, IAT. 9 • 6, IUN. 11 • I • ,A1111NS MAYVNN IN SOMI STCMS • ~ ,_ QlwnY e SA111FAOION ~ \ . 1 ~,...,.· "I • ": ·. ; SANTA ANA 322 w. 17th Street 547-7781 t , II ' ~ ( , I I I I· 13%- 11%- ., -~ Not•mb9t 22 1982 I ;Downward ~Graph shows how prime lending ;.rate, now at l l.5 perceht, has .. (alien since M ay. Major banks 1 cut their prime to 11.5 percent 1 this week. J;lusiness urg'e.d to police itself By WILLIAM KRONHOLM A-lated PrN• Writer WASHINGTON -Corporations must emons r a e • e y are w1 1ng o po ace themselves before the government substantially eases epvironmental r e gulations. a top 1')ivironrhental Protection Agency official says. " J oseph A . C a nno n . EPA asspciate administrator, said at a business conference that while the Reagan administration supports a flineral move toward self-regulation by business. It cannot abandon its obligation to protect public health. "Government is more properly the follower and not the leader in any movement toward srlf-regula~· in the environmental field, Cannon told a day-long conference on the subject 'lluesday. (, He said environrpental regulations came into tieing because of abuses by business, ~nd business f1'Ust prove thoee abuses w ilJ not recur in the absence of strong government regulation. "It's their responsibility to show w hat it is tltey will•do on their own:· Cannon said of cprporations. "We need to see what industry will <\O· Then it's the government's duty to sit,back -tnd s a y . 'wha t w i ll the g overnme nt's ~ponsibility'?" 1 Cannon was one of the final speake rs at the conference, sponsored by the .Wash ington-based Ethics Resource Center. _ ~ During the conference. seve ral speakers said tj.lsiness must convince the public it is ready and at>le to police itself. ! "Regulation has occurred because the public has perceived a need that was not being me t and • ~med to the government for help," said Robert rikorian, head of the Milwaukee-based firm of 1exnord Inc. and chairman of the sponsoring center. ,. "We in business must demonstrate by our attions that we are worthy of trust," he said, "~very public opinion poll shows that we don't ~ve the trust of the public. and every reabstic ~rson knows that without this trust we can aJ:complish little," he said. 1 • Part of the business e ffort must include letting up and enforcing strict ethical standards. Krikorian s aid. Bus i n ess abuse an th e marketplace "invites government to subject us all w heavy-handed regulation," he said. "I cringe whe n I read or learn of shoddy or UJl58fe products, of arrogant disregard for the pUblic interest, of price-fixing, bribery and other violations of the law. both here and abroad," he aaM. ~ "This not only in vites more and m or e re~ulations. it demands it." Other speakers told conference that the climate is right to ease government regulation if business can come up with alte rnatives that w rk. I ,\ ~ ( ) ; ~ J ' /\ TAX FAVORED INVESTMENTS Excellent profit Potential 100% to 500% 1st year Write Oft SS,000 -S10,000 Minimum Investment HERMES MILANO, INC. PERSONAL TAX CONSUlTANTS (714) 751-2400 4FRESH LOC}\.L ABALONE DINNER 'l 7.95 lnclud•• chofo• of •oup or .alad, and potato or rice pilaf. ~ ·:;.-./ Call For , · R ... natlon11 . -;..- • 173-7721 ~~'!~f!~~:). .. . OAlHOA L ..... lhll. ". \ Photos With R11I Santa Busy businessmen: give us youri Christmas gift list and we'll~ care of the rest. Bring me "little ones" to Huntington Center's new mall for memories they'll never forget wllh 111e Mitchell Marionettes Christma, show and a visit with the Real Sa111a With the Real B~ard And instant Santa photos only $2 99. .. Call Home Free on MCI E.T., you -anyone con coll home any doy 'til Dec. 23 free for the holidays from Hunting· ton Center's MCl phone center. Your free 3 ·min. long distance call by MCI is on us. Happy holidays . I • " .. SOUTH COA ST PLAZA OPE'.\ l>All.\ ·1it 9:1.., TllROl <.lld tT CllHIST\li\S 5~0-6991 If you need help sending your gifts out, we'll gladly handle all the detail s. Choose from over 100 different gifts, all filled with mouth- watering delights. fficfcory Farms g~,o . We'll give you a taste of old-time country goodness:" TAX ·DEDUCTIBLE • -I "' ._. BUILD YOUR FUTURE NOW. .. 'TOMORROW BEGINS TODAY WITH IRA. ~ . "Individual Retirement Account." The best financial advice. Open an IRA -even if you're already covered by a company pension plan -and make sure your tomorrows are comfortable and financially secUie. Consider this: .1 *With an IRA you can deposit up to $2,000 in your tax deductible account each year. If both husband and wife are employed, that's $4,000 tax de ductible! •Taxes aren't due until you withdraw -Deposit up to 15% of earned income to a maximum of $15,000. While tax savings add up, so does tax deferred interest earnings. Imperial has two J<eogh plans which pay competitive market rates. · . But the time to move is now! Your Keogh account must open before the year's end to save on 1982 taxes. Then relax, you have until April 15, 1983 to make your annual contri~ution. WIN It. TASTE OF EASY RETIREMENT. ~ ~ , from your IRA at retirement age. Chances are you'll be in a much While you're building those tomorrows, see how good retirement life can be today. Comt! into any participating Imperial office and register for a trip ,.. .. --~-• for two to the exotic Bahamas, lower tax bracket by then. •so while tax savings year after year are the big advantage, don't forget high tax def erred interest too. Imperial' s rates make the most ~f your money! DO-IT-YOURSELF PENSION.DO IT NOW. And if you're self- employed the benefits of our Keogh plan stack up even better. ' compliments of Imperial Savings and Eastern Airlines -the airlines that earns its wings every day, serving more than 127 cities, 22 countries and one Magic Kingdom. Winners will stay at either, the luxurious_Paradise Island or Britannia Beach Hotel. But hurry; you must register before December 10th! ----~-So plan for the good life tomorrow, and get a taste of it today. Both available now, at Imperial Savings. Where tomorrow begins today. H I·~i.!!-~Allo·~-· .. ·ow•,.-•~ I ~Tomorrow ~ns Today. • .. I • \ IT'S NOT YET TOO LATEI ·ONLY 38 DAYS LEFT To Atlund All '82 Tax11 and Recover '79 81 laxn I I 2 I • • I • 6 1 10 1 + ITC + ETC Real Ealalt Ot Equlpmenl Ltaalng No Min/Max 1nv.11menl UllTHI DAILY PILOT ..... , Presenled by· DAL TON, DAL TON, COOPEA I FRANKLIN, INC. 2691 Richter Ave., Sit 102, Irvine • Near Jambol' .. 1•05 Our Stall Of Attorneys and Accountants wlll bt available 9 AM . 10 PM SEVEN OAVS A WEEK FOR A PRIVATE NO FEE INITIAL APPOINTMENT lllULT .. SHYICI DlllCTOIY t~or Re1 ult Service Call RSVP: CALL NOW 14 141·3711 FOR llMINAR At Marshalls. you·11 love our selection as much as our low prices on fine quality jewel~. Why. in gold chains ~lone. yOu ll choose from over 250. Fr.om Italian 14kt gold bracelet chains to the magnificent 14kt gold Cleopatra necklace. we · have every length and style anyone could a~k for. We also offer an equally dazzling collection of 14kt gold and sterting silver earrings and pendan~ Come 'See for yourself. It's the same fine quality you've seen in department and fine jewelry stores. Compare the workman- ship. feel the weight. note the craftsmanship and sheen. Then. compare our prices to the prices you've seen elsewhere. We're confident you'll agree: "For quality. selection and savings. there·s no store that compares to Marshalls." r r ·•42·1671 bl.HI ~ fiithe best value, best quality and the best selection of 14kt gold chains ... there's no store that compares to Marshalls • Marshalls gift certiflcates in $10 and $25 denominations •Available at our service deSk • Redeemable at any one of our stores CANOGA 'MtK: corner of Vanowen S. and Cort>tn SI COITA llllA: HarbOI Sllop Cir at the inter1ec1ion or Hatb<>f Blvd,nd Wilson SI QR•NADA MIU.I COfnef ol S.tt>oe and San FernanOO M1n1on Blvds HUNTINGTON •UCM: corner of Beach81Yd and Terry Or LA MIRADA: Green H1ns Sh0p04nQ Ctr Easl 1mpe11al Howy corner of Sama Geflrudes Ave LAGUNA tftU.8: OakbfOOll VtMage on A11en•da de ta C1rl011 teke Et lOfo A"d a•1t off San Dieoc> Frwy (R1e 5). adt 10 Laguna Hills Mal TMOUIAND OAKI : lf'l 11\e Jenss Mell Norttt M()()(park Road I 12 mtle EHi ol lhe Oaks MaM • .. .. ' ~ . DOING BUSINESS UNDER A FICTITIOUS NAME? ,,. 141 4321 HT. m c Al new 1M11ilet11• ....... • flclllloue n•IH, ...... .,, .... M ~-wllt tM eou-ze ct.ta. TM Y PILOT provNlit ..... •ftCI ........... fer our• 1l1•1ra.. ff ,... .. ~ new llUllM• ... 1M DAILY '90T '"'°"" ....... ...... ( .. Or1nge CoH t DAIL V PILOT /Thur1d1 , Novemb9r 25, 1982 • ~omparlng mortgage terms Total mortpge Monthly Peyment• on 11 00,000 loen peymenta over ltf• of 1100,000 loen Al I !!"'oent 1n1eree1: .. Al • perO!ftt lnteNet: j()~ ......... ••100 )O=tetM tatU40 1&y .. 11e1m &•J 1& 11e1m 161740 ·~··"" I llU ~,.,,., 133 2lllO At 10 cent lnte,.et: --At 10 ........ : JO yMtlefm .. ,, ~~"'"' 131!>720 I 15 .,._, term I 01~ . .,..,.,,, 193 500 11l yea11e1m 1 J21 1oew m 15U30 ~ At _14_ettcent lnterHt: Al 14 percent lntiefMt: :io rt•• term ' 11 18• ~.,. .. ,.,,., 142t 240 10 yHt1e1m I 3'32 s.,.., .. '"' 23t.7IO 10 yeo•te•m -2..lli IOy!atle•m 1a6240 Al 11 cent lnterMt: ~lntereet: 30·VMt t.,m $1 507 .,. 1~2620 ,~.,,.., ... ,., I 610 15 .,.., ,.,"' 2tllll00 t IO~le1m I 801 IOy!at ... m 211.120 , .. ~ ·-~(; ... ~ c~ , • ...._ , •• "-• t .w.. Homehuying .chance· exists By JOlfN CUNNIFF Al~.....,.. NEW YORK -Every so often in a tro ubled e9vironment there eme rges wha t 1s vogulshly called a window of opportunity. To Bill Levitt, builder of more single-family housc..>s than anyone in hiswry. homebuyers now have one. "They have the best of all possible worlds.'' he. said. For the time being, al least, they've got depressed prices and Calling interest rates. And if rates rontinue to fall, he said, the buyer can renegotiate for a lower rate . But unlike interest rates, prices will soon rise, said Levitt, whose construction and sale of 142,000 houses since 1929 suggests h e knows something about the market. "The message you should bring home to readers," said the 75-year-old Levitt, who <.'Ontinues to sell houses at what he feels are less than market prices, "is that anyone who has mone y for a down payment should buy now." William J. Levitt, builder of towns with at least 17,000 homes near New York, Philade lphia. Washington, D.C. and in Puerto Rico. and whose development near Orlando, Fla., will eventually --THE COUNTER NASO LISTINGS Ice .I[ c...c, Celr1'1• MUTUAL FUND $e1Mtl 10 JI $e1Tcll U.7• '"''" t.111 =···"~ !'Mila IJ ... ,.....,., •.'1 HI.. l•t ~t ~?:~" .. have 10,000 units, i& thanking big as ever. Thinking big, he suggests, because the challenge is huge . "We need an absolute minimum of 2.5 million homes a year for the foreseeable future," which in some respects he rompares to the years immediately after Worlf- War II. I . Discharged from the Navy Seabees and eager to test his theories of mass-produced hou s ing , L evitt d esigned and -built 17,700 single-family homes on a massive tract 25 miles from Manhattan, and sold t~m for as little-as $7 ,!>90 each. · ' . "We took leaves out o{ the books of various manufacturers and applied them to housing," he explaint.'<I. It mightn't sound like much, but it was. An associate claims that "except for the man • who invented nails, no one has had a great.es: ~ effect on homebuilding in America than William J . Levitt." The assembly line conce pt was borrow~ from automotive manufacturing, and reversed. "ln the car assembly line the product moved and the worker stayed put. But we had the product slay put and the mechanic moved around." ' ND DOWNS u~ Na,... l..HI .et;t.. Pt.I. .. Aero En •v. Up 111.\ El«lT.O S'h • J'h Up ~1 C-lot e • , .. . -Up OellePtr 2w . .... uo ... i .. "',.' u • s utl u .e .. on S'!lt . .. ... ... ~-· ""'" • 2 u, •.t =:1" ..... . .. uo •• I. a I .: .. • lllo Up l::f JHytnCI i "'"' . , .. uo f:"'• • sv. .. "' Up lt1 <1•0 I Oh • 1-. uo KMS tnCI n. • .. VII 1::t 911~0.I 2 : J ... uo FCI wn • ,. Up 1•.J SllknEt 2 .. \lo uo ltl Pr091p •l<o .. .... Up o ... ,, IS • I .. uo IJ., lt1loC1at ISYJ .. I ... Up "· . A ... nCp 1~ .. ft U• 12.1 .......... Jiit .. ... VII 12 I ~ACll ,,,. .. "' VII 'I" CA 1,.1 7 . ~ Up I .t ~~ ... • .... uo 11.a 21\.i .. 2\<o UP 11.1 DOWMS 'I ........ Ult _c"t Pct. AtlCltOSA 2 .... Oft 1•.2 v ... Oyll J .... °'' 14.I, ,. ...... ,. ,~. l't Oft 11.1 Ptymr•h , .. -.. Oft II.I EtcS...v J -v. Oft 11.1 ~rt .. '!~ • -1 Off II.I 2 -\lo Oft 11.1 Aeatea ,,.,, -2\IJ °" 19.tll CMH<o , ... \lo Oft ::1 Ut1Vell •'l'r -YI Oft o..lle£11 , .. .. Oft '· ' 1..-·· 7\IJ ~ Oft '· Plltllllllll 2\'J -"" g: ,,, ""'"" 2\11 "' a Tr-2'\0 \lo Oft WllCIVLI J'loo \lo Off I.I LltlCIHo ,,. "" Off •• lt:.":..~ ~ .... Off ?:I J .... Off CUlt11 .,.. .. \lo Off Clllllck 11 -J.-\lo Off 1.1 AYMek'\ ' .... Off 7.• t::""' .... .. Off a Al Tl\O• -" Off ='"' JV. .... E '·1 ... .. , .... .... 1 • J-1V '"" -\lo 1, .. .. ••• THt: t' .. \~ILl' ('IRfl'N by 811 Keane ".\R":\Dl'kE by Brad Anderson j IJ i !....._ ~ g "I told you to go get them for me !" Jl'DGE P1'RkER 1 WAS JUST COMING UP TO SEE HOW DENNIS WAS' YOU SAY HE 01eb '{ MA c IS 001-JNA ee REAL SAO TO HEAR THAT I ,____ "00~ Ml'LLINS ------No, I WoN'T GIV~ you A BU CK To WASH MY C,AB,, l<AYO ... I'LL DolT ,AND SAVE A 8UC1". 5~ Spece 65 Movies 59 ·out WEDNEIDAY'I "'pll IOl YEO 63 Soil Prtfi.11 Turkey on 64 Slld1um T11anksg1v~ employees Melody • 66 Bridge feat Rockies. e g 67 Mary Tyler -lllCk Cal oly 2woult low god "-Time Gal" 63 F11h 69 CondUtl 70 Seed 7 I Ches I sooncl Vtnteulture DOWN 2 T !lose people Noble!Nn 2 Rushe s1..,fd Pns9f'lsed :l Sk111 J $p.,n1Mi IA(1y -Paulo I FOOlballptay ~~mtii~ 2 USSR11ver 3 Pronoun ' P1t11I bOarCI 6 AP9flll honrll '' Precis 26 SlltlOtlS '7 Rodent 8 Chtnete 27 lml)tfld •9.Klnd 01 note dyMSty 7 -·Clltna I Concur 28 Night to\lnd 5 t Evening clo 29 C~lly unrt ~ F11>u11s1 3 t Pttcher Eddie 55 BygoM 9 -dAVrnc:r fO Aelllwd 32 Herdttl I I 1111 59 33 Hackney!C! 12 Ytty "99' 36 F0tly - 13 OpillfNltle Gold mrnei If Vtlll!WMI . •O T'""* lite 2, Cfudl ,,..... 4' Nery 24fr '9'WOlll· 2 worft 56 Far Norin "°"" 57 Grump s1cri ... n1y 60 WlllOW 61Vlllly 62...,. 15 Oevlltt BHiGEORGt; • by V1rg1I Partch (VIP) PUNl'TI "As long 11 r,ou'rt going out, woold you give this Its frndom? ' • Hank Ketchum by Harold Le Doux NO SWEETHEART' MAC WANTS TO MEET YOV TOO I \:JET ON THE ELEVATOR. LIKE A NICE GIRL I I HERE YOU 60 ! MArrv THANKS6IVIN6 ! ---y- l/·Jf SHOE INCIDENTALLY, lftXIR IDEA t=OR A SPECIAl PISM WAS TVRHED DOWN ... Fl'~8'l'0 WIN8'ta8E.\N I HOPE ~ ENJ'~ ~ BAND UKEQ I MA 'AM ... n••ETT••••r••H••• itt1s Oft31fltf\&, 1 'M l'M 60HNA ~SlOFf GoHNA Gt!f PNSI~ ~ DPD. tita4,uz.~ ... FOR e~t AH '1\'/!e e.~ "°'9 ~! -~----..... -......-.-. ~ O\OM't """ 1b \ilEM. l 1\l.1~. "'4 SMA\L'f '~~~- au c a ;cc - Or1111ott COUii DAIL y PILOT /Thuraday, November 25. 1982 €BS claims • n1ne of the top 10 progra~s NEW YOHK tAP) CBS hud nlnt• of the Wt't'k'ITop 10 programs, IJ'\Cludlng "ijO Mlnult'll" In fint phat'l' an~ tht> lasl lwo choptt•rv of "'l'tw Bl~ .•and the Cray ' nol for behind, to win lht• ratings race Cor lhc fourth straight Wl'Ck, flgureli from the A.C. Nielsen Co showt'tl. CBS' rattng for the wet•k t•nding Nov. 21 was 20.5 -the hiHhClil for any nelworl<· in the eight weeks of the l'urrt•nt season. ABC was second with a rating of 17. and NBC third, for ~he fourth consecutiw week. at l:l.8. The networks say CBS' rating mt:ans I.hat In an average minute of prime time, 20.5 percent of the country's homl'S with TV were watching the No.• l network . . CBS now has been No. l in the three-way competitmn six of the eight WC<!ks or the current season. The first-place finish for "60 Minutes" -wit.h a rating of 28 -was the ncwsmagazine's third straight. Nielsen says the rating means in an IHI l<SIHY l!VINMI ..... NIW8 8 CMAlllUl'I ANGELI A hend9ome l)rince wno telll fOt Jll II !relied by polltlcel ...... • EJOHT. EHOUOt1 The vice prMIOent of lhe u.s· KOePI• Nk:holM'I lnvtteUon lo ThenkegMng dW-. • M•A•e•H UVt'n&MC' mlnull' uf tlw 11how , 2" µt•nt•nt ut th<' nul1on'ltl' 'l'V·t<qulppt.'<l honw& wt•n • lunt·d lo "00 Minutt'i.I" .,, CBS' ''M·A S·ll" w~ runnl•rup for tlw wt-.•k, with Port II of "Thc· Slut• 11nd lht• Gray." tht: COltly Civil Wur m1ntHl•rit•11, In thluJ plut.'t'. 'l'ht· thrt-c-purl pro~rmn'IC roncl1.ision WQ!i No. 6 for tlw W('(•k. l'urt t of "Tht> Blut• ancJ the• Oruy" wus No. 2 in the.' previous wet>k'1t'rathlgR racC'. . ABC's "Lovu &>4ll" was tht• unly program lU break CBS' hold on the• Wl'Ck's Top 10. Two CBS show11 h•aturmg ramiliar television fa(.-es were the high<.'Sl-ratcd of the season's nt>w programs -"Newhart" In seventh "Gloria." s tarring Sally Struthers. In ninth. Eight ol the week's nine lowest-ratt .. 'Ct programs were ep1sod<'S from new series or specials. "Tales of the Cold. Monkey" on ABC was No. 62. followed by "Cheers" on NBC, ABC's "Star of the Family.'' "Voyagers"· on NBC. NBC Sports' ''Ringside," "St. ... ' (!) ~·ANGIL.I When • apece IMel .. ecolen from • dM«t menutec:tur· Ing lecillty, the Angele -c:n for c:luM IMdlng to the c:ulpritt. 8 IO YOU THN< YOU GOT"'°'*ll 81MAK~ NMI Gebler llfld Jeffrey Lyona hOet en lnformetlYe looil II wllal'I ,_ et the movlea. • • OALWOANIA DMAMI "Wiider-Man" Hott Eddie Albert IOolc I et the lite end wrlllnge of envlf'on· menl ... I John Muir, Ille father of v_.w1e Nlllon- el ,.,k, Cli)MOVie ••• "Ragtime" (11111) J-Cagney, Howerd E. Rolllne. Amid the IOdel upheevel of 19209 New v Orll, .,, upper-deel famt- ly trlM to PIOld on to ltadl- tlon .. .,. angry blactl •••d• • mllllent fight egelNI the rec:let Mlab-• llelwnenl. ·Pd· t:008 ~ • the •• pro- apectl ... new glr1lrlend for •Ciel•. nurM from the aoe3rd are ..,, to the 40nth In re1um for Hewlteye end NurM Bigelow. • GLADVI KNtOHT ANO THE PIPS WITH RAY CHAAl.U Hiia auc:h N "I Heard II Through The Grepeylne," "lmeglnetlon." "You're The Beet Thing," "Mid· night Trein To Georgie," "Hit The Roed. Jeck" end "I Cen See Clearly Now" et• pr_,led In lhl• lllPed performenc:e from lh• GrMk ThHfr• In Lo• Angela. Quinn Cummings stars in "The Incredible Book .Escape," at 5:00 today on Channel 2 , KNXT~ , .. 8 \ti TOO Cl.Oel '°" COMf0"1 The ~·1 ThenklgMng reunion 11 Interrupted When they .. belle\l9 lhet Murlel'I mol"•' hH lumped off the Golden 0.1• Bridge. • OVEAEAIY "The Right To Die" GUMI. ettomey Morrll Abram. Q G HUMAHITIQ THM>UGH T-.. All'T8 "Sculpture: Mirror 0 1 Men'a Being" (() C81HEWI \ti MICHEWIQ @FAME . Book-burning tec:tlc;a --,_ ., the achoOI. end Coco .. pr-ed by her ,_ 00y1·rl9nd to 8'*ld the night With him. • THE PNCe 11 NGHT (HJ RAICAl DAZZLE The Utile Ruc:alt .,. fM- tured In fllm cilpa Ind lhort•. DMOVIE •*YI "A"'f Whldl Wey Vou Cen" (11180) Cllnt Ealtwood, Sondr• Loc;ke. Before Mltllng down with Illa girl end J* orangutan, • bwe-fttted flghtw elgn1 up for one IMI. luc:retlv• matcn. 'PG' t:30. Ala ' • Dia< CAVETT 0-t: Petw Cook. (R) • GAOWINO YURI iY::::lty" ('i) FAEM TALE THIATM "HanMI And Gr.eel" Rldly Sftvodw end Joan Colllna star In • ,... of two IOs1 c:hlldren who 11111 Into lhe c1utcti. o1 .,, ev11 w11cn with en lnN tlable eppellte I« c:hildfen, 1;00 e cee ..we I NBC..WS ~A ANO THE THMEleAM Thr• hibernating bNr1 dllcowr' the meglo end wondei-of Chr'ltlmN IOt the llm 11"'9. •~& HANMAIAMIM Cllpe end OUllM• c:-. bnlt• • quaner-century of .,,._,einment from Amerl- c:e'• top cartoon producer In ,,. apec:lel wNc:ll ,... tur• ~ ec>PNt.,_ by Clary Colemen end I.Orne Ofeene. i :.aCOM~AHY Jedi , ... I« • 40-)'Mf-old •boul themMlvea. ({I ENTEATAINMIHT TONIGHT A looil el the lld\l9rtlllng Wlr ~ Coc:.Co!a 'at;::.... WllD • OMHCIE COUNTY TODAY (C)MOVIE *** "T'he Oraet Muppet Caper" ( 11181) Cllet!M Grodin. P l•n• Rigg. Rl9ortera 'kerm11. Fome • end Oonzo trec:e • fllbu- IOUS llOlen tewe1 lo Lon- don. 'G' ~MOVIE ***YI "Mr. 814ndlnge lkllldl Hll OrMm HouM" (1~81 Cary Grent, M)'l"na Loy. A m8rl from Menhat· ten ~hie family 10 the country where he trlM to bulld • houM. 7:30 8 l(JOIWORLO IN LOI ANGE1.Q FNtured: the mlgfellon of '"• Celllornl• Orey Wh.,..: en enlltlc rOller- lketer: the lOI AngelM Jell, • ltlldc end field tNlll; the Nleetyle of e boy who loel both lege In • train' ec:ddlnt: • rapor1 on l~Y-Clrcu•. a a FAMILY flUO 1 8 EYIONLA , Feetured: • IOOll ac the ,_ fllm "The Dwll Ctyatel." e movie 11errlng puppet• by the meker1 of the MUl>PM• encl pr0ducer1 of "Star were": lk•teboardera wno turn tl!IW puttlme Into • aport; • loOll •t ~ 11t9 In China. G MAD.W!'I P\ACa MedMM peya ~ for • .,, llllen.lve ~ ltM.t· ment. GuMt: Fred Travelt- na. • M•A•t•H "Snap .Judgelftent" CPI(! 1) eMACM-..1~ flEIOfrt • WllD AMENCA 1 "Blghornl" A bend of ~ Rocky Mounleln blgllotn ltl9IP II obe«Yed tlltougll the -· from one lpflng Into the next. (() TIC TAC OOUQti I ~ MKID "°"IT **'A "Y• Sir, TNl'1 My Beby" (19491 Ooneld O'Connor, Cher1e1 Coburn. A pelr of former Gia -• fooUMlll ,_.,, Ind lheW COllCfl'I job. (HJWIMITON -· CMUN:HIU: THI • MCNlm •*It "Meme" (1974) fll'NYATIWAM Cl) e.c.: THI """1 Luc:llle Bell, IHtrlc:e TH'"_, __ _ Atttlur. A-~tnc.w.wZWWWW ~ •• .,. ~.A-end ~ the guerdlen of Ille prelllllorio .,... Olle- her young, OOIWenllonally brete e mo9l unueual raleed nepMw. ........,.~ I ••••••• , czruo. . MflOlllT *** "AlrpleNI" (IMOI Cll ,.M, MMIAZM " ...,_,. ._.,Jule Hagar· Ouellng; • -1llflO ly ..... .,., ..,.,.., -t headl .,., °'eai ••oi• 1i.t hllll 10 1ooe1 pOleorllng, • I helpe tet peop1e ,... t1etter '*"-1ormer -p11ot .. Wtin. LIST-ING_S __ 8 l(NXT CCBSI e KHBC IHBC) • KTLA Clnd.) .t<ABC (ABC) e l<FMB tCBSI 101 On·TV fl) Z•TV Cf\1 HBO !Cl CClntmt• I IWOft> Nv.,N.Y. «1J IWTBSI CIJ CE5Pf0 <JI C~lmel ........ ._ • ICeeltNewlNet-111 .. ... I . • pr-.d lnlo aervlc:e end muet contend with on· board hysteria, • Mef911Ye c:ontrOI ,_ end c:Mcn. fllt9d memorlee. 'PG' 1.-00. Cll MOYte ***'A "a6y PopplN" ( 1 N4) Jiiiie Andtftt. Dlcll Ven owe-, A,......_ .,, with • l86ent I« finding ""' .. hired by • stuffy IMll*er 10 be 1 lot .. fWO c:hlldten. (A) BIBFMm Boo6c-bumlng tac:tlee -• ,_ .. the lc:hoOI. end Coc:o .. pr-..d by her ,_ boyfriend to IP9"d the nlgtlt with him. .MCMI • • ..,. wlllght Zone Aelll- llled" ( 1975) ll#t Rev· nOlda, ~ WM'lon. T- llOriM by Aod Serllng: "The Berd," who~ WI unaucoeeaful writer'• -.......... , .. end "On Thurldey We L-For Home," In whlc:tl memberl of • llPKe expedition entlc:lpele lflelr-..own return. 80~LOYU CttACHe When en engullhed Al llr• the """· JOllnle and CNdll end up per10tmlng ., .,, ltleh pub . GMCMI **"' ''Herculel In ...... Yorll" (1970) Arnold Si.ng, Arnold~....,. The •oried demigod tlr• 'Of Mt. Olympue end mall• • lltelt to Centrel Peril, w11ere II• find• m0te .. cft..,.,t ''*' he bet· ~~ .., ..... the c:ompeny of hll MCreCwy .,.., llndlng Mery end her pr"'-«11 ·~· • ~ .M. MACIAllNt Vllltt ..., ltvea -!Mia TV atan: Jeck Scella. Lee Hor9Mly, and Jon.Erlc:ll ~ I _. who '-di .,., orgenllMlon 11\al helpe tel people IMI better ebout "*"-'-· eu.a.~ "Boelon'I New Aefugeea: bllM From lndocflln•" Thi• documentary on Soutl!Mel Allllll lmml· • .,,.. lndlldee lnlel"""" """ ._ who hew .... tied In lollton'1 Don:fl9. terend ~--­end • ~ .meet ...,... ~· 11r11-..1n .. dty. .... ,,.,... NMIO.....end~ Lyorte hOll en llltoi nMl!Mt IOOll at wtlat'e new II !tie ~ CID MITUa'tl MMTM MCj1::-· - (l)MCNm **'A "luetln' LOOM" ( ttl 1) NcMrd ftryor. <:-. ly T~. A llumbllng bur· gler. • concefned ICflOOllW:t« end alglll ~ melle • """'8n- lng croae-ooufltry Mp In • brOllen-4oMI adlool 1NL .,. . • MCN!m * * * "Tiie Oattlerlng" ( tt71) Id Mlw, M__,.. ltapteton. LOft9tlrN llM- llorle M*lll ........ the f811111r of • ~ !NII -OUllflltle°""~ 11111 "°"" .....,,_ ..... tor • 111111 ~ fWlion t:aO 8 0 ITM Of' THI ,,,..., ....., •• 1 ....... LA9'1 ,_ _,. fll ... , ftH I de or, i.ut etteeur"" ~I•'• I PIHi,... .. I '""' .... • MERV GfWf1N Oueall: Aotlert Benowtc:z. Belly Brentley. BruF9 Weltz. MIC:t!MI Murphy, Juclltll Oueal. eJHeGOLDINAGICW TIUVlllON "No Time F0t Sergeenll" Andy °"""" Pof1r8YI • Georgie boy who, once ~ ""° ... ~. Mii Ille mllUwy on 1t1 -. • MAITW,llCI THIATM "To S.... Them All My o.ye·· DIMd rune Into -tough c:ompetlUon from wtlhln 1111 own ,.,.. end If-om en outalder When he --• c:endldete for headmHter of ~ Sc:flool. (Pert Tl i:o.a • • ,_., "Herper Velley PTA" C11711 Barbera Eden. Ronny Coa. A \l9lf'J llbereted young mot,_. wl1h e QrMI dee! of MX • eppeal Intentionally rettlea the c:ont«V•thle viewpoint of loc•I acllool board memben. cm~ ** "Green lol" (1881) Ryen O'Neel, Anne Alr:her. An engineer end e IOClallle •ttetn91 to rob • loultl American -eld _,... .. of • fort--In ee;na. 'PO' (%)~ **~"True Col f111h1t11" (IMI) Robert Oa Niro, "°'*' Dwell. The ~ ........ WOt1dl of two btottlen, • Loe AngelM polloa dMectlwe end en embllloua "°"*' CelllOllc sin-. ~ during • murclef ~ .. 'A' t:a088TAXI Tony'• "J·IOu9'1ened lather lfioWi up end .,. 10 conwlnw 11111 eon to become • me'c"ant marine. 8111 ITTMD1WO Attd'/ IUfprlMa MOiiy """ 1111 -glflf\'iend -• , .. ~-oldooed. (!) MCNlm ***'h "TN Inn Of The 8111111 H..,.,.,_" (IHI) lngrld BergmM, CUr1 Jtir. gene. A ..._ i'l'WllO(tlr'y IMde 100 dllldren to .... ly ~·he....,.,_ lrwaalonof~ ».qoe 8HUITIBT aua F\ltlllo le Mllect to mobllN .... Min .,,... ""° ec.ion Wflln. dur1ng ....... to .,... ....... •allorl. ... .,.,._ •• dog .. kid-neppecl end held for ,_ '°"'· 1 11~--· ~MCMllN ~TATTHI 'AUCI , Aoc:ompaillecl by awti T'"' end hie .. led ••nd, Cermen Mc,. .. oner. 13 of her ........ Nie In • "*'* ... llOUf ofjla. •"'00¥ ____ , .. ~ MO TN Maund- bulldlr1" Al'Clflledotlllll 1111dy huge ••rtfler1 mound• aca1ter1d lllfOllgl!CM ,... ...,,, .. Unlltll I ........... .,....by~~ lfllllrll. l"IC • THIYMl!UN CllJ °' ...... '"' ....... ...................... ......... ,.... . <1:.:.; llMTM ''CINWI ,., ,.. ...... .... u.-.._ ..... fll'll ...... I__, EIM•wlwi 1•" "(juv1lun," both uliio lrorn NOC. and two ARC pru i(11Jn1H, "Que11t" and tht• h (Jll.Jcivt•r "G1t•11ll''-l Anwmun llt·ro" lll'l't• un• thl• Wt'l•k'11 10 h1gh<'llt·r1.1u.'<1 showH: "60 Mlt\Ull'li," with a rating of 28 rcpn•ll(.'nUng 2:i a 111 illaon h onll's, "M·A·S-11 ," 2ff.3 or 2 I Y million, 1111d "Thl' 81u•· und thC' Gray," Part II, 2~.7 or 21.4 nulhon, oil CBS: "Love Boat," 20.2 or 21.4 million, ABCi and "Oalla11," 20.1 or 2V.U million. "Th11 Blut• und tht• Gray," Parl 111, 24.U or 20.7 mllllun. "Nl'wharl," 24 .2 or 20.2 mllllon, ''Magnum, P.1.," 22.5 or 18.7 millio n, "Olorlu," 22 or 18.3 million. und ''Thl' Jt•fforsons," 21.7 or llU million, ull C BS.· The next 10 programs: "'thn.>c's Company" and Movie "Escape froni Alcatraz," both ABC. "One Day at a Time" and "An:hil• Bunker's Place," both CBS, tie; "Fakon Crest," CBS. "9 to 5," ''Laverne and Shirley" and "Dynasty," all ABCi "Trapper John. M.D.," CBS. and "Htippy Days." ABC TUBE TOPPERS • • KNXT (2) 8:00 "Mary Poppins." Starring Julie Andrews and Dick Van Dyke. A magical woman with a tale nt for finding fun ls• hired by a stuffy English banker to be , nar:my for his two children. KNBC (4) 9:00 -"Cheers." Sam asks tt}c Coach's prospective new girlfriend for a date. KOCE (50) 9:00 -Masterpiece Theatre's "To Serve Them All My Days." David runs into some tough competition frortr within his own ranks a nd from an outsider when he becomes a candidate for hei}dmaster. ~ Aepubllc. I~ LAITWOAD **'1t"Zorro"(1975)Alaln **"' "'"'-HMven Delon, Stllllley Baker A And Hell" (11156) Robert Spanl1h noblemen Wagner, Terry Moore. The become. a 1Word1men wer IHC:hH • young end ureea the poor 10 Southerner to lud99 hla rel* agalnet • delpoOc: lellow men more c:llarit•· mHltary~. bly ... _ 10:aoe ~ <Il ...... . NETWONC N1W1 • MOYIE tt:00988Cll98 **** "Gung1 Din" N1W1 I 11139) Cary Grent. OouglM • IATUN>AY NIGHT Felrbank1 Jr. 8aMd on the Hoat: Rid! Nellon. 0-t atory' by Rudyerd Kipling. JUOyc:o.n.. An lndl•n weterboy G .. MARCH CW... t>ec:omea lnvolwd wllh "Certoe, The Wor\d'1 Moel Brltilh mlNtary ac:tlon In Wenled Men" · lhe mountain• of nOtthern I THAT QUIZ 1HOW India. ST1'RT'I CW 1M • LOW, AMENCNf ~ 8TVLa Stone'• ...... ttwMlenec! "Love And The ~ ~ • c:ounroom IP9<:1• Wife" JC>M llnda lflet the tor ••• tM leW Into hit perfec:I girt la too good to own '** end c:omm111 be r.... "Love And The two rnurdarl. WM He" A mechenic:al elf I • 11•1 ""'°"" hM •mind of 111 own. DOCTOR .. THI 12: II CID MCMI "°'* • •'la .. ~ .. (1981) Or. Loftua retuma 10 It 8urt AeynolOe, Beverly Swithin'• to ltralghten O'AngelO. A bec:MIOr In hie l'*'Oe out. lortlM wflO -" to be • CC> MCNlm !ether -c:n.. I« the *** "Blume In '--' righc -to bew hll ( 1973) Oeoroe Segel, c:fllld. 'PO' SuHn An1pec:11. ,. 12:80e111 LATI NIGHT WfTH dlvofcecl men beaoritM e DAvtD L2TTINMN fNlo&ie eull0t, trying to win OuHll: Cerole l(lng. 1111 Wife bee*. 'A' c:omedlen Rlcilard Lewie. (O)MCNm (Al * "Olymplc F-" ( tMO; • COUflU8 Krletln, hlta. A ~ (!) TOM COTT\.!: UP prncrlbM en unuaual CLDea remedy I« a ten1a1e atft• 0-t: AQMI Nl11on ...... prQleln Mflcleoc:y. 8 LQW. ~ CZ> MCNlm ITY\..I **"' ''The Haunting OI "love And The Mell Jula" ( ttn) Mle 'anow, Room" A ri.utlful girl Keir Dullea. After ~· flnda the CflMP wey to Ing fron1 en ernotlonal en-travel c:rou-country, •• e -purdlMM 1 "Love And The Old ~ tNt ~ to be SWW!gerl" Two _., cttt- • "-*Cl. 'A' -decide co get.wlttl JI, 11:30. Cll auN:V (DJ MCMI Quincy ~ '°' • * •• ~ .. ,.,._ Of The .__..., wf1o ,_ -.i City" (1 .. 1) T,_. Wfl. bUfted allll9 ..... ._ lflal llarM. .-,., Ortl9d\. A 24 llour9 ~ of air. (R) N9w Yorti cop le ceughl 81BTOMCIHT --Mderel ~ Holl: Jollnny Caraon. end ~ to '* '9llow ~: OeOrve l(lrtly. ._. dur1ng .,, ~ • 9 A8C NIM gellon Of wldelpread NIGtm.M pOIDe ~-'A' I YOU A11C1D '°"IT 11:• 8 Cll MOQ OUD THI & I S aDNt '-berldlll drWO In ~ I.... Lioflal'I 1908 lf'ontlar iA*el PIOld ec:tlonl allocll .,_ .-...,.. u, Ille banlt where -end ... Wtllaaa. McQoud le ltaglng • "** • Mt cw -robbery to delnonatr ... HUMAN -_-,~(Al • "The 11111 And Empty Cen-1:00 8 MCNlm ter" • • ·~ "The Jlluatrated 8 NILA~ Man"(1•)~I....,_, Hoel: O.W. Wt!o19y. 0... llloom. A ~ I llOCWI pereyadM '* lluallMd to ~MIAZINm fleve Illa bOcly tattooed ........... wttll a,mbole Nlallng to * •• .,. "Prlnoa Of The ewtflla"' 11111 .... City" 1t•tl TNlll WI·. 8 MCMI hme, Jerry Orbedl. A * * * ""-On Heurlted New Yorti oop .. ceug111 W ' ( 1 ... ) ""-It Prloe, ~ ....... ..-.. Cerol oe-tl Guaaea ... end ~ to 11111 --• party -offar9d 110.000 ~ ..... -......... ... "..,~.hew· gallon of wldHpread '°' .... flllllt '" • '*'"ted r~··"· ;-..-..... Ncft.Md, __ .. • ........... ~ .. 11•11 Cendloe ...... (1a61 JolWI w.-..... Jacqueline e111e1. Ion 9ufN A.....,.......,. Tiwougflout IN upa end trlilU ci-t I 91111 of dOwl'9 of "'* r91111c•.. _....., ... ,.,, °"'""" llteru, cereen and @lf'l IM....._. llenler. '°"""*.._,two--. 8 MCMI dlllMd on._.,..,.. •• .. ,.._ K4111f• ._ .. .. ......,. .... (•Ill) .,.. -... ...... .... INT'MT-fT Llll'I· A ,_ tlllld 11M TGfl•fT .,..,... """ • ....,,... Atoall .... .._.... ... ...... JOHN DARLING Kirk Douglas leaves unday to visit Afghan refugee camps on the Pakistani-Afghanistan border. 0 !HTPTAINMINT TONIGHT A IOOll II the ad-111ing Wiii bet-Coc:•·Cole end P1c>ll (C)MOVIE • * ~ "Rough Cut" ( 18801 Burt Reynold•, L•••er· Anne Down. ,.. Brltl1h aoc:lell1e lur• en Intern•· tlonel Jewel thief out ol ratlr-1 to help her 11M1 $30,000,000 In diamond•. 'PG' (%)MOVIE •*'II "The Formule" ( 1980) Merion Bf•ndo, George C. Scott. WNle ln,...tlgellng lhe murder of 8 C:OllMgue, 8 ¥9CerWI cop unc:oveu • c:onaolracy lnvoMng Iha MIPPt'Melon of 1 IYfllhellc fuel formula ~ en oil cartel. 'R' 1:3088N8C..WS OWfNCIHT • MOVIE ** "T.R. Bel'lln" (1971) Cendlce Bergen, Petw Boyle. A lmeil·lown girt !Inda employment In Chi· C9G0, but ,... dlfflclully 1:56 Cli)WINITON ~U THEPNYATEWAM 2.-00. (() cM Niwa NIOHTWATCH 2:211.= .• MMTP MCI 2:30·~ •'A "The Uro••rthly" ( 1957) JOhn Carradine, Alll1on HeyH. Prl1on 'lnmel• t>ec:ome the ~ fic:lel lamb9 for • med doc:· lor'1 neferlou1 medk:al experiment a. CIJMOVIE ** "Goodbye. Emmanuelle" (11177) SyMe Krl1tel, Umber1o Orllnl A ri-..tlful -··-di for IM ullim.te erollc ••per-brlnge her to • llarttlng rN!lzallon. 'A' 2:16 ct) MOVIE -• *'la "Tiie Gembler" -CJtlle).Kenno, Aogefs, Lee · Purcell. A proteMlonel gemlMer lllk" • treln ride througll the Old W•t to llelp 1111 eatrenged eon end find• r-wl1h • Iha· tty eoc:iely i.dy along the way. ®MOVIE * ··~ "Any Whk:h Way You Cen" ( 1980) Clint Eeetwood, Sondre Loc:lle. a.tore Mttllng down wltll hi• girl end Pit oranguten, • ber•fitted fighter lien• up for one IMt. 1uc:te11 ... matc:h. 'PG' S:OO. MOVIE ••• "Oeneretlon" ( 1"9) Oevid J.,_, Kim Darby. " lettter ~ ~ he l1•rn1 hi• newl)'••d deuglll« encl --~ p1en on dlllYerlng their 'ownbeby. i=.ttUNT • • "The Final Count· ~" (IMO) Kitti Dou!t- IM, Martin ~.A~ twloue storm et -tran- IPOfl• the eComlc..power9CI eln:raft carrier U.S.I . Nim- itz bed< In time to o-n. Mr I. 194 t. poeltto11l11g Ille ....... ~ ..... Hartlof end the ectva11d11g ,,..,.,_fleet. 'PO' 1:30~=· •• "' "The Putd Of 0.8 Cooper" (IHI) Treat Wll· llwN. Aober'I Duvel. A llllef -~tack· ... end parecflutea to ....., - ONgOrl wltfl • '°'1.-'" etOlen lllOf*Y. 'PO' (Z)MCMI ** "U... For Life" (1111) y-Montencl, CMdlce ......Amen_... 11111 ~ wflla on • ~ llOI~ wlttl ...... 4:00 (!) TOP O' THI MON•• • MCNlm * "Hldderl llom a lllcle" ( 1..., GrlfMll -., ....,.. cla. Strenge Clrculft· ........,._to tM9lwe .... lie ....., .... ......... 4:0I Cl) MCMI ** "Ice c.ei." (1911J L~ Jclflneoft. ,.._ by ..,_ A prOIM*i• '°""' .......... '"' her ............ ..... __.. ..... cope ... 4:il (C> MCMI • • • "Blume In Low" ( tll73) Oeorge legal. Suun An1pech. A dlvor~ men ~ • jMloue auhor, ~tow hi• wife bee*. 'A' f'rtd••'• . Da111 I•' Mo"I'• 4:11 C8) **'II "Peternlly" (1981) Burt AeVnofd•. Be¥· erty O'AngelO. 1:00 • * * "The Finl Time" ( 11182) Tim Choete, l<""8 Etic:tc1«1. 1:30 (Q) •• "Gr9en Ice" 11981> Ay1111 o·Neei. Now. Atciw. CZ)* *YI ''True~ alone" ( 1M 1) Aolleft Oa Niro, "°'*' °""911. e:ao CID * * •• ''The Ot.-Adwenluce" ( 1971) Jedi Pateric:e. Joen Colline • 7:00 (!) * * * "The Aoed To 'Slrlgapore" ( 1940} Blr'9 Croeby, Bob Hope. cm * * * "F._,, Ocwdon" ( 1N0) 8em J. JonM ...... •••• "Oeluelon" Cltl 1) Petrlda Pewcy, JOMPfl Conen. 7:IO Cl) * * "High Country" (IN l) Timothy i1oC1o1N. Linde Pul1. CZ) • * •• "Ordinary People" CIMO) ~ r,_ Moore, °°"'*' ..,.,,_., •• CC>··~ ..... ._ .. (1971) Chertel BrOMon, ,,...... ltne lllM(, • •:• •• * "Runaway leland" ... .... auc:n-. ~ Buc:Mrian. In 1130e Aue.- tr ell•. two young1t.,1 MCape the c:luldlM of • c:orrupt governor. t:OO • • "Letter Of lntr•·~ t1on"• ( 19311 lle«ge Mur- plly. ..,..,, ltwidlln. cm •••"lerbareie" C1tel) ~ FON!la. W.O O'lhM. A dertng 1PAW heroine of the fvlure encounw.., .• IMend......_ t:ao 8 * * * ~ "The AWM'' CPert 21 (IHO) Jofln w.-.~.,..... CZJ •••"AF ..... To Anne" (19321 Gery ~ per. Helen Hayea.' A _,,..... AIMrtoan ...... f ... In IOte""" .. ~ nufM In Wortd Ww I Italy. 10:00 CC> • *. ''The,_ HOfMrMn Of The ~ lypM" C 19121 Glanrl FOtd, LMJ. Cobb. OO ••"Oh~ Dog" (1NO) a_, a-, ..... ,.. W9llle "'u •••piing • polltlc:al -eGlftdal "' . London. · Cl) ••• 'It "Ounklrtl" ( 19511 Jcllrl .... Aldlwd Attenbofougfl.'Tlle.,,...... World Ww • 91 1#1111 9"0fte of ...... ... _,, .... . -···~" .... "(1tl1) FraM l.angalla, ~ Al.-Oowll. 11:00(DJ ***" ''Clmll Knowledge" ( 1'711 .... Hldlolaol1. AM ....... CZJ•~" ..... 171" (19131 ....,,. DIMI. \ler· ne eloonl. A ,._ YOftl Qtr oop ............. ... campalgrl ...... .... 1l:OO~ ............. . (IHI) VI-I ,,.., Oabfe ....... • *** .. .....,,..·Otn. ......... (,_'N.,,..., "°'*' Nier. After -.. ........................ klCIMPPM. 1111 ..,_ ----·-... -®***",...., ......... t 1M 1 I Hal 0L.lrldaft. TI!Mlllr Hutton • 1l:IO CC> •• ~ "Tiie °"""""' ,.... (1t71J .......... """'.-...w11daad. A ..,._..,, n11111a...,.. by • ....., ........ ............... ......., .... .-.... "*111111.-. .... . •*** ''TillCI .. ..... C1t71) Id,,_,...._ ...................... .................... ............. _ • OOltlG out ............. ............. _. ..................... t•CD>••· ....... ~ . ,.,..,... , .. , ...... ................... ........... dlaa.t .. .,. for I preOlp1"411C........ ~ • ·~ • .,._,_.. ..... •. '(111t) .......... ~ 4;11 (J) IUU.WNCU " D'Aftllle, · by ~1trong a a.tluk ~r':'"-""'JI"'!'~!!"!!"!!~~~~~~ ... I ... ,, ---- I t t i . .. ,., l B 11 , Orung Coast DAILY Pll OT /Thursday, Novembar 25, 1982 " 4 • Laguna, New.port Harbor productions op~ning . \, By TOM 'r lTUS Of the Dall)' t'llo1 At11tt Orange Cou.'it tlwal1•1•g<X't'H will how u lot tu b<· thankful Cur thh1 WL'Ck, including u pmr c>r m•w producuons al the Lngunu Moulton l'luyholl'!l' :md the Newport Harbor Al·tors T hl'nler. Laguna, having succ..'t."Cded grondly with tlw Sherlock Ho lmes mystery "Crudfwr of Blood" l'atUer thfs year, has ba•oughl tlw fl'nownt.'<1 :ilL·uth back for an encore in "Sherlock llolni<.-s." ll ope>rls Friday, along with Newport Harbor's ''Chrtstmas at Wakefield," an English-flavorl~ cclt>br11 11on uf thL• holiday season. At Luguna. George Woods rl'<'remcs tho rolL• of Holmes after playing the legendary dt>tt\ctive in "Crudfor." Gone Benedict is Dr. Wut.wn with Nils Anderson enacting the evil Professor Moriarty. , Alex Golson directs the mystery, whkh w all ~ p)-esented Tuesdays through Sundays at 8 p.m. and Sundays nt 2:30 until Dtx-. 18 at the playhouse, 606 I..,aguna Canyon Rood. Laguna Beach. RC"S('rvations l'Aay be made by calling 494-0743. Holiday cheer in the form of an Eng.lash village a nd the play "Christmas at Wakefit'ld" will be offered by the.Newport Har bor Actors Theater. Don Laffoon is ~irccting the production, which fealurt•s actors, singers. JuJglcrs. ac;.robats a nd musicians. . Performances of "Wakefield" wi11 be given Thursdays through Saturdays at 8 P..m 7 and S unday, De<;. 12, at 2:30 p.m . at lhl' Back Bay School auditorium, 390 Monte Vista St .. Costa Mesa. Reservations may b<.' madl' by calling 631-5110. Winding down its engagement at South Coast Repertory is "The Diviners," which doses Dec. 2 at the Fourth Step Theater, 655 Town Center Drive. .. Costa Mesa. Martin Benson directs the West Copst premiere which stars Jeffr~y Combs and Thot;flaS Oglesby. I' Performances will be give n tonight through Saturday at 8, S unday at 7:30 and Monday through ~xt Thursday at 8. with weekend matinees at 2:30. ~11 the box offiee at 957-4033 for reservations. . • A half-dozen other productions continue 'their respective runs over the Thanksgiving weekend. T hey are: -"Finian's Rainbow" at Sebastian 's West ' Dinner Playjlouse, l~O Ave. Pico, San Clemente (492-9950), playing 'nightly except Mondays al varying curtain times for an indefinite run. -"Meet Me in -St. Louis" at ihe Harlequin · Dinner Playhouse. 3503 S. Harbor Blvd .. Santa Ana ·(979-.5511). also pl_aying nightly. except Mondays at I. 1 .. 1.1 I I. I. 1. 1_1_1_1.·_ -_f.t '-'-_I l_l_t j; AllUllM ltlt • U UIU WUTMIHTrR :f,";e'~._,_ Ot •• n =• ~~~ :;~ :f~ ~ '>QoW r ~;,v;)•b COSTA MUA lAGUU IUCll • OUllGf fd• .. d• 111"'"' lo•-s..111 ea..· ~ • opr--1 S•O 7•u •9• 1Stc &l• HSJ -0 •Us.IS ACCIHIO 10-flMI& 1"10.AOtllf•t :. ..... ".. .. ... ,. ' . ' . . _. --NOW SHOWING-- conA MESA LAGUNA IUCH OllAll&f UA Cinema 540-0594 Soulh cOast 494-1514 UA City Ctn1m1 834-3911 lllVllE OllAlllGE WESTMllll TEll Woo4brldt• 551-0855 Orang• Mell 637-0340 C1ntm1 Wtsl 891-3935 111111111111 "l.i'I Ab111·r " nt 1h1• W1·~t 1111ni.11•1 Co11\111u1\ll y Ttw<1h•1". 727'!. Ma11h· St , W1• .. t111111'h•1· (11{}5-·l t l:i), 1111 Ntngt• l"ndavi. 1111d S.11uac luvh at U :m through 1)1~· ·I. · · "'l'lw Suhd Guiel C11d1lh1t·"at tlw Cc~w M€'SU Civil' Plt1yh1lUS<' on tht' Orangt• C:ounty f'u1r~rou11t.ls (7:l-1-515H), runntn#t 1''r1day and Saturdtty of this w1.•ek and T hursday thrnugh Saturday n~·><I Wl't'k with an B::W l'Urtoln. "C:l\aplt•r Two" at lhl' San Ch•nwntt- Commun1ty Thcall'r 202 AVl' C..:al,lri llo, San Cl11 m l0 flt l' (4!12-041i5), pluy1ng Fru.Jays and Saturdays af 8 p:m through DL-c 4. -"Two and T wo Mak<• Sl•x " at thL• H unungton Bcal·h Playhous<', Main S tn'l'l at Yorktown Avt•nue in the 8<.-al'hff Village shopping t'entcr (847-4465), on stuge Fridays and Saturdays at 8;30 through Dec. 4 .• * . BACKSTAGE. -A free acting.workshop fur high school s tudent.<> will be offered at noon Dec. ·11 at the Laguna Moulton Playhouse '. ... al'tress Jonellr Allen will' t:onduct the se~ion, which will be limited 111 size': ... cull Harnt-l Whitrnyer al 494-0743 to register. . . . S howcase Productions o f Westminster as offcrang workshops in acting. speech and body movement conducted by Louise Gruenberg, a graduall' of thl' Pasadena Playhouse ... those interested should contact Jhc theater group at 894-6786 ... The Hoag Foundation will sponsQr a touring production of "The Pied P ip er" by the LP Repertory Compan y for mor e than 100,000 youngsters in Southern Cal ~fo rnia ... the foundation has donated $3.350 to the Tusun-based theater group for sets, props. costumes and musi~. For information on how to receive: one of the performances, call 731-2792 or write to th<.' company al 1451 Sycamore, Tustin 92680 ... CAJ.,.LBOARD -The Newport Har bor Actors Theater will hold auditions for Molicre's classic comedy "Tartuffe" on Dt.-c. 4 and 5 from 1 to 5 p.m. at the theate r, 390 Monte Vista, Cll Irvine, in Costa Mesa ... director Don Laffoon is seeking seven m~n and .five women (one black) from age 20 up, ~·--.. •--111t......_tCll9• ~I ; ... ~,.. .... w1,....._"'~ ~P.J -~--NOW PLAYING .,_,~.... -. lllU !oliM 81t4 "'at• S79 S339 C:OSTI MlU (0.~8V•OI S•OHU COITIMIU faw.,d\C~ Cen•tt 979 4U1 ll TOllO 1 a .... a. S.idd1t~1c se1 ~uo OllAJll( C..oOorte 63• 2SS3 WUTMIHTlll UA r *"' c..i.irN~ &9$!1333 MOVIE RATINGS ,,,..,..__ot.,.,..,..•,o-_.. • .....,.,.~ot ....... -... _,,,, __ ~ AUA()(I AOWITTlO l!:!I --"""-riiiil ALL AOES AOllSTTEO ~l'-0.._Su __ llE.STl'CrtO u,,.. 11 ,_,.. ec:.-r'"9 .......... -a-..- ® HO Oft(""°'-" ,, AOMT'nO IAoe ''""' ,..., ...., • .,._,Ml.,••t . "° •..u oe:c:u•to '°"'-- FA•ILY TWll 17 161 Brookhurst Fountain Valley 112-1241 -MARI< HAMILL HARRISON FORD · CARRIE ASHER BILLY DEE WILLIAMS · ANTHONY DANIELS " ._,,!'A\llO ffiOWSI ¥("4'-fi' 8Ak(ll ft'll1 t-M~H(W HIAHI. 01 -.. IRVIN KERSHNER -.. .... GARY KURTZ .. _ .. LEIGH BRACKETT -LAWRENCE KASDAN -.. GEORGE LUCAS ·----GEORGE LUCAS -.. JOHN INILUAMS fi~Wl ..... I .. ......_.~···~(_~ ........... "'....._.. ,~._,... ..... ~·-....... er-.... [D~~=' ..... _ .. . IPOI ...... .__.,._ •• ,... .... •C~ .. ,. ''"1•• ~-+8Uai¥~ (.....-. .... 0.-. ......... ~UOI'._..,,.,......, IN 70 MM 8 TRACK DOLBY STEREO SOUND THURI. 8AT. 1:00, 3:30, 1:00, 1:30, 10:41 8UN. 1:00, 3:30, 1:00, 1:30 ON GIANT SCREEN 4 TRACK DOLBY STEREO SOUND THURS. -SAT. 1:00, 3:30, 1:00, 1:30, 10;41 SUN. 1:00, 3:30, 1:0011:30 ~ence Holiday ShOwlng Frld.y et 8.-00 P.M. Belen the Regular Enp9'ment on December~ ALIO IHOWINQ AT '· IDWARDI CINEMA VIEJO 830-lllO "MONSIGNOR" 1•1 Hl..••-- : George Woo ds rc tur:ns to l...aguna Moulton Playho u c in the · title ro le o f "Sh erlock Holme ," o pe ning Friday. lo Muooo ot l o•ec1oru ff4·2400 "AN OFFICER ANO A GENTLEMAN" 101 ••U1..t:t1.•• ... "THEY CALL ME 8RUCE" \ .. , ... .,..,_ "CRllPIHOW" 1•1 •OOLaY , ..... ~...,u• LAKEWOOD CENTER WALIHH "FIRIT BLOOD" 1"1 . ....... , ........ focully 01 Conotewooo 213/531-951() I "TIME BANDITS" .. :., .... , .... ._ ........... "VICTOR/VICTORIA" ll'OI "MONSIGNOR" t"l tJ:le.-. IM,-. U:GI ,_ ..... UI •• ,... LAl<IWOOD C INTER SOUTH WALN ,,. foe lilfy A I Olli Alf'tO 21J/6U·t211 0 0 "flll• ,,.._, ... .,, ... ntt "THE MAN FROM SNOWY RIVER"'"' u=-. ... .-... , ..... "CREEP SHOW" t•t ·--,. ·-·· ,.. •i:if<li>~f~Kfv'~ &~Tl:' s2 Chilclrtn Under 12 Always FRH m msoee _, _ _...t'.VO .-..,..y·--a.L ll#GAU-#r• ... Ot11u 0.-D.e, Al 6 tt P.M .... SI"" U S r M IMf'OllTAIT llOflCl• CNILDRH IHIDH lZ fRll! _..,_..,...,,_.....,, ••• _ ,,...,,n ,. ~ .... fOllll .. CM-IS~Sl'IMB f "' llO * CM -W!llt -lllXUSOlll' ,.,_ _.. .. -.a ,·~---··- ................. ANAHEIM DRIVl IN ·-•lelle-11 179-tHO ~o-!1'l -"AN AMU"C:AN WIMWOl' ltl lONl>OM"f•l c'"'"- "TltelMPIM IT-II aACK" 1o01 -..... TO Pl\ll"ll'O) "VlCTOll/VICTOlllA" CN I -"ARTHUlt" (l'O) C"'lll!IOUOIO "' .... ... & .. ~ BUENA PARK D~l\lf IN ..__A .............. 12 .. 4010 " •,,• Alo• LI NCOLN DRIVf IN h"COM Awe ... , of •!"Oft 121 .. 010 ~. .. ,.,, FOUNT AIN VALLEY DlllVf IN .... .,,... liwy ol -"""1llo1 ... , ..... Cltlf ll~ "CREEi! SHOW'' r•t -"SUPERMAN 11" r .. 1 •TH( MAN FllOM SMOWY 111\'fl!-!HI -'·TIME a ANOITS- ~TMEI..,._ STlllKH~ACr (o01 "WHEN TIMI llAN OUT ," f .. I c""''--. ) hO<ll .... So .. Ger_Gt_fl_ 191·169~ .... T."--"M ONCO RL Y" '"' C•N- 1. •CLAH M ,.... I. •TMI LAil AlllSMCAN ,_ ..,":""',,.l;~ AT ~NT lllOM" ... ~ .. -. ... ~ .... LA HABRA ''~ •• ~ --·--·--171-1161 ---- ORANG!-r ~· '1 Poj •ALCINI'" T .. OAM" 1• .. -"tlilA .. AC MAMStOW" 1111 •o·..., --A .. A....CAN WElllWOl., .. LONOOM" tt11 C•AIOUllO -" .... _ •-c..._ .... , ' .. ... . .. Orange Co&1t DAILY PILOT /Thurtdey, November 25, 1982 • ••• Expansion of MacNeil/Lehrer Report Under study . . ~ • ~ • By ARTHUR UNGER whNht•r ur not lo &('{'Cpl i.uppol'I tor lht• hour Publlc 'tf'l('Vli<1on'1J lht! ofCt•r to be Joni( 11 how h :v CPO most t'o ntrov<.