HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-12-01 - Orange Coast Pilot' 2 2 1 $ 3 . ; Q J • : .. i it c QC . LUA Sdtll DRANGI COAST WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 1, 1982 .._ County group claims Newport housing bias A t.111 t1.1u,,111~: ~:1111qt "ht• 11 1 l.11111-. N1·\\ 11111 I llo ·" t. <l1~·· 1111111.111· ... .ig.1111'.\ 1.1 ... 1 .... """ l l 1sµo1111,, h,1., ·"k.1d 1h1 ft'\.11·1.il g1•\l'lllllll Ill 111\,\11ltd1 ·"' d $1!1h lltltl h1111-,111g "1.1111 <IW iJflft'll !II till' 1 ltV Eug1•11\ S.11111• d11i.1111 111 1111 Orc111g1. l '11u111\ I-.111 11 .. 11 .111~ t'ounc rl • h.11 g1·d th.ii the o ti\ pl;111:-. 111 u-.c tu« 11111111 \ 111 111,d<• Nt·wp111 l lit .11 h 111111 • l11x1111111" ··Nut 111w d11111 111 tli.11 11111111•\ ,, go111g 1111 11 .. \.\ h11u,,111g '"111 S1:1.1n 11 "'l'lw 1·11\ " l\\1,1111~: 1111 ... prog1.1111 .,., lh,11 11 111 tll'l1t., th• \\ l'iJlth\ Al -.1.1k1· .... 11111111'\ 1111 •II\ "' t•xp1·L't111g In 11·1 .. l\I· (111111 th1 dt•p.Jrt111 .. n1 1d ll111J"..111g .111d U r b.111 I >t·\ 1·111111111 111 1'111 g1.111t m<.1rk-. tlll' fu~t t111w ,111u tl11 l.111 1970~ th.at Nt·wp<111 t. .. ,., .1ppl11·d f11r ft:"dt'rxl hou-c111g mom v (111n11,1lf\ II '-"•" p.11 lt • .fh Ill n·:--µ1111:.t• lo 1111111...,11 f111111 1111 f 'atr llou!'-111g l'1111111 ii th.it tho nly cippl1t'll fnt 1111 l1·d1•1.il lu11d•, thl!> ''"1r C1i)' 11fftl 1 • .t ... "'"d th• • pl.111 111 USl' lhc· mon1 \ 111 n·h.1l11l11,tl1 hous 111)! nw111 d II\ l11w .111d 111Pdt 1.it• '"'""'' Lat11dtt·' 111 N' \\ IM II I 11. ·.11 '1 ~. 111141 .... 11d ttw • 11v ·,'1111ild 1,.. '"lllj.' th• 11111111·\ 111 hu\ l.111d fu1 .111 .111111 d.il•I• t. .. u ... 111i.; p1 "J'"t t · rt11 \ tlhc l.111 flpu ... 111g grt•llpl uq.~1·.t 11' 111 .tpph 1111 th1· ll1111I, .11111 \\111 lftlll,ci h1°('.lll'ol \\1• ti ... 111 I Ill f'<l!>l \I •• 1, n .... 1M11ul1·d .11111 II•'' II kc I 1 1 I\ pl.11111111g d111• lrn N11\.\ th1·\ h,1\t' thl' .iud.11·11' 1,, "''' \\c 1t 11'111g tl1t lu11d-. th• " ... 11j! ""' ...... 1.1 ... 1 l\l.1\111 J.11 k11· 1 i. ... 11111 p11111tc·d 1111! Iii.ti 1tw F.111 I l111J-.111g ( 'oum·tl 1-. '"'11~1 N1·,,111111 H1•,11h 1111 1llt ~nl h1H1:-111g di-1 I llllltl,1111111 I t..11 , ,1-.1 1-. 111 g11 111 111urt 111·xt "I" 111~: It', 1111\ 111u,., · I li-.ithc·I .... ud l h,c t 11111 h1 ng '' 1 d11 111 I ht lo\.\ .111d 11111d1•1 .111 111t 111111· hnu ... 111g .Oll'l\,1 l'o )..!11111)..! tu .... 111 ... 1\ 1111'111 t lhc L.m li11u...r111! w 11u fJ l " ~1ur111 \\ho ,,11d th1·rt• 1 ... 1111 I• .1'11" 1 .. 11 h.1hd1t.11t hou ... 111g Ill 111 .d 1 hh 111 t1I, It." .1:-.k1·d 111 fl> 111 111v1·•.t1g.1t•· N1·\\ pn11 l~·.11 h ' l111t"111g IMiill 11' 111 .... 11.t 1,, u...rn..: 1h1 11111111·\ 1111 I• 1i,il11l1Llll1Jll, tlw 11\\ \\all 11td\ 'll•••···d "' 111.1k111g .1fl111d.d1l1· Safari hit with l11 111 ... 11g 111 , ..... .i 1111 " ... It"' 1~1111 l.11111111· ... 11111111.11 , 1-,p1t .tl 1111 N1·""1•••t 11 •. 11 ta "" ..... ct Tl ... I II\ 1 ... ·""" ,,, , Ii.opp\ \\ 111'11 I\ m •• 11.1g1·-. t11 jll 111 11111 ltllllul llll',., 'I 1,111 dc-.d with l ht• t;c·u1g1· V.'.ill.111·-.11l th1 w111ld I I 11 ... v 1.ifl 1111 ,1 iftrl\ f(11 ).(1•HJ llt-.p.1111( .11 ""'"l I k1111\\ \\ ""' •• lht \ II' c tHl'IHJ..t If lllll 11111 11 .. ,...,. \.\ "" pr\'\1•1111 111 111· llJ1flllltll' Ill t'<llldltl\ \.\Clll\, 1111 !-.< 111111 ..... 111 1'111 \' ........ Ill\ 111 dt'.1111 11 .... 1111·1 ...... 11 lli1·11·" 11•1 "p l111 . 111 ko•1•p ltlllllll llll•" •II l11w lllUlllll' l.111111l1 11111 11f N1·\\ port li.·,11 h n11 11t111g 111 .. 1 ... -.t·lf 111111tt11g " tlw l11gl1 I.ind 1 ""'·" .... 11d tht· 111,1\111 "I 1h111k 11111l'·.., '""'" ol '" \\11<t110IJlcl11 l 1ll1t1d 1111111\ 11111 IO\\ II l.111111 " 1111\\ Ill'\\ II k1·1 -.,11d It 1-. Jk1:-..'oll1l1· 11111 u1tl1k1·h 1h.11 Jilli> would 1!1111!1 1111 t 11\··, hou,.,111g g1,111t l'h• l11•11'111g g1.1111 i> .1 t•·"' 111 N1·\\ 111•1 I I~ .wit' 11'\<'lllh 11 \''"I l11111 ... 111g Ill.I"'''' pl.111 \.\ l111·h I 11111.1111-. .1 lht 111 ""JI" II\, . ., th.11 1111 l11d1' 1111t1·.1'1t1g d1·11-.1l1t·-.. 111 .. 11111 .111 .1·, .. 1 th1 I II\ t11 1•1•1111ut1 11 ....... I 11,l I\ 111111-.111~! suit Parents of tiger-n1auled tot seek $1 n1illio11 Tht t.111111' ul ,, :. \• .11 11ld 111•\ llldUlt"tl IJ\ .1 t1g1 I th.ii l''*oiJll'd from 11:--\'agt• .11 L11111 ( ·11u1111 \ Saf;111 111 LJgu11.1 11111 ... lt.1 ... ld1·d ,, m1 II ton dotl,,r l.1\~ -..111 .1g.1111 ... 1 t hi park. lht• ,1111111 • .I-. tr Jiii• 1 .111d !>(•VPr<1I 11th1·r pill lit~ C.irt.1~ and N,1111111 St1>p.1111 111 Uphtnd .irP 11.11111 .. 1 <L" µl.J111lil b w the Ot .111g1 C '1111 n l v "u p1 rru1 Court o.,u1't ·" .1n th1 ir t hr"' rntnor '""s 1\n1hon\' .• l.11111'' .111d Luu11· :\n1h1111\ St11p.1111 "',,.., ... , 1 11thl lllJUrt•d \\ h1 11 lh1 ~llK·r 1.111 II)-!• I Ka,.,:-.1·11 w.dk1·d 1111111 lh 1 •• g1· '\('IZC'd lht• \Cllllh !'> hc-.1d 114•1\1.t•t'll I~ .}<I\\' .11111 dr.1gg1·d 111111 1111•• ,, nt·..irh\ p.it• Ii .. r I-!'·" \\h1l1· hnrril ll'd r~11111h 1111 111111 .... 111d 11lh1•1' li•1k1·d 1111 Thi o11111n.d' 1t.111dl• '' ",., 1 .tl1li , .. " ""I ,ti I t 111 I\\., ,111.t 1·11111.1111 lilt' 11~1 t 11\ -.pt .i\ 111g .1 '"' 1 ,11111-.111 ... 111 1 111 1i... t.11 • n .. \lllllli ""' ""'f'll.01111" 1111 ,,.\',.I.ii \\1'1'k' ,ilt•·t 1111' ()\I ,!;I .itt.11 k Tht 1111 • 1.1111" tli.11 1111 \llUll1 .111<1 ht' l.111111\ \\I I 1 ll olllllldllll'lf h\ !ht .11\.11 k <11\d Iii.it 1\111111111\ "''""'"" "'"' -.11 111·1 1•Jl\(d 1011.il p111bJ1 ltl'o .111\J I ptltl"~ .t:--ol II -.ull 111 lllJllllt'' 1'vJ1, ...,11111.1111 "lt11 "·'' prr·gn.0111 ;11 11t1• 111n1· •ll th1• ,11!,H k 1-(01\I' 1111 tit jlll 111.!ltllt'l\ • I .., .. I 11 • I I I I ., td I II I I 11 , , 1n .. 11011.il d1-.111 ,., \ht ,u11 I l.tllll'o 'I 111 I t.llcl b111tf 111 \hi' St1op.1111 ... .1111 I tltt .1\1," k 1 ... 111 .tllh• Tlw ,1111 "' • 1.,, .111 u11:--p1'\ d1t·d .01111111111 111 g1·1w1 .ii do1n1.1g1·-. plu-. ~ I 111tll1"11 111 plt11111v1• cl.1111,1g1 ·, .tlld ..... 1 .. 1111 .ill1·g1·d 1wgl1i..:1·11t1 \ 1111.1111111 •1' ,,tl1 t\ 'l.11111•' 11td lio1t1rl11\ l•ol th• 111111111·-. Kennedy hows out of 1984 cainpaign 8<1\o\ 111g 111 th1 \\ 1-.lt1' 111 t11, thn·1 1hrld1•11 S111 hl\\,ird K1•11rw1h I> 1\1.i-.:-. .11111 .. 1111< 1 d t1.d,1 \ h• \.\ii I llfll .. I K 1111 Ile 111111 1 .1111 I'''.,, 11 1111.1 n11n1111.111u11 111 I 11111 S 1w;1k111g .1t " 111111n111g !"''"~ l'llllfl'lt'lll0t Ill .I p.11k1•dt1111111\lllt•t r 11 u Ill 11 11 ( .1 p 1 I 11 I II 1 II 111 Wa,.h111J..!t1111 I> l Kc·n111~h \\ lt1• 'ought tlll' n11m111.at1011 111 l \11111 o.;;11d "II I' t1ie1 "'4~111 \11 .t'k llll'fll 111 go thr1111gh II .Jj.!.1111 Tht .,. 11 .. 1111 h11\\• \tr I• ft rlt• """r 11p1•11 l"r .1 1111111 pr1•.,1d1 1111 • .t l11d S.I\ 111)! Ii• ' .. , .. , ... , 1.11111 .. 11g11111g Ill 111\\,1 Ill 11-1811 t--1 lllH'<h -..11d A11d \\ti .. k1111\\' l llld\ du I\ .tg«lll . K1 rtru'<l\ ·, c·"l from th1· 1.111•" • nn!>1d1 1 t d 11\ p11lit11,1l ol>-..·n 1 r., 111 g1v1· 11 ... 11 .. 111111.1111111 ··dw· 1 .. l1tr11\t•f \ 111 l'rt -.rd\'lll w .• 11 .. 1 Mw1d.al1 Thi ,,.11,t111r ,,,rd ht· v. 111 '' 111.1111 .in .11 II\'• 11 .1cl11 111 [)1•m1H I.Ill< f'llltllP• \\'1 11111'1 ... ti.q11• flt'\\ 111111,ilt\'I'' f11r ,1 Ill'\.\ 111d ddl11t•nt tt.• 'K111111•1h '""'I ""' 11111 ·h .... 11.t 111 '111\1 l111l1·d tSee Kio:NNEl>Y. PaRl' A21 ll11l111t ll.1111 th• l.111111' ... l.1\\ \1 I .11d 111 d1~ 11lc•d t11 ~I'}\ 1111' jtllfllll\. 1l.1111.1g1· ... 111•1 """' I\ .. 111, 11 pn·ll\ 111ut 11 -.111• k1·d 11\ tlu \\.1\ L11t11 t'11u111f\ S.d.111 1.,, lt.111dlo-d tl11-. 1h1ng 11.lld 1 l.1111wd tilt' .11 I "'·'' 11111 111-.111 o·d p1·1111ll!> f111 tl11• -.l111w Ii.id 11111 l1<•1 11 11·111·V.1«I .111d th.ti tl11•" '' 'JJ""'"'lt [111 tho llg1·1 Ir.id \11tu1.1lh 111111111t111l11\1·r1t )l;tfrf '·•Id ill' .ilv1 w.,., .111g1•11'll \\ ht·ll J .1.111, ( 0Pllltll \ \\ 1lhd1t•\\ IL-. 11111 .. .t '" ,,~, 111 p.1\ .di ll!l'illt.d •'\llf'll"'' II I.ill d IP 1111 .1tt,u h. ,1n ,1('111111 L11111 < · .. 111111, 111t111.ab ,,11d t f11 ·V t111ok l"'t dU"• 1111·\ 'I II t If "" ol t d I I. t \\ ... u 11 I.\ I h I t 111111\ L11111 ( :11u1111 \ ... p11k1 -.v. ""''''' \'11g1111,1 J\1,1111 I -.,Jid l.!11 l'u1·-.d,t\ t It.it I .1<111 < '11u11t1 \ h.111 11111 lw1 rt 111 (111.ilh 111 f1trnwd 1 ol l!'lt>t> SAli'ARl, Pagt' A2t Jail screening program OK'd B) JEFI-AIJLE R 01 lhe Oally Piiot St•ll Oro111g1· C1111111 \' -.1q11 r \1•.111, h,1v1· .1j.(rl't•d 111 111-.11111tt 1 111 \\ 1111•d11 ,,f ~ 1t•1·t1111~ Jll "l'I ,1111 ICll 11111111\ 1.111 111111,il•, wl11I• --INDEX- A l Your S••rv111 A11lll'lin l~.,1111 R11 ... 1nl''i-" c. ·,1\ .1lt .111! Cb!-."' f 1(•d l 01lnlH'S l"lt>'-.'Wllnl r.>t·.111t N11t11 t·•. Edt111r 1.d E n t1·r t;111111 ..-111 F'ood Hortl$i opt· Ann l.;1nd• r-. M ov11...., M utual Fund-. N .it1onal N1·v.-. Puhlw Nott<"\..., I I I \11 7 m I l, I II \'I I \ II l>h 1\ 111 1\11 111 ( . I<! H I S po1 t.c; A:l.Bl1. ll!I I >ti 7 1>1 -:'i Dr Ste1rn r11hn S tcx·k M .11 k1·h T e lev1s1<1n Th1·11t<'r<> W t•at hN A~ 11 I. "" \\ ) 1 d /.! 1 11 a.: I h • II .11 I 1u11 1111gh1 d11 ltttl1• 111 prr·\ .. 111 f111 th1·1 1.111 "'"''I" I lw Ill'\\ pr11~t.t.1111 I d1• ... 1g11 .. d 111 11ft 11111" 111111.llt·' \\ tlh IMtl1•11l1.if 1t11'd1C ·" 111 111111 Ill' (If • 1111t,1g11111-. il1''"1"1 ... l1v 1·1<.1111111111g a11d 11111'1 \II\,\ lllji! 1111 Ill ,.., 1ho \ oll" lw tllj..! l1u1k1·d 111111 th1· 111,1111 J-111111 ..... 1111.1 A 11,1 Tlli· -.11 P1•11111g pr11g1 ,1111 wdl put till' 111111llV 1111 ll\t' 0'l1·.1d111g t'flgt•" ol h1".1lth '-I l\'11"' lllllVldt·of Ill lnl\Wll'<, ;tllV\\ lll'fl' Ill llll .,l,1t1• 1 xpl.l1111·cl 11111111v Sh1•r1ff ( '11r11nl'r Hrad ( :.111•, 11 1 111).(tlll{ 11•, ulopl 11111 '(' h I 'II I" I \ I' II I " ,11 t 111 fl I w·,11.1" 1111111'" Ill lh1• ...... kt 111 th1 ,.,. 111111.111• d1·,oth-. 111 tho· J.11 1 du1111g 1lw I'·"' 1111111tla .11111 Ill 111 11·-..o, lh,111 IW11 Vl'.11'- l'ht bll.tl d .1utl1111111·d I ht 1·1111111 v ) ((·a Ith ( '.ir1• Alo(Pllt v 111 h1n· .... ·w•n ,id chuonal IHll!-1.., .111d 1 l1•rk' f11r tlw llt'W prc11<1 .1111 .11 .u1 ;inn11.1l c•ost of $'lH2.4 I11 I-11ur 11f t h1• 1w w pos1t 111ns an• for publu lwalt h nUl'S(>I; w h o w tll nmdul't 1111· 1Yl(-cl1r11I St rN •ning < 'h11rlt'!-Kl'rn!!, llC A d1rt'I. tor told t hr hoard thrit th1• ~Tt.>i•ntn~ I' r 0 I< I II m w ·' 'I l h I' .. h I j( hf'~ I priority rt"<-om11wndat1un " m1:1ch· In an lnh'rn al rt'VIC'W l)f th1· JAll'll ••\1·1 • .tl h• .dth • ,,,,. 11111gr.1111 1111 11111 'lltth 1-. l'Xlll 1 It d 111 h1 P"'"''t1l1·d t11 th1 l111.11d 111 J>c .. 1·1111 .. ·1 lit • .. 11d K. r11·, ,1dd,.tf 1111 111"' p1og1,1111 h.111 lit 1 II 111 I (11 \\ 111 k ... [111 .111111•111111• o111d \\ .1:-. 11111 .. fl',I( 111111 ltt p11hl111I \ ...r111111111d111K tl11 m11-.t '" 1'111 cl1 .. 11h-. N111 ... th1 Ji • ._, 1111 11·•1111 -.1 1111 1lw rn \o,. p111gr.1111 .111d ,11ltl1t1onal "t.tff f)(!'olll1J11S W.I ... li;i11dl1•d 1111 .111 1 xp .. d1t1·d h,,.,1., l11ll11\\'ll1g ,, Jlll'l'llllg l;i..,t W\'l'k ,1t11 11d1·d ll\ KPrn ~ l ;.itc-' .111<1 '"P''' v1s111' I h.111111.111 111 lll'•· N1 ·-.lo111d1 • ·~"' tlw p1il1l11 p11•t" 111111 1ol ,ifl \\ 1111 I lilt I tlll }•'" ,11111 lh1 \ .111 11111 ''''P""'1htl1t\ 111111• th•\ w.dk tl111111Kh 1ho11 d11111 , th1-. 1111gh1 111 ht· .11l11pt1•d .. N1·-.t,ind1· 1 n1n1111 111t·d I" 1111 111 t lw lie1;11 d '-.. 1111.11111111111' '" 111111 li t• .1cld 1·tl l ht• 111;·d11 .II .,. t 1·1"11111~ pro~1 am I!> • llll' .ti l'a 111 \1.h11h th1 11111nt\ tint'' 11 .. 1-cl 111 11w11"1~· rL-. hudj.!1·1 IK't .iu~ '1h1-. '' .1 h11rnun1t:.n1111 th111t-( w1· ow1• J'lt•opl,. .. N1•-.t.111d1· .111d "up1·1 visor" H .• 1lph (.'l,1rk ;mcl H11~t·1 St.11ll11n -.i11d lht• pro~nui1 m1f(h t qot put .1 clfont tn t h e )lltl's tlr ath rnt1 · "You 101n·1 .,lop • .. omt'\>rll' from (See JAIL, Peae Al l -J!!-1 5 YOUR HDMITDWN DAILY PAPER ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS O•lly Piiot Photo by Richard Koehler I .o o k ing 11wd1 likt· a g ho..,I ... h ip , tlw ) a dll lrn it· tu.., hump~ a µ;ai1hl tht· Ha' 1 .. 1a11 tl foot hriclg1· in '-'•·"port Ba) a ftt·r lu·ing lorn from ih moorin ~.., h ~ hit.di "i11.t .. Tllf·..,cl a). T iu· 1·r a f1 a ppa n·ntl ) t' .. t'<q wd ..,l r 111·t11 r al cfamagc·. Now the hard work • • • H ~ th1· l >.111~ 1'1101 :-.1.111 \Ir .1lll!t (',.,,,I 11 tdo 111 ,1\.\11h1 111 ·.111111\ ... l.,11· ...... 1,,, .tttil 1. 1-!·•ll lht 111111• • 1 .... llllft 111 1• 1",, 11 .. 111 1'111 ~, .. , ... 111·111 \<11111 1l1.1t loppli d 111•1·' .111.t p11\\I I 11111' dfld I .llt .... •d fl1llllftllj..! Ill I •0.1 ,lo1I 11'"" 1.1·tw1·111 ~'"" B,.,,, It .111d • \\I'"' I B1·.11 h \ -.f ''f\1f \,\ 11\ t I , ltlf fll ,11 II\ JI\ \\ 1111 t. \\ I ... 1 ,,,.., ll·d ll• hll ~11lli111•fl) \.0,Jilllll Ill.I I 111•-.of,1\ 111gti1 """""1 111 th• 11111 th .. r '"' 111 1 11• tho 11 111 I 11! 111.111\ 1\ '\j ol 11111.tl \\I .a I 111'1 ~I I\ II I 11111·, ""I "'""d I hr' 11111111111)..! o.,.11d !ht II I· 11111\ ".'(I I" II 1'111 I llo11111· "' '"fl\\11 "' tl111111l11 ... ht1\\ll ' 11 H l.1\ .... 111111 1 • Ii' I \ I 11 1 I I h \\t -. I \\ II 11 I' .111d h1,t\\ -.11 11 ""' 1111·d1111·d \\1111 'kll J•llll\ il1111ch ,11 I 11111' ) 1 lllJH I ,ii 111 ''' ,il1111i.: I Iii '''·"' ... 1i .. 1ild I• Ill llH 111'1", IP \11 l11W htJ' \11<1.1\ dti 11.,l'olll)..! Ill ,1f1 111 11 t11111glit Thur .... f.l\ -.h .. 11ld 111 -.111111\ .111d ,, ltttlt \\.o111111·r ""h htji!h' 111 tlw 1.11 .... N \.\"S 11ll 1t 1.if, ,,11d '1'111 -.d,I\ ·., -.1111111 dr11p1•·d I •II 1111 h1·-. 11( 1.1111 1111 < ·11,1.1 Mc·-..1 .111d I 117 1111 111' 1111 ..... 1111.1 ,\11.1 .11·111111J11g tu 1\.1 11 I >111 .1111 I 111 11J1 ( lt .1 111:•· ( ·1111111' 1<:11v11 n111111·11t.il M.111,1g1 1111 Ill 1\)_(1'lll \ ,.\l1111g \o\llh 1111 r.1111 1.1111•• "'11111-. J..!ll'l1ng 11p IP 70 mph .i1 lllf\1'' .11\d ltdt•:O-I 11'!.llllJ! 11p \11 1•1i,:h1 f1·1·l 111 N1·wl'url l~•;ot Ii 1\11111 t h.1 n I 00 h11nw' "1·1 1 1·11111d1 d 1111 H.dho.i l'1·n1ns11l.1 Ttu'!'ll.c\ 1'1111u-..1111b 11f -.,111dt. •• g-. Wl'rt' d1 ... t11h11tt •cl t lll'l'I ,Ind Ill S1111-.. 1 l\i .11 h T111·-.d.l\· 111J.!hl 1111 11·-.1d1•11h "' ..... tllll\ 1p.11t·cl l11gh 11111·' •• g.1111 lhh llllll 11111~ '1'111' 1111111111\1-(0 ' /II r1111t l11~h l 1tft• .1J.!.llll f }1111d1 cf ... t 11 I h It\ N•·" 1•11 t B1·.i1 '1 h11t da111.1i.:• "'·" f.1 f 11' ...... 1 h .Ill ·1 Ill' .,,.1,, V ' 111111bm.1111111 11f t 1d1• .111d -.t111111 W.111·1 ",,., 1111lv .il11111t 1111 Ii l111{h .tl1111j.( n.t11>11.1 B1111l1•v.11 d l11•t\.\ •·•·11 .l,!nd .incl llith S t" 1 I!> .111d h11m1•:. 1111 1"111i11y Stt1·1·1 .111d t 'I 1J11h1111:-.1· A v 1•1111I' , • .,, .q ... d fl111.cl111j.( 111 111.,. H11 ,. "ho I"•' "" l 'l11hh 11u"' Av1•111w s;ud. I th111k w 1•11 11111k1• 11 todav 11'-. l1k1• a 11v1•r t11dnv Y 1•sl1;rd.1\ 11 w . .-. 1111 .... h11l1· tit 1'1111 I., 1111 !-'11th• 1 l.i11cl 111 :\I 111 w . ,\,I 1111• 1 ...... h1 I • ,, Jll I 111 !ltnlll\\,!111 ' )l11'oll.I\ :-,tJ, -.,11d la< •I" 111 1111 .al I• 111••111 o111d l."1 lllj'l1t ,.111dlt,1l'l!lll).! lt1 I t..,11. I \\.11ih111).!,1 llhkl1 "' \\,1111 11 11\111111: 1l11\\ II I h· ... 1111 t ... 1i. 11111· d .a11d ..... 1.t "I d1111 t I\ I'll~·· I 111 II\ tla1 111 1111 111 •tilt• I 11' "' 1111 -.1 .. 1111 \\,1-. 111,11111' I\ .... Ill Id ll\ till\\ II• cl 111 ,., .111d -.111 uh' .111d I'"",., 11111 •• ,_, •• \, ,l11n l\1 1111• d\ :-.1111th1 I II I .dol111111.1 l•,fa-.1111 "I'"' 111.111.11111 I 1 •11\1 ( 11 1.1 l\t. '·' ,.11d .II l1'ol ... I 1ti, 1 > i <hl111l11•t' \\• 11 It II \\lth«\11'111111111\ -.111111111111 I 111 '\l.1\ \1, 11111.f I, • 111 1111 ... \\ t ·11 11111 11 llJolt d I 1111111gl11111I I h1 ( ll .1 llt!,I ( 011.!'I .ti l'.I h1• •,.11d Ill 11111\ d1t1 llO II I I'-l..11111 hlll~ dH\\ II '.I\\ I I 1111· ., I Ill' 111.1~1llt\ 111 th• 1 u-.1111111 ·~ h I cl I Ii I. I I I " I\\ I I I I .... I • II I d I 1 Y' • .11 h I 111 ·-.d.i' • .t I• r 111~111 ho ,,11d li11t II\ 1 I 1011 Ill.fl\ 1.Ju.rl \ di .. \\If I ,fill IH 11\I.! lt•fldt of Ill I oil ly 1111 -11111111111g 1·~1 ...... 11 '" "' \\111k1·d ,11o11~•l1l I lit 11111.!h It t11ll I " 111 1'111 • .f.1"1i 1111111 th1' 111111111111 .illl rnpl111g ltJ I 1 jlo!ll 11111'" .111.f 11·,tlJI l p<o\\ l'I 111 1'1111111.111\ \.ill•·\ l1d1rt ~1 I I) .• II I ' I I II • I I I \ I\ ""l"'l llltc 11d1•ttt 111 111 Id ..,. I\ 110•-.: ...... .t "'"'' llt.111 1111 'II\' Cl\\ IH'l~ p.11 k\\ ,1\ II•<'~ \\l'l t' 1i°1•,trt1\'t•l[ 1., llto 1111;1 \\ lll•h V .. ""1!..111 1t1I It•""'• k l.1-.l 1111.!hl 111d \\I 11 Pl 1ol1.tl1h 1>1· l!°'lt't' ~TOHM . P ag1· .\:!1 Ingersoll to acquire the Daily Pilot 11 ... 1'11111 .. 1\1111111 ( 1111q1.ifl\ t 111 .1 I 1 I 11 I 1 I 1 I I I 111 I ... I 1t1 I,, \' .1f'f'l l1\ I tf ,111 ,1gl I I 1111'111 ill pt lllC 1pl1 Ill -..·II 1h1 ( )1 .111g1 l 011,1-.1 I '11hli-.l1111g l '11111 p.1tl\ Ill (11)!1 t "'II l'11lol11 .1111111 ... ( 11 111po111\ 111 ( 01111111'< 111111 I 111 .1111111111111·111• 111 "·" 111.1111· t hr-. 111111 lllllJ.! h\ h11111 • .-. I' 11.111·\ ()1.111g1· \'i1.1,.1 l111lali-.h111g l ·11111p.111v 111111'.-.lll'r .111d < 'lt11·I ')'"'lllll\1• (lff111 I 11.iln \\Ill ht 11'111.1111111): Ill lh,1t 1.1µ.11 ti\ .tfl! 1 th1· 1 h.111g1• 111 nw111·1 "hip l'li1• 11.111s:i1111111. p1•ncl111j.( rl1•1o:1111a111111 11f ,1 dl'f1n1t1v1· a..:1 1•1·mr111 ,1 11cl 1ppr11\.al hv lht H11.1rd of I hi ... 111 .... Ill 111~1·1 ... 111. .... t'XjM'< h'll 111 111· ,,m1pl1·H·d liv th1· 1·1111111 tht• • ',~.u ()J,1111(1' ( "·"' l'11hli-.lt111 g ( llll'Jlolll\', .1 \\ hnll\ 11\\ 111•d -.11ho;11 l1;11 v Iii tlw T1nws M ir ror < '111np1111v. p11hli-.h1•, 1lw 01 .an~t· ('11,1.,l )l.111\ )1tl1•I ·" Wt•ll '" lh(' lt\'1111 M .... -.11111 V11•111 .111cl I t11111111j.(l1111 Rt•:u Ii M 11 rnr ,., 111).(•'l "''l ptthh:--ht•' 11)111'1' th .111 4tl 1wwspnp«·r.; from i:i plan t.'i in 11 -.1.111·-. 111 l '.d1l111111.i l11•'"r"'oll p11hli..h1•0,, 111111 d;ail11·' tlll' ( '••llll ol ( ·11 ... 1.1 l11tl1 1w11d1·111 th1 !~·1 h.1 Ii-\ lo.111111· th• H111h.111k l>.11h H1•\ II'\\ .11111 llw ( ;11•ml.1li N1·w-. 1111·-...-. l11g1·1·...,11l nb11 f'UIJfr,h1·-. .i llllllllll•f pf W\'l'kh ll1·W°'l"lllc I'-Ill H.1lph l11g1 ·,...11ll II. pn·-.1dt·111 ul l11g1~1ll 1'11hlw.1t11111s l',1111pa11v ... 1.1t1'<I "Tiii' 11111111111rnt11·" .111111~ tlw < >r.111.,:1 I 11.1!'-I "l't v1"tl II\ ti lt' l>.1tlv l 'il111 .111d th1· M11 r or pub lt;·a111111, .11T amnng t lw 1110.'t vthrant .incl .-1t11at t t\•1· 111 th1• n111ntrv ·· I lalt•v o •11n1111•111t·d . "lnjott·l'oll 111·w'l'·'I"''" .1 11· 1vp11ullv 111n111n1111I\' tlt '"'l"'ll('I~ that .111· htj.(hh -.111•1 .,.,f11I .a n d h;ov1· .1 111111111111111·111 111 't't '1n~ t hl'tr 1·1Hl111111111t11•, v 1•1 \ wl'!I" ( 11 "d d I I 111 ti I 11 :--l 11 l t• ,1 11 d rl'j.(ltlllol I •• \\ ll I cl-... I lll(t'I <;ul I llt'W-.pttpt'I' h.tVI' Wflll \WO P uli111•r pr11t•<, In thl' µn~t d 1'('1Hk T ilt' lt'I Ill'< 11f I h 1· llj,(rt'l'llll'lll w1•11• n111 ch~ lost'<I • • ---- \:t I lt ,lf HJI! I ...... 1 ( IAtl t I'll 11 1 w, .. ,., .... tluy llt1< t•lllllt11 I l'ltl~ ~\ ---~~~-.IA_l_L-.-.-.~- ~ ,~ From Page A 1 \'-~ Continued stories :.:·::::"• .. :·.::•:.:;:; """" ...... Ntt "'" 1' ~0111~· 111 '·'Y tltt' '' 111 Ii.ill d1 o1 lh., 111 1111 l·•il Intl II ""I jllt\111 1 1111 ,, ••••• d "' ,, , 11111111111111,ti111 .1"'"1'" N1•,t.1111l1· .. 1111 w. I• d11111g "h.11 \\11· I .111 111 1•11,1111· pulil11 h1·,tlth .111d ST()RM (~l "'EANlJ P • • • Wot k111g .di d,1\ tlt1·111 .1w .1 ; 11111111111,1.t lrnl.1v 1 11 .i1111g It I ... ,I Id l 111 ... 1\lth11ugh fltl I 'lllll,tlt'' \\.•I• 11111111'<l1.111·lv ,1 \'.11l.1hl,., Mt l>.11111•1 ~;rnl rq >lat·111g I ht• d11111.1gt·d • 11 v '""'' would be• P"llV · W1· l11"1 f1v1 1111.d ll l·•·,..1.11 th1· l1t t•d1,111 '>II If> .oJ1111g r:d111g1 I Av1·11l11 th.11 ""1t ""''" $11110 ·•fll•'l't'." h1• "'"d 111 l l u111111g111r1 n ..... h . ,,, r111.1l:. .. 1111 1lt1·\ 11·11·1\t•d ,d xiut 1,000 1t·lt·ph11111• 1 .111, .1h11u1 tr .. t"' l1<·111g lopp lt d Ill cf ,1111,1g1·d .~II Illy pr Of'l.'I t :-' l ).1rvl S 1111t Ii. '"Pt·nnl1·11dt•111 111 p.11 k 11 '"'" .111tl land~'ilJJlll~. -..ml .11>11111 .l,111111111' n w 1wd in ... , 11 lht•1 lt•ll 111 "''"' uproo!l'd or d.1m.1g1•d l1y th•· v111l1•11t w111di- H1• s111d :tl1011 I I :i lo '..!O t'o ll :-o \\'1•11• ''"" k b; l.ill111g 111111!-. S11111h ,,,1d d.1111.1gt "·" p.wtrt 11).11 Iv lw.i\ \ 111 1h1· ( '•·ntt .d 1',11 k ,111 •.i 11111 tit 111 tho· C 1•11t1.ol I .1l1r.11 v · wlw11· w1•ll 11\'1•t IOO \rt'l'". \\' 11· rl;11 11.1g1•d "II lt1•1kt d lilw 1111 Juli\ ( :11·1·11 l ;l.tlll \\,ilk1d tli111L1gh lllt'll h· .... 11d S 11111l1 .... 11d th.11 I II \'1·11111lt1\l'I'" d1111't ll'"fX>lld 111 <.di, ,1h11tt1 llt't ' d,1fl1,1gt• I Ill fll I\ oil! flt tlfl('f l \ "Al111ttt .di '" tt•lrld d 11 "'·"· rt•lt•f th1·111 !11 llt1 V1•(l11\\ flol~~t''' lw «111d - Abo Ill I l11 11l111gt1111 n. ·" h .. 111.rsl 111 "11111 , 'lllHillt·d .1l .1hu11l 1;1 kt111h 11111 llft l.11 fl••fH •I I t>t tf ,t( I 11111· 1d t hr 1·1· :-1·1 ,.,, ,. dt·p<11 t111t·11L' .it '1'1·r rv Hu11 k .111d ll\111~ 11 11\lll .tll ,ollt•\ lll'lo.l d tHll J lt1 •r 1• WI I l flll llljlll It'' [11 1 lt1pl11Vl'1'' ,11111 1111 I ,II, lllh• thL' l1111ld111g "'1·1 1• da111.1~t·•I " ~ut w1· 'lilt' h.111 .i lot 111 w.111·1 ,1111 "K 111 1111111 1h1· 1a111 ," ...._1111 Bob T 1•1ry. I" '.\,''d1•11l a nd 11w11t•r s . r vu t' M.lll.11-t1•1 I >.111 W .ildo 11, \\ 1111 "·'' 111 1lw huild1111o: .11 tlw 1111w .,,,1d llH wind wa;. "' :-.tnu1g "I 1 ould li;11 dly 1-t;111d up ' s , ... I Ht•,; I' II II I I I\' I .1 I 1-. llll'.lfl \\ 11111• .1111111lltlt 1•d th;tl •• 111· ,... .... ... "'.ii I JJ I" l t•t t 1 d ,.,,. Jll'll'>I \ l Sur r ... 1dl0 l'ol1111y h111111·' f1u111 f111<><hng tlam.1~.tp T lw w.ill wai-1·1m1plia11-d th1:-. Wl't•k El-..·wht rt• 111 S 1·al Ht.•a1 Ii. thl'l'l' oil dt•flllk' loe,1ted 1111 S t·dl 1~ .. 11·h Boult·VH I d lll'df llw u s N .1vv W l'apo11" St<1tH111 w t•n· !ttppit'<I by thl· \>.'111d N11 lnJUI 11·' Wl'r 1· ri·µorll'tl H1 ·,,1dt·ni... or Sun,..1·1 B1·;il."h w1•n• placing ~J11d li<ig:-. around tht•tr h"nws 1 .. 1rlv tnday . liral'tng f,,, .odd1uu 11.tl (l11111Jmg t-.1u.,1·d b y l11gh t 1d1·" Hill ll1·1t1·r «<H111l\ puhl11 \\l•I k« "ll''f ,1llt>ll!\ lll.tll,1g1•t -..11d hi!\ lit'\\ ... \\1'.lt' IJlll\td111g · .. 111dh,1g' 111 Sun" I B1·.i1 Ii It ... 1d1 ·t1I!\ tf\J1t11g lht llltlllllllg ·'' v. ·'' ,., l>rokt 11\ 1·1 1111 '' .1 \\.db ,,. nd In ~ "'"" "·'It I 111 tll 11•,1d11111.il ... 111•t•b flu1 Chuck M ui phv ''" Ot "11g1· l'11u11l\ Fin D··p .1111111·111 'i'llkl "11·111 ..,did 111111.d I t'J>tll h l1Ml,1\ llltll1 ,i11•d tJ>l flo>tMflflg \\, .... 11111 ..... "t·rt1111' ..... h.1d t111 urn·d '1'111 "·" ·" KENNEDY OUT • • • l ha l pt•1 son.ii 111 11 ... 1111·1"t11111.., ... huuld t,1kl' pr 1·1·t.>dt·1111· 11\ •·t polit11.tl 11111;.1d1•1,1t111n" 111· .,,.,,d lt1 11111,1d1•11·d tilt' "pulll1t.ol ,,,, •• · SAFARI • • • 1 h 1 • -.U1 t Br .11 "'' ._.,1d -.ho h...id 111 • I 11011111111 Ill) II No11111d o1l1111g \.\11h l.11111 < '11u1111' .11111 llK•'r 11,111wt .l11h11 t '.11l1f><1lo111g11 Ill tho 'llll ,Jrt 1111 I f'\'I Ill l 011lllpo1 r I\ w It ll h II\\ 11'> t 111 l.11 111 11 ''"'"' 11, l,11111 ( '11u11t1 \ .111d 11\'t' ... lllH ltllll tlV\llf ._ I 111l(1(•t lt•fl w1lh 1lw ,1i,1w tur hi:-. t and1d.11 \' ".i ::.trong Ol'\L' Btll K1·111wdv· -..11d . his d1"t·1:-,ion 11111 111° ,1·1·k tilt'. 11111111nat111n wt·nt Iii ' 1111d ·pultlu ton!.1Ut't<1l10n!\·: .11111 polll1l·al t'dit'Ula llon., ' H1•po1 L-. th.11 K1·111w1h v.ould 11111 "'~·k tlw n111111n <Jl1011 .. u rtaet'<:I l.111· Tul'-.dav .tfh ·r h1· rm L w11h "" ( 10 ... t'!\l ~•hll< ;11 .tel\ 1~·1 ... Ault·-. .,..1d K1·1tnt'<lv \\a ... .t~kl'<I It\ h I., t h I Id I t' 11 . u \' l ' I l h l ' Th,111k ... g1v111g l111l1day 11o t to S4..""t'k 1tw J!.llH n11m111.011on Kt•nnedy 111l'11t111111·d hi... t hildn·n by name 111 111.ik111g t1><l.o\ ".1nnount't·m<>nl I It· .1!-.11 m 1·nuon C'd ht" wife, Juan, with whom a ci1vorcl' ts pf•rHim~ Tylenol figure arrested L11~ 1\N1:El.ES t .\P1 A \I ".1t •1ld 1111'1 h.1111t \\,llllt·d '"' 1ut t111 t11 11 J..! 111 lht T \ It r1•1I 1""""11111/' d1 ·.oth' 111 till' L'l111 ,1g11 111" ·"It ... 1.·d Ill L, .. , A11g1•1t· ... Ill I 111·,1f.1\ I'> ht I 11g hl'ld ·' 1th11 1t 11.011 11 ~1.,, 0 11 , t ugrlf\ 1 \\oil I, 111 t Kt \ Ill ,J, ,f111 i\l.1-.l1·1 .... 111 h.111 1 ..... ,, '""~ht 1 ..... 11 ... ( 'h11 .1g11 l \11·111.t 1,,,k lur .. "huh ...... 1d qu1•'>l111ning h1111 \\ ·" "l''-" 11t1.1I t11 1 l.1·11 •r•' 1·-.11g.1t1• •n M,,...,,., "111 "'•" arr t':-ol1·cl In f'"I" 1 11ff111·1, who w,,,.~. ,um11111111"<f 1,, FBI .1g1111 ... 111 1h1 r HI liu rl d111g 111 'v\'1 .. ,1 l.11 -. r\11,t.!t 11•' "ht I• !\l,1!\ll'l "tll \\ J!> 111 ·111~ qUt''littlll'd Ill 111tlflt·1 I t1Pf1 ~ 11h tlw T.' l1·111A 1·: .... 1· -..ml 1~1ltt't I .I l'\1·1tlt l<o.._... "'"'' v . (; .• I I' ' ·' I ' II I () " k l h ,. 11ppm tw111 \. 'l\ll';.d.1y 111 publldy d1 ft•nd lw. 11-tonl 1111d that of tlll' ,lwnff 1·or 0111•1 's d1·pa1111wnl otl 1lt1· rnall1•r of ;1111 dt·uth::. li.1l1'" -.111·111 rn1111· than ·10 111111lll•·' d1·L11l111g for ... upc•rv1scir' 1111' t lll'Ulll'>ltltll'f•:-In ,JI )1,c.l 10 tlt'olth ... tit.it lt<'l lll'lt 'tl Ill tht· jail -.111l't' IHllll I 11 111.111 v 11 I t Ii t ' d 1 •at h". h 1 • 111t111·11d1"tl th.tl th1· mrnall•s died "I Io 11 lo( st J 11 u 1 n g 1111• d I l' a I 111nd1111111 ... unn•lat1•d t o th1•1 1 1m\1n·1·ral1011 Akoholt:.m or d r ug .uld1ct1n n w1·n· kt·v faclor!. 111 111.my o t th1•-.1., Catt;, -.<.lid Thi· :.ht·rtff ubo pom1t·d out th.11 Lu;. A11g1·ks County has had 1111111:' d1·;11 h;. 111 o m.• y1·a r tl\a11 t >t ,111g1· l'11u111y h-t" had 111 1h1• 1 ..... 10 \t'olt ... l;.,,,.,, ..... u l 11wd11.1I p101·1.Jun·" Ill lht• J•'" .11111 t'UI I l'lll 111l'UIC'al :.1·r1•1 ·111111! pr ou·du1 t"• lll11 ror or .(,.x1·1·1·<.l 1l11 1M· pral'llu·d Ill J~llb in Lo" A11g1·lt·.,, S;m Du·i.io. Sant<r ( 'f,11 .1. S.1u .anwnt11 111 A lamed<• l'I lllll t ll • ... "( l'.111 l bt•g111 tu I OU Ill tho• 1111111lw1 o l 111111·:. n1y dl'IJUllt'S 011 1111· 11wd11.d ... 1.tff have• phy,,1eallv .111d 111 .iltl1 '' i...t· J<.'op..i1d1Lr·u thl·1r '"' 11 -....o li'l :"t lo pt•durm C P H (1.11 d10 pulrr11111.1r,\ ro·::.u"'-·ll.Hl\111) .1nrl m!"d11 al h t't'ort.-s 1111 inmtit~ \\'ho w 1 tt· high h1·alth. r1 :-.k -. 1 11 v " I \ 1 11 g 111 m ,111 v 1 .... "1·' 11111' llt111" cfl"l'.IM'!>," t;,111•' ~ild 2 motoris ts · badly hurt 10 Irvine crash fwo Ur ,111g1• (..'ou111-. 11111lofl"l" '"rt• '>1•1111lhh m;u11·d TuPsclo~ 1111-t lll \\ h1·11 I h1·11 \ l'hld t•' 1·1ill1d1·d h1 .. 1d -o n 1111 tht· San I )1o·go t-'11 t'\\ .iy n1·a1 J.11nb11rt·l· H11.11I Ill ll\'1111 ' l'.dtl111111.1 llrgh'' ·" P...itr11l 'l'"k·· ... 111.111 Hll'k Stt Vt '11" ""'"' St1·1->hr·n Sma ll ~o . o f W1'l>tm1n ... ll'I . was tlnv1ng north 1111 1h1 (r<'t·wav whl•n h f' .1pparl'nth lust l'Z,n 1rol o f h1::. V11lksw;1g1·11 v.111 .ind <T•1!>.<,<,'Cl lh<· 1·•·1\ll'r d1v1d1•r Th<' \':Ill 1 olltdt'CI lw<.1cl on with • , \'I' h 1t I t • d 1 1 v l' n h v S t e v 1• 11 I 'n11lo. :1:i uf <'l~t.a Mt:~ Small w:i::. ru::.hed to F11un 1.a1n V.lllt·y C11mrnun1 t y llosp1 1al f11llowmg 1111 7 :IO p nt lTash and \,,,, n ·pot l1·d 111 trtll1<1I umd111on t 11d ,1\ ''1th mult1µlt ~tum.J1·h lllJ\1111 '' "11.11 tun·d right lt'g and f 1l'.1d tn JU no . .., Jl1111l<1 '' ·" 1.1kt·n 111 M1ss111 n ('1 1111111111111 , 1111-.µn.d an M1ss11111 \II JO "111 11 111· Wd' n ·pofl{'d Ill ., r 111u' • 1111d11111n l'h1· ('ill' ... , .. 1k 1· ... n1,111 ::.;11tl S tn.il l ".i~ .11 rc· ... 11·d r11r fl'IP11\ ilr1111k• 11dr1v111g Warmer Thursday P a rl y J, ' 1 ,., fflro t' "' OPrCP.1 t ' 1 c•· t ,r, ,,... ... , tht.H1dffr\h Jw..-r• A't•\h•1l'f w1•1t1~ n t 20 t o i'• mpt\ iw 1U1 I Jt •' strongflr '1""'" {)fl<rP,l~mq w111()c;, lh1S P\tt-run.l 'lit jlr ·;"Prn•qtil inw.., ...,, 41 I 10 H qt'ls 'Od,h rH I t • .: '-tunt,,,. 1n I """''' 91 ft JtWa, W J '1 '' I l' t ' , I tr f f1 h 0 S H u n t ~ '' rJ 1 n r '" .~ "" "-' r t .1 r ... d IPmPf'• .J1ur•.)' '1.R tn '1A f f<.tlw t\A 1 p f r '1'1• f1n1' I l.«.. n Pt1t '' , '''P M••~1T ·•" be>tdt'' .J I 01t t-0 '1 fti\ Nor'' <N•·~I,.... , ,.. 1 tS&. .20 to 1 t..on•"" r ,.,_., 11•P• "'-·1"''' w1U, 10 11 ''' !{"1()1 1 111 fHr µlt ,p •·· ltn ..-1 IN3 1A,.., I', Jf) It 11(.tr;, w !ltl ~ t<i A loot cornt1t11•tJ "''''" t "'~ti! r 1"1tltlWJU;,I lu ,, fU!f>,1,I Wtf 11 1( t I' a. l I/ 1tt,1fll1 •I truouuh ot lh P ;J,ly .,,,,, 11 "' 111"° <.h~wPt\ ''"d thu1•f1Pt~''' W"''' w,lti <.H 11l1q Wtr1rjc,. r. .~..., A1a ._., A ,t m t•t-Q3fl lJU h fl(.J ,., w Ir It IOuQ1' th f' NnrH·w••\t -..1,1y 1111,.t;i droppinQ 1J11 1•¥•'' mu, ti f 1 ~ Pac.1ht Cntt ,t ,ltHl '"''w 111 '''" h•qhf'' e 1 fl " t 1 '' n ~ J f n 1 .. '' r1 11 a n d (ah• .rnttl S• 1w ft•ll Mc•n t \., "'"' thp r aht ~e [ta"ltn wh1IP "*' t t1nio H1un\ of 4 If\( f\,., W-'te rPtJrut~ 1n 1hf!I i:;outhern Cit~ ttdA"t o r O r.-.gon A~ much act ) toot o f rww tiinow w at prPldlC IPd lu<1Av '"' UH': mount1t1n~ nt nt1r1hl'•n C8hlc.rn1A >Nhf!r@ qu1ty w inds m ey c '-',"\IR ne3r t>h11ard rnnd1t1on' Rain pr~va1l.-d O\t&f' m uch nf thtt re'' or C.Rhfnrrua on<1 ulnnu lhfl notth""' f'lnr.1r1t.. ~on.st wh"''" QAI" warf\lnQ5 wnrp 10 Afl.-1 t ~~riv 1oday to• 'nulhfll:rn Or.-onin "'"'' nnr-t,,,..,...n C..1tllforn1a (...lnud1' ( overfll<J tnfll nnrthfltt'I nock•~" t o Nebutsk o ""'' thP '18k OIB ' r o g 11n d tlllttlA blllnkl!lll<I tl\I• upp11• M1dw"" rectuc1no "'"'•bthty 10 '"'' than A halt ,,.,,1., 1n oot11on' of Sou1n Oekol" M•nntosola lo w11 and Nebraska California .. •. ,, llJyr ' "'it" 1 ~• ,,...,:.-. ,,. , t w••r 11110 • t• t It •' t'Jdllf n,t1 ilV H •I '''-"' 'lt""I,, ' I' ~ ... "'""" 4 llf• .;w,., rqnq~ w1t11 q u4'1\ o f UP 10 df) ~'"' oosted 11 t .m(.d-Ste• uno 1H , ,.~ t c.oast • J fl"'dS ~, fH .. ~ IC.fC,, U\ 1 h f N 1ft4 .. J '"'' •, r •''r ''' '1Q #1/li,J' ,,,,I, O t-"'.;,,I ,, t'11no Nt'\; .. r, 11J f tH•B~ lo, bt_...n fH llOl"Jd •If) II ,u1vt'w'4 -..11rJ t ,'to Aflqe1e~, f11t .,,1, ..... ,m,.,1 (Jtl""' PPhH§ Vtf.;1• el1 111t ,,,,, ;tpartn ~"' All H t ~·r 1 N ~ r, hJ t l Wtl ~f • .J ~ t , 1 -t' t .r Nal~· " "' , t Jlh ,,,.-'" n ""' "'" d 'A'll,1.I '""' " i 1 b~.aH Iii ftfl r SdlfJ '1 W •l\fllfO Distn• I t'"S•dP.n' T PflLJJf'rat ures A,lt .. ,., A"''' Ii 1 A\I 1•. llf' All.ttd t """' f>( .,, -'·t .. l1t1 n .• 1111nn1•• O•litr•<J' Ftu '""'Qharn 01 .. rr .. ,,., 8 111t,,P fi•1tr.tnn (J11,wr1sv11,1 Uqtt,1111 llwl111g11t11 f 1l~P''' NATION ( 11,,1t1°-.tnn 1 { ft,\f ••'llt1n VI \I ( rt,\tlr 11,. N ( ( ,, .. ypr~",. (hit uyn c u\(1rini\1t (,.tf'v!llM1l (..Olurnll•A <,I ()olumbus U"tli'i ff Wrolf Oayron ~nvat 0~\ Mo111es ~l•n•I fl\1lvth (I Pasn r ~•on , li\<J,ll!lft 141 lo 4f 41 \Ii ,q 4 ) h4 Ul ,.,., I,") 6• 'Q /f '>6 6• •? 41 32 6., •'1 ,; n 48 ,., '>f, 4f, 16 n8 '>() 4 I • 1 17 4 7 I I :n '><I t;(l ., fl8 17 •6 )f, 40 Ill .,~ 4J •6 1q 1'> 4 I ~~ G 11 .. ~· '>3 ')8 • ' .H ... 19 l3 10 61 •6 J• 10 J1 11 t 1tt"at f: .w~ ••.utlord •Utu~1n1 n11 ,l ,,jt( t" tJ a c,,1u IA '' l"(t' ~OH\l•ih• to\anl\a"i ( •1f l "5 Vl'QA' l 1ttl .. R<><'° l ~•Ul'j.,,flltl lJf•b<t< ~ M.-mr,t••' M 1;tn11 M•lwa~, ... ..,, Mpls ~1 f>.H1I Na.;.twtllr Nttw <>,1 .. ;1u P.'-w 'f'orll Nt,rlol" N11tth PltHI"' ()kl1'hom,, t ,,., Omaha Od&ndn Pn1tad .. 1c,,,,,. PhOPni• Poll,hv•Qh Portland MP Po111and <l•" PrO\t!dAr'ltl' Raleigh R11p1<1 C•ly Reno R1c.hmond Sall Lllk" Ralnm.1 Snow[!] . ., )' '•" 40 IA ?7 I!~ 12 :t k '} ·~ J7 ,~ ... 91 6• '11) 19 b'> "1'"1 6• ... 1 '>A • I 111 .If li6 ~4 80 76 IC, J2 S an An tnmn $1'alflP StH t1\IA,ttt• I S1pu• r ..-.11, 11 l' ,1, St P .. 1,. t dmPt• SI C.1" "4Ane Sl)OkftnP Syrnr u,,. l flllf•ll.n ''" '"" rut.,,\ Wrt\t11t1tJtt>n N 1t.n1td C AllFOANIA 11 15 Applr v.11t;oy 6• •6 6.ik ... ,,,,, .. , 61l 1\1 AJ,.lllW ~· 4.-_ (iPt)Um ffHI r 1 1 1 O•Q llP&r "' 10 fl•~l>np fl.I 41 Hlyln" I~ W l RIAIHlft A6 6J Fw<'~n ., 1 3-; Fre,.,o Iii 56 't~ 37 '8 JI <,7 ... 59 16 RI\ 16 '•• 10 411 " 6<1 IA •e 1R t anra"ltP' Long Ol'llC.h l os Ange1t11' M onrov10 Mnn1"1>111to M onttHftV Ml W1lctnn N~dl1t" NPtNpotl Btt"Ch 0 ftkl11nd 1S SO 46 ., 74 51 42 29 59 42 IJ I 64 39 29 37 35 48 .. 52 J3 66 48 62 46 66 411 .. ., '" 6C' 50 63 50 70 59 55 •II 44 60 11 64 60 58 3'> 26 56 •9 !10 ~ ...... >--..-~----~R_f _Rl_PO~RT_ nn1a11n PA,A0Cn8 P1110 Rot>1111 Rivt1tt1de Rl'ICI B•ull Reownod C•tv S11cram..,10 Sellno Tides 60 49 69 se 6J 57 66 s~ 10 52 60 ~4 45 37 119 SS 65 !\fl 58 54 111 53 6:? 42 S9 47 S9 53 57 5' SI! !\4 52 48 !\9 49 . .. TOOAY 1 41 pm 10 10 pm ' 4 • I --- Oa llr Piiot P110101 b r Garr Aml>ro .. St·c·o11d ~nulc · ... tuclc•11h from ( :a lifor11ia S<·hool in Or;111g t• ... ii 011 tht• floor of tilt' f )range• 11 ig h "t'hool µ..) 111 \\it h otht•r )OllllJ.{"'lc•r ... t•\at·1wlc·cl a ftt•r to:\i<· funtt·:-. from a du·mit·ul pJa 111 t'CJU!'lt•<l tht· t•\at·11alio11 o f mon· tha11 :~.000 pt•opl«'. Firemen keep eye on spill Hy JOEL C. l>ON 0 1 111• OallJ Pllol llall f111 I 1gh 11•1' 111 Or .rng,. "• r • ,toll .II 1)i1 '>I 1'111' 111 ,1 I 111'11111 .d 11J.111I '11111 t11d,1 y .oltl'I lfot· • J'tll"'tl.tV 111111 lllllg lflt ldl•lll l'illJSl'd tht 1·v;11 u;ot11111 111 11111n· thai1 .1.- 0110 (ll'11pl1· I 10111 .111 .tr 1•,1 r11·dt 1.-.111 ll.1 Av1 11111 .tr1d H,1t.1v1a ' S 111 I I 1"111 · ul 1111,il"o k•·pl ;111 .ill 111gh1 \l~tl o1l 1111 C11,d1·11 <>ti .111d 1·1 ... 1111t-.1I l'11 .1:1·1 W St1wk 1\\1 f1·Jn11g ,, lo 0011 g.1111111 1.<rnk t1111t,11111ng ,1 '>llghtl ) l11Xll t 111 11111 .d 1111gh1 lw,11 u p and "tx•w 111111 I 1•\t• .111d I u 11g 1111 l.t1111g t 1111w" Or;111g1· 1-'111· D1·p.Jrt11w nt < ·.q 11 Hd I S1111 pk 1n' '"'d h t· t''l'''t l1 d l111·l1ghti·r:.. w11uld h t· .ol1lt· 111 turn ol f hoM'" that w1•n· , 1111l111g tlw 1.1nk <ind IN•Yt• th<· 1111111 ... 111.d .ti< 1tl1·11l -.111· 1;111·1 l<1d.1\. 1111 1111 1d1·11l l11·g.111 .tl 8 :10 :i Ill .ti t•·r ''""" w h1 pp~·d wind ~ • k n111 k1·d oul 1111w1·1 l11 lht• pl<rnl. ' ..,l1Li1t111g d 11w11 .1 l'oolt ng !>y!.tcm 1111 ,, 1.111k 111nt,11111ng -.t yn·nl' 1111111•111wr. " I l.1111111.ibll' l h1·m1cal • u !\1•tl Lu 111:1k1· :-.lyruloam pt·lll'ls -: 1'111111 1·111p1.,,:·l'1·:.. n1111r1l·<.l tlw : t 111· dqwnn11·111 ..it 10 am . <Jftt•r I ht·\ II ...il111 d l hl·V l'llUIU n o • l1111gt r u1111111I th~· .,, t u,1 llon A I 1< llll I :1 1111 nut L"> .oft 1· 1 th t· flt«flgtlTT'TS :JITIVC'dirt tht-"'SCt'Tre', ~ ,, "'"1 111 111 th1· tJnk r upturl'd. , o1u'111g ,1 "11.d I fr rt· .u1d the 11 lt'.1" uf ''" 11d111 ou~ doud of • ).! •• , 'l'IH 1 t• 1.i. 1111 p11w1·t hack up ,,,11 111 .11 1lw pla11t 111 pn•Vl'n l ,\If Ii ,I< I 1tlt Ill' l)fl ll°l•d"I "Ii.lid 1111\u ·\t 1 S1111pkm" -..11d lht• e1ty t 11 1 111 •• 1 ... h.il tou;n 111 d1·n·d 'co ... t11 ·11 11l I 1t 1o1 t... 10 111i-tJll a ''"ndby 1111wp1 systt•m 111 t hl· \\ ,,i.,, .,f tlw Tu1·;.d;iy at't·td(·nt Investors' 'tax hush' alleged lh STE\'E TRIPOLI O(lll• Dally Pllol Stall l'ro:..p1·111\·1· ll1\1•-.t o 1 ... 111 ( :olckn E.;Jglt• 111\'t•,11111 111" "1•11 told tlw lirm d1d11 t "·'"' 1h1·11 llllJl1t',\' 1f t•Jrn111g-. \\I 11 g11111g '" 114• ft'JJllrlt•d ltJ !,IX 111f111.d ... , t ht• firm'.., tor1111·r \'H 1· pr 1·...,d1·111 ha" tc'511 f lf'd !\Ir ()ona Id ' ,, 1111r111·\ '° JIJ t I. 11 t111 n g 1 h" 1 1 It• 111 ,. , . .., t 111 • 11 h \\ ' I t I " g I I I fl I • I I '. \\ I 1 I I ' pt""' 1 ul111s d.11111 Mt I >1111.old \\ ,,... l1utld1ng ;i II" .11111d "he 1111 \\hit Ii p.tld 111 ( toil)\ 111\'I -.1111 ... \\1th 11111111 \ 111lh'l t1·d I 111111 l.1t1 r 11111'' J\J, 1>011.1ld 1 ... , h;1rw1t \\ 11h :11 , 11u11l:.. 111 g1 .ind 1h1 I l . ""' 111·r111 • l.1\\ \ 111l.t11011' .111d 1111 <>flit' t.., , , ·"""' B1gg111-. 1111g111.d h 1 11.irgt·d \\1th :1.1 o.,11t11l;i1 1·11t111h h1·r illllt .. 111·1 .... 1·1·1111111\ \\'11 flt·'o:- .tl II I 111 11\g ,dl11\\'1 cl 111 pit .11J lfl\ I -.!l ot ... tJi,1l till\ I IOU Id µ,1~ 11111'1 l'"l .t ... h1gh "" J .1 f>t•ITt'lll • .,., 1 ' 1\\11 \\'1 ... k:. IJl'l .tll'>t they \\ t It l11,1111ng lh1 11\tlfll'\' 1111Jy ll> It 1 g h r 11 I I 1 n g 1r1 11 11 t~ y r t 1t11pul;t111r-. "'ho n1·1·d1·d quick , ·'"h tor 111.tjltl dt•<il:.. 81ggm:.. !'klld At Toru 1 ng 111 H1gg111:., potv n ll;ll tn\'t•'>lnrs ~ils.1 Wl'r1· told tl-uit tht.> I"""" \\ ,.,. .,1-1 ·1111·d "' 4u1t da1m .i, 1 .i, -..g111 d ,,,.,., II • (;otdc•n l-.1.:l1 It\ th1 I" 111·11\1.t·" on land 1111 l1•J1t11\\ 1·r, 11w1wd outright 1111 l.111d .• ill !ti 11 •11111n1t·n·1al or 111d1 .... 11 1.1l pr11pc·tl\ \\,1'> v:ilul'd I David Ix 11 rt•\ H1gg11i-.. "lt11 1, t''JJl'I lt d 111 ht• tho· c h11 I pro:it'lUt1on "'1111t·\" 111 1111 '"" .1ga 1n::.t (;11ld1•n 1-:.1g l1 · l'11•:.1dt 11t H.ilph M <"l>on.ild. told .111 01.111g1 Count\ Sup1·11111 ('111111 Jlll\ Tu1·..,d." t h.1 1 l\l t 1)1111.ild df.'\'l'lllJll'<f 1111' ""''' 1'l l''l'lll.tl11111 which 1111 ludt•d 1111 '.11 t'f ull \ wordPd .1cl11111111l11 111 . .t)111JI 1.1"'" R1gRln'-.... 11d ho · .111d 11lh1·r ( ;uld1 11 1': a g I t· , .ti 1 ., m • 11 u 'l' J 1 h • f>ft'St•11t.1l11111 \\Illa 111 11..,p1·1 ll\'1• d11·nt:-. ,gutll\ 111 -.111gl1 11111 111 -. 11 1 l "II ... I' II ... ' .. II d ..... I t "I u1111·g1-.1t •tf'd ..,t'ltll1t11·' 11 .• 11111111.i,111111 ,,, lhrt;t llllll' ... lht• ' '""11 ~\,du< 111v1 ''"I' \.\t·ro · told · 81gg111' .1b11 ••11t l1111 •d .... c1t111· 111 lhl' :.hort lt 'l 111 h1gh llllt 11 -.1 1nv1·s1m1·nt:-. (,11l d1 n 1-;.q~l1· n fff'rc·d ,111d th<· pr ''"·nt.1111111-. U<;l'd tu m.i k1 t h1 n1 a ppt•.n l1•gi1111tatl' dur111g 111 .. "'<und d .1.\ 11! t1 ·:-olllll«HlV B1gg111,.. lt• ... tlllt'd 111.11 \.\ lt1 II 11 1,11\tt· 111 d1..,1·u,,111g t.1' 111.1111·1' \\1th pol111t1.ol (;11ldt II J·:.1glt 111\1•,1111 ' h•· t11ld 1h1·111 'I 1,11111111 .111tf \\di 11111 11•11\llll11111 t1111 •prn I ~1111111111· 1111111 tlt1• lll\'1.,0.,11111 111:-1. hut I d1111't 111·t·d th1-. 11111111 '' 1li1 .,, Pl •. 111 •111 11 npll• .1111111 I>< 111,i..: 1 li.11 111 \1 ... 11111·111 -. \.\lltlld 1111 1 111 · .1111pt1d 11 t•o1111111g-. "''" I I Jl"I \I'd < 111ld1 11 E.1gl1 -. • .i ..... 111111 1 111 ld 111\1• ... 1111 .... dlq,:1· th.it 1111 l11.11b "I l11 1tt<1W1 ·1,1·\1•f t'l'ol\•d ,111d 1h.11 ;\)1 l)11t1.<l d ''"'fl'' \\j ... 11ol h11i.: 11\'t I 111\t'''"'' 11111111'\ ,di • d 1l ..,\111 I h 1 ,,,,)1 Ill µa~ 1•l h1 •1 111\'t''lt'I ' 111\ ..... , .. 1 ... \\I'll lttld th.ti tilt• , 1111q 1,111\ ... 1 ""h 111 < .1 ... h ou t" J••lh\ "'·" lt11 1111h \\.t\ t11gt·l lllttllt \ 111 1111 hn1t 11\\I t-. tjUILki,;.' """ugh 1111 1h1·t11 l•• u, .. 11. H1J.!~'tr" -..c1d e bes• packaae under •he •1•ee ... The sounds of SANYO AM FM Mini Player tRP55) ... A. ............. .. 29.99 44.99 64.99 Mini Caisette Player (M G 10) .................... . AM FM Cassette Mini Player !MG30) •••••••• FREE GIFT WRAP on most item> prices good l hru S un . Dec 5. 1982 1tm1led to stock o n hand more than you exp ect in a hardware s tore 1=--J CROWM HARDWARE ' ... Or.mgu Lo,1~1 OAll Y PILOTI Wodnesduy, Decembu r 1, 1982 WO~LD Latin <lt·r11<•cracy tres (~(I 1,y l{(~agan H) Th t· A .,.,111·1,11t·tl 1·, ,.,, 1'11·-.1•!1·111 I<• .1g.111 '"""'"'' '',1 )<11111\1 '\ ftll 1111 I Ill" «I dt-tl\Ut_ l.h. Y .UH t f 1P,1t • \\ "' lou1111i.: H1 .1111 t111 1,,, "" ti .. £11-.1 p.111 ul ,11 .. 111 11.111°111 \1.11 l11 L.11111 ,\1111 I " .• T hl' p1 , .... ut. 111 "·" '"'" d 1 .. dt•f1•11d .tlld -.111 llj'l li. II c.lt•n1uu-.11 ' 111 L . .t111 i\1111 111.1 mak1n~ 11111,1· 1•P1 11 h 111 ,, l t>n~l h v "'11ll• 11 11111 ·1' I•''' 1\1 t-: X I (' < > I I' \ P n •-.1d1111 .. 1,., I 1\11,.:111 I d1 l.1 M .11l11d llH 1k I h1• 11.1l Ii "' 111 l .. I toda' .i11d 11111111•111.111 I\ 1., g.111 1'11.1\'llll i..! llt1 o111 -.l 1t 11\ 111 t' .1 'di I I . " I ' I II' I I ' " I " t•h.11.111111/1' "" !-:"'' 1111111•111 ,1, 11 IUIH'"' \\tlh 1\11 ""' w ur-.t 11·l1·-..-.11111 111 11h•I1 1f1.i11 !10 \l'ar-. Dt• l.i M.11111.I , 111,111~:111.11 t' t' I (' IH 11 n II'' \\ 1 I 1 111 111 h -..111pl1·r than I h1 · 1•l.d1 .. 1 "' 11111''> 1>1 11111g111111'. l '11 t• ,, Ill \\ ,,,, l .. 11111 ,\1111 11•·.111 , .. 11111.il1"" .1 .. Ill H.q •ll''·' I· 1g11t·1 tt•d11, 111 I ldt Ill llf I It ,1/1 I, 1-:fl'l'\\'d 1'11 ·••li-111 1<. .. 1g.111 Tw•-.Jay 111)'11 1 .11 1h1 "'''"'''Ill tl1 ."il1.1 I '11 1d1•111 1!1•ogan '"" 111111 B1 .11.t . l 'ul11111lu.J l 011·,t.i 1(11 ,, ,111d ll11ndu1.1:-. I., l11t1• 11 llll lllJI/.: tu \\ .1· .. l1111g1t•11 I> l' S.111Hd.1v 111glll J.,_, l.11p1 I 1'111111111 l11•<.1Us1· \h '"" 1 •ltlh•I .111111.t 111 loot 1111' lh1 l111J lt•I .t J,l\·r...lr ,ti f.t11, 1ldi"• •.• 1d J)1I1 l\1.1d11d .I 11 \l ,11 11Jd • t ll tlllllll"I \\ lt11 ..., I\ ('If .IS '·"I'''' l'111 ltll11 ' l1111lg1 l .111d fll.tltlllltj.! lllllll'll I I , 111,1k1ng de .1-.111 •uh 111 go\• 111n11·nl 111 •11d111~! .111J -.ul1 ... 1d11·-. tlh1l ""' loll"'"""'""' l1111tl , 11.111-.p11 1 t.t111111 .ind 111 h ur <1,.1 11l1.d ).(llOlfo.. o11\d -..•1 \'11 1'' NATO firn1 on missiles Airport battle looming U11111i.:1· l '111111 1) guv1•f11111t•111 l<Htk 1111' f11 -.l 'l\'fl~· '1'11t•:-,d;ty (Cl p 1·t·p .111• (11 1 ,, ""' 11·-. e1f l1·~al ...k1r111 1sh1•s 1·>:rwr11•tl 111 s 11111l l I l.il111' t'1JUrl OVl'r lh1• ""Ul' Clf 11111'>•· .11 John W.1\ 111· J\11 pol l Tt11· l111J1J 11f -.up1·1v .... or' .1pp111v1·d h1nn g .1 p11v;1ll• law lirn1 111 h,1111111· lht· u u!>h o l l'JM'S t'll.J>t'l tt>d lo n•;H'h !>10,111 l'l;111m. l'llUI l Ill th1• lll'Xl llllllllh A pµrox1maL1•ly l liH l'la1111-., t'<.tl'h <tlh•g111g llUl~lll't', J>l'l 'l!lliil inJurv and µropt•1 ty damagt• Js a n ·..,uh o f .11rport Opl'fJl111ns. h.ivt· h 1· 1· 11 f 1 l t· d " 1 t h t o u n t v ~u~14.·1 v1..,11r~ by N1·wµc1r l B1• .. 1l'h .11 1•:1 11·-.1d1·11ls Irving 11h.11 'lw a11 µ.1r1 Sup1·1 v"111 ~ li.1\'•' ~:1 d.1y!> Lo p<1 '{ 1111' d,11111-. (II dt•lly tht•lll, .11 l'l1rd111g to Hol11·rl Nut l111;.in. J -.-.i-.l.111l I Clllllly l'IJU!l ... t•I If th1· 1 !;11111 ... ar ,. d1•n1C.<l hy tlw t'trunlv 1lwv lht•n will bt· h~·ard 1n !>mail , 111im, lour t Eat•h datmant rs -.i't·k1ng $1.!'>00 ln daniagt>s, the maximum al~vablt· 111 a l!m<.1 11 da1111.., , ... .,.. Sup1·1' i-.111' 11g11·c·d to h 1n· pnv.tlt• .oll<>r111·~·-. 111 handlt· tlw 1-.1.._,., ,ti 11·1 h1·1ng .111\·1..,.·d b y t'11t1111' t'111111wl Ad11•111 Ku~1x·r llorizontal foli.a1re 1h.1t tu ... 1111 11 1• "''"nut 1·qu1ppt'tJ ~ D•lly Pltol Photo by LH P•yne BHUSSELS H, lg111111 D1·fp11..,,. SI c 11·1.11 " C-.1-.p.11 W 1·111l'H·rg1 •1 II." 1111t•l11 d ,,,,.11 Sn\'IC't ;.,..,t·c 111111.., !11.11 l\i ·\ n > 1111 ss rlt·' -.v l11 d11l1 .I 1111 dt•plllVllH'lll -Ill'" \i .11 \\ttldd 11\ll'\',l'l' lh<' d.111 1-,• I "I J( l ld1•11t.tJ lllll 11 II \\oil 1''11 1111111 ... 111, 11·.illllllH'd ..,,, ftfl"T"T tTir rtrptovmMi~ ~·{ ' ' ' I 'I I ... I 1111 g .:. ,ti Id ( I ll 1 '>'. 111 I • 'ii I .. , 111 I I \' t' v.: ...... l 1·1 II I· 11 111111 .. 111 1 111111lrr1·-. Ii\' lilt· , t11f ,., t~11u 111t11111111·1 Stt\'ll't -.;-., _'11 "" d1l1111 1.111w nw ... -.tlt·.., I.tit'• l1tf •Ill \\',.,1<111 1-:UIUJ>'' ~· ~\~~~ .. ~"~ u.L.k·~' ........ ~~~~~~;r-tr.rTT"-t-~fn<~~~tTT'""'P"VoC-f"tn-irhlrTYr.:r'fY'l..-."'"1rnTn,,..,rt-~v-h1rrr1n-"""Tn~ir-~~--,-~~~~~~~ v.11 1k th.it hr .., 111.i111·r und11ubt1·dl;. wrll , 11g1·nd1·1 " 011boii<lt· hi~ homt> at in Cosl a Mt·su Tut•i,clay. '1'111· I."'· 111111 rtl 1·:1 k111.111 11, \\'ltilc~ mo~t ln·t·~ ""lift thc·ir lt·ufy a rms to pra y~" thi!-1 one• wound 'ThJ t ':-. Jll'I ,111111111 t • I thO:>I.' lh 111g-. l hi' '" Wt•inbt·rgt-'r 11l-d.11 •ti T111·..,d.1' JU'l bt·fon · <.t North 1\tl.111111 Tn·aty Organ11.ilH•11 lllH l•"'' p I an n 1 n g nw 1 • t 111 ).( \\ 1 1 h l.l W1•st1•rn dPft'1h1· 1111111-.11 ,.., NATION :-; .. , 11 t 111 "" 1111111111 nd.llur' • ,11 111 I 1111-. \\ l't'k ,1'-'ot'l 11-tl Lht.• N 1\ I ( l \\I ·.q~ 111.., would lllclkl' 1 IH d.i11g1 I qf ;11Ttd 1•nt:d II ti l I 1 .. I \\ .1 I' g I' I'" I I y I llltdlll I ii $200 hi lliD.11 dti.f icit seen •• \VASlll N<;'ICJ;\ It, f1•d1 J,d d1•l1t II 111 1111 11 • 111 \'1•.tl I llUld lt•,11 J ,_toll t.dJ1 •II t•h11 I \Vh1l1· I lnu ·• • • II• •1111 I IVl.111111 S Frid'" 111 1 .......... ,11 I 1 n l h 1· H ,. ,, I!.,, 11 o1 d m1n1-.trc1llo11·.., w 11r-.1 l1udg, l f1111 •1'o1°'I \l'I t t•lt ,,..., ii I·• ld,11·111 \\ '111 111.ult 1h1 1 •1111111 111 ... Tw·-.d,I\ 111glrt .il...c1 .... , 111 .11 It • \\llllld ,,. \I ' I I ' ' " I I I h • 11111 ,.,,,J,.\1111111 r.1lt d u1 tu1 I• 11 1"" r 11.l,1'1' ,j,..,....,,, I '"' '"' o1 ti I 111 II ,t"I Man killed 111 food line 1\.11 t\ l\11 ,\ ,, ' \I .; ... I nian w.111111c 111 11111 1°11• 1d1 ..,oup k1td1111 \\ ,, 111 111 11 1 .. dt·a1li whil1· r1•.,1t I\ 11111 !)':'!'"<Ill-. J1 ~1k1·d 11!1 tHdh I 1l<f E,rrl Sr1111lr 11 Ii." 111 1 11 t h.n ~r·cl "111 .1 e<111d d1~111 mu1d11 111 th• ti• ,ttlr ,,f lu11 \ Stoll .1 111.111 1.1.lr11 r 1.01111 I II• !•• • h \\1111.i '"''1'1'1111 1.111111 I lfo • llttf IHtlll1 ... '111• l11 .. t1 t1 p •ll<ltr11·d \l .. t11l.1\ ·" S111t1h .irtd S<nlt 111•11td \\)1111· \.\o11l111g 1111 ,. 111111111' !11111 ..... <'.tll11dll •I 11 ll\ 11 "I" II poll!\' ,,1111 f I• ..,cJ: I\ Ludg<' & t;.iu~1·, wlt1d1 11 • .-. up knt•t•lin~. ...i·r \'(•d ;a, ,,p1·1·1 • .J u1u11~1·l 011 .i \'.irwty 11£ .11rporl rnall1•r' ">llll'l' l~l'ii. "·" J1·-.1gnJlt·d lo h.indli· "h.1t Nuttn1J11 tl r 1111·d Lhl' "h.11 a~nll'nt" d.e1n1.., l'.11 lnc•r!'.> rn tht· bw firm wtll btll tht· l'UU1Hy :S 1:1.1 .111 hour whilt· d '>Mll'1;1lt•cl 11·1·-. w ill ra11g1· I rn111 $:1:) t•1 $1i:1 µf'f hour Th 1· f 1 rm 'll l ( 1•'-. f u I l ~ u1•ft·11cJ1·d lhl' l'OUnl\ Ill lWll ;_111 pm I r .. 1.ilt'<I t'orHlt·mnJtlon l.ow ... u1ls rn "h1C'h no d ,1111.igt•..; "1·11· .iw,1rdt d to t lw pl;rnlliff .., Nlll\m,111p0111t1·d11u1 th.il "'mi· :11 l111 l1t'.V' nia;.· nol .1ppt·..1r 1n -,111.tl I d;111n-. l'llUrl tll\' 1·11u111 v wrll lr1 11p11· ... 1·n1t·d t" ,, .. ;unt~ t 111pl11\ 1 t 111 Jll t•111pl11\1·1· of lht• '·''' £1rn1 Sm.ill < t.11111.., , 111111 d1·t i-.11111' l «ll Ill' .q>p1 .dt•d 111 Or.rng1· Coulll) Sup•·11111 t'11u1 t. \4-ltt·tL' Jllu1ncy:> ..irt: pcrm1111·d t•• JI ~Ul' tht.· l'.;.1::.l-', h1· SUIU Tht· <'la1ms f11l·d liv .c11 por I ,111 ,, 11·-.rclt·nt .., .1r1· .11n11·d .It ti.dt111g Jl'l 111.w r .1l tnn., .1l tlw .1111>1111 r.1th1r th.tn rt·lO\'l't1ng mon1 t,1r\ d.1n1"i-W" ,,,rd I l,1ro ld t\ ndt·r i.1111 a nH mh1 1 11 ( t h1• 1\11 port C11 • .t11111n . wh1t h 1-. 'J.IOll">f 111 ng I h1 • itl'l 1tll I llt• -..11d 11· ... ldC'llh 1,111 11 1111 n1·\1. < 1<1111.-. 1•\'1·1' 11111 d.iv., 1 \'t•n rt 1lw11 11rtg111.il t l.11111.., ;;rt• p.11d Ullltl lht' p1 olrh•111.._ t)11 \ t Ill ,lft' ., .. .,ol\'t·d Psychiatris t E.M. Gherman services held I\ 1 I' 111 •ti I .ti !'> l ' I \' II I ..., .C f t' -.1 l11·tlul• ti, lnd.1~ llt f N t•wpurt I~ ·:11 h 11 •-.rdt"ll .t11d P' yl·hw1rr-.1 t: l\l11r111111•1 (;ht 1 man. who d 11•d So11wdav .it 1h1• ;.1g1· 11f i:{ l; lw1 m.111 w ..... t11und1·1 cir tlw l '1·1111•r 111 ()r g .intzalt o n Elf, 1 l1\1·11" ... i, t111d •t111· 11£ tht• l1111111lt·r-. 111 thi Or a11gt l'ount~ Su, 11 tv ul l'hry~t«il lly pn11..,1:. lil' w.1:.. v11 • 1 1fa1rmnn nf t h r 1\1111 111 .in L11!>ilLu1t· 111 Sllt''-'i ,rnd h;1d " pnv11ll' psyl'h1;1tri1 pra,·t1cr· 111 N1 •\\ pur l &·al'h I It· h.rd livt•d 111 Ne \\port for I ;- '1 .ir-. .inc.I n·cl'nlh .1ulhc>rc•d J IMH•k t1tl1·d "Stn · ... -. tlw B<Htnm L111l· c_;h11111.cn '" ,.,un·l\ .. d b~ two d ,1ug hl1 1-. Su-..111 l ;111t1" Jll'I of S o1,1.1111111l11 .md ~.d1·1 l.111:k of B1~ H1 ·,t1 I .. 1kt· I k . .i ._,, l1.,1v1·-. ..,, \'I ti gr,illdlhlltft'<'ll Tli1 l ,111111, 1•·q u 1·-.1 1·tl l>r. Morrimer Ght..-man 11111111111:11 umt11bu1wn -. lt• bt· 'l'lll 111 tlw A1th1111' f'ound.111o n o f N1•wpo1 l IX•al'h Ruth Kozina of Huntington dead at 80 Fun 1• r .ii ...i· r v t l t·.., " 1 1 1 ht·ld Tut·Mfay for H unt1ngl11n &•al·h r<.·~tdl·nt H uth K o1111a whu d u•d la:.l F n d a,v a t thL• ;,rgc· ot 80 I Sht• It.id IH·1·11 und1·r l.Jt (' .il Fuun1;1111 \'Jilt•\ Com111unll\ Hn!>pl t.d <A I lt•f 'u f It ·r111g 111Jun1 ., 111 .t two 1 .11 .ctt·1dt·1H W1•d111 °"'"' rn H un1111g10 11 &•ach · Poltu· -.;11d -.h1· \\'<JS a p;1..,M·ngi·1 in a t•a1 1stru t·k bv anutlwr vt•htd t• a\ l hl• tllll•rs<'l'l1Zm 'uf B1 uokh urs1 Sll'C't'I .111d lmh::11;1<1µol1-. A\·1·nu1· Ko1111.1 w.1, a m1<....,11111.i1' wt th Jpho\'ah·.., \\'rlnl'Sl> Chunh lu1 man '.'' :(t'.11-, S~w' t·am1· Iii lf\'1• rn llunt1ng1011 Bt·.rlh ''•th htr -. I !'> l l' I , l' ti I <I J d (' CJ I 11 • I . I 11 S1 ·p tt•mh• ·r I !18 I &•rvtt't'" wt•rc· t·ondut·tt'CI at lhl' K ingdom ll ,ill of J<'bovah 's Wttm·.,st''· H untmgton &•at h Act res. f a<·es \i\'ea pon count Huntington nian sentenced 1n • slaying WlllTr; l'l..\J N~ :'... ~ t\tt11 .... ..,./1n111t•1 ll"l.<rll "'" .11 1 rd • n t" 11 ' h. 1 , 1 t .i w11und1·d h11 · .. 1 lt 1.,,1 "''"''' h;i., h!'r-n 1nd11 It ii "11t h1 1 h l1-.IJ;111d Oil t·h,11g1•<, 111 iJJ, 1'..J \\'t'<1pon P"""''"""11 Wt ... 11 h1·..,11 1 ('1o1111t\ 0 t., 1 r11 t i\ 11"1 11 1 \ < ,, 1 J \'1 1g.1rt -..11d l)H t 11\lfil' 11.111.f JUf\' 1111!11 lt·d llH 1< II<''' l"l STATE I I 1111111,,) I "'\o."''ltlfl .. 1 •• \\ l '.tjHIJ) ,j 1111"1t 11 • .111"1 II• 1 hu-.l1.111d f11)111 l.1.J1•f 1 t \\ ,,.._ I h.1q~1 d \111'1 1h11d d1·g11·1· "'"'('""11111 ,, It 11111\ ( > :'IJ, ill l.111·.., " 111;"1111un1 1 Ill• 1111 ' 11f 111)1 ' \t•Hr ii " 11 \ I I I •• d L t' d I I .. I .1 111,1 \lltllllll 11l "'\I II \1 .11-. New film tudio plan11ed NEW Y<ll<" 'l'ht•• •·I tht• 11.1111111· ... l.11 ~·· ,, ""." l'Ollgl1J1Jll'I .. ,, .... h.t\'1 .. 1g 11 . 'I I• f11rm .1 111.1J1>1 tlw.111 .. .,,i 1tl111 s t11d 111 b.1s1•d 111 I Iii' l.11. Ang1 It•' .1n ,, .11c111 d111g 1 .. "" ,lfllllHJlll l'llll Ill 111.od1 he 11 t H r r 1 , • r1.... " 1 t , ,i t1 111 ti 1 • P11tun·-. lnflu,1111·' 1111 ('H'.-> I 111 "1111 1'11111 I 11 1 <,,11 d I 11 • ... l.1' I It I \ \\ 111 r 01 rn a t11•\\ IPttlll\ 11\\ flC'd l'OlllJi.tnV 111 , 11g.ig1· 111 pr11•hwl 11111 .incl ti,..,,, rl111t11111 111 1l11·.ll11<'<tl I ff II ti " II 111 I I II I t ... T h I , 1111p.1111• .. pl 111 .c n1.1J<>r 1C1lt• 1111 1h111 111" -.lud111 1n It,,' 1-.i1111 "'"' t .chlt• TV 111t111 ... 11 ,, ... t\ !_I \C'.11 nld ll tttlll llgl•lll f~ .Ith Ill.Ill 1,., l.11 Ill).( .1 -.t.111 pt ""II ti' rm ot I i '" ·.i r' 111 I tic I 111111\\ 111g ""' 11111\'I( ltflll 1111.I"''111ld dq~t l'I nr111 tl1·r 1'11,11 g 1· lty ,111 < )r:ing1 County Sup<·n111 l'our I Jlll"V t:11•1(tll'\ \V:1y111• 1'.'1glH'll'd 11 of l'111 n\\ .tll I lrl\'(' will ht ..,t•1111·1111·d l>1·t 2:1 11\ .Judi.:• l\1'1 1111 S A r 11 " n H r o 1.1. 11 " r d 1 r t d F 1gu1 11·do h1 Id "1th11111 h.111 .ti tt·1 111-. \ l)fl\'ll'llOll 1\ """<·11-m.in. fl\,.-w11111.111 Jury "' "1 v u·t1 ·d F1gu1•n ·do • .r1i 1 .ihou I 1•1J.!hl hCtur-. of d1•lrlwra1inn 111 th1• .lt1lv !I 'holgun ..;l.r v 1111! nf H11b1 •11 Lt't· Sampi.on. :!:1 Thr• o;hoot111g 111111111·d .1lt1·1 tlw l\\<1 a pp.11 l'11 th h.111.11 gut'<f <tt a part;. th1 pr 1 \'111u-. night fX-p 1:1v Publ11· lx•l1 •nd1·r ll<·rnard N11 V<'llllic•1 . wh11 11 ·p11·..,.·nl<•d F1~ut'r1 ·do h:1d .irgw·d lb.ti tlw -.h11ot1nlo( ""'" th1• u111nl1·11l11111al n • ... ult 11( .1 -.tr uggll· h1 twr·.-11 th1• t\1.'11 mr·n N 11v1·111h1·r lold Jilt 11r.., I h .ll F1gt11 11•d11, .ing1' .11 S.•m1>..,nn hN illlM' tlll' Vlt'lllll h.id ...c·oldNI h11n "lwn h1· -.lqf1lll·d .1 w11n1:1n al .I p .1 r l y. wt· n I I II t hf' l'nnd11m1n 1um S.1mp~11n was We're Listening. Wh.it <lo ~ou lr kl' a bout the Daily Pilot., Whal don·l you hkf'? •• Call tht' n umber at lt'ft a nd your message will l>t' rC<'Orded. 1ranscnbt'Cl and dt•lrvcrt'd to the appropnale editor. 642·6086 T he '>amt-24 hour answenng service may be used to record let l1·r-. Lo the editor on any topic Mailbox contributors must 1nr lude tht•rr nam<· and tel<·phon<' number for verrf1cat1on No c1rculat1on r·a 11 .... pll·~t..,t' Tl'lt 11-. wha t'-. 1111 ynur mtnd UOt\dlty r,.chty 11 vou o~· l'\Ot ~••• your P•P•' by 6 30 p'" , •• "-'"'' 'p"" ancJ your cooy •Ht n• _.,, 8e .... 0t1 -~y II you Oo not ,~.,. 1t>uf (q)JOy 1 1 "' CAll t>e'OOt •O •"' ono Y'I"' cooy _. bt-ecl ORANGE COAST Daily Pilai Thomae P. Holey l'..4MotJ1a. OA41 Ch\AI r .. .,.ve_. QH., .. Jone Amari f,,. 11••" fu.1w L. Kay S<hult1 Vire Pf•t•t1•nt orit1 01utc-tu~ l.)f A<fw•fl1•1ng Raymond Moel.on Con•,l'lf•' M ichael P'. Harv•y D"t<tOI nl Mrnltl•tlO !(1,Cu\o11nnt ~-..... -.-.-.-... ~··---..... Cl•Hlfled edYertl1tng 7141&42-SUI All other depertment1 642,.321 MAIN OFFICE ::::.;:.~~ 1~o~~,!:.'t~ ~~ .. cl. .,.,. C09yrlt lll '"' Or~ Coe&I Plll>!l\111~ c...._v "o "••••tori.• 11111ttret'°"'· •Ott0<1e1 melt•• 0< eo-"•r•IN""4if'h ,_, •• " "'tY be rtpfodUCed wUf'touit -'•' MrmluiOftOI <eow•i.lll-ner VOL. 75, !10. 335 ------- ,, lllllJ.! 1.111\lllg ·' ... 1111tg1111 lllll d11 1d1'<f 111 lllUld 11111 J.!11 lh1ough \\ 1llr .i pl.m lo ..,ht111t S.rmp...,.111 No\t•111lx•r "11d Sarnp-.on wh11 ""' -.lt·1·µ1ng "ht·n F1gt11·11·d11 1·111 .. 11·cl tht· Clare11111111 l .. 1111· h111n1· .iw;i k1·n1·d l ci "''<' F1gu1r1·do -.tandrng 11\'1 r h1111 \\1th ,1 'h 11lgun and g1:1hlwcJ lhl' J.! U II \\ Ji fl h \\' (• n I 11 f I I 11 I h I ' n-.u111~ -.u u~gl<· Gem Talk ByJC HUMPHRIES Cnt1(1ed Gemolos 11t. AGS MEN ANO JEW~Y i.,:11 111µ•·tl11·t 1 .. ,. t l111~1111a· , (;Ill' 111 .r•w1·h v 1111 \\111111·n .m· " "II II I .1 !.. t r .• d t l I It n .1 I .i I l 'hri<,1n1,1~11nu· · ..... n11,t l1•trn• ,,ntf t1 u111.tk1 Bur clul vnu kn(lw th.ti 1111•11 .111' no" "''••r•n~ Jl•wdrv 111 murt· w.1v~ 1h;11i a t .in\ t1m1· 1n lu~tury? lt'S' tr UI' It 1~ ,, tr.·nd 1hat li11s h1•t•11 d1•v.-l11p111i.i for m.1n ) Vl't1n., "' m1•11 havt• l11•j(llll .in f1't•I m11n· frt·t• .1h1•UI \\ h .11 tht'V mHV wt•ar Today's mod1•t 11 1111111· fa:1 h11111s )(11 1·xtrt'm;·lv w1•ll "1th J1•w1•ln Wh,11 .11•· ih1· nw11 '"•,11111)('' I )1.11nond rtlll(!> h,l\ t' .ii\\,, y, hN·n . p11p11l11r and rt•nruin ~" hut men ,,1..,, hk•· rings w11h 111!01 t'll ... 111nN- (;old nc'( k tham-" ,111' 1111p11l.11 llM•, ,t., ,1 r I' I{ u J d I D h 1 .1 1 1· I ,. I ' • d 1111l1oncl 11nd-stlv••r 111• 1,1\'k~. und j(nlrl or silv1•r ~mnkml( 111~·1·-.. ... ortt'l> II th1· man 111 your l dt• h.1 ~11 ·1 rxpn-~iwct 11 "''~ Im ,. .i•rt -o f - r.•wc•h v. drnp him .1 h111t You may 1t• 11urprr...._.o 111 how 11u11 klv ht· \\ 111 Jltntp At 1h1• l'l1111" ,. 