HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-11-29 - Orange Coast PilotTHI ORANGE COAST MONDAY, NOVEMBER 29. 1982 Could video games f ill county coffers? II\ Jl':FF .\111.1-.H 0 1 ihe D•lly P11o1 Stall ( )c .1n~1t \ H\Ull \ ~"tqu 11111 ~ Hiii I f\H 11t \\ 110 I lit 'I" 11.11111' 1dl1 1111111 l•l.1 11111 ,,i,, 11-. 1•111 "' tl11 '"' 111 .1\111d 1111• l'.11 t\l.111 Ill.ill\ f•tll •11• 1-. t.111 • H\Hll \ I 1uplt1\I I ... lltll'hl ···•n tH d tl• t. th.tlll'lij.!• tlu11 l.1\\01111 \lll.011:1111• h111111.;li111ol1 Ill ... 11 .. 1111.11-. l t I~·' It l i• \ '' t' '. J'•' t I It 111 • t 1t111' •• • • \\ 11 t It l1111ldtlll " I 111ol11 d o1 !1 "'tl1l1 o1t1ol 1111.oroo r.rlh .1111.u II\• 1.11 ·' •• It I'"" 1111 1'·•1111 '" 11o ........ 1, :\.11111111 .... 11.tl"' I Ill Ill ti.. I"'" l11d1 ti \ )11 1\ 1·11-:111 \ 11t." ~·.11111 .. '' t1lol !11 t111• 'l'llltl\ t1ol l1 I• 111\\\ho I• 1100111 \,' ltllt I'' I \•II llj•\\ ,11 d-. 111 ~-'(l I 11111 ol \•,II 111 11111• 11 11•' olo ol 11'\I 111Jo 1111 fljHll l .,,tit! \-\ 11.11 II 11•,tlll I' I do It ltlllfloll lo'll ii 1>111 1111 .q 1p111p11.rt1 11 .. lll \ 111.11-.1111• 1111111 .1 111 1111 Jllll)ll 11 ·1 \ ,,, pl.11 1111• \ 11 11 ,, i' 1111•. 111.t go\'1'1111111 Ill ol• 11 \lli• ... llltol1 I llo• • .11110 I""' 1111 11•111111 .idol1 ti 'l'h·· '111111" , 111d11 1 • .I 1i ... 1.•11 "' .it1 • .11h !1.1 . 1 ul1·d th.it \01d1·11 j(.11111·, '"'Ir·'' I· 111~:1·• t 111 :-it o.11 • (11\',tdt· .... 111• 11111 '" 001 tit I .II 1 ...... 1 .• I•·" I"' 11,, t\llllil\ ·, 11 ~:.ii 1>1•• •· ..... Rain di1 e through tonight ,\ !.111g d1 l.1'' d 1.tlll"l"l 111 hll 01 o111g1 <"11.1-.1 .11 • "" S1111d,1\ 111).!ht 1 111111~111).! I .till .111d ,loo\\ 1111: 11.1111• 1111 11•' , .... 1\• .1l11·.1d \ I 1 I' , 1 \ I I \ ' 'I 11 g ' ' I ' It \\ I I I 1 11111l111Ulo·1 , 11·111111111)! \I• \\oolk ;dt1·1 tl11· 'l'l1o11tl.;,gl\ 111~: lt11l1d.1. WI •1 •k1'11d Thi· N.1111111.d \\'1 "'"'I s, I\ II I µrt •d1t \1 •d d11//11 \\al) I 10llll11\l1 th111ugh 111111ght v.1th 111 .111111: t·,p1·t I• d h\ I.it• 'I 111 ,,i,,, ~r, , , , J>• , ·' t l~, • "'· 11 • , , ••• , , • 11 1. ... houltl h11\ 1·1 ,,, 11u11d loll l1>ti.1. .J111pp111g 111 lhl 111\\ oil l11111ghl Lo1.ill\ L!lhl\ '' 11111-. o111d , 1.111.t. \\di µ11 '.Jal 1 .. d.1\ \\ 11h l1gli1 1.1111 1 111 1 1,1-.1 1111 1111 .... 1lh1111 l'.tl1t111111.1 11111Ulll 1111 .111 '" I ho '1111 \\ It \ t I I' o 'I~ • I 1 ol I 11 ol r 11 p Io 1 1 111111 k• I tho 'I;\\ ..... -...11tl lh 1111d 1111•1 II"~ ltr 1111 .. 111 I loo I'""''\ I .• 1•.11 .l11il111.ol t 11i11ll11111 I t 11111fll1 Id ·ii ptd}1 • o1l lttl 111' H•il t Hlllll\ l'I"'''·"" lo.1 .... 1111.11111111111 ... h ·•1:1••tl 1111 1>1 .1111:• • "••llltl l 1•\lf ttu•ll't I IU ,,1.u t t ••• \ 11 11 ., ,~.11111 \\ • lillll 111.11 ,111 ,111 .11lo I\ I" 111 ,1111.1111111 1 .. I' "'Ill• olll1l1 \\ 1111 \\ h.11 1111 1111111lo1111-.. I" lu It '"' '''"·'""" 1'111d1111·111.1111·· 1 1111111\ ...... q .. 11 .. 1 \111111 .111111•1 ((1111111 1<111-.1 ... "h" '"'"'" 1111 '·•I'·" .111.!111.tl ( IOlllllllll•• 1111111111 I . 1 \\ •• 1-. \\ ltt II 111· ""' 11 .. 11 \\ ••• 1111 "'' 1• .t 1<11 Id• .1111 111.11t•l.111111• '1d1 " ~'.11111" 111 11,, •" 11111.-t' 1 IHI\·•"·' 1ul•I\ Hu•tll ttl t1u 1dl1h11.i \\l•otld .t. 11 "I 1111111 1'11 ti• 1:.o1 1 )'lfMt ..,, """ IH It 0011 j 1.lltl>l1 \\ 1111 1111 '' 111111' 1111,1111.,. • 111111111 lo d lt1 11 J\10 kl• ;.ol•I Iii.ti I \I II. ·llf•• 11•11 111111 I Jl1d).!t \\ "" \\ 1111111 Ii• 1 ... I 1111 °11 ll• ti l.111.t ~ "Pl"'·' d '" I" 11111111 ti 111• 111•.t.dl.1111111 o>I \ 1d1·11 g.11111 ·., ,..., d111 ~ iii• ()1.111g·· ('1111 111 \ ll.11 \ ....... 1.1111111 .. 11.11 .111d loo ,hlr I011illlllllt1 .itid lh1 1)1 ,111~:1 (0111 1111 1. '!'It.ii ( • I\\ \I I " j \ '-"'" I i I I Ii 11 I \\1 II 11111 ·•l:·•lfl',I 1111111 ' l1.1\111g ill\11 '11111 ,.1111 ,.\I.Ill :-il.llo•t !Ill 1111111•, t\11\lll\'I 11llf1tl 1.11 .11 1\ \\t d l1 k1 111 jllll\'idt· tli1 ·111 1111111 tS1·1· \'EHllH'T . l'a).{t: A:'> I COUNT Y IDITIDN ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS Delly Pllo1 Photo by Petrick O'Donnell Onm~t· County lrn~i11c·~~111t·11 Jim Mc ·CrnL :\like• Fra11klin and l>t·1111i ~ S1·a11la11 (from lt·ft ) c·njo) a lu11d11in1t· tli\c•r..,io11 tha t 111:n lw in tlw \\tH'k.., for c·oullt ) ~o\c·rnmc ·nt c•mplo )t't'~. D•lly Piiot Pl\olo by Cl\•rlet Sterr Woman held • Ill slaying d1·lt I II\ 1·0.. ,,11d l11d.iV 11,rl I I• d 11\ 1111' \'H1lt·11I ..,l.1\1111: ool "1111111111,tllv •II ' I I \ I ·' I 'ol c I "' I \\ p II I I B; d l ' h \\ 11111 .1 II \\ )i,,..., -.l.dilot·fl ,111J 11.1111 11 ·ol l>t111\ \\.1-.. l1iu11rl 111 1111' 11 \01111· Av1·11ul' f 1111111 'I 111 1' 11111,111' li11u" k1·1·µ1·1, .I .1 111 I r • n' M 11II1 1 • 4 II . u f llii11t111flt•11 l~ •• 1h "·" .1rrt·'oll.U S1111d,,, ••It -.u-..p1 l 1011 uf 111111.!1 1111~' 111 J, II 1)1 V.'1111. )J<lltn• ....1111 M 11ll1 1. ""ho 1Jol1<..l· ~1d is a n l'Xp('r1t•n t•«! hous<'kl'eper a nd 111o11rl "..... 1111 ·-.11·d 1n El ~1nrne \\lit 11 ,}11 \\,J., -.t.1_\11\g "'1th Ir 11 11d-. 111 1 li.1al h.1-.. 111·1·11 '-t·I al .;,~ oll tlllll l'ulll' ... t1d -.Ill' " to be 111 111"111 .J I 11• 1l.1\ 111 ll.11 b11r :'-l 11111•qo,d ('u1111 111 :-J1\\p1111 I~·" 11 \ I ' ' I ~· lo I '" I I" ol Ii • • .. , 11 .t 1.1111 lt.ttl llO' JI f It Olf 11' d I Ito -.1111111. 1001tllilolllll•ll 111111~· .. !111 ,. ,,11t1 r.11r1 tu1,d up 1•• ~ > 1111 !11" ·","I .!111~· 111 .I ""' 1111.111 I>• 1111\ ,1 11 11111111~•.11111 II• 11 li I l''fllt llf \\ 1111 lt.1 kr '" I 1111111 \ \\\ .1tl11 I "l.111',llt <, 1111 Ill.Ill', \I oil I hi-. .. 1·al1· 111od1 ·l "'"'"""''hat '\c·" purl B t-;11·ti· ... \larriolt llolt'I \\otild look lik1· if propo..,t•d 1·,pa1h 10 11 ,.., a pprcnc•tl. dr I II\ I I• d IJt \\.1111 ... l1t1d\ S.11111 "·" 11111111111g Ill tht 112~ 11 \ lllt \\ 1 It ... 1d1 Ill t ,tfll I lht 1ld11I\ \\11111.111 ....... 11 IHt.11111 1 ...... 1 '' •• r .it 1h1 ... 11111• ll1• • .. 11111' Ii." I ho1tl \ .: .. 111• h• ..... 1 I·" 11 llt·1111 \ ..... ,.i t 111 .... 1 •• 1 Ill JJI 114111.llh \\ ·" 1111 ,., .... 1 1 .. 1 th• h111id01\ \\ 1•1 ko ltd lolJI \\ ,o -.t,dlo ol Ill 1111' 11.11 1111 lt•I " I•\\ .t.I\ .. Marriott expansion battle looms o ooltl t 1111 ti lrt l olll't ht• lt.od 11111 Ii• .01 ti 1111111 )w. 1111•th1·1 I '11111, .... 11rl 1lr1· rw1ghlx11 . M .irk n . .i.i, 1 11•1111d •• '"'"·I ... 1urr1·d 111 1d1 I 1111 l1.1llll1••lll door «IHI th1· \\' •111.111'. ".dl-.1 1 111 tho• lt,1llwav 111 ~' • .I H• ,., II " '" ,11 f11 11,l11 ti )t, lowo1 l11gli II• k \\ill v..i. ,1 1d1111I ""11t p1"1" 111q.' .,tl.tl•l l ~l i ll·,1d1 t',ololl\ ht•,u 111111111 hoolll•" 11•>11 olo1111.111• tt( d1 .... tttttl111f1 '''"'' ltlll '-!J'tl\\f\f•d \.'-tl\I \\'1t h1111t Jiu ,,,,11 \\• \\o111I h 1\1 l•"I .., \I l,il hoolll• Ill 11 o \\t•<,1 1•1111 I" 1111•11 \0,.11111" I 11\ 1\1.111 .1~•1 \11•11 1 1 11~11 1o,.1td lotl.1\ 'I h1 loflll 111"1 lt•lll' h 1111• I "4h1d11lr·ol 111 Ii• 1 .. 11q1l•t•d 1111 \\ ••t•k 1-. rlr·,i~'lll cl tu Ill' \I 111 I Ito lw ·.11 Ii l1n111 • 1••1•111• 111 1111111 111 I h1 I 'I'' 11'1\' 11111111 • \\' "' 111 l'.111'11 ( ....... 1 I l11•li\\.1\ \h1 \.\,ol) I tll lillJ' Iii I ... 11111,ill ,j !o.'1111 111111 ,111.i .... h1·d11lt·tl ,,, ht t111.i1111 ti tl111o111•l1 lf'(ll •\'I lllf)lllt Ill l\lfltl .. I\\ ~It-.\ 1:-. ~1:\RHLE 01 fhe Dolly Piiot Stell I lio fol.lltllO d I ,,1,oll fl•ll tot ilio \J ,, I I I 11 I I 11 •• t. I 111 NI \\ I•''' ' 1 ·, 111• 1 "1111 .. 1 i ..,.1 .. 1, h1rli ""' ,,dd1llo01t li,1 I• h111rllr d .o 111111• lllllflllll' lfl'llff f •If .,, Nt•\.\.,tt•ft 1;, ,. I \\I II • I I 1 ,\ t I I IJ•I• •11• • •I • 1tl.1q:1111' t • r1I• •111 t t1• 1 '11.111,.,.11 •11 ,1.1r1I t It•·•' ••11 J11f11t \\ I 11• \,1 J• I l 1111• II olllllotll1 II 1 t I • tit fll tttd I nl 1111 , \111 1n<>t111)• ,·,u1u1' 11. II t Ill' I 111 "·'' .. 1111 ".,) f ,t1 h llflH ,t 111.l~fl "'\I 11111111• 111 111111•, 1 h,1, 1111•\• .t 1h1001l)'I 1111 I ti\ ... L'l 1\ I r 11r111 111.1 I f ,, '" f ,\1111 11,. o1f)'llll1• Ill lo.1 1• ,11 1 ... .t \olli'idl 1lt1 I ii\ llf It•' N• .. 1.111d1 I Ii.Ill f11.111 .. 1 11 11 111.1111:• < "'1111, H11.11rl cd ~ llJ1• 1\ I ·"I f1.1 d11:l1 d lht 1 II\ looi "l'f011,lflj1 I 'f'.ll"illil til 1111 1111-·1 I \\ 11111 .>I 11 .... 111 11 1111 .. 1 If,') I i I\ ''' •• '' '·' '''"" l 1 I I I' j \\ I• I I 1.l,11 I'' d 11 .. 11 I 11 111 \\',111 flll -.11 10 Ill oil :->l11p l'•oll11l1111 I >111 :-.;1 \\ pro11 ti .• , I• , 1.,1 1111 .11111 .!1.111:• ·' 111\ I l.1 1111•1q 1 t 11111 'lnftt c ).!t t "·"'' 1111 .. 11111111h IH '1111 1111 th· 11111111 11111111111 1 .. 11 ti '\1.11111111 )II •J• • I Pl..iltalln' , ""'""'''"''' r' ... ' t 'f 11, It 41 11 \'•I• t 111 I t11 f•I ••f~ I I h , • 111d 1lt1 11 I'·'"' 11 "11 1 .. 1!11 '11\ """' 11 ,\ 1111 h 1 ..... th• !111.11 '1\ I)'"" ..... I Ii 1••k• 'lllolll 1111 111• 1, .. 1. I .. 11d I t111h 11 ...... 1111\\ II 111 11 111il\ 1 1 I" 1• • 111 11! 1111 ;\l.111 111\f itl.lflfll•I .., ,tf l l\t 11\ .tll ti l1ol111 \\.o\11• :\tfl••l I .r11il lh ti 1111 I\ p,1fl 1"11 ti '"•<,I Wall h ot\ I Will Reagan pus h early cut? I • ( ) ..... A N ( I .. I . F s I 1\ I ' I 1'11· ... rl1 111 J(, .ig.011 .... 1111 lt•l.1\ 1h 1 l,1>. 1 111 d111 111" .1111\ \\ill •'I\ o• ltH f '(C1fh•fH\ I d1,1n1.1llt tn11''' li11 I 111 .. 1. 1p111 d ,11111 I ool I 11d111 •.1111: ,1 111.111 loo lllotk• 1111 • 111 r 111' II\ t tt• J.1s.11i1r \ H• '''""' 11111 11111111' .it.1111 1lw ltrl.lllJ' 111 !111 1.tX t Ill \\l'f • •,tall 111 d111il11 !11 '11111 l11d1 d •• ----IN DEX-1 ----- \ ntarulwr of fa1·tor.., c·ontrihutc·d lo lht· Hum ..,· 20 -1 1 'ic•t or) nn•r "an._,a.., C .i i ~. i11d11cli111!. a tt·a111 m •·c·ting 11 ~ tlw pl1" c·r ... and 1u1 1111pop11l 11r 4Jj..,,..j..,..,al of l\\O H 'lt·ran t•l u )t'r"'. S1·c· ~port .... (:I /\I \'11111 S 1•1 \'H't• J.:1111.1 Jlrn11hi. k ( · •• v .ii< .1111 1 ·1 ........ r11 ·d ( '111l'11t .. (. 'ro~-.w1111 I I )(•at h N11111 ,., 1-:.1t1rn 1;il E 111t•11a1111111·111 I 11111)'.4 "P" l111rrn11''''111 A.> 1~.1 IQ :1 H \'I ('I (''.'J AH • \I ~I I\:! Bl 1\1111 I .. 111ol1 I" Mt1\'I•'" N .1111111.tl N1 "" l '11hl11 N111111 ·-. Sp111 , .., St111 k M .11 k1·1-. r. · l1 •v1-.1111l 1'111'.tl1•1 <, w,.,,,11,., V.'111 lrl N• v.' 11:' Ill '.1 I\.\ Ill Ii ( ·;, <'I :1 11:1 I \II I\ I :1 A:' A.I I dil111111.1 \.11.1111111 .irnl p1111.111ol loo 111 ... 1 11.11" '" v. ..... 11111gt1111 \\ h1l1 ll •lll" ·''"' .. '·"" 1•11\ ,,, " 1 .... 1 \\ ,., k 1h1· 1111 ·-.1111 Ill "·" 11 .t11111~ 111\\.ttd .... 1-.111g ( ·, 111g1 ,.,, Ir o 1111 •\'t II)' I ht '·" I Ill '" 11111111.111 tit• , .. 111111111\ d1·-.p1t1· 111111 1p.tlt rl .1111111• "1'1"""'"'1 1111 I ·•I" 1111 11 al I ..:.1.qq 11111: 111 '"" 1\11g1 It .. '" .11ld1, "' th• N ,1111111.ol l.1·,1g111 111 < '1111 •. Hr ·•I'·'" ,,,tel 11111.1\ 11t.11 11• \I li1h ' 111 I" 1t ""I 1.11• '111 tl11 1 ..... 1 111 ... 1 . .111111 111 111 lh1 lh11•1• \1 .11 I""•''·"" v.111 h111l'l1t \\ 1111'1111( 1111 11 o111d \.\ 111111 '11 111111 I' llr.111 .111 v1111• ..i ..... 111d will h.1v1· !ht 1111,.,1 d1 ,1111.1111 111'1"" I 1111 11111 t't fllHllH\ 11. "1'\IH'I , ... 1 111 oil\111111111'1 · 111-.. d1·1 1"11111 tilt 1111' !," I Ill 'o)ll'l'dlJ)l h1·l1111· l1 ·.1\•111g W.1 ... l1111gt1111 'I 111 ... d.1v 1111 ,, f1v1 d.1\' l.o111n 1\1111111 ;111 l11p 111 111111111-..·rl th1· tll\ 11fl111.i1 .. lh.11 'thf lt•d1•1,ol g11V!'l lllllt'lll "111 11111 111111 ,,., 11.11 k on v1111" lt111 Iii"'''"' tlt.11 " lw.tlthy t't 11111m1\ ""'"d 111· 111111,. 111·1pr111 111 .111 1:--1·1· l':Alll.'. l'111(t' A:!t 11fll\ t i 111.l'l''JLil ifllJ'olt Hit "' 111.111.t ,,., .ill 11.oll11 ll··lt I fHdll1tj.!1 , .... t l.tlfll ttfl ...,.1111• "••k ol ,11., 1111\ llllll """' t H .... IHlflf I .11td 1\i1d lh1 f \ 11.IH"'llllll "rll t rll .1 d o 111,111.t ,,1 1111 11 .. 1, I llt ol ol!t ,1ol\ I "~" ,, I·" "''" 11t.11 "''\\I"''' I~ ... It c.11> I t 1 ,,,)\' 1111 .oll f• II '''"' Ii\ ,,.,.,11 1111.111" h•t11I-. \\ill I 11111111111 1 .. 'I" 1111! 11 1• Ill ··II' I 1tlt J•U 1 tlft I I tflt' hht 11 \Ill• 1 1t1d ( .... 1.. ;\ ,, ...... It• :'\t.11111111 1''""1111\ ,,1 1 .. 1•~•111' \\oolllrl l1< lh• I 11 I'• 'I 111 11• I . .111111 1 !It< I J1 o1t1)'• (""'I ,ti lo I I If 1111 1 \lhtll ... 11111 I JM I lllillt•d I Ii• 11 .. :• I • l1.r111 ·""" 1,. ", k1111 I' t I 111 I I II Ii I 11 lo II I Id ,1fl111I1.1111 ,Iii f'•ll l-.111~: 11•! 1111 II llo\\ltnl ~hnff 1•t" tt\\nit.., lrn n .. plnnt . ) ·-:. \\ 100•1 I t f "''I 1.111 111\ ·'"'' .. 11,dJr110111 .1 \ u l1 ,. )_1.1ttl1 f1+.itl1 .11ul .1 11>11 111.!f Iii tlu I 1 "'"' \ loo\\1°1 J\l.1t111olt 1.jl111.tl. 11111l.11l1·d Ill \\,o ltlflj 11111 II(' ,,11.t ii l'.11,!.1111'1 'I 11••1.ol• l"d11 \ 111 .1. t ,11 tht ''"' •1f 1)11 f•l••I• •I 111•1• I 11llu 1o1I~ 1lt1111gh h ,,, 1o1l111 l.1!1il lh.tt thr hnttl ii ' '1• "'"' d "1111ld "' t 1 ltt • "\ 110,11h ;,l 1111!11"11.1 \1,11 II\ f'loolih '""' .1. . .... 1 '" d 1,,,,., 1111 \I 1111• II I 1tlt~f l,"1 \t.11 111 I lot.I lo ''''''"" th• ' '\\ lfl•l l Ht ... It li1111 I \I • 111 I 11111 I h1 I ol I I I' ' I \\ • '' I 11 rl 111 1111 I 1 \ 1111 '" 111 11.111\ pl.111 1 .. 1 l111rld1111• •1111 N. \\ 1••1 I ( ·, lllo I lltt ll\1111 \ 1111111o111\ p:11h.r).!1 \\ I dtllllf" d 111 I h1 l.111 111 ,, "It I• 111111111 .i. -..1~·111 ol '" 1.i., 1-. 1111 i•l••I•' I ""' '"" 1111 l 1o1lh1t~llll 11, t 1 • t•" K• 11 ~11i1th ... 11d I>•\\ 1d1 Ii 111 111 1 11 -.1.ihl11·d 11 I" .t11·olh 111 1111 h.111-. ,111d ht·r ho .11J h.111 ho 1 II l: u .. h1·J '1'1'•111 111 h I 111111 ltlnw-. d1 11\'t'll'(I ,,, .1 111 "' \ 111"11111111 Ill ~lilllli """ ll\\t·<,l1go11111~ h,i\'t• II• •I 1,, .th d ,, 111111 d i·t \\ '"'pon I 11• -..11rl tlll I \\ Jii i( \ \\ 11111,111 hctd I 1< \ II d1 .td I Ill 'I '\I 1,ol d ,I\' \11 t 11.111...:• \ 1111111\ ( 'c11111wr·._ '"'' 11~.11111 .... 11d 11t1 Jllt<l'ol' t olll I 111 dt 11 It lt,1-. 1111\ ht I'll 1'"11'""''' d .11111 th.it Iii• \\1111\jll ... 1. "" ""' 11111 \ '·1 h1 ., 11 11 ·l1 "'" ·d 111 .1 t 1\1 ti I tJ.d \ 11111 111 -..o11 d1h1''' ht·t·n 11111111111.t '"·'' 1,.v.·,,1r ,, ""'""" \\ 1111 II\' d . .111111 I,, t')'I !111 1h1• 111111" l..1 ·1·111·1 ",.., .. urr1·11ng fnin1 1~1'1' ~L:\Y1 :--;1;, Pa).{<' A:!1 Gifts trickle • 1n for heart surgery ,\ '1 I \I .11 1>ld \\11111.111 -..·111 .t .~I 11111 'ool\ Ill).! -.h1• \.\ l'IU'd '111 I 1111fd d11 1111111· .111d ,, hr11tllt'r .nul .. 1 ... 11·1 d1111.1l1•tf .11\ I'll\ l'llllH' 11[ JM lllllt'<, 111 h1 Ip ll11\\,11d Sh.1fr1·1 fl'<<'\\t ,, 111 \\ lt1'.11 I Th• .llt v1·;ir 11ld fi1111w1 l '11-.1.1 1\11· ... 1 pl.1111 '"11<'1'\'l"ll \\' ..... 111ld .• ti•\\ n1111111i, .1g11 th.11 h1 wrnald IH'f'ri ,1 lit'oll l ll .lll'opl,1111 Ill r!I tl1•1 '" •,.t\'I 111 ... Jd1• 11 .. """' t IH·•" ,11111• Ill \\tllk flll \\VII \t'.il <, ~·111•11110.. .111d w1•ll w1sl11•1, h.i\ 1· ht'<'ll '"" k111g 111 r;w.<' th1· $110 tlllll 111•1•d l'll tor 1111• opt•r,1111111 1\ pbv !'.lllj.(t'cl Snt urtl.1\' .11 1-'.111 v11·w Swtt· ll11~p11.il 111 t · ..... 1.1 1\11•-.,1 r.11 .... d $7HO M arJ11l'lt' Shitffp1 nf 1· ..... 1.1 M1·-.n -...11d -.h1··, lwr·11 11p1•11111~ -.t,H k' 11f I ,II d-. ;111d l1•llt'I <, O..Sllll 111"1.\ -.p.i p1•1 .i I 111 11•., ,1111111 t h1•1 ~ ... 111·-.. pllj.!hl "Jllll'illl'd 1('('1'1111\ f'h1111J:h I 11111'<, HI I' lllllgll .illd 01.111' 11r th 1• d 11n.1t11111-. Wl'rr• '111.oll 111 1111111lwr 1h1·1. ca11w 1111111 th1 111 .11 l ,\ ; \t .tl 11ld t;,11d1·n (;1nvt· ~'Iii I ,ti lll'tf $I lf) <(Uoll \('1 S hy 1.ik111g 11111 lw1 111 •1ghhor-..· tra ... h S• 1 t .11 $I ti:!·I h.1" lle·1·11 donatt'<.I 1111111 tlw 1hildn·n '.; <ntn .din\\ .11111 IP .t $.IOll 1 ht't k rnm1 ,1 l.111111\ I 111 11.I I ,1111 th.111kful 101 "''"r y p I 1111\' I It .t I t "m I'... 111 ... "a l<I Sll.d f1·1 "W1.'1 ,. g11ing tu h 11v1· tlll' .11 11111111 1 w 1• 1w1•d wht•n till'. l llllt' t 111111•-. .. M.111\' ot t lw 1•11v1·l11p <'S that ;1111 v1·d Sa 1ur da'\' r amt· from ( 'o-.ta M1•)>.1 1raall'1 '1m1 k s. S harf<'r '·''" "\'1111 n1uld Lt•ll tlwy W('f\' )111111 11ltl1°I J>!'Oplt• ;11111 "-1' Wl'l'l 11·.tll\ 111111 h1'<I .. Thi· )'tlU lll( falht•1 or two -.ut r1·11·d u 11111Jo..~1v£• h 1•art attac k 1\\.11 '"·"' .1go und hns Siil('(' been t:-.t•t• lll':ART. PARt' A21 \ 1 \~ l'Jh. ~' ,,.~ Continued stories Rt•covcry of MX ft'll1..1.ol ).41 ,111h Ill ,111\ lllJ.: tho 11 11111hh·111:. "11,oV\ \\ l' .ill Ii. 1111111 .odol1o t<tl IP ll'lllfl<ll ,11 ~ h.11l11uh I .11lt11g I•• IVitllll' th.11 llw 1111lv ·""" 1•1 11111-.1 b1• ,1 I \"•llll .1111•11 111 11111 1'1.'111111111\ 11 Olli :.";1 \!> -.l\111111g ..,,.,, .. , ho· .1!-.kt·d D1·l1·11d111g ""' •·111111•11111 pul11 ""'· ll1.,1g.111 ..... 11d ·11 '' 111111 lu l(lVt' Uf..l lh1 l• 1111••1,11 \ l\,111d A11b a n d pl.111 I"'' .111d g1 t 1111 111 tht• b U,lllt'''o 11f ,I I 1 ,,j t lll I' lf1 -..11d tho t.1' 1 llh Jiii\\ 111 phw1· ,11 1· .ol1 1.,11h 1•111\ 1d111g t~w -.\111111111 -. 111 •1•d1 d '" g1•l 11li1 I'\ 111\11111\ 11111\'tflg .1g.1111 ''l'li1-. ... , t.olh. .... "" lilflt' di 1 .. 1111 ' lw :..11.! .11ld111g th.11 '11111 Pru n kc·n d r i \' i 11 ~ . • arrests 11u· n•as4• lt1lTl'JM'll l 'lllllll't 'lll\'111 .1g.1111-.t d runk1·n dnv1·1, 11·-..ult1·d 111 titt V rt•:.t:; 111 Or.i11g1· l'11u111y 11v1·1 th1.· f11ur -tl.1y Thank!'.gl\ 1ng ~oltd,1 y, lhC' c~t1d11rr11:1 I l1gh\\ ·'' fll trol !.;lld llur111g till' '·'"" 1w11111I l.i-.1 yt.11·~ 1111· l 'I II' m.1d1· 111d11111k1·11 d riv111g .tl'rt·-.h. ;1 'f>llkl' ... 111.111 ...... d • "' 1I11 '" ,, \\ ,,, ... \11 ''"""'·''' 11 .. I"\ 111111111~ I' Ill gt\t tlao 1\1111 111.111 \\ 11t ll1 I ,1 l111•,1k .11111 t Ill 111, .111tf 111 I lol\ f ,111' ' l<o".tgolll '•ll d olll lllljll II\ o·d "111111111\ I' 1111 11nh .11"\\'1·1 1111 "1.11111g l>11dg.·I d1•llf'1l~. "TIJ1·11 1' II ti \\ , I\ \\ I I .t 11 I• I 11111 11.t l I II\' hudgl l I Ill., .d11111 tht· '"Ill \111.d do•lt• 11 1111111 111111 tl11 l111dg•·I 11111 1 ,111 II lu 1 l1111111.11t·d 11\ 1.11-.111g ,,,,,... 111 ... 11d H1 .1~.111 -.uuglt1 111 .dl.1\ tlu· h .11-. 111 Ill\ •>tlh 1,d,. 111.>I lltoll11 \ wh11 h w111tld ho· 111-.11 tl111t.•d 1111111·1 tho· .1d1111111.,l1 o1t11111 '-. "flt'\\ l··d1 1.tl ... 111' 11111g1.1111 \\l>llld g11 111 1111 -.1,111 ... l111t ""' 111111 lh \\,1\ 111111 111\ 111.i-.Ull\.., lfo ,,11d tlu It \\Ill I,.· lll.11Hl,1l1>! \ I"'" 11111111gla fll II\ l'olllll' 111 pt 1111 '\ I i.~ ·" 11111\-. "' J.:11\\'l 111111'111 1111 1•11·,1.!1·111 u1g1·d tlt1 l.111n· d111 ), 1•lllJ.!I 1·-.-.1011,tl ........... 11!11 \\ 1111 It I 1q,:.111 It 1d;I\. \11 l,t ko l1 p lt1:0. "111 llo111 I 1111'1 j)I l'I' /11111' fl.I( k,1g1· 111 t,1, 1111 ,,I,., .tllol Ill\ ..... 11111•11\ 111111111\1-. 111 lu11 II•\\ lo11-.1111'' 111111 111 l•lt''" d lU l>,11\ .Ill ,1-. I h . .i ..... 111.111! " p111 I 1 I 111 ,, 111.t,'l\I l11gll\\.O\ It 11.111 .111ol .)Ob-. fll 111~ I ,1111 I 11.ol l '111q: I 1•-.-. \\ ii I lo111 -.1 ol1 •I d111 Ill).\ lh l.11111 d111 h Hf~A RT T R ANSPI"AN T. • • llOSJ1lt.il1L1·d I\\ ll'l 1111 11>11\1•-..ll\t lieal'l falun· ·• U11.1ltl1• Ill \\ fll k Slt.tf11•1 1i ..... 1(..id '" '>lllJJJlll'l hi-. l,1)1111\ lit\ \.Vt•lfa1 •· l'ht·l'k-. Mt·d r l'.tl ·\\'ill 1(01 11)\\'I lh 1 (fl'l 11 f 11\l ''f>\'IJll\111 "I JU'\ \l,1111 111 lhdnh "'~1\11r11· wh 11 h,,.., l1t·"11 "' k111d, ""flt"' 1,ill\ ( 8 1111'1 .11111 "''\l'fl' ·" lhl llh l lt·lt"('ll\I.., -...11tl l1t'( .1u ... 1· 111 t 111 111 ut.il 11.11u11· 111 t lw .. 1.1, 111g 11 ,., 1111lik1·h th• 111111d1 1 "'ould 111111 oolll Ill II< ,1 lllt II\ k tll111g f),\\'1111 p11l111 ..... d h111d NI 11II1 I 11 It ()1 I 2 .i .1 I I 1 I lht• jll'llJllt• di r olll \II\\ ol1111.1t1·d th1 lll1tlol111g,. :->lr,tfft I 1\ll\ 11111· \\ ;111t111g t11 111,ok• ,, ( 11ntnl1IHIClll '"'" "l'llll ll 111 1111 I h .. 111 l''u111I 111 "'" 11! t h1 L1v111g 1".111h Chull Ii 11.u~ N H11 .. -. St S..inl.1 /\th• ~.!711h • • .1dv1•1 l .... lllj.( tl1 .1 llt W'i'"Jll'I 1 Hf111·1-. -.,1111 11 .tflf><"ll ' I~ W111f 11.111 ' 11qol1>\ ( d "\I I" I llf 111 I 111111-.. h.1 •pt I' ho 1111 1• h111ng ;\ltillt I \\ la11 lhll·d Ill I 1\111111 Id d I I ... ' .0-. IJf• I II g 111 l h I llllllltllgltlll J l.ttll'llll Ill ,\ 4 judges proinote d c; .. , r.d1111111.t c; H'""'1 .11 to<l.1\ n.1rn1 d 111111 llt .o11g" Col111t \ Sup1·11111 ('11u11 111.ta,:1 t1• !l<J!.1\wm .. on th1· 1"11unh I l1'otr11 t c+nurl of Appo:al I 11 ,, I\\ 11 l'l lllll.;t d ,,, I !"II ( ,, \ Htu\\ 11 11.11111·d Judg· l 1\11111." l'10,li\ Sl11 tl.1 ~1111111-.lt1111 .11111 EdY..11d \\.'.111111 111 .i 111" ( lr.1ng1 V1111nt\ 111.0111 lo 111 tit .. .ofll" .. 1 ... I llllt I At tl11· ,,11111· 111111 H111\\11 1\.lrn1·tl .ludgt ]{11111 11 1<11 klo·-. 111 th1 !-..111 Ht r11;ird111• "111g "' t lu •l'I" .ti • 1111 11 'I Ii.it I'""''"'' 1 ... 1111\\ 111 Iii 1,, J11,t11, !111111 I I 11 I ' I I' \\ h" " ii I I • l 1 "'"I • fl ' ·ol 111lltt•I11 Jng1• l'1lUlll~ 111.1111 h 1'1 1oll1 I ·""' 1-. t ftol 1111 I ( lt .011g• tl\ttll \ ~Ill" I 1 •I I • .. 111 I j\ldj.!1 Ho• 1 111 ... 1.111 • g1,l.ot1 .. 11 •11,11111~1 JI 111\\ ·'I•!•'·" l"lllf fMhllJllll' 11111111tl1·d tit• g11\1111111 '" 111.1k1 1111 ·•11111•11111111 "'' '" t1111 11 ,1\ Ill).! P l I 111• Ill .l.11111.11 \ I .o·g.ol .1 ' I I II I JI l I " I 1 I I ' k l h ( •'f'l '"11111'" 11 I \.di''"'' ........ \\ t I' 1t1lJI 1 11 I I \11111\1\ I, 1111 I \I 'I l· f,, •I I l1 Ii t 11\ I I I I 11 I H "1,. t 11 tl1t • • 1111 II \\ 11" ofto of Ill I t l.1 11 Ill• 111 111 1\1'.'\ 1111.,tl1 I• .1 .11.dl \1111 111 d1 1,,,.,1 '"' I" 111.q" IY.•1 i\,1\, \\llllt 1 111 ,1111() 1•,.df11th Id \\,.to I .Ill 111111'1" d 11111 1111 i\11 I 11111 ,,11d ,,.,1,,, l'lto 11111.111"111 .1 111111 111 \II11111 \\!Ito lt.111 l1t•1 11 \\ 111 k111g /II li·l'I ,11111\1 1111 1111111'"'"'" tho 1111 I 11111< 1 11111 '" I\ I' ll Ito\ 1 ·d S1111d.I\ 1111111 ft11 ;!,lll 111411 111 I fl 'hoill l1V lt''l 11\' \\Ill k1•1 ... \\'I ,11 it1j.( Ill\ Vj.(t'll 111."'-'· 1111 H'r,tl-. -..111 I N1111 l••l'I "' '' "'"' ""''II 111 p111 IHI\ 1111 lil.1/1• 111\'1•11 d 1111 t1llll't I"" lt1 ., l 111111p111g 111111111g11 t 1\1.11I,11111 II t\ I II,, Id 1 .. g.111 ,1 11 ti .If I h1 t-: II g -.lt111 th ·" h •t S g I ,J II h II 1\11 F111u··, I 11 I I' I I 11 I{ Youngs ters sell trees for fund r 111 \\111k ' du 1111 II\ \\1·ll. p1111111k111 -. ·''' "· lt1 ·1 11111 ( ·1 11 ... 1111 ..... \I',.,"'' 1111111.ohh 1111· Ill'"' 111·1i111 .. lolt 111 .dl Tho · BH\''o ;11111 l ;II b l'lul1 ril ll11111111gl1111 Bt•.1111 ""lll'IHI, 1111 .... t11•, 111 .di ll111 • 111 lll'lp I 1n.11111· llfWfdflllll' t .ti It \t'.11 ~ ltl'\\1111.. .. ,111d p11111ph.111' h.1\1 h.11ltlt1·11 tu111 'l'IH ~1111 1-.1111\\ -..o•I 1111 \\Ii.ii llf 11~ 1,i1 .... llll)H' V. tll l1t l u11•111111g ('hr 1-.1111.1' """011 11·1·1 · .... di·-. T h ".I I () "' .. '· BI' :11 ·Ii Bouli·\',olrl .111d l ;,11I11 Id /\\t•liUI . "' (. ;111111 II W1·-.1 ( '11lh·g1 .111d •• 1 1111 F1d l\l.111 p.11k111g lot .ti B111t1h.lt111-.1 S111·1·1 .1111! /\rl.11n" i\\l'llll• h.1\\' h1•1 ·111 l1 • .. 11•d .11111 ... 1r1111g \\ 1tlt l1i,:ht-. T I I' I ' " I ti , . I I ti I I " If\ 'v\'.l'h111).!t1111 ·'"" l )11·1:1111 ·'·' ''''"" t1·tl '" li1·g111 .ti I I\ 111g Th l 11 ... .t. I\ 111 1 lo.oil!• 111 ll11 1111• 1 l1•h '' .h11h .... 11. lrlt111 I IHI\ '"" 1•11 I 1 l1tl• \ 1il1J11\11 I I lhl" I• ll\1 Ill l 011l111.1d11 i\11 I h.111·\\ . .1111111 111·1·.., \\,1-. 11,.11 \1111 \\I Ill 1111\ .i11d ""'PPl'd '""' II\\ II ·" ( '111 hllll .... lllllt .• B II I I 11 I k II " \\ I ' d I!' Ii ...... I \p.illd\ d "1111 I 11.1\ 1111' 111 I II Ill t h,11 go 11( lit I ,,ol1·-. 1111 jlll \ 1t1l1-. '"''''"'''"' '"' d11l1 Stu pl.1th'" to111ol 11 tit• l1,11k 111 lilt' 11111 k, 111 '' \\'1·1 k '° \lltlJ.: .I fll 11 I 1111 l',11 11 If t•I lt ..... 1·11 1111 th -.h.•J.l''. I ull111·..._., .111d \".1t lt'I) Shi' "-<lid '<h" l''<l>"•'f,.., I h" pr•l'''" '" 1.1ng1 1111111:-1 111 ~. 1 \\111 ko" \\tll Iii• h. 1111 It••, .111d 1111 f''""' tho ,of I 'II I I 'Jk II" Sl11ld1111 -..111l th1 1l11l1 •'fttil' It• .... 1 11 ""Ill ,( tlllfl 1J1 t .., flll olH>llf :-l.!11111111 I lt 111.11 •Ii· I lttl1 1-. 1'\i"" lo d t" 1 l1'o1I .ilM olll ~~ti (11111 '-'1\1• ·""' \\ ,,._ 111 I Ii.ii j.!<' 111 pumpk111 .111d Ill• \\111k ..,,tl1·., 1111 ... "1 11 \\ 1111 It 1 lo o111 d ;5.'I tltlll 111d .5-1 I 11111 I l IH '\\I\ I I\ Cooler days ahead ('oa:o;t a I C..ontmued ciovdr •cir 1grit w"r l good thancP lor mo'P 'd'" Ov111 n1gnt lows S2 to 56 Along 1t1~ beachf'S to ~o 1nlano CMncP '"' rq1" 1on1ght 60 oercent Ratn to end Tu'lsda~ morning l•t'l'.0"'"'0 rortlv cloudy and b•M•v 1n '~" dff"H'OOn H•gl'\~ -,,.. tJP~oa. ,, ....... &()\ f 1 ,ewr1 er~ tt om Pc: nt <.oncepl on 10 '"" MP.,<M border entl ou• 60 moles Sl'luln 1c soulnwesl winos •5 '" }~ • nc.r~ 1on1gM ""'"' toca"y ~1ronot" QUSIS W1ncl waves 2 10 4 lee\ Swells w"slerly 2 10 3 t~( Woncls wut 10 nnrlh,.,esl 10 10 20 • nc>I\ o" Tv~'d8y Cloudy ll)n1gM w1tt ., good chAnct or tain (lf'llf'"Q en Tueidey {' •. ti;. S llllllll(lry na1n ft-11 a crO't.;. th•• M1dw,.,I oJnd along lhfl faSIPrn SMbOA•cl early today \urning lo ''"fll'"g u11n 1n northern s~ct1ons A0in 11tso WA1 f~POf1{1'(1 on th#\ PAC.lflt Coas1 Rain con11nv~d to 1P•e•d ovfu lhf! P9c1hC rna,t&! tlAlttt ·nto Nf'YAd& .-,on -5no-w ra1i.no 1n thfll n1ohfllf e1e"at1nn"S lh~ lorecasi lo• 1atP• 1ooay c.allf'd IOt rain 10 e•IAnd from HtP C..•e&I lllk~ to the Caro11ne, Iii!' mill Atl&nttc s1a1es Hncl New Engt&nd w11n rain ch&nQono to ,now 1n northern Ma1n111 R•ln b~com1no 'nnw in lh~ h•Qher ~tevahons oN3" tt•Pfll(:lftd Ovftf' thf' P ACtftC NC1'1hwfl!1t UUth ancJ much 01 C A•1totn1e wh11.- >Kelle•e0 showers w~r~ r>r~docle<I 1or pant 01 Nevaoa Fa11 to perlly clouay ,. ,.,, w"'" lo<ll<:HI elMWhere Temp ettttures ero11nd lh,. n a11on al mlclnighl P!l I ·~ngetJ llom t3 090rM• Bl H1hhtl\Q Anrt 1n1e1n11t1onel F•lls Mtnn 10 7Fo "' 1><ey West Fl11 C alifornia L1 gnl r11n m11v 1•11 O•"' Southern C11lllorn1& an<I gu•ty wlnda wlll blo w undtu (tf'er~r 1klf!t in \he mount••n' o nd deterte th" N1111on111 Wt1&the• Se•vlce say• The<e wH a 20 pe1c.,n1 Ghftnc11 ol ra tn 1n lo~ Angelflt TuH <l•v with '"O"• lrom 67 lo 86 encl 1ow9 1rom 4$ 10 52 Coufal hion• -11 eapeclad from S7 10 112 wllh 1ow1 from H to S2 The -··"-' MtVIC4' p<.OIClad .oul,.,.fft wind• from IS lo 30 mp!> Wl mountain aru• Tu41t<l•v with hlgl>1 In lh• •O• and Iowa from 28 10 38 l'o••c H lere ••P<KllKI anow 11 atevellon• from 7 000 IO 8 000 fMI a ,,..en-s ,, a l P1 "'•Qtl\ fr' 'uf>-.tlcJ'f' t ,,.,1d tangp ''Orn •• t ti.( Ao<ttf ,..,...~ h(Jrt" "}L f(\ JQ -tfld nO• fhwp.,_t .-..·~1ss hom '' t , ' "p~ H1Qti'\ n ,.. ·'·"fli'' CU:~5"P'' 3'"a' ..,..p,p orP<J1C red '' " ,,,~ roi~rt 5Cco ' the m cl 60s ~1tt· I ·w5 1ri :f'e ,('!.. N utJ\ snc1ul() l" lttHT 1he w~c,1 Al ?0 Ir \~ mpr-•11tl' 'l n t' P: 11""' JiPt.;,ef1"'""1P,lfh .r.tr Hf,) 60\ vi.·H luwor; 111 lt'lf' .COi\ T p 111pt>ra I 11 rf>.~ At• 1 1·w1 J 1._ A,rnd• ltt.:. A"'tt..,v1U# Attftn1J Atlant•c ( 11, Auslit Brtth,.,. r11 0•11t QS A.rm nQ~ a•· 8 ,..,..'1, • & s~ A .c;.\ ,,. HA TIOH B'O""""""'"I p B•Jtlaln Aurl1nQt(Vt Cn~pP• C11A1le.ion 5 t Chnr1,:.,,on WV Ch••'ollP Hr lhP~f"nnf'> Cnoraqo C.tnC1t'081 ( t'"WPl:itod C.nl11mhiri "rl 1 C.ritumhu, Oalh"'f' Wn1(t Oeytnn 011n.p1 0"~ Mrunf\c; Of"'1rn11 0111\JI~ [I PAV> ra1go Foaq•latl Gr•al r ''"" HartforC1 HPlfl'n;t Hnnnh1h1 .... ,..,,,,n,, lnrl1.:tnRpOh' JtH' k'nn M1"' Jar Iii 11nnv111,. l<AMM ('1(~ 1 °' v .. 11~• Ulll'1 Ror~ t tu.11•v1llf' l uht>CY" MftM()hl~ HI lo l' '.), I ) I '>1 29 4' • ? 6Q 59 ., ' •6 6Q 47 ,... l/' ., 11 i;. 4;> JF< 21 '-0 .. 4} 4(\ '1 (,' •• ! 7 Iii ) l 41 '" 68 66 r,4 4 ':1 •Ii 4:? 4f; 32 • • 37 63 4'.I 51 •6 .. 8 4Q '>fl 44 6• 44 '.6 40 56 26 16 JS 48 4;> l I I'.) &I 4 7 10 18 4;> 11 '>2 33 39 34 41 ? I 114 73 6.. 511 58 39 6~ 40 80 66 H J4 60 ~~ •II 4 2 8'.I .. 56 40 62 41 • ;, 1 •' ~~!;\ff M 1 .,.,lii .. W Mt I. ~I ,..,. .. ~' ,, .. ,,,,, ,, .. ,.4r.1 u P1.~1J•* f>lio '''"m1\ I 1ly ',"',v-,., n,ltlndt1 Ph1l~flflllVh•rt Pt •tf~'" • P1U'\t111,qt Pt 'li4'n'1 M .. Porrlfllnd 0'" p, ¥1'1Pntfo R;tlPu-11 RAp•tl C ,,.,_ Hf!no A1rhmnnc1 C:,nll In•~ <;Hn ArHc1mn c;,.nlllP ~t1tnv('pCHT ~1n11• F 111, «;t 4 0U15 51 p,.,,. r 1ttnt , r1 S tP M.lflf'l SP•>"~n,. ~yrar,,.__.. l•lpfltli>A '"' ,,.,, lul'\tl w~.-,'~'''O",,. W1ch1t" CAUF'ORHIA Apc•IP \lnll1tv Al\ .. ,..,,,.,_,<1 o"'~'"""' AttAumt'nt .'R 4( 6. 4( 51 '>l fl4 40 ·r. '\' II IQ lO 10 17 67 '>':. 5;< 47 J4 31 '• 1 .. 4,• •O Ill .. ~J 78 49 19 43 •7 44 37 68 47 51 41 80 44 1• 1(l 411 .111 81 68 34 1 t 47 JI •J H 37 10 1\4 • l 5 I I~ 41 47 ., 10 HI 83 es &8 GO Lo 48 4g 48 )7 ....... z-=.e: .... -su_R_f R_f P_DR_T v 8 .. ch lum1t $1tnln Mnrnc • Nft"Wonrt Afl!"c fl Gnn ll•"ljn C.011ntv l url Avg } 2 ) ] Sur1 ,.. .. 4 4 l11tf Prd 1;> IJ 11 II Ou1lo<>~ 11'11 l111101t•v 11111" '"""<l"' ' 8 ••11 Avg ' I ~ ···" ,.. .. ( , j l lw•ll Dir w w w w Ra1n O Sno .... D Snowe•s O F'lur11,~EJ fi•tJ Bea• li11\fl(' h•,1r,p ' ... ,, 1.-tloP A'•11wh,.Af1 t ;rnr i\or..IP, I fHlll APA(t-'1 l tJ•. Ange1"~ MnrHnv1a M J1l1l•'IPI( Ml Wil'\Or'I Nl'~111M Npwpntt E:IPect OM ~ntl Onl8t•C" Pint't1PMI\ p 8,,, RC'to111 ... R1v~r!'Ulf' "'"" E\11111 ~nr1 Onnut1<J1no <;,.n 01PQO <;iln r f81'Ct!Cn Sftnl;> An11 Sonia Ba, ba~ a Santa M1ma Sonltt Mnmt ,, Tanoe v .. 11 .. v Tl\''""' .. CANADA ( \:tlQKry t <1montnn MCHH1.,•I 011,.wll RflloQlnA l orontn V&nf:OUVf'H w 1nn10.-o Tides S..cond low C:,f!Cond h!Qh fOOAY 2 IS pm 8 211 pm TUllOAY 1'1t1I low I 38 • m r 1111 tugh 1 S4 • m SN:ond low 2 ST P n> Sf'Cond hlgf'I g 18 11 "' .. •4 '\ (,4 so f7 SJ ~7 S2 b. .., ·~ Jfi 5q 48 ljfi so 64 56 66 46 SQ ">5 •• 38 6A 48 67 53 •,q 53 , .... 66 ., 6<' 52 fil •2 ">) 46 4q )1 "' 40 68 S4 ,,., u TO 50 67 53 6• 5• 61 55 )9 31 11'1 51 Lo 26 04 25 23 22 J• •2 11 0 7 • 3 I 4 8 1 I I 4 3 5un u11s today 11 4 u p m ota"t h1Hclay 81 8 39 I m Mnon <llMI• IO<llly at 4 O!> p m "''' Tu•!tday al A 58 • m /(,.,, ;,., 11 / ,,, ,,,,. "''"'' ,,,.;,,,.,,'. I )1 \I 111111111 ,,, I-,"'' I .. 11ol II 111.1\ t,d\I I\\ 11 d.t \' 1111 I 1111.111 !Ill Ill l'"'"I'" ,,, II"'"'' tl11 \\.oll I 1111111 tit• 1111111•1• I 1 1,.,1 .. 11 \\lo111 1111 l11lll !Ill 11 tilt tl !'-o,ollll•l.1\ 1111:111 111 .,,11d tlto 1111 l1111111 ·d tho l.llj't I ••'I'•" I~\ l•llltlfl" 111>1111.ilh 11!->1 ti 111 1•1111111 11111 llw ,It.ii I Tl11 (If I .d ... 11 l\11111 k1·d 11111 I lo \ \I II I"'" I I Ill llr• I 1·11 .111.t d.1111.1g1·ol tlll' 1 I•\ .i\111 '"'' 111.ollv II"'" 111 11.111 I"'" 1 1111du\• 1 ' '" th.11 11'°\ll \\11lkll " 111\l,f ilt1t1lt Ill' ,111ol tl11\\ II ,ol11111: .1 l.1dd1 I .ii 1111 l 1·11 ... ...,d, 1<1·111\1•1 \ 111 1114 111111·1 1 ... .1 ..... , .. .1 ,,.,, 1•1111111 \. I r .. \ ,,. Juel ~ 111 • :-..o 1d 'l'l 11 I ' 1 ' ( ·' , ./ ... • • v1ct1m delayed tl111 I ' \\Ill k1•! • \\'t Ii' l 01ilpl11\'I d l1y i\1·11111·1 S11.o11 git l '111pul-.11111 C11 ,1 do•lo "" I 1•1111.to 1111 """ti 111 :-,,,. 1.11111 11111 I .till 1111 111111 1111 II "'I II kfllo d S.1t111d.o\ I \t'lllllH ·" (I\ 111.111 I I •11 t I 'II ,, ,, .... I I II d 'II 11 1111 I\ I d1·I11 , ... .111ol .., .. 1111 flu I lo ft 111 tlw •,It.ill by .. "'' 111111 ·.1 .1g1 M x 1111"!11· I 11).41111 tlt.ol I >q1l11ol1 •ol d111111g lt"•lllll-: N11\ 17 St-'lo I II 11111pl1 "°''11 llljllll•if "1,11, 1w111111g 11t. 1111 v.1t111t 111.0\ ltd\ I 111 t II 1g111t1 ol fJ\ tloo \'11l.1tl11 I 111 I Bl.11 kliu111 ..... 11d '1'111 lkid\ 111 .J11h11 I ' Sqw .1.! 111 l\l.1111 lt1· ... l1 I 'J'o 11)1 \\.o' fll\llld 111 tlt1 'o l1.ol l S11rnl.1\, 111.u ld111111 "'"'" 11 \\ 1:. 1•'111\111 d ''" .111 1111-:11111 I ,111ol IY.11 f111 ·l1j.(ltf1 I" """\'\II• 1 .. , ..... ., lllfl• ''" ,,,,11111d11111d 111111111-(l"llllll I lllH It fl lo · ... ! f.11 lltl \ :-\q" .. 111, 111pl11v1·1· ol Sv1·1 d1 up T1, 11111.l••V' 1111 ol '1'1tll.1li11111.1 """ 1 .. I II \\1111\lllf.{ .. 1 •• 111 '/II 11·1·1 .diu\• tl1• 1111111 v.l1111 tla1 ltt• 111 uh.• 11111 .ol h p 111 S.11u1 d,1y .... 11d 11111: (;,II K1 11111 I It H .J,.lall'>lll 1 t 11111111.illdo I llf /\11111111 It,,,, "" 111 ... 1.111t.1tll't1ll' fl,1-.h \\ 1111 111 1111•11d11ll1' ltl'.tl .1111111,1111 .. till 1\1•111,11 I 1d• Ill ti 11·d th d1 ,1d 1 111pl""1 1 , .1. l .k111 ... J H11v .J1 .• ~.7 "11• I" I l• ,1 111 h11111.111 1111111 l'.111 ( >.1 k l .• I I I 1\1 II I I •• " L 'I .111,1 loo I l 'I ,1 "111111 II 'I 1 111~1111 1 I I ol 1(11..., \ti It ( ',dfl ollld 1\1111111 'I 11111 II IH ·' 11,; k1 l ,,.,, to I ltllll l,lfl Ill ( 'j l rll' I !1•11\ht ... HB cuts corners, to save I l1111l111gl1111 Ho ,11 Ii \\Ill ..,,1\ I • .1111111 '11111111110 ''''' 1111 111" I! lllll!ollt, 111 I olll" 111 1111 I I ,,...1•d I If 11 11 Ill\ ,11 I 111\llllJ.! Ill ('fl\ 1\!11111111 .... 11 .11111 ('h.11 lo " l'J 11 •I II I'°'"" 'l'l111111p..,•111 -...01d .1lirn11 l.i J11l1-. li.1\ t 111 I 11 1 l1111111;ol1 d Ill ttu· d1 \I !11111111 Iii -.1'1 \'111 ._ d1 11.1111111•11\ t 11l.11111111g .111d l1utld111g) .ti I• I 11 1, 111 p111dw ll\ 11\ .... 1ud11·" Ill -.,11d ,11111th1·1 fl\'I Ill "). JH"lllllll'o \\Ill Jll' tJ1•l1 tl'd II\ llH' p11bl11 \\Of k., d1 p.11 lll!l'ltl '1'111·11· \\Ill 1 ... 1111 lav11fh l,1'( .ilhl' lltt lo'lhH llllll' will I 111111' ,1111111 I I 11111ug 11 .1III1t11111 '' 11111111'111 .11111 lr.111..,lo-r-. h1 -..i11I 'I h o ..,,,, 11114, ''ill 111 111 l111th d1111f .111d 111d111··· ,., ....... I lr11llll"''" ..... cl d1.111g1·-. Ill 1111 ,11 1 1•1 ..,\\I t'fllll).4 11111'1 ,o\11111 .111 .Ill I \,1l1!pl1 Ill !lldllt'lf ..... 1\lllf..t' ,,oiol 1111111 -. h.l\'1• 111 I II lolll'oltlj.( 111111,t ... ld It ti Ut • ti 1t111111u\ II• .. 11d 1111 11·du1t11J11 111 1 .. ut1 , I• 11111\l'" 1111' 1111·d 111 fllll tl1,,..,1 ,1 '' 11'1'1 '"°I l 'IJlllg ,., 1111 11 1· .... t1111,111 d \11 1 '"' .1houl ;j;htl fllll/ l II $llfl flflll 'I Ii IJ 11 I p ' 11 ll -.. .i I d I h 1 • p111d111 ll\'11 \ -.tud:-. p1•1t11r11wd h.v I l.11111111111 ,111d A ..... o,1K't.1ll':-< 11f S;,int;1 t\11.1 ,dJ11\\ 'o 111\ 111 ft( l<1I-.. lll 'o\,tlld ''·"I-.o11d 1111 .. ~lilt' 111'1fot111.1Jltt' ,111d 1 If I\ 11 111 \ ,of ft•t I \'\ti 111'( ,uli·'o .,1 I•• l'lol gr 11\\ l Ii \Vo g11·\\ 1110111.ot11\ 111 l:.!,lllHI 111 I 1.1111111 111 Jll-.t :.!O :'.-''""·" lw ,,old '( h11 111.1111 y1h lt;od lx·l'l1 JU-..1 k11•p111g llJI Wiiia gt()\\ tl1 Tht'"' •.t11d11.., "rll .oll11\\ ;1 1111111 111d1·1 lv ·" ldlt)111111'111 I ' I 11 d lll II \' I l \ " I U d I l -.. oi I t ,, 111 d11lo-d 111 1111111 ch p.1111111 llh 111 ··.old I I 11 I fl''"' Ill" .ol 11111 t I 11 t ti\·.., w111k 111111· '' 11-.11 ti ;11 H:10, d ow11 pi 11pl• lrwn ;al1<111l l•1lJ1 'fl 1111ll1J'>t Ill ,;11d l<:ill e d Huntington man while twirling pistol ;\ I l 1111t111g11111 ~ .. 1111 111.tll \\ hu 11 p1111 ... 1 \\ ·" tv.1rl111g ,1 r1·v11l\'1·1 110\\1111\ '''" Ill'"' h111111 "·'' k1Jl1 d \\hi 11 lht• \\I o1p1111 I ti t !J\I 1111 l• l d df .td '-.1111ol,1\ .ol lo I ll•M•ll Ill tit• lw.111 lo\ .1 ~J. Jo:1 l.i111 '·''" .11 I ht ·~l t '1t I I• "·" ..,,, uo k ,1n1-I• l11dlo t d1 .... lt.01g1d. 1~111,1· ,,1111 tod.,, I l u111111gl1111 l~·.11 It p11l111 Sgt l·~d 1\1< 1':1 l.1111 s;11d 1!11 · 'h11ul1 11g \ 11 11111 Ed\\ di I 1-'.oui B1·lb :i;~ 111 ., ' II.! "" ( I I II 'I II\\ II I ) II\ l \\ ..... l '.11 .11111 d" -. " , 11 · ... u n111111rn d I>\ Ho l.i ·, g11 I 1111 11d \\ho \\ .0:- l" 1 " Ill .ii tho 111111 Ill lh1· -.l111111111g , ... 1 ..... 'odld fh1 1111 1rl1 111 , .. 111 1ng p111h1·d ,,.., ,111 ,1< I tof1 Ill.ii do ,ol h f10l1t t '-Old 'o 1 f'f' 1' 'U~'tl<• 'It J'p< 1' h ""' 1 111:L11s.t 11<" ll11l·.t \I 11h "·""' """' Ill'<'«' I hll' l'\dll'>t\ ,•h 111 hltH ,., \I Ill<' I 1111 '"'' - "' I l ~In I ,, 11""" h.111.t 1111111.I, .tit '""' '"""'' \\ llh '''" I'·•·'·"'·' ''"''' lltlll!\lthl\ "I 11 I\\ Ill h .il I '''"' , .. I l II• 11111.t 1111111"! 1111 '"'' '.ill f.t11>'111i.h 1•1 I I." I. 11 di -111 I I "" I: , .. I\ ''"' 1\11•1••<').!l·llll '"' .1111111: "'''''·'"" \111h '"II-1,,., .111,I d11ubk ,,,11· 111 11.11111.ol • ,.i,.1 I u 11 "" ' -1 .. I I ' IX 111,111< Ill 1·111:1.111.t \\llh q11i11 ... 1 ,,11111 l11\1tllt 1:·•ld l'tll "'"""''".! 1 .. ,11,., .. 1 1 •• 11hn ,,,fl' .111.t h1 l'I I·,, It"""" HUI'-h.ilt 'Ill"' , 111 I I "'' "'''' ISTA8llSHf 0 1111 1 Onmyl• Ccfu't DAllly PILOT /Monday No vernbtsr 29, 1982 WORLD Tapes show Nixon halted air hags I ' • 21 • ID rep(lrte d kille d M e xico floods By Tht· A!ll>Ol'IUl\'d Prn ~ I ) l'I \'I I\ g \\ .... k I II cl I ....... swt•µt <It n1ss wt-sh·rn Ml·>.ru1 antJ 11 .. w , 11·1H11 ls sa1tJ '" many .1 .. :.! I 1wopl1• \v1·n · krllt•d in fltxxb 111 ttw P 11t·1flt' Coa .. 1 t'I IV 111 M.111,;1111 llo 'r h ,. M ,. x 1 ,. ,, <. • , , v 111•w :.p.1p•·1 El\n·l .. 101, w kll'i1 r•·pnttid ,.,, ·'-,.h ..... , d1111•11, u l p1·op l1· w1•11· 11'1 l h111111•h•.,,, h\ 1111' flocxl111~ N1 ·11t11·1 H1·d l ·,,~., 11 fl111.il i. twr1· nor M.1111;1111110 p11l11·1· a11d 111 .. ilth utl111;il:.1t·:.1x•nd•·d 111 l t'IH'.1lt•d pho111· t•.ills SL111d,1\I l1y A-. .. 111:1at1•d l'r t' .. S 11·1><11 ll0•r-;, M> the• 1',l-.lt.tlty toll 1 ould no t 1> .. vo11 I1r111l'd Co a l n1ine bla l kill 18 HYT OM r'nt.rnd A IXX.'kt•t 111 1·u.il g<1s L'Xphxlt'(I .1 half milt· u11dl'I ~r11unt.I 111 south1•rr1 Pola11d's Dvmllrnw C'Oal m11w 1'.1rly today. k1lh11~ ll:l 1111·mlx·rs uf a firt!f1gh11 ng l'l"l'W ~111c.J .,t•rmusly bur11111g l'tlo{hl ol h1 •1 s, a rntm· 1Jff1t·i.1I re.· po rt t -<l Tht· f1r1· bruk1· out 1n 1h1· s haft S u nda y n i ght "pn•sum.ibly .is a r1•!.ult of th1• spont.11lt'ous 1g111l1o n o f 1·11..il." Ow u l 1 ru.il 1ww -. 11Kt'lll'.Y l' A I' 11·1>< ti le .J A 11 •''""'·g•·m ,. l rl'W 1if tlti 111111t•r., and n ·:.1·u1· worke·rs \\,1:. 1·.illt·d 111 . and was appnm('hrn~ chi· fin · wht•f\ th1· g.i" P•~·kl'l 1·xphl(ll'd, :.<11d .1 1111111· "'tur11 v 0 1J'n·1al S 1:\tt•t•11 1111'1\ \\'1'11' krll1•d 111-.t.1111 1" h•• ..,,11d . whrll• l I 111 twn. "', ,,. h11:-.µ1ta lrL•·d w~th "'I lllll' t>u 111-; Two 111 lh1·111 d11•d l.ilu Ill' ~11d Spy c a se figure sente n ced LONDON Hhorw J ;1111· Hrtt'hll', a fornwr d1plorna1 at thC' Brrll:.h Embass y tn T1•l Aviv. was g1vt•n a nu11· month suspcndt-d J<1tl term todaY for passing t o h't·r Egy p.11a 11 drplom .ll luv1•r l·onf1th•nt1.il tl'll•gr<1lll!> fru m Brtt c1111 ·., fon ·rgn s..~Tl'l<lry tu tlw t.: S St'<:fC'larv uf s ta tt• In pa~ing !>l'llll'ntt·, J ud gl' S11 Oav 1c.l Croom J1•h n!>1•n :,;}Id .. lt h .1'> \)I I 11 ..... id sorn1·on L· 111 your pns 111u 11 should lw thl' l')'t'!> a11tl L':tr:. 111 th1• dq1l(1Jll,1lll Sl'I VICI', l1UI tlio1l cl111.•:. 1101 111\';tll Vllll Wl'l'l' al ... 11 II:-11Htlllh " Httd1w wh1:.p1•1t•d "th.111k You " w hc·n s<'nt<·n c·c• was p.i.. ... 1·d ,111<1 -.h1· l'l'<'LIJJl'd ,1 .)iltl tc·r 11 1 H111 hw , h1·r !>ho rl dark h.111 -.11 1.,1 k1-t l "1th g ray lt·fl till IHUI I ;1., :.hl· h.id .1rn n ·d 111 ,, l.•" with h•·r µa11•f\t. .... w 11h11u 1 "i-k"1k111g tu n ·1111rt1 ·f"- ll1 1 lo\'t•l', "'11 ;.l St·•Tl'lar \ H1•J ,1.it 1•l -A11 :.o1r v w.1·-. t1.11 ... 11-rr1·d tu V1l'n11.r abolll I W ll 1111111 I h:-. <tg11 Editor held i11 s p y probe PJ::KlNLi Thi· t't.!ttur tn chwf uf a prorn11w111 Chrnl''l' co mmunr!>I nl'WSp c1pL·r 111 Hong Kong has l.x-t•n hl·ld for stx months 1n Peking p<'ndrng 1nvc•s t1gat1on o f alleg attn n!. that h P sp11·d for the Un1tl'<l S tatt•s . well -1nformPtl Chinc·S<.· sourcl'S said today Lo F'u. tht• highly rc.•!>pt't'tt-<l editor of Xrn Wanbao. th<· NATION N•" r.\<'11111gP11-;t """ rtl.illo·d w P1·k1ng lcJ!>l M<.t y ,111d h.•:. u<·•·n u 11dc.·1 huu:.1· ,111 , . .,, tht :.ou n·c.•:-. s;ud T lw -.ourn ·s, "ho did 1111t ".1111 t11 bl· 1d1•n11f1N I . .,,11d 1'1·k111g 111 1111·1· n.•n •11tly told " g r 11Ll f1 of 111qu 1r111g Ch111t''" w1111·1:. th;it Lo h.id lit" 11 w11rk1ng tor U S 1nll•ll1g1·1w1· gro up.-, Holiday road d e aths 379 TrafC1t f<itahllC''> ove r th1· Thanksg rv rng holidays fl'l l Car short o f estimates, w11h the numlx:r or p<>Ople kdlt'<l across tht· United States half that o f the w orst year. 1968 During th e f o u r-d ay obs erv ance that e nded at midnight Sunday. 379 tra fflt deaths w e r e r e p o rte d . s ubs tantially fe wer than w ould have bt'en expet·ted during a non-holiday pNiod o f th1• ..,;,in1c.· ll'ngth a l th1:. t1m1• of lhl· vc.•.tr. Bt.·f<1n · th•· long Wl'l'k•·nd lx·~c.rn .it fi pm Wc-dm·sday. lh1· Nat111nal Safe t v Cou11nl had c:.t1mat1·d that' b<'lw•·t•n ·LW dnd :iio pt'()pk m ight tx· k 1llt'(I In 1%8 tht·n · w t.•n· 7fi4 11aff1t• fatalil1t·" uv•·r the.· fou r -J ay Thanki.g1v1ng p t•11u<.l . tht· m o -.t •If any ht1ltd,1v Wl'l'kl'nd 11n rf'('11n l Power res tore d to Kauai HONOLULU -Electricity has ~n partially restored on the h urricane-ravaged is land of K auai freeing a nucl{'a r s u bma r rnl' thdt had b eC'n reques ted as a n a uiplrary power sourct• fo r sea duty. Navy o fftC'rab say. The attack submarine USS Indianapolis was ordered into Naw1lrw11i Harbor during the weeke nd to mate its nuclear· STATE po w l' r 1· d p I a n t w 1 t h t h t' isla nd's c·lt'l'.·trit·al systl'm But thr£•(' hug1· port<ibll· gt•n('ra tors pro\•1d ed by I hC' Navv have been m stallt'CI .it tht• Kauai Electnt· ('1) 's ma.1o r gl·nl'riitrng plant tu pniv1c.l•· ba t kup p o w(·r , so the submanm· w on't be nN.·<frd, L t Cmdr TNrence Fo rrC'Stt•r . a s pokl'sman for thl" U .S Pacific F'h'<'t. said Sunday Traffic d e aths up in s tate Traffi c d eat h s and drunken-driving arrests rn California jumped sharply t his Thanks giving h o liday weekend over last year. the California H ighway Patrol has reported The CHP. which began its count at 6 p.m Wednesday, said that by 6 a.m. Sunday 45 p<'oplt" h;.id drf'd o n' r oad:-. t hroughout Ca l1forn1a 10 more th<in during tht 1981 Th1mksg1ving holiday per1txl Swtew1dP, 1,824 m otorists wt·r•• arres ted r o r drunk driving. compared with 1.459 during th1· 1981 Thanksgiv ing wet.