HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-11-30 - Orange Coast Pilot........................................ 111 ..................................................................................... ._. .......... ~"'='~ ............ ~~1~·.,.~- THE ORANGE COAST TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1982 Hurricane's I '.11 h111i.: •""I 11111 1 \' 111.I . ,11 111 ht .1 \ \ I ,t ill t h 1 I t fft"•HI l, 1d 111111 1\ ,illl I\\ I .f1 •,j t 1td1 d tJll 1111 l )1 .lll~I l '11.1 t t1td,1 \ \ 1\I tllj1 ..... 11111.t , .... , .. 1 I\ .f.1111.11:• ..... .1 1111 ... 111 1" ,11111 lllH ~1 111~' \\'I\•' 111 ... 1111g 1 .. • oghl 11 1 I .1 tnt l1 I t 4. 1111.tJ I .lilt' '.tlt'' fl f l1 11 n lt ttg .d """' \1 t.d , .. ,,,1,11 Ii><·''""'' 1111 h1.J111g "" 11.o1 1 ..... l'1·1111i...11l.1 11 1 N o \\ fl<•l 1 I\. .11 lo .111d 111\\ l\111g .111.i, 111 Su1i...11 l\t.1111 1\ I lJ 1 ,1 II J.: I ('II II II I \ ~t1\t·1n1tu·n1 ·..,•,tu111t "tu·1.d11111"' ll'lllll Ill 1\11,d ltllll 11 lf111,iJ , ,.,pn '·'"I 11111<1 ·111 th.II llu 1 o1111 1f 11 11>1lllllll1 ' 1111.1h,1l1·d \\41\tlol 1 ,Ill" lllltd,l1d1 ' .it llU1111 11111' "" ,1111111' 1h111ug l111111 •h·· 11111 111\ 1'111 N.1111111.d \\I 1tl11 I s. 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I\ I 4 I u I 'l t •I fl' t ' 111 • I ..... .... l JI 1 t IHI \\ t \ ' gc 1 l "'' I \ It • • f 1 \\ ~ ,L~•ttrtL! tHd t11 I ht :I It 'flt t 11\ t .11 •.1' ..... rh,, II J., •• .. f , 1111 t 11 H I 111 lt1 \ t 1 I I~ COUNTY EDITION ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS tail lashes Orange Coast Delly Piiot Photo by LH Peyn• B111h •h •''' l 1g1111 ' .11 1 ... 1gnil11.1111h l11glw1 th.an 1Ji1 l 'Ill 1111.d ,1\'1•1.tgt• 1.11111.all 1111 lhh l'.11 ly Ill tl11· I.ill\\' 'l'olMlt\, h1· ,,,ul Ttw stw 111 bn;ught \.\ 1\h 1l tlw u ... ual -.t·11t•.., of ft·ndl·r l>1·nd1·1 ... bul lllJ IH.IJlll .11·1·1dt•nL ... h.HJ l>t.•t•11 111 '-,lllh• I j l,, "' f1 I•'"" Ill• 1of lt1\\11\\ 1>11\1 \\t i • lj1111.t I• 11 .i\t \\)11'1\ .d t11l1t ••Ill I'"" •tf \\ .ilt 'I I l11o ~la ·d 1111 II 11•11111''\ 'I "\ I la 111.J 111 g \\ Ii II " I 11 1 '.I 'I 1S1·1· -.;·1 I lll.\l. Pag1· \..'. 1 \ tl1·i,1·1· pl1111g1· ... tli rough ftoodc·d i11tc·r..,t•(·1io11 al Balboa Bo11l1·' ;1rd a11cl :!Htli ~lrtTI in \t·" por·I Bc·a<'h thi ... mor11 i11g a .. li1 ·a' 1-.1i11 t·o11tl1i 11 t·d \\ ilh h igh 1idt·.., i11ur1<la1t·d tht• art·a . E lt•c·tion .. upc·n1-.or Charli11t• Jagµt·r-. ;tt'('t·pt-. 1w1i1io11 .. tor Founlai11 \ Hiit•\ -.d10ol board n·ca ll 1·l1·c·li1111 from ( \ICI-. l1·ad 1·r -. l\.t•n Brad It·~. Bob \\ t· .. tphal a nti l>1•\otl Da hl ( l'r11111 11 ·1'1 ) a 1 the· c ount\ n ·gi .. trar'.., offic·1·. Early tax cut plan abandoned \\' 1\ s I I I ~ ( ; I ( , \ I \ I • I I 'r 1 •.,11l1 11 l I<• o1i..:o111 111 1I11 I ,, , , I -.11 I I I "lll'I I ...... 11111 d I I'"'·'"'. 111<1 ...... 1h.111d11111 d ·"'" •I ""l'"' I: .1 ... k111j.! ( ""'i.!I• .. I lit••\ I ljl II I I fr1 ·1 ll\ I .J,1l• llf Ill '' \t oll llH 11111 • I I' 11 I 1<111 .1111\ 1•1 .l.11\ll.al \ dl1 I 11 I • I 11 I \\ I I .111 Ill I• t• fl.ti 1.ui1 f th d '' I• I " I • 111 l I• II .1... 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Jlll\\l'l """ k ,•111kl'd 11\ll llti' llllJI lllllg Ill lit.ii 1 ll\ I 11 ('11,t.1 l\l 1·,,t I hi' l.11 j.(• l l1 o111g1 l '11u11t\ Fa11 g1111111di. ... 1g11 .d 1111g N1 ·\\ I"" t H1t1d1·\'.tt d \\ ,, t11ppl1 d l o\ \\ 111th .tl•1llt H l.1" 111 ...111h.111g" l oll lio1\l'llt1).! 1111 1111 11. I 1 1 .. I• I\\ I H 11 h I · .. 11d Paul ~ala 1ar 1'1'11 .. ..,, • .., '-\an Uic ·µ.11 Fn·c·" a ' o\ ''"P""" 011 Hc·cl llill \\1·11111· a ftc·r 1·•11· l1ruk1· do\\ 11 d11 ri11µ .. 111r111. O••lr Pilot Photo• by Gary Ambrool! llo~ ''inch """'it thi .. 11111r11i11µ. • .lohnn ~ ·~ \\ i1Hh t•11011g h l o li lo'' thi.., c·mpl ~ tr:1t·tor -tra il1·r rig 11 \ 1•r on it.., .. id1· 1111 tlw '-1 :1 11 l)i1·µ.o Fn•(•"a' ... outh of ( 11h1·r Hoad i11 lni111'. The· clri,c·r "a"" 1111 h 11 r l Coa .o;tal .... P3V) 'A'•ndco •J"' l '1·1 ' I,, tl e c r ~ a ~ n Q ' r ,1 r, ' We<1nfl'ScJ1h t'·._.,, r1 I ' .,,..,, lhundPrShn\lllWPt I "'• -. •' 1 •ows •6 tn '-f.. ~·• ;t • ..,..., •• , .•. .., 1 1, ~8 to 6• ( t ..tr ~·· ' r i r Wednesdd) 10 '1''"t. .. ,' Etsewht-rP ftf')m J c.ept1on \O '"" M• •" oe' ano .J' f, watn1nqs "" tt ,,. f 1\ ' k nt)t~ -l)M 9t I d• f t 4 I 4 WednP$dcl1 (nfT ti r •• J ·•• t\ ~ • 14 fees o ...... , lhr 01J'''' ·~' ~ W9tef5 Sw~ftS QvP• If ,_., 1\t I water§ • tn #; fpp~ "'1• .,., wa ... es ot 6 f PiPt u11.-. ._tfhu Oecreas "Q c,w,..11 'i l "' waves WPdnf"t.;f1dv ~ ,11. '" i shower~ ("H ltn,11irJ••r\' ""'', lon1ght ar+d WPrtn+•'-'1--. " u arlt8 1 CIP'4f nq WI.) Sr-t•\ t ... It er noon {I .. ~ .. Ii II 111 llHll. \' A new Alaq-. An '""m bflfJtU1 pu!ih•no "' """'•1'f thrn11qt tt ,, No'1hwC'\I rarly ,,,,,.,., •1roc1'""0 rain over muth o f H1t• Pu .t Coast aoc1 '\now '" l h" t11u' f11 elevation~ o r <1' Ptp,.. ,. •• C&hlorn111 Snow lf!lll M r1nOrty ti"'"' n., Tahoe Basin w htlv A('r,1rnui.~t '(, o t • tnche~ ,..~, P , Poiu t ''" 1 UH ,outhern Ca~Adl'\ ot ()rpq r As muc h a' 2 ffl'Pt nt r1PW "''"'"" w&s pred1ct..,d ttu1i1-. ,t,, 11 1• mounts1r"t' ot "'>""~" < ,u l<1u 1-1 wh@te gu51y wind" m '" u•.tl'· rtear bht1&rd ton<J•t•nn' R9tn OtftY&tlfld nYP' mw h ""' tt ,. rest of Callforms antJ -11orq "'"" north@rn Psc1f1c ( Of\\lll w t Pff) l·'t'•' wlUf'Hng 5 Wfltffl If' ,.,, ... , t fl';\1 ,. tod•y for $Outhti1rn 01r yr1n H 11 northf!fn C3hfotnu1 Cloud,. cnvArf'c1 ff " n1,ttf•Pr•\ Aoc."•fli~ 10 Nrt11-.~"n ltH1 U·•• Q alr,OI&~ r 11g and "' , ,,,. bhtn "'-e14'Cl the uf1U"' M 1dtftfl\f '~ducmo vi111•h•l•tv tn '"'' th"n 1 h alt mile in ~"' tinn-. r,f .. ,ru1ff O•k ot. Mtnnl'l•nt A fnw.l M•d Nebr Uk• .California Httrnnenllill n t H111t•f1"''" 1w ., dumped nttntly twn +nt t1fl'\ 11t ''"'' on South111n C nllfr"'"'' fr1d11y c•u•'no mv1t1plf! ''""u 1.rc ul••tH" al\d p owar bl8t~ot1I' 111111 11pp•rently op.-n1nu n 'mk ''"'" lhl l 1"188tly t llfAllnW;f'f1 l\ l tdlf" cer Snow droppetl "' ft1...., ,,~ '• nrn 1 f"t in 11'18 mountain, ,,,1uticl l , ,~ A~M and w1nrh 0"'' .. ct ut• 111 •O mph " IA• ''; hnm tt.11 I 10 mph wmrh ''' l l "" H.t'A ••• when lw11 """"' ttl h•'' , _.,,,,.. 111\I wee k r ht1 11 'llffllt" ~t 111 It t•'1\I More showers due .·; 1, if 'I I' J ''••' I t ' ,, ., !' •• , ,. ,· .. i •I A • ~ ..... " {',' 1' • • I 1 ~. I ' . ' . " .... A •' ... •' ... Tt'lll/U'rtt I 11 r e . .; ... l. A , •• ' • Ao t ... ' . Al •• I' ,'\! i' I ~ H 1' f< I It it •i' ,. !-{+ 11 I'• H• fl•"' . "' ~ Ht1I' ,, fl.,llr 11 ( .. , .. I'' I NATION r 1•tr • 1 t• t I ''' I'( I ft•r••1t11 lfU, ~.~ ,~, jt ,,., ,,,, fl It t 1r p I •t'•'·•" ltfP,\11 1 1• It . I fl t ~ • , '" .. ",,., ... llt1fH1lul11 Hrn1\tnr ln1t1tU1HJ" 11• htr ~ 10' M+""' HI Lo " • 1 1n ,,. L.(l '-4 1'1 .. , ._..,' f14 4# J ~ ~' n~. .1i., ..,~, ' '- 4 A ''· 11( 4f lit t-1fi •,1\ .,, 1· ,; 11 \ I .,, ... t.O '· r.~ 1: 4f 2F. 4('1 t0 ... ., 4 \ •f '" ~" 4 l '"'c: \"'1 '1 O• 44 l• "' ~~ 41 II 1•. 1'1 II \(J ,., "' '.\ ~I " , •. t, .,, '" lA / ·' B'• .,,, /f, f,J 4 l, 11 /~ 4Q "I 1 I l, ,,, .... 11,. (f ti y ,. oil ~'"'"'' . ~/< I' M 111'11 11~~ ,,,, M t1•0, I I l't111 'h•w fh!• ,,,. tJ .. lo'. "''"' N••ll11I\. N1oHf1l1,,'11• I)\, I 1t1nll .1 t ''t 1),-.,.,, I (}11,111'1• J fl •t ) I I t•!t I P• 1•11, P1tt\t1wn' JlttJl.P1t Mi• p,,,q 11111 fhl• J•1 v1tt1••u •• Jt.tf"•111t n.lf ti I f, rh>n f.(I, l•n t Hl1 "•·i' l·•"'' 'co,;ll Ao I t ~PRfll1• 11t u•..,1•1 •'I '•-'•H• I t I• ',I I I I"" I HI t I ,, '·••·M t I ·~, .. , ... ., .. '•V' •l• i1 .1• 111pn•.1 ''''"'' r 1ul"'i w.1'ihm•if11q N.rh•IA . ' I'• ... , \ ,,, < I '· II , ... , .. I' ltd ··~ t,•1 "' i,.i 1' ,, 11 '. 11 . ' ~' I lo ~· ., 'I ' .•. ,,.. IP ••• 1• . . '" Ip •I • 4 )0 "~ 't f I IA ·~ 111 'fl tit \\ I ' •,! A, •"• ','t '· ,,, '\ ''* ·'· I' \' 411 .. ' •1; \I l1h ..tA f1, 111, hf, dft '•' ,, ........ ~URf Rf PORT !!leac h /11mn <, Hlfn ~nntt '' ~,~ ..... , .• , r'•n1' C,pr, (»fll<I"' Olftll., Su ri Avg ' 7 Oofl "'" I u oN11tt•111'\dlh Suri Suri Ma• Prd 1 10 17 ,, Ii Suri ''" t llyhlly • Swell Avg I Swell .... I well Oh w w w w Snow[J Flurr•e~(£!] CALIFORNIA ri,., .. '\/flt. H 11>•·1 '" 1 (ilf fl·Y., ltt•.1t;t•1 ·•· (11q (••··" h1•,f1111 Plitt 1• I 111111 I f ...... 1 ,,,,,,lll 1 IHI tlt•I I 1•+1f ft,. t t1 t 11• A1·q11h' ,.A1 Ill '/I I '''"I ti•t t 1ll1 •tlitt t t11/ r, t• I i , ~ u t ',jpf 1 J.• II I I • d • •• \. I t f ti 11'' v 11111, JI 1110' ti lOfFitlU 1• Tidt· . .; •,,I 11111) "'W •,,., u1h,J tuuh TODAY r. •,o h1 '>0 ;o "" • .. 411 4\4 l"· 1,0 /( ., ,,f fi•1 4H '''' 'in ·.tt r,n t,n 11•~ f!1t I~ I t '•? f,1 • t It l•ll , " 1• ll .-.... "1~ f.' "1f '•H '·d t.J "'' 1.;o 4. c:, I 41 '1 1 , , .... '1 , p '·• f I 4ft. •• 4\i t•ll ', h' .,. tit 10 ~fl "' ••• • 'il , •• "11 ''" •,n· '1 .,, f' .... ···-1,; '•' 1,, ,r HJ ltt •' (-.(; r,,-, ,' "' '' n1 ... 18 u ... I I 4 J WEDNESDAY r11 •1I '''W } l'l H n"l I/ f.,,1 "1yh ~ttnm 6Q ""' !"l''f1 ll'W \A~ J If"' I 4 •,,,, nrut h1oh tO Ul p ni tt \ '"' l\r•I Pt1111ly rlf 4 4'4 O If Wt••h ,,,d '" f, .40 ' l"tt ,. ... 11 ,,.,, •• I 111 h ti \~Cl,,"' '' , .. "''"''' ''"'·h '' f ntt • "' HB cleared • Jn accident nalc· ... 110 ut·••l1'•••·1ac·•· 111 ,,·, · I · t ,..., ,...,. • .... I 111\0 \Illµ, )Otlllµ, ... ~·I'~ I I \1a l )J flq'1 HltHI \ '•'I I llfl t f II , ••• ' 11 I If 11111t t 11.11 II II I I I I II ~· 1 .. II I I. '. I " \\ • I .. 11 " I la~ J1llJ1t Ill HI ,1f1 it I 1d1 ttl HI \\ 1111 11 ti ·' I 11 H d IHI \ Id I I I f d I 11 ti " tlljlU tt , .111d '" Lliudt d Ill •111t I \I 111· Jiii I I Ill•" 1111.1111111 .. 11 I. Ill l.t\•11 HI lit• I tl\ i\J,1t1tl t\ Ill 1111 11,,i t11\j.J\11q• J Jd 1.111 11 V11 111.11tu •• 1• ltlf.1 • 11. \\ "' ·'" l I \I .11 '"" .11 1d1 111 ,ti ~;l.11 • \ ~\, ,,.,,,( \\ 111 II ll llt I\ l1\ ,t I ... 111 I It ' ' II ii,, I I ol 111 ,:1 111 •• ''"''''""' "" "-ip11111•tf.d1 St1111 I t\ " '.ti ti; I\ I Ii 11\ " ,111d1 Ill g11111~1 t11 '" .11 l1\ 1\1.11 '"" I IJjolt S1 I 11 ~ii , d I 1• 1. ti .. 111 I ... From Page A 1 th.it I It'< It d tl11 Ill II tl11 I' •• di I I• I 111111 I 111 Id ti \\Ill l•"l th· .. t11101tl tf1.,1111t ,.1111111 $:!·11100 .1 -.p 11k1 ...,11o111 o11 1111 fl'j.(hll ••• .., "" 11 1 ""'" IJ.dtl .. 1 ..... 1\'l'll lit.ti tltP lllllllht•i t1I .,1gt1.dl ll ,., 11 ollt • 11 ·ti 011 l lh 11 '<.1 II p1•l 1111111 ' \\oh llllll h hq . .:111 I lli.111 tJ11• lllllltl/t't 111 \Ill\'' II\' \\!ill It I oll Ii "I 1111 11 ll ftt ' \.\'.ti> ,.1 ... t1 ·d 111 \'If\\' 1il till' .. Ill i.ugg•·.,1t·d 1"1< h 11 11'11 " 1111gh1 h1 wio.,;·1 Ill 11•o.,ag11 1111\\ .. 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"' ''"It .ti lit lh "''" tit.it II• I•• .111''1,..,1.,f 1111p11•1• 'h ••II ,1 dt H.lttlll•l1I •\•l I tin.ittJ 111 ti 1111• h llt• I••\ Ir .t1l11 rl 111,d I '"' \ "11111 111 I I ,If '""'"~'.It 1'\ll 111 ·" J!llt'll 111.tl 1t11 • '"'""'~: )'If ti d l.1fl1 d 111 1111111111 Iii dllllt' 1 ... tll•1•1dh .tl .. \\1111• lt.illh '" l''"""I llt11o11 .. :l1 th• ''"''"·"k .011tf 111 ,tll11\.\111g '1'1,111 111 111 tilt 111' l.11 ,, 1. tit 1111 ''"'"'"'·"k ('111·,"11g g11.11 tl' ·"' 11,11111d ·Ill" I "'"I .11ttl 11.t1tl 11\ 1111 Ill' ('11\ 1111111.d-. 11.111 .. 11 ..... ,, l" 111.1h1 .; ;!i.tlHl,lllHI "' l I !1 •1111·11 I 111 11111 · ''"' 111.d .t.11 l•" ,fll "ld1111: 11• l\l.1\111 Hul1 M.1111111 11 .... 1111 1111\.\1\fl ii• I 11111" It\ 1111 ''"' . ., l.1\\ \I I ,11111 111. I.it lw1 "I 1°11 11 I >uni~ 'l 1,111 " 1111. h .11111 Ill S.1111.1 1\11.; • • • ~u .r.a n1u· Moon· 4 :ht>rvl ~orton d• ~ hl"ll 111 1 11 • t 1 .. 1111dd Ir· " ho<"' 1''11 11u-.t11 l.t1g1tf'd frn lt'lilll llt 1111 th11 • l111.11 d in1·111lit r' \\ t II \ H(I ti Iii• 1111d.llt Ill J.1\111 11f (ll,1111\g ~11 ••• 1 ... \ ... lt llt Recall process step by step 11,. t • •I ti} 1)1 f I 11 I I l• II"" 1111 1. I 11111 1 1 .. It ii Ill Iii• .ill•""" 111 11 •. .ti I·"""'·'"' \" 1,' ...;, J,,,,.i l l I l1t 11111111" I "t \ ,.J1tf q 11.11tJ1• I.ill. 1 .. '"" tl11 111111111111111 11q11111oi 1 .. 1 ·' 1 .... 11 111111•111 1111 l"lllltolli.!l""I'' f'1\1 11 Ill 111"1 ' ol.1\ t" '""'~ 1 1)11 111p11t"d 111 1111111·1 001 ... 11,!11.11 u 11 II i);t r 111I•1 I 11111111" I 11t 11•11.illllf' I 1. ti I 11 I I 11 I t , 11 J 1 I I I h 1' r , h h. t 11 g \\l .. tlt11 1111 ll thl•• ,1t .. 11ld ho I• • 1111 d 1>1 11111 "'"'" \lotlt ll1.1ll I 'llti 11'11 illlf• 11\ll ' t11 11dl1 l \1 d ltll I I'·" .111 \ °" ~ •Jllll lj~lt l 11111 lllldt I I ,,. h ll 11"-11 t ' llolllll I k°' \\ IJ11 'h1111(d 1 ... 1 ... ltd t11 111• .... 1; .... 1 1 ..... ,d 11 I•' 11111111-. l•>i ' ... 11 .. 1 11 .. 1111 1 I II II I•• .r1d II II 1 f,1 111•111111• d I•• ti" 111 .11111 I llllil\ J('I I It 11 .,,,,,, .. ( 1111 .11, .... 1 .!1 lilt I 1111 1111 .. 111 111.illotl ,\ 111tl1d.1l 1 \\ '''""!-! '" ti .. 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I ti' I ' t 1. \ l I 1 I ti· \\1111111 ~, •• ,, •·11111 ... ,,,,,, ·•' I 11.11 111 lj\il ,,,.,.I lllt I It 1 fl!tll If -.1111 .Ill II lllllr d Join Us In ci~f wrl1i1t f C: '>11r0+!!ilt ...:\1/111/1·1:it rt] 1 W ednesday, November 31st thru Sunday, December 4th <.pt•t 1.11 rnc1ng 11111 Ir 1111111111111y IL I\ '" 11•11 IPrl 11\ \Ill ,, ,l IM'I I flllle' \till I' \\.11 II I M'rf I IC'lf' flt HT) ( ,If l,lf J,t frvf' yr-.11' ,1q, 1 ti L•I 1111• V\,1111 I•• '·'Y .1 11•\111111<l1nq llt,111~ V1'" """ 111 11111 '111111 '"' rlw Wt'f'lt 1 •l N••\'<'111111'1 )11111lltrllltl/ltI11'1 f'lllllf'I 41'1 ,Ill jl'\i\l'lf';i Ill dlfl llM'ntn1y Wtfl llf' Jllllf'cJ lfl < .111,1d1.111 <11111.110, (1·q1111t.1lr•111 In ,i 20% Olscountll ""' '' .1 rn1r 1111w 11111y, Vf'ry w,;il I~··" ·111 . "• 1111 1M11t1 y l~I\ .1tw.'Y' l•"<'f1 10 prt<P 1111r 11'\.\l'llV l,11lly .lnll (II 11.trk lllct\f' flll(P\ ,,,111 ',.._ •11•111(·y ti.11 I.. q11.11.1111rr ol v.11tw Spe< 1.~1 rcdtlJrf?\ l11.11td111011rn11w• 111,w1y ltrl(' f>tl'<f'\ C1<'\1grlf'<l ,ir)(j I ((',t(f'd Ill nu• ()WI\ \IU<llO, Vt/f" Wiii Of' \h1)W111q .m f'(I lt1\M' <nflN"tton of Jl'Wf'lry hy Tnrn C .M'll1 o f V..incrnM'r B C Mr (<M'l!t 1 ~1' c rf'.ltrd Jl'Wf'lry lo• 011ren (111.:1bf'1h II ,1nrt Pr1ncf'\\ /'vi()(' o111d I\ .1 thrf'f' ttlTlC' Wl(Vl('r nl th<' worlcf\ 0\( .11 Im )f'Vllt'lry d<'\IQl1. 11"' [Jf>Rrf'r\ 0 1.1monrl\ lnlf'tn.lltondl Aw;ird ~ h.M' ..il1n o ht,111l('(J from Furor)(' tor lhl\ wC'f'k o nly. <1 \l1mn1nq \l"lrc11on o f IOO\<' c11.1monc:1\ ;ind colored qem\tonc\ v,;tluect ..it \PV('r.;11 m1ll1on doll.H\. ror \ale al vcry. \l('ry f.M)rablC' prtCf'S \Xk l)()f)e you Wiii JOln u\ for thl\ celrbr.:1t1on Looking lorw.1rcJ to \f?Ptng you 17 7 ra\hton l\limcl. ~rt Bt'ach. CA 92b60 rr1rpt'lC)(l(' 714/644 -0501 • Near Bullock\ Wil~hirr ' ' 111,11111• l 1111•.1 IJAll Y I'll Ultf111°.d11y N11v1•n1llu1 HJ 11m;i \!I WORLD Refugees swell state welfare rolls . . • ex J>IC)S~C)ll Thatcher' re.·. idenc l· Parce l \ hits By The Ai.soduh:d 1'11''' A p..11H·l 1'lq.Jhl(lt•d Ill I l.11111 ' todav 11b1d1• Jln11w 1\11111'" 1 M ,.,: 8 iJ I l ' l T "'" \ h ''I '' l ti Duwn111..: S I . l.1111 d 1111 re s 1 J l ' 1H· '" .111 d I 11 ' I 1 n ut1011<.ll1 :-.t ' 1 l.111i11 ·.I rt'sponsilJ1l1l) 1111 1ti1· 1>1. ... 1 wh1l'h si.:urdll'd llw t.11 1 111 ''" <&ldt• whu opt•11t·d 1111' I'·" k.1g1· Tha1d11•1, 111 h1•1 111111" .. 11 111• II•"' .11111\1 1111 ''"'"''"" "·'' 111111111 1111 h 1 . .1 ...... 1.t I 11 N "I 1111 I II I 11 l.11 111 , ·' t1 l"11Ji11111 · • ,olJo I t11ld l{.·1 1."I • I lo\\'"""''' H.1d111 .1.1111111 111.11 111 .. 11 "h N.1111111.ol I .ilw1.1l11•11 1\1111\ \\ ,1, I• ">111111-,il•li 1111 1111 .11 1.111-. 1111 1.oll1·1 , .. 1.t INl .1\ \\ ""'" , ,.,lit ·' 11111 . ,,,,, 1111·111 f.itt I I I I • \ \I I I. I·:--11\ I' I I lit f IH.1 \\t II.tit ltdl, ,il t \\11!1111 1., .• d1 .JllllJtttlll1111.ot1 11\lllilfl f 11( ll llfj!I I • \\lo11 111\l'ol Ill I" I .1111lo" '" ll\t Ill .. 1111 I ,, ol1. •.• \ ·' I(, ol)'·•ll •• d1111111 .. 11.1111111 "'I 11 1.d 1111 \ 11 l di ,1\\ 11 111 II It\ 1111 llll l l 11111.lfl l "I 111 Ill I dill .OIJHll "'''''Ill .111d .:• 111'1.ol ... ,,,,1..111' p1<11:1.0111 ..... 1 l'liill111 ll.l\\kt•' ~ d1111 1111 111 II l11g1•1• ",, 1111 1111'111 rvt ... 1 111 tl11 11 ·1111:1·1· .. \\1111 .ii I l\'1·.I Ill i '.ol1l111 llld ho •I \\l t 11 l'l1'1 dild 111111 ,Ill IJll \\I lt.11 (' olllll 11111 ... 1 lu 1.111~:111 111 111·1111111• ''·II '>Id I 11 11 111 I l.1\\lw, •.,11d l\l1111d.1\ PLO, Jorda11 _jtJining lian<ls ? 111 U1.111g1 ('111111 1\ .1 t .111111\ 111! II\\ I 11 '11 I\•'' ;:\!11\h .1 1111111\li pill' 11wd11 .ol 1 .. 11;·l1h. 111 ,,11d. f111lt11g 111.ol Ill 11lh1 I ,1,Jlo•' th.II ... 11111 l.111111\ \.\1111ld Jo 11'1\'I' "''' 1h.111 ~.!CHI .t 1111•1111t AMMAN .J 11 I d ,1 II Pall'~l1111• l.ilH ·1 1111111 0 r g a n II .1 I I Ill l l " • ' II 111 • ' II YaSM'r A1<1l.1l .... 111 1 1111!." tho1t he and J ord.111·, K111g 1111 ... ,1 111 are l·onsrdl'n 11g I 111 111111g ,1 ronfedl·r<&lloll ii ,1 l '.11t· ... 11111.111 govt.·rnnwnl "1·11· ,.,1 .. 111 .... twd on thl• \.V1·,1 H.111h. .111d ( 1.i1,1 Strip I n an arr fl "' 1 11 •" confen•rwt" Ar.it.11 '·''" 111, PLO WiJll~ Eg_vpl "to 11llll11 to the Arab fold · 111' ·"'" 111d11 ·"' d 1h1 l'Lt> 1 ... "'" I•·"" lo• 11·111g111/• , ... , .... , \1111 ""'' "·'' 111 "''' u-. ... 11111, \\ 1111 '""' .111111.1111.111 1111111.111 h. 1\1 ,tl.11 loofd I •·11111 It I' "'J'hc• l;rlh,, \\ I I " " I 11 I! 11 ll ' ... \ I II 1 """ Iii 1.01'" I 1111 1111 fllllll 1 Oil .1111.l.olll Ill l'..Jo•,11111,111 I 1•l.1I11111-. 1111 t Ill fi.1 ..,1' 111 11111l1d1·1.1111111 \\', .1g11·1·d 111 1 'I II \ I II II o ,1 f h. ' .1 11 cl t 1111..,11l1o1t11111 ... 1111 tl11.., ,Ul1J1~ I More peace forer~s urged BEIRUT, Ll·ba111111 t\1111d 'bloody fighting 111 I .l·l1.111t11l ... C'entral mounl<1lll~. P1 l·-.1d 1·111 Amin Gemavt•I ha!. t·.tllt·d 1111 the u Ill ll'Cl s·la ll'!>, Fr ,11\l'I' a 11d l la I y t o h l' l' l u p t h , in t e rna tiorw I J.ll'<&l l·k1•1 p111g forl'C' The l'Pnlr <ii l11lt11111.1111111 A g t• n ,_. :-. .1 I u l .1 I 11 , \\ , organ1za 1111n llo" 111 1111 go\'rrnn11•n1 . 11·1111111 d M o n day that C.:1·m.1q·I h11p•·' NATION It • 11111111·d1.it1·1\ t''1'·•11cf tl tt l .llllll llll'lltl1t I f•ll11 !11 l.1,11111/ 11 11111 ..... 11111 l1.1d .1pp111:1l ll1'd 111111 I I H\Jlll1 II'" lll <'1111\l lhlllt• ,.,1.J11·1' Tho..i· 1·11l111l1 11, \\ "" 11 l ult 111ii 11·d (;, 111,,,, I ..,,,,,J d111111g ,, 111p •• 111· l'1111td '-;1.11 .... 111d l·.11111p•· .11111 111 b11.11111 f•lt ,11(1 Ill Ill ....,, f111 11111\ I th o1 Ii• "o111I I ,.,, •·11111.olh lih.1 .1 1111 I "' Ill lllflf IJllflliiJ,ttlllfl,d 1w.011 K•. , .. , ... Ill l.1 h.0111111 MX fire victim. sought T ULLA HOMA 'I 1·1111 W t'ary d1v1·r~ n ·,l!·d 1·1 11111 resuming lh<'1r .,..,.,,It 111 ,, floodl•d M X 1111s.o;tl" t1·-.1 ,lo.it 1 fo r two nH1rt· Vll'l1 111~ 1.i .. W Cl•k cnd fl.1o;h I 111 111 I ho undcrgrou11d ch.0111'1(•1 The bod1c·~ of'"''' \~111k1 ,., already h <n'l' lx'l.·n rt-t'o\'l'll'<I from the· s haft. rndudrng 11111 body rt•covl·rt·d ll\ di\, r Monday night a nd wkt•n l" ,, f uneral h omr 111 111 1rll\ :\l .1 111Ji1,11·1 1•11 µ•l'lll\• 1d1 1111111 .1!1111 -...1111 ,\11 1·1111 • 1· .. 1 < h.11lt-.. I 1\d,1·1111.111 '1'11• Id .. ~·· S.on1rd.o\, l1·d II\ .111' 11111.il•" :111.111111ptllJfld,111 .11l1d I 111 f..1·t I ll!'l. 1.11-!I d th1.,11..,'1 1t.1 ,, II \\1111 • th• I• •lll \\ "' 1-.t r \\ 1, ,. , J, ,1111ng .,,. "' l.11 1111111 .Oil '''1'1 .... 11111 Ill d,.,, t .11111 I -...,.:, "' I" "l•l• '" 11 hu1 t dur 11•..: th1· h,•tt\,. lo l'Ul uul •I I• New spac< ... shutt/, ... rolle<l out CAPE CANA\' EHi\ L r l.1 -T b l' :-. µ,, ( I ' ' It ll I 1 I • Challl•ngt•r. p t I l he d ,111111 ,, huge· cr~1v.l1·1 11.11i-p111111 began a slow Jour 111' 11.1.,, t•• the Jaunt h p.1d \\ho.,, 11 1 sch e dulPd for 1i... 111.11d• 11 launc h rn 1:-tll' Jo1nu.11, STATE I I II ~ l I .. 11111 I I "1-t .... 11111\Jt I· d ,\1111 I ' I "'\\I 1 ''"'" pl.1111 ,,~ 11 I• J.!.tll 1 .. 1l111L! 11Ul 111 tho \' "'' ,, ,\ ,, II hh fll11ld111g ·" ! 111 ,•1 l'!->T 111.111\ 111 111.11ul1 .111" I 11 "ho ;lul• '·"' K• 11111 th !->p.'l' \ "c J\l• I -.1111kl·..,111.111 .l 1 m H.ol \ Military convoy 111 era h s A .N D I E (; () T \\ 'I veh1clrs from .o n1tl 11.i t' convoy transporting h1,1.!li e xplos 1Vl'<;, a M 1·rc 1 do ,, Cadillac and a C lw\'1011 1 ,111d seven othl•r JUl11' "' '' ill pa rt o f c1 l h ,1 1 n 1 ' .11 11 "11 a ccident on ,1 \.Hl h•i!hv..o\ that resullc"<I rn 01111 1nJu111 ., a nd a monuml'nl.tl t1.dl11 jam The <ill ldl·nt ".1, , 1 111 m o tio n o n <1 1.11t\\ !\1111111.1\ 1II1 I 11111111 11\ .111 •Ill I 111 11111l11if )!Hll 1'11\Pl.1 ,,11.J IJ.111 \ l'luhl ,1 C.illlolf 111.1 l1 1t.,:li\\.o\ l'.111 0111lf1n I fl· ...... d tl11· 1111111111 ... 1 It I\ 1111-'. th• To\111.1 1 .. ,, I ti II I I 11 I 1 JI h 1 I l .r r .1 II d '" • 1 \t•d ,, ,.,..._., f11ur l.1111·0,, 111 lnlo r 1.111 1 ... 1 .. mn1111g 111111 ,1 t l\'o l•lll :\l.1r1111 \111 p 11,11.-.111•11 IJ'U<k ,1nd .t jtl)I It•\\ 1111-1 " If .. i!j •[ Tho ·11 • ",;, Ill> if,1111'• I ool o 'pl11,lllll 1111111•11·11' ,,,111 4 killed al t~n<I of cha e SALTON CITY r '"11 people• WNI' kt I kd "tu I I J1111 others Wl'rt' :.t·11ou'I\ 111Jllr •ti when a van lx.•1ng d1 ..... 1·d 1,, " U .S . Bordc·r p~Jtrol ui11t Iii•·\\ a tire and slamnll'd 111t l1 t Ito · wooden rarlrng o f ;i l'Oti1·11 tt• b r idge According 10 1lw l'.d1l111111.1 H 1gh way Pa 11111, ltord1•1 J•.oll••I ,11-!1•11l' \\t n pu1..;1 11111~ I h1 \I 1111 J1• J\1011d:I\ lltghl 11•·1 ·'"'' 11,,' I~ 111•\'1 d 1t "·" 11,111 p1111111)1 illo·g.d ,d1•1t"> 1\111•1 tl11· \',tll 1111 1111 · l111dg1· 1.1il1ng rt ll1pp1·d fill t• 1·1 111 1 Ill ;i11 .111d la11d1 •d llfl"d•· d11\\ n 111 "d1·1·p gull\. ''Jt•11111g l\\'11 I" oplc· 111 tlw p1111·1·"· " l11gh\.\i1\ pat111I 111•\\'., ••·Ii""'' "· "" 1\;11111l111 g to 1111• ">I.JI • Economy e receives boost \\,\S lll NC'l'UN L\l'I ,\ "'' \ IJ.11 •11111"11 I .. 1 1111 11.1111111', lllllll• 1·1·11111 111111 111 .. iltli 111">1' •• 111111 111,111 ti 11 I"''' 1·111 111 I >.•111111 I'. 1111· ,1,tJi /,.'.1111 111 'l '\l'll 111011111,, 1111• ~:IO\t lllllh 111 II f!Ul I\ d !11d:t.\ Tl11 11,;1 Ill I hi ( '111111111·11 I I>. 11 •11111• 111 , 1111!1' 111 I ,1·,11 l111g I 111 I 1 •• " "I ' \\ . ' I "' ' " t II I 11 \\, I 1111 .t ·'" ,, 111·\\ "J.:11 t ht , , • ' ''"" '"·'' l1t Ill .11111g .111 111d .11 h I \ft 11111111'1' 1'111 111 \\ II l.Ol I .ol-.11 11 \I 1 cf !'->1 pit 111111 I ).!.1111 1111111 ti .I I" 11' 111 111 ·' 11111e Ii .. 1111111.!• I I I I",,' Ill 111•\\f•\ I I ,, "f'.OI de 111d1•' 111 1111 l•I''''' "'" olt 11•111d '" 1111 ,1 111 l 'Ill I I 11 I I l 11111111111 .i•li\ll\ 1 .. 11111 111.111 , .. , ....... , I Ullll I 1111 .. 1111" d1 llf1p1 ·ol 0 II I" I I I' 11 t 111 ( ,, t" "' I t fl 1111 I h 111"1·-..t 11 \l'I \f I 111 tl11 r<'l.1'''11111 ( \11111111It1 St 111'1.ll \ l\f,oll11l111 Jt dol11g1 ,,qol 1111·1 1 " lhU.dh ,, f.11.: Id 11111\ lli11·1 Ill l<Hll llllllllfi I 11 I \\ I' I' 11 11111 II JI\' I II II 111 111 1 Ii I lo .o.J111t.: tllll11,il11I'-,111ol ,1 11'1 Ill "'tu 11 1111 1111·..,., o11·11v1t\ "' 1111.l'lll• d l1\ tlll' .,, 11.11.111 fnd1 \ id I '111111 1ol1 111 l t1d1t .01111'' I '" 111 \I 1111 Jll ••h•ll).,• d I.ii: ""' 111111 .•• 11.t 11 ... fl•l.llt\\" -..111\\ 11"' 111 lht• li·;ullng 1nclH':1ior-. :&'< \\ ' I I \\ . I ' \ I II 'I 1 I h \ I " I I", ,1,h·111 I Ill hit.:h ""'I•,, 1:111 ... 111!11 lfto 11111111• I ho ">.llof Ill ,1 ,1,111 1111 11 I \\ I Ill I ,o I I ' II 11 \\ d II\\ 11 loll"" """I \'• I I ti. h11\hlll)., l 1' 11\' I ,, 1111d1 ·1 \\ "' H.old11i.,:1· , •• 1.t .\ ,,.,1 .. 1111 d f•ll k11p Ill'·"''' 111 Ill\\ I 11 ,111of 1111111 \ llll">Ul111 I d111,1hl1 ).'""' ' Ill 111 I '\l)I \ h cf 111 I ul I"\' '1111 11I1 Iii 1111 ''""''" Ill tho· l1~1d111g 1111111 .01111 ... h.1\'( h1·1·11 -111.ill "' 111111po111-.i111 w11h theN· 11-; .. I I It ' ' 11 d II I pt l' \ l 11 u' , ,., '''""1' l-'111 1•x:1n1pll-. l h1· 111dt"o( 111">1' 1111111· 11!:111 :! 1.i ·111 111 1111 11111•1 111•1l1tli-.. ill .o Ill\\ ;it 1111 t 11d •ii 1111 l'll\11d11\\111\JI II 'I )11, \1·.11 '-. f1gur1 ·~ h.1v1• fl'IHl1 ·ol lo fl 11111111 1• lilt' fort·;"'" 1.f lllll ... t I'( tll\111\1"1' t h;1( .01\\' I I I II\ I I\ \\ 111 111 \\'l'o lk ,11 11'.ISI .II 1111 t .11 ' (Ill' ll11f1 \ I' dt -..11.(IH U lo 111111 .... 11'1.111,1.!•"111 tho no11111n.d· , , ""''"'' 11 '' 111.1d1 lll• uf ... 1 .. 11 lll ... 1111111 10 d1l11 11·111 ·""'' 1.1111.(1111.: 1111111 1111pl11,1111•nt t lf.!IJl l ... 111 '''" h. f'lll I ' \fl llftlll' 1111 llllllll' l.11 1111 \ pt1Hhll li11J) In t ll 11ti11 1 1h1 111 \\ 11·111, 1 t ,,111!, 11\·1• of th1 Ill ton1pmw11t... -.h11\\ 1·d 111111111\ 11111 nt kd "' ,, 111111111111111.: ,,,..I.!, 111 ''"' k pr111·' 1\I-. .. pu-.11111..: 1h1 tnd•·\ up 111 <>1 t 11111 r I 11111.ll 1 l.11111,., I or llllo 111Jllo\ 1111 Ill l11•11t •f 11' ,,O\.\'l•d, 1Ju1lol 111 g Jll'1n11 t-. ro-.c'. tlH· 11o1111111 ' 11111111 .,. ,u ppl\. 11w n·n~wcl .1111t 1111'"'''" dl'f1v1·111•, ... 111w1·d '"'"'""' 111d11 .11 111i.: g11 .. ot1·1 \I" l 11114' flllll I 11lllfll)fll'l11"' d1d ..... 111',I' 111.111 111 S o 1111•111111·1 T llt•V llH l11d1 ·d d1·1 ·11·'..-.1·d 111 ·\V 111d1·r-. l;l t.11 111111·, I"' 1111p,u1111 ·r good -.. l1 •w1•1 1·1111lr:11 h and 111 de•r o; 1111 pl.1111' ,111d I !JlllJ>llll'flt, lo\\ I I pr 11 ,., I• •1 "'""1t1v 1· 1.1w m;o11·n.d' .11111 .. o11 .. ,. Ill '""" l1q1111f ....... ,, We're Listening ••• Wha l do '"u hkt· ah<>ul the f);11ly Piiot' What don I \OU lrke ~ Call tht• numtx·r at ll'ft and your mc-s.o;agc writ l><' rN:ordcd. transcribed a nd dc-hvert>d to tht• appropnol<' t•d1to 1 642·6086 ~ht• sam<' 24 ho ur ans "'e nng or;erv1c e may be u!'>ed t o rrcord let IPr' tn th1· 1·rl1te1r on an) lop1r M atlhox ron tnhulors mu-;t include thC'ir n.1m1· .inrl tell•phone numlx'r for V(•nhratton No r 1rrulat1on 1· .1 lls p l1-.1-..• T"ll "' "hJI ·:-. nn 'our mind DmlyNet ~ ... ....... Moncley·fr""'y ~ you do "Ill ..... you• p1oe• by l :IC>pm cal-•7f"' = J:O"' copy •" D• lelvroey ind &unoey 11 1"' do 'IOI IM:el .. yOU• ?l_ by 1 a.m cal be!Ott ~ .:;;:: 'f<All CO!IY .... Q ....... ,,, ,, __ Er CcM>ty .. ,...,, E!:"" .... "' ~~-... ORANGE COAST Daily Pilot Thoma• P. Holey Pun1~v.,,.r ond C ,.,1,_1 f • ~' '""'" (}lhuu Jane Amari f •&(Utve fd1lflf l . Kay Schulta Vi<.• p,.,~nt ones o .. .cior o1 "°"..,''' ng Rovmond Maclean (,.,,,,,othtr Michael P. Harvev 0".cror ol Mo1l e••llQ t(.,culio••Of\ Clau lfted advertlalng 714t'e42·5678 All other department• 642-4321 MAIN OFFICE J.>O w .. 1 e.., s1 r ... 1 ......... r" f'A•ll 1ddrt\\ 80• 1!60 (0\11 ......... (.A '761' (opyrlglll 1"1 OrM\Qtr '°"'' Publl\hlnq c.,,._nv Hon••' \tori"' lltu\tr•tlon\ •ctftotlel m .. ter or •O- vt rtlt•m.,nt\ "'-'-'n m•v tM t•PfOdVCl'd without tortt &at Pl'"''"t0n ot tC>f:>YtfQnt owrwr Tlw Or-Goll\I D•lly Piiot w llh wlll<ll I\<- Din.., llw "-"P'"' " l>Ubll\l>ttl by IM 0rl"91 CoH I P,,..,,.,,,.. Com1>1ny !Mpa"'' ..,"""" 1•1 &>vbll\,,.., ~IY 111,_.,, frl4l1y lor C.•I• ""-.. • "••POrt 9-11, H""llneion aeMh, '-l•lft Vell .. , lrvlM , l...,_ he<ll, Soutl>Co .. t A t i ............... tillllOf\ II .....,.1.,,.., s.tu•d•" al'>CI "'"°""' y,,. jlfll'l(lpal "'*ltll .... plant It •I »0 Wul aay tlrwi P 0 80• 1tcMI {Mia~,. Cllllo•11la t7t>t I )1 , •.•• '"" 111 "' ....... '·" ...... I\ I• I ' _• 111111111 ·"111tl11 ·"' A·.1111 II Ill~'.· I 11 ,1111 111 I dlf111111.1 J\·, od l,1·,I .1111' I I• ,I, I 111 t lu 111 \\1 II 1111 .11d 1111 \' •111• 11111 \\1111 p11li.of" 11111 " I'." .ii th .ol ul k1111w lo d g 1 '"I"' '"''' '·'I""" I• .Ol lfl'd 1111\\ I•• 1111 ,, i!f 111111 • .11111 1111 \ 11.1\1 11111 111 I II fto ">ll.1111 111 d11 111,d • ll,,,,1"'' ,,11ol v.,·, 111111·11tlv "1 Ill 111 11.1\'1 .1 l"'l1tlfo11l1111 111 IJld ll\ pt 11pl1· \\ "" "'''"' '" Id· ~:••1111• 1111 d1 o1w 111g .1 ... 11.1 111 , .• .-.. 111111'. ·'' llwv ... ·,. 1'11grltl1 " I f.1\A fl1· ... Ill 1cf1 l1t' I t.,,.llllt'flh 11111111 1111 l11 •,11111;·t111µ11I tho N.0111111.tl ( '111111Il111 I' •rl St.tit I . '. I! I ' I . 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I 11 I, I. 111 • II I t • .. ,,.If .. 11111111 ·111. 111 ll\I' 11111111>1· .... 111 •lltt· I lll'Jllllllllll,Y" \lilt' W:1 V 111 111 !1 J:1 ,tl1• 1111 · 11 •fu~1,1 •1•' 111111 .1 1·11111111lJ1111V , ll.1\d,1· ....... 1d. , ... ,,, fJlll\'ld•· ''.ill ·,1111 . 111 11.011 11111:" .111d t1•1 lu111.ol ,,,,1.,t.lfl!l lo J1lll'IHltlV1 1•111pl11v1·1' 111 11•11t·d tit.it th1 1<1·.q.,:.111 .1d1111111 .. t1o1111111 h." 1·.of Ill.I I k1·d ;1 ppl 1J)l.l ll1.oll•ly $~ti 11111111111 \11 $:1:1 11111111111 1111 that Jlllr'f!IN' 111 ll'><'al \l'Jl l!IB:! 1l.1wk1 ' ..... ul th;ll 111 th1· fl·''' c.111101 lll<l hJl> rt•t1·1v1·d :10 \ ppoi 11 lt•d In Covernor Brown I" I• I 111 "' tl11 fl I U)(1•t'h Jll 1111.0111\. 1111111 S1111tlw.1,1 A ,1,1 I 1111·111111 ''" 1111111" S t.llt''> " ~'..t I h It 11 11',olll111111.11 It.id 11111· tll111·1li 111 1111 11·l11g1•1'' '"' ,,. ""111tt11 I IH " p1 u l1l1·111 l1;1wk1 ' ,,,111. 111111t·11d111i.: 1h.1t "'"'' o l llll' ;!1111,lHHI 11'! 11g1·1·' 111 ( '.olrl11111t.o .11 t' 1111 'A 1·llo11< 'l'lit ft"ll 1,iJ J.lllV1·11t111t·111 t l.oHll' tl1.ll I '.olil u l lll•I paid $.1·1 1111ll1w1 111 ,..,,1,t.11111 · to '"""' 11 I UJ.:l'l'h \d111 \.\.'I'll 11111 .. 11i.:d1li ('11 11 ... 1q111·111lv . 111·11111• ( ";.111 111111.1 1 .11 1 l>c· 1 ;•11111Jur!\t•d bv 1111 l•·d• 1.d g11vt •1111111111 l•JI 1111·, • ''"'''"' 11 1111i..1 u11dc·rg11 ;111 • '111 Ii t \\', ·''" lllt.1bh 111 ... u 1i ... 1a11liah• ( '.tl1l11l lllo1 '\ J,11111 fCJI t ill' llUlltl>t I 111 Jll'llfJlt· t ht y ( l;11r11 4J ,. l11l 11Iug11 .i•"i...1.1111 1., .. l l.1w k1·:-. l>..l1d O•llY Piiot Sii" Photos ( •n 111µc: ( :ou11I ~ ~upc·rior ( :ourl Ju,lgt•!-. E'h~ ard \\ a llin. Thoma.., ( .ro ... h~. ~t ... ila ~011c·11 ... hi11c · a nd Rolw rl Hid, I •·~ h a H ' lwc·11 na nwcl to llu· Fo11rll1 l)j .. 1 ric ·l Courl of \ ppc.•al. Tiu·~ c·;ic·h "ill t'arn ~72. 10 I a ~ 1•ar ii' 1·011fin•wcl a l ht•a rin~:o-1wx l month lwfon· the· Co111111i ...... io11 011 .ludic·ial \ppoinl11H'11h . De Lorean clainJs 'entrapnJent' L< > S t\ N <, EL ES I 1\ I ') ;\111>1 Ill \''o 1111 ,111111 l11.ig11.1\;· .J11h11 '/ I )t J.,,,, .. 11 , l.111n '11· " . .-. lur Pd uht.1111 tu11d111g 1111 1h1 · [k· Lon•;111 J\llll11r ('n •. th1 · pitpt·r' s<llCI I>.· L1111 ·.011. ,;, '' d1.1rgl·d with I •111'flll 1111-t 111 d 1 .. triliUll' :!:!O JH • ll 11 cl., 11 I 1 111 "'1111 · w o r t h ;111 l'!>lllllUlt ·d .):! I rn1ll11J11 .... 111111 ol '"'"'"" l'llll">Jll l .ll \ II\ g11\ I 1111111'111 ·'~11'llh \\ fi11 lll1IV li.1\'i' d 1'4.'11u1,1g1·d lt•g1t1mntl· IP.1n-; '" h" l.11li11g l .Ot u>rnp.1n:v l'hc l.1\\\tl'. d1-..l.,,111g tllt'll tit lt"l1M' pl.1.ll:, Ill l\IUI I do( u1111·111" f1lf'cf Moncia v ePn l e•nrl lhl' I-!"\ 1•1 lllllf'lll \\ •" II\ lllg \11 11l.1k1· 1>1 Lo11 .111 ch "I" 1.111 1111 I und' 111d \ 1111111.dolc 111 ... ugg1 -.11011' 1ho1 t he 111111 .c ~.!I 11111111111 1i.11 c·11111-.. d1,111l1ul11111 tit .tl "I lil'IC· I!> ;c ~11i>~l:111t 1.1I 1111l1vott11111 th;it tli" t-:o\'1•r111111·111 111.1\' h:l\'f· atl<•mp11•d \11 lll(lun l1·g1t1111.1t1· soun ·1·' 111 111l'<Ht1• 11•11 Ill d1·.d With !J(• L11l •'Hll Ill ;111 1·l l11rt t11 lorc:t· him 11\ln wh;lt 1f"w J..:ll\'1•1 nmC'nl 1.>1·r c1·1\'C'd ..... ;.i '!lllllJI rnnistng SI IU<.111011 .. lhl· .1t1111 n1·v' sa1cl in a lc•nglh' 11111111111 -fiJ..-d 111 u s lJJi.tlll. t ( '<1111 t f . His <1ttoriwys ... uggcstt:d t hl· g11\ c·r111111·111 n1.1y havt• bl'l'n 111\'olvt·d 111 a pla 11 to trap the·· 111J\'l I ll'I.. l J I d 1::.1g1w r through lhP "1•xt ra11rc!111;irv :ind rll<:'gal 111 µ01nt of f <•ll .iny 111\111\'l'ITil'nt of dc>frnciant De L•ll l'Jn with 1h1· undC'n·ovl.:'r ,1g1·nts rn th•~ l'd'C was n on er1m1n;il ;ind \\;i-. dc"l.!nr-d 111 B-52 blast probed; crew escapes unhurt l\IEl<('l.,IJ tt\l'I t rt·\\ llH'll '>l l'.tlltfil1 ,j 111 ,,,(I'\\ 111111ut1·-.. lwl111•· 1111 ·11 B :1:.! lto111hM •·xpl11t l1·d .ond h111111 ·d .d t' ..... 1 Iv t\11 1·'0111 B.1-..· .rl 11•1 ii lr;1111111,g ll1glll 11ll 1t1:tb :-..11d "I "'1" tl.111w-. ·" tht• plant· w.1~ l'••n11ng d11\\ n · '·"" 1\1nn.111 bl t'I."" .J11t Lnpc I \\ h11 \\'.1l1 l11 ·tl lh• 1·1ghl 1•11g1111 .11111.d t l.111d .11111 ' 'J>l11d1· J\1111111.1\ l'\'1'11111~ ,\~ 11 111lltd cl11\\ll tl11 lllll\\.1\ 111t I• \\ ·" I ill ll1tcl1 I lht I 1111\1 \\"'I I 111 .,,11.l "\\'ht'I\ ll \\ ·" 1111 t Iii gr 11111HI I '·'" 'JI·" k' .111d ... 11111k1 . I .oJll'7 -..11cl h1 \\ ..... 11 I u!'llng ,1 1;111k1•r .11 tlw b;t~l "i w n h 1• s<1w th• B :i:! l n ·w d .... h f,-,.m th1• f µl.111\' .1bout 1·1ght 11r t1·n n11rn111•.., b1·f11n· tlw f1r~t ol tw11 1·xµlrna1111s 1111·k1•d <ht' ba st" ~() mll1· ... s11111l11""' ol San Fr!111l'IM'o. al .1 .!:.! p n1 }..>ST 'l'h1· t•xpl11s1on o;h ot ;1 ri:. ... 11 11110 tlw :.k v that w.-. ... v1s1bll· a l l1•.1sl :W m1.lc•o; F'rig htc•nc·d pl·oµlt• 11•lt•phmwcl the Men 1•d C11untv ">llf'riff", oflll't'. 1>11t 11l I 1nal ... s;11d l h I' I \ \\ <IS I\ ll d; 111 L! I I Io l ht' fl .... 1111·n1-; B."t of I rnal-.. ;-;;11d the t .1li-.e• nl tlu 1111 J11d 1·xpl11!>11lll \\ ;1, n ol k1111" n .111d und1 r 111\, -.11g.1l1on Tht n "1·n no nul l1•dr "l .Jpon~ .ol l11,1rd. ~I ,, spokl·,man at Arr F o 1 l t• h ·1 d q u a r l l' r ~ 1 n W ;.1sh111glo n l -<..' It's Christmas already? I just finished putting the reindeer to bed from last year. e I I 11 r I ' · · '' I I<:! 11 \' l' r n m c• n 1 111h>1 m;1nl .J,inw~ l l11flman. t he· dt·ft·n s< ,,1111 111 IL'• ·HI pa~w molttm for d,...1 O\'C 1' ol p r ll'l'l'U 11 nn 1\11lt1111 Ah \,111111 1 \\'rll 1.im' l'htt I .l"!.hl.1111 CS o1110111t•\ 1n Los Ang1·l1·.., ,,11d tht·r<· \\oUld lie.• n11 11111\11 d1.1l1 f'Oll\11H'l\l frCll)) Ill' 1111111 i\11\ 11 'l"'n" \\t m.Jk1 '"" lie 111~11\llt 1111 !)(~ I• \.\'Illian" '"IHI '( h11 '''"P"""'' 1:-. dUl' on 1h.11 dav .. Tiil d1•lt•11-.. h·o1111 . which S£11d 11 \\quid d.11m 1•ntr:Jpmt•nl and 11u t r .1g{'11u' g1>\'l•rnment 1•11111IU('I " ,1, It-. k;-v dt·f1·n s 1 '· lil;m11 •d lk L111 t·;111·, plight 1111 • I l11i l111;1n. ule·nl1f11•d m publi'hl'<j I t'jll!I I' ;i, :t J.(O\'\'l'nlT\('11\ 1111••1 Ill.till H 11ffm:in. tht• attorm•ys said. .ippan·ntl\' "1s willing w -pt.·rJun• '11111-.i•I! llll 1• un~u!.pl·1·t1n g p c • 1 ' n n " 1 n I o , a l' r 1 m 1 n a I l• 11hp11.n' .111d m1:-.n•prt•S<•n1 thl• I 1 u 1 • ' l ,\ l 1 o f a f f ;:i 1 r s l o gov1 ·rnm1·n l lll\'l'Sltga tor:.. all 111 .111 t•lforl lo s..ihag<· h is o wn pt•r-..•rwl ...ilUa tto n " Tht· Lo'> Angt•ll'S Trnws h .is n·p urt<·d th.11 H offman h as .1dm1ll1'<i 1w1u• lytng und<•r oath 1n ,1n <«Jrht•r l'aS<' Well don 't worry about them now Santa, you 've got lots I only have to go to Bidwell 's -they have all the newest fashions and gift ideas for everyone on my list . ' •I o f gifts to buy. Plus, they have beautiful custom gift wrap so I'm free to have fun at night Instead of wrapping sll your presents. \·I Orttr\Qd Couisl DAILY Pll 0 I /Tueedoy, Nov1tmbflt 30, 1982 for tojrs 8 ) PAT llOltoWITZ 01 the Delly Piiot Stell [) 1': A I{ H 1·: A I) EH s 'I' h I (. 1111 !'> u llH' I' l'rudUl't S.1 !1•1v l'un11111si.11111 bl:1fl IH1 :-. pn ·h111111anly 1lt•i1·n1111wd that l11u1 :-.4u1•t•lt' . tuys d1:-.11 tl1uL1·d I;~· l>..i11.ir;1 lt111•nwl11111al Ltd uf South 11<11 k1 ·11::-..11 k, N J . 111ay l'aU :-1• l'hok1ng and 111 .... u111..,·.it111t1 l11'\.1lhl' llll' h;111dl1•s Jn' sm;,ill 1•1111ugh 111 luJg1· 111 tlw thnh1l and ubstn11·1 1lw ,111 w.1~ i\lth11ugh lhl'Sl' SlJUl't.'ZP tovs h.1\'t' nut 111.·1·11 111,·11lvt·d 111 ;,iny l·h ukmg 111t-1dl·nlb known 111 Cl'Sl'. lht•.\ .in· blmilar 111 s hap1· lu 111h1·r :-.qu1·1·Jl• lllYb 111vol\'t'<J •111 <:hoking dt·aths All four squPt'll' lll)l> h..ivt• bulhuus shapc.'<.I l'ml:-. on th1•11 h.mdlt•:-. v;.iry ing from thre<>-quartl•rs int•h to I _ indws m diameter Two of thl' toys h tlVl' M1t•kt•y MouSl' h eads on yellm.v h;,indlt•s 011l' 1s 5 1" 1m·hl•s long and the othl•r 1s 7 1m·h1•:-. long Tht• othc·r toys are a Dona let Du1·k ht'<ld o n a bl uc hand It-. 6 1 , 111c.:ht•s I.mg and a yt•llow mallet 7 '• 111cht•s Jong w11h a M1ckl'Y Muu:;t· fan~ a nd thl' word "MICKEY" C'mbos.'\t'd 011 th<· handlt•. ' Th<' toys an• madl' of soft plastic matC'rial and arc ~t·kugt·d and sold um.lt·r tht• brand • name "SAFE-C,UAHD" and lal.>t'led "WALT DISNEY Charat·tl·r Squl•t•k-a-Toy." The..· M il'kL•y Moust· and 01111ald Duck toys an• labeled No. 55:!:1 and tht• malll't is latx'l<'d "No. 5503 .. T h c• w o r cl s · ' W A L T D I S N E Y PRODUCTION S DANA R A INTERNATIONAL LTD MADE IN TAIWAN" art• sl<.llllfX'<l bt•lo -.\ thL• b;Jl'k uf th<' m~:k of tht• M1t•kt•y MoUsl' and Donald Duck toys. S1.m1ix·d around lh1• s4ul'akl'I' o f thl· mallt·t ilrt' 1h1· words "Wt\L T DISNEY PROD • MADE IN TAIWAN OANAHA INTEHNA'tlONt\L " Cun,un!l'r-. should n ·m uvl· thl•st• tuvs from use· ..ind d1sc.ard thPm at om·t· Phont: CPSC's toll·fn•t• hothnl· Jt 1800) li:J!!-CPSC for more 111form:i1111n Kt•ros,·1u· outluwed . DEAR PAT: I thou~ht it was against the law in California to use a ke rosene beater inside a house. Ye t, I 've noticed a lot of ads tha t seem to indicate it's OK to use them for home heating. Has this law c ha nged? · P .L .. Santa Ana St:.tlt' law .... 1111 prnh1b1Lo., f'l'Sllk-nlla1 use uf n·ri..un kt·r11:-.1•1w twall'1:-., but .H.b fu1 tht·m are lTOpp111g up t'Vl•rywhC'n'. al'l'Vrding lo the state Departml•nl uf Consuml·r Affairs Onl' of these full-pagt· .id:-ht•adl11ws. "Gt•l :-our home ready now for th1• l'okl W('atht•r aht·a<l," but bur1c•s thl' c;mall-p11111 w .1rn1ng ... not for res1dC'n11al ust· 111 Cah forrna .. Tht· cll'partnwnt wurns that many kerOSC'm· hc·aH·rs gl\'t• o ff gaM·s which can stay trapp<.-d 111 a room C111ng <i '>tudy m Cof!sumer RcporLo., magclZll1l'. thl· dl·partmt·nt warns that tests show tht· ht"<1ll'r.. t'an pmduC'c hazardous leveb of n11rogc·n d1ox1dt·. carbon m onoxide· and othN gast•s l't'Oplt· with ht•art and lung problt•nu. o.,hould tx• l'SjX'\:1ally wary. as well as C'hildren ~md sc:nmr c.:1t1z<•ns • • Got o problem? Then wnte to Pat Horowitz Pat will cut red ta,x·. getting • 1 the answers and action you need lo solve mequ111es in government and business Moil your questi.ons to Pal • lorow11z. At Your Service. Orange Coost Daily Pt!Dt. P 0 Boz /56(), Cosio Mesa. CA 92626 As many letters as p<>ss1ble will be answered. but phoned inquiries or letters not including the reader's Juli name. address and business hours' phone number cannot be consuJered This column oppeors dally ex· Sundays " HABBITT INSURAi~CE Since 1957 #1 Ii Auto & Homeowners Quotes By Phone .~ -~-RABBITT ~ANCE 441 Old Newport Blvd. Newport hech, Ce. a1-n~ Santa For Your Party The real Santa from Huntington Center will bring cheer to your home, or office. Call 897-2533. GRAND OPENINGJ Introductory special· 3 lessons fors15 00 (Flfst new t()() adult students only) The Astaireway to fun and popularity. Specializing in beginning and advanced. American-Social- International · Modern-Latin- Ballroom. Fr•i•l•lr• DANC• 8TUDt08 ,.,... Mta1re o.nce ~12m Newpott 8'vd .. .,... 200 Newpott ...... '""tHIO (714> 11).1421 Mon.-a.t.10a .. M.•10p.m. l OllAN<:E t 'OllNT\' llt-:Sll>ENTS .111• l11.•111g .• ,k .... I to pl.1\ ~ .1111 .• t'l,n1' 1111 1111111· 1111111 1.:mo 11,. ,1l 1 l11ld11 •11 \.\ l1t1 h,l\'I IJ"t'll t1bl1"1•d , ,11J<111do111•\I 111 111 ~11•1 l"d h \ 111111 l1ll1i1h1·'· llllii ll'lllllVt•d 1111111 lht II lulllll"• 1111 1111'11 t>V.11 fllllh'\ 111111 t lpl'l .lll!lll :--.111!,1 ( 'l,111•,, !->flllllMll t•d hy 1111' , .. 11111~ S1111.il S1·1 Vl!'I'' AKl'lll'Y· I ~ :-.1•1•k1t1K d1tt1,1l1111 ..... 111 Ill'\\ Ill)'!'>, 1 l11lh111..: Ulld 111111'1 ..:itt:-. Ill t.1 >. 1hdul't1hl1 · 1,1,,h n 11111 dJut111n .... '1'111' 1 l11ld1 I'll, I 1J11g111g Ill .lgl' 11'0111 1\l'WhOl'llS 111 11·1·11.1g1>1 .... li.iv1• lwl'll w1·ko1111·d 111111 fo1>lt·1· h111111·s. hul llll'll' fu,.h-1 IJ.ll'l 'llt:-. n m1111t ulways ,111 .. rd 111 tulltll lh1•11 l'h11:-.111111s w ..... h1•i:., illl ,1g1·111 y spok1· ... 111o111 s.11d (.;tit!\ 11! .ill 1yp1·:-. l'.111 lw M','ll !11' d1·~1vt•n·d lu ( >p1 ·1.111tJ11 So1111.1 l 1 .. 11 .... I 110 I'. r 1r:-.1 St , Huom :!:I:!, S.111t.1 /\11.1 , !1'.!7111 I '1111111· H:M .170;1 tor 1111111· 111l1J1'111:1t1u11 PllBLJt' llEALTll OFFICIALS trum both 1lw puhl1l· ;ind pnv,111· !'>l'dlJf' 111 tht• l'llunly havl' 11'\·1111u11l·11th 'll th.11 .ill p11111,11 y 1·a1 t • phys1t·1an..' bt·g111 11111111'\li,111·1> '" 1m11rp11r,1ll' tubt·rtul111 skin ll':-.l111g 11110 tht·11 l'V,1lu,1t1un of st·h uol agt·d ,·hildn·n. , ..... ~, 1.111) thu:-.l' f1 um h1gh-ni.k grouµs. Tlw no;.·0111ml•ndatt1111 1s tlw apparC'nt 1·l·suh ol 1·1impa1 ,111n•ly lat g1· tK.'l'un•nl't'b of thC' d1~-<1Sl' found .mwng m1.:mbt•r!> of st•vt•ral of lhl• t·1>un1y's 111111111 ti.' gruup..,} Thl· J\ 11wnl'a11 Lung A:,:,oc:1a twn 's Ornngl' l' I I u II I v c h .. JJ l l' r . I) 11 l' 0 f t h l' g r 0 u p s n:l·om1111•11d111g 1h1• ll':-.t111g. has t•stabl1shl'd a cu111m1tll·1· wh1t·h will a s~1i.l publlt· health 11ff11·1.ill\ 111 lorn1ulat111g luturl' polit·y for dealing with 1ul.H·l'l'Ul11s1s. Tht· t•ummittt•c has askt>d d ol'tors 1n11•rt·sll·d 111 t•11mnll'nting on thC' f'l'l'om11w11d;1111111 to l'all H:15-LUNG. can have bright Yule COUNTY DIGEST Tlw h1·ur111g 1" fil'M~t11•d to lukt• i.U)tK1•stu1111o \Ill M'llllll l'll l/1'111\0 111•t•dic { 111111 IWl'lal 1>1•rVll'I' pn1v11l1·1 ..... t'll·c·1t'll 11l lw1..ils :mcl thl• publlt• A stM·11.il 111•111 111 1·11111·t•111 a l lht• Dtot• Ill ht•iH'lllf-1 will b1· dt•vd11p111t·1ll of a IOllf( 11·n11 <.'tin· M'I vll'l' lw {rutl uncl/or dtsubll•d ultlt·1 n ·Md1•11ts 11( tlw 1·uu111y 'l'lw ht·111·111g will sl111'l at I pm. 1n l hl' board ut sup!•rv1s<1n. h1•ari11g room , I 0 C1vl(' C1•nt1•r Plal..i (f3111mlw,1y and Suntu A na Boult•vurd). Sanl<i A1w FEDE RAL F UNDS ONC~ uM·<l to cn·ah• ,1ohs lu1 tlw u1wmpluyl•d <in· b•:1ng switt·ht•d tu usl' 111 Jlili 1ra1n1ng progranu; in Orung<.• (.'(1Unty Hild <JlTo:-.i. lht· naltun as u rt•su lt of lh·agan Adn11111stra l1t>n pollt11•s Tlw Orangl' County Manpower Comn11S1>1on, in a11nuunt·11)g rl'l't•1pt of about $15 Y m1lhun 111 S(:hl'\luk'l.l paymt•nl!-llJ tht• l'OUnly, said .mont•y that onn· µaid salaries undl'r the federal Co111µ1 l'lw11~1v1· Employnwnt and Truming Act will Ill' lran:.fl•rrl·d w th<.· rww Jobs Trammg Paruwr:-.h1p At·t Ul> CETA Jobs l'Xp1n· All Cl:.IA .1obs will bt.• phastod out by Sept. :Ill. 198:1. c.:um1111:-.sum spukt•i;man Buddy Ray said. Hav s..ml thl· ::.wm·h Ill fundmg from jobs tu J o b t 1' ;,i 1 n 1 n g 1 s p a r l o f l h l' R e a g a n Adm1111stra11011's "Nt•w F1.•dl•rallsm" policy that l'alls f1Jr tlw t•l1m1nu11on of public servil'c t•mpl11ymt•11t. '!'ht· .1<>b !ruining program also will gtvt• a:-v1·t unspt1:1f1t·<~ but broudt•P powers lO govl'rnui·s 111 t'al'h stut<' in Hllucating the money, Hay s~11d • N1•wm111l•t JC tu tht• lXMiuJ 1m • On.mat> CoMl 1 l'Hltl1 •11t M111 to11 J111w , ol South L.,guna and V1111·1·111 H1 udrnvlt h, of M1 -,..,lu11 Vlt!JO, PhyJU1 Galloglwr. or futt<.·rton, Mor1tyn Lc:'t.'8, of l:San&a An11 11ml l)un·no M1l11llt·ton. of La llabn1 Tht!y will,.,.., VP thc .. 1• ~·ur h·rm:, l11111111h1•11L!oo 11• t•lt'l'h•J w thrt't.'·yt•ar terfllj w1•11· H1.11111111 l'urwt, of Sonw Ana, an a1aaawn1 d1:11w1•llor· .1t UC lrv11w, P<•i.sa Kll!)8tt•an. of Santa An:i MIU Dr f rnn<.•1s Mtt<.•kt•y, of Ji'ullt>rton. Tlw l'llUllt'll IS rl'Spons1blt· ror ~M~8 and 1m plt·11H·nl111u plans t hut.w.' vide in forrna 11011 on h<.•ul th 1!1su.;;to he public, p1'1111111tl11M c1mst1'ul·UVl' changt• in the health care <.h•llVL-ry systl•m , kl•t•plng heuhh c·ost.s down and itll'l'l'uslng the.· Ut't'l'bsibility, occeptabllllty and quality or ht.'~illh l'llrl' in lh l' 1.'0Un\y. J):uJy P1/m County BUl't.'au OCC sh if ts told S1gnif1<.·unt i.h1fts an Orange Coast College's studt•nt populutton have ()C(•urr£-d during the past yt•ar, :wt:ordmg 10 StatiSll<.'S re leased by OCC'a Off1l't• of Program Development. ., OCC offtcwls uttribut.e the shifts to stat.e- mandatcd q.>Ul'M' cuts instituted this fall. The stall· Chanl'l·llor's OfflC.'<' r~u1red e limination of. 285 l'OUrM.'S frum OCC:'s fall schelJule . The cu\ rc'Sultt•d in a 9.G pcr<.'Cnt drop in enrollment, and changl.'d the t'Omplt'xion of the rollege's student body. Coursl.'s wt•rc; eliminated in such areas aa rl'al cstat<'. physit·a l t..'Clucation, art, m usic. dance, cmwt•rsutiurwl languages, home cra fts, clothing and tt"XlilC's, Hnd food and nutrition . Tht· average age or OCC's stude nts has dropped for th<.· first time in a d ecade. And, for thC' first timl' in more than fi ve years, the campus SENIOR CITIZENS' SERVICES for 198:3-84 F IVE NEW MEMBE RS wl're ck>t:tcd and has a h1ght•r cmrollment of mak'S than fe males. 1n Ornnl;!t' Cuunty will be· thC' ftx:us of a public thrt·t· 1nl\1mut•111s returned to tht· Orange County The 1:1vcrligt• agl' of OCC's stude nts one year h1·aring s ponsor·t·d b y tht• l'OU11ty·~-Senior JlPahh Planning Count·il Board of Dirt'l:Lors Cll ago. during the fall sem ester of 1981, was 27.7 C1tm:1h Advisory Counnl fX'<:. 10 thl' l'1>um·11's annual <'h'l·tion mt·t•ting last week. yeurs. This fa ll the average is 26 years. ' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--------..!!-~~~~..:-~~~~~~-:----~---~~~- The Best of American and 1 . International Design is now· on SOie • 1n our .. i • Originally $380 to $6985, now $125 to $3493 • Featuring such master as Oscar de la Ren ta , Bill .Blass, M issoni, Krizia, Chloe, Jill Richards, Tiktiner, Geoffrey Beene, John A(1thony, J:lalston, Halston, Hanae Mori. • Plus Y2 to 213 off on a vast assortment of dresses, gowns, suits and separates from the designs that reign • in our Better Dress and Evening Collections. , (Starts tomorrow through Sund~y) There may have been in termediate pnce reductions on some items prior to this sale. Not all styles in all colors and sizes South Coast Plaza ., South Coast Plaza st 3333 Bristol Street, Costa Mesa, .. Open Monday through Friday 10 am to 9:30 pm, Saturday tit 9 pm, ~411day.· 11 sm to 6 pm • & - ) "' .. 011111110 Coa'>t OAll Y I'll O I 11 uo.,cJuy, Novunib r 30, 1982 \3 Newport boat crash under U.S. law Playhouse seeks Christmas models 0~ ALMON l.f H'KAHE\' D•11r '11•1 ........ Wtll., Any ""'''lilt .11 "'"~ out ol 11 1·11111 .. 11111 h••t" 11•11 twu plt•11su11• ho.it" 011 US 11.1v1g11hlt• w11tc•1' l'lt•.irly fi1lli. w11 h111 llw wl1111r.11ly ju• IMlll'tlllll ul lht• lt'Clc•1,1I ('Olli I systt•111 1•v1•11 w11huu1 th1· l:Xl>1 t1•1\\'t' 111 a 11 y t111tl1t1011al <.'f1mnwn.•tul muri11nw m·tiv1ty, llw U.S. Supr1•nw Court hui. rul1'tl su1>n·11w C.'ou1l11ho 11111t•d th.il Ill> I'll 111 U \\ ''' I 1111 ., I , t t• 11 I \\ I t Ji t't1111-!ll''"' 111.11 111tc ·q 111 l.1111111' Ill t WO "'HY" F11 -.t . ('1111g11'"' d1•l111t "vt·,sc•I" 111 v .11111u .. law-. 111 llH'lllill• aJI l Vpt'" 111 Vt'"'H t ... \without 11 ·i.t.inl t11 wh1·l111 1 1 lu y 1·11gag1• 111 1111111111 ·11·1.d .11 l1 v1L v '111·1·11111ll v, tht• 1"1•d1 •1;il •Huie ·~ 111 1 tht· Hu:1il clt•1"11g1wd lrn J>l't V• 1l1111g (•oll11'llOll., on n·a v 1g,1l1h· w.1t1·ri., '" "'' "·" th1 ,,1lt-t v .1111111111 ·1,1111111.il ,1.11111.11 d~ 111 tlu M111111 l10,1t A1 I ul 111 tu •'l>Ph tu .di v .. ,.,,.1, .... I t h 1111 I I t• J.( ,1 I ti I II I h I I I 1'111111111 I n 1d 111 1)111) Hllllllll It 1,d 11.ttUI I' Tiu~ t11·1 1"1111 '' '1g111I11 .1111 IM ·1·a11 .. 1• 1 ult•' ul .id11111.11l v l.1" 1111• 'p1•1·1.1h1nl .111<1 dll h ·r · I r11111 tlw l;rnt y 111 llw 1•1v1J l;1w lh.1t would 111h1•1 w1,1• apply 111 nq~hl-(c'llt't• l'asc·i. .. I• 111 I i...tlllfllt• d,1lll•IUt'l\ 111 l' .1pp111 l1t1tll cl ht'lWt 111 tlU • J>tlrlU"ll 1111 l 111 li."I' 111 I CllJ1pa1 UL I Vt• 111 1-tllgc Iii 1· wllu h ., nut ,1lway11 ,1pplll'.1lJl1• u11tl1•1 ,t,clt• luw l'u11h1·111H11t·, mln11r.1 lty l,1w g1•111 i;tl I y ll'lfU lll'' .1 l11 j(h1·1 .. 1;11111,11 cl 111 l'HI t• IJll lht• J><ll t of tht l>IH'r11t111 ut II Vt'MWI a11U 1 11 ·11.il111·i. 1111· u,u,1lly rnuth 11gl11·1 I h:111 undt•r .. 1.1tc" IUW Nla yl~· you'vt• h1 •1•11 l·nll1·d u S<·ror)gl' i1 lllllt' or l wu Or pl·rhups your d1aldn•11 look hkt• hlllt• n11gds Nm\' Ii-. lht• llnw tu shuw o fl I ho:w holiday Spirits dunng thl' un11ual Y uk•tldt• P11g1.:ant 111 7::m pm. l.X'C. J:i, 14, 15 a nd 17, in Liil' Costu Mt•sa N<•ighborhood Cl•nwr. ' N1•wporl Hnrbur 111 <.'C1il1ddt•1•1·d U.8 . 1wvi~ubh· wutu1·s. the..• 011ly <.'t>lllm<·n·iul m:11vlly being fishing Vl'S:-:t•ls. 1-'t•th•rnl <.·ourts huv'' j urls- cl kt lun simpl y bt•<.·au1'!1• lht.> Direct aid tO cities vOwed Thl• C o:.ta MPs~1 '<.'1v 11· Piny h o u Sl' 1s look 1 n g I or childrl'n and adults to modt•I • A t t o r n l ' y C o r I il n e Adams or S an ia Amt W iii discuss "L a nd lo r.(1-T c:nanl Right s'' at a I u n l' h 1• o n l)'leNmg sd wduh•d al nmm WronL•sday by tlw Founu1111 •About $14.00l) w as ra1sc..•tJ dur1rig tht• rcx·t•nl "Cook for K ids" C'hili l'o u korr al Estanc:1a High SC'houl. Pro l'CL•d s from tlw c:hili contl's t , s ponsor<'<I by t hl• H arbor Boulevard of Cars Assol'ia tion, wt•nt lo Eswncia, Aud1t10;\S wall ~· ht•ld from 4 Lu 7 o'dtx:k tonight at Lhl• p I o y h o u s t.' ·1'~ o r mo r c 1nformat1on t:all 75·1 -5 1 5~. \'allt•y Exl'han~t· Club Tht• mc>t•llng will be held at Fram·o1s Hl•sta un.1111, 181 5 1 Bt·a<·h Blv d .. Huntingto n &•;1t·h Costa Mesa. Nc•wporl Harbor ; a nd Corona d c l Mar high st·huols F'1rst plact' prize of $1.500 wt.•nt to the• "Juil Hous(• Ch ill" tl·a m from Es tanc ia High ~khool • w rong 111volvt·li th<.• n«'gl1gt•11L LOS AN<.:ELJ:o:S <API uix•ral1011 of a Vl'ssl'I un nav1gablt• DL• par 1111 g I ro 111 h 1 s · • 111• w wutt•rs, llw 1·01,1rl -.altJ. That is fc-dC'ral1sm" p1'oj,"l',1111. l'rc·'1dt•11t suffidt•nt nw ntiml' ul'l1v11y tu Rc;1g;m has pmm1 ....... 1 lo <.on11nu1· SUSlUlll aun11rully JUl'ISUll'llUll. funnt•ling i>Ollll' ft•d1•1 al aid Comml'l'l'li.il sh1pp1n g is not din'<'tly to lex·· g11v1•1111111•11ls n('('t'S.'lllrY. (n u SJH'l'l'h l'y1111111.1 y to till' "Admiralty JUr1sd1cl1on 1s not Na t10na l Lc•agu< 111 l'1 tu•s, rt•slru:t(•d lo thO!>C' mdiv1duals R ('fl g an s a 1 <.I t ha t ·111 l' ;1 I a<.'lually <'ngagl'd in l'Omm<.•rc1al govl•rnnwnt olf11i:.1l s h.1 v c• mari llnw Ul'll v 1ty," t hc• ('Ou rt "dnvt.•11 honit.• th<• uhsotutt• m ·<'<.I udd<>d. • fur sonw programi. ..ind sunw "Thl· p11ll•nt1JI d1srupt1vt• 1m-fund~ tu pai.!> d1rt·<·ll y fr11111 . piil't of u c..•ulhs1on bt•twt.•t.•n boats Washington lo yuu1 11ty w11h11ut 0 11 nav1gobll• watL•rs. wht.•n taking a dt•tour hy y11111 !>\<Jh' t.·ouplcd with tht• tradil1onul capitHI " l'tlnct.•rn that admiralty law holds 1t was a i.1g111fi(·ant dt•p.1rlu1 l ' for navigut1on. l'Onlpl'ls the from his "nt·w lt•dt•ral1:.m" c:onl'lusion lhal this c:o llis1on proposal. last January that bC'twN•n ph•asurt.• bouts on l'nvisioned sh1f11ng fl'<l<.•ral na v 1g11blt.• wu t t.•r s h as a prognims to 1h1• s la\<.'i>. wludl si~11 ifi('O t1l n ·lutio11sh1p with thl'n would nwtt.• ou! funds to maritinw l'l)llll1lt.'rn•,'' said the lo<'al govl·r nmt•nts c:ourt in a rt.~t·nt l'US(' (F'orl'most Whill• p1;m111:-.111g to l'IHHinu<· lnsuram·t• Cu. vs H1l·hardson dirt'l't aid, tlw pn•s1d1·n1 wanw<l DKT No. UO-l l:H). th t• c i 11 e s 1H1 I to I oo k to In support of its position. the Washington for quil'k solut11111s 111 I ht• I I g I 11 W I 11 g I' lt ll k l'I 11 I urn·rnpl11y1'tl :111d tlw1r own ,11hng hudgi•ts " "I lwv<• t111111• twfoll· Y<>U With 1111 11h1g1l· w:1ml." tkagur1 "ml "I .1111 f 1gh t 111g 111 Washing Ion tu I t•dUl'l', 1101 llll'rl'UM', tht• lllg 'IX'n<ling that kl-t'P.'> 11w· fl'llt•1 ..ii 'butlgN l>.1tJly out of balun«·" Whalt• Hl•agu11 <ll'knuwlt•dgt•<.1 that tht· ut1l'.1> ai 1.• "satJt.llt'<I with 1·11nl't'ntr:1twni. of our nation 's mu-.t troubling probll•ms," ht.· <ilso told ttw l'llY off1<.·1als. "IL IS llml• to j.t1v1.· up '1tw t1.·mporu1 y Band- Auts :ind pl\ll't.>hos an<.1 gN on to 1h1· bu1>111t.~'i of a n ·al curl'." City off 1t:aab huv1.• bl•en 1.·;.1lhng l or publ1l' work s cintJ <•n1ployryH•n t prugrami-.. bul Hl'aga11 said thl• n •al answl•r to tl1t• l'('('L•ss1on hes in st1mula.t111g the• t•l'onorny and 111crl•us 111g prrxJUt'llVlly. "Wt• mus t nut be lurc•d into t:iking C'mt..-rgC'nc·y <1ction!> a1nwd al t<•mporary rt.'lwf," ht: swd Hollclay Party Faclllties Awallab~e CALL ANNETTE -644-0050 . A~i~,/ A11H~A fe111/;J ( IH/o The Revillon Fur Caravan for 1982 '83. 100% to 500% 1st year Write Ott $5,000 -$10,000 Minimum Investment Call For Free 'h Hour Consultation __ ·_ HERMES MILANO, INC. PERSON~l TAX CONSULTANTS (714)' 751•2400 What is ))ans un ;Jarbin . ' It is a French Parfumeur. .. now open· in RJshion lsbnd ... ~""'l'.ld just in time for Christmas! Dt\NS UN JARDN WhlCh moons "1n o garden:' 1s ooe ol rne mosr charming and petSOnol boutiques from Pons '4'nth OJ& 100 shOPS 1n Europe ConodO and lhe Uni led Stores We specialize 1n exclusive F'rench and custom blended perlumes and OlJf most papul01 fragrances forlodies men ondch11drencome1ncomplelehnesol elegant and eJCQUJsite:V seen red soaps. shO.Yef gels bath alls. body lotions and moie all color C001d1norod We also hOlle exce«ont plant based slun core poducts These and on ol our poducls ore exrra mild even for the most sensitrve sl<•n k)r lhe man ot gooo raslo WO hove SIX ref•ned and V9fY moscutrnet10Q1onces each c6mes 1n a complele hne ot poducts 1nclud1ng shov1ng soaps ottor shove COiognes. de<>dotonls both soaps ona sho.Nef gels b complement our unique .lom1ty ot p oduels we hOlle rhe highest gmdo tenyclOlh bathrobes and towels OS wetl OS Olhef boudoor OCCOSSOt1es lv'rd tor tho hOmO JX>lpoums and bl.f nino ols 1n !l() trogiances We cordially 1n111to you to come ro Dons UQ Jo1dln a beouliful and 1nllmote boullquo Whole vou w1ll l9ef at homo wilh our peisonol SGMCe Oona un Jordlt} .•• now open In Foahlon lllOnd. Newport Beoctv The most exciting sal~ of the yea r! . Here in South Coast Plaza for four days only, Wednesday, Decemb~ 1st through Saturda'i December 4th. .. when all furs will be 20% to 70% off regular prices. The collection, Jlown in specially from New York, includes co.uture and boutique furs ... jackets, coats and one-of-a-kind pieces ... all created from a variety of furs, inc/~ding sable, lynx, fox and more! Here, just a sampling: • • Natural Rtnch Mink Coats, regularly 17995, now 54995. • Natural and D yed Ranch Mink Jackets, regularly 14695, now 12925. • Natural Beaver Coat , regularly 14295, now 12695. •·Natural Raccoon Coat , regularly 15250, now s2995_ • For the only thing better than buying a Revillon fur, · is buying a • _, Revil/on fur on sale. Nnr ,11/ lu" m Jll "ll'' an<f "''o" I\ 111111 prcxluc" /,1/wltvl 10 \/1()1\ 1111m11\ nl <>11>1m . . ?JRevillon SAKS Fl•-rH AVENU E ,. • l<c•.1g.111 did prorni..t• to SN·k qu1l k .1< lllm ll on1 Congn-s.<; on a f1v1 · t't•nl p1.•r gallon 111t'fl'W«• in tlw lt•clt•r.11 gusolint• tux, with 1nud1 of It LO Ix· i.pcmt 111 c1tic..>s on 'b11dgt·. 1 muJ and rnm.s trijn'1t '1mp1 OVI 'llll'flL'> untJ I ('IJ(.lln.. Tlw fJI t''>lt.h·nl alscJ indu:al<'<.I ht: \''''uld s uppm t r c•nt•w1ng the g~·n1•1 .11 rt•v1•nuc•-s har1ng pni~ram. wh1l'h 1s sl'l tu expire nc•i..t y <.·ar This $4 6 billion pr og 1 ,1111 · p11>v1dc..•!> r<.·lativcly unr<·st11t'h'<I finum·1al aid to local gov1.;1 nnll'nts and makes up an llV(•rag<· of (j pt•rt·l·nl of their hudgl'L'l Tlw stalci. wen• drupfX'd from tlw program two ycari-. ago. Tht• c·1ty lt'udc•rs said they were gr;1tdul frir tht• good news o n r1•\'l'l'lll<··shnring. th<' gasoline tax and c·ont1nU1•d d1r<.'Ct fo<leral aid, hut adrn1tu·d tht.'r<: was littlt• t.o I)(• happy about. . . ., ... . 1 March of .<fpD1m11 SAVEllABES South Coast Pl11a. l l l l Bmtol r~. Cmt• MttY o~ Mond.ty rhmc111h I fid.Jy lrom ro dm to Cl "'pm, ~rurd•r ·r1/ 6 pm: ~ynd.ty 11 noon rg c; pm t • • Asb esto s h azards cos tly t o schools This wcC'k, the Nt•wport- Mcsa Unifil'<i Sch ool Distrkt voted to s~nd $60,000 to st•al in asbt•stbs ma tt'ria l found in the district's S(.'hools. Ea rl ier . trus tees in t h e Hunt ington BC'al·h C it y \ (e le m entary) Sch ool D is trict a uth o r-izt•d s p e nding up to $100.000 to do the sanw thing. The asbestos was installed during building in the '60s and '70s. It was fe ll at that time that the fire proof ma te rial would retard the sprE>ad of fire long ' enough to allow students to flee a burning school. But \.n i·ccent years. medical s tudies have shown that asbestos fiber's can cause asbestosis and other lung diseases if breathed in sufficient quantities. Existence of the material ln area S(.'hools was dist.'Overed after the En vironme nta l Protection Agen cy issued a requirement last spring o rdering districts to inspect their plants for the potentia lly dangerous mate rial.. However , the EPA did not order the schools to do anything about it once it has been discovered. In order for the asbestos to ' harm anyone, 1t woulct h ovl' to bt• handlt•d suf(icil•n tly to t·auSt1 it to brc.•ak d own . or it would nt-t•d to hav<· b<•t.>n installl'li long c•nough ago th11t age had wken its to ll a 1 1-6 w 1 n g f 1 b l' 1· s t u b l' ,. u 111 l ' aif'OOl'lll'. Nt1tttwr or thUM' l'HSl'S holds trut.• 1n most of tht• ll.11.·atiom-. found so far Neverthe l<.•ss, loca l school boards would rather t•rr on tltt- s1de of safety Lhan risk t:haldren's or Leachcrs' health. We a pplaud them Cor thd r prudent concc.•rn. The' mate ria l has a lso been located in Ocean View School Dis tric t (H~lltingtvn Beach) buildings. H'\fotlngto n Beac h Union High School District and L aguna Beach Unified School District. S urveys are s till unde r way in Fountain Valley and I rvin e. We urge these other school districts to take the same action Nc.