111 havc• •• lllt't' l'll't'l' or j('Wt•lc y rm l'hn .. tmns' A111I VPl~ rn.iy he• ).llrpc 1st'tl. 11111. 111 how rn~y 11 ''to ltuv 111111 ~lit h 11 g1h Orll' lhtnt(ll f(tl toUI'.. lo\J('h ~ 1(1(1 WllJ UQ U~t•li nntl I 1•1111•111 l>l'rt•cl (111' m nny ('hr1111maSt•:-. tu l'til1H' Thi u1nfrnntJt111n ht'l\\1•1•11 Lh1· t\\111 ulm111.1lt·d ,1 pt·r111d of -.tn·"'-" 1111 Frguc•n ·d u IH'<'<IUl' hl• \\a-. u111 01pl11\'1·rl a nti about 111 bC' t •\'I< 11•d f rorn his ap:1rtnll'n t , N11\·1·111 lll'r said Ht· said h rs t l1l•111 ·-. 1•nlf•ll11n :> Wl'f P r u n n111g ht,l!h tlw nigh t of thl• s hooting h1·1·.1lr..1· h P also h;,rd b t•t•n dnnkrng .111d hacf bt.'l•n .1..._-...1ulll'<l I" tv.11 l t•m.tle~ at lh (• par tv Dq,iu t' 1>1,.,trtl'l A ttonwy H1l·k Tnoht•\' "ht• held sought J £1rst- d1·gn •1• murdl'r eonv1t·tmn 1n thl' t'i1o;1>, n •portt·tll~· wa-. -.alt!>f11•d W I l h t h I' JU r y • S tJ l' l' I h I 11 fl Nm·1·111l>t•r s<1td ht· h11ci hop1•d t11r .in 1nv11lu11tary rno11s l.iught1·r l't>nVtt·tton Jurors. how1•\'l r. found ho lh m~1ltt'l' and <1n 111lt nt to kill 111 F1gu,•n •do'-. .11 11011-.. lhl';.' S~lld Bank r Give her gold and diamonds, by Omega. Give her e11her one of th11se be11u11ful e•press1ons of the 1eweler s ar1 Mascertul crea11ons ol 14K gold D1amoncls selected for color. cut. and b11ltience And the p1ec1se accur acv ol quert1 sl1e can sel and forger •~ mndv even more convenient w11h Omegas abtllty 10 101 h{'r change the hour wnnout I051ng 11 ~nd 141<. gold 26 diamonds 1 diamond dial, 53300 141( gold 38 diamonds $2800 MEMBER AMERICAN GEM SOCIETY 1809 ,_,EWPOAT BLVD:. COSTA MESA SINCE 19't8 e11cerC1-Maa1er Cn•rve PHONE ~8·340 -Museum Of Art sets open house Th t> La-g u n a Bt•ach Museum of Ari will host its fifth annual 111x·n housl' and par~y Thursday from 4 to 8 p.m. at tht• mu~·um, 307 Chff Drive 'lihe party wall inl'ludt• wane, (•het·ses. Cru1L, lTUt:kers a nd brea~dona tl'd b y Gelson's of Nt•wport &•ach. In addition. a drawing is schc•dull'd for a Christmas •A publil· forum on slrokt• as st·ht•duled Dec 9 1n Huntington &•<11.:h. Sponsorl'd by Pat a f1t·a Community llospital. the program will bt• held from 7 -9 p.m . :.it tht• Carnwn Yuppa •Tralog Inc of lrv11w has I ree, .int.I st"Vt•r al art wm·k:. wall lx• on till' auction blot'k, w11h pl'tlt'l•t•cls gum~ to th1• mu s t•um 's perma n e nt l'Ollt'l:ll!lll 0 n F' r 1 cl u y . m u s l' u m . Jffil1.1tt•s wall h o ld 1.h t·11· Chn:.t111.1s ll'a from 1.:w to :i::~o pm F' o r ~' f o r 111 a t i u 11 • c a I I ... 94 li!'ilt. • Conf1·n·1H't' Cc•nlt·r. 1881Y. !Jt.luwart• St ' Dr Wdltam P . Bracciodic ta will lead tht· fn•t• forum wh11·h w11l 1nclud1• film:.. a l1•c·tun· .ind opt•n d1s1:u:-.s11m , cs ta bl ishC'd a n C'n dow men t fund for an a nnual sc h orarsh1p for' an o uts tanding UC lr v anl' , graduatt• studC'nt 111 romputi·r t·ompull'r hn1· pnnll•r farm Thl' ft•llowsh1p was uffll'tally • d o n a t t• d d u r 1 n g rt• l ' t' n t l'l'rC'nlOl\l(>S ;i l UCL Fun ~f ter the flooding . i The Joseph J . Fische r ' M e mu r 1 a I Ft• 11 u w s h 1 p is named for tht• founder o f tht· A ~t·ll'l'l ton l'OOl llll l lt'l'. · ,. · ·her waft· of tht• foundt·r. wal l l'h()(1~· .1 sehola rsh 1 p n ·t·1p11.ln1 C'<ll'h ~'1'(11' A HONEY IMltEIJNAM GIFT CERTIFICATE IS A GIFT IN GOOD TASTE. Our gift certificates are a perfect way to say thank you or congratulations. They are an eas.y & convenient way to do · your Christmas shopping e!!rly. Give a gift that is appreciated by the entire family. Our gift certificates are available and redeemable at any location. WE SHIP COAST TO COAST, USA+ ALASKA & HAWAII CORONA Dfl MAR -31001 Coo••"'or•ov• 114 olJ 0000 ANAHfM-Tne VfiOQe C<W8' • 1771.,,:; 8•oo.tv'1 ••Ila Qooa • (114 1 63~ 2401 fl rOR0--10.e«>'Ot0"'°''"•14i>OIOov".V.OWOt ••£ 'o•;'>ooo• 1 4 ~31 1817 . 1*J1ITW(} rON 8£ ACH -!OQO'l 8&<>< n 8 •O A· v<l'' 4Hl "41•110 ~~·>•(114)646 8!>1!> ORAN<Jf -'14)iQN lvu.n (~c,ouh0f'Ti'ovo~ao11~ange •l114 001 QI.MO RANCHOMIRAOf-11 l>J.I"•• • QON:"o0"10 09Po10 • '"' ~ 340~ RIV£R!JID£-~110-••.ng•Qn••e <.,,...,..,..,,.,,.~, '"""' •<'14 ~ -• Al.SO "" L.A "•ao• LA<1wooo w1s1 cov ...... NOCI'" HC>u•wooo wurL••I vu•Gl P•S,.DIN• S.ANI• "'°""'" WOOOt.ANO"'llS NOIH..o()G( SAN JOSf ~V\IALI PA10Al 10 ANO SANOl£CO ON!: l&Sff 1$ ~llll U•fS• COOV'>Cl",.'Ot'-beo_.. roe FOUNTAIN YALl;EY-• 8-ANTA-ANA-• GARD!N GROVE TORRANCE • CERRITOS • LAKEWOOD • ANAHEIM ----.. -----... ..... 't.. While othe r c•oastal reside nts moppe d rain-soake d houses or· . of break hetwet·n tht• storms at 4:30 p .m . Tuesday as the 'sun made a brief a pp~a ranct.·. Art E41i,.e1t: fl Air Brushes 0 Art Boxes 0 Bulletin Boards n Chairs 0 Compasses 0 Drafting Lamps 0 Drafting Sets 0 Drafting Tables 0 Drawing Boards 0 Eraeer• 0 French Curve• 0 Glue 0 Magnifying Gl~uee 0 Opaque Projector 0 Paper Cutter• 0 Parallel Tilt Board• 0 Pencil Sharpener• 0 Portfolio• 0 Presentation BOok• 0 Printing Brayer• 0 Reducing Gla•ses 0 Roto Tray 0 Hulen · 0 SclHOH 0 Silk Screen Printing Kits ':: Sketch Boxes [] Stapler• ~Stools n Triangles IJ T ·Squares 0 Vinyl Letters. Ws: 0 Fine art 8 How to Books Fi• Arts: 0 Clay ;::: Colored Pencil• 0 Craft Paints 0 Crow QuUI Pens and Polnta 0 Dl•po.able Palette• 0 Drawing Pencil• (•oft to hard) 0 EaMI• 0 Muontte Sketch Board• 4'1• ! -a• SWia: ...:1• RA?F3 "' I 0 Medium• 0 Modeling Tool• :J Oil Paint• ::i Palette cu.,. . 0 Palette Knlvel / Paper Stomps 0 Sand.Pai>er Pade 0 Specialty Paper• 0 Stretched CapvH 0 Watercolor• 0 Acetate -:::::::::1 0 Bumi•hen j 0 Chlmt Marker• 0 Colored Inks 0 Collage 0 Gia• and S.ck 0 Metal Section 0 Ornate 0 Dr. Martin's Dyes 0 Dusting Bru•hn 0 Gouache 0 lllustratlon Board• 0 India Ink• 0 Layout Pade 0 Lead• o Lead Holders 0 Lead Pointers 0 -Markere 0 Nlbs- 0 Proportional Wheel• 0 Rubber Cement 0 Speedball Holden CJ Spray Adhesive 0 Tapes 0 Templates 0 Tracing Papa 0 'lranefer Type 0 Technical Pen• 0 X·acto Knlvee 0 Palntinge 0 Photo Euel Back /fj .. 111111!~!1 0 P09ten 0 Prtnta 0 Wood Section ------~ r7-:'.:~;;;:;;:;:;~~;:;::::;:;;:;:;::;:~~~\ . I Buy one frem• at the ragulal' price, get • t acond freme• thet CCHltt the Mme or len • "' . 2K Off · Art Sappllea f"."'"'flilft• t~ '~ "' l•mO '"°"'"'°"p·, •ti•htt!' ~00000000000000000000~\~·' I I I I · 1 l~k• aonla of-• Coan ...... oa tlM coner of Brt.tol .... .... ntrom -acroee fro• 8eet ........ : lfen-.Oan an I ,--~ .. llo•••v t•n Frl~y ••• 11·6 •tarday ••• ..... , • • • • • ' .. I Ornngo Co t OAIL Y Pll OT /Wedruisdny, Docembor By PAT HOROWITZ Of the o.u, Piiot •••If • ' lnf~n f • carr.1ers may h e danger 'ous <.:u. 'r'IH' l"arrwr:. sold at n fll'll't' rungl' o f approxi(lmlllly $18 to :s:m. I DEAR RF;ADERS: It\ c:oop..•ratllln w ith t h e l! . S . C o n s u m t• r P ru d u l' t S u ( c t y ---. Com mission . Gerico In <.'. of Ul'RYl•r, is t·on d ucting a volu ntary r<.•pui r pl'Ogram affcc:ting approx1m atl'ly 231:1,000 "Gerry Car r1l'r'• a n d ··~k -A-Pouse" baby bac;"' earners. To idt•ni1fy· thl· pl'odu<.·t, t·11n>'u 11wrM should l0<.•t1t<.·~c plastic bract• at till' bottom of lhl' l'llfril•r. T clat<.' l'Odt• of lWO, lhr<.'t• or f~>ur J 1g1ts 1i. impn 1l<.'<.I O'l__lh<• low<•r right ms1dc portion of the brace (whcl) fucing th<• nirrit•r straps). Th<.' first numlx•r 1s the ta!.t d1gll of lhl' yl'ar the product was madt'. At aJly rall', I have seve ral small tahlC\ radios m adl' In the 1940s a nd early J9S011. T hey a re In m l"1 condition, except the)''ve stoppe d working. I've tried buying lubes for them , but haven't bee n suece ssful . I am looking fo r som eone who specializes In the r epair of old rudlos, who ml&ht be a ble to help me 011t. l 'have Packa rd-Be ll, Ca pe ha rt De luxe 6 , Mon tgomer y Wa rd Airline a n d. G e ne ral E lec tric c·lock nrdlo models. .· The earners were manufactured ~tween March, 1979, and F ebrua ry, 1981. and a re being repaired because of a pote ntia l infant finger entrapment in the h inge mecha nism on the movable stand which support.8 the carrier when it is placed on a surface. T he potentia l for entrapme nt oc-curs if the carrier 's stand bar is open<.-'d while the child is in the carr ier op the adult's back and th,e ch ild's fi ngers are out o f view. Twenty-three incidents o f fin~er entrc~j)ment resu lting in nine injuries have been re ported. The earn er was sold und<.•r lhe "Gerry" bran~ na me by independ.rnt and ch ain retailers n ationwide, as well as in U.S. Army and Air Force Exchanges. Retailers included K-Mart, Best Pr<>9ucts, Woolworlh, Wooko, Toys "R" Us and Montgome ry Wa rd. The carr ier also· w as sold na tion wide under lhe label "Pak-A-PooSe" bv Sears. Rocbu<.·k and .I . -· The following number or numbl'rs on the top and bottom lines lnd1catl' what duy of tht' year the Item w as manufnctur<.'<i. P roducts covcrc.'CI by the program fall bl'twc.>en 9/64 (the. 64th day oC 19.79) and 1/60 (the sixtieth day of 198 t ). Al l carriers with·datc codci; be-ginning w ith the· digit 0 are affoc·wd sin<.'<' they were made in 1980. Gcl'lt'O will provide a frC<.• kit to own~rs of these; c.·arriers which mntams •·safl'ly sh1l'lds" to bC Ci tted over the two hmg<• ar<.•as T.hc shields can bl'-reqw_>sl<.'d by phoning Ct•ric•o wl'l'kdays <it (800) 525-2472, or by writing tu Gerico Inc .. P .O . Box 33755. D<>nvcr, Colo. 80233, Phone CPSC's toll-frt'<' Hothnl' a l (l'.00) &38-CP.SC for more infon;nation. Ca n ra dioS'be saved ?. DEAR· PAT: I am a coll~dor of sorts - perhaps a. be tte r wor~ would be "pack rat." ~ . I \ r I ~.C.L., Corona del Mar A YS utso ch<.-cked all ov<.•r trying lO find j tu bes for your vintage radios, but strul·k twl. If an y•of our r<'ndt•rs know wht•rl' you <·an g<'l youl' radiui..rcpalrl'd, you'll b<.: t.•onllwl<'d . One radio n.>pair firm con tact<.>d said t•vcn if tubt•s could Ix• localt'cl, thl• s<.•rvl('l' (·hargl'S involvt•d 1n r<'pt11r1ng old ratl1oi. would bt• almos t pruh1b1l1Vl' • Gor '-' probltm1? 1'h1•n wriw w • 1 P<11 Horowitz. Pat wlll c·u( r('(/ WfX'. • g<'ltmg th<' answers ;:me/ action you ne<'rl to sol·Vt' i n l'quili<'s in government and business.,fV!a1J your qut'stions to Pat H orow11i, At Your ServJC'l'. Orange . Coast Doily Pilot. f'.O. &x 1560, Cosw Mc'sa, I CA. 92626. . Gottex Cruise 1983· You·,e sure to start asnipbbarj romance when you make your appearance m this' Beautifully on ·target for sailing the long. flowing- nylon pant. S·M. $155. Two piece b1kin1 in nylon/spandex. 6·14. $50 Also available nylon/spandex bandeau. 8· 14 $64 . All 1n black/white From our Gottex collection you·11 see informally modeled MEET MIRIAM RUZOW, PREStOENT OF GOTTEX. She'll commentate our • Cruise 1983 min1 ·fashion show Friday, Decemb.er 3 in.Newport at 12 noon witr Informal modeling until 3 pm. Ms Ruzow will also assist you personally w1tl LYQUJ s_w1mwear selectfons in JWR Poolside. 23. To order. call toll free 1-800·345·8501 ----......_........ ¥A4 --------~ I I / I \ \ . l . . Seminar set . .. • on marriage You 1 .. 111 h-,1r11 ft11Y. to hutld .11111 ,u..,1:11n J ·t>1•.1util11I , 111v11;g ~~10\.1. 111g. a11d lun 111.1111.1~1· cJu1 Hl~ ;1 """ d:l'l"'·t·m111.1rr.1t < )r.mgt> 'm1'l ( '11ll1·g1• th•!> foll, T1d1·d ··t111 Mai 1t·;d l'sydwlugy," th1(. w111 K'>h11p 1;, M lll'dult-d 101 S<1lU1 day. I .>ti I I, from ~I ,1 m 111 ·I p 111 111 ()(.'(":-l-'1ny A1 T, 1 lall t 1 ~}' l\d1111i.,1•11I 1;, $1111111 '>11 11-(li •i. ;ind $1 !> Jl('l;n>UIJh' Tht· wo1k,h11p du ('C.'lllr I!. Roh111 r. t'l'lllilll, •{ Ill l''h'«I ni:111101g1 " family and l hald l'tlllll">c·lo1 Shl ~p<."CJJJJL.i:~ "l p1 l' 111,111t:1I and 111111 llal t•uu11st•hng clivoit·1 11-.1dJU,l11w11l, .111d wt•1ghl l'OUll'>t·hng l Wu1 k!.h~11 ll'l0 lu1 t' top1t·i. will i nt lud1· "l'•\1li01u111l.1l1u11." · Tru;..t 111 M.11 ri.1g1•,' '"l'r:icJ1t1111i.1I Holt M11d1 ·h,,'' "Sl'x m M ui 1 u1g<'.' ··E,.otnlllu'g p ,.1..,.111.11. lk·hl·b," ··Kl't'Jllll.1-( Humoqu~ Al.1v1',' "l\gg11·;....,1on;.. and Q.uurrcls •1 "l'on11)1111111·1~.1," "Chaldn·n ·•!1d Mrn nogt"" .',',GoalJ 1n M;u1rn~1" .111d "Hc·hgmn, Do<.•i. 1l Malter~ ·1 T1 kt'ls :l'TT"llll l>iil(• rn· tlw OCC Ti1:k<·l OrfJCtJ lcx·att'd 1n tlw t'olh·gl•'s Adm!n1s.i.ni tion. Building Tlw ol f1 'l ' 1., opt•n Mw1cby through 1' ruJuy from LJ 111 tv h~1 m, and Sat'llrd:1ys from IJ am tcJ n~n, T1d~~\.., n ·1y Ix· pun hast:d liy pho1w, u ;..ing Visa 01 Ma!.tt•rt·;.11 . by t·allmg .15li 55:!7. T1l·kt•l'\ will tilso be.• M.>ld at lhl' dou1 For inlu1 m;1lllm ubout Lht• work->hop, pl'\ono 5;,h 51ill0 l March ·of dpDlmes SAVES BABIES PLEASE HELP 1 FIGHT I BIRTH DEFECTS J .. . r· ,. - Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Wednuadoy, Decomb r I , 1902 Uy Al.MON l.O<'K.AIU.:V Dell~ ftlk>I loallftf Wlll1r tlll'111 U.1l1111111n ·;-< t.1111 y Baltimore Pride 'l'h1· 1'1 1111 ul J\,d 11111111 t'. .1 1111 lonl ,..i11101H '" Ill II• 111 lllM 1111' 1'.111.111111 ('.111.11 1111 llll' I 11 ... h··· 111 11 IH1>t111 h' v 1 ... 11 to t lw W1 ''l 'o.1Nl, 11w lud11114 11 f1v1• cl11y Ntup 111 I 1 wll llulu1nu1t· Ol·i :J 1 Lu lx•MUI h1•1 HO•xlwall voyaw· to 1tw W1·i.t Cow.a .a1111tl u ~· t·11l I u11lu1 •·• ol mu-.. u', t'.lllll1111s, u par 11111 o f '1111 111111 llll' l(lltKI Wl'<ht•t> 1111d C'lll'l'l 1' h y 111111'4' lhHll f1,00IJ Buhh11or•11 l'llli'l'llh "Our gu·1·t111s.:i. will ht• 1.11111•d to iht· l.lw11d11>tls ol thuu<;;mtl., of fJtlfJf>li· 1111 tlw Wt ''' CoJ't who w 1I s1·1· uur 1>h1p and lw tCJlcl ul">ut our t·lly," ~khrll'lt•r toltl th•· <'rt•w . LI> mukt• lhc· 1r111 lll lht· Wc•H\ (.'1111.,1 'l'tu· 17,000 nul1.• rtJund trip VOVUf(t' IS (•)(fX't:h·d l<J lak<· the• vc 'S'>I ·I 11111' ye •at In Nc•wport l~·uch th1• P11dc· w ill bt• u1x·n 10 tlw puhlk· for frc•c• lllUI !'. ' beading for Coast Nt•Wj)tll I 1'4 •;11 h • 'J'l11.-P11111• '' M h1•duh'<I lo .1111v1· In N1·wpurl Bt•a1 h F1•h i :t nl HJf stops ut Punt11n·1111', l'o:-.tfl ltJ~o; l\t•up11h'11, M 111111 Ian a11d S.m l>w~o M:.iyuJ Wdl.1JJlll Don:il th. SdHwf 1·~ ri1ld tht· t•1 uwd gullw1 l'd ror· tht· dl•p:ir'tu1·1· ct•1•1•mo1111.•s tjmt Pnd1• 11110 h1·r cn •w w1·n · f1.1lfilli11g u u111qu1.• m1 .... -,11111 to call nl port' of lht.> world :inc.! L<'IJ Thl• !>UI ling .11111ia,-.:id1Jr wll I Ktop m 16 pot L'i frum K111gi.11111 , J1111w 1t·11 to V11nc•ouvt·1" B1111:-.h C'o I w n Iii:!:..-<:'.' Chlwr ruhforuw\ port!> to IH· v 1s1 LC•{• by Lht· lk ho6 nc·r ur<• Los Angt•lt•i.. M u l'l11;., dt·I H c•y, MuuU!rcy.\.8t111 ..ErJirH'l!i('o, Oi1kla11d, S<Ju!'.<1f1lo :ind l'~urdu1 .. .. -i Th fo p ... 'I !-.t h u11111•1 hl'l :.tul . • It 1-i hd11:v•'tl lo Iii· lht-uni~ &1h1mrn t· <.:lippc•1· i.dworw1 1.•vc·1 . . 1 Take advantage of the.savings storewidel Selection may vary by st Save 25%: Suiped lt9t&rds from Stevi Brooks. In en assortment of colors, styles, sizes. Orig. 32.00 to 38.00, 23.M to27.M. In Bodyweer, 223. Save 33%: Junior Tomboy crew· neck tweatera. Acrylic, S-M·L. Orig. 18.00, 11.M . In Juniors, 228. r- Save 26%: John Weitz. tartan flannel pajamas. 100% cotton. In sizes S·~·L·XL. Many colors. Orig. 20.00, 14.M . In Men'• Furnishing•~ 164. Save 33%: Cbaus ruffled blouse in polyester crepe-de chine. Sizes 6to16. Orig. 45.00, 21.•. In Sports~ear BO's. 78. ______ , •. Save 33%: Femoos designef fleec. rof>es in trilcetate/ nylon. Chooee from en 111ortment of colors. orig. eo.oo. •.M . And them In Robes, 61.. Save 25%: Robert Brvce Orton® .crylic V-neck sweeter. Choose from en 1aortment of nch colon. M·l ·XL. Orig. 31.00, 22.M. In Men't 171 . Seve 2!>-33%: Kennington boya' -ters. Argyles, cable l!nits, tennis sweaters and more. Slzn 8-20. Orig.2t>.OO to 26.00, 11.M . In BoVt', 240. *Save 1 /3: Le Roy c.rdigan 1we1ter in Nnd, white, grey, powder blue or rOM with raglan steevet. 2 pocket.. ~-M·L·XL~ Reg. 38.00, ZI .• SpotUweer al'1, 40. (• Save 44 % : Men's woven shins in cotton madras plaid or cotton/polyester plncord. Bvtton or regul~~lr. OrigiS.00, l .M. In Men's, 50/212. ·. *Save 2Ei%: Jordache 6-oooket cotton Save 20%: All small leether goods from Rolfs, Buxton. denim jet1n1 for girl's saes 7-14. Ong. 30-00. Baronet, Princess Gardner, Scilildkraut, more. Reg. 21.M. In INnt Coast Kids, 44. 6.00 to 28.00, 4.IO to 22.Ml. In Smell Leethers, 142. Seve26%: S-.Ctedjvnlot lzod® --. with lfligetor emblems.·Orig. 24.00-28.00 MM to 11.M . Juniors, 46. Save 40'lt;.Jlomance her with oltr most popvlar MaMlenform Chantilly® lace teddy. Orig. 24.00, 1J .•. Found In Lingerie, 63. . ,. ' • ~ Save 50%: 7·pl9Ce Edlnl;>urgh pattern en•met cookMt to r-erd your favorite chef. Open •tock value 140.00, •·•· Spec:iahy Cookware, 281 . Save 33%: Pntel 1we1t thi" ..,,.. ... of cotton/ polyester/rayon. In jvnior liz• S·~·L. Orig. 24.00 to 30.00. 11.• to •M. In Juniors, 24e. *~26%: AoenN eyelet dr881e9'2-4T, Seve33%; S1turd1y'1 V-neck ..:rvfi<; IWMterVMt. 4·tx, Reg. 28.00 ..... 7· 14, orig. 28.00, Auortect colors In sizes S·M·L·XL. R~. 15.00, .... In Weet CoHt Kids, 47 /90/IMI. • ... Young Men'• Sweaters, 6. • Sev. llO": 20-pc. M.._ l'otter'1 Art dinnerw.re. Chooee "°"' 3 petWN. -AT . 100.00, .... In Oflw•w.e, «JI. Seve 11U.00: RCA 11" colofpoNl*T.V. S.WI0.00: A ... 281Xhldlell"'9. ..,,. 33": Oriemel ~.,... rut•· Alctl colof9, peneme. 0 . 171.00 to Seve471.00: leneui. weQ eteNO ~. All compo11enta. "purchwd ....., ..... 127Q.OO, JIUl. I ..... •· C°'"'*'9 with electric tUnktf. Otlg. Gf9M holdey Dlftlnl, Orig. 1 •.•• Me 431.00, ••.In T ..... lelcH, 72. 1 .............. 0.W. J11. • ... , ... to... " .•. '\ ·( .. • Oronge Cousl DAILY PILOT/WUdnesdcly, 0 comp r I, 1982 1:_ Father sentenced ·in baby heating ... a. Some quantities may be limited ... (On sale for five d~ys.) - , I Save 23%: Gift·boxed lzod® sport socka, Mt of 3, one size fits ell. Reg. 13.00. t.•. Found in Hosiery. 3. Save 40%: Assorted boxed ear· ' • riQgs in soft fashion'C~rs. Orig. • 5.~. 2.•. J r. AcC8UOnff, 106. Save 30%: Lady Manhattan long sleeve notch collar blouse In polyester Silktiena®, sizes 8 to 18. Soft spring colors. Reg. 24.00, 11.•. In Sportswear IK>'1, 'J!J7. A K111 1111• 1n,.1rui·t11r, who bl-al hi hahy Miii Ill h•W.I Civt• llOWS, b1 ''uk111f( 1•v1•1 y bt11w In hl!i body UI h·11111 OIH'I', IJ('('llrtllng t o Q pru"" ut111 . Im~ ~·t•n ·1lh'11t•t-d lo 111111' y1•.i111 In llUUt• prl!.(111 It v bl' r t V u 11 q u ,. i . i ~ • o t Cypn•i..-.. t·onvkwd 1n S<-ptembcr .ul 1:htld ''ndongc•rml•nl and lnflwtlng l'Orporul punishment, wus g1v1•n tlw rmoclmum prison IC'l'm 1>y S upt'ric>1·-C"11u11 JiT<]gc> JmllC'll Turnt•r. ~n Anthony, now l. wu'i vn ly 5 111urHh-. olcl wtwn hlit f,1tlwr 111111 111otht•1 w1•n• utrt"ilt'd lust Mu1d1 lh"s llllW Ill lht1 L'Ul'O OC hi!! 111u11•1 nul .c1 11ndmolhl.'r "And ht:'-; wry happy tn thul t•nv l ronrrwnt ," aid Dt•1>u t y Du.trrt:I All.oriwy Pom llt•s. Thl• prUSt'<.·utor imid II vlus lht• Wiii SI l~\Sl' of ('htld a bU8(' Rh l· hud st·l'n rn s!X y1•a N1, w11h muhl{) 1• I r'f.1e-Lur('S of liOnW bones. . ,, "Wt• lu'I I OUll I 1141 ,111"4' I v!i V 1111111• tn h 11 hudy wm. 111 uk,1•11 , '4llll(· iwo 11nw11," Jlf.., ll••HJ • 'l'ht dllltl 'i. 19 y1"11 11l1r 111olh1•r . C..:a1·n w n Vai.qU<'7, h.1d 11li.c1 l>t•t•n char gt·d with dultl 1•nd unu1•r1ng but. t hc· Jury d1•;11lloc·kl·d 11 lo I an Juvor ol <1 l;(urlly vl'rd1l'l Shr 1s d u1· hut·k 111 t•ou 1 I Frtt.l~_a ht•<Jt ''UL lo th·l<'nn 11w huw to prol't'(•d w11 h I lw C'llSI', Special purchne: Ellen Trecy SWNter, lambs· wool/angora/nylon. V-neck with crochet, S ·M·L. M•. In SportawNrlK>'s, 104. Save 25": Le Tlgre shedend awea1111s in e soft wool/polyester with en embroidered logo. S izes S·M·L·XL. Reg. 24.00. 17 ••• In Young Men's4 11 ...._.... S1ve 20%: ChauaWormtn blooses for 38-44. Soft polynter crepe de chine in brights. Reg. 26.00, 11.•. In S~r 80'1, 127. • __ , ... . - • i !.... Save 34%: Sport5'>here men'• warm· up sui1, alt polyester. navy, wine or tan In sizes S·M·L·XL. Oura exclusively, orig. 90.00, II.•. In Men's Activewear. 109. · . *Save 33%: Glofil Vendef'bllt cable sweater, reg. 35:00, 22.•. Stretch jelns, reg. 46.00, 21.•. Sportaweet1I0'1, 202". Save 25%: Cotton pullover .-.11ra by Peru;i.. MitMI, petit•, S·M·L. Reg. 26.00. 11 ... Find them in Plau, 149. Petites, 'Jl17. Save 30%: Oftigner cotton t8fry men's robe in blue, rult, burgundy, taupe qr roy1I blue. Super·pluah, one- elze fits 111. Reg. 86.00, M.•. Men's Furniahings, 164 . -' Uutli p.111•111 th 11y hurtlllij the· I J11ltl .. V.1 11111·1·., i.,.,1111•11 1111 M on M11111l.1v ww1 tlt·luyt'cl 1 .11 lu.r lh111 na1111th w lwn lw f h'(I tu On·gon 11.,11-.ul of .1ppt·•11 ing in tuurt A 114 1wh w,11 rnnl for h 1<11 aa r<·~I ww, ,.,.,ut d Wh1·11 lw WhS arn ·-;h'<l 1n ~ t'Jtllll on :i trufftt' v111h1llon, h(• .1g11·1·1f 111 11·1u1 n vulu11111r1fy lo l '.1lil111111t1, .H1thurll11· ... i.:11d . J ·. .. .. 4 . . -. Save 31 'M>: Hartog lhoft sleeved knit ahiru. lnt8ftock, pique. Orig. 22.00, 14 ••• Men's Sl>(>mWMr, 212. ·--..: ...... Save 50%: ~Seve25'1b: Boys' l 'Autre Mode chintz Designer acanteS. jectcet, poly•ter/cotton, S·M·L·XL. Orig. 20.00, 1.00. Reg. 40.00, a .•. Boy's Clothing, 98. Accessories. 41. Sew 25~: Stone Mouni.ln gypsy teether 1noulder beg In ~Of ftep styte. Super-roomy Ind eoft. Orig. 66.00 to ··~·••to M•. In Hlndbege, 117. f Special purchne: 'Alberoy ecrytlc sweet• ve,u. Junior S-M·L ....... In Junlon, 'I"/. . ·- Save 30%: American deligflef dfeM lhirt, wtlite, blue, ICN, reg. 26.50, 17.•. Woof knit ties, reg. 13.fJO, ••· · In Men'• Fumilhingl, 122/218. Seve25~: Vllerie Bared eoft, llick vinyl hobo ltloulder, bow clutch or feclll lhouldlr. Orig. 20.00 to 29.00, 11.• to 21.JL DilcoYef them In Hendbql, 'S1. Save 25%·: Polntelle ca«figln aweeler from Keneth Too. Warm g1ft·giving 1n Mfsses sizes. S·M·L·XL, 199. 28.0011.•. In Plaza Sport-r, 1.S. \ Seve 1!i0.00: Texu Instruments 99/4A 18f< home computeJ. Orig. 348.98, ••with• 100.00 rlblte from 1 ... 1.rumenta. In Elec:tronic9. 257. -' ... ' -· .. ./ -. .1' .. I '\ ; • 1082 iblical archeologica1 lide show at colleg,e A two-hour s hdo pn'Stm~ut11111 th11t XO'l\ines 11oml' of tht' \>utstundtng heolog1crll sites that rt•lalt• to tht• blieal era writ. be presc nll'd :it Orungt• <.:o.1st Colll·•w on Fruluv, IJt't· HI • • 'l'itlt•d "li1hlte11l A rl'111•11lu~y ... ttw prt•:;t•nlullon will run lrurn 7 :w-Y.:JO pm ,n--()CC'. 1-'1nt>--Art!t lloll-l-H) Adm1:-.siun 1s $4 CC \o present ashion show .... . . "Fastuon on Location" 111 the tlllc of range Coast College's annual fall tude n t fas hion sh ow, slutcd for uesday afternoon at OCC. The s how, presen te d by OCC's shion coordination class, will run m noon to 1 p.m. in the college's tudent Center. Adfu1ss1on 1s free: d the public is invited. Thirty m a le an·d female OCC shion merchandising students will odel clothes Crom I 0 d epartme nt res and specialty shops located at uth Coast Plaza in Costa•Mesa. - Th e l<.'<'tun• will lw prt•M•ntl't.l by Dr Dway110 Ml•r1·~. un CX.'C prnft~'Klr or unlh1~,pology, nnd o lcudmg t•xpcrt o n tht• M1dc.lh.• l!;as t, Mcrry ha11 "!.Cll'kt-d (floll1l.,. l'XCUVUllQOS there.>, af\d Jrvc.•d for c11w yl•ar with a lrtbl' of t·a m d rmnmds m Th<' Hlffincmttt'" Kmgdum of Jordun. L n s t y l' u r M l' r r y s (' r v c d as pn•s1clcnt of tht• famt'U Adventure rs' Club of Los Angc:les. Ticke ts arc on sal(• in thl' OCC Ticket Offtc<.•, localed in the <.'Ollege's Administrauon Building. The offic:e 1s open Monday through Friday from 8 a .m .. to 6 p.m .. and Saturdays from 8 a.m. to noon .. T1t·kct.s will also be sold at the door. For informauon about tht' l<.>(·ture, phone 556-5880. llaldwln. oRGANs [Ill] PIANos M Baldwin Mdl. 600 $ 99500 Baldwin Factory 40" Console PianM 1 Direct Financlnc Dmtiuly Reduced to· On al Baldwin Offer lmlted to lnclud B h F o c Pianos ' Orcans Stock On Hand. es enc -ree e.very IM!t~ Oct. 31, 1982 OR.GAN AND PIANO CENTER 270 E. 17th ST. COSTA MESA 645-2471 ~ -· )Jans un J!arlJtn · What is ))ans un :larbtn It is a French Parfumeur ... now.open Jn· Fashion Island .. : and just in time for Christmas I DANS UN JARDIN, which means "in-a garden'.' is one of the most charming and personal boutiques from Paris. with ov~r 100 shops in Europe. Canada. and the United States. We specialize in exclusive French onp custom blended perfumes. and our most popular fragrances for ladies. men, and children come in complete lines of elegant and exquisitely scented soaps, shower gels, both oils. body lotions, and more .. all colOf coordinated. VVe also hove excellent plant based skin core products. These and all of our products o re extra m ild. even for the most sensitive skih. · ' · For the man of good taste. we hove six refined and very masculine fragrances ... each comes In a complete line of products including shoving soaps. ofter shove. colognes. deodorants, both soaps and shower gels. To complement our unique family of products, .we have the highest grade terryclotf"I bathrobes and towels as well as other boudoir a ccessories. And for the home, potpourris and burning oils in 50 fragrances. We cordially invite you to come to Dons un Jardin ... a beautiful a nd Intimate boutique where you will feel · at home with our personal seNlce. Dons' un Jardin, .. now open In Fashion lilarid, Newpoft Beach. , 5 ·9.8il~~~G 12"~!:s. B/W TV 100% solid state c ircuitry, rapid-on picture and sound. Keyed· automatic gain control. Low power consump· 11on. dial type UHFNHF tuning. Extremely compa~t. lightweight and easy to -carry from room. to roo~ with convenient built-In-handle. 25" Olag. Meas. Color /Remote Chairs1de conven'· _ _...,,, lence-of Digital Scan Remote Confrol Cha n· nelock digllal quartz crystal llJning Auto· ma11c color control, conlrasllcolor lrac1<· tng, Light sensor Stereo Music • System AM/F M IFM -stereo re- ceiver with program- mable clock/timer. Front ~1oad1ng cosselle re.- corderfp layet 8-Track tape player Full size sem1·ouloma11c record ,.,,..,~-~..--player #2 ,..,. Shelytng 19" Dlal. Mea,_. __ Color/ emote • Color Monitor System adjusts color p1ctur~ be· 'fore you see II Program- mable Sca n Remote Control selects and scans channels. Qua(IZ Elec- tronic Tuning .~234 . Carousel - Microwave Sharp Ca rousel· micro- wave ovens turn the food so you don·t hove 10. O 6 cubic foot in- terior 1 S·mlnute dial timer Signal bell for completion• of lrmed cooking C)lCle .... 6' •• . ., ......... PGltoleloald Ideal for shelving, underloyment too. ••• 88• 1.37 94• 1.43 1.88 1.38 1.88 2 .78 1.74 2.87 3.47 2.27 3.37 4.84 Great for your shel- ing -needs. Sovel 'lt .... 'd'AOX Illy wood Plywood. fOf exterior use. a-.. ... 1•11uc1 8tacleltucll Construction lumber. for many ptojects. EARLY BIRD SPECIALS -SAT DfC 4 8 AM ·12 NOON ·~········ . . . . " . . . .. : ......... • • •••I•••• ......... . . .. . . .. . . . . ·~···· . . .. . . . . . ..... . . . . . ..... . . . . . . "9lfonllad loard 4/8"x2'x4'. Hong toots. equipment.etc. 6.77 Snoopy Whlrl 'n Twlrl Telephone . 4.7.6 - Strawberry Shortcake® Doll Arid Friends • , Orange CoHt DAILY PILO'r/Wednetday, December 1 .~1982 Star ·wars® Action Figures • I -J 1 ~~ :::::z ....... : ............................ 12.61 - ~ .•· i~;: ~®=hlp ................................. 16.77 y - D. S~r Wars® 6 · g 3 Hoth Wampa® ..... ~·-·--··-·-• E. ~°!= Set ........ ~ ... : ................ : .......•.... 18 .4 7 F. ~==~~~~-~~~~-~: ..... ~~ ............ 2 9 • 77 G. "lattled Damaged'' . 11 9 6 ~ X·Wlng Fighter................................... • ... ~ . Ac.Hon Fl;ures~ .. ~ ...................... : ...... ; •••••••. 1-;88 I. Rebel Armored · 15 88 Snow Speeder-~-----· .. -· .• . . . :13.6'6 lew lasy® .-22.93 larble•DoH Dream Pool® Sewing MaChlne · . Snoopy Copter ...................................................... s.aa All of the dolls ore ortlcutoted for posing. sitting or standing. Hand operated machine with patterns ond Instructions. The ulflmote Dream Poot9 with patio fumlture.Unossemb6ed 13.66 Chaln........-.•600 'rtle ·0om1no Super Show. Hours offunfof~ . .101.77 .,_ ............ A giant b~on Tlc·Toc·Toe game that tt\e whole tomtly oan~ -.9.96 lupetteotlon• ...... A new dfmenlk>n of Perfection • Double the funl A make a lhape race against time. t I •111 llml'ay• X·IO IMX Ilk• Chi'~ ftnllh X·20 BMX bike. Aatembled ready to ride. ~ prtcel QI l(mar19. •• • I I 0 Orang Coaat DAILY PILOT /Wodnosd1•y, 0 01mb r 1, 1082 ·- Sorf e. ·good news on j '1~ty cou.rt scene _ • ~fherc was n'luch act1v1ty un h11v~· not yet lx·<·n u1>.-.1gnl1d lu S:m O ra:i Count)' judicial SCl'tW Bonu1rJ1no ur 8au 01cgu ;ind, s Wl' . Tho lp ng aw<11lt:d .1dd1lio nully, 1t is likt·ly lhosl' n j.{P nty D1v1s1on of thl' -Ith d1v1s10th w ill bl· 1·1•Lur11111g tu tric ourt of App~al cume Orangt-County <.:aSL'S ~ill u~a1t111g N jofef1 t o rea li ty with th t> IH·anngs , __ P<>iiitmt•nt by (.;uv. Brown ol ln othl'r jud1<·1al al·Uo n , Judge • re~fS\Jpt>rtor Cuurl JUUgt·~ to H1eh:11 d Bhll'O lll , 11\L'O lll l ng ve on thl' m•w panel and thL· µn·~1d111g judgt· of tht• Or:.tnl-{l' trans fl•r o f Ju:-.lkl• John K l'uunt y Suµ1•r1 o r Court . has 1?rolll•r. now s1 ll111g o n lhv Ith annoum·cd rcorganiz.allun of that 01stri<.'l's San &•rnai·d1110 Div 1s1on. t·ourt sy:-.tL•m lo lwlp sp1·1·<J llw to prl'Sldl' OVl'r lhl· n ew Orangl' admi111slrat1on of family and dval Count y <.·uurl. l:1w ea~t·:-j Un til nnw. l<.1wyl•rs am.I th1·ir &·1-.1u~1· of tht• imn•a smg load qi('nL-; have had to. travt•I to San of -":rnninal <:ast·~ n·~u)ling from lli rnardano or San Owl;!o to ari,!U l' J.><l~~agc ul Pro po:-.1ll111l I:!. whi<:h' range County cases on appeal tu sh<.1rpl y t·urt<.aall•d µl<'ti bargaining e -Ith Di s tl'kt Cou rt a am.I has rl•su ltcd in a hea\I')' toad o f s uatiun Trolll'I" r ightly l1·rms <.·nm.mu! trials. a n average of l~ to · J rgcst t·0unty. A third division . to involv<'d ·i n c:riminal tri~ls every ··~st crazy" for the statt•'s Sl'l'Ulld :W <:uu ntv <:ourtroom s n.ow are b bas~~ in Santa An<)-, was d<.ty. though only 10 <irc offfdally a~thoriwa by th<.· Lcg1!>la tun · las t ~illuc:alt·d fur that purpose . f41J. Beal·um plans to ass1Rn alT five : Evt>ntually. thL' uld Or<.ingv 1~1·w judgt•s gruntt·o th1• l'OUrt t<!_ Chuntv Courthuust' in Santa A1w c n minal pron'<.'dings. stressing w ill be the h o nw uf lhe [\('\\' th<'ll' sp<'l:1ahwl1on In c.ln l'flurt lo appellate qivision. but pt•nding-1ts h u ndlt' th e c a seload in 1 5 restoration thl' t·ourl will have lo courtrooms. Ct-n tcr a n ·a. . Appointed lo St'rvt• on thl• court with Trotter arc Superio r Court Judges Sheila Soncnsh inc, T h omas Crosby a n d Edwa rd Wallin. T h c v w 1 I I h a v c t~ b <· ;:,pproved by thl' st.<J ll' Cummis::.1un on Judicial Appo1n tnil•n1A;, hut T rotter says the court is li~lv tu be re(}d y for business an January. T he re will be no shortage of w o rk. More.• than :.WO l'ast·~ tm :.iµpt'.11 p;11T<'I out ('IVil t:;.IS('S to s pt'dalisL-; 111 thl' h op<" u l ~pl't:di n g tlwi r eomplNion. and two full-limt• JUdgl':-. w ill h l' ass 1g n l'cl t o11 manclalorv-s<.·t t lt·nw nt t•onf t•rcrll'<.'~ I or e1 vi I :-.u ns &·nt·om says lw h opt.-s a "n() nons1·1H.~··· pol1t·y umon g the JUdgl':-will <:u l hat·k t1ml' lost in lt·gal nw1wuvenng :.ind he lp d<·a r tlw l'Ollrl b.icklog. This wuulcl be wt•ll'unw llldl'l'd Keep our voice honest For many listeners around the· LO tht· n-.s1gn~lJuDs al several top world. thcstrong·point o f Vo1<_'.l'<>f VOA o ll1l·1ab. 1nl'lud1n-g n<.•ws A m e rica. as opposed to o tht·r «hlt'f &•rnnrd K.111w nsk1 . who suvs eo untri cs' gove rnnu 'nt-run h<' f1:Pls tht· ::idminis tration 'is broadcast serviC:l'S, is its solid "t:omprom1s mg thl' c redibility" uf r ·p utall o n for lcll1ng the tht• VOi(.'(' by pol1t1dzang It. u rJvarnis h ed truth. with ~· Th<• a dminis tratio n 's n om- m f n imum of propaga n d:.a 11wllon u f K enneth Tomlinson, e"'bellishme nt. a former Reader's Digest editor . to f P eople h ave l e arned t o head tht• <1gc·ney has be<.'n hailed bejieve the Voice. Broadcasting to by <·ons..•rv<ltivt: congl'essmcn who lf~ million peoph.', 900 hours a a ppa rt·ntly bt•l1t·ve h t· will be w~ck in :rn languages, it h ;:i ~ 111d11wd to g iv<· tlw new~ the s lant • f thl'Y favor . W<• c:an only hop<' th<.'Y m tnaged to dispense the new s 0 an· m1swkcn. and tha t thc Senate.\ thfl United States and the rest of ttie wo r ld with admirab le which has yc.·t l o l'Onfirm the n omina tion. \VIII l'O ns idc r the objectivity. Other eountries tend to potential d amagt• tu VOA 1( the u their broadcast services for a"""thing fr'om blatant propaganda . gonl of s tri<:t obj('l'llvity 1~ lost. ·v L1stc·ncrs ovc·rseas arc all too t~o""news" well laced with politics. fomili-ar with· pro paganda. They · . Unfortunately. many in the <.'agerly SN:k the· truth. The Voice · aga n administration. with of Ameri l'a ha s won th <.• b e kin g fr o m t•onservativc c:onfid <'n ce o f m illi o n s b y qtters in· Congr~. seem to fed prov id m g it. That con fidcnce t VOA 1s just wasting a good should not be unde rmined b y o r tunity to st'll the f\me'rican those who would turn the Voice v•wpoint around the world . 111to Y'-'t anot h<.•r propaganda l This attitude already has Jed · machim· 0 nlons expressed in the space above are those of the Daily Pilot. Other views e p SMd on this page are those of their authors •and artists. Reader comment is invit- Address The Daily P11ct, P.O. Box 1560, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Phone (7U ) ·4321. . M. Boyd/ Fl y ing fitness ~n that matter of physical shape ong commercial aircra ft crew mbers. it's almost never the pilot o's in the best condition but rather night attendant. -:?v1 ost usually. whe n a woman's eff~ciency drops at work. what's ering her is somethin~ outside the o ce. But when a man s efficiency d ps. what's causing it is something t on the job. Or so contend the e rts. They claim further that a bf,akfast quarrel at home is far more I ely to disr upt a woman's p r forman ce all day lo n g than a ~n·s. IC you take off nine scheduled work d[vs a year for whatever reason, yiU're·typical. Q. Where's the U .S. population center now? A . Five mil es sou thwest of Utah, Ill. .. . Do aJJ whales sin~? /\. No. sir, only the humpback. Only male. Only in the mating season. y al night. Q. ls It a.gainst the law for a tmnor run away from home? A. In nht stat.es. yes. Those creatures that people hke t, in descending order, are dogs. O RANGE COAST Daily Piiot P11•11•-... ,, .. , t4 ,,_. r••• •I JJO ..,,_, I•• 'I. C~I• WW Ol-1'\\ C'.,.-.w;1001i<f"' I \tO (lt\I• • cl,fl •I•» " _, horses. swans. robins. butterflies and trout. Th ose-dis like d most a r e cockroaches. mosquitoes, rats, wasps. rattlesnakes a nd bats. The Interior Departme nt's Fis h and Wildlife_ Service found that out by talking to 3, l 07 grownups . H a lf of those interviewed, incidentally. thought veal came from sheep. And more than half thought that iguanas were insects. Extremely cold golf balls play like little round rocks, according to the pro golfers. And the leather grips on clubs gel hard, too, in freezing weather. So serious golfers never leave their golf . bags out m the car trunks overnight. Four out of five tropical fish sold lrf this country come ou t of Florida fish farms. Q. Did you say polonium was the only chemical element named In honor o f a nation? Specifically'. Poland. I guess Francium was named a fter Anatole France, right? And Americum was named after American Mot.ors. no doubt. G\!nnanium after a baci ll us. Columbium alter an exhibition. Scandium after a scandal. And .· .. A. All right. all right. Pobody's nerfect. 1 Thomo1 P. Haley ,,, ,, .... Jone A"'°'I [ •~· ~11•• (O••o> lorboro krolWch ........ ~u.,. I -• • Lohh-yists l9se ·~lame ducks' f . WASlll~GTON -The re arc 55 lame duc·ks on Capitol Hill this wt•t•k. 39 of . . e o I the n ·st rl'liring from Congr ess voluntarily. 1 P,.S IUt•k WOUid have• it, mCJSl Of the :i9 losers have supported some of thr most outr:1g1•ous spc•<:ial-intcrt:sl ll•gislation c•vcr l'tmtoclt•d ll remains to be st•en whCLhl•r the PQWerful lobbyis~ for these bills will still have thl.'ir ducks m a row during thl' last -wct•ks of the 97t h Congn~. -Last M ay. the House' voted to stop tht• F(;'deral Trade Commission frqm to inform thdr cu~mners of any known d<!focts in tht• t•ars thl'Y S<'ll. Thirty-one of lhl' 39 dl'fl•att'Cl int·umlx•nts voted in favor of G -J.-£.-•• -.-1.-•• -. -. .,.~ EXCEPT IN A few dose ract'S, then• t hC:' used-car lobby. Thl' congressional 1s no l'l'rtificabll· counC'Ction b<>tween the action . inl'idenrally. was dc <:l::ircd 1m:umlx•f1ls· defeat and their rec:.'Ord of unconstitutional by a federal judge. so support r'or th e m o n eyed specia l the issue may come up again in the next intcn·sL-;. A notable exception 1s the case Congress. 0i < of Hc•p . Gary L-ce. R -N . Y .. whose -The American Medical Association primary loss was clearly traceable to his will be continui g its campaign to· support of ll'gislation favored by the cxt.'mpt the medical profession from FTC use,d-t.·ur dealers a nd the American ovc·rsight. but its lobbyists had bcttC'r Medical Association. --hopt.--for" quick action: 26 of the 39 But an examination of the involuntary mvolunt:iry lame ducks are <.'O·Sponsors lalllC' du<:ks' vo\ing records by my of the exemption measure. assodatC'_Tony Capat."Cio at least creates In September . th<' House barely a healthy suspicion that the voters were dl'foatcd legiSlalion pushed by the drug cxpwssm g dis~atisfac!t1on w11h their Industry that would have: given 11 special coJTgr'l'&smcn's role as e~thusi.asuc trl'atmenl on pate nt protection by watl•r -carricrs_for b u s iness _and cx t e ru:hng the HJ~ ol patents o n pr<ift•ss1onal lobbyists. fl suggcyts that . mcdicint's and thus helping to h >ep drug mcmbl'rs of CongrC'. s would be well . prices high. The legislation is like~ to advised to~ stqp thumbin~ their nbses at <'Orne up for ant>ther vote this session: 23 th<' c·onsumer. or the bill's t.'0-sponsots wern among the ThC' foll o wing e xamples are lo:.ers who wq~aroundto votco.nit mstru(·t1ve: ·next year. . Finan~l' <:ompanies and bankers hopt· to push through a measure.. that would radically change the bankr.uptcy ru l'l> c bankruptt·y upplicant to C'Stimatc future , N1rnings from all sources before riling: if th1· figure •~ high enough, the applicant may bt• barrl'd from filing. The bill's most ardc•nt l'hampion is Rep. Billy Lee Ev;.ins. 0 -Ga. He was beaten al the polls. as wc•n : 3:i other co-s ponsors of the ,lcg1slt1l1on. -THE BEER BARONS have been trving 10 gl'lL' Congress to lcgaliw the in'du!->lry's distributorship monopolies. The Na tio n a l Beer Wholesale r s A::.~V<.'ta t ion formed a politic al ac;tion comm1llet!. <:ailed SIXPAC. to pour out hundreds or thousands of dollars in campaign t.'Ontributions. While its chief sponsor. Rep Jack Brooks. 0 -Texas. won r C'-<')C'cl1 o n pandily , 30 othe..r_ conl:rC'ssioni11 supporters of .t h e suds industry wvke up the morning alter.. Elc<:llon Day with fhc crflShing hangover of d(•f C'a l. • . Tht•rc wcr<' five losers who supported eat·h one of the listed speci'al-interest mco.isures: HC'ps. J ohn LeBoutill1er. R-N Y.: Eugene Johnsfon. 'R-N.C.; John L. N:1pjer. R-S.C.: William C. Warryplt.•r , R· Va . and Wayne Grisham. R-Cahf. Maybe• the special-interes t lobbyists who try to influen.;c <.'Ongressmen should follow that old rul<' or the marketplace: -Cavt•at.t!mptor -let the buyer beware. · lnspeCtjort programs dlle for • I re.view ' The death of a Sacramento man as a result of an elevator mishap may open up big can of worms regarding the sl.<ite•s inspection programs. To begin witheVery etevator in any building. public or private. is required to have a <.-ertificate of safety issued by the stale. The certificates arc issued after an elevator installation has bet>n inspected by the state's "experts." Ther~aftcr the e le vators must be remspected annually for renewal of the l'ertiflcates, BUT IN THE Sacramento casel t was discovered the death causing elevator had not been inspected smce May of 1981. What was more disturbmg than this revelation oC obvious derehction was the <:OOJ admission ol Diane Dtrnstcin of the> state's Occupational· Safety and Health Administrallon that "[t's not unusual" for elcvat'ors to be operated with expired permits. "It's because we have a backlog of. overdue inspections." lt 14kes no imagination to forecast the next statement which will come from this agency when pushl'.Q_!9 explain th e backlog. Jl will be the usual "short.<lge of money'' and "not enough inspectors." Thos~ excuses can be discounted. Inspect.ors on the public payrolls are like members of the bricklayers umon. They have a quota for a day's work. _ll 1s a short quota which leaves plenty of time tor coffee breaks and lollygagglng about. The very nature ohivil service makcl tt certain there will always be backlogs no matter how man:y inspectors are ,,, . llll llTllS employed . For civil service thrives on expansion. Ii-provides the "upward mobility" necessary for promotions. • More inspect.ors mean morl' supervisors . Which raises the real qu<.-stion. Whal 1s the need for inspections? Every owner of a building having an elevator must of necessity have a service contract with some elevator maintenance' company. In the event of an c•levator accidc•nt both the owner and t.he maintenance firm are subject to lawsuits resulting from 'Injuries. What can an inspection program do that the peril of lawsuits by reason of nef(ligenc:_'f! can't do better? . Millions of dollars arc bemg spent by the s tate and local governme nts on various inspection pro~rams all in the • name of protecting the public. Yet most of these. as the e levator inspeetion inci dent reveaJ..c d . a re pt!rform e<t-' lackadaisr<:all v with small attention given to deadiines. And on occasion it has been found that an inspector has been bribed or conned into overlooking v1olations .. In fact it happens with far too · much frequency. • SOME INSPECTIONS s<.'rve no rea l purposl' anyw£ly.·Take the inspection of dry cleaning shops. These are made simply to asc-crtain if the shop is licensed. Th<' f<'<'s rCC<'ived for the licensing are used lO pay for the inspection program. In other words it 1s nothing more Jhan a cat-rat factory. . Regardless of the inspection programs the r e al .motiva t 1on for s howing reasonable Cflre in providing the servi~ which are subject to inspection remains the penal11C'S for not doing so. And those penalties arc the Backbreaking lawsuits which follow when the re is a failure to exercise reasonable care. It would seem then. that with the stale and local governments in dire financial straits. it is time for a thorough review of the multitude of state and local inspection programs. There is small doubt many would be found unnecessary with a resultant savings to the taKpayers. Wheii • IS a whistlehlower a tattletale? Ono o r lhl' most diCCicul l mor a l problems for mon lies in the area of what • 1s loosely called "loyally." We have not yet s traightened out our priorities on what should be told. to whom. and under what circumstances. From chHdhood on, our social mort'S IYlllY 111111 condemn thl' "snitc h-" and the "tauleiolc-:"' G roup solidarity dt>marids that nobody tells on the perpetrator of a mlscl<'<'d or a pie<'<' of mischief And. generally, the snitch is what kids tall a "suck-up." s«>king tu lngratlat(' himll()IC with thl· outhorili~. But there Is a l arge~ sph ere of moruJny than this in-aroup code. How 'large or grl('voua d~11 t he Infraction have to be bf.fOl't! 10rMOne will spill the beans? How dangtrOUA or how long dOl'S a cond I t lon htl ve to p er11l11t before 1<>mt'body dt'Cid~ to btow th11 whlttl~? What ~n happc.-nlna -m our ~OdNy, a1Jfi.tSt • Ill \hat th<• •thOll o( kcf'ptr~ ~ mo1,1th ahut hits lllkl'n precedure over the ethos of the general good. and it takes a skywalk collapse or a ' nuclear disaster before anyone will ste p forth to point at the probable culprit. By. that time, of course. the damage has alread y been done, w hich might well have been avoided by a prior warning. All.hough sometimes the whistle ma.y Ix' swallowt>d In order to protect one s job. o r even win a pron1Qtio n for maintaining i.I conspiratorial silcncl', m ore often it ts simply the social opprobrium that attaches to the m4're act or sn itc hing on a colleagu e or a n associate. ln this respect, most of us remai~ chOdren for a life~. And the reason. as I suggeet, is easy le> understa nd_ Amon g c hildren . tht' tattletall' ls usually not animated by an abstract ~nse of hi_gh morality, but by the thougbl of currying favor itism wl~h the mighty. The child wan\s to win Brownie point.a a l thf' t'>CJ>£nse o( his echoolrNlM. and la properly t.'<11¥iaered ~ptthr-tble for this. AS WE GROW older, though, our tphere of toyalty is suppc:w.-d to expand. evl'ntu"lly to inc.•lud<' \ht' whole 1od41J ordt•r to whlC:n wt• lx'long, 1twrloy•..tt""' r"'m81n ~roc:hlal wt ~Ill tolerate al~l any. degree of evil rather than put the finger on the malefactor in our midst. ln this way. "respectable" s<X'iety adopts the cOde or gangland. What !Tf.lkes lhts a knotty problem is that one has to be sure one's motives arc straight and pure and that one does not gain personally by peaching on. the infractor -and also. of course, that the matter is ser ious enough to warrant the whistle. It is so much easier to lie low :.ind pretend to oun;clvl's that our moral cowardice is "loyalty." Rea11n's Soni: U they holler/ make \Mm pay/ ijft)' dollan/ ~ry day. c.v. -.. _._ _____ _ A Mickey Mouse inaugur.atjon? SA C RAM EN T O (J\}>) Gov .-elect George Ot-uknu·jlon h as a rr ange d' Co r P 1s 1H'y Pro du c t1 o n11 t o proa u c t• enter tainment Cor h is J an . 3 Ina ugu ra l celebration . ln ~·ugu ra l c t\air m a n Ca rl Sam - uelian, a Lois Ang e l es . a tt o rn ey. a n n o u !'l ce d DllJKMl.llAN the choice of Disney Monday but said no details have been <.'On firmc.'<i yet o h w h a t e nte r t ainme nt will be presen ted at an inaugural gala, reception and ball. But no matter what kind of entertain ment the Re publica n governor -elect selects, it will h ave more glamour and stars thtrn thl: lnuuguru\I~ uf duv !o~mund BnlWI\ Jr .. who vt tot.>d ull plans Cor Inaugural bal111 and ~olus ' Brown limited formal cvenLH at lus 1975 and 1979 maugura tlons to a pruyl'r 'brcuk fust. the formal on"tt~ l't!rt.-mony. and htii lnaugurttl SJ>l'l'<.'h, By <..'Ontrast, Pr.-sldent Reagon had s tar -studded cele brations when he firs t took office as govt>rnor ln 1967 and at his se<.'Ond inauguration in 1971. Reagan, the former actor, had the San 'Francisco S ymphony at his 1967 inaugura l, and his 1971 S<.'<.'Ond Inaugural featured actors J o h n Wa y n e a nd Jimm y S tweart, sjngers Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin and comedian Jack Benny. · Samuc lian said all cost s of Deukmejian's inaugural will-be paid by private donatipns and sales of tickets to events. 'l'hv ttWN \1 lllf.L 111 l"f'I t•mony uml muu1iural ui.ld1 t'l>l> wlll bt• u1'4m to lht• publk: ut nu t•hurKt' un lhu w.:i.t 1ttlp1 nt 1h1• Cupltol ot I J u m Mondpy. J un 3, but othl•r l1111ugur11l l'Vt•nts will rt.'qu1rc tickl'ls r~llll.(111~ from s:w lo $500 1.'l.ICh . • • Dt•ukme jlon wall have a n Inaugural gulu Sunday evening, Jan . 2 , a t the 2,462 -seat <.'Onventlon c·imter. theater across fr o m C a p i t o l Park In Sacramento, with tickets prk ed from $20 to $100 each. Later Monday, Deukmc j1an will have a $500-pe r -pe rson rec:eptlon a t a Holiday Inn near the Capitol and an inaugura l ball at prices of $75 each up to $2.000 for a special box for eight. Spokeswoman L isa Rawlins. said the ball will be held at a hall of the Sacramento Convention Center which holds up to 7,000 people .• COME ·' NOTICE EFf'ECTIVE J~AAY 1883 nllS PAOClAAM Will. BE AV~ TO YOU"IO AOUL TS 111 ANO OVER Enjoy a fresh look at the oldest and best remedy for human Ills .• REPLACE YOUR FEAR WITH AWARENESS! ENROLL NOW SECURITY SYSTEMS ACADEMY (714) 875--4211 COURSE INCLUDES SELF-DEFENSE TEAA GAS ' PERSONAL PAOTE<:ll)N AWARENESS TRAINING ST A TE CERTlflCA TION. ANO ONE TEAR GAS CANISTER _c_om_pare Marshalls • 61CHRl8TIAN, SCIENCE: THE HEALING POWER OF PAA YEA" --1 ...:.._ . ,_lecture .by PATRICI• LYETH WEBB Member of The Christian Science. Board of Lectureship Flr1t Church of Chrlat, Sctent11t 3303 Via Lido, News>0rt ·Beach Ch1ld0 care Is provided and all are welcome ·for the best value, best quallty and t'1e best select Ion. of . 14kt gold earrings ... At Marshalls. you'll love our selection as much as our low prices on fine quality j ewelry. In 14kt geld earrings alone. you'll choose from simple hoops. fashionable shrimps. love .knot s. t ubes. engraved designs. sea shells and more. All the looks anyone could ask for. at prices from j ust 9.99 for 6mm. 14kt gold ball earrings to 9.9.99 for heavyweight 14kt gold t ube hoops. • We also offer an eq4ally dazzling collection of 14~t gold and sterling silver chains and pendants. , Come see for yourself. Ifs the same fine quality you've seen in departmen~and fine jewelry stores. Compare the workman- ship. feel the weight. note.the craftsmanship and sheen. Then. compare our prices to t he prices you·ve seen elsewhere. We're confident you·11 agree: ··For quality. selection ~nd savings. there's no st ore that compares to Marshalls." ~ Marshalls Gift Certificates in $10and $25denominations •Available at our service desk•Rede.emablt! at any one of our stores. · , 1V1111fsh11llls ~,-and Names·for Less/ CANOGA'°'"": comet ol Vanowon ~t end Coft>on SI COITA MllA: Hllbof Shop Ct1 al Ille 1nttr1tctl0fl OI Hllt>Or Blvd endW1l1011 St O"ANAD-' HU.LI COll'lef of Balboa and San FerflandO M111101161vdl HUNTIMOTON llACH: comer of BHCh Blvd Ind Te/ry Or LA ..... ADA: 011111'1 H1»s Sl\opj)lnQ Ctr EHi lmpe111I Hgwy c0tner ol 9ttntt Qewuo.~•v• LAO••• Htu.I: Oakllfook VJllaoit on.Ateruae._ctc 11..C)rloltl \1ka E! Tot_o ffd t •11 o•J S~n ____ ,____. o11go ~1wy !Rlt 6) 1d1 to L1gun1 H1110 41ll THOUIAND OAKI: on the JannMell 1'lo11h tloo101ililfoirr71n' II E111 o11ne 0 1111 M111 • J .. I ' nge Collt DAILY PILOT /Wednesday, December . Remember when service was more than just a slogan? When hometown merchants spent lime helping you select the perfect glfl? When Chns1mas shopping was a joy. not a chore? This holiday sea~n. 1oln the Westchff Plaza family, where ttle holiday spirit stU~ means sharing JOY . with our customers, ·our friends Select your gills from more than twenty shops; without crowds or endless parking lots, with the personal touch that Westelitt Plaza has become known tor En1oy tw1nk1tng lights. Christmas ca<ole<s and Mrs Santa and share 1n our spu1t of giving by bringing along a special package tor Toys tor Tots 17th an d Irvine Newport Beach This Christmas. JOln the Wes1chtt Plaza tamny. and have a merry Old Fashioned Christmas! personal touch .. lntr~::cilig · mi.ghty ,, mite™-· ~By EUREKA nlE FULL-POW ED TOP PERFORlllCE COIPICT VIC! Co•plttt .... Ei1ht Pltct Tttl Stt! DELUXE !;ET OF 8 VERS~TILE CLEANING ATTACHMENTS INCLUOE01 -COUPON --:--1--~E-U_R_E_K_A.._'_S....--.--~,,-..,...E~F VICUll CWllll PllTS I IEPlllS FREE ESTIMATES 1 DAY SIRVICEI L ____________ _ MOST PROP.LL:ED POWERFUL FOR EASY UPRIGHT CLEANING p Model 11 2061 llOW •( Model :: 5047 $1 ·ll NEWPORT VACUUM 1CENTER . openD••IJ 18321/2 Newport Blvd. • Coeta Mesa l :IO to 4:30 •I lnl#NOHon of,..,.,,., Md Newport 81wl. 646 5144 laturdllr ,A_ Y OWNaO AND ONllA TEO --l to Haan PMllJ~AllKIHG ffl _ . If it floats, chances are you'll read about It in thell Piii 642-4321 ) o I t . . ' . A l l Orange CoHt DAILY PILOT/Wednead1y, Dec mber 0 1, 1982 • • • . . I . . . .. I I ' I . . I _, . . • I ' . .-. D.• • ,· • . ME~IT-proyertto~ equal the· t~ste of le~ding~ , · c~arettes havt!!g u~. to twice the tai: .. -----------------------~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiim -_.. ~ . . . ·The cigarett~ ~hat . ~ 'ii -~'·.. . Boosting .taste to-equal . changed two million minds. · ~ · _..=-=_j....---. leading cigarettes with tip · · The one that rewrote the M~RIT ,_ to twice the tar. Filter book on:cigarette--n:iaking. -· · MERIT. . . . . . -.. The-MERIT cigarette. . The 'Enriched Flavor~ _ · Made by actually czigarette. boosting the taste ou ThereS nothing get out of smoking. . . halfway about it. ,. . . . " \ ; . . ... . I . \ . . ' I .. I . ., ---------____,==-==--==--==--==--=------~--~--_:_._----~.~~~--~--~--~-~~---" I II Warning : Th e Surgeon General Has Determ ined ...._._ I hat Cigarene Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. • I . 0 l'tllllp Monti 1.-c ... 2 . ----------'7 mg ··m;· 0.5 mg nicotine av. P•J cigarette. FTC Repon Dec'.81 ..... . ' . . \ .. THI cam Ill THE CIUITY llllJ 1'1111·~--_, WCONLSOAV, DEC . 1, 1082 CAVALCADE ENTERTAINMENT TELEVISION • 82-3 88 , 89 G1·i,•viug n1ollu·1· tells Junt1 ./'1·i,·11tls ''llll lu•lp. . St•(• A 1111 /;1H1tlf•1·s, 8 2. .. ' • ,. l • ........ ~How .can Y<!U ~ bail out· the ocean?' By STEVE MARBLE Orthe D.U1 l'llot Staff Tht• l'arpt•I was brown , the walls whlll' and the Paci fic Ocean wa:. <'Verywhere. "It was t.•1ght inches deep in her<'.'' s;ud Courtney Smith, sloshing 111Tuss the living room of his Newport Ikauh house to point out the high water mark on the wall. · "At first I thought I could stop it. I evt.·n lnt-<l bai ling the water," he s~ud. shrugging. "But I gave up. I ml!an how can you bail out the ocean·~" · Smith. like most or his Marcus Avenue neighbors in central Newport. playl'd host lo nature's rough sidt• Tuesday w)lcn high tides. surf winds and a lashing rain storm combined to make lire miserablt.