•kc nd . CHP OHrcC'r Montv KrC'fer said l.l >S I\ N l i 1': L .. :s (A I' J A "'•l •t 1117 1 lllt't'llllj\ lll'IWl'l'I\ th1 ·11 1111 '1d1·11t H1d1111d N1xo11 .111d I wu l 11 p f 111 d Molu1 l'e1 .,fl 1n.1b •IPfl•ll 1·111l y 11111 trtlillll·il 111 k1" ·111n.: "-If l'l y .111 b..iK:. t1lll 111 lJ S h1111l .1uti111\olJtlt·~. llt'l.111d111u l11 Ill'\\ ly l 1'11•a:.t·d lhµt' lf',lllM"l l)lt!> 111 tl11· llll'l'lllll-t "'J'h .. 1 t'l111f1·rt•11c·1· 1111d wh:1t .1ptia11 ·111l y fl .. wnJ f111111 II huv1• l 11 .1 d I . a v I' r y I rn p II r I " II l v11111nhul11J11 to till' {al't thul , still 111d ,1y. l\11\l'rtl'.111-. 1·u111111t buy .111 -li<lg prot~'l'llon ,1t uny 1·11st. 111 a11y t·ar ... M11d llc•n Kt'llt·y. Sl'nior v1t·1· ptt·,1t.l1·11t of th•· lns urunn· l11:.lltu11• of I l1ghwt1y Suft•ty Tht· n>•·t·lln~ ou·urn•d Apttl '1.7, 1!:17 1 bt•tw1•1•n N1xu11 , hrs c.Junwst1t· affairs utlvtst•r, J oh n .. :hrlld1man lt1•111·y l"urtl 111 and L1 •t • l:J1·1 l('\'Ll Court Ol(s Ni x on tape playings WASllJNGTON (AP) Tht• Supn•11w Cour t dt•art•d tht• way t11day l11r tlw t'Vl•ntual publ1t· p la y 111g 11 1 1<11>•· n•cord1ngs cm·t·r111g :! 1 : y<.·ar:. o f P n·s11fo11t N1 x1111 's1 rn1vl·rS<1lions 1n lh•· Oval Oll1t·1· T hi· t1111rt , without t.·omn\L'nt. 11•1 -.1a 11d a dc'('l!.1011 thill Nixon's 111111 \Vall·rgdt1· tap•·s mus t bt· niad1· puhlw possibly 11t r<•g1onal lts1c•n111g «1•nlt·r~ throughout th" I tllllltr·y Ufftt·iuls say lhl' tapt•s, pc·rhaps :-.l'Vt'ral thousand hours' worth. will n ut bl.' n·<1dy fo r public l 1~t 1•nrng until H18 4 <tt thC' • 'd l'lrt·-.t t\lmut I:!'. h o ur ... o f tapt•s 11·l.1ll11g let lh«' W..1t<•rg.11t• ~ant.la! th.11 d rnv•• Nl)<on fro m uff1('<.' in Hl74 .dn•ad\' .in· avatl<tblt' for publrt. b tt•n.1ng in Washington Th1·y ..it•· nut 111 d1-.pu11• rn lht• C'LISt' at li'd on IOOJV Tht• latc•st nmtrovt•rsy covers l.OOU h our s u f taµc · n •cordings unrdc.1tt•d t•1 WJll'I l.(<1tt• Thi• IL·d••ral a ppt•als t·ourt 111 Wa~h1ngtun l.1!>t M;.in:h a llu wt-d lh•· pl,1ying of lhe tapt'!> f<,r tht' publll . 1·i..t1·pl thn!>t' d1-.1ltng \\tth p rrva t t· m.111 .... ., .i ncl th o~•· l' X l' m p l l' cJ by ' ' l.' l' C U I I V ~· priVllC'gC'" .lt)I MNnll .1 '>IJC•k<·~w1111 1an for !ht• National Areh1v1·'i, sa y!> "<1 111ilJOfll )' o f the.• --1,()(11) ho~rs uf c:unvf'rsauun .... t•v1•ntu.illv will tw rl'IPaiwd to thl' pub lH· !Vh-rrtll sa1d thr· t.1pc·.., t·over 1h1· pt."nod from Fc bruary, 1971 111 J ul\ 197:i Shl' ~rd on1· o f th1• po ...... <;1 h1ht11•!> fo r rl'le<isrng llw laf)Nt 1s throug h 11 n •Rtona l listening n·nler~ Ni xon a ppt·alPd the· case tu the• S uprt•m£' Cuurl, ob)l.'<'trng to tht· go vt•rnnwn t's plan tn make thl' t.1pC's publil-ThC' G e n C'ra l St.•rv1ces Adm1n1s trat1on . which 1ntludc1> the Natronal Ar('hlVt•s, ha:. t·us tody uf the• t<ipc·s undC'r the· 1197-1 Prt'Sld(•nlral Ht'<:ord111gs .ind MaH•n..ib Prt••wrvat1 u11 At I T h l' f o r m C' r p r •· s 1 d e n l · s 1,rwyc·rs l<•ld the high court "Ode rnng d1n-t·t public aC'('('SS for a pc·nod. sut·h ai. tht• Irk of t h t' p a rt1 c 1pants 1n th e 1'CJ11ve rsat1ons. or s ul.>s t1t u1rng w r 1 t t e n s y n o p s " s o r t• v <' n tr.insnrpts for th1• n·L·ord111gs tht·msrlve!>. ad van(·es th<' a(•t 's l<'g111mal f' n hJet llvt•<; without u nduly em-roalhrng u po n tht• right.-; ul thC' c·1m w•r..an t..," N 1 x o n ·:. I aw v <·r s c; ;i 1 d a pn·s1d1•n1 dest·~v e'\ privacy "whf'n ht• n •tn•ats bt•hrnd the t.l oui s u f 1h1• O val Off1•·e lo d1!><·us.-. w11 h ,, c-ongressman. or a prrv;1ll' e1l1wn. or n staff member thc·1r 1dPas com·ernrng potentiaJ ll'g1slat1on , a pt•ndrng e lection. lhl· ml'nu for a state dinner, or th1· conditio ns o f tht:> country g1 ·rwr;tl Iv .. Thi• forrnrr presidC'nt has propost•d other altemauve ways of making the material public We're Listening ••• What do you like about the Daily Pilot'.' What don't you like" Call the number at le ft and your message will be recorded, transcribed and delivered t.o the appro priate editor. The same 24-hour ans we nng ser vice may be used to record let· lers to the editor on any topic Mailboit contr ibutors must Include their name a nd telephone number for verifi cation No circulation rails , please 642·6086 Tell us what's on your mind ~ 110. w :IM4 i..tonoer·f•ioer 11 rou oo ~~·;;,·:;,.er,~~ ::.r:t tOpy wfll O• .. , ... oe, •n<I su .. ooy " you oo "'" •.C•"'• ""'' CIJP)' Dy 1."' ... -· 10 • "' at>d """" ~y ... Ile-tel -a. ........ ', •'m- ~ Couo>l't .. ..,, ' -'r:r"-::c" .. ,,.. 1....,.....--.... ·-- I . ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat Thomo1 fl. Haley Pvbl•lht• ()l\(j (h1t1I l ••<ul>V• Oll•r•r Jane Amotl E ·.c~1ve fd1t0t l . Kay Schulta Voeol're•lll<lnl one! lt~..:tor of Actv .. 1""'11 Raymond Mact..on Conirolet Mk ho.C fl. Horvey o ... c,.,. o4 Motl•llllQ 1(.c.,loho"' ~--~----==-=::..:::::~- CleuKled •dv•rtlalng 714i'M2·H 71 All other def>•1'1ment1 142~321 MAIN Off'IC£ NO Wot! e.. SI , CO!llo IWleMt, CA • IWlell eH,.. .. llo• U.O, CO!lto MeMt, CA ..,.,. ,.,, .. "' ,.., °'-'""'' ....... , ... 1,.. ,_., No newt •*Ml'· Utti1ttr1tl0ftt , •O"orl1I mlt'*'" or.._ nrllN..,...I• ,,.,.1~ may M ••P<ocl!K.,. wlll- 1119< lal pormtu lon of <Cit"' lf"l _,.., VOL. 75, NO. W The I 1 UllM llpl WllS ftll'll Ill ll l'1 ·11n11v lvur11,j w11111Kflll 1.h ·uth :.1111 11u .. 111:.t tlw uutu 1•1m1111any 111 w It I l It N I )( Cl fl h u d b I' I' II 1>UhJJlll'l1.11·d Ill h ·i.llfJ Tht• i.Ubf>«•l'l\d WU!! tJroppt· Whl'n Nixon n ·IN11't·d tlw tupt• a:. part uf .111 out of <'llllrl ..... ·tlll'llll'llt Fur J .111d l;woc~ u. lh•· two toµ c·i..1't.'Ul1Vt•:-. ol f'urtl Motor Co iJI lit<' 1111w , WUlltt'<.I N1 x11n to quwch a t ht' 11 p 1· n d 1 n g I 1• d t.• r u I 11•1(U l.1 t11111 thut wou ld hu v1· rn1u11 n l Jll IJaK~ 011 t•vc·ry n<·w t.·ar, :.L1rt111g With I Y?:i 1111K.11•b Tiu· tran:.tnpl wru. d1.•lil1lt-d m tod.1y':. Lo!> Angell'!> Tim~. Tht· n,.,.. :.p .q,1·r i.a1J attc.•mpts tu l'Ollklt·t l'Ur n ·11t 1-'ord Motor Ctl off1•·1al:. for c omment wt•rt· unsUl'l.'t'!'..'>ful Ford steppt-d dow11 two y1•urs ugo, lat'Ol'CU now ht·ads Chrysl<·r Corp. 111 IH 7~1 a11d 1!1110 . 1h1• invt·i.1tlo(oltv 11., :-.uhn11111111tlt·1· ol th1· ll•lll!I{' ('11m1m·n ·t• l'u1111111tll~· 1111•d 111 11hta1n trJlll>l'l tf}h 111 tllf.K'h 111 .11\y :cud1 m1·1•111t.I( on till bu"'· i.urd U S ltt•p 1-\oh E.1 kh.11 di . I> 'l\·xu!>. d1u11 lllUll ul tht• ... ul1t·111111111111·1· 111 I ~IJll "W1• Wl'll' d11-.·k1ng IOlu ll11s IM'< .1ll1>I' Wt• w1•1'1• fr.l(h lrn.I( wh.it was .1 p II u 1· l ' 11 t I y a r 11 I h <' r 1rnd1•1·h;.111dt·d wuy o f av111d1111oe tlw l,1w ," F:cklwrdl 1>1.lld '!'ht• s uhc11mm1tt•·t· 1·(1Uld11 '1 11ht.1111 tr 11 11sc 11pls 11f th1· nwt.•tm.: Ill'• <lll't' tht• t:ipt.• w;r:, Olll' or hu11drt.·cl:. who:-.t• rt•lt.•a s t.• rs t•u11trulll•u hv Nixon Thi· tr an1>l'npl 1>huws N1x11n t old l :.ic1a·ca an<i Ford th1· 111 c• l ' l I n g w o U Id bl' kc p t t•or\l 1dc ·nt1al and that Erhlrt"hman w11.., In Jl't .ai. th1·11· Wh11t· JlllU!R• t·u11tad 111 tlw utr lwu mutlt•r v ..... i. 11ft1•r till' :1~ lllirlUlA· Ov1.1J CH I tn· 1111·1·t111K . Kt•ll t•y 111.11<.t,! Ehr lrdun.in buai.tc·d to htm thut• tu h.1d put <1 1>t111J tu tht· prnposc .. '(I ·'" IJ..iu rul1·i. .J11l111 Vulpt'. N1xcm'i. M'<'rN-0ry of t r.1n:-.p111 t.it11111. ~llCI ht;,.was no t u ff lt'r.tlly 1111t1flt'd of th t'.• st.-<·r1•l, 1111• 1• 1 1 11 g a n d w u., n l' v t • r liLH"l'l'!>:.l ul 111 g1•tt1nj.( White I luu,1· t·•mf1n11atu111 11f 11 "Tiu• ~usp11·u111 hu~ to t.·ntl'r your 1111nd th.it d tlll'y (1-'ord and lul'Ut'Ci.1) g<1 d1n-<:tly lo tht· Whitt' llou:.t'. 1h;1l lh('y mu:.t havt-had !'14>1\1\•thing 111 n11nd," Volpe i.a1d "Why did thl'Y havt· to du this? I 1·;111 1mug1111· that thl'Y d1tln'1 gt..-t tlw canswN frcm1 Ille th.ti th<'y W,HltcJ." .. , OeU1 Piiot l>tloto by lllchafd KMtllef Thi~ Wa!'I wha 1 was le ft o f a ~tali on wagon whic h collide d with a movin~ van in Laguna Ht·:.H'h S unda y, killing the car's d river . Fatal crash snarls traf fie Tr.ii I 11· in L.igun •• <..';1n;.1m wa!> sn ,jrlt'll lu1 :-.1·v1·1.il h ours lalt· Su n cl.1 ' <J ft1·1n11o n a fte r a '>f>C'< lal'U-l.11· tw11-w·h1d<· t·olhsron th.11 d .111m'<I llw ltl1· ol a Laguna lk oil h nt.in The Cah fornaa H ighway Patrol said Do ll.Jld N1t·lst•n , :il:l, wa:. ·k tlkcl w h1•n h 1:-. ..,11uthbound v1·h1d t'. J small s tat ion w:Jgon. ('•11 lrdt.•d wr th ;1 Bt•krns moving van driven by l.X•nnis R R1mmt•r, 27. of La lla br.1 N 1t'lst•n wa!> pronnunn -d d C':Jd .it the i.i:t . .'ll~· o f Lht :i:45 p .m a t·t·1dl'nt tha t left the busy t•;invon r uacl l'los<.'d for abu ut 1hr1•c• h our" Nl'1thl•r H 1mmt·r n o r hi s passt•ngl•rs. U..1v 1d Md'ht.·rson. ~:l . u f C e r r ito:.. <1nc.l M a rk Yunkt·r. I!( of An a hc•tm Wt're rnJun"CI. 1h1· CHP Sdld Cause of the llC('.1dent 1s under . invcsugauon T he C H P said It • \\'u' douu,v .inc.I ra 1111ng lightly wh<·n lh1• a w 1dem Ol.'1.'Urrt"Cl A 'Man Bites _Dog' story' C OUN C IL BLUFFS. Io wa (AP) It ha pJ>l•ned. finally A man bit a dog and tt made news It al so s tartled the d o g's owners, and the dog. Dennis Morris, 26. of Omaha. Neb .. was charged with public 1ntox1c at1o n a nd c r iminal mischief after he wrestled the dog to the ground and sank his te eth into rts nC'ck until the o wners dragged him o ff. a uthorities said Thl' mixed-bre ed Labrado r- hus ky d og . a m othC'r of thret" pro bably did n 't fight' bac k lx>cause s he knC'w her assailant. a nd had even sat on his lap from timt-to time . one of the owners said. Councrl Bluffs City Atto rney Dick Wade said the 1r1c1den t beRan when Morris got into a fight with co-worker Mark Ht.•lzC'r at Helzer's Lake Ma nawa homr According to police rC'ports, M orris "began t o get out o f hand" at thf' lll'IZC'r hum<.' and 111'17.•·r told him to leave. O n C'P ou tside, a ccording t o police reports. Morn s "began banging on the doors." When the banging stopped, H e lzc>r went outsid e to ftnd a telephone to call police but was "attacked" by Morris, the report said T he Helzers do not havC' a telC'phone Th<' police report said Morris ran off , but "a very short lime• later H elzer h e ard hrs d og yC'lping 1n the backyard." The H e lzers ran back a nd found Morris "lying on top of tht> dog , biting its neck." thl' re port said T he co uple ran to the d og's r<.'scue. but 1t was not t!asy to get Morri s away fro m Critter, mother o f three puppies "He had his lt:>eth sunk into my . dog. but he was also kic king and punch ing at me an d my husband. It took the two of us to gN him off." sh e said. • _ Helzer satd.Cnttl'r us ually 1s a ; pretty good watchdog , but that • s he did not try to fight back • bec au,se M o rris h a d been a • friend "She knew this man S he had ' sat on his lap and h e· had petted her," M rs. Helzer said. Critter was somewh at sh aken by the ordeal. Mrs HelZC'r said, but was bac k to n o r m a I soon. "f r i s k y a n d f r iend l y to t•very body." ~ ' chrt9l.moS 1982 cur Q,-.u-1t<z. Cu.dc.nr compornon our suad<z. lo~1n J<?cl<at 1s t.onrll2dftom Uu n~ nw za.aland. pilt..s end i,e, 'Wl1hout ~r oof'L and mallow~~ end duroblcz.11mpzccobly Lailonzd 1n.sida. and ou.t with wool krnttR.d cu.fTh, woi&.bondend \nsldtt pxket \M7. Ulm\\ cur aA.dcor ,8cl<a.t rney w.ry 'M'Z.l I bl. your favonl.Q. pcktz..t ava\leblcz. m notu:rol chemo~, brown 19my endm. suq,,c}Q, o.;t.door .)OCkr:tt @)~o@@)~@ 44 Fo1hlon l1land • N~~»POrt &och • 714/644·5070 1001 ~•twood Blud. • Wntwood Vlllog«> • 213/208-3213 1 ·l I ,, 1• I i _ ..... __ ,,__ ------- • ;\.j Oranyti Cotti.I DAii Y PH 0 1 /Monclny, Novun1bor 29, 198' Leftovers top zany parade LUS l\N( ;t·:l.l·:s \/\I', S1111ttv Sl'llll\' ;11111 tlh· lla11kll':o. lt•d tht• s, 1whr 111111.:d Bn1•tt·a;.i• l>nllt1·a111, tilt' S11t111d of Sd1•1wt• l\'la1l'h111g Barnl .111d dam·111g p.it'k-. "t 11g.1t <'tl1•:0. .1:-. th1· !>t>.th nn ·as1rn1:rl Dtk• l>.1h p.1rad1· lw1;dd1 •d th1 • llol11l.1y:-. with 1111th111g l'l'M'ml>ltng Yul1•t1d1· tn11 l1111111 1\t·tually. S1111lly Sl'otty'!> h.ir l1a11d hn1ught 11p lht• 1111ddlt• of t lw ••nlouragl' thr uugh old l'asadt'na Su11da y, I 1Lll tha t was par for t lw 1·v1·11 l l11l kd ·•S lt.1v1ng IHI th1•n lt'. llO Jlldg1 11g. IHI pn7.1'!> .md n11 1w1h-r Tht• Do11 D.1h purad1" u sµool 1111 Pas;1d1·1w '.-. .11111ual Jan I Host• Howl p.ir;1dt'. :-.prolllt·d ft'111t the blurry 1111nd., o l a snw ll group of bt•1•r dnnkt·rs 111 HJ7B. w l1t•fl th1• H11!>1• Parad1· was bumµt•d lo J,111 :.! IJl'l\IUSt' N1·w Y1·.1r's fdl on a SLU1d;1v It's bt·1•n :1 Suuth1•r11 L'alifornr:r favont1· !'>111e1· tht•n . st·h1•thd1•d d urtng tht· holiday s1 ·asu11 wh1·111·v1·1-It~ organ1z1·rs 111.i11agt• to arr;111g1· a pt•rmll This y1.•a r 's marTh drL'W sornl' 100 1·11tn1's und 4,000 spt"<-'tators 01w popul:.ir l'ntry . rulll•d hy hand. sm1·t· motonwd fl uab wt·r1• pr11h1b11d fur lhl' firs t t1nit• this year was thl' Thanksg1v1ng Lt'ftovl'r!> flua t . a giganttt'. pal'l1ally e aten turkl'y uf papier-machl' and chickl'n win· Tht• brrt·kase drill t1«1111 providt•d ~t1111t· prt•c1s10n .b its :30 bus 1111·ss-su1t l'd rnt·11d11·1·~ µ1ckt•d up. put down and tapµt·J a slal·1·;1t11 lw;it on thl'ir bridt·ast•s Tht• Sound o f Sdt•nc1• M urch1ng Band rontributt•d 11 0 musk ut all a s ml'lllb1·1,, manipulall'd floppy duth instrumt•nts. The "K1:cp It Clean" drill Le.am pnrntt•d w ith showe r curtw ns drapt•d around thPll' bud1C's. showt•r eaps on their heads and sµray buttk·s rn tht•ir hands lo gt•t onlookt•rs into th1•11 act. "Lud1es Against Women," t•ovt•rt·d ht«.1d -to- 1oe in e;irly 20th-t·t•ntury garb, h01 stc•d banrwrs that rl';1d "Cruast· Mrssrlt'S NCJt &rs," "Anv Girl Who Calb lil'rst•lf a Woman 1~ No Lady."· ;rnd "You're Nobody U11t1l You'n· Mrs. Sonwl>ody." Prt•srding ,1ver rt all wa~ Dou Dah Qu1·t·n Hawl Guinn. ti5 Tlw g1«1ndmothc.·r ran thl' Swr Hutd uncl Hazel's Bar. •a popular neighborhood hanguut. until tht•y wen· dosed three• months ago tu m;.1k .. \vay for rt•tfrvc·lopmcnl. lla1.t·I (}ui1111. c1uet·n of Pasadena's Doo Dul\ panule . 'wa,·es lo s peclalors watching tht· unlit•s Sunday. HOW·ARD'S Outstanding Auto Bo y & Paint Shop In Newport Beach Continues In Full Operatlonl • Conscleatious. u pert • Rea~nablt prices • Complete paint jobs tec~nlclm • fiber1lass bodJ work a specialty • lfodern equi11111nt • SPtclalty • Acrylic lacquer. enamel • Any .uke car or • Towln& or l•roa tmk OK • Bl& "Spray Kine" • Ito Job too siull • Rental cars m ilable Paint Booth • free estimates If r-ra· 11 on ln1urwnce l•lt, eMi yeur ... nt te hon It ,. ... Ired ot HOWAJID'S lody And '•Int Sho,. huurwnce tH1tu1ten -•c-11 Thore'1 • .,.clol office .,.,. for r-• u ... u .. -· 1.,.. ,,.,... lot for r-• t6ea.yetl .. ni.-nte ... ,,,. MD-..r lie W"9ht & .. ,,,. 1tttffl .. 'I .. we arc honored t o introduce the new cookbook 11GLORJOUS FOOD" Written by Cf:lrf.stopher /don e, co-f ounder of Glorious Food, the prestigious caterer in New York, known for setting the sta ndard when it com es to entertaining the most discriminating gastronome. . /-lave your copy autographed by Mr. !done Tuesday, November 30, 11 AM to 2 PM in our Gift Ga llery, lower leve1. Th e elegant cloth-bound 256-pagr book will sell for $40. \0111 /1 ( Od\I P/j1,1 U I l llrntol 'llrt't'I ( O\t,1 Mt''J Local. county. state. national and international events come to y·our doorstep D ·1 ,.,11 .. in· the bright. light and t~vely II J I A~ old fashioned @RlffeTJI2W .,,--a ffi{esf cliff 1?'iaia BANK OF AMERICAS . / Fien 1ernber wher service was more lha11 JUSI d '>1ogrin " When hometown mE-rchants spent 11me helping you '-.elect the perfecf gift? When Christmas shopp ing w:is a JOY not a chore? This r1oliday season. 101n 1r1e Westcl1ff Plaza lar· 'y w here 1 he holiday sp111t s!lll means sharing 1oy wilt\ cur customers our friends Select t our gift s !lorn more tr1,H1 twenty shops. without crowds or endless parking lots w11h the personal touch that Westcl1ff Plaza has becomE! known tor En1oy twinkling lights. Christmas carolers and Mrc. Sant;i and share 1n our spirit of g1v1ng by bringing atong a special package for Toys for To ts This Christmas. ioin the Westcltff Plaza ram1l1 arc havP a rT'Prry Old Fashioned Christmas' • 4riP1vn1 , -'"' .i .1" , ..... • &Jr1-. I Am..,., l ·• • rhJ'lfl'} 8d·r '"'"'''11r • Lrowo tid!0N3' .. • Dr t Ou f Id•' • HJ•' H~odl•r ~aion • Halhda1 ~ M•· . rir lh•"~ • till ~Mt Id'"'' • Hump11 flu" ~t 1 • l ~ (,hdol•e • Hu~hP\ Maro el • M0t; '-m F Tt1P"" • N~,,~ ~ Ot.inn Ant1Qufl' • N•wP'J•I Balbol~ ~d••ngo, • PJCI"' Unl111111~ • .>d> On D•up • 'i.,rnd•D•t1 • ~lv••lr•oe• • 5Wele"P" 1or H., •let•, lol1mdt~ Aro1,.1 • W•·1,1.11 fl••""" • W"'''ltH L1l'flf'f\ • Wtu,1£ ! P )hr'" Quality in fa shion and services with that personal tovch 17th and lrvlne, Newport Beach IRA PLUS GNES YOU HIGH RATES PLUS A IOl'M . If ;l\J the bcndit'-ul an lndividu:i.l Retirement Account have ._uJJL·nl>' becom e Vl'ry 1111 portarn w you, but you tht>ught you couldn't :i.fford them. thmk agam. Bank of 1\mcnc;i offer~ an IRA P LUS :1ccnunl that kt~ you earn high r;lll''> with ;1 minimum deposit <1f iu"t $:=1() _to which yqu can ma kc a<l<l it ion:1 l deposit:-. So ev<:n with a ll the other ex- pense~ you have to worry about, you c:m still c,njoy the benefits nf an IRA PLUS . What's more, IRA PLUS give~ you a variety "/like the hiy,h m tes j1/us the wx shelter.·· of plans to choose from. Yoµ can choose investments which lock in a rate, or you can select a variable ra te investment for more flexibili ty. With IRA PLUS, you pick the plan that best suits your individual nee<ls. And you won't pay a penny in set-up or main- tenance fees, ns you would at many other iJ1stitutions. • "!like the high rates plus the S50 minimum.'' "/like the high ra tes Of course, when you plus the safety!' invest in IRA PLUS you .uc :i.lso investing io a healthy tax shelter. You and your spouse can set aside up to $-HXX> ($2CXX) per working individual) each year. This.money is deductible from gros income on your F-cdcral income tax return and the interest earned is tax de- ferred as well. You'll find both features to be valuable benefits at tax time. On top of all this, with IRA PLUS 'your investment is backed by all the resources of California's leading bank. B:mk of America's .$120 bil- lion in assets fh'ovides you ~ with just the margin of safety you need for a long-term invest- ment such ns this. At the same tln1c, you can also count on all me expertise thnt Cali- fornia's leading bank can offer. JRA+ IT 'S MORE THAN fUST ANOTHER IRA . If you want to invest in an 111.dividual Retirement Account that gives you all the good things you want ~n an IRA, · plus a lot more, open your IRA at Bank of Anwrica. Look into IRA PLUS-California's lead- ing IRA from California's leading bank.. BANH ON THE LEADfRT .___< ___ It) ~AN~OFAM~RICA _,. ____ ·:-- By PAT HOROWITZ Ofho.ltrNetlteft DEAR PAT: I plan to me a lax relura for Ille first time next year and wonder If I have to Itemize my dHuctlon1. T.C., Irvine Figure ou t how muc h you h ave in deductions before deeidinte how t.o file. Te> benefit from ltl'mizlng, your total dedu<.·tid,ns .should lx• more thun $2,300 IC you file as slng)c or unmurrk'<i hcud ot household, $3,400 for marricd filing joint or quulifying widow or widower or $1.700 If your· filin_g stutus 'is marrll'<.J filing separately. Passports popular ' DEAR READERS: The U.S , State Departme nt anticipates issuing a record number of 3.700,000 passports by the end or 1982, according to Diego C. Asencio, As&stant Secretary of Slate for Consular Affalrs. Asencio urges trave lers to apply for a new passport before March or a fter July -the off-season times when you can beat the rush. To mE:el continued demand. the Department or State will issue passport.,valid for 10 years . ~· IHI ~\ !u!.!!:! AllCOMl!f~ SOlAll WAY• HIAflNO aAfHIOOM llMOOalHO • So I< ?llUI ~ ~-Stam al Y<Nr Ooo< (Call Store ,..., .. t Y<NI Are•I COSTA MIU 641-1289 U2'New,_.llwtl. I M1SS10H VllJO 495-0401 2"22Cemlne~ ,_...,. ......, ... ,._., "wr» Free Phone Call Home · Now 1hru Dec. 23 M':I ~~~~~----:J~ and Huntinglon Center To Place your "Fast Result" Ser vice Directory ad .... Call Now will give owoy ovP.r , 15,000 3 ·min. long distance phone calls for the holidays. Just visit the MCI holiday booth in the center of the moll. 642-5671 Wlllam .J. fian , m.::D. ANNOUNCES THE OPENING OF HIS OFFICE FOR THE PRAGTICE OF OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY BEACH MEDICAL VILLA 17522 Beach Bl11d . Suite 207 Huntington Beach Olfoce Hours Mon ·Fn Sat By Appointment 714/842-1131 100% to 500% 1st year Write Off $5,000 • $10,000 Minimum Investment Call For Free t!z Hour Consultation HERMES MILANO, INC. PERSONAL TA.X CONIULTANTI (714) 751-2AOO .. FRESH LOCAL LOBSTER DINNER '8.95 Include• choice of soup or salad, a11d potato or rice pilaf. ~ ... -r-/ Call For ·1 ReMrvation• ~-. ' dl~ . ,673-7726 ~{.'/!,'!,'!!:,(!:.~ 101 .. ~" BALBOA L ........... GRAND OPENINGI Introductory special· 3 lessons forS1500 (First new 100 adult students only) The Astaireway to fun and popularity. Specializing in beginning and advanced. American -Social- International- Modem-Latin- Ballroom. ll'r•il~•tair• DANO• 8TUDI08 fred~0..8'udloe. 2727N9wportlhd., ...... .....,_. ...,_, CA._(7M)l7M421 lloft ...... 10 •. lft.010p.m. March of PLEASE HELP di> DI , Bl~~~ECTI .:::.. -'""----~---~'° ....... "'-,,.. ... ,...---..--.. .. Oran e CoHt OAIL Y PILOT /Monday, NovemMr 29. 1982 I VERDICT PENDING ON VIDEO GAMES • • • UlStt!ud of f1Vl' startlll& Jwn 1, IY8J Yuung people, wh'*' appt>arMnc•t• can cha~ quickly, wall continue rt.'<.'t'ivina fivt'·year paaporta. Bulk mail 'niarked' . DEAR PAT: I lblak I've beea "marked" by &be po1l office. I keep 1eula1 le&en 1eat to my bu1lae11 addre11 wllll roaad, colored ' 1tlckerl bearla1 oae letter on lllem. Wbat does tlll1 m,aa? H.J ., Haat1a1toa B!acll These stickers occasionally appea~ olj the top letter or a bulk first clWIS mailing to a particular address. The le tter cOde on the sticker indicates that batch of first-class mall has been pre-i;orted for direct delivery to a certain state or city. , • Got _a_p_ro_b-Jem? Then wrire to • 'l Pat Horowitz. Par wiJJ rot red tape, - gerring the answers and actJon you n eed to solve inequities in government and business. Mail your questions to Pat Horowitz, At Your &rvice, Orange Coast Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, CQSta Mesa, 1 CA. 92626. From Page A1 workmtc llf*" " Buth Ricki'"' und Shat••r ulllO 111.1ld lhl•y wuuld not bt• oppok'd lo tht• m11wll•t11>n uf • U.•lt'VINIOn 1t1•t 111 1tw jUry room "'l'hut'a. 1.1 totally d1H••n•nt' n1t1thu111," Slull'r 1Wtld l'r016pt.'l'liVl' JUrorai antt•1v1t•wt-d Wt'dm'!l(Joy 111 th•• l'OUrt'• third floor Jury u~·mbly room t•><prt'!IW.-d lnd1ffon•nw to 1lw pot'illlblt• lrunulluuun thf'rc.• of gamt.'S 111uch n11 Pat·-Mun &.-vc.•rul .. ,d lhl•y wouldn't mind tht• gumt'tt, but they wouldn't ht• uwhm'<.l to piny tht•m t•Vl'n if tht.•y Wl.'re avu1lablt• . "I don't can• for vidt't> gumi'8," smd Joannt• OcSh<'ll'S or Anuh<'im us !iht• uwuiu'<I USKIJ(runN\I to a jury. "TV would bl• bt•llt•r for ml'." As other prtJtlpl'l'llVl' jurur11 idlt'<I away long hour~ playing t•urds or r<•uding, An1.1h(•1m rt'Sidt•nt John Woodall SL1id ht• wouldn't pay u quarter to play a v1dt>o gaml'o "but I suppl>M' It's a good idl'a for somt.-on<• who hkl's tht•m." One who does n 't likl' video gam<.•s is prospt.>clivl' juror Palnciu Lanl'. of 1-lunungton Beach. "ll gets pretty boring 111 tht•rc, but it would just be torture to have to listen to thOSC' noises rommg from thOSl' gamt.>s," she said. Frank DeF1lllppi, of Garden Grove, said ht' would be willing to plaY' thC' games 1f they were free, but hf would prefer 11 1lw county would just provide jurors with fn't.• l'Off~ Whale jurors secm<.'<i singularly ununpres.'i<.'CI by the prospect uf video gamt.>s an the t.'OurlhoUS<.'. t.'Ounty employl>es mtt•rview<.'<i in two l'afeter1as Shop tonight tlll 9 p.m~; S~uth Coast Plaza tlll 9:30 p.m. •· ,, THE ULIIMATE GIFT SALE~ 99.99 Our luxurious cashmere sweater. ' A traditional V-neck In eleven handsome colors. Special Please him no end by giving the most luxurious, rich and creamy. sweater known to man. He'll wear it for years with pleasure and pride. Wool. S to XL. Men's Knits and Sweaters, 501 YELLOW NAVY BURGUNDY CAMEL GRAY BLUE RUST BLACK HUNTER llUIO(t''>ll•d :u, poi1"1hlt• vhJ1•u u :rnw 111< UtlCHll S('t'lllf'd 11\0l Ir t•nthW11U'tlll' "A" lcmg u" It'" not too no1Ay or d111tra<.•tin1e I think II would bt• a l(oud dlVN'hlon," i.ald 8111 (it·ar. i.yswms tllvl!llon t·hu·f In the: county Aud1tor'H OHW•· "It would I)(• gcxJd tht•rapy ond p\1t1•ntaally t·oulu tlt'lfl lh•· work output It t•ouldn't hurt." Kuthy Du<1ut•Lll'. t•mploycd In tht.• i-ounty Ht•c:ordt•r'H' Ott ll'l'. 1W1d ,.ht• dt)(.>1m't play v1dt:0 gamt.'11. but tht•y would bl• fmd with hl•r if im.tulk'(J an orn.· of tht· (•ounty-run ·caft•wnus. "I wouldn't mind tht· noiM..," 11ht• said. A<.'l'Ordan.c IO tfw Adm1na11trativ•· Offu:c n·port on th<• matt•·r. "Vidt't> gam(.'i 'l>la(•t:d .. in a work i111vironm1•11L may bt.• 114.'<'n as e1thc.•r as.an unwl•lconw distral·tion or wt•lconw divl'fslon from thl' daily routinl'. "If kt•pt in their proix•r pcrspt'<·tiv<• and used at approprwtc.· liml'S only, many cmployt'(.'8 will (ind v1d<.-o g;imes to Ix• an ext.'«.'llent sour<:·t.-of relief from t1•ns1on ;.md ,JOb·rclat.t>d pressur<.'S," lhl• report stutC'S But wh<'lht.1r Pa<.·-Man and oth<•rs of that ilk find their wuy into c:uunty-owncd buildings outs1d1,• of the <.'OurthouSl' remains to be seen Any proposal to purchaSC! and install vidt.'<> gamt.'8 would ultimately have lo be approved by the board of supl'rv1sors. . , Tht• sugg(.~l1on to r<.•vicw the ~ibihty of installing thl' games <.·ame from two county employees who submitted the idea through the munty Employ(.'t! Sugg<.'Sl1on Program . I RED BROWN What a beautiful w8y to q,... C9. IOUTH COAIT I'~ 3333 8111101. CM (71') 558·0611 ... ION VllJO, M1111011 Vte/O M•ll. (71') 495·311 1 Shop Sunday 11 ·6. MoncJ•y·Fr1t11y .10·• (Soum CoHt Pia• to t ·30J, S.turd•y 10·9 I .. ,_. ~· Ora t Co111 DAILY PILOl /Monday, November 2G, 198' Lei voters speak on • transportation tax T h t ' U r 11 n ~ t' Cu u n t y Trans1Jurtution Commission has d l'ddt•d to try unt't.' more for stutt• passagt• of lcgislutiun that would permit Orangt• Coun ty vott~rs to dcddC' if tht• snlt•s tax should bl' int·reasl'd tu fund m•t•(Jcd road . h ighway a nd tn ll\sit proj(.'('tS in thf county. But it ~ms that some o f the same political bil'ketmg th<.it killed a similar m ('asun• la s t year is likely to rC'!Urfat'l'-· Last yf'a r . Ass<'mbl>'man Richard Robinson. D-S anta Ana. a t the l:x-hl·st of a cualttion of 52 firms SC'L·k1n g improv e d transportatio n in the 1.:ounty , carrit:.'<i a measure that wou ld have inc.·r ease d tht• t•ounty sales tax from 6 pc.·rccnt tu 7 pcrcl'n t. to ra ise an estimated $150 million <.i yc•<lr for transportation proj<.>ets. Th e bi ll , h owever , was re m ovc.•d from consideration by Ro binson in a. dis pute ovc.·r t he m a k e up of the Tra ns portation Commission. It currently consists o f two t·ounty s upe r v isors, two members of city cound ls a nd one :it-l;;irgc.• mc•mlx:r. Robinson . c·onc:<.•rfied that the l'omrnission s hould h ave more C'lcctcd members 1f 1t were to obtain taxing a utho r ity, had proposed an amt•ndmcn t whe reby thC' mC'mbc r sh ip wo uld be C'Xpanded to 11 , including a ll. fi ve co unty s upt•r v1 sors. fi v e c ity c· n u tH' ti m <' m b t • r i. I r u 111 t IH· c•ountv's :w t•1tws uml un a l lut'gl' n wmljN. 1 l is viL•w was ~uppurtt•d by ('I) u n l y s u p l' I' v I s 0 ,. 8 r u (:I' Nt•stnndt•. But the.• <..kunHt' Coun ty L cagu t• o l Ctlil•s w1thdrt>w its su pport o f thc1 utll, uppunmtly bl'licvlng t h e dlungt• would im.·rN1sc.• the• c<JUnly's influcnc.·c on th<' C'ommiss1on. Nestnnde says ttw same.' poli{'y issut>s still exis t. Ho wt•vcr, tnt• comrfl1ss ion t•onte nds the re simply will be no w ay to t·o mph'tc.• projl'1.:ts tu allc•viate thl' county's c·ongt•swct traffic c:ondit1ons unless add1t1onal rc•v<.•nuc• can be ra1S<.•d. Supervisor Ralph Clark, who sC'rVl'S on tht• (•omm1~ion, bt'lit•vcs i t i s i nl p o r t a n t t o I a y t h c• groundwork for a wuy to finant•t• nt•t'<lt•d improvt•nwnls anu favors <1s k ing the publk if thc•y an• willing to puy for road projct·L<;. llC' is t'Ol'l'l'<.'l. •. P assa g(' of th e c:n abli n g l<'gis la tion would on ly a uthorize thl' county to put the q uestion on the ballot. Los Angeles votc•rs did a pprove a Si:l lt·s tax increase to support the RTD bus system. It would b<:· helpful if thC' concerned offit'ials could cool the bickering a nd g ivt• Ornngc County's voters a similar cha m ·c to t'Xprt•ss thcu· viC'ws -prl'fNably bl'fon• th~ coun ty's road syste m dcgcnera~es into a ~arking lot. • Homeowners will pay I n t h t• o 1 d d a y s w h e n prope rty t ax was king , loca l government<:: had C'Onsidcrably less tro ubl<' in t inant:ing projects to bene fi t th e public -facilities like roads a nd bridges and sidewalks. Then c:::i mt' Proposition 13, the 1978 pro p e rt y t ax -c uttin g measure . And then. in short order. cam e the ca s h cr unch . Simply. local governments have ended up with fower a nd fewer dollars for capital expenditures. Now. new financing schemes a re coming into u se. A leading c andida t e is the• asse ssment district. The idea ts not new; its a pplication 1s. however. , I n Irvin e. for example, the city recently issued $4.7 million in bonds to pay for construction of a overpass that will s pan the San Di e go Freewa y a t H arvar.d Avenue. Bond pay m en ts will b<> made by the• Irvine Company , the , s i n g 1 e J a n d o w n e r i n t h c· aS..<;('SSml~nt distril't. It is t u ,thc.• (·umpany's advan ta"ge to pay the as.'iessmcnt. If it is to build in tht• areu, tht• ove r e r ossi ng w tis 1.:0 n s id<• rt•d essential. But is it? Yes a.o.d .. ruJ'rf.c cost o f re tiring the bonds. yes. is being paid today by the·Irv inc.· Company. But at some poiryt d own the line.• when hom es arc built and sold th<' assessment cost will be paSS<'Ci along. The implication. o f cou rse. is th a t hom eownc>rs ult1matt•ly w ill pick up tht· tab. While 1t may be th<· o nly finan cin g m e tho d left . the tro ubling pa rt a b o ut u. c o f an assessment distr ict is tha t 1t w ill ' o nl y agg r ava t e• an a lread y aggravated problC'm the· high cost o f housing in Orange• County. Parking p~ecaution • wise A s a n umbe r o f would-be tr ave le r s di scover e d to the ir dismay a couple o f weeks ago, there are times when the parking lots at J ohn Wayne Airport a re just plain filled up -in ~ct, this was the seven th time it had happened this year. And c hances are it will h appen again . t~pecrally during the holiday season. When the lo ts a re full. the traveler w ho planned to leave his car at the airport a nd hop onto a plan e is out of luck. The chances o f f indin g a s pot o n adjace nt streets is about nil. a n~ nearby · businesses u n dorstendabl,)l..rtake a poor view of long-term parking in the ir customer facilities. The fact is that the increased seating capacity of the new OC-9 Super 80 jets , selected because they are quieter. is exacerbating the pa rking problem because they can carry more passengers without a dding m or e flig hts. and thus more noise. T he immediate answer for the traveler i.s ( 1) have someone drop you off at the air port or take a cab or (2) at least call ahead to check out the parking situation . The lo ng·tC'rm a ns w e r . o t course. is for the ~-ounty to proceed at full speed .with d eveloping the proposed 1.800-veh idc parking lot in the "dear zone" nor th of the San Diego Freeway. a pa tch of la nd t h a t can 't o th(•rwisc> b e developed because it is under the approai-h pattern. But that lot. w hich would mst an estimated $-J million to develop, is just in the planning stage and could take a n ywhe r e fro m 18 mo nths to three years to complete. It g<><'S without saying. of course. that--lhe..city of Ne wport Beach is threatening to challenge cvc11 this sorely need ed improvemen t as a legal violation o f the court order prohibiting significant t·h a ngt•s at t h e air p ort p e nding n ew environmen tal studies. " Airport officials point out tha t tl"fl' e xisting lots only fill up from time to time -but on a more or less unpred ictable sch edule. So, ·until the n ew lot is a r eali ty, travelers had best be aware that lo'ng-term parking at J ohn Wayne Airport n o l o nge r t:a n b e guaran tt"ed on a daily basis -and plan accordingly. L.M. Boyd/ Song source ~ Nuille r o us savvy songwriters regularl y visit the Library of <rongresa. It has the world's largest collection of American folk music. Ballads, Ind ia n ch a nts, Negro spirituals. whatever. The tunesmJths get ideas there. their own and other people's. · If you 're dreaming, you're not toeslng and. tuming. lf you're W.ing and turning, you're not dreaming. SO say the sleep spec:lalis\a. ORANGE COAST Daily Pilai .. No country imprisons a larger proportion of Ila population than does South Afrjca. But that's not the item. The item 1s that the United States ls second. Forty-three percent of all fathen never change any diapers at all. The word "hussy" 100 yean ago was nothing m o r e than the a ff ec ti o n ate diminutive o f ''houaewife." Thotnet '· Holey '"bl~· JeM Am9ri l•~t•••• fd""' ...... KreMNch (d-~ '• fd•. . New Soviet boss a hardliner - WA S HINGTON -Despite the Kremlin's not-so-subtle disinformation cumpaign to paint Yuri Andropov as a moderate. or even a liberal, the new boss of the Soviet Union is a har'dliner whose elevation means rou~h times ahead for the long -suffrring Russian peoplt· and the l"l'St of the world. Actually. anyone who thinks a man who ran th<' KGB for 15 years could be a hbcral must also believe in the Tooth F.:iiry. The KGB is a combination of the , CIA. the FBI and the Bureau of Prisons but without a ny legal restraints whatsoever. The head jailer is now in charge o(Jhe entire country. FOR .YEARS, o ur inte llige nce agencies mistakenly thought that no one with a KGB background could hope to rise to the top of the Kremlin heap. At most, they believed, Andropov would have veto power over any would-be sutwssor to Leonid Brezhnev. As I reported three years ago, the CIA evaluated Andropov's position this way: "Any serious contender for the job of general secretary must ensure that he has the tacit approval of the security organ if not its active support." '"Within the las t year. h owever. Western intelligent-e began to rethink its assessment of Andropov's chances. In fact. as early as last May, I reported my intell igcnct> sources' hunc h that Andropov would be the one to grab (hf\. bra!ls ring on the Kremlin mcrry-go- round. The C IA mu y have been slow to consider thl• possibility that Andropov would be Brezhnev's successor, but it Jll:I 11111111 What this means for Soviet~American relations is that detente is dead. As long as Andropov is in charge at the Kremlin, the United States can expect a tough Soviet policy on all fronts. The man who s uper vised the c rus hing o f th e Hun gu r ia n upris ing as Soviet a mbassador in 1956 can h ardly be cx~ted to take a. lenient position on Poland or other restive satellites. The big question now is how long Andropov will remain in charge . I've ~-en SC<:rct CIA reports on his health; he ls far from robust. At 68, Andropov 1s a relative stripling by the s tandards o f th e S oviet gerontocracy. But he has serious health problems ln 1966. he suffered a heart attack, and in the mid-1970s he required surgery so major that he spent 10 weeks m the hospital, at-cording to the CIA. POWER, as Henry Kissinger fondly be l ieved, may b e th e ultimate aphrod1s1a'" it may also be the ultimate tome. Brezhnev was m frail health for years. yet he never rchnquished his grip on the Soviet power a ppara tus. Andropov can be expcctt.od to be every bit as tenac1oui. now that he has reached the pinnacle In the Byzanunc atmosphere of the Kremlin, no one can relax in the top job. The other old men Andropov beat out will not giyc up easily. But Andropov still has the ace in the hole that put him whe re he 1s: the loyalty of the KGB. The men who run the Gulag Archipelago now have one of their own in control for the first time in Soviet history, and they're not likely to abdicate their newly enhanced power and prestige. We have good reason to. he worried I IOVl' America. I salute the flag and I go around saying: "We're the greatcsl!" but I'd be lymg 1f I said I wasn't worried. The funny thing is, unlike m y government and some of my friends. I'm not worned about the Russians. ('m a li ttie worried about the Chinese. I'll never get over worrying about the Germans and the Japanese make me ne rvo us, but the people I'm most worried about are ourselves. We aren't doing it. In 1950 we were making 75 percent of all the t ars driven anywhere m the world. Now 30 percent of all the cars sold just in this country alone are made somewhere ~lse. They're not only made somewhere else, they're made very well in Japan, Germany. France, and Sweden. l've driven Russian cars and they're no threat. ONLY H YEARS ago, a1rl1nes thro ughout the world were all flying American-made Boeings, Oouglascs an d Lockhecds. Now, the more you travel on the smaller airlines both in the United States and abroad. the more you see comme rc ial pl a nes ma d e 1n o ther countries. Our computers. our television sets. our clcctromc games and much of our office equipment IS made m Japan. It may have thP name of some fine old American /~"' -All_Y _RDD-11-Y -ii'· company on it, but don't let them kid you; the chances arc the component parts l'Omc from Japan. · Our steel mills are running at about 37 percent capacity this week and that's partly because of the ec.'Onomy. but even more because other countries have better t('('hnology for making steel than we do. Did you ever think 1t would happen? It's cheapc•r, even Cor American companies, to buy foreign steel and have it shipJX'd here. The same auto companies in Detroit that have workers demanding that the rest of us buy cars made in America are Is there 'national 1• talent'? Despite the alleged "universality" of the arts, is there such a thing as a distinctly "nationaJ" talent? Do different ethnic or cultural groups have different aptitudes and talents in the diverse arts? One Is led to think 90, historically at IYlllY Ullm least. This musing is prompted by lhe death a few months ago, of Sir Clifford Curzon. the concert pianist generally considered by music critics to be perhaps Britain's only world-class pianist. Why should this be 1e>? Moreover. why 1should Britain, with its wealth of poetic and literary geniU., be 10 comparatively devoid of great compoeert u well u performers? Why should Germanic compoeers dominate the musical a'ene, . with few exceptions? Why does painting flourish in France. while poetry and music have not • regularly scaled comparable heighta? (When Gide waa asked to name the peateet French poet. he replied, "Vietor HulO. at.!") Why have muafc and painting been p~-m'tlnl'nt In haly, whlll' poetic and· lll.rary faculties aeem to h ave dbnJnilhed aha the daY1 of n.nce and Taaao? Why have ao few flrat-r ate compu•ns emHlt'd from Spain ana South Amt'rica? And, CIOMr IO home, why hU U•• United 8UtH produced 1cf"'l•w CGmPl*fW of world cla-. and ewn ao ' , few classical perfonners. given our size· a nd population and resources a nd support? It almost seems as if each group of people has ita own particular "cultural genius" at the expense of other forms. Art itself seems to cut across national and language barriers. but creative ability does not follow a parallel path. No French composer rivals Beethoven and Mozart; no British painter comes anywhere near a dozen Italian or French painters ; no Spanish write r since Cervantes has the stature of a Tolstoi or a Dostoyevakl, or even a Chekhov. What kind of cultural or social soil is most hospitable to the cultivation of great art in i\a various manifestations? Certainly. there is no "genetic" factor Involved -transplanted artists quickly take on the coloration of their adopted lands, u did Conrad and Beckett and Nabokov and innume rable European emigres lo the New World. I WONDER what research has been done. or ls betl'\I done, on the roota of what we looeely call "national genius," to dia'over or discern why tome of lhe arta flower In certain 10l11, while others 1anau1ah or 1a1 t»hind. What conditions are propitious for ..-eat mµaic. and what for ,....i p.tl\Ul'\I or drama or poetry? And what llC!'ems to l't'tard any of thme ventures? ' - These are mor~ •than rhetoric.l queaUona, for we know that peoples achiew lmmonallty. wtt.n they do, more becll\m of th•ir artlaUc crMtiona than bec8u. of their c:omrnerc. or conquetta. Since tM toal of man'• •V'Uale II to pin Unrnonabty of. '°"' woUld " not tJ. wlM IO 1Mk and tD nourlah thaee •lerMn• b\ plOlllOtlt' the wtdett,....,. of c:nedvtty ln our ..u.tt producmg cars they caJJ "American" in foreign countrws Even the cars that are ac·tually assembled m Detroit are often put together from parts made in Japan. They're about as Amencan as chopsticks. Stat1st1cs show that for the first time m our h1 Lory, more people are employed in serv1<.'