•wport-Mcirn a nd Huntington Beach City did. Although it docs not now apj>ear that any stude nts have been e ndangered by the asbestos. why te mpt fa te? In human terms, the d ollars spent are really very few. Trash r esponsibility When the Board o f S u - pe rvisors voted to impose user fees on the county's landfill dumps. an exemption was made for som e s pecific cit y u ses - n amel y the disposal o f tree trimmings from city parks and the re fuse pic ked up bY.. city s treet sweepers. Apart f r om those ite m s. which still can 9e dumped free. cities now must ~y about $18 per dump truck or $40 for large trash bins that are transported to county dumps and e mptied. L aguna Beach city-officials point out that m ost o f the ir "parks" are public beaches, and in order to keep the beaches safe and usable, t he city must remove the masses of kelp that wash up on the sands. But ·ke lp di!':posal, along with the trash deposited in cans placed o n the beach es, is not included in the fee e xemption . Laguna finds this "illogical and unreasonable." We're inclined to agree. Removing ke lp from the beaches is at least as important as trimming trees in parks. And why sh ould thl' city have to pay for disposal of beach tr.ash w ht:n litter s w ept up o n tht• strc<'ls can he· dumped frC>e? Th e cou nt y f eels i t s exemptions are quite generous sinl'c the cities, unde r s tate law. arc supposed to be responsible for d isposing of their own trash and have just been enjoying a free ridt> at county exJ)('ns~. The city figures it will cost abot;t $7 .000 for ._the rest of the fiS<·a l year to pay to dump ke lp and beac h trash in the county landfills. That's a fair amount for a small ~ach town, but surely n ot e n o ugh t o break the county budget. And, since most users of the city beaches come from elsewhere in the count y. it's h a rdl y r eason a ble t o e xpect c it y taxpayers to chip in to keep the beaches i n s h ape for thei r . en joyment. K~lp clt?anup should be included in the fee exemption. - It could b e worse· We r ep eatedly h ear that today's economic slump is getti~g more a nd more like the g reat Depression of the 1930s. More and more Americans are losing their j obs. their homes a nd th ci~ savings. Those who truly w ant to work can find no jobs. It's a tragedy fqr many. · But it's" not like the great Depression and it probably w iJI not be, because much has changed in America in the past 50 years and only those with fairly long memories are fully aware of the exte nt of the change. In a recen t interview. House Democratic Majority Leader Jim Wright of T exas gave us a fe w reminders. . Fifty years ago there was no une mployment insurance; today m ost of the 11 million jobless have that to tide them over for a time. Fifty years ago there was n o Socia l S ecurity for the elde rly; today 36 million h ave a t least that help. · Fifty years ago t h ere were no food stamps for the hungry~ today 23 million r eceive them. Fifty years ago there was · no m~lcal help for the e lpe rly ; today 22 million are on Medicare. Fifty years ago fewer than JO percent o f Americans owned their ho m es; today that figure is 70 percent. Fifty years ago 4 percent of college-age youth finis h ed college; today that"s-:21 percent. Fifty years ago fe w e r thaR 3CJ percent o f nonwhite Americans finished high school: today it's more than 80 percent. Have w e become a we lfare st.ate'? Perhaps~ to a degree. Was the average American healthier , 'better h oused. better fed and more secure 50 years-ago? Not by a long shot. Wright says, "I think we've ma d e more progress in the last fl!) years tha n any~civilized nation ever made in anv like period in the history of the world." That might be a n exaggera tion. But it's worth t h i n k i n g a b o u t w t1~ n ·t h e doomsayers try to te ll us we are livin g the great Depression a ll over again. · Opinions expressed in the space above are those of the Oaitv Pilot. other views U · pressed on this page are those of their authors and artists. Reader comment is invit• ed. ~ The n~1tv Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Phone (714) 642·4~1. I L.M. Boyd/ 'Mar rying up' H you "marry up," you ma-rry someone who lst.talJer, older, richer, better educated or otherwise more prestlgibus than yourself. Most women marry up. by choice. And, fitti~ost men, by choke, marry down~ 'n\ey prefer shorter. younger, poorer, lesser educated and otherwise unprestigious part ners. S urveys repeatedly 1ho~ this. ORANGE COAST Daily Pilot ,.,., ... ..._ • .,.,,, -., ., ,,.. •••• •• uo..., •o " • Cfll• ... ...., .. , ,.,, ............. lo llO• UtO, c; .. 1. MtW, (A '1t)t • ... A white settler In what once was Africa's Rhod esia w ore lea ther legglnp. He was bitten by a black mamba. The snake's fangs pierced the leather and di11eharged some venom. but they dJd not plerte the man's skin. Twenty years later, the man's llOf\ put on the leggings. He had an open !ICl'atch on his leg. The poi90n killed him. . · Themie '· Htlley 'lllll•IM< Jtan• Amari l1jl(ull•• fdtlOI ._.... KrelWch fcl·•Otoof '• tdo!Qt . • • 1 .. .. l)EA~ wt't»t/416, MKU~ISA r AHD• OB, 8U1' l-tA5 ro ~ 1r. ~"'6106, ~R, . _,- Nu·ke· whistleblowers ousted WAS HINGTON -You might think many years," Garcia wi-ot.e in an Internal tha t employees who worry about the 1978 memo. danger of the government's radioactive Los AJamos, Garcia wrote, ''would be materia ls b e ing s pewed into the fo und neg ligent ... if an y of these atmosphere or being dumpd will1-nilly systems were to release highly toxic inw inadequate disposal fad lities would con taminants thro ugh the exhaust get respectful attention at least. But G --.... you'd be wrong. Two employees of the Los Alamos National Laboratory who worried about , r the facility's saf~ty measures wound up 4 •a•l Allllll l :)...;;..t... bemg fired or forced to quit. Herc's their II II ... #~ story: Me liron Garcia was an industria l stacks." In fact, Garcia wrote, a leak had hygienist at the northern New Mexico a lready occurred, and one e xhaus t laboratory. His job was reasonably system had to be shut down due to straightforward: He was supposed to a radiation leak around a faulty fil ter. make sure that the air-filter systems in Garcia's forthright memo didn't please a reas where radioactive materia l is his bosses at Los Alamos. He told my processed actually worked. associate J ohn Dillon that nobody BUT WHEN HE BLEW the.whistleon potential health problems. Garcia says, he was harassed and passed over for promot ion. His office furniture was dumped in a hallway and he was moved to an un heated trtiiler. He cyentually quit in frustration. When Uarc1a went to work at Los Alamos in 1978, he-SOOl1 discovered that man y of the filter systems designed to catch minute parti<:les of radioactive material had not been given the annual inspections required by government and · Industry standards. "A review of the hiswry shows that many of the filter ba nks t ha t are potentially loaded with plutonium. other radioactive s ubstances and carcinoaens have not been tested as required. . .for disputed has factual data. Instead, the -ta-boratory-o Hiej.als ordered h im to rewrite his memo. ,The r e writte n vers iono f Garcia's scary m e mo contained the same factual information, but it deleted refererK-es in lhc original to lab negligence and the "absence or near absence of any testing during the past eight years." Gan:1a's study was still embarrassing to the brass at Los Alamos. He noted that, while federal standards required annual checks of the laboratory's 434 fil~er banks. only 32 had been inspected in 1977 -and that was the best year. "They got upset because I poi nted out something they were very negligent in.'' said Garcia. who now teaches at the University of Arizona. "V I had aone there and just laid low .-signed my name to everything-I'd still be.there, and they'd still ~ exposing people" to radioactive material in the air. .. The other t'Onsc1en t1ous Los Alamos employee who got fired for trying to do her job is 'Margaret Anne Rogers, a geologist who was hired in 1973 and was assigned the task of figurmg out how safely the laboratory had disposed of its tons of radioactive garbage. · SHE DID HER job conscien.tiouslY" - too ronsc1entiously. as it turned out. She checked int.o laborat.ory records dating back to World War II and found that, in some cases. radioactive waste had been dumped ind1scrimmately and in poor locations. As a result, some areas were contaminated . Rogers recommended swift corrective action. Instead o f acting o n R o g e r s' recommendations. Los Alamos fired her by eliminating"tler job. She appealed to an outside arbitrator;-who ruled thats~­ should be reinstated. The arbitrator found that Rogers had been fired for blowing tpe whistle. on Los Alamos' u'iitafl' <ftihlping practices -in short, for doing her job. Rogers, the arbitrator said, - was "taken to task for having voiced ~ concern about waste disPosal practices." · The Los Alamos hierarchy ignored the arbitrator's order. Rogers was assigned to a "quality assurance" progra m, instead of to her old job, where she might have produced further embarrassing reports. A lab spokesman said he would not comment on either Garcia or Roaera. aa bolh c-are currently In the cour1a. A few ·hints for state cost-clltters ·~ . The task confronting governor-elect for af'enc1es to be scuttled are advanced. George Deukmejian of bringing the state Of ice of Emergency Services. This budget into balance without new or · has been a boondoggle providing jobs for increased uaxcs is not an easy one_But political hacks ever 4Jince its creation ~ermination-and-~n---more-i.han-3.0-years. ~«.. be done. Any budget which 908fed from purpose lt serves could better be done by $10 billion to $25 billion in eight years the N~tional Guard at far less cost. contains inexhaustible opportunities for Savinp -$13 million. trimming without doifll harm to the Con sumer Services. This agency people. created to fight consumer Craud is itself a s:ndd'r~~te~t;t ~~t r:u~~7:~n 1r~~= >' ~. stale is to operate within existing (; ~;;; • revenues cannot all be wrung out of the ~~~\ state's own operating budget. In itaelf It llll llJlll . accounts for only 20 percenl•of the entire budget. So cutbacks must be made in ----------------g_rants'to local government and to education which, along with health and welfare, eat up 80 percent of the state~s funds. STILL SOME blunt meat axing of the multitude of non-essential agencies and programs created by Jerry Brown and aome adroit scalpeling of other state operations could set the exa~t_e_.!oi:­ similar prunings by ~and the schools. MQre than $250 million could easily be saved by simply eliminating agencies· which have proved ineffective or are no longer useful if .they ever were. In the spirit of h e l pf u 1 ness to the ne w administration the following suggestions fraud The actual handling of consmer fraud cases is done by the attorney- general and the district attorneys. Savings $2 million. Vete rans Home. This is an archaic institution which never should have been est.abhshed. At best it cares for only a handful of the state's 4.5 million veterans and ignores the fact that war vetera n care ls an obligation of the federal government . The Hom~ at Yountville has been a .constant source of disharmony caused by mismanagement . and corruption. Savinp $18 million. Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control. This agency is an anachronism. Bars a nd retail liquor st or es are legitimate businesses and no more in Senior c itizen 's dile mma Thoughts a t Large: .. ~ The catch in reaching the age where you can go places for half price IB that by th11 time there are very few places you want to go at any price. -If 50 people die in a rare plan~ crash, it'• front-page news; but if 50.000 ~ min .... -~ AmericanS> d ie annually o n the t'll1hwayt. It's ho-hum time in t1-nns of public: interest. · -•Philoso phers as su ch are not npedally competent to give practical advice becau1e metaphysic• is not a ref1«tlw knowledge, and thwr ii not a refl«Uon of common tense. -N tht> same of tennll becomes rnoft popular. and awarda more priw money. the/layera b•c.ome more proftcl•J"l an the apeci.ton become mon . ral.K'OUI and crudely unaportinc In thftr conduct. •nd tM whole aunotp~ of the pme d~tes to the level of the hockey rink. -What'• In • name? A "llbertarian" would t. affronted If he we,. cali.d an • • "anarchist," but he is actually eomeone who has gone so far to the right that he meets himself coming from the leff. -Entertainers who "adopt" a disease or ailment and make it the focus of their philanthropic efforts usually fail to pe rsuade me that they are more interested in the welfare of the patients than in the protection of their own lmt1ge. · A ''humanist" Is a man who has· been tyP.ing manuscripts all his life and still can t chanse a ribbon. -Neither Heaven nor Hell has been pretlt'nted by fundamentalist preachen to make the former attraotive or the latter·credible. so that the mass of people are moved to yearn for the one or fear the other. -"Body-building" at the expeNK! of m ind 1s as s tupidly on e-sided as "mind-expand! ng" at the expense of body. • .. -The fact that "life. is full of riaka" every Ume we walk out on the lln!e\a ahould no t obscure the dlflerence between a rlak freely taken by t~e Individual and one lnvoluJt\arily lmpc>IM!d upon him .by IOl'Mthlng u lnaidlow~• 1trontium 80 In the mllk or poleona lcttlkil\I from a nuclnr reector. (~ new rilka do no\ repl~ old onee. bul limply add to them.) ' I ne<>d of state regulation than grocery st.ores. Prior to prohibition tnere was no state agency regulating ·such businesses. savings $13 million. F.conomic and Business Development ·Department. This ls-nothing more than a char;nber or commerce type operation. The best ~ay to help develop business and improve'the economy is to repeal the multitude of unnecessary regulations throttling business. Savings $7 million. Hou s ins and CommunJty Development. Most of the federal funds ha ndled by this agency have been curtailed. Savings $32 million. Energy Commission. This agency has~ ·been a' tot.al flop, developing no new energy cources and stymying all others. Savings $54 miJlion. . Coastal Commission. Nobody really wants it. Savings $25 million. Department of Aging. Even withaut the monument.al mishandlins of fupds, this department has been haunted by administrative confusion and has been o'f little benefit to the aged. Now that federal Cu.Ads for itS programs have aU but b een ·eliminate d there Is no . justification for its continued existence. . Savings $6 milJion. . ARTS COUNCIL. Even if this were not the boondoggle that it is, the necessities must come before the luxuries. Savings $11.:> million. Public Broadcasting Cor:nmission. There ia no reuon for a state agency to ~romote the media. Savings $2.5 million. · California HighwaY. Patrol. This department like many others ia sn-Jy overstaffed. It could take a 10 percent cut without diminishing whateve r protection It p_rovides the motorists. Savinp $30 miijion. After such trimmings the governor will have to get down to the hard job of cutting back on local and educational assistance. Despil~ th• screams and protesta that will be heard, the facts ia the schools, colleges, cities and counties, are all overstaffed and pay salaries that are scandalotfs . Why should the " cha ncellor of U.C. at San Franclsc:o be paid $117 ,000? Why should • police or fire chief be pei.id $100.000? • .· • -· Out uf 90Mf 230 million Pf'Ople In lhtt U S why do we have to Uaien to TV J)('Opll' whoM> vmnot and dellvwy atyle aratl' on dur nt"rvN like landpa~f'?_ . SKATl'ERl:D ··=-:----.......... .-. ... .. -........................ .-.. ..... ... .... ,.., .. •' ... • 111c•111111 c1um 11111111111 TUESDAY, NOV 30, 1982 CAVALCADE ENTERTAINMENT COMICS 82 85 86 •JIJootl 111ul I lo11or' is " t•l1iltlrt•11 ' s tory 1111/ike t111y you h11 vt" f•Vt"r st•t•11. IJB Celeb~ati~n of bicycles By GLENN SCOTT Ofttlel>elr"4»tl..., When Paul Niquette of Irvine dons his 19th Century garb and climbs onto his 64-inch bicycle built in 1886, ne tries to assume 9CXne of the Vk:tc>IUn ll01emnity that befits the exercise. It isn't difficult. Niquette said motorists a nd pedestrians who gaze at him always react with a sense of awe. There was a seriousness to the old bicycles, which were considered successors to the horse. "St.eel steeds," they were called. And although h e claims a romantic bafflement to th e causes, Niquette said he senses a transcendental quality when he mounts h is fa vorite riding instrument. which happens to be the largest bicycle in the world. He would no more ride thP bicycle without the proper 19th Centur y attire than yield· the patina of its metal lo a can of spray paint. 1,., Niquette 1s a collector , a n claims is superior even to the inventor, a business executive display at the ,Smithson ian and a futurist. Moreover. he is a Institution ir\ WashintP-On D.C. person who has mAnaged to tie Among his examples. o( all of his interests together in a course, is his 64-inch "ordinary" carefully-conceived courtship bicycle, one of 13 parked on the with.th~ bicycle. blue carpet or his living room. He settled in Irvine about a He purchased that bicycle year ago when he became a vice when he began his collectton in presidenl for engineerin~ 1976. The bike originally was Computer Automation, built for a tal l Texan (Niquette is When he arrived, he brough 6-foot-5) and later was sold to a with him a part of the past-a farmer in Nebraska, who gave It coll~tion of old bicycles that he to his son. Niquette said he bid against several other anuque collectors. museums and even a movie studio in Burbank. He won 't divulge any of the prices of his pieces but notes w>th amusement that he was top bidder by juSt $16.76. "I am its last rider." he said. "Aft.er I am done, it. goes to the Smithsonian." Since arriving in I rvine, however, Niquette said he has found occasion to take the bicycle out on only three occasions. In fact, he said few people on the West Coast are aware of his collection at all although he 1s happy to put his acquis1uons on display J)eriodically. especaallr for school assembhes pr other good causes. , "They're made to be seen," he observed. · 1'he present display 1n his livingroom (he has other bicycles stored m assorted places) features .two velocipedes from the 1860s .. types o( mostly-wooden bicycles ihat included ped a ls but n o • chains. · ·One of the examP.les, he said. is probably one of the oldest 'pedal bicycles in the world. . After the b ig-w h eeled "ordinary" bicy.cles came the so- c a 11 e d "safety " bicyc les. • ·.precursors of . .more modern types ' with wheels of similar sizes with sprockets' and chains. AltHough safety bicycles were v.ast ly :iuper~or, they took 30 years to ~n1e popular, he said. Victorian garb puts Paul Niquette in proper frame ol mind to ''The reason these w ere so slo.w to catch on was because only a sissy ~ould ride them ," he noted.· • Has collectlo.,. also Includes ride this 64-inch "ste~ttteed" built in 1886. · . . other favorites. the 1925 lngo· bike which employed a platcs:>rm rather than a seat and pedals for locomotion, a sty lish 1948 art deco Schwinn with a "beehive s pring" and an 18 -sp ecd. . "ultrabike" Nlquette ordered specially and which took more than two years to build, "rt r eall y· is a piece o f sculpture," he said. "I've ridden it twice. It's just magrulicent." Niquette said his inieuat.-ln bicycles was•spawned as far back,, as 1959, when he waa working as a futurist for ·the Xerox Corp. a nd waa writing fapers on , energy con9erv,ation, . D 0 ~ ... .. . Standing amid· the I 3 bicycles displayed in · his Irvine livingroom, Paul Niquette says safety bikes took 30 years to become f>Opular because "only a sissy would ride them." Art with bicycle motifs augments the collection he claims is su1>erior to the one at ' th<' Smithsonian Institution. . . Eventually in April 1972, hl! decided \() ma ke himself th.-e subject of a five-year experiment on living in the post-petroleUIJl aa It meant giving up.the car. Ji':. commuted the 8.5 miles to work in'ConnecJ.icut on a bicycle even through four cold. wint.erC. The well-publicized experience • left him with a deep respect for the bicrcles. "I 've live d in the post-- petroleun'J age and it's wonderful." said Niquette. "Wh)'... are w e 90 worried about runrun, out of oil? When we do, we'll gf!( the roads back." · . . ··Wet &-,wild: •. .Will beach reSidents Qpt fOr FanCh · 1if e? .BY KAREN E. KLEIN . So Stevens develope d 14 Of"-. Deir,......., exclusive homesites on a 17-acre Newport Beach businessman • parcel of· the sprawling Cabin Richard S . Stevena uys the Idea Bar Ranch: located l 70 miles came along a V(hlle back when he · north of' Loa Angeles on U.S . wu building hla .econd home on Highway 395, the main route to the ranch he owns in the east.em Bishop a nd Mammoth. It's a ,tligh Sierra. working cattle ranch which At long1u he was building hla covers an area large r than v a ca tj o n hom e on the Orange County. It ext.ends from 49~.000 -acre aattle ranch, the edge of Deat~ Valley to . Stevena recalled, why riot build a • ·l l ,000 feet up in the Sierra. few more vacation homes for · other Orange County resldenta Stevena la the man who with a 1lmllar love: "Playln1 tranaformed the &Ibo. S.y Club John Wayne but not ,._vlna to be from a sleepy beach l"ftOl't to a l--1't!ll50nlible fOf' the upkeep of a luxury condominium complex ranch." while he 1erwd a 10-year stint• " president of the club . Currently, as president ol Wrather Corp. Properties and Wrath er H ote l s. Stevens over~ the management of the Disneyland Hotel, the Marina City Club, the Queen Mary, the Spruce Gooee and the Inn at the Park Hotel. · Stevens said he expects h is new venture to be successful in lt1 appeal -mostly to h l1 N~wport Beach nei1hbon who are lnwrnted In a vacation or retJrement home. ' Stevena boualht an ln~t In the ranch In 1877. SlrKe then, ht' has built hl1 own home and haa deve lop•d the o"ther l · to l 1h-11ere sitat. kh borders on its own_ trout pond and stream. . he recently received permlta to st.art selling the homeallel. Two have been 1<>ld. "We don't think we'll have any trouble .(1ellln1 them)," he said. "If we pt the right 14 together I tMok we'll stop.'' · The Iota .en for between $&0,. 000 and •to.000 NCh, Stevena ..ad. A model horM dellped fll New~t 8 .. ch architectural firm of f"lrMlo It Ruffini 11111 far $260,000. I f . "New owners ·wm ha•e the option of designlq. and bulldlnc their own homes, having us build a custom lodge home from l.~­ to 2..600 •ql.!are feet, or ju1t holding the .,...riy for f"ture development," Stevena said. · The model home off era a best·of-both·worlda eompromjae between the authentic -none fireplace&, ·peued oak floon, ranch-1tyle kitchens .ct Uvtna quart.n -and the luxurtoua. l"ncludina • jllc\llli hot tub Md .. t.rblcue. "We wan\ '° malnlaift \II• lne.pity of the WHIHft ltfwt)ll, ye& include th• linnt '" ·-' • . ·: • m~dern -day conveniences,"' Stevena explained. ._ Stevena termed · the ranc~ development aa a modern-da:r return to the cowboy llfeatyle "T".' althou1h most of the relidenta probably will atop 1hort al ahovellna manure, he aald. "\Yi r.un cattle and we're .alwayc looklna for an extra hand," tt honaeowMn want to parUclflll .. In lhe actual roundln1 up, i,. .ad. :· -lt'1 more likely that 1'911dentf wW ..-.&.Jlf~ '°um .. rwh fwl fw CMrt= ...... ..................... ~~ ' ' ·. 0 1 no Cou111 l>All, Y Pl l 0Ul11011duy, Novo111l>u1 JO lflA? •• . .. . .· Both vulnerable. We t deal . NORTH •AKQ43 ~ 62 0 K4 +AK 83 WE T EAST •J6 •109 72 "1 AQJ 9 ~10873 O QJ9873 ~Al062 +Q +J SOUTH • 85 i;::i K 54 0 5 + 10976542 ·-; The bidding: ;::; Wut North EHt outh 2 . 4. ?;; I 0 Obie Pau .•• 2 0 2 • 3 0 .·. . . . · GORIN ON lllDGf BY CHARLES H GOREN ANO OMAR SHARIF ..... 5 . ..... .. ... ..... Open inK lt·ud: 0 111•1'n of o. l>t'ur Charlie: T ht• Nor t h Am l'r1t·ans havt• dont' t'Xrt:edmgly wt•ll ul I hl' World llradKt> Olympiad here in Biarritz. First. Gelirgt• Mittleman and l)iunt-Gordon· or (;anad:1 won the MIXL•d Pair title. Then the Opc•n Pair . l\ftt'r a <;coring foul up. went to Wl'st Coasteri. (;hap Martel and Le w Stansby. The Women's Pairs was even mort' of a triumph. Carol Sunders, Nashville. Tenn .. nnd 111·11~ i\ nn K1•111wdy. Shr1•vt111ur1, Lu .. wok rir111 1)hu•1• and , uftn u 'it·orlnl( t•or rc<•tion. I h1· 'lllVl'r mctlul wu' I nken hy t.y nn I >t•ui,, Srh1· 1wr lady. N..Y, Jnd IJl'th J>alnwr. Columbia. Md. Thb 1, tht• ""' t lmt' thnt one area ha., 'o 1·om pll'lt{Y dominatl'd thl• puir t•vt•nt•., and contirrn'i my im prcsswn I hut AmC'rimn!t un.• the strnnl(cst du11li1•ult: pluycr!t in th1• world, 1,ynn I l l'U!I and Beth Pal mt•r 1·a nw up 111 1t h a prrlly dercn.,l' on th1i. dt>ul from the fi nal'> to t:u ro un cxct'llent score. With only one ace and no king, Wei.l's hand wui. u doubtful OJH'nl•r, bul qupli cite buU1 have become much more aggreulve in recent year.. North 1howed a strong hand by ri rst doubling and then bidding her 1ull. Whe n South rebid her suit frtwly. North went to game. Deas led Lhe top of ht>r broken diamond 1equence, and dec;larer carefully follow ed low from dummy. Palmer realized \hat her parlner was mitrked with al lent 1lx diamonds by the auction. and lhat one diamond trick was the most that the defenders could hope for. She also saw that il was vital for her to guln the lead. for the only way Che contracl could be ..... d..C1•Jt1•1I wt111 ir tht• ,1ur1·n1lt•rH 1·ould tak1· Lwu heort trkkN in additw11 to tht• diamonrl. And , .. 1nc·1• 11 wns obvious that dummy'., '>JHldt·~ would prov1d1· ,1t lt·ilst t 111 o dl .. cud ... t ht> dl'ft'ndc·r!> nt•t•dt•d tho <' tricks 11uickly. 811, t-:li!tt ro .<' with t he ace nr diamond• al trick one. setting up th1• king us a trick for tht• clt•clar..r. und shifted to a h1•urt. 'fhl' deft•nders c1uickly rcl'11•d in two trickfi in the ... uil ror a one track !IN. I tl•ll you, tht·'lt> young girb art· ccrtn1nly no powder ·purr .. : Sinc<'n·ly, Omar POT SHOTS BY ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT • llOIOSCOPI By PHIL INTERLANOI of Laguna Beach TME GOV~RNM£NT ltilSUAlrS .THr °&ANt<S, eor WMO IN~S THS GovE~Nr? T rou1 HEALTH DR. PETER J . STEINCROHN DEAR OR. STEINCROllN: As a Tiursc. I know that the re's nothing like the bedpan to act as a ··teveler." Agree? -Mrs. H. DEAR MRS. H.: Civilii.ation has made great strides, but when mode rn ma n becomes too smug aboul his inventions_. there's always the bedpan to humbJe him. The pom pous. especially. deflate like a- pinned balloon. for ~xa mple~ I reca ll a se lf- important banker's frustration a nd self-pity wh(!n reduced to using a bedpan during recovery from major surgery . It changed his ·character . After ·recovery, associates and family noticed a complete and welcome change in his philosophy of ltfe. His ·ow.n admission, "I've been a pompous fool most of my life.'' DEAR DR. STEI N C ROHN: I don 't use marijuana,.but a m interested in its medical effects. Isn't it being used in the treatment of some serious illnesses? -Mrs. M. • DEAR MRS . M.: Jt's not marijuana llSC'lf that is b e in g u sed . but .It s a c ti v ~ ing r e di e nt : TETRAHYDROCANNABINOL (THC). The· THC is•being eValuated for use in liquid form in treating the nausea and vomiting that may be produced in cancer patie nts receiving powe rful chemot herapy. Its use is also being studied in the treatment of glaucoma. Dr . Stelncrohn welcom es quest ions from readers. H e cannot answer all individually but will inc)ude those of general interest in his colu1m1. Sepd your questions ro him, .iJ! care of the' Daily PiJot, P.O. Box 1560, Costa M esa: CA. 92626. .... Christmas at Amllng's is living and fresh-cut Wednesday, DecemJ>'er l · ARIES (March 2 1-April 19): Avoid scaucring forces -see places. peopli:? as they exist , not merely as you wish they might be in ideal world. Re lative confides proble m, beseeches you to be discreet. Short trip could involve one who teaches or issues special ins tructions. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Gt't rid ol burden which was not rightly your own to ca rry in first place. Spotlight on money and how to earn more of It. You'll be dealing with j>ersons who represent government or city officials. GEMINI (May 21-J unc 20): Lunar cycle high -taming is on target, you'll be at right place at propitious momen~. Invitation is extended for you to participate in long.range . educational or politicaJ project. Libra native plays key role. CANCER .{June 21-July 22): You meet new · people, 'many fears a nd suspicions wall be e rasc;<J . you'll be more conf1dc•nt tx><:auS<' others re<.-0~1ze your (•reative talenL'l. U 'O, ~quanus p<.•rsons f1gu~e prommently. Arc·a that had be en shrouded n - mystcry will re<.•e1vt.• b<•nt.•fi t of greater ltght. LEO (July 23·Aug. 22): F'ollow throug h <?n hunch -you'll learn by teaching. sharing and c.'Onf1ding shortcomings to others. Lunar e mphasis · on friends. hopes. wishes and ability to win way and infl uence people Cancer. Caprk orn, Aquarius persons highlight unusual; exciting S(.'Cnario. VIRGO (Aug. 23·Sept. 22): Be ready for variety of sensations. c.'Ommumcallon which leads to travel assignment. Focus continues on prestige: ho nor, caree r and parttcipat1on in civic program .. Ge mini, Sagittarius and anotht•r Virgo figure pronunen tly. LIBRA (S ept 23-0ct. 22): An overseas ·call . c-ould solidify plans for journey Focus on ~riting. special studies and abs tract pnnc1pl~ of JUst1ce. S u ccess comes. thro ugh u sl' of u no rth odox procedures -::-av.01d attempting to be part vf a crowd. . SCORPIO (0.:t. t 3·Nov. l l): lnu1v1dua1 who relies upon you; leans on you. will now say, "I waot , to try it alone! .. Focus also on nutnuon. diet, health • and 1mprovt!d working condiuons. Virgo. -L ibra. Sagittarius nat1vc-s figure prominently SAGlnARIUS (Nov 22-Dcc. 211' L1fost.yle undefgoes trans forma tio n Sudd<·n rush o r voluntee rs ~oters aroynd d esign. produc\ion . re mod e l ing a n d bc au ll fi t;a t1p n o r d omc~ti c su rroundlngs. . · • CAPRICORN (Ot.'c. 22-J nn . 19 ): Ro utine is sub)t'Ct to change: a usuall y reliabh..• associate may be forced to b reak appointment. &>aware, a lert ana tre~s (natural or flocked), wreaths, garlands, decorations and colorfuJ_holiday ijift · plants · · · . • • • his Year We're Offering. A 10°/o Discount On. Your Christmas Tree ·11 You Take It With Youl .' -_,..- -=~r . µ;~ x~ .. bavef altcrnattves at hand. What you sc•i.'k 1s behind scent's, bcC"omes nvailable if you dig deep in f)<'rsist.cnt. manner. ' AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Fl'b. 18): Good. lunar asp<.'<.'\ fug hligh t!i romance .• vjlnNy. s pt•culataon. children . a nd wi I hngnc'SS tu gnmbfo on your OW_!) c apabili ties. Y_ou 'll h aye m ort.• a u th o rity , rcspons1bal1t y and pressure to s uct·l•<:d . PISCES~(Fcb. 19-Man:h 20): Know when to • say. "Thanks,· bu t no thanks!" P rojc'C·t is al'lually com plet«I. sale 'is made. you nct'd not linger for wha teve r reason . Means know w he n t o get offst.agt.•. r -t>t;A}\ ANN L..ANUl'~HS. You huv<· 1111&1d 11111n• 1ho11 ont:•· In your c·olurnn tht.t ak oholhm1 111 ttw N(1. I h1•ahh problt•rn. nut only 111 tht• U111h'<I SUatt.'!t, but ul-.ct 1n 111:my othn l'uunlrlt.1' 111 t ht• ww Id. Plt.•Jlit.' f'l llll lht• 1•rn.•l0tot·d m<'!t8agt• that canw In tht· mu1l ononym1>u11ly It was, I um i.ur<>, ll('n l by Mm~·onl' wh11 l'lll c'<I 1•nough to lt.·l mt' know ht• (or 111hl') w aH l'CJlllt·1111'll about my drinking. I am taking th1• 11wss:1g1• w lwart un<f hope.• tMll'l'li w ill, too. Thanks , A11n lUX:EIVED AND NCYI'EO IN CORNING DEAR R. AND N.: I like it. Here It 11. POSITIVELY NEGATIVE We drank for joy and became m iserable. We drank for 1oclabtllty an d became argumentative. We dra nk for sophistication and became obno)Clous. We drank for frlend•b!f and made enemies. We drank for •leep aa awakened exhausted. We drank for strengtll ud felt weak. We drank to feel eullaratloa ud ended up ,1re11ed. We drank for "medicinal parpoaes" and acqalred llealtla problems. We drank to get calmed down and eaded up with the shakes. We drank for confidence and became afraid. 1 We drank to make conversation flow more e asily a nd the words came oul slurre d a nd lncoberenl. We drank to diminish our problems and saw them multiply. , We draak to f eel heavenly aad ended up feeling like bell. We drank 'lo cope wlth life and Invited deatb. '. DEAR ANN LANDERS: Recently my husband and 1 tra ve led several hundred miles lo see a musical comedy. We paid a great deal of money for those tickets. The songs we re from the '30s and '40s. . We remembered them well. An older gentleman seated next to my husband also remembered them. ln fact, he knew alJ the • lyrK'S to every song in the st}ow. and sang (off-key) along with the vocalists and chorus. My husband was visibly annoyed so l offered to change scats with him. I suffercCt in silence t>ecausc I didn't w~nt to interfere with the old __gc.ru_IC'man ·~1easurc. When the show was over. my husband told me t hat changing seaL'i didn't help much because he c:ould s till hl?ar the old goat singing his fool head 'off, and it spoiled the evening for him. I didn't tell him my evening was spoiled, too . . How would you have dealt with ~he problem, Ann Landers -in case there's a next time? - T HA VERSE CJTY READERS . DEAR T.C.R.: After &he first ren'dilioo by the m-an with the marvelous m emory, I would have tumed to him and said, "I lhink it's remarkable tb~t ~u r emem.fl.er_ed every word of tbal song - an I bet you T<noW'lhem all, but I hope you· won't sing anymore. ll isp't fair to tbe performers OR to the audience. Thank you for being so conside rate." What's prudish ? Wh;it 's OK ? lf fou aren't sure, ybu need some ht'lp It's available m . ihe booklet: ··NN:kmg and' Pewng What Are 'the Limits?" M~u/ your request to Ann Lan ders. P.O. Box 11995, Chicago. Ill. 60611, enc/ming 50 cen ts and a long, • swmped. se/f-addrc'>S<>d env(;.'/ope. Only 6 mg yet rich enough to be called deluxe. ' Regular and Menthbl. , Open a box today. .. . Warning : The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. • ~ . 6 mg ''1a1;• 0.6 mg n1co11n1 w. P1f c1gart111, by FTC 1111lfloc1 , t .. ,, Weddings . Kra no w-1-la rne tt Mr. and Mrs. J im K rosnow , nee K a thy Hartnett, nrc rl'sid1n& m Ne wport Beach. Th(•y were m arrie d in Our Lady or Mount Carmel Church In Newport Beach. where her parenta, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hartnett reside. The bridegroom is the son 0£ Marl Krasnow of Los Angeles. Hite-H a nsen St. A11drew's Presbyterian Church, Newport Beach,' was the setting for the wedding uniting Laurie Jo H a n s en and Mark P . Hite. The newlyweds arc residing in Sacramento. The bride's parents arc Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hansen of Costa Mesa. P enning ton-Kie e lbach Ann Marie K1l'sselbach and J ohn Timothy Penningto n exch anged we dding vows at St. Catherine of ~1cna <.:hu~h. Laguna Beach. They. will reside in northern Washington. The bride is the daughte r 'of Al)ter t and Diane Kiesselbach of L a guna Beach a nd Dr. a nd Mrs . ~o hn T . P ennington of Weaverville nre pa rents of the bri?egroom. Mrs. Kra&now . • Mr!!i. lli1t· ... ~ Orange COHI OAILY PILOT/Tutldly, Novtmbtr 30, 1112 .. Vinje-ankey L11w Ann 811nkt'y, duut(hM of Roht•rt SiiTlkt•y of l:t111tu Mt..w , uml John ti V"1Jt'. llC>ll ul lo'n'<.I VlnJI• uf lh·dmund, Mn· n ·•1clm6( i11 Sunta A1111 Tlw1r mu111.1.c1· w.1K 1wdtu 111t•d tn the· 1''11 i.1 U11 itt•t.I M1•1hoc.h1il Churt h of Cc111ta Mc•..u Be l le ncourt-Rate kin Alun Curl Bl·llt•ncoun and h1i. br1d1:. thl• forml•r Rk hc.•lc Mario Ra.ttokin, duughtt:r of the Rogl•r Rau•k111s of Huntington &m:h. an• residing in L<>!> Ang1.•lt'fl 1'ht• c.·ouplt• 1-N.·ltt-d tht'11' wt-dding vowli in the tlac:icncfo, Santn Ana. Th<' bridegroom is the.• wn of Mr. and Mrs. Dcmald Bettcnl'ourt of Oakc.Ja lt•, • ' 1 Ba ue r sf eld-Ke l ley Dr. Diane.• Ht•ll('(.> Kcllc..y of Manhattan Beach and Dr>. Brul'c.' C. &ucrsfold of Costa Mesa an• at M r~. Sudler home 1n Manhattan Beach following lhl'lr marriage· J>('rform<.'<.I at Coto de Caza Mr. and Mrs Lew11> If~ Eisler of Glendora arc par<.•nu. uf the• brid<.' and Dr. Baucrs fc.•ld 1s th<.• son of Wilbur Buul•rsfeld of Cincinnnli. Ohio. Walsh-Schwa r z Lisa Ann Schwarz, daughter of J oyce Ann Schwarz a nd Nic ho las Novosad, and Handy Nathan Walsh WN<.' marrlC'd in South Shores &ptist Churt:h m South Laguna Th<'y arl' r<.'Siding in Costa Mesa Th<.• bridl'groom 's parents are Charlotte and J l'rry Mann on .:oron;J del Mar. ·Sadler-Fowlkes. .. Mn. Betten courl Tulving-Novak Bari Novak and Hannes Tulving Jr. repeated their wedding. vows ii) the rose garden al the Newport Beach Marribtt Hotel. They are now residing in N<.'wport Beach . Their pa rents are Charlotte Scan Fowlkes, daughter of J .' K. ~~~ -J'owlkes~f Htkon He.id Ulland S .C..:and Ann.GiJ:·;,c;· :.-"-~.ii Rosella and Ralph Novak or Tamarac. 1''1a .. ana . . Kllra and' Hannes Tulvlng of Covina. Mr . Pe nnington Mrs. Wulsh Fowlkes of Laguna &•ach, and Henry Montville Sadl<.'r III were mar ried in the.• Church of the Cross ,, at Blu ffton. S .C . They are now .al home in Indialantic, Fla. The bridegroom's part>nts, Mr. and Mrs: Henry Sadler, r<.'sid~ in Mi'dlothian, Va. Mrs. Tulving Mrs. Ba u(•rsf eld -Rob1nsoris . THE AMERICAN HOME OF WATERFORD, AYNSLEY · AN:D . BELL-EK -. SEE AYNSLEY AND 8ELLEEK ARTISANS CREATE··SOME OF THE . WORLD'S NIOST ·BEAUTIFUL .TREASURES. . ~THEN ·HAVE ONE PERSONALIZED FOR SOMEON.E SPECIAL - Come meet Jean Stevenson and Shirley Pattison from '\ynsley. and Belleek arllsan Bernadetle Dolan. here to model and paint their exquisite g1ftwa re Watch them demonstrate their deli°cate craft. Then choose from our wonderful array of exclusive items anO. ner' introd.uct1ons. and they'll personalize your purchase with your own special message Wednesday. Decemb~r 1. 11 a.m ·4 pm THursday. December 2. 12 noon·4 p.m. and 7·9 pm. • During these same hours. you'll also have a chance to meet with product expert Jewel White. here lo discuss this exquisite giltware and dinnerware. and answer all your ·questions. Come meet the artisans and see our outstanding collecllons. many pieces now at 15 % ·25·% savings. And bring home the most unique holiday gifts of all. 15°/o·25% ·oFF AYNSllY IONI CHINA DINNERWARE Save 25 O/o on place settings and 15 O/o on au ··open stock p1ec~s during our annual sale. Here. just· one of the patterns you 'll finq: Shellbourne S·pc. place setting including dinner plate. salad plate. bread/butter. cup and saucer. Reg. $106 Sale 179.50 (We show the 3·pc. place setting) · .. . . - 20% OFF " AYNSLEY BONE .CHINA GIFTWARE Here. iust a few tempting ideas from our exciting array. Cottage Garden square bud vase Reg $24. Sale $19.20. ~ Just Orchids coffee mug Reg $15.50. Sale $12.40 7 ! ., Mixed handled floral basket Reg . $49,50. Sale S39.80. .~ 9%0FF AYNSLEY Hl·STYLE COOKWARE Find this·a11-t1me favorite pattern. Cottage Garden, now in an exciting collection of gourmet cookware Choose from Jen pieces. Shown: .. FINE PAllAN CHINA .' GIF I WAii FIOM llLLEEK We show just one example from our charming collection of new intrOductlons and traditional shamrockwere Mask hurricane 181. (Only available In Newport). Hurry in now, our sate ends December 5 Robinson's· China. 87 To order. call toll-free 1·I00·345·ll01. And be sure to ask about our Chine Club Plan Ph·qt. souffle Will be $31 .80 Sale S24.80. (Only available in Newport) Every bride who registers In any Robinson's will receive a complimentary copy of the Bride Gyjda (while ,quantities last) ( u H1• Orange Coftlt DAILY PILOT I Tuoauoy, November 30,' 1982 Ml.IC NOllCE MLIC NOTICl ANNOUNCEMENT .._,, NOTICI OP TIWITll'I IALI NOTICI Of TllUITll'I IALI Ne. TO "11 T,I , No. P·tlM4 ...a.TANT NOTICI TO IWOATANT NOTICI T'> NONMY OWNH HIOf'lllTY OWNlll YOU ARl IN Ol!flAULT UNOPR A • YOU ARE IN OEFAUL T UNDt:R A 0 EE 0 0 P I AU 8 T, OAT f D DEED OF TRUST OAflD MAY 20. FEBRUARY 9, 1812 UNLras vov 11181 UNLESS YOU TAKf ACTION fAKfi ACTION TO PROTCCT VOVR ro PROTC:CT YOUR PROPERTV, IT rAOPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLO AT A MAY BE SOLO AT A PUBLIC SALE. PUBLIC SALE IF YOU NEBO AN IF YOU NEED AN El<PLANATION El<PLANATION OF THE NATURE 0 F T H E NAT U RE 0 F l H E OF l HE PROCEEDING AGAINST PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOU YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A TO ALL FOAMER PATIENTS OF A. ROBERT TANTLlfF, M.D. BETTER HEAL TH GROUP T AKINO UNIVl!RllTV Dll T: SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER LAWYER, On December 211, 1981. II 10 00 On O.cemb« 7, 1812, 11 10 00 am. IMPERIAL CORPORATION OF l .m., BURROW E8CflOW co ... AMERICA •• duly eppolnled Celllornl1 oorpot1llon. 11 duly T11~t1e1 under end pureu111t lo 1ppoln11d TruttH und•r 1n<1 Oeed of Trull rttcorded Jur•e 23. pur1<,11n1 10 OMd ol lruat recorded 11181. at ll'ltl. No 33899, In book February 11, 1982, at lnll, No. 14111. p1ge 1976, ot Otliclel 82.050322 01 Ollicl11Record11n1t>e RKordt In lh• olllce 01 the County office or 111e Coun1y Recoraera or Recoreleft or Or1nge Counly, Slale Or.,ige County. S11te or Calilornla, or California execuled by KENNETH 1xecuted by RICHARD w. CROFT H. BATES, 11lngle man WILL SELL and LORRAINE CROFT. hulblnd AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO HIGHEST end wile WILL SELL AT PUBLIC BIDDER FOR CASH (payable at AUCTION TO HIGHEST 8100ER rime or Mte In lawful monoy or th• FOR CASH (pay1bte " time of Mle United Sta1es1 11 Iha Norlh lront lh 11wlul money or Iha U11lted entrance to 1he County CourthdYse, Sl1IHI al Ille front door oJ Burrow 700 Civic center Drive WHt, S1nta Eecrow Co., 2070 N. Tu911n Aven~. An1. C1lllornl1 111 right, lltla and Santi An•. C1lllornl1. all right, title lnterell conveyed to 1nd now held and lnte1es1 conveyed to 1nd now Basic Health Care Is Taking OV8r The Care Of These· Patients With; Th• Same Program Th• Same Newport Location The. Same Telephone Number Our patients have lost 50 to 150 pounds using the protein sparing modlefled fast, the easiest. safest, and quickest way to lose weight prollen on thousands or patients over a 10 year period. .. BASIC IEAL TH CARE This practice Is In no way connecled with Dr. Tant/ell Newpor t Beach, Calif. _1617 W••tcllH Drive, Suite 205 714 -541-1183 by It under Mid Deed ol Trust In the held bY It under Mkl Deed of Trust Pico RI Cllllt property at1u1ted In Hid County In the property sllueted In said Wlt/H'-·, Cllllt. 1$41 E ,,.,., • and S11111 described aJ: PARCEL 1. County 1nd Stata described 11. ,... • ,.,.,,,.,,,,Rd. 8tN. CM#I. Unit No. 116, u shown and Loi 83 of Tract No. 3625. Olly of 12412 W••ltlltfllon 8/11d. SUI,. 8 "10 W. CMltM. l un. 11N described In tile Condominium Plan C91ta MHI, County ol Or1nge, 213 -NS....., 213 -NI •• 114 -111•61111 • , ~ordedon~t~~1L~n~m~~~ITTorn~u~o~oo•1~==============================~~~~ book 12845, pages 904 10 971 map thereof recorded In Book 130, t- lnctusive, of Olflctal Records of s1ld p a g e a 7 , 8 , 9 a n d 1 O o I County. , Ml1cellaneou1 M1pa. record• of PARCEL 2: An undivided 1/60th Or1nge Counly, California. 1n1ere11 as a tenant In common In The street l!ddress end olher 11111 lee lntereat In and to the common d4lllgn1t1on II any. of the common area or Loi 2 of Tract 9680 re1I properly described above Is as per map llled In book 435, pages purp.>rled 10 be: 3223 Color1do 19 to 21 Inclusive. ol Miscellaneous Place, Coll• M ... , C1lilornt1. M1p1, records or tald County, as The und erslgnad Tru111e such term la defined In the trllclll dlsclalms 1ny tlablllty for 1ny enlllled "definitions" or the lncorrec1neas or the street addrna Dectaratlon or Covenants. and other common designation, If Conditions and Realrlottons any. shown herein. recorded In boolt 12699. page 1118 Sita sale wlll be m1de, but ol Olflclal Records. without coven1nt or warran1y, Excepting all oll. oil rights. express or Implied, regarding lltle, miner11s, mineral rights. natural gas pouenlon. or encumbr1nces. rights. and other hydrocarbons by Including lees. charges 1nd w h •Is o ever name k n own, expen,.. ol the Trustee and or I~ geoth«mal steam and ell prOducts trusts cr11ted by Hid Deed of derived lhererrom, without. however Trust. tol>•Y the remaining prlnclpal the right lo drlll, mine. store. sums or the nole teeured by aald explore and operate through the Deed ol Trust to wll: $33,802.20 surlace or the upper 500 feet of the with lntereal lhereon from February subsurface of said land. as reserved 11, 1982 at 15 percent pet annum m Deed rrom The Irvine Company, a as provided In Mid note plus costs Michigan Corporation. recorded ana any 1dv1ncea of $8,666.00 wllh Augull 11, 1978 In book 12795, 1n1er11t. page 780 or Olllclal Records. The beneficiary under said Deed Also excepting 111 waler rights, or Trust heretofore executed and whether such water righls shall be delivered 10 the undersigned a riparian, overlying, approprlallve, written Declaration or default and percolatlng, prescriptive or Demand for Sale, and a wrlnen CQntractual without, however. lhe NQllce of Default and Election to rlghl of entry ,tor the exercise of Sell. The undersigned caused said such rights. as reserved in the Deed No1)ce ol Default and Election to Jrom The lrvlne Company. • Sell to be recorded In Ille county Michigan Corporation. recorded where the re1I ptoper:ty is located August 11, 1978 In book 12795, BURROW ESCROW C~·" page 780 ol Olflcial Records. 2070 N, Tustin Ave. PARCEL 3: Easements as set Santa Ana. CA forth In 1he sections entllled (714 I 558·9212 "certain easements 1or owners" Cheryl Wyland. Pres SHUTIERS CUSTOM QUAUnSHUTTERS Designed, Finished ~ Installed - -·~ "z •. 28 Years Experience Manufacturing Quality Shutters . FINEST QUALl:tY SHUTTERS AVAILABLE ON THE MARKET-TODAY ••. AT FACTORY DIRECT PRICES! Call (714) 548-6841 or548-1717 and "support, settlement and Published Orange CoaSI Daily encroachmenl" or the article Pilot! Nov. 16. 23, 30. 1982 , HORWOOD MAllUfACTOIY 19n Placentia Avenue. Costa Mesa. CA 92627 entitled ··easemen1s·· or the . ~45·82~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1 Oeclaratlon of restroctlons recorded In book 12699, paoa. 1118 or Otllcla11---------"'=--- Records. PUBLIC NOTICE PARCEL 4: Easements es such 1------------easements are particularly set forth NOTICE Of' TRUSH E'S SALE In the Article ·enhtlod "easements" Loen No. 3t14 or the Dec1ar1tfon or covenants. T.S. tto· 7...._.. conditions and restrictions GEORGE M AYER as duly recorded in book 12699, page l l 18 appointed Trualee ynder lh• of Olliclal Recorde. (The "Master following described dffd> of lru11 Declarallon" under the section WILL .SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION headings In such arllcle entitled as TO T~E Hl~HEST BIDDER FOR follows: "Owners rights and duties. CASH (payable at 11me or sale In ulilllles and cable television:'. lawful money ot the United S111es) "support 'and set1l1tmen1", 111 right, tltle and lnteresfconveyect "encroachment" 1nd "Community to and now held by II under aeld facllllles easemen\". Deed or Trusl In the property PARCEL 5: iasement over Lot J hereln111er described: or Tr1c1 9816 u per m1P hied In Trustor: ANTHONY L MAXWELL book 41'4, Pao•• 15 10 23 lncl\lsive. and MARVEEN R, M AXWELL, of Miscellaneous Mapa. records or huaband Ind wire u Jolnl 1enan11 said County, lor the purpoSI of Beneficiary: CEI INVESTMENTS, dreln1ge benefiting lhe property • Calllornla corpor11lon conveyed herein, provld9<1 that such Reoorded Novem~ 17, 1980 u drainage shall not unreasonably Instr. No. 22441 In book 13837 page restrict the Intended use and 731 of Official Records In Ille office enjoyment or said Lot J. of lhe Recorder of Orange County; Altenllon is dtrecled to the fact seld deed ol trust describes lhe lhal the oil, elc , Is excepted from following property Iha description In this 11u11ran1ee Lot 14 of Trac1 No. 3062. In the and any policy issue<! In the name4>f' Co.unty of Orsnga, Stale of a purchaser at a sa1e under said C11ifornl1. as per map rec:orded In Deed qi Trusl wlll also contain said book 92, p1ges t9 and 20, 011 exception. The street a4dress Mlscellaneous M111>1. In tile office or ·and other common dMlgna!W>n. ii the County Recorder of said any or the real property described County. • above 1s pucported 10 be 108 PARCEL 2: That port1ort ol Lo11' Briarwood, lrvfne. CA 92714. adjacenl to aald lot 14 on the ~~...,.~RDAY SEMINAR GROWING FREE Ill SllG~EIESS Sat urday, December 4th 9:00 a.m. -4:00 p.m. ·1 ·s~ar _Lea9 er: JIM-SMOK~ • America's ~mbassador to singles Author of "Growing Through Divorce" --· -and "Sudqenly Single" We wlll c:Uscuss . * ldencicy! Who Am 17 * Relatibnships:Ho w to Build Them * Spiritual Growth: Gei Growing/ * Sexufflicy and Singleness * Lo..nelioess: Hew to Cop e * Life Changes! You can Fly/ The under s I gn e d Tr us 1 ee North-I lying Northeasterly of the disclaims any llablllly for any NorlhWHlerly 11Xlerf1lon OI lhe Incorrectness ol the street addresa Soulhwest .. ly line• OI tald LOI 14 and other common deslgnallon. ii Ind South-terly of lhe following an~ •• ~~0:~1:er::r1· be made. but ~~~:~n;: ~· a point In Iha ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH without coven1n1 or warranty Sou1heas1er1y hne of said Lot A at 600 St. Andrews R.oad _.. New._port Be•ch express or lmptlect. regarding 11111: the l'lorth corner of Mid Loi 14; f iu H bo HI h S h IJ possession. or encumbrances. 10 thence Northwesterly a1ong_IDA.~------=::---::--"J"'cross r a m ucwport a r 0.!_!!19 c oo pay the remaining principal sum of extended Northeasterly ~ne of sala S~lnar cost l s S 10.00 per personlf'p r e -regtstered 1he note SeGured by said Deed of Loi 14• 10 an lnlersectlon wllh lhe S 12 00 a t door (Includes lunch d t I I T Trust, with Interest thereon. 89 Norlhwesterlv_ exlenslon of lhe • . an ma er a S provided In Slld note. advances. II Soulh-terly line or L~t 20 01 said For further Information call (7141 6Jl -288~ any under the terma of said Deed T r • c t N o . 3 0 6 2 , t h • n c e • of ~rust fees charges ind N orthwest erly along 1he 1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ expenses of lhe Trustee and of the Northwesterl.Y Utension of lhei.: ~~~~~Oeed~~.~~erty~~~~:~20=1~~;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~2~;~~;;~====~~~;~ !or the am ou n I re 1son a bty a point In """1fortr1Wllti(IY ne or estimated 10 be $39 800 oo nld Loi A. • The beneficiary und«. said Deed YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNMlt A of Trusi heretofore execuled and DE E D 0 F T 11 U. S T D ~ delivered 10 the undersigned a NOVEMBER 4, 1tl0. UNLESS YOU written Oeclarallon of default 1nd TAKE ACTION TO PllOTECT Demand tor Sale, and a-wnllen YOUR PROPERTY, IT ~A Y BE Nollce ol Default 1nd Election to SOLO AT A PU9LIC SALE. If YOU Sell Th.e undersigned eaused said NEED AN E~A TlON Of' THI Notiu or Default and Electlon to NATURE OF THE PROCEEDINO Seit to be 1ecorded In Ille county AOAIN•T YOU, YOU I HOULD w ... e lhe real proterty ls IOClted. CONTACT A LAWYER. Oele: November 17, 1982. • 338 .Cherrytree Lene, Newport Imperial Corp of Am«lea Beach. CA 8787 Comple~ Or "(II a atreel 1ddr8N or common San Diego. CA 92123 designation Is 1hown above, no (714) 292·6'480 warranty It gi ven •• 10 Ill CllUdla MacMillan. v. Pres. compteteneu or correct"".91·" Publl1hed Orange Coast 01ily The beneficiary under Mid Deed PilovNov. 30, Dec. 7. H . 1982 or Trull. by reason ol a breach or 5228-82 default in the obllg1Uon1 MCured . thereby. heretofore executed and f'tlll.IC NOTICE • delivered .10° the underalgn1d 1 -----------written Oecl1rallon or Oef1Ult and FICTITIOUS BUSINESS Oel!\lnd for Sele, and wri1ten notic. NAME STATEMENT of breach and of election to CIUM The rollowing pertons ire doing the undersigned to sell said bualness as: property 10 aetlaly Mid oblig1llon1, MAID·A·MINUTE. 1221 W. ind thereafter lhe undersigned Coat High-y, Newport Beach, CA cauled Mid notjce of breach 1nd or 928&3. . election 10 be • Orange County Services. Inc .. a Recorded December 28. 1981 ea Celllornla corporation. 1221 W. lntlr. No. 3305'4 In booll 14337 page CoMt Highway, Newport Be1ch. CA 10011. of Mid Official Record1. 916&3. S11d 11111 will be m•deJ .tuu This butineu ls conducled by a wlthoul covenanl or warranty, e0rpor1llon. e~preas or Implied, reg1rdlng 1111•, Or1nge Counly poa11t1lon, or encumbrancat, lo Servlc:el, )no. pey Ille remaining Pflnclpll aum of Chet C~ tile nole(t) ..cured by Mid Deed of Prnldent • Trutl, With lntlf•t u In taid note Thll 1111-1 was filed with Ille provided, adv1nces. tt any, under County Clerit ot.Or1nge County on Ille term• of Mid Deed of Tru11: NOY. 19. t982. f-, cflargee Ind e1tpen-of Ille, F1G3al Trust• end or Ille 1ru11a created by PuDllt11ed Orange Co1t1 Di lly Mid Deed of Trull, Piiot. Nov. 23, 30, Dec. 7, 14, t982 Said 11le wlll b• held on - ---------6-128_·11_2 Thurlday, December 18, t982 at 2:00 p.m .. 11 the Chapman· Awn~ Pl8JC NOTICE en1r1nce 10 the Civic Center '9CTJTIOU9 ..,._18 Bulldlng, 300 E11t Chi pman um ITATSMmn • Avenue. In the City of Or1nge, CA T ..... , ............... --• .,. d...._ Notte.: At ~ 1819 bld1 may bu.;;_;;."."" .. ,...... _.., b• made In ••h 1ll'd lor the CAMBRIDGE HUNTINGTON 011hl•rt 0 certified check• PROPERTIES, LTD .. 2943 South ;:;:~tied In clvll code '!cllon P.uhnian StrHI, Sanla Ana, c.. At the time o f 111e lnltlal 92705 Cambridge c i plt•I Group (a publfOallon of Ihle nollc:e, the lotat Clllfornle 00tporatlon) 2943 90ut11 amount Of Ille im9•1d belance of tile Pvttman StrH t a1ni1 Ana. c a. oblfi11tlon Mtured by the above t2705 ' dHorlbad dud ortruat end . R.D! I, yoli can find a finer dl•play of handmade· gift• and collectable• than _wlll be ott~red at the annual La1-.n1 Craft Guild Springtime Str.;_t Fair: W•avlng~C_eramlce,J~.welr~, Pain- tings, Phot(>grapha, Sculpture, Stained GI•••, Buttertllea and much much more .. . ' LAGUNA C•AFT GUILD Nov. 28, 1912, 10soo A.M. to Duak on Forett Ave. In Lot1un11.1Mch Dec. 4&5, 1912, 10a00 A.Me 'to Du1k at Yillotl• '°" acro11 fnHn Pettery Shlldc -AdmlNlon FtN - Ttlle IMlelnMI hi collducteci 11y 1 Htlt1111.-ct co111, expen1H, and 11m1tect l)et1nertHp 1dv1"cH 11 ne.eu u.. ToL~~~~~~~~~~;;~~~~~~=~~~!!~~~~!~~~~::..J eambtldg9 CaoHll Group delermtrfll Ille opening bid, y6u may ly· 8l91o'tn L t!dw•OI cell (714)!37.otel. laec Vlol Prealdent • Del•: ~ .12, 1882 . Y,. ~ ... filed with the OEOME MAYIA Cdunty Cleft! of Of8llOI CoMnty on • Mid Truat•, ~ 18, tN 2. W ~~~--~~~a PublllfHtd 0,.lnge CoHt Delly By KMflllen r: .. rtclt, Pilot Nov. n. 21. o.c. e, 1a. 1H2 =·~' ~::_,, ~~------------~5~t~l~1-12~ Of CAl2tee ~ ... 142~ 5171. 7l:l1':5.i2 .. I Put 1 few word• Publlth•d 011ng• Co111 0111y to worlc for ,ou. Piiot, Nov. 23• 30• Dec 7• 1~~&·'2 ' . No other 'newspaper brings you more of your city council, planni ng commission, sc hool and college distr icts and county · government thah the ~ Pllt tl37 I lb. of our famous lkdStil'k' Sum111t-1 "iau.,.111c. Ii J)/., ur Mild l'.hcdtlar. i •1z. of< .11udJ. !! "'· II~ l:.durH. 1v, •v. ot As)1.1k-l'w C.:ht•ddJ1 . :1 f1 ox. Smoky (1.11ltli!cd dl~t·1w ba1 I ;md Sir:iwbt•rrv Bun Buns. , $22.~· Think of everyone who\i love ·a Christmas gift f~~ Hickory.Farms~~ -Choose from over 100 di fferent gifts, in a 'variety o(~~pes, prices and sizes. all filled with ta sty delights. And we'll gladly handle all'the details sending your gifts out. ff id orl farms ~~10· . . We'll.give you a taste of old-time country good ness.'" SOL1T ll COAST Pl..AZA l.ll~t'r Cn rnu~l'I \lal l Chr~l 1n11~ llouci.: I) 1itl 'J 54 0-:o99T-I -· ·z •• 'I At p'.arucipaling stores. ·r·1s the season when our relationships with others find expression in the generous.spirit of giving. Not surprisingly, some of the gifts that mean the most are neither traditional nor costly. · One unique way tq (tlsplay. your holiday spirit is with a Holiday Greeting in the Daily Pilot. What better way to convey yolJr special message of wa.rmtt1 and good cheer?. A!ldt.Jldding a ., personal touclf. your message can be as long or as short as you desire. For only 50 cents a tine (two line minimum). you can dlspl~y your holiday message In the Dally Piiot's H«i>liday Greetings page on December 25 .. For an aacfitlonal $5 you can choose from three holiday illustcatlons to enliven the greeting (select from the assortment shown below). Mail the attached coupon to place your message. Please don't delay, closlng date -is noon. December 23. I To order, print your holiday message below. allowing 2 1 characters per tine. Then m~oupon. to: Holiday Greetings -Classified. Orange Coast Daily Pllot,_P.O. Box 1S60. Costa Mesa. CA 92626. (Private parties only, please) -------------------------------------------------------- fj lnclude Illustration. O Illustration A 0 lllustrallon B O illustratlon C Card type: 0 VISA 0 MASTE~~RD. Charge Card 11 ---------------------- Card Exi;>lratlon Oat•------------~------- You may charge your Cla11llled Ad. Be aure to Include your Card type (Vlaa/MaSCerCardf Your C.rd numbef. and tne EXPIRATION DATE. YOU MUST INCLUDE YOUR TELEPHONE NUM BER B~~OW. I : I I I I I I I I·. I . I' .1 1 · · 1 I I I' I n_ I I 'I l . . ' I j. [J I I 1 I I LJ I I II . [T"J I ·1 LL1 eJ-CI LJ . [ ,-l_J I I [ ] I I LlTI ] l NAME ADOAl88 CITY STATI .. TELEPHONE ZIP OCheOk or money ord8' "'°'°88d. .. .. .. Satire set to By TOM TITUS Of-.Oel!J ........... • Sau~ hy 11.sd f IS NOnll'Whtll or u ix·n 11htabh· t'Ommudlty, lusml( its bill' ov,•r ttw µi1s..'"g'· of tlmt> But lit.'l to mu 1r. It can tx'<.'Omt• mon• enduring. As as the cuse w ith "1..1 '1 Abnt•r ," currl'ntly winding up u stint at th • Wt•slmans ll'r Community Theater. so it 1s, to a lt•ssc•r cxtt~nt, with "F'inlun 's R ainb o w ," l'u r ren tly bl'in g rl'surr l'c tl'd by Scbasl1an\1 Wl.1il Dinner Playhouse. Both ar1.