HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-12-05 - Orange Coast Piloti Dllllif CDIBT YOUR HDMITDWI DAILY PIPIR SUNDAY. DECEMBER 5. 1982 ORANGE COUNTY . CALIFORNIA 50 CENTS Airport dilemma • • Grow within limits lh ST!-:\ 1-: T Hll'Ol.I Of the Oelly Pilot Slelt I ~ . ' \\ "\ l 1 I 1 "\ 'I \ • t , • 'I t .... i.:,p.111 .. 11111 .itl1·111ph -.11111•.J ,,, .. Jlldg1 ·.., I 11I111g T1.tiI11 \\ 111·-. l '.11lo.111g \\tlt''o 11 · ... ''"' 1 111 ~ 11.· ... 111 .. ..,11 1.tll ll -.Ji11uld 111 • 11 pl.11 I'd 'l'lt1 11-.1 /..!I .... , Ill 1 n ... rl t'.1111111 ..... 11.1\1 1111111111 l,11 11 11 1.11 111 1111 . .I 11 • \\ 'l'•IJlt 1 lt'oldt•1-.. l111t tilt -.1'1'tlllllgl\ d 1l ll'll'lll ~UbJt'I b d1111 "t lt '.1\'I' 1111• 1111p11 ·-.-.11111 th.it .di .111· Jhll I i d 1lt1· -.,11111 1111g11111g -.1111 \ Tlt1· 1·1·1111·1 111 .tl l t)11.., 11111111111\' 1-. J 1d111 W.1\111· :\II 11111 I , t lt1 1·111l1,11ll1 ·tl .111·:-.t11)1 )1 1< .d.-d 111 ll.1 It• 1l1t · S.111 l>wg11 1•11'<'\\.1,\ Slt11uld 11 J..:1'1)\\ 111tt1 .1 11•g11111.tl .1ll'p111 I . .,1111111-. l1o11·k 111 ttw 11" .d l.111d1ng :-trip II 11111·1· \\',1,., 111 r.·111.1111 lht• k111d 111 II.tit .111d h.tlt pr11po-.1t11111 II I!:> ti1d.1\'" T Ii I' i d I' 11 t I l \ I I I.., I.., I ' t11Hltor-.1.111tl cil1lt'. l11'l·;,u,..t· lht· lutun · 11i J11h11 W ;1v11" 1" t':1ugli1 Reagan winds up Latin tour WA S lllNl;T<JN 1A PI Pn•s1d1·11 t Hc·ag,t n. n • turn 1 ng honw Satunbv mghl from his four-n <1t1on L;ilin Anwn1'<1t1 tour. .said h1· think::. 1111litarv ;1111 sh11uld ht• rr ·sunwd lo liuai1·m:ila 11ow that 1l 1s pl;inn1ng <'l1'<·t1011::. . "rranklv. l 'rn 1nt'l1n1·d t11 Kt•lit•vt· th1,'v·v1· tw1·n gt•t11ng ;1 hum rap." ilw pn•s1d1•nt s:11d 11r tht• st nf1··~11rn < '1•ntral Anwn can nation. whll'h h.1s rn·l'll ::.harply 1·r1t1c11.1·d fo 1 human rights v1olat111n~ Ht·ag an Wlllllld up his r1v1· d ;1y tri p with rnt·1·1111gs S aturday a f trrnonn 111 San Pt•dro Sula, II 0 ll d u r a s . w I t h r r I's I d (' n t Ro h4.•rto S ua1.o of llonciuras and PrPs1dt•n t 1-:fram H1os M on ti of Guatl'mil la H1os Mon\\ look ovc·r as pn·s11l1·11t or ( ;u;11t•mala last Marr·h aft1·r a n Army 1'<1Up In h1::. f111al day o f 1h1· tnp. H1•agan d1•n11u111·1'<l thos<· 11a t1011s h<· an·u s t•d of "p ro t1•c1111g gut• r r i 11 as an cl t· x p 11 r I 1 n ~ VIOl('OC-.· .. S pl'ilk111f( to n·port1·rs aboard /\tr Fnrt'<' O nt• on th1· flij.thl to W ash inf(l•m. lhC' pn•sicl<•nt said thC' trip hml hc'i'n "n •al fruitful" and addl'd "Wr 1•st.ablls h,'<I vrry good n•lat1on s thf'r<' " · H ,. a~ an v 1s 1t1· d Br u z 1 I . Colomh1a a nd Costa H1t'a tn add1t1on to llondurall Ht• mf'I with th<' lcadc·rii of thos<· t•ountrit>a a n d th1· proVllllonal pr~1d1·n1 o r El S alvador Ill o1 1 .. 111 :-11111 111 t 11111p1 ·l111 g llllt ., t . ..,,... Tl11 , ,.,...,.,,..., 1111 1h1 ll1g 111 ".11 . 11 1· ........ 1111pl1· .1 .. 11111111 \ .1111 t ,,., 11111qtl1·)\ ..... tl11 l11t11 11 g 111\\\l1 1111111 ...... 111 ( )1 ;111g .. .lt1'111 V\'.1v11 .. :\1111"' t '' ·' I fllllll \ ti\\ 111'11 .llld 11 111·1 .1 lt•d IJ1 llt t\. l1 1t:.11 .. d 1•11 l ~I:: . ..-11·' 11t t llUlll \ l.111tf 11111d1 ·1111g l 't1::,t.1 l\lt-..,.1, Ir ,·1111· ,11 1d N"" p111 t l\..,1111 111 11t1· lhll•I• I ii\ ~111 ·.1 -.111'1'11lt11d111g tl11 .111 fllll I •• 1111-.\ llldll-.11 I.ti 1'(1 1111111'1 I I.ti 1d 11 1 l' d1 •\'1·l11p1111·11t 11,..., g111\\ II. 11111d1 t1I It ::.1·11.11 .111 .. 111111111111 .111 1~·11 1111h "' lhl' """"" 1111111·1 -. 111 l\J.11 1\ It 11 U I Jlt11i l1•\'.ll ii .111d C.1111pu" I ln\ • • Tlw ln1:-11w:-»1111·11 111\·o l\'1·d 111 llHl:-1 ' llldll,,11'11 '"· l1tlll'I-. ,11111 ullll'I liu,..1111·::,.-, ::-,1\' Lh1•v ltkt• lw111g 111 ·.11 .111 .11q1rn t, hut \'1·1 \ "'"' "' tl11'f11 l'llllllt 1t11· .11q1<11'1 · ... l'l""""l't• .i::. •• C'I llll',ti l.11·!1\f' Ill 1111 ·11 J111.tlH1ll tlll'n· ... .. ~t JIHH S I,. ld1111 1''"" 11t ·•I 111.I "" I 11 l 'l.111111 I l'.1111 .. 1 ll\111' · .. 11111)11 1I11 .111" .1pp1 .111·tl 111 I I ... , . I I \\ I I I 1 I l 1 I dt \I IHjlltll Ill 111 I It .Ill lllh lltt''o"''\ 11 11111 '\ .11111 '·~~Iii 1111111 ,.,11\ .1111.11 illl/! 1111111• 111 tlu ..,,,1111 ll.-\'1•l11pt, ., 1r1, .. .t 1111 ·" '"' lw .. 111-.. II \\,..., .dJ l1lhlll1·..,.., .11111 111111 ... 1 .. I" 1111111 1t111tl1!1 \\1111 1t·-.11l1·11t1.d "' '"'" IH·1,111-.1· 111 11:- -.111 · .111d "'""'" -.lw ,.,;11.I ·rtu ••• ,11 ... ., '':•~ •·:•:--.\ .ut·•·'-t:-i '" 111.11111 l11 ·1·v.,I\-. g ...... \\1'i ill111 .111tl 1•11 1~111111 .v 111 lw.11111 ·-. 1111 \\Ill k1 1-.' l.111111 ........ 11111 •ii ttllll..,, .. t1111'''"""' .111111111 111 ,1 111\ Tlw .111"1 ,tll1,ll't1 ·d .1111 •11111 111 .1 .., II ).!It'\\', 111\111 1 11 11· '"tllll' ,,... 1111 11 •..,I "' ()1.111 g .. ('1111111 \' did .. 11111 dt•\'t•l11111111·11l 1111'1 ,. "-.i·1·1111'd 111 It ,1 \' I' I t .., 11 \\ II II t 11 11 II' II I ll 11 I . Sl11 •hlt111 ::..11d Bu 1 -.11..t 1 dt .,.,.,.,I 11111•11 t I 11~ • .,,111 ·-. p.irt 111 "1 "' 11 · wlt11 Ii l11111g-. "1111 1t 11n11;wt 1111 tl11· ;11rpun. 111 1111·. 1 ·"'' lilt I I .1-.1'1 I II" ,111d .1 l.11 ~'.l 'I 11111-.111111·111 \ 11111·11 .. 1 ... 1 111 1.1k111i.: .111\ ,1rt1 .1i:" •II .l1d111 W.I\ 11•·, t 1111\'1•1111·1111 · ,\11 ftlll I g1 tt\.\ th 111 ~\.ill 111 111•1111111 .111 '''llt• Ill 111 •,11 l1\ • 1111111111111111' ... ( •, 'II II I It '' I I." I' I ti I I'· II I I II I ... ti 111 11] .1111111 \\',1\ 111 fl 11 II l,111•\\ II ,..., ( ll .111 1'.• ( '1111111 \ :\11 p•11 I ... 1.1111 .. 1 \\ llh Ill d .111\ 111 1'11111 l'Xp.111d1·d I••.!:! I" 1 d.1\ 111 1'1,11 .It. 111 l!l'i.i .111tl ,,,.. ,,,, .. ,,.,II 11 i11d.1\ Tl11 1111'.lit -. h.1\'t• 11 '111.llill'd ,11111 I 11.1111 1111\\1'\'1 I 111,1111,-. Ill I'·''' 111 .• 11111111\ 11tl1 Ill 111111 11 1111 1 , .. t 11 11 \ tli.1 1 1111111111 ti I I '·'I I 1 l 'I' I "1111111 ' I 1." I "g I 1 t... 111 .It .1 111 .. 11o111• \\ 1111111 .till\ 111!11 ·-. 111 11 11 .. 11 p•11 t 'l'lu 1 ul1 \\ ,,.., 11w.1111 1111111 "" .1 """' .1l1.t11·1111·11I 1111.1-.lllt· ..,1111 ·t · I' 1.. "11 • It. II t I 11 ).(It 1,.. I • I II \ I 1 ....... 1111 I ,111d tlw11t1 ·111'.ilh 111.1k1 1 .. ..,.., 111111 I ll"l", .tlld "" ,1 lllt'.111' 111 tqil111ld 111 g 11!1 11111111 ,v ·.., phil11"'1'll\ 111 lhllll' .. )111111 \\1,1\ flt C :0111 i 11~-. a 11 cl µo i11µ.., of c·on1111c·1·1·ial _jc·I 1•a..,!'>4't1µc·r-. a c·c·om•I for I I fl i µla 1~ p c·r c l a~ 011 1 o f .loh1a \\a~ 1ac· .\ iqmrl . P r i' a le• ai1Traf1 la kc·ol'f-. a ucl la11cl i11µ.., rai..,c· llu· lo la l lo I. 100 opc•ra I io u.., pc•r cla ~ . Delly Piiot Photo• b~ Gary AmbroH end Che rie• Si.rr I' Fir~I s now hit~ lrvint• 0.11, Pllol Photo by Ch8'1H ••• ,, l n ·irw"s llc·rilul(t' Plazn wn~ the• s ilt' of a frc·nk -n nd hric·f - t.liu:nrd Snlurdny. \\'t•ll. tht• sno w m•tun lly w n~ mmurfnc·turc•cl !'lo tha t t·hildrt•n roultl frolic· und m••••I San In in nn H l•proprinlc·I ~ winh·r-likf' ~wll i nl(. ,I'\ d ft1 iltl dllt••lll lltH \\l1111!1111h Jllll\'11lt .... 1 ... 11 tl11:l11 "I t 1tl11u 1 ltuft..,, l•1 lttH>1t I IJ11•tal • ·l-.t \\ I 11 It . I .. 11 j'I I"'"'·' II~'.· I I' I . It ·" 111g 1lt1 ,111 p1111 1i-.u.1ll\ 1..t,, " 11.ill1 I 11 \\ .I I ti I I w 111·1'.1 II 11 \I• I S .t 11 I d 1\11;, ll .. 1gt.1-. .11111N1·\\1••i1 l l~·.11 lo Tli .. 11 1 l1111t. 111 t lit ... 1,11 .., 1,,,, J..!f'llt I ,tl t •1t l1llt1,t t 11lJ..., l1t1J •,t I <H lll'l.11111" :11111 \\ 1111 \ .11111111)'. 11 ·-.1d1·11t ... 111.d •• l.!l fl\A.111~'. .111p111 1 lll1 -.1lh J'.I It\\ Ill).: llflhl p1 11lil1 111-. lh1t It I 11111::-1 i-. 11111 I lit 11111\ 111111111 1;1 .11 •1 ll1g l1 h .111 111 l.11 I I ti-. I . I .., I II." I I I . " I '"II I " ,) 11I11 I \\1.1\ 111 " tl.111\ ''I" 1,flll•ll" 1\IH1lll llltl 111)11 I tllllft)\ 11 1.d .111d l•I l\'.d1 ''''"'·"' 111w t,1l l111.... l.1k1·•llt... .111d lo1 11dl11j\' '"I Ill I .11 11 \'l'dl •11 '""''I\ I 11111 1111 tl1• ,1\ "'"I'.' d.1\. Tiu• P""Plt· 111\111\1 ti 111 tl11.-.1 11p1 1 • .t11111-. 1111.-.11\ 1111111 111 1lt1 .ill'Jllll I Ill 1111'11 I ,1J 'o I ll'dllllg 11 ;.tl11 "'' ''"' 111:11h o111d 1d4111g 111 ... 11 11 1•111'-. '.! 11111 ,,..1 J-111g .,,,.11·1.., 'l'l1t •v 1i-.1 111).,.1 l.111lt111·-. .ii 111 111 .11 1111 :111 I"'' I ,,.., \\C·ll T lw 1111.d 1·111111111111 1111p.11·t 111 tlw .1llt1t1ll 111 1111 1111 Jt1l1" I I r11\·1d1 ·-. d111 ·1 th .111d 1111ltn ·.-ilv 111 1111· 11111111'\ ..,, ...... 111 ·11• 11\' 1111' p1·•1pl1 \\ 1111 11.1\'('I 1111 t•llgli 1t. I!:> illl lllj11111111 111 11\'I/ $1111J 11111111111 ,1111111.ill \ 111111 1111 I lllJlll\ '::, l'l't1ll111ll\ .111 1111h11g 111 1·-.t1111.t11·-, t.ik1·11 l n1111 .1 ::.tUd \ 11 111t111l-.)\ll)ll1 ·d h :-· tlw .11rp11rt Al10UI :! II 1111111"11 po1:-::.1·11g1·r" will u~· lilt· a1q.>t.1rt llit::. y1·;1r. ;:inti ,1111 1111 I pl.1111 1• I , "'' i•ll1Jt·1 t11 1g .1 I ll Id !'fl ,)1d11l \\'.1\ Ill llf /t,1111Jlc- l1 .' 11111111111 1•"'''''' •• \t',tl ,,, 1111' \I .11 :!•If •t I J l1a fd.11&U1 I , '"" 111 '"I '" lflt 1111 It .1 ,1 d di 111,111.J 1.111111 11,1111111 ·.f \\ 11 11111 1111 '1111 t Ill 1111111111.11 w ... 111 1111 .tll jJ<•l I .11111 Ill -.111'!1 .1 W .iV ;,,., 111 1111111111111 lltt 11111"" I 111 tlw I \It.I Jll't111ll j.!llllW, ,1fltl lt1flllllJ.t 1111111 Iii• ...... Tlt11,.,1· \\lll l'lt·cl o1l•••11I tl1t .111p1111 ·-.11111111 g111wtli .111 n l ,., '"'(' I !111 11•-,1rll 1,J 1111 · Lllll t 1 t.1111t y. " 11 d t I 1 , 11 " It .. I• p 1 111 ·..,' 11\'1 · r • \ti II,,, I• I 1........ 11.t:> IH t II le g,tl .II llHJI 'I 111 11 111111\ .., pl.111,., 1•1 1·x11;1 11d I 111 .111 p111 I l 11 rt tt't I 111 t U11 · 11'".I''' 11 d 111 •1·.t 11wlud1111~ 1111111· ,, 1111111.d •• 11ct p.11·k111g -.p:tl't'. I \It 11-.11111 111 th• 111.tlli I Ull V. ,1\' .11 11 111.tllw ""1""'11111·111' Jou th~· ,1111111111d1og ;11'1'o1 ,JI\' d1.,1d :11 ii''''""'· 111tl1·11 ·d 111 ;1 h.d l 11.v ( )r:111J.:1 · ( '1111111 ,\ SL11w11111' l'tHH'\ .J111tg1· !Ir u1 ·1· Sur11111 r T lw t 11 \ ttl N1 w p111 t 111·<11 h 11·111 11 It di\ "ltt·111 .tl111lll :SHllll,llOIJ 1•1 1111111111 tl11 11 •1-(.tl d 1 • .!lc·11g1 · 1'1;11 .., 111 jJ fl I'd 1 J 11' I 11 'I II' ft \' I' 111 t •JI \ S. \\ 1111'11 11;,d IH·t·ll pi1('k;ig1·d ;1~ 1111.' . t II' fl ti I' l • -. J\I :t !:> t t' 1· I' I; I II 'I' It I ' 1·>o.pt•11d1t1111 · 111d11 ;1l1 "' tit .. dc·pth 111 1«d 11 1g 111 tl11· t·ll\' ;1l>11ut tlt1· I" '"I"'''' 111 1t11111 :111 poll gr11w1h S u111111·1 ,.,uppcn lc·d N1•W J1tll'I B1·;11 ·1i ·,., c·111111 ·1i11 •111 lh .tt !'11\'irt1111111·ntal 1111~11 t rq111 rt" tSl'l' Fl l'l'HE. l'agt' A:1 1 New surgery needed· for heart recipie.nt S,\l.T LAKI-: CITY 1API &111wv Cl;rr·k und1·1·w1·111 sUrJ.!1·rv Sat u r(la y 1•vt·n lnJ.! t n l'• 1rrc·1•t :, c 11 m p I tt · 111 1 11 n f ll II o w 1 11 g .1 p111t11·1•rit1F( transplanl op1•rat111n 111 whwh his d1st'i1sl-d h1•art was n ·pl.11·1·d with a s11ftly whirring 1111'<. hanu·al d1·\'ll't' ('lark. who had lw·1•11 t.1k1•n o ff th•· 1T1twal 11::.t 1·;1rllt'r 111 th1· rlay. w;i,.. rl'tu111l'd to 1h1· o pt'ra ung room al Un1v1·rs11v o f U tah Ml'dll'al l'1·ntt·r <1flt'1: s1•vt•ral air ::.;w::. 111 h1" lung:-wt•rt· found 111 ha\'1· r11p1un•d ;ind lt•;ik1·d air 111111 Ju ::. 1·h1·st wall The· 1·11111pl11·at 11111 was n o t l1nknl t11 the ,1rt1f1n;il h1 •:11·1. w h 1d1 was w11rk111g !Jl'rft•1·tly. I Ir l'ha ... 1· P1·t1'1's11n ::..11d l>r Wlll1a111 Ddh11·s . who lw;ulnl th1· ::.urg1l':rl 11•am wh1C'h 1111pl:rnt1·cl the• art1f1n:1I h1·:i rt. n ·op<'nt•d Clark·,, 1·h1·s1 Saturday arid )\,tw 1h1· lung~ huht.11111'(. said I' (.I •• r "'lll . u 11 Iv l' rs I\ v \' ll' {' prt·sull'nt nl tw allh s1•n·1t:1•s Aftc·r about an hour's s urgt·1·y. dcl(:tors Wl'rt' s.1t1sfu•d that th1•v had n11Tt'<.'lt•d tht· prohh·m · C lark. ti 1. has a h1s t11rv of d1r1111t<.:. rnlld 1•mphyst•ma· n o t r1·htt•d to his cardinmyopathy h1•:1rt thst•as~· anci a "stiff lung" du1· to agt'. P1•tt·rs1111 sc.110. W h 1· n CI ;1 r k w as on a n ·::.p 1r.1t11r during and aftl•r his lkart s urgt•ry, his lungs rN·t•1v1-d mnn• air than usual and th is. l'ornl11rwd w1th tlw sllrfnt•ss. h'<l lo tlw ruptttn·s. h1• s;.11d tS1·1· Sl 'H<;EHY. PaRl' All --------INDEX---- llc·1·-.d w l \\'alkc•1· wo n tlw llc·i ~nurn Tro ph)' ancl I I S um.c•I l.c·a~uc· !'>la ncloul!'> wc•rc• 11a mc ·cl lo llw l>ail ~ P ilot"!'> All -Orun~c· (:mml ~ fo otha ll lc•am. S lorie•!-> on Pa~•· HI. Bndg1· t'bss1 f It'd t'onsu11wr l'lu)\t · Crossword • Ot·ath Noti<'<'s Dt'laplarn· }t~lt1onal Pa~<' F.nt<'rta1 nnwnt ft'1•atur111~ Jo'i lliltll'C' Horosco1>4 · Ann Land r rs .. !< ... fo)I F8 II(> A·I 1-::1 87 C7 Afi ft: t -:i E!> DI -6 F.~ E5 Mailhox Movtt•s l'ubll<' N ot1t·t•s Ht•al Esl<itt• Sports S t1M:k Markt·ts Stv lt· T1:l(•visinn Th1'all•1·s Truvd W!'alhl'r Afi F.1 -:i H7. 1'~7-tl o:~-4 Bl -fl DS-6 Cl-R E4 El -:\ C7 A2 . --. --.,.---. ----.. ----~--..... ~~ ;:: ;•:• ·;·:: a • • • • • • • a a .... I a a a a a a • I • ., • a .,. • ~ ~ -•••• I.! , 7 __ ; i 1a ..... a11 .. •a .. 1m11;•: ....... ,,, ... , ... , .... , .. ~P•¥ .. •4"'11191!11114-.iP ...... •""' ...... "'.,.P~•,.. ......... !"ll'"'!""~ .... ~,~1 ~4~0.., ... , ..... ...,.,_..,_...., .... _,.,....,._~ ..... ._.~".--·~,~·-... .. ,.....----·-- .'\;l ()11111\JU Ltlcl~I UAll Y I'll ()I /~i1111d1ly, lhlt.1111111111 11, l!llli' .\11..tiu11t·c•r c;ar~ "i11µ. li;ul 111111 ... ual itc•111 .. 10 oft't·1· Satunla~ at tlw Ora11µ.t· C:o1111l~ Faiq.!,ru1111el .. i11 Cu .. la '1c· ... a . Pt•o1•lt· \\ottlcl hitl for thi11µ. ..... ud1 """ l.t•tmanl Fc·n·c·1·a· ... t·offin. 1·iµ.l11. In 1·•·1111·11, tlH'~ ·.i oft't•1· ... 0111t·lhi11~ tht·~ had. \m·lio~1 \\a., 1mt 011 h~ Ta·:ult· \11H'rit-a11 ( :anl ( :ua·p .• \\ hid1 ""P•·1·ia li/.c• ... in l~arlt·rini:. ""''"' it·c· .... Not even crash fazes expectant mom r ~~ ,.~~ " '~ .. -/ ' ' , CHRISTMAS IS A SNOW· BALL'S THROW AWAY! ONLY 20 ~~1 DAYS TO vv.. 0 c~K---Y1~ CltetJ~'-; from HlagenDau. Ice Cream Shoppe vu .. f _...\•Cl'lt'l/_J ,,3 j JY-,,. ''f'IU'' ~· t ~·"· • '·"·· ··.: ·..: "'. *)J • • ,,, ''.¥\- ~'·'"'~·I·• A ).''.'. '14 ·l,, •1"ol I 1Cu1h \rlhur~ of llunlin~lon n .. a..11 rt·lax~s al hospital "ith doc·tor who tit· Ii' f•rc•cl ht•r l"i"""· \\'c•atht•rforcl C :hn Ion. \rthur..; had lwt·n in a lwl if·opl t•r a,.,. icl c·n l lwfon• n•ac·hinJ,! ho!'iipit<il. Warlll on Monday (,'onstal Fair thUHJ(Jh M n• i11t, "'" 111 v a r 1 a b I e h • q h c. • :, , c1 Cori1tnued ~f'a Ot1ttr,• "~''"'ct'''" ancJ c.ooa night' Cont•nu• .. a *'"'" "'·• ' 'J~ •, tooav ano Mond.\f "'·" ;1 11 .. ., lows 38 1cl 48 Elsew"P''' f • •" J°.'11 •1 1 Cnnce p1~on 10 'h" UP •~·"" border and oui r,n m1h-'"i w.n,, nontiweste,ty ti) '" ?fl "" •~ 1ttrouq11 ion•atit f .-w w ,th i1o1H •1 . mght """ m r,,rutto f(11i w, ''"~ two to 10uf lePI 5 ..-w•lll 0t1rH1wfl~t tour to eiqhl tf""' • l J •• -.; • .., 11111111 <1 ry Rivers o v,..1tt1 .wot1 1ft•i1 h.-u1•~ from OklatH1n1.a .tncJ '"r 11 ,11 M1S!.OUrt to 01r• l t"'f\1w~t.,t1P R1v••t on Satur(1Ay anC1 1t th•rtl .t1.t1Uftt day of rain c.tlu~t1(11u .. ""' u .... ,tmq along the Gull Lo,"I All o f Alt•b.lm.t w 11\ u11(1r1 .1 flash llood ''""'h .11111 111 .. str .. 1·1' ot t<enne1 lit wp11• llomW<l I hi' Nahonat Gut:t•d ""'a' v11t nn alMt tn Louis.tana whteh had a·, lfl<.h,.~ o f rain Fr10ily and morP Satwc111y Waler stond ,,., tN~t tl,...PO m fhr· st reels of C11n1nn P.1 • MeanwhliP th .. r ·"' .HHI eastern M1cJwP~I f1·•"tk,..<' 1r1 a December flPal w.-v .. If w,,., 7'"'1 111 R.chmond Va /4 111 B·tlt1mmt1 7 t 1n Huntmqtou W v .1 70 m ClevPtand 68 •n Wt<'•'l• t "f ~' Conn and 64 1n Bo<lon Record htQh tflmpt.1r.:1tun•-. w••t •• set or tied 1n rt -.ro1P nl h1Q 1 11w~ !he National Wt1;1ther Snrv•<.t• fo1cast Int l<1<111v c ~11,.,1 ''" showers a n d n r c.. .1 •• 1 n" ,, ' thunde' storm~ f• ''m tHH lh••r n Flortda and Snutt1 C::Hnt111,1 across Atabam ... ·•"~• '"'" tfl~ Tennessee Vallt>y Rain also w111 l,1111,,1n1 lllP t..u~nt lakes and thr fJll 011 \l~llPy In Delaware and 1101111 1r11n111.1!1 Nt>w Engl11nd II w1tl SftOW HI lhP nnr1hf\'" Rocktes Stues """ l>P c.101111v Ir om Ul•h and Colniat111 afl o'~ W y O m I n 0 I h " 0 .1 ~ O I .t ~ M innfJ,ota and th,~ M1..,~1-.~1po1 Valley. $kt99 Wllf be 11111 ftl\rwhPtP The highs w111be1n thP ;>(l, <•'"'' mueh ol Montane It will !JP "' th" 30• •nd 401 l1om UPPfll M1ChHj3JI •nd llttnOIS 10 thP Rock'"' ·""' from td•"O and Wnhm11100 "•""' no<thern C•ltlo<n1• T8mpet8turn will bl''" lhe m1<1 eot In oentr•I I eu1s the low In mid 70a 1n Soulhern Cal1lorn1a the m•d 701 tn southfl•ll IP•.>< and in '"e 80s 1n much of flo1 td" Tempe18lu1es A1ound lh" nation renoed lrom 30 lo Eao1" Colo . to II!> 1n Ott•n<lo Fla ) 1'" 111 P" ra I url' s AlnJnv AllJuQut!ru<' Am a rill<• AN hn'"Y" Ar;.tl•~\I lh-• All'trot,.. Au,1n1•t C ''· Au')t1,, Bri1T1mr1r•• 8 1lhnqt, 9,,n•'1nQ'"'"' 91sm.itrr-1i1 Bf"l•CO•• Rnot.'''" Brt")"""nc;,.,11•• Butt.,1, Burlutq tr1n (.. .. ~,,,., NATION (...h,u t ... t.1n11 f,' (.,.11.t1h-•t;ll'\ll "' v ( ""'''•fl,. ~' , Cf'H"'f ... ..,,,,. {..t11t.,1ur- C..•nc 1•~n.11i C:l••'ltl'••irtn11 C nh;mt>111 ·~ c C...olt1r•,t111•, Q,11l1l' ~I W t11 U1 Ouytou Qf.'tl\l'flr 0Ptt. M OiHP' o .. 11n1t Ou•vth £1 P.:i'n r ••"t"hln'-C> ~~1cin r1,,9,1.111 Greil• rap .. Hatllmc1 HPtPn.-t Honnlulu Hou~IOU lnd1ans.oohct Jtl(,k~nrt M1~C\ .Ja Ck"i()'1YlllP Juneau Kon<11s City ta~ \lpga' I ou1~v1llP lullllt)Ck Memph•S Mtilntt M1lw11ukrf" Mp!, SI Pm1I Nashv1llP N1•w Orlf!Ans NPW VOi~ Nntlnl~ Nf)tlh Pl;tttt• O~tat>oma c:1ty li1 51 50 22 ~3 lJ 09 06 f.9 ~8 12 n be SI v, JJ t4 'i I J 7 3R 74 6~ ., 21i t,; 4 l ..fl ~Q r ~I; 11i 46 ~r 'l'~ I'< 10 80 I);> '" Fi• :o SB ·~ n 44 J8 liS !iO '•1 'lff .6 "4 f1() r-,r. ~l 4? f\3 '>6 ~' ?1 4;> 30 ..,. 4 7 -~6 ~,, •,4 )(f 0 4 :'P 44 J't ,.,4 10 ,, ' 1' 1' '14 ~4 l'1 flt 6'J &4 !>2 61 '>fj 61 f\O 81 4/ :l2 u. 4? :11; ~" 11> fi6 'of\ 51 1~ 66 6'• .,, 41 ·17 4i1 :'fl 74 fi~ 69 !>I n ~1A 14 ~R 'i4 18 ~I; 4 ' f ,,,.~111,1 1)11,ttH1fJ 11,11•1ul•·lr•h• 1 "'•tl•••••ll Jl1ttc:.h1uqh l-'t1rll.-lfHS M•• C•1rtl,\f11t 0 ,,. p,, ...... rt ... ,, ••• J~;\l•·,(Jh I~ Hi•ft C 11 t HtoH('j n11 ,m\(U\t1 <;,111 laV ~""'•"' An'f"I"'" (,..,, O•t•Qfl httrl Ft11nt•V f'I <".l'.,ttl•• t:;h•••1••U<HI i..,l(Ul• J ,111-, <;t l IHll., 51 P1•tt• r mnp11 C..1 ~,,,. M."aro• ~,p(jlo,,,,, •• Syr .11 ~.,,. 1r1()Pt._. f u-.f,,H Tulll\,t w, .... h"'tJt"" W•th•111 CALIFORNIA Aa1111t• v.111e.•v lirl~''''lu•ft1 n.1,,,,.,., llr.111nuu1f H1u (t,.,,, "''"''P fliyll>t' (,.1tHhH,1 Fu"'"'' ,, .... ,,,, 1.1nc n\IPf 1 w10 ._.f':1co 40 28 6'> 62 68 ~4 Ii• 4~ 69 60 5q 50 so 39 67 53 75 60 '19 27 'iO 27 71 60 •1 n ~l 19 68 47 Ii:> 48 411 40 ,,, 41 4/ ?4 f, l '10 1!4 ,,,, J? ,., 4't t7 ',q • 1 40 37 f1 I n 50 43 /~ 57 4/ 1R 60 lfl 54 18 6" 40 61 .11 61 '" 5q ;>7 68 J9 611 4? f>6 49 ~? ·11 60 29 74 40 ' . SURf RIPORT .. "· .. .... i?'ri ..... -...... nr ......................... . ••tteh /um11 • !'l:tntn M unif.11 N111wruut APR( tl ~;w' 01 .. qn < .ounlv Surf ~·e Surf .... ) ·' I Surf f'•d 1) ,, ti 1) Swell Avg I I I 7 Swell .. .. I .I Swell Dir w w w w In' AllQPlt'$ MOrlffl\il;J Mf1ott•tlr,lln M11ntt•rrrv N"i•rtlec; Newp1J11 Beac.h Oa~land On1a110 Palm Sptm9-. Pit,iHtf•n;l f'A'n ftOIJIP\ HtYf'ISt<IA Alltt Bluff Ardwood C:11y nrnn Stlr rampnto 5,,hn.p; 'j,ltl rJflrH,1ritmo '),111 Ou•qn ,. .. ,1n ~, .ulti~ro (l1IOl1l U1Hhflf.t '1an1.1 M1u•1t ~''"''' Mornc;, f.l totkhm t .1tin~ V.11•• V;tlh-•y fh.-1tm.11 'ium.1 GLOllAl Am,lt•fdHm AUH•n~ Elllrlll'"' n.uhflttn-; H.-.1tut liPfQHH1P ltl'rl1n Onpnt~ fitu,.., .. ,, L1wo c.unr.tt; c;,\f'f'tlhrtQl'll D11hlin J r.tnklurt ''"" .. "" tf:l\iiUlA t~Pl,1nk1 110110 Knnq lf'fU'5;11f'm .In hwo KIPY tm111 11,hon t nntltln M J'1lt1r1 M~n1t.1 M""' n <,tty MnntrrAI MMLnw NAN,llll N"w (),.hi! NiCO,IA Cl,10 65 48 74 40 74 48 61 47 65 40 64 44 58 47 61 38 7'l •7 76 43 5!\ :18 69 40 63 48 58 46 '>0 22 '11 41 63 40 70 37 68 47 62 48 64 39 69 38 63 50 54 38 51 21 77 36 70 4S :19 30 ~., 4a <10 n 84 73 66 ~.o 46 3? 16 28 68 50 4' 29 64 48 84 66 '17 :11 4fi 19 11 34 43 39 86 73 4 t 34 12 68 '>0 39 79 59 28 16 74 63 ~·2 4 t 46 4 I ~ 39 1111 70 73 45 56 39 7 6 82 72 80 56 66 Ji 30 211 i\ llu111111gt1Hl H1·ad1 wo111a11 d;111111 ·d :-.111· w.a:-.11·1 w111T11·d wh1·n .a li'i·lw111111·1 111:-.lt111g lwr to lht· 1111-.1111,i) f.11 1111• lllt Iii 11f lll'r IWlll d.111ght1 ·1 :-. .-1 . .-.h l.1111 l1·d 1n Long ,~ .•• ," .... 1 h s .. 1 ~111!.1.v 1111w11111g "l \'-•;'>ll 't \\111 '111·d . I w ;.-. 1 ••t11J1l1·1t·ly ;ii p1-.w1•.'' :11 .y1·a r-11ld l<utl1 l' .• 111c 1;1 Atthurs said I 1.t l11w t 11 g the· 1111 I Ii 11 1 h1·1 ··Tlw \\ liolc· t•x 1wru•1wc· "a.., Ii"•' a tln·am -or a II ig h I 111 ;11·4·:· d .11q.:ti11·1:-. ;it L 1111g B1 ·.H·h M1•111111·1;d l l11sp1l;i1 "I f1·1•l (iod had 1111· n1mpl1 •1t•I)' al 1o;1Sl· .. i\rtl1111·s w.i:-. b1·111g rusht·d tu l\.!1·1111111.al I l11sp1t<1l iJb11ard a L tfe F ligh t tw lwopll·r .1h11ut 2: 15 a .m w lt1·11 t h1 • d111p p 1·r·:-. t•ng1n1• latlt'll, l11ru t1g .1 tTa:-.lt lm1dtng 111 ;1 lllg h11u11d ftt·ld 1w ar th<· Cal S I ,1 t • · L 11 n g Ht· a l' h t · am p u s , iJtTtirt.ling to 8111 Ml'Gee, thl' h o ... pit :il 's p u hl il' relation s dtn'(.·tur Arthur:-. wa:-. nlll tnjun·d 111 tht· 1·rw,h ;ind 1h1• hl'i11·oph·r ptlo t, a nurSt' and an a111·111l111g physu·1an w 1·n· 11111 s1·vt·rl:-• inJlln·d . Mt{;('<' ~lld T hi· h1•l1t·11p11•r h;ul flown to 11 u111111g 11111 lnt1·rn m1mun1 t y l lo~p11.1I 111 I Iu1111ng111n &'i1l·h to p11·k up Arlhur~ aflt-r sht• wt·nt 1 11 1" p 1 t • tn ;1 1 u rt• I :1 h o r . Th t• 11·;111~rt ·r w.1 ~ 1111ta;it1·d bt'causc· 1\rthur ... w . .-. dc·drwd ;1 high risk oh~t 1·tru·al µal11'11I. M l·Gl'l' 1•xpl.111w1L l>unnlt( th1· I :i-mllt· flight hal'k SUR(;f:RYe e e From A 1 I );·Hn .. s c·nn 1·1·11·d 1111·1·1· 11r rrnu- rup1un·d ,,,I(· ... ;111d thn·1· Ill' r11ur ••lh1·r-. w1·n· 1·11n:-1d1·rl'll 11\ln11r 1·ll ••1tj.!lt In Li ·· l1 ·tt 1 11 h1·.1l 1111 111'1 l\·1·-.. l'1•l 1·r:-.1i11 ~.11d A 1·ht•:-t I u h1 """' 111..,t·rlt'd to r1·11111\'1• .1 11 v ;1ff lh.11 ma\ .. 1111 lt •;1k u111tl 1iw "·H'" lw;1I · Clark's 1·or1d1l1011 n•ma11wd s1•r111u s fo ll11w tng SiJturday's Nik . t11 M 1·111 11raal ll 11!-i p1t iil . 1h1· lll'l11.·opl1•r lost 11tl pri ·:-.su~·1· ;111d tl11 · 1:11g1n1• fotl1·d . ht• ... ;11d . Nrn11•1l11·lt· .... -.. th1· ptlot W;L, ;1hlt· lo hn11~ d1JWll 1lw tT;1fl .... .r1 ·I~· S1·\"t·1 ;ii a111liula11 .. 1·-. w1 ·1 t· di,.p.111·l11 •d 111 p11·k up 1\1 lhur.., ~111d h1·1 o11t1·11d;111b Bv :1a111 sh1· Wa!-;11 th1· 1l1J:-of1tlal A.I 4 LI 111 sh1· g;1v1 · l11r1h to 1faught1•rl> Shawn:.. ;111d K1111h1·rlv, Mt< ;1'1.' ~1d. l'tl11I Mwl;;11 ·I Rra nd. :!:1, and I hgltt 11ur~1· Sh;1n111 fkahm. :!ti, It 11 t h \\' 1 • rt· ; 11 l 111 I I I I· d I o I IH' llll..,Jlll al t11r 11li:-.1·1·v:1l1on. h1• ~aul B11th w1·rt· l1 ~lt-<I 111 g oo d 1t111d1t11111 f;olt· Sa1urd:1v T h 1 • p h :-· ~ 1 t • 1 ;·, 11 . lJ r V.'l'ath1·1 ford (."l;1v11111. :111. w;t~ 1n·;1tc·d t or 11 111;or 1·u1 ... a nd n ·lt·a~1·d c.'la y t1111 1;. a M1•n 1onitl I l11'sp1t;tl n·s1d1·11l 11h~11·1nnan "Thl' wholt· t'X fll'rt1·1w1· wa:-. h k1· a dn•am or a 111ghtnwn• J t h;.1sn"t hit mt· yrt It's not n•alit>' Vl't." Ari hurs said "I v. a s n I :.wart• or till' ;wnd1·11t u11ttl abnlll 11\'1 · s1'c11nds l.wton· WI' h11 " Sht· s.ml all s h(• rnuld rt«:all u r the a<·tual c rash-landing was '"just a big bump." Arthur s. a h 11 r n ·a g a 1 n Chn~t1an . allnbutl'd h1°1· l'~~:apc· lo (:od "I bl•h1·v1· { ;od put a h1·dg•· ;iround mt· and prol!'(.·tc'<I ml'.'. sh1• said. ·· 01w o f Arthurs· dallghtl'rs Wl'tg hlt"d 111 a l 'l pounds , 15 tJUll<'t'S ;.ind thl' 1>th1·r Wt'1ght•d :.t pounds, 9 poum.•t•s, Ml'G1•t• S<Jtd. 11 1 · a Is o s ;11 d I h 1 · l' r a s h · landtng WilS t h(' r1rs t SUl'h tn<"ldt'nl 111volv1ng tht• Ltft• Flight p r o g r a m , .1 n a u g u r a t l' cl t n St•ptl'mlwr 197H To d atto, Lrfr Flight has flown dos1• to 2.HOO n·si.•u1• m1s.-;1ons. surgt·r)'. saul s µokt·:-man J o h n Dwan l'1·l1·1·~111i SHld lhal l'lark IS .1war1• h1· n11 1s1 l1kc·lv ~\·111 t·\'l 111u.dt~· d11· ol t·11111pli1-;1111ms l111n1 1lw :1r11ltl't;il 11 .. :irl. hut ··w,.. l111p1· ti wtll )l(' fl\'t· 11r Ill ~·<';1n; · · -I J 11 :-t w ;1 n I t 11 I ha n k 1·\·1•r:vh11d;.· who ha:-had <1nyth1ng lo du w11h thtl'o ... C lark's w 1fo. Una L11:-·. told n •portt•rs C'arhe r S •. 1turd;1y '"I'm VC'ry gratrfu(.'' SKIWEAR THE PERFECT MUL Tl PURPOSE SKI OUTFIT T h1<i tully linPd wincbuit by Nib l<><>k'-c1nd ieel~ f,mtc1c,tic on. The roord1nc1t1n~ pdrkd i!> 1nsuldted with hollotill dnd mednt to be worn over the c,uit on especially cold ddyS. Colorc, dV<1ilc1ble ,m."' lildc, violet. pink. rdspberry, bonf>. red. roc.e dnd grey. Sile~ 6-14. NEWPORT ·*SKI* [COMPAN'i -.- BIG STORE 2700W Coasl Hwy. Newport Beach. CA (714) 631-3280 • .. ... _..., __ ..... ---····-·~· •J11>•••"'·• .... -~r"'t. --~ -------..-..~~-........................ _ .......... ______________ ....,,.. ...... _ ...... _ ..... *-' ................................................................... .. II ills l{CCflS ~ !: ( '!111111 llil h S1.111 · 11,1 1 k "h11 l1 'I""'" 11111111111" 111 < h .111g1 ·. :: S.111 H1 ·111.111!11111 o111d H1 v1 ·1 ~1d1 · ~i 1111111111 • "' g t tj\\ 111g :1g.1111 Tl11 · ... 1.11t· 1~11lilw Ww k:-. Uoa 1d .· ha:-. o1 ppr11 v1·d 1lw $:1 1111111011 :: p 1t11lt,1.-..· ol l ,11!111 .11·11·:. or·- ... , I .tiltll( i • ..,, Uddt•d g l ;.-.,,1;11t1b .. · 1114 1 1 -..-.111~" 1111 • p.11k· ... •ol/t• lei 1,111111 •" , .. " 'rli1· p.tl k 1d l 1111,1l 1·l y , ... I 'Ill t l1·d l<1 1'111 tt111p.1:-,:-, 10,001) .1111·-. 111 1111 · 11111·1· 1 "11111\' ar1 .. 1 ·•1A'1.'11 11.d l \A·" tl1••11· """' ... ..,,11d ('1 ;1 11'" S1 ldt1111 rlw1·k . I""''"""' 111 I lillo. 1111 Ev1·1 )'11111'. \\ 111• 11 It.,.., l1ilil111 ·d I or park j .... , ••• 11 ... 11111 Tlw h11,11 d .1g11 ·1·d Frid11y to ,, .. , $:1 I 11111111111 1111 li!H ;11T1·~ Ill 111111l1w1 ·:-.l H1vt ·1:-.1d1 · ( '11u111 v and otf'J•l 11\'l·d M '\'t•J';ol pt1t'd1;1~t'!'> Ill \\1·:-;11 ·111 Sa11 ISt ·t 11o111l11u1 <.'ou11ty $1111 .1100 1111 ,, 1111 ;1<'r" 1wn·1:1. $1 I 111tllt111t 1111 .11111llt1·1 :!HO ;11n·s .011d SI I :1,111111 l 111 ,, :r1 ;wn · pan ·• ·I N1 ·gt1I 1 ;i111m~ -.i tll an· und1·r \\;1\' f111 1h1· pu1d1;1~1· 11f 1.:n:i ;11 t't·.., 11w1wd liv Sl1t·ll Oil l'o :tdJ.i1..-11t 111 (.';,, 1>11 11 Canyon H1·g11111.d 1';11 k 111 < >rang1· (.'ou11ty. ,11 t to1d111g lo Sd1l•1t11·rlJ1'l·k . "Tiu., p;1rk will 1·v1·ntu;.illy Ill· 1111 • ITllWll j•·W1·l o t lllt·:-,liJll' p:.irk ..,v-.11·m ," :-,;11d Su..,11· Swift. an <.11<lt· '" t\,-.,, .. 111lil vu 1;111 Hm.;. Johnson. H Hull1·1 t1111 . .Juhn..,un h<.1d urgt·<l t h1· h11a1 ti 111 ;q i p rove· th(' pu rd w~• · ll 1lh 1111 E v 1·ryo nt• hiJS :1ppr11v1·d ;, 111111lra1·1 to manag1· tlt1· p;1rk 1111 an 1n1t·n111 has1s Tlw volun1t·1·1 1•1 lurt would 1i1x·n up ·tlt1· p;11k':-. :uw11 <H-rc·s t o th1· pulil11· 1-.1tlt1·r tlt<.in kt·l'ptng tht· .111<·agt· do:-.t·d for up to thn·t· y1-..,r ~ ht·1·au~1· o f a );11·k or 11p1·1a lmg fund;. 1,500 stand 111 line for beach condos Tht· lur1• or b1·<.1eh I r o nt 1·u 11dom1 ntums for und1•r $100.0110 brought mort' t han 1.:-100 pt~1pl1· to Laguna N1gud S :1turda y hoµ111g fur a t·han!.'l' tu pu n ·hasl· o n t• <i f the c ut-ratt· UllltS Sonw 1·:1mpc'l.I overmght w11h tlw hopt· or pur1·hastng unl• o{ thl' N1gu1·l B1·a1:h Terract• homes. prn·l'Cl for as hlllt.• as $65,000 w ith JO-y('<ff finant:ing as low as 8 :it. pt·r1·l'nl annually Thl' low -eos't bt'·achsidc h omC'S. d t·vt·lop"d by the Carma - S andhng Group . an• a rt'Sult of Orang<· County's affor dablt• hnusing prog ram The 1:ounty rt·qum •s dl'vt•lopt.'rs to pri<"t• 25 J><"rl't•nt or tht•1r pro~~·t Wllhtn tht• rangl' of low to mo<lt•rate- 111com1· fam1lws. Buyers of the condos mus t t•arn lr·ss than $26. 74(1 a year to qualify rur thl• lowest inte rC'st ratt·~ and t'ht•apcst one or two- ht.'llroom modt,ls. Larger unrL-; sclhng for $85.000 at 11 ': pt.•rel'nt intC'rE>st arc open to buyt•rs 1·arning IC'SS than $40, I I 0 No rnn1me n •strkt1ons W('rc pbn 'Ci on li:l units. ranging fro m 11111• to thr<·e bt•drooms, priced l111m $ll .OOO 10 $1:!!),000. Tiu· ;1v 1•'r a g1· l'IJSt or a new h111111 · 111 U ra11g1• County now is 111 .. 1rlv $:mo.ooo &~·aUSl' o f till' d t•mand for tht' nP\\' d1·vt'111pnwnt. ;wtual buyers wall b1 .. ' sl'lt't'll'd 111 a lottt•rv Jan I;, Ot'adl11w for e ntcnn.g tht• :-.w1•t•pilak<·~ 1~ .Jan. 12. at.'C'Ording t11 Larr\' Lv1wh. of tht.• Carma- Samlltng C :i·oup • -1...-rr'at - O rw1ytt L0\11;1 UAILV PIL O T /Sund~y. Otic~mlJt.H 5, 198:l ,43 6,000 homes, bu·sinesses · still lack electricity l.tlS t\Nl;El.ES cAl'I M1111· FUTURE • • • From Page A 1 al'l'Ompa11y111g 1 h 1· M;1:-t.·1 l 'l.111 w t•n · 111<1dt-quat1· D•llr Pllol ·,.11010• by Ch•rlH l 18'r Noi!'\~ takt•ol'f~ a nd lantliu~~ an• rt'!'\lr it•lt•d to ••t•rtuin h o111·~ ul .lohn \\'a~·rn· ·\iqmrl. ;\ jc•t waiti-. lwlow. fo1· low•·r c·lt•a rmu-t• for nu •·ar·h morn i 11~ cl•·1m rl 11 ,..., 1}1.111 H,000 11111111 ·~ a11d l 1u~11w:-s1·" 111 S11utllt'1 I\ l'ali l11r111.1 w1·n · still w1tlt11 u t 1·lP1·t111 lly S atu1 d a y.· 111111' d.1v!'t alt•·I' .I f1t ·ll't• w 111t1·1 s t11r111 ~wt·pt throu gh; Ullllly 11111n.1b :-111d ()ft 11·1ab 1->q>t•1·11•d 111·arly all 111•W1·r lo 111• n •sli1n·d J,y l11<l;ay Fr.111k Hdl11. a s1x1kt·s11i:111 tor Sou l h1•r 11 l ';d itrn·111;1 1'~lts1111 (.'11., :-.:1111 J>t •W1 ·r w a:-n•stoJ't'<l to 10,000 h111nt·' b y 1101111 Satunlay I le· said :m p11w1·r po lt·s w t·rt· still t.low11. ;111 d ~(I p r 1111a r y l0 1111du1·L11r:- lt-t·d111g ll<'l).lhl1<1rh1111<b w 1·r e· out 111 St'l'Vh 't· Tl1t· :-1111k1·:-1111·11 so.ml 11 llliJ Y n JNl 1111· u11 l1t11·" $1:! 7 111111 11111 tu n ·pa11 d 11w111•d p o wt•I' ltr11·s , l11pf1 l1·d t1•lq 1h t1nt• µo hos a n d da111ag1·d 11·u 11sl11r1111·r s. I) a 111 ;1g 1· !'. t 11 S 11 u th<· r 11 <. 'al1 lon11a 1':t.!1so11 fat.·iltt11·s Wt•fl· $11 1;r, 11111111111 , w hilt.· ttw DWP n·p11r1t·d $I 2 11111111111 111 dam agt'S ' HL' was t.•spt•t.·1all~· l 011t w.il 111 thP C...llurt• to 1·1111s 11lt-r 11t h1•r a ltt•r n allv t•s wht·11 dr.1w111g lip t ht.• M asti•r l'lan. a nd ,;iul tlw p I a n ;1 s p 1· 1 ·s t· 11 t , ·ti d 1 d 1111 l s uffll·11•nt l v add1·1•:-!-t l ra 11 11 I m " r () v t' rl\ t' II I :-. a I 111 I ' d .1 I l'Us h1 o n 111 g lh l' 1111 p .1 1·1 111 1lll'l't'as1•d airport us1 · T hl' t'Ounty a lst> 1s pn·p.1nng l•• fig ht lt•gal at·tion 111 tlw 1'11rn1 111 numc·ro us lfiH as 111 t h i:-w1·1•k small l'iauns law:-lllb ltlt·d h\' pt•oplt• d aim1ng tlw y '\'t' sufft'l't·;I p t•r son al illJUry <•lid pr11 p1·rty damag t• as a n ·sul t 111 airpo rt opt•rat1o ns. m os t ly rn11s1· n·su ll11.1g from th OS(' oix·rat111n:- Thos1· filing t h<' :-u1h 111w11 ly a dmit that t lH•1r goal Is 1w t rt-<:ovc•r y o f tht• $1.!iOO t·ad1 111 damagt•~ that 1s tht• sm :ill d a um. limit. They wm1t Jt•t op1•r;1 1 1011~ tu l'E'aSC'. S topping growth is n't llw 1111l y it l' m o n t ht• <11 q rn r t • :-It-g a I a gen da. h ow t•vt•r A nu111h1·r 111 air lines urt.• 1nv11lv1·d Ill ;1 law~u11 they ho pt• w1ll 11ix•n tht· ;11r p<1r1 111 add itional sl'rv11•t• by tlw1r Jt'l:- ThL' Orangt· C11u11t:-· markt·l 1:-. l'Onsidt•n'CI a lul'ra tl\'t• 11111" wttl1 the avcragl' rolitt.· o ut u l .1111111 W ayne :<aid to IX• wo r lh a 11ulli1111 d ollars a v<·a r to a n a11· l':11'1'1t ·r T h t.· pri>blt•m is that u1Hlt-r tlw prest•11t iw tup •il l liut 11 h;111d tu l 111 J o hn W aym·'s -11 dall~· JI'! l':trTh ·r dc part un·s an· alll,)(,·a11·d 111 1 w u airli n~·s. A 1rCal anti Ht•pulil1l· With pro:;pl'<:ts for an t•1q ,a11s11111 of jet flights u nn•rt;1111, 1lw tithv r airlin es a rt.· s1·t•k111g to 1>\'t•rtur11 the so-callt-tl <Jl't'l'S." p lan :-11 t h.11 t ht-pie 1·an ht• d 1v 1d1·d 11 111r1· l'qUa lly ThOS<.• w ho stand lo 111:-.1· I r11n1 such a s1•tup , ll·d b:'>' t\11i..'.el. ;1n· fighting tht• suit v1gurou:-I~ A irCal 1s t:la 1m1ng th<1l 11 wa ... fo rmed hl'n· 111 t hl· nrnl-HJ till .... .r:-. an Orang1• County -bw;1·d .11rl11Jt• to m eet Onmg t.• C11u11ty '!-t nt·~·d:-. and that it has exp1..·n dt.-d larg~ amo unts of money lo build an d m a i n ta 1 n 1 1 s r o u t 1· s a n investmt.•nt th<it w11u ld I><· l11st 11 som e ro utt.•s w l•rt· takt·n ;1wa v Ther e also a rt• thv:.•· ~\'ho clearly <Jdvoca tl· gro\.\ th 111 tht· a irport 1L-;1·1f. and no t JUSt fn1111 the vwwpo1nt o f n 1plun11g ,, sh are of a n y prt·sn 1l 111 luturi· a irport t·a pab1hty. The growth ad \'ol.'a ll·'· whil1· a c know l £>dg1ng t h<.•I .J n h11 W a v n c-'s fu t urt· m u !->1 1m·lud1· methods of l'!m trnllmg Jl'I n111~t· a nd o thf'r impac ts o l 1111 µ11n opera tio ns . St l' tht· •11q><trl ;1..., ;, p lace that mu-;t lw . .tilt· l 11 a ccommodate n1on · tr;dl1l' 1f 11 1:-. t o m l't.'t tht· ar 1·a·, .11 r tra n sport;.atum nt·C'ds Growth ad vol'att•s. 111 d ;i11 • dom ina te d b y bus11ws:-. ).lr11u 1,..,. a c knowlcdgt.· t hat J oh n Wa:-·rw c:anno l grow muc h phys1rnlly But they s trongly urge· that a (d ialogu t' bt· s tar 11•d t h a t w ill ft-suit in a t·omprom1st• all11wing m ost o f th ~ Ma s t 1• r P 1" 11 improvem ent s t o tnk t· p l a t·•· while a ssuring min1mol 1rnp<ll'I on n earby communttu-s J udge S umn£>r 1s a kt•.'' f1g un· in th e g rowth -no growth d 1·ha11• because h e> efft'C'ttvt·ly holds \'1•111 p o w er ov t•r an y a ir port improvemt'nt plan Sumnl'r 's r uli ng "" 1h1· Newport &·ath :;ult 01wns <111y fu r the r a tll.'mpt t o l'h a ng1• I h1• airport lo c hallt•ngt· hy thost• wl111 wo uld t·all 1l a v1olut1011 o l tlw rulin g. T h ou gh S u mnl'r t·an t;ikt· rm unilate ral action on a n y airport improvement plan. tht• pn•st.•nt likelihood o f a c·h allt·ng1· lo sut'h a pla n by thE' no -growl h fon ·t·s mak e s i t p r o ba hlt· th<J t a n y c h an ge would havl' to plt·aSt· him a lso. We're Listening ••• 842•6086 ~ ... OlleM MoncMy0l1od9y II you 00 1101 "•" you• P•P•• Dy :.: ~::'u~~~~1f :. ......, Thi 11 · 1" 111';11' u ri.111 111111 u ' 11p11111111 1ho11 1lw u l11111att• w1:-w1·r 111 lh1 t•lllllt.\··:-.111 lra110.,por t.11l1111 II \'l' ti", g I \'I II .J 11 h II V\', I ,\ 111 -' !'> phv,,t1'otl 1!11lll;1l111r1'. I:-;1 "'l'IHll l 11 i..:11111,d .11 rpt11 t But th1 · qut•:-111111 111 wh1·11 • '" p111 "lll h a11 .11qw1rl "·" 11111·111 d ;t1 111th1 ·1 'illl "' \\'11r111:- \\ hrlt l.1il111g lo I'•'"'"'•· .J11li11 \\'," rw':-I utun · /\nd J11lin V\'J \'111 ...... IUIUrt• I:-;1 qu1· ... t11 111 t h;:t. 111 tl11· 11p 111111n 11f 11111,L \\di I <llll111U1· 111 d1·111;111d ,..., .. 1u111111 l11·1·;11i-.1· .ill\ ... 1·1·1111d , 111 P" 1 I 1... ' t ·: 1 r ' ; 1"' , , ' 1 1~>r11 I 11 ·111 g 1•1w 1-.1'l 111 11,,f 1·\'1°11 11 ;1 ..,I ll' h ,, 11'1 ll ·d 111d ;1_\ J>1..,:-.1 llll'I ' f 111111 th.II PJlllHllll 1111 pt•,..:-1hlt· "°''' Ill l111 · 1-:l T 11r11 :\J.1r1111· (.'111-p ... Air S t.1 111111 ;1s ;1 ,11111111111 l1l.11 \ • 1\0111.111 t.willl\ th.it 111uld 111• p 11 ·p11ri•d l1J1 :-ud 1 u:-1· lfUlt kh . \\ hil1 '"lllt' JJll'>IUl.1ll· 1 hal ll·t·h11ol11~1c•il ad vant.·t ·:-. w ti I o f£s(·t mw·h of tht· fu lurl• nt•f'(_I l11r .111 1r.,,., I ,111tl. thu,... ti ... 11111n• .11 r p1 •I l :-. But 1·u·11 11111,l d1,,...t·111t 1, agn·t lh.et .J11f111 \\',1\'flt• \\'Iii 11.1\'I• lll 111· l h.1 11g1•d l.1k1• o ll11·r ai r po r t n ·l;1lt·d 1:-:-.Ul's. llwn· ;1n · ;d11111st ;1' 111;111\· d1t l1 1·1·111 1d'"'" 111 w h ;it ,,Ji 11u Id 111 · """'' ,,... t li1•n · ;111· 1w11pl• · B11111 N1·,t.111d1 1'11:11n1i;111 111 1111' 11111111\ 1~1;11 d 111 ~upe ·n·1:-.11r:-. ~wl11•\'t'' 111111111\'1•1111·11 h at .Johll \\'o1v111 ,11'<· ,, 111thl t·\·1·11 thou gh h 1• 0 J1 l l1 j l I l' .id \ ollll 1•;., I ll 111111111u 11 11 ;it111n~ .111 tl .;urla1·1· 1r.111~f "ll'l.il11111 th;1t n1.1v 1wgat1 1111 · 1w1·d l11r a ,,.,.11nd ;11q 11 w1 --(._',11111111111 ,1•11:-1 ti·lb ''"l' lth a l I \ II U h, I\' 1 I 11 I Ill J> I 11 \'I' I I . " N1·,l;11ul1· '"'ti "11 d 1w:-11'1 1•\01•11 \\l ll"K "' .1 ft·1·d1·1' dll'JXll't 1111\\' -• N1 ·:-1.111d1· .... 11d 1hl· o1 1rp•11 t :-.h11uld lw d1·s11-(111·d I•• ha11d h-11·:-.s 1h;1n tlw pl'<IJt'1·t1·d Ii :! nHll1on p;1ss1•11g1·r' h.v th1 · y1·ar :!OIJO. hoth 111 pl1·1 .... 1 .Judgt· Su111 1wr a nd l11'\.1U"'· 111 tlw lacd11y's limil<•tl :-171' "L1·1 ~ tan• 11. i t's b 11x1·d 111 right 1111\\ IL':. rll'\'C'I' g111n g 111 lJt• a nr1ll•1tlill r·:Jrrlt'r." Nt.·stm1d1· saul Sup1·n ·1:-.11 r H11g 1•r Stan t11n ,1gn·1·d th.11 -.11m1• m 111.h fll'al11111:-. 111 0(~ optome tris t LOS ANt;Eu:s (AP) An 0 1;111g1 · «ou n1 v 11ptonw1nst who w11rk:-11u 1 11f .1 G1•mco sto rt• 1s ... u 1ng 1h1· H·l;1il <"h1tn fo r $;!0 111d li11n, d;11111111g tt"lt-l'l>mpany ha:-. t'1111sp 1n•d t•1 fix prin·s 111 its o pllurn·lry c.J1•p:irtnwnls T hi· su11 fili·d 111 US D1strll't C o u rt 1•1111t1·nd s C 1•m1•11 o p111 m1·1r1s t s :.tr(• f 11n ·1·d 111 pun·ha:-c• s uppht·s and st·rv11·1·:-. t h ro u g h M <'lv rn S t a l'k . .1 11 t h 1· l\l.1 s l 1·r l,1;,n m av h1· 111 ·1·1·,sa r v 111 p l1·:1:-1· Su1111wr' St.11111111 ab11 r111le·d , hu\\'l·\'1•1. lh.il " 1l't'1•11t n·soh1u1111 11d11p11·d o111 a :i -:! , . .,, .. 111 tlw .su'µi:l'\'1"u r::-, d1·1'1.1r111g 1h;i1 1111 11th1·1 ftoas1 hl1· o111•p11r'I :-llt· 1•:0..1:-.I~ 111 thl' <'11U11t~. 11 .. t\'1·, .Jo hll \A/;1v1 11• ;1~ 1h1· univ ,uh\\ 1·r 111 lt>1::1I ;;11 11 a ns porla ti11r1 111·1·1b "B~· ;1d11 pt 1ng a n •solutwn :-.ay111g v11u h il\'t' 1111 alt1·n 1:.1 ll\'t· :-111· 111 ( >r.1t1g1· l'ou11l~ y ou an· l'l<·u ,111g ;li\1·nt111n 1111 th1 • 1111 1 ~· garllt· Ill 111\\'ll .J11h 11 WC1y 111· Ail'Jx•rt." ~1 a1111111 saul E\·1·n thu:-t· who li:1\'1· lt•gall_\' t li,ifl1 •11g1·d .lll'J>ol'l l'XJlil l1SIOll .1gn·1• thal tlw anp11r t w ill not g11 ;1Wa\' S 1111w go so tar as to S<J\' 1h1 ·~ 'd ;111·1·p1 1•x p.1ri:-11111 Wha°t t h1·\'·n · l111 1k 111g 1111 111 r1·1ur n . l111w1 ,., r 1.., ,, gur.11111•1• 111 wl11 ·n I ht.' l'Xpa11s1011 w1 II sto p Ken Dclin o, an t:Xt:l'Ulivc .1:-sht.1111 tu N1 ·wp11rt Rt•;wh Cit~· :\l a 11 .1g1"f Hoh•·rt 'A':-r111 w h 11 h,111<111 •:-. 111rp11rl a l l.11rs l11r tlw I'll\', ,;11d lht· ('II :"·, 1 1111~· p•iltl')' 11'1-(.1n llng 1lw :11q>t1r1 '\Im ply ;1sk .., 111r a gurant1·1·d 1111 111 1d ..J I 111111n11·l'l'wl Jt'I dqim·111r···s .1 "''Y Iii•· 1·u n 1·111 11u1 11l wr plu .. 1·1111t111u:1111111 111 a11t•111pts 111 1111111 J• ·I 11111'1 · ()\·111111 .wtu:-.1·d 1·111111lv 111f1n;1l-. 11 1 p:1<;Sl\'1 •J:-· pla1111111g 0 ;1 lll<IJlll' I xp.111'\11111 o f J 11h 11 V\',,_v 111· b y 1g 1111ri11 g '1ud11·:-"h11 It ,.uggt•s t llll11·r ;11q><t1'l ..... tt•s ;ind 1·11111111L11ng l•1 push 1nd 1\·1du;d pl 11.Jl'l'I!'> 1 hat a d d u p t ., :1 p r 11 I! r ;1 m 11 ( ''11wn·1111•11 t;1I 1-(l'OW I 11'" "' 1h1 · o1ll JMll I I >i·l11111 :-:11d tlw nt \' will :-1:1nd h v 1h1· l:o\\ su1l that · n ·!->ultt•d 111 :-;'u1111n1·1 ·, ru l111g .111d d1;illt-ng1 1•\'1·r,v a1t1 •111pl. h11wt•\'1•1 :-rll.111. II> 1·xp;rnd the uirµ11r t u nul 1l h<is .l!U,1r:111 t1 ·e•d l1 1111l'i ''" ;11r p11 rt g r'l1\\'th lll'ltno n1111•d th .it lht• n t\"s p11lic~· cl1 11·s 11111 p1 t'\ lu dt· 1h1· LISt' iii lar g 1•r Jt'ls it th<'~' an • <lUl<'lt'I'. 1·n la rg1·nll'n t 111 tlw lt•n illnal to .11·1·11n111111tla tt· 1111·11 •aM·d tr;iffw ;i II d j ll1 p r 11 \' t • Ill t ' 11 t S t t) :-.u rr11u nd111g road s s u es G e m C() t\ 11;1ht •m1 npl 111111 ·tn s l ... ,. ho h nlrls th1· maslt·r lt•a....c· f11r .ill ..J:i ( ;<·m «o op11111wlry off1n·s 111 ('alifornw . , N1•\ ;1d:1 ;111d Ar11.1111:1 i':,wh 111111·1· IS "lll'l';lt"tf Ii~· ii d11l'l•ll' who sul1lt·11s1·:-fro m St;wk n r w a v n (' s (' r i n . a n flJllllllH'I ris t a 0 t I ht• ( ;1'"1l'll Shirl' 111 F 11llt•r t11n . l'iaim .... m h ts suit t hat I h 1• 1· ti m µa ny .an ct S l a l' k th 11 ·;1 It ·111'11 to t'Vll't o ptomt.•tr1sl<; \\IHI d1dr1 '1 1111.' St:wk 's suppli<•s. Whal d o you like about the Daily Pilot" W hal do n 't you like~ Call th e number a t le f t a nd your m essag e w ill be r ecorded, transcribed and delivered to the a ppro priate editor. T he same 24·ho ur answenn~ servit'e may be u sed to re cord let· ters to lht> ed ito r on any to p1r Mailbox contributors mus t inclu de lhf'1r na me a n d telephone number for verifi<"alion No C'ir t"u lation ('alls. ph •ast• Tt•ll us what 's on your m ind ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat Themo1 '. Haley CIHtlfi.d edvertl1lng 7141142·5171 All other ctepartmenl1'M 2-4321 MAIN OFFICE UI WHe latr St. C°'ta -... CA M•ll -1 e.1•.Coue-.. ,CA .,.,. ~:::::!.!.':.~:.t.f.::'. ::.=::::-::.~~ .. turtMy 1nd Sundey II ~~)~~~=·~~ Publ11h•1 ond (h1•I I u!<ul·•~ Off•r N ... 11 .. -1, M••"' may 119 ··~--... ,,..,. _ .. 1 ....... 1•-••<-·~-.... 10 •"' _.,,,., ·---.......... Jane Amoti Raymond Mad.eon foe<Oftll <l"I Potl ... palll Al (M IA MHa. Calllomla IU~S IU-1 Sul>wrlpUOfl by u ,,,., .. 7t-llly lly m•ll 9' '°"-'Ill• £,ecul••• f d•IOf l. Kay Schulta VtCe ''"'danl il"d OwK'or ~ 4dva<l1t1ftg Co~•rolrf'1 Mkhoel '. Harvey _ ... "' D·••c•o• ol Mo•la11ng 1(.,tulo!•onl j ·------------ "T hi· p1il11·, o fll·r' .1 1111 111 l1 ·1·wav. hu t w1· d11 w ;111 t ;111 .1l1s11lui,., h 1111l111g 1111111 1111 1111• lllJ111l11 ·1· 11t I light:-." J)\·1!1111 ,;11d R1rli;1r;1 L ll'h111 a 11 . 1·1 " 1rd111a t111 111 th;· A1ij.iur t W orklll).! (;rnup <ti t>r:111g1 (.'t1u11t ' ·wlm Ii d.11111' 111 n ·p n •:-.t •111 tltt 111 lt·11·,ll-o 11 1 111,IHlll t.11111'11·:-.... aul lw 1 gro u p .ign ·t·.., with tl11 · k··~ p11111i... 111 N1·\\ p11n l~·:wh'!-t p11lw v, "l :111il ..... 11sl ;wt11r_\ ;dlt•n 1;lll\'t·:- ;11 t· 1h ·\'d llJ!t 'd \\t' eo1111111t ;1~111\\' ,1 lffl'l'l'dt·llt '" 111· '"' , .... t 111·tl1t 'I' 1 xp.111:-11111:· :-.Ill' s 11d "\VI' 11h\·111u:-h \\ 11uld Ilk•· 111 l'>l 'I' .1~ fl •\\' l't llllll.\t'l'l'l;il .I''' Ht).!hh "" Jl'"~11i1t ., liu1 w1· w;111l t11 ht· n ·al1:-t 11·."' ,,11d L.11'1111wn "W t· k1111w \\ 1 < .111 '1 turn 1111• l'l11l'k f1,11'k \\'1 ·'11· Jlll'Jlo1l'1•<f t1 ,'Jl\0I \\'llh .. I '. I l " I II ·' Ill ,, II I\ I ,, I 11111/11\'j•Jllt'rll'I'. l1U I \\I' \\',1111 ,1 " :-. U I .t 11 1 t · I'> l Ii <I I t Ii I' inl·unv~nll'rwc·s w on ° l 1nt.·r l.'ctst·. ·· Tht• f:wtn rs st•e•m In :1rld llp In ti l u tu n .1 .. 1111 v\'.i\ 111 · !\1rµ111'1 ( h;ll • 1S1·t· .\IHl'OHT . l'a~t· ..\j I ~. -~-·-~~~- 111· 1·~1 1111;11t·tl that ht·lwt·t·n !"l. :-,1111 a 11d li.Olll) 1•u s 1t11111 •r!-t Wt·l'I· s t ii I w 11 h 11u I I' lt·t·t r 11·11 y. t h 1• lai·g1•s1 numlwr of th1·111 °i11 l ht· S an (. ;:.i 11wl Va lll·Y - Wa ltt·r Z1•1sl 11f tlll' l >t•part1111·11t ol W.11t ·r and l'11w1·r s;11d thl' 1·1ty 11 1 I .11:-. A 11g t·lt·!-> ab11 s til l ha~I S(';1tt1 ·1't·d 11utag1•s lit· sa id h1 · dtd 11111 k1111w how n 1anv 1·us tt1m<·1·s· •II 1111 · 11..JO w it hout f~IWt•r Friday \\'l·rt· l>ldl aflt"<·\t·d "'l'ht· •1ut;1g1·s a n · st·attt·n ·t.I a rrn1111! ,l ht· t.'l~Y T ht·rt•'s 1111 singlt· .1ri·.1 I h 1·n· s 1111 w ay wt• t.·an 1•:-.11111;111 · lilt' nu111b1.·r o f h11n 1<·s still w1tl111U t JIOW<·1·." Al 11:-hl'ighl . Tu<·sd ay 's Al'<'l1t··h11r11 s tor m k 1Hwkt·c.J o ut powt•r 111 111u n • than 1.5 n11ll11m S outlwr11 l'alifonu a 1·ustum l·1·s B .. l lo ~ai d :U IUO l'll:.tomt•r:-. w1·n · s till w ithout powt·r in \hl· S<.111 (;a l1r1t·l Vallt•y t·1tit•s µf M 11n tt'IJ1·l l11. M o nrov1:i, S o uth l'as:1d1·11;1, Covi na and W t•s l l' 11 v 1 11 a , a 11 d a n o t ht· r 5 0 () l'U!-t l llllll'l'S W t· rt· affC't•t C'd in P 1· r r 1 s . H t• d 1 a n d s . S u n B1 ·1·11.11 d11111. Un ta no a nd ol he·r p;1rt:-. of Sa11 Ht·rn a nlmo County. l~·llo s;11d st·rv11·1• w o uld no t Ix· 11·su1111'd 111 pa rts of HC'do nd o B1·<w l1. l'al11:-V1·rd<'s and ot ht•r lw .w h t·1t1t·~ until M o nday o r T ut·:-Jav ··O u r" 1111 1· t·1 <•ws h av1· bt·t.·n wo r king !'tll1l·1· W t·d m ·sd ay," 84.'llu s aid "S o rn<· of t h t·m h avt.· w1trk 1·d :111 hours s traight through Al th is point lht•y'r\' gl'ltmg v1 ·ry t1rc-d." · Z1·1:-I s 11 id l>ll nll' p<irts o f S l11·r111Jll O a ks lost pt1wt·r a t 4 ;, rn S :iturd<i y fo r ahu ut -I !) 111111ut1·l.. 111' l>aid 11 was a prob lem wit h <• tr;m sformt·r and DWP w o rk e• r :-w<· r l' not l'~ rt a i"n w lw tlw r 1t was storm r<•la'tecf. 7 die, 24 hurt in new Lebanon mountain fight BJ-:I HUT. Lt.•b:Jn un tAPI t 'llns l1an und Mosh ·m militlillnl'n l1;1ttll·d wi th a n ill<:r y. rm·kl·ls :111d m<.1l'h1m· guns tn thl• Israt·h - 11l'l'U pi<·d c t·ntra l mountai n s S l.l tu.rt.lay. ll'av1ng s<·vcn dt•ad :in d :!-l wo u ndl'd, authorities stud . L d1anon's s tate-and pnv a tt· radios said th rt·t.· lsra t•lis w t·n • kdlt·d in t h 1· t•ross-f 1n•. h u t n ulitar y ~µokt·srrn•n 1n Tel Aviv s;;ul the y \.\'l·rt· unawar e of <tn y ls rat•lt d t•a t hs. Thi· Lt:ba m ·st• broad t <isLo; said tlw 11111.h t•s of tht· thrt•t• l sra t·lis \\'1·n · lll'hl·vptt·n ·d homl' fron 1 tht· 1·111h;11tlt•d vdlagt•s o f Bnh a nd K l ;1r N<.ibrakh, about 14 m ilt·s southeast o{ Beirut. 111 an <.•arliC'r l'ommun iq ut'. t he Tt·I A v iv l'Om mand said 1111<' b r.1<'11 !->11ltlll'r was w o und 1·d hy a ~tn•,v hullt·l •·a rly Satu ra day in the· l'l a s h e·s bc•t we e n th e Chnslliln P hal;.ingc P a r ty and th1· nru~t· Suc:whst P rogn•SSIVl' Par ty 111 R rih Tht• lsnwli t·11mmand said iL'i troop..., 1m pow d t·urft•w s o n both 8rih :i nd Kl ;1 Nubr ak h . B u t L 1·h :1nt·si· raJ10 s tations said lht· 1·u 1 lt·w had no v1s1ble <·ffe<.·t. an d. t ha t fl ghttng 1•o n 11 n ue d w ith a rtilh•f)'. mortars. rod~ets and m:wh1m· gun s. T l11 · Ill'\\' d ash1 ·s folluw t·d a ~p;it1 · 111 g unµm nt a bductions th a t It-fl a n <·~t11natl•d to t a l o f 40 \'tll.1gt'f·s hl'lp hustagt.• b y both la1·11u ni.. 1'h 1• L t.·b a n csc· rep orts said . P o lil'<' said five people Wt'rl- k 1 11 t• d F ri d a v a nd s e v t· n SaturJa_\'-· JI~ old fashioned • · afrc{esfcliff 2laza nernernbl'• when service was rno1e than 1ust a slogan? When hometown 111ercha nts spent time helping you select the perfect gift? When Chnstmas shnpp1ng NilS a 1oy, not a ch ore? Tt11<: hoflday seaso n. 101n the Westc l11f Plaza lam1ly. where the holiday sprnt s1111 nieans sh;mng JOY with our c ustomers . our friends. Select your g ilts from mrnl' Jhrin 1wenty shops . without crowd s or e ndless parking lo ts . with the µersonal touch that Wes tchll Piaza has become known tor. f11111 f tw1ni..hny hghts Christmas carolers and Mrs Santa and stiare in 111r ·,p1ri: 1)! y•vir1g hy b11n91nlJ ;ilong a special paci..age 101 Toys for Tots 17th and Irvine Newport Beach Th•& Cti11stmas . 101n the Westc li fl Plaza la•rnly a nd have a merry Old Fashioned Christmas• Quality in fashion and services with that personal touch I r •I II• , .... ~':":'.~· • t t '! i·.r. f"'; C !J ¥ "'7''.':l'"f,~V1~,llf' 1' 1fo 't .. . .,~,·------.......... 9'1" ............ . . .. . . # Orttnge Coast DAILY PllOl tSunaav. Deceml>or 5, 1982 Hy JOEi. t '. l>ON 01 the Dllllr flllol ll•H As liu111"1·hill111g w1·11t h1·r 1T1•1·µs 111111 h111111·s tl11:-. w1111t·r. n1a11 v a tlwr11111:-.lill w al l sav g11111li1y1· tu au1u111n a11d kll'k 11i1 1•11111f111·1111g gus or l'1t'l.'ln1· h1·at111g svs1t•111:-. · But 1·1·11tral h1·;1t111g 1·an 111· n~th· a:-. ml µr11·1·s 1·11111111u1• 11~1· a11d tlw pn1·1· 111 11;1tural g11:-.. om·1· tlw lJar~a111 1·1wrgy soUl'l'I'. also Jlllllps follow111g f1·1lt·r11 l pr1.1.·1· d1'1.'t111trul. l n r 1 • 1· 1• n I y c a r s . l h 1 • skyroc:k1•ting 1·ost of 1·1wrgy has St•111 so1111• in :wari:h of' altt•r11ativ1• h 1• at 111 g sour 1· t• s . P 1rrt ii b 11' k1•ros1•n1• h1•at1•r s. o n 1·1· 1·ons1d1•rt•d unsaft'. art' bat·k 111 sty It•. jX'l.·au:;t• kt'l'OS4.'lll' ht'illt•rs hilVl' t'Urnt'<I a rl'putauon as poll'ntial . fin• hazunls. st•vt•ral stalt•s hav1• slappt•d n·stn1·t1ons on tllt'ir ust'. Undt'r Cahfornia's H1•alth and Safrty Codt'. kt•roscnt.· h1•at1•rs art• bannt•d from u st• in a ll d~vt'lling units. Tht•y nrny b1• USt·d how1·v1·1-. in w1•ll-v1·ntilatt'd garagt•s. war1·hous1<s and busin1·ssc.•s. Though tlw 111·'.\' units an· 1·1msid1·r1•d Car saft>r against fin• hau1rds th;m thost· madt• d1'1.·ad1•s ago. 1·ons um1•r advol'alt·s an• mun • ft•arful of what lhl'Y daim art• harmful gast•s produ1·1-d by tht· h1o;1t1•rs. Consunwr lh·ports magazirw warnt•d i11 its 0l'tobt:r l!J82 issut• that k1•rus1•n1· ht•att•rs may post• a sc."rious ht.•ulth hawrd <'spt.•t:ially to young 1·hildr1•n, thl' t>lderly. pn•gnant women. pt.•oplt• w ith 1·ardiovas1.·ular und n ·spiratory dist.•ast•s and asthmatks t.•vt•n whc·n uSt•d in a ventilatt•d room. I n t 1• s t s o f 1 8 u n i ts , t h < • magazim· found kcroscnL' hL'att.•rs givl' off four gases: car bon m o n oxidt.'. l'<irbun diuxtdt'. nitrog1·11 dtux1d<· <HHI sulfur diox1dt.'. C o n s u m t' r R t.' p u r t s invt.·sti~ators also diS<·ov<'r~·cJ th1· Budget 1·11111·1·11t rat11111 111 thn·1· 111 lh1· ga:-.1·:-. 111 H:-. h'sl n111111 1·x1·1·t.·1h·tl 1111td11or li1111ts for l h usr :-. 11 11 :-. I a 11 1· I':-. :-. t• I h V t h 1• 1':11v1r11111111·11t.1I l'r11t;·1·t 11111 Ai.:1·111·y Tht· 1·arhu11 <l111x11l1· lt•Vt•I wa:-. IWH'1· th1· l•·vt·I sl'l fur w11rk1•rs Ii~ th1· On·up11ti1111al 11 ,. ii I t h a II d s a f ,. t v Atl1111111~tra 111111. • l 0all111g th1· k1·ro:-.1•111• twatt•r a "hal'.iHdous appli u11h"" tht· lllill-(iJZlnt• l'l'l'llllllf\l'lldt•d tht• l° ti II S U 111 l' I' p I' 11 ti U l' t SU f l' l )' l'111111111ss11111 tlllJX*'' un outril(ht lJan on thL• portabh· d1•v11•1•s. "P1"111Jlt.· 4ui1t• undt·rstmulubly an· h111king for a way to rt'l.IUt.'t' their h1·;H111g bills an d this looks hk1· a h•s.-;' t.•xpt.•11s1vt.• way lo ht•at a s mall room ." satd Joan M1·NablJ, spukt•swoman for lht• stalt.· Ot•partmt.·nt of Consunwr Affair s . "Tht• prubh·m with k1•rost.'nt.• h1·at1·rs ·is tht.•y t•mil huwrdous g;.1s<'s ... Shr noll'd s tun" 11w'n1•rs an· prnh1b1lt'd from adv,•rtisinl( o r s1•lling tfit· hl'at1•rs for honw use.•. Tlw C'on s unwr Affau·s D1•p;1rt- 11u·11 t n ·1·1·11tlv t'l'al'kt'<I down 1111 Montg111111:ry Ward lor its kt·rost•n<' hl'.alPr nt·wspaper adv1·r1tS<·nwnts that n•ad: "Gt•l, your hunw n •ady now fill' tht• 1·11ld wt.·atht.•r." · Though1 small1·r print at 'lhl• bot11m1 of tht• ad wc.1nu'l.I that tht• units wt.·n · nvt for ust• in hous<•s, ttw tll·partnwnt s till adv1st•d tlw ,. om pa 11 y 11 f I ht· I aw . Th t• 1.lt·partmcnt stun• l'hilifl agrt•t.•d lo kill tht• honw-ust• ads, Ml·Nabb sc.tid . Tht• National Kcrost·nc l11•all•r A ssodatton. an indus try t radt.' g r o u p . h a s l' r i t i c 1 Zl' d t h 1· C on sunll'r Reports arlll'lt• and rq~ards thl' dangt.•rs of lht' c.J1·v1l'l'S as "n1•glig1blt'." "Tht· Consumt•r Rt•ports 1·akulations WPl'l' bast•d o n u n s o u n d a n d u n r c a I i s t i l' a ssumptions lt.'ading to falst• l'ondusaons." said Sc:<>ll llarrah, ,-' ' 'wmw Pt·o1)lt• looking for less expe9s ive ways to heat their homes are war1wd by t :onsume r Reports m agazine about llie health hazards t•au!-it•d h y ~ast·s from kerosene h t•uh•rs. spukt·snian for tht.• Nashvillt-, T1·nn.· bas.•d as.>;1,)(:iation. .. '-th-~l'l'l'<i!(ntzt• lht!J:c'-s_ a +isk hut tlw ~mls an• only lo ht• u!K:'d .... m wdl-vt•ntilatto<l ar1•as and i1ot in t•ndoSt.•d area~ ... h e sc.tid. _ _Spc.t.:.iikll.11.y_._Lh.t· k1:ros1.•nt• ht•att•r as.'il.x:iation took issut· with tht.' siw of the test room qo k>Ct hy. 12 k>t.·t by 8 feet high) ust:d in c ma azinl'. inve~tigat_Lon_. Harrah sai the room was· too • ·action SHOP SATURDAY 9:00 TO 9:00 pushed SACRAMENTO ·(Ai"t · ........... · .. .. -Gov.-c leC't GC'org1· Dl'ukmcjian says Ca l ifornia's new Dt•mocratil' Ll'gis la tun· s hould ;.11·1 promptly whc•n it COllVC'ncs n ext week to find a "sensible· solution" to the statC''s $1 billion budget l'risis. _. ,. 'AVE 50 o/o. .-. - Tlic R epublil'an govcrnor-cll'tt ne ither endorsed nor opposed. the possibility of a tax in<:rcast• in hts written s tatement released Saturday. MIKASA ''CARMEN''·TAB·LEWARE.SETS THf ·MOOD . . . . . ---- But by saying nothing obout a tax increase" DC'ukmc jian could be saying a lot about his expeciations. He again avoided tht• kind o f fcC't-in-concret<' declaration against n ew taxes which could b e politically embarrassing __,. after he is sworn in J an. 3. succccding Democratic Edmund Brown r Although Dcukmejian told voters during the fall camp41ign that he was confident he cocrt<f ba l a n ce t h e budg<'l without raising taxes. hC' usually s t opp ed just s h o rt o f a pledge to never raise taxes. SinC'c th <'n . Deukmt·j ian has no t personally d iS(·usscd the tax question . But his top fiscal advisers have said both on and off the r(.'(.-ord that some kind of tax incrcaSC' -possibly a temporary h ike in the salC's tax -m ight be n eeded unti l the economy rebounds. However. a g-ro up of R epublican legislators who met privatdy with Deukmejian for two h ours Friday ga ve exactly the opp osite signal -that spending can a nd should be cut· again, a nd that .a tax increase:• isn't m'edcd. CGRRECTIOI ,,.,,_ I ol the ..,,,. . .,,,.,,,. HOiion ot ,,..,.,...,,., ""' ,,..,. ,. .,,..,,,..,,,.,, '°' • #41101 po1t•bl• Ke1oeoM lt••l•t. The lollowln• cop1 .,., 111Mhe1tont'1 left out: "C•lllornl• l•w ~oltlltlt9 Nie ltw W OI ... "'.,,,..,.,.,,,...,.,.. In drtollln••·" Ir• .,,. .. ,.,, , .. ,., .,., ...,...,.,,.. ,,,,. ,,,., MNMHld lSearsf -- ' FOR MERRY MAKIN·G! Cryml t.eb1ew9re with a fro.led ftonl delign:' ... Cleeftv. a beautiful way to ornament your holidly penile. Shown•• ju.t liJc from our colecdon to get you In the epirit. Cheenl Stlection will Y8fY ltON to ltOfe. Mbu Gie.w.re, 412. ALM AVAii A ... Orig. 20.00, H~ bowl. t• . Orig. 40.00. Tidbit .wr .• _. Orig. 40.00. FOOflld ...._ bowf, ... ,. . A Ill l>()ll1" . • • From Pogo A3 111 ... 11111 wh.11 1•>q1.11 11lt ·d . hut 11111 u11hkt• 1ud11Y'1> l'11ut1 I\ ~1 llHl11h" 1•1.t11•11lt'IY -.1• ll!U l I \'I I 11 1111' flllM!\I ha) I l y 11 I n111r1 • "'lluwkw 111 tht• h1111d1> 111 JlHJg1· Summ•t'. h 11v1• 1w1 llh • w hl01·li. of I utu rc· plt11Hung m 11111111111 w ith prt•ptll'1H1on ul 14! a lh •r 1111 1lv t• lll't•n urlo11 fo r lht• 111rpon'11 h llltrt• 1h111 1>u1>4•1 vli.oNi will t'llll'>Ult·r lll'><t Wt•t•k Though lht• a llt•rnullvt•s run~t· -'------1 roni 11 lolll I i.hu t<lown-of tl'w 111rµu1•1 lu 01w 1 hat 1ndudt•i. nu wt· lhan 100 dully cumml•l'd ul jct dt•partun•s, lht•re's r t•aso11 to bl'Jicvt• that tht• supcorv1sors will st'ltll• o n som<.•thmg thut includt•s l{rowth with no cxtr•<.•me change in thl' st.ntus 4uo. It 1s gt•rw rolly acknuwledgro. 't ho u g h no t pulJlicl y. tha t u ma,JOrity of superviso1~ favor an increase from 4), to 55 daily <:ommcrdal jct dcpartu1•es. Some of those involved in the figh t to s top airp ort grow th a C'knowlcdgt'. thou"h a lso n ot µublidy, that they might ot'(:cpt sul·h an increase in exch a ngl' for a l'OlllTt•lt• guar~tnlt•<.• of limi ts o n <11rl or1 gruwth. ~ivc•11 lhl• real p hysil·al und a ppan•n t poll tit-;.il 11[l11ta11ons governing tht• aar ptu·t, l·Xln•mt•s of growth oi: s l"!rinkagl· th us appt•;.ir unl1kt.>ly. unll•ss anti· •airport ron:t•s scor:"' major court Vll'tOrll'S . Thl• add1ticm of long-d1st.am:e f li g h ts (the lon gest non-stop com ml'l'cial flight o u t of the a irport now goes to Dcnvl'r) uppcars h ind e r e d b y th e probablt• rt'ality that int.·n •ased d<·~rturt>S won 't be n4mcrous l'nough to ;.illow such expansion. Delly Piiot Photo by lM Peyne N t•w, highe r a ir l raffit· <'ontrol tower is And with scvl'n out of 10 John Way1w users lx'mg business fhcrs ;wc:ording to a 1981 survl'y plus projection of more growth for the rq~1on. 11 a ppc.•urs that a smaller J ohn Wayne 1s unlikely (barnng legal setbacks) c•ven if Ncstandc's predictions a bout tcdrnological advan<."CS coml• trUl'. a bout t•omplt'lt•d a t John \'l'ayne Air port: Save 25%! Save 50%! No-Wax Floor Tiie SolM<,huw fl • hd' d r.1d1dlll 110· "'1x ,urfdn! """ .i lonq lasllng 'h111t.• <111d l'•"\ ,df·'-lll k m'tal· ldllllll Reg. 89c 44 ~¢ Sale u. @mstrong Solarian® No .. wax Floor Tile F'abulou., 1111 "•''< lloo r lrlt• 111 d ht11· c1rr.w o f JMll1•m, .111d l(orl(l'llll~ 1 olm' M1rahc111d • ,11rf.111· 111·\1·r 1w1~1, w.ix1111( to ffiillllldlll II' hnll1d11l ,l1111t• Sdhl~ k Im 1•,1w tlo-11 vuur'>l'.11 11 L'tulldtlOll MIN 4 lW PIJKC1WiE Rea. 1.49 ·Anal Price t:~ 1.n~ ~· ·112 f"-l '"'-• I IZ JO n JO n ()ur IOll!!h. ((1111.l'd tilt• lllllll'' Ill t'XQUl'>llt• pdlt~m' .111d t olur' R~I· 1.29· I .59 111r 111w s 11r Sale 97c.}19 SO.CCTfll , "TTDlllS u. Save 38%! Fancy Mirror Tiie I h11hlil(hl .1 '1\,111 or .1dd d11 m•11,11111 h i olll\ roolll w1lh 1111r '>lllll'r t'll'Y·lll ""'·•II 1n111m 11h· ggc 1te1. 1.59 Sa· ir • 1r ae JO " COPPO. COi.ii Y°' AllO WOUD QILO VIII SANTA ANA 322 w. 17th Street 898-3388 547-7781 MON.-111. 9 ·I, SAT. 9 • 6, IUN. 11 ·I ~ fWT QtJMnY • M'ft5MenON GUAIWm.ID ·PA~ ~y '1/1#.Y IN*-~ •• I I I Marsballs ••• with the quality and selection you want for the holidays, at sa~ that really make a difference Where else but Marshalls ... famous maker first quality $66 terry velour robes for 24.99 regular price elsewhere $68 Quality robes In 100% Collon terry Ins ide. luxurious \'\:lour out· s ide. In basic and fashion colors. plpln~ tri m. First q11allty. Sl/.t>S P·S·M·l... &om our ftne jewelry department ... l 41rt gold charms for less •all OC'<'a'>lo n charms •hear t C'harms •butterflyrhann-.•ltal· Ian horns •nll size·~ and i-.hafX'S •from 9.99 for a I 4kt s.told sand dollarto89 99 fora hcavv· W<'l~h1 l 4kt ~old u nkorn • / ·brand name fashion tees regula r price elsewhe re $16 Choe>~(' rrnm I hr la1c·st J11nlor lllM~hull ... prk(' look<>. In 1 00%anyllcorpol\~tt'r 6 99 l'01tonblc11d .Soltd-.. <>tripe"" Ft~t c111allty. Sl/.t'1' s M L. • MARSHALLS GIFT CERTIFICATES In S l O a n d $25 de no ml na tions. Avatlahle at our servic de k. Rcdee.m.=. a ble a t a ny one of our stores. Stylee leatW'ed are repre.entaUve oft.he advertised iroup and occa1lonally 1peclflo •tylea may not be anllable In every It.ore. • ,.. , Tiie comparable prtce l1 In c•mpllancc with FTC comparlH n •wdellne1, which t tale , Mofllke irade and quaJllyM or MeuentJally 11ml11r quality and obtainable In the area". AV11111rs1~·111111s ----Brand N~ for Less/---- .......... ,__ ............. t ....... , ... __ ..,. __ ..,. __ _ ' . "" 8 Orang Co••1 DAil. V PILOT /8u11d1y, 0 c mbo1 6, HIH Overcrowding of jail needs faster solution It ~l'l'ln~ 1h.11 B1 lll't' Nl'~tandl" c·hn1rman ol till' < )r.1ll~1.· Count,¥ Hoard ot Suix·rv1sor~. will s tuµ at n 111 h 111 g 1 <> rn a kl' s un· ;J n t' w l'Ounty jail 1~ 11111 hullt al .111 El Torn hx.·u t1011 w1thtn his d1strn:t. Nestanck t«.tllt·d fu1· u nd won approval uf ;m cxpandC'd study o f q1e Jail ~1t111g 1s~ut•, a s tudy that a lr·l·ady 1s moi·t· thun ont' Yt'ar olu County' s Upl•r v 1sors havt• dt.'l'ldl•d that so-ealll•d ··n·mo te" sill's should bt• l'XCJrnint:d . Thl'Sl' sitt•s will bt• nflon 11 fit•d by a t·ommilll't' t•xamining lht• s1trng l:SSUt• Remult' Sill's, b y dl'fin1t1un, ar e t h ose places fa1: away from dcv<.• lo p<.·d iHl'as N t•s ta nd t" s 1...-urrl'nt thinkmg apparently 1s that tht• t anhl'r awa:-.• ii Jail 1s, thP bc•ttl'r. Nc•v1·r m111d that with d1stam·<.• l"onws subst;mt'ial adclt-d c·os ts lo r <.'Vl'I y thing I rum acn•ss roads to waslt· dispos;il sysll'ms NC'ver mind that thl' county 1s f acing s ubstantial obstade:-. in finding morwy for l'Xpenditures for capital proje<:ts. Nestandc's goal is to b lock placement of a new jail at tht' J ames A . Musick Honor Farm. a minimum SC'<.'Urtty branch coun ty jail in El T oro. Thl' Musick facility is a mong four sitl'S that wen· undt•r urn~1dt•111t1u11 l>l'lu1 t• t lw n·mott· i.Jtt.• 1dL.•u :.w·lan:J /\~ wt• haVl' ob:oil'l"Vt'<J bt•lun•, tlw Mus1l·k Sill' hus appl•:il for ' .. v l' 1• a 1 r l' a :-. o 11 ~ F 1 1· ~ l u n d l111't'lll0sl. tht• l'ounty ~lln.•udy owns 1 ht· fH 1>1H•rty. /\ JUl l fndlily hus <·x1sll'd thL·n• for vt·un; without probk•ms Th(' silt· 1~ loc.·atL'<.l in l ht' south euunty arl'<J J>l't.'\'ISely llw .in·a 11 1 th1• t·ountv t h a t is 1•xpectl'd tu grow , u"nu. as an u n ;-i v o 1 d a b I <' <.' o n s l' q u c n c <' , ~<'nt't"a l<' mmutt•s who wi ll b<• su bjl'l'l to int'<H"l't•ration in u county pil I udh ty. What s uix·rv1Mll's havt• dun<.· hy ordcrrng thl• n·mott• :iitc> studies 1s put off. for rt>usons o f politit·al l'Xp('(Jic•m·y. a dt'<.'1sion that must lw madl• Ll•t's not forg<.•t that the main Jail m Santa Ana is c·ritically oven:ruwded <md tht• subjt·t·t of S<:rutiny over its l·ondiuo ns. Ornnge County n <.'t•ds anoth<>r Ja il . It needs th<.· facility badl,y. At sonw pu111 t. su pl•rvisors nc•cd to t•on I runt l h 1:-. f at·t We· think the :.i l l' s tudies conduct<.'d thus far arL· mo rt• than suffie1e n1. T h P data n<.'l't'ssary to makt• u dedsion is available. To order morL' s tudy a t a timt• whc·n action 1s ncC'ded 'smacks of lwh;-ivwr lC'ss than rC's ponsiblc. .. .YMCA f!Utgrows club W ht•n a facility dL•s1gm•d to ser ve 2.000 memb<.'rs finds itsl'lf ~rving 12.000. and t'XJX'<.'ls tu Sl't' tha t number incrcast· to :n.ooo. n's time to think about expanding th<' physical plant along with tht· membership roster. That's what"s going on at the Orange Coast YMCA, perched above Upper Newport Bay at the N ewport B cac:h d l'adend of Uni versiLy_J)nvc.._ The spectacular membership. growth has ot·c:urrl•d in just 14 years. The Orange Coast Y. built in 1968, now scrv<.•s rt:•s1dents of Ne wport B each , Cos ta Mc:sa. Irvine and Santa Ana Heights. all participants in th(• county's population boom. Now directors ot tne Y have unve iled plans for a $5.2 mrlhon expan sion that would triple the s ize o f the facility, adding c; gymnasium, a gymnastics center. new racquNball courts. a rooltop running track and a c hild ca re c:enter . Additionally. the YMCA crisis center. now located in Costa l\l csa. wuuld bt· muvc·d into th<· t·xpandl'd d u b. For t h (' ti nw bl' 1 n g. t h <' grand1osC' plans an• ju~t on paper. Cost uf the· l'Xpans1un will have to lw nwt with donations. grants, p lc,dgt•s and other gif ts. Tht'r'l' :ilr ea dv have b<.•t'n somL· L'Omm1tmc·nts but. as Dir<.'l.:tor Jim dC'Boom savs. "lt will t<1ke a lot of $5.000 and $1 U.000 donations to make it." --Ana 1 tre-N ew..pOL.L..lkii c h <•xpanskm is just part of a $153 m il lion effo rt to e nla rg<: a nd rl'novcite all four Orangt• Coun ty YMCA branches. including those in liuntington Bepch. Santa Ana and Laguna Nig uel. There is no doubt thC' Orangl' Coast Y has done an cxccllcht job of providing healthCul recreation for its membf'rs. dcspitc the rapid growth of the area. It mC'rits tht• support of all the communities it st•r ves from maJOr firms that c·a n a l l o rd maj or pledges to ~maller donations from those who \.vould just like to help provide a bit more• spaCC' for their activities. War.ming to the • occasion , l Political views contradict WASHINGTON Tht.• AmN1t.·an J)('Opll'. a l"Ontrary lot, havl' dtS<Jppointcd Tn•nl L o t t. "Anwricans think c.>f _lhl•ffi$4.'IV{'S al> l'OnSl•rvallV\'S." S<Jld Lott, the Repubhc:an whip or thl• House CJf Hc•presC'ntallvc·s. who 1s both Amt•rkan and ( vc•ry) t:unsc•rvativl'. ··Thl•y so y they want govt•rnmC'nt redun•d , but 1n th('1r h eart:-. they're lib<.•rals. ''They· want monC'y for S<'Wl'rs and libr;.1ril•s and :.ill thl· goodil's <'oming in," thl• M1ss1ss1pp1 t·1mgrcssman said 1n d1sa ppo1nlmt•n1 b fll'r a frw of hrs 1dt•ologkal frnmds lost tht•1r st•ats this yl:'ar. "It's a lod." SO IT IS. The only surprising thmg ubout h1:. 1·omnwnts 1s how long it took Lott, a bright guy. to figure that QUI . "The' ma)Onty or Amcricar1s remain <.'OnSt•rvat1vc• at thl' 1drological level in lhl· sense that they contmue to accept the· tradit1onul Amt•rican id<.'Ology, whiC'h advcx·at<.•s tht! 1.·urblng of f<xforal powt•r. Yt•t . a majority of the American pt"Opl~ have lx>en 'liberal' in t~nsc; o( favonnggovcrnmentprograms to aC"{'Ol'nplish social ob.)(.>ctives." That p<iragraph 1:. from "Th<.· Polil1t•al BeJ1ds of Americans." an insightful study of public opinion polls written in the· mid-'60s by Lloyd A. Free and Hadley Can(nl. The pollster (Free) and &he psy<'holog1M 1Cantril) .mncluded, in the• s1mpll·~t wrms. tha t Americans are pul1t1t·ally ··sl·h1zo1d" idc•olog11.·ally l'On. t•rvativt• ::md opt.•rutionally liberal. Thi.It l·onl'l~sion muy l>e tim<·less. Twc•nty years bcforc> that. Henry S teele Commag<'r had written of Americans: "Thl'Y dung to t h e voeabulary of 8'10)(.' kinds of 4uc.•stions l'l'<lplc: wanted govt•rnml•nt a nd taxes rcduct·d. but didn't want a nyone' messing with Sot.'ial SeC'urity -or sewers and libraries. What they really want, Fr(.'(' told one of his l'lil•nts in those days. N(•w York Gov. Ne lson Rockefrller, is "better big government" THE PATTERN was so striking that Fret·. using-hi!. own index and Gallup Poll figurl's, c·ame to tht' c'Onclusio n that the st·h11 01d America n s W<.'r e. 1deolog1c·ally. 50 percent conservative · f f h · 11 and 16 p<.'rcent liberal. with 34 pert..-cnt larsSt•z-airl'. ~-t ail lu y supplied the c:lassifwd "muidll• of the road." But in monL'Y and the personnel for vastly expanded govc•rnmental :lC'tivitic.-s.'; opC>rauonal wrms, when considering FrL't' and Cantril, in their surveys and specific: legislauon or gowrnmenl action, rcscarc:h . reported a consistent range of the same people were 65 pcrc-ent liberal sccmrngly l'<mtradic·tory results in and only 14 pcrc•ent c:onscrvative. with nauonal polls 21 per<.•cnt on in the middle· Thc•y found tha l 79 percent or ThOS<.' numbers may have changed a rC'spondcnL'i "agreed" -and only 12 bit over the last 15 years, but the "fact" p<'rcent "disagreed" -with t he -as Tnmt.Lott finally notk•ed -is that statemen t: "We should rely more on Amt>ricans hav<' ratifi<'d the welfare individual initiative and not so mu_c_·h_o_n __ s_ta_t_c· and takt• 1t for granted. Americans governme nt wcl arc programs. w1rr era hl'i o1d-1tge only to th But, al the sume time. 72 pert•ent of govt•rnment -which is. in a democracy, thl' s;.imc respondel'IL<; agreed -and only themst•lvt·s. So there 1s some consislCn<.'Y 20 percent d1sagre,cd -with the in our seemingly con.trad1ctory views. state ment: ''The federal governme nt has We are. aftet-a ll, the descendents of a responsiblllty to try to do away with pro perty-owning conservatives who pov(•rty m this L'OUntry." mad<' a revolution here more than 200 The sam1.· ('Ontrad1ci1on was repeated years ago because they were d<'njed again and again. year after year. on the hberal reforms by their Brmsh masters. Letters tO the editor Law recognizes 's tress' damage MAILBOX To the Editor: to negotiate noise rC'ductions with thl' Mr Howard S haffer s uffer<.'CI a double l"OUnty at John Wayne Airport. In <.'arly aero:.." to the county." I couldn't have said it better myself. TOM WILLIAMS D1r<.'<·tor of the Airport Coalition Broadmoor stays - mcsfortun<' Your Thanksgiving Day 1981 when county s uperviso rs were To the Editor: For $2, you too can find out State officials point out that story of this young man's hl'art attack preparing to st.amµ<'dt• the approval of I noticed in a recent article in your all there is to know about winter winter actually may be t.he best and rl'!!Ulting need for a heart transplant the Environment.al Impact Report and paper on the resignation of John Garcia camping in California. time to go· camping. Parks aren't is touching. The fact that this proud Maswr Plan for th<' eight-fold expansion from Ponderosa Homes the statement No matter that the days are crowded. R eser vatio ns are_only -young man has to rc'SOrt to pubhc help of faciliti<'s at J ohn Wayn<' Airport. that the resignation followed "a decision '"' • '-•-1 ted at less than 10 rcent of and/or welfa re in ordcrto--pn:.'8er'Ve-his myself and othn futurC' Airport b B d H · hd r f---'Clh,-. tne ntg~~t>~~":-t;~~~~--'~~~~~ii(fiTj~~~faf~~~iif:-f--iiti;~~~j;)rli .. ~~Hd;~;.+.~;;;;;.;~;_-..,;C~oa~l~tllllQOn~m~e!!m~bc~~[Jsu~bm~rt[!_ted~" L<1~snc~-~~:_la~~roa~~m~oor omes to wit raw rom D . f p k d the parks w1.th1"n t est.ate sys em. · t: a11d enjoy ni:!I children i!1 even mere --------'"'-~·ng"" ,...,.,,7""AL"--" ---e pa r t men • o a r s a n draft agreemen t to th<' s upervisors tat vr-m "" ......... ~-°' . k Even th 0 s e park s wher e touching. espet·1a lly because it is so Thal s•~tement 1·s to•~11y 1·na,..,.urate n:ecreat1on wants you to now could have ncgotiatc.'CI an equitable and .... ... '"'" · t h at most parks -from the reservations are accepted usually unn~ry. final settlement to the differences we We h ave no plans to withdraw from ' ed h S have s pace available o n a firs t· Your ..story states be. blam1:s stress h ld 'th h Ch --r Orange County n~ Dr in .!he f.uture.-oceans ge to t e snowy ierra from his JOb Cor helping to cause the c w1 t em over e operauon o Broadmoor Homes is active in the -a re open for business. no matter come first served basis. especially h<.'art problems. If this is true and can be John Wayne Airport. The s1i1perv1sors homebuilding business throughout how low t h e mercury drops. on weekdays. d<'monstratcd through properly obtained arrogantly rejected out-o f -hand our California including Oran~e County and All of t his information is So w hat could be better than medical/legal evidence, the ent ire proposal 10 n~gotiatc our differences. we continue with three offices in Irvine, contained in a booklet that can be l'njoying the state's scenic areas exp<>nse o f h is lrcatment. past a n d They did this without <.•ven giving us a Dubhn, and San Diego.• Sales this year ~I · ed b d " $2 t th tat without con tcndrng with the future, indudrng transplant or whatever c han''(' to explain the proposal, saying · 1 di Co ood · · o a m y sen irig o es e that they would not put their promises inc u ng our ttonw .)Otnt venture arks and Recreation Department madding crowd'? els<' may bl'l'Ome necessary. should be in writing under any ci rcumstances. will approoch $100 million including Oistribution Center, P .O . B ox No thing. covert•d under t h e W or ker s· nearly$33millioninrevenue in0range 2390. Sacramento. 95811. Just take lots of f 1rc wood. Compe~sation laws of California. THE RECORD of the supe rvisors' County • Opinions expressed in the space above are those of the Daily Pilot. Other views ex· pres~ on this page are those of their authors and ar.t1s ts. Reader comment Is invit· ed. Address The Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1S60, Costa M esa, CA 92626. Phone (7 1') 6"42·4321. L.M. Boyd/ Happies t year Ha ppiest year of the aver age person's IHe depends: An eolderly bachelor and spinster name someumes before age 25, usually . An elderly hus band a nd w ife say .:;omc year b etween agu 25 a n d 45 The sur vey takers hav<.· proven this, repeatedly. "A cranberry 1s a thl'rry with an acid condiuon," said Fred Al kn · Q. When did the U.S . Navy stop (Jogging sailors? A. About a do7.en years before the c1vtl war. Did I tell you a driver in the Soviet Union can be ticketed for d riving e d irty car. 11, I,. ORANGE COAST DaHyPilai t'UOU~"*"f ,,_,.,, Mt' •• 1rw .,r•' •I UO w'°" ft•• \.t . Ch•• Miltw A,..r\, ... ,_,~rwr tt fM• ·~ ,.,, .•.. , .. ,.,. . ' When a t·hildlt'ss couplC' d~lde to adopt i:l baby, more o f9'!n than otherw1S<' they say they wont a girl. An adoption expert says. "It's usually tht• wife mor.cso than the husband who-longs fGI' an infant. She wants a t'Ompanion in the home," ln Mt.'X l<.'O, two out of flvL• homl's havl' but one room. "Wt• don't know a millionth of I pt.'rl·cnt nbout anything." said Thomas Edison Your nose 1s mor<' sensitivt• ti> prt~ure , than yc.