•r11 lul nwt<.•ht•d by u a11mllnn Prt>indt•rH 1-:t1wurd programming dt•<.·1111un ti mo u n l fr o in t h lft P t Is t c r and l' B H ever -cont·t•r11111g o Curpor11t1un for Public P11•1dd1•11t Luwr(•1H·1· d a I I y o n ".-}l o u r -ijroodc.·ustlng (C..:t'B) and GnJR!lmrrn. • • M a c N c 11 / L t' h r t> r a r o u n d :i 0 0 P a S -T h t• r <.· w u 11 !'I o m t• Report" Is <.·uusing afllllal.«.l i.tatlon!I will 11ut•st1on m1 to wh<.•ttwr great soul-Sl'arl'l1mg in probably <.'Om<.' up for a tlw Mut•Nt•ll-Lt•hrt•r and out of PBS. preliminary voll• b y <.'Ombmatlon J>rt~nt<.-d a What appears to be a program directors on stri>nM and pl<'asant programming mutter Monduy, with a more 4,mou~h lmug<• to•auract actually in vo lv es bindlngvoteduelateran vlt.>wc-rs five hts a fundamental questions the year · · wt.' l' k an s mt.' about the ways public At last week's annual rt•&•n1rnent that 'n t 1r TV can influence the PBS Program Fair , al preSl'ntat1 0 . Mr . n e w s bus i n c s s -which station progrum MacNeil and, .~Ir ehrer poss i b I y pushing managc·rs~athl'rcd here hinted the t)nlght not c'Ommcrc1al TV doscr to to consider whu.:h shows conscnt lo return with its own one./hour news they will buy for the their popular hali-hour programs -as well as upcoming year -the nightly show lf~e l'Oncerns about the plal'e ~dea of a nightly one-programmers rejected of corporate sponsors in hour "MacNeil/L chrer their suggestion for 1 a such programming. Report'' was the subject one-hour nightly show. According to Robert most often discussed. Tht.> half-hour show as MacNf'il. an AT&T $10 Some s la t Ion not even submitted as a million proouction grant programmers fell they possibility -:-ln what for the program would we'r e b ei ng brain « appeared to b.e an be the largest single wa s h e d ' · by the attempt to pressure the corporatccommitmentin MacNeil-Lehrer team, programmers into public TV. In addi\ion. which atte nde d and al'cepting the one-hour AT&T pledged to spend m a d e t w o m a j o r concept. $2 mJll!on more·on presentat.i o n s . In A t first , it was advert is i n g 'rl d addllion. there• was a suggested that the hour promotion of the show. luncheon sponsored by be aired from 8 to 9 p.m. T h .e decision o f AT&T a nd statements of every night. but the plan ~ --- WUli 11lt1•1·1·cl li<l th1.1t , II IH' ct• pl t• d , 11 w o U Id prol>11bly bt.· uvullubl\• ror u1rh\1j -l 0 p Ill , 7 p m. ti p.m .. or t•vt•n lat<.•r . lt•avl11g tht• chokt• lo tht• tndlvi<luul a;tauonH. A n · o rd I n g lo l h c presc~n tu lion madl' by Messrs. MacNcll und Lehl'l'r, tht.> rww Nhow would lx• very dlffol'l'nt from the c urrl'nt • • M a c N e i I / L l' h r t• r Heporl," which to a grt•at extent ol fers ontt topw <!Jscusscd by "talking head'' t.>xpcrts. "Gone wouJd be thl' automatic o n e -st o r y --a -n i g h l formula,," they said In their presentation. ••Cfh aome nighL'I ther~ might be two. three. four. or more st ories. On rare occasions when the re was a suprcm«' n ews event, the entire p11ogram might be devott.>d t o various aspects of a single story." And there would be great flexibi lity in {o·rm a t -beiitdcs "talking head" exp<.>rts, there w ould be more T II E M 0\·1 E Y 0 l "LL \\' :\ '.\'. T TO TELL .\LL YOl 'H '.\'.EIC;JIBOHS .. \IUH "I . The Outlaw ... The Outcast... (X]I 0Clla¥..-i r ., •• 'f ,~., ... .......... ~ ....... u ... , ..... ,. 'Fitzcarraldo, noble, shinning and courageous! Has a majesty'and audaciousness. Werner Herzog is the most challenging filmmaker at work in the world today.'' -Roger Eberl. Chicago Sun· Times " ... A grand comedy ... I an·11m1ginu moreegrtt1ble °' mof"W .-dlanllnc memory lh.t the nidlently good-huSMWed perfONMncr by Cleudl• Cardinal. . • "Dluylnaly cblematic:I You·11 be cnthrell!'d 1>.l1us l>.lns~I 11 1he m111nillc:en1 embodiment ~r hnoic lunecy • ....... t1.1i.1 t.•m..,,...i11u" •rudutlna oad •ut1full Never~ ..... '" l"P 1i:1 • prlvllrMe •rare on..10..ea film 4het. rmm beginning toend.shlven wUh paulon• 'I<••""''-"-" n.. ...... 11"""-lolk "lxJIUoratlnal 11 kind or jungl .. lev.,,-permea111s .. very h•mn ul 'Fltzcatraldo 'There's some4hl"A lrrai1tible tbout the otr1v1g111t lmaa-y Hanoi hes conlured up • sun·beUd MIUllflo """'> n1an't )"lldett dnllm1 • llNt.• \\ill""'""' ''-'"""' "A 111.-1" acic:.aplilllmw th11 could btocome { m11ltrptec., on the'order of'The Mrlcan Qu.,..n· • ""' M .. d "A mind• ol • ma¥jel 11 rld11 Otl a ma1lc. e1rpe1 with non·•lop v d tement This ls• monumMl.ll wwk o( • vl11onery rtlmnwkttr-_..,......, °""" c. ....... ,.,.,,.,,... "llerzot'I beet ..-tel 'Pllie11TI1ldo' produc:111 • genuJn• 01ltat1on .. 111 c;Jlmu It one or 1he most muvins c:elebrellonl of hum•n l1bor on film· -11-c.r ... ft•l"I• ,,.,,,_ '"Edrw4iaaryl A c:alodyudc. ppatlc W.•odl of o ...tef 1"' -.t U ..... fthn OM COllW ,,......,.. h'• ~ dNllM alld ti.rd worlt lo mab dr•m• come ltmt • "'"'"" M1 I ••ft Moup 11'1"'1'1. ll•dl~ Pltzcarialda~ .... .., ...... &ll!OD RAUi.-. .. ~ QMIDIAC......AU A 1N31 and the Legend that was bigger than both of them. -t edwanls SOU1ll COAST PUZA lllSTO&.ATSUtAOW• Cjil!271 t COST A MISA .,...,-r LUXURY THEATRES Thur•, Fri .. Sun. 1:45. 3'30. 5·15. 7:00, • 45 •. 10 30 r11111 11nct l llpt• 1Jll•('l'8 .... ~) 11w1 ,. d1H0 lul11•n tu rlt•H Tht•y t•vt.•n IU\!>Wl•N>d ttw lll'l'UIWllOll lhut tfwy w1•n• "hum11rh•iu1" by prunmilnH th1·1·c· would be• u plUtl' tor "humor und dt.•llght •· In 11 fow1 papt•r th1•y dl•liverC'd whldl d<>lvt•d mort.• t.•xtcn111vc•ly into t h l' • • n (• w s r 0 r grownups" program plan, McNt'1l and Ll•hrer ind1cutl·d that the new show would lx-"a ·one- h o u 1· n l g h l I y n c w s muguzim:." Not like "60 Minutes," ":W/20 ," or "PM Magazuw." they stressed. but "first and foremost . a news ~ program -a nd the I .l. ~.:. ne ws, whether hard or Jim Lehrer (lenJ Charlayne Hunter -Gault and so f t . w i I I n o t b c• 1,.. ' ' Crivolous." · Robert 1~u1cNeil·di1euss the expansion of the .. While one $12 million . · grant would seem to be MacNeal/Le hrer Report. I altruistic on the surfac.-e, ·~ the fatl 1s that the "hardware" of news -vid<4l.cxt. teletext, and mouvcs o r AT&T should renting out its wires and so forth. But it has been be viewed with some its satellites -would prevented from doing so wariness. lt has long like very muc h to be by anti-trust laws and been rumored that the i n v o I v e d i n t h c FCC regulations. company, which is "software" of news as deeply involved in the well -n e wspapers, By und.erwriling this nightly s how. A1'&rr · might, in e ffe<!t, be getting into the business · of news dissemination through a "back ·door." Where that would lead, remains to be seen. THUltl.-IUN. 2:GO, •:tO l:OD, l:GO, 10:00 (N) .:ti'::=. CftP -ICAllllll ~"~ii THURI. 1:30, 3:a ....... :21, 10:4t -ftloCll• IOO&• MATI OtUON TEX riuta. 1M ...... ..... '"' -n lllUOlll TOUGH TEX TINO(lt m c·~ ........ ,~ TUl.-IUN. 2:11, •11 1:11, 1:11, 10:11 "THE LAIT UNICORN" 101 THURS. t:ll ..... "1001 RAUIT TALEl"t•1 TMUH.I:• ... E.T. TmbftA· 'haaaftuAL THEllAN,._ SNOWY .JUVER T.VtD. !i.\~Bl . -''YiC°tOR/ TMURI. 1M.... VICTORIA" IN ) 1:11, -=-.... TMUllS. 1:11. .. ...-...--.-.H~E~ID.,._l'l...-...-...--+-...-...-.. -THE...-...-LA...-S-T-r-- IONG"4•1 TMUH. 1-....., -.,, UNICORN" .. , · TMUn. , .. a.. .:ao "1001 RA8PlT TALES" ... Ml. e=- TMUU. '9:1', .. (PG, "THEY CALL ME '9RUCE" 4"1 lMURL uo. l ;M, --''THE LAST UNICORN" ._ ....... _.., ~ ........ "TltlY CALL •1RUCE"4"1 ,,.., ........ "•IDl'I 80N0"1•1 •, ' .. Orange Co11t DAILY PIL.OT/Thurtday, November 25, 1912 I •• ~ ... nd!!e P~ev:in jazzes it up fol! char-it~ PITTSBURGH (AP) Andre PreJ ln, the Jtwdc director of thc ·Plt1.1burgh Symphony,f hOle • ~\e almost wonm than death recently -ht"' llfrlonned jau in public. · "I would rather hang by my thumbt" th play jazz at this point In hls career, said the cl.ualcal arU.t, •ho aubmitted to the torture to raiac money for a if:hool for handicapped children. After a brass quintet and a string quartet formed, Previn stepped to the stage at noon with greata Shelly Manne on the drums and Monty dwi at the string bass. "~ere's been quite a lot made or the fact that ( .. ti'1en't played any jau in 25 years. Nevertheless lt'a ~e." Prevln told the more than 2,000 people at !pielru Hall before he.sat down at a i*nd piano. 1ri.poMJbl~. Sonwthlna had to t>.· leh cxpt•ndabll'. and whh th.-amount of l'OIX'\'rt.lt uncl truvtthn1, l jult l'UUldn't keep ur. wllh It." . Prevln orig ru&ll)' phannt'<i to 1ha17e th~ •~I" and a claailcal llt'Ort.' wilt) viollnllt ltlhak Vl•rlrl\4ln. But Perlman Wh for(;'('d to re turn tu Ne•w York on Wc.>dnetday after his wife tx'C.'Mmt' ill. "I felt that to r~pla<-'t.' Perlman, Wf' would have to do something enllrely dlfforont," said Prevln, wha1e wife, Heather. was honorary chairwoman of the beMflt concert for the Rchab1Ut.auon lnatltute bf Pauaburgh. That something different lurntod out to be jau . pW\ilt of eonw nott> In the 19~. Prtvln, the muaic director here alnce Une, uked Manne and Budwlf. both f rlenda. If they would pt'rfonn In Perlman 1 place. They arrived In Phtaburah on Friday night --lt>avlng no ume for a reheanal. The three men, a11 dretllled in dark 1ulta, nodded their hHda and tar,ped their toea aa they pt'rfonned "Cott.onUll,' "Start Fell on Alabama" and four other juz piece.. 'nM! audience, which paid up to •2~ apiece for Ucketa to attend the concert and a luncheon, broke lnto applauae aeveral times durlna Prevln's hour- lona per formance. The crowd Included about 35 atudenta from the Rehebilltation lnautut.e, who sat in wheelchain in front o( the stage. ' . · ''But it's certainly not for the reason o r pla<.'ed disdain. I love it a lot," he saJd. '1lt's juat . "I think it'• the right t hing tor this audience," Prevln said. Before his symphonic career began in 1960. Pre vln w at a compoeer and conductor for MGM , winning four Oscars and 13 Oscar nominations for his film scoring. He wat a jazz When the concert ended, the audience-at.ood, clapping loudly. until the men returned to lhe a~e. ,._.,...oiiii.,..-...._,L-.:~~~~..LJl....-._llim.._.lllill , ... ,lWll 17161 Broolchurst Fount.in V-1_1ey 112•1241 I PERFECT . HOLIDAY ENTERTAINMENT. I ~THE MOVIE THAT J 16LIFTS YOU UP WHERE YOU BELONG." MAAMOUHT PICT\Ja&a Plt&SJllTS A LOIUMAJWIAJtTUI E&IAJllD IWlDUCTD'I A TAYLCa KACllf'ORD PUJlll ltOtAJlD Oll!:IU:. OlaA W1NDl:lt • ,AJll orn::at AND A GanUllAJI Allo 8larriaCD6'1Durntud LOUIS ooeaT"t.JR.u ~ on,IMJ .... .., .w;x l'lfTzacH&. ---llJDClUOLt\8 °"' ~ ProducedllJMAJmll ll.IAND·~ ~ R -c.'ft.-=:-. -r,_~ -..~----18th SMASH WEEK!--- .u ..,.., 8UCll OU-. Wll~TU Minn Blea Plaza Edw~ds Newport ClllltN Cinedolnt f.dwltds ~ WtS1 529·5339 644 0760 '34·2553 891 3935 ....... ,..,. Edwllds VllfO hm 830 6990 ·----- " the wlzanl kn•• wl..t Jiii ltur • ••• ·P111 fir ••• GAMES, GAMES, GAMES! All that's what you git wtth this exciting otter from Odyaey'. For tun whln you °'*' the box, three games (on on cartr ) •e J)ICklCI wtth get your choice of lWO MORE CHAU.ENGING GAMES malled direct form the Wizard! See us for your Grllt. Game Giveaway Coupon! Ask for a demonstration of Odyssey' and the new Odyssey' voice t.qodultl This offlr good on Odyssey' Video Main Unhl purchlled from October 8 through December 24th, 1982. Hamilton jleach variable speed bt.ndar. teOOE 465389. Reig. 24.99 .•• with Erwglzer lof'I life etkallne bat· teri. from £~. Sin D.C,AA's and I volt. "9g. 2.79 1·· 40 gal... .............. 13t.tl 50 gal.. ................ 111.tl • .................. Speed·!·Namel 1Pfay·P91ftt comee In 14 brllllent COior. Drlel qufcttly. 130z. Reg. Ut <::>< Where FriPt1dl11 Serv ice 18 n Famil11 Tradition I ..... ft&.. I .___.. .. , ....,, .... Heavy duty 30-98llon truh can.. Won't warp, ruat of cla!Mft 5 free traatl can ffner1 wttf\ purch .... Reg. 11.H .. , I THURSDAY, N0~.25, 1982 Clllllf 111 ce Temple's ·shot ff oes. it, CdM . wins~: 9-8 By-ROGER CARLSON Of lhe DeMr "-' ..... l<.'d '1i>avid pump 1l an," stud <.:op.oru1 del Mar Coach Jeff Stites. LONG BEACH -Tom Temple's goal from five meters out with 64 seconds spent In sudden death overtime provided Corona del Mar Hlgh's Sea Kings with the CIF 4-A waler polo championship Wednesday night as 2,600 watched the Sea Kings pull it out, 9-8. IJ'l a classic duel over their "hrch riva)s, N~port Harbor. al Belmont Plaza. "But. he got foul<.'d and got it to Temple. It was jwll beautlrul." The goal sent Stites leaping Into the water in t-elcbration of his flr:st tl\lc and Ncwpqrt Harbor Coach Bill Barqett away with Ms second straight runner-up rinish. Barnett,· who has senl !4 NC!wport Harbor teams to the finals, •winning eight, pul his arrna around his standouts, telling each or the great job The Sea Kings took possessiQn after the Sailors or Newpbrt Harbor got the fi rst chance in overtime, but missed. · John Morrow had a chance lo put it away bul a sparkling block by Newport Harbor goolle Mike Hinze saved it. they did. · · . It was ltfat kind of game -from start lO finish -with the acore tied at l, 2, 3( 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 before only a sudden death siuation could separate .The Sea 1K ings. h owever , m ai ntained possession andi after getting the baU lo the hole man, David Imbernino, Temple cas hed in Imbemino's pass for the winner. the two Sea View League giants. , · "Both teams played the game of th~ year," said Stites. Two healthy rivals and they brought out the best out or us." -..........._ "They (both teams) played' a great game, a "We were trying to get the ball inlo the set and -...... _, ·Corona del Mar High's Eric Paulsen gets ready to_ send in a scoring shot as Art J eppe of Newport Harbor defends. . • Worthy aids Laker ' win over. Seattle SEATTLE (AP) -Rookie forward James Worthy came off the bench lo score a season high 26 points Wednesday night, leading the Los Angeles Lakers to a 111-93 National Basketball Association victor y over the Seattle SuperSonics. The Lakers. who had dropped their past two road games, handed the Sonics their seoond-str=· lopsided defeat. Seattle saw its 12-game win streak end S y night ln a 111-91 loss to the New Jersey Nets. Cent.er Kareem Abdul-Jabbar scored 23 points and forward Jamaal Wilkes added 20 for the Lakers. Forward Lonnie Shelton and Lessard leads King victory center Jack Sikma paced the Sonics with 15 points each. ~ 'Los Angeles, which Jed by 15 points in the first half, snapped a 62·62 tie with a 14-2 flurry over the final five minutes of the third quarter to take a 76-64 lead into the final period. In that stretch, Los Angeles either scored on transition bask.ets or moved the ball inside for high percentage shots. Wilkes had six points during the rally. Los Angeles led by 20 points in the late going. The Lakers grabbed an early 14-point lead as they shot 54 percent in the first quarter compared with the Sonics' 25 percent. Magic Johnson, who finished with 11 rebounds and 10 assists for the game, got five rebounds and seven assists in the first quarter. The Sonics got rolling later in the second quai:ter, oul.9coring the Lakers 14-2 over the final ilve minutes of the flnt half. GWU'd Fred Brown came off the bench to acore eight points ln the Seattle surse. -. helluva game," said the veteran Barnett, one.> or the game's mosl demanding coaches. denying four which deserved points. lmbernano. lhe Sea Kings' No. l threat. IK'ldom was in the acoring, prcx.'t.'SS, becaWJ(' every lime he got the ball in the hole, he was fouled immed1at.ely, "The difference? We made one more ilefonsive mistake than they did," said the Sailors' boa, who led Newport to a 24 -3 overall record. Temple. who IK.'Ored the winner, lt.'Ci all k'Orers with four goalB, while Eric Paulsen acored lwke necessitating a pass lo a teammate. • "He <.'Onlrolled the ball in lhere," said Stat.es. Two )leslthy rit'sls, and they "They took away our two met.er game when he wasn't In there, so we had lo keep ham there for mosl or the time." brought out the best in ua. . Entering the fourth period it was 5-5 and the • ext slx-minuw segmenl was jusl a replay or the revious three an a nip-and-tuck setup. . • C411C.....Jeff8 and Pal Loorborrow, Rick Scott and lmbernin~ each tallied once. Firsl it ~as Thompson fr9m the perimeter lo t lhe Sailors up by a 6·5 matgin. The Sailors' acoring consisted of two goals from Art Jeppe, David O'Donnell and Colin Thompson, along with singles from Greg Lukosky ard drant Stanley. bemin~s backhand hit the top of the C8le l'ftponded with a wicked point blan~ shot at t CQM goaJ, but Roh was th~re. In the nets both goalies came up with clutch saves -Hinze stopping three and CdM's Joe Roh Paulaen oonnected with the Sea Kings a man up to tie it at 6, Lukosky fired from the (Sff CdM, Pa1e C7) -Different ~ethod, but sa1ne results 'for· UCI, 1·07-57 By JOHN SEVANO One couldn't also help but notice Of IM 0.-. "-' llalt -no one scored 20 pbints or more "We cannot play like this and d espite the Anteaters' game- expect to beat anyone ... and w inning tota l of 107. Those we know it." things were something that One would never guess from never occurred during the Magee George Turner's quote that UC re ime. rv1n , demolished its opponent by 50 points In the Ant.eaten' 1982·83 basketbaU opener Wednesday night. BUT THAT'S exactly what they did in handing the Golden Bears from the University of Alberta (Canada) a 107-57 setback before 1,257 at Crawf<>W Hall. The cont.est which marked the first time since 1980-81 that the Anteaters had taken lo the floor without their much-heralded center Kevin Magee anchoring the middle, fluctuated from brilliant to s loppy . And , considering the 're seniorless and with only o ne s tarter returning. it figures the Anteaters still have a lot or meshing to do. The first thing one obeerved in watching Coach Bill Mulligan's squad was that all five starters scored at least one basket before the game was four minutes old. lo have ~ balance as six player;:s scored between 14-to-18 points. they also have a t lare t or xcitemen t as thei r over- wering defense creates a lot of turnover! ;md their fast-break offense coughs up a few of its o~ In all, UCI totaled 22 steals and forced 38 Alberta turnovers. On Glt'C, Co•st el•s• (See P••e C8) the other hand1 though, the Ant.eaters had the ball stolen 15 times and turned it over 32 times. ~ ,.., ALL THIS and they still made the game a rou~ . Afte r be ing tied at 2, UCI rattled off the next 12 points to lead 14-2 and they never trailed, or were .seriously threatened, arter that. UCI led 26-11 midway through the first half; 44-25 at lhe half; saw the Golden Bears come as close u 48-34 early m the second half; and then poured it on at the end. Freshman Tod Murphy came off the b e n c h to lead his teammates in both scoring (18 points) and rebounds (12). Ben McDonald, the team captain, finished strohg tQ lead his team • In usisB (8) and was second in. scoring ( 16). Bob Thornton;- Magee's backup last year. also had 16. while George Turner. the floor leader, had 15, Jud Beardsley 14 and Ronnie Grandiaon 13. "We can't have that many turnovers and expect lo win. bu\ the n we didn't show a Jo( tonight," said ~ happy Coacl\ Mulligan, whose team faces the University of Oregon MondaY. night (7:30) at the Anahei~ Convention Center. ~~ "WE ONLY RAN one offe~ and one defense the whole nigtfi We didn't want to show tPQ much. But I. thought we'd bit ragged tonight (anyway) beca'9 we were all new and tight." Wednesday night's victor~ over the Golden Bean (5~ overall. but only 1-6 againat U.S; comeetition) will not count '" UCI s eeuon standlnp due \o itlC exhibition status . Still, th~ players were glad to get a lamllt under their belts. : INGLEWOOD (AP) -Qoalie Mario Lessard posted his first shutout of the National Hockey League eeason and was credited with an assist Wednesday night, leading the Los Angeles Kings to a 3-0 victory over New Jersey and extending the Devils' winless streak to 17 games. • The two team• matched baskets early ln the third quarter 'Until the Laken took control. Jabbar and Slkrna topped all rebounden with 13 each. • . . and when II wa1 over in 1udden death, PaalHn and his Sea Kinp' admiren celebrate their Yletory. "I think a lot of what we wa.a throuah WU first pme jiue,...-< analya!d Murphy, lut year'• cli! • (See UCI, Pa1e C'7) ; I The loss, aeventh straight for the Devils, gave-them an 0-14-3 mark since they last won a game. Lessa rd , who has been relegated to a backup role in the Los Angeles nets, turned aside 16 1hots ln getting his ninth career shutout. Aft.er a aoorelea fint period, Steve Bozek lhot the Kings lnto a 1-0 teed at 13:33 of the aeoond period with hll fourth goal of the 1eason, a 25-footer past New Jeney goelle Chko Reach. Marcel Dionne was credited with an -.tat on the play, livlnl him l,200 career points. He rankt ninth o n the ~HL all-titne IC.'Orinc lllt. - Daryl Evana mllde •t 2·0 at 4:04 of the third petlod when he 1cored from 10 feet away. Warren Holmel and Bozek Sol the -a.ta. . ' . . Ross is recognized in Rustler 'triumph, By CURT SEEDEN ol'IMDellr ......... You don't win 28 water pol o matches without a lou In one 1euon without 1tellar goaltendln1, Golden West Colletie Coach Tom Hemwtad wlll tell )'OU. So it w .. with 1ood reuon that Hermatad wu disappointed when bt. freshman aoa,Ue, Jim Rom, went Without mention la1t HHon when a •t•te communily collqe weter polo c..m waa ,named. But Wednelday afwnoan at Golden Weit where the one-day Southern C.Jllomia Community Collete weter DOlo champlonehlpe were be(ftl held, Re. dllolayed tu. talenlll ln '°" of a prime tfme eonteat pltuna two prime oppqnents. Thanks to &.'1 refleal Md 101M timely 1COrln1 from hl• Golden w,.t teammates, the Rustle,. captured ~he Southern Cal championah1p With an 11·7 victory over M,tropoH&en Conference champion Loni Seidl CO. Ji:arlier an the day. fhe Ruatlen ad- vanced llO the d\ampkJnlhle ..,._ with an •as'J 19-& ded*lon owr Citrus. Lons Beech CC advanced to the ~al'f\9 with a 12-8 verdict owr 88*t . Herm1tad credited Ron' plwndlna and the Rmtlen' U'analUon pme ror ~ a ttubborn Lona ·BHch 1quad In the utle pme. ''The tranlAUOft cr.flnl*1 d!d It for • t ua." ednlltted Her11.-cl. whme KUltlera will try for a fifth 1tral1ht 1tate chlmlMonlhip S.turday, Die .• ~ Will 'Valley. "And Rall Md • cou~ of ""''•tee. He (Ram) pla,_. 10 well tcw U1 last )'Mr but he WM lnufftd In the end." But Wedneeday ftilht. It Wal &. dolltl the lllUff"-· cominl llP wilh l4 aavea. includlM ihne tn • row from nNr-P.J&nt blanli ranae midway throulh the third period when the......_.,... holdina on to• tif ...,..... The a...-. ...-. holdinl an to a 3-l leMI wlth •-than 2 ~ Min.atee ,.......... ... the tint half, eamDlbnlnlll of ~~ bJ 80Dn N8dy, IMt Dll van. ancr..-wu... • 11-7 The Vikings' Tim Freemen the tl1'9\ 'of hll two pis at 2:03 of period. Del Valle countered at 1:33 on power play; and Lone BNch came with a Matt Lawler pl with 48 .-,an11111 left tn the half. llicinc the R&.9\ler IMd c.q ~~. . Lona Beech clelllhted a nk-e tumoYC of Vlklnl fan• when Jlm Pell1r'ilJI ..,..... ... W.Uway ..,.ay In the third P._llW 10 .. the IL'IOl'e, but It W• dMli c~~=~,:.r'~' Carl Salyer pw tbe Ruatlere a ~ ..... -.n .. *-tor to delll"t tM ...., wtlh .., • ..,.. after 8ciaa lit outa••=lftll~a. : .... .-.fi,lcn , • .. I Cl Orange Coa11 DAILY PILOT /Thurlday, November 25, 1982 Will play Continue I if plan rejeCted? J WASHIN GTON (AP) - Management's chief negotiator warned Nation al Football Leaaue players Wednesday that failure to ratif}' the n ew collective bargaining agreement next week will mean one less paycheck, a smaller playoff pool and the end of manaffement's $60 """"'"°'1 "money now' cash bonus plan. . The players. wno returned ·to work last week following a 57-day strike, will be asked early next week to either ratify or reject a flve-year.$1.6 billion asreement hammered out by neaotiators on Nov. 16. On Tuesday. union officials said they. expected the league's 1,500 plAu'ers would reject the contract but 9.'ould continue to play ball. 10-teum playoft l.Huict d on divisional play. Under the tcntalivl' 'l'Ontra,·t agreement, the regular sc•aaon S(•hedule hud been revampt.'CI to Include one game loet during the strike to be made up on th<' weekend of J a n . 2-3 and an <'Xpandt.'<I playoff pool w indude the top e ight teams ln eac:h confererice. The money "Donlan says wlll Ix> withdrawn will be management's $60 million money now plan which gives each player In the • league between $10,000 and $60,000 u pon the contract's ratification . . The ratification process has been delayed as Ed Garvey, executive director of the players' association. contin~s to argue that the players should not vote · on the agreement until a oumber of issues are resolved.' . Getting their kicks f •11'..et's assume c>ur contract is rejected ·and the players want to play," said J ack Donlan, executive director of the NFL Management Coun cil, the league's bargaining arm. "Then I think the owners will have to make a decision w hether they want to play. Assuming-they do, ever ything will h ave to be played under the old contract.." The old contract m eans a return to the original regular- season schedule, shortened to e•~ht games.by the strike, and a The union ha s given management unt il Monday midnight · to settle the disputes. At that liflli!. first the player reps and the n \the players will be asked to vote on those parts or the contract t ha t h ave been initialed. "W e h a d a com pleted agreement last week and now Ed has a new laundry list or things he wants," Donlan said. Debbie Daniloff, an aerobic dancer, leads the Corona del Mar High soccer team -in a drill recently. Daniloff, a Fountain Valley re~ideat who attends UC Irvine, was hired to help. gel the Sea K;ngs in shape for the coming season. olmes can~t change says challenger Cobb 4'rom AP dispatches · . HOUSTON -"I might even fool ,··· iround a nd learn to tight," says ' llandy "Tex" Cobb in talking about ' 'hiS improvement as a fighter one day ~ ·. · .before he opposes unbeaten Larry Holmes for Che World Boxing Council heavyweight ~hampionship. The fight will be held Friday night in the Astrodome. "I know what he has done best in the past," said the 26-year-old Cobb of Holmes, a boxer-puncher, with an excelJent left jab. "He can't change. He's 34." Actually, Holmes turned 33 Nov. 3. "I'm the one guy in the game who can change," said Cobb, whose style has been .~• one of mauling aggression, ).aking punishment 'to _give it. ''l'm the guy who ~ great growth potential." ~ Cobb's title bid comes in his 23rd light in a )ro career that began in 1977after just two 'amateur bouts. He has a 20-2 record, with 18 . .Jrnockouts, and is the WBC's fift~-ra!"~ed contender. His losses were on 10-round deetsions to Ken Norton Nov. 7, 1980. and to Michael l>okes Ma~h 22, 1981. _ •• Holmes, who is considering retimg after one D'lOre fight next year, has a 40-0 record, with 33 4.nockouts. p ~be scheduled 15-round bout. which wtU be ~levised live by Channel 7, will be Holmes' first Jight since he stopped previously unbeaten l:;erry Cooney in the 13th round at Las Vegas Jest June 11. ' Bird leads Boston over~Portland Larry Bird scored 22 points. m Cedric .. axwell 21 and Robert Parish 17 as Boston streaked to its sixth con secutive victor.y in a 104-95 · . National Basketball Association decision over · Portland ... Elsewhere: Dan Juel scored a season-high 38 points and Alex English added 31 as Denver broke a two-game losing streak by defeating San Antonio, 129-123 ... Frank Johnson sco 30 in and Greg Ballard added 23 as Washington built up an 18-point lead and coasted to a 106-93 win over Phoenix ... Marques Jollnson scored a season-high 34 points and Sidney Moncrief added 24, leading Milwaukee to a 119-106 victory over Utah . . . Moses Ma1one scored 25 ~ .. points .and pulled down .l5.J rebounds and Julius· Erving llttdcd 22 points as Philadelphia. breaking the game open wi.th a 25-8 spurt in the second quarter, beat Indiana, 121-106 . . . Rolando Blackman scored a career-high 27 points, including a three-point play with 12 seconds left, to give DaUas a 133-127 win over Chicago . Quote of the day Bob LaPolJite, intef'im football coach at Eastern Michiga~ fans tore down a goal post after the Hurons ended a 27-game losing streak with a 9-7 victory over K ent State: "There goes the recruiting budget, but w~o cares!" OeBerg unseats Morton in Denver Steve DeBerg has unsea4?<f Craig • Morton as the Denver Broncos' ••• star ting quarterbac k for t.h e rem ainde r of the season, barring unforseen circumstances. Coach Dan Reeves sar.s. Second-year quarterback Mark Herrmann will· be DeBerg's backup ... University of Florida President Robert Q. Manton said the · NCAA has told him Gators Coach Clarley Pell was directly involved in only one recr~ting violation at Clemson .• .. A fonner place kicker for the University of Utah football team, Tom McNamara has been charged with two counts of theft by ~iving for the alleged possession of stolen footballs. ·a r~peaters on Camp All-America NEW HAVEN, Conn. (AP) - GtM>rgia running back Henchel W•Jker is one of eight repeal "'9mbers named to the Walter Camp Football Foundation's 1982 A:IJ -American team, officials announced Wednesday. defenslvf backs Mike Richardson of Arizona State a nd Tommy Wilcox of Alabama and punter Reale Roby of Iowa. Other offensive selections include tight end Gordon Huct.on of Brigham Y <>UnB· \acklea Don Moeebar of Southern California and Jimbo Covert of Pittsburgh, guards Dave Dreechler of North Carolina and BNce Mathews of Southern' Californja, running back.a Eric Dickerw>n of Southern Methodist and Ernest Anderson of Oklahoma State, and place- kick er Chuck Nelson o f Washington. Include linemen George Achica of So)Jthern California a nd Jimmy Pay ne or Georgia. linebackers Mark Stewart of Washington. Marcus Marek of Ohio State and Vernon Maxwell of Aril.ona State and defensive backs Terry Hoage of Georgia and Terry Kinard of Clemson. ~alker joins quarterback John ••Y of Stanford on the roster , wbich includes players from 20 acbools, .J{amect to the team for at least · a leCOnd time are wide receiver A.l!thony Carter of Michigan. c•~te~ Dave Rimington o f Nlbrplka, defensive linemen Tim Kfumrie of Wik'onsin and Billy R;-. y Sm Ith of A r k a n aa s , ' You can Cltarge · DAILY PILOT ~ Clo11tfled Adi " 642·5671 Other defensive players ,,..., . SIUdlJ ..... ""· ZI I 27. ........... . I •• I p.111. f Doon aplll •t 7 p.m. LB Jolla -Newp·ort I Auction Galleries 90Ulhem C8Wom'8'f' Mosl Preettgk>us AU<.'tton Gallery 2542 W. Coat Hwy .• Newport Beech, CA 92663 r=::1 HOURS: U>-4 fn; A !'111. c:cJ Wll ..... '"'""" Ot .....,. ........ euclOfl • , , Perreault leads Buffalo win Gii Perreault set up three goals ~ and Dale McCourt scored twice to ' pace Buffalo ovf>r Ha rtford 4 -2 Wednesday night in National Hockey League action ... Elsewhere: Greg Malone scored two goals anµ assisted on two others as Pittsburgh extended Toronto's winless streak to 21 road games with a 4-3 victory ... Centers Dellii Savard and Bill Gardner ·S<.'Ored early in the third period to spark the come-from -behind 7-5 win over Winnipeg. Savard got his eighth goal or the season on a breakaway after stealing the puck from Winnipeg defe nseman Dave Babyc b . . . Mark Napier Cire<t a pair or goals to lead Montreal to a 4-2 win over Detroit. Napier NIH'EAULT notched his first score or the game and his seventh of the season at 14:39 or the first period as ·the two teams sd>red four goals in 1:57 ... A goal by Keltb Crowder with 1:40 left to play gave Boston a 4i4 tie with l'hilalielr.hia. Crowder took the puck from Craig MacTav ab and knocked it past Flyers goalie Mike Krv1lle1Dy1ki . . . Bob McClanallu scored three goals. including two during a five-ga:ll rally In the third period as the New York Rangers downed Minnesota, 8-5 ... Goaltender Pat Riggin stopped Wayne Gretzky on a penalty shot with 1:47 left to preserve the' Washington Capitals' 3-3 tie with Edmonton. Rasmussen goes to Yankees NEW YORK -Left-handed pitc h er Dennis R asmussen, a ~ 6-7, 230-i>ounder, was acquired by the - New York Yankees Wednesday from the Angels to complete the Tommy J ohn trade of Aug. 3. ' · When John. a veteran ptichcr, was.de.ah to the-Angels, the Yankees originally were to acquire three minor leaguers to be named later . But the trade was restructured to include just Rasmussen, who has no major league cxpcrient.-e. Rasmussen, 23. pitched last season for Spokane of 'the Pacific Coast League, compiling an 11 -8 record and a 5.03 earned run average. But he struck out 162 to fi nish second an the PCL and give him a total or 3'50 in his three minor league seasons. He played baseball at Creighton University. Univei;sity. Landaluce to skip Starlet Landaluce, undefeated in fi ve ·• starts, must skip the $500,000 Starlet Handicap at Hollywood Park Sunday because of a Ccvcr. Landaluce would h ave been a prohib(tlve favorite in t h e 1 1/ 16-mile race for 2-year-old fillies . . . Benny Friedman, onetime football star at M1l·higan and a pro player widely revered for his toughness and versatility, is dead at the age of 76. He was found dead in his apartment or a self-inflicted TELEVISION Following are the top sports events on TV tonight. Ratings are~ V' V' V' V' excellent; V' V' V' worth watching; V' V' fair; V' forget it. S. 9:30 a .m., Channel 2 ......., ......., ......., ......., NFf;.FOOTBALL: NY Giants at Detroit. . Ann.«>-.ocers: Pat Summerall and John Madden. The Lions are of{ to a fast start with a 2-1 record going into today's game while the Giants are battling with the Rams and Tampa Bay to. escape the cellar in the. National Co!1~eren~. Detroit wlU eend Eric Hipple to the fmng lane with Billy Sims the leadjng ground gamer. The Giants counter with Phil Simms at quarterback and Rob Carpenter at running back. ·~ I p.m., Channel 4 ~.......,.......,......., NFL FOOTBALL: Cleveland at Dallas. Anaoaacea~ Dick En berg and Merlin Olsen. ' T his inte rconference matchup matches teams with 2-1 records. spotlighting a pair of top running backs. Cleveland has Mike Pruitt and Dallas has Tony Dorsett and both are aanong the league's statistical leaders. At quarterback, it will be Danny White for the Cowboys against Brian Sipe or the Browns. OTHER TELEVISION 9 a.m. (2) -NFL TODAY -With Brent Musburger. 12:30 p.m. (4) -NFL '82 -With Len Berman. RADIO Football -New York Gian ts at Detroit, 9:15 a .m .. KNX (1070); Cleveland at Dallas, 12:45 p.m .. KNX (1070). College f oothall • TODAY'S GAMES .. Texas A&M at Texas Bowling Green at North C.arolina Virginia at Virginia Tech FRIDA Y'S GAMES Pittsburgh a t P e nn St. (Channel 7 at 9 a.m.) Oklahoma al N ebraska (Channel 2 at 11:30 a .m.) Connecticut at Delaware SATURDAY'S GAMES Notre Dame vs . USC at Coliseum Oreaon at Oregon St. Cal "State Fullerton at Nevada, Lu Vegas. n Oklahoma St. at San Diego St .. n Utah St. vs. Long Beach St. at Abaheim Stadium (7:30) Arizona St. at Arizona. n Georgia Tech at Georgia Auburn at Alabama Air Force al Hawaii. n Rice at Houston, n Tulane at LSU. n Arkansas St. at Memphis St. Cindnnata at Miami (Fla.) Tennetle<' at Vanderbilt Clemson vi . Wak~ Forest at Tokyo over Oklahoma * Penn St. ..,., Plttllturtlh * USC .,,., NotN 0.me * ArbeM It. ever ~ * Al••·-... • ' \ Ornngo COit!tl DAil Y .,ILO ! IT hur1doy, Novttmber 25, 1982 0 Pirates aliVe and kicking 1 Truckers vi ·for $1,000. at OCIR OCC socceJT team faces El Camino for SoCal title Friday Light late for yachting on weekend • ' They won't be CJashl;lS tlw blinding speed of thl' funny cars or iop fue l dra g s t e r s bu t Saturday's Big Rig World Finals will find the w lnnt.'r laking homt• a prize of $1,000 plus a trophy an ac tio n at O r a nge Count y lnternational Raceway in Irvine. The Big Rig World Fina ls give truc~ers a chance to ,show orr their rigs, driving skill and racing abllity. The Nocona S uper T ruck competition is the highlight of the day w ith the quickest of 16 entra nts picking up the top prize. All e ntrants mu s t be professional truckers a nd must d rive w o rkin g truc k s w i th competition under the guidelines o f the Am e ric an T r u c k e r Championship Serit-s. There will also be handicap backets for three e .t. classes, three-axle, tWO·fXI~ bobtails and full trucks such as dump trucks and cement mixers. There js a lso a tr ucJs. roadeo compe tlho n in w hich dr ivers have a chance to show off their driving s kill in a series of d emandin@ t~sts that include backing and ·serpentine driving. The drag racing a nd roadeo competition start at I o'clock. · Ge nera I admission tickets are $8 with pit passes $2. Both wiU be available at OCIR Saturday. Nil.IC NOTICE T tw fll'llt und only Linw Ort1nl('' <.:w~t Coll('ge and to;! C"mino Coll<'Hl' gol to.Cl'llli·• on a SOC(..'\>f' fw ld this yt•ar. it took u 1w11111Ty kick lO ~idtl thl' out<.'omc. El Ca m in o, cons adC'r t'd the N o . l l'Ommunlty college socet•r lt'am an lh l' 11tt11t•, managed to pull out thut J-i vklory, buL the fi nal score is a pretty good Indication of the parity among the statt>'s top comrnunlty college teams. And Orange Coast Coat·h &rry WulJMCt> has a team which he feels has ~ legitimate s hot a l the s ta te community collt>gc> t hampion.'Ohip. T o a nne x that crowl'), how eve r, th<' Pirates will have to d efeat El Cam ino Frid ay nig ht (7:30) in the S oCa l championship gaml' on the Warriors' field. ''El Camino has an outstanding squad," admiL'> Wallace, w.ho has guidl'<.i the Pirates to three straight South Coast Confer<'nce cha mp1o n s h iJ?S. "Our game ~ith the Warriors was r~ally exciting. Both teams wer e ver y e"fnly match ed and neither gained an ad vantage over the o ther." Wallace has every reason to believe his squad w ill get by the secand round or the SoCa1 playoffs th is year, someth;ng lt has failed Lo do the last two years. 1'1 think we have a legitimate shot a t win.n ing a s ta te championship . The re's tremendous balance ahlong the state's top six teams this year, but we have as good a chant-e as the next team," Wallace adds. ' OCC v aulted in to the Southe rn California championship game by scoring a PlBJC NOTICE NOTICE Of' SAU NOTICE Of T1tUITH'S. l'AU ·O:T~~~~r \o:::::=.: No. A1-.0 . T 0 SERVICE COMPANY as duly In t!M Superior Court of t!M State appointed Trustee under Iha of Callfornla. for the County of following described deed of trull O.ange. WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION In the Meller of Iha Estele o EST BIOOER FOR ~OCCER 'CURT SEEDEN ,,· i VICU>ry CIVl'r 8ou th,Wl•IHl·rn In first- l'OUOll pl::iy. Tho win upJJ(.'J the• Pirulcs1 t•c'CtmJ to I fl -:i-;j ovl•rall, oud Wu)lul't.' crc.'<1iL"I good ol' lt'nmwcjrk for hlll club's suc.'t.'l?\.'l. In fot·t, tht• OCC co:wh refusc-s to k,_.<·p md1v1dua l s tuUSUl'S. Ruthl'r ht.> points to the• ~;l goals the l t•:1m amassed pnor to tht' 'Southweswrn gamt> us a basis for tht• Buc.-s' S Ul 't. 't.'SS. • "I told the• kids al tltt• b<.'gmnang of the• yl'ilr tha t w e ncvt'T keep individua l statistics here," Wallace• ad m1ts,"$oc..'t.-cr is a Wam game, and that's exat:tly how these kids play it. This tl!am is fun to wa tC:h because. everyone works togctht>r with ·precision." You can't rf'a lly blame Wallace for having fun while coaching the Pira tes., In tho six years he has <:oached tht•m, the• Pirate kickers have won thrt'<' l'Onference tlllt·~ .. rm1sht•t.J sl'eond lWtl'(' <tnd never fi nishl'CI b<'low .500. And don',t thank ·Wa llace •has had Lo do some heavy recruiting outside the distrid to find tlle kln(J of talent he has. When he held tryou ts this season, more tha n JOO players showed up. He had to pare that number to 16. Among those 16 arc goalie John :VVandler, u 6·:i, I 80 1>ouncl "4.'n1vr whu Lu111c.J dciwn 11 full ll(•holunihlp to pluy 111 Bwla to 1>~·nd unotJw1 b4'!tso11 w1111 lilt· P11-.llt '!\ "John Pt'r110nully U<Wun1.t-<l for two 0 1 thn't• of our wi1111 1h1~ yc•u1•," Wnllut·(• kl1y:. "lft.o'H bit( und :ttronR und quitk " , Tht· Viratt• affr~ is lt'<.I by frt·shm,m forward David Tn fonov1 tt•h und soph11mort• Joe Cumptx•ll, who Wallact• r1uurc•s h:1Vt• accountl'd fur inorc· tha n 70 goulH 1h1" S.•UliOll. Otfwr kf'y pluyc•r'S cm the• CX.'C ~U<td arc• m1dh eldcrs Gh•nn Su·:ich:m and Cluudw Taboada, dcft-ndt•rs J111\my Jc•nS<.'n , M1kl• MulJ(•n and &•uu Allen and fo rward Joi;.• Dydasc.-o. 1-latch e r to redshirt LOS ANGELES (AP ) M o nte ! • 1 lateher, the only fr<.>Shmun on the UCL A basketball roster, will rcdshirt this season. Ha tcht•r, ·a guard from Santa Monica High, rric t wuh UCLA Coach Larry Farrnt•r this wec•k and told him that ht: wanted to conccntrutt: on his studies in his-first year "It was my decision," s.s1d Hatcher. "T ht• fact that I might gel more playing timc by redshirting came into 1t, but mainly tt was my academics. It 1s hard to sit out. I want to play. But I Celt that this was the right thing to do." Junior Ralph J ackson a nd senior Rod Foster are the starters at guard for UCLA. Senior Michael Holton will also see a lot of playing time In the Bruins' backcourt. ... Uy Al.MON LOCKAIUi;Y Dlilly ~I loetlftt Wtlt• Vat h ung JCllvlly u. light ulOtltO~ tht• t•rltirt-i.ou t h c11118l lhh .. ,1 W('{•kt'n<I • • J In Or1inKI' County, t ht: cml~ } "'·ht•dult•d c.>v<•nl 11> l>anta Po11n11 Y:wht Club's (.'oa.i;t.ul C.:ruttM• r~~,. 1-·r1do,1. Suturduy unJ Sunday , ~: In the• Los An~1·l1·11 Lt>r1U1L 8(·at·h urea, C..lm llo &•ac:h Y ud)l.n Cluh h<b fi..-;ut-d an invn.:ttlon ""'1 s k1ppt•ri. nf all cla ss<>s for JI,. Thanki.J<iving Rc~atw ~luru~ ., :111d Hum.lay, Seal Bcat•h Yuclu,, C lub will host thl• Sl.•t.:ond ratt• ut.11 llb Sunday Sual ors Serici. Ofl,, S unday t• Thr•r<' as no a<.•t1v1ty schcdu lud • m tht.> Man na dc l Rey awa thw I wc>c.•ki•nd. 1 ~ ,· San Diego has the mo~i·~ act1v1ty h<'adcd by Mtss1on &1{/'' Yacht C.:lub'i. Turkey D a( Regana for all tlasses Saturd<i;:y.'1 and Sunday. q t// I Other regattas m San D1ct'o ~ tncludt: Southwestern Yacl)l'r Club's Graham S hand St>rtt"S £po, hand icap yac h ts S unda ~1 ,1 C o r o n a d o Y a c h t C I u b ; s,., Longstre th S<.·r1es (rnvitallori;iJ , handicap) S unday, a nd San44 1 Clara R acing A ssoc1a t1 on{s Autumn C hill series for a)~; classes on s.aturday. j .. , Kodamatlc1 M Doubl~ Pak lnstant Color Fiim Harry Getter. Deceased CASH (payable at lime or sare In lawful money of the Unlled Stalet) Notice 11 hereby given thet the all right, Olla and 1n1ere1t conveytd undersigned wilt Mii at Private &ale, 10 and now held by It -vnde< Mid to highest and belt bidder. aobject The Savmg Place• 13.97=:. 10 conllrmallon of said Su-rior Deed of Trust In the property C ... here1naner OMcrll>ed ourt, al Iha office of MEAO & TRUSTOR GREGG KARMAN MEAD. 1 t01 Oova St . Sia po. and BETTY LOU KARMAN Newport Beach. County of Orange, 11 · 1 • ate of 111 nla all the r hi 11118 hu1band a d w e as 10 ~ lentnll ~,:. o~~:.·,~ ~ 811 lhe rlgh: t:lle FE DERAL S & l ASSN . OF and lnl-1 thil the estate of aaJd OWENSBORO. KY • • CO<J>Of"8Uon RecOfded December t7, t981 .. d ac:eeaad hes acq uir ed b y lnsir. No. 23387 1n book t4327. 098fatlon of law or otherwtM 011* page 1399 of Official Records In Iha than In addition lo lh•I of said office 01 lhe Recorder of orange deceuecl, al IM lime of death. In County· said deed-of trull describel and lo 111 IM c:erteln Real prc>perty ' . 11lu1led In City of Costa Mesa, ·~~~~ty. Cun ty of Orange, Sla te o f Leuenold tni.,est in and to tti. c.Mfornle. County o f o;ange. State of 1~"9C_~desc;•bed property Clliforni1 •-~ -~ .,...,,....,,....CDOt41•- A ~r11on bl Lot. 13 or N-i-t In •n~n1:~0: l ..of T:~. ,.:0. :Ssa, 1~ Heights. as shown on • Map IM Clly of Cosla Mesa. County of recorded In book 4. page 83 of o.enga. Siiia of Cahloml•. es per Mlacelleneou1 Maps, records of map racOfded in Book 357, ~ laid Orange County. desc(lbed 81 24 10 28 1ne1usive MllC411aneous follows• • ~innl I IM OSI Northef"' M•ps, In the ott1ca of IM County •· ..,..., ng • m '' Recorda< of sale! County. corner of aald LOI, 1>411/lg . point In EXCEPTING THEREFROM the Southftaterly 114 of Orange Un 11 1 through 133 as ahown on Avenue, as shown on ••Id Map; 1~ Condominium Plan recorded In IMnca Sou1h 50• Eul along t!M book 12 115 page 1184 Olllclal NOnMUtarty bounel81Y or llld' Lot. .:.,,.. • 425.3 feat 10 the true point of Records ol _,., County. beginning; thence South 50• East ~~~~~ 2~1 shown on t he a1ong said Northeasterly Una 80 Conoominlum Pl•n referred 10 tn 1 .. t; thence South 4-0: Wast 162.5~ Parcel 1 above. feet; thence Not1h 50 West 60 feet, YOU A11£ .. DE' AULT UNDER A thence Not1h 4-0• Eatt 162.57 faet DE l D of TR U a T DAT l D \o U)t true point of beginning. DICE-fl 2, 1•1. UNLEU YOU Mora commonly known ... 