<' industries than in production. Today 73 percent of the work force deal in servit't'S Only 27 percent work in the produt·t1on of goods. In other words. more people a re selling it than making 1t. "Servwe" may sound like a good word. but a lot o f w ha t goes under that heading 1s duplicating order forms on Xerox machines, selling insurance and figuring out interest rates on bank loans. I recogn ize the need for bankers. financial experts and figure jugglers, but there's jus t so long the money- manipulators can keep their numbers in the air while they make money off each exchange. Eventually someone has to come up with a product. without which all the statis tics in the world mean nothing. If it's hard to do. we aren't doing 1t anymore We buy 1t from someone else. double the price and sell it back to our&elves at a proht. No wonder we're m trouble. In the last three months alone, we spent $13 bi llion more in foreign countries buymg their goods than they spent here buying ours. Oil is something we can 't help. bu t machinery a nd manufactured goods are things we ought to be able to produce better than anyone else In the world. THE BASIS for eve rything is not money but hard work. Wall S treet doesn't deal in that, and the Dow J ones average doesn't reflect it from day to day. The engineers, the chemists. the architects. the scientists. the designers ought lo be predominant in our society. If anyone's going to get rich. it ought to be tht>m . The mechanics. the carpenters, the electricians. the construction experts. the plumbers and the repair people and all the other craftsmen who really know how lo do something ought to be making ii, too. The only subject you read about or hear about is moner It's as if the produc\a on which al money Is based don't make any dlffe~nce at all. Why are ao many foreign goods selling so weU here? UIWlll)' It's because thoee produc\a are t»ing made cheaJ)t'r and better than .comparable products made m Amenca. Why shouldn't I bl' worried? llml• .. t'lt"Hl'! Aller your 1ara1e aale, laH dnwn your louay ligna! J>.J.B. . . 111111111111 . MONDAY, NOV. 29, 1982 CAYALCADE 82 11111111111 TIE mTY STOCKS 83 ENTERTAINMENT 84 .. ' . Christmas catalogs offer everything from packaged fruit to home robots. • QL Tooth Fairy finds inflation hard lo swallt1w. See Erma Bambeck, Pase 82. D D . . w awe ~ j • Christmas catalogs shOppi~g easily Many people have begun to shun the large shopping centers to buy by mail By KAREN E. KLEIN OflheDelly"°' It.ff Let's face it, shopping can be a hassle. Especi~lly Christmas shopping. P arking•lots are jun-packed, cashier lines stretch out ad infinitum and people are harried, hurried and often downrigh.t rude. This year, with time and energy at a premium as usual, more and more people are shunning the shopping centers and turning to buyin~ by mail. The proeedure goes as tollows: from around mid-October to as late~ early December, the consumer starts receiving mail-order holiday cata(ogs featuring almost every item imaginable. Just 6icture it -rather than fighting crowds and standing in line at the local shopping mall-tumed- monstrosity, the happy mail-orderer leisurely browses through the catalogs in hia favorite armchair in front of the ,tire . Beside the convenience. the catalog-shopper is rarely ever faced with the old "What-do-I-get-Aunt-Gettrude- 'this-year" syndrome. There is something for everyone in a catalog, from the exotic the commonplace, and there are things you can't find ln you local department store. The best part.comes when friends and relatives start panicking, in mid-December, abOut how they're going to get in ~11 that last-minute shopping. The mail-order shopper smiles, sits back, and calmly informs them his is all done. 'He'll have to be prepared for some iess-than-admiring remarks, but once the envy settles, he'll probably be glad he's ahead of the game. Mail-order shopping has. been growing in popularity by about 10 to 15 percent since 1975 and now more than 20 percent of Americans do at least some shopping by mail, according to Donna Sweeney, director of communications or the Direct Mail Marketing Association. She said $40 billion worth of merchandise was sold last year through the mails. Sweeney's organization, which has represented direct-order businesses since 1917, publishes a IOrt of catalog of l:Atalogs: the Great Catalog Guide, which lists catalogs by the items they offer. The world has changed considerably sinre Cll~ •'A"lf:MI like the Sean Roebuck and Co. catalog cfonunaieo tne mail-ordfr 1eene, although Sean la still the largest catalog around. Now there are cata!oP offering almmt an specialty ltem you can think of -from crafta to food, from tomato plants to IOftware. Through the malla a whole new world comes alive to the consumer. You can buy naturalist gifta from The Nature Co., located in Berkeley, or for that friend who has everything, how about a mail-order hot tub , from Almost Heaven Hot Tubs, Renick. W.Va. (You didn't know th~y had hot tubs in West Virginia, did you?) . Maybe you're loo~ing fOr a sundial. If so, there;s a 24-page catalog published on sundials from a Fitchburg, Mass.-based company called, simply, Sundials. In this day and age, it figures there would be · mail-order computers like the ones from lnovislon. And if there are mail-order computers, it follows that there'd be •Stick with catalogs you've ordered from before or ones that friends have done busineu with. You need to be cautious just as you are when you go to have your car repaired or buy something in a department store.' mail-order programs for those computers -from Selected Microcomputer Software, Chatsworth. What friend wouldn't like a nice steak dinner? Well, if you live too (ar away to take him out, you can send one through the mail -cl1ateaubriand, tenderloin tips, fiJet migno,g. top sirloin or porterhouse from Omaha Steaks International. · There are clothes, of course. Clothes and more clothes, the original offerings of the J.C. Penney and Seara catalogs being ready-made Sunday best. You can find several catalogs that specialize in _.. Western Wear this year, and appropriately from West Palm Beach., Fla., there is a catalog speclalizing in reeort wear: "Fundles" crotchless panties are available from the Frederick's of Hollywood catalog (which advertiles, "believe me. you can be as glamorous aa any ~vie 3tar"), or. perhaps for the more reserved, there 1 a 48-page catalog of thermal underwear from Damart Thermawear of Portsmouth, N.H. Sweeney said one of the molt popular caalop cornea from L.L. Bean. the original preppie outpmt that 1tays open 'round the clock in Freeport, Maine. Bean'• flannel nlAhtahlrt (body-length. plaid) can be purchued for $18.75. Beans also offers pipes, dog beds (allo plald), pull sleds, ICf' cream 1COOJ>8 with,. defrosting fluld 1ealed in the handle. soapstone boot dryers ("place in your woodltove or oven to heat up") and a "Bert and I" reoord and book of "down East" Yankee humor and Maine-style yarns and tall i.les. • Bean joins many other mail-order firms in ottering an option for customers who don't want their names pa~ on to other firms. If you've found you're bombarded with junk mail after signing up for a catalog, Sweeney suggests contacting each Cirm and asking to be taken off its mailing list. But getting new cataJogs and looking through them is half the fun, Sweeney said. so if you don't mind some extra mail dqn't spoil your chances of running across a really unique catalog someday. Hammacher Schlemmer, on 57th Street in New York iOunds like one place you'd have to visit to really appreciate. The gadgets in the store that offers, "Six floors of uncommon and superior things that work," range from the practical, precision clam opener ($11.95), to a home robot selling for $7,995.00. The robot, named Jenus. functions as a vacuum cleaner, smoke detector, a maid and butle.r -it even greeta guests at the door and offers them·a drink. It can_ be programmed with an unlimited vocabulary. You'll be on·everyone's hit list after an order from Johnson Smith's World of Fun -the crazy catalog of tricks and practical jokes that has been around since 1914 ..... Smith's offers such delights as imitation vomit, foam dice, an exploding joke book and of course, the ever popular whoopee cushion. Sweeney warned that there might be 1<>me thorns in the mail-order rose garden. "There are frauds and rip-offs out there. absolutely," she said. " Unfortunately there is no set of guidelines or rules the consumer can go by." • Using common sense is the best way to avoid losing money. Sweeney adviaed. "Stay away from deals that look too good to be true and from prices that are way too J low for what's offered. "Stick with catalogs you've ordered from' before or ones that friends have done businea with," ~e uld. "You need . to be cautioua jult ai 1QU are when you IO to have your CarJ repaired or ,buy IOl'nethinl tn department atore." Aa:umulat1n1 the catalogs and reedl!ll them la akin \ to window 1hoppln1 all over the world. BUt beware - the catalogs have an addicting appeal for many. Once you've opened one, lt'1 hard to pUt it down without finding out what'• on the next page, and then the next. Soon, you may flnd younelf 1pendina all your free J time browsing through them and begin nealectina.your other dutiet.· But, u at leut, you know you don't have to worry about getting your Christmas 1hoppll\I done. · • • ., . • t OAILV l'll Of /MQndtty, Novornb4'~ 29, 1982 GOif N 011 lllDGf BY CHARLES H GOREN ANO OMAR SHARIF Q.l -llolh vuln1•r11blt>, u heart and partner reapond• Sou th )' ou hold: two diamond11, you will have • 1<109 ~Q8763 v Q962 +6 nn unple11nnt rebid lo make. The hiddinK has prot'ceded: The hnnd hnndles much more North. F.111t South trnslly ir you open with a I • I NT ? prl'pared bid of one club. You What 11N1on do yciu take'/ ~ can raise either major If part A . -11 's 11 dost' docision. Yo u ner shows one, bid one heart musl 1;poak oow. brcliuse ovtlr ont• diamond and pau othl'rw1s1• you could be one no trump. And if partner rrozl'n out or Lht• nurtlon. The raises clubs. yuu are in your chou·t> 1 bt>twc•cn 11 double best spot, because• partner and n raisr lot wo <ipndcs. We will almost surely have fiv e pre•fer the Inlier. Jr you dou· t'lub for that nction. bit• and tht>n ra1M' partnl'r's ~pudr~ if the opponents run 10 dub:.. partner might play yo~ for J omewhat bencr hand Q.2-E.1~t Wcl>l vulnt>rabll', ,,, South )'Ou hold. +7 'Q983 v KJI0042 +75 Tht• bidding h.t'l procN•ded: North EHL South Wu t I + P1111 1 NT Pau 3 + P111 ? What action do you Lake'! A. -If you know that p1HL m•r'i> Jump Lo three spadl's is a limil bid nnd not forcing, your decision is !limph•. You ha vc• a roc k bottom minimum for your initial response, !11\lf wt• have seen better support lor partner's suit. Pasl>. Ir you C11lt 1L incumbent upon you lo introduce your d111 mnnd .,Ull, muy 1.1"e suggest a good book on basic bidding'! Q.3 -Both vulnerable. as South you hold: +8643 ~ QJ108 OA7 +AQCI What 1., your opening bid'/ A. -Technically speaking. your h'd rt suit is biddable. However. iC you open one Q.4 -As South. vulnerable, you hold: +AJ7 1\7 952 v KJ4 •Jl097 The bidding has proceeded: North E11t So.Lia We.t I , P111 1 NT Pa .. 'l p.... ? What action.Po you take'l A.-You have a maximum onr no trump response and three card support for part· ner' suit. In addition. part· ner is marked with a six-card suit for his rebid over ~our discouraging res ponse .• Therefore, we would be in· clined Lo scrape up another bid. and a raise to three (!'U'm is the standout choice. Q.5-Both v11lnec,able, as South you hold: ., + KQ9874 117Ql06 0 84 •71 The bidding has proceeded: North E11t Soulia W e1t I i::7 Pau 1 • Pu1 1 NT PUI ? What action do you take? A. -With your unbalanced hand. you shouldn't linger in one no trump. The decision is simply whether to raise to two hearts or to rebid your apadea. Since your hand might turn out to be u1elea1 to partner In hearll II the enem,y draw• trump1, we 1uggeat you rebid your · 1pade1. Partner'• hl1h card• will be more uaeful to you with spades H trump• than your 1padea will be to him if hearts is the trump 1ult. Q.S-Neither vulnerable, u South you hold: +QIONM 1171Ut5 0 17 •• The bidding hu proceeded: N ortli Eut 8Htli W 01t 1+ DW. 4+ 5 117 5 + 5 NT Pau I• Pau P ... ? · What action do you take'? A. -East has shown a strong minor two-suiter and your holding indicates that he is probably void in spades. Partner haa suggested that he does not have two sure tricks against a club slam - he did not double six cluba- and while your king of hearts' might be a trick, we would not bank on it. The prudent course is to sacrifice at six spades. Jt should not prove expensive. Have '" lteea naJaa la· t• do•~le tr••~le? Let Cllarlo1 Gena ltolp 1• 6841 , .. way &kn .. lite .... of DOUBLES lor poaaldoe ud lor &ak ... t. For• eepy .a lUe DOUBLES 1toe1L1ot. aoad 11.15 &e "Gon•·O..W... .. can el tlU1 ... .,.,.,.. P .0 . Boa 251, Norw.... N.J. 07648. Mako dlock. ,.,.w. to Now.,.,.rlteeb. ~ •. I .. :· HOROSCOPE I • rcspons1b1bttes and the undergoing of a test. You'll be asked to revise. revie w and possibly to rebuild on a more solid base. Scorpio plays significant role. LIBRA (Se pl. 23-0ct . 22 ): Emphasis on c.'Ommunication. change, vancty and a relationship w hich grows warmer. Focus a lso on travel, ~ducation and a possible pubJishing project. Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius persons figure prominently. uesday, Nove mber 30 I ARIES (March 21-Apnl 19) Some associates <\re envious. w1 II ;,i ttcmpt to restrict your ·~vements Rl'fui.t• to Ix• d1scouragt'tl by those who •ould dtsparagt• your 1dt•as. cont-ep~ or inventions. nvnunication Crom relauvc could result in short t ip. ~ TA R U (April 20 !\la~ ::!0): F1nanc:1al portu01t1t.>i. multiply You loc·<JLc· n<.'Cded material. o u get encouragt•m<•nt from one who has c~nnecttons. There ar<.• few ltm1tauo ns. despite Of.Hward appearances Debt 1s repaid. optimism rr places gloom , GEMINI (May 21-Jun<' 20). Obstacles are rfmoved. you have• valtd chance for greater mdependence of thought, acuon C1rcumstan~es t~ke sudden tum m your favor Your Judgment and ir!tuition provE.-reliable. Leo. Aquarius nauvcs play kev roles. I CANCER (June 21-July 22): You retrieve item ttiat had bc•en lost. missing or stolen. You'll have f portunity to obtain story b<!hmd story. Emphasis so on hospitals. institutions, untquc organizations visit one who 1s temporarily confined. I LEO (Jttly 23-Aug. 22). Wt'lc:ome chanc:~ to diversify, to dis play versatility and Lo reach a wider ~dience. Popularity increases, mvitatio~ will be rtceived in connecuon with important social event. 't/ish can be futr1llt>d via powers of persuasion. VIRGO (Aug 23 SC'pt 22) Emphasis on career, ec1 fie details wh1th enable you to advance, SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 2 1): Y o u gain additional information concerning taxes, chance for home decoration -and opportunity to show profit through creative endeavors . Taurus, Libra a!'d anothe r Scorpio play important roles. Family member wlll cooperate. SAlHTTARIUS (Nov 22-Dec. 21): Go slow. review s1tuauon from legal angle. Refuse to be rushed. cajoled or c hided into prem;ll~re action. Define te rms. steer clear of self-decept1on. realize you can afford to play waiting game. Pisces figures prominently. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): What seems out of reach is merely temporarily elusive. Know it. realize ·you are on r_!§b,\ track despite minor delay. Another Capricorn encourages. inspires and shows the way. Emphasis on employment, peta, people who rely upon your judgment and generosity. AQU ARIUS (Jan. 20-Fe b. 18): F ocus on ..charisma. personality and relations with members of o pposite sex. Past e rrors are ~orrected friendship will be restored . Spotlight also on speculation. Impulse and element of luck which could e nable 'you to win a contest. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Ne w approach necessary where properly or business transaction is concerned. Old procedures will not work -get rid of s uperfluous material, streamlil'}.e techniques. Family member makes lntelJigcnt epncession - ie!>pond aceord ingly. ,, IT'S NOT YET TOO LATE! • ONLY 32 DAYS LEFT 1• fl 11 1• I• t , .. If it's got handles you'll grab a sale f~ster in Daily Pilot classified ads. call 642-5678 To Refund All '82 Taxes and Recover '79·81 Taxes 1 1 • 2 1 -4 1 · 6 1 -10 1 + ITC + ETC Real Estate or Equipment l easing · No Min/Max Investment "INTELLIGENT YEAR-IND INVDTlllNTI" Ed~ SemeMr. 1PM & 7"' • o..-2 a1 ll'Vlfll Host McMof Halll . RDldl Presented by: DALTON, DALTON, COOPER & FRANKLIN, INC. 2691 Richter Ave . Ste 102. Irvine· Near Jamboree/405 Our Stall of Attorneys and Accountants will be available 9 AM • 10 PM SEVEN DAYS A , WEEK FOR A PRIVATE NO FEE INITIAL l~PPOINTMENT RSVP: CALL NOW 14 841·3781 FOR SE•tNAR • •• : .. I.t'f ake penalty fit • crime UF.AR ANN L.ANl>ERS Thl• t~°"nt tt•rrur11t act of r1mdom t:y1anldt•l'l'ylt•nol kllllna• hail n.-.ullt.od m th(• 10111 ut contld••m•t• In tht• aafoty of 1111 - t•on1um1tblt• produc ts and uhert>d the normul purchaalna habit• of mllliun11 of pt•oplt.• Thl' publidty 1ivt'n to tht'lt• kllllnai• h~s t'm'Ouragtod u fl'w 11ick lndlvadwala to llimpt•r with other produ,·l# on retailers' 1helve21. It iii my opinion thut the ft-dt•rul govL:rnmcnt muat ac:t lfnm(odiat.ely lo pa.'18 lt•Mil1lntlon that will S(lt a mandalOry perwlty of lift• lmprlsonnwnt (wllh no parole) for anyone found KUllty of udultcratlng coru1umable ITM!rc:handiM'. Such a aentencc would makl· ll abundantly clear to would-be pofsoncl's thnt any atwmpl to perpetrate such terrorist uctlv1tics would not be tolerated. I hope you will bring this ml•ssagt' to the attention of our federal offkwls. CONCERNED CONSUMER IN CHICAGO DEAR C.C.: "Maa'1 lnbumaalty to maa ... " Will It ever cease? Here's tile me11a1e, aloaa with my wholehearted endorsement. DEAR ANN LANDERS: You and I know that eye contact can lead to anything from a one-night stand to a full-blown affair 'and even marriage. Whenever I go anywhere with my huaband, whether it's in a crowd or a friend's living room. he picks out one woman, catches her eye and t'Ontinues to stare. I've told him dozens of times this Is insulting to me, but he keeps on d oing it. Some women chal;lge seats. Others think it is funny and they laugh. Still others e n joy it. 1t bothers me terribly whl'n he ge ts a pleasant response because I know there is a shortage of men and plenty of females are on the make. I frequently wonder if he ever follows lhrough and calls these women later. His stock phrase is, "There's no harm in looking." I dor'l know how to deal with the -1 flMA IOMlfCI ATWIT'S END A chiJd m Tacoma, Wash .• recently found a note pinned~ he r pillow. It re ad: "Dear Sandy, due to the rate of inflation and the number of children losing their teeth, I had· to make a trip back lO Fairyland to take out a loan. Please accept my apologies for being late. Signed. The Tooth Fairy." There's an old political saying, .. As the tooth fairy goes -so goes the .na tion." Somehow, it has always been the barometer for the economy of this count~y. IT CERTAINLY RANKS as the "grossest of the gross national products.'' A tooth with bloody roots wrapped in toilet tissue stuffed under a pillow can't get much gr~·r than that. After all, when you have several million children losing 14 teeth in a lifctimc and e xpecting the tooth fairy tc keep pace with the rise a nd fall of inflation, we're talking big bucks. I have gone through good and bad times with the tooth fairy and have on S<'Veral occasions left notes under the pillow when she didn't show. problt>m ' and lt'11 i t"'llllli worae. t'leaae su11est !Wmcthmg POCONO RECORD READER IN PA DEAR PO.: So Ion• a1 your hHbaad knows be 1.-gettlna to. you, be wlll continue tlll1 clllldlala behavior. Ignore blm. HI• 1tarla1 at women la ao way dlmlal•be1 you. He m erely makH hlm1elf look like a damapbool. DEAR ANN LANDERS: Can you help me get uncQnluled about my nationality? I was born in 'faiwan and came to the Un ited States when I w~ 6 years old. My parenta have always told me I am Chine.e, but a few weeks ago a friend said, "You are Ta1wanian." A few days later I brought this up with another friend and was told, "You are Chinese. All people who come from Taiwan are Taiwanians but they are not all, o f course, Chinese." Please set' me straight, Ann. Am l Chinese or am I a Talwanian? -IDENTITY CRISIS IN OAKLAND DEAR IDENT: You are botb Chinese and Taiwanese -lo tbe same way tbat I am both Jewish and a Chicagoan. Tbe first relates to ethnic background and tbe second to tbe area you come from. CONFIDENTIAL to Not So Dumb But Not So Smart, Either: My advice 11 to beware of a man who keeps saying, "You can't take It with you." He may want to take It with HIM. ' "Dear Betsy: I thought you. Mommy, and the tooth ffairy had come to a n, understanding that no matter how loose a tooth is, we would not send it to that big tooth crater in the sky until after the 15th of the month. Let's give the tooth fairy a break!" "Dear Matt: The tooth fairy has just shared your note with me regarding your tooth. This is the first time in the history of 'fa1rymg' that someone has asked for money or the return of the tooth. As I h ave told you before, the $1 is only symbolic. It isn't supposed to set u p a trust fund -but only serves to delight and amuse you for the loss of a lousy little tooth that you'd flush away any~ay. The fact that Rick's tooth fairy has a $5 minurl'um on symbolism should not make you greedy. She ts funded by the same man who paid $500 for a lawn mower and it doesn't cut grass any better than ours." "DEAR ANDY: I found your tooth last night under your pillow. Please allow me to enlighten you . You only get two sets of teeth d uring .a HCetime. You o nly lose 14 teeth dur ing a lifetime. We realize times are bad. At age 28, l would advise you against pulling any more of your permanent teeth . SiRn~: The Tooth Fairy." .As for the tooth fairy who made a ,trip back to Fairyla nd to take out a loan, I have two questions. "Where's Fairyland and do I need a co-signer?" ' BENSON & HEDGES • BENSON ' HEDGE aoo"S Only 6 mg yet rich enough to be called deluxe. Regular and Menthol . Open a box today. • Werning: The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cignttt Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Hlllth. 8'"' "tlr;' 0 6 "" n1cot1M •• I* Cl ..... "FTC ..... - .. .. ·. IUlll CIU1 • ' 'l "• IJ111111 '' l 11r.1 u1\l l Y ~ILOl /MOnduy, N< •.11..111bt1 :CO, 198? -isaiM llllY PINI ' To keep up with • -all that's happening in your community you need th@ Dally Pilot .. • • • every day liEAE AAE 4 Bead all todajr's U news, every day \ AEASOrtS -WHY. • • Enjoy your LC)cal, county, state, national and international events, come to your doorstep In the bright, light and li- vely Daily Pilot. Ill. Follow your team '17/ The sports . actio~ at. 15 .orange Coast t)igh schools, three community cot- leges; ·uc Irvine and Cal State campuses gSunday · \SJ Family Week)i. color_ comics, finance, "Style" section and fea: tures about you (i5} Keep an eye on ~ loeal government No other newspal?er brings you more news of your city council,. planning commis-~ slon, school and A college districts and county government. ~ Laugh, ery ~r get ~smart . is regularly reported by the Daily Pilot sports staff. Keep up with nationally- ranked college and pro tea.ms, too! B Save money and · 0 shopping time • Real values on items from apple- sauce to zippers are advertised every day ·in the Daily Pilot. Because the ads are from Advice from Ann Landers, humor firms in this area, from Erma Bombeck, Interesting you save time, effort features on people, 1 1 ar:1d money. highlight the inter- esting · reading • packaged In your ~-- s d D .. 1 p·j FA~IL.y un ay a1 y 1 ot. wt"e1<, , Enough to read - and enjoy. UfJ Tune in to the U latest TV logs The latest, most accurate televl- s Ion guide is published each weekday In the Dally · Piiot. On Fridays, Piiot TV Log charts the tu be In a conve- n I en t, easy-to-find format. opinions, Informs-. _ tlve columns and /A~ Get Into th'e Dally Pilot . 111.IJ Pl.I-' . comics brighten for only $4.75 _per month. . g1 your world. , ft'·e deliver 9 days a week · : rrd-lik;~;;ni:V~~e-;~i:rt-;""o;;~;,;e·--·--~------------11-11-11------:::-~ 642-4321 1 ~~livered Dally Piiot every .. day. ".:J~ro· : ~----.-.-•Enclosed Is $4.75 for one month. u""'o'"'l\ ------~·J I BUSINESS ftEPl Y LABEL I I . fl.,, h •"····~·.., ,. (0\U ••U , .... ~··· I I Name eol'6<A ~,, ..... < "' "'.,. .... , I ........................... ·,·..................... I : Address ...................................... ,......... :~:n::oCM•t Datty PflOt • : I City ....... ·.· ..................... Phone ........... •.... Coata Meta, CA. t262' I I I ~ I I 1 Signature ............................. , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . c•.ACULATION DEPT I . /. I I ~ . '"••o"·~·v~1District ................... Rate .. .. .. . . . . . . .. . . : ·----------------------------------------------------------· • ~pl1te the ceupen . ~. 1lve •tape the pr•••W laW en •n env1l1p1 t. ........ • iml Ml-ut1, Alls t. Clrcu .. tlen. . . • . , • ,. l •' •.a Ortano Coua1 DAil Y PILOT/Monday. Novamt>ttr 29, tH2 remier'e, Children's shows lo open h y TOM 1 IT t I~ ·O• the Deur 111101 •••" A \\111 Id 111111111•11 Ill ll(. 11 Vllll' .111d l\\CJ ""tl\\lt ~1 .. 111•d 1111 1111· \111111~1·1 , .. 1 111 l'1"''' M1•,.1 unct J.'uu11w111 \'.1111 ;:. 111111p1 N • 1h1• ll111•i.lp 111 1h1·11l11\,1I OJll'lllllK' this w111•k Ul'l I'\ .,lll~lllA llll l 'llVll llllllW l\lHl Wiii k, "Fhijhl of th1• St'.I W11111u1 H.'' W1•dn1•1J,1l.1y 1h111Ul{h Ht11urduy Suuth l'o.1:.t H1•1w1 tory h.1 ... u '"''1·1.ll INTI RMISSIDN c·hiltlr1•11'1t show, "Sllt •lll N1i!hl," 1h1i. w1•1•k1•11tl 1111ly, wh1ll.' "I l:111M•I .ind <.:n·11•I" IS lll'kl'U'll IOI' :i lWll \.Vl.'l'kl'llll run with 1lw Fountrnn Vullt'V Cummun1tv · ?'ht•all'I' · · "St•a \.\lun·1or1t," i.t•l 111 µn.•-wur .Jupun, pn'Sl'lllS , tlw ar1. my1lwlogy :mtl 1·ultural· history of lh1 · ('OUllll)' It will ht• fll'l'M'l\h•d Ul ·I p 111 1111 llw 1"11w /\rls V11lugt· Cr1Tll with n •s1•rvatton' tah.t'n al -~-litil i • "S1h•11t N1gh1 ," a holiday show pt•rfornwd ent1rdv in m11111• und mus1t-, wai-l'Ont'C'iVl'd nnd sla(.(l'<l ·by D1a1w d1•Pnc-.t.' dm.'<·tor ill SCH's Young Conservator~ Purforn1ant'4.•s will bt.• givl.'n Saturday '11t I and :i fl 111 and Sunday al :i and 5 p n1. on th<o' ,~t·ond Sl.•l-!l' 111 lh1· tlwull'r, 655 Town Ccnll'I' ,DrtVl', L'o:.ta 1\11~1 lk:>.l•rva1111ns m::iy lX' lllJdl' by ,calling !:157 ·tu:Ja Sonw 48 young p<:vplt• will perform in "Hansel P\llllC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following pe11on IS doing business as l C MARKETING. 33919 Ro- bles. Dane Point, Calllorn111 92629 Charles Nowak, 33919 Robtea. Dona Point, Callrornle 92629 Thul business is conducled by an Individual Cherlas Nowak . ·This statement was Iliad with tha Coun1y Clerk or Orange Counly on November I. 1982 lAW OFFICES JENNINGS 6 CAMPBELL The Proepecl Center Bulldlne 1020 Ptotpecl llrHt Sulla 300 .11111 litt tt •I" Im th1 "'ountuln Vullt•y Commu1111y Tlwolt•r thlPI w1·1•kl'111 I 11mt 1wx1 Alll-..m L1dd1 Iii d111•1•ttn.C tlw 111u11111.i1. v. h11 h will II« en·1tt·11tt·d l-'111luv um.I S.111111111, 111 7 ;111 I' 111 1111d Sumll1y 111 :.! .m JI 111 111 1.11' J\1111~1i.\ ll1~h t:il.•huul, N1•who1x· .111d llt•il 111 Fm1111.1h1 V.1l11•v H1·"·1 v11t11111s ou· lw111w 1.1k1•11 ,11 Uti·I :1:m:.! ~·11111 l'Olllmu1111 v I ht•n u·r produ1·111111N lwmJ In w 1lw11 1111,11w1·1·k11111, 1111" w1<t·k Tlwv nrl•: .. t. 1 • I A I 1111 • 1 " 11 f 1 h " W '· 1.1 m 1 n s tt· r L'1111111n11111., 1'h1•,.w1·, 7'J.72 M11pl1• St . Wl·11tm im1tt•r (1111:'1 ·111.i) l'fu.,111~ JK'l IW 1num·1•i. 11r1• Ft·ld11y un<l Sa11.11d.1v .1l 11::111 .:'l'lw Solul t ~11111l\.ulilltw"111 tlw Costa Mc•sa L'ivtt I 'h1yhouw 1111 1h1• Ora11u1· t'ouuty F'l11rgl'ou11cls Dlal Direct 642-4321 Call Collect .. Subscribe to the newspaper that (oven your hometown best ... YOUlt Hometown Dally Newspaper . DAILY PILOT L• Jolla, Calllornl• 92037-4192 F20100I Published Orange Cont Dally Pilot, Nov 8. 15. 22. 29. 1962 4935-82 P\llllC NOTICE Complete Top Sirloin, Tatyafd Steak, or Prawn· Dlonen+1hat wtll make yoa feel toocf ln1lde. FICTITIOUS BUllNEH NAME STATEMENT The lohow1ng 1>«sons are d0tng IX.Illness IS OCEA NFR ONT INTER · NATIONAL tS l 8 Waet Ocean Front •A, Newporl Be•ch . C.lllornla 92660 Pamela Diane Schuftellck. IS18 Well Ocean Fron1 •A N8Wl>O'I Beactl. Californla 92660 Deborah A Porrello 170S Sherlngton Place Newp0r1 Beach Cahlornla 92660 This business 11 conducted by a general pennersh1p Pamela D Schusterlck Tnls s1a1emen1 was llled wllh the Counly Clerk 01 Orangu Counly on November 4, 1982 F20!370 Published Orange Coait Dally Pilot, Nov 8. 15. 22, 29, 1982 488S·82 POOLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT • The following persons are d01ng business as MR SMOKE ALARM. 2966 Babb St •• Costa Mesa, Ce 92626 Oe'lkl SI...,.,, Davis, 291& S.bb SI , Cosla Mesa. Ca 92628 Ava Mergaurquelle Devis 2968 Babb SI • Costa Mesa, Ca 92626 Thi1 bu,.ness Is conducted by an lndiVldu•l David S D•v1a Thil 1181-1 WU f1le0 with Ille County Cletk of 0.enge County on Octot>er 22, 1982 F200371 Publlahed Orange Coast Dally P1lol Nov 22 29, Dec 6, 13, 1982 5147-82 FOUNTAIN VALLEY • SANTA ANA • GARDEN GROVE TORRANCE • CERRITOS • LAKEWOOD • ANAHEIM \ That's about six weeks from now. Sound impossible? That's what hundreds of thousands of Smokenders graduates thought before they attended a free introductory meeting. They thought they'd gain weight. They didn't. They thought quilling would be painful. It wasn't. They thoURht it couldn't be done. It could . Smokender.t 'is an eminently successful p~ram that will get you off cigarettes. Thia WMtl ONLY, C0111to1 frlt lntnductory Meting on BIMIJ, ....,, .......,, Wldnllday or TIMnay (NM•lllr 21, 29, 30, Die. 1 I 2) • Ill 111111111. CULVE,, CITY -7 30 PM RAMADA INN 8333 Bristol Parkway HUNTINGTON BEACH -7 30 PM HUNTINGTON BEACH INN 21 1 12 Pac'itlc Coast Hwy VAN NUYI -7 30 PM HOLIDAY INN CLAREMONT -7 30PM 'GRl,WOLDS 555 W Foothill Blvd 8244 Orlon SI 1-405 11 Roscoe Exit BEVERLY HILLS -2 ()()and 7 30 PM RAMADA INN 1150 S Beverly Dr .L A • (7M ~I :>lll Finul jj\lljlllll(!t 1111• Thun.ctuy throul(h s.11urduv UI tUO 1> m "Ch.1pt1•1 Two" ut tht• Sun Ch•nwnu• '111nmu111 t v l'lwu tt'I'. 202 A vt• Cobr1 llo, SJn Clt•111 1·11t1• (Ul:l 11411:i) It t•rrnd udl•IJ with pt•r (111 molll'\"• l-'11tlay uml Suturduy ut ll o'l'IOl·k • "'fwu u11tl 'l'wo Mukt• St•>e" ul lhl' Huntrn.:1110 Bt'lll'h Pl..iyhtJUNl', In thl• St-lu:l1U V1llu$.W shuppm~ w n11•r, M11i11 S ttt .. •l flt Yoi·ktown Avl•n u••. llun1111~111n B<•n<itl (ll47 4405). Cluiong p<'rfo11n1111t't·N un• 1''11duy und Suturdny nt 1:1:30. Al~o un the· hourd11 ur~ "1''inhm'll lwlnbow" at St.'b11io.11un'11 W1•111 U111rwr Pluy hous<> (492-9950), "Mt>t'l M<• In St I .ouh•" a t lhl' I lurlcqulh Dln11t'r Pluyhuus..• (H7ll-55 J I), "Shl•f'luc:k Jlulmc!I" ut the Laguna M ou lton Plny houst• (4fl4-074:4) and "Chnslmui. at Wukdit•ld" nt tht• N<•wporl Harhur Acton. Thca1t•1 (li:u 5111. §liECIAl UMITID ENGAGEMENT •BARGAIN MATINllES • Mond1y lllnl Saturd1y All Pertormencn before S:OO PM (bce,I S,.all E•1111 11111 _. IWiUys) "THE TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE" t•I ............ ._ .............. "CREEPSHOW" IAJ lfl DOl.eY ..... ..._ .. ,,. "VICTOR/ VICTORIA" IHI ta:aaA. .......... LAKEWOOD CENTER SOUTH WAlO IN "T .. ftU~AW MAllACM"<•1 ... , .... • .;.o.:.r~ •••A• a,t ANAHEIM 0111Vt IN ._...,., .............. 179-IHO "THE EMfttRE ITRIKH •ACK"tNJ -....... TO 'IVE" !NI (fl( .. _ . "•" ....... BU~NA PARK [)~l~f IN ~----llM070 .,, ..... LINCOLN 0111111 IN "MONSIGNOR" 11t1 o:.tttr.ti:a. ...... ••THE MAN FROM INOWY RtVIR" tNI , ... klai '" , ... "CREEP BHOW" 1111 . ............. . .. "•. FOllNTAIN VALLEY OlllVI IN "THE TEXAI CHAINSAW ~HACM""" ._ D>eeo ,.., e• _, 11o1 "ALO• IN THE DARtC" 1111 ffl·1411 t• " - "l.T." !NI -"MONCO 91LL Y" ~• Cllll .. _ ''THllMNtl ITNKll aACK"IMl -MTHE CA...,..AU RUN" Cllll ,,_ ........ l.A HABRA ' ., ·• --·--·--171-IMI --------- I ·•AIT T-1 Af llllD091M*T ...,..., L "u.ND"1111 1 ""9 I.Alf ...-CM ....... ORANGE I II • I ... ..,..., ~OOD" ... "llAOllAI".- "llATIOU&. Ul900lr9 CUM~l"I ·•YU I tlYlll,,, ,~ ............. ..... , ILUl"90 .... .. _ ..... "VICTOR~TONA" _,...,.. •lllNI "TMIY C~L -IRUCI" _,__·-'"' Every Sunday In the Fashion news Beauty tips Trends Orn11 ff C.oast'OAll.V PILOT /Mo11cl11y, NOlll'rlll)fll 29, 1982 -r LUXURY fH(AflfS ~ lat ..... ll.;;;..1t111•Yliia ... ,..._ .... ._. HI Legal dispute keeps lost chords under wraps S lliOHfI•Xuil•I~ ms{C:::.'f.!,) S tr ( i!ti&ID!MiliJ * tJIAidj· son~ Q \i.tiiG.::• • MIAMI (AP) Forty l'rutcs of "lu*.;inulin' rhythms" from son~Wl'lll.'l'!l Ot!Orl{t' C1•1·shwin, eolt.i Porter and Rkharu llodKl'rs have i:>(•cn found 111 u ware house, but n legal disputl' Is keeping th<' lost chords out or the hands of performers. an)(lnublc.• to n ·wurtlinf( H,>i;t• for Cindtt1M t1onw of' th<.· Pulit7t•r Prin · win11111g \u1w1unl\h'H loii t mu 11h:. Honnld Blanc:. luwyc•r for lh1• Rost• CN!lhwln 1'1•sH11iwntlll'y 1'ru1n , iml d tht> 1•>wcutorli of flw Gershwin t•stuh! wurc ''dl11eu11Sln~ owncn;hip of tht• mutt.•rial wuh Wurnt•r Brottwr·s,' Tht• Nt•w Yurk Tim1•s rcpt>r'ti.>< I. . . ---18th SMASH WEEKI ---~:U·• o ., o Vita "'•w• Y.H•n.w• .... The music;ian whose 20-ycar search u11c1u·thed the cal'he of manuscripts in Secaucus, N.J ., wants JO perc.-ent of the royalties from the newly dlscovcr<'CI tunes. The estates of two "of the composers say no, the finder's a ttorney says. 1MA •WPOIT llACll OU... WllTM .. ITUI IQM lllH P~1~ (O•ard\ Newpor1 C1n1tllf Clltdome ld*••d\ C111~1u~ w~"' ~?8 S33U 644 0760 , &34 ?b~l 89 t 3U1~ ~='-~lml e111M•. "''\I\ MllllHlllJG ldWilld1 VlffO I Wiil 830 11990 m Among the crates arc manuscripts of rare nnd unpublished songs. and works by ''Tea for Two'; composer Vinc.'tmt Youmans and "Fine and Dandy" composer Kay Swift. Some of the scores present lost versions of musk as the composers wrote it. "I was blissed out and flabbergasted," said the finder, Don Rose. "This represents the pinnacle of American nu.isic in that era." Rose, a 49-year-old ' Arno ld Host'n , a Warnt•r s pokct1 mun , challcnt(cd HOSt!'s r<.>qUt.'!lt, "IC I find your wulh•t 111. your office, cto I haVl' the right lO ask you for 10 pcrct•nt of th<' l'tmlf'nts'!" The Times quotc>J him us saying.· Rose and Kimball found th<.• music la~t winh.•r. In hi s po c k e t diary , R osc .m ar k<:d "dumbfound~ng!!!" on Feb. 12. the day he and Kimball sifted through the b<>xes in Secaul'us. Rose said the con tlii ncrs, packed in 19:15, included the set of orcfo.•stral·scores for Gcorgf' and Ira Gershwin's 1933 Broadway rtop, "Pardon My English." iS~~Mil arranger, orc h estrated a dtcfy of mood y (Dl--1 •• I .iJ ..i1 ..... w ••••• IB. Gers h win hits for the ood y Allen movie "Manhattan." · J{ose announced r n'tly in Miami that he and New York m storian Robert Kimball had found the music in a Warner Bros. musk' warehouSt' in Secaucus. "lt was a disastrous show," ROS(' said. ''But that's beside the point -there's some vf'ry fine songs in there." . Attorney Ellis Hubin, who attended the news conference with Rose. said attorneys for the estates of Rodgers and Porter have rejected Rose's request for 10 percent of the royalties from the newly discovered tunes. \ The collectton also includes the entire set of scores from Porter's 1932 witty musical "Gay Divort:e," later fil med as "T he Gay ,Dlvorcce." Also found were tu nes from th e '1926 s h o w "Peggy-Anne'' by Rodgers and lyricist Lorenz Hart. At the time many of the pieces were written, it was l'Ommon practice to publish only a few hil songs from any musical, with the result that much theatrical musir was lust. Rubin said the Gershwin estittc had been more ====================;-----------------------------PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE Loan No. PORTER T.S. No. 0-01091 T 0. SERVICE COMPANY as duly appointed Trustee under the following d~scribed deed of trust WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH ANO/OR THE CASHIERS OR CERTIFIED CHECKS SPECIFIED IN CIVIL CODE SECTldN 2924h (payable at the time of sale In lawful money of the Unlled States) all right. title and interest conveyed to and now held by It under said Deed of Trust In the property hereinafter < described TRUSTOR SUSAN 0 . PORTER B E NEF ICIAR Y · C . BARR FLETCHER. LUCY ANN FLETCHER Recorded February 15, 1981 as Instr. No 15739 In Book 13947. page I 159 of Ofhc1al Records 1n lhe ollice of the Recorder of Orange County: satd deed of trust describH the following. Lot 60 of Tract No 1154, 1n the City of Costa Mesa. as per Map recorded In Book 37. Pages I 1 and 12 of Miscellaneous Maps, recoros of said Orange County, Caloforn1a · YOU .I.RE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST DATED February 11. 1981 UNLESS YOU TAKE A CTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEE'D AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU. YOU SHOULD CONT ACT A LAWVER Address of lhe above •s 499 Broadway Costa Mesa. Ca1o1orn1a No warranty IS o•ven as to-11s completeness or correctness The beneficiary under sa•d Deed of Trust. by reason o f a breach or default In the oblogallons secured thereby. heretofore executed and delivered 10 the undersigned a written Declaration of Default and Demand for Sale. and written no11ce of breach and of election to cause ~ lhe underslgne!I 10 sell said property to sallsly said obligations, , and thereafter the undersigned caused said notice of breach and of elecllon to be recorded Au11ust 181 1982 as Instr. No. 82-289592 o Official Records In lhe office of !he Recorder ol Orange County; Said Sale will ba made, but without covenant or warranty, express or implied, regarding 11t1e possesSton, or encumbrances. 10 pay the remaining principal sum of the note secured by said deed of Trust, w11h Interest as 1n said note provided, advances. If any. under !he rerms of said Deed of Trust. lees. charges end expenses of the Trustee and of the trusts created by said Deed of Trust. Said sale w111 be held on Tuesday. December 21. 1982. al 2:00 p.m. at the Chapman Avenue entrance 10 the Civic Center Building. 300 East Chapman Ave .. Orange. CA. At the tome o f the •n•llal publlcallon of this notice. the total alTIO\Jnt of rhe unpaid balance of me obllga1ion secured by lhe above described deed of rrust and estimated costs. expenses and advances is $36,302.5 I The opening bod may be obtained by calling (7141 937-0966 lhe day belore the sale. Date: November 19. 1982 T.O. SERVICE C~MPANY as said Trustee Marco Brenes, Asst Sec One.City Blvd. wesr Orange. CA 92668 (714) 835-8288 Published Orange Coasr Daily Piiot. Nov. 29, Dec. 6. 13. 1982 .1_231-82 PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS llUllNEH NAMESTA~NT The following persona ere doing t>uainess as: AMERICAN TEL EPHONE SUPPLY CORPORATION O F SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA, 5 Mason Street. Irvine. Ca. 92714 Ta141Ph0ne, Edue11tlon. Analysis a. Method• Corp. (a New Jersey c;orporallon), 5 Mason Street. lrvlne. ca. 112114 Thi• blnlness ta cooduc18d by • corporation. · Telephone. Education, Analvai• & Methods Corp , Franlr J. Fel12, PrMldent This statement waa flied with the County Clerk of Orange County on November 18, 11182. F202500 '--Otflcee WYMAN, aAUTZEfll. ROTHMAN, f(UCHti. l R.HflT ,. ,art_INt> IMlucllne • ,, ......... Cofperattoll8 •100 MaoAlt1Mlf ....... d ....,_.llMch,Ca.meo Publlatied Orange Cout Daily Piiot NOY. 22, 29, Dec:. 6. t3, 1982 5164-82 Plln.IC ltOTICE FICTl'TIOUa .., ..... N~STATl•NT The IOlloWlng '*'°"' are dOlng bu8111981 &a: 8R!A CANYON lllLLAS, 1 Oenef91 Per1nef9hlp, 16371 Beech llvd., Suite • 240, Huntington 8Nc:h, California 92&41 Aalld .. w. 81anctwd. 16371 8Mdl Blvd., SUit• "240, Hunt.Ing• ton e..ctl, Calltomla Klrtc S. £vane, 18371 Beech 81\id., Suite 240, Huntington 8eec:h. CA. John W. Ullom, 1637 1 8Mcll etvd., Suite a 24 1, Huntington • Beedl, c.ltfO<nle Thll ~ .. c:oodue1td by • generll penneniNp, Ktr111.EY-. Partner Thi• 118'e!Mn1 -tlled with Ille c:oumy c.11 of 0!'8fl09 c:ounty on "°"9mber ~· 1M2. , """' Pulllllflff Or11199 C.Ht Delly ,,.. "'°'· Nov ••• 15. 22. 29. 