• produc ls of the 1950s, and bQth t'Omme nt m ildly on the l'U>etul a nd political situation of the t1mt' from their backw oods' pcrspt'Ctivcs. But where "L1'l Abner" strcsSt'S chaructcr and l'Oli1l.'<iy, "Finian's Rainbow" dl•pcnds more on Its Burton Lane · Yip trarburg score for Its plbce in lhl' sun. "Flnian 's Rainbow" is a middle we lgt\t musical, oontaining memo rable m oments that wash up tu shore Ol.'Cru>lonally like lhl' ude. Its keynote ballad "How Are T hings in G locca Morra?" h as lost a bit , HI music becomes iµuch ~more enduring ~1111 kw1•1l'' 11111•1\I hlMU'I u t Sl'l"11<th.111'111, 140 /'wt• P im , S.m t.'lt•nw11h•, l>ul It'll 111111.11 t;1·1w (.'ollt•mi '" tht• 1tron6(t'lt of ttw t'Wll ~' rwv1·r lw n inf1111(•d with t hl· main cou nw. (.'oil • M'~n·l(ul1oru,.1 114•nut11r lm·t'\'(l lo M'\' hoW tlw utlw r llJ~ ll!l!iO tor "°""'' vattun11 ~~~~~~~~~~ hull ltVl'i., w hllt• Cui I PIK·kard 011d J on M1t hat•I * u ( 1111 fui.wr, but 1'0 ld Dt•va l ltfoon" n•muin11 o 11 wt•t•µ u µ rd tl•r h im In thl· r N lnN·k humor ('ALLBOARO Tht• Mlu 1on Viejo Playhoull(' rou11lng lov1• hllllli( a mt '"l'h'6l ( in•ut (.'omt• m ul U1•t It dt•p;.ir tnw n t A mcl!CI dh'(.'llVl' 11t•l(nw11l lnvolvt'li Dan will hold uud1tlon11 fur the• r1•·k mu1dtal "Godl)X•ll" Duy" Is :1 1iµh•ntlid p1 111lu1·tl1111 11u111b1•1. Mi1·h 11t•l11 1111d R u11 M u nghurn in a r o b o t ic: M unlluy a nd Tut•11day lta µ.m. In th{! f"orum A t S1•hmmrrn'11, d ln•t•tor chon •og i:aµlw r John l1H\•l'p1t•tutlun ur cfopurtnwnt 11tort• mogull1 "Shl•uni Tht·ah•r on the Festiva l of-ilrt." ground• in l...agun:. Spm d l11r hu11 mo unh·d on ottriwllvt• hut hardly a nd Hobust " l.-tM'h ":ill't'll l-"h1hbach, who 11tugt.i.J tht• 11how In t•rlt'hu1111n tl p1·utJut·t11111 tluat l'OnWlrlH u ft•w nwg1cul "l''inaun 'tS ttulnbow ," pluyt•d uga1n!tt Dunll'I Suh Cll•111t•ril4• two yt'ars ago, la dirN·tlng and will monw nt!i. Om· lb tlu.• IJUl'formunct• of Tuylor Hayt.'li Bu1•k's .-ul111 tully dt:Ulilt..od boAckJrop, 111 a lll('t.' dt"'8('rt o fl1·1 m11n · m formatlon ut 497-:Wi:J. UR th1.• Cd sty lnshmu11 11f ttw Ulll' who tru1uipla11ts u , iitolcn ~old mx:k lt1 tht• hlllH ,,r "MISNltuc:ky" and r t LUXURY THEATRES ) untielputt-s a bountiful h ul'Vl'Sl. lluyt•i. und hl11 • 111 ............ llca•Yl2.11.._.0tll«•lllllll blarnt•y aN• both In f1nt•f()rm. --------... Hick S tc11·k wl'll and tfll'lu111t• &ckl•r un• flt\l' in S 654 255J ~~r the romunuc ll'ads, ll£•or1ng h1ght'St io tht•lr "Old cineDome o Ot•vil ~oon" dul'l. J e ff Gn•(lnb<>rg's oversized .A- le pr('<:haun wrings somt• nt'l'<ird romt>dy from the Jo{ s how. w h1ll' lrt•nt• Z(•lonka is l'Uptiva t ing as ~~~~~!!!!l!Mi~!H!li!!lll!I ;:::::;;;=="-" .,, E THE EXTRA· • • TERRESTRIAL om Al~o.,UVW! (llG) -ALONE IN THE' DARK m *BARGAIN MATIN••S.• Mond•Y ll•ru lelurdey All PerformancH before'S:OO PM (haft S,.cill E•1••1ll1 IM HINlyl) "T .. TEXAS CHAINIAW MAllACRI!" 1111 ------ "CREePaHOW" 1111 •DOUY ""'---·-"FIRST lt.000" 1111 • ··--·--·-•ff1&i'~·· ,_....,•,C•-·•••) --· t.;_5 p_ . 21J/131•t.llO - "THSl!llPIM STRllCl!S •ACK" IHI "TIME BANDITS" -.,_ ..... ~ , ............. ----- <;:ast m embe r an "Finian's Rainbow" at Sebastian's West Dinner Playhouse·a re (from left) Melanie Backer, Jeff Gree nberg and Taylor Hayes. "VICTOR/ VICTORIA",..., .............. , .. ll.ICfWOOD C fNTfll SOUTH .... l • '" "MONSIGNOR",... -·-.... ~- "THI MAN FROM SHOWY RIVeR" '"' --~-- ---18th SMASH WEEK! --- MU •Wf'OltT IUClt OIWIGl WHTM•nll MMVI Btea Piila Ed#lldS He'#l)Ofl Conelna c.n.donle Edw"4S Cinema WtSI S29 S339 644 0760 634 2SS3 891 393S ....... l.10 Edwa.<ds V~ Twin 830 6990 ...,_._....._.,._ cr:.a.cllOUSE 01nino ond cock1a11s qnn · WHALE WATCHING .LUNCHEON While watching the whales pass right In front of your table, enjoy a sumtuous seafood salad - maybe a half pound hamburger .treat - po~slbly a scalone sandwich. . ' D•lly from 11:30 AM to 4 PM Resemtions 494-9707 619 SLEEPY HOLLOW LANE, LAGUNA BUCH Fine dining, •JIO\ WT COAST I llCHWAY COIONA Oft. MAR, CA (11AJ~0331 - lfti'il . . ~...,,.. • 1£:!!1~ •w... •••~-•fl.I'..-- ~ . ............................. ., .... ...,.,. ........ ..., ..... ' ' ,, .. "TME rwua C:MAlldAW 11AUACM"1111 ........ -"~ "CREEP SHOW" 1111 •Ami ............ . .. Olln a,. Wr Ill I• PJI .. 111111 lft PJI. lllPOtnau llOTICll CllllDUI UllDlll ti fflH! ---... ---........ __ ,. ,. Ol'fl-·-.. CM-·--· ~• .. CM ____ __ --~··llU.Clllfl _____ _ ..... , '•.• ANAHEIM Olllld IN ":THI DIPIRE STRllCH llACK",..., -. .._.TOm.""'91 C..11 - .... "-·• BUENA PARK • .i " Uflc---·-llM070 . . .. LINCOLN (J(.>1V! I N ·--.... -.... -121~70 "' FOU NTAI N VALIE f OlllVf IN "T .. TllCAI CHAIN9AW ~HACRIE'.' 1 .. _OleeO,_ .. ..__, .. , "ALONE IN THI DAM"~ ... .. ii~) .... ,,"_ -·•ONCO M.L Y" '"' C..11- "Tltm ..... STRMl8 llACIC" --"Tltm C~,_.. c:." l :. H A IHJ A . . • " "PIRIT kOOD" 1111 -"MAD MAX"1111 Cllll ".,.., (Ill ,,,.HT~••T••w ......... &........-... I.""" LM1' AMDICMI ._.. " / ... .. HI Orn no COU1$I OAIL' f>ll 0 I" uuatJ11y Nov1•111lJl•t 30 I oa,1 TH£ t':\~11.\' CIRCl'H I by Bil Keane • fit "Mommy sure has a lot ,2.f hang-ups-'Hang up your shirt, hang up your sweater .. .'" by Brad Anderson l/:~ "He's in ~n affectionate mood today!" Jl'DGt: PABKt:R ACROSS 1 Lew:1'11bf 5 C>Ndgely 10 Deltee 14M1icn 15 lnh,bll t6Cr1~ 17 Destroys 1SV~ty 20F event 21 S1 23C 26 Cifcu t 60 Allgll 6 ~ark• fabric layer 64 -de Cll'll9 65 Oslo Ian· guage 66 Eight. Pref. 67 College ball • 66 Tumblef 69 Famed cartoonist olyore 21Los Angeles' DOWN ·' port: 2 WOtdl 1 Reeed 30~ 2HKk 34 $ofrow WOf'd 3 A<• ialn 35 JOln 4 Atm mutcle MONDAY'S PUml IOLYEIY - ~:J3::J l:J~llll [JrJl!rJ :J3::JD JO~'llJ rJ[JSr.;. '.J:Jll ::l~:.JIJ'l~l1Dt:JC1 ;:J:J .lJ:.11.U:J 1UJO[J(J0 '.J~]].:l .. HUIJ iU::llll:J J:.1.!F:lCJiJLil:J J'.JJ Ji..-.J~J:! :.Ji][J[JrJ ::U:J.!l Jl.!J:.J:J :.JC::mJ :J'..1::10~ .!l:J'.lD:J :.Jam ~JJl:!J.H.J ..:JLJ[J(JlJl:J OLIJJ ~;.HJ[J lU.JJJJ .JJLl~!.l~L'U JJ1.U.JJ:JO'.LI l]['J[J[J .JJ::l J .:J:!JJLl:.J l!t:lDit t.11Jt.1 ii.J..JrJt.1 1.JlJt:a 37 Sptek 5 SHP9td f4 CIUling plln 48 One behind 38 Audac:1ty e Areb robe 25 Auto 1re• another 39 Wfftrtl 7 lktdle pert 27 Gallefy 411 Cubic melert 41 Orion rtvtr 8 VlfMI 28 Marshal 49 Utttftd 42 lJndMdtd 9 Ottermlnlld 29 Scrags 52 Cllltr 43 ~ 1te1 10 MullC llgnS 31 Plant "'911nQ 53 T oc*not 44 °"'991fd I I tte*9 of I 32 PMOn 54 --CNna 4i C4ldd'I c4IMI · 33 Edlfor·a 15 Chemical 47 lllon·WWIMI'• 121>enlttl me•· worclt IUftla '50 Fl•'• ne19f!· eure 3p Epic poem 57 Quec:nuen b01 13 Oiv0tce city 39 Chateeu 58 Snood• 5 t Excies11w 18 Oomtnlte room 59 Ctwrn 52 Otrentll 22 ~midi· •O Agree11>1e e2 Pftter coin s& Dining urn 4• Speech 83 Letter BIG Gt;ORGt: by V1rg1t Partch (VIP) I }c. "Oh,..,11, they all h1V1 nam11 •• mlddl1 nam111 tool" · Hank Ketchum 0 by Jim Davis Tl' "BLE" EEDH ~Q,l"'f'IS ll ... WHOOPS! NOW l'VE DONE IT ! 0 • l r I by Ch1rl11 M. Schulz -------I ERASED MY WMOLE DESK ! by Tom K. Ryan J-c=..~--~r;Jj~~-~~~~~!ll!fa~~~~~ GET YOUR PAPERS RIGHT HERE--- ONLY FIFTEEN ' CENTS------ COME AND 6ET 'EM , NANCY, STOP CLOWNING AROUND--- by Ernie Bushm1ller -AND QUIETLY HAND OUT THOSE TEST PAPERS TO THE CLASS, LIKE I ASKED YOU TO • ~ ~R.!~aJ ~ iPM4.i...IO Ml~'r' MA~ rr ID nu~ mP .-_, ' OF E'l/E~~T. FIE FOl>JO "/AW IJPPIT°"' NOSE ~EM/ WEll, IHE JOB KEEPS ME IN fHE AREA JN CASE THE'°';""', SCHOOl BOARD GETS 1J.IE BESIDE!:>, WORKING HERE REAU.4 tS~'i f:IJ BAD ! iHE HOOR5 ARE GOOD AND L GET ALL THE FRENCH · ~!Eb I O\N EAT ! OS 10 HIRE ME. 8AC.K ! DRABBLt; 1 rEU,. ~ Wl\.'f'f, Hf.tL.. t t>IO ~ URlkE 1~1~ f~l'S ~\~(,. DR.SMOClk ~'f ~~~O'M~ 1o ~ ~~Cit JV~£ foR f~~ f~~l\..'l ~t 6~Ul<ft6l . -------- FOR 8ETTl8 ,. re• •• •11 ---------------.,.-.----------...--.. NoeWf SAW, M\KE - 1 'M SUP::a: IT' - NOW WE \JUST WALK OUT OF HEfQ: Ute ·Ng'~ c.u5TCMl!f\S ... by George Lemont ,, ,, by Lynn Johnston f ¥ ·-···-........··---------- Orangtt Coas1 DAILY PILOT/Tuesday, November 30, 1982' HT Gift catalogues assist shoppers By HUGH A. MULLIGAN Al~Cett1111 1....,1 RIDGEFIELD, Conn. Thanks to all thoiw opulent, glltt.-rmg, bankbook bconding catalogues that have been jamming my mailbox for week urwr week since lust August, I have my Christmas list all sorted out. Now if only the Connccticut, New York and New J ersey state louerh.'8 would <.'<>Operate with winning tickets, Santa will bco deo"l'blting down our chimney with a load of loot that would make the Aga Khan envious. First off. for the chtld in all of_us, at the pric~ of a mere $2.430,000 the merchants of merriment down at Sakowitz, the Hou ston de partment store, will erect right in my own backyard a full sized wooden roller coaster. Nearly a half mile long, it is guaranlC<'d to m('{'t all safely codes and comes complete with four cars holding six passengers each and a coverro loading pla tform. "Allow six to nine months for delivery in the conune ntal United States," the <:atalogue states. Well. I can use that time to get some tackets printed. Charging the neighborhood urt•hms 50 c.-ents a ride, I figur~ I'll only have to k<.'t'P my Christmas Club going another 700 years to pay off the credit card. It's lucky for me my wife 1s allerg_ic to fur or I couldn't resist surprising her on Christmas morning with what Santa's htlle phrase makers al Sakowitz call "a full length swt'Cp of splendor," a fur coat made from the bellies of rare Russian snow lynxes. · For those willing to saunter off to Siberia and pol the ir own lynx. the Abercrombie & Fitch catalogue li sts genuine safan shooting jackets, "originally designed in Africa in the 1930's," with THI IARL'S Pl-HIAllHO ... COHDtllOH9tO SOlAa WAT9 HIAl- U lHIOOM HMOOlllNO • So '"' ,,,.~, S.W.. fl<M Slet11 11 YOUt 0oot (call Slo<e _ .. , Y0ut ArMJ COST• MHA 641-1289 " U2'New,.,. ....... "quilt~ s ut'dl• rt't'<>ll lihouhlt•r 1>1.1h h uml 1hn•t• reinfor<'<'<J cartrldit' J.)(11.•k1•111," at $1110 Ttw path hclmN ht not 1ncludt~I · S adly for Uli alluht•· trultLnt( furc•11in corr«.>spondcnt• (I wu1. 111 TIJuuno rt'l'N1fly on business), cJ(•ft lllkks UI l ' llCI lont(t•r hs tt'<.I Ill UllY u( the cata logu(.ltil ttt~lng thlti lhn•shold Howt•vt•r, New York's B. Altmun & C:o. stall 11tocki. thl• bl'lwd BurbclT)' trench <.'Ollt a\ $495 This as lhl· real artidt!, dating oock to when 1'"'!v«lyn Wuugh'11 (.'UVt•rug(' o( a war in Ethiopia lnsparl'<I has nowl ·:&'OOp," antJ no Flret Strt-ct hack worth his CXP<'nSt• <m.'ount would leave home without it. T he successful TV 1wrializution of Waugh 's "Brldeshead Revisltc>d" has brought u•ddy lx•an; back in s-ty ll' on college• campust'li and as an ext>euuve s uite play thing in th(• lonl'ly t'Orradors of power. Alx'rcrom1c & Fitch offors a three-foot-tall cuddly stuCCed grizzly al u trifling $225. "He grins a lot," the catalogut• assurt>S us, "t.•spccaally w hen his {ool pads get ticklc-d." · When those winnirwlollcry numbers are called in all three stat<'S, I'll also dial Altman's toll free number and ask Sant.a to bring me a book for Christmas. a first edition of William Faulkner's "Sartoris" at the knOck·down price of $2,275. Of course, by that happy tam<'. I'll n«'d to have my own stock tick<'r m the den or at bedside, and the friendly folk al Sakowitz can ship 1t reindeer express for $3,158, including installation. The catalogu<' notes, however. that "monthly charges from exchang~ for hnc S<.'rvil'l' are additional.'' Well , after all, Christmas <:an't go on forever or what would dream m!'rchants do for n<>xt year? I t. MISSION V1IJO 495-0401 , .. ,, c-.i-c:.,i.1 ..... t-..... --, . ., A..y "wy I Free Phone Call Home Now thru Dec. 23 M :1 and Huntington Center will give away ov~r 15,000 3 -min. long distance phone calls for HoWdoes Now menthol stack Up? the holidays. Just visit the MCI holiday booth in the cen ter of the moll. Nit.IC NOTtCE OfflCE Of' THE ..._,,.CORONP. COUNTY Of~ NOTICE Of' SAU UNDER D«CME Of' FOMCLOaUIW EASTBLUFF HOMEOWNERS' COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION, etc • Plel ntill va. ANTHONY L MERCANOANTE. et II, Defendant, No. 37-44-71 I. the unde<algned. Bt-4 Gate1. Sheriff-Coroner. County of Orenge. Stet• of Cali1omla. do hereby certffy that by vi rtue o f Decree o "'· Foreclosure and Sate In' urii , Superior Court 'Of Iha County ot • Orange. State of California. entered on August 30. t982, and r.c:orded August 30, t982 In the above entitled a c t i on. wherei n EASTBLUFF HOMEOWNERS' COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION, e Cellfornl• Non-Profit Corpofltlon. the abuve nemed pl1lnllff(1). obtained • judgment and decree of foreclosure and eale ag1lnat ANTHONY L. MERCANOANTE, defendant(I), for the ~m of Three thOusand seven hundred eighteen & 24/100 Dollars. LawfUI money of the United Stetes. and by vtnue of I wnt of enforcement In aald ICl!on INued on Septemb« 29, 1082. I am commanded to Mil ell the Pf'ac>erty In the Counly of Orllnge. Stile Of Cellfomla, delcrlbed 1t follows· Lot 95 of Trlci No. 5018:Clty of Newpor1 BMch, It Shown on I M1p • rec;ord6d In Book 186, Pages 26 lhrouo" 30 . lnclualve or Mlscell1neoul M1p1, Rec:orda of Orange County, Caltf«nlL Property la more commonly known 81: 2815 Carob. Newport Beech. California.. Togeth« with ell and lingullr the tenements. neredlt1men11, 1nd ipC>Ur1enandlS thereunto belonging or In enywtM appert•lnl~. "" . # ,• .- . ! I' PUBLIC NOTICE IS' HEREBY GIVEN Th1t on WEOf'iESOAY . DECEMBER 22, 1082. at 10:00 o'clock. A.M. of th•t dly •t Main Lobby, Courthouae. 700 Civic Center Drive Weal. City of Santi ·Ana I wtM Mii lhe 1bove deecrlbed property ur1der H id writ 1nd decree, Of u much thereof u may be neceaury to utlaly n ld judgment wtth Int-ti •nd C<Mltl, to the hlghe9t bldd«, for cnh In lawful money of the United StllH. Dated 1t S1nta An1. C•lllorn11. • November 15. 1082. BRAD GATES, Sheriff-Coroner County of Or1~. 'ca111orn11 At the botkHn. By K. &own •• Sergeant . HldeJ,Neulend, ~aCollette a.1 ET-"-d. ....._ 2IG L..-..... C.._, ,_.,1Aetomer Publlthed Or1nge ~oHt Diiiy Piiot. Nov. 23,30, Dec 7, 1te2 513842 NOT!Ct.M'ITTINO M>9 Notice 11 hereby given that the Boerd Of TrUSI-of the Huntington 8each Union High ~hool Olllnct w ill receive •••led bid• lor supplying Wide Screen CRT Termlnlll mMllnCJ or equ81 to the 8P8Cffleatlom on Ille In the off~ of Mid Oiatrle1. Ilda 1h•ll be Cl .. rly mlfked "Wide Screen CAT T8fmlnell Bid ,11510", 1ddrwed to Allyn E. Rowley, Purc•••nt ~hneger, Hunllngt'on 8e1ch nlon High School Ol1trlct, 10251 Yorklown Ave .. Huntington 8"ch, CA 112848. end ~ 81 or before 2.00 pm .. w~. December 15, 1N2. •f wtlidl time and ~ l>ldl wlM be pubkly CIC**' end reed In Bldg. c, Room ~1. Eedl bid eh811 remtlln vlllld for 1 perloct of 30 dey1 1fter the d1y epec:Med lot thl rec;ejpt Of bids. • 'f> • • Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined 8IDg _ ·-~ 7111g olden I inht . ~,,~,s 100•· 5111g MERIT Ultra Lights IOO's MENn«lL 4111g The loerd Of Trutl-9'1111 be lite IOle )udte of th• quellly of .... •••t °"9red end ,.__ thl rf1M 10 r9ject ~ or 811 bide and lo That Cigarene Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Htlhh. Compe1111vc brand tar lewlls reflflCt the lower of erthef Fl C method°' Dec '81 nc Report ---~~---' 0....: No ....... 13, 1 .. 2 Allyn ! Rowley f'llrcNling ~ ~ Orenge COHt Oelly ...... Nov 30, Dec 7, 1182 y 6f.tS..12 SOFT PACK 100's FILTER. MENTHOL 2 mg. "11r". 0 2 n19. nico11111 tv per crgareue by FTC method. ' -.......... "''""""- ,. . I . I i I I I • , I I ·I I I -i i I I t t ' ,I . i I I i I ' I l ~- ~hildren's story unlike any seen I '9y Fl\F.O IWTlmNutmG A~ Televltlon Wtlltr • N 1-:w Y<>HK Thl• liYIHlll'Ult•d tl'l1•vi:-.11111 1>roducuon "Blood und I lon11r" Jlf 11 \;}11ld11•11'11 !iltll y unhkt· uny you'vt• Vl'r M't'I\ lt tt•ll'i or tlll' Hltlt·r Youlh Mov1•nwnt, wh1t•h pt•rvt•rtl•d chlltlrl•n , ttw w1>rld'!i lx•:.t h opt.'. ulto ib Wol'lit evil Tht• t wo-purt, rive·-ho ur broadcast b eg in s tonight and l'o nclud{'s 'Wl•dm•sduy, but o nly 1n 30 markl'ls tPOtl'ntiully. mun• than 50 fX'l'l'C'nt o( tlw 'notion'!:! vwwers will watch u vt'ry Important work thut network TV tunwd d own. d N1l11 111 l'Ollhl'N, 1•11 th1•r th1111 1iµh1 1>i lly llJX'<.'1111 t•ff1-t'lli Anll It t;akt·~ tht• h\11111111 n11proat•h, d 1r111lld 1ng huw th11-t• furn1h1·i. l'Opt'<l und f un'tl In Nut I G .. 11111111y I 111111 rn:l:J to Hl:tu T tw Kl'llt•r rum111 litrugglt'lt With tlw Gl•• mun rt'('l'!j.lflUn, l'.rns t und hllli wlf1• 1irt• anu-Naia Ill' thlnkii tlillt'r 111 u J>U"'-lnH fnnt:y. ''Wt•'rt• u 1.'ivllltt•d , dc•mo<:rut1l' country," ht• 111.1y11. Thl Ir son, tlartmut, Is sc'<luct>d by thl• uniforms und hardwurl· of thl' H ltlt•I' Youth. Morally mullt•ubll•, lnCIUl'tll't'd by 1wt•r prt18NUrt• und tht.• tll't•d to !t•t•I important, Hortmut joins ll1tler'a wur mac hint.'. 1111t1 N11.tl 11•1111111.c-. uf hiN fu1 tw 1 '11 bt•lil I 1 lt'11d, wh11 '" tlll'n "4•111 tu 1111i.c111 1-:rn11l 1111111~ k .. ltl!'I 11rn1 ut·n~., tlw l11t·1• .!it'Vt•rol ttmt'li. but clo,•sn 't n •ikh hull. Tht· St.'('l111tl lumlly portru11 111 111 llw M11nkmu11n .... mujur l'Og11 In ttw loc:al N;n1 11111vt•n1t•tll Tht•y huvt• m 1111t•y, lnflut'nl'1' Jlltl powt•r On thl· otlll'r 1•nd of ttw !ll';Alt• 011• tlw Kuhni,, u J 1•w1:,h forn1ly und OWn<.•nJ Of tht• local \UIJt>r shop At·1ual f1lrn footuf(t' of tht• Nuxrs IS t11t1•r11µ<'r 1wd with tht• TV muVH'. pruv1ding un hu;wm ·al 111•r1o1pt~tlw whllc l'mphasizing lo toduy'11 youth thul. <•hhout(h this IN u fkuunuhzl'<l stol'y, it d1tJ hapJJl•n. •v Wlwn the nl•tworks do 1J m1nist'rtl'S, th <.•y dc•manp name s ta ri; and extravagant s,xx•tacles. Thl' l'l'l't•nt "The Bl ut• and the Gray" by C BS, fo r example, tried tu gt•t by on u marquee full Of Stars and grand-scale WUr sc:e n L"S, whale skimping o n the crcJ1b1hty and dramuuc· fon't· of its story . What "Blood and Honor" lacks in H ollywood ~lamour. 1t more than makc•s u p in substance and emotional Tmpitcl. ll Actor Jt•ffrt•y Frunk, a Jt.•W wholiC parl•nL'i tlt-'ll Nat.I GC'rmany, captut't.'S the.• spooky nmorolity of llartn)ut and tht• HiUt•r youth. lies eyes, !iO vul·ant und d istant , s pc•ak volumes about th<• C\hically bankrupt rc~imc, in wh1d1 family. Cncnds and life itself wt•rt• sct•ondury to blind allegiance Lo the Futlrcr. ''Blood un<.J llonor," f1lrtwd on location en Wl'lit Gt"rmuny, was a <.'<J·produ<'lion 111 twu til•rmun t'Ompuntcs and Amt•rwu's Da11wl Wilson Produc.·uom,, whll'h did tht• b<.•witthing "Soph1slll'all'd Gt•nts" last IWUM>O. Tht• film, using bilingual at:ton;. wus l>hOt first in Englis h . and th<·n in Gt'rman. It's a stunning achi(•vt•mcnt In any language. Tlw 1•ro-uzi he·lie•fi, of llo rtmut Kelle r (Je·ffre·y Fr1111k), right, threate n the security or hi"' unli-Nuzi 1lun·nti, (Murlici, Engel uncl .. Rolr Hc.•t•kt•r ) in "Hlood und llonor,'' a At onl' point, HartmuL cxpoiK's Lhl' iV8iNQ •:001•• NEW8 CHAAUE'S ANQ8..I TM Angele ln-tlgete IM llety dNth ot en ettrectlw women atoek car r-. 11 IOAP JMl!Ce brings Mr lo119r, Det. Donohue, home end la confronted by ChMt«. • m w·1.·s·H Hawkeye undergoea 1 dr .. llc Chenge when he becC>mM temporary com- mander of IM 4077th. • HAWAHFMO A •-·• gin tremed for murder Nna eway to • rel Igloos cult. (;horeographer Alfonso Figueroa's •o-rks-are-~-howcased on "Ju bilos, '-' the fir t of a series tonight at • OV£REA8Y I 0:00 on Cha nne l 28 . l . l GuHt: alnge r Fcanltle Laine.a GD HUMAHmE8 THAOUOH THE ARTS "Sculpture: MJrror 01 Men'a Being .. Cl) ceaNEWi 9 AecNEWSQ 1~=L9NGHT **~ "St. I-" (11178) Cher1es Bronson, J~ line Biuel. A form« crime reponer-turned--detectlv• le hired by • WMlthy lllm fender to recover • Mt of lncTlmlnetlng ledgers. 'PG' (D)MOVIE * * * "Rich And Femout" ( 111811 Cendlce Bergen, Jecquellne BltHI. ThroughOut the ups end downa of their reepecttye llterery oereers end romentlc 11-. two women· depend on lhelr triendatllp for ateblllty. 'R" e:ao. ~ 8A8KeT8AU. Loe Angelet Lllktn ft. 8*' Antonio Spurs • ALICE Ao goee to night Khc>ol. I OQC CAVETT (A) OAOWIHO YEAM "Morel OeYelopmen1" Cl)QI NEWS 9 BAAHEY MILUA Herrla takes over com- mend or the tqued when Berney 11 jeli.d tor con- tempt of court. (Pert 1) • WORLD~ PEOftl.E (l)MOVIE * * '.t "Torch Song" ( 11153) Joen Crawford, Mlchllel Wilding. A 8roed- wey •tar IOYed MC:fetly by • bllnd plenlst IMde en empty and unsatlatylng lffe. .MOVIE * * * "TM GetMrlng" (tll78) Ed Aaner, M _ _, .S1ep1eton. longtime dM· Mont among "*"'*" of the femlly of • dying men come out In tM 09e'I wtien hit grown ofhc>t1ng geUW tor• tlr\9I femlly r-*>n. 7:00 I cee NEW8 N8CNEW8 HAPPY DAYS AGAIN Fonzie ~ de¥oted to e little boy wt10M fet!W ~edtllm. l:C:~AHV A gltb guN dezzlee Chrlety Into tOllowtng him to hi• commune. • 1 JOl<Dl'I WllD ........ ""'°"' Cl) 11'.M. MAGAZINE 9 INT'IMAINMEHT TOHIGtfT An lnletvlew with W9Y1on Jennlngl. • OMNGe COUNTY TOOAY CB> MIN'S OYMHAITICI "11112 c ...... Pei-lnvt- tetlonel" OlymplM9 8et1 COnntr, Jim Hertung end PhM Cetloy ere fMtur9d In Ihle ~·· competition, CZlMOVll *** "A Fw .... 1 To ,.;me" ( t932) Gery Coo- per. Helen HeyH . A wounded Amerteen lddllr ..... In low wfth Illa EJl9IWI nurw In WOttd Wer I ltaty. 7:IO. 2 OH~ TOWN Feetured: three atunl women; • preview of CBS'a "Clrcu1 Of The Ster-." I QI 'AMILY RUD llOODANO~ The "" to power ot AdO!ph Hnler -. vwy. Ing reectlonl ~ three lemlllee ct differing bedt· grouncta In Ihle look et 1M -.1)' deya of Hui a.rm.- ~(Pert 1) • IYEOHLA. FMtut9d: 1M ,_ Irene! of l'Mlllllg IM bettwoom 1M moet QIMtoroue room In IM houte; • look al Hid! Noll•'• ,_ movie ..... Houra"; Ctlero per1onne In Tehoe. • M•A•l'H The turgeont •I the 4077th decide to .. ,_,..,, ft;~ -~/LIHMfll MPORT • MNMC~OIL ll'AINTINQ• 9 YOU All<ID f'Ofl rT FMturect "The Knlgflta Who Fight Jn Boete" end "TM Bird lllet Is A Mon. lier." • OO!!•W llAIKrrMLl UCI ft. Or1lgOn l.'00. Cl) --... Ma< AUYI A .,_,.lful agent Meka 8uc:ll '• help In ""lllO enoth« agent from • dreeded ~ snon. aa,Anm.~ Lll'ene takee e !*Mime Job 1n cown end 1111111 In iow with en encioent. 9POlled 99"::Wt~YI FONle encouregee Me1¥1t1 8eMI\ to bemboode K.O. Into ecoeo4lng • dete lot Arnold'• coetume peny. Q i~ A doc:tor wtlo ~ hie -wtlfl IMCloblot· lea, -a. encl.~ entt\lde: an ......._ .... the "unll-.......... ,.... .... , • IBtNVHU leMy ~•fire cHef. • NOYA "Goodbye, l.OulllMe" A report on ltle eteooemo ~ IWOblMle or eoucr.- em Loullllne le.,. .... , ..... i lftlllMT "Melleee" A ~ call from Guy F__.e wtte at e perty ...... ..,.. Np In . CClfllCl6ell ..., of IUIPldOn ct9Med by _,_,. ""° -* .... polloe to.,._,. Guy lllUrcMNd hie ...... ~~ • *~ "Aough CUI" (IMO) Bvr.t Aeynold1, L..iey. Anne Down. A lrnllfl IOCllllll• lur• .,, in--. t1one1 .._. thW out or r911rement to help,_...., '30,000.000 In ...,_., 'PQ,' • ®MCMI • • "'""no In Love Ageln" ( tHO) Ellfoll I • • ICNBt INBCl 1 l Tv le t<TLA (Ind ) H HBO •1<1.ec. \11ee> c 1C1nem ... 1 ' e 1<FM8 (CftS) f 1 IWORI NY., N V • ICHJ TV tlnd ) 01\ IWTBSI e KCST IARCI t IESPNI • KlTV (Ind l la 15"ow11m.I I • KCOP TV (lftCI ' • SCI01119f!I • e KC£T (P8SI • ICfflt Ne-Nttwot-) ICOCE (P8$) Gould, ~ Yortc. A men goee to hie high achoo! '-*'" In 1M bellef thM he can r9ltW the good llmee of IM pelt. 'PG' (D) NM llAIQT9AU. Santa Clar• Broneoe ve. USC Trojen (I) flMNK SINATM "Conoert For Tile Atnerl· CM'' °""""* lkldd)' Alcfl jolt\9 Slnetre In • c:onc:.n et m. Altoe De CN¥on Amphltheetr• In the eon.,._,...,.., .MCMI * * • ~ "Allentlc Ctty" (1910) Burl Lenceetw, S11ean Serendon. The Mlrenged hllebeflCI of 1111 ... lier Wllltt-tln'Nee with her pregnent ~ •er encl -etolen heroin, wNctl he WM!a en egirlg hood to ... for him. ,,.. t:a0. 9 LAYBINI & ......., A 1M11r wlllta ~ to help ,_ QM rtd or - bed ""* for good. Q I 000 COUPll! ...,HU. hln)' ~ '-t to IWO lit-tle""""°" from Frenoe. CZlMCMI ** "T.-From TN Vlenne Woode" (1979) Bir- git Doti, Hanno Poec:hl. A young gll't ,... Pf9Y to ltle ----olltle locel pleyboy end I• dleowned by her ..... t:OO. Cl) Cl.L THIATIR .. ~ 8o Algflt" ,. dlvor1*I mother geea more "*' lhe bergelned for whel'I lhe ,.,,,,. to • Ilg Brother orgentldon to llnd an edlllt meie fftend for her lrOlltlted 11-~­ old eon: Petty Dulle Aatln, "--,erentlfto encl Ak*y 8c:hroderetar. •8CIAVUN Oelllen encl • pretty apy- ln-lrelfllno try to ..__ hie ...... Invention, • hlgtl- •Pffd. over·tlle-weter .... "°"' .,, lnlem. ..... _ ....... . . .,...... "'*"Nf'I ...... ...,.. tMt her fl1end ""° Ml f8llln for .Mc:11 11 !Mnted. ..... Jedi ""'*• .,,..,,.,..ll~en eftlllr wltll • ,,_,.... men. -~f'\Ma A~ from outer epace vlall1 Medame. Intending • CloM -ler. GlllM: oom1c AntllOny ........ (!) CHAM.11'8 ANML.I .. ,....,,,,. home to pnMCt • lrtend'• formule ,_ cer from........, l ..v ...... ...,HU.. Con "*' ..,,,, --to r-.V. • bOollle of Illa CMtl. • MY8TIRY "Melllee" A ~ cell from Guy l'oee.r'1..,. • • perty .... ..,.. ...., In • _,.... .. of IUIPldOn ~by~""° --... polloe '°..,. Guy .,.,,....... .,.. .... ;r1.:i ·~ LcM119ne'' A ""°" on ._ et II 114 ..... ..,........,..,... em~11111-•. .. ir.::- , ,. ............... .. ..,,..., ........ ...... _. .. ,,., .. ... -= ............. . ====-,_.. ....... ............. ~ .Mii ... ........ ......... .._.. .. ,,.,....,..........,., W:00 e al IT. ll.INHBll Dr. a.n-.. ~ too Involved with ·• ~ pellen1, Dr. Chendler lllePett• • no.ir• of lneom· petancy, end Dr. C.V-o hee 10 deliver • beby -_.....,._.. II •• NIWI HART TO HART Jo"ethen end Jennti.r une1er1ue • danQ:erou• mlMlon to NV. en oll-rlc/I king from cert.in d,...ter. fi, MOYIE • . *** "Youra, Mine And Oln" (ttea) Ludlle Bell, Henry FondL A men with to klda merr._ • women with eight. ....... 08 Tht• beltett ·-"E,,_. ren1e," "Declme" end "Vlalona" ·-choreo- grephed by Alfoneo Flgwrot lo the mlltlCal worka of _ _, Lelln Amerlcen ~ -Pf-led. • 900't' IN QUUTION "The Hew1 Of Tiie Metter" Dr. Jonelhan Miier loOkt •• lhe '-'· dn:uletlon . blood ~-· end open-,_,_~ .THl A WMlthy men'a lt)olled ---llnd1 "lhllplng up" •• Shlloh Aenc:tl more then • aunvner lerk. ~MCMI * * V. "Tiie Gembler" (tteO> Kenny Aogera, L• Purcell. A prolHtlonel 'gambler tak• • lreln ride through the Old Weet to help hi• Mtrenged eon end finds r-with • the· dy IOClely lady along the wey. ®MOM UNECPUMATID 9ENNY *1. The uncwedlc1able 8rtlletl __...,, portrwye ..,,..,. chetecter• lnctutilng • atrlcltNM llrtlet ctGilWn end • henpeeked lluebend wllo u-hll video remote con- trol to tr-tr-hll unbMr•ble wife. (D)MOVIE **'A "So Fine" {1N11 Ryen O'HMI, Jecl< WW· den A atllffy eo1ege pro- ,_ --hie father'• llollnOer1ng garment IKto- 'Y by '"-"Ing • -type of ledlel' ,_,., 'A' Cl) A NIW DAY .. ED1H A powerful lemlly encounter• meny dlfllcul. ,._ In an lnduetrlet •own. (Pen 41,, elitiYll • * "Love & Money" ( tNO) Rey Sllertley, °''*° le Mull. A lot Angelee benk empoyw'a llte le IUfned 1~0Wli wtien he mMte end becofnee roonentlcaly ln\tONed wl1ll IM wlf9 or e ...rthy Qer. men entr.-. 'A' CZlMCMI • * * "nv.. [)eye Of The Condor" (1975) Aober1 &edlord, Feye 011neway A r~reedet~ by the CIA uncxNWt Inter- net trMdlery when .. of hll oo-wortcere -...... elneted by• hit men who le -et•lllO '*"· .... INOIPINOiiWT NETWOMNIWI Cl> 9'0MANC:e: TaT Of LOW (!_ert2) 11••••<1>aa NIWI • IA~Y NICIHT Hott: Mlch••1 Pelln. G11Ht1: Peul Simon, JM*Teytor. • IN MMCH Off ... ''Hlf'oeNll'le ~·· • AU.•THl,AIA.Y Ataflle'a .....,.,.,,.. to QM • prOl'llOUon coet• "'"' • 1o1 more then lie ber. ,.,.. for. • tTNillT8 Off IAN ""MCllOO p.,-w tragedy~. Pob ollloer to 11gr1 • ptiony r ........... end '° underground to .... . ............ ~ I MJll•IMPORT DOCTOR IN THI "°'* Mldl..i and PU Ir)' to t..ah enetomy .... llenl My. ®MOVll * • 14 "Ocie To .-y Joe" (tt711 ~ ....... G¥lllll o·eo.-. ._. °" ..... .., ....... ......,,,,....,...,... ..... ............. r111 .. OOAllPP llU Ne llret 1N1 ......... 'll'G' Cl) lmTOPIRMM "°"" .,._ ....,.. ll'O'I "*"' ..,.,.., ... """· .... ""' .... ___ ..... M)'lllna ll'O'l'w .. ...,, 1,:IO. (I) CMNDY ~ ............ . -........... ,... ... .......... . ............ l"t .. "' ... " ...--= .... ...... ca.-: '""Garr. ..MO .... r--.. "°"" ,....,'. ""- ' 1wo-1rnr1 sttrics b•·ginnin~ tonight on Chanf1el 5. Jiii TDPl'IRI KNBC (4) 8:00 ··fo'a lhl·r Murphy ." L1zt'llt• tak<'s :.a part-llmt• .)Ob 11l town and fnlls 111 lovt• w 1lh an <ilTug~1nt, spoik•d young man. KNXT (2) 9:1Hl "Sonwthing So H.ight." · A d1vurL't•d motht•r gt·ts mOl'l' than she bargai1wd for wht•n sht• turns tu a Big Brolht•r nrganization lo fi nd tHl adult mole fril•nd for hl•r lro ubll'cl 11 -yl•ar-old son. KABC (7) 10:00 "ll t1 1t tu lla rt," Jona than and J<.·nntl vr und<•r tc1 kC' a. dang<'rous mission lo S<Jvt• w1 m l rid1 king from l'<'rlam disastt:r. Who Flgfll In Boeta" end "The Bird Thel la A Mon- lier." I 00000!!.HU NfrMMING HUMAN "The Tragic VIiion" D NS L.-TENIGHT Hott. Oenrile Wholey. 1=-ue *1" "Fent ..... Of A Sen- avoua WC>ftlen" ( 11177) llellevlng tNt Mr hulbend no longelt ~ her. • voung women becomee lnllOlved In • telelul effelr with • tllldent. (l)MOYll * * "The lncredlbl• Slw'lnklng Women" {1NO) Liiy T omlln, Charlee Gro- din A ~ llnda 11 herd to ·cope when elle auddenly beQllll to lhr1nlc lnala, 'PG' eMOYW *** "S.0.8.''(1N1)Wll- llem HOICI•"· J11ll• A,,._.. A movie director wtlo hae tuet "'*'*' • mufll·mllllon OOller tuncey QOM trom ettempted eut- cide to • btlarrety lneplred t•lllOotlng of hll epic. · R' 11:40 (C) MOYll **'_. "The Petty" (1MI) Peter Sel1er1, Cleudlne longet. A mlac:hlevoua lndlan ector c:ree• utter ~ wtlerl lie Cf--. llOdel perty. 12:00 • INTllllTAIMlfUfl TOHIGtfT An In.,.._ w1111 Weylon Jolnnlng9. ·~LAITWOM> * * •.t "Dirty Money" (1972) Rlcflerd Crenne, C•lherlne 0.neuve. A bNutllul women le torn ~ her IOve for 1 detact"'e and lier de¥otlon to• wen1on enmtnel. 1= * * * * "Citizen "-" (11411 Oraon WellH, Joeepll Cotten. FIMhbeck't recett the llte of • ~hy. power1u1 end ..,,eveoen1- 1y -~ -.pe-per meona•• .. • reporter -en.. for 1M llgnlfl- c:anoe of Ille men· a cryptic IMtword. eLOYI..~ ITYLI "Love And The Ollernlofl1 Gueeta" Kenny !mitt• Nik· IC.I lo help tllm ~ "low And The Country Girt" A tr.....ilng ~ geea Into • hlgh-etall• poker genie. CZlMCMI •• "0-·t.Jnder. Slc»- weye-0-0." ('917) Robert Vltlero. Sheron Goldmen . A middle-eeect men beglrll to hew ~ thought• ebout lM OOllrle °'hie .... • 1e11or troutllee on ltle JOllHnelenhle~. ,,. ... 8LATl~wmt ~VID LnTIMtM GlllM· fllm dlt9ctor 1111111• ldwera l~Ull' ClOll .... ;......,..,_, • Low. AlimlCHf lnu .. ~ And LAdy Lllcll" TOll'l encl CynttilefO to Lee v..-for ....., holley- moon. "low And TM er,pttc Gift" An 1Pe11m1111 ..... ~IOfTl9oem.- ,...~rtall.LMa ... .... end lellr Ir)' to 111111 °"'""° ...... to ... he! llOol)led uncle Into • · hMr1 ltlacil. (Rf. 12!IO Cli) MOV11 * * ~ "Sphinx" (1981> Frenk Lengelle, l.Mley- Anne Down. A ruth .... bflcit mert!et enllqultJM ring e11emp11 to ttop en Egyptologlat trom dlec:ov- erlng IM wherMl>Outa ol e onc.... lletue lhe WU permitted to view. •PG' 1:00a MCM1 * * * ~ "F-On Trllll" ( 11175) Wllllam Devine, George c. Scott. During the 111501, tN cer-ot promtalng newacHter John Henry Favlk I• CUI "'on by llbelout t\gur• Involved In l«retlng out communleta. 8 MOVIE * * .. Or Goldloot And The Glr1 Bomba" (1988) llinc.nt Pnoe. F ....... The netar1ou1 Dr Goldtoot plene to ellmln••• the -'Cl'a IOC> NATO 1MC1era by ,_,. of • number of bMutlfUI l>Ut deadly ltm ... rooo11 . Cf) MOYIE "King Of TM Bendlta" (tll471 Giibert Rolend, Angel• Green. Alter wrongly being ecc:uMd ot • crime, 1wo men Ml out •her Ille ,.., OUlprlta. .MCMI * * "t.33 Squedron" ( 1"4) Cliff Robertaon, George Cheklrle. A Hal luel lllCtory In ~ la deetroyed In • gellent effort by en Am«lc:en r~AINMENT TONIGHT "" Interview with Weylon Jennlnge ©)MOYIE • * "£mmenuelle Around The World" (1Nt) Leure Gem-A we11:11nown women joumellst treoka dOwn • whit• lleYety ring. 'R' ())MOYIE • * "Goodbye. Emmanuelle" ( 1977) S~e Krlllel, Umberto Orelnl. A bNullflll -·· -ctl tor IM ufllmet• erotic ••P«tenc:. brlnge ,_ to • llertllng rMllla11on. 'R' 1:21 ~MCMI **'" "St. ,_ .. ('971) C'*'9e ·~· ~ line B1Met A former c:r1me reporler·lumec:l·detectlve .. hired by • WMlthy fllm fancier 10 ,_ • Mt or lncnmlnettng ledgen. 'PG' 1;a, e 8 .c NIWI OVINtMIHT .MCMI **~"True eon._. ... (tNI) Robert De Niro. Rober1 Ow ... The U9llelly ...,.,.,. -* or two btotllerl. e Lot Angelee pOlloe detec:t!W end M Mlllllttoue Aomen 0.lhollc prieet, con-. dllrtng • murder m..tlOfltlon. 'A' CZl MCMI * * • * ''Ordlnery P9o-,,.... ( tNOI Mery Tyler Moore. Donelcl Suthertencl. A fl*-riddan ._..., trying to put hie • t1eo11 '°""* ...., .. ""*'-'• die"' encl hie OMI _,... ~ reecflM GUI to Ille ~··""*encl'* OOld ~ l'llOlher 'A' l:OO. cl> OM N1W1 . . tmHTWATCH ~IE-- • * "TM 9rtgMon 8tren- lller" ( tt41) JoM Loder, Jllll9 Dllpfer A Hrenold JOHN DARLING murderer prowl• th• demp, foggy ••r-• of London by night. 2:40 Cl) MCM1 • • '" "Beck Roeda" ( tN11 Slllly Field, Tommy l .. JonM. A hooker end • down-on-hit-kick bO•er mMt end heed _, In -Ch ot e ,_Ute. 'R' 2:IOCB)MOVIE * * *'" "The Howtlng" (1118 1) DH W1llece, Patrick M~. A women reporier la meneoeo by • killer who -• to be 1 werewolf. 'R' a:aoe MOVIE * * "The De11\l'a Com- mendment" ( tHO) Glanne Merle Ce"•I•. Derlo MlchMlla, Wilen e number of young women ere mur- ed, e Frenc:tl ,_. 't -Ch for lhel< lier IMdt him to lhe hlgfl echelona of Perlllen IOCI· ~· lfAHUNT (6) THI OOLDEH AGE Of TILeVlltOH "A Doll'• HouM" A women (Julie Herrla) .-ta her own Identity alter con- fronting Mr hu1bend'a (Chtletopher Plummer') lmmorellty In • telepley bMed on IM play by Hen- ri!! H:leen. l:Ol~MOYIE * ..... "Rough Cut" (1080) Burt Reynold•, l .. iey. Anne Down. A Brttl"' aocleljte tur• en lntwne- llonel jewel thief out of retlr-1 to help lier atNI '30,000,000 lo dlemondi. ·pa· 3:30 (!) ,AITH 20 .MOVIE * * "TM Final Coilhlc1" (IHI) Sam Nelll, Roauno Brezzl. In tM lhlrd pert or "The Omen" lrllogy, young Oemien, the embodlmen1 Of Ille Antlc:twtmt, le now an llOul1 end • lrueted edlllaor lo the ptetldent of lhe U.S. 'R' (l)MOYIE * • * "ThrM Otye OI The Condor" (11175) Robert Redford. Feye Ounawey. A , .... rcn reeder employed privet• vw.iioator le hired by • -'Illy Southern oM '*'-to ~ the Identity of the euthor of en lnorimlnetlnQ letter. (0) * * * Y()eyt Of Wine MO "-" (1M3) Jacet Lemmon. Lee Aemldl. A ~ end hll wife become •lcol\ollce, but only the huebend II Ible to find reflebllltetlon. l :IO (!O * * "TM GrMt Adventure"' ( 11178) Jacet Pelenoe, Joen Cotllne. A young boy .. •bendoned with hit dog In Ille ruoged Alulten Rocle. .... 'PG' t:00 • * * * "Next Time We Love'· ( 193$) J-Slew· •rt. Mwgeret Slllleven. When • young hUebend 1ccept1 en over•••• eatlgnment ••king him -ev from hi• aorlQ9tf- wlt•. • gep develoOe In their merrlege wtllc:fl Is aoon tllled by • willing thltd perty. CZ) * y, "Bedge 373" (11173) Robert Duvel!, VW• ne Bloom. A New Yortc Clty cop wagea • alngletlencled cempelgn egelMt • crime t:IO ;a:c:: "TM LMt [)eye Of Pompeii!' (1113$) Pr .. ton Foeter. BMll Rath· bOne A blecklmllll gl- up hla ~ Wey9 10 become • etlernpion gi.dl- •lor CD) • * V. "Tribute" ( 1tl0) Jeck Lemmon. Robby Benton. An lrteeponalble Broedwey pret• aoent beginl 10 regret hla WMted lite ano hi• tenuoue ,..._ tlonllllp with hi• grown ton ·PQ· e •"Modern Probleml" (1Ht) CMlly 0-, PetU D'Nllernlille. A ......... e1r tretflc controller with --~&WOC>­leml .. endOwed wlltl , ..... lnetio .,_. elter being douMd wl1ll nuclMr wUle. 'PG' IO:OO (C) *** "TMV.l,P.t" (1"3) Ell&elletll Teylor, Ricllerd Burton, Aa pee- ~· ol • deleyed fllgtlt -ell teke-off In the VIP by the CIA Uncx>llerl lnler· nel trMCtlery wtien ell of hla co-wor1e.er1 ere - alnated by • hit men who le • lounge of • ~ •· port, ,,.. .._ ~ curioWly Intertwined. @-* * V. "Taipe" (1911) 0-0-c. Scott, Timothy Hullon. MMltery ldlOol cede!• tell• over their ICftool to ore,.,,, pier. to tutn...,,. ecaclemy property ln10 • condO ~~·t. -etelklne him. 3:46. MCM1 **lit "Altegheny Uprla-lng" ( 1939) John Wayne, Clelre Trevor. Pent19)'1Ve- nle tet1ler1 defeet Brttleh troope who ere Mlllng Nm end nr-ma to Ille lndl· -4:00 Cf) TOP O' THE MOMINCI 4: 11 Cl) W'f-A-THON A oomedlen lloat end lour comic cont•tanta *"° compe l• 1geln11 one enother .,. fMtured In lhlt "'loelleOted comedy geme lhow 4:20 STANOeNQ AOOM ONLY "Sherloclt Hoim. -The ' Strenge c-Of Alk:e Feulkner" The mHter detective ... rchet tor alolen lo"9 lelttn In Ihle .,. pr~lon. Wped •• lhe Wllllemlitown TMetre Feetlvel In M-.ctiuMtta: Frenl! Lanoe11a end Ste- phen Colline .,., . 4:*)118" IULLWNU..1 MCMI * * * "Southern Com-fort" (11111) l(eltfl Cerre- dlne, "-' Boothe. A grOllP of Netlonel Ollerde- men on weekend tneneu-. In e Loulelene bayou ~ • amlill QUer· rllla...., with• community of bed!WOOCle Ctjyne, 'R' W•d•H••d···· ....... ,. .. ., ... 7:IO (I) * • ·~ "A Chellenge For Rotllrl Hood" ( tNI) Berrie Inghem. JemM ~. AoCllll Hood end 1111 blflO of merry men • out to dettlr-• ..... • eppolnted dlctetor wtio NI eellecl pcM9f -1M ..... •••• "Le>11eMe Or Laeve Me" ( 1951) Dorl• Dey. J-Cligney. A mobeter merrlee 1M ...... lie made fMtOVe, Dtit · becOfll9I enreeect "'*" ,.. .,., °°""°' ,_ l:OO (C) * * ~ "TM Dr-*'Q ll'ool" ( 1171) ...... ...... men. ~WOCIR•d. A 'PG' (I) **',."AUleOf .. Own"' ( 11150) Lana Turner, Rey Mlnano. A men rnuet ~~h ...... end hie milt,... t1 :00 CZ) * * "A Night Full Of Rein" ( 1971) Glencarlo Giannini, Cendloe Bergen. D4nlc:1ed by Line W~ er. A madlo journellet end e Mbereted ptlotograptls reflect on the high end tow polnta of their atonny mer- nege, 'R' 11:ao. * •. _."TM p.__ ger" ( 1975) Jeck Nlcflol. aon. Merle Schnelder. A TV MWll!'len on 1111 African Mllgnment rept-• IOOk·elllle end _,,.. Into • ,_ end deneer- llfe. 'PO' tl:OO. * • ~ "'Ripped Off" ( 1974) Robert Bleke, ErnHt Borg nlne . A pr1l9llgMer "'"" hlmMlf ... 14> on•,,,_. c:fwge. • *** "X·15"(ttl1) Devld MeeLeen. a.tee ·-· Ewnta ..-rOllnd-lng ... ~ end .... Ing of the X·t& jM ere por • tr~. (C) •• * * ''Sfloe Shine'' (1947) Alneldo Smordonl, Frenco lntef1enohl. Two ~ )'OUllle went- lllO to ~ • llorM In poet.-11.iy QM llllxed "" wlltl llnMVOry c:flel'K .. I end -Mnt to.,...,,. tory CD) •• * "[)eye Of Wine And "°9ee" ( 1913) ..... L-. L• fllelnldl. A bliell--end hie .... beCome lllcoflollce. but only IN hlleMnd II ..,.. to find !9Mblltellon. Cl> * *. "'°""*" Com-forl" (1111) Kelltl c.r .. dine, '-9 lloo4N. A . ll'Ol!P of Netlonel au.a.. Men on weekend ~lneLCIUAlllN ~ eperti ......... ,.. -""" . _........, of Naliwooele CltuN. .,.. by Armstrong • latluk • ,, • -Or 11101 CoMt DAii Y Pll 01 /fuut.dlty, Nov• mhor 'JO, 11.162 ,., Pl~g into latest domestlca~ed pet home co~put~rs As prices for just about everflhing else continue to soar, a thriving :computer industry witnesses dramatic price reductions ... Wh<>n the family car awu:hmcn ts, tht.•y t·an cost $2.000, computers e v c n at' t on t h a .t <.'OSt •1 million dollars or informauon for you. For more. and only the example, switc h ing on biggest companies could the air t'Ondit1oncr while a ffo r d tht• l uxury o f th e h ouse is just owning onl'. beginning to get hot by Now the family car is measuring how fast the nudging the $1 0.000 tt.'mperaturt• l'hmbs. not • mark and children are tht.• tt.•m{X'rature 1tsc>lf. , buying,.t'Omputers out of Wri t t:rs wa l l find their allowances. IC that's compu te r s hand y as not a revolution, what 1s? word processors. A word Today~ you l'an bring processor, whk h can be home a true computer a Imo s t any h o m c f or a s little a s $100 com pu t e r with th e (t h o u gh mos t home..-oper program, lets you systems wind up in thc ~-rite w h ateve r you $1,000 to $3,000 range, picas<.' on a TV sncl'n getting there by stages). instl'ad of paper. Thcri it T he question is. why le ts you add , d e lete, bring one home? changt.• o r rt'a rra n ge The re 1s no si ngle anything, with o ut answer lo that question. leaving eraser marks. Everyone has a different waiting fo r t·uvt•r-up use for a computer, and liquids to dry or wasting the people who get thl' paper most out of theirs are Word processi ng those who have at leac;t . programs are <1vailable two uses. But finding for most of tht• popular two uses isn't hard -home 1.:omputcrs. s u<.·h as once you get a fe~I for the Radio Shack TRS-80, what the computer can App I u , IBM 's n e w d o. it's h ard t o s to p persona l co mputer. finding new uses for it. Commodorc P e t and Computers can do C BM . N o rth Star any thing that involves Horizon. Atari machines handling information. and so on. f rom d oi ng m a th .. to Th e r e are eve n keeping re co rds to programs you can add helping you type letters, that cht>ck your s pelling error-free. and punctuauon. With a f ew Ano the r progr a m Money magazine advises stores lists of nanws unJ phone• numbers. A t•urd fill• l'OUJd dl> th;1t, but lhl• t'Ompuwr Lh.11.>s It with a diffrrt.•m·t•: If you like. you t•an g<.'l thOM• lastings b'-lt•k 111 nunwrical order. to clH·t·k ag:unst. your long th~wnt•t.• bill. Wht•n you go on traps. you t:an ask for tht• numltt•rs in th t• t' 1 t 1t• s yo u ' 11 _b e v1s1t111g, su you tm1 call vuur fri~mds l'l1 ruull' · An otht·r progr a m bula nct•s t'ln•l'kbooks . Still another program can kt•t•p track of who owt.•s vou moncv, who you owe monl'V . to and ;..,. h e n 1 t 's d u t• Y c· t a n o t h t' r c a n p r 1 n t m a 1 I 1 n g I a b l' I s f o r orgamzauons you nughl 1:>4:long tn You can ll'<ll'h yourself from book s t o w r ite s1m1,>ll•r programs such as those US<'d for mh:ulating avt•rages. t·hcck1n g ga s malt•agt'. kl'l'ping rt'<·ord~ for incom<' wx purposes. prmting out a lcnt'rht.•ad on com puwr pa pt.•r and mun.• T h t' n t h (' r c• a r P programs wntl<.'n Just for fun. On(', for t.•xumple, simulates a ratht•r (Jumb psychiatrist, while ye~ a n o ther make s a "demon" danc.•t• 011 scrct•n in t1m1.• to tunes you program in. Stall others allc1w you to V<'nlurt• into and 't•s t•apt• r rom m ystc:rious dun geons f1 1lt•cJ with trtHISUrc• Kids tukt• to c'Omputt•rs hkt• <·ats to <.'illnap The g•mws ar<· t.'Vl'n mo re tht· gruhlx•rs hl•rt• than with a clull~. and t lwrt• are l'tlun.llwnal game's gulort• to tl•at•h thl•m sonwthmg whill' l ~<.·y an• playtng. But prt·lly St>Oll, kids w;mt to go lwyond the limits programmt•d into gaml•:>. und program their own. At that point, the com pu t1.,•r bl0l'omes t h 1• w o r I d · s m o s l t-<l ut·a uona I toy. Can a kid IC'arn <.·omputcr.. pmgramming'! S ure:. Most kids teuch t h' t• m s l' 1 v t• s . Ii o m e compu tl•r s arl' progrnn11r1t•d for th e most part 111 a language l'alled Basit· that vses English words in a f~urly stra1ghtfdrwurd wuy Kids find Basic ~asy to lt•arn And for th()S{' who k n o w t h c· m . o t h 1.• r t·q mputer languagc:s - C:ubol. Fo rtran. Pas<.·a l and F o rth a r c availabl<.• for h o me computt•rs, too. The C'tlucat1onal value isn't JUSI In teaching kids how to program. In the course or programming, tht•y pr:w11c.:1.• loglcu l l h in k1 ng 111 brt•uk ing down lurgt.• tasks into s mall s ubunits. i n reading and pvcn in typing What about th<.' cost? For $150 you can g{'t a S1m·la1r c.·omputcr that displays 1n b lack and wh1w on your TV SCr(l(:n. Mor<' powl•rful modC'ls start at $:WO or so for C o m m o d o r <.' ' s n c w · V IC-20. c)r $4 00 fo r Radio S hut·k 's Co lor Comput<:r, both of w hich dis play un your TV in <.·olur. Computt·rs with their own TV S(.'f'C<.•ns an blac.·k and whi t<.• run mos tly from $500 to $ l.000. while.· morc t•laborute colo r computers (like Applt') 1.·ost a bat more. But you have tu think of that initial price as JU St the begin n ing. Compute rs c·an 't do any thing worthwhile withoyt• grograms. and unless you already know h ow to writt.• thc•m in Bastl'. you'll Ol'('<:i to buy somc You l'an buy programs on t-assettes for about $10 to $40, or on fast-loading floppy d isks for abou t $aO to $500 -the large pricE>::. arc usuall y for (See Computer, page C31 IT WON 'T TILT llomc· com pute rs such as this model by Toshiba, arc• US<'ful for a varil.'ty of scrvil.'t·s w riting, calcula t ing, schc.•duling. kN.'ptng track of money mat wrs and more. Delta Airlines Introduces first fully-automated, unbiased reservation system Delta A1rlmt•s l'l'Ct•ntly introclut't.'ll DATAS 11, an automated. unb1as l..'d rCl>l'rvat101\s i.yswm for travel ag<'nts more th&n twu million e a s 1ly -acccss1blc compul<.'r1ied fart.•s. all updatt'Cl fn.-qu<•ntly allows thc travel agent to work faster, and t his added pro du c tivi t y trans lates into better customer service and 1ncrcas<.·d prof i t potc•ntial " Develop many uses for home computer "A l long las t," says Joh n Copland, the airline's district dirt.'l:tor- m a r k et 1 n g. "travel ag<'nls have a syst em dd igncd to iwrvc· their n~s. DATAS II 1s the world'(> first unbiased <:o mputer rest•rvations syi.tt·m Thl' agcnt gets flight information on any U S aarhnc.• in th<• same unb1ascd scqucnc<' as 1t appears in a n airline guide More<>Vl'r, 111forma_11on on all maJOr cnr rental companws <Jnd many maJOr U.S. hotel l·hams 1s at the agent's fingertips. The unblasC'd nature o f thJ ~ advan ce d tC'<.·hnology systl'm 1s of great appNtl to the travel agent. The ab1hty to give spht-scr(.'(.·n displays also will attra<·t much a tlen llcm .For the large volume travel agcnt. Della des<.·rabcs its DATAS II as the perfoct companion for any systems th e agent may already have. For the s mall -t o med1um-s1ze operation . DATAS II 1s "ideal." It us<'s the most modern technology available. DATAS II as easy to maintain and 1s a very compact system', with the typical ag e n c y mstallat1on consisting of t he information display units and hlgh -speec;i printers. Unlike many other systems. DAT AS II requ1rt>s no back office space for add1t1onal hardware In a special report on small computers in its November issue, MO NEY magazine provides some ground r ules for the first-time buyer. It also warns that ''if you dqn't need a computer for at least one of four or five specific applications. then you ·probably don't need a computer." MONEY's rule number one is that •·sof tware dictates hardware." In othe r words. first find the kind of computer progr amming whic h suits your needs. "then. and only then. find the mac hine to run the the bcc·konmg fi nger of software ." Software sexy second uses .. in shoppers should be vety particu lar, games ... G o car e fu l. says W illiam out a nd f 1 n d th e Gates o f M ic rosoft. a ·software that does your 1 e a d i n g s o f t w a r e task best, then hnd the manufacturer. "There m achine that can use are ton.s of software out that software best." there." he says. "Much MONEY's third and of it as pathetic. I've last rul e is "Wh e n bought p rograms that .'looking for software ... don't work. and with don't buy anything until some I can't even get you sc..>e at work." Enher past the manual." try the program o ut The second . ru le for yourself or have the com puter s hoppers is dealer show you how it "neve r be tray you r works . A f cw prima r y u se.'' This manufacture rs o ffer m eans. says MONEY. demo d1skNtcs. "don't be dis tracted by Small computers can 0 0 f ( 0 be useful 1n a number of areas. and the MONEY special repo r t o f ter s some tips on how hC'lpful a computer can be for vanous Cunclloni.: P E R S ONAL FINANCE "Be sure you havl' the d1sc1plme to k eep r <.>gular and detailed r<.>c o rds . Oth<.>rwi sl'. buying w hat's essentially an electron1l' f iling and bookkl'<'ping system 1s a waste• of vour mon ey." programs. GAMES Many are availoblc for uw in more than Ont' kind of ' ~. computer. According to MONEY however. Atari a nd A pple computer s offe r th e widest sele(·tao n . Some games havl' a n educa tio n al •. p~rpose1 hke Spinnaker softwar e's Snoo per Troops ~racs. INVESTMENT - Only a few dozen of the hundrt.>ds of lnvcstment programs are rea lly useful, sa ys MONEY. Most haw been des1grted for Appl<' compu ters. They are p o r t f o I i o m'Wag{'mt•nt programs and those for tt.'Chnical analysis. "Tht• c·ompll·X1ty of tod<1 v's travt'I industry has mudc t1u tomat1on an important fal'lor in the trav<.'1 agt•nfs plans for growth and s uccess," Copland says. "Delta's DAT AS II meets tr'l e travel l'ounsl'lor's nt•t.-ds f or accurate and unbiased 1nformatrnn con c<'rn1ng far es. st·h edull•s and r elated s upport f unct i o n s necessary to provide s upl'r1u r t·u s t o m er S<'rVll'('" The DAT AS 11 system i.torcs flight information fur m ort> th a n 700 domcst1l' and fo r eign carn<'rs It also maintains "This as som<.'lhing the agents have asked tu have." Copla nd sa ys "W e t hink w e have creat.<.'d the world 's fmcst and most useful split· scr e<'n syt1t('m Our OAT AS 11 scrern spins honiontall y so thl• agt•nt can look at two kind!> of informati o n . F o r example. st'hl'<iul(•s could appear 111 the• upper S<.'recn. while tht' lower half d1splayt-cl farcs This "Th t• OATAS ll ..agency receives Cu ll s upport from Delta;" Copland says. "We don't just plan t o se ll hardwa re. Wl• o ffer & compn•hens1ve training program which includes our exdus1ve tl'lt'phonc sa lesmans hip course. Also: durin~ the• first (Sec Delta. page C3 I Polls: Travel agencies posting record sales marks •' Aa..'Ording lo the most re ce n t poll b y t h e n atio n ally r amed pollster, Louis Ha r ris, trave l age n cies a r e postmg rc-'l•ord-brcakmg sales mcreases. In a poll conducted for Tra v el W ee kl y ,~ national trade magazine for the travel Industry, travel age n cy sales inc r eased fr o m $20 billion to more than $31 billion . up a lmos t fiO percf.'n l fr om 1978 to 1981 Fo r th e m os t --U-Cesslona r y year o f recent times 1981, sales in c r e a sed by 17 ~ p e rcent a nd forecasts based on the first six months or 1982 show an ups wing o f 25 -3 0 percent. Right In the midst or this trave l boom Is Firatwo r ld Profession Travel Cente rs. w ith over 50 Independently o wne d travel a ge ncy fra nc hises nattonwlde, Including five In Orange County. Firstworld s tarted fran c hl s ins trave l agencies In early 1980 to provide the umbrella for the s mall bus in ess ownen that M9 proven IO auccelfuJ in fut food and l'Ml ~--. ''Our ........... to help tolw ~ and lnstltute IOluUonl that .,.. inherent In u. s m a l l bu si n ess community expecially t he trave~ industry," said Pa r viz Mod j ta hed i . executive d irector of F1rstworld Travel "With \he m ortality rate of small bus iness r unning as h igh as 80 percen t the first year. t h e D e p a r t m e nt o f Commerce has released figures to s h o w tha t unde r a fr a n c tiise umbrella less than fi ve pe r cen t or s u e t\ businesses e"per1ence failure." What does the ft'.lture hold for travel agencies? ln the Lou is Harris poll. the forecast is for retail travel agencies lo be in the lop five percent of all retail S<llC'S oq"amw tions. If you would like more i nfo rm a t ion o n the H ar ri s p o ll . ca ll F irstworld of O ra nge County (714)644-2330. Dollar gains value abroad Current s tre ngth o f the U.S. dollar and its buying power abroad is revitalizing fo reign vacaUon travel as more Amerkuns a r <' taking advanta1e or today'• tuchly favorable foreign exchanle rates. Accordins to Cynthia Good. vice president of Deak -P e r e ra , L oa AnMelea, which la pert of the larseat and oldest for e ign c urren c y exchan1e and precious metals firm. there has been a sharp lncreue in the number of customers wl1hln1 to exchange U.S. dollan for forelln cwrwndel ln pn,.i:aUon few v.aUanl abr09d. She edded that llaly ia • popular d"tlnadon n ow w i th the buying power of the U.S . dollar 90me 60.5 percent higher o n July 1 th an a comparable per iod just two vean 8$lO. Ttie recent c urrency devaluation In France has made that country a popular destination abo. Even travel In' the Unite d Kln1dom la a relatiw barpin with the U.S. doUar'a ~ power 35 percent hiCher than two yan qo. Cloaer to home, Good aatd that devaluation of the Mexican PftlO la mon of a fector than lnflaUoD in the OOUl\try and \ha makes vacatlon and bUll..-V.vel to ,..... ver1 ···~•n1 •• tlall ...... . ' ' ('I .. ~,. Who's who in business Los All!(l'll'l'i 1-\•dt•I ul Savings has npJlhl•tl t11 thl.' Ft'\lcral l lo11w Lrnm Bank or Snn F'ral\l'IM.'U ror u charu.•r as a Fl't11•ral Savings Bank. According to Brent Balllle , presld<.·nt o r Los Angeles Fcdcrul Suv1ngs, "The name Bunk mon' a pproprlutely rl'fll1l·ts ou r im ag<.' anJ newly cxpand<.'d Cinu11l'iul services us grun tt•d by the Garn-St. Germa111 Act." Los Angell•s Fl•dt•rul Savings was roundl'<I an 1920 and has 17 orrit"t.'S m Los Angeles and Orungl' Counli<'S. W es t e rn Thrift F'inancial Corporation a nnounced Oct. 29 lls acquisition or Evcrgr('l•n Savings and Loon. W e.s t ern Th r 1 ft Financ ial . p are nt company of W est<.'rn Th rift and Loan . was granted final regulatory approval to complete thl• purchase o ( Evergreen. a one-office savin gs and loan rompany located in • • Redwood City. A lso a pproved wt•n • . Western Thrift's plans to ,, 11p1·11 '"' t-:v t'I un·t·11 hr:11ll·h Ill H1 v1•rs 1d1• w Ith Ill t lw u p t'Olll lllf( rllonth~ A<ld1t11mul (ull Nl'l"Vll't' SUVlll~S Ulld 101111 brundws will be ll!Jt'l\NJ throughout tlw st.aw. N (• w 0 r f I l' l' r s ll f l!:vl'rgn•t•n 11H·lud1•: Robe rt W. J e nkins, d1t11nnan or tbe boartl: Robe rt S . Wallgore, pn•s1d t•nt . und Mary The r esa Muniz, Vtl'l' pr<'s1dl•t1 t/mum1gl•r. T h l' l' o m b 1 n t• d n •sourl'l'S o f Wt•s t1•rn Thnfl and Loan and its nl'W ac4u1s1llU1'-will l.x.• In l'Xl'l'SS or $171} m »'1un, With a to tal o( 20 uff1 ('S :.tatc.•wid<.'. Ke n F ulk, gl'l\Nal managel" of the Orange County Fair , 1s unt• o f frvC' Callro rn1 a F'u1 r m a n agers sC'll'Ctcd an 1 982 for S p <.'C i a l At•hwvl•mcnt ~<Jrd:. by the Dcpartm<.' t uf Food and Agr icultur Th<.• llward w · madC' t o Fulk in Mo nterey r ecently by G e orge Gomes, c hief o f the Divis ion of Fairs a nd Expositions. The special dtation was for "fair programs that reflect qu.tlllY. VU I 1t·t v .111tl l'llllllllUrlllY f>.11 Iii IJM\11111 W I I h t • Ill f> h U I( I 'I Cl 11 agi 1r,\1ltu1 1• 11\ a11 ur h.111 : ...... It wus p u11l\t•d out Jun ng tlw pn•:.1•ntuti1111 that tlw On.t11J.W <.:11u111 y 1'' air h <• c..I p 1 11 d tu · t• d su1wrlor fairs t ht· I.1s t rive> years, w ith m .1Jor COllS ll'Ul'llllll Jll'llJt'l't S u11tlt•1· wuy at th1• san11 • t1nw, that tlw fair hm. bol'l'OWl'<.I largt• sum-. of Ill O II e y ( O r I h t• l'onstru1·t1on and ha:-. n t' v <.' r b t• t• n I a t t• 1 n mak111g poynwnt-.. 011 llw princ1pll• arid 111tert•:.t paynwnt~ With thl' t.•1 tauo n lo Fulk, a $5.000 t•ht.-t·k wa., given t o tht.• Orang1• County Fair. J c t Amcn ca A1rl11w .... lnC' n •portcd a profit of $16,8 10 (I Cf'nt pPr common shan·) Cur tht.• third qunrwr. wh11·h endro Sept. :30. "The third qua1 t<•r earnings rc•prt•S<.•ntt.•<l J l'l Amcrrca's first pruf1tabl<• q u a r t l' r s 1 n l' c.• commencing operations in November 1981 , ·' announced Donald C. Rhoa ds, prcs1dt•nt. Corporate ladder Th<' appointme nt or Fr e deri c k H . Tillm a nns bof e r a s ('Xl'CUllVC Vll'C prc.'Sidenl or financ.·e a t Far West Savings and Loan A ssol'ia t1on . w as announc.'l'<i this wet.•k bv Far WC'St President a nd Chief Executive Offtt:'t'r, Alfrl'<i I. Puchner. A vet eran of maiiy y<.•ars in the rinansial in- du s try. Tillmanns- h or c r co me s to Far West fro m Home Suvlngs of America·, whcrt• h e was treasurer and principal acc.•ounting officer since HJ74. In announcing his appointment , Puchncr stated. "I am pll•aSt.>tl to h a v t• a m a n o r M r T1llmannshoft.·r·~ qu.iltt\ and t.•xperttsc.• Ill th1:. v1wl position at Far West. .. A Cal1for111a nat1v1-. T1llmannshofl•r 1-.. a g-t"aduatt.• o f lh t> U n1 vcrs1l v of San Franc.·1sco'. ·wh t'fl' ht• rcc.·t•1vc.•d a bae hc.•lur'i. dl'grt.'l' in ::iceounllng in 1 9 6 1 H t' s pt' n t n 1 n I' y c• a r s 1 n p u h I 1 l' accounting with Pc.-<1t , Marw1c.:k, M1u:hl'll & Co prior to his as:.ol·1a lion with H oml' Savin~s of Amc•ricu in 1972. 1 lc.• has hecn a Ca lifor n ia lice n sed C .1' A. s1n c·t.• 1965 • CompuTech Resources •· A new DIMENSION in Computer Programming Consulting and 'Educational Services Post Office ~ox 4340, Irvine, CA. (714) 631-2602 Discover what's cooking along fhe ·orange Coast in the Orange. Coast . . -Cookbook ~ ' . • Coming Dec.-S in the Diiiy Piiat 1'111· 11111111.mv •••1lllTll'rl- 11 '""" ul $7:!.1,HKll t 17 't l'lltS fi4"1 Hlll\111111\ h h.11 I') I ti I l Ii t• n1 O ll t h II r St•pH·mlw1 Tlw lo-. .. 111 S (•fl 11' Ill hi' I 1111 flt cl t•d :.1111 t up 1~1!'-.h 111111 lowt•r 1 Pv1•111ws 1hw lo luw lu.111 l11llu1s .mcl prwnulicmol tun•., u1>.-...11.·w1c.·d w ith tlw u11 l1111•'!', l'lllllllll'llt't 'flll'lll of s1•rvu·1•s to Dal111s l<'t. Wo11h . wh1 t.•h w.1s llh1Ugur;1lt•d Wll lt \WO d u ll y rounJ trips 1111 S1•p1 H. "Wt• 111 l' plt.•:t<;t•d With 11\Jr h1Ju ltll'lurs on tht• lll'W Dalla-..-Ft Worth ruutt•. w h1dl l 'Xl'l't •dt•J I "t'l••"t~ during tht· f1r~t \\(•t•k!'> ol M'l'Vll'I'," 111.ldt'll Hh11ad"' Tht• a11 l1nt'. wh1t·h rlw~ Md)onnt.•11-IJouglus UC ~ Supt•r tlOs bl•twt'tc'll tlw i. ....... l'ungl·~lt'<I Lung H1·ad1 Airpurt and D.il l.t:. 1-'t Wo rth und Long &·;wh and Ch1l'ago (.) l lun:. ofll'l'l> two u<11ly round tnps tu l'al·h l'1ty. 1•Xt'l'Ut1vt· da~ ;rnd l'ouch s1•r v1t.'l'. plus 111tt>rlirw l'l'St•rva t wn::.. llt.'kt•t1 ng and huggugt• handling. S-.. .. . . . .. .. DOING BUSINESS UNDER A FICTITIOUS NAME? If you have juat llled your new Flctltloua Bu1lne11 H•me •nd have not yet submitted i It for pubtlcatlon, ple•H i don't forget th•t tfie i.