237 TAI(( ACTION TO .. ROTlCT Pllmer StrMI, Coste Mesa, CA. '(.OUR .. RO .. ERTY, IT MAY •• Term1 of aale CH!' In lawful IOlD AT A f'U9LJC SALL• YOU money of the United States on Ille, •ID AN ElO'l.ANATION ~THI 0t part CMh and I>•~ 8Yldenced NATURE Of THI ll'ttOCHDINQ by .note MCUJed by Mortge~ or AGAINIT YOU, YOU SHOUL Trust Deed on tM propwiy. so-id. CONTACT A LAWYlfl Tan percent of amount bid to ba 879 O..p Creek. Costa_ Mesa. deposited with bid. Ct11t0tnle Bids 0t otta<a to be in writing and "'(II 8 '""' addren "' common will be received at the aforesaid designation Is shown above. no office 11 any lime •Iler the flrst warranty Is given •• t o ill publlcelion hereof 8nd. balOfe date completeness °' corractnesa) ... of Ale. The banafiaary under 181<1 Deed Dated thb 17th day of No...mbar. of Trust, by reason of a breecil °' 11162 default In IM obllgetloM MCUred Frank F. MNd Ill t!Mreby. hereto•~• 1xacu1ect I nc! Attorney aa Y11t delivered to thO unde11lgneO a June Oil-Log11n written Oeclerelton of Oef•ull and L ... E. Gel-Demand fOf Sale. and wrlnen nol~ Co-Ellecutrbl of IM f E11ate of laid Decedent of breach and o e1ec11on to QUM Published Oringe Coast Dally the undersigned to sell said property 10 sa1tsly-111d·obfigallon1, Pilot, Holl. 18. 19. 25. 1982 126-32 and therHller the undersigned c:euSICI said noltC41 of breacll and of Nil.IC NOTICE , etec11on to be recorded August 13, i'TiiiiiiiiiTi~AiiUiiiMitiiioo 1982 es 1n11r No. 82·282638 of Mid STAT'lmlfT M UAlllDOllMIENT Offlciet Reco<ds.. CW UM M S•ld aale wlll be made. but FlCTI'T10Ut IUSINIU NAM! without covenan t or warranty. The following person hes expr ... Of Implied, regarding title. abandoned IM UN of IM fictitious PoSteation. or eneumbr•nce•. I bu"'-OAVl~~~SSOCIATES, 18430 pay tti. remaining principal sum tM nola(•I MC:Ured by Mid o-J of Brookhuret Street. Sulla 204. Trust. with tnler•t ea in saiO "°' Fountain VIiie)'. Cahlomla 92708 • provided, edvenca: H any. un The Flcllllou1 Bu1lna11 Name IM 1a<m1 of Mid Oeed of Trust. referred 10 above wH llled In f-. charges and eapenMS of t Of•nge Cw'lty Of'I sept. 7• tM2. Trull" and of the trutte Ct"ted Oa v Id A. p. t .... t 84 3 0 S8kl Deed of Tru1t. Seid .... """ Brookhur1t Street. Sulla 204, held on Tuesday, Oacambar 21. Fountain V_,.,, CelifOfnla 112700 11162 at 2.00 p.m. at Iha C Tllll~•eacondueledby e Avenue •n tranca. to the Clvl Hmlled pert'*'9h1t>. Center Building, 300 Eut Chllpm David A. F'9tar1 · Avenue. In Iha City of Orenge. Thia statement was llleel with Iha NOTICE: AT THE TIME OF SALE. County Clark of Orange County on IDS M'Y BE MADE IN CASH Nov. 22. 11162. ANO/OR THE CASHIERS-a ,,..., PubHahad Oranne Coast .Oilly CERTIFIED CHECl<S SPECIFIED I • CIVIL CODE SECTION 2924h. Piiat, Nov. 25, Dec. 2, 11. 16. 1982 A t the time of Iha tnltle _________ 5_20&-82__ publlclltlon of this nQllcil, Iha tot Nil.IC NOTIC£ FlCTITIOUS llU ... U ' NAmSTAff•NT The IO!lowlng ~ wa dol°' bu*-•= ENTERT A I NERS P RO· OUCTIONS WEST-ESQUIRES MUS•C, 23392 Cemlnlto Juenleo Laguna H .... CA 112e53. IRA BRANDWEIN, 233112 c.rnlnlto .Nanlc:O. u.guna Hills. c~ nt53. 8088'Y KENT. 23392 Cernlnftc JuaniCO, Laouna Hiii. CA 112t53. LEO ICl:NT. 233112 Cemlnlto Juenloo, Uigunl Htfll, CA 112953. Thia bullf-. II conducted by an ondMdual. lr"a BrendMlr\ Thll 1t1ternanl w .. ftled with lhe COunty Clark of Orange Coullty on October 18. t1182.· amount of the unpeid balance of t obllgallon ·secured by the abov ducrlbed dead of trust an estimated co111. eapenaa1, en ed~ II S 108.588 21 To determine the OjHtnlng bid you may c.il (714) 584-8333. Data: November 18, 1M2 South .• T.O. SERVICE COMPANY at Mid Truet•. By: T.O. Safvlca Company. agent By: Lorrie Wornadl. Aaelatant S.Creuwy. 3833 Camino Oat RI Sult• 204 S11n Diego, CA 1121084044 (8111) 584-8218 Publlthad Orange CoH t Dally Pilot Holl. 25. Dec. 2. II, IM2 v 2 f'talC NOTICE f1- Publl•h•d Orenga COHI Diiiy Piiot. Nov 11, 25, Die. 2. II. 11182 5095-82 --,-IC-TI'T10Ut=~~-~==-:u~- Ml.IC NOTIC( MAMS STAnmln' The fotlowlng f*IOM ewe doing ffM:TfTIOU9 ..,..... bullMU II • ..... ITArumwf • BIG PARTt-IEA8HlP, 204 Tiit to11ow111g ,.,._,. -doing Alvlrlide A~ Newpof1 8Mch, ~-CAll2N3 TOTAL OHION SERVICES. IAWIN F. OELLMAN, 1221 215 8111 Slrael, ~ 9Mctl. Mttllf'I Lena. Newport leec:tt. CA CaMomie t2tt3 t2M3. Jeffrey Giibert MolniH, 215 BARBAAA L. GELLMAN, 1221 ttlt Street, Newport Beach, MWlen Lana, Newl)Ot1 8Mdl, CA C8lllomla Ntl3 11*3. ...,_~Camp0ell.1M8t EUGENE ABAAM8. 11111 lcle Wey W11tmlnll•, C1lll0tnle Sellr1d99, Loa ~ CA tO~ t2ID • l hlol bualnHI .. conductecl ., • Tilll ~ II oondlolctld iry • lllnlled pertner!INp. '"'*81 pertnenfllp. !MM '· Qtllman, .,.,.,., Q HolfMI 0...11 ~ Tilll ... 11 llMI W.. Med W1tt1 tM Thie 1aatement ... lllcl with tile OOUMy c:.ti ,. Or ... OOUMy on COllnfY Cltttl of 0r.,. COuM't on ....., .. -n 1112. Nowemotr 1&. 1111 ,_._ -. ·. ,_,.. ... ""ltlllflH 0rllftf9 00.M D1ffy .. 1111118'1.CS O•ante Co.et DellY Plot, No¥. H , oeo. 2. I , 181 1"2 l'tlo4. Nov. 18, 25, Dec I , 81...'m • • 1 ...... a - •, •1 • • l ' .. Holiday Savings! Kmart Sole Price .......................................................................... 48.88 Instant Rebate ...............................................•................................... S 1 0 Your Instant Special Cost ....................................... 36.88 New Kodamatlc 960 Instant Camera Bu1ll·tn electronic tlosh fires every time tor greot p ictures. recycles Kmart Sole Pnce .......................................................................... 72.88 Instant Rebate ............................................... -..................................... $ 1 O Your Instant Special Cost ............................................. 6 2 • 8 8 New KODAMATIC 980L Instant Camera Sa me features as KODAMATIC 960 Instant Camera plus. auto· focus lens for sharp pictures. polnt·and·shoof simplicity • .. Take an instant to Save." 52 REBATE when you purchase one ea . SS REBATE when you purchase two Double Pok. • Kmart ·Sole Price ....................................................... -········-·······59.87 Instant Rebate ................................................................ : .................... ! 10 Your Instant Special Cost ............................................ 4 9 • 9 7 New Kodamatlc 970L Instant Camera All features of KODAMATIC 960 Instant Camero plus. bullt·1n close-up lens for grea t sho ts from 2 to 4 feet A SPECIAL GIFT FROM ·~c:m-... ~ ,,.. .S.•"9 "'«•'" • .... ti OI cou-.., ..... ildUlt ..._.... tlotret No PurchaM Mec"IGIY Aval Al Comlla . . r • .. • , } J _. ... C·I Oran e Coull DAIL V PILOT/ fl)urtday, November 25, 1982 l~.r-----.-.---...-..--.;..;.;.....,r-----------..;..----------....... ----------------------------------------_..:;---------...------------- (all 9amH 11 7:>0) ,,Id., The~ Thellne Collon YI Edison II Orange Coa.st College Collon bye Huntington Beach v1 LB Poly at LB Wiison Poly by 7 Fullerton at Newpori Ha1t>o1 Fullerton by 2 Et Toro vs Sunny Hiiia II Fullerton El Toro by 3 Saddleback al Brea-OllmJo Saddleback by 8 Ml11fon VleJo at El Modena El Modena by 8 Sea Vie w co-champs favored Ml.IC NOllCl . Bu t Mission Vit•jo underdog in C IF pl ayof fli fi'riday YO... Mii .. DI, AU&. T UNDta A DllD O• T•UIT DAYID U,Yl11181" l~.1...~tlt, IHILIH YOU TMCI ACTIUll TO NOTICT YOU" '"O'l"TY. IT llAY II IOU» AT A l'UaJC IAU. •YOU ... DAN llll'UUT10N OP TMI &·11 Vh•w Lt•u.cuc• "" < t1:11npu11lh El Toro ;met p.•rw11~ m11cl11111n .11 tn reoeoe1v1·1 inf( rrom un unklc• NA TUR• Of TNI '"oc1101NO ~u·ltllt•huc•k t•nlt•r lht• llit'l'tlrid round of tht.• Cllt' Injury. AQAINIT YOU, YOU INOULD ·~ " CONTACT A LAWYU. 't.•11trnl Confonmt•t• pluyoff11 u11 fuvorill'tt t'r1duy Ml11lon Vlelo VI. Loara NCmc1°'TMllTll'I1au night, bul Snuth COOllt Lt-utcut• l'O duurlp M1~it111 Mi11Hiot1 11 Diabl0t> have• tx>t>n upgradc'<.I to the· T.1 ..... 11• V1<.>jo Is lltch'd rui an undt•rch>R In tht• Suuth1•111 ~outht•rn Conf~r-=m.•c• and tor ttlt! hnn hnw an °" ~~~!J.~~:"1\~ .~;'. U mtc•rtlll't' clmlnaUonic. 1wvnµI pluyoft M~pt•uran(;t'llJ, tht•r, c ntf•r a11 •t 900 o'ctoc;k am of .. Id oay in 11 '8 look "' .... ,,. •• .I h d f ,.._ lhtt rOC>fft Mt ·~ IOI 'ondllCllflQ f're u • c,•,_ •· Ul'\ut•ruog1 to l £' a raguur • rum t lt' ~ntury TruetM'• saiei. wtthtll •h• ottlCM 01 l.t•ugue>. RE AL ESlATE SECURITIES El Toro VI. Sunny HUit Among the Ohabl08' firepower arc quarterback SERVICE. ioc•l•d •• 2020 Nor111 "Tht fie~· .. r'n" lO till. uncl n o t our woy," K L R d BroeOW•y. Sult• 20e, In tile Clly ot Bo"b J h # 11 • 1 1 luus c•itcnbaut•r, runne r oger Brown an 581111 An•. county 01 Or•noe. S•••• says ~I o ro c 0 nscm 01 \ !I U'UQ\ It ( Ut• l'('t'CiVt'r Frnd Colt•r. 01 Calllornl•, WASHINGlON TRUST T . t t with Sunny Hills. Lcitt>nbawcr has l'Ompl<>ted 113 of 194 n!lt;tlU><> DEED SERVICE CORPORATION .• rtpp 0 c ompe-e Sunny Hills Is 6-4 ovc•rull. runs u multiple ,..--~ c e11torn1e corporallon, u duly Ofrch'"' and ls. blaacr thnn lhl' bt.'t.'fy El Toro ..r.uad, for 1,711 yards and 17 TO..; Coler h as caught ti4 P•pup11ou1•nn1a1d10Tr1~.•l•p•owutnrdo•r1 1a8n1d• ""' "" ...,. paSS(.•s for 825 yard s und 4 TDe; and Brown has " Ron "Sle e py," Trlpt of Costa Mesa w ill according lO J ohnson. rac k ed up 21 touchdo wns; intludlnn o nt• niaht c:ontered in tll•I certtln Deed ot · h S A C d i · J C , ___ Among th" El Toro ""Uad It c,,a Vit!W Leanue " "' Tru•• executed by WIL LEM A compete against l e liP r vers an · · ~ "" ...,. ~ 1:1 when he rambled for 30!1 yards o n 43 t•arric•s GRANDIA and JOHANNA M Agajanlan's 42nd annual Turk\'y Night Grand Prix Lineman of the Y ear Paul Stivcnko, ll two-way (against Laguna Hills). GRANDIA, 11u1b1nd and w111. a t Ascot Park In Gardena toninht in a 100-lap starte r at guard and linebacker. •ec:o<ded <>ttober 20, ttl8t, 1n BOOk .. 14261 ol Olflc:l•I Rec:Ofdl of Hid m idge t race. Wacke r new TCU cpach . Counly, •• page 1387, Aecofdef'I Practice starts a t 5 o'dock w ith qualifications at Saddle b ac:k v1. Brea-Olinda 1n11rumen1 No. 24725, 1>y , .. eon 01 6 and the 4-lap tro phy dash u t 8 A 15 -lap semi "They're quick and aggrt.'SSi'i<'· like usd," says FORT WORTH, Te.xas <AP) -Texas Chr istian ~.'::=.~.~f':~:' :~ri;:;~:. precedes the 100-lap Grand Prix o n the 11.i-mile Saddle back Coach Jerry Witte o( h is se<.'On round University W edn esday n amed Jim Wac ker o f H cu••d 111ereby, 1nc1udlng 111a1 Ascot dirt track . oppon e nt. Southwest Texas State Uruversity as its new h ead breech or oetaull. Noiic;e ot wlllCll B • Wild 6 4 l d wu •ec0<ded August Ill, t912, •• Tripp, who ts h osting USAC point ch ampio n r ea s cats are --as oppose lo football ('OOCh. Recorder'• 1n11rumen1 No K e vin' Olson this week a t his home. has not Saddlcback!s 10-1 record, and they g e l it done w.tth_ -W acker follo w s F.A. Ory, wha was fired N ov. 82-292117. win SELL AT PUBLIC followed the circuit this season. He is s till active, a wis hbqnc offense, based primarily on power. 15, cffeclive last Sunday, after six losing seasons. AUCTION TO THE HtGtiEST however, and will c."Ompet.e in the Ascol race. "They're a little like Irvin e' Inasmuch as they W acker has compiled, a 101-33-1 r ccqrd lo 12 :l~~~J.~~::: :~~~ Ron Shulman defied all odds by win.niog the u.se three running backs in the backfield and thro w seasons and a 39-8 record al Southwest Texas State clleek drawn on • 11••• 00 national race for the third con secutive year ast season . o s nee . • ' union, Of • 1tat• Of federal 11111ng1 . I N e ffect1'vely," saks Witte. i 1979 b•nlf.. • 11•1• or led•••• credit driver h ad ever won three rac.'t'S in the series le t Saddlebac 's Kevin Bradley, the S ea View Terms ot Wacker'0s ("Ontrac t were not •n<1 k>lln anoc1111on dom1c:11ec1 in - a_l_o_n_e_t_h_ree __ in_a_ro_w_. _______ --:-_______ Le_a_gu __ e_Bac __ k_o_f_t_h_e_v_e_a_r_._is_e_x_pec __ ted __ to_be __ 1n_1_oo ___ irnrn __ cd_i_a_t_e_1y_a_nn_o_u_nced __ · ____________ -1:~.·!~11~ig~:.~itr!~~d·:n~:.~~0J by 11, 11 T1u11ee. In 111•1 real property lltuate In 11ld County and I A SKI SPECTACULAR Skifest '82 sizzles with excitement. Meet "Of. George:· KABC's crack weatherman: Listen to Western, Dixieland and Bavarian bands; Stroll through the beer garden& and sidewalk cafes; See sld moviea and stage shows; Enter contests and win prizes; Take FREE ski lessons on our giant ski ramp. t' .... $175.00 ..... $ 99.99 ..•... Re9· .. s23s.oo . · · · · · ·.·::. s119.99 El n 903 · · · • ..... · · · · · · · s115.oo · · · · · · s129.99 ~ury c1assic ....... ·. ·. · .... ' .......... ·. $235.00 ..... '. ·:~·· $139.99 cen . obi pertorn)ef . . . . . ......... ' . . . $240.00 . . . . . . . $159.99 f\O~tac Pro · · · · · · · · • · · • ..... · · · · · · · · · · $235.00 · · · · .. · · · · 5159.99 0yna I Mirage ; · · · · · · ·. · ...... · · · · · · · · · ·. 5260.00 · · · · · · · ·. ·. '. $'79.99 HeXC~ nol C\\at1on · · · · • · ........... · · · · $235.00 · · · · · · · . $199·99 RoSSi9 ""'2 HS · · · · · · · . . . . . .... · · · · · · · ... $270.00 · · · · · .... Hexcel av . . . . . . .. orn 730 .. -. . . . . . . . . .......... _ .... ., ~ignOIFP ·~··~··~·~::'.'C'":T-~ Discount FREE! Coupon (Without~) •Ski LM80n8 ADULTS1$400 0..11.00oft~ "'*' you .,,...,,. .. •UveShOws TEENS •••• CQCIOn .... tidlel wlnelow, •Ski Movies ~:-..... ~~ Saves100 • Exhlblta • lHpe =~~ • Demonatriltlone • Conteeta Undlrll'RU.U.. .. .... • 8'n.nd...,. ......... ~ ..... •Prtw .................... ........ lunltM ..... • .. > ·~ > ; -r.., . \\ · ... I ; \ } ,-.( (J ....... '""'"' ,~ ~. ~ ).. , .... at the ANAHEIM CONVENTION CENIER State, described as follow• "IXIMIT A" PARCEL I Lot 33 of Tract No 444, In tile City ot N-pqrt Beach. Counly ol Orange, S tele of CaUtornla, 11 per map recorded In Booil 19. Page 29 of Miscellaneous Mapa In Ill• office of Illa Counly RecOfdet of Hid County. PARCEL 2: An HHmen1 tor brlclc walk. and lng1ess and egreas OY41f. l)Orllon Of LOI 32 of Tract No. 444, In tile Clly of Newporl 8e1c11. County o f Orange, Stale of Calllornla, .. per Map recorded In Book 19, Page 29 of Mlac;ella.neous M81>1. In Ille ottk:e ol tile Counly Recorder ol Hid County, more perllcutarly detef1bed •• follows Begfnnlng •• 1111 moll Southerly corner of Hid Lot 32, ll\enoe Nortn 33 degtffs 36' 00" Wesl •long Ille Sou•ll-Ulfl)' line ol said Loi 32, • d111aooe ol 52 86 feel 111ence North 60 deg• ... 53' 33·· East. 4 70 feet. tnenu Sou1n 29 degrMs 06' 27" East. 28 00 IMI to • po1n1 2.50 feet Nor111ea1ter1y. meU<Jred 11 rlglll anglQ. t1om Ille said Soullleasterly llne ot..,.ld Loi 14:' EHi, 24 70 feet 10 Ille point of beginning PARCEL 3 An HHmenl tor concrele block retaining wall and Ingress end egress ovtr • porUon ol LOI 34. Traci No 444, In Ille City ol N-port Beach. 'County of Orange, Stale ot Calltornla. as per Map recorded In Book 111 Page 211 of Mlsoellaneous Maps. In Ille ofhoe ol 111e County Recorder ot aald County, more partlc:ulerly decrlDed as follows. · Beginning el • polnl In Ille NOftllelltetl)> line of Mid Loi 34. • dlslance of 10 00 feet North-lerly from Ille mo11 Eaaterly corner of said Lot; tnence N0<1ll 33 degr- 39 · 26" WHI, •long Ill• Hid Norttleaaterly une ol Loi 34, • di•· t•nce of 47 11 IMI: tllence South 29 degrees 45' 11" East, 47 00 '"' 10 •point, Soutll llO oegr ... 14' 49" Wn t, 3.20 teet from 1118 po;nl of beginning. 1nenc. NO<lll llO degt-14' 4~ e.11. 3 20 teal to tile point ol T.'~reel addreu or other common de11gnallon of 1ne real property llereinlboYe de9Qlbed It ~ed1o be 249 L• Joli• Or1w. Beacil, CaHIOfnle The undersigned hereby dl1c111ma •II ll•blllly tor any Incorrect,_ In lllcl llrMI lldd•-or other c:ommon Clelignatlon Selcl Hie will be m~e wllhOUI warrarlly, exp1e11 or Implied, regarding lllle, ponenlon, or encumbr1nce1. lo 1au11y Ille princlpel balance ol the Note or ot118r obhgallon 1ecured by H id Deed of Trusl. wllll lnltrHI and otlltt 1um1 n provided lll•r•ln. plus advances. II any, under Ill• term• ttlereol end ln141f•t on llUCh advances, and plus '"'· cllarge1 and expenses ot Ille Tru1tM and ol tile '""" created by ll&ld 0..0 of Tru11. Tiie 101a1 amount ol H id obllgallon, lnc:ludlng reasonably Htlmaled ,, .. , c11arge1 end expenses of Ille TrullM, al tile lime of 1n111a1 publtcallon of 1111• Notice, II ~4.969.10. Dated Noveml>tf 23. 1912 WA SHINGTON TRUST SERVICE CORPORATION. • c.tlloml• coiporauon, as Trutl9.11. BY!REACESTJ.TE SECURITIES SERVICE. • C.htomla corporation, Ila Agent By (SEAL! D.J Morger. Its Preeldenl 2020N Br~, Suil• 2045. . Sanlll Ana. CA 92106 Tel· (7 14) 953-&810 Publl•ll•d Orange Cont Dally Pilot, Nov. 25, Dec. 2.9, 1982 !'i;I00-12 MOTICI OP wnNDID TilANll'D AND LaAllaACet Notice 11 tlereby gtven 111•1 Air Cllllornll. 1 Celllornla corpor stlon wllll llddr-al 3638 Bitch Slr"1. Ntwpoft Beach, CalllOfnle 92ttl0. ln1end1 10 tr-* to end leatebllck lrom ACL Limited No. 2 .• C.llfoml• limited partner.nip wllll adckea ., 19 Corporate Plan, Newport BMcll, c.Htomll 9He0, P41r-* property generally deecrlbed tt lollowll; One alrcran -iactured by Boeing Corporallon (Model 737-2931 and one elrcrell engine, 1oge111er wllll all equlpmenl and eccneorle1 thereto belonging lo each ol tb • foregoing. Tiii• trlf'MC11on 11 10 be coneummeled on Oeeemt>er 3, 1912, 11 ~ 9tectl, Cellfomle. et Ille addr-of Nr Callfomll ... lortll MM>w TM lbCMI deecrtbed properly 11 loc:lled In Orange County. AIA CALIFORNIA (TranllferOf·L..-l 9y. Jofln J Woodlodl Vice Prtelden1. Fll!anct 8y Robert lemelt, SecretatY Pubhahed Orange Cont Delly Ptlo4, ~ H . 1912 VO... Ml • Dl•AU&. f u.111 A DllO Of TaUIY DAYIO •ov•••"' 11. 1111 u.&.111 YOU TMCI ACTIC* TO MOftCT YOU" , .. o ..... n . " MAY .. IOU> AT A ......C IAU. •YOU •ID AM 111"-AMATIC* °' TMI NATUM Of , .. HIOCllD .. AQAINIT YOU, YOU INOULD CONTACT A LAWYI". NOTtCI OP TIIU9TH'I IA&.I T.l ..... llm NOTICE IS H£RE8V GIVEN. tNI on WtclnMd•~· o.c.mtHw 10, ttt2. 11 9 00 o'ctock • m Of Mid d-y. In the r OOm Ml llld<t fOf Condlle:tlno lrullM'I S11tt, wltllln Ille otnc.I Ot REAL CSTAH SECUA1fll8 SERVICE., IOUltd et 2020 Norlll 8fo11<1w1y, Suite '°8, In IN City Of S11111a Al\I, county ot Orenoe, 8111• o f ClfllornlJ , BENEFICIAL MANAGEMENICORPOAATION Of AMERICA. ii Oelawatt C:Ofpotltlon. H duly appolnled TrullM und., and puriwan1 10 Ille pow« of .... conteued In 11111 certain OMO of T IUll uacuted by LINDA LEE GREENE, recorded Noioltmbet 21, 1979, In Book 13410 01 Olllc:lal Record• of H id Counly, •• page 1480, Reco1de1'1 ln1trumen1 No. 34122, by teHOn of • brMCll Of Gel•ull In payment or jMWIOlmenc:e of tilt ObllglllOfll MCUted lllereby, 1ncl\ldlng 11111 breach or deleuU, Nollet of wlllcll WH recorded · Augull 12, 1982, H ~order'• 1n11rumen1 No 12-211742. WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCYION TO THE HIGHEST BIODER FOR CASH, tawiul money of Ille United Slat•. Of • cullier'• ct>eck drawn on • at•lt Of neUonal bit*. • etate Of fadefal credit unt0n Of • a1a1e Of federal llYlngl and loan •eoclllfon domlc:11ed In 1hl1 11ate. all pey80le 11 tile time 01 Mle. al •ll nghl. title end ln1ere11 held by 11, u Tru1IM, In lllat rHI prope11y st1u11e In H id County and State, described n follow• PARCEL t. Unit No 79,"' Ille city of lfv1ne. county of Orange, 11•1• ol C1lllorn11, H sllown and daactibed In Ille condominium plan recorded on Merell 25, 1977 In Book 12119 Peg•• 1167 IO 1216, of Olflcl•I Records of 1&ld county Excepting 111¥elorom all oil, otl rights. mlnarals, mlnetal 1lgll11, 111tural 11•• rlgllla, end olller hydrocerbOns by whatsoever name known 11111 ml)' be within or under Ille parcel ot land !lerelnabove dHcrlbed logelller wllll lh• perpetual rlglll ol drilling, mining. explorlng end operatlhg 11141fef0f end 11orlng In and removing Ille .. me from 1&1d lend Of any otl'Mlt lend. Including 1111 11gllt to wl'tllj)lloek or dlrec:tlOnllly drrll and mine from lands otl'Mlt then ttloM lier elnal>Ove described, Oil or g11 we111. lunnell end 1111111 Into, through Of 8CIOSI tile IUblurl-of Ill• lend llerelnabove described, Ind to bottom sue11 wNp11odred °' dlrec:tlon•lly drilled wells, 1unnell, eno 1n1111 unoer end beneath or beyond Ille axlerlof llmll1 1'-eof, and to redrlll; relunnel. equip, ___ _... operate 8~)1 IUCh ·-Ill 01 mlnM, wltllout however. tile oglll lo drill. mine, atore, explore and C>Pef•I• lllrougll Ille iurlace 01 Ille upper llv• flundred (500) feet ol Ill• eu1>eu1faoe of Ille land l'lereln•bove described. n resetved In Ille deed from Ille Irvine Company. • corporation recorded Novemb« 29, 1977 In Book 1247 t Page 701 ol Ofticlal Records Also excepting therefrom Ille iwbeurlace walef ngllts. but wlthou1 tile tlglll of 1urlece enlry u r~ In Ille deed trom Ille lfvlne Company, a corporation, recorded Novembtf 211, 11177 In Book 12471 Page 701 ot Olliclal Records, PARCEL 2 An undlYlded one lllh1y·sla C 11361 Interest u • ltr11.nt tn common on tile IM ln1er .. 1 In and 10 1118 common ••ea of Lot• 1, 2 end 3 ol Tr IC1 190 1 .. per mac> flied In 8ook 319 Piii" 33 to 34, lnckltlve, of M~taneous Maos. r9CO<dl of IMlld county. n l4iCll Term term ls defined In Ille Article entllled "Def1n1t1on1·· ol tile Oederlllon of Covenanu. Condlllon1 end Rfflrlchons recorded on January 26, 1977 In Book 1~1 Pagel I IN IO 125, lnCIUllV•. ol Olllcl•t Reco1d1 of Uld County (tile "Declerallon "), and any amendm•nll or anne xation• lller*'O Ealmenl• as tuetl -•ment1 -l)M11eullrty Ml IO<lll fo_ Ille Artlc:le enlllled "Ea1ement1" of lb• dect1ra1lon under the Section 11Mc1mg1 1n tUCtl ar11cie entltled u IOllOWI "Owner1" Rlgllll and Dullu. Ullllllu and Cable T•l•Ylalon". "Supporl end Selllement", "Common ArN and Community FaclllllH E•Hment" and MVerd Utilltles" PARCEL 4 Ea11men11 U IUCll -•ment1 are perllc:ulltly Ml t0<111 In Ille Anlclt entitled "Ea-n.n11" of the Oeclarellon ol Covenant1, Condit ion• and Re11rlctlon1 recorded on June 9, 1978 In Book , 1768, p .. 420 10 414, lnc:luslw, of olflc:lel record• of .. Id county (Ille "M••I• Dec:lerellon") end any emendmenla or ann•••llon1 tl'Mltelo under tile MC1ton llMdlngl In IUCh 8'1 tc:le emitted a follows: "Owner1" Rlglll1 and Dullea. UllllllH end Cable Televf1fon". "Utllllle1". "Support and Selllemen", "Enctoechrnenl", and "Community Facil1t1M E-11". Tiie 9lree1 eddreu or Olller common dealgnellon ol Ille reel properly l'tetetn•boW deecflbed ls pufpC)rled 10 be 10 LAii ...... OrM, IMne. Caltfornle . Tiie underelgned hereby dl1cl1lm1 all llablllly lor any lncor~t-In Mid stree1 lddr-. °' oll'Mlt common cleeignalkln. Seid Nie wlll be made wllllOut warr"lly, exprHI or lmplled. reguCJlng 1111•. po1HHlon. or encumbtanc ... to ullaly Ill• prlnclpal balance ol tile Nole or otllef oblli!ellon HC:uted by Mid Deed of 'fru11. with ln1et"1 Ind other 1umt ts provided therein; plu1 advanc:H . II 1ny, unctet Ille term• tllefeof and 1n1.,..1 on IUCfl lldv•ncM. end plu1 , ... , Cll•O- and ••PINM of Ille Truet• and of tile tru1t1 crteted by Mid Deed of Truat. Tiie 10111 amount of .. Id obllgallon. Including re11onably e1Umated , .... clletg .. end • ..,.,_ of tile Trutlte. 81 the lime of lnt181 publlc:ellon of ttlla Notice ... 122,8'9.31 Oeted: ~""' 111. 1982. BENEFICIAL MANAGEMENT COAPOAATION OF AMERICA • o.i..-corporltlOn MTruette, REAL ESTATE SECURITlES SERVICE, 1 Cllltornll corporlllon. Ill Agent D J Morgew. "-· 2020 N .. oedwe)' •2045 lenta Ana. CA 92708 l714) '53-tl10 Publlllled Orange Cout Deity '"*"· Nov II, 25, Dec 2, 1912 5113-ea Ml.IC ll)TIC( • \ " ' ., J \ 17 mg "tar". 1.3 mg. nicotine av. per c1gare11e by FTC method • I Discover the taste ·· --· of Cainel Filters, .. ·.now in a Hard Pack·. Warning : The Surgeon General Hes Determined • That 'Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. ,, I . ~ . . I Orange Coast DAILY PILOT /Thursday. November 25.1982 Q .C•• .. Mlih.M•••U&•••• I ' :' ~· 4 ·. . ' . ' ( •I . . 7 ' . . " I .. ' .... .. vs. Coast: Bragging rights at stake By CURT SEt<;l>EN ofthe o.u, ~llot ltoft Tlll'rt• hav<• bt•t•n vt.•r y h•w turkt•yi. In th<• W-yt>ttr footbull nvalry bt>twt•c•n Orunl(t' Coast un<i Ooldl•n West t:ollt:gl'll, ,11u tlwn•'s no n •u1wn hl suspeN anything Ot ht·I' thun anolht.•r , l'Xl'i ting contest th iw Yl'ltr l'Vt•n if thC' g11mt.• Is on Thnnksgiv1nli( Dny. S urt'. nl'1ttwr t~·am 1s going to a post-season bowl gamt.\ und therl' al'l' no 1,•t.mference t:rowns at :.take. But the k1 L·koff fur today's ( 11 o'clock) baule wall signol the 17th rcnC'wttl of one of Orange Coun ty's biggt•st t•om munHy colll•g<' football rivalries. ( At stake arc the usual thmg!f. Bruggmg rights w ithin the l'Ommunity l'Ollege di~tru:t; the coveted Vll'tory bell; and your basic pride. Golden West has picked up vktork'S m the last thrt.>e ,games. two of them In co~incing Cushion, Last ycar1l Goldt.>n West, on pa r, was the easy ravonte. And that meant only ne thing -the Pirates made a game of it and nearly upset the Rustlers~ In s hort, unpredictable is. the best word to dt..'SCribe this rivalry., "Very seldom have these games ~n an ything but close,'' a<.laiits Rustler Cooch Ray Shackleford, whose team has dropped ats last two games against powerful Mt. San ·Anlenio and Fullertqn. "I'd have to <.'Onsider this game like all of th~m through the years -a hard-fought game that eitheF team <.>ould win." Despite Lht: back-to-back !osses. Golden West sporl.S'a 3-2 conference record ( 4-5 overall). Orange Coast is 1--1 in conference play and 2-7 for the season . But each coach will tell you tha t past ' records don't mean a thing where this··game is concerned. "On paper, it looks to me like it should be another close game." admits OCC Coach Dick Tucker. "I thank Golden West should be favored. but I feel we can make it another close one, just like ~ast year." Looking back at GWC-OCC Here's a glance at the Orange Coast-Golden West series over the past 16 years. 11M: Oranoe CoHI 14, Golditn W"I 12 Leave 11 to the Pirates and Rustlera to start otf the aeries with a banq -mainly b9cause ot a controverslal play midway thrOl.IQll the fourth quarter OCC's O•n Mikels h•d thrown !Of a pair of TO pasMK. while Golden West's Stave Cashdollar hid accouuted for bolh of his team's TOs Down 14-12, Golden west went for Iha two-point conver~ and the Rustlers thought they had II when Cashdollar fought his wapnto the end zone But the olflclels ruled the Golden Wesl running back's knee h•d toucned Iha ground bolore he acored. preS41fVing the OCC ~tory. 1117: Oronge Cootl 10, Goldon WHI 7 This one would have hod the Hardy Boys battled. With the score knotted, 1.1 .. OCC'a Wayne Tlnhn made his way to the Goldon West 3-yerd line w11h t.41 remalninp. The Pirates spent the usual amount of time in the huddle, but when t1'ey came out to line up, jual t& seconds remained Tueller ptOtested vehemently, but to no avail But 1t didn't matter. Paul Lemoine, who had compleled 12 ol 19 passes In the game, bOOted a 20-yard fleld goal to g1'14f' the P1111es the V1Ctory 1 ... : Golden Wfft >4, Orono-c-1 20 Randy Vataha, wno went on to play II Stanford and 11111 holds the GOiden West record for caree< pass rectptlons, caugnt TO passes of 68 end 75 yards as the Rustlers won 1heir first gome of the Mfles. Ruslle< quorterback JOhn tngi.hatt wu on the other ond ol thOle rOQ41Pttons and guided GOiden West to a 34.7 teed early In the lhlrd qvartor The game reptesented the most lopsided score -14 points dtttwence -In Iha series until 1975 > 1Mt: Oronge Cooel 30. Golden w .. 1 20 This was the first game ol the year tor beth teams, and Pirate OB Mike Tamlyasu helped OCC overcome 1 14·7 halftime deficit lor a 3·1 lead 1n the ser;es Tamlyasu scored lour TOs In the game, which stlll 11onds as a a.lei record 1170: Golden Weit 13, Oronge c-1 0 There have been only. three Shutout• In the 16-year MriH. and the Rustlers wete vlclorlous In all three attalrs. In this one. Golden West Intercepted live OCC passes and recovered a pair ol tumbles. In each case. Golden wesl capitalized attar the fumbles with Charlie Buckland scoring both times Buckland was GOiden West's player of the yea.r that MUOl'I. ' 1171: Oronge Coael 21, Golden Weet 21 -The two teams scored lour touchdowns in the fioal 4 50 ol play to make lhls contest one of the m()(e memorable ol the Mf1e1. II was witnessed by one ol the better crowds lor the series, too, with a, 100 on hand for the aeason opener. Orange Coast carried a 14-0 lead Into the fourth quarter. but Golden West OB 8111 Cornelius fhrew two tOIJChdown etrlkes to Mike Shaughnessy a.nd Kurt Dedrick to tie the score with 2:05 left OCC _..t ahNd et 1:33 as Gwy Vall>uene found Steve Monchan alone tor a 19-yard TO stnkL Back came Golden West behind lour straight Cornelius pasaes which mov9d the AUstlen from their own 20 to the occ 35. Cornettua then hit Shaugnnessy tor a touchdown LO puH the Rustlers within one. and GOiden West went lor the one-point conversion (by Dave Scnoonove<) with 511 seconds left OCC went on, to become co-South Coast Conference chemplon (With Santa Ana) that season. 117'2: Oranoe Coo•t 10. Golden Weet t GOiden West dropped 1ust three contests lhis season, lnQluding tNs opeMr. The Rustle<• dropped a pelf of sure TO~ and could onty score on • couple of lleld goals by B,rell White Orange Coast dominated the geme ottenslvely but had -:ll dr1Y81 11811 Inside the Rustle< 30. The only TO came on an Alvin White-to-Steve llAOhulskl PHI. 1173: Goldon WHI 21, Oronge C-1 27 This Is one Tucker. no doubt. would Ilka Ill forget OCC quart•bedt Reed Jonnaon had toued three llfl1·half toudld~ guided the P1tates to 1 27-0 lead with_, minutes remaining In the second quarter But a knee Injury loroed Jonnson out of Iha o-and helped the Ru111.,1 gel back lnlO It Ouarl•boc:k Danny Accomando propelled the Ru111e<1 10 ~tory He hit Larry Hirt on a 50-yard pan that gove GOiden Weal I first-and-goal from Ille OCC 1-yard·llne to put the Rustlers Into scoring posit.on In the llnat two minutes. Another Accomando was to be the star ol aha Plretes the nex1 -aon. 1178: Golden Wfft 23, Oronge c-1 20 Golden West's Peul FltJtness peeled olf a 56-yard TO run (lpngelt In the series) 10 help the Rustlef's win th11 one. But It wasn't any GOiden West wet up 164 mklway through the thtrd qu8r18f when Tony Accomando culmlnated • IOng OCC drlll8 wtth a TO to SllCe that lead 10 18·13. The two 1eam1 then traded touchdowns and Golden West held on tor the victory. 1m: oranoe c-1 31, Golden w"t " Orange Coast won Its natlonal cnamptonshlp this year, and Iha Plr11es, bel'lind quarterbacic OaYe Whtie. rolled to an easy Yletory. He llnlthed the niQht with eight complellons lor 221 yards Orange Cout outgalned Golden West, 425-237 The Plretes llnlshed the _ _.. with an 11-0 mark and belt Rio Hondo 3'·14 In the Avocado Elowt. 1171: Oolden W"I 18, Orange Coo•• 0 The Rustlers fielded one 01 their mosl explotlYe teams ever this ye.,. They 1091 to pow«lul Fullerton, Santa llAonlea and Balltrfield Mtly !Mlt ICOled more than 40 points In lout of their last 11118 games. Running 1>aclt1 Pot Mcl<eon and RIO M8f11n each g111ned m()(8 than 100 yerdl for , Iha ~torlOus Rustle<• 1177: Orange C-1 13, Oolden WHI 1 The Pirates admlnlal•flld one ol the Rustlers' two IOHff 11111 eeaaon bel'llnd Qulrterback Cl•rv Gulen811 wl'lo ran lor one touchdown Faye Weathers had the other scote as the Plretes built a 13·0 lead et the halt. With the tcO<e 13·7, Golden West ~ored whet could have been Iha tying and winning TO but an illegel ptocedure penalty nulllfled the play. fo epc. this rivalry, that play occurred H llme-ren out In Iha C' Goldeo WMI Wtflt on to beat Fulter1on 10-7 In the ~YOCado 1t7t: Qr-.. C-1 M, QoNen Weet M OCC'a 0.118 .lefanko threw thr" toOcndown pas-10 11>ark a Pirate comeback 1ft8f Golden Wfft had taken a 28·7 lead In the MOOnd que,1«. f\unnlng back Oen Ouddrldge ,.,, tor 171 yardt 0'1 18 cat'f'9a •well OCC went ahead tor QOOd with 12·21 remaining In the con•t. 27·28 on a Jorrio-to-Mllte Camp TO PM& ol 10 yard&. ttftl ............ ~C:.-1 Tiie .......,, won Ille flrll of tht" stralghl ~. wNc:fl la tllt main reeaon Golden Weal leads the Mflet, 8-7-t. Running l>ack Leonerd Aft.,._ wee the man of Iha "°"' for Iha Au9tlerl, l)lettlnG up Hit yerda on 27 carrlaa. The Ruetlef• went on to r-d their beet offenaNe 9lld defenllVe 11111 8¥81' Ihle Ml80!I and llnlall 8100 the S°""'8nl Ce1 Col""'•ioe wllll 8 M r-d A 29-7 vtc1ory 011tr CerrllCI& In lfl8 Avocede> eowt ~ t"8 -_ .............. .,,...c..... Tiiie -Ille .,.., 9Mcltllford llMd l>oCfl Sam Aiello MCI Tony ~ M ........ Ind l>oCfl toeaect TO~ .. IN ....... COiied up -fSCll In .... on.-. ft W9' OCC'a -1' OU11119 In .. .., .... M t'-..., ... CMllild muet« "'91 11 net Y•da on Ille lfound, _,, ...._ ...... or-.e 0.... M • ' l.Mderdoll 0r81tQ9 C-' toe* a 14-1 laed at ltle 11 .... llHIOll ... .... ..... 14-11 """l l:21 to go In IN ..... MI,.,...~ enf.olle ............... , oom«ted. Ind ............... .. wll"*'t TO wllfl 1 II ,_...... ... Tllll LOfll doW IMO .. 9lld .,. to 11M ~ Wtet IN w:eory MCI tN llld Ill IN ..... for IM h ttme -.. I I io~l(lht of tht• HI l(tt11••'ll 111 tht• -..·ru'tl hMvt• btot.•n dt~·1tleJ by mw toudlilown ur k• "I don't 1h111k u 'll U.• u hlowoul," 'l'ul·k...-1141)'¥ "It should be· u tlt&ht gunw Ttw fiM.·t thnt ttwy'vl' won twv mon• 6'Ullll'!i \tllUl we huvc: thl• yt•lir dot-sn't really ml'Un v1•ry much. Anuully, holh tuud'it'll nu"hl pn·fn lo li''t' 11 thrlllt•r Th .. y're both hopmf( to ~l·nt·rut.a• tk krt i&alt'tl tor thl• 1eame, and both 1Kin11\ ll 111 htl( gumhlt• to bt· up agulruil thlnp Ilk .. f&allllly TtwnkagivtnM d1nnt·n. "I ho(.)(' th1• c-ummunlly n•1pondK to thl1 forrmit. om•, motll nouahly 1,.•1wt~·11 Goltk11 Wl11t'• rullh111J( tcunw und CJCC'H ululuy to i.top tht• rui.b , Thi· k1.1Jttl1•111 huvt· rnll1'tl t~p t .a!'>O yarda. on lh<.· ~round (M't.vnd 111tht·1·011ft•rj•11<'(·J w t11l<.· th1· Plr.au"' hovt• allowt-d only llM 1'u!'h111u 1111 114•w,.111 (tl11rd In tht• confcrem't') "We did u better job agalnat th;• top two MHN In our t'Onfort'f'll't' (Mt. San Antonio and io'ullt•rton) ond thl'Y dad 41 betl.t'r job uaiau\lll CNrtlOli ;,ml San Dwgo Mesa,'' Tuck~r pomu. out Wt• ,,,..1 Wl''N uahC>ring in 1a ftrt•at 1lt'w trud1tlun,'' Tuck4!r 11ay1 "'l'hl• 11erlt.'1 haa t.K>cn full of football <-icclt••ment and thrlllti. Tht> fact tha t It's now a Thaniuf(lvang Day gam4! i.dda w the hA1h•r and tr&adltaon." The gamt• also l>Olli\S some kt•y pc•)sunrwl, numf'ly OCC quarterback Cl"y Tu,•kt-r, who'll be• pluyinll h is flnul J(llmt• in a Pirate uniform, and UOld,•11 Wf'St running back Rach Stahlhcoor. who'll bt• out to go over lht• 1.000-yard mark io rw.hing, Slm<.·klclord's main goal Is to hall 'l'u<.•kt.r. who dt'ifHU' a slow St·a~m (lw's <.·um1.>ll'lt-d 88 o( W:i 1tnd bt't•n hltt•t('t.•ptvd 14 llffil'l>), n tnkl> umong occ· .. top quurtcrhm·ks. 1-.ikt• Stuhlh1•lwr, Tu('k c>r t·un r<'a<:h tht• l ,OOO·yard plut<>uu by throwmg for just 58 yurcl'! todl.ly. ' I Shackleford agn.lc.'!I: "Maybl• on l>;•JJC'I' Wt''vt• pluy<'tl a li~ll' bit betu•r thh1 year but th<'y (the P1rotes) played b('ltN against Mt. SAC: and Fullerton than we dtd. If' you want to look at comparative St.'Ort!ii, you can inake a prl'tly .iuod c:ase or this game be in& even." There are ac~ral interesting mu1thups Ir) thUI l "The main thtng for us •~ l<I stop 1tw1r p.i~sang gumc,'' Shackh.>~ord suys. • Photos With· Real Santa Bring the "little ones'' to Huntington Cen~er's new mall for mem(>rles they'll never forget with the Mitchell Marionettes Christmas show and a visit with the Real Santa with the Real Beard. And instant Santa photos only • $2.99. Mon.-Fri. 5:45 p.m. KWVE FM-108 RUFFELL1S UPHOLSTllY •• e' ir r" _...._ ltlJ .... IOllUD. COSTA MI U-141·1 IU Santa Arrives Wjth Extra ' ... Terrestrial at Huntington Ctmter in the big • Red Ftre Engine th1!'> Fri at'12 noon -10 kick o ff our g reat lmhll..iy sPason followed 1 1~ '::>,111w ., -. photos & children s •puppel shows Santa arrives at Mervyn'.• Huntington Beach store this Friday, November 26 at 9:00 a.m. See .Santa arrive In a great old Model A Ford, courtesy of the Orange County Model A Club. '· Have your child'• picture taken with Santai Memories are made of moments like thls ... and a beautiful color photograph means you can share them. It's a gift to be. treasured for years. 2.99 • MERVYN& your Christmas valGe store ,a Huntington._.: H11 Ad1m1 Ave. at lrookhuM It. CloNd on Thankagtvlng, Thunday, Nov. 21 Shop Moncltly through Saturday t :ao to 1:30 Sunday 10to 1 ' ~ 7Pc. ~Wrench Set Rec. 11.95 299 lifeline Guarantee ~ 40 Pc. Socket Set 311 Rec. 8.95 Be~m Type ~ Tbrque Wrench ~ 2 Ton U.S. HJ*•'*' Service Station Floor Jack ~ 119~ Semi-Custom Car Covers ~ /_. -· I 41 88 60 Pc. Pop-Riveter ~! Rec. 18.95 895 ,,., ... , ....... ,"' 1 Pc. Woodhandle Screwdrlvers Front End Bra's a•• Rec. 12.95 4 95 299 Turbo Mufflers • I 3 H.P. 22 cat. Compressor 6" Wood Jointer 52900 399" W're Wheel IM> Caps 911 Smal Dicital Clocks l" Metal Cuttinc Band Saw 5 Speed Ori Press Floor Sander -Grinder 17911 Steel Shetvinc From Ea. 5" 139" 12411 ,, .. A:1tht trnffit nll the \\rty m the u1md· • 1..J Cum1.•nt1un (\•mer Sole, pay ro rnrk. p:1\' lll t.•ntcr. ctru1ude 1 hrou!?h n huj.!e lfPWd Ill <.t.•uk for bet \'l':\r( lc(ttW\'f( Ill 0 (l;t• • rhat ·~ JUCI \ lll'l' cnoui;th'. w:11t 1n ,, lint.• to pny n h1~h ' ~ pm.c for a.h 1n1t ft•ct. ~ ' Sheepskin Seal Covers Many other type seat cov ers Foe Licht Kits Guace and heh KJts from B oo to n conven· icnrly located • Ski & Spom lncmrmated and have our trained staff help you sell'l't and lU!-tn m fit the ra~ht hoot fnr -""~ you. Get the ulumntc fit. Qomc tnl\I n kt & fll1rl" llll •lrr"-lrnteJ nnJ "c'll help you 'Clcu hoot~ th111 \\lln't hun vnur (wt 2911 Our 1raincll rcrl!Onncl "'II <.u~tnm fit. o hom 10 tlw l•lllmurt n( \•our fo111. W<''ll rl'lll'V<' unnt.'t.C''~urv hlit "P'''' nnJ rn· ~urc p.11111, "' u•lll~ llrthot11. ln"t'rt' tti proper!\ al1~n ''""' f11411 11 11hm thl 1 .. .,,t Sclt'l.t y1>ur l'>\>(1(' lit S~t & 'pnrt• ltwnrppr.111.J AnJ th<' 1•nl v rhmit \'llU'll foci '' 1.1>mfl•rt DWW"ICll ............ .._ ..... ~ ~··· WE GUARANTEE IT! .:1a . ..... -·- • .. .. Loe Alemltoe ~ ftD•HDAY'S tcOMS (14ell ef ...... ........., .. _.., NST M CI . 350 yercla Ousun Oolo (Puulone) J3 20 9 20 1 80 KtlkO (I fHIUr•I 4 ?O 3 80 I Flfft Fantasy (Tooksl 11 20 Al10 1 a cod Blue Btdu1no. 'Another Ch11g111, Winning Edge, Anllqu• MullC. Hying Polley, Never Wroft9, Bunny Hold On Time 18 40 U UACTA \6·71 peld $77 80 tECONO llACl . 400 y11d1 LOIN Sty .. (Ad•or) 17 20 6 60 S 00 Blue .i.an oOille (Fryday) 5 80 4 80 Ge Duba Oltco Oolt (Ot'llQetll • 80 Al10 •aceo Easy Double To.o. M•u Jactyne, OulCk Pettem, Creature Coml0tt Time 20 29. THlllD RACf.. 400 yaros Hll Gallant BUQ (TrMIUrl) 11 80 e eo 5.80 Jiiiy luncn 1Cardo11J 5 80 S 00 WnlmSiC.i Joi (Ooml~zl 7 20 Also receo Coa11a1 Rock111 C1no)'S 1mp1on. J0tdan Moon. CryslaJ Ooamooos S11v .. lnherrlence Mr CLtZy HOfM rim• 20 09 '2 f.UCTf (2·61 pt110l1t\2 00 '0UllTH llACE. 3SO yards llllla 1'91ey (lackey! 3 80 2 80 2 80 Kita Caper (Brooks! 4 40 3 40 Act Quickly (Creager) 6.80 Alto raced Bentley Aces, Sein I Jey Oee. Solver Snoes. tu Vanagu1. Big League 01nce1 Time 18 04 '2 EXACTA (1·7) paio $16 20 FIFTH II.ACE. 350 y1110•· My Easy Vie10fy \Harl) 5 40 3 40 3 20 VenlU<I Folks (Chavez) 4 40 3 60 H1pp11y (Peullne) 7 00 Also raced. Milady Command••· Tee Jays Plan. Honda Jel. Otoes Flaming .:iu1. Flemco Jet Time 17 96 S2 EXACT A ( 1:s1 paid $18 60 tUITH RACE. 350 yards SP"Oy Aftoet (Cardoza) 9 00 3 20 2 60 P1.0e ol Devil (Hartl 2 60 2 40 Hutfltng Bug !Lackey) J 40 Also raced S•lk K•llen. Sn0t1 Jet. lovely SoSlef Tome 17 9:1 llYENTH RACE. 550 yaros Miios SI. Patrlck(Veldz) 39 80 13 00 9.00 Roart Mongo (Ward) 5 00 4 40 Geo• (Tonhl 5 20. Alto rec,ed Bu• An Aee1 Snlrteya Foghler, OeYlne Oancer Rocke! Sn.t1>1>1t. Ov.<t•fN Fcip,,,... 27 35 12 EXACT A (8· 11 pe•CI S llO 60 '2 l"ICK SIX t6·2· I· 1·3·81 Plld S2.• 11 20 Witn 18 w1nnlhQ tickels (lrve nouesl S2 Pre~ SI• con101a11on paid $41 40 wolh 3 10 winning llckets (tour n0t1e11 S2 Pick SI• ICtllch consolation paid S 18 00 w11n 92 w1nnlft9 llckell (three hotsea. one ICfllChl EIGHTH llACt:. 400 yards l'tloea-Pl<.lnder (T~) 11.20 e 40 •.20 Palleol Go Go (CatdOla) 8 00 S 60 Al1Nwm (BleWlsJ 13 40 Alto reced GallOP•"9 Domino. Tralln Sam1e1 Jug PlundetS Fluh. The Ousle1t. Reba Chlcl< Ttme. 20.31 NlfTH llACI. 360 yarda. Melly Miio (Adillr) 34 00 16 40 8 80 Euy SMda (Cl\ava) 8 40 6 60 Oona Go Eaay (Watdl 5 40 Also reced Boogie Bluas Su Fllrtin Around. Koplys Sarko. Mt Ou1ckn1u. :;4.~•Y West. \lrlHng Coe>Y A Little like Tome 17 75 12 UACTA 19-21 P&JO ~43 80 TEM'rH llACE. 550 yards Town Leo (Het1) 1 00 4 60 3 60 Red Roan Ra-i (Ada+') t2 20 7 60 Mat111 Oh (Bard) 8.60 Also ra ced Splendid Junior Spicy Bo)acks. like Me Atso, Gruder Eaprass. Oteem Mercn1n1 L1ne1 Condou• Rhoda MIU nm. 18 22 II IUCTA (3·21 l>ard S65 60 Allendance -11,013 HoHYwood PMtl ~DMEiDAY'S lllSUl.Tt (ttch or Jt.dar tllofHgMKed meetl"9) ,MST flACE. 6 furlongs SnuNum (Blacll) 12 00 s 20 4 00 Prince O' Oancers (Sibllle) 3 40 3 00 Me• El Pro {V~Yl890) 11 80 Also reced Talking Stars Ouut of Ouellly Cnrls Commanoer The lomberO LOOl>lt. Balcony Duke Aslrologef W+ney·s Ovke Emoermatrc Time 1 IQ. 315 MCOtc> flACE •. I t 116 m1ies War Ahead (P1nuy1 32 80 14 20 1 80 P11ullne F (Blael<I 1 60 5 60 Fl .. tong Court 1va1arm••••1 •.eo Also raced I'm Gutinageteven Polite Sally. G1U'1 OellQht. R1m1d1. ll1111cnes. Ju$1 Ozttll, love o l Ule. La1kspur s Belle. FIQUrll>lad 'rime 144 4/5 12 DA"-Y D~E (8·31 PaiO S 180 80 T..., llACE. 6 lurtongs Glldd•'• Aeb (l'tneay) 1 40 4 60 3 00 F0t...ic (McCerrMr 8 60 3 ~ Mandalory Queen (Vataruuele) 2 60 Alto receo. lrllh O'Brien. Wind ol Franoe. Grandp1'1 Pookey Tome-109 215 a EXACTA (•·31 PllCI S 134 00 'OURTH llACE. 8 lutlongs Anclr-N Me (Velenzutll ) 15 00 1 00 s 60 Tempest Ways 1""-Yl 8 20 4 80 Name Your POison (Veldivle9o) 6 20 AIM> rec:ed Kllalney Fully Vnled Ellled. Sllwl Hie, Roy1I Ari Mr Allt Cornish WwrlO<. Mr T. Trac, Tl Mon Time I 10 3/5 "''" llACI. 1 1118 mliea on tut1 T 0taom (Ptncayl 5.20 3 eo 3.20 c ... , Verdict 1v.i.nzue1a1 9 20 5 40 Night league (S.1>11141) 3 60 Alto recld Rob Me Not. P.,ry Cabin. t Cac*'no. JlmbO s Ace, Double B E-i>ress. o-ic Oe\ley. Azv<e TimM Time. 1:4a 3/S. • IXACTA (8-8) paid S 142 00 M1ITH flACE. II lurlonga Nor111fexlord Or!W (~~ 10 80 8 80 lee II (Olanou ... ye) 5 00 3 80 Burled Trea-e (Toro) 4 00 Alao reeed: Salty 'N Bok!. Kim Go Go. Triple Hooll. T.V Aeron, Oac's Mart. llllle Woollle. Eacalallng, P redlcellon. Comandlero. Time t 10 415. ~ llACI. 1 1118 mlllt on tUf'I FIMI Petrone (c.tenedel 8 00 &'20 3 60 Cllill llttle H.wll (lam0er11 uo 9.00 Flytng Gene(~) 3 60 Aleo rle9d MllOO'l'I Mutle, Venqulah, Pirie Encounter, Hit S.llt. Dom Orlando. Tlkt the Fled!, Slldl N St'lfflly Time: 1:411 215. • IXACTA (10.8) paid $23• 60 ti ~IC lf1I (3·•·•·8·11·10) peld I•.· llU,40 Wllll 21 w4nnlne lie-tit (live llor-) 12 Pldl Sill coneotetlon paid H8 60 ... ,. 3e4 WW"*'t lldlet• llow l'ICW-) ltONTM UCI. II luflona• ~ Of eo.-.. (Toro) fO 40 8 40 1120 1~111 L.Ma (CMtlMdal 1,eo 9 40 llf ~(H-) UO raoed A KIM lor Lucic, LUCllly l~Y fll9n, Hall Tudor. c .. on.M. SI" Yfi.nttn.. Altlll Ullllt. Orowtno fleolwd TN' lOS 211. • IJIACTA ( 10-4) peld 1247 IO -ne aaca. 1 I/ tS ,,... .. Geo ~ (V---) •• 1111 4.AO ..,...... l"--'I I 40 tO 00 '"'-.....,_Ion.tel I 00 ,..,... .., . ...,. ................. .... V!ctOty, °'.-.... ... 1twvC41 • .._ "'· M~'lllller.~·~ TllM 1·•1111 • DACTA (1·71 • tltlOO A.......,.._,, .... •A WHTllltf COWIMNCI ,IClflc DlwlaleA w l ,cl. Gii S4Wllll 12 2 857 \. ..... 10 3 7611 , .. Pnoe!lllll 10 4 714 2 Po111nr1d • 8 1 ~~ 4',o OOk1•11 S1a1t 4 II , .. San Or-oo 3 10 l)I .. , MldWlll Dhltlon KanMa Clly II 3 1181 SIMl AnlONO 9 8 600 O.Htl • • 500 I'\ Oeflve< 6 II 429 2'> Utah 4 8 333 3't tlOUllOO I II 083 6'o EAtTERN CO....llllNCE • Boi!OO At!Ml14i DMllOfl II 2 ,846 J. P1111aoe1ph1a II 2 846 NllW J•tNy 1 • •87 6 w111ung1or1 6 e 385 e New Yor~ 3 10 231 • Ctntral Dlwltlon M~wau~ett ~ 5 843 Oeuoo 9 ., 600 ·~ ClllCIQO 8 8 429' 3 11\dllllll 8 8 429 3 Allanla J. 6 7 417 3 ci.ve•• o . . 1 11 oe3 , .......... ..._... Lekere 111. Seatllt 93 BOllOf• 104, Porllond 95 Pnu,detpnta 121. 11\d•atia 106 Mllw•UktH! 119, Utan 106 O•ffAI 133. en~ 127 Kansas C11y 122 trOlt 112 Denver 1211 Sati Antonio 123 Wall\lft9100 106. Pnoen11 93 Sart Ol9oo 114 ~ Jeney 1011 Ton .... l'tO- Kansas Coty 11 Housion la1Cer1 111, Ionic• t3 LOS ANOELES -RamblS 2. Wilkes 20 AbQul·J11111ar 23, Johnson 4, N1.<0n 16, Cooper 18. Wortny 26, landsoer'ger 2 Toltll 51·97 9· t4 111 SEAnlE -Sllelton 15 Vranes 6 S1~ma 15. Thompson 10 W1lllam1 14, Ket-6 Oon110.on 7, l Olt>ert 4, Smull 4 Bro..n 12 To1at1 39·92 15·20 93 Scott br Ouerter1 LOI Angeles 30 18 30 33 111 Se•lll• 16 29 19 29 93 T 0111 Fouls -lo• Anoetfl 20, Sea Ille 11 Ret>OUnCls l~ Angeles t5 (AD<1uHab1>ar 13) Settlle 43 1S1kma 13) Aas1111 Los Ange1e1 36 \Jonnson 101. See111e 26· (Wiiiiams 81 A -'16,230 COLLEGE UC Irvine 107, U. of Alber .. 57 UNIYElltlTY CW ALMllTA (CANADA) -Pr .. 11 O Karna~ 4 ~ 20 Murr.it 3 Dales 11. WlltrnouM 2, Wilson 4 loui.e1 3 Smtih 6, IUltd 4, Pnce 0 Tolals 25 8· 11 57 UC lflYINE -McOonato 16 Beatd&ley 14. l nornton 16 l urner 15, lo~z 9 Murphy 18, Grano1r.on 13 B•ans 2. Bardsley 4 Spinn O. Mulligan O lotal1. 43 18·21 107 Hellllme UC Irvine. 