1• ~ 4931.aa Security Pacific Interim Invest- ment Plan. Right now, a lot of investors are waiting fo r the December 14th start date of the new insured money market accounts. But you don't have to wait. Instead, you can be earning· money market rates at Security Pacific today. At the same time, you can arrange in advance for ,your Security Pacific Insured Money Market Account. And you'll get an impressive extra interest bonus in the bargain. Here's how it works. We're of(ering an interim invest, ment plan for a minimum of $2500 which, like our Insured Money Market Account, pays money market rates. Invest now, and we will, at your direction, automatically transfer your funds into a Security Pacific Insured Money Market Account on December 14th. , Funds invested in the interim investment plan are held in a Repurchase Agreement which is not an account and not iRsured by the FDIC. But they are backed by Federal government and government agency securities. And by Security Pacific, the nation's tenth largest bank with more than $33 billion in assets and a 100 year record of strength and stability. ID DAY'S RATE: "'·~ ..... -............... .,...,.........-- , Act early and earn up to $100 in extra interest. We'll pay you a bonus fo r planning ahead o n you r Security Pacific Insured Money Market Account. Simply fill out one of the cou- pons and bring it to one of our rriore than 625 banking offices. We'll invest your money now. And arrange for your funds to be 1 automatically transferred into a Security Pacific Insured Money Market Account. On December 14th, we will add the value of the coupon to your opening balance. E-r 1'111. EXTRA· · . • I. TI RRESTRIAL IJlB !''~,,Po•IJti~l\!!. (~GI ALONE IN THE DA~K Ill Au1I Q f~l Driv•inl Open 6:45 Waekni1h11/8 :30 Waekend1 Children Under 12 f rtt U.len Ntted The Security Pacific Insured Money Market Account. An unprecedented co mbination of advantages. By acting early, you'll be among the first to benefit fro m a package of if!vestment teatures never offere'd together before: Money market earning , the protec- ti on of up to $100,000 in FDI C insurance, and the convenienc=e and security of Security Pacifi c. In addition , you'll have liquidity with easy, instant access to your fund . And when you make a de- posit in your Insured Money Market Account, yo u'll begin earning inter- est on your money that same day. .We're Security Pacific and we can offer you a bmaJ variet y of high- yield inve 'tment programs, plus dis- count brokerage and sophisticated financial planning. So come in today and start earning money market rates on your interim inve. tment. Along with an extra interest bonus to look forward to. .-<-r ' • 1 • Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/Monday, November 28, 1812 \111'-11\\ ~ M01·--0HMLJl'I ANCNL.I • u NII\. flOOTMU. MIMll DolpNlle al Twnpa lay Buoceneere o eMHT11~ • M•A•l•H CMttaa Mootnea the moel ~man In Catn9 ..._, he,.,..._. •winier· a.ct polar Mt from Ille perance. • HAWAII~ e CWMIAIV Ovell: ectten Jene ~TANDM "'*AH letAW>R ~:·~ • ·~ ''WMN The 8piee Ale" (1tee) Drlld Nlwn, FrenoolM OorlNc. A doc- tor becofn. ln¥ol¥ed with murder end eeplonage while condvctlnO bullMM for • lorelQn cMpertment. Cl) WNXV W0M.0 01- JONAT*N WINTIM ~t: Moniy Hell. . ~· AUCI Alice cau-problema for Tommy When he 11"11 dating hla hlOh ICflool prtn- ir'O.C.C CAVETT 0-C: Sl-.t OrMOlf. [~=. * * "The OnNI Adllen-tvre" ( 1978) Jedi Pllence., Jolin Collne. A young boy .. 8bandonld with .. dog In the NgOeCI AIUkan Rocke.. 'PO' Cl) BN1 KOVACI: TILIYlllON'I <>WW. ... John Berbovr hoete • ltlb- ute to Emil KOY-. the technlcel .,, ... reeponelble for the evolv1lon of ·~ lion~ lllo IMtured -lntervlewe with Jedi • L!ftlmon, Chevy Ch- and St-Allen. .MOVll * * "Oewlln And The OrMn Knlght"A y®ng equlr9 II knighted by King Nthur to 11ay tile 91111 KNBC reporter Laurel Erickson pre ents a five-part special "Blissed ' oul or Taken in? (The cult of the Bagwhan hree Rajneesh)" designing ionight at 5:00 on Channel 4. 1:80. 2 OH THI TOWN FNtured: • mM henleel· Ing hie lot>eter trape; Jecl!- IOf'I, ,._ Hempahire. the City ol Inna; coveted l>tldgea; • wttefl wllo ptllC- tk:ea her "1• In Salam, M~tl. D 111 'AMllY l'EUO • LAVPNI I IHIN.IY &COlllPN« Laverne end 8hlt1ey -determined lo mMt Fabian deaplte the fact that ttdc· eu for hie concert -aold Ollt. D MADAMl'I P>LACe ~··~mana­ ger abacond• wttfl ... '* money. 0.-t: Scatmen Crothen. • M•A•I H Henly ,__ 10 let a ~ Ch09Per pMot go home. • Cl) TIC TAC DOUGH • MACNa. I L..&Nft NPORT ·ININ(~ • ..... Oelller end Jettrfl'/ Lyone dlecuM how tNy Judge • movie. with - from "Rodty HI," "Rlllderl Of The LOil M ," "Diner" end "Body Heet ... 1:00 8 IOUAM NG1 ~en. Patty, Johnny end M....n.11 are ell myat.,._ °"">' oro1t1ed from Mvttv'a ~ °'*' ... for her ··--·· bM mlUvWI Cltebretion. • NAT\IM "The Dlacovery Of Animal Behavior. Natural M)l9tet· lee" An ••plor•tlon Into """"' behavior lnclvdea • loOll ., modetD IClentlllc: t-Ch and a t.cfMllon of the wOt1I of 13th-centvry natutlllat monarctl Fr.CS..- k:ll II of HOhenatevferl. ~~ * * 141 "8ectlta Of Thlw Hungry Wlve'°J'• (1971) J-Frandaclua, JeMlca Waller. TllrH eoclally prominent --_. pec:ted of murdering a hendlOIM jMyboy. (fi)MCMI o • *. "The Wiid 0-" ( 18711 Richard Burton, Rooei' Moote. A group of daring mer--..,...... IO Soutll Afrilf In Otder IO -• dilDoliid Nlair "°"' the,_7dk1;~. 'R' (l)MCMI *** ''t To 6" (1MOj J-Fonda, Doly Parton. ThrM -'ilnt women ,... """" their Mllv-QlllOn by • male Ohauvinllt llOM. 'PO' .MCMI ** "T.R . ._In" (11711 Candice ......... Petet Boyle. A ~town girt ftndl emplormei1t In Cfll- oego, llvt .... dlfflc:lllly edeptlng 10 blg-dty ..... a:aoeCI> PWVATI ... ~ ................... I':,_ flOOrMU. ••"*Tl ............... f.~~=· .. · cwro1 ..... . .1111 A .... I .. ...,-4 II" tOll tO IAI V .... Jlopvt IOllMllCllOe into ,., ,....., 0tdl!Wy Ille ,,.,,, t:aoe(J)~ De.a ~ .. the IY'ftPo I-of a PfOYCI .,_ent wNfl the 111.eford Inn .. W lldUM to be • 11191orlo ·----· •o.a• 1111'4~ "°'*" Oallovrne tioata Ulla kM* II llCIOOlftlnO -- ;encl ....... 1HO Cl) OMINIY & 1.A01Y Ctvlt '"° ~ ...... .,. .....,_. to WOtti l#lder· oover tor lntemal Affeln to i Oft INir fellow oflloerl. ....... MCMI * * "TWlllO'lt z-~ ........ '11161 ..,,, ._... nolda, J9Cll Weaton. Two .. on. by Rod ...... "The lerd," Mio~ an -cc111fil wrtt.'• -eaaletMt, end "°" Thurlday We ~ Fot H-." In .e11ct1 member1 of • .-upedltlon entlclpele ... -retvm. • llX aMAT IDIAI "Jvatloe" Morllms Adler ... wt!y JvellGe la key IO an~a~ • .and whelNf -"'°'*' bell• .,,,., lnjvatloe .. the henda of ot11er1 or be vnjwl to them. • MIOIA 'ROia "ao.s> ()per•" Hoel Ruth Warrtdl tall• e belllnd- lhe--IOoll II the pro- dvctlon ptoceM that ~· a dally IOel). (RIO I TO 91 ANN0UNCm THIVMINIAN A yovne woman, found llftCCINClovl by the Virgini-an, _._ an amnella victim llarborinf • '"Yllerl-OUI ,_ (C)MCMI • * • "Tht• Deya qt The Condor" (1975) Robaft Aedford, F• Dun-.y, A r~ ........ employed by tM CIA _. Inter· nal treacMt'; wt.I .. of hie co-wor11 ... -..... ..,,..., by • hit """ wtlo .. -ltallllng hlrll. (ll)fllCME * • ~ "The Formvla" (1tl0) Marlon Brando, 0-ga c. Scott Wiiia inv.tlgatlng Ille murder of • colellgve, • ..,.,. cop vncoV9f• • conaplrecy lnvoMnf the ~· of a •"*IC Nal formula ~an Oii Clrtel. 'A' C1J A NIW DAY IN_,. A powerfvl famlly _..,. many dlfflcuj. 1e. In an lndvatrlll town. (Plft 3) • MOVll , KNX""l' ('..!) 111111 ''St!u1m • Pt•gi.." Luurl'll. Putt v .. Johnny and Murl\liull tJft• rill m yi.tt•r111u aily om1ttt•tl I mm Muff y'11 t•xdus1vt• t(Ul'tll lhH fur ht•1 ''rll'W wuvt.-'' bnr mi tzvuh t't.0h•bnH1ut1. KC:l-:1' (28) 9.00 "Tht• M Uflll' of Dnrn:l'" l>unw Maq(ol Jo'untt>yn in "Out Of Th<• 1-..imellght, Humt.• In T ht.• Rnm," tukt•s vwwt.•rs but'kstugt• ut Cuvl•nt Gun.Jen tor u glimpse.: ut u dal\l'l't"s lit'<•. KOC Jo: (50) 10:00 -"Mt'Ci1a J:>mbt..•s." Host Huth. Wurrick in "Soup Opt.,·rus," takes a l.>4.1hmd·thc·N<..'t.'Ol'K look ut tht• pru<l1.u:tlun process thut yu .. •lds o dully soop. ••TONIGHi Queal Met: ,,_ RMFI. °'*'* Mac Dallia, \/In-°'"' "1oa, ..... lertluttl. u=NIM • YOU A.-.o '°"IT ~; "The Dot ""' tfllmbl 9vlldlllf8" Ind "Their NelghbOfa Are I~~ flOQll ON IOCllTY NILATWmHT Hoat: Dannie~- • 700CU. t 1110 CB> MOVll • * "Oii HMvenly Dot" ( 1MO) Chevy Ct!Me, l9nJI. Wiiiie In~• llCllM- cal -acandal In London, • private detec1111e II mur- dered end reincarnated M 111CN!fy dog. 'PO' tl:OO. 8 INTPT~ TONIGHT ' ""' In*"'-with 0-ge Burna. ·=AHNOUNCm *** ..... WNe" (1H7) RlcNrd lurtOfl. ,,_ Cot- llna. A' Negro piner, a tyooon, "' RAI' oflloet end a n1111 lttuflle to ~ on an llllllnCI .,.,edlae. i=:.rr . ''How To 8uMve AttO luo- oeed In The 'IOa'' Awe of "'-1ca'• moel lllCOleafUI .... -f'Nde -tall about how to live wlltl lnllellon. • LOYl..W••~ ITYU "L.Olle NtO The Naw You" Sflalll .... Evgene tMI he ladle atyte. "l.ow9 NtO The Alofi lchool I U!Mlrt" ~ lnVflea .. Old boy- rn.nd to dinner. (ll)MCMI • .. ~ Randi" (1171) Enc !dwwda, lamlntN Foa. ·x· •.:.OV. yovtll ..... the wtllta ........ to .ac.c hlrll . i~AMM ..clllllll The IMF 1t1ea to keep a "*" In prleon lont ~ to IMk• It look .. thOllgfl he'• brW.lng out. .MCMI *** "W-OfStrew" ( 1M4) °"" LGllobnglda. 8-1 Connery. A young """ •ttemclt• to Qlln con-trOI of hie vnc:le'• lortvne wlltl the help of • bMutlful -· Cll MOVll * * .... "Happy 8ir1hd9y To Me" (1MOI MallaM Sue AnderlOf'I, Olenn F0td. Al murder beglna dlopplflg eway at her drcle of alltllt Irland• •• prep ICflool -IOr _,... thet Ille may be the nut vtotlm -°' poelloo ~==·'R' **141 "RocluhoW" (1M0) Pavl McCartney and Winge. Thie r-d of the band'e U.8. tour lnduclel pertormanoea of "Jet," "Bend On The """·" "Slly Lowe Songl" end IOIM old ...... .,......,.0. 1:80. al N9C NIWI OVINHllT • .. M/fflft l:ll(H)MCMI * * * "Feti-Flovre" ( 1M I) Hal Unden, T""°"'Y Hvtton. After their mottler'• death, two boyl •• ..,. to 11119 """ ......, ,..,_. wtlonl ttley haw not ---"*' perwrt•' dlYorca llw ,_,. ..... 1:11 CC> MOYll • • ... "Where The 8plea Ate" (ttee) Del/Id Niven, FrenoolM OonMc. A doc- tOt ~ ln¥ol¥ed with mvrder 9M eaplonlf9 ...... condvctlnO ._.,... for a fof9len d8'l1rtment. 1:00 C8I N1W1 ilknlght. D 111 UTTl.I HOUll: A NIW ... l••tca Colonel Flaldlng "°"' • Fort •ldeey lelent .,_ to * * • "The Enforcer" ( 19781 Cllnt EMtwood, Tyne o.ly. "Dirty Herry" CallMan .. )olned by • ..,,.... roollle In hie pW'Nt of • grovp of Calltomla ~ telrortzlng Ian Frandlco, 'II' ·~ "ledge S13" (19731 "obert Dv11all, Verna Bloom. A New Ycwk City copwaigaa•alllflelWlded ~llglllNt•orirnl l:OO. Cl) C81 Nlwe JIDfTWATCH ~:WTIU .. 1 l N90NIWI . ~DAVI AGAIN .ICAP Corinne ~ bW1h .,, .. orlly llx .,.., of pregnM-e 0 THMrl OOWN« Jedi, ,.,... and ~ think thet .....,, .. heWIQ "'"'*· II-=:.:'-° ""'°"" Cl) ,,M. MAGAZINI • ... NAT10NAL TDNJtAla,NMNlf FIMlllM from .. 50 ..... and the Dlatttc:1 of Colum- ble __. for a - tflllt ~ them • chance to be an wn~ for Amertc:a. (ll)MOYll ••• ~ "Prlno9 Of The City'' (1N1) Tteet wje. lleml, Jerry Ortlectl. A New YOt11 cop II ceugllt ~,.. .. ~ end loyalty to hie ~ ofllcere Clvr1ng "' In~ gallon of wldHpread pOllce oomiptlon. 'R' CZ>MOVll ** "Over-Under, S-..-Oown" ( 1977) l'oOert Vltlero, Sheron Ooldman. A mlddle-eiged men beglrll lo haw~~ about the -of ...... • lebor ttoubtaa on the Jot> ttweeten hie llwlllood. !Miah EdMrcla f-rldl- c:ule end hewtbtMk ....,, he .... In '°"' with • 1t-Y'Mf-04d bllnd girt. Q • .aw. *141 "The Car" (1971) J-Btolln, ~ ~" ........ _ ..... ronna • 11'11111 Utafl •-.. It thlrMa for vlctlme. D MCMI • * 'h ....... 8°'* AttO Cendle" (1959) Jamee 81-1, Kim Nooilll. A young --her my1ter1ov1 power• to l>t.. llP the wedding --of. book pvbllfler. i~WZINI An Interview wftll ec1or Dudley Moc-. 500 hc)pe- lllla try ovt for the MW U.S. Footbell lMgve'1 loeeon teem. • MCMI • • * "Cold Turkey" (1971) Didi Van D)'lle, Ptp. • , · pe 8oott. A amall town f8C. Ing bMllruptcy ... win 126 mllllon " ... Of ... Inhibit-.,,,.. c:en quit lll'IOklng lor 30 ci.ye. • GNAT ""'OMIANCll "The Cftlfterhouaa Of Par- ma'' The ~ Olne Sal---mell• the ultlmete ~to -- the perdon °' her ..... Fabttllo end then ..._ P8rml ro-... (P9r1 8) CHAtlll. LISTINGS e KNXT CCBSI e KNBC (NBC) • KTl.A (Ind.) .)(ABC CABCI eKFMB CC8SI e KHJ·TV (Ind.) e KCST IABC I e KTTV (Ind.I e KCOP-TV (Ind.) • KCET I P8SI • KOCE (PBS) rta.IC NOT1C£ (II) On-TV (I) Z·TV HBO <Cl 1Clnema11 I Cl) (WOR) NY .. N,V. Ill IWTBSI Cll (ESPN) (Sflowtlmtl • SoolllQht • 1cao11 News Network) entertain a 9rovp of :r; OOUl'\.a .. a:41C!>ciW....~ T A&JC.I WITH ... "J-Tobldl" e:i00e(I) M0A08°M Hhltle,e mllchleYoualy lter1a a ~ thet Mwtlyn Monroe 11 PIO 10 pey • vlalt 10 Ille .077'h. 88MCMI "The Eaecvtloner'• lone" (P .. 2) (Pf9mier91 T-..y L•• JonH, RoHnn• Arquette. llMd on IM boGc by NormM ...... The .... nine~ In ... ... of Gery Ollmore, • con- victed mvrderer who demanded thll .. be pvt to.....,.. and _ _._. ly Uecuted by e firing --"' 1111. -~ tlaed, 1=..~ Working ~. the Ano••• conunve their ln¥Mtlgatlon of •"'**"'9 occurr-at • Lu V~cealno. (P .. 21 l ...v ....... THI MAGIC 01- DANCI "OUt Of The IJmellgllt, .._ In The Rein'• D9IM MltfOI P'Oflteyn Ilk .. vlewer1 bac:katqe II I Covent Oerden for • glllnpae al a dMoer'I .. ; hlghllgMI lndvde • ... forinance of Aallton'1 .. ~ NtO Anlwld" with fMkllf Nur..-w. • NAT10NAL CllOCIMl'lt9D ~ .,,.., ..., ,.,.,... n. ..... ...,,.. .., ... and ....... town'•.,,. IO OOo4llll wMI 911111 .,. IMIUbleetlofe~ "**'Y llOMld . by LG. ...... llnd rwrMad "' .,.,., RoberclL c GITHAT'I.,,_.... P'eeM9d:•~-­ Yorller """'"'lfter lie II ......., llnd ._ .. Illa DIOOCI; I mll'I "romlllW" WI andangered wflDDlllne orane; • _,.,.,.. "°"' ..... """""' "tOOml"t • ,,.""""" ..... down • Ml.IC NOTICE t0:t1 CID MOV11 **~ "9o "-'' CtMll Ryen O'NNI, .I«* W•· den. A aluffy 0011ege pro- '-« -.. ....... flounOaring getment fKto. ,., by~ • -type ofledlaa'i-w.'R' 10:IO • lNDll B IDINT NITWOMNlwe • WOM..DOI-IOOQ (I) "'*Mtel: T8T °' LOW (Pert 1) tO'AI (%) CH..+A.8 CHAW&.IN TA&JC.I WITH ... "JerMa TOllaek" tt••••C1>88 .... • 8AT\#IDAY MmHT Hoat: Candice htgen. cau.t: ,, .. z.ppa. • IN llMCH 01-... "The Lualllnll" • ALt IN THI 'AMIL V After !he ,_,. °' aiM,ar• Inf, .... decler.a .. llnd Glorte'I mowlnt d9y .. "lndap11de11oeDey." • 8nmTa°'IM ~ HMlt ,,...,.,..., ""' ..... ~.•rutNeaak-­ ....... Illa-' PNY wllerl ltoneano~~ 111111. I ••u•••J11••••• '90RT oocnMINTHI HOUM YOllftl -... beoolN tM doctor9'....., _ (I)-. ... .. and -Nortfl ..., In .... cnlllelC ~~-· (.l)MCMI •'Al ....... S73" C1t71) "oberl Dvvell, Verna "°°"'· A New YOftl c.ty oop ................. ~llglllNt•crtr\111 tt:IO •&>.-~JOHN. M.O. Dr . ...__. .,... Ill .... llrNlgllt of ... publafty 0¥9' • daltne --..-. ..... lllNdl ........ °'I ta.v-r-old alrt. I__, 11:10~ ..... ~ .... ltarr" (1t41) 0.. ~. Randolptl ..... A ..... -leewea her llome 10 .,_.. IN ...._ °' an ~benclllltledoMOf theCMIW• • 1l:aO. 8 LATI MmHT WITH DAW>~ Gueata: ffMll z..... end hie ..... Moon Unit Z....., .,.,_ JM H•old .,_,_.,(R) l~u.i CL.a. Cluaal: Frarlll Olfford. • LOYI. UA8Yewt ITYU "L-NtO The AIMlew Nlgllt" ,,.., llndl Illa "°"" ~ tumid lntO llllOw ... .. ~ AttO The LAi- and" A OOUllle mowa Into •Muntecl ..... tl:40. Cl) OOI I IM90 Colvmbo ....,. • flem- boyent ooolllnO .,_ .... and Illa lwtn brotMf. • --•altve .,.,..,, of mvnlerint ....... ...itfly vnal9.(.., '*'l:.MmW **'Al '"Troullla 0-To Town" (1172) UO¥d ...... ............. {~ ........ "'*' ...... ••i. "Trwe Colef111ll)lta" (IM1) Roller! De Niro, Rotler1 Duvel!. The ~ ........ worlda °' two btotlwl, a Loa Angalaa ,.... ...... Md., Ml«lltlOlla "°""" CelhOllc pttwl, -ea durtng • murdl( llwwtlgatlOn. 'R' .MCMI ** "Juat A Olf04o" (1N1) DeYtd lotMe. Kim Novak. An WtelOCflllC ~~'9tvmeto Bertin eflet Wortd W• I to .... Illa IMl'9 -• ,.,... ~.'R' ... ~ l:IO (I) MOVll • "The ~ Hooker CloM To Wallington'" (1111) Jwt HMttlerlOfl, 0-.. Hlmlfton. The ~ ........... Hof. lander~ IO the U.S . ~and--­-v -*ttw _.. docu-"*"'· 'R' 1.111~=-t'AMT •• "0-•Under, ~ ~ .. (1911) Rotler1 Vlharo, ""'°" Goldman. A ~eiged IMll beglrta to 11aW ~ lhouglltl lbolA IN_,,..°' hie ... .. lebor "°'*" °" the loO tfwoMlan .. ~. I: tO CB> MOVll . *. "The Wiid 0-" JOHN DARLING ACTITIOUI .,_.. ITATW or MMDl:11••1T fllCTmOUI ....... f'IOTmOUI W89 MnTIOUI • H•M fllCTITIOUa WM MAM! ITATI....,. Of'.,_ or llAMI ITA,,_,. 11AM1 ITATW um ITA,,_,. um ITA,_y h• lollowlng pereon I• doing ACTmOUI MJllJJlll MAim The fOllowlnt perlOM .,. dOlng The foltowlnt perlOll 11 Clolflt Tiie foltowlnt peraon II •olnt The '°'°""II pwaoria .,. dOlnO ea: IA~O N HA PRO,ERTlll, llualrl9M •: ~ •· .....,_ M' ....._ • OAYIPRINO •PUILICATIONS, INC, 11431 Pec111c C.... Highway, H PHOTO flNllH, 12111 IOfTCO,, 21901 Klowe, ,ATHWAYI , H., Herbor ML.IVANCI. 2017 I . OIMfl 7 6 PolnHttla Av•, Corona d., SvnM' IMdl CA. I0741 Valley View It .. O.oen Or-. Ca. HunllngeOI\ 9eaclh. Calllornla 11141 ., P'-1, Coale MW. Cellfoml .,.A=•a. Cellfornll 12111 , ca Hiii T~ flctltl-bve1MM Nme 92141 Levrence A. AOOker, 21to1 .... lln. 11'1 Olbralt., MlcflMI Ern••t Leonard, 715 ref1rred 10 above wH filed In lctw1td Palrlck l•rrlf, IHI Klowe, HvnttntlOn leedl. ClllforN Wllllalft Ray MvHer, Hl1 :=-· Coal• Meu, C.Hfonlla le AM .. COfon• del Mar, C-'Y °" ,..,, 11, 1NI a.r-Ori.,., HvrttlnttOfl 8Moll, ~ ... ....___ .......................... "' Hllt'bOr •!.!.!a..,F•I , Coat• M.... ----w ..... I017 l. ........___ NIH IANO N llA PROPERTll!I. Ca. 12148 ,,.. --....., __ ,., .,..... -__... ~II condYcted by an INC. 11431 P,llClllc Coeel ~. Thll ~II QOI..._ ~an lnCllwlduel Tllla ..._ 11 COlldlicted i:., .. ..,.., ...... CellfOrnle t2UI ._wtflj.. SUrnMt ..:ti, CA to741 lnCllYIOvll. ~ A Rookel' • ""9 ~ II oondUc1ed by a .==.~dwlth the ~==-WMoondQctedbya Thll 11:=:t.;!-..t.""" fN C:C::., ~~·::,.111ec1~t= --~ • .":..a:" ... "'9 "'.:"1111,Rlll1'\":'t11 ....... --_ Clerk of Orange County on ~ L Adema County Ctark °' Orange CouMy °" ()et 11 tNI °"' Of Dr ... ~ on .. ._ ••• I -.. -............ ber 10, tMI. Thia llltelftent -Ned wlltl the ~-11, 1N2 ' ,_,. H , ,.... ~ ~:..Orange~ Pu11111hed Orent• Co•~ ~1f*"', 1Nlof Dr-. CountY on Pvbll1hed Or1nee c oe.' 1l'::'1y ~11tl9fled80tr1•nt• ~·•,1 Delly '""''"'" Oran .. COMt ,.,....,_..· Or..ite Coe11 D111y N , --. ....__. U -...._ I • .--.; Now. t , • It . .,_, ;:J1111-a Nol, Nov. II, n , II, DM ... , ........ , ..._ I . ti. .•.. I It, ltll4llO-ll Nov. n , Dec. . 13, 20, t I ,,_,. ... _.. ,_..,, , .... ..._ , t •• ,... -IO ..._. ._.. · 5211-H Pvbllelleel Orange Co•ll Diiiy l!p.tl =.i:r· n . "· o.c. 1. 11. 1td NI.IC NOTICE PmLIC NOTICl Piil.iC mm "II• +---:====:-::==:':":--1 "°""°"' .,,,... iiiOfifiOUi wu ;;# ii 1 '1CYITIOU8 WM fltRIC NQTIC( um ITAW ' UMI ITATW A llAl9 A T ..... ITAW . Tiii ~ ""°"'.,. dOlng The fotlowln9 perton I• dotnt Tiie '"'"'"' ....... II'°'"' Tiie fOllOwl"f PlflOn II folnt The followlng peraon 11 doing &:IOA&. NOTJCI ~ •: 11u1111e11 •: ~ • ~, II: Nolle• le hereby given that tfle COUMllV AUTO IOD'I 111 ~ l'\.'f', 1~11 MOultOI\ ADYIN1'\IRI IN MLLOONI, Tttl AIY CONNICTION, ANN I( GRA,HICI , ti ti 1 Polle• Olp.,11111nt of lh• City of La1vn1 C111ron Rold. L1ivn1 '11wy, 119. D-1. ~ Hllll, Ca, ,,.. AMll'8llll A"""9, eo.ea ~ IOl•A Mein ltrHI. Hvnt1n9ton M , Wlltlftln1ter, ClllfOfnla COltl M•H Wiii hOld • pvbllc 9ellcfl Clllforilll lltl, ...., .. , ..... Ce. 11141 . llllCllOll Of vnc:IMMCI lllOVOlll MO Al,AT, INC. (a Oallfornl1 ltaph1n ,.,menll•r..:. 111' Mlftdl I. Wfllle, 17U ANllllllft L«1 L. Montlan . .._,. Miine Gonton K. Cll1n, 11111 pereonll property on t11urd1y, Coroorlllanl L~ .... ~ lllcfl, Ce. 11Hll A¥911Ue, Otlte ...... ClltfomMI llrNI. Hvnllntton 1 .. 011, a . ...... W•ltnlnltlf, Callf0fnl1 DeoamOet 4, ftl2 .. tO:OO A.M ... ....!!!=.-.. oonduCltld ~ • ...:::.:.--• ~ by'" "C ...._ ............ ~ .. "= ....... " aondllOled ~ M Gonion I( Cllln the eo...on:-Colll'ollol~t, ~ ...... J01a1111 A. ,......5 ......... '•IMlltllf ........... . TNI .. ....,.,. .;,. fllld with tfll ",.., 1' ,..,,.• ' TNI .......... w .. .. Tllll •1•11 ..... w1111.. ..._I.=-&Me L. MonllOll •••°"'• °' Drlflll COunty on ~;...,Of,.._ CollMY Clltti Of -111 ~ Cllftl °' Or...-Ceunty • ,,. •=•• -.. • ,,. &tllt 1•11 w ..,~.,. I , 1111. lft. w ..._ Now. fl. 1111 ---OGloei&r It, 1MI If °'Wiii ~ Cllrti ti ~ -"r eft ntM• T9ctlnlcal..,... ,_ W 4. ,.., .. , .... ti. t•. ,_. '"""'"" °'"' .. Coaat °= PvOll•ll•d Or•nte CoHI Dally '" .... "*' Or11119 Cffll = '"'""'ecl.oranee Co111 Diiiy ~ c...c'L 0.: "' .... "' Or11191 Coeet !: • • Nov. 11, 12, ft, Dao. !J....!.-=. Piiot Nov at, 1112' -... Now II ft. Dee. I, 1,. "°' Nov ll""Dec t. ''· IO, ttU ..... New I, ti, If'. It, t NII .... 11. 11. DeD. I. II. -. 601'41 ,._., ' . ,... 111,... 11 It .~ . ( 11711 ...... ..,..,., "°"' ...... A ... II ............ ., ..... ..... Nriol In 0t• to • ............ ,. .... .................. ._ . ... (!) '""". NOCC)MOVll * * e ''Tfwee ~ Of Tiie Col*t" (1tfl) .....,. RMfotd, ,..,_ ~ A ,....,.,....,~ by Ille CIA ""'°°"*' lllter· NI lrMO!ler) .._ .. ,,,.,,,, .. oo-worti•• ....... ..._.by•llitmanwflOll -.... ~ 4:00 (!) TOii C)'lMI "'\ MON•JG CD.>MOVll * * * "Clcldle" (Ifft) Helen Mol'N, Jack TllOr/lp- aon. A yovn9 wom111 lea-her COll'llOtllble avburbln hOfne end tier Ctvel hvla>and, deeermlned to tel&• full r~blllty for lllPPOfllng her cNldren by doing wt\M.,,., odct JoOa n can flll, • DICll•IR ,,.,_ Robaft Olbourne heat• Ihle look ll vpcomlng -· ... end "*""· 4; 11 (I) MCMI *** ''t To I " (1NO) Jene Fonda, Doly Penon. ThrH worklnt - re«lel """* tllelr evotv· gallon by • male Cllavvlnlat ~·PQ· 4:act ~ ::;.WM<U **'h "P...,nlty" {1N1) Burt Reynoldl, ..... ly O'Angaio, A bacNIOr In hie forte. wllo wanta to be a ''"* -en. tor the right -to beer hit cNld. 'PO' ' T.iesda11'• Da11l.l•r ltlo.,lr• t:00• *** "MIQlltnc.nt Obaeaalon" ( 1t35) lr- Ounne, RObett Taytot. A IMYbOY whOW dnlnken antlc:a cevwd the dMlh Of • -oeon end ,... .,,.., ~ dedlcal• him· Mlf to medldne. t:a0 • * * * "A Dlmael In Ol1tre11" (1137) Fred Astelte. Jolin Fontaine. A Btttllh ...,_ .. wooed by "' Amer1Can dancer wtlo .,...._ ahe .. • cftor\11 s· ••• "Rich AttO ,_ .. (1981) canctlce Bergan, Jacquellne ....... Tlvovgllovt the vpt and downl of their reapec11v9 llterary careete a nd ·-•le"-· two -depend on their frlendahlp IOt etablllty, 'R' •*** "Thellttle· · Prince" ( 1974) Richard Kiiey. Gene Wiider. All alt· line pMot ltrancled In the de1ert encounlere • 11range llttle boy from a dletant planet who le -dllng for the cauM of hie unhapplneal • 10:00 CC)**~ "St . ._ .. ( 1971) CMttaa Btoriaon. Jacqve. line ....... A former crime reporter ·tvrnect...cietecllve .. hired by • WMlllly lllm fancter 10 -.... of lncrimlnetlng leclgerl. 'PO' ® • *. "Rlftlme" (1811) JetnM Cegney, "-cl E.. ~. Amid the IOClel vpMevel of 1920• New York, an upper<i.. ·~ trtea to hold on IO lr8dltlon • In angry "** le9dl • mll- tant llgltt ....... the rldal ee1111•1nmen1. 'PO' Cl) ••• "lmlteaon Gen- ...... (1"8) Olenn ,ord, A.cs Butt-. Wtlert • bfte- lldler general .. klled In action dvring Wortd W• 11, a ma1ter 1ergeant --.. Identity 10 lln· lah the betlle. (%) * * \4 "Paternity" (1M1) lurt ~. 9eY· erty 01,.,,... A 1M1GM1or In hie lorttae wtlo -ta 10 beafether~for the right -nen to beer hie chld. 'PO' tt:OO ••• "loerdwalk .. ( 1971) """' O«don, L• ltr18ber9. ""' Old OOUllle refUae to ... ..,,. the nelglt- borflood ttley haw '""' moat of ~hair .. ,,.. In deaplte urban ortine end. poot Mio COlldltlona. ll:OO. *~"No Way OUt" ( 1172) ,.,...., Delon, Rlcfl. lrd Conte. A ..... oontnct II ... ...,_ out In • vlOllnt fvtv of rMaletlOn ' ............. ,., .. _... .......... ...... . ....... ...,. ...,......... I tMOI ,,_9" Hvnl•r, Coutance '-•AIW'lllllt_... hie ....,. ............ • caYliry °""* .. .... Wiit! ,.... and ...,,..., .. ...... ~ ......... Ofllller (C) •• ''Cler!Mn Copy'' flll 11 George l egal, 1"'911 lalnt ,,.,,_, A auc- caMM ..... 11va11-~. lhel lie ... erown '°" wtio le 111ao11. 'PO' ca> *. '" "lo 'lne" ( 1N 1) Ryan O'NMI, .1at.ik W•· den A ltulfy OOllege PIO-,__ _,. ,.,.,., flovndetlng fl'menl Mcto- ry by inventing • new ~ of lade.' jMM. 'R' (.I) * * 141 "laall Roedl" ( 1N1) lally 'leld, T Of!""Y LM .i-. A !looker llnd a down-on-hl .. klck bo11er meet llnd llMd ..... In M9ldl of a new 11te. 'R' (%) * * "Talea From Tiie Vienna WOOda" ( 1171) Bir· git Doi, Hanno PoecN. A )'OVrlO girl , ... Pier to the ----ofthe looel pleyboy 1nd I• dlllowned by .. faltler. 1:00 Cft) *•~"Ode To Illy Joe" ( 1971) RoOby a.n- eon, OlyrWa 0 'C4nnor. 8Med on the~ by ac. ble Oentty, A torinantad 1-.agat'1 PM' ..,_,_,J -comoNeale hie ,.,.. irver-.'PO' • **"'"VlveLM Vegaa" (1M4) EMa Pf ... ley, Ann-Margr... A LM Vegu IWlrnmlnf lnltrvctor becOmea the obiect of aff9ctl0n for a aporle car nvl and hie Italian friend. 1:i0CC)**141 "The Party" ( 1te8) Peter Seller9, Clau- dlne Longet. A ml•· ctllevova lndlan actor cre- atM litter ~ whetl he er..,_ • aociel patty. ca> • * • "Sovthem Cont- lort" ( 1H 1) Ke1tt1 Cerr• dine, p_.. 9ootlle. A orovc> of NetAone1 av.roa- men on weekend --.1naL~ bayou-aparti • am8I QI*· rtlla -with • c:ommvnlty of becllwooda ~. 'R' CZ>•••"AFer .... To Arma" ( 1932) 0.-y Coo- per, Helen Haye•. A -.lded American IOldler , ... In love with hie Engllah nvrae lrl Wortd W• I Uly. l:JO. * .... An American W•r-olf In London" (1N1l Devld Naudhton • JervtY Aevtt• The -tlon Itinerary ot two young ~on• W91l"'9 tovr Of !nglend .. rVlned wtle!I • _._., eltedl ..._ -deed end the other curwd wlltl • hvntet for l'lvman fleah. 'R' 1:00 CZ> * * 141 "Paternity" (1N1) lurt Aeynolda, e..,. erty O' Angalo. A bec:helor In hie fonlea wfto Wlflll to be • tether -Chee lor the right -to .,.., hie ctllld. 'PO' 4:00 CC) * * .... "Three Wan!+ orw" ( 1977) Randy Ovald, Cllertet WNte Eagle. A 13- year -o Id lndlan boy, 9lfllfned of being '9009- nlmd -• .-r1or. '-"' to apptedete Illa herttage •fl• vlllllnt hll alcll ~andfet11er. ·o· UV * • "car.n lee" (1M1) ~ O'NMI. Anne Atctter. ""' ...,_ and • aocl8lte ettempt 10 rob • loutll Ameran -- ---of • fortune In pie 'PO' •:ao Cl} •• "Legend Of The Wiid" UNO> Dan Hagger- ty, Dlnvw P;te. A l\IQglld ~ meil•. hOme for '*""" In the wilder- -of !lie Old w-. 'PO' • ***141"0eyFOt Nlgflt" ( 1972) Jacqvallne llaeet, V...,.lna Cor1eaa. Dir11C'ed by,,.,_.. Trvf· taut, The,...,,._ end loYw °' fllm l*'f0rmer1 -atvcl-led In • movle-wlthft4· movie. 'PO' 4:41 CZ> ••• * "Ordlnery ,... .. (1llO) Mary T~ Moore, OOnlld lulNrtand. A QVlll-rtdden ...,...., trying to pvt hla • becli logettw lfter Illa broeller'a CIMttl and Illa own lllldde lllempt reecllel out to Ilia oompl1oant ..._encl 1111 cold, '-* inother •• ,.. by Armstro~ & Batluk NIRlf!f? Ml.IC NOTICE r \ Diiiy Piiat I CIASSIFllD MONDAY. NOV 29, 1982 COMICS C4 cs .. Rams ·able to turn hack clock 1.- ·1 First • win in nearly a year in.spired by players' .,meeting Ji,eRoy Irvin By JOHN SEV ANO Of lhe Dell, Piiot lteff ? The last time the Rams won a regular season football game -on Dec. 14, 1981 against Atlanta fl 1-16) -UC Irvine's· basketball team had just finished upsetting preyious ly undefeated Nevada-Las Veg!ls, the Lakcrs led the Pacific Division by 3 Y2 games anti Swve Garvey ~as still a Dodger. . It all seems such a Jong time ago. Hopefully, the Rams won't have to experience any more droughts like that again. And, Sunday's 20-14 vif;tory over the Kansas City Chiefs a t Anaheim Stadium was certainly a step in the right direction. Winning for only the St.>c0nd time in their last 11 regula r-season outings, the Rams showed -even if it was only to a Inexperienced UCI . \ gets first real test f rorii Oreg~n tonight "This is going to be a very big week for us," noted UC Irvine Coach Bill Mulligan of his team's schedule against Oregon, UC San Diego and Pepperdine. "We'd like to come out of it 2-1 or 3-0. "The one against Oregon is r eally the key game for us though, especially with us being a new team." _:.,• The Anteate rs open their 1982-83 basketball campaign for . keeps tonight (7:30) and yes, the Oregon Ducks will provide the opposition at the Anaheim Con- vention Center. Mulligan's con cern over tonigll.t's opener is not so much with the Ducks as it is his own pla yers. Young. raw and inexperienced, the Anteate rs have only one game under their belts -a 107-57 exhibition victory over University of Alberta (Canada) -which wasn't very testing. · "We needed to play a game. I'm just not sure we needed to -play that one," said Mulligan of the easy rout. "Then again, it was probably better than playing the Russians." Despite the lopsided score, the Anteaters were sloppy against the Golden Be1trs, c.0mmitting 32 turnovers a nd having the ball stolen 15 times. San Diego :n its opener, 63-46). although it has lost two exhibi tions (to the Soviet National Team and AIA Canada). · They have a 7-0 center in sophomore Blair Rasmussen and a shooting forward in junior David Brantley. In the loss to the Russians, Rasmussen had 17 points and eight rebQunds to lead his teammates, while Brantley had 16 points. The Anteaters "counter with 'B e n McDonald (6-8), Jud Beardsley (6-5). &b Thornton (6-9), George Turner (6-2) and Mike Lopez (6-4) as the stacters, and Ronnie Grandison, Michae l Beans .. Tod Murphy .. and Ken Bardsley off the bench. Again5t Alberta, UCI had six playeis score in double figures, led by Mur phy who came off the bench to score 18 points and grab 12 rebounds. The series between the two tec1ms is tied at 1-1. with t he Ducks winning 77 -62 jn 1977 and UCI winning last year, 90-84, at Ort'gon. · "They p lay a lot different now," said Mulligan of the Ducks. "They don't run up and down like they used to. They've changed their whole philosophy. Why? I don't know." The reason could be the Ducks' performance last year, which nowd of 45, 793 (the smallest home attcndanct.• in the club's history) -that they hadn't forgotten what it was like to be on top. "It was time to turn things around," explained offensive t..'Cnler Doug Smith. "ll may have ~n a last-second thing, but now we may have time. I know 1-3 is not a great record, but it's a start." A number of factors -som e underlying, some di.reel -t..'Ontributed to the Rams' reversal of prior outings. First, there was a players-only team meeting Monday called by 12-year vete r-an Jack Youngblood in which members were a llowed to a ir any opinion, gr ievance or thought they wanted to make. The result was a much more enthusiastic and spirited Rams team Sunday. Next was Coach Ray Mulavasi's admlss1011 Tuesday that then • mighLb<• a Ct.•w players on the t(.>am who wtiren't putting out 110 percent. Whal followed was ti vt•r y unpopular cut of two veteran playrrs Billy Waddy and Cullen Bryant -on Friday. It was as if management was issuing a warning: "Either shape up or ll might be you." 1 It was a move club officials Say wal "in the bes t interest of the team.' There has been speculation, however, that il was done to shake up Lhe troops. Finally. there was also an element of luck associated with the win. Of <.·oursc, luck is something the Rams haven't had for awhile. Anyway. Le Roy Irvin was going to be very content to just let Jeff Gosselt's punt fall lo th<• ground and roll · dead j Lmlt: did h(• figure the ball would take <t funny bounce into his a rms and he'~ have to run with it. • But that's exactly what happen~ \•arJ.y in the third quarter and Irvin ra 6:i yards with what proved to be th winning touchdown. ~ "I wasn't trying lo cai.ch it," said ' s miling Irvin afterward, "but. it jus bounce<.l into my arms and since it did t thought I'd run with it." I Irvin's TD made the score 20-7 at thaC point and the defense took over from there, despite the fact the Rams' offense{ tried to give it away. 1 Five. fumbles, three of which Kansa City ( 1 -~l recovered, made life difficul for ~he Rams' defense. But unlike theii (See RAMS, Page C2) I UCI can't be anywhere near those numbers if it expects to beat Oregon. T h e Ducks come into the contest with an official 1-0 record (Oregon beat the University of ----w3s 9-18 overall, 4-14 in the Pac-10. Regardless, Oregon's new style of play doesn't figure to be -Mulligan's main concern tonight. LeRoy Irvin of the Rams has a tight grip o n J .T. Smith but can·t ~ prcvt>nt "the Kansas City runner from scoring fourth-quarter TD. ---.. c--1 I UCl's ~-ef ense displays' championship effort I t UC Ir-tine's water polo lquad gathen around ~ach Ed Newfand. Anteaten won NCAA title Sunday, 7 .. 4 over Stanferd. Anteater poloists end. !y~!!!a!~L~son ~:?~~!~~;~~~d i 9pecte1to1t1e Dellr Piiot straight title. UCLA h ad a I LON~ BEACH -Following spotless record in 1969. . Sat u r d_il y night 's NC A A "It's a nice accomplishment to semifinal victory over Clllifom ia. go 30-0," said Newland. "B"""I UC Irvine's water polo coach F.d there was an awful lot of Newland noted the strength of pressure to win tonight." his defense. If the Anteaters were feeling t ' '0 f f e n s e s e 1 l s t h e any pressure. they sure didn"t lickets .... d efense wins the show it. They did fall behind~ games.·• said New l and , 2-1. after one period of play· as a ttributing Minneso~ Vikings' John Tanner and Bergeson . coach Bud Grant with the quote. Newport Harbor graduate, acored I n S u n d a y n I g h t ' s for Stanford after Trevor Dod80l1 • championship game at Belmont had given UCI a 1-0 lead. Plaza against Stanford, it was But after Jeff Campbell tied ll again the defense that powered up with 6:42 remaining in the the Anteaters to a 7-4 victory and half, It was all UCI. 1 1 their second national w ater polo Diggy Riley scored two of h~ title in the school's history. three goals in the second period,, Leading ttie. d,e(ense were the and John Vargas, who ended al Campbell brothers, ~nior Peter UCl's lead in g scor er with 6~ and sophomore Jeff. and goalie goals on the season. added one of John O'Brien. Indicative of the his own to give UCI a 5-G strong de fe nse were the all-halftime advantai;{c. ./ tournament selections as Peter Rile~ and Bergeson exch1mged Campbell, who W'as 11<.'0reless in goals m thl' third quarter. a~ the title game, and O'Brien were Jeff Campbcll acore hls leC.'Qnd na med Most Valuable Player the night in the final st.ama along with Stanford s tandout close out the acorlng. .. James Bergeson. O'Brien waa most effective 3 "It's always fun to win, but it the second h a lf . He wa took a lot of work," said an elatt-d credited with. 12 saves, nine Newland. "OB (O'Brien) played ~hlch came in ..the final tw a very super game. They just periods. He had five NVes In t._. couldn't llCOre on him. and thel't' fourth ~uar~r a1 he shut out th• were a hell of a lot of really aood k shots. And Peter did so much potent tanford attac · ' defensively for us.''-But what wu protably moni UCl, which won Us first NCAA • m a z I n g t h • n 0 ' Br I 'n ' title In 1970, becamt' only tht' pt>rformance in pl wu ttM! f thlrd team In NCAA hiatory to that the Anteattta ~able finish &he HHon undefea&ed win IO handily whllt' &hree-U (30-0). Ironically, I\ wu S&anford All-Am*lcan Pe ter C.mpt>.1 that performed &he •me fHt IMt t8ee lJCI, P .. e Cl» . 1 Q Orang CoHl DAld PILOT/Monday. Novetmber 2G, 198i ---------------------------------. Westphal's TV debut:. '~t beats working' From AP dispatches NEW YOHK Paul Westphal m never has thought of himsdf as an actor'. Oh, he d0t.>Sn't deny thut over \he years he's done soml' tht'Spian work under the baskets for the bendlt uf National Basketball Association refor~'S trying lo detect fouls in the land of the giants. But that comes with his job on the court. He's never done a ny serious swge stuff off ll. That's wh y there's plenty of anticipation around the New York Knu:ks camp, awaitinJOC today) CJ?isodd of the popular ABC -TV soup o pera , "Edge of Night." Westphal plays a 6--1 rop in llw segmt•nt and he's been hearing a lot about it from his tl'ammatcs. WHT'"Al "They watth th(' soaps all the time and they're all jealo us," said Westphal. "They're wondering why they didn't get the spot. I told them it's obvious. They just didn't have any talent." This d ebut doesn't nC'ccssarily signal a future in acting for him. he said. "Oh, if somebody begged me, I might consider it. 1 guess.'' he said. "As long as it's not something embarrassing. It beats working." The ABC show. television's longest running mystery serial, wasn't getting a total novice when it hired the veteran NBA guard. "I've been in front of cameras. playing basketball and doing interviews," he said. "It's not that hard. It was kind of a nice divC'rsion." The taping took three or four hours one afternoon . "Only one take. though," he said. Quote of the day Frank Kush, Baltimore head coach wh()S(' problems didn't disappear with the end of the strike as the Colts lost to the New York Jets. 37-0: "The only thing C'nrouraging was the end of the Rame." Flyers get tie in last 30 seconds • • Darryl Slttler scored h is third ~ goal of the game with just 30 SC<'Onds , r e main in g S unday n ight to lift Phllas:iclphia irito a 5-5 tic with V9ncouver in National Hockey League action. The goal climaxed a wide-open third period in which Vancouver had battled back from a 4-2 deficit to take a 5-4 advantage . . . Elsewhere in the NHL. scoring leader Wayne Gre tzky assisted on four goals as Edmon ton rallied to beat Detroit, 7-5. The Red Wings are winless in 13 games . . Buffalo's Tony McKegney tallied two goals and added an assist as the Sabres kn,ocked off the Ne\'{ York Rangers. 7 -3 . . . Clark Gillies snapped a 25-foot wnst shot past Washington goalie Al Jensen v.ith 1:10 left to help the New )'ork Islanders salvage a 3-3 tie with the Capitals. Celtlcs capture eighth straig ht Larry Bird p UUll't\ 111 :11 fJ&IHlht m Sunday nl6(ht 11!11 Bol\on re<,oel tu lh• l'ltth~h 111trul&ht trlum,>h wl\ti 11 l:iM IOff '<(lclury llVl•r Ml w11uk1•1• 111 the• Nut1onal &11kl'tl>Mll A•.1dat1u11 Bin.I l411111t-t1 In 25 ol h\11 Kanw· h1f(h 110111b1 In tht· hnll hiilf u>c th1• Ct•ll1l"I, Kt'lllll~ off to u f1111l 11U.r\, ll-tl by us muny •' 21 prnlll!l In tlw thinl qu,11 t1·1 M1·1111whlh·, Geoff llu11on 114.•or,'(J :! I prn11llc 1111d hud M'Vl'li ui..slslli to spork (. 'h•vc•l11111t to u 1111 1 IO tr1u1n1lh ov,•r Ko1\M1ll City Ch•v(•l:imJ Knoppt•d u iwwn gunw I011i11M Ntre•uk by wlnnanu for only lhl' tjt'('()l)d limt• Ill :ti ganWb OVl•r two scosonM. Thl' Cuvulh.:rs hud uh10 lcmt tht·ir l;_uo 1!1 honw ganll'N pri1lt' lo Sunday's Vll'tury. wh1d1 K11.1µpt•d ~ a six-gum!! Klng11' w111n1nK Htn•uk. Moon leads Edmonton to Grey Cup . 1'0HON1'0 With quart<•roo<.·k [iJ Warrl'n Moon ul lh<' control11, thl• 4.t Edmonton Esk1mm; swumpl·J lh1• Toronto Argonauts 32-lt} Sunday und l'Upturcd sn unprt>l'l'<il'nll'd fifth t•o nst:cutive Gn.•y Cup thl~ Cunud1un l''ootb.111 Lt·a~ul•'s d10mp1onsh1p gaml'. Top Derby prospect Landaluce dies Landaluce. the undl'feated • 2-yl•ar-old filly considert'd a top contcndt>r for the Kentucky Ot>rby in 198:! after winning five rac('S this . year, dit'<.I Sunday. Thl• horM• had b«.•n 111 for about a week with a virus and had l~en atwnded by vN<'rinurians for 24 hours a day, said a stable m:rnager for L andalul·l.''s train~r. 0 . Wayne Lukas . . . John McEnroe cum('d tht> United Swtcs to a final 4-1 margin over Franc<' in the Davis Cup rinal in G rL•nobll.' by defeating Henri Leconte, 6-2. 6-3. Yannlck Noah salvagt.'d some honor for l' .... rant•e by beating Gene' Mayer, 6-1, S'-0 in a on e-sided contest ... ·Kathleen Rooney, wife of Pittsburgh Steelers founder and owner Art Rooney, died suctdenly Sunday of an apparent hC'a rt attack, a tealn spokesman said. She was 78 . . . Scott Hoch, winner of this _yl'ar's New Orleans OJ>(.'n.°ca ptun.>d his Se<.'Ond major title in Japan in two weeks, r,all ying for a onC'-s troke victory in the W orld Open tournament m lsubuki The Chevrolet· powered Lola T -600 prototype co-drlv~n by Danny Ongais and Newport Beach's Ted Field, won the lnternauonal Motor Sports Association Camel GT Seri<.>S sports car finalC' in Daytona Beach , giving them two slra1glit vu:torics at Daytona lnternat!Onal Sp<'Cdway. Television, radio Following are lhe top sports events on TV tonight. Ratings are: v v v v excellel'lt: v v v worth wat.ching; v v fair; v forget it. e 6 p.m., Channel 7 'vvv NFL FOOTBAq.: Miami at Tampa Bay . 1 Announcers: Frank Gifford. Howard Cosell J and Don Meredith. Two team s that have go ne in opposite directions so far' this season meet in this intra- state rivalry. The Dolphins are 3-0 while John McKay's 8ucc.aneers are 0-3. RADIO Football -M1am1 at Tampa Bay, 5:50 p.m., KNX (1070). Baske tball -Oregon vs. UC Irvine nt Anaheim Convention Center, 7:30 p.m .. KWVE (108 FM). · UCI • • • RAMS GET WIN • • • From Page C1 From Page C1 J Raiders d~mped Seattle hands Steelers first loss CINCINNATI ~uurll'rbm:k Kl'n AmkrliCJll pui.iwd for ont• lout•hdown untl lll'roml>ll'd Im onQttwr. 11purkl11H lhl· Cind nnat1 Rt•nf(al'S to 11 :l I 11 Nut1 0 11ul l''outbull Ll·i.uut• vktory ovl•r th< pn·vlously uitdt·ft•utt.J L,(.llj An11t•lt.>!i R..ldeN. A111ll•t•so11 flipp<.J u 3-yard TD f>LISS to tight end Htll h 11•y llolmu11 ,und corm•rl1<ll'k Kt•n H1Jcy rl•lunu"<I on mtl•rcupllon 5tl yards for a toud1d11wn ll.'f the· tkni.tuh1 built 11 14-0 flr11t-quartcr l<•ad und nev<.'1 trullt•d. Thl• crowd of 5~.:J:m rt•flt~·tmg Ii, I Iii llu 11how1> hud only <:hl't.'1'8 for tlw B<•11guL-. a:. tlwy wt·rl' mtroducl't.l for their first home• gunw s111cl• the eight wt>t.•k pluyc•rs' strike. h wai. Cincinnati's first victory over a Raldt•1 tc•am sincl.' IY75, :ind ll•fl both clubs with 3-1 rec:ords Seabawkl 18, Steelers 0 SEATTLE Rook1c Norr)) Johnson boowd thfl't.' fit>ld goals and J im 1..orn tossc'CI a tOuC'hdowo to Paul John..-; as &.•attlC' defoat«J 1'1ttsburgh. 16-0, handing the Stl't!lers their firs t loss of the season. Zorn's 11 -yard tout·hdown pass capped a 68-yard, fi ve-play dr1w m the third quartC'r thul induded a 45-yard l'Omplct1on to favorite rtx-e1ver Sh.