• and very soggy. City official~ estimated. more than 100 homes were flooded. "It's a very helpless fec:li ng when t~at water sta.rts CO"}lng Across the s treet . L y nn Sutherland had pulled the carpeting out or her Jiving room and had piled one wet layer on top or another tn the middle or the sidewalk. "My parents have owned this house for 15 years and this has never happened ·before," sh e said. "I didn't believe it could happen." Like mos t r eside nts, Sutherland had removed or s tacked up furniture and had placed sandbags a round windows and doorways. fearing the high tides would strike again. T he city dis patched work crews th roughout West and Central ·Newport wiJfntUckloads of sandbags. ··1 don't ·know iC this is going to do much good," said another resident, stacking-sandbags along a walkway in front of hjs house, "but n's worth a try." Nancy .Penkwitz sa1d ~e salty Ba il-boa Boulevard water not only flooded her entire house but s loshed into h er washing machine and dryer. "Th ey r e.i r uine ana tn 1s carpeting-it:s prand n..ew. Look at it," she said, starirfg a t the puddles forming as she walked across her living room. "We had it pretty bad," she added. ''but one of our neighbors had It worse. We finally gav~ up K eith Sutherland sandba~s ~is windows. He aske d the police to .close off Marcus Al'e nue to keep traffic from making waves. h(•r(• and w<'nl over and helped t)lt>m ." Bill Calvy, o carpet clt•uning specialist, was doing a land office business on Marcus Ave nue Tuesday afternoon. "We're just sort of going Crom one homel to a noth er," said Calvy, wh;o'd come pre pared wi th u t t uck ca p a b l e of vacuuming water from soggy carpeting. r "Thctc's a guy hcross the Sll'eet who c~·n vt nccd me se\ler al months ago to put an ad in the Yellow P ages for floodin g," remarked bilvy. "Well, he called me first· thing this morning and -said he-was-being flooded." .:.. Several blocks away, off busy wind-blown Balboa Boulevard. Barr~ Yoda.was pulling the final rempants of carpeting from his apartment. "T h e carp e ting can be r~placed," he said, stopping' for a m o m e n t as a city worker dro two sandba s off at his ront door. . "But this," he said, indicating the sever al i'nche.s oi-wa- remaining in hts living room. "this is bad. [ have to sleep in. here tonight. "Yo u k now, l kind of like inclement weather but this is too much. Way too m uch." · Wanda Adams said she was in her k itchen d)'.inking a cup of c9ffep Tuesday morning when the wind ble w out a living room window. · "I went to look. and then I saw all the water. lt was all over the street, my yard and was sort of la pping at the side-of my house. It started coming under the door a few minutes later." ra1g Baldwin, a resident oC 36t h Str eet, p oirite.d-o..ut a subte r ran ean earage where sever a I car s were parked fender-high in water. "l got my car o~t just in time because it was st:rting to pour in like a.river. I mean that's noTja:sl water, that's salt water. llad news for a car." urther d own _the· Balb<>"a insula, at the loading ramp to e usually faithfu l Ba lboa I sla nd Ferry, two men w e re waVing off cars. The ferry. t h ey s aid, was closed ·for the afternoon, unable • lo make it across the stormy an"a fast-moving waters of Newport Harbor. Lifeguards al the Newport Pier had shut off the popular fishing and strolling pier because . of high surf and pointed out the crashing waves had a lready - snapped off a ramp at the end of the structure. The ocean later dumped the-splintered ramp back on the beach.' , Employees at the city-owned .Balboa Yac~in were settling , down after a hectic morning of c h asing down boats that had snapped loose from the docks. An entii:e dock at the facility off Harbor Island Drive broke off a~ one point during the storm <.tnd slammed into another dock. The facility, aging and in Jess- than-perfect shape, is schedWed to be rehabilitated late next year: One employee, eyeing the twistecl remains of a stairway leading lo one dock, suggested, "If the city 'really wants to repair this place, they'd better get going." Dafly Piiot Photos by Lee Payne and Gary Ambrose • L}sa Eon and Mary Sullivan surveY. flooded living room. Joe mith climbs broke n gangway a fter checking boat. ! ' ' H2 Orange Coa1,1 DAILY PILOT/Wedneadav. D•c•mber 1, 1982 GORIN ON . lllDGI BY CHARLES H. GOREN AND OMAR SHARIF Both v ulnenble . Nor th deals. NORTH .. + K 876 <::i K 982 0 AKJ •Q2 they been using some sorl of transfer bid to allow North to become declarer, four spades would have been •n onbeat· able controct. WEST EAST • Q9 • J <::i Q J 10 43 'V A 5 0 97 0 1086543 ·•A643 +9875 . SOUTH •A 105432 <;:1 76 0 Q2 • KJ 10 The bidding: ~tth Ea1t . South W e1t 1 NT PHI 4 + Pa11 Pu1 PHI West led the queen of hearts, which was, ducked all round the table. Even if t he defenders could take two heart tricks. defensive chances appeared grim un· less East held the king ..of clubs as well. However, since there was no point in not leading another heart, West decided that he might as well aee what his prospects were right away. His. low heart continuapon was won by the ace as declarer followed suit Opening lead: Queen of c;:i. South, declarer at four spades, seemed to have an impregnable holding in the trump suit. But accurate defense proved that ap· East read his partner's low heart as tJeing a suit prefeT· ence signal for clubs. He duly shifted to the nine of clubs. West won the ace, and paus· ed to take stock. The fate of the contract hinged on his next play. pearances can· be dece:ving. From his partner 's return of the nine of clubs, West deduced that East could not QUfflllf By PHIL INTERLANDI of La~una.Seach ' "Quick! Can middle management put me on 'hold'?" · DEAR OR. STEINCROHN: When you're in pain, it's unde rstandable, that the patient ma tempora rily lose ·ebnfldence in bis/her doctor. • ,, We've bad the same family doctor since I was a youngster. 'We've a lways liked and believed him. mce I've grown older , and lately becom·e a vlctiin of gouty attacks , I've been wondering if he's too old-fashioned to treat m y condition. I've been having the typical attacks In my great toe. They seem to be coming more often. At flrU1 I used to trea t the attac ks with asp irin wttb little Improvement. Not until tbe doctor diagnosed gout, d i d I r e a I it e I h a d m o r e t b a n s I m p l.e "rheumatism." My questTon is this: Is m y doc to'r using lbe correct, up-to-date treatment? All be prescribes for m e during and after lbe attack 11 colchlcine pills. I've learned subsequently that tbls bas been the treatment for gouty attacks for many, many years. In addition, be advised that I shouldn't eat liver and organ foods. Is this sufficient treatment? I've been bearing there are many new drugs that work better for gout. -Mr. F. DEAR MR. F.: I'd need to know how often you've been having attacks. how long they last, and how often they recur -before I could evaluate how well the colchicine is working for you. You may be surprised and h~py to learn that colchicine -;-as old a rem t'Cly as it~s -is sti11 being prescribed a n d pre f e r r e_ d by some of t h c f i n es t rheumatologists. Especaal\y valuable in the acute attack of inflammation. it as also used to be taken ~y to prevent future attacks. During the acute attack. pills are taken a t hourly intervals until there's favorable response. For some patients, relie(. follows after only six pills have been taken . In others. gastrointestinal side-effects do not appear Wltil at least 10 pills have been taken (one each hour). Thereafter. one \0 three pills taken daily may prevent further attacks. I There a re other choices -new medication's, Mr. F .. especially for those who'can't take colchicine treat'ment. Such medicines a s indomethacin. P he nylbutazone. corticoster iod s, a llorurinal, probenecid -and others. The choice wil depend ·- cashed the king beCOrft contl nulng with a low club, or else he would have ahifted t.o a low club rather than the nine. Now, the trump suit waa the. only place to develop' the aet· ~ing trick. So. Weit re~erted to hearts, again leading low. East used his jack or apadea lo telling effect when he ru(-I fed. Declarer waa forced to overruff with the ace, and now West had a sure trump trick provided he carefully covered the Len U South elected·to lead that card. · All it took to sink th4' con· tract was some thoughtrul defense combined with an up· percut. How do JOU elaooM tllo bo1t opoaJaa a.lei? CMl-le1 GorH ha1 tlio aa1wor. For a eopy of "Wllllliq Opoalq Load1," Had ~l.85 to "Goroa-Load1," earo of ~1 uw1papor, P.O .. Boa 251, Nerwoocl, N.J. 076'8. Mako \ .- upon how much urotes there are in the Qlood and join\$ and other factors. TOPTIIEMONEYMARKETFUNDS Talk It over with your doctor. IC you still question his ability and procedures used. ask for consuJtatJon with a rheumatologist. DEAR DR. S1'EINCROHN: I bave• • friend wbo 1lgb1 a lot -deep, deep 1lgb1 -aad 11 very auJoH and nervoa1. I b~ve tried to get Iller to 10 to a doctor, but 1be r,(ase1. Any advice? -Mrs. T. · D~R MRS . T.: Give me only one gueM and I'll opt for hyperventilation as the reaton for her nervousn , . Unr~lzed, thls IS a common reaeon ror anx1e y. ls i~ the cnrcKen or the elU(! DOes sigh because she's nervou1. or is she nervous because she-sighs? Onfy her doctor will be abl~ to tell. Dr. Ste/ncrohn w elcomes questions from f'Nidcrs. He cannot allSWf.'r aJ/ lndtvidtutlly-btlt-wlll lncludf thO!le of gelf'!ral Interest In hi. column. &nd ;t'OUI ~est.Jona "1 him, In care of tht• Daily Pilot,~J>.O. Tx 1680, Cc.tea M• C.111. ~~~26. ./.• · AND GET UP TO ~.-' $100 INTEREST BONUS. A good thing just keeps getting better. Bank 0£ America's oew Cash Maximizer account will not only pay interest hlgher than many money market funds, banks or savings and loans, it will also pay an · lt.bonua. oh1p..tn..Sl.OO ..w)len.)'D).L _ r . --• - Gr-ief fills 'empty arms' uto:AH ANN LANJ)1<;u s . I hop•· y11u won't mind my u .. 1ng your t"Olumn \Cl rt'ql.J'Mll u (i.vm from UUI IJ lt'll<I!> Wllh 1m1~11 d\llcl11•n l.lt·ur Yuu Know Whu You Att'. , l'h•ust· cl1111't l'Otnplutn to mt· uhout how you wulkl'd .th" tluur ull night with u baby who lit 1·ullinf( lt'f•th und hu11 th•• 1·roup. My "·hlld d1t·d 1 t'l-t•ntly, und I would glvt• 1111ythl11g In tht• world lo l>t• in your i;h ot•1t. Right now I don't hovt• thl• sfn •ngth lo 1>ympathlU! With )'OU. ~ too, I.Ir)'\ kltilll8 11lt•ep, but for other reasonti Please don't t.cll me [ um Hllll young und cw1 hove more children. Our child didn't nave to d ie for us to have mort.'. Jo'urthermorc, tht.> one we lost can nl'ver be rc•pluct.-d by another. Don't m1k my husband how I am doing. I le isn't doing much better. A question lake that suggests 1t 1s hurdt•r on rnt! than him. But,ml'n aren't supposed to grlcvl.l in our culture. (Anothe r ridiculous notion!) Do l•omc and visit us. W~ nl·~'CI you more now than on the dAy of the fu"cral. So muny people Wl'l'l' there that day -and so few lately . Do invite us to your social affairs. We nl.><.-d to get ou t and be a mong Cricndll. lf you don't know what lO say, a simple "I'm sorry" will be enough. -SUDDENLY EMPTY ARMS IN MISSOURI . . . DEAR EMPTY ARMS: Do you know about the internationa l organization tha t helps people like you? It was start~d by a couple who once were where you are now. Write to the· Compassionate Friends, Inc., P.O. Box 1347, Oak Breok, Ill. 60521. (Please e nclose a stamped , self-addressed envelope.) q_AL_w ____ ~ both wu1tanu up tor IOl\ unc..I l rc•ully got the d1ck,•ns. Now I'm grountfod for a month • Hl\:k unJ I love.· to pat\ ant.I talk. Sorrwt1~ h~ • f.1lls uskt:p Ill' luuks i.o durlan~ whcm hc"s ush>t.•p I d1111'1 havl• tlw h<•art to wuk<' ham up. That's what ' l111p111•nt•d l1oth nights Plt'ust· oo u pal and help me g£11 ITIY par<'nUi to undctswntJ LONG ISLAND 'fllOU.BLE ! L DEAR L.I.: Sorry, you'll have to find Holber pul. ·I huve no sympathy ror a Ii-year-old 1lrl wbo parks wllh her boyfriend and let• him sleep unlll 4 a.m. becau11e he ''looks so da rling." You've got• lot of growing up 10 do. Hurry. ls pol a drug? Cnn LSD, PCP. tocaine and pills opc·n m•w worlds for you?.Stup g uessing. Get the focts in Ann Lunclers' lirl-ne w booklet, "The Lowrl11wn 11n Dupe." For C'ach booklet ordered, send $2, plus n /ot'lg. st•lf-addresscvi swmped envelope (37 1 <"<•nts postage') to ~nn Landt•rs. P.O. &x 11 995. Ch1mgo. lll .. tilJ6 J1. POT SHOTs DEAR ANN LANDERS: L have been going wilh·a guy I'll call Rick. We are both 16. Rick is a _ beautiful person. We ha.we high moral principles but won't lie an...d say we never do anything personal.· 'Wl' tiave ke pt all our clothes on at all times and promised each c;>ther we will stay above the waistline because we are both virgins and want to stay that way until we are out of high school. · Well, Rick and I st.>e each other Friday and BY ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT ~--~ If I ,.,eve.1" 'kept ~u. waitlns. h.ow could. l be. .S\l~C ~ . . . the Fridays and Saturdays that get us in trouble. My curfe w is l a .m .. but I never seem to make if. Last week. for example. I got in at 3 a.m. on Friday and 4:10 a.m. on Saturday My mom and dad w ere (CLIP AND SAVE) open it. That's a deal that's hard to beat. But then, the Cash Maximizer-account is an account that's hatd to beat. With. a Cash Maximizer account you'll be able to write checks and mak.e withdrawals. You can get a,monthly uni• fied Timesaver Statement• that consoli-~ dates all activity on this aceoii.nt and certain of your other accounts. Plu~ your Cash Maximizer account will al ways be accessible at~ Bank of America branch. the FDIC and I'm worth wai.t.: ii9 for.~ backed by the safetj of California's leading bank. And that's a combination no fund, no broker, no savings and loan or bank anywhere can offer. Federal regulations don't allow us to offer the Cash Maximizer account until December 14, but you can get ready for your interest bonus now. Simply fill out o ne of the coupons and save jt until · December 14. Then bring it to Bank of America and cash in on the cash Maximizer account. ffiE SAFETY OF FDIC INSURANCE. But Perhaps most important, you'll have the Added peace of mind of knowing your UiYCsUJ¥nt it ill'-.~ UJUP Sl_OO~OOO by~__.,. __ IJIW_ ff ON THE I EADER .. .. .--r 1 . HOIQSCON BY SIDNEY OMARA Thun day, December 2 • ARI ES (Mul'ch 2 1-Apnl 19): Yuu ubluln flll·ts, ftlturcs prat•lical knowlt'<lgl' Is t•mphmdwJ. You lf-arn wh<'rl' you aland. what lo du about 1l and how tu makl• 1tw most of at Cupnrom, Taurus. Cam.-er ix·•~.ms play important rull'S You'll gN fuvorahlc Ul'l'lsaon from giwl•rnnwntul ag<•ncy. TAURUS (April W -May.20): Tl'lit, <•x1x.•rimc•nt, makt• Inquiries. give full n•in tu lnl<•llcclual curioolly. Pu:.I prcx'edurt'S du not suffltt'. il 1:. unw to let go nl security blankt'l Rl'lallvl' in transit mukes SJX't'tul rt'quesr be> cuuperatave, maintain balant-<.' and humor. , GEMINI (May 2 1-Jum· 20): Focus o n RBy m en1s. t·ullections, n ew starts, addecl andepcndt•nt't" willingness'to gt•l lU heart of matters. You're on bnnk of amportanl dia•ovcry Cydl• high. you'll be-at nghl plal'l' al right liffil' L<.'O plays 111gnifo:ant role. • CANCER (June 21-July 22): Sense of purpose is restorC'<I -you'll know wht•rc you're going. why and how 10 arrive--at dcslin;.ation. Highlight personal u'ppcarances. special appeals, wallingnPss to trust your own Judgment. Capral'Om figurt'S in l'Xt'ttang S<.'l'nario. .. . w111prn·111 lly l'\lrlll11t'll tu h1111w 111 h1r.111111l .. vmoo (Auu :l:\ H1·pl 2:0. You l(\'I Wl)lll yuu wunl\ pupulurlly 1ii1·n·11~•M, lumily 1111•11tl11•t: mbk<·'4 l'Ulll'l.'i.: hm. ~1·11ulr11· h•lll!Hlll 1vull11hlt• wh1·1" h111111· uppll.11\('(' IK l'Ulll'l'l'IH '<I L.~fllll .1•111rH111,..111 "" ra 1t•11d:ch1p, .IHfUf,1111111_., l.1\•f11 JIJ)I', pllhlll 11\ t'lllllll'l'll'll With OU,1111~'1 UI l'lllt'l'I LllU\A tS.•pl 2:1 (,)M 22) i''1ll'US u11 n ·pu1a11u11, p111'l11·1 pu tlun I 11 1·u n1mun1 ly prnj1•1·1, j Hflt I ku I OWUl'l'IWI>.'>, wllllngnC'i;.i to llS.'>Ullll' h•11d1•ri;hl(J r11l1· HI• 111111ly1kul, llit'l'k rt•nscms und cllst'(•l'n m111tvt•1t tur l'l't't•lll U('tions, l'Vl•nts SCORPIO (Ot•t 2:1 Nuy •:.!I). l>1pl1111111t1l npp1oa1•h brinH:. des1rt·d wsulh •. Avoid 11 y1 11g 111 fot•1•(• tl'.iSllt'l' whul you wunl 1i; uvrnluhh· u11d w•lt bt.• obtuirll'd ... '01.'US al::;o Ill) .ll'UV\•I, n)llllllUllil'Ulltlll, "P•l'llw.tl valu<'s und puri.1;i11 111 pul>l1'ih1n"' 11r l'<luca1aonal prOXt'I SAGITTARll.JS (Nov 22-Uc·c 21). Jkt11w tt·rms. ch~·k l'r-C'drntials. bt.• awar1• uf f111a1w1.ll 1·t·:.pons1bihly of Ol1l' who woul<I lwninw t•loM· asspl'Wh' or purtncr F.r'i1µhasb o n t11x1•s, lt'<l'lt•i. hl't'n:>t.· rt'qµ1 r1..•mt•111s and pt1ynu•nt sdwduh·. CAPRICORN ({)c(·. 22-Jon l!:i): 'h('<'k l<~al n~hts, pl•rm1ssauns; emphll!itS on n •spon111bll1ty, dt·ahngs with lh()S(• an position:. of authority Gn•tm ltght will flash.__\l_ur lhts follow:. intt•ns1f11-d p1•r1ud ot qu1•s11ons. ll•sl. • Orur1uu <..ou'.11 DAILY fJll Ol /W1•1J11115<I iy, Doc11111bor 1, 1982 GRAND OPENINGI lntrOductory special· 3 lessons fors15~. · (hr-:.t r1f•w 100 udult • tullt1nts only) The Astaireway to fun and popularity' Specializing in beginning and advanced. American~ Social- International- ~ Modern-Latin- . ;;:i!'.~!~~ • t LU.TUR 0b1~cus-,10N-FILM "ftl,UH .. DAY, OECENBF.R 9 7 O" 11 00 I' M MOIU IC\ 11111 Wll f IAN P BRA<.C IOt)ll TA N CJ CARME~ YUPPA CONFER~NCE CENTER IMlt DU. ... rc Strut LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): GOOd nt>ws follows ipitial delay, appa_rent sctbatk. Keep lin<• open, qxaminC' various aspects of question. You'll obtain s\ory behind story. Fulfjll obljgation to onl' who is AQUARllJS (Ja1'\. :lO-Fcb. tu). Spotlight on bus1t· l'hoa•t•s, rcsolutiont1 ro1u·1•rning ht•alth, t'mployml·nl and rt>;ipons1b1la1y . Bn•a k wllh pas t 1nd11:ated sh1tl' will Ix• wiped d1.•an, 1•rrors will be n 'l'l1f1ed. Artl'l>, Libra pt•nte>ns pluy imp<>rlunl ruk•s. "" . Fr9d Aattllre ~ SIUdlo&, 2727 Newport Blvd., Suite 200 Newport Beach, CA 92MO (114) 673-9421 (~ l lO<k S-th or Mal•) Hu•th•flOI\ l«ach, C.llfomi. Pl&IC NOTICE Plate NOTICE YOU ARE IN Dll"AUl. T ~R A NOTICa' M TMllTH'I IALI DllD 01" TRUIT DATID LMnNo.1a2271M •'lf'TIMIER 20, 1111. UNLIH l".-A.IUNNRY 'l!OU TAKE ACTION TO l'tlOTt:CT TI No. l'-oot71 1 ~OUR PROf'ERTY, IT llAY IE BENEFICIAL SERVICE co ... 11\()LD AT .\ llU91..tc IAU, W YOU duly appointed Trustee under the 14EED AN EXf'l.ANATION OF THE toflow1ng dMCribed deed of tnnt "ATURE 01' THI f'ROCHDINO Will SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION •OAINIT YOU, YOU IHOULP TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER FOR , NOTICE Of' TitUITll:'I IALE I T.I . No. 11902 : NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. !hit on Wednesd1y, December 22. 1982. al 9 00 o'clock • m. of Slid d1y. In •'e room set aside for conducting nustee's Sales. wlthln the olftceS of "EAL ESTATE SECU~ITIES dMC:rlbed' SERVICE. localed al 2020 Norllt TRUSTOE· RONALD H HENFW. Broadway. Suite 206, In the City ol MARIE L. HENRY Santa Ana. County of Orange, State BEN EF ICI ARV FAR W EST ol Cahfornla. HOME FEDERAL S A V I NG S A N D l 0-A N SAVI NGS AND l 0 AN ASSOCIATION • ASSOCIATION OF SAN DIEGO. a Recorded May 8, 1981 as Instr Calltorn1a corporation. as duly No 10527. in Book 14050, page appointed Trustee under and 1728 of Ottlcoaf Records In lhe ott~ pursuant to the power of sale or lhe Reeorder of Orange County; conferred In that certain Deed ol Seid deed ol lluat desctlbes the Trust eucuted by ROGER J foUowjng properly· . ZEDICK, a slngle man and JOHN J PARCEL 1' Fee Simple Tille 10 ZEDICK and ELIZABETH A Condominium Unll 73 (lhe "UIJll"), Z~DICK. husband and wife, as shown upon lhe Condominium recorded October 3, 11178. In Boo!< Plan (entitled "Condominium PllO 12866 or Olllcial Records of said lor Loi 1 of Traci No 10587''), In lhe County. al page 1092. Recorder's Clty of Newpof1 Beacll. County of Instrument No 2121. by reason of a Orange. Stale ~f Calllornfa (lite breach or default In payment or "Plan"), rec:otded on ,July 12, 1979, performance or the obligations as Document No. 1~10, In book secured thereby, Including that t3226. paga. 76 to 115 lncluSive. breach or defaull. Not~ of which Ofllcfal Records, of said Orange was rfC<><ded August.A!•. 1982, as County. wtllch plan pertain• 10 that Rocorder'1 lnllrumen( No. properly dH<:rlbed In Traci No. 82-298167. Will SELL AT PU9LIC 10587, recordecl In book 449, eagn AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST 5 and 6, Mlsatllaneou• Maps, In the BIDOER FOR CASH. lawful money olfk:e ol Iha county recorOer of said of the United States. or a cashie<'s county check drawn on a state or national P ARCEL 2· An undivided bonk, a stale or federal credit .00<437. peroent Interest in and to the union. or a state or tedaraf aavtngs Common Area1 a1 shown and and loan assoc:fallon domlclled In defined on the Plan. th11 state. all payable at the lime of EXCEPT THEREFROM all oO. , sale. all nghl. title and lnt«as1 held g a a • m Iner a I 1 a n d o I her by II . as Trustee, In that real hydrOClrbonl, below a depth of 500 property situate on aakl County and IMt. wllhoul the right of sur1aee Slate. described a1 ro41ows entry ... ~ In lnstrumenta ot PARCEL 1· record. Unit 2 as shOwn and defined on PARCEL 3: An a.clualve rlglft PISCES (Fc•b . Hl-Man·h 20): !icin111l atang dialogue wi th member of opposilt' Sl'X k•ads to valuable contat·ts. produl'tlv<.• pron>clurc•s. Mon.·S.t.101.m .-tOp.m . I u• lnfonNtllon PhoM 1142 0611 I •I 211> . .. -FORCING -YO .U ...... ,' OUT -OF YOUR H.OME? ~~~~~I ~~--~~=-- Quest I on:· -Are you attemp!ing to-sell-your , . . . . home ·under 'the pressur~s of mo~ntlng · · . , .. ~.that certain Condominium Pl~n and ..-nent 10 UM the balcony 1 recorded August 5, 1977, In boOk area deslgnMed B-73 on Iha Plan as 12324, page 323 of Olf1clal Rec:otds being eppur1enanl 10 lhe Unit. of Orange County. California. f>ARCEL 4' An e1telu11Ye right debt?? PARCEL 2. • •. . • and euemenl le. UM lhe parking An undMded' 11401h interest on 1Pace ~led on lhe Plan •• and to Lot 4 of Traci No 8(135. as Parking S~ No PS-~. • shown on a Map recorded 1/1 book YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNE>ER A 3 5 2 . pa gas 3 I to 3 5 o I DEED OF TRUST DATED 5105181. Miscellaneous Mapa, records of UNLESS YOU TAi<E' ACTION TO Orange County. Cllifornia_1ogeti. PROTECT '(OUR PROPERTY, IT Nilh all Improvements theradn MAY BE SOL.DAT A PUBLlc-sAte:. ucepting therefrom Coodomlnlum IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATIO units I l hrough 40. 1nclusive:-0F THE NA TURE OF THE OQlted tnerapn PAOCEEOING AGAINST YOIJ.-YOU E11cap11ng lhtrefrom an SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYEV undivided •;, intera.1 In all oll, gas, 300 Ca.g_ney l ane •2 New~rt ond 01her hydrocart>on sub11ances Beach. Calif. 92680 lying In. on. or under the above "(If a street acldr ... or common described property as set for1h In deslgnetlon ol pr9perty Is Shown Iha Anal Order of Condemna1lon In aboYe. no walranty It glYen as lo 111 favor of the Coty pl Newport Beach, completeness 0t conectness)." The a Municipal eo<porallon of the 6th' beneficiary under said Deed of Cl11s. a certified copy of which Tru11, by reason or a breach or recorded January 27. 1953, In book defaull in the obllga11ona secured 2443, page 80 ol Ottlc:lal Reco<da lheraby. heretofore ex.eeuted and The street addreu or othu delivered 10 the undersigned a common deelgnallon of lhe real written Oeoleratlon of Otlaull and • property herelnebOY• described la Deman(! ror Siie. Ind llWT'ltten nollce porportad 10 be: 4 Sand Dollar of breach and of alec110n to cauM Court. Newport S.ach. c.Ntornla the undersigned to aell satd The under s l g n e d her ab y property to aatllty Ml,d obllga{1ons, d1sclelms all llablllty lor any and thereafter the undersigned 1ncorrec1ness in &a.id atreel addrau caused aald nocJce of bf.acto and of or olher common deslgneflon. el«llon to be rec.o<ded August 13, Said sale wlll be made without 1982 aa Instr. No. 82-283433 In warranty. axpresa or Implied. Olflclal Aecordt In the otlk::e of the regerdlng 1111•. ponenton. or Recorder ot Orange County; encumbrances. 10 utlsly Iha Said S~I• wlll ba made, but ptinclpal belance ol the Note or wllhout covenant or warranty. other obligation ncured by said lllP<-or lmplled, regerdlng tl11e Dead ol Trust, with Interest end ~. or enc:umbrancn. lo other sums as provided therein, pay the remaining prlndC>al aum ol plus advances. If any, under the the note(s) MCUred by Mid Deed ol terms thereof and lnte<Bll ·on aucn Trull. with lnterMt. ae In eald note advances. and plus ree9, cttarges provided, advancea. II any, under end expenses of fhe Trustee and of the terms of Mid Oead or of Trull, the trusts created by said Dead ot 1-. Ct18f08e and IXpet\MS of the Trust The total amounl of aald TrustM ~of Iha tru111 c:tnted by obhgatlon. lnciudlng reasonably Mid Oead of Trull. eallmated teaa. chargea and Said Sale wlll be hel d on. eacpen-or the TrullM. at the time Thuraday. December 18, 1982, et lnlllaf publtcaliOn of this Not~. 111 2:00 p.m. •t 11141 C~an AWQUe ,438.73. entrance to tha Chic Cen4'er tod:.tlovember 29, 1982 Bulldlng, 300 &at Chapman Av. .. HO M E FEDERAL Orange.CA. VINOS • Al 111• time o f lht Initial ANO LOAN ASSOCIATION publlcatlon of thll notice, Iha total SAN DIEGO, a California cori> .• UTNllM, By. MAL ESTATE SECURITIES SERVICE, a Calllornle COl'P .. Its Agent By: (SEAL) D.J Morger, Ill Prnldenl 2020 NOt1h Broadway. Suite 20t. S4111a Ana, CA 92706 TeT: (714) 953"'810 Publlahad Orange CoHt Dally Pilot. Otc. 1. e,. 16, 1982 6253-82 flCTITIOUl--11 ..... .,..,......,,. The following pereona art doing bullnt" ae: THE HACIENDA. 1725 ColleOe Avenue, Santa Ana, C1lllotnla 9270. HAVE KITCHIN •. WILL TRAVEL. ENTER~Al8E8. a California corporation, 172$ Coltgl Avenue. Santa An1, Calllornla 927ot Thia bue1neaa la condUC1ed by a CO(pOr atlon. Have KllcNln •. - -WILJl81Ml..f.ol!Or~-· ~Neptllfte,., Pr..ictene Thlt llatetnenl -fAlld '°"" Ille County Cler" of 0r8"QI County on Nov )I, 1982 IC .. AY 6 IMfTM c ..... 1111 .. '--.... ~...:.­.... __,.,...-,c-..-,_, • Publl•h•d o,.,,.. co•a Diiiy Piiot. N1'f 24, Otc 1, I , 15 1112. 1• • 1P.ll ernounl of the unpaid balanc. ot thl obllgalloft MC)Urad by the above deacrlbed dead of truS1 and aallmated coeta. 1xpen191, and advanoee i.-t82,499.33. The OOlnkla bkS may be obtaln«S by calllrig (7f4) 037..otee tl)e day btfcnthe ..... Date: Nov91nber 18, 1912 • 9EHUICIAL SERVICE CO. uletd TruttM, 8 y T . D . S-' R V ICE COMPANY, - agent By Vldtl J . Hopkln1, Aealatant s.cr.tary OM City lllvd. WMt, Or ... CAl2MI Tai.: (7t4) 1135-IW Publlehed orano-Coaa( Delly Ptlol, Now. 24. Otc. 1, I, 1112. 8140-ft --M.1C *>TICE ,tCTmOU ........ lfWill ITAftMIWT • The ~ .,.,_ -doing 1>11"'-lot: UNIV!NAL IMPC>f}JS, 1Hot1 0\1191 Bay ~. Huntington Belcfl, Callf0tnlll 92141 WI ... M, Oldley, 19641 Ouiel Bay Lalla, Clllbrill 92141 Inger I . Olet.ey, 19U1 Oulel Bay ~. Callfolnla 92148 -thMre M ~ 1rtT1'..-r .f 0 Princeton, "•ncllo Motage. Calllomll tll70 Cllartotle L Wa1tr1, 80 Princet on, Rancho Mir age. Caltf°'nll 92270 Tiiie .....,_ le c:onductecl b'I I 08'*11 .,IWWlhlt> W~ M.1*111Y -- Thie ............. '"" """ "' County Cllrtl of OrlflOI Coullty on ~12.1N2 .... Publl•hff Oflnoe COHI Diiiy PllOI, Nov. 17, 24. Dtc ~ ••• 1112 to2M2 Question:_ Is Qending foreclosure or .offering r=~====y.OlJr: berne:_on:!be_ ·arket ·atw~ Delow .. . '· .. value yQur only choice?~ ... . Que~tion: Are ~u unsure of the futurEl and_ feel a real need to rotect all that rou -hav_e __ _ worked and saved for??- -(' . ~ We believe that we have a program that may fit your needs and our criteria by retaining ·possession of your home so that you may remain ·within your community, with friends & neighbors and not . dlerupt your famlly. This may be ac- complished and at the s.ame time reduce your monthly ex- penditure• dramatlcall~. '•u:; . . • We Invite homeowners, or their realty age'nts (If home presently listed for sale) to c•ll ua tor progr•m d•l'911•. . .. . -.. . All inquiries wlJI be held. In t~e hlgheat confidence. ' .~lease direct your-.q"Uestions to M~. Hastings --at~1-4-640-5560-Gr-7-14-957-.:.l300 cooperating I • ' brol<er of THE WARMINGTON GROUP -- a:v a sos s a SSS 84 Wedding '\ -. i . i I .. Mrs. Fa rr Farr-Allison Karen Jean Alison and Glen C. Farr repeated their wedding vows in St . Andrew's Presbyteria n C hurch . Newport Beach. They have established a home i n Pasadena. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Miles Alison of N~wporl Beach are parents of the bride, and ,the bridegroom iS""the son of Gary Farr of South Pasadena and Patricia Lloyd of Esmndido. ............ s..e 1922 HAJIOl IU~ COSTA MESA -541·1 IH !~;i:! \ All CXINllfT- $0lM WAl9141A-IATHIOOM~ . ~ le 7110 7 SeMce Tme S1ans ., YOUI OoOf (Call SI«• __ , YOUI Al•I COSTA MISA 641 -1289 152• ... wpert ........ MISSION~ 495-0401 2"22 c-.i... Ceplt-cs. ..... ....., ... A-.y .....,., HAVE YOU SEEN THIS YOUNG MAN? John Gosch disappeared 'Sunday, Sept. 5, while delivering newspapers. He Is 12 years old, 5 feet, 7 Inches 'tall. welghS-140 pounds . and has blue eyes and light brown hair. Rewards totaling more .. than $30,000 are being ofteTed by The Des Motnes Register and friends and business associates of the family. If you have any Information, contact Child Find . 1-800-431-5005, or the West Des Moines, Iowa Police 515-223-3211 . I. DOING ~. BUSINESS ":':~ UNDER A : : ': FICTITIOUS a ·. .NAME? " rou heve Ju•• ftl•d rour new Flctltloue •u•ln••• Neme end ..... "°' ,.. eubMttted • '°' pullllc:Mlon, pie•• dOn 't fo,pt th•t the 11 ... u.uon i• so d•r• fnMw dete of ftllft9. TIM DAILY ftlLOT wlll ,.,.....,. "°"' ......... "' for S31 .IO . Our ctJculatlofl lndudH tM enllro O'•nt• CoHt .,.. •nd ..... '"""'9• 9""t0f lft ... edtttofts. In . ordor to eubMtt rour ttete111ent fOf ,ultllcetlon eend :rropc1• cop, end• 0 eoll to THI DAILJ' -N.OT. ft.O •• lo• JllO, c.Me MeM. CA t••· I Wo'I do tM FOtll. f'Of .., .................. ...,.,...... ,..... o.ell Ma..,21 &. m . . ... ... , 6 a 0 .. [iiVaaTzl .. CISIOll SOlllCllAm WATCIU 19!! Gokf. · or ••·llone. 5ofM with day/ ... function . .... S4ellm t.11 + WALNUT •FINISHED t CUllO CAllNO + t -s•nvH & TIAMSPAllNT PAMIS .· 199·9 'DO-IT 1400' 1UllO HA• DIYD features 6 sepo· rote oir & heat set· ting. With Concen· trot or. If PRO. 16 ....... ,.._....,, ...... • SAYE 12.DO I llD 11.10 = IALLO lllllE IPECIACUUI . --~211 === ne. 4.09 I .I 11111-··· .....AmYM&IY -, ........ . .,,.. ..... , ... _ ,'• ·--· ' \11 • • I - ++ @N&ae · • 'OLD SPICE' AnER SHAVE ' LOTION IEG. 5.19 399 WIRICREST ELEmlC BUllET TWll SIZE RIG. 34.00 22~ • Twin llze, tingle control FULL SIZE HG. 39." na. s.••. .,. , ... ._ ..... .._ '. • .... .. Ii •I l7 mg. "tar". 13 mg nicotine av per crqarntte by FI C method .. . '· Warning : The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarj ue Smoking Is Dahgerous to Yo~r Health. .. .. . . . . , .. ~ ... I I .. .. < ... Orange Coaat DAILY Pll..OT/Wtdneaday, December 1. 1982 Bl • Discover the taste ·' 1 . ofr Camel Filters, now in a Hard Pack. ."' r- . , ' I ,...-· . . , .. .. ' .- I . • I • r fl r ; 0 so a •• 4 0 I' 118 Or n ' C06SI OAlt.Y PILOT/Wednesd y, December 1. 1982 --------- POOUC NOTICE IT'S NOT YET TOO LATEI: ONLY 30 DAYS tEF:r W-o31n To Rolund All '82 Tax11!> end Recover '/9111 f,a.es NOTICI 0, TRUITll'S IALS UHOCll OHO 0, l llUIT IMPORTANT NOTICI TO PR~IR"TY OWNIR I l 11 4 I 6 I 10 I I ITC Ere? R,c.11 (sl.il\' Re~ttarlh & Oevelopmt>nl I qu1pmenl 1 ... \111~ '' TILLIGINT VIAR-IND INVUTMINTI" EOUCitloftll Sefllllllf 1flM & 7Ptl ,......,, .,._.,? It INllll HM& Motol Hotli • ~-- YOU AR!l IN DEl'AUU UNOlll A OHO 01' TRUil DATID APllll I , 1M1. UNlHS YOU TAKI! ACTI<* TO PROTECT V0\111 PROPIRTY, rT MAY H SOLD AT A PU1L1c Presumed b" DAL TON, DAL TON. COOPER & FRANKLIN, INC. IAll. If YOU H IED AN l ,EXPLANATION 0 , THE MATURI 2691 Rtch1er Ave • Ste 102. Irvine Ntir JambOrH/40~ oF THI PRoc1101No AOAtNST Our Stall 01 Attorneys and Accountants will be avallable 9 AM • 10 PM SCVE.N DAYS A YOU. YOU SHOULD CONTACT A WEEK roR A PRIVATE NO fEE INITIAL APPOINTMENl ' .. LAWYIR. NOTICE IS HEAFSY OIV!!N RSVP: CALL NOW 714 841·3181 FOR SEM NAR That under and by vNtu6 or the ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ prov111on1 of tnll ~'" t "'" DtHld ol r' Truat d11ad Apttl 9 198 t anl.I 1--------------- recor<lad In tho oll•C• ul lh~ PUQLIC NOllCC Rocoro•r OI tne County ol Oro11ge 1------'--------Stata or C.Jllorn1<1 on A11111 16 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'8 IALI: 198 t In Vol'un-1e 1402.J 11"0" 14SS Nu,.ber 151156217 of Olftc1el Recorda •••OGUled by YOU ARI IN DEFAULT UNDIR A Brent Ha"IOn. a 1111~10 mun und DIED OF TRUST DATl!D JULY 15, Hector M Mar10ch 1111 unm11<1ed 1tl1. UNll8S YOU TAKE ACTION mari as Tru1101, t<> S ko·F'ed TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, Mortgage Company 11 cotp0<1111on IT MAY BE 80lD AT A PUBLIC es Tru~tf'o. Md Sko ft.'<1 Mortgage S A l E • I F V 0 U .. E E D A N Coiporalloo on 11110011 corporation. EXPLANATION 0, TAI NATURE os Beneltelllry OF THE PAOCEEDINQ AOAINIT And pursuant to the request of VQIJ, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A tl'le owner and holder o l 1na LAWYER. Promissory noU1 secured by the NOTICE IS HERESY GIVEN 11181 Deed of Trust above ruferred 10 MAR VIS l A FINANCIAL. INC . a And by reason or me delaull 1n corr>0r•t1on. 767 Nor1h .. E', Street, the payment or s111.1 pron;i11sory San Berna1d1no. Cahlorn11 92403, nole and the b<eilCh bl lhe Telephone Number C71•1889.0231, cond11tons 10 said Deed ot Tru11 as lhtl present Trustee und(tl the provided a Nottce or oarevu end deed 01 trust h11te1n1Hor meotioned. Elechon to Sall Under Deed of Trust will Hll to the highest bidder for having b0een duly recorded as asn 1n 1a...,1u1 money ol the U.O!led provided for by 1u w 1n said States without warranty of 1ny\1'ld· Recorder s Office on August 20 al o put>hc auction al the l•me Ind 1982. Inst ,82-293225 lioce des1gn111ed below. In the SUNKIST SERVICE COMPANY, e ounly of lhe S1ate ol Callfornla c orporation, as 1he present es1gna1ed below. OH of Ille tlgl'll. authori1ed end ac11ng Trustee 11111 &nd 1n1eres1 now n•ld by Sllld under said Deed ol Trust aforesaid. TruSllMI on and 10 all thllt certain on Wednesday, December 22, 1982. property wh1cn is situate 1n said al Iha hour ol fO 00 o'clock a m ol County ond IS described below The said day ar the North fronl entrance s1re111 uddress II 11ny, or Other to the Orange County cout1nouae, common dos1gna11on, II any, of Sllld 700 C1v1c Center Drove West, In tne p1op11rly ts set lorth below C11y, o r Sarita Ana. County or Said deed of trust ...,as executed Orange. Sta119 ol Ca1ttorn10. WILL by lhe Trustor designated below SELL. pursuant lo lho power of sate and wos recorded on tl'le date, In conlerred on said Deed of Trust and, 1110 Sook llnd a1 tl'le Page as w1ll'lout covenant or w•rranty Document Num_~er of Olllclal regarding tttle possession or Records 1n the 011\ce ol the County encumbrances. 111 pullhc aucuon. to Recorder ol sa1d~uo.ty. all as the hi hest casl'I bidder 1n lawful des1gnJled befo , and ~onveyad y e a es Ama,.oa, ell 1t1a1 certain real specified properly s11ua1ed on the Counly of Sale of the property W.11 be made Orange State of Cal1forn1a. pursuant to the demand of Iha desct11Mtd es follows Beneficiary under said deeo of Hust All thal cer1a111 land s1tuoled 1n and by reason or default on Iha uie State of Ca1trorn1a County of p1yment or perlorma,nce ol Orange. C•ty ot Sanla Ana Obhga1tonssecuredbysa1ddeedol desc11bed as follows lrust onck.ld1ng lhe defaull. notice ol PARCEL t which was recorded on Iha date, 1n Unit z23. as shown on lhose Iha OO<>k and at the P-oe. af\d as c:er1 a1n condom1n1um plans Ooc:ument Number ot said Oflic1a1 recorded Maren 7 t980 in Sook Records as· deS1gnated below t3526. Page 4H (Lot 11. 1n Sook Tne total amount ot 1he unp~ t3526. Paga 492 (lot 21• 1n Sook balance or 1he obltgauon secured 13526 Page !i 11 1Lo1 JI. and on by said deed of trust and estimated 3ook t3526. Page 526 (Lot 41. and cos1s, expenses and advances at Amendment and Mod1l1ca11on to !the time of the 1n1111I pubhcauon ol Condom1n1um Pian recorded June tn1s No11ce ol Trustee's Sala Is 19. t980 on Book 13639 Page 1443. dos1gnate<1 below all 01 Oll1c1a1 Records ol Orange AS used nere1n "Trustor ·st.all be CounJy, Caltlornta deemed to mean "Trustors 11 more PARCEL 2 than one Trustor 1s designated western Thrift & Loan Making more money for you. COSTA MESA 'ORANGE RIVERSIDE UPlAND • 1714164S-3153 17141997-'130017141354·292017141946-6741 TAlaANA LONG BEACH DOWNEY WHITTIER 1213)881-0200 12131498-3301 12131923-3201 (2131945--7561 TOt!AANCE SAN DtEGO CLENOALE 12131 534'"'1R10 17141 57&8250 12131240-5550 17141225'1011 Ava11a01e 10 ca11forn1a reStOents on1v An und1v1ded l/2901h interest 1 5 below. and • Beneflelary" shall be ~-------------.--------------1 a tenant on common. 1n arid 10 LOIS d8"med to mean ··eena1tc1a11es" ii 1, 2. 3 and 4 (Common Areal or more than one Bene1tt1ary e.11ecuted Tract No 10515. as shown on a tno Noltce ol Oefaull herelnat>ove MLIC NOTICE Pl&.IC NOTICE map record9(1 1n Book 472, Pages 9 menlloned T1135 YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A and 10 of Miscellaneous Maps, Tl'le time and Place or sale. NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE DEED OF TRUST DATED l---"f1'<!:erd'9-ot-11111d-eounty, 1oge 4~1.--:0t.-i..••O-?U:IP'~<-atW.i-'fTVmw~OHff-PH• ffl'~M9ER-+7, •M1, UN'-f88 wltl'I all improvements located other data referred 10 above are as 104212·t YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT !hereon, e.ceptlng lharelrom follows On Oecam'>er 1!>. 1982 11 10·00 YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE Condominium Units t through 290 County Ora119e AM. Shearson/Amerlcan EKpras1 SOlD AT A PU.._IC SALE. IF·You 1nc1us1ve. localed thereon lruslor HARllEY DORLAND, AN Trust Deed Services Inc , formerly NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE PARCEL 3 UNMARRIED MAN known as Southern Cities Escro..., NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING An exclusive easement Deed ol Trust Recordation Date Company lls Trustee, or Succaseor AOAINST YOl.!h..'."OU SHOULD appurtenant to said untl ror ingress. July 24." 1981 Sook t4'154, Page Trustee or Subslllutad Trustee, of CONTACT A LAWTER. egren. uae and enioyment In and lo 944. Document No 34759 that certain Deed of'Trutt elleculed NOTtea M TRUSTEE'S •ALE.. Lot A ol Tract No 10515, and lhe Nottce of Oetaull Recordallon by EUGENE J PETERS. ANO T.S. No. 37250 res1r1c1ed common' area parking Date July 23. t982 OoQument No JEANETTE PETERS and rec0<ded NQJJCE IS HEREBY GlllEN.1hll spa ce. as sat forth 1n the 82·254387 June 29. 1981 as Instrument No on W'ednele1•y, December 8, 1982. O acla rat 1on ot Cova nan Is, T 1me o t Sa re I 0 00 A M 4 t689. 1n l>Mll., 14118, page 1972 11 9 00 o clOCk am. of said day, In Conditions and Ras111ct1ons ednasday December 1:.. l982 Ofhc:W l\ecofdl of Oranoa County, the room set aside for eonducling recorded July 22. t980 1n Sook Piece 01 Sare Nor 11'1 Ir ont Calllornla. and purauan1 to th81 rustae's Sates, withm the olllees ot 13673 Page 1024 ol 0111c1al emrance to the county courthouse certain Mollee ot Deleufl and REAL ESTATE SECURITIES Records ol said county and Shown 700 Civic Center Dr1ve Wast. Santa EteGtton 10 Sell lhetaundef recorded SERI/ICE, located al 2020 Nortn on the Condom1n1um Plans lor SIJd Ana. Ca Aprtl 29, 11182 es Instrument No Bro1dw1y, Sulla 200. Jn the City of un11 as .-ps.321 To1a1 or obhgatton and esttmated 82· 1~5380 of Oft1c1at Record• of S1nl9 Ana, County of Ola~. State E•cept1ng therefrom all costs a•penses and advances at said County, w l ll under and ol Calllorn1a. L & 8 FINANCIAL minerals 011 gas pelr04eum Olher 1n1t1a1 publtealton $126 OJ2 84 purfU&nl 10 said o.9d of Trust Mii CORP., a Celtlorma COl'porallon. as hydrocarbon substances and au Street address or other common at public eucUon for caah, I-fut duly apPQtnted Trustee under and underground water 1n or under or designation or S<?td property 460t money or the United S11111 of putauanr to the oower of sale wtilCh may be produced from sBtd Abbotswood Cucle. Irvine . America. at tna North lront confaued 1n rhat certain Deed ol lot ...,hocn underl18 a plane per•llel lo Caltlorn1a 92714 • entrance to the county COUtthOuM, Tru1 I a•eculed by BRENDA and 550 feet below the present 095(:f1ptt<>n 01 Property 100.C1\llc Center Drive W•t. Santa SCHABARUM. an unmerrled surface of sa•d lot. for the purpose Lot 36 of Tract No 7236. as per Ana. Callforn11 au that rlgl'lt. lllte woman. recorded October 2, 1981, or prospecung for the explotahon. map recorded in Book 282. Pages and intetast conveyed 10 1114 "°"' In Book 14242 or Oiflclal Rec0tds of development. production,. 18 to 21 1nc1us1ve of M1seellaneou l'leld by it uOO.r said Deed of Trust seld counly, at page 5-.47 , e•lrac11on and taking ol said Maps on the office of the County 1n the prop__tr!.l! 11luated In Hid Recorder·• Instrument No. 2532, by minerals, 011. gas, petroleum. otrier RecordOf or said cb<Jnty County an~iti described u : reason ol • breach or delauH In hydrocarbon sut>stancps and water Dated November 11, tll82 Lot 147 of Tr1e1 No. 5889, In p1ymant or perlormance ol Iha trom said lot, by means of mmes, MAA VISTA FINANCIAL. the Cily of Irvine, 11 per map obllQetlons secured tl'lerebv. wells. derricks or 01ner equ1pmen1 INC . rec0tded In book 255, pagu 39 to including lhat breach or delaull from surlace 1oca11ons on adto1nlng a corporahon, Trustee 43, ol MISQatlaneooa Map1. Records Notice of which was recorded or ne1ghborong land, or 1y1ng oulSlda SURA & HELLYER of Orange Countyl'Calilornla. August 12. 1982, o•. Recorder's ol the above desenbed 101, ti being A Prolass1ona1 Corp. The at reel aodrau or other Instrument No.-82·28 1726, Will ,understood lhat lhe owner 01 sucn Sy Joann Georgaltts common deslgnallon of allld SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE minerals. oil gas. pelrolaum, other Altorneys lor Truslee : property. 3552 Fenn Street, Irvine. HIGHEST SIDOER FOR C.-,SH, hydrocarbon substq"e11s and water. 'Putlltshed Orange Coest Daily Caltl0<nla 92714 tawtul money ol the United States, as set forth above, shall have no Pilot. Nov 17 24. Dec 1. 1982 Name and address ol the or a cashier's check drawn on 1 t1ghl to enter upo(I ll'le service or 5072-82 beneficiary al whose request the 1111a °' national bank, a stale or• any, portion thereol above said safe 11 being conducted: Cll~ lederlf credit union. or 1 state or plane parallel 10 and 550 feet below PUBLIC NOTICE Feder a I Sa v Ing s 1 n d Lo 1 If redaral sa111ngs and loan assoc1aUon lhe present surlace of the s11d lot Assocfallon c/o Sha1raon1 domk:1led 1nthlss111e.attpayable11t for any purpose whatsoever, as Munlclpal Court. Ame.tlcan Express Mortgage Iha !Ima ot sale, ell ughl. title 11>d reserved tn lhe dead from tne Pomona.Judtclel Dlalricl Corporallon, 1'201 East Highland lnlerHI held by II as Trustee. 1n Cabrllfo Par\ Venture, a Callfomra "° w. Mlulon 91¥c1. Avenue. San Sernatorno, C1lllornfi 1ha1 real properly STTuUrlrrsald 1m1ted partnersn1p Pomon•. ca. 92404 Counly and State, described as • And more commonly knciwn as p L A 1 N T r F F K E N N e T H OiractlOl'ls to the above prop«t-, folloW:J 1260-G Cab111to Park 011ve Sanft PETERS db a Adnnoecl PaJnllng may be oblllned by requHllng lot 131 Tract f'4o 2341, as per Ana Caltl II there 1s no street Company same in wr11tng from Iha benetlClwy maci recorded 1n Book 76, Pages 3 address d 1T ec11ons may De OEFENOANTS D ANNY wi thin 10 d1ys from the flrat and4 of MlllUlfaneous Maps,lnllle obtained by w1111en request 10 Staie BROSE DAVID BROSE, and New publtclUon ot this notloe office or Iha County Recorder of Savings and Loan ASSOC1<11tlon 222 Horizons Building Corporalton. 1 Said Hie Will be made wlllloul said County. North El Oorado Street Stocktor> c a11rorn111 Coroora1t0n and does 1 covenant or w1rr1nly expr .. a or The street address or other CA 95202 At1en11on Loan Semce lhru 10. Jtl<;luswe 1mplled, u ro the 111 ... po11anion common designation ot Iha real DeparJment nol letar than SUMMONS or encumbr1nce1 10 sat11ty the pr<>c>erty hetalnat>ove desulbed IS Oecembef 21. 1982 '°' \l'la purpose CASE NUM8ER: '7511 unp1ld belanca due on Iha note purported to be 1264 Watson of paying ob1tga1ton1 secured by NOTICEJ You ha•• Men aued. seeu<ed by said Deed of Trust to Avenue. Cosll Mesa, Cahf0tnla said Deed of Trust Thi CCM.1r1 mey dectde ..-in-1 you w11· $53,00000, plVt the lollOWlng l'ha undersigned hereby The rotal amoun\ or the unpatO without your Mino llNrd unlfta aallmlled co111, expanaes end dlsclalms ell flablllty for any balance or lh•s obltge1ton 11 S67 you retpoftd within 30 daya. R .. d advances at the 1""8 of the 1nilla1 1nc0trectneu In seicl atreat addfess 704 74 1n1ere11 $7 111 78. and rhe th• fnformallon below. publ1C8Uon of thi9 Not1ee or S•le or other common dHlgn•tton es11ma1ed amount ol c:oats n you wish 1o see1t the advtc41 or Estimated Trustee Fee In the Said sale will be m•da without e•~nses and advances wtileh wm •n attorney In this metier, you amount ol $1.351 20 plu$ lnter"t at warranty, 81'Pra11 or Implied. be incurred by the data of sale Is should do so promotly so that your 18.25% per 1nnum on the unpaid regerdlng 11111, possaaslon. or $616 32 wrtllan response ,, any. may ba principal balance from 2· 1·82 to ancumbrencea, 10 •atisly the Dated November 22. 1982 flied on 11me safe ptua any 1d11ance1 the prlnclp1I b•l•nce 01 Iha Note or Sunklst Service Company, Av tao f u • 11 d 11 1 •rd 0 beneficiary m1y be 1uthorlzed or other ooflgatlon secured by s'ld a corporouon damandado. El tribunal puede obligated to p1y plus any accru~ OHd ol Trusr. with Interest and Sy Oevld Chav1er decldlr conlr• Ud. aln audl-la 1 rate charges other 1um1 ea provided therein, Asst. Vice Prestden1 t1>•noa qua Ud. reaponda ctentro YOU AAE IN DEFAULT UNOEA A pfu1 advances. If any, under tho 222 Norlh Et Dorado St de 30 dlH. LH la lnformaclon qua DEED OF TRUST DATED JUNE 18. ta1m1 lheteol and lnleres1 on such Stockton, CA 95202 1tgua. t 9 8 1..1. UNLESS Y 0 U TAKE advancaa, and plus fees, charges (20919•8·11 l6 Si Usted dasaa soflcltar el ACTluN TO PROTECT YOUR Ind eMpenael of Iha Truatee and ol Trustee consejo de un abogado en este PROPERTY. IT MAY SE SOLO AT A the tru111 crNled by said Deed ol Published Orange Coast Ol'lly 1sun1 o , debar i a h 1cefI0 PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN Trutl Tna 10111 arnount of Hid P•lct Dec 1, 8 15. 1982 1nmed1atamente, de esta mane1a, EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE obllgauon, Including reuonably 5252-82 av respuesta tserlla, st hay 1tguna, OF THE PROCEEDINGS AGAINST eatlmarad IOI, chergu and ueda ser reglstrade a tlempo. YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A axpeneea of thelruttae. •I the llrne n11n1 IC NOTICE 1 TO THE DEFENDANT: A Clvlt LAWYER. ol lMifl puOflcatlon ol thi1 Notice. It ..-~ comp1a1n1 hit ·taen filed by the DATED. Novenit. II, 11182 $10,811 j$1 a u p E R I O R c o u R T o F plalntolf against you 11 you wllh" to Sh8arson/Amerlcan Oiied Novern~ 15, 1982 CAl lFOflNIA oerand this lawso11, you mutt, within Expr-Trust Dead l & B FINANCIAL CORP • • C9U"'TY Of' OllfANOE 30 days 11111 this summon• Is SanllQea Inc., • Calll0<nle corpor111on. in the Mallar of tne Applleatton or served on you, file with this court a F0<merty -nown al ••Trustee. MARK PAUL PENNOCK end KIRK wrtllen rnponte lo the complaint. Southafn CHlel By AEAL ESTATE OAlllD PENNOCK For Change ol Unlesa you do to. your default Will Eac:row Comp1ny, SECURITIES SERVICE, N•ma be entered on appflcatlon ol the H Tru11... • Califoml• corporation, • A115MI p1111n1t11, and Olia court may enter a Mll.lM A Brown. fl• ~I OflDER TO SHOW CAUll "'°°"*'' 80111111 you IOf the /allef AMlltant vie. PrWldettl 8y (j J Morger. FOA CHANGE °' NAMI demanded 11'1 the complalnt, whlCtl 120' Eut Hlghleod Ave Ill Prllld4lnl MA"f\K PALU. PO.NOCK and could rH\111 In garnishment of San BernBtdlno, C1flf 2020 N Broadw~. KIRK DA\110 PEONNOCK lleve fifed a wage•. liking of money 0t PfOperty 82•0• Sulla 204!, petition In thlt couit for an O<Claf or other relief raqua111d In it.a Tel (7141 aee.7891 Of 811111 An1. C" 9270& 11.llowlr>Q pell!~ 10 chenga l™tlr comptelnt Ht.18I1 HI. 3781377 Tel (714) 1153-8810 namea 81 follow• From MARK Oiied· Augval S. 19112, Publlal'l•d Orange CoHI Dally P1,1bll1l'led Orange Cont O•lly PAUL PENNOCK 10 MARK PAUL JAMES E GAROHER, Piiot, Nov"t•, Dec 1, II, 11182 'PilOI, NOV t7, , Dec 1, 19112 MUELLEA end from KIRK DAlllD Cfefll 5125-12 5070·92 p E N N 0 C K I o K I A K DA 111 0 By• C PICKERING, r lAUEllER. 08()\Aly l'\B.IC NOTIC( .ti 11 hereby orOarad 11111 111 CHARLll Cltf911111" rel paraona lntar811•d In the rnattef •M N. Ult• A" .. Sulla * '1Cnnout 9UtMll alor"81d 1pt)Mf oafore 1hl1 court PaeedeM. Ce."'°" NAMI ITATWmltT In Oapanment No 3 II 700 Civic Teli-(111) 1D-11't Tile following l)ef'tonl .,. dOUIO c en1ar 011¥1 Weal. Senra Ana, Pubfl1h1d 011no1 Co••• Dally Oi.ltlnaet ,., Celllornla, on o.cernoer 16, 1982. Piiot Oeo t, a. 11. 22. 19112 N J w p 0 " T I A v I N E al 10·30 o'clock 11..m .. llfld 1r..n lllnO 5249--82 ACUPUNCTURe CENTI.A, :ial'2 !here .now c.v11. If any they l'lavt. M•rlln Sul .. 240, lrviM , CA 92715. w.by aalcL p.ilt.IAa.JRr e111.nG1Y-X~•---= ....... -.a-11C .... NO-TIC-£-·~-_ . .D.QJl•J<I A-.ClLUJtL O .n..a:. n•me lhould not be oren(IO · ..-~ rncorpor•ted 111. C aH fornl• 11 11 Mthar O<dlfed' th1t • copy 01 ----------.,..-..,.. corporation), 2192 M1rltn 8utta 240, 11\11 order lo •how oauta be NOTICI °'APPLICATION'°" frvlM. CA 92715 f:1U1>11"'9d '" Or~ Cloffi Oatty CHAW .. O ... llS .. °' ~'"' Dvtli\41M .. condue'I~ by. Piiot, a new1p1per of general A"C~ ·m LICINM corl)OtlllOl'I c1rcuta11on, publllMd lft '"'' count')' .,...... Donald A Or1,11>9, at rtur once 1 wetk tor lour lo WhOM 11 May ft: • DDS. Inc; c:onNCVOvt weella Jl(lOr 10 the day TOMA, Olly t la~ ro lhe Donald A Or119t, 0 0 I Mid "-"inO-OtiOatll'Oent of Atcoholie h'dl• PI..idMI Oeted ~-t, 1N2 COntrOI !Of "41" ON $Al( 8EIR.. Tl'll• ., • ...,. ... !tied w11n '"' f MNI< OOMENICHINI WINI (PUI EAT Pl.) 10 H fl County Clel'k of Or1nge C-ty ott Judoa Of 1118 llcoholic beWflOff II 60:12 Wlltntr Oct It. ltH .......,_,l aioertor COu<1 Aft. Hunllngton 8Nch CA 92149 ,_ Puofl1Md Orange Co11t Oalfy Publllhad 011nge Coul Oatl)' PubtlflfleCI Orengt COHI 011.Jly ~ fitot. HoY 10. 17H•. O.C I, 1Na2 .-ao.. 04t I, 198' f Ptlot, NoY 10, 17, U . O.C I, 1"2 \ ' 411&t. 2 &29 hit 4M 1-1:1 NOTICC PlCTITIOUl ...... 11 NA• ITATIMINT trie lotlowl!1g perlOnl •r• CIOlng bUtM""8 ... PAOJIC'f 213. 2911H Ana Marla Lane, Leguna Nlguet. CaHlom1a 921177 la~une D•v••:;e;."'~f. .. • 'CellJOrlila Co;l>Ofit • >.na M1rl1 Lene, l1gun1 Niguel, Cllll0tnle 9H77 8Mtd CUllt. Inc., a ~llllOtnte (O!PoflllOI\, att91 An• M.,.._ ~~. 1.~t NiOllfl, CafjfOfllll 92977 fnlt ~ It e~t.o 0y • 08'*11 ptrtMrlfll!) Jolxl A H._,CI f!lil ale191Mnl -'!led Wiii\ the County c .. 11 o1 Or.noe County on NCIYllml>ef 12 llNl2 ,.,. Publlll'led 011n11 .. COHI D~ Ptl4M, NoY "·I•.~ 1, a. 1NI 600t-t2 I S)r nfue l s s upport stalls ()ii ct11upanie • 8y ROHERT BURNS 111111 t• UUll~!· ., llU"t A# etlefneaa Wrltef NJ.;w YO«K· Two 1111d 11 hull y1•ttfl4 aftt•r l tw u s uuv 1•1' 1\ rtlt• tll I u UHi: .. 1.•<l ii \.'I J ll h prng1•am to ht-Ip pnvuw t:omponlt•:f d1·vt•lup uil Crum other cnurgy Co rnu1, thl· f t.ulurl':!I fur outnumber tht• 11ut't't.'litit.'li And tht• ltsl of sctbul'klo kt•t·p:> ~rowi11u. Tit• n,1l11111 ru11·i. .J cl 1lt mmo In the.• d1·v1•l11p1111·111 111 1 ..yf11tw 111 '""'' 1ndu.,lry," Holl i..11d "If w1• r1 •ly 1111 'tht' f111• nldrkcl with only hmr ll·d ,.::11v1•rnnw01 .,~,1,1an1·1•. 11ynlht•tic fuub mny rm• 111· r1vu1lublt• 1r th<• 1w><t crlRls, when ttwy will ht h11dly nl'l·<'lc-d " Ttu• latt·~t 1·11s1mhy waM n pl11n111•ct s:s h11J11m proJN'l to produr P i.ynthl:tH· oil from coal. Ashlund 011 l n l'.'B JIHIOUrll't.•mt•nt Jno,t W(•('k thHl ii w:us i1b1mdonl.ng lht.• Bn..'<.klnndl(c w~l-tu-uil pro)t.oct murkt-<I thl' fourth tin w lhi~ y 1'<1r th;tt a mojor U .S. ull com pony had cl rnprkd 111 s u spemkd u bynlhl'tk fuds pr6Jt"t't. h w..i' t lt1· oil lTtsi-c of I !)7!J1 wht•n prices naon· lhan doubh·i.1 Mld 11l1o r101wic dt•v1•lopt-d ut11·r 1tw lranwn n•voluuon. th&l prompted th~ C.11·11•1 a1lr1111rn1lra111in to crN1lt• the Syntheuc l"uPl!I C:u1 p. Tht• l{<>al was to produce the c·11u1v.11l•nt M :,00.1100 1Ju1 n•hc uf 011 a da1. by 1987, 1·l'dm·111J{ ttw th1tto11·., cll•JX•nd(ln"'-e on 011 1mporti1. Whth.'. £xxcm Cnrp 's clt'('1i.ton lo«t Moy to lllt>p work on thi• '<1lony ~h:1h• m l prc>Jt.'<.'t tn Col o rado drt•w murl! :.itt1•tH1on, tlll' A~hla111J pullout undt'l"B<.'Or<.•d the goV(.'rnmt.•nt '8 g1 ?1wmg t•onv1l·t1un thal lor~t.·-st•ale synfut•ls prn)t'<.'t.s .trl' unrl'asibl1• Uut tltt•11 rn1111• th1· o il glut. Sy 1981. t-1111v,•11ttonJI c.1 ud1.• 011 wa.-c In 1i.Qunt.lance o n th(• wr>rhJ 111.11 kl'l a' rN·N~ston hit the W estern The Ashland movP "d<•monstr<ll~ th:n 1•v1•n with maximum federa l tlSl;tstancc> tht.• l"Ur1 l'fll 0 11 m arket and other <.'<.'On om1c• l'Ondittvn.o, d1NJtc.• serio us problems f o r proJt.·ct~ ui. lurgt• u.; Breckinridge," said lhl' Synlhl'lk ~\ll'ls C:orp Thill is the k overnmt>ntnl :1gt'nl'y !>cl up 111 .Junt• 1980 to provide fm:m c aa l in<.•1.•nuv<.>s Lo µr1vatt' lnd·u s try t o design. bOllt ond o p cra l l' • ·< onomw~ u11 d tlw C.'On'iumlng c.-ountries stepped up 1•1for1i. lo 'ulr.;t1tutt• o ther fuels. such as coaJ, 1111 1 rud1· 1111 Ott\·1· 1111 pr1c<•s s to psx-d rising - .!ll<l 111 !Jt't l>c.•g..in fol hnR th(> <>COnomics of ... yurucb looked k-ss t1llriCltve. That trend has 0111., 11111·n,1£1cd rn r('{-cnt months c:ommcrdal-sc·nl<.• planl:i • Latt• l;1~t yc.•t1r (Jc.·(:1tJ1·nwl 1-'eti o leum Corp. :111t1 'u·nm'l:u lr1t· • 1 wo uf ttw country's biggest oil c.·on\j1:tni('~. unnuuncc.·d they were suspending work on thur .)Otnl $3 b1JUon C athedral Bluffs pro,l('<.'t IO pr0<h1t•f' 011 from shale In Col orad o. Whtie A shland's chairman, John H I lall, agn>ed that uncertainty about the f u tu r1· p11('t• uf t•o nv.c ntion a l oil rendered Breckinridge too risky. he argued that complt.•te abandon mt•n t· of synthetic fuels (·ould, in thi: long run, be t·v1.:n Afll'I Exxon'!