44-25 TllrH po1n1 o<>•la -Oelas (Alberlal. looez (UCI). Tur,,., (UCI), McOonlkl (UCI) To111 loult Albert• 23. UC lr•ln• H Ret>ounds All>erla 25 (Oelas SJ UC lrv•n1t 53 ~pity 121, Fouled OU1 none Edmonton Kl"91 Cetgary Vencou-Wtnnlpeg NHL sm.-DfvtelOfl W l T OI 9 11 8 111 10 8 3 79 9 11 4 101 0 10 4 83 9 7 2 82 Nof$11 .OlwlMoft QA ..... 103 24 17 23 101 22 1• 22 72 20 CnlCIQO Mlnnoolt SI low Toronto 13 3 5 115 71 31 30 14 8 '1 10• 88 e 12 3 78 as 4 tO 5 85 82 °'''°'' 3 IS S 58 101 WALES COWEllENCE , .. ,1c11 Dilflelon 19 ' 13 II NY 111'1\0erl 14 II 3 IC. 1 PlldlClelPh•I 12 9 2 91 NY £angers 11 tO I 93 P1t11bu•gll 8 22 3 75 WHntnglon 7 9 S 73 Hew Jersey 3 15 t> p 80 31 T6 26 91 23 103 It a1 19 !OJ 12 MontrHI Boston EullllO Ouebae H1tll0tO Adem1 Dlwltlofl 15 s 4 108 12 7 4 82 10 e 4 92 10 9 2 llM s 12 3 89 12 34 69 28 74 24 101 22 WMnetdar's korH K""9 3 ~0-Mon1real 4. Oetrool 2 8ull110 4, Ht1tl0td 2 Hew Y0tll Ellr>Qeta 8, M1nne9o011 6 8osion 4 Pn111oatpn1a 4 P11111>Urgll 4 Toronto 3 Chicago 7. Winnipeg S Wlll\lngloo.3.. Edmootoo 3 Tonle"l'sO-. NY lllanoets al Boslon OueMc 11 CllOllY Klng1 3, Devft1 O kof• by ,.,lode 95 13 New Jfl•MY 0 0 0-0 LOI AnQelfl 0 I 2-3 Flr•t Period None Penallle$ -None Second '"lod I lo1 Angl4e1. 8ozll< 4 (Dionne) 13 33 Penalty-Lorimer, NJ. 7 58 Tlllld '"led 2 Lot Angeles, Evans S (HOimes Boak), 4 04 3 LOI Angeles ~ 2 (llUMO), 7 $2 Pt n11t111 -Vadn11a NJ 11 36, Boni< LA. 14 4 1 Shota on Goll -~ Jers.y 8·4·4-16 lot ""°"" 11·9·111-30 OOlllle -New J«woj, Reacll, Mec:Kenzte. Lot AllQl!tl. l tSSltd A -9.735 ......... Ca.IUMTY couioa SoulMrft c.i C"-tlloftelllpe (e10......w .. 1 C ..... ) o.e.n WMt ti, Clltv1 S C11ru1 I 0 2 2-5 Golden W•1 S 3 7 4 -19 C.true 1COtlng Pfluege< 1. Luce 1 BrOOll I, G Monroe 1. M• 1 GOIClerl Well ecorlng luno 4, Oel \lalle 3, Grall 3. Slll)llenlOn 2. Kerl 2,, Salyer I, Wrlghl I, w .. _ I, Ptl .. Mn I. Nady I a..... .... "·"°"' .. Kl\ cc 1 lOflO BNch CC I I 2 2 2 7 OOIOln W•1 2 2 3 ,. 11 long 8 HOll CO aconng Lawler 3 Pellgrlno 2 Ft...,,an 'J Goldtfl w .. 1 llCOllng Oel v .,.. 3 Sa1y .. 2. WllSon 2, Lund I, Hugnn I, GreK I Neely 1 L .. lleecll CC 11, ld•1hck I Sacldlet>ack 2 0 I 3-8 long 8eecll cc 3 2 4 3-tt Seddl•.Oaci. 1cor1ng Simo•lcll 2. Saunderl I, OrlW(llc)w I, Hugar I, Reid 1 long 8Ncll CC aconng Eloer • Jemn '· PetegflllO 3. KIM I All hultllln c .. T-AI Miiiie tC11ru1t. Tim Huga1 tSldCliebeck). Mall l ewler (lone 8t1oh CC). E1ti1e ~(long 8Nch CCI. Bretl !>el Yelle (Ooldlrl w .. 11. CWI Slllyer (Golder! w .. 11. tom Gt• (Golden WMll. Jtm Rota (0otclttl W•I) .......,.c.t .............. , ............. Celllfe, ....... ,. ...... Senle Ane ta. Ytnlutl 10 C.rh61 13, 881'1 £)jego MeM • S1t1t1 Arte I, Cerrltoe 7 (chemp\oflilhlPI iioH ICHDCM. CW' .. AC--=-181 ......... , c..na-~-~.' ,_. .......,,....., I ' I I o-t Co1ena dol Mar 1eo~1n1 T•lftPI• •. ~--t, ~row 1, lkotl I,"""°"*'° Newt*t Herb« ICOflflg T"°'""°" ii OOonMll t , ,-.. 2, ltll'lley I, 1.wll•y 1' CIPloA T11ttll'I ,,, VIiie ll'lrk I ..... --.._ ti, LOI AfllllOI • II NPL AMllllCAN COWIQNCI w l ~·· "' PA lllidet• 3 0 I 000 1(1 u Ml•.nll :I 0 I 000 Tl H l>oll•lol"l>ll 3 0 I 000 8(j 641 Bulllllu I ~ I M7 .. 40 C~WIAll 1 1 IMl7 16 4C c ... .i1111<1 '1 I H 7 07 lC NY Jiit ' 1 8417 ... U 09fiv., I 2 333 37 81 Houtlll'l 1 2 33J 39 n ~·""' Coty I 2 333 •5 ~3 NP' [fl(llaM I ' 333 38 64 Slltl ~II I 2 33J 611 ~ SHiii• I J 333 •5 '5• Billllmott 0 J 000 33 85 NAflONAl COWIMNCa 01t11f1 Buy 3 0 I 000 t8 •II Wlllltf\0100 3 0 I 000 15 04 A11Mlll 2 I 881 84 09 DaJtet 2 I 8'7 M 62 Oelrott 2 I 887 &3 44 New Orle•nt 2 I 11417 44 38 ChlUQO • I 2 333 30 44 Morin-la I 2 333 48 59 Plllledelpnla I 2 333 72 16 SI L0\111 I 2 333 48 62 San France.co 1 7 333 09 67 "-• 0 3 000 54 88 N't' G11n11 0 3 000 50 70 Tempe Bay 0 3 000 32 51 NO IE l ne lop 1111111 •••mt In each <onltttnc:• ""111 qveltly for .tilt pleyo"• Teder'• 0-e ,_ Yon. Olen!• et Otlroll (Cl\artnel 2 ll 8.30 am I c .. .,...,.o al OallH (Cnannet 4 al t p m I . tundlr'• a-. , KanMt City al lle.011 8a1t1more 11 8ullalo Chicago al Ml1meto1a Oreen Bey •• New Ycwk Jell Hou11on al Nt1w Eft911Mld lot An9el11 Aalder,t 11 Clnclnne ll (Cl\aMll 4 11 10 1 m I PMadelpllla at Wesllonglon St Louil DI AlllMllt OenVe< tt Sen o.ego • ,..._ OrleMI II Sen FtancteCO (Cflennel 2 II IP"') • P1ll1burgh at S.111 .. lloftcleJ'• a-M11m1 al Tampa Bay (Channel 1 al 6 pm) HIGH SCHOOL All· ... Ylew LNgue (_._ . ..._......, '11laT Tt:All Of',.NU ... ,.,. ,_ *· Wet. Yr. OB Scoll OIYls Ell1t1ell 5.9 175 Sr AB-Jonn Salin••· lrv1ne 5-8 155 SI RB-lance Merlin. CdM 5·8 155 Sr.. RB-J Eldrldge. El Toro 6--10 175 SI RB-St-BruH, NH 0·3 207 Jr C -Orlando SOA. Sadd 5·9 202 Sr G -Peter Schurb. Mesa 8·0 185 Sr G -Brell Kacure, NH 8..0 204 Jr T -RICI! Grec;co. lrlrlne 8-1 230 St l -l Sw~t. El Toro 8·4 230 Sr T -s1 .. 1 Hobert. Uni 0.3 225 Sr Rec-Todd Caoe, Sadd 6-2 '17G,. Sr Rec-Bnen HorglMl, El.ToroS-1~ Sr Oll1n11ve Player or 1111 Yea ev111 Bradley (Sadd .. blCll), 5-9, 165 Sr PlllST TEAii DIFIHM Ol-Bleke Smttll. Sadd 8-2 206 St OL-Jonn N141mend, Sadd 0-1 215 Sr. Ol-Mtke Piel, El Toro 6·3 195 Sr OL Eric Shew, CdM 8· I 195 Sr Ol-S Baraamlan. Unt 6..0 206 Sr LB-Ray P.,u, Sadd 5-0 185 Sr LB-Joe P.iuc~ CoM 8-0 1115 Sr LB-Shawn Cerdin. El Toro 0-3 210 Sr 06-R Wrl~ams. SeOd 5-7 ISO Sr OB-Molle ~llln. Et Toro 5-10 175 Sr 08-Roc:I P ... k. Sadd 5°10 157 Sr OB-M Mol•n1to. CdM !1°11 186 Sr Oel1n11 .. Player or Ill'• Yett Paul SllVtflkO tEI T0to). 8-3. 215 Sr HCOMD Tt:All Of'FINM B -Sco1 Hagey. Mesa 6·0 1es Jt B -0 Trickett, fl TOfO . 8..0 111!> JI B -M Oougltst. El Toro 5·11 170 St B -Gery lanlllli, Uni 5-I 1 17 6 Sr B -~ GrlMlt, Meu 5-6 ~50 St C -Joe Muklevtcz, ET S· 10 180 St G -B Haoaelom. NewJ>orl 11-3 208 St 0 -0 C'*'-sk1, IMne 5-11 185 Sr l -0.ve Cadigln, ~ 8-4 231 0• T -Ed Oeeton. &lancte 6-1 230 Sr Rec-Curl Wooda. El Tcwo 5·11 1(10 SI Rec-8. C-0,. Ellencll 0-3 lflO S• Kidl,r-Oorclon MON, Coron• o.i Mtr sac:OM> Tt:All us,. .... Ol-A Plc:l<erlng, Sadd 5-11 190 Sr OL-Pll WM!, Ea1111C11 &-I \115 Sr Dl-G-Greeley, NH 11-3 let Sr Dl-RoO«I Dooley. Mesa 5.7 185 St LB-Ct>rlt Catranza, IJtil 5-10 170 Sr l 8-Jonn Petet_.,, I.Nine 6-3 110 JI l8-Frenk s.nti.s, NH 5-11 111 Sr LB-John OnllOll. COM 8·2 200 St 08-Ea Cl\rl9t1•n. El Toro S·8 185 Sr OB-C Cetpenler, COM e-.o 17!1 Sr OB-Biii 8r0Wf\, ~ 8·2 201 flt 08-Long Truong, NewpOf'I 5·8 143 Jr • South Atrtcen Open (et JlllMtnHIM1t9, Se. Alric•) ,.,.. ............. Guillermo VtlH (Argenllnl ) Otl NI S;a111ano (U s ) 8-1, 8-2, KtVifl Corrtfl (So Alrrce) Ciel Sandy Maye< (US I 8-3 .. 2 Jose lu••·Clerc (Argentina) del 8ern1rC1 8ol1Hu 1Befg1um). 6-2. 2·6 6·2 01nn1t '/11ser !So AlflCll def Scll•llc van der M.,_ 1So Altice). 6-3, 8-4 Jo111n llroel>. (U S ) Oel Heinl Gunlnardl IS.,.11Z1tlond) Ml. 0· I, Bulllt Mollrem (Bt1 .. 1n) dal VICIC>< Pecci \Paragu1yl. 6·0 0·3. H•n• Gildeme111e1 tCn1le) dll AnOres Maurer (Wes1 Germeny). 2-6,-.6·3 8-3 New South w .... toumement WC>mN , ... ,...,. Awtf1111el Thlrd"-"41...._... Ann K1yomura (U S ) def Pam Sllrtvtt CU.I .). 1·4. t ·2, honne Goo119on9 IAut1t1ha) det Chrts 0 Ne4I (Auslraloal. 4-11. 7-S. 6·3 AllT'S L~ S::."='2.-111 -28 angkl11 22 baH 21 bon110. 1?8 mackerel, 2 rock 11111 M.U alAClt -18 engle<a I Hng cod. 2 t6 rfKk llsll • "'"'""980, 25 w11111 Nan WedRlll=•Rlwtiol'9 NUU. ----~ ANGE\.S -.......... Dlflnlt "81-Tl -pllcnar, 10 lht New Yorlc Yanlceas to COf!IPl•I• lht OHi In which 1111 Ang••• 11Cqu1ttc1 Tommy Jofln. pltcl!et KANSAa CITY flOYAlS -AelMMd l M Mey, llr•t IMlt••MIHlllianattd 1>111 .. U •IT9A&.L ................ _, .... " OETAOIT PISTONS -Allle<I wal-a on Jiff\ Zoet center Acllvaled To111 ew.n1 C*llet •• . , • Orange Coeat DAILY PILOT/Thuraday, November 25, 188' (i7 t I Dally Nol PMIO bf '°Mridl 0~ Corona del Mar Hig h water polo coach Jeff Stites took a victory bath Wednesday n ight -taking th e CIF 4-A plum. Saddleback (9-0) faces RCC toda f , Rl·VERSIDE -Sad1:1~~et!.fb1J<aiHOiHkr--+<P"s.:cr...,f~cr:i.,J.i...scason for the Gauchos. College football players were They carry a 9-0 overall mark dragging themselves out of their into thc game and haven't lost in cozy beds long before you started their la!.t 25 contests. They're reading this to make the trek ranked NCJ . 2 in Southern h e r e for today 's Mi s sion California (behind Taft) and are Conference finale against gearing for an Orange Count y RiversideCCatlO o'clock. Pony Bowl showdo wn - As rivalries go, this is about the probably against Fullerton -on best the Mission Conference has Dec. 4. to offer. The host Tigers haven't ' · W e u s e d t o p I a y beaten Saddleback in 12 tries, :fhanksg1ving Day games at El tfut a win today would be a big Camino in the 'Turkey Tussle' blow to Coach Ken Swcaringen's and we got good crowds." recalls troops. Swearingen. "I think it will be a A Gaucho loss, combined with fun experience for the players." a Riverside CC triumph and a Still, tangling with the Tigers victory by Southwestern over should be anyth ing bu t easy San Diep,..CC would leave the today. Tigers. Apaches and·Saddleback Riverside CC boasts the No. 2 in a three-way tie for first place oHense in the conference (behind with 5-1 records. Saddleback) and the Tigers are A triumph would complete a the best rushing team in the league behind hard-running UC I. • • From Page C1 4-A Player of the Year. "We're not going to win many g am es wit h that many urnover!>." offered McDonald. ' ut we've got a lot of smart g ys on this team who aren't ing to pla like that the next me." Tony Cherry ( 17 1 carr~es, 914 yards). Another threat Is Stan Adams who has picked up 402 yards on 98 carries. The Tigers run a veer oHensc, which is one of the reasons quarterback Wh at Brown has put the ball in the air just 69 times this season. Still. he's rompleted. 32 passes for a respectable 577 yards. Saddleback counters with -quaTterback-Craig-Miller and wide receiver J ohn Marshall Marshall is the No. 1 rl'ceiver in the conference, hauling m 53 passes for 842 yards and a 15.9 average. He's also scored 14 touchdowns, easily the highest total in the conference. CdM • • • -From Page G-7. pcrim<.'f"<'r for the Sailors. then Teml'llc <.·ohnc.11(\tcd for th·c · wmnorit with 2:00 left. skipping m a shot from five mc·t<'rs to get CdM t•vcn agam. 7-7. It was th~ Sc>a King:-' third SU<.'<.'('SSful goal in a man-up s1tuauon. H11u.t.• came up with a great block" 1th 1.18 go to go, but then lmbt•rn1no, !>•lent 1n terms of S<.'Oring the entarl' game. spun a11d fired from four meters .with 56 St.-conds left to give tbe Sc•a Kings an l:!-7 lead. O'Donnell got loose and scored from mcdium ra ngc with 40 seconds l<.'ft to tac it again. And, the Sailors had possession agam, but PaulS<>n stole the ball with seven ticks left to put the game into sudden death. Although at was the scoring whit•h brought forth the game's big mom<'nlS -it was defense which dorrunated. Thc Sailors did tl with a total eCfort mcludmg lan [)('Vries and Mall Tingler, whalc Corona <.lt•I Mar's John Morrow was also mstrumt'ntal defensively. Corona dl'I Mar clicked on 9 of 19 from the• field as opposed to Ncwport's 8 of 25. Newport Harbor held a 16-13 advantage• in turnovers. but those th r el' man-up. s ituations (k1ckouts ). when tht' winnt.•rs took advanwge each lime. hurt t'1c Sailors' cause. Thc Sailo rs en t crcd the ploayoffs as the No -1 seed afwr stopping Corona del Mar m Sea View League pl'ay, 7-6. but this tame there was no quick bulge - and the Sea Kings. down by that 7-6 tally w1lh a litllC' ovl'r two mmull'S left, rallied to avenge their only loss in 29 ~ames. ·-. I .. • .. Playing under PCAA rules with a 30-s~cond dock and a 19-foot three-point shot, the Antl'aters' defense forced the Golden Bears into having the clock run out on th<'ro on one OC..'C.'asion and into hurrying their shots on others. Mike Lope:r.. who had nine points. Turner and McDonald also hit from the new three.point range ROSS RECOGN IZE D • ... • • •·1 think we played good dt'fen<ie all the way around, and I a lso think we'll play better against a better team ," said Turner in alluding to UCI's game Monday w ith Oregon. ''lt was hard to come down every time and run only one offense and one defe~ After awhile they caught on. They're no dummies . "This team is going to spread it out. though." said Turner of the balanced scoring. "This Isn't a one-ma n team and w e're not looking for just one man to shoot thc ball. What we want are five players on the floor who can play ball . . . and we've got 11 guys who cah play." May ~eleased b y Royals KANSAS CITY. Mo. (AP) Veteran fir s t basc m a n - deslgnated hitter Lee May, who batted .308 in 1982, has been re leased by the Kan1as City Royals. May. 39, was cut Tuesday after he was placed on waiven and nobody claimed him, the Royals Mid. He Nici been with Kansaa City since lill"ln& u a r.-apnt Dfc. 9. 1980. In 1981. May batted .291 In 28 ,...,.. with no hom9 runa and eilht Nnl batwd tn. Lat ...an, he hit three bomen wilh 12 RBI ln42Pmee. .Durlna a major INlue c:arwr th1t be1an In 19H and haa includ•d 1top1 at Cincinnati, Hou.ton and Balttrnore. May hll hit 114 holM run• with l .244 · RBI • From Page C1 · The Vikings had a golden opportunity when Mark Hughes was S<'nt under the ropes, giving L ong Beach CC a two-man advantage. But the Rustlers came up with a kcy steal, Salyl'r pumped in another goal a t 1:'14 and Goldcn West had a 7-4 lead. What turned out to be.-the winning goal was the result of a nifty fake by the Rustlers' Tom Grall. and it h ad H e rmstad shaking his head afterward. "I really thought Tom was going to make a pass to our hole man and all of a sudden he puts 1t in the left corner and we have a three-goal lead," Hermstad recounted. • • Scott Lund, Del Valle and Wilson closed out the Golden West scoring. and the Rustlers now have a week oft before hosting West Valley in thl' st.ate title game. Time of the <.'Ontcst has not been announced. The Rustlers' first match turned out to be nothing more than a warmup eession as Golden West thoroughly dismantled Citrus. They did it with balanced scoring a nd another fin e goaltendlng effort -this lime from ROii and backup Scot Elio\. The two goalies t'Om baned for 10 saw. (Rosa had 14 an the• chomplonahlp conlellt) . "Our 1oalie1 did a pre tty good Job," He rms\ad 11ld. "l at.artAKf Eliot against USC (junior vanity) and he pla)'ed the whole same. H•'• a good goalie. but he jutt happena to be backlna up anot~ pxt goalie." RoH allowed th• Owl1' Clark Brooka to 1llp one by him lell lhan a minu-. into the 1ame, and lt turned out to t. CIUW' only pl of the flrat half. The Rus tlers responded with five goals in the first period and th'ree more in the second. lt was a tall orde r for the Owls r ight from the beginning. Citrus is basically in a rebuilding yC'ar sinec the college was forced to drop the spor t the last two seasons because of a lack of interest Still. the Owls won the Inland Valley Conference w ith a respectabl<' 19-5-1 re<..'Ord. The only problem was. they hadn't seen a team of Golden West's caliber Lund topped the Rustle r scoring in the fi rst game with 1 r four goals while Del Valle and Grall addcd three apiece. Art Stcphenson and rcscrvl' Mat\ Karl scorl'd a pair of goals for the Rustlers as well. Bonavena he irs get settle m e nt ,, RENO (AP) -The heirs of .~, Argl'nlinc boxer Oscar Bonavcna h •ve received $600,000 In, a 11e ttlcme nl or • flve·y~ar -old wrongful dl'ath lawsuit against brothel owners Joe and Sally, .• , Conforlf' Undl'r tt'rma of the •IJt'('mt"nt, mad e public In U.S . Olatrict Court on Wedneeday, Bon•~"-'• wife, aon and daugh~r Nt'h will ""'t!&ve $200,000. t Bonav•n• wu shot to d.ath , 1 outalde thl' Conforte'• MUMaftl~ Ranch brot!MI th. nilht of May .. 22. une. Wiiiard &. llr>'mff, ''" J~ Conforte'• aeicurlty 1Uarcl,' w waa later convfci.d of 1niird•r !'In• but r•lHHd after H rvlna I&' 111 • monthl in prleon. . :;: .. • .. , .• Orange Co111 DAIL V PILOT /Thurtdey, November 25, 1882 "8.IC NOTIC( e •teTTTIOUI IU ... 11 NAiii ITATl•lfT TM IOllowlng Peftor>I ., 1 dolr\g boll-.. CALIFORNIA MARTIAL Al'ITS SUPPLIES, I 11133 IHClh Blvd , Stanton. Cll.llom11 eoeeo Vlllerle VerdHn L1w11, 7887 l1mp1on. •4, Oardan Orove Calilornt. ooeeo • ' Dana R1y R1ynotd1, 7181 lampao, •4, Gardin Grov1, c.t1torn11 ooeao Thie butlneea 11 eon<klcted by 1 Qll*ll partl\lt1hlp, Vlllrll V lewla Thia 1111-1 Wll lllld 'Atth lhl County Clerk ot Orang. County on Novem'* 0, 1982. MUC NOTICl •ICT"10Ul.,._ll NAiil IT•~NY Th• lolloWlno p•t1on 11 ciOlno bUllMH H YOUl'I SCCAUARY, 1HU MteArthur llvd , NO 200, ltvln•. CA 02718 Kllhryn Lowe. 21128 I Andov« Pl , Coet1 MH•. CA 02821 Tnl1 bullnffl It Qonducted by tin lndivldull K1ttwyn l°"'4 Thie 1111-1 wu llltd with tM County Cl«k ol OrtnOe County Oii Nov 15, 1H2 ,.,,. Publianed Ot10G• COlll 01lly PllOt Nov II. 25, 0tc 2, 9, t912 5034·82 ,.,., .. Publlthed Orange Co11t Dally 1 _____ ML __ IC_NO_TIC£ ____ 1 PllOt. NOV 11; 18. 25, Dec:. 2, 1912 •ICTmoul -·· 4950-82 NAm ITATl•NT NM.IC NOTICC. The followln11 peraOfl 11 doing 1>11*-M: AOH'.8 CAIL.IIERED JW'AIB. AC I I I tOUW WWI 1797 Or11nge AVlnUI. Cotta MIU, ..... STATW•NT Callfornle 9H27 The lollowtng P«tonl "'1 dOlng Ronald Jerome Braughton, botlnett a1: ALLSTATE EQUIPMENT 1797 Orenge Avenue. COiia Meal. CO Clllfornla 02827 MPANY, 3855 S. M1ln StrMI, Thie bullneu II conducted by an Senta Ana. Clllilornla 92707 lndlvtdull. MIChMI Edward Sandtra 3493 Sin M1rlno Circle, Coll• Mtll, Ronald Jefomt Braughton c.lllomi. 92626 Tlllt 1111-1 wu fllld with the - J..,,.. J . Flrley, 40IO W. Fir.t County Cllrlt of Or1ngt County on StrMt, •214. S1nta An1, Californll Nowtnber 22, 1912. 112703 •111111• Thia bus1nesa ii conducted by 1 Publlah1d Or1ngt Co11t 011ty •gtnerll partnenhlp. Pllot.'Nov. 25, Oec. 2, 9, 18, 1982 Mlcheel Edwlrd Slll<ltf1 , t---------5;;.1;..:4:.:;~..=;t2 Thll 1tattment Wll f111d with lhe PUBLIC NOTICE Ct>onty Clerk of Orengt County on 1------------Nov.mber 9. 1982. •ICTITIOUS au .... •• •201111 NAMI ITATl•NT Pubflah1d Or1nge Cont Dilly The foffowlng peraon la doing PllOI, Nov. 11, 18, 25, Dec:. 2. 1082 busl-fl: 4929-82 YORBA LINDA STATION. 16371 811ch Blvd , Suite 240, PUBLIC NOTICE Huntington Btach. Cllllornll 92647 --------~--R1nd1ll W. Bl1nch1rd, 9361 ~TITIOUS .......... FOikstone Cit~. Huntington ee.ch, 'NAm ITATE•NT Cafffornla 112847 TM fOllowtng pe<1on1 1rt doing This bullneu 11 conducted by an butlneu 11: lnd lvldull. CO MPUTRONICS MA R-R•ndall w. Btanchard KETI NG, 9192 Annlk Or .. P.O. Thia 1t1temtnl w11 fifed wflh the Boit 5988, Hunllngton Stach. CA County Clerk ol Orange County on 92e48. • November 9, 1982 MARK FRANCIS ERTLE, 9192 F21D1t1* AMlk Dr .. Huntington Bt1ch, CA Publlshtd Orengt Coast Dally 92&48. PjlOt, Nov. 11, 18, 25. Dec. 2. 1982 RICHARD WILLIAM MILLER 4987·8 JR., 6211 W. Nev1d1 St .. On1ar1o, CA t----------- 111761. P\Bl.IC NOTICE Thia business la conducted by 1 1----------- gener11 partn«ahlp. FICTITIOUS IUSINISI M1rk F. Ertle MAMIE STATIE•NT This atatement was tiled with the The toltowlng peraon Is doing County Clerk of Orange County business as Nov.mbtf 15, 1982 S M A l l 8 U S I N E S S 1 F20210I ACCOUNTING, 27606 Vl1t1 Cle Pub1lined Orange Cont 0111., Oona. Cap15tr1nO Beech. California PNot, Nov. 18, 25,•0ec:. 2. II, 1982 92624 • 5093-82 Wilham James P1ttmen. 27606 ----.,---1C-NO_Tl_C_E ___ C1sta de Oona, Cap11trar1o Stach. ruaL. Caltlornta 112824 --,-IC-Tl'9UU--,9-8-u---_--98--This buSJneu Is conducted by an • • •...,... .,.... 1nd1vlClual NAMf STATEMINT Wiiiiam James Pittman The following persons are Clotng T1>js atetement w11 filed with the busint11 u : · c c I o Cou .,, SWIFT SLIP, 2127 Seville. ounty terk 0 ringe nty <>n Balboe, CA. 92661 Nov 15, 1982 •20tt11 Peter Campbell Swift, 9092 Publtshed Oran&:c:Cont Oally CarrOlllown St., Huntington ea.ch. Piiot N 1• 25 2 11 "82 CA 92846 · ov '" · · • 1. Mark Seavey, 2127 Sevllle, 1 _________ 509_1_·_82-_ B1lbo1. CA. 92661 DllmtlC NOT~ Thi• business is conducted by 1 1-----.------~----general Plrln«Shlp. FICTITIOUI .......... Pet~ Swill • • Ill.A• ITAl'W-.n' This statement was flied with the The following P8fl0nl are doing County Clerk ol Orange County on bualnen aa: Nov. 15. 11182. FUNT SYSTEMS.I 1847'5' •2021oe 8111<1111« Circle. Fountlin Vllley, CA Publfshed Orange Cput Dally 92708. Pilot, Nov. 18. 25. Dec. 2. 9. tot2 RONALD THOMAS FLINT. 5033-~ 8927 Swallow Ave .. Fountlln Valifr/, CA 92708. P\llLIC NOTICE •ICTTTIOUS 8U8*!H NAMf STATm•NT The following persons lrt doing busjness as: CONSUMER CONNECTION. 3279 A1iiona lane. Co111 Mesi. CA 92e26 (11 Robert Irving Wright. 32711 -.rlzona Lane, Co111 Mui, CA. 92826 (2) Marilyn Ann Wright. 3279 Arlzon1 Lane, Costa Mell, CA LEONARD THOMAS FLINT, 8927 SwlllOw Ave .. Fountain Valley, CA 92708. This bull-la conducted by 1 general partnerahlp. Ronald T. Flint This 1111-t waa fifed wllh thl County Cl«k of Orange County on November 15. t0t2. r-!111 Published Orange Co111 Dally Pilot, Nov 18, 26, O.C. 2, II. 1082 5047-82 92626 . This business la c;onducted by a 1----Pllll __ .IC_NO__;JICE ___ _ general partnership. FICTITIOUS w-•• Ro'*l I. Wright NAMI ITATW•NT This statement was flied with Ille Th• following ptt1on is doing County Clerk of Oranoe County on buslnell aa; Nov 4, 1982. (Al STAR TELECOMMUNI· Publish~ Orange Coa:.20ti~ ~~~·~~~·J~IES1AERTT~L6 ~CJ PtlOt Nov. 18, 25. Dec 2. II. 11182 TECHNOLOGIES. 1800 E. Garry -----=---soa_s.._8_2 Ave,, Suitt 115, S1n11 An•. CA. j'llll.IC NOTICE .-.CT\TIOU• ., ...... NA• ITATEMINT The fOllowlng peraona ar1 dOlng bullnat 11: LAURIE'S HAIR HIDEAWAY, 24001 Allci1, "110, MIS9lon Vle,o. California 92692 L1ura Ann Toohey, 24231 Spartin, Mission Vlejo, C11tforni1 112&112 This business la conducted by 1n lndivtduaf. Laura TOOhey Thi• llltement WU IOed with lht County Clerk of Orange County on Novembtr 1, 1982. 92705. BRADLEY N. CLIFFORD. 2450 Dulle Place, Coat• Mna. CA 92626. Thi• buslneas Is conducted by an Individual. • Btlldley N. Ctflfotd This 1111-..I WU flled"Wifl1the County Cleric of Orange cOunty on November 15, 11182 F20t10I Publlshed Orenge Co11t Delly Pilot, Nov. 11, 25, Dec. 2, 9. 11182 4990-8_2 Nl.IC NOTICE FICTITIOUS _, ..... N.-STATE•NT Thi following l)lf"IOOI lrt doing busineas 11· •20GIU Published Orange Cont Delly PllOt. Nov. 11, 18. 25. Oec 2, 1082 4980.f2 SINGERS. UNLIMITED. 8947 la Paloma A--. Fountain Vlltey, Celtlornla 112708 ------------1 Thom11 R Antal. 8947 La Pllll.JC NOTICE P1lom1 Avtnue. Fount1in V1lley, ------------1Clllfornla112708 • -NCTITIOU• .,..... Joyct Annt Antal, 8947 La NAME STATW•NT P1lom1 Avtnu1, Fount1in Vallty, Th• fOllOwtng P8fM>n• are doing Cafifornl1 92708 bolkltal II: • Thia bullntta 11 conducted by 1 G & W TOWING, INC., 132 geMrll partnerwhlp, lndulltlel Way. Co111 Men. Thomaa R. Antll Cellfarnla 112627 This 1111-1 wu Iliad with the G & W Towing, Inc • • Ctlllornl1 County Cletk ol Or1ng1 County on corporation, 132 lnC1u11rt1I W1y, Octobtir 14 11182 eo.11 Meal, Ca1Hornl1 92627 · ,,_,4 This bull..-. la conducted by a Pubf11h1CI Orang• Cout Di lly ~··~, W TOWING. INC Piiot. Nov. 11. 18. 25. Oec. 2. 1912 0 . W. Miiier. 4ot&-82 Prttldent NM.IC NOTICE Thia atat-t waa flied with thej----...... ;;;u;;;;;;;;;;-----County Cler1I of Orange County on .. -1 November II, 11182. ACTmOUa .,_ .. ,_1111 MAim aTA,......,. Pubf11hed Orang• Co111 Dally The followlng P9flOnl are doing Pilot, Nov. 11, 18, 25, Dec. 2, 11182 ~ -41196-82 T A N 0 E M C 0 M P U T E R ·----------PARTNERSHIP, tll16 Ar8"gon Clfcle, Buena Park, CA toe20. PUBLIC NOTICf THE TANDEM GROUP, INC .. 1 ACTITIOUI .,..... Clllfornla corpor1110n, 9118 Areoon NAm ITAT'WmNT Circle, Buln1 Park, CA toe20. The following P«IOOI are doing Thll bulinele II c:onduc:ted by a ~ -generll pertnerltllp. THE RENAISSANCE AGENCY, Thi Tendem Group, Inc. INC., 4001 81ref\, Sulll 8, Newpor1 Semu9I W9nlgrel, Pre1. ~· Celfornle 02te0 Thll 1t1temlnt -llllcS wltfl the Rtnalutnct Perao nntl coonty CMttl of Orange County on Agtncy, Inc .. a California November 15. 1912. corporellOn, 4001 Blrcll. Sufi• B. "91U Newport Beech. Cellfornle 92MO CMtOllMAll, aAM a CMMfT Stephen J, llurleh 1171 ..._. le. S«nltaty CllMr CltJ, CA_ This etalM*'!t wea f1lld wtth the Publl1h1d Orange Coea1 Delly COunty C... of Orenge County on Piiot. Nov. 11, 21, 0.0. 2, 9, 1982 November 22, 1082. 509C).l2 J ,..,. - Publtehecl Orang• Co11t Dally "8JC NOT1Cl Plot, Nov. 25, Oec. 2, 9, 18, 1912 520442 ..cTmOUl-11 ...-nATIMIWT TM flll-lno petton 11 dOl"9 .... •= THI HAAV~ 3 4U Vie Jpor10, ~ , CA tHt*. \ ,v,~NITA IAAAH HAllllllH. l9i0 ~ 81., I.Alie F~. CA TNI . .....,_II OOlld lllted by M ..... Allfte ..,_ ..,_ TNI IUU "*" .,.. ll9d """ .. ......., Clllk of°' .... ~ Oii ......,tl,tth. ,..,. Pulttltlled OtMll9 COMt Delly etlot, No¥. 11, 2f, 0.0. I. •:.:z • \ I I ACTITIOUe .,_.. ...-nATIMIWT Tiii fofloWlnt ~ are d°"'O butlMM .. O.C .M. MANUFACTUAING, 1311·f f 81. Andf-Pl .. 8enll Ana, Cllltornle t2708 , Oennlt I . Mcintyre, 1) 15-f E . St. Andl'9Wt Pl., 1Mt1, Ana. c.tllf. t270I ConelMce P. Mcintyre, 1'1&-• E It Andr .. 1 Pl., Senta All•, c.M. t270I Tl• .,.,..,_ .. ~ ~ • ..,., .. .,.,, .• ...., DelWt E Mclntyr9 "* llMlmlflt ............ County C'8rfl of °'""' Coullly qn Nov. fl. 1111 . ,.... Publl111ff Ore11 .. COM! 0.ity Piiot, Nov 11,11,0le ···l~ -·- D ITllTI FllllY l''D BLICK II DE·CIER 35." DELUIE WORIMITE . 64!n~~; rbla la the Jumbo YiH. clamping pre•• and acnrhorae. Holda 750 · ' Iba. and It• mlghlf. 35~· law• open to 19Y••. SwlYel gripafor odd . ahapea. m MERCURY YIPOR ., SECURm LIGHT o.u.,..,. more llglat them tluee 150 watt PAR lampe cmd it'• got tbeadcW Mc:urltf of a pbotocell to harD it OD at chaak, off at dawn. ODIL BIECBISS St:F.n 1 97 10 LB. lpNad eomeCll'OUDd DOW aoyou11 taa.... a patch toplcalc ID ...xt Sprtag. "·ICI PllE JIDE PLllT •1unrmrr nm~ 1 59 GAL SIZE na.... ways to add a little W. cmcl color to the patio or willdow gardeD. CLUE-ILL 19• ... .39• -!:. .,,.. __ -. I" ---"· Fat drytDg glue ia noa-toxic cmd bOedaall ldada at atuH I.Ur. wood. cloda. pottery cmd ..... ) , 411 PLtW .. ~"CD PE•tiiiili 6·~ ~II SBIP •• , ... - ~--·at . .,.... ....... Tlaat~hllt" llDdatbea..&tla9-llfapagaluttMwaUGDd 111111 AllllTllFllllJa PLa llLTI 1099 .. IQ.n . ,_ .. CllDL CllLE un.11-31JT TllllLE LiUT 397 lacludeaoutlet. (lome acleatlat1 c,..ed a ...,.., with a kaagaroo. It'• tu lint ~ftDg hlrlleJ JOU CCIII 1t\df boa .... ....... ) lllllTlm ·FIMI TILE All• 79EA•. ...... 89!. UYIL ...... Cuatcr-'• got the c:.ram1c look no;wax. MU-stick. ID Imperial or POICe&aia Glcme. Tile Ro,al. lam VlDcente aad Salerno. 12"xl2". #8175 ---. llDUT lllES ~· IRS' ... TUii ~, ... _.. NJ ~==-·bobbytlrea 59•• llEll'I S' ~ -:> #stH Ill IEIET ~ CIDllEI ~\J leacla stYle bib baa loam grip lymdhhar, coaaterbrakecmcl ··~~-wlaltewalla. llllYILLE FllE·CJ.ISS m FIBEBCl-ISS SlllllCLES 7 97 aoL. TBO•PSOl'S WITEK SEIL 7 44 GAL. TIMlt'• .... houble with Amerlccm ,.............,,, .. , Youeatoaecmd two ..,. .... ,....... agala. . ...... DU,.._ 2" 1 cu."· CAMOlf Ill EIEllY llYD WITEB IEITEll -........ I I "I"" 126"" ' ........ Ther'N reallf jockiag Up ....... rat ... IOiaYMtiag laCIDeMlft ..... ..U.. ...... ,,._ wammtr•the tank. Tlaia buagry V. lap unit lutalla la a llffr mad put• tbe atuff away laster !hem •J tMDClp soa. MULD-PUBPISE DD TBUCI 1244 Works like yow basic dollr. but aay tbe magic word ("Frabfubbledack") and it'• a bcmdr 4 whHI truck. 0 Ill 1111 3'' 11M NCM•loa really burta. 11M-boee called tap ti.. 1etter1aa-1-cmc1 ............ toMDd- 11111 11111 111 B s•• •• 1511 -· TWO TOI· BILIJlli IYDRIULIC FIMR llCI ~29··-=-~R Juat the ticket lor you Sunday mec:laanlca. Juat be careful under there. 01:? 01:. CASTBOL liTI 20/50 WT. MOTii OIL 91 •QT. "lmallereagiaea NY higher cmd the oU lacd to work bcader. Caatrol doea. •• Bow'd I do? Did I get the fob? STP PBODICTS WTIEllWI ... 11& 69• •9• . ca•nu•• IPllY 12• a11 m 130Z. TMtreatmaat'a 'a,_clto.....,......_GDd deem tMcmb. cmd .... ...,c11aao1 ........ adaaclrlDtMcmt.. H·••1• GDdfJCTwalw • • 'ltltt MIU Q (1' ~ """' 0\111 " C..• _, p ... -----._4 ~ CLU I "°6l&li ----- •::.~ .. ~,..!....~ ~ low ........ '°"' .... _,. CURSOC I 'I I' r I KLA8Y I .,__,_, 1-1 ,__,,.......-t I I V E A 0 H I f 1 wetc;MO my ~g110Q1'11 lllel i--.. 1,-1-... 1--..1.......-t; pvnc1111uno1tc11 or11101e1111 ,__.., __ ._ _ __._ _ __._ ............ t to tM wlll M'( llllOI\~ H l<I It ---..----...... WU Qlr.l y, l\t lll d l'#lptcl the A H A S H y 1 •t•PIH l1om ·--. --1-1-1, ...... r ........ 11--4 • '-'-"' ..... ~ ... IJ· ........ _ _. __ ._ ____ ... ___ ........, -~:1.! ::o -:::1 .. ::!• .• "'i~h7~!W$mms IN I' r I' I' I' r I I u~~·~:-:e~~~~[ tmm I I I I I I I 111&11-ln1.....,. ................ 1100 MllC NOTIC£ ITATIMUfT Of' MANOOf-NT Of'UUOf' l'ICTITIOUIJU ... 11 ,.._ • Tiie followlng peraona hall• • abandoned the UM Of the lictltlout ~n-: CITY OF INDUSTRY LIMITED t PARTNERSHIP, 2711 11 LI Paz ' Roed, Leoun• Niguel, CA 92677. S lhe Flcllllou1 Bu1lne11 Name · referred to above wH flled In • Orenge County on J1nu1ry t2, 1N 1. __ ...,...,,_...,,,..,..,,...,.,._""- 1 CAM PBELL : CITY OF , INDUSTRY. 2130 E. Fourth St .. I Sull• 240, Santi Ana. CA This bullnMt wh GOndu<:ted by 1 Hmlteel partn«lhip. ._ Cempbelt· City of • lndu9try Robert M. Campbell • Thia 1111-1 was llled with th• : County Clefk of Orange County O(I , October 15, 19112. I ,,...,_. ' HUNTWlll a YOH AHonltJI el U. , .. f*cMkl Dr. '100 P.O. Box 18977 livlne, CA 82713 • (714) 955· 10'1 • Publllhld Or1n11• Co111 Dally • Piiot, Nov. 18, 25. pee:. 2. 9, 1982 : 5097·82 rtalC NOTICE : • IUNNOR COURT Of' CAl'OflNIA COUNTY Of' OflANU ~ In the Metter ot the AppllcaQon or JEREMY SCOTT MERTENS F,or Chenge of Name. OROllll TO IHOW CAUN fe>ft CHANGaOfN._ C-No. AH.af JEREMY SCOTT MERTENS. by KAREN BAKER, hit Parent hat flied 1 petition In this court for an order allowing petllloner to c;henge hi• na me lrom JEREMY SCOTT MERTENS to JEREMY SCOTT BAKER. rtalC NOTICE YOU AM IN DlfAUU UNDI" A DllD Oil TlllUIT DATID OCTotlltr'fl. 1.0. UNL.111 YOU TAl(I ACTION TO 'lllOTICT Y0\1111 ,110,.lllTY, IT M~.l__H IOU> AT A "'9llC IAU. • TOU •ID AN llCflt.MATION Of' THI NATUllll Of THI ,ROCHDINO AOAINIT YOU, YOU IHOULD CONTACT A UWYU. JtOTICI Of' TMllTll'I IAU T ........ . NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. thlt on Wednetday, Oecember 15, 1982, 11 9.00 o'c;loek 1.m. of Mid day, In • the room Mt Midi for conductloQ T rustM'a SalM • ..,.thin ~ OlficM cil REAL ESTATE SECVRITIES SERVICE. louted It 2020 North Broedwly. Suite 206, In the City of Santa An•. County of Orenge, Siii• of C•llfornl•. SAN MARINO SAVI N GS ANO LO AN ASSOCIATION •• Celltornla corporation. H duly eppolnted TrultM under and pursuant to the power of 1111 c;onlerred In that cet't•ln DMd or Trust ••ecuted by STEPHEN PELLETIER and CYNTHIA E PELLETIER. llulband end wife, recorded October 31, tHO, In Book 13815 of Olflclel Rec:ord• of ukl County. 11 pege t341, R~ordar'a lnatrument No. 411894, by rauon of 1 br~h or oefeuh In payment or pertormaoc;e of the obligetloM aec;ured thereby. lnc;ludlng that brHCh or default., Notice ol which ·~~did AprN 6. 11182, 14' Atcoretii'• 1111tn1rnent No. 82"'-11lle4, WILL•SE'lL AT PVBLIC AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH. 11wfut mooey of the United Stet ... 6 4 2 • 5 6 , 7 8 D A I L ·¥ .P LlllA llU UYFllllT Lagoon view from 6 bdrm. ~ both, playroom. dark rm. den. Boat sUp Now $1.000,000 BILL GRUNDY , REALTOR ' 1 .. j I j ! (' • I ~ ~ ( f-. T ') ,.. f) ~ L!l Bay & Bead1 Real Estate REAL ESTATE EXCEUENCE SINCE 1949 TlllllllYI• lllm•I AB we iather around the festive table, may we take time to express our true gratitude for our Great American Heritage ... and resolve ... not to just receive ... but to contribute somethinl for future generations. 1111 Westollff lrlH, II 111-1100 Orin • Coa1t DAIL V PILOT /Thuraday, November 25. 1982 ('I The marketplace on the Orange Coast ... 642-5618 - WATl¥&ilil0NI '51JCuws•~'-· llVMI ~ '-· W. Ii I Jiii REAL ESTATE ••••••• ~ ••••••••••• 6:.11 1400 FISH/SAIL FROM ....... Walker & Lee ---------YOUR BOAT DOCI( UITa Ill 11111, N-ly upgraded 3 BR, ILlfn G f II .. 5 fple, rec room Lake Fo-3 B r , 2 B a • v I• w • real am Y .. ome, r•t II. Ownr. 893-3151 Bdnnt, 3 ba, mint eonc:t. 1.,....-----,=--~-~~1 Greenbll/ pool, lndry rm, Lgt fot. excel financing ·-· 1N1t Jiff A· I cond. Own• (213) evail. Call Aot. '°' datalle •••...-••••••••••-••••• 507-$926 Tl-?,\DI I I< l\ \l h'I \I l \ 1811•• I •I l .Z•'• '"'· ,.,,.,,, ,..,, ,, .. ,, ,,.,,,, .. , ,.,, 4 1i1 .,,,, ,. ..... "'· 0..11 ... llHI•'· ld•il •II '"'"· ••tllUAl.Tr 111-1111 64~-~~~~riN7~~· IUfn 1111• -... --.-.-.. ---- You own the land 2,000 Mull 1111 pr .. t1glou1 ,.,.. .... ,. '"'' ~ •l llM Jiii aq 11, 3Br, lam rm. 2'h Verulll .. Condo. 2 Management oriented •••••••••••••••••••••• Ba, wide Greenbelt, near bdrm, 2 ba. Sea View. lnvntor ... ks flntnClal -11&1m pool.·Far below market Flreplace. Balcony and panner for exceptlonel •..... ,.,.,.,"'" •••••••••••••••••••••• ... ,.i "" •••••••••••••••••••••• HOMES FOR RENT •MISSION VIEJO• $676·1725 •IRVINE• 1750 •FOUNTAIN VALLEY• $750 •HUNT. BEACH• $700 • *WESTMINSTER •S725 •CHILDREN• •PElS OK• VIWIE llYESTllEITS 1235 000 Wiii leaM op much more. All ollera --.0 .,..,._ 'a.. . • con1ld•red . Owner. Newport Beac;h lnc:ome (11:a'\&~I 2000 lmmaculale 3 bdrm, 2 uon ..... r. 1144-013<1 9tl2·5019 propertlea. High appre-·~ • bath owner'• unit end 1-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;Ji~~=~~~~=-il elation pot..-.tlal. No ma· AGENT. NO FEE spac:loul t bdrm rental, I• f'.'agem91\.1, required. Fully both with lofted b .. m .. ,,.., llUIYI n • llT MCured -675· I 170 eves. 4 Br. CdM $900 °*"ng•. ff91Ct and a veiry Piii-you can own a home In Wknda "6-6545 da. 2 Br. tp Bel Pen S600 ~·; ~~~·:~ 2 bdrm ptu1 den, 3 ~ S:h .': =-••••l•la, ,,.,.,,, ~ =~: =:~:'~~~ prettiest atr .. ta. 4 blk• bath•. _, bar. plenla· mable 30 yr io.n. awr-• '""' 14• ""811 ll&Ln to Liiiie eorona Beach. lion lhUttera. Beautllully It motivated and fleltlble • • •• •• ••• • • •••• •• ••••• •••-1211 decorated In peach and open to on.rs Sc>a· PalM 0.Mrt. Monterrey PllP ll&l&lmlT -tones. Ocean view from cloua 2 Bdrm 2°1h be CC Plan 300· ~t. lallel 11M111 mHter bdrm plu1 bal-condo with garage and min vu. 11891< $100 u-, ________ _ It I• h••-eby ordered th11 all pe.-on1 Interested In th' matter aforeuld ap~ before thl• c:01Jrt In Department No. 3 at 700 CMc Center Drive Welt, Sant• Ana, or • c;ulllef'• check drswn on a 1tate or natlottal bank. • state or leder II c;redlt union. or 1 stet• or fedefal 11vlng1 and IOen INOClatlon domlclled In thi• •l•t•. art paylOte at the time of Nie. Ill right, title and Inter"' held by It. 11 TruatM , In 111et r .. I property tltuate In aald County end State, dHcrlbed 11 followa: Lot 7 of Tract No. 8903, as per map recorded In Boolt 260, pages 5 10 8 of Ml-41aneout Mept, In the office of the County Rtcorde1 of said County •••••••••••••••••••••• THANKSGIVING r Wl1hlng alt our ff,.nda ~ and C\lllorner1111e nn.t L -l.5J'" °' ""'""'· ....... . cony. bay view & mouo· eatporl, community pool sum. PP. 714/855-4 151 .. /Ma taln view trom living and epa. ~An, f•tal, lt•i•HI•-JZ01 room. Underground par-144-1211 lttnt Z1# •••• ••• ••• •••••••••••• -------~~ king for 2 cars. Boat lllp •••••••••••••••••••••• Penin Pt. 5 BR 3'h ba. • Callfornlll. on J111uerv 5, 19113, et 10:30 o'clOGk a.m .. and then and there lhow ceuM. II any they heve. r why said pelltlon for chan9e of naime lhould not be granted. ; II la further ordered that I copy of • thll order to lhOW CIUI• b• • publlthed In Orange CoHt Dally ' Piiot, a newapaper of general d<culetlon, publithed In this county at 1•111 once a week for lour ; c:onMCUllve ...,., prlot to the dey • ol MIO '-in9-~ Oeled November 23, 1982. a. Frink Oomenctlinl • JudQe ot the Superlot Court ! WILLl~ll H. KNO•IL. IOl1 • ........ "-· ........ 9'lefte ~ Peril, California touo. (114) : a1.mio. • Publlthed Orange Coesl Delly , PllOI, Nov 25, Dec. 2, 9, 16. 19112 • '5203-82 • ! rtaJC NOTICE . ' NOTICI OIJ' tNTINDeD • TMNSfP..., L.aASEaAC1C , Notice It h«eby Olwn that Air • Cellfofnla, 1 Callfcimia COfP()rlltlon ~ with ttddr-et 3638 Birth StrM\. , ~I Belch, Californi1 92660, t Intends to 1r1n1fer to end #. le1Mb1Gk from Sunblrd LeHln9 • No. 2. a Celllornl• limited !: partnerthlp with eddren at 505 • North Tustin Avenue, Sent• An1, • Callfornl• 92105, penonll property !· oene<elly delcrlbed .. lollowt; One • elrc;raft m1nuftctured by Boeing • Corporation (Model 737-293) and ! one alrGr1ft engine, together with ell • equipment and IQCMIC>rlet therelo :-belonging to Nth of the foregoing. • Thi• tren11ctlon la to be • con1ummeted on Oec;eMber 3. ; 1982, at Newport BMch. Calltornia, •' al the ttddr-Ml forth lbc>W. The • above detcribeO property II located ; In Orange County. AIR CALIFORNIA (Tran•feror·l-) 8y: Jofln J. Woodlock Vice Preeldent, Finance By; Robert Bernett, S.CrMery Publlalled Orange CoHt Delly Piiot, Nov. 25. 19112 5197-82 The atreet address or other common dHlgnatlon of th• reel property hefeinabove dMcrlbed II purported to be: 11141 Port Cetlow Place, Newport 8Mch. CllHornll.. · The underal gned llereby dl1cl1lm1 111 llablllty for eny lneomlctneta In ukl 1trMt eddt-or other common dlelgnallon. Said aa141 wllt be made wftllOUt warrenty, 1xpre11 or Implied. regarding title, poue11lon. or enc;umbr1nc11. to 11t11fy the prl04;lp1I bal1nu of th• Note or other obllgetlon MCured by 111<1 Deed of fruit, with Interest and other 1um1 11 provided therein: plu• 1dv1nc11, II eny, under the terms thereof 111d lnlerett on Mld1 1dvanea1, and plua 1-. c;hargM and expen-ol the TrustM and ol Ille tru•t• t:tNteel by ..ad Deed of Tru1t. Tiie total amount ol aald obligation. Including reuonebly Htlm111d teu. c;111rgH and ex~ ol the Trust ... at t.1'9 tlme ol lnltlal publicatlon ol IN• Notice, 11 $30,927.50. Dated: November 22. 1982 SAN MARINO SAVINGS ANO LOAN ASSOCIATION. as TruttM, • Calltornla c;orpor1tlon. By-RE.AL ESTATE SECURITIES SERVICE, • Callfornl1 corpor111on. Its Agent By: D.J. Morger, Ila Prealdlnt (SEAL) 2020 North Bro1dw1y, SU1te 206, Sant• An~ CA 82706 Tel: (714) v53-68t0 Published Orenge Cout Delly Pilot, November 25. December 2. 9. 19112 521o-82 Ml.IC NOTICE NOTICI ffMT1NO ..,. M>ITIMNO.• 0 T c L A ·s NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that ..aled prOf>C>Sllt WIN be rec;etved by the City of eo.11 Meta. lo wit: The City eouncu, l'.O. Box 1200. Coat• Me11, Celltornla 92826, on or -:;;;;========;;:::;;::-ibefore the hour ot 11:00 a.m. on FrlOey, December 10, 1982. It IMll s I F I E D IAl.TZ...aOM SMTH & TUTMa.L WHlCUff. CHAP&. 4 27 E. 17th SI Costa Mesa 646-9371 PAciAc YllW t•IOWALPMS Cemelery Mor1uwy Chapel-CrematOfY 3500 P.c:thc Vlf/W Drive Newpe>rt Beach 644-2700 ..COllMIQ MOtnVAmS lllgun• Beach 494-9415 L11gun• Hills 768-0933 S... JuM C.p1s1tano 495-tne M• DILAWM-WT.OUYI Moriuery • Cerreter, CretnalOIY 1125 G19* A'le . Cosi.MeM StC).5654 119 tlle respontlbittty of the bidder to ffllver 1111 bid to the City Cle111'1 Office by the proper announced time. Bid• .... be publlc;ty opened llllCS r..o aloud et 11:00 a.m,, or • eoon thereafter u practlcat>r. on Frldey, Oec:41mber 10. tN2 In 1M Council Ctlembere. City H ... 77 Fllr Drive, Coate MHa. C1lllornl1 921128, for the l\lmlehlng of ONE ( t) EACH TRACTOR ~OUIPP_EO Wl1 .. TRENCHER, BACKHOE. ANO •· BL.AO£. Addl t lon1I 1-.u o f th• spec:lflcatlonl mw; be obtained at ltle Office of the Purdlllling Agent 11 17 Felr Drive, Coat• MHe. c.Hfornlll 8idt lhould be returned to the llltenllon of the Qty Clertt. w11'11n MIO time llmh, In a eNlecl ~. Identified on the outllde wtth l'1t 8lcS hem Nunlber encl the ~Otte. Each bid .... apedfy Meh encl n"ry Item H 111 fortll In th• 1peclflc1tlona. Any and 111 ••c:eptlont to oie apeclflcellon1 mu.t be CIMrty lllated In the bkl. anc1 fllltUr• to Ml 1or111 any hem In Ille epeclflcetloM Ill• be gtoundl for rejecllon of tflt 1>16. Eadl bid thetl Mt for1h the full namH and rH ldenc .. of all perton• llllCS pw11M lnter•ttd II\ the propotal. II the llld II by a corporetlon, lllele the ,.,,_ Of IM offloer'l llllf!O cen '91 1111 aui ...,,.,I on behalf ol the corporatloft Md ""*'* --!Mn -of"°9r '""" 11gn. h the bid le by • 1*1,,.INP or a joint _,_,,., ..... the namee Ind adOl'HHe Of .. general pet1ne" Ind joint ~. If .. bidder ... '°" propr"'°'1HP or _,..., 9'lltcy ltlaC dOM bullrltM undW • llctfllOul name. the bid ..... tit Ill .. ,... ntm• of Ill• bidder with a de111n1llon following allowlnP. "DIA (tllt flctltlout name)' : provl6ed, llowt,,.r. "° flelllloue _.,_ _________ .... _ ..... btueed wnNl9""'91a• To'Plue your "l'ut Retult" lervlte DlrectOl'1 ...... Call Now 64Z.1671 MIU CIUr""4 rafllll1atlol1 _,. ""O\'lfllll Co11n1~ "eoorder. In HH ot ......... ........ Ille """" Of .. ~ --...,Y, l,...,., Ind'""~ CoYllGll Of ... C*'Y Of Colla ..... ....,,.. .. ,..... to ,..... . ..,-.... 0.TIO:No• ....... ''· ... h~ O\'iftf4t C..I ~ "°'· "°,_,.., n. 1Ma .... l' 6 4 2· • 5 6 ., • IOUAL MOU9'NO 0''011TUNITY hM1111er'1 ....... All rMJ •1ate adwrtlMd In 1hl1 new1pap er 11 IUbjecl 10 the Federal Fair HOUling Act of 1"8 which Mele• It it._. 10 advertlM .. any prefer..-.. ce, llmltatlon or dilctlml- natlon baMd on race. color, rellglon, ltx on nallonal origin, or any Intention 10 make any auch preference, llmll•· tlon or dl~lmlnatlon." Thl1 ~aper Wilt not knowingly accept any ad\terllslng for real ••· let• wNctl i. In violation of Ille'-· IHI lll•lt ...................... ... .i ,., •••••••••••••••••••••• GEORGE ELKINS CO ...... .... , QlllTllll man Large, rambling, country home with panoramic view of lhe Back Bay, Newport Center, and mud\ more. Fecllltlee for a amatt llefd of tiora.. ecc••• 10 Beck Bay trail• . Rick Alderette, Bier. (114) 111~ ....... Your o wn 11111• worldl Cullom bullt home wraps 11Mlf atound Inner atrium. £normo111 mHter bedroom. two apec:loul bedroqm1 plu8 --• .. a convertlble den, ldMI llPll fR MY for mature family. Sotat Chermlng 3 Br. home healed fec:uul In garden. with lot• of extru. You $2911,000. C..I• • .,. lllf avallable. Good llnan-Fii LUii • f•EE OR, trg patio, 11200 mo. •••••••••••••••••••••• clng. $580.000. " to mo. Agt. 673·9060 l'lm .U..Ul 25 Ac. gr•P• vineyard, 3 Bdrm llOma. located on Rancho Celll. Wiii lease cul·d•·HC. Large loll! to local winery, person or Anum• 10V•% loan. .... lllPll&n group of atrlou• wine· Only 1122,900, call now Opht 00 Penln, xlnl I•· makers Who wm maintain 979--5370 nanll & tex deduction. well cared for II yr old 'r .-11, 111 r H c,, ... ,,, •• , 1111 ••...•.•••.••......... 2 sty, 3 bf, 3 ba, 2 trplc. 'h t>l k from t>eac;h $1400 /mo (2 13) 388-9770 or t7 14) 640-4776 AppralMd at $225,000. Cab.ernet S1u11igno.n Reduced for quick .... vlne1. For details to 1 170,000. Prln only. 7 1 4 I 6 7 3 • 4 9 2 8 , tl"tl-7958 213/393-5498 2 8', 1 Ba Charmer 2 car 11n.-L tw. 1-=..:.:...:....::=-------l-:;;:--;-;;:-:--:------1 gar. $775 Mafor util P<I ~"ti r .. -a....aa--PlW AIU • ,,,.,, $775/mo. Avail Jan 15th 3 BR 2BA fp. Lg IOI. must P'~ ~.-:-..... Tll ....... . ,., .... , Ziii 6 I 9 .. 7 5 6 . 2 3 e 8 0 r ...: .... ii~w~1;..ii1i0i;ii· ni63f1l;_l1093~ftrt1~~~~~~~~~1 ~~~• .. cu~:~~1~o~n~~~~ "i~4:.ii~ri;M; ;~::::11 1i1f Beaut. condo, 2 bf, 2 be. ..,,.,. Win wltll attractive patio. Ea1t1ld• Co1ta Me1a. •••••••••••••••••••••• Leaae or le11e/opl. ua•--Seller wlll flnence. 1170, Poalllve calh flow. OW· 2 Bd Houle end 2 Bd 1860/mo, 545-333g -..... ooo 644-7020 net wlll exchange tor Duplex ----------1 30' patio on the beyfronl. L.1111 IUL man Newport Beach rnlden-333 E. 2111 St. CM llllP -· Bulll In kitchen Incl. r.., 11iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil ct Agt. Mlk• Crow 8"5·11103 No pets ....__ Pt-19th frig, plus waaher & drye<. Ill &45-31711 on ....,.,_ nr. · 1BR plus 1tudy. Adull •---------• 1 II PllY I ~ 18 n'IOI old. 2Bt. l'Mle. I ~, srv~Ass _..5 • $130.000. Call'°' detth complex. 1,;,uv montll. \IL Rng, yard, No pets. Ulll RIGHT REALTY lat'ry Dyer. 644-e20C). ··n.-pd $540/mo. lat plus tlt-llD -..... ,.,.,... s • c 6 .. 8 • • w ••••••••••••••••••••• 18th 499 ... 1617 4 Bdrme, Ownert 1ay al JJI'• aaa .. LIT "MOVE IT". Mike Crow. flu • l 'h Br garage. yard y .... , ••••••••••••••••••••• 1485/mo. We1t1lde Prlme E'eldelocatlon. RI Agl. 6"5-3176 ....... lllT&U 6"1-0763 No pell. bulldable lot. Let'• cteatl l~~~~~~~~~I Veraelllea S625 17&,000. Alll 1of Cary °' L.91 lal 1: Lido Park 2 Bdrm $750 EUletde, mi> adlt• Pf• Scotti If JWlfl REDUCED $50.000 Peninsula, Bach. $350 !erred, 2 br. 1 ba. ga· U1 1141 1'0o IG.O For Sale By owner 1299, Oceanfront 3Bdrml1000 r • g • S 6 2 6 I mo • 3 BR, aci.O., 1ng1 &00. 3Br, 3Ba, awtmm1ng Lido Isle 2 Bdrm 11eso _&_7_3_-7_5"_ .. ____ _ lty home on overelzed pool, frple, -t bar, llv oceanfront 3 ~Mar.nab lr wine own the land. Gr .. 1 fe-U1·11M Mlly home. Reduced ~~~~~~~~~I 145.000. BHullfuf lg. corner lot. Walk to Ille l•------•1114 lol, at f ... EUl trld ol rm. din rM. lam rm. Xtra 11 .. 00 2 br. t ba Drive by 2652 I_, __ .. So p 110 .. Santa Ana Ave Unit 2. Do -.u. un~ • 1 · I g 2 car garage · WATERFROfll"r HOMES not d,_turb 1enant1. $450 F" lltle. 13 5,000. 2<W• 833-9773. 