· llmlt•tlon 11 30 deya ! from d•te of lillnjl. The i DAILY PILOT w i ll publlah your stetemenl lo r $31 .50 . Our ; clrcul•lion Include• the I entire Or•nge Co••l •r•• •nd 199•1 notice• •PP••r In ell edltlona. In order to submit your at•tement tor publlc•tl on aend •pproprt•te copy •nd • c heck to THE DAIL 'I PILOT, P.O. Box tsee>. Co1t1 MeH, CA 92926. We'll do the rHt. For lnform•llon •bOut leg•I 1dvert11lng pleHe c•ll 642·4321 E111. 332. ... """""~""IJ1!l!tl'f!!l!1UJ!;~~~~~ Coffee 'Il.Supreme New CHECKING SUPREME pays money market interest C hl·cking Supreme i'> I lunllngton Saving!>' way o f paying you the mo<.,l intcn.!!>t we've ever o ffered on a cht.•ckin~ account. You get high mo ney market rate~ com- bined with all lhl' convenience of a regular checkin~ account. The re s no waiting to earn you r interest a you mu!,t do with T-Bills or Certificate!-> of Deposit. No penalt it?s fur withdrawals. C hecking Supreme givcit you acces!> to your monev any time you like, !>imply by w ri ting a check. It pay!> like thi . Fund~ up to $2,000 in your accou nt earn 51/4% inte rest, the h ighest • rate the law allow!>. But alJ funds you d t.tposit owr $2,000 are swept into an investment fund backed by " Government Securit1e.,,• l'drning '>Uh ta n- lially hi9her morwy mtlrkct interest. Today!> tht• day you can ~l.trt earning supreme intt>re!>l on your ch<.•cl..ing at Huntington Saving':>. Ju'>I <,lop byfor i111 the money-making detdib. Where doe!> tht! coff~c coml' in? Any time you coml' in, the rnffcc\ on U!>. •nnh lunJ.., undl•r S2 000 Ml' in ... ur ... J b\ 1h" F':>I IC Now you know why your neighbor banks at [IJ HUNTINGTON . AND LOAN SAVINGS ASSOCIATION 6%7 W.irncr Awnuc,_Cornl•rof Golden Wt•'>t 111 Huntington Bc.1ch Liberty National Bank is on the job when you are. We're a bank that truly understands the needs of busi- nesses. indu strial firms , and executives. We know you need a response n0l4 not an appointment next week. And we don't expect you to d~op by the bank. equipment leasing, or accounts receivable financing. give Gene Lesher a call. You can reach Gene, or another bank account officer, fr om 7 a.m:to IO p.m. daily and from 1 to 5 p.m. on weekends by call ing Liberty National Bank's Business Line. 800-472-8529. We bring the bank to you. So if you have been thinking of plant expansion , When your business needs us. we'll be available. TAK/NC BAN/UNC TO BUSINESS .., · LI/Jeri// N11llon11/ Btmlt One,Pacific Plau, 7777 Center Avenue • Huntington Beach, CaUfornia 92647 • (714} 895-2929 Slratt>gical/y locattd near lht inlerucllon ol IW<'lt BoulffJOrd unJ tht San f)itgO htttl"11/ • Mnnhn f'l)/(' and Ftd~al Hr:wrrw Lobby Transaction Hours: 10 a.m .-4 p.m .. Monday -Thursday • 10 a.m.-5 p.m .. Friday .. • • • Money magazine rates ·bank Investments llu1 t lJy l1,1nk1 uptrn•!. Of bOI ruWl'I -. umJ hMO!o. IO dt•bto1 n 1t 11111i. llk1• Mt•Xll'O, 11 nu111lx•1 of big J ti I h t I I I I ' cl I " I ' I I H •• II k A 1111 • I' 11 II • intt•rnu11unal ha11k hllit'k" fl'\.'tlm111,•nuut1uni. H111u11M • L.i 11•1 v """' .111.il v .. 11. nlnt• of t ht• 1111 ijl'fl I h.1vt • l1t·1•11 lulu•w.11m to mull111 11tlo11.d ti.Hlk lt!t i.1c.1tk," 1h1• m.•i:.1.11111• h0Jd111ij 1·11m.,.1n11•r., 1\11h•s '1'111' li11-t1.w:.1 US J 1 " 1 ,. ti b 1• Io w 1 n II.ink, H.111k 111 A11wrn.1 • urt' t racl111g 11 1 th1•1r lt1Wl'hl PIE 1 llllOi. Ul u decu<lt• Still , the pros pet' t o t Io'<" t• r lnll'l'l'ht ru11•s m11k1'1> sonw of th1>m 1>0tcntml gulrwl's, suys Novt•111lx•1"s i ss ut• of MONEY m11guzi1w . Aftt1r tnll'l'tv 1t·wing d1-st•t•l\clmg ordl•r · 1111 .. tlw l.11 Jll''' loan J.P. M orl(an & Co ,, to1111111 11111•111 ' ol a11v rutc-d us a buy by M'Vt•n1I hunk 111 M1•xl1•0 Ali.o. it tup unaly1n:. bt'<'llUM'•l 1:. l1•11cb1 h 1·11vilv to two st•ll111~ at n mult1pl1• 1111uhli•cl l11a.i111·sM•s, somt•wtrni hlgli1•r tha n 1grH·u l ll111• 1111d 11•,1 1 th~l of otht.•1· l>IH ban k 1•i.111tt'. ontl rti1lun•s Ill tlw stocks and, m1 onl· analyst I 11 t tt• r 11 r1• ·'I 1k1· I y to noll's, hus u port fo lm that luwt•r 1•111·1Hngs 11\ 1·11111111g I nnnlvs ts who follow banking , MONl<~Y Bank of Irvine hosts 'Duke' art show ''hus bc1'11 of tlw h1glwst months" . quality in the• indu:.try" Chl'lllll'UI Nl'w Yoi k 1s Its l'Xpw.un.• on M1•x1co n n •t·om111l'lldl·d hv u &,:;11· loans will nut ht· "' had St1•.irn' an.tlyst ·hut h·~v us others bt'l'UUS<· 1t tt .. nt otlwrs Not only do<'i. tlit• mo n e y mostl y to tht Mt•xu·an govt·rnnw!:it guvt•rnnwnl. owt• Cht•111H·td mul·h A group or bronze art pieces, including busts, full figure and miniature studies or John Wnyne from his film classics. wUI be on d isplay at the Woodbridge offi ce o f Bank ol Irvine through Dec . 11, announced Don a l d J . M ills. president o f the local financial institution. Th e di sp l ay i's available through thl• cooperation o f the Optimist Boys Home and R.anc h , a nd · Ame rican Heritage Galleries. Bankl•rs Trust Nt.•w mmwy, tlw hank':. otht•r York 1s rated a "good bor r owt•r s indudt• b " s· b d Manvtlh·. wh1t•h has tht• mold. Tht• f1gun•i. are uy mce a an omng thl'n ind1 v1duully poun~d re t a 1 I ba nk 1 n g to fil t'<I fm b;mkrupu.·y. uml wi t h hot bronzt• and t'Ont't'nlrale on finam·ml AnH·rit·nn l n vsco, a rct•c1ve a final patina SC'rv1ces to bus1nc sM.'S, troubll'd t·on<l<>011nium Cuush afll'r tooling Ba nk 1' r s T 1 u s t h os l'onv<•1 tt•r A ('O,lt'<:llon of classic gencru t ed f ees nol fl•w analvi.t s rall.' films. ··Horse Soldiers," w v a I I ab 1 c t o m o r l ' Manuf:ll'tun •rs llanciv1•r "Hc.'<I Rivt•r ," "The Qui t cons ume r . o 1·1(' n t t•d Corp. st0t·k as a buy. i.;1ys Man ," "HellCighters" banks, "and s£•l•ms tu MONEY This yt•a r··s and "Tht• Sandsof lwo havt• avo1dC'd th • wori.l l•arm11g:. an• <·Xp<.'<:tt'l.I lO Jima"wt•rt•us('dtosell'Ct problcrna.1.·1.•as mlhl•U.S. t r.111 las t Y<'t1 r 's and d I anuly:.ts don't forl'st.'l' a th<• v uno us post•s a nd et·onomy, act·or 1ng u expressions dcp1t·tl'Cl. Mon('y. s t pmg l'l•l·ovcry in the Th k d 1·or111n11 Yl'<ll' l' wor s. ·create in Citicorp 1s l1k l'd by "' I -·' d ' f f Anal.ysts an• wary ol tnlll<:u c 1tions o rom mos t ;mulysts. MO NEY r• 0 0 F i rs l C h 1 t· a g o ..... o 1· p . I 0 LO 5 0 pil't:<•s. will be says. add in'-': ''Wht>rl'Vl•r "' s t o c k . s a y s M o n l' y . avuilubll• for snit•. U.S. bu nking 1s ht•adcd ., T <>bSt'r vi ng that r 1rsl he public 1s invited 1n sear ch of futu re• Ch1t«l go's ru t io o f lo view t his dis play busirwss. C1tworp and its probkm loitn" w total Mo nday tu .Th.ursday New York b<ink1n~ Joan:. ii. "Olll' of the from 9 a.m. to -I p.m.. subsidiary. Citibank, an• highest :>monl! the big Friday from 9 a.m. to 6 likely lo gel there Cirst." bankc: .. Tht• bank alsi> pm and Saturday from If interest rates d rop ra nk s low 10 s u ch 9 u.m . to I p m The further. C1t1corp looks mc•asur<.'!> of profitability You can aftord to buV vour Mercede1 Benz frem ua. USE THE DAILY PILOT .. FAST RESULT .. SERVICE OIRECTORY For Result Service Call 642-5671 ld.122 Orange Coast College Community Service Office MICROCOMPUTER APPLE DAY ORANGE COAST COLLEGE 2701 FAIRVIEW ROAD. QOSTA MESA SATURDAY, ~l!Cl!MBBA 4, 1882 8 a.m·. • 1· p.m. SCIENCE HALL -FEE se.oq • HEAR • SEE • OPERATE • LEARN • TALK APPLES • NEW EQUIPMENT •BUSINESS APPUCATIONS • PERSONAL USE FOR INDUSTRY OR EDUCATION •A HOBBY • S~E SOFTWARE ACTUALLY RUN OR YOtJ RUNIT IF YOU OWN AN APPLE, THINK OF APPLES, LIKE TO TOUCH APPLES, WOULD LIKE TO MEET APPLES, OR JOIN AN APPLE USERS GROUP, YOU ARE URGED TO ATTEND. PLAN TO ARRIVE AT 9 A.M. ADVANCE REGISTRA TION RECOMMENDED Register through the OCC Community Service Office. 2701 Fairview Road. Costa Mesa. Ca. 92626. For Information, call 551-5880. Mall registration welcome Created by J esse Corsaut. of Monterey. the series revives the old .~uropean art o f wax carving. Each figure is initially car ved o ut of wax, then r eceives a fiberglass coat to make Woodbridge ofllce 1:. ut like an auraellvl' buy as rc.•turn on " ullv -1-182 Barram·a Parkwnv . .-------------"~...:...;.;~~;.;...;;..;;&..:;;..;.:.;. __ _. ______ __,.-----'-------------------------_..--=------ lrvine. · Burmah selects PR agency Hurmah-Castrol. Inc., with Am e ri can h eadquarters in New J ersey. has appointed Estey-Hoover as its agency of record for all their domestic industrial product advertising. Th e age n cy also ann o un ce d th e acquisition of the Omni lntertek ·group w hich includes Topmaster, lnc .. a manu (actu r e r of woodworking machinery and Contour Company, Inc., fabricators of high tolerance wind tunne l models for commerc ial and military aerospace applications. Estey -Hoover will mount an exten sive image a.d vertising and publi c r e l a ti o n s campaig n f o r Burmah -Cas tr o l . primarily known in the US. for its Castro! GTX ;;J;tor·oil, in spite of the fact thilt the company commands a leading market share in many parts of the world for its some 3000 indus trial prod ucts. Me dia will inc lud e I r o n A g e. Tooling nnd Production. H y draul1 t·s & Pne umallt'S. Power , 011 and Gas Journal, Gas Turbtnl' World and other oil and lubr1<:a n t specialty publicatio ns. Recentl y. Burmah - Castrol bought the Bray Oil Comp a n y 1n Southern C ali fo rnia. whic h wi ll n o w b e ma rke ted under the Burmah-Cns trol banner. The Burmah-Castrol account was w o n 1n compet i tio n whic h inclu d e d f inalis t s C oc hr a n e C ha s e . L1 v1ngs t o n and the incumbent McCarro n K an e . Direc t o r o f Marke ting for Castrol. Raleigh My hrc n sa id, ··Estey-H oover was c h ose n i n th e compcllllon because they demonstrated a strong cre ative capa bility toward solving o ur diverse mark e tan g problems." Delta surrounds computer with pro support system from page C1 week t h e system is ope r ational at th e agency, an experienced instruc t o r will b e present, and our highly trained mainte na nce team w ill be available at all times." Delta recently began marketing DATAS II. and the system already has been purchased by hundreds of t r avel agencies. A significant number .of agents also select ed Delt a 's DATA~LINK . a companion accounting syste m. For the hundred~ 01 age nts who have ti-~ pres ent De lt a d a t as system (Umted's Apollo). the airline inte nds lo ronunuc the program so as to becom e the first airli n e with a full product hne or <:ompute r reservauons svstems Last month: Delta a nd United announc«I a JC>int agreement whereby each will marke t the other's computer i ze d r es - e r vatio n s and ac - counti ng system s to th e nati o n s ' travel agenci'e-s. commercial accoun t s and government agencies. Computer additions make •J•tenf more versatile from page C1 commercially oriente d programs such as general ledgers or elaborate word procet180rs. In the l o ng run, programs may turn out to be the biggest expense -but not your only one. A computer is like a bi-fi ~: there are always thlnp worth addtng on to lt. Among the most common and moet useful 8dd-ons are: -A printer, to record ~ul information auch u llata and re poru. It al10 helps In trouble · 1hootlng programs as you write by le tting you quickly check different parta of your pro1ram b conmt.ency. Printers CDlt anywhen from t200 to fl ,000 for the "dot-matrix" 'Ype that form l•tten from tiny dais, and about tl,500 to tl,000 for tho•• that prtnt fully farmed onel I Hke the tys}ewrlter's. -A fl oppy -disk syst e m for s p eedy, simple but expensive ($500 to $2.000) saving and loading or programs and data. For business and professional u ses. floppies arc a must; for personal u se. they're a major convenience. -There's a diversity oC other things to add: gadgets that let you talk to the computer and vice versa. "joysticks" for ma neuvering your rocket ship In space-war games or for drawing sketches and video inlcrfot'cs to computer ize th(' Image from your TV camera so you can print it on your printer, and so on . You can llve without th<'m all and 11Ull J:N n lc>t out of hom<• <:ompullng. Or you can add the m little by httll', aa your needs and ~udl(et d ictate. l. Statement Only Checking h's FREE with $100 minimum balance. It\ the 11':,t chlt~mit Je.ll m 111wn. This pl.in pay' 51 •% mtcrc't on )\1ur halance, com· pounJcJ J,uly. Your m11nqo carm mtcre t nght up 1t1 the m11mcnt )11Ur check~ cle.u. We'll scnJ )'mr r.uemcnt eJCh m11nrh, fully Jct.ulcJ , NH with no c;mcdlcJ checks. Ytmr new chcckhonk "111 h.wc a prov1 mn lor .m Ju10m,lt1C Juplic,uc copy of c.lCh check r1111 wnrc. So \\lll never ncc.'J worry ,1h;1ur f<1r11cnm11 tn cnrer a check m y11ur rl'C<1rJ, ·'It·''"· (_)( wur!IC, 1( Y\lll ever Jn nceJ J wpy c1f ~our cancclleJ check\, we can 11enJ )\IU up m 5 cop1c~ per monrh .u no ch.u~c.'. (Then-'',, n11mln.1I lll.'rv1cc charl(t' per rnpy in c.'xcc" of 5.) It\ a new .mJ c.uy way t11 achieve free. 1nterest·p<1) m11 chcckinJi fi1r onl) a $100 mm1• mum b.ilanu·. 2. $300 Minimum Balance Checking. And it's FREE. Wuh <1ur J"lpul.u S300 minimum 1'Jlnnct.' checkm.: phm ~·ou e.1m 5~4% 1ntcre t while )Ou'rc frec of Jlt nmnrhl\ i,erv1cc char~s and per check ch,uirc~. Jusr kttp ,, $ lOO b:il:inlc in \\lUr .1CCl~un1. Sr.1tcmcnr .lrl' )Clll m1mrhly.w1th )our <.:anlcllcJ chl'ck~. It >1,u'rc n111 c,1rninJ,: intcrc\I 1111 )\1ur current cht.-ckin14 .1cc11unr. 111 1( )ou'r"' 'tru111o1l1n.: fl' "'•"''''"" .i h11o1h lllln111111m h.11.rntc. ch,m~c w H11u11Ch1,IJ Fcdcr,ll. t11\l.1y. 3. 60+ FREE Checking: l( you're 60 yc-Jrs nr over. your mtcn . ..,t chl'Ck· intit iis frt.~. There 1s no minimum hlllancc r"'\.julrc· nlt.-nt. Show us your Jnvcr'11 hll'n<;c, or othl'f' pn10I of at.,~ anJ \\c'll tnkt.' mn.• of r"'-· rt."St WE'RE NUMBER ONE Household Federal calM In fint with the hiakst perctn'-• rate incrcuc In rcscrvn amona all larp S&L'• in Cali· fornia according tl' a recent LA TIMES survey. So your money Is safe and M>Und with Houwhold ftdcral. A ....... ANAH!IM1 ns NO. ~UCLIOATCRE!ICENT AVE . (714171l·7440. CHllTOS1 IUU SOUTHST.(ll))9J4·9470•1ND101ltOlO HIGHWAY 1111714.1 )4J·J494 •LAKE ELSINOll1 )1960 Ml !UON TRAIL I 7141 fl14·100 • LONO 9IACH1 4UJ AnANTIC AV!. llU1416-MM'I • WllllONVlflOti.4041 MARGUllUTI PKWl' (7141 '~' NIWPOSl'UM:Ht4JOI MAC AllTHUllLVD. 17141 tO J.ll )tl7. 11\llallDlc 7800 LIMOSITl A\'F.. 17141 fM'\.,lt\4 o!IANTA ANA CA~Nt t7H l . MNTA ANACANlON Ill. 17141 '*l·lllllJ • WllTMINHl!ll1 l4'.'ll BlAl.H 9l\'O 171411Wl·l491. All<lonk:U IN SANDllOOCOONTY. MONl>AY. THUISOAY 9 A.M.·4 P.M .. tlllM\ '''AM <> P.M .. SAT UR MY 9 A M .• NOQN tMOST IRANCHH•. , '' .. ·. II .. '· ... USl "THI DAILY "LOT .. FAST RISULT" SIWVICI DIRICTORY For Result Ser vice Cull 642-5671 Id. JU 0, UUl2 . IT'S NOT YET TOO LATEI ·ONLY 31 DAYS LEFT To Reluna Al l 8~ 1 i&•U .rnd HefOVll 79 81 l ollll\ 11 Lil 4 1 bl 101 + lfC •CIC Rtldl (Ill.ill! Of r qulpmem l 81l~llllU No Min/ Mil• 1111111~111111111 "INTI LLIGINT Y ·IND INYllTMI NTI'' EducatlONI Stmintr. 1PM & 7PM lulday, Dlctm«llf 2 it ,,. Hole ...,, ...... • RNd/56 ffllW Preloent8d by DAL TON, DAL TON. COOPER I FRANKLIN, INC. 2691 Richter Ave Ste 102, Irvine N1M1 J~mtiof81/405 Ou• Stall 01 Attofneys an<I Accountant~ Wiii be c1va1l.ible q AM 10 PM SEVlN DAYS A WEEK FOR A PRIVATE NO FEE INlrtAl APPOINTMENT RSVP: CALL NOW 714 141·3711 FOR SEMINAR SAVE s100 ON A COLOR COMPUTER! 111< Standard BASIC Cat. No. 2&-3004 • Uses Instant-Loading Program Pak'" Cartridges for Action-Packed Games and Personal Problem-Solving • Learn BASIC Programming With Our Tutortal Manual •Educational-Aids Math, Reading, Typing • Easy to Expana as Your Needs and Skllls Grow • Attaches to Any TV Set • Create High-Resolution Graphics-Color Computers With Extended BASIC Also Sale-Prtced at $100 Off ~ A DIVISION OF TANOV CORPORATION SEE IT AT YOUR NEAREST RADIO SHACK STORE. COMPUTER CENTER OR PARTICIPATING DEALER PRICES MAY VARY AT INDIVIDUAL STORES ANO DEALERS 1981 Tandy Co<p Ml.IC NOTICE NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE Loen No. 181-00130-4 T.S. No.n3M-8 EQUALITY SAVINGS and LOAN ASSOCIATION as duly appointed Truatee under lhe ro11ow l ng delcrobe<I deed ol lrusl WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH (P•Y•bl• st lime ot sale rn tew1u1 money or Ille Unlled Slates) ell rlghl. till• and 1nteres1 eortveyed 10 end now held by II under saKI OMCI ol Trusl In Ille property hllflllnallw dncr1be<I. - Trullor JO PRANZO; Jr • an unmetrled men B11n11t1c11ry. Union Federal Savings end Loan Assoc1a11on. a corporation Recorded June 18. 1981 es Instr No. 28777 1n book 14106. page 1726 ot OlllClal Record• on lhe office ol Ille Recorder ol Orange County, said deed ot trust describes the toflowtng pr°'*1)' . A po<tlon ol Loi 36 of Tract No 653, ea ahown on a map lhereol recOfde<I 1n Book 19 P-oe 42 ot Mltceltaneous Maps, daQ.r•be<I as Parcel 2 as Sflown on a map filed in Booll 88, Plget 10 & 11 OI Parcel Maps. In tile ott;ce of the County Rocord111 o l Orange County, Ca.llfOfnla. YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A OH O OF TRUIT DATED .. 1M 1, UNlHI YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY 8E IOLD AT A PU8 LIC IALE. IF YOU NEE D A N EXPUNATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING AOAINIT YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. 1132 Sea Bkltt. Cotta Mesa, CA 92627 "(II o 11ree1 address or common dHlgnatlon Is shown above, no warranty If given as 10 111 cornp1e1--. or correClnesst ·• The benoflclary under said Deed of Trutl, by reason of a breech 0< dtfaull In lhe obhgallona secured thereby, 11ore101ore exe<:uted and d11llverod 10 the undersigned a wrltten 0ec11111ton of Otfaull and Oeinand lor Sale. and written notlee of breach end of election 10 C8UM Ille underalgn•d 10 sell said prop«ty to aallsly Hid obllgatlont. and lhtrealltr Ille undersigned cauted aal<I notice of breach and of alectlon ro be Aecotdecl July 30 1982 as Instr No 82·264887 ot u10 Ollic1a1 Records fa Said aale wlll be made, but wllhout covenant or warren1y. ex.preM or 1mpheC1, regarding lillo. po1111Hlon. or encumbrances. to pay Ille r11m1lning prlnctpal sum of the noto(s) MCured by Hid Deed ol Truat, wllh lnt111esl as In said note provided, 1d111naes.1. ii !'ny, undtr the 1erm1 of Hid ueea of Trull, r .... chargee and expen-of the Trull .. lt1d of Iha trusll cre11ed by Mid OMCI of Tru11. Said oala wlll ba held on W.Oneldty, 084ltmber 15, 1982 at 2:00 p m II the Cto99man Av.,_ enlrence, to the Civic Center Bulld lng. 300 Eaal Chipman Avenue. In the City of Otango At 1ht llm11 or Ill• lnt111t publtcellon ot lhl• notice. Iha 1ot1I amount ot the un~ld belant41 of the obllgatlon aecurad by Iha 1bo1111 de1crlbad deed of trust and eatlmat11d coatt, oxpenaea, 1nd edvancu 11 STZ8, 126.65. To detttmlnt Iha opening bid, you may call (714) 5...a333 Datt: Novttnber 4, 1982 EQUALITY SAVINGS and LOAN ASSOCIATION ea Nld Trust .. By T O. SERVICE COMPANY, agonl Ml.IC NOTICE MUC NOTICl Ml.IC NOTICE NOTICE Of' TRUSTH'S SALE T.S ... 37083 l,.1113tf T S No C·8445 I NOTICE OF NOTICE OF TRUITH'S I AlE T.D SERVICE COMPANY as duly TRUSTEE'S SALE No. T.I . 1tlO appointed Tr1.1stee under Ille YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A following daacrlbed deed of 1ru11 0 E E 0 0 F TR U S T 0 A T E 0 0 E E D 0 F T R U S T 0 A T E 0 WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION SEPTEMBER 22 1980 UNLESS NOVEMBER 3 1981 UNLESS YOU TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER FOR YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECl TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR CASH 1p1yable at Ume ol sale In YOUR PROPERTY IT MAY BE PROPERTV,ITMAYBESOLOATA lawful money Of Ille Unoteo Slates) SOLO AT A PUBLIC SALE IF YOU PUBLIC SALE IF YOU NEED AN an rlQhl, 11111 and lnttlfest conveyed NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE lo and now llald by 11 under said NAlURE OF THE PROCEEDING OF lHE PROCEEDING AGAINST Deed ol Trual In the properly AGAINST YOU YOU SHOULD YOU. YOU SHOUlO CONTACT A herelnaltor deter.bed CONTACT A LAWYER LAWYER TRUST 0 R 0 0 NA L D L NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, thal On December 17, 1982, 11 11 00 CUNNINGHAM H to an undivided on Wedneso1y, December 8 1982 AM • Peop ... 1nv .. 1menr and loan ~ 1n1er101 and BEVERl Y A. at 9 00 o'ctocll am 01 said day. In Aaaoc1a1oon 11 duly eppo1n1ed 1 WESTHERSBV as 10 a.n undivided the room Ml aalde for conducting Trustee under and pursuant to • ., Interest IS tonants In c.ommon Trustee a Sal ... wnrun the olloces ol ON<I ol Trust recorded November BENEFICIARY ; WAHLCO REAL ESTATE SECURITIES 10, 1981,eslnSlr No 11140.book INCORPORTFO EMPLOYEES SERVICE. IOC810d al 2020 North 14286, page 1w1, ol Olllclel PENSION TRUST FUNO Broadway, Suite 206, In tne City of Reeordl, txe<:uted by Cynlhle E. RICOrded May 15. 1981 as Instr Sanll Ana. County 01 Orange, State Palltller, 1 married woman u he< No 20751 In t>ooll 14060, page 594 of C1lllorn11. REAL ESl f. TE sola and separete property, who of Ofhctal RecOfdl 1n the olllce ol SECURITIES SERVICE a California ac-qulred 111le H Cynthie E Wells. lhe Recorder of Orange County corpor111on es duly appotnleel an unm1rrltd -m•n H trustor. In said deed of truSI oaseribed the Trustee under and pur9'1.nt 10 Ille the ottlC8 ol lht County Recorder of loltOWtng property power or sale ce>Merred tn 111a1 Orange County, Stitt ot C1utom1a. LOI 10 OI Troe• No 9374, IS certain Oled or Trust exec:uleCI by WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION shown one m•P recordecl tn 800ll EDNA M CURRAN a w id ow TO HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH 409. Paots 15 to 17. t>oth •nctusl11e recorded Oclobet 1 1980, on 800I< (payable 11 llme ot salt In lawful or M111C;ellaneous Mapa, ~ecords of 13769 ol Olfoclel Records o f said money of lht United States) a1. The Orange County. C811lornoe Coonry. 11 PIO' 1778, Rec0<der's Soulh lronl anlran<ie to Ille Orange YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A lnstrumenl No 1287. by reason ol a Counly old Courthouse. 211 W DEED OF TRUST DATED MAY 1, breach ot deraull on payment or Santi Anl Bouleverd, Cny of Santi 1981 UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION performance or the obHgalions Ana. s11111 of CaJllornla all rlghl. title TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT secured thereby, including that 1nd lntertst con~ to and now MAY BE SOLO AT A PUBLIC SALE. breach or dofeull. Nollce of which held by 11 under aald Deed of Trust IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION wlS recorded August 11, 1982, as In the proptrty 1ltu1ttd In Hid OF THE NATURE OF THE Recorder's Instrumen t No CounfyandSt1ladeacrlbedH PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU. YOU 82-280115, Will SELL AT PVBLIC LQI 8 11\ black 5,0 ol "Corona SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER AUCTIQ)ol TO THE HIGHEST del Mar", In the City ol Newport No 9 Wasl Por1, Irvine, CA 92714 BIDDER FOR CASH lawtl.ll money Beac.h Cc>unty of Orange. Stitt of "(II a 11r .. 1 aOdteN 0< common ol 111e United States or a cas111e1·1 C1Hforn1a, as ~ mac> recOfded In designation 11 shown ebove, no chef:k drawn on 11111e 0< na11onaJ Book 3, P1ge1 41 and 4 2 ol worr1nty It given as lo 111 bank, a atalll or federal credll M11C81ltneous Moap1,1n1heofflceof comp1e1-.s or correc1,_.)" union or o 1111e 0< redeul sevtngs the County Recordar ol seld Ttte bentfic111ry unctw MIO Oeed en4j loan aSIOCllllOn dorn1c11ed on County or Trusl. by rauon or • l>feacil Of 1111111a1e. 811 pay1ble •I the ume ol The tlrtel oddress and 011111r deleult In the obllQellons secured sale. ell rlQhl. lltla end •nleresr held COIT''l"()n designlllOn, II eny, ot the theftby, h11r0101ore 1xecu1eo and oy 11 11 Tru111111. 1n 111a1 real real property described ebove 11 d11tv11rad to 1110 undersigned • property ~tulle In Hid County •"d purported to bo !>06 Mor1go10. wr'ilten Otclara1oon ot Oetault and S111e. described u follows Coron• def Mlf. Callf0<n\a DamandforSa11,andwrl11anno11oe Loi 88 of Tract no 1872 as per Tne undertlgneo lruatee of braach and of e1ect1on 10 ceuse recorded In Book 53 pages 47 10 49 dl1cta1m1 any lloblllly tor any the undllfllgned to sell said or miscellaneous maps, lfl the ofllce tncorreclnMt of the atreet address properly to aatialy aeid obllgalions. ol the county recorder or said and Olhlll common. dellgnetlon. If and theroolltr 11111 undersigned county any, thown haftHn caused aald notice ol breech and of The strtel address 01 01her S1ld sale •Ill be med•. but elecllon to be Recorded June 14, common dealgna11on of lhe real wllhoul covan1n1 or w1rron1y. 1982 " lnelr No 82·201751 in p•operly hare<ntt>ov• descrtbe<I 111 exprn1 or lrnplltd, regarding 11118, 1181<1 Olllclal ~d• purporleel ro be 944 Gi>vernor poaMNlon or encumbrancot, 10 Said u11 wlll be mado. but Slreet Cotti Meu, Cohlornoa P9Y Illa remaining Pf'lnelpal tum of without c;o11en1n1 or warranty, The underatgned hereby thenott(tlMC1.1t.Obyaal<IOeto ol el(Pf'eN or Implied. regarding tltle, d11cl11m1 111 llablllty ror any Trust. "'"" Interest thereon, es pouanlon or encumbronces, to M'ICOfHGlnest 1n 11!0 atr .. 1 add•-P<ovided tn Mid nott(s). lldvlflCel, P•Y lhe remaining l>(lnctpal ..,m of Of othaf common Clellgnetloti. ti ony, undtr lht tttma of Mid Deed lhe nott(a) MCured by nKI Deed of Said sale wlll Ile made without of Tru11. raae. charg11 and Trust, wlrh lnt0tu1 ••In Mid nolt w1rranty, uprou or lmpll,d, e11pen-ot the Trull• onCI of 1"e p1011lded 1dvancot, II any, under ragtrdlng lllla. poueuton. or 1ru1t1 crHltd by Hid Deed ot Iha 1orm1 ol 191d Deed of Trull, encumbrancu, to u llaty tha Tr1111, lor 1he 1mount rHIOl\tbly feft, c111rges end oxpenMS of 1ne prlnclpat balance of the Nole or ettlmll.O to be Sl48.701 87 Trull .. and ol lhe Hu•IS crelled by othtr obllgatlon secured by Hid The btneflclary 1.1ncltf aald Deed said Oetd of Trull Deed ol Trull, wllh Interest and of Trutl httalofott t11ecuttd and Seid ulo wlll be held on 01hor aums as provided theratn, dellvartd 10 th• undersigned a Wed..-<Sly, Otctmbef e. 1982 11 plus 1dv1nc .. , If eny, under the -111.,., Otctarallon ot Oeftult onCI 2·00 P m II the Chepmon Avenue lerma lllOftof and Interest on MICll Ofmand for Salt, .and a wrltttn entrance 10 lht Civic Conltr 1dv1nces. and plut faes, chorges ... otlct' ol Otfaull and Electlon to Bulldlng, 300 E Ch-i>m•n Avenue, and ex.pen1t1 ot Iha Trustee and 01 Sell The underlllgntd ceuaed Mid In the City of Orange. CA the trust• craaled by Mid Oeed ol Notlu of Datau11 and Etecllon 10 At the llmo ot the lntllel Trust Th11 10111 1mount or se•d Stll to be record9<1 tn the county publlcatlon ot lhlt notice, Iha total obllgallon. Including raesonebty Where the reet proper1y 11 located amount of Ille unpaid bllance of 11)8 tsllm1ted ltaa. \:hergu end Cite Novtmbtf 11, 1982 obhgellon aecurtd by tha above ••pen-ot the TrustN. 1t lne time Peoples tnvettment end daacrlbtd Cload ot lrull end of 1n1t1al publication of this NotlCe 11 loan A11oc1Atlon ullm11td co111, 1xpen111,. end $4,520 96 a1 Mid Trull• ldvenc• II s I 12, 100 80 Oiled November 15, 1982. By CAAL F. To doltrmlne Iha opening bid, REAL ESTATE ·EMOELH,\ROT, you m•y call 1714) 937-0964 SECURITIES SERVICE, Attorney tn Fact 0111· November 8, 1982 o ColilC>fnla core>. 9918 Sanlt Monica 81vd T.O. SERVICE COMPANY M Trull .. , Bavtfly Hlllo, Calll 90212 et Hid Trutl.. By ISEAL) 0 J Morger Tel .. (2131 !153-9$401 By Cindy ScflOO(lover. 111 Pr191dent 553.,900 A11l1t1n1 Sterttary 2020 N Broadway. Ste P11blltlltd Orenge Cout Delly One City Boutevard. West. 206 :'~I. Noll.23. 30, o.c. 7, 1882 Ora119111 CA 92ee8 Santa Ana. CA 92101$ 5124-82 Tt4 (714) 135·828e Tai (7141953·8' 10 Publahtd Or1nge Co11t Dally Publl1h1d 011nge CoHt Dally "8.IC NOTIC( Pitol, Nov 18, 23, so. 1982 PllOI NOii 18, 23, 30, 19112 5004..-2 5054·82 flCTITIOUa .,_ .. M..-aTATS-..T "8.IC NOTICl MUC NOTIC£ By LOfne WornllGk. Aulstont S.Cretlll)' 3t33 Camtno Dal Rio 8 ftcTITIOUI .,..... flCTmoul ., ..... Sulit 204 NA• IT.ATIE•NT NA .. IT.AT9•NT Son Otego, CA 81I08·'404' The fotlOWing PAftOnS Ma doing The tollow1ng peraon 11 <101ng (818) 584·828S t>utlnett.. bualntsa .. Publlthed Orange Coall Dally BR I 8 T 0 l IN 0 UST RI Al JACKS AUTO PAIN Tl NO. 138 '*"°'·Nov. 23, 30, Deo. 7• 1882 COMMERCIAi. PROPERTIES, 1072 lndu1trl1I Way, Co•tt Mell. CA ----------6.,.t3;.,;;t-_8-.;2;.iSE 8rt11ot, S1n11 An1, CA U707. 0'827 J t .. rd . Ray p Ollnlchtld Corp • • JACK ANOERSON Fl YNT UI 0 W WO I Ctllfotnl• corportllon. 1012 18300 Jupttet Cr , w .. 1m1nater. CA. h ' h I SE 8'11tot, Sanlt Ana. CA 92107 92883 In t • r I t ' ace... r111t 11u11nt11 11 condvc:teo by, LEONA JEAN HYNT, 19300 c:O<IJOflllOrl ) Jupllet Ct , W11ttmlnlttf, CA t*3 Da ly Piiot Rev P Olmtcfltld Tiiie bvolntH 111 conctucMd ey an Rey p Oltl'llCMl<I lndM011 .. Cl ffl d .ad Preotdenl Jactt A '~t 011 e ,. I Tiiis 1tatet11tnl waa llltd ""'" Iha '""' •lt temen1 w11 f11ff ""'" the COlin1y et.<h of °'"" "' Cot•"' l'lfl Co;""" ,.,..., 1n 01 a County on .,_ _____ _ Dlo l the direct fine '"'" '' 1H' 642-5678 Publllhtd Orange Co111 o;;iyl Pu1>111nee1 Or•nt• Coa:.·= I Pt101, No~ '3, 30, 0tc 7, 14, 8 ttU PllOt. NOY ~3. 30, Die 1 1' 1M2 ' 5132-12 61)0.12 . , ·promotions ·highligh' county business week Tony Ban1uelo, AIA. wu::, ntmwJ vll-i· pu •111dt•11t by tlw liu111 J uf d11°t'<'tors uf llurrtli1Jt1·Lun·nzin1 An·h1l1't0li. uf Nt•wpott &•uch A H'btdt·nl of Sanlu A11a , ht· will IK• ai.~tglll•d ucklhi11n.1I dul1t•ic 111 i.1arr 111.111aw•1114•11t a11d p\1hlll' n·luuuni. Lloyd I .. Rochambeau, Vtl'l ' JJrl'bldN1t. tlc:vPlt1p11lt'11I ond t·onsultmg u f £t1uit;1hl(· and Co11)>ult 1nl( Cur p • of Gnrdt•n G rovt• h:is b1•1•n ow.trdl·d tlw dl'MMna&mn of "Ct·rl1f1l'd Proix•rty Munugl•r" by l he ln1H1tllll· or Ht•al Estntc• MtHWl(t•nwnt l k ih a rc~1denl of &lwa l!!land John Krill of L<tguna N1gut·I has ht•t•11 appointl•d WclitNn rc•g1onal sal1·i. m;inugt•r for GL•nibCo <.:omµutl•rs Corp., of Costu M1•sa JI~ will bf• rt·ii1>0nsibh• for suk•s of all Gt:nlSt:o prudut•ts rn tht.• l :l Wl.'litl•rn i.Wtl')>. Thl· Am(•ncan Fedc•r:.itru11 ur lnfurmat1on l'rol't'!>'>lllf( S<X'IC'lll'S has n;rnwd Ted E. Lorber, Otar kl•tmg t.hn'<:tor for Epic Computt•r Products or FountJll\ Volley. the nc·w mark1·ttng dir{'<'tor ol tht• u1a:1 Notaunol Computer Cunft•1 t•nt'I' \(l bC' h<•ld tn Anaht•1m, May 16~19, 1983 Nt.•w World Computer Co., Inc. o f Irv1m• a nnounct's the election of P hilip C. Ha ines as chairman uf the board. Haines will also S<'rve as chuarman of th<• t·xct•utive tommittet• and as a consultant to the: company on markl'ling and financial mattcn.. Cheryl Arnold of E;I Toro has bc"t.•I\ promoted to director o f t.·orporute adm1n1s t ra110n of Comprehens1vt> Care C-Orp. o( Newport &ac·h. the nation's largest private prov1dl'r of ho:.pital-bascd ak'Oholism tn.•atmcnt Tim Hedd ing of L ong B1·at:h has been promoted to rc·g1onal v1t·c prc:s1clent of rc•:Jl cslatc for Imperial Bank's Ornngt• County region. Previously, he was vice pres1dC'lH, rt'al estate at the bank's Costa Mesa office . Ch11rle11 S. Monie hms Ix-en na ml>d manager ol 13N·kmun lmilrunwuts, Inc.'s lmmunochemlatry Syi.tt•ms Opl•rut1on11 in Fullc>rton. Monte. who .imm·d lk•.:kmun an Hl70, has St'rvt>d as a department ma11agt•r m\tl 1,r·oj(ram munuger. Ku rt W. Kalmbach of Irvine has been named v1u• J>fl'1>tdl1nl of SJh'14 1.1nd marketing for Decker l"tnn<1t1onol of Los Angeles. Decke r also hH lll :1111:11 ufl '4'"'S in Orange. Ventura, San Bernardino anu San Dlt·~() t.'OUnllCS. Thl' ll1ll Partnership, Inc .. ol Newport Beach has a nnouncl'd five new a ppointments in the rt·urgar11wuon of its firm. Gregory C. GUI has been promott•d to din."t.'tor of design; Dale E. Moen to cJm.-ctor of t.'01Hract documents; A. Cbaace Beck to· Ull'l't:tor of L'Onstn.1ction admin istration; and Mlclaael R. Paner i and :t: Ken.t Aden have been named prOJt.'<.'l <"OOrdanotors. Pat O'Brien of Huntington Beach has been appotntl'<.I v1t.'<.' prL•sident, loan administrat.lon for Valt•ncw Bank o f Sant.a Ana . Valencia Bank has offtn·s in Placentia, Fullerton , Anaheim. Lake F'or1•st. OranE(l'. Irvine and Newport Beach. Laura Cook, CPA, of Irvine has opened an <il•counting practice in association with Robin K. llall, CPA. at 1301 Dove St., Suite 400, Newport Beach. Cook was previously a ma nager in t he al't:ountang firm of Ernst and Whlnney. Donna Sat Davis of Irvine has been named national sa les manager for the 1,121-room Disneyland Ho t el in Anahe im. She will be rc>Sponsible for booking all the national, state and regional conventions and trade shows. Or. Fredric Feldman of Newport Beach has bec·n appoint<.'<! manager of Beckman Instruments, Inc.'s Clinical Systems Division, in Fullerton. He will ovl!rSt><' gcp eral manageme nt of all aspects of dinic<.11 systems. He joined Beckman in 1970. ..... ":II\ -• OVER THE COUNTER NASO LISTINGS NEW YORI( (API Cotrl le NASDAO Qvo••t•Onl ColoC.•~ •hO••no h19 .... 1 !MOS ComCIH •"d IO"•" olleu Oy Cml!>hr maAeo ma~ ... H 01 ~:~!:I Mon Pflt .. 00 nol CO<O" ~ ••tell ..,.,,.,p Cfo\ T re rn • f i-. d o w n o ' Cuttr Fd ~~"d:; I. 11 0 n I 0' gr!H~~n, AFAProl ll ).cl. D•ylM AVM Cp s1, s>., DBor AC•Oln1 171, 21•1 OeklOA' !~r:~~ \~t l!~; 8:~':.ne1 Advllou • ._ •·~ DI.Cry\ AllB.r. 11 11' • OlanCru Allcotnc 1' 371.., OO<uOlv Am•ro 1 2' • OollrGn ~~~~~I ~~ ~~ ~re!.~~ AlnC.p 10 , to•. OunkO ANallo• t•.._ IS 01mron AOu•v •'• •'l t:•tnVn< AllHMg h .... 1·. EconL•O ANd•I• 1-. 1'• EIPa\EI AJ"t9SA 14'ti 141.• Elder8e AnQAGO "" 'O EleNuCI Apr.tee 11•• 11'• EIMOO s A.II dMI n-. 11'°" EnrOev A•OenGp ... 6'• EnrMel l\11G•ll '•'• ,.,, EnRw Allanll , 21•~ :n Enlw•lll Avnltk 771'> n-. EQIOll 11800 61 61', FarmG11 llalrdCI! l'• t • • fldl<or B•llyPP 1tt. t FIBltSys 8an11HE 11'• u l'lllO'Jln aasrc11 11 1 1 1 16 FtEmtS lhsllfr 04\, O'l FIWn In 8aylsMlo. IO''J 111, Fl .. llU 8MlfM •'• I•• Fh<kQr ..... pt h ;i.i. 1, FlaNFla 8eliU> 371, Sib flvroco .. vMgl 1l U lt fO<HIO lllM>Co IS'·' "', FrankCp Blrd~n 11•.-, 11\o FraMEI 81r1chr •'• ••, FrwSG 81yvoor 1••o u fremnl 80flan1 J"' l\lo FullrHB llrwl°"' 1•, 91, GnA .. tm a>KkMe 11•11 170,. nOevo lluffels *"' .... GnlllESI lur~ 10'• lO-. (;.ovEFn CNL l"ln 1'> JV. Grallllk CPT 171, 111, GrnAdv CalWl$v 40 o Glhnt" Canra<IH V • •~• C.yrooy11 CapEn '"" 1"' Hadson CapSwsl 10 .. 101, HamtPI (ApAlr J'->'• Harow-. CareCp n '11> Hrpll- Cetus ""' ,,._ ,H•rl>Gp Cllarlllv U"°" ;i.•, HarilNI Cl\rmS ""' '•'• H<hn9r • CllarlH ~ >•' 1j H•n•dF '""'LH 16 .,. J Holobm ChHUll " 10 Hoover C!WotJ ~ ""' Horulls Clrlico •• J ••• IMS Int Cil1So<ia 11 ti'. ISC ClhUtA o •S•• llntratno £\~-"~'t ~· • ~. • :~:: Enr iio.c11 no '"' 11n111r1111 MUTUAL FUND • II.. 11 P•ll lbon '~~: 1~·1·~~~:~~:~ tt• • 1i Pinll:rtn IS u• , PlonH. • 1•'-'6' 1 PlalllM J.lt •. Pouis '1' > H Pr•\GM in, 11 Pr\Sleyn I 1 1-1 Pr09rp 11 21'· l PbSvNC JO JI Purl8HI 7ll > 11'• PutOC•p 1'-11• Oua~rCI> 3)'' :i. R1t11enCp II 11•, Raymnd IO't It'• AHV•l 7• 2•' • Ro.OS• 7' 2•'• llObbM y s~ s•. Ao.. .. ~ ~~ S.Oll•r JO>., JI !>.lle<o IS« It'• SO~tlGO lS' ,.. StPaul l' • 4 • 5'rtoH 11 • 11,. l!•eat• .)~ l• J:~=r' • ' •>. Svcmu J 0 JI, SllMed JO JI'> Shwmul 9 ''• S1er1Rl 4" • ..., Sllt<ona JO JO•., SC•IWtr I' 1 I\\ SwEISv 17 "'·• SlotnOyn 111 • 111~ SldMicro n U'• SIOll•v• •' • ... SI .,,,.me ,.: ' ?9~ Sier ISi 11 • 11 StrewCI 11,: 11 J SUO.ru s11. st 1111 II n .. 1• ,. lO tl' ... ""' 11•. 11 >l l7 '34•, ,.1 .... 10'• :w .. lflo .. I 1 , • ..._ --£1• c;..enp C-.Yt Clllrcp.., ~·-­Cflll.....-°"'-' s.. ........ lntlft9 wt s,nc:r we AlrCere a .. _, arv-Hemr Og v ... trw• GIM< wn AIKMtl Ampel D•t"n AG as Ar OellePtr 0ewey£1 "-Snt~ c~ N•-C.IJOC'k' v Amerwa T,_wn AOI El X: J~ NASDAQ SUMMARY .,., ,,.. NEW YORK IAPI MO•I <KllW over. "', 4<11, tlla-co11n1er $10<-• 11ipp11td ~ NASO U'' ,.... Name Volu-BIO As•tcl CllQ s • 1 ~:::r:: Pot, ... R•l ecTO Blolot Lunclywt L"lld wt wl 111. II'• P•IKIB tD,100 71'• 1114 • ~ 11 17~EIPasEI S"6600 11.._ II~ • ' •S-l• •S'• FaroRot 02,liiO t 1 r• 11> S.lt .. lnl•i d•,GI lSw )6~. 11'• ll MCI I 411,GI u•o ;i.1. .. .._ •I '· Enllsv :i.o,eoo J', J\ot .,..., •I'• Grepl\St 7st,IOO It.. "'~ •'9 •'• Fonar 1 .. 100 ''"' tJ>. 11-. 7l>o Glo41NRs 7 .. 100 •'• ''• 1' o 1~ unw"co 7.c> 000 •'. • .. 11'\ ,.,,.. 11 II\. Advanced ,... • 0.tllntd .. 10 J-:n " "' ,, Sy111<11 wt h :: ~4:r~ ~ a IS Hlldllt pt • '"' t• FlnNw wn • '-11 Olonkl 11 lnlnU II "' . ""'"" ... I ~r:.:.r 7,M wtrmn f t, '" Un<llan~ tl'• 1•• • Tot•I h~ws 17· • 11'-' l\law lllOfll 10 10' • New tow' ,.. , ,.._ lotal .. in 'm. ~i;::~ " S 8SH Co •t,17>,-26 HerllF'n • ' • ·' "rt. Up G A U. IU U. IU Up I U Up IU Up 111.7 Up '1A Up 17.J Up IS..• Up tl ,t u. t4.J Up 14.J Up 14.J Up H ,J Up ,.,, Up 11.• Up IJ.S VP n.o Up IJ.O Up 12.S Op 12.S Up IJ.S Vp 12,e Vp IJ.O Up 11.f Pel, Off .... Ott 11.J Ott 16.7 Ott IU Ott 14.I Ott U.t Ott IU Ott 12.0 Ott 11.1 OH 11.1 Ott 11.1 Ott 11.1 °" 10.• °" "'' Ott '°·' OH 10.l ~ :::: OH It.I °" •.• °" t.7 °" •.• OH •.1 °" •.t °" ... Ott ... - 01111111¥ Cuu I [)All Y I'll 0 I II uui,dtty Novt+mht!r .,.\0, 108~1 s ("I NYSf~ C:()MPO 'IT~ ]'HANSAt:'flt)N OUOf AflOld IHU UDl n•o•• ON"" .... t'O•• •1ow•u l'AC!,lt Plllf I OU Olll Ort I Olf AHO '"'''"""" \IOC• fll(MAMOll•OID llPOIUO t 't IM .. lt1A•OA110IOIUI01tt ~·tfl'\ N•t '-Ir \ pr,, t ._.,,...,. H•• ""••\ Nt<• ~-., N•t t> r "'*' r 'Ow c NI " t hO\ l '"'u c ft'1 .,. • ,.. , w."' c ~ •• r rvo. c 100 ' "Cl •• t "" , tn • t tw P•C.•o Ill' n 11 ll . . .. .. l •Ct lll .. l1 II u • 0-l•dlft I 11 • ,. .,., \11411(, "' I,, 'Iii' •••• Ol•lnl 1 t01t D'I 4 '• 1HMW IQ l'I IU ... I •I ••'41 I I \4lf 11, -. P 0 ~It. 011 40 10 11••, '• 01-· 11• • fll• \ 1 lo VlllN 1 »I I 0\ l ' • I al>•l 10t1 I\\ J/l 7•': l'Htl 1411 1111114._ t I .. \ftr .. 1,. Ill •II d •tt t • 0 .old • 1• ')91 M I, tieOW •I M I '1 II••• " '°"•C.• 1 • I 1"' /G"' '• PNllMI I*" 11 I••• 1• 11••1'•~ I .. 6 •• II'•, '• ~'" No• g111ta1 It 2'11 ..,..,. • •, """II I H II UI ,.., '" le.•n•I I .i 1 11 J1 .. , ~. l'l>(i l ... II 110 '°" • '• latlll 14 u 1141 JI , 1, 1,1 "" 11 '"" 1nn1111 1~1110l7 11'• ••H • l • 1 n 1 • o l_., 41 111 • .,. »••• \1 "IA IO 7 1•1 '"••" olnltrt .ii11 1.,. 11'• "' • ..,. O•llon 1 Ho Ii iU JI ... • I I J '. '· • '• l ..Wcl I. 11 * II.. h i'e<AS I .. .. ll'.. • • I mt Pt ,., u 114 I• 1, lluoE• .. II /fl U • '• O"""' I JO 11 aMU.. , •1 HamrP I .. I ., .JI! h , .,.,, ,. iO JI I '1' •, '-P8'Gl J • 1'91 'I\• '• ,,.._, 10-,.. I•'• It 8ufldy '°" '' IQ 11:· Oll t it • ,. )1 H•nJ~ I •I• ti U•· '• l uo•• I lt1CI II\ ""'' •• P.teLlt l I it M 1• \llW o• J )O 10 n .. 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TWC DI 1 • ,. •• \llAC pf 3.IS . 1100 34 > • " Con<1E nl IO 1 1 ,.... -o-G -13 '1 41 • NEn9EI > 1 IO ll' • AepFnS I 20 •• .o o , • • TWC pt I 40 I• ll • \llAC pl l .IO.. 3 • I CnnNG L20 I 10 20•.. •, GAF .20 • lOS 11\lt. '10)2 110 ... • II• NJAK nl 1' I l 1''H .. R_,,NY I 40 1 Sol .i.'o • 1 f""~ DI f .. 100 .U , \tt.tCp .?se , 1IO 11~ ... Conre< ID II SI ""' .... GAF pf 1.20 .. 2 UY>-1 IS ,,.., lS\;o ,, NYSEG 1 to • ,.. 20>. 1 • ANY pf At 60t 104 '°'• ..• Tren•m I IO I 311 11 \uaat .:ll 11 102 J2~· I, GonEd t, .. S UtO ll't It GATX l .«I I ttS 1 60 18' u + It. NYS pl l IJ Y200 11 I RepSll • ~ Ul IS" 0 Tr•nlnc 1" JI It \ut'oOt .so20 1os1 n "" C11t1E lilf • s 1 .,..., •• .,, GCA • 10111 * 22'• 1, KaltC• .60 1• '1lu11-..' I NYS pf 1111 ''~ .. • '• AA•,P,&~1 ·~'in~ "i• • , 1T1A•Rn~','o •ao • 17•.> ''"' \vc.oCp 1.20 10 • lS'• ._ Cot1Fdt 1 n 1 1.o 44._ G EICO .5' 16 160 •s1.. ~ K•IC f' 1 11 1 n • '• NYS pt 1 12 .sae 11 • 1. " N _ , • , u•.. • \lf(O pf 3.10 .. ' SI • ~! 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KCSoSo11 • ll 1)1 411• 1> NlaMol 3 olO 1100 11 • '' Rey In 1114 IO 12 ,...,, • •• Trev Ir t 1 .. I 1U ,, .. • h talrnco ·'° 8 11 ts.. CnPw pt 1 ,. yJOOO s. • -. Gn sir 60 IO ill ,,...,, ._.KC pt 1 tJOO "'•• , .. Nl•Mpf 1 60 t50 ,, l!!!M'",r 1 .~ 11osl·,•. '• T1r,11c,on11 A131•~ 'll ,.,, '• :tt.rlnll 91 • IS70 1''• '• (nPw pt J 11 •1 21" ,., GHSY~ 1 » ' 20 11._ '-ICanGE 11A • ... II HltMpl •IS 1110 • •I ""• ..-• .., -72'. JaldOr »11•111 n •, "'cn....,pf l .. v1200H 1 Gearlll :i.1o ,.. n _ .,.ittanNDl-11 JO "" "'NlaMpf SH rS70 41'-•''• AA•cr~,pu1 ?!11 ,11 s..,,,·,·. '-. TTr,11So.,!'.: -'iJ' 10s1 l"-• :taldV • • I 601 441, •> CnPw ot 4 •'11 19 '• Gel<O 1 17 t 119 731, 1 'Ca11PLI 2 t0 1 10 1•1•• lo NlaMflf • 10 rlO .. 14. II. k -• ·--IJ~ l ldU pl 2 DI .. Ill'• l' • CnPw pt J.. ~ Jt\\ .. GtmCa "1 J1 44. .... Ka PL pt7 11 S ll NlaMpl 1 n t.UO '1 • , .... Ale911T I ID 12 I l• TrlaP< I II • ll .. • Ja!IGP •10. • •21\081••11• Cn ..... prJIS an 17"' '• Gemln t..O. .• I IS'•· . K•PLPl2 7.1 1 ,,., 1• Nl .. Slll llt IS IS'• ._ RloGran l6010 '37 41•, "'Tri<.nlr ltft I IJO s-.. Jelly Mt ·10 1 1141 16 11~ CnPw prJ '° ., ll\;o '• GA Inv 4 tte 10 lt\oi lo atyln ~ 111". Nl<oll n Ill to 4' "" h AloGr pt .IO 914 21 \, Tri<o 14 t llJ I\\ :tallGE 2 ... I , .. 191 • '• CnP .. prJ 1J •l) II • ,., GAmOll 60b 11 Jll 11't '" ICtlY pt 1.. I 1'1• '-NICOR j I ltS 1t Rll•AIO AO 1' 10 47 a 4>, Tronly 50 t 41 13 • • tell pt8 4 50 . llSO J'i, •• CnPw prf 02 alM J9 1, Grtl Clll • S :ll 2H• Kautlr 14 UI Ula \o Not>IAI 11 7 QO ll\• lo AOOSl'lw I o10 11 2' ,... " TrllEng 102t 41 10'• JanC.I 1.20 U 11 1•• • • I CnPw pl J •l "2• 11•~ ,_ GClnm, .S? II Sl 1''• • v, Ktlltr 1 :!!!_ ~ U IS'"J ~ NorSo n 1 • I 41J SI'• 11. Aoltl"' 1 60 S ll U't T"uE P I "1 • IS U .. Janl•• 20 11 II •'o '• ICOP n •'-'• GClnm p1.t4 t ?"~ .. K•I'--• 214 7'~ -Nerlln 1 »O ti~• .... AOOln. .S6 U 111 11'-" T .. l..Ot 1 10 II n '''• )andao .'IO U S JI'•• '-nllCp 2 60 )JI 17• > + 'Ito GnOele • .. U~ "' ICtllWO :: ' 1' 1'"i • h Nonlr n t 20 7 lO SJ'-~ AocllG 1 llO S 11• 16'+ • I• l y<OLb IO • dO 1'' 1 !~P •. ~SOS l271 !•9:•,• ,',', ntlGrp UO •tO U .... GnOy11 .n 1•2110 JO + "'w•.~1 ~O )h 1 Norttlll OI • 1114 l h• .... Aoc:llTI J O. t l.S 1""-• '• Tyl@r 60 U l' "'• .kNY • -• nlGp pt 1 • 11h+ vo GOyn p14.JS. S 70 + \'f K uiii .. II IOJ ~... NACN I ID 1 111 21~ n. AO<-Wi I S6 9 399 .0"• '• Tym"'r 11 10 1• :111.t'Va 1.Jl t ff 7•i..... ntGp pfO O l U GtnEI >A 12141~,.. ~ Y 1..10 1 , NeAPl'll trO • ,. .. .._+ ~ Akllll flf 41$ • 1'1 l'--U U Jn•Am 1.S2 8 llSol l?lo onllll 2 7 1071 JO\, ... GnFlli 1 tO 10 eo-43~ \o\ •rrOI .... I • 11.... 'NfiurO 2 41• I 24 10.. I<• RollmH 7.IO 11 • 1111• .. UAL M 11&0 JI"• '• nAm pl 719 Sl~ ll •I I s. I ... II.\, .,. GGlll .,. .. 7 ""' .. .,G,fi I 10 2 20 + .. Notti VI I 1t I SJ• II\\ A-In s ., IJ\\ '. UGI , °" • ., ,,.. .. nAJ\IY 2.: 9 ~ 31.... 10•1• ts t 113 ~ .... GHoU l 50 I tJ '""' V. :;~(~ 1 10 I •wl m: :': Nlr:;s ; SO 10 470 111.., Vo =:n~~~ 3 1> ii .~: m~ • ~: ~~tpf 1 ~ I i•r, 7~1 • :: i...11 r 1 .• s OVJ wod 1 t011 u l'lllH ""OnHo..s .20 10 1'1u1'Y,+1V. .,,,,., 1 411 11 93 ,,.,,, I'> Ha • .I•• 12 ,.,,. Rollint ... 9 371 ,;µ, '• UMET •I• II 111 3..,. '• )ltfr pl l .50 . 10 23-\\+ ookUll .Olr 12S '"" It G11l11S1 .50 1S 1911 Sl~•+1-ICldCM s t 10 S •7 1•1<> •it Hi:• ::J,60 • •-MO J1 :~ llOlfl!.C:P tl J06 44 1 V~CRtt IOS 41, '• ....... , .111 .. .. "' oopr I S2 s to. 22\0o .... GnMlllt 1 ... II w • • ... KIO P•B 4 ' SI ..... v. NSP.. • IO •. 1100 ,..... Aon~ II JI. USFG • ~ • II' '°"' ,, taroCR .5611 •II .. • , I pt 1.to ,, ~ , .... &MOI ,,.,. JO S4M 51'1-o . I Kid IC • • .. , ,.,,· H pf • ". ,.., J7 • -· • I 4 -, Jard Jll'I 13 'lt~• • 1 Cooplb .IO 18 SI SS~ \, Mol pl J.7S 2 l W• • ... wia P1 "''I .. ·.. • :, •' , ' N$!'w p" ID •• 1JAO H •• .. A-r ·'° S3 .0 111 > • Vn lvr 1 •1t I I 49'' '• larnGp • .o:. 2• u .. l'tC-T ' M lxt• :121\t ..., Motpl S .. 97 Al'-• .... ddt .. , • -·• ''~P1111pfl.IO . IJOO lt~)+?VJ Aortr 104U 87 U • ~Un1NV 4 7 .. ,, .. "''-\1 b•MI 1,0I 9 .. )1 "' oP•d ' .... u II .. "• GNC · '" ll ~ 21~~ " lmDCI • , ,.. .. ;.. . . ,, I I 504 ll'h ' • ,._.n OI 3 ... • '• VC•m p l II ll3'4 SI' I ·~ t•rnl pl J.... 1 33•' ~. Cotdu•• &O .. ,., ,, ••• 1. GPU 1116tl • ' KntfllA ,,, u '" " • I>. N 19 .. 1'7 3loi• •• A-•n pfl.M • JI 10 • '• 8"~••b 3::: ; ~ ~r; .. ::~l":: .~I~ m 11h. t: or•ln '44 17 ,., "'". v. GtnA•. l.Ol U 327 SI .... 1 K:=• I Zl)I ., u ......... N 'X I ID"1 "' 41 II. ll( Ces 1.0. 10 s. ..... n Omt I 1 otnG 2.3US Ml •t -"11 GnA~r .. ' lr ~. ~o mor drn 1~ tr ~ Hwll Ir ID l'l't mt Jt'"' ... =~c.~ 2.1't 1~ "': ~~~· :~ ~~~~ ,':! 0 !~ ,;~: • lo *t<" 1.s.u 1n .O'ltl '"-orBlk 1ID 14 u "'" "'' GnSlonl I. .. 10 2.SS •t • 1 "" -" . N1111t1cp I ID 1 StO U•• '• "·"T:f 1 1 .. 11,,, Vnll Al.... ·-_ lHllr ... 1t I .. 4''• . c -1.. 111 •S ... )+ I. GTFf pl 1.U . '20 11i. .. KOC>P• flf 10 .. s '°" "' Nico pU Ht . •IOU SI '" .... -., ... JV UV •• )ayFln 103 0 IOV. + lo a.Cm ti 11 1411 40 GTfl pf I 16 .. 00 IS • ' I('""'' I ,.. Nw1ten IA u 1n 1• ... lly.. I l'°/":. ,,.~. '• UnEI pl • Ill clOO ,. UYSIG 1 J1 • n n I. r•IO U " , ... •• lo GTlrt "l.SObJO IQ 1S\\i+ \" ttr:;rnr I .• I 10>1 ••• ~ Nwln pf) U 11 ""' lo. A •to 11 ,,.-..... 1 UnEI OI • t0 1'° ~'• 1, ~·1~119 t . .! 11> ~201 1124~ •, "' rane I .0. U SJ I"'-vt ~S<O IS •4 "-ltUll m .lh I II 11'-"-N1111t1nd 2 ... 2 1'1 Jl'ltl ~' M J I l1 ~'l • ' ~~ti r~"'1 ~ 1~ "',, '" ,_ o'd ,.. -,. rayRt M 113 ~ ~ GnRad 10 S4 140 lt~ '-Kyt<•t .11' 1S 197 111• ''t Nw5tW ID J 201• N I 16 • 4~ 1' \, Un"faf 1 I) 1 1, .. :Ifft ,c l .:11. Jt •s • rooN , tO 11 n lO Genii I 60 . 7144-11"' ..-Krw ,20 " •"' '• Nal1ot1 f 17 11• n l'ST n 17 3, c. • ttclnO I IO 11 "l ... • Cte•H pf2 II .. 1111• .. h GenuPt I JO " 1170 .. v. -~ -NprMm 1•10 -u 1. : 40 71 si' ls•. I Un El pt , n ~ ,, •• ~... 11 ""'• rmpK11 I 0. II I 16 l't g•Pat .60 U USJ 11 ·~· LN Ht Ill •It II I• 211 '' .... '"'1• pf IO 1 U Its 32 21 71 tl • t 1! 8~l1t~~ ~ '219) ";~ t.fcoPI 70 S S8 11 '""'' I ,.. ,...... ... •Pt pf f 14 IA 30.o.. l'°l~lFE • 10 I~• ~. ...... ~ II tlO 4) 'Ito 11S •\•, 1, V•P~ I ID 11 i •-•'••, JttOnH .3' 11 .. I'. CrwZ•I 1 14 ,.. u •' h &•P• pfl,.. 12 1'0. .. z~· . 31 ,.,. ii. NllCH SJ It « ,. • 1 s I I .. --· ~ =~= :1::! 'J; m:. rltl pl4"' .. ..... "' G:~ ::a:t : ~ ~: II , "'·" •• ~ .~ NwtrS n _!A 6-01~ ,,.. JO) ~ ~ ~~;i~· '! ·m 'L. rltl pf83 OS ti n l.. GerbPd ,, ,,. 9 50I 23,, 1 Quint , 12 ,.. ,._ alll!ICI J• 1 111 u •, SI •• u11trnct 10 11 ''-. t.!Cd 9 2 a IOS !!"' Cr11mF 11' 11 ''° 51'•' '• GerlDS< 12 JS 45 ll\1 ... G., 2 .0 • 21 )•lo. <I~ 2 10 1 2'el 11 N IA .. • \, VlrO Of 1 IO I 10'" ='•'x t: :: .: ,,... Cul-'IO , ~ ... Gttty , 60 s tSS ..... 21• •"''" .. ,. • <IP Of • ' _,.... 11 10\0 UCblTV ,. n 11 It' •• '• Jeold• flf•.o. 1 60\l ullln n 17 110 41~ • "' Gl..,IP 11> u 7"' • "'Lat1I.,. .eo 11 '3 " clP Off IO '' ti .. > 1~ 1:~ , .. unE.nrt 1 )2 J )A) JS\\ '"' !MflfCp , 1.1 ,,. n•. lltnEn , " II ., .. GlbrFn !IS '°" ~ ••Uni ,, ,. 14.J 10'0 clP "'Ju 11 u io.. I 11 • 1Jl1 11 • Vlllllftl , ., , l)J n ... ... r calling 72, 754~ Datsuns Uf;'l'ltOIT IAI') 'l'lu• U 8 d1i.u 1hu1m· ol U .tL.,un and Nlk.'.1111 Vt•hid1·:. ,., u -t·:11ltn14 7i,7M D.11!.un t011d el :110 lu.td 1b.1t·k t.11 & I rum 1h1· Hl7!J 19»0 modt·I y1•ar lx~aww 111 po11•11tH1lly luulty t<11I ahd bruk1· lt>(hls rn 11 t.t.1t1•1111•111 1·1•l1•ust•d Monday, Nisi.an 11;.i1d 1·1rc·u1try that 111ay lw 1111pn•1wrly ass1•111IJl<'d c·ould l'llUM.• ta d u11d br11k<• h~h l:. tu dlin ur work 1111l y intcrmU.tc11L1v Nu Ht 1·11lt•nb 01 lllJlll'I(·:. hav1• l1t•1•11 lt'tXJI lt•d, he• .. :1111. V{•h1d1• uwn<.>n. will rt'<'•·1v1• h•ltt•IH U.'lk1ng lht·m lo• h.1v1· thl1 t•;,,.,, 1·epuin'<.l lrl't· <1t l);1L\un dN1lcn;h1P'>, Jo'r1•y ,;11d Highway repair bill due WA S lllNt:TON (AP) 'fra n !>po rtatw11 ~·~·1e ·1,11 y Dn•w Lewtl> bald lht· :.idm1mstrauon was puu111g l hl' fmul tout•h1·:. wdu y o n a $5 ~ h1 ll1on lughwuv n.'pa11· lulhhal would l'retitc-"175,00U dt1t.'('l Jllh .... Ill ti 111 .. 1 l'IH'll<lll .. Congi l"-'i ·~ wk1ng tht· prnpo~I up in th li11Tlt'· duek Sl~..,um, wh1eh ht•ga11 Munday. om.I Lt1Wlb ~td hl· M'l'!> no holdu~ 10 go1111ng pa.ssag<.• Th• 11111 would oidd ~> cc-nl.S to llw (1'(.lt•ial gu~hm: 111x 111 I in:om't • lht• Lvn~u·uction M1·:111whlll•, Stm. Bob Doll•, R-Ka n., 1.1nd t'huirman of llw Fm.m(•(' Commilll'f,•, prt•d 1c·l<.'d tlw proix>sal, 111 ~onw fo1 m . would "sad through" Con l(rl•ss. Tht• t1omrnitt1·t· phms a ht•aring on thl· idl'a toe.lay. Chrysler talks resume 111c;11 LAN'l.> l'AHK , Mith (AP) Tulk s tx•twt'<1n tlw ll1111t•d Auto Wor kt'l'S a nd Chrysll'r Corp. n ·-.unwd 111 lht U111tt•d Swt<~ today and t'Ontmuc'<.I in C.::mada. but tlw l'l'Ul'tJI 1~U<' of ptiy Is nut <'Xpt.'l'll'tl LO t•omt' up unltl lult·r in tht• w1•l'k The U.S Hilk., had n'Ct-i..wd on Wt'<.lnt'M.lay (or th<> Th:ink!>g1v1ng hululay, but Canadwn.,, who t•elebrc:ttt.'d Than~g1ving on Ul·t 11. tvn1111m'll bargaining on non·e<.'On®11c 11c•n1.'> Chrysll'1 C 111L1d a 1wgot1ator.. rl'turnt.-d Monday to mam·t.al>le bargaining 111 Toronto. "Th1•rt• arl' s till a lot of thmg~ that havt.• t.o be Cft'ar\.od up Jt tht' main tabh.• bt.'fnrt> Wl' get to an l'l'ononH( urf<'r." ~aid Gurdon Pfc-1HC'r, a Chrysler C;mad;l spok1~mun STOCKS IN JHE SPOTLIGHT NEW 'YORK IAPI SaleS Mon<ley P•!Cie e110 ne1 cn•ooe of 1he fllleen mos1 acuvt New York Slock bchange 1nu ... lr•dlt\g na1oona11y al mote lh8n S 1 PerkE tmf't 2,010.300 11'• • ''" Eu on 1,m .200 "'• '" P.tn Am 992,.00 J\, ' 1 • Gen Mo101i S...IOO ~· • 11. EmryA~ US • .00 "\>! • '• 18M Sll.100 .,. I .. *•m•r Tl T .,,,600 s••~ "' W•rnrGom ·09,000 ~J\,. 11 • Ou~~ P-0 5,800 21 •~ Ctlle<Svce •20.SOO •1•. " AMR CO•P '''·"°° ,, • I I S.•r\Rotb .tu .soo J01• • '• Merrill lyn •U 'OCI '1'• I V• EIP-410 600 13.. .. •m~H•U m 800 II WHAT STOCKS DID N[W YOAIC IAP) Nov 1'I Aov~nceo Ot<ll~O Un<"'°n~ Tot•I •UIH'\ N•w ruon' Nt • IOw\ "" .. ,, ..... l. Uf('l lod.4y -.-io MO '"' 'it • NEW 'fOko. 1AP1 Nov 1' AdHllCl'O 0.CllMd UntllallQl'O To1e1 .,,.,., Ntw nooM New IOw~ METALS NEW 'VOAK tAPI me101 prtoes Monaay To.Jay 1'> 1Al 1'0 . ., so 1 Copp•• 68'•· 72 Ceo•• 4 POUllll u s desllnAllons lee<! 2 •' •·26 cenls a pour1d Zinc: 38-42 "'"'' a povnd <1~1v1t~ T1n Sii 03S 1 Metals Weeto. comoo•t1• lb Alumln""' 76 C9"11 II pound N v ... rcurr 5365 00 """ nnk Plellnum S3•0 OO-S3d oO 110¥ ounct N'I' SI LY ER COLD QUOTATIONS SI" 1...i -Id CJOl<I p• ,. 1.1"<~ LOftdon mo'"'"ll '1""0 $4211 SO "" ''0 16 • London •ll~•noo11 """II S•!I• 00 up ,,6 2~ ...... ~ll••noon h'lf'Q se;ie 09 up $1l 70 Frllfllll\l•I '"''IQ S•.oa QI \IP s 16 !15 2-" 1a1 .. 1n.,noon 11 .. ng $431 50 up $ 14 50 l>oll, Sol32 !>O .-s•.o H•ndr • He•m•n ion•• ''~·•~ 1111111e1 S•J• 00 vo Sl4 7S l_....•d lot>ly dO•ly Qo; 1~1 so~ 00 UP SJ• fb u~Ts'" .. d ronty O•"'• quotN SA!>!> 10 uo SYMBOLS AMERICAN LEADERS ... . .. . "' I 1' . '"' •I •• '· . '• \~ UPS ANO DOWNS NEW YORK IAPI The IOllow•11t1 11'1 .,..,... .... ..... '\'()t~ S10c-El<hatl9t \loO..t Incl werranti 11\al llav• -uP 11141 mo\I - -n IM motl .. ..., on i:r(tlll 01 ('*'91° t-tdlft• ol YOfumlt 0~o ~~rft trtldi11t1 below 12 ere oncl· U<ltO Ntl .,:, ~<Ctnla91t CNlnllH •r• ,._ g~:!:'~~·Moe='; ~=-Of'•VtOUS Ck>~fno UPS La•~ •• ,°1., 1 .. :11 • ]I, fl' • I. ,. , .. /i.-4 61• • \1 .)41) • ,~. ••' · . ,, ' l'• .. '• ,., ... l l· l~ ') • 14 14 • ' l•i. • I 60 •• ''• . ~ .,~. • a ,., ~ ' 1•. ,, . . .. .. 111' ' u1 • • •· 1'. 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But perhaps most impgrtant, you'll have .. the added peace of mind of knowing your investment is insured up to t BANK OF AMERICA .. 11.~MINIMUM DEPCXlt ····~, .. • ·Federal regulations don't allow us to offer the Cash Maximizer account until December 14, but you can get ready fc;>r your interest bonus now. Simply fill out one of the coupons and save it until December 14. Then bring it to Bank of America and cash in on the Cash Maximizer account. BANK ON THE LEADERTM • l 0 • llllJPlll lUCSOAY, NOV 10, 1982 J ClllllfllD 04 . Anteaters get an u~expected scare UC/ nips Oregon, however, 46-44 • Jn • overtime ~,....,....._..,c...,._...,, UCl 's T od Murphy shoots a jumper p ver Oregon's Gary Gatewood Mo nday night. Sea Kings, ·Newport best in Sea VieW By ROGER CARLSON Of 1M D.U, l"tlol II.if BASK ETBALL Corona del Mar High's Sea Kings, bolstered by the return of All-CIF guard Mike Hess, and CIF playoffs last season. Newport Harbor. with a bundle Dave Palmblade, a ~-senior of returning starters, appear to who a:eraged 8.9 points a game, be the teams to beat in the Sea is the only returning starter, and View League as non-league and the only-other letterman is 5-10 tournament basketball games senior Pa u 1 Edson. who saw begin W~nesday. action in 16 games. averaging 1.6 While these tw o appear Lo points a game. have the edge, the leagu e The balance o f the starting appears to be very well balanced... unit..i£-expected to come from 5-9 Here's a capsule look al each of senior Mark Williamson, 5-9 the Sea View League teams: ' senior Phil ~os-;-o-3 senior Ted Corona d el Mar Stitt. 6-5 senior Roger Ting. 6-3 ju nio r H a rk Coo k and 6 -5 Hess, who will be playing for sophomore Ka.rl Kimme. Texas w he n he moves on to Williamson Is conside red a l'Ollege ball, is the key for the Sea good ball handler. Kos can also Kings -and right now that's a ha ndle the ball, as well as shoot, By JOH'N SEV ANO OftM ~"9tlleff UC Irvine's basketball team got un un(•xpc<.·tcd scare Monday night, and Coach Bill Mulligan 1s hoping th(.• Anteaters will be a bctwr team lx'<:ause of it. The Oregon Ducks, who don 't look like much of a Oiv1s1on 11 team never mind an entry from tht.• Pac-10.' gave the Anteaters all they t.'Ould handle before UCI finally prevailed, 46-44. in overtime before a sparse turnout of 2.19:1 a t tht• Anaheim Convention Center. THE DUCKS gave Mulligan's squad a host of trouble, not only with their tempo (which was slow), but also with their tcgrehiveness and muscle around the offensive and defensive boards. . "They o ut-physicaled u s badly," admittro Mulligan as he looked at the final box S<:ore and saw his team outrebounded. 31-19. "Oregon is we ll disciplined and l think that hurt us because we've been preparing all year with a 30-second clock." The Pacific Coast Athletic Association's two new rules of a 30-second clock and three-point prea (from 19-feet away) were both waived by the Ducks, who have dramatically changed their style from a year ago. Last season, the Ducks were a run-and- Donahue believes in miracles PASADENA (AP) -UCLA football Coach Terry Donahue says he has to believe in miracles. He needed a victory by his own club and losses by both Washington and Arizona State lo underdogs In season finales for the Bruins to win the Pacific-IO title and go Lo th.e Rose Bowl to face Big Ten l'hampion Michigan. AND IT HAP PENED. UCLA beat Southern Cal. Washington lost Lo Washington State and Arizona Stale lost to Arizona. Then, on his way to the media con ference at the Rose Bowl's Tournamt'nt House on Monday, Donahue·s car spun on rain-slick pavement. But he wasn't hit and he didn't hit anything. "Yes, I mus t b e li eve in miracles." he told the meeting a ftt'r apologizing for being 35 minutes late in arriving. The 69th re newal of the Rose Bowl game matches tw o clubs that split decisions within the past . year. Michigan whipped UCLA 33-14 in the Bluebonnet game last New Year's Eve. On Sept. 25 they met in a regular- season game at Ann Arbor and t he Bruins won 31 -27 -with the Wolverines inside the 10-yard line as time ran out. UCLA finished the season with a 9-1-1 record while Michigan . was 8 -3. both winning undi sp ute d confe r e n ce championships. Wolverin e Coac h B o Schembcchler said. "I believe it's psychologically in our favor that , we lost the regular-season game. gun l<'11111. Hut alt1•r finishing 9-IH ov1•r:1ll nnd 4-14 In thl' Pac-10. Coach Jim Huawy dt't.'ltkd lo makt• u t'hangc. In frn.•t. if 1t wasn't for th(• cxplmts of Bob Thornton, who M."Onod all his 14 point.lo Ill thl• :.t•c:ond half. tht' Antt.•<1ters would rt.·a lly be.· t.tilkmg to thcm~lws. AS A RESULT, tht• Ou1:ks have• sluw1'<.l Thurnt<m, who Spt.>nl all of last year m ttw tf'mpo down «ons1dc•rably, and th<>st• <1r<> th<' shadow of tht• mut•h-hl'rald(-d Kevan tht.• lumb of lcanll> that have always ~1vt.•n Magc'I.'. d 11.Jn't g1·t his game m gear until Mulligan troubk• in the past 10:50 wm. left an r<:gulauon. But on<.-e ht. "I think they wanted tu beut us bud did. he was overpowering. lx'l.'UUM· of lui.t y<•ar," lillid guc.rd Gl•<:>rgt.• Tht• 0-9 Junior not only ac;.'COunted for all Turnc·r. n •ft.•rnng to UCl's 90-84 v1t·lory at (Jf UCl's polnL' in Lht• overtime period (six) On•gon. ''Plus, ( think the t'O:lch 1s on the ht• ah.o S(.'Or('d 14 of the team's final l!i Vl'r'gl' of lx1ing ftrt.'d so that's prolxlbly why points tht.·y thrt'W it around. "I l<"i. got lo play for us. He's got to do a "I think it's a great win for the way thl'Y pb," S<lld Mulligan of Thornton's work in playt•u We're not ust•d Lo playing like thl· m1ddlt.» that." Thomton, who averaged only 4.2 points a Con s1dt•ring t h e c·ontest was thl' game last year, said he spent most of the Antct1wrs' first countable outing -<2.f-1b..c __ summer trying to improve himself. season (they playl'd an exhibition last week against the University of Albert.a), many of "THERE WAS A tame when I was tht• tt•:1m's problems could be attributed to ll'ntativt• to shoot. lt's not that I lackc'<l first-game jitters and a need to work out confidence, it's just that I was tentative. some of the kinks. "I'm not that way any morl!." Howewr, thc~l' wen• some obvious voids Going right at Oregon's 7-0 center Blair-'----1 that are going to need lo be corrected RasmusSC'n, Thornton canned 6 of 9 shots quickly. Bt.'Sidc.-s their anemic performan<.-e from thl' fil'ld and both free throws he o n th <' boards, UC l also s hot an attemptl•d. unc.:harut•tt.