>ur Cingcrllp Tuuch your flngcrlip to your nOS<.' g<>ntly &'C? Your nV!W will feel th<' contac\ first 7 Thema• P, Holey , t , .. ,. Jone Amari I •'t4-U' .,,,. f dttM. lorbara krelbkh (tit • '°"' t.J I • MOST EMPLOYERS and insurance word on the airport has read something Due to the distressed nature of the carriers resolutely resist such heart like a 20-year litany of broken promiSC's. economy and housing markets w e found dls<>ase clauns. because of their expense, if not outright lies There was the it prudent to reduce land and housing frequency and their fear that accepting promise of the supervisors, back when mventorres in addition to cutting back one will encourage others to be filed. the• construction of the l·urrent terminal staffs to minimal operating levels. As However. there are competent attorneys. was being planned 1n the mid-'60s, profitable opportunities arise we will certified as Worke r( Compensation that this terminal could be <'Xpected to once again be building in Orange County specialists by the state or California, who handle up to a maximum o( 200.000 air as w e now are in San Diego and the San can and d o frequently succeed In passengers per year. That figure pales to Francisco Bay Area. Orange County is establishing such cases. • 111~ign1ficance when compared lo the the birthplace of Broadmoor Homes and Tht• Orange County Trial Lawyers l n credibl<' 2.6 m illion the airport w e will conti nue to be a via ble Association maintains a referral service, ll'rminal now actually serves. homebuilding force in your area. enllrely without charge, from w hich Mr. But more> mercd1blt' than lhis is that ROGER B. MENARD Sharrer may obtain the names o( such now the county promises us tha t 1f we let President, Broodmoor Homes aLtorncys. Their telephone is (714) them expand the current terminal e ight 558-7314. or Box 43 13, Santa Ana, CA. times its current sii.e. that they will only 92702 serve six m1lho n passengers a year NICHOLAS <:. BYHOWER lnstN1d of the 20 m1lhon that it will (Past President, Oi-angP County obviously handle if we let th<'m build It. }rr1al Lawyers ~iatlon; These are just a fcow oC the• brokC'n Orange County Applicanl.1 promises that this limited spact' will Attorneys Association.) permit. ls It then any wondt'r that tht• Airport record To tht• Editor; J wus somc•w hut JX•rplt>xcd by ttw hult paragraph of Thi• Dally P1lot'1J rf'\>ent editorial l'ntltll.'d "New Anti-Airport Ploy" on Nov. 16. In that parngraph the f'dltors Imply thnt tht• dli,.t•ns in this community who nrl.' now ~umg tht• {'t)Unty U\ smull dalms ~'Outt arfl more.> cnt.el'C.'SlL'd In 1uln1 than rt'l•C't1lng a negot lnted ~Ult•mN\t with t ht• l'OUnty olflclols. Nolhtnl( t•ould be fnrtht'r from the truth A group of <.•1tricn11 known as th<' Airport Coalition. c.>f which I am dirt'('tor. was born out o! \ht• frustration of tryhlJt ' ' c1tl:iens of this community feel betrayed, and S('C legal ~ans a!\ their last and only chant-C or 8'.Vlng their l'OMmunity and their w:)y of hfe? Thi' Dolly P ilot it c•lf put 1t best. 1 think. In an l'dltorial that the same staff wrotc over o yC'ar ago in reference to propo cd h1wAults agam11t ttw county c ntitlt'd "Lawsuits Put Oft Airport'• ThrC'at". Marc h :l2. 1981. tn that t'tlttorlal. the PilC'lt SUltt.'CI, among many othe r thingJ, "Newport eitiU'N look et the bhght around ia Arlg(•lft Airport a nd l'<.~ tht'lr communilr heading for di1NU1ter. Thc•y look at the calend11r •nd _.., e>pllon after option C'>lptrlng .. right now they very llnt'f"ttly (f!'el th~atened And legal action, fuule or not. M-ema to be> the only way le ft to pl the•r m•-. Extra flights • To the Editor: Your Nov. 2:i artaCI<' on Santa Ana Heights notes that residents suffer the t'frcct.1 of 41 daily commerdal departures from John Wayne Airport. As we know oll too well. an alrhnl' may add ·extra planes t! a flight Is filled -as on a holiday such as Thnnksgivmg. SALLY M. CORNGOLD l.ttlfrl /rnm r«>odcrt ort ~komt TM nuht to rondC'ft•t ,,,,,,, to /U "*'' or thmlnott llbfl Is r«>tfrvfd l.ftltra of 300 word• or '"" Wiii bf gtt>fft prt/nnce All ''"''' m11.1t 1nclMdf .t1fl"GfMr«> and ~ oddrtu ""1 J10m«>• m4.11 bf IUU,.,_ld °" ,. Qllflt 1} 111/J•t•tnt reaaon 11 appqrtnr Poer~ ~II not be S*b'l•lafd IAltn• mo11 bf ttltpllonf'd to HUNS Nomr and ~ numfwr o/ rlw cOftl"butor "tllff bf Qt&in /tw utrC/tCOllOft P""POH• Dilly Piiat SlJNl>AV UI C •,, I' tli' FOR 1 HE RECOAO 96 ·~ ( ,'o/t /1 ·11 \\ 1·.-.1 110/oi,..;t !i' ('11 /lllll't• .-.111 11· 1ill1· i11 11 1 hri/11•1·. /l:J. D 0 Da n T hompMm Ma ll llomhs Bill ~lul'i a" .I im Md .a u~hliu T amlti \\'t·n.i C h uc·" Srttoo l Bn·l l h.ut·ura -·sun~~t well-·represente_d _ ()n all-county. By ROGER CARLSON Of the D•lly Piiot Sl•lf L' ~ • r ourtt'l'll Sunsl't l...t•.1gul' sli.lndouts. 1ndud1ng four from Mann.1 and thrt•t· 1•at·h from Edison . Huntington &•at·h and Fountain Vallt•y. dot lht• D all y Pilot's All-Orangt> County high st·hool (oo\bull sl'lt'<.·ttons • Among th<• f1~l tt•am sdect1ons from thl' arc•a a r<:, I luntangton Rt•<11·h':. Danny Thompson and Mrkt.· R ay. Ed ison':. Mall llombs. F'nunta1n Vallt•y's Tamb1 Wenj and Dan Smoot. Nt•wport Harbor's Brett Kacura. r.foter 01.'t's Jam Bi rmingham. Corona del r.t ar"s Gordon Moss and Marina's Jim McL aughhn and Bill Mal'ras. . . Bal'k of thl' Yt·.i r honors go to S<:'rvrtt• quartc·a b;wk St1·v1· Bt·ut•rlt•1n, a ti :!, I ~J~> pciund st·niCH' who ht1s l'tlmplt•l1 •d 11 !;! of :l 11 p11sst·s for I .71i-l \;enb and IH toud1down:. whill' h·acla ng hri.. tt•amm..itt-:. to nant' slra aghl v1<.·wr11-i. ;mct <l start-It> frn1sh No. I ranking an th{• Orang<.• County poll L11wrnan of lht• Y<:ar honors go lo El Modt•11a lrnl'IJm'kt'r Rt'>< Moor<:'. whill• lhl' Coiwh of the Year rs St.·rvltt•'s Ron Sml'llwr. who hus put togl'lht•r tht• CIF Big Five Conf<.•rt•m·t•':. No. I S<'t'd wllh w hat b t·1m:.11.kn ·d Southt·n' California'::; No. I pa~smg altUl'k Tha l'l' JUn1ors an• among !ht• nrnC' an•a first tl'am M.'lt'l'llons Thompson. Wt•nJ and K a<.·ura Thompson . a 190-pound running ba<:k , was the· S <.111s1•1 Lt•agut"s Bal'k <1f tht• Yc•:ir. hy H landslrcflf 1ll.11g111 .111d l'illl 1111 I .~:; I y.m.Js 1111 :w.1 l'<.11 l'll'S (Ii I ,1v1 ·rag1') and 1.3 toud1downs Tlw 01fl·rs· H--l 1r1·onl "th1• hl':.I I Wt•nJ. ;i lransf1•r from Nt•\.\ J1•rst•y, w.1-. a s p1't·tat·ular l>tuppt•r in tht• Founlaan Valley <kh·nM'. wllh Ill 4uarlerbut•k sacks among hrs t·nctpavor:. Kat·ura-ll'd u junaor-dumrnalt·cJ N1•wµ11rt I brbur ~uad to 11.:> bl-s t 1x ·rfornaant·1· srnt'l' I !;178. n ·1.':.t,1blrl>lo111g tlw S<11lon. a:. v pn,mr<·r tt•ani Hay rnught 15 JXll>St'S for 290 yards. but his ll'al v;1lu1· was walh his offt•nsavt• bl11c:k111g ;,ind abal1ty to 11111v1· tcJ lh<· dt•lt•nst·. loo. Birmingham WJ s a l>talwal'l in tht• Mat~·r J:X.·1 ddt•nw. whal'h hl'lp«d the• Munart·h s to a S<'t·ond plan• f1nash in the• AngC'lus Lc•;.igu1• l\l,1(·1:1-. w;1~ tht• su1lw:1rt m Manna's offt•nsrve w;tll and al Ii-Ii, 2:w pounds, as 3 muJor 1·0llC'gc pr11-.pt'<.'l of rlt•luxc• proportions 1 l\kL.1ughl111 Wtt'> ;.i two-yt.•ar l'i nil-lt•am All- Sum.t•l Lt·agul· t:hCllt'<· ,iil dcft.onsavc· l'nd.for Manna .111d t'tllllrnlll'd has s1d1.· of tht• lane consaslently. I lon1hs, thl· only l<:c!ason play(•r to earn a first lt'.1111 lx •rth. was th<.· kt·y lo th<.· Chargt•rs' St'<.'olldttry \\1th hrs ~,ff .around ;.ih11aty Smoot <•nd Mos.'> ar<: spc.'t·1ahy team plilyers S111oot th1· pla1·1•-k1c:kt•r and Mos.<; th<• punter. Smoot lxxllt·d srx fit'ld goals, including C:1 45 a nd I\\ Cl -l:l-ya rdc•rs, and was CXC:t•ptionally t'OnSISl<'nl (~<.'<' ALL-l'Ol'NTY, Page B4 l i;:-- Anteaters don't • quit, 85-82 UC Irvine o ver comes ·18-point d e ficit lo down P e pperdine By J Oll!': SEV A1'i0 Of ltt• D•llr Piiot St•ll l J you'r<.· not drnng .inyth1ng this a l tt•rhoon . you might wanl to tune 1n K OOC. Channl'I 56. around -l o'l'lo(·k bt·l'o1u-.t• th1· following truly has lo h1· st•t•n to be bC'lrt'Vl'd. Tr a II 1 n g Iii -l Y \\ 1 l h I I . 5 i rematning 111 tht· g..inw Coa<.·h Bill Mul11g;.in 's "shoolt•rs " decldt'd to makt' 1h1·11 pr£'Sl'tW(' known for tht· first trnw tha' season and lhl• rei.ult was a stunmng, iC nol d ramauc 85-82 buketball YM;t.qry for UC Irvine over Pl'pperdlne Saturday n ight al th<• An<aht•am Convt•ntion Cenu•r bc:.•fort• :l.-lY:'l l'mol1on<alh drained spt'<'la tors · "It was a grc·al win. 0111• of tht• lx>st l'vt• t'V<'r had." Mullrg.m told h is squad short!~ aftJ•t Ct·orgt· Turm•r's slam clu11k at th<· huzzC'r sealed the vac!Orv. "It may t•vt•n be bc:.•t tt•r than tht• Nc·v;11Ja Las Vegas wrn lal>t yl·.tr (wh1<.h UCI won 8:l~!O> lx'<:aust• you guys art> so new. T h c• W a v t' s . d c• ft' n d i n g t·hamp1on of tht• Wl'i-ol Coosl Athlellt' Confl•t'l'nt'l'. t'nlt•rt•cJ thl' gaml• hav ing won 15 of lhl•tr last I fl to t•nd thl' I !:181-82 S<.•ason and lhl'tr first lhrl'l' to start this ont• And. Pt•ppc·rcltnl' startt•d both haln•s Saturday night us 1f at was going to makt• UC! v1t·t1m.No -l But illl<.'r bualdang up ll'ads of :l!l-lll an the first half and lwan• ll•acJrng by I H 111 thl• st'<·ond. tht• Wavl's found tht• Anteatc•rs mort· than they could hand~. UCl's final spurt. w h ich saw them oUL<K'Ore the Wavf!'i 36· l ~ dn\\'n lht• slrl'lch. starll'd when Bob Thornton hll ;.i ba.,kc t and subS<'CjUl'nl frt•<• throw to narrow the margin to 67-52. Tht• Wavl's sull lc-d. h owt•vC'r. 711-58. when Mullagan ansl•rtcd ha s dt•sagnatc•d thn•1.'·po 1nt s hoot t· r . Kt' n Bards I e v. a fres hmvn out of Coslu M esa llagh. into the game wrlh just under IO mmult'b rt'mamang . Bards ley rt•spondt•d b y l<llln111g two thl'l'l'·IJUll1t JUmJ.X.·rs front W fet.'l .ind. sancJw11·h<·d around anolht•r lhreP-point play by Turm•r a nd a Jud &·ardslt•y lav-111. UCI sudcl<·nlv found itself back 111 tht• ga n1t'.g '1ra1hng 72-HY with 7.2 1 to go Dam· Suuk•s I-I -loot jumpt>r trcun tht• right of 1h1• kt•y put P1•ppc.•rd1m• l>at·k up by ,1 7-l -6Y count. but a huh· Jumpt•r by &••ffdsll'V vnd two baskl'ls from Turnt•r "ga\•t• tlw Anlt'at<:rs u 75-7-1 edgt•, giving them thl.'tr first lead since 4:26 remalmod in the fl,nll half, Both sadc.•s 1h1·n cxl'lrnngt•d baskt•ls bc.•fo'n • T hornton gavt• UCI P ·O) the lt.•ad for good with a thrt•t.•-fool Jµmp h ook that nC'ver made tht• bask<:t Orlando Phillips swallt•d th1· ball awuy but wal> <·allt·d for goaltt nding ,ind UCI ll'C.I, 7Y-77. TurnN thC'n fulluw1•d with anothc•r basket lx•fort· tlw g<imt• c·amc• down lo frt't' thru\' .. ·s }<i'lt•r missing lhr<'<' str;;aght on..-P.lw."' ' De1tJ ,.... "'°'" 111r ttetflcll 0·0ett~ Tod Murphy em e rge with the ba ll but not before a fig hh wilh repperdine' Orla ndo Phillip a nd U<:I' Ronnie Gra ndison. • ' . I. .. ( 11111' opp11r1unil1t"" Turawr I rnally lwok1• 1tw at•t• hy sankmg u1w of tlw two di11r11y tosses wath :W '>t'<•onds ll'ft to puL UC! up 8~-77. Suttlt'. \\ho lana-.hcod with :H poants. hat u thn>t•-pornl JUmJX•r (om· o l tavt· hi' h.1d on tht· night) to l'UI the• dt•frnl to 82-1:10. but Thornton's lrt•t• throw wath favt• -.t<.'tmd -. li'lt put UC:I an front l:l:i-K(l .and, d1.-sp1H.' two mort'• frt.·t• .. 1hrowi. I rom Sulll<: with two "o(,'(.'(llld ... h·l t, Im• ~nm<· WHS OV<.'r. "Wt.• fll'VCf tho ught Wl' Wert· ciut of It tx't:a\Jst' we're tha t kind u f te1tm," snid UCI captain Ben Md)onulrl, who finis hed wrth 10 point:. "I think lhas wall g1vt• us a lot of t·ont 1d1•nl't: bt><.'aUl>l' tl sho\\'s wt• 1:«1n lx·al ;,.nvbcx:lv wh<.•11 w<· put our minds tci II "· It -.houlrl be.• po111tc.'Cl out th<.al UCI w:.is ardc.•d 1,v t he.• f;.it•l Pq>pc·rdam"s Jim I larn1:k agrt'l'd 111 play •wath both a :rn-st'l'Ond tlut·k :ind ;1 lhrc-t• poanl art•a , l\\U rulF. r c.•t-ITTIY 1nscitut<·d for PCAJ\ play this M'ason but not t•ndnr:.t•d bv tht• WCAC "rm 1101' surt• lht• thrC'c.•-poa nl pla;. lx•a l us." S<11d I larrac·k al> thl• Wavc-i. had favt· thr<.'<.0 -poml plays whilt• UCI hll on fl. "but tht• c l<K:k cl1 •fanr1t•lv had ;.in t•I ft•ct "It':. <• game of momt.•ntum .mt.I "t• hacl 11 thC' first and 1h11 d <ind 1hc•v hud at tht' l>t'<.·ond and fourth (using 11unrtt•rs to n •pri•sc.·nl tht• twu halv~ )- "It M'\•m<."<i hkt• WI.' didn't play as hard. t'Spc't:rall y after w<• got th<· ni<'t.' ll•a d. B'ut UC! is a nice hat ~m-Lrccrnuccl many .ilL tht• samC' ~uys." ' Mul11g11n must haVl' wond1•rcd rn strc•lt'hl•s Saturday whl•lht•r ht' had rt'l'l'Ullt>d th<.• right play<.•rs or not l11ghly r<.'t:og nrzro for their ab1latv to shoot. tht· AntNJll'rs strugg lc.'C.I an thC'1r first tw1> wms uv<>r Ort•gon and thl• UniVl'l'ljllY of San Diego. and d idn't l;,1n• mu<.·h better 1n the firs t hair ngainst th t.' Waves. htllmg JUSl :m 5 pt..'rt't.'nl from lht· field ( 15 of (See UCI. Page 84 I t 'C I n-in c>~!'\ Mike Lopez d r ives a round P (·p1)('rtHnf" cl<'f c.•ncl <'r for t wo points Saturcla~ n i~h l. Third time charnJ for Walker NEW YORK (AP) -HcrSt·hcl Walker of top· rankC'd Gt'orgia. w hose sprinter's Sp<.'cd and bull likl• powN have him on the brink of collc•gl' football's all-tame rushing mark. rtnally won th<' Hcisman Trophy Saturday night aftt'r two narrow m isses. . alki!r. third in 1h1• voling as a frt•shman unci sc.><.'Ond as a sophomore, won easily over S 1unford ' quartf'rback John Elway. mtt.JOr collc>ge foot bull's a ll·timc• passing lt•ader. and SoulhC'rn M t'lhodast Ulilback Eric Dickerson, lhl' lop ground-game r in South w<•sl Con fl'r<•nt~ h istor y. Crediting his team mates for his wmmng thi! honor, Walker saad: "P l•ople h avl' to maki• pcoph.>. ('vl' bl'C'n surround l'<i by fine a thlet<'S and proplC' wh1> ht1Vl' hclpt.>d mC' Life 1s o team, and af I( was n't for tht•Jll, I wouldn't bt-hl'rC'." W aH<cr also &qUt'lch<.'<t ony S!X'('Ulation thot ht• m aghl i;kip h is f inal yt'nr a t Gc•orgia to p luv proftossaonal football "C-0114'gt! h.-h-Olped me be a bcu cr pt.•rM>n." ht• suld w h t'n explaining he w ould ~turn to school for his S('ntor year. Only a ju nior . the 6 l , 220-pound Walkt•r runks third on th<' all-lim(' NCAA rushtnl( hst with 5,259 yards und nt'(.'(!11 only 823 yard!'! n<'xl year to ta~ OV('r th<> top spot. It nlso puts him tn position to win a Sl'<.'Ond H<'l!lman. a real 8l'Cflmplishtod prt'vlously only by Ohio S tate tailback Archal' Griffin m 1974 :and IH75 Walker 1s 'thC' 32nd r unning back lO win the · l lL•tsman, awardC'd annually by the Down town AthlNat· Club o r New York to "the outstanding rnllt•gl' football player in the Unite d Stales.'' N<•braska flankerback Johnn y Rodgers in 1982 was lht' last non-running back ;rnd Pa l S ullivan qf Auburn rn 197 1 w as the last quarterbat•k. Only two linemt•n, both ends. h ave ever won ttll' award Larry Kelley of Yale in 1936 and L1•on I larl or NoLrc Dame In 1949. Wnlkcr carrlC'd all six of the Helsma n voUng n .•gmns •Rou nding out the list or top 10 fi nishers bl'htnd Walke r , Elway and D i<.•k t'rson Wl"tC Anthony Curter or Michigan. OavC' Rimlngton -0f Nl'braskn, Todd Blat•kled gc o f P enn Sta te: T dm Homsey of UGLA. Ton y Eason of Illinois, Dan Murano of Patt. Mike Rol.ier of Ne braska a nti Curl W1111wr or Pl'nn SI.lite As a fr1 .. •shmc n in 1980. Walker finished third tn tht• Hc.>lsmun voling behind South Carolina tailback Gror~w Rugc•rs and Pa tt de fonslw end Hugh Green. Lul>I yc•ar. ht> was runner-up to Southern California luilhack Morucus Allen. who set o sangle-sc.•aaon rushln~ m urk of 2,342 yards. Althou.ih han'\pt>red by a brokt'n thumb that ht,l+tcod him 10 11 carries for 20 yards io thl' 1982 E r . th<~ Wr ightsville, Ga .• native was the ·~>t·ond leadin·g rusher this car behind omit Statl•'s Ernf'St Andel'tJOn with 335 carries Cor 1.754! yarJs as ht' ll'<i Gl'<>rgla to a n 11-0 l"C'C'Ord onc..I a Nu I rt•gular IM.'a.-.on nmklnf{ t -•. c hica n a m e d ~in a l i s t ~ fo r Lo111b a rdi Award I Frorri AP dispa tches . 1 ~ I IOUSTON Gl'Orgt' At:hll'U of [!]" <:Soutlwr11 C'al, Vt•rno n Muxwl•ll of 4 , ~/\r1wn.1 S tuu" OuvL· Hlmington of • Nl'bruska und Billy Roy Smith of 1~Arkansns wt•rc.• mmwd finalist:; Si:nurday fur tht.• E th unnuul Lombardi Award. 'fhC' wmnL•r wall u nnounn·d Thursday a t a $1 25 pc.•r plate nnc•r Thl' award, numt.'<.I in honor of form<'r Gre<>n , Y and Washington Cual·h V1m:c Lombardi, as ~rescntl>d annually to thl' l'Vllc.•g<' lml•man o f tlw L•a r Prot.'\'l'lis from thl' dmrwr, sponsorC'd by thL· ~ot.1ry Club uf I luuston. gu to the Anwnl'an J."ant-c·r Sot·1l0lV for rest•an·h Lombardi diC'd of <i{ollll't.'I' Ill I 97(i ~ Al'htca had six tuckll-s fur :i5 yards in losst.-s 'fur tlw T roJlUlS, addl'CI n Ult.·kll•s and broke up Jmt' pJSS th i:. season. • Thl• ti-3. 290-puund R1mingtun ar1l'hors thl· j:ornhuskl'r oCft'nsc.• that ranks fu-st m the nation Jn lotul ofrl'nst'. I! . f ~ Quote of the day Ken Stable r, quarterbal·k of the Ne w Orll:uns Saint:;; "A lot of people had wr ittc•n mt-orr, but I don't e~ttr r('member leaving." , ~Gretzky ties mark as Oilers win ( Wayne Gretzky picked up four ~ ;points Saturday night to e xtend his , 'consC'l·uuve-gam<'S point streak to 28 ~gaml'S. ty m g a league reC'ord , as ;Edmonto n skatto-d to a 7-5 victory over Calgary in :thl' N'atrurwl Ho1.:kt.•y Lt•agut.• . Elsewht.>re in 'the NHL, Pittsburgh goalie D ennis Herron '-stopped 30 shots, and Pelle Lindbergh posted his SC<'Ond shutout o f the season as the Penguins and Philadelphia played to a scoreless tie ... Rookie Cr aig MacTavis b's first NHL goal 35 S('(,'Onds into the third period proved to be the game-winner as Boston won for the first time in six v(•ars m Montrl•a l, ddt•atlllR the Cana d1ens, 6-4 . . . Two goals by Toronto captain Rick Vaive and a mediOl·rc performance by the New York lsl;mdL•rs prov1dC'd the· Maple Leafs wnh a 4-1 victory . . . Dino Ciccarelll scored twice in Minnesot.1's 4-1 conquest of Winnipeg ... Gaelan Duchesne knocked in his own rebound for thC' winning goal in Washing ton's 4-2 victory over Chicago . . . Detroit snapped a 14-game win less streak by beating New J ersey, 6-2 ... Hartford's eight-game winless streak was halted after a 5-2 win over the New York Rangers . . . Da le Hunter scored the game-winner at 13 :04 of the final period as Quebec e dged Buffalo, 3-2. 1962 Boll.u ll <.>111g•, u w11111lnq tu11 (.11·.: U11ll1111I "4111 ... 1 ... , .• -t .... tl m hull 11111111. 111 1.illv W.i-11111••11111 111 ,, I I ti 11111 N .111 ti I\ .ii J l.1 .. k I' I I 1,d I. A ~ .. 1111.1111111 vu•1111 v 11\ 1 1 l>ult. .... S.1 tu1·tlay 111~hl W.11d1111•'11111 hu "1H1 I 1\'1• -.1r.11).lht 111.111 H,11111·~ 111111 .. 1~ 111 11 .. 1.1~1 1'1·11 To111 ('hnmbt·r-, 111 11 ... 1 1!1 ul 111 .. ·• 1 11111111, 111 tht• i.i-t1111d h.111 ,11111 T1•ri v C'ummlt•K' .11hh'«I :?:I ,1.s S.111 1>11 1:11 h.1111lnl .lu111p111•: l'li111·11" ,, 11 :1 1t1:1 .,, th111 k 1111 th1• Su11,· 1111111 Lurr) Uird h.1tl :iU µu1a:t1A LUU.L.N.ilk.Atc.bJ.hllld. uddt•il ;.?:I "" l ~is11111 1,1 lll1•d 111 1lw 1111.il 11\/1• 1111nut1•,., 1111111 a foll! p11ln1 th•f111t 111 duwn l>l'lt ull, 1111 11 :! Jol' nry1111t 's I l'I'<' ll1111W Wllh IO S('l'IHHlt, l'l'lllilllllll·~ l1fl1•tl ltUU'\1011 lll ll!'> thud Wiii Ill 17 S\Hl'IS, II \)I u:1 .. q111'11lw 1· ilVt'I BALLARD S1111 An111m11 Adriun Dantlcy S4't11 1•U a 1.·arl•(:r h1Mh ~17 po111h tv 1.11 rv Uwh Lu a J:H l i•I tnlm1µh 11v1•1 l'hw11go Ron Brewer wll wcl :m 1x11nL' uml Sl'oll Wt·dmnn put in 24 "' Cft•vl'lund duwawd l11cl1:111a, lllU 11!1 Oun Round field h11 1w11 I r1•1• thto\\' with I :1 :il'l'und:. Id• a:. Atk1n to <.·unw l;Jt k Irmo a l:i-µuml h.JilW1l1.' ud1c11 lO mp Nt.'" Yurk, HO 79 UCLA escapes with win over Irish A layup hy Ralph Jac kson Wi th m thll'l' :,.1.'('Ullt..b tu~() 11'tl'<I MXlh n mk1·tl UCLA to a ti5 Ii-I t.vlll0gl' b..1:.k1•tl>all v1cturv uvt•1 Notri• D..inu· Sa1urday night in South Bt·11d J ohn Peuon h:icl g1w11 tht• Insh a li-l -li:I advanla~~· w11h :!7 M·1.·11111.h r1•ma1111ng with a pair 11f frt•t• throw' U 'LA 1:; now :l 0. with all th11·1• v11·t11r11•' (•urning 111 dru111at1l' la!'>h1un on tit<.• roml El,t·wlw1 '" USC l'l'lltl'I' Clayton Olivier h11 a JUmp shut lr11111 tlw t11p l>f llll' lant· with :w !'>t't'11n<I:; h•ft Ill giv<' tht· Trupns a 5H-55 v1<.·tory ov1•1 Wyummg 111 Lurumll' Tlw· w1 11 uvt.•ngt•d USC's los:; to llw Cowbov::. 1n thl' fin!\ round 111' lusl yc-ar·~ Nl'AJ\ tourn;}nwnl Uuurd J oey Gardner 11nrl forward Ray Mosby tallll'd :.!:! poinL" aµll•t·(• lo ll'ad Lo ng l~·ad1 Stat<.· lo on l'asy ~i 74 v1t·1111·y over '1\·x.h l'hnst1b11 at tlw I .ong t:kaeh An•11a Gar) Oavis st·•fft•d 14 po111l..., to ""'d u b;llam·l•d Cal Stall' Fulll.•rton ..it wck as tlw Tit.ms rolll'd to ii 77 -51$ tr1umµh uvt•r Loyl)l..i 111 I ,us Angl'll·~ Fullt·rton 1s now :i-0 NFL union delays contract vote Thl' Nat1on.1l Football Ll'u~ut· • Playl•rs A.-..'>()(.·wt1on ... 11d Saturday 1l has dl'layt·d for ont• duy the.· polhng o f tc•am rl'pH·-.t•nt<ill\'l'S on wht•thc:r to rl'<.'Ommcnd ratif1t·u t1on of tht• µro!)OS(.'<.1 t•onlral'I with tl·am owm·rs Jose Luis Cle rc o l Argcntmu. who <.'Olla~ Friday night during warmups for a WCT doublt'!> m.itch m Ch1t·agu. was diagnost.•d a:. having a viral inf!'·l..'llll n A doctor who l'XamLn ed him 1111t1ully said h,_:. appcart.•d tu have appt•nd1c111s. but ht• latyr changed h is diagnosis : . . Jerry Pate sank <1 117-yard, across-lhe-water c•h1p shot to cagll' the.• par-5 ninth hole• and storm but·k into the ll>acl of golf's ril·hcst tournament, th<' Million Oolldr Challenge in S un C1ly. Boµhu thatsw11nu • M eanwhill'. Arnold Palmer <1nd Julius Bor<J'?l, both members of the PGA llall of F'amt'. tied for the third-round lc•ad o f th(• p(;A Scnwrs Cl}ampionsh1p with 2-undl'r-par tot.ab of 2 14 .West GC'orgia dt•foutro AL1gu .. t:1na Collt ~t·. H -0. lo win thl• Amo!> Alum.a Stagg Bowl 11\ Phenix City, Arh. _Colleg e, prep ba~ketball scores College WMI UC lf"'ne 85. Pepperdine 82 Cahlorn1a 76 Duke 71 SM D•4!9l> St 105. PralrHI View 83 Santa Clara 75 Nevada-Reno 73 Long Beach SI 92. TCU 74 Fresno SI 43. Oregon St 42 G&I $1a1e Fullefton 77. Loyola 58 wa~h1ng1on 49. Gonzaga 48 UC Sc1nta Barbara 99. Cal Poly Pomona 71 St Martin'~ 73. Seall"' U 60 Sonoma SI 69. Bakeralleld St 60 W1<Slmon1 76. 'NOrlhrtdge SI 69 (01) Rock I .. USC 56, Wyoming 55 Weber St 63. Utah SI 57 New Mexico 101. Arizona 73 NC>fthweslern 61, Colofado SI 53 Ve Commonwealth 75. SI Golden West 88 Olf'ndela 68 Josec>fl s ~ llhtrdl West Vtrg1n11 95. MarShall 82 · Palomar 82. Bakl!fl ltelO 72 \hllhl E l enn St 69. M1S$1SS1ppl 63 Coll ol Seqvotas 77 LA Valley Georo•• 82. G80fg1a Tech 67 ~2 (cons I Memphta St 104, Ball SL 81 c,.PfHI Chert8f Cleaelc Murray SI 99, McN-SI 77 Cyprus 83 Mir.Coste 61 (hrltl Wake Forest 72 NC-As1>ev111a Senl• Roll 73. Fullelon 82 54 (lhlrdl Arkansas St 60. Tennas-SI Cerntot 82, Tell 56 (con• I 58vand~boll 81. w Carollue 86 Hlah t chool y• T<>Ui'INAMENTS 62 ve . Tech, 88, Md -Eastern ShOre Merlne-Lallewood Alabeme 74. Texas Tech 53 Huntington Be•ch 73 SI Anlhony 58 (hratl SW Loulstan~;:t La Tech 4~ Marina 75, LB Jordan 54 (lhltd) NMth Caroline 47• LSU 43 l8k41l"OOO 38, Corona del Mer 33 (Cons I Holy Cross 88, Yale 73 O•rdan Gro•• Drexel 50, Maine 53 C.anyon 52 L• Habra 51 Cthirdl Bellllower 54 Esperanza 50 Icons I KatPtla 82 Edison 52 (l111n1 Kennedy · P Im Springs 67 Kennedy 52 (lnSll M1ll1k1n SO Glendale 46 (lhord) Whtllit>r Christian 63. Lynwood 54 ICOf\5 I Laguna Beach Laguna Beach 85. C111no 56 Eatancta 65 wesiet'I 49 Chadwick 45, Cllono 43 LB Poly 77, Warren 52 Santiago 69, Los Amigos 59 Westlake 64, Cypress 4 1 Non-league Serv110 64 Dos Pueblos !;8 Bre11 Olinda 63. Sonora 59 , Falrtletd 86, Letilgh 58 El Ooredo 74, Pac1t1ca 57 (hrat) Garden Grove 61. Bolsa Grande Siena 65, Army 49 60 (third) ., Women Manhanen 83, Brown 56 52 W d 0 COLLEGE Robert MC>frls 59, Vermonl 5t (~~na HlllS OOdbrl ge 4 USC 64. lou11lana Tech 58 Stetson 84. SI Frencls, NY 62 Valancla HIGH SCHOOL Ju t a11 • innoc nt b y lande r But I D avis a l\\uy~ ~c ·(•1us lo ht• in the· thic k of th i n~~ h11 .ill tl11 .11111ou111 • 1111·111-. 111 tl'.1111' 11111v1 11t-: h1 ,,. 1111.1111 111 11111111·' 111 1>111lu1 ·1 St.1d1u111. 11 '" 'llj.(11111111111 111 11111•• 1111• 1111ly hU,111111111).( lt 1111111 h,1, h1 I II I II I 11 ·,1111111,11 Vl'hll It• .. 1 ti IW Tiu• 11 .11111111 ul tlw J>111lf.(11 i-11·111.i1111·d n111st • .1111 1111' 1111111 11.,, \\he I\ 1h1•\ 111ld 1111· lJ111v1• ... 11v c>I Soutlu 111 l '.1lil111 111.11111tl "" tuutlN1ll tt•,Jllt to gt·l·li...,t' )111!~1·1 p1 t• .. l(lt•11t l'l•ll .-01V1.Til1•y pvhl stH'1•1111 llv h11t t•lc•urly wlw n tw '111 111, "pl11y 111~ l11111h •. 1.ll 111 J>odg1•1· ~1udlu111 dm·~tt 't m11k1• 011y Iii 'l\M ll1·1•11vt•11n~ IJUll·klv. lJSl ' :iltt•n ·d lls d1·i.1111a111111 lo 1111' U11w n ow) w h11 h lll'ohalily 11111tl1• 11111n· w nst• IJ<'li.llls1• 1111' Tl'11J1111s w1111 11 flr11l syrnpatlwtk 1•n11"1 in t ill' otlwl' 111w1 htioni. !•tllw 1• ul n •tHl y urrivl'd 111 P11-.,11t .. 1111 '" v11 111u1t • IJ( 'l,J\ ph1v1·tl all 111 1111 1911;? luulli.dl ~111111·~ 111 th1 Hrnw B11wl ;ind t lw Lm. /\11.tt·l1·1> Ol y 11tpH' 0 1 j.((11li1111g ('ur111111t11·1· iN thr1•atc•11111M 111 hnn~ 111 llw Hiii i wum•' TllE I>lllE<.'T CAUSl~ of all thi.. lllt)Vt•mt•nl 11> Al U.1v1:.. 1h1· 111.1n.11.i111f.( p;1111w1 111 the• Lo' ,A11g1•lt·s tt;11d1•1 ~ a11tl h" a111111u11t·1'll 111ll•ttt1011 ol bu1h..llllg lui.u1 y 110>.1.., 111 ~unt·~ t11·uuml tlw up1JC.•r rim of tlw Los J\ng!'l1 .. .., O>hst·um ' • D.1v1~. ,111 1111101·1·11\ bv~tundt•r tu all thl• ""' t•a1111ng 111 hluutly mw d1•1', t:annot u11dl'1-..tand th1• 1•ummOllOll l),JVI' has l{l'lll'rl>U!>ly IJ(frrt'li tlW USl' of th1· lui.urv ,1n·.11-o to th1· oth1•1 t1•nants fur th1•1r c·v1·nt.. 11 t!> JU!>t that Al will t't>lll'<:l th<.· adn-11s::.1ons. A' ,1 m:1tt1•1 o l fal·t, 1n th!• l'llS<.' of \ht.• Olympll' (;;11111·'· 1>.iv1 .. bt•11t t·ornpl•·ll'ly uvt•r l><1t·kwards Ht• 11111<11· thl· LA<XX.' a11d tlk CohM•um tlw followang ,1 rr.111~t·1111 ·11 I 2:'1 pt•rt•c•111 for I hl• LAOOC. 25 1w11 111l 1111 tliv C11l1st•um .111d 50 l)l.'l'l.'1•111 for Al Davi:.. It 11> onlv ti thoughl 111 'pu ... s1ng. but thl' luxury l>uxc ·s ht1v1• 11ut yt•t bl•t•n <:unstrut tNI a nd muy m·vl'r bl.'. w lm·h 111tlil·m1•s mUl'h \1) do about nothing. Sull . Al Davis ri't'!> a:. a ratlwr cl<:ar .1111t1r>tliVJl thin the tr:1nsfon11.1111111 of a fouthull h•am fron1 <me.· c:ollst•um tu ;11111ll11·r rwt•d nul lll'l'l•ssur1l y b(.• ~mo(Jlh SPOfilS COLUMNIST BUD TUCKER .. li1•1l•1t1l1111 • .i ,11111111111111\ v.l11c Ii .. 1u111l11•11'<I :iti4 d11)'1> ..i v1•111 . Pi1-.adl'rt:1 I" ,1t\l'rnp1111~ l11 1·111111111•,I' llM·lf Ill 1lt1ll ll111t• ol i-uddt•n prospc•1'1ly II 1111· '1'1 OJ<1lh urr1V•.', l11llt1w1·d by llw 11111 1 Uly111p11.·"· 1•1111 1111111ic.·n m!> a11cl 1"11.·k 1•111w1·1·1.., Ii.· 1111 l11•l1111cl '' II 1rn11il' Ii. tl11• w1111l. 11 wa~ Al l><1 Ylw who fifb\ 1 ... 1·d D11dgt.·1 S 111d111111 ,1•. 1111• vl'l111 Ii 1111 ~l11king tM·1111 into thl• ht.•u1 tl> of t1ppon1•11Ls Al wa!> al llll' 111111• 1·11111n11~s11111i.'l' of tlw o ld A1111•1'lt'..ill 1-'oothall L1•agu1• and h<· wus thn•a11·r111114 111 pul u frandrnw m L1.1:. Ang1•lt'l> m d11H'l 11ppo..,1t1vn tu th1· Ham!> W1 ... l1111j.( to 111Ukl• ;Jn llllpl 1'!>~11111 llO the• late Wult1•1 O 'Malh•y. L>uv1li n ·nt1•d th<• longt.-st lmu1ustr11· ht• t•ould hx:at1• .muw ffvt•d urnodgl'r S tmlium ror his aUdll'lll'I' Wllh th(· pri ... 1dl•nt Waltl•r wai. latc•r to wll .1l111ut tlw t·ondus1on of tlw mc·1·u11g. "Wt.• l'iH11l' out tu tlw µar king lot." O'Mall£·y rt'l•:ilh•d , "und Mn. O..iv1:. got m ht!. hmu and I got into my Cht•vrolt•l " SINCE TllEN, a' llll'llllorwd N1rll<:r. Dodger Studium h<is lx·t•n u't·d a .. th!• wt'<lgt.• by many folks :11 riv111g 1n d1rft•n •11t forms of transportatio n . 11u lud111g fo1111t•r Ham~ uwm·r' Dan Hct.•vt'S and Carroll Ros<.·nlilc)(Jm or l'OUt"I>(', wht.•n the• CohSl·Um Commission lw:.irs thl' nw11111m c1f Dot.lgl•r SuuJ1urn, it laug hs up tlw :.lt.•t.•vl' of 1Ls p1<.·kc•t. The.• Ho!.l' &wl 1s another .. ~wry ina>1muda.. ;11, UCbA nwv<'d qu1t·kl ~ and lhc c:l11wh1:r 1:. th1.• Bruins an• n·portl·d to tK.• Vl•ry happy 111 P;1sad1.•nu. · USC bounn•d nl<.·l•ly frcm1 Otx.lgt•r Stadium t.o T ii l': H A IOfo:JtS 1\11\•1• t'Omplv lt•l.)o' and_ thl· Hust• Bowl <ind thl' Colbeum Commission is thorou..:hly al11•m111•d tilt' µn·v1ous u.·nanL<; 111 thl· probably a tnflt• um·u:;y Yuu ""''• compared to Coh"l'ltlll ,111d havt• prnn1plul a publll' hl'<ll"ll1~ into IAKlg~r Stud1u111. tlw Hu~t· Buwl I!> 1a11tam11unt to a till' m.1t11 ·r 111 Ut'U'l'llHIH' whl'lhl·r th<• L'ulls<.•um Judy of the 1.•v1:111ng on Sun::.i•t Rouk·vard C:on11111:-.. ... 11111 lwd 11s trmtM'l'S 1vinov1·d hv Al Oavrs. A guy d11t'' nut h,1v1· to clriv•· up m a limousine l\.11.,1nwhil1• l'.1sad1•na nf•v1•1: had 0 11 ""' P11od 111 gl'l ad111n R esurge nt S e attle visits Raide r s LOS ANGELES (AP) Arl· lht• St•uttll' St:ahawks for rt•al'! And t·an th1· Lo!t Ang<.•k•!. llu1dt.•ri. rt•turn to tht• form they 1.•xh1b1tl'Cl hd111 t· th1· :; 7-da y Na u o nal Fuc1lh.ill Lt•.1gUl' plo.yl'rs' !ttrlkt•? P1•rhi1ps both of tht'S<' qUC'Slle>ns will b1• .1 nswc·n•d al the Los Angt•lc•:. Coh:.l·um Lcxlay Tht.: S<.•ahawk!t. 2-2 ovcr ull, hovt.· n •corcll'd two lrnpressivC' v it-t or it•:. s 1 1u · f' N FL :.i c.· t 1 o n r<•sunwd on Nuv 21. Th(• Raidc•r-:.. 3 I ovt•r .111. huv(• a 1-1 post-stnkl• rc•c:o1 d, but huvl•n'l pl•rformc.'d to lhl· lc.·vl·I of thc.•1r £1r:.t two gomc>S Ill St·pl1•111l'H:I Tlw Hault•rs W!.'rt' ll!.lt.'d a!> ti'. point rovonlcs m lhl• game, which !ti.arts at l p.m To P lace your "Fast Result" Service Directory ad ... Call Now 642-5678 Ed. JU "It's a mut:h ddfc•rcn\ Sl·ahawk team than bl'forl• thl• strike.• and I think that's m ostly bl'l'Husc th ey arc ga1 n1ng t·onf 1dt.•ncl· and bt•lil'vang 10.: thc.•m:-01.•lws:· said Los Angeles Co;wh Tum Flores. "Tt..'<:hmcally, lht·v loo k like• the same club. Ext·~·pt thl•y'rc winning." ThL' St•ahawks were 0 -2 in S c•pl<•mbcr a nd bC'f u re ptay n·sumed two months luH•r. J ac.·k P<ttl·ra was fired° as thl' l<.'tun's head ('oaeh and rcpl:.iccd by Mike Mt<.'orm~wk. who is runmng the.• dub o n an interim basis. Sl'Vl•r:..I Seaule players hov(: pubhdy cndorsc.'Cl thl' changt• and th<' ll'am has playt..'Cl like it was a pos1uvc move. defeating Denver 1 7 Ill und shutti ng o ut P1tt..,burgh 16-0 l<i..l Sunday "While thl' S<•ahawk~ wc•rc• ~trugglang in Sl•pwmber. the RauJ<•rs lookc'l.I hk<• Super Bowl mawrial an two 1mprt-ss1v£> road v1c.·lC>rtl'S F1r!>l." tht•y dc featt>d dC'ft•nding Supt·t Bowl champion San F'ram:asco 23-17 and then tht.•y troun,·cd Atlanu. :iS-14. "I 'm l'011l'<:rnc.•d about o u r making m1stakl'!>," sard Florc.•s. "Wc."re making too man y mis take.•:;. "Wt• wc.•rt· abll' to mme bac·k ~1ga1nst San Diego despite the m1stc1kc•s Sul that didn't h appen eel C1nt·mnat1. Cmcmnali JUSl was too glK><i a team to come back on " 3445 via Udo enewport lleach ephone675.0150 Montana 98. South Oakola St 58 No Ar1zon• 61. Pa<:•nc 57 COtOfado 75. re ... 48 sJL;--~ llelparalso 70. Bethel. Ind. 67 Matllf Del 7 1 C11>1atrano Valley lr•lne TO<lrne,...nt Han.ard 45, Muucllusetts 44 46 (hrstl Morin,• 49 lrvtne 47 (cons I Sl~WllllinOlOflltlZ.J!SOW~t-r--=-~~~~~~~~~~.......:-~~~'--=:::-::~:=:::::::=:=:===:=======~r----,_. .... _,....,.....,.. ............ ~~~~============::;===:::::==::::::::::====:i-~_[J Idaho 62 Wathlngton St 5& (01) ldah<I SI 75. St Mary'a 70 MQlltana St 65. Soulhetn U 62 i0<1thwn l Ol<lahoma St 113. Oattat Bac>llll 56 Tex -Arhngton ~. Oral Robefls 71 T ul$8 79 Oklahoma 76 SMU 76 Ind St -Ennav>lle 52 Pan AmefiC8n 78, Air Force 44 Baylor 61. luH·S•n Anlon•o 60 w Teaas St 73. Oklahoma City 71 Mldwffl UCLA 65. Notre Dama 6' Wisconsin 64, Kanta• St 52 Kansas 83 St Louis 69 MIChlOBn 77. N MIChlgan 70 Indiana 65, Texas-El Paso 5.4 Clncinn111 56. Miami 48 MerytanO 67. CanlSlus 86 FOfOtwn 57. COiumbia 58 SI JOhn's 61. Pr<WldenU 60 Northeestern u ... come!I 5:§_ La Se•le 55. Oel-111• 54 · St Bonaorenlur• 80. Niagara 55 T°""NAM£NT Reeta Cleealc Arizona St 84 So CarOlin• 79 (ll<at) Connecllcut 73. VIII> 63 (llllfdl Wenctr'a Cl .. alc Georgelown 70, w Kentucky 86 IOI) (llrll) SI Francis, Pe 66, N Iowa 61 (tntrdl Hawker• Ct•alc Iowa 99 Hawaii 67 (first) Navy 73. P111 65 (lhird) Spart Haus Siu • Wlndsurf1no • Tennis• Sportswear llllnoll 75, w M1Chl91n 59 Purdue 69. Lou11v1Ue 63 Iowa St. 81, NE Mlsaourl 57 Toledo 75, Chico SI. 69 Cerrler Claeak SyracuH 67. Princeton 5.4 (first) Alcorn SI 74 , Bolton U 72 (third) IPTAY TOllrMy S M1se1ss1ppl 60. Clemson 58 (llrtl) Complete Top Sldom. Tertyald Steak. or Prawn Dtmutn. Sped.I valaea UM thac won' lut forwvwr, ao come to Stuart Andenon '1 today. FINEST EUROPEAN SKI FASHIONS AVAILABLE Bowllng Green 84, Ferri• SI. 55 Buller 87, Indiana St ·Evansvllle 59 . OePaul 87, S. F'IC>fkla SS Oaylon 84. Iona 59 Moret>eed $1 l8, lndlan• St 74 LoyOla. 111 88. Penn 78 Kenl St 91, Cleveland SI 89 (4 oil Michigan St 63, BYU 55 Nebra,iia 85. Creighton 82 Minnesota 70 Otake 85 Evanavllle 5?. Fla Soutti.fn 51 Ma<quelta 73. T8llU A&M 58 SE Mtnoun 55 S 111lnoll 50 E Kentucky 92. E lltlnol• 79 Cenl Michigan 5', Wlttenbetg 41 -Se41ttl Vtrginll 86, VMI 4 1 Houaton 78, Bltuyn& 59 K8'1tUCky 93, VillanOYI 79 MIMIStJ!>P St 97. NW Loulllena 59 Arkansas 70. Centenary 51 Aubum 74. Tan.--Tech 85 OevlO.on 80. Erll!lne &e Rlernnond fie. Oregon 53 Furman 68. Bucknell 87 (2 011 (third I lhoc:ll8f Clnalc . WIChlll St 78. N. Texas St. 72 (llratl Olsl of COiumbia 102, Jeck11on St 88 (third) llenfofd lnvttetloNI S1anf0<d 77. Temple 70111ra11 Rhode 1111nd 92. la ayalle 58 (thlrdl llledlendl UC Riverside 79, C11remon1-Mudd 72 (llrat) F,.sno Paclftt 78, Redl1nd1 69 (third I Community col• l°""NAMUfTa -..raton Freano 69. lmparlel Valley 118 (llr•ll Saddleback 80. Orenoe CO.at 48 (lhlrd) LA SOYlh-t 72, Long B6ech as (cona I All...._. Valley Pltlrce 74. Rtverllde 4$ lflratl -Ba.rons wres tle to title TORRANCE -The Fountain Valley H igh ~restllng team, with an 8-0 record, swept to victory ~al-urday In the Torrance Nine-Way Tournament. r The Barons beat Van Nuys. 71-0, Torrance, 38-27, South P asadena, 59-12, and Rolllng Hills. 72-0. Earning all-tournament honors Crom Fountain Valley were Troy Macchia (126 pounds), Paul Whitley (167) and Louie Pcnafor~ and Jay R ussell (18~). Yoa're pm• to fnl •ood laalde. FOUNTAIN .VALLEY, SANTA ANA, GARDEN GROVE, TORRANCE, CERRITOS, LAKEWOOD, ANAHEIM J 20-50% OFF NOW ON SALE • FILA • COLMAR • BOGNER • RED X • ELLESSE • VELEOA • KITEX • OESCENTE • COLANI • HCC 1779 NEWPORT BLVD. . I C.M. (714) 645 4310 ' ~ Sudden death thrill ,. r . Dy C:llllT SEEOEN 01 the Oellr f'llol II•" C :uld1•n W~t Culh·i.w w11l«1 polo 1·11.11 h '1'11111 lh-1111stud do:.1'<1 out tlw ~1·a~o11 S,1111rd.1\ 111 tlw :.<1m1· fushtun ht• has for 1lw pm.t l11ur· y1•a1 ii S1111ply :.1.111-c.I. lll•rmstad was .111 w1•t Thut's lht• µ1 It'\.' ht• Im~ now p.ml (111 th1 • ki.'l five )'l'Urs after l(U1d111~ h1~ Hu-.tlt•r µ<>1111:-.t:-. w thl' slal1• l'Ommur\1ly (•olll'l;(t' 1·h11mµ1onsh1p 111~ plH )'l'I''> rt''iJ.>llllll 1•1ll'hj.y1·.1r by 11.ulttumally h1l>..-.111g 111111 111111 1h1• pool It took a goal by S<·oll Nady .11 1.55 of :.uddl'll 1kalh to givt• ll1•rms tud und tht• Hustll•rs tlw stutt• l'hampionship in .a thrilling l:i 12 v11·t111·y ovN N111 tlw1 n California ch.1m1>11111 w,.,, V .. llt·v l'ull1·1::i- TONGUE JN CHEEK and totally dn•rw h t•cl. Hl'rn1stad nowd aft1•rwunl: "That las t gual was v1•ry 1nrlucn11al in tht• uUll'OITil' of this ganw " A1·tually, ll1•rmstad had lo bt· f1..•l'l111.: quilt• 1·onf1cknt way bm:k wh1•11 th1•n • wa:. 1:20 n •mum111g in rc•gulation ploy and his Hustll'rs h;icl u ~-7 udvanlai,tl' a{t1•r holC' man C<.1rl Suly1•r had S(•Orl'll Sports on TV 9:30 a.m. (-1) 10 a.m. (-1) al Cl<•vd and TELEVISION NFL '82 -With Ll'n l~·rman NFL FOOTBALL -San D1l'go 12:30 p.m . (:!) NFL TODAY -With. Br1·nt Musburger. F(•atun•d. A .look at thl• H1•dsk in~· Cowboys rivalry a nd Whl•lht·r lh1• l,ti:lffil' hxlay has• rel<llnt'd the forvor of tht· Grorgt• AllC'n (•ru 1 p.m. (2) NFL FOOTBALL -Dalla~ at Washinl(lon. -I p.m. (7) -COLLEGE FOOTBALL ALL- AMERICA TEAM -Thl· 1982 squad. a~ st'll'C'lt'Cl by lhC' F ootball Wrill'rs o f Anwri<·a (5o) COLLEGE BASKETBALL -UC Irvint· vs Pe ppt•rdinl'. Taped Saturday 8 p.m. (56) -COLLEGE BASKETBALL - TCU al Long Beach Stall' Tapt-d Football (1070). RADIO Sea nil• a t HaidC'rs. 12:-10 p.m . KN X Phtladl·lphia al Lakc·rs. 7.:m pm .. .. lw. 1h11d g1•.il 111 tlu g,11111· Uut \\'1·-.1 V.tlli' t '11,11 11 Ht 1111 \\ .11 .1111 "•II il\\,111 .. 1 1111 d1ll11 t1ii \ 111 pl.1\111g •• ,, .• , Ill •• lllli g.11111 " p.11111 ul.11 I>-"111•11 11·., 111·.11 h 11111 111tl1 , I 111111 h1111w, w.11dwd h h V1k111g ... 1.illv \\1lh ,1 g1l il .ii I I:! .11 11·1 ltu,11!·1 Stott l.111111"·''1•J11 h d .11111 llw11 g1•1 tht" •'tlll.11111·1 "1th JW.L:!l "'~ 1111d, 11111.1111111~: 'J'h,11 '>1 '111 1111 j{olllll' 111111 l \\II 11111'1' llllllllll' .i.,,(., ,11111 •:-. whll'h pt 11dll\'1·d l'\'1•11 1111111· dr.1111.1Jw 1h ulh . 'l'lw Hu .. 111·1-. "1 Ill .1h1 .. 11I Ill 'I 1111 N.11h ·., gi)otl .it :.!.I:.!, h111 W1•.,l <ilh•\ ·., S1•.111 S11•1111h 111u111111•\I .ii l ··111 ( :11ld1·11 W1•:-.1·~ il11·t1 l>.-1 V:ilh tlll'll u111111~·t1·d with Jll~t thn·1· 'l'l'0111I .. 1·1•111.11111111.: 111 1111 • llrst 11v1·rt11111· (111 w.11t•r polo, 1w11 OT p•·t 11111' .111• pl.1y1•tl. n•g.1rdl1•-.-. of tht· '4.'lll'l'). t111d llu H11-.1lt·1-. h .1d ''" 11 -llJ h•.id Wllh thrt'l' llllllllh'' 11'11 BACK l'AME 1111 \'1"11 1g' "1111 .1 g11,1I .11 :! ~o 110111 St11111 h•1111111td11111 -..1111• .11 II Tiu V1k111g-. thl'll :-.lllllll\'d tlll' lour 1111w dl'ft•111lt11g dt.11llfl' w11tt a goal by Toni Yon· Wllh JUSl :1 1 M't'Olld:-. ldl T lwy did 11 Jll't 1:1 '''('11t1tb altt 1 Bu~tl1•1 St,111 l.u11d h.111 bl.·1·n 1•,1t-c.·t1'll So whol happt•nt'<I'' With 111rn• '>t't·uml, 11·fl. 11 wa~ non1· 11llw1 1h:111 l .u111I wh11 lol>...,t·d a bluoµt•r \.Vh1..t1 t•ll11l1 ·d Wt·:-.1 V.ill1·v goalk!•t•p1·1 Mtkl l\kl\l.1h11n <.:old1•11 Wt•:-.1 m-c.>tll•tl .1 lug bluc.k from l>t•I V.1111• 1111 a W1•st Vullt•v shot nl :! t~ of 1111' :-.udd1•11 d1•ath 1x·riod, and 17 st·l•1111dl-t lall•I'. N~1dv lik1:-.11·d u ;,h11l pa:-. l I\ It-M a h 1111 l u g I\' t' I h 1 • • It u :. l It· r ... I h l ' l hamp1t11i...h1 µ "I tl111ugh1 W1•:-.l Vallt•y JU:-1 pl.1 yt·d ~Uµl'r." pr:11st•d 1 ll•rm:-.Wd ufll'rwanl. "Bui that l:1sl goal 1s JUSl ltkt• a roll of thl' d tn· Auual'y. I thought Wl' had J h1-c.·k of a lot mort• M'illlll~ l h;111u·:-. bu1 lht• ball N :>l w ;,1sn'Lgrnng 111 t_hl'. m •t." . Ht•rmsu1d, m ln11tting h1• w;_i~ M1p1•rs tll111us. ~u1d ht• told IJl'I Vallt• l<> l'llOlll>l' th\• :-..1qw goal tlw Hu:-.tl1•1" had bt•t.'fl s lwo1111g al ti Cold1·11 Wt-sl won thl n11n flip to 1kwrm11w t•ntb fur tlw s udd1•n dl•ath Pl'l'IUt.l "IT WAS IN lht· S<Jllll' pool <il tlw s.inw l 'lld that wt• bl•at De Ariza for tlw ~tall' d1<1mp1o nsh1p 1n 1!:17ti," llt-rmstud t'Onft.·~wd "l wantl·d that t•nt.l of thl' pool " ., t Urnnriu Co111il DAil Y PllOl /Sunday, Decemb r 5, 1982 N ewport ·Be ach Mausoleum of the Pacific Newly released section Purchase before need and save $245.00 per crypt, plus choice locations. Prices starting at $11 25.00 plus th e $I 00.00 cndow1ncnt care deposit. Th is building is a part or a three and a half n1illion dollar n1emoria l situ a tcd high on the hi 11 overlooking Newport Bay and the Pacific Ocean. r------- 1 Pacific View Memorial Park · P.O. Box 1936 Newport Beach, California 92663 Please provide me with a copy of your Family Portfolio Record flle. h.mderstand there is no cost or obligation. Name Address City State Zip_ Please provide me with additional information regarding your: Cemetery and Mausoleum facilities Mortuary services Cremation services Baskl•tball KLAC (570). Hot·kcy KPRZ ( 11 50). K ings al Edmonton. -1 .50 p.m .. T ht• m\llt'h was sc.1 dost• that m·tttwr lc>am had more than a 0 1w lJ«hll ;1dv:111t<1gt· unul Salyl·r·~ goal \\1th 1.20 lt'l 1 111 n ·gulat1u11. "hH·h gavt· tht• Rusth·rs 1hc·1r !J. 7 lt·ud. A Pierce Brothers Company Tel. 644-2700 . ~ FREE #OT 101$ I #011 I' OElrREI 71'11AFT IEEI tlTIE -ltlf-HIH Wide Screen TV T-ltirt ••~•Er•,, r .. c,,,.,,. 759-1854 3901 W. Coast Hwy. Corona dtl Mar ,-> ''lJtaeio~ ?eetJta#ea11t , CABLE SPOAT8 • GIANT SCREEN TV 4Qe HOT DOGS s1.00 BEER Happy Hour 12 to 5 11103 •ala St. IHtlattH luc)a • PREDICT THE SCORE AND WIN A FREE ROOM FOR 2 FRI. & SAT. NIGHT Giant Screen T.V. • Free Popcorn & Peanuts Free Chips & Salsa • 5<>4 Hot Dogs On Homemade Buns • Beer: Dollar-a -Glass, $4 a Pitcher • Score Contest Each Night 31311. lrl1t1I . Localed Al The COITA •DA ~'··, ~ 997-3.. • l I 10 WIEllE TllE ICTIOI ISi &lllT SCREEI. TY & Extra TV's for -Great Viewing Pre-Game Warm Up Happy Hour From 4 P.M. 84l-0201 2907 W. Coeet Hwy. ~~~~~=-~NT~ All Beer During Game $1 .00 Hot bogs, Chili & Chips ,, ...... ,.,., ..... rills SHllY llEES 1 Mle So. of 405 Fwy. Coll F« lf•HfYOtion• 963-2366 11UCKBBA~'S • MITISlBISHI WIDE SCREEN TV • DtBO GALLEY DECK COCkTAlS • JtMIO Cttll CtlESE odGS • HAPPY HOllt TtltOUGHOUT Tt£ GM 111-1111 11£BMJ~ ~(~ 10 FT. WIDE f ~ SCREEN TV FOOTBALL SIZE -HOT DOGS 18 oz. MUGS OF BEER Happy Hour Hon d' Ouevru 4:30 to 6:30 Mon.-Fri. 14982 Redhill At Edinger BAR-B-llUEO RIBS BAR-B-llJ!lO DRIDIEI 75' BEER ---~ FOUR TV's HOO C.11t lhrJ. 141-2224 "\\ 111111 l'hlH'l 1;" I tit. I\ 'll\\.4,11" BIG SCREEN TV 25• HOT DOGS $1.00 BEER 4 L.A. RAMS CHEERLEADERS 3 GIANT ICREIN TV'1 -RAFFLE PRIZES FrH T.:o• .t Hon D'oeuvre• •••••••••••••••••••••• Folowed By Cturlry W1st1m Bind ···~·················· hety Monday Night 6 p.m. to 1130 Ci.m. ~~ ~ \V'"~t-· ~~~· 1f't~: \I , ... L. I j";j °' ~r . . ITIA~otO\IM. ••lOOfl • Oyer Rd. at Newport Fwy. SaQta Ana 549-1512 • \ Coo•t OAll.Y PILOJ/Sunduv. Otlc ml> I ~. 106, • From Page B 1 :UI) OIHI l :1 .1 t:l 111 I 11 I 111111 1 lw l h1111t\ '1111><· Oilers press on to tourney 'title, 73-58 Rut lH'l , .111d ''" 1•·1n11\•d i.h11ott•1,. gut hut "h1·11 I h1•y 111•1·d1 •d Ill II\ th1• M 'I 1111d hull , l1tlllllt( fl:!~) (:!ll 111 .1:q ltutll 1111• lluc~ llai:r°igan (MVP)' Ga ner pace llu11ting,to1J H ~ac/J ' conque I of I. Anthony Uy n m am CAHLSON Of IM Dall~ "llol llatt 1 urn1·r . Ul'l'i. I l1111r ''"""''. lllllf.hl•tl Wllh :.!·I µ11111li. .11111 II .1ss1~ti. Md)1111ald , Tlw1 1111111. flt·a:rdslt·y a nu M1k1· I .11µ1 ·1 ull m!Llt:d Ill l':td1. w l11l1· H111 d:.l1·v hllU '!.Ill. big IJOlltli. .. ( n1•v1•1 thought Wt' Wf'lt' •llll of qw t-t:tlllt' hl't'llUSl' I fi·l l wt• Wl't'I,' m111·1.· 111•rvuus anti M'j1n·d 111 us tha n Wl' Wl'l'l' uf I H •111 , .. Tuq wr noh'<I "W1· had "'on · 111 µrul(l' thun tlwy d1tl u11tl w1· w~11111.>d mo11• than tlwy did " A ll lOllt lllltnl'lll :.1•1 1•1·111111:. Luu ll11r1·1g.111 tM VP) 1111d M•11h11m1•11• J anwl t :.11'111'r h•d llu11 ll111:flll11 H1't11 h I ltHh'i. 01l1•ri. 111 t h 1· M ur111:1 L11k1•w1111d liai.kl•llmll Tuu·rnunwnl d 111111p111n'<hlp SotunJay '"Khl us till' Otl1·1s po..,h'd u 7:1 f>li c·1mqu1•sl uv1•r S t A11th1111;v 111 Mur111a llt~h. About tlw o nly urgunwl\l you muhl ·~t·I Ill Lill' 0Ct1.•1·111ulh WU:. tht• l;ll'k llf l'Vl'll 1nun· Oth•rs un tht• all-to ur1wv 11•111 n ul t1•r tlwir thn'<'-ganw s w1.•1•p · "1'h1:. should lwlp u:. su mud1." added &rd:.lt·V "Wt• km•\\' w1• w1.•1•t• ~~wd . l)u t w 111111 n g t 111:. on1• l'u;wh Hoy ·M1lll·1· s 1.·n•w duz:t.h•d lht• Suinls with doublt• fi!;Urt• M'Ol'tng from Garner (2·1 ), Billy Thompson (2 1 ). Mlkt· Mtlb ( 11) and Jlarng;m (l:l ) U!> th1• llu11~111gton Bcat·h press wok its lull, t·ausmg Iii turnovers and ulluwtnl! S t. Anthony only 46 ath.'mpts from thl· ftt•ld. J Edison . pair win double c rown Pam Sm1tl'\ and Ina St•kas of EdiS'on High upset the No I st.>eded E.-.-iam·1a wam of Cam1lll• Cunningh;,1m tind Cindy LanC'aster in tht• C ff 1nd1v1dual tenms 1:hampwnsh1p:. S;,1tun!ay at ut lrvim· "Thi:. 1s just the f11-st plateau," sutd Huntington Bcat:h Coa1.·h Roy Mtlll•r, who watl·hc.'CI hts team takt• tht.• lt•ad for good with 4'7 st'<.'Onds ld t tn tlw Sl'l'Ond pt•riod (26-25). build it lo :U:J W. ho ld off a S t. Anthony run, then brt•ak 1l opN1 1n tht• fourth quarter with a l:i-for-I J p1.•rformt1nc.·e from tht• ltnt.• Garm·r addl-d 17 rebound.-. to hts gunw and c.·uppt•d 1t all wllh a slam clunk w11h thrc'(• l1l·ks left. I . The S m1th·S1.-kus duo won tht• match . 7-5, ().3 to ndvant·t• to iTu<•sday's quartt•rfinals at tht• Irvine Ra1:qu1.•1 Club. S mith is a sophom ore· and S1.•k as ;1 senior while Cunningham is a junior and Lancaster a st•nior . Harrigan . wJ:w was l'Xl'l'ptionolly po1s1.•d and consistent throughout lhl' . tournamC'nt. pkke·d up thrN' dutch baskt.•ls curly tn the third quartc.•r as S t Anthony trwd to rally. gl'lllng as <:lost.• as :12·29. I "We h ad very few tur1:10wrs (Y) and I was pll•ast'd with the way wc.• handled ALL-COUNTY. • • From Page 81 Moss. who showc.•d up al the Sea Kings' pral'ttt'l' ftt•ld 111 1.•arly $(•ptembcr, displayed eye· popping punting ab1l1 ty wrth a 40-yard plus average. 1n addition to good height. Se<:ond team honors went to Martna lineman Tom PL>ch ota. Newport Harbor's trip)(.' threat, Steve Brazas. H untington B<•at·h defonstVl' baC'k Richard M <.'n doza and W 1.•stmtnstcr lincba.c·k er R ichard Brown. Fivl' sta ndo uts wer e c.·hos<.'n on the third team -Edison's M ike Kulpa (cent e r ) a nd lincbackl'r Tony J ohann (dC'Spite mtssipg half the Sf'ason w11h an tnJUry). Ma rina's defens1v<' lineman J ohn Lovely. Ma.t.cr l)('i d efensive back Pat Oubar and Fountain Valley ltncbackcr Bruc.-c Cook. ALL-ORANGE COUNTY F irst Team Offense Pos. Player, school Ht. QB-S teve Beuc rlt!in. Servile 6-3 RB-JamC'S Laird. Foothtll 6-0 R B-Danny Thompson . Htn. Beach 6·1 RB-K evin Bradley. Saddleback 5-9 WR-Brian Sak•rno. Servitc 5-10 WR-Todd Cag<.', S addlebat·k 6-2 T E-Mike Ray. Huntington Beach 6-4 T -Bill Macias, Martna 6-6 T -Jef( S herer. Servile 6-2 G -BrC'll Kacura. Newport Harbor6·0 G -Breht Dunkin. Ke nnedy 6-2 C -J ohn Katntk. Foothill 6·1 PK-C huck Smoot. Fountain Valley 5.9 First Team Defense OE-Boomer G ibson, El Modena 6-4 OL-Chns BurgC't, Servile 6-2 OL-Tamb• Wc nJ. f ount.am Vallry 6-1 DL-;-Jtm Birmingham, Mater Oet 6·3 OE-Jim Mc Laughlin. Marina 6-0 LB-Paul Svttenko. El Toro 6-3 L B-Rex Moore. El Modena 6-2 L S-'.-Gil Ogden. Fullerton 6-0 DB-:.Matt Hombs. Edison 5-11 DB-!.Ron Rabune, Kennedy 6-1 OB-Steve Klein, La Habra 6-1 DB-Rf r\ Williams. SaddlebaC'k 5. 7 Punfor Gordon Moss. CdM 5-11 · Second T eam Offense QS....:..Andy J aramillo. Rancho Al. 5 10 RB-St.eve Braws. Newport Harbor 6-3 RB-Steve Morford , Esperanza 5-11 RB-Stephen Shaw. Santa Ana_ 6-2 WR-J e ff .Curry. Rancho Alamitos ~lJ WR-Dave Willes. Fulle rton 5-11 TE-Bob Ke nt. Esperanza 6-4 T -Bob J enktns, Capo Valley 6-3 T -Mike Knutsen , Esperanza 6·4 G -Dean Honaker, Esperanza 6-1 G -Tom Piechota, Manna 6-2 C -:-Ed Atkinson. Sunny Hills 6-2 Wt. 195 185 190 165 170 -17.6 205 230 265 204 185 210 155 215 215 205 245 185 2 15 223 210 180 175 185 150 185 Yr. S r. Sr. Jr. Sr. Sr. Sr. Sr. Sr. Sr. Jr. S r . Sr. Sr . Sr. Sr Jr. S r. ..Sr. Sr. Sr. Sr. S r. Jr. Sr . Sr. Sr. 160 S r . 1 207 Jr. 185 Sr. 190 So. Tis-Sr. 170 S r. 193 Sr. ~5 r. 250 Sr. 235 Sr. 225 Sr 220 Sr. ~ Second Team Defense DE-rBla kc Smith. Saddleback 6-2 205 S r. · · DL-Frank Cozza. LOara 6-2 235' Si'. ; DL-!-J ohn Healy. Foothill 5-8 2 10 Sr. • DL-.+-Steve Carr, La Habra 6·0 195 Sr. ; DE-Rob Zeeb, Fullerton' 6·2 205 Sr. LB-:-Richard Brown. Westminster 6-3 225 Sr. : LB-: P e te Carter, Foothill 6-0 210 Sr. ~ · LB-!.Tom Houts. Brea -Olinda 6-1 205 Sr. 'DB-J..Ron Behnl<e, VIila Park 5-11 185 Sr. i Ds-!-tv1arko Vucurevic, Servite 6-0 165 Sr. ~ DB-1-Reggie Pendleton, Capo Valley5-ll 170 Sr ~ DB-+Richard Mendoza. Htn. Beach 6-2 185 Sr. I i I Third Team Offe nse 1 QB-rBurt Call, ~plstrano Valley 5-11 172 Jr., QB-+Dav id Goodine. SA Va lley 6-2 190 Sr. PREI' llA KETBALL 11t .. h.111 .1g.1111i.1 St Antlmny'i. 1111·..,:.u14•, · mtch~I Mtll•·t "Tith t:. .1 Vt'I y Ulll1l•lf1 Nll ll'oltll, il'i. Vl'I y lt•rnt.~ 111 ll•tlll'tl Wtlh ti 1(11•11{ dt•HI o l poh•t1t1.1I 'l'lw ( )1h•I'" l'lllllll't'll'd on :.w ol ri.i ll'otll llW lu•ld .c11d I!'> 111 Ill 11°11111 llil' 11111•. hut 11 "' 11·111story 111 llwu111g11111 &•11d1'i. su1·1•1•,.,:. 111·:. wlllt lll'l pn.·s11. whwlt . 111 spu1 Is, hung th1• S<1inls out lo d ry St A111ltony w a" :.lilt w lth111 1•w1g1• 111 fl!} fill with :u I h •lt. but tlw Ot l1·1i.' ability to op1•J'alt• agtiinst tlw Su111h' µn•i-.,, 1111·1.:m g 1h1• Lo11g &•;_1d1 parnc:h111I sc:l\uul to foul. <.'Utnbim'<I with d1•ad·1•y1• s h1mt1ng from the• lrnC', t.•r:isl•tl atty chunt'l' fur a sut'\c't•ssful rally . Ganwr was l'llpl'l:1ally tough und1·r tht.• lx1sk1•1, tn111sformmg five mii.Mo<l shot.., by ht:. tt.·amma t1.•s into o Cft.•n !-.IVt' rt>bounds ant.J tmsuing buckt.•L'\ 'flw 1hn•1·-ganw sweep saw Garn1·1 avt.•ral-{11\Jo( 18. 7 pt•r game. ll;i rnga 11 15 0, Billy Thompson 1:u; tind M1l b 11 :4 Marina 75, .Long Hcarh Jordan 64 All-tournanwnt sdt'<.'tton Scott F1.1tix·k :.1.·cirt•d 28 point:. and u:-ammatl's Chns Nt•umonn a11d Erit· Padilla acJd1•t.J I I aptt'l't· u~ Manna capturc.-d third plat'l• in tht• Manno-Lakt•wood Tournamt•nL in tlw wmn1:1·'s gym . Th<' Vikmgs opened u p a -ltt -:w lt.•:1d with 4:35 l<.'ft in tht• third quart<.'r, sow it ml'll to 5J-48-with 5:05 remaining, 1tht•n I - 7 f'llll1 d ol\\ ·" ... 1111111 1111 pl.iv 111 1'1ll1~·k. I 1.111111.1 .11111 ~l1h1 l '1 ci" h, l.nk1•\\ tJtJd :111, ( 'orunu dl·I Mur 3:l )),,,., V.111Stc•1111t11vi.1 .111d (;11 g Wy1111 1'"111" d 111 I:! potttt., .1p11'11 ' Im l 'or0t1o1 di'! M.11 1111 1 l..1k< ""'"' '11lv1•d 1111• s luw dim 11 t1lc•lt\'h "II h ,1 I :~ Ii t•dg1• II\ th1• 1h11d 4u.111t•1 111 g.1111 .111 ud vu11111gl' t•J<l lllll\lt lO llVl'll'Cllllt' M1k1 · llc·i." """"''d h1i. tlilttl i.1m 1gh1 1;!.111 1111 l'dM w11h a fool ttlJUl'Y All· 111u1 m ·y 1wl1•l'l11111 'l'•1ny l'111w l1 ·<r tlw w11111t•t to w ith 10 poi nts a 11d 1h1• l'llllJ>.Cl lHLIClll d111111p 1011i.htp (JI lht• Mul'lllll L .1k1•w1111d 1'11u111111111:111 at M:111nn E10ta ncia 6S, Wesle rn-49------ l•:,1ww1.1 mov1-t! 111111 Mtmt.!a;v 111ght'" l 111<1 1:. ugu111i.l Long Bt•at.·h P uly 111 a ruugh b;ittl1· with Wt-stt•rn that saw both :i1d1·s 1.·umtnll :.!9 fouls ThL· E<tg l<"i. put th\.• dt•l'ISlllrl out or .-. .. 1d 1 by ou1:.<.1ir111g w1...,u:rn m tlw thiru pt•rtml, :!ll Ii al 11•1 lt•at.11 n g 2X 25 a t halft11lll' J 1111 Cut ll:.. a Junivr, wu~ high S(.'<1rl•r for lht• F.aglt·!> w 11 h IH with Doug P1n1.·k1wy a<.ldtng I I and .Jun Joltn!>lon 1:1 Ka te lin 62, Edison S2 A n1ld sh111111ng fourth 4u;.irl1.•r tn w h ll'h th(·y t·:i111wd only 2 111 I :i ;,i tll•mpt!-. from tht• floor givm g tlwm a :~2 JX•r<.·t·nt f1gun· for llw garrw, found thl• Chargt•rs g1v111~ up the lt•ad. _ At c:ondust<m of th<.• third pc·rtod. t-:d1son hud u 48-45_ lt•ad. Mut·h of K .111 ll.1 ,w 1 • '1.11111 .11 the lt.1111!" (.111d lll'IJ.'ltll 111 l\l1k1 H111111••11 ~ltll '411tl'cl '1.7 '" 11111, llt 1 11d1111 M.1 .. 11 ·1 ... 1111 11 1 .. :dtMlll WJP. 11.11111 d Ill 1111 all lllUI 11,11111•111 lt'illll Lul(una lh •u1·h Hit, Nor<·o 511 The· 111 -.1 qu.11 l1•1 w.1b do-.t• with till' Ai 11-.1, 11 .. 1cl111g liv tw11 hut uf11•1 1h11t. 11 , .... ,.di l .. 1g111111 U1·;ot•h '" ttw h11,,1 11•:11n W•lll ..... '4't'otHJ dt-t'ISIClll o f 11t1• '4'aSOll Ntt k T1•1JJ>t•1 h~d HI polllli. fo1 1111' Arlt:.4' w111t S\.·1111 1''111 tum· t·11nlnhuting 15 and C11bv N .oc •II I I. L t1gu11.1 lk•a1·h plays Wl•nllakt· 1111 th<.· 1•111"11l,1t11m tttlt· al ~ o'd1x·k 1111 Monti.iv Lt11(unu llllls 52, Woodbrldfitc 40 _Au1hu11y HadoV\ 1d1 o f Wu1><.llH01d~1· Wt" hdd lo I ~ fJIJtnl!.. his lowl~t tota l •n tl111•t• tow n.inu•nl g:11T1t•!-., "' tht• Wurrwrs lc"l tlw Canh·n G ruvc.· tournanu.+rll c.1111-..1l.1llllll g;11ll1• H,1dm t:1d 1 htl 25. a nd 2 I pomL' 1n two pn vwu.., g.111w:. and as ~·· rc•.,ult, wab nanw<l to th1 all·tournaml·nt tt:am Point guard Mark F11r1n1.wr av<.·rugcd 8.5 "'""1 ... IK't ganw lor th1· Warrtori. M~!cr Oci 71 , Capo Valley 44 I lw M1111o.1n:h!>, b t•hi nd Valt•nl'Ja 'l'11w·n~1rn1 11t M v P Matt &·t·uw .... 1•r1~.w po 111 h I • d t • I 1•n:.1 v l' p I a y t.• r u I t ht• lou111a1111·11t C:hrts J iH"kson a nd fj.7 soplw111111·1· Tom L1•w1:. ( 17 pwnL'i, 2 1 n·h11untl-.). rallu•d from 11 17-5 cJ1"l1dl l1d1111d u ... wi.lrmtng pn·:.:. lo dm111 the tout 111 V l'l'IJWll Mat1•r Dt·•. tht• No. 1 r<itt·cJ team irt· Orangt:.County, 111 now :i.o and 1dl1.· until Fnd11y\ invasion of Crt'Sp1. Get Tomorrow's High Yield Toda W 're Ji)()kin, ahc..:ad to December 14th at I mperial Sa\'ings today. That's when the new Fec.Jeral legislation will allow I n1perial tU. o ffe r an Insured Money Market Account. Earn Today Now vou can earn 11 9o* o n your fund~. which Imperial will automatica lly transfer December l"'fth to an I nsured Money 1\tarkec Account, upon final Federal approval. Then you'll earn h igh interest based o n current money market condicions, just like a money market fund =.md your account wi ll be fu ll y in~ured up to $100,000 by the FSLIC. _High Interest, Safety and Convenience It':-. a bright future with lmpe rjal's Insured Mo ney -t\fufket Ace< >unl. Now .you h.:i,·e rhe oppo nunity to combine high rield, the safc.:ry of insured savings and the convenience of checking and ATM access. And you 'II hm·e the added strc1,gth o f nearly SS billio n in assets backing your invesrm em. Sign Up Today lmperial's Insured Money Market Account is right around the corner wh~n you invest at 11 %* today. Fill out the attached coupon and bring it to any of l mperial's convenienc 124 branch oftk es throughout California today for high earnings tomorrow. I' QB-tKlaus Leitenbauer. Msn . Viejo 6-1 190 S r. R~' Richard Calvin. S A Va,11ey 6 -1 185 Sr. I WR Mark Mc:Govney. El ~odena 6-2 180 Sr. ·---------------------------------------------------------~------· 1 WR' Fred Coler, Mission V iejo 6· 1 178 Sr. I T&fTodd Williams. Laguna Hills 6-1 205 Sr. I T -t-Paul Buckles, El Modena 6-2 220 Sr. T f-Louie Sergeant, El Toro 6-4 230 Sr. G r Bill Temk, La Habra 5--t 1 195 Sr. I G -S teve M icheil. Mission Viejo 6-1 195 Sr. • C -Mike Kulpa. Edison 6-0 204 Sr I ili Third Team De fense 1 D T im Prukop, Servile 6-0 190 Sr. : D llff McNelll. Los Amigos· 6-2 235 Sr. : oiA-Je ff Taylor. Faperanza 6-4 215 Sr. j DL+John Lovely, Marina 5-9 211 Sr. I DE-+Tom Ardent. Valencia 6-0 190 Sr. ; L~ruce Cook. Fountain Valley 5-11 195 Sr. i L ell Harrington, Western 6-2 210 Sr. IL Tony Johann. Edison 6-3 2 10 Sr. ; 0&4-M ike T horen , ~atella 5-10 175 Sr. • o~Kevln Olsen, Esperanza 5-11 160 Sr. l,oBJ..Pat Dubar. Mater Oei 6-1 185 J r. l o.s+Rod Pcsak, Sf.ddlcback 5-10 157 Sr. I iBack of the Y;ili,:: St.eve Beuerleln, Servite. I, !Lineman of t he Vear: Rex Moore. El Modena P>8Ch-of the Year: Ron Smcltrer. Servile I I • ' .. ·1 ·~·• • .,.. "'-"""' t1••H••• ~ .. -...,. "-'•""f lht" 1'9lhM.--•O••n '"'.,."'..a "·•\hl)C'o .11u.uunt 1 llf 'kl"•"-'l .md ., ""'' """" ,1 t" tlk h'k r .1, ... ,"',..,."' .11.,1 11111• It,,..,,_ .. ",.' •'J' th•" ••hh.K-J11ut• wu.1rJoh.,,1 t1\ '"'"' ''·''''"m~ ,, t "10 \, .. ,, ...... , ••Kl lu.t .. ,·\t '" l ',,."''ttUtk.nt ~'\Urllk'"' ".111.•hk tt• '-•hhttnl.J ",k&..tth1w1f\ '•mpk Hlh.h..,. ,_.\ ""l''"''t 11Hh..a11,... Yes, I want to invest nw funds at 11%* todav and understand that chest' funds will he tran:-;ferre<l . . . ... ' to an Insured Money Markt·t Accoum u n December 14, 1982. $ ___________________ initial deposit (minimum S2.500) . Name ~~~~~~~~~~~~_,.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Address ~----_.;..----------------~-·-------~ Cl'Y-------------------State _____ Zip ___ _ Telephone -------------------- D lin~n. 1...,.,,.. ~=and Loan AssociaOOn Where Tomorrow Begins Today. I I ' Loe Alem1to1 aATUNIAY'a "HULTI (Urcl of 11-ftltlll ....,tem«M -llftt) Fl"IT llACI .. 3SO yard• Hooli Em a.by (Glll) 5 00 3 40 2 IO Cf'Y9lel 1>1-01 (Campbell) I 00 5 eo TOH Bom-(frycley) 3 IO A19o raced Euy Rulh, SIHk N Ala. My ChelM Murphy. o.llazure. Lu"' Trip, My Gt"'4t It CUii, Ima COPP*• Too• Time. 17 99 a IUCTA (3-7) paid 135 llO HCOHO llACI. 3!i0 y111da PkHn Cl•H (Adair) Ill 60 (> 00 2 40 Hit Gallanl Bug (Tr-•e) 3 eo 2 20 H-..mp (Hatll 2 20 Alto •aoed S..,,., lf\hetltaooe. Nu1>1aoo1 Jet Time 17.87 THIN> ""er. 300 y.;o. lWI" Selety (PauUne) 19 00 8 ~ 8 40 ~ MONSey (Milctlelt) 12 00 8 40 t &n.,bO (Che,...) 4 40 AISO raced Watd• Bal. Some Flgu••. Bat Bo M8". Lancle Alot Chatget, 11\Cflen War oa,_,, Tlf\y Cry11a1, C0tpcl(•t• Jet Time~ 15.83 12 l!XACTA 19-S) palO S:.>08 :.>O FOURTH RACE. JSO yards Cn111Qet Go 8lg (B111dl 8 20 s 40 3 eo Grewe Line (Paul!ne) 8 00 5 20 Pua Em 8oy (Too~•l 5 20 Alto •aced Two MOia Dout>IM. s- .MOUf\t. Fut Fla"'4t. Rock On Bug. Vega Bo T1"'4t 17 118 a l'llACTA 18-1) paid $66.:.>0. FIFTH M CI. 5!i0 yardt Hlpplly (PaullMI 10 llO 1 40 5 40 Tr1po1 8onu11cn .... 11 II 00 13 20 Digital (CrHQ81) 1 60 Alto raoed 81\ie Poot. Miios St Pa1r1C11 Roaf\ Mongo, Flaat Cupid. luelly l .. I Time: 27 45 a DACTA 17-~) paid $164 40 aucn. RACE. 1110 yard•. Passtnemooeyhooey tHartl 11 00 5 60 3 80 Macho Moto tlac"erl 5 00 3 60 Fleet Mlclley (Cet<IOH I 4 40 Also raced 8oOOy Oh Oh. NOiiy Reo Mr Collu lata. WIH Wlf\alot. Come Watctl Me Fly Tl"'4t 45 93 SEVENTH llACE. 3!i0 yards Sir Flir1in Around tHarO 8 00 4 20 :.> 40 Gran<lmH Bojaelt (Ba•dl ! 60 3 00 Gotta Go Easy (Wardl 2 40 AISo raced Kltlys Klp!yllal. A Llttla Wile ~. Mr Oulcllneu, Tea Oii Two Time· 17111 92 EXACT A (3· 11 paid $31 40 t2 PICK a1x 11·9·7·7·5-31 oaid SS.470.40 wllh eighl wlnnong llc;kets (love horMt) $2 Ptck SI• conaotallon paid S83 20 ,..,h 176 winning llckett tlour llO<MSI EIGHTH llACE. 400 yaras Romeo larll (Zuleltl 28 40 11 ao a ao Smooth s1rea11 .. (lact.ayl 10 40 1 oo Diamond Dethlette (Tooksl S 60 Alao raced Tiny Cee. Broadway Jay, JutHf\s,EHy SI•. What ... Dolly, ... Natu••I Time: 20 36 MNTH llACE. 400 vatda. Sqt P-Feature tCreage<l 4 60380300 Nattve uamble< (F'rydayl· fl 40 "T 40 El Rey Burf\et (Hartl II 00 Alto raced Rule the Dack. EHy Jela Wondl, Senator Sao•. Ou-. IOI Cull, Lntla Casey Oeek Time: 19.116 • ll.JIACTA (4-11paid 174.60 T£MTH M CI . 350 yards. Mr Money LMCI., (Cardoza) 5 60 3 :10 2 40 Blaste<s Lii Reel tCr&&C)f!•) S llO 3 llO Motumale tFreyl 3 00 AISo r~ Supet POiiey. Plur><leta Own. Im A Request Too, Check.,out. Gay Rebel Too. Me•etta, Juanu Teddy. Tome 18 09 12 EUCTA (9 41 P•><I sn 20 Atleodance -9 ,6114 Chrl1tmn regett• (al L-. lleacll llllaliM ...._) N~ II• -I. O<ange Coul, 2:24 0, 2 UCLA. 2·29 0, 3 Long S..Ch Slate. 2·31 o. 4 Orange Coatl B1. no time Open lls -I Orange <:out, 2 15 0, 2 UCLA. 2· 19 0 3 MIUlon Bay Rowing "-· no time Single scvlb -1 Brad Lewla ( Newpof1 8Mchl. 2 40 O. 2 Hent S...,_, (Sweden) 2 40 0, 3 Cu<111 F-ng (Coste Meee), no time ·--·--· UC lrwlM '1, ._ ..... k 4t Clet-4 .. UO IMM 8' 100 lrM-1 JohntOll (Cl, 47 97! a lllOI 1so1. o 94. 3 •aoa1a11oe 101. •• u 200 baCk-1 NHull (Cj, 2 04 4e, I Wabttw 10. 2 (\9 40. 3 8ootalein (I). 2 15 1e 500 "••-1 JOnH (C). 4 11 1 0 I, a Prlldlard (I).. at N , 3 loellhell (II.' 04 01 200 bt-1-1 NICllc>IM>n (I~ 2 17.10: 2 8ecnlel (II, 2 18 H . 3 Kult>et (SDI. M0.11 O 400 lrM r .. •y-1 C1wamon1, 3 13 23. 2 UC Irvine, 3 11123, 3 Sen 01eao St., 3.23 OI 400 medley relay-1. UC frvlne, 3 43.74, 2 CIM-oot, no Uma llalad 1.000 l1M-I Pritchard (II. 10.20.311; 2 Tu"1nc11 (Cl, 10 21 40. 3 t<ulb••t (SOI, 10 40 49 200 .... _ I JonH IC}. t 45 ... 2 Schei net (SDI. 1''48-2.t, 3 M.itoy (1). 1:51 23 110 lrH-1. Johneon (C). 21 71. 2 Anclet-(I). 22.03. 3 hOalOllOe (C). 22.311 200 IM-1 Hetrlton (C). 11&8 to: 2. Ellol (SOI. 2 0 UO. 3. Waotter (I). 2 Ol.41 200 lly-1 Harrl1on (C). 1·55.71. 2 Lockhart (I). 1:59 21; 3 Scllarner IC), 201 44 I-meter dWll\o-1 8-(501. 233.1, 2 wa111. 112 JO. llu<goon 111. 120 07 3·mel., dilling-I lkHQ09'1 (II. 143 11 pta . 2 3-metat dMng-1. Bueno (SDI. 221.07, 2 Waltt (SOI. 155 25, 3. ll<HgOOf\, 143.77. WOMIN SM 0-.. II ... UC lrvlM ti 200 medley reley-1, Sen Diego Sl. 2 00 3. 2 UC 1"""8, 2 02 35 1,000 lree -I EIWOOCI (SO~ t 1 22-74. 2 WhMlet(SDl 11 42 61,3 Pletitl).11~15 200 lrM-t. Hendtlcbon (SO). 2 00.59: 2 SullOf\ (I). 2 06 02: 3 Jacol>Mn Ill. 2: Ill. 14. 50 lrM-1. Jef\ner (SO). 21 40: 2. Geyer (II. 26 75: 3 JOhnton (SOI. 2& 82. 400 IM-t. NMtarnan (SD). 4:115.53; 2 Braun (I). 4 57 .Ill. 3 FralgO (SDI. 4:51,11. 100 lly-1. John1on (SDI. 1;03.54; 2 lkeun (I). 1 03 1111. 3 WhMlet (SO). ll04 73. 100 ltee-' I .....,tick'°" tSD). 6a.12. 2. Gey., Ill. 58119. 3. Young (SO). 59 17. 100 becl<-1 E'-00 tSDI. 1 09.30, 2. Whaley (SD), 1.11.22: 3. JoMaon (SOI. 1:13 18. 500 l•H -1. Janner (80 ). 5: 18.20; 2 FralgO (SD). 5:30.113; 3. Suttoo Ill, 5:33. 11. 100 btfflt-1. ~-.(SO), 1:12.15. 2 Braun (II. 1: 14.17; 3 John&Of\ (SDI, 1 15 Ill eoo lrM relay-I San 01eQo St. lt32.~; 2 UC ltvlne. II 55.70 1·"'4tt., cll'ilng-1 Amb«g (SDI. 214 35; 2 Freemaf\ (SDI. 2011 12; 3. Chamber& (I), 193.17. 3-met., dMng-1 Amberg (SO), 221.81; 2 ChamW. (I), 202.15, 3. Frawnen. 192 60 College ecoree Teua 33, ,.,..,..... 1 Navy 24 . ...,,.,.., 7 ' Flot'lcla 13, Flotlda St. 10 Nebtallca 37, Mawatl 111 NCAA "-A YOffl DtvWoft I-AA~ Ten.__ SL 20. Eut.,n llllnola 19 lourlllena T ecn 311. Soulh CWOlll\a St. 3 Delaware 20. Colgate 13 E .. ,.,,. Kentuc:lcy 31. ldallo 30 DtwWeol ....... .... UC Devit 18, Ncw1h Oeokota St. 14 Sout'-1 T-SI. 19, Jeclt--SI 14 DhWoft • P'llWI w .. 1 Georgl• 14. AuguataM (IU, 0 MAIA "-AYOflfla Dl¥Woftl~ HltlMllle 20, ear-,.._...,., 12 Cef\ltal St (Oki&) Ill. Souttletn Colorado -2Q NE Oklahoma 7~"11 91ipllct 1'3 MeM (Colo.I 43. MoomMO St (Minn.) 20 Dl¥Woft ...... .... llf\1-39, W•tmlt!•ter (Pa.) 9 WllHam .ie-l 23. Nort"-Mtem (IOw•) 10 Hetemen YOllftt TN votlnO ,_In...._.. --1--Tropt.y. -'*' by h oa..n.own Athlellc Club 10 th• n allon'• moil outllandlng c011eQe football playet (Voting b...O Of\ e 3-2-1 Point ay9t-). Walt.., Ge0tg•a $2$-155-41-1,929 Etway. St8"1oro 139-335-144-1,231 Dicker-., SMU 31·100-172-445 can ... Mlcll!Q.,, 11-21-55-142 Rlmlngloo. N.o 13-23-52-1$'7 BlaC*leoQa. Penn SI 4-2M4-10I Ramtey, UCLA 2-18-27-45 EUOI\, .. 5-1-33--IO Manno, Pttt 1-4-32-47 RoDa<. -4-e-12-40 WatMf. Pef\f\ SI. 2 .... 11-40 Community coti.a. ec«M OflA.NO« couwrf eoWL , ........ ,.,.., Futlerloo 31, s~ 8 INL-'"I> PIPm 90Wl , .......... , Sen Bernardino 23, ~ 12 POTATO 90'#\. (M~) Tait 32, Mt S.. Antonio 30 YAU.&Y llOWL (at~) Pa.adene 32, W•1 HIM fti ..... llOWL ( ........ .__..) Sent• Barbara CC 31. LA Harbor 20 IAN DIE~-C9'tC 90Wl (M Ctwla V....) Sout"-tetn :le, Glandale 7 Gauchos do it again . ' to Pirates, 60-48 The last time Orange Coast College defeated Saddleback CoUege in a basketball game, the st ate ch ampionship we n t to Coach Tandy GiUis' Pirates. Since that night in 1979, the Gauchos have dominated play between the"\wo teams. They did it again Saturday night with a 60-48 victory in the battle for third -place of the Miles Eaton Invitational at OCC. A pressing defense employed by Gaucho Coach Bill Brummel and a combined 34 points from K evin Henderson a nd ·Alex Ada m s did the trick for the Gauchos, while two cold shooting spells did in the Pirates. "We jus t s hot t erribly." admitted Gillis afterward. "At times, It looked like we w e re uleep out there tonight." In contras t, the Gauchos. acccordlng to Brummel. decided to w ork on fundamentals rather than concentrate on a victory, and it paid off. "We just wanted to play well in all facets or the game and not worry ao much about the win," Bn.unmel explained. StiU, a seven-minute stretch in the first hale and another 4 'A-tninute stretch over the final 20 minutes In which the Pirates couldn't score a point, should have m ade It e asy for the Gaucho., but they. too, atrugled at timea. OCC committed 22 turnovers In the contest, including 15 In the eecond half. The Pirates trailed 31 -29 at lntermlHIOn and led , only twice in the second half. at 35-33 and again at 37-35. OCC received 18 points from guard Deron White. including 10 in the second.half, to make things interesting. But Saddlebac . had a couple of second-half stars as well. H e nd e r son, wh o was averaging 16.6 points per game in the Miles Eaton Tourney, hit 10 of his points in the second half, while Adams. a 6-5 freshman swing man, hit eight points in that half. Freshman Brett OUvier out of Laguna Hills High added nine points off the bench In his most e xtens ive playing time of the young season. In the championship game, Fresno edged Imperial Valley, 69-66, the first time in five years that either Orange Coast o r Saddleback has not captured the crown . Golden West 81, Glendale 18 LANCASTER -The Rustlers e njoyed a h ot-shooting night against the taller, more physical Vaqueroe. Golden West coM ected on eight of Its first nine shots In pulling away to a bll early advantage and coaatln1 to lta fourth win 1n eeven outJnp and capturing third place In tbe Ant.elope Valley Tournament. John Kretk:h led the wlnnera with 18, but he wu amply supported by Dan Siber (17) and Sherwin Durham i 14 ). •, .. ..... ~ Atlarlta IO, New Y0tll 1t Cta"91ent IOI. lndlena M toe1on 111. Oetrott 11' WMtwlglon I It, Oallee lot HouelOtt 14 Ian MlonlO 13 Ulah 111. ()~. 114 l en C>iego 11), ""-'11 103 TeMlllh ..... "'111..,.,1111 •1 c.a.. MllW8UkM at ...... jefwy 8 .. 1119 •1 Kell ... Clt)I 11 St lOUlt Ulah at Golden ltale COU.8QI I,... -WU N -=:"1t. Sedlet 10. Anoer it. &ume 31, Oonotlllc• •. a1 ...... 0, JOhn.!>n 0 Totelt. 32 13•11 H UC "'VINI -McOonalcl 10, Murplly 7, ThOlf\lon 10, Tur-24, Lopez 10 .... rdlley to, Grene111on I , Bardalay I , 8aan1 2 TOllllLllt.11 H Halftlme Peppetctlne, 31·3 7 TlltM•pojf\I P••r~ 8ulll• (P) II, Turn., (UCll 3. lOI* t UCO I . ..,deley (UCll 2, Total IOUle ....,.,..diM 2t. UC ltWle 11, Foulad out Oond1a11c1c (Pl: Tachntcal• Peppero111e bef\Ch tCo•ch J im Harriot.). RabOUOO.. ,..,,perdlne 38 (PllllllP• 121. UC ltVIM 31 (Muoplly 9) aYU Hew.ii toumam.nt "'*r'•L.MeO-loCel C...._ .. HU Hewell• •OUTMl"N c!°AUPOflNIA couroa - Smith 13. Rol>e<la 14, Po1t1c• 27, Plummer 2, Rogera 2, Hol I, COlti 7, Morlln14111 2 a Tola!&. 26 16·22 68 BYU HAWAI -Brooowakl 9, Powell a. Jaclt-. 25, ,...._, 4. McClevt 14, w11aoo 10, Hock.,Mltth 2 TOlala. 28 l-12 M He/II.,.,.. SoCal =63-2t Tolal louts SoCal 19, 8YU H ...... 22. Fouled OUI JIClt.-. I YU Hewalil COMMUNITY COl.a.EOE leddletNCll IO, OCC ,41 aADDUBACK -Ground 0, Ward 4. Jonnton 4, Wall(er 2. Hender'lon II, MKchelt 5, Rentrop 2, Ad-• 18, OllYlat 9 Totell. 2t l-1l·llO. ~ COAaT -Krohnleldl 3, Aytn 3, Whit• 18. Monoo 2. 8twe 15, .Shlllluell o. ee.rv o, SymllMllJ e. o-e, Naneon o. Totel1· 21 6'12 41 Hallllma~ Saddlebacll, 31-29. To1111 toult: 8 Mldteb9Clt 17. Orange Coa11 11. Fouled out· Syrnenlkl !Orange Coul). 111111.la (ATON ALL• TOUllNIY ftAllll Mwvln S.tt.,fleld (lmperiel Valley): 0. 0. LH (lmpar111 Velley); Af\dr• P•ll•r•on tF•Hnol: Lalef\d 8ruca (Oraf\ge CoHll; t tacy Mltdlell (SllCICllel>acll). MVP-Cye Adama (FrMnOI. Golden W••t 11. Qlendele • OL&NDM.I: -stou I . H.,..ry 2. Danlela 11. Mclellaf\d 4, Hlnchen 11, Pickett 12, Buell• 20, Cenletl 2 Totala: 30 1·11111 OOlOeN wraT -Bower 4, Ou<llam 14. Slbet 17, Brown 4, MylH 2. Murrey 8, Mat1ln0 4, Dotham 7. Denc1r1c1oa 4, Kreelch 18, J-2, Poindeal., 2. Totals. 32 22·31 .. He/llifM; G_., W"I, «-25. Total loutt. Gllf\d ... 27. GOiden w .. 1 24. Fouled out: J-(GOIClan w .. 1). Tecnnlcal: Slcllia (Glaf\d.tle). HtoH acHOOL Hunt. BNch n . ll Anthonr SI HUMTINOTC>tf •ACM -Owner 24. 8 Tnornp•o" 21, Hatrlgan 13, Milla 11, 0. Thompson o. Baugh 4. Toi.,.: 29 111-11 73 -aT. ANTitotfY -' Jurlalc 18. Rtv.,a I . Mclaughlin 4, p.,ez 12. Walk., 17. Pr"'°" 2, Mart..._, 0 Totalt. 25 a.12 51 IMr9 ..., o.rter9 l 8tencl• ti, W•• .. rn., lltANCIA • l'lfl{.•ney 14 M1111ate " ~arlaurnont • fl Lc>tk•W<I t , Cl.lftia •• JohnllPtt I;) MOia.i 4, f .. .i.y a fota.lt 11 2J,. •• WllT"• -"""' t farley 4 8'1t<tll • Oy~houM t llt11<a 2 Horn I ICadowtlll t , Wallo .. II, A.lien 0 le>lalt 16 1e U 41 ..... ..,o-w. l tltnc.1.1 I I II 10 11 81 WMletn 9 18 t Ii 4e ll)lal IOUll !'11111011 H . WMttrf\ 18 'OUltd out H lockwooo 1h1111c:1a1. fv1111 1w .. 1ern1 ltuc• tW•tt•ml Lepu 8Mch M, Notoo II ~ -VenoetllMI 4, M49a 17. L'-1 12, Tettl .... 12, Alie 4 l.OQWI I fOtllt 22 14-~61 LAGUNA MACM -fdwatdt t,,. 2. JOtCI ...•• W•llOtd 2. '°'lune UIJ Mc; , lall,W Ill, NMll 14, Mc;Or1lll o l llt 31 lt-t414 • ..... ...,o-teta Ne>r'O 1e 12 II 10-H UOUN 8-n 20 18 ,. 11 H f01al IOUle Notc;o 71 I.~ 8Mctl 2Q, Fouled OUI LC>OWI (Notc;o). f0ttune (llOVfl• INc;ll, MCOr aw tleQllfl8 llelchl LM11ne Hiiia 12 Wooclbfldte .0 wcfooeMMaa -lr0t1nger 11, eo.-..k 4, RadO.CiCI' 15. M01allt'41 2, WIN 2. f!VM 2 lu<k1 4 To1alt 18 I · 16 40 LAGUNA HIU.a -Wt411anla 10, Cw1., 18, Llllln 9. Gere•• 2. t<11111d1 t. Plamfll 2 Bro-2 lOlalt 19 14-21 &2 ..... ...,0-W. Woodbtldoe I ti 2 14 -40 Leeun• Hiiia 14 II> 10 12 -52 Tola! IOUle: Woodl>rldg• 24, LIQuna Hlllt 1e: Fouled oul Radovclch (WoodOrtdg•), WiM (Woodbrldoe). Metet Del 11, Cepo v.a .. , 41 MATI" Dlt -J•cl<&Of\ 14 l.ew11 17 BHUWl .. tl 20, Flaldar ... Mltch•ll 2, Perklnt 2. Dwyer 2. Toomey 0 C~ O. ~ o, Peyne 0, Sutphin 0. JMQet O. CAfltlT .. ANO VALLIY -Af\deraoo 7, o.c .... 12, Muld41f 12, N Call 4, ~\Ollek 4. Trevtno 2. II CeH II. ... ebyo-tete Mal., Dal 19 11 22 12-71 c~reno v...., 11 11 e 10-48 Total louta M•t•r Dal 18, C1p111tano V*°J 115, F'outacl OUI S--t (Malet Del) Tectlni~Olll 0wy., (Miiar Dall ' HIOH SCHOOL WOMEN Marine 41, lrvlne 47 MAAINA -Corbell It, Calklna ti, Flalacllar 3. Andeteon II. Kaddy 10. Calv.,t 4, Rldll., 0 Totals 19 11· 18 49 l"VINI -Fl9uero1 17, Rooartt 12. Jacll-. 2. S1m1 2. UOwet I , Flyrln I Totals 21 6-15 47 S-.brOuer1era Mattne 17 10 14 8-49 ,,.,,,,,. 15 12 ' t 1-47 To1a1 rou1t Marina 11, trvtne 1:1 NHL .......... acc. .. K ..... &.SI l <KM3 Oe1•0ll •• New Jertey 2 Hattlord e. New V0t~ Range<• 2 PNladelcl/\I• O, Pollabutgll 0 Ouet>ec 3, Bunalo 2 Edmontoo 7. Calgary 5 Bottoo II. Mootreat 4 Toronto 4, New VOil! laltf\Cleta 1 WaahlnglOf\ 4, Chicago 2 M"-11 4, Wltlf\lj)eQ 1 TOftiglll'aGMI" It .... 11 Edrnontoo PhlfioetpNa et 8oa100 Chic-II Buttalo T0tonio al"New York Rangers SI LOUIS et Vancou•., HUnllngtOf\ 8Mch 13 15 18 27-73 Kint• I, Bluel 3 .._...,~ SI Anttlony 11 14 13 20-51 81 Louie Total touta Huf\tlf\glon a..ch 14, St. Loe Angelee _ 1 ............... 0 2 1-3 2 0 •-I Af\lllOf\y 17, Foulad out· Rl•e re (SI r•• ...__ AnttiOny) I Loe Angelee. Holme& 3 tFoa. l ..... •l. AH·tCMarnement teem 2 61 2. lo• AngalH , Boiek 7 (Hardy, (Matlfta.Ull-ood T--1) Olonnel. 111.15 (119) Penalll" -CartlOll Tony Pope (lekewoOd); Scolt .. ollpek Sil , 3•15. Wll-.. Sil , 1114. Remaoe. SIL, (MwlneJ: J....., Gerner (Huntington BNehl. 11104 JoM Juri9lc (SI Af\thOnVl: .ie.ie Peta tSt ._... "-*I • Af\tl\Qny ' 3 SI loula, M.-i 10 (Tuof\IMI•. LMnleu•). -til~~ (Huntangt~ e.acn __ I ---!lol3rm211 4 SI LOUii . Sader1co ~..:-· .,,..-tttf;pp~Tff"-• • Mertne 75. La Jorden .. 1.34. Well•. LA. 1•48. Ramaoa. Sll. 7 00. St MA"INA -f lllpek 2e, Padilla t 1, loult bef\ch. H rved by Carlao". 1 :28. ' R0Hnwe1n 9, Neumlnf\ 15, Crowlay 8, Bonll, LA, 15.!iO, St-att. SIL, 17 29 • TNrd l'eftod Ekatrom 2, Betange• 2 Totels 19 19-24 75. •· Loe AnQalft. M. Muopt>y 1 (Ruaitows!ll, L8 .-.. ... -·""'°°"' •. ~ I.. -CIVI. ·;t•. •-Loe ,.,,..... ,_ 15 (HOllMe. J _ _, I . l'90ft I , Met-•. -1• l MUfPh\11• 112&, 7. Loe A~~ I ~ 2, Wllliemt 15. Wrtlla t5 Totalt 32 (Olo..nel. 15 011 II S1 Louil, Bal>yCh 11 0-3 14 loefii lllip ~ (Sullar. PeltetHOf\I. 17 53 (pp). 9. lot LB J«dall • 14 12 12 zt-14 Angele&. Dionne 10 (Simmer, KOtlb). 19 31 Merlna 17 21 12 25-15 PenalllU -M Murphy, LA. 8.40, ' Tolel louta. LB Jordaf\ 111, Matlf\a 11. Ruel<OW9kt, Stl, 13 52. Ramage, Sil , 14•211. F-·'-' t N~ Hetdy, LA, 17:20 .,.._. ou . ~-Shota Of\ goel -St L.oula 6-13-12-3 1 .• Lakewood M, Ccw~ del Mer U t.oa Angeles 13-14-10-37 CORONA ML MAii -VanS1~ 12. GoeHee -St. Louis, UUt Loe Angelff, W)f\n 12, Wottt 3. OouQlaa 0. Kendan 2, l..Ultoekl A -1.743 Mcf(ll>bef\ 2. Vence 2 Tot .... : 13 7-t 33 UJCIWOOO -Oglftby 4, SllM\Ona 2. T.,ry 2. Ol•on 12. SMlir 4. VltW., 4. Pope tO Tot... 15 1-20 38 IMr9 .., o.-ten eorooa c1e1 Mat 7 11 e 12-33 l •kawood 4 10 13 11-38 Totel route· Corona c1e1Mer17, Lakewood 12.. Fouled OUI. Vence (Corona del Miii) Ket .. le 12, Edleon G lDtaON -O<allowlltl 11 • ..._.,._ 8, Wettf\er 10, .JoN\ton 2. ~ I , lwMlkt I. Mitlwd 9 Tot... 17 IS.24 52 ltATILLA -Herlmaf\ •• Blebe• I , Brennan 27. Vlllaneu .. 11. Ben,,alt 7, JohMOn 3 To1al1 25 12·2 I 152 .._. .., .,_,._. Edlaof\ 13 19 11 4-52 Katalla 16 15 14 17-62 Tolal IOUll Edison 17. Ketella 20; FOUied out Wariner (Edlaof\). Miiiard (Edlaof\), Hett,,,.,,,, (Kat .. a) . ' Weter polo cOMMUNrTY coua• ..... C .. 81111 .. IR ..... ( .. 0....... .... c.llaeel G9'clefl Weat 13, w .. 1 Vallar 12 WHI Vftey 2 2 2 3 I 2 0-12 Golden W•I 2 2 3 2 2 I 1-13 W•t Valley ICOtlng Y0te 4, Pal 2, S1elmle 2. Surber I Stone 1. A P.-,by 1, Wlnge-f\IM I Golden Wal _.Ina Nady 4, ~ 3 Oii Yelle 3, lun<I 1, w.r-. I, SlepMMon t Orange Coaat OAILV P.llOT/Sundoy, December 5, 1982 ......... &>.-.. ........... l onv P1od11n (ltVl™ll-0811 Walker jL 01 A1'1Q411e•) °"' Sid VounQ '°'"nllCHI) 1111 M~en (Clfltbed) 15 4, 'I ·5, y.,,, Hugllee t1.A9vne Hllltl RoOln HIC)i)eNtiel ISM °"'901 O•I t<ow"d PeltreOf\ Cle MeH)·Paul !Wtkev <Sen OlaQoi. 1-2. T·• 10Meto· ......... ....... U4o Cl•rll (Leguf\e Hiiia) def Roger Ii tf\Cllmen tG01et1) 1-0, 1-0, Elrotl Coc>pat !Orinda) def llerna y W•t•tlloun P•.adenal &•2. I 0 ,. ............... e-llMle BtH ~<191 (5111 Diego) de! Glen S1>et11 IL• Jolla), e..-. 8-1, Roll Brendon (Ananetlll) del Jetry RIOrdan (l• JOiia). 7-6. 11·2 11 ..... ·.o.-... ............. Ertlle F1etke-Cheriit Mullet (LIQllM Hiltl d•I Au1t1n GrH n' (Holtrwood)-811dten GravH (Nova10). 1·4, &-~ Glaf\ Snetet-'.Jtrry RIOtdan IL.a Joli.I) clef Milt Ad11m1on-[/lgla RMd04ph (lAQuna Htltal. 0.4, e-1 ..._ .......... .. mtnn.t. Pllyllts Ad ... (LOI Af\gelee) def 8oo 8t- (t1vlne). &-1, e.1. Plac:f>art Huuey (Bevetty Hllltl dal Paulelle AllOf\-Sohla (Laguna Hi .. ) 6-(), 8-0 ••-·e ........ ............. Pat Yeomana (Loa Af\gelHI dal Allee Beckef\bacn (Loa Angetea). 7·5. 1 -0. Rosemond Hyde (El C...lrol dal , G.,aidlne Btlekaln (Rowvllla). 8-1, 8-4. .. ·-·· Doublee l-"IMle vr Graham (flollln9 Hllla)-luctlle Whtie (LOI Ar>ge!el) del Alk:e llec:llenl>Kl\-.1-t Rot>l>ttli tlOS Ang~t 6·3. ti-3 lilleft'el6-W-'•16Mlaed ~ Jo Rotkllm (Burbankl-Howard Paterson (La Maui del. Ganrud• Amtlng (Laguna Beacll)-Joa Denny (l90nua Hllltl, 11·0. 1·2, Phyllis Adler-Biii Duk• (LOI Angeteal d•I Miiiie 81\d Vwn Hughea (Lagutia Hllll). 15-3, 8-4. f>lacll11t1 WlCI BIN Hutaey (lleYetly Hilla) d•f Hele n Blu11eef\·Joe RoOlf\10" (Woodland Milt). 8-1, 1-3, June MICll ....... t tNe"'l)Otl BellClll-looy Troaan (lrv•ne) <!el Ma•o•• Alt.on-Chuck Potter (Ramona> 6·0 6 0 Women'• wollevbell COMMUMTY COlLIGE S-1-C....,. C"-11l111alllpe (al II C_.._ C ...... ) Fltll Round C.u·vs de• Sen Diego Ne$a, 15-13, 15-12. cuesta del Antelot>e Valley, 15-7. 15-9 kccond "-'cl El Camino del. Citrus. 15-6. 15-11. Orange Coast clef. Cuetta, 15-13. 15·5 ...,. ...... El Camtno clef Orange Coast. 9· 15, 15-4, 19·17 L-'•llracllet San OleQo Meea del Cueala. 15-7, 15-e. Alltelope Valley def C<ltut. 15-4. ta.111. San Dt990 Meu del AntelOC>e Vallly, 1S-4, 15-9. O<ange CoHI clef San Olego MeH. 15-12, IS-4. c.._.... • ._. Oraf\ge Coaat dal El Camino, 15-12. 15-12: one game p1ayol1, O<ange Coatt def ~~-Kethy MOlltca. Vel Grady. JoOy Brenclc. Lautte Adlllllt (Orenge Coatt). Regan Rulh, AuOrey Deibel (El Camltlol MVP-Lauria Ad.,.,,1 (Orange CoatO Women'• eoc:cer "'°" ICHOOl lclleeft 1, .... T--0 EClllOn KOrlng Augu1line l..._2.T-1 Edison acotang 11.....o 2 °:a ... "9tllng A11rau tlllewp«t~)-40 ar>01et1 7 bua. 5 bonito, 400 macttatet, t2 rocl< coo. 1 lhMpahN<I, 1 IQ.llpH\, 1 OClal ~AVIY'I LOC1(111 ( .... pott lleedl) - 153 •nQI«• 5 l>On4to, I calieo baN. 111 macll-•75 roct. ooes, t aat>CI beN Uphill • victory for OCC TOHRANC.:t-; Orange Coul Culll•gt! l'Um•· fr om the l<>Mr '1 br~1t•kt•l l<1 dt•fl.ut El Camino and win tt·w Southe rn C.:lllltornla C1>111munily Colll•gt• w om en '• vo ll<·ybull c.:h amp lo nahlp Suturd;ay night ot El Camino C.:0111 •gc. Thl• P1rat<.'S lost t() El Camino during the rirst round of the double -loss eltminnt&on affair, ttwn came ba<.'k t.o win a patr of 15. t 2 dt>eisions. Th is forced the ployoffi; into one l ~-point mat.ch wilh Orange Coast wlnninJ• 1:)-l:l to advam.•e to Saturday 1 st.ate <!hampionsh1p Ut Northern California. Laurie Adams was named most valuable player o f the VOLLEYBALL tournament wtlh lhree other Pira te players on the all-tourney team. In lh~ first mat.ch between the two teams, El Camino won the third and deciding game, 19-17 aa both s ides continually played out.standing de fense, diving and fovtng the ball off the floor ' "W e played a patie nt. ,-<.-onsistent lype of game like we have done all year," Coacb Jane Hilgendorf said. "At one point in that deciding game, El Camino scored eight straigh t points and held a 13-8 advantage. But we came back to win by sroring the next seven points." In the 19-17 lhriller, Orange Coast had the lead a t 17-16 aft.er earlier holding a 12-9 advantage. But the game developed into a st!rving dut:l as w e ll as a defensive struggle and the host school finally pulled it out. O ther players from Orange Coast nam e d to the a ll - tournamen~eam Included Kathy Mollica at setter. Val Grady and Jody Brenc1c. Deanne Low also played well for the Pirates. Vanguards win in Hawaii LAIE, Hawaii -Ric hard Pierce, a former player at BYU of Hawaii, scored 27 points to lead Southern California Collese of Costa-Mesa to a 68-66 vie over the Scasiders in first- a cl 1 o n of th e Seas ider tournament late Friday night. The win put the Vanguards in e championship game Saturday ght against Whittier College in lhe four-team event. Mike Roberts srored a pair of free throws with five seconds to play Friday night to put SoCa1 up, 68-64 with the Seasidera scoring as time ran out. SoCal College was up by seven at halftime. LL mee ting set The Newpor t Beach Little League wilJ be holding a meeting to discuss the upcoming season Wednesday night at 7:30 at the Upper Bay Branch Boys' Club. The meeting will discuss signups and welcome those interested in finding out more about t he league. T he Boys' Club is located at 2131 Tustin Ave. in Cost.a Mesa. Opportunistic Texas stops Razorbacks .NFL standings l. From AP di1patcbes AUSTIN, Texas -Texas quarterback Robert Bre wer cashed three Arkansas mistakes into touchdowns with his bulls- eye passing Saturday and the No. 12-ranked Longhorns clinched se<iond place In the Southwest Conference w ith a 33-7 upset ove r the N o . 6 -rank e d Razorbacks. The Sun B owl -bound Longhorns, who meet North Carolina Christmas Day. finished the regular season 9-2 overall a nd 7-1 in the SWC. Arkansas;which hasn't won in Austin since 1966. wu Its own worst enemy with a aeries of critical mistakea before 67 .092 Memorial Stadium fan• and a national television audience. N•VY •4, Ar•Y 7 PHILADELPHIA -Navy. behind the running of Napoleon McCallum and Aich Clouse, defeated Army 24-7. to continue Its recent d omination of the 83-game aeries between the two military 1ehool1. McCallum ICOred Navy's first touchdown on a 3-yard run in the first period and 1alned 88 yards for the game u Navy defeated Army for the 39th UIM. Anny has won 37 pmee In the mes and 8eWft have ended in ties. Army manqed to 8COl"e It. flnt o&>enin1.quarwr k>Uehdown llnce lfJ77, but the Cadet.a co~ld do Uttle elM aaalnat a 1tron1 Nevy defenM?. ' 1 ... NATIQNAL CONFERENCE W L Pct. PF PA Washington 4 0 l.000 98 73 Dallas 3 1 .750 97 66 Green Bay 3 1 .750 101 64 New Orleans3 1 .750 67 58 Atlanta,-, 2 2 .500 84 92 Detroi1 2 2 .500 59 57 Minnesota 2 2 .500 81 66 St. Louis 2 2 .500 71 .82 San Fmclsco 2 3 .400 119 114 Chicago l 3 .250 37 79, NY Giants l 3 .250 63 76 Philadelphia I 3 .250 81 89 Tampa Bay I 3 .250 55 69 Rama l 4 .200 98 132 AMERICAN CONFERENCE W L Pct. PF PA Raiders 3 1, .750 106 86 Buffalo 3 1 .750 64 40 Cincinnati 3 1 . 750 96 63 Miami 3 1 .750 95 78 NY Jots 3 l .750 111 65 Piltsburgh 3 1 .750 86 74 Cleveland 2 2 .500 66 69 New Englnd 2 2 .500 67 75 San Diego 2 2 .500 89 70 Seattle 2 2 .500 61 54 Denver I 3 .250 57 91 Houston 1 3 .250 60 101 Kansas City 1 3 .250 59 73 Baltimore 0 4 000 33 105 NOTE: The top eight teams in each conference will qualify for the playoffs .. Today'• Games Seattle at Raiden f\11ffalo vs. Gree n Bay at Milwauk<>e Houston at Nj!w York Olanta Kansas City at Pittsburgh Minne90t.a at Miami New Enghmd at Chicago St. Loula at Philadelphia San Diego al C leve land (Channel 4 at 10 a.m.) Tampa Bay at New Orleans Clntinnali at Baltimore Dallas at Washington (Channel 2 al 1 p.m .) Atlanta al Denver MODday'• Game New Y ork J ets at De troi\ (Channe l 7 at 6 p.m.) llllED otm 11.15% A.P.R. FllANClt& AVAi.al 2626 H•rlter 11¥tl., Coat• MoM ...... . . •Ill .. 1112'1 ' JOHNSON &SON presents ... NFL ,. .......... ... Sunday, Dec. 5 * Chicago over Now lnglancl * San Diego .,,., . Cloveloncl * L.A. laklen over Seattle Men., Dec. 6 * DetNlt ewer N.Y • .letl addleback overniatched b y Fullerton U) noun MllNSON l pecl•I lo lhe D•lly Pllol Tlw1r 11111~ awu11t•d mutl·hup wai. f1n;_1lly u """" \ S.1llll d.1~ nilo{ht. ;.is thl' SadJlcbtil·k Uaud10:1 .ind tlll' fulh·rt1111 I lonwL-; nwt 1n llw f1nil Oran1ow ( '11unt'' 1'111\\ 13owl al thl' Sanl<I Ana Bowl •J'tw g.;nll· w.1i. i.upp11sl'd to fl·.1tun· two 11u1"1.111ding 11f h•ns1v1..• footllull tl•urns and two lop no1l'11 aud 1111-thly toutl'd dt•fcns1v1· tt•unis Aut .Fulll01 tu11 tuok con trol both wuyi. ag.1inst tht• (. :;mdw .... and handily dt·ft>utt-d tht•m, 38-l'i. "l-'ullerll>11 took l'Vcrything away from ui;," -..ud S.1ddll•l>.!l'k Coat·h Kl•n Sweuringt'n, "and w1• didn't 1,1kt• .i11yth1ng from thl'm They extx·utc'CJ to pe1 f1'<·t1on " Un tlw 111':.I play from sc:rimmugt'. SuJdlt>ool'k flJ.nthll·d thl' l>Jll on Its own :J5-yard lin<' 1-'ullc•rton d1d11't ll•t thl' Sl'onng oppor tunity get away, and "t~11·l'd on J Ill yard pass play from quarterback V t•rn 11 .irn:. lo F'rcd Cnssingt•r. S11ddlt•b.1l'k puntt'lJ on lli. nPxt puSS<>sstun, and tlw 1 lun w ts µromptly d rovt· the ba ll from thc•ir I ~-yard lml· 111 lht• Gaucho 15 But the drivt• st.alk'CI. and f'ull1•rtun Sl'lllt•d fur a 32-yard field goal by Fr;mk Arra1ga Wt l h I ..J :!!) ll'ft until tht• half. Fullerton sc'Ori'd ;1ga111 ;1s Larry Jat:kson ran in from ont• yard out. J\nd u11 1t:-. rwxt puss1•ssmn , Fullerton hit payd1rt again. as llarns rollt.•d out of the pockN a nd hit Joc Kl'll\ wrth a 55-vard bomb Thl' lltJriwts l0ndl•d thl• first-half on slaught, wtw11 Mark Bal'a rt•tur'nt.'<J a punt 48 yards fur a tou1·hduwn with ..J. Hl ll'ft 111 tht• St"'<.'Ond quarter, nmkmg the S4·on· 31 -0 In ~uffl·nng 1ht·1r s<.·l·und straig ht loss. the c:aol'ho~ dl'ft•n:-.e l'OUldn't p<.•m·trak into Fullerton's b<tl'kfil'ld "Wt• knt•w tlrnt tht•y <:o uld pass.'' said Swl'anngcn. "But w1• can't 1·ov<.•r thC'm when they have ~> much 11111<.· pa:-.stng " Harns was Y for 16 pas.o;ang for 205 yards at th<.' half, alung wllh two tou<.·hdown pru;ses, whill:' the FullPrlun tNim had 305 yilrds m offrnse to only 86 vards for S;;1ddlt•ba<.·k 1n th<.• half. · Sadt.lll'b<wk entt•n•d thL• game• with thC' state's bC'st dc·fC'ns<'. g1vmg up only 42 yards rushing and 12 I y<.t rds p<.ts.o;mg p<.'r t•on wst. But t ht• l;auC"hos mC't their match against FullC'rton who l·amt• 1n uvt•raging 371 yards J)l:'r ~arne offens<· "W1· pluyt'll well and C'aught tht•m a t the right urne." s.1id F'ullcrton CoaC'h Hal Sht•rbe<:k. "We got thc•m off of tht•tr gaml' plan " Sh1•rbt.>t·k t•ndt'CI his 22nd ye<Jr at thl' Hornet ht'1n1, <.tnd ran his <·an•t'r rC'<'Ord to 17 1-48-5. whik• S -A·c:.iringcn 's C'arN•r r<.'<'Ofd now Sl:Jnds at 162-41 -5. Fullerton 38, Saddleback 6 Score by 011•r1era Fyllefton tO 21 7 O 38 Saoo1eback o o o 6 6 F ·Arra19a 32 FG F-Jack son 1 "'n tHoover luck 1 F-Kelly 55 pass from Ha11 1s (Hoover k1Ckl F·Baca 48 return with punt (ltoover kick t F-CrosStnget ~pass from R1n1en (Hoover klCk) 5-Gleed t run (pass railed) Atrendnnce-6.000 1es11mated1 G•m• Sl•llallc• Forst downs Rshushes·yards Passing yards Passes Punts Fumbles-lost Penal11es·yards F 21 46-198 276 t5·24-2 5 40 3-2 r-61 s 12 34·72 t66 18·36·3 9.39 3.1 7·ti6 * lndlvld11el l'lw•hlng F Jac kson 21 -134 Crissinger. 3-6. Alvarado 5-24, H11rros. t-4. Ttiomas. 6· 15, Palmer. 6-2 t Ruhlen. 2-lor-minus 8, Co11e1on 2·2 S -Gleeo.J t8-74 Curne 8-24 Allord t-2 Miller. 5·1or-mlnus 19 Beathard, 2-tor-min.n 13 lndlvld1iel PaHlng F -Hams. 9-16-1 205, Rulli.ti. 6 7·0 71 Sweet, Ol·t-1, o S -Miiier. 18-33-3. 180, Be11111ard, 0-3-0, O lndlvld11•I l'l.c:etvtng F Kelly 6-130, Sweet, 3-32. Crou1nger 2-41. Maybin. 1·27, German 1 14. Plazza. 1-14 , Warner t-8 S Mer shall 8-98. Hamro. 5-3 t Curne 3-t9, Searlonl, l· 15, Alford 1·3 Murphy's goal lifts i{ings, 6-3 I NGLEWOOD !AP> Mike Murphy touched off a four-goal Lo..; /\ngt•lcs outburst with a 30-root '>lapshot :35 M'<:onds into tht• final period to trigger the King'> tu a li-:J National Hockey Leaguc victory over thl' St Lollis Blul·s Saturday afternoon. Murph) snappl•d a 2-2 deadlock wath his "l'Vl·nth goal of thl· sl·a:-.un which eluded Blues gocilil• M1kC' L1ut and St.·nt the Kings on to thl•1r third s 1n11gh1 Vll'tor) Jim fox ;J1,d Dar~ I Evan~ push1'CI the Kings' on to tht·1r thar'l straight v1l·tory. Jrm F'ox and Daryl Ev1ms pushed the-Kings' IC'ad to 5-l on SUl"ll'SMvc· goals bcCorc the Blues' Wayne Babtl'h t'Ut tht• margin on a power-play goal with ~·07 left to play, but MarC'el Oionnc scored an ir.!!)pty-net goal wath 29 S<'<.'Onds left to play to ice the Vll'tory. "It was a vc•ry important wm for us," said Los Angcll's assistant <'Oach Brad Sc-lwood arter the game "We have now won three in a row a nd team defense 1s making the• big d1ffcrenct'. "Wt• wert• very pleased with thl' effort by the tc•am today. Wt• wcre strong on thl' boards and this µhysacal play helped us. The guys are high and eonfidcnt that ~c can beal any warn in thc league wben we play that way It's really e ncouraging s1ncc we• sttll hav<.· a lot of inJUrtes and arc not fully healthy yPl." • Vikes take consolation Sand y Corbell sc:ored 18 points and Liz Keddy added 10 as Marina H igh's Vikings Women's bask etball team capture d t he cons o l ation championship o f the Irvine tournament by beating the host school. 49-47, Saturday night. The victory brought Marina's record to 3~1 while Irvine 1s 2-2 Carlo Figueroa had 17 points for Irvine Marana had threc players sidelined w ith injuries in'cluding starter Jill Bellamy who was out with a backa<.·he. F igueroa hit free throws tn the closing minutes to make the final sc.'Ore close a fter the Vikings had been in front by seven. 100% to 500% 1st year Write Ott . ss.ooo -110,000 Minimum Investment Call For Free 'fl Hour Consultation HERMES· MILANO'r INC. N "aoNAl TAX CON8Ul ANT8 (714) 7J1·2'400 • (5-0 Ballerles not Inc luded) PlU•3397 #7054 34.95 EMPIRE BIG WHEEL CYCLES Sturdy polyethylene construction • Super #110I or • Powder Puff #1119 19.95~ AD PRICES PREVAIL: SUN., DEC. 5th THRU SAT., DEC. 11th .. TONKA GT750 SCRAMBLER® CYCLES Gyro-balanced motorized cycles do everythrng from wheelies to jumping and running races. No batteries or • launcher required Chimes sound as globe rolls about. Unbreakable plastic & watertight .... 8.88 PLAYSKOOL COBBLER'S . BENCH (1 ~to3y<S,) .... 5.95 ; . ' .. Ages. 8 to very. very old IDEAL RUBIK'S CUBET':»uzzLE #21142 SCHAPER COOTIE A favor ite pre-school game for more than two generations. ,,.. 4.99 MILTON BRADLEY GAME OF LIFE Spin the wheel of late and away riai~;:~: 193 PARKER MONOPOLY BOARD GAME Ameri<.a's most fopular ~:;:r·:&.!Jii PARKER "E.T." BOARD GAME The extra terrestrial 1n his adventure on earth •157 7.95 GABRIEL TROUBLE GAME kttPS you In suspense up to the last move. For 2 to 4 PllylfS 6 95 '"" . HA.81AO GRABBIN DRAGONS ACTION GAME Unique neck bending action the last but steady hand 1s the winner Ages. 5 & up ..... 9.95 40-PIECE DELUXE .r=_::;::;-~._.!W'W.,. SAV·ON AD ""ICE 'llHATf OMllCT ffllOM TONKA 2-LANE ROAD RACING MATTEL HOT WHEELS S~OWCASE Stores & displays 16 7 9 5 Hot Wheels vehicles PLU •3401 #3414 ' 8 12.99 VOUfll COIT 9 99 -Anlfll -3 .OD -!~:::1 • ... .. . . . . ,. . ... .... "" ••••• ''1lt• Bookshelf collectibles . Includes display stand YOU" CHOICE 5.95u 3-0 MUSICAL JEWELRY ~~ Protects all her fine jewels with a little tune SHOP 7 DAYS A WEEK! llMAY tin SATURDAY 1:00 Al TO 1:30 Pll ; SMAY I:• All TO 7:90 Pl. .. • Eng ineers asse mble Michigan State's huge cyclo tron, or a ccele ra tor, _w hich smash es ato ms together . AP Wlrephoto '\ • ev1ce By PAUL RAEBURN Af' Science Wrllet EAS T LANS I NG . Mich. -Physicia ns have' a new tool for probing the myste ries of t h e nucleus of the atom -a 150-ton machine built to slam one nucle us into a nother wi th the force of a n earthquake . The .aim is simple: lO set the nuclei ringing like tiny bells or even rip th e m a p a r t i n t o hundre d s o r bits o f debris. S cientists say th ~ m achine w i ll h e l p a n s we r p e r sis t e nt q u estion s a bo ut the n ature of the n ucleus and the forces thal holq it together. With luck, probes • inner th<• device might also machine has broken tha t The ru-st experiment w as e n able phys1c 1s ts to bar r ie r. ho wever , by done Sept. 15 w hen a c reate the long-sought taking advantage or the bc•u m of carbon nucle i superheavy clements -o d d p h e n ome n on o f was hurled al a target of e x o t ic su bs tances so s u pe rcon ductiv ity. in gold foil. mul·h h eav ie r t h a n wh ic h cer tain metals. L o n g b e f o r e t h e na tura l mate ria ls tha t w h c n coo I c d t o mach ine was completed, they could have strange e x t r e m e I y I o w however. constr uction of a n d i m p o r t a n t temperatures in a bath of a s cc o n d , I a r g e r properties. liquid helium, arc able to s u p c r co n d u c l 1 n g The M ichigan S tate conduct electricity with cyclo tron was beg un Un iversity mac hine, zero resistance. This is ri_ght beside it. The two k n o w n a s '8 the first cyclotron to be will constitute the Na- s u p e r co n d u c t 1 n g bu 1 I t w i t h s u p e r -tional Superconducting cyclotron. dcx.'S its work conductors. Cyclot ron L abora tory. with 1cyefficiency -jts The use o f s upe r -Th cy ar e f u nde d tw o id e nt i c al co ndu cti n g p ri m a r i l y b y t h e elec t r o m agn e t s a r e e l etro m ag n e t s in Natio n a l S c ie n ce coole d to 450 d egr ees the Mlchi,gan St.ate cyclo-Foundat.ion. Tfle C08l or below zero. t r o n r e du ces t h e the two cyclotrons and Sci e n tists say the m ac hine 's p o w e r ·associated eq u i pme nt machine, the fi rst of its r e quire m e n t s b y 9 0 will lle about $30 million . kind . heralds a new e ra percent -an important Wh e n l h e s e cond in nuclear physics. a field consideration a t a lime cyclotron is com ple ted, which had its heyday in when money for basic the first will serve as an l llJH IDJICIB the 1950s and until now research is scan.-e. in jector , generating a I had been declining in The frigid electro-bea m o f h igh -spe ed importance. n e t s a I s o m a k e nuclei and channchng it WILSON DAVID A . W ILSON . pa.ssed away on November 30, 1982. He is survived by his parents Arthur and Irene or Colorado. son J eremiah and b r o thers Butch and Rick . Services will be on Monday. ~ember 6. 198-2 at I l :OOA M at the Harbor L awn Memorial C hapel. Services under the direction o f H a rbor Law 11 -Mount Olive Mortuary or -Costa Mesa. 540-5554 HAYS ROL L A R. HAYS, JR., resident of Corona del Mar. Ca . P assed a wa y o n December 2. 198?.. S urvived by his loving wife Allene. 2 sons Rolla (Bud) Hays Ill, &n d D o uglas E H a ys. Se rvices will be h eld on Monday, December 6. 1982 a t l :OOP M a t the Pacific View Chapel Friends may call at the mo rtuary, from l :OOPM t o 9 :00PM o n Sunday, December 5. 1982. En tombment at Pacific View Memorial Pa.rk. Pacific View Mortuary dierectors rACtftC YllW MIMOIJAL r MIC Cerretery Mortuary Chapel-Crematory 3500 Pac1l1 c View Or•ve Newoort Beach 644·2700 McCOIMICll MOITUAlllS Laouna Beach 494·94t5 Laouna Hills -768·0933 San Juan Capistrano 495-1776 HlllOI L.AWK-MT. OLIYI Mortuary •Cemetery CretTWtory 1625 Gisler Ave . Costa Mesa 540-5554 ,_Cl•OTHUS ~llOADWAT WOITUAIT 1JO Broldwav Costa Mese 642·9150 f A "This is t h e most it possible to pack a into the second cyclotron important breakthrough greater wallop into the whe re it will receive a in cyclotron design in 15 nucleus. second kick, pushing it to years.·• says Francesco The nucleus consists of higher speeds. R esm1 ni , associ ate a tightly boundcluster of Th c om p re t e d director of the Michigan protons and neutrons in cyclotron is know n as the S t a t e c y c I o t r o n the center of the atom. K 5 O O -a t c r m labora tory. ~ Elrotrons circle·1t in tiny i ndic a t i ng t h a t t h e Rcsmin i. from t h e orbits, in somewhat the mach in e can pack 500 University of Milan, ls same way that Earth and electron' volts of energy apprenticing at michigan th e other pla nels orbit into a n ucleus. T h at's State. He will build a the sun. enough to get a helium similar machine in Milan Scie ntis t s h ave a n uc le us (a ver y light when he returns there. gener al picture o f the nucleus) moving al about Ca na d a a nd T exa s nucleus, but detaHs of its half the speed of hghl - A&M Uni versity a lso makeup and the forces roughly 90,000 miles per p I a n t o b u i I d holding it together a re sec o n d . The s a m~e su p e t'co n d u ct ing still mysteries. The new e ne rgy packed into a cyclotrons. cyclotron, by subjecting a heavier nucleus, such as A cyclotron 1s one kind variety o f difre r e nt ·car b o n or u ra n i um , of atom smasher -w hat n u c I e i t o v ar y i n g produces a lower speed. physicists caU a particle s tresses. s h o uld he lp The second cyclotron accelerator. The first was s ol v e som e o f t h ose will be an even more built in 1932, and bigger, myste ries, researchers powerful K800. With the m o r e p o w e r f u I say. combination of the two, cyclotrons followed. By The Michigan Stale it will be possible to the 1950 s, tho ug h , machine was turned on accele r a t e nuc le i o f increasing their powe r for the first time on the ura n ium, the heaviest a n y m o r e s e e m e d last day of August, nine n a tu r a I I y ex is t In g impossible. years after planning for clement, to a speed of Th e Mic h iga n State its construction began . some 60,000 mi les a second -a bo u t on e - NEPTUNE SOCIETY CREMATION a BURIAL AT SEA T .. INP\.ATION Acatnps PUNUAL - &-46=7431 -~ 10CtKfY ~Ull llNO "tll 2400 WEST COAST HWY. ~"ouo Sult• ' . ..... . "... .. N ---h ca ., ........ , ••• , ......... .. .. _. --I .... -CITY .............. .. third the speed of light. Ml.It NOTIC£ FICTITIOUS llU ... H NA• STAT11MRNT The lollowlng per•on 11 doing bullnell ••. ART FOR DESIGNERS, Oellgnmelt, 2915 E. "-dhlll A--. Coat• M-. Celttomle 92926 JH n Celeketlc, 17090 Sen Rlc•rdo S1r-,1. Founleln Velley, C•lllornl• 92701 Thl1 lluel-le conducted by an lndtvtduel ~ C.iekellc Thll 1te1_,1 -tiled wt1h the County Clerk of Orenge County on Nowmber 9, 1982. . ,.., Publl•h•d Or•no• COH I Dally Pllol, Nov. 12, 19, 26, Deel. 3, 1912 5020-12 'ICTmOUe ..... SS NA• STAftMINT The lollowlng peraon le doing bullll"' •· ROD CHAMBERLAIN AIR, 15111 9unlend Lene . Coat• Maia. Calllomle HtH Rod 9 CMmlltflaln. 19411 Maul P141ce, Coeta ...... Celllornla t2Slt Thia ~ 11 conOllCMd by an lndMdual ,_,., 9. CJ•nlNI•• Thie atetemenl ... llled wt111 the Coun1y Cle(k or Orange Coullty on Nov 24, 1912. ,_,. Publltlled Or•ne• Coall Oalty Plloi. Deel II. 12. 11, H . 1"2 Cell 141-1171. ~ul 1 r .. worda to work for JOU. • .- Or1mu1 Coaat OAll v Pll OT /Sunu y. l'>uct1nal110 i;, 198:> . . · . I co11ltl tell Dad rcos JJro11d, aml .\10111u:a.\·1·e"ll!J hem11i11g. A mi 1•r c11 f\11111 J/an it:I t!,tJI t1 little lllisly (lrtJ 11ml the eues . ·Aunt Harriet always -Swore · fd go to the dogs. · I • • Mom alwavs wanted me to be a doctor. Dad didn't muc:h 1<:.:t~e, as Jong as I amounted to something. But Aunt I larrie t \v-.:ts C.'OIT\ inc:ed J would <.'Ome to a bad end. The reasons Aunt Harriet was not exactly kindlv dispolled toward me ~lemmcd from when I inacl ve rte.,;tly left a pet cuterpillar in her sterling c:andr dish. After that, Aunt I larrie t felt that my chance~ of e volving into a responsible human be ing were bk·ak indeed. "I leaded right to the dogs, that boy;· sheo mutter. To overcome th is grave flaw in my characte r, she ·began bombarding me with US. Savings Bonck Figuring, no doubt, that money might lead me away from evil rather than toward it. After all, I needed all th<· help J C'Ould get. And Au nt I larriet coulcln't have helped me more. Those Bo nds grew up, along with me, into a nice, fat nest egg. One I ke pt tapping as I moved along in my life. l finally hun~ out my shingle todav: john Petrie, doctor of veterinarv med icine. I could tcfl Dad was proud, and Mom ~<l~ really beaming. And even Aunt Harriet got a little misty around the eyes. Afte r all-shes the one who predicted I was ~oing straight to the dogs! BuyinJ.{ US. Savings Bonds on a regular basis helps Amelica. And it c<m help a dream become a reality instead of svmething that mip,/11 lwi;e been. J. ......... ___ ___ ... 111o-.....-... .. " t NEWPORT HILLS CENTER • I An ni versary' P re Chr istmas Cele bratio n Nov. 2 0 -Dec. 10 ALL ME RCHAND I E IN TOCK 20 • 50% OFF 3 Traditional Jewelers :?h:lO :-.. \ '\ '1H:t t:I. llH. '\t:\\ 1•01ff tit:.\C:ll. CA. 760-8035 :?Oi \1AI'.\ !'IT. HALHOA . CA. 673-1~60 "A Very Heallby Year To All My Little F1ieatl1~~ NEIL M . BOODMAN, D.V.M. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• A F ull Service Animal Hospital MEDICAL BATHS VACCINATIONS DENTISTRY SURGERY X-RAY V£T£RINARY SlJ>PLIS PRESCRIPTION FOOD HOSPITALIZATION ACUPUNCTURE CARDIOLOGY AVAILABLE. FOR DDGENCI S MEDICAL OBSERVA T10N ceo.cr11c> NEWPORT HILLS ANIMAL HOSPITAL 2670 SAN MIGUEL, N.8. 759-1911 !ti Walker 8 lee Real Estate · ctertif tcate GOOD FOR O~t: FREE MARKET ANALYSIS OF YOUR HOME ' . A nalnH w t/I hr mc1d1' h1 1111 llRl'lll n/ WALKER & LFF.. INC.. ' · vwc1c1/1H.f 111 ri•1uh• 11/ 11•\ldl'llllOI prn1wrf1t•\ Yo• may ~cum m1JI chi' Cutllkalt or Call for an Appol•lm~nl Newport Beach Office 267(}. Sa n Miguel Dr. Newport Beach , 759-1501, 752-7373 24 Merchants I Professional To Serve You Batter MERCHANTS' DIRECTORY Allyn-Black'• Hair Fashion Bank of America Bonaparte Bakery Coast f 4kieral Savino• E-Sen1ual1, Linoerie Schuyler C. Joyner, D.D.S., M.D. Orthodontics · Needleport Newport Hilla Animal Ho1pital Newport Hilla Druq1 Newport Hilla Florist Newport Hilla Travel Newport Hilla Shoe repair ICenn~th B. Schwarz, D.D.S. General Dentistry ' Parker'• Pete John I. McLauqhlin, Inc. and Private Ledqer F.S. InveatmentServicee Ralphs Market Sparklino Cleaners Traditional Jewelers Villao• Home Deaiqn Interior Decoratinq Walker & Lee Real Estate What'• Cook.ino? Restaurant Wine 'Country, Retail Wine & Beer Bud Graham & Son'• Union 76 In & Out Photo 640-9494 759-4572 759-1100 759..0181 644-1169 759..()882 759-0567 759-1911 640-7373 640-7980 6~4-7371 640-7302 640-2970 640-0090 640-9381 644-7992 640-9440 760-8035 640-9193 759-1501 644-1820 644-7597 644-7151 72()..()459 ' ' WiQe · Couqtry Prem ium Wines, Imported Beers, Gourmet Items 644-7597 For The Holidays! *WINE *GIFT SETS *COLLECTOR'S ITEMS AT DISCOUNT PRICES Over 130 Domestic & Imported Beers In Stock OPEN EVERY DAY UNTIL CHRISTMAS -VISA. MASTER CARD ~ -------------------------· ·-·-------~-------------· ~$2.00 off SCIEICE llET IUTIO WIYIES BREEDERS CHOICE (~~~isf~~~) I . $4.00 off Any Bath I Flea Dip · For Your DOG I CAT (With This Coupon) •• I • • I • ·------------------------------------------------· 640-0090 2622 San licuel Dr. S•rrl•.1 Tll• ,.,,,.,, IHoll Ar .. "Bistro & Cuisine To Go'' ALL YOUR CATERING NEEDS •s.oo OFF Decorated Holiday Buche de Noel Chocolate Mousse Log (With This Ad) (Order 111 Advance) 4 § p I G AS T 1 1 Sunda)', Dt->t-'. 5, 1982 .. l I I . . . .. For the woman II ~·ou are looking fur u l'hn~1111<1~ gift for lht• woman • who hus 1•vc.•rything hl•n •'s VD~ a soluuun H ow nbout a bottle o f Zarult:f' It's a 1ww fragrunn· t ha t <:omes 1n tht· must exquis1 tt· bollll'. Fur $4 ,000. you l'an !WI a • 22-oum·t· bottlL• of ix•rfume in a hn11 lt•d Colll'<:tor's Ecillion .. tu lx.· tn·asui'cd always." a n• 6 0 n o t l ' l' o m po n t' n l s bll•ndl><l into tht.• fragntlll'l.' . Designer uf the fragrance Ma1tla11d-Ph1lqw a nci his assoc1u tl•, I-:dward Ellio tt arnvl'<.l at BullOl·ks Wilshire m Fash ion Island last week in a $500,000 Mercedes classic roadsll'r to promote Zarolia. B t.•s1 d cs U1c n a tu ral cknwnts. whkh of course would cost more. the eosl fac:tor of a fragrance depends o n the amount of essc·ntial oi ls associated with alcohol. Zarol ia m a k e r s say their product contains a l most do uble what othe rs 111 the industry use. Zarulia. docs not come from eitht•r Gn.'<'k mythology, nor does 11 have a psuedo-sexual connota tion. It's a new word being ap plil•d to a n ew f ragranl't'. Why dUl.'s It cost so much? Zar o lia is produced in Grasse. Franl·c. a nd imported into the United States. w here it is ble nde d into eau de perfum and eau de toilette and then bottled . The makers explain every compo1ll'nt put into Zarolia is a purl' and natural e lement .. ThL•rt• 1s no synthe tic. The top notc 1s t·o mposcc.t·o( the heart of rose. jasmine and li ly-of- ~hc-va lley. Moss tones. musk notes with rich fruity wood nott'S arc added . In all. there And now to the bottles - eal'h one in the Collec·tor's Editi o n is hand -blown-v beginning as a blob of molten gluss a l tht• t•nd of thL· gluss Fr•f Layaway M_ajor Credit Catdl ,. •• '"' "'~'' l4tot ... 10 ~-l llu•lly OI '°"°'~ ~ HALLMARK FURS \ -' ... PAE-OWNED & NEW FUR SALE Fantastic Luxury at a Fraction of the Oftglnal Price! Now you can buy the fur you thought you coulqn't afford!! TIESllY OILY 11 A.M. to 6 P.M. Finest quality new and pre-owned furs allow you to enjoy a FANTASY OF FUR at low, dlacounted prices. Choose from hundreds of sensational trade-Ins and estate furs that look and feel like new, but must be claaslfled second·hend used. Save hundreds, evelJ.... thousands of dollars on dealgner mink, fox, coyote, lynx, sable, raccoon and e1Cotlc lura-both elegant and · casual. Com• IH for yourself! 1 A Chic Collectlon of Fur• from 1250 to S3000 6 up. MANY SMALL SIZES' Aleo medium thru lar~ ---l COSTA 'MESA Holldaylnn 3131 Brl1tol St. Hlllmet• ,.,,. "'1 'J l>Jt>Wl'I' tUbc'. It 1s u fl't•t>·form (·rt•ation untl tht.•l'l' will be o s light vunution 111 l'oc:h bottll•. Ma i t I a n cJ • P h i I i pl' a n d El laot t workc·d with Louis Comfort . Tiffany's great grnnd_;;on to d uplic:utc the Tiffuny prol't'SS anc.J l'Ol1l'l'pt of bottling. 1 D•lly Piiot Photo by LH P•JM Th c k.n ow 1 e d g c th c y al'quir<'d from the dcsc:cndant of Tiffnny was brought to g lass artisan J ohn Gilvey, who works in a studio located 111 a re mote a r ea o f the Ad i rondack Mountains in Nt•w Y o rk . The bottles fi nally <.•xt.'<:uted become the CollL'<:tor's Eciition o f Zarolia. As the bottle is b eing formed and while the glass is s till white-h ot molten, it is moved lhrou~ucnce of Zuroliu dt•signt•r Mai1land-Phili1•e, seatt-d (he al~o de igned the roadstt·r's inlt·rior) a nd Edward Elliotl . gold oxide a nd silve r oxide that m e r ge into the' g la ss it.self. ' At left~ Francesca wears a two-piece outfit by Marona ports. Aboye,.Jeft, Cristy wears a looks like l'!o-piece en emble which is actually a one-piece dress b y-Elle. Anne Marie's strip*: top compleme nts he r trimmed flounce skirt. White anklet a nd flat comple te the casual attire. These colorations arc then hand fas hio n ed into the desig n e n \lision cd by M uit l and -Phtlipc -a peHt·ut·k plume. See A New, Page C5 Chr\istmas Tree Festival includes fashion show For lih c scc·ond year, the annual Christmas Tree Festival has 1nduded a holiday fashion show m its many acllv1ues. Members of Orange County farnilics, represented by two, three and four generations. rnod<>led this year among the 10 elaborately decorated Christmas trees se t thro ughout the 'Newport Harbor Art Museum's three gaJleries. Appearing in this year's show wearing fa s h io n s from Nords tro m were: Elai ne R e dfi el d a nd h e r _,Q __ o .the cover . - grunddaughtN, Michele: Jean Aldril·h. h<•r d aughtl'r Liz Toomey and <·h1ldren, Heather and Christophl•r; J oAnne Mix, hl'r daughters, Stacy Mix and L aurie Bcvc•rage with grandd a u g hter Danielle Beverage; Bella Amos and her daughrer, Linda Meyers with grnnddaughters, Crystal Meyers and Lcna Mane Good ; and Toni Ayres with her mother J ean Wassqn and daughters Victoria and Al1scm. See Christmas, Page C6 Melinda Molso of Newport Beach, three of her daughters. Cristy, Anne Marie and Fran<'t.>Sea, and her mother-an-law, Alice O'Neill Avery were among the families representing two, three .and four generations showcased in the holiday wear fashion show presented Friday durinR the Chnstmas Tree Fesuval at Newport Harbor Art Museum. The populanty of red for the holiday season is reflected in the 100-pcrccnt silk Francesca of Damon dress with a cummerbund belt worn by Moiso. Avery's dress by ~lien Mitchell comes under the <Jrecian influence with its draped bodice and soft skirt. Cristy's black taffeta suspender skirt and red white taHet.a tuxedo shirt is by Roxie RD:r2 Anne Mane w ears a flounced white sailor dress trimmed in red by Youngblood. Francesca's velveteen and eyelet dress with a Cinderella label is made with a cummerbund waist, FASHIONS: Courtesy of Nordstrom: coordinated by Sue Ellen Deverich. PHOTOGRAPHER: Lee Payne. Dally Pilot. LOCATION: Newport Harbor Art Museum. Delly Piiot Photo b~ Petrick ~·oonnell Debutantes make 1982 debut Tw1nkl1ng rll'US lrl•es a nd hours Wtlh a bn•a k ror lum·h Mr~ Puul H1l'hanl Kuhn. 8h•Vl'll baskl'ts of peach bc·gon1as s1•rvl'll thc•m b y m •i..I yl'ur:s Roh1·1t lpd1 bankl-<l thC' stagl' of tht• South d1·but..111tt•s Also K.1rrn Lynn Lt-t'kll', Mr . Coost Plaza Hotel ballroom as 19 tin d M r-. Bei· n .11 d J\ r 1 h u r young women madl• thl•1r dl•but Tht· l'Vl•ning bdon· thl• !xiii. L1•l·k11·. T1.1vrs L1 ·1· ('uhn·ll. th1·v traveled by train from nt tht• 1982 National Charity S anl'1 Ana to-thl· Capistrano Colll01•n Anru· Malurw. Mr .und LN1gut• [kbulantl' Bull. Mrs L uu1s Jos l'ph Malont'. Th t• dt•buumws' names were Oi•pot Hl's taur•inl ru r tht• D:iv1d Arthur S1·hw1•1tz1•t'. ann()ut'l"'" by H1 .. 11,1rcl uaull''Y as· trL1d111on al l':llldll'hght d1nnl0r M 1 S M 1 •1 1 M ' '" ' · .--I I I I t' lsstt • U7anrw l'-ar y, r. they wen• prl•s1•11lt•d wc•aring am < ;meing till' ut mg tt prtll'lll'l' and Mrs John Ht'<•d Ml{'larty, the trad1uonal wh1t1• gown and Sl'S.'11111 or waltzing J\t tht• ball, Wrl11.11n Sht•rr1ll Ha rtford , T1·al·v carrying a wh1tt.• satin muff G1.·11Y llJstings. prl'sldt•nt or tht· Eltzabt·th M1llt·1. Mr. and Mr.: d et:orated with pcal'h and whitt• t'haptt•r and Bobbt• Gt•iglt'. ball John Paul M1llt·1,. Chn stophl•r silk roses and ribbons for thC' dirt•i·tor. Wl'koml•d thi• gut•sts. GI 1· 11n1• n C uo nt• y. ll 1.•u l h t·r f · h d who drrwd <it tablt-s l't•nten•d L v11111• Nr bl11. Mr'. 11ncl M r·~.·. rrst llrnct C'ywen•pt.•rnuttt• to with 111u ss t·ov1·rl'U s w a n s ·• wear the medallions on white D;•n •k Dungan Nr blo,. Strohl' I t bbo th . n ·lku111gonm1rrorssurround1'CJ D1·n111 s. L ·•Crorx . Grt•tt·ht•n vc Vt' rt ns at wt•rc given b.v l)t•ut·h t·olort•d lllit's, rosl's, .. lo lh"m 1n the s pr1nu at tht• El1~"""··th r'··lkl•, Mr •ind Mrs. ' " ordrnJs and baby's brl'a.th White ,,..U<; V\. announl'ement l<'a l krbt•rl Gn·gg Oclkl'. 0 Jv1d Aftt;r making 4'il·1r S<t1n l t lo ths .ind napkrns lied with Paul Laudl'nbat·k . K<•llv James bow lo the -WO fam1lv Pl',ll'h s:.iltn nbbon completed Elt1-.1lx·th Habb1ll, Mr ttnd MrS. • till' wbk· dl'l.'Ora l1ons mcmbt•rs and fr il'nds attt•nding. L l·1g h MacDonald Habb1 tl. ~ach d t'butante was t'st'Orll'd by Tht• dt•butantcs, thl•1r pilrt•n t..s Thomas Mtl·hul'I LaGr:indl•ur and her father to the ballroom rl oor a nd l'Sl'orts Wl'rt' Susan Ann Susan Grat·t· Hoss. Mr and Mrs . wht•rl' thl'y waltzl'd lo a tunl' of Alford. Mr. and Mrs. Thcoduf'l• Gt'IW Willson Ross J r .. Drn1ald hl•r choice playl'd by Ray Cyrus Alford. Jonuthon Nicholas Sc:oll Mt·ML•t•kin Moshay and his on·ht•stra Forw: Canw Shan1111n Conwav. Otht·r~ w t•rt• Loltt May Tharpe.• The ball was a culmtnallon of Mr and Mrs. Edwun.I llug"h S mllh, Col (Ht•l) and Mrs . six years membe rs hip tn the Conw<iv . Mt t•h at•I Sc:ot l Donald Tharpt• Smith, Wilson le a g u e. a m o th er-d t1ughter Sh1·p.ird~n. Jt•nnih·1 S ul' Da il. Wt•1:.t.•nburg. Trnci Ann Smith. organization and ma ny hours of Mr ..iml Mr~ Robt•rt Brm·y Dail. Mr a nd Mrs . Hobart Arlen trarning. Each tlcbutanll' has Wtlltam Juhn Lloyd. Dt•borah Smith, Cr:11g Arkn Smith, lrt•nt• giv e n a minimum. uf 160 Ann Fl•rbt•r. Mr· and Mrs . Ct•lta Tarner, Mr. and Mrs . volu nll'cr hours to the league's Lawn•1H·t· Wotrga11g Fl'rbl•r. Clarl'IH't' JudStnr TurnL·r . Tic:ktoc.:ker Thrift Shop and thl' Va rll'l' Huy Thompson, Lo uise Matthl·w O'Toolc G olden Timer Senior Citizens Anrw Frnva. Mr and Mrs Carl Among thost• Hllt'nd1ng thl' Center. ---·~·rnJ1u Ji:revtt. James ·Murrav 22nd alrnual a ffair w<•n • tht• In the s pring. iht• young L,1w..un. Corulvn Anrw Haddox. Wttlh·1 Kcx:hs. Doug a nd Jt•an women en rolled 1n a six-weeks Mr ,1nd Mr; Gt·nt• Sonwrs Lll't:htv. the Wtlbur Laym.ms. modehng course, at which time I ladd11x. John Hughl'!> Layman. Dvt a11d Ralph Cloc:k, L01s and tht'y learned the proper way to Cynthia An ne Kendall. Mr. and David T ingler. Ne ll ond Ernest make the traditional bow and on Mrs Rob1·rl Arthur Kendall, ll111 s haw. J oanna a nd Don lh t• day.of the ball, thc•y wl'rc· in Ch;1rl t•s Anson S tt•t•le, and P<ilmqu1st, Su<• and Bob Dahncy rl'ht•arsal for more than four Susan Eltzal:>'•th Kuhn, Dr and mul th<• HobNl F1shbt'l.·ks ~-~--~~~~~~-~~~~---~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. ·This Christmas, express your love ... ; vvith eloquence. 14K CHAINS & BRACELETS 1h OFF Cobra Bracelet, Regular $17 .95 ... S8.99 20" Ught Cobra Neck Chain, Regular S37 .. 95 .... S18.99 24" Herringbone Neck Chain, Regular 5121. 95 ..... S59.99 18" Heavy Herringbone Neck Ch•ln. Regular 5243.95 ..• UJL99 20·· Heavy Herringbone Neck Chain, Regular 5267.95 ... SU1.99 7" Solid Rope Bracelet, " Regular 5191..95, only one .... S95.99 16" Softd Rope Neck Chain, I Regular 5423.95, only one .... U11.99 15" Serpentine Neck Chain, , Regular 527.95 ••• 11J." 16" Medium Serpentine Neck Chain, Regular 5100.95 •.• M9." 30" Medium Serpentine Neck Chain, Re..,lar s 182.95 ... sa9.99 18" lox Neck Chain, Regular S 125.95 ••• S6Z." Very large selectlon • 014'"'°"° ( ""'"' I hi M,.n' t•nQ I I .-··· ~rqul.>lly 11 OU SN.l 1176 ZS 25% OFF ! ........ ·' 14" yrl g~a llmm W•<l<ll"Q '""" 1M1y1> ••o 1•1000 lAlt 1)()7 ~ .....,, ••o 1•n oo V.l( 1)7& 1S . ' In Fashion Island next to the state's tallest Christmas tree. Top , ... ,,. I rum lt ·l 1. 4, , .•• , •• , ..... f ••• u, •.. llt·11 1lwr 'iltlo a11cl l\lt·li .... 11 \lt•Cl111·1 ~ • ~··•·ctiul t'o\\. Su .. a 11 \ ll'orcl. ,lc•1tttift•1· Uuil, l.olu ~111i1l1. ~tt.,all "ulrn uncl "•·II ~ Haltltill:, Tltircl nm . ln•11c· Turtu·r. C) 111hia "••tulall. Tr<tc'i S111i1h. Collc·c·11 'lalouc• ancl Uc•ltoruh Fc·rlwe·:, Bollo ttt ro\'. Canic• Coll\\H\, S u:-.a 11 Ito~:-.. l\.aritt i .t·c·kit•, Traq Millt•r, Curolyn lladclox a ncl Loui"t' Fro\a. Al ri~hl i1 '.., a ll ahoarcl for S,1(: -"••ndall, Ft•rln·r ancl Malmw. U 11111ut, Lou:.t DAIL V Pll 0 I /Swld.ty, Doc.o~l"" !J. 1982 ('3 ,, . I (POSH) (' &.•vt•nlt'<'n :.poruni,: tolon. for th<.' V-nt'<·k '\\\'t•aH·r. Kmlll'd 1•'1\du-.1vt>ly for us by. Lyll' & &•ou 111 H~1w1t·k . &:.llltend. Su1x·r-f11w lamh ... wool. $70 Loflv doubl< ply rashml'rt·: Sl!f~ o . .... ~ ... gotd •oun!l ll•~ I I Cl .,,,.,,..,,,. 1<48 00 \All IJJ6 00 I•" Y-' IJO'<I ''"'"'° cJ ' 10<.t I» '"9"'"'" 1to1000 \All \4~S ~~­,~~. '<4 .. ~· f4•t )"I QOld round rt•" 1'9n lit'"qul•r•y l#\4'0 0-l ~All 1\11 '0 ,.. f' "f'lrry0~1"4"'1f f 1 $. I '" N • ·~· 9~ U>I , .. QC*I f~\ll11j 1 tlJ I ""''"" , ' '~ e.oo !>Al I S'l •l)(l 25% OFF' l<lt ~ _,,,.., m..qu•\,f" d,. IOtt • ...,.,.,..'Y unooo ~Alf 1611 W ·Engagement Ring Sets ·RAFF jeWiliY I 9enerat1oni of frlendfy personal 1enrlce 11 P•1fllon l1l•nd. Newport •eacfl, C• M4·2040 ' i j} ' ........ •• ('I Amen • \ I Wardy's grand opening is grand Uy \ IUi\ Ul•.AN 01 th• O•llr flllot llelf II """" 111 11 VUUI 111tl1tlill y !>l•lll' llfl<'llllll{ 1111 gt ,111d 11pt 1111 1)( '')("' 0 11 lh•· \,\ 11111111 ....... 11111 "'' i.c•,111 hllt(IH' .. w1•1•11111J( lilt' 11k11·" Hut 1h1·11 , A llll'll Wurtlv 'M lh nut v11111 11nl11111rv :.11111 • • 11 ·~ tht• k11ul ol i;tt1H ' wtwn• 1tw MJ111•1 11d l :.h1111 •• ult.I llwy m 11 wulk oul $!'l0 ,11011 ligh1t•1 in lilt' wUlll•I 'l'o shuw 1111 his 1ww 20,000 ~uan• fU11I p l;1w 111 what wa:. 1h1• J .C. P1•1uw y auto l'('lllt·r 11tlJm't•11 1 ··-10 Nhwpurl l](•uc:h's F'ashlo11 Isla nd. Wa nly had ZZO rn for 11 gourmet black lit• d1 n 1wr uruJ folluWt'tl thl· 111•>.t duy w 1lh a l'Oc:ktull party for ~.0011. "h 's a dl'l'Ulll l'onw true• and 1t'i; 11 fuhulous s1111·1·~u1<l Wur!:l_y, w ho be •a n his n •1ut1111£:L l'lll'l'l'I' Hl Bl Paso. Ti•x. wht•n, at Lhl' l.IKt' of 14, tw l'Onv1m't.-<l lus grundmolht•r to ki;m him $!J,Ollll Ml he.• l'ould s1•ll <l1•s1gm•r JCWC'lry in h l•r tobac·c-o stun · D1n1w1· gut•sti; from Bcvc.•rly I lilts and Los Ang1•h•s wt•t'l' 1.·ha ufft.•rt'<i to the purty in sll-t•k hmuu:-.mt•s, while others WC're flo •n in from Tt•>ms a nd NC'w York. They cumc to see his new Jocullon and thc.• $2 million renovation whi<:h had Ut'l'll ul't'ompllshcd in three months by architt•t·t Budd Hvldt•11. Wardy greNcd his gut'Sls us lhl'y walk(-cl through thl' porlt' <.'OCherc of tht• bu1lc.l ing wh1<'h hus bt•1•n dc.'s1gnt•d with importt•d stone and llHlian murbk• fucadc. large bay windows, copp..·r roofing and surroundc'<.i by a garden. M11z1 Gaynor was the re with ht•r husband Jm·k &·•m. Also there was des1gnl'r Bob Mat·kw and J udith L<'1bcr. (S he does tho!>t' beautiful b(•hs, und it 1s rl•portcd the largl'SI colt('{·tio11 of her ha ndbag!> a nd at·ccssorlcs anywh<.•rc is ut Sc.•c.• Amen Wardy's, Pagl' C6 J oann \~'ard y, Alun H) flin ~ki ancl Soffia · "'•u·d~ Mit~i (;ay no•·~ Anwn Waril) nnd his daug hter Soffia Of OHIO IH aR~1cs 3oz. ofSafon'• Summer s.1u,,1,1tl', .I '"' 11f11ur Spll .. 1d.1bl1• lll'.1111~ <;whi., ".! ••t eath 1111\.trJll.,I\ J1Kl Sh.1rp) • h,..,.,,. "Prt·.id, .m X ul ,ud. 111 :\l1·d1u,'.n ~oath Coast PRE-HOLIDAY FABRIC I GIFT Sll:E! ..... , ...... thn1 FlllllY IEC. 24th aPECW. UIORT•NT ~_!~~ENS -s3~ Sh.1rp L ht'<ld.1r oz 11( L r,1, k1·d \\ h1•a1 Thin' .uid ta111. ,. S1ra11.hcrn Hun 11110~. 9.99· Think of everyone who'd love a Christmas gift from Hickory Farms.v Ch110:.e from llH~r 100 d1flt1 rt-rll ){lfh. Ill ,I\ oll lt't\' 11hltJIJr>. Piil t" .. ruKI "'-'C!>, .111 lilk'tl \\1th t;1..,1 \ cld11.!i1h. \ncl \11.'ll ~L1tll\ t~111clk; .111 tlk.• dcttlll:. '>t'lldtn~ )llUI ){lfh llU( . 'Plaza ~ L-... c: ......... lri1..,llt._ 72" llYLOll llET ~~!T!~! 77f1. S• DI ... Fr"w9J "i~~~r1 f~r,m~ g~ RED-GREEN-WHITE (MIN 3 YARDS FOR 11 e1_ ~:rl HOLIDAY FABRICS • VELVETS • VELVETEENS .NOW • METALLICS 20% • SATINS OFF • MOIRE'S • TAFFETAS . llEI. LOW PllCU ENTIRE STOCK QUILTED 21 '!11 PRINTS en SUEDES a VELOURS s1YD. REG . OFF p~?c~s ALL DRAPERY FABRICS 1/2 OFF ASSORTED FABRICS 2 '::.11 •1 FABRIC WAREHOUSE *ANAHEIM * C-OSTA MESA 509 'A' EAST KATELLA 18th AND PLACENTIA (714) 1172-4471 1 (714) 646-4010 WE ~AKE YOU SEW' HAPPY' Hours: Mon. thru Fri. ro a.m.·9 p.m. -Sat. 10 a.•.-6 p.•. Sin. 11 AM-5 PM . OTHER LOCATIONS N llA .. W. L.A. MORTHRIDGE AMO LA PUENTE Join Us In ~:lt/wrltikf <::'>11r0-+!lih 2\1/11/rt:rsarp Wednesday, November 31st ttiru Sunday, December 4th Our Thanks -Special Pricing This community has exten<Jed us such a llVel come since we move<1 here lrom Canada lave years ago. that we want to say a resounding Thank you", and ui this spirit, tor the v..eek of NCNt>mbPr 28th through DPcember 4th all Jevvt>lry In our 1nwntory will be prlcro In Canadian dollM~ lt>Qulvalen t 10 a 20% Dlscountll This Is .i one time onl)c very real benl.'fit. cJS our policy hits afo.vay5 IX't'n to price our j('W('lry fairly and to b<lek lhost> prices ..with our money b.lck guarantf'(>o.Of v.1lu.- Specral Features In tldd111on to the many fint' pieces designed~ and crt>att>d in our own studio. we will be st'lOllVlng an excl~ collection or Je.Nelry by Toni Caveltl of Vancower. B C Mr. Ccll.'elt1 has created Jewelry ror Ouet>n Elizabeth II and Princess Anne; and is a three time winner or the worlds "Oscar" for ~lry ~ion. the OeBeers Diamonds International Award ~ havt" also obtained from Europe. for this week only. a stunning selection or loose diamonds and colored gemstones valued at se~ral million dollars, for sale at ~ry. very f<M>rable prices ~ ~ you will join us for this celebration Looking forward to seeing you. Wyndham Leigh ~~~tJIR' 127 Fashion Island. ~n ~ach. CA 92660 ft'lephOne 714/044 ·OSOi • Near Bullodu WllShlrt' ~4_ ,America's Leadin~ Chees~Storese S40·'99 ~~ ~l\r------------------------~~~ This holiday sea· son welcome fam· ily and friends to your house with the crunchy good taste of almonds from our house, the House of Almonds.At House of Almonds we have almond gift packs per· feet for every· one on your gift giving · Hst and sure to fit GIITGIVING within your budget . We mail gifts too. We have everything you need to ere· ate a special House of Almonds gift of your very own from colorful gift ,iiiii~~'~ tins to traditional ~ decorator jars. And, they're always in the best of yule· tide spirit. So for almond gifts with good taste come on over to our house, the Hou~of Almonds. • South Coast Plaia •Sherman Oaks Gallcrla • Buena Park Mall Del Amo Faahlon Center• Northridac Faahion Center· Laurel Plua Topanp Plaza • F~1tland Mall • The City • Huntintston Center Frtt Gila ~•Alf~ CMUc Cca1"ds • ~Mail Giff.I L-----------------..;..;.;.;..;~ ..... .;;;...;...;.;.;...;..;:.;;....;~~ ............ ~----------... -----:i---"": ........ , Oronuo COOjl DAILY PILOT /Sunduy Occ11mllor !J, 1982 I I Mesa Harbor Club sets meeting Ml*>A JI AH BUH CLUB 11 1t•111lx·1~ writ nw..i lA"l· 9 ut tht• M1·:.11 Vl•n le Country C'lub to 1•xc:hungt· g1ft1' uml lwa r tlw E..;ram·m Hi&:h School l'hnrus. Jo'or-Unws and rt.'St!rvu111ms , t•all .Juyl't' /\11Jt·rson. 111,111.• J1y t·11lhnll H:lli 1600. (.'Jt7\l'MAN C..'OLLtxa: TOWN AND GOWN w ill hold ih.1 unnuul hollcluy 11wmU't•r11hlµ It• ~. I\ nt Cmm e n IWj lfoc:us, 1 ht• Thn.·1.• Art'l1 Bay Ol'l'Unfwnt ~..an..ll'll l't.lu ll' of Bud and Billie l lurn1t•11 Durin8 tht• 'J. p.ni 1•v1•nt C huµtnan Prt~1dl•nt G .T Sm11h wall ad<.lr<'S:I thc nwmbt.•rsh rp as will T own and Gown Prt•stdl•nt Libby Punkl'y. Musk a t lhl' rwo-ho ur lt'a wll bf' provldNI by Chapman College studt•nts ti, 11 1 ~10~> :t;.!nd Ht , N1·w1>111 l Bc•ut•h F.11111l11•i. w1 llmltc-cl lJud.i1·L'I will 111111 luw 1•os1 tuyjj fut• Chrl11tmus 557-1143 . l't•ntrnl Ot'tillfW County Alumniw of Pl BETA 1'111 will hold u Ch1·1i.lrnos lu1whc-c1n Thun.(Jay, Dt~· 9, ut 11 u n1 .it Murw Cal11•nd1n1 '11, 721 W. f'iriitl , 'l'Ullllll S Ul' Drobts h , 908-5 l!J?, has mo rt· 111formui1on and will uc.'t't•pt n •:..t•rvat10ns throu~h Monday. OVER 40°/o OFF PRE-HOLIDAY PICK-A-PERM SALE ASSISTANCE LEAGUE O F Nl•wport &•ul·h wrll dt't'Ol'Ult• a Chri~lmus Soup Trt't' for its Dt't·. 14 p;1r1y at 505 32nd St In Newport &•ad1 Mt·mb<•rs url' uskro to bring red and whilt' cans of soup to add lo the lrt't' Soup w ill go to needy farrnli~. F'or rt•Sl•rvations. t•all 673-8791. OFFIC ERS ' WIVES L EAGUE o f O rnnge County will hold its annua l Christmas dinner danL'<' Dt.•<'. 16 at the' Mt•sa Verde Countr y Club rn Cost a Ml-sa. Socia l hour begins at t>::m p.m. and re;crvations may be obtaint>d by calling tH0-0754. T h t' u n n u a I t o y s a I c 1.1 t t h e A SS I S TANCE LEAGUE OF NEWPORT BEACH Thrift Shop wall be hl'ld from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday, Dec. fail'Vit•w llo11phol will t'l'lt'bral<.o llu nukkoh at noon OC!c:. 10. Nc.•wpori Bc.·at•h Chapter o f HADASSAll will USSISI un<.IC'r tht• d lrN•tion o( Rabbi Twersky Gerda Rwh. 545-0046 ls taking f'l'Servut1ons. Pick the right kind of perm for your hair ... pick a perm to flt your budget, alt by Realllflc.• Busy Beauty~ reg. 42.00 ...................... 22.50 Miik Ptua~ reg. 47.00 ..........•.............. 27.50 Great Feeling~ reg. 62.00 .....•.............. 32.50 All perms Include S1yle cut, shampoo and set or blow dry. Long hair slightly higher: selected stytlltl only. ASK ABOUT INTERACTIVES ... REALISTIC'S HOME HAIR ORANGE COUNTY ALPHA X1 Delta a lumnaes writ host a Christmas o pe n ho use Dt•c. IY from 4 to 7 p.m . in Fountain Valley. The cockuul party will ind ude a gr ft t'X<:hange For information, call 962-5729. ALPHA PHI AL UMNAE Associa tion of South Orangt· County will pm the N('wporl Harbor Christmas Parade o f LighLo;; t·ruis<' aboard the "Showboat," Dt.>t·. 20 at 8 p.m . For reservations. call Nancy WaLerrrum. 639-8295 or Christy Stubt.'. 759-1Hti7. ' Chapte r I of REMARRIEDS. INC. will hold its Christmas party Sunday, Dec. 12, at the South Clubhouse of DcAnza Mo bile Home Park, 300 E . Coas t High'way, Newport Beach. Ruth Nelson, · 544-8350. or Virginia Edwards, 673-5634. may be callro for more information. Marcia Martyn wiU open her Corona del Mar home at 11 a.m. Friday, Dec. 10, to me mbers o f t he KAPPA KAPP A GAMMA ALUMNAE Associa tion of Southern Orange County for the group's annual Christmas luncheon ORANGE C OUNTY ART S ALLIANC E board of d ir<.•(·tors havl' planned a 7 p.m. Thursday, D<.-c. 9 buffe t a t t h e Univ e rsit y C l ub a t UCI. Reservations are required and may be BROADWAY: A gift and fashion show will be he ld at 2 p.m . Sa turday. Dec. 11. at the Newport Beach store . The show will feature e nsembles for men a nd women. Second level. On thl' same day at 9 a .m . a nd again Dec. 18 youngsters can break fast and chat with Santa at the Newport and Huntington Beach stores. The stores' Chafing Dish Restauran ts may be ca lled for reservations NORDS TROM : South Coast Plaza: Thursday. noon to 3 p.m . a Wh1ttal and Javitts hats trunk show will be held on the first floor ' Accessories DePartment. Friday's 1:30 p.m. Olga Lingerie fashion show will be staged on the second floor Also on Friday there will be a Sunco eel handbag trunk show on the first floor and a trunk show of Craig Morionov1ch gold jewelry. first floor. A gift Idea fashion show is planned noon Saturday in th<:' Brass Plum , third floor. Harbor Happenings Hoag Hospital gets Christmas treatment Every nook and corner a t Hoag Memoria l Hospital is decorated festively for the holidays. Forty-five members of the auxiliary have spent days involved m the Nightingale Chapter activity .. to make the season a little brighter for patients, visit.ors and hospital personnel ... Harbor Ridge Women's Club 1s on e year old and to celebrate the occa sion , me mbers me t a t Gorda Liz Restaurant for a luncheon. Roses were given to Emily Butler, Shari Esayian, Lila Harper, Joan Jackson and J an Mura r. V irgin ia Campbe ll turned over th e president's gavel to Tern Newman . . . Dee Evans, Margit Christiano, Karen Betson. Mary Sabatas.50, Sue Heinrichs. Vergilene Hull, Olivia Chami and Barbara Taylor turned models for the Big Canyon Philharmonic Committee's rc.-cent fashion show luncheon held at McLam's Sea Island Clubhouse. Betty Sue Mack and Taylor are ways and means chairme n and Made line Blackwell and Peggy Hughes were in charge of the quiche luncheon . Proceeds go to OCPS .... J ill S loan and Susan McDonald of H unt· lngton Beach and Nancy Fin e of Newport Beach are on committees helping to arrange the Thursday Sleighbell fashion luncheon sponsored by Southern, Cali fornia Alumnae of Delta Delta Delta at the Century Plaza in Los Angeles. One of the children modeling will be Mark Austin McDonald. 4, sone o f Susan and Earl McDonald. A new fragrance From Page C2 Every bottle is hand signed and dated by Gilvey. A silver cord is tled around the neck of the bottle. but It is not really-a-cord-ff.! sterling sil ver. T he stopper top is hand ground to fit the opening. The Collector's Edition also comes in one ounce padume at $425: four ounce eau de parfum with atomir.er ball at $350 and two ounce eau de parfum with atom izer at $275. The Collector 's Edition has a lso been translated into a lower priced glass entJty. The peacock plume Is on the bottle through acid etching. Prices In the Etched Edition range from $27.50 to $175. Two of these items can be bought ~s refills a nd the fluid funneled into the Collector's EdltJon. HOLIDAY IGWIS AID CGCITAIL DRESSES Complimentary Sunday Brunch as a gift to our Bride and Groom Barbara's formal & 8nctll Shoppe ' 270 E. 17th SL, C.M. 548·8264 CARE PRODUCTS. 8eouty Sludio A f\IM S.Mce SOion ..,..-E O"E&& ,.p ,..-outl1 Big Dialllonds. ,i1ggerYalu~s. Biggest Selection. A special lilllited tillle offering- of diaIDonds one carat and above. Size is just one thing that makes this collection of diamonds remarkable. Quality is another. For these are diamonds carefully selected for their color, cut and clarity. Diamonds that are of extraordinary value as well a impressive size. want to trade it in for a diamond of greater value. Select a diamond tl)at is double the value of your stone, as determilfed by us, and we'll give you full credit for the current market value of your diamond. t What makes our large diamonds di.fferent?For o~e thing, the confidence you'll have coming to one of the nation's most reputable jewelers. While we price our diamonds competitively with "bargain" diamond store , we offer a diamond policy that as ures you of complete satisfaction. A one-year limited warranty that w warrants your attention. If, within one year, your diamond 1s damaged or lost from it original mounting, we will gladly replace it. Ask for full warranty details when you come in. Thete's no better time than right now for diamonds.And no better place to fmd the perfect large diamond than right here. But these are just a sample of the tremendous selection of fine diamonds you will find in our store right now~ But come in soon.Diamond values this rare won't last forever. A money-back policy that's a real gem. (f you are not satisfied with your diamond, for any reason, you may return it within 60 days from the date of purchase for a full refund. A trade -in policy that's tndy a c ut tnecte.1npolicydoesnotapplytoaJ1a1ones. above.After you own one of our diamonds you may •All etones are not available in all eton-. Call for exact locations. Ask about our a sortment of convtn.ient c~t plans. _OVAL RO UND PEAR .QO .............. TX/VH ......... 1300. 1.05 ....... CCI FN ....... I, 175. 1.06 ..... WH/FN ....... 4,800. 1.1 l ...... EW/SE ......... 7950. . 9~ .............. CC/FN .. .. . . .. 8,300. .CM .............. WH/HI.. ...... 2, 150. l.07 ....... FW SI. ....... 4,550. I .~ .l/Cl .............. CR/XF ........ 5, 150. . 98 .. .... . .... . .. TS/SI .. .. ... . 3,000. l.13 ...... CC/XE ...... 1), 150. 1.1 2 ....... cc £. ....... 7 ,300 • 1.36 ...... CC/SF ...... 12,250. 1.62 ....... CC/F ..... 14,025. 2.10 ....... TS/Ml.. ...... 8,200. .98 .............. TS .. Ei\ ........ 3,200. . 98 .............. fW/MI ........ 4,750. 1.00 ............ TS/Ml ....... 2,400. 1.00 ............ CR/HI ....... 2,400. 1.00 ............ TS/MH 2,200. 1.0 I ............ TS/MH 2.200. 1.02 ............ CC/FN ....... 7,800. I .Oh ............ TS/SI ....... 2,175. 1.33 ...... FW /FN ....... 1,950. MARQUISE 2.26 ....... CC/111 ...... 12,250. 3.37 ...... CC/Ell ....... 1,650. 1.0o ............ TS/MH ....... 2,650. I .Oh ............ TS/SI ....... 3,075. 1.07 ............ CR/MH ....... 2,100. I .oti ............ TS/SI ....... 2,525. I .08 ............ WH/HI ....... 2,925. 1.30 ....... FW ............. 1,550. 1.37 ....... CR/Xf ....... I, 100. 3.74 ....... TS/HJ ....... 15,325. 1.09 ............ SC/CE ....... 6,150. I. I,, ............ "rw /SI ....... 9,400. EMERALD 1.17 ............ WH/FN ....... 9,650. 3.04 ............ SC/Xf ..... 14,950. 1.7:\ ............. CR/XF ...... 13,125. I.I. PlllCES INCi llOF: COW SOLl1 .\Ht.: MOI NTIN<:~ SLAVICK'§ Fine .l9wNA s.nc. ''' 7 \t Thi ~ 1orl' Onh NF.Wl'ORT BEACH # 18 FA. HION I LAND (714) 644· 1380 .. C8 Orn~pe Cooet DAILY PILOl /Sunduy. Dul.\!lltl> I !.>, 19U:l Amen Wardy's opening 1s grand From 1-';1>:< • C '-l A1111 •11 W111 d y's) Lt•1bt•1"s .1111:-.I husll.11111, (:us L1•1ht·r . ub1) .1111•11d1•d Jl1 s .11·1 1·0111•1·11011 1s fl·UIUl't·d now 111 W.1nly':-111 h uu:-.i· a11 g.ilh·ry ol ro1a1111K 1·,..1111111.., Afll·r v u•wtng 1h1· I" l't111...._-:. \\huh I l"l'llthl1• llW t•h•g;ml :o..tl111\:-. o( lht• l!:I:!().., ,111d I' lqllth•d 111 hoUl>(' till' s111gh• l.11 gt~I l'11ll1,·111111 of d1·..,1gm•1 doth111g. sl111t.•:o. und t1l'l'1•:..w111·:. uml1·r utll' 111111 any wlwn.•, lhl· dmm·r gul'st:. 11111v1•d 1111ts1d1• whl•n• a ll'lll had lwt.·n l'l'l'<'tt.•tl for d1n111g t'<ilt·n ·d b y Lu Cuisim• of Nl•wporl &•ud1 Till' l'll•gant blut k doth l'UVl·rt•d t.1hlt•s w1•n • Cl'llll'l'l'd b v lall sl1·11J l'I' l'l'}':.IJI l'lllll.lllll'l'S h o ld111g fl .:,"' l'I':. ;and .;ut.J·o.undl·d hv fau x d iamonds Gul•sts d1m'tl 011 111•uf la 1..·u1s111l'o s;1lad1• \lt'rll'. rOSt• pt•WI sorbt'l, Vl•au n •vt· and Fn•1wh µ.1strll'S and drank C hatl•au Augt.•y afld 1..·ha111pug1w ' Tht' 1•v1..•nmg wns d111wxl•d by u fa:.t-µ11t•1•d 0-.ow of Ma<.:kit•'s fas hions wh11..·h art• avail; bll' at \\/ardy's along with tht• l't't'allons of mon • 1hun 140 top mtl•rnational dl's1g1wrs inc luding 8111 S 1 a ss. H a 1 s t o n . Pa u I 1 n 1.• T rt g 1..· n ·. M a r y M1..·f add1..•n . Ungaro, G<>t1ffrl'y &'l.·m· and 0::.t·.ir qi! la R enta. The dinner guest list mdudl'd tlw J Holx·rt F luors, R andall Pn.•sk ys, F.rac J al'k:.ons and <;:harks Hesters, Melinda and Anthony Moiso.' J oan and H a rry Karsten, Pat and Ala n Hy p1ns k1 . Mr. and M rs. William Lyon . Anthony Vitti and ttr. and Mrs. Lance Blue. Am~·n Wardy hus been locawd on &y:.Rk• , -. . LiNGERIE FASHION SHOW LUNCHEON Every Monday Lunch Specials From 12:00' nt>on Under New Management 401 E. 171h St. Costa Mesa . fst Pt:sCADOR Res taurant "•·al 111•il ,'(. "tt·al..' 548-3241 WINE CELLAR SPECIAL- FOR HOLI DAY PARTIES CHAMPAGNE and SPUMANTE 30% Discount on Case of 12 Bottles· 2400 West Coast Highway Newport Beach California (Across from Cano's) (714) 642-5749 J>ll\'1 '1111\ I 'I 1 1 ,11111 \\ ltllt 1111 j~t Ill I .ii lilll11\1 lllolV lll'\'t'I It.I\ I lt1 oll ii 111 J\1111 11 \\ 11 11\ Iii/ 1 1111ph w l111 l olll .i11111d hi.. 111.11111 111 ll(Jlllt•llt'l' 111\ I' 111• :..1\ ... "" 1111 111t•h 1111111 ' 1111111 lhtllllj1lt11111 lh1• w111 Id, t111tl lllC llftlt •d I' lllH 1\1,1h Jll llll 1 ~' \\ltll ll ~111.111\ 1111 ·..,, ,tll\\,I\ ,11 111-. ... 1111 \\11tld Jll't 111 ltll\ .1111''"'114 ' 1\(,1\h•• lh1• lh''I 111111• nltt•" 11111 • ..,111• \\Ill h~· ,1111" 111 , . ...,,, 1111' JHl'lt l)\'ollll\' ..,,1hJ11 \\ IJll'h wa' 11111 IJlllll· 1w11plt•1t•d 111 t111ll' lot W.u·d y'i. p1111 v All llw h1·.1u1 y i.1•1 vwt• 11111· n111ld d1 "''"' tor. ,tl1111g \\'llh app1111111.11t• 1i:11111wr111g , will Ill' "'PPlll d C hristmas Tree Festival fl·om Pagl' C2 Othl·r nH1tl1:h w1·n· Bohb1 St.1hh•1, d.iuglt11•1 L aun·11 Joh11:.u11 with 2:i·1110111h uld Kl·rs H•n J o hns1111 and da11glit1 •r 111 law Lun•il•• S ttthlt•1· wnh Ch.1m1s1• and M1s1:hu; L111da t'a111pht'll a11d lwr lhtldn·n Lisa a nti Sl'l>tt, Put C ox, hl·r daughlt'I' MJrn1n1tl' Towl•rs(·y w11h C had and 1',1tn(·k T11wt•rs1.-y , S hirll·y B1r1dwr. ht·r :.on BIJtr A ldl·n and hts ~r:intlmolhl'I Mt s MttrJOt tl' (;uri lxlld I Abo covl·I' nwdt•ls Mt·lrndu Mwst1, Alll'l' O 'N l•tll Avl'l'Y und l'ns t y. Annt· M,1n1· and Francesca und a four-gt•1wrat1on gmup with I'ris W h 1 t l'. h t• 1· d a u g h 1 t• r , J o a n n La r s o n , g 1 a n d cl ~1 u g h t t• J' C a t h y Lu n g a n d g rt· a l g randdaug htl•r Jl•ss1c.·u Long \TIS THE SEASON FOR ROLEX. Since 1926. the Rolex Oyster has been the preferred sports watch of leaders. Self ·winding. pressure-proof to 165 feet under water. We are the preferred source for Rolex. based on our leading selection and service. Come see. Shown in stain· less steel and 14 karat yellow gold: Man's DateJuSt. $2.325. Ladydate. $1.175 . Bailey Banks& Biddle World Renowned Jewelers Since 1831 80(1'/'H COAST PLAZA. COSTA Mf.:.'iA Fir~r 11'•'1'1. Ru/lock'~ wing f'i'J4J 'i'.Sl -56tl0 Christmas Festival gi.ft of delight bin\\ 11 i•t ......... p l1t1 t•1i•1 o1 pl1\ .11ul 1 t 1.111111' and .111 1 '>t lllptlll 1 S.1111.1 Will Vlhlt It 11111 11 :m ... m Ill :i :w p "' .11111 ph11t1" l•'" ht• 111.1d1• v.11h 111111 1111 $1 .111d Jim ( :.1111hh· .111d h1 )> fJU(JfK'l.'> will 1•11tt•1 t.1111 at noon 111111 .1ga111 ,1t :t pm. '1'111' 1•Vl•nt w ill h1· dunuxt•d hy u 4 p.m . f>t•1 l111·111a11l·1· of tlw l"~w1f1l' Choralt• Twk1•1., wlll ht• av:ulabll· at tlw duur for $2 g1•111•1.d :ulmi...1-w n . $1 sl·t111>r t.·1t1zc·n s and d11ldtt·n . \\1th l'htldtt·tt u111h·r 12. t11..-c.ompanwd l>) ;111 .1clul1 . 111·•" n1urtt">Y of Nord i.trnn1 Thl· mu..,.·u111 ,., a t Bf>() San Cl1•mt·111.t: Dnv1., Nt'wport li4•Jl h .. )I)ans .Un ·;f arbtn _· ______ What is =-~--l0a~irun -:Yarbin · • ... • QUALICRAFT SHOe STORES ' Master Chors • Vis11 SOUTH COAST PLAZA • FASHION ISi.ANO Allohelm Shopping C~ter • lveM ,a,.,..,..m., • Hlll'lflnt'°" Center • ~ City Stlopplng Centre ( • 1 • I It is a Etench Parfumeur ... . now open in Fashion Island ... and just in time for Christmas! ~ DANS UN JARDIN. which means "in a garden:· is one of the most charming and personal boutiques from Paris. with over 100 shops in Europe. Canada. and the United States. We specialize in-exclusive French and custom blended perfumes. and our most popular fragrances for ladies. men. and children come in complete lines of elegant and exquisitely scented soaps. shower gels. bath oils. body lotions, and more ... all color coordinated. We also have excellent plant based skin care products. These and all of our products are extra mlla. even for the most sensitive skin For the man of good taste. we have six refined and very masculine fragrances ... each comes in a complete line of products including shaving soaps. after shave. colognes. deodorants. bath soaps and shower gels. To complement our unique family of products. we have the highesf grade terrycloth bathrobes and towels as well as other boudoir accessories. And for the home. potpourris and burning oils in 50 fragrances . We cordially invite you to come to Dans un Jardin ... a beautiful and Intimate boutique where you will feel , at home with our personal service. Dons un Jardin ... now open In F-oshlon Island, Newport Beach . REAL VALUES on items from applesauce to zippers are advertised every day in the 111111 .. I Or 1.111ou Co.isl DAILY Pll Ol /Su11cJoy, 01•11•111bu1 ~. l!lfl;;> Ploying nouticar bumper cars • the Caribbean By STAN l>ELAPLANE \l\111kc• 111 tl11• ..,,, /y 11wn111111 •• 111il \\'/11•11I11/>e 'lll'tl the• p11rtl111/c', 11 \1,U'IH ·'''" /itc>t '/c· /1/1•11 111 ( ;11•1•11, 1111sty J111111111'<1 w.1s ... 111/111~ h,\ /J1~ l>.111k:-111 1.1111 dm1t/:-sllou /tit •re 'ti t hc • 11111w 11111111> Tht• J.'n•m·h 1·ru1st• sh1µ sllut/d1•1H/ ,,,., tll1· 1•11g1111'.'i w1•11t lull ll.'ilt'l'll 'J'h1 · m11 l11w d1.1111 1.111l1'tl A hu111lrt'tl jt'l uhlck J ;111Wll'il lioy ... p.ult//e't/ 11111 WI rLifls 111.1d1· of four lx1111uo11 1w11•s /11i.lit'd lo;wtlJC•r Tllt'y .o;1•t up 1.1 dw11t. "'/'/1rrJ1v t/1• 11u11t11h. ·"'"'· Thro\\' t/1· hull dul/;1h. I gtu ymi 11•11,,.11 1s1·/111111:1·1" Ovc•I' liO <.·ru1sc.• sh1p1> t.'Ompt•lt• fu1 •JUI' :..illy :.outs 111 the• warm Cariblx·:in It's a womll-r ttwy an•n't hump111~ 1n111 l'•ll'h 11thcr 111 t•v1·ry 1•0t·onu1 t.·uVl' 111 th1• rum and sugar islands. Ha1smg havcll· with 1h1• n •s1cknt v1i.1 l11r S 1 Thomas Ill t ht.• V 1 rlo(111s hlJs th 1 t•t• Sllnll'lmws fi ve s hips a day Putting :u100 p1·11plt· mtu 1h1• mum shopp111g str<.•t•t Auuut f1v1· hln<.·kl> "The• whole Caribbean 1s :1 sandy Jt•wt•lr. :.lure."" s.ud the l'ruisc tlirt.-<·tor "St Thomas and Puc·rlo R1l'tl get most of the at•t1011 ALL tTlll!>l' i.h1ps Sl'l'lll tu l·all in thost• purls." ln San Juan. tht•rt· Wt'fl' SIX ships twd uµ s1ut.• by s1dt'. Carla was nt•stll•d bNWl'l'll tlw Anwr1kan1s and thl' Cu11:.1rd Cuuntc·ss Thl• Cunard Pnnn·ss. llw Stl'lla Pul.1ns and llw Sun Pn m'l'SS Tlw V1•t•ndam lt.•ft as Wt• l'Urllt' Ill. Tht· compt"tit1un 11> f1t•rt.·c. "FLY FREE'" 1><1yi. th<• <·ru1sl' ad. "'DISCOUNTS ON F UTURE C RUI SES!'' ''THIRD PEHSON IN A STATEROOM. HALF PRICE!" "WE'LL PICK UP YOUR BAH TAB'" • i''rom Miami's palmy coast tu tht• shores or South Aml'rica. cru1s1· ships offer baq,(ams 111 _the ho pe.• you'll sign un with thl•tn Run up their gangway' and Stc"llle in a dC'<:k c·ha1r with a rummy Crull pum·h. Wh11l· the s tl'el drums softly play Calypso rhythms. It's a buyer's marke t on thl' ships. But beware of "duty frl'c" prkt.•s on short'. "Pnt.'l'S m.iy Ix· duty frc<.>," tht.• lTUIM' d1n.-ctor said, "but that d<><.-sn't mean anything to you The sh op ownc·r pays n o customs Juty 111 the govcrnnwnt. But he• <:a n chargl' a nythrng h1• wants. Soml•timPs more tha n in N!'w York o r San Frand'Sl'O You havt• 10 b<· a good compara tiVl' shopper "Hasn't be<.·n :.1s mw·h p1 ra1·y s1nn· J<:..ipla m K idd was around." • • ' Best lo wander away from tht· busy shopping Streets lO the quiet SldC' of tht• 1skmds On St. Thomas. Magen 's Bay 1s r<itt.'<.I .ii. one of the six most beauuful lx-<wht•s 111 thl' world (And Consider a cruise for your vacation By DICK DOYLE StMclal lo the Dallp Pllol Thl' frrst thing you've got lo know about taking a cruise is that you'll be o n a ship -not on a boat. Next, you'll have to decide whNe you want to go. how long you havt'.' to stay away from the job and how much can you a fford to spend on this m~l glorious of travel vacations. Finally. you'll have to sele<:l a cru1sc hne that meets your requirements and, with the ht•lp or an Orange County travl'I egent. book your <.-ru1sc to paradise. If you've never taken a cr uise before. n's a once-in-a -lifetime experience. I know people w ho have taken 50 or mo re cruises and never g£'1 tired of the thrill. exc1 teml'nl and, although they'vl' never confessed. I'm sure they nl'vcr tire of th<.• food, either. Our discussion this week will be twofold Fu"Slt: what you need to know about cruising and next week, a suggestion for a "trial" (TU1se. Eve rybody complains about the cost of lipping on a cruise. How you lip is a personal maltcr Many people d on't tip in ac.'COrdance w11h the "gu1dchnes" publis hed by cruise companies (which 1s o ften covered as a first suggestion in thei r cruisc guides.) Your cabin ste ward is the most importan t man in your shipboard life. If he re nders the serVll'l' you e>cpect -continental break Cast in your cabin. shoes shined, cabin spotless each d ay he's easily worth $2 per person per day. Your wait.er LS also a "make it work" person and should be worth at least $1.50 per pl'rson per day. Stop the re with the multiplication. Tip other crulS(' ship employee for thl• service they perform after 1t 1s performed. That goes for the deck stew ard, the wine steward and right down to your busboy. Don't feel obligated ever. Tip In ac.'COrdance with services rendered. Bring your camera and ple n ty or film . Shipboard activities. even if you're merely the photographer. can bring Qack great memorit'S over the years to come. Contrary to some beliefs, you can bring your own liquor aboard a cruise ship but you can only have a toddy fro m your own bottle in your stateroom o r that or a companion. No drinking in public rooms from private reserves. Stertlng ..... BuelneH A ctcerd l11 1 10 CalllorMa .......... •"" ............. C:.-(lee. 11HI le HUI) e ll ~-· ..... .......... .,., .. , ......... _ ............... _ ... wlttt Ute C-, Clerli a11d Ila.,. II ,_...._d lewr II••• Ill e ,...,,.,., ....... IM •••• 111 wlllclt I ll• -..... .... ...-.. Tiie elale•e111 h ... wifed ~ ... a"4I .. _,..,, ... ,,_. .... , •• , .... 11••• 11•-· .... 1 ••11•• ....... . ,.... ....... .,... c..,.., ............ __ Tllo OAILY "LOT ,........ ........ _ , ......... --... .•. ... " ...... __,, .................... dellr H t¥1to lo 111, O r 11tt• C o•ll lJ c.-01 ........ •r •11• •I••• .1•11• ................. pllo110 1111 LIOAL DIPA"T'lllmff to4'11, I 11. Jtl fer •••• ............... ...__ l·MlljQiml • 1111 11111• 11< M•ll 111u J11 11J111·i.e• w.11d11•' ue J.'1 v11t·l1 JM 1 lllll\(•) I 'l'ht• B1111sh V1q(111 1111.indi. m 1· 1111ly o 'hrn ~hop .1w11y <~u11•H·1 111 Ju 1111111·a . I l1k1• 111 dr1v1• up tu till' Blu• M11unw111" f.'t •w wun .. ti. \Jo Tiil' ulr ~ruwi. c·ooll•r us y11u d1111h Tiil' gn•1·11 11111u11ta111:; turn 'moky blm· m lht• l.1th11g light K111,.: ... 11111 , h1•low, Is u Jl'Wl·l 111 h~hts f 111111 till' old «UfJlllll .11 Spanish Tuwn tu tl w t:t•1nwns ol Port Huva l wh1•11• w1t•k1·d I l1•111·y M111wm <.Jl<·<.J, u boult• u! 1 u111 111 Im. I Ii.I • Ah1:-., 11':. .1lmost 1111poss1hll· tu i,wt till' lumuus Blu1· Muu11ta111 t•offt•l'. Thl• bc:sl Ill tlw world. Sl•1.•ms till' J aprn11•i.1• bought :ill th1.• t•oH\·l· futun·s Ir yuu want Blw· Mount:.un <'Offr-c, you'll gt•t 1l un the <.;111z.• T ht• i.;c1.,1ll'st thsustc.•r s 1m·1· Pc•url l h1rbor 0 1w 1•xhausl<.'<I J11muu:u wa1lt•r told mt• ht• was -i..•m1~ l•+-flOl'k up-an<.J go to the w1•stt.•rn lip of thl' 1slaml ... Whl•rl' dt• lx•autiful women swim nuked in dl' s1•a." (Ttwy <.Jo If you'n • tired o f lht· waitc.•r 1Jus1111.·:...,, you might as well takt• in the S<.'t'nt•ry.) On tlw d t·an, pr<'llY and amucnt islnnd of Mart11114Ul'. you l'Hn avoid the French mcrC'h ants by tak111g a t•t1111mc1Tial schooner to a privall' bt.•al'h • wlwn· many ur tht• younger tourists join lht.• natives by sw1m111111g lflpk-s.~ In Cural·ao. you t•an skip dropping gu1kl1.•rs in tlw l'as1110 by uikmg a taxi to an outlying hotel. Buy a clay t1<·kt.·t fur the beach and rent a t-0wel Alxlut $:i Swim 111 blue water like warrl'\,.silk. • • • Al :! cfrluc:k , th<• whis tle Wt •w for boat drill . Evl'rybody went down anci got their or:mgc life jl.IC'k cts. Tht'y went to 1he plae<.'S w£• will board the /dd:>ou~o; com<' the fat.81 momc•1>1. The lndll'S were• 1mpressC'd by the signs on thl' life ;a<'k<'t boxes: "Brassieres de• SL1uvet.ag<'." "Do you see 1hat, Mabel? These French! Thc•y get som<.'thing sexy even into <I shipwrec-k!" . .. . "There's a smart operation in San Juan," a velt•ran cruise passenger said. "Run by a restaurant and s hop called Barranchina. They meel aJI ships. Drive pas..'l<'ngcirs to thl'ir place in Old San Juan .. Chc<:k their baggage. Offer live music, inexJ>('nsive mc.'als and cold Corona bt.x•r. Orivl' passengers to the airport for less than $5. One or thl' best buys in the Carib0can. Which 1s gt•llmg short on bargains - exc·cpt on the ships, or course." We drive by the old church where Ponce de Leon is cast in captur< .. >d Spanish cannon. His sword 1s pointt.>d at tourist hotel row . (L<>e·als say in protest al the pricc of the foamy pina l'Oladas .) i ' Don't forget \0 leave your most valuable jewels at home. If you do take some aboard a cruise ship, leave them with the purser who will hold them for you In his safe depoeit box. You aren't on• cruiee to impress anybody with the facl you have a big diamond collection. On the better cruise lines, deck chairs arp Cree and you don't have to sign up for one. The re should be ple nty to go around. American cruise ships have 110 volt service and can handle your electric razors, hair curlers, etc. I don't know that anyone ever asked. "What's t he-re to do on a cruise ship?" There isn't enough space in this column to d etail all the activities but cruise directors have events they haven't even tried yet. Among those you get on many cruises are health clubs and saunas, bridge tourname nts, golf, ping pong. trap shooting, bingo. dances, movies. cele brity (and passenger) e n terta inme nt. swimming. exercise classes, and, of course. six full mc>als a day. What kind of accommodations should you choose? Two factors e nter into that decision: how much can you afford and are you a claustrophobic. . Outside cabins are more expensive than inside cabins. On some lines, they're considerably more expensive. H you don't mind that "shut-in" feeling. by all men means opt for the lowest pr iced at'COmmodauons that meet your needs. If you don't mind twin beds or an upper and a lowl'r. you'll get a ra ther exceptional price this time of year. After all. if you plan to spend a lot of time in your cabin. you might as wl'll rl'nt a hotel room on dry land or stay al home. There's almost as much to do on a cruise as on a visit to forl'1gn la nds and, if you pick the right t·ru1sc. you'll be doing that, too. So, don't worry about aC'C.'Ommodations. You get the same service in an inside> cabin on "C" deck as does a passenger in an outside suite on "A" deck -the stewards are looking for those tip dollars and give good service to a II d{'('ks. - A l'ruisc 1s probably the most carefree vacation ever invc>nted . Nothing to organize. Nothing to car ry. Time to r e lax. A crew dedicated to pamJ>('rtng you from start to finish. Trial cruise, next week. Cruise ships stac k up in a Caribbean harbor. hip puts 5 00 people into towns built for the rum-and-sugar trade. ••1odudng Slt1tuSuper Saven. couple on an y 7, 10 or 11-day Mexico There's never been a better time to book cruise. Save $400 per couple on any a luxury S itmar cruise. Because, right Cari bbean cruise beginning April 9. now, Sitmar Super Savers will save you II Sile• C. .... Saal I -- hundreds of dollars on just aoout every nm. ....... a-, •. 1983 S itmar cruise. And all you have to We're very fussy about our reputation. do is book before March 31, 1983. It's We may temporarily trim our prices, the only string attached. but we'll never cut back on the luxury Saw $1000 Per~ On Sitmar is famous for: 24 -hour-European 0. Tl ial11 ..... 