> mothballrng o f the $5 billio n C11lotl,.Y fHllJl'Cl tn May. Standard Oil Co. (lndu'inn) 01\d Gulf 011 Corp .. anno unced i n j uJy that ·tht•y wc·rl' indl'finitt:ly su spending their JWntly own1•d H10 Blanco Oil S hale project in Colorado. Firm1s estahli'sh regional office • near a irport Houston and N ew England Mutual Life Insurance Co. o f ucross from John W ayne Airpw l 1•xt'<.·ut1vc management office for n1n1• wt.•1>tc rn s tates, representing :!5 !.all•!> o ffices and 60 distric t offl<.·t-s • Bos,ton have cstabltshcd regional offices in the Airpor Busin ess Center-N o rth. according tu tcvc Caudill, m a nager of Offtl'C lcastn_g for the Irvine Company Both firms h ave moved into the lrvrne Compdny's twin- t owe r com plex at 18668 Stt•w:irt Tille Guttre1nty Cu wt II b<.' i.u perv1smg 1,200 l<K'lil oCfiN."S m Cahfornm. Nt·vada <and llawa11. Approx1mat<'ly 10 persons will be employed 1n tht• new headquarters, which also m clt.idC'S :rn ('SlTOW (>rftC'c "We travel at least o n ce a w<.·c·k ," said Gc.'Orge M . K ingsley Jr , regional vice president for Nt•w England Mutual Life. "So tt's vital tlfat we have easy access to lht• atrpofC." N-cw England Mutual Ltfr lnsuran<.'t.-.Company's nC'w NASO LISTINGS MUTUAL FUND NEW YORI( tAPt TxFre • ll 'i F1ot1 ••'9 Nl,. tOS ND ... • u -The toUowtno quo. CepTNT 10 JI N Gvt S.< t as NL 105 Proq • U 1 ll lllllOn\\ :.:f""' '" C•nltnntel GI> Hlln'o .. ., NL Inv MU lO S7 "., ~i;ro:·o~0 Sttc~~~ ~~~' 1~!!1:1 ~~:ft~n,~~1 ~t :~!~1~ .. W1~~ Oulett. Inc • .,. C!Wn<ellor G"!Uf> klHll IS 35 Nl Inv S.I I 1' I J1 uw prt«l •I Which HIYICI 99tlf0• !elMtl 11 4 NL ln\r V•r •oo 10~ llwte -urlflH HIMun U 00 IJ 61 S.ll<ll t• •• Nl tnv An h S Oo 5 S3 'OUlcl ,,... -NO.c 11. ti Thrift • 71 NL 1'1tl ., ., Nl IOlcl IN.ti HMI T .. M 11 )4 II TrtllCI n ,, NL hy F"cl 1119 Nl ~elUl'f or llOuQlll C.nt ~Ill 11 '1 Nl F1n1n<1•I Proo JP C.fll'I I• ()q IS J1 lvelu. plu\ Witt (fWrt Fcl II n 19" I Dyne t 16 NL JP lnco 14 t 11 clWlrQel T-y Cl'lp Dir IS st Nl Fn<lh IJ 'IO NL JlnU\ 10 )) NL setl hY C.lle1lnut un.tvell 1nc1u11 • 11 NL Jol'ln Ha11<00. Acorn F 11,09 NI. Cotonl AI FuncJt ln<orn I u Nl 80ftcl un~v .. tl AOV II 09 NL Fund II•• 12 1t F~I lnvoto<S Grwll'I un.tv_,.I ~:~u~~ncttl;S n Nl ~r-y11~ : ~ rn gr:<:P ~~~~1." v~.G~~ ,i:::.~:1 CvYld 13 2l 14 U llll:Om 1 0(1 1... Grwtll Uf\41V4111 ll;autmn 11 . NL ~l~~y 1Vj :~ :f ~f~n Mg u~!e.1~ 11 ~n::.r., u::::!111 K~~~~ Fuf"',~ eeo Allllla F 7UI NL Golu Giii U JI' NL Optn 11n•va11 Grow 12 S6 •VJ A Bl flll'T 13,14 14 • Cwllll A8 I JI 1 U To E• llll'"ve11 ~I Vici !,,18 IQ•• AMtrlten Funcl' Cwltfl co 1 ll , 00 WIEq t 1; 10.. lnllFcl I·~ 12 02 " Bii ... 10 11 Comp Bel • 41 10 ,, W•ll ,,,.. NL Mon 8 I 31 1 11 Am<p 1 0 • fl Comp Fcl .... 10 11 F••ltr s •1 s I I Opt" 1211 IJ,O A Mull IJ 42 •• 61 CCNKord 11 U Nl Fflcl Giii S Qi S S1 Summ ll •S n .. lloncJ 12.IO 1J "CO<l,.t<ll<ut Gtnl Founder\ Gr""!> Tech 11 '1 1J as Fcl Inv 9 as 10 1• Fund IJ 1S 14.. Gr.,111 9 OJ NL Tot Al IJ • u l>J Gr•th It 11 11 u rncom I OJ 1 60 lncom 1J lO NL US G•I II.ft• 16 ln<Onl • as 10,. Mun Bel .. ., 1.. MUiti • Joi • 11 KtyUon• """" ICA 10 If 11 01 ont Inv IJ 00 11 IO Sl>f<I H ~ NL. Cu• 81 ll.IO 1• ~ N Peri 1 llO 1 9' O<l\ltl O 11 JO NL ran•11n Gr01..9 C.111.81 11 • 1010 TUE •oo •4sCont Mui '°' NL AG£ )U ''° ,, .. a~ 1418 e n Wth Ml t 1• 9 SI OCllty I 1t NL ON l C II U It 11 Cut KI • OI t '2 Amer Gerwral Clry C•P IS I• 16 1' Orwtf'I lO 1J 10 '1 Cu\ 10 1 JI t 01 Gep 811 • 12 1 i. O.le•trt Gr-. Option • tl-t 11 C.u\ SI II S1 IO JO E•lrp I• I• JS •J Ot<tt U 10 It 01 Ullls S 1' S t9 Cu\ Sl I ~ • M HI VICI 9 .. 10 '9 O.lew ll II U U fn<on-I 'IJ 1 OI Cu\ S• •"' 7 >O Mun B ,. ., 11 >0 0.f<ll 1 H I., US Golt I~ 1 St lnttrnt • 0 4 .. 'lltlllr "'""" h J'rt •» • .., C•P•I ,., 1011 THFt '"' 111 '"'"*' 11 ... 1• I Otllt It so 12 SI £qul1 , J •• • ,~ Mt)\ 11 J1 t) n IE•<ll •• , NL Olr C.P I S1 NL Celt. • ,, • ,. LullljllOll <.tp Fcl Am 11111 13 Jl OMC• Ill )Sn NI,,._, Int CP (dr ''°' 11 n Grow 1atl NL DeclCo St 2101 l'l. Cmro tel IO .. Ooldlcl •OI NI. H•rbr J> 41 U n °'tx lt1r I• 14 NL lnvOI JO 20 10 .. C.HIWIA 1.. NL P•ce )j 01 • ,. O•t1.1Ut Ci•P Pllel II 4) "0 Or ow '., Nl p,..vld '19 'to A llnd fJ 0 NL Suttbll ",. IJ •\ Run 11 ,, NL A Oll'IFd • 40 ' ,. Ortyl I• '3 I•,, T Pee n • NL llnClnr •. ·~ 11 Nt.. A Htrltt J .S Nl l.tv.. It '1 tin •It 0o I•.. NL LOOMll ,....yll'\ Am Int _,.I N Nine • to Ill lj\ [I« In• (tPll untV4tl A 1nvul 9 ,I NLI $1>1 ltt< t '1 Nt EllnTr u""'•<MI Mui unAv .. I A ,.,. in ,,. "'"'I tu lh 104) ,. a1111r. ,.. LOrd Att11e11 Arn~ U.S NL TllrCI C • U NL r.• utte••ll AlllllO I"' t 10 A NIOlll 4.n s It l .. ' 011'1 ... 10 " ui Lo 10.. NL Ind f!b ... 10 ., ,. Nllnc "to "" elon•Howtro n Ste tt N NL Dev c:.I tt 1t 2• '° A"'w•y ••• n ll•t... • ,. '01 Ill un•••ll lncom > Oii ) 17 AnllCht • " NL l'tlln 10" NL rln l'!d to•~ NL l111Nr411\ 8fo ... '4119"11911• lfl<tm , .. ill rdl'~A U1'11tfl ful\cl IH1Utt fnd a t It 10 t) ft>CI• I 61 t • tm HOA llftlvAol Inc om e \J f .. ,. 11'1<0"' a~ .SOS 5'<1 tt •I h U Ari 0111 1.1.t1 Ill Munl • 11 1,oi. 510(11 11 «1 1> cw Sloo It°' tt" •rt L.. :rue NL u~ 1>011 u~ •·'-' ILC 01 1UJ ti Ge llentecll Or'OUll. trO!d unevetl ~en ;,1,._1 !LC 111( 111.19 1... tlltm 10.J't 11.n flt Mttt 1' M I'll ~IT -II 1' 12 .. Mt Int '.. NI. ... • " t.l ulllne 11,. NL 10 I ... u ., "'Inv 1210 NL ",',,., lui ... lll lO!l'I u~ NL 10 ,, It 11.4' -1w< 0111 ,, .. 11t ttfl-fO NA~1¥ M '9 ~..._..,_,, ~ I IMt Hiii 14 04 Nl 1trern u ti HI. ~I C:,r~p. Mt.C• 1011 11 61 "'[!•rO•~ wrtrfll U •I Nl Orwlll ... 7 to Ml'O "" IJtt 1 !'ti tJtt NI. '"' 10 U• IPt ln<Om ~1' 411 .Mf'8 IJ!! IJ\6 1 h lt SJ "L ~·'-" ,._ ftt! ti\ It., II ft MM6 I w a .. ... (la, All! 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S.1' Off •.S Spl V•1 10 1>t II lit MHT It .::r NLI Bond l.t'l NL Mid AM UNv•ll f'uncl 'OI NL C•P Op 24., NL --001 10 11 NL 1ncom • ,. NL Stock 20.. NL :~~ :.~ :: ~ IJN~ ~~M:: F~ 12 llj ~:~~~· tJ : =t McltGvt 10 ~ NL Conv I• .. U 10 Slrellnv 9CM • • Mulull 01 Omlf'lt lfll Eo I• .. 1• JJ Str•I Giii 21 JJ Nl AMtr 10 u NL G ... ro IS 11 .. u SUttGrlll II '° IJ 01 Orwin S '1 4 II Gr.,lh 11.12 1211 TU MOO IJ.Jt 14,83 ~n~ir;i. : ri ,; !; ~r·~:~ :r: :' ~ T•~::,:on ~~. Mll011111 1l 14 NL lncom 610 1 t• Grwtll 1.11 l.4n Mui Shi 0 n tll lnvt" II I• ll II WotlCI to.D 12.:n N•tUT •• I ~L Optn ,, .. ta ... Trns Cap 10.1' It.Ge Nal Avl• 10 Nl T •• Ea 70 st ll '1 Trn1New 1,Jt NL Net ln<I 13 17 NL Vlllt 19 ~7 21 :IJ Trev• Eq lUO ll.4' , Nal §e(ut1ll#\ VoyAQ U &l 17 JO Tudr Fd 1•.Jt Nt 881M II '9 12 • ., 0U8Hr "'• Nl TwnC GI 12.ft• N Bond 3 4S J n A•l,.l>w J JI NL T•nC S.I ........ 1 Grwth ~" t 13 Ao<hTa 11 .. tJ OS Twnc VI 6.is •. ,, ~;:~::, : ~ rn S.~~:il S.curos Nl U~~!1~'°':f.'t0 Nl StCKl •IS 10 6 Grwlf'I U.44 NL ~IYlcl 11.22 NL la• E• 1 II I )I tnco 11 00 NL lnco 10.1l HI. TOI Rt ~as •.St SJPe111 ln.,.\l I Sl>lt ll_D NL Feirflct t OJ' 11 C•pll utwtvell U"f A<eu _.,., N~~~~'F~.,. ~t. 1 ~\" .=~r." ~~:::u,iu::~11 ' NatC.lh 7M l tS<UclCHrl'uncl\ Ac(m '·"" .. Net BO t 4" 10 II Com SI IJ.. Nl Fldu< a.• JO." N11Ublr90'r ~m Ocol "'•I Nl HI Ill< IJ.43 14 ... Enro• 1) 1' NI.. (epGr It It NL lfKom 11 CD ll.8S GuerO :W 04 NL tncom II 41 NL M11nl •.OD •as Llbty J.. •L Intl f<o u •s NL Sc E"9 , 10. 11 ti M~nM S 10 NL MMll 1 36 NI. V"'t 1109 I •• H:.::'G1 ;: :: ~t ~~· ru;-o~ 111 ~.~!tf.,.""1.~11 ~r,'h!.11!" ,t ~ ~t ~-..~·.~ : !; t~ ~ =:;: lU! tt ~~ :~b~ :~ ~ ~t s.~~::c, ,..:,: • SI L':.°t:1 J:: tL NovaF"il I\ 0 Nl Am Sf'I\ • lt NI. S.I $11 13 • Ht H'f V•nl , If • M Spl $11\ ,. ,. NL v•c• .. ,..,,. N11•ttn •" NL StllOf"•ll Or°"ll Jn< om 11.29 1a_a.• Om-10 fl NL CtPl'CI II :JO I) It '"""' 1 a 1-'9 Ollt wrr. unntl CMSllt. u .. ".. Lllt1' II 11 ..... °'lr.r~"?''l':'l 111 11 10" ~~8:'111 11'1~11rn, E~Glll s~: y., I OPCltn t •1 t S.nllnef Gr-v To II • It ti HI Ylll 11 IO 10 I : .. ..., I I• 9 '1 ... I l •U 1 • , Ootn U Jt 1SS Ond Ut •.. D1ttr I 554 .. , SJMtl 1' <Ill it 1 C•m !I U Jt 1• 11 t!1'' I '1 18 • , h for• I 00 1~ Grwlh lltt U.. al'e t ... G ... AIM 11 1e "I $equol• JI 41 NL f!lll I 4'" llm• IU• II ., Sentrr tt,. JOS , kl ' ..... OT<. St' i. lO M.s SN•non ;-. I I)" H 1' I Perem M II tl ,, ., AHrt I) II !) ., V1!P91Hrd ~' llHWICI 10 l• Nl HIVICI 11 • 1' 0 ~'I Ir • • ML ~" 5o • 21 NL 1(1<9"' It•> tt Tr \1 • ltL I Pt1111 M11 lt• NI MMun 12 Sil t3 HMA •.It "" PM• ti ti 10 't NwDlr U 1f t._ ~ 11 tt !fL "-nix Cl\llu Iii:"'' D ? U l'ILI 1 NL llaf"n 11 en 11 ltrte (,I tJ,U N~ Mii 1. C•I Cl .. lltl fl" ,,,,... JluncJ• MuSlll t L Gtwlri tt •t U I Ctttlt ~ti t1 H Mut"I NIYICI '41 10 ltl(O I SI I 11 •t.I L St«• H°" I) lnv .. I H .. 14 ·~--'j~~':-' PC C•ll I\ 06 Sflel n I); ti l1t If L l'lltrl"' Ortt Tru•r • 10 •' P'tlte •11 L !'Ii. rd 11 ,. 1t ~ V.ill I , t W.lltl i M .. C: , II ) .,l e 1-'r I' 19 !""' I Mte Ill Ht t 0 I ••Or t • ? I a119 PIOMtr 1.-11'1 U DI h tOYaf ! •-• 14 • II w nine 4 t4 NI. WMar fllflcl 'l'"'rn .,., Ill !Ito! 1''4 $!';Ill ! 11 111< I 11 Mt1 '"' ltw e ,!~ ,. ..... 1... I " It,. •Cll u . NL ..... • 'l1t ~·.~;1 • ..,,.U. ML 11':,1 :'. J4h ::. ~...., ' t1r•l'I U 14 .. l M.-111 P...... •VII ..... IM8"1 iJI Nll Alll ,,_. Jd !fL .......... llltl .. N\ lltlltC i l'fl.l Pllll lMe M. "Ire I fl Nl 1-\1 I I NL ttL NI ---0 I. V."~' 11: :t .. ~·r .. .:.. .. "''tr~..., -.. ,,.11.,. lal111 ti• ttL .... .::~~~~~~~~~~~---~ ............. lliliii;lllQWiiililiiMilllllt~ ... ~laiiil--&illlllliia&iiiiiiilil.m ....... ' ..-......... Orange Coaat DAIL V PILOT IWodn ldey. 0 mber 1, 1982 NYSE COMPOSITE TRANSACTIONS OUOfAUCN .. ll•CLUOI •••o••o• , ....... YO•• ............. ,,,,c. ..... IOtfO•, OlflOlf 611110 c••c••••" nocir lac..,.••n •••••••Tl• •Y , .. , u .. ••o • .,,.,,.,, Deficit inay hit $250 billion WASHJNGTON <AP) aJdg4:i Director P av1d 5tcx:kmun'H lrltl'l!I for1~0(;\1:,L •·nvlslonx a budgut dl'ridt tor rtw current fi~ul yNlr of tx>twt.....:n $UJO billion -.nd $190 b1llton, nsin~ to more thlln U50 bllllc>o nnnu&lly by tht• middle of thL· d ~adt'. 110urct~ 8'ly. Th1)!S(• 1iourc.•M1, who O.'lkNl o·ot to be 1dt•ntlf1t-d by n:1mt•, smd St<X'kmnn has outlined thl' worsening dc!l<:lt plC'turt• to Pn'tiidL·n~ Reagan. The president hns yN l.o approve uny t.pt"<:1flc spending cut.s to redo.ct• tht• rt-d ank • But whatever Reugan calls for. and howcv£lr Cot\grcss responds, ufficinU; <.~net-de the prospects for rooucms lht: forecastc<l 198:~ df•tlci~ ap~ar slim. 'l'hat lM because Congress has already adopted a budgN for lhe fiscal year tha t includes spe11ding levels lor all federaJ programs. There is virlually no talk In Congr<'SS of furthl'r tipending cuts for the currt•nt hscal y1·;_1r Subsidy furor mounts WAS! llNGTON (AP) -European lnsistem-e on t'Ontinuing the farm subsidies that U.S . leaders say devastaw world markets is fueling what could explode into a trans-Atlantic trade war. Failure of an international trade confe rence to settle the subsidy dispute means retalialory action by the Congress "is more likely now tha n ever," according to one Senate leader. Agr iculture Secretary John Block says· he's preparing his own. plan to deal with the Europeans. But Blcx:k, while an outspoken proponent of (ree .. . push me very hard" to win support ,for protectionist 'legislation. "Obviously, something must be done," he told reporters a fter the 88-nat1on cbnfcrence on tt\C General Agreeme nt on Tariffs and Trade ended a five-day meeting without any progress on the farm subsidies provided by the European Economic Cqmmunity. · · AirCal picks ne,.v VP· David A. Banmiller , 38. has been named vice president-marketing for AirCal, the Newport Beach - based airline announced l.oday. In his new position, Banmiller is responsible for the airline's marketing organization which includes sales, advertising, 'pricing. promotions, reservations. sales activities a nd programs. ,... "Over the course of the pasryear it has become clear that our greatest challenge is in t~e ar_ea of -n?Venut> gcn-eration throttgh t~m&f'ket:·m~f--Oui:-+----• product successfully to our custom ers, potential ~us tome rs and travel agents." sajd Sheldon Best. exet'ut1ve vi(.-e president. .BanmiUer lives in Laguna Niguel. WHAT STOCKi'IHo HEW VORll.UPJ .IWllL JD AClv•ll<tcl l~J5 0.CllMCI 4U V11<ll•nQeC1 '8:1 Tot•• ru ... s 1'S. Nffl lllOllS 1SJ New 1-s • Wt;lil AM(~ ()0 NEW YORI( ~Pl Nov lO MET}LS Todo m ,,. 111 -.,, n ' Pr .. o.ril ~ lit ... '° t NEW YOA.K CAPI ,......, pricM •ocl•y Spol 110111errou1 Copper 68~·72 cen11 • po11nd, US. c1 .. 11ne11ona. Leed 21...,·2' cenia a OOund. ZIM 31-42 C41\ll e pound. Otlllltr.O Tiii M 0864 ~ w .... comootft• lb • .....,._ 71 oenis a pound, NY ...._, $365.00 '* lla9ll Plollft11M 1340 00-$342 00 lfO)' Olll\Ce, N.Y. SILVER Henery Ind Her men, S 10 075 per troy C)Unc:I' GOLD QUOTATIONS DOW JONES AVERAGES NEW YORl(CAPI ....... Oow-.J-• avo• tor 111e1<Uy, Nolf JD. STOCKI lO Incl 10 ,,,, U VII u $1k lnclul Tr•ll Vllll '5 Slit 0.-...... !--c-. °" IOOl.6I 00.40 -~ 1039.lt ~ » ~ .US.211 .... , .. 4".26 -71 • 10.00 111o.oo 1 i..u 11•.IO "'·°'. o.n 711.6.7 406 SJ 3'9 71 400 •• ll.7• ........ -• .. 1,2:19,IOO ........... •• ~2.300 1,tll,toll u,u>.100 AMERICAN LEADERS j { , 118 Orungn Co st for • OVI goe ears, goosebumps nu~o no1'11t·:N1JlmG Telewr.lon Writer Ni'~W YOKK T11n1lo(ht't> TV 11111vw lwrulf\I', c~lt'lt'tt (nun 111'1 h111111•, ubw;c-ct a11d .Jlm11clont . .U by 11(•r husl.x11uJ, " 1t•ll1ng bt.-dt11m• SlOIWb to lwr ~mall ttiildrl'll T lw ..,,,mlrrnm ts latt· urr1v111g It':-. 1101 t.'Ul\Y lf.>Jng l.x.-ddy -by1• 11\ u bw lt>rn1mul ~ She tt>lb tlwm ab<>ut betH.•r duy:;, thl• kint..I l t•y'vc seem al 1 lw µkturc shows. Slw has tht•111 1 llll_(ane thcy'n• !.lllll'k1ng on popl'tWll, JUJulx• cundks !d r1X>t beer l ;,.,w Kl'lly und his fly i11g ft'<'I aN• on l' S<'l'C'<'ll. Evt>r so S\\ 1·1•tly, shl• wh1spt.•I'!. thut wht·n tht•1r ntasy frlm t·nd!., lht•y would gN 11110 tht•1r "fanry rfiotor t·ar.~ and tlrav1· to their mansion, thl• ont• w11h ·~n•t•i. ~!'ci b18 l:iwn~. JUSt hkt• w1•'v1• St.'t'n an thl• rfiov1t•:, .. ~1 Tht• moving p1t·1ur1• the hcrom1• painL'I 1.'0uld be.• n y zi ppy nH>Vll' SPl'C't-cl t'I(' d~urnt•d out by ollywood 111 t lw l!HOs The movi1• sht"s 111 'fM1ssang Childr<'n· A Mother's Siory" on CBS * night 1s 1h1· kind of inttmall•, ht•art-tugging It· that tclt>v1surn J1>l's w1•1l and oflt.'n around hnslmasllllll' : M utht•r!.. 11ld so fl11.•s and, maybt•, thl· th1ck - st<,inn1•d will bt• toui·ht•d by "M issing Chilt.lrcn," the story of a courag1•ous. kindly, yet nnivt• mothC>r who tl'mporarily pla<"cs her kids 111 a fn•t• boardmg· lloml'. whilt• ~he.• cnd1.•avors to find work. only to t~.1·1i d1S(·ovl'r that tht• t•hirdrl'n W<'ft• put up for ;.fjoptton : This m ovu• makes no pn•tt·nst• aboul i t~ 1(lll'nt1ons: going for thl• goosebumps and d1vidmg ttw world into good and C'Vil. l . Who could n •sist a mother w ho rcfUSl'S to yield tf ltfo's rotten <ippll•s'? Who wouldn't bt.• sw<'pt away llY a struggling family that pulls all 1ts worldly 11Jsscss1ons qn a kid's rt•d wag.on? Who wouldn't t'f tc the snake whu S<'lls off the children'! , A1.·tu~'!1Y~ without thl' right actrcssc-:.. "Missing . . SPECIAL UMITTD ENGACEMENT Cl•••••• ... lt1tti Ct1at Pl111 11 10•• l••••rf OIH•• 11 ltl~r lttrtt Hcav y-h andl·d . Th<' sc ript s trctcht•:. even theelters is a real horror show. t r1stmastim1•'s more lt•mcnt l'rc•d1billly quotten.t. --. I M W. · h · h J r A 1 d UAC the .seco..i' 1argest movi& chain in the u.s.:· u are m111ng am. int e oan o rt' ro c, an has e~barked on a national.policy o( eliminating , >JJ y Hollid<iy. who makes J.R. Ewing look like a sam t. are letter n.•rft'l't jobs, fostering unemployment in city after c ity where _,..,..__ ______ ,...._. _____________ they own and manage theaters. In California, UAC employees who chose union representation are the "'•llli•lllr'C~w[x~u~R~Y~T~H~E~R~T!RE~sC2•••••1ii.. primary targets of the company's greedy, crass "pfo- lslr.tlbli11teShowiais«*lYS2.l2U.1tss0t11trwiwMlttd fits before people" corporate philosophy • -/' ) S W ithin the last few weeks, UAC has lockei:f out •1r1JgrI•J11IW6l6J-i 255J ~°i:!r . many of its southern C~lifornia projectionists (members of the International JAlllance of Theatrical FOR FUOI EXCITEmEnTI V1s1tOur... -A-Stage Employees and Movirlg Picture Operators) ARCADE of GAMES• ;:;,~';'~'i" W rattler than engage In good-fait'h bargaining. Manage- ment taunted these highly skilled and dedicated workers with a preposterous "final offer" that would mean: ciPidi:sSOJt~ ~ !ti1t~-i-v~m TU' ,0 4 '0, . ,0 v~, Show• '1J,U'P8:abJO S:OO • eliminating 50 to 75% of ,the projectionists' ~ jobs ---··---a...,M.,.~40""•~r.·M"~;,,,.. _._C_Ka ...... ~,g~~.,. .... -..-wa .... -~ ... '.--··_(ji]_~,.,...__ __ ·..:...__~:;;~.e wages for _many 01 the remaining ~:~LYwE cg; A.1'1,.. .,.,.A m • arbitrary reassignments and changes in r••VR• is 1aJwa1 c.:r working conditions (i.e., forelnQ one projec-r..rftlTT .,._ .. "' tionist to service up to 18 movie sereens In 11or•ot112:102:10•·00 ~··~· :so 1:4 • i •JI · At 1i:l0 i:so s:101:JO 9:40 t~~ three buildings that may be 24' miles c;nl•Utbl§sl 2165-4 9m/"g.~)# apartr Janitors ·In UAC's San Francisco-area theaters CHIUSTO~Hut •n:•v• I ET.THE ExTRA·o;fJ who belong to the Service Employees union have MONSENOR Cl • • TERRESTRIAL also been vlctlmlzed by management. Forced out on : , • Al a:=~ 1cuo strike more than a year ago because UAC won't budge from its demand for a total wage freeze, the 6 659-8770/~~ janitors, too, are confronted with a hostile and inflex- ible altitude on the company's part. · I "us S.,perman II (PQ) ET. THf_ EXTRA· • • TERRESTR IAL mf3 Al~.J>o•ifjl ~ (fl'G) A LONE IN THE DA'RK l!J PIW Q (A) Driw•irp Open 6:45 Weeknights I 6:30 WMk9nds Children Undirl f tet UllltH Noted Unis holiday sea· · son welcome fam. jly and friends to ~our house with .. ~he crunchy ~ood taste of plmonds from pur house, the 'House of Almonds. At House of Almonds we have almond gift packs per· feet for every· one on your gift giving list and sure to fit UAC wants unconditional surrender, no n;iatte' what the consequences for workers. the industry-or the area's economy. "Take It or leave it" is their basic "negotiating'' st.ance. ' ' UAC gives· Its employees no real choice. But moviegoers do have a chplce of where to spend'thelr entertainment dollars. ~LEASE DON'T-P-A.:rRONl,_.._- _. U~C THEAT°ERS IATSE Southern Association/Corporate Campaign 630 Geneva Street, Huntington Beach, CA 92648 GIFT GIVING within your budget-We mail gifts too. We have everything you need to ere· ate a special House of Almonds gift of your very own from colorful gift ';ill&I~~'~ tins to traditional ~ decorator jars. And, they're always in the best of yule· tide spirit. So for almond gifts with good taste come on over to our house, the House of Almonds. South Coast Plaza •Sherman Oaks Galleria • Buena Park Mall ____,,.,..\----Del Amo-f-.hion Center• Norchrldp E'athion-Cenccr • LaurclPla: f Topanp P~aia • Eastland Mall • The City• Huntlnpon Center t ~ t Frte ui~ Wrap • AH MaJot Cr«dl& Cards• ~~I Oiju STHEMAN~R NOWYRIVE ........ llGll ce11a 101 • 11 l\01 -~ ~ .... ., :.~.-:-. ~.':·· ... • 1. .. ,.. ... _, ..... ..... I •O,,... •ft t')t f\00 -~. ~ IOWAllOS \pr CINllU "THE TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE" 1•1 1t.•t..1A~uel.t41. 14. tt•I "CREEPSHOW" 1•1 IN OOl.8Y ••U..~ta.u• LAKEWOOD CENTER WAlK·IN "THE EMPIRE S'TRIKES BACK" oo • w OOCilf .... ti.a. .......... . "VICTOR/VICTORIA" (POI 1:00, S:AS, 10')0 "ARTHUR" (POI J>tS. uo LAKEWOOD CEHTER SOUTH WALN IN "THE EMPIRE STAlKES BACK" clo1 ,._,. , ...... \ ... . . "FIRST BLOOD"'"' .......... , ...... , .. Foc:ully 01 Con<llewooo 213/531·9510 "MONSIGNOR" 1•1 lt<tt , .... , ........ ~ "THrMAN FROM '\ SNOWY RIVER" !POI ~l'A ... , ... "CREEP SHOW'; 1•1 ,,.,. •• Ul,tt• ~ BIG•BIG•DlllVE-IN BARGAIN$2 EVERY WEDNESDAY I THURSDAY Children t)nder 12 "Alwoys FREE l'l• l'lnoN ... Ol!C« ~~ lt lM PM $hoe '10lit IM'1>tlfANT ltOTICl' CNllORUI UllOU ll fill! --•-lot Olkt-Wt&•t• -11.m•Uta ~ ..,,_ • •OUll ""'CM lll00 15 ...._. PlfllWI ~MtCM-wmtlQill!IOll ~ - -Mt l'Oll1llU 1•AU ~ -.. ., .. - ·~A~l ,. ANAHEIM DRIVE IN 1-n-t ti Oi 1-• SI 179·tHO "THE EMPIRE STillKES BACK"1001 -"NINE TO FIVE" 1001 C•lli It SOIJ!IO &1.'f ~.A PAW• BUENA PARK o~•vt 1N Ufte:OlnAM • 121-4070 ... ' ... ~ .... i.. LINCOLN ORIVl IN l~Olft Aw• W•'9 of l l"On 121-C070 I JNl.Ar~ FOUNTAIN VALLEY DRIVE IN "E.T." 1001 -"~ONCO BILLY" 11>01 C* "THE EMPIRE ITRIKH BACK" (POI -"THE CANNONBALL RUN" Clll( .. _ " .. . . , ~ " LA HABRA c ~ '' •N _ ....... -~-.......... 17M .. 2 "'1RIT !!;000" 11t1 , "M~D MAX" 1•1 . . . MISSION [1111111 IN -. .. .. "CAEEP~HOW" J•I .... "THE MAN ,.llOM SNOWY 111¥£11" 1001 -"TIME 8i'NOITI" Cllll"-l!Jt I ~FAIT Tlllll!8 AT lllOGIMONT HIGK"l•I J "IA"'"O"t•I J. -THI Li'IT A•lllCAM '""0!9 c ...... -I'll I .. FAIT Tillllll AT ltlOOllMONJ tttOH"' l"t t. "ZA"'"O" 1-1 J. •THI t.AIT AllllllllCAM ¥111--,., so ... M O I"" I ii' ·~::c ........ / .~W --1 ·~· ------1 .. .. 1. "f'Al'T Tm18 AT r .. , .. .. • lllOQlllllONT HIOM" ltll I t. "ZA ..... 0" ltll > •fHI t.AIT A•lllCAN YlllOl9"1t11 "ltATIONAL LA..OOW8 cuaaMUNION"1t11 -••llYLL a HYM ••• TOMftllflA .. _..1111 . . . ",/"'IOA•A.."1 ,_ f\l"t < ,......,_. ..... ,.. ... , .... ,..,..._..,_...,...t.,""'~ ._....,... ........ 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I. s• -! 1· -~ '·~ I' i PHl11 · tt Ji n i~HnJ I . . i i~i!if:UJiiilt itfit:i Hnf i !~,·r UirJii~ ilh!tf !JiifUJj~. iili tiff Hlhi:Li 1i; :r1a1~1~1f l!fi!if tli il lh!ti ~~;i H !- . · ~,:. : .i It i : . !ii !~ • t; i~ ~i I _= . _ . .. · I, ·.11r f!hm~ :hi~ ftihf t~ tild · J! ,,~•uu~ .. on!¥: hh~ u1 u lirr if Ii ml:!i~ Ti ti• :h11 i ,!Ir · iu!~ :r ·· •n:.i: !J,b( t, ... ... -........ ti • ~ • . . I. • I L ' . l t I . ~ 1· ! I l i l t . HIO . - • J '· . . . -' .. ·- '-,· ' Guaranteed: ~/o _more than the av.erage yield on money market .funds . prov~d you act now. Heginning December 14, Home f-ederal \ new ln:-,ured ~1one\·~h1rket Plan''1 w il l i)ring you a combfnation of safet~, high potential e .1rning:-, plu~ a variety of tr:.111saction privileges never before po~...,ihle. And if you ~ign up right a\\'ay, \\'e 'II t.:'·en guarantee your high earnings -\Yith a 2°6 i ntl.'rL'~t bonus on:r the average ~ id<l < >n mone~ 1113rket funds . !c>r 30 da\~ n.:nc\\':1hk momhh-at the option ~>f Ho me Federal for up to six month..., (according t< >a leading index). ln audition, \'OLdl receive a free Chex1ra''1 intere...,t checking accounL -an imponant money managemern tool, because it's linked to \'Our Insured ;\\one\ .\larket Pla1i \\'ith cransfer~ you comrol by phone. And • gives you day-in, day-out c:1sh convenience. 200 per~onal ized check~ free! These special offers may be withdrawn at any tittle without prior notice, so sigft up today. Minimum, $5,000 maximum, $75,000 <leposited in a regular 5-1/2°6 savings account :111d 1 ransferrec.I automatica th· o n ~ece mher 14. Guaranteed·i, up to $2, 000 intere st· that Federa taxes ca~t touch - if you hurry. Your last chance to opeq a Tax-Free Sa\·inH-; Ce rtificate is fast approaching. By law, these one-year,. c no-minimum acc<mnts cannot be · offered after December 31. Open your account now, and y0u'll r ' You'll earn an extra 2 % on your investment dollars fo.r 30 days renewable m o nthly at the option of Home Federal f or up to six months over the r:zverage y ield on money market funds according to a leading index. still qualify to earn a total of $2~000 · -tax-free interest if you 're married and file. jointly ( $1 ,000 if you file inc.I ividuallv). . Depending on your filing status, FREE!. This handsome pen wfth our complime nts -a fitting memento fot signing up early, or just stopping in.• . . - .. . < ... each of those amounts represents the maximum lifetime exclusion · allowed. If you've '!I ready earned some tax-free interest, but haven't invested enough to earn the . maximum. yo·u can still open a Tax-Free Savi11gs Certificate with the amount necessary to make up the "'i·l.ditTerence! C-If you've already earned all the tax-free income permitted, consider re-invest ing in 3-1/2 up JO 10-year Money Market Cercificme2 for guara9ceed interest which could provide an excellenc hedge again t the current trend o f · declining Interest rates. Or, use your tax-free . income to fund your IRA or Keogh3 account -that's how many successful investors . ~ .../ ~-=~~~~---~~:___~---------~-~~~-....... I . . .__ .... ~ ... . . . -have been using one tax advamage to create another! ~ Guaranteed: a beautiful 1983 with your FREE calendar! Be sure tG> pick up your free 1983 Calenda' w hen you visit Home Federal. This year, we're featuring CALIFORNIA FLOWERS. . , •rum It, one calendar and pen per fami(li ll'hile supplies last, not al1ailable ~)'phone.) Guaranteed: more convenience! aturally, we'd prefer to see you in person. Bur remember, you can arrange for mo t Home Federal investmems and services by phone. Call toll -free any hour, any clay 1-800-862~0539 . .( 1,23 l·l'\kr.11 rc1111l,1111111, n.·t1ultc '11h-.i.1111l.1I rurfc11111c' lnr c.1rh "11h<Jr.1\\.1I 11r ll'rtll ,l<(oum' In .1duillon, .1nmun1' whh· dr:1"n l',irh rn1111 T,l\ l'n:c '·'""A' Ccnifk.11c' .itxl IRA/Kc.•ul(h .k.t'IUCll' Jll' 'uh~'\"111110" of 1.1\ ddcrrcJ -.i.1111, .. . .. ,• . • DlilJ Piiat Wednesday, Oecemb 1J I, 1982' HOME NEWS ANO VIEWS ................ C9 SUPERMARKET SHOPPER ........ \ ...... C 10 For an unusual holiday table decoration, cr.eate an edible centerpiece. . Although a Candy-and-Cookie House wlll keep indefinitely in a cool. dry area. it's a sure ·bet It'll be gone in no time once yo~ngsters are given permission to sample. - Making this spectacular house is more time consuming than the 'Qingerbread type. but it has its advantages. As its base is cardboard, . .it is sturdy ... so the .decorator needn't cope with crumbling or having, • batter rise .unevenly. , And best of all, there's no mixing or baking . all of the decorations can be purchased from the supermarket. As with any holiday festivity the more t~e merrier, so include your youngsters in' the decorating fun . Spread put the tasks by assigning each to a portion of the construction. And have some extra packages of confections on hand so they can sample along the way. Firm cardboard, maat<lng 'ape 4 can• (16112 ounce• each) vanllla froatlng 2 package• (12 ounce• each) augar wafer• 4 peppermint candy atlcka 1 -package (15 ounces) almond creacent ._ cookie• ... 1 package (10 ounces) club mints In colors 1 bag· (101/2 ounces) miniature marahmallowa In color• 1 bag (12 ounce•) raapberfy-tlavored round hard candy · · 1 package (5112 ounces) red llcorlce twl•t• 1 bag (8 ounces) lemon d;opa 1 package (12 ounces) peanut brlttle 1 package ( 4 ounces) sugar Ice cream conH 1 package (12 ounces) spearmint leaves 1 package (10 ounces) chocolate klHe• Gifts f ro111 tllr lu•111·1 l1 • • : C2 _,. .1 package (8 ounces .wafer mints In coloN 2 packages (10 ounce• eaclif chocolate CCSV81''4Jd,..-----:------:---.---.....---:--------------------------------- Delly Pllo1 ·l ie" l'tloto orenge atlck• .. Clear corn ayrup' , Colbred sugar crystals or aprlnkles Using scissors or a· handled razor blade. cut cardboard to form the waifs and roof of the house. Cut two pieces 10 x 5 inches for the long sides. Cut two pieces 6 x 10 inches .for the peaked ends; measure 5 inches up on the 10-inch side,s and trim cardboard diagonally into peaks. Cut two pieces 12 x 8 inches for the roof. Cut one piece for the platter to measure 14 x 20 inches. • Fasten the 5-inch sides of the house together with tape. Tape the two 12-inch sides of the roof fogettrer and place over the house. Tape to trte house on the inside. Set the house' on the platter and tape the oottom Into position. Spread the entire house, roof and platter with frosting. allowing it to drip over the edges of the roof to resemble icicles. Press sugar wafers Jn!o frosting I on. sides of house. To fit wafer into the peaks. cut the cookies. using a serrated knife with a sawing motion. -Frostffiree cfioco a e covered orange sticks anc:J place at one end of the house tor a 'door frame. Use wafers to make doors. Cut and frost licorice twists to form window and wafers to make the planter box. Use ,spearmint leaves for shrubbery and foliage, and femon ~rops for flowers. Arrange peanut brittle from (See E DIBLE, page C121 · ·JJ~a, Bara mq/le l~oioua Rolida9 g_fla: Breads and bars you b~ke in your own kitchen are a delightful and traditional way to say, "Merry Christmas!" _:Lwo intriguing treats ..=_both ten;ptir;igly dif~erent and delicious -are Holiday Peanut Bufter Chrp-Ftg·--- Bread and Festive Fig-Peanut Chip Bars .. Luscious. moist .dried figs and peanut butter chfps provide an unusual and subtle flavor combination. Holiday Peanut Butter Chip-Fig Bre~d 1/2 cup butter or margarine, aoftened 'h cup auger 1 egg 1 teaapoon. va'nllla t 2 cups unalfted all-purpoH flour 1 teaapoon tNiklng powder 1 teaapoon baking aoda 1 teaapoon cinnamon 1h teaapoon nutmeg 1 cup appleaauce 1/• cup mllk ,, 1 cup peanut butter chip• 1 cup chopped-dried fig• C~am butter or margarine and sugar in large mixer bowl until light and fluffy. Add egg and vanilla: beat well. Combine flour, baking powder,' baking soda. cinnamon and nutmeg. Add alternately with applesauce and milk to creamed mixture. beating well after each addition. Stir In peanut butter chips and figs. Pour into a greased 9 x 5-lnch loaf pan. Bake at 35.0 degrees for about 1 hour and 15 minutes or until tester comes out clean., Cool In pan 10 minutes; remove. Cool completely; wrap lightly and store overnight. One 9 x 5-lnch loaf. And _along with marvelous flavor. these two ingredients t>ffer a big bonus of nut,rlents. Sun-ripened. sun-dried figs have a hi h content of valuable minerals -calcium~ phosphorus and iron. An peanut buf ter chips, made from 'real peanuts. offer protein, niacin and riboflavin. . Those handy little chips. incidentally, are ready to ( pour righl from the package. And the figs can be chopped quickly in the food processor. (Chopping by hand is an easy matter 1f yt>u dip the cutting-implemenl -either kitchen scissors or a sharp paring knife -in not water frequenlly.) • --- Th~se treat s fit right into busy schedules. for both can be prepared in advance, wrapped tightly. and frozen. I Festive ~ Fig-Peanut ---: C h·ip Bars Fig-Jam Fllllng: 1112 cups chopped dried fig• , 11• cup water 3 tablespoon• auger 1 tablespoon butter or margarine 1 tableapoon lemon Juice Combine all ingredients in a small saucepan. Stir constantly over medium heal until mixture boils: boil and stir one minute. Remove fr om heat: set aside. while preparing crumb mixture (recipe\; below). . • Crumb-Chip Mixture: 21A cups unsifted all-purr>oae flour · • · - .,h cup auger ' 'I• cup packed brown sugar ¥• teaapoon baking powder 1/• teaapoon Hit 1h cup butter or margarine 1 egg, beajen ~ 1 cup peanut butter chips Combine flour, sugar. brown sugar. baking powder and salt in a la_rge bowl. Cut In butter or margarine. Add egg, working In with spoon or fork until mixture forms coarse crumbs. Add peanut butter chips: toss lightly. Firmly press half of crumb mixture Into a greased 9-lnch square pan. Pour fig filMng over top: spread evenly. Sprrnkle remaining half of crumbs evenly over all . . Bake at 375 degrees for 39 to 35 minutes or until very lightly browned. ~--P.ft~ com~~ Gut 1nt~t 20 2 x 1 ~-inch bars ... ('2 Orange CoHt DAILY PILOT/Wedne1d1y, Dec: b•r 1. 1912 • Art ·of ·candymaking plays .~· ' swee t r ole during ho}id8-y s Ho ltday gifts that carry a special warmth and feeling of good cheer a r e those or i g i nal achievements from the kitchen based on a prized re cipe and carerully packaged ln covered baskets, hand-painted/ boxes, or brass tins tied w ith bright ribbons. Th e art o f candymaking plays an importa nt role in gifts from the hearth and can produce some of the simplest, most delicioua presents one could. make or receive. Truffle Dreams are s um1>t1:1ous, individual candies piped irtto paper or foil bonbon cups, d ecora ted with silver b e ad s, c h ocolate sprinkles, cocoa powder, or chopped nuts and then refrigerated. Surprisingly easy to make, the truffle's light richness comes from the main inJ{re die nt, whipping cream, which is flavored with dark c hocolate, powdered sugar. coffee, ana coffee liqueur. · - Although this recipe produces "soft" truffles, achieved by dipping the truffles in melted, hard chocola~ candy and then refrigerating. Pecan Caramels are equally rich in flavor and may be cut into a variety o f. s·h a p e s 'a n d individually wrapped .in c ellophan e for packaging. . r ruffle Dream s a nd Pecan Cara me ls packed in a bra~!! tin and tied with brigh t r ibbon are sweet ~reat for som eone special. This r ecipe i s als o based on the rich body and flavor of whipping cream combined with sugar and com syrup and party favors, gifts for about-1 'h hours. h e avy sa'ucepan . Stir textures w ith whole unexpec ted holiday Pipe from pastry bag, over moderate heat until pecans. guests, or s urprises -fitted wlth a star tip, mixture reaches a boil. In both r ecipes , a under the tree. directly into small 1luted Cover, turn heat to low, ta ndy the rmome t e r , TRIJFFLE DREAMS . bonbon cups. Oust with boil slowly 5 minutes. ~--....._..,......6h_not essential, l 'h cu s whi c o c oa r to ·with Uncover, place candy w ould be helpful in the cream c h ocolate o r s ilver ermo · preparation. 12 o unc es dark~ s pr i nkl es . Ke e p Boll over moderate heat Wha t ma k es these sweet chocolate refrigerated. • • to firm ball stage (246 F), gifts extra special is the 'A cup p owtle red Makes 6 doien. s tirring occasionally tremendous v.a rie ty of sugar PECAN CARAMELS acr oss bottom or pan bo xes and containei:s 2 tablespoons coffee 2 c ups whipping only. availa ble from hand-liqueur cream -Remove from heat, stlr w oven bas k e ts and l tablespoon instant 2 cups.sugar ih van~lla and pecans. ha nd-pa i n ted papie r-coffee _ 1 c up light corn Turn into oile d 7 x mache boxes to antique · Heat whipping cream, syrup 11-lncb or 9-inch squatt brass boxes or pretty add broke n chocolate" ~ cup butter pan. le t snand until copper kitchen molds. He at· and iit i r until t teaspoon"vaniUa completely cold. Cut into Wrapped in tissue or melted . Stir in sug~r , l cup pecans s quares and w r ap tied with a bright plaid liqueur a nd in stain t C ombine wh~g individually in waxed ribbo n. these candies coffee until dissolved. cream, sugar, com syrtlp. paper. make lovely hostess gifts. Re•rljterate until chilled, and butter 1 n large Makes about l ~ lbs. · • ---Fights body odor on clo~ 53l00 102200 .,.,._.COUPON " S.WUIC 111 fM' 111rt ,.rc111se el MILKY WAY·. HICl£"1". . -3 MtlSlnUQ ·, 111411 MAllS • 1101 Siiia lars If "MIM'a"• Pllill If ,__. Clllcolltt C1ll4li11 12 DI SrACl Pleb (!) To Tiie Oute1 This coupcn wdt lit reoeemed for rice v1rue plus 7c handll119 S orovl<lt!I covoon ts rect1'ltd lrom cusiome1 on pur~St ol kste<I rnecc~n· e d1se The consumer must p1y ir1y u tes tax Any other 1pphaflon con"'' Q Mes fraud lnvooces proving puldlise ol sulhcieni stock lo cover coupons ! OltStnttd for 1ecle11\pt1011 must be sflown upoo rtQUUI Vo0d If prOM>•ltd 1 lUed or reslocitO This coupon •Snot 1r1nsfenb1e Serio coupons lo M&M MARS P 0 Bo-1TlilrC'li1hon IOllfl !>2734 Cun vi'l11c 1 20 ol 1C l •,Clll Ont coupon pe1 purelllsc Ollert1Jir11· D"t111kr 31. 1H2 40000 102cs7 SAVE·25C .--~---"'.:~===::iil!:::::::::::::~rrDIStepreferred I Of'! any size, any flavor ~~ ---------------.• ,_, :..1 I 3to1 over other •••ding dryc.t foodal . Hunyl Coupon ..,,,,.. ln30dayal Doasln Their Tracks . . .... • .- ·~SAVE~ s ~ • • ~redeem these "'11111 r ·a?:~:~~:re ~. , selling these ' products . ... •a • ' Now~get -· · ; More Raisins ·"-• in Nutri•GraiD than anyd-1 · Nutri·Grain. \ I .. - Orang• Coaat DAILY PILOT /Wtdne1d1y1 Oec.mber 1, 1982 • . 00521 506 .... 0 -..... ·-~---.. ----·----.. --.................... ---.. _. __ ..................... ______ .,._.... __ ---.,_ ..... -........... ~----~--·--· ~ .... _...._ .. ___ .... -......... _ -------~·---____ ............... ______ ...._.. ............. __ ........ . __ .................... ~ ... .,,.. a.-Sena --o0 ~ lltoa O'C """"'-0..-"0 -l6IO Elmc-i. NC V..lof--oltec.•-...... 1,...,_. -00~ ..... .._ .. ..--... ~_ .. ___ ... --·-~ ........ "" ... --.. -eo.........---==..~~:=t~y~= :ri.:a':':: ~~=~..e:--,,_ OffVI LMnD TO 0. . -....... ,...:i,-. 01S112CiaQOatdllltC>e Inc _.,.._._..,..,,,_llTENC.vMM---· 4bb00 ). ct74J. • 12'1) ------------~- .. • """'·--......... , ti -----~ -.,....,,_,_. -·-· -- ... . J ('11 · Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Wedno doy, 0 c mb r 1, 1982 ·Roma ntic st~ry of h e lpful wife r ecalls may on~aise cake o r-ig in · •• • T ' ' It 111 always fun to give cinnamon cans (not <.'Offc.-c can»). In until Wt'll bh•ndl•<i a glh that is unique , . 1 ~ t e aspoo n s m edi um b o wl 11tlr Stir In rol11lnH 1rnd Muyo nnuiM· uc·ts eapeclallywhen lt'sagift baking soda togcthft" fl our , nuts. 01vld1· hu ll<'r us t h t• shorleninK _, you've made yourself. IC ~ 1.easpoon salt cinnamon, baktng sodu amonl( 6 pr1•pa1<'d can.Ii. ( you're looking for just 3 eggs wnd aalt. In large bowl D11k1c• in ~50 d1•1(rt.>~ F in thii, trio O suc h a h idea for this 2 cups sugar with mixer at medium oven I houl' or until cake ho liduy h o liday season, you l can ( l po und) s peed be u eggs until tester-Inserted 1n center · I mlaht consider making a mashed cooked pumpkin foamy. Gradually add comes out clt>ao. Cool In AOOt ic. • · • 1mayonnaise cake. (2 cups) sugar; beat until thick cans '1 0 m In u t es . Cho colqtc In fact "you might ~ cup mayonnaise and pale yellow. Remove. Cool completely M . (' k 1 · I With · • 1 1 k M k 6 uyonnaase .a e. conaider the Origin a l cup ra1s ns . mixer a. ow on w re rue . a es . , Chocolate/M ayonn aise · •• ~ c u P coarse I y speed add pumpkin and Note : Cake may be Pum t,kin Loaves Cak I · chopped walnuts mayonnaise and beat baked In 2 greased and J p not~~~~e~~n~~~ ~~G~r~e[ase~~an~d~fl~o~u~r~~~(l~u~n~u~·1J!smoo~~t~h~.~G~r~a~dua~ll~y~f~l~oju~r~e~dL(~8!~!:,e~x~4~~~x~_j~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~a~n~c~~e~c!a!n...!!~~~ story is delightfully old-.-pound) vegetable or JUiee 6eat In flour. mi"ture 2~-.inch) loaf pans. <:ran berr y B read. fashioned and true. r It seems that in 1937, the makers of Best Foods t real mayonnaise learned that a Mrs. Frank Price. the wife of one of their distributors, had come up with a wonderful idea. She had invented a cake vsing mayonnaise as an ingredient. Thanks to her unusual reel~-~ had help her husband to become one o f the company's '~rack salesmen. Today ~they live in Eugene, r.:>r"egon, and as fat' as is rEown, they're enjoymg her cake creation still. Mrs. Price's recipe is rich and moist, rathe r like a brownie, enriched r: t needs no frosting and ca n be wrappe d in lastic, tied with a bow and presented to anyone special o n your Christmas list -with or ti.without the romantic' l);tory of ti)e helpful wife. ,_ICES EFFECTIVE 7 DAYS 8 AM THURS. DEC 2 THRU WED~ DEC 8. I 982 S.IEAK & .LOBSTER BONELESS BEEF lOIN WHOLE-COOKED-FROZEN · NIW YORll ITIAll •PACIFIC LOBITIR Wf ll Gt•O\Y s•ul IH[M f()ll YOU LB. 1 Siri(;e 1937 , many i other mayonnaise cakes 1have b een developed, : but to many this "secret" 'ingredient remains a mystery. It shouldn't. BONILlll BllF NEW YORK .ITRIPI U S.D A. Choice 8"1 Rtol McCoy, Round1 J FARMIR.IOHN . ,1- BONELESS ROU ND STf-A~ lB 1.79 1.89 CORNED BEEF • • lB 2.59 'BUTT PORTION HAMI U S.O A. Choice 8eef, Round Cut Bello Oonno . FUllY COOKEO-CRYOVAC The mayonnaise mert!ly acts as a shortening in the recipe, a particularly smooth and oreamy shortening that is low in s aturat ed fat a n d cholesterol-. -- ORIGINAL CHOCOLATE MAYONNAISE CAKE 1 teaspoon baiting soda 1 cup boiling water I cup coa r sely chopped dates · l c up coa r sely chopped walnuts l cup sugar l cup mayonnaise 6 ~blespoons 'grated unsweetened chocolate 1 teaspoon vanilla 2 cups unsifted cake flour Grease and flour 9 x 9. x 2-inch baking pau. ln small bowl stir together baking soda and boiling wate r until dissolved. Stir in dates and nuts. ln large bowl with mixer at low speed· beat together sugar and mayonnaise. I Add c hocolate and vanilla ; beat until I b lended . Add d a t e mixture; beat until well • mixed. Gradually beat In flour until smooth. Turn into pre~ pan. Bak~ in 350 degree F oven 45 to 50 minutes or until cake tester inserted fn center com es o ut clean. Cool in pan. If desired, frost with favorite frosting. Makes 9 servings. CRANBERRY PECAN BREAD / TRlllWllT GRAPIFRUn .IUICI 12.oz ... ~ CAN ···-~ BONELESS RUMP ROAST tB U S D A Choo 8eef, loneltl\ Round Cut .SIRLOIN TIP ROAST . lB 2.39 . ... . BIRDllYI COOL WHI..--- ITALIAN SAUSA'GE Sor ~:Rope Styt. SMOKED SAUSAGE LB 2.39 lB 2.39 .. . DICARLO 2._01. ~UCED SOURDOUGH HUGHll I -LB. AMIRICAN llNGLll ~, REG. OR EXTRA CREAMY . ~ :~~~L_.7-9 ~·······~ CHEESE SPREAD 1.99· .. ED, DELICIOUS EXTRA FANCY WAIHINGTON..APPUI IONEIN La.1.39 CfNtfa CUI HAMSllaS II 2.99 0 8-0Z. AG PKG '-~~ 2 cups unsifted flour 1 cu p coar sely chopped cranberries ~cup sugar . ., JIMBIAM GILBIY'I GIN HENRY WllNHARD'S ..-KENTUCKY STRAIGHT BOURBON IMPOIHEO SCOTCH WHISKY LONDON DllY GIN • " • PllE~IUM BEEll IMPOllTED ~ROM OMGON 1h c up coa r sely chopped pecans 2 teaspoons baking powder 14 teaspoon salt 1 egg ~ cup apple cider or Juice ~ cµp mayonnaise Grease and flour 1 (8 ~ x 4 'h x 21,.1, -inch) loaf pan. In large bowl stir together flour, c ranberries, sugar , pecans, baking powder '"' and'" air. In small bowl with f ork b ea t egg ' slightly; beat in apple cider and mayonnaise until smooth. Add to Gour mixture; stir just until moittened. Spoon Into prepared pan. Bake in 350 d egree F oven J. nour or unut cake tester inserted In center . comes out clean. Cool 'ln );_~"1098 --175 , ,J llTER . ,. 1498 1.75 LITER I . 9 69 1 75 llTU --11t1•n•• Glnl ... THI HOUDAY•--- ·&·AILEY'S . . ORIGINAL IRISH CRIAM LIQUEUR .. ... 79 750-Ml. tlMIT 2 ~ 10 minute9. Remove fo6Jtt --~-----, ='f~ :.,•Wt; ~1 FRllH NAP;Anra w.~J!.'t.~14~~!., ... ,, -.i .... ___ .................... ~ ......... '-9 ................................ . Note: Bread 1lice9 best s ... u .. 1 u .... Soc~ . • 79 MOt11•Q11 Sh .. o Mow. 35 , 01 .. • • 1 ,._. ·-....... ···-............... -............, -.. ,., .... ' 1..,...4 - on __ ...:..1 day. NEW CROP RICE • • SOY BEAN ~ASTE •• _ -... ..,.. , ~ ......... ., .. -~· _, , ... ..., ..... --··,.. .. ,...., • o..i. ~IU ....-... ... ,.,,,.,...., .. 1100 ...... c••lM ......... t .... _ .. _ ... ,. •• f-1•1 To11009 12-01. __aa 7$0 ml Mo\omunt a• -~"''-t v...._.,_..,......,,...,..........,._. __ .,..,._ '•w ~.,,UMPUN CAuS----·---..-M~mR""Mtx-......., TAKA~•!•ttf --•• ~-----~ .......................... , , ...; .. ...,......_ 2 , ... cup1 u n1lfted ' , __ ,...,.,..,,~, .. ....._. • .....,..,,. ....... ...,...,... ... _..,....., •o OHw.-. n Slu1ol1k11, I Ol •• Sl\&10li••11 Mlt1n111~t. 7 7~·01 o.c '""" o.. I , .. , • • • • fiour 't CHUICA SOI A NOODLES • PICKLED VEGETAIL ,_&IM ••Hiii.,, •••&1 Cl••• ··-1191 ..... 21 ~l"CJU"d -~------.-. ................ iiiiiii ... iiiiiiiliiiilillllliiiliilli~ • f • A ' . ... • .. 4 49 12·PACK I 2·0 Z eonLES .. , . -~---~~--~~ Hot allspiced drinks w arm ... up a winter 1!-olidBy eye Contrary to its name, allspice is not a mixture • of eeveral spices. Il.'ls a delightful spice ln ltse.lf known in the s pice trade as pimento (not to be confused with pimiento, whic h is a t ype o f pepper). whole allspice In a ptece o f c heesecloth and comb ini ng i t i n a sa u ,e e p a n with a cinnamon stick, a pple cider, orange juice, sliced' lemon and brandy. \I\ lemon, aliced l teaspoon h~y Vt cup brandy Tie allspice In a piece of cheesecloth. Pla<.-e In a medium saucepan along with the cinnamon stick, c ide r , orltnge juic<'. lemon slices and honey. 4 c·ups dry red wint• 1 ('UP raisins V. cup sugar 1A c up s l ivered almonds 1 teaspoon gro tf'd lemon pceJ.. I cinnamon s tick (3 Inches long) Tie allspice in a piece of cheesecloth . .Plact" in a medium saucepan Along wtth wine, raisiris, sugar. · Orange Coo1t DAILY PILOT /Wed11osduy, DAcombcr 1. 1982 ('I 111'pic·NI ( :id••J!.i-U--. f ru~ru11 1 u ud f N1 t ivc• hol clr·iuk. i"i itlc•al lo .;c•rvt• a~ holida y ~a1 fwri11~!'1. The flavor of allspice ls primarily like <;loves, but with a distinctive dif- ference. It is smooth- er, m e llower wit .. undertones of cinnamon and nutmeg (hence the name). This fragr a nt spice is a natural for hot fruit drinks. The spiced elder Is simmered for about 5 minutes and the spices removed. It's festive served with a cinnamon stick in ench cup a~ a, "stirrer.'' ALLSPICED CIDER Bring to a boil. Re<.lucc h e'"a t and. simmer, covered, for 5 minutes. Remove spice bag. Stir In brandy. Serve with u cinnamor\ stick in each cup, if desired. alr~onds, lcmcm pet·I and .-========::;:;:::==;;;:::::;::;::>i:;:;:::::::::::::;;;;;;== cinnamon stick. Ht·at for 5 minutes (do not boil), Remo~ spioo bag. Serve Alls piced Cider is simply made by placing · ' on 1 tablespoon whole allspice l ciiinamon stick (3 inches long) 3 cups apple cider • l cup orange juice Yield: 6 portions; 4 cups. A~PICED WINE l tablespoon whole allspice in cups. Yield: 6 to 8 portions; 4 cups. Thru Dec. 31, .1982 Shrimp, Fish & · Chicke~. Special ~2. 99 Three for the money~two tasty shrimp, a fish fillet and a whitemeat Chicken Plank served with fresh cote slaw, fryes an<ijiushpupples. Ole SIZE 3095 Harbor Blvd. In Costa Mesa au.1 Soulh ol ,S.n O.et1n rwr "'"" 11 om fecko 14715 Jeffrey Rd, •I W•lnu1 UU\t off sinu Ano fwr I Irvine •~ ...... _ . . -------·-------·-----• • I UOR • • I uon · I. HOUT -PllCI I ! ,.99111. 15.99= 1$7.495=' I O Good lor thrM l)leo•• 'of juicy. pold•n blown I Good for nine pi.oes ol juicy, golden blown I Redeem this coupon for a Carry Pack 8 Cl. l<en1ucky Fned Chteken. plus stngHI servings Kentucky FrNld Chicken, a large colt •law, a loaded with l1t1een p<ecl8s ol ,ulcy. golden c 5 of colt tlaw, mulled pota'"s and gravy I large mulled potatoes aod 1 rned1um gravy I brown Kanlucky Fried Choetlen ~ (3 U um• rwo oftCfs per purehaw' Coupoo good L1rnot rwo ofte1s per purehaSe Cou good L.m~ t"'~ otfQfs per P<J•cnase Coupon good z C ~llf PBts 11, app1<a1>1e sa es 1ai I Otter expires December 12, 1982 I Otter explrts December 12, 1982 I Offer •~J>lrH Q.ecember 12. 1982 1 Prices may varv at par11c1pa1ong locaoons Prices may vary at panie1paton0 1oca11ons P,r1ces rnay vary a1 partic•pa11no 1oca11ons Coupan good only in Southern ~pon good only 1n Sou1hern Calfornia where Co.,pon QOOd only 1n Southern CaHorn111 where altfom•a Whl!fo you see the mem-1 you see the membership seal ot 1he Kentucky I you ~e 1he membOrSh·P seat ot the Kentucky I bershop seal al tl1e Kentucky Flied Chicken Assooat on F110d Chiellon ASSOCl8lo0ri.. Fried Cllocl<en A5sooa1o0n , • • e I MD!r • --COUPON -• -----~ntucky Fried _Qhicken . s .-up to • ON A REAL· VALUE· Ml.Li> IVORY-,l:IQU_ID ~ ( START BY USING· THIS -20¢ COUPON ON YOUR NEXT PUR- -CHAS~ OF j~QRY 61ClUIQ.ANY SIZ~ ·-~------------------------w -• I 112e1L ~ • ·~ .~ I I I I I I when you ~uy hnnu · one any,s1ze IJUru c I ,,,,__....,. I I Then discover for yourself how mild Ivory Liquid helps your hands stay young·looklng while it does more dishes than an average "bargain" brand. Then send us the fluid ounce statement from one-any-size lvol')' liquid and let us know what you think-we'll pay you either way. See required certificate below for complete details. Offer expires February 28, 1983. ... .. A' , c.:e Orange C081l DAILY PILOf /W dn •d y, 0 mber 1, 1982 Maple-flavored syruP sweetens ap)ile butter. Crea lit\t< Chns l m us App les ure very u•nul'r, Ot.'t'Uslonully. presents with your own stirring C:X.'Cashmally. l'ul hot mixturl.' Into hands LS a n act of low Fol"L-e m ixlllre through hot . s H•r ll li<>d ja r s Think of al a~ um• of tht• a fine stralnt'r or pr<X.'t.'!l.'S lt•oving a '• lnrh hcud Uttle touchf's tha t put~ un til -&mootb an f-0od ti par "t'. Adjus t co p R-. th e ·:m e rr y" 1n processor. R1"'l urn Proc't'S." l()t.o 15mlnutc'll Christmas. mucture to Dutch oven; In boiling watvr b ath B e g i n y o u r stir In lemon pc<'I and canner. "merry-making" fo r lhas cinnamon. When cool, test for Christmas by involving ~ring mixture t o a seal. Store In cool dry yo ur se lf an t he b o 1•l ; r e duce h ea t . place. Afl<'r opening, preperation of maple-S am m e r , u ncovered , store in refrigerator. flavor ed Gounty Apple a bo u t 1 ho ur a nd 30 · Ma k <'s 2· pints a pple Butter for your friends m i nu l cs , s l i r r i n g 'butler. and neighbono. _________ _.::::..__;;;.:;,,:.==------~- Set aside a Saturday afternoon and St:"ttle an lo enjoy all the tasks: the peelin g o f the apples (ch oose J on atha ns or W inesaps /or flavor), the grating of the lemon peel, th sterilizing of the jars. Th e re 's s h e e r e njoyment in sniffing the spicy sw<.-et aroma of ma ple, cinnamon and apple flavors m ingling LQgether. The family will want lo sa'mple your creative 1 work on wbole wheel bread or on muffins o r biscuits al breakfasMime -so be sure lo ma ke plenty. G ive yo ur g irts with co l o r.Cul ribbwis ... a nd d o n 't forge t to sign your name, the swee test, loveliest gift of all. COUNTRY APPLE BUTIER 5 po unds cook in g a ppl es (a b o ut 1 5 m edium) l 'A c u p s ma p le flavored table syrup 1 cup water 2 teaspoons grate d lemon peel 1 teaspoon cinnamon Core, peel and quarter apples. Combine ·apples, syrup and w a t er in BLADE CUT CHUCK ROASt ~~ lb• TOP SIRLOIN STEAK ~\ 8onoed Bttf lOin • PORK LOIN ROAST StrlOln Cut l lb. •v9 J·BONE STEAK sonoeo ettn oin .. 199 .,149 ,.229 4..-q-u"f!fl-9>ti te A etJ en.f---.,,m-n~~T"'--_:-l~"l-JL--1,~ Cover : bring to a boil. Re duce heat ; s immer about 20 minutes or until Preparing nuts for holidays . Th ink o f h o liday festivities and you think of nuts -nuts on the table , the Nutcrack e r S uite . But e v e n t h e sugar plum fairy can't upstage nuts se r ved sa lte d . sugared . sliced a nd cho ppe d in h o r s d 'oe u v r es, sa lad s, vegetables and desserts. Nuts add th e fin a l elegant touch to every holiday party. When buying nu~ in the sne ll. G eo.rge K , York, food technologist, U C Coo p e rat ive Extension, Davis, advises that you look for clean shells, free from cracks, scars or holes. S hake WHOLE BEEF-~ ·BRISKET 7·9 LbS Texa~ srvie BondfO llttf WHOLE FRYER LEGS ~~ 8 U Po«~ ~B~ .,:59 FRESH GROUND BEEF Ht\ OltillC9'f oon ..0' f•U tD ~ ••t ~.~.~.~~!~!PARERIBS .. 1.49 ~9v~K LOIN_ CHOPS •• 1 .89 ~'~~~.!:,~,l!_~_;;_?N BUTT,. 1.19 ~Y.~~'~N.;"KWURST 218 OJ\liGil ll lJllt lt • BRAUNSCHWEIGER ~AO• lU it.AD~ Uf ,........, IClOQrt• ll , ,.. LADY LcE BACON ... 1 .09 ... -1.69 r LADY LEE 1 MAYON~!~o~ m ' r~L ... ,,.,2~9 some of them. If-~y --..;=-o=='hr-"" 89 ra ttle, the kerne l may not be well dev{?loped or may have shriveled. If the nuts are already shelled. look for plump, cris p . brittle k erne ls uniform in size and color. The skins of smooth surfaced nuts such as almonds, Brazil nuts and filberts can be removed by blanching, York says.· Almonds are easy to do. Cover kernels with water . h eat to boiling , drain, and slip off the s kins b y s queezing kernels with thumb and f o r e fing e r . D r..y o n absorbent paper or cloth. or in an oven at very low heal. To remove skins from Brazil nuts, pour 1 gallor\ of water in a stainless steel, iron or enamelware kettle (not aluminum).· Stir i n 2 l eve l table s p o on s o f (P'anulated lye. Heat-to l:foili.ng... add the nut kernels and let t~m stand about 1 to 2 r9lnutes until the skins looeen. Rinse thoroughly and remove skins while kernels are still warm. Wash thoroughly in cold water and dry overnight. Dispose o f the l ~e solution by pouring it wefuUy down the sink; . drain, then riWle the sink' 'flth lar1e amount.a of ~Id water. Or pour the solution Into the. toilet and flush 1everal times. To skin fllbem. spread them in a shallow pan and t.oUt in a virY alow oven 2'7~ deg1"eea1} until the akJna crack - about 20 minut.n. Rub the hot kemela with a " (See PREP .\IOR'C, Ct) ~9,~,~INK SAUSAG~01 .. G 1 .89 ~~!1.~;!R BACON 2 39 •1~f!illf't '" •ll fWe • S~~~~BEEF BRISKET .. 1 .69 FRESH FISH ITEMS FRESH TROUT .... 'If RED SNAPPER fH \HIUf' BUTTER'FISH FILLET """ WESTERN OYSTERS ...... FROZEN SMELT ... , "1.89. .. 1 ,98 ll 1.69 t79 11 ... , 1.19 CANNED & PACKAGED f HUNT'S KETCHUP 0 01 ,: 1. 21 r~~TE~'S PEANUr0?!~ 2 .09 Leroy Montano Saved •1s.oo -. r STOKELY'S 39 CORN 11 01 on • r~!.~ MAR~~.~~~~;'"'· 69 r ~~;!:~~!.~IXES , .or eo•. 6 5 r f:.~!~~_!.US CE~,~~i.1. 4 9 r ~~~:0',0 ~ 12-5 rvA.M11, , • • •• '' 01 (Mii • !~,!~~LINC CIDER »•or en 1.:1 9 DREAM WHtP ~eo• t15 r ~~RS.HMALLP:-V CRE~~, , ... 59 r ~~ AHOY C~l~~11&111 .89 !LA?Y LEE SPAGHETTI''°' .. ' .59 r~~;;:~~I SA~·E· 1101 ••• 1 .19'· r~~~-A~E SAUCE .°', .... 46 re & MBAt<E~BEANS••01u1 .. 69 -"411~ e -n ... _. ell°"""ne.JotalltCIJIOl 1111_ Luc1'y Tll<t U IM or comper1bht ltemt ti 11\t ------~ •UPffM.rktl of'"• (llOtC• IOllled •12• .. Tll•I'• I u 111np Of s ,. 00 •a 1.uc-yt '" t ta•, ~-'-"'• .. ""' lfl t t D ....... o tontf"! Mt-• ;. • I J r SUNl:iJANT ~,25 RAISINS •• \ 1101 BOr rGRAHAM 89 ~'!!CKE~~t BO•. llf9ular « C1nn~mon • DAIRY ITEMS . . LADY LEE BUTTER ,~ ..... 1~' ~~~E GRADE A~ EGG!,"" .95 r ~~z~ .~~~~!NE''°'"" .85 FROZEN ITEMS CiRANULA TED _:__-159_ SUCAR SLJ --29 a.aavt.tt --_ efg _ f ~=T 4 _ CiOLD MED Al 89 WllOle Fn«I 60 Ot BOX FLOUR SUI· hll • r~l~~~t;!S 77 ---'-----------oe.,..._r nOl IC»• DELUXE · 59 ~~~~ wnttt 24 oz Loaf • Of Wtrnt llouncl Top OI' Sanclwte11 r OICKEN OF THE SEA16 5 ~~~~ T~~can . OH °'· watfr Pl(~ r~~r~~AD MIX .. oa ... 1.33 r~~MI r ~!S~~.s~~~.~ r~~~~!,E CHIPS 11~ .. , 1 .19 r~~~!1,:~E~·H· ~.tot eo• 1. 99 r~~N'S ST~~~R!~E~c 1.49 r~~~~ABLES"°'"'.83 r~~-~,Y.