•ve Largtmt. Johnson. who mi~'Cl three• of four field-goal tries against Dl>nvcr last W<'l•k, made good on trlt's of 35, 48 and 29 yards us the· Scahawks built a 9-0 halftime lead. The Stel'lcrs pluyl'<.I most or thl' game without n•gular quarlcrbul·k Tl!rry Bradshaw. Bradshaw ldt with a sprained s houldl'r aftt•r being sacked by Scuttle's J acob Grt·c·n. Salois %3, 49ers %0 SAN FHANCISCO -Ken Stablc•r completed all five of his passt.'S on a 99-yard touchdown drive. through the rain, giving New OrlC'ans an early lead, a nd the s urprising Saint.s s urv1vc•d a la te San Francist.'O rally to beat the 49ers, 23-20. New Orleans, which was 4-.12 fast year. won its third straight game and improved to 3-1 for the strike-torn season. The 49crs, dcfC'ndmg Super Bowl champions, dropped LO 1-3. The 49ers trailt'd 23-6 before Joe Monta na thre w two touchdown passes, 12 yards to Je ff Moore and 17 yards to Russ Francis, m thC' closing minutes. Lakers HJake War.riors pay Charjll'rt1 30, Bronco# 20 SAN Dlf.oX:O TIJ4hl n itl Kt•lh•o Wjn1dow'11 th ird toud1down l'llu·h oi the• game, whwh l'urnc..· with 6: 10 r1·1na1ning, f(uVt· Sun Diego a 30-20 vwtory ovt•r IJt•hVt•r In :m t>1ror-f1lk>d ganw Quarkrbac k Oun Jo'out11, who bt•came the NFL'!i all-timt· ll'udn hy passjng fur :JOO or mure yurd's in a garrw tor the• 27th tim<'. din>cl.ed thf' 1n-~urd drive th:it t•nablt-d th<· Charg<'rs Lo even tllt'1r 1·1-c<1rJ ul 2-2 Thl· Bronc•os f<.'11 to 1-3. Fouts finuihl•d with 'l7 complC'tlons in 40 attc•mpts for 337 yards. Th<.' kl'y play on San Diego's winning drive was a 2'l-yurd completion by ·Fouts to veteran runn111g back J o hn Cappc..•lle tt1 , pulling the Charg«r-s al th<.' i)(>rwl•r 2-yard line•. Palrlols 29, Olien 21 FOXBORO, Mass Veteran quarterback Sl<'vt· Crogan. making his first start in more than a yl•ar. p~sst·d for three touchdowns a nd New England's d<.:fonse sackt'Cl Archie Manning six times · as the• Putr1ots posted u 29-21 v1c~ory over Houston. Grogan, replacing Ma ll Cavanaugh, hit St.anley Morgan on 9-'0rtng IDSSt-'S covering 63 and 24 yards in the first period: then connected with Tony Collins on a 14 -vard touchdown play in the fourth qua rter. Collins. a St.-<.·ond-ycar pro from East Carolina, enj<>Yl'd his fint'Sl gumc as a pro. He carried 32 times for 161 yards, setting up a prur of field goals DY - rookil• Dan Miller, who was signed as a free agent four days ago. · Je ls 15, Packers 13 NEW YORK -Pat Leahy, who mi~-d one extra point and had a second blocked, kicked a 25-yard field gool late in the third period, boosting thC' New York .Jets lo a 15-13 victory over Green Bay, knocking lhl' Packt.>rs from the unbeaten ranks. The• Packer:.' two touchdowns rame on passes of 24 and 23 yards from Lyn._ D1C'key to rookie wide re<.-civer Phillip Epps, the fi rst giving them a 6-0 lead after Jan Stcncrud's extra point hil the left upright, the M.>COnd makmg It 13-6 a l the half. Thl' J.cts. whose first touchdown came on Rkhard Todd's 23-yard pass to Johnny "Lam" Jon<.-s. tying the S(:ore 6--0, cut Green Bay's lead to 13-12 at the 11 :01 mark of the third quarter on Mike Augustyniak':. 4-yard touchdown run. Redskins l3, Eagles 9 WASHINGTON -Mark Moseley's two field goals and a 65-yard touC'hdown pass from Joe Tt{t-ismann lo Charlie Brown lifted unbeaten Washington to IL'> fourth straight vit:tory, 13-9, over Phih1dl'lph1a. MoSC'ley, who beat the Eagles m the first game of the season with a 26-yard fi eld goal in over time, made g_ood on 45 and 43 yards. , U'IGLEWOOD (AP) T he Los Angel~s Brown. a first -year p layer out of South Lakers opened defense of their National Basketball Carolina State, beat t'Orncrback Roynell Young in Association cha mpionsh1,; last month by being the first half for his fifth touchdown of the season. hwmliated. So they took some pleasure In avenging Cardinals 23, Falcons zo the humiliation. , ATLANTA -Ottis Anderson turned m a The l.akcrs ronnl'Ctcd on 65.7 percent of their 122-yard rushing 'performance, including a 20-yard fi eld goal attempts in the first three quarters scoring run, as St. Louis beat Atlanta. 23-20, in a Sunday night while cruising t.o a ·142-127 victory rain-drenched game. over the Golden St.ate Warriors. · The Falcons missed an opportunity to force the On Oct. 29, the Warriors crushed Los Angeles game mto overtime when Mick Luckhurst hooked a 132-117. at the Forum, site of Sunday night's game. 42.yard held goal try to the right with one second "We rhattcd briefly about Golden Stat<' before remaining. the gaf"lc. · said Los Angel~s Coach Pat Riley. whose club now has a 12-3 record. "We had some Vikings 35, Bears 7 wind taken out of our sails In the season-opener. If MINNEAPOLIS Minnesota quarterback that had anything to do with an inc.-entive factor it T ommy K ramC'r passed for 342 yards and a . was a good one." career-high five touchdowns,' three to wide receiver The Lakers took a 112-88 advantage into the Sammy White. as the Vikings romped to a 35-7 fourth quarter and weren't threatened seri<>..l.Elb'.. in v1t·tory over Chicago . h anding the Warriors their 11th setback in TS -Kramer completed 26 of 35 passes as Minnesota gameS. L9s Angeles finished with a 58.9 percent evened its record at 2-2. The three touchdown failed to score. three prior outings, In which the entire team folded up like a tent in the second half, the Rams fought back one assault after a nother. shooting e ffort. catches were a carecr high for White, who caught Some players weren't shook, Kareem Abdul-J abbar lcdJ.,os Angeles with 27 10 passes for 177 yards, also a personal ~t. b,.u t they were disturbed points. Jamaal Wilkes addea21 points for the Bills zo. Coils o • "W e are so muc h more balanced this yea.r than before," explained Peter. who prepped at University High. "If l don't score, some of the other guys will just pick up the slack. We don't have one main goal scorer. And since I'm not needed to score l can concentrate m o re on m y defense." So while Peter worked on his defense. the Anu.~aters got their goal production from their number three (Campbell), four (Dodson), and five (Riley) scorers. .. Jeff Campbell was particularl.Y impressive at both ends of the pool. "That's the main reason l redshlrted last year," explained Pete r Campbell. "We wanted Jeff to get a lot of experience playing the hole . That and his t:xperience over the summer has really imprqved his game." Newland agreed. ' "He played a lot dur\ng the summe r and he w ent to Australia with me to play," said Newland. "And he and Peter work so weU together. They've ~n playing together for so long." For his efforts, Jeff Campbell was named to the all-tournament second team w ith teammate Riley. Vargas was a first-team lielection. ln the game for third place, UCLA acored twice In the last 25 seconds of the game to defeat California, 10-9. USC defeated UC Santa Barbara, 8-6 to finish fifth, while Brown beat Loyola (Chicalfo) to wind up seventh. ' . - "WC''ve lost all the games we want lo lose," Irvin noted . "I think management did some things that shook us up and gave us the intensity we needed to turn this thing around." · ¥Ch player voiced a d1tl<.renl opinion as tc1 what mouvated the Rams. Some said 1t was the team's winless record. Othe rs pointed ro the team meetiqg. And still others said it was Bryant's and Waddy's dismissal that shook the m up. All were unanimous • however, in criticizing the release of the two veterans. "I don't know if it shook us up but it was a very disturbinK move in a lot of players' minds. ' said safety Nolan Cromwell of the departures. "You certainly hate to see quality plQyers like that leave." "Cutting the veterans during the middle of the year was not pc)pular at all," added linebacker Jim Youngblood. ''It shook me up,'' admitted Smith. "I didn't want to see them go. T hey were two good guys, good players, and everybody liked them. I can't tell you why they were let go." "I don't know why they cut those gu ys," chimed In Mike Fanning. "Maybe as an example to the rest· of the players?" a reporter suggested. "I can't believe they'd play with a guy's ltre like that," Fanning answered . "I ha te to think somebody would do that. But this. ls not a very h eart· warming business." Edison, ~oly play at Cerritos Cerrttoe College will be the site for Edllon H l1h '1 Bil Five Conference 1emlllnal1 football 1ame with L ong Beach P oly Friday nt1ht. And. Sea Vie w Lea1ue co-. champion SI Toro wlll tangle with Lii Hahn of the ~way i..e.pe at Mill6on Viejo In the C IF Central Conf e r e n ce 1emirinals. Both gemes are biUed lO bestn at 7:30. The wlnnM of the Edl1on-Lonc Beech Poly pme will me.t the winne r of the Servltl'· Alemany game a week later at Anaheim S\adlum for the 811 Five Confel'f'nc:t-champlonehlp . . nevertheless. ' L a ke rs and Bob Mc Adoo a nd No rm Nixon ORCHARD PARK. N.Y. _Fullback Roosevelt "There were naturally some contributed 16 points apk-ce for the winners. Leaks plunged over from the I-yard li ne t,wice in players upset," noted offensive Earvin "Magic" J ohnson of the Lakers had the seco d t B ff I --"" Bal tackle J ackl·e Slater. "But i't's 20 _0. n quar er as u a o troun""'""' timore, only 10 points but was credited with a game-high each player's rcsponsibilit~ to do 13 assists. • Leaks, rushing a career -high 22 timcs. set up the best we can for the coaches h · hd and ourselVl'S. "We a re loose, which makes us play well is touc owns with powerful inside running "Wl• had a meelln~and did together.'' said Johnson. "Kareem is really enjoying against the team with the worst rushing defense in himself. That's the way it w as my rookie season." the league. some soul-searching. e had a J o.hnson referred to the l979-80 campaign Leaks fi nished with 90 yards. Halfback Joe lot of fC'cli ngs aired and we came when the Lakers won the NBA championship. Cribbs ran 21 times for 103 yards. to grips with what we had been .-------------------------------....... ----------- doing. and what we could be doing. And, what we decided was to do a little more." Youngblood said he had been · thinking about calling a meeting for some lime, but it wasn't until the team's third loss to Atlanta that he finally d ecided to do some thing about It. "l thought It was time for the players to express their thoughts a nd say some things,'' said Yo1..ngblood. "I think the key is that we wC'rc 0-3. We had never been in that position before and it's a gut-sickening feeling." AJJ for the Bryant-Waddy ploy. Youngblood had some strong feelinp about that, too. "The way the Crystal Palace makes decisions lt'.a not always prud e nt t o a playe r 's understanding." Youngblood explained. "Really. I don't think it was meant as a threat as much as a motwatlonal statement. "A player can develop his own personal decision u to why they w~re le t go. But as far as the r easoning b e h i nd It , Ray (Ma lavasl) d oean 't have to anawer to us. He hu to answer to only one penon -Georgia. "What h appened, though , certainly brings reality to face." Added Vince Ferra1amo: "l kno w In my own mind tho1e pt>ople weren't the ones who weren't glvln1 &he effort." "Sin«> I've been here I haven't ~n Cullen IOH a atep," Irvin p<>tnted out. "I know moet of t.he playera wrl't' agalnat. It. It was kind of like the Fre'ddl• 0ry•r 1ltuaUcm. "Of coune, (fomm defenllve coordlna&or) Bud Canon once uld when you Jcm tM fine th!na &My do .. pt rid of the -.W. TM nt'Xl t~l"I they do" ~t rid of the playttn. "I don't run &ht-t.eam, lhoulh. I JUI& play foott.11." ,, NFL standings NATIONAL CONf'IMNCI w l ~·· "' ,. wu111ng1on 4 0 1000 98 73 O•tlP 3 1 750 97 66 Green 81y 3 I 750 101 64 Mew Orteent 3 I 750 87 58 All•nte 2 2 ~ 84 92 C>etrOlt 2 2 500 59 57 Mlnnesoll 2 2 500 81 68 2 2 500 71 82 SI LOUii ....... 1 3 250 7• 102 CllictlQO 1 3 .250 NV Ol1n11 1 3 .250 PlltllOelPllll 1 3 250 Sin Francisco ' 3 250 Tempi Bey 0 3 000 ....,.,.._ 1WM 20, Ktn11t City 1' Bulfllo 20, lalllmot• 0 M~ll 35, ClllellQO 7 New Y0tk Jett 15, Of_, Bay 13 37 113 61 89 32 New EnglenO 2t. Houlton 21 Cincinnati 31. lee ....... ....,. 17 Weltllng10ll 13 PNteOllPN• t St L-23. Alllllll 20 Sen Otego 30. o.n-20 New OflHnl 23. Sen ffll'ICllCO t0 S..Ule 16. P•ltltlurgh 0 79 78 89 90 52 ...-..tCAN CONF"EMMCI w l Pct. "' ,. M1•mf 3 0 1000 78 55 81111•10 3 1 750 &4 40 Ctnctnn111 3 I .750 96 63 L.A.....,. 3 1 750 106 lie NV Jtts 3 1 750 111 75 P1ttaburgll 3 1 750 611 74 ClevelAnO 2 2 500 8e 89 Mew EngllllO 2 2 500 87 75 Sin Otego 2 2 500 69 70 S.ettle 2 2 .500 61 54 Oen-1 3 250 57 91 HOUllOtl ' 3 .250 80 IOI K1n111 Ctty t 3 .250 59 73 Belttmore 0 4 000 33 105 NOTE Tiie top elglll te•m• in ucll con*~ Wiii qu•llly for 1111 1>11yoff1 LllllD .OFFD 11.11% MM H•rlter ltvtl., cette Me .. . ..... JOHNSON &SON presents ... llFL .............. Thun., Dec. 2 * IAMS ..,., San Prondlce Sunday, Dec. 5 * Chicago ever N9w ln9land • .......... ... G1il•nt1 ' * L~.:.11•1n ... ....... -.... NFL R•m• 20, Chief• 14 Score bf Ouartera Ku11sos 1..•ly 1 u u 14 LA Rania 0 t 4 6 0 20 KC B Jackson ' run (Lowery k1C:k) LA -Tyler 1 run tLa"slord klelt> LA Tyler 23 run (Lansford klCkl LA l1•1n 63 punt return t>.1ck l>IOCke<I) KC Smith JS pass ttom Full•• Clo-y klCk) A -45.793 Team ltallellca KC First downs • 18 Rushes·y&rd• 35· 139 P&111ng y&rds 139 Aelu•n yords 35 Passes 12-21.1 Sacks Dy 2·23 Punls 6-41 Fumblel·IOSI 1-0 LA 19 46·237 44 84 6·12·1 1------•--llt----Per1AlheS·Y••ds 4.30 3·2• 4.47 5.3 4·16 30 52 • T 1me ot Possestion 29 06 lndlvlclual Stallelk:• RUSHING Kansas 'City Oeleney 18-69 8 Jackaon 10·43. Fuller 5·30. Hadnol 2-mlnus 3 Los Angeles Rama Tyler 25· 138, Guman 15·56 B Jones 3-30. J Thomas 1·5. Miiier 1·5, • Alexander 1 .3 PASSING -Kansas C•t.)', fulltr --r2·21· I· 163 LOI Angeles 8 Jones 6· 12·1-67 RECEIVING Kansas Cll), Marsn:ill 6·71 Sm11n 1·35 Ot•oo 1·27 Carson 1-16 Scotl 1·6 Hadnot 1-6 Delaney 1·2 Los Angeles Rams, Guman 2·39 Tyler 2·3 Miller I· t3, Barl>et I· 12 MISSED FIELD GOALS Kansas ~ City, Lowery 57 Bengel• 3~. Reldere 17 lcore liy Ou11tera LA Raiders ' 0 10 7 0 -17 C1nc:1nnah 14 7 7 3 31 C1n Holman 3 pass trom Ande<son (Kreider run) C1n A11ey 56 1ntercep11on •eh.nn tBrHCh k!Ckl lA fG Bahr 31 LA Bran(h 34 pass hom Plunkett (Ball< k1CI<) Cln -Johnson I run (Breech k1c:1q LA -Branch 28 pass from Ptunken (Ball• k•clo.) C.n Anderson 10 run IB•eecn kick) C1n FG Breec:ll 35 A -!>3.330 ham Statlatk:a LA Forst downs 21 Ru-·ya<d$ 20·33 Passing yards -302 Return yards 7 Puses 27.u .4 Sacks Dy o-o Punts 4-40 Fum1>les·IOSI 1.0 Penall1es-ya•d• 6-110 -Time ot PoMISSIOO 26 14 lncllvlclu.I &tatlalk:a Cln 21 35.,37 210 ·I 14-28-0 2·20 4.43 4-2 6-51 33 •8 RUSHING LOI Angeles King 10·3 t Hawkins 2 ·2 Allen 11·0 Conc1nn1to JqnnM>n 23-129 At.•anci.t ~ t3 Ande<son 2·6 Co11tnswortn 1.11 PASSING LOS Angeles Plunkett 26-4 1-4-3111 W11Son 1·2·0·• Allen O· I ·0·0 C1nc:inna11 Anderson 14·26·0·210 RECEIVING -Los Angeles, Cnrrstenatn 8·72. B•anc:ll 6·93. Allen 6-5•. Barnwell •·II•. Hawkins 3· 19 C1nc1nna11 Kreider 3·78. Curlis 3·85 Floss 3·29 COiiinsworth 2·2• Johnson 1·9 Holman I ·3 At.xander 1·2 MISSED FIELD GOALS -NQnfl Biiii 20, Colt1 0 Score bJ 0-1•n Ballimo<e 0 0 0 0 0 Buffalo 3 14 0 3 20 Bot -FG Herrera 47 Bui -Leal<s 1 run (He,,e•a k1ek) Bui -Leaks 1 run (Herrera kick) Bui -FG Herrera 41 ; A -33,9115 lnclMclual Slatlallca RUSHING -Oalllmore McM1llen 8-111 Oiaon 5· 13 Franklin 3-7 Pagel 1-0. Ooekey 3·0 BoffaJo. C.11>bs 21.103 Leel<s 22-90 ~oore 9·38. HOOks •-16 Ferguson 1.7 ' PASSING BalltmO•e P1gel 3· 17-0-62 Buffalo Ferguson 6· 16-0·63 Robinson 1· 1 ·0·• RECEIVING -Ba111more Otckey 1-25. O.•oo 1·24. Bouu 1· 13 Buffalo lewis 2·32 Braml'\8r 2·19. Mosley 1-7 Piccone 1·5. Haslett 1-• MISSED FIELD GOALS -Bultalo Herrera 34 Rect1kln1 13, Eeglff 9 kOte b7 OUMten Plllladelp!11a 0 0 9 0 11 Was!Mnglon 3 7 3 o 13 WISh -FG Moseley 45 Waah -Brown 65 pass lrom . Thelsmann tMoatley klCI<) Phi -FG Franlclln 4 1 Phi -C1rm1c:heer 56 pass lrom Jawor110 (klCk lalled) WaSh -FG Moaet.y •3 A -48313 lndlvldUal Stallalk:a RUSHING -Ph11adetphl• Harnngron 15·18 Giammona 3·8, Haffll 1·3 Jaworski 3 -4. Campfie ld 1-2 Washington. Riggins 20-52 Walker 2·11, Tlletsmann 1.1 Was!>lng1on 1·3 Monti 1-m1nus 8 RECE IVING -Philadelphia CarmlCheel 8· 109. Spagnola •·3•. Smith 3·32, Campfi.ld 2·17, Giammona 1·1•. Oulck I· 14. Kab 1· 11 Washington, Brown 3·124, WIHan •·34, Seay :!-37, Harmon 2· 14, Giaquinto 1·211. Rlgglnl 1·11, Mook 1·10 PASSINO Ph1ladalp!l1a, Jawo11k1 11·42· 1·233 Wash•ngton. Thelsmann 1•.·21·1·2511 M ISSED F IELD GOALS Pll~aoetPhla Franklin 52 ~ . .. 0 1 tUlQU Ccwa t DAIL y PILOl /Mondny Novemb I 29. 1982 Selnt1 23, 4hre 20 , Score bJ Ouarten Now 011eans 7 6 10 0 23 San Francisco O 6 O 14 20 NO Wilson 10 PH• lrom Sl&blf!• tFrllSCh klok) SF FG Wtrac.111no 40 NO J Aogtlll 2 run ti.ICk 1•·14!<11 SF -FG W41sen1ng 45 NO fG Frt1K11 27 NO -G ACllQ"'I I run (Flllsch klClo.I SF -M00te 12 pau lrom Mo111ana tWe<ac:n1ng kr<;kJ SF -Frands 17 pu1~ rroni Mo111a11a cwerscn111g k•ekl A 61611 lndlvlcluat Stallalk:a • RUSHING New Orleans G Rogers 17·97 J Rogers 14 49 Wrlsoo 1·25 ta1on •·3 Slll>ler 2 m111u1 4 San Ftanctsco. MOOfe I 23. Cooper 5· 15, t..1ootana 3 17 PASSING Ne., Orleans S1abl"r 1 t-~O-I· 154 San Ftanc1'KO Mo111ana 27·42-1·334 RECEIVING New Orleans WllM>n 3.53 G Roger t 2·27 Bren11er 2·24 Grom 2-24, Duclo.Ult I 20. J Roger1 1·6 San Franc•sco, Cm•k 6·90 Cooper 6·68 Moore 4·65 F1011c1s •·33 Young 4-32 Solomon 3-46 FIELD GOALS MISSED Nooe Vlklnga 35, here 7 • Score bp O..artero Cn1C1tgo 0 7 0 0 ~.nneso1a o 14 7 14 35 Cn1 Moorene@d 50 pass lrom McMahon 1Aoveto lllCkl ~1n S While 5 PJSS lrom Kramer 10anmelt'I klCk) Min Senser I pou lrom K1ame• (Oanme1er klCkl t..11n S Whil~ 8 pan ltom Kramer 1Danme11:1 koc:~r Min Lewrs 31 pau lrom K•~mer COenmeier klC"I Min -S While 13 pas• hom l\ro>mei tOanmeoet k>C~I A 54 724 lncllwlclual Slatlatk:a RUSHING ChlCDgo w Pay1on 12-67 Mc Mahon 3-17 Genhy 1-4 Suney 8·7, Wlllll 1-m1nu1 I Minnesota Brown 5·43, Oalb•ealh 2· 10 Kramer 2·2 Aettwme 2 2 Nelton 11·6 PASSING Chicago. McMahon 12·20· •· 139 Evant 3·9·2·20 Paylon O· 1-0·0 M1nneso1a Kramer 26·35·2·3•2 RECEIVING Cnoe:ago Mooref\eacl •· 79 Su hey 5-29 W Pay1on 3.17 Marge<um 1.11 Genl•y 1-9 Buchnagel 1·8 Minnesoll S Whi le 10-177 Aa$nad 7-86 Lew•• 1·31 Senser 2· 13 Nerson 2· 11 MISSED FIELD OOAL Cn1cogo Roveto 34 Chergera 30, Bronco• 20 Sc0te by Ouatler_. Oenver 3 7 7 3 -20 San 0.flilO 0 17 3 10 -30 Oen -FCJ Karhs 27 SO Winslow 3 pass lrom Fouts t8en1tSChke kick) ..SO-FG BentrlChka 4 SO W1n•tow 28 pus lrom Fouts (Benirschke k.ck) Oen -UpchurC11 18 pess l<om OeBe•g (Karlis k1Ckl Oen -OeBetg 8 run CK.,lla klCkl SD -FG O.nirschka 18 Oen -KllliS 38 SO Winslow 2 PHI lrom Fouts (8en•rsch!..e klC•I SO -FG Ben111C/lke 42 A -47 629 lndMclu.I ltetlatk:a RUSHING Denver Preston 7-40_ Pauos 6-37 W1111tte 10·30 OeBerg 3· 12 San O.ego, Brooks 19 ~ Muncie 13-41 C8Pf>l!llt!lll 4.5 Fouls 1·4 P ASSING Denve r, DeBerg 19·26·2·184 San Diego Fouu 27·40· 1·337 RECEIVING Denver, Palfos 9.59 Wal5on 3·40 Odoms 2·28. Proton 2·22 Upehurc:h 1· 15 EglOll 1· 10 W~Me 1-10 San ()ego W1nSIOw 6-107 Joone.- 7-121 B rook s 4·15 Scales 3·•2 Cappellelll 3-17 Munc>e 2·35 MISSED FIELD GOALS -None 6Hhewkl 111 SIMlere O Sc0<e by Ouerten P11111>uqjh 0 0 0 0 0 Stlllle 3 6 7 0 16 Sea -FG Jonnson 35 Sea -FG Johnson •II Sea -FG Johnson 29 Sea -Johna I 1 pan lrom Zorn IJOllnSO<I l<IClo-1 A -55 553 lnclM clu.1 Stallalk:• RUSH NG PrtttOUrgh Hams 6-33 , , POiiara 6·20. SIOUdt 5, UL Ha*1ll0cna •· 13. Aberc1omb11 1 I Tl\Olnloo 1·0 Seatlle Smlln 17 59 Brown 8-28 Hugnes 6·21 Ooornlnk &-13, Zorn t-3 PASSING -Ptllll>urgh Stour:ll 9·20·3· 73. Bra'.l•haw 5· 1-<>·67 Sea Ille, lorn 1•·22•0-20• RECEIVING P1llt1>Urgh, Stallworth 4-59. Ha111s 3·20 Pot111d 2-19. Cunningham 2· 14 H1wU1orne 2· 12 Swan 1· 16 SHlllt Largent 5· 109 Johns 3-36 MeUelnrt 1-17 S .... yer 1· 14 hroty 1.12 Ot°"'n 1-6 Ooorn1nk 1·6 Smllh 1·4 MISSED FIELD GOALS -None Cerdl,,.11 23, Felcon1 20 ac .. e 1t10UM1en St. Louis 7 7 3 8-23 Atlanta 3 3 7 7-20 All -FG LUCl<hu<tl 21 Stl -Morris 2 run (0 Donoghue k!Clt) SIL -Anderson 20 run tO'Oonoghue kid!) AU -FG luc:khultl 27 All -Roblnt on 2 pa u fr om Bartkowalll Cluellllurll klClll SIL -FG O'Oonogllue '3 Sil -Lomu 1 run (ktek 19J'9<1) All -J aokaon 111 pa ss rrom 8tlf1kowakl Cluc:khurtt kk:kl A -33,411 IMMdMI Stettatlca i\U~HING -SI l oul,, Anderton :tu· f:f2. Morris 15·31. Loma• 8-38, Mllchall' •·5 Allanll, 111991 10·12. Anclrewt 11-24. c.in 7·24, BartkOWSlll 2·10. Hodge 1.() ••' RECEIVING -sl LOW., Tilley 4-64, Me•an 1· 11. M11c:h8'1 1·6, Gt'Mn 1·8. 'And.riOn SCOREBOARD Petrlot1 21, Ollere 21. lc0te by OuatteH Hou11on 7 o o t• 2 I NllW England 14 O O 9 29 Hou Cll/l\ptMrll I run tKempl alek) NE Morg11n 63 PHI ltom Grogan ("11118' klCk) NE MO<gan 2• IMIH lrom Grogan (Moller 111Ck) NE FG Milter 23 • Nf FG Miiter 26 NC Sarety, Manning 1n1eot1ona1 grounding NE COiiins 14 PHI from Grogan CM11ler ktck) Hou Casper 14 pasa from Menning (Kampf kle111 HOU Rentro 8 PI H from Minning (Kempt kle111 A 33 ll02 Inell~ Stetletk:t RUSHING -Hou11on. Campbell 16 37 Mtnning •·35 New England. Collrns 31· 161 Cunninghll/l\ 5-15 PASSINO HoullOn, Manning 19·33 1 ·:131 New England. Grogan 10· 18·0· 195 AECEIVING -Houaton, Cuper 6· 100, Arm11rong 5·25 New England, Morgan 5· 122. Collin• 2· 16 MISSfO FIELD GOALS Houalon. Kempt 52 Jet• 15, Peckere 13 ~ltJO-W• OrMn ea, 6 7 o 0-13 N Y Jets 6 0 9 0-15 GB Epps 24 PISS II.Om OICkey (klCll 1a11e<11 NV J Jones 23 PIH lrom TOdd (klCk 19114'<11 08 Epps 23 pa11 from Dickey 1s1onerud kk:k) NV Auguatynl•k 4 run tk•ok t>loctce<I) NY -rG Leahy 25 A 53 872 lndlwtcluel Stellaflc:a RUSHING -Green Bay, lvtty 9•29, EN•• 8· 10 Rodgers •·II, Jeffer_.. 1·5, OICk•y 2· 1 Naw York McNtlll 16·85, Augustyniak 10·• 1. Dierking ~-15, Harper 3. 1, TOdd 5-mlnus 6 PASSING -Green Bly, Dickey 111-30·0·225 New York. To d d · 20·36· 1 ·240 RECEIVING -Green 81y, Cottman II· 16 Lofton 3-65, Epps 3·84. ROdg«I 1·11 New York J Jones •·56, Waltcer •·311 McNeil 3·21 Augullynlell 3· 16. Gellney 2·44 Berkum 2·33 Ha•per - 1·25 0...king 1-6 • MISSED FIELD GOALS -OrMf'I Bay Slene<ud 1·50 Cenedlen Footbell LHQU. OREY CIW CHAMPIONSHIP (al T0tOftlO) Edmonton 32 l o•o"to 16 , . College SATUflDAY'S LA"la SCOfllS Clemson 21 Wako For•1 17 HaweM 45. Alf F0<ee 21 Dewie Cup • • PINAU , .. CllOftoltla. ,,_, \""'9d ........ ,,_ 1 ........ Jonn McEnroe (U S I def Htnrt Leconte tF•encel. 6·2. 0·3, V1nn1ck Moan (Frenc.) <lei 0-M~ cu s I. 11-1, &-0 South Atrlcen Open (al"°"8olll'IH•11r9) Slfttlae FIMI Vl111 Gervi.itla (US ) del Gulllatmo \11111 (ArgenllnaJ. 7·6, 11-2 •·8. 7·6 New South w .... Ooen (al s,....,, Ai.air ... ) ........ ,Nee Mtlflina Newa1"°"1 (US I del Evonne Cawley (Auatrallll. 6·0 3·6 6· 1 CN•"'•lllova ""n• S22.000I Doulllee FIMI Navre111ova·Pam Shriver (US 1 de1 Eva P lall-Claudl a KOhde (W .. 1 Ge•m1ny). 6·2, 2·6, 7·6 NHL CAMf'llEll CONFIMNCE Sm7the Dlwltlon (;lmonton Vln(OUVet 111,,.. Winnipeg C.lgttty C/l<eago M1nneso1~ SI lOUo• Tofonto Oel<Orl W l T OF GA Pit. 11 9 6 '24 113 28 g 10 6 92 S3 24 10 9 3 79 81 23 10 II 2 93 111 22 9 13 4 106 108 22 ... .., •• Dlvleton I S 3 5 102 75 35 14 II 3 110 94 31 9 13 3 81 96 21 4 12 5 71 93 13 3 16 6 66 '1:1 I? WALIS CONPIAINCI Pelrk:lt DWlelon NY Islanders 14 9 5 105 87 33 Ph1lllClelph11 13 9 3 100 81 29 NY Rangers 12 11 I 1111 98 25 WMl\1ng1on 8 9 7 67 93 23 P1tt11>Utgh 8 12 3 71 101 19 NewJersey • 15 7 71 110 15 Mon11eat Botton Bufleto Ouebec: HM If Ord u.tna Ohitton 15 • 5 111 77 35 13 7 5 91 70 31 12 8 4 107 113 28 11 10 2 108 106 24 5 ,. 3 72 107 13 aunctar'• ac- ' Bult.,o 7, '""' YO<k Atngera 3 Edmonton 7, Oerroil 5 NY ISianders 3. Washlngton 3 P11o1a<lalph1a 5, Vancouver 5 T°"'9fll't0- Ch<ago ar New Jersey CIMgary 11 M1nneao1a Wtnrupeg el Monl•eal Hottywood Perle SUHOAY'S MSUl TS (20th ol ••1 '""""') flflST AACE. 8 furlongs ' 111no1myrau11 (Slblllt) 34 20 11 80 8 00 1 Love Comp11<1y 1e1ackl 5 20 4 00 Jenaen·s Prince (Hawley) 11 00 Atao raced Bu1>1>1e Gummo, Kelon(hoe. Jo t..1ason. crauic: Hottc11y Bold And Goory. tmpreu1ve Bear Bamcade Oecoded War House Ttma ' 10 1111 HCOM> AACI. 6 IUrlOngs lUC:1'y Pur,llt'~ tBlkl 10 80 4 ?O J 20 • PutillC l r .111111<111 J 00 J (,() 1nsearcno1 ll'1n<:eY1 3 •O Also rac:ed Can·1 Be Beel. GtHnto, Mighty Oulo.e. Windy Scott. Repelling Oanc1ng Al1>01 Ttme I 09 3/5 ta DAIL y DOU9lE t 1·2) oald s 179 60 THIRD AACI. 1' 1 miles on turf S11amMn(T0<01 "2600 1000 1160 ~ Act C81M:l.I 8 80 7 40 Pausa1r CStt•ne<) 18 20 Also raced Ju1.1enne Ou1e1 Fhghl. Saratoga Roxie, Cou.11•• s Mark Summtr Sorrows Bid. Ou1u1cal Aekach1n1, Jenn lier, Pecos Pink Time I 49 2/5 15 l!XAOTA (8·7) paid $662 00 FOVfllTH AACE. 6 furlongs Centar1010 OU<'en (Cs1ndal1 1780 820 0110 HOyal Hacienda CBlacll) 12 60 7 20 Prominent M .. s (Ha,.ley) 10 er A lso raced Clas11e Bl allop Sanddune Tl•ara Shirley s Eagle, Apaltc:hee P11nce11 Bowl or Fen,.sy, O.scrffl Nearly Forgouen Time 1 10.115 FIFTH llACE. 1 1118 miles on turl Go•ernmenl Program (Hmrtl 18 20 8 •O 5 00 Lo•d Jack (Delahoussaye) 19 llO 5 00 Stop m Cold (Blacl\) 5 20 Also raced Red Crneenl. 80/1emla/\ G1ove. Sn1nek1t1. O.au_ You It Rusty Cannon. A111 Penang J lime 141315 SI IXACTA \7·81 pj.o S722 Sit SIXTH RACE. fi furlongs Monllllana (Toro) 27 80 9 40 7 00 G F0< Gui a tVatenzuela) • 60 3 10 Grey Sutan (Hawley) 8 80 • AlllO raced Sunny Ridge. lo•t Snow M&rrama, Maggie a lntenl A•H De Poe To The P0tnt -Aeal Torque Time I 10 HVENTH flACI. 6 IUrlonga Shec:ky Okie tHa'*'8yl 5 40 3 40 2 80 Record C11eh (S11>111e1 6 110 • 110 Merry Tony CP•nc:ayJ • oo Also raucl Delaware Joe Sa•our Tiie Bagel Kid Su RutMll. Cosumef Time 1 09 115 IS SXACTA 16·2) paid SH 50 s2 PICK a11C 12·8·1·7·1·51 paid $186 712 oo with one wlnntno ticket C•i~ hO<IHI S2 Pick SI• conso1111on P•IO $4, 789 20 wiln 13 w1nn1ng tickets 111>1e hor1ts1 •. liCIRTJniACI. I 1116 miles Ftl>UIOUS NOllOf\ (Prct 19 40 10 20 7 60 0 Happy Dey (Hawtarl -16 80 6 IO Stephanoe 9<yn (Valenzuela) 4 40 Aleo r a c e d Gold Spruce Sophlllocatt<I Girt, Promis.ng Girt Lltuy1 e.y, Carambola, Only o-· Time 142 215 15 IXACTA 14·111 Pllld $1, 164.60 ... TH AACI. I 1116 mu .. Decel>hon Oec1sion t~:z:J 18 00 7 00 8af10lonl (b•IMlle) 6 40 4 40 Pr~ Verdict (Blec:kl 3 IO Alto raced Pierces Dream Allied ln••d.. lclano Hic:J<. Plasllc FanlUIJC .. Ha Men Sam M•w's Pappa Bare Tome 1 •2 •16 111 IXACTA (II· II paid SGUSO A1tend1nce 28,617 NBA WEITEAN CONFEllENCE P aclllc Dlv!Plon W l PC'I. Ga Seallll" 14 2 875 La1<e11 12 3 eoo 1 Phoen1• 11 S 868 3 P0<1land 8 11 471 &, Go\cMt1 S111tt 4 11 267 11'> San o..go 3 12 200 10 • MlclwHI Ol11kton Konsu C•ly 8 4 667 San Antonio 11 6 647 OallH 6 7 462 3 Oe"•e• 7 9 438 3 • Ula!\.. 4 10 286 5'> HOUllOO 2 12 143 7 .. EAITl!flN CONFEAIN<:E Atlantk:DMelofl 801101'1 13 2 867 PMa<1arpn.1 13 2 867 WaSh•nQl9':! 7 8 467 6 New Jtrti;' 7 9 •38 6 • Ne..Yor~ 3 11 214 9t Cantr•I OIYltlon M11wau~H 10 6 62S Ot1to1t 10 6 825 Allnn11 & 7 462 2'~ Chic3g0 6 10 37& 4 lnd11n1 6 10 375 • Crev.41100 2 12 I "3 7 Sund•J'a l«frtff lalttr• 1•2 Golden Slate 121 Cleveland 116 Kansas C1t1 110 00.100 124 MolWil\lkff 109 T°"'9fll'ao-t No game• tc:lledulaCI • CAMEL FILTERS NEW HARD .PACK lekere 142, Werrlore 127 GOLDEN ITATf Shull tO S1111111 18 C~rroll 12 r,,.. 18 Al~h~•dson 4 lloyd t> f'.1om111 IJ W1111am1 26 Or<1w11 l M'Oowull ' l,;11111101 6 tngll11 4. lo1a1S &3 tOI 2 t 25 127 LOS ANGELES R•mb1s CJ W1•01 .. 11 Al>dul ·JlltJh~r -, 1 ( JOftn~"" 10 N.•on 16 W0tlhy 8 CO<>pet I I M~Ad<IO 16 C JOh!,.011 1:1 Jorddn 0 L•ndW•ffQI-' • M~Gec 8 'Uldl~ (,J •07 16 23 141 SCJ>re b' Ouarl•ro Guldu11 'itJh.• 14 ?4 30 :l'J 127 LO' A11getos 42 ?1 43 30 142 r ouled uul Nonu Rt11>ou11d• Golden S1nw Jt. 1Sm11h 71 lot An~·~~ 46 CRamb1s 91 A'""• C.old~n ~h1le 28 tRomai 8 I!" 11ut1hun 81 Los Al!(lUlet • 41 IE Jo1111,on tll lo1a1 roul• Goldl'll SIJlt> 24 l O\ Ang.,lu$ 25 • Tec.nn1c.a1~ lol Auge le• 11teg 11 1l1tl...,1o<. A Hi 1'~ ' Collea• SUNDAY'S fCOflEI South James Madison 51. VMI 33 l!HI Boston COiiege g9 St Michael's 58 Dartmouth I'· BowdOln !>& Duquesne 7 I tndlena Pa 45 \lrlllnOVa 63 C019a1e 63 TOUANAMENTS Greet Al .. ke Sllootoul lou1s•1lle llO. Vanderblll 70 tllrsll Wash1no100 76 Clem11.<>n 66 llhlrdl llllnOls €&. f'IO•lda 55 (fourlh) Ta.as A&M 93, AIO•k•·Anc:horage 65 cseven1111 HawellOft Tip-On HaWfP68 LSU 86 ffiratl CNminade 97 H1w.,1 H1IO 75 ttlludl Kettle Cteaalc Houston 106. Lama• 72 (111111 Texas-San Antonio 67, Arrzona 56 lllllld) SATUROAV'S LATE S<;ORES Georgeto"'n 67. H1wa1l·Hllo 37 Notre Dame tCal) 87 Pomona-Pitz&• 79 Great Alee•• ShoolCM.11 (s.mlltnala) Vander1>11t 72 Clemson 63 (Con .... tto. bfackel) llltno•s 72 Tu11 A&M 70 How Top 20 lered 1 V11g1n•o 12-01 oea1 JOhl\$ Hopk1n5 124·60 b&OI l/o Commonwealln. 69 63 2 Geo•Of'lown 17 01 11u1 BYU Ho"'a" 72.5 I, oeot Hawau·H•IO 67-37 3 NOllh C11oltno) C0·21 IOsl 10 M1s•ou11 6• ·60 .. Kef!IUC~y t 1·011)\,•t BUl'er 90.5;, 5 \/1111no•• r I ·Ol l>t!ll Colgille 83·63 6 Mem1>h•• State 12-01 Deal West Te•n State t9 7• oeer Wyoming 71·•5 7 UCL.llC c 1·01 i.e~I Brrgnam Young 85·82 a Lou1w111e t3·0l !>eat Aorloa, 80-63 1>ea1 Waeh1ng1on 59.47 1>ea1 Vande11>11t 80·70 9 lnd1ena It 01 1>eo1 Ball 51111 91·75 10 O•f'Qon S1<11e 10 11 IOs• 10 U1en 646?(011 11 IOwa It 01 bHI B•rg"•"' Young 91·80 12 Alal>an.a 10·01 D•O not play 13 T ennenee I' 01 1>ea1 Biscayne. 94.59 14 Hous1on 12 01 be&t Ar1zon• 104 63 1>ea1 Lom1r 106-7'1 15 .M•5SOUll 11 01 tiea• Notlh Caro1tn1 6•·60 • 16 Norlh Ca•Ol•na S111e 10-01 did not pley • 17 Arkantas 11·0) Mal SE M·~SOU" 74·~7 18 ~arquell• 10.01 a.o no1 play 1!1 St JOM t ~3-0t l>lat Army 81 31 1>ea1 Ol'>IO uni.1,,.,1, 62· 52 20 Oklanoma 10 1110•110 Nevada LH VE'QAS 6~·'>4 DMD He ll1hlna AflTS l .ANOtNG (Newport-...Cll)- 46 anglers 3 bua. •6 1>on110. 340 mackerel. 194 rock cOd 8 tl!Mpti>eed. 1 bon1ta that!> DAVEY'S LOClllA (Newport 9Mcll) -66 anoier-1 es oon110. 2 eallCO 1>a11 1140 mac:,erll 57 roclt cod. 25 aand l>ISS DANA WttA.W -t8 anglets 33 1>111 11• bonito 2 cow COcl 77 mackerel 97 roc:t. c:od. 15 roci. l1sh. 36 theel)ahead 16 11CUlpln SIAL 91ACH -98 angler1 1 bonito, 300 mack9fel 241 roclt c:Od, ISO roclt l11h 12 whll. llsh I 1heep1head <••rte) -55 angltrt 11 bonllo. • hahout. lllO rnacae<ar 4 sano bass 400 ""•le cro.lter 250 q.-fish Warning : The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. • 17 mg "tar". 1.3 mg. nicotine av per cig1r111e by FTC method ( World Open ( 11 lbuaukl, Japen I 212 • " < II 1 lo 11 $46 1 ~J 7 ~ 7 I 611 70 213 ( Nulo,1p111 1 $0!5 76~ 71 11J 70 76 214 .,, b;ilo .11 10• S 14 4?4 10 G'J 75 70 1"111> An•· 'i 14 423 73.70.71-70 2U K·• I Ar I 'i 10 164 10 7 .'ft.!< 74 216 (, •t• It• Morrg $!1230 f,7 74 71·74 287 Ii ·• n Mu 'i~n $1 61;? 7(, '7 73· 71 lu H•1-l.1 ... , II S7 69? 611 l.J 76 n Olhar U.S Sc:orH 2ea u.,i,i,, w .. 1.11.111• s~ % ' 1 t 1 J 72.12 no J1n1 5,,,.()11• S4 307 7~ oG 7 I 75 2111 J<>11r.,., M H .l 16() Ll1t7 '·••i.on $3 160 211) 74 !<; 7:1-75 75.11.70-75 r 11•!1 (..t;u~r1 S $ t 7J7 &coll S•n•;.."11 SI 737 2118 ti! 11 71-77 71l t.8·70 77 DAV.< brn•t.j St 173 299 Hubtrl (;1.c•n 51 153 74 71 76·77 71. 71 78· 79 14 q.75.79 ' 301 l••1 l•~••f\Q i' 153 Weter polo NCAA CHAMfltONSHIPS (al long .. ach> C ...... lonelllp UC l~na 7, atanfctfd 4 Stlnlord 2 I t O 4 UC l•••nt I 4 I 1-7 2 S1anlord scoring Bergeson 2 Tin,,., UC Ir vine scoring Ailey 3. J Campbell 2 Vargas 1 Dodson 1 Olhef Seorea UCLA 10 Calllorn11 11 tlhltdl USC 8 UC S;in1e 8a11>er1 6 C(j/lh) Brow11 7 loYOla tChlt:agol 5 (Mvanthl •• ~~· -· • Cemel GT (al Oa,tona .. ach) '"• top 10 hnts"•'" ,, s .. oaa, s 1MSA°Come• GT 1nreto II u• ~f'ason­ •• ,,.,., _.. th <1r1"e' thomt cou"'1fr tor Onvf'IS l1om OUISo<le ll•e Un·lf!d SlatHI ly('I' or ur taps completed •"'d "'"n"' s .>•t'r.lQl' ~p ... d 11'1 mph 1 1 ~Cl Field and Danny Onga1s Ch('V!Ql\•l·lOla T-600 84 tOo 673 2 Jottr F11wa1<1ei. Engl:ind 1no Boll woir1·• F1anc:e Po•scht! Tu•Do 935 64 • 3 0.-rt• 8'.• £ng1and and Randy llM'f Por:.c.,,.. Tu•DO 935 113 4 Prn•oo Henn A HOllJ('!I ••oCJ Doe UunO) PO!MI'<• Tutl>O 935 63 fl B·ui H•~•n end Gt"41 Fellon ~lot .,UIVI C~maro 82 6 Don De•t'ndorl •nd lony Aaamo .. •'1 Oa1'un ZX· T ur1>0 82 • 7 Ch,p Mea<l Sam Mose' end Jonn Poul St Pon11ac F11e1>11d 81 8 Cne1 V1ncent1 and Wayne Be•er. Por ell" 934 80 9 M l Spe11r and r trr ~ Wolter& Pn<&Chf' lutOO 935 79 10 O llQO Mon10,1 Co um!> 1 and Ao00<10 G.!'11110 C~b•• 79 WHkend tren11etlon1 aASllETaALl Natlonal aaalietball Ataoclatlon OET AOIT PISTONS Placed Kf'nl Bonso11 IOrwaro-cenlet on lhe 1n1o•t!d 11.i &lgnoo Scan M8) for,.aro FOOTaALl Nellonal Football le119ue P111Sr;UAGH S T £EtER$ Ac1111tt•(' Waat~ AbttC•om~ ruorong °""' COLLE OE "ANSAS Named Monte Jonnson 811'1 .. I< d•tt!CICM .. ('3 ) .. l ·1 . I I l I I i ~ I I ! l : . , i f I . & ' i • I . l a . I ~ l ' I ' t • t • ! I , J , I 1 I , ! t i . !4 ,; ~ ... t rt-i •N l •• • Ot1lll(W CcMsl OAll y PILOl/Mont.1 y N0'4111flllt•t 29. lOln THE t '.\"IL,. ClaCt'M by 811 Keane Bl(; fit:ORGt: by V1rg1I Partch (VIP) ~ • . £ l '.'f PE.\Nl'.1'8 ! Tl:M•LE• EEDI LOOI( AT TMIS MARCIE ! TWELVE PERFECTLY 6000 PENCILS, 8UT l'VE WORN OVT ALL THE ERASERS .•. ------.---. T~AT ~OOLD TELL VOO SO~~IN6, 51R by Charles M Schull 0 I I f I by Tom K. Ryan ........-~---=~__, =~=·~~! \ "Mmmml That's music to my nose!" ~.\R~ADLKE by Brad Anderson "·2f "Now where do we sleep while he's getting · over his cold?" CONCERNED WHEN SCOTTY DOES NOT REPORT SACK TO hllM, MR C DECIDES TO 00 LOOK FOR HIS HENCHMAN' 0 1 h1t1 Mond1y1." D•~:\:\IS THE JIE!\ACE Hank Ketchum ~ I --JI II 11.1, IL l.!::::=:=====11 ,. ~~ """-".~·' /'1)1 ~ . .i11i l11''1 I. I 1 'I'M NOT AFRAID a-A LITTLE 1HLN~ ... M 1 AM AFRAID(!-A LOTa: ™UNDER !,, • by Harold Le Doux ~~P~ OM,No! SINC.E l'N\ NOf A MOOSER, JON SET A MOOSE.TRAP. NOW IT'~ ~lLLEC' A MOUSE.' SQUEAK!~ IT 'S A GOOD THIN G WE STOPPED OFF AT THIS MUSEUM, S LUGGO ,.___....~ W£:1Vi l..OC.A1'fD Ml~ M>Jl.~ ~ CAL.l~~NIA1 Siil./ ~ 1-MNI~ llMICJ4 N C.A~MEL VAl-L.E:" I 'I eet.IEVE/ //·~ J ~.*-'1. ... 1'~ ~ ~ f'af.'fl-1 !dt!U*1 ~·'b) WIQfE toR .,.~ ........... .---..... > by Ferd & Tom Johnson ~MR~ • ..... ACROSS I Siient one 5 Lino pleees 10 C1•11 unit u Branches 15 Competing 16 lined up 17 Metric Ufllll ~ 18 Tooh'Wly 20 Dove. 2 WOfOS 22 FoltOWed 23 Elderly 24 S~ucity 25 Latrtude line '28 M.O.un- hac>Py 32 UK fly boys 33 -piglOfl 3S Headstone 36~Mlit>er 38 Wet IOOW 40 Str1l1e .. I Contuty 0 OrlWoff 41 Vlifft'f 1N!2! t '6Mutclll ~ •U1ttlldout !\() """'*' ~ r. t BlllCll(ln 52 Subiects • 55 Tltces bac:ll 59Gvmptlqn 61 Dull one 62 Kind ol sign 63 Kiclcl out 64 C1reau ~ 65 Shelter ee Doctor 87 Trees OOWN 1 Gullet 2 Zhl111go glrl 3 Of CIO '1 netghbot 4 Bid luck 5 lootcs alter 6 WIS IATUttDAY'I PUZZLE 80l VED 7 Beyond 25 TrlipM 4't lmmenent 8 -Ind 26 Sonar's kin 47 TyrlOI leathera 27 Come -411 F1tlnllble FIRST l W,ANT i01U~~ ~Ot>OMET~R ABfl> 9 Scheduled -Matvre 51 Jll 1111 gelf tO Silk labftes 28 Coektlils 52 Time of Y9tf I 1 Pod 29 Frntlef 53 ArrtM l)OllOn .._.._ ....... .._.._""""" I 2 An omotlOll 30 TIW• S4 UI( '°"' 13 Ovefcomt 31 Oblollte 55 sq,. Ill K'"!l IWICI ~ Mot' IOOllll !If FUii °'*" 37 P---1119 57 Prune 2 I ~19'1 klfl!I 39 Vflly volatile 58 Plectt '4 rrOf)ICI! trl'f' ''Shrewder llO RObOt play &U1" WHSN 1"MEJ 1"1Pl!i COMBS IN I WHO'S 1"0 KNOW? . n• •ETTI••• re• •••Ml ~ l.OOt<Jf 1fW" IT ca5tS F\ LOT; SCMF! I ee:r MY~ t1lKE -NINE. (AX>ULD Ut'E 'Mr "-. ..ct. ' R)ftaft§f\S! ~~. IF WE DIDN'T, I WOULD'VE . FORGOTTEN THAT AUNT FRIT ZI ASKED M E TO PICK UP·· by Jeff MacNelly -A ROLL OF= ADHESIVE TAPE ON THE WAY HOME by Tom Bat1uk .. EO 'THERE'S NO NEED 70 -mKE Ai'rEN~NCE AND A UJNCH CDUNf ! W) If 1\lt lOM1~1lA1'~ °' 11l1'!1 C.OU.Uit ~~"t UK£ It, 1'Mf.'f ~ ~ ''j~\\F~ ' ( , Ill Orange Ct)1tlt DAILY PILOT /Monduy, N o vembe1 ;>9, 1982 (':i i .ClABll·FllD. Looking /or a career in sales? See today's Help Wanted ads, classification 71~ . . ' ' .1foCiday Gift .&SerVice guide ~~~~~f Ghif0rsff. ~~~~~ 1or the Family or t e ice -- cusToM1L1MtTEo ED .Bertendlng tor Holiday A Special Evening Wllh N-port Wrap & Mell Svc OllllTIUI A PUPPY FOR CHRIST· A.KC Beegle l'uppl11 2 Lionel Model train NII Br11s & Poroeleln Art Parties. Pv1 rulden11 Make 11 e Contl.iintal Lene Hor.ne, Dan Fogel. Gag, gilt• tor ottlce/ 11125 wntclllf Or, NP · llAT pa.•a.u MAS • Labrador pup· • S169. 1 steam & 1 dal locomo'. 631-4680att.2:30pm only. Tell us how meny ·ChrlStmas Aifiti lo berg ol Belle Mldler. friends. Wonderland ol 1725Monrovta CM& B Ibo Ch 1'C.. gi:::a~l~~7 wk5 otd.$75. A.KC Gldn Retrievers tlve w /cara S145 you e11pec1. We will do the whole ti;;,lly r Spacn limited. Call To-Fun 890 W. 19th. CM so. Coat! Plan' twr lvl. a 1 kal er er 0 11rp. • S229. 644-4758 · '11! the rest. Shop, ml11, Mr· ,. · dly. 845-9023 ' now a ng r ... rve ons SIBERIAN HUSKY PUPS lheso A.puo $250. rt RS ve, cleen-up, ell tor 1 ll,;!;~~7~oN ~4~~630 PACIFIC COAST ..... Hive your Chrl1tm11 Par-_...675·l978 846-57.07 A.KC, 111n1 marklnfi'· blue 646-0090 ., h rees. tee. 770-9833 n ere-BOX OFFICE ty on a U fl yacht In & brn eyH. 536-811 uPlllLEI Al• PEI ~ " I hr Comlor1era etc. 2756 E. ' PUPS -A.KC $200. PU" n( 18""'trtl~ LOVE AT FIRST BITE Scendla Down ~hopa. 540-3869 538·811Z6 N-port Bay. 640-5159 GOLDEN RETRIEVERS 5 I• 7132 Edinger Cat Hwy Cdm. 1590 S. ~ H I'd fl THE PEDAL PUSHER Born 10·28 846-1040 Teacup to miniature T Santa Ana. 842-4611 CSI Hwy LB 0 I ay owers I• taking order• for your Music & Stereo AKC OLD .ENGLISH s.4s.>;"848 . rees & QY Janine Smell & lerge Occallon• Jon Brockman Pleno Co. G 'f Chrl•!m•• btkea, an our SHEEPDOG PUPPIES Boerdlng & grooming Decorations \Cerda Cordon Bleu Graduate I t S LEE'S FLOWERS · crulsera & It welghl FOR CHRISTMAS -· tnvltallons Catering Specialtlea Lagu~!~~~n:~-?-3490 for the Home see ua tor your Christ ~ft.•~c·~~~· c~uc!''& ~~:icG~~~Mw~: ~:~:~ S3SO. 979-1478 _..... Cell .~:~~~ca~~ #579, 646-0139 New Microwave (A.mane), mas Bouquets. 891-2569 perta. Speedsters w/3 lor all Occ. 731·9194 Ol1rltt••• P1,.ie1 &42-4300, 24 hrs. ..,.,.. $289 c Ill F I MICROWAVE ... -~sh FLOWERS BY MORAi •Pd & alngle •Pd_..,.. BUY NOWI FlnHI usor-... e ng ans w Carousel, P~;;;; s2~l 446 E. 17th Street, coeater• 2t28JC1,75 Urea. • t~d A.KC. 1 yr guer. Free Sporting Goods H & H Floral & Craft Sup-11~~;5~62~ e w · S 7 9 · Or chooM from Amene, Costa Mesa. 845•8144 Rid•• great. Get rHdy l ltnanclng evall. ply. 3 loc. Orange, Gar-Litton, Magle Chet, Tep-tor enother great Chrl•1· l•t'1 f11 Pets ---------den Grove. Anaheim G 'f C 'f' Flats tor Chrlatmaa pan. O'Keefe/Merrtt. _... maa from the Pedal Party Go d ... .,.'l1nn Hunt. 8ch Stop! Chrt1tma1 Shop! I t eru JC ates DICK MILLEA MOTORS 546-6740 Pulher gang. 0 s ...... I.I. H••n. .... Santa An• 557-2132 2809 A. Nwpt Blvd. NB N-sill & fashion store TIUT 1111 "lllf" ALLIED LIGHTING · 675·2570 WHIRLIGIG featuring e11chJsive Bllz- 222 v1ctorl1-Co1ta Mesa Miscellaneous · 80 1 w. Baker. Coste z11td ski• & tamous ectl· ..... ~-· - Boutiques Body wraps-taclal kit• 646-3737 ,848-8194 OHllTll&I .. 7~ ... 8570 Sporr1·0 ,, Goods veweer. Aeglater tor gift peckage 644-5289 We have Southern Call-, Ill.I llLI 11&.E • ,.. 0 prtze drewlng Dec 15: LLIYll llllUY CHAIS TM AS TREES WREATHS SOc-$35 BOUTIQUE Fairview Comm. Church cnr Felr/Falrvlew, CM Set. 11127 & 1214, 10-3 tornla's most complfte PAITill I •11111 Giil Fectory Overatock ~ windsurfer. boots. veca- selectlon ot fighting at Wiii plen & coordinate wreetha, atocklngs, ••••••• •••••• t1on1, morel 642-5630. h<>11d1y social eveflts Gifts Ferrare Roofing co. 842-0994 1n1m111. teddy beera. Personalize Roler Skate 1: . westctiff Ptua. N.B. MOLLIE'S GOLD MINE Ae·rool. Repair. Shlngte Surprlae everyone, Invite doll1. patchwork Items, ••• • ,,t., 2038 Newpi>rl Blvd CM .... ,..1 SAVE HOLIDAY SSS Lovely hand-crafted gifts. decoration•. "Gucci" tree ornaments. florets & much morel Dec. 4 & 5, 11·4. 1101 Balboe Av. (The lstend), Apotena & Balboe Av. ror the Fam1'ly (714) 842-8233 Santi to your home, of· quilts. allk flowera, Gj(cs J 9111.S Your Complete Ski Heed· I ' 112 Merln41 Ave. B.I. Chrlstmea napklna. -·-· ! --~ quarters. Seles, Rentals, Speciellats in H<>lldey Pe· 675-1572. 'Tis the aea-Sperkle for Chrlatmaa (& lioeorparty.983-1588 traya,allklndaothoateu Noeck lrophy & Engra IFf Clothing. Ski Aemp. corallons. Copper1leld'1 sor. to give real gold. yeer 'round). Linda's ltema, and much, much ving NEWPORT SKI co .. Flowera. 1936 So. Cal HOiiday Aent·A·Car Low as $39.95/weellend Robins Ford &42•0010 Cleen'g Serv. 669-0318 HOLIDAY SALE more. Bargeln prlcel. 170 E. 17th St. Ste. 117 All •.katea In atock. Incl. 2700"•W_. Coest Hwy. _Hwy_._L_B_._4_94-_t_17_3 __ You don't need a gun to Pet ZH '1' PIMts TH .... 2 I 411. 1M Coata Mesa. 646-3141 Riedel&· Suregrlpl _6_3_1_.3_2eo _____ _ "draw 1111" when you Have you read today· a •Huge exotic plant• ' ' engreved gills last lor• h•••frHt WINDSURFING SA.LE place an ad In the Dally Cla11llled Ads? If not. •Peta a auppttea •• ver. Tenkards goblets .... .:.. rl .. 1 1 $950 HIFI 17 .. n tClauilied AdJ ere the answer to • succeaatul garage or y11td sate! lf'1 a better wey to tell more HOLIDAY POTLUCK DINNER CRUISES, $ 10 833-5806 780-2578 Pilot Want Ads! Cell now you're missing tt)e beat •Unique gift l<leaa 124 .. UIM IH. baby cup a.' plctur~ ••• I m 11" · Y ""' I 642-5678. bargains in town! 2330 Newporl Blvd, CM Costa M... 540-2241 ~.~'."es. key rings, etc .• -:-= ••• .~~,·~·. 