211• Cnlses. style pampering, magnificent dining, Save $500 per person (double occu· spacious staterooms, sparkling entertain· pancy) on the vacation o f a lifetime. Fo r ment and more time tt> enjoy shipboard 14 lovely, luxurious days you'll explore life and a fasci nating variety of ports. the exotic Caribbean, the glamorous • Yo. Siii llr h. Mexican Riviera and the man·madt! Never before h as a quality cruise line wonder of the Panama Canal. Sitmar offered such an extensive savings pro- offers 6 different itineraries in 1983. gram. And, of course, you still fly free to First quarter sailings ---------.-----and from our Liberian- depart January '15 and registered ship. But, re- 29, February 5 and 19 member, you must book and March 5 and 19. before March 31. It's the only string attached. THE ' . The S itmar Experience is sold exclusively by profes· sional travel agents. Consult yours today. • • , SOUTH COAS~ PLAZA • Open Monday-Friday l 0 to 9:30 • aturday l 0 to 9 • Sunday 10 to 6 \ oltl p11rkinir f'Vl'tydl\' o( lht 1ottk ind mph1h • \\•1lithlt-111 1ht llf'o1r ~t rntnrnrl' to 1n11ll lwlM•f'n I. M•irmn •n1I Rulloch. ' ' I -. .. . -· . .. '• • • ii' Daily Pilat SUNDAY, Of L ti 198:-t REAL ES 1 All: STOCKS • 0 3-4 05-6 M•rtl•I ~n•tw•I• Oow Jun11a JO lndu1111111h1 N<•¥ .•1t f)l•1 I +M 00 111on u•• Low t•·• c101ea 1.m 1 • 1040-:::,,,,,, ................... 0l o<·k 11i 111·kt•I l r1111 .... 11t•l io11~ fo1· 111 t)r11111i(t• Co1111ty fi1·111.i.; lus l w t•t•k 111·<· 1·l1arll~<I 0 11 Pugt• /)l'J County's econonJic pulse nJay quicken By J EFF ADLER 01 llM OellJ ~lol I la" tlw nallun, ht.• sauJ . • Orangl' County l'an l'Xpt'\.'t J wt•ak t"t.·onoorn· rl'l'OVl·ry lo beg111 in 1983, but It won't n•ally t.akl• hold until late in the Yl'Ur, u Chapman Colh;~ge l't:onomist prc..•scnting the sc:·hool's county t.'<:onom1c fort'l.·asl has prcu1l'lt.'<i. James Doti. dire<"Lor of lhl' Ch apman College Ct•ntcr for F.c:onorrul' Jfo&•ai'<:h . said he lx•lwves the l'('Onomy w ill begin to rev1Vl' itself next year fueled by the creation o f nt.•w Jobs in scrv1ct.'-re lated industries and renewed spendmg by C'Onsumcrs. Tht.• Chu11n1an l'olll'Kl' fon'l.·ust for tlw <'u1ning Y'-'OI' prc<lll'lS only u Wl'llk rt't.'tlVl'ry in rnu:s bt.'Cllw;(.' lht'rt.' will l>t• o nly a 'I pNt.•e nt growth rn rt•al 111<.·oml'. not enough to s pur ('«>nsumt.'r buymK. In ·•·v1ous re<:t.•i.s1on·rt'<'<>Vt.•ry pt•nc.x.ls, a hit:hl'r rate ol growth in n •al income• hdpt•d lo bnng about l'<)nsum(.•r-hast'<.I n .. -t-ovt.•r1t.•s. "Thus, we expect a weak, almost imperc.:cpl1blc rt'<.·owry in Orange County tt> lx•gin in the first quarter next year . But u s tro ng, broud-based r~'Overy will await the fourth quarter next year ," Dou told nearly 1.000 people attending the f1Cth annual forecast L'Onferen{'(' Thursday. Dou prC'dit•tt>U that through tht• first quart<.•r of HJH:J the numlx•r of jobs m tht.• county will 1m·rea.se Cor t ht• t u'St umt.• m rn11n• than a yt>ar. He pn.'<.licts that ;j 1,500 m•w JObS Will bc l'rcatt.'CJ Ill thl' l'OUnty n1•xt y<•ur. Whilt• tht:' number or jobs in at.•tospaw and utht•r manUfal'tUfl'l'S or durablt.• goods is t.'Xp<.'('tl'<i to drop throughout 1983, employment in the t-onstrul·taon industry should register "s1gnif1cant gamli" b y thc..• last halC of thc..• year, ac<:ordmg to th<' forl'Cast. Doti a lso said the priml' rate w1q Stt'adily dt.'dinc next year to 9 percent w hile the mflation raw will hover al 5 pert.-ent. Claiming a nati~nal recover y "probably" already is unde r way, Doti said the economic upswing won't swrep across the t:ounly unul early next yeM . In past re<.'t.'SSions, recovery m Orange County has lagged one quarter behind th(• rest or- A lso t.•xpet.•tcd to dt'clint.• arc thl' average number of jobs In manufacturing next year, Doti said. from 2 Ul,500 in 1982 to 211.800. But jobs in growing sc..•rvicc -re lat(>d industries art.• pro.Jt-'Cl<.>d LO iocrease next yt!ar by 6.9 pert·ent off-selling IOSS<.-s m manuracturin1Z Servin• indu s tries, whi<;h inc l u d e Closing hood on the ailing auto i'ndustry By C.W. MIRANKE R A-laled Pr"' Writer SAN FRANCISCO (AP) California's auto industry by mid-1983 will consist of a single assembly plant, the uncertain s urvivor of a purge that has claimed four plants and 8.400 jobs in two years. The first to go was Ford's LTD plant in Pico Rivera . Next , General Mo tors slammed the gates on factories at Fremont and Sout h Gate , two o f st'ven closures this year. Last month. Ford said 1ts Escort and Lynx assembly plant in Milpitas would close by June. "Ifs a grim story and there's no happy e nding." says industry observer John M. Hemphill. Half th e work e r s a t California's remaining assembly plant in Van Nu ys are on indefinite layo((, like more than 250 ,000 o ther i ndu s try employees. Although the GM pla nt makes the popular Pontiac Firebird. and Chevrolet Camaro, its future is not entirely assured. And across the eountry, more closings are likely, since many auto plants are estimated LO be runnin g only at half th eir capacity. Behind th e d e mi se o f California's auto industry he these three factors: the new. tight-fisted economics o f car production that ~ys cars should b e assembl e d n ear parts s uppli e r s, a vi rtu a ll y i mpenetrable Japan ese strangle hold on the West Coast marke t , and industry -wide overcapacit y for small-car production. "The plants were doomed by virtue o r whe re they w e re located," explains Ma r yann K e ller, analyst with Paine .. Webb e r in N ew York . "California has s ufCered so disproportionately because it's so far from the Midwest." For starters, automakers faced a built-in disadvantage from the expense or shipping parts west to California assembly Ii nes. A s Creight costs s piraled, the' recession hH into California auto sales and imports attracted what small-car buyers there were. M o re and more California- buil t cars h ead ed over the R ockies to more hospitable I mark<:ts because they weren't s elling h ere. A s a result. automakers paid a ''tre mendous e<'Onom1c penalty," said Andrew V. O'K cefe, pubhc relations d.irector for GM's Assembly Division. No lo nger able to s pread limited investmen ts over au their plants, U.S . automakers are expccted'to concen trate assembly work m the Midwest, nearer to parts suppliers . Es p eciall y vulnerable to that approach arc East and West Coast facilities. Aggravating the perver se economK-s of geography has been the immense popularity ol J apanese cars in California. U.S. auto makers and indus t ry analys t s alike say im ports at·t.·ount for 50 percent to 70 percent of new car sales-m the stale By comparison , imports have only about a 30 percent share of the market nationwide. "Cali fornia is a unique market for imports." says Philip Fricke, senior securities analyst with Goldman. Sachs & Co. in New York "ln no othe r region d o imports take as much or a market share ... and with im(>9rts so firmly ensconced, it's extremely d 1ff1 c ult (or domestic manufacturers to make a dent in the market." Californians "focused first on fuel-efficiency and quality ... (becoming) the first to go the small-car route afte r the o il c risis." contends J ean e tte Garrelly. an economist with Bank of America. "Ir the right cars had been there from GM or Ford at that time .. they wouldn't have lost that share. But having lost il, It's diCCicull to recoup," she adds. In the 50s. whe n the four plants were built, they were "making the right thing for the right market," she notes. ''When our W~t Coast plants were built," according lo GM's O'Keefe, "there was a market there that supported them. It made sense to build them at that time." Ford's Milpitas and Pico Rivera plants "historically through the late 50s. 60s and ea rly 70s, both were very s u ccessfu l ," says R ob ert S . Rcn nard, Ford's regional operations manager for body and \ "I t assembly. ''They began to lose their grip in the mid-70s." Both automakers tried to wrest market s hare back Crom the imports "The rompani~ are not i n the habit o r s h oo ting thcmselws in the Coot," Paine, Webber's Kelly observt>s wryly. In an effort to produce models for the changing market, the No. 2 automaker retooJed Its Milpitas plant to ma ke small cars and light truc ks at a cost o f $55 million in 1980. "Looking at the d emand in California, we thought th<' (Ford) tr11m1porwt11111, public.: ulihlil-s, whuh•11all' 1111d rNml trad1•, ll11:11ll't', an .. uranc.•t.'. rt•ul t'Sllil<' uncl ull h·vl'ls or g11vc.•rn111(.•11t , i;hould int.•rNlbl' lb. s h;erc• lo 70.i pcrt.'l'lll fr11111 liH !J f)C:rt"nl or lhc lOwl c.:ounty )Ob rnark<:l. tit'\•orc.Jint( to tht· fort-cast. With pcrl>(mal mt•omt• c..oxpt-clcd lO gmw m.•xL yt•ur· by on uvt•rn1w H pc•rct•nt, t'Onsumcrs probably will begin 'buying again. Suc.•h ite ms lls building muwnals, rurnuurt.', upphl·un<.•cs and outomobiks will <1gain be m <kmund though not at lhl' ll•vt•ls following pasl ~L-ss1ons, the forecast prt-d1t.·Ls • lll' pred1cteJ taxable Sllll'S in the county would imn·ast• by 10 to 11 perct.•nl rwxt year. f\s for Orang<' ,County's building inc.Jusfry lhc • nurnlx:r of building ~·rmiL'> lO be issued 1wxt ye>ar and vuluauon h.•vcls should signal recovery, Doti said. But though the number o ( building permits 1ssul-<l 'Will bl• an mcreas(' uvcr this y<'ar, 1l still will not n •ac·h thc.: l<'vt•ls or past years. Whill' thf• l'Xlsting h ousing inventory also should dc.-clinc, sail's of s1ngll'-family houses will rt.•rnain s luggish, at'<.-oruing to th(• fort'Cas t And Doti has bad news for hom e ownC'rs waitmg for thl• {>conomy to c'Omc around in order lo S<'ll their hoUSt'S. He predicts the ,average prkc of re-salt• housing will t'Onlinuc to dt--clinc next year by • nn un11u11I rote ol 4.:.t JX·rt·1·nt "W1· l'X fx·1.·t how.mg I" ll't•s to ix• 4 pt•ft•c•nl low1·1 al Lhl!. t1111t• 1WXl y1.•ur than th1•y :fft• toduy," lw t·o11111H·n wd 'fhl• lrt.•nd uway from hou. ... ang as an invc.-strnt-nt i.hould olso l'on tinuc 1H•X l yl'ar, Do l1 said "Cun!>Urncrs U('l' t·onlinuing' to inl'rcasc_• th{•1r ratt• of savings und cuntlnulng to shift from art ol>J('<.'ls, gold. salvl'r, houllt.>s and otht•r financial aSS<.•ts to mmwy markN fun<l s. stocks and, increasingly, lo11g-tt.·rm bonds," he not1-'<i Dc•S'p1tc· lhl• !>low rc.·covcry. Doti told those attt.>ndlng thc..• m nfon•ncl' then: arc· some· positive sig11s umid lhl' g<•nc•rul l'Conomlc gloom. lntct't•st raws should ge t 1.:ICJS(.•r to thl'ir "historic lt•v<.•ls," the et:onomist Si:lld. "And thjs will allow borrowers to sh1h Crom short-to long-term debt " Also, incn·aM'<i ('Onsumer sptmding will allow bus1m•ssc.-s to g('n<.'rate internal capital neces.'illry for modl..'sl incrcuS<.'S in inventory and other business 1nvl•stm1.•nts. Duti said. J\ddillonully, Dou said thl· county's avcrai(e m1•d1an 1m .. umt'. an impo rtant determinant in sud1 munty program~ as th<• affordable housing progr:.1m, will incr<::ase next year by 5.5 percent to $34.000. Escort a nd (Mercury) L y n x would have the most chanct" or sUCL't.'ss, so wt> spent the money. rolled the dice a nd we lost," Renm1rd says. Its closure was announced 14 months aftl'r the small cars starl<'d c.'Oming off the assembly lines. GM's Van Nuys plant may escape the trend toward closures. analysts say. because its Firebirds and Camnros have some appeal for Wes t Coas t buyers. And there's an 80 percent chance of a joint venture by Toyota and GM a t the l''rcmont plant within the next year and a halC, pre dict Kell y and Garretty. t o Jap a n " in s mall -c ar production , says Hemphill. cxc>Culivc vice president o( J .D. Powers & A."50Ciates, a research firm. "The game already has been lost in small cars, on a cost basis and a quality basis;" he adds-. - "The best eHort we could make domestically would be to hasten and Cac1lltate the transition from domestic car companies' focus on asse mbl y t o be co ming distributors and marketers of fort'ign-mudl' ears ... The cars' size was rti(hl, the lucl-e1f1c11mcy was right, but It came too latl' and "they ran up agai n s t a wall o r 'import-preference,' " Garretty says. Tha t may preserve an automouve assembly presence in Californrn. but it won't change a widC'sprend "perception that the banner has passed from the U.S. Dissension wracks OPEC as gasoline prices fall By HARRY 8 . ELLIS The CtwtetlM ~ .._,.., Few people in oil-importing lands will shed tears over the (act that OPEC, for the time being, has lost Its ability to bend the world's economy out ot shape by hiking the price of oil. After three straight years o( declining free'- world demand for oiJ -and with a fourth decline possible In 1983 -the 13-mcmber OrganlzaUon of Petrole um Exporting Countries (OPEC) is splintered by dissension. Three members -Iran, Libya. and V enezuela_ -openly flout OPEC decrees by boosting their production well above quotu asaigned to them by cartel decision In March 1982. This scramble to carve out larger ahares of a d windling world market angers Saudi Arabian leaders, who In.slat that cartel members -for. their own good -ahould trim their production enough to keep OPEC prices firm a t the benchmark, or official, level of $34 a barrel. Holding to that pri~ them1elvea, the Saudla now pump only 6 1Jlillion barrels daily. well below their assigned OPEC quota or 7.5 million barrels a day (m.b.d.) and (ar ll'SS than the nearly 10 m.b.d. they produced ear ly in 1981. • The Saudis simply cannot sell more oil at $34 a barrel, w hen North African OPEC members, plus Iran, sell similar or better quality crudes al dl8COunt prices. "The more Saudi Arabia produces." says John H Lich tblau, president of the Petroleum Industry Rc."Seareh Foundation lnc.".. ''the weake r the pric:e becomes.'' Retail g&11Qline prlcc•s In th<' Unltoo Statc&have dropped about 1 cent In the past month to $1.31 a gallon. Adding to OPEC'• dile mma Is lht' fact that <.'Ountries outalde the cartel are pumping more oil than ever before, with Me>tlc.'O and Britain's fields In the North 54la lt'adtnai the way. China's outpu t almoat 1.-ertalnly will grow and a vast new field jUtt dllcoven!d off t hl' CAlltornla coast eventually may add aubltanllallv to \J S . proou<"licm. That much said, it would be premature to herald the demise of OPEC. whkh during the turbulent 1970s sent world oil prices 11kyrocketing from $3 to $34 a barrel. Strlng<>nl C'Tl<'rgy conservation by oll·lmporllng nations, switch ing lo oth er funels, and world recession have oomblned to cut free-world demand for OPEC oil from a top of 31 m.b.d. to about 19 million. "011 demand in lhe noncomm unlst world," Lichtbla u Mys, "~llrwHi 12 pc:rccnl ov~ a three- yca{ period (I 9R0-82), Crom e2 m.b.d. to 46 million barrels a day." T he Weal, how.-ver. will not stay In t he e<.'Onomlc dold rumt C9rewr. Economic recoVt'ry will spur tht.• dNnantt for oil Wha l happens then In the ~IUIC.' n•lallon•hlp betw~n OPEC members and the rountril~ that, willy-nilly. must buy their oil? Two rl'Ct!nl 1tudl.-s forecast rising dt-mand for OPIOC' oil and a d1Nppt-aran«' or th<' curr.-nt glut, IC and when w~ te rn t'COnomica 1\art tO grow braakly One study, prepared by the Cambridge Energy Rl'M.'arch Associates or Cambridgl', Mass .. foresees a possible "explosion of demand" for OPEC oil and a rt.>su lting short.age as early as 1986, if the world in g('ncral works Its way out o( ~Ion during_ 1983. The second report . issued by International Energy Agency (IEA) In Paris, puts \he period of a<.•utt• shor tage toward the end of this century, nssummg the OP~ ~mbers. other third world counmes. and indust rialized Western nations all Increase their consumption of oil. Bot h studies emanate from respecwd IOUl'Cef and <.'1.1r ry w efght. But other t'Xl)f'rts, tnctudtns Lkhtblau, !K.'(' lil\Jt' pro8pccl of another oil crisis ln th<• near term . 1''or one t hing. la test e1umatH ind icate that C!('Qnomlc recovery will come more slowly tha n h ad been l'XJ>("<'\C'd, with thei US. Conada, Europe, and J a pan expt>rlen cln1 a combined 1963 11r<>w\h rate lf'tl lhan 2 percent. If that hold• true , Uchtblau aaya. 1983 should IK'\' an unchanpd rlt-mand for OPEC ~trolt'um, or pOlllbly another amall dtclln.-. ·- D~ Ornng{I Co61t 'DAILY I'll 0 l/Sumluy. L>ocnml> t b. 1~8'1 Nicole T homas holds ceramic frogs produced by her and her classmates. Nicole i boss of the not-so-big 3-M Compa n y. Running this firm is. just kid stuff DEFIANCE. Ohio (AP) -Captains of industry don't know Nicole Thomas. but may be they should. T he 9-year-old heads a company that's turning a handy pre-Christmas profit, despite the recession Nicole is chief l'xecutive officer of the 3-M Co. -not the Minnesota conglomerate of the sam e n a me , but a ceramics manufacturer headquarMred in the basement of Spencer Elementary School. The name 3-M stands £or "Magical Mold Make r s ." All the employ e es -from management to assembly line -are S~ncer fourth-graders who make and market ceramic Christmas trees. angels. pencil-holders and blue models or the school's mascot, the bulldog. Although not listed on the New York Stock Exchange. the local 3-M is a member of the C ham ber of Commerce. The in vestors ~ mostly moms and dads -earned 25 cents on their $1 sh ares two years ago The company turns a prof at or $600 to $1.400 annually, to be spent a ny way the employees choose -including fi e ld trips. T -shirts and pizza parties. Afte r dividends are paid. that is. Principal Phillip Furnas said the cornpany started eig ht years ago through a statl·-runded career dt'velo pmt'nt progra m d es1g nl•d to introduce youngsters to the w orking world. A ceramics company wa!> formed because the operation ada pted readily to assembly-lane production. ramaha r to many o r the pupals' parents who work at a Ge nera l Mo tors Co. foundry in Defiance. The project has prove n so successrul that ine ·- s tudents have been reatured m mterna t1onallv s hown te achers' training £alms and on the synd icated television program "Kids World." Each fall. a help-wanted sign is pos t<•d 1n the sch ool. Pupils rill out applications a nd a re assigned positions bv their teachers. After that. the kias are on t,..-e_a_r _o_w_n-. ~o-r­ two months. they punch a time clock donated by a local £irm and begin their assigned duties, working in two one-hour shif ts daily during regular school hours from the first of Novem ber until the end of the semester Members or the 2:30 pm shift, who are pupils in Landa Brugler·s class, w ork under the close eye and caustic tongue of Alicia Tuohy. 8 . an inspector for the company S he knows which students are the clock-watchers, the goof -ores. the malcontents and the s lipshod worke rs. and she doesn't hesitatC-to l~l them know about at. "Some get mad at me." the inspector admits. "but my job is to make sure they're doing their jobs." The students turn out polished paec(.'S that are sold through a ret.ail store for from $2 to $7. In true a5sembly line fashion, each worker has one task that is performed over and over Pipeline plan unveiled LONG BEACH (AP) -A small otl company says it is in the "final s tages" of sec uring financing for a $1.4 billion pipeline b<>tween Long Beach and Texas. The Pacific Texas Pipeline Co. said the 1.026-mile pipeline will carry as much as 900.000 barrels of oil a day between Long Beach and Midland, Texas. Compan y President Cecil Owens declined to d isclose who the private backers of the project are or how much alread y has been invested. saying only that at as "a considerable amount." The pipehne would carry Alaskan and California oil that currently must be sh ipped through the Panama Canal.,ln Midland, Owens said, the oil will be processed or s hipped farther east Lhrough an existing pipeline ne twork. r AP Wlrepholo Once again, grocery costs up ll)' t.OlllSE l'OOK AllOCl•l•d ,reH Writer l:11K·1·1y hllhc 11wn·.401.•d 1h1r111g Nuv1·111h1•1 .II ll't tht 1·1• hll .111.(h t 11111111111\' dt'\ 11111 ,, 111'<'•111111114 lo .111 1\.,.,11n ,11t•d 1'11''' 111,11 k1 •I h:"k' l M ii v1•v w h11 h i.huw:. thut h1glw1 pth'l':> 1111 1111 .. 1t und 1·g~:. Wl'l'l' 111 bl.11111· 1111 111udl nl th1• Jlltnp. Tiu• 1 IM' wu-. ll'l.illvt•ly 1111M.J1•i.t, 1111\H 'V''' 11·~ 1hun 011t· 1hird of I 1Jt·n ·1•111 .111d h•lt p1'11·1-tt ut th<• starl u( l.>.'t'l'llll>j.·r 011ly uhout a p1•n •1•n1 ub1iv1· tlw lt'v1•l at thl' lx-g111na11g ol l!JU2 T iu• AP :.u1 v t•y l't1V1•ri. t• r;1111Jw11tv sl'l1'<'tl•d las t of 14 food u11d 11011-foucl 1t«rni;. Tht• tt(•ms w1•n • prtl't'tl an Olll' SUIJi.•rnmrkl•t 111 1•;1l h o f 1:1 ·u11<-s on Marl·h I, 1!17:1 :mu hav1· h1'l·n r<'<:hc'<:kc-<I on u a .1boul tht· s turt o l 10:1<'h -.u1·1·1•t•thng mnnth. 'l'hl' lutl•st i.urv<•y shuwl'd that tlw markt•tba:.k<•t ball ancn•uS<'Cl during NtTvc·mbc.•r at the l'hl'('klast -.1111 l' an 1·1g ht 1·1t11•s, n s111g an av1•1.ig1• of 1.7 !Jl'l'l'l'nt. Thl• bill cft'('1'1·a:.l'd an (1v1• dtil•s, down an aV\'t .ag(. of 2 2 pl'l'l'l•nt. Owrall, tlwn• w:L'> un av<•rugl• 1nt·r<.·aSl' o( l\\ll l,•nths o r I pl'l'Cl.'nt Ill the markt•tbaskl•I bills last munth. I> u r 1 n g 0 l' t o b l' r . t h <· ma 1 kl'tbttskt•t ball incrcast•d a t tlw 1·h1-t:kh:.1 :.torl' in only four 1·1t11•s .ind d<'C.'rt'US(.'<i Ill nane, for an ov1·r ull drop of just under oaw l<•nth of I pt.•rcc•nt. Th<· AP sua Vl'Y s howt«I •th1• marketbasket dl't l't'ilSl'd SIX ll'nths or U pcr(•('nl "' S1•ptembl•r and o n e.• one- hu ndrl'dth o r a percc·nt i n Augus t. Loo ki n g a t prices t o d ay ('Onll>Url><l with those a t the start or th<• ycur, th1• AP round that . . l111· tll •ll kt 11i .... k1·I hall ll11 '1 ~;Hg lllltl"I Ull;(I llN· lu,t 1111111111 llll ll'ol"lt ·d Ill tl\1 • l'llt'l'kll"ll 'Hllllt' Ill 1111 ll'o"lllJ( Ill tht• dll'I klt"il "lhllt• 1·l~tht l'l\11'' .uul ha' !11 U 'l'llM'd 111 Ill !<4 'Vl'll 111 tlw t.•Hlt•11 SUI Vt'Yt•tl IJV 11\11 'l'h1 11v1·1.11l 11\'l t uut· hou .. 1 1111• J\P '1'111' )>11('1' Ill II d1m:111·~~u .. •mu 1· 1111' .. 1.111 111 tilt' y1.,11 It,.., 1'4-111 ,1,1·d 111 luua 11111 ·-. 111111 '\\1,1.., 1111' AP hUI Vt•y n ... uhl'I ollt'OI d111u 111 "''\1ul.1t11m dt'll"llY w in h•rt1" . ul w 1111 p1·n ·1·r1t ol u f11 n11l y '11 • I" IU,11 g1111·1•1 y 1111tluy 1·,11 h 111·111 114 •111 a:! 1111u·11t . umh.111~1·d Ill two M.111y ul th1 · h:arg.1111:. du1ang Thi• US D\•p:Jt tmt•nt 111 1111' tull 1"111111• ut tlw ntl'll l 1•ou1111•1-. Ag1ll'Ultut1.·. wh1th JUhl lu•hl th •" 1·1 1all1•fH ron promo11on11l w111uul 1•1111fl·n·m•1· 1m 1h1• 11ut11111k -.p1 -t lab to 1,.1t,..t 11wa1 i.<1h-s whkh fo1, food pr11·1•i> and 1'10Ju1·tw11, '' h.111 h1·1·11 1.1gg111g h1·1·au:.t· or p11-th1·1111g thut fou< f)rtl'l'S ;al111w g1•111 ·1 1~ll y lllt-th pran·s und wlll 1111•rt·1N' by 4 5 1><·rt·t·11t 1h" r1'1·1·ss1011 Wl't1kl•n1·d t'OIJl:IUllll't yt•ur Thul would IH· th1· i:.r11111h·111 d 1· na a 11 d I 11 d u s I i· y a n d 1111·n •us1• Mlll't' u :i I 1.11.·rt c•nt hou'I 14uv1•rnnwnl t't'llllmnt'>ts hi1d lx>t·n an 1»711 'l'tw USDA abo t'XJX'l'ls a pl t•d 11·11 ng lh.1 t t hl• :>pl·t•ta b n •l;111v1·ly hffiUll JUnlp bt•lWC'l'll would 11111 la:.t bc.~·au,t· :.upplws :i pt•rt.·1·11t ant.I Ii pt•n •1·nt an II f>l 1 "'4 11 h 'l'lw J\ I' duJ llllt I; y Ill l'OlllJJ.tf<' .11·1uul pt 1t·1•i. fro111 t'lly to ('tty Ill s;a y, rrn l'X:tmpll', tlaot t.·g~i. mst 1111ir1• In ont· ttrl'<J thun anotlwr 't'tw only , .. ,m1>ara~m' W(•rt• mad1• 1n 11·1111' of JH't l·<•nt:.igt•!> of 1m·n •a,1• ur dt.ot·n ·:a'>t· saying u pa1 lH·ular 11t·m wt•11t up 10 pt·rt·1•111 in um· 111v • .md fi pc.·rc:1m1 Ill illllJI hi 'I of p ork u nd bc.•l·f havt• b1•t•n r1>1;tl prtl·•·:. rwxl y1•w·. 'l'lw 1t1·n1s on tlw AP dwc.khst d1•1·l111ing. und tht• pn•d 11·tions A luok at thv uv1•r11ll numh1•1 w1•rt· dlt1ppi.•d d luc:k. cc•nll•r l'Ul ~alllt' 1ru1• an Nuv't•mbl•r ul 111·m' 111 thl· AP 'UI v1•y s hoWt'<I pork t·huµs. frozl•n or:rng(' jUt{'l' Thl• AP :.urvt'y i.howt.>d thl· r1·w1•r am·rl'aSl's and dl't'rt.•aw!> t.'(lllC'l'lltru11·. t:orft't•, p;.iJX'r towl•li., pt tl'I' of u pound or l·hoppt•d dunng Novt•mbc•r than during but11·1. Gradl• A nu'<.hum whaw d1U<·k. fot t•xampll'. am·rl'ast•d ut 01·toht•r. ll c•rt· art• tht• l'gg:., t'rt'<am y p1·unul buttt'r. tht• dWt.'kllst slorl' in sax c1lit•s last • p t•n ·1•ntug1·s of 1m ·rc:ust.>s and laundry d t.•tc.·q~t·n t , fa brll' month. · dt'('rl'aM·s: sort1•1wr, tomat<J s au{·e, milk, Thi• pran• dt'Crt•a s<•d an thn't' Oct. Nov. frnnkfurtt·rs and grc.tnulutc•d t1t1l·s and wu:. unchangt'Cl an four Up 25.8 2:~ I s uj!ar A 15 th ttt'm, ch 0<·o late l'tl11•s. Duwn 24.7 22 5 l·h1p rnukll's, wus 111duded on th<' Ml'ats n·pl'l'Sl•ntcd 2 1 ix·rcc.•nt Um:hangt.•t.I 46.7 5 1.1 hrtganal last, but wu:. droppl•d of tht.• 1t1.•ms on the AP t.·hccklist, Unc.tvailubll• 2.U :1.3 w h 1• n t h l' man u f a l' lurer but thl'y Ut'l·ounted for :JI pcn·1.mt d1s1.·ontanued th<• package• size ul tlw Novl•mlx·r_.amn·a'>l'h No attc-mpt was mudt.• to Wl·agh u~·d an tht· survt•y COLOR BROCHURES To plac. your message before the readtng public, phone Dally P1to1 Class11ted. 642-5678 fiiiiiiii~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ IT'S NOT YET TOO LATE!: ONLY 26 DA VS LEFT To Relund ALL • 82 Taxes and Recover · 79 81 Taxes I 1 2 1 4 1 6 1 10 1 I ITC -+ ETC? Real Eslate Research & Development Equipment Leasing Educational Seminar: lPM & 7PM Wednesday, December 8 at Irvine Host Motor Hotel· Oyer Road/5S Freeway Presen1ed by DAL TON, DAL TON, COOPER & FRANKLIN, INC. 2691 Richter Ave., Ste 102. Irvine -Near Jamboree/405 Our Stall ot Auorneys and Accountants will be available 9 AM • 10 PM SEVEN OAYS A WEEK FOR A PRIVATE NO FEE INITIAL APPOINTMENT RSVP: CALL NOW (714) 641·3761 FOR SEMINAR -------- On ~firsLJday of Christmas my trUE-1~ 9a~to ~ .. ' I -~~<Da~ice cream . . on a ~ The perfect Christmas gift for the employee from the busy businessman. . We also h~ve. Haagen-Dazs T-Shlrts and Hats In many ~lavors. • • . -· .. ~--BUtlDEA8-D&YELC)HM ___ .._-------- STOP FORECLOSURE en-Dazs .... I ........... Ctl1lt •HtrMY P.-llnQ ~ pr-.O•. -l!Ode OI Pt~ for-• M41 IM ef*lt Of bllnkt~cy WEDNllDAY, DICEM•ER I r 111; 7:30 P.M. aOUTH COAST f'LAZA HOT~L __ ..._c-. ... T1le -..,, .. .,_ ...... PWlJC IMTOl LM!Hled Sutlnl UO 00 Rt(l1t11hon rtt ,., ............... a11111•1 '40-t101 LINOelita-MOl(IRI .. 0 ® The Ice cream dedicated to perfection/ South Coast Plaza 3333 Brlatol Street Costa Mesa, Ca. 92626 714 -75'-7752 154 So. Coast Hwy. Laguna Beach 11• -494.5507 IRAIGICOASTSTICIS Here are the stock market activit ies of publicly traded Orange County firms for the week ended Friday, Dec 3. Data provided by Newport Securlt1es Corp. ·-·------' ' ' ,,u '"' ' ' ' IAl41 1H~ MU NUOT&,. Ul(H ltlN MAf'IUf fr1•'•1•rt.-• t trl r I 1110 l•P ~,.,. • '"" 10 t tu 1ouu•1 11 •. •. 1 11·~ I CMAllil« • t , ..... U •h• Mitro Al.Ml & l t•• Cer, ALI Aaar. Ol•I · &001 ............ o.,.t •••r. raoe. av'• ta1rlc11\ i t. Ae•r.T~e,.aal a.111r lntl h'.O • 9 ......... .,Port tO l trly•. lftO llYL t 1 l o-.i•r Jn0~1t. 11 lrt111 rord ,11, 11uo• ! t IYI l tera lnw. 8ULOS " Ca platr•no Iii! l') Car t l4t"'Cf\ar r&aL t• C•rtron Cor11. CllltW 11 c_,...._,._.._, Cat&.S ti C\lllena l •n• • :~ ~:::::~. =c~. 11 Coetrco. In~. CM"O 11 Co1pr1. r are C'MPH 1 J Co• l n1t0tt COYT• l' CY1h9.eft Ele~t CUSH 15 01l•PG"'•" OPVI 16 Oatatron DOif ~I g:!:r s.v g~r-· 19 IP.CO, lftc, U.X" JO llr Micro. II"' ) t lactorado la,,., tLDI J1 lau le• C.arp OtLl • )] h oh;tton Teen ... • l• C11cut. hut. Cl I ' rar W11t Pln, 'Wf' )6 tlrat A••r.r. P&.Hlt JT rl~or Corp. rLJI • JI P\1i1oroc•rbon ttl M• J9 For k llOr L. FITl to O•n•r•l Alil\O, CUA • 1 Oeneral T•,.•· 01'Cl 'l Ollh llo••d, OISHC •) Golden V. M. OVH • ,._ OreatweatMoap CHI :i ::~!~:;•::"" =~i~ 4-1 Mo•e Htalt!'\ Hitt& ,,. •• , ..... 1 , .... ·~,, •9 tf-Ytn• S.naor llUNU ~~ t::1r H~~!~. U• tm 51 Ltb•rt.r Wat l. ... Sl L.ton Covntr1 O•JI' 5• Loe Uaal LO• LAIC 55 Lvt.har Med LUTH S6 MoCo•oa Coro. • 5'f '1ercury ,,..,, MSL 51 Mloro C.nef".at - S9 "lcro1 .. 1con. WSCCA• 6~ Morthou.11 lnd HllS 61 MJI Oat• Corp ~SI • t~ ::~~~::1,!:o :~.;. t.i. .i11son h h HEtlit ' 6S ltwpt/8.al Saw. 66 ••"'port Corp, "twr• :1 :::::~~ ~~=~! :,,r:~ 6t ••"' ¥orl-> Co• .!11 l'VV TO llluctea,. H.1J. NH.SI T t Odet tea Oort T2 0.n LM dlcal OHll 1 J Oranae lanoorp .. 1' Paelflc Sct•n PSI 1~ h r'ctord P•L• Parr 76 Penn P•~.<;orp PUC 11 Plptr Hydro PSUM 78 Praalt)' :o. 'DC • lt Prlntr"Onl • PTMX• ao •••part O.nl. "'re 81 •• lndUJtr"l•• •It 81 lap. l.•aoure• I ta.If 8 ) S.nllar Corp. SIAR •• Se•h•v1e 011 sue SS SI I loon 5y1 SLC~' 86 41 htre,.e.tt SLV • ll Si.Ith Int• t. !JI • SI Sou•o V. k n• S>BI 19 St•nd•rd t.oa. STnL• 90 Standar-1 P•~ srr • 91 3U n1 H1dro. 3TCH 92 Sllltd10w, tno. swm 9) Sr•tonettc• • ~· Teeh.nolOIJ Mk,t T'HIT• 9~ Tel atl le Co•p .. 96 Te•p..5t tk TOIP 9T Tran•terr• I• TStc 98 Ut tra Ka.:stca\ - 99 Ultranet•H ULT11 100 V•leneh t ank .. 'Ot Yarco lnt '•· YtlC • 1 oz n• Coro. fTllt m ~~.l:!~ m1 10'S Vant•• tnt l. w11n 106 Veapercorp VP • 107 We1tern Dl1. Vt)CL. tOI Vaatla &da lar. VI~& 109 Vt llard Co. 110 Vrt1f\t rn.,.., WID 111 V1nn'1 Jnt"l VI '""'"'• ""•"•'. lf•111,,ut ... oti ""•"•'• lftWpOt'l h uh Nt"1PO,.l le ech ll"• I"• ilrel'lc• N1wip1 ,., •••G" ··o•\• ~••• ~l'IU A"' An•t'I• t • h.ll l •rt\)n '9n J•1•n r ,p 4r e 11it t • lt\•h•t• .... , \ J•• I\ r ~•t• "'""' S.nt J An• All•P'l•t .. t)r a n&• Jrlewr ,,.\ Pe• •h '-'thrl ,. Wt""'1 ,,., Be•rl'" '\lif'l l 4 ""'' lr•lnw An•~• l • f<Ul• tt•I~ ~nle Ana ,,..,, ,,, ..... ,, T"lt ll'\ -,.,..,,. At\4 ,,.. '"' 4n•h•l11 Ntvport 8tt1nn Slnt• Ana lrwtne LAI""' 1H11.1el U C""' lll&ve\ An•h• l • T\lt tll\ S.t'\ta Ana Stnu An• S.nta An• lr•ln• Ma he l e Slnu .,,, LIClolr\1 Mt 1 t ~ Co1\.1 "••• Lacuna Ht 11' lf"W lnt • .-Uni... lu1cP1i f...ll"f'I' Ml lh LOI Ah•lt'>a Coet a "4111 Ir~ In• Hunte. •••Cf\ lr'W lne .!aftta •n• 'ul l•rton Coau Me.u Kevport lt•cri rut t~rtcn lr•1ne Newrort B••Cr'I Co1u "te.sa S.nu '"' ~eve ~l ~''"" ("oatA ~e"-'• ...... p('lrt ee .. ~t\ Anafud • An•h•l11 r:1unt•l"I \'•tl l"l•-•l• hvport !-u1~"a 5-nta Ana .&nah• l • Mevptirt 8••""' lrvtn1: ,.nu &na lrwtn• ...,.,0 •rt l!••C'f\ ?rwtfte "•-'POt"' 8ea~,. fu•t tn lu•n• Parle lllewport l••~h Ylata $9nta &'11 :oat. "l•H S.n ra.~"nt e ""' ..... ,\;, ., ~· "'""' .. ' .,. ~~,:~·=::r!! ,r.~J. Mila• tilde . " •'••t1 ;::~~' .~.,.. y l l (hid ., '"'· .. ,,111, ... J.r•l"• Statt.,f\9 llO'-'"-••lC'•l P'""t, • rroun f'>Od Of •1.1. Kt>irt1•a• na w. L ,.,,, .. " .. '"' ,.,, r~o•• "-•"'•t' l •\J• rrJ1, "'• " "" t ... ... " ... '"'' Hial l'lll\t t h pr 1:t, '\l'lln1• 4 lil~n '1t alt arw •r• ., •• ,.. "-"'"" ........ •c• t4 •• t>w ! t•r• h JI ' f•I• t Tr•"· Pl\w•r-1,rrl~ •'•· tita .•r tP"• •I',,, •1•· ''" . •I e "fit .. .,tn~" ~ lti4n U'l:A~ 10,ou .,, ·" " .. , .JI •UN~ ' •I orr ' ~• l'C1l ' .. 1.u C)l1 ' OU ••• .... lll rr 1 1~ 'I lO ~~U 'O,'\Q .... ~\ •.'t~ .•o .o. ,,,. ,,,0 ··~;~ ,,.i "'~'g .'.1"'1 O"IDA~ 1 II .. ,, 1.0fi •• 00 orr •· ~o .. ·~ WA11U~ ..,..,~ "lC ITC llft NA'!llAQ ..... ~ NA 'llU~ O "IDAO U'llA~ NA'llll~ ~·..,·~ AS~ >O 1' ll.l~ I '' I ~· " . ll ~-4.l , "" I• •9 ·'-~o " 1 J.Oo '"·'n "· ,. 1ftf " 1.9• ' Ml .... 7\ , .10 •.oo • •f 1.6J l JS t~~ :: :~ Uet'ot.H•,\ 1llllt • .,.. ,,. 9.1J t. 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' 1U!; 11 1,'Tflj T 10;:~~ 1,UI .,, I'' ., .. ,., J.llt• •.• 1• ... , J•l,tlll l,Ot• .. ,~ 0 IOI l.•H 11• f\,li!iflll ''0 11.1n1 .,o -tto .:.9~• •99 , ,111 ., .... 11111 10 _,,, ·~ J8 ·II, •O~ ', IOl 1.:t'Pi I ''> ~ t 1,101 1, 111 J,tt• ·l.U~ · 1.'" IS9,111 ~ ...... •.I•\ , '~II -?01 ·'") ··•·'lf l, "~ ~II .. ~ t,9t0 II• • 101 l\T NA -·~1 t,?•• -•1~ lT' -7 ,11111 ·lOl. •I• !:Hci '. '" .. I , II) ii~ -.,., j .1 •• • .. 1.1.ro -'l\ -b~ I ,OJ I 1,00, ,~. I,••• •01 -1. 128 -1'"0 ~. uo "·· 1111 ••• )00 1~• ~Do '· i~e ,~. _, ,98& t) '· 116 •••• .. •o I, \~O •.•lt4 1,110 ~~' .1,169 1, ,.., t ·•19 .. , .ott• ·"''-1 1,1o11~ ',199 n, ll6 ····~ IOl ·•.'\9 ·ltO 1,ou -1. oio ',,i.q "">l ~~:m A double tax break for Californians . only. No U.S. . income taxes . No state income taxes. . TAX-FREE Federal taxes. State taxes. The more you make, the m ore they take. But, now you ca n k eep it all. 9.84%* When you in vest in the California Payable monthly eries of the Municipal Investment Trust Fund, you keep every thing you earn. Nobody takes a penny of it. Not the State. Not the IRS. It 's completely tax-free *. And the current yields are attractive. 9.8./', -and that 's after all sales charges and expenses. And there 's no management fee. We think that you 'll agree that the Ca lifornia Series of the Municipal Investment Trust Fund scores high on all counts. All of the municipal bonds in th e fund are rated in the category A or better by Standard & Poor's or Moody's. Becuase it's a fix ed portfolio you'll know exactly where your money is in vested. And, because it 's diversified, your risk is redu ced. You may r:edeem or sell your units at any tim e witho ut ch arge or inter est penalty at the then prevailing market price. If you 're a Californian i n a high tax bracket, double tax-free inco~e may give you a lot more spendable income. Write today for a Prospectus. It 's free and without obliga tion. lust ca ll or mail the coupon. • llw• r•r1~•h 1#.r •••• .. I,,.,,,,..,"''"..,... ,,11rt ,..,,,...,,.., •llffftl•l"I"'"~ 'lnHIHI/.• ,,,.,tublto 1tltrt1•~1·1N~ Ir •;,,.,-. •Ult t h•,.~f' Of ,.,,,.,., •1 t IHHlf l'ubl11 .,./1,., '"' IH'h" /H'f u111r •f ll.oo I ltfHJ u•1lw1l11t1 .,.Ir• 1lt•11,.. ol t Vi 11.t•Jt "If ,.,.,. ,,h nH'tf ,,.,,.,_, '" "., ,., • ,,.,,., ,., 11.0tJf ,,., '"'" •"' ""'' t• •,/I #I •• • ••IHH#Uit" I• "•• ••• 111/ ,,._.., """'"''"" ,,.,. .fl,.,,,.."-·~'',,..,., ... ,.,.,.,,., , .. ,;.,,.._ "'"" ,,,,,,,,,. /H• ,.. •• ,,,. ,,,.,,.tl•l'il ,,, .,, •• ,,.,,.. '" • """ '"" •1t1t1tw"; flt~dl'•f I• f'frt ttl111t'"' /tltlft IHl#I •Nt It Hf 11116 .,.,,,.,.,,_.,.,, •t 14f6'-r 1lr11lru 1u lwfll'f• ,,. flll•• l••lt1llt ,.11,., '~''""""''''""" .. •"41.•l•fr -------------------------------------------Shear9onl Amerlca'n Exor••• Inc. 660 Wewport c.nter Drive, Suite t NfJWport Beach, CA 92660 (T14J ,,.._Ha •Attn: Jerry Jones Branch Manager A pro1pectu1 con11tnlng more compl•t• lnlorm11t1on 11bout the Munlclp•I lnveltment Trutl Fund I 7111 Ce/llornl• SetlH (A Vnll lnv.stmenr Trull), lneluding •11 •ele• cll•roo• "''" e11pen .. 1, wlll oe Hnl upon receipt of 1111• coupon Rf/Id 11 c•r•llJll)' tHJgpt• you lnVNI or sfll'ld money Bound for New Horizons Tow11ho1"1W!. a l Drook vit•w N«•"'l•orl off e r :JO-y••ar fi xt•d -rall' fin a nciu~ .. Brookview Newporf 'extras' included B r u o ~ v 1 1• w N <.· w p 11 r t Tuwnh11111t'"· µrkt·d !rum $17H, 01111 Jll now ulfl'rt•d with <i .... µ1·u.il :lll -y •«1r fn.t·d ratt.· l 1nant·1 11g prugrum wh1d1 11wludt·" lntl•i"l''i t lrom 1 0 '1"~ •. duwn l>l1y 1m nh <1:. lo\\ a!-t I O'l" Fcatun·.., norm<1llv t.·on..,1dl•rt-d a:-. "t •>.tn1s .. in tt1t.lt1y·s h ouMng markl·I an• 111dud(·d a t Brook- v1t•\\ N1·\\ purl 'l'hL• lh1 t<t flow pl:ms rang<• 111 :.-m· from l.:324 lo I .ti7!"> square fl'l'l Standard 1mprovt·mc·nts also 11wludl• f1nislwd t·t•ninut tilt• ur w1Jod partfUl'l c•ntru:s . S:.ilt s u·1H<:r and models arc \11wn ~a1 Iv l 111111 I I a m lo ti p.m . :1t Hl5 Wt ,1 15th Stn'l't, Nc·wporl Bt·.11 h hir information, t•a ll ti4:! -1:110. Brookvll'W N1•wporl 1s n •a<:h<.-d h:r dnvm~ '>(1uth on thl· Nt•wporl Fn•L·\\a)'. <.'1)nt1nu1ng as 1t lwtonws N1·wport Bouk•van.I. lu llos)Jlt:.il W ay. Turn right un llo:.p11al W.1y nnd p ron•t•d lv Pl .. n•ntia J\v.,nu<· Turn left on l:lth Stn'M to th1· !><tlt>s offi<:C' and 13rookvH·W Nc•wpurl Discover what's cooking along the Orange Coast in the Orange_ Coast Cookbook A umablc mortgage defined LOS ANt;Jo;LJ<:S U\PI A l1·d1 1·,11 11•..iul.itor "'1V' uuly 11111111• 111111 tJ.:.1g1·" 1..,i.u1·cl du11 n~ •• 11.111uwly <.ll'l11wd llnll' fra1111• hc·1wt·t·11 Augul'tt ,IU78 untl 1111d ()< t11h1•1 111112 probably will lw µi•111111tt.'(I H • .., 1.1-.surn.1hlt· llkin.., lll<JI tg.1gc· .... th.it l'Ull lit• tJkt•n OVl'I li v ll hu1111 ·'N IH'W OWlll'ri't uil<l•·r a 1ww h •dprul l.1w II u w t• v l' 1 , T h o m u s P v ... tunlun. gl'lll'I ul l'OUOM.'I 1111 tlit• Ft·d1•1wl llw111 L11an Bank Boaru, sauJ that such luuns wuulcl only IJ(• a~umabll· unul CA·t 15, HJH.5, unlt'l'>.-. thl' l(•g1slatun• vutt•tl i> p I' ( I r IC. : ii I y t 0 m a k (' t IH 1 I) I nssumulJlt• 111 pc.-rpt.'luity V:irtanwn told a mN•t111g ol tlw Cahfornia Savmgs and Loan Lc•..igul' that It's "vc.•ry dt·ur in m y m 1 n d " t h u l o n I y lti:ul !. 111·1g111atvd or ussuml'd ufwr an ~ust 1978 California Suprt•ntt• ~rt ruling un Wt•lll..nkamp vs Bank uf Amt•rit:a <:an ht· a!.sUmublt• umll•r ii new f<.'dt•ral law t•nal'lt•d l<isl month tht• G:.1rn-S t Gc•rmu1n-Uc•pos1tory lni>tllullons Al·t of 198.! . Mus t lt·ndl'rs pn•f1•r to l'tdl lua n:. dut· 0 11 sale• eif a huUSl' ratht•r than pl'rm11 buyc·rs to p1c:k up thl· <'Xlstmg loan at the oldt•r and u sually lowt•r intc•n·st raw. "In my own mind I just had -no d1Jubt that tht•rl' was no blank~ n •stnc:tion to du1·-on-salc lending dawws 1n Calilorn1a bc:forc W<•llt•nkamp," Varum1an said In Wei ll·nkamp, the stall' Supreml' Court ruk·tl that st.ate• diartl'rt'd 11.'ndcrs 1·ould nut t•nforcl' "duC'-on -salc.•" c:lausl's Tht• ruling did n ot apply to f('ut>rally chartcrl'd lenders. whu:.c nght to 1mpoSl' duc.·-on- sa It.• terms was upheld l:..!>t summer by the U.S Supn'mt• Court. Vartarna n i.a1d lende rs that sw1ll'ht.•d thc.·11· f'hnru•r from stall' tu lc'll<.'ral during the faVl'·ycar loan ··wi n dow'' would b(' govt·rnl'CI by the restnl·llons thl'Y '"' c· rt' u n d c r w h 1 I e i> ta t l· • t·harten•d ,.. Coming Dec. 8 in the Daily Pilat $6,748 DOWN* . ~ THE WORLD IS 5 MINUTE'S AWAY. Business centers . Fabulous shopping. Theatres, restaurants. beaches. Everything you could possibly want is so near. 'rel so far. THE ORIGlNAL SITE OF ROGER"S GARDENS is the unique setting for Garden Park Village. Your living environment is filled with the lush landscaping. that made Roger's Gardens famous. GARDEN PARK VILLAGE Open 10 a.m. to <bk.~ Thur.ta)' 2221 F.llMew Rd .. C:ou Mt-le. C. 9'.?626(714) ~..2239 From $134,950. 2 AND 3 BEDROOMS A variety of other financing plans are available. including an 113A% 30-YEAR F1XED RATE MORTGAGE idJl- 1 H I 01 iHlijO Co 11 DAil Y Pll 0 I /Sunduy Dc•cwnhrn !l, IU82 \ l }.,or •:l--~ -R ~11ri ·e "'ootlbrid~t· A lcl<·r~ 111 Irvin e u llruett•tl 1t. 7 0 prosp~t·ts for :12 mocll'ls. Lottery hollleS einerge again Moth•ratl' prtt·cs t·ombtnl'CI with uttral'l1vt• ftnam·ang madl' availablt· by tht• Orang(• County hou~111g rt·v1•nut· hond program, havt· cn·atl•d <i rl'al cstat1· ~Ul'l't•ss :.tory at lrV<tnl· Pul'1f1t"~ IH'W Wood bndge A ldt• rs · n·s1denua I tkv1: lopnwn t 1 n lrv11w The.· first :t.! u;ul phuSt' of lht• 1110<.krc:1tl'-1ncom<' condominiums al'l' lx.>1ng rl'scrvt•d by lotwry a rarl' cx'<.·urn·nc.·l• 1n t<Xlay's hous111g indu:.try and nl'arly -170 Pa1:wr homl'lluyt•rs rc.'l'l'nlly plLJl't'll tht·1r namc.•d m tht• lottery box. hoping to bl' S<.'lt>t·tro for tlw two and thrt't'-bcdroom hom1.•s Roland Osg0txl. prPsidcnl of Irvine· P<1t:1f1c. said the lollt•ry drawing was held last month. and the 1nrtrnl 32 hopdul quyNs art• now prt:parrng elig1b1l1ty packagt•s and r('S<.'rving th(• floor pl:.in ~ind loc:atlon of thl•1r l'hOll'C. C:onstrul'llOn on the.• proj('<:ts':. first phase.• has aLc;o started. and l'Ompll•uon is cxpc.•cted this spring "It's always t.>XC1llng to Ix· building a new prOJl'l'l , but 1n today''S hou:.rng d1m:lll'. it's cspc.>t·1ally enl'ouraging w have.• almost 470 ix·opk who :ire willing to en wr a lottery to buy our nt'W homt•s." noted the.• honwbu1ldmg CX('<.'UllV(.• "I think lht• bu:,.er n·sponst• rt•flec:l s lht• c:ont1nucd desirability of Irvine as the place lo rnvc.•st in homt'Owncrsh1p. and undt•rlinc.• thl' importiinl'e of offering housing that pc.'Oplc can afford " Osgood pointed out that tht.> prll'<'~ f o r Woodbridge Alders range· from $87,000 to $104.000 and arc designc•d lo sausfy the tn•mc-ndous how:ang dem:.md reprt•)>t•ntl'Ci by f1rst-t1nw buyer.:. who t·an't afford most of tht• home>~ now lwmg oflen'<.l &•<:ausc Woodbndgt> Aldc.·r:. is a modt·ratc- inconw development. proSJX'CllVl' huycrs must meet mC'omt• and olhl•r elig1b1lity n •qu1remt·nts Also. undt•r CiTY of Irvine housing 11.•quiremt•n ts. a . m1111mum of 50 percent of thf• moderalt'-1n<:ome units must be offered on a prionty basis ll> people working full lime m the c:ity Osgood said anothe r reason for the pro)(.'Ct's sales succ.oess 1s the fman<:mg being offered through the Orange County housing rcvenut• bond issue that provides qualiftt'<I h'o mebuyers with spcc.·1al :JO-year fman<:mg fixl'Cl at 12 995 pt•rccnt (1:.1 25 APH). with (urlhl'r mtert'sl rate reductions in the first two years Crcal<'d by the Orunge County Board of Supl•rv1sors to prov1dt• lower cos t permane nt fina nc ing f or modt-ratc-1ncome. h ousLng developments m the county. the revenue program has sold four bond issuc>s totaling $2:.10 rn1n1on sine<' 1980. Th<.' program is manag(•d by lhl· tounty administrative off1c:e. "The re's n o qul'Sllon that the.· county's mortgage program 1s an important to>lcmcnl 111 tht· Tenant-landlord laws are changing By LOUISE COOK AHoclet9d PreH Writer When can you withhold your rent? Can your landlord require a security deposit? What is a "warrant of hab1tab1hty?" These are only a few of the questions you need to know about if you ar c planning Lo rent an apartment. More than one-third of the nation's 78.5 million households a re occupied by re nters rather than owners. And the high cost of buying a home is forcing more people to become tenants. The American Bar Associallon says that the laws governing the relationship betw~n tenants and landlords are changing rapidly. thanks in ljU"ge part to the consumer movement of the 1960s. "Out of the age o f consumeri~m has come an upheaval ln the field of.landlord-tenant law," the ABA says. The biggest change. ac."COrding to the bar group, has been in the legal view of the significance of a lease. ln the past, a lease was considered a way to transfer property. Today, the ABA says. it has become "a contract for the rental of living quarters, meaning, mbst importantly. that if one side doesn't live up to the bargain, the other side doesn't have to .. " The ABA has prepared a 48-page booklet covering the basics of landlord-tenant law in question-and-answer form. The booklet is called "Landlords & Tenants, Your Guide to the Law." Single copies cost $1 each and there is an additional $1 charge for postage and handling. To order :.a cop y, write to the Cir culation De partme nt, Ame rican Bar Association, 11 55 E . 60th St., Chicago. ru. 60637. The ABA notes that laws vary widely Crom state to state. In 1972, however, the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws drew up a Uniform Residential Landlord and Tenant Act as a model for states to use, and the ABA says 17 states already have adopted the model law or most of I ts provisions. The starting place. for most re ntals -and renters -is the lease. You can. In theory, put anything you want in a lease. ln practjcc, you probably will be faced with a standard lease. The ABA says there are some particularly dangerous clauses. You should, for example, watch out for a "confession of judgment" which means that you wiU automatically lO!!e the case IC you have fl dispute which ends up ln court. Landlords may require ~urity deposits Crom prosl>(!CtlVe tenants. Many states put a celling on the amount the landlorda can demand, however. And more than a dozen states require landlords to pay tenants Interest on the depoelta. A major protection for tenanta ln the "warrant of habitability" which ha.t been adopted by most It.at.es u a replacement for the lradlUonal concept of ''buyer beware." pro.Jl'l'L's sUl'l'l'S.'> l.x'l·aww 1l prov1dl•s f111;.11wl11g that makt·~ hunwownC'rsh1p C'conotn1l·ally floas1b ll.'," t•>..pla11wd tht• lrv11w Pm·1r1l' pn•s1d1•111 "Thi~ IS thl• (11-st llllll' Wl .. Vl' m.t•d th(• housing l'l'\'l•nut· f111and11g. and wt• fl•ll l'Xll'<•nwly fortunult' to h.1Vl' 11 availublt• fu1 uur hnmt.•buyl•r:s al WoodbruJgc• Alders" Tht• :.t'<.'011d 111ock•rall' 1m•omt• lkvl'l11pnw11t by lrv111l' P;idfk in Ir virw. WUt.K.lbndgc· AldPrs 1s an an·h1H•t:lurally mnovativt• projl'l'l lh<ll f<•aLUr(•s Capt• Cod styling. Homl.'S in<:ludl• gas rangl'S with <loubll• ovt·ns, garba1,(l' d1:.posa1 .... d1shwa:.hc.·rs. h.irclwoud cab1ru•ts, c.·<1rpt•Lmg , winclt1w l'UV(•rtngs in living art•.1s, 1nd1v11.Juol laundn1·~. t.·uvl•n·d parking and l'Xlt•rwr stor.1gc an·a~ _ -.,, The• Woodbridge Al<ll'r.. s~1l(•i, off1ct' 1~ orx·n daily <'Xt·t·pt Thursday and I'> lol·att•d ut :Hi Gn•t•nflC'ld . lrv11w It can bt• rc.•adwd frum t•1tlwr lhl' Santa Ana ur San Dwgo fn>t•\H1ys by wkmg Culvt•r Dnvt• to Alton Purk-.vay and Lurnin,.: ca~l. Turn nght on Wc•st Yah· Loop and then right on Rlut• Lakt· North The modl•I complc•x will he· on the• right For more.· 111furmal1on. call tlw sall-s off1c:<' at 55:.! .j 101 About 500 yards from the sands of salt Creek Beach Park is Niguel Beach Terrace. an extraordinary new condo- minium community in the "sea country" of Laguna Niguel The exterior styling of Niguel Beach Terrace echos the lure of the sea. drawing inspiration from the picturesque regions of Cape Cod. The interior plans appeal to singles, couples and families alike. Here's how the dream of a lifetime can become a reality. BUT ONLY IF YOU ACT TODAY! l.2UttY JWtstratlon DetaN.s A portion of Niguel Beach Terrace will be offered under the provisions of the Orange County Revenue Bond Pro- gram Families with annual incomes up to $40,000 are eligible to register for the lottery. How To Re$ter For The Lottery PROSPECTIVE BUYERS MUST REGIS- TER IN PERSON AT THE NIGUEL BEACH TERRACE SALES OFFICE TO BE ELIGIBLE FOR THE TWO LOT- TERIES PLANNED. The first lottery registration deadline is Wednesday.January 12, 1983. The first lottery is planned for Saturday, January 15, 1983 The second lottery registra· tion deadline is Wednesday, February 16. 1983. The second lottery is pliil'lned for Saturday, February 19, 1983 Early registration is recommended Community Am~nities Clubhouse • Swimming Pool ·Two Spas· Picnic Areas • Tot Lots Prices rante Crom $65 t 000 to $101,500 30-Year, Pixed Rate, Assumable Loam IAterut rata rute from 83/• % • to 11 1/2 % • dependlfta on Income As little u 10 % Down One-, Two-or Three-Bedroom Homes Sales Office Open Daily from 10 a m to 5 p.rn. beginning December4 34136Selva Road, Laguna Niguel, CA 92677 (714) 661-7539 The Ca111ta-SC11dll 1g ~ Builder of Quality Attainable Homes 'ri ·h' I I 11 Ill I' 'It 11 j1 fl I I " '>I 1•!-111~~ 1111 Ulltllhllo 111 t'll'j.l.11111 1111111 .o lll'W 11111111• wtl l diM 11v1 ·1 :t 11111'>1 1111p11'!'\'olVI' 1'1·1111·11 111 p.1'>l gr.111d1·u1 s with th1 p11p11l111 IWll '>1111 y H 1·11111-o1• 11111d1•I .1 t the· 1"111 .. st 111 l .. 1k1· F11n .... 1 ' "I' h 11-o 1' 11 r 11'11 I v 11•\\ ,11 ding 11111111• wl11d1 µc.·dl'c t ly ;ulapt.., tu th1• ll\•1•ds a11d last(•:-. 111 th1· lllUSl c.Jl!>ll'lntlllllllllj..! Ill hu111 .. huv1·1 ... ," ..,l,1ll•d Ly1111 H1°1,ldll', Ulll'l'IUI of salt•s lur tht: Mt•1).lt•1 C11111pany. till' N1 •wpol't Bl•;id1 h1•,11lqu a1 ll'rt•d dt •vt'lup4 ·1 1<:m·o111pas~111g :UIOO squ;11 t· I t•1•l uf 1n1t•rwr l1v111g S )JHl'I'. tht• f1v1 '- bt.•droom Ht'l" IM' is tht• lurgt'!.l of lhl• f1v<· floor plan d1 ·Mgns fl•atun •u al lhl· Futl'Sl Add1uunally. tht•n • 1s in c.•fft'\:l a Spl'l'tal :~ pt•11.'l•nt b r o k l ' r l ' Ou p 1 • r u t 1 o n p r 11 g r a m . .d l' t a i I s o f wh1l'h m.1v lw ubta11wd :it th1• salt.;. uU11.:c To v1:.1l tht· lfoprtsl' and utlwr hrJm1•-. ut thC' Fon•s t. tukc tlw ~an Dll'go 1''r1·t•way to thl· Lakl' Fort'sl Dnvt• exit 1111d prot'l'l'd north on L a k l' I" u r l' s t l o Jt•run1mu Ho<.id . Turn right on Jc.•ronimo and l'Onl HIUl' lo tht• sall•S t·ompll'l\, whwh 1s 01.wn d a 1 I y • l' x ,. l' p L Wcdru.:sduys, from I 0 00 a.m to 5.00 p.m and on Monduys frum noon to ~1;00 p m F'ur furtht•1 1 n format I o"n . l' a 11 770-400:! Cir(·ular sta ircase highlights Re pris<• model in La ke Forl'SI. l"nt'l'S lor theo availuble Ht•pr1:.1• h111111•s lx·g111 al :.!7"7,000 \\uh the olhei:. honw::; sturt1ng at $256,- 000 1"1 n • .inl'1ng plans 1 1H· I u d l' a :rn -y (' a r . '"'"'l'lll1011al loan with a f1M•tl r•Hl' of 1nu·n-st at I :.t 1 • 1x ·rt·1•n1 wh1th may lw sl·IC;.'l'Lc.•d by pun.·huscN- who dOSt· l'MTOW Wllhtn liO days. Otht•r prograrru. 1nvulvl' a 10 pl•rt.·1•nt down paym.l•nt plan thul m 1 n 1 m 1 z l' s d o w n pay1rn·nt and qualifv1n~ rc.-qu1remc:nts or five and st•Vl'n ·y(.'ar loans with low tnlcrC'Sl rates. Four "display" home m~1y :.ilso be purchased a t l h l' F o r s e s t o n a l<•uscbac k basis . WE'RE BUILDING YOURHOIVIE AT THE BEACH! ' N M 11 ""' tc>• ~I" • Artist Conception '!\'• lnouot 0 c111 . A PR • 11'1 lnltrtst-1164\i A PR Tht builder rl>:oerves the r18ht 10 change plans. s~ciflcat1ons or pncn without prior nNIC« Homeownus Auoclatlon cnform.itlC\n nv111loble 111 lhc sales office • I ,. ' NYSE COMPOSITE TRAN 'ACTION ouorattO..\tll(l,.Ult fl!AOl\o•Ull•l •YOU ,1111 .. IU PACt•IC , •• MKtO. OltlOll••D t 1•<••ot1no<• I &(llUOI \ •H 1•l'Ol ttD I \' TM• 114\0 U O lllUltjl t , ... , ... , lltt• 1... U tl C"' Mi.• \e .. PI hl<J• .... 111.. U. Utl O• """ I.•• .. . ..... -lllfll Ltw Utt c.. 111.. 1. .. t Orange CoHt OAIL Y PILOT /Sunday, 0 ci,mt,,or .5, t08' DI ..... ..., ... ..... uw "'" °" ...... "" ,, • , •• .... , ' \ • AMERICAN STOCK EXCHANGE OUOUll01j\lltUUOl 1Uol • Qlj tMI Ill• tOU iitOWUt '-'<1,1( , •• tctttO• otflOtt ... II CllltlllllUt "OC• t l (Olll~U AWi aU'Cll ltO ty , ... U•ll AllO IN\tlllf I ,.... .. .. lltt~ I.•• \All '"' ·. .... , .... ,.. ltitlt &. ... ~··""' I • ClASSIFllD Despite hacking, Christmas program second-rate . .. r~ ~ (;Qrbett Uarklie (Mary), Jd'frey 'ch ocnbc rg (Co ll), Dua ne Boyl'r (Daw). a nd Kevin Ha usc•r (Cyb ) in ''Christma~ a t Wakt·fit•ld" a t the• Newport H a rbor Actors Theater in <:osta Mt·~a . Enjoy tb1 Cbrislmas Pir•d1 ol Ligbls Abo•ld tb1 52' Scboo1111 ''ALLURE" December J7.2Jrd 1 .. 11 <•01\" nrghll~ b 110 I• II !O 8 !O I 10 JO l ~IJl\A1Jd•L•on 1•J (; I $12 per person _r- f ur ft"VI "'dl11Jn~. t ctll ~ r-.~· ~ (/141 6/~ /4~4 •.• ) 1·l Yach! 1 a~41lablP t~· your hohda1 pdtl t (ASI\ ABOUI OUR mew. NlW YCARS [V[ PARIYJ , ••• , .., ..., [l')nc.1 & loukw· \'ut•hllnlif ('on"'ullun•"'· Int'. Su11~ ~ • J4 1 ~ Via Oporlu • Ne"ipott 8PdCh Ca1itorn11 9?66J ~ IOWARO~ \SJ WU llROOl PARAMOUNT ~CTURES ffiESENlS A OONARO W KOCH JIDaTffl ~ANE II. THE ~DUEL STARRING ROBERT HAYS · JUllf HAGERTY· ffiOOUCEO BY HlMARO W KOCH ~.!:'!:.=~~ ~ITIEN ANO llREGlEO BY KEN FINKLE~.} f~~QU~! ~fill!fil i.8..E STAllTS FRIDAY --------------------- NO ,.AUii ACCt'1TIO I'~ THll INOAG ... NT Local. county. state. riational and international events come to your doorstep I llJ p·ll-' in the bright. light and lively I UI Hy KAllF.N E. KLE IN 01 lh• Oalty P'llOI l lell "t'hnsln111:. al Wak1•l1t·ld," •ll 1111• N1•wp1111 l l111'1111r A1•1111 s Tlwatt•r in 'osl11 M1·s11, c·ould11'1 l111v1· lw t11 ·r 1·1·1<(l1•1111!1li.. 11 li.J!S N.1111 v l•:b~·n , tilt' tlwutt·r·':-l11umh•1 .111d .1 l11111w1 t'Jlilorni11 Arts l'u11111111..-.111111•1, Uon LJI loon,. who op1•rall's tlw S111p Gap 1>1111na T ht·r:1py l{roup m Lagu1w &•:wh, :md a lurgt', 1•nlhusiast11• 1·ast Hut 1h·sp1h• oil its good li:wkmg, "( 'l111!>l11111s at W:ikl'lwld" JUi.l d1x·s11't 1111 tlu• p1nn:1d1• •ii giit1d l'tlllllllUnily tlwalt·r· Pt·rhap:. tlw 11wdil'VJI Chn-.1m:1s u ·ll'1 1rnt11111 1s u11 11v1·r -amh1ll11Ui. pr<>Jt-t'l fur lh1:. co111p.111y Or pc•1·hap!> tlu• ca:.I 1:. too largl' lo allow lur f1111• tu11rng ol till' play. h 's nul lhut the actor:., JUggkrs. 1rnnw:. uncl dum•t•rs don't t•xudt• old -tinw n •vt•lry. H's JU!>I that the• various clcmC'nL<; of lht• pro!lrtim M~·111 lo huvt· bco<•n thro wn logL•lhl'r wllh Vl•ry hlllt• 1l11w for polish. The cv<•ning 1:. billl'<i u:. 11n 11ulhc•11lll' <..'hrn;tni:fi Cl•lt•br a tion right out of till' tuw11 ul Wukl•l wld. England during the• 15th cl'nlury ------ •• ,.._GMAOl ... t toc-... IA• towlllAoe..,.... .. "'UINfaAT-- UTHEY CALL '~~ ME BAUCE" ll'GI WILLIE NELSON GARY 8USEY IN BARBARO SA FRI. 7:00, 1:45, 10-.30 SAT/SUN. 1:45, 3:30 5:15, 7:00, 1:45 & SAT. ONLY 10:J0 THE MAN F90M SNOWY RIVER "4ATI DlllON TOUGH TEX HN~~ ... m c,.., .... ._, .. __ FRl. l:GO, 1:00, 10:00 SAT /IUN. 2:00, 4:00, 1:00 1:00, 10:00 ll'Ol FRI. 1:15, 1:15, 10:15 SAT/8UN. 2:15, 4:'5 1:15. 1:15. 10:15 C1'lI" s"ow ~ ""'· .... SAT/SUN. 1:GO.:. 4:45. 1:40 "THE TEXAa CHAIN- SAW,tf.~lf.~f.aE" 1111 IAT/IUN. i:10 7:00 10:41 , .... _ tATl-,,tl,-- "THEY CALL I I I ME BRUCE" 1N 1 FRI. t:40, t:SS, •0:20 flll.1.tlt, 11a SAT/SUN. 1:GO, 2:50 Tl-a:ae, '"" llM 4:50, lo40, 1:35, 10:20 f()UG>o lllOOO l()OAV MATI DtllON TEX ...!.':!.::'-11111 THE MAN F90M ~'5[" "w ; --eu1-. 1U1o ._-.,I.Al "0" SNOWY FRI. 1:20 (R) • RIVER SAT/8UN. 4:05, t:20 ...... 1:00. 1:10 M" :"' IAT/IUN. 1:GO, 1:10 fg 1:20, 7:JO, •M FRI. l:JO, 10:40 ( .. 0 ) IAT/IUN. 2:15, t:IO 11>'.40 =-:~TEX• "THE HOUSE WHERE EVIL DWELLS" (R) FRI. 1:15, 1.-00, •AS SAT/8UN. 2:00, 4:00 I: 15, 1:00, •.u "HEIDI'S SONG" 101 "THE LAST E.T. T1I& EXTllA· TaallUTll&AL ""'· 7:15, ... SAT/IUN. 1:15, 3:30 5:45, ..... 10!15 ( .. 0 ) .... .... fATllUll. ...... IATl8'a t• •ff. Ml 'VIC'TORIVICTORIA" ....... IATllUN. ta. ... tllW "llADM~t111 IATI:. 'A Jiii. - , JiJ,.11.tlly, 1111· 1·v1•111ng I!> d1v1t.h·cl tnlu lhrt•l' fl·'' h ii o.,h111 t d1111 .ti prl•M•nlulron w h1d1 1ndudt'l- c·;11 uh ... 111d aud11·1w1· pur111•1pa111111, an outd1w 1 s1•111111•11t l1 .. 1tu11ng Juggh•rs, u pup,x·l show, folk d,1111·111g .tnd 11 n·ln·!>hnwnt t:.ahlt'o uml u short µlay At ll·:ii..t lh1• 1•Vl•1Hnlot 1M1'1 lul·k111g 111 v11nt'ly. :ind "411111· pai L' of ll on· guud t•nttorwmmt•nl Cur d11hl1t•11 Hut rnl.ll·h 111 thl• evening carrll's an odult th1 ·1111 ., t'!>Jlloerally tlw "St·<;ond Shl•phcrd 's Ploy," a l't11w·dy wr1twn in th1· 15th n •ntury about u group of slll'pht•nb bdon· lhl'lr v isit to lht· Christ child. Port1U11!> uf till' play. spoken in rhyn11ng O ld ~~ngll ... h , un• <1mui.1ng and lh1• ;wung, CSJX'Cially lhnl of PPtl'I' Stmw unc.l J cffrt:y Scht'4.moorg. is generally gi111d Sorm·how, though, th1·r1: JU:.l isn't l•nough ;11·11on in thL· play to justify if th1· length and the Christmas SC'<fUt•nc-(• al the t'nd is simply tal·kc.o<l on w1 th 1111 L·unn<.'(:ll<lll to the rt-st of lh<' play Tlw t.'Vl·ning 1i. J wondc•rful idea. but 1l lakC'S lllUll' rt·f1nt·d wlt:nt lo pull il orr. PC'rhaps slicking lo IJIW or two <iStll'l'U.. uf the cl'll'lxalion would h<ivc h1 •1•11 11 w 1sl•r dH111.·1· rathe r than trying to do t'Vl•ry th111g ul i.l•<:ond-rate -4uullly . FRI. 1.-00, 1:15, 10-.20 I AT/8UN. 1:00, 3:30, 1:00 ; 1:15. 10-.20 11it missionary. @ FRI. 1:15, 10-.25 I AT/8UN. 2:00, 1:15, 10:25 FRI. 1:00, 10!40 (R) SAT /SUN. 3:15, 7:00, 10:30 .::;, cJf.'idi.s so~lll FRI. 1:00, ... SAT/SUN. 2:30, 1:00, •.JO "THE LAST UNICORN" ""'· 7:40 (0 I AT/IUN. 12:41, 4:10, 7:40 FRI. 1:15, 1:15, 10:15 SAT/8UN. 2:15, 4:15, 1:15 1:15, 10:15 AL THEllAN ..... SNOWY RIVER FRI. l:JO, l:JO, 10:J0 SAT/IUN. 12:30, 1V30 FRI. 1:GO, l:OO, 10-.45 SAT/IUH. 1:A5, 3:30, 5:15 7:00, l:OO I IAT. ONU 10-M TIME BANDITS Ii:> ""'· 1:00, 10-.45 SAT/8UN. 1:15, 1:00, 10:35 'h<TOA'~· l'RI. 1:15 SAT/IUM. 3:30, 1:15 "LUNCH Wl\GON GIRLS" FRI. 1:35 (R) SAT/IUN. 2:00, 5:15, l:U "THE CHEERLEADERS" FRI. 1:00, 10:20 (R) SAT/&uN. 3;A5, 7:00, 10:20 TIME BANDITS FRI. 1:20 $AT/IUN. 4:15, 1:20 ('"0) "THEY CALL ME BAUCE" IN I FRI. l:J5, 10-.30 SAT/SUN. 2:30, 1:35, 10:30 flll.1 ... (0 J ••ll-11:<>1 4:1' ?M n11.-.- RICHARD GERE Alf "THE LAST UNICORN'' CO) , ........... ur1-.:a:., ....... .. ,,_.,... __ "VICTOR/ VICTORIA" 111a1 -···· tATl-4M,9:11 ~ MY fA\QHTI YIAR FRI. l :JO. 10:10 (f"Q). • SATlluN. 2".U[t:JOX· 10:10 .. ~" 1>1110 ... T m ' -.; ........ . ·-· 'JJU. 1:15 SAT/IUN. 12:50, 4:15, 1:15 "THE HOUSE WHEA EVIL DWELLS" l'RI. 1:41 (R) I AT/aUN. 1:49; l ift, 1:41 "CHAINSAW MASSACRE' , .... 1:00, 1Ck30 8A T / IUN. S:JO. 1:00.. 10:JI IATllUll. a-.,= .. .. ~ ... ........ IATllUll. t111. -.. - ........................... ___________________________ -.-__ ~~--~~.~~~~ nge Coaat DAILY PILO'VSundoy, Oocaml>ur b, HJtl;t • sh e ing Uy MARV <'AMl'O~LL AflfN.w1INIUI• Writ., ' S 111H«• L1mfo Horu.tudl IM lfllllllJ.: 111 11 ~l'W Yoe k h 111t·I room pr llllllllil nu11dy 1)11•wrn1111 "I think lw b 1h1• lwi.t A nw1·11·u 11 iml\H w 1·111·r 111d.1y II 1· 1:. L''l l,111\ly Ill\' brHVl'!ll " I 'rh1• plrn111· rinK:. and it's HJ1idy N1·~111i111 1·a l l111g Crom C11l1fo111111 to J 1 lllllJ.:l' 111·k1·1..'i lor his t·ou:.111 lo 111\l' ol ~1111:-.1ad1':. :.1x <.'1HH'e rls a t Hu d1u ~1ty Mus11 !lull , I> u f'I n Ii( a n 111 t 1• r v i L' w , H 11111t lad I ~1·ti. 1•nthUl>IJSll(' s1•vcral 11m1·s aho ul pt·11pl1· who~ work and 1·huru1·11•1 i.lw 1(cl1111n•s and about attl•mpllng d1ffln 1lt 41sks "R.1mly's 1ww a lbum 1s gn•at, I thm k it'-. tlw bt·!>l thmg tw has cvc•r cJom• I slng S<>mt• b111·kground harmony on 1t 1 luvt• him l l1•s so good. I'm gomg to do ww ol ha:. !'.longs on my next album l11s :-:tuff 1s so hurd to do. so strong " choo d1111'1 d11w1 .. 1• \\ h11 111111 f,111111 hl\'t \\ rth It jUHI hlllll.>t'llh hi \11111 "Whutt•Vl'I I Hlllllt; 1111 111 "" hl1 '"'' to he· 1•i.p1e ·-.-.1·tl 1h11111Hh tlll' '""µ·I .. 111..: l d1111'l WI Ht• lh1•111 11111 I Ill HI .. 111~: 111111' lh,1t ,111•11't II\ "Alllll' \\. llY 11l111ul lll\''11•11 Tlw v 1h·"'·11lw 111v ,1\11.1111111. 1111\111· 111 11 hroad 111 ~··111 rnl way Tlwy'11 .ill httll' s llll'il'N HIMtlll lllY""" •>r lhl11g., that ,111• ht1p1w111111-t w 1111 • I th111k 111y t·i.111•1 h 1w1•" or1•11't tl1<1 1 tl1ll1•1t·1\I luun 11t lw1 IJtoph '" It I 1tlt•11tll y \\.1th :.11m1·lh1n g v1•1v i.l1 ungly. 1 thi111( 111}wr p1•11plt· du, 11111" "(:1•1 l'h1:.t•1 ," un A,y lun1 IC1•u111b. wa .. No I:! .ind d1inh111~ un lh1• Nuv t:I h1•:.l ·Sl'll1ng d1url .• 11111 tlw l1ll1• ... 011g w;1, Nu 2 1 a11d d1111h111g o n till' 1'1n).llt•, d u111 ol Nov 1:1 • [.1111111111 1111 1tl1 .1.1 111 l•1•l11\ltll '\> I l1 v1 111 1,.,., l\11111•lt•i.," ll1111~1o1d1 .11.:l'> • I '1• 11111 ,111 .1\i.11 1111111t 111 N1•w \'111 I, I ol1111 I ll1111k 1,in 111,1v 111 I .11-. 1\111·1 11 , I ..-1.111" ll1 P .111 h ..,, 11111 v hut I . . . • 1 111 111 111 .i \\11 ,11•1'11 pi 10,1111 I gn •w 11p Ill /\t l/til 1.1 Y1111 '"'" g1 1 .111v1l1111~ y11u 111-.-tl rn l,11" A111~1 11·'· 1111•h1d 111 1-4 11111•1111-'t'TI I , ,,11, • 1 .• 1111111, 1 I '11u w111 k h111 d 1•11ou1<h Ill lllld II "I lik1 th1 .111 l1111•t ll111· 1,. 111·1 lm1 k 111 11 • I 1h111'I l1k1· a 11 ylh111g huall .1ft1•1 111:.!ll !JI ,11'111 ,div" H11n .. 1.11l1 tl1111ki, '>ht• hai. 1>roh.1hly Mang 1111111• i.t111g ... hv J lJ Soullwr thun llv 111111111lwr w1111•r . ·•t love· h1111, !fr 1s 1«1 g;1111I 111''11 ,1 w111 Id da~ writc•I', ltMI. I th111k 111·' 1·0 110,l'>ll'nl ubout 1l T lll'rt.' .11 t•11'1 111.111v ol th11~1· /\ lot of tlwm 1~:11k 11111 111 lh•· · ,.,.,.ly part of tlw11 lift: 'l'h1• >il11111· -.tu1 Is 111 w1•.i1 oil a llltlt· bat, whll'h l'i Vl'I v n.1IU1 ul Lu11k1ng n t th1• mu:.11· :H'l'lll'. Ask1-tl how she l'hose the songs on ht•r 1ww album. "Get C loser," sht> savs. "I 1WVl'I' 1·hoos1· anything be1·nuSt> 11'!> 1ww LU' t1ld or lx'(:ause <anything. It's becausc I h:1v1• to sing it. · "I 1h111k lllC'y 1·h oosl' ml' It's likl' you Wh1l1· 111 ··Ttw l'11.1U.'1> 111 1'1·n1t11111·" t wo s1•u 11 011:. ago 11 11 Bro11 dw11y , Ho ns t;)tll wc11 t lu ..i v11w1• l1•11dll'1 Shi• suys, "I wun11 up w11 h ..i tupi.• hl'lt11 l• I go 011 stug1· now. I t1'1ll awuy 111 my room It's bc . .'ttt•r for your voit.·1· to warm up llkl' that and warm down afh.'r you fl11l 'lh &'l'l'amang yuur lungs out for Jn hour ,111J 20 mmull's On stugl" I sing loud ·· Shl' b a lso in tht• movh• or "Thl• P1ra11~ of Pt•nwm·1·." wh11:h wa!'. shot 111 H1111,tatl1 :.11y11, "I l h1nk mustl' h1n1 ri•:.u11wd 11:. f11rnwr s1•at on the• bus 11ii.l\·.1d 111 d11v111g tht.• IJus. l l " alwayli gwng Lo lil• tlwn· for 1x•oplt' that wt1nl IL and 1w1'<.I 1l " l.inda Ronstudt in concert a l New York's HucJio t:ity Music· lla ll earlier th i~ mouth. With a llttlc prMtkc ••. anyone cm be as tood · .... 1.cc1 ~? Anmtc.'1 ..cklcst new super-herol IMHlllAl •IT IOAHO 12u11_,, No matter what the marquee says, what's now p{aying at United Artists Communications the:aters is a real horror show. l!JAC the second largest movie chain in the U.S .. hat e~barked on a national policy of ellmlnating jo~ rostering unemployment In city after city where th~· own and manage theaters. In California, UAC employees who chose union representation are the primary targets ol the company's greedy, crass "pro- fits before people" corporate philosophy. W ithin the last tew weeks, UAC has tocked put · ·;'many ol its southern California projectionists (me;tlbers of the International Alliance of Theatrical St~cje Employees and Moving Picture Operators) ra thi'r than engage in good·faith bargaining. Manage-me~ taunted these highly skilled and dedicated wor1iers with a preposterous "final offer" that would me3h: ;: :.. -; .; .. . · •. eliminating 50 to 75% of the projectionists' jobs cutting wages for many of the remaining empl~yees arbitrary reassignments and changes In working conditions (I.e .. forcln9 one proje~· tlonlst to service up to 18 movie screens in two or three buildings that may be 2-1 miles apart). J~nitors In UAC'~ San Francisco-area theaters who belong to the Service EmplQ¥ees union have als~"'been victiml~ed by management. Forced out on strike more than a year ago because UAC won't budge from Its demand for a total wage freeze, the janitors. too, are confronted with a hostile and In flex· ibl«attltude on the company's part. UAC wants unconditional surrender, no matter what the consequences for workers, the Industry or th.~rea's economy. "Take It or leave It" Is their basic ·•negotiating" a1ance. UAC gives Its employees no real choice. But moviegoers do have a choice of where to spend their entertainment dollars. PLEASE DON'T PATRONIZE UAC THEATERS ~ IATSE Southern Aasocfatlon/Corporate Campaign 630 Geneva Street, Huntington Beach, CA 92648 MOVIE RATINGS FOR PARENTS AND YOUNG PEOPLE ,,,. oc:w.c•w °' ""' "'"P• ta to_,'°"" _... '°""'""' '"''~IV o/ "'°"""' ~-.,,. ...... .,,., o.-,,,.,, c/Wd,_, EXCLUSIVE SO CAL/( ENG AGE MENr "STEPPIN' OUT" • NEW CONCERT '1•11• CHUCK . MANGIONE •Ho THE QUARTET ANO MUS.tC r•o ... LOVE NOTES OAANGECOASTCO(LEGE AOBEATMOOAETHEATAE :?701 Fa11v1••w Co,,1a Mrsa SUNDAY,DEC.12 2 Showa-7 p.m. & 1 O p.m. Rese1ved Se.m S 10 & S9 TICKETS THAU TICKE TRON OR OCC TICKET OFFICE Visa MC (71 4) 558-5527 ''****'' -Roger 6bert. Cblc~o Sun·Tlmea --NOW SHOWING -- A•AHu11 fOUITAll VALLEY OllAH£ lott 172·~6 fc.i"lll" Vtlley 839 1500 Ou ntt Mall 837 0340 El TOllO lllVlll OJIAllGE ~k 581 5180 Woodblldgt 551 0855 UA Ctty Ctntma 83A 391 I COSTA llUSA [dw11ds l.AGUIA 1£ACH WESTMlllSHll Ctntma Ctnt11 S.Utll C-1 494 1514 Cinema Wnt 891 3935 979 4141 COSTA MESA OA Cinema 540 0594 ~ .__.,., .......... ......_.._~_.,. ......... .._.. ll l-MMD_,. P'ICtl!c'tA_.,......, (ft-~ (doolfftWt<-119 ttSO Sii SHO ua 4401 COSTA •U fOUllTA• UlllT IMIT•T• llACll GUiil E.,_•tb C.-Clmtr ,_,llc't f...,._. Vally lllwlldt tilln'"iQ'Oll C.-1 .WC O!ange IQll tit 1u1 O<Mlll ttt14'1 t•IOJN UI 03'0 C91TA.U ~~S400st• ~--"OJ Thru Dec. 31. 1982 Shrimp, Fish & Cflicken Special 82.99 Three for the money-two tasty shrimp.~ fish fillet and a ~hl(emeat Chicken Plank served with fresh cole sla~. fryes and hushpupples. 3095 Harbor Blvd. In Costa Mesa ll\J\I .,.,. .. h Ill \<It ,,,.,.0 fwy •"°'' '""" , 1~0 1•715 )l'ffrey Ref 11 'hainu. fJ\1\1 C>fl '°"" ,.,,. ,,., 1 lr11lnc- • THE MOVIE THAT "LIFTS YOU UP WHERE YOU BELONG• C~BAATD"8 11th SMASH WEEKI ll(W,OllT llACM. WlSTMl•Sflll I0• .. 0> Nf'wPQll C.-ldNollO\ ~ Wul •o 0760 Ht 313~ OllAllGl C-t 634))~3 -0~14-GCltl'lt:OfOflfWtllilOAOO•O•' MARK HAMILL HARRISON FORD CARRIE FISHER BILL V DEE WILLIAMS ANTHONY DANIELS --.. llMN KERSHNER -... GARV KURTZ ·-.... LEIGH BRACKEIT -lAWRtNCE KASOAN ... GEORGE LUCAS ·---· GEonGE LUCAS -.JOHN WILLIAMS ,,,, .. ~ ... -..-.-. .__ ~-.. ..... uu(~=I -·=:::=:.. .•. PG-l'Ml•lll IUIMtl UlllTIO "OM .., ·• '".:."'.:-: ... kAle-"'-';:;-;:;'i'it,,..•~h•C~ ~ • • -~ - EDWARDI SOUTH COAST PLAZA AJIO CINEDOME IN 70mm DOLBY STEREO EDWARDS NEWPORT IN DOLBY STEREO LUXURY THEATRES IM'fAIAl Al 10""0 213 .... 1.oe33 lat Tw lbtiltt SllMiluONlYS2J:21WtuOtlltnriw Mltt4 S 113M44•111ll6J63 .. 2551 /~~.) S FOR Funt EXCrTEmEnTI V1s1tOur... * Er TH t.:EXTRA· • • Tf.RRESTRIAL mE "''!!.Po'ifU~~ 1~1 ALONE IN THE DARK CJ Plull Q !RI Driv•ins 01Mft 8:45 WMknithu I 8:30 WMk•ncb Ctlildrt11 Wer 12 f rtf U.ltss Meted THE \10\ IL YOl "l.L \\ .\:'\T l'CI TFI I .\I.I. Y<>l H '.';Ll<;HBOHS :\BOl I . The etory of a boy suddenly alone in the world. The m en who challenge .him. And the girl who h elps him becom e a man. MlCHAt:I. r.ncu:v INTEllNATIONAL ... CAMBRIOOE rtu.s-.m;oF'P BllllROWE.~ (lf:()R(;f: MllJ.ER-..-KIRK llOUGIJlll • JAC:J( THflMl'!IUN,. '"""'i "Tlltl MAN FROM SNOWY IUV•:R" TOM IUKl.INSON • 81Clkll) TllOKNTON • IAllUtAINI-! BAYLY .. _. .... _,.A t1 r·t1ANJ(l '1rAi ~:R.'l(lN .. _,. JOllN lllXCIN _. ,RllO Clll, t'Ul.t.EN • ~• • r. -.~Ml( UAP.I. f.OCL£Y _. IMON WINC't:K "-llRIJl'P. ROWIJINI) -... o&Ol'f RllltliOWt:!l 1-m.oRo.: Mll.U:K ~-·---.i W~~I Ill ,,... ........... .,.......... ~,_..._,.,, ....... _ .............. __ • , • ....,r-_ _.. ......... . IJecemb r tiin /Or r 11 tio11 on Coast theater for 1982 GOllll 011 lllDGI BY CtiARLES H. OOREN AN O OMAR SHARIF By TOM TITUS 01 ""' 0.11, f'llol "•" Tltt• l'llllllng ul l>t'\'l'll\11<•1 .. 1w1.1b ..... II ll.1,, Ill this t•olunrn for 1lw IM:.I 17 y1•,1r:-., .1 111111• 1111 H0rlt~:l1Un ulong 1tw On111g1· C'11,1'1 foulliHhl 11 11111 .md an W•M'SSl11l'lll 111 t ht• df1't'I' 11f lt v111g tlll'.111•1 1111 the populm·1• uv1•r tlw rap11tly d1:.11p1.>1.·111111g y1·111 StullStil'ally spt•ak111g, Hiii:! was uh111"1 11 11111"10:· 1111 a g 1 · u f I ~ 8 I w 1 1 h 1 lw ,. " a 1 · 1 11 u 111 I H • 1 u f profl•ss11m,1l prudul·t1111" C!!•I pl't-.t•n11.J .ind Jll'.'>I 11111· f1·W<'r 1•ommu1111y theull'r :.huw (!>ti) thun 1 .. ,1 :-•1•.11 But thl'Y probubly pl.1y1·d 111 111111'1' p1..·upl1· '1111·1• t'\'OOumk l'Undiuons frn n'<I m;111y 1h1•111l•1·g111·r, 111 i.t'\.•k 1tw1r slagl' dt•hght:-. duwr lo huni1• Ttw prus South l'o<1:-.1 H1·1x·l'l111 y :111d tlw two d1nn..·r playhouse.•:., S1·1>.l!'>t1a11·, W1•:.l a11tl 1h1• I larll"qUln uCCt•n•d wdl hala11i:1•d Sl'•!.'>111\:. w11h M·e111ingly mon· t hu11 tht• us1111I n11npl1·1111•11 t 111 "go)dl·n oldtl·s." Tlw <'fl•,11n of till' l'l'Op puppc;d up m11r1• ofl<•n than not 1111 SCH's S1't'1md StJg1•, wh1d1 1•mbark1'<I on an enlln• '''ason of w11rlJ pr1·m1l'I'' l11r 1!:182-H:~ Till' Clu:-;s of 198:! on thl· S1'\·ond Stagl' 111ducl1•d sut'h riv1•tmg dramas as "Bod1t•s" :rncl "Brotlwr'" a11J th1· outs tanding mus 11·al satin• "Ct>m1ng Attrat'llllll~" A pair of ll'si.l'I lights. "Ttw Blu<xl Knot" .md "Th<' Mun Who Could St•1· Through T1ml'." still posst'SSl'd a d1•gn •t• of appt·al On thl• mainstagt'. lhl' sµ<'t'lal'ular "ll1•111·y IV . Part I " shan.J top honurs with "Tlw D1v11ll'rs" for the Costa M l•sa thl•uH·r ·, mo~t mt·nwrablt· produt·t10 11 , with "0:.i" a dt>St• th1nl Hounding out the· y1•u r Wl'l'l' thl'!!l' attrat'llVl' s hows ol ll'SSl'I' Dudley Moore got•s dl"tu11atic HOLLYWOOD (AP) -Dudley Moon • will play a symphony (·ondut·tur who bc<·onws ins;.1m•ly jealous whl•n he susJX>t'IS his bl'autiful young w1fl• of carrying on with a handsomt• v1oltn virtuoso in the muvll' "Unfaithfully Yours" Naswss1a Kinskt, who 1s 21. swrs as h1~ w1fl• T he roll' of her susixx·ted lovl•r has not been l'ru;I. INTERMISSION lllll'l'flll•'llt I ' "'1'111 l'l.1\ ·,th• l li111g. "'1'111l\I"" .111d "/\II 111 f ,1v11111 S1111I Nu ' Ohl 111Ui>ll't1I' p111v1d1•d tl11 • .. 1111 .. 1.11111• 111 till' !!Ill:! ,.,,.,1-..111, holh .11 S1•l1w1u.111', .111d 1111• I lw lt•q11111 \\1th "S11111h l'.wil11 ." '"l'tw 1'11 ,111•, 111 111•111.1111•1·" .111d "f1111 .1 11 · .. H.1111huw " 1t·.111111·d .11 1h1· S;111 <.'l1•111l·1111· '"''"' pl.1u· .111d "l\h•1•t Mt• 111 St Lrn11," 11 I l.1111•1111111 h1ghl1ght l\dd1t11111.dly, I\\ 11 111'\l.l'I n1u..;11<il"' c"C:1·11rw· M " nl SC'ha..;\w11's u11d "Sug.1r" at 1111' ll.11 h 'lflllll) ft.11.'U"'d tlll Vllll1tgt• lh1·1111•' 1\111111\g tlw 111111111111111y lllt'alt•1s, 1111' L.1gu11.1 l\lt1ult1111 I 'l,1y h11u" .11111 tlw N1•w p111 t l 1.11 liut 1\1 t111' 'l'l11 ·:.t1 ·1 prov1•d th1 · mo't 111n11v1111v1· with 111111· 111 tlw g1.·1111•1:. Ill On1ng1· County 1w1•11111·n·s, l1v1· (111 N1•wp11r1 .111d four lur Laguna Add1111111all y. l111tl1 l'<lllll' up \ulh .1 \\11rld 111'l•1111u 1• "Tho 111h1ll" ,11 J.agu11 ... 1ml "\Vh1•n tlw Bough lkt·Jk.," hv 1h1• Stop-<. ;,1p 11 nup•· ,1\ Nt·wport l l,11 hor Anw11g th1• 11th1·r 101.•;il pl11yh11U:o.t''· th1• Nl•w poi l 'l'lll'ali•r Art' l'l•111t•1, lrv uw l'1111l111L1111lv Thl·•1t1·1 and I lu111111g 111n l'll'Olt'h P1.1.Yh1JUM· 1·nd1 111uunll'<I two 1,1un1y pn·tnll'fl'' wh1l1· tlw rt•'t. ...,.JVt· 101 the W1•,11111nstt·r l'11mniun 11v Tht•u11·1. iJ<hl1·d ti 1 ll' Vill' h For tlw 1·1ms1an1 playgm·r. till' µroblt·m ol "doubl111g up" am1111g till' 1·11m111un1ty gn1up' wa~ \'1rtuL1lly nun-1•x1~h'nt Only or11• pla), "l>1v1si11n S111•l0t" .11 ()11th N1·wpor1 I larh111 anJ Lagun,1. wa' Pl 111.IU<:l'd lllt>rt· than Olll'l ' In ;.ub,t•qu1.•n1 w1•1·ks . Urn, l'Olu11111 will l1J<.·us 11wn· d11s1·l:-.-on th1· 1111pael o l ltX·al th1•alt•1 dw·rng Hiii:! N1·x1 Fr1d:.1v':. t•olumn will bi• tl1•vou~l 111 tht• 1111·1·1· prof1·M.1onal thi·all'r~. while-th1· I>•·<" 17 offl'nng will t.·hrun1d1• the· ,1•:.isons ol tlw Ill t•1mm1unl1y plciyhuust•s Tlwn. on Chnstmal> Wt•l·k. th1• D..itl v Pilot's· d1't1ngui...h1·d produ1·11un' and pt·rlurnt.tnl·;~ o n tlw llllllllllm11y ll•vl•I will Ix· hon11n'tl. culm111at111g 111 thl.' ann11unt·1°ml0nl of thl• newsp•1p1•r's 10th annu.11 rnan <ind won1an of lht• y1·ar in th1•a1t•I'. PVZZLI ASK OMAlt ~. -W• had a •lran1e M · queou the othrr nl1ht that provoked muth dh1e11HIH. The auC'Uon procreded all follow11: North •~ut I+ l'aw11 :J . l'a1111 4. .. .... ~outh 2 NT 3 T ? I dtcldt1d that my partner had a llUb·minlmum opening bid with a lon1. broken tlub .ult. Since I had only a doublt1lon club, I elected lo pH•. Wt1 made all 13 trkk8, admittedly with the help of a flne111e. But .. we 11hould cer· tainly have bid at leHt a llmall 1lam. May we have your comment a? -It. 1.un• qui1n, Milwaukee, Wl11. IThlli que11tion hu bu n awarded the weekly prize.I A.-Thert· arc u numb<'r ol au1·11on., that sound w('ak but \\hu·h are actually fore in!( 'iOml' are probt"> for th<' right game, ot he" for <;lam. Your Ulll'tion wa'i one ol them. · I.N's consider your <"aS1'. for u moment. after you ha('! n •bid three no trump. your side was in game. ll is not logic•ul to think that partner has a hand which would not yield nine tricks in no trump. hut \\ h1rh woul1I 11roduct' t•JC 111·1h 10 trt<'ki. 111 11 c·lub <·c111 tn11·1 . lllddlng 111 nQt thnt 1•x 11rt! II 1111rlnt•r'1j h11nd wu, '" unbul11nr1•d that ht wai. prc•pun·d tu play only in dub~. hl· l'Ould 11lmply hllVl' 1·onvur11•U to fivt' clubs. In 1HNtd. ht• hiu chu-.c•n 11 lower approaC"h. Whv'! l'orl nn must hu Vl' u good hund with a gluring weuk nl''l.,, 11rohahly 11 doubll•lon Berauiw of 1 h,1t ht• cunnot a k for llC'I'~. ln .. 1end, four club ui;k11 partner to initrnte 11 cul' bidding 1itt111 ~nn· to 1·hc·c·k un controli;. Hcre'11 a hund that North might havl' for tht' ub11v1• uucuon: •u '.7 AJ9 Ox +AKQuu lJt•i.pi It' l ht• fot·t that North ha" only !11 poinlb in high card'i, slam i'> a distinrt probability. llowever, if Nori h launchl's in Lo Alack wood and find& hii, par;tncr with only OOI' ace, he might bt' forcl'd into i.1x clubs und find Lhut thl' dt'fl·n~e can cush two tricks in spades. Or he might initiate a SiKn·off in five no trump nnly to find that a slam is unbeatable. llt:re' another example. This tim" North'~ bid sounds like a '>iKn off wh(•n log'icully it simply orfi>ri. (I choi<'e or gamf''>: South North I (I I • 2 NT 3 • I k11uw a lot or pt·oplt', l'Vt•n .. om .. vt•ry fine play,·r~. who would ron-.lder thal NQrlh 11 !ihow1111( a wenk hand with a di~likfo for no trump I don't bl.'lit-vt• thul anyonl' i11 good t-nough to know that his hand will m3kc· 1•xartly ninC' trickll In spnrh·i., not Len, nor t'ighl or ntnt· ut no trump. It ii; mort• logtcal to pl11y that lhti • hid offor a r hoire of Lhret' no trump or four spadt•s ltS the final contract. It could even tw Lh1· firl!it move in a slam· going auction where North wanti. lo set the trump suit • before initialing a cul' biddinK sl'c1uen.ce. Send any que•tlon1 for thl1 column to: Charle• Goren and Omar SharH, care of tit11 new1paper. Each week • prize of a COPf of tile new "Goren'• Brkl1e Complete," a 19.95 v-1ue, will be award· . eel for tlae q•HtJon Juqed the be1t received., Charle• Goren aad Omar Sharif pe u onally cannot undertake to an1wcr all que1tlon1 tubmltt.d. 