~~!1.29 ·Gift Baskets .,. . always.in gQOCI taste! Lucky Gift Baske\s are. t filled with a ' 'tasty assortment of holiday fruits and nuts. Imported cheeses and gourmet delights. Gift Baskets from Lucky -an affordable way to say "happy holidays!" c MakiHg your owu nu1plt-'..ffovor.-cl Country Atlfll<· Buth•r i an original und flavorful wa y lo r •mt'mlJ.-r fri••nd"' and "nt>ighbor. ul the holiduy QUALITY PROUUCE BANANAS · lllPf RHllY tO U t PINK GRAPEFRUIT .... . .fRESH CUCUMBERS Long 0-~ SANANA SQUASH · OfkiOllS ~ S.fO ~.10 FROZEN ITEMS HOUSEHOLD & PET r FAMLY SCOTT 96 TISSUE · Bat?voom 220 SF Pll9 e ' • Pack Pnnn or Assorted AMI ~LEANSER .. Ol C•N. SS .S.011'1 .77 r ~~~~:OFF CLEANER., 01 ,.,. 1.81 r ~~' TISS~-·•oo<• eo•. 7 4 !~!~~'°~ISSUE ~--79 £~~~ '.AMPON~oeo•3.03 r~~~~~T r~~~~.,!B~S l OIU••32 nor'°' 1. 39 DELICATESSEN ITEMS ' rKRAFT 1s9-SINCLES~ --. s.viss or 12 oz Pllg Amer•on c~ Food r~~TTt\ ~EE.~ .. , 1.29 r~v .~~ C~ED ~~~ 2 .89 r ~~~2 P<).O s~~ ... 1. 69 r~.;g~.!(l_~OI .. ~ 1.69 r ~,~!!'-~~s 001 ,..1.09 r ~~~11~EAM CHEES~0, .. G .89 !~~~y COOJ<JE~,oi .. T. 1.29 r~~~ C~ESE' '"'"'' 1.49 .GENERIC FRAN.KS ·~or .. c 1 .15 U•ec . , . . .. CORN MUFFIN MIX ...,.. APPLE PIE FllLING "°''""_99 f:!E!.!' PRESERV~~01 , .. 1. 34 ~!~~~ C~EESE IOI ( ... 1. 75 HEALTH & BEAUTY AIDS AOlJA·FRESH • ----~'" 1 I I • . " Orange Cooat DAil Y PILOT /We<Jn a.duy -· Careless cooks cause ·of mOSt kitche n -fires By DOROTHY WEN CK Of-.. Coun1w Hom• Adwt- Recentl y Wf' snw lots ot media 1.'0vl•rage of the traatc loss of homes and pos1esslons caused by fast-moving brush fi res. This was a newsworthy event because a number of homes were destroyed at one time. Yet many more homes are lost or damaged every year by kitchen fires. Often these fires are unreported or are given a few inches of _. coveragl' 1n thl' back pages of the newspaper. One f1r(' ins urance company reported tha t 30 pe rcent of all the company's hom e fire incidents were caused by grease and. l'OOking fires and that s uch fir ~s accounted for about 15 .percent of the company's total fire losses. Such fires are directly a t l r i b u· t a b l e t o carelessness on the part of the person doing the cooking. Here are some exa mples o f u n safe practices that could resull in loss of property, serious persona l injury or bot!t: l. Overheated fat. The cook adds fat to a frying or other utensil and turns t e eat on 1g . then doesn't keep an eye on it. (Perhaps the cook is distracted by a child, or a phone call, or siI}'lply forgets the heating fat.) The fat becom~ very h o t and bursts in t o flame. The fl ames leap in to the air, p erh,a ps igniting a curtatn or some o ther nea rb y flammable material, and· quickly spread through the kitchen and beyond. 2. Grease s pill. The cook has browned fatty meat, su ch as ground beef, and is pouring off the fat into a container on the range. T he fat low 2 Grcosc-pouri11g !>hould never be c.Jom• on th1• range. Tht! conuuncr for grease sho uld b~ placcd on a <.'Ount.er and hot fa t d rained lnto it there. The b urner or eli:ctr1c unit should not be left on when not in use. Cooks "sh ould avoid w ca rang l o n g a.n d especially loose sleeves when cooking. 3 Broiler pan racks should never be covered wht.>n Utit.'d for bro1lmH flnm('s f u Uy food11 the l r lf u l(rt•t4lfl• llrl' 111.Ucl.ll in purf)Ot(' bi tO drnln a way 11 fry1nu µon o n the fut 01\d remove il from rang<•, turn olf the h{'Dt .the heat zone. , and put a lid on the pan Should • fire (l(,'<'ur In os fa.st as you can . If you the broiler , nt'vf'r pull don't have a lid h4ndy, out the burning pap. pour 11alt or baking loda Simply turn off the heat, on the Clre. AJI these close the door, and wait me thods deprive the (ire for tht:' fire to go out -it of oxygen and cause lt to will do~so qulcltly and go out. the food pro~bly can be I t yo u r 1: l o t h i n g salvaged. · catch es on· fire, don't Water s hould never be panic a nd don't run - used to pu"'out a grease this elves th e Ci re fire as-It will spread th.e oxygen. instead, drop to the 11 oor and roll to extlnsullh th fla mes. ln 11ummary, kiiehcm fltfos are avoldablf", tr yuu keep safety in mind whe n you'rt-cooklnt(. And lh addit ion. you need to know what to do if you should have a fire t o preyent seri o u s damage or Injuries. QUESTIONS WE ARE ASKED - , .. Q. Is it n<.'CeSSaTY to use a rack for roasting a turkey? I don't have mw that's big 1•nou"h tor a wrgt.• bird. A Yt'I, a rtll.'k w nt-Cf'tuwry to r"a11 t u turkl.'y proix•rly It kc ps ttw turk1•y from 1.'00ling in It.a own JUlt'(.'8 and al'iO al lo ws f or good circulation of heat so lh(' turkey t'OOks evenly . .,. Q . Wh y do turkeys n f'e d t o b e basted? This seems to be: a big bother LO me. • . . A. Some JX.'Opll' h ave th e ide a that . .. bnallnH 1poo1111\" <'OOIU/lj( JlrO<'l""'-,,,,J d r 1 pp 1 n Ks o v <' r t I('-' wu•k l'111•1 iiY "'""'' ~waf turk1•y u~ 11 r oa11l11 •~ lo:cl 1•;wh r111w you do ukt•11 tt\<' lurJ more• thu. juicy And a.o11w do ll to • improve browning But basting rc•oll y t1m't n00.'S'l8ry for JUIC'Y rnl.'Ut as the liquid doesn't p<•1wtr1J u: tht.> i.kin. Most LUflkPyli brown nicely du r1n1o; the• r('q u Ired t•ookinu trnit· whhout ~t.'>tlng j . (~ h. It 111-t•t"'lf>.11!S' w It llw bodv •.wily dl d turkey lw•flJlc· ~t<.1d11,g thC' stuff tng? lo'rc•quc nt opt.•nmK of the ovim door to ba:.w w 1 11 , 1 ow do w n th c.• .. /\. No, th11; slt•p <in n be orn1ltt•o V1·ry J1ttll" salt Wiii rwnt•trut'C' l h 1.: m t' :1 t l• n ti l h g ',stuffing 1ti.t•ll will u,. sa lly l'nough w1lh11u 1 • absorbtnH rnon· Miit fror" Lhc body t:ov1ty I _,, ,. ., I •J • , f ~ . . couponSIX DOUBLE COUPONS ~ this week! Double Your · Present this coupon along with an~ one Manufacturers' .. cents ofl coupon and gel double the savings when you purchase the item Not to include · retailer'', "free" or "grocery purchase" ·coupons or exceed the value of the item. Excludes liquor, tobacco and dairy products. · llmll One Item Per Menulachlf.,.. Coupon -llmll 3 N-•...-Double Coupo119 Per Cu•'°"*· c~ ui.c11 .. o.c. 21hnl o.c. •· 1112 Present this coupon along with anr. one Manufacturers' "cenls ofl • coupon and get double the savings when you purchase the ltem. Not to Include "retailer", "free" or ";jrocery purchase" coupons or exceed' the value of the item. Excludes liquor. ~acco and dairy products. Present this coupon along wltl'i anY. one Manufacturers' "cents off ' coµpon and get double the savings wtien you purchase the Item. Not to Include "retailer", "free" or "grocery purchase" coupons or eitceed the value ol the item. Excludes ll~uor, tobacco a~d dairy products. • -'I Savin with Ral >h5 - Spectacular Color . I Maller! That's rtghL Double yo~ savings-with (3) Double Co\lpons in this ad _, plus (3) l>ouble Coupons m Ralpl\S "Special Holiday Scrlings" mailer. That's SIX DOUBLE COUPONS plus terrific storewide specials." It y ou haven't receiv· · ed y our· mailer. stop by your local Ralphs ... p ick one up and join in the celebration. 1 container tlps ever-a:mi-t---1"'--~-~-~., the grease spills onto the burner or electric unit that was left on. The grease igriites, the flame5 leap up, set the cook's sleeve on fire and cadse serious Jn jury. 3. Overheated broiler. Fatty meat s uc h as ground beef or bacon is being broiled under high heat. To save cleaning the broiler pan, the cook has covered its· surface with heavy foil. As a result, the Cat that drips out of the meat as it . cooks doesn't drain away through the slots in the broiler pan. The puddled fat becomes over-heated and catches fire. The cook is shocked to 0 see the high-priced meat 'in flames , pulls the burning pan out of the broiler, carries it to the sink and turns on the water to cool it. · The water, insteCld of putting out the flames, causes them to leap up and ignite the curtains and the kitchen. H ow cou l d these common problems have been avoided? l. Fat h eating in a frying pan should never be left unattended; high heat should be used only briefly to get the pan hot and then s hould be reduced to medium or Mix mint with lime~ chocolate Perfectly l ight and euy for informal dinner s atherlngs. Make up a 6-ounce package lime- f la v o r e d gelatin , blending in a scant ~ teaspoon mint o r pep p ermint flavoring before chilling untll thickened. Fold tn 2 cups aeedless sreen gJ"apes and ~ cup Chopped toutea wll.nuta:- Chilf Wltll firm tn a large 81Ma bowl. To 8etVe, top with whipped cream or topplnc and a sprinkling of 1rated 1emi-sweet chocolate or chocolate P'ec*· Makes 8 .ervings. Cooking with class Fueero'• lnternat.ioiial Cookware, 29UJ 'E. Coast RfghWay, Corona del Mar, has scheduled a 80-rn lnute gourmet menu Cla11 fe•lllll'ln hollda y ree l pes on Thurllday at 7 p.m. Call 873 -2 343 for reeetvaUont. Coat It $26. ........ MealYcdues ........ USUA C'bok»n9'11 189 Leg of Lamb ':. ; USDA ~FtMb Lamb ') 89 Loin Chops "!: •· ...( .:: .. 69 I'll,~ 1.89 Matll.cm .. ~WWII Ot 2 59 Beef Franks r!.':. • .USDA Choic.rt..n l4Imb Shoulder Chops ~ L29___Mlld:Eh8dd~01Ch~l9. USDA Cholc9-ll"'1 Lam.l> 0-Bone Chops_ - USDA Choice-Ft.eh Lamb Shoulder Roast Pll,' 1.49 Ute-f1Wl·Tnas Style • 45 Buttermilk Biscuits ~ • rann•r Jobn,~ Pork Chops -= 179 Cii88se rranks .:.: 1.89 s001 siew°M9Qt 1.89 5UaaICook'tes i::: 1.49 lloua.r •FtOMO Com QI Spinach Souffle M:mierpiece Hams ~3.99 Sficfii>.Ciieddar ~\ 3.19 w~'°aimSausage ": 2.29 Amertc'an Cheese = 1.49 -..... •-n.hennan...CO.• vaau. ~• lboppe vc11uea• • -oo~er Sole ':2.99 SwrUChe&se ..r.2.79 Jeno ... ho.en.e1'>c11en 01 Shrimp Egg Rolls ~Ciow· Cleaner a~~'Pes-' Danish eams c~:5k9'<1 Shrimp -:3.99 xo&rSalami' ·..J:l.99 9Qlpha.Lemo~ .. fl'T Of Peach Pie ii';fif>\its teOks ':' 2.59 ii8riiaoe wud Rice :::3. 99 switch 81 save even more 9ol~ Cinnamon 01 Powdered Donuts !!S!!o!.!>!19!'· ·a ·bag~ ~ ~1.49 ,nc: 2.19 1110 99 0.. . .. IOOI 149.b Pko • 1 I e P41' lA•>i Lb ... , bOO l.2CJ,;- 2.99rf .acb 0 ,tl07'( S<n• 55 ~lus tax with Coupon 44 ct. pkg. Chanukah FREE Candles ~~~ .. Manllch•wlt& Whit• nan • PUr• Lllftlt OM.._ end OM COllPO" P9f C111~ C..,... EflM...,_ OM. 1 tfwv O.C. I, 111.2 IMfl l -..SI, IUl&l fD mm-= .... ..., ... ,...., , I f I· .. t ('8 Or Candy I :season .r h 1s ere ... .. • If' • .. . . Pom~_nders · ai-e pleasing Om.· u( the> nlost upprnclutto<l glft.s-fro1n-thc- kltclwn 1 11om~1ng lhot lar\'t eaten: It'• o pomander ball. l'omanders. or clovt'-Sluc:k orangl'81 plt•ruw the IWOJICS, perfume• clOHCu1 and prot.ect clothing from moths. And they'rt.• something you cun tnakc while watching TV or 1.aJlung with a Jncmd. You'll need only three simpl<' ingredients: on orangl' (or lemon or lime). a box or two of whole clows and a package of alum. which Is sold at drugstorl>s. Make holes in an 'orange with the point of a tiklow1•1 ur 111.ainlc'lll ateel mul Scutwr the holt.1' ~t rondom rather than.In a atra1gh1 hn<' ao the.• skin • won't •P.hl, obout 11t·1nt•h apart. Then stud the Orange With clOVC.'8, r 'When lt'ii fully cl c oll the fruff m the ulurn W l'uat It. Set tll pomandn uidc for a wt'<.•k or more au the fru1 can shrank and harden. (The orun~c will -gro lightcl' as it cures, bc.-cousc thc ulce gradual y evaporates a)ld the pulp dries.) rap the pomander ball In a cradle of ~ct, if you like, and tic with a colored ribbon. ' The jollies t time's of the year will soon be here! That means gaily wrapped gifts burs ting 9ut of every nook and c•r an n y . I t ml' a ns kitchens Cllled with the ,-~;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;~~;:;;;;;:;::;::;;;;~;;;;;;:;::========~=;;:;:;;::;::;:;::;;:;;;::;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~=;;;;;;;~;;;~~~======;::~ hustle , bus tle and I preparation of all kinds of goodies. This may well be one b( the few times of the ~ear for holiday swt.--ets or h omemade c andy . T hey should be made with the best ingredients y.ou can find : pure ~reamcry butter, rich rnilk choc..'Olate, whipped s_r eam and nutmeats. flan to keep a few a t home. Give the. others ~way as a token of your affection. Butte r Toff ee, a favo rite among many people, is fairly easy to m ake if you have a candy thermometer to ipdicate when the syrup, b utte r a nd almonds ~each the hard crack st.age (300 degrees F to Add more. nutmeats am.I vanilla and pour into a jelly roU pan. Spread evenly, the n cover with chocola tc morse Is that melt over the w a rm toffee. Sprinklt-with remaining pecans. When l:ompletely cooled, break into pieces and that's it! No thermometer is needed for c;hocolate Truffles because butter and chocolate are heated only long enough to melt together. After yoli"Ve s tirred in ·whipping c ream, confectio ners s ugar and chopp ed pecans, the mixture is sha ed b teas ns ful into small balls. Roll thes e in a cinnamon-cocoa mixture and drop into tiny paper cups for re~rigerator · stoFage. BUTTER TOFFEE Yield: about 50 pieces 2 \4 cups sugar l teaspoon salt 'Ii cup water l IA cups (2 lh sticks) butter l 1h cups chopped blanched almonds 1 cup finely chopped pecans 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 6 ou nc es mi lk chocolate morsels Combine sugar. salt, water a nd butter in a heavy 3-quart saucepan. Heat to boiling over medium high heat. Stir in ~ cup almonds. Cook, stirring constantly, to hard crack stage (300 degrees F to 310 degrees F). Remove from heat. Stir in remaining ~ cup almonds, W cup pecans and vanilla. Quickly p o ur into buttered 151hxlO'h-inch jelly roU pan; spread evenly. Sprinkle chocolate morsels over warm toffee. Spr.ead evenly; sprinkle with remaining pecans. Cool completely. Break into pieces to serve. Store, covered, in ref l'igera tor. . CHOCOLATE TRUFFLES Yield: about 36 1h C U'J> ( l St i C k ) butter 6 squares (6 ounces) unsw ll ~ cup whipping cream l cup confectioners sugar ~ cup finely chopped pecans l-i cup unsweetened cocoa 'h t eas poon cinnamOn Melt butter and chocolate in a medlum- aized saucepan over low beet, atfrring frequently. Remove from -heat and stir ln whJf ping cream. Gradual y atlr In confectionen sugar and nuts until smooth. Chill, cover~, 12 to 24 hours. Shape 1into balls Ufing about 1 t.eupoon of mixture for each. Combine cocoa and dnnamon. Roll balls In cocoa mixture. Place each tn' a small paper cup. Store In t11htly .... . . ' ' . .. . .. ......... ! . ..• . t ........ ', •••• '' :. • ...... . "• ·--~ ·-,·~ Extra Fancy Northwest Reel Delicious APPLES: ~ Wisk lalllry Liq11id ... lb • -. La eactena . Scc*t101W1P sg.sg Folgers S"W Qft Coffee .& • ..,,..,., GIANT SIZE LAUNDRY DETERGENT ~ • Cheer ........ : ....•...................... ~z I.99 REGULA" OR DIET • • • Shasta Pop .................. 6'12·0Z I .49 ORVAi.AMO , • • Do8 Food ...... : ................. 1~LB 3.89 RAl.STON • • . •• 9 Bran Cbex ...... -............... 1•-0Z I.O ~~s~ S Cheer ................. f ..... ~ .......... e~oz 3.I9 "'ABIBCO PREMIUM, REGULAA OR UNSALTED Saltines ................. t .................. 16·0Z 89° Tone . §§c Bath Soar • • • Oranae Crush ..... t ... 8112.oz S. 9 ~ " --; . ,• .~ ,, 1• ~ -,.,... . .. --... _. ~N.t Hair· Soray. .Citrus Pun eh t.flOlL lllrt•_AllllPll llcll' s qllll licll -a ---__,,_ " 22-0Z t Y• DI Imps Halllllt · 1 f-_aln'e~ l8l container tn refrigerator. em.::ov=e=-+--iP.-----...;:-.._;.;.;.;.J from rc(rlg~ator and let a t a n d l t •r o o m , temperature about l ~hour befa:e ~rvlnf. ----·--. ~·1 -~~~~--~~~--------------......... --. ............................................ ~ ......................... ...__~~.:..;....__J • Make ·teddy t,e_ars to decorate tree, ·gifts lt may be ll bit l'Old for a teddy bear's picnic, but It's a n .ideal time to gather some frie ndl y 'b e ars a r o und th e .Christmas trct>. In fac t, It's easy tc1 make your own teddy bear ornaments and gift pac kag e ta gs with homemade Play Clay. Start with a simple and inexpe nsive clay you make at home with cqrn "Starch, bnking soda and water. The n gat h l'r th e family' a nd create this m e nagerie o f happ)' bears. If the project 1s too big to fit into the busy sch e dule o f h oliday prepara tions. m ake as many bears as you can and hold the rest of the clay for after the holiday projects. Let the freshly made clay cool. then store it in a tightly cl~ container in a cool place for up to two weeks. Knead the stored clay th'oroughly before using. dlllnw ter and flatten lo about ,., Inch . Attach to fal'to' To makt• acccssorlea sUl·h us honl-y pol1 pknk buskl•t, toy teddy. night cap, candle and Santa's cap and sack, use small pic.'<-'es of elarand attach to body as illustrated. To make arms, roll two tulx>s of d ay about l to 1 v. inches long and 1h inc h thick Attach to body at shoulder and join to accessories or body. To make legs. roll two tubes of clay about ~ inch long and 1fl inch thick. J oin to body. With fingers. clay-sculpting tool or woode n pick. shape feet. To make paws. of (•andle bearer, roll balls or clay about .... inch in diameter and flatten to about 1/1 inctr. Attach to body. PACKAGE TAGS: nbout <! ilwht•11 1'on.i umJ l ''· 1rwtws wld1• nt l'Uff and tot"'. J oin twad to l'u(( of stocking. To mak1• paws, roll coils of cloy abou t IA lnl·h by 11J inch und flattt'n Rlightly. Attac h t o l'UU uC stocking. . Drying; Pince Clnh1hl'<I pieces an ware rack or prote<.·tcd surface. Clay will dry and harden at • room temperature. When front or tedd ies are pa rtially dry (several hours or overnight), turn them over and attach additional clay to the back of each pie<le filling in empty spaces behind neck. arms, Clf. Continue drying , turn ing oc't'asionally. PAINTIN G ,\ND FINISHING: Pa in t thoroughly dry pieces us ing acrylic paints. pos te r paints or water (•olors. For best e ffect paint a ll surfaces, even ' white ones. For a shiny finish and ext ra s t rength, s pray completely .dry, painted pieces wiTh 3 to 4 t'Oats of .. •• I Or nge Coast DAILY PILOT/Wednetday, December 1, 1982 c·• Prepar.ing nuts for the holidays ... (From Page C6) rough clo\h to removc- skins. Filbert.a t1Ul allO be ,b l anched In• ly e so lution using t he directions for Brazil nuts. C h cstnuu can b e shelled In two ways. Cut a gash o n th«\, flat aide. Place chcstnuta In bolling water to rover and boll for 15 minu tes. Cool enough to h and le, but • remove shell and brown skin while nuta are still ht>t . The other way Is to · gash the chestnut, then heat in a moderate oven (375 degrees F) for about 15 minutes. Remove shells and skin with a sharp knife. Pecan shells vary from ver thin to thick and har . e hard-shelled e easier to c ra c k if h ey are moistened. To do this, pour boiling water over the nuts and let them soak for 15 to 30 minutes d e p e nding on th e thickness of the sh ell. Drain and crack. limp or damp. ro1tnr1• crblpnett by drying on ' rac·k in a warm oven (200 d«"greee F) for 2 hourw. leaving the door partly o~. To get perfect walnl.ll halves, use a go<>d ntJt.cracyr. H you don't have one, place walnu~ on Its flat end hotding it by. the, ·seam. Using a hammer . strike tht1 walnut on.the pointed e nd w ith a sharp bu' bouncing blow. Toast shelled nuts, blanched or unblanched. by s preading in a shallow pan and heating In a slow oven, 300 degrees F , for 25 to 30 minutes. To roast shelled nuts; place in a shallow pan and add from 1 teaspoon to 1 tablespoon of oil, butter or margarine per' cup of nuts. Heat in a slow oven, 300 degrees F,1 for 25 to 30 minute!! stirring frequently. Spread o n absorbenc. pa per to cool . J.C yo~ want salted nuts, salt while hot. While these young teddy bear:; will be right at h ome on th e Christmas tree and on holiday pa.ckages, once Make head, ears and nose from balls of clay. u sing same technique and dime nsions as for tree ornaments. To make stocking, roll or pat a 2 1/1 inch square of clay to '1 · inch thickness. quick-drying clear spray T e ddy bear ornaments and gift tags are made (drying between coats), or ~ip in .clear shellac or fro~ mix•ure of cornstarch, ba king soda and You .ca n a lso soak them ov.ernight in warm water. Still another way is to spread nuts between several layers of damp towe.ling a nd l eave A void overh eatin g· pecans in particular,' York warns, since the k e rne ls darken after F~ee hand, or usi~g ' can move into the. H the kernels seem fat. children 's rooms as wall ·-----------'--_;,_----------------------"--------------------------------------- and window decorations. TEDDY &EAR ORNAMENTS Play Clay l cup corn starc h 2 cups ( 1 pound) baking soda l 'h cups cold water • In medium saucepan stir together corn starch and baking soda. Add W(\ter all at once and stir until smooth. Sti'rring constan tly, coo~ver m e dium heat, until mixture r.e~ches the consistency, of slightly dry mashed potatoes. ---~Mixture will com e tc a boil, then start• tc thicken, first in lump! and then in a thick mass it should hold its shape.) Tum out onto plate and cover with a damp cloth; cool. When cool enough to handle . kn ea d thoroughly o n co rn starch dusted s urface until smooth a nd pliable. If not t o b e u se d immediatel y. s t o r e completely cooled clay in tightly closed plastic bag or container with tight • fitting cover, clay may be kept in a cool place up to two weeks. Knead stor e d c lay thoroughly before using. Makes about 2 pounds clay or enough for 15 to 20 Tedd y Bear Ornaments. Working• with play clay: Work with a sm all • amount of clay at a time on waxed <pape r or protected surface lightly dusted with com starch. Store remaining clay in · tightly closed container. ... Clay can be molded or rolled. ~To keep paper from wrinkling during r olling. place waxe d paper on sligh tl y dampened surface.) For detail and shaping. use a sculpting t ool, orange stick (from a manicure kit) or wooden pick . T o join pieces of clay or add one layer to another. m o i s ten receiving surface ~Ith a wet paint brush, then gently press added piece onto place. (If s r;nall pieces come o ff in · dtying, dry completely, then glue in place with white glue.) Teddy B ear Tree Ornaments (Honey Bear, Picknicking Bear, ~leepy Bear, Candle-Bearing Bear. Santa Bear). Bears are made from simple shapes -balls and tubes .._ joined together. Create them free fonn or follow dimensions listed below. Remember to moisten surfaces when joining pieces .. Make one complete teddy at a time, keeping remainin_g clay tightly covered. ' To make body. roll ball of cla'y about 1 inch in diame ter and flatten partially so that body Is about l 1h Inc h es In di~ter. .• To make head,. roll baJI of clay abotl\ ~ Inch In diameter and flatten to an oval about l loch by , 1 ~ Inches. J oin to body, overlapping at neck about 'A lnch. To make ears, roll two balls o' clay about ~ noh-f.n-44am.U:r and ~ flatten to about 'A lnch. Attach to heed. To make noee. roll ball of F'•Y •bout 'A ,Inch In ~ -· L 'Tis 1he season when our relationships with o thers find expression in the ~en..erous spirit o f giving. Not surprisingly. some of the gilts that mean the most are neit~er tradltlonal nor costly. One unique way to display your holiday spirit Is with a Holiday Greeting In the Daily f?ilot. What better way to convey your special message of warmth and good cheer? And, adding a personal touch'. your message can be as long or as short aS' you desire. For only 50 cents aJine (two line minimum), you can display your tfoliday message in the Dally Piiot's Holiday Greetings page on December 25. For an additional $5 you can choose from three ~day Illustra tions to enliven the greeting (select from the as~o: .ment shown below). Mail the attached coupon to place your message. Please don't delay, closing date Is noon, December 23. ro order. print your holiday message tXtlow. aliow1ng 21 characters per One. Then mail coupon to: Holiday Greetings -Classified·. Orange Coast Dally Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, Costa Mesa, Cf". 92626. (Private parties only, please) ~ ------------------------·------------------------~-- Include Illustration: O Illustration A 0 llllJstratlon B 0 lllustretlon C Card type: 0 VISA 0 MASTERCARD Charge card • ..:.·--------......... -=--------..;::;-r Card Expiration Date ---------=-------_...;;:~- You may .charge your Claulfled A<t. Be sure to Include your C1rd type (Vlaa/MuterCard), Your C1rd number. 1rld the EXPIRATION DATE. YOU ~UST INCLUDE YOUR TELEPHONE NUMBER BELOW. I I 11 I I II I I I J I I I I I I I I I I· I I I I I I r I I -- I l ~ I I· I I t I f j l I I I I . I I 1 · I I .1 NAME -----------'-----__:.'------~---'::---­ ADDRESS --------------:--~·---_._-...._-'-- CITY --------------- ZIP -----' ------TELEPHONE • • • " .. I , . I I I . I -. I I on uny si7.(' or flavor of Pillsbury Slice ·n Rake Cookies. ron•--• c-n._ .... _..,. __ ........... .,.. ..... c:...~ .. .,....,,.. ...... ~ "' .............. ~"-. w ::..'~ =:.:.:-~:.-.::.:.:::--..:.:.":'.:: 'i:. :.::.::.i:::.:::: ::..::.:-.:.: :.::.: .. .. .,. ,..,.... M1W ,....., I ... ._ flllcr9M ....... ...-.. -..... r• __ ..,.,,_..,_,.,. _ ........ ....,,, __ ,, __ Ull!I --·----·---...... CillftN, ...................................... , ...,..... ............ ..,~ ........... ~-_ ........... ,.. .... _ .. __ ,,, .. _._c- .. , ... eo1 --· -- Oll4COUl'OljrfA-SlllOU """''°"°'''c...·-11-e I •IC ti ~ .. t tf~• lllttl .. tu ... 're-I STOAE COUPON I -----------~---~ Sa'1el5~. "The Fruit and Cereal Lover's Cereal" • ••• RllSINBRIN Paar puts tine pacb ot plump, dellcloua ralalna In uch boxolPoer-- (20 oz. Md 25 oz. onlyj. . No wonder ft ''The Fn11t . •nd c.... L.ovw'l.Ceful." • .. .. 1..d .. ... i t l• .. ..... --····--······························--~ l ·' • • • J • \ .. <'10 Orange Coast DAil v Pit OT /Wedno11d I '· 1982 ··!Higher _prices .maie aoul:ile coupons worthless· l18y MARTIN SLOAN .. ~ ?'e':~Clllf•:eowrr~.·:i:~"~ :°', ~": r.·:~e:,,!!.~:::·~n;1:.,'!~.w:..1 •• , ... :~i!: ~;.·~~·~~l;lu ltlll•d. f•pllH ~~::,~t~=I~ ::'3 p1ntyhOH ~;:;L~;:T:i ~?e:~!!~ ~:.~ :.r::n':!t1~'.::.:::.~ !~ ::: tt~r~Oog Melli [1<p;r .. 0 ca r M u t' l t 11 1 auJ)flrm1uru11 tn n-111apef1 uni.I Well 1J11ru1 1440 Of 144 r (l«UIO • NIOHT &INTAY S:.> H11tun<l tlet• II 11 rerutt\J IQlnl you c•11 IUPPl ... IHI nevo., elOng wllh 50 ctnll f)Otl-0-TCN' CHCMCI 11 ~fund ~ rn"""""•' 11110 wh•n 1ra01t"' with "• u 1 .• 1 1 1 111 1~r enll 11•• fe\tuult(l r11lun<1101m ttlld """'' ror A 111 ce111 or I I 110 OAINll·•tMOl"I 11 n•tund 1ne1 hlndllnl tor • cal«ld•r o< 1 ..... ~,,.__. etund 1 ~A" 1 0 •,recently 1.:ul a :!II l't•IH ..., "' "~1 • 1111"11'11U01••11 "1" " 6 r ••tun" rep1ocl11r11 P111111/0ru1h 6-"1net"""ir•"1eruno rA·m•1"' 1 5 • ............ ,,.,.......,_, omi-. ., w , lrt11 nt11 Ollttrl may nol Oil Oet.,• n tllll)f r 1118? 11n<1 ()fo( lheNIQhl e11try 1111•1 PIC1Uloon " ,, _.,. ...,y.., -~"' 22 W•lh I lao.itof ---111 pr00110fpurell¥e)lllelf•trecl •Jaff pl•anu l bullt'r au11 .. 01u 111 "" 11rt1111 01 1110 :it. 198' ra.,11111 Jim 14 108'.l 111111>11ck ut 111.-11oci.11ge along Rerun<l Oller, P 0 Bo• i .. 3o, • price rnarkar) lrom on• f h c I All 10 ....... 1" I cl I wllh 1ne rout1te1 t•Pll ll8111d M:::f" Pllltn, Mtnn 6".>348 Send. d 8 I T • C 0 Up u n 0 U t o I l' oun ry ow w_.. v rt>eer1111 fh-()11•,. r11qu1r• io un o1n11 " 982 0 •"<11~· ...... 11•n1...,. "rlv ... A""" llPlllllllT 111,1'11 4.poun ·ounce boa o oo I e"ljh l''lund l>OiWIHlfl Mey l. ' 111111 "" 3 I, ... ........... """ v ......... c11-•·e or Puppy ChOICI •long :news papc>r S tnl'l' th1• •1,.1,"...eoi.'••otlunoath;ialluvt1u 'L.Ml"'* St H11h;no S•r1p 11111 1982 fll•r• ,_ 110 1111111 on thlt IFor 1~181 to918m3 Thit ofrtr ••plree wllhttle ,90,,1., 11pt ..;11h th• s tores an my Ul't.'H httVt' IOIUI Yilluti 01127 00 • rectutau1Jo7m DIHI llW UttlYllf'J,I Ollllf l:KPI••• Jim 16, 1983 •b •. I purChlH prlCll c•rcteo E•PllH • P1od11~t C01111 •yml>ol from lh• been offering to doublt• Theu orr•r• oon·1 require Clmer'a ,Wor11t11rl Bond Plu• cord '"0 COMFO"T S I R11lu11d •UTCHI"'' lllNO $3 Reluno Merch 31, IN:J ' I th 1 ( 1 retund forms tor cuno7e Wbnber Bolld Plul '°' Seno tne rtQ~lred refund form ond Send the •11<1ulred relund form •nlf lwo prool1 ol purchHe (lh• no 11bil1 Pollage and h1ndlln0• VtCTOllY Lambe<I K•y SO·cent e Vil UC O l'04p<>ns, OE Mo1111y Back SI Refund, po Wood or•CI L•oihor) ind rrom the the p1o0uc1 n1m11 lrom me 110111 ol th• weigh I clrcl11 lrom th• 1tarr11d • price merker1) mu•l be Included tor •II 0!1111. "9fund. Send Ille requited teluno 1 1 thought I would ust• I hl' BO• 29641, Raleigh. N c 27626 baek lul>ul 01 Elmo•'• corpenlor·a 11ny Pio CQmfot1 paekeo• or, tor 20-poun<l Butcher'• Bltrncl big, lrom lwo 36·ounoe boos ol Free calendat• orderecl .,e Mmll6d lorm and Ille front p1nel from • Jiff cou pon to l't'<.'t'IVl' u Send 11111 prool ot p1.11ch8llQ dctal Wood Glue C•plrH MAt<lh 31, producll In cant and bollln, wrlle along wllh the orlg1nal regllter G•lnH·Burg.,•, along wllh 111.i 10,one Pf'' houNllOld. (TIMre are Victory Of Victory 5 Fl•• & Ttck 4.0-C'e"'t discount. from the bac.k of 11 Twin pockogu 11Ul3 lh• P10duct 1dentlllc11t1on Numl>ef tape With tho purchHI Pftce· r11g11101 t1po wlln the purchase no umlll on 0111« ott•11 I £1!9ff'" Collar packeo-. Eltplr" De<: 31, •• ol QE r11pF1&1h 11, GE FloshBar 11 (loc1111d on 11111 1>o11om or the chclfKI E•plrH M.,ch 31, 1983 prlcet clrclad or one proof ol March 3 t. 1983. 1983. I re member<•d th t• 01 GC 600 with your name and FUJI Two-Buck (12) Aelun<t bolll6 orcan1on 1nerorm ExPhM COMI 'NGaTITNO lll\J Oooll purohHe (the 11arret:J * -l"UllUNA Hl·Pro ll Refund. Rec-Here I•• refund form you tan ...,· f J 'ff h I '· addntu on 8 3·bv·r> cord Explr115 Send Iba requlrO<f •elund lonn end Meich 3t. t983 The Wooell'IOUM Way/Book Oller •IC• marlterl from 01111 72·ounce e111e a 11 coupon tor 1 25·pound ,,.,rile tor: A SI refund on 1havwa t P~ ICC O I :ll ul'l'll Jan 31 1983 "~ end t1ap1 (with Full IOQOI lrom Receive Barbera Woodhouee'a l>o• ol G•IMa·Burgera. elong w11h or • SO-pound bag Pufln• Brand or llgh1et1, "Blc OHll". Wtl•y !a ro und $1.-1!} u11cl so 1 lhtlle 24 or 38 upo1ure Fujlcolo &HEE"EN£AOY C011trOITopSI b ook "No Bad Dogs The theragl1ter 11pewl1hthepurchue Hl ·Pro Dog Meel Send the StrMt. Mltt0td Conn 064e(J ThlS OJ'\ly expecte d lO pay WEST BEND Sklllot $5 Aolund Film boHI, elong wllll lhe orlgl11•1 Relund Senel the ttqulrlld 1111\JnCI WoodhQuH Woy " Send the pdte cltcled Expires March 31. requ11ee1 r•lund form and lhe ofter ellpir .. M1t0h 31, 1983 ,. ,$1.09. But Wh "'ll l "tl l ltl P,0 Bos• 99'38, Maple Plo111. Minn dated 18191 slip from "" Store form end the round. P•P«1bo5~~~ required refund torm ond 1he proot 1 3 WOfdl "SI oo off" !tom 1 epec;tll!y Copyylghl, 1982, United Feolure ... .., 5"3~8 ones tho top poruon of Ille where purch111ed. with 1ne Ollk ,trom one pac~aoe o ,....., ol purct1a111 111111 from •nv lwo t LIV•t Morria Celendar Oller marl\eel 25.pound 1>ag ol Purina Syndic.le, Inc •the supcrmark~t. the ·~~~~~~~;__~~~~.;..._;._;,....:;..:....:.;...;...;...;...;..;..~~__;;.._~~~~__;~~~~~~..:.:.....:;;::;.;:.;.:::;;.::...:.::.=.:_.:.:.;:::..::....:;.:.~:.:..:..~...:..:::.:.;..;:.;...:.;;.:::..:.;,:..:.:~:;;.:...:,;.;;:.:__..:.::::::;:=...::.:~::::.::::....:::?...:::...:..:::.::.:.::._:~:.:.:::.:.:.:..:.:.::..._~~~~~ 1pr1ce had been ra1sc.>J to jSl.89. Not only didn't l •ge t the bene fit of the :do uble valul'-that the !store had ad vt•rusc-d. but ~ far as I w.as <'Ont'l'rnl.'CI, !the' pric<' snt·n •ast• had pn a d e t h e t' o u p o n '.worthless to mt• 1 d ecided to buy jt!ll y instead. l My qut>s tion 1s thss: If ~ s to re offers to doubll• the value of t'Oupons, 1s 1t ri air for the m lo raise the rices on items for which h ere arc coupo ns'! Mich ael H ., Vin e land. kJ. · D ea r M ich ael : Of ~o urse s upermarkets raise their prices w h en Clouble -cou pon "coupon w a r ." But most of them •re unwilling to candidly 4iscuss this aspect of double coupons. · Offe ring d o ublt• cou pons i s a ve r y txpensive promotion. It tan ('()Sl a supermarkN as Oiuc h as 3 p ercent o f 'heir sales. T h at's a very ~ig expense whe n you ~onsider that the m •t p rofit o r most ~upermarke t s hovers •round I percent of sales, , Taking this into account, it is obvious that stores 'that offe r double on s for a n y xten pen o 1m can 't pay for them out of profits, or they would 900n be out or business. The only way to pay for such a n expens ive -PJ:DIDQlion js to raist• prices. In doin g this a s to re has two choices: (a ) ll can inc rease prices by a small amount on many rlcf11S. dr (b) increase prices on jllst those items .that are being couponed to reflect som e or all o f the increased costs associated with d ouble coupons. There is no t hing 4nfai r about eith e r course o f action The stores feel compelled to affer d ouble coupons sf t.h e i r c o m p e l i t i o n * fers them, and they u st cover th e ir i creased promotional costs in order to stay in business. ; The stores may be shy about admitting this, but w e s h oppers shou Id realize that ther e a re cl:>sts assoeiated with fivery p romotion a nd. sn the long r un, w e pay for them. SMART S HOPPI NG AWARD The Smart S.hoppsng iw ard goes to Anne an e o f B er kel ey prings. W.Va.~ · "In a Sunday paper I fbund a 50-cent coupon ~ on th.? purchase or ii Jus t Whistler ra~or. 'the n ext day, at the ~permarket, I rou·nd ~at the regula r price o r '2.45 h ad been specially ~uced to just $1.26 and ~h e s t o r e w a~ a I s o · qcrer ing doub le coupons! Whe n I g o t to t h e dteckout counter I only gaid 26 cen ts for the '1twr. and I noticed that d n t h e bac k o f th e D kage was an offer of a refund from Gillette. But that wasn't the d of my savings. When I, got h ome and opened t)le. pac kage, 1 found cj>upons for rawr blades and L 'eggs pantyh ose. H ow's that for s m art shopping?" • • J\nn and o the r readers , •hose smart s h oAping t{><perle n ces appear In ~is column receive a appy of my couponlng td refunding magazin e, h e Nat io nal Sj..lperrnarket Shopf)!:lr. Write to me In care of '1]11 new1~s:Jer. • :-CLIP 'N' FILE REFUNDS K-~~_....,.1cd.l1aeoal ....... ,v.~• Ood Pro4act1 :cap out 111111 ... Ind kMP II Olllth er CHh·oll co.uoon1 -11ge rtlund olf•re w11n "" couoon•. 101 Hample COlecOng Ille ~ pr0011 , I • • prices good thru dee. 7. • no dealer ·sa1es • limit rights reserved ... produce ground fresh dally' at all )rvine ranch farmers markets ... peanut butter 1.59 .;, no salt... no sugar ... no preservatives! \ tneat ~eafood natural foods provisions • tustrn·newport/costa mesa only tuslln·n;wport/costa mesa onlv J near east exclusively ... ground -veal "9· •. 2. 98 ·1~. 1.98 boneless _i pork roast ret. ,.. 3.69 I~. 2e98 country style ribs rt!· i.. 2.49' I~. 1.89 bar m ' be con now taking orders for yoµr fresh Irvine ranch f umers market holiday turkey -hem - prime ribf If I deli fresh oeean_ferch fresh fresh can1di1n cot ' fresh 1 northern califQrnia sonoma mlll creek li~k 0~,;~ .. el11fin ·create 3.4 oz.,... I.SO 98 P.!l.tlf t2 oZ. box ,.._1.19 ._.8 119-•· i.69 I~. 2, nee, wheat, lintil & spanish herb magic-no oil 4re11i119 12 oz. ,.. .~ i]9 fl9. •• J.691~. 2.98 · ;~; pure.8.oz. llf. J~S9 3.29 =p 16 oz . ..,. s . .,· 4.99 osros fancho fresh I "9· •. i .69· •. 2. 98 .,,,. 64 oz. "" l.~ 2.19 cWer 128 oz .... 1.99 3.69 ~eletllai aeasons I'"" t .. ~ count "t 1.S1 1.19 chico son rice cakes 1 4.25 oz. all varieties !!f. .19 health valley apple l»lke t6 oz. 11f. I.SS at. Irvine ranch farmers markets: 1982 gravenstein select apple juice (limited press) 32o z. bottle "t 1.$9 1.39i meiers sperlcling j1iee1 . .J 25.4 oz .... i .19 2.29. Irvine ranch marlset tortff la chip 7 oz ...... 91 lozzarl mesquite ch1roo1I 6.75 lbs. "I-S.49 ·4.69 calif. natural pittachio1 _ homemade Irvine ranch market cinnamon • 16 oz. t. ~· •• 3.191~. r I gallo IJallan rnlil creek r• Nj .. S.99 I~. 3. 99 homemade Irvine ranch market natural crusty dry 11l1mi . ... 4.9S-I~. 4. -t- elalfin lotion 1:2 oz. "t I.SO lrvlne ranch farmer• maf't(et1 have all of the nuta, dried end candled frulta you need for your holiday beklng. 1 pkg .• ?f 12 1.09 r -! 4 ! I ' 1 TH•; t 'A,.IL\' ClllCl'H by 811 Keane ' BIG Gl-.:ORGE I ~ -·---~~ .. by Vtrgll Partch (VIP) 11-1 \\I know why we soy grace. It 's to let our food cool off.'~ "I've ~t to IH a doctor. My glbl1t1 art acting up IQlln.' · by Brad Anderson DE:\'.\IS THE MEN,\CE ' Hank Ketchum I,(-I "Maybe he thinks you're too old to teach ' him any new tricks!" ·----~--r:;nj;T~~f)CiNJi~W'il I HAVEN'T DISC.USSEO IT I'LL SEE YOU AT THE QFl=ICE lN Tl-IE MORNINC:,, 0. e. ! WITH TONY YET 8 UT I THINK HE NEeOS A FULl: TIME LAWVER WHO'LL ~E AT HIS SIDE CONSTANTLY' YsH ··ALL OF ME EXCEPT FOR MY BE,ARD. ACROSS 51 Kind of whale TUEIOA Y'I 1.Barga1n 53 Atomk: pile-P\Jm.E SOLVED 5 Icon 57 Manitoba- 10 Skein Texas lndlen , 14 Wlriglllc• 61 Oll·rK:h prov. ...-.:-ir:-r.-i__,:'r.'r.nrmnr.:r.r.:-i 15 Oes~nated 62 1/1000 part . 16 UK river 64 Command 17 He>petess 85 Dropsy 19 Model 68 Wintry 2Q Beg11n llgltn 67 Weight 1llow· 21 Dr~~ ence 23 ViclOUs one 68 Queenly 25 Kindled 69 Crumbs 26 Strolls DOWN 29 Me1111 1 Couple 34 Sim91e 2 Egypt11n 35 Single lime danc41f 37 The ..00 • 3 Closures 11 A 1 r 38 Flufry 4 Wony-• 39 F11tened 5 "Fresh fruits ~2 Made known 43 Teach 41 Germ111 pre-- -" 24 MM*'•• 45 Mealcan l)Orl • name 8 Servants 26 Gattler 47 Renter 42 wut •va· 7 Envoy. Abbf 27 J11on's wile 49 Petlod• lem 8 Mooll 28 ColOI 52 Sptnllh por1 •• Shop9tf'1 9 5WjlM)ef 30 Pel docl 53 lMie float need Gertrude -31 End<>Wlt M Ctlll l.Mnb •s Honot catd1 10 Ottawa or 32 Some echoOI 55 ~I Vlf ·Ukillluato 1 IMllta 56 Be a iO'key 48 LllSI convey· I I Celet>t4Y 33 Import 'ROmin ~ ~ ............ .._ by Harold Le Ooux .AND ONE WHO CAN COO~ ANO DARN SOCKS TOO? QK>.v ... euT I WAS AeOVT lO OFFEF\ YOU A PARTNER' SHIP lN THE FlRM OF SAM DRIVER! by Jim Davis Q, ~ 0 Mee 12 Ot Celts 36 P11no ~ H CeMI 50 Flylng 13 Oendllion 39 Straf19 papet 90 Auto"'°'*' .__...__~~~~~~~'.'-.L-1111!!~~~~ NllC4lf Abtlf 18 Wldgeofl 40 l)rlwOrdty 83 C..., cvt . ~ .. Coast OAll Y PILOl/W dnesday, December 1, 1982 PE"Nl'TM '.\A'.\C,. MY TV 15 OUT O F WHACK AC.lUAU.4 I 1Hl5 ~ 1$N"f AU. 'lllAT DIFFERENT Ffi:OM WHEN' 1 WA51t:ACJ.lfN& ! DR A BBL IE ~o.~ CAN lilt '10 6'N ~ 0'~1<!>11't\A!> fRE~ ~ <I HELLO, TV REPAIRMAN? COME OVER RIGHT AWAY BOY, WHAT'S TAKING HIM 50 LON6 ~ 1HE PAl,l f$' lD05'r' I <,.00 HAVE TO lJJORK Wffil KIDS ... FOR •1.TTE• •• t•e• W8•1t: .---------------.... """"mt BO/ M~ .. 1 D1Dttf 1R1NK WHRI DO '/00 MEAN p;·o AClUALLY SJl:AL . ~.IT Wffi '(~ SOMe:JH'NG ! \ oEf\! by Tom K. Ryan MAPt: M~ SPIU. Hot MIL.K ON M'( JAMMlf:S! by Ernie Bushm1ller IT'S FIXED, NANCY-- THE. PROBLEM WAS AT THE STUDIO, N OT FROM YOUR TV_ ~Jl!Z by Kevin Fagan by Lynn Johnston BUT IT Wf\5 )QJB HANDS IRATDIDIT. I • ' ('I~ Orange Co111 OAILV PILOl / ru sduy. Nov mbur 30, 1982 .. Nutrit·i~n -eXp ~:Pi-f-inds-flOws in~fi-her _:elainis-... ~ By BEA ANDERSON Of IM OelfJ "-4 llMf l llgh f1lx•r dil't 1s no panat.'<'U. It one.'<' was touh-d lb be a curt.' for u numlx•r of non-infe-.:lious c..hscascs. such as can<'er or'tht· ('(>Ion, divt?rticulit1s, atherosclerosis ;md c..•urtmary h1•ur~ disease. T6day doubts url' being raised While Ronald J. Amen , Ph.D., nut.r1uon expert, says recent research supports earlier'" findings, it raises questions too. For instam·c, said the le<·turer at, Chapm on Co llege, Orange.'. problem~ arise due to inconsistencies of tht• definition of r1lx•r, and mud1 of the research t·annot be repl'atcd bl•causc o r insufficient and 1mprt'<.'tse data. Peanut Soup a new way By CECILY BROWNSTONE A•-laled PYn• Food Editor Some y ears ago a friend gave me a recipe for what s he called African Chicken. What made the dish so good was the combination of ingredients in the sauce -onion , celery, green p eppe r , tomatoes and peanut butter. . R ecentl y I h ad a bright idea. Why not use the sauce ingredients as soup? We did just t at, s ubs titut ing a r ed pepper for the green pepper and adding grated caITQ!. Here is the happy result. PEANUT SOUP oil 3 tablespoons peanut l ' medium omon (4 ounces), q~artered and thinly sliced ('Ii cup· packed) 1 lar ge rib celery minus leaves (4 ounces), thinly sliced (about ¥:i cup packed) 1 large carro t (7 o un ce~. pared and coarsefy grated ( 1 cup . • l'1t1nu n•port11 by l)r l>1•11l'4 H111 k111, who PlplHTl'fl u 11•nui .... 'llll< •· In r1lx.•r U";\'ill t h, A11lt'11 xialtJ tlw Or1th1h phyt1li1u11 1<1\ud11•d rurnl Afrn·1111s und t•o1wlu<lt'iJ thut 1·arn .. •1· ul tlw t•11l1111 w1111 v1rtuully unknuwn 11m1m~ tlw1w nallvt'!I lM-<.·11~~· of th1·1r hl~h f1b.:r dwt. Althou1'(h an~·1dPnl-i of thl!l l'an('t'I' 1:. luw II\ thin.I worltl l'<Junh ws and l'Ommon an W~':llt•rn n::illon.s, Anwn ~1d not ull (:\ctur. wcr1• 111dud1'(.l in rt'!;t•an•h "We nec:.>d lo J>ludy th<' whol<' dwt." While the dil'l in ihard wprld coumrit:ti 111 high m mwr and lacks tht• sugur 1and ''junk foods" of We•wtl•rn man, 1t 1s low an 11rotl'in, ,,,tomlns und mim•rals "We must under41ttu'd the• t'1rrl'lutltm .• H the re is onl':'' stud Amen. who owns u food nmsulting firm • Another Claw m thv evul allon. he said is not packed) . -m e 1 u m r e a-·i---....--.----:-11~!!!!:::~~!i=i!!=Sltil9~~-.-'--f-t-___:: pepper (5 o:\nces). thinly PORK LOIN sliced (l cup packed) OUAllT£111ED 2 tatlespoo ns all· sucEo purpose flour 2 10 :i4 -ounce cans condensed chicken soup l 1h cups water 1h cup crearwy-style peanut butter . 2 l a r ge tomatoes (about 1 pound), seeded and c hopped medium. fine (about 2 cups) l cup milk Salt and pepper to taste Ch opped peanuts. if desired In a 3-quart saucepan, h eat oil. Add onion. celery, carrot a nd red pepper; coo_k g e ntly, stirring a few times, until vegetables are wilted - 5 to 10 minutes! Stir in flour. Add chicken broth a nd water; cook over moderate heat, stirring constantly, until boiling. Stir in peanut butter; s immer, stirring a few times. for 15 minutes. S t ir in tomatoes. milk. salt and pepper; heat to serving te mpe r ature . Serve at on ce. Ir used. pass the peanuts. Makes 8 cups·scant. EDIBLE GOLDEN .BANANAS "IPI AND 'ULL 0, 'LAVO" lt1 5f1 (From cover page) doorway to o pposite com er for a path. Press peppe rmint candy sticks into comers of the house. Place almond cookies on the roof in rows like tiles. P lace club mints along t o p o f roo f and in between cookies. Put miniature marshmallows alo ng edge of ro.of. Arr ange spearmin t leaves, raspberry candles and lemon drops for shrubbery and flowers around the house. MD BATH ·5 1 C !l!'o~! • AHO .. TID COLO"a • 4_,.0LL PACK Spread ou tside of ice c ream co ne s with frosting ; place on platte r • a nd press hal ves of s pearmint leaves into frosting to cover. Top 1reea with c h ocblak? kiSteS. With a serrated knJfe, using a sawin g · motion, cut wafer mints In half. Cut orange sticks in •alf. Alternate mint a,ml- ci r cles with pair ed o range s tic ks around outer edge of platter to resemble a fence. Using a brush, paint s urfa ce o f almond c rescent cookie' with corn syrup. Sp~irrltle syrup with colored cryatat. on the frosting on the platter. SAMSKI VODKA DtLUTaD, fHMCW UM.Tlt. HL DI PEPPEll Ol IQUlllT Let eri~ house da~at,......_ ____ ,.._ ____ _ ·room temperature. It wOI • keep Inde finite ly In a cool, dry place. .. .. • FRESH BROCCOLI URD9N ~ STAR-KIST TUNA LIGHT, CHUltK •TYL .. l'ACKU 1• OIL 011 WAfttt, l "-OZ. CAN ..t I . . t·1111'11U1'rl r\I{ lc111.ce•vl t y l-.if1· i.'l<f>l'<'UIO<'Y rn Wt.'8l(•rn nnllona 111 higher tliun 111 third world 1•ountrit..»>, th1.:1 t'forc• thc•r<' art• 11111n· olclPr JJt'Uplt• uncl it iK m thh1 l\J(C' bnwk1•t that ,11111r1• c·ut11·1•r d!'vl•h1p:-t, lw r•c•asonN.I • Thc•n• nlM> may ht• ndvtm>t• t•fft'<·Ls of 11 t111<h ftbN d1N. Amen ~111u.•rtl·d .l>'or 1111Ct111H"t'. 1 ural Afrkom; hovt• tx-l·n found to tww. twisting or th<' 111t1•:>ilrnt•, hut it ho~ not l>t<t•n dN1•rm1nt>d 1f thui mnd1t1on u; high Ul.x.ir-rclatt.'Cl 8<'<.·nuw of its watt>r-ubsorption nbillty, f1bt'r i;(•1•ms to bt• un l'Hl-ct1vc lrcutm<'nt 11f consupatron, Amen su1d . On the other hand, because• of this e·11pob11lty, the• 1ssu1• of dt•hydrjjt1on probably n('(.'CIS tu bt• uddr<•s.'ied. Fiber will trup trafo man('rals huvu long wrm high fiber diet could trap too much and caus<' 11\Jlnutr 1ll11n 'l'ht·n uth1 •r dl'><·aM"'I <"CJUlcl.ttnvad•• tht• r-;yslNli C:wnm1•1Hl11J.t on d 1v1·rt wulur dibf•UM', Aow11 8llld tl'P11tmcm1 hns l)t'<•11 1'(•v1•1 i.1•d I rnm u low f1bt•r lo u l11xh I Ille'• dlt't ttnd that bran ap1wan to be.: e•rf1'i·t1v1• A 1x•r"btll1 who <·on.,um<'ll> mor<• fllM•r i.c'f•m.'l It·-., llk1•ly ltl t.l1•vl'l11p tlw dtM.•ai;t•, he-stud Sc.·wn t11>L'> ~,.·111 tu IM· l1>!.111J< intt•rl'SI in fiber 11•:.1•11n •h 111 the• JJ.J.'>l fow yt·ars, Aint>n i..1hJ One· liludy lht• Jood wnsuluint. &LIU hi.! would hkt• w l\1'11 Ii. tht· ... 111111msh1p or f1bt•r u nd h<>art dll'ol'llSC'. "ft uppc'ars f1l:wr lowpr11·chok-fftcror and that m1~h1 intlil'tal!• 1t~1Would l<1W(•f' rnc1dcn''" of heart atuwk"" • / Althouj:(li da\a on tp• l'HC'C·ts of rlber ls 1nl•ondus1vt·, Aml·n NUd ··11. 11, tmcouragin~ " I • UVE WITH SMITH'S LIVI PRICa Alll. , .......... ~ •BLE lllP•ll USDA CMOtC~ •Hf' llOUND, llOAIT ~_2~!!-.~~.-~~B~ STEAKS :_ •• 271 STEWING BEEF 111 •O.ti.181 CU.II ·-··· .......... ,., •. • .. ~ ···-.................. Le ~~R~ ~.~!._!..~~~~!~ ...................... l • 111 ~m~ CUBE!_, -··-· --···•• 239 SUN GIANT RAISINS NA TUAAL Ofl GOLD•N 11-0Z. llOX NAVEL' ORANGES '1IM 8CM.O NtCY MtO 8ftn ......... . .... ,. iPAGHlttl A-1 SPABHITTI lk09•A-1 1..0Z. 1'1(0. PEW. llZE IVGIY . RU8Y RED!f~11 GRAPEFRU F . 8WHT AND JUICY OR '80M TIXA8 • f018ER'S COFFEE ALL OMNDS k 8.CA1t lllTAIT -IAXWEU HO• COFFEE llr.-.1.• ............ -. ...... - .. ,. . .. DIHJ Pllld . -· -.. 'W!Dm:SDA}'. or c '· 1082 \ . 07 NFL ·-• Frrl-1 of ~personality, ch-ar~ct-e~ Nohoclv sturk his ht·:-111 oul of a manholt• anc.J askr.'<l nw. 0hut pr11 footlxlll tt•;1111s 1 rt•ally tlu havt. 1·har j t·t<•r ,. No ma kt' that' c: ha rat· tl•r1 st ll"'t M.i kt> ·11 1x>rsona~1ty - Co11s1Jprable rC'sl•arch 1s squandt•rC'd un • BUD TU.CK ER pluv1111-1 111 lumlL·. t:t•nainly ~• pk·a:.un· 111 cll'll·at wh1•11•v1•1 you pluy th1·m _ Tiu• IJ;rl~m; owl~ -rin • likt• .1 I.it cluw.1.:t·1 dow11 whO't(' bosom you would ltkt• tu i.1;111 your drank. NE W YORK G I ANTS A 01H..0<• proud ' 'l'ht· Dolphm .... how ... v1·!;. t•xudl• <;umcth111g I t ·St•111hl111~ l'UIJ.llllltl~ <tnd pl<iy W(•ll { 110Uj.(h llOW and tht•n Lu lVllllnand sornl· l"l"l>pt'<'l Ttll' Dolphins . d•> 1101 ulw..iys w111 tht' IJ1g 11111.., but u:.uully triumph 111 tlw m1ddl1• 1t1tc'd ont..., NEW ENGLAND PATRIOTS Fon-st Lawn. "ti<'ll•rm1111 ng whl'ther a ll'am has t'haractcr ml•anml!( tht• rnL•ntal and l'mot111nal 4ual1t1c~ l'S.'ic(ltial to wmnang g<ll11Ps. It as th(• undoudl'Cl vie"'; from lwn• thut lt>ams gave off u t•t•rtain image · rPgardlt•s:; of thl· t·hanging of pt•rsonnt'I atid the· plocl,of II mt• · 1'.:v1•rybody loves lht.• SatnL'l. Even pi.'Opll' who hv1.• m Nt•w Orlcuns. ansmuuon wlm·h hus lost all Its wealth und pn·stagl· but plods on with tljl' luol of pnck Thi· 1mnwdi;1h· gwl is w k1•.-p from tak111g ttw trophy 1·asl' tu tht• p:.iwn Rhup f Proless1unal ft1<,1tball will go to 1Ls final n'l>l trying to ltgun• out whut rn:.ikcs Nt.•w England th<.• graveyard of foolholl tal<·nt. ' -. (\111:,iidl'r a fl'w al random. S AN lH f:;G-& C HARGERS T o tall y u11prl'tl1l"lubh• and unreliable . The Chargcrs have all tht• t·haract1.•r1sllL'S of an akohollc who 1s a happy drunk to<lay a nd tomorrow an UOt'OOrdinated blob. Thc>r<' ar<· unws the Chargers'(:tave lhl' impression l'Vl'l'yorw on the learn is~ a dafforent 1'ht· U iunts ;,1n•/a guy wJ10 appt•urs ut u nx·ktuil party in :.i $500 sua~1 und holes 111 his u11tl1 •1 w<•or llOUSTON.OILERS Drugsto1·t· t·owboys. No WW Will (•V('r tukt• lhlS bum·h seriously but. Of\ the ulh(•11 hand. they an· harmlt>SS riding IJl on their hobby hors1-s 'l'hl•y now havt• a <:Oa(·h who must work 011 has image. Thi• last ont•, Sum Ph11l1ps. looks hk<' a b.1d t'Ountry and Wt.'Slc•rn song LOS ANGELES RAIDER Thl'Sl' guys look and al"l hkt· -.;trL"<.'t fighwrs and 1t as prubauly quitt• anlt'nt11111al ThL' Haidt•rs would havt• tht.• otht•r side bl'hevt• tht•y are cntll"cly conll'nt rolling in the gutkr proll'l'tmg their turf languagt• • OEN VER B f\ONCOS Luml.il•rJal·k s. Roughnl'Cks who ctv not undl•r:.umd that u t•t•ruun degrt•t• of ftne!o.Se ts nc·<.·c~...ary 111 tha:. gallll' a11d punt•hing rholt•s 111 ~·alls as not t•nou~h Bulls an a t•hana shop, Ill uthef words. • This sort of an imagt• 1s pro_!:>ably only possibll · whl'll 1t b<.•l,{IJ1S al the top and fillers down through thl• organization Evl'n the c:h('erleadl•rs look a trifle < , sll'azy. Pt•oplt• who wager on the games Sl'e this LC'am t:umang and run whimix·ring illlo the underbrush .. . Th<.• Broncos t•6ml· to luwn t w1t·e a yl•ar to gl•l loadL>d. wrl-ck Lht· favern and buy suppl11.-:... LOS ANGELES RAMS Ha1lrood. The Rams NE W ORLEANS SAINTS Baggy pants and bag n.•d noSt•s. The Saints have bc<.•n doing pratfalls sintc• 191i7 and every autumn is morl' comical and there is no suggestion of an al tcrauon of image. , DALLAS COWBOYS -America's team? Well, tht>rl' 1s t·c rtainly suffificnt .snobbl•ry ' here to undcrst!illd the claim. Th'b Cowboys have always looked duwn their noses at the other trash. This makes Lhem particularly difficult lo deal with when M IAM I 001.>PHINS Tile· Dolph;·ns Lry dt•six•rat<.•ly to be lht' S\lmC surl of snubs. but would nevt·r get o aannc1• i'hv1tot1on from tlw Dallas Cowboys. Simply put. the Miami bul'kh doc:s not have the pedigrL>c. n •mand you or thl) old song ... "Eastbound lrain l"Omtng down tht· track, 100 males pl'r hour. Wl'~lhounu truan l'Oming down thc• trat'k, 100 milc>s per hour. "S;,iy to younwlJ. ht!)I of a w<Ay to run a n11 lroat1 .'' l y for UCI toi;l-ight ~gainst San _Diego.? By JOHN SEVANO Of the D•lly ~I St•n UC Irvine basketball coal"h Bill Mullagan is an· optimisl. He always has been. So, d espile the fact hi s Anteaters played poorly in their· season o pe n e r , needi ng a n overtirnc period to whip Oregon, . ({C'l down on his troops yet. "We were outrebounded by 12 and shot only 43 percent, but we cut down on our turnovers." said Mulligan as UCI reduced ils giveaway otal n-orn 32 (a-gatnst the University of Alberta) lo 11 (against the Ducks). 9 · ''I think it's encour.aging b<.-cause we didn't play well and we still won. Plus, we got seven down and we <.Mc1me back." The AnLeaters (1-0) were able to come back because of their defense . And it's their defense again that figures to be tested t ()-fl I s-h l (7 -:lO.) w.h_e n_ th e .University of San Diego invades Crawford Hau __ _ Like the Ducks. Lhc Toreros (1 -1) figure to slow down the pace against the Anl.('aters. UCI <?ou ntered the Ducks' ·n aclti.tc tempo with a sliding 3-2 ione and o tougl\ man-to-man defense. "After watching the \Oregon) gamt• film with our players I t91d them they won the game wilh dc>fense." said Mulligan. "They snickered a little. but I told them we really dad." UCI hounded Oregon 1mo 21 turnovers which allowed thc>m. to come back Crom a 34-27 def1c1l with 14:19 to play. Edison lligh Coach Bill Workman a nd qua rte rba<'k Jo n Nowotny figur«' to ha:ve t he ir h ands f ult against Lo ng Oeach Po ly Friday night. "We don't figure San Diego is going to run with us either," said Mulligan In sizing up his opponent. "T wo years ago we blew them out (108-62) but last Late surge gives Kings 5-2 win LB Poly rea~y __ for kingpins Ja ckc.abbit coach sa ys his team will b e sk y -hig h for Edison VANCOUVER-The Kings scored three goals within a three minute span mad way 1hrough the third period to defeat the host Vancouver Canucks, 5-2. before 12,790 fans at the Pacific Coliseum here Tuesday night. By ROGER CARLSON • Of IM Dally Piiot St.rt I! nothing else, both teams have had their prayers answe red. Edison has qualified for a ,semifinals ,berth an the CIF Big Five Confe renne football playoffs a step away from a shot at No. 1 Servile. And Long Beach Poly gets a crack at Edison, rather the n meeting g round- orientcd Colton In the semifinals. The Kings also got a big effort from goaltender Gary Laskoski. He turned 1 back 41 shot.S by the Canucks. ' . THEY'LL HOQK UP at Cerritos College At 8:07 of the third period and Friday night (7:3b) and th~ J ackrabbits of the game tied at 2·2, UH Isaksson Long Beach Poly have been installed as defl ected Larry Mu rphy's shot seven-point favor ites. · from the right poir'l• giving the It's the t hird straight playoff game In Kings a 3-2 lead. whi~h Edison, the S unset Leagu e co- Steve Bozek scored on a wrist champion, has been listed as an underdog. shot 37 seconWJ later. then Bozek -Poly Coach Jim Barnell makes it very put another shot past Canuck clear he'd rather be facing Edison -and goahe Ken Ellarott at 11:07 and here are nis thoughts: The.game was out of reach for the ' ' Ser m e t I m cs I w o r r y a b o u t home team. 't>Ver('Onfldence.'' says Barnell, "but I know The Kings took a._2-1 lead after we won't be against Edison. Edison has two period• on a pair of first been the klngpi" of high school football the period 1otoals. past few years a nd It 's a game we'll be , ' looking forward to. Leading 1-0 in the first period, ''Colto n w ould have been entire ly Vanrouver had a good chance to 1 differe nt. They ploy Neanderthal Cootball extend the lea? to t wo g~al1 and our guys wouldn't understand It at all 4 when the Kings Dave Mormon We like people to throw the ball aplnst our • WM called for hoolung. Inst.cad, IM..'COndary. not th is th~ yards and a cloud the Kangs lied it 15 secondl later of dust stuff." .an. Mlke....Murphv.'.s....sixlh JCoaLoi F.dltlorf-Ooeeh Bill WorktNtn lahet. ~·· season. ,dcfcnsc q "absolutely unbelievable" The second goal came In the And, mayb It as. USC 11 reportedly final minute oC the first period. r t-crultlhg lour ployN• f rom fhe t'oly . ' . , .. squaa, and the defense includes such gems as defensive lineman Ike Freeman (6-1. 