•ristk 4:i percent (20 of-47) from It was his three-foot jumper off the glass Lhl' f1l'ld and couldn't get their inside game that gave UCI a 42-40 lead 15 se<:.'Onds into going until th<· St.'l'Ondnal . (See UCI, Page 02) ---·--· bit cloudy because of a foot and Still is a good shooter and injury suUered earlier in the jumper. according to Parsel. school year . Ting, Cook and Kimme are all I t w a s d I a g n o s e d a s a aggressive rebounders. "T HE F ACT we're playing UCLA will probably help us," the Michigan coach said. "We had a great se r ies with Washington. I never have seen Arizona State but I think UCLA is the best. I don't know how much UCLA has changed, but I know we have changed quite a bit. "IL is no surprise to me that we (See UCLA, Page DZ) UC Irvine's Bob Tho rnto n fights for loose ba ll along with O regon's Blair Rasmussen (left ) and Greg Bell (No. 10). a Sunset League: It's a three-team compression fracture of the top O t h e r s i n c 1 u d e G a r y of the arch and it flared up last G reenwood (5-9), Mike Halley week during practice, making his (5-9), Tom Bokosky (5-10). Jeff availability for the Sea Kings' Frei (6-0) and Paul Peck (6-4). opener Wedn esday against race Huntington Beach in the Marina Eli Tor• Tournament tentative. Jeff Arnold, a 6-9, 210-pound Ocean Vie w, Edison and Hunting ton-Beach fig ure as the schools to b eat "With Hess healthy we can be junior center, is the core of the competitive," says CdM Coach C h argers' s trength. which ~ROGER CARI.SON Jack Errion. "He can control a Includes five returning lettennen .. ~,... ..... game." from a team which went 4-17 last • Sunset League basketball teams begin H 6 0 I l k season. t ou r nament and non -leagu e action ess is a -sen or p ayma er, Arnold was the team'• MVP aa Wednesday with their aighis set on league and also returning ls senlor guard play -and if t here's anything you can Da V S•~nhuy•"" The r-t a sophomore and averaaed 8.3 ve an ~ ...... ..... · ., pinpoint now. it's height, a 1prinklina of f h d h · points and 7.8 rebounds a3ame. ., o t e aqua • owever, is G So returning stars and relative ine xperience · ri need · uards nny Lewis an Todd inGi:g ~yon' (6-3 sr.) and Karl Inglehart. along with forwards whicn fiighlighl the 1982-83 outlook. Jim Hammel and Jim Martin.en Newport Harbor High transfer Byron Wolff (6-4 sr.) are Errion's .. T Ball, who has already d.volared he wa'll starters at forward and at center gtve 1:.1 oro experience at every ""'" It'll be either Chip McKibben position. a ttend the University of Oregon, gives (6-5 sr.) or Tom Val"fee (6-6 sr.), "Every team in the league 'Ocean View a slight edge on the field, i h bo h babl i I feels it has a legitimate chance of although Fountain Valley and Huntington wt t pro Y see ng c oee k h I l ro..-Beach arl' a lso given legitimate shots at th<> to equal playing time. ma iRg t e p ayoffs,' says ~ch u Hess lan't ready, Jon Forte Tim Travers, "and we e~pect to league crown. l (6-1 sr~) r obably gets the be in the running." Hf.'rt''• a cap11ule look at each or tht• I Hammel (6-3) and Martinsen. league.>' a t•ntries: start ng . Other s In t h e CdM stable (6-5) give El Toro a 11<>1id front include aenior J on RobllOn (6·1) line look and the Chargers have and junlon Scott Dou8lal (6·1), 6-6 sophomore Chuck K unaitls Scott Green (6·3), BUT Kendall in a backup role at. center. (5-10) and Matt Schonert (6-3). Others include Rodney Gatlin C .. ,,_ -eu (6-3), Steve Hackett (6-3), -Jn Arth ur Keeten (5-7), a Santa A major rebulldlna job la In An a Valley tran1(er, Bo11er order for Coech Tim Paniel a(ter Leary (6-0), Pat Nelson (6-2), auktl"I the Muat.ants '° a 15-9 Brian Sch reder <5 ·9), Steve overall record and a berth in the (See SEA VIEW, P11e DJ) '- I Edl~on 'Th~ d(•rendlng leagu(' champions hav<> B lot of holf'I \0 rm. including thole_ le(\ by Richard Chana and Rack DtBemardo, who~ arc now at Cal and Notre Dame. in addition to a complete rebulldin1 job In the backrourt. "We'll bl-youn1 and iMXPf'l'Wnced," •)'t Coel·h S.rry· kl1h. "but If w. atay hfflthy and lmprov•. w• oould b. a pretty aood • _BA_S_K_E_T_'B_AL_L __ m team by January We have d~nt size and quicknes.ci" Leigh has two returning letterme n in Jeff Washington (6-1) and Chris Millard (6-tl). and Ken Krazkowski (5· 10 sr.) appears to hBve thl' right tools for point guard _,.. Tim Wertnt•r (6-1 Jr ) is an out.side threat and Brad llacten (6-4 jr.) is a solid ddl'nsiw ~r(ormer. Washington led the Chargers in sc.-orlng durin~ the summt'r and appt'Brs to be the No. 1 weapon for Edison. 0 t h c r 11 w h o s h o u 1 d ma k e a o nn• l'ontributlona, 1nt'lude Rodney Johnson ((1-5. jr.). Brl'ndon Maste rson (6-:1 sr.). Do rryl lwosakl (5-9), Randy Hamilton (fi 0). Brut.'l' McAlpnw (6· 1 ), Andy SlnclatP. (tl ()~ Don Gibb! (6 4) ond John Thomas (tl· 11 .......... ' .. ,, ... , Tht• I U\'('('11 of thf S.ron•' undf'ttl•• tc'llma tt>Uld be<'ornt matt evklft\t thil year with playf'na who haw rolt.d to 47 ...a.ht vlC'torin filter up throuP th• .vual\y • . ranks. an add1t1on to the Barons'. two full- tim(' and two parttimc:' players from last year's squad. "We're young and fairly im-xpe~."--- says Barons Coach Dave Brown, but we have talent, good siw, fair depth and good quit'kn~ ... Up front are lette rmen Rob Whitehair (6-6 sr.) and Rolf Jacobs (6-7 jr.), and it's thas romblnallon which the Barons wlll rely on for much of their SU«"eU. AlliO umon~ the hnt-lmers are 6-0 senior Julian Harry. Drew Brown (6-3 jr,) and MJkc Nt•wton (6-0 jr.), the latter pair seeing varsity expcr ll•n<:e as IOphomores. Mikt.• T inney (6-5 jr.), Brent HaNK>n (6·3 jr .) 11nd Brent Martin (6-6 soph.), along with Tom Power. also flgutt-promlrl('nlly. Tinney was the Sunset Leagu e's sophomorl' MVP l\nd Hanson wa11 the '81 Junior vurslty !K.'Orlng lcad('r. Tom BriM• (6-1 sr.). Ro&<>r li1gbt.>e (6•2 ar.) and Churk Wllllama·(6·2 ar.) round out •h• ... wed.-- ll••ll•#I•• ... e. The OHen of eo.c:h Roy Mlll•r coulit bec!OIM U.-... to a..toby thti Um. tHl'i* C ... llJNIBT, .... DI• ! • ' Ramsey, Elway tops; Canadlens bomb Winnipeg, 9·4 M11rlu 7rrrnbl•Y M•111•tl t\\111· lllld •11hh-.I Ull U"•ll•t Ill '""I ' M1111111·.1I to o II -1 v11 l111 v 11v1•1 W111n11w.c 111 htghh~hl NllL i11 t11111 Muiuluy nighl '. t-;li.t•wlw11•. Mmnc ... otu u ·ntt•1 Nt'il Uroh~n l't•lt•hrnh'\I hl!t :.thd birthduy With II t(OHI a11d lWll ll'-'ll.,l1' 111 It•" thon row nllllUll'!I> lh11l lwl(l4-.I tu l(IVI' tlH· N1111h S11tn1 .1 .I :1 111 · w1 1h < ';111-tary llttnlt1 Savard, Su•vc-l.arm .. r 111111 Oennl• Cyr u:1d1 M'Uft•d 111 .. 1 p1•1111d jo(lllll' IU 1111 .. 1r1•11kllll{ C'h tt•agu 111 a :1 I w in 11v1•1 N1•w J1•rli1•y Tlw Vl{'llll'Y w.1i. llw f1flh s1t·a1~IH und tlw 10th m 11 ~anw" lur lilt' Black Ila" ks Ka pp Coach of Year · _a_u_o-te_o_t -.th-e -da-y~-----.,,, From AP-dlspukhl•i. Tom RtllllSl'Y 1l f UCL.A and John Elwuy or Stan lonl. lWO of l'Olll•gc football's lc.•udrng pnss...•1·s. wc.•n • 11amc.•d Co-Pla yc.•r 1> uf lhl.' Year in the Pac1f1<.·-IO and sharl'd lht' ftrsl-tl•am quurll'rlxick des1gnat1 on 0 11 lhl' a ll-confcre n cl' team announl·cd Monday J oe Kapp. the former California quartt•rb<Jck who relurm'Cl to Bt.·rkt•lc.•y lh1s year and guided tht• G olden Bears to a 7-4, rt't'Ul'd, was .named Cooch of tht.• Yt'ar. The Bears were 2-9 lust yl'tlr. KAPP A SC'<.'Ond l<'am scleC'llOn at punll'r 1!1 J C'ff Partridge, an t•x-GoldC'n W e s t Col lt•ge stundout. Pn('-10 head ('Oac h C's sl•lt•<.·wd lhc a ll-confereoce warn. and the first-pla<..'t' lie in Play<.•r of the Year voting was only the s<.'<.'ond in hr:-;tory. Quarterbacks Guy Be njamin of Stanford und Warren Moon of Washington tit'CJ in 1977. Ranisl·y, runkeu No. I na~jonE1lly in pa~ing e fficiL•ncy. passt•d for 2.824 yards and 21 touchdowns while allowing only 10 interceptions for lht• Bruins. 9-1-1. Elway bt>came the first player in t•onforC'nce history lo pass for 3,000 yards in onl.' st•ason, totaling 3,242. OlfenM OB-JOiin Elway, senior S1anlord, Tom Ramsey, senior, UCLA RB-Jacque Robinson, sopnomore. wasntnglon. Vincent • wn11e. sen•or Stanford. \lance Joonson. sophQm()(e, Arizona Rec -Cormac Carney senior. UCLA. Paul Skans1. senlOr, Wastungton. Cn11s OreSHI senior. Slanlord _ Line-Tony S1a1on 1un1or. Soulh81n Cal. Bruce Ma11news, sen1ot. Soutnern Cal. Jell K1ewet senlCH, Artzona, Don Mosebar, senior Souenern C.1. Harvey Selem. senior, Cal 0.lenN Line-George Acnlca. senior. Southern Cel, Jim Jelfcoal. • senior. Arizona S1ate. Kan Morgan. senlOf. UCLA, M•k• Walle<. sent«, Oregon Llnebacke<a-R1cky Hunley, tumor. Anzona. Mark Stewart. Mftlot. Washington. Vernon Maxwell, senior. Arizona State: Jeck Oel Rio, sophomore, Soothern Cal • Backs-Mike Rleh81dM>n. HnlOr, Arizona Stale; Joey Browner, Mnior. Soothern Cal, Vaughn W1lllam1, junior, Slanlord. Al Gross. senlOf, Arizona SpecJalry-Mlke Black, senior. Ar11ona Stale, (punter). Steve Brown. senior, Oregon. (kick returnert. Place-kicker-Chuck Nelson, senior, Washington Second THm OffenN Backs-Bryce Oglesby. Oregon Slota. Tim Harris, Washlnglon Slate: Darryl Clack. Arl1ona Slate Rec-Jojo Townsell. UCLA: Jell Simmons, Sourhern Cal; David L-IS. Cal Line-Eric Moran, Washington: Ron Sowers. Arizona Stare: Don Dow. Washington. James Keyton. Arizona Slate, Cntls Rose. Stanlord. Second THm 0.fenae line-Reggie Camp, Cal, Bryan Caldwell. Arizona Stale. Ray Callllil•· Wash1ng1on, Ivan Lesnlk, Arizona. 1,.!nebacka<s-Olenn Perllins. Arizona. Riki Gray, Southern Cal, Ron F\ivera, Cal, Keith Browner. Southern Cal. Baek.a-Paul Moyer. Arizona Stale. Don F\ogefs. UCLA Ray HOt1oo. Wasl\inglon. Lupe Sanctie1, UCLA Speclally-Jeff Parlridge. W1Shlng1on, (punter); Ma11e1 Ford, Cal. (k-ck reeurnert. Luis Sendejas. Arizona State, (place-kicker) Ke vin Moen, llll' t'ali~nu11 dd1ms1':'t' buck whu run uin1d tht' S tanftml hand 111 t·.1pµ1n g lh1• w11<J, f1vt· luli•ral, fl5 yurd kickoff l'l'lUl'll for lht• Wllllllllg lUUl'hdoWll -in Cut's 25-20 v11;tory oVl'I' Sumhm.l. "On,,.. I got ix1st th1.· last wh1t1.• J('l'M.'Y· l k1ww 110 om• wus f(01ng lo l'tll('h mt• I wu:.n't ~01ng to lel band meml>l•rs s lop n~l' " Decision day nearing for NFL Thl· NFL's t h1d n••gottutur und • till' l'Xl'CUllVl' dirt'<.'tor of lht• players' union nwl pnvult•ly in :m l•fforl lo iron out languag1• problems 111 tht• tl•ntal1ve agrl't'nl<'nt of Nov 16 thul <•mf<.'d tht· 57-clay NFL play<'rs' strikt• Mt-anw h11t., pluyl•r rL•prl':c-.l'nt:Jt1v1.•s from around th<• k'<.1g u1.• were sdwdull'<.l lo bt· pulll-.1 l;,ill'r today on whl·lht!r lht•y will l'l'<.'Ollltnl'nJ thal thl• rull mc.•mbcrsh1p t•itlwr ratify ur rt•jt•ct the c:o ntra<.·l wht'n the ll•agul•'s I .50C> players volt' on il Friday ... Thr t•c-ti mt· Cy Young Award winnc•r Tom Seaver mtiy rnturn to the· NC'w York Mets by F riday if lhl· Nat1onul Leagul' dub can work oul a truut· w1lh th<' Ht•ds ... Rob Carpenter signed a multl-yt•ar contrat·l Monday with the New York Gau nt:>. e nding u stundorf that lx·gan after lht• fullbac·k k.U tht• NFL team to it:> first pluyofC appl'Urance Ill 18 ycurs. No terms or thl' C.'Ontracl were revl'alcd . . Ray "Boom Boom" Mancini announ<.·cd lalt' Sunday night that he will rt-sunw h1!> boxmg can•t•r. Television, radio F.!]llowmg an.' th<' lop sports <.•vt.•nL'l on TV tonight. Ratings :.ire: v v v v cxcellc·nt, V' v""" worth watching; v v faar; v forget ll. (j) 6:30 p.m ., Channel 9 v v v NBA BAS KETBALL: L a ke rs at San Antonio. Announcers: Chic k H curn and Keith Erickson. Tht.· Lakers w ill begin a brief swing through T exas which will take th em t o Houston Wedn<'Sd ay as well. bc.'fore they return home to face divisional rival P o rtland at the Forum Friday. The Lakers, 12-3 overall, tra il first-place Seattle by 11/i games c nll'ring play tonight. San Antonio 1s perccnt.agc points lx•hind Kansas City in lhc Midwest Division. RADIO Bask etball Lakers at San Antonio, 6:20 p.m .. KLAC (570); Sant.a Clara at USC, 8 p.m., KNX (1070). l{oC'key -Kings at Vant'Ouvc.'r. 7:50 p.m , KPRZ ( 1150). Bucs gained some respect TAMPA. Fla. (AP) -The way Neal Colzie sees it, Tampa Bay gamed respect and he evened a personal score during the Buccaneers' 23-17 National Football League v1cl0ry over the Miami Dolphins. championship. "I'll trade that win for the Super Bowl WC' won sn '77 In fact. I'd trade a ny Super Bowl victory to beat Don S hula." "l h o pe people realize Tampa Bay is no pushover," Colzic said Monday night aft.er the Bucs whipped the Dolph ins for the fi rs t time in six meetings between the intrast.al<' rivals. "I wan ted to beat them bad. and we gave them a good old- fashioned beating." Colz1e. who signed w1lh the Bucs as a free agent a fter Sh.ula cul him during training camp in 1980, mtercepted two fou rth-quarter passes and returned one o f them 51 yards to scl up what turned out to be the winnmg touchdown. ;: The triumph, before a national lelevisio"o a4'1ience and Tampa Stadium crowd of 65.854, was t}?IJ Bucs' first of the strike-shortened season and ~e Tampa Bay NFL bragging righ ts in Florida. James Wilder plowed into the end zone from 2 yards oul to give Tampa Bay a 23-10 lead ~ith ~:27 re maining .. But lhe Sues needed their fifth interception of the night. -a nd fourth of Miami quarterback Don Strock .. to st.op lhe Dolphins' final threat. ·1 S trock, w h o replaced an ineffective David Woodley at the st.art of the second half, di('ected two fourth-quarter SC'Ormg dnvcs lhat. kept Miami in the game And. he had the Dolphins movin~ agajn when Mike Washington caml' up with his St'<.'Ond inten.-cption as tim<' expired And for Colzie. a Miam i native and former Dolphin, it was a •·personal victory" over his fonner teammates.and Coach Don S hula, who saw his 3-1 Dolphins drop from the unbeate n ra nks. "I'm happy, I'm sausfied . It's a persot\al viclOry," said Colzie. who was a member of the ·Oakland Raiders when the club won its first world "I m.ide the swatch at halftime hoping that we could get some things gomg under Strock and get some p<>1nts on lhc board," saad Shula. NFL standings National Conference WL P ct. PF PA Washington 4 0 1.000 98 73 Dallas 3 1 750 97 66 Green Bay 3 I 750 IO I 64 New O rlt.•ans 3 I 750 67 58 Atlanta 2 2 500 84 92 Detroit 2 2 .500 59 57 Minncsot<i 2 2 .500 81 66 St. Louis 2 2 . 500 71 82 I 3 .~50 37 79 ~icago ams I 3 .250 74 102 NY Giants 1 3 .250 63 Philadelphia I 3 .250 81 San Fran. l 3 .250 89 Tampa Bay I 3 .250 55 Monday's Scor e Tampa Bay 23. Miami 17 Thursday's Gam e San Francisco at. Rams, n Sunday's Games 76 89 90 69 Seattle al Los Angeles.Raiders BufCalo a l G r een Bay al Mllwaukt>e Houston at New York GianL<J Minnesota al Pittsburgh American Confer ence W L Pct. PF PA Buffalo 3 1 750 64 40 Cincinna ti 3 I .750 96 63 LA Ra iders 3 1 .750 106 86 Miami 3 1 .750 95 78 NY Jets 3 I .750 11 1 65 Pittsburgh 3 l .750 86 74 Cleveland 2 2 .500 66 69 New Engld 2 2 .500 67 J5 San Diego 2 2 .500 89 71) Seattle 2 2 .500 61 54 Denver 1 3 .250 57 91 Houston l 3 .250 60 I 0 I Kansas City l 3 .250 59 7J Baltimore 0 4 .000 33 105 NITTE: The top eight teams sn each confcrenl't' will qualify for lhe playoffs. Minnesota at Miami New England at Chicago S t-Louis al Philadelphia San Diego at Cleveland Tampa Bay at New Orlean Cincinnali at. &IUmor(' Dallas 3l Washington Atlanta at Dcnvt'r Monday, Dec. 8 New York J et.'i at .DNrnit, n lllTED OFFER 10.15% A.P.R. , .. LINCOLN MERCURY FNNCltG AVAlAaE °" All 2626 H•rbor llvd., Cotta Meta 540-5630 .. 1912't 1111.111 ... Vice Prnldent JOHNSON &SON presents ... NFL , ..•. " ....... Thun., o.c: 2 .-RAMS over San fftlncisco Sunday, Dec. 5 * Chicago over New lngland * San Diego .,,., Cleveland * L.A. Raiden over Seattle UCLA • • • From Page 01 a11· b11tli 111 11• a~u," l w lklld "h w,,., .,lkh ,1 J(l•'•ll K!lllll' Ill 1\1111 /\111111 th,1l II tl 1'111·1 Vi''°' Ill IH' 1 t·µluye-.1 " A I l h I) ll M h I) 11 11 ll h u I' II II cl Sd11•mlwd1li•r d11n't s1•1•111 to uu11•1• cm 111ud1 , tlwy huvc • lht• s .J 111 c• f t' t• I 1 n g., l h 11 t l h c• Wol vt•r llll'll &llJ In M Uii{' l h IOI( hL>cauM• tlwy IO!il the St•ptt·mhc.•r gurnl! "111 a ri •111all'l1, 11!1• l(•a111 lh111 los e 1 lw orlg111a I g:inw h1111 1 he• pi1yd111lug1t:al advantai:it•.'' 11u1u Donahu1• "Thut g0t.•s btt~'.k to my own pluy111g <•xp1.•n1•nc.•t'. lie• play1't.I on tlw l!llif> Ut:LA ll•a111 thhl lu'l to M1l'l1 igt1n Stolt• 13-3 to oix•n the: n •gulur S<•a.-.on aml tlwn l'Ulnt' bal·k lo l'tlgt• tlw same• lt'am 14-12 m the.• HOM.' Bowl ASKE D ABOUT rt•portt'<J btid fot•l ings bl'twt•t•n h1m,l'lf und OonahU<'. S<:h"ml>l'<.'h ll•r n •plwd, "I don't think anything that huppt•nl·d 111 tht• pn•v111u-; two gamc.·i. will aff1-.·t this gamt• Ill any m;,ignitudt•" Donohul' s ud. "It hasn't l:x:t·n a smooth n •latu111s h1p hut not a dt>t·idt'<I an1m11s11y" Of mc.'\'t111g the· Wolv<'rtm'S St1 oflt.·n, lw rommt•ntc'<.I, "Our ll•a m h 11s bt'l'll b1~ o n ac.·c·t·pting ch a l ll•ngt•s. NFL no-s how r e maining hig h From AP dispatches National Football LC'agul• t eams conlinuc.•d to play to smalle r than usual ('rowds this weekend as f.ms rC'mamt.'d slow t o fo r give a n d forg<'t th l' 57-day-long players strske. With all but tomlo(ht's game ht-tween M1am1 and Tampa &y counted . NFL tt>ams played to s tadiums that wcrc only 7-1 8 pcrt't..'nl full during lht• second weekend of postslnke play IJCI WINS, 46-44 . • • From Page 01 1111 11vl'rll1111· tJ4·11od. 111.11 k111,;t 1lw I 11 .. 1 111nt• lh•· J\nh•;1u•11> ht.Mt 1, ... .. 111<" On•uon huJ 1(01w 111 front :,m :!.7 With 18.:S.S rt•ffllllll lll" In tht• -..-.·1111d h111f A<'TllALLY. Tilt: ~a r111· "'·" tcod Uti 1f UCI Wlll'I J(lllll•: tu l.'11JOY u lauulwr. Th1.· l\11ll·.1tl11"W rlll'l'll OU t lo u n H I I t•1HJ aa. On·gon dicl11't t.Wt Its first hoop u11l il 5:•111 h:1d t•xpir't-<I Tlw /\nt1 •11tt1r~ l hPn expumltxl tlwlr rnurgm tu 23 15 bc..'fon· lht• Du1..•ks ( 1-J) fanully solvt•d ltll' ruldlc.· of uc.:1·11 to ugh J-2 zorw dt•f1•11::.t• The n•1>ull was an O rc.•gon ·use looking for new home LOS ANGELES (AP) Southern C al o ff1c1als have approJl'ht•d the Los Angl.'les DodgC!rs a.bout the pos.'libility of lht• Tropns' playing their homt• f ootball gam es 1n Dodger S tadium. according to James Z u m be r gt'. t h e u n i v t• rs i t y pr1·s1d1·n t. South e rn Cal hc.as bl'l'll involved in u dispute over t•ontrol of luxury boxes to Ix• built in th1• Los Angc lL•s Coliseun1 by lhc st.adium's n<·w ten;,int, the Los Angeles Raiders of the National Football League. Zumbcrge , how eve r , emph asized that Southern Cal wis h ed to rema in in t h e Coliseum. the Trojans' home sincC' the s tadium w.as built in 1923. HC' c:haractcrized lhe query to Dodgers' ow n C'r P e ter O'Mallcy about t h e use o f Dodger Stachum as preliminary. The Sou th ern Cal president said the Cnliseum Commission's plan for the proposed 174 luxury boxci. is unacceptable lo the S(·hool. !>Ul't(l' that i..1W t ht• ()u{ k11 11t't1r1• 0 ol tlw lu!tl 11 .,c11nt" 1n lht• lln.t hall 1md JO uf tlw l1111t ti an tht• lll'i'lllHI lo d liU Olt· a :11 'J.7 ,JdVJlllllKt' Bui 11 w.1,, .it 1hi11 point thul Mull1J<:111 i;w11d11,.1 h11> Anu·u t<•1;. ll)l(I II llllJI\ clt•ll'llM' Hild lht•y 1>lowly go t b1wk lnl1> the· bull KUUW ltnraflliinJ( the• Out:k s into a total of 2 1 tu1 novc.•ri;, UCI finully cuught il11 o ppom•11t at :lH, and ugain ul 40 whh 2: 11 to play. OREGON THEN WO\.tnd lh<' d0t·k down in order w ~ork for th<' loKt shot. Off an inbound s pu!>.'1 with 34 l:ll'COnds l('ft, David Branlll'Y· who led th<' Ducks with I:! points, saw an open ing and d rov<' to lht' hoop only to have.• lht• ball s t.ol('n by Turner. UCI th1.•n look ils lurn at p laying gav<.'away as Tod Murphy d ropp('d lh(' ball out of bounds along the baseline with fav1.• sc..'Onds W play Orl'gon dad gN t>H one last s hot durang regulataon, ;; 12-root.er by Gary Gawwood, but the ball was short., barely hitting lhc front of lht.• run. G 1 v t• n a s "('on d I if e, the Ant('alt'rs. behind Thornton, t.ook c.·ontrol in the overtime period. "I THINK we're a lot better than t.hey arc," said McDonald. who came up with a k ey offensive rebound and basket lt1l<• in rcgulat.lon play. "I think we s howed we were the f irst couple of minutes, l.00. We just shouldn't have lel them back in.'' "We should have beaten the hell out of these guys. Why we didn't, 1 don't know,'' concurred Murphy. "I'm not trying t.o make any cxcUS(.'S for this team, but we still have some things w e have to IC'arn," Turner added. "We know what the problems ar c so we should be able to correct them." Jones 'quest~onahle' FRESH LOCAL LOBSTER DINNER '8.95 Ro.un, quarl{•rback &>rt Jom·s. hurl in Sunday's g am<' a g a 1 ~ i. t K an s_a s ,C 1 l y. is .1 isl e d • as "questionable' ror Thurs<foy s ganw agamst the San f'runcssco 49crs. Durmg th<' fourth 4uart<'r or Sunday's 20-14 victory owr thl' Ch1<•fs. Jones suffered a pinched nt.'rve m his nc.'<·k thut •tullPd lift> Sl'nsa11ons in his left arm. He was to unuc.•rgo ll'SlS at Ccn.11nela Hospital lo Uelermme th!' M'Vt•rtly or lhC' lnJUry and Whether he'll be abl(• lO play m the.· na tionally t.elcvLsed meeting with the 4~c~ tn Anaheim Stadium. I • lnclude11 cboice of 11oup or 11alad, and potato or rice pilaf. .4 4 -r-" Call For -, ReHrvatioru ~t;/\ &73-772& 'W;/Jnt<I~ . · t.' ON rHC P£NIN~VlA . 101 .C I' BA I BOA I. IUMI llft. DOUBLE HOLIDAY SPECIAL ' ~ GET 2 YEARS1 .FOR PLUS 'hOlf ANNUAL RENEWAL DUES ~re ringing in the season at Holiday Spa Health Club. And in keeping with the holiday spirit, we're pre- senting you with the chance to enjoy all our f acil- ities and programs. Call or visit now a~ get 2 years for the price 9f 1 plus 112 off your annual renewal dues. Celebrate the season at Holiday Spa Health Club. Stop by for a free guest tour. Happy Holidays from all of us. Most Holk»y ~HM/th Clubs •r. «cnsllll• ro rfte mobHlty lmp11I~: ,,.nons w#dt d#YbllltJ.s. Including rhf> blind. .,. welrotN. FfffUm _,,.,..,. IW'"• fol ,,,.,, •nd W01Mn, •w#IMW 7 "-It• Wftk. .. • '- ... Lot Alamlto• MONOA\''8 M8UlTt (11111 ......... .,_......., ............ ) lr"'H MCI. 400 yardt. • Fett Tu (lonkt) 8 60 3 20 2 80 Comrldrle (Cardora) 3.60 3.00 January Junction (Frey) 7 40 Alto raced Countr y 8111ter. 8ebet Martini, Garden District. Callor. faclutlve Rloht. Ch1ro1n lrtah, Spr1no vatuetta l ime 20 to D IXACTA (8·1) peld $14 20 SICONO MCI. 350 yaraa Gotta Be PrOl)er (Pin)' 7 40 4.20 4.20 Mickey Rivera (Florea) 13.00 O 00 Ret>s lrllll Mill (Zufelt) 10.80 Also raced: First Apollo, Golla Go Boy. FHI EHier. LOIS or Smoothy, Lady LIH Two. Mui 8 Fast. Lii Urban Cowgirl Time t8. t7 THll'D RACI. 400 yards. Camblo 0. Oro (Mehl) 8.60 4 60 3.20 Uncont.,ted (Fryday) 6 60 3.60 Sunaet Foxy Lady (Creaoor) 5.00 Also raced: Tetco Joe. Holey Pockell. Game Breaker. Roya Brat, Heel• Oeck, Howe•d HelLinkl, Jimbo Charger Time. 20.46. St IXACTA (10·8) paid $41 00 FOIMTH MCI. 400 yaras Christopher Sly (Brka) 15.80 7 .00 4.60 Mr flny Oh (Leckey) 3 20 3.00 Son ot Talent (Ward) 7.20 Also racad: Heei Classy. lrlth Stiake. Windy Joker, Catch Luck. Added Value. Bob van Moon, Inflation Hedoe Time: 20.67 D EXACT A (6-3) paid SSS 20 FIF'TH RACE. 350 yards Fortune Rocket (Adrl 7 60 3.60 2.40 Tiny Oevlls Jet (Hart) 3 60 2 40 Arties Dart (Ward) 2 20 Alto rac;e<1· Confess. Blltlnosley, Jorelan Moon. Hes A Com1no Time· 17.81i •a EXACTA (5·2) paid $26.60 SIXTff RACI. 870 yards. HIQller Order (Frydey) 11 00 5.00 4 40 Kind I Spee<ly (T rNSU'8) 4 60 4.00 Merlin Boy (Veldei) 4 40 AlllO reeed: Seturday Warrior. Topaz Ba• Cancer. Top Em Up. Copy Pr1nce. Time: 46.41. SEVENTH RACE. 400 yllds. lovely Lou Anne (Cr or I 4 80 3 20 2 80 Azure Lorraine (Hafl) 4 20 3 20 Costly Charm (Adair) 3.60 Also raced. 8egorrah, Whal A Colly, Jet Set 8eby, Peacti Pleller. TirM: 20.31 SZ IXACTA (8-7) paid $18.80 '2 .. ICK llX (5· 10·6-5-1 ·8) paid S26,· 397.40 with one winning tlekel (al• horHSI $2 Pick Six c:'onsolatlon patd $258 60 with 34 winning tickets (live horsest EIGHTH RACE. 400 yards. Callmetlny (Harll 3 00 2 60 2.20 Hue Tru Rebel (Treasure) 3 00 2.40 ea Es T • (Creeoerl 2 .80 Also reced: Mr Merry Chick, Intrepid Man. Priam Bug Time; 19.99. t SZ IXACTA (7-6) paid $6.60 MNTH RACI.. 400 yards Face Oete (FrdYI 11.80 S.80 3 80 0eweya Bright Moon (8levln1) 4 40 5.60 Wylackle Oath Away (Tonks) 3 00 A1so·race<I: Wrangling Ruter. tale Run, Mo CUil FIOw, Roc,ket Faster. Gllleys Red Ber Tribute to Monte, TirM for Pleasure Time: 20.73. It IXACTA (10-8) paid $74.40. A11enoance -4,587 NHL CAMl'9£U. CONFIRINCI Smrthe DIYlelofl . ,W L TOF Edmonton 11 9 6 124 Vancouver 9 10 6 92 K"'9e CalQary Winnipeg Chicago Mlnnesola St. Louil Toronto OetrOlt 10 9 3 79 9 13 5 109 10 9 2 97 "°'rte DMalon 16 3 5 105 14 8 4 113 9 13 3 87 4 12 5 71 3 16 6 66 WALll CONFIRINCI ,.altlcll DMelon GA 111 85 81 109 90 76 97 'Jl'I 93 113 l't• 28 24 23 23 22 37 32 21 13 12 W L T QF GA l'ta NY ISianders 14 9 5 105 87 33 ----~bJJall.etP.bl._ _ ___....._g 3 100. 82 29 NY Rangers 12 11 9 99 97 25 Washtnoton 8 9 6 81 87 22 Pittsburgh 8 t2 4 84 114 20 N-Jersey 4 16 7 71 113 15 Montreal 8os1on Bulfelo Ouebec Hertford Adam• Olvtalon us 4 5 1.20 81 37 13 7 5 91 71 31 12 8 4 107 83 28 11 10 2 108 106 24 5 14 3 72 t07 13 MondaJ'• 8ocwff" Chk:l(IO a. New JetHy 1 CalQary 3. Minnesota 3 Montreel II, Winnipeg 4 TOftlehl'a Gam.e Kine• II Vancouver· WlnnlP19 el Ou.bee: NY lalende<'I el St lOUll ---- ~·a tOUFNrTMnt (at~Spelft) ,.,,.. "°"'"' ........ lven Lendl (Czoch09!0valll•l det, Andres Oomei (Ecuedor), 3·6. 6-3, $--4; bjorn l!org (S'*'Ode!ll del. Vince Ven Pellon (U.S.). 6-3, 2-6, 7·5; JOH Hlgu«H (Spain) Ott. U8M Meyer (U.S.). 8-3. 4-6, 7·5; John McEnroe (U.S.) del. Mall WKonder 1sw.oon1. 6-<t. 8-2. (Team EIK~ IHdl Team American •• f·!I. European che:::~•hlp (at Aft'-Po I Pint "91!'"9 ....... Ra.mesh Krlahnen (India) del Chip Hooper !u .s 1. 7-6, 8·2; Thomu Smid CzochOllOVMll) def. Pel Ou9<• (U s.1. 3-6, 6-<t, 6-4; Claudio Pen•ll• (Italy) def. Erik lakenky (U.S.). 6-2. 7·6; Ander• Jerryd (Sweden) def. l1lo NMI-(Romania). 41-3, ~ Auatrellen Open (lt---M ) ,.,., "-id ........ Dianne Fromhollr (Aullrella) Clef Amanda Tot>ln (Aullrelle), 7·8, 6·4; Biiiie Joan King (U.S.) def. J-Prff'1« (U.S.). 8-4, 44. 8-2; Alloe Mint .. (Auttr .. la) def. Helena Sukova (CzochollO~llclal. 3~. 6-4, 7-6; Iva Bu<lerove (Cnchotlovellla) Ott Sue Barker (8flteln). 41·3, 8-2; Sheron Wal1h (U.S.) daf. 81lh Nof1on (U.S.). 41-3. 1-e. 8-3: Ptlr• Oelhwt (Swltl«land) def. Y¥0!'ne Vtrmeelt (South Alfa), 2-6, .2. 1·8: LOiiie Allen (U.S.) def, Ann Wlllte (U.S.). M. 7-6; Cetllortne T.,,...., (Fr-) cMI .... 8alllla (Aulllt•). 11-2. 6-1. MT't ~ 1=::"::"1. .... , _,, •"OW•· 1 .,_, I llOl!lto, 1 11 .. 1~1. • lllllCll•ll. 1 "'=',,_· DAYIY'8 &. a11t , ... ,_,, ...... , 1)-14 ..,...,._ 44 NllMO, I -OOCI, 2' 'mtcll••· ' 11 rOCll oocl DMA WMMIP -JO.,,..., •. t !>Ml, 13 . i.on110. II mtok., ... t:I lhMPlhH01 ' .,..,. . •M. •Aeet -u .,._, JH rod! cocl. .. NFL Bue• 23, Dolphin• 17 kore •• 0-i.t• Miami 0 3 0 14-17 To.mp• Bay 3 3 10 1-23 TB fG C•IHIC• 20 Mii FG voo S'hamann 29 TB FO Ca1)1C• 27 TB w11111ma 3 rtm (Ca~• kfthl l8 rG CepllC<I 36 Ml• -Rooe 7 PHI from Strock IVOI\ Schamann klekl TB -Wllt11< 2 run (Capec• klellll Mia -ROH 1 t POii from Strock (YOO SCll•m•nn klek) A -85.854 fndlwlclulll l tet11tlc1 RUSHING -Miami. Franklin 9·58, VIQOrllO 5.17, WOO<lley 3·22, Hiil 3-7, Nlthan 1·1. S1rocii 1·0 Tampa 81y. Ower11 18·82, Wilder 10·36, Carver 8·32. w11111ms 1·3, Morion 1-1 PASSINO -MJarnl, WOO<tley 7·13·1·40, Slrock 17·34·4·204 Tampa Bay, Wllllamt 7· 19·<>-8 t RECEIVING -! Miami. Vlgomo 7-39, R0$8 6-112. Cetalo 4·81. Ollna 2·21. Hill 2-14, Hems 1-1&1 Nalh•n 1·7. Hardy 1-6. Tampa Bay. Wiider 2·8, Gllea 2·315. Carler I· 17, House 1· 16. Morton 1.5 COLLEGE AP lop 20 The Top Twenty teems In The A11oct11ed Press college football poll, wllh firll·plece votes In parenlheses, season records and 101a1 points 1 Georgia (521 2 Penn Stele (2) 3 Nebraska (21 4. So Mell\odlst 5 UCLA 6 Arkanaas 7 Pill 8 Clemson 9. was11lnoton 10 West V1ro1n1a t 1. Arizona State 12. TeMas 13 LSU 14. Oklahoma 15. Florida Stale 16 Soulhern Cal 17 Maryland 11·0·0 10·1·0 10·1·0 10·0·1 9-1·1 8·1-1 9·2·0 9·1·1 9-2.0 9"2·0 11-2.0 8·2·0 8·2·1 8·3-0 8·2·0 8-3·0 8·3·0 8-3-0 18 Ohio Staie 19 Auburn 20 M1Chi9an ----8·3·0 8-3·0 I V11g1nle (551 COLLEGE AP top 20 2 Georoetown (31 3 Kentucky (2) 4. VIiianova (21 5. Memphis St 6 UCLA · 7 Louisville ( 1) e lndJana 9 M1ssou11 10 Iowa 11 Houston 12 SI JOlln's NY 13 Alabama 14 Tennessee t6 N Cerolina 16 ·Arkanses 17 Marquene 18. NC Stete 19 Oregon SI. 20 Neveda-Lu VegH I, 115 1.047 ,004 975 863 831 727 706 543 _.50.9 494 481 478 409 348 332 240 167 124 1t6 1,245 1, 140 1,024 965 942 P07 890 800 894 859 571 538 470 456 317 283 177 175 161 153 UC lrvlne 48, Oregon 44 UMIVIRllTV OF OREGON -B<enltey 12 · M•theson 1, Rasmussen 10, Bell 0, Gatewood 6. Trendall 2. Ounon 2. Balll 4 Burns o. Ad-• 7 Totale 20 4.7 4~ UC IRVIHE -McDonald 8. S..tCI~ 4, Thornton,J4, Turner 2. LOPel 8. Murphy 8, Beans 0. Berdsley 2, Grandison O Totals 20 &-9 48 Hallllme UC Irvine. 25-24, Regulation 40·all Total louts. Oregon 14, UC lrvtne 15; Fouled out Beardsley (UCll. Rebounds Oreoon 31 (Brenlley II), UC Irvine 19 (McOO<>llkl '<I) Community college lllllLiS EATOtf TO~\' (et OfMtJe t-l Colfetlel Tllured1fa 0-2 30 p m -Ml San Anlont0 vs Fresno cc 4 30 pm -Imperial ve11ey vs Lono b .. acll cc 6 30 p.m -Ea~t Los Angeles vs Orenge Coast a·30 p m -Seddleback vs LA Southwest Frlclay•a a.m.. 2 30 -Seddleback·LA Southwetl loser v$ Mt San Antonio-Fresno CC loser 4 30 -Imperial Valley·Long BNch CC loser vs Eaat Los Angelas·Orenge Co111 loser 6.30 ~ Sacldleback·LA SOUlh-st winner vs Ml San Antonlo-frllto CC winner 8 30 -Imperial Valley•Long 8e11Ch CC winoer .. East LOI Angelet-~enoe Coast wtnner S1111rday'1 ca-. 4:30 -Consotellon geme 6·30 -ThlrCI piece geme ti 30 -Ctiamptonsl!lp game HIGH SCHOOL All-SunHt League FllllTTSAM Merk Wan. Miies Nomura. Jell Moore (Fountein Vatleyr, lid Tekel (Westmlnater), Jeff Hopklnt. Oerretl Oonn.y. Jim Zalceslty (Marine), Kevin Rudd, Mike Metoy (Edison): Miich Serro (Huntington Beach): Oerrtn Moeller (Ooeen View) MCONOftAM Steve ·eenlly. Joe Oervertant1n. Mike Toland (Founteln Valley), St-Smllh, Jay Wlnterll•ller, Tom Ward (Marina): P11 Sullon, Oevld Wedle1gti (Edison), Mike Cristino (Ocean View). 8111 Heys (Huntington Beach); Pllll Vendermost (Westminster), PJ.AVIR Of' Y.-VIAR Jell Hopkfri1 (Marina~ All·S.• View League ""IT ?SAii A1ron ChaMn (Costa M41Se); Scott Aallby (Co11a M•tal: Tom Temple (Corona del Mar); Eric Pautten (Corona dll Mlf)> c.1119 Popp (El Toro): Greg WKson (El Toro): Art J11»9 (Newport H11rbor)1 Cofln Thompeon (N-port Hlfbof): Oavtd O'Connell (Newpon Harbor); JOlln Pendleton (Un1-tltyl1 Dave tnldomt (Ettancla). · HCONl>ftAll Tom Kennedy (Cott• Meaa); Mike Ure (Co1te Mfta); Joe ADii (Cofone dll Mw): Rld< Scott (Corona dll Marl. Matt Wllnl (Irvine); ~evtn Stringer (El Toro); Jerry Wl1dom (El Toro); Ian OoVrlH (Newport Harbor); Grent Stanley (Newoort Herbor). Scott WHhl>Oufne tUnMlwtllty); Mille 8arllatt (Unlve111ty) "-Avall OP TMa ffMI Oevtd tmbefnlnO (Corone dll Mer). Monda, .• trMHCtlon• ANaAU CHICAOO ~ ~T:rell1ted Ille c:ontrec:t of Jey LOV19"0. ~. frOfll lllt Chlea.QO White Sox 8AN l'AAN018CO GIANT& 41'-N1mod Jommy MCCr..,. llattlna C08Cll POOT9M.&. .......... , ............ '40U8TON Ollllll -Welvt el Cllff PlftlOY. Pll"I .. NIW VO,itK OtANTI -ltg"ed llob C•penl•. IUllbec*. tow~ OOft1rllOI. "°""' NIW ... =-::.=;~Oreg Ollbtrl, ltll wl!!I, Hiii flldltr..,_ OI the Ceftlrll HOclley c....,. ..; . \ .. LL V THOMP80H Hunllnglon ... ell ICOTT rlLIP~IC Marini ll09 WHtTaHAlfl rount .. n V1Her ,II,, WA8HINQTON 1Jdl1on Orr1111w C..oaiu DAii V PILOTlluHadny, Novembor 30, 1982 lt3 WICI JUOOE OC:oan View IV,itON Hll Oc:e1n 111 • .,., Tourneys get preps under way SU.NSET LEAGUE BASKETBALL. • • 'l'o~rn11n1·n1t. urt· istill the bt-st value• for lhl· huck for pn•p ha11kt•tball wam~ nnd although ft•w have• bel'n a ble to survh't! ovl'r lht' y l'urs because of on t•vt·r-1.·h angmg sc·ene, they s till ciomanaw Dec·embcr action. From Page 01 play lx.•gins 1f all of tht• wht-.·l~ .tl11rl1111 anti gears nwsh despllt• a lac:k ot ~:koll 1''1lipt•k, a ti I sc.·n1or poinl overall hcigh.t. guun.I who uwragt.J 15.0 ·i:x1111ts "This lei.Im IOVl''I lv run, .. R:JYll und fj u~isls per samt• as a junior M i llPr, "and pluy sc.•ruppy wl11lt• earning All-lt.•agu~ honorN, dt'fcllS(.'. h 'K a lt•an1 whu;h ~ould Is thl• kt•y to tlw Vtktngs' oCCt!n~. 1·u n inun y tt•ums 1·1ghl uff tlw but tlWI'<' t11'<• som<' hunJlt•s wh1t·h 1100,." mus t be ckun•d 111 o rder for Btll Thompson, 0 thrt.•t•-yr«ff Marina lo be.' u titlt• t'Onte nde r. ''W1•'r1.• Vt'r§ qu ick and s t artl'r a nd an All-Orangl' County · and All-Sunsc.l LttagUL' s hoot well," $<.iys lc.'Vl' Popovk h, selt'l'tinn as a junior, is thl' floor tht:> leagu<!'s Co<1ch of tht: Year k•ad1,•r and <·atalyst of lhc fast lilfll•r guiding his tC'am lo a S<.-'Cond b reak. w hill· Mike• Mills (6 -6, plac•t• finish last sc•uson. 200-pound sL•n lor) gives tht• "But, Wl' la1,:k h eight, hav1• Oilers sti•ung rl'bounding and a only Onl' returning s tartr r solid insidt:. (Fjljpck) uru;t our junior varsity finished fifth l;.ist ycor. Then, tht•r e is sophomo re "Oui· dt.•fr•nfil.• and rl'l:xiunding J a nw l Garnt'I', one o f the lrue will be..· a key." pruspc««ls fur the future. Amo n g th1• s 4uad a re five "He 's an excellent leaper. very juniors, and t.•ach figures to pl<1y Cast and agile ," says Miller. "And a prnmirnml roll'. h t•'s improving rapidly. Upon Rt1n Hosl·n swe1g (6-:i), Mtkt.• J::nH.Juating he could be one of the Crowley <6 -2), Bill Belanger to p five lo ever com e out of (6-1). Dale Ekstrom (6-4) and OrnnJSe County," J ohn Whiteman (ti~l) all figure D<inny Thompson (the OilC'rs' in P opovich's plans, a long with &1ck of the Year in fuotball in-.,.. ... ·j'jrLJric: Padilla (6 -:i) and the· Sunset League) le nds his 6-1 Chris Neumann (6-5). s trt'ngth in s ide and L ouis Padilla 's ve r s<1 tility , .Harrigan (5-11 sr.), Greg Baugh R oscn sw1:ig's defe n se a nd (ti-0 s1'.), R ichard A lvarez (5-9 sr.) n ·bounding, Crowley's lea ping and David Crosby (6-1 sr.) gives ability, Bdangt'r 's shooting and theOilcrs dc.•plh. N e uma nn's qu icknl'SS and rebqunding are il('ms Pupovich Also with the Oilt·rs arc J)pmi figures to t•xpluit. Ortt'gu (5-9 St'.). Bob Carroll (6-0 Ot.hNs indud(• Glenn Vit•i ra s r.). Jim Dunn (5· 11 sr .) and (5-11). Stun Pin<.:u ra (6-0) and Handy Frit's (6-1 jr.). John Ccxmis (5-10). all seniors. BasketbalT scores College ..... UC Irvine 46. Oregon 44 (01) San Jose St. 61 . fdaf'to St 51 U ol San Diego 76. N. ArlzoriB 74 (2 OIS) Gonzeq_a 84, W Monten• 63 8akersfleld St. 71. Pugel Sound 56 Rocllloa M1ch1oan S1 71, 8olse S1 59 Colorado 88. Norlh Dakota 53 Mon1ana 611 Nebraska 51 Ulah 66, Nor1h11dge St 53 South Alabama 103. Middle Tenn 58 Auburn 85, Mercer 76 Citadel 82. Ptef,lm.ont 59 Duke 73, Appalachian St. 57 Florid11 St 92. St Leo S. JBcksonvllle 53. Southern Georgia <16 Georgia Tech 116, Wollord 72 Marshall 74, Brooklyn College 54 Mississippi St 81. Southern Mlss1s~1ppl 58 Murray St 90. 8rad~y 67 McNMSfl SI 80. Nicholls St. 69 N Carolina St 103, W Carot1n1 66 NE LOulSlana 69. College of Iha o~arks 64 Richmond 68. Radford 61 51: [O\Jls1ana 76. Centenary 73 Tennessee Tech 55. Arkansas St 53 Baylor, Yanks close to pact Nt:W YOHK (AP)-The New York Yankees. looking lo add mor e punch to their lineup. reported ly are close to signing free agent slugger Don Bay lor, the A m e ric.an L e ague.'s Most Valuable Player three years ago. W Ken1uc~y 94. Rollins 63 · W11t1arn & Mary 84, Newporl 5 t Mldweet Cmcinn11I 8 t, Bellormme 70 Iowa 68. Orake 63 Wis ·Green Bay 47. E Michigan 4!> EvAnsvllle 52. Mo -Konsas City 42 Kansas 97. Bowling Green 68 tn1dana 75, Mtarn1 (Ohio) 59 Northwestern 68, Noflh Park !>7 St Louis 79, Chrls11an Bros 48 W llt1no1s 76, MontaAa-St 65 w1scousln 79, Toledo 71 Xavier. Ohio 75. Union, Ky 62 EM Holy Cross 64. Vermont 62 St Bonaventure 92, 01110 Oorntnle11n 62 St Francis, Pa 86. Mercyhurst 82 (01) Syracuse 110. Cornell 69 Rnode Island 108. Stonehlll 94 Army 68. Rensseleer 42 Purdue 79. Boston U. 69 Bucknell 90. Wilkes 65 8o41ttlwoel Saylor 102. TeMas Lutheran 51 Oklahoma St 73. Houston 8ap11s1 51 Oral Ro!le<ta 74, C•etohlon 64 Lou1S1ana Tech 63, Rice 62 101) Texu -Arllngton 107. Texas A&I 65 TCU 65, Texas-San Antonio 56 Te•as Tech 70, Auburn-Montgomery 60 MllCIJ HESS Coron• dol Mar DOUG ftlNCKNfV l atencl1 .. ffc•Nlll I 'lt•H 11ull , thl· ti II s tundoul who UVt't'i}~t.tJ 15.U fJ()inL'i a ~UllW a .. 4' a junwr for Nc·w1;ot'l H;11·bor. adds his pn·s1.·i;1t'C' lo u t1.•um w h kh aln·udy houstn.l l!Ul'h ht·1ghl us fi .71, Duv1,• F a ris, ll·ll S ll•Vt' M rn-.t•r :ind ti-4 1 ' Make .Judgt.• for Co~u·h Jim Burris' ~kahawks "With good overall silt', i;pt.·t·d und dL'JHh, man y upt1o ns an• uva11ttl>ll• to us ll{ft.'O!>lVL•ly and dl'k ns1vely," saysrHurris. "W <:'ll play an up-l1.•mpo game and prt.•ssur1• dc•lt•nsl'. My only 4ut•stiun is trwnt:.tl foughrwss '' Dimitri Antonopoulos ((j.J, sr ) as tlw lNlm h•i.tdc•r and a poin t' guard with rung1.'. Faris 1s strong at tht• pus l a nd Wu!> tht.• junior varsity's MVP last Sl'ason, wh1h.> Judge hus t.•xceptionul shooting r...angL· and ll•aps w1.·ll. SL•niors Kt.•ith Mullally (5-10) aud K t•vin Walsh (5-11 ). along with Juniors Dean Douty (6·3) and Qave Dresnick tli-l ) give lhl' Seahawks remarkablt• depth at guard. Most'r is very quick ;md Bna n Berry. a 6-0 junior, is a tloubll' thrl:'a t a l guard with h is pass int-t and -shooting. Hounding out the• squa d am J osh Weiss (6-1 jr.), Ed Zanclli (!i-10 !>r ). J im Garton (5-10 s r .). El'ic Coolidg(· ((;-~ sr .) <.1ncl Greg ('uolidgt• (Ci-5 "1 sr.). H••.t1tt111l11~tPr The Lions were winll•ss tn ll•agul· play last st•ason and i -HI ovt'rull, but thl'rc ii> a Wt.•:Jhh of l'Xpt·1·wn<.·t• a nd some he ight, too. whwh gtvt•s Coat'h Jon Bort'lwrt's l'l'('W un up-Ix-at look. Tlw M u rtna· Wutmlns t er tournumonl is now lhc Marlna- Lukt•wood tourney, with games at bulh sill.!s. Area teams are m volvc.od i n the Marina, Laguna B <:at·h . Gard.en Grove and VHlt:nc.:ia setups. At M1.1rina the early highlight is Hunington Beach and Corona <lei M a r in We dnesday's 6:30 opEmcr. Th e L agu na B each tourn ament, which came up a team short in the lti-team affair.' int'ludes a firs t round m a tch be tween Long Beach Poly and the Laguna Beach No. 2 team - possibly the mismatch of the sca'\On . Mater Dei wilt put its No. 1 Orange County ranking o n the .line Thursday night when the M onarch s duel Wednesday 's~ winner between Troy and Esp<•ran ui. TOURNAMENT PAIRING& Lekewood·Merlne (WedMldlf, .. M•r1n1) 6·30-Huntington B11ch YI. Coron• del Mar 8-Hueneme v1. Merine (Ttlured1r, 11 Lellowood) 6 30-LB Jorden a1 Rotting Hills 8-St Anthony at Lakewood hmlflftele Loser's bracket 111 6:30, winner's bracket at 8 al same sites. Friday Flnole (at Manna High, Saturday), 5-con1olat10f\, 6 30-thlrd placel 8-chernpionshlp Laguna Beech *"needly 2 15-Santtago v.. Norco 3 45-He11tage vs. EslaAcla 5. f5-Los Amigos vs. Mt Whitney 6 45-Western vs. Laguna.Be1ch 8. 15-Cypress vs. Chadwlc~ TilundlJ 2 15-Warren vs Avalon 3 45-Laguna Beach No. 2 vs Long Beach Poly 5· t5-Westtal<e vs Chino (MCond round) 6 45-Santtago-Norco winner vs. Herll1ge-Es1anc:la winner • 8 t5-Los Amigos·MI Whitney winner vs Wes1em·LagU11a Beach Winner "The overall talt•nt 1!> thl• best I'v1.• lwu in s11vcn yt•ars." suy!> Bon.:h1.•r1. "Wl'°rl' a hit young <ind undL'J'StZC'd. but if we t'Nll'h our potenlial we'll bf' ablL· to play with th(• beltl'r tt•am s in the Garden Grove Wodnoedlr Sunst•l Lt•ague." . 6· 16-Fullerton vs. El Oor•do Amon g the Lio ns are fo ur 8-Laouna Hiiis vs 8ot11 Grande rl'turning starte rs -Jerr Eastin 6 1s-wooobrl~~~c111ca t6-5 jr.). Tom Downs (6-1 jr.), B-Loara vs~den Grove "'.. N ' · I·. ("' I ) · d K I · Frtdar 1 om u:.o al u · Sr. nn ar --Gonso1a1lon semis (Wednftdey'a 101era 11 Grnms ((j-0 sr.). 3 Thursdays losers at 4:30; C'11mplonahlp E<tstin wa!' th<.' team 's leading semis (Wed nesday's winners et 6; 1 s. St,'Orer and n:.•bounder a nd Dvwn:-. lhursday s wlnne<' a1 8) , · 81lurel1J was thl' No. 2 scorer. 4-consoietion. s .45-1111rd piece. Rick Dclavallade. a 6-4 junior, 7 30-chempionshlp is up from the sophomurf' tC'am v ... ncla with the.• pote ntial to n val h is Wednoed•J brother Mick. who led t he Lions 6·30-Edison vs Bellitower · · ff t 1 f 8 Esperania v.s Troy in a one-m an e ~r· a coup C' 0 4 45-La Habra vs vatencta JV seasons ago. 3-0range Lutheran vs. Valencia Al,so in th~ picture art:" E11<.· TI1urec11r Burkman (5-9). Chuck Johnston 6 30-Canyo~•!s~1e~~~trlo-winner (6·0). Randy Davis (6-0). T on y 8-Male< Del vs Troy·E•pe<•nu winner A d d i m a n d o ( 6 . O ) , S t c v e <•• V11onde) Wash bon (6-4), Al Kahn (6·0) wl~n~~-~~~ella vs. L• Habra·Valencl• JV and Richard Brown (6-:i). 8-Caplwano V•lley vs Orenoe Luther.,.. Velencle winner JOE ll'AOEll Nowporl Herbor NO,itM STOLZOFF Unlvor1ltJ DAVE PALMelADE CoelaMou BERNARD USIEllY INlne .. ·: The New York Daily News said today that sources cJose to negotiations between Baylor 's agent a nd Yankee owner George Ste inbre nn~r believe the Yankees will sign Baylor "any day now." Baylor, when reached at his home in California, did not d e n y that a n agr eement was SEA VIEW l:EAGUE BASl(ETBALLe • e imminent, " "All I can say is that Mr. Steir.btenner ~nd my agent Jerry K a pstein, have been talking every day for the> last couple of w eek s. exce pt for maybe Thanksgiving, and the Yankees have made a very serious offer," the n ewspaper quoted Baylor as saying in a telephone interview. The veteran designated hitter, who belled 24 h ome runs and drove in 93 runs when the Angels won the AL West title last season, is said to be seekin~ a five-year packa~e. Mater Dei e tops ratings Matt>r Del High's Monarch~ ore the clear choice for No. I In Orange County prep basketball rankings as the season neaf'l'I. Three Sunset League teams hove been selected among thE.> upper ~helon by th~ Dally Pilot -No. 2 O cean View, No. 4 Fountain Vallt>y and· No. S Huntinf(ton Beach. Or .... O...,T-.M D81r ..... ,r111a11RrMlllfR19 ..... ,...,. LMftle 1. M•ter Del A!'fllu• 2 o.:.en V\eolll ...... 3 hrvlto Aft011u1 4 , O\lftltln Vllley IUnMt II ~tlnolen lelc:h • ........ 8. Cepo l1111ey 9outfl Coeat 1 CotOM del Mar .. V... 8KM~• lmptrw • • 'oothlll Cenftlfy 10 Sonora 'fWWllY ' From Page 01 Thomas (6-1) and Dan Trit'kctt (6·0). lrt·lnt• With a pair of 6--t stars in the front court and blessed with five returning s tarters, the Vaqueros o C Al H erri ng ma y find the m selves able to forge t a 1-19 l'('('ord last season. "Our s tre ngths wilt be team balance, d ecent h eight and experience," says Herring. T<'am speed and d e fense arc areas of con cern. W e'll be relying o n Bernard U~ry and Lance Neal for our leadership." Ussery is 6-4, Neal is a 6-1 junior guard. A lso re turning with startmg expe rience are Doug Brozovich (6-4), Jim Carver (6-I) and Adam Martel (5·11). Ocea n s ide t ransfer Ken Caldwell is B 6-0 junior and among those up from last season 's jun ior varsity are sophomore J eff Bielman (6-2). 6-4 senior S teve F lynn. Bobby Rhoades (5·6, jr.), S teve Tamuru (5-9 sr.), Rod Pakingan (5-10 sr.) and Erl(' Satl'rmo (5·9 sr.). _,.,. ... ,.,.r1 H•rber Thl' Sailors arc a\SC) hurting in terms of Injuries with Bna.ri Folk. a 6-0 senior returning starter and the team captain, a nd Sean Sheward, a 5-a senior, sidelined. "We may not bl' a t full stren~th Until J.anuary," says Sailors Coach J t>rry DeBuak . "Thl'ft' '°r~ are a<>ina to have to fl1 ln and thl• may CAWK' us to loee ane eJCp.rit-ntt'." At the-\op of the rot11tr II fJ·8 Joe Seapr. a rwturnl .. at.arwr who h .. alr..cly1 ct.i.rea he wlU a tt end the U n1 vt.•r s 1ty of Oklahomr4 . Seager ave raged 8.0 points a game as a junior . but will be expected to beef that avt.>ragc up considerably with the a bsent·e o(· 6-8 Byron Ball. who le ft a nd is now al Ocean View. Also big in DcBusk's plans are senior lettermen Juan G uitie rrez (6-2) and Jim W olfe (6-3). in addition to Huntingto n Beach transfe r Brad Harker . Rounding out the squad arf' seniors Rick Crook (6·0). K evin Liberman (5-10) a nd Ric k ' Franklin (6-1), junior Jon Stockham (6-1) and sophomores Chuc k McGavran (6-1), Andy, Allison (6-1) and Dea n Sorensen · (6-5). S•ddlrbar1' The Roadrunnl'r:. were ..f-18 t>vt•rall, 2 -12 in th1.• Seo Vic.•w League last season , but threl' !K'niors with starting cxpcricnt'<' dot the rostt'r" lt.'{I by football star Toe.Id Cage Cage, a tj.;4 ~-.·n11>r', ovcragt•d 11.2 poinL'4 a ~amf' und will bt> Oil(' of the tnstrumcntul plRy(•l'S in th<! Roadrunncr11' utta1.-k. Also retu~ing are Troy M c Allister. a 6-3 front t'ourt player. and guard Tom Gorn~. a :l~6 _.nior. t Tnh·prtlfll • Nurm ::;,1011otf, a tt·..f JUnto1 rt-turns in B startini role for the Trojans and form• th• nut'l•u• to work around ror Coach J<'ff Cunnin1ham. "Wff don't hav• th• .tz., &hat w•'v• had. but th1 ehown &ha& ll "9n play w1u1 r-i tHma." NYI Cunnmaham. It drops off cons ide rably in size after you get past StolzoCf, h owever, and only Yong Choi, a ll-2 senior and the team's captain, returns with varsity experience of any consequence. Others who figur e to see con s iderable action i nclude guards Graham Everett (5·9 jr.). Jim K islinge r (5-11 sr.), Matt Marks (5-11 s r .) a nd John &>!anger (5-10 sr.). along with 6-2 senior swmgman Collin Cate and Erik Blake (6·1 sr.). Others include backup center Dave Hosford (6-3 s r .). Eric Leviton (5-10 sr.). Jason Gentile (ti-0 jr.) a nd Dave A yotte (6-0. sr.) l':tlft a""'" A d ist in c t' lack o f size and cxp1.'ricn .. -c dominates the scene for Coac h Larry Sundcrman's squad. The Eaglt>s' experien<'c con s ists of 5-10 junior J o n Johnston and 6-2 'h senior Doug Pinl'kney, the Eagles' No. 7 and Ii phy rrs last season -and 1:omp<1unding that Is an ankl<' injury that may keep J ohnston i;ide>lincd for 10-14 days. _ "R<'bounding and \ht> ability to play taller o pponen'5 will be th(• key." says Sunderman. "W e hope' • to get S()m<' valuabll' prc-sca!IQn 'expt>rlt.'OC.'f' for lt-ague.'' Thr F.eglC'S will bt-calhng on NaH~r Mustafa (6·0, sr.), Jim Curtlll (5·10 jr.). Gavtn Warl•umont (6-11'1 ar) and P•ul MotaJ ~6-2 ar.) \o fill a lol of PP'- almu• with ""',."''"' hf'lp fl'flM ,..,., ... , ................ '"' "" ...... , ._. Bnb eu .... u, (&·8, 11'.). .. Oran e Coast DAILY PILOl/lueado , Novuml>u 30, IU8~ 'fhe markt>tplac:e on the Orange Coo.st .642-.5678 Mt-dian income of Oail11 Pilot /amtl1tt1 erceeda 134,000 a year. YtJUr ad reachea the county' If mo1Jt afllul'f'lt tJU11in9 au die net>. - 1fo(Ufay Gift &Service Guide CUSTOM/LIMITED ED 60¢·$35 BOUTIQUE Breu & Porc:elaln Art Fairview Comm Church 6.'.11·4680 aft 2·30pm cn1 Felr/Falflltew, CM qri RS ..... ,,,,, • ""· ,,_, Af*lfTI' ~ by Jenine Cards Invitations Ce1U11c111es Call answer ad 0579, 642-4300, 24 hrs. H & H Floral & Crall Sup- ply. 3 loc Orange, Gar· den Grove. Anaheim Chrlst•11 lt11tl•1t 50 Cornell, Irvine Dec. 4th. 9-5. 833-2525 l Banendlng for Holiday Parties P111 residents only Tell us how many you expect We w111 do the rest. Shop, mix, ser· ve, clean-up. all tor 1 reas. tee. 770·9833 LOVE AT FIRST Sire 7132 Edinger Santa Ana. 842-4611 1-----__. Small & Large Occasions Cordon Bleu Graduate Catering Speclallles • 646-0139 MICROWAVE: New Sharp Carousel, probe. 5229 Or choose from Amana. Lllton. Magic Chef, Tap· pan, O'Keete/Mernt 546-6740 ALLIED LIGHTING 222 V1c1011a-Cos1a Mesa 646-3737 646-8194 We have Southern Call· forn1a's most complete ,,.. M1"1u.·ll,1nc:ou' Newport Wrap & Mall Svc: Surprl5't everyone, Invite 1825 Weslclllf Dr. NB Santa lo your hOme. of· 1725 Mon1ov1a, CM & flee 01 Pllfly 963-1568 So Co1111 Plaza. lwr lvl ----- HOLIDAY SAL~ Ptl Ztt 11' Pl•1t1 ltt •Huge exotic plants •Pets & auppllea •Unique gilt Ideas 2330 Newport Blvd, CM Oltrlst••• P1,.111 BUY NOWI Finest HSOI· led AKC. 1 yr guar Free financing avail. l•r•'• Fla Ptts 842-3100. Hunt. Bch AKC Beagle Puppies $169 • AKC Gldn Re1rlevers $229. Lhaso Apaso $250 _...r O)S •• •••• • ••••• • 2 L1one1 MOOef tram sets, a 1 11eam & I dal loc:omo-Roler Skate 11ve w1c11r1 s 145 644-4758 ULE 40-11% .--... "' Trees & Decorac1on!I -------· 6"6-0090 Clllllllllll SALE SALE SALE Giii Fac1ory Overstock Wreaths. stockings. WHIRLIGIG 801 W Baker. Costa Mesa 979-8570 ornamenta, po1pourr1, •-------,:::;;=- --------• animals, teddy bears. ,l"'IEI I O"'l•irs dolls. patchwork items -quills, silk flowers, Wiii plan & coordmate Chrls1maa napkins, holiday social events trays, all kinds ot hos1ess SIHH'I PlllLH Te11cup-toy-m1n1a1ure 546-28"48 ~rding & grooming SIBERIAN HUSKY PUPS AKC, xlnl markings, blue & brn eyes. 536-781 t GOLDEN RETRIEVERS PUPS • AKC $200 Born 10-26, 846· 1040 AKC OLD ENGLISH SHEEPDOG PUPPIES SIOPI Christmas Shop' E.I. HllllEL, llC. New s~1 & fashion store featuring e1u;1us1ve Bitz· .i.ard skis & famous acll· vewear Register for prize drawing Dec. 15. windsurfer. boots. 11aca· lions. more• 642-5630 1111 Westoliff lrivt Weslelitl Plaza. N.B FOR CHRISTMAS Your Complete Ski Head· S350 979-1478 quarters. Sales, Rentals. A PUPPY FOR CHRIST· Clothing, Ski Ramp, MAS • Labrador pup· NEWPORT SKI CO • pies, blk, 7 wks orOS75 2700 w Cout Hwy LLIYIS HHHY CHRISTMAS TREES WREATHS 2038 Newport Blvd CM 141-lUl SAVE HOLIDAY$$$ Lovely hand-crafted gifts. decorations. "Gucci" tree ornaments. florals & much morel Open 7 days a week. 10-5. 332 Marine. Balboa Island •-------~• se1ec11on 01 lighting t11 competitive prices t 642-0994 Items. and much. much Clllllllllll more Bargall' prices 847-8072 63l·321W ----1Spec1ahsts on Hohday oe.• i---------•I co1a11ons Copperfleld ' Flowers 1936 So Cst TREAT SOME "IODY" Body wraps-laclal kits g1t1 package 644·5289 Grocheted Atgans. va- rious sizes Crocheted throw pillows & pillow tops Crocheted Poncho 642-0 176 Ferrara ROoflng Co Re·roof.'Repair. $h1ng1e (714) 642-8233 Sparkle for Christmas (& year 'round) Linda's IO&T Plll&IE he. 2, 3, 4 , I, Balboa Charter Corp. lO·I•• now 1ak1ng reservations 124011 L1111 &wt. 675-1976 646-5707 _·c_o_~ta Mesa 540-2241 ltHk Trt,llJ I Ea1rHl11 t70 E. 17th St, Ste 117 Costa Mesa, 646-3141 Engraved gilts last fore- ver. Tankards, goblets, baby cups. picture frames, key rings, etc etc DPPOlllllln knocks ollen when you .--------lllf use result-gelling Dally Piiot Classlfled Ads to Hwy LB 494· 1173 For Claasltied Ad ACTION Cadillacs to Go-Carts · Whalever the Fad AoU ·em off the market With a Classlfled Ad Call Nowt 6"2-5678 You don't need a gun 10 "draw last" when you place an ad In the Daily Piiot Want Ads' Call now I 6'42-5678 Have you reed iooay's Cle~n g Serv 6C9-031~ Classilied Ads? II not. Have something you want you're missing the best to sell? CIBSSllied ads do 1>111ga1ns 1n town• 11 wetl 6"2-5678. People who need People lhll's what the DAILY PILOT SERVICE DIRECTORY is all aboull Classified Ads ire the answer to a successful garage 01 yard sale! It's a better way 10 1eu more people! WINPSURFING SALE MISl1al 5950. H11"1y $750 UP SPORTS (714) 631 .. 1011 reach the Orange Coast m11kal PhOne 642·5678 Call a Delly Pilot AD·VtSOR 642-5678 DllTH 1mc11 NOTICE C1' TRUSnE'S SALE T.S. •A-64 .. 13752 NOTICE CW TlilUSTIH' SALE T.S. No. --NOTICE OF NOTICE TO CREDITORS On Dec:emb4tr 14, 11182 al 10.30 NOTICE TRUSTEE'S SALE Of: aull( TlilANSFIElil •. m. up LA. N 0 M (.J R I u A GE YOU AlillE IN ot!'AUL T UNDER A YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A (Seel. 1101 .. 107 U.C.C.) SERVICE CO INC as Trullee, or P\BIC NOTICE P\BIC NOTICE P\BIC NOTICE P\alC NOTICE GHERMAN PLOMARES DEED CW TlilUST, DATID MAY 5, DEE 0 0 F TRUST . DATED NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN 10 Successor Trustee or Subsliluted 1•1. UNLESS YOU TAICIE ACTION NOVEMBER 13. 1981. UNLESS credllora of the within nemed Trustee, ol Iha! certain .o .. o ot TO PAOTIECT YOUlil PAO .. IERTY, YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT transleror that a bull!. 1ran1ler Is Trust executed by Floy E Beavers IT MAY et SOLD AT A PUeLIC YOUR PROPERTY IT Ml\,V BE about to be made on personal and June B. Beave11. husban~ and SALE. IF y OU NIE ED AN SOLO AT A PUBLIC SALE IF YOU property herem1ft11< described wile and recorded Octot>ef 8, 1989 EXf>LANATION OF THIE NATUllllE NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE the n1~ and business adOress as lnslrument no. 12254, in book CW THE NOCEIDING AGAINST NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING ot the intended transferor is. 13779, page 1939, ol Olllcoal YOU, YOU aHOUlO CONTACT A AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CHRISTOPHER I HAMIL TON. Records ol Orange County, E. MORTIMER 'G H ER-MANUEL G . PLO- MAN. MD. r eside nt MARES . age 61. ns1- of Nc..•wport Beach. Ca. dent of Sanla Ana. Ca. Passl'd away on Saturday. PaS.'!l'<i t1way on Novembl•r Novcmoc•r 27. 1982. H e was 27. 191:1:! lie 1s surv1vl'd by the founder for the Center h is w I f e Lu ( f an a G o f O r g a n 1 z a t i o n Plornan•s Fu1wral services Effectiveness tn Orange werC' c..vndlll'U'Ci at IO:OOAM County. hi.! was one of the on TuN.day, Novemlx'r 30. Cuundl·rs o f lhe Orange 1982 ut Brow n Col onial County Soc1t'ly of Clinical Ch.1pcl. Sunta Ana, Ca . H ypnosis. hi.' was the VK-e Intermc..·nt at Good Shepherd Chairman of the American C<'ml'l<'ry. H untington lnstitutr of Stn'SS, he had a lkal·h , C.1 Brown Colonial private J)l'ychlatric practice Mortuury chrc..'<'lon;. in the.• Newport Beach area for the last' 15 years and the re<-ent author of "Stress the Bottom Line" He was 73 years old . and had lived in Newpo rt Beach, Ca. for about 17 years Survived by :? daughters Susan G . Goldwater of Sacramento. Ca and Salee Lock of Big B ear Lake. Ca. and 7 grand children. M emorial st?rvlces will be held on W ednesday. December l , 1982 at Padric View Mort uary. Newport Beach. Ca. at 3·00PM. The Camily re-quests any rememberances be sent to the Arthritis F'oundatton o f Newport 8'-ach. Ca ACKERMAN GERALDINE S ACKERMAN. age 64 , of MannC'apohs. Minnesota. Widow of "Ack" Ackennan. Cormc..•r own er or a boat company in Cost<i Mesa. Ca. Shl' is survived by daughter Barbara Joy H ager, 51 47 Morgan Av. N • Minneapolis. MN 5~30. Also survwed by grandc!,)tldren. Joseph and Jl'rC'my Hager. s1ster Maxine Sager M emorials to Crystal Lake Care Center. 3815 W . Broadway. Minneapolis. MN 55422 SP ITZ BARBARA SPITZ. born January 27. 1899, rl'Sident of Nc•wport &>ach. Ca Passed away Novcmbr 27. 1Jjll2. She was born m Germany. hvl'd in South Am<'n<"a. carrte to New York City in 1929 and movrd to Cahforn1a in 1932 Sht' wa ... <ll'tlVl' m tht' Harbor Senior Cauic·ns Club and the Oasis Senior C 111icns Club. She 1s survived by sisters. Teresa Sc·hmid or Costa Mesa. Ca. Maria Nag<-i of Art·ad10. Ca. me<.~ Herminia E JenSt'n or Arnid1a. Ca and nephC'w 1'hl'Odon.• Karl Also many o ther r<'lallves 1n Germ;my SNv1res w all be h<'ld Wc-dn<'Sday. t:>ccocmbcr I, 1982. at I 00 PM at Pa<·aftc View M onuary Chap<'I Entombme>nt to follow in Pac:1f1l· Vil•W l\.tpmorial Park. Pact f It' v ll'W M orlua r y. d1n.>ctors LAWYER. CONTACT A LAWYER doing but1nn1 11 DOCTOR Calllorn1a. enO pursuant lo that On TuescJay. December 7, 19112. On Oecemt>ef 6, 1982. al 11;00 JAGUARD. 111 W 17th St •A-8, cerlaon Notice ol Delaull and at 10 00 AM , TRANSAMERICA AM LEWIS and BOUCHER Costa Mesa, California 92827 ElectlOn IOs.11 lhefeun<lel recorded TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY as ENTER;. RISES 0 b I TITLE The locellon on Cahtorma ot tile May 27. 1982 H 1nstrumen1 no duly ~·ea T1u11M un<lel ana SERVICES n duly appo1n110 ch1el exec:u11ve olloce 01 prlnclpal 82-182928. ol Othc1a1 Records of pursuant 10 Deed of Tru111ecorded Trustee unoer end pureuant l o bustneu olllce of the intended said Count y, will und11 and May 7, 1981, u lnll No 8716. 1n Oeeo or Trust recoroed Novemt>e< tr1nst11<or 11 SAME AS ABOVE purauanl 10 lllid OMd of Trust Mii l>OOk 14049, page 112. of Official 19, 1981, as 1n11 No 21478. '" All other bu11ness names 1nd at pubhc: auction tor c:uh. celhler'• Records In lhe olllce of the County t>Ook 14295 page 1236, of Offlc••I adOranH ull!d by the 1n1endeO check. or cash equivalent (which flecorder of Or•nge Coun1y, Stale Records 1n 1twa office of Ille County 11an1leror within lhree yeers last has been approveo by the Trustee 5 of Calllornl•. Executed by Robert J Recoroer of O,.nge Cou111y. paai 10 tar u known 10 1he days prior to ula), at the front Krogh, a married men, at his soi. Cahlornla, WILL SELL Ar PUBLIC intended transferee ere NONE entrance 10 Calllornia Land Tiiie, and aeparate property WILL SELL AUCTION TO HIGHEST BIDDER The name and business add1es1 860 W Imperial Highway, Suite K, AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO HIGHEST FOR CASH, CASHIER'S CHECK OR of the Intended 1r11ns te1ee \1 Brea, Cahtornla. 111 that right. tllle BIODEFI FOR CASH (payable at CERTIFIED CHECK, (payable al DOCTOR JAGUARO, INC. 711 W. and Interest conveyed lo end now time ol aete In lawful money of 11\e time or sale In lawful money of the 17th St • A·I , Costa Me111. held by 11 under Mid Deed of Trust United S1a1e11 at the Chapman United Stales) at the lronl entrance California 92627 in the property lllu•led 1n uid Avenue entrance to the Civic Cente< Io lh e 0 L D 0 r • n g e Coun I Y Thll I lie prop~ par11nen1 County and State clesc:11b«I ae Bulldlng, 300 E Chepman Ave • CounhouM locateo on San1a Ana hereto 1s Oesc:t1bed in general as Loi 21, Tract 3115. 1n lhe City Orange, CA all right. 11\le ano Blvd between Sytamore St . & G9odwtll. f>e111tou1 t>u111neu name of Co111 Mesa, County ot 0111nge, lnte<est conveyed to and now held BrollO#lly, Senta Ana. lAlllorn1a, 111 certain fixed equipment. leasehold s111e ol California. a1 per map by 11 undllf 111.lcl 0..0 ol Jrust In the right, 11111 and Interest conveyed lo and certain t>u11na1 records and Is r8QOIO.O In Book 109. pages 4 t to property 111u11ed '" sl Jd County ana now held by It under 11110 Deed located at 71 I W 17th St . •A-8. 