'l'Ofil:'l'lll:IC \I TDDAT'S CIDSSIDID *BARGAIN MATIN.IES • Monday thru Saturday 1 1-:un \HU~ ( 1'1:u \ ( '·' 11.n ACROSS Sco1 meal 32 One or any food 1 Hobos 77 Hard melal 142 Heavy 33 Luc1ler 94 fllasPerate 5 Fragrant 78 Res1ra1n swells 35 Helm 95 Wald animal wood 80 Flee 144 English pos111on 97 Short 1acke1 10 lncllne 81 USMAgrad essayist 38 Stairs 98 Atlas abbr 15 Counts 82 Woman's 145 V1s11or ot 39 See 105 99Wed calories robe. of a sort. Across secretly 20 Conclusive yore tor short 41 Ols1om tOO Luxuriant 21 Nimble 83 Make 146 Concerning 43 Desserl 102 Oteter's 22 Small beheve 147 Lyne muse Cl\01Ce dishes candle 84 Nolton 149 At home 44 Antenna t03 Hotel 23 Entrance 86 West· 150 Exclamatton 46 Compact feature 24 As1a1tc nver ward -I 152 NFL 1ally SIOfy 107 Compass 25 Pronoon 87 Metnc 153 Rue de 48 T etephone point 26 Shot Size measure Pau1 user 109 Cornered 27 Jolson 88 Far down 154 At no 1tme 49 Sign ol as game 28 Dwelling 89 Tropical 156 Members ol mourning 113 Daybreak 29 Pari ot a Qt lru1ts a W Nager-50 Assistants Comb torm 30 Helm 93 Forest home 1an tnbe 51 Sulltce 114 Tear away pos111on 95 Take place 157 Epic 53 Send back 115 Gra1tty1ng 3 1 Reproached 96 Appeared 159 -on 54 Fine silk 116 Singes 34 Against 10 1 Sagacity encouraged 55 Behind in 118 -. shucks! Prefix 102 Cavalry 161 Spelts paying 120 Furnaces 36 Bushy sword 162 Have faith 1n 57 Digraph 122 Belore, to dump 103 Legal lerm 163 Newlywed 58 Glossy Byron 37 V1hty 10A Colonize 164 Sign lubtng fabric 123 Enamored 40 Leglslattve 105 Abbr on a 59 Endure 125 Trumpeter bodies city map DOWN 61 Scarlett's perhaps 42 Sobber 106 Exists I Sacred home 126 Transm1t1ed 44 Cared !or 107 Lampoon book 63 Robin's again 45 Lucky 108 Kiln 2 Back Prel1x companion 127 Nearly number 110 Thus 3 -and 64 Empire 129 Heavy 47 Force 111 Forward papas S1a1e Abbr hamme< 48 Abandon 112 Sesame 4 Rained and 65 Baseb'au 130 ttaltan 49 Bounder 114 Rents again snowed glove queen 52 Certain 115 Dtlhcull 5 Car lor hire -66-0erlt-bf<>Wn 1,J1 Famous sang le QU8Shons 6 W Alncan butterflies 132 Al 's neigh· 55 Ventilate 117 Briel tnbe 70 Greek 1e11er bor 56 Add to snoozes 7 Charlie s 7 1 Plains Ind•-13J Noggin tops a letter 119 Tokyo's old pnncess ans homes 134 Choir v0tce 57 Donkey's name 8 Winged Var 135 West hem•· cousin 120 Thal man 9 Eases, as 74 Current sphere area 60 Disorderly 121 Art. tn pain 75 Car style 137 French tight old Roma 10 Declares 78 Frock article 62 Prying bars 122 Shade 11 Work hard 79 Irish poet 138 Actress 63 Intelligence providers 12 Footless 82 Dtgn1l1es Terry 65 Castle ditch 2 words animal 83 Hebrew 139 Peruse 66 Paid notlcii 124 Tiny 13 One ot 1he teller 141 Maori sub- 67 Rough lava 125 Whiskers Bea11ys 85 Plural tribe 69 Ancient 127 Exist IA Attends to ending 143 Lone per- Gauls 128 Playing 15 Scoops 86 Customs lormance 70 Gambler's groups 16 Rapl 88 Menu item 148 Robot exploit 130 Dominates. 17 Chicago 89 Sew loosely drama 71 Palm Illy •n away train 90 Pretended 151 Dress 72 Cl\ine5e 133 Dress folds 18 Taut 91 Gree!\ border pagoda 136 Olll1eld 19 Spmted letter 155 Lelt-hand 73 Lustroos worker horse 92-Vellow dye page iewe1s IAO Finds 20 Watch ptent 158 A Derek 76Walerlall t 4 I Break last ribbons 93 Provides 160 Travel SEE' CLASSIFIED SECJION FOR ANSWERS Orange Coast Gook book ·. .... ---------~- Coming Dec. 8 In the l1ily Piiat · All P1rtorm•nca1 belo11 5:00 PM lflcttll Specill Ellflflllllfltl 11141 HllMllJSI "T .. E MAN F"OM SNOWY .. IVEfl" tMc .. , ............ . "THE HOUSE WHERE EVIL DWELLS" 1., u: ... t:.• .. --.......... "CREEPSHOW" 1•1 IN OOlaY , ............ \Al LAKEWOOD CENTER WALl<·IH "THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK" 1,...1 • ,... DOU• lftM.O . ._... ........... I "AN Of'FICER ANO A GENTLEMAN".., ta ............... "THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK" IMI .._... ____ _ locullf ot CotlCll••OO<I 213/531·9510 "THE HOUSE WHERE EVIL DWELLS" 1•1 ......... , ...... , .... "VICTOR/VICTORIA"'"' t ta•••• "MONSIGNOR"'"' tt::• ................ "ARTHUR"eoo1 .......... .l _______ _ LAKEWOOD CENTER SOUTH WAI• IN k>Cullv At Del Nno "THE MAN FROM SNOWY RIVER" !NJ ta:tm..aa.a. ... ,. .. "THE :::::~-:-2-.1-A1-.--..---------- MASSACllt:" l•l -....--.-.... .,:..;.--~t •o·.., ltl.,f!:ta. .. "CREEP SHOW" 1•1 --.---.-~ ... rAClflC IHlAUH OlllWf·lll SWAt MUIS lllllC• fOOJ• IUCI& -&lf-9 lltf N Y Al ANAHEIM DRIYf.111 HARIOR l lVO ORIV(·lll 6 CMIANlll DIUYE·lll I 4111 fO l ,. l•fUIDlt I ltl*OA1 ,_,, ru111-c $U"°''* u AMM11• ,,....,. )It• 01110 °""' o.., ~ •• '• 1111-sen 1 o 'JI. t•l'OIHAMT MOTICl! CllllOllllN UHlR It flllU! --·-"'°""'°""'Ml••··--·"'·· Clllf.ll -·~..-CM -IS.,.,_ -t• loO NII CM -Wiii< OomOtl ClUllll'I l'QlflDI -IM" II# l'lll1lllU l•AU c.l.fl -m .... - ... ~ ...... ! .... ANAHEIM DRIVE·IN h•••or ti ot le"'°" st 179·tHO "THE HOUIE WHLllE fVll DWllll" 11'1 -"FOllCEO YUtGEANCr 1•1 Cllot Pl toUIOO 8UI NA PAltll BUENA PARK DlllVI IN ltfttOff"I ~ .. We• Of l noM 121~70 "...,iNA l'A'-'111 LINCOLN DRIVI IN l.ncoin A•• ••••Of I N)" 121-4070 l ~·· ..... FOUNTAIN VALLEY ORIVf IN so .. 0.-1,.,., o''"'°'"""''so1 H2·2411 "E.T."1N 1 -"BRONCO atLLY" ire1 CMll- LUNCH WAGON Ql .. LS" 101 .... "THE CHEERLEADERS" 1•1 C.lt-!NI A •"•a LA HABRA (>Wt~f IN .,,,.. ........ _._ ,,.. ...... 17MMI ... C•lllll- "CflEEPIHOW" 111.1 -'*0 ".-, "THE MAN ,llOM SNOWY IUYEll" COOi -·T-aANDfTI" "lHS MOUll WHEllE fY"-DWILll" 1•1 -"FOllCfD VINOIANCI'" (Ol C....h- -· .... So OI .o.-c;.-•·-1 91·369l "FIRIT Bl.000" ce1 -"MAD MAX"1111 Ctotfll-11"1 t "l'AIT TWll AT lllDOUIOWT -1·1 t, "ZAl'l'ID" 1111 l "THI LAIT AMllllCAlf ~-­Olll .. _ MT .. ltOUM ""'"' IYll~LS"lf'I "l'OllCIO YINOIANCI" C•I ORANGE ""'" t ,,... kn .. AAQ ff'WW •1-c-.e .,,. .. 1 "FIRST BLOOD""" -"MAD MAX"tt11 . ' MISSION lllll'vt IN . . _ ... __ _ . . . WA'1Nf'1 It~'"' •N ·-· .... -........ -' 0 •fMS THAI CHHtlAW MAllACMM till -"Al.Dita .. TMS OAMC".-1 MY FAVORITE YEAR ... ..• H11 hlthet\ ~ ""~' .. "*"°'Y H11 ~· MOllW'9 on 111 \••·t '9'~Atf[)IU(''1 ,..,.M(llllP ~'4((,' ' k ~ ri1.-..r.. •l'IO lf~()1'S0t• m .,..,._rf •• '• t .. .. 14.o f •• "FAVORITE YEAR" '"' • 30, 10: 10 SAT/SUN LU, 1:30. 10:10 edwards CINEMA CENTER ..TEX" HAllOR AT ADAMS, COSTA MISA FRI. 1:15 MESA YEIDICENTH 979-4141 SATllUH. 1uo, 4:31, a:1 "MY FAVORITE YEAR" Alto •I: Edward• Huntington 141-G311 Edward• M. V .. lo Mell 4M-t220 Edwerde 8. C-1 Plue s.M-2711 "TEX" ALSO AT: Eft .. dl C.,,_a WMI ,,,._ , __ v-, E ........ ._, E ........ ......... En--c-t~ .,._ ... ,_ .,_ ,.,_ -tfM •~I~ ll~j IE m •l·jlrRllfl~·lllU·ll llf.'11 llll~'IJ ·IWl~l~·llllmt•l·•ll• M~ Mil~ ~l I lli 1 1 mn~ l.HI~··~ n Ull •I lll·lll ft• 1 -~ .... Jl!.!4 ---STARTS WEDNESDAY---... MllWI 8'tl Pia/a S21 ~UI C81Tl•U £ llw•rO\ C1n,,111 S•6 l101 COITl•U (clwlt0$ Soulll Cont Pla11 U& 2711 ll TIM £clwlt0$~~ H t 5110 1111-----I MOANINO 1:00 I INT£1¥ACE GENE SCOTT THREESCORE MOVIE * * * "Nk:holu Nlellleby" (1947) ()ere!( Bond. Cedric: HatdWk:U (H}MOW • • • '-\ "The Howling" (1981 ) Dee Wallace, Patrick Macnee 5:11(f) WHAT'8N07 1;30 8 FOA OVA TIMES "A..a It For Yourlelt" In ~bratlon ol Nallooal Bibi• Week. Douglas Edwards !ootts at the wort. and COflee(na 01 the lay· man's National Bible Com· mlttee and the American Blble Society (f) AOllERT SCHULLER cm NEW STARS IN THE NF\.GAl.AXY MatQUI Allen Ind Kenneth Sims are among the rOOk- les profiled In this IOOk at the NFL'a potential SUP8f· 1ta111. (S)HOLLYWOOO Hollywood reporter Bill Harris pr--.11 up.-cloae reports on the people and events which are mllklng news In the produclfon and glamor cepltal 01 the moorie Industry. 9MOVIE ***'.\ "The last Tycoon" (19761 Robe11 OeNlro. Jeanne M0teau 11:46. CHRISTOPHER CLOSEUP CZ) CINEMASCOAE 1:008 CAPTAIN KANOAAOO • MUSIC AHO THE SPOKEN WOflO 8 CAMPUS PAOflLE: VIEWPOINT OH NUTRITION "Pollutlon And Diet" : GuMta: Audrey Landers. • Yoshldlde Hag1wara, a : leading phumaceutlcal : scientist In Japan: Dr Yuuo, 1 researeh blolo- : S'·~OUTH ANO THE :ISSUES '(f) SUNDAY MASS l ~~AOOM SUNDAY MORNING !!1J OIAECTIOHS , CS) WACKY WORLD OF JONA THAN WINTERS Guest: Geotge Kennedy. CZ)MOVIE * * * * .. Animal Cracll • ws" ( 1930) Marx Brothels, Margaret Dumont 1:30 D SEREHOIPITY • A08EAT ~ULLEA OAOWINO YEARS fJ VOYAGE (f) CHICAOOlAHO CHUAqi HOUA • SPEAKOUT <!:I SPECTRUM 9 AOAICUl TUAE U.SA CID EMMET OTTER'S JUG-BAND CHAISTMAs Filty MW Muppets are Introduced In a llean- warming alory about the love betw8«1 an otter mother ana her aon. @ OH THE TW£L TH DAY The f1vorlle Christmas carol is brought to the llCl'8«1- (S)MOVIE * * "The Shogun Warri-or.: Oenguard Ace" ( 1981 I Animated 7:001 TOOAY'8 AEUG10H THAr8CAT UTTlE RASCALS ff 18 WN 1191 KENNETH COPe.AHD (!) TARZAH I ~ Ol8COVEln' WOOOPECKER AHO FAIEN08 I YOGA FOft HEAL TH PU8UCPUl.SE 8 SUNDAY MASS • BJCUO STREET IN'T8T CHURCH (C)MOVIE ** * "Quo Vlldla" (1951 Aobet1 T aylO!', Oeborllt Kerr. cm THE MARVELOUS 1.AHOOFOl Some 'IW'I fernlllw lnhabl1 • ent. of the lend of Oz help • young boy end his wood- en friend In this filmed ... production by the Ctllldfen'1 ThMtre Com- r:ioJ:'Y~ • WHme AHO THE 1-.or:=., TV .. LOOt<8 AT l.IANMQ I LLOYD OOllVIE THE~ TOMOMOW ®MOVIE **'-' "Metch Of The Wooden Soldln" (1934) a..i laufel, OllllW Hardy. .MOWE •*** "Animlll Cr8dl· .... (1930) Mltll Bfotherl, Mwger9t Dumont. 7:41(J)MCMe **'A "Slcldoo" (1881) Jedele OllMon, Oroueho ..... HO I IUNDAY MOflNMi TMelSTHEUR Carol Burnett i · urpriNt•d to S<'f' Heverly . ills as hos t Mont y lla ll looks on clurin~ h.11•ing of HAii Star Purly for Carol Hurawll .'~ lo lw uin•cl on <.:hanncl 2 tonig ht ut H:OO. D POPEYEANO FRIEND6 8 PEASOHAL DIMEHSIONB I LLOYD OGILVIE RAWHIDE CARTOONS ELECTRIC COMPANY ~ LET THERE BE LIGHT l!I JEBAY FALWELL 8 REX HUMBARD m KENNETH COPELAND 1:30 D OOYSSEY Jay and Jean Abarbanel. Temple lsaleh, discuss me annual "CelebraOon ot Jewish Art", photograp/lef' Biii Aron, calligrapher Rosene w .. se1. the Sikh Sharma Brothers present "The Good lite Dream" as pan of the PllOl>le's Cel&- bralton ot Peace In the Park. San Femando Valley Interfaith Council, Rev Larry Hixson, Church World S«vloe I PEOPLE7 MEETING TIME AT CA~VAKV I FREDERICK K. PRICE ELECTRIC COMPANY I THE LAHAYES KHOW YOUR 818LE MOVIE * * "Golng Apel" ( 19611 Tony Danza. Jessica Wal- ter 9:00 D MEET THE PRESS 8 BEST OF A.M. LOS ANGE.LES e CJ) OAAl.. A08ERTS (!) QSCO KIO ' &3 SESAME STREET (R) i CAUFOAHIA WEEK IN REVIEW (II IT IS WRITTEN m WOALO VISION MOVIE • • '.\ "loao, The Gay Blade" ( 1981) George Hamllton. Lauren Hutton (Q)MOVIE * 1t 'h "H11dty Working" (19811 wry ~s. Susan OllY9r. 9-.30 IJ FACE THE NA TIOH D NFL '12 -Wit" Len .. rmen fJ DAY OF DISCOVERY (}) LONE AANOEA • THEWORU> TOMOAAOW Qi) THE LAWMAKERS CJ) NFL TOOAY 9 KENNETH COP.El.AND ft NFL '12 (i} =-BER PREVIEW ***'.\ "La ~ VIie" ( 19611 Mercello Mutrolen- nl, Anita Ekberg 10:00 8 NEWSMAKERS 0 NFL FOOTaALL -San Diego 11 Cleveland • UOV'I£ * * * "Glllllver'1 Travels" ( 1939) Mlmeted 8 ATTHE MOV& Roger Eber1 ind Gene Slslcel review "The Send· er" and the "1tlnkw of the week.'' U HERALD OF TRUTH Cf) MOVIE • • "Dangerous Money" ( 19'61 Sidney T o1er. Gloria Warren. I REX HUMBAN> CARTOONS THE LAWMAKERS CorrHpondenll Lind• W*'1helmer and Collle Roberts Jo1f1 PloUI Duke for en up-to-t•mlnute sum- mery ol Congr .. 1lonel e'cthlitlel. I~ MlnnHOI• Viking• 81 Mleml Dolphin9 8 HR. FOOT8AU. San Diego Char98fl at Cleveland Browna ~=KAPlAH * * "Improper Cllannel9" (1981) Alan Atkin, Marlette Hartley. (J)MOVIE *** "9 To 5" (1990) J-Fonda, Dolly Parton. DMOVIE "The Gathering" (1978) Ed Aaner, Meut..i St~on. 10:30 I INTUW'ACE TAU< AllOtlT P9CTUN8 8 9 IQTOFKI08 AM PfOPlE TOO 0~11: Shelley Duvall. Phllllp McKton. •Inger Aoclly Burnette. ~IC 8'1ter1elner Ted Karmllo- vlch. (A) • ~ICHUU.EA m JERRY FALWELL ID CALIFORNIA CONGRESSIONAL REPORT Qi) WALL STREET WEEK "Rocky Mounllln High" Guest. Thom11 Balley, president, Janus Funo. m CALVARY CHAPEL (O)MOVIE • •'h "Room Service" ( 1938) Mera Brother1, Lucille Bait 11:008 MOVIE • * * "Thot Touctl 01 Mink" (1962) Cery Grant, Doris Dey ti) MOVIE * * "Star Pilot" ( 1970) KIA Morns. Gordon Mitch· ... &3 MASTERPIECE THEATRE "To Serve Them Alt My Oeys" The new headmas· ter taunchet 1 campaign to rl<I the schOol of wnat he thinks -a "networit of unhealthy lrlend1hlp1," (Pert 8)0 Qi) HuM'ANITIES THROUGH THE ARTS m RALPH WIU<ERSOH INTERNATIONAL AOUAESKATINO FAOM PEKlHO Dorothy Hemlll performs end co-hos11 with Greg Lewis ln en •ll·lllr eahlbl· lion tea1uring Jo Jo Star- bucll. Toiler Cranston Ind John Curry, as well as emetflU( sl<atera hoping 10 rec>r_,I Chine In the '64 Winter O!vmolcs 11:30 8 @) THIS WEEK WITH DAVID BAINl<l.EY fJ TERRY COLE· WHITTAKEA (f) MOVIE * * 1t'h "Midnight Laco" (1960) Doris Oay. Rei Har- riS011. m CHUACH IN THE HOME 61) HUMANIT1E8 THROUGH THE ARTS MOVIE * * "Hooky Tonic Free- way" ( 1981) Wiiham Devane. Beverly O'Angelo AFTERNOON 1~1 THRU8TOOO • SEAACH MOVIE * • • "Tiie For1une Cook· le" (1966) Jie* Lemmon. Welter Matthau. • GREAT PEMOMtAHCE8 "The Chartemouse Of Par- ma" The~ Gina S1naevlfln1 mtkn the ulllmate MCrtflca to MCUre the pwOon of .,., ~ FabrtrJo and then leeves Parma for-. (Part 6) G UNOE.RSTANOINO HUMAN BEHAVIOR "Peraonallt)' Tae11" 6'D MOVIE ••~ "Flrat Love" (1939) Deanna Durbin. Aober't Stadt. ©)THE MARVELOUS LAHOOFOZ Some ll«Y famlllet Inhibit. anti Of the land of Ch help • young boy and hit wood· en friend' In lhl1 lllmed II.age production by the Chlldren'• ThMtrt Com- ~and School. (I) ERNIE KOVACS: Tn.EVlllON'8 OAIOINAl OENIJ8 JOhn Barbour hoete a trlb- uta to Ernie KOii-. 1he lechnlcal artist reaponaible lor the evotu1lon Of I...,.. lion comeoy: 9180 IMlured •• Int.,...,. wl1h Jedi' Lemmon, Chevy Ch- end st-Allen. DMOVIE * • * "Nutor11eker Fania· rt" ( 1179) Anlmetld. Vole- .. of Mlctlelle L.. and ChrlltOPh« Lee. 12"~8 NR.T~Y 8 WAU.8TMET JOUMAL MPOM" D WILD, WILD WORLD OFANUM.8 "DMdly Atnc:an Snalt•" Deftl\M, 111adl encl c;am. OY"'Ot method• of v.noua .. ~ .. .,,... .. , lndudlng the oobta, py1hon, mambe Ind °''*"• .,.. 9llMllned. • UNOIMTANOING HUMAN EtAVK>R "AbnOnnal ~" I ~ ..,._......, ____________________________________ ___ ••IA "Tap1" (1t811 George C. Scott, TlmOthy Hutton. CHANNEL LISTINGS e KNXT ICBSI e 1<Nec INBCI • KTLA (Ind.I • KABC (ABCI e KFNIB !CBSI e KHJ·TV (Ind I • KCST (ABCI e ICTTV 11114.I •• l<GOP· TV (Ind.) e KC£T (PllSI e ICOCI (PISI '·· t 0 On-TV II l ·TV (HI HBO C:I (Clnem1al IWORl NY., N.Y @ 1\f(TBSI (l l IESPNI ,., (Sllowtl~) • Spotlloht • (Gabl• Nt W\ Nttworkl (l)MOW • • "OMd c.rt" ( l t fiJ lcott Antony. . 1:00 • (I) """roc>TaAL1. OtllM Cowt>oyl It Waet1.-11!9ton Recllklne 8 WL FOOTIALL S..ttll s.etlawtl• •• lat A,.._Aeldert • THE MUNITtM A netloftll mt0ulne'1 ~ '** the Muno • .,. -t1ltlr "A-• Ametleefl Famlly." I ONCT10NI _ ... ~. \)UHll liUJI •t Willia. K111tttlt r111J1111I 1•111111y C»lilVlll C.11111111 Ivy 8 AOAM•1t l411d'I OVlrUUIOUI etlampl 81 • 1811 CUlf\Pll eel" 1111 ll•y fOf 1111'11 e11d 1118 l)lWll ... 8 NATUN "I he OitM.<Mll v 01 Animal ~iYlO< N11tur11 My11or ..... An l•ftlilt81IOll ltllO Mlmtll l)<th11vlfit lt\Clud" a IOpll at n>OOern 8'M1111l1llC ,....,Ch en4 I 1e c1 .. 11ofl ot tht WO<k or t31h c.n1urv natu111111 "10fttl'h r tedet IGk If OI tte>Nntr•uteti ID AMfNOAH OOV!AHMl.HT "Inter•! OrOUl)•" I 9PECTMJM t:30 ~ Agarn re1lgn1 from tile Atmy to lollow a be8ulllul ··~ l<tuy gtvea twth to a sor1, Chlcktn O•orge (Ben Vereen). tllher9d by her OWn« who ralNt lighting roo•t«•-(Part 8) (f) MOVIE • * "fhe Su11 Comes Up" ( 19411) Jeen•ll• MIC• OOnald. Lloyd Nolan • ADAM·12 A -• ot et1tc1t1 on 1Mn·9Qe girls calla In Sot 'Gloria Tyler to March tor tilt culprit. ID AMERICAN GOVERNMENT "Government And The Pr ..... (II A VERY MERAY CRICf<ET Anlmeted Al the height ol lhe Chrlatmaa •hopping HHon, the entire popul1· lion or New York City 1top1 In Its traclll to llaten to a crlch t p11y "Siient Night" with Its wings m MOVIE * *'h "Tiit Gel WhO TOOk The West" ( 1949) Yvonne De Carlo. Scoll Brady (C)MOVIE ••• "The ~I F0t K•mc>UChN" ( 1980) Paul MeCanney. The WhO (SJ SHORT PICKS 0MOVIE * * • • "Anlmel 4Cracll· era" ( 19301 Marx Brolhers. Mergaret Dumont 2:00 8 OIWGAH'S ISLANO Mr Howell loses 13,000,000 10 Ollllgen In • puttiflg contnt fJ MOVIE • • 'h "The l<lngllaher Caper" ( 19751 Hayley Mills. Oellld McC1llum • MOVIE * • * "Ju11 For You" ( 19521 Bing Crosby, Jane Wyman. II) MOVIE * • 'h "Mara Meru" ( 19521 Etrol Flynn, Ruth Roman • AMEIUCAN INTEAEST8 ID INfR90UCING 810l.OOY QI RUOOL.Pti'S SHINY NEWYEAR Animated Rudolph travels lo many exotic; lan<la In Nateh of Heppy, the Baby N9w '(-. whoM disap- pearance has Father Time worried. (Al ©)MOVIE * * * "Sllr Crazy" (1980) Richard Pryor, Gene Wiid· er. MOVIE * * * "'Indian LO¥e c.11' ( 1936) Jeannette MIC· Donald. NelSOtl Eddy 2:06 (%)NIGHT OAODY 2:80 8 GILLIGAN'S l8lANO Mr. Howell revl-hit will, INvtng each caat-•y a v1lu1ble piece ol his 11111e. 8-fl'C:>OTS Word ol slave rebelltoos reeches 1he plent1Uon: Chicken George IB•n Ver_..) 11 eenl off to Eno· land to pay hll owner·a debt with lht promlM that he will retum a tree man. (Par19) • Pf&ENT'E "V~: HltPantc wom. en" A dl10Uuionlwl1h pro- ~ Lallna women the l)furll nature 01 their livee It f)t-lld G INTRODUCINO llOlOOY CID 8TANOINO AOOM OHlY "Aid Sktlton Pr-nta Freddy The Freelolder's Chtlttmu Olnnet" Vincent Pnoe end lmoget11 Coe• eo-ater wtth Red Skellon In the story Of Freddy Fr .. load«'• trial Ind lribul•· Ilona aa he 1>11n1 a holldey dlnnet. (%)MOVIE ***"The WMd 0-" ( 1978) Richard Burton, Roger Moore. 3:00. HOU YWOOO CHRISTMAS PAMDE Thi• tredlllonel parade down Hollywood aou.... v9'd fMtur11 • host ol motion pk;1ure. teleltlelon end recording 111r1, merchlng bend• end ~trtan unll1 Oreocl Mlflhal: Aon Howard. 8 PlAYGROUND IN THE SKY The exhllaratlon Of ally div· lnU mes hang gliding .,.. ~lured In a 199Cteculer encl Informative looll II two of America '1 laatee1 ·~ llOlOGY . 9 INTERTMNMEHT • n.-W&Jl lnteMewl Wl1h Oeofoe. 9urne, Waylon Jlnnlrlgt. Kim Newell, Tanye Tuct!er; a r9l)Ot1 on oolllglll• f1tm IChoola. l~THl"'81 llCMTAGINT MOWE * • "The Legend Of The L-Aanofr" (IMO) Kiin• ton ~. Chn91C>PI* LIC>yd, l:IO. AT THI MOYIU "°Ott £'*1 encl Gene ....... r9llltW "0," "Tiie L .. t Ul\lcorn," "Love CNd," "Not A Low 8to-r,•• 8ftd !tit .. ...,.., of .... ...... (!) Lim.I HOUll ON THl'911AM MlrY " ...... .,. plMd ........ °"* '°' -~ 8 DMlll•MHOMI •rBIOM -~ wmcLY MOYll I TUBE TOPPERS KNHt'tll llllO "t'llll'"' A 11.1u111 vl11l t-li.1lll•1.., l '1111d1', pla11x 111111,111 v tilt' v111111i.t '' 11111.111 111• lt.1~ 111111•11 111 luv<• \.Vllh K'l'l .A (~» :t llll "l lc>llywo1xl t'hrt!4lm.1:. I ',11 m.lt ·" T1t1 ... tnul111C11111l p111.1d1• down I l11lly wuud Boult•v.11'<1 fc•.1tu1 1~ a hu:-.t 11( 1nut11111 p1l·tu1 v . h •lt•v1N1u11 uml 1·1-t·111 d111 .: 11lan,. 111111T h111g hanu>. 11ud 1·qUt•:.t11:111 u111t:. H1111 ll11wa1•tl 1:. Cl'llnd Mar:-huJ KN XT (:i!) !J 00 "C11t ll" ul 1 h1 • St.tr:." Th1rty·:O.IX :.1<11:. rl'011\ 11•lt•v1:.1un. film ttnd till' t1Wg1• pt•t (Ol'tlt II Vlll'lt•t y uf dan11g and hl'l•athtukinu lt·11ts from <..'ul'i.nl''i. 1-'al:wt• Ill Las V t·~as, M 1<.'kl'Y H.wttH')' Sl'l'Vt•s 11:. I lllj(llltl~tt·I' • *'A "ZOlrO, The Gey Blade" (1981) G1org11 Hamilton. Leuren Hutton llMOVll! • • I "Tho French LleU· tenant'• Woman" ( 198 ti Meryl Streep, Jeremy lrona. 4:00 I LAST OF THE WILD SUNDAY Location. USC Eye Clinic Goll Beneltl. Palm Springs 8 (fl 1982 COLLEGE AU. AMERICA FOOTBALL SPECIAL D MOVIE • 'A "Dr. Black Ano Mr Hype" (1976) Bernie Cuey, ROllllnd Cuh • MOVIE • • • "l(h1noum" ( 1966) Charlton Heston, L1.urenee Olivier II) MOVIE * "The Van" ( 1979) Stuart Getz, Oeboreh Whlto. ID DESIGNING HOME INTERIOM (I) WEL.COME BACK, KOTT EA •The Sweathogs arond up tor Washington whln' Mr Woodman accusee him of cheating on an exam Qf)MOVIE • • "Killer Foree" ( 19751 Pet« Fonda. Telly Seva· lea '1D COLLEGE BASKETBALL UCI VI. Pepperdlne (O)MOVIE * *'h "Hetdfy Working" (19811 Jetry L-•· Susan Oliver lSJ LNF-A-THOH A comeolan host end tour comic contest1n11 who compete against one another ara tealured In th11 uncensored oomeoy game lhow 4:30 8 MQVIE • * ~ "Yesterday' a Child" ( 1971) Shirley Jones, Claude Akins 8 0 SPOATSBEAT (f) IH~OF ... "P"t l.Nes" • PLEDGE BREM ~~~ gremmlng may be del•yed due to pledge b<ealla Qi) EVERYDAY COOl<ING WITH JACQUES PEPIN "Gratln Permenllef" Jac;q~ Pepin turna lwo Jettover d•Shts Into one elegant matn courM FACE THE NATION MOVIE * * * "9 To 6" (1960) Jane Fonde, Oolty Petton. 4:40. THE VANISHING O&AHTS Loretta Swit narrates a ~twy on tht dan· gars fac:ing the world's whale populellon ano 11ep1 being taken to aid in tl*t sUrvfvat 5:00 8 HAPPY OAY8 AGAIN Font.le takes up the bon· goe to play wlt.h Richie'• band et en Important c:cM1lry Club dance 8 ABCHEWS (!) WALL STAEET JOURNAL~ CID NOAMAH AOa<WEU'S WON.O: AH AMERICAN DREAM A noa1algic look It talcen el the t.le 811111'1 life, wor1t and hometown Of SIOClc· bridge. MNMC""9ell8 CJ) M•A•S•H H•wicere end Hot UPI come "'"°*' '-Y'f 81tillery lire In "*"Y temtory. with Hewk9)'8 ,_iv1ng a leg llrOUfld. (PerJ 2) != ** * "Quo Vedls" (1951) Aobet1 Teylor, Oeboreh t<er'r. MOVIE * * "Full Moon High" (1ff1) Adam Ar111n. Aoz Kelly. 11:06. JANE OOOOALL AHO THE WOM.D OF ANIMAL. eetAVK>R "Tiie Blboonl Of Oombe" n-higflly excllable 8111- mlll c:omf191• ,_OC400l!y for •x. 1errttory end food, vet revwd thelf yOUllQ .. ilCIOUl~I. '"'° NBCN!WS LAVENE a 8HIRl.EY &COl/lf'AHY Setlllng 81~. La..-ne goee to ClllcegO to lry out for • role In "W•t Side Story." I :=ANOIMOH OOM'IJINT'IAL • ~ C/lllHl:'t: TitAT YAMC& DOOOl.I DANDY F'llln cllpt ll'om lllt maior fltme, lnclucMllo .. Atgtlfne, .. lllglllWlt a looll II the ltfe of ,,.... Cagney; ..,..,.. ~ .mi the tctor. hie oollfeOI• Ind 00-11.-. -fiMllnd (I) IONCll °" ii.~ ··~ ""°°"' ~ .. ( 113') Mar11 8rotMr1, Ludla lal. A I'*~ l'CIUP ~to,.......,'" • ..,.., wlltlOut ,.,,.... by tty(ng 10 oonvlnot ,,. fnallagemaftt tlltt IMy ~ ........... • oecr 111• flMYllW ~ .. ,t=" **• "T°'"'" (1921) Cary Or11nt. Con111"e1 Oennuu A morrlod coupl6 become unwllllno ghOat8 111411 being Involved In an IUIO 8"1denl I 70NLOCATtON lHOSE AMAZING ANIMALS FHIUled' WhllOI trained 10 retrieve torpedoes, monarch bUttorflles In N- Vork, Grend Canyon bUr· 101, bird couttllllp, the manecee, 1grtuly111eck FIOHTBACKI ID YES, VIRGINIA, THERE IS A SANTA CLAUS Elghl·year-old Virginia O'Hanlon struggles 10 rnlftrrY• her lellh In the ~rll of Christmas llJ MOVIE • * • v. "Gally. Gally" (1969) Beau Bridge,. Melina Mer• courl. A GOUntry bot learns lhe ways or the city In turn· ot-the century Chleago f&) PLEDGE BREAK Regularly tc:heduled pro- gtemmlng may be delayed due to pledge bruka QJJ EIGHT IS ENOUGH Or Maxwell moves In afte1 a fight With his wlle. Qf)MOVIE • • • "The G1untltt" ( 19771 CJlnl Eastwood, Sondra Locke A oetecllve 11 auigned to 119Cort an uncooperative witness from l.lls Vegas to Arizona tor • key syndlCOIO lrl•l (RI UMOVIE • • "Boardwalk · (1979) Ruth G0tdon, lee Stru- berg An old couple raluse • to leave the neoghborhood they have spent mosr ol their lives In despne urban crime and poor living con· d1tt0n1 Cl:il6 8i) ALL CREA TURES GREAT AHO SMALL "The Lut Furlong" James dlacovers that some larm· 11<1 Ilk• to do their own vetting, although some- times the vet can cure the farmer (Pan 9) 1:30=CONFtRENCE '8COUAT PEOPU TO PEOf'LE ., MOVIE * * • * "Gigi" ( 19581 Meurloe Chovallef, loslle Caron A tomboy being groomed by heir aunt and grand.mother MIS out on he< own to ca1ch 1 men a NEWS (tt)STANOIHO ROOM ONLY "Country Rock '82" The Oak Ridge Boys, The Ctlarlte Oeniets Band end Roaanne Cash pertorm their latest '1111 tn thra be<\• ehl concer1 taped at tnr Pine Blult Convenllon Cen· 18f. ($)MOVIE · * * '"Golng Apel (1981) TOtly Danza. Jessica Wal· '*'· T~ee orangu1en1 hOld lhe purse strings to a S5· million Inheritance PG' 11:35 i NIGHT OADOY 1:00 (I) IO MINUTES Of) NBC REPO*'TS "Batun. The Forgotten Hell" Lloyd Dobyns· 1~u on lhe extent OI man'• lnhumanlly to men In • 111te ot war. focusing on the experlencea of Ame<lcan servlcemln wno turvr\lld the Death March 01 Bataan end Jap- prtson camps cllmng World Wat II 8 0 RIPLEY'S BELIEVE rT OR NOTI fJ MADAME'S~ Med•me cells In Inspector Putr"u to help recovtt her llOlen ponr elt end Plnk8f1on turn• the men- llor\ lnlO 8 tr81ntng camp for the ne><t world Champi- on ())HEWS ID IMOBANO CAVALCADE Bob Croaby, Fre.nkle Cat'le, Mwgatet Whftlng, Freddy Martin Incl other QfNI big bend perf(lfmetl are .... lured In filmed highlight. 01 1 '301 end '40s mutle rev!· VII. ID OAANO£ COUNTY SPORTS SCENE fZ)MOVIE • • "Buddy, Buddy" ( 191 I) Jeck Lemmon. Wal· ,., Metthlll. While an 111deln conctnlr•t• on hll nt•t kllllng. he 11 rudely lnt9'ruplld by • bu"1bllng 1111ure ot • man wtlO la attempting IUlekle 'A' , 7:11. NATURE "Tiit Ollc:overy Ot Anlmll lefla'lllor: In PralM Of God" A fOCUtl on Ille n1tur• lllt" WflO -· llmOr'lg lhe flret 10 etudy anlml.I blhlvlOr. lncludcng John Rey, C'*'-LeRoy end Oelr1" 9#rlngton. Ii pr .. 18'1lld 1:30. VIOICMllONI °' OMHQI OOUNTY (G) NM IAIKITIALl LOI Anglite Lalletl YI ~71trl t:OO. Cf) ALL .. TM PMTY POR CMOL IUMITT V"1efY Clubt In~ ptt819fttl a gall lttM ludd· td PtflY In honOf Of Clfol """"1, OM ot 1118 ~I vtrMt• tel,_ of ..... "4llorl Ind motion l*tUr• •• °"'" A lrlOIC ..,.,., ~ Ponctl'I l)leftt 1o 1MnY IN ~"°"*'flt NI~ llllcMwltfl. • INflRTAM9ff THllWflK ltthl!VllllNI Wltll OttOIQll f1t11111 W11yloo f11m1tt11,ft 1<1111 Novik T111v• f1.1Gker, • rlll)Ort oo ~h.t• mm tKllOOI• 11.11 MAn HOUITOH "iew,..nu. ) TWILIGHT lON Ad1m OrtHll 11 MftltfllC:811 10 Cltlllll In tho 01ec1t111 ,,..u • MOVIE • 1t 'Pao!<, tn I lie Wiklll • "-8 ( 1976) A young tn11n 11r •ve• bltllf COid and 1 ktll&t l._lt ()(I the loo .. In a <J11t~•1• search lot hll IOtt t1ti>l1thet fD NATURE 'f he Olt¢ov.,y Of Animal UehlYIOf In PtlltMI Of God • A 1oeut 0-1 111e 11111ur 111111 Wl\Q -· •ll'IOtlg I he llral lo •tudy 1n1mal bel11v1or. lnc1ue11r19 Jolin A1y. Ch1111(11 LwRoY end D1lne1 Barr1no1on, It pr•· Hnltt<I (CJMOVI£ • • "Honky Tonk Frw- wey" (1981) Wiiiiam Oellllll4t, Beverly O'A~ Though bypassed by 1 new 1u1>41r highway, a atnell Florida town menages to attrecl • motley collection ol ltaYeiefS WflO wind up lhete by ~~t 'PO' (Hl MOVIE * • 1,., "Tap•" ( t981) Ol!Ofge C. Sco11. Timothy Hutton Mllllary achool cedlll teke over their IChOot to prevent pten1 lo tum lhe acadamy PfOQerly Into a condo deve!Ot>menl 'PO' {$)MOVIE ;, * "Buddy. Buddy' ( 19811 J1ck Lemmon, Wiii· 1er M11thau While an 1tsu11ln concen1r1111 on hit next k11t1ng, he Is rudely 1n1errup1ed by • bumbling taltur• ot a ma.n whO Is 111emptlng auk:lde 'A' UMOVIE • • * * "Oliver" ( 1968) Ron Moody, Oliver Reed. A young orphan Is kid· nipped from his new hOml by h•1 otd gang. but man- 8Q411 to escape and 1etu1n to hll t>enelector 8:30 D THE WORLD TOMORROW (f) SATURDAY NIGHT H0111 Fred Wiiia.rd Guests Oevo ID MASTERPIECE THEATRE "To Serve Them All My Oeys" P.J dellH the heedmaste~ when he reluses to give tilm a hit of lludents suspecled ol b_!lng Involved In "llnheallhy frlelldlhlps " (Par19IO m COUEOE BASKETBALL CSU VI. TCU 1:46 CINEMASCOAE 9:00 tJ CJ) CIRCUS OF THE STARS Thltty·llx S111rs trom tetevt· slon, him and the siege pe<torm a variety ol daring end breathtaking leats from Caesars Petace In LU Vtgas, Mk:key Rooney MrVet es dngmastw D QfJ MOVIE * * • ".fn.-Geonltet•- ( 19771 Cfinl EHIWood, Sondr• Lodce A deteollve II aulQned to 81Cor1 1111 uncooperative wllnHs from las Veges to Amona •or • key syndicate rrial (Al I WILD KINGDOM ([I MOVIE • * * "The Jetll" (1'791 S1eve Martin. Bernedltte Pat«• A chronle ecrew-up makea millions on a weird Invention only to lose 11 ell 111 consumer~ eu111 ~~POPOR' --~fWFIH (%)MOVIE •• * "The Wttd Geese" ( 19781 Rtehlrd Burton, Roger Moore A group ol dam10 merceneries trevet1 to South Africa In ordw to save a dep09ed ruler from the,_ dlctatorahlp 'R 9: 10 9 MASTERPIECE THEATRE "To Serve Them All My Oeys" P J. de Ilea th• ht1dmaster when he rlfu-to give him a hit ol atudenrs suspected 01 being ln11olved In "unheelthy lrlendshlps " (Pert 910 9:30 8 W()f(U) OF SURVIVAL JACI< VAN IMPE MOVIE •••',<, "Tiie U\111 Of A Beflgal lenQer" ( 1935) 0 1ry CQOl>8f. F,.nchot Tone England'• Indian· b•led uncera win •fl their b•lll•, no metier Wf\at the odd• (O)MOVIE *'" "EndleM Love" (19811 Brooke Shields. Mllflln Hewitt A 17-year-okl'& obMallve love for hi• 15- yeer-old glrllrleod lted• 10 partntal QOf\ftlcta and 11eg. Id)'. 'A' 9:46 CD 8TAMINO KATijAAINE HEP9UAH Fiim cllpa, MWllMll, 111111 and lntervlew9 hlghlighl 1 two-hour retrosptetl\le on the Ill• end car-01 Katherin. Hepburn. lhr- llme Acedemy Aw1rd wlnnet encl OM of Ameri- C8 'f mott reepecteo anc taittll.0 9C!1,_. 10:001 •• NEWS WON> FOR TOOAY )MOWE * • 'h "CllHCh And C110ng'1 Nie._. OrMma" (ltl 1) Aidlerd "Clleecil" Marin. Th0m8t Chong. fwo '""'•It• pothMdl llPP98' 10 """' found lhelt tt1.M1 calNng 8t they pedd .. Im cr.m on Jhe fl!Mtl of Loa Angelea. "R' (JJ)MOYll * • • "Tiie Wiid OMM" (1171) AIGMrd 8Ufton, "°9f' MOOl'e A group of OerlflO ~ ... lrevtlt to South Afrlcla In Otdet to teve a OepoWCI rvtet from the,_ dle1ator~. 'A' (l)MOYll **1 ... "8o FIM" (IHI) ~ O'NMI, Jecll W•· dtn A IMfy (lollegt pro- Mtor .._ hi• '"""'• floundtrtno 9""*" 1-.CIO- f'/ by llWeflllnO a MW type OfllldlM'i--'A' 10:tD • ..ucTIONI nMOUCIH A .. "8 WI m lfld JUhn l'Mlano 1111d "''° et Laf~ Hall, 11 .,, ..... ,94 10 N • WILD, WILD WOftl..0 MAMMAt.t • WllKIHO 9POMTt Wft»~ I .MllMY IWAGQAAT 100 CLUI MOYtl • • · O.eth ltuut f 111111) Ct1•rlfl Uron11<>n. l .. Mer Vin In lhe 11ll0•, 1 MO\ltl llfl end 1 lron1111 C11t11ln .. V.Bge In Old bellle U CiJlll- 181100 enc:roacn.. on lhe Canedien w1ldlf,_. 'A' 10.411 8 9UNOAY SPORl8 PA.OE 11:00 D D 8 Cll llOl ot NIW8 I AICHAAO SIMMONS IAMYF'A~ "fhe Ouardlan Angelf Frll«d Ot Freud? Ouealt Guar c:t1111 Allgelt tound1• Curll• Sllw•, c 111c1go POl~I CommlS&IQfltl( Rich• erd Bneczet< I JEAAY FALWELL tt.1& C88 NEWS 1 1:20 8NfAI( PAE'llEW8 NNI Gobler 91\d Jeffrey Lyon• review "Ster Struck," "Tirntt S1end1 61111," "Winter 01 Our DrHrnl" and "L'Adole acante " 1 1:30 I 8POA'TS FINAL PACESETlERS ABC NEWS AT THE MOVIES Roger E bttn •nd Gene Sllkel review "O," "The Last Unicorn," "Lov1 Chtld," "Not A Love Sto- ry" end lhe "Slinker ot the week •• ti) AFRICA'S WEEPIHO ... BUT WHO'S USTEHING? Hosts: Cerol Lewtance, Stan Mooneyham Guests: Elrtm Zlmballst Jr • Deen Jona, Wltllam Shalne< ID COLL.EOE BASKETBALL HIGHLIGHTS "Hewell vs. Nebr1ska" (I) 8AARY FAR8EA "The Guardian AngeJ1· Friend Of Freud?" Gueall Guardlen Angels launder Curtis Sliwa, Chicago Police Comtn1ssloner Rlch- erd Brzeczel( QJ) MOVIE * •1.t "In Circumsllntlel Evidence" (19761 R1y· mond Burr. Marie Hamill A once successful lewy« 11 accullld of ceuSlng 1 wit· nesa 10 periure lllmsell • Q!MOVIE • * "The Last Ride 01 The Dalton Gang" (1979) L•try Wtlcox. Jack Pelance. The notorious Delton 1>rot11et1 •r• 1ppo1nted deputies altlf the death ol their law· abiding brother, Frank. (A) (0) NEW DAY IN EDEH MOVIE • • "Dead Can" (1973! Scoll Antony. An am11eu1 jOCkey rlstcs his hie to e11pose a gambling syndl· cete et1empt1ng to It• lhe Bt111Sh Gt1nd NatlOllel 11:35 (CJ MOVIE ••••it "Woodarock" ( 19701 Oooumen1ery Many ot the top muStCel groupa of the la1e '60s perlorm " the famous roc:tc concert held In Bethel, New York, In 1969 11:40 ERNIE KOVACS: TELEVISION'S ORIGINAL OEHIUS John Barbour hosts a trib· ute to Ernie Kovecs. the 1echnical enist 1espons;ble tor the 8YOl\Jt1on ot tetevt- sion comedy, also fellured are Interviews with JllCll Lemmon, Chevy Chase end Steve Allen 11:45 D MOVIE * * "The last Rkle Of The Dallon GW1Q" (1979) Larry Wileo.L_,11ci< Pall~ The notorious OaJloo brothers ere appointed dec>utln lllef the dealh 01 their tew· •biding brother. Frank (R) 8 MOVIE * * * * "An American In Patis" ( 1951) G«M l(elly. Laslie Cuon Musical seore by George end Ira Gerahwtn An Am.rlcen ex.QI finds romence Ind ~lnParls. 11:50 8 MOVIE * 11t I "ONO Heat On A Merry-Go-Round" ( 1969) James Coburn, C1mllle SpaN All« his prllon perote. a con artist gels rlghl bllQI\ to work pl1n- nlng an alrporl bank rob- bery lo occur 1m111lte· neoully with the errlvll of • Aulllan dionlllry 12:00 D 100 CLUB A looll at some wlnt« vacation hot spots. fJ COME LOVE THE CMILOAEH ~II An Unllletter and Cwol Lawrence focus on the hopes, drums and 1Urvtvel ol the world'• chll.- dren, ; =AUMITS Allena rtom the f)lantl Ebon ailed! Earth end talc• prisoner• of -lot lnt«rogatlon. 12:15 MOVIE * * l't "Z0tro. The Gay Blede" (1981) 01org1 Hamlllon. Lauren Hutton. The herOiC...aon Of Old Cell· fOfnle ·1 famou1 juetlee fighter la lncapeeltateo by • rldlnQ lrllUrY. forcing hie foppilh brother to oon ttMt ~ tnd11111k.'PG' • 1Z:JO CJ) TOM COTTLE.: UP CLOM Outet: Victor Borge. • THE M>OKlE9 For•I, a tOllgh CM-cop, tell• 110,000 from Ille -of I rObb«y (I) MOWE * • '.\ "The Oellff'1 Wet>" (1975) Olltle Dore. AndfM MllrCCMccl. A f'UfW '*tiCf to cere lot ttMt per9fynd dlullM• of *" AIMrtcen diplomet btOlr\I to _.,, • ,. 1tr1n11 Influence OV9r ttMt SMOVll • * * "Stir Cra.ry" ( IMO) Rlcflerd Pryor' Gene Wiid- ., Two men -m1at•er1 lot .,.,. rot>bers Ind _,. rue:;. * * • "The Fninot! LJw. tenant'1 Women" ( ltl t) Meryl Slreep, Jer--, .,_ All.,,. ......... IWOactonll ........ 111 ... l'OIMntlO ....... """"' I~!"-two .. parforM. 1:09 Dll-IOOTT OMJlmCllQ.I TM IMOvtltlve muttG of ''"' ..... llUmnl, .,.. ,.,.... OIGer C..110-*- __________________ _, r Otu11vu C..111ual DAIL~ PILOT /Sunday, Ottctm1b r 6, 1982 t;I Wife threatens to kill 'other woman' l>EA H ANN LANIH:Hs A1101lw1 lt•111•1 h11111 anullll'I' wo111un M,• lt't> 11ll 11v1•r now, bul thl11UM .11 l' t{\'1111\1-( l'1111111'1(•iat1·d 111111 I'm M'111·1·d out of 111y W l\S. lllb w1r1· l'UllH' Ill Nl'I' llll' 1111>1 w1•t•k 111111 dt•m,mdl'd 111 k1111w huw did 11 i.11111" Whl'l l•'! Wlll'11'~ S hi· thr1•u tt•n1•J tu kill 11\l' If I dtdn'I onsw1•r hurwi.tlv Sill' ubo wmltlod lo know 1r 11 wai. trUt'. as lw'r husbund Ntild , thul llw 11lf111r Is OVt•I' 1"1 orn 1h1· wuy she tulkt•d i.he alr1•aJy krww l'Vt•r ything Apµun•nlly ht•r husband had lolcl hl•r So why dtd sht• mnll' to Sl'i? me•'? 111• sauJ. "Stop worryrn~ s lw's not dang1•r1~u:; ·· But l AM wornl-d. What can I do to prutl'('l m ysdC'? NEED SECURITY DEAR NEEDING: Go to the police and take out a /eace bond. The wom a n will then be notlfle that If she tries to see you again, she will be arrested. DEAH ANN LANDEHS . Hen 'nlly you rou1 HIAL1H DR. PETER J. STEINCROHN / DEAR DR. ST E INCROHN: I worked next to a fr iend fo r years. When he cam e d own with tuber culosis, I was not only s urprised, but anxious about myself. I went to a doctor for tests and was happy to learn tha t I do not have It. But suppose I bad contracted It? Would tha t me an year s of treatment, lying lo a hospital bed a ll that time? - MR. V. DEAR MR. V.: Your friend's illness brings home the fact that TB hasn't been totally wiped out as so many belwve. It's a sneaky disease in that it often takes years Ix-fore it bct·omes apparent. Bedrcst fo r m o nths or years is no longer ne<'CSSary. We havt• cffe<·llvc drugs that will t'Ontrol it. The pattl'nl 1s treated with the drugs for 18-24 months. After a short hospital stay for various tests, the patient may Ix' ambulatory while he rs taking thf d rugs to control the diS<'asc. FOR MRS. A..: Even though you are 40. rt's still possible lo become pregnant if your one remammg tube 1s patent (open) and your one remaining ovary is normal. Talk over birth control precautions with your doctor. Dr. Swi n crohn welcomt'S questions from reader.;. Ht.• cannot answer all individually but will includl' ch ose'> of general inu•r est in his C'ulumn. &nd y our quC'sllons to him. in care of the D;.1ily Pilot. P.O. Box 1560. Cosw Mesa. Calif. 92626. UJ,-flla,,, .J. JJa,,, m.:JJ. ANNOUNCrs l H( OPENING OF HIS' OFFICE roR THE PRACTICE OF OBST[TRICS & GYNECOLOGY BEACH MEDICAL VILLA t75?? Beach Blvd Su11e 207 Huntington Beach Office Hours Mon rri Sat By Appointment 714/842-11 31. COLLEGE PREP HIGH SCHOOL • Counsellng-Adacemlc. Moral Soclal. Spiritual • Emphasis On The Understanding Of The Necessity For Order And Discipline In All Areas Of Life. • Oceanography-Athletics-Music • Advanced Techniques In Classroom Design And Sche4iullng Result In Top Achievement • French -German -Latin • Accredited -W.A.S.C. • Over 95% of G'raduates enter College • Average and Above Average Students ' (Recent Netlonwide Tes1ing S~N:C StUOents Testing In Highest PoUlble Grouping :) IEWNIT CllllSTIAI 1111 SCIOOl Perent Orlentetlon for fell (Sept. 1113 ) regl•tretlon to be held on Monday, Dec. t, 1182 et 7:00 p.m. (1 hour). Students wlll be tested on S•turdey. ~ 11. 19112 Parent Orlentatron required before student 19 l8!led. Phone for furthet lnfOt'metlon end locetlon. 145-9282 llWPllT •llTWI ... IOIHL GRADEi 1 throuoh 12 U3 W. 15th, NEWftOR~ N~H ,; .. ,. , p111111•d M'V('l 111 h•t11•1 i. I 111111 11•11d1•1 i. whu Wt'l 1' u111hl.-lo 10~11 1lw1t· 11u 1111>H 111 puhlll I h11d 1h1• 1101111 • p111hl1•111, 1111l y It w1•nt l11·yun1I 11111111· 111g11lllij. My hun<J11 »hook Ml hmlly wh1·11 I phiyt-tl 111 ttlijl' I had Ill Uiv1• Up 1h1• H·•llll' Wlr1•11 r dltlVt• I rll'llcli., 111y loot r<huuk on lh1• IW\'\•h •1 utur ind th1• wh11l1• t·u r i.h1mmH•d I tH11pp1•ll I<'""~ 111 lundwotb bc.'t'llU"il' I c.·11uhln'1 hold 11 f111k111 1tJJ11u11 wlw11 othl•rs w1•n • wu1.ch1ni.:. I 1mw SC'v1·1·ul docton1 'l'lwy 11hru1owd lh1•ir i.h11uld1•ri.. 1''1nully I Wl·11t to u psyc.•hru1rh11 Aft1•1 u )'l'tlr or tht•ropy. :ind no lmpr1w1•m1•11t, h1• udmrlll'<i hl• wus haffk'<i I wus t'OIWln<.'\.'<J I ww, l'l'al.y. I th<.•n l'l'Ud In u mt'<ikal adv1l'1' column about 11 t•ond1tion c.·ulled familial trt•mor. I sudcl1•nly n •cullc.·d that buth father und brotht.•r hod lrt.'mors but tht'Y didn't st.'Cm to bothc•r th<'m 1 · ch:M:ralx'<i the ('Ondrtton to a nL•urologist, who pul nw on mL'<i1cu11on. I was lo wkc it only whl•n I Monday, Decembe r 6 ARIES (March 2 1-April 19): Light touc.·h proves effectiw. ~ingle humor with purpose.'. Focus on work. busic stratt'g y. long-d1stanct• l'ommunicatio n und offer to "repre!ll'nt" a product. T AUR US (April 20-May 20): You arc introduced to unorthodox 1nd1vidual who s umula tes, cnt'Ourag~ and l'halhmgc•s. Aquarran ts very much an picturl'. You're gomg to bre&ik from tradition. past patterns GEMINI (Muy 21-J unc 20): Res ponse madl· tu inquiries concerning set·urlly . propc.•r ty. investmen t s, Answers ll•ave room for rnll•rpre lation. Means nothing is written in l'om·rt•te -th<.'re is time for negotiation, al't'Ommodation find greater degrC<.' Of flexibrJity CANCER (June 21-July 22): Basic doml'Stic adjustmen t occurs, involves relative, visitor, possible trip and dt'Cision in conncc.·tion with m oney for special purchase. 1'aurus, Libra, Scorpio natives figure p ro minl'ntl;, .. Lf~;O (July 23-Aug. 22): Decision am.><:ting money may be temporary. could lack substanl-e. RUFFELL'S UPHOLSTERY ........ " ... s... I '22 ~IOI ILVD. COSTA MHA -541·1 IH hl\lll'lfltllt•d tlw p111hl1•111 It W<JI kt•cl Now tlrut I know whut t•11us1•ic 1111• 111 "4h.1k1• a11tl 1 l'ltUll'l• nwdll'allo11, t rurl'ly rWt>tl It I l'llll 1111w du all tho,1· tl1111w1 I WIVl' UIJ I hope· thr~ ll•lh'I wall h1• ul hl•IJ> to ollw t:< N~:WLY COOL IN ST Pl-,.'Tl!:RSBUH<.i DEAR COOL: A tcreat ma ny phy11icla ns read thlll column, and l'JI be t yuu have edul'ated a lar ge number today. BlcS!i you for writing. DEAR ANN LANDER8: I havt! Ht•v(•rol ..cmmkhtldrcn F'rorn tht• unw thl·y were• lxwn my w1rl' und l semt nrt<t• gifts umJ always 1•11dUMod a ~l•m•ruus c.·ht'<·k (for birthday!. <ind Chrrstmu:o.) HOROSCOPE BY SIDNEY OMARA Ac.'l't.•nt sl'lf-rc•ltanct'. protl•1.·t u!ls(•ts, bl• UJH'll· mtnd<.'l.I without lx•ing gulhbl1· VIR GO (Aug 23-S<•pt. 2 2 ). U1·f1n1• f'l'sp<mi.1 bah tu:s. acc.·c•pt 1·hall1:nge. n •ul tzt• thu t n.·la11onship 1s bc.•rng tt:s wd. Fcx.·us on spt•l·rul uppcarunces, personality. ability to ri<le through cmolionul s torm. LIBRA (Sl•pt 23-0t·t. 2~): Look bc:hrncJ !lC(·ll~'S, rcalrZl• II ll> lll'l'l'SSary lO brC'ak from trad1t1on or r o utine . You gain ac.·c ci.1> to ('Qnf1dt•nt1al d<it.u. you'll be invrtl'<i lo part1c1patc in spt.><.'ial tour. lnd1v1dual who rcliC'S upon you may also be leaning loo heavily. Chl>ck Ari<:s! ' SCOR P IO (Oc t . 23-Nov. 2 1): Fot'us on s e ntiments. romant·c . fantasy, ab1l11y l o transform dreams anto rcalrtll's . Dcs1r('s arc fulfilled in unique, unorthodo>< mann1:r. Stress '1'111·11 11111tlw1 11lwuv1 1twnk1'tf u A 11" Vl'.ll lt uu11 111y w1r1· clu'tl 'l'lw t•htlcln·n 1111• U• 11w11 .11ul M .111t•11•1I It> tl11>1.1111 11lut•1•s I huvc U11\lll\U1•tl 111 M_•tlll thi• dll'('kt., Wrlh 1m1• 1•x1•1•pt11111 I huvt• m•vt•r t<.'l't•tvt-d a 111111· 111 tlrank"' II th1•y l"ll11'1 p1c.k up u JX'n to thurrk Oii', why i..huulcl I t't111l111u1• 10 M·nt..I thc•m • d1t'\ ki." Alli I b<•ing nwun'? Should I wnt111u<> In n11·111111 y 111 Uw11 ..:r~mdmulht·r'' t'lt•,tM· odvtst'. NO JILA<.:E, NO NAM~: lrnAR N.l'.N.N.: l''rum the ichlt of your le tter I ga ther lhc 1lub1 never tb11nked you wllaea their grandmotbt•r WH a live. Cut the m off cleaa -a ll except the on e who bad tht decency to a<·knowlt'dge your thouichtfulnts1. Jo:v1•11 11 dnnkws 1s tlw "m " thing m ytJur e·1~1wcl, it 11t'f'fl11 't c·ruw1J you <JUI. L••t1rn thP ID<.'IA /111111 A1111 · L tmth•l'?i' l:>ouklt!t, "&JO:tt• llncl You - r'1J1 'fr1•11·AIJ"r:; Ou/y " St•ncJ 50 '"'nt..'> and a ,,,.JI .uldrt•s.st.'tl e•11vl'/o/J1' to A11ra Lnndt•rs. P.O. Ho' I IYIJ5. C:llw11J:11, Ill /i(J{i/ I tndl11w11d1·nct'. wt•lcomc.• nt•w l'On tacts, sho w willrngrwss to pro1wt•r a proj('<.·t SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-lX'C.'. 20! You gain g11·11ll·r footliold un positron rt>c<'ntly obtained. En1phas 1s o n !-.c.•1·url t y. home, fami l y rc•lat1u11sh1ps. Jnd1v1dual who aided in past is again avmlublc· and will wc>kom<: chance to "r<.•pt•at pcrCormant·l•." Watch C<inc<.'r! CAPRICORN ([){"'" 22-J an. 19): Highlight fll•>crbrlrty. al'l't:'pt anvitauon lo social function, kt'l'P rc•soluttons concNning diet. nutrition, lw alth Lumu s potlight on <.·ommunica1ion1 tnivt•I. ubrlity lo rcul·h wider audil•ncc through udwrlisrng or publishing procedures. , AQ UARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Dig deep for mfurm<rtion com·Nnmg fiscal responsibility or th<>M' who would lx.• close assoc:iaLes. Focus ahio on l<lxt's, mlc r<'st rates. sh clt<:rs, accounting p ruccrl u res. PISCES (Ft>b. 19-March 20): Sign ificant t·hangt• occurs, could include residence, rclauunship or lcg<il proc.'CdUrl'. Spotlight on pubhl·rty, public rl'latrons, pussrble partnership or marital status. NOW IS THE .TIME! • To plan for your hollday partle1 and famlly get togethera. BAIER PARn REITALS h•• everything you need· to make your event a 1ucce1a. TABLES CHAIRS HIGH CHAIRS BEDS ' ' PERSONALIZED NAPKINS & MATCH BOOKS BARS HEATERS CANOPIES CHINA AND MUCH. MUCt1 MORE CALL OR COME BY ~ak,eJl ~a'Jli;,~ f!A-,,/a/J n 1151 BAKER STREET ~ COSTA MESA .545-4667 COPRE' CHRISTI-II SCHOOL GRADES K-6 • Small Classes • Academic Kindergarten • Proven Academic Excellence • Oceanography -Music - French • Accelerated Reading and Math Programs In All Grades • New and Inventive Ways of Scheduling and Seating Design • Emphasis on the Understanding of the Necessity for Order and Discipline In All Areas Of Life. • • Designed To Prepare Students For College Prep Secondary Schools • Average and Above Average Students Perent Orientation for fell (Sept. 1113) regl91ratlon to be held on MondaJ, Dec. 8, 1tlZ al 7:00 p.m. (1 hour). ----·stodentrwttt wtested on Saturday. Dec. 11. 19'82 Parent Orientation required before student Is tGsted. Phone for further Information and location. ·190 23rd ST., COSTA MESA 645-4353 OWNED AND OPERATED BY NEWPORT CHRISTIAN HIGH SCHOOL • ~CCREDITE~ • . . . 'Tis the season when our relationships with others find expression in the generous.spirit of giving. Not surprisingly. some of the gifts that mean the most are neither traditional ·nor costly. One unique way to display your holiday spirit is with a Holiday Greeting In the Daily Pilot. What better way to convey your special message of warmth and good cheer? And. adding a personal touch, your message can be as long or as short as you desire. For only 50 cents a line (two line minimum). you can display your holiday message In the Daily Pilot's Holiday Greetings page on December 25. For an addrnonal $5 you can choose from three holiday illustrations to enliven the greeting (select from the assortment shown below). Mall the.attached coupon to place your message. Please don't delay. closing date Is noon. December 23. To order, print your holiday message below. allowing 21 characters per line. Then mall coupon to: Holiday Greetings -Classified. Orange Coast Df!ilY ,Pilot, P.O. Box 1560. Costa Mesa. CA 92626. (Private parties only. please) -------------------------------------------------~--­_, A Include Illustration. 0 Illustration A 0 lllustratlorl B 0 tllustratlon C Card type· 0 VISA 0 MASTERCARD Charge Card • _ ---------------- Card Expiration Date --- You may charge your C1ass1Ued Ad Be sure to include your Card type (Visa/MasterCard) Your Card number, and the EXPIRATION DATE. YOU MUST INCLUDE-YOUR TEL.EPHONE NUMBER BELOW. 11 I I -f I I I I 11 I I I I I I I I I I II I I i .C~~f -'---4--~~.._.__._._~~~~ I I 1 ~1 1=~1 .<--J-_._.._~~l_l._.__I ~-'-A.~ 11 I 1:1:1 l I ·1 .__I _._I __.___..__.___._..._..._I I I 1• I I I I 1 ._l=.._I ~_.__._->-.L NAME ADDRESS CITY ZIP ---TELEPHOlllt , ' STATE I . I ·l • • CELEBRATE THESE SA lllNGS! PRICES COOD THRU TUESDAY, DEC. 7,1982 1" x 12" x 8' Appearance Pine Boord s3~• PORTABLE workmo~e s:ag•• RE<i 159.99. Th~ comP.l<t wor1tm1u u n handle Ill the hemweicJht IObS you hm to do. W8Jfts onty 22 IDs 179-005. 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SNAIL AND SLUC PELLETS Bug-Ce~a Sts• HC 11 99 StOCI§ WltS and ~ <OICI USf ¥OUnd truits lllCI vtgttallifS ALUMINUM conelnuous Rain cueeers •t 9 u! so fret minimum As.k for a free estimate 10 vear warranty on matenal 1 year warranrt on llbor 20" FlllEPLACE t:ro~e ·S3ss REC 14 99 Non·tlP design ilSSUI~ safer f1r~ 20" x 17 IPH~ f 212 Building WITH GROUND WIRE Wire 9~ ... , 26 OR 30 GALLON ••> rro•ll•••• age l81511/81026/807H R 911m: 12260 E (iMWy 121JJ C0·69S~ =:---: 10955 E r:wfSfOllf ~UI 86H'91 uaa !!!..: Nomi -171•1 624·169S Ml -Ml,ll Jf.t AU. STORES JOll 11 THI IRVIN• ••••• OP••1•ar REGISTER TO WIN THESE FABULOUS PRIZES AT ANY OF OUR 15 STORES! DETAILS & ENTRY BLANKS IN All -ANCICLs HOME CENTERS 21" SOIY CllOI coau '·'· llilllallrMl•1t12sen,'* ::. "~ Cllltr1ll •·26.. scr:-:: --<*'tr ..,. ..... 1SJJJ CUlWI at .... _;•tW IUCJt 7800 Edingfr AWf 17141 M7 iOM !2162~17141 750-,..1 -• OrMgf SllOw 171CI 81"9&61 QIC' I-. JS09 fr1st0f St 171CI '79'1111 lfl-•n -~ 22NO ~fory 121JI ,..:-2117 LlOualS( l21JI t28 7561 ••~ tns ~ ld '"'' 980-0212 10.m....., ""' 117 20u ~ 1 SM'-': 21M9 s Wfstfrn 121JI 5471122 ::.--2514 s ~-''"' •J.JMt J999 s Wfst1rn 121JI SJ2 28H T.he Renew,~~~;.;;;;...~~ Redo, $'fOll 111Mt • 1SJJJ C&llwtr Dr 17'•1 552 5711 . nvwlS. •DAr JllOICI FllMr I ti I I IAJllDAr AID SMNr I ti I , ,, I ' Redecorate Plaeerrr - -\21n11uu Co1111t DAIL V PH Of/ 1~mauy, 0 c •mltor ,., 1982 MllC NOTICC Pttll.IC NOTICC ~ ~ -------------..... ..-.--IUILIC NOTICC MltC NOflCl "c r ITIOUI IUl ... UI NAMI ITAllMINT IUTIMINT Off WITHOflAWAL ""* PAfllNl9'8Hlfl ON9'A T*O UNOIU• PICTlllOUI IUSINIH HAIN PU8t IC NC>llCl Mt IC NC>flCl NlllC NO I ICl __ _NlllC NO llCl _ rlCTlflOUA IUllHIH -PICTlflOUI SUllNlll --fllCflftOUI IUllNll.---flCflflOUI aUSINHI Nt>llCf O• f'USLIC Ul.t NAMI SlATl ... Nf NAMI lfAHMINT NAMI ITATIMINT NAMI ITATIMINf a'f VAl.La'f Of IC ·Ol11t IU,.9'10f1 COUfllf OI' r he I011uwlng '"'' IOfll II• \IUlnll buaulllUU Ill• lollO.rri1111 Wl•Of•• IM• ll•J111Q ., .. lt>llo11111111 ..... I.Ill' .... llO'llQ 11111 fotlu1111no 118'90'" ••• IJO.flV lh1• h•lll•Wll'lJ 1'4t!M>ll• Wrt• do.ng C AL.JtOtlNIA. INC.°' l•11tllo8H H t>U .. flfl•t H lou••OllU lilt l>u•ll,._t 111 'lfllONAL. ~ATY Of' CALIPOMIA CC>UtfTVO#OtlAMGa 1Cli0 CMc Cenl• W11t l111la AN, CA t'101 CROWN tNVf1'1MlN111 ltllb 811ul1no l •n• Cu11a M•H CA 02626 I lie fu llow101l oereon h•• w11ht111wn •• • ll<lfl8'11 l*ll\ltl from 1111 pt1t"4lr.t11p o.,..,1111g under Ille 111.1111ou1 bu•l"w" nan11 or OURY[' A C UA flU l VACCAAO, 4 301 MICAllhur Olvtl .. NtWJ1011 llHCh, UlM IHAVll & lUUllS fl.t.t llllNllNtHONllUhf &fiPOnl IHIAMAN A'41 f.iAtl R\' IHI l'f lllN INV JllM 1'f U>C•HAllt-IOff'-'INC ro111;101 Av1onue llunt11101110DetKll t'l(lli 1•ao 111c Co1111 tlwy • 110'1(1N•,.itro0 ltunlu11111111 U.•<h C:OMl'AN'f IUIT Y1111t1 Pur1111n N<)flCf 19 HlllLUY r.1vrN I.If floo 8 C:n1n10,.111111, 'll4b Meou PllC•. Coslli Meu. CA li~Gtll fhomu J fla11Hll 161 I Klamath, Orarig•. CA C..A 11 .. 647 111u11111u1"'1 D•I0(.11. Ca 9711AI C..A 9'641 N•wrio11 U.....h Cil 02bM V•t111; 111 Cet1 forr1111 lfllO 111•1 I ~fNrlY 1111\SCtt, llltJ<l R111lel A/\.llON JAC..K l'AI, ~04tl2 AJIH llc1llwr I (l F 01 t.u 62111 Jl llOML tU Lfll lllN 10 It p111tlu 1111et111n Of Olhf.• lw•noture PUllfTI,, COflWUNITV IA .... 1 Celllo111I•111...,111eft CHolt , liu1111nglo11 U•Uh. CA \ ~11\1 l h.mtu11111111 llHdl. Ca 92Utl 8et1111.1111I Ot ~fUl\llooQIOn UHLll. (;A 'l'n~hl Purllllll, N•wPOll U111tLll. c. 111,IUll"'ll wllhoul llmll alllin H80 11111 1J11tll._H 1a Ulolo.IUCllKI llY •" II? 4' 0~1:11)() I YllMWr •It•• atldlnQ m•Chllllt, D.,INDANT a11.1.•IONO "llODUCTI. INC •• Ctlllelf'tle GOlpOtallorl, DON -.LAA; I.CK.A Mll.LAfl, afld OOll I tflrMilfl 10. lftclvehle. CA 112660 1 r11. flc1111ou• bu1l11e11 n•m• t1•l••nen1 tor 111e PN 1ner11t11p 1w1a 111•0 on Ootob11 13. 1881 1n the Coun•v or Or1nge MONIC..A 0 ttlAl!JC..tt, 30112 1nrlt•llht1ol Of/111111 M I 01 llt1I t17U I JOIW CUftCI, 818 Via ll<IO (Al1.111.;1u11 Qop1or1 Ollie.If Rtt>t>I (,;11e1t t111n1111g1on OIUICh CA A!llllll JllCI> ra1 Uallll<••el l)f l~tH•ll11Vli.Hl UNoeh CA N1J11I N•w.,011 0.ACll C• g2(lll0 CleGOllllClllt lilt UOtn•ll. c;l1t~k Jetry W lown .. nO b13 W AIPl"O S1n11 Ana CA 91641 ""' •lofl•11lt1\I "''" 111•11 wllh ""' lll(IO I ou11 A lUAN( R 1601 Wllltrt 1n1sttll1neou1 Oftlc• J06CPH SIC Of l l!IO I c.Al\mlt 1-111111 111 O.•fl\le C..ounly on ll1tt t•11 111"•• "' tC>t•<l"'-lf'(J by 1111 OeyNW.e r ... ,..._. Corono tlel Mir. aupplaH ~,.rv1<10 ai1C1 bC>oti<aMt IUMMOMI CAlllllO M10ll J 1mH A N1cllol1. 1926 • Cany0<1 Drive. Wla Par" CA f'ull NAlflt •no A<ldrHI OI lh• Peraon Wllll<ltlwlng WILLIAM M, C UflTIS A fli'flO'FISSIONAL. COflPOAA TION, 430 t M10Arlhur Blvd . NewPQrl 80ltcll CA 112660 Aunn111gt1<le Cuc1t1 Hu111111g1on Nov 1;1 ti/Iii in<11v11Jutl Ce 26:.t!> wofl be held on Oott-btt 16. 1912 Beech. CA 02647 FIOtlll llt•b•1t o r oro.•a Tl11• llu•••!ti• •• COflductoo 11y • r11 .. 11 ... e 01 1n •lo Is 9 00 em 1110 NOTtCll Y4MI !\ave Mefl el!H, The c-1 f'lllJ decide ....... t ,_ without 1wr Mlftt fleertll ""6ee• yov reaf'01141 wHhlft ao lil•Y•• fllllld Thi• oua'"81' 11 conducted lly • Qlf\81 al partner ship Rod S Ch11m11u11 .. 111 OAllOARA O s1rari 31>11 t Puo1t•h1td oiano11 '''"" D•ily 001111• M r11r1~. oonur..il p11r11 .. "1111• •h• 1ocn11on or Ill• u1" 11 2202 ll11n11111g1101 Corel•. HullllhQIOn flilOI. 011<. u 1a, 1r1, ~fl 1118;• 11111 •tuteni•nl wH 111..a w1111 me J111Q"1• H.itp1111n Soutn M11n St•net Bulldlng A. fhlt llilltn81ll WU 11111<1 with lhe Counly ci. .. ol Orange Cou•11v on Nov 23, 1081 0Hch. CA 1126A7 .J 6'.)3S 112 COUl\I~ (;ta111 ul 01•n11• COUlll\I on lhlt •111111mti111 Will lil•tl Wllll the '!ante Ano. C•t1ro111111 112707 Th• Ihle but1n11t• 11 eo11oue1ttd by a _____________ ,OoM. 1 111112 County Cltrk 01 Ornno• Counly on ••t• will be cOl'ldvc1•0 pyr1u1nl to Iha lnl0tO!letloft Mlow. "202117 Pu1>111heo Orenge Co•l1 011ly Ptlol. Dec 5, 12, 19 26, 1982 5340-82 Stgnild W M Cu1111 oe111H•I p111n .. 1n1p PUBllC NOTICE f*M1 Nuv 30 tfl82 Soc11on 9"10• or lhe Cattfornll '111121 Herny/Morne11 Hlrach Published Orenge co .. 1 Oally '*'71 u111rorm Commt1c;1e1 CO<l• bH•d 11 you w1tn 10 ~ 111e 1dv1<:e 01 •n 811Qrnlly tn Ill•• mallu y1.111 lhOUIO 110 to P<OfnPllY to lhll )'Oii• wnuen •••i:>onH II an~. m1y Oe CUflTll. VACCAAO JOl"OlllD•tOtlll Siegel "CTITIOU• aUllNlll t•1to1 Dec •. 'I, ,. 26 IOU l'ubhtlllhl Ot•no• Co • ._1 0111ly on Volley ol (;a1t101n11, Inc I One Newporl fli'I. ln11 lltlemvtll wta lll@<l wllh 11\tt N.\MI STATIMINT 6261 111 PolQI °'"" !> 12 19, 211 10"2 fl!Cullly lnternl In lhl t bOH 81111• 1010 Counly Cklta or Orono• County on rhe 1011ow1ng per ton 11 001ng -------------'•32fJ·92 µ011onnl 11•011 ••r r'"' 11em1 "''"be Ntwpotl Beech, CA t2tlO Novomt'Hl1 10, 19e2 bualli.i•• ,11 f'U8l1C NOTICE -----told in bulk 10 11'1• 111gheet l>ldder, lolt!d ()fl ,.,, .. Av1 •01 Uatetll fie aldo d1m1ndado. II trlbunal puett• decldlr COl1111 Ud. 111'1 aMleftcll • rnenoe ~-Ud. realllOflde ...,.. de 30 di ... Lee le l11fotmeGloft 4'11 PUBLIC NOTICE Publl•h11d Orange CoHt Dally F 201150 WLSft.A.N SrAftS tllGltER PU8UC NOllCl "u 11. wht•11 •• wllhOul warran1y --""""'.::-::=:::-::".":'!:~:".':'~~~-=:.J.!P~l~lot, Nov 21,28,0K 5, 12,_1~112 Publl111Qtl Orang,ll Coost Dall~ EOUCA l lON S(RVICC, t97 a TAHMINTOfWITHOflAWAL . ------------or rnp1eMnt111100Of1nv ~Ind or • -FICTITIOUS auStNEIS • •• -' ~·· ~' <ia --" ,,..._4 ... ;_, ~ll.Mfilla CA 112827 fAOM f'AATN19'1Hlf' "CTITIOUS aUetNESS na1u11111•C..4'f)I wlllfllflly U to 11110 II NAME STATEMENT -------------5039·82 KEN !iUlCHfNSl9f"VTroirilii r--~-••::~~ --~·--...r!AME STATEMENT there nrlt no bulk blOdMI pre1Mlnl, '"' lollOW1"0 PtH•on• a•e doing PUBl.IC NOTICC Coal• MMe. CA lll'6?7 ,ICTITIOUS au .... •• NAMe The rOilowmg pe<M>nl Ollll IJOl!tg the ''""' I "1Ncnm!1Ylduunr bullne» 11 f'UBLIC NOTICE Hw1bv••ne111 11 corl<1uCl8<1 by a/\ Th• loll owing per eon hu bv"11e»t. H I Coall o• othtr form of P•yn1tn1 ··-~~ ~~...:...·•· St U•l•d oeua •ollclter 11 VIDEO CROSS ROADS. tOJ E STATEMENT Of' WITHDflAWAL indlYIOuet wlllldrawn 11 a gentt•il plrtner from R 8 8 RE AL ( S r A'T [ ecuptoble to Velley 01 California, 17th St , Cosia Meu. CA 92627 fAOflot 'AATNEflSHI.. STATEMENT Of' WllltOAAWAL Kiin Hulcn1r1a Ille patln•nhlp oper•llng under Ille SERVICES, 2026 Ouall S11u1, Inc w'oll be &«epled Tn11 Hie may 'onse10 Cl• un 1oo~ado en Hie 11un10. Oebaria hec;trlo 1mmec1101amen11t. de HIB m•.neft lu r .. puetlO llCllll, ti Illy tlQU!18, puodu ee• rag111r11do o t1•11lpo C 1 o 11r 0 ao1 Cap 11 a I ONflATINQ '*Dlfl fllOM fli'AflTNlflSHlfli' fhl• llll•m81'1t Wll hletl willl lllll rtclltlOul 1>u1tn111 neme Of Newport 8e1Cll, Ce 92000 be adjOUr...0 or Poltponed wllhuul C 0 r p 0 r a I lo n . 1 Ca 11 I0 , n 18 FICTITIOUI IUSINll& NAME Of'lfllATINQ UNOEA Courlly Cterk or Orange County on CHORUS LIN£ 'OANCEWEAR, 369 STE ARNS DE.VCLOPM(N f nolica or tur1t1e1 oubl1Cat1on T11• corporallon. 12 Hidalgo. trv1r1e. CA llle l ollowlng per1011 hat FICTITIOUI IUSINISS NAME l>uetimbtll 2, 1982 EHi 17111 Strttel. Colla Mtll, CA CORPORATION 2020 Quall S11oa1. obove ttffnt 11110 condlltonl mav oo 927,. wll'1dr1wnasegener1tp1rtnertrom Tho lollowing peraon h111 F20:MM 921127 Nvwpo11 BAllCllCo 92660 aubJocl 10 110dlt1onaf or amendOd 1 TO THE OCF'E.NOANr: A Clvlf complalnl hU been fll'Jd by the Pl•lnllll ega1n•t you If you wlllll to aefen<l 11111 IAWSY•I. )IOU mutt Within 30 O•y• 11111 tllit summon• fl served on you. Ille w1111 11111 court a wrmen rwponaa to lhe compl1i11t unrest you do so. your defeull win oe en11reo on appllceuon or tile pla1n1111 end 11111 court mey int• a 1u<lgmen1 1g111ns1 you ror lh• rellel demanded In the complaint, which could result 1n garn11hmen1 of wages. 11li1ng ol "'oney or property or 01her rel1e1 requuteo tn Iha Thia blillnen 15 conoucieo oy o ,!11ep111~~~lpoper111ngfuOnU<lerRV1EAh4I w1J~'1dre1wnaah~genere111 par1ned~rrro1hm Pul>lllll•O Orono• Coaat Dally The 11c11t1ou1 t1u1H1H1 name CO"Rl>OFRs.TolONEV17t.~o0,P80~!,.00dN r 1erm1 a11d cono111ona 1oi_b• corporauon .,ic1111oua ..,... .. n111 name o '"'par nen IP 098f• ng un u • Pitot Dec 6. 12. t9, 26, •962 a111enwin1 tor tlle psr1ner111tp w11 '' ,. ~~ .,v" ennouncad II the ume ot Ille •I• Crossroaos Capoel Coip CURTIS & VACCARO, 430 I hc111lou1 blillness name 5293.92 hied on Aprll 2. 19112 tn tlle County Ave , Or•nQe, C1 g?6611 Tile 111• is with reaerva an<l lhe Julte Bynon MecArlhur Btv<l • NewPOrl Beach, OURVEA CURTIS & VACCARO. ----------: of Orenge Ttlit t>uaineas It conduCIO<I by a QOO<lt to be told may be wltl'ldrewn Secretary Traasurer CA 92660 4301 MacArthur Blvd . Newporl l'UBl.IC NOTICE Full Neme Ind AOdre111 of 1ne gf!Mrat partn«atup at 1ny 11me For lurlher '"lorm11ron, Ttlls stalemenl was r.tlld with •he fhe flct1llou1 buatneu name Be11c11, CA 92660 Poraon Withdrawing All aed9er S1sorns Oeve10pm .. n1 please con11ct R1ctiard S Ruben, County Clerk of Orongo County on 11a1ement lor Ille par1nersh1p was The flc1111oua bu1111111 name FICTITIOUS. aus .... aa "k" Allee M. aadfer 1825 wes1c11rr Company Inc Esq 3200 Perk Center Drive. Suite No~ 16, 1982 llled on Oc1ober 13, 198 t 1n Iha s1a1emen1 tor lho partneratup was NAME STATEMENT or , Newport Buch, CA 926150. P11n1p A S111arns, 1000, Co11a Mesa. C1111orni1 92626. F2022l7 Coun1y 01 Orange hle<I on O&cember 3. 1981 111 1he The 1011owtng oerton 11 doing Pre.1<1en1 17141650·1800 Publlahed Ornge Coast Oailv Full Name end AOOreu of the County of Orange business es Signed Allee M Ba Oger T1111 ~1a1cmen1 was foleo w11n lhe Publlalled orenge co111 Deily p1101 Nov 19_ 26, Dec J 10 1962 Peraon Withdrawing MELVIN S. full Name and AdOreH of the KC ENTERPRISES, 177 F '•111527 County Cl rk ot Orange County on Piiot Dec 5 e, 12, 14, !9112 5068_82 FELDMAN, 4507 Gorham Or • Pe1son WilhOraw1~ WILLIAM M R1ve1110e Or . Newpoi-1 Be.ch Cl P~t>lotll•o.1 Orango CoHI Dally F203307 5334·112 c5:~e1M~n ~"::~":an ..... g~~:J~AT~O~.R•3~f~~~~ 9266JAROL E-ANTTILA. 1780 PllOI, Dec s. 12 19 26' 19~~76·82 Pll~~b~e~. ~r:11·2t~i~~ Daily f173121 Blv<I , Newport Beach. CA 921580 St1n1a Ano Ave No ~· SanlA Ana 5336·82 c uATts a VACCARO '1n312 CA 92027 I PUIUC 91~( . PUBl.IC NOTICE FICTITIOUS aUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Atlorney1 al Lew CUATIS & VACCAAO Thll business is conduct11d by an· PUBLIC NOTICE One N•Wl>Ort "· • 1010 Attorney• •t lew lndlVldUOI ------------1-------------The following persons are doing bualn"s as. Newpon Bet<:h, CA 92660 One Newport Pl,• 1010 Carol E Anthia FICTITIOUS aUSINESS FICTITIOUS auSINllS PuOllShld Orange Coast Delly Newp«I Beaoll, CA 92660 Th11 stalomonl was ltled with lhtl NAME STATEMENT NAME STATEMENT B&B ARCHITECTURAL GRAPHICS, 12822 Oltve St . Garden Grove. CA. 92645 P•IOI. Nov 21. 28. Dec: 5 12. 1982 Published Orange Co111 Dally Couniy Clerk ol Oreoge County on Tile lollowlng pereona are OOln( Tile following per$0nS ere ooono 5150-82 P1101, Nov 21, 28. Dec 5, 12, 1982 Dec 2 1982 Ousineu "· Ous1nen os 1) Herold M. Uhrich Ill, 12751 Ollv1 St., Gorden Grove, Calif 92645 2) 8ranl W Brl11on. 12822 Garden Grove. Calif 92645 This blislness Is conducled by a ~•I partnerSllop HerOld M Uhrich Ill Thll Slatement was filed wHll the County Clerk or Orange Counly on Nov. 8, 1982. F201502 Publlahed Orange Cou1 Dall~ Pilot Nov. 26. Dec. 3, 10, 17. 1982. 5211-81 MLIC NOTICE K-02l04 FICTITIOUS aUSINHS NAME STATEMENT Tiie followlog persons ere Oo1ng business as • THE DAVIS-ROGERS GROUP. 164 1 16111 S1re11, San11 Monica, Ce 90404 Devis Pacific Corporation (8 California corpora11on). 164 I 18th S1ree1. San1a Monica, Ca 90404 lhls business Is conducted by 'a COrPOr&hon ' DlllDLIC NOTICE DAVIS PACIFIC CORP ruu By Richard B Rogers. FICTmOUI aUatNEIS EAecullve VIOt Presodenl NAME STATIMENT This 1t111emenl was hied woth lhe Tiie lollowlng peraont "" doing County Clerk of Orange Counly on business as: Oc1ooar 22, 1982 AIRPORT EXECUTIVE F200370 STATIONERS, 321 Rochesle• Publlshed Orange Coasl Dally Streel. Costa Mesa, CA 92626 Pilot Nov 21. 28. Oec S, 12. 1982 MICHAEL BRIAN KELLEY. 549 , __________ 5_1eo_.a_2 Irvine Avenue, Newport Belch, CA 92660 JEFFREY SCOTT REUTER 549 lrvlne Avenue. Newport Be1t0h, CA 92660. Thia buSinass os con<luc1ed by 11 general par1nersrup Miellaal Bnan Kelley Tho• statement was hied w1lh lhe Coun1y Clerk of Orenge County on November 10. 1982 F2017IO Publlstie<l Orange Coast Oeoty Pilot. Nov 14, 21. 28. Dec 5, 1982 4979-82 MUC NOTICE FICTmous BUSIHIESS NAME STATEMENT fhe lollowong person IS doing business as: RON ROHRER ANO ASSOCIATES. S09 No M1Jn St., Santa Ana. CA 9270 I Ronald Willlam Rohrer, 113 1 Ith St . Seat Beech CA 90740 T h•s business •• conouc1eo Oy &n tndMdual. Ronald W Rohrer PUBl.IC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINHS NAME aTATl!MENT Tho lollowong persons are doing ousoneas as SOUTH COAST CONSTRUCTION 2915 Redhill Avenue, Suite C· 107 Cosll Mesa, Cat1rorn11 92676 Richard Fredtlficlo. Av11d, 10461 Margarite Avenue, Fountain Valley. Cat1forn1a 92708 • M•chael Wayne Volk, 5015 River Avenue. Newporl Beech, Calllorni1 92663 Richard F Avard Tnl1 11a1emen1 was hied wrtll the County Clerk 01 Orange Counly on Novembe< 10. '1982 F201m PuohsheO Orange Coast Daily Piiot, Nov 14, 2 1. 28. Dec 5. 1982 S0•0-82 PUBl.IC NOTICE JICTllTOU8 BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The 1o11owtno pe<sons ere doing buslneaa es· OAVIO KERI L TO , 509 Emerald Bay, Laguna Seaell, CA 92651 CYNTHIA ME LO N I E ARMSTRONG. 21 Nart>onne. Newpor1 Beac'1. CA 92660 CAROLYN LEWIS MENCONI ------------"""1509-6m«ald Bey Leguna Be9ctr Pl.8.IC NOTICE CA928S I Thi• sl11emen1 was 111ed with the Coun1y Clerk ot Orange County on Dec '· 1982 F2033l0 Put>hsheO Orange Coasl Deily Piiot Dec 4 11, 18, 25 1982 S278·112 5!58-82, f20S417 ANDRES COMPANY. 7181 COSTAMESASHOPPER 2085 -------------Publlthed Oron9e Coes1 Detty SunOreeze, Huntlnglon Beach, CA Ptecentltt •6 Co51a Miiie. CA Ml.IC NOTICE Ptlo! Dec 5, 12. 19, 26, 1982 92841 92627 ~ 5282·82 Peter T, And rea, 7181 Jerry Lee wougti 1860 Now FICTITIOUS MISINE:H NAME STATEMENT Ptlll.JC NOTICE Tile lollowrng persons Are doing -------------Oullnaaa es STATElffNT Of' UANOONMENT SOUTHWE.STERN MAN · OF UR Of' A G E M E N T A N 0 R E A l T V FICTITIOUS Ml .... 88 NAME COMPANY, 2915 ReOhfll Avenue. Tile followlng persona have Suite A· 104, CoSla MeH 92826 abandoned 111e use or the tlctltlout Alden P. Perry 7632 Carbon bu1lnes1 name: Circle, La Palma. Ca. 90623 DURYEA CURTIS & VACCARO, James R Grainger. 26020 430 I MacArthur Blvd , Newporl Grenll\tw Blvd .. :oC. Palos Verdes Beech, CA 82680 Peninsula, Ca 90274 The FK:1•11ous 8u1lneH Name T/\11 bu,.n85$ is eonOucled by • relerreo to above was liled 1n general panners/\lp. Orange County on Oectmbar 3, Alden P. Petry 1981. This Slllement was filed Wllh Iha w ll l I AM M cu RT Is. A Coun1y Clerk of 011nge County on PROFESSIONAL COAPOF\f<TION, a Nov 16. 1982 Calllornla corpor111on, 4301 F202310 MecArlhur Blvd .• Newport 8each, Published Orange Coest Os11y CA 92680 P110I, Nov 19, 26, Dec 3. 10, 1982 MELVIN S FELDMAN, 4507 5 I 14·32 Gorham Or., Corona det Mar, CA Pl.8.IC NOTICE STATEMENT 0, WITitOAAWAL FAOM 'AllTNeASHIP Of'EAA TINO UNDl!fl FICTtTIOUS IU&INEla NAME Tile tollowlng peraon has Wllhdrewn u a genet'81 P8'1nef from Ille par1nerthlp operlllng under lhe llcllllOUS bu11ness neme or DURYEA CURTIS & VACCARO, 4301 MacArthur Blvd .. Newport Beach, CA 92680 The flcllllous busineu name ste1emen1 for lhe pertneralltp was hied on December 3. 198 I In the County ol Orange Full Nllne trr1 AOdrOSI of Ille Person Withdrawing MEL. VIN a, FELDMAN, 4507 Gorhem Or . Coron1 dol Mar. CA92625 Signed Melvir S. Feldm1n F1rn12 CUllTll a VACCARO Oftl Newpof1 Pl. • 1010 Newport a.acti. CA 92660 Published Or.,.ngt Coast Delly Pitol. Nov 21. 2tl. Dec 5, 12. 1982 5156·112 PUBLIC NOTICE 92625 SANE. VACCARO . A PROFESSIONAL CORPORA TtON. a Calllornla corporation. 4301 MecArlllur Blvd., Newport Beech, CA 92660 Thi• blillntu was conducted by a general partnership W1ttlam M Clirt1s. a Profeulonal Corp W~llam Cuf'tls, Pres. This Slalemenl W81 l11ed Wllh the County Clerk ol Orange County °" November 18. 1984' ,1n112 CUflTIS & VACCAAO A11omeyt et Law OM Newpot1 "· .. 1010 Newpon Beec/\, CA 92660 Publlshed Orange Co111 Dilly P1101, Nov. 21, 28. Dee 5. 12. 1982 ( 5159-82 P\B.IC NOTICE STATE•N'T OF ~AWAL f fllOM PARTNE9'8HW ~9'ATINO UNC>efl ,ICTITIOUS SU-It NA• Tile lollowlng per1on nae withdrawn Ha general perlner from the parlnersntp operellng under lhe flctlhous bullness name of OURVEA FICTITIOUSaUSINEH CURTIS & VACCARO. 4301 NAME STATE•NT MacArthur Bl\'d. Hewpo•t Beech, TM following peraons ere dOlng CA 92660 buSlneU as. '-Tile flctollous 1>uslnes1 neme McCOY SURFBOARDS 917 5tttemen1 ror lhe-P<llM,,....hlp 'Was Sunset Drive. Coste Mesa. tiled on October 13. 1ge1 lfl the Sunbreeze. Hun11ngton Beach, CA. Jersey. Co110 Mesa. CA 92626 92647 E<lllh Carol Monon. 1880 New Pemeta l Andris, 7181 JerlMl'f, Colla Mesa CA 926215 SunbrMH, Hunllnglon Beech, CA Th15 business IS condueled Oy • 926'17 gernlf'll perlnershop Peter T Andr89 Jerry l Waugh T/\11 1111ement was filed wlll'I the rhos 11111men1 wes loled with the Coun1~ Clerk of Ortnge County on county Cieri. 01 Oran9e Coun1y on Nov. 24, 1982 Dec 1, 1982 '202971 PubllaheO 01enoa Coast 01ity Pilot Nov 26. Oec. 3, 10, 17. 1982 5209-82 Pl.8.IC NOTICE FICTITIOUS aua ...... NAME STATEMENT The following P8f'50nl are doing business" OPEN ENO SYSTEM S. 1950 16111 St (M 1021, Newport Beech, CA 92663 Date Michael Mcl'lully. 1950 18th St (M 1021. Newport Beech. CA 92663 Pamota Key McNully. 1950 16th SI IM 1021. Newport Beech, CA 92663 This t1vs1ness ,; conducted by an tnd•Vlduel Pamet• K McNully Thll Sllltmenl WIS hleO "'olh 1118 County Clerk Of Orange County on Ole I 1982 F20Htl Published Orange Coast Dally l'llOt, Dec ... 11, 18, 25, 19112 5246-62 P\B.IC NOTICE 1(02520 FICTmoua eua1NEH NAME STATEMENT The folloW1no persons ere doing 0ua1neu u. COUNTRY FAIR JiSSOCtATES. 2916-C Red Hin Avenue. Suite 106. Colll M•I. CA 92627 ASCOT SHOPPING CENTER DEVELOPMENT. INC, 1 Cahfornie corpore11on, 2915-C Red Hill Ave . Su11e t06, Coste Mesa. CA 92827 PHICEN, l TO .. c;/o Mr John C H""· 23100 Cooley Drive, Collon. CA'92324 Tlltl bullneu 19 COndlK.lt!d by a llmllod par1ne<Sl'ltp. fto3'IO Publlshed Orange Coall Dall~ P1101 Dec 4 11. 18. 25 1982 5279-82 fUBl.IC NOTICE FICTITIOUS aUSMH NAME STATEMENT The following persons are doing buslnesa et A l W TRAINING CENTER. 1700 E Garry No 107. S1n1a Ana. CA Ben Wood, 334 15 P8'tw1nkte Or • Legun• Niguel, CA 92677 Gr•n1 Jons.on, 15292 Moulln1. Irvine. CA 92714 , This oualness ls conducted by an un1ncorpora11d 1uoclallon other lhan 1 oa11ner11110. Ben Wood This stllemenl was hied woth '"- Counly Cle<k of Ora"99 County on Nov 11 1982 F202411 Publllhtd Oange Cout Delly Pilot, l'f()v 20. 27. Oec 4 11,.,982 5084·82 PUBl.IC NOTICE FICTITIOUS MISIHEH NAME STATEMENT The lollow1ng per1on 11 doln(I business et . M,ANOOCH PUBLISHING CO .. 1304 Login Ave • Coale MHI, CA 926215 M•nouchehr-Varastt•h, 5934 linden A ve Long Beech, CA 90805 ThlS butlness 1s conducted by an onOlvidull Manoucl'lflhr-Varesleh This 11a1emen1 was tiled with 1he COunty Clerk of Orange County on Nov 17. t982 F202414 Published Orange Coall Dally ~1lo1 Nov 20 27, Dec 4, '1 1982 5086-32 PtllllC NOTICE SUPERIOR COUllT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF OflANQE 700 Civic Cnlr Or WHI Senla An1, CA 92701 MAAAtAGE OF: PETITIONER: JAVIEA AVALA AUIZ. llE8PONOENT: MAAOAIUT A AYALA. SUMMONS (FAMILV LAW) CASE NO. D 20710t NOTICE! Vou have beiln IUld. Tiie court mey decide egelnal you without your being heard unle11 YtXI respond wllhlfl lO deya. Aead the Information below. U you wish to seek the aovree ol An a11orney in lh1s mauar you should Oo so promplly so 11101 your response or pteao1ng, 11 any, may be liled on wne AlllSOI Ualed he a ldo damandedo. El trlb11n1I pvtd• dec:ldlr contra Ud. aln eudlencl1 • menoa que Ud. , .. ponde denlro de 30 dlaa. lea la lnformeclon qut algue. So Usled desea so11c1tar el conse10 <lo 1.m abogoOo en esl<l asun10 , deoer1a hacer10 1mme<11a1emen1e oe esta menera, su respueste ategac1on. •• hay alguna puede ser reg1s111d11 a hempo 1 TO THE RE.SPONOENT The pe1111oner has hied e pe1111on conc;ern1ng your marriage II you lail 10 lole a response within 30 Ooya of the date lhol this summon• rs served on you. your Oefeull mey be entered end tile courl may en1er a 1uogmen1 con1a1nlng 1n1unc11ve 01 otllef oroers concerning d1v1110n ol property. spousal suppor1, c;11110 cuslody, Cll•ld support, ellorney rees. costs. ano such olher rel•el os may be granted by the court Tile garn1shmen1 of wages. taking of money or property, Of other court authorozeo proceedings may also resull Oiied July 12 1982 l ee A Branch Clerk Helen M 011en, Oepuly comp1a1n1 Dated Sep1embe1 •. 1980 Lee A Branch, Clerk Joyce A Noh1vec. Deputy Published Orange CoHI Ottty Polol, Dec 5 12. 19. 26. 1982 S331·8a PUBl.JC NOTICE STATEM€NT 0' UANOONMENT Of' UIE 0, FICTITIOUS tu .. ~.aa NAM€ Tile follolllling person• hive •bandoned 1tie use of the fiellllovs ous1ness neme: DURYEA CURTIS & VACCARO. 4301 Mec:Arlllur Blvd , Newport Beactl, CAI 92660 Tile Fic1111ou1 Business Name referred to above w•s filed In Orange County on Ootobe1 13. 1981 WILLIAM M CURTIS, A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION. 1 Callforn11 corporation 4301 MacAr111ur Blvd • Newpon Be1c11, CA 92660 MELVIN S FELDMAN, 4501 Gorham Or • Corona del Mar, CA 92625 SAN E VACCARO , A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION. 1 California corpora hon. 4301 MscArthur Blvd • Newport Besch. CA 92660 LE.SUE N DURYEA II. INC • a Calllornfa corporallon. 430 I MacAntiur Blvd • Newpon Beac'1. CA 92660 Th11 1>u11ness was conducted by e general parlnersl\op Wilham M Cunis, • Professional Corp w M Cwl•S. Pres Tttis stalemant waa hied with the Counry Clerk or Orange County on November 18. 1082 f173121 CUflTIS & VACCAflO OM Newpof1 Pt. 11 1010 Newpor1 Beach, CA 92860 Published Orange Co111 Dally PolOI. Nov 21, 211. Oec 5. 12 1982 51~·82 Publos'1e0 Orange CoaSI Dally l'UBl.IC NOTICE Piiot. Dec S. 12. 19, 26, 1982 ------------ Ml.IC NOTICE 5337·82 K·2'770 NOTICE OF SALE Of' MAL "'Of'£11TY AT fli'ttlVATE' SALE NOTICE OF DIHOlUTION No. NE" a.. Of' PAltTNEflSW In the Superior Coun of tile S11111 ------------This t>uainess 1s conOucled by a FICTITIOUS aUllNHS NA• STATIMENT genatt1I par1nerslllp Cindy ~tmSlrong Cahlornla 92621 Counl)l 01 Orange. Gregory O Pautacll, 5109 Rtver Full Neme and Addresa or the ASt;OT SHOPPING CENT EA OEVEU>PMEN'f, INC J I. Kot:MUR, V P Thia stotement was flle<l wltll lhe County Clerk 01 Orange Counly on November 9, 1982 Publoc nollc:9 Is hereby given that of Calllorn11. ror Ille County of Los RICHARD l CHAPMAN. end Angeles on lhe Maller or the Elllle G RE.G OR" G AN 0 E RSON . or JACK L TANNER, Deceased 11ere1oror1 Oolng businoH under 111e No1ice 11 hereby given lhel Ille un• I 1 r m n 8 m e a n d 1 1 y 1 1 o r OerslgneO will Nit el Prlv11a safe, ANDER s 0 N I c HA p MAN lo Ille n1gnHI •nO OHi b idder. CABINETS. II 2000 s Yale SI • Unit 8UbJecl 10 conllrmauon ol Slid F. City or Sanl• Ana, County ol Superior Coun on or atter the. 14th Onlng•. S1.ie ot C11rtomt•. did on day ol-Oec:amber 1982 al lhe Office ~ 1oin day of August. 19&2 by of John F Beau, t 1 I West Lt H•br• Pt&.IC NOTICE mutual consenl. dissolve Ille Hid Bllld .. Ls Hebr1. CA 90031. County -------------I parlnerahlp and terminate their of Orange, Slllt 111 Celltornla. 111 Ttie following person os do•no bu,1fteS:: 8.S CUSTOM MOTORS TIRE CENT&:OA, 767 Baller SI Cosla ~ .... CA. 92626 • William E Page. 3042 Yukon Circle. Cos1a Mue. CA 92626 Ttiis business Is conduclod Oy an lndlvldual. Witham E Pege This Sl81ement WIS hied with I~ County Clerk of Orange County on- Nov 16. 19112. F20223I PubllaheO Orange Cont Oaoly Pltot. Nov 19, 26. De.: 3. 10. 1982 5081-82 Pt&.IC NOTICE FICTITIOUI BUlfNEH NAME STATEMENT Th• lollowing person 11 doing business u : EBERLE CONSTRUCTION GENERAL CONTRACTORS. 369 E I 7th St . Sle. 6800 A-109. Coste M .... CA 92627 Warren J. Eberle. 490 lrave<'50 Or . Cotti M .... CA 92626 Tiiis buaintu 11 oonducled by an lndtvldual. Werren J Eberle Tiiis 1111emen1 was 111ed w11ti 1ne County Cle<k or Orenge County on Dec. t. 1982. f203nl Tllos atllomenl was liled wtlh Ille County Clerk of Orange County on Novernt>e< 10, 1982 F2017t'I PWli1'111eo Orenge Coast Delly Piiot. Nov 14 21. 