2LO sr.), alon& with Mark Howard (6-3, 200 sr.) on tho ottler side. Howard is a three-year starter and runs the 440 in 4.6. ln the secondary are Denn!WPrice and Chuckle Maller, both being sought by such 'o m e limes I worry abo ut undc>rstandanJ( of how to play ust explolns &rnctt. "It was very evident in, the Mater Del game (Poly's first vktim in the playoffs, 32-0), Lhey had 110 clue. " "I never expected they'd give· us what they did an the secondary the whole game, using on<'·on-one roverage. "Thot was a real advantage ~us, because we"r<' Cost .. overco11fide11ce ... but I know · POLY'S SfEED begins with wide> receivt•r T yrone McCulloch, and thcr(' Is we WO~ 'I be a1;ainsl ,Edison . also tailbac k Kirk Jones. a heraldrd -L• Poty Collch Jim ••rnett running back who has yet to really put the numbe~ on the statistic-sheets In a manner schools as USC, UCLA, Texas, Stan!o'rd befitting his credentials. a nd others. "Ile> hos lx'en bothered by a sprained In the center o f thi•igs Is middle onkll' all year," says Barnell, "and•hc linebacker Bean Pie S te phens, a 5-8, probably would have had 2.000 yards and 1 70-~und senior with two years of starting 20 touchdowns by now. But hl' ploys w,•11 experience. . even .. r he's hurt" "i'hey'r.e sQ quick up rro nt." soys J,ont'S, a 6 O. 180-pound Sf'naor. was held Workman. "If there ls II ke)( to 90Jving ll, I out an Poly's 21-3 victory over Huntington haven't Clgured It out." Beach. but Barn<'tl says h(' expt.>cls his Ill'<' Poly'a 1eason haa been similar to Edison's to bt.> r<'&dy for F.<Ji110n. In respc.>ct to Jcag\Jc play vs. non-lc~gue and "W1• probably rould hllvr playC'd him Inst ployoCfs. , week. but I thought the long<'r Wf' ga~ \. him N'St, th<' better," soys the Poly l'08<'h LIKE EDISON in the Sunset Lca1ue. ln sizing up his opponent, Barnett saya: Poly found thing• tough In the Moore "Editon l1110bd and w~ll""-'G&Ched with a lo\ ~acue. flni1hina 4· l and aa tht> lea9uc'1 of tradition bf.hind them. No 2 re~ntallve to Lakewood. "Wt.•'rc> the nt•w gu1tl on thr bloc:k in tven Jordan, which did nof qualify for the Bia F1vt> aft•r belns In the Coa1tal U. playolta,.had-&heJaduabbl&a---.do-.-w..,n._.b._,..,.__~;.o.n I ~•ett('• -..rCH'..._ i.n he Coa.ul 19-0 margin before Poly n:!boundt'd for a Conference we w~ treated like tht' minor 20-19 ,vlttory. · lcttlfU<'ll of 4-A football, IO tht' 1amt• h.a a Ill· "People In our le~e htld a llulr bf.lltr tit• added ln«'nl1V\' from that atandpolnt." . ' . ' year we shol 71 percent and only beal them by 10 or_ something like that." Actually. the sc:ore was 78-66 and at improved UCl's series rt-cord over the Toreros to 7-5. San Diego is minus four starters from a year ago. Senior Rich Davis al uard is the only returning s r er a er averaging 6.3 points per game last season. USD's r1!maaning starte rs are Don Capener (6-5) at the other guard. Mike Whitmarsh (6-7) and Dave Mciver (6-8) as the forwards, and RQbby Robe rts (6-7) al center ·Capener and Roberts came off the. bench lasl year to score 6.4 and 4 .7 points", respectively. Whitmarsh (Grossmont ) a nd Mciver (Cypress) are <.'Qmmtmity college transfers. Mulligan will counter with the same starting lineup as Monday meaning Ben McDonald and Jud Be~ey at Corward_,~rge Turner and Make Lopez at gua~.---• -and Bob Thornton al renter. Thornton led the Anteaters with 14 points, all in \he second half. against the Ducks. -.--Mulligan is hop~ng lo g~t more .. -··- points -and rebounds -out o( the rest of his squad tonight. . The voice -aids Laker } win in OT SAN ANTONIO C hick H('o rn has been a La k e r • enLhusiast fo r u number of years a nd when his faverates need hl.'I p . the voa<·c of. the L os An~eten.ea\n 1s there to help. · Hearn "can be credited with a big assist in the Lakers' 137-132 c.·omebaek double overtime victory over the• San Antonio Spurs h~re Tuesday night. After trailing the Spurs a ll night, the Lakers appeared to have fa lle n s h o rt when Safi Ant~nio g uard Johnny Moore hit two free throws to put his club a head. l lR-I 13 In regulation play T hree seconds appeared to be left on the clock. Thia's when Hearn got into the action during n time out A television replay appeared Lo show Magic J ohnson committing a foul with four st'C'onds left • "The replay shows six se<..'Onds left, Jack," Hearn scrt'amed from be-hind his mkrophonf.> to om cial Ja<.•k Madden. "Thc replay shows sax $('«)nds left." Afll'r t.'hcckang with the tinwk N~per. MaddL•n called t'OaChL'S Pat R1lt.•Y (Lakcrs) and Stan Albeck (Spurs) together ll nd l)U l four sc.>ronds OQ the (°)1K0k Aflt'r Norm Nixon made a free throw for 'lhl' Lakc•rs, he faked thC' N<.'COOd '8llC'll\4Jl und both tt•ams v1olatL'<i tht• lone. bringing nn n jump hall ~ K o r <> <> m A I'd u 1 • J a b b a r controllt>d thl• t ip to MMgic Johiuon who quickly pAssed tO Nixon. Nixon hu from 18 f~l away to tit--the lll'Ott and aend the gonie Into two ovrrume pc'raoils _ _ "l planned ll •ll.".N1xon taltl. "No, actually, 1 didn't 'nciw &hat rule ellht'r " ' .. r -•' lti qrango C001tDAILYPILOTIWodne1doy,Oe~ce~m-b_o_r_1_._,_e_e2~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~, hdres like chances of signing Garvey From AP dispatches SAN DIEGO -Ballard Smith. Ill president of thc San Diego Padres, says the National Le~gu-e c:lub is prepured to pay St~ve Garvey "a lot of m om•y" and s aid he has "the defi~it(' impression that Steve wo uld prefer t~ play here." Garvt>y, a free agent afte r 12 seasons with the Los Angek>s Dodgers, has narrowed his list to " five clubs. including the Padres, whom he me t with last week. Smith said Monday ~hat th~ Padres s hould have a formal offer ready in anolher L'OUple of days. Garvey. who turns 34 n ext m onth .. as repor.tedly seeking a $7.5 mi llion contract over five years. OAftYEY According to Smith. "there is a limit to how high we can go to try and • sign S teve, but 1 think he impressed all of us when he w as here last Friday. "We need a first baseman with righthanded power. Steve would solve that problem, and I believe he would have a immediate impact on fan interest and attendanee," said Smith. . .. Padrns can make no serious"'attempl to trade for a fi rst baseman. General Manager Jat:k McKeon h eads for baseball's winter meetings next wC'Ckend in Honolulu intent on landing a firs t baseman and a lefthanded relief pitcher. -Quote of the day Joe Salem, Minnesota football coach, asked if his Gophers w er e victims pf ~ Murphy's Law (if something oan go wrong, it will) in their seven-game losing streak:·~ "Murph's one of our better players." Celtics, 76era autfer setbacks hl1b Tboma• M on·d 4t!f pu1m11 Uli Ut•ll oil -4H\dtl(f 8olton'11 ''1.thl "Ullll' Wlnnlnj( m >e \rl·Uk WI lt1 &I I :l!' I 1il vkhlry lo • htuhllghl NBA U<'tlllll Tul'llldny lllMhl .. El11t•whuro, t.:ddle John1on b('or1 ~l 'l7 poit11s, Domlnlqu~ Wllklnli 1uidl·d 4W and · Oan Roundfl•ld 11du1·d. 24 0 11 Atlunto bl1 twd Phlh!th'lµhiu, 111 07 t . <.'t•nt('I· Oirryl Dawkin• );4.'Un.'tl 24 pomtit 11nd tcuurd Darwin Cook nddro 21 t~ ll'ud NPw J1·rM·y lo Q 11 2-103 win owr KanSi1s City . Junior Brtdaeman ~'<>t't.'<i 17 or his 20 polnui in lhl• IM.'('()nd half ond Sidney Moncrief added 17: h.•odlng Milwuuk'N' to an 88. 78 decision ovt·r Clt•vcland . . . Trenl Tuck.er sc:ol'l'CI 17 uf his 21 ~'ants i11 the third quurt.cr us ttw N<>w York KniC'ks <•oust('Cf lo u 1 t4 ":1 wul 1wer Utah ... Potvin lifts Islanders past Blues Deni-. Polvln 8''ored with :t :59 ~ left in the second period to lift the ' New York Islanders to a 3-2 victory ovcr St.. Louis to hig hlight NHL action Tuesday night. The win gav<' islander goaltender Billy Smith his 200th care<•r victory ... Elsewhere on the abbreviated s late. Real Cloutier broke a 6-6 tie with two powcr·play goals early in the third period to triggl'.11' Quebec to an 8-6 triumph over Winnipeg. Braves make Bannister an offer ATLANTA -T h e Atlanta •• .Braves' have offer ed f-ree agent patche r Floyd Bannister a six-year. $6.3 m1llioo contrac t, the Atlanta J ournal reports. ln a story in Tuesday's editions, sports writer Tim Tucker, quoting informed purties on both sides of the negotiations, said Braves' owner Ted Turner made the offer during one face-to;.. face .meeting with the lefthander and several telephone conversations. Banni$ter, 27, led the American League in strikeouts d~rin~ the 1982 season with .Seattle Mariners a nd Houston Astros. The story said the offer consists or an $800, • 000 salary for 1983 with increme nts of $100,000 each year, peaking at $1.3 million for 1988. Turner was out of town, according to a secretary, wht!n, The Associated l'ress tried to contact him by telephone ;ruesday. Braves General Manager John Mullen's o nly comment was "T ed's h andling the negotiations." Bannister also was unavailable for comment, but his agent Tom Reich, con tacted at his home· ' in Sarasota, Fla., said: "There is nothing dramatic going on; we are talking quietly to some teams. USC's Johnson to take week off l.,rn; AN<.iJ.t;t..I';." Southt•rn Cul m u •ntn K1•n Johns1m, who had not i.hown up for thtt '1'111Join. ' IUbt lw'c1 l>to1k,•tl,.1ll practh.•c.'li, will l.J(; glwn u w1'\•k ort hut will 1t•mulQ a mt•nitx•r vr th1• tl'tun, Crnwh Stun Morri110n l'llhl Tuc•11<h1y. Morri11on h11d ml•t with Johnson, u 6-9 tiOphomon•. Monday night. ''Kc·n ond I m\•t und hu<J u lc·nf(thy um.I w 1 y 01><'n <:onvcrsatlon. ' MorrlMt>n !JUltl In u prepare'<.! HtuWmenl "Ii~ Is troubled. and tho proble~ on• pt•ri.onul l want Ken to hnvl' every oppc,rluruty. away from boaketball, lo fully t'Valuatt• his 1u tuatlo n wllhOut bl•lng under ony mor e pr~'tl.'IUI'\'• "W"•'ll mcc•l again l'llrly nc•xt wi:t•k. Ht' is still ~ m<>m~r o( lht• t.cum, ah)1ough he won't ploy . in. the thr(.'(' gL1nw11 this week.'' O'Malley rules out USC move •• Los Ang_eles IJodgen; owner Peter O'Malley ruled out the poss1b11ity that the USC footbaU team might mov_c from t he Collscu m t o Dodger Stadium. O'Malley said Tuesday the Dodgers' faclhty was a "beautiful base~· II stadium. It mak<'s no sen se to play footb 1 h ere•" ... Blaming present and future h -taghtl'ning measures imposed on the California S tale 'univl'rs ity system, the prettident oC Cal Poly Pomona a nnounced that the sc•hool w ou ld discontinue its inter<'Ollegiatc football prognun . . . Forward Larry Bird of Boston has bt'en named the NBA 's Player of the Wct-k. He avc ragt..-d 29 points in thre<• Celtic vk ton t>s last week. • · Television, radio Following are th~ tog sports even ts on T V tonight. Ratings arc: '....-V' v v exce lle nt; V' v v v worth watl·hing: V' v fair; v forget it., Cf} .. 5:50 p.m., Channel 9 v v v v NBA BASKETBALL: Lakers at Houston. Erickson. The Lakers, who are enjoying a 13-2 record for the month of November, figure to have a fe w tongues hanging tonight after tl~ey came back to win a thrilling 137-132 deuble-overtime victory Tuesday night over S4n Antonio. The Rockets have onl)' won two of 14 games thus far this season. • RADIO Basketball -Lakers at Houston, 5:50 p.m., KLAC (570); U. or San Diego at UC lrvine, 7:30 p.m., KWVE (10~ FM); Chapman at Cal State Fullerton, 7:30 p.m ., KWRM U 370). Hocke y -Calgary at Kings, 7:20 p .m., K.PRZ ( 1150). for. Miles Eaton tourney ~-----+--------..... ----------------------~ There's O~ange Coast, the ~ef ending champion and four uµ,def eated teams for starters By CURT SEEDEN Of the D8'1r Piiot S!Mf Three community college basketball teams carry undefeated records ·in~o the Miles Ea\on tourna~nt Thur~day. meaning Orange Colitst Coach Tandy Gi11is will have his P1'ands full if ~is Pirates are to repeat as tourney champions. The 12th annual tournament. hosted by OCC, begins Thursday with four games, beginning with a pall' of unbeatens, Mt. San Antonio and FreS'no, squaring off at 2:30. The 4:30 contest pits Imperial Valley and undefeated Long Beach CC; OCC tangles with East Los Angeles at 6:30. and Saddleback m~ts LA Southwest an the lt.30 affai . -~ "It looks like it's going to be a vet y strong :iffd balanced-field this 'ye~r;; predicts Gillis,. whose Pirates s.wepl to the tournament championship a year ago. Gillis' Bucs carry a 2-1 record into their opener with East LA (0-4), but Gillis says there are still mistakes to overcome. • "ln our first three games this year, we've made a lot of freshman mistakes. That's to be expected. . We've turned the ball over a lot and we haven't blocked out well on the boards," Gillis points out. "This team has a tremendous amount of work ahead of it this season, but I think we can have a very fine year," Gillis adds. East Los Angeles, meanwhile. has faced four rugg_ecl OJl:BQ..nents.lil...thua.rluoing, namelfusSantl\, Ana . f..ong "Beach cc. EJ 'Camino and cerra . - "1 guess you could say we've started oH the season with a bang," say,s Husky co~ch Jim McFarland. The F.ast LA coach says an experiment to slow .down •he tempo in the. first four games didn't produce the results he was expecting. ·•w e we ren't very successful with those tactics. l think you'll see us running up and do wn court a lot more than we h ave been," McFarland admits. OCC's early stars this season have been • sophomore guard Tl111 Krohnfe ldt, soph o more Leland Bruce and freshman forward Brad Guess. Krohnfeldt, one of the Buc's top assists ni.en a year ago, has picked up where he l~ft off by dishing out 15 assists this season. Bruce is averaging 17.~ points per game, and Guess is scoring at a l:r:T-pom -pe -game cnp an<t'l'nrullrig down nearly" six rebounds per outing, Game one of the tournament will pit Coach Gene Victor's 3-0 Mounties of Mt. San Antonio Heisman-f orntula:-Be a-ru~nner-asa•nst-l'l'ftnO cc:a Rama. _aJao 3.0 . .it ~ battle of big forwards (Fresno's Andre Patterson. 18.0 average, and the Mounties' Pete Williams, 17.0, Those who carry the ball have edge over those who th,:ow nine~~u~~h cc is 5•0• with wins over teams J Chri .. J twk-.on Ma tt Becuwso~rl •• MD • carries NO. I ranking Mater Dei is loaded Uy ROGE R CARLSON Of the Oellr llfllol Slaff • M::itt•r Dei High's Monarchs rank as Orange· Counly's No. 1 prt'p baskNball team as the season approachl'S to night and af that's bad news for the rt>St, t'Onsader thas: There may not be a single senior in thl· starling lineup. l n add ition . Coach Gary McKnight has a ~ btll'kt'Ourt tande m of 6-6 ~ Mau Beeuwsaert and 6-5 Chris Jackson. with Jackson acting as the point. guaro. · The.· rt"st of thc:> starting lineup t'Onsists of 6-7 ~ sophomore transf<:r Tom Le wis from Capistrano VallL•y, 6-5 sophomore transfe r Mike Mitchell from · d -4 r ur i starter Mike Fielder a junior. Thl'rt.' arc <Jthcr c.'Ombinations which may work· thl'ar way into the starting format -including returning.starter John Cook, a 5-IO senior and last year's point guard, senior Pete Toomey (6-2), 6-81h . junior S tcvc:> Gorman. 6-5 freshman Jim Dwyer (probJbly with the junior varsity), 6-5 Thn Megher and 5-10 Paul Pt'rkins. • • · "They're all very quick ," says McKnight. "We figure to 'be fl running team, but if it's not there, we can set it up 1md get at inside . ~ "We're spending 75 percent of our time on defense." Bc·cuwsaert was a n AIJ-CIF selection as a sophomore a nd McKnight says he's the betlt in Orange County right now. Jackson is a three-year startt.'r and Lewis scored in the 20s againat Verbum Dc1 a nd Long Beach Poly in scrimmages. Fit'lder is an ·aggressive re bow1der and Mitchell bru1Sl.>d ha s fore head on the rim of a dunk contest. tt'11t1dbrldllt! The Warriors were 13-10 a season ago and ' thl'y'~ all back, just bagger, faster and better, with All-CIF star Mark F.onnger keying things at point guard. A junior. Foringe r is now 6-0, while the rest ol •the st.arting lineup consislS of Tom Borsuk (6-1, jr.), centl'r Anthony Radovcich (6-6, 205) and three others rotat.ing in the front line -John Moreland (6-0 sr.), David Wisc (6-3 sr.) and Kevin Annstrong (6-1 Sr .). Kevin Burke (6-2 sr.) figures to contribute. along with Gary. Fly nn (5-11). the only player c lcvatc..'<i from last year's junior varsity. f,a_guna Bea<-11 Craig F.atccmec. is . starting lrom scratch-With two frN hme . soph6lnore-a:mt'tWG""jDniors in the starting lineup. ' Nick Tepper, a 6-1 junior who averaged 4.7 • points a game last season. and Scott Fortune, a 6-4 juruur WlO .. rulcr_aged U poi[!~a ~me, return. _ · · f'tlso in the starting li neup will be sophomore Billy Edwards (5-6) and. freshmen Sean J ordan 1 (6· I) and Coby Naess (6-3). No. 6, 7 and 8 for the Artists are s,ophomores - Mark McGrath. P<!ul Watford and Dan DeWar. l •. By WILL GRIMSLEY A' lpeclel C«reepaftdent Hey, all you kids out there who dream of some day being a c0Uege football hero and winning .the Heisman Trophy. don't try tocopy Johnny Unitas, Joe Namath or even Joe Montana. Quit throwing that ball around. Stop trying to hit> targets 50 yards away. Just pick up the old funny-shaped pifO>kin like the ·Azusa Pacific N, itS alumni squad and Now comes 1982, and Herschel is still plugging Camp Pendleton, but the Vikings have defeated a way for the Georgia team that has lost only two Cypress as well. games in the three years he's been in the lineup. Saddleback will have its hands full with I.A His credentials continue to be awesome Southwest. The Cougars have dropped just one although he suffered a broken thumb and made contest thls year, a double-overtime affair, a nd only a toke n appearance in the opening game.. '* they'ye (ie,feated-Compton by l~ints at Compton. Rams, 49ers blacked out ~ and run. • Run as fast and as hard as you can. Duck in and around fire hydrants and telephone poles. Smash over any thing or anybody getting in your way. Syper Bowls may be w on by the arm - Montana's aerial heroics for the San Francisco 49ers last J anuary being a prime 8'ample -but the Heisman Trophy Is won by the legs.· The best pair of legs this year -or maybe any year for that matter -belong to ijerschel Walker of the No. l Georgi~ Bulldogs. If he doesn 't win college football's most dist inguished award this year, selectors ought to be given a saliva test. walker. a 6-1. 22Z-pound runaway tank, has been setting ground-gaining records ever since he joined the Georgia varsity as a freshman in 1980, leading the unbeate n Bulldogs to a national championship and a Sugar Bowl victory over Notre Dame in New Orleans. He should have received the Helsman Trophy that year. after ,-ushing for a collegiate freshman recor.d of l ,616 yards (eclipsing the mark of Pittsburgh's Tony Dorsett). But, horrors, you can't give a Heisman Trophy to a freshman. So South Carolina's very fine tailback, George Roger&, got it. Walker had !o settle for third. Many observers thought Herschel deserved the awarcfln 1981 when, as a sophomore, he piled up 1,891 yards and aco"red 20 touchdowns. But, good gracious, you can't give the trophy to a tophomore -never been done. So Walker was beaten oµt by Southern Cal's Marcus Allen, another flashy runne r. -College ha~kethall ... , UC Senle lktlMlte to. Cel Roly Sl O 43 PtJ11*dlM n , Cel Stet• LA 70 ........ New Mexico 97, a. Colofecto 11 Utetl ~I 75, BYU II UTlP 80, N9w MMIOo It. 61 UNlY 15. Nev .... Aeno M ..t.~I0,---41 ........ Tex .. 8outMm tt, H. Tel!M St 19 (Cit) 01r11 11omt 104, A11b11rn• Mon 83 Qli • Cit 12. Potp1 lomt 81 ....... M..__. 16, A\IOI*-IH 1111*9 ••• 54. Pl llllllOll 48 Ohio IJ. 71. ONco IC. M ~~ •.. n.r ti gainin g 20 yards. He has earned the ball 308 times Tournament play continues through Saturday for 1,590 yards, most in the country. w ith the championship game ser for 8:j,l0 p.m. I Falling 6,0QO seats short of a sellout, the Rams -1 announced W ednesday that Oleir game witfi the ""1 San F rancisco 49ers will not be televised locally. Both clubs enter the contest With 1-3 records. I • Of all the collegians who have played the game, Walker Is the hrst Co soar over the 5.000-yard mark in rushing before completing his junior year. His total is 5,097 and, although he has pro fessionat scouts d ri veling, he almost undoubtedly will be shooting next year for goals never before reached by man. Now, with only Georgia Tech ahead and a prospective Sugar Bowl bout against Penh S tate for the national championship, Herschel and his supporters must sweat out again the spectre of the "Wait 'Til Next Year" syndrome. Heisman e lectors are reluctant to hoist even a junior to such a lofty tower. In all the past 47• Helsman awards, bnly six have gone to juniors Army's Doc Blanchard in 1945, Southern Methodist's Doak Walker in 1948, Ohio State's Vic Janowicz in 1950, ~er Staubach of Navy in 1963, Archie Griffin of Ohio Stale In 1974 (Griffin repeated the next year) and ~~ly Sims of Oklahoma in 1978. Walker 's most serious rival .is John Elway, the talented Stanford quarte rback who has passed fqr more than 3,000 yards with 24 touchdowns and only 12 interceptions. Less fonnidable rivala are SMtrs outstanding rvnnlng back Eric Dicken10n, tailback Anthony Anderson of Oklahoma State a nd quarterbacks To ny Eason of Illinois, Todd Blackledge of Penn State and Dan Mar ino of Pittsburgh. 'Elway has the advantage of being ~ senior. Wa lker's big plus -other than hls baafc, line- shattering power and near-Olympic s peed -lies in. the fact he la playina with a champiqnahf p team, one he has largely carried on his back, The college game lone has been dominated by power teams -.: in contrut to the air-minded proe -and, u a result, tallbacka•and not quarterbacka have gained a comer on the ~elsmaft, a flgurin~ of a ball-carrier. Rain postpones CIF finals Heavy ratrta Tunday cauted CIP' women•• ~nnll plaYoff mat.cha to be canceJ.d and ~ lncludln& a 4-A encounter tnvolvtna El1anda and a S·A .minnal JnvoT~ . I Batancla'• ··-wm M at home to No. 2 seed ed MlralHt• th la afternoon, weather p.m11tuna. ~th Mater Dl!t pla)'lnf ., w~. • NFL standings NATIONAL CONFERENCE W L Pct. PF PA Washington 4 0 1.000 98 73 Dallas 3 I .750 97 66 Grc.oen Bay 3 l .750 101 64 ; New Orleans3 1 .750 67 58 Atlanta 2 2 .500 84 92 Detroit 2 2 .500 59 57\ ' Minnesota 2 2 .500 81 66 St. I.Auls 2 2 .500 -71 82 Rams l 3 .250 74 102 Chicago l 3 .250 37 79- NY Giants l 3 .250 63 76 Philadelphia l 3 .250 81 89 •San Fran. I 3 .250 89' 90 Tampa Bay l 3 .250 55 69 T11arsday'1 Game San Francl8CO at R.ms, n Sanday'• Games SC?attle at R.lden Buffalo a t O r c>en Bay at Milwa ukee Houston ot New York Giants Minnesota at Pittsburgh Mlnneeota at Miami AMERICAN CONFERENCE W L PcL PF PA Raiders 3 l .750 106 86 BuCfa lo 3 I .750 64 40 Cincinnati 3 1 .750 96 63 Miami 3 I .750 95 78 NY Jets 3 1 .750 11 1 65 PitL<>burgh 3 l .750 86 74 • Cleveland 2 2 .500 66 69 New Engld 2 2 .500 67 75 San Diego 2 2 500 89 70 Seattle 2 2 500 61 54 Dcnvt'r . l 3 .250 57 91 Houston 1 3 .250 60 10 l Kansas Caty I 3 .250 59 73 &ltimore 0 4 .000 33 105 NOTE: The top eight teams in .-ach confercnre will qualify for thl' playoffs. New England at Chac:ago St. Louis ·at Philadelphia Sun Diego ut Cl<>vcland Tampa Boy ot Ncw Orleans Cincinnati at Baltimore. Dallas at Washington Atlanta at Otnver Moeday, Dec. t Nt•w York Jet.'I at Detroit, n LllTD> OFFO 11.1&% A.P.A. FlfV.NCM AVAUmE •• .. 1112'• JOHNSON &SON presents ... llfL ,... .......... Thun., o.c. 2 * RAMS over San 'Francllce ~undoy, Dec. 5 . * Ch .... _I I 1 ... C<iM tests poteD.i OllerS The 1982-8:J high school basketball a.•a..'IOn gN• under way tonight -highlighted by a mut.chup o/ Corona del Mor and Huntington Beach In tht' first round of thl' Marina-Lakewood Tournaml'nt nt Marina High. Corona. del M41r, ontcrs under a cloud oC 4_ntertalrio/ becauR of a foot injury Lo guard Mike Hess. but there's no negati vt.>s In the Huntington Beach camp. where the Oilers are unveiling what Coach Roy Maller calls "the best team in seven years at Huntington Beach." Among the Oilers are thr<.>e-year starling point guard Billy Thompson and sophomore Jamel Garner (6-7). It st.arts a t 6:30, folio.wed by Hueneme and Ma rina al 8 in the Marina gym. Marina's game Is built around playmaker &.-ott Filipek. Also involved in tournament action are Estancia. Laguna Beach and F.dison. F.stancia. duels H~ritage at 3:45 and the host Artists fat-e Western at 6:45 in •the Laguna Beoch tournament. • F.dison opens the Valencia High tourney with a 6.30 dC}te with &>llflower, but the C~argers won't l)(' at full strength (forward J efC Washington is still busy with football). Ocean View visits Mission Viejo at 7:30 in non-league pla~ with Newport Harbor transfer Byron Ball making his debut for Ocean View. And Fountain Vall<.'Y hosts Riverside North. also at 7:30. Jr'! 1All-Am·erican fin~ls in Newport The Orange County J u n ior All-American football championship games will be held at Newpbrt Harbor High Saturday. The Newport ijeach chapter is the host of the day-long affair, which culminates the season. Five championship games will be played, beginning at 9:30 a.m. and <..-oncluding with the final game at 7:30. It's the first time Newport has hosted the finals. There is an admission charge 9f $1. Saturday's playoff schedule: 9:30 a .m. (Clinic Division. 9-year-olds) -La Mirada Sun Devils vs. East Garden Grove Broncos. Noon (J unior Pee W~e Division, 10-year-olds) ,8ellflower Mustangs vs. Cerritos Gold Hornets. 2:30 (Pee Wee Divisio,fl. I I-year-olds) -Tustin Rams vs. Placentia-Yorba Linda Marlins. 5 (Junior Midget D1v1sion, 12-year-olds) - Orange Steelers vs. Tu~tin Cowboys. ' •PASADENA C1lo1e40 a ... ,, ....... 2U·H l ·l711 . . . . ... 01 llllQU COU\I DAIL y PILOT /Wodn itcJ y. Oocombor '. 1982 WITCH FDI OUI IEWIT-11 NMDUI PALM DllDT •PA~l~~AMA •RIVERSIDE M111rl1ndt • l • ,., 71 1•1U•10 7 C11n11i1n A 11th ...... '14°110 ·4121 Moo•p11• ' ..... , 10"417 uu P1lm C•n•on Otl•• I lnd11n 1ll 0 )U0l 07) o .. onellll• a Woodier ' 21) tt1 Ul> WoOcl'Tlen 'c ..... 21l·H•·7JOJ Atl;n9•0ft • ,, ft••-•1 111-1 .... IH I •GARDEN •CANOGA •IRENT~OD e HEMET LANCASTER •ANAHEIM •DOWNEY GIOVE ''"" P1c1llc WH tmln .. 11 '•llb•oo• • l tn V1e1n11 • 1111 "•"d• ' CoH I H1ghw1r •· tOln f.1 Sovlh flvcftd "••1nco ••• I I lvclld , Yt " Owen a Mont1n1 ••n J1ctn10 a Anu A Ate I . • l •ot d• .. r Old 111.,., lcl\001 lld ,, .. ., ... ,., 21l·lll·USO )1).Hl ·1110 7U·l2'·21l1 2' )0 )7)·0701 ,,,,, .. ~ 0072 714 ...... ., 2U·l 21·05'1 Flellchmann's Lanson Champagne Gin IO·Proof 1.75 s911 Ltr. • ~· ~ Seagr~ms -·-··· Gin IOPreof 750 ml. lrut lllCll ....... Imported , $991 750 1., ml. ·~· Moat Chandon Dom,...... ~ ........ _. 543'~ ~->~ .... ...... _ \. 7:30 (Midget Division. 13-year-olds) -Orange ngals vs. East Garden Grovechargm.--...;;;_-+__,,-1-----..:..---1 Prep .wrestling begins Fountajn Valley High's Barons, rankt No. l..ln Orange County in the preseason wrest Ing poll. open the 1982-83 campaign on the roa tonight, visiting No. 7 rated El Dorado, beginning ~t 7:30. El Dorado as the defending CIF Sou\hern Section and state champion and boasts 200-pounder Ty Pembleton. Foun'tain Valley's squad is led by Paul Whitley (167) and Louie Penaflor (1S4). Other non-league openers tonight match Corona del Mar at Woodbridge, Estancia at Capistrano Valley and Rowland at ~guna Hills. . LINGERIE FASHION SHOW LUNCHEON ·Every Mond•i- Lunch Specials From 12~0 noon f.t J)ESfABOR Under New Menegemenl J 401 E. 17th St. Restaurant St>afood & Stealo• Costa Mesa 100% to 500% · 1st year Write Ott $5,000 -$10,000 Minimum Investment Call For Free 'It Hour Consultation HERMES MILANOL INC. N"IOMAL TAX CONIULTANTI . (714) 751-2400 Holiday Gas BAR-8-Q SALE ... / AMCO ~~\~DIBS SlJpptl' .. ~In tltr coonllutlolt ol tlw ...,.,,,,~ IMl'dnn for yo11r pnltct. . ,IJllbl#td IMnlw•n ,.,.: .. . DOORS, BATH, K-1.1.CHEN.,_ BARS, CABINET AND BATH ACCESSORlgs --(114~642-4114 -........._.._.-.f C.....MemMJS . , .., ......... , ........ lllllC DI -.c. 7M·ll'tl. ...., .......... 750·""- s9~1 Ernest ancr Julio Gallo Gift lox Frend! CotomUnl. 7SO·ll'tl. ..... 7to·ml a..lfl lhlftc. ''°·""· Harvey's Bristol llftlox 3 CrMlft Chlfry, 100•11'tL San Martin Gift Paci& ~y.110 ..... C..... .......... 7SO·ml , .... 11Mc.1to.m1. PM1IM111on Ch1mp1gne Set 1 a.-, .... , 1SC·ll't1 2 'LUH ClliMpllll" ....... Wt Stocll A Grut StlfM:tlon at Wint 8'ft , .. , .,_... ~tttlnp And Awtnl ........ Wlnla fJI Y81r lOftllll HOLIDAY SPARKLERS ~=.~= ........ lorllll Champagne ""' Ir 1 ..... Dry • .. .... ' .......... .. HMn1 Kornell lnlt Or l1tr1 Dry , P1UIM111on er.-....... .. ............ ~ .. .. Mumma Cordon Rouge ........ 7,,,~ '1" 7'0 .... ll'tl ',!,' '2" 1...'t •1111 MOll·Chlndon ..__..lllrl NY .. ,,_,,, ....... ~~ 11211 Jack Daniels lourM .... ""'""-7.n~ s711 Jim Beam 750 $41~ ml. _ ~ . .. ... '\ . .. , >-~ ' ' ..,.,. ~ ... f 'l:!l:__ • Stollchnaya Vodka 100-Proof 750 s911 ml. !£'1. ..,,,~ WINE OF THE WEEK Bogle Vineyard Chanin Blanc ==~·:.n:-$266 Of CtelrAWlrd - SllghtlJ Sweet. · 750 Price ml. U .75 NOVEL TY SPIRITS In Emboeaed Tin Crl~p And f ult. ( Ll•t ) l.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiilll .. -.. .. -. .............. ..., .... --:••.C••Ml•Amamto ::. ~=~::::berry s12•• BEER SAVINGS , PARTY FAVORITES CMldlDry Mix en lelllr1ncl MlxldNutl ' doke, Tab or Sprite · •' l~r. 99° Ltr 12·01. C•n 59° s21• 2t0 1111. Dumpt1y1 trl1h Cnem We Stock A Great s81ect1on Of Beam Decanters, Wiid T,urlley Ceramics And Miniature· , Bottles Ali, .. Long. HOLIDAY LIQUEURS Ben,cllctlne And Brlndy <• ~ •> ~ •1 O" lalley's lrtsh Cream .. · r..: ~ •1211 Grand Marnler Liqueur ............... ~ •1111• Amaretto DI saronno .. ............ . !: •1011 Southern Comfort ao-Proot • .. = •511 Emrnet1 lrelllld er.n ................. !: '8" KEG BEER$ AVAILABLE 03 • ._1 __ . . . . • 04 ~ Orang~Coaet DAILY PILOT/Wedneaday, Oeeemb r 1, 1982 COLICO . MODU #1I01 "MR. TURTLI" TM POWER CYCLE ·~···tr,lp • Cllcker/ Motor $ ov .. d I I l ll edol • .. I AMF Girls.10" TRICYCll • Silwr "'* wlttt wtllte owr'fl'O)' ond deluxe 2-tone ~-occ.nl IOdCI.. ~r~==·=;·~;-·~c~-....... ~ ,,_ II the rodio .,r II•• with ......... ( ... e Ol9ltol 9p• <Ouftter with ,_........, • Auto Step In both ploybotk .... I .. ~ • 10 ftuMber ~"'· ~'~·~· Mvte butlo" • Auto .. ollc cut off ....... ,....., ... flot .,, • ece • Woll "'ountoble ~ J<:C ~ ·~ .......... ....,_.. . ..------------.6--~---.. -· BIEllGIZE MEI $1J2S M•l-in Rer1 VS•rinp WITH Ill' TO A ~ . G.t c..-;,, s... ,., ,,.,.,, EIER& ALKALINI BAnllllS ...... , ..... , 811 ~nm. Ula, -0 •as. n<. ' I ' ~ - I I { I l i I L .. Loe Alemlto• TUtEIDAY'I RHUL.JS '""'of 51-,.19111 q...,l•rhOf•• mHllft9) Fi..IT RACE. J,o ya1ds Alclletd Ferguson tWU•dl 11 00 7 60 3 40 A1am11oe Slrot.~ (H1d1noer1 16 40 6 00 H.,1 CulO tll•ottgn"I 3 00 Alto r actkl Ama1111oc~1 Boo• Ou., st Kelly Gw .. 1. Big Time Copy Tworly And wnorl~ Golden Sled. Ouock To MJk" Up Time 18 06 S2 EXACT A I~ 61 paod $ 11 80 IECOND RACE. 400 yJrds Crya111 Rewar<I tHart) !i 60 J 40 I 70 Miiady Commandllt (Tonksl 4 40 3 40 I Spy<Mt (Blevmsl _ . -l(l 00 Also rac"d In Bloom Char111g Cro•• Sheu Past Ouo 1.11 l"<ly Love. Smoo1n Louos. Forst Crush R.i•~ Some Cl•s• Tom(> 200S THIRD RACE 3SO y•rds F1lhe1h 1Tonk11 5 60 2 110 2 40 Tidy PueOIO t&OOkSI 2 80 2 40 Chel5 BOid Salty (Laclo.eyl 2 80 Also 1aced Kor$Chy Jet Whatahre Ml Goi Wings Kaweah wee. Our Ooll•<' West C•dlr Ttaes. lucky Purlume Time 18 12 $2 EXACTA (4·91 paid $2 t 60 FOURTH RACE. 3SO yeods Hosa Copy Twu (Creagerl34 60 IJ 00 ~ 20 Sardonic (Wardl 6 40 120 See Trouote Run !Bard) 2 40 Alto raced Falllers Flac• Touly A Choe Lim11ea Policy Hoppoty Amoe Booy Oro COlo<ada, Bars On Bo15 S2 EXACTA pood $12S 20 FIFTH RACE. 400 •ords ee.u Sabreur jM11chettl 19 20 14 20 23 80 Klfllll lucky TrlrlH! IArmst1on91 28 20 ?3 80 Legat Boo (Aoughl 7 40 Also raced Fleet Pa1101 Cota Requ.-s1 Sholl N Time Sec1e1an1e1 l<hJI'"" Lenny Oes1royer _ Time 20 ~ · -S2 EXACT A (7:1.i paid ~433 80 SIXTH RACE. 670 yaras Tometo Ge1gone (Frydayl 8 40 4 60 J 00 Fnnr Bob jlreasure1 9 40 4 20 HOime Base (Pauline) 2 60 Alto •teed Three Wild ChJnces Mr Ka911a Relle• Ac11on Time •6 62 ' SEVENTH RACE 3SO yaods PalU81Ch tCrNge<t 6 40 J 60 2 20 Cwetot 1Ca1doza1 :> 60 2 tO Cashes In 1Hfr1) 2 20 Alao oace<f Ms JCH!l'l\ymus I.a Dasher Royal Stakes Easy Hos1 Snoot Tome' 17 57 S2 EXACT A 15·21 po1d S 16 80 S2 PICK SIX i 10·4· 1 7 1·51 P•1d $5 826 40 w11n tour winning llc"C'ls (live horse~H S2 Co,nsotahon Pie~ S1~ paid $49 oo w1in 158' 4(_ > . NBA WllTl!RN CONFIRINCI Paci~ Ol•laloft w L Pel. S9'11tte 14 2 876 Lake1a 13 3 &13 Pho..nb II 9 1141 PorUand .9 9 soo Gotann St••• 5 11 313 San Ol4!QO I 13 Mid-I DMlloft 187 Kan1u Cory II 5 815 San AnlonlO II 7 1111 Oattu : '~ soo Denver -·· 41:> Ul&h 4 11 287 Hou11on 2 12 143 EASTERN CONFERENCI Ph1l6<letpf\1a Atlaftllf/ OIYIMclft 13 3 1113 Bo11on 13 3 813 New.-.,•ev 8 0 •71 Wothongton 7 8 4117 New York 4 11 267 Central Dlvlolon M11wa11kee 11 6 647 Oe1rot1 II 8 1147 Allanla 7 7 soo Choe ago 6 10 375 1r~1ana 6 10 375 Cleveland 2 13 133 T..-y·1 1coree t 01 I 31, II 0 II .. 2 30.., 5·~ 7 6'1 5'1 e" 2'• 4'~ 4'• e l ....... 137 San Antonio 132 (two O"Wett1mes~ Oattas 140 Oen•er 129 PortlaMI 121. San Olago 114 GOiden Slate I 10. Pnoen1• 96 Oe1roo1 123. Boston 1111 New York 124. Utah 93 New JOI Hy 112. Kansas City 103 Atranta 11 1. Phlladelphijl 97 Miiwaukee U . Cleveland 78 On4y 9ame1 scheduled • Tonlghl'I OamH Lall••• at Houston San Doeoo 11 Seattle Atlanta al Botton Milwaukee at tn<llana ~ York al Cteveland New JelMy at WaShlngton L.akera 131, Spura 132 lOS ANGE1.ES Lantbefg<lf 0 Wolkes :.>J Jaobar 27 N11on 25 E Johnson 24 Coopeo 3 WOflhy 22. McAdoo IJ C Jonnson o T 01a11 59· 113 H 19 2'l SAN ANTONIO Ban~s 70. Molchetl 29. Gdmore 20 . Moore 20 Geovln Ill • Willoughby 6 Ounlea•y 9 Ra111s 10 PhOQICy O l otals FG 61-111. FT 9.14 ~·by ~uartaro LOI AngelllS /:i6 :12 28 30 8 13 137 San Antonio 34 JS 25 22 8 8 132 F1eta goal pe1cen1oges Lall""'·' 62' J."" San An1on10 54 9%. tree lhoow pe1cen1 .. ge1 Lai.ers. 112 6''> San Anton•o. S7 1•~ Fouled ou1 Banks (San Anionoo~e 1San Antono01 Gerv•n <San Anton101 lnree-po1n1 goatt Ouninavy tSan An1onoo1 2 T ec:nn.cais La~e<s 111regaraetense1 Allt!fldance 12 115 COLLEGE WOMEN CS Fullerton 73, UC Irvine 66 CAL STATE FULLERTON Aa1loll 14 Cooter 20 Wrthers I I Gallagher ~ Kii"" 8, Campoell •. Holme~ 10. Beckhall 4 • ' . .. -(Au1111111a1, 94 ••• (;11111111 "°""' (WHI OatnlMlyl Owl l<att latl\am (U •1• a I, f 0, lvonnt Cawl•y (Au11111111 de Cl•11Ul1 Morit•l10 1H•J1lllj· 3 6, e ) e t Jo Quit (01111 1l111a1111 O• lln1 ll!lfrftO'.n (U I 1. I 4, &·i. C•11dy llll'flll>IUI IV I I 1111 lue Leo (Autllelial ' ti, e 3 II J, Artne ltnltll (U. I del t.H AnlonoPOllt llJ I). o 1 • •. I 3. no. FelfO<lllk tloulh AhlU) de! C111111111.-JolltM1nl lllWllH•lanllj ••.••. .,.,. PlaH IWHI 0..fll4111Vl lltol lu&All MMU<lll l\J I I • ) •3 N'L odd 1 THURIDAY'I a"' .. S1111 1 '"""'"'o 3 ov.~ ~ •"'• IUHOAY'I OAMll •·Rlldere 7 O•lll SoAllld • l.m..in U~y I' 1 CIVOf Bull•IO • New York G1 11f1 1 I""' t4ou111>n • M11rn1 6 Cl•., Mtnl14tli010 • Ctuc1ago 1111 Nu"' E•'O'Jnd. ••1111 • Plltt.ade<pno.i 5 • O•ef St LOUii ~on Ooego 2' 1 ov.., • Cie•el •nll 'll·N-°'1olllf'IS :> OV .. l 8"11JA 8,\y C•ncJNoau t4 ov., ' Batumortt • OWiver 4 ov"r Allanlt OJH.u 2' • o•e• • W!lih•~Oll MONOAV'I OA El <-Oillro.t v1 New York J<11S vvan • 0<1no1es home team (From Harri1l\'1 Rae• •nd 8porla look) HIGH SCHOOL All·SUnHI LHgue (CNC .... ' Mlec:llOflal FllllT TEAM OFFINll Poa. Player, act.o.I HI. 8 Erle Lewton. Hin Beac:h 8-2 B o 1 nompson Htn BNch 6-1 B C Satterllel<l Hin 8eacll8-8 8 T Patk81 Ocean v-5.9 c c 8.irnes Fin Vallely s 10 G M Escol><l<lo Hl11 l>-11 0 T Ptecno1a. Merone ' II 2 T 8'11 Macou Ma11na 11-6 I -A S1ncta1r Edtfl>n 11-4 T Reid LOOO Fin VOiiey 8-3 R T Valenzuela Wa1m11f 5.9 R Jom1e Crall Ftn Valle~ 5· 11 R Jeroa JonH. E<llwn r.-10 TE. Mike Ray. Hin Beach 8·4 C Smoot. Fin Valleb 5·8 I( FIRST TEAM UINH OE J Mclaughlin. Marina 11-0 Oi Billy Ray, Hin Blacll 8-3 Ol-TJmbl W11n1. Fin Valley 6·1 Ol John Lovftfy, Ma11na 6-9 Ol Chnt k..og Morini -6-11 Ol Jeff Hipp, Ed•!Mir) 11-0 lB-T famamaauo WllmSt • lB-J T TllOmas. Edison 11· 1 LB R &own Wes1m1nS1t!f 11-3 OB Mall Hombl Edison 5-11 OB R Mendoza Hin Jeachll·2 OB M1•e Newton Fin Vly 6 0 WI. 1115 1110 1115 155 20~ 185 225 230 218 230 157 175 170 205 155 DB Bob 1.ee. Ma1111a 5· I I 168 SECOND TEAM OfflNIE Yr. Jr Jr Sr Sr S• Jr S• s. Jr Sr Jr Jr Sr Sr Sr B -J Nowo1ny. Edison , S· II I 70 Jf B T Hanson. WHtm1n11er n 8 O 170 Jr B Erle Karman. Ma11na 518 163 Jr B-S Garrell, Ftn Valley 5·10 105 Sr B 0 Grlflllhs. Edison 5· I\ 176 Sr C Mike Kulpa, Edison 8-0 20• Sr G O McGowan Eat.an &.-2 221 Jr G Wall Torres. We11m1n11er 5-8 200 Jr T -Jell Lee. Manna 6-5 228 Sr l -B Cummins. Westm1n1lar&-2 194 Sr TE-M MolesSI Manna $.() 202. St WR G· Voetre. Marona 5-11 143 Sr WR J Lopez. Hin Blac:ll II-.() 175 Sr SECOHO TEAM Ol,ENIE OE E 8ergS1rom. Eao.an 6-2 1113 SL._. OE Ma•-l.nnbe av ~ 11 110 Sr OE -Al Kahn Wnlmonllar 6-0 190 St Ol-Pat Lacey Ftn Valley 8-1 220 Sr Ol.-Roberl Jean. Edison 6-10 21& Sr Dl B Meade Wettmln11er 5·6 ISO Sr .. .. .. . Ofenge. Coast DAILY PILOT /Wednesday, December Edison II ig1; lineb~_cke~ .JJm y Johann is the Da il y Pilo t' Player of the Week. • Johann s return -dinv Pllol Slaff Photo was ~illiely Dl M Gat0<a, wes1m1nster 5-11 '2 10 Jr L b .... -1---w11mmg trckets (tour ho•""'' EIGHTH RACE. 3SO xa•O~ Uc...JBYIH E -I ew1zs 22 ttamlllon....22.-VondlJI Poef 6. Panon 4 H•gilShl 2 Simpton tL~·~::,~~e,.~~~7:on 59.1.' ,1: ~~ ine a~ker has an chored Ch argers' trong playoff d e fen se,-rn 'oave A~tt. Manna s-10 1u-s:,---...,.-----------------,.----------"---~--------....,..~----'4----.._--....;._----...; LB 03Vld Hu3!lQ, Hin !>· 10 lllO !)r .... Time To Shu (lackey) 4 00 2 60 2 20 Tisa GOl<len O<eam (Hart) 3 00 2 20 Hurry On Now tFf'/dayl 3 00 Alto •aced Jetta Cause. lemhtS Roc1<e11 Tony fro.a Be11 Bee1cna Ro1>a1ne Tome 17 59 S2 UACTA t2·5) paid 510 00 -TH RACE. 3SO yards Arma1M11 IC>elombal 13 00 6 00 3 00 Run MM Run tCerdozal 6 40 3 80 Heia Good Kid (Pau~nel 4 20 Alto raced Vees RequeSI, Found The Te Syllle Copy. Spe<;kleo Lyn~y. MISS M1gn1y Rule<. Sompln Wondy Wond And Fore Time 18 08 S2 EXACT A (6· 71 paod $67 80 Attendance 3.299 4 Hatre 2 MCEiroy 4 H•lfJ1me Cal State f'utterton 37 311 Fouled out Wolhllts tCS Fulle<ion) Women'• volleybell NCAA R991oM11 flrtl Round Malcllup1 0-ller :1-5· NorlhWUI -l:l•w•ll jNO 1), Oya, San Jose Stale 11 UC Santa Barl>ara. 1111no11 State at Arizona Siii• (No 9), Pitteburgll al Cai Poly San Lule Ot><llPO !No 81 Winne<a advance lo ~-I finals . South -Slanlord tNo 4). bya SW MiUOUtl SI •I Teua INo 13). Tena A6M AT Arizona tNo 121. North Carolina at PllClfoc tNo 5) OB-K Emp11ng, nn vauey 6·0 11s Sr. Edison H1g h 's s u ccess has "He can hit and run a nd do a ll Mark rtak ash im a , Hunting t o n OB -l Cetd•. Htn Beach 5•11 1115 Sr r evolvl'd around its d efensive thl' things you 're s upposed to This 5 -8, l 55-p.o und sen ior OB J Washington Edlaon 6-I 171 Sr OB Adami<-Marona 11-2 170 Sr prowess a nd t he r e turn o f d o,"' says his coach, Bi I I played his best game o f t he year Ottenstve Player 01 Iha YHr Danny linebacker T o n y Johann from an W orkma n . ma 21-3 loss LO Long· Beach Poly. ThQmpson, Hun11ng1on BHC:tl . 0e1ensove P1a1t11 o1 11>e v ... Tami>< wen1. injury was none too soon as the "W e felt he w ould be an All· was m art a number of unassisted ~°C':,'~~nv~~the Year Greg Henry Chargers quali!1ed (or a CIF B ig Orange County Hnebackl'r, t;:.u:klcs.-itlcludtn g two'open field Hun11no1on BNQI F 1 v e Co nfe r e nce loo lb a 11 minimum, before lhe injury ." stops o n P oly's Ro~rl NeaJ. And, Thie w..tc'1 trout plente LOI AHGELEI -Cet1ele lake. C..1alc Lagoon. El Oontdo Petk Uke H.,.,..,, Dam, Pud<lfngstone Laite RIYERllDI! -Cahullla lake. Hemet l•k• I AN HflNAflOlf!IO -Cofof'ldo R...., (NM<lles). lylle Creek tMidOle 111\d H0'1h Forka) ' I AN LUii Dellf'O -A?-.:adero I.Ike. sem1finalsshowdownwithLong Co ll ege sco ut s. t oo, he w asn 't beaten 1n the Beach PolY. a fte r putting COiton disappeared with the inJury. but S<.'Condary by the P oly passing away, 7-6. ' W orkman says that may no t be a game. The 6-3. i 10-pound senior wds problem . now. in.On'l I unassis ted tackles a nd 7 "There wasn't much on film on Darren Esslinge r , Newport assists, in addilioi:i Lo recovering a h im before, but now, the re's a A 6 -2, U~8-pound senior,• fumble and clinching the victory film for tflem to see." Esslinge r epitomized the Sailo l'S' with a f o u l"t h -quart c r \;V1th 4.7 speed in the 40, he is return to pro minence with his intc rce pllo n . exp ect ed to -be t he cor<.' o f play, coming o ut o r nowh~re. F'or it, h e 1s the Daily Pilo t's Edison's defense Friday. dCcording to his coa c h , Mike Player of the W eck . Giddings. Ii was Esslinger who J oh ann (pro nounced -Yo-hahn) took Fullerto n 's double-teaming was p layingwtth stilhme pin left E d Christian, Et Toro e fforts away with his defensive m his broken thumb a fter f'lve A 5-9. 165'-pound senior play a t weak s1cfe line backer._ • oth ers had been removed. • de f e n sive bac k . h e h'ad 6 NHL CAllll'KLL CONFEMNCE lmJ1M OMa6on W L T GI OA Pta 11 9 8 124 113 28 11 9 3 8"' 83 25 9 11 6 94 90 24 9 13 5 109 109 23 10 10 2 103 98 22 Mld••ll -use INO 3). Dye, Nort_t.,n 11 Tannessee tNo 14). Pann Stale a1 NebrHll• (No 111. Rulgara at PUfdue tNo 61. Wnt -San Diego St• (NO 21. bye, PepperdlM at Cal1lornla . .,.-,.," Michigan II Brigham Young (No 10). LOUISVIiie II UCLA !No n Uguna l•ke. lopez laka INYO -Owena River (!S Bridge• - downstrH m lo S1awar1 Lane). Pleasant Valley ~volr. His injury, sust~med-on the \.nfassisled a nd 8 assisted tackles, ..B.ober.LWiUlams .. Saddle back. -~-'<~ firs t p lay o f the n o n -league game b lcx:ke d and r eco vered a punt. A firs t ' t eam All-Sea View Edmonton Ki,.. Vlll>COU-Calgary Winnipeg Nonie DIYl9loft Chicago 16 3 S 105 76 37 Mlnneaola 14 II 4 113 97 32 St Louis 9 14 3 89 911 21 ~~o 4 12 5 71 93 13 ~"'-... 3 16 15 66 113 17 WALEI COfWE'l'EJICE l'atrtdl l>Ma6oft. NY lalen<l«a 15 9 5 108 89 35 ~ 13 9 3 100 112 29 NY RanQe<a 12 11 1 99 97 25 Wllttllnoton 8 9 II 111 117 22 Pill.burgh 8 12 4 8• 114 20 New Jersey 4 ·ill 7 71 113 15 Montreal Boll on Bunato Ouebee H81tlord Adams otollalon 18 4 5 120 81 37 13 7 s 91 71 31 12 8 • 107 83 211 12 10 2 118 112 28 5 14 3 72 107 13 T ... ..i.y•a le°'" K ... • 5. vancouv .. 2 Ouebee 11 W1nn11>9Q II HY talandera 3. St lOUIS 2 TOftlglll'o a.- C.igary at It ..... HatlfOfd at NY RanQe<s Toronto •• New Je<My MlnMaola al OelrOll CN<:aoo at P1t1aburgh MontrNI •• eunaio Phlla<lelPfll• at Edmonlon King• 5, Canuckl 2 li:or• by l'erlode l.oa AMQ411ea 2 0 3-6 Vencou-1 o 1-2 flfllT l'ERIOO 1 Vancouver. Gradln (I) (unastilledl, 10-40 2 loe Angelttl. M. MUfphy (ll (Rullcowalll, l Murphy), 10 40 3. loa Angelee, Foa ( 14) (Holmel. 1901) Penaltiet· Chamtw (lA). o 53: Rola (V). O 53, Lemay (VI. g 50, WlllHlm• (V~ IWO m•jOt"I. 12 01, Hwdy (LAI. m•jot. 12 0 I, Monl.an (LA), 111.34 NCOMO NRtOO Scotlng -Hone Penalt ... -Korab !LAI 2 08 9otd1tev (VI 13 40, Ch1111raw. fg 54. T-.J~RIOO Vancouver -Rola 1121 (BOldlrev. Bubl•I 1:40 5 Loa Ang•••• -IUkllon (I) (l ''Murphy, H•rdy). 8.07. e. loa AngelH - 8oHil (5) (M, Mulphy, Aiiskowsld). 8·44 7 t.01 AngelH -Bozek (8) (Chartraw, Auallow.kll. 11· 15 ......,,. -Chanr•"I· 12 18, Kelly. 10·mln ml.conducl. 15 50, Delorme ('/). IO·mln mlteonduC1, 15 50. Minor (VI. min«. 1G-ttlln mlacon4uc1. 15 50 IMOTI OM GOAL LOa ~on Elllco11 14 a 17-31 v~ on LMl!Ollll 7 1s 111-:ie Attend.,_ -12,790 Reglonal Flnale Norin-I at Cal POiy San Lula Ol>ilPO. South at uruver111y 01 Hointon. Mideast a1 Pvrdue Unl-lsily. U tayelle. Ind ; Well at UCLA Gama on weekend ol Oec 11 wtth regional winners advancing to NCAA cnampionsllops at Un,.,.,..iey ol Pacific loCal CW: C ...... ploftafllpe (al Cal II-Oomlftaue1 Hiiie) f!ideJ'• lchedule OMllONI Court 1 -Pool A Mlf• Cost• 123-0) VII Torrey pt,_ (11·51. Noon. Roosevelt (111-1) vs Htgllland (22· 1). 1 30 pm . Mora Coall VI Rooeevelt, 3 pm.; Hlgh1•"9. vs Torrey Plnee. 4 30 p m . Ml<• Cost• vs. Highland, II p"' . Torrey Pines vs. ROC>SeYelt. 7 30 p m. Court 2 -POOi B: Marlborough (22·4) vs l'ar.uaas (12·2). Noon; M1tl1n 1~7·1) VII Corona det Ma o ( 19·3). 1 30 p m . Merlborougll vs Marian. 3 p m : COion• del Mer vs PaijlMtdes. •·30 p m . MatlbOfOVIJh VI COion• def Mar. 6 p m . Pallladft VII M1t1an. 7 30 pm Winners and ru nners-up advance to ..,..111nat1. Saturday, 10 am and Noon Cll1mp10nShlp tnaleh. 7 30 p m OIVISIOM II Court 3 -Rm o4 the WO<ld j 18-0) VII La JOiia (20-<t). Hoon. s .. rra Junc11on Union (2S-0) vs Lakewood (24· 1). I 30 pm. Rim ol Iha World .... Slerr•. 3 p m . Lakewood VII u JOiia. 4·30 p.m . Alm of the World VII Lakewood, II pm.; u Joffe vs Siert•. 7 30 p m Winner and runner-up advance IO lln•I•. Saturdly. 5 p m DtVlllOH '" ., Courl 4-tmmanuel. RM<lley (18·6) va. ~lnlfeld Chrl1t11n. Temucula (2·21 Noon; Franct1 Parker. San Otego (20· 1) vi Woodlake 119-7), 1·3e> pm., tmrnanuet vs Franclt Pa11tar. 3 p.m ' Wood111t• VII Unflelcl Chrlallan. 4 30 p.m., lmm1ftu1t ve Woodtalle. 8 p,m .• l inlleld Cllrllllan v1 Francia P.,k.,, 7 30 pm Winn«• aov- 10 llnlla. Sa11Hday. 3 P·I" a..twdef'• ac....... .... 10 am -OMllOn I_,. \Pool A No I VII Pool 8 No 2). Noon-Dfvlalon 1 awnlflnala (Pool A no 2 VII Pool B N" 1) • 3 p.m -OM.ion Ill cllampionShlp 5 pm -Ol•t5ion II C~lp. 7 30 pm -Olvi.ton I Cllll"'vi"lhlp. • W•l9' pofo COMMUNITY COUIOI! All·'-"' c-1 c......,_ '"'" .,. ..... Jom RoH (Golden Well). Carl Salytr tGoldan Wasl). Brau Oel Valle (Golden Weat), Steve Simmon• (Orenge Coast). Roy McCormick (Orana-COHI); JOlln FeHttlf (Fullerton): Steve Peralta (Cerritos), Jim McMiiian (Sanll Ana); Mark Vellall•mP (San1a An1): Eric Kough (Fullerton). Fred l llntng .. (Cyil•H I). Bob Soulerel (C .. fllOI) · HCONOTEAM lim $p<laot (Fullerton). M1tk G,...,woocl (C .. rlloa). SCott Nady (Golden WMI). Tom GraM (GOiden Wnl). $coll Lun<l !Golden WHt). Glenn Thomas (San1a An•). Mllle Higgins (San.I• Ana): Paul Klodfellar 11-u11er1on), Doug Safvln1kl (Ml San Anlon101. lkoll Hanson (Orange Coast). Dennis »•••II• (Ml San Anlonlol. Chris Alllll (Or.inge Coeal) Co-playe<i ot lhe yHr Can Satye<, 8fltt Oii Valle (Golden Wfft) Coach ol Ille y-Tom Harmated (Golden Wastt Tu.-c:t1r'1 tr1n..ctlon1 ·'OOTIAU Hallonal ,ootW Le ..... CHICAGO BEARS -S111nad Walt Wllllam1. cornerbuck Pieced OOOg Ptanlt. safely, i>n Ille ln1urw 1wwrve 1111 HOUSTON OILERS Acllvalad Gery Allen. 1unn111g t>ack PltTSBUAGH STEELCRS RtlHll!d Jell Ou1nn. q~••lerback, placed Ern1111 French, del~11ve back on the Injured ftM<'/91111 U"'ted Ital .. Football l•egue WASHINGTON FEDERALS -Slilnecl Don Tnf.,men. runnong beck, Aon F .. nanci... dlfan11va end. Tony BeHyhlll end B•uca 9)'fOln, c;erilt11& AnthO('ty Ao1e delentlotl t>ICk lea 8or1nq and Steve 0 1n1uono Men'1 tou~t g111rd1. Todd 8an1on lln•b•Clltr, Fred J!!.!'!~ 1,.in) Worlhy, Horace Smil~ob Aokatd 1no --Row.d llftflee Rooney Gooeby. wide 1 -• 111\d 0.Vld Jolin MciEnroe (S) dtl 8~orn 801g S1ma, pun1ar 1sw.o.n1. 9-3. 2-e. 8-4; Gene M•yef 1u 11 l MICHIGAN PANTHERS -Njlmtd Piia def Ivan Len<ll (CrtchOllovahla), 2·8, 8·0, ROdrtguei 141<slan1 dcltntiv• COICh, 1l9ne<I l ·I. Joae HlgU9<H (Spain) dal Vtnoe Va11 Gtorga Franhlln end Aoo11v1n Sm111'1, , .... n 1u.s) 8-1. 8·•. MIU Wll1nd1r "'''"Int i>Mk, Milo• Hirn 4lftCI Jly AIOll•. (Sweden) dtl Andret Gomat (tculiOOf), 6·7, tight ends, and r .. ry C:llk. llnet>lcktt 0-3, 1·2 (Tum Europa IHda ham HOCKl'I' ' ~ NDOlt ArnetlCM, $~) NatleNI HMll .. LMtW _,. ~ DETROIT AEO WINGS "9c;tti.J 8oOt>y AR 1111.,.. CIOMd lll99dly. Hlevy enow Auetrllllft Open C1awl0td cent.,, lrOM AatrOf\Oeclo ot '"' and wlnde 101n1"""" °'*' IQdlY, l'!OpeMly (llt M111in1111)-Amerlct n Hoc:hr l11g111. tnd Latry ------__ ..-... .._. ..._. ...... ..,..... Lo11n1111. 11011tt. from 1(1l1macoo of 11141 "-~ -11 lndlet lfeell lllOWd« M1tlln1 Nnfllllova (U I I dtl Iva tnltrMltonll Hock~ lMQUe '"Moo! bW'. a_,.,.. ""8 oP8fl ltuc!err~~~ 8-1, •t. Ofwle COU.HI MM1mo111 MC>Vnlaln -14 11\ellel Of\ ~·Nell .. 1, .... P-EMPORIA STATE AMOunce d lhl fMndl ...._ ~ ... °'*' •1t1tYer (U I ) .. , "•n1t1 Tomenou l'MIOM•oon Of 800 S-111 llMd IOOlbll _.,.., ....... lr#I_ n~~··m.£~ ,_h _,.._....,___ --._ ...... -. -r --~#LOii ... _ __.o..,r,..().,.ltGJ.L.u.c.H-.A0&6Ull.U• IM -16-t7 llldlM ~ • ""9 • liiftieri U ) def fH IQlleilOn 01 Miki 0 .. n delentl"a "*" •-(Tiii ••••i. 7·1, W , CMMrlrle 11ac:t.loeld c~ ...._.., \!Illy -S ,_ lfllll powdW on T.,,...., (l'flMI) #. AM Mlntw (Auelflfll), MISOOUAl Annovncld Ille lft<Ol\ll1on e+4rlCill .... ~ 1111'1 '*'· t.e, W , '"4; lllefWI Wllllll (U I I ci.t Mlm' of Cttt ...... altlllllfll foolt>lll coa'ft r -.-. 11...., -';f .... "". a llftt "-~). ... , ..... fUl.ANI AllnOuQ5IO the rtttonAllOtl Of """· ~ . ,..._,... ...... VIM.le Qllltoll, held fOl>tblll t.oech NplM ....._ 91\d he* ICMI ~· MdrM ~ (U.8.) def • ...._..ft 9~ with Ma te r D<li. k e pt him -out o f cau sed a fumble a nd re<:ovcr cd League d efen sive back, Williams the <.'ntire Sun set League season. anot her, h ad two pass deflections recorded 5 tackles and had an H e r e turned fo r just over a a nd a quarterback sack in El in (erception against Brea-Olinda. quarter o f the C ha rgers' fii:s t-T o r o's 25 -8 C IF C e ntra l He a lso caught two passes, round contest against Crespi. Confor c ncc victory over Sunny n l•tting 54 yards, setting up the making seven tackles. H ills. Roadrunn er;s' only _ to uc hdown. NFL, • union maJce headway with contract CdM gets at-large volleyball berth W AS HIN GTON (AP) - Negotiators atte mpting lo resolve differen ces in the tentative agreement which e nde d the Natio n a l f ootbal l L eague players' strike appar ently m ade som e h eadway Tuesday. but a vote by playl'r r epresentauves· was put o n h o ld t o r a t )e a s t· another day . "Five o r six ilisu cs s till have to be r<.'solved," Frank W oschitz, a s pokesman for the playe r s' unio n . said Tuesday night a fter t a lks had e nded with a n agreement. to m eet again. W osch it z s aid that Management Coun cil negolJato rs wou Id a ttcnd the funeral W ednesday o f Pittsburgh Steeler own e r Art R oon ey's wife Kathleen . who died 'Sunday, and were uncertain if they wouJd be abl~ to meet with union officials later In the day o r Thw-sday. The union s pakesman said the vote b y the player reps, originally scheduled for M o nday, would be held elln e r 1atc• Wl'dnesday or Thursda~. Cor ona del M ar High's Sea K ings drew the lon e at-large berth in the Southe rn California C IF vQ)leyball Division One playoffs to be h e ld Friday and Saturday at Cal State bomtnguez Hills. 1 The Sea. K ings. winners of the Sea View-League champio ns hip and runne r -up to.Mira Costa in a tightl y c onte s t ed 4 -A c hampions hip e n counte r . will play three times in pool play o n Friday , The Sea Kings fneet M a rian H tgh ol San Diego. the N o . 2 team from that section with a 27-1 record, at 1:30. They rt'lurn at 4;30 against Palisades, the Los Ange les City 4-A champions with a 12·2 record: and at 6 agalmt M a rlboro ugh, the Southern Section 3-A cham pions with a 22·4 record. CdM is 19-3 . The top two teams from pool play will advance to Saturday's semifinals wilh the runne r-up' playing a t l 0 a .m . and the c h ampio n at n oon •• The Lille matc h is at 7 :30 with the wanner a d v ancing t o the s t ate championships. In the other Division One pool. Mira CQsta (23·0) m~ts Torrey Pines, the San Diego c hampion (17-5.! at noon: Rooeevelt. the LA UCI women lo e W oechl\z declined to be specific about the t~lka, t.ut when the two 111dc11 met Monday night, about two dozen issues were s till to be rl'IOlvcd In tt;\e agreement reacht'd Nov. 16. T h e u n ion hu rai!K'd a 11er le1 of objections to various clau~ In th e proposed Clve·ycar $1.6 billion package. Sonja Cart.er !tCOrcd 20 points, 16 In the-aeocond h'atr, and Jack Donlan, the owners' chief t<'ammat~ Nancy Rathff added 14 negotiator. said a "complete a nd aa Cal Stale Fullerton pulled total aareement" had been away in Che lt'C.'Ol'ld Pialf '° def•t reachcd oh Nov 16 the union holl UC Irv ine, 73-66. In .,...~ a 4raC& •Ad -wom~r-'"bnntball action had to bt' rt-fine-and lhe • Tuf"l!day nl1ht. • m a n a 8 t' m t• n t c o u n c I 1 ~ Ant.-atl'rs. now 1• rt"prC"!'lentlng tht.,. owners aa1d 11. It'd by Ooroth.11 Lrw11t '""' •would nol harsitn furth l'r ov~r Katht•rinf' Haml Aon, tac:h with w h a t wu aR'J'('l.'d to then. :.!2. City runner-up (16· I) at 3: and Highland, the Cen t r a l Section winner from Bakersfield (22;· l) ·at 6. F.ach pool match will be o f two games duration to 15 points. In the semifinals a nd finals it will be a best 3-out -of·5 gam e match in C'ach in stance. In Division Two, Rim o f the W o rld ( 18-0) will meet La Jolla (San Diego 2-A champion) at 20-4 at noon; Sierra Joint Union , the Centra l Section c hampion from Tolltiouse (25-0) at 3; and Lakewood, the ~uthern ~lion 2 -A champion (24-1) at 6. T he winner and runne r-up will m eet in the c hampions h ip game at 5 Saturday. Nehe,niah sprains ankle REDWOOD CITY (AP) Re naldo N e hemiah, the ~rld­ cl a s s hurdler turned wide r~-eiver for the San Francltco 49crs. Injured an ankle dunna practice and may not be able to Cacc the Rama Thu nday. · "I was runnlna alon 1 and my foot sunk into tht mud and my weight just rolled to the outalde •.. ," he said a f\t'r t he accident Monday. That slip in the mud twiatt-d anci itpralncd his left ank&.. and team tralnl'r Llndeey McLnn aald lt was o nly "60-SO" that Netwmlah would ~ .. ba. to play ln thr ~m. game. Nrhfomlah, In hla fln.1 year of 1't t .. gamea 1inct' thf' N't'L p layirra Alrlkt' ended. • .. • --· 1)6 0 16"() won1en MllC NOJICC MllC NOllCl l'UOllC NOtlCC = • u, 11111 b~L~O~Au 1111 f 0, Oit-I c°o"J:.,~i.: NICI Al. HOTICI! ~~~~~OllOlla 'HI lulllTIN tourn•--y COUNlYOfl OMNd • 1141 tJ111llrMI O'•ULl(TUN"I" 100 Clwlc COfllOf DllVO ... , .... """'-'"· c ..... ," .. tHU (Itel flOl·tlOl u cc) T ta• Sou 1lh'1 11 (.'ti I ,. .. , Oft6ce .. , 111 Pl "INTltl WANl w l YON:i N11111., 1 nr.• • t.rr 111~"" 1u l' ti 11 (' j( ,. \Y ti 1111' II . M Seo••.,__, c ...... " .. N7ti Of~NOANI ltOMI II JAHVl:i LO!llllfl .. ul ,, .. "''"''" 11um1 •• BOARD bll ~kl·lha ll lt"llll will Mllllt• OI Ille AdOVllOO ... m100 ••l(J :t I ltllUUQll 10 me.tu.,. tren•lnfl'll~I "'"' ~· llYI• HIOO .. ltlt •• v • (flt1ppn1tnt} 1<rNN(IH AA'Y 1 aUMMOHI •\liO•il ,,, Ill• UHHI .. 