646-0811 d)'I, REAL TORS mo 851·622& down. owner flnenclng 5~9112 ...,.., '""1 1 .. "" bey. Balboa lat. and Fa- lhlon Island. °"'n« mo- lfvalad • could be belt buy In CdM. Financing evellllble. MMl11 LOOK For our new regular weekly leelure lllT SllW- CllE AHIO(NYIA& llfAI fSTATfKIMCH .1&111• UHi The ideal community with lush greenbelts, 24 hr. security, tennis & pools. A gorgeous Plan 2 with 2 BR & cozy den plus 2 fireplaces localed o n m ajor g r een be lt ~ith magnificent view. A perfect combination. 714..f73-40l3 ..... • """' 'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil ----------1-.:.=..:....;..:.:.;:__ _____ l2Br. 1Ba. I story, ahag. 11 OPEN SAT/SUN 1·5 la• Ju• JM lllal Jllf cpt/drpa, patio, frptc;, l--n1.-. ...... , ..... .., ····~1 ••· .._nn 142 VIA UNOINE C.-'mD• 1111 •••••••••••••••••••••• d1hw•hr, bttmed eel· WANTED· Harbor View •••• ~............... • .... ....., ..... hng•. 2850 Elden 15"0 (Bren). SornerMt, Catmel $5000 Down. 4 Br. 2 Ba.. • M4 Wlllter....... mo. Call Mr. Berman °' Montego. 55 l -tl829 covered patio. veulted .... le • tr.. _5_56-_2_4_80 _____ _ c;elllnga. commty pool. ... . .ll•I• II• $117,500. Call <197·1tl57 .. te 11•. 3 bd, 2 ba Fmly Rm. No -----Pett. 1754 Iowa. M•N ESTATES · 2 bd. den. J.al•b• ,., W.e.rfrHf .... S. Ve r de $1115 /mo. .. Ill.I IY.... library, C u1t SPA, •••••••••••••••••••••• Ill-I• 644~1836 . FANTA STIC Vl£WI BACK BAY CHARMER · ---------Enl...stde Cotta Mela 2 759•10711, own/agt. 3Br, lg ~ate study or HHllH ti•llJ tr Very cute tlouM w/whlte bd, 1 b•, tree lot, Aak liiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiil den. Luitl landtcaptng, llllrM ,. .... , 4 It: picket fence. Ellld• 2 :..!~· 35-4 M9QnO!la. ..... hardwood flra. mini ..... ...__ .. _ lh BR. 1~5 mo &45-9tl28 wm w btlndl. petioe, big bacll· --. '.., "'~ 3 B 2 B ...__ BAY & OCEAN. Sell yd, many ..,.c:fal xtraa. r•, ••• , I~ I•, 2 ~111<1e. r, a,.._ .. trade or option 3 Bdrm, '! .. "..lyt 2 !,!40,000. Call tr,le'a, 2 i•••ah. I frpl, fed Ylfd, gar, ear· 3 ba. .-.-.,. pell, dr•P"· 1900/mo. We Nive 3 Miiera tllel 321 Klnft Rd. .__..._, _ _._ , .......... •IYrlJ. 111. laat plus $400. 277 ~ ... nowt Sun ., .. ._.... p I ti •I R o b I n ti o o d l n . Spectaculw 3 Bt w1poo1 ()per! Set & 12"" •••••••••••••••••••••• r •• •;a; • •· 556-1737 • • jull S 117.&00 OR ... -11• .... llN.. lrttt ., I. llr· 3 Br, 2•.-. Ba. family room. Oorgeoua ranctl •'Yte 4 4 B r 2 14 h o m e . frt•t, Ill· lilt tr .. , bar & lrg bacil yd Bdml. 4 ba, model qua.. View of B•y & Ocean: I I 060/mo. I 105,000 111•.... p e 1 1 k I d 1 0 K lt1y: 9"9ry llPOfade A• 28r 2be. Untl 214. Ver· Long term 111um. In. 3 s 8 4 4 3 o · ltlngl174,5000R ... Nllln.Callfromgate. RIH 1nv .. tmen11 C..••lllM Jiii 2 7 1 ..; ..... ..,.·4 • Eleg9nt trl-191191 4 bdrm 762·2 tt7 •••••••••••••••••••••• 14 • ......,., • ..,, Mela Wood1, nr peril. -· o. of hwy. Glamorou1 Lovely 38r 2b•. lge tam C A L L H O W , B k r ' Trade equity In home. tor 18t condo. Frplc. patio. rm. Frplc, 2 ctr gar. nr 114e-o709 View of park. End unit good m otorhoma and pool. gar. 1750/mo. Avail College Prk. No pell. '=iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil E-10tl: 38' 3ba, lge pvt 15000 firm. 3 Br, ,.,.. BA. Dec 31 &44·7211 Ao1 $750/mo yrly, 548-4834, 1• garage. C.M. 22 x 3tl' pool m W"I· ' . .. .. 2 9178 lll'BT... ...... llr ...... mlnater. Bal 111.000. I• • .,. Jllf ---·------mmf 645-..SO 541."31 11290/mo everything. •••••••••••••••••••••• 11125 3 Br. 2 Ba, 2712 ... -146-5711 £atlmaled value 1129, 0br. 2E!H• ::\t:r" Rm. Mendon New paint. ~ r9lftOdlled 9 000. Fully ..aumabta no "· -=..155 ~rpeu & drtpH Bdrm c>lu• huge ramify 3 bdrm. 2 be. 904 Aid· quei. Prv P9'1Y 111-ssn. _64_2·_0tl34 _____ _ room, ... tUtlng French i.ncte. 12~10,000 I 10.000 M.iae your ~M· U .... 1lfl 2 BR. new q>t1, lple, wood ...._.... __.... _.._.._ • ..._ ....__ lly •• ••••••••••••••••••• beam clg very nice """'• .,,.. --· ...,.,..., ..,..,.. lier br using IM 8Mct1 Co1lage.. 4 ' new kltcften, pror.aalo-645-5735 owner Pllo4 Cl•""9d Me. prlval• t>eac:llft, pool, 1125 631-4921 n•lly landacapect front ._... ,. .... .. pier, MCUrlty. M50/mo. ctun 2 BA 1 9a, enct get, = rbrlcll~~~ !'.'!lf!!.o;;;;e. ....... '1!llff! ......... ! .... 836-785", 643·2307 pvt Y-•d. "° peta. $495 cora1tna ttwuout. Tl!"AI-mo. 5"8-MIO FIC FHilANCtNO Aaklng I OAKMONT LANa 21ty, 3 br, tern. rm. on cul 1231.000. l'or •n ap· d• He. lg• yd wlfrult po1n1ment 10 .... catt Owner want1 faat Nie. OPEN HOUSE 1·5, ,, .... Hr 111 1choo11. 540-Hl1 FRl·SAT·SUN. Bring Ihle M for sa-te dearance. 2147 1r11 Pt. E/Slde "4-4503 tE.P n· .. {Jell! Barrell Rea/J'I _., pre6enl6 •~._=1=.frlft= •• = •• = •• =• I 3 bdrm. 2 ba, dble gat, ffOIC. lge yerd, new pe1n1 StH UH Fordham . Avail 131-IOU INCTMM.A" OCIM ••--... -......... '• AND~ V1RW _.-r1 ·-..... ~'411'1ded,l""-1 F.ech of_ ua al Pete Barrett Realiy live thank.t to you and hope your Thankaclvtna will be bletled with much happlneta. ... full-.......... dwn.Ownr.-.a111 rtM!t!.!'rRK.11.ff ........ ... ,N ~11 •• 000 ....... ·~•wm~:; I MrlM. fafftllV ""-.._ .,.11no9'111 . Wlll ................ ~ ......... ,. .... c1ur•••r_• .. •1tw -.m1 • • 8fa Canyon Cuatom on Golf CourM. 'A Acre, Approx. 5,000 eq. '1., Sbr, 5 ba. -SUPIR S Mm!, 1 'A lie "°"'9. CIOM to ldtOOlt tnd tlMOtl ......... ' Ir oonclO tor ..... ... la, 1110 • ' .......... . PoOI. rec. No ..-. Rlla. A\1911 1111, ~--71 or nt-1111 I Ir. I le. W,...._ ,_. ,.,,, "91. llffllH . ,..,... ......... ,.. > ('10 Orange CoHt 0-'ILY PILOT/lhur1day, November 26, 1982 ~!;.~A!e!ou0p~r fOf. 30 day Id In Ille NIU Pit.IT lllYIGI •HTllY DO IT NOWI AM t.r lu4r1 Your Dally PllCI S~lce Directory RepreMntetlve 142·Hll, tit. 122 ~~~!~ ............. . ~1!.~I!!!!~ .•••...• No Staam/No n1mpoo Stain 8peclll11t r ell Ory FrH 111 839·1681 f!1!!!!1. !M!t't~!v. UITll CllMtt .. Pullmtn• 811• Wall Unltl 842•0111 ~!!!!~!T! .••••••••.••• ff!!!~!/.~~!!!!! ••••• ~.ef.'.'!~1. ••••••••••• lncorpor1llon" bu1lnHe Cerl)~l·~a&Onry·Block OoaOllUH•atrange hom1 1dvlce. R•aton•blt •-W•ll•·Ou•t work l ie coneuttationt el hourly 752· 1~2 •38 1057 Rob 547·1083 rate 545.70-45 ld7.!llll•t, --Or1vew1ya0p1110a-walkl ll I ••• •••••• ••••••••••• e1oc~wa111 .. ma1onry '!!!.'. •• !!'l.~I. •••••••• WILL SIT In my CM hOme, F•ff HI, rea• 892-4557 Supply/ln1laH/AfPlll fenced yard. 1101 meate. --------1 ctlOA + 111 d IHI rite$. 548-2&74 THOMPSON CONCRETE Lo• .. • .. , • PlllOS•drlvew&yl• ~re Bob 0-48·2~• lil/1111 toundallons "3113383 rl«ttli•I •••••••••••••••••••••• 642·8482 .•••••••••••••••••••••• CUSTOM HOME BLOR --I ELECTRICIAN Priced needs SMALLER JOBS C1•tt11t111, C.111'1 rl"hl tree •twnate on belwffn houae1. Frff ••••••••••• •••••••••• la~ o' Or 1mall 101>1 111. Call Oen 537-0342 None ? big. none 2 small, u c0 396821 873-0359 From A 10 z WO do ti 111 - -----C•~··' #d/•/-714-675·9436 llc 425781 LtC D ELECTRICIAN ··a····, ····,· ·c·· •••••• -RE •• 0 0 El • c 0 mm. Quat WOl'k/Aeas rate• ' JeUll'• Oardlnlr'Q Ciean·up1, "" 1r1m & maini 1en11ce 640·8035 1.twn Hrvlc• l•OM I ti mo Yd CIMn·up•. wee· ding, troa work Kan 9&4•1ot3 ---~&O 1.endlcac>e ~ .. nt Aellid/Comm CIUn·UP Sprlnttlet 1ys 648·2489 SAM FUi<'UMOTIYS. - G1rdonlng, cl11n up1, malnt., trot tflm. •ml l1nd1e1po. 845-3540 Clean ups • Trimming Sprlnklerl • Malnt ~~'!!'~-'·············· ',ft~!i!~!ltf •..•••.. tllr!J111 •••••••••••••• ~'!~'.~ ••••••••.• HAULING O~OINO I with to find I IOt:> CIM PAINfCR NE(08 AC AAINOUTUR d•molltlon. CIHn•UP ~ l'IOllMI Relf r•t• WOAl<I 30 ';fl •1tP, Int/ Bondecl·lll•·Nc 83-«764 C<>11cre11 & trM removll .)(1111 rlfs 846-4106 ••• Acou111e ceilln(l• l.IC ,, .... , t·624·be:l4 Outek -v 942-7838 ... Hfltll 3&8780 Frae •• , - HAULIN0•1tuden1 w/lge ••••••••••~f.......... O.v•• Pilntlng 84}·843:1 ~!~~I ......... .. truck um• lo ,.,.. BUSINESSMAN WILL cus rOM PAINTWORK J 0 HOrtl Ref•nllhln(I 1 nenk you 76g.1979 HOUSESIT tducatld Comm·11r11ld, 1trlpp1no AntlQuH, kll cabinet•. JoM & capeble 844·6389 at11n1ng Thi Job 11111 fine palnllno 0-45..()664 ---Jl..W -.. ,,.. .~.·~··············· •••••eA•~.••••••••u•• COMM'L JANITORIAL Hltr U :; 141-1111 & CARPET CLEANING • •1>••11• ro r 111•11 4H -8580 ~~!~1. ............. . Huber f'oollnQ·•ll typoa New·r.c:over-Ooeks !~f!.~~~ ..... "Lit tlMI Svnlllil\e In'' Clll Sunlfllne WlndOW CIHn~ Lid 54e-N53 20'4 ..rc>n1111y Oitc:ount -WINOOWC~O RE$10 & COMM"L FREE EST 681-113:1 WE WASH WINOOWS FHI • ProtMllorlel Oulllty wortt Cl'IAlanteld FrM ••llm1t1 848·7301 Futnac•pool·water 1141el OM'• Cleaning S«vice N.;' 80 000 BTU Furn~ Lie Bonded 963.5474 Ill CLASS PAIN1'1N0· Wlllpeper, Int/hi Rt pllrs Fret HI 879-5294 ---I.le •411802 54&.fl734 1---------..... l--.... "' & th•;mo111t Installed ,,..,~ Swinton & Son Painting llH PUIUl1 t750 00 (714) 898·8512 ....... ~··'·········· ,,_ • Custom Dack• Meldnry •..• ! ..• ..t~........ & PlllO COVIii All• Painting, plumbing, alee .. ~~· 539-4078 drywall, Illa, carpentry • .,..,. Complete o.t 1 story home lrorn $395 lndlvt· dull room• from s-4 5 + m11111a1a Reis, lnaured Lie 205341 631·4870 Oon'I re-roor, r•p•lr 81 lracllon of c~•• 857·289!0 That 111 contrac1or1 wno po<lorm WOfk over 1200 ROOFING REP_A_l_R_S--1 Including llbor 1nd Smell Job• OK Free ma1111111 mull be lic.M· 811 Ille Painting estlmatea Call Tom or Md. UnlleenMd contrac• Matk 541 .. 1a1e •••••••••••••••••••••• S $75 d 2 .. 3,. tors 1hould IO 1t1t1 .. 1n · lb nots 1rpentry "" ,.. Free 811 63 t-5-072 ~!!~!/.~!~~!!!¥ Fr!":!111~::.: ;~~3 ~~!~de8~~1~:i. •e,;:,~~ '~: ELECTRICIAN Moonlight Orattam•n pairs. Bldg 11nov11llon, Smt 1obs/Aep1lr5, Lie Free eat. 842-2857 "4'•11 Ullllll 939.5035 PtC 11111 pr •Y Cnuck, 54 ·"< .. 2 their 1dver1111ng. Con· plus materials. 673·5379 •--I I •---' tracto,. a-"' conlUrn«a, ---_,,,., . -""'" ..... l•Mtl•• •••••••••••••••••••• •• contact Mary Orondle 11 ••'--•••"'••••••••••••• PROFESSIONAL (714)558-4088 with any -"HELPING HANDS" BRICKWOAK Small Jobs Y'ou name It we'll do ltt Newport, Cosla Mo.a. Ed & Bobbi 240-0275, 24 ~Int~ 875·3175 Home-Add'na-Remod•ts Cu••tn code conochoM. o\c;;; 20 233108·C· 10. 648-5203 --------Member AIBO 845-1871 •••"•-•••'••••••••••••• yrs Orange Cty, bonded, --Ct•'I•• Eipert wallcoverlng In· SECRETARIAL SERVICE queatlOni Contractor'1 stallatlon ReH. Con~I· 754-6368 S1110 LleonM Board, 28 11r1 Block/Brick W1111, Con· • crtte Ve<y reaa. Llc'd Remod & Rtpalra. Free Ina. Lie 019 t80 t p1• RESIO/COMM'L/INO. •-•••A•••••••••••••• SLtOING GLASS DOORS .. , Lo retea. Decks. pa-lombo ConSI Anytime 20 yrs ·oo my own ""9fk TRACTOR WORK Ell· !~~!~!~~'!!I ........ ~ a13-636~1~006 ROBIN'S CLEANING Cu1torn 8rlek·Stone tint A1111gnmt 581-8500 Civic Center p,.,,. fill Room 690, S1n11 Ana, tnatalled/ Relnod, ldd'n1 110. Stove 752-9556 962•8314. Lie ?7804 t Al 646·8126 eavatlng. compaction, & concrete. Lio. 361681.1----------1 backhoe. 20 yre exp. L---l~~~~~~~~J!::i~~~:;~,~~~~:iii:iiiiijj~ffiii= RMH Eloct·flemodols, King Equip. 937.7392 , ... , l•••r•J ••••t,LEt~STALLEO•••• CA 12101. ·•T••• • • • • ••• • • •• • • • • • All Kinda. Guarallteed Servtce • a thorOUQhly 81ock-Concrtte-Stucco c1e1n houee. 540-0857 R•ft. Free ell 549-9492 f -o 1 t4-o-n~'4'-;;:~~~~--===4--·tiiHl.iNflllH Skyllohis & ,ep8i,., Free Lie •420802 Plani wrkshops, Low rates Lie Bad .. ,. lllllW•I **BRYANT'S** Rell. John 840-9217 ---------. •••••• ••••••••••••• •• WeHc&i1eong ~:-1=----------tt--=-::---est. Oen, 841·4592 Financing Avallable it325738 lnl 646-7378 •••••lee•••••••••••••• Wlml 142 1100 ' Carpentry • Masonry ---~.:.-----1 Custom Car~nlry by Dick -----· _ ....., Rooting • Plumbing *'.1 _111 * AN types. 642-1343 l<ltchlns, entries, bath•. Going Into -• Free ffllmllea Aa1n1t.1. S-1ri11 & Neu Panellng. IOl'mk:I, HOME IMPROVEMENT ~ .... ... Drywall • SIUCCO • Tiie High quaflty houaework Experienced. dopondl · blo, honell, lntelllgont. me1leulou1, flexible. I am t he boat. Phone 673·7012 alter 6 PM weekday•. All day Sllur· day and Sunday. Top qua11111 25 yr •llP ''"' C•r•ll 640-2062 Business? CompeUUve r1t• •••••••••••••••••••••• 1----------1 ••••••••• ••••••••••• • doors, etc. Ph. 642-8809 ALL TRADES 01i11t -Remodel J 8 646·9990 No OYOrtlme 730-1353 CUSTOM wood patio ,o. ''" S-m11 5-0% OFF FIRST MONTH Doors Installed, every. REMOOEL/AOO'NS • =-= JACK OF ALL•TRAOES Dependable, allOl'dable, tl\i"" In bldg & repair. 35 ____ 6_4_1·_8_9_6_7___ ~ u. •1.,.. ·ABC MOVING· vers. redwood decks & •••••••••••••••••••••• Al reqWed by law, • Quick, Careful Serva tenc ... Randy 641--0822 T~:.,~0~~r~[~~~:~o& new bu11neue1 essentlal. Answering ,,-·· C111 Jack anytime, ,service. secretarial & Y 0 exper Reta. Jerry 1 ... 1441tites •----------Day or night 875-3014 business services, mall _5_4_6-_4_4 13 ______ 1 SINCE 1982 •212542 TOP QUALITY WORK low ratea. 652..cMIO inaured. 536-0914 u1lng a Flcllllou1 !!~!!!V.~!1.'!!'........ ~:::::: =:-n':.~ AT REAS. RATES Painting • Carpentry bo1t rental, word procoe-Mike Macarewlch c r Tiie t le'd a CM 1-m Uc'd Joel 547-4425 erarn.c · sing Telex-Facslmlle, ••• '1!.' •••••• !~•••••••• , ____ 1_1_1_·_1_2_1_1 ___ 1 Bonded. 644·4798 eves HOUSECLEANING OOOd rera. Tranaportatlon. Ex· per'd. 979-9758. STARVING COLLEGE STUDENTS ~OVING CO. Uc. T124·438 Insured. 84 t-8427 WATCH US GROW• NE_?.",SPP•~c';,s.T,E~1t~•o·1 T.'.'!!!~I.............. wttll the County ca.tk. Re;'uccos '645.a258 Most subjects, K-14 CL!OH !"-L ~~~ONTT order entry, pegers-le... c • 1 ~.,~ .. •i.¥ • ell b do.k sp·-ont·• Shampoo & steam clean. ontractor up d n all -•• uy, D .... r .... •••••••• •••••••••••• , •• , O•yl ove Se & S 12/hr .. .. ,._,.."'",...., PLASTER PATCHING Mr MOl'gl/\ 645-5176 '°' '°' ... end fvrther ANSWER NETWORK Color brighteners, wilt traaea now conslr. re-TiEEI ••••••D""u::P••J•O•B••s•••••• 631.g131 (asll tor A.V.) crp\a • '10 min. bleacl\ mod. & small jobs. yc. .., Hall. ltv/dln rms $15; avg 316 9 675-9585 Topped/removed. ((lean & Small Moving Jobs Quality Houaecleanlng with a Pertonal Toueh Call Beth 850-0933 f~!P!!~I. ••...••...... AHIUCCOS Int/ext. 30 1-----------t lnformatlOn. yrs Neat. Paul 545-2977 More families are getting M2-4321 ~!l.~~!t ............. . Orlvew1ys. Parking Lot Repairs. Sealcoellng. S&S Asphll 631·4199Llc room $7.50: couch $10: up, lawn renov 751·3478 Clll MIKE 848-1391 chr · $5. Guar. ellm. pet Have something you want odOI'. Crpt repair 15 yrs to sell? Classified ads do exp. Oo work myself. It well I Call N OW . Piii P&llTlll by Richard Sinor Lie. 280644. 13 yr1 of happy local CUllC>rnlrl Reta. 554-0123 642-5678. LIGHT HAULING Housecleanlng. reliable. & CLEAN-UPS rel Own tran11P Aeas Expor Gardenar & clean ups Troe trimming. FrM est Peto 641· 1096. Free est 842-2657 YOLANDA 842·0405 Thank you, 631-4410 for 1our camer• - • r .. • - ' \ .:# DOLLAR DAY DOUGH SAVERS Sell your no-longer needed Items for cash.·lf It doesn't eell, we'll run It another 3 days FREE. One Item per ad. must be priced. Sorry, no real estate or commercial ads. Call today for full details. • (Nan-,....d•lll1 btra llMe 11.10) !!~!!t!~I. ........... . 241ar II ; ICl-llH 40 gal watorhNler S225 the umping "bug" this year. II you have a earn· Elll~m per 111a1·a not getting l1t1irAiJ!llll ulld. aell It now with a • ••••••-••• •• Claullied Ad. OLl.ARS 3 3DAYS INES ' CLASSIFIEDs642-5678 ;;,,,,, u.1.,.;,," A , u ,..,.,,a" ~ .,. .. ,, ~,,.,.,, .t,..11.,.,, ~11•1•" ·•·•·····••· ··••······ .'r..'.!!~~.! ••....••.•• • •••••••••••••••••••• U•l•t•l1iH V•l•1•i1i1' V1l111i1i1' ' U•l•ni1i----.,~11 •-·,.. ~1 B ~ ,_ • ....,, a..,1 J71J ••••• •• •• ••• • • • •• ••••• •• • • ••• • • • • . • . • • • . • . •• • . • • • •• . . • •• • . . • • • . • • • • • • • ••• • •• •••••••••••• • ••••••••••••••••••••• •• -• >I-.. ,,.I ··-··"················· If--• ..... If-.. __ ••• " • • ··-., .. , •• •• ••••••••••••••••• •---3'1,.1 o n b .,..,, IN _.,.. .,..,, ---•'4 •••• r•l•I --,,. ... , ..... o1 w I All• Jiii "'--·11~ 2 Br 2 B• condo WOODBRIDGE No. t Wiid Harbor View Hma 28r ..-.;, ' n t • each hotel 1 •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• ••'••••••••••••••••••• • I ••••••••••••••• l;AV\,o!V TV g • •••••••••••••••••••••• toom apt kitChef'etl• a ••••••• w/alr cond., dbl garage, Whe•t 3 bdrm. 3 bl, 2 den, pool.1.! 1250 Incl ''' IEIEIYE m b. I h ·,urn I• h . d ,.. ... Verde lg 2 br, 1'/\ Lge Studio, Drapes, Car--ICWF.-J Br. 2 8A aw, pattO, pool. m~o-wave oven. nr So. car g•r. Family room. gdnr Call 7ou·8101 $300/mo. + $280 dep ba, gar, patio. no pot•. menBllU pot. O~ean View. $260 Most eteg1nt apt bldg. kid• ok. $500/mo. Aval! Coaat Plaza S850/mo was111r • .Oryer. Nr. Ass'n Nwpt Hgf'--30, 2 be trl· BNutlfu~& park like with 2306 w OcHnfront. S525 & sec 970-•383. Incl utll s 661· 1192 In Laguna Beleh. flnMt now 213/860-9513 Avail 12/1. Fred Gibson, pool, spa, tennis. Avail. plex yard $so0/mo Call terraced pool. NB 873-4154 • WALUll WINI APll191111 location In town bfath·'·,..,.8---..,..----- Ro/M.ax 559-9400 1211. S945 mo. 495-3018 Jane. 646:7800 · •Spacious Apts · · · 7,.9 w . l"'t... Boautlfully landscaped rJ 1111 '''I taking v-• 811 built·lna. p~o~~~~ g;•:1~"'::· •Prlv11e Pellos ,..,, Aa• .t'IM "' • " garden apta Pool & Spa •••••••••••••••••••••• 111 1 d 1' b 1 ~ • · 3 Br, 2Ba i.•••• ••ti 3i41 E-Blulf condo 3 br, don, •Covered Patking ••••••••••*-•••••:»"&: Minutes from the bmllch Petloa/decka No pots WOODBRIDGE CONDO 2 a 0 poo •tu ·o r_,,.., Avall lmmed. 831·5019 Frpl , gar . No pell.••'••••••••••••••••••• nr tennis club, lrple, pV1 •Dining A111 Bach. apl. Utll pd. Peta LUXURY 2 BR. 2BA. Bachelor $395 br, 2 Ba. central air, trg ~~·~°u'p. Lease only f••ti• 1IH Range. 1s1 plus soc . 2 bd, don. panoramic patio, garage. new de-•Wtlk In Cloaeta ~K. SV510018m40o.8M5,.a0c:Ar· Marble puHman top 1 Bdrm s-475 21car gar w/opener 330 Chit Or. 494•8063. •••••••••••••••••••••• $700/mo. 648 W. 18th. ocean view, newly car-cor Lease 5890 !TIO. •Horne llke Kitchens 1 tnUf g. • " or Decorator drapet 2250 Vanguard~~26 Avell Oec 1 $750/mo. Lauretwood twnhae 2 BR. 499-1617 peted and painted. Avail l600 aq fl 760--0679 1 blk to Huntington 635-7004 Plush w/w ~rpot• 830..()645 ..... ,, .. ,. Jiii 1~ b•. 2 sty. AC. COMm 3 bdrm. 2 bl with lg yd. lmmed, ABH $850/rno Center. tran9')0(1atlon a A Walk In Closet• B u •• -•• "................. pool, tennis. S650 mo. Remodeled lcllch, dbl• 494~1177 LUXURIOUS 4 BDRM wl lrwye ,.,,.,,.,, Privet• plllos 8acholors $-410 •• ,,.,,.. NO FEEi Apt & Condo 838-8526 gar Drive by $725. 894 EMERALD 8AV 3 Br 2 POOL In BIO CANYON. mLmES FIEI Ua/818/dH Gourmet Kitchen 1 Bdrm $485 .,,,, 3140 ror.tals. Villa Rentals. r------------ w. Wiison Call 559-5001 Ba. 1700 sq It tr pl,c, ~34~9~~. ~7~./;77191 1 Bdrm From $515 "i:J);;·~···;;;; ~~~1~:.~To 131 E 18111. 846-68t6 •••Uiii;i;ii"iifi•u 675-4912 Broker. P=· ~!.~~=··PS~~ WTSIH NIH brick patio, with spa. TC>WfthH unfur~ 1650 ••r;•h••••••••••••••• Laundry ., 161 E. 18th. 642-0858 A LOVELY PLACE ~ Block to beach. 28r. mo Call 133-2282 Clean. 3 Br, 2 ea. den, ~ ~ :,08 ~ ~ ~2 ~ '!15 0 r N;;:i~;."::·. ~.!:~1:. ~~i LA QUINTA HE=OSA E~y~~~~ry' L~~~~~·g: $550/mo '548•4630 F!:.·:o~c~p ... lpoa~~ ~·to· H /TPO L11V&E 2 B ~:.~."~6~-:~i 1675 mo. ,.,,.1.11 ,.,.;,," lrptc, 2 ~r gar. $780. 675-3087. tub, t xcept1onall Avail 1621 t Prillde Ln, 1 blk 2er lrplc $1800 mo Sp1clou1 2 bdrm. 2 ba. Garden t a 2 er · on El • orney 1V1 r 2 Br. 2 81 from $525. No •t D"18l8 '"' 545-6685 t 1211. 1990 548-IM9 W or Beech, 3 bike S. 67s:3087 • 11udlo. Exc.iient Ea1t· •Ide s 4 6 0 • s 5 8 0 •Pool/spa bbq •••••••••••••••••••••• 2 Br, den, 2 be, lrplc, d/w, of Edlnger .... 847-5441 aide loc. 1610. 720-0844 •5 acrM of beautlfuHy pots Acrou lrom New· 111-IWIEI lllT •YE microwave, trllh comp, Bluff• 3 br, 2~ bi. water ,,,._. Of 720.4891 557·2841. landscaped aurroun· port Beach GOii CourM. Beaut. conjSo, 2 br, 2 ba. 1p1clou1 wood decks. View, near pool. Beauty. • S350/mo. up 8ech • 1 •--Z-,_ ••-111 211 -dings 545-4855 YILUIE Lease or 11110/opt. 1ao• ocean/cyn views S1SOO rno. 553·9?02 Bkr & 2 Br. unlurn & furn r-••-•-• Oeteclled 2 Br, ger. lrplc, • • • • Nr Fl'W)'s & shopping $85-0/mo. 545-3339 $1150/mo. 494-4578 3 BR, 2'h ba. near beach. pool, ape., 18992 Florida ;·;;;,;,7·;~·;::;.·d~j; lrg patio, quill. $595. Newly decor GH pd. • Ou!el erM WllTll lllTW New 1&2 bdrm. luxury 842·2834, 842·3112 vrlv. Mature non-smkra. 337 E. 18th St 875-6736 encl gar. dw111r. pool, • No pell; lurn avail 3 & 4 Br. Clote 10 water. apta In 14 plana..J Bdrm Condo. 2 bdrm . 2 bl. ,,. ... , Ml••ll 31SZ S1.000 mo. & Hcurlty • • bbq. no pets 642·5073. ~l1•) l•l·llll turn & unlurn, reaaone· from $540, 2 bdrm from Near UCI. Brand new. ••'"•••••'••••••••••• 631·5661 ~ APTS no pot1. $850 X 3 2 Br. Westside Colla ~ blo, 111 amonltlol. Broiler S595. TownhouM from Ass'n pool and park. MONARCH SUMMIT·2Br 1 a 2 BR pool spa · 2131799-4195. 257·9792 Mesa. Carport & pool. Near 18111/Pomona, 1 Br, 81 H041end Cr, HB 875•4912. 1685 + poo:s. ttnnle, AIC. Avail now. $790 & den, S800 mo. 22852 S.• Cll•Htl 3Z11 BBO. no pell, turn' av•il' Of (714) 673-3986 No pols $4 15/mo Call t Ba, downstairs, d/a, Btwn Stater/Waflllf watarlalla, pondal Oii 660·,3243 Andtra. 642· 1028 •••••••••••••••••••••• ~l 1C) Nl·IHI 833·8533 carport. waler pd, 1 child oil Beach for cooking & haatlng ----------1-----------1 Hill lido ocean view 3 br 1250• Nice Bachelor, r~· Ok, no pets. S400. Agent, paid. From San Diego FMl..alll IAU VILLA PACIFICA·28r, convert don & maid'• 81 Holland Cr. H8 ponslble person. utlls n-lllTllT II no IM 962.0217 ..ulE Frwy drive North on 2 Br. 1'/o Ba condo. So 20., larn rm, lat~t ol 3 querters 52000/mo. Btwn Slater/Warner cld. No pots. 108 E Bay, 2 Br. 1'A 81 lwnhll, N8* 2 BR 2 Ba. $475. Spec. 1 & 2 br, lovely Beach to McFadden to Coast Plaza. Low down. models, upgraded.Steps 213/449-2628 oft Beach Apt9 8ullllns, 1aund rm, No pets. 780•1418 or pines & 'trHm1, He:. COUNtRYCLUBllVtNO Se•wl nd Vlll •O• $88 000 646-0686 from ape & pool. Av•ll '--••• ,,_, 3141 2 BR t~ ba. light & airy, carport/gar. yard/bale 642•7528 evs/wllnds. gatoa, entry by phone, IN NEWPORT BUCH (7141893•5 198. ' · "°* seoo mo 493-3784 1-ili i.•••• 3111 ::'I'••••••••••••••••••• avail now. 182$ yrty Agt Sm 111 Pet 0 K . FI p . lge rec area lncL gym. Singles, 1 & 2 Bdrm. 2 Br. 1 Ba. Collage. car· AOUL T COMMUNITY 2 ••••••••411•••••••••••• Lu!lury 1wdlo. lr11 HBO, Linda, 946-t220 $t125·S8351mo L.,ge 3 Br. 2 Ba. Town· pool & spa MS-6691 Aplf1ments ..... 4M pets. drapes, sm•n patio. br den 2 bl frpl ·Nr 2 bdrm. 2 bl, nr beach. l>hOne mafd serv 1p1 2817, 2543. houae In quiet comple•, & Townnou-•••••••••••••••••••.••• S 4 7 51 m0 • N ° P •II· co'mm pool $eooi mo Frpc Sun <MCk. No pots. $130 wk 499-30 ts' ' Ctn•• '•I .. , 3111 2548 Orange Ave. large pool. garden set· llllllRI WALi From $560 'UlllA IUll 540-4484 · · S675 mo 675-8635 • •••••••••••••••••••••• 2314 Santa Ana /\"le ting 1675 845 3381 Lrg 2 & 3 BR lownhoute On Jamboree Rd. at --, 731·2514 or 494·l l77. $280 Furn Charming. Baell unit. ea. I rm, Prlv Call for appt • 675-5949. • ' apts. encl gar. frplc. Near San Joaquin Hills Ad. Wkly·':~::;', 195 up. E=~l~:tio~ e~~j ~:re~: ..... ,, ..... 31ff $111tl .. ,. JIU Bach nr bffdl. Utll ~· :''a1't.:°se.~i~~2381 TSL Mgmt PALM MESA APTS Hunt Hrbr hom s545• NC-1• Color TV, frff coffee, Frpl W/O hook P DI•· •••.-J••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• No pols. 1 rnp emp • t. 842· 1803 1561 Mna Or. Cnlldren OK. 840·6807 heated pool & ••IP' lo hwaatter. Gard ~·I, No Sul>Of apectat 2 br, 2'A ba Beaut 2 91Y homo on 494·•200 ITIPI Tl IOllll $400 Unlurn 1 Br. 1Br apt, 3 blks lrorn Beautiful largo 4 Br. encl· ocan. Kitch'• avail. P • t ' S 8 0 0 I m o condo, lofl·typt den w/ Canal, wfboat tllp. 4 br. Oce•nvlew bachelof apt, ' ~ 3 n . 3 •· Ill lllATI C " ~ 5~8 ,.._ beach, child & ,...t OK. Id patio. •tfP• to beach. ...5 N ,. ___ , ...._ 673-624.2 675-8902 we1 bar. lr,plc, open lge llv area S1250 mo non-smkr, no pots. avail .... ge ... -many ..,AllY Ill btwn ·-... ......., ·~6& mo n•" 1i6s YMrly 675-4419. ... . ......., ,,_,, • . beamed celllngt. m1ny Avall . now . Call 7-2 amenities. l1t00. Call 1 Br Trall111.1247/mo .... " .,...,.. Laguna8Mdl.4M-52t4 Eastslde 3 Br 2~ Ba. den. extras. S 9 2 5 I mo 960-8468, 538· 1435 for now, 1350· 49 -~57 Dorothy 973•7975 faue;d ~m~•N:•:;., c~~ and elec. $150 MC. No MADDOX APTS: 1 & 2 br. odc•~Ao~~A,08N,T 2·B~u~t;'. 90 & up with kltcl'len, 191. 1at.laSl&HCurlty, 848·9840or848·7918. a.ppl(agt) ,,_,,,,_, 1111 1Mn3bdrm,2 bedpl•, 1811 mo rent req dogt 133E.11thSl.,Sp Nlce.QUlelturroundlng1. amenltlH, vrlv 1 1200 t~71y~80cea749ntront Mo· avall lmmed. 646-3532. 5 BR 3ba In HarbOf View ::-.;.-;r.;;•••••••••••••• patio. gar. Avail. 1214 $4004415/mo 42 842-9193 Clld Sun $450·1550 842-8788 mo : 28r 191 Ctwn 100 .. v .,.. C •• ,,.,.; •• , OCEANFRONT DI• 2-4 er. 1990. No pot•. 719 H• 2284 M """ Bet 9.5 400 l::'.'"'---~-..,......--3 Br. 3 Ba. bl-level, end 3 ~r garage, nice lamlly By week or ·month llotropo. 972•940e •......,. Spacious 2 Br 2 81, bit· mo Mature Pfl 7 W. Furnished Rm, Private unit twntlouse, pV1 yard. hm 11800/mo 752-2197 F1.nl1iH 1'411 673.7873 • Call lo Ins, frptc, gar. 1575 No Nr b91ch. 1 br, 1 bl, frplc, Ocnlmt 8So·9t92 · Batn. In Homo. 1200, lrplc, n-. 2 blks S C Spec. 3 br, 2~ b• very ~~~·v~~·;;-;·~~.-2 arage apt, 2 br, 1 ba, SEE INSIDE pots Aval!. Im mod Xf . yard Avail Dec 1. With 40• dock for power 951-4823 Evea, El Toro Plaza. $850. 851-9990. clean twnhN. pool, Joo· br. 2th ba. 2 ctr. W/O lndry. Fresh paint. Quiet ~~L2·Mom1 t Hlrbot/e.kor. 546-8009 8-0297 °"' • bolt 3 BR 2'~ be, con-M/F rmmt. t& anare moat •• ,.,.1 &A & airy. $575/mo. 713'A .... 11J03 I oo /d k F•••lm V•ll 3134 ~·1:tc. ~mo. ""t relrlg. $1125. ~2-6945 ffll (open). 844•7441 1 br. relrlg, 1tOYO. lndry Oefu1te poolside xtre la1ge do. 12 /mo w oc . beaut twnh••· In Univ. ••••••••••••••V.•••••• 40 WllTllllYIUJll Pet1con1 1395 1920 2 br, 2 bl, bll·lns, StOOOwlthout.850·1'90 Pk,lrvil'll.Pool,fPl,Qlf C ... n. rldec. 3 Br, 2 Ba. 2 Br. cot11ga, Newport c •• , .. ,.; .. , bdrm. 1 ba. pool, deck, 81chalor & 2 81 1pt1 Wlllaco 840..eo29 dswshr. 1'~ mllel beacfl. Mrs long I 2 5 0 I mo d I y I den, frplc. patio. Quiet Holghll, frplc. redwood U•l•talliH 341S ~rportl. BH·lna, Beam avail. Pool. 1pa, 11\Jnd •MESA VEROE 2 Br 1 No P•U S500/mo. L-2er 1 bl._,.,.,, 759-2878.-552..QtO area. '750/mo. tat. lul dedcs. bflck w.ik1, woo-•••••••••••••••••••••• calling•. 4352 Shor• rm. No II«•· lmmec:I Oc· 8• NeWly decor. $495 538•8362 324 E. Balboa Blvd. 383 Creacont Bay Or. & MC. 963-2n 8 Cled, gar S750/mo. AvaH 3 b<, 2 bl condo, lmmed. Ct•I Ln SSOO. S50..cM73 cup No pet$ 833--81174 Lgo 2Bt w/gar Super '650/mo Wilk to ocean Must -to appreciate. 1·1·83. 845-8825 ooc S6e9 + $100 Clea-THE SHORES-BEACH 8echelor 1375 claan. CIOll 10 bell or bay. 1/680-3812 9 to 3BR on 1 le1191 w/tlltc:Mn, ••;;:r,tl• EXCLUSIVE AREA. Har-nlng dep. 545·1217 eva. AREA 95~ :· ~~21l5St. 2 t':111~'1ts:S-N~wnp~:: ~:~ $495/M o 984·4888. 5 M·F Mvlng rm, Igo patio, 1 bllc 3Z41 ......, View hOmo Prof-. .. I lllUl TSL M..,..t 538-7330 "'-k to bell. 1300 11 bdrm. ••••••• ..,.,. A ,., 11 I _, &." .... raga $625/mo. Sierra 2 bd. 1 bl. sun...,.. • o•· ·i~ tBr u-.. ~. ,..tlo, ••••••••••••••• deeorlled 4BR 28A lat· IMI fl 81iul• f•-•<r-or Our newly decor at Id •~" • 122 ..._ 1u 1 1324 DELAWARE PINES ,....,., ,......., unit, blkl beh """ ,. ...... <TI .-Beaut. t tty, 3 br. 2 b1 e 1011 ~ •c e w/ •'•-••••••••••••••••••• uwnw-. moci.ta t & 2 Br apta. .,...,..., ....., ... 1 .,. • 212 3"0ih"St l 800/mo. v iew o f ocn . 1400, home on qulat cul·d•· g ' on • ' •Iha Ill•"' ,111 UNFU•SH£D 3 Br. 2 81 1550/mo. 2 er 1 a.. 571 w. Joenn 1 BR ftr~. pool .. 75-2 ,.,. 111/lut (will neg) Obi Qll iaec;. 1850/mo. For appt, trees. Walk to FHhlon •••••••••••••••••••••• ALL UTILITIES 1550/mo & up. Poot & Private p1tlo, garaga yrty. v 1.,.., avail for Nnt. 4117•7090 980-8481 53&-1435 a.gt. Island, beach. pool g, Baylront. em studio. utlle tunla. C1ll Kirin ~0:9~·8 °a'~';-eto~e; ~~~~!~sSle~r~ ~:::,· 1460 mo 8~2·8807 Eastblu •spacious 1 Br•-------.----• achoota. Gerdener Incl pd. quiet omplyd tingle, PAID, HULTH 844-2811 2131850_8088 before 841.t324 19221 Def-• pallo, pool, no P•t•. Room nHr OCC. pool, 4 bdrm. 2 ba. ChMdren, no Avail Jan 111. 759.ooeo yrty. J.425/mo 873·3800. CLUBS, TDtNIS IQMtor Apt ,,.., oceen lOAM. Oetuu 2 Br. 2 Ba. In 1555 844•4787. wnh•r/dryer. male. pets. Sharp houN. Large ...._t H 1 ., B 1 ea "ltc .. enette. Contact Almost PMw 2 11"" 2 bd · non·• Ink r · I 170 yd. 1750 mo. Pat .... ,. g '" !, .'very "1ha SWIMMING plus " " • ,,, . 4-plell, earpell, dtapea, ONT 730.93245 068-7oee pvt & hugeB ~F·S945-9095 ln/•181• 3111 mudl morel Sony, Paul 875- 1024 2 d ~~ P 2 • :~· $:-'; ~~~t. ~ b.,8.;,:,C~~~: r:;.~~·· ~~~~~·u :~cl•~ og~:f:: BAYfR Room tor 19nt, 1250 mo. 38r 28• cpts drna encl LU •••••••••••••••••••••• no..................... If-•· .. __ ~-· .. 945.9495 1845 Avail 12·1 Lorri .,.25/mo ,. .. o u•.. D•LBOAIS1 •NO c II a~· 4 .. 17 It ~' tn"cd yd' lfoO mo 3Bdrm.2'h b1,l1m,now.BAY FRONTAGE, beletl, ,,.... .. .._.. :::'J:.Mr: •••••• ~~ Wkdays 547-9571, Evet ..., "'"---. ..,. ""' a '"v· • 1 1021 . • decor $975, 780-8384 pier. prkg. 2br. $800. 1bt o-n A..U.. 9 to 6. SPARKLING CLEAN & 850 .. 2 3 2 bd. t bl, , .. ml/b~n. Sandy beac:tl; 38r 2b•, 8;30PM. S U I 0 E "'" -"1 ...... •lfMT SPACIOUS, WHtllde & Wkndl ·v 2 " ~ e11cel cond. Month~ or•---------3Br 2Ba•""'le cond 800 IL. pd 3 3 0-1..a.--...1 AvaNOac 1. yearty.11500/mo.Owner Found : Kt1111ound , B 'la · -.., tty o. Edgewater. 11871·2868 __ ..,.. like nu, lge t br apt1, 28', ta. neoMV decor• 21• ""911119. qule1. ancl 988-4218 844_05t3 Brown ahadH, male. 1at ,,.. 3,.,.1 N11t 111ra:.9Qull2.~91750 mo. a .. -----.... lrplc. dw, ger. 1475/Uf>, ted. cp11. drpe, dlhwltW, o•. no dOlll n 10 Vic· 1 • Mesa dol Mar area • .., .. ., -ency 1·21 28r, 1B• decorator fur· ....--~ Pltto or balcony. Pool I. range & relrlg. No pete. to r I•. 14 9 5 I"' o . l.arge 2 br, \t be town-Modern Bach Apt, No. 557•24512 v;;t:r;;~~;·;~~d~:·;;~: Bluitt condo, 3 er. 2'h Ba. nlll\Od apt, 1 blk 10 bch, New,ort a.ida!Ne. epa No pets. 2950 H.n.. S49& mo. 552·1723 131·8112 an tO. houM. Avail Jan. 1, End WH I Nwpt Hgtl. 1400 . gate Luxllf'loul 3 bdrm 3 IOl'mal din rm, lam rm. ~~oo:Ji11t"~c;:'5 110 lrWlt lltt. MeM Pl,_ 549-2447 .. -IPll E/Sldo, 1parkt1no 2 br. unit, -~tlo, pool. mo UtM Ind Av .. Dec 1. M• pref. 2 t-30 Y'S Lt. ba.11075.848-5792 '. onct111fcrtlo8~o~~f:.'t mo.134-1870 l•t lttll) 1bdapt.S425pw""°"th Attr.ctlve 111t&Beche-yard, g•r .. pool 1575 MOOmo 2135 84Htlt • ~~~'::P:c::'·~·~~ •--z•• _31,,.,. 5pm 145·1104 c.11 Stu, 1·407-2338 or '°' wlloft. Encl ger, IYpl, mo. Mgr 24638 Or1nge Nwpt Hots, 3 br, 2 b•. 548_..290 ~· ww 1 ________ 1C...• ,,, .. , J7,H 1540·3868 pool & 1 .... Q11 pd Ho Av. • Good 10C MllO/mo CaM1--------•••••••••••••••••••t•• 34~ MOTORBOAT SLtft ••••••••••••••••••••':':' --..a..1•-.-146-7900 laoi-le9dl tumiltled lllTW Bwillful eunee1. decot• Newport_,-. .,._. I P • 1 8 • 141151 m 0 · · CflMry 3 IA 2 Be. Jene. · kftch~en a. Ind'" pr111° . 3 Br 2'A Ba, 11cu11ty 10 lu n a"'t Frpl 170016111S' ...... &4S..4 t1.393HamMton atlo 2 •t c•rporl •--... , , 11o 4bdrrn1,1t1rtlng'1t galea. $1200. PP . r r .... • • " J8fll1'.otbll SOllO ' ~· • .1.a._,. -•' 1 2215 mo. Non-tmkr MOO to 11475. ,50.o518 1905/mo 873..oats. l•t Dewer) 2 BA llit Sp1clou1 2 Br. IY. 11 15 mo. ..ot97 nT'•••••••••••••••••• pie•••· 497 ·3017. 1---------1 c.t• ... Jiii M2·SUJ 1586 Townhou" w/frplc, E/ Lge 18r ""* ept, • ktvr11Y Illa 2 BA, 14t5. ~--Ml·U3S BAYFRONT •••••••••••••••••••••• 3 IA 2M 1126 tldl Ho I*•· t cw .,.,, laund, no pet• 31 t W • •C'OI • "-' lloo111 ::orl'io':i:!· ~.,.,tt, "'•-~......,--..,,..:-1-'11f-~-f~l-=M Furn 1 t>drm 1pt1. 1316 _.... W ...... btt.lne $5915/mo. Sierra Wiiton, 831-2177 • 1e 2lll ,1110All• •••••• •••• ...... :.;u 8albo1 111and: Sindy Ind i;r.·.,:: &:,l~H. 2 a 3 t>d .,,... by •'or 1 _ • ... 1 .. ..-Mgmt. 941-1324. IMf • 0.4"" L•~ Nt SC Hoep 2 BA. 2 ea. nu W lllll baach, 38r 2b•, ucel 2110 M mo •-.87 .. 1110. -......... ,_,....., WESTBIOE-18•, etova/ ••• ..,., •a..••••&•·• petio.pltno MS mo.No Wit;\,... ... now...,..._ conct. Monthly Of ~I)' 541..... ,... .,... ••und 797 W w 111on refrtoe ......., fie ••ter :r.n.~m.......... • .HI te lt8dt & ...._. Pltl 110 1 Cot TV I 1 5 o o / mo. own• r OAll H Ill .....,_, S4315 942-l ... 3 bet acim. pd, No f~· S3J5/mo ... NW · • f.1944 ' "'°"' :,'""-0'1174 844·9513 ALL UTILITIES PAID 3 Br, 2 ... upper,-.,urn/ 9t5·5113. 94~431 . ::C.': =t ~~ .I.a.a.._ BM Newpott llwd, CM. BLUFFS 4 er 2'A Be""" unfurn Winter or lrty. S. c .. Plan.,.. 2 •"'· 1 2tlr. lri trt..pex, nr So c.. _. Oney 4 Uflltl 1 • l'J'AT.r;;; ....... u.Tf .... , .. . ff.tJA-L. • ....._ 1980/mo. Compare l>•fore Y.Ou Wlfllr/lltyer Inc ud. a., AC, pool, MO get-. PIH•, g8r89e, bltnt, wlcMn >Ctre "• PrMt• .... MM ~· • .,.!.:.~.:=----~-----=--•-_lllll'_-t~---7-eo_..oe.__79 ___ 1 ren1. Cu•tom daaton 8MlltlM ..,.._Of OOMn. "6.U~/· I H O. ,,, ... 15 mo, ~1293 P•llo. 'rom Htlll"'o. • -mu neu I . C . p I 11 e •.. utllul Aincho s111 Nwpt C<eat·21r. 2ea. dbl IHturea. Pool. bbq, lmmeCI OCCvP .--... ....._. 2 1 .. p CaH 111·1441 or _..,, --imo •• Olll Joeq\lln 2 • I 8a lwM-11r19e, tennl1, pool. cov'rd .,., .... IUfroun+ I A 0 HI L 0"' Fu HI I Lrg I 8cl ._,,. Cl8llnge. '"tr";"~ 9121~ Cor; .... 14M1111. Drtv9 ~ '° .......... • tf LlilUN -. . ... W/0, ,.,,. ... le *"'· nl5 mo. 712·2209 diet wtttl pluetl ....._. """ Y .... 811 utll .... 1011 of wood Uttuovt, ,,. °' f'llrMW I~ to -24117..,.. Clere .... Den• "'eintlc'I _."'"n' "!._1",•J. . .,' ...... 1o°". MeoN-C••ll ping Ho-·· "" ''7 ""' Hrv blr. 1410. HH 117''"716 .... '" 91 '" 11100. p tlvlletH. ...... 1 8"" ,..;;;· .,. New Otpt, new df9"1, M I IU HU O .... **** MClwttef..... " • Ylllll tllOlfftO. lttO/mo. c.I aa.nn · · --..c.11,....,oaaup •P •· • '1• .. -... --1-..... -=------• l•oepttoftel a., ""· Ille•· I IL •Iden. 1• Oii 167·M41 3 bd, 2" M , 2000 IQ ft * W. Wllofl ... 1·1111 Te&. MGMT M ·1IOI ..._,,.. •,::• -•t' __ .. -.. ..,. ... ....... ...... · "'&:,: + tennllolub nu 1110. 011 mobile L" 41PI•• 2 Ir. tie, ~."r.'•10~ a::S:: iff: l;:?.:':1. """"6. c.t .. !!~~10t1~..._~--... -,~,.=~-~-""":":':'."~=~~-:-::=~-::~ ~:'= ;::;.,2:1 ll /mo. '404H4 flOIM, 'Mo pee1 • ....,.. lllt. Idle lletM wltlt • 111t1wr. Wlllde AWllf 411........,, "''* _. • ~"'· M --1 • ....,-.....,. laoll. 1100/fH, Att. "nd Wf\•t YOtl wan• I allvltl. Ovl .. , HeUre. ~Noe CIMllllll M 1ZIt1. l411JMO. Dftwe"W IO-mt Mii? II 8..... ..... · 7 ... 1120 Dmly Not C....... M1 """°" Ml-tS7' 141.-n. ...Min W1111 Ml Oii .... Ill ...... a.a. .... Ill.....,., ' .. ' c ___ = = _, c ~ • ,. ' Orange 00111 DAIL v PILOT /ThufMjly, November 2&. t882 C'l I '1/1/f,.'!!!M ... ~.~ff f!~.4'f!fl .... !Mf ~ frul uu -......... IJM ft!.'1..'f P..f!l. .... 1}.ff '1!Jl..'fl!'!/. .... !J.fl !PnJJP!l ........ IMf lt!fln. ......... ll!f f1Jr .. .., ......... 1Mfl .. ~" MN .... PUlll llLlll llnl .. !!f!ff ••••••••• T~l COOla llTAIL llUI * *' DIN** Ladlaa "°"" 14 K df... lliberittl Hullly Pupa ................ r:"~l Aeaaoneblt ,. .. , Kii Wlftr frHt ...._ LI. UTTLD ~I,_.. Nlthl c~ wtlllaO, ••· Kton Cl!ecelaUer, lo. llUI wa"" lei lffltt Jct••· AKC. _..,. matlllnlle. bfuelBOAT IUPI AVAi~~ cneneo ... phontl, maid ..._ ~t le. IM. fltf()TO MOOILI "r •n conunantal oui. Coeil PIH• H•llt pt OOOd y..o '"'nltwa 1 mondll Wlttl 14 11; llfac. & Ill" eyae, ut-1111 Newport IMCfl t& • H • 1trvlca, z channel mo-I 1 I0/1q 11 Luu 8pacl In lit a tnd HCOATIJDANCll.M ~ • .'c~~:~ ;::. time emplo~ APC>ly In ,._.,_OR I...... let It 100, *Oftn U ,000 IH .... I a.-.1 MM 30'. H ', 40', & 4& C4lll p':l vlH . SANDPIPER MO• ~844, M·'· 9,15 1 e noa 1949 OUT CALL 24 HAI Mrl l lllrO 491_.441 11!,IOll -oi 111.L tor You AL•O LadlH Omega un-• .-.... ';"dr."uU.~l' ~42 ·:~u !tom t •t . TEL. 1987 Newpott Blvd. Tired ol crowded treeway Robt. Sattler NH/CM -..atl --•• :l'a-Salt1/retall tor M•Jor mTlll -watch 14 t< MarQul1 0111 UC>fltht pie~ piano, on· r _ _ CM 846-0137 commut• NOft"'Would Rf BrOller lkl l'leeltOt• --·--· Oepl Store Cl)rltlmH :·: ---111-1111 ..... dr ... watch Wltll ma111e1•c 15200 SLIPS AVAIL HunllnOton Ir. ,,,_ In ,,.1 ,... you Ilk• "' offloe at the .,.2•2171 641-ot1t * * * full tltna, tr 1 t>eclc htlfl hi & oomm LIM br~t 1400 H7·144G 1/31t-4112 H 8 r b our ea y . o a f~7r.' ••••• !n!r:;u beach llilt your ltrillly WIDOW HAS ... '°' TD'• IH11&1.. ''"'' ••per--. A • )(-Ray 213.t52·7~ I "' ... ,. h;,111\11 ~ 8<*1.i Alltt'I organ •Y•tern 436 •40·5$41. 14t·77M. f.I LK AAflllOWHtA0·2 •ly cO\Jd UM on WMk·tndl A~ Loan•. 1011. Up No ... LIO ltQ l•l•ty open lll'l/1111 lff H7·1133 ,. I u c., .... Appral· w/reverb unll .... Olr p M . • 4 0 . 4 0 9 1 • new 4br + lolt1 I be, a ea • vao111on unit? l'OI Crtctlt Check, No Pen· °'*' 24 hf• a dly Some Saturday•, bane· --lad I 10.000, Miike otter/ over f 10,000 152·7134 _!13·43 1~ ~. 2 batcon-. oolof la11lng Information call alty. Oei'lnllOI\ & AMOC 7 O,t a wae1t IOI, Newport 8-ch arH, r1nal\Clll ln11e11men1 firm SFOFA 7 '"' It ... Qdlt c1ori3~ trade equity If! pr09tt1y. C O I -~-.. -Lower Newpott Bay IV, ~· 14, Nor1h Shore, Tht Capl1tr1no Surf 973.7311 Jac:u111, aune Localt 8 4 2 • 8 6 I 0 A fl 5 • fo1 llduClltor1. P"90nnel toral, plllOw .,ac · 1 "' 045·2591 onn 'cit"~11 n ...,..., SUPI 30-33" Nit HHlwknd. UH/wk . Canter 80 t ·UH or u well .. Tour11u f42·0H7. Eve1/Wknct1 • commul\IOallona' deelt C~_a_M-11 __ 42 ____ 1 .;_ __ 1 ,;_ -554--0 Sida tltt 15·24fl 17". 1596/mo 522·M31 831·5084 Chr11tmu cMh? Pv1 PfY 8ankAmatlcarct, Amer• 147·I032 Itel''/ >Cini l~P· t. 8/H LINCOLNTYPl"<>CKl!R _,.8HU ... --S w•tt• Anch t -5 IJttelHt L ..... h•• catll IOI good truat ec:ari r_11--.... DI-• All ........._,~, rtq'd beo. 11tC1.._rlal QOOd "-dltion Ml. call •••••••••••••••••Ttt"el Ntw Yamaha Uprlnllt ..... 1""1 S tudio/condo bHe ol M d t e d 1 AO t ... -,.., ._,., N ~ .,._. SURPLUS JEEPS CA .. '"' • ... .-"" · · welcome 714/Ml·S.33 flwienced ADA ,_. ••P • mu•t on • .,,,,., 6,.."42 • ,... P202 w/b C:h walriut ~::r:Ysi:~":';.'~~~~~~~ Prime Intersection ol ~19·758'°311 anyllmt 2112 Hlfbor 81 CM ctH'for Ortllodonllo ~ad-Call H3.ot40. Oii!Pttquet & br ... kit· • BOATS. many Mii 10r I ltOO Wiii '11nance SLIPS AVAIL Cot°"8 ctel view 01 Baldy. Good ~~AS~h~r·:g ,t~~e:= t.INDA ISLE 165.000 3rd. Cullom l'arituy Ptlone precuce 1n MIHlon Viejo Servar1, 6 "" Hper .. ch• n 1 b1 1 t 2 a . ~~,~~ 1~%~~o !!': Ma-o348 ~~~.A~~·s.:1,;'·w~d~ rat at. Ca II J ac 111 e leaf• av all able. 820 or Deed ol Tru.•t lor HI• Con¥9r-Hllon with ..,bel Area 1304703 betwMn 3-llPM In Ptr· 8411-1389, 844· 1700 Hk 2239A Al._. #fJ t-5 . 842-9401 1200 1q ft for 1 y .. r. Call behind T.O. • lolalllng MC/VISA 24 hrt D 0 ME.,T1 C N eon. Bob Burnt AfltlH.I· lor kltcllen :-::;er•••••••••••• ... J1..:.----.-----Sendy. 213•820-8857 teao.ooo. Wiii .. 11 to Call e3t-<OTOt .. • inny/ rant 37 Fa1hlorl ••net. Cuetom Bull! Danl•h Mtglc 111e club mem-1112 Ski N1ullque Doell for 40 NII boll. No Gorgeous harbor view, 3 yleld 3()¥., lntereat paid hltkpr, Ena apkng 4 yr NB Apply In'*'°" berehlp, "•ve 1500 "2001" n..i.. 31 "°"''· live • board• 3 blk• Br 3'~ Ba. fully furn Wt llPll IUIUll q uarterly, all dut & E>COTIC DANCERS old boy. Small home, Couch, T.-& 8lk C1epe Orta I gllr~ldH. PP Altq hev';".i 1977 l'or· Eatl/Pavlll~. 873·4921 wlll 1rrange any ol the EJtec:. su11 .. iric1. rec:ept., payable June '83. Secu-Bachtlor/BacMIOtette Hcitlng child. High qu1-Stawardeu lor luxury Otrmltl \/lnyl Vtf'/ Sim. 552·41 ti, 1:>5·88e8, RI· mula 1/0 20 11 • llke .._. 80• -.i.....~ with following· deep H• II· sec'y nrvi, c:onl. rm.. red by OM of 1ht cllol· pany entertainment llfiCtllo111 Big Canyon, yec:ht lor crulHt Into pie Xlnt Cond 1275. cherd NE w 1 c 111 17 1 4 ) '";;;i"'A•k~::Sl'laoo lhlng, gotl, tennl•, horM kit .. mall handln. RH· CHI homu on thl 734-8538 SU·8631 l'lllme, llva In. 780·9180 Mexico. 18 and older 846·1418 fl•--142.2000 & ltll IOr Jim· 1 .. 1 •••• r1c:l ng. 1he"'"""r. You • ltlan" Call Ste Mu• 1 be lree to 1reval. •---------• -·-, .. .,.._ .. I N"Y" h pon1111e 10 your buslneu ..,. ve *•'•-MMD•• 760•2581 "·•only. 2 vr old 1•.i.11 c:~"'h Rull my, Jr It ovt, pleue • name It o 011 . natell. Adj. if05 Fwy. In 676·328G aft 7PM '• --·-RIYlll 111111 •" blue white ';ljh tan Euoalyptu1&0range IHv•metaegtl Sllplnl0War.,.y.9Jt35 . $ '0 0 0 I wk b. I.. F.\I. lridlv. otc:a . Mo/mo 548·6502. T'• ••IT lllJT nu-I .. $180/COld 11878.4883 ROSSIGNOL SKIS 17 per ... Cati 973.5340 (714)642·8590. No E1tper Aeq FIT & r-background. 22., or •1 Viii/Beaver Creek, COio. LuJtury townl)omt. 4 Br 4 ea. Sips 12. dally or wkly lkl rental. 2131378-3906 l1•t•I• I• ll•n 4111 •••••...•.......•..••• Reliable hsemate to 1hr oc:e1n front dphc apt. with working mom & teenage.~n. $400 mo. ,-650-HOS-- PllMITHY NtlT Furn. luxury 2 br, 2 ba. cathedral celllng, lrplc:, 1undeck. 'all amenities. Wiii ahr w1prol. M. 873-3887 aft. 8 lrom $325. 963·6445. Modal1. danctrl, ncot'll p I T , I' I a • H r a . llUOITlll bait offer. 840·6752 New cond· 19' Philco re· w / so Lo Mo N BIN. WANTED· dOc:k spac;e for Retail & otllc:e apace Alu•••tt•l•I•/ 669-8913, open 24 In. 110·$13/hr Starling Pay Carved Sp1nlllll lovaeea1 frig, 1100; microwave, DINOS 25' po-boat. on or"' available 17th St. Colla ltlNIUll/ T·BEAAY'S Call 637-lllO King FM. we nMd gOOd people to bench wl•toraoe. 175, 125• clarln'1, mk olr 175 675·t888 Lido Pal O'Dely, Mesa lrom 1250 1.1. to l.nl I 1•al Go-oo Qlrli (lo go) ttt up appolntmente 173·5302, UdO file 548•5287 957-6428 873·5674 400 1.1. 845-3477 •••••••••••••••••••••• 881·89l4 pa-. FMI lrom our Newp<lfl Beach • .. --d---f-1 --1-..._--1 l'ull famlly· memberthlp, fr.!!!".! .. f!!~ .. l!!f Boat Slip available tor 40 All••••n•••I• 1100 ' -• office In lht evening lor " ,._ reproo ... ivy Jol\n Wayne Tennl1 Prini:e Pro Tennis Racket, to 85' boat Nwpt Bell llWNIT llml •••••••••••••••••••••• ,,,,...1 · 21 or over. PIT. E1tp. Holiday 1nri'1 new travel duty filing cabinet, SSO. Club, book va1u11 $2,000. brand new.. pd ll l5. NII 631-7777 Full S1rvlce Suites SCRAM LETS ,, m ,,., nee. Flu. hre. Perry'• club. Salary + comml•· ,_8_3_1·_1_14_1_.., __ ,_. __ , S1c:rlflc:a for 1950 In-lor $85, 71()-9411 ·-... --,,-,--.,,-.-,-,----•• MT"OllTI II • ••••~•••'!.' •••••••••••• Pizza. N:B. 673·1811 , slon + bon111. Call E1rly Amer. heavy pin• c:lude1 tran1ler tea•----------• •, $650. , .. Furnllhtd ·~-"' 5 Angell W/Happy Heart Full time~ Shipping Clerk 833-3740 •fl• 1 PM. din. HI, Mtdl retln. PI ea I I c: a I I ( 7 1 4 ) lllJ.ll lllTI Ill.I A "" AILYOV..o~ for llJWRaut.ui•~---'-..;;..Stylt cut hair wllove & 10 Include •rands Valid•---------·• Bargain $150 831·1241 821-1603 (Anaheim) 40-~ of11 A!' akattt ''! •••••••••••••••••;•••• monthly feel --Succor -Balky cm-onlY. $8 Perm-r CalJf UC. PleaM conlac:t WlllMll "L" SHAPED 3 PC .J mu• o 10 "'' ""' Wfl! 640-5if70 Hover . Marlhy $30-$35 Up Mr. Me1•1 Ellabath 131-3393 SEOTtSOFA SET tapee Includes Pac: Man Suftgrlp. Oceanflont 'S8 Century Clualc: 2156 N•wport Bl. CM, SCHOOL ,_7~_·990 __ 4 _____ .1Hlgh ec:hool youth waritad =-::C,~·t~n! =~'. $150. 831-1241 & Alleroldt 1200. Wheelworks. Balboa. Speedboat Reduced to Ideal ln1ur, acc:tg. law I watched my neighbor'• loryardwork,Siturdayt. Call 537•2880 IONG FM ~2-1093 all 4pm. 875"8510 $2500. 5sitol2 ofc. Lse 720-0771 kid punch huridredt ol lttHll ii 1.~•~t ~rtlid;:~enc:e~~ne~•~C::l:lf1~&~~===;;;===:;:= 8 pc: bdrm Mt. Pec:tn fl· Stereo compqnenll. ,.. lt1tf, lfllHr•at, ... ,, 1 ...... 111111 NH -Fo_r_L-aa-.. -.o-11-1c:_e_3_r_m_•_.1 ~~.~:b~:o .~% ~~":,,,~! •• !~.'!!P!.~ •••• !.~! Dover. 548-9215 • -~~o~. ~t4:0~ n d • cord 1. book•. m l•c: IM , lllS. ~··•'••~':·•~··••••••• 1200 eq II Good tratllc, okay, lie heel •wiped the Adult Ice Houey Sehl, lor ••• -.... WILllll lttM itims lor •••• R••• •••••••••••••••••••••• , nny SJOR•GE -Reapo--n-sl_b_le_, n-.-a-1.-M-,-F-.-,0-1 good sign & ••poaure lltplet from SCHOOL. lnlo call 84&· 1295. B•· _...,., bP Pref Full/ParMlme While Jerinle Lind Crib pricM te:j.4685, Ricic Electro Motor 01rbage .Ill\ ft there 1.,,.. 2 bd Apl In l8•23 Beach Blvd, H.B. S 27 Comm'I, properly & CH· $ C•' and changing 1bl, gd Dlaposal, exlrl heavy .. • hi b I t ..-C1ll 831-7900, All 6 & •AS -'g'-ln_•_•_t_N_ov_. __ 111_. __ , ually 1111. Exp. nee • $12· 1"/hr to atat1 ... 1 c:ond $1.S0.,..846-5606 I-flqor c1binel wllambour duty, 3 HP, rHaonable ... ont y oa • or1Yi•· Baywood Comple•. N.B. wkndt 831·"309 m mllY min. 2 ure Incl. typing. ~5=3=7·=2=8=80=K=IN=G=lee:=:==:1 doora. Hide a TV, Beat condition. Meki offer. any size, 24 hr aecurty. Need Bdrm furn only. • Meet with creative l:n· i. i t )<Int ~aflta. JamH In· I· QUEEN SIZE bed frame 0 fr e, 0 v er s 1 o o Kold Ora" Model TlO Ice lrM launching . $350/mo. Incl utll'a _O_F_F-IC_E_&_D_E_S_K_S_P_A_C_E_, lrtpreneura for action •• !l.!l!!!........... Queen size IOfl bed 552-7134 c:ru-.. ~. w'"' c:ond s22•. DPllT ... 841-4055 Gary • n d r •I u It a . J1i1 Wulfl 1115 1ur1nc:e. Irvine. Call lftlfU '11t (7 14) 873 2017 . ...... ... " 11•1 .... hr It. · In Downtown Laguna 7 t•• 7 S 0 • 9 1 4 8 0 r ••••••••••••••••It••••• I !!M~au~rine~,~7~5~2-ottQ;;,~~(E:_x:OE;t>ft'::.~-:. ... ~ .• ~~·~~·1i!i•••i:!•~·.!.••~·!.j•jr,•i••1j'•;j.:a;iPfl~:s;;ifft~~--~E9j+::h~-~·U·-l•ll..