28. Dec 5, 19112 4981·82 Avenue, Newport Beec/\, California Per1on WHl\drawfng LESLIE N. 92663 DUflVEA It, INC. •301 MecAMhur Geoff McCoy. 24 Cape 3 P1s Blvd • Newpor'I Beech, CA 92660 Rd • Avoc. Beac/\, NSW Auatrall& Signed Leslie N Duryea 2260 F1n121 Tt11s t>uslneu IS conducted by 1 CUflTIS & VACCMO gener&t partn8r$hlp Attomep It l.Alw Gregory O Pauttch OM Newpof1 Pl. • 10 10 This slltement was filed with Ille N..,,.port Beaoh, CA 92660 l'UBl.IC NOTICE County Cleril of Orange County on Publlahed Orange Co11t Dally FICTITIOUS BUSINESS November 10 1982 Pilol, Nov 2 I, 28. Oec 5, 12, 1982 NAiii! STATEMENT . F201T7t 51~82 Tile lollowmi~-Peuons ...,, d~llll Publlstieo Orange Coast Delly •-"' Mnfll't buSlneu IS Pifol. NOV. '14;'71, 711. DK 5, 1982----,. __ ~ COAST Al ASSOCIATES. 3151 4982-32 -.-TA-TE ____ NT_Of'_wmtofl ___ A_W_Al_ A11way. Suite C-1. Colla Mesa. Doi-IC NOTICE -AtOll 'AlnM"IHlf' Celllornla 92626 l"UUL °"""TINO ~" C P M FIN AN CI AL STATURN'T OF wtTHC>ftAWAL FICTITtOUI MISINl!lt NAME ENTERPRISES, INC a C•lllornia FAOlll PAllTNEflSHll' Tile followlng pe,.on hes corporallon. 3151 Airway. Suite Of'UlATINO ~fl wit'1dr1wn es a general pel1ner from C-1. Coll• Mna. Callf0tn1• 92626 F1CTITIOUS auSM•• NAME the Pltlnet'lhfP operating under Ille Th1S bus;ness is conducled by a Tile following peraOfl hes 11e11t1ou1 bualnas neme ol DURYEA corpor1t1on wtt'1dr•wn as 1 general l>WIMf from CUR l 1 S & VACCARO, 430 I C P "' Ille partnership operallng under lhe M1cArthur Blvd., N..,,.port Buch. FINANCIAL ENTERPRISES flCtltlou• busln•1t nem• o f CA 82680 C P. F!Sller DURYEA CURTIS & VACCARO, T/\e llCllllOus bualneu neme Seaet.,-y 4301 MacArlhur Blvd .. Newport statement for lhe p1rlner1hlp wn Ttils llalement wu filed W111l Ille Beactl. CA 92660 filed on October 13, 1981 In the Counly Clenc of Orange County on The ficlllious bualneu name County of Orange Novembet 9, 1982 11111ement for 111e pa11ner11>1p was Fun Neme and AOOre111 of the F201117 llled on o-"nber 3. 1981 In the Peraon Wllhdrewtng IAN a. PuOhslleO Orange Coest Daily Counl)' or Orenge. VACCAflO, A PAOFEISIONAL PllOI, Nov 12. 19 26. Dec 3. 1982 Full Neme &nd Address ol tile COfl,OflATION, 4301 M11cArlllur 41176-82 Person Wll'1drewtng. SAN E. 81vd , Newport Beec/\, CA 92680 ------------llACCAAO, A PROFESSIONAL Signed. Sen E. V1CC1.ro l'UBl.IC NOTICE COA,OflA TION, 430 I Mec;Atthur Publlahad Orenge Co111 Dally ,ICTTTIUUI IUSIN£11 Pilot, Dec 4, 11 18, 2S 1982 NA• STATE-NT BIVll, Newpor1 &laeh, CA 8~. Signed San E. Vaccaro. fl171121 CUATll & VACCA9'0 Al10Meye It Law 5248-82 The following p1rson 11 doing ---P\llU--C-NO_T_l-CE ___ ousi~ rH E & ASSOC t AT ES. FICTTTIOUI llUSINISI ~O 1112 Running Spring a Lane, NAME STATl•NT Huntlnglon Beec/\, CA 92848 Edythe Zwlekter, 20162 The rottowlng peraon I• Ooln9 Running Springs Lane. Huntington l>Ull~~ ~IPER & ASSOCIATES Beec'1, CA 92646 · Edythe Zwiokler 2600 E Nvlwood, Suite 900, TNI llet-1 WIS nled with tlle F~~·~ ~=~ 3714 Blue Key. lcounty Clerk ol Orenge County on Corone del Mar. CA 92825 "ov 15· 1992• F20a0SI T/\la business 19 CondUClt!d by en Publl•hed Orange Coaat 01lly lndlvldulle 1e N Piper Pllo1, Nov. 20. 21, Dec. 4, 11. 1982 Tlllt 11a~-I WU filed With Iha 5134-82 County Clerk of Ocenge County on Deo. 1. 1982. • ~ Publlllled Orengt Co111 Delly Pllo1. 0ec. 4, I I, 18, 25. 1982 5308·82 ' PUBl.IC NOTICE Pl.8.IC NOTICE NOTICI OF ~ATION '°" CHAMCMI .. OWWUI ....... Of' ALCC)t4(M.IC KVIRAOI LICINSI 12·a.12 To Whom 11 Mey Concern· ACTITIOUS llUllNIH CHUN SON PAK, I.a 9P91ytng 10 NAm ITATUmNT 1111 Dep111men1 ol A lcohollc The lollowlrlg per'°"8 ere doing Beverege Control tor "41" ON tiu.in.e ... $.ALE BEER & WINE(PU8 EAT PL I F1TT312 CUfllTll & VACCAllO 0-Newporl Pl. • 1010 N-porl Beach. CA 82680 Publlehed Orange Cou1 Delly Pilot, Nov. 21, 28, Dec 5, 12, 1982 5155-82 P\B.IC NOTICE RCmioua ., ..... NA•tTAn•NT Th• rollowlng pe11on1 la doing bu~aa. ELEOANCE, WINE & ROSES. )29 Unf\leralty Or., No 8, Cotta Mist. CA 92827. KRISTINE ANN OUNN, 329 UntYet'allY OrlYe, No B, Cost• Mesa. CA 9282) • • Thi• ov.if'INI 11 conduc100 by an ndflllduel 14rllline Gunn Thi• •••••menl WH flied with the ::OUnty Clerk of Orenge County on November 8. 1082. ,.,.. Publlthed Orange COHI Olly Piiot, Nov 12. 19. 21, Oec 3, 1982 &013-82 OM Newpert "· Ii 10 to Newpoft ee.ch, CA92MIO Publlthed Otange Coast Delly Pllol, Nov 21, 28. Oec 5, 12, 1982 5151;!2 PUBl.IC NOTICE ,ICTITIOUa au81N1ta NAMI STAff•NT The IOllOwlnQ person 11 doing buslMll ... B J's POOL SERVICE. 20 Fremont Lido Perk , Ntwl)Orf Beec,,. ca111orn11 Join Chitwood, 20 Fremont lido Pl!k, NaWPOrl Beech, CeHfornl.1 Thll bullneat •a CondUCled by en 1ndlvlclu11 Joan Chitwood •Thi• 111tement -• filed with Ille County Clefk of Orange County on November 9. 1982. ,.,.. PllbllaheO Orenge Cout Oally Pllol. Nov. 12, 19, 2S, Ole. 3, IHt. 41M42 Ml.IC NOTIC£ THE MsTOL. BVILOtNG 1072 to Mii aledlollc o.Yeregee at 18652 S.E. Brlatol St .. 81nt1 'Ane, CA. =Blvd .. HuntinglOfl BMetl. CA Pl.8.IC NOTIC( '~:;.'<:'T'.~=· 8270JeuTS'CH ' OLINSCHEfO PuDll•l'l•d Or11nge COH I Diiiy Th• lollow1ng persona •r• OOing 1 Pll I Dec 6 1982 flCTrTIOUI au .... 11 1>u11ne11 ... PAOPIATIES l,C IO 92278{ Britto! 0 . ' 5HCH2 NA• ITATl•NT ASSOCIATED STUOCNTS 91.. Senle Ana, A. O The following peraot1 11 doing SALES, 23385 Via Sen Oabrlel, Thie ~ II conclue1ed by • 1-----------bVll,_. u : l.flll.lll• Hilla C. 92653 911* .. pMtnerltllp fltalC NOTICE K 0 C ENTeRl>A18E8, 2936 STEVEN HOWARD HEATZ, ~~ultGh ' 01tn1GhelO 1-----NOTIC---.-"'-----·· Ptrtlmmon Pl • FulletlOfl, CA U38S VI• Sin 01brlt l, Laoun• Prot*'_,_.P: Otlllectr ~ 112835 Hille. Ct 92653 .,_,..., Notice 1a 11ere11 C".,, 1h11 the Kt nntfh Ou1n1 C1mp, '"e A0 8£1'tT "AALAN KIJATZ. Thie Ntemem w11 ll4ed with the Y Per1fmmon Pl , Fvllerton. •CA 193111 8r~hu111. 60. Hunttngt""' OountY Clerk of Ore,.,.. Couniy on ufl~algned wlll no1 rMP0111lble .,.. . Neri. 23. 1912. -·..-~or '"Y debt• or ll1blllt !11 112835 Beech. C1 82&41l ,_ ICOf'llllKlld by enyOfll 01~ ttien Thi• buJIMH "CondUC1tO ll>y"' Thll blillnl .. II conoucttd Dy I f'ubll•lleO Ora11oe COHI O•tj ~· on « lllfer W1 clett indlvlduet. oen-111 pertnerahip P'llot, Nov. H . Dae. :I, 10. 111 IN .~~ltd '"" 3r0 Oey ol o.o.mw. Kf(lneth 0 Camp 81..-. Heru 1 ...,, Tlllt lllltmerll -• llled With Ille Th11 atll_,I wee 1"90 w<fh U11 ________ _,s;..;.;;.;u;..-e;:.;=-l n.-o. Hwee CQUfltf c...,., of 0r.,,,._eount,, on Qoufl1y c1er11 of O.enoe Co1Jn1y on People WftO neeo Pl°'* .., .,...... w., Oeo 1, tte2 • Nov :>e. IHl lf10Uld alWIVI checlt ftll ntM, CA _,~ ,.._ ,__, 8er¥1oe Olf~ory In the Publlel'lecl Or•flOt Cont Delly PubllsheO 011n"e COHI Oelly Pvblllh•<l Oran"e Cout 01Uy DAILY PILOT I0110f. o.c.. 4, e. 11, IH2 Piiot. Otc •• 11. ''· 28, IHt Piiot. Oec &, ,~ 19 26, IH2 6324•82 &310·U !112f·l2 • F201&S7 Published Orenge Coast 0111y Ptlol. Nov 14. 2 t, 28, Oec. 5. 1962 5038-82 PlllllC NOTICE f1CTTTIOUS aUSINIH NAME STATEMENT Tile lollow1ng persona are domg bulinlU .. M INl·U·STOBAGE. t8552. MecAnhur 811/d Su11e 380, lr.1ne. C.lilornle 927 15 Mlnl·U-Slorage 11111, a hmlled partnership , C . J Bonnet Corporlloon, genef11 partner a :;a111ornla corporlllOn. Tiiis bulineu Is conducted 0y e FICTITIOUS MISINEH NAME STATEMENT Tile lollowtng per$0tlt ere doing buSIMHll IS BB PRODUCTIONS 19542 Soetra Soto RO .• Irvine. CA 92715 Barbera Barr, 19542 Sierra Solo Rd 11111ne, CA. 92715 Robert Barr, 2!190 I Spruce L11ne. l11gune Hiiia, CA 92653 Tllos bu11neu ls eonduc:lt!d by a Qef'*•I pertnersnop Barb"'• Barr TlllS 111temen1 was Ill.a .. nh IM County Clefk of Oranoe Counfy on Nov IT. 1118:.> F202417 Published Orange CoHI Delly Pllol Nov 20. 27. Dec 4, 11 1982 5099-82 hmllt!d partnersnip ---PUBl.--IC_Mn_Jll-CE __ _ Mlni-U·S•oraoe "" ft1ff, 1 ca11rorn1a c;orporehon C J Bonner Corp . General Perine< Brian A. Dehn. Vice President Thia llalemenl WU hied wtlh l/\e County Clerll of Orange Counl'I on November 2. 1982 F2010M Publl1hed Orange COHI Dally Pllol, Nov 14, 21, 28. Dec. 5. 1982 5028-112 FICTITIOUS SUSfNEH NAME ITATEMENT The followlnct peraon I• Oolng bullnesa aa; CROWN AUTOMOTIVE- I NOEPENOENT CADILLAC SERVICE. 738 W 1711'1 SI , Cosie M9".CA 92627 Ht mllton S Barnard, 16242 Hewall, Huntington Beach, CA 92649 Thi• blitJnt11 11 con<lucled by en _____________ 1 lndlVlduel Hemlllon Bernard Pl.8.IC NOTICE FICTITIOUS _, ..... NAME ITAftMENT Tiie IOllOwing pe<IOM 118 doing bulln•• H CREATIVE PHOTO, 1818 W Ketelle. Antl'lelm. CA 92802. Thll 1111emen1 WIS llled wlll'I Ille COunty Clefk of Orange Counly on NOY 17. 1982 'HM11 Pul>lo1h1d Orenge Coest Delly P1101, No'i. 20, 27. OK 4, 11, 1982 510$-62 Cr11t1ve W1y1, Inc., 1 C1llforn1a1------------- corpor1t1on, 729 W 161h SI. •B·S. NlltC NOTICE Cotll M-. CA 92627 1------------Thls bliilneM 19 .c;onduclt!d by I FICTITIOUS ., ..... corpor111on ~ ITA,.._NT CrMllYe Weyl. Inc The lolowlog l*90nS .,. dOlng Tom Pf•llool bullMSI .. 8ecre1aiy-Treeaurer THIE NEWPORT CO . 501 St Thlt 1111emen1 was filed w1111 Ille Andrew Rd., Newport Beacti, CA County Clerk or Orange County on 92663 Dec 1, 1982 TM [111911 R Jotinaon. 1ne .. • ,_.. Celllornte co~on. 50 I SI. Pu1>ll11110 Orenot Co111 Dally Andr-Rd , BellCll. CA. PllOI, Dec 4, I 1, 11, 25 1982 92683 5215-82 Thia t>uttneaa 19 condueled by a eorpor1tt0n ----.. ---IC-..,,.--nl'r----·• flle Ernest R Joflnson. Inc ... -. '~"RA Jtm•• POf'ler. Vlw ,., .. tTATSMllf'T Oft WITHDRAWAL Thll 11etemen1 wu Iii.cl with the PR011 ,ARTMI...... County Clef~ of Drlf\98 County Ofl C)ltlM,_ UNDm99 No-; 17, 1ff2 '1CTmOUt ....... ..... ,...,. The l ollowlng pertofl hu Publl•h•O Or1no1 Coeal Oel~ wtttldf-••911* .. C*lfllf from PllOt. Nov 20. 27. Dec 4 11, IN Ille pennerltllp operl1lf10 under Ille 6107 42 flctltlovt ~ n-of OUAVEA CUATl8 ' VACCAl'IO, 430, NlllC NOTICC MICAflhur 91\'d,. Newport hech. ------------CA tlMO '1CTmOOI .,._,, ""-llCllllOUI bualn•H "'""' .._ .,.,....., 11etel'l'ltftt tor the pmnnenNo Wiii Tiie followlflO pereon I• clOlflO ftltd Oft ~ ,, 111 f Ill "'4 bullneu H County Of 0.ltlOf. R I C H A A 0 A 8 T H I L L '"" Ntl\'lt 9ftd Add,... of 1111 CONSTAUOTION co • uaa ~ . "-tOtl WltflelrlWIN 9e!!t1 A,,_ CA ta101 I.H&M N, DU9tVIA a,..:~ 4301 Aldletel fll llNll. owner. 2.-22 MecArfhvr ltvcl .• Newpofl BIKh. ,._., Sent• Alla, CA 92101 CA HMO. I~ 1"1111 llllllMM It conducted by tn 8lgnM leelll H ~ lrn!IYICIU .. '"" ~o fll f!Mll CUlml a WACCAM Ttlll 1t...,,,.,,t ... llltd wtlh Ille A ..... , ... '--CcM\ty Cterll of 0.11191 Couftty Oii OM._.,.,. ... • 1010 Holl '7, !M2 ~ 9-dl, CA taeeo ..... ll1111>fl1llecl Orano• 00111 01111 fli'ut>llthtd Orange Coett 0111y fttlcM, N0¥ a1 H , 0.. I. 11, 1"2 Piiot, How ~. 27, Dec a 11, 1Mi. &ll'l-12 l !ot·H relallons H partners 1hereln Ille roglll lllle and tnlereal 01 said Said busoneas In the future wltt be deGeased II the lime of Oealh and conducted by RIChard L Chapman, att the riglll. lllle end Interest lhal who wHI pay 1no discharge 111 lhe esllle ot 1110 dec:e.sed hi.I 11ao11o1ies and oebta OI lhe firm end acquired l>y operallon 01 llw or rece.ve all monias payable 10 Ille otherw•M other 1nan or In lddihon rrrm 10 lhat of said oeceued, at Iha time F'urtller 11011ce 11 hereby given or death. in and lo ell tlle certain lhal 1ne undersigned w111 nol be real properly •llualed 1n Clf\I or Sell responslbte, lrom lh1S oay on. for Beaeh. Counly 01 Orenge, S111e ol any obllglllon incurred by lhe C.tofornla, p1111eular1y described as others In 1111 own name or 1n the follow• 10 wit • neme ol 111e firm All of Loi 7 Ind the Northerly IS -Datecl Oecembet 2 1982. Cos11 lee1 of lot 5. In BIOck 217, of Tree• Mesa c 811rorn•• No 10, 11 ~ map recorded In Richard L Chipman Book 9 Pl\11• 10 01 MISCeOa.nlOIJS Pubh11>eO Orange coeat Delly Maps, m 1he olhce ot lhe County P1lo1. Dee 5 1982 Rec:oroer ol tetd Orenge Counly. ' 5342·82 more commOl'lly known es 307 SetJ Beach Boulevard, Se•I Beech, ------------Ce!lfom1a MLIC NOTICE Terms of sale cash In l1wtu1 FICTITIOUS auaiNEH money ol the Untied S111es on Mle, or part cash end 1>11anoe evklenc.o NAME STATIMENT by note 1ecured by Mor1g1g1 or Tile lotlow1ng person• ere 001ng Trust Deed on Iha property ao SOid business es T f 1 bid ..... E M & C E N G I N E. E R I N G en per cenl o emoun to .,.. deposited with bid ASSOCIATES. 14661 Myford Roed. Bids or ollers to be tn Wfl\lng ~ B·2 Tus11n. Ce 92680 will be received 11 111e tforeHld MOHAMAO IBRAHIM El GAFI. ofhce 11 any lime eller the llrll 19•5 Stil!rlngton Place, Newport pubtleellOn hilreol and belore dlle Beec'1. C1 92663 of sale R I c H A R 0 R E y N 0 l 0 011ed lhll 24th d•y or November FURRELL, 26972 Via OrenOe. 1982 ' Mlsalon VoeJO, Ca 92691 JOHN F 8EAU and SAMUEL A GORDON RAYMOND SHORT, GREENBURG. Auorneya 11 Lew. 215•2 Cimino Pepa1, El Toro. C• 111 West La Hebra Blvd . Lt H1bra. 92630 . CA 90831, Attorney• for Muy Ttill l>ultnesa 11 Conducted Oy •n L 0 I h , I 0 g • T a n n • r M A R y un1ncorporeted llSSOCl&toon Other LOTHRIDGE TANNER, E11ecul0f thin • P•r1nerah1p AOm1nlllrl• ol the Estatt ol Hid Moti•mad El Gtll Decedent Thos &lat-nl wat filed With 11141 PubllslleO Orange CoHI Delly County Clerk of Ortnge County on Pilot, Dec 4, 5, 11. 1982 Nov 23. 1982 FZ02117 Pubhahed Orange Coaal Dally PllOI, Dec 5 12, 19. 26. 1982 S298-ll2 "8.IC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICC NOTICE Of' fli'Ol~NT Of' SALE CW ITOClt APRH. MANAGEMENT COAP• ORATION lllCTTTIOOS 1ua•aa 7317 P11amoun1 Boulevard NAMI ITATl•NT fleo Riiier•, C•ltlornl• 908$0 r11e lollOwlng persona are Oolno busll•ffl et 1'~1l MANAGEMENT COAfli'- ARllNOTON n MBEALAKE OFfATION ASSOCIATES, 17671 lf\'1111 Bhtd.. 11•6 COl<lwller CAnyon Drive Sulle 204. Tuatln, Clllfornlll t26eO 84twfty Hiii•. C.llfornte 90210 Cr11llve Reel Elttle OonCIC>fl. In<:'. Callfornl• corporeuon. 17$72 NOTICE IS HERE8Y GIVEN 11111 lrvlne Blvd , Suite 204, Tu111n. lite Publle Auction of the sloell of J C111tornl192680. 0 . LITTLE ENTEAPRJSES. a Oeaerl Enl8fprlM1, • c a111orn11 Celllornta corpor11ion, prevlouatv oaner11 par1nerthlp, 1868 1 11011Ced. pubt~ Md teheduleci 8Mchmonl, S1111e Ana. Cellfornll ror 3 00 PM. on Augutl It, In "'8 9270& Office of 01vld M llml>eroff. lnl.. Wlllleln E 011ermltler, Jr , 463 1 Teller Av1t1ue. Sut1• I~ general pailner, 120t W L• Ve11 Newport 8"ch. Callf0f11le 12 ... , ,.,., 600. Or•ngt. C•llfornla l)llrtuent to the Security~ 926611 d•l•O Novtmbe1 13, tf'tt, Wll John w Heng,8h, o•t111 11 postponed unto 0.CMtmber ti. pert~r. 11155 t &etchmonl, Sant• 1H,, 11 the •-time Ind .,.._ An• C•hlornlr92705 111oom1nt for retie• lroM etey .. Thie 1>U11M11 11 1;one11>C11d br • proc.tO wtlh ae1d avc:uon "-Wit ~ti P11lnerl/\lp 1>1111 QtM1ed by the UnMct l ••- Crell11W Aeal C•tMt 8enllt11p1cy eoun. Cefll• .. Otttnct ~1. lflC 01 Celltorfllll, effec!IW °'°""''*I, lb I.. fl Mertleta 1982 bee V P Olttd ~tier t, 1MI Tllll Ital-I Wll fl!e<I Wtlll Ille JOf!/\ 0 llltle County Cltrk of Orenoe O°""ty on Ir Oavtcl M ZlO!IDeroff oec; t 1tu • 111a A11orney ....,_,....._ • .,_,. 4t3tTelletA~ A ...... It I.ft llllM 12'0A ... C........... ~9aecft.CA ....,... ...... CA-IHtO ,_1 (7 t4J 1»·2U3 ""t>ll•h•d Or•no• COHt Delly ltvblltheo Or•t11• CO•ll Dally PWot 0tc 4 I 1. 11, 25 1H2 '"°'· Oeo 4, 6, I . , I , IHI 5*•P 13 f 4-12 \ 0 • q; l~I Orange Ca111t DAil V PIL 0 r /S11nc1 'ICTITIOUI IUl .... 11 NA ... ITA1'1M1Nl ,,.. to11ow1no J11111u11 •• ''""'II Will' .... u Mf ANS UAO~ I flUl K 1111[ au w1cr 1a3n co11•11•111 1 ..... [HI, No I lrvma (.A "" 14 lOnl N HONAlO Mf AN'• JH ~02.1 Mav111 t11rn f.lt11ca An•lt111111 CA 11111 11u1t1n•n •• LoOdOllt•I or"" lnd••lllual l or,.11 AuitulJ Mt11111• J1 l hlM •l11lt1nt11f•I waa hlt'•t wltlt ll1t1 County Ck!lk ot Oran\)• (.ouuty "" Novamb81 10 lllllJ ,l!G ,,., Pul>ll•h•d Or•nuu (.;u1.i.1 O•••y PllOt, Nov 14 :I I 28 0~ ~ 1Utl2 4lltl4 8J POOUC N<HICC FICTITIOUS BUSINES& NAME STATEMENT Tho toll owing p1111011 •• 1to111u buainl!u as C ALlfOH N IA PAClflC INllES fMENT S. 2!>!> Owu11s Ortvo Af>el'Ml1rn.-CallJ01ru11 !12!0 l Jock H•o1n11s llllttr<1. Jr :>!i!J Owens Drtvt!, J.~11nu11n C"lllo1111• 92807 Tn1s 1>ustnt1U •• '011duCl4'<l by en 1nd1v1dual Joel. Thomus l•lldrcJ Jr T1111 s1atemo!nt was hltld w1111 Ille County Cle1I. ot Oronge Coonly 011 Dec I 1982 F2033l2 Publisne<l 01angt1 Cont Oa•ly P110I Dec 4 I I 18, 25 1982 5257 8:1 POOUC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The tollow1ng poison IS dclng l>USlnOSS M THE ARTIRY, 135-A Cec•I P1aoe, Costa Mesa Ca 92627 Penelope Bonham Long 13!> A Cecll Pl&ee. Cosla Mesa. Ca 92627 This busineas •s con<Juctod by an lnd1vldual Penelope Bo11ham Long This stetement was hied wllh Ille County Cletk ot Orange Coonty on October 19. 1982 F1"'97 Published Orange Coaal Daily Piiot Nov 21. 28, Dec 5, 12. 1982 s 148·82 PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The tollow1ng person is doing buStneS$ as SCOTT FOREST COMPANY 7281 Murdy Circle. Hun11ng1on Bel!I;!>. Celllomla 9264 7 W ill Allen. 7681 Clay Huntington Beach, ca11torn1a 926H This business rs conducted by an lnd1vlclual Will Allen This statement was liled with the CounlV Cle1k ot Orange County on Novwnbef 10. t982 F201771 Published Orange Coast Daily Piiot. Nov 14. 2 t. 28 Dec 5 1982 4982 82 POOLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The lotlow1ng poisons a1e domg business as CENTER FOR CONTINUING EDUCATION PROGRAMS 3857 Birch St . Newport Beach CA 92660 Francis E Gonzales. 2529 S Townsend. Santa Ana CA 92704 Alice O Gonzales. 2529 S Townsend. Santa Ana CA 92704 Frances E Gonzales This stalem<inl was l1led with !he County Clerk ol Orange County on Nov 16, 1982 F2022t4 Published 0 1ange Coast Daily PllOI, Nov 19. 26. Dec 3. 10, 1982 5080-82 POOLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The tollowrng pe11on ts do1n9 b\dtnMS as THE DOLPHINS. 180 01an9e BIOssom. Irvine. Celllom1a 927 14 John G Dolphin II. and w1te Geo<gla E • 180 Orange BIOssom Irvine. Cahlornoa 92714 This busoness IS COfldUCled by • gene1a1 pannersl\1p J G Dolphin lh•S statement was hied with OW! County Clefk ot Orange County on Oclober 22. 1982 F200371 Published Orange Coast Daily P"ot, Nov 14, 21 28. Nov 5. 1982 . 5041-82 POOLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS 8USINbS NAME STATEMENT The tollow1ng pe1son is doinQ business as ABSOLUTEL \I APPALOOSA. 405 1 llh SI . •A Huntonglon Beach. Ca 92648 Carotyn Jean Cra19 405 I"" $1 . : A. Huntington Beach C,1 92648 This business 1s conducted by ~n Individual Carolyt" Craig T111s statement wa~ h'e<I wolh the County Clerk ol Orange Coonty on October 27 1982 F200IM Put>hshed Orange Coast Daily Pilot Nov 26 De<: 3 10 17 1982 5213-82 P\mlC NOTICE FICTITIOUI BUSINE88 NAME STATEMENT The tallowing person r1 doing l>uSlneU as H UNTINGTON HARBOR CLEANERS. 1643 I Pacrllc Coast Highway. SunM!t Beach CA 92649 Dale Edward Pickard, 2 I 85 I ~and •44. Huntington Beacn CA 92646 This bualnesa Is conducted l>y an lndivldual Date E P1Cka1d Tiiis statement wea tiled with lhe Co\m1y Clerk of Orange County on Dec:. 1, 1982. F203297 Publlthed Oreng• Cont Daily PllOI. Dec 4, I I, 18, 25. 1982 5307.82 P\8.IC NOllCE FICTITIOUS 1Ua1HEH ..... STATDllNT Tile tollowlng pe11on 11 doing tiu.lnMI ... SPECIFIED PRODUCTS CO 15 Lupine. lrvtne, CA 927" GREG AN THONY HOLLOWATY. 15 Lupine. Irvine CA 92714 Thi• 1:1ut1neu It condueted l:ly an llldMduat. Gr911 A Holtowaly Thtt 8181-1 Wat flied Wllh tM County Clerlt ot Oranoe Cou<lty on OclOO. 22. 1982 , F200381 ,.bt1111.a Orenge Co111 Dell) ,,.., Nov. 19, 28. D.c 3. 10, 1082 5110-112 ~ P\8.IC NOTICE '9CTITIOU9 •ualNIH t NAMISTAH•NT Tl'le rottowlng pereoo 11 doing ~ ... LANDMARK FVNDING. 95499 BOIN. Weelmlnller. CA 92883 • Vu Huy Tan. llH Quell Lene P,11199. CA 92689 Tiii• butlnesa la conducted by an toaMduat • • Vu Huy Tell ' Th!I 8181-t Wet llled wltll the bolllty Clerll of Ofange Cou111y on bee. 2. 1982. , ..... I Publltll.0 01enge Co11t Delly f'*>t· Dec 5, 12. 1t , 29, 1982 I 533..a2 ' 4 6 4 2 • CLASSIFIED I INDEX Tt P'8ct YMI A~, Ct• 642·5&78 Daily Pilat ~'.~!!! .~ .. ~ !.'.'.' ....•.. ~'.!!!! -~~ ~'-'·.. ... . ~~!!!! .!•!.!.•.'!..... •• !'.~'!!! .~~~ !.'.'.'..... .. !'.~~!!! .(~'. !.•.'!. '. •••• !'.~!!!! .{'.'. !.•.'! ••••••• !~!!!!.{'.'.I!.'! ••..... M8USES f OI !llC ..... ,., 11o1i...1 ..... ........ 'l''""il ... . ::; ,!.-.~~~L ......... 1.~1 ~~~~~L ........ !.~~ f!.-.~~~L ........ !.~1 '!~~~~L ........ !.~. f!.-.~~~L ........ !.o.!1 ~--.~~~L ........ !.~1 ¥!.-.~~~L ........ !.~1 c • .,. ... , ·-...... " '"' ..... ,..\it .. ' ..... "'.,. "'•"• ttwtftot . ',_,.. .. • Wfttfj" \·II·~ ..... "41M\Vf" .,,..,~ l"tM I •i:Wl• IWe1 '- I •& .... • Ulll' .... , ..... ,.., . .,..., .-...\\,t.n ,,.,,_, I 1• '""' IN! I 111.il ...... .... 11><1 ""' I lt'li BIG CANYON 45 Royal St. Georie Price reduced to $799,000 fllUSllO VllW NORTH BLUFFS (Where Y111 01• h• Tete LH4) OPEi TODAY 10·2 5 ~:n::,~:.'h ~A Ji.ieA4 4Vl"'lt•ou '-114111 Ao• "'•' •"••h !'til:Nlh I •t~ma y.,.~lfnlO\lf'I ""' H• ,..,,. tv1• . ..., I""' IO- I("' 1100 1> .. t.oh ""'' lul Orw 111 lllK ~.'.111y1111'• 11111 ... 1 hllllll'' l 't•tl°'I llll l(ld<IOU•111li1t.1111l111111rlll 1.11111lv livl111t ,,u,o llly •l.lll•1111111i.l11p lhll•lllo:llHlll ••\11'11 ~1\'I' lj\I' "' 11.1k Mor)(tlll 1• r•11t I• Ml 111111 lilkl ~ lx•~f 41001~, :t h.tlh' IHHlll~ 11•1111, fllllrihl dlflllll( fUllll I Thi· 1•v1 •1 pupul.11· "I~" Plun M.1.:111 f h't•111 h .1\', nwun1,1111 ~ 111ll' 11.ihti; vh•w : f"1•,1llJ11t1g :l l1<lrn1)., lrtq~t· (u1111ly ruu111 S111t111).h ttlt•d 1•11try Cu1nurn .:~1un1ll't k11d11•11 wllh l'L·1hn~ foJti.1 al-\'t•11ti11u 11s "Cas:ihl:1111·11" look i spa1..·111us 1w1111s ath.J ur rk.• ,111 & n.1y 4 Uclt m a 110111 tru tot u~c.ull 11 111111' $';1'.i 000 tn'I 111111l Pim unly Mu!ilyrt lWtl(.h11tl ilQI 759 9100 01111 ~un c ull for 11tJ ctrm,\ QUITCLAIM DEED llVllE THRICE lllluolll ,, • n ,100 ~.oroclo1>u1 ts penCJ1t111 I uke 11oe~ 1m1ooct wfo MAtn•• Uflmf, "'la•• 6 " ...... ,!E~~. ESTATE ~~---A~c~W~Ui!t.batii:;_~---1 ku::: .. ,:~~~n' -t-Hmmlt YIW tllLS PRICE REDUCED ocaaY6 ClUll'l'A CIQDIDlTIIJll Ill CHYOI CUSTOM Jtc·dm·1·d :S:lOll,IHIO 111 ::.1.ou.,,t111t1 W11i1 down -to-w1_..1 H}lt't11 l~ow duwn payml'nl & 1·:iu·1•ll1•111 l1111an1..•1ng u11111lubl1• Qt1ttltty1~ Cf/1 nu 111-1~ 26r dlill POUi blHI 770-!>IJ08 , .,,. ... ,,.,.,, 1,..,., 4 r)f,tl\ 7 ~=.~·,:~;:~:r;·~ 1Nplt1, .. '·"'h .... L.r floi.t~UJt» Mu\•d lfW Vh# t'ttl(•tlt IN:hntriel t"r~fh $!1!1\1,1)(10 I .t•111,.-l111hl 1)1 f 111:\,tll)tl fl't' [}<"II ll11y' ('111•111111 11..t M 111 \! •IOl''f Y. llh •I li1•drvom-. t ' lrnlh~. lunuly """" ~\'I'·" .11<· ohmnw room. .. I I ti\ .... fl Ii" II 1111 1·11r """"ti •11111 w.ill '"vt·nn,,;s !j ._ . ._,r t;~u Jt.l•' llEHOH FLAWLESS $r1r1t1,IHIO ft•t'. llurhur V1t·w l11lli;, ~n·ul \'ll'Wl f lllUll(.'lOg rnn SAL( BY OWNER 423 CARNAllON 3+2 OuplUA 675-8370 '""' '"" ,., .. 8 \tf.bth• llnw fflr .. ,k, \t""AIA lh-"UJ'f't kt1\<.rt '"'•':J"'' ti ,,,. ... :: ul ~=~ ,,,-::.;~ M•nthn. •'"" ~''"'U tluJ b••l• • u~•"A• llHCH H0,000 P1·nm .. ulo :'l Bdn11i-. T 1·adl• for l'o:o.t.1 M<.·'·' 4 Hdr111i-. $a9YJllJO BROADXOOR HARBOR VIEW HlllS HOME- F111>ulou' vrew. 3B1, tam rm. pool/1 c Open Sun 2507 Lighthouse Ln Owoer/bkr 644-4872 D A I .L y p I L 0 T c L · A s- s I F I E D 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 "~·· bl.t-t ~•1'lf'CI RENTALS livt.u.+vrn.~"'"' '"°'""""' l "'"''"'" .... tlou)ott •"\ire w l nf (Uift4onl1fthtm11i t wrf\ t ondunu1u1.irh, t of Th~h1rn Tu•~\nlftl °"'"~''' f"Mtf1 Uuptnu lnl Aph f\un ""*"'t "'""" Aph t '-"'' ot t "' """"" tt<ion1 ........ ,d lffiit"I"' Mut .. h c,w,tUo'fllf'• '\wmttWt H .. M•I• \ •Uhon Kf'nt.h H•nhh tr, "th•t•• G•' ..... ,for Krnt UU1tf' kf"Al<tl ltu'lfM'H Rrol•I lr.aQu\H11I "'"'•1 ~;~:.,~ v. .1ntto<1 M lllt Kc-nh1I~ BUSINESS, INVEST· MENT, FINANCE ~~~:::: \{P!:'~· lnH-.t"wo·t Uppurt, lft\f'\tnw-ftt ¥. anll'd \t~)lvlAHI Mun.-~ \4 anaf'd• 'Cur'l•••H Th .. ANNOUNCEMENTS. l'f RSONAlS & LOST l FOUND All.~ .. ,,...~. .. ,~ ,..,...,,l ,fAI<* '"""•••wnd flf'twt\.otb • ..._. • .tt'lut ... • Tn\1"1• SERVICES EMPlOYMEHT l PREPARATION "...._., IMltW-ltOn Juo'A .. nh-t • It''" .. •"'"' "' • t MEICHANDISE Ant1qun Awll•ft'~\ .\\I(' ... ~ thnd.-"' kw\du1' \I atf'ft<111h l •n'W'fH 6o t.ql.ilpn"°'f'll ••h [)uo\ t '"'to \ou •\.rn.twre L•r~A.-Ml"" llQr.WO\ lt.ow'lof'fMAd t;OQU~ Jo~•lr-. l,.,\nlO.ll \i•(t\lMf~ \41\nlh f'M"tJU' M1M'f'U•tiif"(JIU• .-. •nl.-d "'""N'•~ l n .. trumttnh f.Jff"' ... ""' 6 l:qu1p p..., Pta.t"tt'$ 4.. Ori•"" .,..,._II\.' \h.tb1M-. ~1,..c..ovc1 .. ""'"'" khl•Ur•l\1 8ar f~Ar~~ U1t I "*'~f BOATS l MARINE EQUIPMEJIT ..... ,...,. .. no..• "•tM .._, "*~• "°*'' \h1rtM t QV.t,, bo.th ~tr &>.ah Rt:M c turt-r ~.u~•• Bo.h"•~ ~, .. I -·~ ...... :JRAHSPORTA TIDN 4 •ff•p.1"' ~•I~ k•nt t..J.C"t1r-t4"(•r' lilObtJ.tt~j, .. _c,.i.. s.-... ,. Mouw Hm\ "t•lr-R..-nt Tra1lttl Tthf'I !::w~~~.~!''t.,,. A~TOMOBllE l.f'rw••l Anh~Uf'\ l '•''"" R•trro1\1-:;n \ t"hil lt"t> it~!:., ~:,~~~~1d' fr\olll •~ , ... Aulo LA•"•Qll Aulus W•nlf'l'f AUTOS, IMPORTED (1rthtr.al \Uo1 k unwo \ .... h ' "">hn l&.t•l~' Bll~ l •P"• Cl.,_, L<>ll O•l"U" t~rtAfl r ... , , ....... .. J • ., ... , J....,.n h•rrn.n.n••fll•• i.. ............. )l.,t'd• \ltf•('•it Hot·"' .... '4htt ........ P..ac:c-•,,. PN•"" .. ~ .. ._.,. Rf'o..t .. ,I ~l•Mut•" R ...... ~ ~O•r\I Tot~• fr1uml>f' \ulh ••(H \ohu AUTOS, NEW AUTOS, USED ltf'M-r•t Alll Call tor oppt LORETTA CURCI Call 644· 1367 ,11111 HV '""'" L..tf(I•' luw 11:.~um,11111 hi Jt l I • 1 '\ p I u " u w rH' r r tnutll mi.: ut I :!"r, UfitWl()Uf li()M~i FOllEYEll VIEW lllT IOCl $ti!l.1.lllJO F1·1 L1k, lll'W TRIDEUP F111 Ca1111•0Sltur1·., I Bdrm. I bloc:k to 1x't'.1t1 $Hi5.0llll ft't· or lradc· fu r 1m·1111w pt uµt•rty. LOCATIH N1 ·:ot duplt•>. Old Corona dt•I Mar l;1·C'al 1111 i.hoppmg $24f1,UOO ...... Two ..... -ONGS THE STAINES COMPANY llHTS 3 Yll OLD DUPLX $315,000 CALL 110-3100 Not snt1sf1ed w••ere you are? Are you looking for a pos11rve otmor.phere. orce oll1c;e socro1a1 y, cornputer m1crohche & ---------suppor1? C111 Jim or MaryAnn ldr a conhden- hal interview al 631·7370 TR,\DITIO\ \I ~L\I J' OHll HISE SAT /SHIH 1 ·i FUllY CLASSIC Perfect LtutiH Tast1•fullv dl'cOrall•cJ N1.•w Bedford in Spygla-..o.;." 4BH wtth largl• gonw ·room, i-.p:.tl'llJUS fanuly ruum, formal dining. i-.unkl·ll living room, winding stairway. t:)l.'11\•I' O)IJ l.iValt•d a nu Will C'a rry f tnam·mg. $595.000. 7ti0-K3:l:i. 760-1397 673-7761 B1lbo1 Is11nd I 006 ···············~······ 5 bdrm. 3 bath 1nclude9 master suite and large family rm and off-street parking for up to 7 cars Only 5 doors from the entrance lo Main beach New on market at $575, FlllL Y LIVlll I = ~1K1rkhn~ pool. q ull't cul de S3(' hx·ation = acl.JLll't•11t to park in Harbor Vit•w Hills. 7fi0 H:l:i:I. R<.•dUl'l'd to $4 29,500. WESl.1·.Y '.'..; TAYLOR CO. Hl<Al.T<>HS --.11111· l!H i HYFROIT + llCOIE Home on So Baytront L1llle Island with apt Owner will carry paper $925,000 lltllis Woe It, lltr. lll·Hlf 000 ' 220 JASlllE, C411 H•·l211 NIGEL E3AILEY & ASSUCIAT ES loOIA) Pupulal' 1 l illsbo rou gh Mod1>l. 5 lX"drooms ·~ ~:~ w1 lh ramily room. formal dining, _ Ullll DCUI VIEW OWNER WILL FllllCE .. , ... ,,.; ... 1. 1001 f!!!~.!'!!!~ .••••• !.~~ :r: H • .n: ot'l'a11 v ll'w l'Ondo -walk to beach. uJ11 I BH & d C'n ~rfl't't for weekl'nd ~ gl·t·a -way c>r bat·h c lo r pad Easy )<lft rm:mcing pncc•d Lo sell al $225.000. 9% INTEREST Duple• Two lhree be- •••••••••••••••••••••• 11000 IOWI PEllHUU Jtllll I ElSTSIDE STOL • '6 ;oa 11 "" ttll ,.]I .... tur ylli( 'Ill tlllll w~ '11•1 ,,.., Ill/I 'ff'W t11l "71) t114 'fill w;m Jlz;I y;I) '111'1 'flN '1U YT» t1JI 'fTlll ,, ... r.u t1M Ill• Utl ,,.. 7ti0-83:l:l SOPHISTICATED ELEIJICE cu. .. twn l'X pandcd Dynasty Model with outstanding mount.nin a nd nigh t hght Vtl'Ws. 2 l:xJt , sun room , t'Onversation pit wtth butlt-m 9(•attng M arble t•ntry, mirrort><I walls, t•nc·IOS<'d patio Exe-client buy at $·!25,000. 780-8333 cfth11c 1,{r,~'(.~l1i1t' LIDO ISLE llYFllOIT FANTASTIC TERMS .. .'Owner will l'arry long term ls\ Trus t Dc<.-d. P riced tu sell Nc>ar Lido Clubhousl· & tennis c.·ourl!t. Will a<.'t'OmfT\odaLl' a larg1· ya<'hl. $ t ,:\Oo,000 .a Loll FEES ' droom un11s EJ<Cellent locauon Steps to sand Ill C.llYll OllmJ OLll ocean view 11om upper .I TIE ltL, -as• unot Great fmancmg .,.. 11 Sv1>mr1 on AITP Jusl OWIEI IUY OlllllHI reduced $49 500 Now YOll ltME AS ltWI PAY•HT S299.500 Class-Style-Elegancc-Qualtty. All a rc 1--·'•3•1•·•73•0•0.__ truly descriptive or one of Big Canyon's truly custom homl'S with a wide frontage o n the goH cou rse. 5 Bdrms. 6 111 baths, plus al.I of the amenities you would ('Xp<."Ct. An unusual opportunity to step • without inccmvenicnce. $1,950,000. Sec anylinw. Call 644·49 IU. '. 01 Ill CAIYOll IOLF COURSE 1411,000 :l l Foot living room. Ovl•rlooking 11th fairway. Lgt• mas ll'r sul\c· on gn>und floor. PnvatC' yard & paliu, 3-cur garage . Val·ant. &'<.'an y llmC'. Call 644--1910 for pt'rm1ss1on to C'nter . 11 HE VEITE Opt1 SAT/SUI 1·5 IEWPOIT IElllTS II OISTA •HA Charming 4 BR & family room. 2 brick LOWEST PRICE Univ Park S 11 S,000, 2 Br 2 Ba 2 car gar. Toni M OfllS•Lay f 1eld . 559-9400 SPYGLASS HILL Beaultlul c11y light & moun1a1n view · P11va1e. on cut-Cle-sac. backs on na1ural canyon 4 br. lam 1m game rm. for- m111 d•n Mini cond. Prrc- eo 10 sett at S625 000 Owner 640-7087 IALIOl ISUllD'S BEST BUY LIDO ISLE llYFllOIT f irC'placei:., country k1 t<.•h<•n , quiet For sale by owne<-Prrce re<luced to S289 900 tor quiet. sale Charming 2 Bdrm nome plus t l>drm apt 640-4 196 •O' 01 IOllTH SIDE res1dcnlial al'C'a in young dl·llt.'lopml•nt Pram<.• lcx:at1o n with gorgl'OU~ view of Sf'lli•r will fmanc·(• $229,000 Fl'<'- muin c·hannt'I. Fl"aturcs p1C'rand shp for-_'27 11th PUCE OPEi SUll 1·5 60' boat plus stdl' ues. l'auo. d<-'<'k. large living room, family room with wl'l bar. Homl' g1vC'S you a feeling <J f spaciousness thro ughout. PNfN·t for t•ntertain in g . $1 .695.000. llYFROIT PHTHOUSE 2 bdrm plus d t•n. 3 baths, w e t bar, plantatio n s hu tter s . Beautifully dC'coratcd m peach tones. Oc·ea n view from masLN bdrm plus balco ny, bay view & mountain vil•W from living room . Undt'rground parkmg for 2 cars. Boat !>h p availabll' Good financing . $580,000. LIDO ISLE OPEi SllllY 233 Vil IEIOl Almost watC'rfronl on Via Gen oa. 6 Ek-droom, 4 baths. nl'l'ds somc.> rework & cJcc·oi;atmg & priced accordingly . The bank owns I\ & we submit all offers. Askmg $575,000. llVIH TEIRIOE FlE YALtf Charming 3 bedroom home with loL<, nr extras. You own the land. GrC'at famtly home &·auurul large l'ornl•r lot OwnC'r mottvat<'d. This could b<' best b uy in COM. $320.000. Financing ava1lablt•. 1543 SHEHIE THRICE, C4M SAT/HI 1·5 Ill CAIYOI PlllE LOCATIOI 4 &'Clr ms. family rtlt>m & dining room. 1mm•u:ulull' thro ughout N1•w t·arpl•ts. d rapes, marbll' l'n try & Ul'Cur. El1'<:tron1C' sc-cu nty sysll'm . Wc•t bur, 2 ftrC'plnc.•(•s, :l car gnragc Healed pool and spa Pm't'CI righ l at $695,000. Call 644-4910 for per mis..,ion to entl'r gal<'. 14 HHllC TIH II., lie C11r11 Sii 1·5 IOIOI YIEW llLLS eoa. ., Of Newport,_:}), Reabon.1,1 875·551 ~~ ~· OPEi TODAY 1·5 LET'S TALI THIEY Jut nltuctll S 11, 000, 4 Ir ltt1'9 II super cpr1tr ltt. Ytu OWll the 1114!!! ltw 1ppli111cts i1 ltitch· 1111 ICCISS tt 3 pvt lluches. low UH, too . no C.•11 Michl1ds Ir, C41 •1:.. 91» fl)io r.11 .-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--! ..., Qu1N park-like• sc-u111g Rm for paddll• tC'nnis a nd pool. Grl'a\ for orchard Cul -d<··S:ll' st.. 3 bdrm . ram rm $299,000 Low ground ll•asc.• $375 yc•a r. 17 Years bl'forC' adJuslmC>n\ 1211 lEY WEST IPEI Sii 1·5 PRICH TO SELL Wt luu stvtral co .. os, ••II pried IS Stlrttr h1•ts tf hr the t•ptr- 11sters. Pried frt• $12,000·S U0,000. Call ftr l ift. 175-551 1 t1'1 n.a "'"' •m 1mt rm :~ Lido Realty ~ ~iiiiimii6~73-~7iiiiii3~00~~ IALlt& ISUll FILL· TllE llt•E Charm in g n ea r -nt'W , 2 -s l ory arl·httl'Clura l gem 4 Bdrms. fam. rm Quality design and dC'<'or throughout Designl'd for guC'sl quarum;. Pric:cd to sell $595.000. Scll<·r rina n<'<'. No loon fee. 213 llAHll Hl. DPEI SAT/HI l·I SPYILASI PltL IOMl-lllE A IOllL COLI OF NEWPORT MAL TORS t t ULC-IMwf . c:-..i ... 115·5511 People who need People That's whal the DAILY PILOT SERI/ICE DIRECTORY is all abOVll Quaint Cape Cod 2 Bdrm 11omo wi!h nugc game 4 Bt & family rm Prtn room Dormer windows, only Mini cond Assume picket Ienco oout>le VA of $97.500 at 11 !>0% gerage Located neer & 2nd Diana Cappel beacl\e5 ocean & bay 631-1266 $300 000 & Owner will assist hnancrog 1701 111&11&1 OPEi SHIAY 1·4:30 IU-5200 b1rr1tt rlty sic IY DWIH COM PLETELY UP - GRADED 3 BDRM H'.BA HOME. COLLEGE PARK AREA. LIVING AM AC- 1 CENT ED W /W OOD ---------PANELIN G , BRICK FRPLC, GOOD LNDSCP Coroa1 d1l /1111 IOZZ w 1A u ro SPRKLRS. • •••••• • •••• •••• • • •••• covenED PATIO & GA· •FULL OCEAN VU 11i' ZEBO. CEMENT DRIVE- 300K loan Jasmine Crk WA\I g RV PARKING Owner/Agenl 640-1515 s 132.000 546-3375 Suh1it Ytur Offer Spolless 3630 sl duple>1 owe 151.12"/..-tong te<m 3br/3ba+5br/3ba-1 vac 509 Acacia-walk to sea Open Hso Sal/Sun 1·5 Owner/t>kr 645·7048 Cl• CllAllH DIPLEl 1211,000 lmmacul11e 3 bdrm. 2 --- LAUREL PT E.SIDE One of a kind Cape Cod 2 Br plus loft den, spa- cious 11ving area & patio App1ox 1600 s I Only $ 135.000 0ta11a Cappel ball\ owner s unit endl•llliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilimllli spacious I bdrm rental. bo1h wllh lolled beam ceiling~. lrplcs and a vety pi111a1e pool l..ocaled on one ol Corona det M111 s pret11es1 Streets 4 blks 10 Little Corona Beocll 1•4-7211 /Jn NIGfL [IAILE'I' E. ASSOCI ATES JASltlE CllHl 2 bdrm 2 bo. den Pric· e'tl under market at $275,000 Owner 759-1666 HARBOR VIEW HILLS 4 bd, 2 ba. Fmly Rm, $29!>.000 644-6130 EJ<changellow down 3 Br 2 Ba. So ol PCH. Wiii trade equity tor T D land, etc 644-0995 754-6505 >UIM .. E Stl,HO. Int tf Ymn-.- l•J McC11'9e, lttr. Ml·llH 5 BEDROOM. 2600 sq It nouse, nr So Csl Plza S 143,000 & Lrg assum- a b t e loans. o w e 855-3293 3 IDlll STEAL! on GOLFCOURSE As- sume IO"h Int. Try $5000 dwn UOUIDATION at $125,000. Call PATRICK TENORE. agt 631-1266 HY IOW·IY OWIEI! Cozy E/S1de 2 br. huge yard Good loans Lease op! avail Owner an- xious $146,000 548-9475 63 1-8632 LEASEIOPllON FHIY CUSSIC 3 br 21• ba condo • 3 yrs Perfect Location old 1st & lust, no down 5 bd1m. 3 beth. includes Agt 640·5144 master suite g larg family rm and off.street 3 car garage, Easts1de parking for up lo 7 cars Only $ 120,000 With 3 Br Only 5 door• from entr-2 Ba condo included ance 10 M ein Beach 631·3513 Brolle< New on market at $575 000 CALL H•·l211 DWllH • TEllS 10% dn owe 3 bdrm. den. 11 .. t>a, family area No ol San Oiego Free-/.Jn ~IGEL [!AIL(~ bi 1 way $98.500 541-8077 ASSUC 1ATES 2 story. 4 l>dtm, 3 ba tam -----$240,000 &45-5124 rm ornce 2300 sq '> Have you reed 1oday's -Classified Ads? II not, Make your snopplng ea- you're mf55lng tile l:lilat sler by using the Dally bargains tn townt Pilot Class!!!~ l Bwt .. l:•d1ll•r c.m.-m rtw'\tftolt'1 l."tlr,•lcr C°•tn«l t.:onun•fU•I l·.ut\f-U .. Cwor ~~· ~ !1130 'i!tll >t..U ~ -WQ II~ T wo -stor y N a n t u <'k t' t 4 BR with ~~~~!~!!!~!!~!~!!~!~!!~~~!~ beautiful S unset pool Tnstl'fully r: ,,,.,.,. .. Lu><ol• M•••rlO M .. ,.-wt• =·:.:i. ... 1'•"4o l'I>"""''" r«K••• flu.•fttt.rNtlt "'"' .,. ...... "'. WU !llMI ---ll'I01 ---.. Wh A "clltleu• luet,.He NeMe llate-M flla• ...,. , ... Couftly ~ .. . ............ ,..,......, wtllcll ti-ooftlt111ot111 httfta __ ,..., .. ~ ....... _ _, onlr ti Ill••• ••• ell•" .. •· c• "" Leeet 0., •• , .... 111 .. lht OAll.Y Pll.Ol let 111te1111atta11 an• lltCHMfY l"- '4MU1 ..... •·tJ"1Plml IRVINE TERRACE Form<'r model Irvine T err. home 4BR.<1, 2 ~, ooths. Ovcrsizt' lo t. &-aut1fully landscaped . Very pr1v4!tc & lit."Cludcd pool & patio orC'as S uperb for cntN't.aining. Exc1ung k1tchc•n -dining & living rm area ov<.•rlooking pool. &>llcrs will con.side r lease option purcho~c. You own the 18nd. Onj y_ ~~6~2_>0.:.. 1111111 ..... 144-tHt llllUl-llWlllULn ~--------fHeve aome1h1ng you want To piece ~r rNNeoe lo Mii? CfHtlrled •dado .,.fore the fl well 842·Sf78. rttdlng publtc, onone C~lll,01 to Go·C•rt1 Detty Piiot What•~ the Ftd Cltlllfltd, 142·8871 Roll 'tm Off Ille market Wllll a Claaelllttd Ad Call Nowt 842·5e71 decorated thro ug hout Shows like a model h omt'! ~lier will finanre. Submit down. $760.000 Ind. land. 11¥111 lllYIHITT PAil a 11111. Oe tadwd 3 bdrms. 2' 1 ba hom l' on gret•nb<>h nt'Or community tl'nnis and pool. $114,000 in assum loons & you own thl• l~mc..I $135,000. $21.000 down nan 1. unli 11., IULTlll 111, .................. .--... ~,........ . MMl11 • A fl .. ltlau' lffl11en ....... __ ...._ ..... Hie c....., CWll .. ...../el ............ ......... __ .. ".,.,.. -----..-. .._.... ........ ~ e111, II lllere ar e ......... c:.llltleL .... o.,.,, •• ,,, ., th• DAILY "'-OT let t11le1111a1te11 tft- llffHMfY"""8, MMUt ..... l1t.1ifjQl!tll • ti , U1ur1utt Con"l DAILY PllOTISund y, Oecomb t 5, 1982 ... ClASSIFllD Til e marketplace on the Orange Coa.~t ... 642-5678 Among people luokl11g /ur a rental . 7 ,. , read real estate clastn/wd ads !!!].,.~!~!! ......... '!.'.~!~!.{'.'.!!}! •.••••• '!.'.~!~!.'!!.!!!! ••••••• '!..'.~!!!.~'.'.!. .. '! ....... !~.~~'! ............. ,., ..,. ..... JM w. • ............. .. ,. I . I oo~ ,._ I oo·4 If-• •• ••• • • •• • • • •• •• ••••• ••• •••••• ••••• •••••• •• • ..... 6. '!!!' . .'.~'. •••••••••••••• ~ ~~~~'. •••••••••• ! ... ~ ~.~'.~'.L.. 1001 '-••111 lllZ C.Ht•I 1002 Ct I JllZ ~·················· .,.,,, let s.11 .• ,.,,, /er Salt , •..•....•••............••••.•••.•....••.••• ~~~~~~ ......... !.~~1 ~~~~~~ ......... !.~~ EQUAL ltOUSING 1 _OPPORTUNITY Pu"isher's lettce: All real estate advertised in thos newspaper IS sub1ect to the Federel Faor Housing AC1 of t968 which makes It Illegal 10 advertise "any prefer. ence. hmllanon or d1scro-mina11on based on race, color. religion. sex or national origin. or any tnlentlon to make any such preference. llmllo· lion or doscrlmlnaUon." This newspaper will not knowingly accep1 any adver11s1ng for real es· late whk:h IS In v1ola11on of the law. HHIS: Advertis· ers should check their ads daily and report errors im- m ed I ate I y . The DAILY PILOT as- sumes liability for the first Incorrect insertion only. FAMILY SPECIAL! Large 4 Bdrm 2 Ba Costa Mesa home with alarm system, prof landscaping. cable TV + new paint and seller terms• Great for your family. Sale priced at S 121.900 -call today' 646-7171 THE REAL ESTATERS ~ & MOYE HI IY CHRISTMAS! No qualifying• Assume low int 1oan1 Short es· crowt Seller says · take 11 off my hands• 3 Be· drooms. family room modern B I kitchen. POOi and spa $133.000 DON T DELAY CALL DIANA TOOAVI g,.,,, l1t S1J1 i,";j"i;t~i;·······•••• PIETE:~~VILPE ;;~;;;;i · · · · · · ·· · i·o12 ___ ,_,_._._._coo __ _ ••••........•••.••.... IAlllll II WESTCLIFFI Woth assumable terms under 12'i't%, make the 4 Bdrm. executive home a cul above higher priced models 1n the area Comron. terms and price make this one a reel bargain! Priced to sell al $234,000 · act nowl 646-7171 THE REAL ESTAT E RS LOOI II 1111! ********* •UYFIOIT• HAT SUP SAlllY IHCll 1411,100! 38 BALBOA COVES, 3 tx:lrm-den·2 bath. OPEN DAILY 1·5 UT llOYIHTTI REALTIR/tWIH •HO·t11l* OCEANFRONT DUPLEX By owner Corner tot 3br/3ba & 2br/2ba units. S68SK auumable utK 1st TD. owe 2nd TD 752·9466 111,100 hll Price 3 Bdrm on huge lot nr So. Coaat Pl111. Assume 10°/t V,., low down. NMds a little llxln. Call Joan Ho we , Agt 675·769G IUUlll MIU Ylatl 11H.IOO Redecor1tedf -Ocif~·1 Lerge 4 BR family home with 2 flrec>lac... Pres- tige k>Callon Hiltry, 141-0MI --------·----····· ·•·•·•· ·•·•·. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~~~~.......... .. . . . . .. -~~{ ......... }.~l ol&SMllE CREEi lllTS/Fi111 AYlll · LUST UPllSIYl1 3 Bdrm 2 ba condo in NEWPORT HEIGHTS Preschool in excellent location on large R2 lot across from existing elementary school. Sales price has been reduced and seller will h e lp finance. T his is a great opportunity for builders who might want lO refurbish or build new units. Come by Open House Sal I ·4 at 1525 Santa Ana Ave, Costa Mesa Ei1111 lrhlklYlolt 111"1 720-0112 UlllSU-IS lOI VII Ult •t tPll 111 1-1 Prime Lido Nord bayfront. 5 bdrm, 5 'h bath. Lge L.R., air cond .. 2 boat slips $1.500,000. Remodeled 3 bdrm, 2 bath + large rec. nn beam ceilings. furnished, patios. $420,000. PElllllU M•E DCean & jelly views. Manne room, 4 ~. 3 bath. 3700 eq.fl. $1,38MOO. Oceanfront. Lllll ISU llYFlllT Lagoon view Crom 6 bdrm, 5 bath, playroom, dark rm. den. Boat shp. Now $900.000. • llYSllE PUCE SpectacUlar bayfronl dplx 2 br. 2 ba up; 2 br 2 ba dn. 2 boel. '· Reduced -$1,500,000. FlllllllS 11111 New 4 br, 4 ~ b&, cuatom French Normandy Estate 1.2 prime 8oC hilltop. $1.250,000. •lllllUYI Coronado laland cual. bayf ront lot. 85' boel dock. Plana avail. Now $370,000 w/terms. BILL GRUNDY . REALTOR • 1 ;J ,. ·, ....... • •• "'i ,. • ' '::~~· S@~oUlA-"£~s· :::: 1 ... 4 t.. ClA• I rOUAN ----- -~:';~':.;,• e, -~~~~ -.ft\Ple WOid\ Pttfl'I ""''•'' °' 4'0(h ~ ,,, I NI of ~WO'•' SROOWY I 1 I I I I B Y II I R 0 I I I I' I L A P E A T I 5 I I I I I HODWAS • I I I' I I I IOYI 10 1111 IOkH I ..... _.___.._ ........ __.__,'--' guest It runs In th• 11m11y My 11nc1e w11 1 to-• 1•1111 I M E P A R T 1 •nd a m1g1c11n Everytime I• I I' I I hi si.r11d to 1111 e loll•. .._ .... __._.__..__ --"·-'·'--1 r>eop .. in 111& room ti ........ .. I 1fl1 [ i" 1 "I;'.'!;.;::;.!~:~;:= •;.. .. r r r r r r ·r · t' r r r 1 •E:"7 I I I I I I I I I I I I W-UTl .................... 1. Pride J)I ownership Duplex w/ocean vu former"' model Lots of Triplex w/owner's unit a rea. Close lo So. Coast P laza. $8000. YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES ~"=i:.'.''~ ~~;, = s Plea . Top rentals und<'r mkl. Great terms. Hurry on this Yes we have fantastic financing -Yes it 2. Call Linda T1gl1ane111 IEWPtaT IUCll onC'. is a brand new home -Yes 1l's close to for • pr111ate showing. oceen/Mtn vu home LEAST EIPlllSIVE: 4 Bdrm home in Mesa the surf & sand -Yes·you can move in ?;~~;:~at 12.45.000 in p111 community_ Verde. Nice family home, great family for Christmas -Yes it's in Corona del car~;~~n~~~Bl<r area. -Ma . Don't-delay call Tim ..... ~Y· GE ORGE ELKIN S CO lH-Hll LlllH Cllll: 3 Bdrm, 2 1.hba, central vac, wet bar, microwave, dishwas her , 111·)2H 120-1211 W Have something to sell? BBQ 2 / 1 ent "ds Call 642-5678 Classllled ads do 11 well. gas . car garage w e ec opener. Frplc, stereo intercom. Xlnl terms. A PHL·WIEW +CIHM. A lovely Dover Sh or es home. 4 BRS. formal h ving & dining rms plus a lg fa mily rm w /wel bar & fi replace. Free form pool & spa. Extens ive u se o f parque t flooring and skylights. Owner financing available. $750 000 incl. land. Larry Dyer. ' A ltMf Wnl PaJll, Custo m built - for present own ers by Ivan We lls. Beautiful corner lot. High ~11ings, lg formal entry, formal din rm. lg country kitc h e n w /fplc & seating area. Sparkling pool. $424,500. incl land. Owner will rinance . .Barbara Aune. PIHTlllHI l&YllNll. Spacious family home on quiet street in gate guarded community . Private be ac h , 3 BR, 3 BA. convertible den. Redecorate & have the finest . $395,000 incl. land. Dick Halderman. IHlll TEHAOI. Exceptional 4 BR family hom e in Irvine T e rr. Exciting pool & patio area superb for entertaining complete w /privacy & seclusion. Sellers ·will consider ,a lease option purchase. A best buy al $365,000 land ind. Suzanne Shule r. It _, llWI 1M94 Fllllllll • TllTLI ltll 111111 llMI • Model home 4 BR, 3 BA, spa, 2 covered patios, 2 fl r e places, microwave, community park. $309,000. Owner will Cinance 100% total COBt to buyer $895.00 t o close eacrow. Barbara Callihan-\ -F• Ulll ... , · Flrat OUerlng! Ortalnal Bluth.• Immaculate "Carmelita Pl•n" on greenbelt near pool. 4 BR, 3 BA • Patio. *198,000 Le,.aehold. Dick Hald~rman. •• real bargain at o nly $126,900. Call Steve Arndt at 546-2313. The Real Estaters AESIOE N flAi. AE Al ES l Al E SUIYICES .... 1-4 l1,1IO,Off-See Evan Corkett at 633 Bayside Drive, Corona del Mar 1111,tH-S-ee Suzie Exley at 215-2 17 E. Bay Front, Balboa Isle 1711,111-Sec John Campbell a t 4601 Camden Drive, Cameo Shores 1111,0H-See F.dle Olson at 133 Via Undine, Lido Isle llH,tll-See Frank Sennes at 4!H5 Perham, Shorecllf{s 1111-~Sce Jane Mitchler al 15 Carmel Bay Drive. Spyglass 1411,HO-Set.• Cynthia Rumsfeld a t 218 Via Koran, Lido Isle 1111,Hl-Sec Marcia Bents at 2124 East Ocean Blvd., Peninsula Plt,.._See Linda Marston at 7 Crest Circle, Canyon Crest lltl.IH -See Bert Rffdy at 13 Canyon b land. Bit Canyon 1111,111 Stt Carok-McMahan at 228fJ Pacific Unit N. Coeta M .. . Ill Nftll'OllTC•llraR 644-90eo R&IM~ of Costa Mesa lllWIN FIMILY1 Move up to Spyglass Hill and lhts fantastic view h ome large en ough for your active growing family. 4 bdrms, pius a large family rm. do wnstairs and a large game rm. upstairs. Would you believe there·s a full size badm inton court m the yard? And, a dog run plus many lovely shrubs and (lowe rs. Really a super value al $723,400. 17141 6 73-4400 121 JI 621-2121 l'-....._. Ane'1 Lo.pd lstlMllMd .... Is .. Col-• IL \llB<>ll. RlSIOENTIAl,. ESTATE SEllYICIS < BUT~ THE BLUFFS WITH US Sample six dltrerent floor plans in a variety of locations and price rangea. Get acquainted with one of Southern Callfornla'i most unique. condominium developmen ta!!!! .... ........... 661 Vilui Bonua 410 Vi1Y1 Roma &n Vl1Y1 JlonlYI 2403 Viata Noblei. 2167 Vista Entrada 2609 Raqueta IN llntP.MTCa,,,.11 644-9060 ' • •':l Orungu Co It DAILY PIL.OT /Sundoy, Otte mber 5, 1082 ~~~!!! .. '! ... •. !. . . . . . . . .~!!!! .. ~' ... ~ !. . . . . . . . .~!!!f .{'! ••• ~'!....... ~~~!!! .{~. ~~'!....... K~!!!! .. '.' .•. •.'!....... t'.'.!!!! .~'.'. !.'.~'....... '.'.'.~!!!. ~'.'. !.'.~'....... . .'.~!!! .~'.~ .• '.11....... !'.~!!!! .~'.'. !.'.~' ....... ~~!!!! .~'.'. !.'.1! ...... . f !!!~. !!!!! •••••. 1.~~1 f !!!~. !!!!~ ...... !.~f 1 f !!!~. !!~!! ••.... 1.~~1 f !!!~. !!!''. . . !.~~1 !~ ~!'!! ........... !.~ 1 !~~!~! ........... !.~~1 ~~,.~,~. ~''·~~{ ... '.~~~ ~!.'!r.!! ·'''' ! .. J.ljr ~·.tf!r~! ! • '~~!! .. !.lj. !'.rttts!. '~~!~ ... !.'.!' HSTSIDE VIT1••1s !lllP( II 4 1111 Atl!illMI W(lUIHllllUl;I J01 0 DOW.. NI WPOlll cm b l 7BR :l'•BA rown11ou1•. n• •• VA 1111111. 11 u111111111111 WALl•T StHllE / 11 .. '10 oon t111 I " CHTOM WHTCLI" BIG CANYON t.ow111 p11c110 3 CJr NI WllST1NG1111 M•Q 1Lwflgl1t1,1ol1r W"lllr, M11vvlnrt'il~ 'l llt11111 I I (I I I II 'Ill II •t•"'OOI •aT t -u "• .. 111 c~ 1111 "' 11111 111 o.111t1111~. ,,,n "''''Y • ~· 1 u" O'Jflb u ...... 111111 / 11111111 1 11 •• "'°''u 10 sn11 (;Q11 ..,1111110 101 quici. 11111 11111111 Av11 Supo1 2 t11m vl"w, t 1ntlo 10 ~""It, 2 71"1 c.um.lu 1100 loc11 1 1 C) I • & ~ vvvu 1.nvf'l1H IJllltn .• 1:111 9111 1111111111 u up-11111• ""' 111 11 '•" "" $ IJl1 000 """ IJ4'1JI Ytt11111111 t11~111111 1111111 :s W II U i.to ,., 111 t.1001 111111111 wltotJlt ut1tl 11111 ynrt.I car 11111ugo, lbOO •<I 11 llOll L-ow 1lowt1 I\ 11111•Y on i..ul u "Ill 111 ·"' 1.h1 L .. 111111n1 1111,1111111" r1111rn lumoly mom 1111t1 J rtll II r)11ly $176000 Ci"" 7'414' 0 1111 $ t;t!l ~00 Me;I Ktc.I 111111111 pool, l•t . C II 1w •lllv11111 Ut!low n1111kut <:011~1 Pl111.1 U\' ,,0µ0o1t ••v••il~hh• Ab1<,111u t.tl 7 N111u11 l11fll 1069 011 uur u•JO ""'"" 11 For Ohrl&IMH Ill ll1r1k1•• die AullllOr 642 76!18 $1116.000 f4lduc110 l ?O 1 711.000 munt $1111 000 A••••• •t(I() I UI 1111 llllJ;C)ttllntl'lll Ill TAX lllEAI .. or.-................. fllll~lni, Wllll jJllt.111 ol j r11111M Wll 11 VII w 000 6y Ow nor Open Coll Corey & Scotti u ull I 7141 0"1 1140 1 tu ,, .. 1 t.1111 !1110 I l!i I With $ H1K 1J11wr• Sil!\ ownl',.lllf) Ownur will ~I< fllvlfl 5 10() '' IAOI IAY hous11 S111Sun "·llprn II 1·22•2 nw111'r 1114) !>'>7 b(J11 tmmt•t.l11tuly 111101111uhl11 111 Cliff IRIVf 111,111 wllll 1111,1rK.nll) 0111111 ~1un1.h1t I !J Own''' """'' 6•1111 11118 1099 Rea Olull 01, C M ftllfAT ( Sl'I LO~. o 11 ti 111 '"' u I 11 cl rm CLIFF NAVEi 1107 COR•WALL I l~uu <.MhMu R11v11I •UIJooltly locJllld 3Br 17 14') 646 8 19 0 O• " Nortllwoou <..n11<l o 1t1M111 101 nou1ilu llt'H~t 644 !1 116 1101111< h11~ nuw q .11& tum 646 1108 l,,vuly ·' llr ha. '11'1 \ I 'J 0 0 0 0 Au 1111 t 11111 11 111111 blor 11 uu tor OPEN SUllDAY 1-1 "" lrf)lt. & lg l11cd yd Om, llky~I : UO~~c.k 1111111 11.111 UOIJlj lm1o1-,HV~ ~111• hohlly• 142-1200 0 .... n .. , h J ~ lJ 0 u 0 Ill OP SHELr 3 Br 3 ea WOQf. .. 1 WOOllRIHE t•IL I 11111111.llllJ •••t••ll •II a11olht•r 6 mu:tl sell Will E•ecut111e l owntiome, I•--------RH•CH 111,000 '"""'' Stt.irµ I UCJrm ollt>• IOW·low down VA. 1av1Sll wallpuper, c rpets PrlHll fl ltllt UHFROllT DESIRAILE 1tnm1• w1111 111·w rool II & I I 2 I ' I I 3 b d W11nlJlt11.lOn V1H11gw 4' Ur :J 3 01 lbl' op1ton An "'"' 1 ti!i rp cs. erge tmmocu !lit • room 911 3 car gur i;pn tu Or, 2' .011 h11u im hy DARTMOUTH ,,1urn1J111g buy•H•joµply w.i.~ $1!15 putro w11>bq $172,500 home with dining 1oom, 1 ownu Ont 1oc11t1011 OPE" •u11ay 2·" A 1 6G:i:' 1700 curl v ~Y•hHn. muoh. 11 • • .. PETE BARR En .. REALTY I I 0 ll.lllUl'"Ut. N111 h (trrHI Mull . h 1mrnud1u1r1y M11kt• (llll'r 0"'"' I wlll ltnuot.l' Mull.111 IHty ~40 1960 Aslo. for LuurotJ U f UV'INI It l lt•Hl UP A I Cf Al 11 pit fCJf (.;llrr" m.1 111v11~ your 111 11CJ• 111 ""' 111111111111ner " °'""m homo JIJ1 36o1 Wt)I b~I [ U<Qjl81HI kit IJl1n ~"" 110 11001 It. i;t(Jlj '100 5 I I If Vint' Avn N B 550 4'982 Or (14(, 061 ' 833·9773 WESTCLIFF 000. now $145.000 gon · 1 bonu& room. separatti mv.th mor1t A JihtuL.lll Mtlkt< 01101 $5 1 961 !I 111 Pur .JLllomes ;• 1 .. _._1200 TIERRA OEt--SOt. AL rv ---,.~suME" LGl:VA 8't"4 m-Uh!r bt!droom---&u11e ~ij g I'" .. nomo-:-8'11 822• h"rm 2 bi M 1 •& GIVE 4:,~ ~,:~ooo ~:E?A';;.sa.zr10s~tmo!E~c1 do;~Nto-~o;,: ~~"~ ~~~·:~":f.F~i J1?t!!ll f8REOLllEI :~~ ~~:•&f J; ~: PETE BAR Rm llW_}llW llESIDEIOE OPH-UTISllDAY r.. to ~ ~r~...__---1 loc1111un Neod• TLC toke over my $70,000 30 quahty upgradllS throug· • _~_'!.!~I~ I 1 • O • 1 tr 1 IJ 1 fld 1 1 s 73 900 yeo1 1oa11 & 1t11s 3 Bdrm 2 Br 2'' Ba, 2 Mstr suites hout Must bll sot1n to "1111" 11 rn 1 )lllll 1 11, Ba 110use •b yours wlvlew decks Lrg patio. apprt1C1111t11 Price 1eduC· l'1gal1in V11l1• 1034 Aellut uo $30.000 1t om o wner 1 A g e n 1 deck & garden S 149. eo 10 $ 154,900 Coll .............. ;.-••••••• 011g1nal pr1co I block 10 1-798 3144 900 Ag1/0wnr Bob 979-2399 VETS m lake No 2 Pe1t111 Plan .. 646-5096, or 64~93 Vl Ttr•ll Reaoy to d11al! 2 storv 4 Bdrm 3 both, 2 lrplcs FHULOUS IUY This property sold last vear lor $ 169:000 IOW IT'S S 14 l ,OOO Freshly painted 3 br 2 t>o pool home wllh seporale btlltard rodm oncludmg 1a1>le & accessoroes Call Delores lor more 1nlo TSL Properties 642· 1603 COSTA MESA DPLX! VA terms or assume 12°1'• loan on thrs greal income property 2 Brdm 1 ba each. on large 101 Only $140 000 Call IOday 979-5370 . \ f >I~/ 111~' 1/ k( .t.L '' & 1,...vf ':lfMf Nf'> 12-X. FllH HTE LOW DOWN $127,000 REDUCED PRICE 3BR OWNER 979· 1096 DAIDY 4 PLEX SACRIFICE Owner musl sell at below the market price The complex sl'lows deltnue prode Ol owne<shlp II IS extremely well me1n101n- ed Rentals demano tov dollar Includes 5 gor- ages Call now. won't last THE REAL ESTATE RS Hoa111 /or $1/t HoH11 111 l•l1 .....••..•..•..••.....•••.••.•••••••........ Gt11t11I 1002 Gtat11I 1002 .................••.•..••••••...•........... TRIPLEX-$249,500 Great lnveatment opportunity w ith ••Honed rental record. E•ch home I• compltl• with fenced yard. Qu•llty construction. Hear school• & ehopa. Exchange poHlble. IRVINE TERRACE-$225,000 Dramatic & eunny home on q\'let etrMI. Comfortable 3 bedroom + famlly room & patio. 631·1400. BA VS HORES-TRADITIONAL Wonderful lemlly •rea with a pre1tlglou1 addreH. Country French 3 bed. 3 ba. Large country kitchen. Brick patio. and many •mtnltl11. OWC llrat T.D. A muet .... S325,000. 873-8900. JASMINE CREEK -ELEGANT Quiet cul de Hc behind guerded g•tn. lmpre11lv1 decor enh•ncee 3 bed. + den a cuatom Spa. REDUCED TO S375,000. SPYGLASS-REDUCED $449,500 Lowest priced 4 bedroom In the ere•. 811ulllul home with atrium, l•mlly room, 2 flrephtce1 •nd 3 c ar g•rat•· Mollveted a cooperative Hiier. Submit your offer. '31·1400. CLIFFHA VEN VIEW Remodeled 2·ttory home with clOM-up VU of Bay, bo•t•, ocHn •nd night llghte. Entert•ln entoy•blr from thl• 4 Mdroom, famlly room plua prlHt• p•tlo. Own.t nexlbl• with good ftn•nclng. SMl,000 FM Land. 873--tltoO. BALBOA COVES BAYFRONT Sandy beach + fllerl •lfp for 42' bo.t. Priced under m•rket •nd owner wlll exchange, leaH/opllon or? PleH•nt 4 bedroom home with lde•I ftoot' ~ '°' dally living and cHual entertaining. 1475,000 .... JASMINE CREEK -TAI-LEVEL Hew on market. Magni&.nt In coodttkMI and decOf. Many apec:lal •menlt ... In tNe 3 bed . condom i nium with air conditioning. 1430,000. Security and guarded g•t•. '73--8900. LIDO ISLE DRAMATIC Splral atalre and profaHlonal decor throughout thla epacloua 4 Md. 4 beth home. Perteet tor th• famlly. Exlatlng a11umabl• lo•n1 ot $392,000 at altectlwa 12.3% lntereal. Sai.a ptlce tMt,500 IN. BALBOA IS-LARGE DUPLEX On quiet Little laland between two Bayfronte. Two atory 4 bed. 11nlt plus 2 bed. rental. Eully aummar/wlnter rented. $571,000. 173·HOO. SUBMIT OFFER I BA YFRONT BAY PROMONTORY New on market. With pier/aide tie few IO' boat. Gorgeoua 2 ... tory, 4 Mdr-home with famlly rm. & kitchen VIEW on the water. MHter eufle wtttl wet bar. On IN l•nd fC?r 11,300,000. 131·1400. OCEANFRONT-SUPERB QUAL1TY • ... t COfona d8' Mar location wtttl prtyata IMach KC .. I . The flneat ttwoufhout ltW newty conatrvc:t.d 2 Md. + den hofM. A total •rehltectural triumph Wltl\ oMI noon, French doora ltnd • chef'a dellgltt kitc hen. See lo b•ll•••· t1,47S,OOO. 931-1400. 90' FRONTAGE-OCEAN BLVD. COfona det Mar'• "gold coaat" loe.elon with VIEWS Of OCHn, Jetty and llghta. Exlatlng home I• qualltJ ofdH conatructkMI. Two-atory 4 bed. I be., I c.r 9arage. H•rdwood floor• + manJ •pec:lal ,.•turn. lot can be ... and ,... can build from pl-that .,. .,, ....... a lnclud•d In purchH• prle•. Call lot detalta on thl• axceptlonef on.ring. 111 lar•apur/cornar OeHft. o.-.n 8al. 6 Sun. 131·1400. EXTRAVAGANT BAYFRONT OrandlOM 2-etory home Wlttl ... I., ...... + plef/IOf ,_,. Jaeht +aide .... UMM.e cu1tom deelgNd rattdence wtttl ...,.... wood beamed callln9•, Indoor 1pa, formal dining room, unl-.u• op•n a euependad lamlty roo111 111i.rarr + gourmet laland kltc!Mn and ltt•Mll ... ar••· All decorator d•t•ll• of Pr•M" doota, eh11tt1rt, ataln•d glH• +++. 9"foom• lnct\lde ..,,., ... "'...., ""8 + maid• quartere and ....., ... ,......, bedroom• aaeh wtttt 1dl11nll1 ...... A apedal rooftop .....,,,..._ ''""""' deck wit" VllWI of w1t1r A 11-"tt. e1,Hl,OOO ON P81 LAND. OW 1'•1p """" end .. .,,,.,.. .. '" ............ • I« ,OCWANPRONT or........,._... M 1M .,..., m-eeoo. I WATFRFRONT HOME ·"' 11•.\I 11111" ~ ...... l~ r,-• ..,_,.., ................ . t t6:NI • •-11., a1s ....._ .... ..... ,..,..... ..... ....... 111·1400 Lovely converted 3 b4t> bdrm 2', b11 condo 1800 Wiii help w/1inanc1ng droom homo c;oulel be 4 sq 11. Interior troct IOC8· $260,000 Open Sal/Sun bedrooms 2 baths, entry Hof) PL.US exlr{l& 12·5 at 3 Wormepr1ngs, hall E11tro lorge master Calf Carey & Scotti cross 11 Thunder Run su11e Large country 131·2242 and Wost Vale Looo kllcnen Sots on extro Agl 645·9850 large yard w11h pallo and oodbr1d9e Chai'eau SPA Close to 1on(l1S on<I Condo, 2 bd, 2 bo. Xlnt sw1mm1flg club. Room loc lille new cono also M s t yr warranty hlgllly upgroo'd , great Calf lor dota11s on II· H . flnc'g, owe $10,000 nanc111g L1Sled a1 $129. ••llaflla dwn, 11S11uma loans 000 Call 979-2390 l.atlt llUO 551-6058 "''" h•il1! ·······;oA"Ul\' ...... Lovely lamlly area This RE"T TO OWi IY OWIER large 4 bedroom home 11 10'•% assum 1st TO 3 has an ucellen1 floor Near beoclY, shopping, br, s111gle lomlly home plan ol 1750 square leet schools 3 Br 2 Ba Frplc, new cpts. drps, ltvlng space 01n1ng lamily imicountry ktlCh· parnt & remod k1tctl Lge room, lamlly room and en lmmed oc_cuponcy comer lot 1n the Willows cozy ltreplace Lorge S 811 Sun 1 · 4 8 2 8 1 Nr schls. parks & shops b d Northport (oll Adams I $129 mas1e1 e room. a1rrum easl 01 Beocn) 848_ 1959 No assoc eos • and lots 01 lrutt trees 500 551·3208 Seller moving out 01 area 1'.WO IHllOOM needs super quick salo 1., ba 1wnhse. adult TURTLEllOCI ond has reduced the comm walk 1o beach Owner says make an ol· price Don t miss outl Tennis pool extra clean le• Fee Turllarock $169,900 Cell 979-2390 S 115,000 Owner lormer model wlotr. spa 171·2310 982-8480 & 3 car garage acroH 3707 S BRISTOL H11at1'a1loa ltom earl\ 4 Br 2' • Ba & den Vo1.1 can't find a SANTA ANA H1tHOI llUZ more comfortable, tm- • •••••• ••••••• •••• • • • • maculate famlly home S 100I ••4tr A1111rai11I Asking $235,000 Opn BV OWNEA Sat/Sun 1·4 30 18691 Best waterfront view, Antioch Call Robin Grecian indoor pool, 36' 552-7500, ag1 d~. 3 br, 3 ba. ex11as nirll~ll, IU .. \l.IOHS f!l.~~~.~!.·.c.t .. !.~~~ Open Sun 1·6 937 Aca- pulco. Arch Beolch Hgts GOfgeous 3 t>r f rom1ly + 3 t>a 180 deg1ee Ocean/CHy view Obi lot $325,000 Submit down Bkr 675·2172, 499·3563 OWIH TllAISFEHH Mus1 sell! S1JuJle<I on a grassy lo.nolf 1n Laguna Hills 1hts 2 bdrm & c.on· ver11ble den condo has an unobs1ructed view ol cuy lights & Saddleback S104 999 PRICE SUSMED on these 3 bulldable 101s Including plans Perm11s ready 10 b e pulled $149,950 ·titr,.:r :\~ie~~" $670,000 Xlnt hn Must SELL idle Items with a sell 9wner mov.ng over-Dally P1lo1 Class1lied AO seas 840-7767 642·5678 17141 4'4· 1177 H1•111 111 Sile Ho.,,, /11 Sile--HH111 111 Silt Ho.,,, 111 S1/1 ..........•••......... .. , .......................•....................................... titaftll 1002 titatlll 1002 ,.,.,,,1 1002 tit•fl•I I 1002 ••............••.••... ........••••...•...... . ...........•............................... STATELY HltLTOP CHATEAU Here is a residence of enduring design and splendid architectural beauty. A regal home, beautifully decorated, an d with ever y amenit y for comforl and g_racious living! Every area is ricnly appointed wish extensive use of woods, crown mouldings and tasteful finisrung touches. 6,000 square feet of quality are yours with 5 bedrooms. (inrluding a magnificent master suite), study, 6 baths, 3 fireplaces and a grand en try way. The generous sized lot is superbly landscaped. with a gorgeous pool and spa. Price is SI .150.000 with great financing pos~ibilil ies. Lease/oplion or lrades consi dered. OPEN SUNDAY -12:00 to 5 :00 25462 Gallup Circle -Nellie Gail f3anch (Just off Freeway 5, take La Paz Exit -west) MAGNIFICENT COUNTRY ESTATE A bold and statel y country chaleau. wish a grand ci rcular cobblestone motor courtyard behind massive electric-gates. A trul y distinguished residence for someone whose succes in Uf e requires a parallel in living. This spectacular home has almost 8,000 quare feet and features a giant enterfainment room with a magnificent solid oak professional type bar and two firepla ces. The masler bedr()('1n suite boasts a gorgeous custom designed grani1e. pe"'•er and hand ca rved oak fireplace, and the master bath ha s an 11 ft. Roman 1ub/spa and a large marble shower/steam bath. Each of the 5 bedrooms and the study feature priva1e baths. in addition to 2 powder rooms. It is situated on one full acre with pretly views and is surrounded by other grand homes. Prices includes d.ecorating and landscaping allowance. 380 CHANDLER RANCH ROAD (NEAR CHAPMAN AVENUE, BETWEEN THE ORANGE HILL RESTAURANT ANO NEWPORT AVE.) ,. ·•· REALTY NOwpCJt l:!elgbb Dldttl 2. Br I B Obi Cllr ge1.;g1J 501o 117AllOI s11;~.ooo "181 San111 Ano Ave 548·504 I Oii 6 , _________ N WPOll He1ghU1 older 2 ILUFFS llllllll Or ' 88 dt>I cur u..irugu Vou own th 1.tnd 2,000 50 11 I I 7 RI I01 sq It 3Br, tnm rm, 2', S 185.000 Ho, wtdo Greenbelt, nai;r ,461 St1n111 An11 Ave pool rar bolow market 648-504 1 olt 6 123!1,000 Wolf tense OP· BEST SUV • LOWESl uon 8kr 64'4·0134' ' pnco<I Npt Cuna Plan 3 IEWPHT MTS -VIEW Ull1100 Drastic roduc11on makes 1n111 bei.t priced 1f1ew home 1n Newport Beach See & c;omparel Low down or lease option See'' today 1.4 2308 CLIFF DRIVE 142-1200 j PETE ' BARRETI . REALTY DESPERATE! 1000 s under rnarkel channel view In N B Only $230.000 Assume 17 lK 1st T 0 Low down Delta. 631·1266 SELL 10le Items with a Daily P1tot Class1lled Ad 3 Br lrt·IYI S 179 500 Bkr IMMACULATE-End Unit Upgraded 3Br den Plan 4 $210.000 101/o dn Bkr Tom Gollier 646 9200 OCEAN TO CATALIH VIEW VERSAll.LES BEAU IV $245,000 lor 1h1s lovely 2Br 2ba condo T11s1elul· ly lur111shod 1ncludtng trod1t1ona1 mahogany on11ques Call lor appt to see Cheshire Really 759-1877 HARIOR RIDQE ESTATES · 2 bd den It· t>rary Cusl SPA FANT- . ASTIC VIEWI 759· 1078. ownlagt REDUCED 1200,000 BIG CANVON CUSTOM on golf course 20°/o do Vocartl, show anv.ume 091 $1.095 000 673-7761 or 760-1397 HH111 for S1/1 -Ho.,,, 111 S1l1 -................•..... ............•.......•. G1H11l I 002 G1H11/ 1002 ...•...........••..... ·············•···••··· Sll0,000 810-3900 20 vua• r1ld 111od I ll1>m1:1 '4 81 f lam1ty 1 m I d11n $ 1€.4.000 Open House Siii I !I 309 Ceder 840 8208 Agen1 C.Jn LCASC W/OP llON 0 BUY 1'1UAAY. MAK~ OHfR A•k•llll $239 !iOO Owner will help Ion once 3 Br. gr11a1 lamlly area Calf to see Harry . ,, R&'M~ WAlEAfRONT 4 Br 10% --c·L·1·,,· .. -a,·1·--down owe 81 10•4 into· - res.t 10 vear!i osl\tng Rtll•ctll ft SHl,IOO $2 4 9 OOO A gen 1 H -UHE·LOT-PWI 840·82011 XLNT LOCATION with LIDO ISLE existing duple-DRIVE .' Ow.E• BY 2001 Kings Ad and " calf lor oeu111s Owners 3 Br 1600 sq 11 SOI sty wolf sell this week for be· nome on overs1zl>d lot, at low market prtce Atmos1 qu101 East end of Island IOI valuP tor 8 fabulous Sunny So patoo Fee flt· 1 0 c 811 0 n w 11 h u n . le $375 000, 20% down. queSltonable vu own· o w " er ' •nan c' "II ers will help ltnance 1n 673·4063 every way Located In an OPEN SAT /SUN 1·5 area ol higher prtced 142 VIA UNOINE nomes II s • grell OPll SUIDAY 1·5 value• SUBMIT EX · llli CAIYOI CH ANGE OR ? FOR SALE 1Y OWIH -WATI HI He 1Nl Lovely 2 Bdrm plu~ den HOMI, i.e. nome gate guarded AE EST luxurious comm Bnght. AL ATE cheerlul a1mosphere 6J1 ~400 Can be llnanced any wayl•-------- yo1.1 wish w/20% dwn. Voo ore welcome to on· apect 3 Rue Fonta1ne- 1>teou $365 ooo O w nr/Ltcense e 640-9333 NEWPORT BEACH $155.000' 2BR house R-2 Lot 3239 Broad S1 642-7745 200 FT IAYFllHT ESTATE MIME Huge lot huge doc:kmg huge owner r1nanc1ng. huge price reduc11on • $965.000 land incl w& challenge you 10 com- pare' Show anytime 650-0202 H1Hll 111 S1J1 HH111 /11 $111 ....•..............•....••.................. G.•1111 l DOZ r;,.,,,/ 1 OOZ ·········••:!•!!.!!!.••• •••••••••••••••••••••• PIUTURESQUE NEWPORT BEACH HORSE ESTATE Miracle o! miracles!!! Two full acres of ewport Beach property. zoned for a mall herd of hor es. wilh a panoramir \l('w of the bark ba y. 1he Bluff . and ewporl Center! This rxtrcmely rare horse <'slale was built by a legendary Orange Count v act re s in the earh· vears of the silver screen. It offers di.rec·t acces to the back bay horsl' !rails and featur es facilities for a dozt'n hor!>es. The huge, ·ramblin g custom ranch home is uperblr planned for grand entertaining or secluded fa mily living. It is surrounded by similar estates and full grown foliage. Asking price is $2.200,000. DRAMATIU CONTEMPORARY EST·ATE Elegant ! A fre h and unique blending of traditional and ronlemporary architecture. so exciting and different. any attempt to copy from ii would equate with attempting to duplicate the Mona Lisa. Almo I 8,000 square feet on a large secluded, tree covered lot with sweeping views 1owards Newporl Beach and Catalina Island. Custom built b renowned conlractor T. Duncan tewart, 1hi gracious home offers uniquen~ss and qualicy often sought but seldom found . It warm and rich appointments are gr<'atly enhanced by 1he extensive use of ex otic, bcaulifully finished woods and wall roverings. Extra features includf" solar water healing. fireproof roof. Pella windows. 4-car g1rage and much more. Creal owner assistf'd frnenring and will cons ider lrades for huge t>qui1y. Priced at Sl.750.000. 1710 La Loma. orth Tust in. l~mon Heights. (Shown by Appointment) .. ..... ,, • ' ..... " • ' s ..... ,,, ,,, r;.;;;.~rj;~t-i ... i"6fi #i;·~~;·;~~~ ... i.Oii *··,·:.:,··,·t·,·,··,:·L····,·,·;,· ~~~!!!. ~·,~ !.'l!....... !~!~!'!!. !!~r.!!r. !.'!!! .•.. ,; .••...•.•.•••••• ····'················· •• ::r ••..... :~ .••••. ~. Wfll•/.,111 IOll 21 fOUll·PUHS ·············••····••• f'll( I fl Ill II , Ill t)~· lt11 lu1lttr, 1w11I Ir 11111 1lHllI1 ,If\\) 11t1ly i yr r1t w ltl 01 .... ,. "'' Uv.111•1 1111111.,th ti uh II& CANYON av OwNtrt ,1 Rn llouMn 111uc.r 111 011c.rn $ lllU 000 I u 1111 t'l•ll $)Jll,OOO l 11 I 111tht I 1i111ly Ill ""'''" Ill• gooo 11111111111011111 "'"' $!)000 111111 J lit 1 llA ii • JU 1111ul 111 Wt ,1 111111a1t11 11.11 ii! 1 0110 $I ilJO 1110 •v1•r 'rlltlfll) l.it1tl•llld V'91\lfl $ l}li 000 I ully 111.i.um11hh 110 qu111 fJ1v'11111ty 111111 .,.,,, Wtdtt upAll •1111• ti~ 1• ,,Our lllly "''"' "''' llll4 I I •hY O "'lllJI 1111<1111 lllU ., 11\tt ltlellllg "'11911 W•ll.111g in 1o ""' 4 Behm 11111111g 1 •u l 1111y1111 M( 1 """ IJ1lttlt 110 .. 11 Ill M.huulb 1oom co11t.10 1n g111ud I uw11huu~u tlull goll 'lllu1>11111u 0111111 ~"' commu1tily A cJrtH•m tt>u''" v1t1w 2 Br 1orn11•1 Sun Ag11111 llodt.1.1 k1lclttrn upt111 tu 1a1gu muuul $40K bf!low IJ4& 1044 ur tl<l<I 174/ aide y11rll A 11ull1:. 11rn11.u1 $240,000 Pool covernd pu110, " vluw, & 1011111" 644 7'24 6k1 1011 ol µr1v,1c..y l t11s 1--------• ho111u ha~ much lu ullut tllu 1as11d1uu1> buye1 s $72!> 000 H Rut Grand Du· cal OPflt SIHAY 1 ·4 HW CUSTOM WATHFRHT NOME SUl,ODO Oui;I. IOI JO LIOOI S h!llS 10 ltllO Vtlltlge J Igo ua1m~ 2', ballli> Oµen Sal & Sun t !> 60J 36th St 673 b776 Apt ""' '"'""'''" ROGUIS HAL TY lll-231' EXTRA URllE ''• .111v1 1 "•" "''"' w11 ... Mll1•ll1t1 1111.111111 I Ahll I IAYSMORES OOHH OtLtl R11/ E111t1 lhllltllllj Ull 111\ l~NN "" I '"' 111111• 011 "'"'""'' •• !'••••••••••••••••••• 111pl111111tl1•1.111J!Jfupll•. n1i.u1 A \wll•v 4 UH, J UA /llo)ilt Ho•ll 11111 i11111w .u c.:11 "'' C.:1111 111u~ 1Jo11us "" M11~1111 1 11 <ftt .. ono fol S'I, I I 00 ~ U •\I II yt • ' ' \utlt\ ltu~ OJy VlllW All !)tJril 8 I I ,\ W II nvw l.tlCIWll tiulh ' CUI • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • ; 49 ~ 10 fllJ I I ' • lliltlllg-P.uw:altl b11ac11u. IJ Dwur·I 11,IQQ ' '~-_ g.1100 c;om111u111ty l an<l C.:u11v co~IU Mll5U loc r .,, •S-alu I 4u1ly IJO'llllUll Ill Incl 1•., IOI::. 587& 000~ 011101 llllUll l>lllk, !tfllJl.tt WtU•I NtlWIHlt I 0µ1;. Dona c111c11e1i l1ir 111111 $11'1 1-+ ba1ms 11c.10· ... 110111 ot11 w 1 644 6l!OO 11110 1nrnchuO 1.•b1mu u11ot.11>trui:;1utl v1uw Will l.ol• /11 1111 ZZH ·i.1wnk·"R1ocif iifff 1 I !tllll•)Ull\I l.llllljl I IJ vl"W lllh 1(1 tnllM tlll hi lllYI' N11w11u1t'01<111 Ii 111 1 lit 1111< '"' \100 01)0 h11 11111111•dlul• 1h ll1tw 1J1tt1 ,$ t 1 llll Ou11 I -;11111 v ....... , .. f'l~f'•'•lll• I 111 Ill)( f(l • l•J Al 11• prtu, I WI '''°"' tt IC' lt1t111ly 1nl11111I 1 fl/ 000 IJVI It lhiJU 01\I .11 •J.," Ill VI I IJl'IN(1 ArH A I A<.. 111,11111·0 mo'lllV 111 u111 I 1111111111 M1r11 ul.1 I 1111111 tu 111·1 , I. I 11111ly "1111 !>1>111.1•1l '" '""''' $4tJ •100 owe - 1 >r t111Jf' Lo.i•.t I >All Y Pll O 11•.w1cl11v Ot•r.c.1mlH•1 G. 198i' /llou.t1i• D1111t 1111 t11111 Ho111,, f•111i1•~ ll•••n U• 11•1•• I ' 1240~ E i 2100 • ••••• •. • ••••••••••• • • • •• • •. • • • • • • •. • • • • ••• • .... !!~!L ................ ~~.~!'/.~ .......... N1weo1t l 1id 3111 Colll ""1 J,,. I' tl1t1 U•O·• '' Mu1111•ttt y M TERR FEE •••• ••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• t.I 1111111 11111 111111 1.1~u• IRVl .. E 1 ll)<J 1•,1 I t ''''"" .' 1 .. 1 ~ tO '"" rl• w 1 1~ 1 • 1 tttlnvu \lllllK\tuo,1 c1lMI• llh 1111ll1111rr11 li;mrm ''"'" "'" tltll 11,.,,.,.,.,1,.,, 7,,1111.,r uth ~·I' 7 t .. ll!i!J 4 I , I 1 ""' I 1"11~1t lftfl•I luo\' f Htt1ul1 IUlt ti7 1 I lh I llflJ ~IQ • 111 lltt• 1'•" ~ ,~l I I 1 .... 1111 I tlM 11•1 t llfl• 1 .rt uu 111 TAYEH IAY I A~I Alll~OWI It AO '• llt I hu C.111 I 1tou,1 1111,.1110 W11I" II> 1111v1111· II o c I. t.11 "' ' I' o Ill '""" h Olltttl Jll w1111llu r dt c t .•__. nuw 111 l1i.1• huuJ I 1t IJ" • II t y ~1a1.Jot1<ro l v•i. • 13/bl!t> ;J{l 111 f'AllK C.llY UlAll IWrlllltol' t 1111011 jlJI .... •b • ,,.., nkl -s-1111, ''" "''-' '"•''''' b.u..k l14/ \il;'1!1 VI• 117!1 fjl'011 111' · Hou11• VnJ111nid1d ''·" 1 '''1'' '•1 ""''" 111 '" 7.,., 11111 •••••••••••••••••••••• TSL M&J'fll &42· 1103 I 1 11111 111•w I 11•ntlt llur 111,1111111 o f11111 hU1hltfl4' Ill C1n111l 3202 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .. l 1 , lf I hu Uf ( llJWH ti h IOV' tJJ;tiu .. HOMES FOR RENT rct111111 "I. l 11 lf•HlllJll WI I I tt1 tf fi U I (J lJ tUlt,, £1.,11 '"'' I 11111 1.11;• 1/00 *' /tNI * !i7 '" 1;"7' 1110 111tn '' """'' 11• 1 u ti '2 !Ir liou\f p ttl l • lJ 6 (..,JfJJ••lt•d * 111..11< I llf Al It * ICt I r .. q '10J~ W.111.ic., .,.,.,I.I----+ .,,., 01111. l 111 ·1 111 i' Bil V1ll11q1• it I 1AHI JI II (,flUVI • l.11 I~ I uw11llC>U~U 1111 Ir /00 • -·-.;...~ Pl.1/J 11111! u1111 FOR THE FAMILY WESTCLIFF HARIOR RIDGE Lust Es11111sh1 Jod1ll1 llldl SHt,000 ~Macnab· Irvine l11n\1ly room1ne1~nmg11 ,Hur.two uiv1·~t111u11t lo T II• m~ 64!> 60 10 dyl. l>IOVIOU mu~ 11.111 1w111•1t11; 54b 6284 avus 101 198:> Sl'O 000 <..111 HOVI-Wt I H 1:114.l+AO- [ () Ml.1011 f HOM! It 74 AC. 11voc..adu ~ ••111111 g1ovt• '" .110 Mo1J1lt• l1orn1• Ht•nt 111r.l11C111s Q10'11 L•"ll $170000 owe "' 10 ... Only i "' l yr!> A 11. llJt At I !>lt:!Jtl ti 1!1/~!1'1 /:Sii 1 Viii 111 lht11l1y Ii tVI l4~·:ii!l;i Out ol County ',,, 1 "n.oni.-~., 1•1 ''°'' 255(J ''''" h (.,It II lc11 Nt•.,..(Jt.tfl •• !.~9.!!!f.••••••••••• 111 1t It I 1110 1,1.11111 111 * .AllAllf IM* 7CKI 17l'(lttlth1I YWW 01 C.lrt'~ ll --~­ f. 11 Iii! In~ '1$ ') 0 n1 u Near schools & sllOP· ping Seller f1111inc1ng up lo 80.,. 4 B<lrtn. 3 Ba. bonus room 011 master bdrm. sepl11a10 entrance tor 1oenage1 s 1222 Sussu lane OPH SUllAY 1·4 142-1200 . V1.iw r>f ocean \llld c11y 11ghls. J hdrrn, 2' / billh Pl US oll1c.e • 2 lrreµlocu Ne<'ll ;in oller OP[N SUNDAY 12·4 J ST TROPEZ CSTlll LDT 1t COST OM MARIOR MILL EXCEPTIONAL In two respeclS Value & appeal Only $365 000 lot lhtS IUOCUllvll 4 81 J• 1 Ba w/3 car gar wet bar & 2 fplcs Fabulous Baycrest location Call l or v1ew1ng oppl 631 -7370 549·3546 BY OWNER lrvtne (lite Gruvus). 2 brt2 bo. dbl gat SG9K Upgraded. grnbolt $1 tK dn 832·9199 ONE SllARE II CUI IVY FlVP 011 oci:;e11 po1tl. shure owr1(1d 111 lull ""8110-265!> or 840·6188. cell 011yt1mo 673 6008 101 d1.11.i11~ FOURPLEX ( •COll(:t\I c.ul tlt• !llJC. Io ca 11o11 111 G '" d t1 n I Grove All 2 B1 !. untl p<111os sllak1.1 rool mJ1 ble t.ounw1 101>• oncf goragt!s Vrly income $24.000 Goo<J luH111c1ng ovnllaDle. OWC 2110 Full price $240.000 Cilll Bkr/Ownr 645-6646 IEACM IUD. /011t•ll 1;ommu1111y tom m11rc111I 11 600 s I IOI IOC ltJd llf'olr CIVIC CO(lh'I 111 1,.wu11lul Eluena Park ·Asking $150 ooo owe 63t 7370. !>40--031, SMOPPIMG CENTER (,l.,(Jll I llt•I Mill jllfJl>l·• ly Nu '>.in C>1t•!JU C..ty t11plr• 6& 1-&&3.6 11111 leullf'& s;;.ioo ooo own C1pistr1no Dkr t 4'13· 11n 1.1000 uw11 J u, 1 n.. Valley Realty ga1119e bll 111!> ... ,.., p,11111 & 1001 ~.111 01m.11> 111<;11 Ru l Est•lt 11011 As5u1nu S70 l!>O ''' Winttd 2900 1:>'"• 30 yr, 11,.,utJ •••••••••••••••••••••• 846·81!44 £' "'1.:UllVlt lllt•flQ tr•lll•fut rnd 111 l ugun..i {11 .. 1cli ,11(•.1 1ouor1 WwHi; to twy •Cl 111 flrtrtl • •l'I I". UI<• VILLAGE INVESTMENTS (714)545-2000 AC.ENI NOrEE' lt..O 1111.1'1 I u'.t .ill• I Br Qu1 .. 1 S111v••'1t11w 1ww cpl~/ or,";u .. NO pot '" ~·, to111w r.1!. 101n I •l·c..u1t11t· 'I Br 2 83 co11du wl ,m c..011d dl.11 q .. r ... gis rruc1 oN'-'"e oven "' S<.t Cu,J~I f>lcUJ S8001mo A 11111 llOW Fred G1uwn A11/M,1~ 559 9400 I l•H~·· UPI 3 bl .. D•I on . Will s11burd1natt1 will build to su•I buyer Great view ol ocean dlHJ city hght$ BOB HALLEY REAL TOA Rinclits, firms, ,,,0t11•111 1wnw W"" ''"" Gtovts 2100 Vfl'W II l'J>i olCt.l'tlo 101--------· D111ltxts/ PRIME HST • • • • • •• • •• • • • • • ••• • • •• LI ,. ,, t. II <.. J I I TRADITIO~\L RL\L.TY i;.or1du 151 l&<,t no OOWll Agl 640.!) tdtl , IT'S STILL A IUYER'S MARKET Take advantage ol the opportun111es 10 hve at the beach with all the am1::n111es 101 only $180 000 3 Bi 2'l Ba condo with electnc garage door opener. lrplc. wet bar. tennis. pool, spa, secu1· lly Call Delores lor more lnlo TSL Properties 642· t603 UC-U55 EXCEPTIOHL VALUE Spacious & BR home with VIEW 1n Dover Shores on extra 1a1ge lee 101 F'dntus11c selle1 II· nanc1ng Must see 10 app1ec1ate 111e many bO· nuses tn lh•S IUXUllOU~ m1nr-estote Ollered "' MAI appraised value of $1. t00.000 RACHELLE ROBERS BKR 675-2373 SUYIEW -PORT ROYALE IODEL OCHll I MIGHT LllHT VIEW Beautiful four be droom, 3 bath home. in guarded gate community. Professionally landscaped .. $375.000. Good financing available. -0 - ow~ 112-0482 118-1171 TRADJTIO~L RL\LTY S111 Cltmtntt 1016 ....