'iJ, .4~~8 OATS (7 ,., ) people! · IHI 111111 ...................... !~!!! .~'.'. !!.'!....... !~'!!!! .{~~ !.~~·....... · !'.'.~!!! .{'!. !!!!. .. . . . . !~~!!!. !~ ~'.' .... ~ .. ~~~~~{ .. : ...... !.'!!~ ~~!~~{ ......... !."!!~ ~~!~~{ ......... !.~~ ~ .. ~~'!. ......... !."!!~ • GEORGE ELl(INS CO IJ~IOOI: tl(),..1:1 Reellora, 875-eOOO Q.• -· ., .... ':::' s~~c4llv\-£ ------..\,(\AT t. fOUAJI ----- -............ IEIT HY ... .1111'1 Wiil Don't min thl• gorgeous S Bdrm home w/femlly room. Over 2000 sq ll and lots ot upgredoa. P~lce juat reduced to S132.000 Cell today •• 979-5370 \ f >I I. I tl F tf PIOT11Ese11 UOl l&Y EtlEITllU ESTATE large, r'ambling. country home wtth panoremtc view of the Back Bay, Newport Center. and much more. Facllitlet tor a amell herd of horaes. acceu to Back Bay 1rall1. Ak:k Aldefette. Bkr. (114) 111-"M -S•ld ule will b• made. but i-. Chargee end ex~ of the Section t of The Decteratlon of rtaJC NOTICE without cov1nent or wsrrenty, "'8.IC NOTICE Truetee end Of the trust• ueated by C ovenanu. Condlllona and "8.IC NOTICE -~l'IC=nnoua=~~.,...,.-~;....1-1--1'--:NO=TIC=l=-=otr~nN='.":.,..==1'.":'l~l~AU:""."".::-••r>t-or Implied, regarding 1111e. NOTICI cw TMl8lU'I IAL.a Mid Deed of Truet. r11trlcllon1 recorded February 7, MAim ITA,....NT ~Ne. etnAYLOR po-.lon, or encumbrences, to '--Ne. n• Said NII Wiit lie held on Tueaday, 1178 1n Boote 12558. Pave 1519, The tOllowtng perllOl'IS are doi T.I. Ne. e.-r f>tY the remaining prlnele* aurn of T.I. Ne.~ December 7, 1182 et 2:00 p.m. 9t Offlcial Record• ol 11td Orlinge bullr-. M .: ng G l EN 0 A LE I N v Es T M ENT the note(•) tllCUnld by ukl Deed of T.O. SERVICE COMPANY .. duly the Chepmen A--entrance to COUnty. THE POSH COMPANY, 3857 CORPORATION .. OUly appointed Truat. with lntereat -In Mid note appointed TruatH under the the CMo c.nter Bull<llng, 300 E. Th• •lrHt addren or othsr Birch Slreet, Suite 210. Newoort T.ruttee under the tollowln9 r;.ov:=. ~11::So!:"Zi ¥=' followlna clHctlbed deed of truat &'::-'1ca~venue, In 1111 City 01 ~nlldpu•~!.!.10ton ~ .. •1•1~ Beech, Celtfomle 92960 detcl1bed deed of truat WILL SELL .... ohaf-end ··-of t"9 WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION A ............. , ·-·--"" la~onta Von Evans, 1012B AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE Tru9!. .;:;;-,he 1'u1t.C:;M1ed b)I TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER FOR t the time ol the Lnltlal Denni• Drive. Coata Meaa. Cebrllto Pant, Sent• Ana. Cetlfornla HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH Mid Deed of fru91 • CASti (payable It llme of .... In =.·i:.,: .~~ ..!~ c-.~...... .....,I ..... m_..... ""'thout 12701 • (payable 11 time ot .. 1e II\ tawfUI · tewtut money of the United Stet•) -...---""'.... -.. , -_.. ... Ola B .. trtce Evans. 1012B money of the United StetH) 111 ' Said sale wtll be held on all right. tme end lnterea\con~ obllfatlon aecured by the 1bove ~•nt or warrenty. e11pr-or Cebrllk> Par1t, Santa Ana, Cellfornle right, title and 1n1er11t con~ to Wednee<ley, December 11s, 1182 at to and -held by It under Mid dHcrtbed deed of truat and mplled, • to tme. pa 11 llon or 92701 and now held by 11 under Mid Deed 2:00 p.m .. at the Cllepman A--Deed ot Trull In the property eetlmeted coeta. e11pen-. and encumbranoel to Mtlaf)I the unpeld · Thia bull.-II conducted b)I en of Truat In the property herelnaf1er entrance to 1h1 Civic Center herelnef1er deecribed: •dY•nc:-e1 II ttll,4ct2:H . To DllanCe due on tlle note or r-.. lndMduel. deeCtlbed: Building, 300 EHi Chapman TRUSTOR: DENNIS F. SCOTT ... mine Ula opening bid. rou mey teeured by Mid Deed of Trwt, to Lamonte E\1111\1 fRUSTOA: RONALD C. TAYLOR AlllflW. In the Ctty of Orange. en4 PENNY SCOTT. huabend end call <71'1937-oMI. -#11: Nt.&38.71, plul the followlna Thia etaternant -filed Wl1h t and JUDITH H. TAYLOR, hulbend NOTICE: AT TIME OF SA(E 8108 .... -lolnt Mr\llrltl EMPLOYEES 0.te; No\'lrllber 5. 1982 Htlmated COltl, 1JCplnN1 and County Cler1c of Orange County and wife .. oornrnuntty ptoperty MAY BE MADE IN CASH ANO/OR PROF It SHARING PLAN OF f .D. SERVICE COMPANY ad¥-et the time of the lnlttel Nowmber 9, 1912. BENEFICIARY: <iEOAGE H. THE CASHIERS DR CERTIFIED CAROIO PULMONARY MEDICAL Al Mid Truetee, put141Cetlcn of 11111 Notice of Sale; '1tt PRATT and LOUISE J. PRATT, CHECKS SPECIFIED IN CIVIL GAOUP INC.-M M to en undMcled IV Cindy act--. l7.177.3t. Publl1he<I Oreng• COHI Dall huaband and wife .. CCHnmunlly CODE SECTION 2924h. ·so percent and EMPLOYEES ~ = w-. ~nca, • .!!...... Piiot, Nov. 15, 22, 29, Dec. 8, 11112 property ' PROFIT SHARING PLAN OF -·r _. ~ • v-5042 Recorded Ausu•t H . 1980 •• At the time Of the lnltlel CARDIOPULMONARY MEDICAL Orange,CA82tel ... YOUAM .. ...,AULTUNDlltA ____________ .;Llnatr. No. 3478 In book 13711. pvblicatlon of lhll notice. Ille total GROUP INC •• w -to en undMded <714) 135-821• ...., °' TNllT DATID"AUCIUe'T "'8JC Mft'nl'r page 1278 of Offlc4al Aecorda in the -t 61 the UflPllid balance of the 50 percent Inter.... Publlehed Orenge Coeat Deity t•.i 1H1. UMLlll YOU TAKI ----....,--'""-'....;.. ____ otnc. of the Aeoorder of Orange Obtlgatton MCuted by the abOve Recorded Februery 9 1181 u Piiot, Nov. 15, 22, 2'9, 1NI AtWTIOM TO 'ROTICT YOUR ~-II County;Mlddeecloftrualdeecrlbea d11crtbed deed of truat and lnalr. No. tzH In boot:: pege 1 __________ 4"8-t2--i"'°"""·"llAY•w.DATA um ITATDmNT lhe tOlloWlng property: eatlmated coate. 1xpenN1. and Of °""*" ,..._.. In tfle oflloe of ~ IALL • YDU ... Alll Thi lollowlng person 11 doing Lot 43 of Traci f'lo, 7233, In the adV-le 125,216.30. Ille ~-of OrM98 County; "8.IC JIOl1C( IJlllLAllATIOM OP THI MA~ bwelrW •: Ci1y of Irvine, County of Orange, To determine the opening bid, aatcl deed of trust deecrlbel tlle ail" _I IW THI "90CDW A~T Str.:~~w<!"~~~~~.,.~5h8:i,::~~ =~ ~·=n~ai3·:.;: ;;~: yollo.~~.!:~~-=· ·~~Kt 1ioo 81 per ~-+:-a~OO ~°='.::." IMOULD CONTACT A ·~tlPNn Anthony ci-. 17132 ~e.::=:: ~~~= GLENDALE INVESTMENT :le':°'m::.:::..Tttt! rNi·uF~~,.TC~~s·~~~J~Tl: Detect:Fl~r::.~::2TITLE Weatport, Hunllngton Buch, of Mid County. CORPORATION 111ftce of the County Aecorder ot C8llfornllr COf11«atton 81 Tru.t.. IN8UMNCI! COMPANY, ~ 112'4t YOU AM'" DEFAULT UNOEA A -ukl TNl1•. Mid county. or locu11orTN8teeorluOMttuleci a Cellfoml8 oorporetlon Tilll bwelrW le oonducted by en DEED OF TROST DATED AUGUST By T.D. SERVICE YOU AM .. DIPAUl.T UNDllt A Truetee, of ttt•t oertlllrt Deed of Llncllr I. PrOll0¥0et ~· 14, 19110. UNLESS YOU TAKE ::rANY, DllD OP TllUIT DATID Truel 111ecuted l>y HARVEY ~~,... Tilll ..:.=:!ea ci::, with the ~~:TY~~ ::~~li6L6~¥: ly Sflaten Neice, ~r.-:cTio':'in=\::4 ~~N .. O =~JrL ~·.:i: Santa AM. CA t270t County Qertt of o;enge County on PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN ~~ B$10r11Wrt t YOUR NOPlllTY, IT MAY ...... Ind--....;.,.. 14 IHI T•: 111•156142'1 Nov9nber 4, 1182. EXPLANATION OF T"E NATUAE .,... ..... , llvd., 1 .. • 101.D AT A~ 1ALL • YDU 81 tMtn-t No t7llO. tn' 800ll Pul>llefled Orange Coatl Dally ...... OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST ~~14~~=-.. ... Alll IJIPUllATIOM °'THI ""'· P•ge t;l2, of Ottlcl•I PllOI. Nov. ti. u . a . IH2 Publlal\e<I Orange Coaat Deity YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A H MATURI OP THI '910CI ...... AeaorU of Oran9e County 5000-'2 Piiot, Nov. 8. 15. 22. 29, 1182 LAWYER. Publl~ Orange CoHt Dally AGAIMIT YOU.~U IMOULD Oallfornla, 8lld =:"' 10 tllet 4177-82 4552 Patllglen Circle, IMne, CA Piiot Nr'v. 22 21 Dec 8 COltrACT A LA certain NotlCl8 of ~ "(N • etl'MI eddr-or common 51a.'.12 · ' ' · ' tltl Sentanell9 Twr.ot. Cororte recorded July H 1u1 11 "8.JC ll)TIC( de119n1t1on I• •hown above, no dll Mw, CA tatn lnetrulftent No. 11-ietOO ol iiiiiiiii;f"Ci''iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii warr1nty I• given 11 to 111 .. _.,. Mftnrr "(Na..,._. 8ddreea or common Ofllllel "8eofd9 ot Mid eoun.y·... TAW OP MAlllDrl•rT oomplaljltllM or oorrectneea)." ~ ""'-det1911at1on la •11-n a1>ow. no wncler Md purlUMt to Mid De9d OP._ OP The -~ """' Mid Dead •• rr an I y 11 g t lie" .. t 0 It a Trull ... at pueitlo 9UOttDn for ..... PICTITIOUI ....... SIAMI of Trultlnby reMOn of I breecti Of K4111'1 CIClftlPIMel-or ~ '' ...,_,.. mone, Of tf1e Unlll8d ...... fji Tiie JollOwlftl peraon tt1we w "" OOllOellOnl aeour9d '9C1mOUe .,_11 The .,......., wncler Mid Deed A1ftertOe. a ....,..,., o11eo11 ,_..... eMllCIOllell "" we Of "" flattttoue 111eret1y. heretotore ••ecuted end of TNlt, llr ,...... ot • ..,_ or to Mid 1Nllet drlWl'I on • ..... or llullll8tl '** delivered to tltt undefllgned • The~~.......... ....,.. "' Ula allllgllltoll• ........ natlOnel '**· •••••• or ,...,.. MO .. ILANO·WA .. MINOTON wntten Dealerltlon of Oefeull end ~ ..... ----· .......... tllet~. Nretofore euoutad and union or ...... or ...... VINTUM. 30IO Pulllnan ltreet, Demencl tor Sele1 end written notice THI LOTUS ROOM, 1141 delivered lo tlle u11denttned a Hwln t and loan HIOalalton CotteT,!!--, CA tltl9 of l>reedl Ind °' lltctlan to Gel* M 1Wt1ttn DtOllll etlan of Delliall Md tn t1111 .._ 8t IN "'911 ,,. latltlout httMel Neme tlle under=rd to Hll n ld U::: u , Cott• Meee. C8ltfornle Demelld lor ~pl IWtlttn llClllae entruoe to ,.,.. AMeftMn Tttte C::r!~low:,:1:. '":l In :'nr.'~':atter ~n= Al811 A. Ceall•no. 2011 W. :i:::::.~~=•= lnsur•n:•"~o::i•;a..•:"I; '· :'armiftvlcir.~ aJeo .......... notice of.,,... wr of ~· lent• Afta. Clllfoml• preperty to .... DlllllllllDM, ., ..... AM. c.lfanlle.0 .. flulllMn ,,, .... Coat• ...... CA ......,. to lie ....... a..,. I, * and tttereafter lie under ... ned lllat r11t11, tttle and tnterHI .... ............._. ttll ea tnetr. No. 12·11MOT In C...: "-Ceealeno, IOtl W . ..,... Mid llClllGe of..,.... ..r IO tf1C11 now MM llr" --DlvllopiMnt Co.(• Oflldll ,..._.., * . lanta AM. Callfclmla ......,. eo lie ,...... ....-l, lllf Deed Of Trull In "" 011tfornla Cor•or•tlon) •It lo. lllCI Hit wilt bt lt'laCle, Dul tll* ..,._ II oandualad !Ir 1Mt .. lnett. No. 1400 In ._... ........ In llld COuM, or ::.r,,on ..,_., LOI Antllet. 0A wtttloul aowenent or w•rranty, lodl\Otllu• CHu8MNI 1 -.. t4t• 11'1' t471, Of ...., a._ flll .... 11; t7 .....,_ 0t llftplltd, ==--.. Alen"-~.,.,. .....,... AMllL. I• LOt It °' ~ No TNe ....,_ .. OOI luatad llr' p111-:..::1on.~~..:..!! VldlrllO..W. ·~!''!~!.'"It• made, !tut • .-.,.._........;..,..,per-.;::';. =:r. llMr ,.,.,,.,..w __ _...,. TNI .... , ......... _.. .. .,11,..11t .........,--=I ef weftenty, ... 41 ..... 4?to1D......_ _._ ·~' ....... , ..... .,, ... Died.. '*"'°'-....... . ................. ,·,, ............... ._.......... .. ~ .:::.,•,,~ ... ,.. II.""_....,..~ on ,111111, ... ., ............... to .,.. County ,_.11,,. Of ..., ~IOllltlt•" °"'"" Oluntr on ... ..,,..· ...... ,,:.,.., ...... . t.'! .................. """.. , ...,, fl . .._ ':.: =....: !.":. N111111e11 QrWll Co111 ::::. fN.."': == ': :" .:--..: PA . IL I : Aft l•1•11t for ,.,......., Ofl1t"9 ee.e"'I!!. Truetee n .... .,........,.,, '°'· ...,, 1, 11. n. •. ,........ llfMlll • ......, " w. undlr .. -..a:&'t:.9: "'°'·Nov. n. •· o... a. i'i. iil Mid Deed Of Tf\IM, I tM tenM of Mid OeM OI T,..., , M Mt ,., ... 111 a,.._ 1t: ., .... " • . LIM ISLE lllES Prime Lido Nord bayfronL S bdrm, S 'Ii bath. Lge L.R .. air rond. 2 boat slips $1,500,04?0. Remodeled 3 bdim, 2 bath + Large rec. rm .. beam ceiling~~ furnished, patios. $420,000. PElllSILI lfllE Ocean & jetty views. Marine room, 4 bdrm, 3 t>.th, 3700 .q.ft. $1,385,000. Oceanfront. • LlllA ISLE UJFlllT ' Lagoon view Crom 6 bdrm. 5 bath, playroom. dark rm. den: Boat slip. Now $1,000,000. UYSlll PLIOE Spectacular bayfront dplx 2 br, 2 ba up; 2 br, 2 ba dn. 2 boat _spaces. Reduced-$1,500,000. FlllUlll UIOI New 4 br. 4 1h ba, custom French Normandy F.state 1.2 prime acre hilltop $1.250,000. 1111011 OAYI Coronado Island cuat. bayfronl lot. 85' boat dock. Plans avail. Now $370,000 w/tenns. Bill GRUNDY . REALTOR ' ~ " " '1' ( J • • ,. ~ •• ,.., • ' ,.) "':; MIC~MOITUAl•S L.ciuna Beach 4!M·!Mt5 L.ciun• H•ll• 768·0933 San Ju11n C.p1s1r1no 495·1776 MAllOll LAWN-MT. O,IJYI Mortu.v • c • ..,. fefV CrtrNIOry 1825 Gisler ~we Ce»te Meu 540-5&54 tmClllOn.11 .... OAIWAY MOITVMY '10 llroedwey eo...u... 142-1150 • 1 1 , .• Orange Coa1t DAIL v PU.OT /Monday, ~ovemt>er 28, 1812 All All ,. ,, •• ,,,, •• ,,,. ,,. • ltt ..,, lel L J. ..__ t al~lwitl .__ 11a111.1.1wit1 ~~•I• l 11ald'4 A,.tl••••• ,,...,, t •• •..•.• , ............. .. .. ~!ff!............... .. m............... . ... ~.·-···· ....... 1 •• f! •• r::T ••••• IT'i'Tln.f~ ••• ~ •• ~ •••• ············,·,·,·,~ ,,.,,,.,, •• ,,,.,,." ll•lpt•J~!I. .•.•... Oot{l•tJ1.1-. h•O\.lot _,...._ J If I 1111 ~ .... m 1114 ..__,, a.-a. J.llf t .. 11 #IN Jllf •1aflaflfl ""~ IN ,. •••••••••• •••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••• •• JMf Or "J U• M fy rvrn W• •••~~~~••••••••••••••• fl-t,1i°•• •••••••••• ;'.;.9m;.o;mr••• ••• ••••••••••••••••••••• ... ti Jl40 ;-;~ ~·td:1~••••,••••.•9; Clllll ,, #It Jiii c.... ..... Jll4 ··~· litf! .. r..~. Wiii 1111111111 any OI Ill• 11 1 I , INt • ht 1 II• Lii 11011111 llnt •••••••••••••••••••••• U I 1 [ If). 13 •••••••••••••••••••••• •••ii'oeleo•••••••T~ ••• ••• • •••• ... 2tl NO lollo11111ng Offl) 1•11 fl ....... V1IW 3 8fU8A Ip lCI IOI, mu•I .aLIPfl ....... U•t l •let• JV"ll n .. 11u1 I .. ., l Or 'J hi.I •111 llll llC. ~lfa~fH Tllf 8 HOln ~ ttCA(;H 2 81 ., 81 from... •hll!Q 0011 11nn1• hOrM .. LL.* Miii 111 10 de 831-1093 Y~ 0-11 1111 lanll 2,000 "1•8 tJ 1110 110111" ,,.. 11111111 cut nu ?t tO N•w1>n•1 1w1 ,M ARCA 1 bd •~• •425 '"'' month pet• Ac:rotl fr om ~w 11c.rno t h•lltr You aq 11. 30r, 1an1 rm, 2•1 "11 Sll~01r1111 f l)• !111111 IJ41t •UOll C•ll tu t·•t7 ?33& Qt 11011 8e14h Goff CourH name 111 No h Otl To1111v rttno<leltd 11111d1 IWIH •llT •YI H•, w11.11 Oreenbon nur L•r.•H 1111• 1141 11<10 U4t.ll 1>16 1<13!J ov1' 131 ~ mo 01• moo11• O•I I Slllll !l40 :teoo !>40 41&6 • I 1ooo 1 wk b a•• • t thl d •llgh1ru1 •• ••••••••••••••••••• (U\ .. OU • 8111u1 condo, 2 br. 2 be PoOI ~., b•tow ml(klll Moll1l11 Oti8Ch ~011•11• .. I ,,.... l\Otl1M No lltlll M•lure Our riowly dtCOrAl(ll(l r llUe cute b9'httOr '"' WllTI• lllTILI 17141f142 H.,,, iench llylt home IH • t.•••• or 11111/opt 123~.000 Wiii ,.,, .. op p1111111o• ueacllH. J'u111 , !~~.'!!. .......•..•.. ~! 11111111 Outat, HO!i•• rnnlltl• t & 2 01 •Pt• l•OOt mo Jo~ce W11t111, '.I & 4 Br C•o .. ro water, Conll<> Kone H1 Ot<. t5m turn • Or. 2 frPIO•. 3 c:1r 1860/mo 5•6·3339 1100 Uk1 644 0 134 P•i•t ~11,u11ry H!> /mo allt•L• t90 1 N11wµort ft4il 8J7J $!/!>Ol mo & up Pc;ol & o1g1 li'l I 1266 furn & unlvrn reet0n11 11, Jiii 13th w~ ex mo 0• 1 tQt, oce•n view & '"6 18~4 ')4'1 2J01 • • 11111nl• Gull K111n s e•· 1 B t1l•1 1111~'""111 .... O•oktr !•lpt 4 730 "'""t 1•11141 101 w/c:uatom epa "' " 1 111 4 t)(hfn• a111111iu 81 • ..,6 J 11/mo r P8110 • ... v .. v• ~ vvc Priced 10 1111 II 1340, I........ Ill Jt.. .. • Jllf $WO to $14/5 lfH f/lfl.. .,44 ' I I flO<lf I Qllfl~ no ,,_ti ti75 4912 000 I.ow lnttrNl HIU• Sil,... "••llltll l 1011 ~!.'!r.!! ••• ~!......... ..,,,, 3140 N1coupt1•11•2ff<irm 'b• :n!I 'J 17 111 Pt ee11u11fulhirg•40r •net• m1bl1 fln1nc1n~ Call fi t It y ••• ~~•••••••••••••••• T 1111 Olvlf~ B1tc.1< 01~ •••••••••••••••••••••• •Pl I 1111pl•t1 b•lc.ony fl•t. 51:17 I 1 I Id p•no. •••P• to btllC.h 760· 160 t 01 752· 37' lt MltO••"' tit,., 1•;._. $5000 Down <I Br 2 Ot • ftllf'G p11a '"lldy now Yll 11111¥1 ITI pouo an<i g1r&ll11 Av••I $ 1% 1 e1 rehlg, PlhO Yn11rly 875 4419 -• '" covered p&tfo, v•ull11d ""'~'*' au1111' ' ua11 or 3 liHulllul & p111k Ilk• wllll 1211, crodll rel1 • mu.i no Pett, 1dult1 pret f !~~1:.'!.!!.f~l!!.!.~!f ..... Tl ~ Walker C lee --- 141·llH ctlllnga. c:ommty poo1 t><1r111~ 180 Ol}ll'M v1•w h!rrke<I pool No pvrt $725/mo Call 73 1•0 l&lh St 673•7181 OC(ANrRONT Cuttm $117 600 C11114117 16~7 L11\I unit $1<41.0 tmo •Spariou• A"t• G7!>-?31 I 9 •m to 6pm Otc;o r 3 Rr 2Bo up, - - -a7c "31 ... ,. IPAOllll I 1m11nlllH, yrly s 1200 fllllLY l•I 11111 All 1110 " "" 1 •Prlllltlll Pellot mo . 20r 108 <iwn 800 3 bdrm plus 2 1>1 Fire· •••••••••••••••••••••• •Cover.to Part.In~ C11t1 #111 1114 2 BR t'.•Oa $550 mo M111urll pra 74100 w t BACK BAY CHARMEH • •Olmng Aroa •••••••••••••••••••••• 1 01\ t '•bo $525 Oc;nfrnt 850.9192 place. enc:loe.a Ptl 0 3Br. lg $epertft ttudy or •Welk In Clo .. ,. 3Br 2011 $625 room. Palm Tr"•· Conv den. Luth 1ono101plno. •Homo like Klloll•111 ..,......._BllU Cill 141·1111 IOC: MlnutH to B .. ch. hardWOOll fits. mini I lllk to ttu11 t1ngton ~-U shopping, employment bflndt, pot101, bl~ bllCk· Cem8r tt•n•por1111on 6 •p••T•llT• 1ehool1. bu• Xlnt llnan· 1 • -• With 40' dock for powor boat 3 6A 2'i't ba. eon· do $1200/mo w/<lock. S 1000 without 650--1190 Fllllll 01<1e11 & '''0"' aotncy All c;hon11 11Croened with photo• & rttert11c:e• C..r11<1111 Cot1mopotlt11n Oood Mor.wig Amer1c11 Tllo Tomorrow Show *'•off • lo all who nee<I a plaee ctng Owner wlll conalder yd, m•ny specie xtrH rwya B111ulllully 11nd1cap1d 2nd $117.600. 645·4559 Only s 1'10 .000 Cell mLITIH fHI garden •Pl• Pool& Spa 11111111 llllUlll 5<19·8269 1 Bdrn1 ftom $515 Pa11oitdecki NO pell Slgnlf1c:1111ly upgraded H•ilJi,111 HOMES FOR RENT rownhH unfurn B1chelo1 $3115 MfSA VERDE 1h11p.2 BR 2 6a. gar, t545 Corl•n· der . A p t 0 , c all 640·1158 or 979-3848, aik IOI P11m Mr• 1.ong ~ •••crt 141.1111 Eulblulf 1p11c1oua 1 8r M/F non smkr, 10 snr 4 br. four bedroom home. ,.., IH Ot•., J11J l1t1I• ttom $650 1 Bdrm 1475 Kitchen Include• micro· ••••••• •••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• LA OUINl A HERMOSA 2250 V1ngu111<1540..9626 2 Br t Ba upper In 111 833 7890 O! 646· t94'1 PlllO POOi no Pets. '"bl hOm• 1 200 + '• $555 644-4767 Ul•IS c M 850-0907 wave end self1·cleanlng1 SPIOIMS IUOll .. I lldlll .,.., •MISSION VIEJO• ~~l.~~~-"t.'.t~/.~if 16211 P1rk11ot 3 Ln. 1 8 b1k pie•. enclsd gellge No t Br 1 81 lll'PS to bea'h Male Roommate for Bal· oven. Sparlcl no poo · 5 BClr 4'~ Ba 3·1tY 3000 F11 We 1100 $675-$725 EMERALD BAY ...., Br 2 W ol Bffch, blk• · pe11 2i65 Pomon•. 5 .. 4.~~~-~8:~ope. 64~~1~~-bo• Pen1n1uf1 Apt Ex1enslvedtc:klng. Entire sq 11• + ove; 900 aq " •••••••••••••••••••••• Ba h e>IC, btlC:I\ p&tto. OI Edinger 847-544 1 Bachelors 1410 1475/mo 851·2175. ___ $275/mo 673·1807 property In Immaculate or balcony Some ocean lrtt1ltaf Park •IRVINE• with spa S U!OO/mo * 53ao1mo up Bach · t 1 Bdrm $4SS s est Pi••a •rea 2 BR, 1 Nwp1 Hg'ls 3 br. 2 Ile condition S 199 500 0 8 1 seer h " 13 t E 18th 646 6816 -.. Good loc i.850/mo Cell Need rm-mat ea 10 an are l eft. · view, 1 blk t o buch. 2 •• w/anc o pore $750 875·3067 • & 2 Br unlurn & furn • 5 ea. AC, pool, sec glle&. ~ house nr Frwy & bee· 111-ewv $285.000 F.P SH owner 2 BA. 2 Be. Corner IOI. -1 1 d/ pool, epa 18992 Florida t61 E 18th 6•2·08 6 no pets s s 5o pp Jane. 646·7800 c hes 5200 • 1250 ( 7 141 COLDWeu. BANl(eRC In adl houM at 208 15th IBlght 1~1er1i°'~ This IS the •fOUNTAIN VALLEY• 2~1cir~!'.'~v!.b~;a!~ccom~'. 842-2834, 842·H72 Flrii'PTeOe':Poo1, d11h· 968-3652 J bdrm, 2 ba, 2 blks to 631·9605 St 536· 17 !8 eat uy n own $750 1pacloua woo II decks ----,-,.-washer. pvt patio X Lg !leach Patio Pets OK •.•• 0.... ~~37, agl 180' /C: n vtewr HllPIPH a • Garden I & 2 er on El Lrg 2,Bd Beam celllngs, $725 mo 673 3728 Lovely twnhme, Hunt ~ -IT ll•OI •HUNT BEACH• ocean Y I & 2 BA. pool. spa, !il de $460, $560 lots o f wood thruout, • Harbour Reliable $300 Large 3 Br 2 Ba w/2 car llWN • 1700 $ t l50/mo 494•4575 BBQ, 'IC> pol•, turn 11vail S57-2841 I serv bar $460 2256 2 Br 2 Ba block to beach Mo 840·7960 gar. 1lr. 6 lrplc Assume Bel Aire Home, light 2 er 1 ea •+ Sludlo (l14) 14l·IHI ----M aple 673·8803 or g·arege. frplc. d ish· 1250% tat and owner lnterlors.2bdrm lballl. s7501mo Cell 494·5841 8081 HollandCr,HB 1111.211.atl. 548-7356 wa sher ,625/mo Aoommatewanled ma· 111111 hetp finance A1klng front kitchen, expanded •WESTMINSTEA•S725 all 6 or wknds Btwn Sl11er/Warner Newl i cor GIS pd, -L-rg_4_/_p_l_e_a_2_B_r_,-t8a, 840-3787 lure. re1ponStote person 1124,000 831·7370. hv, dining area Young ~ 011 Beach en "ar. dwshr, pool, W/ d A 11 0 to \hare llVlng expenses Ad J & 1 elcome V1ctor111 Beach Ocean • dshwr st • va Bin' BR t l>a dplK IW on Balboa Peninsula ...... "llW --1· 549-35411 u IS Pt s w CHILDREN• ll no ..... 6<42-5073 2 $ 4 9 5 I ... ) c II --. ,...... • $24 500 540-5937 Agl Side, 3 Br 2 ea. lrplc ....... 1 / t 1. mo Ldry gar 15' 10 lleac:h 1$260/mo plus utlls a •••1000 · •PETS OK• 494·4631, 494-2764 £••••• ,..,. 3141 Near t8tn/Pomona-:-tiif. 64S·6625 $7~0 mo 673·5607 ill 5 ·- 1 S te P S I 0 b I e Ch ••'••••••••••••••••••• 962-4914, 964-8886 Custom! Custom • re· NEWPORT -40' 40 ' ~-SPAN'i'SH CHARM HOME Luxury lludlo. free HBO. 1 Ba. downstalrl. d/S, mod1ted & expanded blle home wtamell yd 2 8• 1' •Ba lrplc. garden, phone, maid ser11, spa, carport water e>d, 1 child D••• 1•i•I 3121 Now penthovse, Catallna v1ew close to l>Ch H 8 Pvt ent & bath $300 uuls lllCld 536·0794 Portoflno Plan. Exqulll· Kit, bath, tlvlng rm, tBr YILLl&E garage, walk beachl $130 wk 499·301S ~~·,: r:,~.o~~°i' Ageflt, •••••••••••••••••••••• tely decor1ted w ith $7500 Some \erms to wn. Avail Dec 20 Oceiin~iew bac:heio-;--;pl, OCHI VIEW hardwood floors. wood (916) 8, 7~·4364 lflYESTMEITS $900/mo 494-2764 Newer 2BR 2 Be. $475. Dana Point's most se· 2-sty 28r. 2 c·ar gar. bltns. fr pie t t6 461h 51 645· 7500 Agt celllngs. trench doors, -l-.--""----,-H-::-:-,...,.I -----1 non-smkr. no pell. avall No pets 760-14 18 or eluded scenic bluff Lll\e 4'h betllal Beautifully .~~~~!•••••••••••••••? '-H• 1HNJtr 13SO £ •• ••.•.•.• •• ll •• i.l!• ••••• /.~~f ~w, s35o 497•2057 642·7528 evs/wknds new\ Only 4 untts. 2 Br landscaped pool·alzed WOOll.lllE ••••••••••'••~••••••• ' 'ooo '' $280 F Ch ·----s .. c1 •••• ,, 1111 ..•.•..••......•...... Femtrmte -we_n_t_e_d,_f_o_r _J_a_o 1st 4 br condo ln East- bluff. NB S250rmo. tst & lest hm 720-1328. Wrk lol backed to nature n Ouple1< on the eand 30th (714\141•2 Condo 3 Br, 2'> Ba, view, urn llming, BAY TIMBERS wi den Xtre lrg privote park. $5000 dn. owner must st. NB. Newly remodeled1-.-iiAiiGiiENiiNiiTTil'•NiiOillFiiEiiE_ .. 1 •Int toe. rec center ~ach. ~r ~ach Utl~::idp 1 Br , frreplllae & pool pa110 From S695tmo 2 BA, $465. ·yearly, new decor. pool. nr beach, bus No pe1s 498·6277 • .a.a.IMO sell 2 8drm condo "'-oet In end out 3 br .. 2 ba 11 S7751mo 497·3973. 0 pe 1· resp o..•vate patio & nerage Call 661-644 t or M·F SC 2 BA 2 B -~ 2 b person 494·4200 ro, • 9·5. 643-02,.12 Or1ve by Nr Hosp · a. Shr lrg home or condo, usumabl• existing II·. upstaln br • I a 4 Br. CdM $900 l.1 ••• Mi•HI 3ZS2 -----$4.60 646·9883 to see 245~Santa Clara pe110 pl\ng S•85 mo-H2 tst last deposit utlfs 640·4000, ext 6157 Judy ********* •IAYHHT• MIT SLIP ,, .. , IUOIS41t,100! 38 BALBOA COVES. 3 bdrm-den·2 bath. OPEN DAILY 1·5. "'' lllYlllfTTI REIL Tll/IWIEll •HO-t ,11l• ********-- c.,, .. ''' 1111 IOZa ....•••...........•... .l&S•llE OIHI 2 b<lflTI, 2 bl, den. Pr1· ced under market at $275,000. Owner 759-1666 IY IWllEll Adul t condp, Juat 2 blocks lrom Bay In Pld Corona del Mar. Ground flOO< unll, 2 bdrm, 2 ba, built In appllanc:ea. Nice patio. Community pool. apa 1nd rec: area. $209, 000. 720-1383 C.111 11•11 . IOJ4 ..................•... ('Siii -...-sit 3 Bdrm ttome. toc:ate<I on cul·d•·HC'. Large lotll Auume 10~% loa n. nancing $97,400 Ae<lu· downstairs M in 10% 2.er. Ip Bal Pen $600 •• 'I.••••••'••••••••••• M•wr.,tt '-•t• 3119 399 w Bay St __ ___ ___ pets 966•8479• 662.2449. cec:f from $110,000. C•ll down OWC oaGlance el 1 81, bayfront $900 VILLA PACIFICA-28r, oc•••E•A;.tF•Ad;.troi:2:;•9; Large 3 Br 2 Ba t;own-**** 891·1644 F n-/smkr 10 snr 3 br 2'• for Mark 644-8325or 13!W.for5yrs reatfor 2 81,ocnfrntSttOO 2Ba,famrm,largestof 3 B week or month houseinqutet complex. Excepllonal2 8r den 559-6<442. • summer ren1111 $735. ..... amn models upgraded Steps y Only for the diSCrimma· s •• ,. A•• 3110 ba c M $335 mcl utll + OOQ. Arm1t1ne AHif" .II-' 673 7873 large pool, garden . .set· $ 50/ A •••••••••••••••••••••• S 100 dep 553-8368, • ' PllP •WllllllT from spa & pool Avail • Ung S675 645-3381, ling 7 mo gent 2 8 2 BA air pa110 poo4 OtlE OF THE IEST LOCA TIONS In-, Turtle Rock Vista 2 bdrms. 2 ba. ptu1 den. Spllt level. Three p111os. Short walk t o pool and tennis. $256,500. 714·544-2484 now S800 mo 493-378<4 Ont h 8""i>each hot el 1 675·5949 7141496·6804 k1~1 ok $500/mo • Ava1i 63 1·5814 1.~. ,, ... ,,. fOOIJ n1-111a MON~ SUMMIT room llPI kllcheneue & ---------now 21~/860·9513 Secluded condo. Nwpt ···,··1··,·,·,·11•l".p••••L°'1u·•:;•~~ 11/.1..-·. 2 8 r • 2 B a ' Cf en . I> 111 h I urn I s he d PALM MESA APTS •• T•t• 3132 ·,B-r. ·~urlty gale. tennis, Te,,ace, furn 2br/2ba. • ... $800/mo 22852 Andera 1300/mo + S280 dep. 1561 Mesa Or ~!•••••••••••••••••••• ~ pvl 1ac: ~340 + sec Priced al 9 2x's gross 111111•1• 3Z01 642-1028 • 2306 W Oceanfront , s400 Unfurn. 1 Br WOOD8AIDGE CONDO 2 pools, etc $475 mo 642-9S415 I t •••••••••••••••••••••• NB 673 4154 Call btwn 9·4 546-9860 br. 2 ea. central air. lrg Avail lmmed 831·5019 _ -lnctudH poo . tenn s Penln Pt, 5 BFI. 3•,.., be. 32~lliiiiii' iii.iiiiiiiiiii I --381. tea tue to shr, c M coutts, and only 46rl DR. lrg patio. s 1200 mo l/•rtNtl l11t• IP 1 Br. Tra11ers $247/mo 2/car gar w op11ner T•iti'• 3110 '"rplc. lg yd, ~on-smllr I Oc Id W ••••l"o•••••••••••••••• and el-S150 sec: No Avail Dec 1 $750/mo r ~::W~:i111111:~n~u~mit .,; 10 mo Agt 673·9060 s~g~~o5!'~:~11y2p~' 'cl!~~~ Sp"lous slnglt, OM dogs 133 E 16th SI. Sp 830-0645 L;~~;,:;;;;;:;,;;;;;·9R~ s2so mo 631 • 503 olfe<s. 4 Br 2 Ba Pemn Pt exec wet bar, frptc, open & two bedroom 42 642-9193 Clsd Sun -• 1·~ ba 2 sty, AC. comm •Housemates IHIRS IEIL.n hOme. sp11. lrplc. avell H81lllflO• pool. tenm1. $650 mo , Roommates• •11 7 /mo t blk beach beamed cell1ngs, many i~rtmfftts. •MESA VERDE 2 Br 1 l••t• 3140 838-8526 established 12 years! lll-2. S 1200/mo furn/unfurfl e" I r• s S 9 2 5 I mo ea Newly decor S495 •••••••••••••••••••••• •All ,.,., cheeked• iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 67s.1853 848-7452 or 841-2880 No pets 833-8974__ HllPIPH APTS IPlush 2Br twnhH, patio. •Photos lallen• IOWflHT -Spec: 3 llr. 2'• oa very 2 Br .1 Ba 571 W Joann A L"OVELY PLACE pool. )Ile. no pets 1550 IU·41U TH IHT "-''••• ,,, #11 3122 clean lwnhae. pool, IOG· Ups I a Ir s No p •ts TO LJVE • rro Call 833-~282 llPLO •••••••••••••••••••••• H /P\11 1 & 2 B -----... Spacious & new tri.levet Duplex al 717'> Orchid 3 g~n4g.1:!~ $800/mo. Agt ~~~:;;~ Sierra Mgmt :P::~:pa/llbq , A,111••,•I• r.,.;31~ Owner's umt has vaulted Br 21>a. deck. view 2 car ------•5 acres of beaullfully •• .'! •• ~'!.~!'! ••••••• ~ <',lllirigs 8ulltina, new gar $950, Dy 540·4988, 2 er cottage, Newpor1 FUINISll£D or 28r upstairs. quiet. encl d1a1~gdssc•ped surroun· I IUWlll c."flrpet. shows terrific' eves 640-9219____ He1g111s. lrplc. redwood UNFUINISHED gar, no dogs t 110 Vlc-.. '· H·ll, SI I Cle1n 1c:11ve, neet It' Owner will carry new tsl 2 sty, 3 br, 3 ba. 2 hplc •.., decks, brick walks, woo-ALL UTILITIES I o r I a S 4 9 5 I m o • Nr Frwys & shopping · VILUIE W"•lllHI Sullmlt all terms. $~90, b 1 k 1 r 0 ~ b e 8 c h cted gar S750/mo. Aval! PAID. HEALTH 631-68 12 aft 10 • Quiel area "" 000 S 1 4 O O I m o ( 2 1 3) 1· 1-83 645·6625 Et Side. sparkling 2 br, • No pets. furn 11v111 Mrs Clean lives '" this 1r-------......,.--..., 3 8 8 • 9 7 7 0 or ( 7 I 4 I 3er. 2Baslngle sty condo, CLUBS. TENNIS yard.' gar . pool $575 (l14) Hl·HH New 1&2 bdrm luxury apts 1n, r• plans I Bdrm from S540, 2 bdrm from $595 Townhouse from $665 + pool5. tenn11. shere 2 br 2 ba well furn w /man elone. lfghl hskpng, all ulll rent free 642-9932 Female pref to sl)are N B hqma on Canal. 111all Briarwood model on ex-YI!! 640-4716 • all arras. quiet $750 mo SWIMMING plus mo Mgr 24538 Orange 8081 Holland Cr HB tra lerge lot Featuring 4 97 2149 c.~ Av · Bdrms plus family room, Avail now 3 Qr. So of Nancy• • nw<.h more!.,,.,.,,, Blwn Slater/Warner ecross from park, asking Hwy Good locauon Call Bluffs condo. 3 Br. 2•, Ba. no pft5. Modtls EIS1de, cheery 3 BR 2 Ba. "';'" ~--0_11_8_e_a_c_h __ _ $215.000 Owner wlll lid fy Diana. 642-3442 formal din rm . lam rm. open d~ 9 to 6. patio. 2 sty, carport WtllUIE c:onsld•r catrylng 2nd 0 ea 3 8drm, 1'iba, frplc. Pl· encl patio. commty pool 0 k ood $675 mo 640-0997 -Spec 1 & 2 llr. lovely TO. Call 540·1151 673-7300 110 b Get IOc: $800/mo ~so 644-0335 '" a w Wll.UCI w•s pines & streams. sec Avalf 12/15, 759-9570 or -"""::7.~";;-;'M;;;;:;-;-:r;;:;-;';;-11Glr'ldell A,.buuewts 759 w 191h o•tes. entry by phone 613_.5115 34' MOTORBOAT SI.IP Minutes from the beach Igo rec area Incl gym, ~HERITAGE REAl.TORS 12 -1 S325 t r.no 645-2495 waterfalls, ponds' Ga~ MI F Shr oeaut Baell Bay for c:ool\1ng & heat1no condo Pool 1ac. tennis pe1d From San Diego S300 645-5 123 Frwy dri ve Horth on MIF over 30 non smoker Beach to McFadden to pref lo lhr 3 Br NB con-- Se aw Ind V Iiiage do Windy,631-3950 (714)893·5198 Only $122,900, call now1 ________ _ 079-5370 JWt lllTS C•lll #Ill 3114 3 Br 2'> Ba. securtty Newport ludl/No. LUXURY 2 BA 2BA pool & spe 846·6S91 Allractlve tn 1op loc111ori •••••••••••••• • • •••• •• g 111 es S 1 2 O O PP 880 lrvlnt Ave. Marble pullman top near Crvtc Cnlr, C.M 2 & 1 t• PllY I tlln 759-0588 (1116111) oecorttor.drapes 11111111111 WILi L051 $50 REWARD. White JH•I 400G male poodle. answers to •••••••••••••••••••••• Pjerre. purple collar. . \ f >I l I tl F tl I I .~ • • '\ "• , t ' '• ! ·~ • I l'SllE tins 11% •• -11111 ,, ... Owner will carry sub- 1tan1111 2nds on thue well maintained single •IOfY 1 & 2 bdrm units. Plenty of ott street par- king 4 car garage. At- ~llvely priced 11 $325, . 144-1211 Nl[i[ L ~~l\l l.[Y & l\55UC1 Al lS .............. ,-.............. , __ ..... ":.:~ Of.,., ... ~ 0... ...... 11M4. ............ .., ............ r..t•• .., .... 642-5678 !'!!r.!!. f1!!! .• !.~~ Newport Heights older 2 Br. 1 Ba dbl ctr 011age, 50 x 117 At IOI $165,000 461 Sant• Ana Ava • 548·5041 aft 6 HE If I 1111 Largest lekefront lot In Npt Bch Over 20.000 • f IOI on Ch9'ry I.Ike w/4 Br 3'• Ba home Recently renovat'!,<1 Asking S•95, 000 873 -7370 , 5'49-3548 TR,\DI 110\ \I ~J .\I l 't VIEW BAY & OCEAN. Sell trade or option. 3 Bdrm, 3 ba 321 Kings Rd Open Sa\ & Sun 12·4 111111 View of Bay & OcHn· 28r 2ba. Unit 214. Ver- sailles Call from 9111 01111 View ol park End unit E-106 3Br 3ba, lgl pv1 garage C M ........ , ... "' 8<45-9950 5•8·16°36 846-5719 1 Br. Prin only Call Ang. yerd. No pets Ulll BLUFFS 4 Br 21, Ba xtras. 645·1104 Plush w/w carpets 549-1366 pd $540/mo 111 plus $950/mo -Walk ln Closet• Lro 2 & 3 BR townhouae apts, encl gar, frplc Near Hunt Hrbr. from $545 Chlldren OK 840-6807 Ullll IUOI Meredllh Gardens IOTOll 111 968·•39•. 975-6369 • 1 e c . 6 4 8 •/, W 760-0679 Newport led/So. Private patios #•11111 B••• 18th 499-1617 -S Gourmet Knchen Wkly rentals $95 up Color TV free coffee heated pool & steps to ocean Kttch s avail J •at1/1 WHIH 4325 '"k 2300 ---------Nwpt Crest-28r. 2Ba. dbl 1700 16th I. Carport wtstOrege , •••••••••••••••••••••• Eostslde resp adlls Pr•· gorage tennis. pool. (11 Oowr) Spa. outdoor BBQ i 8r apt. 3 btk 1 from !leach. child & pet OK S•&!> mo 960-7165 ............•••....... PfUME MOBl.E HOME PARK 14 S Spat'<'S on 23 ~rt.'S + 20 addilron11l llCrl'!'I 1:1.1 so.ooo fe,,ed. 2 llr. 1 Ila. o•· S775 mo 752-2209 642-SUJ Laundry r o g e S 6 2 5 I m o ---.l-.-Lliiifiif~•t _____ iiiiiiiiiiillm~ $550/mo 548·4630 g8~ N C~st Hwy. House needed fmmed rent or Is. op11on 2 or 38r CM/NB uea for Couple w/ 10 yr Old son. llally 1.n March Trained outs1<1e dog Own c:pt cleaning '& home mamt busmess. cen fix or re· model 1nyihmg 9 yrs in CM/NB erea many rels 645·9276 Great asset 10 anyone w/properues to care for 645·9276 673·7544 • MADDOX AP.TS 1 & 2 br N1oe. quiet surroundings $450-$550 842-8788 Bel 9.5 Leguna Beach 49<1·5294 2 br. 1 ba Or1ve by 2652 Santa Ana Ave Unit 2 ·0o not"'Cl1s1urb tenants $450 mo 851·6226 2Br. 1ea. 1 story shag c:plld•PS. patio , fre>IC, dshwshr. beamed eel· lings 2650 Elden. $540 mo 650-1798 3 bd 2''> ba, 2000 sq 11 IOWHllT , 2 llt 1 ba. p1110. gereoe Nr p00I + termis club $500/m o 673-1<158 S 1000/mo 640-236<4 2 & 3 bd evall by wk or 548-8204 mo Agt 675-8170 1---------Nwpl Hgts. 3 br. 2 ba tri· --.....:.------Spacious 2 bdrm 2 bl Nr beach, 1 br I bl lrl)lc: plex yard. $800/mo OOEllflHT studio E•cellent East· ger . yard Avail Dec 1 pool. spa Flefr10. wash & 3 Br. 2 81. UPPl!f Furnt side loc $6 tO 720·0844 536-0297 evs dry $750 642°4<146 unfurn Winter or yrty or 720-4691 28r 2 Ba S8SO/mo Wsherldrytr lnolud 3 Br 21, 88 5950/mo Beautiful view ol ocean 3 Br 2 Ba S 1200/mo lmmed occup Fred Tenore. agt 631 -1286 or 631-2711 BAC HELOR Furn / unlurn \lrly all ulll pd New c:rpt new drapes, "llAOll llY" t>Mm c:e11. 1mmed occup HITIL TSL MOMT 642-1603 Charming we1erlron1 l.ldo 111e. c:omple1ely furn home. 4-. BA. 4') ball!. 1 Br garege ullls 1ncl<1 den plus hobby room Lg 1 ad u 11 . no p • t s kitchen w/eatlng 11ea. S525tmo/yrly 673-0837 wet bu, 2 patios, top OCEANFRONT WINTER aec:ur11y system Tennis New & view. evail•ble Living. dining Luivry 2 Br upstairs, l 't & mester suite BA all w/ ba. sundeck Parkmg tor water vtew $3.000/mo 1 car snsi mo Mir y Lou Merion 6<44·6200. 3 Br, 21'\ be lower, sun· <leek 1 p11klng apace 1&75 lllTllT II 2 Br. t ''> Ba twnhee Bu1lllns, laun<I rm , carport/gar. yard/bale: Small Pet OK F/p .$625-$635/mo 2617, 2S<43, 2548 Orange Ave 2314 Santa Ana Ave Call lor eppl TSL Mgmt 6<42-1603 1••11&T1 toOIPUCY 2 Br. 1 B1. beam cell. laund rm No petl No last mo rent req $400·$415/mo 2264 Maple Deluxe poolside xtra large 2 t>r . 2 ba. bit-In•. dswshr 1 •.~ miles beach No pela $500/mo S36·8362 Lge 28• wtgar Super clean. close 10 llch S411 5t mo 96•-4 686. 536-7330 Deluxe 2 Br 2 81 tn 4-plu. carpets. dr1pe1. b1t-1ns, enc:lsd garage, hOOk ·UPI No peta $525/mo 540·<4484 2°bd 1 Ila. 't ml/belt. Aveil Dec 1 968-4216 Large 2 br, 11 'l ba town- house. Avail Jan. 1. End unn, geraoe. plllo. pool S600 mo 548-2135 3 bd 2 ba, garage. laun· OCEAN BREEZES Jog or b<l<e to bch Chee<tul rm. ba tum hnens. etc TV kttCh PllV Uptype ma- 1\ire. stable, resp Clean. neat quiet Bvsy w0tk1ng person No smoke. no drink Pool, tao S300 mo tncl utll Avail 631-2288 Furntsheo Rm. Prlvete ¥!!!1.~~J!!.~!.".!!.~!f Bath In Home. $200. E.astalde Costa Mesa, 12 it 951·•623 Eves El Toro 12 x 28 $95/mo 329 University 646-1164 383 Crescent Bay Dr Must see to apprecllte 01/in J11t1I 4411 3BR on 1 levef wlk•tchen • •••• •• ••••• •••• •••••• hv1ng rm, lge pe110 1 blk * HLIXI lfflOIS * to Och $300 ea bdrm I MO FREE RENT Also t Br UPPlf M. patio, 1 room to 2800 sq ft view o f ocn $400, From St 16 • aq ft Adj 11111111 (will neg) 01>1 gar Alrporter Inn & Frwys avail for rent 497-7090 Call AM 833-3223 Room near OCC. pool. 1617 Westchll. N B 256 wosh11/dryar, male to 4000 aq ft, 111 floor. non· s m k r . I 1 1 O . Agent 54 t-5032 2:_0·~26 Airport area • Exe<;. Sul· Room for rent. $250 mo tes From 225·450 1q " ca II 6 4 6 . 4 9 8 1 e I t $I per 9Q It M1ny Xlrll 630PM Call 557-7010 · 1!:Mar.nab ·lrvine Both have Indoor BBQ 67-6-"31 lft 6pm Cell to SEE INSIDE TSL Mgmt 1142-1603 dry racWs Ideal tor 2·3 Male pref 21-30 yrs LI 400·900 Pl.US 1400 sq n. •--t• .. _. l•I W(•JUll ""l' ••1 adults .$675. 840-1126 cooking Pool. tac, ten-Pentnouse 81yfron1 Sul· _. -• ... .... n1s, steps to Npt Bell te. perking patio s LUXURIOUS 4 8R w/ •••••••••••u•~t•d .. P·~· Bachelor & 2 Br 1p11 Beaullful 18r, f>ello. 549.42sp 673·l003 POOL In BIG CANYON Bach apt 1 P es avail Pool. ape, laund security entrance. ---------- 1 3500/mo yrly lse, OK 1500/mo. MacAr· rm No pets lmmed Oc· 1ennl1/ Jacl pool $550 Muttr Bdrm w l bath , HSI IPIOI M 1144-9805 673·8971 lhur Vig 640·8590 or cue> mo (213) 594-8214 comp furn Fe me le Atlracllve rultlc upstairs 835·7004 Bachelor S375 JI I t 8 • 3 5 S 25O1 m 0 semno we supply desk, Tw~L~~s2 ~~N~~-· A,.,,..... 2 Br IS25 f!/.~!~.~t.~ •••••• t 5<49·8617 IPICI, copier You sup- home1 on lush greenbelt, n 1 l••H 955TSWL .~90'm\81 llW YIEW Room for rent. male or ply pl1one. 6 $95 pr mo I tc S,200 "81•1• "" o 1 1 1 L guna lemele 3 bdrm house pr de1k Cell &44-7211. comm poo. e . •••••••••••••••••••••• 645•8122 t m nun so o a & S1100 760-9075 •liH ltlll' JIH•--------on Dana Point's mo11 557-9014. 650·1425 IUITIFIL • "l 1 3111 •••••••••••••••••••••• 3 Br. 2 81 $550/mo secluded scen1a bluff, New studio, private en llWPllT •ITll .... .,., LIYlll 2 BFt ,_ epts. fplC:, wood ~~! ... !.'!!!!......... umHT roomy, crpll, 11011• Ilk• new. 2 Br w/<len. trance. private bath UIH .,.._," 1 Hiii side OCffn 111ew 3 br 1.llllt lele. pier, 3 llory 5 4 8 • 6 8 9 7 or 1ttfl large private p1t10. pd 1210 NHr beec: With uH of reception. 1111111 llMI NF?c·c::,1:. i.~r"pr:po;~Y· :::sm 6~\~~~ry n c• convert den & maid's deluxe lrg 2Br. Ir pie, 2131650-8068 b•fo1e $895/mo C111 6'1·8441 H B , 538-0794 c:onf room, kltctl, pl!OM, ., m lllT .. ·----------q uarter• $2000/mo. $1800 mo 875-3067 __ ,o_A_M __ • ------or M·F. 9.5 ~43-02 10 secrttarlaf & WC)(d pro-• Cona. "\•lg to 120.000 Clean 2 BA I Ba, encl gar. 31 49 2828 Drive by to ..e el 24587 cesalng Mall & rMaN04I Custom 5?00 a.f. home 855-1400 pl/1 yerd, no pet• 1495 21 4 • 1 8r, den, bllln•. 1lngl• SPARKLING CLEAN & Santa Clare M•l•I• .. ,.,, fl aerv avail. eeparallly 11 w/4 Bdrm. librlry, wlMl----------1 rno 548•6680 laaHI ...,. J gtr Yrly $550+ Aeglr SPACIOUS, W1111ld• 1----------••••••'••••••••••••••• d ... recl Call Judy. room, 4 frplca. 1n<1 much Jnl•I• 1----------•••••••••••••••••••••• p op 875 4000 28f. 181 newly dt<:Ofl· tOWfltlT lllLAll •TIL 7t41780-0IOO more. 11 .895,000. •••••••••••••••••••••• 3 bdrm, 2 ba dbl• ger, aeeut 2 11y home on r • ted, cpt1 drp1, dlflW911r. Moat elegant apt bldg 1 11 --------- 644-7020 frl)lc. toe yard. new paint Canal. w/boal 1llp. 4 br, •liH range 6 relrtg No Pit• in Lanuna 9uc:h. fineel Wkly rent• 1 now •v• IUllTIYI 111'111 ' -IUI. m•n ...... ,.,., •• " $7..95 2326 Fordham • "50 ,,, ... , 1<495 mo 552 11123 • 1105 & up. Color TV F II le K ,..._ • •••••••••••••••••••••• Avail 631·8062 tge 1"' eree •1' mo 11aJ.,1l1 " · tocitlon In town, t>reith· Phones In room. 2274 u Mrv • eep your ltliH Id••' 31• ---------Av• 11 n o w CI 11 •••••••••••••;•••••••• llW Ulll IPTI ral\lng views. ell bullHn•. Newport Blvd CM ovemead tow & profn· •••••••••••••••••••••• Siii 960·8468, 536· 1435 tor 2 bdrm. 2 ba newer ctpla Attr1c:tlvt I Br & Bache-helled poot, sub-garege, 846• 7,.45 tlonal lmlge h:r. Pre· II.a Wt llawt WtdlJ IHt· SUPER 3 Bdrm. 11~ ba _IP_P_t_l_IO.._•_> ____ --t yrly. M1ture non·•mllra, tor w/loft. Encl gar, frpl, elevetor. Leu• only ~~~t~.1;~f a':~~ 11•,000 ....... Wllttr Ltutl home. c101e 10 •c:ho<>11 c .. ' .. "''••• ;~:m:t.~~:.~:7-9792 pool 6 Jee OH po No ~~rc~,rg, 494-8083 BE AC H ARE A ...., Or. St• 14, 631-3851 BIG CANYON CUSTOM. PLll .... •t fr•• •nd beach. 546·5605 ,.,.,,." Jf or (714) 873.-.31188 ~~-t4: i 1 $3:36 ...5.~~o~ 2 Br !1>1. lefrfg/llV Incl $84/wk on golf c:ourM, 20% dn SIOO tt Stlto. Nwpt HQll. 2 br. 1 ba. IOf 0c··~·n·v~··;~r·,:·,;;,•; 1250 N~ &echelor, rff· view downtown 100, no IELllE Sim Vacent, ehow 1nyt1me. • ....... ~... ...... yard, water Pd. nar No 1...... 111 1 H -••lff W p au.. I ot&OOO ....-n " br, 2•,. bl. 2 car. W/0 pone ..,.. PlflOn, u 1 n· 11111 -peu Resp 1d1t• RttrtgetelOf·Mald·POOI 1ftr rtt1f ..._ ·1~3J7e1 0, 7eo-13t7 Ill..... r:~~ l:O~o~::ure Ln. tefrlQ l1t25 M2·69<45 C:ld NO P'fl t08 l lay. Llfge 1 bf. 2 be. Cit,.,._ HOO/mo 855-8203 II no Nwpt IMvct I Wiiton I 1 50/lq ft Lene. ---~.,.,,., Apt 9 • -ct111't'!'~"noNo··~ •• t1o,. 'c:llfge ans M 1·1880 Cotti M... 5•9-97611 _84_2-_4_84_4_._ M-F_._9_·5 __ IHHtlH fa•I~ tr 38r t•) ba. dl w. cpt'g, •-· ••ee .......... ,..... fllld ~ ._1 • ..,..,., 1941 A ellel n-1..-1.a." ,,., C.,.,,. '•I #11 -•• Ok 2226 Pacific, Apt D ,.....,, _., Pine Knot Motel on Coatl -...... Ill M lllT ..... rHtal, Ir. Av;' C:ta Mffl" m ... '!f!~r.' ...... ~ .. 0 •=•.;:,•=::.:0 • 1<495 53&·3W • .-• ...-.-............... Hwy NI St•P• 10 _._ - F.nt ... lc .~1 ..__ ...... a...-a1 ..._._ .. _ Ht .. ~ 2 b c-iMmed ••srw ,., ------NO FEEi Apt & Condo ooe•n Wkl)t rlll•• Exec Suetff lnOI reoeot., ,,_ .,._,_,_ -· --. ._, I aa 2 8 1 I ...,. 140 "oc:"'c:' • ..!.. ""+""' 91'00 ..... e. ler-3 •· 3 a. m-r. 2 .._ 1 81 enc:ltd .-... reritlll V111• Aent•lt ... 5 ....... 0 .. c: y Mrva. c:o"f rm., 3 Bdrm~ wltll tXd-r• ""ti, 114 11, l e 4v1"brtllo r "'' r,.~. ......, ....., .-"" -· -... .,,.. •7a •9 2 ...... -_.. I II .. ...t --... t t kll ! .. ! . • nlng dep 545-1211 evt amenltlH I 1100 C• I 1 • r • g • & P e t I o " .,_ 1 __ ., ---------t k t • ma .. en ... t .,... ~1~:n~C:.~l11~r. ~::imu: ...,.. • ., 1-•t .. ,~1 ____ 11_3._1_18_1 __ ~ Dofolhy e13-111s •30/mo ca11 l4&-11n •; e1oe11 10 1> .. oh. 21r. ma A PUlll ::C.":-~t:'os~~ nliy. 14411,000 or, t1700 •tat ..... •I "'' 28r Hae, .., •. front & ~ ... ,,__,, hNlllN4 eteen, l>drm. 2 be dptx. Sp1ctou1 2 8r t '' I• !>right I airy. M7S mo Rt•eonabt• retH Kit· , v lndlv. ofce Motmo month. Pritt 11;a;t11'9t. back ya , Married couple .,.... ................... =· t•• Aveu 1214 TownhOuH w/frplo. I / Y'~ •·-* ofleneltee, pflonM, maid from UH "3-1448 ••1-•..,.. lrtn " L •--w11000 IOI) 1450 mo ,.,., Ill•"' /.'Ii No Ptt• 11t .... tide. No~· 1 oar tlf, HtVIC9, Z ollennet mo·•-------.. ._... _,-M .0401 H••H•••••H•••• •••• flolrope t12·t408 1>1Mn1. &895/mo lletra vlH I ANOPIPI A MO· Aetall & eflloe apace fr11t, ll• 1111 If · .,. .. _ leytront. ti'! lludlO. utflt ~t M t-1324 Tit.. tM1 Newport IMI. evllleble 11ttl It, Coate J Pl 1 i BAfllll l I fH Alf Y ll....... llttl Ytrft •-pd. quiet emptyd t"""9. 