46 M1SC4llaneous Maps In the ofl>Ce •nd State detcf1bed u of T1us1 In the PIOP811Y 111tuateo In CMta Mesa. C.lltom11 92627 of the Conly Recorder ot salo The East 132 feet of the West said Couniy and Stale described ae· The business name used by the County, Orange 396 tee• ot Lot 804 or Newport Lot 81 of Tract No 4003. In lhe City salo transferor at 1110 loc:allon 11· The 11ree1 11ddr111 01 other Mesa Tract, as ahown on a map of Newport Beach. County of DOCTOR JAGUARO common oe11gna1lon ot said recorded In Book 5, Page 1 ot Orange, State ol Calltornl1, as That 11114 bulk transfer Is property 1743 Labrador Drlva. M1scelleneou1 Map1, In the office 01 shown on • mep lheleol recorded In Intended 10 be consummated 11 the Coll• Mesa, California the Count y Recorder ol saiO Booll. 188 PIO" 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, olflc• of GROSSMAN ANO Name and address ot lhe County 18. & 19 or Miscellaneous Maps. WE IS SM AN, 1 1 00 GI en a on beneficiary at whoae request the The 11reel adOrlH and 01her recoros ot •aid Orange County Avenue. Su1•e 1800, LOS Angee.,, sele 11 bet09 c:onoucled Oetle R. common detllgnetlon. If any, of the T1u11or or rec0<d owner. OANIEL C1lllorn1a 90024, on 01 alter Rlord•n c/o Upland Mortgage real property dHct1bed above 11 N BAILEY. an unmerr'led man Oecembe< 16, 1982 Service Co. inc . 391 N Central pu1POfled 10 be The street 1dd1e11 and 01he1 Th11 bulk 1r1nsler 11 sub1ect 10 Ave, Upland C11Jltorn11 91786. 824 WHI Etghteenlh SlrHI. COINftOf\ desognellon. ii any, of lhe C1111orn1a Un1forrn Commer!cal Olrec11on1 10 lhe above property Cotta Mele, Calllor"'8 reel property oescrlbed ebo"8 •I coae Sec110<16t06 may be Oblatned by 1equH llng The und1111gned Tr us lee purported to be 111 LINDA ISLE The name and addrH• ot lhe same in Wfthng from 1he t>eneflCiary 011clalm1 any llabillty 101 any DRIVE, NEWPORT BEACH, pereon With whom c1111m1 mey be within 10 day1 from the llrar Incorrect-ol lhe street 110dr"9 CALIFORNIA 92680 lileO 11 RICHARD WEISSMAN, ~bltcauon of 11111 notice and olher common designation. II The under1l~ned Tr\ltlee ESO . 1100 Gi.ndon Avenue. Suite S111d nte will be made wuhout any 1/lOWn herein dllcl1lm1 1ny ll1billly ror any 1800, Loa AngelH. Ca11101n1a covenant or w1rr1n1y. express or S1ld ute wlll b• made, but oncorrectness ot the street address 90024 The 1att.d1y tor toling Claims lmph.O, H 10 mle, !)09MSSIOn or wllhout co11en1n1 01 wuranty. and othlf' common designation, II by any creditor "1•11 be Oecemo.r enwmbra~ 10 111111ty the unc>ald e1epress or Implied, rega101ng Ulle. any. shown hereon 15, 19112, whleh 11 the business day b11l1nce due on the note or notes poseesslon. or entumbrences, to Said ••I• will be maoe. but batore the consummation dale secureo by Mid OMd of Tru1t, I p1y the remaining ptlnclpal llYm of w11hou1 covenant 01 warranty, spec:llle<I above wit 161.00000, plus the lollowlng the no1e(1) secured by Mid Deed or expreu or 1mplled, regardlf19 title, Dated November 23, 1982 1111maled co111, .. pentH end HEINS Tiust. wllh lnterHI thereon. as poneu1on, or encumbrances. lo Published Orange Coatl 0111y 1dvanc:es 11 the time of the inllial provlO&d In MIO note(sl. advances. pey Iha unpaid b1l1nce of the PllOt, Nov 30. 1982 publlcallon 0111111 Nouce ol Sale .. W 1LL1 A M R H EI NS, 11 any. undllf Iha terms ol Mid Deed nole(sl MCured by Hid Oeed or 5224-112 ln111<nl due lrom February 20, 1982 rcsadl•nt of Nl•wporl &;,ch. of Truit. teu. chirgu 1.nd Trus1, 10-w11 Sll40,747 91, Including $Contact Tru11ee Ca pas"..: d 0 w 11 y 0 n Ul*IMI ol 1"9 Tru11" and of the as provided In old note(s). "8JC NOTICE T11111 ... Fees. lncludlng coatt 1rui11 created by said Deed or lldvancee. ii any, under lhe 1arm1 of I Conlec1 Trustee Novl•mber 27, 1982 He IS Trull Nici OeeO of Trust, I-, charges FICTITIOUS.,._.. ALL FIGURES ARE SUBJECT TO i.urVIV('d by his wafe The IOI.Ill amount ol lhe unp~ andel!perl-OltheTru11 .. andof NAmlTATS•NT CHANGE CONTACT TFIUSTEE Char Io l tc..• M H e 1 ns. 3 balance of the obllgellOn MCUrecJ the trust• created by Mid OMd of Tha 1011owln9 ~11on 11 doing FOR ACCURATE AMOUNTS d ··ught"r' Sally OlsC'n o r by th• property to be sold Ind Trust .,. buSlnell.. DARO: ..... , ... "· *3 ~ • • rauoneble ullmeled coat•. The beneficiary unoer Deed of Al MEOl-MAG. 81 OPTOMART ~...,......_....Ce. Inc. Ogd n Dunt">. lnd1ona. Judy expenlM and aclvanciea 111 the lime T1u11 heretofore eaeculed and 719 Promontory Or w • ., M. Celllfil lwe. I c1~1lcl 11111 l_)ml wt1s 1>ru11d. '""' M 11111 u.vJ,\ really IX'amiri~. Ami t't't•n A1111t llarr«.•t J!..llt "little• misty arm111d the eyes . Aunt Harriet always swore fdgoto the dogs. ctrw. rt of f',lantndge-. Ca o tire tn1ttet pubtlcetlon-m-t ......,.,.. lo th• und•rfl9n•d • Beactr. CA 92MO ~'.=::i::~'Ulllllfl~lle_;~,,.t------flh..-~~M"!lk\l!IV·<"w.111tt-d me to be a doctor. Dad d idul -------------land ChN F o rmon of San Notice of Sale It 1648,294.84. w0 1e"m''"and0ec10111118at111on1e. °'anOOeateuwllrltandten JimH H K1au1haa1, 719 (JM) •t·10N I I I . .J t th' JoS(.'. Co I It' is oll§O survived The benaltclary under eald C>eeo p 1 o. w Newpor1 Beec:ft ........... ..,... tnuc l c 1rc . ~ OllJZ ~ amountc.'U o some 111~. of Trull he1a1otore executed and Nottoe or Oetaull •nd Election to romon ory • ' ,_ ........ .......,, But Aunt I f,1rrit•t wlU conv1nc'<><l I would romt• to rAClftC YlfW .....,ltALrAIW Cemeter'{ Mortuary Chapel-Crematory 3500 Pac1hc View Drive Newpar1 Beach 644·2700 NcCC>aMICll MOHUAllH Laouna Beach 494·9415 Laouna Hills 768·0933 San Juan Ca1>1s1rano 49S·l776 HAllOI LAW....MT. OLIYI Moftuary • Cernerery CretNtorv 1625 G11ler Ave Costa Mesa 540-555" ,.ca•on.s ~-OADWAT NCMITUAat• HO Bfolldway Costa Mesa 642-9150 " by 7 11r11ndch1ldren. Karin. d h Sell The unders"'ned cauted ealcl CAT 92680 b p o c D 11 ~ h K II ,, K Is i dellvere to I • undersigned a Notice of Oelau1'"1 and Election lo his butlness 11 conduc:teo Y an ubllth•O 11nge our • Y a bad end. Ktm. Jo n , c 1 an,.. r l n wrluen 0ec1a1111on of Default and lndl\lldual PllOI Nov 30, Oeci. fl, 13, 1982 I k di Olsrn, Billy a nd M ike Demand for Sale, ind a written Seti 10 be recorded In the county JameiH Kraulhur 5221·82 Ther<'aSOmAunl lh1rrietwa.~not cxact1y in )' Stewart Recitation of the Notice or Default and Eleotton to """'-• 1118 real pr°'*1)1 11 located. Thlt statement was hied With the di·sposcd t•i\\"dnl me stemmc.--d fnlm w hen I Inadvertently Sell The nderslgned c:auled uid Truetae or party conducting Nie' Cou Cler'k o --~· •-IC NOTICE ' ' H oly Rosary w all Ix' helcl on Notice of uOeleufl and e1ec111on to TIT LE SERVICES, 508 Santa nty 01 range .....,nty on r-.. left a pc t c.-att>~>ill.1r in her sterling t".mdy di)h. After that • Tul'Sdoy, Novt<mber 30. 1982 "'"'I 1o be recorded In the C4Un"' Monica Blvd., Suite 406, Santa Nov. 19• 1982 ,_ II I h h of I · l et 7.30 PM followed by Mass :;... lhe real property 111oc:111ed" Monica. California 90401, tel (213) Pub111hed Orange Cout Delly ~.~• Aunt :.rriet e t t .it my c ances t'\O :::r. m O 11 of Christian Burial 011 0ere Novel'nbet 8, 19112 393·3788 P1101. Nov 23, 30, Dec 7, 14, 1982. The following Petton 11 doing responsible human 1-i.:ing ~re,bleak i~1d . "He..ded TRANSAMERICA TITLE 0.led No~t>et 10, 1982. _5l29-82 bu*-.. right to the dogs. tit.it \X)), sht>CI mutter. W ednt>!lday. DecC'mbcr I. INSURANCE COMPANY LEWIS and BOUCHER NOTll't .... w-r P'"CIFIC -w ..,, I n . . L .• _...... h 1982 at 9·30 AM. both al Our ENTERPRISES dbl/ "8.IC '~ . --....,.. ,. ..... "" 10 O\Cl'COIOl' t th ~J\l' DklW m rn)' c.•rnu~,er. s e Lady Que<'n or Angels ::.~ ~~c~1=~02 Tiiie SeMc4I 1------------•g::!n':\'::J· Newport BHch. ht'""ll bomb.in.ling me with US. Savin~s 801l<b Fi~rinJt. U ... d Tru11'" FICTITIOUl-SI "d. h I n l. I -··' "---. Catholic C hurch. Newport (714) 547-9571 NAm ITATWMSWT Sinn En111rprlae1, Inc • a no ou t. t 1at monC) mi,,,.rt eau lllt' au;ay mnn t>v1 Bcac-h. Ca PnvalC' antenncnt By Herb«t c Moon. By DIANA FEIST. The ionowlng pe11on '' doing Californlll corporation rather than toward it. After all. l 11f'Cllt.J all th<' help I Astt Secn11ry Vice Prnklent bullnn• a• Thie butlnee8 it conducted by a al Paufic Vit•w M <>mOrial Publllh•d orange co111t Dally Pubnthed Orang• Cont Delly G w F MINISTRIES eka limit.a pertnerthlp muld get . And Aunt llaniet rouldn\ hiwe helped me Park PadC1c Vlt'w M ortuary Pilot, No~. 18, 23, 30, 19112 Piiot Nov 1&, 23, 3 • 19112 Encouragement tor Today. 81f Swan Enterprl-, Inc. more. Those Bonds !(rew up, aJong with me. into a nkt . d11·rcw~ 4995·112 6038-82 Rhine Lane. Cati•~ CA. 92828 Frank w. Johnaton, r:at n"5, t .,.,a, One I kc"'I tR(>pina as I ltlOV<'d alonu i11 -;:::::::::::::=============================;-1 Gary W Flllbe, &18 f'htne LMM, Preeident n " """" t' "' " COtll ...... CA. 92928 Thi• llalem«lt -filed with lhe m y life . DOING BUSINESS UNDER A FICTITIOUS NAME? All new bualn•H•• nlng • flctltloui n•m•, muat by l•w be re9'1terecl with the County ct.rt&. Tlte IJAILY '8LOT provldH et. fonna •ncl .... wwtoee for our cullOIMra. If rou are _,..,; new bll1lnee1 aal the DAILY flltLOT lnform811on •ncl tonne 141-4321 IJlT. m ,, Thia bualnet1 hi conducled by an County Clerk of Orenoe County on lndMdulll Ncwember 11. 1912. I flnully hun,,; out"')' i.hingle tcK141y. John Pt•trlt•. Thlt 11~1'!n!:':. 111ec1 With the Pullllehed Orange Coe:.-:: dcdor of'vt•tt•rinllry tnt'tl lcl11e. I coukJ h'll f)..d Wil.\ County Clefk of Ofange C\imy on Piiot, Hoot. u . )0. Dec 7, t4. 11t2 proud. and Mom Wll.~ n.•ally bNmlnJC. Auel t•\en Aunt Nov 11 1982 ,_., 517t-ea H~t ~ .a littlt' misty lll'OUnd tht· t'yt•\ Af\er tlll-he'.\ Publl•hecl Orange Co••• Delly ....C MOTIC( the ant' who pn.->dicitod I was KQinjl ,tn&.1,U-t to the do,('1 PllOt. Nov 23, 30. Dec 7, 14, 1912 i PIOTmDUe IUHllM !UmlTA~ The fOllOwlnO per-. ...... ~-IA~IR I ANOCIATU MAL E~TATt. t&H Mtee Vetde Drive !ett, No tOI. Ooell MMe. CA 9HH Ne41 A lerll!! 1 212' l lerlMrd 0r • c~·· ..... \;II '"" Terry L ..,...,, Un llartllrcl Or • Coe'8 ...... CA nut Thie ~ .. OOftClllCWG "' "' ........ NlllA ..... Tllllllllla_lt_Ml(l .. Wle County Cllrll ., Or ... ~ °" No¥"·'"' ,_ PwDllafled Or•ft18 Coee1 OeilY Piiot. No¥ n. '°· o.c 1, ••. , ... ,, ..... Buf/l•ll(. lJS Sovi~ &nd.t un a rqular l>mb M/1•\ Amrrico. Anti II ~n ~Iv a drnm btton1f. a rTOllty Nfto(_/ u/.tQm;thl"ll. that nUf<Jat ha~ bftn. @ • \ .. ' • J l • 1111111•1•" .....•.••.••..•....... Pt~li1ller'1 lttiHI All r1111l l!llllt! 11dvt1rll•W 1n thlt now1p1per 11 aubJec:t to tne Feeli1111 ra1r Hou111ng Act of 1968 which ma.kos II Illegal 10 odvertlae "any preferen· ctt, llm111111on or dlscrlml· nation based on race, C:OIOr, (81igiOl1, &ea Or nat1on11 01lg1n, or any Intention to make any such preference, llmlla 11on 01 dlscr1mlnat1on • l nit newspepe< w111 not knowingly accept any aovertrsl ng tor real es- tate whteh IS In v1ola11on of the law. EllllS: Advert !· sers should check their ads dally and report errors lm- .m e d i a t e I y . The DAILY PILOT as- sumes liability for 0 1 nn9e Coe~t DAil V f'll.0 TIT uessday, Nc1v mbffr 30 rn82 DI ,.._.H!!. ~'. ~'!. . . . . . . ~ .. !!!!.{~'. '-~'!. .. .. . . ~'.!!!!.{~~ !.~1!....... !~!!!. ~ ~'!....... '!!~!!. !~!!!111!..... ~ .. ~!!t.¥~!1!!'11~!! ••••••••••• vr1~1ee.~ .. ~ .... ~ ......... .'.I.fl ~!!!.~t ........ .'.~1 f!~ .. ~~t ......... '.'.fl !~~!~! ........... !.~f "t''iJ.•" ',. ~!.1.'!. ......... 1.~. !11.~.~~t .. l.~~f C11MI ''' .,, JllJ llOOO MWI •• !!•••••••••••••••••• 4 It COM SIOO rMIAALO ISAY ' Ir 2 LIM llLI Hiii Pnn11• Lnlo N1111I l1<1yfron1 !\ lld111\, :'I' U.1th I~~•· L H , uh ll.l11tl ~ l11i.11 11111111 $1 ,~00,000 tt.•mod1•l1'tl :I hclm1, ~ Ii.1th + li.1 K•· fl'(.' fll) , tx .. 1m l-t•1hntt11. rui 11h1h1oJ, p.illll•i $4.W,000 PllllllU 1111 0~·011 & jt•lly vll•w11. M.mrw n.r0m, 4 W1111, 3 l>oth, :noo M.t fl. t 1 ,:!85.000 Oi 1·1mfront LlllA llLE IAYFllOIT Lagoon vh•w from ti lx.lr10, I'> ~lh, µluy1wm, dork rm, rlt'n flout wli~. N1JW $1 ,000,000. IAYllll PUOE S pt."·tucuho1r huyfrmll dpl>< :t br, 2 b11 up, 2 br. 2 bo' dn. 2 bout lif>Ut.'l'li Hl.JUCl'<.I $1.500,000. FAlllUlll llAIOH Nt•w 4 br. 4 •., ba, l'USlom French Ne>tmundy Estate I 2 primt: am• hilltop $1.250,000. 001111111 OAYI Coru1wdo I.stand C'Ust bayfront lol. 85' boat dock Plans avail. Now $370.000 w/terms. Bl LL GRUNDY. REALTOR •••••••••••••••••••••• •ttOO I .... 11 •• -2 8f,ft> lalPenMOO B• lr1Jlt tmck 91110 .IAIMlll Ulll • mo plut t•• a 1n1 f r• •..-I Bt, b1ytroo1 MOO w11 h •P• $1fJOOt mo 2 bcJ11n 2 hi u•11 Pfl· Cut11erd•l4I 2 I r I'~ Be Con11 Cotti MHI IOt 2 Br, 0u11t111 S 1100 67& Jo&I c1d ur11.h11 mur hi al f!~71~~. ":::, ~:~~:.; ~:,~t s~0,~1 ~"'1k b~:: "'°"' IULn :t Ot Cleo 2 1>1 t1pt<. dtw 1276.000 Owr,.r Ownt/1(11 076-2800 ind 11111.ntd c:•l>Ufll!I ,.., llAllll•lfl m1c10.i11ve tra•h C()tt'IC) 769 111&& Woodbridge ChalHv t11m1ty room 11nd 11ur~ 111·1111 1p1c1011e wood dec:u IHTIMNIAllY conoo 2 bd 2 b1. ><1n1 ~:&~;a.5:~;:010 Cly• 1,1.,, ~~~60~,~~·~~~~:sr:•• IUOI l•ITI loc ' Ilk• new cond •~ -t. • 1 13110 ,,.,.,.,, 3111 2 Br I 81 + 111.1010 Auv1n_.b11 t111anc1ng highly \188;•0 d. 11"'1 -•5"• rllf!I~ ~ ...................... 1760/mo Call 404 6841 ft\llillbl• on llleM 3 be• llnc g , C I IO,OOO O~pj;;•;;~,;,· wor~d'3oih Purlln Pl 5 BA 3' • bl 111 6 01 wlm<I• droom vn11, 111111 Dig g51~80::•11 mt toini 11 NB Newly remO<l,.led OR. hg p1110. 11200 mu Co1011• BIBCl'I 1:160. In oml 0\11 3 b• 2 ba tu rno Agt 673·0060 VIC:IOrll OllC:.h OcHn 000 tl44•1020 #1n.11 ... ,,, "'' up1t1tr1. 2 l>r .' I bO 4 6• 2 Do Penln Pt eKIC •1011• 3 Or 2 81• lrplc; Lllll IUL llTATI •••0"•••••••••••••••• down11111 • Min 10•1. noma wpo, rrplc, 1va1I 4ll4•493 t, 4114"216' .' .w.11 I ILlffl ••••••• down owe balanco Ill 7 I fll 0 I b I k b 8 I ch ' Hiii 31•0 . --13 0•1. tor 5 vrs Grt111t ror S t200/mo lurn/unlur11 .~I.'!,~ ••••. ! ....... ~. Ad11ll conao. 1u11 2 You own 1n1 l1nd 2,000 tummet rentals $736 675-1853 Co 00 3 Br 2'h Bi 111ew block• rrom Bay In Old 1 sq II, 3Br. 11m 1m. 2'• ooo Armitage Rooltv' ~ n toe 'rec c:en1tr' Corona del M111 Ground Ba. wide GrMn~ll. n1er 714-544-2484 c.,,., ''' 1111 3ZZZ xS~~~/mo • 497 3973 lloor unit. 2 bdtm, 2 bl. pool 1'11 below market ••••••••••••:••••••••• bull• In app111nces Nice 1235,000 Wiii lllM OP· IH••• ,,. .. Ill 1000 Duplex at 7 17 l Or<;llrd 3 patio Community pool 11on 8«1 644-0134 •••••••••••'""•• •••••• Br 201, deck, 1111w 2 car •P• and rec: attta 12011'. 21 fHl·PLElll gar $960, Cy 540-4088. 000 720· t363 Newport He1Qhl1 older 2 P11ced II 9 2K's gross e~es 6!0·9' 19 50 x 117 A 1 IOI courts, 1nd only 4 y15 Hwy Goo<l loc111on Call f fl.'!!~. ~!I.'!~{ .• !.~!f MONARCH SUMMIT 2 Br . 2 Bl den , 1800/mo 22852 And11a 642-1028 WllTIWATEI VIEW I Br 1 Bl dbl ca1 g1rage. lnctuCIU pool. tennis Avail now 3 Br So of llllllllLI PllOI $185,000 n-In Oceall$rde Ow· Olona, ~2-3442 r HE Mos T u N 1 o u e I 461 Santa Ano Ave ner motivated S11bm11 ell Mtw•tl ••tit 3Zll NEW HOME on Hazel Ot 548-5041 •II 6 olle11 3 BQrm. ,. •ba, trplc PB· ...................... . SPECTACULAR VIEWS IHllS IUUY 110 Exc:et loc: S800tmo Super apec111 2 bt, 2'"1 b• ol window 1oc:k llcte IWlll IHPEUTE lll·H 11 Ava11 12115 759-9570 or condo, Ioli.type 08'\ wt poolt ano canyons from Oplx on Penm. xlnt te-&73·4565 wet bar. ltplc, open poolside & lhllng a1ea nan11 & tax deduction TWI lllTS 2 llecb ltaclt beamed cllhngs. many EXPANSIVE 4 bedroom, Appralted at 1225,000 A1ttact1Ye In top locauon 2 bdrm 1 08 $650 419 • x tr a• S 9 2 5 /mo 7 veers new CALL FOR Reouc:ed 101 quoc:k sale neat Cllllc: Cntr. c M 2 & OrchrO Alie No pets Call 648-7452 or 8• t-2880 EXCLUSIVE SHOWING to $170.000 Pnn only 1 Br Prtn only Call Paut 720--0~41 Spec 3 bf ;.-;-t;;-;;;y- ol this security gated 648-7958 5•9-1366 · clean 1wnhse, pool, loO· !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I ~'t~!":;~~3~~f:6s ll1jiJ1 H1•1 f!!!~.!!!!~ ...... !.~~t X~'-·,:!i $800/mo Agt l-i 1 H·l',. .. d· LJ· • " ... ~, ,.., ') ti 10 the first incorrect ----------VIEW l1tk 2300 1 111 PllY I tllET BAY & OCEAN Sell •••••••••••• .. •••••••• Ang, yard No pets Ulll 2 Br cottage. Newport Insertion only. s •• ,,, '" s.1, ....•..•.....••••....• .,,, £11111 •......•.........•.... ,,.,,,, 'ooz ...................•.. 01 A SHADY SHADY STREET Is th s lovely comet lot 1n an Jrea of pride of ow· nershlp homes. Tree II· ned streets. Manicured lawns Beautllul harO· wood lloors, big rooms 1n1011ghout. Unbelre11a- ble amentties, solar water system. cen1r1I air, Oak kitchen cabinets, new ca1pe1tng. new paint. enclosed patio fruit lfees. etc .• etc Call ~6-2313 LOOK For our new regular weol.ty leature BOAT SHOW- CASE Every Soturdoy Ill the Daily Pilot Clasallttds ILlffl So corwenlen1 yet se- cluded on a quiet cul- de·aac $1feot Two be- drooms and faintly room c:ondo Restlul brick pa- RVM~ TRADE your bo11ng Income pro- perty or oulgrown resi- dence with large equity trade or option 3 B<lrm. 1 pd $540/mo 1st plus Hetghta. lrplc, redwood 3 ba s e c: 6 4 8 •, w decks, btiek walks. woo- 32 1 Kings Ad 16th 499-1617 ded. gar $750/mo Avall Open Sal & S11n 12·4 ...,.... 1· 1-83 645·6625 00110 v1ow ot Bay & Ocean. 2Br 2ba, UM 214. Ver- sailles Call from gate PRIME MOBILE HOttl: PARK 4 B1 condo for lease. 2' • -------Be, 1850 s.I . tennts, 3Br, 28a single sty condo, poot, rec. No pell Reis all xtras. quiet S750 mo. Avail 1211 . 544·807 t or Nenc:y 497-2149 739-6521 Blulls c:ond_o_,_3_B_r_, -2,-Yr-B_a_, AFFOllDAILE ~lf95~C:~~ custom spa. for this neat rustic and COIDO 1oomy 4 bdrm, 3'~ba home In WALK TO THE View of park End Uflll BEACH CORONA DEL E-106 3Br 3ba, lge p111 145 S!)U('t.11 on 2:l A l'(C'8 + 20 ;idd111<m;il at·r~'ll s:1.150.ooo H> Br. garogo, yard S465t mo Wes11ldo 641·0763. No pets. formal din rm. lam rm. encl polio, commty pool 11150 644-0335 111 5pm GUSSI 111-1100 • Owner may lake $6,500 1------~~~I Eas1s1de, resp edits. pro- lerrod, 2 br. 1 ba ga· 34' MOTORBOAT SLIP 3 Br 2 '~ Ba. secu11ty gates, $1200 PP. 159-0588 Oown on lhls huge condo with aunny kitchen, large ll'\llng areas. shrmmerong pool & secunty gate Only 165.000 • c:all nowl 646-717t THE REAL ESTATERS MAR LOCATION with garage CM VILLAIE If spectacular 180 deg ll••IH llJ lt11h .H ••• l .. E ocean, Catallna Island 6•5-9950 548-M36 anO harbor view Priced 646-57 t9 2 Dr. 1 bo 011ve by 2652 Lrg 2 B• home 1n Irvine's at current appr11sa1 of liiiii====iiii~ SMta Ana Ave UM 2 Do BLUFFS 4 Br 2', Ba xtras most desired "village " $475,000 tee Owner has not orsturo tenants $450 $950/mo Ideal tor c:oupte or small $195.000 equity 1nd will 85I 6226 760 0&79 lom1ly. tn1s well ma1n1a1-carry 2no llEllCEI --~~~~~~=-~ mo • ·----ned propeily ts located 144-1211 2Br" tBa 1 610ry, 5hag ILIFFS · on a quiet cul-de-sac All 1200,000 . cpl/Orps patio, llplc. 3 l>d 2'> ba 2000 sq It community amenities. BIG CANYON CUSTOM, ll•••l11a, 0.1111, o snwsnr. beamed ce1-Nr pool+ tennis club rage S625 t mo 673-7544 plus Woodbrodge snop-on gotl course 20"4 on R•Htl Z400 lrngs 2650 Elden 1540 StOOO/mo 640·2364 * * *"It***** ping, are neuby For V1c1n1, show anytime •••••••••••••••••• •••• mo 650-1798 *••Jfllll* sale or 1ease1opt on s 095 000 Palm Desert. Monterrey --Nwpl Hgt1. 3 br, 2 ba tn--• ' · agt 1· · CC Plan 300, golf, lake/ 2 Br 1 Ba Conage, cat· plea. yard, $800/mo Call llAT SLIP Ca II Joy H o Iker l!~!67!3~·~77!6~1!!or~7~60!·~1!39~7~ min llU St69K StOO as-pets. drapes small patro Jane, 6'46-7800 I a I I y 759•9100 C11l• ll1U IOZ4 sum pp 714/855-415t S475t mo No pets ,. lt•rH• 2,,L •• • •••••••••••••••••••••• 540 448 • 'Fl ·-··---·--.-----··--·, IUCMS4H,5001 ~~===== E'SllE llLLRllE! VIEW LOT O•I 1/ Ctaa'1 - - 4 pool spa Rerng wash & ('~ ' 38 BALBOA coves. 3 • • 3 Bdrm home, located on IEWNllT Eas1s1de. 3 Br, 2 Ba. den, dry $750 642-4,46 ~· i bdrm-Oen-2 batn OPEN cul-cftl·sac La•oe 10111 •• !.~~!~ ...... !~~~ lrpl led yara, gor. ca1- • l · DAILY 1·5 Assume 10~.% loan $210,000 SlllPPtll CEITEI ~::.'·1a~~ag,~~ :::1~f7 ; :: :.~~:~~~J7~o .. , , ! All llOVllETII Only 5122·900· call now ORASTICALLY REOU· No Sen Orego Cly, trople Ao b 1 n hood L n 3 Br 2 Ba $1200/mo -J '1; ! l*UIL!IO~l/101Wll*ll 979.5310 ~~g~~E:'~':,A:~vRt ~t~t~~::-~~~.ooodwn 556-1737. ----:;1~~211~~~~·.~211~~· THE REAL ESTATE RS 1 "It. . i v OCEAN Financing aval· -$825 3 Br, 2 Ba. 27 82 I BU C"ineSSmen 1 l•l:lltt.. CAl,,L TQP~'( ,fffl 11,lfl•-· Mendon New paint. LU)(URtOUS 4 BR w / "• ******** RAE RODGERS £xtltl8•I 2100 carpets & d1epes POOL rn BIG CANYON. 111 you are d ?111g ' -----OWIEI llST MOYE 631-t266 ••••••••'••••••••• ... 642-0634 S35001mo. yr1y tse. I bus 1 n es .s u" de; a i PICTllHOIE llAllOI VIEW NOllH Beaut. conoo. 2 or. 2 ba CllllTRY LIYlll Eside 3 B1 2'"' Ba Ouplex, 644-9805. 673--8977 IF"rclrt1ous Business IACI UY 1315,000 Lease o r lease/opt. No Calif. 7 acres, house encl patio & yard. lrplc:. BLUFFS CONDOS "fame you are required EOUHTRIAI ESTATE Fantc1s11c 1oca11on In $850/mo 545.3339 F&C for O.C p1operty dbl garage. $775 1s1 Two 3 Br 2 Ba one-te11el by law t 8U$1MSS and Harbo1 View • backs lo 1iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim--•I Cons mrtg to $20,000 last & sec 631-8283 homes on lush greenoen. ! f'ro/euaon.s Code. Sec Large. iambllng. country nature park • nut to 1• 855-1400 comm pool, etc. S 1200 : 17900 to 179301 to file a I ~1~:e o~'t~he pe8anc:~r1B~~~ green. bell • beautilul TllPLEI t Cl 016 2 BR. new cpts, tplc, wood & $' 100 760'9075 I r1cl1llous 8us1neu 1 Newport Canter. and extra large lot With lollely Ass•••••· Fl•11oi11 ~!'. •• !~!!'.1! .... ! .... •••l•I• ~::t 6i~~09;~r\I nice Bluffs 38• 21 ... ba Fam rm, patro, pool & spa • don't All 2 Bdrma: enclosed WI CLEIEI-••••••••••• • ......... . I \'ame Statement and much mo1e Faclhlles for miss tnlS marvelous 4 BR d ·~ 1 2 BR 1 B 1 New decor Large patio . • 1 houe 11 published for , a small he<O of ho1ses. garages an patios. eK· Walk to the beach lrom Ht8111 F•t•illtH ean 1· enc gai. Pool $975 760-8384 I ks , 8cce1 s 1 0 B 8 ck B 8 y Pale1mo Plan cetlent rental area Ow· h 3 8 2 B h ••. ••. •••• •• •• • • •• • • •• pvt yard. no pets S495 I OM• corueauaue ~e j ttaols ~IOIO ner wtll also c:onslder ~~!.~•~'int-a .. ,010m.,,e .. ,,,_ 11118' 31 Of mo 548-6680 FOi LUSE i WE ot the DA/I. y ' 2 d TO N a ,._,_""" -~ -------· l PILOT tan Mlp Wllh Rtek Aldetelle. Bkr ~~~~~?.e.. ~sking 51~; aFnud11owpnerricew1111c116r0ry.020nd0 i;~~;i1;;··;;;;11•1··,··, 3 bdrm, 2 oo. dble gar 3 bdrm, 2' r ba exec 1 both Call IM LEGAL (ltC) 111·"44 OCEANFRONT OUPLE>C C "• O S lrplc tge yard. new parnt nome with poot, prol re-i D £PA RTM £NT atlliiiiii~iiiiiii ____ By owner Corner lot OOO. 81154 •11 1 63 1-7370.~9-3546 1lt1rt• rt1t1I, 4 Ir. $795 2326 Fotdnam modeled All n1w ap. I. 542.4321 En 332 for lllYElltn aa•i 3btl 3ba. $685K assoma-fenaal ••'•• r•. liw Avail 631-8062 phances Ha1bor lslanO r-ble 1121< 1s1 TO. owe -. RO $1800 mo 1 year I further 1n/ormahon Detached 3 br 2'r 01 2nO TO 752-9466 r•, •n, I~ 11. 2 SIH leaM i,: i11Jj[j~l(.}j ! ~~~,1~~~0~e~~-::"& ICWFIHT "'1'11 ' 2 11••tcb, I ~~!.Rc~o!0r,~ s~h~:i! ~ao~lo0~11!"~o~e o!: • -····-··· •• ' poot St 14 000 In SIHll e1••m . ~Ht •eo•. ••IYrlJ. and beacn 546-5605 11enpor1 i 642 4321 I . danu--• ... ... Prlot ·21••i•~··· -----; • : mable loans an you Best Corona del Mar to-• Br l't oa. dlw, c:p1 g 2 Br Ouplo, nice 11iew l'---------··-1 own tne land Sl35.000 c:atton wrth pvt beach Sll,IOO. IH JH• lrlwt •r 2 S. laJ· $600/mo 1948 Anaheim l&ootmo * ~ • , • 00 • = <l) ~ • >< Q) • = • , • •1ln Iii eptn''1ivl nol, hl1h In prke: rMton· 1ble toel: cla11lfled 1dverti1ln1. • ..., .... =---........ J 144·4110 access Tne finest ltst It Ter••· frnt, lll·llll er Ave Costa Mesa 662-7459 ~~rnos~~uhc~~~ 1;1~d~~'*'l l•J loC1r•t, lffr. • •• ~~f!!!'!~! .... /.~~f lll·llOI. $465 2 Br 1 b'a. rrplc 140 3 Br. Westc:ltll. a11111 now 141 ll•t $5000 Down 4 Br 2 Ba.. c b 110 S 1000 Hat•" Fred~-k den home A total arc:h -• & c:o11e1ed patlO. vaulted Cllt•I ,,, lf•t JI 22 a II , w• -• tec:1ural triumph with oak •• ••••••••• •• 673-n87 a g t 6 3 I • 1 2 6 6 or ~~~==~;;;=1 11 F d d ceilings, c:ommty pool. s 00 0° 0 ot 0h~y Glam 0 o 0 r 0 ous 0 ----548-5508 oo1s. renc:n oors an --S 7 500 C 97 657 -Mesi Verlllt ¥1111 a chef's dalrgnt kitchen 11 • all 4 • 1 1Br condo. Frplc. patio. See to belre11e $1,475, B•ali•iloa • A IOll pool. gar $750/mo Avail 2 Br Condo I Ba Lease BAYfRQNT PllCEI llllfl AT 000 c 1 •Hll •I Dec 31 644 7211 A t $595tmo Avoll Dec S1H,IM llWNIT a' now ... ~~! .......... !.':!! BA°CK0 B0AV°CHARMEFt: . . g t51h-631-1266 l••tllll1t1 Pt11tS· IUCI OHIO -Wt'\TI Kl KONT. SPICIO~S IUCI 11111 3Br, '{separate study or f!l.~,~.~!.'.t.t .• !.'.~f Modern 3 81 2' r Ba SIH 1 bedroom penthouse 5 Bdr 4 ~Ba 3-sty 3000 den ush lanoscaplng, Moblle Beacrt Collage. 4 Wests 1 de ho us• FURNISHED 01 unfur- o11er tookt ng central llOlliU" i:-c· sq 11' + 011e~ 900 $q 11 n1tdwooel llis, mini private beaches. pool, $795/mo 631-3566 O• nlshed, 2 mos. minimum court Many amenities R£AL ESI,.lE or balcony Some ocean blinds, patios. bi~ back· pier. security. $650/mo. 720·4152 rental Eic.cel location. Poot, saunas, etc Owner 6.lt 1400 view 1 blk to oeach yo. many specti •1181 836 7854 543·2307 --S 15O0 I m o 0 w n er will help with llnanctng l-iiiiii'iliiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ $285'.000 F P See owner Only $ l40,000 Call • . .\ Easl !llde 3 Br/ 2't ,Bod 644·9513 STllCTU fH In adj nouse at 206 15th S•ll-8269 #•wr.,11 IHtlt .1161 p11va1e pauo w spa, nc - lllLllll SI ~5-17 t8 011t11 ... , £11111 Th ... ei~;;;,"9;~;··0;; ~a~=rdga~~~:0s~~,'::;~· l~!'..~{'."!!!'.1! .... !.~!f Great 1oca11on In 010 l . JIU~ •••••••••••••••••••••• e>1ec pad. 1eady now 2 1s1 last & sec 648-3532 Hiii side ocean 11rew 3 b1 CdM 30 x t 181 n1•1 .,,,., If, jJI • m111er su11ea & den or 3 - -convert den & mard's c:o1ne< ot, •••••••••••••••••••••• f f •l•ll bdrms 180 degree view Room tor rent Outet qu11ters $2000/mo . Lido ea ty duplex income potential WDOlllllllE F11 S.11 1111 End unit $1400/mo backyard tor pet wel· 213/449-2628 good. R-2 zone Asking ...................... .,7~337 t c:ome $200 6•2-771• ---------$ 199 ooo $5000 on. owner must Wll& llLLS v .,.. S. It W 3111 673-7300 sett 2 Bdtm condo Exc:el LIDO ISLE 3 ...... 2 b FAMILY IHE •• !.' ..•. !f~~.~•••••••• I~~~~~~~--~ UlillilOOlf 11()~1:1 as111mao1e eiusttng 11. Beaullful 24x60 2 BR, 2 • """"· a B .. ho c 1 1 tamrm $1700 mo Biii 4 Br 2 Ba encl patio Leese optton 3000 sq It R•alt~s. 675·6000· nanc:1ng. $97,400 Rec:tu-,. m1 orner o " "' c:ed from SltO,OOO Call Island Kllc:nen Fam Rm Grundy. Rllr 675-6161 lrplc:, 2 car garage. No Gated 1r11, tenn11 IHT llY ... lllE'I WIY toi Mark 644•8325 or Lcgnt Interior Enc:losed l••lll •itA JIU C M loc:atron $850/mo c:ouru, oc:ean view 559•6442 • porc:h. aor c:ond $34,500 ••••••••••• .. ••••••••• 631-7370, Ask for Jim 12000 mo 551-8215 Don t miss 1n11 ge>tgeous lill'fl 5 Bdrm home wllam11y • IO room 01111 2000 •q It IH1•1•I• I 1 and 1011 ot upgrados •••••••••••••••••••••• Price 1ust rtdu.-ed to TUii S 132.000 Call IOdly 979-5370 \ f >111 !l /:'If . . .., •' Dellgnttul duplex c:lose to beach. xlnt ren111s Two Bdrm units, Dining room. country kitchen, lrplc, ooubll garage Owne1 w1nts l1rg11 properly. '-.lllliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ Only $289,500. 1• 142-1200 •UllH VIEW llLLI• A PETE BARRE TI REALTY Totally remodeled Inside & o ut thl a dellghllul ranch style home tea- t11ree 4 br. 2 trplcs, 3 ear g111age, oc:e1n view & t'--~~~~~~~ &Dl&EDUS ClllllllE In Village I 3 bdrms. 2 ba. one-atory. Fantastic woo<lsey gteenbelt k>c:a· 11<>.i. Just steps to pools ind tennis S I 500 large lot w/cu11om ac:>• Priced to sell at S340, e<>0 Low lnterHt lllU· Liiiie Miii Muffet aal on a --------· mable financing Call Tullet. along came a To piece your mesNgt 7511-lSOt or 752-7373 1plder and 1ead In the btf0t1 lhe Cally Piiot Ctaulfled reldlng public, MCtlon lbout MIM Mui-PflOt'le let's Tuffet and bought 11 Oaity Piiot IOI Sii 95 You t41n Mii Ctauilled, 842-587& your tulle! ind tot• 01 ~ Walker & Lee ----------- 540-5937_A...;;,g_t ____ ,oc:.anlront 1 Br cottage • IEW CAPE Cll c .. , •• ;.; •• , S 1 e P s t o b e 1 c n • enc:! gar wtelec opener. C.M. TIWMll Dil•WUN 34ZS NEWPORT-"0 40' Mo~ s95o t mo or by wk Decorator perlec:t. •Pa· •••••••••••••••••••••• bllt nome w/1mo11 yd 2131592•1891 c:1ous 2 bdrm. 2" ba IEWPllT TtlUCE Kii. bllh li111ng rm IB1 Bt•IH D•fa,.idN pool, iacuzzi. rec:reahon 3 bdrm. 21'> bl conoo, 27 $7500 Some terma •••••••••••••••••••••• area, p111 patlO, balcony Sand Dollar Ct. Hlghly (916) 872-4364 ll•1t•I 1102 & 1ge garage Deco wall upgraded w/sml patio iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiml •••••••••••••••••••••• paper. draperies & more Stove, w11her, dryer, 11.,llATEI Sna1p & cle1n 2 bdrm. double wide C1me1on with attached 111n rm 1nd ca1porl Loc:ated In 5 Stir Greenle•I Park Re- duced 10 133, 175 No rHIOl'llbll ofter wlll be reluMd. 17141 673-44o0 lllJ163HH HARaOR Aeed lhe Cl9eelflecl ad• ror the beet .... In 91*1· rnent rentals 142·M71 $995 ulfl pd 675-231 t. e111nw11ner Comm. unars FOR RENT 10•30 to 5pm --pool, aeun1, jac. No lse, l1\IWK, no pets A111il Oec tit !~!'!!'?~'!J~!!~.!.¥.1 S700 mo 213-433-0502 Miss 0 V EJO Clean, r41.0ec 3 Bi. 2 Ba. ~ I: ·-&.-~ * I N I * den, lrplc. patio Quill 11•••11 .,., __ $675-$725 area 1750/mo. 1st, IHI -,;,t;;•;,r;,;;-••37;; & sec. 963·2778 '··•••••••••••••••••••• l . 31.~~ Bavtronl. sm lludlo, 111111 1r1a1 .... pd. quiet emplyd tingle, •FOUNTAIN VALLEY* ....... iiiiiili"""""" yrly S42S/mo. &73·3e00 $750 1 10 • bdrms, starting el Ct1tH ''' Mil J71J •HUNT, BEACH• $700 * WEST,MINSTER * 1725 $600 to S 1475. •••••••••••••••••••••• Be1ut1t11I •unMt. d.core- t or furl'! IPI Frpl 1905/mo 873-0896 Cnl• •• ,, 1714 ...................... other thlng1 through j~:':::~~~~~~ Oelly Piiot Ctaulfled _. ..... --~!""""-~-~~!!""'"-..---- want Adi Ctll 842-5878 Ade. Clll '42·5878 ':!::' sec:~~~-//, ~~s · F11rn 1 bdrm 1pll 1315 end up Enc garages 2110 N.wport 81110 CM 54&·4"8 -· .... -... «A• I ,_... ----~ ) YIWIE llYEITIEITI • , .. . . , . . • • 198 Orang Co11t DAILY PILOl lfu 1day, NOl/fltnber 30, t98:l lessianal Se•.,,h:e ---------11 ~!1.~~!' .............. . UJ.4A!e!uP~~J tor a 30 day ad In tllt IAILY PILIT HRVIOE llllOTORY 00 IT NOWI ... ftr ... ~,. YCX1r Delly Piiot Slfvlce DirectOfy Rapreaentallvt IU·H'11, tat. 122 Ouvvwaye. PotklnO l OI Repolrt, St lc01ttng S&S AIPhll 631 4 190Lte Oen Hollberg Grodlng & Pevlflg Co A119/COfflrOt Lie 3976804 842· 1120 ~!!!!~~1! ••••••.••.... lncorpora11on. buslneu advice Reasonable 186& 752· 1962 ~!.•J:!!'!!~I .......•.•. 8obyst111ng my home bV loving mother Eestside CM 548-2609 --------l1i1'111 ••••............•••... CUSTOM HOME BLOR needs SMALLER JOBS UlllJ••1/,l••Htll•f between hOUses Free s·uoiNG.G..Ass·cooR·s est Call Dan 537·:0342 Installed/ Aemod. add'ns C1tN•ll'f. & concrete. Ltc 361681 .••• ,.-••• ••••••••••••• Joa 892·1327 EXPER. carpenter dots add'ns. remod, decks REMOD. SPECIALIST SkyHglllS & repairs Free JG Allon. Lie 202752 est Oan. 84 1-4592 Bonded. 494· 18 10 Doora installed, every· A.1wt1i•f St"itf thing In t>ldg & rapa\r 35 ••••••••• •••••••• •••• yrs ex per Reis Jerry SO"/, OFF FIRST MONTH 546•4413 Dependable. 11fordable, ---------esse.n t lot Answering C1tNI $11ritt service, secretarlal & •••'•••••••••••••••••• business servlc11. mill No Steam/No Shampoo bo11. rental, word proces-Slain Specialist Fas1 sing, Talex-Facalmlla. dry. Free est 839-1582 order anlry. p1gars·le11a Shampoo & steam clean. Quy. desk space rQPtal. Color brighteners, wllt ANSWER NETWOF\K arpts • 10 min bleach 631·9131 (ask for A V.) Holl. ilv/dln rms s 15; avg Salling anylhlng with a Dally PllOI CllSslfled Ad Is a simple metier just call 642-5678. room S7 .50; C<Xich $ 10; cllr $5. Guar. ehrn. pet odor. Crpt repair. 15 yrs exp Do work myself Reis 554-0 123 f~!r..'.I!!!!!! ....... . Wt1 (.;ore Crpl Clt11111tt11 Sltlllll C;ltlll ' Vl)llOI T1uck mount unll Work uuw 6"~·3716 f !!'!!~!/.~~~!!!!! ..... Ctmuml·Maso111y·Ol0<;11 wa111.cus1 wori. L11.. ;s81057 l'iob 647 2683 C1t1•it filt •..................... Ce1aon1c Tiie 1na1&llt<l. 1111 typos. Rais Custom, Commerct11I 011ve 640-2062 C•ol11tl1t1 OtH11l ···········'·········· Nona 2 big, none 2 small. From A to Z we do 11 all 714-675-9436 lie 425781 -----REMODEL • Oomm- rasldentlal, tenant Im· provemants. major re· pairs. Bldg renova11on, cOde cor(ecl!ons. etc 20 yrs Oran{la Cty. bondOd, ins. Lie 19t801 Pa· lombo Cons1 Anyttmt 962-8314 ---=----WAY COHTll.CTIOI Lte "420802 Plans Financing Available 142-1200 HOME IMPROVEMENT ALL TRADES REMODEL/AOO'NS 641-6967 f ~.'.1!~. !!!!t~~~~'!f. !'!!.~!!~~,!~1. •••••••• ~!!!~!~ ............ ~~~!~·"·············· t.u1>111v1111a11ll/llttj.llllf I (lwn ••lflttCe from $HI t 1010 ltAUI INC. l ue eet11 11011 t t••rlJ rno Yll tle•n·u1>11. w•iv & CL£AN UP!ii ware Uou b4tl 71l:l3 1tv1 01110 , 1ton wo1k Kfln r18f1 .-.1 64? ~657 lJtdtitlJ lltl4 IOllJ HAULING lludtirll w/IQfl •••••••••••••••••••••• KJO lo.11(1tc11ou M111111 ltucll. ••11111• tu r ut1n I.LI C 1 rllCl.A.N Prltud He~ldt<;.omm Clto1n up Th11nk yuu 75Q t07u rtont. tree 111111m1110 011 S1>rn1f\lwr •Y• 548·248G John large or 1111011 10111 Lie 396621 673·0369 SAM ruKUMOTO'S 011ruon1ng. c111un up&. H11llo• uc·o El ECllllCIAN JlH11n1 • 1ree t111n. em1 ...... A•••••••••••••• Ou111 worll/Reaa 1111.a 111ndscu.,., 64$ 3!>40 248'r El 141· '1121 free est 63 t·5072 c1111111 uP• • Tllll1rn1no Furn11co.poo1 w111or heat ELECTRICIAN Sprlnklare • Molnt Now 80.000 BTU Fu101Jew Sml Job1/Aepa1re Lie rroe ell 8<12·2657 & tllefl1'I01t11t 1n11alled 233108-C 10" 548-5203 JlPAIESE IAllHH STllO 00 (714) 808·6612 RMH Etect·Aemodell, 839.~035 Add1t1ont . g&r· wrksllops Low 11tH Lie L11ndscaplng·Yd Ctnups 325738. Ins 6•6-7378 Tree 1r1n1/rtmov-Ma1nt '!!!!!.~~!~~ ....... . Pamtino. plumbing. elac • drywall. Ille. eorpemry Mark 646-7816 •Ooc1i11 lmg1111on Jim 851·~~ ...... o..,-t61tU ---<...-> Ur •t- TOP QUALITY WORK AT REAS RATES LIC d Joel 547·4425 !~!!'!!~'LT!!! ••...•... Fo1m1ea Tops • ol all kind• P1omp1 Aeaso- n•t>le COSI 642·9125. 642-2741 ~!!.'.-.{'!f •••••••••••• TIEES T oppodtremoved. Clean up, lawn reno11 751-3476 HIDHlll WAITED !'.'.~~(!'!~~. • •. • •• • .. •• "HELPING HAN OS" Ca1pen1ry • Masonry YCXI noma 11. we'll do 111 Roofing • Plumbing Ell & Bobbi 240·0275. 24 Drywall • S1ucc;o • Tile hrs Remodel J B 646-9990 u I . JACK OF ALL TRADES ~.~~!~.~~'!''··• ••••• Call Jack anyllma. ROBIN'S CLEANING Day Of flight 675·30 t4 Servioe • a lhOroughly Painting • Carpentry Ceramic Tile. L•c'd & Bonded 644-4798 eves. clean house 540-0857 HOUSEWOll WAITED HOME CARE-AEPAI~. paint, yard, F1ae haul. Free est 75 1·4348 High qu111ity housework E~per1enced , dependa· H I' l)le. honest, Intelligent. •• '.~.'.0A.............. meuculous. llexlble. I am DUMP JOBS I II e b e s I p h 0 n e & Small Moving Jobs 673-7012 alter 6 PM Mowing. edging, raking, Cabinets-Pullmans-Bars sweeping. Free estl· Wall Units. 642-0881 mates 945.5737 CUSTOM Call MIKE 646· 1391 weekdays. All day Salur· HAULING-GRADING -day and Sunday Find what you want In Classllled Ads. your one. Daily Pilol Classltleds 9top shopping canter. demollt1on. clean·up. HoUSECLEANiNG Good Concrete & tree removal. refs Transportation E._· Quick serv 642-7638 per'd. 979·9756 !{~~!~!~~~!!r ....... . Oual11y Ht>utoi.le11111110 with • P•11on111 1 outh Call 60•11 fl!IO OG33 IH1u•utlen11111g 1 elu1nl11 1111 Own lrdnlp fluu• YOLANDA (14? 040'1 Ouelily llOIJHCluaning hy i' or11u111011• h.1tn11111 llU0·4ll:l1 !160·6289 11ou11111:luu111nu lcir 11111 Ho111111y11 Oood nilt1 C11r11 631·01193 oil 3 c.111on111g No IOb 100 l>iii or 1m1111 L111>. ro11abla, rete 16/hr 1161-334 I !!~!~~!( •••••....••.•• IHllCK WOHK CHIO t l11•place• plantort Reh• ftff '"' 646·040• ~~!!~r .............. . *A· 1 MOYlll * Top Quo111y 2~ y1 1up Comp111111ve r11u1 No ov"rllmft 730· 1353 ·Al3C MOVING Quick, Carelul Se1v1ee low riuet !>52·04 10 STARVING COLLEGE STUDENTS MOVING CO Lie l 124·436 ln1ured 641·8'427 !'!.~!~!!IJ!~I •. •. • ••... WA lCH US GROWi BUSINESSMAN WILL • • ~•OUSESIT Ed"cated ,,,.,,.1. & capable 644 6369 • • •• • • • • •• • • •• •• • • • • • • F•E PlllTIH JHilflill by Richard Sinor Lie ••• •••••• • •••• • ••••••• 280644 13 yrs ot nappy COMM L JANITORIAL IOCll customefs & CARPET ClEANING Thank you 631-44 10 Off a Cte;ining Serv10 ' LIC Bonde<! 963·5474 PAINTER NEEDS ~~~~~~~f!~r ......... . Custom Docks -Masonry & Pallo Covers Reas Free est Gene 539·4078 !!~!!~!( ............. . BRICKWORK Small 1obs Newport. Costa Meso. 1tv1ne Reta 675·3175 Block/Brick Walls, Con· cre1e Very reas Llc'd Bob 673·53671536·9906 Cuslom Brock-S1011e WORK' 30 yrt eAp. lnll 111.1 Acousuc c.iolings l•C 366780 Free est Davis Pa1n11ng 847-8432 Isl CLASS PAINTING· wa11p11per. lntlEJ<t Re· p~~~°t,!~2_!4 Bal Isle Painting Spec rates $75 pr day plus materials 673-5379 EUROPEAN PAINTERS Apt & llOme. tnl. & exl Free est 646-8349 evs Block ·Concrela-Slucco 11'1.lti•• Refs Fra. est 549-9492 •• ••••"'••••••••••••• Expert wallcovering ,in• SELL Idle lltml with a s1allat1on. Reas Consul- Oally Piiot ClaHllHtd Ad tant A1~lgnmt. 581-8590 DOLLAR DAY DOUGH SAVERS tor rour 1tlll1ood refrigerator Sell your no-longer needed Items for cash. If It dqesn't sell. we'll run It another 3 days FREE. One Item 11111 C1rt11 CU,~foM·;~~t~~~~,-~~· v111• 1•dwooo IJtc.11• ' 111n"'' Aendy ~4 1 0622 !!~!!!!.t~!~{~ ......• (0 $ PLASTCAING Ntlil PA"ht• lflt/OAt H1t11luc1.01 04!1 8258 Pl...ASTEn PATCHING R11,tucco' lnl/Ht 30 yrll N11111 Pllvl 545·?917 t!~!'!~i~I ............ . 24hr El 141· '1121 40 g111 wrntrhlDtlf 12~~ ., ~~}~~~!!~~'. ......... . AC AAINGUT TEA BOnded-lna.llC B34476A Free est 1·524·5824 ~!!!~!!~!~'··········· J D Horn Atlon•lhlng An11qu11, kll cablnalS. fine pa11111ng 645-066~ ~!!.'!~#. •..••••••••... Huber Rool•ng·•ll types Now-recove1·de<:l\s Loe 4 11802 548-9734 lllOF PIOILEM1 Don I re-root. repa11 al l r''ac11on ot cor.t 857-2890 ROOFING REPAIRS Small Jobs OK Free es11mates Call Tom or Chuck, 542-6392 . 6tt11t11i1J S.1rit11 ......••.••...•••.••.. PROFESSIONAL SECRET ARIAL SERVICE 754-6368 1!!';1,AI. M!!!~!!~'!!. .. ORtSSMAK(R I fASl-llON OfSIONER Rtt110nablo 846 8<14 I '"' ····;,1·ciNSTAlLfr/··· All K1nd1 Gu111ant110d Heta JOhll 840·Q? 11 '"' l11rlt• ......•.....•......... T 1t11 r11moval, 1r1mm1nQ. amorgonty .e1v1c11 LIC & •n$ureO 531.1-0914 r.-.~ .. ,1~~ ............ . Most IUbJOCta. K· 14 Oiyl.-,e $6 & S 12/hr Mr Morgan 64S-5176 !~~~~! .~{~~~!,, ..... Lei thw Suns111ne 1n Call Sunahlne window Cteamno. Lid 648·8853 20% Monthly Discount WE WASH WINDOWS FHI • Protass1onal Quality work guaranteed Free estimate 848· 7391 State Law ll•••irts: That all contractors who perform work over $200 1nclud1ng labor and moter1a1s must be Ileen· sed un11c;ensed contrac- tors should so state in lhetr edver11s1ng Con· iractors and consumers. con1act Mary Grondle at (714)558-4086 with any ques11ons Contractor·s Stale License Boa1d. 2e Civic Center Plata Room 690 San1a Ana CA 92701 OLLA AS • per ad, must be priced. Sorry, no real estate or commerclal ads. Call today for full details. (Non...tund1ble. Eidr• .._ 11.0D) 3 3DAYS INES . 1 ClASSIF.IEDS642-5678 ~r..~'!'!!~!!.!~!!i!~!!. A,,rt••• ~· A,.rt••• 11 A,.rt••• I( A,.11••• '! A,.rt••• II !'.•.'!}!, .'!!!!!! ••• !.~ !'/ ~!! '!.'!. !! J~!!!. !.~!'/. !'!!!t.'. .~!~!~! ..•• !.~!'/ ~!,!1. !! . ~~!! .. !!~! HHli•fl,. 1 •• ~~!~!~!!~!.~ .......... ~~!~!~}!~.'!.. .......... ~~!~!~}!~.'!......... . .. ~~!~!~!!~!!........ . .. !~!~!~!~~!!........ SEAUlll IOTEL MO/NF Tt H~ .. BEAh CHIN1B 1 IEWPOllT CHTEll ~~·t. L~:~;:1 1~~-;;,~· It } 3140 I IH 11 d 3106 I i 3111 Wkly rentals now avail o ,...r ome. rp c, Full Servoc;e Sunes , , ..... ~!. •....•.•...•..• ! .... '..!.~~•••••••••• Colli lltll JIZ4 fiill •Ill 3124 HHtioil•• ~'!!r.!! .. !~! ......... $105 g up Colo• TV w 10 .6e50tc. mu0s5t see• Call SS CUT COSTS SS Fa.s1 tundfng 643-1645 * $360/mo up Boch · 1 IAYFllOIT ••••••••••••••••••f••• •••••••••••••••••••••• lt1ell 3140 NO FEE' Apt & Condo Phones •n room 2274 Judy ·11 $650 Furnished MtltJ ftr Cltrist.11 & 2 Br. unlurn & turn. Llltle Isle. pier, 3 story WESTLAKE YILU8E • •••••••••• •••••• ••••• t'11ntals Villa Ren1a1s Newporl Blvd CM N B M/F 20's, 3 br. own All you need for one Or sooner Now 1s Ille pool. spa. 18992 Florida. delu.ite lrg 2Br. lrplc. mc!atiBJIU Boche~or g 2 Br apis SAllPIPH ans j 675-4912 Broker. 646-7445 ba Blk 10 beach Pa110. monthly lee! lime 10 act whole loans 842·2834. 842-3172 $1800 mo 675-3067 lPAllTMHTS avall 001· spa, lound A LOVELY PLACE ;-;Bi'Ock'io beach 2Br. B [AC H ARE A beamed ceilings 33rd 640·5470 are avail w e 11nance 151, ---rm No pets lmmed Oc· TO LIVE SI $250. 673-3652 ----2nd, 3rd TO s ZENITH SlllPIPEll APTS 1 Br. den. t>llins. songte Beautifully landscaped cup •Homey/PVl 1 & 2 Br bright & airy $675 mo For Lease·OWaa 3 rm5, FUNDING Art 857.1422 • 1 & 2 BA, pool. spa. gar Yrly $550+ Aeglr garden ap1s Pool & Spa Bachelor $375. •Poollspa/bbq " yrtv 968-8263 $ / OCHIFROIT 1200 sq It OoOd 1rall1c, BBO. no peta, lurn.,ava11 Prop 675-4000 Patios/decks No pets 2 Br $525 •5 acres ol oeaulilully 2 Br 2 Ba lrom $525. No 84 wk Shr w1tll Newport exec good sign & exposure 1ffllf1Jtl ftDll ('114) 14'1·11H Bachelor $395 955 W 19th St tandscaped surroun· pets Across from New· Relrlgera1or-Mafd·Pool $450/mo. 631-8056 18423 Beach Blvd, H.B lhffl ' S03S 8081 Holland Cr. HB BAYfRQNT 1 B5drm 5 0 9$64765 T6S~M8g2m2t dings po1t Beach Goll Course Nwpl Blvd & Wiison Roommate Wanted Call 831-)900. All 6 & •••••••••••••••••••••• Btwn Slater/Warn~ :!2 O Vanguard 4 • 2 4 ... 1 • Nr Frwys & shopping 545-4855 Cosio Mesa 548-9755 wknds 831-9309 "'.H. SaTILEll v• l••t4. PtHtHitl Male slralght non-smkr, • • otl Beach Furnished or ul)lurn, 2 MEW llHI lPTS • Ou1ot area 2 B S "'EED l PUCE! $250 + " util Dys Npt Cnlr 1067 sll. S1 25 Mtrtcact Ct. lie. Parlly turn. bach apt. All mos minimum rental Bachelors $410 Allracttve 1 Br g Bache· •No pets. furn avail 3 Br a teps t o " 642·5446 alt 6pm, ti Services avail Details Specoahzong in 1st & 2nd utll paid Slngle female Eacel toe St 500Jmo 1 Bdrm $485 lor w/lotl Encl gar. trpl (l H ) 147-1515 ~::.cyh H!Js~5tr,.~.3:;i· Reasonable roles Kit-642-5620 • call 714/644·9805 TO s Jinca 1949 only. 1 blk Hunt Bch Pier "'··-er .,. •.9513 131 E 18th 646-6816 pool & 1ac Gas pd No 8081 Holland Cr HB chenaues. phones, maid F 1 h t M / F New-port "'-·ch CP• firm Robt Sallie• NH/CM vwn _.. pet 1 S 4 6 5 t mo Btwn Slater/Warner 642-IOlO service Z channel mo-ema e to s r w · hH 3 ,';:utova ;,toces RE Broker Bd Realtors S 1 6 5 I mo Shery I I J&.-161 E t8111 642-0856 845·4.411 393 Hamllton ott Beach viii SANDPIPER MO-super clean well localed 642 2171 545 0611 960-2551before8PM I..,, Fireplace pool dish· llO CJt•t•ll 3111 TEL. 1967 N-port Blvd NB Condo $275 mo tor lease on their hand· • - L •-a. 31·~1 IHioHll 3101 washer. p~t pal!~ X Lg OI TIE ILIFF WOOIWE •••••••••••••••••••••• CM 645-9137 675-9643 ~ somely deco•ated NB WIDOW HAS~~ tor TD s .!I.".'~~.'!!!'.'! •••••• ".. ;;50··N1~;·5~~~~r~·r•;5: Garden 1 & 2 Br on Et Large 2 br. 2 ba cathe-Spac I & 2 t:>r. lovely 2 BR. $465• yearly. new Reliable roommate wanf. OlltCH located 81 5020 RE Loans. 10K Up No LuJtury studio. free HBO. pon•·b .... ,,,..son. ulils In· s 1 de $ 4 6 O S 5 6 O drel ceilings patfO. large pines & streams, sec decor pool. nr beach, «S 10 Shr 2 Br home in Campus Dr Window ol· Credit Check No Pen-~ "' .. ~. 557 2841 kite"--No ...... ,, 1 chll" gates. entry t>y phono. t:>us No pets 498•6217 V1t1li,. IHllll 4ZSO H B Nn-smkr. 20-30. l1ees ranging on size from ally Dennison & Assoc. phone. maid sarv. spa, cld No pets 106 E Bay. • ___ '""'' ..-" - -• • ••••••••••••••••••• 150 to 233 sq II Many $130 wk 499-3015 Apt 9 llR. 2111, 3IR. ok 2226 P1C1loc Apt 0 lge rec area incl gym Si•ll A•I 3110 Lt< °'AROW~EA0-2 sty prefer Fem $215 & utol amenities included wt 673-7311 5495 536·3638 POOi & spa 1!46·6591 •••••••••••••••••••••• new 4t>r + loll 2 ba 2 752-0322 lease ot 1or111 3 0N1c-, Christmas cash., Pvt P"' New 1Br. deck. some 2 Br 2 Ba yrly Mature Newly decor Gas Pd ---28 2BAalr pa110 pool ~ '' Vl8w. 1 person. S460 mo non smkrs. no pets $600 encl gar dwshr. pool. 2 81 1 Ba enct1d slng!f MAlllEllS WALIC kl~S ok SsOo/mo Avaoi lrples. 2 balconoas. colOr Fem non-smkr to share Ca II A 111on at ( 7 14) has cash IOt good lruSI 494-7314 + dap 5 2131 799-4195. bbq no pets 642·5073 g4o30r111mgoeC0&118~6a.7t 112o9 L•g 2 & 3 BR townhouse now 2131860 9513 tv sips '" North Shore Ball>Oa Pen apt 3 bdrm 752-6616 or 1nQu!fa at deeds Ag t 257 9792 714) $ .. apls enclgar.lrple Near -----· $285/wknd S395/wk 2ba S225permo COieman & Granl. 5020 619·758-0318any11me Nt•Ntl lt1tll 3111 673·l856 or 1 Near 18th/Pomona. 1 Br ---Hunl Hrbr from $545 lBr Sec:\mly gate tennis s595tmo 522•8631 673·5174 Campus Or NB 92660 LINDA ISLE S55 000 3rd ••••"••••••••••••••••• 1 Ba. downS1•11s. dlS. Spacious 2 Br t ., Ba Children OK 840-6807 pools. etc $<175 mo C K -n...--5------D I T I OCEANFRONT Dix 2•4 1;3r CflO•I dtl llll 3IZZ carport. water pd, 1 child • townhouse wtfrplc. E/ Avall lmmad 831•5019 ondo ona HI """' 1 lh M /F share CdM home 2000 sq tt otltce w/500 Jq eed o rust or sale By week or mont h •••••••••••••••••••••• ok. no pets $400 Agenl. side No pets 1 car gar, I Br apt. 3 blks lrom _ _ --10 Jan 13th Wll or mo Avail 12115 $375/mo + It warehouse $1545/mo behind T 0. s 1011111ng 673-7873 STEPS TO OCHI no tee 962-0217 blHns S595tmo Sierra beocn child & pet OK f•llio 3110 ~lps 4 730·062 t _ '• Uhl s Eves. 6·8 pm Irvine area Mr O't<eete $630.000 Woll salt to -----Mgml 641· 132• 5465 mo 960 7165 •••• • ••••• •••• •••••••• 650-3231 leave message 851-8928 yield 30-t.. 1n1ares1 paid on the beach holel 1 Large 3 Br.~ B00 m~ny Newer 2 BR 2 Ba. $<175 ----· • _ LourelWoOd twnllse 2 BR. lt•llll I• lllll 4300 -Full sarvice exaoutlve ;;.. querterly. all due & room apt. kltel'lenelte & amen111as 11 all No pets 760-1418 or FlllESllE COMFORT 1') ba. 2 sty. AC. comm •••••••••••••••••••••• liollll WiolH 43ZS tes with law library pMI· payable June '83. Secu-~3~b~mo.' ~ r sn2~~ ho:: c:~':Y b::~.7~~8 dpiX, L::92~7~2::";1;:n~:wn· ~·~1~. n~w.1~~1; :;1;f~~· f!l.'!'!~.~'tt.t .. !.~~! gg~!a5';;nis. 1650 mo P~~~~:m~11: ~ 1e3r~ ~~~ ~~ H~~;;·~;~·0·;d·i,;,~;d· lages (Est 1977) Otltces ~O:s ~v h~n~:! ·~~ c~~~ 2306 W Oceanlron1. palio, gar Avail 12/4 house'" quiet complex, Patio or balcony Pool & OCEll VIEW -----Twnhse 1n Exclu N. B rent or tse op11on. 2 or available mo to mo or island Call Steve N.B. 673-4154. $990 No pels 719 He· large pool. garden set· spa No pets 2650 Ha11a 10 minutes 50 ol Lag· una A,.tl•Hll Fa1•i1iH orea Pool. fac. lndry. 3Br. CM/NB area tor lease $ l95·S530 m,o 6 7 5 • 3 2 8 5 o It 7 PM iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil liotrope 972-9406 ting $675 645.335 1, Mesa Pines 549-2447 on Dana Poon l's most fl Uol•t• 3IOO $250 plus dep Kathy wk Couple wt 10 yr old son. Word processing. cone· 548·5502 · 675-5949 secluded scenic blull, •••••••••••••••••••••• 837-2260 or 644-5085 baby rn March Trained rence rooms, TeleK Ex· 2 bdrm, 1 ba. pool. deck, Deluxe 2 Bdrm. 1 ba.lh apt SElWlll 0 tsi"e .. 09 Own cpt ecutlve Row Inc 390 1 A 1 / Spacious slnglt, ont & two btdroom 'P~rtmtnts. Cerp"'rls Bit-ms. Beam PAL'• MESA •PTS w/blt1ns, d/w, BBQ. view. llke new. 2 Br wi den, M/F non·smkr, to shr 4 br, u " v MacArlh Bl d 211 (at •••D.atl•t• I " .., "' I I 1 11 YILUIE > S200 + • cleaning & nome ma1nt ur v • I I / ae1llngs 4352 Shore 1561 Mesa Dr spa, $525, 1·8211-5147 S~:5,~~e 8!:~a6~1 ~~4°1 ~11j51>~ ~~4;Q.0907 • business. can llx or re· Jamboree Blvd I. NB. 111001 I Crest Ln $600. 650-0473 $400 Unlurn 1 Br 1 b<I apt $425 per montn or M·F. 9.5 643-0210 New 1&2 bdrm luaury model anything 9 yrs In 752-7170 L••I f fo••' Nice upstairs 2 Bdrm, 2 ba Call btwn 9·4 546·9860 Call Stu, 1-497-2338 or Dflve l:/V 10 see at 24587 apts 1n 14 plans 1 Bdrm Mala Roommate for Bal· CM/NB area. many refs l••i•lll lt•lll 44SO ,·····-;._··;···,······5•3•00•• MORE VALUE FOR YOUR DOLLAR apt. Ftr,place. 1>a1cony 1 Br Trailers s2411mo 540-3666 Santa Clare from $540. 2 l>drm lrom boa Pan1nsvla Apt 645-9276 Great esser 10 •••••••••••••••••••••• Oii • ,.,,,. Patio and garage Avall $595, Townhouse from $275/mo 673· 1807 anyone w/propertles Retell slore a1 2650 Avon, •••••••••••••••••••••• an·d elec $150 sec No E side cu1e bachelor apt ICE IF llT $665 + 1 12/1. credit refs a mu5t dogs 133 E 16th St . Sp $400/mo Joyce W&llze, l II l 11111fo~ s.d~~nO~s Need rm-mllH lo share PLEASE HELP!! 1665 SQ It plus 8 car No pell $725/mo Call 42 64~CI~ 801 631•1266 Most elagan1 apt bldg ~·er k ~n h 1 house nr Frwy & bee-2.bd hOUse w/gar 5500 • garage 641·8177 FUINISHED 67~23119am10 5pm •MESA VERDE 2 Br 1 5385/mo IB'r pallo, :~~~~n1~ ~~\r'~~~~~ P0;1dco~r~':ng San ~1~~~ ~~~~9~~00-$250 (7 t•I $700/mo . Island or BOOthrantals. vary rea.so- or Bactielor Apt near ocean Ba Newly decor $495 pool. 1 peraor •• no pets toking views ell 1>u1IHns, Frwy drave Nori II on Peninsula area Respon-nable Mission V1110 UNFUINISttED K1tchene11a Conroct No pets 833-8974 3 2 5 J · 17 1 h p 1 heated pool. sut>-garage. Beacn 10 McFacklen 10 Lovely 1wnhme. Hunt s ' b I e E x e c 837-4897 •LLun•rnrot Paul675-t024 "•6 5 37 7 Saewrnd VIiiage .... r"'A" Reliable $300 714-675-1929 Work, I ,. &.a•~ 1 bf. relng, stove. lndry _.,..._. 1 11· elevator Lease only n& """r 714·75<1-6851 l•,11t11l PAtD, HEAlnt 2Br 2Ba. sun deck lndry Pets cons $395 1920 $395 1 Br relrog patio. $850 & I.IP t7l 4l893·5198 Mo 840·7960 lt•l1J 4SOO CLUIS, TENNIS aloraga area. 3 blks to Wallece 640-6029 no pets adulls pref _330 Chll 0~94-8083 IN•• 4000 Ntw penthouse. Ca1a1tna C.11•111'1 l••I 43SO •••••••••••••••••••••• FOUND ADS ARE FREE Cal: 142-Hll S .,.,.._,. bch $775 mo 673-8476 731·D 18th St 673·7787 2 Br 2ba. relr"'/Sl\I incl •••••••••• •••••••••••• vi-close lo bch H B ••••'•• ••••• •••••••••• S750 up. 2160 fl lndu· WI......._, plus 2 Br 1 Ba 571 w. Joann view downtO:.. 1oc. no UllllA 11&011 P111 ant & both $300 ultls Easts1de COsta Mesa. 12 x str1a1 • Otliee 18101 Ae· :::::::::: much mortl ~ c.,,, #n1 31Z4 UpsltHs No peu pelS Resp ad I IS llTtl IH 1ncld 536-079• 12 ic 28 S95tmo 329 dondo C1rc1a. P & T .,.,,,,, •••••••••••••••••••••• $425/mo Sierra Mgmt D I . 31Z~ u '"'"116' H1.1n1 1ng1on Beach no J)«tl Modtls 6 32 '"' .,., • $600/mo 855·8203 11 no Wkly rentals $95 up t niver51tY .,...,.. .. o d. 9 to 6 SPACIOUS ! "'·' 4 •••••NW.Yim••••• ins 661·1680 Color TV. rree collee F~ir;i::, ~~~~~1n°~;:,~ ---------842•2834 OPtftlc __ ...,i 2 BR l'~ba $550 2Br upstadlrs. qu1 1 1 8 1 1 0· •vn~I Dana Poini·i most se-neated pool & slepa 10 blull. NB $250/mo. 111 & Ollitt l••l•I 4400 2500 SQ 11 near Hoag a Wlll'VU 1 BR 1''1t:>a $525 gar. no ogs ,,.. eluded scenic t:>lull Like ~ .. '!r.f!.!!~!~ ... !~!! ocean KllCh'I evall last hm 720· 1328. Wrk •••••••••••••••••••••• Hosp 5epar1t11 ot11ce & Gl/11..a-.a ... ~ 3Br 02~:1 ••1-1101$625 ~1~~:12 :11\~ 5 Imo new• On~ 4 un111. 2 Br W11TEll IEllT&LS . 985 N Cout Hwy. 640-4000. ut 61~7 Judy •HLIXE IFFICES* restroom $900/mo _,. .......-~... ., -a Laguna Beach 494-529<1 S-ll I d 1 MO FREE RENT Automotive Ok Bkr ----widen tra trg Pflvlla 3 & 4 B Cl -r rg home or con o. 645-6266 NcWport leadl/No. MESA VERDE sharp 2 BR E/Side. cheery 3 BR 2 Ba. Pallo From S695/mo r ose to water. Furnished Rm. Private 111 IHI deposll utlls. 1 room lo 2800 sq II i---- "llTTllll" II LIST Prelly gray female tiger cat. longish lur, hves on Christ ine Drive (near Banning & Magnolia!. Hunllngton Beach Plea- " call 969-1221 alt 6 •so ._.,__ • . pallo, 2 sty. cerport Call 661·64< I or M·F, furn & unturn. reason&· Ball\ In Home. $200, 968-8479. 662·2449 Frpm S1 t6 a sq tt Adj 2400 IQ It $720/mo 17th o ,..,... .. ft. 2 Ba. gar. 1545 Corlan· 1675 mo. 640-0997 ble. all amenities Broker ., Alrporlar Inn & Frwys a c l•I 161111 d 1 r . A p 1 o . c e 11 9.5, 6<13-0212 Drive by 875•4912 951·46.c3 Eves El Toro 38 lBh h ~ Call AM 833_3223 Placentia. osta Mesa. Loet Grey and Ian type 6•5-UO• 540· 1158 or 979-3848. WALUCE WOOH to see 24587 Santa Clare 383 Creicen• eay Or F;plc. ~g ~.10n~n~'sm.kr 646·1164 Shepherd with red collar as!\ for Pam 759 w 19lh *'*'** Must 9419 to eppreciite. 1250 mo. 831•0503 1617 Westcllll. N.B 256 2S76-sq ii Irvine area. Lett leg 1n1ured RE· Newport leadl/So. 1 Bdrm, 1 ba, pool. laun-Minutes from the beach Exoepllonal 2 Br den 3BR on 1 lovet w/kllchen, to 4000 sq. fl. 1st. floor $ I 0 3 0 I mo A Is o Mr. WARD. 960-0716 170016111 Sl dry. adults. no pers. LUXURY 2 BA. 2BA Onty tor lhe discrimlna llvlng rm, lge pallo, I blk *ltnt•tftl .A.gent 541·5032 O'Kaala leave menage (l l f>twf) $385, 833-7 890 or Marblepullmantop ling $750/mo Agent • lo bch S300 Ill bdrm IH•••'"* Airport area. Exec. s~ 851-8928 6•2-Slll 646· 1947 Decorator drapes 714/496-6804 COUNTRY CLUB LIVING Alto 1Br upper lvl. petlO. Eslabllshed 12 years! 111. From 225-450 sq It •·1n_d_u_s_tr-11_1 _u_n_lt_H_u_n_1_8c_h-1. ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~! Plush w/W carpets IN NEWPORT BEACH Ylew of ocn $400. •All rat's checl\ed• $1 per sq. 11 Many xlras. 180011 Plue meuenlne -:: 2 Br 1 B• upper In lfl· Walk In Closets II 101' 313Z Singles, 1 & 2 Bdrm 191/ltst(Wlll neg) Obi gar •Photos taken• Call 557·7010 Prevtoui 1151 was auto r.~. ·~c~6'5 g~r:~eon~~ G~,:~~~ ~~.·~:n ··ao·oeRiooe·cot..·00·2 & 1:;~=~!. IVlll lot rent 497•7090 112-4 lH TIE IEIT 400-900 PLUS 1400 sq It. repair 847-7378 ICUlf'IHT ·3 Br. 2 Ba. upper. Furn/ unlurn Winier or rrly Wsharl dryer Inc ud BeaulllUI view ot QCean. lmmed occup $475/mo. 851·2175 CarPQf't wtstorege br, 2 Ba, cenlral air. lrg From $560 RELIABlE. WORKING le-PenthOulll Beyfront Sul-It ISS Spa, ouldoor BBQ 2/cer gar w /opener On JambOree Rd at male Prtv ba, kit pr111. F. 11·10, 1111111 11. parking, p111os •• !!~f!••••••••••••••• Lge 2 BR. patio. carport, Laundry Av111 Dae 1 $7 50tmo San Joaquin Hiiis ·Ad pool Nr OC Alrporl Rel Clean 1ct1ve. nee I, to 673· 1003 Slorage Space 12° 11 18• lndry, $450 797 W Wll· 5550/mo 548•4630 830-0645 l44-ll00 $225 plus uul~7-~ share 2 br 2 be well lurn ---------• 36 • door. 17o/mo plus ton 6<12·8843 bel 8PM, a, Ii It Male oref 21 .30. vrs Lt w t m1n alone. llghl HSI IPIOl OI• s70 ••c depoill 995-5813 2 br, 1 ba. patio, garage •• •I • Beaut1lut la•ge 4 Br encl· cooking Pool. Jae. tan· hlllpng, all ulil. rtnl free Allrlellve ruttlc upslalre 673-4154 N .. rport BACHELOR. Furn/ 2Br duplex w/ancl Cr $500/mo &73·1458. ""' 3141 ldpa110.11epslobeech All. siens 10 Npt &ch 64_2·19_32 _ Mlllng Weaupplydfltc, Belch unlurn. Yrty all u111 pd. 548 8204 •••••••••••••••••••••• Year"' 675·4419 ,. ----spec.. c ......... You aun. -----New crpt. new drapee. Redec · good neigh r· • Deluxe poolllde xtrt 11rge '' 5•8·4260 Female pref to snare N 8 .,........ " St0ttge Verd. pa\19d, ten-h o o d S 5 1 O • ·c e 11 llSTllT II 2 b 2 bt bll Int it'" 40 .. ...,..,, for p-home on Cenll. ivatt ply phone, & $95 pr mo beam cell. lmmed occup 559•5001 r . • • • " """"" .,._..., Room tor rent. ,,,..11 or 1 2 • 1 S 3 2 5 / m 0 pr de8k Call &44·7211 ced. 90' 11 27S' truck _ _:T:S.::,L_:M::;G=M:..:T_64;::.:2~·.:,180:;:3:._l;;;;:--;;:;:;:;::-;:;::;::-;==:-I 2 Br, 1•, Ba 1wnhee dsw1hr l 'r m11e1 beech boal 3 BA 2'r ba, con· female 3 bdrm house 845•2495 gel .. can dlvldl Biker OCEANFRONT: WINTER 2Br. IV.Ba. lrplc, g8'age, Bult11n1. l•und rm. No pall $500/mo do $1200/mO w/dOC:k. s57.9014. 950-1425 ---------IUlt1flL SI C M (619) 365·4327 Nllw a views 1m t>tekyd. 1650 mo. No carport/gar. yard/bate 536-8362 $1000 w11houl 650· t 190 1 br w/h.._..t~priv C M M/F lhr bet"'' B1tk Btiy llWNIY 8Tll Luxury 2 8f 1199lelr1. 1'h P II• Av 111 n ° w Smell P• I OK Fl P Lg• 2Br w/ger Super Mrt L°"!' -· cOndo POOi. Jae tennlt W•th ..... ol reception. l•1lan1/l•n1I/ ba, evndec:k. P81klng tor 640-200<1 •11 llpm S625..S635/mo. clHn. ctou to bch Nwp1 Hgts. 3 br. 2 bt !~~';G;,~1111 646•4987 S300 '46·51 3 _ cont room, kltch, ptione. flaun IUILI •ti Steck and 1an Loll Back Bey area. 546·9605 Lost Bleck Kman'. 7 wk's w/graen collar w/bell Blll:>Oe ltlend Ruby SI. REWARD 673·3618 SCRAM· LETS ANSWERS C0tnea • f!Olsl TW11n • Votume TERMITES Helplul runl department When II comet to home lmprovemenu. you thould always try to h· n11h your houH t>etore the TERMITES do 1 cat $775/mo Lllll 2 II 2 •• 254~eg,a~:3Ave $05/mo 9114 -4888. Good loc. $650/mo Call ----Female roommat• wanted aecrtltrlal & wOfd pro· •••••••••••••••••••••• w1111 10 so. Ctl Plan. 2314 Santi An1 Av• 638-7330 Jina. 648-7800 $276 M/F, own bltll 1sl to tn8'• 3 bdrm bMCh· e .... ng M•t ' meseeoe '•"•'" Found Springer Spaniel 3 Br 2'A bl lo-sun· Sec G F I Ill --------a IHI Newporl BffCh I t t N kt Mr\I IVell aeparetely If ~rtultl ,.. m•I•. •PPfOJI 1yr Vic .. ~ • .' 1 parking •'pa-tie ull amen I . Cati'°' 8PPt WALK TO BEACH 1 Br 3 t>drm, 2 b•. 2 blk1 10 204 Lugonla Apt A pron •P on•tm1o ...,.81r.-.. Celt J·-1y.. ••• •••••• •••••• • .... •mt, Ne-lend, HB ......... ' ~-$600 mo Oa 8<10·2154. fSL Mgml Stove a retrl(I S375tmo 1> .. ch Patio Peta 01( 9Tf""t~ · rof pereon dee red .,.. .., ""oo "" - S8B7 01 6 11· "·-Indoor BBQ Ev 646-3321 8<12·1903 536-ft/9 1726 mo 673·3728 _ _ 1310 mo A1relt lmmtd 7141780-0I ~or .!~:Tot:':•::. "8·!344 _ ..... ------------Prol women wll!I tamtl)' &<18·4148. 01-•-1 _,,.., F d met bttck L1b 875-9831 tt1 Spm. 1 bd, g11td community. 1•1MAT1 W.A.LK TO BEACH 81· 2 Br 2 Ba bloc:k 10 belCh. winll lo IMre roomwltl'I -••nH ..... port Aoent. 841·1017 Of oun • IOUI Fllll pool. i•· nr So CSI Pita ...., .. , cl'lelor, ~lovt l retr,.. all guega. frpte. dl•h· e prof women or UCI mmle needed lo at11 3 Full Nt\lfce t<eefl your SSl-OM7 :':,':d ... ~ •• ~'\:•;~ci • ..... ....... $475. 