•.••••.•...••.•... llCREDllLE THlllS 2Br. 2Ba ocn view $133 900 545-9911 Sia Juin ... ~~f!!~'-~'!! .... !.~~! $!>000 Down to Br 2 Ba covered pa110 vaulted ceiling~ commty pool $117,!>00 Call497-1657 Tustin 1090 .....••.....••......•• PRICED RIGHT! Oeco1a101 s dt&am 8 yr old 4 bdrm home on · , acre w•th fruit trees IO· caled on cul de-sac Walk to park & tennis Owner will carry 2nd T D and pay some closing costs Owner says · Sell Now• . P11ced 01 $ t 56 "t..,t • t• • : • I . l ( : .. , L / 111... II REA.LT'\ l~yf•,T •~f"-11"'1 Units lt1 Silt 1800 COSTA MESA no "'-"' i..irith SJn Luis 60i'IU'• t 782 •tv11i. 11. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Obispo C..ounly Will r.ell ~ I.I ·s·u·PER •TAX •• SM.ELTER S11ualed on extr.i 1.1191! ---.-11 .. 11.---lor 1979 11pp1111Sal value w " i. DR l .. y-E TORI!' lot 50~200. I$ a ll&par.Jle Vliw LDT (JI s 120 000 11upphed Rt nt1ls F " S • 2 bdrm houso. do11. 1110· SOUTH LACUllA wilh wi.lter a elootric •• • • • • • • • • ••• • • • • • • •• • SJn Cl!'monte pnde ol place. lull 111io pool tn 7141524 0797 688 4196 ·• d owne1sh•P. modern 1ovo>lypova1evord Pl-US fa111..i s t1 c. oc!'t111 & Hou ses furnislit Spanish style 4 unit opt 2 one bdrm u1111s u.1c11 tO<Jsl:U view C.ii.h l>"'I' ••• • • • • • •• •• • • • • • • • • •• house w11h ocean/hills & w1111 p11v111u p11110. /Ut1t!d S 1 6 6 0 0 0 Rtil £stilt f!!!!'.'..~!L"!!!.}.'.~~ goll cou1se vrew Clo&e R-4 Excellent t111omc1ng t7~f:~e~!1 LEER E Excbln'l.t • 2800 so ol 1twy G1amo1ou to eve1yt11Jng. 0111y 3 $230.000 ---------••••••••• •••••••••••• •Sr c.ondo Frplc, ll<il•O years Old & showi. ltke ..--------~ IY OWNER pool, gor S7!>0/mo Avo1I NEW•Anowownurcould .... $tG4.000 equity 111 corn , D11c.J1 ()44 72l1 Agl occupy J Bdrm. 2 balh 2300 pletely robutll NµI ttyts city & ocean view oPt ii pool home to Okth..i11qe Gtumorou~ 1Br c,onc10 applicable & 1en1 1he 101 income piopcrty full lrplc. p..1110 POO g.;1 other 3 apartments lor L1'do Realty' s 2 G 5 0 0 0 S750 mo Avail Dec 31 income Seller will help ~4'5'.~554 So of nv.y 644-721 I Ag1 ltnance & SAVE buyer 673-7300 Costi Mtsi 3124 thousa11cJs o l dollursl !~~~~~~~~~ ,9y OWMER •••••••••••••••••••••• REDUCED selling price I-$58 000 equity 1n luxu 4 Br ?bu lgtJ bo1,ui. 1m 01 5325.000 is woy BE PRIME MOBILE rious Bro..iumoor Hunl g111, E 1o1de $950 c.111 LOW current replace 1ngton HMl>our lngoon 548·6 t55 men1 cost'" P11nc1pBIS Dlal Direct HOME PARK 11on1 condo to d•ChOnge ONL v111 C,111 o wner 111 642 ·4321 tor income• p101wrty Full (7141 ~I' S1.r1 1.., "" S 1 9" 0 0 0 Call Collect P r 1 c e " 642-0138 Subscribe to the ~'1 ''111"' 645·9!>54 1 ~It .11ld1111111.1I To ploce your message belore the reading public phone Daily P1IOI C1ass11teo, 642·5678 newapoper thot '" 11-. coven your i:1. t '1fl.llllll hometown beo ... YOUI Hometown Dolly Newspoper i•JJitlij!NI Cole Realty & lnY1sl•t11I Co. Laguna Ntguul nouse t. Ra11cho Colll acrt•age l or Hnwo11 prop 49b-7076 E•changellow down 3 Br 2 Ba So o f PCH Wiii ttade eQUtl) IOI T D land eic 644-0995 754-650!> ~t.f!!t~!! .~!~f~ .•. !.'.~~ By -Ownn 3 Br 3 Bil nl<.oly luriHt.hed wtanllque~ Pool IJrge enr "' toln • munr Oovor Shores t111J.J 6 mo o r moro S 1950/mo 642-4282 or 650-3673 2 ma.,ter l.ulle conoo PIUS t.im rm Front 1ow w .. 1.,r view $2200 mo 5!>3 9202 UMFURMISHED Vt'l\alll ~1u..ic1t SG25 Vmw 2 Bd1m $725 Nl'<lr Wuh•t 2Bt $750 VN'>fJlllW. Ot vu i l200 Ol.P<1ntr t J8r S 1300 1100 lg !>Bt $ 1800 FURMISMEO W 111-1 2Br S675 <..dM JBr ch.11m '800 •3 flt fw11hSP nr SC P1.i1 ' S A Pool wa gJr S780tmo w/d hk· UP 75'1 5822 •3 IDRM $&50• 1 BJ tnundry 1m yord oa1ai;i1• No Pill~ WJIOr p1111J 2ti!>IJ Orange %0 .. HJ89 W Bay 2Br S950 1 Br Tr.irler privute u1115 Npl IS 481 bylrt $•WO I/Did No Pets Range & rownhou~e 'Hit $1000 rnt1u 1i.1 plus ~ec Spygl<1~!> 4Br S16!>0 ~:18!:.'rno 499-1617 ltOO 2/d 11 ~;~~ (u!.1'4llt• 1v.11hse 3 BR 2 • Bylrt Lido Ptk Dr <'>OOQ i, 1 Kidi. 'pels OY S860 Balboa Covu 201 .. ~ &42-0095 Byltl Conoo 2B1 $ t250 Bys•de Cove 2/den WATERFRONT HOMES Cll ... '131-1400 3 Bl 2 Bil $800 2 Br FP Bal Pc:11 $600 1 Bt bart1on1 S850 2 B1 ocnfrnl $1000 JACOIS REAL TY PROP lllAIACEMHT &75-1173 • Sm11t <B• condQ nr SC Ptaz.i "' S A $435/mo No doqs Jim 545-1947 2 o• 3 ~' R-V access lrf.llC. in kllchen Avail now S750t mo Diana ,59 q400 Mes.i Vttrd 2824 Strom bolt 4 Br 3 Ba $950/mo Appl only AOt 644 9060 Bilbo• S49S 2 Bfl 1 Ba lplc Ptninsuli 3201 ,.;ngo iefrrg. no pet5 •••••••••••••••••• •••• Adlls prel 140 Caurauo NEW 4 br f A din rm J 673 7787 lplc S 1600 mo 10 mo ~~~!!~. ~O.'. !.•.'! •••.•. ~.'!.~~!!!.~'.~ !.'.'.'· ....•• ~Otlll JOO Gtotlll 1002 Houts /or Silt HH111 /11 Silt H0Ht1 Yor Silt •·········•··•········ •.......•••.......••..........•............. Hoa111 /or Silt Houses '" Silt ..........•...............•.......•......... Agem 673·9060 Dini Point 3226 '!.0.~!!!.~".1.!.1.1! ••••• •• 3 BR 2 Ba Ip new pnl. S~~~~··,·9•;•;•9;7·v.ti: Ct11t11/ l 002 cpl gar S lOOOlmo yrly coullyard. 1e11ted preler· ...............•••.......................... Ctotlll 1002 Ctat11l I 002 ...................... ·········~············ •••••••••••••••••••••• Fust l~t 644 9805 red SA2!>-mo 673·3313 Gut11l 1002 f:t.,11/ 1002 ,,.,,,, 1002 ····•················· ·····••·•····•·····•·· ..................... . 'L:inao Rul&..n NEWPORT BEACH ~or You,. ~i,.,sl a .Jlo/iday Stop 11 " _H-ome 21 23 SAN JOAQUIN HILLS BAYFROllT CONDO OVERLOOKING BALBOA ISLAND Elegant 2-bedroom condo plus den wit h fantastic views. wet bar. flfeplace. stained glass. pool and use of pnvate beach $855.000 LAUTRElllONT MODEL IN HARBOR RIDGE This 2940 sq It home with 4 bedrooms and 3 baths has spacious patio area. many custom features and, large secluded spa $790.000 IRVINE TERRACE-STEPS TO BEACH Sweeping panoramic view 4 bedroom. 3 bath home with large pool. complete privacy. ideal location for watching the boat parade. OMC installment sale. $600.000 EMERALD IAY FAMILY HOIE Country charm radiates throughout this 5 bedroom. 4 bath home with family room. formal dining and huge mas t er bedroom s te . $755.000 FABULOUS OCEAN VIEW BUILDING SITE $eller will carry with $280.000 down on this lot above · Palm Tree Circle .. Sites like this are rarely available Act now' $385,000 SHARP IRVINE HD UllllT Rancho San Joaquin view condo with 2 bedrooms. 2 baths. fireplace, nice landsca·p1ng. decks plus use o f pool and spa. owe. $159.000. MESA VERDE AREA RANCH STYLE Lovely 4 bedroom home on a large corner that's been beautifully landscaped and boasts a large solar heated pool Close to everything and priced to sell. $159,500. DRASTIC-MEED TO SELL Owner must sell this 6 bedroom family room. 3000 s.f Harbor View pool home. To the lucky buyer seller will provide an 11 day Canbbean cruise Dec 11-Dec. 22 Asking $449,000 PLAZA AREA OF THE ILUFFS Easy walk to shopping from this 4 bedroom. 211 bath home with tile roof. lar~e patio. nice landscaping. With 25% down seller may carry or try lease/option. $169.500. EIERALD HY TOTALLY REIODELED Outstandrng 3 bedroom 2112 bath gate guarded community home w/use of pools & tennis. Asking $710,000. LIDO SANDS-WALK TO· BEACH Perfect Newport starter home with 3 bedrooms. 2 baths. m1n1mum maintenance. use of pool. racquetball and tennis $159,000 LIMDA ISLE WATERFRONT HOME Handsome traditt'onal 5 bedroom. 41 1 bath residence with family room sunken living room. immense formal dining room plus a charming courtyarci spa Owner wtll help finance $1 ,450 000 HARBOR VIEW HOIES Charming Carmel model with 3 bedrooms. 2 baths. Mexican pavers 1n entry. redwood deck plus large patio area. Good expansion potential plus loans are assumable $249,000 FEE OWlllER WILL THE LOW, LOW DOWN Motivated seller must hqu1date quickly this 2 bedr?o~ condo with d~n . 21·1 baths. great· COSTA llESA TRIPLEX location in-Santa Ana Heights. $118,000. Near beach and shof)ptng this income property DREAM HOllE WITH 36' IOAT DOCK has a perfect 3 bedroom owners unit plus Spacious 3 bedroom. 2' 7 bath family room add1t1onal 2 bdrm. 2 bath rental. Real pnde of home on Trinidad Island in Huntington Harbour ownership $245,000 with assumable First T.D. at 93 •% interest and additional seller financing. $399,950 FEE. LOVELY IRIARCLIFFE, IRYllE We 1ust sold one here but you can still have this 2 bdrm. 2 bath Arbor Lake townhome with den and mt. views In natural setting. $1 75,000. OCEAlll VIEW COUNTRY CHARM HOIE This 6 bedroom, 51h bath residence with beam ce11tngs. Mrdwood floors and brick patios has an add11tonaf family room with fireplace and guest or maid's quarters. Just reduced t<> $680.000. IOUlllTAIM CAllMS AT THE IEACH Unique A-frame duplex In South Laguna near Aliso Beach wtth great ocean v1e'.v and fireplaces Owner is open to creative o ffers. so submit on terms. $210.000. CONDO 011 THE WEST MllE Laguna Niguel 2 bdrm 2 bath unit with view of the greenbelt all near private tennis an(:! golf club. A perfect Investment. $118.000 ACROSS FROI OCEANFRONT HARIOR RIDH .. LUCERIE" IODEL Flexible financing package offered by seller to the buyer of this 3 be~room. 3'12 bath fabulous view home. $695,000. 1001 TERIS II Ill CAIYOI Emerald Bay 3 bedroom, 2 bath whitewater Upper level'2 bedroom, 2 battrcondo-wtth-w~viewnotne-on ocea11s1de·0Hiwy m preaUgi-----.a~y~sttlll4llMRMEUSt-aau.•M1a ~ir • •••• __ plantation shuttered doors. Try anything! Just community $895 000 wmm .,... - $205,000. · • Spacious ramlly home with 3 bedrooms ~nd EASTILUFF RAMON STYLE Owner will trade this lovely 3 bedro·om. 3 bath home for smaller home In S. Coast area. Assumable first at 9%. $259,000. IUI um OlllT PWA HllHLY IOTIYATED SELLER Try just $75.000 down or lease option on this corner lot ocean view 4 bedroom . 3 bath home with traditional styling. An outstanding value with full use of all f1cllltles plus its own spa. $825.000. Hlghly upgraded 2 Bdrm 2 Ba unit overlooking 111111011 111111 Fiii LIW HWI ---~rufmtnq-srTW11rwtth tJT1Uger.-$143,000. -oyrr&sty" 2600 s.r. model with ~er-e Be. Oreet . _..,...,,, $379,000. NEWPORT BEACH Call for addr••••• .. family room, large corner lot. gate-guarded security Good terms. $495.000 FEE. IYl&lm om LlllT YIEWI Impressive Sea View 4 Bdrm 3 Ba hOme with good financing. $465,000 Fii LAii II Tll ILIPPll t.oweet priced 4 Bdrm~ fireplace, uH of spa. $289,900. ' Coroai dtl Mit 3222 Lovely 3 bd 2 ba Fam • ••• • • ••• • • • • • •••• ••• • nomtl F-rpl Formal oin·g Avail now "l Br So ol flm & Oen Avail 1·118:! Hwy Good location Call S69511ta•se 955-2473 Olan& 642 3442 wkdys 2 Blocks luch 2 br 2 ba new condo 2 bdrm 1 ba 5650 419 ltplc tge deck w/ocean Orchid Alif' NO pets Call •u W 0 S560mo 3374 t Paul 7 1 Alcara~~t• CHARMING 2 Bt 1 Ba 119 rms beam tl!1I t>lks £/ Toro 3232 to t>ch S.850 1mo •••••••••••••••••••••re 67!>-9496 EXEC 4 Br J Ba lam rm ,, sec gate arr-VIEW po110 Beilul e•ttt: home J br 2 S815nto 720-3775 ba ltV"tru 1 01' ,lC.t! "' r as111on 1s1..1nd f~wpt Center S 1<''>0 673 1700 f~.u.'!!~~'!.~~!!7.}.~~t 2 Br t Bil Cape Cod •Bdrm ;i Bii form d1n1ng compl rl'model,d P.1 room 111eplace lease be .i c h S 11) O O m o 64() 0551 Days 675 604& S~VGLASS Hill 5 BR Huntington Beaut spac nome 3 Bttcli 3240 ba tOf'mal din rm fdM • •••• •. •••• • • ••• •• •• •• rm. bonus rm 3 frplcs CLOSE TO BEACH 3500 SQ fl avml Jan 15 Branc.f new 3 Br T' Ba s23001rno 644 5043 w p11v sundect.. Lots of wooc.f Skylights. bu11tlns Cost• Mtsi 3224 and lrpl All ulll pd Obi 2·ed·H~~;;·.:,~d ·,·9d·~: car gar Child OK Duve Plf'• by 921 A fab11ma 333 f '"' St CM !>36· 7979 64&-8103 No pets Sh;,rp 3 br 2 ba 2 car q111,1gt! lmmed avail 1 IR PRIY I QUIET tG042 Warren (Edinger & Ang. yard No pets Uttl Bolso Cn1ca) $795 incl pd $540 mo Isl 1>lus water gardenet Dung- s e c 6 4 8 • W • er & Assoc 957-0701 181h 499 1617 3Br 26a dbl garage xlnt 4 81 condo lo• lt>..1;.e 2' a1oc1 Avail now $695 Ba 1850 s t tennis mo 962 7940 p001 rec No pet~ Reis Avail 121 I ~44 807 I or 739 65:> 1 OPEN MOUSE REIT TO OWi I , Bt q u.iqe yard Near beach. shopping $!>?5 mo Westside sc.hools 3 Br 2 Ba 041-0763 Pet5 oi. tam1ty 1mtcountry k11cn-en lmmed occupancy Ea>IStde tPSp ,1dll5. pte-s 0 I sun 1 · 4 8 2 8 1 1e11ed 2 br 1 b.i gar-Northport (oll Adams age $625 mo 673-7544 Eost ot Be11ch) 8•8·1959 Cle.tn 2 BR I B.i encl gar. 2 bdrm 2 ba 1wnhse '>mi pvt ya1d no p111s $495 10 be.ich Ou1et adult mo 548-GG80 comm Sec gate Tennis S&t5 pools apa gar WIO SUPER 3 Bdrm , ba hookup Ell.Ir~ clean home. close 10 schools $650 mo 962"8 80 and beach !>46-5605 3Br twnhse 2 story lrplc , gar. pool, nr bth. sharp E11sts1de 3 81 2 • Bll-Pll· $680 ph 839·3131 vate polio w/spa. fncd backyd remod kttctien. 2 bdrm 2 ba, den pool 2 c."'lr garage S950tmo nr Moll Cul-de Sac tst lasl & $Ile 6•6·3532 $750 536 7864 3Br 2bo w1lh lilfge yr<l Rernod kllch(ln dbl gar $725. drtvP hy 894 W Wilson. Cilll 559-500 t FAMILY NOME ' 4 Br 2 Ba oncl patio lrptc. 2 cnr garage No C M 1oc:a11on S850tmo 63 1-7370 -Ask '°' Jim IY OWMH HIT TO HY $2000 down.$ t 10,000 In auum fin, 14% 30 yr al· h~ed rale 3 Br t/ t2 ba plus den, frplc nu Cll· pet nu root lrg backyard w/frun ttees w/sep FlV ent Quiet cul de uc home 642·697 t or Eas1s1de 2 br. t ba house, 847-2593 crpts. drpa, 1n1moo ovall $491> mo Dunger & AS· 4 bdrm 2 be. good romlly soc 957-0701 orea Large yard S750 mo Pot 968-7096 Now corpet Fllf'place wood beem Cf>lllng EastSlde. very cozy $595 no pets 631·092 l SUPER RION H Tiii SAii Vtew o l ocean 2 Br 1' 1ba guard gete, pool, sauno. gym S800 2 13/333·38•6 Landlord need• btq tn~ w11teolft Sez "Aon1 th19 4 lniH 3~44 b• 3' ba C'•SIOm Pool •••••••••••••••••••••• ~em. o u<me.L--Ka. 1DJJ.LS Form!ll dining des~ner lo • bdrms starling at decor thruout N11tu1al $6•0 to S1475 rotk lrpl, aecluded tncd :iird Very eoay movo·tn $3!10 undor market Agt, 537.9740 chg • Bdrm. 3b• 111; ,m lam rm. rtoe rm oce1n llW. walk to bell l<lffl lor 3 1h1r1ng •oeo1mo 845 61SO LI ... oPllOfl new condo 1700/mo 2 Br Linda M1r1, 901 tJ M2M REUHRfE·Hr. 21a, lrptc, lndfy rm.~ ny pOOI 1vlll 0.0 1 &. HOO mo 11&1 ·llOI Of H1·0.$t - .. I" t 0111nou t,ou:..1 DAILY Pll 0 I /SumJuv . l) cc1111h1 1 t>, IUl.i2 Hou111 Uallunl1hd 1111111 •111• • HH111 V•l11•/1tH ····•···············•· ······•······•········ .......••••••...••...• ,,.,,, f/a/11al1i" _.,..,,.,.,, t11alu" _.,..,,.,,.,, l•t•l•t" Au1t•f•t1 l•t•I•'" A,.11a1at1 ~tl••I• tl••I• •••••• •······•••• ••••• ~··•••••••••••••••• ~·••••••••••••••••• .,-.-•••• •••••••••••••• ll•l11•ltl1H ll•l•t•l••H Dal•t•l•iH !~~~'!! .......•... !.~!~ ~!.'!t~!!. ~!~!A •• !.~!¥ ~!.i!l~!! .~!~!~ ... !.~~! r.w .. ,, ,,,,. ,,,, ,,,.,, ,,,,., 1111 .,,.,,.1,.. • .... ,, "•e• 1111 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• "• ··';" • • • • • ••• • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •'' '•" •' I 31~0 '" ••" • • • .. • •' • •' ••" •. I lb I I d 3106 Ctt•H dtl #11 JIZ C I If 31Zf I lll ~OllllU" New1mtt Vtly llll'f' bul 1.11111m1t1g •I ••• ,!~! ............. '?. I u111111h11d llu\.lt111V1t blV I 01 I In •••••••••••••••••••••• •t I Ill Nf•\tl 11t1w lf1lllloU "'Ollly up111.utud dttlt11 h P'' t1rn1u• lfl W t>41dhr l•hfl ~ lh .~ thOl ,1t1111ftt W •fl•I t11.1u1f1•1t1Hll 1 11 ,~, -JI d I ,1~•' 1J1Hit • t•'fl'14 t Hltlll 1110 <I 7!> l"C , ( \.t•!t ,,, •• ,.,.,ff lhth t' "" t u, ... u .• , u t.JU tll!,.1l '!Ii t t 'ff h·,l~t· $U·l •1 t 1 1 7 .',fl • ,,, tll~·J tu h 1 huo .1• ''''"'' ..,frtt•t t•r "tlhtH•h & "\hPJ 1p1H1J St,\J'J ti.I.I \li'tl• BLUFFS I 1111 " 1t.1 'IJOtl •11 II Nt I""'' I '"''""•11th '-fll(l\l tiCCl I ltl /ltll 3 ltdroem, 21' b• Ji'• ''' ;JM l(t ff HJ 't\ I h ~ '"' \/'•0 I ~' 11~(, Ill UI I '• t llNll<lf. I wu ~ Ut :" B 1 Oht• h•v• I 1 111 wlpuol lh1thm11 \/how ltuttWI $ 11()0 11111 lltll \l<I c c I I\ JI " .. I ~ '" v 711011101 • Htt!Ult" hfllL Hlllwuncl ht hllli r llll .. o YU• lro111 YDU 1111'11v1 ITI clttl, OWll y.it cJ ' I I Ve ht •••••• ·,;:.;;aiirii...... I Illy 1Juth11l1J1 J llflt I kll •••••••••••••••••••••• th« t. 11 1 eel. w•llo. a. l;i h ,300 111(1 Av111I J1111 ,,.~Hlt'IH • S.IOfllmO Ii ht1t11 \Jll~ fll•> ulll 110 llJr IUu IJllliol~IJ "'"" Wft"llt•'' II•'' '"~601"111 1 Ill~ OOl':' U11uuttlc1I 6 lllltl< ltl<o wlll1 '1411 011:111 I Hiit I ,le 111"1 1 •lttt~ Tt.O !Jti•,1 '111 ' •t(lll• $ 8'1 1110 "" " • •• •• 11••111.<11 Ito Jiit Ir pit ( I 1 4 J Ii '.i 0 'I 4 Ii 3 1111. (AN' !IN • tit I ll Av1t1I t I 113 V4b C.11?" .. lllHllCllO poof 'tl!OU llltJ u7'1 1Uh7 A f'IO lllnf 1 11111111 111111 c ••W " vu w l1/h1 J • ..,IJlltll.IVt A11t1 Sit /l "lun only fl[ DU(, "''•Hll 1 1 I• ..... ~· .,, ....... h t 1 .. ,, s •• c1, ... ,, 311, ,,.,... 3101 • Pt1111llt• Pellu• r 0 ', ... , 000 l flit 1 HA BAYFRONT u.1.,.,,.,, I Uc.t1n1 t bd f;OOI lllUll c.utltt.•cu••,14 •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• •C.,.uv••tt•Of•toktuu lU~u fi._, l,QNUOS. ••••••••••••••••••••••Ory .-Uul1• nOPl11' • 11111 ..... 1 .. ex.non vtl'W th• •,mull 1IHI11111 1111w c.1p1 •D•11111u Awn MANV £.XIRA& f•lt 1tn 1 __ 1 ... , Pt••tuloa Coil• MIH JIZ4 1·111~ 11:i :i 11190 01 • ''"" .,.,.,.. • II• ? 111• :' • 111111 .. 1 I lllJll ~ 11111111 " "'''" $42!> •Wc1lk 111 t.•u~ul~ 1111,.11 111 tthools. p.irk• g --• •••••••••••••••••••••• f14& 1')41 ,., J 11 tt••lll \1100 411 '""'" S:>0001111u u71> '>066 •tlom41 111<u l<llC.lllit•• bullC.llt·'!> 01,.111 1 11 SIJI f1111111>t11111 01 unfu111 I ""'"'''~ v•• lu' 1111 .. 111 .. 11 1 ·h• 11011 .,,., .'Olf< /I l«Ull 2fi<'ll 1 bit. 10 ttunlinutun Suri 2JJ l(ltlc fJI Npl 1110• m1111mum 11•111.al ......... I IHI .... I Ur t 011 turn , no QUI C"lllftl I 11n•o1A1lftt1~1. t•(lll IOI $1'>00/mtJ l' Ur 1 u,1 up1>9r 111 111 mealia.Au µ11 .. lllt.lbO u11r 011 NO 1 •1 ·"'1"" 1 ""11" 1 1" Sin Ju111 S6'0 P •· ' ··" -" HC1119nu. /tll •11). V4t•tly " I mo 1111 '"""" '••-•------Own111 Ii"" lf!>l:t ' 1h • A 4~ "••ouutNn u' C · 3Zl• u & 1 1 No pol• '"" 1• • llr JtJJ VL c ~Jllh '11 t :S !J I •, •t 11 u •1 J I I •flllllllO lllJ \J 1 UTILITIES FllH -••••• •••••••••••••••• t.•••P• 10 b.-actl Act1111, lfll ltt l. 'tl''1-ttl4h(l AVAILAnt rNOWS!i:>b 67~fi060 IOdttrl rrornS6t6 $u~01to• LIV' 11•1 \h'o I 1 v 11 immu~ul.itit ~ u<I co11<Jo Townh~u unlurn .. , ... r1ni1uu/1 3101 •.................•..• •T TS puh1 '1'171> Pornonn APAn MH $4 161tn(I 65 I :1176 [11111u1th1lly lonClscnpeo u111cJ• II itl)t') Pool & Sµa :>Br duptllA w/ttnct oar P111105/dt><.k~ No Pllll At•d{I< gouo llf•ll)ltbOt Ur1thl•l<1r $395 h 0 O d S !. I 0 (; u I I uv 'wkrnl • 1 I 111 •1 ''•· 1 ,•c!:,1··•••1., w,','~1'. '11 ' 1 11 ull •••Ir 111\ IH'>QI '} kid~ C0to111 '•11111 3122 rroni $6~0 L 8 b 3248 _..,. ___ .,, ------"~L&Jt ...UI Ll -30~ uuouuoouuoo•u• LA.!lUIN1~11UlM0$A . !I.~~! ... t.'.~ ••••••••• 1111111., 1111 ' 11.1 1·""1111 1 w• lttllL 1 .' n11rn1 , ,•flu OK. ~u;g~i 11 oeou111u1 wuns1.11, Cluc;ora 1621 t Pork&tc.Jll Lu 1 Olk !>u1111y 1 UIJ ClPI 011 f"'Ofllll •ul11 I t.111 t>lo<.k lo btm1.1t Vrly $1160 rttli flM; 4 Wllt(1' pd Agl 671J 11142 ""' ? U1 'l Oo y1ly M111u1u t•V•J .,rnk1" nn 1.11111. SGOO ' Clt·p... l t:lt 7f)'I) .. llJ!I '1!>7 9792 or (11<1) fJ73 3856 I norm $475 559·5001 ?1!!0 -vnrrgon~4 l Ml llAlli liA\ J Ut , N••w chtc 1ll l ,11q11 p.1to> 1J>1Ut ·1.1<111/1 ••I L 111 i'• "1 101 l u111 UIJI F1pl W ol Sench 3blksS n c ltph 11111·i. p.11tn Pn(ll $'11'• f(\(l lllM ~ 1000 llttl 61'3 '31J S•nll A'n• 3210 $995tmo 673·0896 ol rt1111u~1 '947.54.i11 .,..,.,, 'I,, s 1uoo m 11 FOR LEASE ''""'"'"' c ••·~• 1..011110 :> ········•••••••••••••• C /II 31Z4 t• • 10u7 S , RhMI> l l.)r I '• bo don. Olfl HI -' t><J• '" l tt t ' u•\ .,, • h.a ",o n•o uu covort'd patto WatnOf/ •••••• •••••••••••••••• SlllWIPEll APTS Spacious slngle, one & two bedroom apat1ments Buchoto111 $4 10 Oua1.hlton1 Brien on l'on 1 Bdrm $485 In $300 mo 1e1 IS I ~I 131 E 181h 6AG-68 IG Lare• 2 Ill 2 \a Wall.. to Sa Cst Plau $e<; Gate Full am1.1nct1es $GOO mo Da 640-2154, Ev GAG 33~ I • ht J11f1 .. • lt.l ''"-''" d \\ ftl tO\\r,l\tt h.I ,I lt.•f'tllJ :wp,tti:h.IU• w u-1c.J dt!c.a...~ IH\) nc 1•.1n i..~n \tlt''lw:. SI t!>O n1('0 1'1·1 4~ 76 hOtnO' wttll ~ Ut•I ''"'' ,.. "'"tJ ut. ••it·"" y 0.11 Fu1n I bdrm dPIS $385 mua11t.•cl All "''" tJµl'I• 11 11.1 Lit 1111t"'" AQt llt'nu urea Lease/apllon e110 up fnc garages 1 & 2 BA pool SPA. BBO no pet1 turn avu11 .............. ... 61'\ 71'n 161 r t8t11 64<'-08!>6 1 bCI 9atl'd c.ummunily, tnC.••" H,11 p, t l51Jo tJ RO "ttl I '<!to 01 to/ l ,' •Oii oWllll Agl CO·OP $695 2 I 10 Newport Blvd CM > 1800 mu I \•'•" ""'s' encl wc1h1t & gorc.tf!ner 548-4968 llU) 141-HH 808 I Hollar><J Cr HB Btwn S101erfWern11r Oii B I Ch C dtl /1111 3822 a 3 pool ipa nt So Cal Pita .!!!!'.'................ 111t 21n. Ill. $475 1.44·8~73 ~l'ANl:stl l..HAllM HOMF • 1111 I' bd I oreplJ.:" 4.11 u Jr11t'l1 Wik be.lo I <I "" 11 So 9 0 0 M I) • 1•111 Ub4 IB1. :1811 pu1•I $ t:!50 ITIO 4ll4 3itl6 •I/CJ 7JllO lJt 101 , .• , 1 '""" n .. ,., S 111 A111 Dunoer & Assoc •tt.b·05!>0 .cite• " 0 D, c:,11l)un JBr ;>• 1311 on 957 ·010 I vt>nport .I Br Wt•~IC'hll 11v 111 11uw s.1000 t•1111y l1e1..llt11c:k 11q1 611 1 lG I} n1 !">411 !>aOtl BAYFRONT lmmed, Pou. quit cour so 'lt'C. (l•llll 1 u r1111,. ~ 1 7 o o m u Sout• Ll..(11111 3216 4<M-44J 1 i:.;;;;·~;110~0JQ00•;~·;; Hl'.wl1tul l1un1u :l Or 2 Bu l Cdr YJ'•'0" pool &JIU, very p11voJHI. 1 Vt'llt lc.1 w SI J50 mo Av,111 J.;111 15! 7 14 • 770 O.l41 Gated area. t ennis c ourlS, oceun lllOW $2000 mo 55 t-8215 OCEAN \/IEW 2 Sr, dock, MtC•O lrplc Prill Bch $79!'>/mo 496-4692 CASA DE ORO ALI UTILITIES PAID <..ompare belore you 1en1 Custom oos1gn loa- lures Pool. bbq. cov'rd garage, surrounded wtth plush landscaping No pelt I BR Furn $5 t5 365 W Wilson 6.i12-1971 !!1.~~~-~!.•.c.t .. !X~! Luxury Sludlo. tree HBO, phone, maid so1v. spa . $130 wk 499·3015 STE'S 10 OC(&11 Nu.,.ly decor Gas pd "" on1,.I gar dwshr pool We111111de 2 B1 11ove & l.irgo 3 Br :t Boi m.i111 bbQ no P-019 642·5073 rel1tge n11wly decorated omer1111ei. $ 1 tOO Cull No petb SA50tmo Water FUINISHE~.._or Oo1ott1y 673-7975 Ntw11r 2 BA 2 Bu. $475 piled !nary lt1c UNFUINISnt.D Cle 3 od n 'I ba Clpl~ I No Pll" 760-t 4 18 or I Br ~tove & retr1ge ALL UTILITIES pu~~o ga/1 ~t111i. S9&o' 6~2-7s2e ttvslwknds U1t11 paid. lndry tac No PAID. HEALTH No poll! 7 1~ H11hotrop1i LlllQO 3 a1 ;? Ba Town. pets $400/mo 6<16·4382 Open 972·9406 I hOuso tn ciu1e1 compto11. New cCJrpet Firoplae;, N11notl l11ct 3169 CLUBS. TENNIS B 1 pl 1 ft 1:1~i h11g11 µool gorden 'iel-wood beam ceiltnn ····'················· SWl"'"""ING pl s ' . ' c s ov.. v img S675 6115-338' 5• OCEANFRONT Dix 2·" Br ,..,.. u cony vi1.1w 110 pets $700 67!> 5949 • Easts1de very cozy $ 95 B v w eek or mo n 1 h muc.h more! Sorry, icld~ elot 322 He Ito • no pell 631-0921 f!l.~~~.!'.il.~~~ .. !.~~~ 3 Br C\1!11 1,1mofy 1m $117~ mo & b<!curcl)' Op loC>n 10 bU) 831 7343 ~ UflNIStH 0 ur untvr tllShud ~ O\O~ nm11rnun1 rt1ntdl (ACOI l\JC ,Jiil II S 1 5 0 0 m <• 0 w n < t 644 ll5 IJ ·' lJtJrm 1.w1 rm lormt1I dcn1119 ;: o..i l "'" q1.&r. pool Nou! c. .. •enbl!ll Submtl kc<b S 1150 mo 7b0-804 I 673-7873 nope~. Models ope 675-6024 Open *MESA \/EADE :.> a1 1 2 Br wt gar upsta1tS: On the beach hotel I d Hy 9 I 6 ·4 • Bo Newly decor S495 $415tmo No pets Reis 2 bd•m. 2 ba, nr bch, trpl, sun deck , No Pets. $375 mo Dix mobile $675tmo 675·8635 home No peta Mature Ntweorl Bucb 3265 t..uge '"'""') r101111 1 ur 2 NEWPOfll CAES T Ag.mt noi. 2 Spa•c1al con. dos 2 &3 Brs s 1000 s 1200 645 0<'95 -adults Ou1e1, secure Condo•ini11•s 199 t Newport 646·8373 room Dpt kclcheneue & 0openk a O d. T H1.; SHORES-BEACH No pers 833·8974 req d 352 V1cto11a balh, lum1shed $<'50 & a WOO AREA t br, relrig, $love. lndry 645·816 I up + de P 23 0 6 W I COME a $(£'" Pen cons $395 1920 • • • • • • • •• • •• •• •• ••••• b.1 150 I St>t.:nttl.ft' f tlft Sui,>l'r ~pt!CtJI l br l • t•t.J lrvint• T r-'rr ltnm~(J JV'IUI F8111is•H 3400 lean 1 Br turn cottage. •••••••••••••••••••••• no pets. very pnvate 0 c e () n I 1 0 n t • N B Garden Apartments ... Wallacv 640-6029 SPACIOUS I 673•4154 Our newly decor a too 2 Br. 1 108 $525 no 'unllo Iott typt• ·•Jen w s 1000 111clud1ng wJter 6 o;.111 bor. lrplc, OP<'" Qotdllnt•I '011ng1•1 6 A~ Eatc. 1 Ur• CH40 $435 inclds all ultls. 1s1 Oen, Pool 1ac, socu111y last & sec 548·0522 ~port Be~c.h/No. mooels I & <> Br opts 2 Bi 1 Ba 571 W Joann pets CALL 546-5605 880 lrvlnt AYt. S5501mO & up Pool & up~ I a 119 N 0 p e Is h1•tHn1'tJ Cl.'tltll!JS lllolll> SOC 957-070 I .,~l rJ~ $895 1mo BIG CANYON gate Close 10 So Cst Plaza t yr lse $450 mo &45-7595 375tmo. DI• mobile hm, Ma1u1e adults, no pets Ou1e1. secure 1991 OCEHFROIT 3 Br 2 Ba. upper Furn/ unturn Wcnter pr yrly WshtH/drye1 lnclud aeoulllul view of ocoon lmmed occup (ill6lhl 1enn1s C'iill Karen $4;!5tmo Sieua Mgmt Ftreptace pool, d1shwash- 645-1104 644-2611 64 1•1324 er pvt pa110 J( lrg gard- 848 7452 01 84 1-2660_ Hilrbo1 Voow Hornes 3 bd. 2 ba. IOUJIY-hOtflt!. pool. gardl'nu• S 1200/mo AVdtl 1115 8J 646 8646 Gt ,1c1oui. homll over- looking 9011 course>. lake. city 11ghl> !I mouni.11ns 011yond Sp11c1ou~ D11ane Monaco Plan 3 bdrm, lormal Oon rm & mas· Condomillio•• Newport Blvd 646-8373 Newport Buc.h/So. 1700 16th St. - -en 2 Br $560 557-2841 ,I Sr Garden Apt Nowly 2Sr upstairs. quiet. encl dee • bl!\$ 10 beach gar no dogs 1110 \/IC· Large I Br near shops, Sp.ir. J b• ~ , bJ very cl""" 1wn11,.t1 pool 109- -Q1n9 t•lc $800/mo Agt S4 I 1440 U11/11111isllttl 3425 TeHlltc Condo! 2 Bi 2 Ba $550/mo 675-9496 • 1 0 ~ 1 a $ 4 9 5 I rn 0 pool. all ul1ls pood 1884 631 6812 1 10 Mon10111a 548·0336 Ne .... port Crebl 2 81 con do Otnmg are.i A11ao1 gar pool tt>nnob er I 17 W IC! GOO'<' Su111.mor 10 T1cont11•roq 1 Iv Wild •• • •• ••••• •• •••••••••• separato an1tance, pool, IEWPORT THRACE clubhouse $7So1mo BACHELOR Furn/ unlurn. Y1ly all uttl pd New crpt. new d1apes beam ce1I, tmmed occup (11 Oovtr) 1Br new cpl. patnl $60C • at __ _ mo encl ulll Avail now :?Br. IBa, downslatrs. lncd THE SEVILLE 2 Sr wlgar 851-9609 yd & gaiage $500 mo crpts, drps bll-lns lncd ~1ve granct •oom BAYFROMT 3 bdrm, 2' 1 oa condo, 27 673·3313 642-5113 LJ ···~c nome spe1.1 • Move 111 ready on qu1el cul-de-sac at S2:.>00 per mo Ag• 640 5560 Sand Dollar Cl Highly upgraded wl sml palto Stove washer. dryer Cl•shwasner Comm pool sauna. 1ac No Isa, eluxo 2 Bdrm, bit 1n. dswhr. bbq. jacuzzc on bit w vu $4 50 mo 826·5147 754 0986 yo w/pal•o. water pd. I Sr yard. garnge No • :.>619 O Santa Ana TSL MGMT 642-1603 !~!'!~.YA~!'.'. ... !Z~~ ular ~•ew 1mmcd 01. i;upancy $2000 mo ~rl\ 675 7673 c n t Io re n o r P e t s EISlde cheery 3 BA 2 Sa A 11 e S 5 2 O C a 1 1 S4751mo Agt 720 0740 pa110 2 sty carport. 1-636-4120 34 MOTORBOAT SLIP .I Br 2 . BJ secu111~ Qdll'!> 'S1 ;.>00 PP 7!'>9·0588 GOO S t' $850 213 69 I 7!'>J7 ~!ARBOR lllEW HOMES 5 Odrm .l oa d•'" 9.11dn met S 1600 mo Av.Joi no 7<;2-2 197 Agl BLUFFS 4 Br 2 Ba ) lras Stidrp 2BA yo. g.tr $000 BLUFFS TOWMHOME 3Br + Olln :.>Bo POOi trpl.:: wasl'llory Cit 1ns 2 pdl•Os :.> cn1 gnrage beautllul Qwel green b<!lt S9:i0 mo no pelS Avail Dec Isl H · $700 mo 213-433·0502 Hl1111toa • -l11ei 3140 Nr So Coast Ptoza. •••••••••••••••••••••• OCEAI FROIT 2 .... ,., 2 h , WttklJ, •n'tlllr 'til J.tiu. 112 -1411 or H0-0111. For Classtlted Act ACTION --Call a Daily Pelot AO·lllSOR 642-5678 s575 mo S40-0997 - -Mesa Verde 2 Borm • pa- Mesa Verde lg 2 Or, I''> 110 brt~t & clean bo. oar. pa1to. no pels $525/mo - $525 & sec 979-4383. 646· 1220 WALLACE WOODS 759 w 19th. $9501mo mo 3239 Broild :>I 760-0679 642-7745 , 640 :/098 W~ dyS 2131798-Y504 Sharp Jar I'> ba. pool * $350/mo. up Bath -1 c1nd 1acuzz•. 2 car gar. & 2 B1 unlurn & turn. polto $625/mo Ktcts & pool, spa 18992 Florida. pols ol\ 556-6147 842·2834. 842·3172 -~--- WANT ACTION? C1ass1led AOs 642-5678 Attrac slud•O empl non smkr Small combO ltv· bed-dtn rm. share bath $300 melds ull ulil Tl/. phone sm p1111 ki1ctien ltn11ns. dishes wld p1v ent walk to bch pool. spa. sa~a. 1onn1' gate. patrolled prosllgo 111ou Aet s req 493-3490 Minutes trom lhe beach ---------I LUXURY 2 BR. 2BA IMMEDIATE OCCUPAICYI 2 Br 1 Ba laundry rm, pool er pis d1apes $400-$415/mo Housts /or S•lt Boosts /01 S1/1 House1 101 Slit Ho.111 lt1 S1/1 B1a111 lit $1/1 HH111 l1t $1/1 Hossts /0t S1/1 ...•............•..•••......•...•.•.........•...•••••••................................. Hoa111 for S1/1 ...................... ...................... ........•............. •.••...•.•..•.••.•.•.. 1002 G.111111 JOOZ Ctatt•I 1002 ······~·······~···· ~~~········· ~!.-.~~~{ ......... !."!!!I'!!~!~~{ .•.. ~ .••. !.'!!~ '!!~!~~{ .. ! •••••• !.":'!I '!!.-..~~'-{ ••••••••• !."!!~ *NEW LISTING* HARBOR VIEW HOME OuL.;;umdmg Por tofino 1•n FEE land! Exu·llt'nt family home featuring a pn..·mium loc<1t1un with <•><tt'n:-.1ve use of used bnck. 3 BR's plus large covert.'d patto Prn:t-cl for immediate s.t ll' <.tl $315.000 w ith 10 ~4% assumabk fmancmg" Coll i='>9·1501 or 752.nn *9 3 • * OCEANVIEW & SPA* F'abuluu!> hnrrn l1·.1tunng :1 br. atnum. ~k\ ltgh~ .md h1d~way master ~ull<' "' fpk & pnvc1tc· hukony Assuml· $ l 51i.OOO loan that sl<.lrts al 9%!! Only $~:l7.oon n :E i!l9-l :'>Ol or 752-7:ln *7112 3 DOWN * •BAYCREST • I 2 •, I 1n;int·111~ "P"' 111u ... c·i..t'<.'U tive rnnt·h "'~ k· honw in prestige an•a: This honw fl•;JtUr<·., :4 br.,. fpk. large lot & h'<· l,md11 Lowest pnl'C' al S:?-Hl.000 Call 75\l 15111 111 752-7:173 for appointmc•nt tll view *HARBOR VIEW HILLS • Tot.ill.' n ·n111d1·lt·d 111 ... 111•· & •>ul thr" dl'ltghlful rnnch style homt· tea tun·.., -1 hr .! I rplc... .. I L•t garagt._ ou•;m "'"'" &. large> lot w/t·ustoi"n "P·• Pnc1·cl 111 ... «11 ,,, ... l ltl.1100 Low rnll'n'"' w,.-.umc1hlt· financing. Call 7:1!-l 151ll ur'/5;! 7:l7'.I •DOVER SHORES* Thts custom h •an Wc·lls designed horn(• was built w/executrve entertarnmg m mrnd Quality thruout, from the M>hd oak paneled den to the mahogany panelt-d fmly rm Some of tht• numerous features are: 'it'nsauonal view of F'ashton Island & cx:C'an. black bollom pool & spa w/outc;rde har. 3 car garngt'. <.'Ompletc scc·ur1ty system & of course formal dining To vu.•w the luxurious fc•aturcs of this magnificent rc..,.1denl'('. call 75!1 150 I for pnvat<.' showing $1.500.000 FEE! * 123 FI NANCING* • EASTSIDE COSTA MESA * Spac·1ou:-. 2 -;1.,ry horn<.' 1x:rf«ct for t•nterlatning or large families.) Featuring :t-Br & family room, formal <.lining & a large lot on a quiet. private· c·ul-d1•-sac11 Pm'<' for immediat<' :-.<11<: al $187,000 & owner will carry ovN $100.000 at 12r•fi11 Ctll 759 1501 or 752-7373 •WATERFRON.T HOME & SLIP• Sensattonc.I ''Xt'<·utive home foatunng 4 Br. enormous hvtng & dining room. 2 fln·plat•es & room for 55' boat• Only $551),000. FEE with assumablt.· f1m111t·1ng Call 75U-1501 or 752 7:17:1 •..EXQUISITE • Contractor:\ own home111 Smashing 3 Br hortw featuring.used brick nnd wrought iron. skyhtc•s, atrium, shake roof, and extensive use of Mexican pavcrs Offc•n-d at $165.000 w /assumablC' fmoncing! Call 7141759-1501 or 7141752-?:l?:l / ~IANDONID ARTIST'S CHALET SACRIFICE PRICE Of $169,900 Th is English Tudor style home is vacant and waiting for a new owner. It is custom built with many features normally found only in higher priced properties. Notice the bay window and artistic wooden planter boxes. What you can't see in the picture are the five skyUgh ts, used brick entryway, ceramic tile kitchen flooring. secluded patio or the lofts found in each of the large bedrooms. Added to that is a spacious family room and three fulU>aths which make this cozy ftv(• year old home located onJv two miles from the ocean trulv an ex<.'t'otional value rn today's market. 9032 Adams Ave .. Huntington &:a<'h. For more information please call 556-7035. HOW DO YOU SPELL SUCCESS? A Rolls Royce of a home! OC course every detail has l.wf'n attended to for the discriminating buyer Tantalizing colors. Pl'r ft-ct flow for ·entertaining with cozy corners of "at home" Living. Thr('<' thous;.nd Ctv<.• hundrc.od square feet of uncompromising clcgan('C• t•onststing of five bl•drooms and three full baths The mas ter bedroom surt t> 1s particularly enchanting and includes a luxurious ~unk<'n oval tub and scparalc tiled shower. T here 1s a separate family room with wet lxlr and a 15'x21' bonus room for the children. Formal dmmg I!\ prov1dro as wc.>11 as an eating area off the kitchen . Beautifully landS<:apt.od yards including a' custom spa. The $354,900 prkt• is surprisingly arrordublt· m today's market place. For oompletc details call 96:!-5671 CAPE HUNTINGTON TOWNHOME AffORDAILE BEACH LIVING What would you normally e xpect to find for $112.000? Certainly not a double car enclosed garage with a n extra large patio. and probably not a den with a wet bar or a large family eating area. But even 1f you did. we'll almost guarantee the master bedroom suite wouldn't be 18'><15' with mirrored closet doors. All this and more can be yours w1thm a five minute drive of Pacific Coast Highway. We'd be dehght<.-d to give you an y additional information if you'll just call us at 963-5671. DILUXI llAUTY SALON IN HIGH TRAFFIC AREA LOCATION You would· have to see this custom designed and decorated interior to believe It. Five busy operators a nd five additional stations for future expansion plus twin nail stations and a facial room. Also included arc six halr dryers. three shampoo stations and two supply rooms. All equipment 1s top of the line quality and barely 11 2 years new. Seller is willing to remain as an employee of the new owner C__9Jlilild<'rlng the location and cash flow is reasonably offered at $74,00~-7035. llCYCLI TO THI llACH PIOM SUPIRI LOCATION This highly upgraded home with solar heated pogl .is onJy minutes Crom the ocean and is In the much sought after F.c:iison High Scnool District. No expense has been spared in lavis hly appointt~g this showplace with wal~coverings, wooden shutters, mlni·bhnds. m1rror<'d wardrobe doors and MORE!! A very large formal dining room is perfect for the coming holiday season. With all of these amenities. you'll find the price hard to believe: It's offered at the May. 1982 appraised value of $158,500. Call us for details o n thl' exciting Clnancing plans we have available. One ls ct'rtnln to be right fur you! 556-7035. HUNTINGTON IEACH OFFICE 9032 Adami Ave. AMERICAN.HOME SHIELD • .rWB Protect & Service Things That Service You." Huntington llactt, CA tn4t ........---~~~-~~~~-aw 11•I--1L.:mo ...... a1""-'-----· 2264 M aple 2 Sr 1 aa carport lndry rm, view ot goll course lrom Cleek $475/mo 558 Joann TSL Mcn1t 142-1503 Marble pullman lop Decorator drapes Pl\JSh w/w carpels Walk In Closets P1t11ate pataos Gourmet Ktlchen Ca1pot1 wfstorage Spa, OUIOoor BBQ Laundry S4851mo 2 Br 1•. Ba $550/mo 548-4630 upper untl an bit-ens. 2 Br Wesls•de Cosu carport tndry rm bal· Mesa Carport & pool cony No pets. $4 15/mo. Call 527 W Wilson 833'8533 TSL Mcmt 142-111!! VILLA CORDOVA Spaccous E Side Apts Encl gar. palto, dshwhr & stove MOsl utcl tree No petS Chrtslmas Discount• 2 Br 1 person S510 2 Sr 2 persons S545 1 Sr starting 81 $435 2323 Elden Ave. CM 642-7605 llSTlMT II 2 Br. 1'• Sa twnhse au111 1ns. laund rm. carport/gar. yard/bait Small Pel OK Ft p $62S-S635tmo. 2617. 2543, u111 paid Ou1et. Adults. Pelto S300tmo Avail Jan I 644-6958 VILLA MEIER& 2 Br 2 Bo family com- plex. d•Shwasher & dis- posal enclso garage. ut1ls paid S5301mo plus $300 oeposn 2324 Eld· en 548-4147 ---1 Br w 725 ·c w 18th St $39!'>/mo Don 662-1700 t od. avoll now, waler & hol wa101 !urn No Pets. $385 984 Mission Drive 646-3627 2548 Orange Ave Lg Bachelor apl w/pa1to. 2314 Santa Ana Ave $315 mo 859 W 191h Call lot appl SI c M TSL Mgmt 2 Br 1 Ba en trt-ple11. 6~2-1603 crp1s drps sm patio WUTUIE VILLH.E $4 75/mo No pe1s Bachelor & 2 B• apts 540-4484 avool Pool spa, launo 2 tJdr;:n.' 1• 1 1>1 610-:;c;;,m rm No pals lmmod Oc· SI Adults p1el d Small cup dog OK 645403 B~c~~10s5~;5 3 Br 2 Ba. S550"'imo Oooct 955 w 19th SI loc. close to schools TSL Mgmt 548·6897, 540-4031 645-8122 .,.-e,:--rol1lg, bale. gar No Pets S350 548-4291 or 645-9857 pac1ous 2 Br 1 • • Ba Townhouse wttrplc, El side No pels 1 car gar. btl·tns $595/mo Sierra Mgmt 641·132<1 __ _ FlllESllE COMFlllT Like nu toe 1 br ap1s. lrplc, dw. gar, $475/up Patao or balcony Poot & spa No pets 2650 Harla Mesa Pines 549·24<17 t bd apl $400 per monlh Call Siu t-497-2338 385/mo 1 Br patio. pool. 1 person. no pots 325 "J " 17th Pt 6.il6·S t37 11·7 Lrg 2 Bd Beam ceilings, lots ol wood thruout. serv bu $460 2256 Maple 673-81103 or 5'18-7356 Coit• #111 JIZ4 •..........•.•.......• Lrg 4f plex 2 Br. IBa. dshwr W!Slde Avail 12111 $495 /mo . 645-6625 D1111 p,-;.-,--3-1-Z-, •.......••.••••...••.. OCEAI VIEW Dana Point·• mos I se- cluded scenic blurt Like new• Only 4 unots, 2 Br 395 '1 Sr, relrlg, patio. wtoen Xtra lrg private no pets, adults pr111 ~ $6951 731·0 t81h St 673·7787 pello r rom mo. Cell 661-~.ill 01 M·F. 1 le1th Fret flt1t 9·5. 643-02 12 Drive by 2 Bdrm 1ownhsellype 1~<1587 Senti Cl1ta condo Close 10 every-H•alillfffll thing $605/mo Agt •-a. Jl~O 645-9850 -•c• " 1 Br S4 15 Newly redec, d/w, a/c, gas & waler paid, patio. sec gate, crp11. pool, porly rm. Cell 111 11 AM, Cesa Grent1da 979-1911 ... ,;.,, .. ll1ct Jlf ••!.!•················· ...........•.......•.. CLOSE TO BEACH Unlque'"'bach. wflolt end l1pl. stove and relrtg, All ulll pd $460/mo 536-7979 WALi< TO BEACHlSr w/t>alcony Slove & re· tng S<l251mo 536-7979 Kennebunkport? Isn't that the tx>at that won The America's CUp in '75? e:: ro~ It you re not sure Who (or Wllat) Kennyt>unk.port w1s. d<>tl't feel bid-you're not llOl\e. 11.tnnyf)unkport is Of\t of I <C dist111ct1119ty dltftrent aplrt11'1eflt tloorpllnS at ~nd VtH~ 1n tiuntJngton Buch Selwlnd VOllgt is 1 result of totally pel'SONlll~ professlO!lal pllnn1ng The IOnd of llttenllon you oeMM A perfect blend of n1turt Ind 11vtng- ne5tt.d Ill I fomt With blbtJllllQ l>fOoks ind Qllltt poncb. cqOled by l\lt\1111 OCNn tnlllS AdO tO' thlt tennis courts, SW1mm1ng ~ 1,,..u11nd 1 (onveni.nt kXJllon nNr Shopping lnCI tmploymentlllCl ~ w _got a pllct ~would proudly call hOme. (Even l<lnnylllJnkl>Ol'\I) one 1nc1 two tlldroom. one ano two biJth , §ji1.~-- 15595 ~ V-..1.-. IV!linglOll INcll CA ('114) ...... 1 'rvm tflt $111 _, '~ drM llClftfl 1111 ~ t0 Mtflfllllll, tlllfl .. Oii ._,....,. ID SoliMWla ~ P\i,.,.._ .--. • Qllr\ *"W 10 AM Ill .. • 2 BEDROOM * •986 Boysldo Cove West, NB 631-1400 $775.000 Sot/Sun 1·5 • 708 Via Lido Nord, l ido 111. NB 675 6161 $1,500,000 Sun 1·5 22932 Belmonte. Monarch Sum, Lag Nlg 494-1177 Sun 2·4 1204 Ave Buena Suette, Sen Clem 759-9100 $865,000 Sun 12·4 3121 3rd Ave., Corona del Mar 759-9100 $215,000 Set 1-4:30 2912 Carob. Eastbluff, Newport Bch 644-1742 $239,000·LH Sal/Sun 1-5 3 Rue Fontainebleau (Bg Cyn) NB 759-9100 $395.000 Sun 1·5 354 Magnolia Ave . Eastslde, C M 642-7658 $129.500 Sat 1·5 222 Marigold, Corona del Mar 631-7300 $340,000 Sun 1-4·30 5 IA plu• FAM AM or DEN • 20 Cypress Pt. Btg Canyon, NB 631-7300 $1,495,000 Sun 1-4·30 4 Narbonne (Harbor Ridge) 644-6200 $1 ,695,000 Sal/Sun I 1·5 DIRECTORY -----661 Vista Bonita. Blulls, N.B. ___ _...2 ... 2..,.0 Jasmine Co.tone del Mer 644-7211 $575,000 SatlSun r.s-644-9060 $195.000 Sun 12-4 2308 Chlf Drive. Newport Hts. NB 642-5200 $359,500 Sun t-4 430 Catallna. Newport Beach $199,500 Sun 2 BA plua FAM AM or OEN 22 Beachcomber (Jasmine Crk) NB 552-2000 $300.000 Sun 1-4 2022 Avenlda Chico, The Bluffs, NB 631 -7300 $195,000 Sun1-4:30 * 19 Curl Or .. Jasmine Crk.(vu)CdM 640-1515/1-728-5151 Sal/Sun 12·4 3425 Ocean Blvd • Corona del Mar 631-1400 $1,475.000 Sat/Sun 1·5 1706 Miramar. Balboa Penin Pt .. NB 642-5200 $300,000 Sun 1-4:30 *3491 Queens Crt. Wimbledon. CM 645-0303 $167,500 Sat/Sun 1-4 3 BEDROOM 502 I Street, Peninsula Point 631-1400 $395,000 Sun 1-5 2661 Crestview, Bayshores 631-1400 $264,000 Sun 1-4 205 Topaz. Balboa Island 673-6900 $269,000 Sun 1-5 * 1918 Seadrift. Irv. Terr .. CdM 645-0303 $365.000 Sun 1-4 2221 Mesa Dr . Santa Ana Heights 644-6200 $299.000 Sun 1-4 * 1718 Prt. Westbourne (HVH) N.B 759-9100 $216.000 -Sat/Sun 1..S 504 Westminster. Newporl Beach 675-4494 $185,000 Sat t2-4 2338 Rutgers, Costa Mesa 546-3375 $132.000 Sal/Sun 12-5 142 Via Undine (Lido Isle) NB 673-4063 $375,000 Sal/Sun 1-5 128 26th St. (Balboa), Newport Bch 759-9100 $369,500 Sun 1-4 11 Rue Verte (Big Canyon) N.B. 644-4910 $465.000-Fee Sal/Sun 1-5 1543 Serenade Terr. (Irv.Terr.) CdM 644-4910 $320.000-Fee Sat/Sun 1-5 7 Rue Chateau Royal. Big Canyon, NB 644-5116 Sun 1-5 * •603 36th St. nr. Lido VIII, NB 673-6776 $535.000 Sal/Sun 1-5 410 Vista Roma, Bluffs. N.B. 644-9060 $163,000 Sun 12-'f 33 Mainsail. Corona del Mar 546-2313 $339,950 Sun 1-4 233 16th Pl, Nwpl Hghl s. N.B. 644-6200 $155,000 Sat/Sun 1-4 •4515 Perham. Cameo Shrs, CdM 644-9060 $695,000-Fee Sun 1-4 471 Broadway. Costa Mesa 631-801 1 $150.000 Sal/Sun 1-5 611 Cliff Drive. Cliff Haven, NB 642-5200 $247.000 Sun 2-4 1411 Kings Road. Cliff Haven, NB 642-5200 $525.000-Fee Sun 1·5 2221 Vista Dorado. Bluffs. N.B. 673-5354 $210.000 Sun 1-4:30 3 BA ptua FAM AM or DEN * * 1621 Bayside Dr .. CdM 760-8333 $1 ,395,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 * 1927 Santiago Or. Baycrest. NB 549-1366 $299,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2403 Vista Nobleza, Bluffs, N.B. 644-9060 $280.000-Fee Sun 12-4 -2001 Yacht Resolute (Seavu) NB 760-8333 $425.000 Sal/Sun 1-5 1905 Yacht Resolute, Seaview, NB 759-0619 $450.000 Sat 1-5 2120 Aster Pl., Cosla Mesa 646-8417 $189,000 Sun 1-4 * 3 116 Klondike. Costa Mesa 546-2313 $247.900 Sun 1-4 11721 Candy Ln., Garden Grove 638-2515 $115,900 Sat 1-4 1654 Samar Pl., Mesa Verde, C.M . 546-2313 $146,000 Sun 1-4 2609 Raqueta. Bluffs. Nwpt Beach 644-9060 $237,500 Sun 12-4 760 Via Lido Soud (Lido) NB 675-6670 $525.000 Sat 1-5 1301 Dolphin Terr., Irv. Terr, NB 631-7300 $985,000 Sat/Sun 1-4·30 711 K-Thanga. Irvine Terrace, NB :631-7300 $398,500 Sun 1-4:30 * 1724 Terrapin Way, Baycrest, NB 631-7300 $350,000 S~n 1-4·30 * * 1044 Polaris Or, Dover Shrs, NB 631-7300 $395,000 Sun 1-4:30 420 Dahlia, Corona del Mar 631-1266 $625,000 Sun 1·5 1215 Mariners Or .. Newport Beach 644-6200 $495,000 Sat/Sun 1-4 218 Via Koron, Lido Isle. N B. 644-9060 Sun 2-5 936 MacKenzie Pl, SC Plaza area, CM 751-7148/557-5659 Sun 11-4 265 E. Bay. Eastslde. Costa Mesa 646-6115 $159.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 * •38 Balboa Coves, Newport Bch 650-9187 $469.500 Sat/Sun 1-5 2307 Fa1rh1ll (Cherry Lk/Bk Bay) NB 644-6200 $215,000-Fee Sat/Sun 11-5 2674 Redlands (Back Bay) C.M. 497-1744 $145,000 Sal/Sun 1-5 * 1211 Kings Road, Cllff Haven, NB 631 -7300 $395,000 Sun 1-4:30 2167 Vista Entrada. Bluffs, NB 644-9060 $275.000 Sun 12-4 675 Vista Boni1a. Bluffs. N.B. 644-9060 $335,000 Sun 12-4 •1472.Galaxy Or. Dover Shrs. N.B. 642-2510 $695,000-Fee Sat/Sun 1-5 4 Yorkshire (Harbor Rdg), Nwprt Bch 759-9100 $2.000,000 Sun 1-4 1101 Kings Road, Chlthaven. NB 631 -1400 $895.000 Sat 1-4 1218 Key West (Hrbr Vu Hills) CdM 644-4910 $299.500-LH Sun 1-5 25 Mainsail (Jasmine Ck) CdM 640-9592 $31 4.900 Sun 1-4 1036 Polaris Or .. Newport Beach 759-9100 $899.000 Sun 1-4 •2283 Waterman. Costa Mesa 631-7370 Sun 1-4 1003 Van Dyke, Laguna Beach 55 1-8700 $397,000 Sun 12-4 * * ::5 Jasmine Crk (Jsmn Crk) NB 552-2000 $405.000 Sun 1-4 2901 Catalpa, E-Bluff, N.B. 644-6200 $225,000 Sun 1-4 320 Otero. No. Bluffs. Newport Bch 640-5560 $335.000 Sun 10-2 * 1939 Porl Bristol Circle, NB 631·1400 $265,000 Sun 1-5 302 Ave. Cumbre~Bluffs) N.B $249,500 Sun 1-5 2109 E. Balboa Bl. Peninsula, NB $625.000 Sun 1-5 3335 M&ryland Circle, Costa Mesa 979-2390 $158,000 Sun 1-5 •204 Via Eboli, Lido Isle. NB. 673-7300 $525.000 Sat/Sun 1-4 * 2507 Lighthouse Ln .. CdM 644-4872 $495.000 4 BEDROOM 9031 Gateshead. Huntington Bch Sun 12-5 963-6767 $324,000 Sal/Sun 1-4 1607 Cornwall, Weslctllf, N.B. 642-5200 $289,500 Sun 1-5 1966 Port Weybridge, HV Homes. NB 759-1501 $315,000 Sun 12:30-4·30 288 Sherwood , Costa Mesa 63 1-1266 Sun 12-4 1007 Tiller Way. Corona del Mar 63 1-1266 $329.000 Sun 12-5 4 BA plus FAM RM or DEN :: 1 Urbino (N.wood) Irvine 751-3191 $365,000 Sun 1-4:30 * 1840 Tradewlnds, Baycresl. NB 644-9060 $349,500 Sun 1-4 2315 Aralla (Easlbtutt) NB 644-6200 $199,950 Sun 1-5 2048 Prt. Weybridge (HrbrVuHms) NB $359,500 Sun 1-5 2705 Cardinal, Mesa Verde, C.M . 645·0303 $ t89,900 Sun 2-4 3212 Ocean Blvd., Corona det Mar 631-7300 $985,000 Sun 1-4:30 133 Via Undine. Lido Isle, N.B. 644-9060 Sun 1-5 1152 Kingston. Costa Mesa 540,4323 $215,000 Sun 12:30-4 * 1812 Port Stirltng (HrbrVuHms) NB 760-8333 $375.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 407 Mendoza Terr., Corona del Mar 760-18 i7 $1,250,000 Sat/Sun 12-5 222 Via Palermo. L1dp Isle, N.B. $367,000 Sun 1·4 * 101 Via Florence. Lido Isle, N.B. 673-7300 $595.000 Sun 1-4 932 Coronado, Mesa del Mar. CM 631-7370 $1 42,500 Sat/Sun 1-4:30 •4626 Roxbury Rd, Cameo Shrs. CdM 759-1501 $448,000-L.H. Sat/Sun 1·5 910 Nottingham, Dover Shores, N.B. 759-1501 $279,000 Sun 1-5 600 Begohie. Corona del Mar 673-5354 $585,000 Sat/Sun 1-4:30 20901 Spindrift, Huntington Beach 964-9624 $161,Q..OO Sun 12-4 * 4601 Camden Or .. Corona del Mar 760-9215 $795,000 Sun 1-5 * 1509 Highland Or (HrbrHghlnds) NB 631-7300 $265.000 Sat/Sun 1-4:30 * 1944 Flamingo Dr (Mesa Verde) CM 63~-7300 $245,000 Sun 1-4:30 320 Seaward, Shorecllffs, CdM 631-1400 $395.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 201 Larkspur, Corona d el Mar 631-1400 $1,875.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 * 1400 Nottingham Rd. (Westchlf) NB 631-7300 $356,000 Sun 1-4:30 * 1924 Leeward Ln. Baycrest, NB 631-7300 $298,000 Sun 1-4:30 232 Via Genoa. Lido Isle. N.B. 631-7300 $625,000 Sun 1·4:30 510 Aliso. Newport Beach 631-1266 $350,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2572 Circle Dr .. Bayshores. N.B. 644-6200 $875.000 Sat/Sun 12-4 26 Rue Grand Ducal, Big Canyon, NB 642-5200 $725,000 Sun 1-4 2901 Harbor View Dr .• HVH, CdM 673-7761 $550,000 Sun 1-5 18891 Antioch (Trtlrk) Irv. 552-7500 $235,000 Sat/Sun 1-4:30 4511 Camden. Cameo Shores. CdM 673-7761 $825,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 **601 Bayside Or, Promontory Bay 631-1400 $1,300,000 Sat/Sun 11 -4:30 19121 Biddle St .. Irvine 760-1900 $199.500 Sun 1-5 * •633 Bayside Or. Prom Bay, NB 644-9060 $1, 100.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1255 Somerset (Baycres1), NS 631-7370 $355,000 Sun 1-4:30 = 14 Poinl Loma (Spyglass Hill) CdM 673-4400 $723,400 Sun 1-4 213 Diamond Ave. (Balboa Isl) NB 644-4910 $595,000-Fee Sat/Sun 1-5 1118 Somerset Lane. Westcliff, NB 631-7300 $475.000 Sal /Sun 1-4:30 •487 Esther, Costa Mesa 631-1266 Sun 1-S •5 Cotontal, Northwood, Irvine 631-7300 $230.000 Sun 1-4:30 •2425 22nd St., Newport Beach 760-1900 $600,000 Sat/Sun 12-4 * 14 Burning Tree Ad. (Big Cyn) NB 644-4910 $695,000-Fee Sun 1-5 8 Rue Vlllers (Bg Cyn) NB 631-1266 $700,000 427 -16th PL. Costa Mesa Sat/Sun 1·5 644-4910 $229.000-Fee Sun 1-5 5 BEDROOM * •219 Via Lido Soud, Lido Isle 760-1900 $1 ,995,000 Sun 12-4 90 1 Kings Rd (Ctllhvn) Npt Beach 650-3900 Sun 1-5 • 1448 Galaxy (Dover Shrs) NB 675·23 73 $1, 100,000 Sun 1-4:30 I 18 Ruby, Balboa Island, N.B. 675-6000 $425.000 Sun 1-5 * * ~5 Harbor Isl Or(Hrbr lsl)NB 760-8333 $3,200,000 Sun 1-5 * 1206 Key West (Hrbr Vu His) NB $429,500 Sun 1-5 48 Rldgeline Or., Harbor Ridge 759-1078 Sun 1-5 *2406 Francisco, Back Bay, NB 642-9889 $339,500 Sun 1-5 * 1800 Jamaica (Mesa Verde) CM 645-0303 $409,900 Sa 11-2/Sn 2-4 25482 Gallup Cr, Nellie Gall Ranch 731-4444 $150,000 Sun 12-5 8 BEDROOM * •401 Bayside Drive. N.B 673-6900 $1,695,000 Sun 1-5 233 Vla Genoa, Lido Isle, N.B. 673-7300 $575,000 Sun 1-4 6 BA Plue FAM AM or DEN 41 Goleta Point (Spyglass) 644-6200 $890,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 CONDOMINIUMS FOR SALE 1 BEDROOM 61 Lake Pines, The Lakes, Irvine 540-1 151 $115.000 Sun 12-3 2 BEDROOM 661 Vista Bontta (Bluffs) NB 644-9060 $.195,000 Sun 12-4 2512 Santa Ana Ave. Costa Mesa 646-6093 $149,900 Sun 11-5 4 10 Brighton Spring, Costa Mesa 549-27.a2 $127.900 Sun 1-4 3 BEDROOM 315'Alta Ln. (E.side) Costa Mesa 751-3191 $112.000 Sat 1-4:30 410 Vista Roma, Bluffs, N.B. 644-9060 $163.000-L.H. 2286 Pacific, Costa Mesa 644-9060 $128,500 TOWNHOUSES FOR SALE 2 BEDROOM * 1099 Sea Bluff Dr .. Costa Mesa Sun 12-4 Sun 1-4 646-8190 $165,000 Sal/Sun 12-5 DUPLEXES FOR SALE 2 BA plua 2 BA 5119 River. Newport Beach 631· 1266 $259,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 3 BA plua 2 BA 423 Carnation, Old Corona del Mar 675-8370 Sat 1-5 416-416'"1 Carnation, CdM 673-6900 $569,000 Sun 1-5 3 BA plua 3 BA **215·217 E. Bayfront, Bal Isl. 644-9060 $895,000~ Sun 1-4 4 BR plua 1 BA * * 132 S. Bayfron1. Balboa Isl 631-1400 $1,300,000 • Sat 1-5 5 BR plUI 3 BR I 509 Acacia (Oceanside of Hwy), CdM 645-7048 $440,000? Sat/Sun 1·5 LOTS FOR SALE A2 1525 Santa Ana Ave .. Nwprl Hts, CM 720-0332 Sat 1-4 * Pool * * Waterfront * * * Waterfront & Pool A,,tt•••t• A , t t A,,ttaHtt A,,,, ... ,, A,,tt•••t• "-81 4000 IH•• 4M •t1l1 •1111 4111 l1•t1J1 r. 1'111 41• ,.,, • I• i1te u.1.,.;,," ',;.:~:;:," u.1,,.;''" u.1.,.;,," ,.,.,.,,," ~ .. ·uuu·mci.... ~·;;;;·;:;::~~~·~~:;: ···1•·1·1'1···:·,··u··0••1·r··· ;p·b;,;;;·,ri>~p··.;~t:;53·:9[,0i ~.8u~··c~~0a}-ii'1~~2..~,;edF: •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ····················~· •••••••••••••••••••••• Mesa Manny R .. romon Ory Otn NB-c rv d s215 n•;;~•it•• 3140 Haatl111toa 31 0 f~l.~!~.~!.'.t •. 1!.~f ~!.'!r.!!.'1~!~ ••• 1!.~! ~!.'!r.!!.~!~!~ .. .1!.~! Wkly ~J~,.·~~5 up 5411-5878 c::nS:.~.·t~,,~~!i9s~ m~I~ ~~~·l~s~!~3~Je~~· :Jg, 675-96~~ o mo •••••• f••••••••••••••• lf1ti 4 -UI YllW With 40· c:tock 10' power OCEANF0 0 NT ·Custom Color TV. tree collee. Working man kit prlv service Z channel mo 5•2 4300 2• hrs A""I bl t 1 SAllPIPH APTS •••••••••••••••••••••• 1om~ttuo otLagune boat 3 BR 2'~ ba. con-Decor, Jbr. 2 ba. up, hHled pool & ateps 10 pool. NHr OCC $215: vies. SANDPIPER MO: .. • "' · :dato's~~~;•:oi:~~ A LOVELY PLACE WALK TO BEACH Be-on Dana Point's mOSI do $1200/mo w/dook. amenllles. yrly $1200/mo ocean KUch's avail 646--0936 alt 10 TEL 19e7 Newport Blvd Plt•m•Y "'" H B Nn-smkr, 20-30. TO LIVE chelor. stove & retng. ell secluded scenic blull. $1000 wllhout 650-ll90 MalurePersons 7400W. 985 N Coast Hwy. c•• Pr'v entrince & bi CM 845-9 137 Furn. luxury 2 br, 2 ba. prefer Fem 5215 & ulll •Homey/Pvt 1 & 2 Br ut1ls P81d $375/mo llke new. 2 Br wi den. Mrs Long Oc:nlrnt 850-9 192 Lagun1 Beach. 494-5294 '"' • cathedral ceiling frplc •Pool/spa/bbq 536-7979 x1ra l1tge prlvele peUo. LHM. 2Br 1 ba, welber. DUPLEX 2 Br, 1 Ba. dlw. pcEAN BREEZES. Jog or ~~c & ~·~~~ trni.°:.~~ f1t1ti .. l1•l•l14ZS0 Wsu~l~ecs~'r a!1ap7oe~lli::' M_S3_/F_6-_:~-:-:-e -C_d_M_h_om-e •5 acres of beaulllully 3 bd. 2 be. garage, laun· S695/mo. Cell 661·6441 32 4 E Balboa Blvd, tnc:try. WALK TO BEACH. bike 10 bell Cheeflul rm. $185 plus ullr"845·0892 •••••••••••••••••••••• i 67:._3887 811 6 · Avall 12115 $375 /mo + landaceped surround· dry tacll's Ideal tor 2·3 or M-F, 9-5 643·0210. $650/mo Walk to ocean $725/mo 982·4914 , ba, turn, linens. etc TV PALM DESERT C.C. N-.,.. 'I) Utll' E 6 8 m lngs adulls S675 840-1128 Drove by to -at 24587 or bay 1/680·3812 9 10 964·8886 kllch prlv Uptype ma· Furn room. prlv. home 2Br view home. apa Share 2 br. 2 ba hOuse. 650•32~1 ves. • P • Nr Frwys & shopping San1a Clere. 5 M·F. ture, atable, resp. Clean. pool. Sec Gale Nf OCC Mld/wk/nds S50/nl/cpl Lido 1a1e, bay view. slip ---------• Outet 1ree Specious 2Br. nr ocn. 1 ,.a. 31~• Jbc:trm. 2 ba. 2 blks 10 1Br. 1 blk lo Bay & bch. neat. quiet Busy working $250. $100 dep Call Holiday rsv 586-8119 Incl. $450. 675-3321 Seeking crHllve peopl• •No pets. turn avail sty, pvt yd. patio, BBO W1w•tl "'·• •~ P OK $435 mo yrly 850·2493. ,...,,on No smoke. no 63t·3910 Park C'tl Uta'" Con-c:to Room Inc•• orlenled Fem. roommalt $550 mo 846-3166 ••••"••••••••••••••••• beach Patio. •1• or eves 650-8838 ,._ • " .... (114) 14l·HH NO FEE• Apt & Condo $725 mo 673-3728 ---drtnk POOi. tee $300 mo Costa Meu . close l o Sleeps . kllchen. walk 1225,mo lua S50 uhl to ahr furn 2 Br •Pl w/ 8081 Holland Cr, HB 2 bdrm. 1'• ba t~nhse rentels VIiia Rentals. OcHn fronl, bHt New· Incl utll .t.va1t OCC Full privileges to ski 1111 Avall Dec 1110 64 1~4913 skyllte $280 Cotta B1wn Sla1er/Warner $415 + $375 dep Nr. 875·4912 Broker 3 Br 2 Ba Siepa 10 port locauon. 3 Br 2 Ba. 631·2288 $275 Incl ullhllea. l8 1450, 7141495.0314 ___ Mesa Debra 5411-3981 · oft Beech Beach Blvd at McFad-beach. S725/mo. Pro· 8 k r 8 4 2 • 3 8 S 0 549 7094 M/F non smltr 10 ahr 4 br c .. Aid den Quiet. older perton WllTH RlllT••s ' ptrly HouM. 642·3850, ... 2.10• 10 • 1 br w/hlllhld prlv., C.M • s--S 1 c c:t p • ' • Lux ondo·Har ... or ge. W ... UIE -"•2 o o .,.. $250 Incl utlls 646-4987 1 Br Pvt ba, 81lbo1 P-ln now umm 1 on °· vt 1 '~ b• home, S200 + ''• Ally will stir w/non smkr. prel'c:t, no pets. 893-41194 3 & 4 Br CloM to water, .,.. ·1 1 ----alt. 8 30pm · Furnished ..... bdrm, b1lh. sleeps 4, uUls. c M 950.0907 1550 mo + 752•9442 Spec. 1 & 2 br. lovely~. 1 ba. nNr beach, furn & unlurn. rtHon· Newport ShOres duplex, 2 ._ __ llrepl1ce $60 per night ---d 1 840 2434 1 u l plnH & 1tr11m1. sec. kids ok No pels $450 able. all ameni ties Bd 2 Ba. D/W, frplc, 2 ,,. CJ1aHtl 3111 Prof woman with family $250/mo 813-4743 (714)868·112 12 M::. R~a~~l~or ABp .. I· !tnds • v gales. enlry b)' phone, mo 960-6972 Brol<er 675-41112. car gar, d w n s 1 r a, •••••••••••••••••••••• wanl1 to lhare room wllh Room tor Fem In nice 1pt M UI K h 1 lB lge rec arH 1nc1 gym. 5825/mo Agl. 675-1842. 2 BA. S46S. YHrly, n-a prol woman or UCI Hunl Bch $250 mo & v~ ~Ip! ~ ~~ic:t/ 1~~i S275/mo 873· 1_60_7 __ WF Ammllt 10 share 2 pool & spa. 848-8591 2 Bdrm. 1 ba, $450, 11_1_. c:tecot, pool, nr beach, 1tudenl with high 1aplra· utll 848-0272 650.24113 •850•8838 Shr lrg hortle or conc:to, BR 1pt In CdM 2blkl10 .,. •• 11_1 WALi 19111811 & dep. 77114 tr1 -• bus. No pets. 41111·6277 ' Ilona and maturity. $320 · _ Iii 1811 c:tepoilt utlla. beach. Avail now or Jin -a. Newman Ph 846·4559 Spacious 2 Bdrm. den ~~blk-io t)Ch E\191 call 7511-1406 I I .. I ~IOI Large Big BHr Cabin 9e8·84711, 662·2449. 1 $300 675-7927 Lrg 2 & 3 BA lownhOUM • PORT apl Spectacular view ' ' • •II I ,..,,I ,. Pool T1ble, ~tor TV, 2 ---OOM TE 9Pt•. encl gar, frptc. Ne1r Large 2 Br. trl·p. lex. gar-B•~IJlul garc:tena and chllc:tren & pets OK, Beau 1 Rm , N B . K 11 ••••••'••••••••••••••• Ir P 1• 1 S 11 •P1 1 4 Female roommate winted FEMALE A MA. 1-iunt Hrbr from $545 llO• $500/mo 1209 Fio-~ NT s Nndy bMCh o.,.,look, s 4 5 0. 0 2-8 8 3 7 0, Prlv'lg•. Pl'lone, Pool, SIWll MTIL 714/545 .. 8916 10 sh.,. 3 bdrm beech· Share loYely N.B hOlne Children OK 840-6807 rid• St 213/493-l855 Balboa laland Siio avail· 974•7225 _ flnflll Ct, BQat'i, ~tpa Will~ 1anta11 now evall. -front apt Non-smo61• '300 Incl U1~ 645·95l5 ----------I COUNTRY CL.U8 UVING lbft No pelt "F0< lnfor-lo bet\, Uul'a pd, 1295 s 10s & uP Color""lV tDene ~ ~ ._... ~rot pef'90fl ct.au.ad female room••• wanted MADDOX' APT$ 1 & 2 l>r. 'rri•I 11 IN NEWPORT BEACH mat_lon 760-09111 •ia•• •-, •••• 831-8223, 772-3e95 Phones In room 2274 bor VllW, 3 Br 3•,; Ba $310 mo Avail lm'M(S 10 lhare " a1orx 1o-· Ntc., ~ulet aurroundlflVs. • •• ••• •••• •••• •• •• • ••• SI le I & 2 Bdrm •, ,. ,.. --t lty fur W wtll L _,, "4 50-1550 842-8 7 88 Walnul Sq Condo. 2 Br 2 nv 'Apar1men11 fiOrm rec:teeortted "Vrly ••••••••••• ••••••••••• M/F, nr ahopa, major l>V•. Newport Blvd CM. u n • arrenge 548-4 148 h o u • • S 2 8 mo &et 9 ,, . . ::&>~3~~/C, paJip; r-ntiove.. -~?3-~~\. 208 3$1h St. M.2:~ ~·~=-.!111.111.•r.n~~~---148-1445 ::,._0~1..:.~~:.w·~: ON THE-lliAC..' ..... ,..:~6.·ut:f. "-... ·-- n.o. •• e poollld• ictra large From aseo mo 648·,.M7 --B E I c H I R E I tennl•. hot .. n oYng, MIF 10 lht home lrplo. Stir IBt In 48r hH, W/D, 2"1"br, 2 ba. bit-In•. u. .. , ltMt 1141 On Jatnbor" Rd 11 ... onoo nr Hoag koac> ~ Aoom. "" ea. PQOI. Npt n n n 1111111r t tOOO /wk WtD, etc, mutt'"' Cell !tit, elo '2401"'0 VIII d....,.,,,. l'<t mllee ~h ':":'Po•••••••••••••••••• Sen Joequltl Hiiia Ad Br, 1 • Ba pool/ trpll t br, 1 W, MICAmtur VIII. ldl. 11" P'tvlleOM $225 flj/...1. (114,..t-IMO JudX.J&O.:t \OI incl 1260 to move In No pell S&OO /mo --~ t44-11M petlo $760/mO A¥811 Now. $475, 111 & '4&-2HO Prefl5,older fO't Wa Pelmll9flngeCondo.atpa ~ ~:13Me"9/wll"°a 538-6382 ~~!.ou~a:.:::: = e .. ullhll large 4 Sr 90• &40·2HO. ll·5 M·F -S.CutUy t 79·UtO CdMi Br~ IBA 901, ger Aefrlgetalor·Mlld·POOI 4 Poot, llpl, tennla SS5 Stw wHh Newpof1 ••~ ,.-OOfl 8Hch Fam• Lg• 28r w/ger. Super locl tlon In lown, tlfHlh-clld p1110 . ate pi 1o :Z br, 2 bt. bf1·1nt & dltfl· .... , 4,,, 1p1ce A¥all Dec 21. Nwpt Blvd & WlllOn n1Qh1 A•••• 1¥ellable '450/mo 831-8058 only 2 tarp• .. p1r11e otH n. clou 10 bcl'I tekl"O VleWl, llll built.Ina. ~h. Yearly 875-4411 walhlt". 2 btk• to beach •••••••••••••••••••••• pou aooner UU 60 Co~~ 648·1~ ~2 l ~ AOOf'l'lmata wanted-roco•o;:,\,~~ v:•:,:•,•:,; &485/mo 984-4188, he•ted pool, aul)..Oar1g1, If 60ndO. ~UllT, ••~ ~S60/mo 973•2~_ Male pref 21·30 yr• lt. Plue half 11111 173•5254 Pine 1<no1 Molel on Co..1 Ilg h•r C•bln, 6 mite• Male atraiafll. non~lmllr. d • 0 k I 5 7 o I m 0 638-7330 ele¥etor LH H only cond. Prime w e11cllft E. ll\ln, epao. f br, PIM• cootilnQ ,OOI, )IC, ten· F'wn rm,UllMOfl¥ 'OOI Hw y, NI lt•P• to from 8t1ow &wft!Mtt , 1 210 + ~ wlll 0~• eu-U H a.I Idle Item• 642_5871 '850 l llf). toe H 60 7H·052' 1ant area, pool, no Pl'I. ~·-•_. 11ap1 lo Npt lch. & 11p1NrOCC1260/mo oc11n Wkly ralu lrplc 139 /dalfy 141-&U I •It lpm, --------330 Cliff Dr. 414·8083 evee ~565/mo "4-4717 Me·421D 64t-M74 _ _145-0440 ~117 142·M20 went Adll ~-Ml·l'4!1 .. ' .. I t 'tl Or ongu Comu DAil Y PILO l /Sundoy, Poe muur b. 1982 NEW CUSTOM WATERFRONT HOME $535,000 YOU OWN THE LAND EXCLUSIVE DOVER SHORES With Magnificent Back Bay View SUBSTANTIAL REDUCTION $895,000 FEE ••A lt1oh ef Ill ll•Ha" THREE ARCH llY OCElllFROltT U HWTIVE •HI H OHPIUTI HTRUT REDUCED $100 ,000 • Oc11nfro1t -llust Stll. D(x:k for 30 ft. boat. quiet a rea. Swps to L ido Village 3 large bedrooms, 2 1 J baths. Tour this magnifi{"t'nt custom honw. OPEN SATURDAY & SUNDAY 1-5 603 36th Street, Newport Beach (For more information c-on~1cl) l'h1~ uut,t.uulonf.( ,..,,1111• h'.tlUrn WIJulou' l)IN1I /1.t ~IM l.<1q;1 .I lxlo 111. r..nuly rni. for111.1I <J1n1111(, plu' 111111 It, lllUl'h onur<' /\ND 111'!1. l'<l'h dllWll PJVllll'lll " 1111ly ~111:011 p;orl ol •'li.<••lknt 11nurw111g 011 1111~ f,1111 ... 111 urlt•111111 L.tr l\l ,111th1·ntit• M'"-;htt-ri 11111 .. 111 v lllu ~'an\.~'lll 0H·u11 t1<J•·111•1l vu w, lrum <:V••t y 111t1n1 m tlw huu"4• Tiu ultllrwh· .,.,., ty how.. hll 1(4' rt.11m" w uh htl(h lx .im1'<l lllllnl(~. hull' •1<·•·.in vww ,i.., k , ....... u,y IMltcii. St•du11011 urul M'4'Urlty r.1 fur " kll)I( In 1ir1vu11· •11111tnUrnly wolh :.!4 hour I<"''" l(Uurd, 11•n1w. tuuru., tMrk, < lubhuut.<• u11d pnv11L•• b<"orh l\,klrlj.j $:.!,250.UOU Owno r v.unuo r"lltl'lllt'lll •nt."nlt .11111 w1ll lwl1-1 l 1n.1m't· .1t • \llt tn• h ,1llt.H ltv• .uuf Ut '\.1hh h 1tu· J\\,111 .• 1,i- 4ft1t. '" ,, .. ,., ""IU I tit Ct1Ulh "' ... \'tlUt luukt I 1•1<1 11111 1'•'1 I.ti.' 3 Br, 4 Ba .. 2 years new. $550,000. Call Fra n Scoll .640-5560 or 640-0087 CANNERY VILLAGE REAL TY 673-6776 OPEN SAT /SUN. 1-5 1472 GALAXY ~!!!. ~. r.o.u.~~ .... !.~~q 1r !!!~!'.~1! •..••••• !.~~~ 1~~11 .• If!~'.'.~ .... !,l.qq BAN KING "BUTTONS'' IS LOST EXCITING MOD-TELLER Pll.'11)' 4r.;iy tem.11 TllJl'I cat longish fur h•e" on ELS C.hrost111e Orovl.' 111e..ir Br1r1nmg & MJqnoh,11 * G I d II you havf' onl! y(•ar HIJr is a teller or heavy c.u11h1t'11n9 an!l en1oy working 1n p1eo~unl i.ur- round1ngi. thll> muy tl!i tllt' 1<11J tor you• We ..ire a ma1or savongs a11d loar1 wlto is seeking qualified Jpphcants to 1111 .i teller 1>0s111on 111 our Ldguna Niguel oll1ce Accurate 1yp111g and good figure aptitude a mvsl Excel· lont company paod be· 11e111i. include med1c;1.11 ountal v1s1on and de· pendent coverage Plea· :.t> call Patio at 495·2860 for an appointment Hunllngto11 Ouoch PleJ 0 e ft St' Ctlll 969· 122 1 ofl 6 l o~I B19 grey P1•1 <o1.1n Mdle Cat I I 11281 V1tk~ nurg & Evergll'ld•• II B llfWARO Call %8 J031 -lost Yellow Lab Ret,.cv or ans 10 · Sheba 1 yrs Lt cream culor Re· wnrtJ '>37·2013 round Irish Seller M Touch* Br•<tuhlut 1110001~ lor 1111• l.11SCflfUtlhlflllU ... ho luv1> me qoldt>n touch OPEN 7 DAYS A WEfK 631-9693 188!i PAnt< CM VISA ML .,,. young Gotden,,..Pst & p I SIJler H B 847·6746 trson• VILLA MENDOZA JASMINE PLAN 4 PM Stniicts 5360 Ho111t Flller1I $n ines I Loan 30131 Town Cenler Or Ste 145 Laguna Niguel EOE ........•......•...••• Panoramic ocean and city view from c·ustom 4 bdrm home. Huge family room with oak floors and F'rem·h doors leading to largl' privat<' patio, pool and spa Walk to pravalC' beach Owner will finanl'l'. S 1.:.!50,000 Fl'<.' Open Sat/Sun 12 to !'>. -107 Ml'ndou1 JOll N Pm·l· s lash(•d oVl'r $fi5,000 on lh1:-hug<' 2 slDry. :3 hdrm pn•sllg rous Jasmtnl' Cn•i.'k Homi.· Tl•nni~. pool. g uardt><I gall'. fl.t• land Drm.t1c<1lly below markt•l at $:H 4,!:11111 Opi.'n Sun l ·4 25 Mainsnt I. Corona dc>I Mar' ro1H1d tu blk dog :SO lbs 5 Ang1>I:. W Happy HPJll Wl.lll tr111ntiu (xii man-Style c;ut hnor w love & ners Lovely Free to care Only $6 Perms gooo nomu 546·4596 $30·SJ5 Up Mr Mel '!> fou11d White k111en Nu ID 754·<l904 MURRAY. Bkr 760-18 17 JOHN MURRAY. BKR. 760-1817 Steve Willie ~ Associated Realtors 581-1100 Well lr<t1ned Voe Silnt•I· 90 646-4790 Rt·ward tor 2 lad11>\ <Joo mono "ngs teJt in lildir•s room al El l OfllOS N B 011 12/2182 642-0084 63•·2515 OJI 00 C · J B · /II 1'. I REWARD for lemnl;i Atg blll•ls to Si11t 430 itt Rt11l1/ 44 0111111trtll 111111tss or lflfts, 1111 nan raylwhl lac<: Lost ••••• ••••••••••• ................................. <L. .. 1111al1 44-15 n. · SOOS . 3-5+-i""',...,.,...._~ Fem Christian roommate 1617 Westchfl N a 256 ••• • • ••• •• • ••. • ••. •• •• ••• -.-t'l!'!'!'!!'!!f ••••• ••• ••••••• • • ••• • ••••••• •• V•sta CP\.-1 6~ 0, on 20's 10 shr Npt twnhse to 4000 sq It 1st lloor tndustrtal spac;e &/or ol· Laundr,1mat for sale In-LINDA tSLE $55 000 3rd 80w 63 596 d B Avell 12115 $325/mo Agent 541-5032 fate, nr Beach & Slater eludes F•ufl & f"old Deed 01 Trust tor sale 1 t·t ya r~an 833-5806. 780·2578 Airport area . E•ec Su•· H B Refs Pnce neg $8000 Harbot & Aaams behind 1 0 s 101a11tng LOSI older male Irish Set· LagBchocnvu 3 styhse tes From 225•450sq 11 842-0100 969·1221 C M 640-6754 $630.000 Woll sell 10 t<:r dk red dermattlos. yield 30"'• 1nlPrest paid IOSI 11128 name 11 Bur. Own level Pv1 bdrm $1 per SQ It Many xtras • 550 SQ It S550i mo Xlnt Need 1n•estor or p,111nvr quar1erly itll due 4 pa~ gy Catt 642 6598 CM study ba deck paflo I Cell 557-7010 tor P 0 Bo• s Coast tor small Motel 1n New able Juno• 83 SPCured area $390 mo + '> ut1I ISi 400 900 PLUS 1400 I Hwy Newport Shorl!'S POii Agent 642· 10117 or by Onf' of lhl! ChOiCeSI last & $220 sec M1F · sq 1 loc 646-8844 • S56-0347 homos on tht1 1~i .. no Call Found Ben11 typf' dog 25·35 prof only Avail PBnlhouse Baylront Sui· Steve 675·3265 all 7PM bl ck w/brwn & wht Dec 17 497.5111 ~h-~o':>'tng palios ladustri1l LA JOLLA 548•5502 mt1tc vie Mosa Dr & tr Fem shr 2BR 2' 1BA con· do. C M WIO gar Frplc $295 plus uto Joan 646-9926 Rtnt•I 4500 Cafe I l istro 11uw C M 631·3460 57;0·~·P .. 2·1•6•0 ·1;·j~~~·. Prospect Streel Glorw 107'l. Yield Found Female ShoPhetd DESK SPACE CDM Allracll•e rustic upstaors setting We supply de$k space copier You sup ply phone. & S9:> pr mo pr desk Call 644-7211 stnat • Ofhce l8l01 Ae-o t K y t e A g t s S29 000 QO day 1 S"lo m1.ed bit. & Ian fPmOlt! oondo Corcte p & T 619 459·11211 notesccuredby$85000 m1vea Golden Rerroever Dana Po1n1 house " bdrms a.ail for 1mmed renl $250·$300/mo Call collect 617·759·8671 or A nswer A d =536 642-4300 24 hr Huntington Beach /ti I L 5025 trust 'TO on home on es gold male m111Pd T1trroer 842.2834 •• ~~~f •• ~ .• ~!.11. ••••••• crow lor S285.000 be· hlk & gray w green Ammie wanted shr w. yg prof Mom east C M $255 645-8023 all 6pm · IEIUTIFUL IEWPORT CHTER Wolh use ol 1ecep11on cont room kalch phone secretaroat & word pro· cess1ng. Mall & message serv a•a•I separately 11 Pool/tac 4 br home. SC des11ed Call Jane. Plaza. M 2 I 35 str nil 7141760·0 tOO smkr. $2:>0 641·3523 Female 10 share_m_y -lux_u_ry EXECUTIVE SUITES 2 bdrm 2 ba Promontory Po1n1 Villa • Newport s finest Ocean/ bay view. f1reptace prof decora1· ed Tennis pool gym 675-6327 Roommate 10 share furn condo Privale balh laundry rec room 1ac avail Convenient to 405 Freeway Mission V1e10 714·768-0647 Condo 10 Shr. Npt Bch Female pref Avail 111 $250 720· 1328 alt 4PM Full service Keep your overhead 10 .... & proles· s1ona1 image high Pre· s11g1ous wes1c1111 area or Newport Beach 88 I Dover Or Sle 14 631-3651 DELUXE SUITE Water Front lldc s I SO /SQ It Lease 642-4644, M·F. 9·5 Newpolf Beach CPA firm has 3 executive offices for tease •n theor hand· Fem 34 shr lrg lavish somely decoraled NB lwnhse wlresp working olhces located at 5020 M/F Rms overlook Campus Or Window of· brook & waterfall Pool. faces ranging 1n size from jac; .• lake. etc NB/CM 150 10 23:1 sq It. Many area $350 760·8045 amenities Included w/ 2576 sq 11 lr•one area S 1030/mo Also Mr O Keele lea•e message 851·8928 lndustroal unol Hunt Bch t800 s I Plu$ meuamne Prev1ou5 U58 was auto repaor 847-7378 Industrial, Comm'I 1400 sq It with othce on Cosla Mesa Very reaa rent Call Mr Schachter 548-3464 1000 s I space w othce on W 16th St C M 645·9907 1 100 SQ It Best Loe 2 olc w /cpt OI H Coor $385 675·6251 1 100 SQ II olftce & ware· house xlnt loc So S A 1648 M1nn1e St Close 10 551405 lr wys Reas 646·7512 ~!!!~f! .......... !.~~~ Storage Space t2 .c 18 36 door $70/mo plus $70 sec deposit 673-4 154 Newport Beach PROFESSIONAL 10 shr 3 lease of 1 or all 3 ofhces B 1'ots1/lavt1I/ Br. 2 Be home NEW· Call Alison at (714) II'· PORl SHORES Walk 10 752·6616 or Inquire et· f101•tt beecn $350/mo plus COieman 4 Grant, 5020 •• ••:••• ••• • ••••• • • ••• utol 645-9779 evs/wkns Campu5 Dr. NB 92660 l a1111tU M/F 30 + prol lurn room 2000 SQ It office w/500 sq ••• "..fr.!!~!'}!1 ••• J.~q~ 4 br B ba house N B It warehouse S 1545/mo water $325 646· 1309 l"11ne area '-Ar O'Kcele --leave message 851-8928 Fem share 2 Br 2'., Ba --- wld. frptc. gar $295/mo Full service e11ecvli•e ~·· + uhlS Joan 646-9926 tes with law library privl· l1at1/1 WHttd 4325 2·.;d·h~~;; ..;i;:,: ·ssoo: teges (Est 1977) Offices JOlll A •Etlll/011 ,.,,, 111ou1nr. .. $700/mo. Island or Peninsula area Res· pons l ble Exe c 7 14-6 75-1g29 Work 714·754·685 I ava1labie mo to mo or lease S 195·$545 mo Word processing. con· rerence rooms, leleJ1. Executive Row Inc 390 I MacArthur Blvd, 211 (al Jamboree Blvd). NB Jo•• Meineke Ol1coun1 752· 7170 Mwlll•re O•• •• ••• "' Couple needs r~ PRIM E LOCATION new med kll pr1v Costa bldg. 1100 sq 11 or can M esa or Santa Ana be divided On PCH. 646-18:>0 Newport Beach Stop by & sae 2436 w Cont Hwy. NB Agl 631-1400 High IChOOl Jr need room wllh Fmly, vu:nty HarbOr H S 5 45-0227 hm 642..00 10. wrk Sal/Sur call OK Penzullo ----QUIET llAA'TURE WOMAN need s r e n t a (reHonable) 640-5 17~ b4tf«• 8 30, tiler 9 PllA ¥f!!I.'!.!!!.~!!.!!.~!~ • Sele single Mesa Vefdt erea. $55 Storage only -~2.. Dena Pt alngle •lorage INICUfed, llrMI enttence 34087 Grenada. $60 873-3313 WESTllHTH Oelu!Ce ol llce or store apace 142801900 sq It 14304/ 1200 sq 11 Beoc;h Blvd Btwn 2 twys, Civic Center Shopping Center, prime locatlon 979·8889 or 660-0144 lie 10 FT · I.I. 1200 SO FT $800/llAO 328 No Newport Blvd Cell 720-1885 580 sq It. Harbor-Baker center (Acrou lrom Fedco) Join llOme greet tenan11 ar this choice locellon Mgr 549· 13K Ollln l••l•I 44H l11IH11 l••t•I 4410 •···••••···•••••······ ...............••••••. •MLDI lfflOll* NB prof oft, 600 •q II 1 MO FREE RENT Three carp wl b•r 1lnk 1 room 10 2800 IQ It Chermlng 1111 Iron 'COIO· From 1 1 18 a eq t1 Adi nlel bldg nr city h11ll Alrporter Inn & Fflll'I• 21128 Newport Olvd Call AM 133·~ 1565 873 .... 4M ' flOft I 'Hl•tl t t•wlAt ff•" C-fUH a • Ore"'etlo I 0 Year Growl II • Vnique Marketing • Prowen Adwen111n11 • To!el tn we1lment 113000 tllnenclng If q.,eltliedl I Co•tt 10 Coe11 •CHI '"' •ltOCMUllt 11,.c11 ""one • •1 & """'" or Melnn • DMlen f CAU. A1tn 1•I TOU ""' 1-100 131•8177 r1encll11 .. 110• ... 11111• lft tf\1• ., •• C11dlllnc• 10 Go-Carll Wh111ever the Fad Roll tHn oll the merklt WUl'I I CIHSiflad Ad Cell Now1 8'2·5878 ' ., RE LOANS tst 3rd hu1d e<1~fong S&O 000 swea1e1 male LJb 90'1. ·comm I. c.011str note $22 ooo takn If t>lack, ICosto Mer.o 10 Fastlund111g 643·1&4!1 (7 141 2.io 8124 16191 TdgS) Male BrindlEI MIX 729·304C. •OI Lllb also (COSIO Mf'sa ID Monty for Christmas Will pay 15y. ,,,1we<it only T,1gs1 Newpor1 Beach Or soone• Now'' the ($1250 mo on $100000 Animal Shellt'f 125 lime to act wh1IP 1oan., 151 T o. c 0 "' mer t 191 Ml'sa Or Cl')<11<1 Mt>sa Me avail We ltnonce tst pr 0 per 1 1 1 6 1 9 644·3656 2nd 3rd TD s ZENITH 729· 11?9 Found 11124 C M At9 FUNDING Art 857 1422 hOrt Hound neutered M., Moatr, W1n tt d 5030 Aanounctmtnls/ grytt>lk 546-8734 •••• • •••• •••••••••••• Pt1son1l1/ round Fem Tat>bv cat $5000-$250,000 Lost & Found erN The Blutts NB Earn 1 1• ... 13• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 640· 195 1 Secured by s..ift> Anao11nttmt11ts SJ 00 B 1st & 2ncs TD 5 on • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • founo tono m1.1ted ter ner Woodstoc.k E Desorablt> So Cohl :10111 St CM 646 4348 Res1oenllal Prop H 0 w T 0 l E G AL Ly G Norman OPEN YOUR EURO· Found lrtSh Seth!• 111Jle (213) 387-1347 PEAN ANONYMOUS Rf'd collar Co!>ln Mesa Mort11gts, TrllSI NUMBERFD, ETC BANK 645·9590 & 545.477' d 503 ACCOUNTS Send $23 Lost C.it Or;ingr 11{11!• Dtt S 5 for complete procedures mJl1• shortlla1r Vic Mesa • • • • • • • •• • • • •• • • • • • • • • HIT Pubhcnhons PO Bo• v er o e . c M 1 1 ' 2 Cl G.H. SATTLER 11138. Costa Mesa, Ca 540 1497 ovs Ro .... .:iru Mort11ce Co. Inc. 92627 ru11 rerund ,, not Spec1ahz1ng 1n 1st & 2nd 1"'1icllo•mlipllile•1e111 .. yllislla•11s11flli1e•d--TO's SJnce 1949 1• • Perso111/1 5350 Rot>• Sattler NH/CM •• •••• ••••• • • •• • • •••• • A E Stoker Bd Realtors SCRAM-LETS 642·2171 545·0611 WIDOW HAS SS$ for TD s ANSWERS RE Loa11s. !OK Up No Credit Check. No Pen- .:illy Dennison & Assoc 673·7311 Drowsy Hybrid Palnle · Shadow 1 amper • Menace DISAPPEARED Chroslmas cash? Pvt ply has cash tor good trust love to tell 1okes guess 11 runs 1n the fam11~ My unc;fe wa'! 11 toke teller ond a mngo clan Everyume he start ed 10 tell o 1okc. peop1 1n l hO room OISAP PEA RED deeds Ag! 6 19·758·0318 anytime For Clanlfted Ad ACTION Call A OAIU "l&.OT A.O.YISOI LOii I Fon d 5300 ............•.•.••.... FOUND ADS ARE FREE Call: 142-1171 ____ ... _a_._u_1_• ___ Clots1flod Ads 842·5678 ,,,,,.,, ,,.,,,.,, ..• '.t.~~t.'.' •....•. !.~~ ... '.t.~~t.'.'. ......• 1.~ff • Stress m u"afl"',w,,1 :J:J,.. (fu'Y ofe U:Jque Signs for Stress Include: Headaches ·Fa tigue lrrltsblllty Backaches U111ng gt•nlll• man1pul11tlw tllt'rttpy B.1Rll' nutt•1tlonnl t•oun•wltnij (714) 553-1231 •121 Wetterlr Pl., lie 111 Newport .. ech, Ce. l2llO LIHA I YICll'S PHOTO MODELS ESCORlSIOANCE AS OUTCALL 24 HRS Hl-0207 *** Atlantis Parlor Open 24 hfl a dey 7 days a week Jecuu1. Sauna Locals oa well ns Tourlsl s BenkAmerlcard, Amer tcon &press Diners All W('fcome 7 141645-3433 21 12 Harbor Bl CM Custom Fantasy Phone Corwursa11on w1lh Barbe• MC/VISA 24 hra C1111 638·0701 EXOTIC DANCERS Bechetor/Bachelorotte Pllrty en1er1111nment 738-8538 ~58 8538 * IHRODUCllG * T's llllHT SHIFT Models. dancots. escorts 669·8913 open 24 hrs SPIRl'TUAL READINGS Advice in all mall•rs love mar1111ge 4 bull· nen Also counlltll"g 1815 So El C&mlno Reel, SM c111m 492 1290 FAMOUS CIRCUS Maximus llA81Uge P11rtor Oor· geou1 glrla 10 .. rv• vou Open lrom 10 AM unlll 4 AM 7 dll)ll 11 wffk FtH bullet 7111 No Harbor 8tvd. Fulferlon n•-1t1-1111 ALL MAJOR CAEOIT CARDS ACCEPTFD T·8ERAY S Go go glrlt (to 001 66Q·8914 EllllTI I llllLI 24 hovre • cell 83~·9190 NEED A RIDE? Pf'11>(>n.1I (IUOhftt;d com pdn101, Orlllt'IS lor yow day·to·duy e1r onds nny- where shOIJ appl aor- ports etc Hr or day 494·5857 759· 1731 IE.IUTICIH w1t11 cllen1e1e Bulbon 1\1,.md seio·n 673-4013 IDOUEEPER Small company need s young eneTgeuc person to set up and mllKl!Bin double e111ry Full ume Cell 63t·S115 r-----.M.~~"""'"'"e·eper wicomputer EUROPE 4 W EEKS 6 countroes. S2350 All ex· penses Exper guide (714)4946110 Eves Depoll June 23 ACAPU LCO Rouno 111p before Dec 15th Prrcu $1 40 Call Mon 7 14-9750412 e1tper1ence & Secretarial skills Permanent Pos1· 11011 Growth po1ento111 Send Resume 10 Ad No 1031 Daily Pilot P O Bo" 1560 Cosra Mesa CA 92626·0560 CHE DECORATOR Full or ptttomt' 835 W t9fh St • C M 631-2630 !!'