••.IJ •M~•bdi7~5~2~--0~2~4~0~=====l-~~·~·::-~-·~ ---~-~~---J 2 Rooms avail. lor quiet \above World Saving• I" ,, mature per1on. From overl<><*s Ing main 1>eac:h.,_53_e-_5_63_5 ______ Yg;:n:.=~[1~~.,, ~1 'un~ ~~e~ ........ f.I!! -·· ,,.,:;;.;~~S2SO-Pvt Pty 873·58221Tr, w;,11, •-• ·--. .. -.-. - s 1 7 5 . & par I u 111 . Ans erv. Aec:epl & copy I Call 'eve• & wk end•, Exp'd. 7:30 pm· 11:30 Lg OAK antique ROLL 499-3122 .,,., 5 MICROWAVE. New Sll•tP ••• ~~~ •• !!!!! ••• ~ .,... ,,.11 .. 556-7247. mac:h. 497·1744. £~·/ •1t/1H JllO 972•9525, Uk tor Bill pm. Mission Viejo area. TOP DESK Good c:ond WoOd Bdrm Set. Drat w/ Carousel, probe. 1229. leEAUTIFUL 25 .. RCA !~•••~•••••••••••-• M/F llon-tinkr, to shr 4 br, Olllce apac:as lor lease, tt·y~h;o;·~·h~;,"; Companion/Aide Very 14·25/hr. 541•3311· $2500. Call 673·7901 round mirror, dbl bed Sit~~.~'!:~o~~~~pa: Color TV. 2 yr wrnty. c .. ,.,,, ,.,, w. ba home. S200 + Y. 510' $425/mo. 710' lnfured In 1n accident nood ralerenc:ff. •ttar· LIQUOR CLERKS. Nights. Circa 1700. 24 Inell bron· frm & 4 drwr c:l'ltlt 1100. -. · S 148 Fre.t dellvery I t lllO utlls. C.M. 850·0907 $595/mo. UUI. pal~. Air, and wish to find out••· ~oon or relief. 548.3514 4 PM·t2. Wed-Sun. Mutt ze Siamese Temple 876-5810 pan, o·~='-~7~~rll. Open Sun. \ · •••• !~•••••••••••••••• F rmmte needed to thr lge cond .. grnd floor, 1055 El aotly what your rlghla are h1ve Cash Reglller ••· G o " g On I y I 9 o o 1D--blt--becl-.-very--com--1or1-.-. ---------, • .-..r_v_Joh_n_·s_6 .. _6-_17_8.,6_,~4 Camper, red Interior 2 br hee, v.i. be, 2 sty. Camino Dr. CM 3 blka E. lrom • fine group ol at· M•I• WuNI 11• per. 14/hr to llart. Apply 840·8888 le & " Atari \/CS game c:onSOle P • ·and •••lor. MAKE OF· Balboalaland.'nof l T7S. o r F1lrvlew~Ada.m1 tornles;Call~7•8017 0r •••,.•••••••••••••••••• Wltdys AM., 1888 Pl•· b ,mall,aprJ• ame. Perfect cond. s7s cuh. anHonlc: Giant screen FER 540-7877 • 760-2870, 673-8377 754-10,.0. Mr Tracy 547·8010 for a lree legal AOCTl/lllllAlll. centla. C.M. IAlll otl.UITll $50. 720·114 _54_8-_5_3_1_3 _____ ,·~~~0~~8 $350/bst offer. -.7-6_F_or_d_A_a_nger __ X_L_T_wl_t_h ---------INpt Ct11r.t I067 all, 11.25 c:onsultatlon. 2. yr• exp •• agency or ........ , ..... 4 1938 Wettarn Auto Compl. bdrm ttt. dbl• ll.4"h type playpen, good•.·-.--------i 1991 12•.i.·-eamper. M/F thr 3 br Ilse. C.M., It. Services avall. Oelllls'-_.._______ company. PayablH & Con101e worlta ,goodlw bed.,4 dwr chtt1, vlt'llty, c:ond 115 marantz Stereo, c:a1M1te aleep• 6. atove, refrln, w/prof. M. Lge yard. 11 7141844 9805 rec:elvablH. Xlnt bene-Fabulous working c:ondl· short wave. 11 tuba S 150 dbl• dresser & mirror, d k & BSA T t ble • quiet area, avall. now. ·ca • L11tilF1u' 53# flt1.J1metln111rtnc:e,lr· lion1.Noe>1pernec,We OBO. 842-2940 or xlnt cond. $500 . 536·8268 s~o 8410531urna ' SR,alnk5.e..07t97o7ffer. $250+'-+utlls.951-3313 •••••••••••••••••••••• v ine. C111 Maurine . traln.weac:llool.CIRCUS 842-7897 646·2930 ---.. -.-1-rlg_er_at_e_r ___ , · • 4 • --Ill ... 752~ (EOE) MAXIMUS. 719 No. Hat·•--------Good condition TEAC REEL-TO·REEL "''"''"Mn llfl Mlle Roommate for Bal· bo• Peninsul1 Apt. 1275/mo. 673-1107. 5 ofllc:t IUlles air Condi· ::·========I bor. Fullerton 070·1192 fHI n Obi bed with box aprlng• $40 645-9805 Tape Recorder. $750 •••••••••••••••••••••• lloned on CoHt Hwy. fOUfl) ADS Apply bet_, 12 and 5 Register now & lrarne 140.' ;;\"-;:-:::::;:;:-:;;--:::::~=-L--~9:_55-~2::380~---IAW MOptel, only 400 ml, Near Mac:Arlhur. $1050 Ul'*DI PM. Mon-Sat. See Kelly Judy'• Antiques & Decor 53e-82N 70 aq yard• of green csr· TV black & wMe 1911 model. Need• tall Nlc:ely decorlled turn., 2 p!fr mo. lmmedllle oc:· ID( fR(( No E•P Aeq. Fuli/l"art·._--------1 3399 S. Main St .. S.A. Compla1e twin mattr•ll~ pet. $51.50. 645·9805 w/cablnet light auembly. Only Br 2 e,a apt, $300 Incl. s;uoanc:v. M t i me. Fl ••· lir a . •llllllll let4t4 7141957-1523 19ring1 and frame, $40. Hand·mlde wooden doll $35 645·9805 $195. Call anytime ulll. 645-9390. 882·2801 l714t 673.4400 S8·S10/hr to 1tar1. Call Mull have Exp. l'ull/ , __ M_E_A_R_Y_C_H_R_IS_T_M_A_S_ 845-9805 houee. Cute. $60. ~6-7827, Ken. Ad1m or 1•1 JI •-1·-Cal: 537 -2880 KING lee S 1 .t-ll... lfll 531.2430 c I 1 h • r Com Po n en t Chris. Fem. non-tmkr to lhr nl. ,_ • ••... _ l:=::=:=:=:=::=:=::=~I Part·tlma. 13· 15/hr ;,Tc;:e."' Two twin beds. lramea, System, Include c:aaMt-•·L-111-8-,_--1-97-6-Sadlt---Mo--~h~~:'o~::i:g~ I.Ml Ml·Nll Au10. re•p lndlvlctual 10 ~:._~°K1~~ ... C-•ll • tiA.RaoR.AREA ...... =:i~prlW::: wLfERFO~D .7RYSTPAL,. 18• tUfntk •t>1a5.2A7~5 'FomB,O+ ped, 263S actual mll•• Clott to lake & poo!s. learn prol auto dat•llt===~======I AP~ANCE SERVICE 760-<0157 ' . i.'r":,~re 01;:;:.:.: :~~2~· . ' $595 OBO. 842·2940. 139(). 857·1841 ·'i:::;;;:; aklllt. Mull be at~t 25 Medlc:al We NII rec:Ond., guar $281 552 35 'i yra old, prel married. No E1tparltnc:ad Bac:k Office apl)ltancft. 549-3077 Sac:rilleel Oec:or. m1t1•e-•• • 86 "5" RCA color TV In ma-#1,.,~ln/ MUI FlllT .. llllm" II LIST e12xperp•• nec676 ... _16.57Awtv '" Anlitant with llmlted X· I llY a-••-s 1tudlo c~h. new, ott For .. 1e contents ol smlll pie cab. works grHt. ~ffll 1111 Stir w/Newport Bc:h Pretty gray f9m8le .Tiger NI, Ray permit need ed l"n.-"'1hlte linen. S1~/obo. atoreroom. 419 Main "St. S 1 5 O or b • t o Ir . •••••••••••••••••••••• Exec, 1475 mo. 1at & l•ll•n• lt•l•I 4411 cat, tongtM ""· ttvei on IUm1 4_ 12PM. Mon·Frl. Call Lea 957·8133 875·8-s85 (Iv m~ Back or mallbo1t a1111on 845-1817 1981 Yamaha SR 185 cc. , ... =~wanted ~~~i;;1;;·2·f :;;: ~~~~~;·, En':,r:,: :.:-:<>~ 8:30-9:30 H~l~~ ::,IQ. Wht. 1 u ut!:c'm!''S\;~1:1~~.:~ ~ .... Y ~~1ec:1':!•;;~~ A~= i:r '*~ =~ :~,~~~:5o~~~· N/etrllght, non·1mkr. '\,. ~:e~;',' car Huntington . PIM· .......... ••• -, _____ ao _a.;._·-----1 I 125. 497-5085 brUI baker'• reek, l200. Items', "'gr'•'-•t' ,·-or"' g-1t'"11. $249. 979-2516 '71 BMW A60 w/ahlald, t250 + 'A utll1. Dys gar~ . .. call 964-0332 alt. 8. -----•llT • t I r I 540.()904 Open Kotter, good cond. MUii 842-5448, aft 6pm Booth rentall, very rM19-'"I EXPERIENCED -f0t OR· 8 J ·.·~a.-~•• 12--,..---p-.-.. ~--s-,--.._..-1-.1 Fri Nov 28th. l0-3 llLll n llO H ll. L .. avlng for Otr· 842-5820 ntbla. Min ion Viejo. Male Cocker Spaniel, Loo .. ng to add 10 our THOPEDIC SURGERY -'"""'" ..,..,_ .... .,... l8Ch d/:y until all told. ll4-IU2 m • n y . S 9 7 5 . P I P 837-4897 blond. Colta M .... Daya staff. 1 offlca. Non·tmkr. Salaty 1125. 541-2335 Gbotoodh. !~ .. ~~82 · S30 HO·l5 3· 760·0905 Lovely twnhme. H~ I. ' rl. I 9 6'6 . 2 8 4 2 : e v • 1 & hrs open. S4().437t. ~... Full li:red Zebra Skin. Ex-Sony CFS·7. amllm II•· ,74 Hondl 750 molorcy· Harbour. Rellable. a ••t • 988-8557. ~a~:~P•:J.:~l eneed _ • I --TS WUherDt -~ S1125 H. Wlllle & chrome eontemp. eel 1peclmen. $500 or reo c:autcorder. Like c:le, e1tc:ellent condl110n, Mo. 840-7960 IHIU fSOO ---------• _... 15-attwUher 100 bdrm set wldesk, xlnl olr new. Cost 1250, sell low ml._. 842•2290 _R_oo_m_m_a-te_w_a_n-te-d-.-m-a--1 •••••••••••••••••••••• Loll: Whit• toy male Expr only 842-4780 Refrlg 1200 848-5844 c:ond. SIOO 955·2200 ' 54a.9482 • $185 675-.8497 ..... $750 up. 2180 It. lndu· pOOdle. 11 yrs. Ndt med.. • Several Aaalatanl1 , •---------·•---------"'70 .. ,,....D .. 750K 1ura. rnponllble ptr$Ol'I s1rial • Otflc:e. 18101 .,_ Broadway nr Or1nga. lf1• •lllUI REFRIGERATOR 0 bed J 1. ""'"' " to there llvlng ex,,_._ ""'" c R 83 R "'"·--'le s Froet free, 2 dr. 1165 If--~ •-•n ueen w1ter ' •P•· .,,, I ll•n•• 10.000t<. •11. c:ono ,......__ dondo Clrc:le, p & T M. eward. 1·6249 lc:tlard""""' lie alon Variety ol duties lnclu· -..,, nesa Futon, 8' c:onl table $ •50 ., ... '"221 on B1lbo1 Penlntull. Huntingtot'I . Beach. or 548-2778 200 N-port Center Dr. di~ bookkeeping, pay. 893·9060 c;,; ••••••••••••••• & wind ate. 631·8758 ~8'A!f!NI .__,,_ .. ____ .......... __ _ . ~17~~~~~ :~~.ulila.) Call 842-2834. Lost· R-lrd lor Female ____ N_._B_. ____ , roll. AJP, AIR. phonff, Tboatt,.l,b•poMwle•rowr .•.ve,,,vn•~I.•·. • ••• ~ ••• !!!........... Lift ULL•I ::.;,;.i ······:··iiii ·~r~ s~.cQrid .• ..:.:.::....:.:::~:.:.:_:::_ ___ ll<s;::tor:::..,....-::--:-.. ::a::rd;-,--;,;:en::..-..:::;;--, -:n::"lr •ustralian Shep B-n, C'eat SI Bon ..... .,.. typing & misc:. Nwpt Bc:h • -• ·~·~ u~~ ~ ..... ~ ......... 50 X b"lk, whl. 650-15'"" ·-~-·• office. 875-el10. $250, ........ 1•53 n•• --Bouquets Of 30 Helium •••••••••••••••••••••• 846-3806 • M to sllr 3 bt houee, must .,_""' • .., .._ ...., l'/T v.rut• m/f to WOtk 1 _________ 1 ___ ...,_._ .. ____ --• Balloon• delivered any-ua• fill .. ~,:7':83~oe.r8.t 150 II. $225 mo. Larger Found female husky type In our bakeries. French PAIT Tm Aefrlg, Hotpolnl, 16 c:u 11, Ewry Sundey, lam-3pm. lime 873-4419 FOR SALE '80 YAM 650 Spacial. Im-area .,.,,. avail d 1 1 1 B 1 speaking prel but 1101 E-s and/or ___,_end•. super c:lein, harvHt Orange Coaaf COiiege. 642-"64". M·F. g.5 m1c: cond. Low ml, ..,.. · og n rv ne. • ge, n~ Call 875 0728 alt ·• ....,. Fairview & •rllnf.ton, Smft .. "-one ,_, .. _, $1""'5."" ••"'737'2 Ammta to stir NB hM w/3 549·8181, 720-14"4 white. 660-3740 ...... • Aalf>Onaible lldutt1. OVW' gold. 1235 720-1146 " " ""' ,,...._.,,_ ... ... .... ,....,.. others. Own rm, 1 blk 10 l':".::7:--~---:-:---1..:::.:.:.::.::..=:..:..:...:.:::_ ___ 1 2prn Hk lor Scott or 2 l, with OUIStanding 81• •-'---------Colla M ... Adm Mlon manual, porlable, w/ II, ll•iawaMn Honda 1970 Trail 90 un· be a c: h . s 2 7 51 m 0 . 2500 sq, It. near Hoag Fou.nd: Mesa Verda arH, Greg tractive per1onalilles 10 Portable Ditllwaahtr. lree to buyers. Seller c:aM $50/obo. 848·9194 i.tftn 1111 der 4000 ml. Needs 'iune 84s-4809 Ho1p. eeparate office & 11·21·82, small dog. no $40 Reservatlon1/ lnlo. • re11room. $900/mo. t • g a . 5 5 8 . 3 9 6 7 • ........ ,, llttwl work with youth (agea 556-0535 558-5880 PINBALL MACHINE. 2 MARiNE.ELECT~fCIA•N• up, to cheap Pflet only New penthouse. Catalina Automotive ok. Bkr 545•6674 State llc'd & bondod ~~2~:~2 ~•II ~·6:f4~· •--------,,-.-~~~~~~~~~~I player, 1tlnt Rblt. Sac:rl· Oetign/lnstall/Repalr $295. Call 1nytlme view, close to bch H.B. 645-8266 1-F--------..1 egency Must be 20. own E 0 E · ex ~!!r.J!! •.•.•..•..•.•• Saturday, Nov 27• Hard-flee, 1275, 536--7711 Oliy wor11. 5"9•2520 Ev 546-7127. Ken, Adam or PV1 ent & bath ... ,_,, utlla 1----------1 ound male Cocker Spa-treria. 2 vra c:olfene or, __ . -·-·-------! F c Chris • ...,,., 2400 aq fl. $720/mo. 17th. nlel vie. Costa MtH. 1 • ... New men1 10 IC>d Colum· bkk & peperbac* boolca or sale Irvine out CC N _i_nc1_d._536-o __ 7_94_. ___ &Plaeentl1,Cos1a Meu. Daya 988•2842. eves related upr req, C•ll Plant Mfvlct need• hou· bt• bllte RIO $180 Mii lpian1s.9-3pm.2142B golf 'member1hl 0 P $;~! !~!:~'\'~~_! '70 Harley Davidson M/F stir c:asu•I 11ew du-846·1164 966-8557 645-3746 Hplant malnt. worker, $120. 545.3110 or Orange Av GREAT CHRISTMAS nor boal wuing mon-Spor11ter Nd• work. Pie~. E/Sldt C.M. Back 1:-:::::-~-::--:-::::-:-:-:---:-:-1...:~..:.:..:.:.. ______ jCleflc:al PI T• t • P · he IP f u I. 842-0480 GIFT evte 84().4082 .. 1' h d 'S $600/bat ofr 538-7711 1100 sq ft. office & ware-Found: Preac:rlptlon glat· 548 5022 Th1nk1glvlng Garage • '" Y was • own. teve • yd ' p a t I 0 . s 2 2 5 . hOUM, ••II loc, So S.A. Mt. Metal framea lrvlne n ITIOI 01111111 ...__·_______ a ...... ........ ... s •I•. TA EA s u A Es. Garden ec:c:as: whlbarrow. 675·8735 (Ive rr)IQ) --1-97.7 H.ondJ 550 Super _84_2_-204 __ 5 _____ ,_1 1648 Minnie St. CIOM to A"• n r b 1 ck b • Y. llml ... IP/TIME. Ideal lor m11ure 3 apd, xlnt eond, $ lllO. Furn., kllcll, antiques. raktl. shovels, weadl IJNt Ii Hfl Sport. orig. mint oond .. Shr lrg home or condo, 55 & 405 Fwys. 648-7612 873-1370 need• experienced becll per1on with c:liln Rob· 842·46'18 or 83l·5785 c:at'ldle molds, delll, pool Hier, S6D takH all •••• !, •• !!'!~••••••••• 11700 833·1937 111 last deposit u1111 .• 1 I office employ ... Mu1tL.:bl.::."::':...· 6:.7:.:s-:..~::::.1::9:.:1 ____ 1-:=-:;;;::~;::-;;:;::;;;:-;=-table, camera •C 851-1241 IC1autc: 18' Lapttrak• 79 Honda X.LSOO. 1dn1, 966-8479, 662·2«9. 111u• fSJ Found: Alghtn Hound. have lyplnn IPHd ol 10 SPEED BIKE 19" Toya, ctothea. 9'C Flal bed metal...,.,..., Cerltu~bay boat. 4 cyl, $750 080! ---------1 •••••••••••••••••••••• Costa Me11 Call to • Green mutt ... lmmed Chf'lttm t m 384 La v_, F nlsmkr to thr 3 br. 2•.+ Storage Space 12' • 11' Identify. 543--4654 50-IO wpm Early hour• P/TlllE ••• •1 ISO. e1s.9282 an eprn~ · u 1 u 125 Grey. 500. 675-elll 840-8353 ba C.M. $335 incl. utll. + 36" door. 170/mo plus & good benefits. N.B. --.& Perle Pl .. C.M. (Neer 111111 831-1241 74 CaOtornlan, all fiber· $ 00 d 553 8388 $ 7 0 d I' Lo.t Gr a d ta t Call 644-5570 (Pal) Sup""---t ""''r Income Scl'IWlnn, 22", 10 .___.., & Tustin). 1i-,$ 'rl. 8:30 ---------• ,,.,., ........ 't 1 ep. • , aec:. • P oa . · _ •Y n n ype 1 _________ 1 ...... ,_, ·--_..... to 11 Sat & "'·-. ··1.-11.•H•I gla11. 10 w/Chevy Eng. • 631·5814 673-4 154. Newport Shepherd with red collar. by doing lntere1llng Good Condition _., ,_.,_ \/ T 11 d lta~'lltt~ Ill CLERK t..._h ..... ........ ••5 .... "1"" -.. ~ "'I an1an ,. er. roo Beach. • Lelt leg lnfur1d. RE-•-.-one """" on ~ · -·· .... M1 ....... WatlllnQ MIC:ttlne """ ... ::i ones 117" ..... ••••• ••••• ••••••••• Secluded condo. Nwpt WARD. 960-0710 · bell 11 I Ion 1 •---------••-. , f ru c: • · ,..,,, Outdoor Storage. Boat1. Terrace, furn. 2br/2ba, Storage Yatd, paved. fen-I E11pandl119 Newpt Bch pan~ .. ~ F~~~•Y' A~f.':: Catlr•t I • ~~:,;,:·~~~ ~!i,,:.-: ••••H•••••••••••••••• :~~11 147-5886 or tr1lle<1 • or wha1 have pvt fie. $340 + sec. ced. 90' x 2~5'. Truck llllll m Credit Card Co. hn noons & Weekends. ..._,_..., .. c:halrt m . Triple er.-WllTll "iiiiiiii.iiiiiiiiii~-=you~.~:---;--=--:--842·9545 i•tff, can di de. Baker Blac:ll and tan. Lot1 Beck opening for a clerical 14/hr guar. + lucrative •• ~':"'-"'-.•••••••••••• .., w/rf'Mr« 150. Mlec: WAADf'OBE CLOSET Ill <.. i.iftn I. 3Br. I Ba hse 10 thr, C.M. t. C.M. (619) 365-4327 Bay 11 ... 5"6-9805 pereon Mutt t~ 45 to bonut Incentive pr09-Canon AIEI wnen-& all llemt. 15•125. Fri/Sat IYltabte for bedroom 24 It SKIPJACK 1o11llt , 'Ull Frplc' I" yd. non·tmkr. F 50 WPM accurately. e rems. Sales E>Cpet. Pref. accae lftetct. Neller uMd .. 4 3147 .. ~-..... Or STEREO RACK T'Mn Votwa $15,000 I A#nNrin Hll 1250mo•.631-o50.3 l•1ia111 'l•ml' ound : Bleck Lab, month• to 1 ~office but wltl train the right Cate lnc:I . 1525. •· · _,.,...., torc:om-tt "3-8477 "••••••••••••••••••••• I' I 1'h-2yrs old, neut. malt. exper. required. Contact per1on. For lntervlaw.-~979-2519, -M"8 \/'"'9. 540-1324. 1~~~~~~,,...~·~~·~~~~r.~~~~~~~r:AINT· & llte body WOl'll. ----• tla•atf Irvine arH. Sliver choke "-·--u -THANKSGIVING Hif-0332 alt. 8 up to 50% off your •t. '.ltat.U W••IN 411$ •••••••••••••••••••••• chain. 831.9284 ev. W .,..._, .....,.,, ttlru Fri Call Mr. Patteraon al Jason utronomlcal t•· 3• Egg Harbor 1port· 8111842-0lOO/Hif--0332 flm or bac:helorette for •-'•alt. Sllf Found Parah•' Balboa lll-l• & ext1H. IHI• new, ap. Fri/Sat t-4. 22' 8*11• Need Driftwood. Witt pay 186.000, P P Call Mlac. hit" P'tformMea & •••••••••••••••••••••• J..J.,,, l·-8-A~Miitioi4~:30~iPM~.-·r54~S-~~~7~7~1~~~~~il acope, 40-400X, + lrlpOd BAAGAIN811 HELP! llther • bristol cond .. work retreat. $150 mo. •••"'r.;; ••• ;'••••••••1 PenlnlUla. Call, identify. .. Ill Ila IUL llTITI UUI pro• vlllUa 1250. a bar· Chrlatmu 8-11que e..e c:Uh 631•3570 556-0110 oY. 844-4229 11ock Mu1tang part1. or le11. 731·5157 o r WllTll Alter 3 PM 875·54if9 ••• 111:__ Well located Penln1Ula pin et $150. 875-411f Fri/Set. 510 Pierpont Or. -.::::;::;------~~evMIWtl~~~nd~•·~----1_:54~5-~8~5~51~---- 831·3537 ••n ......... Lott. REWARD HO. Sit-~=,~~e>;.~.~= office l\al open detll I« 35mm Mamly1 camere Hornamade Item• & dr• .... ., 17' Botton Bey Pecker. Mlle HIGH PERFORMAN-,., .... /11 Ital f1H m a•• f • m c 1 t . Able to cook M*"9artn, llc'd aggre11lve HIH w/50, 28 & 200mm Ian· wing ... hOur. ,.,,,..,,.,, _, Bay boat. Fbrglt, lnbrd. 'CE & Stoc:tc Mullane i:::.11o-.-·•••••••••••••• to help fund eJtc:ltlng ,_ 10th/ Irv In• C (i!. C 8 and rental ptrlOI\. Oen· "'· + 2X & carrying '·~---,-,_-,_-.-,_-.,---, ••••••••••••••••••••• ·111•11••il•ii•li•il••ii•ii•1~M:_lll~e~o~t::r.~84~2:-1'.!2~34:_ _ _i_~P"1~•~·,:5':5-86~~51~---1Eutalde Colt• M .... 12 x ltd. P•flnerlhlp. Call for 548-0362 •ntontH, zechwan eroua commlMlon ldl9-11115 875-4119 • _. -r.u~ 1" 12 x 28. $95/mo. 329 lnformellori. Mr. Hltt.1---------1 ttyla. 17.50 hr. 40 hour d I Pl A E caM, · 0••••••••••••• ••1••• YAMAHA la1a Amp. 1975 24 f1 Relntll Hard-.f ,,, ~ •-'- Unlvettlty. 848-1184 7141861-1008 Lost: Black Khten, 7 wk1 weak. Job 1lte Cotta 873,.~eOo a ya ' ' C.Mon Zoom teltpfloto, ;rage Sala, 'rll all Head wltll a dout>te tS" top. Tandem trailer Ford 8 ._ - ---....:..-----11----------' w/green collar w/ball. Mttl. Sand tfltl ed *"'~~~~~~~~~! lent, Auto Wlnde<, trl· ~t:;.:~ =q~'. PV .,,..er c:ablnal Al \18 110, flllllflnOaf, depttl ••IMPOATANTNOTICE•• 011Jn IMlal Hll Need ln1191tor or partri•J Bllboa 11Unc1. Ruby St your'"""" to Job noi: pod a mlic fllttr1 l830 In Hcaltant condlllon. eoundar. Ship to thora, TO READERS AND ...................... for small Motet In New-AEWAAO. 67S.34S11 8-3815 PO loJt 181.02 AECEPTIOH18T-TYPIST • l•I IOl3 CarctlMI. "" Vly MQOobo, "* meter. too gal gel AOVIERTISEAS •111.1 MftlO FAlffllllEE RENT* m.:o~t. 6-42-1087 or :-,-0-u-n-d.-A-fg_h_a_n_H_o_un-d-,-1 Lot Anoalat 90015 ~·~~m .. ~~~1:30 . .___ It • !!fl ••a•l-fM ,,.,, .... Tl, ,.... tank. Sleapa 6 . E•1re The price of Items H· · Blk ••a1t "'-t ....... h c-.... f ft lime at e .._ __ ·....:..·"~-------•Pl'll' •" ••••~"'•••••••••••••• • canv11, etc. 19,000 .-.__.. .... llahlCla cfea.. 1 room to 2800 aq. 11. l•N•l•••I Sch;01. · H.:"c~t.;,. ;:,;-.~ tatnt'; .~ IUTlllllT ••••••••••••••••• •••• IAT 9~. IUN 1.4 at F«lCler 8etaman Amp 857-1445 t;;";i.,;'va111c1e claul· From 11.10 • eq. fl. Adj. ~ n--' ••11 54M73'4 for 1mall ratlrement f 1 _.., -• -17332 YOHml1aCt. toOf 100 -•J4)t2" ....... IC .. --,., "~t, 32' Mon-fled advert..._ C01umna Alrporter Inn & Frwy1. iM ._t. ~ ul /time, experienced c----a Win*/ IE of S9'lllgdala -•• _.. • ., ,,.._ .._30' ,._ d t -,.., I .. Cell AM 833-3223 ••• ~••,•••••~··•••••• 1_F_o_u-nd_S_c:_h_n_e_u_ze_r_1y_p_a·' home, ""'" be able to waltr ... /Wtlltara & bu• Sweat. loving Cotllt & Surfbrd, •kl eqpt. pwr ••new, 25. He-6128 teray • Early t __. OH no nc Yv• any 8 I ff .. P1ay nr~!t' ~ ~nd dog H 8 CMe Canter work ~eFndalnlfon ~~ par1ont. Apply : The S~d mix adult ,._ tools, etec: OfOefl, balen-P9'lay Electric G\lllar f« enttr1ain1n9&1 ~ ~.~-:,• .• ,r:c--"an"~ I 17 Wt1tc: I .... B. 258 Pff ...,..., • .,.... 1..-.v a MiBniin' ltl<>f1 haircut' gune __.. .. « . ..._ 8eec:tlhouee, 819 Slee9Y male needl JtOOd home. ce beam, Clothea, mlac. 1150, haadM, wet-~ .. ~---.... ,...--.... ..;:._ 10 4000 eq. fl, 1pl. floor. lor '79. '80, '81 lllltl. He-4222• ' 494·9458 Alll for Mt1, Hollow Lane, Laguna Moving • can't 1811e tier, Ceaf1 «lly .,.2•1731 ga. uat ...., • moving ,..,argea. ._ -r.-Agent 541·5032 • $100,000 wtlte off, I 1, Colfna lleecfl. ....._ Mii 842-0100 or ouc of 11ate. Neecta..,,.. 111tto• con I rot device ---------• 000 down. 400% return Loll: Fem. Perllan lhor· Hif.0032. 1n1ft Etectrlc ct .. 16cel Guitar, work • price raducect. cerllflcatlon1 Of e1 .. 1er Airport ., .. • E•ec:. Sul· wrnty. Hurryl 631-9111 their, peach color, amber •••••••••• .. •••••••••• Tallarnlna. 1271. C 111 co 11 e ct ( 2 I 3) documentary prepare· ••· From 225-460 eq. 11. •re• an1wer1 to Sam/ Ill OPPORTUNITIES !II ... .._..t'--•t• 2 ... F cet, c!!'.f.~!!!..~~". 142-1731 414.0tOO o"1!~."""!!!,u,.~ .. b~ 11 per lq. It. 11.4any xtru. S25K buys my houH & Samin1he Vic F•nan· "',_"'" ,. _... .--· ,,_ -,,...., .... -..., ' Cell 557-7010 car. 5Br 3Ba 2.·aty Mall. 00 &~ · N 1 · ..._.,d wlllta wlblacll apota. tempa, eofe. love ... ,, Olbaon Iona• llO Oelu11t '3'1" Boaton WMtart. 1 the ach9rtlear ---------1 hm. •215K '"""'· 11931( · · • IN --1-1••2-ell I ,,._ ... _ -good w/new motor 1 4()().900 PLUS 1400 eq. ft. loan. '50 RRBentlay. 875-• 846-3252 -~ _. ... .,.. OC18fO"al n 111 'oom .__ -· •In\ 13200 I IHOO. Alt= Pentnouaa a.ytron1 Sut-B ot 11 JI 1 n t c: on d . Electronics I CGmmllications ~PPIH, 7 ••. 10 ect •14 gotct uplloll Ill beall l42·l7'l 142-HH. 873-HOI. ta. parklno. patlo1. 11533-4242 ,,,,,.,,, , 11" llOfne w/'191d. cflen. Jee, refrlt, mltO IUOI T9'0MBONE ·--or 875-Gl47. MM 873-1* ~~········"-·········· ........... You Liil• To. • • Nt-7111 ligtlllng, "*" llllndl. etc. .... Of.,. fOr lute -................. r.-.-;; ...... -~!f.!!.ffl! •. /!ff ::~~~~L ~:.~''· • Lffm A N.w Sklll 11 month• old OrHt ~~:~e~:::'~1"1u~~= After I p.m. 132-1719 .. ~ ... , ~ ~l~upa 1 Attrec:1Ne ruetlc upece1r9 A E. LOANS, 11t-3rd, love. marriage & bUll· • Dtwlotl ~Ip Dana. LI twown. frlandlV, TrM Ln ... 11-1,7 M . Oerneln.'Wdl f'lacOto. lo-..... W coupH. 4 to OhOOH letting. Wa auppty dtlk, 90~. c:omm'I. conetr. neaa. Alto COUflMllng. • MA•,._ l'n.ndl IOV98 lllcta. ll0-7113 • ltd...,., NGO 090 ... -;:;;m ....... rnT froml (0017~~11 apece. copier. You aup. Fat f\lndlng. 843-1845 1815So. IEICarntnoAaal. : ~ r:~.~~:~ Life ,__,,_. W ... '!lf!!.fffd........ IM-1.. AEHAVI NOWI &O' AaOll). ~ et ply ptlofle, & lt5 Pf "'° ..__ hr ......... S.. Clem. 4t2·72tl ,..., ·-•· ;:eA9elie••••••••u.'U ...... IOIM Old, ,... .... :c110 .. onaWr • h Cllltlalmt ~· pr.-. Cell 844-1211. __ , ~· W ---..._.._ 0---......, twin tome MW .. .......... 1100.-.,,..6..... trlvt, at •• C -Or 1ooner. Now ,, the FAMOUS CIC • ""91' • • • rn.:;:::. c=zl... ":'!;... . 119 w. letiioe ~ N.I '. ...... ---,.,. .. ate:. 841-400I llllTlfll time to act Whlla loan1 • t:Jct-.lll'rlt ~r (.)pportunlllft fw H 8 .,...... """"'"" ...., .... O • ... AMf •••• , ... .,. evell. We~ let. u ... ..z.......... Oraduel9 II# .... wltft1 .... 1711 I t•av, 27• H . 1 to os. vo. • .-........ 1'.r.'1 .... WI W. Wltll UM Of reception. 2nd. 3fct TD'•· ZENITH RNlllllA -• ~hr""°'*' With "° -.... ...... ..... -...... AKC ToY POOdlll ""9f, ....... l"G" ....... l'm'I' oonf room, llltdl, pllone, FUNDING. Ar1 867·1422 Mlt .... .-erlor Qor-Mlllwy 1111,.,.._ ble. toOd oonct. 171, r.'R'ff'•••H••••••u.ll HIOfolf, ITfi.;11. or C~ t1eo11"1\IJ._~ Mef9terlel & worct "~ -Wuw w ~ tfrtl to_,,. you. • ,._ 17 Oft prter '° IS1h blnhcay · 14Wm A191111r9CI au.....,_ f31.tlll °' 147..oal _,.a::;:' ~Mell & m !::': ~...,··•'•••·:~::;;"Hf.... AM./°'" tO AM unlit 4 • ~ ror Prior S...W. DllK. Miid WOOd, OOod ~ · ~J' • :::,· ..._,=:-...,.. ... ~. ,.:..,~ -• Nyel WMI! ,,_ llidlYlduall __,.,I drwf, 1111 Of-·tr • ti& A • I Mia. "9cll mf -.a, cteelred.-.-: • .... cieplt.i '°' Mtlllon buffet. 7tl No. HetbOf SOUND ... tH-nu ...-n.llntdl1PD1"lcn. Mil . NMIM Cal H •""-oi. Xlftl .• llut1l• IF Clua1•1 I P'81 •"· ..... oer. ano. 111191-1711 71417f0.01 D 0 11. r v. n t II r. llVCI ~ •..:: IHTDIBTING '!?" anoo. 117-lllP C•ft· .. I N ' I. CA&&. TODAY t79·7J6J ltngle No11vHu led & ...,. "'II to tood Mme: ,.. con ... P 11• 411wpor .-1111..... 714°730-tl41 r1WM111 1 ~ a:ao ao ......,... _. ,11 .. a..., IMle IWNft ........,,. leooft f'llOOfllll. IN.GOO ~. mOdll A ·11 • ..., NI ..-. rc.-p yow or IM 1111 AU MAJOft CMDIT UCM\' iai:.':i~l·"'·) •· ,Cllf,..,,., M .... b .. Great .. , ... , ... C•" 090....... ~· AH••••· ..,. a.~ :r:a•• 2:: ,,., CAN>I ACCll'TID ,m=== HO .... M*. M.... DIMIOftll i:: Ton, • ...,, • , ..... ""'..... ~·;,.:.:,':,-::: · ,,.. tlllitt 111a • ILll r..: • ~ ..... 1~,... ...,... ""'NO'" 1.-AN11L1 . ... • .... ...., 1• ~-.,._ ....... "" ~t ..... :ro: .. . . ........ r.;n ... .... 2611 ... ...... I .. from . ...... I .... , ......... -...... ........ • ........ AHO c .. • "°· t4, Nt4111 •'4 •IHll TMAT .,,.._-· • TO /1 c..~~ ' Ion t o on d I t 0 0 . I 1 I • I 1 I I ti r • . pur..,11d1. no ,....,., ~ --tn447' Oft I aeo.ooo Int TD. P""'9 , ...... ,,........ "' lllO l?S.MOO ., ..... .., ' • ".'.. • ' •.• ,,I a.' •l'A'A -fi --• ..... ........ ,., ..,. OoNn front P'°"''Y· prtv.oy or roui;i=" . ft; ... ,., drn ti , ... ™ 1•tc YOIOw ... , .. 11.... m ...... ' M Ei .... .... to ...., °""'"8d edldo 111· 1170 ev.e, wttnd• oMoe 0t Doll. .,. , w .. t. . .1 D.,IJ ~9, • '"""" 1 J!'M'! .,"d wt.•• JOU "'°"' "' .'!."!'.!.!!'O•.__.. • ... _l!I. -· ...... .....,,., lllM11da. toe ...... 111 Giit TIM~ -_ .......... __ ....... ----,_ -. .. i Orange Coa1t DAILY PILOT /Thur1day, November H , 1111 f1•1h IUI ..............•..•.... Toyota '70. AM/FM Ste· reo cauette. Small camper ahell $2175. 073-0618 • Top Dolar l P.aid ATLAS CHIYSUR-PL YMOUTH 2929 Harbor Blvd .. Costa MeM.. Tel. ~934. 3 blocks IOIJth of San Diego Freeway off Hert>or Blvd. Comple•' bOdy ahop. Sales. Setvlce. Pana. Service Dept. open Monday thru Friday 7 :30 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. and I A.M. to 5 P.M. on Saturday. HACH NOUS . 141 Oo"9 Stl'Mt, Newport BMctl. Tel 752-otlOO. c.11 ar.- we're the apedali.ta fOf Alf• Romeo, P9ugeot, 8Mb & Maaereti. THIODOH IOllMS POID Modem ...... eervlce. parta. body, s-int & tire detltt. Competitive rataa on 1 .... & c:::"tllls. 2080 HartMw BMS., Cotta M .... 642-<>010 or 11. JOHMsOM & SOM &.9COLM MmC•Y 2t29 Harbor Blvd .. Costa Maaa. Tel. 540 II•. 11 YWI of friendly family Hrvlce -Orange Couflty't Oldeet Lin· COin-Mercury dealerat'tlp. • MIWPOIT W'Olfl a1oo~w. Coaat H1g"w1y, Newport IH•"· Tel. &42·~1540-1714 rne '""" .....,.,.,., i n 'Jt4Nf l. 'q f'.. ~ , 4il} If,, , - MATCH THE NUMIERS ON THE MAP WITH THE NUMIERS IN THE IOXES NIWPOllT DATSUN 881 Dov• Str.-t, Newport BMch. Tel. 133-1300. At the triangle of J.mbor•. M~rthUr I Bristo! beNnd Victoria Station. Salee. Service. Leulno I Parts. W• make grMt delltll • MAIMS CADILLAC 2IOO Harbor Blvd .. Costa Mela. Tel. 540-9100. Oraftfe County's Largffl Cadillac dNler Salee. s.tvlee. L .... Ing. • IADDLllACI IMW/IUIAIU 28402 M1r9uerlle Pkwy., AYsy flkwy. •It Vtll offer What no ben" or I• ... compeny can: 1. IJCplrtly ...,._, moet modern aervlce & pertt dapt : I. OM Of the loultQnd's most npertenceel ..,. l leMinQ ltlft; S. llllftnetlon of the mfCldlemln by INllng dNler dlfeae. 131 ·2040 MISllOn Ylljo -•• • CHICI IYlllOM POUaaA-.YW 411 E. Co•t Hwy., N--= ...,._, 17HIOO. •TM one, ....,.,,,P '" Oranee 1y wttti tt1111 tti,.. ,,... ,....Und«OMreofl ••-••••w ,. ................ Ttl.t--.. ttrlAl~v;.. X:.:-..,.. _ ,..,,, .... Oft ...... '"' i ... "' IOI LOMGPll PONTIAC 13800 Beach Blvd . Westminster Tel. 192-e651. Orange County s oldest and largest Pontiac dealership S...., S.rvtce. Parts DICIC MILUI flATILANCIA "Probably the IOweat prloed Fleta fn-Southern Cdtomla" (Located 1 mle north of South Coeat Plua Mar Main St. and W9"Wlf Ave. In Santa Ana.) 120 W. Wetnflt, Santa Ana 5&7·2132 • I SANTA AMA DATSUN 2001 E. 17th Street. Santa Ana. Tel. 551-7111 Your Orig!MI Dedlcatad Datsun Dealer. MllACUMAJDA We've "*'9dl Our new location It 1411 Beller llrMI, 001111 Mlle. Tll 141-1114. ltop by I Wllft our modlrn ltlowroom and ... why we're the t1 Mmdl dHler"' louthern Cellfoml• S•'"· SeMoe. Pertl end L"'6ng. CIRMllR D1LILMt WVllOUT .,........, ..... ~, 1anllllll .......... ,11nllllll .... • ""' ..... LAlllM.. ,.,. ..... 0....., IM -M Hl1lt lnWIMOIWI MT.el? t ewa111 .... .., ... , ... .... _.. ..... ~ .... . ., ....... ~==1iz: ...... .... ......... .. •t ......... ... .................. .. .... • COSTA ..SA DATSUN 2145 Harbor Blvd .. Costa MN. Tel. 54CH4t0. Setvlng Orange County for HI years. 1 Mlle So. 405. SUMSIT .OU, IMC. ' (Hof'N of Wiiiie the Whale~ 5440 Garden Glove Blvd., W.tmlnatef. Tel. &»4010. IOY CAlftalOU.I~ tl40 Jembol'M ...... ....,_. lleafl. MO ltU ...... llMol. fllerta Aftct LMllftl. GIFT GUIDE tJ82 EUREKA CANISTER VACUUM • I 2 Pea~ HP Motor • TOOi P.t~ tOOI c.uucr • E dQf' & COIOl"I ... ~llt'f • taioe c.11>4c11y d•SPO!W!llle \ • du51 IMO N0••79•• F.c1ory LtsfS109 95 lntroduciftg .the • c mighty miteTM vacuum cleaner -.BY EUREKA Light Weight DELUXE SET OF 8 VERSATILE CLEANING AnACHMENTS INCLUOE01 e Wo!h !'iO' l ·.t1 t SucllOll Powe• THE FULL-POWERED, TOP PERFORMANCE COMPACT VAC! New mighty mite "1s the "contemporary" vacuum cleaner ... 1ts compact size and powerful motor are ideal tor cleaning apartments, condos, summer homes and more. Easy to handle with t.arge smooth· rolling wheels, 20' power cord, and extra long suction hose. Stands on end tor convenient storage. Complete with I-piece tool Mtl Introductory Price MODEL 3120 ' As Seen On T.Y. s \ I • Onlr 12\t Liie • o. .. •A• N•P' aclt""' IUCh011 ........ , ........ • Ao1utt l ·-••on ....,Cllt • • Yill!a G1oome1· 1111 .. ,11c1 b;lr 9111 ck'tll 1111w11 tin I • .a ro..-1)1.ll A NJt1' •, Al19l1I ~tlltqhl e Cw o .. ,...,. WO to N-•0 • l•'-'•-lwlll<ICeleO "'°'"' NOW •• ,.. ... _,,• 129•• Fec:tory iOl.tl ,__, Liit S 1n 95 ..•••• ,,.. ... , ••. 382M~AV9. Corona del M• 871-3111 ·~ ........ ~, ........ ._. ............... .... ·-··--· ·••·· YOUll CMOICI •actofY L•ll SJ 11 H ., • ' .:~ --.JI..-'7< Otte.rent-A Monthly Magazine of the Orange Coast/Thursday.November 25, 1982 -3 Yours I Shop with us for Christmas. Make your Holiday shopping an adventure, di8covering our many boutiques and • galleries from around the world. With an exceptional choice of continental restaurants, your dining experience becomes an affair to remember. Sunflower & Bear St., Santa Ana • . . --- I • ----~ . ,, .... --~ ---~ 4 -Current-A Monthly Magazine of the Orange Cout/Thur~.~ber 2~.1'82 Holiday giving reflects the love and good cheer of the season. It's a manifestation of all the liner points in the human character -kindness. generosity, compassion. affection. A holiday gilt communicates to someone· special a measure of personal warmth and apprec1at1on. Proverbs tells us a gift's size has no bearing on its true worth Nevertheless, each season finds us searching out new and sometimes exotic gifts to present In t'1e spirit of adventure and tun. Chances are the toaster you bought mom last year still functions, andi>dad can't possibly hi any more socks into his top drawer. Wtth this in mind, Current magazine this month brings you "Gift Guide," a handbOOk to holiday shopping along the Orange Coast. In the following pages you will find helpful stones and illustrations designed to make this year's g1fllf)g pursuits the most joyous and rewarding ever. Browse at your leisure through its pages. then browse through the aisles with confidence. · Antique or Junque . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... .. . .. ..... .. . .. . ........ .. .. . ... .. . ... .. .... . page 36 Bacl<yard Gardener ................... ~ ................................................. page 16 Calendar ..................•........ '. ....................................... page 20 & 21 Cameras .................................................................................. :-page 18 Christmas Cards . . .. . . . . . .. .. . .. . . .. . .. .. . .. .. ... . . . . .. ... . .. . .. .. .. . .... .. ...... .... . .... .. page 23 Christmas Recipes ... 1 ..................................................................... page 22 Cook of the Month ... ... .. ... . ........ .................... .... ... ... .. ............. page 8 Crossword ...... ... ... . . ....... ..... ....... ..... .. ... . ...... ..... ..... ...... ................... page 38 Gifts for the Handicapped .............................................................. page 15 Gift Containers .............................................. 1 ............................... ·page 11 Home of the Month ... .. .. ....... ... ........ .. .. ....... ... ............ ...... ......... .... page 31 Orange Coast Happenings ............................................................... page 6 Photo Facts . ......... .. . . .. ..... ....... ....... ..... .... . .. .. .... ... ..... .. ... ....... ..... ..... page 34 Pick a Pet . .. .. . . . .. .. ... .. .... .. .. .. ... ... .... .. .. . .. . . . ... . ... . ...... ... .. . .... ... .. . . .... .. page 26 Plants .... . ................................................................................. page"36 'l I t Holiday Gifts F• TUT IPEIW. Mii Men'a Tl'8dltlonal WNr • SUITS • SPO~T COATS •TIES • SLACKS • SHIRTS • BELTS •SWEATERS • LEA THEA GOODS • SHOES • PJ's •RAIN WEAR 8p1clel HalldaJ Qtft• From 110.00 to 125,000.00 . • ORIGINAL PAINTINGS Don't Miss Our Annual f ()pin HouSl, Sunday, , Dec. 5, From 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. J Scotch Talk .................................................................................. page 25 Spons Trivia .................................................................................. page 33 • LIMITED EDITON BRONZES Thru the Lens .. . . . .. ... . .... . . . . . .. . .. ... .. . ... . . .. .. . .. .. .. .. . . ..... .. ... . ... .. .. ... . ...... page 35 Toys .............................................................................. on, ........... r page 27 Turkey Hotline .............................................................................. page 28 Video Cassette Recorders ·············='······ ........................................ page 16 Video Games . . . . . . .. . . .. .. . .... ... .. .. . .. . . . . .... . ... .. . . .... .. ....... ... .. . . .. .. .. . . . ......... page 8 You and Your Money .................................................................... page 30 Wallcoverings ................................................................................ page 18 Wrapping Paper ............. : .............................................................. page 14 Santa afld Mrs. Claus have found a wel-fumished home at Roger's Gardena In Corona del Mar. Occupying just one of 15 llving Christmas tree vignettes, these ~ful dolls make excellent holiday. decorations. Roger's Gardens, at 2301 San Joaquin Hiiia Road (near MacArttiut Boulevard). this year preeents "Christmas Fantaay," an lndoof/outdoor holiday gift apectaculat. Each Friday through o.c.nber 17, lhoppef9 oan browte until 9 p.m. through cendlell gardens cw 1Cep Into a lhowroom of pr•arranged deccwatlve Iden. For the kldl a.nta "" vlllt the 09fdenl MCh Frklty from 7 to 9 p.m. Mom 8nd d9d wtll blNftt from holdly dlcOratlon ~held through Deoembal 19 at Aoglr'1 Glrdlna Md\ 8atutdly and SUnday at 2 p.m. • FINE COLLECTION OF PEWTER, BEER MUGS ANO STEINS • JEWELRY • BILLFOLDS •GAME SETS • WOOD CARVING •ANTIQUES Led ... ' Tr8CllttoMI w .. CHECK THE ATTIC SALE ROOM FOR UNBELIEVABLE SA\llNGS · ... n Wiill. Wii1J' Wlft_ .... ..,I Wi[j)JJfff cg 9J. 1199 Wii1»/iff WifiMfi5t Wi[f}J.JEST Wfi]}JJffi """' ...... . A U.O ......... a III AnasDt1t••5~ =NlnrV lnll "'~ and saids. Sins -~ ,...,n WifiMfi5t WillJJIEST WiWWESf B MICH• G 1WILUllQU I I ~ p!eated ~ trOIMrSln tavenOer Pint. kNld, gny or NNV Slzes7·~. J.., r19-Sll·SJO Mnl'OP~TBS crew and V·nedt llgtltwllght Ski sweat.-s wttn ...... ed cnes ano ~stripes, Slzes HH·XL 'f9 S2H•50 0 llOYS' OP COllO ltMTS WILIWITT c W1L7»Ji!ff WJJ !)\NI .~ I \NII nW1 ~-1 '..tV11 n'Wt SI W11nWt51 W111W1 ~r W11 nW1 -~ r e \J..;110W1 s r W11 /) 'J .s I You can't haY9 enougn of mew cotton/PofY cordurov pants from ocean Padflc.. 1n laflt blue. NNV. t~n. brown, off white. Sizes 25· so reo.us F JUMOltS' WOOL 9tnuulOI • ClaSSk snettand sweaters In t* tones of grev. red. ~tural or ~.Great fOf COOi fall we~her: Siles S·M·L WE PCXJCY salt prtcm lff«tM at • Wiii Mst StOreS DCll!f SF lay Area tnrougtl NOit. 21, 1912. ~ tflO'M'l ire ~Of tt1e Mlectlor1 In tnt~ categortls Not .. """' may be avallablt In• stcns snop ur1V tor best setletton. SOrrv. no ratncnects ... rf9 us .,.. ltMTl .... llAGI Sltlcted Stvlft al bg5 tAl1S at 25" savings. Sizes 25·!0. I> 6 -Current-A Monthly Magazine of the Orange Coast/Thurlday,November 25, 1982 C hristmas activities alo ng the Orange Coast are as festive as they are varied this vear. Canne ry Village Christmas Walk -On Sunday, Nov 28 the Cannery Village will have its 10th annual open house and antique market p lact!. The Christmas walk will feature 16 stores and will cover three streets. Items for sale will include antiques. Christmas ware. ornaments, clothes and jewelr y . Holiday treats will be served at each store a nd the walk will run from noon to 6 p.m. The Nutcracker -The timeless balle t, the Nutcrack er , will be performed by two groups this year. On Dec-. 6, 7 and 8, the UC Irvine Fine Arts Concert Hall will have a performance at 8 p.m . each evening For tic k et information phone 754-3643. The &IJet Pacifica will also have six performanct.>S of the ballet at the Moulton Playhouse in Laguna Beach: The performances are at 2:30 and 7::!0 p m. on Dec. 20-23. For tickl•t mfOrmauon phone 494 -7271 . For those who like a sense of the nautical in their Christmas activities the Orange Coast area will be host to thrt-e Christmas boat• parades. Festival of Lights -This long running boat parade can be viewed at many vantage poi!Tts a lo ng Newport Harbor from 6:30 to 9:30 nightly from Dec-. 17 through the ~ MIMGS 23rd. In order to view· the parade fro m any o f the waterfront restaura nts It ls best t.o make reservations early. Symphony or Llgltt1 -This boat parade can be seen in Huntington Hru·bour nightly from 5:30 to ~:30 o Dec. 11 a nd 12. There are four cruises each night and tickets are $4 Cor adults and $2 for childre n under 12. Rese rvations can be made by1 calling 840: 1777. Proceeds go toward the Philhatmonic pr.ogram for providing music in ci.ssroom for students. Holiday Hi U1llt1 -This parade in Dana Point Harbor runs Dec. 12 only, fro m 6 to 8 p.m . Entrants s hould call 493-9493 to make reservations a nd spectators are on their own to find the best vantage points. For the young at heart a trip to Santa 's VUlage is in order. The City of Costa Mesa is having a Santa's Village Excursion on Saturday. Dec. l l . The excursion will visit the vi llage n est l e d i n the San Bernardino mountains where there are shops, toys, a puppet 'show, rides and ol' Saint Nick himself. For more information phone 7S4-S158. Christmas is a joyous time and Orange Coast residents have plenty to take advantage of in the area. For more activities c h eck out the calendar on pages 20 and 21. Put It Anywhere Lamp painted $8.60 Brass $10:60 Desk Lamps $20.50 with both base and cla mp Ceihllg Fans from $127.20 G1nge Jar lamps'"S31.50 Brass Table Lamps from $79.50 Chp-on Lights S14-S20 Chps on lo desks, headboards. etc. ' Think of Us for your Christmas Shoppinc;i These are just a few examples of our endleH selection. COMI IN AND IROWlll , ....... , ........ ·-.......... . you'll love our 1trlce1 ..... .., ¥err helpful .... , ~..-e 141-nft/MMIM Houri: Mon.-fri. 8-6 Sat. 8-5:30 D Wed. 'til 9 SHY II" .... PllMEmll • C~ct Style • Remote Control • Cable Ready UVE llW + •2aa ICI Ill SCIEEI II'' .......... •F .. fWICtion Remott • 100' Sold State •••• ,, SCIUlld NOW Ofl.Y 1 1,195 41" 11aceu1 ._, ... ;iillllll!-......,... ...., • Dual Mode lemoJ• • Channel 8'ock Out • Cable Reacfy • 4 Spealcer Sound S-ptem SAVE ......... ...... c....... .c ..... an.. .. ..,_ ===--m; Dh1I t•4 0. Sc,.... oC:..,.Ct 0.. ""• ( I. .................. --. OtilC..._.W ... ~ S 00•:•400• :Un SAVI AT DAVIS/llOWM • RH D&IVBY & 5n .. RCI SELECTIYISlll YIDEI DISC • Up ,. 2 Hus On A Sincll AIMln _ • 465 c..e Tilln RIMI •St ... Modlls ....... .... ITllT $ ........ • Rl!MOTE CONTRO • COLORTRAC • CAllLI! Rl!ADY RCI I-HR. VCR /I ---. • 24 Hour Progremmable • S.erch 95 • Remo~• P•uM~ •449~1 RCA 26" ......... Celor Trail with IElllTE CllTllL RCA ColorTrak 25" ...... +. • ~A 111·.-11~·H6~@A ···-·H~ Current-A Monthly Magazine /Thuriaiy,ffc>Vimoer-'25, 1982 -7 IFOR CHlllSTMAS1 r-----:-;wo:tiMERSiL"E~ 'GIFT· 6l'l['JNG • • • I C (This is one time you'll love being two-timed) C ( Buy a Grandfather Clock f Carol'' by Jaa Haga_ ra ,.. ' · ' C /,,,,,.-----.,, . f and' receive a FREE C ~ // .1-, c. . I wall or table clock on ~ JI • the following basis: •1.000 6randf11her = •220 a.a Clodl 11,500 6randf1thlf = 1330 a.a Clodl 9. 12.000 6rllldf1ther = s440 8-Clocl ,. 12,500 6r ... 11her = 1550 a.. Ciiek Or If you prefer we will deduct 2091. from the price of your Grandfather Clock. W. leabn ihe Fmst (Jualty ·~1111111tlllf Cllcts _. today: .. Molymeux, CotoNal, Seth Thomas, Hershede, New England. Ti~ed for th~ . · -· hobdays ..•. SAVINGS UP TO 5K WE CARRY THE FOLLOWING QUALITY ~O NAMES =.~ ~;Er~:e Freid earn.~ ....... ..,_... aia.-r New E ...... ae11e9 Rllllew•J Ctln .. I Su FrMC-. Dre*a SelM Eln• Swin Nnchlel Seda 1'111ma1 GU-F .. cller Trnr .....,. M9e'r •• ,. ....... K.... WllerlC:• CHECK WARRANTIES -WE SERVICE WHAT WE SELL RED RIBBON SPECIAis . I I 8 -Current-A Monthly Magazine of the Orange Coast/Thursday.November 25, 1982 COOK @CS lJLXlrn I As the holiday season approaches, experienced. cooks .along the Orange Coast art• ont'C again struck with the realizallon that the upcoming months can be anything but a holiday. The prospect of preparing those traditionally mammo th holiday dinners portends days and nights of frantic struggle for some. Others, however, look forward to the opportunity of sharing in a uniquely human experience w_ith friends and relatives. One s uch person 1s Carolyn Clark of Turtle Rock. "Cookin~ is an ·act of love," says the fair-hatred mother of three. "It's an opportunity to give of yourself to others. It's a ritual, a communion of sorts that links us to other peoples of the human race." Carolyn's fusion of humanistic principles and cuJinary art reflects her deep-seated appn:ciation of cooking and its attendant celebration. be it festive or subdued. For h er. the h o liday season pre;ents an opportunity to realize her philosophy to its fullest. And because she takes her philoosphy ser10usly, Carolyn backs it up with a thorough knowledge 0£..the practicaJ measures necessary for successful holiday entertaining. ··Time management is what good cooking is all about," she states. Failure to heed this simple maxim can produce disastrous results . "Comraderie and good times w on't be possible if the host or hos~ is a ~wreck because h'e or she didn't adequately prepare." When planning 3 holiaay dinner, Carolyn suggests a llowing two weeks for preparation -from planning place · settlhgs and table decorations to purchasing fresh me ats a nd vegetables. She also insists new recipes be given a "trial run" before the .dinner. Ne ver experiment with meals on s pecial occasions. Carolyn typ ica ll y beg ins preparations for her dinner affairs ~ with special consideration for the ambiance she wishes to create. Of course. the nature of the evening's festivi t ies will influence her decisions. But it's; mportant, she says. that the design be carded out correctly and consistently. Flower arrangements are a prime indicator . For example. roses are suited to a formal gathering, while a relaxing get-together might call for a ch eer y bouquet of dais ies or perhaps daffodils. Most important of aU . she says, ls the avoidance of convention. Carolyn's expression n oticeably alters as she disdainfully lists the "customary" fare found at many dinner parties -rolled ham slices, flavored crackers and white wine served in plastic cups. Her impatience with such set-ups results not from a superclllous nature. On the contrary, it merely reflects her advocacy of the personal touch. "Dinner parties ah ould reflect your personality." ahe says. Departinl from the ordinary can mike a traditional holiday ptherlng an event to rePleD'ber. , Aad-it donn'\ require a lot of wotJL .8lmplJ replue the" D=O ha<.:knc:yt:d ham slkt.