44-8673 2 Bri 1 Ila, bffm ~I. ulll• J7•1d 137& mo w11htr le2S/mo ••uctenl Wllh high uptfl· ~tn2 :;1~~· :-i'!: :;::::: h~~,o~:: 18,.,,.,81 home ut.HH or I Wfll, & ...., •Jr • Cel Platt area 2 BA. 1 t1und rm No pet1 No 53e·7 ·------~40·3!87. Ilona ind malutl~ 1320 !mined 11i.,101 lfl 5 ttlglOU• W"tcltff ., .. OI ._...,.. lllf 831·1214. •tltlllJ 1tll .Int. 8a,AC,poot,tecga1et, 1111 mo r •nl raq 011u11e 2 er 2 8 • 1n 1g 28A.1ba.CIPht.OtW E119tctll759-1• --:_ -1 2 !Wwpcwt8"ch.H10o· ... '""'411r.U'u 9, ...... \ Found ifilCl\cioo-:-wo• l 11·t4 I I tr no pall. $560 PP . S400·S•16/mo. · 4·ple11, cerpe\1. drapee, Ldry, gar. t!I' 10 beech iiti'Ut .Am7N°i 101 on•ullan111 .. eathatng ved)r.Ste.14.Ul·HSt P1rln•r wan••d for Ilg 30tl>t rtetbendMa VIC ....... ' tet-3852 2264 Meple bl1·1n•. enoltd oer•o•. 1750 mo p 1 •1 Pl'I p 1 l>r epl wtnonemllo F Betr L•t ''°"' rteorl "Ofner l••r 1 M ...... ,. • ---Cell to hook UPI No P•I• M 2·•tt4, ....... 9••• , v o•. one. 00 . 25·35. n .. 1. 1295 Tel IELllE 11m 11• 000 t .. .... .. · L '4/ 1 2 a 19 ,. .. ~ ....., Tennill Ct loet'g Btp• project "'' m n· ltlut .. ._.He ..,.,,,, Aa• 1,111 ~~hwrp t.:/alda'.' ·All:ij SEE INSIO 1525/mo HO·••I to llet'I. uill'I pc1.' 1295. 173·3235 th."""--............. p-..a ·~ 1mum r111irna SH.000 WMt -••••••••••••••••• •••• J 21 1 1 I 4 t 5 / m 0 TSL Mgmt 3 bd, 2 bt, ~·· teun· '31·1213. '712·381& em 10 lfltle CM 21A ....... 1'9Wf ptut ownerefllp In weter· I WondtfM World Bach. ap1. Utll pd Pelt 84&-1125 ' 642·1903' dry llCM'• '°"' IOf 2•3 - -home wlPoOI UN non a 1 IO/aq 11. LHI front home Reedy to of 8hopptno. rtori1 t i OK. HOO/mo, M1cAr· tdull H7& ~ 112e ....,_ ...... llM MIOl!ler h0-311t ..a.-.. M·F, M b1M t1tl71t-1 tH IOf J'OUf "'*"1~ ~ 111ur vtg. 840·HtO or People wflO need People Lrg 2 8d Beem ceiling•. • • wmn.~-::i ••• .r •• u ---------~• Dilly ir1101 CltHlhed 135-7004 Tht1'• Wflat lhe 1011 ol wood lhruout, 811u111u1 18r, p11to, PIM Knot Motel on CoMt I Wet) '!I ocean w l\etell & olflce 1ptct Ad• To piece,_ ed. DAILY PILOT 1trv b•r s•eo 2251 UCUrll y entrance Hwy. NI 8t•P• lO llelme. Lag ICfl Prof. to .,, ...... 171fl II. Colt• Clu•P'ltd Ade. your c .... 1·5'71 ~ .... WANT ACTION? SfAVICE OIA[CTQRY Maple 873·U03 or tenntt/ ;eel poOI 1550 OCHll Wkly r11u Mlf'350lnch1tll 191,1111 MeM r.om tHO., 10 llOp 1flopp1noct1nl Cle•tlfllld Ad·Vltof .. C.....-Ada M2-N71 It '" aboutl ~f. 735e mo 1213) 194·121• .. 5~ I MC .... '"' 400 1 I .. a.M77 fledl ~ , ' ·' -- I .. . ,,.,, ... · . Or .111pn Co uu DAIL V Pit OT /T ueaday Nc>Vtlml>«tr JO 1982 07 ,,.,, 'INN HM. I • •• ,, .. ,,,,. ,,.,. 1JM •-'IUHI ,.,, "'""'...... ... .. ,,, ."........ Aall9H1/ ~!'!l .. '!t!'!l. ••• 11.!f !!'!!.!!!r.!!~ ....... ~ ... ~.~~ •..•••..... •••••••••••••••••T.~':l' •• '.'1..71! •••••••••• ~ •••'"••••••••••••••••~ • r. •••••...•....••.•• •••••••••••••••••••••• hnln Hll Cli11l11 1111 o lSl CASH fMI 111 ,,,..,,.... 1111 Lo11 8*11 puppy, Po"' Ulllll·P /f H OP(NINOS'" HAA8014 AHf A A (I 1111u~t1•11Clg1111 Y •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• l~:!.v tor 'If, 1;~:r: •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••I'll"••••••••••• (l4tf ~ eye, IN Paull• Tlck•I tlOOlll In Plfklllg •11111 APPLIANCE IUWICf t11>111:, I :. II=~~,~ N••OOll Boat Cl•Mfllflg -L ... ".. domullc o~r l~1 •1on ,. I) 18 wagon llinl .. , lllllt ILi 11110 &cfll '40.3109 IOI •1 ,..,..!On lel•no Cell • w .... rec.and .~., =' 2 ~ ~I hnnc;e HIWICH I 1111•· hay lflC>llc .. pitkupt. '61·'216 ~ AJO. ·~ ~ ' 2 Or .-r AMl,M tltfeo founct M•I•. or•ng• & Oar &7& 2 00 UIDKETING 8'Kl~ ~ ·J011 1 1 1..,...: d ''°' bOll •••klQ tnon coup .. • t o 'lll)OH -more. $32 0/080 Nt• tt1•• 10 mpg w h 1, young. ca 1 othy Bowef / lllftl\ I HY AHUAIOll ~:i~ ,~:111~:1~g m1tC:: thly wull·do•n St•v• ~l 'BOfJ 7&a1 ,<S11r.1 Aal• l•r..llH ,.H3N 6 .. 8 u 's d • y 1 8•8·tMI 8ch 81vd, Hllll CllllOC•1• w1111.ct. M81urt lllPlllllTATIYI l•• O'll IS 113 1y11<1 w•ll ,,,,.II, ell IOf 11&·11$& (Iv• ru-01 I r1eee MW IOQ • ••••• i ••• ••••••••• ••• I•"'• 1111 f7) ... 94 .,,.. I W•rMt w~n In llltl mmlmum '100 temp101ed 0110 .. , .. ,,,., llLJ 11,"lt Alfi ... H 1111 •••••••••••••••••••••• 73 vw Squatebaell, 11u10, 1 ~Ir. ngll1.h •~•king, (nlry level Polillon with W"'* Drytf I 125 •• I, ,., •••••••••••••••••••••• -• •11t•t Fourl<! Collie)( S"-P? 8IO p1el• my !\Om• lfltQU , .. , growing •P•Clllly Dlenwalhef I 100 •how., OOOI• Ilk• MrW ~. I I ,,,, LUii a '"' -I 1400 DOG ~ COiiar Mlle, lar h" 631·31523 GOOd• marketing llrm ~Rllltl(I 1?00 46 ~·4· IWl\I l !>O IOI llOlh Coil ••• -;,!!t!~'·········· wa ... •n• WM"" htiol a.tore yoo &A2·9315 Vine Adame & Hurtll•IO· h4J Ol38 Y1ch1 Acceuory New buy. ci-cl. our unw••• Aa ton 636·2176 CLERK $15,400 to1h1b1 M1crow1ve 111r10 SURPLUS JCCPS . CAF\S •uth•""' Br1to Sh•P• 13~1 bit Hltcllon, 11v1ng1 'H YW -...it_., Ole, power u111nga. BOAT& ""'11 Mii 10, CIOCk new1 m01Jnled or • 1110 ..,~ tod•vl w1u1. 11.000 11'11 17900 Found sm1111 •h':Siy Clog. CApundhlQ Newp1 8c:h $250, 9611 1453 u110Gf 150 I o1Y1n10 call u • • 'c1 S 2 5 0 & 67 f1u1 tu pvr month lllYlllln 876 21•0 e1,0;n ~~ll~~ 'e.~~·~ Crtdll C11 rd Co hll No E Ider Wu11n1111ou .. ':3H> 031 11161 eitl 7141522-7833 ~~'0!1d"1~~~1~6"~nc•:p ULllllllVIOI V•lr• 1111 963· 17115 opening IOI • Clerlcel Reo I xner w11h11r, urvo1. WOfklnliJ 2:.139A .. ,. ,..,, "'' 53 Slu~lf c11imP1on (; u. t •I I 4 . 9 0 0 0 0 . 2150 Heruor lllvd •••••••••••••••••••••• ~·on Mu11 l\IPG 45 IO BonU\es, Vuculfona. $.40 636·5190 WAtrRrORO CRYSTAL ·····'················ !> PHI i:p• Nie• 011 1 r•t1dull·l6361 64, lol@I COSTA MCSA r.1 , •• haler F01Jnd Calleo c111 v101nl1v 50 WPM accurately 6 Mana.oiJffietll Pay. IAelrto•rator 1511 cu 11 Lt1nior1t & Alane Pel~ '74 C•lllorn11n. •II llbtr· 13750 2131692.1792 01 p1yments·S11,884.16 1•"·11.Aft I• lrMlt .... trl The Bl ull t . N 8 month• to I yll4r olllce _17141 _964·535_4(241\t) Xlnl condillu11 1150 111101 011uw1re, Qll"· 10 wlChally Eng 1011ar1 1e ... 1111monlh .., .., 760°8258 11xpor. requll•d Con10.c1 l :?lltuo 1152.359e vanun Trailer. good ltt4 ..... ltt4ttl a 11 ) *695 42 .78 Accord 1.X. maroon, .a•aa, 11-1111 --O w Duncan Mon lhru Fri Part lime 900·!836 running cond.1 1796 Pvl in•• F d w ... w (02.,5c9•nJ• • NOWt 11 -.. ,,.., lft11a1l1 SJS 8 AM lo 4:30 PM Hou1M11<eeper & occaslo· Adm iral relrlg c:~cullttnt LIVI IALLllll P111y Call 847·6666 or ., .. u or oo..,y .,. " 1 88 u• low m11em, •u1°"'1 c Ill LUllH ••••••··········•••• 111· 1100 nal Childcare, S3thr cond1llon $4!> 6ou~uttt• 01 30 Hellum 536·3001 gon, 113·000 IUOH llPllTI 14250 55 ·lllOO OVERSEAS DELIVLAY prefer m11ure 1n NewpOll 6"2·9225 Balloon1 dttllv•red lny• 1929 ford Mud!ll ~.'Town 848 Dove S11 .. 1 79 Accord LX Bronae EXPERTS l".ntiS P1rl1r Conauuclloo Beech, 650-3966. ume 673 4419 24 It SKIPJACK s • d • n • ' ' o • o o o NtWPOAT BEACH 40.000 m1 H600 or bt1 Sub-conlraclor 10 wo1k PAIT ftMir Norg~ ~per 1ld11 by Twin Vol"""' 1 1",000 •7•.11161. lH·OtlO Oller 1155·31b0 Open 24 hrs a day on Mobile Homes. aiding, • ._ lld4J GOOd con<1111on Irvine Coast Country Club ..... u v " 7 days e week roollng & misc. 847~ Eves and/or weekenda. 675·6160 Mamb•rlhlp tor 111e, "3-6477 4 W•HI Otlni llSI A•" 1101 Mr. Callahan• 78 CIVIC, J1cuzz1, S1un11 Locals Responsible adults, over A-1• IOIS $1500/oller 676-8651 or _ _ _ •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• new clulch, 1ron1 & val· •• well es TourllU c ..... ., p.,... 21. with OUIStandlog II· .... ~!!~............... (619) 568·4722 1975 24 II Rel~ll Hiid· LARGEST JEEP DEALER .. 11411• '"'" v ••. run •• up. r 81nkAmerloard, 'Amer-12 to 3 PM Moo lhru Fri t1acllve pe1soneillles to LARRY MORGAN AUC· I Cl k O k R j I top TanClem trailer FOid In Iha w .. 1 26,000 miles, fully loaded 960·6816 lclll\ E11press. Dtnera All F1100 Sandwich Shop work wltn youth (•OH T ION Dae 2nd 6 PM We I C°:= •1 11 $3~~: 0; ve 110. 115/lhnder, depth desperetefy need• tunrool, g<I cond like M~ltlllll 7 f°ti'Onda welcome 7141645·3433 631·30•0 10-H). Call 2-5PM , Reier 10 ad unde< Anll· br 7g11°~1 es sounder Ship 10 Shore. yO\Jr JEEP I ne"' $13,400 oeo cvcc Stallon wagon, 2112HarborBI CM DEUVERVPERSON,O ver 6•2·432 1, ext 346 quea o_r _· fuel mellf. 100 Oii gaa HtohfflDollarPlld 845 ·82 I l Evea . rebuilt engine, $1800 Cullom F1n1asy Ph(;n. 18 tor LA Times. CM E.O.E -------Anne Klein aoll IHlher tank Sleeps IS Ex Ill CllM Gary Grey 857-11684 Clays · OBO 969· 1229 ConveraallOo with earl>el Homes 3 AM·6 AM Ptlsecretary Wanted 3.4 liir,tltl IOB J11ns, MY8' worn Sile canvas, etc s9.ooo llAllE Ol&IT .75 Audl Fox Needs 111118 MC/VISA 24 hrs Econ car req No Collec· days a "'"k 60 WPM ·N~sc"h'.:1;,~·20~:~;;• l2·l4. 175 5"8·2739 957•1•4s-lllC/JllP/llUILT worl< $1000 or bet! ol· Cell 638·0701 lions $400-$450 mo Newporl Center Hovrty bike $65. C11brne1s, cus1om kll, Classic 18' Lapstrako 2524 Ha1bor Blvd . CM fer. 857-4167 EXOTIC DANCERS plus bonuses 646-0637 wage negollable Call 101 548·9669 bath wall unlls. storage C.Otury bay boat, 4 cyl, 5•9·8023 645-7770 appomtment Low cost Fine qlty Free Grey. $3500 675·61111 lllW 1112 81chelorl 8achelore11e IHTlL USISTAIT 640.1861 720.0372 C1•1tll I est 642•9125, 642.274 1 IHI • 1 81 Jeep CJ7 Lor ado, air ••••• ••••••• •••••••••• party en1er1olnmen1 F 11 1 8 rror11 • back L • IO'•O '• a cond, amllm caueue. 738·8538 · 558-8538 e~per:'nce. REA, 0 IC-Ray P/TllE SALES ••• -;,,!f!'!!,! ••••••• ~. - --CA~tlft HSO removable hard top •llTllllClll* Lie re:i Salary open Supplement your mcome lar•r•t• litfit Frrewood/truck-load •••••••••••••••••••••• 1 $8800 7141631-7511 or u Some Saturdays, bene-by doing 1n1eres11ng COMPLETE Enlarger, $69 Av111 now · Oak. RESERVE NOWI 60' 7141553-0456 T's lllnT SHIFT Ills. Newporl Beach area telephone sales work on Easal, trays. tan~s and Pine, Orange. Sycamore, Schooner. Chn11m111 76 Jeep CherokllG 4.wtJr Modelt, dancers, escorts 6 4 2 . 6 8 8 O A 11 5 • behail or national com· coniaineis 5250 or 01181 Eu~alyptus Free dell-Parade. Whale watch 2.dr . Kini quad smi 669·11913, open 24 hrs. 642·6887. Eves/Wknds panies Fr1day After-548.8669 v11y P8r11es. etc. 646-4005 mec h & b o d§ work 8•7·8032 noona & weekends 831•7770 •··1 ~o $1 5001080 4 9 6065 SPIRITUAL READINGS "tH I• "•• IHS ,.,,, -· ~-. Advice In all mallers, IEITAL ASSISTAIT S4thr guar. + lucrative !~ •••••• !~•••••••••••• •••••'•••••••••••••••• early or eves love. marriage & busl-experience req"d, 4•4./r bonus lncen11ve prog· 4X8~1u1Ty delarled HO •IST SELL ness. Also counseling. doy wk, Ol!Cellenl pay wt rams. Sales Exper. Pref ... II" IHIS a 10•1 scale train lay.out. Cal 28 wllh OB. Xlnl '11 CHEV IUZH 1815 So. El Camino Real. benellls. Pvt Npl Bch b\11 will train lhe right C I Bechman eng .. Alhearns cond. plus Newport 13000 645-8078 San Clem. 492•7296 person. For Interview, Sweel. loving oll e & cars Must see. Xlnt Beach mooring, 526•000 ____ ___ olllce 646·4868 ___ Call Mr. Patterson at Shepherd mix adult le-Christmas gill s 4oo OBO. 548•6358 '76 CHEROKEdE JEEPd 545.5779 male needs good home. o Bo . 6 4 2 . o 1 4 3 , Low ml. ooo con . FAMOUS CIRCUS Dental '"'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil Movng • can'l tako her .,62•7,.51 Udo 14. lull rac;.iike-;;-w $37001011 845-4 533 EJ1perienced RO.A. nee· 11 Ple1ae call 842-0100 or " $2000. Dys 997-5071, Greg SALH·SHVICE LEASllC 831-2040 495.4949 SAllLHAOl lllW 28402 Marguerlle Pkv.y Mission Viejo (Avery Exit ott 1·51 Open Sundays Maxm• US ~:'.,~,1~~r'"0~~:1f0~0~~:~ REAL ESTATE SALES 969-1221. Man's suede Jac1<e1. never eves 496•1436 _ ft•tLI IS~O Well located Peninsula worn. Lg size, Remington ----•••••~••••••••••••••'=• ~~· Massage Parlor. Gor· ~ 830•37o3 olllee has open desk tor Siamese cet, 5 yr, spayed Electric Razor. used IHll $1i11 1974 Chovrolel " ion ~1'"-" !~#.~!! •••••••••• !.~~. 69 Jaguar XKE, cpe, black. 1acque1. lmmac must see 642· 1384 '11 Jq111r IJIL 38,000 ml $9 900 675·2740 K11••H Gii1 f 1'4 •.••••.••....•........ ·72 Ghia coiworllble. xlra ·nice. very lo m1 radials Best olr 554· 1652 UILI Ill ""'' 1986 HerbOr 8fvo COSTA MESA 141·1111 U0-1411 '12, ••. 11200 11•2·11386 '14 Ytlwt was .. Ellcellenl conC1111on 548-6620 445 E. Co111 Hwy Newport Beach 673·0900 cars WllLEW.I 1t "llSALI SALIS" 80 Chrysler Cordova T Top 1382ZYZ Loaded '81 Ford Thunderbird geous girls 10 serve you. llc'd aggressive Siies fem. Heellhy 111 & tova· once Min's ice skates, .;kl 1110 Camper Special plekup Open lrom 10 AM unlll 4 DllYEIS IEEDED and rental person. Gen· bie 548•1569 111 5 size 12. xlnl cond · •••••••••••••••••••••• Air conditioning, AM/FM AM. 7 days a week. Free No Exper Req. FI T & 8f'OUS oommlsslon scheo-646·4543 all 6 BOAT SLIPS AVAILABLE. llereo casselle & sharp• bullet. 719 No Harbor p / T . F 1 8 x H r s . du I e . PI a Ya R E . fat•il•lf llSO If,' JI Newporl Beach· 25'. 28'. Asking 13400/0r bUl F 673-1900 •••••••••••••••••••••• 11•1 ••H•• so·. 35'. ·o·. & •5· ca11 · Blvd, ullerlon SIO·Sl31hr Starling Pay. "' .. .. oller Pt1 ply Call 114·110-1112 Call 537·2880 King Fee. * *' BUY** WHIH IOll 6•2-4644 lrom 9·5. 545·6974 ii no answer. ALL MAJOR CREDIT l::========::Jf1•cep11onisl Experian-•••••••••••••••••••••• Mon-Fu please keep trying CARDS ACCEPTED ceCI. musl be a1ttec11ve GOOd used Furnllure & WUTEI ... SUPS AVAIL Hun11ng1on US STATIH Pl tor e11cluSiVe beauly sa· A1>9Uances·OR I w11J Mii OLD GUNS. "IFLES. Ha1bour Bay . Da Toyoll '76 AMIFM Ste- Salea·SeMce-Leaslog 1112 l•W CLISHIT Nice Selecllonl • '74 3 ocs. 4 spd .• leather. (960NACI • '76 2002. 4 IPd . sun rool (255PLVI • ·79 3201, 4 spd . sun root (5419321) HI "' f1 21,000 miles 1BWY057 •OI YOUI • $5350 EACH .. IY "4AI04. Buy • Sell • Trade 443 W Bay.CM nlf ft I Ford Parl5 & Service Wiii • .. ., Andy B1own 645-2963 · •ACUTI laitk Hll T·BERRY'S $1 50 10 $300 wk. Pin Ion 645-4012. Coat• or SELL tor You SHOTGU,.,S, POCKET 840.5545, 8•6-7766. 6·9 reo caaselle Small Go-go girls (lo go) lime Call 6"6-578l 9·l2 Mesa IUSTlll AIOTllll WATCHES & MILITARY p M . 8 4 0. 4 0 9 1 . ~;f_~ei'e shell 52175 ___ 66 __ -8_9_1_4 ___ 1 __ N_oon __ A_s_k_l_Of_S_1a_n_1e_y_1Rehdble person to hOSI 141-1111 lll·M21 SWORDS Serious col· 213~31·3764 • '79 6'281. auto . lea· lher (5343820) 10s • " ct1ta a ws u •••••••••••••••••••••• .. .. . r.•ltntf•I HIRING social hour at Temple, lec101 pays more than Lower-N-ew-por--1-B_a_y_ ••·"··~"••••••••••••• , Friday n11es, 7 -10 ·30. I llY FnllTllE any dealer!! 581•8870 Slips 30•3311 sau il'•WANTED•• Toyota PU. 7 1· 74. w1· thout eog1ne Bel IOam or alt. 5. 546-9730 • 80 3201, auto.. sun root (7164096) • 1980 Reg1J Loaded. exit cond $7200/0BO lffttHfl .... 114 64 2 ·8552 Mon· Fri •• • ••• •• • •••• • •• •• • ••• 675-1835 8\teS. / Jd1 WHIH 101S Hard working young 548·6900 or 646·7512 ~-___ 957·8133 Side ties 15-2411 1711 v~~~g··~~;;l~;;~;~·:li minded eager women 's -A-LE_S_·_la_l_OS_l_i_n_E_u_ro_pe_a_n liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil1111--i IELP llEP l s w a I es A n ch 9. 5 do gener1J handy work, meo. Illness. Elloruess. alee· FURNITURE • NEW 111 lfF Tll 5-48-160 I 75 Dodge 500 1 •; Ton, 972·9525. ask for Biii on TV Portable unns tor P11ces s11r1 al flat bed stake $3570 131-3111 208 W Isl. Santa Ana Closed Sunday C HOICElNVENTORY VOLUME SALES ltrcdes 1111 C"ill1t -HIS Vear End Sale • • •••••• •• • • ••••• ••• •• A s k u s a b o u 1 1 h e TIE LJlllEST (Affordable way) lo buy a IELECTlll Mercedes Benz .. ot late model, low mile•· Call eves & wkends. $ l 080 ironic e.erclsers as_,, Musi raise Cash ITlllTS dual reer wheels. 14't' Attractrve Lady desl1es home ose PI T. FIT. M~~ ~~~er'' =e~z!hort~•..;,ash ( 1023622) es work as companion aide. Direct Rel ailing Firm. 32 i-9_7.:..~_·06_1_9_• 6_7_3_·_59_3_9__ Queen S 147 • Ktng $167 start her 6-yr ·old son off RE·SALE SALES Slt•tH l111p1rts ge CllChllttc9---trt-Sout1n.,,-----: Cahtorn111 S. us 1od1yt llghl housekeeping, er· Jobs. Immediate Hiring. Sales, Ditsitlt Sola Beds $197 in hla surf ing career Qock for 4o· sail boal. No AnCly Brown 645-2963 a d• drive etc Expe-s 11 p 1 1 s I & $247 Need tor Santa to leave llv 3 -·~:0c9d. s..6."1003 "YOU oiUST :=;:g~~~~eou~~d~s~f:S~ sofaa o1r;:.~:s~)4 chrs ~~~d1h!5';r,·6~;'.~;~~ Ea:11;ae~~~~~73.4~~~· sn":.~~ :~8b~~~11~r~c~f ~i Seles·Service-Leas1ng Comm. Creighton's DISCOUN~9:URNITURE 24 hra. Slip In lower bay. 9 x 35'°: cond. $3800 646-1597 626 So Euclid Ave PEOPLE DllEITED HAYE 110 ~s~o~: J~'or ~6J1~~500 1959 Harbor Blvd _ _ $7 per 11 Call 673·5340 i"o vw P.U, 10 m1, AM/FM Fuller1on IOI lcLIREI llW Aulho11Zed <leeler 1301 Quail SI. Nwpl Bch 833·9300 213/623-5000 ·e 1 380 SL. 1o00m1 Wire wheats $38,000/080 213·832·8979. IAIEIS CADILUC 2600 Harbor Bllld COSTA MESA Malure (late 30'sl well· EXPERIENCE Co111 Mesa 631·6609 lfaiit1l WANTED· dock space lor s1e1eo wi cass. asking (114)110·1300 eduClled female seeking Sales/Office Mgr l••lt••••ll IOI• 25' power b.oat, on or nr ,_5100 obo 645-192\ Open Sunday 140-1880 '8t Me;'Cedas 500SL. '80 Fleetwood Brgnm $37.950/olr '80 Mer-d"Eleg1nce, mini cono .. c e d e s 5 0 0 S L C loaded. moonrl. 9K ml. $28.950/olr •94-0167 Mk olt 6•5·7400 all. I Po.Ilion Have S n Wa ... (71•) 964 5354 For large sailboat mlgr. 1-----• •, ol p 0 D I 11 __ .iiiiiiiiiiimiiii re-en ry · u • "" .. • Used king size beCI wt •••••••••••••••••.-..... Lido al a y. ·59 011sun ·~ ton. 4 cyl. 4 ~1~ioc~~~n~~:W~1~~g: HISTEll/llST M~~~~1,~:n'f.:.tgo: ~,::•bat~ fa~~~ ,;;g YAMAHA ease Amp 957"6"26 ~3·5!74 spd 33 mpg Good -HlllllC ... ., Sporttaoclal evenl stra· 20 10 30 hrs per weell S 1 / t 11 1 Ma 0 5,.0 0904 Head with a double 15" Boal Sllp available tor 40 cond. Runs exceltenl we need your 1rade·1n1 teglst. Also creative cntld Apply In per son 2-4, ~.~~ S~o~e ~~nstn:a! • PV speaker eabinet. All lo 65' ~oat Nwpt Bch S625 5•8·4109 CaH or see O\Jr used car ~SL, wire wheels, all 6pm care wl •mphas1s on weekdays only Benel1ts help Sal & comm. usa While Canopy bed 1win. tn excellent cond111on 631-777 V••• IS10 manager, Wolfgang Juo· posilive reinforcement Reuben"s Newporl 21a.652•7340 good cond111on S40 $800obo ... 1......,, .t •••••••• nek. for highest btd1 options. 44.000 ml 77 Sev111e4dr,1dn1 cond, MINT PrlCed lo sell• loaded. charco1I gray Mrs Ates 6"5·8730 $7000 4117-4118 Jea,_ 6"2-6573 1~2:;.6~1 ;.E,_;.· c;;ou~t.;H~wy'.!:·-..;N~B~~-----iiijiiiiil 8411-5793 HI-Gilt 1.... 1:' r-,,,, W"cti;:;·~:.;: Mini, air, Liii IUOI ••• ltttl hu Clert SIClnUY I.E. DESK. sohd wood. ~OOCI ••••• ~.......... •••••• ~5~~ ~ ~:6-~31 • Sales-Serv~Leasing T7'M°ercede5300 Diesel 72 Coupe de v1-lle-.-pe-rl_ec_1 Nurse/Companion, excel care. drives. 1oc11 refs 586-1316 NCR posting uper re· Secretarlll pos111on 1n snipe, 6 drwr, 112 °1• Gemetnhardt Piccolo So-SACllFICE J _Ir 9 3670 N. Cheery Av. quired Apply lo David active Newport Center ~ 536-77 11___ ho Sliver $300 080 .-58 Centuiy Classic '73 Dodge Van Convllf· LONG BEACH Excellenl oond111on r u n n 1 n g S 1 5 O O . 538·4207 548-8739 7-54-19 10 ask M1:Ne1I or MIS Ball&.Ulr Reallor's ollfce Fronl KIN.a-SIZE WATERBED 968· 13116 Speedboat Reduced 10 s1on Auto at e. stereo. (l 14) 131-lllO between 11 AM ind 4 olllce posll1on requires : wllh derk walnul book-lllJ' F .1 I 12500 556-9082 S 3 2 0 0 or b s I o Ir l~~-~~~-~~~~~~I "74 •50 SL, Brn/Brn. both ror Nlncy tops. 1oo1cs new 111.00I C• I I llZf m•. S 15 450 Eves 6-8 ••• ~~~-~••••••••••••• PM good telephone voice, case headboard, frame & vrilfl •t•I •If · 648·38"3 __ I htel LqHI typing. shorthand & ap. boill·ln dre-1, heater & ~•!f•••I "'' IH111 1111..i• HH '64 Ford van Economieel llAHE OIHTY'S pm. 650·323 l. or Iv msg IEE IS FllSTI 631-6300 •3 1 B1yan '&CClllTS PAUILI 425 So CoaSI Hwy LB peerence. Real eslale knetll Xlnl cond 1350 r;~l;d o~·.:·e;;~~·ti:; ••••• ••••• ••• •••••• 8 cyl $800 ILllST IL.DI 494-1°15 1 experience helpful but 751-3478 Desks 4 Chairs Cre-DRY STORAGE 675-7498 & --We h1ve a good selec-n-1 f14 lion ol NEW & USED The JOiiy Roger Inc has lt1sewiYt1 ~!1=.u:~:~~~!',: Single No-uveau Beel a den1'a 0 Debby 642-6272 Monlhly boat s1orage. Aalll W••IH ISIO an opening tor an AIP AND STUDENTS ""From call Mrs. Duhl mattress wllh headboard 1•11 IOl1 any Size, 24 hr security, ••••••• ••••••••••••••• :'T:• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Chevrotets- Clerk Account""' and 10 SSO C111 Answer Ad No .. WE PAY · "'V I housewife 10 another'". WtsltJ I. y1..a.., O.. ••••• •••• ••••••••••••• tree leunchlng key experience required. EA R N M 0 NE Y AT Realtors ~~·•910 $80. 642-4300. 24 hrs_ PO llLL Pin IEWNIT HIES Restaurant Accounting HO E N .,... TOP DOLUR Siles· Service· Leasing rY"V r ·A 11\ tr.R r!!t!!! .•.....•• 1.~~. CONNfll CHEYIOLET ........ f • desirable. >Cini benellll M . o phones, no Wing beck uphol1le1ed 963·3020 1111 IHk lar • II gimmicks. Ask tor Linda Ohalr from Beals Excel· and working condllt0ns. 640-03•0 SEC'Y /EIEC lent cond $65 673-3600 llHll I Olfl•I IOIO 144-0110 Fii UIEI COS Apply In person at· Financial Investment firm ----••• ••••• •••• • • ••• •• • • •• •• IUIHI THE JOLL y ROGER INC. LIOUOR CLERKS, Nights, tor educators Personnel I 5 P. c Pine d1ne11e set w/2 Oak upoghl player plano. 1 f'. I Ii _.. f°'-I \ \4 ~ !IU-1200 ""-'' \.I\r\V C::. '76 Peugeol 504 wagon. ICUS f()iCE·HMW auto, ps. ate, pb, 911, "" ., ~ $3450 851· 10•8 110•2 Gillet1e Avenue 4 PM-12. Wed·S.un. Must I . communicaiions· dept. leavet 1350. man 1111 e c . S 5 2 0 0 .• !!!~!.'..~!....... PlllTIAC/111111 IRVINE hive Cesh Register ex-sec'y )(Int typ & S/H I 964-7167 eves. 11361-4812 c,.-11 lilt 2•80 Harbor Blvd ~:;,",:~.~:'-~" ----Moving Sile. '72 Chev '76 2002. I owner. red/ tan. very clean, lo ml, loa d ed 17450 . 675-0105, 873-4983 llllt'I 11S Capr1ce Full pwr, AIC. 714) 546-0331 per. S•th1 Jo slar1. Apply • . . 1 I ,.. ' COSTA MESA ~~~~~~~~~ Wkd 1 AM 1888 Pia· req d. Exec . .secrelar • Victorian Spool bed. dbl, Hammond Organ Mdl I lt•I 1110 : oe 11~ c M ·· exp. a must. Non-smkr Walnut $175/besl ollef. M· 111, w1lnu1 w/Maric •••••••••••••••••••••• 141·4310 •••••• M •• E •• l.S·T·E-·R·· ••••• ~'~~~~ s~~g8:~9,:~~:o Adventure Travel n · · · preferred. Call 553-0940. 759·800 I presel & back grill. $950. '60 Chevy·~ ton, smell V8, 141· 1411 Too You~ FOR LOSE WEIGHT-BE-BI W, IH tlOO llllHfl••E TAILI 673·5122 reblt aulo. w/camper.I eves '77 Chevelle $1675 4 spd, NISCllE/AUDI air 1002sLi1 13631 Haibor Blvd RE-SALE SALES HEALTHY Make SSS. ..'.I/. •• !!............ .. -Kimblll u rr hi piano sips 3, stove. Ice box, WE IUY It Appl 857-8724 Herman 1Servers. 5 yrs exper.. 46 octagon. w/4 blk ood con~ lsoo • porta-polly, Cllnelle OLUI c11s· AIRLINES 127 M k c~·ple I between 3.5pM In per· naugahyCle overslulled g 6•6·7603 $1000/obo· 554·20711 ·eo 3201. air cond, emlfm Garden Giove 443 w 81y St C M & ll I r~o o -s.111:-S.nft•-. ~.&•own 645·2.963 • 1 • anager. wor ing ~ chatrs S250 846-3126 .. • --( 11 I h ) San Clemente ocean· son. Bob Burns ReSlau· · • -----ll•l•tilH lihl 1141 UI TllCll ed tr llont conClo complex. 72 r11n1 37 Fashion Island, T;;n7 · Solas. gold floral $kli•f. IOIJ •••••••••••••••••••••• ~:P gaf:T'~~ :::e !~ uni IS EKperienced. NB Apply in person. uph. $75 each ~7·~ jg·a2 •si(,°·N~·:i :~·:; Red Batavus Moped 7 1 4 / 5 5 3 • o 4 5 8 0, LHsl-68 Malibu Concou11 Wgn. 5 -327 IUIO. I owner. runs 7141631-7 11 114 111·2311 grHt. ps. ate, 1111 whl, travel 111 majo< U.S cllt8S cuslodiel maintenance. Temporary. full lime. gen-Henredon 72 '" Carved '"2001" Only 38 houri. S~ Fir'; & resort areas Including bc okkeeplng No pets 8"11 ottice work lor CPA walnut bookcase. coll Also hav• a 1977 For· 6 5-095 N.Y Ctty, Mlemi. Dalles. Apl plus salary Send firm Typing experience S•too, Mii $1900 E1h1n mule 110 20 II like MoPe<I 101 Sale UnCler New Orleens w/unlque resYme 10 PO Box 3101• req 6"6-<1420. Allen RuSI llhr over Slul· N E W 1 C a I I ( 7 I • I 500 m1. $400. voung bualneH group San Clemenle 92ti72 led chr 8 011om1n, cost 842·2000 8 ask for Jim· 546-7066 ' 1----------1w1n1ed, Experi enced • ----No exper. nee as we IHHIHI Waitttl Body Man wilti own tools 11•50. sell $650 Antique my. Jr II out, please • ,., I / provide a 2 week expen-Fabulous working cond.. & R 11 5 c a 11 M 8 r k hall tree. trunk & much leave masagel • t1f fl IJ •• se paid !raining period Ion N ~ w 95-95 1 more 953.4339 , •~ Stwt.11 -Above over, sh11p, un· 1 ' 0 exper • 4 1 -----S,..,118f. c..61 .._ •••••••••••••••••••••• lrafn. we achool IRCUS lrg WOOCI d•sk, dark ·~····· •••••••••••••• '72 YAMAHA 90 •Uached & fudy tor Im· M-'XIMUS 719 No. Har-WAIEIOllE ~-drewers. iclnl cond LOW mt. Great cones =·vl=~=:sl(:ir. bot. Fulleflon 870•6192 SIOOtOBO 645·8358 IELf llfP l 1225. Dave 631·2157 ApPly betvween 12 Ind 5 No Exp Req . FI T & PIT, -----Ill lfF Tll Matteonl 11 557·30011 PM Mon-Sal. s.. Kelly 16-l lO/hr. Starting pay. ftltt hw• S.fl 1978 HONDA 750K M on lhru Wed only. Call 537·2880 KING Fee 8't 11 Good condlllon ITIEm 10,000K. xii conCI 11am lo Spm. •Clll10S lff4ttl 1900. Orig. 13500 2 Mother ahort 01 cull 11,450 536-8221 UYEITISlll SAUi cll1lra. blue ind white need• llze 10 welsult lo 1977 Hond1 550 Sup•r Mull hive E•p Full/ WELIEIS ltt.1t.1 striped silk 135 ea 11ar1 her 6-yr.·otd '°"off S""'I. or~ mint cond . I Interior Design & reat1u-Perl·llme S 13·$15/hr • • 855.1295 In his surfing career. ,,.... rant directory publisher t I 1 r 11n 0 pay ca 11 E11p Prel Fullf P1r1-11me ---~-NeeCI for Santi 10 181..,. S 1700. 83 -1937 It opening a new office In 537-21180 KING tee. "Sl2.$14/hr to Slart. Call Empire Counsole Deck, under Ille lree. Call ens-'80 HONDA 250 XL. 4000 Orange County Needs ~~~======~~5~3~7~-2~8~80;;t<~l~N~G~t~ee;==I Ork WOOd. 36" IC 35·· X wer ad 1"578, 642·4300, mt. exHea. runs •Int uper'd h11d working, IMedlcll 23", $250 644-7418 24 hrs. M us T s ELL s 8 50 leading to mgmt posl· • _,. M 0 Yacht Corp ...... 'I ----------• CONNHL ::Hf't'ROlfl . . . r ',•' ~41>--I 200 ... llYR Top dollers for Sports C1rs. Bugs. C1mper1. 91•·1.Aud1s Ask tor UIC MGR JI• 1111• VIUIWUll 1871, Beech Blv<I HUNTINGTON BEACH M2·20IO WAITED! Lal• model Toyo111. Volvot. Plcliupa 8 Vant Call ut toda t ' 77 BMW 3201. Ruby Red, S67Slobo 554·2079 • apd, air, sheepsktl'ls, ·79 91 ISC sunroof. 1/c, ---------cus. bra. $6399 pp p/w, rlghl & lel1 mirrors, '68 Chev Novi. 6 cyl, MW 857-0958 or 975-4706 all lealller. orulM controt. pelnt, 80K orig ml. 1mt 7'79Mw 5301. elec sunrt. wrndows, ltht, cass megs, orig owner. very Clean $6300 for fast Siie •9 9 -2430 , 540-9•211 ste1eo, 101ded. xtra Im can. completely clean $17.1100 Call 11ook Xlnt cond 631-4721 646·1030, 11750/batofr 960·1722 ~7 c~--111 lllS 80 911 SC Targa blue .::1.-.•••••••••••••••• lcMK!ed, llC 10/83. Cons' '80 Cordovi T-Top $5350 trl.de 542· 1384 PIP ( 138ZYZ) loaded /hi 11# ---RE·SALE SALES ••• !!'.~ ••••••••••••••• ••II• ''"" 11S' •43 w. Bey SI. c M ••••••••'••••••••••••• Andy Btown 6'S.2963 *I DEA(U IN U.S.l . 1-' IHI ...................... '71 FORD Mave<lck GOOd • ~ cond 3 new or ... eoon N...ll'-..L $150 494·3211 ,.._,_.,..lllll...,_..,. 1HY1a 1981 MuaiB_n_g_, -b-l1_c_k-. -:-6 -•"'•I'"_,.... cyl. 4 spd, T lop & fully °'91 ..... " IW loaded. 57200 080. Am laNH 1112 moving m 11 11 sell energellc H ies person. E perlenced Back Ollic:e WELDER J•-lt-1. ---,,10.1~~~~~~~~~ 5•8-7174 tlon. Highest ~ommls· Asslallnl wllh limit..., X· acgreg r •••••• ••••••••••••••• ff. •• ,,., '79 Y1m1ha 1100 Special, ilona + benellts. AD· Ray permit needed 1631 Placenlla,C.M. Ladles 14K Yellow Gold '°II.'' 1 ......... •-• lOOOO mlles runillrong t~ag;;;~:J 4 12PM Mon·Ftl Cell Engegemenl & Wedding If. 11 .,....., --I . 1 • o OBO VANCEMENT OPPT'I'. • . . . RI I Set 1735 552-3586 •••••• ,............... 1;le1n. 150 I ' (213) 271·5831 83l·8302 btwn 9.30·ll.30 11,,,,,.,;., ~ _ Le1rn Electronlcl ..Ctll alt 8PM 646·0953 ---------·1--•-tk-::-fo_r-::M:-1r-:-y-:--:--:---1 •••••••••••••••••••••• Lodles Rolex 1• K dren Bell a Howell Training . 8 I Honda p 1ssgor1 • ~,;;;;;;;;ii;i;;iii;;~iiiiiiiiiiiiilll I•••••.•••••••••••••••• 914·3•87 ah 5pm S1les-Service-L111ing •75 LTD S 1390 (043MQI) 711 Dllaun 280 ZX. loaded UllLIUll ' 7 8 P I n I o I 1 8 9 0 wtex1111 Xlnt cond 3•, 111111 (899UZD) • ..... a &J •-&1 •-watch Set with 2 di•· CourM. lncludlng. a••iH•ILEll 1 •tin•· -r•nn -~ monds ...... ,h 1• K br•ce-I'" Volumes of e11101ro-8t1nd New , 10 m l , ~ beck ollice. Dermllo· ••••,.-•••••••••••••••• .. , '" v S 1 I I I e I 5 0 O No Exp Req Full/Ptr1· Lg OAK antique ROLL 111 11100. wor1h $2,000 n1cs training lrom buk: c r c • 11 m •. FI 8 K . Hr I . ~g~:&NF~rt>~.' w~~~~~~-TOP OESI< Good cond ALSO L1d111 Omega lo 1dY1nced TV r9')111r, 6•2•9288. Pit --- S6·SIO/ht 10 start C1ll c 111 wk d y I Rudy . $2500 Call 673-7901 Wiich 14 K M arquis A Design Console IOI llb .. ,., ••n i.1r, 537·2980 KING lee lhape dr ... -•ch with exP8flment1, I • ' Ill 640-450! •AITltlf AllTlll t>rlCelel 1400 857°1445 A HNlhkll Oigllll Multi· ••• ~V.J!!!~•••••••• ATIENTION STUDENTS ~I I EIOIRTS Thor1 Dec 2. 8. PM ~1 D1iiil0iid'So111111-meler ind IOlld llale Ouldoor Slorage 80111. H.,, .. School & Col._. Ex"' on"' 942•4780 Con1erlt1 ot an East """ lrlOQefed IW99P OIClllO· 1,.118,. • or whit h8"e v· ...,,... ,... '1 co111 Shop. Over 400 re I 23 careu. Appr11· ecope PIT work avillable now. ...., .. Feetl ltert llama Including 01k Md 110,000, MU• offer/ A 25 : HealNcll ColOr TV you M 5•7864S =::..d:::':!/i",! ~ FI T uper • 1231 N. highboys w/mlrror• oall. l rede equity"' property with d!Qltal clocit: dlgilal Aa,. lnnft, ''"' lld1y1 a P1rties Mr• Coaal Hwy. Lag-Bch. dreuere w tm lrror1. ~~ channel dlaplay a elee· I..,.,,,,.,.. MM D••. e t 1 er 1 o A M . Nlrvena N11ural Foods. stacking bookc••••· Eme11ldt, AublH. SIP· Ironic tuner •••••••••••••••••T.~'n' 875-3738 'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiij l1ncy 6 d r1wer Singer ptllrn. elc 11 wholesele All ol 1bov• 11e com· PAINT a Me body *Ori!. II s.tng Mactiine, lrunk1, pr 1c•1 or be 1 o w I plele 1nd br111d new. up to ~ off yoiM • llllt htailla1 NURSING 3 Laf111n ~·· oek Vic· 640·"88 Tlll1 I• I 11700 v1lue 8111 842..01001 .... 1221 Sleve'e Oel111ing Is now lrOlel, Mofrla ~I. di-WIN Mii ....... ..,, Mlle HIGH P!AFOAMAN· hiring rffponaflbl• ind nillg Mt1, bedroom Ntl. Gold dl,amond a pearl l•O I CE S M 3 women 1 r~ $375/bell & toclt uttann Comp•lent people tor •noo•NTs tldeb01rds MrVerl pc . B--T "UL 25" n•rlt 545-e661 " o o o m 1. s 8 1 o o 111·1.. 41Mta '80 Fairmon1 W1gon • ,_1_14_18_5_9 __ -7_200-:--d:-a""-ys--1 r, t 1111 ~rtoT -8 1 rd $ 53 5 0 ~=~=-~~==~ 1980 280 zx 2 plus 2 Low .!!.!.~............... ( IBWY057) WI llY mllNQe Loaded. S8900 •n 0.Nta IT L/I AH Include euto, air, po· USED CARS & TA~KS .642·9281 13250 5 1pd 11 AMI - -' '· RE·S'"LE ''""LES COME IN OR CALL FOR '78 280Z 14870 5 spd FM Clll, Slvr/8111. 11lnl " --FREI....... (IEJU236) Prlv Ply 676-2214 443 W Bay ST CM. Cormler·O.UIO RE.SALE SALES 7_7_T_oy_Celg New petnl. _Anoy __ Brown 645-2"3 .will.IT 443 W Bay St CM tires, am/Im lier. 11c. #tlfmY "" 1121 1 BEACH BLVD Andy Brown 645"2963 93300 673-4490 ........ ~•••••••••••••• HUNTINOTON lfACH i0200sx, loaded, lo ml, ' '88 Mercury COmtt, e cyl, ••1 •l Ml UI 1 lmmtc cond $$600 or ,........., 1111 euto. •IMI belled r.ctlall -• ' • -bell offer. 551-4810 ••••••·--••••••••••••• Runs gooct 1460 •19 ConV9f'llble euo. ,,.., ..... 11390 Top Dobr f!!!f!! •••••••.•• !~ff alw•v• In showroom. ll•le lff1 Paid ....... '''I wfllte Of'! llrtlitt, lot• of •••• ••••••• ••••••• ••••' xtru Must ... , 19,500 '78 P1n10 Sia Wagon , •Y an.tnl or otter 551·21171 or good condlllon '"t of· '°' Yt:Nf Cetl PlllAll 131-3119 1w 754·73M Jl•IM I Ill llllDWI , ... vw eug ~ .n9 ,,--,. --"" auto det1111no. Fu1u1• ft ft Mohair o.Co P•~ Mt otter 7511• 1 Jti~, TV. 2 yr wrn .,... mgmt ot)9. evlMablt UPUIEIGEI Combo Nfe. 11rong bo11. Rlng1, l1dln 14K Whl gold Su ,.rH delivery. 831-HOO 1110• Collea grinder, 2 wedding a trlQ~I. Ol)!tn Sun '/' • .,. I , I llOt machlnet, 1Plnnlng "* IC Aptlr. Sll.000. TV Jofln'1 848·17W S.k•ry: Covnler G "on • • • WflMI• 04d double mlr· Hit MOOOt080 Ane-~rh ·&~~ M!.~ FLAGSHF ~o:tflC=i.:.~::i: ~~42·•300 2•_h_,_. .,,, , .,,,., U...•lltrt"' Good cond 12000 Ewt .. l!!f!' .......... , .... ,., ..,. Hit H•bor llvd. ~ "2·2000 '1 t CAICl<lT HOO 1 •••••••••••••••••• C0111 Mete 540·9'30 ~ · -----Good ttlftlPO'tation IMPORTANT N0TIC£ •liliiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiii 'M VW lug Fix• "PP*. 641-I071 TO AEADIAS AND ndt mlnof wortc I = -·----- ADVEATISEAI For Ad Action s 1200 b•' °" .... 1.a t!!'lt! .......... M 83l·2'30 C()NVIL£SO£NT i nd 1011 more 1m1ll1. #!-11.e-1 aMI L.1-•f llAlllllll n 10~ tluyert premium ••• wmr..;.-.o; •••• T.-eTr ... -an1r.-: ......... . Call Ctlatlel tot Ott•· 11·· Portable Bleck a ,,._,,, HI with cllen1e11. B1lbo1 CENTER LARRY MOAGAN AUO. w~ TV 140. r.m•••••••••••••••• .... nd .-,, 17'-«>13 TION 642·1121, 141·21•1 ... ,_ .. S'"t.,... •...v...l(l!fP!A 1 ""I of "6e FllO'NP Aold IH5 Toronto Wl!y, CM vn .. "' -Q«1 Bl<k'o :;; em: ~ hecll 11• ..... t101 10" Della Aadtel Arm 642-4144. y.,, 1-1 ptt .. 11 on payro11 a ~~I! More ..,... .,. """" ":.n~n. 642-110 ~.......,,,, _:T~-~f. .. ~2r.;·N&~1 -rn:-;;;-~~~~~~.., 11\t ~ "blll" tt111 ---..,,,. car ...,,,. Agenl, FIT. no ....., " YoU 1-w • Gent-~ ~ ,,.., peojllt ................. • • • .,,_. MC11111tY Apptr M 'IOU' lh~ N • pet ttlat'I not .. Hlftl lflOIM ..._. dltlll t11e MANNI ILICTNCIAN 11 4545 MICAf1hur llf, -ulllng lhe bally umct, ... It now -I ~ DlrMtofy lft.. ~ NB. ~ Ade C.•allled M DM.V MOT Ollr Wart! ....... 8' Tiie prtc:e or It..,,. Id• 8 I VW ~up L)C, A/C, 711 Or and Prix. AMIP:M V9rtlted tly V9fllc:le dM· 3100 Wfft Cotti Hwy, tn,t, etldlno '"'---· rldlO. \ape dectl.llr, P9. ..,. ... IN V'lfllCtt CllMI· c• I .. ~.'!!-"', gauge pllg, l·apd, tlllt .. ,000 nil, 4200 fltd ~tllna ~· --wtcttm '"'· lbotll oond 7t41111-1too dyl doll not l nolude any o.a.. ... , 8' 309 CHll. A\l/llk . 1095 U I · 1131, ---6114 -Mlf :=:':",:':.'·,=• •J rw 11ereo. ~ ........ 14z.1eoo P.Jfle ......... r.-. .. dlefget, ,_.., •poi. lft_~· 1000 ""· uo.ooo. --·rs vw 001Mr1 .• "" '"' ..... '11 ,,.. IVllOft oett•r•• •••IO• .... • s •. '. 0 I . I ". I I ., ... ". lllH ....... ... ..... --............ ., ....., a!.I• 71 ,,..,... ..... ...... , "'. 641-MI dDI •Ml it•~ Jffflfl• ~· •14 T . ..,..; wNte. le Mt tlea .,..,~ ''""' ••"!.L 1 o•n•r :::tr-,-;--} 9' .a.-a. 11194..0IM • J ' ,. . ' COUPON CHRYSLER V~LUE CC.UPC.RSI BRAID IEW 1182 SAPPORO SenaJ "502 123 MANUFACTURERS SUGGESTED RETAIL PRICE .................... S605 l Serial '801162 MANUFACTURERS SUGGESTED RETAIL PRICE .................... $9052 ATLAS CHRYSLER PLY"OUTH 'S PRICE ............................ $5295 ATLAS CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH'S PRICE ............................ $] 6 9 5 CHRYSLER 'S VALUE COUPON ........................................... ."·$ 300 CHRYSLER'S VALUE COUPON ............................................ $ 300 . . YOUR SPECIAL PRICE Equipment Includes an automatic transmission, 2.6 titer engine. velour bucket seats, road wheel package. pinstripe!, cruise contrOI & morel Demo. YOUR SPECIAL PRICE j speed transmission. radio. bucket seats, • ·Super economical 4 cyllnder engine, 4 • s4995 •7395 ~10.9% A.P.R. ~~..... ):INANCING wheel trim rings, white sldewall radial tires • and morel . •••••••• lo 9 0/ A p • FINANCING •• •••• •• ••• • /0. • • • AVAILABLI l IEED CASH? ••• ----. : WE PIY TOP \ : DILLIR FOR : AVAILABLI \ 1001 CWI : •. UTE MODEL / GIAllT SAVINGS 011 TOP · QUALln USED CIR 1911 POID T·llRD TOWN LANDAU Loaded Inc. auto. trans.. air cond.. tHt, cruise, pwr. spllt seats -windows -1teerlng -locks & brakes, AMfFM stereo. vln)ll top & much morel (1AN0348). '6895 1 DGI ROYAL MAXI VAN 12 passenger. Loeded Inc. 2 tone paint, dual air, custom moldings, auto. trans., pwr. steering & brakes, radio & much morel (148793). '7395 1980 MAZDA 626 llDAN • Air conditioning, AM/FM stereo, cust o m Inter ior . automatic transmission. (9711ZCG). '4195 ,. 1979 aUICK LI SAall LIMITID Sedan. L~ Inc. auto. trans .. aulomatlc tran1 .. air cond., AM/FM caaHUe. 1111. crulM. pwr. steering -bfal(ea -9')lit ... , • windows & locks. w1w Urea I morel (SS.WOY). '499 .• •... CIRS! ••• • •• • •••••••• BRAID IEW 1183 PLYMOUTH RELIAIT 2 DOOR COUPE BOID IEW 1983 CHRYSLER "E" CUSS 4 DOOR SEDll Serial 11120456 FOR FLEET SILES ANDLEASING 54 1 l 934 NFORMATION, CALL • e Plymoulfi imports JOHN MEREDITH SIRVICI HOURS: M.-AY n ...... AY 8100 A.M. , •..••.•. .... AY 8100 A.M. 101:00 •••• BUILT BY MITSUBISHI MOTORS CORPORATION 1911 TOYOTA COROLLA SIS COUPI Economical 4 cylinder engine, AM/FM stereo. power steering, air conditioning and morel ( 1CGJ436), 1 5295 1912 POID ISCOIT WAGON Economical 4 cylinder engine, automatic tr1nsml1slon . 2 t one paint. ai r conditioning, radio. w1w Urea & morel (1EBX~). • ' 1979 PLYMOUTH HORIZON SEDAN 4 cylinder engine. 4 speed transmission, air conditioning, radio, wsw tires and m°'el (632XNX). '2995 1973 CADILLAC COUPI DIYILLI Automatic tran1 .. air eondl1ionlng, power 1tMflng l brake•. radlO, waw tlrea and more options like leathef Interior, etc. , .. , .• 1995 All car• are aubtect IO ptlor ..... Al price• ara plus ux. Ileen••· documentary and (uaed cars) 1mo0 • ..... All prtcea .,. Yalid untll 9 p.m. Deoember 5, 1912. I 1979 DODGI bMNI 02.t HATCHBACK Economical 4 cyl. engine, 2 tone '*nt, air cono .. 4 speed tr•'\' .. cu11om Interior & exterior moldings, power 1teerlng, waw tires, radio & morel ( 193XEW). '279 19IO CHIVIOLn CHIVlm COUPI Economical 4 cylinder engine, auto. tranl . radio. lilt wheel. custom Interior, -tm, air cond & morel (789ZBAJ. 595 THI llAIGE CIAIT TlJE S DA Y N OV [ MBE ll 10 1 'IH.' LB councilman: 'Ban • • • interior lighted signs' Ho tel Laguna sign would come do wn if ban approved. By STEVE MITCHELL Of lheD...,Nottlaff If the glow comes Crom the inside, Laguna Beach C ity Councilman Dan Kenney wants It out. Kennt•y has proposed a ban on interior signs in Laguna Beach. If his idea prevails, all such outdoor business advertisin g will be history in just three years. T o date he h as garn ered neither s upport nor o pposition fro m the Lag una B e a c h C hambe r of Commer ce. Its gener al manage r said the business group has assumed "a mood of toleranl't!" to f<enney's proposal. The city Planning Commission will hold a study session Dec. 8 to consider a ban on all interior lit signs. That, most likely, will be followed by a public hearing before the commission Dec. 22. What prompted Kenney's dim view of interior lit signs'? He said they are unsightly, d istracting and OUl Of character with the city's .. v illage" atmosphere. Whal an end to such signs would do, Kenney contends, "is make Laguna just a little more of a special place." Kenney said some businesses in town have taken the lead in setting an example for tasteful signs. including Las Brisas and Oceans restaurants, a new fish market on South Coast Highway and several new banks. And. he said . an ordinance banning' interior lit signs should (See SIGNS, Paie A2) Slayer of Newport • man f ouiid guilty An Arizona man has been convicted of first-degree murder in the 1980 s laying o ( Kim LeValley, a former Newport Beach resident and Corona del Mar High School graduate. Frank Soto Jr., 32, found guilty Monday by a Riverside County Superior Court jury. will be sentenced bee. 28. A second person involved in the desert killing, G le n Godwin, 23, of Ranc h o Mirage, was sente nced earlier this year to 26 years to life in state prison. L eValley, who investigators allege was a drug smuggler, was stabbed and beaten to death at a Ranc ho Mirage condominium. His body and his new pickup truck later were blown up on a desert gunnery range. Authorities said Godwin stabbed LeValley 26 limes while Soto held the 26-year-o ld Newport Beach resident. . The Riverside County District Attorney's office reported that Soto. during his trial, maintained that he watched the killing but committed no crime. Two other men are accused of disposing of LeValley's body at the Navy's Chocolate Mountain bombing range. One of the men, Roy Dickey, 35, o f Arizon a , testified in exchange for pleading to a lesser charge, authorities said. The last man, Ray Fowler of Indio, has not been fo und. according to authorities. -- ClllT 110111 OHANGECOUNTY ( Allf-OHNIA ;·, LlNI~ Hurricane tail I wreaks havoc • along Coast By lbe Daily P ilot Stan Packing gale force wands and h('avy rain, the r emn a nts o f Hurrit•unc lwa des('t!ndt'CI on the Orange Coast today, causing scattered property damage, road dosures a nd flooding. Tadt'S cresting to eight feet and turrt•nual rams caui.t•d flooding al several coastal locations, including the Balboa Peninsula in Newport Beach and low-lying areas m Sunset Beach. Al Orange County government's storm operations center in Ana he im, o ffi cials expressed C'oncern that the rain, if it continued uiabated, would C'aUS<' mudslides at numc•rous locations throughout the county. The National Wea ther Service said sca ttered showers will continue through tonight with isolated thundershowers. Winds gusting between 15 and 30 mph are expected thro ugho ut the night. Wednesday s ho uld be partly cloudy with a chance of showers. Temperatures will be in the low 60s. Emme tt Franklin, senior h y dro9ncpbfr al th e county Environmental Management Age ncy, said the sto rm had dropped 1.83 inches of rain on Mark Prazak, 27, o f Santa Ana gets a hug from concerned fiancee Ly ndee Gurney as she arrives at the scene whe re his Volkswagen was impaled by part of a billboa rH after it blew off near the Ora nge County Fairgrounds in Costa Mesa (above). County e m e rgency syste~ a ctivatecl Or ange County supervisors activa t e d the c ount y's e mergeacy maDagemeat system today because of tlle storm tha t bas buffe ted the coanty for the past day. B o a rd c h a irman Bruce Nestande called for the action, c iting more tllan 100 homes la da nger in Newport Beach; a c he m ical spill In Orange; the nece11 it y for settin& up temporar y Red Cross shelters in La -Habra, and a lack of wat~r a nd power to Seal Beach. the <.'Ounty by midday. The season's rainfall total of 4.70 inches is ahead of last·year's total of 3.02 inches for this tame, Franklin said. Both those figures are significantly higher than the 1.90 total average rainfall for this early in the rainy season, he said. In Ne wport Beac h , winds clocked at 70 mph ripped across Newport Harbor early today, pulling boats from their moorings and, in one case, setting adrift both a boat and its dock. 1 Harbor Master Harry Gage said roughly 30 boats were set adrift. All were successfully rescued. He said numerous docks along the harbor were damaged by the storm. A ramp at the Newport Pier was destroyed and lifeguard towers blew over. Meanwhile, a spok<'sman at J ohn Wayne A irport said the entire facili t y was without commercial power by noon. The spokesman said auxiliary power units were immediately activated and there w ere no problems related to the iniual OU"8ge. 'Newpoct Beach city work crews closed off flooded Balboa ~Bou l evard o n the Bal boa Peninsula between 46th and 32nd s tr('('ts. The boulevard. the mam strt't.'l on thl' peninsula. wes schedulro to be reo~ned later today. At least two dozen residents on the peninsula reported flooding. A major inll'rs<.'Ction on Newport Boulevard at 32nd street was closed due to flooding. ln Laguna Beach, pohce said flooding in Big Bend the S - shaped curve on Laguna Canyon Road, had prompted that portion (See STQRJ\1, Page AZ> Early tax cut plan abandoned Police fa.ii to find WA S HING TON (AP) - President Reagan, in the face of stiff congressional resistance, today abandoned any though t of asking Congress to move up the e ffective date of next year's income tax cut from July to January. Reagan told reporte rs a fter m eeti n g with R e publi can congressiona l leaders that "we're not going to make a push" for advanci ng the scheduled tax cut. Instead. he said, he will devote has efforts to resisting antacipatl'<i congressional e fforts to delay or even cancel the 10 percent tax ratC' cut. ----lllDEI---- , Does a n Irvi ne collecto r h ave mo re bikes tha n ahc Smithsonian Institution ? Bl At Your Se~ce A4 Bulletin ~rd A5 Business C l-6 Cavalcade B2 Classified 04-8 Comics 86 Crossword 86 Death Notices 04 F.dltorlal A6 Entertainment 85 Horoecope B2 lntermisslon B5 Ann Landers 132 Movies B5 Mutual Funds OI National News A3 Public Nolk..u --" . 1'11,B7,C4,04 Sports 0 1-3 Dr. Stelncrohn 82 St.ock Markets C5 Television 88 Theaterw m Weather A2 World N•w1 A3 • • The.• president smd he also is conceruC'd that moving up the 1.ax t·ut t o s timulate econ omic rcl·over y would inc rease the a lready large federal budget dcf al'l t. But to delay the.• cut past July, h e said . would be "directl y opposed to what is needed to restore the economy." Sl.'n a ll' R e pu bllca n leader"' Howard H. Baker Jr., who met reporters with Reagan, said he had no serious doubts that the a dministration and i ts congressional allies wall be able to preserve the July 1 date for the finul step of the three-year rt-duclion plan. He said he had rcrommcnded "that we not attempt to advance it," but Baker said Reagan had heard contrary v1t'ws from other m e mb e r s of th l' GOP rongrc!k<iional leadership. Reagan. BakN and House Republican leader Rot.iert H. Mtc~hC'I faced reporters a day a ftcr Congress con vened Its pos t election seuao n amid concern over the nation 's 10.4 JX>rccnt unemployment rate and calls for legi.,lation to crl'ate jobs. In n s peech in Los Ang<'lcs Mond ny . Reagan 11pokf' enthuslu~llcally about th<' tax-cu1 pr(lf(rom "The only way to cure our probk•ms as to gN the K'Onomy movinR again," Rea1an told a conVl'ntion or the National t....ague of Cities "And Ont' of &tw best waya to llllmulale th• economy," hf' •Id, "la to pve the American work•r a tw.k and cut his and Mr tax ratee." J one Irene Moller By Sl't:Vt: MARBLE Of lhe0...,Nolt1811 f Police investigators, looking for a murder weapo n In the violent slaying of a 76-year-old Newport Beach w idow, came away empty handed today after searching a car belonging to the woman's housekeeper. The housekeeper. Jane Irene Moller. 40, was arrested Sunday on suspicion or murder in connection with the death of Helen ~Wolf. DeWoU's body was found S aturday morning sh ut In a bathroom of her Irvine Avenue home. Pohce said the woman had been d ead s ince Tu<'sday or • Wednesday and had been stabbed nume rous times an the back and h'er head crushed with a blunt instrument. Detectives said they were searching for a knife or heavy instrument in the impounded vehicle. which is being held at Orange County Sht•r1rf's Department m Santa Ana. Police said a search an the Irvine Avenue hom4? also proved fruatTcss. D<>Wolf. reportedly 111 with canc..~r and severe arthritis, hired Moller Ol·t. 23 to provide nursing care a nd perform household chort~. (See WEAPON, Page AZ) Ex-detective, 77, foils heist A 77-ycar-old former Santa Monica de l ec liv.c Is b l'tng cr<'dltl'd today with h e lping , po lice apprehend two men · suspected of robbing a Costa Mesa woman of $800 Monday aht·m01m. Costa Mesa police Lt. J41ck Calnon said tht> man. who asked not to be iden ufied. copied down the licft1ee plate number of th• pair •• they wer. leavln1 t he home, alon1 tt:e 1900 block of lrvt.w Aw. at 1:30 p.m. Doroth y Mel &on &old pollce that two rntn ...... ,.... to choM hlir • lhe pulled Into hw ..,... a n d flecf w l&h h er p urn • - containing $800 in cash. "I thank people should gl't The nl'tghbor. who recently more involved.' he said. "We Jo i n <' d th e C o s t a M es a have a very cloee knlt community N«>ighborhood Watch program. and thl1 11 the only crime 1 can became susp icious when he ·think of in 10 yeairs." spotted the unknown vehicle In• thl' area The man , w h o joined the S.nta Monica police dtpartmt'nt l n a phone interview this u a~ offar In 1037. called morn i n1 t h e m a n said h e Cos&a MeH polke with the attempted to c:opy down the Information t1cen1e number while the pair Ray Romero. 32, ol WhitUer wen P,al'ked In &he drtwway. and J-Prt.to. 31, of Norwalk l'llliftt to do tbat. be followed were .,,....... at I p.m. br IA \~ ...-ct'• tV fw .-.i lhne ....... ~-· Pohcj uJd llOO .,.. -..... ~= ......... ,___ ......... atop lllht ..,_. ~ 9o&ll W remain In Coe&e up wtO& \Min.,... .... jl8. . • • 1982 stories WEAPON SOUGHT • • • A Ch<'t'k With u Jnw c.•n forcemt•nt nuthohty h us rf.'vcaled tha t M ol ll'r was arrested b y Orange.• pul1t'(.' 111 July, HHI I , on sus p1c·1011 o l us.<;ault. Polle<' said Mollt•r wus Hl'l'l'Sttd i11 Orangt.• on a citiw n's 1.·ompla1nl ~1 rtcr the houst•kc.>t.•pt'r asscrtedly hit u neighbor in the fa<.'t' dunng a dispute. Tht.• ch<Argt.-s wc.•n • latt.•1 d1smissc.--d. Mpllt.•r . 11 W<AS also lcarrwd from m vest1gatmg soul'\.'t'S, wa~ arrested an 1976 on suspidon or welfa re fraud·and later servt.'CI a 15-day jail sf.'ntc.•ncc in Orangt.• County. Newpor t Beac:h s•aid t hl'y arrested Muller on suspidon of munh•1· S11nd11y a ltt•a trnc..·m~ h1•1 tu El MurHt• wht•1 t' i.lw wai. rt•po1wdly hvtn~ wrth ,1lrwnd111 11 motor ho111c..• Mollt.•r rs 1,.•111g lwld Ill ht·u t.>I $:.!!\0,000 hw I ,, nil •~ M:lwdull'd 111 bt.• urr111~1wd Wt.·d all'sd a y 111 llurbu1• Munn:rpul <.:uurt Ill Nc•wport Bt•a ·h . A 1Jkt.• ~uict th1•y havt.• 11111 t.·~tabll:.ht.•d a m11t1v1.· 111 tht.· slaying Ot•Wo lf's bod y wu~ fo und Saturday by a m•1ghbor who had tx~n askc.'<.I to 11wt.•st1~1tt• by tlw woman's son. Tht.• son, Kt•niwth Ot•Wol r or Oow1wy, tutti pohc.·t.· he• had lx.•c.:oml' worrwc.J lx't·auw hl• had not h1•ard f ro m has mothl•r an s(•veral days. T oxic sp ill routs man ,~ ll t111tl11•111, ul 111'11f1l t• Wt'l't' t•v,u·u.111 ,cl I 111111 1111 .1r 1•,1 nt•u1 K utt ll.1 J\v1•11w .111tl B JIJV hl S1u •1•t 111 Orn11~1 tl11,. ruun1111u afl l 'I' ,1 I ht•fllil lll pl.Ill\ l\1111) Ulllt•.1,fH"tl II tu>.:lt Vllf>OI t l11U1 O ru 11 ~I" l-'111· I h• p.11 11111• 11 t 111111 wh salcl llw 'fllll 1111·u1 rt>d ,,, uhuu1 !J.:W u 111 at C11!.d1·n 011 urul Clw1n1<.·ul Co., l>:M W Ht rm·k /\Vt• Tlw 1·h1•m11.·a l ww-; 1dt•nt1 l'it.·d us i h y r c.• n t.• 111 u n 11 nH' r I-' 1 ,. t • oUidals said 1h1•y did nol knuw what 1t was USl•d for. ' Wo1·kl'rs 111 the.• urt•u wt•rt• t•vu c ua tt•d to 0 ran Kl' 111 ~ h S 1· h o 1> I 1 n a cJ d 1 t 1 o n • u n (•VUl'UU\1011 hl'11<.·optt.•1' l'Ullt.'<.I tlw "H cst·uc• Angt•I" was fl y ang students at Portolu Junaor llat,th to t he HNI C r oss 1•vut•uut 111n cenlc.·r· at Ornngl• l1 1gh Nu anJun cs Wl'l'l' rc.•pm·wd in t ht.• inl'ident. STORM SOCKS COAST WITH· FURY • • • of roadway to be closed to all traffic. Sgt. Doris Weaver said a watl'r pump from a f lood control channel project was damaged last week and Cloodwaters made that . p o r tio n of t h e roadwa y impassable. Motorists were being allowed to travel on both sides of Big Bend, but n o veh icles were being a llowed on the curve. Police said they did not know how long Big Be nd would be closed to through traffic. "You tell m e how long it's going to rain and I'll tell you how long Big Bend will be closed," Weaver said. In Sunset Beach , residen ts or 17 homes on Bayview Dr ive were forced to leave their homes duf.' to flooding. T he flooding . which b egan about 8 a.m .. was caused by a t'Om bination of seven-foot tides, 50 m ile per hour winds and h e avy r ains, according to a s po kes man f o r the Oran'ge County Fire Depar1men l. A Rcd Cross· command center was set up at 16861 12th Street in Sunset Beach to aid residen ts. Tides are e xpected to be even higher tomorrow, the spokesman saad. ResidenlS were encouraged to p ick up sandbags a t t he command center. In Costa Mesa. polic(' reported scattered power outages, fa llc•n trees a nd minor flooding as a result of the storm that swept ac.·ross the Oran~oast. A 27-year-old Santa Ana man escap<.•d injury is morning when a heavy boa rd rrom a Callen sagn crashed through has car's rear window. narrowly massing him: Mark P razak was southbound on Newp ort 8 oulcvard about 8 :45 a .m. when the Orange County Fairgrounds sign toppled. sending a chunk o f plywood into has Volkswagen. "It was a pote n t ial tragedy averted by fate," said Sgt John Wood. E lsewhcrn m Cosw Mesa police n ·porll'd. cJowrwd powt.·r 'iines, powe r outages a na malfunl't1onang tra Hil' signals along Newport Boulevard . One storm torn tree fell on top of a car al 413 Magnolia S t. Trees knoc.·kcd out e lectrical po~(.·r'lint•s throughout 'ihl' t·oas't area, leaving <! l ,UUU custome rs without powl'r for several hours this morning, at-cording lo J im Kennedy, a Southe rn California &lison area manager. The blackouts startt:d shortly a f ter 8 a m .• h e said . a n d approxjmately half the c.·uswmers had power restored by I 0:30 a.m . "We had scvc•n circuits out," h e said. Crews hoped to have thl' re m a ining 10,000 customer s' power back up by noontime. he said. Nearly 500 trees or limbs of trees were toppled by winds in Hun tington Beach and Foun tain Valley, city o rf1c1als said Delly ........... ~Lee...,... One of at least three oil derricks which fe li victim to today's gale-( orce winds lies c rumbled off Seal Beach Boulevar d op po ite the Na val Weapons Depot in Seal Bea ch. More showers due Coast a l ef\Ough 10 knock down trees ano power lines. and Ille N111ona1 We1111er Se•vlc;• 11sued gale warnings Wllh gt1sls or up to 40 mph posted 1t Lanc;astef and 38 mph In coastal arus ·T11ere • 1011 anCl 1015 01 Wlres Heavy winds and rain tod•y. down lrom very 11rong winds d • c re• ting ton I g h t • n d Thar's 1h1 only m1sor rh1ng we v. Wednesday P«lod ol Ml<l-s or had There s bffn no llood1ng or lhundenh-• Hkety Overnight anything se1d Loa Angeles lire IOwt 48 to 56. Highs Wednesday spo~esman Oav1d Peta•• 58 to 84. Chine• ot 11ln on "I walked Into my apar1men1 Wednesday 70 percent. All the windows had blown open I EIHwhere. from Point Con· had a 11111 an Inch or water 1n my caption to the Mexican bor· balhroom from where a window der and oul 60 ml l•s.Gale had been blown 1n, ·said one warning• with winds 20 to 30 Wiishire Otslrlcl •ealdenl kllott tonlghl, decreasing Wednesday. Combined HH 8 10 14 '"'over •he out•r coas••' T e mp e rature s watera. SW911t over Inner CONt .. • wallrt 4 10 8 leet. wllh wind NATION wavn ol 6 IHI thla •ll«noon Decre11lng •••II• and wind wavH W•dn11day Sc•ttered thowera or t hundershowers lonlghl and Wednasd•y. wllh par1l11 c;learlng Wednuday atte<noon U.S. summary A n•w Al11kan aiOrm ti.gin put hlng Ill way lhrough l h• Nor1"-1 urly today. dropping rain over much ol the Pacific Co11t and anow In lhe higher el•••llona ol Oregon •nd C•tornla Snow fell Mond•Y over th• TallOe 8M1n wfllle -latlonS ol 4 lnchw -• reported In lhe aouthefn CalC9det ot Oregon At mucn n 2 teet or MW anow wH predicted today l or lh• mountains of nor1hef1\ Calllornl• where gully Wlndt may CIHle neer llliJUtd condition• Rain prevelled ov« much ol the r"I of Callfornle end along the northern Pac:llici Cout wtlere gale warning• ware In •ll•cl ••rly today for aouthefn Oregon end norltlern c.llfornla. Clovdl C0"9rad Iha northern Rockie• to NebrH k• and th• Dakol•• Fog and dr lu l• blanketed the upper Mldweat. r9duclno lllelblllly to 1n1 than • "•ll·mlfe In porllon1 or South Dakota, Mlnneaota. Iowa and NMlf•• 'California· Albany AlbUquefque Ame•lllo Astlevtti. Atlanta Atlanuc City Aus Ion 81lllmore Biiiings Blrmlngh1m Blsm•rck BolM Botton Browns"11e Buffalo Burlington Cuper Charlftton, S C Charleston. W V ChatlOlte, N C Cheyeflne Chic.go C1nc;lnn•t1 Cleveland Cotumble. SC ColumbUs O•llH·Ft Worth Dayton Denver Des Moines Oelroll Duluth El Puo F•roo Flegslall Grfft Fa"s Hatllord Helen• HonolUtu Houllon lndllnapollt Jacklon, MIN . ' "' Lo •6 43 51 36 59 •2 64 30 67 50 64 39 76 56 64 42 43 32 65 49 43 22 "' 35 56 46 78 68 50 41 47 37 47 33 70 59 60 42 68 37 48 26 40 39 55 43 48 39 75 41 55 35 73 48 u 34 53 28 41 37 45 39 33 30 81 48 34 30 37 31 45 32 66 40 38 27 85 72 78 82 * 37 ,75 49 Jecksonv111e 81 84 t<ans.s C11y 50 39 Les Veges 85 55 Ullle Roc;k 64 53 Lou1sv1ne 54 4:i lubbocil 62 37 Memphis 66 54 Miami 60 76 Mllwaukff 39 32 Mpls·SI P•ul 37 35 Nashville 64 48 New OrlHnl 69 63 New York 54 45 Norlolk ' 71 4 1 N0t1h Pla11e 57 30 Oklahoma City 63 41 Omaha 35 32 Orl•ndo 86 63 Phlladelphll 53 35 PhOenla 87 58 P1tt1bUrgh 55 37 Portland. Me 38 31 Portland. Ore 52 45 Provl<l9"C• 59 38 Rale~h 68 36 Rapl City 54 30 Reno 48 3t Richmond 89 38 Sat1 lekt 48 38 Sen Anronto 75 50 Seaute 48 43 Shreveport 74 57 Sloua Falla 42 29 SI Louie 59 42 St Pel• lamp11 81 64 SI Ste Marte 39 29 Spollane 37 35 SyracuM 48 41 T~I 52 33 TucltOn 66 41 TulH 82 48 W1sn1ng1on 88 48 Wlehll• 8!1 38 Aemnantt ot Hurrlciane lw• -""'*' ~ hwo Inc,.... ot rain M loutttern Callfornta lod•y, ..,.,,. multlple 1reftlc ac:ddenlt and power blac k o11 11 and IPI*.,., opening • tlnk llole tflat nHrly IWaffowed a poke eat lllf 1111111 lno. dfopped .. low .. 5,000 ,_ Ill .,. ""°""'..,,. erouncl Loa Anfe!M, end wtncll pied up 10 40 1119'1 -• far cry lrom the 1 IO·lfttlfl wlndl tl\al hit HaweM wtl9ll fwe WN at her peak l .. t week l'lev were t llll llrong ... ... ... .... ...... . ..... "' ... Zllmll 2 2 IO 1 Sanla Monie• ~ 4 12 2 Newport leach 3 4 12 2 sen Oleoo COUl!ly 3 4 12 2 Out!Oolt lor Weclneedey SUrf up tllgfllfo,) .... -2 3 ,. 3 3 .... Dir w w w w CAUFONH Apple Valley 82 50 B•l!ershel<I 83 50 Ehor11ow 70' 59 &Numonl 55 48 Big Beer 44 35 Bishop 80 26 Blythe 71 56 Cat•lm1 84 49 Eureka eo so Fr""o 66 50 L811CHl•r 80 49 Long Beech 69 58 Los l'lngelet 83 57 Monrovia 88 55 MontebeOo 70 52 Monterey 60 54 Mr Wilson 45 37 Needles 89 55 Newpcl<I Beach 85 56 Oakl•nd 58 54 Onlarlo 81 53 Pu•d•n• 82 42 Paso Robles 59 47 Rlversode 59 53 Red Blult 57 51 Redwood City 58 54 Sacr1mento 52 48 S•hl'U 59 49 San Ele'"1rdlno 80 5t San G•brlet 85 55 s.,.. Diego 66 60 Sen Fr•nctaco 58 56 S811JOM 57 SI Sanla An1 89 51 Santa Ba•batl 84 50 ' Senti Crur 81 53 5111111 M1tl1 83 64 Sanla Monie. 