2 l>drm, 1 1>1, pool, deete. CM 84f·t131 Mela trom 1HO 1.f. to a It COndo. 1 la. L-~ 1421/mo t7J·MOO C:lfPO'll llHne. IMm ·--.. 111 COUNTillY CLUI LMNG -· olOO • f 141·3'17 ftnP.1 •l #11 /J. UH/mo Av .. 1 O.c &..... .., .., 11. oelllno• OU Sllore 1.111• rt11, IOt ' '' ap11, IN NI W'°"1' llACM w. ,,_ ._a.Je •ISllT ... ••• •••••••••••• 1&111 '31.1Ht • r::~.w.• .. •••••••• C,.. ln MOO 880-0473 "'*· ow. fllf .... 11/yp llntlM. ta 1 '*"' /M\"lr.".m'l'An • •-.__._ .. _ lo. Of hwy· 01emorou•1---------J '"'*"" """"· deCOf ~ At»' neer OONn Patto • balCOny. ,_ • "'*'""'"• lK AAAOWMIAD-1 "' ..... --- Ult ooncfo, Frptc, "1IO . .__,.,,, r191Ja. .HM tor turn apt. Frpr. l<ltotien•U• Contaot IP9 Nopett ltlOMarte & TOWtltlD-new•+ IDft, I• I ·--· pool. 98' 1710lmo Av• ;:m ...... m"'~.J"mJ ""'"'° 11s-olll. Paul., .. tOI• ..... f'IMI ........ , ''°"'IMO -. I r.•oa -...., --~ .... o.c )1, 144.1111 Aot Clten. redeC , "· a ... 0n -",.._ --&• --,. den, rrp10. patio. a.. tit. na. aun cleal. lndry. O.U..1 IOMI. 1 baWI IPl ...,..... ,... • IY, • 1 "-"'--. ..., ~ ._. w ''"d wtltt ro11 w1n1 tn 11t• l1101mo 1". laet 110t ....... J bike to .,....,.,,di•, l80. vtew. Ian Joaclullt ._ M t1tl1w1111d. t Hllwll. ..,_.. 10 Deity Piiot c.......,. • eec tQ-1771 bCfl 1711 mo,,,_,.,. IPL tell.,...,._,,., .... 1. MtllMO en.-1 ' , , • ~tt'.~te!OIJ0P~r for a 30 dly Id In the lllLY "LtT 111¥111 llllOTllY 00 IT NOWI ... '" .... ,. Your Dally Piiot Service Directory Representallve 142·1111, .... 122 H.~~'i!~!l.~!~~!!!'!f SLIDING GLASS DOORS Installed/ Remod, add'ns ·a c,oncrete. Lie. 361681. Joe 892-,132·7 REMOO. SPECIALIST JG Allen. Lie. 202752. Bonded. 494·1810 A.s1wt1•1. S1mr1 .........••...•..•... 50% OFF FIRST MONTH Dependable. attordable, essential. Answering service. secretarial & business services, mall box rental. word proces· sing. Telex-Fac;slmlle, order e'1try, pagers-lease buy. desk space rental. ANSWER NETWORK 631·9131 (ask lor A.V.) -, Orange Coast DAIL v PILOT /Monday, November 29. 1982 ('7 lessimial Sm-Yir:e ~~~[ •............. Drlvew1y1; Parking l ot Rep11r1, S.aleoaijng. S&S Aaphlt 631·4199Lk: Dan Hallberg Grading & Paving Co. Re•tcomml l ie 3976804 842· 1120 ~!!!!~!1! ••••••••.•••• lncorporallon. bualneH e<lvlce. Reasonable IMI. 752·1962 ,!.~!1!!!1 ••••••••••• Babyalt11ng my home by loving mother. EaslO)de CM 548-2509 '•'"'" •.••.•..•............. CUSTOM HOME BLDR needs SMALLER JOBS between houaes: Free est. Cali Dan 537-0342, ff!~a.!1~ •••••••••••• EXPER. carpen1er does add'ns. remod , decks. Skylights & repairs, Free est. Dan, 841-4592 C11•I •nln ···~·················· Sll•mpoo & •1e1m cl•Jo Color brightener•, wht CtPlt • 10 min bi..ch. Hall, llv/dln. rm1 $15; avg 1oom 17.60: couch 110: ctn $5. Guar ellm. pet odor Crpt repair. 15 yre exp. Do work "WHlf. Re11. 55•·0123 c •• ,,,,,,,, 11'a11ll ···········'·········· None 2 big, none 2 small, From A to 2 we do It 111. 714-675-9436 Uc 425781 REMOOEL • Comm· resldenllal, 1enant Im· provemen11, major re- palre. BONOED, INS, Lk: • 191801. Palombo Con-$1. Anytime 962·8314. WAY 0Ht1llOTIOI Lie. 11420802. Plans Flhancln9.Av1llable 142-1200 HOME IMPROVEMENT All TRADES REMODEL/ ADO' NS 641-8967 9!!!.!.~~,!~1. ..•..... •r.d.'.".~.f •••••••••••• Supply/11111all/R1palr awn .. ,vice trom t te LO• Hlecllon + herd· mo Yd c;IHn·up1. w ... wire. 8ob 648·2923 eva <11110 . 1ree work Ktn 964 10113 llHllir1I •••••••••••••••••••••• SlECTRICIAN Priced right, tree esllm••• on 1arge or t tnall JOb•. Lie. 398621. 873.0359 LIC'O ELECTRICIAN Oual. work/Rell rat" Free HI 63 ,.5072 ------·---1 ELECTRICIAN Sml loba/Aepalre. Lie. K&O l •n<lacepe Malm Aelld/Comm C111n-up Sprlnlller aye 648·2489 SAMFUK\JM'OTcYS - Gardenl11g. clean up•. malnl , tree 1r1m , aml llindsclPtt 646·3540 Clean ups • Tt1mm1no Sprinklers • Malnl, Ftee ell 842·2857 233108-c -10. 548-5203 JlPllHI UIHlll RMH Elect-Remodels. 839·6035 A<ld lllons. gar ·---• -- wrkshops, Low rate• Lie B••'t.••• #325738, Ins. 646-7378 ••••• •••••••••••••••• Carpentry • Masonry Rooting • Plumbing Drywall . Stucco · Tiie Remodel J s 646-9990 JACK OF All TRADES Call Jack anytime, ~~ .. !~~ ............. . H•r II Ul·llH flutnlCl •l)OOl·Wlllt heal Ntw 80.000 BTU Furn•c• & thermo•t•t ln•t•ll•d 175000(714) 898-6512 , .. ,,,.!~!!~ ....... . P1l1'ilf\O, pk.ut1btng. tlec . drywall. tllo. eerpentry Mt4tk 641'-7816 "HELPING HANDS" You name It, -·11 <10 111 t<I ~ Bobbi 240-0275, 24 hrl. !':'.~!~!~~-!!!r •••••••• ROBIN'S CLE.4NING Service • • thoroughly clean houee. 540-0857 llOlllWlll wam1 TOP QUALITY WORK AT REAS. RATES Day or nlghl. 676·3014 High quality housewor11. LIC'd. Joel 547-4425 ,,,,,.,.. . -Painting:-Carpentry Experienced. depend&· Ceramic Tile. Uc'd & bl•. honest, lnlelllgent. Bonded 64•·4798 eves mellculous, fle11lble. I am th e bes t , Phone lhili•A___ ' 673·7012 alter 6 PM !':'.~!~!~'J'''··~······· 8USINfSSMAN Wll.1. HOUSE81l. Educat.O & CIOll>le 844·8389 J,.llttl•I •••••••••••••••••••••• COMM'L JANITORIAL & CARPET CLEANING Dee'• Cte1n1no S.vtce Lie. 8ond.O 963·5474 f!~~~~!-!r ...•••..•. Custom Deck• • Maaonry & Pallo Covers. Reas. Free eat Gene 539-4078 !!~!!~!l ••..••••.••••• BRICKWORK: Small loba . Newport, Co111 Meaa, 11vine. Reta, 675-3175 BiOCk'iBrick Walls, Con- crete Very re11s, L1c'd, Bob 673-53671538·9906 Custom Brk:k·Stone Block·Concrele'Slucco Reis. Free ell. 549-9492 BRICK WORK: BBQ's. l1replaces. plant ers. Reis. Free est. 646-0464 !!~!1~1............... ~!~!!fV.~11!'!!'. ••••••• T!l! •••••••••••••• : ••• •ABC MOVINO· Pl.ASTER PATC .. INO Kllchen1, entrlH. bltl>a OuiCk. Caretul Service RHtuocoa 1n11ex1. 30 Fr" .. umatea, t low ralH 652·04 10 yr• Nol t Peut 545-2977 6'0·2082 t1!r!!f1 •••••••••••••• flll PAlmH by Rlchar<I Sinor I.IC 280644 13 yr1 of happy local cuttome,. Thank you. 631-44 10 PAINTER NEE0S- WORK! 30 yrs exp. Intl e111. Acousllc celllnga lie. 366780 Free H I. ~1~n11ng 847-8432 1111 CLASS PAINT ING· Wallpaper, lnl/£111. Re- pairs. Free HI. 979-.5294 Bal Isle Painting Spec rates $75 pr day plus materials. 673·5379 EUROPEAN PAINTERS. Apl & home. int. & e111. Free "' 646·8~49 e11s ,,.,; .. .. ,.. ................... . Expert wallcoverlng In· st11llallon. Reas. Consul· lanl Asslgnmt. 58 1·8590 r~11!tff1. •••••••••••• 241lr II Ul-llll 40 gal wa1erhea1er 1225 ~'~~!!!~~'. .•..•..•.. AC AAINGUnER eonded·ln•-llc B344784 Free ell 1·62<1·6824 ~!!!~!!tlft ••••••••••• J 0 HOtn RellnllhlnO Antlquea. kll. c1blnet1, fine painting. 645·0864 ~!!~I. ............. . Huber 'Rooting-all types. New· recover-deck• Uc. •411802. 548-9734 llHF PlllUM1 Don't re-root, repair at f ra c t ion Of c os t 857-2890 ROOFING REPAIRS Small jobs OK Free Hllmates Call Tom or Chuck. 542·6392. ,,,. i.1r111 •••••••••••••••••••••• Tr .. removal, trimming, emergency ..,~ LIO & lntured ·536·09t4 t!.t'!!~~ .....••...••. Most aul>~tl. I<· t4 Oay/e11e S& & $12/hr. Mt Morga" 845·6176 !!i!~!! .~!'.~-!!!I ••••• "Lei the Sul'ldhlne In" Call Sun1hlne Window Cleaning, l id . 548-8153 20-1. MOflthly DI.count WE WASH WINDOWS Fast • Profetlional Qua111y work guartnleed Free eatlmate 848·7391 Doors lnllalled. every- thing In bldg & repair. 35 yrs eJ1.per. Reis. Jerry 546-4413 f!'!!;t?.!~~~~!'!f. ·······~~1~······· Topped/rem,oved. Clean up, lawn renov. 751-3476 ••t.:..\uuNa~GAAOiNG•• weekdays. All d11y Satur· demolition. cle11n-up. _o_a_v_an_o_._s_u_n_oa....:y __ _ #1rl•f ...........•......... ''''' C.n11 S1r1•tul1I S.rrirn ltlte L1w l•••lr111 That all contraclort Who perform work over S200 including labor and materials mus1 be Ileen· 1111<1 Unlicensed contrac- tors should so 111te In their adverllalng. Con- tractors and ex>nsumers, conlact Mary Grondle al (714)558·4086 wllh any questions. Contractor's State License Board. 28 Civic Cent er Plua, Room 690, Santa Ana. CA 92701 f~!l!.'.l!!ri!! .••.•••• No Steam/No Shampoo Stal" Specialist. Fast dry, Free est. 839-1582 We Care Crpl Cleaners Steam clean & uphol. Truck mount unit Work guar. 645-37'll6 OISTOM Cablnets·Pullman1-Bars E>1per G11rdener & clean Wall Units. 642-0881 ups. Tree !rimming. Free est. Pete 64 t-1096 ¥!!.•!f!!~I. ••••••••••• Decorate-rearrange home consultations at hourly rate. 545-7645 llUllUll WllTll Mowing, edging. railing. sweeplng. Free esl 1· rnates. 645-5737 . Jor your, •tlll-eood ~ refrlgeretor • Concrete & lree removal HOUSECLEANING: Good Oulcll serv. 642-7638 rels. Tranaportatlon. Ell· LIGHT HAULING per'd, 979-9756. & CLEAN-UPS Quality Housecleaning Free est. 642-2657 wllh a Personal Touch HAULING-student wllge __ c_11_1_1 _B_e_1h_8_50_.0_9_3_3_ trucll. same lo rites. Housecleaning, rellable, Thank you 759-1976 rel. Own transp. Reas. John YOLANDA 642-0405 ... , ...... . Top qu11llty 25 yr exp. Competitive rates. NO overtime. 730· 1353 STAR.I/ING COLLEGE STUDENTS MOVING co. lie. T124·436 Insured. 641-8421 WATCH US GROW! DOLLAR DAY DOUGH SAVERS for Merchandlae under 11,000 • . ... , ............•.... CUSTOM wood patio co- vers. redwood decks & fences. Rendy 641-0622 r!~!!!V.~·~!'. •••..•. eo·s PLASTERING Neat patches. Int/ext. Restuccoa. 8415·8258 ...................... PROFESSIONAL SECRE.TARIAl SERVICE 754-6368 "'' ••.•••.•.•..••........ TILE INST AlLEO All Kinds. Guaranteed Reis. John 840-92t7 ========= Sell your no-longer needed Items for cash. If It doesn't sell, we'll run It another 3 days FREE. One Item 3 · OLLARS 3 DAYS · INES per ad, m1:1st be priced, Sorry, no real estate or commercial ads. Call today for full detalls. (Noft.-NfUndalll• Eittre ~ tUO) '.ClASSIFIED&642•5678 !'!!!~~.~,!~/ .... !!.!f· l•l.1~a111/lan1t/ ~!!J.f!!;,~ .... !~'!f IJ.'.11..'f!!'.'.'!. •••• !.{~ ~~11..'f!!'.~'!. •••• J.{f!C. l/!.'l..'fl!'.~'/. •••• !.{f! ¥.'.11..'ff!'.~'/. •••• !.{'!f f~.~.'!~!! •.•••••• !/.!f !f.!'.f!.'!~~.'!.~ ••• !~f l'VB~'1;.,H IOll For Lease-Office 3 rms. ••••'!'.~!!! •••••••••••• Found 11/:26:·1ge tan dog, Adventure Travel lllTAL llSllTllT Me4111l ls1bt. s:rvers. ~ J~t ~Jtper. **I BUY** 70 S<I yards of green car· ••••••"••••••••••••••• 1200 sq fl. GOOd traffic, l•ii'•tll blk on nose. Magnolia & TOO YOUNG FOR Full time, 1ron1 & uack bacll olUce. Dermato· etwee" • n per. pet. $51.50. 645-9805 Learn Electronlcs d' · • Hamlllon HB 963 5384 I REA Ra logu Newport Center son, Bob Burns Restau· Goo .. use .. Furnllur• & Sell & Hdwell Tralnlnn goo sign .. exposure. o ... ,, •• itr. soo.s . . . . eL~cperr eneqo.es. alar~ oXp· •ny. Mo~·, f'"ri. 9-5. Will train, rent 37 Fashion lslan<I Appllances~OR I wm "'se11 LIVI IAL.LOlll Course, inclu<ling: • 18423 -Beach Blvd, H.B. •••~"••••••• •••••••• Found: mulll-color puppy. AIRLINES 7, 27. Some Saturd1y;, be~e-ca 11 wk <I Vs Ru Cl Y' NS Apply In person. or SELL for You Bouquets ol 30 H'llum 16 Volumes or electro-• ;~~d:3~~-~~'f>g Aft 6 & Nt:"s~:s~,:r i~·= Tvuelc.s.01w1/n2t3w.".. .. '!·84B.9. 7on fits, Newport Beach lfN. 64~501 TIUPllHf·•a11s llllTlll AIGTltl Balloons delivered 'lny-nlca training from baalc .,.,.,.. (11 a. ._tf) 6 6 8 ----------1 -' llme. 673-4419 lO advanced TV ranalr· N t c t 1067 II $1 25 port. Agent. 642-1087 or • .. 4 2. 8 0 . A,, 5 -Messengets Students. Housew1vea 141 1111 Ha H21 v.. . P n r. s • · 556-0347 Lost: orange longhair F lmmed. openings for 10 642-6887, Eves/Wknda Neat' appearance and Senior Citizens. We wit • • Irvine Coast Country Club A Design Console for lab fl. Services avan. Details cal. "f'lulty", collar w/ sharp gals & guya frM to 847-8032. dependable transport•· train Guaranteed Hoorfy I llY ftl•ITlll Membership for sale, experiments: i -i c.iiilli7i1i4/i6i4i4-i9i80i5iiiiii ••••r. I• LH• ·SOZS red heart. Hamlllon & trevet all maior U.S cities _De_n_t-al_______ tlon necessary. Motorcy· wage. Apply in person al Les 957-~133 $1500/otter. 675·8651 or A Heathkit 01gi1a1 Multi. ••••• •••••••••••••••• Bay, COBRIOGE Wlii/24. & resort areas lnctuctlng cle Ot<. Male or Female. 2925 College Ave Suite (619) 568-4722 meter and solld stale ...a IEL IUA R.E. LOANS. 1Sl·3rd. 551·2798 • N Y q.lty. Miami. Dallas. EKperlenced R.D.A. nee-A 3 0 M . Obi bed with box springs • triggered sweep Osclllo-New Orleans w/unlque ded tor Orthodontic Apply In person at: 2925 • . · .. or call & Ira~ ••o. 1940 Deanna Durbin Doll. scope; 5 omc. suites air con<ll· 90%. comm'I, con11r. Found.· ma'-,..,, Lab. 310 II 1 ••1 1 V'-J College Ave. Ste A-3, 754-7332 .. _... $1501 .. _ 1 H ... .--young buslneas group. prac ce n .., ss on ,.. o 536-8268 .,..,s o er. A ~5" Heathkit COior TV tloned on Coast Hwy. Fast funding, 643·1645 4 rn 0 0 1 d . v 1 c " 83n 3703 CM 759 800l No exper. nee. 11 we .. rea .,. • __ . _. ________ 1W1nted, Experienced • with dlgl1al clock, digital Near MacArthur. $1050 MtHJ fer .. L...__.. Brookhural / A<lams ... e-.. •• Complete lwln mallress h . el ... I & -·-I edl Vllrn•• prov ... e a 2 weett expen. -LS·· Ellllft vuy ... an with own tools • J.R. Po-• Development c ann .. 1sp av ._..,.. per mo. mm ate OC· Or sooner. Now Is the 963-5?07 att 7PM ae paid training period. 111¥11111011 Expr only 642-4780 & Rei s . Cell M er k apr1ngs and frame. $40. course. leads lo mode· ironic tune<. ,cupancy. time 10 act while loans Foon<I: Fem mixed breed Above average earnings •95-9511 645-8805 Y ling. Reg. $475. Now All ol above are com-1714) 673-44o0 ·. are avail. W41finance1st. dog. Woll-lik~ appearen: & trans. pel. All appli· No E>1per Req. FIT & MOTHER'S HELPER ---------1Use<1 king size bed w/ $295. 675-4553 plete an<! bran<! new. 121Jl6Jl.JIH 2nd. 3rd TB's. ZENITtt ce . Barranc1, Irv . cant.a must be 18 or P / T · F 1e 11 H 's · IPIGllL PEllll WllDllll frame $65; pine 1n<1 Elaborate •·~6• N ,..= Twh11i1s581ls11aors115750001 v,1u1. FUNDING. Art 857·1422 857.0200 over. •harp. unattached llO•Sl3thr Starting Pay. 1 1 brass baker's rack, $200. ~ • & read" lor lmmed, em· Cell 537-2880 King Fee. 10 work or tam ly on No Ex.p Req .. FIT & PI T, 540 ,.,,,.4 train 11y0U1, vlltie I 631-9106 Lost: "ntd" l""" haired ' B 11b01 lat end . with ... ..,.., s 2 o o / 11 ~... ploymenta. For lnt""'9w ...-ttO/hr. Stllr11ng pay. i----------1 'e1•,.c,:,...... 0 • , BEAUTIFUL 25" RCA ••iJ::l,1' 11, ftDll black cal, mlsslng 11-25. contact Katie Malleoni al HIYEI h1"e11cepped 4 yr old Call 537·2880 KING F11 DESK. aolld wood, good .,....,.,.. Color TV 2 yr wrnty. Vlc CdM 760 1855 557 009 boy. Child care & houae-1-::========'.'I she.pa. 6 <lrwr. $125 of-1 5035 · · · ·3 .Mon thruWed lorlighllocaldellverles. keep ing . 3-11 pm ,1· ler.536-771l AtariVldeo.Oameincl19 $148.Free<lellvery. •••••••••••••••••••••• Lost: lab/Doble, all black, only. 1 lam lo 5pm. F/lime. Mon-Fri, nea1 Mon.-Frl .. 0" 1 perma· cartrldges. (Value $600) Open Sun ~~~~~~~~~I •.•. sam1• big ears. Vic. Newport UVEITlllll Ill.II appearance. Goo<! <lti· nent basis. Experience WILHU IHM Single Nouvoau Be<! & & console (llke New)! TV John's 646-1788 l•ilanl ltal;I 4410 ltrfllll Ce. l•c. Shor es ~ate n I g h I ving record. Apply at with special child helpful. Exp Pref. Full/Part·llme mallress w11h headboard $ 2 5 0 or o f r Chri s ---------••••••••••••••••••-••• Speclallzlng In l sl ~2nd 11·24-82. 559·8041 Interior Oesf9n & restau· Master Slueprtnt. 234 but we will train the right St2-Sl4/hr 10 start. Call 150 Call Answer A<I No. 675-9084 TV blaoll & wlllle Retallstoreat2650Avon. TD 9 1~ rant directory publlsher Fisher Ave . C M. $800/ t 537·2880KING fee 580,642-4300,241'\ra. ---------1 w/cebinel 1665 sq. II. plus 8·car ·s slnce 1 4 ,,, .... 1. S3SO Is opening. new offl<:;e In 5'0-9373 perso~il M c mr .. 0 Wall Clock. Oak Regulator $35 645-9805 • garage. 641_8777. Robt. Settler NH/CM .·.··.·.·.·.·.··.·.·.·.·.··.·.·.·.·.····•! Oranoe County. Need• i----------start. rs. •n ielu, 8 fl woven tans couch by Colon111. $350/besl Booth rentals. very reaso- nab le. Mission Viejo. 837-4897 R.E. Broker Bd Realtors e1tper'<1 herd working. flllltl OlllllLH 675-8729 all. 6:30 pm #•rti••"lf GOOd condition. $115 or ofr. 759·8001 lTlll Cll11111U 642·2171 5•5·0611 LmlA I ¥1111'1 8"8rgetlc satea person. Sl00/$200 per week. for Interview. •••••••••••••••••••••• beet offer 673-0682 l·.-,,-u-ll-.-.-.-.-1----i Gery 752-6413 WIDOW HAS SSS for TD's E:6W~.fs:t,~~~~~~ lea<llng to mgmt posl-Women's Apparel Bus1.liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;l~.'!f ... ~~ •••••••• !f!f King size waterblCI. xlnt ~E Loac•· 10K Up. No OUTCALL 24 HAS ~II~':;. H~g~:~'e•~~,~~I~= ~3'o~~ao'7-3-·1-~-a-.~ --NOR'SING~-lg OAK antique ROLL cond. All x1r11. $250/bsl ••• '!~ ... ~'!. ....... !~! ... ,. ~ .,,,., l•'••ltill re<lil heck. No Pen· . HI 0201 VANCEMENT OPPTY. TOP DE.SK. GOOd cond ofr 675·4469 WUTll ~·~••I lt•l•I 4500 1a~ll~y_:!. ~Oe~n.!_n_ls~o_n_&~A~s~soc~.,~~~~~-~~~~I (213) 27 1-5831 f••T Fiii 12500 Cell 573•790t Custom queen alze head· OLD GUNS. R•,e;LES. :::.·.1•11••••••••••H••1•1• •••••••••••••••••••••• _673-7311 =======;;;;;;;;;;;;;;j -IJTEUl\INTS 1----------1 boar<!, spread & chaise -• $750 up. 2160 11. lndu· Christmas cash? PY1 pty * * * 21 or over PIT. E>1p. n nun •UTifll llCTltl SHOTGUNS, POCKET •••••••••••••••••••••• stria). Ottlce. 18101 Re· has cash tor good trust AUEMILEll nee Flew hrs Perry's UPElllEICED Thurs 01c 2, 6 PM. ~~~~9~~6 s3oo. OBO. WATCHES & MILITARY llUlll Fiil llOI <londo C~rcle , P & T deed 5 • Ag 1 . Aff1nti1 Parlor No Exp Req. F'ull/Par1.1_P_lzz_a_._N_.B_6_7_3·_1_8_1_1. __ 1 Contents ol an E1s1 1 ___ ....._ _____ SWORDS. Serious col· FOR SALE Huntington, Beach. 619-758-0318 anytime 'Open 24 hrs a <11y 11 me . FI ex . Hrs. Full time: Shipping Clerk F/T la-I p M COHI Shop, Over 400 King-size waterbe<I frame lect~ playlls5m81or8e8710han 642-4644, M·F, 9.5 842·2834. 7 .. •is• -k · ,. • • items Including oak w/8 drawers & mirror. •ny ...... a er • •-· M'·' 0 S E $55 000 u $6-S 10/hr to 11ar1. Call 10 Include err1nd1, Valid l.~~~~~~~--~Jiii~~i!'~~~-~ _,, u•l••••-2500 sq. ft. near Hoag l lN A 1 L · 3rd. Jacuzzi. auna. loc61s 537·2880 KING lee Celli Lie. Please contact fl•GSHID highboys w/mlrrors oak s700obo. 63l -Ol IO ' •• Hosp. separate oHice & Deed of Trust for Hie as well •• Tourls11. -;~::::;::=:;=:===~1-~E~llz~a~be~th~63~1-~3~39~3~·--" Ir dressers w /mirrors, 5 Pc Pi"8 dinette set w/2 llLP lllP A l •• !!.'!J!!. ••••••• 11.l:f ·. restroom. $900/mo. behind T.D.'s totalll"g BankAmerlcar<I, Amer-;::: CONVALESCENT stacking bOok cues. leaves $350. 1• tff lll MARINE ELECTRICIAN •• $630.000. Wiii sell to ican EJl.preu, Diners. All Bakery: Counter person le•trll ltffet n fancy 6 drawer Singer 964_7167 eves , :.u5~~;:;~11ve ok. Bkr )'leld 30%. Interest paid welcome 714/645-3433. with e11perlenoe. 835 w . PART TIME. Newport Sewing M1chine. trunks. ITllm QDlslgnlln~tall/=-'~ 2400 sq fl. S720t mo. 17th. & Placentia. Costa Mesa. 646-t 164 ~~Y~11:rJ~~:.1J3~s!c~ 2112 Harbor Bl. CM ~:~2£~ Colla Me11· 1_ee_a_ch_A_re_11_6_42_._0_1_•3_-1 -CENJEJl ~i~~,~=!s<mC:,~.v~: K~~~:~~: .. · firm. ~~e~1z!h~~'W::.~1~~~ Ne:;~08~9-Cleanlng reel by one ot the chol· Custom Fantasy Phone ---1-0-m--0-11-1---1GENERAl 486 Flaglhlp Road rirno telS. bedroom sens. 675-9436 11ar1 her S-yr.-old son off service: exterior & lnll- c esl homes on lhe Conversation with Barbel JOBS JOBS JOBS Newport Beach 1ldeboard1, Mrvers. 3 pc In hit sur fing career. rlor. boat waxing, mon· Is I and. Ca II SI eve MC/VISA 24 hrs with cllentele. Balboa E.O.E. Mohair deco parlor set. Dining table, round, 48 Need for Santa 10 leave thly wHh·down. Sieve 1100 sq ft. ottfoe & ware-6 7 5. 3 2 8 5 a fl 7 PM Call 638-0701 Island salon 673-4013 Co. Staff Po11tlons 1',·~M~/~P~~~~~~~~I Combo sale, strong box, inches. 2 rvs, 4 chrs gd under the tree. Cell ana-675-8735 (Iv• mag) house. exit loc, So S.A. 548·5502. EXOTIC DANCERS BOOKKEEPER. 1 glrl ol· I· large collee grinder. 2 cond 1225· 645•3634 wtW ad •578, 642·4300, ------.....:...--.,. 51645 &84MOl5n~ie St.6C46IOM751to2 -Sachelor/B•cheloretta llce. G8" Bl(k'g w/ em· $1 o·oo PAIT TI• $IOI machl'18S, Spinning 1-•-va_._______ 24 hre. ...,,I,,,,., 1141 rwys. • · A.saHatta,.t1/ phesls on payroll & wheels O<ld double mlr-Dining Rm Set. Smoke I~~~~~~~~~~·••••••••••••••••••••• • party entertainment T 64 9 Eves 1n<11or week1n<11. rors. scelel. 4 Victorian glass table, 60 .. 1198 ... 8 1; '74 C1lllornl1n. 111 fiber· :!!!!f! •••••••••• 1.~!f !~?,',.,!•/ ' 738·8538 558-8538 _•_ll_e_s_. __._.2_·_8_5_1_. ---1 , Responllble ldulla. over wicker carrl1ge1, .print• upnolslered Rust colored #•lifll gl1ss. 10 w/Chevy Eng. Storage Space 12· x 18' -,,.. •l•Tl..a.* Car Rental Agent. FIT, no """laFtttl•I 21· wtlh outalendlng •t-Ind loll more smaTra Cruahed velvet chairs. l••ln••ll "'3 vansen Trailer. good 36" d $701 I •••••••••••••••••••••• exper. nece9Mry. Apply .......... La ... -r tractive perao"elllln to 10'4 buy1ra premium. $350 497·6233 -•••••••••••••••••••• r,unnlng COf\d. $1795. Pvt S70 ~~. de"'iioo~I~~ ~i!!~!.f.'."!!!'.~6 •• /.1.'!f M!:,~~~~!!,~~. ~~4545 MacArthur Bl. ..... .... ..fl:. ~8~~4)'.thc!f1u'~J'J'~~ f%~~·~~A~•':~c-Victorlen Spool bed, dbl, YAMAHA B111 Amp. ~~~=~I 847-5686 or ~~1 5 4 . Newport SCRAM-LETS 669·89t3.opltl24hre. C'estSIBonBakery lo E11tlrillOI t~:fe~321, u1. 346. TION • ~~~~175/blsl otter. ~~ld.;'~:.~:.~:.1!;; iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Storage var<!, paved, fen· SPIRITVAI. READINGS FIT versatile m/I to work t885 Joronto Wey, CM In exceJlent condition..;_ 24 fl SKIPJACK ced. 90• • 275._ Truck , ANSWERS Advice In ell mellera, 1n our b1keriea. French •II IOlll fill .. P/TIME. Idell for mature 714-556-ffOt -7nte11Y 1111 $800Qbo. 'T'lrin ~~~5,000 g1tes, can divide.· Beker n love. marrlege & bual-speaking pref but not peraon with children In ~ •• 1; 1111 ••••••<••••••••••••••• llMlll ,..,. ......, '" SL C.M. 16191365-4327 Crouch · Opera nest. Alto counsellng. nee. Call 675-0728 all Sun-Wed (714) 848-4535 achoo\, Knowledge of 'eTr.;.f!f!!. ••••••••••• DfamOfld Earrings. heart '' P1rty • BygOf'e 1815 So. El Camino Real. 2pm ok. tor Scoll or ht I h .. Al-..A. c1k1 decorellng helpful. HARBOR AREA ahepe<I. pierced. •P· 1975 24 11 R1lnefl Herd- OPERATOR , San Clem. 492-7296 Greg e ... ni BI s k I n A o b b I ns. APPLIANCE SERVICE ~11-.d $700. Bett offer YAMAHA Gult1r w/c-. top. Tandem trl.llef. Ford l•lia111/lan1I/ M o<lern 11chnologyl------..:....--·I::::-::-:'-----:---.--:---NCR poallng 1xper re-875-9191 • we sell recond . OU" 8 7 5 • 5 1 3 5 d y 1 , Brend New. 1200 V8. 110. fllhflnder, depth Fl•l•fl . makes It possible for you FAMOUS CIRCUS Childcare wa'11ed. mature quired. Apply JO 01vld eppll8nces. 549.3077 875·5840PM 645·5914 aounder. Ship to shore, ••••••••••••• ••••••••• to dial a P"""''· 1 ....... woman in area minimum McNeil. or Mrt. 81l1azlf p /TIME ULEI Ivel t 100 1 l•1ian1 time an<! w~;lher.bul I veer. Engllst; 19Mklng. between 11 AM an~ 4 Suppl9mlnt YOUf Income I llY IPPLIAml ladles Roleic 14 K ctr•• ,.,, •1 me er. ga gu ~!f. S#f you can't gel en OPE· MaliJlls 1:,8::S.~1~3~~ lrregu· PM. by doing lnt1rt1llng lM 957·8 133 =:'i !:~ ~~t~ ~== ··';ht;~·1;.;.~·,:;;• ~~nnk~.~'.·~~. 8$9~~~~ ••• .·:;;;1·,·,·,·•••• 1-RA_T_O_A_.______ Manage Parlor. Gor-1----------1 •25 ~~~~~!LB =~r,o: ~=:n~O: Refrigerator, fro11 free, let. 11100. worth 12.000. AK~. 7 mo O(d ::~;n _95_7_·_14_4_5 _____ _ -•115 •-·1 I •n•' •• ,,-lllOU-• glrts to Mrve you. CLERK 494.1151 panl11. Frrd1y Alter· •J1.cellent 1185. ALSO L1ctl11 Om1g• lhot1. Mull 9111. IHll, a.at •• In ,1 ••• 1 -,, "~ Open from tO AM unlll 4 • 548-4485 WllCh 14 I<. Marqul• "3·2514 -....... , "" •••••••••••••••••••••• AM 7 davo. e WMk FrM E di N B ti ~·•• noon • '" Weekend a. shape dr"' watch with 1----------1 •• •••· 10 help fund exciting ,_ · ,_ · xpan ng •wpt 0 -$4/hr guar + tucrauve WUher-~ 1125 ... ...___._. ........ 957.1445 .,_.., I a-1 1 "" •••••••••••••••••••••• l1d. pertnetthlp. Call for bullet, 719 No. Harbor Cre91t Card Co. h11 EKp'd . 7: o pm-I t:30 bonua lnc~nllve prog-~-l lOO .,._, .-v f!:•••••••':'3e!•••••• RESERVE NOWI 80' Information. Mr. Hitt. FN 1111\ •OS Blvd. Fuli.,,on opening lor • clerical pm. Mllllon Viejo area. '""'· Sites Ellper, Pref. Refrlg, 1200 84&-5848 Belutlt\.11 Dlemond Solllli· Oak u~lght pl•Y9f piano, Scllool'!er. Cl'lrlatmaa 714/651·1008 Wt1U n l14-IJM11J pereon, Mull type .t5 lo $4.25/hr. 541-3311. bul wlll lfl1n the tight 1---------1 ,. 1.23 carata. Appral· man /elec. 16200. Pefldl , Whale watch. IRE FREE ALL MAJOR CREDIT sq WPM accurately 8 1-l-IO_U_O_R_C_l_E_R_K_S_._N_IQJl_ta_. person. For Interview. F'r .. zer, 31 cu n Kenmore Md 110.000. Mak• offef/ t/381·4812 Partlel. 11c. 84&-4005 , 1&11'11 " 1--C_A_ROS __ ,.......A_c _c ....,.EP_T_E_D __ I =~r:u1~:.c~= 4PM·12. Wed·Sun. Mutt Call Mr. P•tt•flon ., upright. Ilk• n-1335 trade :;rty In ~opetty. .,,, .. ,, i.11 "" H T·BEARY'S W. Duncan Mon. thru Fri h1v1 Celh Reglater e•· 54&-5178 OBO. 973.oeea 645-25 B/!'!f •••••••••••••••• •••••'• .. ••••••••••••• mun.•n••m Cal•, Go-go Q1tl1(1ogo) 8AMto4:30PM per.$4/hrto1tar1.Apptyliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii G•fl•ra & Sattler gaa Emerald•. Rubi••· Sap-1982 Ski Nautl que mTllU. --860-8914 lll·l• Wkctya AM .. 1888 Pll· UAL UTAll ULll 110\19. Almond w/amolle plllr•, etc. et Wholelall "2001". Only 31 houri. Cal H wltll 01. Xlnt Finally a reliable energy Ml·llll' 1------08Mtle. C.M. wen located Penlneule gl•u door, I yr Old. Im· pr Ice 1 or b 01 ow I Aleo have • 1977 For-cond. plu• Newport m1nagement ay'Slem af· ••l-•I Cook, lull time, mature, oltlce hM ~ detk for maculall. 1350 Firm. 840-8681. mula 110 20 fl ·~ Ilk• Beactl mooring. 1291000 IOl'<llble IOI the rfllden·1:::::::::; ••iii•_................ eicpertene.d famlly ltyll Ll•ln houMltoepet. 5 Of 417-6233 NE w I ca 11 '7 t 4) 0.80 548 635' J._ .. _ ..,,..~ •-• 1 1 1 d•y•, care tor 2 chll· llc'd aggre1tlvt HI•• •II Gold dt.amond & pearl 8 .. 2•2000 1 .... °'Jim· · •• 1111 1nd lite commerclel ··-••••"'••'••-••••••••1•1•.1•"• or •mall flt rement end ental Gen-A d .. -Ou h --t .. _ b.... dren. cook & clean. r peraon. Nn• WOfft8" • rl"9. 1375/bett my Jr If out Pl•••• CIHelc 28 Motor-Satter, merklt. r product hN ~"II LIST Youf)g married man wlll o ...... mu• .,. • .. lo K1 2101 erous commtulon ache-•••••••••••••••••••••• on.r 769-8001 • • • d I 4 ti k I P'GWn Itself O¥etr I .,._ ...,_,ty "'IY .__._ Ti-dO -a1 h_.. work. work w"kend1 In l l · 1---· --· --.,.---1 du t e . p I a ya ".I . LARAV MO"OAN AUC· ' leeY9 ,,_.i ....!!!,•1•17 500une1'.: .. X.~ rlod of two yeera With 11. ~r.' l~ltl 'ft;;'.iiwe ~ ca11e;'e1 ,-;kenda. oun• Beech. For Info. call ......... WlllfM t13· 1900 TION. Oeo 2nd, e PM. lfnil•.,.. 1111'1.f ._,,_ ,._. MM "'"'"'' · · _........, terelly' T1n1 of Thou· Chrl1t1n1 Drive (near 972-9525, Mk for BHI. 414-9458 Aak tor Mra. Fabulous WOl'kl"" condl-l'lef9r to Id under Anti· •:!!~~·.··~·T•!::.,•s"=' ;r.::;;f•••••••••~';I Wa.t1'1 ... 11n<11 In ufe. Oocu· COiiins ··• CIA* .........,_. _,.. ... •••••••••n••••••••••• merited Nvlng• of up 10 ~•n1~ & r:::Jn~l· Allflclive Ledy dHlrH Cool< :::,-!° .::::. ~i:.e~: ~&,!":'nC. ';:.! · l1Af I t11 · _, Im I WINOSU"FER. tor Nie • ....., •ft" m#Ve on utlll•w un ""''°" · ,..,_. worlt ""· c-p•A•~ el"'•. Night 000 .. went .... , ••· _, •• .,_,._ 87& .......... 1•50 Good oond "'or . bMt; :'r; ~mon. Pr;_ 11 call fft·l221 alt. e. llghl hou;;k.;j,';;;g, ;'. " .., MAXIMUS. 119 No. Har· of convllelcent In COO" ;e;i;:;;••••••• .. •• .,.._., 111 lff Tm tn'fo. "3-4taa . r duel carrlel full U.l . Ill· rands, drl\l>lr, elc. EllPI· per In contlnontel cul· bor, Fuller1on. 870.e1t2 Mne. 549-4843. 10 SPEED BIKE 19" •lwlb-• W mall ,.,.,, ' Mele Cocker Spenlet rlenced 649-7003 line. legune Beacll '"t Apply DetwMn 12 and 5 IALES-1 E °'""· muet Mii lmMOCI. ~.-..~n........ ..,,, 11111 .. .,,. · co • · Conteet Alotc. am. Pert· PM Mon·Sat. a.. KlllY •t•t In uroPMn 150 '73·9212 8n. tpm. Antique mellogan~ Mottler thort ot oaall a.;..a.... M'•f We now h1111 people blond. Ila M .... Days Jl:.I. •-~ II# ,,.,. !Mitro. 411...,..1 fltneet. l!fforUftt, elec· oabln•l•l11; blthroom need• tlz9 10 wettult to -" ,..,n1ng we11 over 1100. • • • • 2 • 4 2 : • v '• .•:r.l:mr::-.......... lfonlC -~ .. ...., "At.ElGH 10 atto "m_.,.. type" "'* .,, 1 ""',. w -old'°" off 80 .. •:1••1••-::.:••v•• .. •:.~~: 000 per y.ar and -•• "8·8557. ~ llUI -·II ...... on TV. Portable unlta fOf )(ln1 cond. 175/obo. door a 2 cnw oa11iftet In t\11 1url1ng career. ~lr;,!..A'Lf,7;.: ~~ t'or ~local wttc: LOil: Wllll• toy m•I• AIHILll '"*' PIT, FIT, •Int comml9., Mult hnt hp. Full/ home ull. ft I T. FI T. 7eo.GHO plu• m•tcflln, 2 door Hoed lor Sant• to IM\19 so· 35' 40' ,· n·j c.i ..-o ,.,..n our IUC• pooc111. 11 yrs. Neta med. IUll wor" in oc Mutt hive Part·tlmt. lt3·1151hr 975-0919, 813-1139 wtl ceblnet 1 "m•ble under "'9 tr" Cell IN-· · • °"""'completeemt• 1·d~•.roft111•1n'l_' Bro•dwty nr Orll'lg•. ThO JOlty :To; lno l'I• heir for cotor, wtn 1raln atertlng P•~· Call l•IH/retall for Major G~r~u;o 2~ ~':r:~ IYJ19" well lfltlf. aft tor wer ed •971. ·.,.,,...SOO, .~~~~44 from •·1· • CM R-ard 831 1249 MO 5241 637·2llO l<INO fM. Dept &toro. ChrlatmH 11'"~"". 173 .. ,., 1100: tempertd glHt 24 lift pro0ram teoturlng T. . ti. I "ne . . en opening or 111 AIP • ........ 811 & ft-. '... ......,...,, ...,. ...._ ..__ llllt -. ·~~~~~~~~~ ILIP8 AVAii.. Hunt ...... on lter Tom • ....._. of t'--°" "'4 ·c Clerk. Accounting and ,10 DEllVEFIY PtR80N, 0,,., ,._. ...... w .. ..,_ !!ff .. !! m .,..,........ ......,.., ....... 1: .... . ~. .... k ..__ __ ..._. MedlC•I 11,..eu.7~ " ·-• f onty l lO '°' both. Caff ._ -....... H., b 0 u r ... t.1. 0 I thOw "Hlj)py Deya," Lott: Orey end t1"o.:i: ey ••S*--·....--. t8 for L.A. Tlmea, CM. E•wttnced lllclt 0""'9 .. •Ii••••••• .. Mt·0131 ·~ -,Ja"' 940·5541. M .. 77 ... 9-t INVE8TMl'4T ,.EOUI· 8Nptierd ..... ,. • R"laurant AOCO\lflUno Homt1 3 AM-I AM. ....... -,-... ,. M • 4 0 4 0. 1 l'IEO 138.000 ,OA IN· Left re~n 11red. Rf· dOelteble. >Cini beftefltl JC: Cl8r req No OGlltco Alllttent wltll llmMd X· -·• -- -• -~I Ill& -••A°nee•••••••• 11• • .:•1 .. , .... • ' -1 e and wortt-...-i...... 1.100 I 10 A1r permfl nttded I'~ lfl\lettment Im! --· -" l leotro Motor Ger"'... • ...... ...... X\~~<>:'6 .. 1~A\'~~= WAnu. 1 ~In -.;;;.r.·-.. ~· .,..,. ·~: ~1 4·12PM. Mon-l'rl. Cell for oduOMOrt ,.,..,. • ..... IO•lftt Oollle • ht Pty 173·111t Dtepor•· ••• ,. """' Lower Ntwpor1.., FOl'IMATION CALL W.. THE JOt.U 1'100!1'1 INO. U1"302btwn1~30·t:30 • communlOellOnl' dtpt :::'*_!..ml~..: Mell'I type~. OOod duty, t4fl1..IWIOftlllle lllpt 3()..S)ft. llft. TOLL FRIE: 8111* end tan. Loet laclt 17042 G ... t. AlllnW '°' CIMlllled Ad ..... '°' Msy. eeo'r !Cini typ. I .,.. , ....... ii't .. . oonct ·111 condition, Mllll otter. .. , ... 11-l•ft '"' ' -.. a. .., .,.. 641-teof llMNE ACTION .... a.TAIT req'd. !1ec. MCNCW =::!'I.;.. ~t~:O "':; ul ... Kaid Dreft Model T 10 IOI 8 w. I.. A"." •. I UT. II, •-. ............ Kitten, 1 -, 17t•) IM.G:d1 Cell a IXN-•D -0• e•p. mult. ,,..,,...., ~1-1 °""'*• lllnt _,.. tnl '*110t AtK ,o .. M ... JOHN· ~COlllr .,.;;,, t -~ THOmie1u"i1.n Pfeferrecl C•lllU.-.0 .... . '==-,...,-== rlMl40 ...... ,.,, ''"F aOM ~A"°~m: ... ':'*'~:.on. · ~,. r::-~rr ·~=r.-rJ •=Mt....,. --zr.,_,. ... ':.=:\.'l:r &I.a -.. .. • ) ('8 Orang• CoHt DAILY PILOT/Mond•v. November 28. 1882 ... ,,, 11111 A1,., ltt LJf f .._, ., ... ,..,t, 1111 •••••••••• 111· •••••••• •• :e'r:r:.rzeeii •••• •••••HH••••••••••••• IMP0f\TANT NOllCI! 'It JMP <lhetokM 4•wdf, SLIPS AVAii Co1011a <Jet TO RUOCAS ANO Z d1 , •ltH Qui d, llTll Miii ArH H II Call AOVPHll fHS mech & l,)ody wori. ll/ldl 850·2473 Wkd• In• PllCI ol ll•m• Id S t5001080 •H 008& 8 1> mllN<i by ~ d" hfly 0t '"" let• In the YehlCle claul• Dock IC)( ~()' Hll bOll No lied Id~ tlllno c;Ok.11nn1 hve • bo1r<11 3 blk• csou not Include any Eu1/Pa11tllon 073 4928 llf>PllC•ble ....... 11<.ttnM, Slip 1n lowvr b•v 9 11 35'. lranater flH, ll111ne• S7 per It Call 1173·5340 eh8f9e1, '"' lor air l>OI· WANTED dock 1paae for 25' power boll, on or nr Lido Pal O'Daly, 957-6426 873-5874 '11 IW. lllf'rlta a ... lull dlQllll. oarli m111111c blua wldarll btua IHl~r. 28~ 1\111 Tab 4 whl drlv1, PU. oe1 or w1g or $3600 ouh for my eqully Tak• ov~ loin on b•I wino Qua111y1no ll45·9t90 lutlon conllol <11vle1 c;ertlllc;attona or d11ler doeumen11ry preptr•· lion c:n1r911 unl111 otherwise 1peclll1<1.,oy Boal Slip 1vall1ble 10< •O the adve<11tet F11tkf 1111 10 115' boo1 Nwpl Ben ••••••••••••••-•••••• 63t-7777 197" Ch1v10111 ~. t dn --------1bl.ifHI/ Camper Speclel pickup ,.,,, ,........,, I Cl • ISi• Air conditioning, AM/FM ( r-lflltl 1tereo c;1111111 & 1n1rp1 lt1 HID •••••••••••••••••••••• c1 •••••••••••.••••••••••• MllEL· "l"il Asking S3• O/or beat •aOllFIOE l oller . Pr I ply. Call -Snay repllc11. plekupa & 5•5·1197• 11 no an•- coupe1. • lo c:hoo1e pleaM keep trying ' '58 Century Cl111lc Speectt>oal Reduced to $2500; 556·9082 ~'!c.~!~~! ... ~ lroml (006788) (Siii. A30931. PrlC .. •tarting I t Toyoll "1'1 AM/FM Sle-NU H,1111 reo cuhtte Sm.all THEODORE ROBINS FORD 2000 HARBOR &lVO CO~TA MH A 041 0010 camper 1hell 1 2175 1173·60tll COMMHl CHtvllOlt I ( I \ ~ I ~41>-I 200 COMHtll C Hf ~ll(!l I r ·' ~41>-I JOO 75 APOU:O: • dr, p1, pb, f•~ IHI a/c, 350 IUIO $\000 •••••••••••••••••••••• t11m 538-115t8 '7t FORD Mtverlcit Good cond 3 new ur ... econ $850 •94·3211 !!!!~~l ......... !!!f '67 MUST SELL Nffda work. l'M/FM Stereo Cass. new. New tires $550 ferro 9112·3•87 or 962-4248 li•t• HS1 ...•.............••••. ~ '76 Pinto Sta Wagon. good condihon. Best oi- ler 75'4-7388 '••liit IHI .•.............•...... 79 Grand Prl11, AIVllFIVI radio. tape deck, air, PB, 68 ,000 m1 , $<1 200. • 7 1"1859· 7200 dys MATCH THE NUMBERS ON THE ATLASCHlYSUIR.ft.YMOUTH 2929 Harbor Blvd .. Costa Mesa. Tel. 5"46·1934. 3 block.I south of San Diego Freeway ott tuirt>or Bl11d. Complete body shop. S11ff. Service. Perts. Service Dept. open, Monday thru Friday 7:30 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. and 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. on Saturday. HACH IMPOPS 848 Dove StrMt, Newport Beech. Tel 752-0900. call u1, we're the apec:lallata for Alfa R°"'IO• Peugeot. Saab & M...,etl. • THIODOll IOllMS POltD Modern HIH, Mrv(ea, parts, body. pelnt & tire dapC1. Competitive "'" on la ... l delly '9ntal1. 2080 Harbor Blvd .. Costa Mata. 842.0Q1 O or 540G11. JOHNSON & SON LINCOLN 119CUIY 2828 Harbor Blvd., Cotta Mau. Tai. 540-N30. 57 Years ol friendly family service -Orange County'• olda1t Lin· coln·Marcury dealer1hlp. DAV1D J. PtlWPS IUIQWIOMnAC-MAIDA SalM • 8eNtce • l.Maing 24111 Allo41 Patk-- L.aoYna Miiia ' 137·1400 MIWPOIT MOITI 3100 w Coaat H1ghw1y, Newport laacl'I. Tel. M2·V<I05i540-l 76• Tt1e Fartltl .......... • MAP WITH THE NUMBERS IN THE· BOXES • NIWPOIT DATSUN 888 Dove. Street, Newpof't Beach. Tel. 833· 1300. At the triangle of Jambof'M , Mec:ArthUr & Bristol behind Victor!• Station. Sales, Service, leulng & Part1. We make gr•t <Mall! • MAIRS CADILLAC '' 2900 Herbor Blvd . Cotta Mesa Tel. 540-9100. Orange' County s Lirgest Cadillac dealer. Sales. s.N1ce. Laaa· ·Ing • SADDUIACK IMW /IUIAltU 28402 Matguarlta Pkwy .• AIM'f ll'tcwy exit We offer what no bank or IHM company can: 1. Expertly atllffad. most modern service l parts dept.: 21 Ona of the Southland'• moat axper•ancad sa1 .. l taaalng 11.rf: 3 Ellmlnatlon of the middleman by 1 ... ng ONI• direct 131·2040 Mlaalon VleiO *-4MI • CHICK IVRSON POllC ... AUDl-VW 415 E. Cou t Hwy., Newport INch. 17J.OIOO. The only dfflai'thlp In Or1nge County with thaH thr• great mall• under ona roof! • .ALAN MA.MON PONTIAC-IUIAIU 2..0 HatDor Blvd , Co11a Miia Tai ._,4aGO. l alH, llrvlce, LH11ng. "Mr. GooctwNnch. • • IOI LONGNI PONTIAC 13600 Beech Bllld Westminster Tel 892-MS1 Orenge County s oldest 1nd largest Pon111c dealecsh1p S11eS, Service. Parts • • DICK MILLll PIA T /LANCIA "Probably lhe loWelt prieed Flats ln Southem Cllllornla" (located 1 mite north of South Coast Plaza near Main St. and 'f'arrtlf Ave. In Santa Ana ) 120 W. Warner. Santa Ana 557·2132 • SANTA AMA DATSUN 2001 E 17th Street, Santa Ana Tel 558·7811 . Your Original Dad•cated 0111un Dealer. • MllACU MAZDA We va mo'(Sdl Our new locatlOn • 1425 S.er Str•t Coate MMe. Tel a.a-aS34. Stop by 1 vt.it our modern lhoWroom and '" why we re Iha 11 Mazda daaler In Southam C.llfornia Sales, Service, Parts and leasing • co•• .. DeLILLO WVllOLST """"".,... ~) 11111 .......... Hun11111eon ._. New • Ulll ....... ~·. ,.,.. • lerVIOe Come ltr Ind -our Huge llMntoryt 147 ... 7 Ml-Ul1 .WWOOAIT AMC/ ... .....,._T .............. coeta---... ID.. 141-1710 "' ,,_ Dllllr lft ... we.et._ ue ~..,--...,,,.. •:.-n-. ......... ..., ..... 1 ............ II Allo.. ... lloMW __,.. Miii.-le ..., ' COSTA MISA D.A TSUN 2845 Harbor Blvd , Co1ta Mesa Tel. 540·64t0 Serving Orange County tor 16 years. 1 Mile So. 405. • SUNSIT POID, INC. (Home of Wiiiia the Whale~ 5'40 G~den Grove Blv~. W..tm1n1ter. Tel 636-4010 • OIANOI COUNTY VOLVO 10120 G•den Grove Bfvd .• G•den Grove Tai. 530·1190. Exclutlvaty Volvo to co11er all your Volvo requirements. · • NaweUead•S....•Leulng•Parta•SarvlcaeBody 8llop l'....-y clo9a In ..,. haert of Orange Countx at ~ Grove ltvd. l llroollhunt. \ • c ·oNN&L CHlftOLU 2121 Harl>Or Blvd., Coata Mau. Owr.,22 ~ ..vinp Orange Counlyl Sa,.., IMaing, sarvlca. Call S.·1200: apac:lal partl line, 548·9400, body shop ltna: 754-cMOO • IOY CAI•• IOU.S IOYc:.IMW 1540 JambOree Aoad. N~ BNch ~. Sa• e.v~. Pam And LHttng '°" PURTHIR INFORMATION, OR TO II PLACID ON THll AD, CONTACT ' . YOUR DAILY 6 ~2 5678 PILOT RIP. .. • • THI 111111 ClllT MONDAY NOVE-MOt R /'I 11llL1 COuld video games fill county coffers? By JE FF ADLE R Of IM Dellr ...... Sl•tt Orange County Superior Court Jurors won't be spending idle hours blasting a lums out of thl' sky or avoiding Pal·-Man's many pursuers. but county employN.'S might soon be able to chaUengc their favont.e video game during lunch or coffee breaks. P lacing video games in l'ounty-owned buildings is indeed a fcas1bll• a nd financially attractive idea, a report pre pared by the L'OUnty Administrative Office has l'Ondudcd. Only e1ghl video games could bring l'OUnty coffer s anywhere from .$37, 100-p e r -year upwards to $203,500-a-year in much needed revenue. the report said. · "What remains is a determination from the approp riate policy making body as to the proprie ty o r placing video games and government activities under the same roof," the report added. The county's judicial hit:>rarchy a lready has ruled that video games such as Frogger or Space Invaders arc out of order -at least as part or the coui;ity's legal process. Rain due through to~ight A long-delayed rainstorm hit Orange Coast are~s Sun day night, bringing 'rain and slowing trafCic on freeways already - ~av.ily congested wi th eomm ute rs returning to wor k after the Thanksgiving holiday weekend. · The National Weather Service predicted drizzl~ will continue through tonight, with clearing expected .by late Tues day. Temper atures in coast cities should hover around 60 today, dropping" to the low 50s tonight. Locally gusty winds and clouds wiU prevail today. with light rain for ecast for the S o uthern California mountain areas. The.- snow level is expected to drop to 7,000 feet, the NWS said. sl 'fh<.' <·ou nty Lt•gal Judicial Com mittee. (•ompuscd o f 1udgl•s. auurnl•ys a nc.J l:ounty supervisors. has unanimously agrl't'<i the OrangP County Courthouse 1s no placl' for v1dro games. "W<.' find that an arl·ad<.' tyJ>(' of situation is not L't>mpatible with what the l'Ourthousc is here for," ex pJained Pr<.'s 1ding Or ungc County S upt>r1or Court Judge Robt'rt Ri ckles, who • chaire<l the L<.>gal.Jud1t ml Comm1llt'<' m<.>t>ting las~ wet.•k when the qut•stion wru; l'Ons1derc<l. Rickles SCJ1d that placing v1dl'O games m the courthouse jury a~mbly room or the cafeteria would "detract from the (legal) process and be incompatible with the serious business ronductt.'d here." • Ri ckles s:ud that every superior court judge with whom he has consulted stands opposed to permitted the install ation of video games as does the Orange l."'o unty Bar Association 's bar and beach committee and the Orange County T rial L.!!wyc rs Associatiof\.. "We're not against jurors having diversion," said Alan S later, the l'Ourt's ex~utive officer. "Ideally, we'd like to provid e them more (See VERDICT, Page A5) . . ~Ull 110111 {)HANC,f ('()lJ Nl y l Al II OHNIA }',er NT '") .,.., ........... .., ,...,... 0 ...... J Orange County businessmen Jim McGrew., Mike Franklin and · Dennis Scanlan (from left ) enjoy a lunchtime diversion that may be in the works for county-government e mployees. '-' Woman .~ held in slaying P olicl' detectives said today they're bafffed by the violent' s laying of a chronically ill :16 -ycar-old Newpo rt Beach . w omah . whose s t abbe d and-. batt"rcd body was found in the · bathroom of her Irvine Avenue home: T he woman's housekeeper , J ahe Iren e M o l ler . .40. o f Huntington Beach, .was arrested S u nda y o n s u s p icio n o C murdering Helen DeWolf, police said. "Moller .. who police said is an '- e x per1e nced housekeeper and .