>S and crackers with. perhaps. a favorite family appetJZer or an hors d'oeuvre that you t•rfjoyc·d at a r estaurant. Anything that's "you." Once you have selected a~ries thaL wUI add a personal touch to your dinner party. it's wise to run through a hst of parUcuJars before the day of the party. Carolyn offers the following suggestions: -Polish silver ahead of time. -If you need extra chairs at the dinner table. use a living room chair with a booster cushion, if necessary. This is preferable to using a folding model. -Use t'Olorful cloth napkins. -Never use paper (napkins, placemats, etc.) at dinner parties. -lnvest in an elegant tablecloth and place decorative placemats on top. -If the party is large, hire a neighborhood teen -ager to help in the kitchen. It will afford you the time to enjoy the dinner as much as your guests will. -Always have separate butter and salad plates. -Be artistic with food preparation. Garnish plates with red grarx'S or parsley and use molds for dessert iten'IS. -Before you sit down to dinner. plug in a second pot of coffee. You'U have a fresh pot ready to serve after dinner. -Don't let pre-dinner cocktail activities last too long. "If your guests get too 'relaxed' they either won't appreciate the food or they'll fall asJeep at the table," Carolyn says. -Parfaits make excelle nt desserts. They're light and go well after a heavy holiday dinner. -U you have small children, let them help decorate the house before the party. If they're very young, you may want to keep them away Crom the dining festivities, but it's important that they get to lena a hand and feel a part of t h e celebration. The preceding recommendations go far In supporting Carolyn's contention that cooking is a holistic act. From market to kitchen to COOK OF THE MONTH -Carolyn Clark, of Turtle Rock, offen suggestions for cooks oomtemplating upcoming holiday dinners. dining room, cookinf -a nd especially for the ho idays - embodies all the finer aspects of human interaction. So this hoJ..iday aeason, don't dread those valuable hours spent In the kitchen. Rather. draw strength from a philoeophical culinary artist, who has found in cooking an essential thread of t)umanity. Latest video games feature voice synthesis trhe sounds of Christmas will take on a new dimension thb year - video games that talk. When you give one of Mattel Electronic's new voice cartridges, the player is not getting just a game. he's recruiting a co-pilot to Cly with him in a B-17 bomber or a bomb muter t.o work with his bomb aquad. Several exciting new games have been developed for Ute with the new lnt.elUvoice voice synthesis module, a component that plugs into your lntellivislon system. The games are: . Bomb Squad, B-17 Bomber and Space Spartans. . • Each one o ffers the exciting addition of a human-like voice to game play. The Yoicee are not only clear and realiatic but HCh one la the voice of .an identifiable character. such aa a Southern bombbdler, Western hero or bomb mMter. All ·ta= _.,, •• wnt''M ,. releue before Christmas. Imagine the added thrill you can give video game fans Christmas morning. Not only do the new voice cartridges provide ch a lle nging games. but the voices a1IO proVide ,,, Players join forces with computer voice Thematically, the games are designed to generate maximum excitement. In Space S~ the player is the commander of a spaceship filhlinl off alien invaders while he tries .to build hia s hip's defeNeS. A battle oomput.er can be heard greeting the commander with "He llo, Commander, computer repor\inJt.'' and keepin1 him informed of the ship'• status reports linked IO visuala on-acreen. auch M. "Hyper-drive on,'' and "Battle <.'Glllputer off... • .- In 8-1 'l Bomber, the player' a million ii to atuek aeJa1ed mW&ary tar1•t1 ]n OC:C\lpied Europe· and NWm to bile. Tbe YG6ml al the ... p6lol with ........ ..,. dnwl .... fne-whe91tna .......... wllb a 10\lthera aaeea1 aaa be laell'd ........ ............. . ----· -- ( . -. r;:::=== .. ===~=...t==========C=iurrent-A Monthly Magaztne of the Orange Coast!Thursday,November 25, 1982 -9 Holiday Sale . En tire. Stock . 20o/o OFF Featuring: •Frank Lee •Sir James •Coco . •Russ • Adde' fl • Lilli Diamond •S weaters by Ades • Country Miss • pecialty Imports, Jewelry and mor& So~ll'ethlng Special f eminine fashions · 150250 E. 17th, Costa Mesa • 645-5711 We specialize in fuhion for the missy figure (sizes 4 thru 18) l).\Df].Y l ~Ll ~.\I. ' .... Do Your Chriftmas Shopping Early At Our Outle t Shop r HUGE SALE 1012 BRIOSO DRIVE, COSTA MESA (714) 845-3359 . Between 17th & 18th St. off of Whittler Blvd. MON.-FRI. -1CM ~============~~jM~~~~~~~~r Get Ready - Here Comes Christm as FIVE M GEMS ~M1'. ~. CUSTOM Jl:Wl:LflY Dl:SIONl:D" \ 00\.iO a S IL.VrR FINOIH0 8 a •OUN TINGS • LAY-A-WAY NOW FOR CtltlSTMAS ·check our store and _prices befor olng to the Mallall Be an early bird, get your Christmas Custom orders for jewelry In early. Jewelry, jewelry supplies and Lapidary supplies -100/o off on all tools, 200/o off on all jewelry when purchase Is made with this ad. Does not apply to custom work or repairs. Shop with confidence with a well established firm doing business In the same location for over 12 years. *All work done on th• preml-except gold pa.ting. *All work gur811teed. , I 10 -Current-A Monthly Magazine of the Orange Coast/Thursda)l,November 25, 1982 LYMPIC~~ SALES OPEN 7DAYSAWEEK ,,,.----------~ r:.ooN'T KNOW ''~Coupon• ,,,~~ WHAT TO GIV.E? II .DP S20FF ''!i~ ,I GIVE A GIFT CERTIFICATE FROM DSC 11 ,,., W I ) C_OMPANY I and GET A 'GIFT' FROM OSCI 11 EACH PIECE OF SOFTWARE OR .. I Clll or come by for information about 11 GAME CARTRIDGE.WHEN I our Special Gift Certifiat1 DiscoHt Offer 11 PURCHASED WITH MASTER K Holi~ Greetings b&lbtGift ldeaS . A. • 1 COMPONENT OR COMPUTER \ (V1ltd through 1131183} ~~ J \ SYSTEM. (SALE S<(/,t~:f/,£/,~~fEO) ~--------~ ~---------' ~;G~M~~LrPt~ru~~0 iii ~~[kQJU'®TI)~ Ml 1145 Blslaltbl~I $34.00 0 ~ ~ ,., Ml 1050 Football 2 31.00 \ ~ Computer Ml 1 • Compu i 1.00 " • • Ml 1777 Bldt11mmon 72.00 • 1 1 $113 95 Mlny more 11"'" in stodi NOW! ~ • ~1 I LEfl R"' l~G lj • L rn•• '~ 1 NEW PERSONAL STEREO FROM PEAR -j INCREDIBLE-THE SIZE OF A CREDITCARD J L--' • but with BIG SOUND-FM RADIO & FEATHER· I u L......:...._.1 .~~c.:.-WEIGHT HEADPHONES MAKE THIS A HARD COMBINATION TO BEAT! ONLY S34.95 You hive to bur it to believe it! PAC-MAN TELEPHONE " Thtblll ................ ----------------------in .... lftlflltt t1*y ATARI · Video Game Miiia 1 .,..t lift! $129 50 Comt & 11t the letnt video certridft Olllv 141.H • from Atari-bl thl first on your blodt! limit .. 11ua11tity, ·---... "" NEW FROM ATARI-IN STOCK NOW! co• a llt 't•I ·-- Reel Spons Bl•hll 24.15 --··-----.c. Earth ••Id 24.15 E.T. Video GHtt 37 .15 Raiders from tht lost Ark Jl.15 ""4m'c!L c!LECTS\QNCS' INtElllVISION Mlny more 11me cartridges in stodt now. ~sso ~ HP-41 SYSTEM HP·41 C C.lcvlltor · HP-41 CV C.latlator C.lcu1lto11: IW·l IC Sc~tif"· 7111 .... ttc. H .15 HP·11C Cele forc1111p !"~I••*•· 124.K HP·1SC Mw protlllt ICNfttrfic 111.15 HP·ll C SlimllM 11''1 IClltttific 14.tl HMZC Sl1mliM llflf fiMftcial 124.H SONY: SONY WALKMAN PERSONAL STEREOS Wallc•n 2 ............ """ n.t& W1llc1n1n 3 Dellxt -. plly• H.H WMR2 Lill• WMZ 11lls rtc1•v 131.ff WMDI Fer ttte ,,_.,.._,_ 211.H $99.95 Notlt8Y ............ ................. F"' RF MM•lltw widl llWllll• commodore VI02011a.1s ... i\ •• ,.,... c......, ......... 1111 ............ _ .. ...... auallltll fir die VIC.ft. :arm.: a 1111''2:... 1IJi WI Ml A flU u• ClllllDDM DIALIR r Current-A Monthly Magazine of the OrMge Cout/Thursday,November 25, 1982 -11 CREATIVE CONT AJNERS-Double your gift-giving pleasure, fill a basket with candy bars, load a toy dump truck with candy canes or pack a glass canister with pretty mints. Decorative containers boos1··. holiday fun, personalltles ~ This year why not give everyone on your holiday gift list two presents instead of one? Sound extravagant? Not at all. Simply select a container which is suited to an lndividual's particular taste, hobby or special interest and fill it with favorite conlections. Not only will this two-in-one gift suggestion double the impact of a single gift, but your sweet holiday sentiments will linger long aft.er the candy has disappeared. A gift which includes candy is almost s ure to please. Many childhood memories include the reward .of sweets for good behavior; we have pleasant associations with candy as a result. Whe ther preferences run to sumptuous chocolates, distinctly- flavored licorices. soft c hewy nougats or down-home peanut brittle, there are few among us who don't enjoy confections oocaaionally. So there's hardly a sweeter way to wish friends and loved ones the joys of the seuon than with a gift of confections. When packed in a container to suit the penonalfty of the receiver, this makes a _ practical yet extmely penonallzed gm. and pack it with marshmallows, milk chocolate bars and graham crackers. Je we lry boxes in traditional fabrics. brightly colored paper or contemporary Lucite also are perfect candy re~itories. Plant lovers will enjoy a watering can or plante r comple te with lollipops arranged to resemble flowers. · A set of glass measuring cups with s tandard an~ metric equivale nts would be appreciated by cooking enthusiasts -both male and femaJe. For holiday appeal, fi ll each one with an assortment of jeUy beans, gum drops or hard candies: red ones to the first marker, green to the next and so on. For the friend who e njoys entertalnlng, pack a carafe, a E t of parfait gluaes or a coffee pot with colorful after-dinner mint• or bonbons. And..Jl there'• an antique buff on your list, decorative items purchased at house sales, garaae aalea and second-hand at.ores will double ln value when stocked with conf~onary tree1Ure9. • Children love sweets and will be The poaalbilltles for creative· espedally plan d lf you indude thll container aift.a are endless. Moet apedal .,._, • s-rt al their aift. would be ' pleased to receive • U• your ~ thll "Wlda:y ::d:!;filled __. ....... Lim al» ..... wl douWI ,.... ...... ~a ,_.. pws --·----st a wllll a t a 1 Mrilo·•-; ·c1TIZEN~ ·A Complete Selection Of Watches At $85. Do Your Christmas Shopping Early For Best Selection • Ladies strap champagne dial . $65 This year's dress qUilrtz watch iS ultra thin with superb accuracy Perfect timing for the penect gift •9-2~7 (yettow) $ t85 AUTHO&IZED SB&VICB. AGENCY 48 0223 (two-tone) $175 . . Yellow bracelet $99.50 The streamhned new Ana-Dlgl. The first dual mo.de watch with 3 hands in the analog display. These beautiful mat- ching two-tone wat- ches with cut -bezel cases. Bilingual day I date. step motion, sweep second hands with quartz dependa- bility are the last word in togetherness ' . f ' ' 12 -Curr.ent-A Monthly Magazine of the Orange Coast/Thursday.November 25, 1982 HA RBOR SHO P PING CENTER 'l'BE MALE MAN an unusual men's discount store SCROOGE SHOPS HERE SAVE 20%-60% ON NAME BRAND MEN'S FASHIONS FREE Gift Boxes • FREE Lay-Away • Gift Certificates Orange County's # 1 Men's Discount Store 2300 Harbor Blvd. at Wilson Costa Mesa 540-8818 EJ HOURS: Mon.-Fri. 10'9 ~turdoy 10-7 Sunday 11-6 JC ·Penney Harb« al VIII.an Co•tall ... IUS-6021 '20 oH STAFFOll'IA TWEEI S'°ITIJOAT S•I• •••••. Reg. $119. Stafford'" classic bfazer in handsome tweeds that go with everything. . Tailored of Harris T~ 100% wool band-woven In Scotland. Two nap pockets. one upper welt pocket, leather buttons. Heathery solids and tic weaves man's sizes '3 oH SEITRY'IA IRESS SHIRTS Gentry .. Dress shirts wtth ~" fused collars. two w· back solids. stripes in sizes 14 !.-i-to 17 long sleeves. Reg S•le Solids ............................... $15 $11.99 ·Solids .................. u .............. $15 11.99 lime HOLIDAY-AVINGS-AJ . K&B SPORTSWEAR • L ., B . · s15•• evt S 3SICS-confs, Flairs, Boot Cut Jean, ••••••••••••••••••• Angel Flights Dress Slacks................... 20% OFF Levi's 1ars & 501 's ................................. s1&"- Designer Jean~ Jtut Jen. S.&io v.m. ................... s2549 Men's Sweaters................................... 20% OFF Knit Shirts .for Men br L• ~........................... s12" ~ong Sleeve Western Shi'ts........................ s12" lzod® Kn!t Shi1s for Boys................... 15% OFF lzocte Sweaters fot Boys ..................... -151 OFF All Lades Jeans & Tops .............. 201-SOI OFF ll&B SPORISWIAR Harbor Center Costa Meta 545-8203 SJrf I# llFTS Fii ME# llS OFF LEATIEI rfjLUTS Famous Name fine leather goods for men. Styles and colors that add up· to great gift giving. ,,,...,_,. 1• 11.n Reg. $38. Kimono- style wrap robe of super comfort•ble A,,,.,. trlscet•t• •nd nylon. llS .,,,. .... .... ,.. ,,. ',.,,. "9g. 3 ftN 11. '°"" cotton IJnd«ww CltooN ,,,,.,_ or T -Shirt• In men's .... Stripes ................................ $17 13. 99 ' ...... • .. Current-A Monthly Magazine of tbe Orange.Coast/Thursday,November 25, 1982 -13 and.oar SPORT SHOPS, INC. Alwa.Y" DUtindiwty FnninilNI .. -K.C:J ~/HOP Ia YOUR Holiday CJlft place Shan the Holiday lpUU with hie .. cmd relati•• willl thoqhtful giftl from ~.C'S Hallmark SI.op. HOLIDAY Gin' GUIDE .-PlllCIOUI NONUTS-IONATHOfl &-DAVID nGUIUIQS .-SDASTIAll NDllATUllU .-NOllNAN llOCltWILL FIGUIUNIS .-l:fAIJN mJfl'll) AJllNAU " PltOfO PllANIS .. P11D1C1 G.UDND L£A ncu ACCIUOIUIS .-C.YSTAL CUAa-IOWLS &-VASES .-PSAll\ITS-Sl«X>PT ITSMS .-OllNAWIJfTS .-WUTON AINSTAU-IDVDIG N CIS .-~-DISlt ACCISSOllll:S " 1113 CAl.Dft>AAS " KAHUUAH Gln'S K.c.·1~HOP Jm BillOl ILVD., 11' BillOI CTI. m.am 0,.. ~ t ••·....., .... F.-,. S... IO 'ti1 6. _. S-. 12 'til S ................... ~C...,." Announces Spectacular Pre-Holiday Sale llW II PllllESS 3()-35 %~OFF Dresses -Separates -Coordinates • Campus Casuals Wootc:tepe a Vetveta . , . i· ..... ,. ' COITAMISA loWt>OrC.. • Jonathan Martin Or8'Ma • College Town Woof Ind Poly .... \ ·. ! 14 -Current-A Monthly Magazine of the Orange Coast/Thursday.November 25, 1982 Instant wrapping the answer io busy holidays The shopping 1s done, lhe tree is d1.><.'0rated and the first batches of homemade rookies are coming from the oven. And somehow, m the hustle and bustle of the holidays, relatives and .-·- a Cull-time job. you've got to find a way to wrap up Christmas - literally. "For the wor ki ng woman, shopping for gifts is only half the hurdle," says Margaret Reynolds, assistant manager of the Hallmark Cards gift wrap line. "The other half is wrapping the presents once you've bought them." me is at a premium during the days, whether a woman holds n a full-time outside job or ks full time at making a home. a result. convenJence wraps - ecorated boxes, cylinders, gift tins _, • i d pre-made bags and bows -are aking a strong tJhowing in the . marketplace . -"When it takes so much. energy and time io buy gifts, it's natural that people want to make sure that the finished, wrapped present looks l\S best .• "And while most people enjoy the tradition of wrapping Christmas presents. there are those who a ppreciate the e nd result but understandably wish there was a fast.er way to achieve it," Reynolds, explained. For thoee wanting to make it nice, but easy, instant wraps are the a o_sw e r . And just because it's conv~nient,. it doesn't have to loOk less than beautiful. ''There are several attractive wa'ys to wr.ap packages in a jiffy. First ·oC all, there's the decorated gift box, alre.ady prin.ted with a gift wrap design or holiday motif. The gift is simply placed inside and a holiday bow is placed on the top. Siz.es vary from generally shirt boxes to iie and glove boxes. For the big. cumbersome, odd- shaped gifts, such u a children's ~ November 26, 27 & 28 · ~FRIDAY-SATURDAY-SUNDAY ~'re invited to a very special celebration. You'll find . unbelievable savings on all . DIAMONDS WATCMD ANEJEWEUIY Values you won't see again I Shop early and make this Christmas, one to remember. j OPEN NIGHTS AND SUNDAYS UNTIL CHRISTMAS. tricycle, she recommeJTds large decorated plastic gift bags. They, too, come in holiday designs. Fairly new to the market are gift bags for relatively flat it.ems. such as books or even plain boxes. If you have a box that needs to be wrapped but no time to do it, the gift bag is the perfect solution. Many gift bags. such as those made by Hallmark, can be closed with a package of decorative stickers that make tape unnecessary . Bottles always have been among the biggest wrapping challenges at Christmas. Decorative bottle bags solve the proble m . The bottle is placed in the bag and allength of gift cord or yam tie is drawn about the neck for decoration. There are also bows and o ther package trims to give the gift a complete look. Pre-~de bows of nearly every size and color are available and require nothing but a firm push to press them into place on a packa~e. Although bows_continue to be the most common and most popular form of trimn1ing a package, there's a growing tre nd toward finding more unique package accents. Fabric holly leaves and poinsettia · flowers, satin Christmas tree lights and s tuffed fabric Santas tha t double as tree ornaments are just a few of the many poaibillites. Special gift wraps and accents make your Christmas gifts just a bit more sped'l81. a bit prettier and a lot simpler. .-.. Sensitivity aids ·gift selection for dls~bled Chances are very good you know someo n e who s uffers from a - crippling disease such as arthritis~ muscular dystrophy or cer ebral palsy. So this year, when making your holiday gift list, conside r giving some special thought to Crlends and family who might suffer from one of these diseases. Although you should be aware of the person's limitations, you should also be sensitive to those limitations. Ma"' handicapped persons do not percieve themselves to be as crippled or disabled as you might perceive them to be. If someoo~js sensitive nroot' his c rippled ·:ffands, for example. you should not buy such medical supply j roducts as built-in utensils. There are several places to look for appropriate gifts -med ical supply houses, gift dttalogs and local depar tment, ch a in o r specialty stores. The Arthritis Foundation suggests a varie ty of useful gifts to give those with physical handicaps to make thei r l ives eas ier and more e njoyable. A list follows. PERSONAL CARE Stationary Nail File -An e xcellent aid for manicures. It is an emery board with suction cups on one end that fasten onto a table or a rm of a chair . It is particularly useful for those who suffer from pain in the hands and fingers. Jewelry -Be it <:ostume or precious -can 'be purchased tor your disabled friend or relative. This jewelry should be easy to fasten and remove; therefore, you should look ' for necklaces and bracelets, without clasps a nd"' m agnetic earrings. Magnetic earrings can be purchased at franchise dealers. Mltteu -Warmer and more comfortable than gloves. Easy to slip in and out of. Cape or Poncho -Gives warmth with eaae. The loose fit ls easier. to manage than tight garments and less restrictlng than a coat when using crutches or propelling a wheelchair. RECREAnONAL ITEMS Cartridge-type Camera - Provides ~ new way of looking at the world. Small pocket-size cameras are lightweight for carrying and film cartridges are simple to load. Electric Sd11ors -Reduces ~e!~~ ~ .. ~ s~ caused by cutting with manual sh ears. They can be guided w ith ease and often have more than one s peed a n d a sliding button that activates the blades. Electric Typewriters --Easier than writing for le tters or diaries. Keys which are sensitive to the touch. reduce stress on fingers and motorized return saves reaching at the end of every line. • W90Clen PuftlH -Exercise the fingers and intrigue the mind. Woode n pegs and discs are easy to move and help ease stiffness in the joints. BATHROOM ITEMS Bath Mitt -Makes soap manageme nt easier. A mitt is a helpful penonal hygiene item and makes a nice gift when incl_uded with an assortment of soaps and toiletries. Electric Toodlbna -F.asier to manipulate. it en able• a more thorough job of cleaning the teeth. An angle brush is easy to grasp and mak• il poea.ible to reach· all parts of the .mouth. _ HOVSEHOD>ITEMS Electric Cu Opeaer -A must for weak, sore hands. Units with a po'fer cutting blade that do not require an Initial manual cut may be used with one hand. La1y S.UD -Single or double layer can eliminate painful reaching. The units efficiently store kitchen items in cabinets and on tabletops, and allow a cook to locate spices, condiments and utenlli.ls. Slldlag S~elves -:-Cah be purchaaed to fit existing shelves. These she lves bring Items within easy reach and are convenient for storing commonly used materia.\8-'in kitchens. bathrooms and workroOrns. With just a little though and consideration you can make this holiday eeuon a happier occasion for those with physical handicaps. at The Cannery Village 10th Annual Christmas Walk A 18th " 19th a Cewtury Antique FumituH .. ine China, Porttlains, S ll•er & Cut Crystal • -plus Art Show-:-· Sunday, November 28 12 Noo n to 6 p.m. A Wild Life wood canlns' a and art objects Antique A 'Nt>w Brau' J & Copper Accetl50ries A Antique, Deco & New a Gold Jewelry , A Desi111tt Clot~ • alNI AntlOrift Pastel. C..rcoal 011 Paa.tlltp A PrlMI ~.A Special Holiday decoHtloa • and Christmas oru1M11t1 ' P8lll F.d&e 11,aDll•• ........ r I ' I I ' I l -------4C 16 -Current-A Monthty Magarine of the OrMge CoutfThuredey,November 26, 1912 , HOLIDAY HAIRS ou can 'gift wrap your hair for me-- holidays with a clutch o ·colorful ribbons or laces. Video recorders put llfe back Into celebrations You've heard about them, seen them , thought about them, but you still don't know quite how they work. T o add to t he confusion , your nei g hbors t e ll yo u they'r e 'Lnvaluable. the kids tell you they're essenual and your spouse tells you they're expensive. So, wath the holidays l'Oming. what's a consumer to do? Get the facts -look , s tudy, evalua te. Tha t's the advice of a major manufacturer of "them." the new electronjc home e ntertainment devices that are putting life back into living roooms and fun back into family recreation time. First, let's clear up any confusion o v e r the two major t y p es of equipment avaHable. Video casette recorders, or VCRs. perform many functions. su ch as recording TV s hows off the air. playi~ back prerecorded material and making home movies when linked to a video camera. Videodisc players don't record, but they offer a simple, inexpensive way to show movies and all kinds of inte resting, entertaining recorded ma te rial thro ugh your home television. ''Now the home viewer is an the driver's seat ," says RC A vice president D. J08Cph Donahue. '"the consumer decides what he wants in the way of home entertainment and he chooees the right eqwpment to supply it." U It's versatility you're lookJng for, the VCR ,hould be considered. Though it is the most expenalve of the ite ms, It also offers the most extras. VCRs r ecord and are programmable . Their tape Is reusable and haa a longer play time -up to elcht hours on RCA'• model9. And in conjunction with a• video camera, they can be u.d to make home movieia. The VCR lets you record your favorite TV s how while you are away, asleep or_simply tuned into another show al that time. It will play prerecorded cassettes -th<* you've ma d e or other s you've purchased in a store. Thus. at this time of year, you can play a holiday special from last year or wa tch a prerecorded cassette showing Julia Child preparing seasonal foods. Some of the new models offer many options. For example, the RCA Selects Vision 650 unit has infrared remote control and, in keeping with t h e n e w direc ti o n in TV programming, a cable-ready tuning system that will receive any of the 82 regular VHFIUHF channels or up to 35 of the CA TV channels. On the other hand, if you don't want the more s ubsta ntial investment of a VCR, you might consider the less expensive, new v ideodisc player that attaches to your TV set and, acting much in the fashion of a record player, provides hours of i n expensive, quality ente rtainment. • RCA's VideoDisc system it an example of this type of equipment that sells for as little aa $300 with a • wide variety of di9ca available from $1 5 to S35. There are even new stereo models a vailable. You ca n ch<>OR from recent hit movies or the classics, select the belt of televlsion shows, or chooee dia:a in the categories of sporta, mualc, culture , education and chlldre"'' programs. The RCA diac catalog Is quite extenaive, with n e w di1e releases being added e v e ry few weeks. The videodilCI play up to two houn (one hour per akle), and offer forward and reverae acanntn1 to locate any apecific -.ment of &he dltc quickly and eMU.y. The protect.Ive caddy \,twt i-- the vtdeodlR al110 eerv .. u ita ~ uniL It WEa up ._ ..-e and castl ... th8n • ... BJ PA'l'IUC& DDftON ....,_ ...... In m09t parts of the country I don't auppoae there la a more ..,. .... aabjld for hAl'liRI hmeta thM the fuchM. i..t ,_.-we en;o,.I oun ao v8Y mYCh -=rem tM north lide of the house, where they bloomed in hanCinl h..., well iD1o fall. We eapecially like Swi5time, wh<JR double 0ouncy white are ringed with red aepala. r favorite is the dark.er Indian Maid. whose double blooms are royal purple, the outer ring of 1epals red. A variety whose buds are particularly lovely is Arnbuaador which has clmically beautiful single purple flowen with pink 1epals. My mother-in-law, whenever s~e. couldn't r emember this flower s name, would say, "You.know, thoae flowers that hang down and look like ballerinas in pouffy skirts." That pretty well deacr ibes the colorful charm of fuchsia blooms. Some call them lady's eardrops. The fuchsia has a colorful history, the first of its kind being found in the West Indies at the end of the 17th century by a Father Charles P lumier, a distinguished French botanist. A type of fuchsia first arrived in the gardens of England via a young saiJor who brought a small flowering shrub home from South America to -- his flower-JovillC mother. A nuneryman noticed ll growing in the window of the old lady's cottage in Wapping, by lhe River n.nea. Cuttinp of this exotic plant eold at tint foe one .-.. apiece. Plumier named it in honor of Leonard Fucha, a 18th century German botaMt .• Fuchsias deliver a put deal of colorful bloom in a 8eUOll, given just a few simple condition&. They need cool, moist conditions and a situation out of sun at least for the afternoon. FuchaiM in hanging baske ts need a lot of watering. Given a han1in1 container tha t drains w e ll, it's diffic ult t o overwater them. I like to water mine each morning, then spray them with a fine mist from the hoee nozzle. Old blosaoms should be removed so the plant's e n ergies can be directed into producing m or e f1nwers. Watch for pale leaves that signal insufficient nutrients, mainly oxygen . Hanging basket fuchsias really should be given a light feeding every two weeks. If you use chemical fertilizers, select a high-analysis one like 20-20-20. I had great success last season with a combination of fi9h fertilizer, which provides nilJ'olen, and a fish-hue product called Mor- Bloom, with an analysia of 0-10-10, whoee high phosphorus and potash content aid bloom and general plant strength and vigor. • , Current-A Monthly Magazine of the Orange Coast/Thursday.November 25, 1982 -17 .· -----------------.. ----- r - MISSION VIEJO_ MA.LL'S L , .. . ~ . . .. f cutler . rkJ9•mal • e>aLTA ................. ·=· Developed/Owned/end ~ed by IM Edwerd J . ~a.r.Olo (OfPOf•Uon Conveniently located at the San Diego Freewai (lnteratete ~)and Crown Velley Perkway. . . ,!• ./·Htll IJ'Jl')j.'111' 1r:•.11 '~) IJl';f f1•1 J -;h/~tl. JI•( J r l/ll tt 11a· lb" •I >t JI•'• 1, NlH .... I ~ I I I t • t I I -._ --:i_-----=-=-=~ ___:--~ -----~ 18 -Current-A Monthly Magazine of the Orange Coa.st/Thursday,November 25, 1982 HOLIDAY HALLWAYS -W e lcome your guests with a beautifully deco ra t e d e ntra n c e w ay . These two coordina t e d S a nitas w allcoverings, "S pring Son g" and "Ta nnery" frOJTl 9 ur To~~ a re classic e xamples of m ixing con tem porar y patterns ·w ith trad itional furnishings. Wallcoverlngs spruce up the home for nearing holidays Holaday greetings start with your entranceway. And since it's the time of year w he n you'll want your home looking 1ts prettiest for guests, one of the fastest w ays o f giving at a spr u ce d up l oo k 1s w it h walkoverings. T he key ingredients a rc color. pattern and texture. Whether your foyer is spacious with plenty or room for tables and area rugs. or e ven if it's small and leads directly into a n o t h e r r oo m . you ca n u s e coordmated patleffls that harmonize. with each other and your lifestyle. Even the novice decorator a nd do-it-yourself hanger have 1t easy today. thanks to the wide selection of bra nds and patterns on today:.s market Nt.'W produt:ts like Sanitas bra nd P aste -t h e -W a ll ma ke ha nging wallcoverings simpler and easier than ever. • Using Paste-the-Wall eliminates the need for messy pasting ta~. sloppy water trays and moving all the furniture out of t he room. Ac:cidental s pills wipe up easily and quickly wtth war m w ate r . It is espcc1ally suited for fabric-backed vinyl coverings . which arc easier to handle and won't tear like paper. Before you begin your project, it's n ecessar y t o remove a n y o ld wallcoverings that may be on · the walls. l'iTT fhe cracks with pJaster a nd sand the walls smooth . Jus t measure and cut your wallcovering, roll or brush Paste-the· WalJ onto tpe wall and hang your waUcoverings. In just a matter of a few hours you'r e all set to welcome In the holiday S<.>ason with a beautiful new entranC<'way. Santa's coming to town and so is everybody else Santa Claus IS not the only one expression . coming to town. -Wa tch the background. We During the holida ys. re latives often get so excited about taking a from fara way places. ~ids from picture that we forget to look around college a nd old frie nds trbd ltlonally the four corners of the frame. Be flock home to s hare the festivities sure your picture is not too cluttered, together. detracting from your main subject. If It's a wonderful opportunity to it is, move to one side or change your see familiar faces. catch up on w hat camera angle. everyone has "been up to" a nd share -Add color . This ls always new expe riences that will ma ke important, but even more so at pleasant me mories. C hris tmastime whe n the whole It's also the perfect lime to take house is ablaze with color and light. plenty of pictures. M you compse the picture in the When old friends and family get ~ viewfinder, look for a splash of color together. you never know what' may in ornaments or on the tree in the happen -but whatever it is, you'll background. want to be sure to have your camera -Avoid shiny surfaces. MirrorS handy and loaded with film. or windows may reflect the flash Picture-taking possibilities are and produce "hot spots" or glare. If limitless this time of year. yo u shoot you r subject from a Here are a few techniques that 45-degree a ngle yoli often can will make this yt'ar's holiday picture eliminate the problem. taking a anap: -Make sure you have enouah -llold the camera steady as you film. Moat stores are closed on 8quee2.e the shutter to avoid a blurcy Chriltmu. and you wouldn't want to subject. · run out of film and mill IOIDe al the -Move In close to 1lve your be9l ahoea. ASA 400 Ulm allow91Qll ~added interest impact. Move to rake pktures In low llcht without in~!J}...?t'J ff'l#,.{JJf de~~' ' '~°' .,M,n. ........... ~ l . Tlie best idea for Christmas gifts yet! EVERYBODY DOES 1111 It 's the oldest superstition in the world: knocking on wood . --Knodt-=- simply pu t onU}OOCI i n a place you can easily r each: y oW' car'. ca mpe1'. pocket.. skj park a. desk . k..it.ph en s1 n k . under your pill ow. by t he toi let . or any other place you need security. ----- lllvelope 111e 61 ,.. " 91 ,.. Look for us on N&tional TV and magazines ------------------------, I Send s3 95 (we pay postage) to: : IOlodt°"~ I 1 P. 0. Box 5111 I Balboa Island I CA 92662 I Name: I I Street: I c · I ity: I I State: I t~~-------~J r ... At Roger's, Christmas is our great love. Once a~ain , .vtc have created an excitin~ and delightful world of surprises to brighteh yo ur home and your holidays. Come enjoy the enchantment . inspiration and a fantastic selection of gifts and decorations at RoJ!cr's. TO DEUGHT THE EY8 & GLADDEN THE HEART ENCHANTF.A..CANW,.ELIGHT SHOPPING & SANTA emus EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT Friday nights ti/ 9 gou can enjoy shopping amid the special magic and charm of candles and tivoli lights that sparkle throughout the gardens and the gallery. /Jring the little ones along too; from 7 Iii 9 dear old Santa will be on hand tu help their special dreams along. · · DECORATED THEME TREES Treat yourst!lf lo a-visual feasl in our gallery of -15 large, living tr..ees. t.ach one is elaborately and imaginatively decorated around a different theme. ANIMATED SCENES The young in heart will enjoy Santa's elves busy at work in the Peppermint fore.51. Christmas shopping at Roger's· has become a favor~ southland tradition. The beaut y of nature is artfull y blended with charming traditional creations to produce an exhileratinJ! and unique experi ence. Come enjoy it soon. ROGER'S CHRISTMAS COLOR BOWLS Enjoy the enchantment of one of these richly contrasted, miniature woodland5 in your home this Christmas. OVER 1000 CUSTOM DECORADONS Select fr:om an array of centerpieces, swags, wreaths and more. Each one ; ... a one-of- a-kind created with Roger's flair for traditional charm. IMPORTED ORNAMENTS You will be delighted with our elaborate selection of unique handcraflc.'<I omament.~ from around the world. ECKE POINSETTIAS TheS! exceplional/y large and rich f!Oin.settias com~ in red, white, pink and varigatc.id verst0ns. · FllBB SB/tllNAllS SATVIUJAt'5 AND SUNDAYS a P./tl. Nov. 2 l & 22 GrowinJt A7.alias & Camclias Nov. 27 & 28 Christmas Creations I • Opef\9I060Cllly• ... 1111Lllf' ............ .,,, ..... ., ............... lnllldalt ... tl .. - .v. •A• J. I - I t I I r ~ I I ! I I I I -: ., r•••••••COUPON••••••• !FREEi i 5 X -7 i I .,, 1 .1· 1 with any rol 1 _ {· _1 I of c• print 1 • ... ,z-,:-1 I ~ we develop '. ·· :/..,.:.=::; l I I I I I I I I IA LIDO I I CH: t0.A rurnN PKJTO I I .l461 VIA tlDO. NEWPORT BEACH. CA (714 ) 675·6122 I I· ' '"' ...... < •• -I., .. p, 2J t982 I ••••••••COUPON•••··~-J 0 ·~ e~ 00 ·-~'8 ~ o ooO~ o~ ~ta dr~ Cn,:.iw jl'\\\'k'r.s. Inc. ~ -~ ~"*'~ £ g;,. ~'Y/" co.uTI .-.v Sll"9CIS •OESIGNINGoACMOUNl"'IG•AEPAIAING -CUSTOM llilANUf ACTURING •OIAllilONOS•PfAAl.SoCEMS fOHES In C_,,,elltM 91 .,.,.. Hollde1 ..... A special 1111 tlque jewelry ahow to be preSfHlted Sunday. Oec6mber 5 In participation with C0<ona '1411 M11r'• annlJal Christmas WM* and Shop the t>ooi.vtlrd. (714) 76'J-6766 %610 f.aa1 Padlk C-H!pway C.roaa 4el Mal, CA Ac,_ r,_ hhonue ,........._ ("..,._ ~. -"' "-£>-v-..... w-.c.nl Hive You Ever Seen I Goose Par I H11ti111 lill? OF COURSE NOTI He 1leep1 under a Scan~la Down Comforter a ,41 .. •'W• ...... , .. --·"'"'~ r--------------------1 I 2001 OFF . I I /0 WITH THIS COUPON I I ITfMS IN STOOC I I AT REGULAR PllCIS , I L------------·--·------1 ~·-... 1711 E. OeMt H~. ta.ma EXPIRES l2-1&-82 28 . _, Tea Dancing 4 p.m. Turrie Roclf Community Park S2 New Art String Quartet 2 p .m. Turtle Rock Commun1t.y Park SS/couple Santa Claus arrives South Coast Village 10th Annual Cannery Vrllagt< Chrrstmas Walk and Art Show noon New port Harbor Att Museum Irvine Symphony 4 p.m. 5 Newport narbor Art Museum Chrrstmas Open House 11 a.m -5 p .m lrvrne Master Choral 3 30 pm Annual Benefit Christmas Candlelight Concert Disneyland Hotel Festival of Calltgraphy see Dec. It Newport Harbor Art M useum Irvine Conservatory Orchestra S Jf.m. The Los Angeles Wind Quintet Turtle Rock Community Park 2 p .m. SS/couple 19 lrvir>r Conservatory or Music TunlR Rock Community Park 2 p.m. S20/couple ~DAY 29 Beg1nn1ng Callrgraphy Caihgraphy. Inc. 6.30 -9:30 p.m. 960-5775 6 The Nutcracker UC Irvine Fine Arts Concert Hall 8 p.m. 754-3643 Beg1nnrng Callrgraphy see Nov 29 13 Beginning Calligrapt:iy See Nov. 29 20 The Nutcracker Banet Pacifica Houlton Playhouse·L~ Beach 2:30 and 7•30 ~. 20-23 , 30 Beginning Cailrgraphy 9:30 a.m. • I 2 noon 960-5775 7 Theo Nutcracker )ee Dl'c. 6 Beginning Calhgraphy see Nov. 30 14 Beginning Calligraphy See Nov. 30 1 Beg1nn1ng 9:30 a.m. 960-5775 Abstract Film Short Laguna Be M useum o 8 p.m. 8 Laguna Be Museum o Panel Disc Changing 1n Art 1n t 8 p.m 494 Beg1nn1ng See Dec. I 15 Beg1nnrng C See Dec. I isoAY w~~y [?'DAY ~ATURDAY .. . ..... rt ion/Lecture nds ·ac:rs 531 lligraphy tligraphy Ch1~se Brush Pa1nt1ng Calligraphy Inc. 6:30 -9:30 p .m. 960-5775 9 Chinese Brush Painnng See Dec 2 16 Chinese Brush Painting See Dec 2 23 26 Changing Trends Exhibition Laguna Beach Museum of Art ' ' Now through Jan. 3 3 Newport Harbor Art Museum Christmas Open House 1 1 a.m. • 5 p.m. James and the Giant Peach • Main Theatre Saddleback CoHege 831-4656 Now through Dec. 12 Festival of Lights Parade Newport Harbor Dec. 17-23 6:30 • 9 p.ni. Newport Harbor Art Museum Exhibition Open to Public Dec. 17 ·Jan. 23 24 4 Newport HarbOr Art Museum Chnstmas Open House I I a.m. -5 p.m. Photographs: Flowers Susan Splritus GaHery Now through Jan. 29 11- Festival of Calligraphy I -5 p.m. 960-5775 Santa's Village Excursion City of Costa Mesa • Leisure Services 754-5158 -18 Children's Calligraphy Workshop Calligraphy Inc. I • 3 p.m. 960-5775 Festival of lights Parade see Dec. 17 25 For c-'endar listing send your press rele•se and phOtos to Jn ne Fiddelke, Daffy. Piiot SpKlal Sections Ed itor, 330 w. Bay Street, Cosu Meu. 92626. ------··-, Save ~'26 ·1 I i On any Lo-Z-ley9 I • • • chair M stodl with I this ed new thru .._ f Nev. 13, 1•12. I t~ I Clloost 110111 •anJ ~ ,'' st• cetors , fl\br't I tf la·l· .. , Cllaus • :..--""'---: I It I • ~ I " 1 I lfi=-~ W1ll·lechn11s & .... -.---~ ~. I -~...-:---' ... iz.s I l ..... s.t.M ' • UmMd '° .. OCli I ' . Of!-. I ~~ •. L~•:E:1 7095 w ... ..-..., Ave. ~ I -w........ .• · 192-MIO 192-1319 • ·-------------- Discover what's cooking along the. · Orange Coast in the Orange Coast Cookbook Coming Dec. 8 In the ' - .. ,. , I .,. , I ••• I I I t I • .... 22 -Current-A Monthly Magazine of the Orange Coast/Thursday.November 25, 1982 .. . . Trip to pet store generates PICK OF THE LITTER -Of course, traditional domesticated anima ls make excellent holiday gifts, too. ) Hand Thrown Ceramic Lamp $20.00 Four trec:lcer Hend M9de Solld ...... Cowred Wagon 11715.00 Unique & one of kind gifts Heirloom Quilts Statned Glua Handmakt Needlework Contemporary. Paintings Christma Ornaments Chrlstma Decoration• & Buket• Cu•tom ,,.1ntfHI needlepoint oanr .... ~~ 22421 A. E. El Toro Road El Toro, CA-·1 (714) 855-2852 --- new· hollday gift Ideas C hoosing an original gift for a friend or family member can be -e-a•Hy accomplished this holiday season with 'a quick trip to the local pet store. _ According to the Pet Information Bureau, there's an interesting and unusual pet gift for even the most discriminating gift-getter. Tantalldng Tarantulas For most people , the sight of a tarantula crawling up a sleeve sends shivers up the spine. But thoee who are familiar With the antics o{ these spiders kno w they a r e simply fasci(lating, amusing creatures. \ Named after the town o( Taranto, Italy. colorful,. n o n -poisonous tarantulas require a mm1mum of ~ -a closed cage, some soil for burrowing. a branch or two and about one insect a week for food. Tarantulas range in size from one to three inches. Sam~g ap Snakes Unbeknownst to many. snakes are one o( the quietest, cleanest, most easy-to-ca re-for pets available. A number of local pet shops stock a variety of non-venomous, even- tempered species from which to choose. A snake's natural habitat can be • simula,ted by adding to a dry aquarium some sand or gravel, small. rough-edged rocks and a tree branch or two. Cover the tank with a mesh screen that locks securely. Although snakes ~nermty eat once every few weeks, tt's a good idea to check with thf , local pet shop for its individual feeding requireme n ts. The new snake owner is sure""'to l>effie la1k o( the town. Fucy Fl11l _ Tropical fishkeeping will not only add exotic, tranquil beauty to a home, but will provide the owner with an exciting and enjoyable hobby. Most pet shops stock a variety of comple t e aqu a r ium s e t -ups . Including tank, gravel, pump, filters and heaters. After purchasing the tank and accessories for the person on your list, get a "fish certi(icate" as a creative stocking stuffer. and give him the pleasure of picking out his own fish. Clever Crabs Crabs, whether hermit or tree types, make most e ntertaining and friendly pets. H e rmit c rabs live quite comfortably in a terrarium setting. Provide them with a (ew empty shells and observe rs can enjoy watching them scuttle about and examine them in an attempt to find the perfect home. Tree crat.-wtll be happy spending their days climbing up and down the .,ases of house plants . As with hermit crabs, provide them with a variety of different size sh ells in order that they can change their protective housing at will. Any pet will provide its owner with invaluable companionship, but a n unus ual pe t will prove a n a musi ng source for hours o f. entertainment and (ucination. fill YOUR HOLIDAY BOXES WITH LOVE Current-A Monthly Magazine of the Orange Coast/Thursday,November 25, 1982 -23 Christ11)!1S card_s are a young yuletide tradition Wheil yoy send Christmas cards thts year, you'll be observing one of the "newest" yuleude traditions. While some Chnstmas words and ('UStoms predate the birth of Christ (such as ''yule," the name given to th e an cient Scandinavian feast honoring the god T hor), the first commercial Christmas card was sent a mere 139 years ago. Designed in 1843 by EngJish arust John C. Horsiev for his friend Sir Henry Cole, a London businessman, Hors ley's card carried the simple message, "A Merry Chnstmas-and a Happy New Year to You." Even today it is the most popular expression of Christmas wishes on our cards. On his very first card, Horsley depicted a joyful family gathering in a toas t. On s idebars artfully entwined with holly (symbol of eternal life) and ivy (symbolizing where God walked). he illustrated acts of Christmas charity. An edition of 1,000 page5· of these cards was placed on sale al Felix Summ erly's ·T reasure House in London in 1846 Only a dozen of the original cards are known lo exist today. American artisans were not far behind their British counterpar·ts. The leader was Louis Prang. a German i mm igra nt, whos e Christmas cards ar(' still considered works of art. Prang often is called the fath e r o f the American Christmas card. Throughout its short history, the Christmas card has not only been an easy way t o express holida y Baked bread a h oliday favorite HOS KA 5 V. to 61A cups unsifted flour ¥. cup sugar 1h teaspoon saJ t 2 packages dry yeast ¥. cup milk 112 cup water \h cup butter 2 eggs (room temperature) 1A cup chopped citron V. cup seedless raisins 'A cup chopped bla nc h ed almonds Melted butter 1 egg 1 tablespoon water V. cup whole blanched almonds In a large bowl, thoroughly m ix one and one-half cups of the flour with the sugar. salt and undissolved yeast. Combin e the milk, water and butter in a saucepan and heat them over low heat until the liquids are warm. The butter does not have to melt. Gradually add the liquid mixture to the flour-yeast mixture, beatin g it for two minutes a t medium speed of an electric mixer and acraping the bowl occasionally. Add the two eggs and one cup more flour, or enough flour to make a thkk batter. Beat at high speed for two minutes, scraping the bowl occasionally. Stir in enoukh flour to make a aof.t ddugh. TuM) out onto a ll1htly floured board and knead until llnOOth and elastic -eight to 10 m.lnutee. •• Place &he dou&h in a sreued bowl tumin1 to IP'..,. the top. Cover (See llOSU; pep H) greetings to f1'1endl> and iamily. but has also been an a<.'Curate rcf1C(:t1on uf human <.'On<.'t:rns In the 1870s the moral fiber of the Victorian Age was a ppropriately 11lus lrated in ornately fashioned cards. These outlined the ideals of church , family and community. Among th em we r e the fi r st mechanical cards -when a tab on the back was pulled. the grecung came mto view. Tum-of-the-century cards reveal t he 1n c r eas1 ng reliance o n mechanical 1nv<.•nuons as well as the gro wing ay.iareness of women 's suffrage. • ' l't was-then, tor example, tha Santa abandoned his s leigb and piloted his own ai rplane. Anot.her representative card shows a gauy dresse d woman d riv ing an automobile -rather dashing a t the time -piled high with packages. During the r oaring twe nties everything was coming up roses or mistletoe. Cards of that period were joyful, bright, smart and imbued with JU St a hi n t o f the age's permiss1 vcnt'SS. Even the lf'\Sidious nature o{ war found its way into Christmas cards. During World War 11, cards were bedecked with soldiers as well as • • . EVERYTHING IN ·SHOWROOM 0 ·~ OFF 0 ITS OUR 2ND ANNIVERSARY '*: Nov. 26 -Dec. 11 ·~ -Santas (Some with n e lmcts) and wer e sent by tho u sands 'Of serviceme n to their loved ones al home. The message on the cards expressed emotions ranging frol)'l a wistful h o peful ness to stro ng patriotism. Thli, 1960s were marke d b y a different k ind of turbulcnc.-e. Man wail re-c•valuating his view -of himself a nd his enviro11111ent. We were reaching ou t beyond the limits of our planet 1 A popular card of that era had on its cover a pl('ture of the pl:met earth as viewed from space from one of th<' Apollo s pace missions. 1MPP"!19 Mme'' 'l\W8a OWfP' '"SI ..u.,...r · ..t'!.'0•~ •JAta. "96 t s+» 12.Ut.MT"· 2..$' DIA ·~V ~'<> • qq:a- 6uC...r. Z!.' OI' ·~· P.tu 0 1<11\L I01..Ut! r-2!I to~ •"""'.. ,_, • ".~ And just an time for C hri tmas ... the e spec ial purchases 12 ut.t~-u. u • •-r"'• "eo , q"\,\ '"'-"''''"·~ ,_,. .qq• "'e.c.. q··· • J f • • ... ll"ilW 6"!£.JAL.. 5;: ~ l"l'N •-) .,...... ~ .. • 1"1• ~ """1 ~( 4 8i.X)8I. •tz.1 & -• r8'4 &2.'FIWw/u ~ .,~• 11e ,, .. ,. 4~ !"flN wl4 l'>i.JOI!!$ • '°'u ~r:<, '''°"" '""'l<T"'1~AV~~ 4. '\. ,..,-~· -.o 0"'"' """-• •L"t• l's.·~· . ,, • ,. NaWe•t Ll ... tlas ,,. m ·IM4 11t01 RIDHILL M . TUftlN HCMMI t•I ll•P. t0-1 IAT. • • ~ .. -~ *· • a.T .,~ ~,... .... _ ...... ~-«.