85 !17 StOCklon 87 82 T at>Oe Valley 35 30 The<mal 70 43 TorrtnCe ee !15 Tides TODAY lec:ond IOW t 67 O"' 1 1 Second hl9fl t 11 pm 4 3 WIDMH OAY Flrtl IOw 2 18 I m I 7 , I Flr9' hlQll I 33 a m I I StconcJ io. 3 43 p m t 4 9ecofld ...., ' 10 10 O m 4 1 Sun M tt today tt 4 44 P m • r-Wednetdey 8 '° am MOOft ,_ t9dey Ill 4 50 0 "' . MttW~•• • .,. • • • From Page A1 11111 l'l't·Oll' a hard l'>htp 1111' 1ww hu111111·h.'M'ic. "1'111' t·11 y hll'1 opprov1·d 011ly UIH llllt•l llJI lit •IKll Ill th•· IO!il four y1•an. or i.o," Kt·nrn•y awad ll K1 11rwv'i. 1dt•11 '' uppaov1'(t, L.1gu11J IJ<·ad1 would JOlll A"p1 ·11, Culu . :tnd Car 1111'1 111 hunaung 111t•·nu1 la1 MW" K 1•1uwy hi.lid lw hu1t talkl•d with 0H1t·1J l1> f rom both thoiw ll'SOl l l'(IOlmunalll'!>, "and ltwy l'an't lt'll me.• unr,than~ m•auuvl' uho ut tlw 11· luwi-' J11· swd attral'tlvt• signs "at.ld l<> 1lw ap1wul of u town lo tuurii.lb." M t.• ,1 n w h 1 I £' , J 1 m L y u n . t•humlwr o r c:omnll'fC.'{• naunugt•r, !W.ild tlw l'hambc1 board "ha11 not angrily decl1m.•d or al'cc pted" Kl•nm•y's proposal 11 t• ., u 1 d l h c.• c h a m b £• r ' s lt•gaslata ve cumm 1llN' 'fill be mun11C1ring futurl' h earings on the• ban proposal "and if we have ;my suggestions or position 10 tukc, wt''ll do it." Wh;H also remains l<> be sct'n Is how bus1ncssml'n wa th mtc riOI' la t s igns wall react to a n y 01dinunc~ banning the samt'. .. , don't kntiw how they wall tukt.· at." Kenney saad . But, he said, most o f thl' orfendang signs ar<• getting old and an.need o f replace me n t. "I tha nk a t trac t ive n •p lat·cmcrits wout9 e nha nl'c their businesses," Kenney 118id. D.., ..... ~bf C'-'" Sten T he e"ter ior-lit signs a t the restaura nt a nd !'t a tion .. r) store (above) a re OK by Laguna Councilm a n Da n Kenney" but the theater m a rq uee (below) would hav~ to g o. IT t Join Us In 6Neb1zrt1ikf CE'J11r 0-+]lih ..c\/1111Jr 1xrrp Wednesday, November 31st thru Sunday, December 4th Our Thanks -Special Pricing This community has extended us such a \11/l"f· come srncl" INl" rTlO\.-ed t'X're from Canada rrve years ago, that INl" want to say a resounding "Thank you", and In this spirit, for the wt't'k or ~m~ 28th through December 4th. all ~lry rn OUf 1r'M"rltory 'Niii ~ pnced in Cantldl.Jn dollars (equlvalt"nt to a 20411t DlscountlJ This is a ant" t~ on~ llt'ry real l:>f'nE'fit, as our poficy has alw.ly5 t>ttn to prrce our Jf"'olllf"lry fairly and to t>ack thoW" prices will' 011r money back guaranttt of value Special Features In addition 10 tt'X' many tine pieces ~ and created In oor own studlO. we will be showmg an exclusive coll«tlon of~try by1 Toni Cavtltl of Vancouver. B.C. Mr. C~lt1 has created J~lry for Outtn Eliz~ II and Pnnc~ /\me, and as a three tlnr ~r of lt'X' v.<>rld'! "Oscar" for ~fry design. thf> ~Bttrs Diamonds International Award ~ ~ also obtained from Europt. for this week only, a stunntng selection of loose diamonds and color~ ~mstones valued at s~ral mllllon dollars, tor sale at very. very fM>ral* prices ~ hope you will join us rdr this ct"lebrat1on Looking forward to Sl"f'tng you Wyndham Lt!lgh =l~t.rRT 127 FWlle>n ISiand. NM<port 8'ach. CA 92b60 TelfptlOl 1e 714/644-0501 • Near Bulkxks Wllshlll' • . ., \ \ a * Orungu Co at DAIL V Pll OT /Tue111dtiy, Nov rnber 30, 1982 for toys BV PAT llOROWITZ Ot'the Dellr Piiot l lelf DEA H H EA DBHS : 'fhl• Ci1nsumt•r Produ1:t Saf e ty Comm1ss1on s taff has prcltmmurily dl•ll'rmuwd that four squeeze toys dtstnbull'd by D<.111a1·u lntl•rna\lonal Ltd. or Sou th I hll·kcnsu1.:lt,. N .J .. may cauS<.• choking and/or surrocut1on lx'l·aus1• tlw handll's are small enough to lodgl' in thl' throat and obstrucl thl• :urwuy Although these squeeze toys havt• not bt.•l'll uwolvl'<l an any choking incidents known to CPSC. they an• s1m1lar m shapl' to othl•r squ<.'l'Zt' toys mvolvcd in <.•hoking dt•aths · All four s4uet•w toys have bulbous shaped ends on their handles varying from three-quarters uwh to 11 i inches m diameter. Two of tht• toys have M11..•kl)y Mouse.• heads on yellow handll•s One is 5 1 ' inches long and the other 1s 7 mches long. The other toys are a Donald Duck head on a blue handle, 6 1/2 inches long and a yellow mallet 7 1 • mches long with a Mickey Mouse race and the word "MICKEY" embossed on the handle. The toys are made of sort plastic material and are packaged and sold under the brand name "SAFE-GUARD" and labeled "WALT DISNEJ:.Charactcr Squeek ·a ·T oy." The Mic.'kc ouse a nd Donald Duck toys arc labeled o. 5523 and the mallet is labeled ··No. 5503." The words "WALT' D I SNEY PRODU CT ION S DANARA I NTERNATIONAL LTD MADE IN TAIWAN" arc st.amped below the back of the neck of the Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck toys. Stamped aruund the squeaker of the mallet are the words "WALT DISNEY PROD MADE IN TAIWAN DANARA INTERNATIONAL " Consumers should removc these toys from use and d1S(·ard them at once. Phone CPSC's toll -rree hotltne at (800) 638·CPSC Cor more information K ero e n e ·outlawed DEAR PAT: I lhougbt il was against the law in California to use a kerosene heater inside a house. Ye t, I've noticed a lot of ads that seem to indicate it's OK to use them for home heating. Has this law. cha nged? P .L., Santa Ana State law still prohibits residential use of certain kerosene heaters. but ads for them are cropping up everywhere. ac.-cording to the st.ate Departmenl of Consumer Affairs. One of these full-page ads headlines, "Get your home ready now for the cold weather ahead," but buries the small -print warning. "not for res1denual use m Cahforma." The department warn s that many kerosene heaters give off gases which can stay trapped m a room. C1ung a study in Consumer Reports magazine. the department warns that tests show the heaters can produce hazardous levels of nitrogen d1ox1de, carbon monoxide and other gases. People wllh heart and lung problems should be especially wary. as well as children and senior citizens. 1 .. .1 • "Cot a problem' Then write to Pat Horow11z. Pat will cul red tape. gelling • 1 the an1wer1 and action you need to • solve 1nequ1ties tn government and business. Mail your question& to Pat ,., Horowitz. Al Your Service, Orange Coast Daily Pilot, P .O. Bo:r 1560. Costa Mesa. CA 92626. As many letters as possible will be an.!wered. but phoned inquiries or letters not including the reader's full name, address and bwmess hours' phone number cannot be considered This column appears daily e:r· ·Sundays." & RABBITI INStJIANCE 441 Old Newport llt¥d. Newport llMch, Ce. 131·7740 Santa For Your Party The real Santa from Huntington Center wlll bring cheer to your home or office. Call 897-2533. GRAND OPENINGI lntrod--ctory special· 3 lessons fort1500 (First new 100 adult students only) The Astaireway to fun and popularity. Specializing in beginning and advanced. American -Soclal- lnternatlonal - Modern-Latin- Ballroom . ..... i ...... DANCa 8TUDt08 ,,...~.,.. ...... m7~8hd ........ ....,_....._,CA .. (714)17M421 .............. ,... Abused kids can have bright Yule OltANGI'; t'OllNTV Rl':Sm t:NTS 1111• lx.•tr11' ·''"'"I 111 pluy !:\1111111 Chiu lor 1111111• tlwn 1.:mo lot .ii t h1ld11·1; wh11 huv1• 111•1•1111h11M 1I, ul,.111tfo111-tl 111 1w~h-t·1t ti hy tlll'l1 lunulh•'t, .1111l u•111uv1'l.1 ll oni tlll'l1 hrnlw~ 1111 tlwlr own 1;rntt'\ t1u11 Opt•l'll llUll s.mta l'IUU'I, l<l>OINll'l'd hv th1• 1.·11un1y Hol'"" H1•1 v1t·1" Au•'lll'Y. '"' s1.•1•k1nu d111111ti;ms of 1\l'W twys, d11thl11J( 1111tl 11th1•1 gifts or 1:1x·d1-tlul·t1uh· l'ash l.'Ont11huuons 'l'lw l'hildtt·11, runginK in ugt• from m•wborni. lv h'l'llu•wrs. huvt• bl•t•11 wt.•konwtl 111l0 fvsl<•r h111111•i., bul t lwtr fus11•r pun•nts l'UIU\Ol ulwuys ufford lo rulfill lh<•ir Chrtstmai. w1sht'S, an ng<'nl'Y spokl•smun 8'\id, Gifls of 1111 lypt•s c1111 bl• St.•nl or di•llwrt•d lO Opt.•ratulll S1111lll Cluus. 1440 K Jo'inil St, Hoom 2:12. San la Ana. H270 I Phom• t1:N·470:1 for mon• lnf11rmnt1on • • PUBLIC HEALTH OFFICIALS from both tht• puhhl· and praval<' Sl>clor in llw t"Vunly havl' rt'l·omm<.•ndt.'<i that oil primary 1..·an• phyNi<.•tans lx.·gm 1mml•thutt•ly to nworporall' tubt.•rculm skin 1cstmg tntu their cvuluatton of school agl•d 1..·hildn•n, l'Spt.>cially thost• from h tgh·nsk groups. The· rl'l'Ornml'ndal1on is the appan•nt result of l..'llll'lparnllvt•ly larg<' oc-curcllt'('S of lhe d1S<•as<.' found among members o( ~verul Of lht• l'OUnty's rmnonty group.,. Th<• Amcrtl.'an Lung AsSO<.·iat1on's Orange County Chapter. onl' o r th e groups rc<.'ommendrng thl• testing, has established a comm1lll't' which will assist public hcallh oCflcwls Hl formulating future policy ror dealing with tuberculosis. Tht• commiuce has asked dot·lors inte rt•s l cd in commenllng on the r<.'<.'Otnml•ndalion to call fl35·LUNG. . . ... SENIOR CITIZENS' SERVICES for1J983-84 in Orange County will be the rocus or public heuring sponsorc'd by t he county's ·Senior Citizens Advisory Coundi Ot.'C. 10. ClllTY 111111 Tlw ht«lfllll( 1:0. dt~1g1wd to lilkt• i.utowsuu1\11 on M'rlllll 111111•1111' m •t•di; from 1111t·1t1I llt•rvtn• p111v11lt•r•i.. t'lt•l'tt•tl uH1t·1ul11 1111d lht• publlt• A i.1.11-t·i.11 l1t•111 ul t•ont.·1.orn ut lhl.' Dt.'l' 10 ht•al'in~ will Ix• dt•vcloµ111l'11t of u l•mM tt·rm 1·urt• Sl!r'Vl\'1• ror rnul 1.111d/ur c.J11whl<.<J oldt.•t 1 t•i.1tl1•nl11 or thC' <..'UUllt)' T ht• lwuring will i.turl ul I p.m. in lhl· board of 11upt•rv1sori. hPuring room, 10 Civic Ct•nU>r Pl:m1 (llruudwuy 11nd Santa Anu Boull•vnrd), Saum Anu • • FEDERAL "'UNDS ONCE uSt•d to cn·aw .Joh!> frn tht.• u1wmploy<.•d art• being sw1tchl-d to UM' 111 JOb trainmg progrums in Orangl' County and al'' oss thl• nauon as a n •sult of Rt•agan Admuuslrallun pohci«s. Thl• Orangt• Counly Manpowt•r Commission. m unnoum·mg n .'t.•1..•1pt or aboul $15JJ million m sch{'(Jult.'<1 payml'nlS to lht• l'Ounty, said muncy that unn· paid salaril•s und<•r the federal Comprl'hl·1~vc Emµloymt•nt and Trauung Act will bt.• tran:.fl'rr<.'CI to tht• new J<,bs Training 1'arllll'l'l>h1p Al'l as CETA J<>bs 1•xp1ro All CETA jobs will bt.• phaSt'<.I out by Sept. JO. 198:$. l'Omm1ss1on 11pokl'Sman Buddy Ray said. Hay S<Jld tht• SWltt·h m rundmg from jobs lo job t ru 1n1ng 1s part o f tht' Rt•aga n Administration's "Nt•w Federalism" polky that t•ulls for the• <•ltminatwn of public service ' t.•mploynwnt. The .)Ob training program also will givt• as·yN unSJ)<.'<.'1f1ed, but broader powers to gov1•rnors 1n t•at•h stall' in allocating the money, Ray s<1id. • • FIVE NEW MEMBERS were cll'C.'ted and thrt•e in('Umbt.•nlS returned to thl· Orange County Hculth Pl<mning Council Board or Dirc('IOrs at thl• mum·11's annual <'ll'<.'lion nwl'llng last week. Nl'Wl'Cllnt'I • to lh<· board am On.nit' Coaal n •'ldt•nl Mm lull Junt·11, ul South w.iuna and V111(•t·nl B1 udiov1( h. ol M11Uiton Vit•jl). Phylb1 C.:ullJ~lw1. ur Jo'ull..rtun, Murllyn L<'t•, <>I Santa A1lll one.I llon•na M1ddll•lon. of La Habra. Ttwy well M'I v1• lhn·t· yt·i.r lt•rrm l1wuml>c•nl.s r·1··1•lt"t·1t-d to thrt't'·)'car terma wt:I (• lfa111011 Curwl, of Santu Ana, an ..U.tant d111m .. •t·llur ul UC lrvlnt.'. p,'!>IW Khpet.t>ln, uf Sanw A11a tincl 1>1 Jo'runt'IH Mackt'y, ur Fullt>rton . Tlw l'oum·il is r<'llponslbl<' tor prC'parlng and 1mpl1:na•rHlllf( p l an11 that wil l provide 1111 or mu twn on hcu Ith iuuc11 tu th<' public. pronmung t'OllKl.rucl.1vt• chungt• In the heahh care Ut•l1Vt!ry syllt'lll, kN•ping health l'06lB down and im.·n ·asmg lht· at.'l't•s.411b11ity, at'l'epwblllity and ~uality o( ht•ullh 1..•un· in tht• cuunty. Dwly JJ1/o1 Counry BureMu OCC sh if te told S1grnr1cant shifts in Orunge Coast College's studl·nt populal1on have oc.oeurrt'CI during the past yt.«1r. a1..1:ordang to i.uH1st11...'S released by OCC's OHit'l' or Program Dev<.•lopmcnt. OCC officials ullnbute ~he shifts to state· m«imdatt'<.l t'Ourse 1..·u~ mst1tuttod lh1s fall. The stall' Chanct•llur's Offwe n-qu1rt.od elimination of 285 t"Ourst.'S Crum OCC's fall sc:hcdule. The cut rcsultc•d in a 9.6 pcr<.'t!nl drop m enrollment, and "hanged thl• <.'Omplexion of the t'Ollege's stude nt body. Courbt•s w<.•re eliminated m such areas as n·al l'SlaLt•, phy11l<.'al cducution, art, musk. dance. 1.:onVl'rsal1onul languag<.-s, home crafts, clothing and ll•xtilcs, and food and nutriuon. The avcrag<' age of OCC's stude nts has dropped for th<.• first tlmt· in a decade. And, for the first timt• in more than five years, the campus has a higher enroll ment or malc·s than females. The avc•ragc age of OCC's students one year ago. durmg lhl· fall scmestl'r of 1981. was 27. 7 y<·ars. This fall lhe average is 26 vears. The Best of American and 1rlternatiOnal Des~gn ; • is now on Sale 1n our Designer Salon I • Originally $380 to $6985, now $125 to $3493 • Featuring such masters as Oscar de la Renta, Bill Blass, Missoni, Krizia, Chloe, Jill Richards, Tiktiner, Geoffrey Beene, John Anthony~ Halston, Hanae Mori . .. • Plus Y2 to % off on a vast assortment of dresses, gowns, suits and separates from the designs that reign in our Better Dress and Evening Collections. • (Starts tomorrow through Sunday) • There may have been in termediate price reductions on some items prior to this sale. Not all styles in all colors and sizes. South Coast Plaza South Coast Plaza at 3333 Bristol Street, Costa Mesa,. ! Open Monday through Friday 10 am to 9:30 pm, Saturday ti/ 9 pm, Sunday 11 am to 6 pm , , ' Orunqe Co86t DAILY PILOT /Tuesday, November 30, 1982 * .. I Newport boat crash under U.S. law Career booster course offered lh ALMON l.Ot 'KAU .. :Y Dellr l'Hot eo.1111t w111e1 Any luwliuit 11r1i11nu out of ·• t•olliswn lwt Wt'l'll two plt·a1tlH'•• boats on U S. 1111v1~uhh· Wllll'I'"' dc>arly fulls w11h111 tlw ucl1111r:ihy jurh1dil'ti<m of tlw f<-<l1•1·ul mun syllt <'m t•v1•n without th1· 1•xist1•1w1• of un y truuitionol comnwrdal marithrw at·tlvity, tlw U.S. Supreme Court hus ruh.'d. Su1>1'1•1l1(' t 'ou1 l al1441 11oh'<I lhlll llli l'U 111 ~ Wl•l'I l'IJll:0.1 1411'111 Wit h Congn·~•·u111l i11tl•rp1·1•tHtu111~ 111 two wuys f<'11 Kl , (.'111\Al'l'liH th •ri lll'lt "vc•11wc•I" 111 v11r11111:. laws tu 11w l11dt• u ll typc•i. ol vc•Nsl'l:c, wil1111111 l'l•ganl to wlwth1·1· thl·y l'llSll~l' Ill t'Unlllll'l'l'lal m·11v1ty, l'lt't'llndly, ttw J"1·d1·1·a l Hult•s 111 tlw Hoatl d1•si1411<-tl Im' pn•vMltl11g l'l.llliswns uil nav11{nhll• walt•ri., w1 ~ w1•1l us tlw J'l•frty 1111d up1•1 atlcmul stundunl11 ol tlw Mutw bout Al·t of HMO . apµly to :di Vl'k!H'l1t w l t h Cl u I .. C' lo( ll rd I (I l h ('I r l'Olllfll(•f'l'Jlll 01' 111111 <'OltllTWl'l.'illl natun· 'l'h is 1lt•l·1s 1un 11-111gr11f11•on l ht't·auS(• ruh•i. ol 11d1111rully lt.1w lll't• sµt'i.'lll h:ted u11c.J th lfrr I r11111 tht· body 111 the• !'lvll law th11t wou ld ol l11•1'W1s1• Hµply 111 111•Jo(llg1•1l('l' l'LIM'I> f<'or t•l(t1111pl1., ch.1maj(1•is a1 '-' llpportlorwd btot wc>c..n tht• purtlt:11 1111 ttw h tu11:1 of <.·ompurullvt• 1wullU<!n<.'t•, which 11; not alwayli npplicablt.• undt.•r lit.alt' law. f<'u1•thl•1•mor•·. ac.lm1rulty law gt•1wrn lly rt'qu1rt.'s a higher swndard of care on the part of tht• opt•ratur o f a v1•s8c l 1.1nd 1a•11ulti1•11 1.1rc us uall y much high1•r than under st.alt• law. Need h elp wri t ing a rc..-suml•? How do you rehearse for a SUl'CCssful job interview'! These questions and more arc answert.>d in a free eight- wcek c..'Ou1-se offered through the Capistrano Adult School. "Marketing Yourself for Suct•css," will be taught by Denise Corwin, an ins tructor in career development. Nl•wport Harbor 1s t•onsidc.>rt'<.l U.S. navlgabll• waters, the only c.'Omffil'rC'ial activity bt•ing fishing Vl'SS<'ls. Fc..•dcrul court s havt.• jul'is- d 1e: l ion si "l_pl y bet· a ust• the wrong involves the neghgt•nt operation of u vessel on navigablt.· waters. lhe court said. That ls sufficient maritime uclivity to sustain uctmiralty jurisdicticm . CoJTimNcial shipping is not necessar y. Direct aid to cities vowe.d The course, ca lled • Members of the' Laguna B each Schoo l of Art Associates have presented the art school with a check for $3,000. The countywide support group raised the funds, which wiU go toward school projects. •About $14.000 was raised during the recent ''Cook for Kids" chili cooko ff at Estancia· High School. Proceeds from the chili l"On test, sponsor ed by the Ha rbor Boulevard of Cars Association, went to Estancia, Th<' class begins Thursday at Capistran o Valley High School from 7 to 10 p.m. For information , call 4!:.13-0658. Accepting the check were board pres ide nt Jack McDowell and Dr. Richard Tobin, the school's director. Membership in the school associates is open to the public. The school is located at 2222 Laguna Canyon Road. Costa Mesa, Newport Harbor and · Corona dcl Mar high schools. First place prize of $1.500 went to the "Jail House Chili" team from Estancia H igh · School. ''Admiralty jurisdiction ls not restricted to those• individuals actually engaged in comml'rcial maritime activit y," the court added. "The poumtial disruptive im- pact of a collision between boats on n avigable waters, wht>n coupled with the traditional concern that admiralty law holds for navigation, compe ls the conc lusion that this collision between pleasure b oa ts o n navig a bl e waters h as a sign ificant relationship with maritime commerce," said the court in a recent case (Foremost 111surance Co. vs Ric h ardson DKT No. 80-2134). In suppc)rt of its position, the LOS AN<.a:L1'~S (AP) D t:•parting fro111 his "ni;w (t.'dt•rulism" progn.un. Prt•sic.lcllt Reag:m h as pnumst·<l to tontinut• funneling som1• fl·dt•rul aid din.'Ctly tu local govt.•rnmt•nts In a spl'l'Ch Monday w th1• Na tio nal L eague of C1t1C's. R l'aga n sa id that loca l govt.•rnm1.·nt o ffil'ial s h ave ''dl'iVl'n huml' thv absolute nL-ccJ for sonw programs and souw funds lo pass din·t·lly from Washington tu your l'ity without tak.frng a dt'lour by your slutt• l'ap~tal." It was a signifitanl d<.•p:.u·ture f rom his .. ,,._.w fNJcral ism" proposal, las t January that ti'nvisiunc<l shi fting federal prognams to lhl' stutcs, which then would mNl' out funds lo local govcrnml•nts. While promising to continUl' direc:t aid, thl' presidl'nt w<irned the cities not 10 look to Washington for quick solutions to t h (' I I' g .. 0 w I n g I' a II k s II f U1wn1ployl'U and Hwir own a1l111g budgNs . "I have c:onw bcfon• you with no mugk want!,'' lh·a~an s;.iid. "I am fi ghtrng in Washington t<1 n •dut·(', nut 1n1.·rt•as1•, lht• big SP'•nchng that kct>pl> our federal buclgc•t badly 0ut of balanc(•." Whik llt•agan acknowledgl'd lhat th<.· c:ities an• "saddlt•d with t·ont·l·ntrations of our natwn"s most troubling problems.'' he also told tht' c1ly oWcials, "I I 1s time to givt: up tho ternpurary Band- A1ds a nd pl<:1c1·bos and gt•t on to the business of a real curt•." City officials have been calling fo r public wor k s and l'mployml•nt programs. but Reagan said the· real answer lO the r<.'Ccssion lil's in stimulating the econ omy and increasing productivity. "We must not be lured into taking emergency actions <timed at lt•mporary relief.'' ht" said. Hollclay Party Facllltles Avalla .. le CALL tNNETIE -644 0050 J//~i~;/ .ikad~1~ <ff&JJ The Revillon Fur ·caravan for 1982 _ "83. 100% to 500% 1st year Write Off SS,000 -$10,000 Minimum Investment Call For Free 1/2 Hour Consultation HERMES MILANO, INC. PERSONAL TAX CONSULTANTS (714) 751-2400 The most exciting sale of the year! Here in South Coast Plaza for four da ys only, Wednesday, December 1st through Saturday, December 4th. .. when all furs will be 20% to 70% off regular prices. The collection, flqwn in specially from New York, includes couture and boutique furs ... jackets, coats and one-of-a-kind pieces ... al/ created from a variety of furs, inc/1.1ding sable, l ynx, fox and more! Here, just a sampling: • Na tural Ran ch Mink Coats, regularly '7995, now s4995, RC'agan did promise to seek quick action from Congre~ on a fi vt'-cent per gallon increase "in the• federal gasoline tax, with much of it to be spent In cities on bridgc. road and mass t ransit i1nprnvemcnts and repairs. The president also indicated he would support renewing the genera I r cven u e-sh!i ring program, which is set tq expire next year. This $4.6 billion program provides relatively unrestricted financial aid to local governments and makes up an . average. of 6 per cent of their budgets. · The states were dropped from the program two years ago. The city leaders said they were gr ateful for the good news on l'l'venue-sharing. the gasoline tax and continued d irect federal aid , but admitted there was little to · be happy about. t ' · ))ans un ;Jarbin • Natural and Dyed Ranch Mink Jackets, regularly ~4695, · now s292s. What is ))ans un ;Jarlrin It is a French Parfumeur. .. now open in Fashion l~land ... and just in time for Christmas! Ol\NS UN JARDIN. which means "in o garden.• 1s one ol the most chorming and personal boullques from Paris. wtth Oler U> shops In Eurcpe. Canada, and lt'le UnitOCI Slates. We specialize In exclusive French and custom blended pe!fumes. and our most papulor fragrances tor lodres. men. and children come in complete lines of . elegant and exquisitely scented soaps. stiower gels. both oils. body IOliOns. and mOle. Oil CabfCOOfdinoted \Mlotsohoveexcellentplant bosedsl<incoreproducts These and all of our products ore extra mild. even for the most sensitive s1<1n Fa the man of good taste, we hove six refined and V8fV masculine fragrances eoch comes in o complete line of products including shaving soops. after shove. colognes. deodorants. both soaps and shower gets 'b complement our unique tomlly of products. we hove the highest grade tooycloth bothrObes and towels as well as olhef boudoir accessories fV'ld for the home. potpourris and burning Oils In 50 frogrc:inoes We cordial!\! Invite you to come to Dons un Jardin , o beou1lful and Intimate boutique whele you will feel at home with our personal service Dani un Jardin ... no# open In Falhlot1 llland. Newport leach. ......... _1-'IO l•fMl~ll ,, Marcti o1· cfi>Dlnl• IAVEllOIEI • • Na tural Beaver Coats, regularly 54295, now s2695. • Natural Raccoon Coats, regu larly '5250, now s2995. • For the onl y thing better than buying a Revillon fur, is buying a Revillon fur on sale. Not .ill fur~ m <111 s•tE'~ ilnd colon All fur l)foduw /ab(>le<f to show COUnlfy Of Ofl/!IO URevillon SAKS FIFTH AVENUE / -. South COlst Plaza, JJ IJ'Brlstol SrtM, Costa MPW.0Pf"I Monday tl'ltOUlh Friday from 10 •m to 9:.JO Pf'\',S.tfunMr 'tll 6 pm; Syndfy g noon fO 5 pm. I ,,. • ' ' Loe Alemltoe MONDAY'I MIUlTI ,,.~ ......... .-.. ._ .. -1 .... ) ,_IT llACI. 400 y11d1 Fast Tu (Tonk1I 8 eo 3 20 2 eo ComtMltll (CatdOlll 3 eo 3 00 Jll\Ulty JullCllon (Ftlyl 1 40 Aleo 11cad Coun11y 811111r. Babu M1tt1n1. G1ro1<1 l>!llrlCI, Callor. e•clullwt RIQlll, Chatgln lrl1h, Spring \letu1111 ,_ 2070 ta UACTA 18·71Plld S14 20 N COHO llACI. 3$0 yatdl GOlll 81 Pl'C>l>lf lf'ln,. 7 40 4 20 4 20 MIClley Rlwtl (FlorHI 13 00 9 00 "-b• kill\ M1111z111e111 10 eo AllO •ICIO Finl Apollo, Golla Oo Boy. Fiil Eatllt. LOii ol Smoothy, LIOy l•U T•~u~8B1~u1. u U<ban C°"'Vtrl ntlRO llAU. 400 yard1 Carnbk> Ot Oto l~hll e eo 4 eo 3 20 \JllCOl\t111eo IFryd•yl 15 eo 3 eo SunMI Fo•y lady 1CrNQ9f I S 00 Also raced Telco Jot Holey Poc:k11t. Game BtHkar, Roye Br11, Heel• Deck, Ho-ard Heltlnkl, Jimbo Ch1roar Time 20.48 ~ IXACTA PO·lll p11d S4 I 00 llOUflTH llACI. 400 yardl Chrlllophet Sty (Brktl 15 eo 1 00 4 60 Mr Tiny Oh (L.Ckty) 3 20 3 00 Son of Talent (Ward~ 7 70 Also raced: Heei Clauy, lrlth Shake, Windy Joker, Cllch Luck, Added Value. Bob Van Moon. lnlllllon Hedge Time: 20.67 S2 IXACTA (6·31 p1JCI S55 20 flnH llACI. 3$0 yerds F0tlune Rock•I (AO• I 7 60 3 60 2 40 Tlny Otvlla Jll (Hatll 3 60 2 40 Ar11M 0111 IW1tdl 2 20 Also rlCIO Conf111. B1111ng1lly, J0td1n Moon. Hll A Coming Time: 17 86 ta IJIACTA (5-21 paid $215 60 llxnt iv.ca. 170 rltdl Hlghll' Otcllt (Fryday I I 00 5 00 4 40 Kinda Speedy (Treuutel 4 60 4 00 Manin Boy (V~J 4 40 Aleo tececl Sllu•d•y Warrt0r. Topaz Bar Dlnclt. Top Em Up, Copy Prine. Timi: 48 41. NWNTH ftACI. 400 ralos Lo...iy Lou Anne !Cto•I 4 eo 3 20 2 eo Azure L0tralne (Hlrll 4 20 3 20 Costly Charm (AOtl<I 3 60 Also recea Bea0trlh Whit A Dolly, Jll S.1 Baby, PNCh f>1ek1t Time: 20.31 ta UCACTA (8·71 Ptld St8 80 U l'ICK Ill (5· 10·8·5· 1·81 Ptld S26,· 397 .40 .,,,,h one winning llCkll (II• hOtllll S2 Piek SI• c:onlQlellon p110 use 60 .,,,,h 34 .inning 11C1t111 (ftve h0tHll • llOHTH llACI. 400 yard1 C111me11ny (Haro 3 oo 2 60 2 20 Hui Tru Rebel (TrHturl) 3 00 2 40 El E1 Te (Cre1g1t) 2 80 Aleo r1ce0· Mr Merry ChlCk, l"trepld Man. Priam Bug Time: 19.99. a •XACTA 17·61 paid .. eo -™ MCll. 400 yerOt . F-0111 (Fray) 11 90 5 eo 3 60 Oewey8 Brighi Moon (BlevlntJ 4 40 s 80 Wyladcle DUii Awey (TonUI 3 00 Aleo recld. Wrengllng Ruler. Ille Run. Mo Call FIOw. Rockll Fu11t. Gil11yt Red Ber, Trlbull 10 Monie. Time l0t Plluure Timi 20 73 II Ix.ACTA (10·11J 11Wc1 S74 40 Atttnelence -4,$17 NHL CAwellU. COW.MNCE Edmonton venc:ouver Klflal Calgary Winnipeg ChleaOO MlnnHOll St. LOUii Toronto Detroit ~W~OP QA l'la 11 9 6 124 111 211 9 10 8 12 es 24 10 9 3 79 81 23 9 13 5 109 109 23 10 9 2 97 90 22 Nofrll DWllloft 16 3 5 105 78 37 14 8 4 113 97 32 9 13 3 87 98 21 4 12 5 71 93 13 3 18 • 68 113 12 WAl.H CONf'lllllNCI f'altlcll DIYllloft NY lllendltt Phllldelphl• NY Rlngetl WUhlngton PIU1burgh New J«My MontrHI Boston Butfllc> Ouet>lc: Hertl0tO WLTOl'QAl'la 14 9 5 105 87 33 13 9 3 100 82 29 12 11 9 99 97 25 8 9 • 111 87 22 II 12 4 84 114 20 4 18 7 71 113 15 Aame DM1lon 18 4 s 120 81 37 13 7 5 91 71 31 12 • 4 107 13 28 11 10 2 108 108 24 s 14 3 72 107 13 ...,....,. .. ._.. Chocago 3. -Jlftly 1 Calgary 3. Monnesoll 3 Montrltl 9. Wonfll9e0 4 ,......,r.a- Kltlal 11 Venc.ouYlt Winnipeg 11 OueOec: NY lllWIOerl 11 St LOIMI =-- ------ Men'• toumem.nt (Iller ......... _., ,.,.,.._.-.....,.. Ivan l.«ldl (Crtch~ovak1a) o.t. Andrlt 0-(Ec:uedor). 3-t. 6-3, 6-4: bjorn kg 1sweo.n1 di!. Vince Van P111en (U.S.). 8-3, 2·8. 7-8; .loll HlgU1t•• (Spain) dlf. u-Mayer (US.>, e-3. 44 . 7-5: Jolln McEnroe (U.S.) 611. Mall W~andlt ll'llllClen), 6-<I, 6-2 (T11m Eutope leldt T111n A....,leant, 3·11 Europeen ctt.mplonatllp , .. .._.. ........ , ,_....._... ....... ,_.,.,..,, Krilhn..., (lndtal def Chlf> H009lt lU.8 .). 7-8 . 8 ·2. t 11om11 Smid CHcillOllov•lal def Pit Dupre (US.). 3 ... 6-4, 8·4; Cleudlo P-tt• (Italy) 611 Erik llllerelly (U.9.). 1·2. 7-5, Andlfa Jerryd ~I def lie Nll1-("-le). 8-3, -Auatr...,.. Open ........... , ,.,.. ............... oi.r-FrC>fl'lflOlb (1'ullrllliill def Amend• TOOln (Auatnillll). 7 .... M .... Jew! King tU.8.) def ,,_ ~ (U 9 ). 6-4, 4 ... 6-2. ~ Mini• tAuMr••I dlf ....... Move fCnc"°91ov9111a). 3-4. '-'· 1.11. 1119 9ueleron CMdloelov9111a) °" 8w ..,..., (llttteln • 3. 6-2. 811«01' Welall (U 8 ) cMI .. I~ Monon (U 8.). e-3, '"'· 6-); Pella ~ (~) def Y--ver--. 11out11 Alrice), 2·1, 6-2, 7-1; ~ A11tn (U • 1 dlf Ann Wlllle (U.81. ~ ... CMlleMI T91Mer l'r-)dlf.. Vlullt .... , •• , NFL Bue• 23, Dolptlln• 11 lcot• bf Ou111er1 0 J 0 ,. 11 3 3 10 7 ~J M11m1 Tam1>9 ll•Y TB FG C1pec1 2e Mil FO von Sc111m1nn 29 TD FG CIPICI 27 TB Wlll11m• 3 run (Capece klCk) f8 FG C•PIC• 38 Mia -Ro" 1 PU• fr om Shock tvon Sct11mann klCkl TB W1I01t 2 run (Capece koc:lll M11 Ro11 I 1 P•.. lrom S11oc:lo. fvon Sc:t11monn k~kl A as as• lnd!Ylcluel ...... "" RUSHING Mloml F,.nkhn 9·58, VoOOtllO S.11 WOOOlly 3·22. Hill 3·7. N•thln 1 1 s11ock l·O Tampa Bar 0..en• 18-82, Wddlt 10-38 Carvlf 8·32 Wolliamf 1·3 MO<lon 1 1 PASSINO M1om1 WOOOlly 7·13·1·40 S1toc:k 17·.'!4·•·204 Tempe Bay W1H1ams 7· 19·0-8, RECEIVING M•_,,.., VIQOtllO 7·39 RoM 6 62 Celolo 4·81 Ola"• ?-21 Holl 'l· 14 Hltrlf I· 1S N11,.an 1-7 Hardy 1·5 fllmpa Bay Woldei ?·9 Giies 2·3f> Carllr 1·17 HOUM 1·16 MOtlon 1·5 COLLEGE Al' lop 10 fn1 l op Twenly teams 1n Trwt Assoc111e0 Prell eolleg• IOOtbalt POii. Wtlh lttll·pllCI vote• '" par1<1thesas. season record• an<l total po1n1a 1 GIO<gta (521 2 Penn S111e (21 3 Nebraska (21 4 So MelhOOISI 5 UCLA 6 Arkonsa• 7 Piii 8 Clemson 9 Waahlng1on tO Well Vlrg1tua 11 Attrol\a Statr 12 re ... 13 LSU 14 Oklahoma , 5 FIOtlOI Slele 16 Southern Cal 17 Maryland te OhlO S111e 19 Auburn 20 MIChoOln lf•0-0 10-1..0 10·1..0 l~:~:lo 8·1·1 9·2·0 9-l·f 11·2.0 9·2·0 11·2·0 •·2..0 8·2·1 9.3.0 8-2·0 8·3·0 8-3·0 8·3·0 1·3·0 8·3·0 -(_ > . COLLEGE Al' lop 2G 1,115 1.047 1.00• 975 863 831 727 706 643 509 494 •81 478 409 348 332' 240 1117 124 11i; 1 Votg1n11 (55) 2 GIOtgetown 131 3 Kenluc:ky (2) 2-0 I 245 2..() 1.140 1..0 1,024 4 V1N&nova (2) S Mlmphlf St 6 UCLA 7 LOU•lv1l!il 111 a tno11n1 9 Mltsourl 10 IO..a 11 Houlton 12 SI John's, NY 13 Alabama 14 Tennttsee 15 N car·o11n1 16 Arkana.s 17 Marquene 18 NC Stall 19 Oregon SI 20 Nevld•·l.ll Vegas 1..0 965 2.() 942 1·0 907 3..() 890 2-0 eoo 1·0 694 2..() 659 2·0 $71 3.() 538 1·0 470 1..() 458 0·2 317 1·0 283 O·O 117 1..0 175 0·1 181 1·0 153 UC lrvlne 41, Or99on 44 UMVlllllTY OF OflEOON -Br811111y 12; Mllheton 1. Rasmussen 10. Ball O G11...ooo 8, Trendlti 2. Culton 2 Batn • Burns O. Adams 7 Totels ?O 4.7 44 UC lllV.. -McOonalO a, Beato...-, 4, Th0tnlon 14, Turner 2. LOJ)lz 8, Murplly 8 Beans o 11ato111y 2. Gtlltld•son o Totals 20 8-9 48 Halftime UC Irvine. 2S·24. Regu1111on 40-9" Total fouls Oragon 14 UC Irvine 15 Fouled OUI Beardsley (UCI). Rebound• Oregon 31 (Brantley 9). UC lrvone 19 IMCDonakl 41 Community coll.a• MIUI IA Totf TOUNit:Y (It °'"'II C-t C~) "*'~'•0-2 30 pm -Ml San Antonio vs Ftnno cc 4 30 p m -lmPlfl•I Valley "' Long Bl.eh cc 15 30 p m -Ent Los Angeles vs Orang• Co all ~ e 30 p -" Saootebeck vs LA Soulh-1 F.W.r'1 Oamll 2·30 -Seddllbeek·LA Southwest ION< va Ml San AntoniO-Frtsno CC IOMr 4 30 -lmperlel V•lllY·Long Bleeh CC loser vs e111 Lo• Angeltt·O•enge Co111 IOMr e 30 -S10dlebac;l1-LA South-I .,,,nner vs Ml San Anlonlo-Freso CC wlnMr e 30 -Imperial Vallly·Long Beech CC winner vs EHi Loi Angella-Orange COit! Win,.., letwdeJ'• o.m.. 4 30 -Conto1111on game 15 30 -Third piece geme I 30 -Ct11mpt0nthlp geme HIGH SCHOOL All·9UnMl Leegue Niil TaAM Matk Wan. Mlltt Nomutt. Jell Moore (Founllln Valley), Ted TIUI (W11lmln1ler). Jef1 Hopkins. Owrell Denney, Jim Zaltasky (Marina). Kevin Rudd, Miki Meloy (EOltonl. Miich Berro (Hunllngton B11cn1, Oerrln Moeller (Oc.ln Vil'#). •CONDttAM St1v1 Bently. Joe Oetv1r11nl1n, Miit• Toland (Fountain Vllllyl; Sieve Smith, Jay Wlnttth•lltt. Tom Ward (Matin•). Pa1 Su11on, 01v10 w1011fgh 1eo11on1: Ml-• Crlollno 1ac.1n View). 8111 H•YI (Huntington Blechl: Paul Vand1tmost (W"!mtf'ltlti'I l'LA YD OF THS YIMI Jiff HC)l>lllnt (Marina). All·••• View Leegue P'llllT ?SAM Aaron Ch•Mn (Co1t1 MMlll Scoll Alhby (COlll MIH): rom T1mple (COron1 del M1tl, Etle PaulMn !Corona Clll M1t): Craig Popp (El Toro); Greg WMson (El Toro), An Jlppe f Nl'#POfl Herbor): Coltn TllOtnOIOn (N~ Hlrbor). Oelllcl O'OonNll (Newport H1tborl. JOfln f'll>clle1on (Unlverlltyl. o. ... lnldoml (Ealanele) MCCMG TaAllll fom Kenneay (Coll• M•HI. M1•1 U•• (Cott• ~). Joe Aoll (Corona Oii Mar), RICll lkoll (Coron• .,.. Merl. Miit Wellll (lrvtn11. Kevin 81r1noer (El Toro), Jerry WltClom (El Toro). Ian OtVrlee (H9wl>011 Harbor). Grant St....., (Newport H8<110tl. Scott WMllC>ournl (Un!YWMyl: Mtlll ht119tl (Uni-91ty) ""'"" tw ?MS """ Oalllcl Imber-(Cor-Oii Merl Moncier:~ ..... ........... "--CHICAGO CUii -l>vrehlHCI lhe -ltlCI ol Jr/ LovtgllO, lnflelclet, ll'Oll'I Ille ChiceaO Wllltt loa. 8Afi l'lllANCISCO QIAHTI -Ntmff Tommy Moet• Ml1inl COIGll ,OOT9AU. ................ i..ee-HOUITON OILl!llll -Waived Clllf ... ~.~ Hll>N YOftl( GI.ANTI -lltnlcl lllob Cerpenler, ~~-~~ cont•ICI · Ntwv=-:'J:,.*; ~Che ............... ""' ~.., •••• Of .. Celltrll ....., LNfl'9 Or trHJl' < <1dat DAILY PILOl /Tuesday, November 30. 1982 * DI 811.L V THOMl'ION H11nt1n91on .. .ell ICOTl l'lll'tlC M•tlna 9t09 WHIHMMll ,IMtnt•ln Veller ,.,, WAIHINOTOH Mite• .IUDOl ll!dlaon Oe11n View IV,_Off IALL Oe11n View UN ET LEAGUE UASKETBAI~L. • • From Page 01 play lx•f(lfl' II all or I ht• wht.•t•ls und gt•1.1rt1 nws h dt"ifJttt• a lu1:k or ovt•rull h t•ight "'1'111' 1t•;1111 luvt•i. to t•uu," l'!<tys Mil lt·1 , "1111 d plov Hl'1up µy 1h•h •1t'I' LI''> J ll'.1111 wh1<:h l'UUld 1 u 11 111a11~· lt•am' r1gh1 o(f th1· floor " R111 'l'homp ... cln, a thn'l' yt•ur ''·'rt 1• r .111 d .l 11 A I l 0 r a 11 gt• County Jrtd All-Suns..•\ Lt•agw• '>l'll't'llUI} .i. ... a JUlllUr, IS lht• floor h•ud1•1 and t·a1a1y,L of thl' Cast IJn•uk, whilt• M1kt• M ill~ (li-U, lOO µou11 tl M·,,1or) g1v1•s tht• 01h·r-. '>lrong rt•bou11d1ng and a :.ultd 111:.1tk T lwn , th1•1·1· 1s supho mor<: J ,1nwl Gut 1W1', 1im• of LhL• ll'Ul' pro'p''l'I:> lur lht• futun• "I h •'s un l'Xl'l·llt·nt lt•apt.•r, Vt•ry tas l ;ind Ugtlt'." says M1lll•r. "A nd lw's 1111prnv1ng ruµidly Upon gn1du:1t111g lw l'ould Ix· rnw of the top I I V(' lll l'Vl'I' t•omt• OUI of UrungL· County .. D1111ny Tho mpson (lhl.' Oilers' &1t•k of th<: Yc•ur in football in tht• Sunst•l 4t-:1gut•) l<'nd s his 6-1 s lrl'n gth 1ns idt• n nd L ouis I litrr1gan (5· 11 :.r .). Grl'g Baugh (ti·O !'ti'). R1t·hard Alvart•Z (5·9 sr.) o nd David C.:r1"by (6· I s r.) gives tht• 0 1k •f'); dl.'plh Als() with thL• Otl<•rs arc• Ot.'mt Orlt'ga (5-!-J s r ). Bob Carroll (6-0 i.r ), J11n Dunn (5·11 sr.) a nd Randy Frws (6 l JI') ,,,,,,.,,,,. Sn>ll ~'1h1wk. ;i ti I i.l'IHOI' µrn11l ~U:ll J w h11 •IV\'fa~l'(I I ~I() J"lln\:-. and fj ui. ... 1i.1i. pc•r ){UllH' uii1 a JUll1111 wh1h• 1•a1·n111g All ll•Jgut• hu1111r s, ii. Lilt• kl'Y to \ht· V1kmg-1' <•fft·1ht'. but 1tw 1 t• un· Mllltt• hu1 dh·' "hit h mui.l lw d1•:1n·d 111 111·<11·1· 1111 Mw 111a 1t1 IM.• .1 11111• l'<>llll•t1Jt•1 · · W l' ' 1 t • v l' r y q u 1 t k u n d s huol wt.•11." suy:.. !::ill•v1· l'opov1d1. the• leagut.·'s Cood1 u l llw YL·o1 aflt.•r guuh ng lus lt•<in1 tu .1 St't't111d plat.'t' f1111sh last 't.•uswl "But. wt· lut.·k lw1ght. h l1\'t.' o nly 0 1H' 1t:turn111g ... 1:.111t•1 (F'tlipt•k ) ~inti our jurnw v.11-suy (in1sh1'll l d th lai.l yN1r "Our dt·ft..•1b<.· und n·houndmg will lx· a kl'Y" Among till' :-t1um.l a rc• f 1v 1• ju11101~. <ind 1•at.·h I 1gu1Hl tu p lay u prom1m•1\l rult· Hun Hmwn sw1•1g (fi-:J). M1kt• Crowley ( 6 -2). Bil I Hl'lu r1g1•r (6-1). Dull• Ekst rum (1}·4> find Joh n Wh1lt•mun (li· l) all ll~urt· in Po povtth's plan s. t1lm1~ with sen iors Erk Padillu ct;.:i) und Chris Nl'urrnrnn W 5) P a d 1 I I u · s v t• r s a I 1 I l l y . R osl·n s wl•tg's dt•f€.'n:il! and rebbun<ling. C rowlt•y's l<.•ti ping ability. B<.·lungt•r's shooting und N c• um an n 's q u 1 l' kn l' !. l> :1 n d rl'l:>ound111g arl' lll'n'l' Pupov tl·h figurt'S lo l'Xploll Othl·rs indudt· Gknn V1t•trJ (5-11 ). Stun Ptnt·u rn (fi 0) und J ohn Coontl> (5-10), all sc•n1ors flc•c•1111 I lc•n Ha 11 , t ht• Ii II i.urnduu I w ltu ,IVl I ,1g1•d 15 IJ f)Ollllll ti K'lllll' ll'> U Jt111111r fur N1 •wp1Jrt I IJrbo1 , od d ... ht>. pr '''l'rtn· 111 a ll'am wlt1l It ;iltt·ad v hua'>ll•d :.ul'11 h 1.•1i.;h1 ,..., 1, 7 • Uavt• f u1 is. Ii 6 Sll'V<· 1\11''' 1 .ind ll·-1 1, M1kt• Ju<lg1· tor ( '11.11 h J1111 I larr1s' St•ahawk-. "W111t guod llVt'I all Sl7l'. 'fX'l 'J J1td d1 pLh . muny opl11111-. •fl ,1\.,11l.1hh-lo U'> ol ft·ns1vt•lv .11ul d1 ·1l·11,1v<·lv." !><IY' Harr" ··W1•'l1 play all UfJ lL'lllflO WHl)l .111d µ11 ,su1 c• c.l1.•kns<.• M y unh <JU<''>llllll I'> nwntol toughm'l'>'>" 1>11rnlrt Antonopoulos Cli·:S, M ) 1s t Ill' 11•:ir11 lt.•tuh•r ;.ind ti pu11ll gu.11 d w11h r.mg<'. F arts 1s str1Jng a l tlw po::.l a nd wu ... lht· JUnmr varsity's MVP lust st•ason. wlult· .Juclgt• ha:-1·xn•plium.1I s huot111g ra11g1· and lt•aps Wi•ll S 1•111o r' Kt•1th Mullully (5· IO) and Kt•vin Wals h (5· 11 ), ulong wtth juniors l)(.';rn Douty (li-!i) <ind Dcivc• lJrl's nit.·k (li·2) ~1vt• tlw S1•ah<1wks remar kabll· dl•plh <•l g uard Mrnwr 1s vt•ry quil'k <.ind Bnan Bt•rl')', a li-0 junior, ll> a t.loubh• thn•at al guard w llh his p<1s..,1ng a11J shooting. Hounding o ut the squad an· Jo..,h Wt·•~' (f.i· I Jr.). Ed Zaiwlll (5 IO sr.). Jim G<1rton (5-10 sr ). E1 ll Coohdgl' (ti-5 sr) and Grl·g Cuohdgc <ti-5' ~ sr.). tt c•.-.t n1l11stc•r Basketball scores Tht• Lion s wert• wtnll·s:. an I< ;igUL' pltiy l:.tsl Sl'ason a nd 2-19 t1VL'l'.•ll. but tht•rt· is a w eulth of t·xix·r1l'nn· and some ht-1ght, loo. \-\'htc h g1v<:•s Coal·h Jon Bon:ht•f'l's l'n •w un up-beat look . Cot199e WHI UC lrv1n1 46 Oregon 44 IOI) San Jose SI 15,. IOlhO St 51 u ol San Diego 76. N Amona 74 (2 011) Oonl~I 84, W Monl8na 63 Bakersfield St 71. Puget Sound 56 Roell lea Michigan St 71 . Boise St 59 Colorado 88, Nor1h 01kota 53 Mon111na 61 Nebraska 51 \Jteh 88 Norlhrldge St 53 llMatll Alabama 103 M1001e Te"" 58 Auburn 65 MerClf 76 C11ooe1 82 Ptedmon1 59 Duka 73. Appala<:hten S1 57 FIOfiOI St 92. SI Leo 54 Jac~1onvlll1 53 Southetn Georgie 46 Georgia T ec:n 118 Wof10to 72 Marshall 74 Broo~yn COiiege 54 M1ss1111pp1 St 81 Southern M1u1u.1pp1 58 Murray St 90 Bradley 67 ~Neese S1 80 NIChOlls St 69 N Cero11n11 St 103 W Carolin• b6 NE LOU1t1an• 69 COiiege Of tne Ozarks 84 RIChmonO 611 Radf0td 61 SE LOU•Slane 76, Cenletlary 73 Tennessee Toch 55. Ark1n11s SI 53 Baylor, Yanks close to pact NL\¥ YOHK (AP) -T he New York Yankcf.'s, looking to add m o re punch to their lineup. reportedly are close to sign ing fret> agen t s lugger Don Baylor. the American League's M ost Valuable P layC'r three years ago. w Kentucky 94 Ro111ns 63 Wiiham & Mery 64 Newport 51 MldwHI C1ncon""' e 1 a.il<>r m•ne 70 Iowa 68. Drake 63 WI$ ·Green Bay 47 E M1Cfl•Q1Jn 45 evan1v111e 52 Mo ·Kansas City 42 Kansas 97. Bow11no Green 68 ln1dana 75. Miami (Ohio) 59 NOrlhwestern 68, Nor1h ParM 5 7 St Louis 79 cnr1s11an Bros 48 w Illinois 76, Montana St 65 Wisconsin 79, Toledo 71 )(1v1et, 0h•O 75 Union, Ky 62 Ea•t Holy Cross 64 Ve•monl 62 SI Bonaventure 92. Ohio Oomlnic.an 62 St Francll. Pa 86. Mercyhurat 82 (00 Syrawse 110. Co<neu 69 Rhode Island 1011. Slonehlll 94 Army 68 Renneleer 42 Purdue 79 Boslon U 69 Bucknell 90, W1l~IS 65 aoutllwHt Bltylof 102 THIS lulhltln 51 0111111om1 St 73. HOUllOn Bap11s1 51 Ota! Rolllr1s 74 CrllQhlon ~ Lou1sl11ne Teen 63, Roe. 82 1011 Teaas-Arhngton 107 TuH A&I 65 TCV 65. Teaet·San Anlon10 56 Te•as Tech 70 Auburn· Monlgome<y 60 MIKE HEH Coronadel Mer DOUO NK:KHl'.V E111ncl1 "Tht.• OVt•rall talc·nt IS tht• bt.·i:.l l'v<.· h .•d in sl'ven yC'a rs." suyi. Borl'ht•rl "We're a bil young ;md undl•rs1wd. but ir w e r cal·h our pott•ntial we'll bt• abl<• to play with tht• bt.•tter tc•ams in lht.> Sunsl•l LN 1gu<'." Amo ng the Lio ns are four l'l'turning starters -J e ff Easun (6-5 jr ). Tom Downs (6 · l jr ). T om N1l'Ola1 (6-1 sr.) and K arl Grums (6·0 sr.) Eastin w as lhe team's leading S<'Ort.•r a nd rebounder and Duwni. was the No. 2 5''0rer Hick Delavallade. a ti-4 junior. 1s up from the soph omor<' team wit h the poll'nlial to rival his brothl·r Mick . who led the Lu.ms 1n a on e -man effort a coupl<.> of S<'.lsons ago Also m the pic ture are Er 1c Burkman (5-9), Chuck J ohn ston (6-0). R,,ndy Davis (6-0). T on y Add 1mundo (6 -0). Stev(• Was h bon (6·4). Al K ahn (6·0) and Ric hard Brown (6-3). NOftM STOLZOfF Unlltenttr Tourneys g t prep under way '1'11U1 ll;tlllt'llt~ :u 1• HU ii lht• hM"l v.1lu1• 1111 t ill' buc.·k ror prt.•p l1<1!!lwtbJll ll'Olll'I and ahh ough ft·w hoVl' lwc·n a bll' to 11ur v1vc• ovt•r th•· y1·urs bt.•1·u u se of i1n l'Vl'f' l'llallHlll~ l:iC'l'nt.'. Lht•y i.ltll doromnu' lX'<.'e•n1bc1 &C'taon The• Mn rlnu · W cstm1nstl'r 1uurr111 mt·n1 1s now the Marina. Lakt•woud luurrwy , with g&mcs .11 both 11lll's Area teama art' 111v(Jlvt'd 111 the Marina. Laguna Bt•a1 h , Ga1 d1·n Grove and ValL·n~w St.'LUl>!- At Marin a the• C'arly highlight ,., I lun 1ngton B<.>ach a nd Coro na tll'I Mar 111 Wcdnl'sday's 6:30 UJ)(.'11l.'I Th L· LJguna B e ach wurnum<:nl, whil'h cam e up a • lt'um short m llw 11:)-tC'am affair . 11\t.·lu<ll'S a firs t round match lx·twt.·C'n Lung &ach Poly and tht· Laguna Beach No. 2 team µul>i.ibly thl' m1s mu1cn or the 'it•ai.un. Mawr D<•1 will put its No . I Orangl' County ranking on the ltm· Thursd ay night w h en the Munan·hs duL•I Wednesday's• winrll'r bt•lw€.'en Troy and F.:S pt• ra nui . TOURNAMENT PAIRINGS L•ll••ood·M•rln• (WldneldaJ, el Metlne) 6 30 Hun11ng1on Beach v1. Corona del Mer 8 Hueneme vi Manna (Tllurldar. •I Lallewoocl) 6 30 LB JOfden 11 ROiiing HUit 8 St Anthony •t Lakewood .. mlftnale Loser 1 bt1ck81 11 6 30, winner's bracket et 8 II 11me 111119, Frtday 'INh 111 Manne High S11uro•r1. 5-c:onaolatlon 6 30 third plec:11 11-champlonlhip Legune .. ectl *ldNlda' 2 15 S1n111go vt Norco 3 45 Hernaoo vs Es11nc•• 5 1!; Los Amlg04I VI Ml WMney 6 45 We!Mern vs t..gun1 Beecn 8 15 Cyp•es• vs Chadwick Tllutedef 2 15 Warren YI Avalon 3 •5 -Laguna B4!1ch No 2 vi Long Be8ch : Poly 5 15 -Westlake vt Chino c-onct ,ound, 6 45 S•nllago-Norco Winner va H«l1•ge. • E111ncta winner 8 15-Lot Amigos-Ml Whitney winner vt WeS1ern·L1gun1 Beech winner Garden Orove WedneldlJ 6 15-Fuller1of'I YI El Dorado 8-laguna HlllJ vs 80111 Grande Thurlder • 8 15-WOOdbrldg• VI Pec:1tlc• 8 Loera YI Gerden Grove ,, .. , Conaol111on sem11 1weon1td1y'1 10..,1 11 3 Thurld1y·1 loser1 II 4 30; Ct11mplonahlp 11m11 (W1on1aday'1 winner• 11 e 15, Thu•lday'a winners 11 61 .. ,vrur •-c:on101111on , 5 45-lhlro pla c e; 7 30-ctllmplOnahlP . Velencla WldMldeJ 6 30-EdlllOl'I YI BellflOW* 8 -Esperana vs Troy :· :: • 45 l a Hlbrl ws Vllenc11 JV 3 "'•noe Luthltan "'' V1i.nct1 Tllutldey (•11!1 Detedcl) 6 30 Canyon vs Eolson·B•llllower winner II M111t Oei vs Troy·EapManu winner (•I VMenc:le) 6 30-Katella va L• H1bra-V1l1ncl1 JI/ winner 8-Caplltrano Valley VI Orange lu111et1n-V11enco1 Winner DAVI l'Al.Mll.ADE CoeleMe" llftNARO UIHftV lrvlne The New Y ork Daily News said today that sources close to n ego1ia11ons b<.'l w een Baylor's agent and Yank<.-c own e r George Stc1nbrcnnl'r believe the Yankees will. sign Bay lor "an y oay now." Baylo r . whe n reached at his home in California, did not deny that an agreement was imminent. SEA VIEW LEAGUE BASKETBALL. • • "A l l I c an say is that M r . Stembrenner and m y agen t Jerry K apsteln. have b een talking every day for th€.' las t couple of week s , exc€.'pt f or ma ybe Thanksgiving , a n d the Yank ees hav€.' mad€.' a very ser ious offer," the newspaper quoted Baylor as saying In a telephone Interview. The v e teran d esignated h itter, w h o b e lted 24 ho m e runs and drove in 93 runs w h e n the Ange ls won the AL West title last season. 1s said to be seek in ll a five -year packa~e. Mater Dei • tops ratings Mate r Oc1 H1g h 's Monart.•h s ar<> lhe dea r choice for No . I in Orang<> County prep bask etball r ankin gs a1 th<> season rn?ars. Three S unset L eagu e teams hav€.' been selected a m ong the upper eche lon by the Dally Pilot -N o . 2 Ocean V iew , No . 4 Fountai n Valley a nd N o . 5 Huntington Beach . Or ... c-., T-. 1t D..,"'9t~llllHR .......... ..... ,_ a....- , Miler 'Del Anoelue 2 Oceln View MMI 3 ...... Afl9lllll 4 '°""'"" Vllley IUflMI 6HuM"'8tOl'IBMoll ..... • Cepo ~llley Sovfl Co.I 7 CorOl'lll dll M• .. V-. I...... ..,..,. • ,.... OeflUy ,,....,. ~ From Page 01 Thomas (6· ~) and Dan Tnckeu (6·0). lrt·lnf• With a pair of 6-4 stars in tht.• front t'Ourt and bles.'i<od with five returning starl<'rs. the Vaqueros of Al H e rr i n g mu y f i nd themselves ablt• lO forgt.•l a I · HJ rt.'l'Ord las t season. "Our s tre ng ths w ill be team b alance. d ecent h eigh t a nd experience," says H e rring. Team speed a nd d<.'fe nSC' are areas of concern . W e'll be rely ing o n Bernard Ussery a nd Lancc Neal for our leadership." Ussery is 6-4. N N1I 1s a 6-1 junio r guard. A lso returning with s tarling exp e rt€.'n <:c are Doug Brozovkh (6·4). Jim Carver (6· l) and Adam M art(') (5· 11 ) Oceanside tra n s fer KNl Caldwt'll 1s a 6-0 JUntor a nd a m o ng those up (ro m last 'season's J\Jn1or varisit y ure sophom ort• J <•ff Bi<' I mun (6· i(). 6-4 senior su~Vl' Flynn, BoblN_ Rhoades (5-6, Jr.), S w ve• Tnmuri (5-9 s r.). Rod Poklngon (5-10 sr.) and Erk Suu .•rmo (5·9 s r.). 1"fe111 ·11ar1 Barber The S a ilors art' also hurting In terms o f Injuries with Brian Folk, a 6·0 senior ~lurnin& slark'r and the te am captain, a nd Sl'an Sheward, a 5·8 IM.'mor, 1idelanted. "W e m ay n o t be a l full 11tre n g lh until January," says Sailora Coach J.rry DeBuak "Thrftt '°fhomore '"' pn1 to haw to Iii In and lhll may ca\18t' U9 to~ IOIM H~." At tht' top of lhe roet.r II 8-8 Jo. SNltr, a re~umlna 1\arier who hat alr'Ndy _..... hi will utte nd the Un1vers1tv ul Oklahoma • Seager averaged 8.0 points a ~amc as a junior. but will b e <'Xpected to beef that average up l'Ons id('rably Wtlh the absence Of 6-8 Byron Ball. who left and 1s now at Ocean View. Also big in DcBusk's pla ns a rc senior lellerm e n Jua n G uit1e rr<.'Z . (6-2) and J im W o lfe (6·3). in addluo n 10 Huntin gton Beach transfer Brad Harker. . R ounding out th e squad ar€.' se•niors Rick Crook (6-0). K evm Liberma n (5-10) a nd R ick Fra nklin (6 -1), junior J o n S tockham (6· l ) and sophomores C hu<. k M cGavran (ti· l ), Andy Allison (6· l ) a nd Dean Sor<.•nscm ltl-5) !tiaddlPINH'" The Roadrunners Wl'rl' 4 18 over all. 2-1 ~ m th<' SC'a V1C'w League last sea son . but thrc•c• seniors w ith starting t•xpcricn<.'f! d ot the• roster, lc'(t ~y lootball 11tar Todd Cag€.'. Cage. a ti·:J 1umior. averag«'d 11 2 points a game nnd will bt• o ne o( the ins trumental players In the Roadrunners' atlaek Also retu r n i ng e1re Troy M C'Allls t<'r, a 6-3 front <.'Ourl player . and guard Tom Gana, a 5-6 ll'nlOr. I IBf1·iarNf1t· -~- Norm Stolzoff, a 6·<1 junior. r"turns In a s la rtinK rolf' for thf' Trojan s a nd Corm• the nul'le u 1 to work around for Coach Jrft Cunntn1h'"'. "Wf' don't haw lM alR that w•'v• had, but the ' 1hown"that .,~play wiUJ .... ...... .,.~ .. • It drop!> off considerably m size aftt.•r you get past Stolzoff. howev€.'r. and only Yong Choi. a 6-2 S<'ntor and the team's c.aptam, returns with varsi,ty experience or any c:onsequence. Othcri. who figure lo see t.'Oll!;ldC'rable a c t io n include guards Graham Evl'.'rcu {5·9 Jr .). J im K lsungcr (5-11 s r .), Matt Murks (5 · 11 s r .) and John &>lan gl'r (5•10 s r .), a lo ng w ith 6-2 senior swingma n Collin CatC' a nd Erik B lake (6· 1 sr .). O thers include bac kup cenwr Dave H osford (6-3 s r .), Eric Leviton (5-10 sr ). Jason Gentile (6·0 Jr ) a nd Dave AyOll€.' (6·0. sd 1.·~1anrla A d1s11nct lack o f s i ze a n d expt>ricnt•c do minates tht' seen€.' for Coach Larry Sundcrman's squad Th<.• Eag.les' experaenc~ con sists of 5 -10 Junio r J o n J ohnslOn and 6-2 11 senior Doug Plm·knt•y. tht• Eagles' No 7 a nd 8 pla yers lai.t season -and compounding that 1s an ankle injury that muy k eep Johnston 1tld1•1int'd for I 0-14 day1. "R ebounding and the ability to play talle r o p ponent.a will be the key." says Sunderman. "W e hope.· lo get IOnK' valua ble ptt·IK'880n c-xpe-rl«>nt't' for lea1ue.' Thr Easl•• wiU be calling on Naaaer Mustafa (8·0. er ), Jun Curtu (~·tO Jr .), G1vln W1rlaumont tM lit •·• and Paul Motal Ul-2 w .) 16 IUI a ID\ Of ..... 1lon• with nnt-..tlAI help from THI 1111111 1:1111 ltJE SOAY N OV l MEHR JO 1'111.' LB councilman,: 'Ban • • 1nter1or lighted signs' Hotel L•una sign would come down if ban approved. By STEVE MITCHELL Of tM Deltr ..... St.ft lf the g low comes Crom the insid e, L aguna Bea c h City Councilman Dan Kenney wan ts it OUl. Kenney has proposed a ban on interior signs in Laguna Beach. If his idea prevails, a ll such outdoor business adve rtising will be history In just three years. T o date h e has garnered neither support nor opposition fr o m the Lag una Beach C hambe r o f Comme rce. Its general manage r s aid th e business group has assumed "a mood of tolerance" to Kenney's proposal. The city Planning Commission will hold a study session Dec. 8 to consider a ban on all interior lit signs. That, most likely, will be follo w ed by a public hearing before the commission Dec. 22. What prompted Kenney's dam view of interior lit signs? He said they ar<? unsightly, distracting and out of character w ith the c it y's "viJlage" atmosphere. Whal an end to such signs would do, Kenney contends. "is make Laguna just a little more of a special place." Ke nney said some businesses ip town have taken the lead in setting an example for tasteful signs, including Las Brisas and Oceans restaurants, a new fis h market on South Coast Highway and several new banks. And. he ·said, an ordina nce banning interior lit signs should (See SIGNS, Paite A2) Slayer of Newport nian found guilty An Arizona man h as b een convicted of {irst-degree murder in the 1980 slaying of Kim LeValley, a former Newpo rt Beach resident and Corona del Mar High School graduate. Frank Soto Jr., 32, found guilty Monday by a Rive rside County Superior Court jury, will be' sentenced Dec. 28. A second person involved in the desert killing, Glen Godwin, 23, of Rancho Mirage, was sentenced earlier thls year to 26 years to life in state prison. LeValley, who Investigators allege was a drug smuggler , was stabbed and beaten to death at a Rancho Mirage condominium. His body and his new pickup truck later were blown up on a desert gunnery range. Authorities said Godwin stabbed LeValley 26 times while Soto held the 26-year -o ld New port Beach resident. The Riverside County District Attorney's office reported that Soto, during his trial. maintained that he watched the kiUing but committed no crime. Two other men are accused of disposing oC LeValley's body at the Navy's Chocolate Mountain bombing range. One of the men, Roy Dickey. 35. o f Arizona, testi Ci ed in exchange for pleading to a lesser charge, authorities said. The last man, Ray Fowler of lndio, has no t been found, according to authorities. 1:1111 110111 OHAN GE COlJN TY CAL If Ol<NIA ;•, CENl S Hurricane tail wreaks havoc along Coast By the Daily Pilot Staff Packing gale force wands and heavy rain, the remnants of Hurricane lwa descended on the Orange Coast today, causing 5':allerl'd property d~mage, road closures and flooding. Tades cresting to eight feel and torrential rams caused flooding at several coa s tal location s, induding the Balboa Peninsula in Newport Beach and low-lying areas in Sunset Beach. At Orange County government's storm operations center in Anaheim, ofCicials expressed concern that the 'rain, if it continued unabated, would c:aust• mudslides a l nume rous locations throughout the county. The National Weathe r Service said scatte re d shower s will continue through tonight with isolated thundershowers. Winds gusting between 15 and 30 mph are expected throughout the night. Wednesday should bf p:\rtly cloudy with a chance of showers. Temperatures will be in the low 60s. Emme tt Franklin, senior h ydrographe r at the county Environme ntal Manage ment Age n cy, said the s t orm h a d dropped 1.83 inches of rain on f Mark Prazak, 27, of Santa Ana gets a hug from concerned fiancee Lyndee Gurney as she arrives at the scene where his Volkswagen was impaled by part of a billboard after it blew off near the Orange County Fairgrounds in Costa Mesa (above). County emergency system activated ' Orange County 1upervi1on activated tbe county 's emergency management 1y1tem today because of tbe storm tut bas buffeted tbe county for t~e past day. Board chairman Bruc e Nestande called for t~e actioa, citing more tban 100 bome1 a. danger in· Newport Beac h; a chemical 1plll ln Orange; the n ece11lty for letting up temporarr Red Cro11 1helten la La Habra, and a lack of wat~r and power to Seal Beach. the t'Ounty by midday. The season's rainfall total of 4. 70 inches is ahead of last year's total of 3.02 inches for this lime', Franklin said. B o th those figures are significantly highe r than the 1.90 to tal average rainfall for this early in the rainy season, he said. In Newpo rt Beach, winds clocked at 70 mph ripped across Ne wport Harbor early today, pulling boats from their moorings and, in one case, setting adrift both a boat and its dock. Harbor Maste r Harry Gatee said roughly 30 boats were set adrift. All were successfully rescued. He said numerous docks along the harbor were damaged by the storm. A ramp at the Newport Pier was destroyed and lifeguard towers ble w over. Meanwhile. a spokesman at . J o hn Wayne Airport said the e ntire facility was without commercial power by noon. The spokesman said auxiliary powe r units were immediately activated and ther e were no problems related to the initial outage. Newport Beach city work crews closed off floodl'd Balboa B o ulevard o n the Balboa Pe nans uln bc:'tween 46th and 32nd strt'Cts. The boulevard, the . main street on the peninsula. was scheduled Lo be reop.?ned later today. •At least two dozen residents on the peninsula reported flooding., A major intersection on Newport Boulevard at 32nd street was closc:od due to flooding. In liaguna Beach, police said flooding in Big Be nd th'e S - shaped curve on Laguna Canyon Road, had prompted that portion (See STORM, Page A2) Early tax cut plan abandoned Police fail to find WASHIN GTON (AP) - President Reagan, an the face of stiff congressional resistance, today abandoned any thought of asking Congress to move up the e ffective date of next year 's income tax cut from July to January. Reagan told re porters a fter meeting with R e pub l ican congressional leade rs that .. w e're not going to make a push" for advancing the scheduled tax cut. Instead. he said, he will devote his efforts to resisting anticipated congressional efforts to delay or even cancel the 10 percent tax rate cut. ----llDEI---- Does an Irvine collector have more bikes than the Smithsonian Institution? BI At Your Service Bulle tin Board Business Cavalcade Clas..ifled Comics Crossword Death Notices Editorial Entertainment Horoecope Intermission Ann Landers Movlet Mutual Funds National News Public Notice11 A4 A5 Ct-6 B2 04-8 86 86 04 A6 B5 B2 B5 B2 B5 C4 AJ . B4,87,C4,04 Sporta Dl-3 Or. Stcincrohn 82 Stock Markets 0 Television B8 Theaters ~ Weather A2 World News A3 • The president said he also is cont-crnt'CI that moving up the tax c ut l o stimul ate econo mic r ecovery would increase the already largc fC'deral budget dl'f1c1t. Bl1t lo delay the cul past July, he said , would be .. directly opposed to what is needed to restore the l'COnomy." Senate Republ ican leader Howard H. Baker Jr., who met reporters with Reagan, said he had no serious doubts that the a dminist rati o n and Its <.'Ongrcssional alli<.'S will be able lo preserve the July 1 date for the final st(>p of the three-year reduction plan. He said he had rl'C.'Ommended "that we not attempt to advance it.'' but Baker said Reagan had heard contrary views from other mt•mber s o f the GOP congressional lt'.'adershap. Reagan, BakN a nd House Re publat·an leader Robe rt H. Machel faced reporters a clay after Congrl'ss t·onvened its post -election session amid concern over the nation's 10.4 pcr<.-cnt unt'mploymenl rate and calls for le((1slalion to create jobs. In a s pe«'ch In Los Angeles M onday, R eatcan spokt' ('nthu11ia1tit'ally ubout the tax-cut pro(( ram. "The only way to cur(' our problc:-ms Is to ~et the economy moving again,' Reagan told a convention o f the National Le-ague of Cl ties "And one of t~ bf'll ways tt> stimulate the ~y." he said, "la to stw ltw Arn.rlcan workf'r a bl'ffk and cut his and h•r tax rateo1.': ' Jane Irene Moller NB murder weapon By Sl't.:VE MARBLE Of"tMD..,f"tkltSlaft Police investigators, looking fo r a murder w eapon in the violent slaying of a 76-ycar-old Newport Beach widow. came away empty handed today a fter searching a car belonging to the woman's housekeeper. The housekeeper, Jane Irene Moller, 40, was arrested Sunday on s u s picion o f murde r in connection with the death of Helen DeWolf. · DeWolf's body was found Saturday morning shut in a bathroom of her Irvine Avenue home. Police said the woman had bee n dead sin ce Tuesday or W e dnesda y a nd h a d b een stab~ nume rous times in the back and h0er head crushed with a blunt instrument. Detectives said they were searching for a knife or heavy instrument in the impounded vehicle, which is being held at Orange County Sheriff's Department In Santa Ana. Police said a searc h in the Irvine Avenue home also proved fruitless. DcWolf, re portedly ill with call«'r and severe arthritis, hired Moller Oct. 23 to provide nursing ear<' and perform household chon-<1. (Sff WEAPON, Page AZI Ex-detective, 77, foils heist A 77-year-old former Santa Monica dctPctive ls being creditt'd today with helping police a pprehend two men suspected o f robbing a Costa Mesa woman of $800 Monday aftt'rnoon. Costa Mesu police Lt. Jack Calnon said the man, who uked not to be identified. copied down the lil'ente plate number of ltw pair aa th•Y w"re IHvin1 the home alon1 tt:e 1900 block of lrviM Ave. at 1:30 p.m. Dorothy Mellon told poll~ that two rMn attempe.d to~ her as a~ pulled Into her ....... and fled with her pune t & t'Ontalnlng $800 In cash. "I think people should 1•t more involved,' hl' said: "Wt have a very cloee knit community and this Is the only crime I can think or In 10 ye.n." The neighbor, who recently joined the Costa M esa Neighborhood Watch program, became 1uaplclou1 when he spotted lhe unknown vehlcl~ In th~ area. The man, who joined th«" Santa Monica police des-rtment In a phone interview thia aa a reaerve officer in 1937, called mornin1 the man said he Co1la Mesa police with the attempted to copy down the lnfonnaUon , Ucerwe number while \he pair Ray RolMro. n, of WhitUet wen parked in the driwway. and J-Prieto, II, of Norwall& Faillnc to do lhaC. h9 followed wen .,........ at I p.m. lb1 IA the ..,.et'1 cet for about thrw Palma ~· PoUe9 •Id .... :::;..8T'ww:.-'n:Ja~ ,..~-:=·In Coelf up ""'\. dMm at Dh • v .._ Jiii.