011 P"'•un•I llfH'll 1ts llJli2 ll:i K\'liSllll !;I( .. Ill NS (ldOl)llllQ Patent tcAtl NUMel llll Hltl rJWIX•lly l11•11'111111t .. 1 tlw.1111lad ht~lfl\11 11 ,,, ,. L'hdst1H1.l!i ClrATtON 1"'09All) ' H0 11Cll Vo11 It.we a.on IUod. I IHI """"''"I """ 1iu.i11 .... " CASI NUMll llll AD·217M Tito court "''' decldt .. llnet you • d d 1 o • •' •1 I 1to1 1 11 1,." t.I u d Ba ketball lttUI flJlll\'lll Thuri;duy lllL PtOJ'l or, .. , &TAH 0 1 wl!NMll '°"' -..... llHfd ltMH 1111111luw111111rw 1,,tllli'.fOl•lt(A I slJI llll~ Ol :l pm C.ALl~OHNIA OU I~ wllltln iO dlye. llHCI If A Mil I ON tlu1tUJ hu·m•v J,..M I To MICtlAh ORAkTNf;R IMlnfOfmetlonl>otow oo·c;101i JAvUAll ,~, w HUI ''ht• l ' I 1-l h L t l' am You are halltbY r;lltd and II you wi•h tu ~" tlkf MIYICll ol 81rt1w1 No A " I"'"' Mo .. , Suuth Coast Lf"lt/IU~ t11u1'111•y will t·111wlude 1eq111r1<1 10 •w.•• •• • ,_11ng 1n •n 111orll11y 111 ""' mo111111 you c111110<1l111 tt2«.21 5 l , t 1 h 1J 11111 cou11 on robruury fl. UJ~ll lhoulO do liO 11t<1m11tly M> 111a1 .,._. r11o1 lt•r.i11041 10 <...i111ot111 .. ot m .. C.,,.treno Yeiter tl U l ( fl.Y WI l t• fl 4!1 am '"flr~•rlll!elll 6, 1Qoate4 Wfllll!ll IOIPOllff 11 My, m•y hfl ftl(I(! clllOf u;o;.ullvo Oltlt• o\ l•fllll.111 •I Oeo. 1·4 -at V1lencl1 High Tournamer)I, l'ht111\p1unsh1p Ul 7 p rJ), 111 700 CIVIC Centvr Orlv• Wvll on tmlu bu1111ll•tj olljc;o ol lho 111111r11h <I Dec 6· 10 -11 Sonora High Tournament . Th r• 1 w 0 li I' 01 1 c I n 11 I 51111111 Ano. caiuor11111 ea1o:i, t1nd 10 Av I Io 1 u •I• d h •, •Id o t1t111•111101 11 :;11Ml "~ 1111011r Dec. 15-17 -al La Quinta High Tournament. t1mtt·~L"C ait• m•t fut 5 and 111v11 any 1ognt ••••on wny. dom1"d1do. II lrll>11n11 p11edo All olll•r bu~"'"" 1111n11 ~ 1111<1 Dec 21 Marina (home). Oec. 23 Buena 411;c.u1111ng 10 th• vo11f11!d ~1111on ldlr COlllr• ~ aln elldlencla • "011ru1111~ u~rcJ by lh•• 1n1t011<11•<1 Pirie (home) 7 µ.m. Ftiday MttO w11111n11 COUit fl111 Mtoot1on 01 -no. ctu. Ud. "~' ~lro ''""'I '"' w11111n lllll·" ~1· 11 • '"~' • POOUC NOncr YOU Afll Nil Da,AUL' UNDlll A OlfO Or 1'1Ulf OAHD..1...IU .. t.t, 1MO UNl.IH YOU UK• ACTION TO "llllOl lCT YOUfl '"°'lllllTY, IT MAY H IOLO Af A ">ellC IALI " YOU NICO AN D,LANAllOM 0' THI NATUU 0, THll "'OCl:tOINO AOAINIY YOU, YOU IHOULO ¢0NTACT A LAWYlft NOTICE OF TRV1T .. g•1 .IAt.I T.I . No 174'9 • N0f1CF tS HrRfUY GIVlN, llllll Ofl W9\!Hoad11y l)fo<o)mb•t 22 10 ? ut O 00 "rtO<k • m ol u 1d day. 1n o~ •o<•n• "' ol\10. l<H '°'1Mli"9 h uliff't S.i.• WIJhla 11141 °"' •• Ol Ht Al ',f A IF" 8 EC1Jflllll S GI llVtt.C. IO<.Alo(l 111 2020 No1\11 IJ•o•dwny 5111111 ?.ll6 In 111• Clly 01 S11n10 ,o\1111 Cu11111~01 Orango. Stnl• ol C:1lllo rnt8 fAI CSTATt :.L< unrncs st v11,.1 ,l.•111orn1a Cor11011111011 •fl Ouly appOtlltto "CTlllOUt 9U ... H NAMI ITATlllllNT Hu· 1t11tow1119 01111on .. <101ng '"''"'II • I\ l llNll S AUIO ~r~lllC! to50 Harbor ltlvo CO•I• M••• C. .. •l<l'IW U20V $1letwooCI f rvct.lng Co 11\C e Calt101n•e corporollon 210 '' KlrUICh C11c.le, ltunl111gton O•Kh, CnhlWn\11 9211411 Hitt tiu11nwn 11 cur•tlvchtd by • (.jJtj)4,1lllOll .,. 611wwood • t nx:k1ng Co I•!(. HHfnet M b.htelwood &cro1a1v lrH.1U•ltf Tiii• \tet•fnfll'll WH hltd With the Courlly Cl8fk of O'enge Coun1y on NnY••m~r 24, ~982 flOfttl Pu1111-1100 Orang• Cou1 Delly ~'1101 0.ol. I 8 16, 22, 11182 ' ~188·82 Jan 3 Dana Hiiia" (home). Jan 5 -Tht> Vanguonti; w i ll MICht .. 91ephon Wh41tploy by "" 0. )O.dlH . LOI I• In ormeclon qu• 1rn11 "o '"' •• "-nown tu ""' pehh0<14ll Kenneth Rey Slepll4lnt, Mtlue. 1nto•11011d 11Jf•5lf'lt:IO er., NONf Woodbridge•' Jan 7 -at Mission Viejo•. osx·n ngaans t Clurt'JTl()l.ll· lhoulO 1101oe11d1udgCMJ . S1 Uateo 00100 1ol1cllar ti I IHI n11mul•J .inti b11•11•"~' T""'" uno.., ono u11•~•11t 10 the ------------ Jan. 10 -al Laguna Hnts·: Jan. 14 -at Mut.Jd Scripps Thursday Oatt\l Novemboi l:I t9a2 con1t10 de un •bolJ'ldo 1111 """ t10d•••• of 11ie '"'"""~·II Loguno Beach'; Jan. 19 -San Clemente· ut 8 p.m. Olhl'I' pairings ~ B)"'ArthutE ~1t1ger, aaunto•, doborta tioe erto '""'•'u•OM\J or11 UfJt.1or1 (home). Jan. 21 -at Dana Hiiis' ~Jan. 26 -Ovputy 111mutJ1111&men10, dt •~to """"''" JAOUAn INC 711 w 11111 !'itroot. at Woodbridge·: Jan 28 -M ission .Viejo• ftnd UC Sun Diego vs. HAllllllY e. WEAll 1u '"1>ue11a escr111. II hoy lllgvno, N,O A·& Co11a Mu.a c;.i11101"1u (~. -__ H.t'Cllands al 2: La V<>rn<' 1JOO Dow• ttroet, pue<1e M• r091si111d• • tHlmlK> !J;if>n Feb 2 Laguna Hiiis' (home): Feb. 9 -c I Ba i " d •Ill•• 200 t TO THE DEF'£NO~Nl A ctv~ lh111 Ill" propolly Plllllllt'nl Laguna Beach. (home). Feb. 11 _ al S an Vl4. a pl St at ; an Newport -..Cit, Clllfofnle t2te0 omp111n1 hat l>ol'n 11111<1 by tho hu<"''' ·~ t.1ui.c11111HJ 1n QDl\tll'·Jt •~ W h i t t 1 <! r v s C a I (114) 5'3-0HO p1"n1111 aga1n11 v<>u II you w15h to Gooaw111 11e11110Us b11,.ne1• name Clemente • • Lutheran at ". Publ1Shed o11ngo Coaat oiuly delenll 11111 towwn you must w11n1n certo111 ll•OIJ 1<qut11tN1111 IN1uhutd All non-tournament games at 7 :30; u p11~. Nov 17, 2>4. Doc 1, 8, J982 30 deys •tt•r thll 1ummons I• ano w11uin oua1nf'~S 1ucor<J• aria" 'denotes South Coa$t League game. Cul Baptist llgures lO 5067·8!1 se1ved 011 you. '."e w1t~th• .oun 11 1ocutet.1 "' 111 w 11111 Str1101 No bt; th t t t ( ------------Wrlllen r09pon111 to 1 co Plalrlt ,o\·8. CO~lu Mu~., Co1111orniu 91t.:it Dana Hiii• • • e s rongcs earn ° Ml.IC NOTICE UnleH YOU. do so. your aull Wiii lhtJ bu~IOIJS~ nllft11• u~ud by \,l'IO Dec 1 -Westminster (home); Dec 6-I I -the field. 1------------·-be onttHed' on eppllc111on of 1111 Hid 1111nslerer(s1111 1.>1d 1oc.111on 1~ al Sonora High Tournament. Dec. 16-18 -at ----.,.-llD-,-C-.....,.--.,.-C-E___ "CltllOUI •USIN«tl pl11n111t. and th•S court may ente1 a OOClOR JAGUAn Santa Malla Tournament: Dec. 22 -al Los n-.1 ""'., NAME 8TATIEM«NT judgmon1 •g••l'lll you IOt the reftef Th.it ••110 bulk 1r .. 11e101 1\ Amigos (7: 15); Dec. 27 .30 _ at Orange FICTITIOU8 8UllHIS8 The lotlowtng persons BIO dOtf\O dtm11nood in the comple1n1. whtcll 1n1end<!<I 10 be conaumm11100 .11 11'11 NAMl ITATl!MENT l>VSlneu II could.IOSUll 11\.0lrnllhmanl ol ot11co o l GROSSMAN AND Optimist Tournament. • ftACkS TAGE ENTERTAIN· wages. toking ol moll4ly Of ptol)t'rty WEISl>MAN. 1100 Gluodoo Avt!nue Jan 3 -al Capistrano Valley -Laguna bu~~~s~~~-wlng poison 19 doing MENT. 93 1 Wost 19th Street, Costa 01 othot rotlol •equo11ed u1 tht Suite t800. Loi:. Arge•o•. Cuhlori11a pow11 ot 1110 co111!1rrvd 1n rnat ccru11n 0.K (It lrv•• ••fk.utlld by HCLEN J COAatNI Uri u1111111111to wotn•n. racorch•d Jvly 10, 11180, II> Book 13660 01 0111~1•1 naco1d1 01 1110 C.oun1y •• p41go 1282 AMO<OOf ' ll\J11um11111 NQ ~47, by ro11tol\ 01 • 01eacn or oef11u11 '" p1ymo111 01 p•rfotlnanco 01 Iha Obhg .. 11on1 SOCU•td lhoroby, 111c.tull11111 that brooch 01 d•faull No11c11 of which wn recorded Au(lu61 23, 1982, os Recordtr'a 1n~trumen1 No 82·206063. WILL SELL A 1 PVSLIC AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST AIOOEA FOR CASH. lawlul mo11;>y ol 1ne United States or .1 Glllhler s check drawn 011 11 1ta1 .. or notional bank 1 ll•to or lodernt crod1t union. or 1 state 01 federut ~uv1111.1s a110 loan usoctat•on oomlc1hid In thtS steu1, ell payable al Ml.IC NOTIC£ FICTITIOUS 8Ul!HeH NAME llATIMINT fhci 1011ow1ng pt11011 I• doln9 0..•1119111 H MIRU fE MADE PHOTO LAB. 70112 tdlf\OOI, Hun11ng1on Beech, Co11101rn1 92641 Howard Mark Kopeleon 26942 E1nos11no Court, L1guna HUia, c 11111orn10 112663 Tht5 business 1s conductoo by 111 lndlY•Oual Howero M KopetlOll Tn1s 11at1m8f\I was !tied. with the Cuu111y Clerk of O••noo County on November 10 t882 f201803 Poohsheo Orange Coaa1 011ty Piiot, Nov H , 24. Doc 1, I . 111&2 5059·82 thn ume of satt1, all 1lghl, lltle ano ------------ Beach· (home): Dec. 7 -Woodbridge• A·l CARPET AND INTERIORS. Mosa. Ca 92627 complalnt 90024 on (I( 0111.'• 01'CoVnbe1 16 (home). Jan 10 -al S.n Clemente•. Jan. 12 1701 l'omonll. Colla Mesa, CA Oougles F1ank StlllQ'!'. 284 t 1!182 -at Laguna Hills': Jlfr. 19 -Mission Viejo' 92627 Bo• Viall Dr • Colla Moh. Gt DATED Juno l-19.82 Tn1• bult.. 111ms1"' 11 '""lYltl.10 (home). Jan. 21 -Capistrano Valley• (hom&I. • Steve A P•lorton, 1857 Ntw 92626 RICHARD J WACK' Co11101111.i Unllorrto CommH1c:1at C CA 92., .. 7 Meck KrouM Jr • 931 W llllh Clefk Code So!ChOn 6106 Jan 26 -al Laguna Beach·; Jan 28 -at Jo~~ ;',slne~~s ~:!iucted b°'; an St . Cosio Mesa. ca 92627 By Yolanda Ponce The name ornt-edo"n of 111~ Woodbridge·· lnotv1duat Loa Roy Boudoi. 3613 S Ooputy pe1son w11h whom cl""'" may t>e Feb 2 -San Clemente• (home); Feb. 4 -Steve A Petersen Ramona Or . Santa Anm, Ca 92707 Publlsheo Orange Coast Dally 11110 " RICHARD WEISSMAN Laguna Hilts· (home): Feb. 11 -al M ission lhts statemonf was liled with lhe Thi& business Is conducted by • P1101 Nov 24, Dec 1. 8. IS. 1982 CSO., 1100 Glendon Avenuo, Suotot Viejo' County <;terk 01 Orengo coul\tV on Qjll10ral patlnarshlp 5181·82 1800, ·Los Angi-les. Collfornrn All non-tournament games at 7:30 unless Nov s. 1992 Douglas F Statum 9002• .. in11 the last day lor ttltng noted. •denotes South Coast League game. F201431 This statement was hied wlln the PUBLIC NOTIC[ C1u1ms by ony Ghldilor sMll oe Pubtlsl>od Orang• Coast Dally Coont)I Clorlt Of Orengo County on December 15. 1982. which 1s the l~una Beach PilOI. Nov IO. 11, 24• Ooc 1• !982 Novomoo1 24. 1982 0 F' bu 11 nus~ o "'I o o I o re 1 he Dec t 6 l ag na Beach Tournament. 4928-82 F202tl7 con1umma11on oate ipac11ied • -u • Publlshed Orange Coast Dally above , na HI h Tournament; 8 5 22 1982 Dated Novemoer 23, 1982 1nt~•cs1 hOl<I oy 11. 111 Truetee, 1n 111at "'' P•OPO•ly 111u1I• In iald County 1n<1 State <1e1c11bod u lollo~ A Loasehold Estato 111 ano 10 t~ fo(lowing doscrl~ property PAACEl 1. An undtvlded 1184tn Interest 1n anrt to LOI 3 ol Tru:.I NO 5425. In tho Clly of Newport Beach. Count~ 01 Orange, S1111e ot C1llfornia. as P•• map recorded In Book t99 Pagea I 11\d 2 M1sce1taneovs Maps 1n tho off1ce of tho County Reco•dOI ot said ·Count Dec. 11 -Santiago ome ; ec. enn er Villa Park High Tournament. FICTITIOUS BUllNESS of Name • By Micriael z Kiss 10 18. inclusive, as shown on tilt! Jon. 3 -Laguna Hiiis' (home); Jan. 5 -al NAME STATEMENT Ml.IC N0TIC£ CASE HUMBER A115634 Publtshell 0101100 Cout Daily Col\dom1n1um Pl an recorded Dano Hiiis•: Jan. 7 -at Magnolia: Jan 10 -Tho tollow1ng person is ootng ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE P1lo1 Doc .1 1982 Augu116 t9731n Book 10837. Paoe at M ission V iejo": Jan 12 -al San ousmessas flCTITIOUS•USIHESS FORCHAHGEOFNAME 522482 177 Othc1alAeco101 Clemente•: Jan. 14 -Caplslrano Valley• VIA LIDO REALTY. 3336 V11 NAME ITATEMENT JENNIFER SMITH McCOY hit ------------·-PARCEL 2 UM 4 II sno ... n on (home); Jan. 19 _ Woodbrid~e· (home), Jan Lido. Su11e A. Newport Beach, The followlng pouon " S1111ng hied 1 petlllon In lhll court IOI en PUBLIC NOTICE "" Conoom1noum PJon r&fltfrod to Ca11forn1a 92663 buslnots as oroe• allOwtng pellllOnor to change In Patcet 1 11b0vtt • PUBLIC .HOTICC FICllTIOUS 8U ... H NAME STATIMENT loo touowtno P8fson• are doing business as SEASONS, 16205 Brookhurat S110111 F'ountall\ Valley. Celllornl• 91708 S~moos Aestau111nl Inc • 6-400 Cmdy Lene. Carpen1or11. C111forn11 T hos t>vs•noss is condue1 ad by a c0rpora11on Samoos Aost111rent1 Inc Stephen M O..a This 11a10men1 wu flted wllh \he County Clerk of Oranoa County on Noveml>e• 24 198:1 FIOltlt Pubhshed Orange Coaat Daily P1IOI Dec 1 8. 15, 22, 1982 5t90·82 21 -II Leguna Hills': Jon. 2 -Dana Hiiis' G80.qj8 J NlcholosJ Vta KEY l.AAGO CHARTERS. INC . hll/her .naroe from Jennifer Smith YOU ARE IH OEFAULl UNOER A PARCEL 3 Non OXGIUSIVO (home). Ces1tas. Bonsall, Callfomla 92023 111 Pacific Coast Hwy .. Hun11noron McCoy 10 Jannffot Ellzaooth Smith o I! I!~ o-F T "V 9'T DAT If. O eas1>mon1a' fo• ac;ceu Ingress. f tfeb. 2 -Mission Viejo• (home); Feb. 4 -This busmen 1sconducted by an Beech, CA 92648 11 11 rie1eby 01oored th.Ill all OECEMBElt 22, 1110. UNLESS eq111ss. n11etoac11menl. support and PUBLIC NO ICC San C lemente• (home): Feb. 9 -al 111d1v1dua1 J D Smith, a Delaware persons 1nttl1esteo In (he. mailer YOU TAKE ACTIOli TO PROTECT tor othot purposes, oll ai above e,,d FICTITIOUS eUIMll cap 1s1 ran o v a II e y • ; Feb. 1 1 -at Geo•ge J Nleholas corporellon, 711 Pacific Coast alorosa1d appear belOle this couia YOUR PllllOPERTY • IT MAY BE <1efjnod 1n the Condom1n1um Plan NAME STATEMENT This slaloment was hied wolh the Hwy . Hunllnoton Belch. CA 926-48 In Oepeflmenl No 3 II 700 CIVIC SOLD AT A PU•UC 8ALE. IF' YOU ano declera11on of IHlrlCllOllS The IOllowt"O l>O'IOll• .,. dOll'\g Woodbridge· Counly Cleft< ol Orange County on This t>vsinoss Is conoucted by'" Center Drive Wost, Santi Ana. NEED AN EXF't.ANATION Of THE rac:ordl!d August 6. 1973 1n boOk ous1neu as All non-1ournamet1t games al 7 30. Novemoer 19, t982 •ndivklual Cll1lorn1a. on Ooc:omoer 8, 1982. 111 NATURE OF THE PROCEEOIHO 10837 oage t77 Olhc111I Roeords • SEASONS 2949 Fairview ·denotes Soulh Coast League game F202t23 Key l.lt•go C.henor1. Inc 10 30 o'clock 8 m . end then •no AGAINST YOU, YOU IHOULO Th• 511901 aoo•Hs 01 other Stree• cosll Mose, Cetllornl• Published Orange Coasl Da1ty J 0. Smith there 1how cous.. II •ny they have. CONTACT A LAWYER. • common designation or lht real 92626 L~una Hiii• P1to1. Nov 24, Ooc I. 8. 1S. 1982. Pres1<1et1t W/\)'..Uld..pe.til1on IQr. cb.ange •. Cll ... H.OT!C~ OF TllUITEE'S SALE property h0101naoove csescribeo Is Samt>os Aesllurtnt Inc. $.400 Dec. t -4 -at Garden Grove H lgh 5127-8:1 ThlS statement was filed wllh the name al\outo nol l>O g1an1od. r;g, fio. 3703 • purported to oe 83S AIY)1gos Wey C1m1y Lane. Carpento11a, Cellfornla. Tournament: Dec. 10 -at El Toro: Dec. 2 1 -County Clerk 01 o,.nge County on 11 ls further ordered tl\lll o cop_ut N!)l ICE IS HEREBY OIVEN. that No. 9• Newport 8Nch. Cablotnla Thi& bvs•ness 1s conoucted by e PUBLIC NOTICE Nov 2•. 1982 this oidei 10 show cause be on We.dnesosy. December 22. f982, coroora1ton Sunny Hiiis (h.ome), Dec. 23. 27-30 -al F202lll publlsheo in tho Oelly P1to1, • at900ctoekam ol111i!o1y m th11 Tr111 undor&1g,.,•<1 he1eby Brea-Olinda Tournamenl. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS Put>hshod Orengo Co111 D•lly n-apapor of gonoial corculat1on. room 111 •sloe for conducung d1tClll•m9 all liabHlly tor •ny Samt>os ~staurent lno Jan 3 -al Laguna Beach·: Jon 5 -NAME STA lEMEHT Pilot Dec I 8, 15. 22. 1982 1tu6tlshoii In this county 11 least Trustee s Sales, ""'""" lhe olltces of tncoirac:t!W!SS m ~10 street aocJiess Stepl'lell M DH• M 1ss1on V1e10· (home), Jan. 7 -81 San Tne fOltDwmg POllOn IS 001ng 5194-82 oni;o. -k for IOU• consecunYO REAL ESTATE SECURITIES ()f;~~,s~re'':~1""::s~~!~°:11houl T1>1•S1~~1M!:.iiledwilhlhe Clemente•. Jon 10 -Capistrano Valley• t.rus1ness as: "'llDllC NOTICE wooka prior 10 tho day of S111d SERVICE tocatoo 81 2020 No11h wa,.anty ••Press 0, implied, County Clerk ol Ora1>9o County on (home); Jan 12 -Dana H41nll._s~· ~(h~o":'m~e~),~J~a'!n~·~1~4L---i~~A~B;O~V~E~T~H~E:!iC;A~O~W:D~. !8~8~F:•~l~r t:=:::fiC:ii,..uuiij~f!~~~i:=: h0&1ll\O Broaoway, Suite 206. in lhe city 01 rog11rd1ng !Ille poHtnlon. or November 24 1982 ~498~ D11ve, Costa Mesa. C•lllornta 92626 1 •USIHESS Dated October 29. t982 Santa Ano. County 01 urange, otalt encumbrances. 10 tollsly the f:t029tl Beach· (hornet Jan.26 -~ Ml~~n v~~·. 03 T L ~MESTATEME~T ~-~~~,.~~~-~s~c~~R~~s~s~e=A~C~E~ic~11~~~~~~1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jan 28 _ San Clemente• (home). Came only). ~ I inon 92~0:7 ano. The following l>OflOOS a" ooing Judge ol lht E U ITIE VI ' 8 a ,or ~ other obllgotlon ncured t>y salo Pilot Dec I 8 15, 2:1. 1982 Feb 2 -at CaplSlrano Valley·; f:eb 4 -al or'~~s :!~es! ;~o~~ducted by an busmen as Pubhs~~~~~~~~l1Coast Daily ~~~~,::, ·~i,:idn~ ~~ o~~r.:::.~;',~, Oeod ot Trutt, with inte1111 eno 5 191·82 D a Hiiis ' Feb 9 Woo""br dge· 111~1v1<1ual • WtL WAIGHT S ORANGE 982 power of sale conlettoo on that Other sums as provtoed theieon, an : -"' 1 " COUNTY. 3355 VII Lido. Su11a 215. Piiot. NoY IO, t7. 24• Oec 1• 1 plus aovoncu 11 any under the (home) Feb. 11 -al Woodbridge. Justin C 663 4q59.92 c11111n Deed 01 Trust t•eeutOd oy terms lheraot an<I lllteieat on sud\ All I I I 7 30 lh11 statement was t11e<1 w1lh the Newpon Beach. ahf01ni1 92 DANA M WOlF' and LEIGH A nonS-ourCnameln games a ; County Cieri. ot Orange Counly on Newporc C11cto tnterna11onal, MllC NOTICE WOl.F, husband and wile. recorded aov11nces. end plus '"' charges ·denotes. outh oast eogue game. N be<.~~ 1aa2 Inc, a Ca111orn1a co1porat1on. 3355 • Oocember 30~ 1980, In Book 13894 ano •~oensos ot t/lO TtullM •nd ot 0"8m • F20281t Via Udo:Sulte 115. Newpo1l Boacn. NOTICE T 0 1 d I Cl c the I"''" C•~Nll..CS Dy llld ()eQd ol MIHlon Vlelo C D C1lllorn1a 92663 O ICE S INEVRI ING BIOS of Ilic al Rec:o'. s o HI ounly, Trull lho total amount ol said Pubttalla<I Orange oast ally T 1 11 _ .. b N T I H EBY GIVEI" that •' page 144. Aeco100f's lnttrumont obhgellon. lnotuolnll r•••onat>ly Dec 1 -Ocean View (home): Dec. 3 -El P1101. Nov 2,, Doc 1. a. 15. \982 ll 1 l>V noss is conduclvu Y • th• Bo110 ol Tru11toa ol lhe No •1071, by ro1to11of1 bleach ot lllmtltd tees. charge• and Toro (home); Dec 8 -Marina (home): Dec 10 · 5087-82 corporat~ ....... 1 C1tcle Huntington Beech Union High oollull tn peyment or performance Ol!P9'\MS ot tho TiustM ••the lime -at Corona del Mar. Dec. 13-18 -al Irvine 1 1 ,._. 1 School Otstnct w.11 rec:eMI seeleo ot 1ne obt.gauons aocu•ed tlle<"et>y, of•nihate>ubhcauonoftho•Notice,IS Tournemenl: Dec 23. 27-30 _at Brea·Ohnda Ptll.IC NOTtC£ n tHnatione ·Inc bids 101 supplylng <;UT PAPER 1nctuo1ng that OrHch 01 oolaull Sl8 614 50 losho Jane Lolleno m, t 111\ o or a q u 11 to 1 ho Notice of which wes •OGO•dod High Tournamenl. FICT1TIOUS BUSINESS Secretary Trnsu1or apoc1hc.hons on Ill• In the olllco ol Au9u11 23. 1982 . ., Aecofoor's Daleo November 29• 1882 Jan. 5 -al Laguna Hiiis.: Jan. 7 -NAME STATEMENT Thll Slfltomont WIS lllod With the ••Id Olt'rlcl • 8 296065 REAL ESTATE 0 C Clo 0 C , Instrument No 2· • WILL SECURITIES Senv1CE Caplslrano Valley· (home): Jan 1 -Laguna The following p911on ls doing ounty 1. of ,.nge ounty on Btos ·~~be c1011ly marked "Cut SEll AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE 8 Celllornla ~<l'P~ Beach' (home): Jan. 12 -at Woodbridge•: business as November 1f' 1982 P•P•• B~~511 ," aodreased 10 HIOHES T BIOOEA FOR CASH. as lrusaeo ,. Jan. 14 -San Clemente• (home). Jan 19 -DA N BO N D AND P 1 0 C F2001t41 Allyn E owtoy, Purchasing 1aw!u1 moQoy of the \Jnotod States, DJ Morger Piu 1 D H'll • J 21 Al mnl Game ASSOCIATES. 17317 Sen Luis .. 2. ub lsheo ••nga 0111 aily Man-001. HunhnQJ.On 8etch Union 01 1 c1111lot's ct>eck orewn on a a ana 1 5 : an. -u ) J' Foun111n Valley. CA 92708 PtlOI. Nov l7, 24 Ooc t, 8 1982 High School 0111r1c1 IO~S't stile o n.itonat 1>1nk a 11110 or ?020N Brold ... ay "'0 206 (home): Jan. 26 -Laguna HillS' (llome • an Oen Walker Bol>d. 17317 Sal\ 5057-82 YOOllOWI\ Ave . Hunli""lon Beech r Santa An• .. CA 9:n06 28 -at ca,ustcano Valley•. .•• toe1e<e1 croo11 union or • stale or 17141 953-6810 F b 2 l B h • F b 4 .u11 •2. Foun111r Valley, CA 92708 CA 92646. 111<1 rec;e,ved •I or bet0te lld•••l savings eno lo•n as'°'1atl0n p 011 b .. Or C 1 0 11 e • -at aguna eac • e · -This ousJnoss 111 conducted by an Ml.IC NOTICE 2 00 pm ThUrSday. December 16, oomteilod in 1f11s s1111. 111 payable 81 u 1 8" ano• OH • Y Woodbridge• (home): Feb. 9 -al San nd1v1ouet. FICTITIOUS BUllNESS 1982, et whlCh ume ano ptaco b•os 111e ttme ot sale, ell tight. title and Pilot, Doc 1• 8· '5• t982 Clemen1e•; Feb. 11 -Dana Hiiis' (home). Dan w. Bond NAME STATEMENT . wlll oe pubflcly opened e"d read. 1ntt1HI holo by 11. a1 Tru1tee. In 527'·82 AU non-tournament games al 7 .30: Th11 statement was lllecl with lht Each blo sHall remain veltd for a that real property 11tu1111 In saio ·denotes South Coast League ga.me.1 ::ounty Clerk of Orano• County on rne foltowing PIHM>n• 11•• ooong per100 01 30 day• •lier the elate County 8no Sl8te oescrlbeo as .,. .. , ..... , .. -.- -------+-... ~ 14. 1982 buSlneu as spoc1li0d IOI the rac:Olj)I OI bids lollowl """'"' -v AA JNG CO t ~o. 387!1, as poi Dec 1-4 -al Garden Grove H igh Published Or1nge Cont Oall.y 18434 Santa Voion1c1 the 1010 1uogo ol the quality of m•P iec01oed in0olt 134, Tournament: Dec. 10 -flancho Atamllos P1101. Nov. to, 17, 2•. Doc. 1, 1982 Ve~ 9?708 equil)ll'lent 011 .. 1eo and..ttsetWS'"the 11·14 tl\Cl'll!IM or MlscolTaneou• (home). Dec. 13-18 -Irvine Tournament: _ 49~·!2 Enn P Ron. t843• Santa right to re1oc1anyOf111 bids and 10 M1ps, 1n the olhco of the county Dec 23. 27·30 -al Brea-OJlnda Htgh Veronica. Fountain Valley. CA waive any Irregularity th1111m. reco•dor ol said county • Tournament. Je Ml.IC NOTICE 92708 08fo<I November 23 1982 Tho street eocsrus or otnoi Webb H Aoas, 18434 Ve1on1ca. All "' A ....... d I I h I Jan. 3 -San Clemente• (ho ); Jan . .5 -FICTITIOOI 8Ul lNESS F0un1a1n Valley. CA 92708 . yn,;. 0-~,. common ealgnet on ° 1 ' raa al Capistrano Valley•; Jan. 7 -al Danll NAM!! STATEMENT This buS1nes1" col\ouc1ed by D Publls~~~cnJ:~~g~·;~:~ Deity ~"=:~h~e1:~;;1 °.;:;;~?~:,! Hiiis'. Jan. 12 -MlsSion Viejo' (home), Jan. The follOwlng persons ere oolog oOllllf•I partnersnlp 1 Pilot o.c 1 a 1982 Av~ue cos11 MOM. cauf0tnl• 14 -Laguna Hiits• (hom~. Jan. 19 -at_ business as Erm P Ross 5250·82 The unoor&r9noo horeoy Laguna Beach"; Jan. 21 _al San Clemente•. V C EN'TEAPAtSES. 19531 S This statement wH flltd with the olstietms all lttb .. tly tor any .Jan 26 -Capistrano Valley• (home); Jen. 28 Airport Wey. Santi Ana, CA 92707 County Cle1k ol Orange County on 1----PUBl--l-C_NO_T_IC_E____ Incorrectness II\ said atreot 1od1ess _ Dana Hiiis. (home). IP ~ eox 5044, Irvine. CA 92716) Nov 12 1982 or Olher common dosignellon Feb 4 -al M ission Viejo'·. Feb. 9 -al Au .Jackson. 0924 Bell1lr, F201m FICTITIOUS •UllHE8S S•1d sela w111 be made without Bellltower CA 90706 Publlshod Orange Coatt Delly NAME 8TATEMENT 1 • 0 lmpllod Laguna Hiiis': Feb. 11 -Laguna Beach' v1rg1n1e Viteo C1ow1oy. 9924 Piiot. Dec 1 8. 15, 22. 1982 file IOllowtno ""'rSOM ''' oOlnlJ wor,redn y .. • ,0'0 u r 1 • (home). ...... ...~.1 90706 5225 •2 ... -reg 1 t"g tit• pos1eu OA.. or .,..,.fair ...,110-. .., l><JStlleft es oncumbta11~••· 10 111111y lht Alt non-tournament games at 7·30; This t>v5'"0Ss 11 conduciecl by• ..JHE BEAR "IECESSITtES. 513 P•lncipal balenco ol th• Note 01 "denotes South Coast League game. hm11o0 oartnerslllp PUBLIC NOTICE L.Mkspur Avenu.. C0tona oat ~.., other obllgatlon Mcured by sato ~· Jackto11 <:1hlo1rne 92625 Dffo ol Trust. wllh 11111ru1 end This statement WIS filed With tho STATEMENT OF A8ANDONMEHT t:llrry A Ale•. 513 Larkspur OlhOr sum• .. prov1oad lheteln. C°""'ty CIOl'I\ of 011noo County M OF USI! Of A...,,uo, Corona dol Mar. Calllornll plus adY1nces. 11 eny. unoar tha Nov 2. 1962 · flCTITIOUS 8UllNIEll NAME ,g2626 terms thereof and lnlOIOll on wen DIATHlmCIS P\8.IC NOTICE FICTITIOUS 8U ... H NAME STATEMINT Tne tollowlng pol'lon II doing bu61ness a5 ' tPS (I N TERNATIONAL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES). 8904 Bolu .Avenue. Wostmlntltt. CA 92683 Dinh Viet N911yen, 17551 "•A" Gern101ne Lane, Huntington e..ch, CA 92647 Thi& 1>11s1ness 1s conductecl by In 111otv1ou11J 01nh V Nguyan Th1J •t11omon1 wu llleO with the County Clerk of Ot1nge County on NOV 23. 1982 Pvbllshoo Orange Co,:11 'c!~lt~ p1tot. Doc 1, 8, 1s. 22. 1982 5247-82 FOSTER WILMA FOSTER , rC's1dcnt of Newport Beach. Ca Pa sst•d away o n November 30. 1982. She is survived by her sons N o rman o f H acien da Heights. Ca and Garey of Oregon, daughters NanC'y Kiger of N cwporl Beach, Ca ;ind Betty Boyce of Costa Mc.-sa. Ca . I 0 grandchildren l great-grandt·h1ld. Services F201100 Tile followlnipor1ons htve Lisa M Atce. 513 larkspur 1ov1ncos eno plus fffa. chargu PubllShod Orange Co111 Delly abandoned tho v ol lho llc1111ous Avenue, C<Hon• oOI Mar. C.htomla ano o.ponMS of the TrullM 111d ol P1to1 Dec I. 8, 15, 22, 1982 t>usmoss name 92625 the 11usts created by "Id Deed ol 5227-82 DRESS ~F R. 19093 B4t8Ch thts buSlnes& 11 Condvcled by • Ttusl Tho total •mount of said will be held al lhe H arbor POBllC NOl lcr Blvo . Hunt\r'QI Beech. Caklornll gener11 pat1ner$1\lp obl19a11on. Including ree•or ably Lawn MC'morial Chapel ! 92648 Barry A Rico tsHmat•o faoa cha•gH and under l he• d 1 rC'ct i on 0 f FICTITIOVI 8UIMNE88 The F1c.11110 s Bus1ne11 Name Thjs 1181amont WllS l114Ml with 1ho HPMHI ot the Trust ... 11 tho tune NAME STATEMENT relorrto 1 ovt wes flleo In CO\lnty CtOflt ol Orenge County on ol 1nn11t pubhc111on of this ~ottoo is Makirn! a start is prooably the most important step toward saving. ,,.c.~c VIEW MIMOllAL ,_.. Cemetery Mortuary Chapel·Crematory 3500 Pac1hc View Ortve Newport Beach 644 2700 McCOIMfa MOITUAllH Laouna Beach 494.94 5 Laouna Hills 768,0933 • San Juan Capistrano 49S·l776 _ .,._ HAAIOI LAW,.._MT. OUYE MOfluarv •Cemetery Cremetory 1625 011ltt Ave Costa M esa 540-5554 '9HClllOTHHS l&l.MOADWAY "409TUAIY , 10 8rOadWIV Costa Mesa 642·91SO llarbor Lawn· M ount Olive Tho tollowmg person ls doing Orange y on Septef!!bor 28, October 20. t982 S27.123 89. ... M o r t u a r y The f a mi I y business es. 1979 ' F200119 D1lod NoYtmt>o< 29, 1982 rt'qUl'Sts donauons be made BSA 39. 9201 Hoetnorton C1lvln D Kirschenmann •nel Publlshoo 01eng1 Co11t Dally AEAl ESTATE 10 the Orange County Corel• Hul\1tng1onBeecn.C11hfornla J1ne1 A Kl h•nmenn. 2>4362 Piiot.Nov 17 24.0.C: 1.8 1982 SECUAtTtESSEAVICE 92646 , F'1lcon Lano. El Toro, Calllo1nlt 5060·82 a Cahforni. corpotlllOn Cane-er Soc1e1y 540-555<1 Konnolh F',.ncl• Smith. 9201 92630 e.s Trust" DOTY Heethoito11 Circle. Hunt1ng1on Thlt 1>1111nots II conoue1eo b)l an .. 1111'.IC '""TICE (SEAL) OJ Morge• WI L Lt A M FR A N C ( S Boacl\. Collto1nle 92M8 lndlvldu11 ,..~ ""' 111 P1os1dont DOTY. 8 r<•stdenl of 'Cost.a This business Is conducted by en C-aJ111n 0 KlrtChonm11nn 2020 No1th Broeuway lnOIVldual. Thll s;tatt!Mnl wH llled with tho FICTITIOU8 eUllHl!SS Suite 206. M esa. Ca P assed away on Kot1neth F' Smith County Clerk ol Orengo Counly on NAME 8TATEMEHT Santa Ana. CA 927116 N ovember 29, 1982. H e 1s this stat1mOt1t was filed with 1rio Novombe1 s. 1982 The lollow1no Plrtons ero oOlng Tel (714) 963-61110 :.urv1ved b th1s wife Beverly County Clerk ol 01111g1 County on f12M03 b\isi~o~sH': 0 l 0 F' 1 Re H 0 u SE Publlshoo Orange Co Ht D111y Of Cosla M n sa C., ,, Octob4W 18. t982. Pubhshed Orengt CCSHI Delly CO BO 7 Potol.Dec 1,3, 15.1982 ' • ~ • , '191792 Pilot Nov 10, t7, 2•. Doc I. t982 DESIGN LLA RATIVE", 281 5272-82 daughters M ary D oty, Pubhshed Oiange Coast Delly •77&·82 Newport Boulovaro, Newport ------------- Calherin e Deane. Frances • 982 Beech. CA 92663 PUBl.IC NOTICE Pilot, Nov 17, 24, Doc I."· 1 Ult Fagerborn. 10'4·15111 Street,------------V 1 11 i a • a n d M a r g a re t 5062•82 1'\alC NOTICE tqwport Beech. CA. 02663 "CTl"TIOUS eUllHHI Balt.azar all of Cost.a Mesa, Ml.IC NOTICE FICTITIOUi •UllHHI I Cherlas D Favroe.u. 19631 NAME STATIMl!NT Ca. 2 brothers Paul Doty of ------------NA• ITATIMINT Coun11y H1v•"· Sal\1a An•. CA Th• 1011ow1ng pereon 11 do•ng M assachusetts and G erald FICTITIOUI 8UIMll 9:170S bullness es· Doty or Cost.a Me98. Ca .. 3 HAMC ITAT£•NT ~~:'1ng l*IOM ••• o~no Slephen J Maltlyt . 2020 I (.) A e p A 0 TE c T 'so N Sl•lers· Margar•"t B ""wn of The IOllowfng po<eona are ootno SOUTH COAST ART AND Sprvce St1oel. Senla Al\1 Heiglltt SYSTEMS (b) ST ENTERPAI tS ~ • ~ •"' t>usinesa u CA 82707 2 t 73 1 B11ntt C1tcl1, Hun11ng1on MassachUSE'llS. Cathepne SEASONS. 300 I s. 9rlllOI, FRA"!E. 2821 Monterey AV9 . Cot\• Etlc Tl\itor. 30" w B<1lb08 Beach, C11tfo1ni• 926•6 T own or Cosla Mesa. Ca. and Sanla An•, Calllornll 92704 M";A~~ ~~:~t.AN WRIGHT, 28a1 Boulevard. Newport BOBch, CA Arnold Wlllllm Brebende1. A n n e M a r l I n 0 f S•mbo. a Res11uren1 Inc .• 6400 C 112663 2173 t B11nt1 Clrclt. Hu"11ng1on C d l C I I C ti' I Monterey Ave .. Cotta t.1•111. A. Thlt t>uetricru 11 conouc1e<1 by • Be""h, Cahlornla 021146 M 3 S S a c h u s e t t s a n d ~ in Y eno, ••Piii "•· • orn • 02628 t; .... Tills l>Vtinett 11 conductecl t>y • geneiet 1r1nor1~1p Thll butlness It co11ouctt0 by on graJ)dch1ldren Mr. Doty ~u COIPOllllon Megen Wright, 21121 Mont91~ I F11gttbom • 1ndtv10u11 owner of Sundown Building SarnbOs Retteur1n1 inc A.,. • Cot1' M .... CA 92628 Thit 111uim.n1 wa1 ltlld with 1hl ArnOlo w 8Bbt'n<ltt Maintena~· of Costa M esa. Greg S Oleon Thct bullll9U 1' conducted b\I 111 ~ntt Cletk of Otenge C011nty on lht1 ato1-1 was lolt(I With t!W! Ca R II ._. ..,., • ...,. "'slr"'t M1-lndM<tue!.X~ Wright 19, 1gu ,Coun1v Clltl< of Of•l\09 County on · osar wi ""r ... ,,..,., on "'''at';..,,;,,, w•tr~ With the '"' -· F:imao Octo~• Ill. 10.82 Wednesday, December I. county Clofk of Orano-County on Thia 11'1 el'lt WH llled with Ille Pubhthtd Orengt Coaat D11ty f191U2 1982 at 7:30PM al Pierce November 24. 19t 2 Coun~ Clark 01 01•119' Coun)) 6n Plto\. NOv 24, ~ I, 8, 15, 1982 Publithfltt 011nge Cont 0111ty Brothers 8f'll Bro11dwoy ':aonao Nov •• 1982 • flOMU ••• • 5180-82 Piiot Nov 17, 24, Doc t, 8, 1::~2 Chapel Mau o f Christion Publlthed Oreng• Coell Delly Publl•h•d Orengt CoHt De•'l\·1------------•----------5_0_..._ B • J Ill ._ I .._ ted P•to1. DK 1. 8. 1~, 2:1, 1882 P1to1. Nov 10. 17 24, Ole 1, 1982. •-te NOTICE •-ic ..,...,.,. .. una w ..., ce t'u1a on ·5188·82 4910 •• 2 1 ____ ,..-. ________ 1 ____ ,...-___ m.1_1_n.c __ _ Thu{'Sd~y. l)(nmber 2, 1982 ACTITIO\lt ...... ,ICllTIOUS ....... al 9:00AM ot St. Joachim's "8.IC NOTICE NA• ITATIMINT lCAIMll ITATS•NT Catholic Ch~h. Interment f'ICTmOUe -~ P'talC M>TICE The 10110Wt~ l*tont ere dolJIO The lollowlnO DtBONt 11• dOlno at H arbor Lown M emorial .,.. NA• aT.ATIMINT 'ICT1T10U8 .,._Ba ouil,_. •• • butlt'lel• •• Pnrk. Frlt-nds may call At the • Tht lollOWinQ Ptfton• •r• doll\g NAMI ITATJ•N1' OROCEf\.Y!.E)(PRESS. t0412 l'XCLUSl\11 IN\/ESTIGAllONS Wi d"' •d 1>1111,,... •• 'Tll• tottowlng P••ton 11 cSolllt Pt1c11•c11c10,..,unt1ngton 8HCll, 2h 1F ~h Ortno Avenue. SMtil m ortuory o n c .. c .. 1>'• JEWELRY PAVILfON. esa bu",.. u · Ct11f0tn•• ''144 • Ant. Calllornta 02101 Oocembl'r I. 1082 f rom SOllth .. oo+.hurtl ....... Anahejlft, llAVl.IN ENTEA,AllH. 211' L.ut~ Scio!I Pofl .. 194 1) ll'ltrl)' Howiud H11f NQ!lh 4 OOPM • to 9 :00PM . P irrce Catlfornlt 92084 , , Mt • ""d' Clrtvt I t•'· Coate Percl) C11ctt. 1i11nll"O'on e .. ch. Gr11)d A venut 81n1a 4ne. Broth ~rs Be ll Broadway .1•••"1 P1toce. '"c . • MIN CA t2t2t Cllllforlltl tlt4t Oellf0tllia 92701 • M ortua"" d lr«tOn Cattl0tnlt ~OtpotatlOn, eot Souttl "8v Qu1Dow ~ 2716 D11ryt lluCkfr, ttO Werner MerllYf' F"lty. 2U IF Not th ~;;::;;:'='==:;;=';:=:::;:-1 ""' 111wt, Loa Afl9tl00. CllHornltl v81111 c...e faat. Coot• Mee&. Q A""""9, No •I'. Hlle!tn0'on Beec11. onno Alvt nuo. S•oto An•. I 900t4 12tH . JI Ctllfofnltl~ Ctlffl>fnit t27pt ~ry , .. _. In<: fh~I 9"'"' It CIClftdUG!eCl bf 8'J ·Thi-~ bV I TlllO fllll"'"' 11 ~led by • Pet« W Cllul\9 Wit , ll«'t"llil l> Qtlllrtl Pl•IJl*rahlp \ P.rtllcltn• ·· ·r y o t4t)'M L. 9t°" Poetlf lltorry How•d Thia at~I-' .... ltltd ...ith 1M fMt .. .._,. ,... lllad WIUMfle l"4t lll*M!ll '-•!tied wtlh Illa Tiiie tlll~t -l1led ~th lhl CW'l'f Ciotti of Of,. Cdunt)' on Counly Cltf1i of Oranot Count'/ on Couflty Clerk' ot Of~ C~•r on Couf\l't Clltk Of O!tmQt CQIJflty "" Nov .>• IN2 Nov t . IN' ~ 24. '1"2 NCMll!lblf 8. 19'1 ,_, • Pll'l?ll 1. ,,_. ,.,.. P11bt1tlltd 01111111 Cotti Daffy ,ubll•hllltl Ori" .. Coat! Oalty .,ublttllff Of•f\O• Coa111 Oatty '""'""H 0111111• 'Co .. 1 0~~1 Pltot Ole I, 8, 18, 22, 1H2 l'llOI Oto 1 I 11 it ltlt "'°'· Ole I, e, fl. H 1HI e l'llot, NOv 10, 11, i ... Dec I. , ... . •24 ... 2 • . • • • • .,,...., • 11111· 2 4112-1· ... There is a way to take the initial step and know you're on the right \rack toward a regular, scheduled sa,ings. Just join the PayroU a\'in~s Plan ut work. A linJe is taken out of coch paycheck toward the purchase of U.S. ~a\'ings Bonds. You don't have to wony about ffiltking a special effort to put something aside each p~yda)" 1 t 's all done for you. Automatically. ll1c hucks start pilin-up, the interest grO\\ s. ond you n:ali7.c you vc fou1y.J one surefire W U)' lO SO\'C. ' . • . L "\\'/11'111/flll 1mt /l(Jrl of Ulllll Sill lnl(I 11110 ( 'n'i S111 /11~' fff)m/\ 1)1111 'rr fw/11/11~ '" /1111fd 11 l>rl~htrr f11tlf~ (,,, ""'" 1'1il111tm nrtrl for ym~rs"1f ' .,._ ....... ,,.. 0.ly ''"' -.. -...eo-.~ •If' I • Orange Coast DAILY Pll.OT/Wedneaday, Oeeembef 1, 1982 07 as t • . Median income of Daily Pilot JamiH~• -ctASSl:fll .D The rnarketplace on the Orange Cbast .... 642-5678 -._---'-------rttedtt l !J4 .000 a year: Votir-od~M• the county'« mu . ..t al/luent tiuylng au· dience: ---..~--~~ Art s & Crates 8 o ut1qut· ---CUSTO~/LIMITEO-ED Brass & Por~aln Art 631-4680 ell 2:30pm UCP Fund Ralie< Saturday Dec. 4tfi'9 to 3 pm. 2588 Newport Bl. C.M. Hand crafted g1111: -· MOLLIE'S GOLD MINE 221 Marine Ave, B:'I'. 875-1572. 't is the eea- parkte lor Chrl1lmu (&' year 'round). Linda'• Ctean'o s.rv. 6&0-0318 ( II II THE PEDAL PUSHER ..... ,,., .. , I E11ra•l11 I Al< OLO EFfGt: SHEEPDOG PUPPIES FOR CHRISTMAS $350 979-1478 - rt mns Ttiurs. Dec 9th 10 to 2. , n 306 Via Lido Nord, NB a.··~ P.T.A. Holiday Boutique en{ Ult°,"1::1' Custom & Handmade Make Lt a Cont inental "' ~ n l ~· Gilll Christmas ... A glfl lor the whole family. aon to give real gold. .-wa...._. -~·~ <11lt\ Olllll TllAI llAT PAI UI Balboa Charter Corp. now taking reeervatlons la 1aklng orders for your Chrlatmas bikes, a.II our cruisers & II weight Speedsters are custm bit, you choose color & parts. Speedsters w/3 s p Q & .s Ing I e •pd 'colsters 2126•~.75 tires. Rides great Get ready lor another great Christ· mas from the Pedal PuSl'ler gllflO. t70 E. 17th St, Sle. 117 coeca ,Mesa, 646-314 1 EngraYll<I gilts last fore- ver Tankards, goblets, baby cups, ,picture frames. key rings. etc etc. A PUPPY FOR CHRIST· MAS • Labrador pup- pies. blk, 7 wka old $75 847-8072 --(,1f1 . •Jf d1l ()fill •675-1976 646·5707 CHILDREN$ CLOTHING 2 1L~~&~9!i~f~:! • ... JOHNSON & SON l1 lr d1t• I l111 nt by ~anlne • ifl. Llncoln/Mwc 540-5630 Cards lnvllallons ( 'Ctr1n1• Scandia Down Shops A Special Evening With Cerllftcates a r-. Comforters etc 2756 E. Lena Home, Dan Fogel- Call answer ad • 579, Csa Hwy Cdm. \590 S. berg or Bette Midler. 642-4300. 24 hrs. Bartendlng tor Holiday Cat HWy LB Spaces Limited. Call To- H & H Floral & Crall Sup· Parties. Pvt residents Jon Brockman Plano Co. day. ply, 3 1oc. Orange, Gar-only. Tell us how many 897 Glenneyre PACIFIC COAST den Grove, Anaheim you expect We will do Laguna Beach 497-3490 BOX OFFICE h I Sh. 0 I • 540-3669 536-8826 Cl9rl1t•11 l t11tl11•• 50 Cornell, Irvine Dao. 4th. 9-5, 833-2525 I e res · op. m x, ser New Microwave (Amana), -------- ve. clean-up, all lor 1 5159 ... Celllng Fans w/ Crocheted Afgans. va· reas. lee. 770-9833 1 1 1 8 5 , N e w , s 7 9 . rlous alzes: Crocheted LOVE AT FIRST BITE 1-855-6209 throw pillows & pillow 7132 Edinger Flals for Christmas tops: Crocheted Poncho. Santa Ana. 842-4611 DICK MILLEA MOTORS _6_4_2._0_1_16_. ____ _ Santa Ana 557-2132 17' Boston B.ay Packar. Bay boat. Fbrgls, lnbrd. Make ofr. 642-1234 60¢-$35 BOUTIQUE Fairview Comm Church cnr Fair/Fairview. CM Sat. 11/27 & 12/4. 10-3 SAVE HOLIDAY$$$ Lovely hand-c rafted gllls, decor-atlons, "Gucci" tree ornaments, florals & much morel Open 7 days a week. 10-5. 332 Marine. Balboa 1.sland'. Have aomethlng,you want TIUT SOIE 11UIY" to NII? Clualfled ads do Body wraps-facial klta It well. 642-5678. gift package 644-5289 • • I • , • • • ~· r In any way you can think of, victims of child abuse. the dfccu of child abuse arc Yet child ~con and must devastating. . be pttvcntcd. . Each year, ov.cr one mlllJon 1bc National ComnUttcc for Amcrtcan children suffer from Prcvcndon-ol Oilld Abuse ls a chlkl abuse private, c.harilllblc Ol'plliz&Uon Over 2,0QO of those abused that knows how to prevent child children die. lbuse . .And, for many o( those who But WC need your help to do It. live, the dfccts of an abusive We need mottcy. We ncccl more childhood may inftucnce their volunteers. Send us your chcdt entire Uva. And ours. • today, or write for our booklet.. Many lCCfla8C drug addJcts and And, rcmcmbcr, lfwe don't all\ tCCNF prostitutes report bctna sun IOrDcwhcretwe won't act abused chJ.ldttn. So do juvenile 1 an)'whcrc. , 8cau9c WC pry to respond to 11111111 CIB•ltlll .. dcUnqucn~ and adult Criminals. • . • thoec problcmSlwe are all the PllVllllll II W ... A Niie leMoe of TNI flS IS 11111 u I TI!t-..: ....... ·oN.l. IJ -' ' f -. \ • - ., SurprlM everyone. lnvne Santa 10 your home, of. flee or party. 963-1568 2809 A. Nwpt Blvd NB 675-2570 Handcralled Batik, In· 11ve w /cara $145 . lants incl .. br1gh1 colors, 644-4758 adorable, reasonabl• I.:....;~~~~!._..;_;_.;...:.;:.._ --------- \ 'f '~LSO ·Santa Suits & Santa Helper Coatumea Stocking Stutt81"1 IAUHI S Fi i MllllH Holiday balloon bou· quets 650-6515, 548-6755 prices Stella 840-837~ is • • ORANGE COUNTY MUSIC FOR A DULTS. PLUS ·---- • • • MA"INE WEATHER · - The latest Information from tides to temperat ures. direct from the Orange County Harbormaster. \ • T RAl''8C REPORTS • •••• .:.._ Weekday morning and afternoon drlvetimeJr~eway. and highway lnformcf----~--·­ tion-from the-Orange County office of the Highway Patrol. ,• • • • STOCK MARKET REPOR;l"S -Twice daily. th~ most up-to-date information in the w orld o f finance. as it· pertains to Orange County, from Bob Schiff of M errill Lynch m Newport Beach. / • i" • FITNESS AND RUNNING REPORTS -Expert advice frO(n.U.C.I. Track Coach and U.S. Olympic Development Coach Ke.vin McNalr. twice every day. • • • CONSUMER REPORTS -listen for KOCM''S own Consumer Advice Specialist Mary Ann Price. She's out to help youl Two times each day of the week . • NOVS -M ore than Just headlines. and a special emphasis o n Orange County. •.•• ENT•RTAINMENT REPORTS • • • • ;-What's good -and not-so-good -. on Orange County stage and screen. exclusively on KOCM with Herm Boodman. · · • A CLOS•R ·LOOK -~OCM's own weekly detailed Reynolds and Susan Vaughn. • ·COMMUNITY l'ORUM look_at pertinent news topics. w ith Joann -An aw ard-w inning presentation ot the Junior l eague o f Newport Harbor, aired weekly only on KOCM. detvlng Into the unique Interests of our area. . . . .... KOCM IS ORANGE ~OUNTY MUSIC • • • AND MUCH MOREi I • • • ON YOUR FM DIAL AT ·103.1 , ,.· _J --- .r ~'1 ) "' ~ I ~ ·-I I ~~~!!f.{~~!.·h·•••••• l'.~U!!.{'.1.,/.1.'.'nnu• {(~Uff.{t/.J.~I/ ••••••• !~!fJ.IJ.tJ.•J! .... w !~~~!!.~~!*-~• 1•!!~!..!!!l!!!l.!.~ ~!.".!!!.f~!~J!!'.t. !'.~!!!.¥~/!!~~A~u ~/.~'.~":~~!!J!!!.1!!~ A'M~l•ll ,,.,,,, IOOZ , •• ,,., ,,,, •• ,,,, llOJ ,,,... fr~/•• IOff t' lJrnl A'.H'JlOf l M c .. o.1.•.•.• •• '.'.'1 •• 11 •••• ' ••• z.z.z. 1. •• ••.ti.• .• •.• ... •.•.t.• .•.• 3.Z.4.1. c .• o.1.o.•.• •• '.'·'··~·-·'·#'"··'·7·z·· •••• ~.!!~]!!'!. ...... . • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • 0 • • • • • • • • • • 0 • 0 • • •• • • • • • • • 0 • 0 • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • . l••l•1el1 I 00 •••• 0 ••• •• • •••• • ••••"' O o o ct l 1 rt ,, I\ t 1 n o '' MAftllltll WILCOW 10 1• t I .! UJ I U• t alu\lto U.,JUttlut <MJlllol!I IJN'.Ore· Coll•• ''/ •1 31ZI LIDO ISLE Mo.II ' r"'t•AI l&Y •• •ilHLiitt;L•ll ... · oi.~f.16~;·.,tl:ru "111 $7!.0lrnQ C111t 41/tl Mttll 101 lurn •111 r rpl •••••••••••••••••••••• -' MODEL OrrhuJ Av• ,.0 Pt!I• Call 111 h '" w1'11d • $119~11110 b1J·Ollrlf1 ITIPI TO NIAi I 't111w l.11lll'N111 d hayfr1111t ~ bc.11111. ~ 1 • l 1.1t h EtHITIUAI llT&TI [1~~·• J'u~,,~·ri~1.:::" 111~~ 1~ i" Wi•uilbrtclllv l.t vu~ 21 fOUll·PLUIS r>11ul 1;-0 0~4 1 \ Vtl l<Ht.i H1,t-•Lh Cir 1 ,111 Colt I lltll 3114 i.,ro•· 1 llf 1J ~~" m11nl I .I(•• I. It , .111 1•11t1tl 2 l~wal KllJ>h $1.:'1110,1100 I url)lt 1 ~111t>lh10 ~ounh y ltvlllQ robrll utehud C(li l>ru • 11 ''' '' I• " IJ'V"" '"'"' 1 II.:• 11., Ir till •••• •• •• ••,, •• •• •••• •• 1)rn1tn1ht" I lvv t.11 I homo with pu~o111m10 1 1 ' 1 1 1 '•''"' llr""''' 4 lidrlh, ,., 111,luuu" 1.iuul 1tH1111" C •• '.'·'·'··"·'·'·'·····•••3•Z.Z.4. 4114 4ci'• t 4,J'4 .. 1 .. 4 1 u111 1 horm •l"" 38'J Ourothy 67.1 1'11!1 l ht1HMh·l .. d I IMlt111. :! halh + hu.:•· l't'\' 1'111 . ho.•m11 l1'11t11U"'· mi 1111Jl11·d, pnll11:4 $-120,000 PEMIMSUU MlllE c.),, '""' ~· y. n \ \'ll'W1< Mar 11w rt1t111\, I hd1 m, :I h.1th. :noo ... 1 rt $1.:111~.ooo t l'l·antmnl LINDA ISLE IAYFRONT Lagoon vu w tr11111 ti hufm, 5 l)Uth, pl;1yrnom, dork rm, d1•11 n.1.11 """ l'fow n :ooo.1100 HYSllJ PUCE SJ><'\.l..a1·ulw "·" 1111111 dplx 2 br. 2 1,.1 up, 2 br. :! b.1 tin 2 1,. .. 11 'IM1u>:1 Ht'<iUl'\.'tl $1 ,MIO,()(}() lll(lt, Ot lllll (Ill n(I hll Kllllum 1HIJ11 ~Ov11 ., r v '' v111w ol lllu Onell Boy. Jo11bh1 11111111,111 SJ:.IV n>O 111ttlu l'wlunlom1ll" c.r1uri. •lull urilv 40vra J lld liou••• ir111 I IJd 11111.l u11 l111; U•H•l~llll <.le n '3 tinrm ~ b11 dl)l1 Nt1wpo11 COllllH . ond 000 • r +111w Ill OC1•lllll>lcl11 w "Ul)I~·. L• "ftl HI/I• '3Z50 "I l(j N11w.1xi411,IU1vd CM P•lllO u1u Av.Ill 1~14 rnui;ll morn I 11c1lillH tor 1 .. 2 1200 lllllth1' •1fl11d Uu1111 cul 111•1 rnot111uh I.I Cul1ft11t .111 " ''~ 1•. • -, 11 tifl II am11U h"rd OI hc>••·• .. • dv lillC. IO<.JllOn s:no l)lh•.. J:l.l c 'ht '>I (.M ·!.·'··················· .. \IJ'.IO NCI P41h 11r1 .... .., .. 000 1,4~ 11 IO'.I Nit""" r.oodfJ ) Rr 'I u.1 "'"' C'S' or ARO hlltrOPl '412 !140(j .icceu lo Onc;k Oo ' llOIHS REALTY .i1n1 toe. ru1. t• ritts • • •.,, 111111111 Ill 2311 I H PRIV I QUIET 177!.irno .cw •1'111 All u1111T1t s l•AJI> A PETE BARRE TI REALTY } IH.11111 I h. l>OC.I r:h I< AIC~ AkhHOlht Ukr • • ~lug y111d No p+ '" Ulll (l 14) 111-4444 #ob/11 Ho•t p11 $.,4011110 ,.,, ptu• J,,.un• Ni1.utl 3252 ''" JJOfl" Ott '"' lltium <.om~"" l>• 1cir1· .,ou t111111riv• 4J!il fit1curt ruot <.. u 1tum \ltt111or1 Crist ln SflOO (i',CJ ()11/:1 HWPORT llllllTI ... COSTA 1(1& Ch8rm111g 4 Br & l111nlly room 2 brick flrepteces, country kttcllen, quiet resldenttal orea 1n v.owlO development Sell4tr W111 finance $229,000 Fee f !!!I.'..~!{.'!!! •• !.~~~ lm·8600 JllllllH CRltJ 2 bdrm. 2 bil den Pr1 cod under m111rk@1 ot .1t52J CaM..,Dl•ta'IM $275,000 Owner 759·1666 111k Z300 ,. " c 1..t "' e '• w • • '· • • • ••• • •••• •• • •• • ••••••• ••••••••••••••• lfjth 4"1'1 IG 17 M(.)NAHC.11 ~UMMI I r .... 1uru:. Poot bllC.I Nott: IJ(.1~11111$ ~ 601111 11>-t <.UV riJ OIHoHJO. &UlrOUI! Ul>I f1111pl1Klt, tl,11<.onv dill'l w011 i;lu It lt1111JbC0•· pJloo •lrlO 0010011 Avoll 4 fir condo 101 too~v °J', U11 1850 11 I tur1111• U<1lll "'' No t.11•1:. Ht•l11 Av1ul 1;111, ~411 11117 I °' 7'}') (>'>:>I 1· 111 g.ir.iot y.ud $411!>/nH> Wo!tlltOu 64 I OIG:J No pHto :f 0 r , :> 0 II 0 II II $A001n.r, :lll8t.;> Arrd.ir.1 04:1 I028 1111111 Nu nnh < 1211 v11(11t rel• 11 mu•.1 .1 Un f um S.'i l;,i NO pol\ S7:IS/rl111 C,ttl L1lt1 Foust 3255 11 .. :, w W1t'«m IJ'I;> IW I t.t!> 2311 'l nm 10 '•l•m ;;:~··;-;d'·~j,~··1;,;·;,-;; ~J1!> rno OIY mo1111u Otull 1nr Ape nenr rx611n Kid\. P •~OK $!19!.lmo hom ... No l>Ul't M"turn 1'1lthenu11t Cc1ntutl . . FllRIAllS RANCH N1:w -4 br, ·I , IJ,1, 1•11,.111111 1"n.•m·h Nur111ondy !':.~tale I :! pr111w :tl'n· h11lloµ $ 1,4!50.UUO 144-4110 lf~YL~H-('O l IY IWHR ~'!!r.!!.~!~!~ .•. !.~~! 11Tr'1:1ii<f o-. -J uil'T-?11·--------i blocks from Boy 1n Old ILIPFS IHHI• • PRIM( MOBILE ttOMl PARK I' I s, .... , ... "'l ~:f"7\\H•!\ [115t1S1dc.r. 103~8\lltS j)ff' lllrrod '1 br 1 bo QU rouu SG4'5/ma 673 7!>44 C.4!1 1220 udull• OultH -.ttcur• p11u1 67!> 102• 199 I Nt>Wll(lrl (1411 8171 ~!."!l~!!.~~~!~ •.• !.~~! --f!!J~.~!!~ .. _. ... ~! . Su11111 ••Jll•<.1111 2 t.ir. :I • hu H · COROJllDO CAYS Con111Jtls• hlJncJ 1·u:.t IJ..iyfrnnt lot 85' boal d<x:k Ploru. ..avml Now $370.000 w/lcrms BILL GRUNDY , REALTOR 341 Bo y~1dt-011v .. r-1 B 67S bib! Ir.I Est•t~ CLIFFllAYH .....••••..••.....•.•• YU YU · THlllS --- IHT HY ... IHErl WHY Don I mrss this gorgeous 5 Bdrm home ~flamlly room Over 2000 sq II and tots ol upgrado& Price 1us1 reduced \0 S 132.000 Coll today . 979-5370 . l { : ·I l I ti/:. I f ~(A, l' .. ••, f ' ... , •.'-.., -------- ' Corona del Mar Ground You own the 111110. 2.00b floor unit, 2 bdrm, 2 bll, sq ft. 301, !nm 1 m '" bUllt tn appliances Ntce Bu. w1do Grwnbolt, near patio Community pool pool rar below murket spa and rec area $209 $235 000 Will loase OP· 000 720· 1363 11011 Bkr 644·0134 WHITEWATER VIEW l•CRHllLE PRICE TH£ MOST UNl()e'E NEW HOME on Hazel Or SPECTACULAR VIEWS ol window rock Ilda pools end canyon!. from ---------•I t :w.111tlr11ur111I .~ft" $.I l.111,IMMI C••• RHlty I l11v11flH11t Co. poolside & Irving area EXPANSIVE 4 bll<lroom. VIEW Palm 011sen Montorrey 7 years new CALL FOR BAY lS OCEAN Sell EXCLUSIVE SHOWING trodo or op11on 3 Bdrm, ol this security gated 3 ba residence Rae Rodger5 32 1 Kings Ad CC Plan ·300 golf. lake mtn vu S 189K S 100 as sum PP 7141855-4151 :.>Br. IB<t 1 $IOry, $11HQ cpl/Urps pa110 trplc. dshw!.111 beamed c.e1- hng~ 26!>0 Eldon $540 mo 6SO-1798 2 ~r 1 ea Co11a9<! car pets d1apos small p,1110 S4 751rno No pots !i40 4484 . E.i'ltitdo. 3 Br. 2 Bu don, lrpl fGd yard 9ar car pN1 drupes $900/mo ISi IMI plus $400 277 Aob1nhood Ln 556 1737 E sooe 3 Br 2 • Ba duplex encl patio & yard. frplc, r.ondo. 1011 tyf.ll' dtin wl unl1ngton wut l>11r frpf<.. npon Br.cit 314 h~dmttd Ct:tllng~ n•uny • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ex Ir tl s $ 8 9 ~. rn <I YOU DESERVE IT! 848.7452 or 84 I 2880 Bf>Julltul II. "ork ltko with Spac 3 br 2' b•1 vNy cli>.an twnhStl f>OOI loO ging etc S800tmo A1)t 544 1440 2 Br CDttagc. Nuwpurt Hu1ghl~ llt.1IC. redwCICICI decks, b11ck watk1. wuQ ocd. gar $7!'10/rno Avoll I 1'83 645·6625 terr .1ced pool • SP3C•6)US Apl$ •Priv.ite Pa110 • Co~1·reo P.i11<1nq •01111119 Aru.i •WilllL Ill CtO'>t!lb • HQme toke K1tcht:ln1> I ulk 10 Hun11ngton Cunler trar1sporta11on & lrwys 9'e81iB..AU ,.. lPHTlllEMTS. Beautifully lono" ped garden apt!I. Poot & Spe Pat1ostdeck1 No pats B.,;helor S395 1 Bdrm $<175 :nso vungu11rd 540 9626 Bachelors $410 1 Bd1m $485 131 E 1811\ 646-6816 161 E. 18fl\ 642·0856 61ulls condo. 3 Br 2 , B.t. lortn.il din rm lam rm. encl patio commty poot s 1150 644-0335 .1rt 5pm UTILITIES FREI 1 Bdrm Fiom S5t5 F1rep1ece pool dusn-Townn~e unlurn washer pvt patio X LQ from $650 Garden 1 8 2 Br on Et LAOUINTAHERMOSA Slife S'4G'O . $560 Leasel op11on or trade down for units or smaller home VIEW with two 2 bedroom units on large tot. Plans lor home plus guest t)ou~c and pool mcluded wnh the price. Submit S399.500 Onve 8L&IOIR GI lllHOll lllllE 2 Br. sophtsUcate<I Inte- rior. frptc. skyhtes, shut· ter. marble, tile wooa Gorgeous landstaprng, secluded spa Pastoral vu Greal ltnan avail Brnnie Ou1on 759-9100 o; Tim Rhone 63 t· t2 6 Open Sat & Sun• 12-4 Out of County dbl gt1rage $775. 1s1 Pro trl 2SSO last & i.ec 63 1·8283 34 MOTORBOATirnP J Br 2' • Oa, secu11ty gates S1:.>00 PP 759-0588 162 I 1 Parils1do Ln t blk 557-2841 w 01 Beach 3 blks S of Edinger 847·5441 llR. 21R. 31ft. ,.. E.O\J~L HOUSING OPPO RT.UNITY Publisher's Notice: AU real es1a1e adver11sed on this newspaper os sub1ect to the Federo1 Fair Housing Act ol 1968 whteh makes 11 ollegal to advertise 'any preleren ce hm1tallon or d1sc11m1 nation based on race cotor. reJ1g1on. sex or national origin or any • ont~nt1on to malo.e any such preference. hm1ta 110~ or d1sonm1na11on .. This newspaper will no! knowingly accept any advertising lor real es· • late which is In vlolet1on : of the law • : HIORS: Advert1 sers should check their ads daily and • by 200 1 Kings Roao in Newport lllESA DEL llllll 3 ~r P.OOI' home Assume 9% home & owner will carry with tow down As- k I n Q $.I 3 0 , 0 0 0 631-7370. 545-7836 TRADITIO~\L REALT\ GEORGE ELKINS COi COLDWeLL BANl(C!RO master 5U1te 8 large le- mlty rm and oll-street pf1rk1ng for up lo 7 cars Only 5 doors lfom en· 1rance to Mam Beach. New on marllet at $575 000 • CALL 144-1211 CONDO View ol Bay & Ocean 2Br 2ba Unot 214 Ver- sa1llQS Call from gate Vrew or po1k End unit E~ 106 3Br 3ba. lge pvt qarage CM . Hudson lay R11lty 645-9950 548-8636 6'16-5719 • • • • • ~ • • !f. • •• • • • • • •• • Cledn 2 BR t Ba, encl gar. SHOPPING CENTER pvt yard. no pets 5495 No San Diego Cty trtple mo 548-6680 not leases $200.000 dwn Bkr t.433-1723 RHI Est•tt £xdl1n-~ 2800 POOL HOME, Mesa Ver· •••••••••'•••••••••••• do. 3 Br. cJen, l!.• 6a COUNTRY LIVING ,S87~1rno ptus sec. opt to No Calli 7 acres. hou~e. buy 54 t-8077 f&C tor 0 C property Cons mrtg to $20.000 S&H 1 855-1400 Ysll."Es S1 •• 000 REDUCED Lagunu Niguel house & U 1 $200,000 I Rancho Calll acreage Nlfof l !JAIL.[Y & ASSOCIATES SUPER 3 Bdrm ,. , oa homo 'lose 10 schools .. nd 1>eacn 546-5605 Have you ever hoard of BIG CANYON CUSTOM. for H aw a 1 I"' pr op such a price In fantastic __ , ~ _ 011 golf course 20,,, dn 496-7076 Baysho.ces? Larger-than-Coll• lltH 1024 vacant. show anytime Ille lot rn one of the bet· •• • • • •• • • • • •• • • • • •• • • • agt $1.095.000 ter 1oca11ons. 3 .SR bar· E'SIDE DOLLllOUSE! 673-7761 or 160-1397 3 Br 1 ba. dfw cpl SI S6001mo 1948 Anaheim Ave Costa Mesa S465 2 Br t ba. 'frplc. 140 Cabr»lo gain! Guarded gate. near 3 Bdrm home. located on fll••lli••lli•••I Gl.IER.READ 2 prrvate beaches See 11 cul·de-soc Laroe 10111 --- today! Assume ioi.% loan. VIEW LOT IRVlllE Tl.RR/FU COMFY :t Br and !nm rm home French doors. tow 1st TO -want CdM du- ple• .673-7787 11111 Verde Villa HOUSE 144-IOIO Only $122.900. call now On Candy Lane Reeently ~~~~~~~~I 979-5370 ' NEWPORT owner/Broker 759-1877 2 Bt Condo t Ba Lease $595/mo Avail Dec 15th 631 -1266 remodeteo with huge $210,000 ~!.".~'.l.s••••••••••••••• a<l<l on lam1ly room DRASTICALLY REDU-Modern 3 Br ,2 • Ba Floor 10 ceil1r1g used CED to settl PANORA· Housts Futnislltd we• 1s1 o e house brick fireplace. wetbar MIC VIEWS ol BAY & •••••••••••••••••••••• 57g51mo 63 t-3566 or 1;:_ ___ ..._:uo.~!.Llo.-l<u.J.J.LJ....._..u.1.i.;•;,.i Mirrored book Shllh'·n.:..+...;oui-0~.j. ' 'N ~ JbH /$l•ta4-Jl..06. ~ mediate I y. The huge skylight onto the iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiij ------table CALL TODAY •••••••:••••••••:••••• DAILY PILOT wnrng room. remodeled • lllT OW•ER lllUST lllOV( RAE Ro o GER s Executive flm1ly or as-kitchen double stainless .. h 4 4 I sumes liability for sleet sink. t>utcher block IHESTlllHT . Beaut condo. 2 br. 2 ba 631·t266 s are rHt1I, r. the first incorrect counters Huge lot with Solid rental area S50. i:5~~~0°~;:~;;~opt forM1I 4i•i•C r11;"'liv ' ·nse t 'o onl 50«20 storage house ooo oown 10 i3•;. loan ___ ___ __ r•, 411, .3~ 11.: 2 r I n Y w11n wooo oeck patio. Gross multtpller ol 11.liiiilliiiii------• fr I ' 2 .. Ir .. ...._ ....... _ etc etc Catt ~ .. -----• c s, SUlt••C sl • .,.uynvv~ "Monagemenl ntstory ~ ••n• ··-~ ... .. L Ill lY I Hosse. for S•lt ;~·;j~,;~;~··········· ..••••.•.•..•....••..• THE REAL ESTATERS 546-2313 available. $225,000 Sil 100 wHt .oc.. O r J• lost of Ttr~s. PLW HH OF Price u1oti1lll1. U!'ltill()UI' f1()Ml:i Realtors. 875-eooo TllE ILUFFS lriYe lly 202 S. l1y- Easts1d~ 3 Br 2' Ba pr1vatu patio w/spa. fncd backyd. remod krtchen, 2 car garage $9501mo 151 1as1 & sec. 646-3532 Room tor rent-Outet backyard for Pet w I come $200 642-7714 FAMILY HOME BLUFFS 4 Br 2'i Ba xtras $950/mo 760-0679 ILUFFS 3 bO 2'> ba 2000 sq It Nr pool + ten111s tlub s 1000111'10 .640·2364 Nwpl Hgls, 3 br, 2 bo lrt· ple>t, yard. $8001mo C&ll· Jane. 646· 7800 3 l edroom, 2~ Ila pool spa Refng wu~h 8 dry $150 642-4ol46 2 Br 2 Ba S850/mo 3 Br 2• • Ba $950/mo 3 Br 2 Bo $1200/mo Fred Tenore agt 631-1266 or 631-27t 1 LUXURIOUS 4 BR wl POOL 1n BIG CANYON S3500/mo yrly lse, 644·9805. 673-8977 BLUFFS CONDOS Two ·3 Br ~ Ba one-1eve1 homes on lush greenbelt, comm pool. etc S 1200 & 1 0 760·9075 Blutls 3Br 2'> ba Fom rm. Now decor Large pal10 Pool $975 760-8384 FOR LHSE 3 bdrm 2', be a•eC home with pool, prof re- modeled. An new ap- p11ances Harbor tslana .,. 'S350tmo up Bach -1 8 2 Br unlurn & furn Newly d&cor Gas pd, encl gar dwshr, pool bbQ no pets 642-5073 pool spa 18992 Ftotroa Near 18th/Pomona. 1 Br.· 842-2834 842-3172 1 Ba downsta11s. dis, I & 2 BR pbot 1pa. 880 no pets lurn ova11 (714) 141-9595 808 1 Holland Cr. HB Btwn Slater/Warner oll Beach Partly furn bach apt A11 u11I P<ll<l Single female only i blk tiunl Bch Pier S16S l mO Sheryl 960·255 1 before 8PM ok no pets $400 Ag,ent. no tee 962·0217 J Newer 2 SR 2 Be. ~75 No pe1:1 760-14 1\ or 642-7528 evslwknds SAY TIMBERS 1 Br llreplace 8 pool P11va1e paho 8 garage $460 646-9883 399 W Bay St Lilrge 3 Br 2 Ba Town- house 1n quiet complex, •, " ta1ge pool garden set~·-i, ffl.~'!~.~'!.C.t • .1.~~~ ~~59~~~5 645-338 ~,. Luwry studio Ire HBO, -----' phone maid serv spa, •MESA VERDE 2 Br 1 $130 wk 499.3015 Ba Newly decor. Sll95 No pets. 833-897• New 1Br. deck some ---view 1 person. $460 mo 1 t>r. relng. stove. lndry.lia". 494-7314 Pets cons S395 1920 Wallace 640-6029 Ntw•orl Bucb 3169 2 Br 1 Ba 571 W Joann ••••'°••••••••••••••••• Up.s,a1r ~ No pets 0 EANFRONT 01>. .4 Br 425/mo Sierra Mgmt ) y wee or moo 673-7873 On the be11cn hotel I room apt k1tchene11e 8 bath lurn1s~ $250 8 up + dep 2306 W Oceanfront N B 673-.fiS-4~ 2Br upstairs quiet. encl· gar no d09:. 1110 Vte.· iorle $495/mo 631-6812 all 10 EIS1de cheery 3 BR 2 Ba pauo..2 .sty. car1>0Jl.. S675 mo 640·0997 RO $1800,mo t year •••••••••I tease ' WALLACE WOOIS 759 w 19th • ~!!'.~~~~ •...••••. !.~~~ -..iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil lley lllcC11.ie, Rltr. immaculately maintained frHt. 113-lllf or 141-1121 4 bedroom with landsca· 113-HOI __ __ ptng. patio and seller II· , • '1 Br 2 Ba. encl. patto. lrplc 2 car garage, No C M 1oca11on. $850fmo 631-7370. Ask for Jim 979.7300· before 5. 966·0550 after 5 0 Da· 11enport Spacious slnglt, {>M & two bedroom apartmt'1lt· Minutes lrom the beach LUXURY 2 BR 2BA . Marble pullman top Decorator drapes Plush wtw ~rpets Wa!k 1n Closets *****'**** •HYFRHT• IOU SLIP S A • I Y IHCHS411,500! 38 BALBOA COVES 3 bd'ltn-den-2 bath OPEN DAILY 1-5 ART CIOVIHnl REll TOR /OW•H •150-9111• ***--*****~ CLASSIFIED INDEX hPlac.e Y• M.Clll 642-5678 EHotlS A d••rlhtr• •ll•wld ....... teiolr .. ......, ••d , .. ,.,, .,,.,, ~i.