- m.aid. was arrested in E1 Monte whl're she was staying-with friends. Her bail has been set a t $250.000./ohce said she is to be arra1gnc Tuesday in Har bor Mun1c1pal' Couri in Newport Beach. · By mid-morning, .10 inch or rain. had been recorded. The storm's ·contribution brings the season's rain total up to 2.78 inches, according ~ J. Sherman Denny. a Huntington Beach .resident who has kept county weather statistics for many years. Last year at this lime the county had had 3.29 inches or rain. This scale mode l show wha t Newport Beach's Mar'riott Hotel would · look-like if proposed exp~n ion is .. approved. A n e ighbor. p o lice .said, discovered De \Vo ll's body Saturday morning in the. 1729 Irvine Ave. residence after the elderly woman 's son became conc<>rned bcca.use he had not • heard from t\ls mothe r. D e n ny said t h is s torm originally was forecast for the holiday weekend. but was stalled in 'the Pacific for a few days. -Marl-iott expansion battlt; loOms Police said .lh~ neighbor, ·Mark ~· Bolder, found a towel s tuffed under the bathroom door and the woman's walkt:!r in the haUway out.side the bathroom. I n Seal Beach , a n early finished 16-foot high rock wall was cr edited with protecting seve r a l Surfs ide Colo ny beachfront homes from damage or d est r u ction from s t orm- spawned waves. "Without the wall, we would have lost several homes in the west end to high winds," City Manager Allen Parke r said today. · The 600-foot long barrier. · scheduled to be completed this week, is designed to prevent the beach from eroding ln front of the expensive homes west o f Pacific Coast Highway. T h e wall i s costing an es t imated $200,000 and is scheduled to be financed throurzh redevelopment funds. By ST~VE MARBLE for opposing expansion of the orttie o.i1r Piiot 118tt airport w hile. at the same time, The planned expansion of the appro\fi ng p la ns for ne w or Ma rr iott Hote l in Ne wport en larged hotels. • Center with a 15-story high-rise addition has rekindled a long-Jean Watt, ptes1dent of Stop running arg,umenl in New port Po lluling O ur Newport, h as Beach. l<:-velro the same charges as cily While supporters of enlarging plafln1ng commissione r s get ready this month to vote on the the hotel ci:>ntend ·the expansion. multi-million-dollar Ma rriott will have scanl effect on John Wayne Airport. cntics maintain 1l project. will increase dema nd for air Planning commissioners are service m'Orange County. expected to vote on the project The argument bas surfaced Dec. 9 and then pa~ it on to the each tJme a major: development city council. which has the final pro)eCl has moved through lhe say. , city's governmental process: David Nl'ish, a spokesman for And the argument has reacged the hotel. said a study has shown outside the city. · · ··t h a"t "only 14 percent of lhe Bruce Nestande, chairman of Marriott customers arrive by a ir the Orange County Board of at J ohn Wayne Airport .and that Supervisors, has chided the city ... th£' expansion, al best. will have· Brown prom.oles four judges By STEVE TRIPOLI Of .... .,.., .......... Four Orange County Superior Court Judges were named today to judgeships on the state Fourth District Court of Appeal -three of them lo the newly c reated division based in Santa Ana - by o u tgoing Gov. Edmund G. Brown Jr. Laguna Beach resident Sheila Sonens h ine and fellow judges --------llDEI-.· --- A number of factors contributed lo the Rams' 20-14 victory over Kansas City, including a team meeting by the players ~nd an unpopular dismissa l or two veteran players. See Sports, CI. At Your Service A5 Ann Landers 8 2 Erma Bombeck B2 Movies 84-6 Cavalcade 82 National Ne\YS A3 C lassified C0-8 Public Notices 84·6. C5 Comics C4 ·Sport.a C l-3 Crouword C4 Stock Markets 83 Death Nolleet1 co Televtalon 86 F.dltorlal A6 Theaters 84-0 F.nt.eM&inment 84-0 We ather A2 lloroecope B2 World News A3 ln~rmt..ion 84 . ) Robert E. Rickles, Thomas F. Crosby J r. a nd F.dward J . Wallin: all of Sanui Ana, will be four of the 18 ne w fa<.'CS statewide on t he a ppellate court. Eighteen nl'W judgeships we re added to thl' court in 1981 in an expa n sion tha t s urv ived a c h a llc n_gc> bl'fore the s ta l e S upreme Court earlie r this month. Sonc n s h1nc , C r osby and Wallin havl' b«>n assigned lei the Fourth District Court of Appeals Division 3. thl' Santa Ana-based c.'OUrl, as associate justices. Judge John K. Trotter Jr .. a former Orang<' County Superior Court Judge who curtjmtly la an assodat«> juslil'<' In the Fourth District's San Bcrnardlno·baM'd Dfvi!!<>n 2, will ~ lranaf l'rred to Division 3 as r retAdlna Judae. Rk'kl('tl wll rep~ trotter aa a n a uodatl' Justice In San Bernardino. Sonenahlne. who ti. RrVt'd 18 months on th• 1uperlor rourt htinrtr, ha apectallred In family flff JUOOICI, Pap Al) • on ly a m a r gin a l impac t o n demand for air traffic. Hotel managers claim, on somt> week days, they turn away cus.tomers and that the expansion will fill a demand al the hotel that already exists. Neish said that Newport Beach can't "resolve t he ~irport issue by itself " beca u se hotels will continue to spt mg up in other airport area cities hke Irvine and Costa Mesa. The Marriott, pr&ntly al 377 rooms, would be the largest hotel a long the Orange Coast al 6 I I if the expanslon is f)('rm1tted The hotel chain also is seeking p e rmi ss i o n t o b u ild a subterranean parking lot on 1ts Howard Shaller awal11 lranaplanl. .. Newport Centt'r facility and a ballroum, a video game room and a lounge in the 15-story Lowt'r. Marr1oll officials contacted in Washington D.C. said it is against corporatc policy to detail the cost of th<:-p roject. Hotel officials. though. have calculated that t he hotel. if expand<:-d, would net the city nearly $1 m1lhon a year in profits from sales and bed taxes The Marriott failed last year in a bid to e xpand the Newport Beach hotel. At the lime. the prOJC('t was u cd lo the Irvine Company plans for building out Newport Cent.er. The Irvine Company package was dumped in the face of a referendum designed to block the projl't t. Detec tive Ke n S mith said ~ De Wo lf h a~ b een s t a bbe d r<>pc;itcdly in the back and her h l'ad had been i r u s h e d , apparently from blows delivered by a heavy instrument. · ' Smith said Investigators have not located a murder weapon. He said the Newport woman h ad been dead for several days. An Orange County Coroner's investigator said. lhe precise · c~use of death has not been pinpointed and that the woman's body has not yet been released to a mortuary. · Police said t h ey've been informed that DeWolf. a widow who lived alone except for the housekeeper. was suffering from ~St'e ~LA YING, Page AZ) ·Gifts trickle-in for heart surgery • A IH-year-old woman sent a $1 bill. saJ ing she wished she could do more. a nd a brother a nd sister dona tc.-d an e nvelope of pennies to he lp Howard Shaffer r«'eive a new heart. The 30-year-old former COila Mesa p6't supervisor was told a · fe w mooths ago that he would net'd a heart transpla nt In order to save his life. He hun't been able to work for two years. Friends and well wishers have been working to raiR the 180.000 needed for lhe operation. A play 11a1ed Saturday at l'ifrview State Ho.pita! In Coata Meu rallt'd $780. Marjorie Shaffe r of Co1ta Mna said 1hl''1 t>.t"n openln1 1wu of cards and ~""' mm news paper erllele1 about her .-on'• pllchl appNn!d 1"9Cently. Thouah Umea are IOUI" and m any of th• donaUoftt w•r• sma ll' In number -they came from the heart. A 7-year-old Garde n Grove gir l earned $4 in quarters by taking out her nel.chbon' trash. So la'r $1,624 has been donated -fro m the children's coin allowance .to a $300 check from a family friend "I am thankful fo r every pe nny lh~t c omes Ip," uld Sha ffe r "We're 1oln5 \o hav• the amount we need when the. tlmt' comt"a." Many of the envelopes that "°rived Saturday came f~m C.oeta Me111 trailer parka. Shliffer •Id. ''You ~ould lell they wer.1_ from ol<Wr ~If' and Wt" we~ rNlly touchl'd.' The youn1 fath.r of two 1UffHt'd • mlllltw t.art au.dl two,..,. .. and ta. Um ... .... HEART, ..... Alt I .. ;I R e covery of MX • • v1ct1ms delayed 1-IEART TRANSPLANT. • • hospat.ahU'd tw1Ct' for convcst1Vl' heart falure. Unable to work, S haffer has had to su')>port his family on wolrarc checks . Medi-Cal wall not cover the CQSl of the operation. , "l just want to thank everyone who h as been so kind, espedally tht• 1.woµlt• at1 i''uu•vtt.•w who donatl•<l t tw bu ilding," 111\ld Shaffor. Anyont.• wanting to makt• o t'Ontributlon can ~nd 11 10 thl' Heart Fund in <.'art• of the Living Faith Church, 1602 N. Ross St., Sant.a Ana, 92706. SLAY I NG I N NEWPORT • • • canc:er and severe arthralas. 'l'ULl.AltOMA, Tt•nn (AP) 1•:rrrn·t~ LO n'\·owr tlw IMxJit'I ol lhn-.• 111t•n w ho dwd In u flui1h fll t• 111 1111 M X n1111~1l1• h1't ithah \\<Ill ht• d1•luyt·d (111 1)(•1 l111ps IWO duy,; whlll• 7~0 .000 gullon11 or wotl•r lll'l• puml.l\'ll out, tht• Air Jo'on•t• stud tot.lay ~ T tw remuuu uf a fourth v1ct1m, wh11 hud bt't'n working 70 fe«.•t obow ttw othl'nl when tht• tire brok'• out, wt•rc removed Sunday from tht' 250-foot-decp shaft by r('SCUl' workers wearing oxygen masks, oUklals iu1ld. Nitw ft-t•l of water ust."d LO put out the blaM"' ('OVl'rt'\I tht• other . bodit.>S Pumping began shortly after midnight, and Sgt. J o hn Blackburn at the Air Force's Arnold Engint'<'rl ng Ht•t ri••v o l of tht• o ther bod it•M ii, .. o to 1; 1•riori1y:' l.>t•vt•lopnwnl t'Nllt•r llt&ld It nwy I.Ok(' twu <ll.1y11 for reploct•nwnl pu1npH to r1 movt• thl• wut<.•r from the• t'Om·rc•U• "J 4 lt.1.l l'l'll" wht•rc.· Uat· lo ur mt·n dll'd ~ut.urduy 111ghl llt• :said tht• fire burned tht> large1'-t'apat·1ty µumps normally u!Wd lo pump vut tht• shart Thl' fan• ulso knockt•d out (•lt•ctric pow<.•r an the <.·t.•11 und damagc.J tht• l'll•valOr normally ust•d lo trans port <•mployl'l'S, !.O that n'S<.'Ul' workers mu11t climb up and down along a ladder al the t•ell's side. Rt'\.'OVl'l'Y of th<• other bodlC's as ~·a lOp priority.'' he said. Th'-' j ttan'(' workt•n wt•rt• c•mplOyl'd by Aernjt•t Strall'~ll' JJropul1lon Co .. u dt..Ct'll 'll' t•untrut•lor ba1ot•d In Sull'Ullll'nlo, Cullf Tht· four nwu Wl•rc• kallc.•u 8uturuoy t·vcn1ng 1.111 dvallah t't>ntra<.·tor-s ~r1l-d to n•movt.• dt..•bris und i.41hd fu.•I ll'ft an the s haft by u st.~-ond-i.UJ~•· MX m1i.sill• l'ngant.· that exploded during tC'sting Nov 17 S1xtc•t•n ~woplt.• w<.•rt: mjurt.•d whalt.• f1gh11ng the• fare, wh1(•h n111y huvt.• bt.•en 1f(natcd by the volatill' fut.'I, Blat·kburn said. The bo<.ly of John P. Sipe, 52, of Mant:h<.'btl'r. Tt•nn., was found in thl• shaft Sunduy, Blackb~n amid l t w11w 1 N·11v1•11·d hy u11 t'Ot(llll't'I untl lWO f111•fll(hh•r11 who won• lowc.•n•d Into tht• 11tc<c•I n•anfon·c.·d undl•rg1 ound t-t1nt n•u• lt'llil foc.·ahty Slf'('. on c.•mploy("'' t>f Sverdru p Tt'\•hnolo~y Inc. of Tullahoma, hud IJwn working oboul 70 fl't't ;1b11v1• th1· floor w h<•n tho fare brok1· out ut (j p.11'1. Saturday, 11u1d Brig Ot>n . K t'n nt>th R. Johnson. l'Ommander of Arnold "ll wm1 un 1n.st.ant.aneous flash with tr1•m1•ndou11 heat .... " Johnson SI.lid . At'rOJ<'l ldl'ntifal•d Ill dead Nnpluyl't.'l> a!. Dona J . Roy Jr., 57, u rockl'l tt•sl lt.'Chnlcaan from Fair Oa k s, Ca l i f .; Murray L . Tausdal'r, 4Y, a senior test t'ngant.'<.•r of Rattev11lt', Calif., and Arthur Totten, 48, a rocket test tN ·hnu:iun of Citrus Heigh~s. Delt.'Clives said because of the brutal nature of the slaying, il is unlikely the murder would turn out to be a "mercy killing." .Dt•Wolf, police said, hired M.ol l er on Oct . 23 a f ter adv<'rlising in a newspaper. Officers said at appears OcWolf had employed several other houst.•kcepcrs before h iring Moller. who lasted hl'r home address as being an the Huntington Harbour area. 11wp1~1ac-~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~ JUDGES. PROMOTED. • • laLv both as a judge and Ill piivate practice prior to her suberlor court appointment.. The 3t'tyea.r-old graduate of UCLA a Loyola University School of L w is a m embe r o f the C~lifornia Judges' Association Family Law Committee and fOµnder o f the Wome n and lnitividual Rights Sectil,>n of the Orange County ~r Association. posby; 42, who cari'ie to the S~perior Court at the same time • Gun twirling • p roves fatal j,'\ Huntington Beach man who rc.'j)Orted was twirling a revolver cowboy-style in his home was. kil l ed when t h e weapon d~harged, police said today. liuntington Beach police Sgt. Eel McErlain said the shooting vihim, F.dwarl Paul Reta, 33, of , 9102 Scollstown Drive, 'Y{8S · pi-pnounceacfead al-the scene S~nday afternoon. He was struck an: the head by a sing)e bullet, McErlain said. Ash es caused lit -- ~as Soncnshine. is a former County deputy district attorney and lawyer for the NatioJlal Labor Relations Board an San Francisco. A graduate of Stanford University and UC Berkeley. he is a former member of t he Orange County Bar Assoc1at1on and the Orange County Trial Lawye r s ' Association. Rickles. 59, a superior court judge si nee 1977, served as a . judge an Central C?rangl' County Municipal Court tn Santa Ana for 11 years prior to that time. He' is the Superior Court's current presidlng judge and has been named Trial Judge of the Year by both t he Orange County W omen Law yers and the •Western State University School of Law. He is a graduaw of the University of Alabama School of Law. Wallin, 4Q, a superior court judge since 1978. is a former federa l prosecutor wflh the U.S. Attorney's office in Los Angeles.' He received both his bach<'lor's and law degrees from the Ul)iversity of Minnesota. The four appointees will bt' paid $72.401 a year in their new posts. Rites Tuesday for Kipper, boat builder .and y achts man Stewart Kapper, longtime Newport Beach yachtsman and builder of the Pacifica s port fi shing boat. is dead at age 63. Memoria l serv i ces a r e schedulcc.J at 10 a.m . Tuesday at St. Andrews P r esb y t e rian Church in Newport Beach . Kipper o pe ned Pacifica b y Kipper Yachts 12 years ago, designing and building tile power boats an Costa Mesa a nd selling them to s ports fishe rme n in Newport Beach. He was born in G le nda le a nd worked as a machinist and small busine~man before deciding to open up his. own boating firm along tnc Orange Coast. Survivors includ<' his widow, Wanda; son, J o hn; daughters. Jo!ln and Ka thy; stepsons, Bill 'Gunderson and Bob Gunderson, and sax grandchildren. L aguna blaze R • d • d !A fire which caused $358,500 ezon1ng stu 1e in1 damage to three house::.:s~an;;..._.__ L~guna Bea~h last week started Following a policy of offering w hen a cardboard box l'Ontaining mobile home park tenants in si:rnt coals and fireplace ashes Newport Beach a s hield of ·~pHed in a laundrx room in one protection. c i ty pla nning of the residences. Laguna Beach c o m m i s s i o n e r s !') a v e Fi)'e Department officials said. recommended rezon;ng three The blaze, reported at 1:25 moball' home facilities. p.m. Wednesday. originated in a The. move. if uphe ld by the la undry room between the city council, woulci make at tough kitchen and the garage of the for owners of the West Newport three-level hoose at 1535 Regatta facilities to phase out th!? parks Road. That home -in which the and bring in different uses. C'oals were found -= was The parks -Sea.cliffe Mobile destroyed. Park, Newport Terrace Mobile Two adjacent dwellings, al Home Park and Harbor Mobile 15 15 and 1545 Regatta Road, Homes -are located in a sustained structural damage. triangle of land an West Newport More • rain . . that recenily was annexed by the city. • About 300 people lave an the three parks, where monthly space rents are between $130 and $233. . . . Thl' zoning provision forces owners to retain the mobile home parks. or go through a series or public hearings before phasing out a park, a process which could require relocating tenants The clly has already granted the zonin&._provislon to De Ant'a Bayside Village. a plush mobile home park on thl' cast side of the Upper Newport Bay, ' tonight Owens v111ey high• tor Tuesc11y 1 Ra10CJ Snow~ ahould r~ from 44 to 50 with Tuesday No.ember JO Showers c:::J FlumHI!!] tows from 25 10 30 and n()(lh-t ·coast a l Contlnued cloudy tonight wllh a good ch1nc1 tor more rein Ove<nlght low9 52 to 58 alOng Ille t>e~hlt 10 50 Inland Chance tor rein tonight llO petcenl. Rain to -end Tu.day morning. IMlcomlng partly cloudy and btMZy In Ille alte<noon. Hlg ... Tuesday In IM so.. E l t•w here. l rom Pain~ Conc-otlon to the M olcen t>o<der MO °"' eo mllea: South to south-• wind• 15 to 25 knoll tonight with locally stronger gutll. Wind waYff 2 to 4 ..... ·Swell• -terly 2 to 3 fMt. Winds ~ 10 nort"-1 10 to 20 knots on Tuesday. Cloudy lonlght wllh • good en-ol rlln Cleating on fuetday U.S: summary Aaln tell acro11 the Mldw111 •nd llOnO the Eut•m Seaboatd early today, lurnlng to lrMzlng rain In northern sectlon1. R91n also wu r~9d on the Paclllc Caul. • Rain continued to IC>'Nd OY« thl Pacific COHiii statH ll1to Nl!lfldl, with lllOW faftlng In ,,,. "'°'* lllYatlon•. }he lorecut for l•l•r today called for rein to IJ1tllnd from the GrNI Ltlk• to 1111 CerollnN. the mld-Attenttc 1191H end New (ng11nd, ·with rain ch1nglng to snow In nortllern Maine. R1ln, becoming 1now In th• hlgtllf e19¥ellon1, ... 9J&P1Cl9d -fM Peciftc HorthwMt, Utlh end much of C1lllornl1, whll• -tiered~-· 1)1'9dlct9d tor f>#1• of Nev9d1 Felr to pertly clouO)' MllH -• torecaet ......._•. TemperaturH 1rou1'4 lh• nlllon at midnight PST •r1f199d trO!fr°TS degr-II Hibbing alld lnllfnattonal Falla. Minn~ 10 78 II Key W•. Fla. ·c alifomia winds tram 15 to 25 mph Highs In northe<n dMer1 areas _,, pr9dlct9d from the mld-501 to the mld-ec>s w11h lows In the 30s Winds Should be "°"' the -t et 20-to ~!I mpn Highs In Ille low d-1 may reach Into the 60s wllh lows In lhlt-401 Temperatures NATIO.. HI Lo Albeny 35 32 Albuquerque 51 31 Amarillo 53 29 ASheY\119 43 42 .At11nll 69 5g At11ntlo City S7 411 ""''In (19 47 Baltlmo<• 39 311 Mno• 51 31 Bl<mlngllam 67 42 Bismarck .. 311 22 Bolte 50 41 Boston 42 ., Brown1vlle 71 63 BulfaJO 44 37 ~url1nglon 38 33 C,uper 47 29 Char1111on, S.C 611 ee Ch1r1etton. WV. 54 49 Charlott•. N C 411 42 Chey9nM 48 ·32 Chicago 4t 37 Cinclrln1tl 83 43 Cleveland 51 48 Columbia, SC 511 49 Cotumbul 58 44 DlllM-Ft Worth 84 "" 01yton se 40 o.n .... 58 28 o.. Moines 38 35 Oelroll 411 42 Duluth 31 13 ElPuo 81 47 Fargo 30 111 • Fl1gt~ 42 33 ' Greet F1111 52 33 H1ttlord 3t 34 Hellfl• 43 21 Honolulu 114 73 H<>111ton 85 58 lodl1napolf1 I rs 3t Jacl!.,n. WIN. 40 JICkeon\l\tla 80 .. 1<-.1C1ty 37 34 L .. VION 80 51 Llltla Roctc 48 42 Loul9Yllll 83 44 Lubboek 58 40 Memphl1 82 41 r T•·I' l){llath<i•l> •O '° .. . -· . .' Fronls : ...... Mtem1 78 76 Big Bear •7 25 Ml .... aukH 40 35 8llhOP 52 jl3 Mpts-St P1ul 33 31 Blylhe 74 4 1 NHhYllll 85 42 C1t1lln1 84 50 New Or1e1ns " 411 CulYlf City 87 53 New York 43 ~ Eurllkl 57 52 Norlolk 82 58 Frnno 82 52 North Pl1111 48 18 Like Arrowtleld 45 38 Oklahoma City 53 30 L1nca1t., 59 .. O~ha 52 30 Lono Beach ee 50 ,Orlando 84 82 LOI Angelel 84 · 51 Phll1delphl1 40 37 Monrovia ea 411 PhOlfliJI 117 55 Montlfey 58 55 P1tttbufgll 52 47 Mt. Wllaon "" 311 Por11and. M• 34 31 Naadlll ea •II Portlllnd. °'9 57 44 NewpOrt BelCh 117 53 Pro~ 42 40 011<1&11<1 58 53 Aa:yh 83 "" Ontario 84 "" Aapl City . 63 21 Puadenl ee 42 Reno 41 31 PlllO Roblll 82 52 AlchmOnd 43 n A'-llde 83 42 Sall L9ka ... 37 A9d Bluff 53 48 Sin Antonio ee 42 Reno 49 33 Seattle 51 43 San a..nardlno Ill 40 Sllr~t eo 44 San Dlago ea 54 SIOU• Flitt 34 30 Ban Fr8"Cilco 55 44 St 1.oull 48 3t Santa Ana 70 50 SI Pit• T llflc>a 11 ea Santa 8arD1r1 82 53 St Sle Mari. 3+~31 Santa Marl• 84 54 Spokane 42 31 Santi Monica 87 SS SyrlCUM 43 31 Tahoe Valley '39 31 TQPltll 37 30 Torr-.. It Tucwn 114 43 Tulll 51 35 w.n1ng100 43 42 CANADA • WIClllll 42 30 .. IA ' Cllglry 43 " CA~CMMA Edmonton 3t 04 .. IA Montraal a2 H' ApP!f Valle)' • ... Ott-It n a.ar.fletd M 41 ......,. 43 12 B1r1tow .. 41 loronto 37 14 Belumont IO 17 V811C01NW .. ... WlrlftlDeO ~ ,, LlgnT rain may fill ov1r Goutllarn Calltorol• and gully wind• •'" blow under cl11r•r eklll In th• mount1ln1 end d11art1, tM N1Uon1I W11th1r ~~ r.... -a 20 peroen1 c'*'CI ot rein In Loe Moe111 T..-dey ...,, l'IWll trom 1210 M end towt lllf IEPllT ·Tides TODAY lecond IOW I: ti P "' 0 7 lecondllill' "'''"' u frOfll 41to12 eo.117 .~ ~ 911~ "°"'I to -_,.,..,.... lrOfll 47 to 12. .-..... ..... TM.....,__....,,_._ ~ wlflCll lrClfl'I II IO 30 .,_..ln,....._ ... T~ """ ...... Ill Ill .,. '"' IOwt from fl 10 11. 'or1cHt1r1 allpected lflOW at ....,..ION f\'om 7,000 to ··-.... ... .... .. 4 3 3 • ... PN 12 12 13 13 .... ""' I I 2 2 .... ... 3 3 3 3 .... Dir w w w w 1UllDAY ,.,.. laW t:ll • m. U ,.... .. 7:14 a"' '·' teconcraow 1'.17 p"' t t 1econc1 111g11 •· tt p"' 4 a lun .... toelet " 4 44 p "' • ,....,___, ..... "' MOOf'I rlNI •oder .. 4·09 p"' • .... ,~ .. 4·11•"' , • T o ns o f wtl'r k sµrveyed Delly Pilot ""olo bf LM Parne It's a wonder Geo~ge Paulson of t he Ne"•port Be~ch Genera Mainte na nce De pa rtmen t is n't 't.o lding his n08e a s he wonders wh a t 10 do with 30-foot gray wha le tha t w~shed up on Corona d el Mar Main Beach. this morning; ---- • 1L Slippers fro m Bro_oks Bro thers ma~e gifts of last ing comfort Supple i.ucde slippers from f..,JlglanJ arc lincJ with warm wool neci.C. Our;; exdusivel) ln hluc or wine. Full sizes 7 to 13, 536 ' Exc:lui.ivc hanJ-aurned calf- ''"" mules wiah soft, paJdeJ solci.. Burgundy or navy in half tzc~ 7 to 13 (no 12 1zl. $43 Hand-turned i.ofa sole calf· i.kan opera slippers maJc exclusively for us in navy, burgund)' or black Half size 7 10 13 {nll 1211 ), $43 ' :-.lcw.mooscgrain shcarling mo casin with tdc la~c and double sole. In na1ur11l color. Full sizes 7 ao 13, fl8 .. Bl?'-k velvet opera 1>l 1ppcrs made tn EnglirnJ w 11h ~u1ltcJ i.aun hnang. gold cm· broadcrcJ foxhcaJ. leather sulc and heel. Exclusively ours. half i.izes 7 10 13 (no l.Z' J l. $9'1 In 11rJff111g, flatt tll"' u:t 1.mtl w11l1lt. HYAIUIHID 1111 o!JJ~~n;p c([c~@~ l'urntshtnge fo r llrn. Womrn ~· 8oy1 530 WKST Tftt STRBBT, LOS ANOKLBS. CALI•: f ASHION ISi .AND. NRWPORT BBACH, C-'LIR & • 1 • . . Orango Co11t OAILV PILOT /Monday. November 29, 1982 • ..ti WORLD • TajJes show Nixo,i. halted air bags 21 reported killed in Mexico floods By Tile Associated l're11 Driving weekend ratns awept acroa western. Mexico and news report11 said as many as 21 people were killed In floods in the Pacllic Coast city of Manzanillo. 'l'he M exico City newspaper Excelsior, which r<>pnrtr d rh" rl•'"''~"· 'l:ilrl dou•ns of people were ll'ft homeh.•ss by the floodlna. Neither Red Cross ofliclahi here r1or Manzanillo police and health oHicials responded to rept.'ated phone calls Sunday QY Assoclatc..>d Press reporters, so the casuaLtY toll c..'Ould not be confirmed. Coal mine blast kills 18 BYTOM , Poland -A pocket of coal gas exploded a half-mile underground in southern Poland's Dymit.row coal mine early today, killing 18 members of a fireCightlng crew and seriously burning eight 1others, a mine official re ported. The fire broke out in the shaft Sunday night, "presumably as a result of the spontaneous ignition of coal," the oUicial news agency PAP re ported. An emergency crew of 66 miners and rescue workers was called in, and was approaching the fire when the gas ppck~t-~xploded. said a m in e sel-urity official. Sixteen men were ki lled instantly, he said, while 1) others were hospitalized with serious burns. Two of them died later, he said. Spy · case. figure sentenced the diplomatic service, but that does not mean you were also· its mouth." . · LOS ANGELES (AP) A 111•1·1 t'l I liJ7 l ml'l'tlna b4ttwt•en tlwn·Prt'11ic.font Klch1ud Nixon ond tw<1 top Ft>rd Motor Co. 0Uk1ul11 appartmtly C.'Ontrlbutt>d to k1~·pln1 li!Mfety air ooa•· out ot U.S -built autc>mObiles. ~'Ording •to fll'wly ~Jeued tape trall8Crlpts of th" ~ling. "Thut conference and what upparcntly flowed from It have madl' a very important contribution to the fact that, atlll today, Americans cannot buy air-bag r.rotecUon at any COil, in any car.' said Ben Kelley, senior vic-e president of the lnauran<.oe Institute of Highway Safety. The meeting occurred April 27. 1971. between Nixon . his domestic affairs advlseri John ~hrhchrnan, Henry Ford 11 and Lee Iacocca. Court OKs ·Nixon tape playi~g~ LONDON -Rhona Jane Ritchie, a former diplomat at the British Embassy in Tel Aviv, was given a nine-month suspended jail term today for passing to h e r Egyptian diplomat-lover confidential telegrams from Britain) foreign secretary to the U.S,..,,- Rit~hie whispered "thank you" when sentence was passed and she escaped a jail term. Ritchie, her short dark hair streaked with gray, left • the court as she had arrived WASHINGTON (AP) -The Supreme Court cleared the way today for the eventual publtc ployjng of tape recordings · covering 2 'h years _of President Nixon's ronversations in the Oval Office .. . . The court, without comment, let stand a decision that Nixon's non-Watergate. tapes must be made public, possibly a t regional listening centers. throu~hout the secretary 'of state. , . In passing sentence, Judge Sir David Croom-Johnson said: "It has b een s aid someone in your position should ~ the eyes and ears of -in a taxi with her parents, . without speaking to reporters. Her lover, First S ecre tary Rcf a at e l -A n sa r y , was transferred to Vienna about two months ago. Editor held in spy probe PEKING -The editor ir\ chief ol a prominent Chinese comm~nist n ewspaper in Hong Kong has been held for six mbnths in Peking pending lnvejlligation of alle&atiOns that fie spied 'for the Unit:ed States, well-informed Chinese sources said today. ~ Lo Fu, the highly respected editor of Xin Wanbao, the NATION N e w Evening Pos t , was recalled to Peking last May and h as been unde r house arrest, the sources said. The sources, who did not want to be identified, said Peking police recently told a group of inquiring Chinese writers tha t Lo h ad been w orking for U.S. intelligence groups. -Holiday road deaths 379 Traffic fatalities over the Thanksgiving holidays fell far short of estimates, with the number of people killed across the United States half that of the worst year, 1968. During. the four-day observance that ended at midpight Sunday, 379 traffic deaths were reported , su bstantially fewer tha'n would have been expected during a ..on-holiday period of th.e same length at this time of the year. Before the long weeke'nd began at 6 p.m. Wednesday, the National Safety Council had est imated that between 420 and 520 people might be kiUed. In 1968. there were 764 traffic fatalities over the four-day Thanksgiving period, the m ost of any holiday weekel'.ld on record. ·Power restored to Kauai . . . HONOLULU -Electricity has been partially restored on the hurricane-ravaged island of Kauai, freeing a nuclear submarine that had been ' requested as an auxiliary power source for sea duty, Navy officials say. The attack submarine USS Indianapolis was ordered into Nawiliwill Harbor during the weekend to mate its nuclear- S TATE ' power;ed plant with the island's electrical system. But three huge portable' generators provided by the Navy hav~ been installed at the Kauai Electric Co. 's major ·generating plant to provid'? backup power . so the submarine won't be needed. Lt. Cmdr. Terrence Forrester, a s pokesman for the U.S. Pacific F1eel. said Sunday. Traffic deaths up in state Traffic deaths an-d- drunken-driving arrests in California jum~d sharply thla Thankagiviiuf holiday weekend over lut year, the California Highway Patrol .h• reported. The CHP, which began its count at 6 p .m. Wedne9day, aakl that by 6 a.m. Sunday 4~ people huj died o n roads throughout' California -10 more than during the 1981 Thank..41givlng .holiday period. Statewide. 1,824 motorists were arrested for drunk driving, compared with 1 ,4~9 during the 1981 Thankaglving weekend, CHP Officer Monty Klefer said. ,. country. • Officials say the tapes, perhaps several thousand hours' worth, will not be ready for public lis tening until 1984 at the earliest. About 12 'h hours of tapes relating to the Watergate scandal that drove Ni?<on from office In 1974 · alieady are available for publk listening in Washington. They are not in dispute in the case acted on today. The latest controversy covers 4,000 hours of tape recordings unrelated to Water~ate. The federal appeals court in Washington last March allowed the playing of the tapes for the public, except those dealing with private matters and those e xempted by "executive privilege." Jill Merrill, a spokeswoman for the National Archives, says "a majority of •the 4,000 hours of conversations" -eventually will be released to the public. Merrill said the tapes cover the period from February, 1971. to July. 1973. She said one of the possibilities for releasing the tapes is th'rough 11 regional listening centers. Nixon appealed the case to the Supreme Court, objecting t.O the govemment's plan to make the tapes public. The General Services Administration, which includes the National Archives, has custody of the tapes under the 1974 Presidential Recordings and Materials Preservation Act. The former president's lawyers told the hjgh court: ''Deferring direct public access for a period, such as the life of th e participanlS in the conversations, or substituting written synopses or even transcripts for the recordings themselves, advances the act's legitimate objectives without unduly encroaching upon the • rights of the conversants." Nixon's lawyers said a president deserves privacy "when he retreats behind the doors of the Oval Office to discuss with a congreuman, or a private citizen, or a staff member their ideas concerning potential legislation, a pending election, the menu for a state dinner, or tne conditions of the country generally." The former president has propoeed other a lternative ways of making the material pubUc. We're Listening ••• WhA do you like about the Daily Piiot? Wh8t don't you like? Call the number at Je ft and your rneaap wtll be recorded, trarwcrtbed and delivered to the approprillte editor. 642·6086 The same 24·hour an1werin1 service may be uaecl to record let- ters to the editor on any topic. Mailbox contributors must Include their name and telephone number for verirlcation. No circulation calls , pleue. Tell us what ·s on your mind. ORANGE COAST c ... .._ .... _....,.n41MM111 '=='~ n Dilly Pilat M•IMrlll•"•,...._......, MAIN OfllllCa 118 I ell Iii .. F .... • Yll'I C10 ....... M .C-.MMll,CA. ........... : .. 1-.c-. ..... ca.-;i:Z :..::r. ~ ~-~c.... .......... c;....,. Ill cop, ... r .... n..m..P.tt., ... _ ............................. 5:£l _, .._., If ............. ::; ....... , ............. ii r:~~·:s r~ Giid C"'91 h~vi,,,. Offte .. ..-Ciel ..... ,..... """""-· !'!l~==.n.rrc:-::. -.::.::. '°"' ooPY --~ 1..,._.MtM•d.Mn bec111;... fdllot Cor11rOl9r :::r~tt\==.:= "?: D ..... ":• Lbylchultw c....~·== .... ..... ,. tt.wy ~ , -~ .... ~-· Va,,.... OweclOf o4 ,,,..,. .... :=··~·~w==iefml! _. °""°' "' AcMln!Mll fC,,~ =-r.rr:r.n= , Y0&..71.No.• ~ ! 'l'ht• trMf\IK'rlpt waa tllt'd In a Penn•ylvanla wron1ful deatb auh ag•lniit tht• auto (.'Ompany In whic h Nixon h11d but!n aubpul'nMod to te11tlty. The 1ubpot'n11 w111 dropped when Nixon releaaed the tape u p1i1rt of an out-uf-c..'OUrt aeuk>ment Ford and lacocca, the two tdp exc.~ullve. of Ford Motor Co. at the lime, wanted Nixon to quuh a then -pending federal regulation that would have requirc.>d air bags on every new car, starting with 1973 modela. The transcript was detailed in today's Los Angeles Times. The newspaper said attempll to contact. current Ford Motor Co. official• for comment were Ur\SUC.'C..'Cllful. Ford stepped down two years ago; lacocca now heads Chrysler Corp. In 11176 al\d 19HO. tht• hwt•11Uaiathms subcommittee.• of tht• HoUM• CtJmmcrt~• O>mmlttt.'t• tril'd to o btuln trurH1crlpts of WJ)t'll of uny 11uch nlt>ellna on ulr bugs. su 1d U.S. Rt>p Bob Eckhardt, D-Texu, t•h1.tirman of 'tht• llUOC'Ofllmlllet' In I 980 "Wt• were checking Into thlai lx'<:auM.• wt• wcrt.• fighting what was upparent ly a rather un~erhunded way of avoiding tht:-law," Eckhurdt said. Tht.• subcommittee couldn't obwm transcripts of the meeting becausl' the titpe was o n e of hundreds whose release Is C.'Ontrolled by Nixon. The transcript shows Nixon t o ld ~cocca and Ford th e meeting would be k e pt confidential and that Erhlichman wu• to oct a11 th1•1r Wh1l4.· HoWI(• ('Otll<.._t 1n thl' u1r-l>Mg nwtl.t•r Yt.·1m1 uht.·r the 35·minu\c' OvaJ- Off1c1• m1•t•ting, Kellt-y •ald4 F.hrlichman boo11tc_-d to him tha• · h<• had put a stop w tht• propo,ed • uu·-oou rul<'!l John Volpt•, Nixon'11 st"Cretary uf trunsport.atJon, said he wu no\ oUicially nollfil'<i of the secrN Ol('t.•t1ng and wa s n e ver s uc·c.·c·s11 ful In getting White · lfoUSt.• conflrrrwl1on of it. "The suaiplclon has to enter • your mand thut 1( they (Ford and loc'Otta) go directly to the White HouS(', that they must have had· something In mind," Volpe said. "Why did they have to do this? f can imagine that they didn't get the answer from me tha t they wanted." 0.., .......... .., NcMrd ........ Thi was what was left of a st~tion wi.gon which collidea with a moving v(ln in Laguna Beach ~unda y, ki~ling the -c~r's driver. Fatal . crash roar ls traffic Traffic in Laguha Canyon was snarled for several hours late Sunday afternoon after a spectacular two-vehicle collision that claimed the life of a Laguna Beach man. The California Highway PalJIOl said Donald Nielsen, 38, was killed wheo his southbo und vehicle. a small station wagon, collided with a Bekins moving van driven by Dennis R Rimmer 27, or l....a Habra. Nielsen was pronoun<.'Cd dead at the scene of the 3:45 p.m. accident that 'left the busy canyon road closed for about three hours. Neither Rimmer n or his passengers. David McPherson, 22 Q.J Cerritos. and Mark Yunker. 19, of Anaheim were injured, the CHP said. Cause of the accident is under • -lnves tigation. The CHP said it was clp_~y-and raining lightls.-1,_..--, Wfleilthe accident occurred. Stiff fine due p ·elican maimers The battle to sa ve brown haVC' bcc>n mutilated. Four of the mutilations were done by one pelicans from more mutilations birds huvc died as a result of person because. the cuts on the has rC'achcd Sacramento with ---ir.Jvln'g-their uplfl' b<'·:rk---S--IX>at<s arc sim1 ar. - proposed legislation that would removt.'CI. slap severe penalties on people ronv1cted of maiming th~ birds. W1ldlafc officials belie ve an A senior U.S. Fish' and Wildlife angry fisherman is responsible anvt'titigator, however, reportedly for the 'ma1mings because the S~te Sen. Bill Greene-, D-Los has said that he believes the pc)icans steal anchovy bait and • Angeles, announced he wil l get tangled in fishing nets and • introduc.""e special legislation that linc.'S. would carry a $65,000 Cane for Drunken driving Twe lve of the birds are at injuring pelicans. Crown Valley A.nifDaJ Hospital in arrests )·nerease Laguna Niguel. One 1s at Sea Th<! bird already is on federal -WOrldin San Oie_gQ, and one Is at and state endangered species . -Marineland. Crown Valley lists. The federal lc.w carries a Increased enforcement against business manager Dayna Brooks $20,000 Cine and a year in jail for drunken drivers resulted in 68 said today the pelicans are "doing , killing or maiming one J)('lican. --arrests in Orange County. o~er fine." Under existing state law , a the four-day Thanksgiving person would be subject to a $1,-holiday, the California Highway Two birds at the. a n imal • 000 fine and a year In jail for Patrol said. ..h os pital have_u_nderg_one each attack. p.i:osthetic surgery though the ' During the same period last veterinarians aren't sure if the Since the attacks began in mid-October, 18 brown pelicans • year,. the CHP made 50 drunkerr iibcrglass beaks wtll hold on 1n driving arrests, a spokesman said. the wild. chri~t.mos 1982 our ~tel. o.Jta:or oompomon .. our 6UCl!i¢ 1ombek1n ~ 19 t.cnrlGld ftom thrz. {\na.et., n:z;w za.a\end. pil~ bnd \f> ~prier. 90ft, dnd .ma.tlcw yz.t, ~ &rd dumbla, 1ropzccobly t..enlorv.d. U\em elnd OlA. W\.U\ WOO\ knttt.czd ~, ~mldUlSlde pxl<et. -w. think our aJt.door' ~may wry will bi "P.Jf' tavor\t.Az. ~· esvmlabki in net.oral ~,~.~ andt'Gd. eut&z. oAdoor jlclait f J @)~~@)§@ .. ,.,.,,,,. ....,, • ,..._. ..... 714/644·"170 IOOl l4'8slU&sd •Ill· Wrshlbod WIGie • 11318..,, • • Orange Coa~t DAILY PILOT /Mondav. November ti, 1882 NI ... ,,. ..... ._ ...... ------------------------------------------------------------NYSE COMPOSITE ,.fRANSAt:,.rIONS ' UOUYIO..• IN(UIDI , ........ , ...... YOtt• 1111ew1u. l'ACt1•1C l'IW IOUO• OIUOlf AllD (lllClllllA" "OC• •CMANOU l•t •ll'OtlflO I \' fMI 116'0 IND ••tflNI f , t DOWN 4.51 CLOllNQ AT 1,G02.14 s ·an Diego jobless reaches I 0. 7% SAN DIEGO (AP) -The jobless ratt! in San 01cgu Cuunty. pushed upward by layoffs in the manulacturing and retail industries, climbed to 10.7 JX'ret>nt during the rnonth of October. Stat1 s u cs released by the state Economic l)(:vclopme nt Department showed, that 89,500 people In thl' San .Diego area were looking for a job The figure represents a three-tenths of a JX'~nt mc1't•asl' from thC' 10.4 percent unemployment rate rC'COrdl-d in September. Swtc labor analyst Jack Nowell said last month's increase was not alarming, since the October 10.7 percent figure wa below the 11 pert.-ent rate recorded in August and July. The <:ounty's jobless rate exceeded the 10.3 percent statewide average recorded In October and it was 3 percent nigher than the 7.7 percent rate of a year ago. The incre_a;;ed ~bless rat_c in the San Diego area <X.'CUITt.'<i dt.>Spatc an increase an the number of people who actually held jobs as the labor force grew in October from 822,900 to 838,300. Meanwhile. m Imperial County, tt\e jobl~ r;tt.e Cell 2.7 percent last month. But that still left a 35.9 percent unemployme nt rate ii) the et:onomically depressed area, which has the stat.e's highest jobless rate.· Recovery questio~able NEW YORK (AP) -Economists traditionally look to the Christmas selling season for clues to the future of the economy. and everyone from President Reagan on down says any recovery mus t be led by the <.'Onsumcr. · That being~. there is no better indicator than the next month when . by tradition. the consumer exerts more buying power than at any other time of the year. This ye;ir that buying power will be encouraged by a great seller effort. lndicatioris exist some merchants may seek almost no (Tlarkup to move me rchandise. Many of them rebuilt inventories on the assumption that economic activity would have picked up by now. So far. it hasn't. METALS HEW YORK (API -Spot nonlerrow rnetl! p<ice. lodey UPS AND DOWNS HEW YORK lAPI Tl'W IOI-Int l~t .,..., Ille ~ York 5400, Exe-.. GOLD QUOTATIONS S.1.c1eo wot10 gOld P•IOet Monday. • . • ti .. •*U end ,...,,.,.~ llloll IWlve -1111 Lendon morning ll~tng S•:.>8 SO, ul) Ille mott •llCI -,,,. "'°'' .,._ on S 10 76 f:.'<"'~,,.. ,...rc11esa of volume London allt•noon ll-1ng $434 00 up 1' No ~11r1tt'e tr•tne tMlow u .,. tnu . S 11 25 . -· Hel •llCI -unr ... <11Met1 --P.,. alte•noon loung S•21.09 llP St3 70 • 1 ~!""<• ""'-... Ptevioius <lotlfll ,,.....,. ,..,,.a $43091, llf' Sl6 t5 .,.. .,._ And -y't tJ.s"'-Ptk• z..-.... ....,.,_ "*'I "'3t• ... , 1 Heme ult 010 Pct. 11' 50 tlld, 1432.50 ...... • 1 M .. kol'd ,.,. • " u. 1•.t MeMtr a M••••" tonly dally q1101e1 .. .., t EAL wtO ,-. • .. Up 12.s $43' 00. up ~.n J Se-Inc 1"' • 1 i.. UI' t.J ,........,_ /only Otlly quoit) 1434 00 .-... I 4 Llllllt¥0 P'rd Ill• • 21'1 Up 1.1 12• f6 ' --.. ' S H•l k-'" • YI Up 1.0 • FtBcpTH w .•• '" Up 11 ......... (Ont)> Oelly ciuo••I 1465.10, ..st• 1 Te~<rft I• t Up 1:1 H 99 '• : 0~'" ""' • i:t · ·~ ~: a GOLD COINS -. If SI s 47-., • J Up ••7 11 Cn U Qpf >4\lt • 11'1 Up •·• NEW YOM ""Pl 11 c11etw• ,,,., 11•, • " up s.• goto ~~•. 60':.A_-:... ~'" w,.:O:.::/..b II WellJ 1 . .apt » • 1 Up S.t -• ~ ,,.,....._ ., 14 Grelt.r n 2" • I• Up J.6 pr~ !Ill U Wett.r Jim Jl''> , '" UP s.s 16 a.nc.elTt 14'-~ It. Up S.4 17 CHA ,.nl 1n. • '• Up S.J 11 0 1 .. 1 PQm 1'-• "-Up S.I .. VeEP 1.n 111 ., • • Up J.1 JO GrtflflU• 2"-• 141 UP U 21 Meo ... ""' n'" + 1-. UP •·• :ti TOK.C:p U.\il + '-Up 4.1 U Alller10 Clll 1~ • .. Up 4,7 M AllMGp 14 • '-Up 4.7 ts 9-fl Cp 12~ ., 1 UP 4.6 It Al!Kmllln ef ll • 1-. Up u DOWtd " ~II C... Pct. ... h ort ... , , ... -... °" t .4 21ft -... °" 1.7 • .._ 1'-Off ••• ISl't -I Off 7.J "\It -1"-°" 7,1 IO -'-Off r.e ,.... -•-ort 7~ .,.. ,.,,, °" •.• --'"Off •.s 1t" -"' Off ••• "''-"°" ... • U -H, Off '-1 171.. '"' Ott .. , .,,, -.. Oft ... 1 ...,., , .. Oft • ' ~ "'00 •. , u -'"" Off .. , tll.o , .. Olf •• 1 251. -1-. Oft •• t -141orts.t lrr1t9erreMI, 1 tro)' 01 .. 1441 so, ..,1 SllU :ev ........... ltroyOL,s.«7.IO, .. ltl.K" .......,. M ,..._ 1 2 troy a.. Nta.16. wp Ill 7S • A111lrl111 tit crewn, ,1102 troy ~ '422 SO, up SIUIO. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLllf-r IT9Clll '" TM• ll'Onlelna NIW 'l'Oltlt IAPI· Selea, a ~"'-.. Mt C-.. fll 1119 f'"'9n ..... .... 'f'wtl .... l:.C ...... .,..... Mt-ly ll _. tllell=. t ...,.11_ 1,a.1,• • -I·-1.1•• "'~ rt1ryAI" ••• 16" • wer..rc.... ~"' --19#1 ..... II'-_, DI*• Pew --..-. -..._,,., ··-~ -='"-IU.. ••'-' -Ut .... Wfll _,.. AM CM• JU.NI 1t\eo •. =...._ --~·1 lftk<• 1a.-"" ---,._ ... """9H4fft ... ,.. 119' -Mw'rlll L1" m.-'1'--t'- •It -I• Oft S.7 s ttlll -Hll Ott u ILVER •·'" -''" Ott s.1 D -I Off ' 5.7