--~ .. ,.._.,.. ' 1 __ I I i l I ~ I • • I , ---------------------"' 24 -Current-A Monthly Magazine of the Orange Coast/Thursday.November 25, 1982 -r_ Sewln.g creates a personal, colorful touch to . l:lolldays ( Cutouts make it easy to sew a extra e ffort to e mbtoider th e ide selection of. holiday projects cecipient's name on the cutout doll. that lend a festive air to your decor. How-to instructions are usuaUy Tll~ a lso make _great stocking printed right on cutout_paueras to stuffers and thoughtful hostess gifts. make projects especially easy to Durin g t he holidays, the hostess. COl'lli>lete. S!Jnply cut out front and usually receives more candy than back pieces along the outer edge and r s he can 'eat during the next year. snip where indicated to allow for A centerpiece, W'l"eath or other curves. P lace the front and back decoration is a ,refreshing cJlange pieces together (outsides facing in) from the ordinary gift and shows and sew along the stitch lines, that the giver took some extra time leaving one end open for turning to make a homemade gift. and s tuffing. Turn the project You can \l(hip up an ar.ray of tiny ·right-side-out through the opening ---anm:s;-arrgels. candrcanes, carolers nd-st-uf-f-wi t~--a fiberfill ..sUch-.as- and Christmas bells. Hang ribbons Kodel polyester. Blind.stitch the from the t op s and you h ave opening and yoli're dQne. · a pp ea 11 n g window o r tree For flat projects, such as placemats ornaments. or a prons, just cut out the pattern By layerin g evergree n sprigs, and finish the edges with color- acorns and c utouts in a n old-coordinated binding available at -(asbioned--Wic~ basket you can most notions departments. create a charming centerpiece. A With a minimum of effort, you can brightfabric bowonthe handleadds also mak e your ow n s peci~l . the pertect touch. , Christmas tablecloth. Using one of And no Christmas would be the many seasonal fabrics available, complete without a wreath. You can make a floor-length table covering easily sew one that will last year ·and coordinate it with a solid over- after year. Or, for a truly individual cloth of red or green. touch, buy a bark wreath from your---For those with a culinary bent. local florist, make a selection of your fabric cutouts can even serve as favorite cutouts and sew them on cookie patte rns. Roll the cookie with string or yarn and a tapestry dough until it is about one-fou rth needle. inch thick. Tra~-e the patterns onto Young children ~ill love to waxed paper, place on dough, cut receive-cuddly, chee~ Santa and and bake. Mrs. Claus dolls as gifts, and the Take a dash of imagination, a smaller versions are just the right pinch of creativity and a · nearby . HOLIDAY CHEER -is as close as your sew ing machine with Springmaid cut-outs of easy-care' Kodel polyester and cotton. Easy- to-follow, step-by-step instructions are printed right on the patterns for candy canes, wreaths, angels, placemats, aprons and a merry Santa and Mrs. Claus, Check_yout locaLlabric..._shop foi:-Chris cut-outs. size to peek Crom the top of a child's sewing machine and you have the ·tocking, Children love ~rsonalired___._j_n redients for a memorable_a_n_d __ -t" gifts and it doesn't take too much decorative no ay season. BIZARRE BAZAAR DON'T WAIT! Take advantage of o~r after Christmas salLBEEOBE-CHRISTMASI 500 / OFF ALL /C HOUSE O PLANTS 20-50°/c,OFF SELECTFD R/\<_JKF:TS Cuatom allk arrangement•, wrutha, ornamenta, unique 111tt"ltem1, Cttrl~tmaa tr ... , polntaettl8a a more. BIZARRE. BAZAAR 185• New~ Btvd. ;. Cost1 Miu• 645-3392 Hours: Mon-Sat 10-e • Sun 11-5 • W• .cc.pt M.C.IVISA , A l/OftB' MfOlllM GIFT CERTIFICATE IS A GIFT IN GOOD TASTE. Our gift certificates are a perfect way to say thank you or congratulations. They are an easy & convenient way to do your Christmas shopping early. Give a gift that is appreciated by the entire family. our gift certificates are avai~ble and redeemable at any location. WE SHf> COAST TO COAST, USA+ ALASKA &.HAWAI ... • • Currn-A ......_ M,.utM of tM Orange CWtl11'uraday.~ 25.1912 -25 Scotch selection offers IQJrlad hollday gifts A bottle of fine Scok:tl whialty can make the ideal gift duriftg this holiday seaaon -for family. friends .• co-workers or even• a special &reel for younelf. You may find'il ~ul. however, &o educate yoUnelf about Scotch. its heritaee. tradition and varieties in on»r that you chome the "right" Soot.ch fcfr the riPt penon. Volwmes have been wriuim about · the teemingly endlem varieties of Scotch and the merits of one brand versus another. Wi&h experience. thou8h . it's not difficult to become a Scot.ch connoiaseur and develop the ability to detect the subtle interplay of tastes in the "nectar of the Hi hlands." ~original whisky of the Scot$ is what is today called a single malt, distilled from peat-smoked barley at one o f Scotland 's 100 -plu s distiUeries. Blending malt and grain w~iskies from different distilleries began only in the late 1800s. Single malt whis kie s have a distinct, indentifiable character all their own. All whis ky used in a sin~le malt comes from a single distille ry and is made only from malted barley, dried over peat fires and distilled in a traditional copper ppt still. This contrasts with blended S cot c hes. a mixture o f grain .I whiskies. often distilled in modem continuous or "Coffey" stills, and malt whiskies. One of the most popular single malts in Scotland is Glenmorangie, produced at one of the oldest and mo6l respected Highland distilleries. Aged for 10 years in oak casks, G lenm orangie is noted for its fr agrant, d e licat e characte r . Glenmorangie is the only single ma lt tha t is never blended:-- It's best when enjoyed unadorned. with just a splash of cold water or poured over ace As a n after-dinner drink. 1t may be served in a small s n i ft e r a nd si p ped slow ly . Glenmorangie is priced at about $24. T h e m o s t f a mQ us S c otc h • producing area is. 1ound along the Spey Rive r in northeast Scotland, a n d t h e s ingle from malts "Speyside'' are the most respected in the world. Near where the Spey meets the North Sea is the quaint seaport town of Elgin, home of two of the finest single malts of the region -Glen Moray-Glenlivet. bottled at 10 years, and Milton-Duff, aged 12 years. The Milton-Duff d istiller y was recently completely rebuilt to double its capacity , but has retaine d a p icturesq u e wa terwheel as a reminder of a more romantic past. The consistent character of malt whisky is considered by many \0 be the key element in a blended Scot.ch. Ble nde rs who o wn their o wn disulleries have a better capability in majntaining such consistency. James Marlin & Company, for example, founded in 1878, is owned by one of the last genuine Scot.ch whisky distilleries and blenders sUll under family control. The firm, which prQduces Glenmoranaie and Glen Moray, also blends Martin's V.V.O., a whisky which hu received international recognition for Its quality. In frequent tasting and COl'Jlpariaona with other blend• 'on the market, Martin'• V .V.O. haa beeen called "deluxe." Marlin's v.v.cr.-,-pncecrai-.rouna·sg tor a 750ml botlie. Many ca~ of lMte QUUlY have been Y-4 in defi.ninc fine Scok!h and the "perfect" blen6'. Even the 1no1t diKriminati~• enthusiasta llCl'ff that smootnne. ii_ the surest sigrl of proper.aging. One of the amoothest yet truly affordlible Scot.ch9 la Ballantine'• Finest, part of a tradition which beaan in 1827 in Dumbarton, Scotland. Aged at lea1t four years, Ballantine's Finest at about $9 is highly recommended. For even smoother taste, comider Ballantine's · 17 Year Old, recently introduced and 118S Chilton Auto Repair Manuals Dell.nee hard covers Sug List s1e 95 ea Domes etc 1976·83 n2oo Imports 13,9 ----~6-83 117240 • CAROUEST superwaSher #9810 SU0 Ust U26 .,joying '"""" •• popularity. tcir the ultimate Sift \0 any true Scoech lover, *re ia no altemluve to 8tJ'e=dfte'1 JO Year Old Scotch, the oldeet and moat expenaive Scotdl in the WorJd At about $109 a bottle, Ballantine'• 30 Year Old ia reprded by Scotch connoilleun 811 the very beat blended Scotch wallable. They ~ that aci"I is as important to a quality Scocch •it la to a fine vintaae wine and that proper ~aturina and blending of great whiskies ia the secret to Ballan~'• 30 Year Old -the only Soot.ch apt three decades. [u"i-J Magnum Multt·Functlon Portable Ught s 11gnt functions w1tn fluorescent ciear & amt>er t>eams Batter~ not 1nc1Uoed •333·GW Sug Ust S24 95 . sa1e Pnce 13.95 All BAilantine'& Scotch begins with the clear and fabled water of Loch Lomond, and the barley ia native-grown in ScoUand, hand- ~ by Ballantine's purchasen. Fqr up to 30 yearar barrela o( whisky , are maintained an temperature - •controlled warehouses in Dum- barton, creating the srDOothest whiaky imaginable. • When you buy Scocch • a preeent duriftl the holidays, you'll be giv;ing a gift backed by a centuries-old heritage of fine t.-t.e and matchlesa quality. What's more, there's a Scotch fOFevery pocketbook. ~ - Less Mfg 2 oo~:::::::::::::..LJ Rebate -• vour Mt lltrlcet 8ottl.. ="'· ... ~~:e::Pt>~~le ~ _.,. . -. • Limited Quantlttes 11~:: .. .... "" .,,, .. , ... _ .... I 7997 ..... :. • L.1n1ttee OUMtlttel RalnDancewax cuaranteed to last ionger. UQuk2 #0241N.PastU 024SN ~;.• lntercomprenor Air compressor 130 PSI. peugs Into lighter. ISC7 CheclrbOOll C.ICUlator Const1nt balance fWf'I wt1fn off •CIC lleall~~-Mlliiilmili 14~· s~· PrlCes good thru December 31, 1982 at all parttctpat1no CAROUfST A'!to P•ts srores . Laguna Beach -4M-6514 LAGUNA AUTO PARTS 286 Broadway CA~OUEST th£' Rlf)ht Pl.1cc> to twy .1uto p .u t '. "'fJ~t P.1rtc;. Rlf]ht Price. ~·1qht ,'\()VIC I' . . - I I I· I I I . -- 1 I~ 26 -Curren -MontfiTYlV'lanrmn>nne orang4t Coast/Thursday.November 25, 1982 .. Mesa Verae Center f I Harbor and Adams, Costa Mesa Albertson's Market Bank of America Bilbo Baggins Coco's t Dolphin Hair Fashions Edwards Cinema Center Fash 'N Splash . -· - .. Hambu,rger Hamlet Ice Capades Chalet Mamselle Mesa Verde Florist Mesa Verde Travel Mione's Restaurant Music Market Photography by Jeffrey Piecemakers Reuben's Restaurant Southern California Optical Spa lady Swensen's Ice Cream Upper Cuts Tips provided on holiday toy shopping Toy shopping is one of the hardest -a nd most enjoyable -jobs of parenthood. The search for toys that are fun, safe and affordable often leads mom and dad into a fascinating maze of glittering aisles and day-glo boxes. H ow to c hoose from th e bewildering selection? Schaper Toys o!(ers these tips: -A few weeks before you beJin shopping, take time to noti~ which toys a child enjoys the most. -Before visiting the toy store, take a quick inventory of toys-on- hand. -Read toy package to find age and safety information. -Loo k fo r t h e comp a n y guarantee on the box. It will t.eU you s o m e t h i n g a b o·u t h o w t h e manufac ture r 1f eels ab.o u t the product. 1 One of the most exceptional toy guarantees in the industry is a promise of "guaranteed fun." Purchasers of PlaymobiJ toy sets will be reimbursed if their children don't e njoy playing with the "little people" more than any other toy. Consumers simply return the sets to Schaper with original package and dated sales slip within 90 days of purchase for full refund. Playmobil toy sets include three- inch high, fuUy-articuJat.ed figures with accessories built around ~hem s uch a s S pace, Police R escue, Farmers. Doctors and Nurses. While the little people can move freely from one theme to another, making the toy system completely mterconnectmg. the durable pla<;uc accessories render each set unique .. And now the "fun guarantee" is ext.ended to cover a new preschool toy from Schape r ca ll e d "Squeakies." These little characters incorporate the dimension of sound Into preschool play. By pushing on the head of a figure. children can pr oduce a squeak. Momma, Poppa and Child squeak m d1Herent tones. Squeakies can be purchased with an assortment of wind-up and pull toys. Early California holiday remembered Christmas 1847 was a happy lime for Captain John Sutter. Sutter, kno wn thro ugh o ut CalifomJa as a gracious host, decided lo have a C hristmas party and invited more than 200 guests, including forme r Commandante General of Alta California, General Mariano Vallep. . C hristmas Uay. people arrived from all parts of the valley -aome from_ as far away as San Franciaco. After dinner, the party danced to the strains of violin. guitar and piano until the s un lengthene d the shadows to the peaks of the mighty SierrM. A.a the party ended, General Vallejo, lmpreued with the ener~tic and industrious Americana •. predicted that becawie of them the luture of CalifomJa would be bri1ht.' ~ . Only a month later, hia prediction I - Current-A Monthly Magazine .of tht orange Coast/Thursday.November 25, 1982 -27 Horsid. Around -This Holiday Season? ·- .. A WALT ·DISNEY CHRISTMAS -The colorful cartoon collection of home videocassettes includes six cl~ic favorites to delight kids of all ages. I c MCllLXXXI Walt Dluer ProductloM Round up unique gifts for your favorite child such as a solid bra~s cradle, a wicker bassinett cov- ered with lace and the horse, of course. Find these at the following Baby Toytown locations. • Call or write for FREE Baby Toytown color catalog. -- ... ~ TO~IOWM J JUVENIU fU•NnU•E • lOYS SfNCI ta IMC. ' SAN FERNANDO VALLEY 18238 SHERMAN WAY J RESEDA, CALIF. 9tlJS • (213) .......... (213) 17~JOD2 SAN GABRIEL VALLEY 8930 E. VALLEY BIYD. ROSEMEAD, CALIF. 91710 (213) -4220 (213) 2U-"90 Oil.ANGE COUNTY 602 S. HARBOR llYD. SANTA ANA. CALIF. 92703 C71t) UMMZ C21J) 629-MIO ... - 28 -Current-A Monthly Magazine of the Orange Coast/Thursday.November 25.1982 .TUrkey hotline helps cut dow~ gobbl,r goofs Let's talk, turkey. What's the best way to thaw the big bird? How can you make sure your turkey will be tender and juicy, not tough and dry? S hould the gobbler be covered or unoovered? Is it safe to stuff the bird the night before to save time? If these and other fowl questions have been keeping you awake at night as you oonte mplate cooking your holiday dinn~r. there is hope for you. Swift and Compan.¥ oCfers answers to your cooking questions via the toll-free ButterbaJI Turkey Talk-line. Weekdays Crom 6 a.m. to 4 p.m. the talk-line will be in operation from Nov. 8 to Dec. 24. A staff of home economists will be on hand to a nsw e r questions on dressing, trussing, roasting, basting and other turkey trivia. To caU, dial 1-800-323-4848. Last year the talk-line reported 2,000 calls per hour at its peak, so more staffers and lines ttave been added this year. Still, cons umers ar~ advised to call early in the season. · As a special bonus,..each caUer will receive a colorful free bookle t , ·:Butterball Turkey for a Special Occasion," which contains tips for r oasti ng the perfect turkey, including microwave instructions and a variety of holiday recipes. Hoska. represents best in baked breads From Page 23 doug.h a nd let rise in a warm, drafl-ftee place until it is doubled in bulk -about 50 minutes. Punch down the dough and tum out onto a lightly floured board. Knead in the citron, r aisins a nd c h o pped almonds until w.ell distributed. Divide dough into four equal pieces and set two of them aside. Divide one of the pieces into three equal strips, Place the strips on a large greased baking s heet and braid toge,iher. Brush the top of the braid with melted butter. , Divide two-thirds o~second pi'ece into three equaJ ·strips, each about 12 inches long, and form them into a second braid. Place on._top..o Pvt rt logelhef witti COii/in Klelf"I l!orn Al's Goroge '"" Qleal ~ PQCl<ol mod loOe C()f(UovfBO'\ the first braid and brush top with melted butter. With the remaining on~third of the second piece of dough, make a third braid, about 10 inches long, and place on top of the second braid. Brush top with mel~ butter. Repeat the process with the two pieces or reserved dough. Cover the loaves and let them rise in a warm, draCt-free place until doubled -about an hour. Beat the egg and one tablespoon of water together until w ell-blended and brush the braided loaves with the mixture. Decorate the loaves with wbole almonds and bake at 375 degree for 35 minutes or until done. Remove the breads from the baking beets _and cool on wire ~ka. COlol1 '*"""· ComphOt peWOleum. ~ and !Jloc,ll •\dd coo ~ cu OO!V coe spot! lhilla "'°"' Gani \'.> COf'l'Cllll4e lhlt ouMI --- ----- - &~~~ 56 FASHION ISi.AND · NEWPORT BEACH · (714} 644-7030 ... ~~ The recipes include such taste tempters as "Com Bread Stu ffing," "Crunchy Orange Sweet Potato Cassero le" a nd some recipes for us ing ·the leftover gobbler, from- "Hot Turkey Salad" to "Crispy Turkey Cheeeewiches." If you·re·a gounnet cook and don't _ have any questions_. )'OU can still receive a free copy of the recipe booklet by sending a postcard with your name and address to: BU«erbalt Turkey Holiday Booklet, P .O. Box 795, Mount Prospect, Ill 60056. .) All Elves, Santas and Toymakers! also, -:.: Craftspeople, Sellers and wisened Christmas Shoppers BY POPULAR DEMAND The Olcl Fashioned, Family-Style ORANGE COAST COLLEGE SWAP .MEET WILL BE OPEN THE ENTIRE WEEK BEFORE CHRISTMAS! DECEMBER 19 tltru 241h SPACE IS LJMITED. 50 PUASE RESERVE YOUR SPACE NOW' To rnerve 1 tP41c• drop by our regular Sunday Swap Meet between 9 a.m. and 2 p.m. or on Monday and Friday, between 91.m . and 2 p.m. In the OCC Community Service Offke, located In thecampu• Admlnletratlon Bulldina. HURRY! TIME IS RUNNING OUT/ FOR MORE INFORMATION, CALL JN-MIO ~--------------Curr,ent-A Monthly Magazine of the Orange Coast/Thursday,Novembef'. 25, 1982 -29 . . . . Pre STORE NUMBER 3 • ·'1 THE LARGEST BICYCLE· WORLD OF ALL SALE HOURS WEEKDAYS -10-7:30 SAT. & SUN. -10-6:30 HUGE SELECTION OF NEW/USED WATCH FOR OUR SALE ADS FROM NOW TILL XMAS. IT IS HUGE! TELL YOUR FRIENDS E-Z CHRISTMAS ~AYAWAY PLANS Many Un-advertlHd Speciale - 1 ~ ~~ . . · #1 Costa Mesa, 2146 Ne.;por101vd . S~ BIC!CLE LocatiO~s: #2 Santa Ana, 1419 s .er1s101(a1Edinger> W''~~Q,,RLD .. Independently Owned and Operated ,,. .. . ,..,,. 30 -Current-A Monthly MagazJne of the Orange Coast/ThurSday,November 25, 1982 m eet the proble m s o f s mall participate in its iuaraneed loan businesses. program. They are sranti.na loans of They can provide you with more than $500,000, afthoush the minicomputer and microcomputer average is around $100,000. hardware and software, data When I spoke with them, they proce9Bing aervicea, flnandal 9ervices al9o strelled the fact that if you are in the form of direct Joana and Small . interested in obtaifl;in8 a loan, you Business Adminiatration suaranteed don't have to avatl. yourself of the B J UDITH RHOADES A. Believe it or not, there is loans (the SBA foan1 comi.ng other 1ervicel in order to be eligible cl.,.._...._ sorneonein ~r own~k yard wbo through Commercial Credit . for anSBAeuaranteedloan. can help you_ Financial Corporation), s mafl -If any other of my readers are Q. I am in tbe proce11 of moving buslne9a life.property and caaualty interested in this type-of ilef'Vice for my basilless to tile Dallas area aad I The Control Data Corporation , insurance, management-marketing, their business, there are 55 Control am looking for a company tbat can w hJ c h l 5 w h 0 11 Y 0 w n e-d b Y counseling, tax services, penonnel Data Businem Centers in a:; states. belp me witb computer services, Commercial Credit Company. has assistance and a computer-based Whether you are an individual accoutiag, etc. establis hed a business center education system. who is moving a company. such as We are jast 'a small company so I network. What t hey are doing is You might be interested to know . •the reader whose question was don't want to consider tbe purclllase providing small businesses with that Commercial Credit became the •answered. or aomeone w..ith a small of any equipment a t tblS time. Do computing informatio n, data, first nationwide non-_bank lender business who &s lOOIWig to grow, this you bave any suggestions? _ C.E., financia l he lp, management a nd authorized by the United States t ype of business center might be an Baltimore, Md. ..---e_d_u_ca_t_lo_n_a_l_e_x_p_e_r_t•_· s_e_t_a_il_o_re_d_t_o __ S_m_a_ll_B_u_s_in_ess __ A_d_m_in_i_st_r_at_i_on_to __ ..;;ans~w..-.;..er;.... ____ · ---'----- Holiday fun shouldn't obscure safety 'Tis the season to be wary. While good cheer a nd holiday merriment are the order of the <by, fire safety experts urge revelers to le t caution be their guide when decking the halls and trimming the tree. In addition to the fire hazards from central heat!ng, stoves and fireplaces that accompany the onset of winter, there are such "extras" as tree lights. candles, decorations and combustibles like wrapping paper and boxes. To ensure a sa re season of "decking the halls," follow these tips to decrease the chances of home fires and accidents: -Use a fireplace screen at all times. Just one spark on a rug or dry Christmas tree can start a bla:ze. -Use the "bounce test'' to help select a fresh tree. Hold the trunk of the tree and bounce it on the ground. If a sut>stantial number of needles falls off. the tree is not as fresh as it .should be. -If you select an artlClc1al tree. choose one th at is labeled "fire re tal'.'dant.. • · -Check tree lights for worn-out wanng. a serious fire hazard. Never run wiring under rugs. -Unplug all Ughts and electric decorations before going to bed. -When shopping for batteries for toys, buy a few extras !or your i:mokc detectors -1C you have them . sJ a;s spart .111111 ,.... ClllllSTllllAS. SAIE. SKIS ~. LA CROIX MACH 3 1425 . HEXCEL 532 HS '260. HEXCEL HOS I & 11 '325 . SPALDING 385 • 1 90. SPALDING 365 -1 185. DYNAMIC VA 1 7 '293 . DYNAMIC EXPERT 1275 · DYNAMIC CARBON '395. SKI BOOTS DYNAF-IT CABER SANMARCO NORDIC A LANGE s K I s r ------•COUPON--~-----· -•. I SAL'S Sport H•u• I I GET READY 10 SKI I I WINTERIZE YO\M EQUIPMENT I I .FOR 1911 A 125 VALUE. I 'I I I llfCi... •• _elHARPIN Ml IDClll •PLAT 1'1.1 IOnGMI I ... ~~&~=:..-:oTWAX I _. ______ .. SKI CLOTHING •BOGNER •FILA •FULSAP •VE LEDA •FELLER •HCC •COLMAR • ELLESSE • DESCENTE • KITEX SKI PACKAGE SPALDING 385 SKIS TYROLIA 160 WITH BRAKES .,, REG. 1275. NOW sJ a;s sport 111111 1779 Newport lllvd., c..u Meu (Aeflll.._ .... ..,., (714)141 4110 .... , ....... , ... • I hl1ll .. I JJP 1•M 1 • .-----------------------------------------------~--------~~--------~~~~---~-~ ~ Current-A Monthly Magazine of the Orange Coaat/Thuraday,November 25 1982 -31 -. . HOUSE (ill LnJill From the moment you pull into the driveway past a row of stately eucalyptus trees you!" attention is held b y a stngularly pas toral at.mosphere. The home it.self. surrounded by the residential sprawl of northeast Newport Beach, recalls the era of - local settlers with its rust-colored wood exterior. and adjacent barn. Stepping into November's Home of the M o nth , the guest is immediately confronte d with an expansive living and dining room area, bordered on different sides by ornate bookcases, fire.place and used-brick kitchen walls. Separate hallways with imported English wallpaper lead to various rooms, from a cozy bath complete with Austrian zinc tub to a master bedroom with beam ceiling, brick walls and a pine door with etched glass. There's even a small library with high beam ceilings and comer used brick fireplace. Outside, the dnveway leads 1 ast the home's southern side to a two- s t o r y barn /workshop . The impressive wooden building opens into a two-car garage and extends into a workshop comple te with p otbe ll y stove, loft, ~ bath, sprinkler system and pine floors. area offers the convenience of ·a dressing .room. toilet and sink and outdooli.shower. The. pool is solar heated, toO. The home is currently being offered by Unique Homes. T RANQUILITY -Bedroom and back yard barn/workshop bespeak the serene atmosphere at this Newport Beach home. Pttotoe br f'litrick O'o-Mtt Adjacent to the barn resides a large pool surrounded by an ivy ... 1 shrouded chain-link fe nce. The pool · ••Iii • . " ,. THIS PACE COHlfl19Ull0 IY THE ltUlll~Efl . _ ........... . I 32 -Current-A Monthly Magazine /Thursday.November 25, 1982 . NOACK'S A ~5onal.ud gtfi- ,. ~ al~e SlJtOal -· Do your hol•daV shopp1"9 now • CROSS PENS • PICTURE FRAMES • LIGHTERS • CHARMS & BRACELETS • GOBLETS & BOWLS • MINIATURE FIGURINES • TANKARDS • EXECUTIVE GIFTS Fancv Faucets ..... ON SALE· F0.R THE HOLIDA VS~' From TOP BRASS You don't have to-be athletic to enjoy the comfort Qf athlectlc sporstwear. 11n 11us------- •~w .. ., ....... ..,..., ....... . • , ................. (8'•rh ., .... ) • c.,, .... (fer "'"'· tnnl ., ..... ) • .,.. ......... •11•rtr ....... • 18111 fer T_., ... ,.,, Vel..,.aH , ................................ . PUIO'S Pm •c ...... ,..._•10 •c ... ...,.. .. •m u.. ----··--•251 0 1•• aomeone rov •o~• • puppy ... _~·· ...... Seacllff VIiiage 2205 Main St. #20 . (at Yorktown) 1 ITOMNOUM: Huntington Beach ~ 1::.'== 536-7582 . ..-'~ ..... Chnstmas Special! ••1• Off QUllB ESllMlt 1111 11-Plllhdfllll Clip I Sewt M•~r111• ........... ........... ...... .._ ........ UC'd.,.._, ....... Cll 1111 Tiie l-v-t S111ct1on of DOU HOUSES I MINIATURES IN ORANGE COUNTY M5-3261 w.-c1ays Sundays 10·5:30 12-4 ....... , . .... ... •C. .......... ......... .............. ..... 1 ..... ;~ •• SAW llUMY SSS lowlr lllN<rlftelll Glib Dlcollbons "Cuca" tr• OlllllMlllS F lof 11s & lllllCb llOft! Nov. 26-27-21 11-4 1101 llllol Aw. (Tiit 1111111111) c.. ........... ,,, GAG GIFTS for Otta Parties ....... 1AMhrtin ALSO Sent• Suits I Sent• Helpef Coetunm Stoc:lllng Stuftera WONDERLAND of FUN 690 W. 19'11 St. C.M. 145-9023 . ...... ,.ktlllllt L.Oikiirfe ~ -.... .,..,.., ... lft .. Dlir·f'9M·CI m1 •1. 141-1171 .. -~ ·tso1 Jane:t o~ a'# 'Z o, sawo8 ~ sa~J8S a'f' uo.M puo1 -oAat:> 1nq 'sapas .<1uo S!4 U! z-o so.M Jo11a:t 'JaoJo) S!4 Jot oS ·zo·~ 10 ·\qf:J po4 'sawo6 o~ 1so1 ··· · saAoJg uo1sog a4• ,su!o6o sa!J -as 8t6 l 0 4• 'sa!'as Pl'OM ouo U! paJoadqo .<1uo Ja11a:t In the 1980 World Series Phillie shortstop lorry Bowo set o record for most double ploys started with 9, who's record did he break 1 I J J ; -0 'ltUD!!> 'A'N •'f' ••u1oeo leflM "6l 9'fa Ul Otftllfll l!'W dotl'-'°'fl M1fUD A Aq ... • ·~ ~JO)el ..... .tq DMOI Current-A Monthly Magazine of the Orange Coast/Thursday.November 25, 1982 -33 ,.,,,,,,, .. 41 Peanut confection llvens up holiday cheer • Planning a party this h oliday season? Why not make it a family project? Kids enjoy doing their share; let them polish silver trays and serving pieces before the party. The kids also are good runners for stocking up on supplies or beverages, mixers, peanuts and other snacks. · Try to var y your menu with uncon ventional food ideas. Hot peanut cheese s ticks are delicious Cheddar ch eese flavored pastry twists. T hey're coated with chopped peanuts, and you can be sure that they'll be enjoyed by g\Jests ·or a u ages. They're also convenie nt -because they can be made ahead of time and stored in containers. HOT PEANOT CHEESE STICKS · 1 sheet frozen puff pastry (half of a l 7 IA -ounce package) 1 ~ cups grated sharp Cheddar cheese (about six ounces) . I ~ teaspoon crushed red pepper 1 egg white l ~ cup finely chopped salted peanuts ~t sheet of pastry defrost about 20 minutes. On lightly floured board, unfold pastry sheet. KOU pastry into a 15 x 18-inch rectangle .. In a sman bowl. stir toRether Cheddar cheese and crushed red pepper. Sprinkle cheese mixture onto pastry, hgbtly pressing mixture 1. into pastry. - Cut sheet lengthwise into three, strips (5 X 18 inches each). Cut each strip horirontally into pieces about one inch wide. Holding $ch piece at opposite ends, twist into spiral. In a small bowl, ·beat'egg white until frothy. Brush each twist with egg white and roll in chopped ~a­ nuJli. Pla'-e on ungreased biking sheets and bake in a 425-degi-ee' oven for 20 minutes or until golden brown . Makes 54 twists. Orange County Fairgrounds Swap Meet Anewwayto . do your Christmas Shopping ..... Everything under the sun ..... .-presents a ""' Christmas Special Monday through Fridav"' December 20th-24th With bikes bright & shiny, & jeans by designers, toys for the girls & also for boys, watches, pillows & tons of joy. Things made by 'hand for women, for men, plants for your house, a .lovely new blouse, new ~ chairs to sit on, tables to eat on. Pictures to look at, a ball, a hat, a mitt & a bat, & so much more ..... It's all there ..... at the Orange County Fairgrounds Swap Meet Christmas Special, Monday through . Friday, December 20th -December 24th from 7:00 a.m. to 4 :00 p.m. Have fun with the whole family &. save money on thousands of terrific bargains. Enjoy an unlimited variety of gift possibilities when you do your Christmas shopping at the Oran1e County Fairll'ounds Swap Meet ••••• It's All There .... ----··-- ,. ' - ------ 34 -Current-A Monthly Magazine of the Orange Coast/Thursday.November 25, 1982 ST A TEL Y BATH -Our home of the month features a bathroOm with a hand-stenciled Austrian zinc tub, English commode with pull, shutter windows, Engli~h oak door and br~ Victorian light fixture. Photo tips make holiday picture-taking a breeze More photographjc equipment is sold during the holidays ttian during any other time o( the year. according to photo industry sou~--s. Obviously. most of 1t 1s destined for a spot under the tree. _ Herc arc some pointers from the expe rts tha t will ai d in y our selection of photographic gifts. -H ow s e ri o u s ab o ut photography 1s the person for whom thl' gift 1s in tended? If hc or s he &·nds M'rtous signals. t.'Onsidcr one of ma n y ;~5 m11l1mc tcr s ing le le ns rt'fl t•x c:nmcras on thC' market. An SLI{ 1s a camera the tx'ginnC'r can grow with. Start simple. Add lenses a nd accesso r ies f o r more soph1sl1l·att'd photos. On the othet h'and. if you are getting a camera !or a now-and-then s napshooter who only wants to n>eord special occasions, check out an · ea,,y-to-uae pocket camera. -How important are the results? There '• a 1imple rule in photography: Other thine• bein1 e.qual. the blget' th,e neptlve, the better the raultinl ..... t. ·'l'IUrtJ- Cive millimeter is the largest s ize available in popular cameras. Most of these models will produce sharp, c lear 8"Xl0" prints and larger. That's difficult to do with smaller ·size fllro. -Ease of operation is important. H you give someone a camera that's diHicuJt to use. they're more likely to bt• frus trated than pleased. Features to look for are automatic film loading. advance and rewind and a wide range of shutter speeds which will make pictures possible under most lighting <.'Ondilions. Kinds of sub~cs. If your photo fan ls likely to be interested in action photography such aa sporll, make sure the camera you .elect hal the ability to stop action. '11\at means a fast shutter speed -111000 of a second in the SLR and 11500. capability in a pocket camefa. -Manufacturef'I reputation. Thia count• re1ardlne of what • product you are buyial. When lt comes to camer•, ctMIE Mt tbe ... tw ol It. m de ... _. a pnaf111h..a phMtlf•ln .. . • . .. EXERCISE TRAMPOLINES LOSE WEIGHT TONE & TIGHTEN MUSCLES IMPROVE HEART ACTIVITY INCREASE CIRCULATION RELAX. TENSE MUSCLES FREE lnst111efJoD ~ID .. I Guaranteed • Qualty you con depend on • 8.oolofs • .all sizes • also backyard family trampolines Compaie our quality. It c.nnot be metched. CALL TODAY ... ...;.-;..._ ~ FOR. MOR.£ ... INFOR.MAT10N CALIFORN.IA SUNDANCER, INC. Phone Orders Accepted 488 E. 17th St.. Suite 226 Costa Mesa. Ca. 92627 cn4) 645-3500. · c Cauolf ~~ .Stiaflll:95jJ120 bcl• \bU WOD1 I ~ )'OUf eyes. Wfiln you see the great pictures you get with a Canon Snappy Camera. Large 35mm film gives you bigger and better prints. And they're so easy to use: • Focue-he canon 35mm 1ena • Aulommllc ......... • AulolNlllc fllln loedlng, ~ 8nd '9Wlndlng ~'20 $69.95 -1 •BuHt-ln ....... • HMdy .,... etrl!p • 35mm qu8llty,...,... e Simple to UM ~..!9· $89.95 ----1 Umffed of* •• .,., .. Dec. 1, 1982 • ·~ • . . t Current-A Monthly Magazine of the Orange Coast/Thursday,N6vember 25, 1982 -35 PICTURE PRETTY -Voila. You've just finished redoing your home in a striking Spanish motif, and now you're r'ady for a party. Laurie and I helped, the least you could do is send f1s an invitation. Snapshots aid Interior design p~ocess By BOLT CONFER c..-, ..... a.ntce • During a recen t trip to New York City, I had lunch with Laurie Peck, an account executive for a large public relations firm. Laurie's responsibility is Kodak, a very aggressive marketing company. One of Laurie's responsibilities is to make available to media people sound ideas for u s ing Kodak products. She's also a good person for me to know when I have a que5tion about a Kodak product or if there Is something new coming out on the market that I should sample in order . to·tell you about. from a firsthand viewpoint. She recently gave me eome ideas for using an illltant 'camera to aid the home redecorailng process. It's aomething I probably wouldn't have thought of, and in caae you haven't thought of it either, I'd like to pass some of her ideas along to you. · HoW"'often do you fir\d younelf in a 1tore looking for carpet. drapes or furniture and struggle . to de9Cribe fabric texture• or colors to .a ulesman? You've also probably had a problem de9crlbing the lhape of a room or the fumitW"e already in P,lace that you wane. to complement •a•nx&f ¥8¥'58 .MY'R' 'B . . . You can solve these problems with an instant camer a providing you don't object to waiting a few days for the results. First of all, take some general shots -photo graph furniture arrangements, color &ehemes, fabric patterns, window shapes and drapes, wall hangings. floor coverings and lighting arrangements. Pictures enable the person helping you with your selection make an objectivf? appraisal of what you're working with -something that may be difficult for you to do, since you were responsible for the original purchase. Y ou also c an photograph problems, Laurie says. For example, if there's a lamp you're trying to replace. carry a photo of it with you ~hen vou go shopping 80 you don't madvertently make the mistake of buyin~ a similar model. tf you have a particularly attractive accent piece -llke a handmade afghan -carry a photo of it 80 its colors and patten.-are . always available to aettle any mental confusion that may ariee. An~ ii yoo wonder how different wall arrangements qht look, the secret is to lay out the p~wes or wall hanglnp on the Ooor and take a picture of them. Re,eat. tbi1 lfJt•tJmaltLYJ:~l:t:r h. REMEMBER CAL'S OfFERS A FREE • -6-- HOUR BASIC PHOTO COURSE . WITH ANY NEW OR USED stR CAMCRA Je•lll UTllllY, IEOE•IEI 4 .. THIS YEAR WILL . BE "BIGGER" THAN EVER I •R"EPS WILL BE HERE FROM: NIKON•CANON•Ol YMPUS•ELMO•MINOLT A• VIVITAR.PENT AX•KOOAK•POLAROIO-KONICA• YASHICA•CONT1'J(•MAMIYA•BELL & HOWELL• TOKINA•FUJl•~NELL . •TELL THE KIDSlll ~~wErit.~YHAE:J MAYBE A FAEE PICTURE •CM SEE Otlt All r€W STORE SEE Cllll'S ILL IEW ••• Cauou· Ptog1&mmed automauon tor IOC14 a00.$N)Ot ~-. shUtle< prlOfOly aUtO"Mto()tl p1iJ1 Manulll COn!tol _J ~~~n lightW<l'Of'I GOr'l1P!ICI ' J ancs ea~ to use Sul>.'< D<!Qlll IOCV'""lj fCfet(I Bnd LEO Ree<lo<lt> "' ·-"""" Accepts a~ Canon ro - christmas 1982 ... our IOOX ooU.on c:»1!bn:i ~cbvn ~rtOlfl I.he. !\tYZ.% toig stdple~. thm Loi lorr:r.d 111 lhl old world 1.Aod11Aon wit.h &pl.Cd ! oLL<l.nt..oo to tillZ. 1oll ol th<t cd lonmd J"Op:n ehouldu eind *i«Vri r.t., 1.t:92,t.lw.r Wtth t.lw. !\na.si. naidkt IMXk tM:sl\4ble l'l'lOke ourc1etbrd l::1r:l' llu .• ,._.,._.,.._.J mait. can{brt(lbl¢ ck..lfablcz ~'""~~--.ii.-.) encl. br.$ loet.~ !h1rt. ~ yo.>llq,~-r _., . . j ! l 4 4 4 4 ! I • . ~1 ! ' ' ' ~ ! \ ) l I 36 -Current-A Monthly Magazine of the Orange CoastlThunday,N~emtrw 25, 1912 ~ -_, -· 1 ACROSS 1. Kiaeral sprinc '· RoH • 8. Droee 12. "The pnc's - hen'' 13. Way out 14. Gaelic name of Ireland · 15. Court 16. Spanish hero, El - 17. Moslem relicion 18. Counter seats 20. lriah or Mediterranean 21. Friar's title 22. Recipe 26. Date initials 28. Butralo 30. Jacob's brother 31. Dunderhead 33. 0..rYe 35. Bari.er beard 38. Peak 38. Talk-show h09t, for one ,0. J 019Pb or .1bhn: abbr. 41. Pnsa 43. Speck 45. Necative vote 46. Last part 49. Finery 52. To and - 53. Noon to noon 5-4. Bill stamp 55. Roquefortlike cheae 56. Conjunction 57. Biblical pro- noun 58. ObM"es 59. Actreu Grant aaiJ DOIJ[] (i)l!Jl:JE t'.lr:Jl'l ran'1n r:JIJDr'.1 fJ a r.i r:m fl 11 n ri n l'l 001100[1 U(][) Uc-JEJ UOlJCJ~UC: fJO nnEOCi [l[Jr'.)[j 00() fJ()(J[j(.; [](le;: (i]CJUIJ OELlff~ EL [J~(iJ[J[][::[J IJ[)f: lJUL Lll.IC::C::UC: IJ{Jli.JUU Lillfo: [o:[o)C 00()(] [!(][](] '1'1(j ElDlilU U[)IJCJ Cl[]Cl DOWN 1. Maxima 2. It eometimea · "tbiekem" 3. Stando'leh ·'· Tr7toset back 5. WWII alliance 6. "Rib" 7. And, to Caeaar 8. "-St.n.t" TV Kiddie ahow ~ 9. Abner of Doc- patcb • 10. Coach Paraeshian 11. Prized person or thinr 17. Comparative endinr 19. Globe 20. Of eound 22. IRS mailinp 23. Carter'1 domain abbr. 24. Canou 25. Poll~ to Tom SaWJU 28. Wildq 21. Cod, for •- ample 29. RmMlowa 31. Not__, u. Borilll' 87. CoJnldp .... at. A.-....... 'L J'la& Illa 4'. Of oeean nr- nata 41.UnnetralMd 4'1. s.amw. • .... Jebll'• COQD- terpart "· Llbb' . SO. StadluaeMn- 11. Rlftr: SpuUla ... Bl e ._ POCDf alOM...O PVm.a.. 11:L a-- tae pa . . If Diii P 22r S: JC... la Ci;;•-• • _. 1"'. "" Diii P t'' t ' 1 ea.. ,_ Al ,_... ._.,., II. EDit Remember when service was more than just a slogan? When hometown met'CNnta spent time helping yoo lefect t~ perlect gift? When Christmas shopping was a Jov, ... not a chore? This holiday season. join the Westcliff Plaza family, where the holiday spirit stUI means sharing joy . . . with our customet.s. our friends. Select your gifts from more than twenty shops; without crowds 0< endless parking lots. with the personal touch that West cliff. Plaza has become known ~~ . Enjoy twinkling lights, Christmas carolers and Mrs. Santa ... and share in our spirit of giving by bringing along a special package for Toys for Tots. This Christmas, join the Westclitt Plal8 family. and have a merry Old Fashioned Christmas! • Anltlolly's Slloe Sefwct • a. of Allltr•ca • CM!lts 8111 Jtweltrs • C1own HllfW•• • OI lou Cider • Hw Hlndlers Salon • Hllhd.ly's Mtft's ~. HicMlfl rlmlS • H111119ty Dumpty • l1 Clllntee • ~ Mll~d • Mu Mitts Teens • Nlflcy Dunn AlllJClllfS • Newport ~ Samp • Paper Unh1111ttd • Sa¥ On Diucs • SeftnOlplty • Slor.-fflltf • SIOfeleflltl !of Her • Vela's lnl11111le ~el • Wtstchtt Cleaners • Wnldlff Conttn • Wfstclltt Shots Quality In fuhlon end servtces wtth that perSOMI touch i ..--------------~-----c_u_rr ... ent-A Monthly Ma azine of the Orange Coaat/Thursday,November 25, 1982 -37 ·:.*·· * SALE-* ·.::1t~·· NOV. 26 thru DEC. 20 . .. .. 'A ~ RMSTRONG CARPETS ANY THING GOES • for Adive Homft 5-YR. guarantee APT. CMPET from 7.95 CUSTll llEi RUIS! ... ,. '" FREE ESTIMATES FREE DELIVERY 642-1411 CARPET BARN. +. 642-1416 1112 NEWPORT IAY ~1036 COSTA MESA FABRIC WAREHOUSE WEEK Sale! FlllAY, •v. ZITH THU llllAY. IDV. !1111 1/2 PRICE SALE 0~·w~ SOME OF OUR SALE PRICES... 1/2 PRICE A~~ORTE:D 69<vo. DENIM-·so ( , 100%)1l~ fADRIC~ ~ICn(R VD. ·~tltc CRE:PC OCOltl"tE: lE:nGTH~ (?LAIN ' Plll'IH) FIOE:R~lll $ 119 LB. P€LLON 1 O<vo. •RAW s9~~ ~lltc~ ,~}&k~ ~ALE: \TART~ CORDUROY NO\I. 26TH fULl DOLT~ ClO~E:D $2 69vo. NO\I. 24TH & NO\I. 25TH -HOMf. FabJti.Cb ~tel\ And St•ff la Very Thenkful...IoJou For Doln'g Bualn••• With Ua. HAPPY THANKSGIVING DAY Everybody! To Show Our Apprecl8tlon, We W•nt To P••• On To. You The Following S•vlnga ••• ALL FABRICS IN THIS STORE ARE ON SALEI :---•• ;.~--N;.;------------------, I 150 oo AddreM I I • City ,._ I L G!!t_ C!.'!!!.C!!l.!t!_.!'~~!.6-.!.a_ -~'!.'!.~!.'!.'?!~J FULL LENGTH LOUNGING ROBE. S·M·L·XL. PLAIDS & PLAIN COLORS ALL 100"4 PENDLETON WOOL u • -- CAN NECK OR V0NECK SWEATERS OF 1~ PENDl.ETON LAMBSWOOL NINE COLORS: S-M·L-XL 141.00-..... MAKI IT A PENDLETON CHRl8111A8 r ,. I 38-Current-A Monthly Magazine of the Orange Coast/Thursday, November12•5il, •1•9•8•2•••••••••••••••••!!1!!!1!1!!!!1•••~!11 COLLEC TABLES -This Vtlleroy & Boch pla que and Victoria n lknaissancc R evival mirror: arl· two examples of fin e a ntiques. By JAMES G. McCOLLAM Copley Hewe Sert.lee Dear Mr. MCCollam: This plaque is 16 inches in diameter. It shows a dwarf seated on a .tree branc h drinkinR from a large mug. On the back ls a castle, Mettlacb, VB, 2113. and Gescbuti. What can you tell me about it? -P.8 ., Glendale, CA. Dear P.B.: This is a Villeroy a:id Boch plaque made in Mettlach. Germany. 2 113 i.5 the model number and "Geschuu" meilns i'•protected" or "pate nted . · H 1s worth about _Sl,000. Dear Mr. McCollam: This mirror was given to me by a friend who was born in 1893. Her grandmother brought it to tbis country from England. I would appreciate any !nformatlon you can provide as to its age-aud-vatui . -~ANT; Fla. Dear D.H.: T h is ts a Victorian Renaissance RevivaJ mirror and was made in the third quarter of the 19th century. It is an exceptionally fine example of its kind and would be worth from $300 to $500, depending on the market area. E BOOK REVIEW: "The Oriental Jo urnal" is not a book ; it is a bimonthly on Oriental collectibles that comes highly recommended. It is published by Sandra Andacht, one of the leading experts in the field a nd Is devoted t o the area o f Orientalia of interest to the average collector. If Sa'tSuma. Cloisonne. Nippon, Noritake or even items marked '"made in occupied Japan" ts your field of intereSt, then you will find this a worthwhile investment. In ad ditio n to se vera l· .articles on various su bjects. there also is a question and answer department available to th e r ea d e r . SUOSCripfions are $12 per year, P .O. Box 94, Little Neck, N. Y. 11363. .., . ' Send your questions aboul . anliques with plcture(s). a detailed desc ription , s tamped, se lf· addressed envelope and $1 per item to James McCollam, P.O. Box 6R7, Dunedin, F la. 33528. House plants can acquire a holiday spirit of their own Houseplants that make a home "The size of the plant. its structurc resemble a tropical forest during the and its health determine if it can be summer sometimes look out of place decorated," Smith says. ·•Strong once holiday decoralions go up. branches and stems are necessary. Don't think the plants need to be Plants that aren't healthy shouldn't banished to a portable greenhouse be decorated." for tht• holidays. Marie Smith, a Wbe n decorating house plants, designer for Hallmark Cards, has have a good s upply o f s m a ll some practical tips for suceessfully ornaments (handcrafted yarn. satm integrating the living accen ts Into a or tiny glass-balls) available. holiday decor scheme. "Lar~er ornaments add too much "One must first understand that weight, ' Smith explained. · n o t a I I house p I an ts can be If you're looking for an alternative d('('Orated," Smith says. "But there to traditional ornaments, Smith are severai that can handle the suggests tyin~small yam bows on addt'Cf weight of small ornaments 9r plant branches, using cutouts from other decorations. Meanwhile, those Christmas cards as light-w eight that can't be decorated can always ornaments or adorning the plant be dressed up with gift wrap and with fuzzy yarn pompons. These ribbon around their pots." ca n b e found in girt wrap Among the common houseplants d e par;tmenta of card shops o r that can be adorned with ornaments stationery stores. and other small holiday accents are "Just be sure not to uae lights,'' the NorJolk Island pine, weeptng-fig S~lth says. "Even 'the 1malles~, and rubber tree. S turdy bonsai coolest bulbs can upse t a plant s specimens al9o can be decorated. tender system." Ferns and other smaller planl8 of To dl'ftl up plant.I that can't be similar nature a r e bes\ left decorated, wrap their pots In !:l!)lP.Y~che_P. by Jloll~n bobs a(ld ""'v ble ft WS,P. llO e e¥ •~·---c ,.,, f.,l~:,'.I·~:.':. ·~-·.: J~.~( 14 /_r'_ •,. r • , ' CUSTOM QUALITY . SHUTIERS -----,_... ----- 1 28 Years Experience Manufacturing Quality Shutters FINEST QUALITY SHUTTERS AVAILABLE ON THE MARKET TODAY .•. AT FACTORY DIRECT PRICESI ca11(714)548-6841 or 548-1717 HEIRWOOD M-llUFACTORY 1977 Placentia Avenu e • Costa Mesa, CA 92627 OJSTOM PICTURE :FRAMIN & ART GALLERY RUSH ORDERS FOR CHRISTMAS C...1111 ...... c ....... ,.... .. Miia Omar's OIHIClJl T FRAMING OIJR SPfCIAL TY •Chll ... C....._ ... ,,_ ................... 0...-.-. ............. ......... ,_ •C ........................ fl'R __ , __ • -.... • ,..._ • Qu•r .... •• I s-.i • -......... .......,_...., 1m llEWPllT RVI., COITA IEIA (7141141-4111 .. Current-A Monthly Magazine of the Orange Coa1t/Thurlday, November 25; 1982-39 ·For· Every S1'ier .. -·· ·. ... • • Tlle"re iS -·a : Gift~ · 100 °/o Wool Handmade Sweaters by Marceau "\ .. Skis for any ability level Hi-performance racing boots by Dynatit ·- ~ Beautifully fashioned ladies' Hi-I oft parkas by F~ra. • · ··For Every S1'ie.~' s ·&ilt. .. Tliere is . ,. . · · Bl1Store ,2700 W. C..et Hwy. N...,Ort8emc• \ 631.-3288 •' ' ' -I .. . I "" I '