-.li.ttfy. T1w OAILY PILO~ lWilJy fer llM finl IK...,_1 i...rtl_...,. HOUSES FOtt SAU 1002 -1100 OTHB HAL ESTA Tl 1200 ·H OO UtfTALS JI00 ·4UO IUSIMlSS, lMVISTMIHT RHAHCE- 5005 · SOJS AMlitC>UHCIMIHTS SIOO LOST & FOUMD ' SJOO '8SONALS USO SllVICf-DIHCTOU 6000 SCHOOt.s& IMSTaUCTIOH 7005 f"' JOIS'WAMTID 1175 ...,WAHTID 1100 MlltCHAHDISI IOOt-IOfl ... TO YOU .... IOATS & MAllMI IQUWMIMT tolO • tOtO TaAMV'o.T ATIOH t JIO-t400 AUTOMOllUS Hll-tt14 i LOOK For our new regular weekly feature ·BOAT SHOW- CASE Every Saturday in !he Daily Pilot Classll1eds EISTSIDE nenctng $170.000 CoroH dt l /II., 3JZZ 644-7020 •••••••••••••••••••••• $143,100 . LIHO HAL ESTATE so ot hwy Gtamorou GORGEOUS 3 Bdrm a---------I IBr condo Frptt pa110, c 0 t 1.a g 8 w / 0 p EN poal, gar S750tmo Ava11 BEAMS. USED BRICK & LllO ISU Dec 31 644-7211 Agt Lovely one bedroom and Charming 3 bedroom S H G --den condo Pleasant warm decor Priced to t>each home rn an excel-o of wy !amorous view . Poot and ,pa. SELL CALL TODAY rent tocouon. very ~ose 1Br condo Frptc. pai.o loan at 10',"• Owner will tennis 8 sw1mmmg Fea-Dec 3l, 6'411-7211 agt Securrty gate. S104.000 -86 R•od~ "· 63• 1_·1266·_. 10 clubl'louse·ac11vi11es, POOi. gar S750lmo Avail carry seoond trust deed. lures a unique wcular Ntw•ort •~•ell 3169 WALi $149.000 .flreplace, t>rrck paho & ••••'°••••••••••••••••• Tio .E•CHI 131-1380 lovely shade trees The Blulls Back Bay • ' l ======~===I•~;~~~~;;~ Completely prrvale I exec pad ready now 2 Tandem 3 Bdrm 2 bat~~ WTSIH CUlllEI bdrm & t bath upstairs ma5ter suites 8 den or 3 Deacn dVplelC Al th1J Vl(.W . •ni• .. I• fl'lllCl.IC w1Cfl ou1s1de en1rance b<Jrms 180 <1e{/ree view beach En1oy sparkhng • $349,000 End unit $1400/mo sud. private clubhouse. CORDI& IEL 111&1) Secluded 4 bdrm plus!.-----------. 675·3371 lor only $285.000 tee-call enclosed courtyard. prl· home featured ln.!lrange d h K today' 6~6-7171 vale back yar wtt 01 County Home & Garden pond. Very open and'a1ry LIDO IStE • 3 bdrm. 2 ba lamrm S 1700 mo Bill Grundy Rltr 675-616 \. THE REAL ESTATE RS ienms and private beach. Fabulously dealg'ned family room. 1ea1urtng Ye! Magazine Steps to bay wnh loads of glass Cur- & ooean beaches Fonesl rent ISi TO approx1ma-Lido ealty Hoults Uolu111isl1ttl craftsmanship 3 bdrms iely S l33.000 Asking •••••••••••••••••••••• THE REAL ESTATERS Find what you want Daily Pilot Ctassll1eds Going Into Business? A• required by law, ne• bualneaaea uatng a Flctltloua Bualneaa Name mwt reglater that name with the County ci.rk. Call the DAILY PILOT LEGAL DEPARTMENT for lorma and further lnformetion. 642 .. 321 Ext.332 MJ!fjijlt•ll & 3 baths $975.000 only $165.000 Owners 673-7300-,;..,,./ ~ 3ZOZ amuO\Js Ca» 540· 1 t51 ~~;;;;;;;~~~~~~ • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • •• ~HERITAGE REALTORS HOMES FOR RENT * 'MlSSIOl'rVtt:JO *' $675-5725 2 Br duple•. nice view S600tmo. 66~-7459 llEW CAPE COD C.111. lOWHOlllE Decorator perfeCI spa. 3 Br, Wem11tt."'ava1I now cr,ous 2 bdrm. ·2'• ba. S 1000 Harry Frederick. pool 1a<:uu1, recreallon a g t 6 3 1 • 1 2 6 6 o r erea pvt pa110. balcony 548-5506 FURNISHED or t Igo garage Deco wall tJNFURNISHm paper drapenes & more BAYf RONT . $995 u111 pd 675·2311. All UTILITIES 10'30 10 5pm l••e4i1te Possos· PAID. HEALTH Easts1de 2 1>r. 1 ba house. siH CLUBS. TENNIS crpl5 drps 1mmed avail FURNISHED or unlur-SWIMMING plus S495 mo Dunger 8 As-nl5hed. 2 mos m1mmum 11~ 957-0701 rentel Excel 1ocauon much more! Sorry, New carpet Frreplace. S I 5 O o / mo Owner 1 no pets. Models wood beam celling 6'4tl-95l3 _ open dally 9 to 6. Easts1de. very cozy S595 Large larn11y home. 4 br, 2 Oakwood no pets 63 t-0921 ba. 1501 Serenade Terr., SUPER "ICM Irvine Terr. tmmod avell Garden Apartments S 1000 Including water 8 Landlord needs big 1ax gardener Ounger 8 As-Newport BeM:h/No. )llof11<-olt! Sez Rent this 4 aoc 957-0701 880 lrvint Avt br 3'. ba custom poal - -· riome · Gourm<'I KIL Harbor View Home~. 3 bd (ii 16th) Formal dining designer 2 ba tovely home. pool 645-1104 decor thruout Natural gardener S 1200t mo roek lrpl secluded lncd Avail 1115·83 646-8646 yrd Very eas)' movc-tn $350 under market Agt, 5JZ-Jl140 Ch9 3Br 3Ba bl-level. pvl v11rd lrplc new nr SC Plan S850 851-9990 Newport kadl/So. 1700 16th St (~I Oovtrl -RZ:-Slll llAllOI llfOH -mms Comptetel)' cus.tom1zed 1•11!!1111••~~~~! Lautremont" w1lh tabu--OCEHFROIT lous ocean vtstll and ex ' quislte lurnishongs tor 3 Br. 2 Ba upper Furn/ tease S3.900 mo Anim unturn Wonter or yrly SchandetMaureen Wsner/dryer 1nclud Whtie 644-6200 Beauulul view ol ocean · lmmed. ocaup 11: Macnab · Irvine Private patios Gourmet Krtchen Carport w/storage Spa outdoor BBO Laundry S5501mo 548-t1630 2 br. 1 t>a. patio, garego. S500tmo 673-1458. 548-8204 IHTAtlT I• ··2 Br. 1 , Ba twnhse 8ullttns. 1.iund rm. carport1gar yard/bate Small Pet PK .f l p $625-$635/mo ' 2617. 2543. 25118 Orange Ave 2314 Santi Ana Ave CaU for 1ppt TSL Mgmt 642-1603 lllllllEDl&TE OCCIPHOY 2 er. 1 ea. be "' ~·· taund rm No pets. No lJl...S..1..m.o r~n l 1-eq- Sll00-$415/mo 22~ Maple Call to SEE INSIDE TSL Mgmt 642-1603 WESTUIE VILLHE Bachelor & 2 Br apts ova11 Pool. spa, laund rm No pots lmmed Oc- cup Bachelor $375 2 Br $525 95S•W 19th St TSL t.M;)mt 645-8122 , ..... .__,.._. ____________ ,.....,_. ............... ...,. Orange Cou1 DAILY PILOT/Wednhdey, O.Cembtf l , 1912 D9 . ra · _ ......... ·-· __ .. _:-~.'!!!'!!I! ••••..••••••• f!!~~~.r!!~ ....•.... flff!~'!I! ..•.••.....•• ~'!!flt •........... "-"I.~~!~ ........ ~~~!{1!!!1 ••...•...• f!!~!!~I ••••.•••••••.• r!~~!~I ....•.... ~ .•. Ti!! •••••••••••••••••. Incorporation, buatn•H c.tarnlC Tiie tnatelled, ... RMH Eleo1-Re,.,od•I• ............ Painting. plumbing, ejec . BUSINESSMAN WIL( PAINTER NEEDS Hlw II ••·llll TILe INSlALL,,liO •dvtoe AeuOfllble ,... typH R•I• CutlOnl, Add I 1 I 0" •• g ar .... SOH drywell, ..... cwpentry HOUSfSIT Educale<I WORKI 30 yr• .,.q, 11\ll 40 gal wtttfhelter $225 All Kindt GuettnlMCI 752-1M2 Comrnerclal Oeve Wfk~. Lo., .... L .._. • .,..," &41-7818 & cao•ble 844·8369 ••• ACOYttle~lllngeLIC --Ref• John 840•0211 ~' I 8A0·2082 •3H731, Ina .... _7S7t ·~ff. ;;H"'L-:-1.._.0 H"'.._.04 J -;-1 • 386180 ,, .... I flJ.••11111 •tH •-~.J•t I •t. '" r... ,. ... :J. ••lltt1• D P ••7 ••3.1 •• .. "••• ............. ,, -· • • • ••••• ••••••••••• Ct•ll•t lttl ...,,., ..,. ••c;.!:.~ ·~·~;··· Ycxi ~ It, we'll <10 ttl •••••••••••••••••••••• •111• einuno ., ... ., .. ' AC RAINOUTlER •••••••••••••••••••••• hbyelttlng my home by ···········'······:i.. • -i: ,.;;.:...'Y. Phlmb~y !d & Bobbi 240-0275.~4 COMM'L JANITORIAL ,,. CLASS PAINTING 8onded-lrlt·Ue 8344784 free Serv Oraln•o• 4 tovlng mother Ea1111ae None 2 big, none 2 •melt, ..., ~.. tit• & CA, RPET CLE'ANtNG WallPl"llf. Int/ht Re· FrM eat 1•624•6824 flood Probf'm eotv'd CM 548·2509 From A to 1 we do It all. ..,..., OrywaH • Stuccio • le --·--1 OM• Cleaning Service palra ;r, .. "" 979•529, Lle'd & 1na'd 538-0914 714·875-9438 lie 425181 ~ Remodel J.I . 641·"90 ITlll IAIUIU lJIC eonded ' 963-5474 ••ll•l•il•• - Lo""'8 cere for cihlldren In J•CK ,.. •LL T••,,,..s • Int/ -Bel Ille Painting ••••••••••'••••••••••• f,•lftl•!I, mvfr•fta Home. Full OI REMODEL . Comm-TOPOU"'LITYWORK ,. ..,,... """"" c111pen.ry, matonz . ,, J I ' JO .. ''I hi I ,.,.,.. .. c .... J__.. ·--GAft ........ •7 2.... • ••• ,~ ., Spec. 18tH S75 pr doy Horn ... n. no ••••••••••••••••••••• ,,_.•time. 552-4203 r"ldtntlal, •tenant Un-.A1,.AEAS. RATES --anr, .. ,... e111. """ ,.,. " • .,..., ••••••• •• ••••• ••••• plut mllerlal•. 973.5379 Antiques, ltlt cabinets. Motl s.ib)ecta, K· 14 DO IT NOWI ... "' ..... Y ovr Dally Piiot •UJ. provements, major re· lJC'd. • Joel 5'7-442 Dey Of nlglll. 75-3014 ~ _ Cu1tom Deck1 • MHonry ltne painting. 645·066• Dey/eve S8 &. $12/hr Ell ••••••••••••• P!~'· Bt~1renovetuo2n0• Prof. w~k •I unbMlab Pelnllng. Catpentry .. IHIH.Ju a Patio ~er15311Ree017.8 EUROPEAN PAINTERS .----~-II V.-I-,--Mr Morgan 6'4~51711 O HOME BLDR cuvt corr .... , one, e c. ~ CefainiC TW.. llc'd a ••••••••••••""•••••_J•• FrM eat. --ne .4 Apt & h~. Int & t•I ·-· •• fM I - -•""LLER JOBS yrs Orenge Cly, bonded, rtt ... All WOik OUW· N ._ .. _. •44 .. -• -.... ..OllH'S CLEANING ----FrM "' 646-8349 eva ••••••••••'' •••,.•••••• ~Directory ._,,....,..tative '"'" lne, Lie • 191801. Pl· lob too Amt. 813-3568 ...,.,.._, v ,.., ... -. lervtc.-t lhOf"""h"' #•lt•ll -------.. mj W/•'•W C/t .. i•f hou-. FrM c .. I .......... l ,. ..... -P"'IR ---., ••••••••••••••••••••• Lowell ;--., •• , Prompt. ..... ....... ,.. • •••••••••••••••••••• tombo onat .. ny1 m1 nvwo ._.,...,._ " • clMnllouM 5'0·085t s _,.._ • s h 1 " 91t. Clll Oen 537·0342 962-8314. paint, yard, FrH heul ........ -BRICKWORK mall Job• ,, .. , prole111onal•, 1S ""Home repali/Remod "Let the uni 1ne n Frae eec 76t-4a.&a Newport, Colta MMe, y11 ellQ. e:Je-7149. vFtk·ll S«vlee Catt 8uMtllne W1n0ow WAY OllSTlffTlll tr~lne. Rel• 875-3175 i •Ctr....,,try •Plumblnn Cleanlng. Ltd. 648·88~ ta .. lt, tlf. Ill ~ ~~~~~~~~~ frJii::'!T. •••••••••••• :: IX'fA. carpenter does ~Mf'-lllM .. l'-add'M , remod. dedla ~•••••'•••••••••..,_ Sllytlghts a repelra, Free SLIOINO GLASS DOqRS .... Oen, 84 1-4592 tnat.-.CS/ Aemod, add'n• & conerete. Uc. 361881. Doore lnllalled, every· J~ 192-1H'7 \hlnO In bldg & repelr. 35 rr1 ex per. Rel1. Jerr) Rl!MOO. SPECIALIST ' ~-" 13 JG Allen. '-le. 202752. ----------8onded. 494-1810 ~ ,.,.," ---------1 ::;'f';'; •••••••••••••••• No 8'9am/No Shampoo ~--'-S.triff Stain SpecltllSI. Fast ........ n............... dfr. llree HI. 839-1582 50% OFF FIRST M,ONTH --· -------Dependable, alfofdabte, SNimpoo & ate•m cleen eHenttal. A'nswerrnJ CotM brighteners, wht service. eecretarlel crpts • 10 min. bleach bu•lness Mtvlces, mall HaH, Hv/dln. rms SI 5. avg box rental, word prooes-rOOM 17.50; couch S 10. sing. Telex-F1ci1lmlla, chr SS. Guar ellm pet 0tdef entry, ~·-teeae odor. Crpt repair. 15 yrs buy. deatl space rental. ••P· Do work myself ANSWI " NETWORK Reis. 554·0123 131·9131 (ult lor A.II.) We Care Crpt Cleaners ~11':?'.t •••••••••••••• Oril1•ways, Pafltlng Lot Staem clean & uphol. Trudi mount unfl WC>ftt pr. 645-37 HS kind• Prompt • •••"-WllTll - -l••t ,.. ,._.. ..., 20% Monthly OltcOUnt Lie. 11420802. Plane nlble coet. 842•9125, •••~•••••••••••••• Block/Brick Walla, Con· ••'-••~••••••••••••• •Eklc. •Fin Carpentry WE W"'SH WI DOWS Financing Avllilable 842-2741 • DUMP J08f • cr~e. Very reu. Llc'd Expert wetlcoverlng In· •Dra·Mold1ng1-Ceblne11 ,., 141· 11M a S~ Moving Jobi Hleh quallly tiouaework. Bob 873-5367/536·11906 •1tll1Uon. Reas. Consul-•Shelving •l'aucett lo Feet· Prol tonal J Catt t"E •••13"'1 Ellperlenced, depend•· Custom Brlck·Sto~ lent AM1gnm1. 581-8590 gar. door aprlngs. Big or Ou1t11y worlt guarao1eeo HOME IMPROVEMENT • .,, •• " --• bl•, honHt. lntelllgenl, ·-smau . we do II •Ill f'ast. Free eatlm••• 846-7311 ' ALL TRADES .......... "A............ HAULIMQ.QRADING mt4lculoue, fle>dble. t am Block·Ci>ncrele-Stucco Farthing Interior C>efllgn efficient service. 20 yr --------- REMODEL/ADD'NS ftHI demotlllon, clHn-up. 1 he be 9 1• phone Reis. F'tee est. 549-9492 HANGING/STRIPPING 9 11 p . , B 3 6 2 6 6 1 . -------------- 641-8987 Topped/removed, Clean Coner ... I t,_. removal. 873-7012 etter 6 PM BRICK WORK. BBO'a, Visa-MC Scott 64~. 951-6()87 lt1tt ln lt••ir .. I up, lewn renev 751·3'471 Ouldc *"· 6'2-7831 WM61dey1. AM day Satur· flreptaces, planter• ./•Iii t•nll . I fl -----t That all contractor1 wt1c CHiia W~•M-LIGHT HAULING d-r and Sunday. Aela. Free eat 648-0484 ••• • •••••• •• ••• • • • • • • • H •I, . ptrlorm work over l20C ••••••••••';";':'r.";O":°"• ....... W l C "''"N UPS ,.,, --------CUSTOM wood patio co-•H•••be•• R .. •j;._ .. •t1 =•• Including labor enc ell.._. L.... • HOUSECLEANING: ~ooc1 #m•• 11e<1. redwood decks & u N:..,·r00eco~-r8 .. .:;;-s s. matertai. mull be Ileen. ,.. Mowing, edOif'I, <ailing, Frae ett. 842·2867 rela. Tr~lloo. E•· •••••••••••••••••••••• fences Rend1v 6• 1-0622 ... ~ •• """"' Cabinet•·Putlmans-Bau •,.,,~"•P~".ll:,.7Fr37e•. HIT· HAULl .. '''.atu.._1 w/lna 11tr•d. 979-976C. *A•1 llYlll* ,_, .. Uc. 411802.. S48.-9l.3 ~Unlicensed conlrac-wan Units. 842-0811 __ .. __ -_s_~ _____ 1 ..... ...,, •-5 tors should 10 111111 In Huck. H IH to rttH. C>uellty HcxiMdeenlng Top quehty 2 yr exp ll•it.tlliuit IMf PIMU•t I their advertl1i"O· Con· DH .. · !!'/. Lawn servlc. lrom $11 Thenk you 759-1978 wltlt a Pertonel TOIJCh Competitive rates •••••• :.r..:..T.o••••••••• Don't re-root, repair e tractors an<I conaumers . I ... mo Yd cteen~. .... JC>M • Celt Beth 150-0933 No ovenlme 730. 1353 ED'S PLASTBRING f r • c t I 0 n 0 f' c 0 s I -con1·~1 ••ary Gron .. ._ II •••••••••'•• •••••••• ding, Ir•• work. Ken N 1 i ..... 1 11 1 · -'"' ,,_ Supply/lnslatl/Replllt 964-1033 Conorele r9m0Yal & heu-Hoviecteanlng, reliable. -ABC MOVING· ea P• c ...... , n ex 857-2890 (714)558-4086 wllh •n) Lge lelecllon + herd· ~~...,----.....,.---1 Nnt. Pellot. Drl11.Waye, ref. Own tranap. Rea1. Oulclt. Careful Service. Resluccot 645-8258 ~FING REPAIRS queallons Con1r1ctor'1 ware. Bob 646-2923 ev1 K&O Landecepe Malnl. etc. Jett. 648-511$1 YOLANDA '42•0405 Low rates. 662-0410 PLASTER PATCHING Small jobs OK. Fre State Llcenae Board, 28 . Reaid/Comm. Clean-up. A 1 / 30 Civic Center Plaza, SPflnk* •r• 548-~4M Quality HcxiMCleenlng STARVING COLLEGE estuccos. nt ut. estimates. Cell Tom o Room 690, Sant• An•. ""'''"' .......•..........•.•• ELECTRICIAN -Priced right. Ire• estimate on large or small jobs. Lie. 396821. 673-0359 LIC'D ELECTRICIAN F-esl. ELECTRICIAN Sml jOt>s/Repatra. Lie. 233108-C-10. 541-6203 ~... • by 2 ambitlou• lemelea STUDENTS MOVING yrs NUI. Paul 645-2977 Chuck. 642-6392. CA 92701 . o!~d~:.~:.u~:,~)'~p.: :·::.u:-,., •••••••••••••• 960 ... 37 980-6289 ~~v,~: u~~~~~ 1h lft11t11i•l-$~,,-r-lt-.-,--.========~ malnt ... lrH trim, amt 2• • ~ l4la Ml HoueeclHnlng tor the WATCH us 'GROWi ! •... t!!'I............. ••••P••R•o·F·,E·s··s·io·•N•:L•••• I nd .... ,. 3u" Furnaoe-pcol·water l'teat Holld:J•I "'ood refs. ' " 8 tcepe . ..--..-~ Plumbing, heating & drain SECRETARIAL SERVIC New I0,000 ITU Furnace Chris 1-0893 ell. 3 11oppagu, house <tr 754.6388 Land~·Yd Cln• Tree trlm/r..lov-Malnt Irrigation Jim 811-0t29 *'"' •t11111• retr111retor & lhermeetat lnetalled comm Evee/wknds. Em- • by Richard Sinor lie neymen Plumber. Con- 280644. 13 yrs of heppy tractor lie. : 252960 local customers. Rua. rates 494-3413. Thenk you, 831-•410 881-5068 DOLLAR DAY DOUGH SAVERS ..... . •....••....•. ORESSMAKER & FASHION ~SIGNER Reetonabte. 6.46-8« ... ~ no-tong« needed Item• for cash. If It doesn't .... w 'll run It another 3 d8YS FREE. One Item INES .. .. - • per M . ""*tie priced. SOrry, n0 real eetete or oommerdal Ida. Ctll todey for full details . ........ ... ..,.._.,.., . 3 3DAYS , cl.Ass1F11~1842-5678 . . .. .. ~ .,. .1 .. • t i I ' ., ... Ortmgo Conat OAll V PILOT /Woon IJ.'.11..ttf~'-~'!. •••• !.I.~ IJ.~11 •• 'f~.a,t.'.t ••• !.'.~ ~'-'/l'.~~. ••••• .. l.~f f~!~.'!~!!. • ...... '·~'f !f.~•.t.'.l!~~.'!.~t • .!~f f~.'!1 .~~~ • ••. "-4.f A•t1.••;l lllOl~.'.~'.~ !!!r.!!!~ .. •.... ~ ... '!!d~r..~1.'!_. ••• •. ~!.~'!. !!!r.!!~ ..... •. t>dtt•ltu<tiot1 N.ow hllll'l.f I ull & l'J I 11:AHtlll tlOJlt" -i*I BUY** N~l.;Jfl t •w..illv•L~lll6ge. ~ •• .'.~~!!._ ••••••• uu AMI 1101 TIJ f.'rftlUd•. rlllll clttan. fflkllrffl• 111f 'lutl ·COlllt llt •or tc> W()I k Cnn .. , r AjtMI Prel, but T, hll" Ooc; 2 G f' M JI{ 11 lilt·~ C>ll 44 O•• ~4 " lll(IPJACK ••IL .. , .. ,, • • • •••••• •••• •••••• •• • bum• 111(1 "'" "000 ••• • • •• • ••••••••••• oti Mobtht ltom11• t1u1ng. nbt llu1.1u11et1 W1u•• Co1tl1118111 OI 1111 ( 1111 OOCHI uud I 11111111110 A 111111 tmQ 10111 O~. 0111 lwll1 ~~~~~~J 5-000 Qhiy 'tt'1hOt1, pli.kufit 6 1 IO Au~l 1000 fur~t 640 70!>1 73 VW <.011v111t no lll'ff rooftnu & m111(;, 11.u.7e fl N•11011111>1• Tiff oniN Conar ha~ Ovt1 400 A111Jh1111~e• Qn 1 vo.llH••ff 11111 U•u A ltn•I Kii coupo '4 10 0110, ... 11 ~e.ooo mil•-· tufly 1o11c111c1 J llJ a 1:Jr1i.1t1, nu:• concl c A orn ALSlAllRANT. lhtnU 111(; uOlnQ Ollt. (If Ill ll>fYOO ,Ull(J 011.UI ir1r. l(Qil'tl 100&-Jbll ISt k eunroo(, oo t:Or\IJ Llkt .!I.~~! •.........•..•• 1000 83!>11167•114. ONI AC.I 1>01m10111 14100 w r>Ctl N n 111uhboyt 1o1/n11t11)111 "'"'~ MAITHS &llOTIOI 11110 IHJI Ctaolt 111· L1.p11111ke A3ot3l PllcHetatllng•tl n11w $13 ,400 0 0 0 ou JJgu.u >e.Kf cpt 'IO YW IM~ll OtH ~!1,P "110~.r' H<·~ u~ ,), 1.141 8881 dr11uer1 w /mttr~ 14t .... au HH M1111< !>llutlttl (Jo1~e()u, C11nfu1y UI)' UOlll. 4 Cyl, ... u .. 1111 I ... & • ~ ~ M [II 0 •. ut11Gk 11\C:QUflt 1mmoc. While 17 r.f mt 17900 .. " , e1a1.1t111u lloc>k < >1111• • • Orny 5;11;00 Ult> b 101 ' 8~7·01!64 o~ -mu11 'INt r;41;1 t'.184 A11u11111m (.ti 1)11111.. lc111c;y 11 t1111wor ~111gur IRllT-E n.atu1al 1,111t.h w/ obltt 1 676· 140 NURSING SewtnirM Chlttl. l•uni\•. I IUY F -. c nlll\r Vuluo SllOOO 111 10 l!i W1rntw1 70 llP 7!1 AuOt Fo• N 1h1 111t1t1 '11 J UIL COUk 11111 11111" 1111•1urn 3 Lllkln oo•k• o•k Vt<: '"' 0'>7 II tJ I kl1111 S4'400 641 .0'18 ( vl111ud• 11f1w 11 oller WOik $1000 01 I> 111 ot 111111 1 1 vw Supei Ott I lo, ••l><•lll•ll<...-\I h11111ly 1tytu $!1!.00 tl•'ll til2' f 8l>7 4167 Jll ()()(j llll S9 iOO r. b It • "0 $ I 0 0 0 l ut ""'"" 111l1111111n1tl 1'0111'· M4Htt• ''''"' "°' runNITUl'L N[W #J1ctllHHll " •• 61~ 2740 846 57~3 '"~PM ""m" mus1 u .. ttt11t• to ATTENDANTS ntno i;o11. bodroom ""''· , ..., -~ 1111 I lllW • 1112 ., hL . •13~ WO,' ~u~•,,,111 ,. 111 1 ,1 a1deuo11ds. -.rvo111 3 111. Mu\I 1ttlH Ce•h ..,,.,... IHI• ll•I •••••••• ............. •"•••• .,.,, ~ ., '14 YW Ill .. ""' ~'"' • Mohou dt1co pnrtot 1'11 Pile&.·• ol;.aft lft •• • • ••••• ••• ••••• • •••• / • ••• • •••••• ••••• •••••• hJOI gooct a t600 Mu.at gunu B<M1.1t l (lt ot1to cull EXPERllNCED Con1uu 18111 a.I OI (I b M4t1rt1n.~• & fc;xmd 1..i C'"'" HSI 69 C.hlJ DOG mi ti" ni;w ..,,.. 0~2·11418 494 IM'Jtl A1k 1C11 Mia 1 11 r 1 1d u"; T 571 1 11191 llLP lllP A •••••••••••••••••••••• 11111 N11w v111nf, 1110t, 100 C•)1111·~ F /T 8111 I P.M. s~~~~n~~h~~.0' 1~1:.:111u ouO:::'s tH • K~no s uu Ill lff TMI c~~!1;~1 ~~~~:,··~ouec much 10 1111 S32~0 S•· 'll IH, s111,.1t OOOl SPECIALTY FLAGSHIP whoel& Ood <lout>lo mu Se>l11 00<h $197 ITIHTS 171h tt11u 2310 R11l1>'1 4 W•lfl Dt/1111 ISS llOU• only c II GSO 1009 llll'tllm con Like now 2 Y•~ O•ll• Ill (.h11ttlkll ro1 GC8IH ... ViCIOllllll iiiltn & l tMtalftlt $247 MolhtH llhOrt Of (,\)Sh Mullm11n 837°7001:1 lAAGFsi ji:'ep0oiAi.i:n 72 Gh111 co11vel1lbl11, •lrll $3400 0 00 644·62•8 M t1111H11111 , ,.,1,111r .ir11 CONVALESCENT :~cd ~~1~"'~~~=··~~;:~~ Solu l')1n11~J~ w/4 '"'" ••'1611~ •1160 10 w12111011 toll Rt SF RV c N 0 w I 6 O. ... ... ~e'r~tltow~ unse'er1•-nOk.r1u8t ,v,,111, Y._!~ ",~ ... ~~c:t1111a Vo/110 111Z Ablo t(I tuoi.. M"1llUoton, 10•1. btivur s "'tlltnl"m "ISCO'JNT HJHNll URC i uirt ,,ui ·Y' •O" eon o Schoon1tr Chi 1•1m111 uo-,. • • SlLIS·Sl8Vl01 '"'" ""'' •••••••••••••••••••••• Can1onttl!tl It '•"''"w"n ' ... ~ " ' '" hi• •UI l(n(I c;11roor ·~ w' )'OU, J C:P 113 1 y I •• I slyle 57 !IO 11, 4o 11, ., ('[NTER Call Cllarles for dtllolla 19!19 IH11bo1 Olv<l Ni•ud 101 z011111 10 lelllt .-11ru<J1. llulu wotch Hlgh(!St Dollllf Paid lflSlll M•1tl• II t Yt I tr 71<1/846 l&l!O ~ ~ARRY MORGAN AUC Co•to Mou 63 1 GG09 011001 lht llH C11i...nli Partlot l)IC: 646·40051 Call Gary Orey 8JI 204P 4195·•9~11 •••••••••••••••••••••• 11 Or•a&t C.11fJJ 4!11> I lllgshtp Ao11d TION d !i78 G•2 4800 oa••11 A••ST S llLEl•Cl l .. W Ct1i .. ttr Person NewpOtt Beech t68S Toronto Way, CM '!' r 0 ' ' • • l••I• l•il IOfO --· A • • •••11 SllYICI F 0 ( 7,4·5SG·990t 6•1lwn Velvetwn 8 0111 A l4 nra ••••• ,................ IMO/ •EEP/llllll .. LT 264102 Marguerite Pkwy -' 12 10 '3 PM l\4u11 lhru f " m•tc111110 Chlltt & olto Lido 14 lull recv 111o.e ,,..,. • • Mission VleJO &•I Ulllll f argo Sandwtcn Shop M I 11141n $200. bui.t Ofl\!I pit WANTED Twin beds. llrm $2000 Dyl 1191.501 t, 2524 H •bOI Blvd CM (Avery E.lltl Oii l·S) OVE:RSEAS DELIVERY 6:l • .io4o ~IJ.IJ!!'.~~~ •••••• !.~~f ti/6 4009 mo11tennt1rame1 or 1'VH 4116· 14:!4 549"8023 ' 846 1770 Open Sund11ys ()(PERTS DELIVERY 111111 Port ••mtt HARBOR AREA w1111e c 11nopy bed, twin. 01w11 C0011e1t1ble couen '76 J11ep Che1oke. 4·wd•. faporo~m.tltl tor Tl/ and Hovscl\eepcr & OCCilSIO· APPLIANCE SERVICE QOod COnd•llon $40 240 1168 LIE• s•LI 2·dl , ..-1n1 quid, •ml 1101 Clloldc uru $3/hr Wo sell recond . guoi 846•5793 "'! • me ch . ~ body work Appltancu lmmo.>u ope· prnler m11tvre 1n Newport applla(ICes 540.3077 Konnt• Sloop 23', s 1500/0BO 499 Q065 nln(J Leon.ii <!~ ABC TV Bea1.h 6!>0 3966 r101a11on-;a1e1'bed. clou-t2· t0·82 I IAM early or 1.MIS & Appl•d111.•• 11Jo 46 I IUY &PPLIHCES tile. good cond. 575 M111ical Iii.Ille Yaohfl :6'8~3~;9n1~1'a"p~t H.B Eve~ ~~~lorT'!'e~kends Les . 957-8133 846-5793 •• J~.'.'!!'!'!!~.1! ••• !.~~~ lOD Lillo Puk Ir., S3'Jo~ CHEY IL~~~:078 DELIV(AV PEHSON, Ovl'r 18 tor L A Ttme&. CM liomes 3 AM ·6 AM Econ car req No Cotlt!C- ltons $400·S4SO mo plus bonuse:. 646-0637 Hosl)ot16ible adult~. over w asller·Dryer S 125 oa KING-SIZE WA TERBEO II.I. 2 1 w1lh ou1S1and111g il1· Dishwasher $100 With cl.ar-tt walnol bOOk· YAMAHA Bose Amp. 111·11Sl '78 CHEROKEC: JEEP Hdct111e IHlJSonahltes 10 Relttg $200 646·5848 c11se headboarcl, lrame.& Hind wltll a double 15" Low m1. goo<I cq'ni . wotk wollt you in (ages bu•ll·lll drawers, healer & PV speaker cabinet. All $3700/0 lr 645·45'!3 IO 141 Call 2·SPM. REFRIGER"TOR 1111ens Xlnl cond $350 In u•celle111 cond1t1011 IHll,·Slill Oreg _ Frost tree. 2 dr. $ 165 3 76 $800obo 6 42 432 I IJ~I 34 6 893·9060 75 l · 4 t IJ.ekf 1010 frtckf 1560 E 0 E Single Nouvea~ Bed & 131-0111 1-IPll •••• •••••• •••••• •••••• ••••••••• •• ••• •••••••• DENTAL ASSISTANT PL ANT MAINTENANCE Near new Microwave & mattress w11h l\eadboorcl BOAT SLIPS AVAILABLE t974 Chevr~e1 '• ion expe111mce 1eq·o . 4.4 . 1 1 GE Oven blun $700 SSO Call Answer Ad No Geme1111tor<Jt Piccolo So· Newporl Beecn 25', 28', Campet Spottal pickup roule n1etoor p (111! eA· Call 67S-4009 30' 35' 40' • 45' c~u d I I AM/FU day wk, e•cellent pay wt p.it nei;. Oepet1dable _ 580. 642-4300, 2<1 nrs ltd Sliver $300 080 · • ,. " Alt con II on no. 1n beneltts Pvt Npl Ben vehicle roq 1s 10 30 hrs Ge D1shwas11C1, nr new 96a·1396 642 ·<1644 lrom 9-5. ste1eo cauelle & sharp! othce 646·4868 per wk 64S· I 180 Almond color s2o1) bst Wing back upholstered ~on·Fn Asking $3400/or bllSI otr 675.4009• chair from Beets Excel· Tokam1ne 12-s111ng guitar SLIPS AVAIL H 11 -1 -offer Prl. pty Call DENTAL ASSISTANT Full time, l1on1 & back experience. REA. X·Ray Lie reQ Sal61y open Some Sa1uruays. be11e· ltts. Newporl Beach area 64 2 -6880 All 5 · 642·6887. Eves/Wknds 847·8032 PIT Ch11stmas vaco11on work aulo ma1111e11ance dell11cry $200 $!>00 wkly c a11 Cnorlie 646 5781 PI T Secretary Wanletl 3·4 days a weei.. 60 WPM Nowpun ConteP Hourly wage nego11at1le Call tor appo1n1mom SEARS Trosh Miuhar S75 Good cond 1751 Pn! nro-e-1 S-ITT ; e-ir1 _675·4009 • ..._ 1.osh1b11 Microwave vMl8· t>le. power se11111g s $250. 969· 1453 lent cond S65. 673-3600 w/cose, xlnt condition H b Bun ngcfn 545-6974 11 no answer. '5 Pc·Pine 01ne11e sel w/2 ' $200 Kevin 548•3~ 84~;55~5~ S46}1~6. 6·: please keep uying toaves_ $..3Sll.. Ollict F111oil111U-P M • 8 4 O • 4 0 9 7 ., Toyota '76 AM/FM S•e· 9~4-7167 eves Ei ai•miol IOI 213·43 1-3764 reo casselle Small Dl'"l'"G/GAME TAILE •••• ( •• ~•••••••••••••• Lower Newport Bey -Gamper shell $217 5 " " 2 solid Oak E11ecutlve S 3 673-6618 46 · oclagon. w/4 blk Dilaks. 4 Cheirs, Cte· • lips 0-3311 $811 naugahyoe ovetstulleo dem.11. Debby 642•6272 Side lies 15·2411 $711 -. •WANTED•* cha11s $250 846·3126 S w ales An ch 9 -S Toyota PU. 71·'74, w•· n 11 i--..iiilii-..iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ vartable petcentage pl&· SLIPS AVAIL Coron• del ~~S::r;~~ceg,~~~o~~~ 1• lemaker Buy/assume Mar Area $9 It Call 75 Dodge-500 1•, Ton practice 1n M1ss1on V1e10 Relngera101 15·, cu II Hen1edon 72 · Cerved 530·•227 \.Inda 955-2473 wkda dual reor wheel•. 14') Area 830·3703 w en localed Pe1>1nsula Xlnt condtlron $ISO w<ilnut bookc:a-s·tt cost Pell IOI 8·5 Ital bed sta~e $3570 olhce has open desk 101 960•1535 $4 100 sell $1900 E1han •• •• ••• ----s 5 o o o 0 II he d aggressive sales Allen Rus1 Uhr over stuf-••••P•l•T••1•u••L:• Pl•P•S Dock lor 40' sail boat No · 2 rig • m es DRIVERS NEEDED and 1en1al person Gen· Norge copper side by led chr & ottoman. cost " hve a boarcla 3 blks ll02362 I S 'Son sch side Good COl'IOlhOn $1450. soil $650 Antique 963·3020 EasllPev111on 673-4928 RE·SALE SALES No Exper Aeq FI T & erou comm•~ 1 11• 675 6 60 --.,.--Andy Brown 645·2963 p / T . F 1 e ~ H r 5 d u I e P 1 a ya ~ E • 1 hall tree, 11unk & much T nme Mc Caw w /$200 Boal Stlp available tor 40 -- $ lO·$ l3/ht Slarllng Pay 1•6•7•3•-1•9•0•0------i Wasner g Dryer more 9S3-4339 cage. blue & gold $999 10 65 boa• Nwpt Bch Small Bo1>ca1 1rac1or. CallS37·2880KingFee ,. xlnicond $22S or tr ade t or??? 63t·7777 --new, 5x8 trelter. •Int Recep1ionis1 -E-1t-po1-,e-n-. 731-1766 645·2963 PP conc:t, $3800 6~6-1597 FILE CONTROL CLERK :-ced. must be ottracttve ----Jtwtlrv 1010 COCKER SPANIEL PUP· 10 ff lttril& ·eovw p u. lo ml, AM/FM 101 eicc1us1ve beauty sa· Aelrtge<aior. like new, al· ••••••'-•••••••••••••• PIE"' AKC 7 k old wllh.boal S t9.SOO •tereo wl cass • asking lor Nwpl Bch Law F11m mond $300 Ladtes 14K Yellow Gold ., • wee s 646-4005 ~ No e•per nee . bu! mus! Ion 645 40 t2 Cosia 731-,1766 Engagement & Wedding Dec 2 Females $27S $5100 obo 645·1926 be accura1e typist Attn Mesil G-E IS 8 c:u-!t lro•t lien Ring Set $735 S52·3586 m 1 1 e 9 S 2 5 O ,.,,, St11'-;I 1090 '6SGMCV 6 Pickup, runs Sales-Service-Leasing 1112 IMW CLOSEOUT Nice Setec1ton• * '74 3 OCS, 4 spd , lealhe1 (960NACI * '76 2002 4 spd oun root (2S5PL VJ * '79 3201, 4 iipd 5un root (54 1932 I I * 79 5281, &uto lea- ther (53438201 1lt '80 3201, 8UIO roo~ (71840961 135-3111 208 W Isl, Sanla Ano Close<t Sunday CHOICE INVENTORY VOLUME SALES s-· IOI McLAREN llW Sales·Se1vice-Less111g Fullerton (714)110-UOO Open Sunoay UIUS ' ~ •O• YOU. • !'j'H"4UO.. ' ntf IY' ... ...... . PACIUT'fl 14H MW SI CISIA lllU S.J IUI 81 380 Sl. 7000 m1 W11e wheels $38.000/0BO 213·832·8979 TlllHIH IMW? '8 1 Mercedes 500SL, We 1>eecl your trade·tn! $37 .950totr '80 Mer· Call or see our used car c e d 8 s 5 o o s L c manager. Wolfgang Jull· $28 950tolr 494·0167 nek, lot hlghest bid! · --·-----• LOIG BEACH 81 '78 4~0SL. wire wheels, all Sales·Servioe·Leesmg 3670 N. Cherry Me LONG BEACH (114) 131-5110 op11ons, 44,000 mi. MINT Prtcecl to sell' · Mrs. Ales 645·8730 71 l\Aerc;edes 300 Diesel Excellent conc1111on. S38·4207 10 d81Dtl & hove pleasing SALES·talest 1n European e ~ --7141640·5130 ·····'·····~········· "OOd good 111es utll h C 1 • E up11ghl t1eeze1. abl 5 yrs Beautttol Diamond So1t1a1-" · ' Olll"-E "•llTY'S p ono manner on ac l11net.s llortless. elec· old very good cond re I 23 carals Apprat· • • DRY STORAGE box $800 Call btwn • -741 450 SL Brn/Brn. both Ba' b a ' a M u r r a Y Ironic exe1c1se1s as seen S 17S castt 552-0105 ' sed S 10 000· Make ollerl p,,BOI I OrfHI I090 . 6-IOPM 5S7-61164 OLIHT lops. loolls new, II 1.000 646·4827 on TV Ponable units 101 · • •••••••••••• ••••••••• Monthly boll storage ---m1, $15,450 Eves, 6·8 home use P tT , FI T A 1' 1015 ••ade ~quily on properly Oak uprtght player piano. any SI.le. 24 hr security: V•ns 9S10 & pm, 650·3231.or Iv.ms" Food service supervisor. 975·0619 673·6939 • .".~ !~!'. ••••• • ••• • •••• 645·2598 man I e I e c $ 5 2 0 0 tree leunchlng • ••• • •••• ·~·•••••••••• " tor Sr meats program'" LARRY MORGAN AUC-Emeralds Rubies Sap· 1/381·4812 -IEWPOllT 11111 77 Chevy •T, xlnl , air, 631·6300. 31 Bryan Cosla Mesa 5 hrs pr S I 0 I 'II TION D 2 d 6 PM . . I c; ass • Io m I . #C 9142 day Mon-F11 $3 so hr I ts1 U SI I ec n · ph11es e1c. at wholesa e Hammond Organ Mell 1131 liok II" Dr II $S500/lrade 496·8313 Sales-Se1Vlce.Leas1ng •••••••••••••••••••••• Previous food service Perso11s1>le, mdus111ous Reier lo ad u11de1 Anl•· pr 1 c es o 1 be Io w I M-111 walnut w/Marlc; 1 MG Midget t977 Conv exp des1table Musi ltka person tor oulslde sales ques. 640·8688. preset 'g back grill. $950, t44-0510 73 Dodge Van Conver-ortV CARVER Xlnl cond yellow, Pnv working w/older people g~~~·J~;e~i~'.g;~g licr,dfl IOZO Rings.ladles 14KWht gold 673·5122 • ---;i~n;·to°'~,a~\t6':~~'. NJI Party 3rd car, only 47, Call Jo an or Mu 11e1 ••• •••••••••••••••••• wedding & engagemenl ..-1 b 11 1 ht ano fr••l•Otl•lioo 1()1.S l()'iCE·tvvfW 000 m1 With promise of 83S·80 I I ask tor Jom 01 Ke11h New Schwinn 20' boys ovei IC Appr $11.000: " m a up•~ pt • •••••'-••••••••••••••• 646-3843 'l<l.•.-~• .. ,,._'"'''"" T C I $2800 GAS STATION PR Sales/Oll1ce Mgr bike $65 sell $8000/0 BO Answer good co;4d6:7~ c •• ,.,,, s.1, '64 Ford Van Economical .. _ .... !l> ..... ,,,........ 0 ';... n ~~ y 6 4 6 . ~01 ~~~ UIU Ill YllYI • 1966 Harbor Blvd COSTA MESA 141-1303 HO·l411 '12 V.lwt. 11200 642·9386 11• Ytlvt w., .. Excellent con0111on 548·6620 "RHAU SALIS" 80 Chrysler Cordova T Top 1382ZYZ loaded 8 I Ford Thuncletblrd 21,000 miles IBWY057 $5350 EACH Buy • Seit • Trade - 443 w eay. c .M across from Robins' Fot'D Parts & Servtce Andy B1()w1> 6"5·2963 C•'ill•t 1115 ....•.•••••.•..•....•. TllE URIEST SELECT101 ot lalt model, low milea- ge Cadillacs In SQUltiprn Cahtorn1a1 See us tod'ayl IAIERS CADILUC 2600 Hatbor Blvd . COSTA MESA 540-1810 For 1a1ge sa1lboa1 mlgr ~48·9669 Ad 534 642·4300 24 hrs le•I llZO 6 cyl. $800 '76 ·2002. 1 owner. red/ 857·4222 $ISO 10 $300 wk Parl MacGregor Yacht Corp -2-F_O_L_D_U_P BIKES sioo -----Skiia1, 1013 ,•••••••••••••••••••••• 675-7498 1an, very clean. 10 m1. -----'80 Fleaiwood Brgnm lime Call 646·5781 9-12 l631 Piac:entta. c M "'· ....... ~1 otle• D1amo11d Earnngs Unique ••••• •••••••••••••••• 60 ~!levy \, Ion. amall VS. . -1 0 8 de d $ 7 4 5 0 #Cl 1144 d 'Elegance. mint cohcl .. Noon'""s!t-fof S1a1~!"::::-1iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~-ML ..,..,, design 1. Karat •o~ 6-ln H-e<t++~ -'"f'etllt-."10, -wlC111'n9et. ~ c~ "1!75:tncfS:-67:r-4!f.'" ..................... _. ....... .&# ... --ioeded... ~ it< .fftl--673·5223 wetgh1,set 1nP1a11num& "i.>OOt " Or11y 38 hours sips 3, stove. ice box, BFG.TAs.spokemags. .• w e;.C:S:· 'IO MIZ 300 D Mk otr 645·7"00 alt ~HOSTESS/MOST SECREllflY R.E. 1o speeo Ross. ptolessio· 14 K gold Valve. $1200, Also have a 1977 For-po11a·po1i.v. dinette. AM/FM. 1rlr hitch •Int ~=~~ °$;;93g0 ~0; f!,~ 1mmocu1a1e lull power, Gpm . 20 lo 30 hrs pe1 weele Secre1a11al position In 1>al moctel $150080 ask1ngSSOO 641·3098 mole 110 20 ft . ltke $1000/obo 654·2079 cond $2995/0BO ~•l e 4 99 •2430 • sunrool, aux fuel tank. J7Sev•lle 4 dr,•ln\cond.-~:~a;~ !~;s:ne21;1:· ~~·~r18or":'se~~1~~~ c;:'c:~~ ~5223 Mi.cellHt081 1010 ~A~~~ aa~~ 10~ ~.~~ ll•l11i1" lik11 1140 645•82s2 alt 6 pm ,. _ 5<'0·9<126 ~!~~ 5~v°c;, ~~~m1~~1$1~1• loaded, char~al gray Reubens Newport oll1ce pos111on 1equ11es MS~~·; c!~ sf7~6~;2geot A·;~:~·0·;·~~·h~·9~·;; my. Jr. H out, pleese ··R~d·B~~;:~;·M~P~l~j .. ~!'!.' •• Vf!~'!!. ..• !.~~'f D•IHll 9 9 5 M a r 1 y $7000 •97·41 t8 261 E Coas1 Hwy. NB gooo 1e1epnone voice. cat>onet -$?S; billhroom leave message! 5200 Firm WE PAY •••••••••••••••••••••• 714/973-134S or eve· 1973 4 dr Seda" de VIiie, ".t.I Desk Clerk lyp1ng, shorthand & BP· --~47 ·9098 ·marble lype·· sin~ In I K2110 skis. xlnl concl. 645-0954 n1n9s 673· 1344 ¥ood motor & tires pearance Real estate 1o d p ---soo 646 8610 NCR posf1ng exper re· eicperoence helpful but Womens sp eugool door & 2 dtawer cabmel wllh blndit>gS, SIOO. MOPed tor Sale Under TOP DOLLAR 0 I 1146 -· qu11ed Apply to David nol es11ent1a1 Preler local $125. call 847·6622 plus matching 2 door 642·7558 675-'6720 500 $ 00 . .'/!. •••••••••••••••••• 77 Eldo. Fuel tnJ, oom· Mr Netl or Mrs Baltazar or 847·9098 wall cab1ne1 & • marblo mt 4 FOR USED c•Rs 71 Opel Manta. New tires. nfetely ""01pped, •o.ooo ~ res1den1 For 1nter111ew ----. 11 hell 11 10 Rosllgnol 190 skis, used 546·7066 • N--.. k $300 ,. ~... " between t1 AM and 4 call Mrs Duhl c •• ,,,. •· 'sy1poeo. wleampseta:. &glass' once. llke new. $75. .. I I w• •••••• """' engrl'lewor m 1. lik e new Only PM y C -u ,,..111c1c,. 548·0621 $5495/obo. aft 6 pm Wesler I. •riv o. r .. ,,; •• ,,,, 1030 soower doors, 1tke .11ew. 642-7558. 675·6720 PllTl&C/HIAll 979•7229 Motel L1cu11 Realtors 644~910 ••• ";1·"'·············· only $SO IOI l>Olh Call • "--~ .-~ ScHllll 11se 2 80 M bOf Bl cl ,, •• ,., 114• 42S So Coasl Hwy LB I rkretM Outfit Sf!.tll•f. -• flJ .. ••••••••••••••••••••• 4 or v •••"••••••••••••••••• -lu--uh--l--_-_-_-_-l:-f:-1•~a 494 1IS 1 I TE E 6"2·0138 • ••••• •••••••••••••• 191AJi COSTA.MESA 76 Peuo-t--504-weg<>n. •••••••••••·•···•••••¥ • SEC'Y /EXEC 1-Ec'iroseM.t:-'.'-rLr.iE ;yrtD~~,~~~ w*fiRF"ORo CRVSIAl HlP lEIP "a s 1050.0001<. xii 5c.,o:ct822 541-UOO au10. ps. ale. pb, ga!I, SEE US FlllST'.-Moasemn--f'lnanc1a1 invest111.en1 firm coniamers 5250 or otle< Lismore & Alana Pat. 1.4 .,.,.. 1 &•I· 1•11 S34SO. 851-1048 ANO STUDENTS From for educators Personnel 548_8669 1e1ns Glassware Ill lff TIE t977 Monda 650 Super --1150 We have• good selac· 1 housewlle 10 ano1her . commun1ca1tons· dept ,.. $28/ea 5S2·3586 STIEm SPotl. orig mint concl . WE llY -7il-08-,sun--2-8-0-2Y.-.-lo-e-ded-f!!!!~.~••••••••••••.. lfon of NEW &. USED ~~~E~ ~~~:s. An~ ~:~-~ ~~~~ 'Ytee~1::i~ [!!!.!!.!~!' •••••• !.~~~ LOVE HLLOHS Mothl'I shfJI ot,:;;sh '1700 83 ·1937 CLIO CARS o'o~ra~ l.'n's c:~d o·i4· MEISTER C11evrole1SI g1mm1cks Ask tor Linda exp a musi Non·Smkr BooQuel$ ol 30 Helium needs size wel to .-SOHoNOA 250 XL 4000 •19 TRICKS 640'-0340 prelerreo Call S53·0940 "Oii" NEEDS l NOME Balloons dellvered any· sta~ her 5·yr.·olcl son °1 m1 e11tras. ro1>s •Int. • 714/859·7200 cliys PORSCHE/AUDI Sweet. lovlng Collie & time 673·44 t9 In Is surfing career M UST SE L l S 85 0 1980 280 ZX 2 plus 2 Low COHHEU C HEVROLET IMSURAICE Comm'I properly & cas- ualty asst E >lP nee . min 2 yrs 1nc1 lypmg Xln1 benel1ls James ln- s ur a nce Irvine Call Mau111>e 752·0990 (EOEI LOSE WEIGHT ·BE HEAL THY Malle SS-$ App1 857·8724 Herman Manager working couple Sa" Clemen1e ocean· tronl condo compleK 72 units Expe11enc:eo cus1od1al maintenance. bookkeeping No pets Apt plus salary Send resume to PO Box 3101 Sen Clemente 92672 Secytrecepliontst wanled S f Nood IOI Sanla lo lea11e 548•7174 · 1363 1 Harbor Blvd tor small CPA firm 1n 11-hephetd mix adult e· LOVE IALLOOllS under the tree Call ans· · mileage. Loaded. $8900 Garden Grove vine Tax secre1ar1al ex· male needs good home Boii"ueis ot 30 Helium wer ad •578, 642-4300. '79 Yamliha1i'Oo Special. 642•9281 S.les·Stnict . ._,.II.tr I•" Ii · ""'l l\H'' 546-1200 Moving • cant take ner. " 24 h 1o 000 1 t ~ cl pet prel 833_·8_0_4_2_~"1 Please can 842-0100 or ~~~oo;7~~:·;~ereo any· ·--rs~~~~~~~ & 'ciea~10l;~°J'~,O'~o~ ·rrEJ~~3~154670 s sp lt1si11 ·77 Chevette Sl675 Hpd. Servers. S yrs exper . 969·1221 Cell aft 6PM 6416·0953 RE·SALE SALES l 14 831 2333 air (002SLll 1>e1ween 3·5PM m per-!'!'!'!'!_'!_II:_•--~----Irvine Coast Country Qub ff, l•4i•, 4413 w Bay St,. CM • RE-SALE SALES son Bob Bums Restau-Siamese cal, 5 yr, spayed Membe•shlP 101 sale, HJFJ llllH IHI '8 l H onda Panpttrt, 1111 llYlll Andy Brown 645·2963 79 9 1 ISC· sunrool a/c. 443 W Bay SI C M. ran1 37 Fashion Island. fem Healthy lal & lov1· $1500/oller 675·86S1 or ••••••"••••••••••••••• Brand New, 800 ml. lop dollars tar Sports p/w, rlghl & lefl m11101s, Andy Brown 645-2963 NB Apply 111 person bte S48-IS69 alt 5 (619) 568-4722 Learn Electronics Sac rt I IC e S SO 0 · i o. 200-5>Lloaded, lo ml ell le111ne<,.CNrsecon1rol; ----------Bell & Mowell Tral,,lng 642·9288, Pat C~ Bugs. Cempers. tmmac cond S5600 or Slereo, lo<1ded. 11t1a 68MahbuConcovrsWgn. • Telt·fJ•t Wirt C1tl•I S•ll"I ...., Anne Klein soft leather Coo1se, 1nc1o<11ng. 'll "-S ... 0,-,--.-1-914~,:~l'~/C MGR oest otte:. 551.<1810 clein $17,900 Call 327 au10. I~. runs o,eritor ••••'••••••••••••••••• Jeans never worn. Stze 16 Volumes of eleciro. • 11 111• 63 l ·•72 1 6 46· 1030. greet, ps, 11c. hit whl. Exper d wHe operator COii• 1111, 12·14 $75 548·2739 ntcs training lrom baStc Only 4700 ml like new JIM MUllO 76 B210. new pa1n1. 642•6177 $675/obo 554·2079 needed tor major broke •••••••••••••••••••••• 5'5" Local Mollon Surf· 10 advanced TV repair; $lSOO 642•7748 YOLISW&IEI • clutch. i1lnt cond 111 & QUI '65 Chav Novi. 6 c;vf, new h H 6 AM Ch11s11an Church Perking b d kl 1 b d A Design Console tor lab ---18711 Beach Blvd S23001ofr. 968·8854 80 911 SC Targ1, blue, 1 rage ouse ours Lot Sale 792 V1c1011a St oar . ng wa er e • experiments: llfolor ul•ll ••1;1 l NGTON BE•c u ,. • •1z3 loaded, ltc 10183 Cons paint. 80K orig mil e.ml 10 2 PM Cell Mrs Pratt Sal Dec 4, 9.to 5 Orea! MUST SELL, best oller AH kl 01 I M Ii n' I ~· HUN I " n ,,,,,,, ~ trade. 642·1384 PIP Im C8$1, completely 547·010! variety ot Items. Good 646·t272 eaih 1 gila u•· R11tlSto1•1• 160 142-2000 •••••••••••••••••••••• stock . Xln t concl . -meter and solld state ••••• :t.-. •••• ••••••••• GRAHE COllTY'S loll• lo•ce 11S6 $1750/bst 011. 960•1722 • Temporary. lull ttme gen· Buys. Come & See Cabtnels, custom kll , triggered sweep Osclllo· Outdoor Storage. Boats. WAITED! OlllY &ITIOllZID ••••••••'••••••••••••• ---------eral olhce work tor CPA -bath, wall units, storage scope, lrallars • or what h•v• r. ) Ci1zd11 lflS fi rm Typing e•pe11once F11tiiture 1050 Low cost Fine qlly Free A :16" Heathkit Color TV you 645·7656 FERRARI "1 DEAlb IN U.S. . ••• •••••••••••••••••• req 646 4420 •••••••••••••••••••••• est 642-9125. 642·2741 with digital clock, digital -----1 ULHSllP' '80 Cordova T·Top $S3SO Management TEXAS-OIL COMPANY L1g wood desk, dark 19 Pprl.ible Black & channel dfsplay & elec· A1lo Stmto, 1•111 I • JO' CARVER (138ZVZ) lo1clecl. Utottll'I Markets neeos maiure perso" for 4·drawers. •lt>I concl While Tit s4o tron1e lu1>er I I Atttllflifl HOO I~ IY'l 1 c ort.r'I: RE·SALE SALES .' -t, TrlillttS short '"P' surrounding s 10010BO 645·8358 642•9125, 642•2,..1 All ot above are com· •••••••••••••• •••••••• N...Jl,.J...J.NJl\...L 443 W Bay St C M "' 0 c c plete a"cl brand new PAINT ' hie body WO(k, ~-Al • ,..,,,.,,,. ,,..,,. Andy Brown 645-2963 l•&i• YHr C•retr ronge ounly 0<1tact Wllite ltWI Stfl tO Della R. ad1al Arm Th11 11 a $1700 value up 10 SO% of~our Ht ... -... •~ • ''" .,..,.... cus1omers We Hain . S 1 •"'"'" Bl •4 .. ,.. 001 9 t22l °"" -n IW 1•1' IHI Slatt you• new career on Straight commisston 8 I h Good cond 900 Saw $100 Wtll Hll or ..,.,.,,1 11" ,.,,1 • .. ,,....., ... •••••••••••••••••••••• our 3rd shill earmng $4_ tlullotng prodUCI Slits Orig $3m. 1296 642-9125. 6'42·27.t 1 631·9106 MtK HIGH P~RFORMAN· c......... . 3100'WesttCoast HW)' , ... ,. ----1-1-,-1 '71 FORD Ml\leflek Good Up lo S4 50 as you be-W11te KP Dickerson 4X8 lully detailed MO BEAUTIFUL 25 ' RCA CE & Stock Mustang "'*"o_.u .... u NewpO<t Beach •••••••••••••••••••••• cond 3 new tires, econ come mote exp'd, You Pres .· Soulhwestern Empire Counsole Deck, 1cate train lay·ovt Color Tl/ 2 yr wrnly. patls 5•5·8558 642·9405 Saies·Servlce•Leaslng $850 494·3211 wlll be promo led 10 Petroleum~Oll 789. Fl Ork Wood, 36 · X 35" X Bechman eng. Alheorna S 148. Free dellvi:ry Auto tow bar and hitch. WI Ill •8., 308 GTSI, Ru/;;-lk. SlHUHOl '75 LTD $_t_3_90-·10-43_M_O_ll- mgml & supervisory le· w_o•th TA 6101 _ 23". S_250 644·7418 catS Must see Kini Open Sun. •s ~ ~150 ' 0 11••11 · 7 8 PI t $ I 8 9 O 11els Call: 714-S37--4840. $ . 6 6-786 " ·~~ • USED CARS & TRUCKS atereo, POh!lhe<l wheels. -n 0 Interviews held every TYPlllG Sota. earth tonea 2 mon· COhBri0s1m88! ~i101 1 ;o3o TV John 1 4 1 673·5223 COME IN OR CALL FOR 1000 ml, $50.000. Days 111·2040 4H·•HI !68909UFZ8D1)rmont Wagon Wed 6·7 pm a1111 Del Clerical, llghl bk king. 1hs old$ 150 . 662 7451 ' -• Slereo console AMIFM. • FRO &PPIAISAl 8 3 5 -7 5 O 5 . Ev• 1 • I"~ $3870 Mar. Costa Mesa E.. O pan time CM s48•867t 731·1766 • Medll atyle w/record A•lfl llr S•ll Cormler·~Llllo 974.7490 ''"'' •• E Man'1suedeJacket,neve1 chenger.$200 759-1731 •••••••••••••••••••••• OllYllLIT ••'•'•.i••••••••••••••• '81 T-B lrd $$350 UCI Support Group needs Brown Rech1>er, 2 monlhl worn Lg stze, Remington IMPORTANT NOTICE n:,, . 11Z5 '11 GtllH IT l /I (18WV057) Part 11me oll1ca coordi· old Sl7S Elartrl c Razor, uaed Stereo System TO READERS AND l82t1 BEACH BLVD :z•••••••••••••••••••• 13250 S cl · •M/ All lnelude 1uto, elr. po-• S SW tell 731 1766 v $150 HUNTINGTON BEACH '78 13 tS wagon xlnl sp • '"· " -a SHH II °'* na1or Personabla, ma-__ • once Man's ioe SkllU. 731 1766 ADVERTISERS cond . A/C, !ape deck, & FM cau. Slvr/Blk. itlnt RE·SALE SALES F1butoos working c •· iure 3 dlys week 9.12 Large beauuful Dreuer 1119 12. xlnt cond _. lh1 price ot Items •cl· 14l-IOl7, Ml·SSl1 mo•• 13200/0 BO Prlv Pty 676-2224 443 w.-.. ST. CM tlon• No 8KPl1 nee Some 1yptng phone w1tn m11ror $125 646-4S"3 all 6 WfliMd by vahtcle dea· _, ~~~·.~r~~ ;~f\~~~ 1_w_o111_._e1_c_8_3_3...,..·3_2_05 __ 1 131 • ..,66 sro-0 WORKMATE IHI• I 11'11.. ..,, 1n 1n. vet11c1a ctaNI· Top Dolar ~·8358 ·n Toy ceuca. New nt, Al'l<fy Brown 645-2993 w e cl --B & S 5 h•/•t•t ltecl advert11lng columns '?9 Fl at Spyde• 20,00. ~~~~ a6m7/3f'!'49011er, le, ll1tt111r HSI bOf', Fullef1on 87(H;192 an1ed. xperle1>ce Solabec:t $75, couc:n S75, As New 4 •• :;i.~"·••••••••••• <1oe1 not lnclucle any Pa'ld , conv s spd, met 51 var, ~_.,, ... ••••~•••••••••••••• ApPIY between 12 and 5 Boc:ty Man with own toots colleet11nd Ibis. call Dan 673-5221 lk•1r•I Hiii appllcet>la tuee. llcenae. 1 1 lmmac $5900 111 '05 Mtfc ry Comet e :r. PM Mon·Sat. See Kelly & Re I s Ca 11 M • r le SS2:4592 -•••••••••••••••••••••• trinalar teat, llnenc;e For V"'•r Cirl ow m · ' Volk•••f•• u ' 49S 951 1 SCRAM LETS "" Cell 675-2287 •••••••• ••••••••••••• 1u10. tleet beltea 1~ia • • Marble Top colle. tabie • ldlll fHL IHI ch1rge1, lee• for air poi.. JMllSH I Ill '11 UlllT ILi R un a goo cl . $ • 5 o 22K66", Ptnk & wSl oval, FOR SALE tutlon con1101 device B••'• ll21 2 Dr. air. AMfFM sttreo. ~390 IHOMlltCS lttlltll Mull have EKP Full/ Part·tlme. S13·S15/hr a 11111nS! p1 y Call 537·2880 KING lee. WAREHOUSE beeutllol 552-823 ANSWERS 042·4844, M·F. 9·5 cer111101tlons 01 cl .. l•r LIHtll• .. fllfY •••••••••••••••••••••• Ne 11 •• 50 mpg clocumentery prepare· 2626 Harbor Blvd. IHI• MllTillt w r ' . ' 11•1• llS1 No Exp Req ·Fil & PIT. Moving • Duncan 'P'iiyle Typhus . Logic ,.,,,, ll•ialt•••CI t lon charges unlua Cotti Mesa 540·5030 w ~ 1 B 1 5 4 8 • 6 3 5 5 d a Y • • •••••••••••••••••••••• $6-ltO/h/ St11tl1>g e•Y· Slyle !bl, t!l chrs, xlnt Famed . Ceughl ""'" Hao othlllWIH specified by HIGHEST c ·-su Imm-. ...~ca~ .. P ...... ,• ~~aytou•· 873·5<194 eves. '78 Plt>IO SI 1on'' Y,!!_oon,. Cell 53?·2e80 KING ree concl. $650 275 E 18th TODAY •••••••••••••••••••••• th1 aclvarlllef. " n """ g,._., "" u .. .,.. '73 VW Squveback. euto. good cond I · ....,t O. _____ ----St CM 548-8839 There's only one thing MAAINE ELECTAICIAN dillefy fM your vthlela, • bla lllectlon, 1•vlng1 11400 far. 754-1389 ••llioel Assist. Weidar. mtg & Mtup ••-Movtng • Double bed woru than spending 0Mtgn1tn1t111ll/Repa1r A•llfHI/ domestic or tortlgn •nd ~ tO<Sayl 842·9375 ' .llrnitt1tA ---:l!M=-:c-: back olllce. Dermalo· per needed Long hrs. malttest & drn1W 1125' money like there'• no Olty work S49-2S20 Ev C/Hlifl ISll 651·828S --•lftlllTY 79 ..,.C_on ___ 1_1bla--Bug. new, ••'f"1•1••c•R·1~:ET••·:~ ... logy, Newporl Center good pay C1ll lor appt 275 E. lllth St . CM tomorrow 1avlng •--II. i •••••••••••••••••••••• Al,.I l•..nH IALU I lllYIOI --. ~ Mon & Fri g.5, will train, ~7 1 548·8839 money like there'• no -~, '' •• --'53 Studebaker ClllM910n ••••• 'l. •• T.-.·.···••••••• 2950 Ff•rbor Blvd alway• In lhowroom. 000<! t1ant90t1ttlon c ell wkdy 1 Rudy . WELDER ---TOOAV :-;t•!f•t81 --6 PHI cpt Nlct tar AJI• ..... 11'5 COS'rA MESA :,~~: :11:.h!!:it ~~~~ M_s-ao __ 1_1_,___ 840-<4601 M..,.-"r1: Yacht COrp. Twin bed• complete. Mi Ou , ... -:::-w k t y••••ht0 • •••••••••••N••• $3?50 2l3/602•1792 •••••••••••••••••••••• 1•• 11•• or oll1r 552.·2971 01 &.-.i.. "'' 1•6...,.31 •-A--tla. C M Die apoo1, J1ln1 cond 170 1 o ...... nesa te ar1 •c ... oceuory. ew _ Wll I llll ..,. .., ..--n-•HLS t ESCllTS -1 ,.51·0665 wh0lea81a Out 01 houM pul'1•1'1t1C Brau Slllp1 '"4 1 ... 1 l•••t4 • 831-3889 •••••••••••••••••••••• E.xpi only 642·4780 9e3.3750 tor cltr~llona Clotk. never mounted or 1949 Ford Woody wa-llFA ·-· ml '78 Accord LX. me10011, t9M VW Buf.w/1971 fnO. 7~.J:.•:.:.P~.~.'~~ •attrtl FH• It.re Wl~IU l•t4e• 11~!~~·::.~·~01~~1~:~ Pinball MIGhint 1276 or 71~15:2-7833. 1 2 5 O gon. 113.000 13•1 ~:.i~;r.41~•omatlo Good cond 12000 E\199 88,000 m1 . SHOO Ei11> Pref. Full/Pt1tMlma POied walnut i>Ht 1175 trade tor ??? 6 Miiiion S & 67 Piil• llK per month 1192-2000 714/1St·7200 dyt FIT 111per • 123 1 ~ $12·$14/hr to 1tatt C111 G4.t·6'4Ql! Man, 6 Playor 045·29e3 Traller, du1tl•••. good t929 Ford MOdtl A Town ·for 411 month• on ep. Mr. Cat11h1n'1 '78 Civic, •ee v~ 8119 Fl .,--upp;; "'iC" - Ce>utHwy.Lagvn1BG . 6-37·2880KINOree --PP eond S3d0. tnfletebla Seden . SI0 ,000 . prove .. credit C'"" newo1utc11,1r•n•&vel· nde 1 .. ,,. or"k&"'•'nl··e 11e5Hna • .-t>r1•"· Nlrvan1N1turalFOC>Cjt. Cooch, nearly tft!w. 7'\', ltncl•r"'ood concl '200 87&·8181 " .... ves run• supar .. .,.. w ..-• l lr, Pl , r1dt111. 460. .... """ knOCkl Ofltll ~ )'OY UM rt111fl~llng Dally Piiot CIHtlfltd Adi to 1eacll IN Or~ -CO..t martcet ....... Phone ~'· •----------rvat a blue on tin back· Bo>" Bllle, d111y1>ec:1. mat· • coat ·S u ,000 00, • 1 $1200t>tt olr 842-1748 990.1112 . .. ,,, .. ,.,1,1 ground '200/bat otr tr .. MI. king II ma"'"' ~6 It> COA =hor ' line Forcl. model A 'H , Snay r11tdu11·SS3M 14. tolal ~730• mull HI _ A/C ----~' ••• ~ ................ 640-6752 eat, 1ll na111y new tOO Ht· 8 raprod Aolld1ta1, tldt of peymtf!t .. 117,M• 18 Muat 11111 '77 Honde ll~r~':_e:.,L~; TA~IJd. .... 1!.'!f A.ti 111 llOI 653-1801 evH ,_,,._ ,..., Hf mountt, rumblt •Ht, To atert teue (111 month cvcc Stetlon Wagon, -·.,, 111 ····'··••••••••••••••• S.aullful 01nl1>g, Am Ml. ,..~~ TV ...__. Hee ••• .-.. ••••••••••••••• 1ttf19. fronll rear llM-& 11ce11 1t)·t••~ 4 ., ret>ullt anglne, 111100 t•uga Pko.~o::oeo::c, ... '11 ,_.. RetlftgVler, Wllnut IQP, ....,,.,..,, • .,..., '° ·r 4 C1Hlorn1an, 111 llbef• ter . Pinto t n g, 1uto 10256fl Ste us NOWI OIO Mt nat w,~'-'99"'6'"' a •t.• 7 37 , MM Of Mte .... 8EAUltrUL QUILT hom w/ ornately dulgned lal*tl, Cfltl711rOllar Cell OIHI 10 w/Cti.vy fno '""' hlHtO• rt,elll aaa ..... fl ___:__ ...... 1...,.. ~,. f ..,....., Mid w .. , $t50 wrouont Iron leg• 1nd 811&y 84l·lott Vel'IHn Trailer. good lf\lf!k, lull cowr fft per. .,..... ~ wflO ~ ~ ....... -'# Call 7&0• t9f7 ctlalfl (Cl) llfew, 12500 OdV-MY 11 VIOeo ~. 15 running ~ I 1711 ~ '8ctl L ... ttlan 4.000 ml 84• Dove 9,,_. llflould ~ cNctl the '4 T ·•lrd, wNte, lo "'11 s.tl thlflll IUI with Deity allktng U00 ot>o 01y11 t~. $200 Perty C"' 147·6"t Of M:J00 Cell f73..&47• eh N(W"°"T llACH a.'tilCt 0Wec1ory In Ille ~"d, 1 ow"''· Piiot W1n1 Ad• 841.:JON. c.ror '0 840·13t2 139.3009 6 lll.... DAILY "1LOT • ~'" \ l -----~~ ---------------~-=----------......... ""'!""-..... • .r-------~-------- Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Wedneeday. December 1, 1982 NB 87 NYSE COMP0SI~E-TRAN AC'FION Q\IOU'flON• IN(l.UOI HAO HOit '"' .... YO••.MtDWIU. '"""IC,, ••. •ono11. oeuon ... o CINCIN""" UOC• t:llCltAliOU AHO l!ll"OUIO IY TMI NUD AND 111,ftlll f ~ . ..\P~" lltr="'' .. ~ .. 1:0'~~: ~~ '""'rn:L~~:c·f ... ~.~~ Mtlm .. l~~~:''~"'~.~~ ~, ... ill::~::,~: .r~ •"" "r,~7~::·:.r~ .'6 '" ~ .,. t QI n .... "' •d ,)t 14 q'' I ''-"' ,, I. 410 JI "' ''" •• • IO ...... ' \/. 'o~n,' t,' J 11P1"""' .. 'It,.~·. !II • .r ";> t M I 405 Ullo; V. llWtl 11) It I I V. ~ Le t, 111• I• • II) Ill~ tO l N ~llo \l Jill • .. w ... .. , ,,. "' r.· UU2 ~ tl\l't ' 11• 1•w ~o •' . UI ., ~ K t * * . \It tltl .0' •U IMll'•: ti~ ~· P~I .... .. 11 II • "' -~ Sal~ Ntl I J.111 J 10 to~ Ito IW i 1 llO J t 4' • " t IJ • .. 11 tft... 11t rllQr "1t 102 U ll'I , t I J,10 .. U U'l.i .4~ p E l>(I\ C•o~· CM J"n ·; 11• ) .. • .. Iii t t.10 • ~J ,,... YI v • • to If.. .. ,y,,, ,ID u DI )J\lt. ~ .. •2 • e tS\'f ~V 1111110 r .U .. t J'-Yo t tllP 04 I leln t•Y. t to I " ti lh I>" \\ t t _,, UI , 1t U §:'"" ,fO • 1\i O'fl, '!< tf 1... . ~••"'· . ~''" ., Np I.It . 1 '° • II. Oom•1 .10 .. un 't""'-.. '1l!l't t M • 'lfi ft'9 "" ., .. ua .. II ...... \'I tllC 1.a·; ·.,, ,,."'. -.. """ , .., I ......... :..tl V lurncly .T• I• 2'0 21'41 t '41 0oc>fl A6 2' t I \l-Vo I r. pH,«I " I t .. 1 loll. pf() t 47 , t IOll• • -111 I. )JI Uh t i., .. Ill 2\ 11.1 1'f• \oo """' l11rrllll uo 11 ttu ~-. • '-Oolll .10 16 'lit t 11. ~ IJ " llf1 ff YI "• ~tlr 1,04 t• ~ n -vo O•l•f , ttJ 14V. • V. tlAlr .'41• at~ "'-, t• • au11r1n .u u .~ uto. " 0onr11y 1.42 1J 11 .,.,.,.. .. "' •,, uu "'r. .. ..aft .. 11 . 1 • ~ fl'. 1 ,eo" • .,., • v. '" .:.. "-~-1 •., ... , •• 0 '.·~2 /1 ,.l", ~l .. • f! lu• .. • ,. t ll •• ..,. Oor .. y I 10 • 3 ,, I .. • 1ie.o • ,. aftl ... " !Ilk v. WH • 1• •• II) • I" • > .., •• ... -C.-C -' Po.,.r .10 11 71' " " Ill UI I, t 7)1 J ~. 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Md CUI> .•10 QI 45""+11/o ...... pff,..,, I "~· ""SovP•< 2 . .0. 464 :i. ..... ~ "I: nl 1.40 • 330 21Yo .. ~ aftSoW , ... • 910 ... ,._ \lo Edlslr .... 12 .. 11JtV. .c 'It· HIVotl : IS 11 lJI 11/t + "' MtKO ..... ·soo SI~-"" Pellnrol t.20 • 1041 ~. "" So Av pt 2 60 " n v1 •01n.J'.!2. .... IS .. \4..... Huc12'•. 19 23 -Yi EdW1rd .tOU au 331/t-IV. HllnbCI S .I014 .. 11~+111.Motnllnl.J2 .. "' 4S ., .... '""PD• .3'11100 2,...1~ SoUnCo •'M't 2S2 11~:.·v. ~lf..:.i;_C~~ · · 27 15-\lo aftllLI 1'tt • 1• ••~-Vt l1t'3pf;·: 1 66; ~ v. HI'*°" 1,IO 13 Ull 44~• ~ MetM 1.7 .. II 220 1• " ~~.'t~ 1.,; 1~ 6fr, ~~ ! 1"' Soullnd t'.16 9 2• 41 • lit Al1e11G •• ~4m m~~ t: ntLt Pf 4:JO .. l200 • -.... EPG~ J'.1S :: !. 21\ll::::: H"° .. 'I~~ n.2~ •,,s •,!.~ ~-,v. ==~~F 2S6 .. ~ J~t;·;·~ P9rkEI .!OUHIO ~-v. SoAoy .0910 367 14~-.... AlldCp uo s 174 :u ... .. n11..1 pt U1 .. 1100 JS • VII EPG pr .. 119 clU"4-\4 ..... -Y. ·---::..,-.., Metlllc 1·32 " 67 10, Vt Prl'll•n l.>fa 1 999 1014 + v. So..mrk .o.r 4 m •~· v. AldC~ plt.14 .. 41 S~ It e11llPS 1,41 1 IMI u.~ ~ Elcor .30 ... l.SuUl't+ ,I\ nvl 'fS I " U -+ .,. MeltuE "9 ij 265 S6 ~ Petrie I tO IS 300 32"" VJ Somk fl I • 19 9\'I \r+ AIM! tr 1.IOlOIMl 37.h+I~ .U ELr1t.n 7 •1 '"''" ""EIKAS-,. 230 IY•·--· Hm•Gpfl.10 .. » I""• .... Mottet ... 912«1 ~=,~ ...... 'so 12.112 ,,..· "'SwAlr lllt '71uS9 .,.,., AIM! el t t lllu23\'I+ 'Ito LeElp14.ll .. 37 90h-\4 EDS ,M21 m .. ...,_.v. ftOl'l'IJllr .;!'6Sl1" 47 -f! Molal wt "" 24...,_1~ PetR: •• ;s. .. 7' 21~'!' i;, SwBkttl 1.Jr 6 .'4 21 ... AlllSCll ... 219 9V.-V. •MP• I.to 7 It Ullt-""EJMeM9 .. 3i1 •V.-V. Hoftda .-ti U7 :J9V.-"Mltttpt 2j0 .. Ill UV.-3\la Piiar 1,Mll4740 15 .,,\lo SwF18k .tot 8l IS"41• V. AJlsCll ptU1 I .. 13 23'h + v. nSoy41 .M ti J>t l•l'I ..... EMM pt I .. n 7h..... ~wll l.60 I 1475 IOI~+ V. Mey OS 1· c 'io llD2 u4'11i + w. PllalpD .301 .. S72 25'\<o + ~ SwFI 8 Plt.11 .. 33 32h • h Alpf\Pr .. 2 II'-·--· nVtPS 2.M S 36 71\'I+ .,.. E1Qln 1 . .0 • 21 22'1<i-" nOOvU T:24 13 101 U ..... + I Mlyte le IS :164 l l Pllil>ro ~ 12 "'13 SSV.-,_.. SwtFor .151.. 273 12 > It• Alcoe 1.10313* 21\lo+ +'I enlrDt .. 411 13~+ "EmnEtJ 1014J1 .. Stl/t+ v. Horz8n U2 6 I 11\lt-._ McDrrn Ito •1lt4t 16,~·" PlllleEI 1:12 7!!35 l6Vo. .... S\IWtGH 1.1610 119 9~•• 1-li Am.. .20 . 1376 2'"'-v. ntryTI .14 6 119 I-V. EAld s . J02 •106 UV.+ Ill Hor Iron .Mt 554 tlS llYu V. Mc Or pf 2·20 ay 211/J PllllE J1f l.IO •• zt30 2'\.'>-V> SwEnr ,S2 II 21 tt>4 .... Amo•pf 3 .: I 37"'°+ V. viii 4.to .I ti 4314 + l'IEmryA .jOU 141 17 ..... Hosp(p ... 201tM S111t+ W McOr pf.2'.o " 112 2w1·;·y; PllllEPIHO ilOO 33 -1 SwlPS 1.•1 I '194 15~+" Amrc• ::Fl~41!: !~~.:~ ·~~ . .0 2• ~ ;~\.'l.:'~!E:::llert2 . .0 l.l47 4!"'• lit ~:,~:; 1 •• rn ·~t ~~! r: McDnf t ;•ih4'0 ~ ..... P1111Epl4: .. :·z•OO 35\4+ It. 51>1·~~ ,6010 2S 191?+.,, Dow Jones Final • DOWN 8.18· CLOSE 1,031.10 Def i.cit may hit $250 billion WASHINGTON (APJ -Budget Olrect.or Oav1d Stockman's latest forecast envisions a budget deficit for the current fiscaJ year of between $180 billion and $190 billion, rising to more than $250 billion annuaHy by the middle ot lhe decade, sources say. Those sources, who asked not.to be identified by numc.\ said Stockman has outlined the worsening <.le!lclt picture to President Reagan. The president.. has yet to approve any specific spending cuts to.reduce the red ink. But w hatever Reagan calls for, and however Congress responds, officials concede the prospects for "educing the fo'recasted 1983 deficit appear slim. That is because ·congress has already adopted a budget for the fiscal year that includes spending levels for au federal programs. 'Phere is virtually no talk in Congress of further spending cuts for the current AirCal picks n~w :VP David A. BanmmJ:. 38, has been named vice pres1dent-marketing for AirCal, the Newport Beach- based airline announced today. In his new position, Banmiller is responsible for the airline's marketing organization which includes sales, advertising. pricing, promotfons. reservations, sales activities and programs. "Over the "'Ourse of the past year it has become clear that our greatest challenge is in the area of revenue generation through tne marketing of o ur product successfully to our customers, potential customers ·and travel ageµts.'' said Sheldon ~st, executive vice president. Banmil1'r lives. in Laguna Niguel. 1 AMERICAN LEADERS METALS n.Nlw ·-· r·Olclartd Ot PliO Ill prlGtdlll( I~ l'IOftll\t P'll• •IOCll dMdellcl l·P•10 Ir llOCll Ill Pttce011!9 12 lllOl'lll\t, IJUlll'lll41< ~"' vtlU. on ••·d lylCWICI Ot ••·dlttrtOllllOt dll•. 1•EJ•dWIOt<ld9 0f H.r19lltl y•lN1"'1d-'C •ncl Mitt Ill IUM t.salll ill fl.Ill, CICl·Otlltd WCl·Wl\en Cllt1!1~ltd, wl·Wll« IHl.ltO '*""•With wlHllltl. llW•WllhOUI ..,,,,.,,,, •d .. ·'t~·Clltlrtl>\lllOll P1E 11110, Tll9 PflOe Of I ltOC~ P t m111t111* Of l*·lllM Mrn"'O•-d*i-D) dilrlellnQ 1119 111•• 12•lllOl'llll "'"'"" "Oii" 11110 ... , .... llf'ic. " .. 4 I I