!e!~Y.!'!!'!! ••• .-...... CASHIER-F /T Jobi W111ttd 1015 l.ct.et bOoth rn parking • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • lot "' Fastuoo Island Cau Young Ma111l'd man will Dorothy Bower 675·2790 dQ.. general handy work Call f!V05 & wk t!nd& Cleric;al 972-9525 11i.k for B1t1 U STOCI UClllllGE Nurse1Compan1on excel MEMBER FIRM c;are dr1ve' lc>cal refs nel'dS expenence>d back 586-1316 olloce employee Must 110• C .. n I help vou? . hove ryp•no speed ot • 1 50~ "'pm Early hours Elf1c1f'nf 1r1nova1111e En· & good benel11' N B eTgEn1~ experf PA. Buso-Con 644-'5570 1P111) ness Wrotong Adept at Orgaru11119 Emerta1n1ng Cook. lull f1m11, mJture. Flexible Reliable lnde· experienced lamlly style panottnt Xlnt.Rets for smo11 re t orement 7 t4 960 3793 "ome must bf' able to ~t.JP. .If!.".'.'.~ ••.• !.'.~~ ACCTG/IHURlllCE • 2 yr~ 1·11p 1111ency or comp<1ny Payables a receavablus Xlnl bene· his Jciml'• Insurance Ir· vont' Cati Maurine 752 0990 1EOE1 Adventure Travel TOO YOUNG FOR AIRLINES ? ? · ? (ll10H r) lmmed openings for 10 sharp gats g guys tree to rravel all m11or U S Cl· 11es & resort areas, In· eluding N Y Cory, M111m1, Dallas New Orleans wl unique young business grovp No exper nee .11s we PIO••de e 2 wee!! patd 1ro1n111g per1od Abovt" a11eruge oarnonos & trans pd All oppl1can1s must be 18 or over sharp una11ached & ready tor 1mmed em· ploymenl For 1nterv1ew contac;t lltcky Schrader at 557 3009 Mon thru Fri. t 1 am to 5 pm ONLY• Apt Mgr Couple new 19 unit condos. Cos ta Mesa $350 credo ! to w ard $760 ren t 642·4907 wkdys Asslsrent Ins mo1ket1ng reps F&C ltc pret Sen<I Resume 10 C1ass11ted Ad 887 Dally Pllor, PO Boic 1560, Costa Mean Ca 92627 AUDIO PROOUCllON ASSISTANl Wtll trilon E1<p w / casselles 11 + $4/hr 1111 er mo 111al Full or ') lime Books On Tope 548 5525, 111k lor Greg Houri 1'UTO DETAii.EA Wi\NT ED No nxpanencf! needed tn CllA 645· 117 1 Beby111141r Pl T. metu10 woman prel&11ed, 1 yr old. my 11 om• Ret e req d 538 617'1 BABYSIHER NEEDED on B•lboa l1lond 101 9 mo• Old PlttMf> ,..,. reQ 7 t4187J 1411 Baby11111r needed my h'ome 11Ac>l1·Tli'ura rn• ture ledy pr11terre<1. mo· dell 111111ry Own tr&nl· por1a11011 non·&moker lht e • mu st Call 960·9900 6 ll>M only work weei..end~ on La· gun11 Beach For info call 4q4.9455 Asll IOI Mrs Collins Cook needed Dana Point ColleP Shop 496-2434 CllUIH SHIP JOIS All Occupatoons Available GrPol income opporlun 11y For in t o J 121888·4347 Ext C-70 Fee ror 01rectory IECORATIMG SILES P l F T xlnt commos work 1n OC Must h0\19 llmr lor c;olor woll train 840-5249 Delivery llE·ll·ED's PIZZA Immediate P/l openings evoolable fo r delivery drovers Mu&t be 2 1 w l gooa droving record. and able to work e11en1ngs Slarts $3.50·$4/hr + Tips Apply doily after 5 PM Me·N·Ed's Pizza 17th & Tustin Cos1a MMa Denlllf E1tpe11encea A 0 A needed for Orthodontic proc11ce in Mission v1e10 Area 830-3703 llUYEH IHIH No Expo11enca Aeq Meke u p to I 13 /h r Stert1ng pay Full/Par I time ovaol In our pub Coll today tor ilPPt 537-2880 KING chg llllYIR Light Pickup & dehvery. Senior prer 549·9233 HHIT1Yl SECRnAH neodtd at Luxvry Ln guna Beech Hotel High Po-ad Secreterlel du· IMtl IOt top menegtm.nt Good "'* • mu.at Self atlrttr Hlghly Mollvalld ><tnl BenelllS Cell Jin FIOOd. 494·8460 FlllllOI OlllllLIR s10011aoo per week Women • APl)lrel BUii· ntll 731 ·434 7 730 9080 llE CONTAOl CLfRK • IOt Nwpl 8<lh 1.-~ltm No ••IMlf nee , but mu11 be accurlfe 1ypl11 Attn 10 det11t1 a he1111 pi. .. 1ng r>tlon• m•nne. Contect 81rbtte M urr a y 6411-41127 DRIVE IY 4111 SEASHORE CALL 131-1031 or llOIE H0-11 IO ~~11 .• If !!'.1.'.~ •••• l.1. ~q Food service supervisor, tor Sr meals program on Costa Mesa 5 hrs pr day Mon-Frt S3 50 hr Prnvoou' rood serv1c.e exp llesirable Must l•ke Norlung wlolder peoote Call Joan 0 1 Muriel 835·801 1 !'.t.11. .lf!.".~'.t ... ?.~~ llOUSHHPER 2 br. 2 ba lndry, P/l, Tues & Frr 9· 1 Flex. Reis Very rehable Costa Mesa 752-9090 lllSURlllCE Comm·1. property & cas· ually asst Exp nee .. GENERAL OFFICE min 2 yrs mcl typing Xlnl benelots James In· No E.:pe11ence Req surance Irvine Call Make ul)l'IO $1 l lhr starl· Maurine. 752-0990 !EOE) ong pay Full & Par1-11me pos11oon<, ava11 on our Llve·tn, yng woman pre· pub 537-2880 KtNG chg !erred. non-smoker, -- -room & board plus sa· GENERAL OFFICE 1ary. nursing e•p or Te1epho11e / typist, full aplllude 496·0_6_69 __ _ 11me Send resume P 0 Manage;-working couple BoK 16336 Irv 92714 San Clemente ocean- GenerBI Oll1ce front condo comple11 72 TYPING Clencal L1gl'll units Exper1enced, bOOkkeepong part-lime cus1od1al ma1n1onance, 546·8671 bookkeeping No pets Apt plus salary Send General orllce Costa resume 10 PO Box 3101. Mesa 8-5 3 to 4 dyslwk San Clemen1e. 92672 E~p type 7 hte bkkpg '--.--iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiii ASSIS I o ll1ce Mngr 1nl• property mgmt form Noo-smoke1 S61hr 642·4907 wkdys &GLF STHTER-RAHER El Niguel Country Club Full time part ume E•· Hourly plus benel1ts 496·2023/Goll Shop GUARDS SECURITY GUARDS Management Utot1111 llarktts ll1111t. TraintH ltci• Ytur Carter Start your new career on our 3rd shill, earning $4 UP 10 S4 50 as you be· d You w all be promol e to mgmt & super.isory le· vels Call 714-537-4840. 1n1er111ews held every Wed 6-7 pm at 111 Del Mar Costa Mesa E 0 Security Pacific Ban~ has1•E--~~~~~~~ numerous openings torr Armed Securtly Guards Due 10 Jhe opening or a new t11c1f1ty 1n Brea we musl hire 30-40 guards &nd guard supervisors to start December through Februe1 y Add111onally w e need up to l ove guards lor our Glendale 1oca11on Cond1dotes MUSl have current powers ol arrest and hrearms cert111c;e- 1oon Gu11ra e11penenc;e 1s required All guards will be supploed with uni· .torms and a•de arms Hus is an e11celleAI OP- p 0 11un1 t y for former peace olltc.ers and expe- 11enced guerds Both lec;lflfles 11re fully :;ecured <1nd operate 24 hours e day. 365 days a year PoS111ons are avail· able on oll shifts 1nctud· Ing weekends Starting weekly salaries range from $272 :><> to $382 50 depending on previous expertence MAMICHIST For Nwpt Bell men's hair sal on 100•1, com m . 646·2716 --- IHHUSH WHllll Fabulous working condl· 11ons No exper nee We lraon. we school CIRCUS MA)(IMUS 719 No Har· bor, Fullerton 870-6192 Apply between 12 and 5 PM Mon-Sat See Kelly -----IECllHICS MHIEI Can make $ 13 • $161hr starlong pay Full/Patt· time avail 1n our pub Call tod-ay lor eppt. 537·2880 t(ING Chg ----llEDICll Exp Back Ofllce, PI T or FIT 11 type '" Hoag 646--5073 llESSElllERS Neat appearance &. de· pendable transportation necessary M or F Mo· 1orcycles OK Apply In person 2925 College AY Suite A-3 Colle Mesa IOIE.LL & ISCllTS Expr only 642·4780 l1tural Fet" Stert Fil uper 1231 N Coesl Hwy. L-eguna Bch Nirvana Natural Foods. No w hor1ng Full & PI T Sec;ur11y Pac1f1c Bank Cooks E1tper Prel. but tvlly supports Equal Op-not Required Wages portun1ty Employmenl Negotoabte 'THE GRIND· ER AESTAURANl, 1400 Take advantage of this .. xc;ellent opportunltj now• II you ore 1n1erested on either Brea or Glen· dale. call Kellh Shultz at (2 131 507-2197 ro sche· dule 11n 1nrerv1ew We look rorward to hearing trom you W PCH. N B 642-3881 OFFICE l11qer I ....... ,., Doctors office • Newport Beach. 3·5 years experi- ence in medtcat lleld. In- cluding processing ln- aur a nce form• Xlnt b OJ)kkoepmg skills re- Ctass1flod Ads are the quored Salary oe>en For answer to a succ;esslul tnlervtew appt call garage or yard sale! trs a 752-1744. baller way 10 tell morfl --------peoplel 1SELL Idle llems wilh a Dally Pilot Classllled Ad !!! OPPORTUNITIES !!! IN Electronics & Communications . How Would You Like To ••• • lA-<1111 A Nf•W Skill • Orvf'lop IA'adl'nh1p • M•kl' NI'"'" •·n,.nd. .. • &Im E1<tr• MOM)' U I • En11v Kl'l(Ulllt Cwtllan l,.1fr We Otter ..• • Mu'f•llrnt t..'<tr('('r UpporlunlUt'• )'ur II S Grllduatr Or t:qutvah•nt • Tt.itn1n11 For PNpll' W11h No M1hl.ln t:1<pt•r1;onc.,.-• Ne•• 17 or pr10t Ill 3S1h bmhday • Opnunp for Pm>I' !Wtvl«' lndlVldu•I• SOUND lNTl.:RF.STINC . V?" CAL1 TOOAY 979-7363 (betwe.n I 30 e m •4 30 p m ) CINDY QIHllNO HOT ~ 2651 Newpert lhrtl. C:..te M.141 ~~ 0 111no C.on11t DAIL V PILOl /Sundoy. Dttct!mb r 6. 1982 lessimml Sm-vice Dinl:I~ !I ~~.'1.!{1!~~1 ........... f~!l!.1.!!!."!!! •••••••• Fl!!!~{1.•.I ••••••••••• :. ~!l!.-.!•,,1.~ ••••••.•. : ~ .... '}~1. •••••••••••••• !~~~!~~'!!''· ......... r~1~.11~1. .••••.•...... $1 84 P D C1111ng moth@• Wiii ll••hy•ll "hun1poo" •11111111 ctttin rt CCTRICIAN Pmotl Tiii lllHI IOllll Ulu II 141-lHI , er av In he! llOm , lnlanl to °J: Color brtghton1" • Will rtghl, lrwo tflltmott on LilWn frH 1h1ub 111•11111 r urnu,•· POOi WOlt!r hu31 Tnat 1 All you p11~ y11 63 1 6766 tv• c11>1• 10 m111 bletCll 1111ge Of tmnll 101>1 Tr" 111r11l1emo11al N 80 000 OTU fut1lllCll tlU!1INl-SSMAN Will Fiil PlllTIH llOUSCSIT CouCllltiJ !Jr fl1Cll11rd Slno1 l1r. II Cill)tll)le !147·35<'4 2006... I.I yr• ul h1111r1y ~!.'!~!!~!~1. .......... T!!! ....... ··~ .....•• J U ti urn flttl1n1~h1n11 (;411 •nllC Tllu ln.ibllt!Q 011 AlllHIVH ... , c11b1(1 ,, 1ypew nwt• c.a1001 111111 p.11n1111g 64~ 0664 Gornmcrc•OI 01111e 30 ':.Y• ad IHtl, ll•iot1a•11t1/ ~~n"S':50'';;~~:151011, lie 3111>02 t 073 0350 Lown m11111t1Ro101111111g f"1hw111101ta1 in111ll11d In the S11Yit1 chr SS Qu11r ellm Ptl [I ECTRICIAN Frff 9'lllnltt 548 GO !> 17!>00017 141608 6!112 llOU5 SITTtNO IC)Clf cu11omor' AlllUl\d couple OYlllJbl~ Thortli. YW. 63 1·44 IU ~!.~~!!i~IL~!I~!! .•• G4o 2 0<. 2 DAILY •••••••••• •••••••••••• Odor Cr pt r•PUlr 16 yll Sml 1obS1Aeptt1t• LIC H••'r.••• u C SI ... ~1b11r11ta bo111 ropnir oi.p Do w()rk my•olf 233t06·C 10 548 6203 ••••• •••••••••••••••• n••• Ill tY1 .. 1 PILOT Varnish Pllllll II l•rillrll Reis. 55'!-Q 1~3 Curpontry MdSOIHy c~;;·t~l~·;.~ie~iy·p~~:~rn-:i for hou!l4tllltllr)Q "9.m J1111 I ow"" ruiut Prompt l'i April 16 1983 OOlll r111111 protou1onu1" 16 1111 $1r~ict METICULOUS MtllT'S •••••••••••••••••••••• vHo"'"' •ti1111ulAf!mO(I Trll Sorv Drainage & SfltVIOE Prot. rear. 66 t·Bfl!Y oft ~ ~.:_ Rooting • Plumbing-on Wfltikends • ~ llllECTOllY 5pm f!!!!!'-!l~~~~!!!!..... .: ~',:;' R~~:~. ~'e'~~s ~ !151·6370 l•il'"' Cemen1-M11110111y·Block ~ 1...-1 · H I · • 00 IT NOWI •••••••••••••••••••••• Walls·Cvst work lk: Ill u-JACK or All TRADES • .'.'!! .• !P.!~~ ....•.•. non llrtOk o•i. non yr~exp 636·71411 I.tr 11U.1,11a & Mlltl-ll-{11 Ullll thumb fo1 11110 CHll TcJrry RAL .. M'S PlllTlll ... 64?-4ti4 1 LO IOltls, lie 536-9896 Profcu1ont1I Couple wt1n1 10 ll~H 1111 no churQ11 preto• tong term 11lnt r~~~,~~ ............ . _ .,... ~It Secvlwo flood P•Obl m tolv'd •C11r110111ty •Plumbing I 1c d & fns d 536-09 1<1 •flee •fin C1r~111ry Mil\ , froe Serv'IC:lf '""' • •Or~·Mrtldrnga·Cat>IMtl ttmov•I, ct1t1nup. truh •Sh,_i111ng •fau<..11110 hauling & ro1011111ng Ask ftr Sadri ~~:'~M~~~EER ~~BAS 381057 Rob 5"1·2683 TOP QUALITY WORK Cell J1c1i. anytime. Pauittng pfumbtrtg elec. Your Da•ty Piiot C'&.1'/d C."'r•· AT A,.. • ., RATES _Day or night 67!>·301<1 drywall Ute. catpentry '"' w 633·2 IGO Forlhtng tr114!r•O• Oe,ton HANOINGISTRtPPINO Vtsn MC Sco11 646·932!> !)!Ir door •P•lng1 Btg or 848-6928 S48·4236 '" m n -do 11 Ail' fast. · between houses Rosi • • ...,.,,._ -M k &<16 7816 Service D1rec1ory Comm Dan S37 -0342 •••••••••••••••••••••• llc'd Joel 5<17 442S Painting · Cl'rpentry ar • Represen11t111e --Lov111g Ch1ttl Core In my Ceromlc Tiie Ltc'd & HELPING HANDS · 11lllc1en1 se1v1t.11 20 yr1 • 11•e BJS2651 9S 1 6067 T!'.'.'.'!~I. ............ . Lu41t,.i•t CuINntrr licensed home Nt.101 Prof work al unbtl lable Bonded 644-4798 eves. You nome 11. we'll d(> 111 142-llll, tit. 322 ...... -••• ~••••••••••••• Htgh Sehl. Oa'llo Pt rates All work guar No -•· 2 0 027b 24 •~~~~~~~--1 Remod)Repalrs LO 111105 496-3410 job 100 sml. 673·3558 'HOME CARE REPAIR. Ed & 80bu1 4 • • ••••••••°'"•• •••••••••• t•pot1 w•lt,ovonng 10 Cu11om Ot!cks • Masoory stullouo11 Retll Consul II Pouo Covor5 Aeab 11111 A1>SJ011mt !181·6590 ~!.'.'!~I .............. . Most SUbJOCll Ii. 14 Day/eve $6 & S 12/hr Mr Morgan 646:5176 ~!.~~1i!~!l.~!~~!!~'!f REMOO SPECIALIST JG Allen lte 2027S2 Bonded 494-1810 ~~.'.'!!!!'!I. 1!!!!!! •••• SO% OFF FIRST MONTH Dependable. affordable, essential. Answering ser111ce. secre1arlal & business services. mail box rental. word proces· sing Telex-Facs1m11e order entry, pagers-lease bu). desk space rental ANSWER NETWORK 63 1-9131 (ask tor A V I ~!I.~~{~ •.•..••.•.•... Driveways. Parking lot Repairs, Sea1co1111ng S&S ASPhll 631-4199Llc Dan Hallberg Grading & Paving Co. Restcomml Lie 3976804 842-1720 ~!!!!~!1! ••••••••••.•• 1ncorpora11on, business advice. Reasonable lees 752-1962 Decks, pottos, fences RESIO/COMM'LllND palnl. yard Free haul. hrs Free est Steve 752·9S56 Child Care. my home. lull 20 ~rs Do my own worl\ F1ee est 7S 1·4348 uOUll"l•••i'•t or pt/time Nwpt Shores • n· • EXPER carpenter does urea Reis 549.5154 Lie 27804 1 Al 646·8126 '*'*•WINO DAMAGE? ••••••••••••• •••••••• add'ns. remod dacks -Repalrs/Remod No )Ob ROSIN'S CLEANING Skyhghls & repa1rs Free • Sp1111ua1 based child· Ffl•itlJ.fil1 too small Fast service Service • a thoroughly est oan, 841·4592 care In love & 101a1 oc· ;~·,~:~a •T-;;;·~·~;-;,j Free etl Keith 646-4672 clean hou1e 540-0857 ---ceptance CM ho me kfnds Prompt ·Reason-Ex""llenced In 111 areus ot HOUSECLEANi'NG Good Doors installed, every-64S-6169 .. ~ thtng In bldg & repair 35 able coet 642·9 125. home repairs Reason-refs Tran1por1a1ton EJc· yrs exper Reis Jetty Conlr.cto11, Gen•r•I 642·2741 able No Job too small. per'd. 979-9756. 546-4413 •• • • • • •••• • ••• ••• •••• ~~·3099 eves, Brion __ Housecleaning. r~ ---None 2 big. none 2 small, G 4 · R Im med storm 1 epatl From A to z we do 11 all .!! . .'.'!~".f •••••••••••• H•ulillJ re~~wi~ansps4:~05 work Pendleton Conslr 714-675-9436 ltc 425781 TREES •••••• DUMP·J·o es ...... _v __ N ----c- Free est Gone 539·4078 p . C '''° .~,,. "••••tr. ..................... . ••••••• ••••••••••••••CUS TOM wood patio BRICKWORK Small jobs covor~. redwood deck• & NOWIJOll. Co!»ta Me1111. fencos Randy 64 1 0622 Irvine Reis 675-3 t 75 l/utit ll,.air Block/Bueti. wans. Con· •••••• 6 •• 1 ••••••••••• cre1e Very reas Ltc d EDS PLASTERING Bob 673·S367t536-9906 Noat pa1cnes lnll\'•I Rl'SIUCCOll 645-8258 Custom Brick-Stone Blook·Concrete·Stucco Reis Free es1 549.94g2 PLASTER PA TCt11NG Ret1uccos h11/e111 30 yri. Neal Paul 545·2977 llutiur Roofing-all typtt& NOW•rOCOllOI ·dOCkl Lie 411802 548 9734 llOOF PROILEM? Don 1"1e·rool. rep11r 111 t r action o f cos1 6S7-2890 ROOFING REPAIRS Small JObS OK Free es11ma1es Calf Tom o• Chuck. 542-6392.. 839-6297 Lie 8142S205 Qualtly Housecleanmg ---WAY COISTllUCTIOM Topped/removed Clean & Small Moving Jobs by 2 amblltous females #orl•t REMODEL/REPAIR lie :420802 Plans up, lawn renov 7S1·3476 Call MIKE 646· 139 1 960-4637 960.5289 •••••• ••••••••••••••• NORD PLASTERING 1n11e111 Restucco) Roof leaks "'•lrd 151.1116 S52·3232 -. Stores. offices nomes Frnancmg Available • UllDEMlll.., WAITED-HAl.iLtNG-GRAOING *A· 1 MOYIH * apls Bldg reno11a11on OO • Hc;rnc1ean1nOfO;the T I 25 code correcltons. etc 20 142· 12 Mowing edging raking demolition, clean-up. Holidays I Good refs op qua tty yr exp yrs In area Bonded ins C w--~ k. sweep1"ng Free as11: Concrete & trllO removal. Chrt• 631·0893 alt. 3 Compet111ve rates · · ' · UllOlll rrf1911WOI IOf mates 645•5737 Quick serv 642-7638 • No overtime 730-13S3 L•c 19180 I. Palombo •••••••••••••••••••• • Cleaning No job too blg Constr 962-8314 CUSTOM -SAM-FU-KUMOTO-;--S LIGHT HAULING • & CLEAN-UPS or small. Exp, rellable, BOAT DOCK REPAIR & Cabinets·Pullmens-Bars Gardening. clean ups. Free est 642•2657 refs S6/hr 957·3341 Gen Carpentry 20 yrl. wall Units 642-0881 ma1n1., 1ree trim. sml _ --Char Renov 64S-3749 ----landscape 645-3540 HAULING·Sludent wllge SPllllU PLHTY Door HHf.i•• C""~n-ups . Trim-nn 1ruck, same lo ral es Cleaning Ser111ce Clean-C11NI S1r•ict ••••••••• ••'••••••••• '90-""'•rw Tn k 7S9 1976 1 tS x1 to Godh ••• r•••••••••••••••••• Supply/Install/Repair Sprtnklers • Malnt an you • mess ne • No Steam/No Snampoo Lge setec11on + hard· Free es1 · 642·2657 JOhn ness 642•8809 Stain Spec1a1ts1 Fast ware Sob 646·2923 evs JAPAIESE IAlllEllEll Tree r~ov . clean-up, HOUSECLEANING dr'/ Free est 839· 1582 haullng tmmect. aerviu. Honest & Dependable w e Care Cr pt Cleaners f!!!!~i.t.•J •... •••• •••.. 839-5035 642·312S. 642-5369 Brenda 962·2690 Steam clean & uphol llC'O ELECTRICIAN Liindscaping·Yd Clnu'PS Chri$ii&n wliidC>Cieiiii •Housecleo';i;;;g -~. Truck mount unit Qual. work/Reas rotes Tree trlm/remov·Melnt ups, haullng. tree trim & reh~le. Quality work Worl\ guar 645·3716 Free est 631·5012 lrrlga1to11 Jim 851·0129 yd work 650·9844 Re1'a. Sue 645-6169 ·ABC MOVING· Ou1ck, Careful Service. low rotes 5S2·04 IO STARVING COLLEGE STUDENTS MOVING CO Lie T 124.436 Insured 641·8427 WATCH US GROWi r!!~!!~I ............. . Sol Isle Patnllng Spec. rates $7S P• day plus materials 673-5379 610Gt.. willlS 586·4892 • JOHN 1£NRY ~!~!f!~i~I............. R~~~ 24hr to 141· ll25 541-e213 40 gul waterheater $22S 'llClllllill Strvitll Plumbtng. t'eattng & drain • • •• •••• •• • ••••• •• •••• stoppages house or PROFESSIONAL comm Evesi wknds Em SECRET ARl~L SERVICE ployed by use as Jour 754-6368 neymon Plumber Con· tractor he 252950 Reas rates 494.34 13, 661-5068 ~!l!'I.~!!~'.~ •.•....... AC RAINGUTTER Bonded-lnS·hC 8344764 Free est 1·524-5824 !!~~aAf. ~/!!!~!!~'!! ... DRESSMAKER & FASHION DESIGNER Reasonable 646-844 7 Sell 'O'•lh EASE1 It's a BREEZE Class1hed Ads b42·5678 !!~4~~.~~~~~!~1 ..... WE WASH WINDOWS Fasl • ProtesSlonll Qu11h1y ¥¥Ork gvaralllffd Free estimate 848· 7391 State law 111,uires: That all contrac1011 wl'lo pertorm work over S200 1nclud111g lab or and ma1e11afs must b e II· censect Unt1censed con· 1rac1ors snould 10 state 1n their advernsing Con· tractors llnd consumer•. contact M;iry Grond1e al (714)558-4086 with any questions Con1111c1or·1 State License Board, 28 C1111c Center Plaza . Room 690, Santa Ana. CA 92701. Whal a Wonderful World of Shopping nght al your f1nge1ttps everyday! Da11y P1101 Ctaull1ed Ads To place your ad. call 642·5678 anS' lat a Classified Ad·Vlsor help you ' IJ!.'1.."r!!'.'.~t .•• !.l.~ IJ.'J! •• "r!!'.'.t!. •••• !.1.~! f!l.~~~~~~!J!! .......... ··~~=~i1ll IOZ5 !!!!'}!!!! •••••••• !.~~' 'r....,. .. ~ DO A umi Olhce Help, I/time. heavy SEC'Y /EXEC AaliJ.••s 1005 •••••••••••••••••••••• 9· sofa beige pllnl, S300: .. ~ 1"'"lli...._ au ....... YOUR lliic1llHtt•• IOIO lli1t~lluH01 IOIO 01/iu F•111iture I ••••••••••••••••••••·· ··········•••••••••••• r ... ; •t•I IOl5 Small Bobcat tract or. Sw1mm1ng pool pump ••• ";1 •• f •••.•.•......• constr sales organ . Must Financial investment firm •••• • ••• •••••• • •••• •• llETAlllllll WALL 25" RCA color TV, Re-~., ~--~~ OWN HOME type, min record kpng. tor educators. Personnel • ... plate steel. 10' high, mote, DLX Con tempo-~ ~ new. 5x8 trailer. xlnt neater & filter Full p•o· 2 sohd Oak Execu1111e cond. $2975. 646· 1597 1ess1on wet bar Ma'(e Oest<s. 4 Chairs. Cre- phone/radio. Dena Pl • communrca11ons' dept WESTMINSTER ABBEY bolled construction, rary Captnel. S2SO: Pr ~~', •. ~ .,,.~~Ho;.., '" J , Cabinets. custom kfl. Salary open. 642-4300. sec'y. Xlnt typ. & SIH ANTIQUE MALL $1751 1t, approx. 800 ' Bedroom , 5 drewer ... r· both. woll units. storage 24 hrs. Ad. No. 751 req'd. Exec secretarial 11751 Westminster Ave (2131582·0701 (Biii or chests+ nite stand. lite ~ -'~: aP • ·6'-1 ~.. Low cost Frne qlly Free PART Tl•l exp. a musl Non-sml\r GARDEN GROVE Earl) green lacquer. $300: 54" ·-~ ... ::_• •• ', -~t ·It ~' 1 ( i'-.(1 est 642-9125, 642-2741 Elles and/or weekends preferred. Call 553-0940 ~~~~5~5~4~·6~l0~3~--desk, Ille ~een Lacquer. ; ) _ __ oller 646-6006 denia. Debby 642·6272 Perlect~Chrts1mas HO Gr Train sel on 4x8 board . delalltld wl s1ree1s homes & swtt· ches & new eng & trans- former $150 552· 7 143 2 Drawer lateral hie cab•· ne1: legal sz, S7S. 759-tti52 1. Rheem forced atr 11ea1er, S 17 5. Ho point Rell 4)(8' tully detailed HO ~~spo~:•bte1:i~~s~go~~~ Se1vers. 5 yrs oper Old English Anl•<1,ue lbl. 80,000. thermo51at tn· Freezer 200, Nesl/3 OA•AGI SAU ADS NOW )_, • scale 1ra1n lay-out • w• ou 1 t>elween 3-SPM in per· 1932 approx S3SO ~•alled,$300 7S 1·8162 end tabtea, $3S . CLAll.,llDIYClnt ••• , Sachmaneng ,Athearns Large oll1Ce desk. sw111el chair & xtre ch arr. 11001 mal. $150 964-9311 1rac11ve personaht1es to son. Bob Burns Restau-962_214• 962•3 174 --544 l604 Sii llLOW • M t )(I 1 h h ( • One p iece American • cars us see n work wit youl ages rant 37 Fasn1on ISiand. --c f s oo -sfEELTOPTABlE COPY UCllHS C II 2 SPM Standard wnlle Chtna Evpan-dable tebte.-i-ooks nristmas gt I 4 10,141 . a · . N8 Apply 1nperson. HOPEORSLANKET ... N A OBO 642 -01 4 3 36x30 • w/bottom shell S7S 646-75441646-6705 Most Brands Sac11l1ce 962-7033 642-432 1. e~t 34 6 CHEST S100 low boy commoue ew like bullet, seals 2·12. l•IHl lll••J lrYiat 662•7451 E.O.E Service Station Atlendant. • • in carton $23S. 494·2695 Walnut Ideal for house ••••••••••••~•••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• __ RCI Family Membership part time. lnteNlew Mon s49·911 1 w/o din area or condo, Some1hing for EVERYO· IRHT SALEll! Man's suede 1ael\et, never $550 incl transfer fee DESKS & CHAIRS .. llOTO&llAPllY • Tues. 7 AM • lOAM s .. a11 Drop·lHf Talll• c •• ,,,, ' $12S. 848-91 12 NEI Garage Sale 202 Huddle Childs furn. bunk worn Lg size; Remington 955-1467 12 sml wooden deetcs. S&W PR I N T E R · E.l(per. only. Siii's Che11-550 s48 9111 b • 1 1030 Decorator rattan sole, L· Sapphire Sat/Sun 10·4 bed, book shelves, Etectrlc Razor. used.,.1----some new Your choice Custom. lmmed. l ull/ ron. 8rookhurst1Adams. • ••• ~1~!f~!'!.......... sha"-"', cream color incl ,.010111 '•' .. ,, trundle bed. desk, quilts. once Mans ice skates Pho11°Mat1 SSS ea. 22 side chllrs & time pos111on in esta· H B S•all IOMt•Ttp Tr11•k Ntkonosllunderwaterca· otl~n.xlntcond S900 ~~ •••••••••• '!'~•••••••• appliances. gtassware size 12. xlnt cond Answe,,ngMacn1ne swivel rockers Your bhshed Orange Coun1y•s·-.--'.tJ\-9-.,.-a-china Opr .,.AA .:"""'·~·ai..in~•1-1·>+~-··~·§':!":-~''•=iA• .... •e._.~~· ... (.....,.n hta11to1ttt1'-.__ ~AA0-6Al~-CiolbM eic SaWG-4.-40 ,,.., ~54a alt 6 _ ..w.1~1e _x101 corut.. Cbolce.$50 ea 645·6646 ~~I ;'~~e~1!~sc;o~';;'1~ C M Canvas & Up· 8eau111u1 large solid m•· 669-9779111 msg -._ ... ,.. S13 Orchid, CdM ~ing Star. tOeerl1eld) Pinball -Machine $275 or $17S 494·2695 II no ans. Iv msg printing experience help· hot Siering products hog rolltop desk $2500. Cannon 3 Sm m SLR Rusi velour sofa $1SO Sal/Sun 8-'> L .. j trade tor ??? 6 M1R1on $ btrCJll Stars. Sl5. 1•u IOl1 I I 645-3840 Perm Full Time Exper Bill 673-7419 equpmnl lense1, tillers. Oclag cane/glass cock· -,.---.. -•1.••• •t •••••••• Man 6 Player 645·2963 494-2695 •••••••••••••••••••••• u . Pref , Co eenet11s case, etc . $225 n Bo iai11abte s100.cane<fe· .,,,,,,.,,. •• ••••••••••• . . PITllLLPIPS 64S-2244 ti•( ""' co r at or a I and S 2 6 . • • ••• • •• •• •• • ••• • • •••• Christ••• l111ti••• PP HESS PEllSOM lllUiES FUllMI " 646-2374 Orlen ta t lamps. $SO . 2 tamlly, Sal-Sun. 4-5. HANDCRAFTED orna· Nvlon E1tecut1ve Luggage. Brand new lge brass can· 963-3020 AS Dick 360 CD Itek ca· SMAC" IAll Magn1l1c1ent Louts XV 9 4 371 LaPe le Place • If u ... ' delabra lype Elegant ---------.. Canon AE1 w/lenses& all Beachwood table & 4 • r m en ts o g I s . seu 21" carry.on, 44" Gar· Outside chandelier'• Tame McCaw w /$200 mera 1to2 years exper Cash1erllood Prepara-Dining room sel, value acce• 1nctd Never used. chr & beige l;flrs $17S.' Sikes. Moped, l oots. books. bike. hide a.bed, mel bag. Tote Bag. Dul· w ho I es a I e S 115, cage. blue & gold S999 . Call 751·2'24 11on PI T Opening & $l7,0uO. asktng s9.ooo C a se i ncl $S2S Ant q wicker chaise lurn ,typewr1ters,sewlng lg&$m appl1ances,toys. fel Sag, & Travel Kit 4g4•2695 or trade f or??? PllMRAllMEll Closing shifts Matu-e 080 Also beau~lul 979-2516 lounoe S3SO. Wicker chr m1ch . coliecllbles & games, linens. more 0 r I g Cases. $ 6 5 WIND-UP VtCTOROLA 645·2963 PP FORTRAN and/or CO· Seaclilf Country Club Break front value 11 . $40 Chrome pole lamp much more. Nothtng over $20. SAT/ 960· 1161 BOL Expr'd • tor CM 536-8866 000. asking $5000 0 80 $30. Chrome barstools Stans 9.00 AM Dec 4• s SUN 8-4 3013 Mountain -------A Classic' S2SO good COCKER SPANIEL PUP· I I S I _ 640-4910 CO•f.•l•rs 1031 545 ea Much more Ans Antiques, Od"'• 'n' Ends v-. ToP ol the World Mink Stroller Gorgeou1 condilion. 953·2605 PIES AKC 7 weeks old engineer ng irm a ary TELEPllllE SALES •••• ••••••••••••••••• ..... 97-3647 natural rancn w/Sable Dec 2 Females S27S, commensurate w/expr TX Inst Home Computer Ad 53S. 642-43QO 24 hrs t 139 Santa Isabel. C M _4__ collar Value SSOOO. ask· Rosewood callee llbfe. m a 1 e 5 $ 2 s 0 9S7·6S97 We Wiil lratn No experl-A11.li•11c11 1010 Educatlon1tlenterlalnlng 8 pc dining rm set l~CIUd· HUGE YARD SALE: Teac ESTATE SALE Unique Ing S2400 641-3098. 4)(4 $175 Whl flok1t1 714/640-5130 PIT Christmas vacation :nocrek~~!~say Za;yve~!~P • •;;ARBOEl.ARE•A•••• S349.95 Inst 6<16-2374 1ng china cablnat 9 qual Dolby CH I deck, aqua-arllclea for everyone Art 640·4910. rug. SP• 6X9 $180 De- work. auto maintenance Guaranteed hourly wage APPLIANC°E SERVICE F.rH 11 "•• l" .. S velvet couch (goldl Blue rluma. sew cab. new lrplc collecllon, anltque furn•· -corator lrg ceramic ele· Golden Relrlever puppies. d-•t $200 $500 kl '' "" couch & toveseal set. screen. sm appliances. lure, 11ouse plants, musl· Lionel trains. i o loco, phanls from Viet Nam AKC Ch. blood lines, "'very • w Y + bonus plan Call Mr We sell recond • guar. •••••••••••••••••••••• 40 50 1 l & pass cars 8SO 0435 Call Charhe 646·S781 Spencer 7S4·680t appliances S49·3077 'To good home: Old Engl. Relrlg, coffee table. hshl d Item s & muc'li cal equipment Conti· 4•;_.leyour I 775 0456 ' S125 ea Hvy 3X5 glass , ___ • ______ _ Sheepdog, spayed. 8 yrs. MOVING 752·2197 more Sal/Sun 9•4 2oo9 nu o us d a ii y John ~0 • • dining table $150 Antq Collle. AKC. Female, 9 mo SALES/DESIGN Temporary. lull time. gen-I IUY APPLIAllCES tnendty, gd companion Living room &el ,, pc:, xtnl Con11nent1I c M. <197·S741 Surfboard 8' •It Velzy Ii· sml wine press SI 25 old All shots eeaullfut El xcllinega1Caer~~~,~~pu1ay1 er al orifice work tor PA Les 9S7·8 133 968·6722 c ond A sk Ing $ 2 SO. SUN Neighborhood Gar-1/111.011 ••ti bergtass. 25 lbs 8tn skag W1n!~c40111eco331ton S20·S 100 Whl & Tan. Very a flee~ or er iv u "'1 firm yping axpe11ence I . IOSO 642 7402 ati 4 30PM S ••••~••••••••••••••••. $8S 673-4619 ea .,... • _ __ 1tona1e. loves children who has good eye or req 646-4420 Gallers & Sa Iller gas •r•ll•r• · age ale Azure Ave 221 191h SI Sat s n 9 6 R ood • b FREE to Guod home color and Int. deslgn.1---------stove Almond wtsmoke •••••••••••••••••••••• Single bed w/matlress. S1nt1 Ana Hts. CM • u • -1n1etev1s1on Game Unit, edw skirt 0 gaze 0 5s2•1741 )(Int comm, opp1y1 ad· TEXAS REFINERY CORP glass door. I yr old Im· **I BUY** SSO. Call AnswerAd S80, cuRISTM.AS BOU.tJQUE. 673-2706 30 ,Y' of col· w/8 car I ridges. mint spa . 1us1 p lug II in -vancement. training avail need s Mature person mac-otate $350 Firm -6412.4300 2<1 hours '2s ,25 S S 8 S lec:Jlng • gomg cond Sa011hoe $200/olr $2500 494-6284 _ Playful par t Siamese I or r I g h t p e rs o n now In Orange County 497 ·6233 Good used Furniture & ' • ¢· • all un • · Super Garage Sale all thru ChrlS, 675-9084 0>1ygen therapy 1egula1or spayed F cat. 1 yr old 4.!!9·1461 ar ea . Reg ardteas of Appllances-OR I will sell Sar wllh 2 capl chair 1979 FEDERAL AV. Dec Evetythlng in & out Kg sz waterbed 50 yr twn & flow meter S1SO dectawed, SS 673-S2S4 !raining write F.D Sears ~~~1pe~~~o~1t:~~'t Suis~· °'SELL for You stools, S3SO Call Ans· YARD SALE Newporl Vil-goes ·Furn . antiques. bed, lncolag clock g 675·3,75 SALES Full or parlllime Will not 1n1ertere w11h present ~~~0;1~.tr~:gh~g~~r:.:. 960·1636 USTHS AIOTltl ~Ad S80. 642-4300. 24 tage Apll &35 Baker St silver, misc Whal do you plaques, barn & windmill FULLER BRUSH HO COLDEll llET. l4t·llll IU·llH CM Sun 10·<1 want? Call & ask · I have & misc phois, Scotch. 00 CTS 11 wt\s old. M. $100 !~'::s building product Lady Kenmore Washer Din rm 11bl1 w/6 chrs. l•••t•I• V•llir ''' l30l Kings Rd, N 8 O'Connell. Coco-cola Have ~:urs~I 8 Merry 549•7f 18 Good cond · Dryer, bolh I llY FlllllTlllE matching hutw & china ••••••••••••••"'••••••• 646-4o71 mirrors wtilskey barrels, Fuller Chrtstmas Quality Sm muted breed puppies, S 125. 64,._223S Les OS7·8133 cab. $700 Call Answe-S 1 t I S u n 8A M • 5 PM 4 Famlly Garage Sale • dbl comforter set. dbl Fuller erusn products & $25 ea Wtll hold 1111 tob Unhm11ed Income •-------Call 496-1576. Top Hair S1yhs1 wanled --S-ales_/_O_ff_lce __ M_g_r __ 1 for progressive salon 1n For large sailboat mfgr Costa Mesa Comm or rAd S80. 642-4300. 24 Touter oven, luggage. she>p now tor Ch11stmas1 spread. hand-sewn di· gilts Call today tor quick Cn11s1mas, 673-8017 19.S cu 11 Frigidaire refrlg Oak Dining Room Table & hrs m any hlehld II ems. 50c-S200 Sat/Sun 9-4 coy ducks, spread, loads delivery 642·3169 Slaman>1 kttte; beaulllul MacGregor Yacht Corp rental 646-4S9S w/top lrzr. gold $280. 6 upholstered chairs. ELECTRIC BED Chrlllmas decorations, 2812 Cerob, EC Bluff misc. 8S1-6630 female. 575. 835·6566 dys, 546·0469 Xlnl cond . S800 2450 earlm Bros, detu>1e, X-jewelry, etc. l640S Myrl· CHRISTMAS GIFTS GA· Golf membership at lrvtne Min•IJ•DtoOI (714) 794·3698 1631 Placenlla, C M. U.S. LEADER eves Newport Blvd. Mn11rs of· tong twin. gd cond $250. lew&od St., F.V. LORE! Mallbu·Newport Coasl C C $3000 or W•olH IOll -,--------Sates TV llGIZHIE IEEDS Professional ad11en1srng sales person. Earn e•· tremely large commtS· s1on. working 1n 1 pro· tecled terrllory wllhtn Orange County. Sell Ola· play Advertising lor TV Magulne. the nallon·s largest local weekly ou· bllcallon. 8enel1t prog. ram provid ed Some parMtme available For Interview, call (71 4) 8S9·6140 SECRETARY Personal Injury. Expr req recenlly. Typing 100 wpm plus. 898-0461 ask lo< Arnie. SEAnUY·l 111100 Exec. T-60, F-80 Stcy/Rtcpt·S 14,400 f .50, Fun Group Accomptlshed Personnel ServlCet Inc. 3300 lrv1ne, 101, NB 545-0071 tao¥. Free 11•nuY 11.1. Sec retariat poslllon In active Newport Cenler Aealtor'a office. Front office po1lllon requires good telephone yolce, lyplng, lhorthlnd & IP· pe111nce. RHI estate axperlenct helpful bul not estenll11. Prefer local re1ld•n1. For ln1tr11lew cell Mr9. Duhl WttleJ L 1-cr. O.. _ _,,,,oramo MARKETING FIRM HIRING! • Secretarial • Delivery •Marketing •Oen Office 42 Stall po51t1ons tn 4 Southland Branen Of· fices Monthly Pay $1000 Our Company benehls Include •lmmecflate hiring •me111 bonuses •paid tor 11acat1ons •Med Insur Program •All proMollons trom within NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY IN SOME FIELDS Call nearell tocaUon (24 hours) for appointment Los Alamltos-Watmnslr 714-848-4535 CO'sla Mesa • Irvine 714·964·S354 lice. 675-1024 760-015S u I .. &. Ellate Sale. Sal/Sun 9.4 make offer. 641-84 I 1. •••••••••••••••••••••• 111ao1 I OrfHS IOH Nr:-h: ~II freezer Up-FURNITURE • NEW 9' desll, ~feet for archl· !'.!!'!!.~!!~ •••• ~':~.... 4 18 Red I ands N 8 res., or 673· 1960 bus•-IELP IEIP A o~i(~~~;;i"ht.pl .. y~;·P,~~ 846-6791 Musi raise Cash tecl. artist or anyone. 2 11:;'~';:::. bir~~ 642·7<107 ness Ill IFF TllE man t el ec S 5200 IELOE MIClllWAYE Prices s11r1 at hie dWfs & lhelves. $95 10 lhe N11'1 Society for l•C• M1ti•C Salt llEUCIHEll Slllll& STREETS 11381-"812 ---- Toshiba, variable pwr Matlressts & found M l 646"8181 · Aull1t1c Chlldren Satt Dozens of lrne ladies' 0 days. Bugaboos C•· M l her short of cash Conn Organ, xtnt cond settings. S250. 969-1'S3 QuTeewn'nsS1 7 4 7 7•• FKu1~11 $9$~67 Beaulllul lmponed French Sun 9·4 7692 Taylor Or. and men's sweaters. allk nad a Dec 18 Injury, ~s site 1o welSutl to S990 Walnul bullal w/hutch 842·80<41 blouses, designer clo· can I go Call Greg 1 1 h 6 y Id 11 !)S6-0535 NO·FROST RE FRIG Sola Beds S 1 7 bevelled glast doo< te>p, thH. •hoes. etc 4 HP S48·8809 s ar .. , er • ,r,.·o aon o A11ocado, med. sz. $200 Sola & L0Yesea1 $247 h l-1·111 M 0 l b d I> k In "s sur ng aareer 1940 baby grand Gui· 64s.9628 Sola Dlnelle wl<I chra very Country Frenc • :.~••••••••••••••••••• ere u oar ·· 00 s, 4 Home Sar, 4 stools, & Need tor Santa to leave branaen, orig 1vorlaa, "'f'' ..,AS STIYE SIO S97. s995 6'6-8181 HPH SAU llYl•I ~~~epss.P~~~~~lga~n ,'~gg~· Accessories. $200, u1nndsewr e'rhea ldre~ SC7a811, $1500/obo Call An•we· • • DISCOUNT FURNITURE Queen 11ze walerbed w/3 y • ..u-rHk ' ' ' 5<16-6746 • rAd 560. 642-4300, 24 OI ,u 5 9628 f h h n"' dining room table and --642-4300, 24 hrs hrs der model .,... • 19S9 Harbor Blvd sets 0 1 Hll, eater, Ju11 In time for Chr1S1· ch11rs. 1m111 eppuances. 1 Set French doors 6' wllh l~~~~~~-~~·--------- New Magic Chef slngle Costa Mua 63J·6609 etc s2oo Don 127 E. m11I Furniture, An11ques, pinball mactune. lots of hl•dware $200 r Baldwin compact tht1ter oven. threro sllle con· 181 h · C 0 •I a Mes a· Collec:l1ble1 II 111 got•• exnans111e polled plants. 646·i1783 11811t•l or~n, beaulllul cond 64S·S91' .. -.. ' I t IOI' s 1101 $4S 494.215gs Dining table, custom gold AllO fr" 10 a good home 8 II boa and cua1om i••! Llfl-•••i ••• r••I• I J I OBO 644· 1016 & blk l acquer $27S 4 patio chllrs. loose cu· ane1tdog.G11ageSales cage. stemware, custom --""'" •••••••••••••••••••••• --------- Wasner, dryer (alack unUI 548-6737 eve1/wknd1. shlona, 1'11818f frames, ne1tttwo ww!ltnds. S 182 down llllad couch a11d '' W •bu k I' · S 1 4 0 O 12 string guuar Ovauon. AITltll PIAlt :~ 2~1c;oct67c;>~~15S 150 Queen headboard & dl>e $75 for all S56-0998 Grlnnell Lant. chairs and other misc 'Manh1111n" S2 100 "3 •lac acous. wt caae Mahog. xln1 cond, $595 • • • beds p r ead $90 Wrought Iron baker's 111·1101 tr uems 9 30 ·1111PM Sat ~f~les:t~awa1~·s145;1 S4S0 669-9779tv ~ 642·4014 MAYTAG Comm. Wash· 546·6737 e11es/wl<nds. . 6' ll2·0011 only. S07 Morningstar n u om rame Ct•ftllt Aootr41H GO\lld spinet, excell. cond el. W/coln box •• Both rac;k , hl~h, w/doors, Lane (Dover Shores} or g64·6<108 blaek $75 56 0998 -----S 17S646-7544/646·6705 S8SO Wiii hol d for Sl7S ~ $95 •• Great fo1 Custom 7' Sola, velour · • Have somel"'I~ you want phone 64S·9190 "' -8 " ~111e something 10 seu-1 lllO Christmas 49<1-828<1 big t amlllea o r Apia. leopard & teak S4 S 3 bar 110011, blk wrought to aell? Ciani led ads do Sund•" Onlyt 1748 Sonar-Clasalfied ads do 11 Well. lfl1t1ll••Hlll S48 2335 S48 6737 eves/wknda 1r~d cushions $75 ., •••••••••••••••••••••• S1e1nw1y Upright i n d • • 5S • 8 • . II well I C•ll NOW , r• Way 9·2 ~ ArtlSI Bench $3800 Prlll Washing Machine Dining Rm Set Smoke 842·5678 Unusual Items Pfly Trms s48-6737 $15 glass table, 60"1136". 8 Buy hef a l>Nutltul sottd 1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1 631·206<1 upholstered Rull colored mahOg ped81tal table I' ~ Hammond Electric Ofgan. Crushed 110111et chairs wl 1 drawer 6 leather le>p 1 I . IOSO J I I010 ~Id v•~ Ind ltge Spkef COl\JOle II J 104, $350. 497·6233 tor Chrlttmas. $50 .• !!!!!.'! •••••••••••••• !~.'!.•••••••••••••• , 111.,tc~ ... M $2200. Pr111 Prty Term• trt II "'" 8415 8746 ,,_,_, 548-8737 •••'•••••••••••••••••• French Pro111nclal Sola, 7', • A • new queen size 4 Wt441•& let {I ~ HIMkltlPH A.Wh --- Men's 10 •Pd. Bumi Orange, Newly up-2<1>160 w11 llnl•h coffee poeler waterbed, sacrll. • 15 flawless U 1(1 gold --== ._....._ ............. , ltwi•• ll1ttiH1IHJ good cond, S65 hots t ere d I 4 O 0 . table wtorne11 cervlng. $395 0 8 0 . 648-400S v er y c ute S 7 5 O ---=---. _,.. ••••• i4••••••••••••••• S48·6737 evesl Wllnd1 497-8233 _S30 1545•8748 9, IOI• Hldtabed, Brown. 545-5641 IN ~' Necchi In wooden cabine1 Girl's 10 spd Schwinn. hk~ 111111/l&IH TAIU ltfl Ill lood condition --------~~~~8~~;chmen11 S 1155 Anaheim·Gl •dtn Grove ~~~2d!. 50 -6737 415" octagon, w/4 blk 8<15-6'00 150. 842-3"9 !~t!~!!l ....... 1.~!! Be sure to visit our All -"" 714-963-908-4 n1ug1htde ovtrltulled Formica Dinette Set Wllh 4 Olea.Craft 200, fibe<glau new Store •••• '!f!••••••••••••••• Fullerton-Orange s;::C:~1':>n~S~~Y:!~:97';; L::1~:~n::~·::::ut. Moo~~~'~!"~-:;.~a:;uJ: ;~~1~a~t:~ice 9;:.gg:e J;:.. S lOOO BEACH 'N BALL '·~2M1·~ '8n1~ ~8 1~: 714·639·3992 e11es/wl<nd1. 1135/0 BO. Call for de· ~ 1!31·8870 Btnll IOIO --Also hove a 1077 For- WIREHOUSE Schwinn, 22'', tO 1peed, 11111!142-15691111 7PM Wiii fllllTlll •••••••••••••••••••••• lliiflllHH•I IOIO THRIFT STORE mute 110 20 It ... Ilk• Good Condition Magnlllcten1 Lout• XV "'Oraved WN ltfn M ddte, •••••••••••••••••••••• ..._.. W IALL ROAD ANAHllM N E w I C • 11 ( 7 1 4 ) No h perlence Ro~ $<15 848-9194 ftHt hn Stfl Dining room HI, value btenk•l•' eiend, $500 Antiq ue mehog1nv --• 1 842·2000 •Ilk tor Jim- Make up 1Fo 111112P/nr 11t1ar • 10 speed Roa•. proluafo. 80'h,,..ft~~-~ COl\d H OO $l7,000, 88111ng 11.ooo. or t>Ht offer 1573-8448 c1btn ... eltl•S75,,,b~lh11ro1om1 MONDAV·IUNDAV t:IO-t P.M. ::I~J~11· Pl .... Ing pay .• u Ill· me n1tmodel $150080 r'V ...,JVV 080 Aleo beautiful llft.5pm ''"'81v type .. n n a•t •t81 .... _._.. e1111t. In our pub. Cell •7~_5223 855·12" 8 ~1 t 1 • 1 11 door t 2 dr-cabl~ • .. K,._.~a 8001* ' f 537 2880 " .,.. rta .. ron va u • Muet Mii beaUtlfUI Sone1t plu• matching 2 door OONATIOM8 ACCl"9D (Ta• De0uc:11~1 ..... _ K'INO ct1g Aampar drrt bike, Model Conlempor1ty Sole Ill· _ • -" .... 873-341& 1od1y '°' app -•• AllOCldO Pll ld lltfYet ~o·,~10'"9 .l!IOOO 080 Quarter Oeldtn1 Engl ~ .. , "•b1-1 & "m1rb.. -blndinOt siz. 200 t40 R108C. bkl8 & gold, xtnl oOMd welnvt b• .. i l&O -. _-. · WHI To goo home ipt" well •Mii. ell for ... '... .. .2111-lllAA WELDERS cond. $50 642·2824 u4.•4"3 Doublt King Welerbed 0 "I y I • c r I I I c .. 100. tempt,ed gl•H ;:$ . ..,,,_ ,_, ... --·~ .,.,_ .,.. 0 • Solid Wood Fr1me w/ N1-0H5 thower Ck>Orl. tille ne-. n • .-;;;r ......... -...-e: t yr RE Coan ewp with E11perlenced pe ople Schwinn Calttntt 10 epd ~ Dining Rm Mt. h it 2 Hit ehHll 1 1110 f b th c 11 w 1ncn111•r Model 10. S&L. RE c o Of MOttg-... mike up to S 17/hr. Full/ glrle' bike, blut. 11101 Wt 1~00e~70 884• • 1-ln 1111 on Y or 0 · e 2 10 cellber. w/rwd fietld -.-~ ttm9 ...,..,lion• ev111 cond 150 642 2124 ~•nouter, •lntlt top, • 1:.~-;.-'••••••••••••••• 642•0 138· Member AC" 3XI 111r11ble ecog• tn Bnle'g, T-70 diet grow • ,..,,.. • • wt orneltly o .. 1gntct Cnrlatmea a~iet. A---A11191. '"'" l<IK wtll golO "'-Will ,2 ... , .. 1,1 •rm U ,.._... ~ ........... "'1 our pub. Call loo•y fOf Biko 10 ..,..o, girls, red wrought Iron ltge and ....,_ ........ wedd a .,.. " " "' n •-., h a r d c: • • • I & O Lii ~ Agy.lnc:. eppt sa7.'2860 I( NG MO ~· (8) New, 12500. 9olden oek drener. 4 O¥ef ~ ..:OT:::· Sew Mt1al cab lltnd .. mn TALADIO. •1111n......... H2·71'3 - 4000 Weetttty.t'tl'S-4 cng ----550-<13te m ing UOO obO Deya. orw1, oval bev mirror Mii SIOOOt080 Antwer eccen l lli• Mw tH• .,,. .. ....., I pr H••Cel itiHI. ' " Mewoot1183W190/Fr• w.--..1 """:f ._, 8 41·3098, 6 40 •010 ~79-4$4<1 --Ad 534.142-430o24hrt ~·l2f9 ---• ·-~). Nordlea bo018 (!Nftt • ~~~~~~~~.,..,. .,.... • Chrlt1me1 9''""' lo< '°' CMol Solid round 0111 &4" 2 • -.a11 -MONDAY • UTURDAY M P.M. 611&t ·07eo = Par1/tltne G typing meone 27" 10 1pC1 --f t<I k d 1 Dlemond ferrtngt ~ .. ,,. --• ---UCUAITY OUAA08· ... ellllft • mv11. l and , .. 8 c n w tnn c'on1 wi Oonulnt round Merble ~ 17~1.f' •91• dHlgn • t<1re1 1oiel louqutr11 of 30 Htllum Ill.I. .... -fll.. H•veJ' ou r••d loel•r·• 04lf ed In 1ooey'1 peper •urn• 10 PBR. 18012 11endleb11 to l e•bag ToP lbt. :H" With antl~UI __ welatll eat In Ptetl!UTI & Balloon• '9rfect fo< Ill •• "J l~4 under Ouarde, or call 8kypark Clrei., lrvlne. Need• front Alm Coit wnt peoett .. HM a ,GOid LMte •llflttquo marioeani •4 K Ootct· v111ue, 11200, occ .. tone a 11011d1y1 I • • CIH lied "Cl•? If Ml, 11131 007·2197. Security CA 021 1•. AUentlon. 1 2 3 e s e 11 t 1 o o cend1 .. 11c1i 11mp. f300 Jd~r~ .... ~~' ~-~1~m:lr~tor~-:~1_r,eflc:tt1!•11t:!IAO!~t~&oo:·~M::1~-3:0t:•·fo~e~11~v~e~re:d~1~n~'f~t~lrn:•1~·~~~~!~!!!!!~!1!!!!!LlC~'~,.~111~-~~·~-~--~ ~9enk. Pemtl•Aldl~d~ 83 1-1275 caanl4~·15?2 -~29~~0 Mf..4WI 14().4910 --'73·0 _'.!__ -rvMielflMMnl --'\. . ~ -•. I I ' \ fr.!!{~l.P!.~~ .. ,.~1 ... ,f:;k~ll,, I010 A•v~~:::. 1110 ~.'.'.'! .. 'ft~!d. ... !.~'.f ~.'.~'.·.!~r.!!~ ....... ~.".'!.'.f!!r.!!~ ....... ~-".~.!!r.!? ......... ~.".'!.'1.!'!r..~~f!. ........ ".~.~~ ........... ~.".'!!..~~ ......... .. • IL!, .II, & •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• WAITED! lllW ,,,, ,,.,, 1111 ••••-"•• ••• 11f0 ftrtl• 1111 c,,,,,,t '''' ,.,, IH• " Uo.tt S1111 UVHlhiUllJ IOI 40 1111 ••••0111 ................................................. ;.-: ................. 1 ............................................................... ,. .... ,, Tit 10 65 uu•• Nwpt Uc.h IPllllTlll l Ill• inndlll royOlll• fJ ;1 0 L!i "•Pc.I ltilllltll MOllA llllTIH1 'IO uz HO • 78 Ctl1ca. Dulo Itani llll, • tilt OUILUC 76 LIU 1 dr r•dlfl Ir nu ITllnl tl;Jl 1111 Ulli\.I. lmm•tul•le• ~:~: ,f)\~!~11• & Villi. AIC P/W Oh•UP Stereo w. ""hell.I' UelOI• you lmmac;ulatu lull ~o .... , •••rto J!oHl 1.0lld Mutt OltH llYILLI 111 .. ~1·11 C<JnO $1!100 Moth•• •hor 1 ot cull won1tu r1111141, tor Aangur MUSI HO 10 lll}P• 111101 ~llny1 kl11l I IU 500 buy t11"t-I\ 0111 unl,.1111 aunrout, •u1. lu•I tu"i.. ... 11 Ii . 64'0 ouo Ila. c,011..,,41,,1,.1,.,11 noi11o ll4' 1 jll8 nffd1 111• 10 wetau11 10 22 Sall Uout 01 blill 011 IJ3201 al!llffJ f 14 1;'0 1170 1bit •t lttllon 111vmg' fake 01111• p11y111t11I• of Roy1.t1 grilli,, ,0 ,,, m11111 & 1!> LIO l lldllv fvll JJOw t llrl h111 6·yt ·otcl ion ott 111on1111y 111111, U•Qllflll 111 000 11110 .. rv1c11 tOtlOyl U 76 56 O• ovv for $Ill, T!J~!'!I~ ••••••••• !.~~? llko nuw o MUS 1 11, •1111 C.Qn<I 111~0 In hll lvrllng cerHr 8!>5 V181 RUSS ,:.on vw UllVERllTY 0 II e M II' I y 1111 Tiil SlC• Th•• I " 01111 of Olio 11'"141163 ~.:0;h~a~t,a.~o ·~·:~ 10" ... .,1., To111r"• l&Lll I II.VICI !~~1::g·:~:: or ;min O .. VHTllLI .. 1L.~~~0wol'111w In I we ' a 0 d 7 8 w•lh 1>oa1 s •O.~ (2 U ) no-1111 28~;Tu~~r(;g~o WI '10 HOC OH futJI llljtClll<l 11r cond1 1714) 636·5790 842-4300, 24 hrs IS.411 4001> MOHL "A"al 140 1140 !12,000 o110 n11 Mu•• 11on1ng caue1111 & '" (:>13) 421·6494 ~~!~~!'. .......•. !.~!! 6~ Mv•w ry Cc.m I 6 C)'I 111110 111' I lmllod 11d11111 Hunt u oud $4!10 404 9:.tVO S S • 1 • • •"II I Gnoo •31.eou MINl Condlllon I'll ply -11veru1 1011 Hn o • •1>11 S11ory •tlPllC:lil, p1ckup1 ., WE llY vv ., " uv Mutt $1111 '700~ Call THE L.aRIEIT Remington 870 Wing· 1ivr111 1mmod mo lo mo coupoa 4 tu c hoo111 USED CARS A IRUCKt; 76 A"orcl LX n1uroo11. 79 gold Mwr t.tdta llJI 2006, II no on1we1, • master. 12 ga ~notgun No L1v11 AbOullh 11o n11 I000788J !Stk COMLINOHCALlrOA ... lftllft'!ll'!9'!'1W'!l'IPP.IMlll low m•IHgtl, 8utomat1c OS s pl~MkMptrylr'i' SELEOTlll w/cHe $220 642 0109 955·2473 wkdys A3093) Pr1Ct1• atarnng 111 FllH APP•AllAL 11 $050 557·6100 :~ CL. immoe 22. of loaltt mode• IOw mllo John Helpt TemllQfary mooring O•U H rlHI Corrrutr OellllO 7t Accord. 1111,r, 11ci... 548·87118 V•lkiw~• 1110 ·a11e C110111ae~ 1n Sou 1~ MONAllCH 6 c:yl , nec10, t.irke. ru"' ta1• $2900 ~3~1 Browning C11011, t2 gaug11 nlfflded tor 37· _bOtt. NB ONIVtttUT __ -moo . iilc;lo mi, ~ •P<f I•--------•• •• •• .;t'; ••••. •••• ••• them Cahlo'"1;.1 Sae ut trap wi case. used only 64S·171 I IL...;.. __ ,;;;;;;;;;;;::;;;;;;;;,;;iOf •3fbO 760·146!1 77 •50 SLC "r"/T•rt 1tlt VW_ VAIAIH lodoyl 75 Monarc:h 2 dr rt<I m11nua1 nan&, O·cyl, 27mpg tblt enq S 1600 650 18f3 once S485 552 7143 182 I I BEACH ESLVf> • .. .. ., ' 1.alERS t1UNTINGTON BEACH .70 Aetord !I apd, 2 dr. loll<ltO, 62 $ml 4 •Peed. sun 1001, AM/ ,. 147-Hll, 141·US1 1980 2110 LX? plus~. Low rogut11 mu1r11. AM/TM $22,SOO 073.7339 f M cu .. etlo Low mllet1 GlllLUO THEODORE rv •• ,;,, ,,.,, s111••• -fOH Bili SltlfO 1011 ••••• ' ••••• "' ••••••••• ROBINS ······"··············· DRY STORAGE Alert video ptoyer, IJ best FORD 1060 HAUOR l\\10 CO\IA MUA 641 0010 cartridges 1nc1. llkt! new. Monthly boat storage, $2411 979-2516 1111y 11ze. 24 hr secur1ty. tree launchlng Sleroo c:onsole AM/FM, IEWPOllT HHS 1H2 VW HI l\Aed11 style wlr11co1d changer s200 759.173 1 1131 llOk llJ Ir H Bl<lCk w1111 split rear win· dow Immaculate• MUST see 10 apprec1n101 (IBP0731) s-an-y-; stereo system. aii '-iiiiiiiiiiiili4il4•·•0•1ii1iiii0iiiiiiii-• In one, cass/AM·FM ro-1• cora player. speakers $175 848·9112 RV STORAGE BSR Mini stereo rec , cass Boals, also wel slips w/Oolby spkrs $400 va· available SHOO RUSS TliOA VW Torrance {213) 310-1111 1ue, sell S250 548· •823 113· 1331 '53 Studebaker Champion 5 poss cpe Nrce cor S37 SO 2131592·1792 ,..,, ' ,,.,;., ... ~!!f~~!! ......... T!~.a.·~!!~1!~!' ....... . loe4 lfe•H •attlttl- 1946 Ford Woody Wa gon. S 13,000 GtHHI 9010 Aitet•lt 11 JO "'li&i1ii"iuii'iocii"' AiRCR;;r-.;/;NTEDFOR FOR SALE Gems! Tierra Del Sol 1929 Ford Model A Town S1ldan . $10 000 675-6161 642-4644, M-F. 9.5 Realty 497-1744 INJI, N•i•llllHtt Sttvitt IOZO ............•......... MARINE ELECTRICIAN Oesign/lns1all1Repa1r Olly work 549-2520 Ev IHl1, ll•1i11t ... ~(!~~!'!! •... !.~~! Yacht Accessory New aulhenltc Brass Ships Clock, never mounted or used $250 7141522-7633 -----~ Trailer. dual a•le, good cond $350 lnllatoble 1M der good cond $200 35 11> COR anchor & line $100 968-5808 C•a1fll1 S•/1 . Ford, model A 29. Shay lt•I llZ reproa Roadster, side •••••••••••••••••••••• mounts, rumble seat . Fiberglass Shell for sm stereo. tronll rear heal· pickup, S90 645-9701. e'. P1n10 eng. auto trans. 63 1·2316 luggage rack/ trunk, lull Mitorj•-"' likei 914 cover Nr perlect• Less •••••• :.":'.•••••••••••• Iha" 4,000 m1 $7200 AMF Moped. only 400 ml, ~II 673-6474 all 5 1981 model Needs tall '56 T ·Bird, xtnl. 2nd own· light assembly Only er. Porthole, Cont. new S 195 Call anyllme 111es. chrome paml. xtra 546-7827. Ke" Adam or trans, new 312, parts Chr1s $13.000 (6191 27~·3309 Reo Bs~~u~.~m°ped 4 Witt/ D1iv11 9S50 645~0954 •••••••••••••••••••••• 81 Max•. perlecl. $400 Wiil hold lor Cllris1mas 494-8284 let110 A1chtr Mo1obecane mot111e1te FOLDING 110 lb, anll· $175 Loc'd Ru"s good '11 El4e li1rrih Gas. full d1g11a1 dark metallic blue Wfdark blue leather. 26K M1 Take 4 whl dr1ve, PU, car or wag or $3500 cash for my equny. Take over loan on bal w/no quailfy1ng 645·9190 QUI!. 1250 557-6934 673-5223 *TOP SllEll SAU All yacht access on sale Sch ock H ard w are 675·3324 IOU TRAIUIS 22 II trailer 5600. 24 It trailer S 1200 Call 213-592·2859 MoPad tor Sale $350, Good condition ---979.6646 78 CJ7 Renegade Jeep PIS. hard & Soll lops. #oto1tyd11/ $5900/0BO 968· 7961 ••• ~t.O!.~'.'! •.••••• !.'.~~ r1atb -9SIO 79 Honoa ex 5oo ;;·;;·ch~·;;;,~~·~:·~~~ custom 13,000 m1 hke campet Special pickup new S999 960·5543 All co110rhOnlrlg, AM/FM Extra large Pompane11e LIKE NE w Yamaha stereo cassene & sharp! mar lin gall new w / 200CC, Electric start 3, Asking S3400tor bU1 I a ny f r d S 9 5 OB O 000 m1 $495 545-9223 o I I er P ri Pt Y Ca II 646 005 545·6974 II no answer. •4 '11 MHIA CTlO please 1teep 1ry1ng ... ,, row11 1040 s '1 9 5 I 0 B 0 p p Toyota 76 AM/FM Ste· •••••'•••••••••••••••• S40~231 ·74 Californian, all fiber· reo casselle Small glass, 10 w/Chevy Eng Hond a 1970 Trail 90, camper snell $2175 Vansen Trailer. good under 4000 m1 Needs 673-6618 running cond. $ 1795 Pvt tune up so cheap prtce Party Call 847·5666 or o"IY $295 Can anytime 536·3008 546-7827. Keo Adam or 75 Ooogo 500 1 ·~ Ton. dual rear wheels. 14', flat bed stake $3570 55 .000 orig mites l t0236221 24 ft SKIPJACK Twit\ Votvos S 15.000 963-6477 Chris. '80 HONDA 250 XL 4000 m1 extras, run~ xlnt M UST SELL $850 548-7174 RE·SALE SALES 443 W Bay St • CM Andy Brown 6"5·2963 Classic 18' Lapstrake ~ lleitla 110 76 Chevy Lvv, nu camper Century bay boat, 4 cyl, $900 631 .8056 shell, $2900 negottable Grey $3500 675-6161 631·3607 32' Twin Diesel Sponhsh· 1981 Yamaha SR 185ct st We re = 1 1n the West er '69 Luhrs FIB, lgls, bike. Mint c:ond. 95 mpg tor New 4 used Jeep 3 K u n d e r s u 1 v e y • s750 6"5-o490 Sal8S There's a Reason 536--0321 1980 Yamaha 850 Spec•al. • Price & Selection $1 Maverick, 19', 140HP Mere, extra eng. ell fish· ing gear lrlCI. 3 yrs old $10,000 & new trlr 495·2344 IHl11 lt•I Ci•1lt1 1050 ....•................. xlnl cond, 7500 m1 w/ 000.000 '"ventory_ taring, lll"k bag & Hel· Jc e•P657 Orange """"" met S 1600 Dale ~ 'IO YAMANA IT-1111 Cctti~ Xlnt corrd W1te s bike nz• tMOt at11 com •SA $750 firm 646-2276 t11'l ~' •n 111•1 ws.mt '80 Kawask1 1000, 7.000 '72 Ranchl!fO w/shell, new miles. mus• sell, xtras paint. runs good $2500 /otr M ark $1900/otr M ark 673-3149 673-3149 mlleagu LoadPd $8000 S•200 768·113 tO llko new••~;fl3341 2600 HaibOr Blvd Top Dollar 642•928 1 Rebu 111 1101100 1916 •11 •1101111 HOSL cosTA MESA ~~!!~!I ......... !.~!~ 78 280Z $4670 5 spd CVCC cyllndttr hoed, Sllver/1llver, 8000 mi, ~ ~Jlmr\ 540-1880 Pal'd 11C:JU0!361 c o m p 1 u 1 o s 2 5 o chrome whla, m1nt1 ~ YLI" RE·SAL( SALES 646·9783 '36•000· 962•6826 2011 w lat, Santll Alltl '80 F1eo1wood Brghm 67 Whllo convert 6 cyl. Stk Shit, rac:t A/C $24 !10 9G 4 ·998S 536·9289 For Your Cart 443 W 811y St CM 80 Honda P1eludt •U ex. I•--------IH-3111 d Elegance. m1m cond ' JOM•SOI I SOI Andy Brown 645·2963 tru. like new. 28.000 ml 'll 410 SL Closed Su"day loided. moonrl, DI< ml LIHtl1-lerot1'J '80 2oosx. loaded, lo m1. S6SOO 642·8155 Moton brown, xvs Ml· Mk olr 64 5· H OO nit 75 Mustang Ale atereo. 2&26 Harbor Blv 1mmac c:ond $5600 or chellnl . elloy wheel•, '11 ltAlllT ILS 6pm auto trans. l'lew brka Costa Mesa 5410·5630 best oller 551-4810 "~,~~':,·~~:~. 4 4:00 5m~I~~: c111et1e, perfect cond 4 2 Or, 011. AM/FM stereo. r11 Eltlo liirrltz ~f7°7~ ~~n07/nj45~;;~~ HIGHEST CASH Imme· s•o11IFICEI 18700, 673·89 10 onty 44,000 tow mlles. N ew 11 res. 50 m PO ' 11 I t0'7044 12055864) 5 4 6 . 6 3 5 5 d a y s . Gas. tvll dlg11a1, dark .69 -F-dlalely tor your vehicle, t981 blue 280ZX Primo Honoa ·79 Accord LX O I 121 II& 673·5494 eves mellllic blue w/dark blue Mv8lano astback domestic or toro1g" cono GL packoge Full Brow_n. Tape dtck, alt I J !I v leather. 26K Ml lake " Must Sell Good RuM1ng 551·6285 pwr T.I01) Sll .000 cond 41•000 mi 55,300 FraKI •IZ '66 VW Bug Fixer uppe1, whl drive. PU. car 01 Co"d S 1500/obo ~.".~'!1.!~J!~~~'-~ •••••• ,, .. ,,, 1101 N&ncy 499·4602, Bus or best oller 955.3 tSO 100 S holflo Ot11I nda mmor work 4 paint wag or $3500 cash tor 546-5230 673·8494 I l200 bst otr 642·77'48 my oqully. hke over 79 Mus1on9 4 oyl, auto. ••.••••.....•......... CARS 110011 TRUCKS 176!! Avalloble at local gov't sales·. Your call refund· able 1(3121 93 1·5337. ext 22398 101 your di· 1980 Prckup, 69 K m1. Am/Fm w/equa11zer. Ra· d l als. $3900 Firm 545-0073 80 210 Deluxe. a/c, ste· reo. lo ml, xlnt cond. compl service records. $3200. PIP 675-7617 rectOly on how to pur• 1979 300 TO Wagon. Col· chase 24 11r1 or Ivory, sunroof, cass, lo All• lo•to l10S , m1 s 119~0 760-810_1 _ ••• •••• ••••• ••••• ••••• 79 o~tsun 2802X. black, LEASE A 1112 fully loaded $7,000 ALFA llOMH ITYI 650 .... 01 I $3.411 1980 Datsun 210 2-dr ,. Gooa cond Runs well, & 57 plus 1Qll per rrionth 35 mpg AM/FM cassette tor 48 months orl ap· stereo. $3,000 or best proved cr edit Cap otter. Sco11 da 540·1005 cost • $ 1 4 • 9 O O O O; Eve 5!>9·5867 res1dual·$5368 64: total 78 280 z Oat 5 spd 491< or payments-$17,684 16 m1, c/c. magi. Ivel 1n1, To start lease (1st mo"'" louvres. $5500 Eves & l1censel-$695 .42 4 '9 4 . 8 1 e 6. da y fl (025591. See us NOWI 979-0500 eitl 658 Ken IEe~f 'L~~t~!~s r !!!~!!.. ••••.••• !.~~~ NEWPORT BEACH 112-0IOO Ao di 1101 ..•................... 10 Autli 1000 Ttrlltt 1111111 co••n•s OILY AITIOlllZH FERRARI IEALlllHIPI ~~'!:::'~ :~zr~:: I~~~ "ew St3 ~0BO 6 4 5 ·1r2'1 1 Eves , 857·9684 days ~ ·75 -Au01 Fox Needs hllle 3 100 west Cout Hwy work S 1000 or best of. Newport Beach ler 857-4167 642·9405 r71 AHi FOl 4 Ill Auto New eng, trans, brakes, tires. Looks & ru"s xtnt $2250 Call anytime Ive msg , 497· 1057 74 Aud• 4 Or, sun/roof. am/Im e tr, xlnt motor. body & llrOS 545.9055 --- 79 F1a1 Spyder 2000, conv 5 sl)d. met silver, tow mt. lmmac. $5900 Call 675·2287 Audi Fox '76 2 Or. air. 75 FIA T Spyder Xtnt atereo mint S 1875 ask cond Sacnhce $1995, lor Eo 548-7245 call 760-1996 SALH-SHVICI WSIH 831·2040 4195.4949 SAllLHAOl IMW 28402 Marguerite Pkwy Mtssion Viejo tAvory E11l1 off 1·51 Open Sundays *FANTASTIC* * FIATS* tUi( srucTD PM-OMID FrAT SPURS ' FIAT X l /9's many 10 choose from For Example '11 FIAT 124 SPl>ER 5 spd, cassette. mags. dark green beauty ACP577. s3995 J1•••1 1130 MwJ ·73 Supirr .Bug. serviced loan on bat wino Quall· AC, lo m1 Xlnt cond ••'•••••••••• ••••••••• L,111 haell every 3000 ml $2300 tymg 6415-9190 63 1'5009 '6 1 MARK 9. looks like ••·1420 775 •612 XI I d -Rolls. good cond, $2975 ... n con '76 Cpe de VIie. blk o,, 79 Mustang 6 cyl h&ICl'I· obO 645-9628 73 VW convert . nu tires blk, all op11ons $3300 back P/8 , PIS A/C, •• 1 •• ,.,. "iii 1134 '72 220, auto, air. stereo. & brakes, nice co"d . negotiable 631-3607 AM /FM $3900 OBO ••••••••••!~.......... new en 0 in e , x t n t. $4500 835·3 t57 alt 4. ·72 Cpe de Ville. lmmac. 675-7720. 494·9907 '72 Ghia converllble, xlra S e 5 0 0 I 0 B 0 '73 Supe1 Bootle. orig Inside/out Blue, wht top. 67Tord Mustang Conv. nice. very lo ml radials 7141639-2880 owner. 10 mi. S2250 ne-loaded. rul'IS perteclly Whl 6 cyl. slick aht1 BeSI otr. 554·1652 • gotlable 968·796 1 Iv Price Negotiable Fae• A/C $2450 (714) LllH ~-f 131 JtC 1141. .!!'19 _ 548-5306 9 6 4 • 9 9 8 5 l 7 t 4 I •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• '16 VW oonvt whllblk '75 El Dorado Co"vertlble, 536-9289 __ _ t974 LotusEuropa,5spd. *rl,11.11 llOAIS· 361<. Mi"' cond sac'. w hi t e on w hl 1e ,x1n111anscar.blue,75,4 tape deck. 33,000ml Tiil * $5900 675-9084 oves $41,000/ofr. 673-3030 cyl, good mpg, xlnt cond $7450 (7141 796-1244 ---'-----.,_ 1 f t k4 S 495 2344 --low miles. runs like new. ·10 Bus. lo mr, looks great 'll Co11pt tit Yllle ...,s o ' a v • • ,,.,,. 1131 below wholesale blue· runs stro"g S2900/0BO Wtre wheel. excellent 01'1a;llilt 1155 •••••••••••••••••••••• b o o k 8 t S 2 7 9 5 631.J607 d s 1850 S46 559 I • •• •• • • (665-RSO) Costa Mesa ---c:on . • • • • ·····u·s··,· 5°~l • Car Co. 2167 Harbo1. Good used VW Sc1rocco 76 Seville loaded. 701< ~L •U1·1120* cylinder head Complete m1. $5500. 646·5096, wtcam and valve $150. 646-6093 Bob McCor· '8 1 Cutlass Supreme Broghm Osl ec:onomy, like new. velour int Tilt, crvrse. Sier cass, 6 wa')' spilt pwr seat. pwr ooor 646·9783 m1ck "" 1144 .•••••..•.•..••.•..... '77 MOB, new pa1n1, 109, llreS':' Perl cond 5 7 K I Set K1Ck·ou1 ~ rear window Wllh hardware $75 646·9783 $4150/obo. 673·4223 '74 Bug. xlnt cond, $1800 HI US ~ -----& take over final 10 JOI YOUI OM/ 1146 p y m t s ( $ 1 2 1 8 0 I ,.JTM.&104. .r.····•••••••••••••••• 551·4261 or 964-1741 73 Opel GT, orig owner, -----""If I 36.000 mr, $2800. ·79 Osl Rabbit. dlx 11d111on, WM -.. "' 548-2379 45,000 mi, 5 spd. 2 dr, · fAClml •---------50MPG. "ever scratch 1H•HI 1141 R un s I an 1 a I 11 c 111SllMlfl.USllll(UMSWI •••""••••••••••••••••• 14 150/ofr. S.-8·7245 1982 Peugeot 505S Turbo -- 19 R~ very lo ml, load· ed Best oller 841·2062 diesel, 5sPd. silver/blue '70 VW being turned into 30,000 ml. No trl eve or a B11a. incomplete $700 aa1 cells. 640-2947 or trade 646·3192 alt 6PM. 1llitit . 1150 '66 Bug rbll ong • gd 78 GLC Auto trans. a/c. •••••••••••• •••••••••• cond xlnt transportatron o m /Im raaio . 2 dr MEISTER car $1,350. 642-8717 hl Chbk $2600 obo, ~Bug 30,000 m1 on 673·5254 PORSCHE/llDI tral'ls 4 eng. N-brakes. 13631 Harbor Blvd. AM/FM cassette S 1750 Garden Grove (7 141 962·0694 lalts·ltnlH rH SQHllHACI Lt11i1c New paint. rebll eng. 10 l 14 131·2333 mi. 52100 675-0668 ---------·75 vw Convert bug. '76 91 l S. Silver, Black, Yellow/ black. btaup .. mint cond. 46K miles. am/Im tape. 13900 HB C•••10 1111 lock & windows, padde<I .•••••••••••••••••••••• Vt(\yl top. $5875. ph 79 Z28, lully equipped, 9614•2 123 P.P T·top. a1r, blue on blue.__ __ nu tires lo ml, $5900 r10 C11tl1ss S11p. lr1• 968·7961 2 dr 33 000 m1 LV·S 8o Z26, 350 e"g Auto crea~ 4 ·camel. landa~ AM/FM cass AIC. X11as. roof. plush 1n1 , wrre whos Xlnt cond. 67K ml $6, pwr e11eryth1ng, cruise 000 548-7989 cont. am/fm/cass. Orig owl'ler Like new $7500 Cinroltl llZO or make oller 966·0426 • ••••• •••••••••••••••• 69 Olds Toro $600/obo SEE US FIRST! Rehable tra"spor1a110" We have a good selec· ~6-84~-­ tlon of NEW & USED Cullass Supreme Broug· Cho.,-oleta! ham. 78. loaded Xtnt COHHRl CHEVROLET ·~..._,_ ~I .1 • '• .r h • '"']\\1~>\ !>4&-' 200 cond Best otr takes 495-2344 !!r!'!!~!~.-: ...... !.~~! * '12 IWlllACllA * auto, 6 cyl. 1mmac. low miles $2495 (955XNZI ·7~ El Camlno. looks Costa Moaa Car Co gOOO, runs great, $2300 2167 Harbot. negotiable 1)3 1·3607 •Hl·IUO• '77 Chevette $1675 • sl)d, -. -air (002SLll 72 Ouster. 5 cyl. 2 door, RE·SALE SALES au1oma11c $550. Rebb11 '77 di><. 2 dr. 4 sl)d. 443 w Bay St c M -960_·60_3_5 __ _ 208 W 1st, Senta Ana '80 111 1 SC Targa, blue. a11, am/Im Flawless AnOy Brown 645·2963 1••1i•t lllS fully loaded. SI 6,000. 846-11549 Call 631·5079 111-3111 loaded, lie;. 10/83 Co"s cond . $2750 Ned 65Cllev Nova 6cyl.new ~···•••••••••••••••••• · Closed Sunday trade. 642·138" PI P 548·7245. paint 80K orrg ml am/ 8 1 Gran Prix, H K ml, __ --------__ _ Im ~ass complet ely loaded w/extras seooo Mefcedes Benz '78 SC Targa, lhowroom '69 VW Squereback, rabll s t 0 ck ·x 1n 1 c 0,, d or bst otr 752·8861 SllP &Htll Fiil ~~~~~·. 3~~1ym1s2'~.'~~05 ~~~;, 1;,~::: :~1t1o. b,ru~s s11so11>st otr 950.1122 n Grand Pw ... cm ste-TIE lllT llY 968·796 1 g ood _ body good 80 Meltbo tully equipped, reo 11lnt cono $2400 then checltwllh us We'll s1350 645•2065 3 1K ml, $•lOO. below OBO 548·0612 leave showyouovor47 superb '7 4 914, c atm paint & 7 mess used Mercedes Benz In rime, lowered. 66K orig. '60 VW Vanagon, $8,250 Blue BOOll. 63l-360 --------- stock lnspeci, Select & ml, getting m 8frled Lo m1, AC, AM/FM cass, ·7el;;;pa1a, " dr. 49,000 1968 Porr11ac LeMans. Teat Onvet Consider 60 12/12, must Mii by tlle11. mag Wiiis. new htes xlnl mi. •tn1 cond $3250 •l"t cond '1000 Obo mos purchase wt sens-15500 obO high or low cond 7 passenger 842·8199 • 5"48·7258 or 67S-0750 Ible pmts or allOW us to lmmac. car, must aee. 673·7388 80 Monte Catlo. lmmac . 75 Salar1 4 dr wagon.'"· tailor a lease to au1t your Dys 633·8290, ~a alt 6 70 vw Campor New 36K, 811 pwr. loaded. gooo llres. trlr hitch, runs needs Up to 2 yrs/ 24. 1-351.0865 Doug llrea. br akes multler S5SOO/obo 759-0980 well. 1800 646-8556 or 000 miles warra,,ty 1111 121 hrsollt AM/FM 30 mpg. s 1500. 650· 1304 MtMH tf l•Jtrts, IH E•traordmary 5 speed. 644·8256 r17 MtlTt C&lllt ·74 i:--.,-.-b,-rd~s""1.,.1-:-so-=--o-b-o Otal 714 or 213 Cu sto m Blac k lmron •5 6 v w B A J A BUG Clean. 350 eulo. S2000 Runs and IOOks go MERCEDES Pflnt. Blacit leather Int. l600cc 1966 eng wrlh 3400 Irvine Av, Suite 646-8'422 ltrctllH ltll -1b1ack leelher Recaro 2000 miles since rblt 218 N B. 662·2262 fiH,tt)lt' 111' Y6~r End Sale Id eat C sea ta. Tinted S 1600, 540· 1858 Ci1.,llt1 llZS •••••••••••••••••••••• -wi ndows. Polished ... I•••••••••••••••••• '84 T-Blrd, while. lo mt. Sales·Service-Leas1ng A a k us ab o u I the wheels w/new Plrotll V1/r1 1112 '80 Cordoba T ·Top $5350 mint cond. 1 owner '78 FIAT IAlfordable w•y) to boy • tires Custom Ads Al· •••••••••••••••••••••• ( t38ZYZI loaded 493·3063 494.0196 Christmas Boat Parade, Newport Harbor Oec 17th thru 23rd Ralph Hullma" 837-7008 TIE EICITlll 1111 ... ~ ·79 Yamaha 650 Spec:1al 77 Oatsu" long bed 1•"E AHIVHI Low m1 Gd cond Runs Truck. lowered. sell or 11• 124 SPUR Me<eedes Benz pine 1ound eysttm :t 1 VtlH lt1ltr RE·SALE SALES Ji•-Clt•tlS CuttonH1eeur11Y ~t-tr tr .. 1e Otnt,f 4'43 w Bay s1 C.M-A•tn Uffl Racing Red, 5 spd, I .&a Radar detector Private ·~··· Andy Brown 645·2963 •••••••••••••••••••••• •·-ti S•i'I 10~0 great $600 Cell trade 642·5370 A HANDFUL OF 1982 .,.. ' " 662·2791, 548-1037 ----MODELS REMAIN AT ••••• •••••••••••••••• 58 International. Crew SUBSTANTIAL SAV· Udo 14 lull raoe. like new .. B S Jri $2000 Oys 997.501 1. 1110101 1at1, •I Cab. flat t>ed, Xlnt en· INGSI eves 496· 1436 IHI 1$tol•ft l f g1ne, needs body work 4 * '75 5301, euto • su" ••••• :r ....... ••••••••• a,_ windows Sacr11lce' roof (10VK3101 LOOll•I FOii Outdoor Storage. Boats, $2751090 631·2064 * '76 2002. 4 spd . sun A OMlllSTIAS ~~1:~~:1~r :i~8~411t.;~~~u VHI 1510 ':0!7~5i:o~~1auto , sun WEii ---------······················· 1oot. (7008) Tile Laser Store 1st an· fr•iltll f1•rtl 111 '64 Foro Van Economical * 79 3201, 4 al)d., sun ••••••• 41. • • • • • • • • • • • • • 6 cyl $800 nuat Chrrstmas clearing 12' Travel Trailer, livable 675·7496 root. (9321) ~b~~r1ds 1;·6~t· ~vs;! for camping etc: 5225· 1976 Oodge-S-po-r-1s_m_a-n, !c/?40~~1· auto ' sun 1educt lons. 824 West 646-0368 Iv mess lo mi .. clean, 9 passeng· 111-3171 18th SI. CM. 642.0846 rf!!!!!'.f •• ~tjf!'l..!.l.t er. $5400 651· 1078 208 w. 191, Senta Ano Par1norlhip In Ericson 35. 1611 ww flatbed trailer, 75 Dodge Van. skiers 1 ___ c_1_0 .. _d_S_u_n_d_a_Y __ r ~ for racing, erui.,. twin ule $ 1300. specielt Clean, 6 cyl CHOICE INVENTORY Ing. Slip '" N-porl Call 846-3118 $2600 642·88711 VOLUME SALES Leslle 979•7543 eves 6_tt_x_e_t_t 011 steel trailer Aotll WHIH ISIO . ~ Wlldemess-21. '78, 6 win· Heavy duly tir es w/ •••••••••••••••••••••• ~ ~~e:is ~:i~s. P~~~P•o~. spare $345. 494-2695 WE PAY IO I I 0 LIRE I $7500 213·592-2563 Aal• S11ric•, 1•11• TOP' DOLUR llW Prindle 16 wltrlr. gooo I ktfllltiti H 0 RS cond. S 1850. 669-9779 Iv •••• ••• •• • • • • • ••• •• •• • FIR llEI A Seles-Servtce-Leeslr>g PAINT & Ille body WOl'k, Al •• ...... 626 So. Euclid Ave. _m_so~------up to 50% ofl your HI ._ -Fullerton WEST WllllT NTIEll Bill a..2-01001969-1221 PtlTIAO/ltl&llt (114)110-1100 Trlr. Genoe, $3500 Two new tower·badc van 2480 Harbor Blvd Open Sunday 1·780.0501 MllS In orig c:.nons. 3 COSTA MESA 12 11 Boat traikl!, Seers way •d i .. swivel pe· 141·4M Good cond. Adaptable dostata, S200 b oth Ul-1411 1260. 675.•8125 641 ·0525 S•bot. 81111 cond, $350 4 wide Goodrich TIA ra· WE llY Barberella loldup bike dlats & white western OLEO CARI ,150. 546• 0489 or rims. llke new. low ml •II TllOIS 93S.6568 Fits Toyota or Oateun ,. truck 1 350 080 PHOENIX SABOT 546·7330 or 540-5538 xlnt CO(ld. S700. 7 NEW TIRES 875-3739 950x 16 5. 10 pty, S600 S.ilM1'1 1115 u Sll for all 5S&.o998 COHHELL CHf YPOlf".' "~ '\. ' . f \I • Tllll• ... , We need your tr•CSe-lnt Cell or -our uaed ctr manegef. Wolfgang Jurl• nek, tor hlgheat bldl Liii IUll llW S11e1-Servk:•Le88lng 3670 N. Cherry Ave. . LONG BEACH 114 111·1110 m ag s, stereo/Tape •ll•n• own8' $19 900 Wk da llJll•iiiiiiillillli!!lil Mint cond. ( 1296). Author1zeo dealer 2 13/592 ·." o' 2 5' 0 r SALES, IHVIOE c .. ,;.,,.,., 1130 . $4995 1301 Quell St Nwpt Bell 714/846-7303. Eves and All.LlAllll .•••••••••••••••••••••• NA~~ 833·9300 2131623-5000 wknds 7141842·203 t OVERSEAS DELIVERY 76 Cont Mark IV, fully equipped, $3700 negoti· CAD L' "'' • MERCEDES 59 PORSCHE COUPE EXPERTS able. 631-3607 . ~ ., '79 FIAT WAITED s58%iglnali2~~Zs~~1 1o HllU II(( '67 Continental 2 dr, orig. CLEARANCE 2000 t'DM\rn "Ol "O complete. great parts '11"~1\ '77 PORSCHE 924 • w c er . make o 11 e r 5 spd, AM/FM •1eteo li1lte1t hllan Pait!. Looks great. evnroot 1966 Harbor Blvd 553.0888 645·5262 ~:~··r::':":~1.B~~~ &~I ::~·or ~er.. sss50 12 13)592-21 10 1a~1oiT1A :4~t41'1 C.1n111 1132 '441( (571'0) 637·2333 '76 S Targe. whlte/blk, ••••• , ....... ••••••••• $ h•H tf 1.,.rts, IH atc, 60K, s 13,soo or r14 Vtht W11H 1HHIHmt 59l95 trade 673-4223 Excellent condition Blac k w/ ten leotl'ler _ 1111 •HOllEI 210 '72 T Cpe, dk blue, blk. 548·6620 intl!flor. Low miles · like You must SEE this one• 7'•· cass )(Int cond .. 73 Station wagon 145, N-11 11EYB326J 'IO FIAT (2 t0181. Pric.cs right at S8000 673-4223 Good Cond ., Auna Gooo $ 11,HI 2000 SPUR llLY lllft S150064C>-03881v meu ~~ 5 apd, etereo , megl, Jt• IU-1 .'~7 39~ ;u~~ (~;~~R~ '69 Volvo, not a scratch, ~ Y~ amoke orev, 1 owner. lllPtlTI 1775GMO) runa superb The best 208 W 111, Santa Ant 27K ('4345), 1301 Quall SUMI '64 356C Conv (ZZX4001 c ar s 149 5 wlll b uy IH-11'11 $699·5 NEWPORT BEACH w .. 1port PorlChe Inc; 5-4_8_·7_2_4_5_____ C10Hd Sunoay HI-I* 645-8272 ~!~'.'1.IJ!!!........... '14 CHVmt ·91 3e:> SL. 7000 ml. W11e 1·.-711-9-1-1..,.S-:-C-. _su_n_r_oo-t.-a-t-c. llHlll IHI Stiver 4 black, T·t01), 350 r71 FIAT Xl/9 ~f:~~2.:;1~00010Bo. pwr wndws, rto11111e11 c~~;·;n··;·;;;·N;~;;;ri ~~l~e ~~~~uf.:9~8.3~~ Bright Yellow Beauty mirrors. lt•ther, cruise. Soec:h'• llneat aetectlon 662•2262 with 4 1pd, 11treo. 1112 Ullflll 2211 stereo. loaded. ••res. 0 1 previously owned 1--------- mega ('42220) (82115). Thia one I• a c I• 8 n · S 1 7 • 9 o o · Po,.cht'a Audt'a and "'4•1 1135 $ 32 9 5 bergaln 11 631-•121. 646· 1030, Voltlrw•oen• •••""••••••••••••••••• .., em/Im. air, ex cond. New •• Ly .l •• I 642.fl177 ft! 1 ·77 Dodge Aspen Wagon, M• l•lrMAlll '81 011SC. sunrool. 1/c, lfJ ... tires brakes, tune vp. '71 FIAT Xl/9 .,.._.. pwr wndws, right/left ... '3000 OBO 661·0196 or tllPllTI mirror•. m1111ng eng/ 445 E Coall Hwy , 67s.2216 Ernie 4 IPd. metatllc orange. 1301 Oullt Street t r a n s S t • • 2 O O Newpof1 Beach Faclory air, 1tereo NEWPORT BEACH 93 1·472 1. 6"6· 1030. 673.()9()0 tari, m~e. Only 431( 111·1• 842·6177 11 11 true you can buy m .(lBU 707). '81 MeroedH 500SL, l1a11lt 11S5 IMP•lor s.44'through th8 *" SOOSLC s27,9501 '71 Renault. R16. $600. the lacll todayt Call olr.4'94-0 107 Rune great 312-7412-1143 Ext 47311 1111 IHO ...........•.•••...... '71 FORD Maverick Gooo col'ld. 3 n-tires, econ. H60 494·3~ 11 SALE! 1911 CADILLAC IL DORADO ltARRtTZ (ICTR002) s15,995 1980 CADILLAC ILDORADO COUPI (IACL799) $12,995 1979 CADILLAC SIVILU (392YPS) s11,495 1911 CADILLAC COUPI DI VILLI ASTIO ROOf (1AHL538) s12,995 $39~5 $37.950/olr, 'JO Mer· •••••••••••••••••••••• U.S Government? Get ..... •an'I fht BniOf oncttion 536-9525 COPEN SUNDAY) A•lll ,,, l•l• ti.HIT fht Best of Prict. 1"1 l•ll• lnH 115' • .,. -.iuu .. ............ ... ... .... ---------· ~41>-I 200 Grell C hrlstmu 0 111. Cuatom Se.llboerd. b1r11 aall, brand new oond. USO 646-7200 ev. •••••••••••••••••••••• ... HYll •1a111 11111. •••••··•1••••••••••••• "111&&.l IALEI" '75 L TO $1390 (043M01) '78 Pi n t o St890 (699UZDI '80 Falrmo"t W•oon S367()(1~H02181 1979 CADILLAC COUPI DI VILLI (104YSO) Wknda '91 t ·Blrd $53&0 (18WV0$7) •M:oo~~Si~0I:fif ~~~.ct~~~'! 'c'.;~:~~· . $ _. ¥tNclH ••194 =~~ ~~=:·i: ·•1 DlALU IN U.Sl. ·eo Ctlrysltft Topcordov• ADVERTISERS ' ' ' -.---.'S (""'31•) ~ 1114'1, Au i't -.._.,' '"" v 1382ZYZ loedtd Curll• Hawk aallboard Tile price ol Item• ad· Aeil for U/C MGR Salet·S.vic.-1.eetlng OllHI rACT.., PllOll Tl llll . . All lnctu<M powei', tuto. Exoellent c:ond. ~tl.aed by venlcie deal· M• llUfll MmalD -klll• '81 Ford Thuode+'bifd air 4l 1550. 631•5238 tvel ere In the vthk:le ctaaat· D""tV CARVER· FMT.t-.. -" 000 ''" 1BWY057 RE·S"LE SALES Ii.cl 8dllef11alng column• Vtl.llWllll l'L/I ..... Tl ~-1111>N1..,..ill'lllMllt. •I, m " ..,,,, Ill,. does not Include any ti)· 18711 Beac:h Blvd IY"'<I 1c tw~·""'"-"' 1301 Quall St,... ==:·""°,.._"';"' U 3 W. Bay ST. CM ,,... "11 plleabl• •••••• llcenN, HUNTINGTON BEACH ~:.::.~.;~;;: NlWP<>f'T MACH ... H360 EACH Andy Brown 6411·2983 •••••••••••••••••••••• tran1ftr lee•. finance Ml·llll ~ • ..,.. 11111...,..... Ill-.. • 'H Aollt Royce Bentley Buy • Stlt • Tlllde '72 Oren Torino. rvn1 & BOAT SLIPS AVAILABLE. chargee, , ... f()f •Ir l>Ol·1iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiillMir.iiiiiiiiiiii;;-St, •Int COnd $19,600 ... ~ 8ay c took• good. P/S, AIC. HewpottBMCh.211'.28'. lullon control dtvlct1• ........ -. '72 Mereedee 280Sli 4 5 11633-4242 acrotew,;.om ~obl~' redlel tlrH l t060 30'. 36'. 40', & 45'. Celt cer1111c111on• or dealer WI WILL llY '78 530I At. (631UETI a.. 10_ appr9Glate. Dari! ,, ... --t••• ,Of'd Perta 1 lefvlce '47·4212 842·41844 from 9·5, documentary prepert· T• •••1 '79 320i I lk. '643XUI) ..,..,. '8000 840-71t4 -.. ••• • 1 M FI 'ton Ch.'"'• nl••• -' •. ~.. • ••••••••••••••··~··••• Andy lrown 145·2"3 y '80 Future Ghlt, lo m. on-r • • u Wt wlll "'"' """' ctr w/ '79 320i ltk (523)(T\I) S •-...,..L-..i.... "' k b II SLIPS AVAIL. Huntington fi:!':,~~..:eellled by pre c I 0-~· ,,-It m I• 'lt 320i At. (tl3XVN) 71 FIAT 124 lf)lder Conv 7J.~cedttconott~ °'"81 -:~~--"' '8#t fllf ~~rb1,1':·c "~el~~ w~lai H • r b o u, 1 a y, o • ---------• preciOUI gem Monet 11 ·eo 320! Stli (2&4ZUSI 5 9Pd. new IOCI. new ~· 531-4207 --•••••••••••••••••••••• 1St50 t75-47 lt '4().&$45, '4•77te, 1-1 b:C'' aln1 rlllOI CMttm" la 'IO 320! At (l>10ZVA) IO• p11n1, nda en g, -'76 APOllO. 4 dr, pe, pb, _ ~---- p M I • .• 0 . 4 0. 7 . . ...... ,~. '' OC'ln'llncll Ctlt Wiii or 881· LM..... 11950. 875·2172 '74 •50 SL. lfn/lfn. both u1 .... -•• 110, 350 auto 11000 l1'MIW "'· 714/t.,, 1•1" ·-•• ma 4tl 0 1744 (714) ........ 790 loPt. IOc*• ""'· 111,0001---------.,...-firm 6H-t5lt •n Mo~eroll, t cyt, 3 , _:·..:..:...Bey .··,·0·;:·,·~~::•8•:•:•0••,•t. ~~~~~·~~~~I 12131 U7·S4t4 Cl 1 d d m l, 115,460. ev ... l ·I , ... ,, 110 #l • .1m.. /!.If epd, Hmpo. red, '"'' a; 30."m.'Mt'. H&OO. ·30 ca"b~IOltt. ~ •• d lneal)entlvt. me· Trtc»ln• Wt!COme t •n~:!,'e,o : ~:.:r: ::1·.:012!;; ~mag :g·~AEssioA.WAOON~ ~-:m......... ... ~~_,.._ .. _ .. ___ --:'.I &Ide tlee 16-24ft S7tt. 13960 W/tfllde A400 Cltt chenlcany \OUnd trucll Merdl to yovr PNM to o-eoe or ytrCI ..... n·e • >Cini c:onc1 New tlftt Aek Itel ~ O. v•. fM\1 '7t GreMda ISS 4 dr t lweltt A non t ·& IOI' pr '31 front lendtf'• Cell t46-t7' 1 and lea~ plflCll 1 rett-.c:tW!G ~ Nlttr way 10 tell m0te went AO Help? f7 600. 'c"ll o w ner grMt. Needl IOfM body 01 Lo 1111 Gd oond &48.-1501 8754171 mag llt'8d Id 84t·M71 peopflll IMl·5t7t 842·I07t "'11. IMO 4'7.eJH _ l*I M f-tOt& ~. .. • 58995 1912 CADIUAC PLllTWOOD llOUOHAM CtEA~I '14,995 Ofter Good T'hru Mondey, 12·M2 ' I HEARD soMeoNE ON TV SAY THAT TJ.tE WORLD IS 6ETTIN6 WORSE EVERY DAY NANCY NANCY--WILL YOU TAKE FIDO FOR A WALK?~n; .. 12-1 IUNDAY..otUM81•S.1tH • II cunt THAT'S RIDICULOUS! 4 . . HOW COULD THE WORLD BE 6ETTIN6 WORSE WITH ME IN IT? EVER SINCE I WAS BORN ™E WORLD MAS SHOWN A DISTINCT IMPROVEMENT! By Ernie Busfimiller I FEEL 50 LAZY TODAY ---I'M EXERCISING · HIS TAIL GARFIELD ® I LOVE. FLOWE.RS/ I LOVE TO Tl PTOE TMROUGH iULIPS DIVE THROUGM DAISIES Jim Davis ~ . ROMP THROUGM ROSES r-·..--------------------.--------~--------~----..-----------..--. i VOOR CAT BROKE•M, PU'T SOME YOO BOOGMT'E;M, 80DD'r' PANSIEe ON TME TAB, TOO DENNIS THE MENACE _ ... By Hank Ketcham AJ.l.. IHE WAY BACK 10THE PEA.SON THAT NAIL.ED IT? lHAT~UY DOESN'T PROVE Ml.JC.Hf '-'1.JDGE P4RKER CHARLEY'S LOYALTY WAS TO YOUR THAT'S THE ONE REASON WHY I CAME DOWN HERE! I WANT TO REMIND THE DISTRICT ATTORNEY THAT CHARLEY ' FATHER, TONY!. WHEN IT WAS OBVlOUS THAT HE WAS GOING TO DIE, CHARLEY WANTED TO GIVE STATE'S EVIDENCE! I WOULDN'T HAVE ANY IDEA ... UNLESS IT'S TO PICK UP A MARRIAGE LICENSE! ' DESERVES SPEC\AL .-- CONSIOE~ATION FROM THE COURT! MEANWHILE SAM, THAT LETTER IS FROM THEMANAGER OF THE SPOP-TS PALACE! HE SPECIFICALLY STATES THAT COUNT.,V eov LUKAS HIMSELF ASKED ..-----·---~ THAT YOU BE SENT THE -6UT I DON'T ~NOW FOUR TIC~ETS FOR HIS COUNTRY eov CONcegr! LUKAS,G~IA! <l<J<l ANO YOU KNOW THE OTHER REASON WHY WE CAME DOWN HERE, DON'T YOU? • -. ; : . . . . . . , . . : . .. . -,. ... -" -~ .. ::: . . -. .. = . : . -.. . . : . . .. !I • ( • • . --...-. : i ' : . 1 HAVE TO 11:.ll. QOO 1Mf ~ OONE A REMARKABLE JOB IN PREPARIN& FOR 7RE ~E MAADE , MR. DINl<J£ ! MOUN TA JN f?ANGES .. . RIVf:RS ... RAILWAYS .. . HIGHWAYS .. . CAPIT,ALS ... . CANALS .. . STREETS .. . CftOSfW~&.ttS .. . HAVE lX:>U SE.EN 1-fAR"Q A~D:t; I DOM'i REC.AU.. A~ 'TAKE A LOOK IN 'THE 1· EVER MAKING A PAPIER-ANNOUNC.E~'6 B007H . MACHE.' ·MODEL OF 'THE. etnr«: FAAADE ROUTE ~! · ~ EXTREMEL..lJ REAUsnc. ! MY "R,ATIONAl- <1E'OGRAPMIC '' IT'LL. BE A PLEASURE 1-4,AVING lHIS ON MY REFERENCE ,.J.ollllll'!"' ....... YEH·· IT SURE TELLS YA EV~~YTHIN<& _,, You1D WANNA SHE:LF ! IQloW •.• HE.'5 STI u.. wrm 'THE ~E.PRE.5E~TA11VE F~N\ 1HE 10URNAME.N'f OF . f<"l)5E.5 WNLMl1'f E.E. ! WEL.L, I'LL 6E ! Tr'5 •MICHAEL U\NOO'l AND KEll.4 L.A~GE f DOCTOR SMOCK By George Lemont -CJ ,, .. .ACCORPINCS -ro SINS-fSIN, IF YOU weRe IN A SPAceSHIP -rRAVet.-1 NS A.-r -rM!.!! SPE!E!P OP J...ICSH-r, YOO'P AC"rUAL-l-Y • Ge-r A MINOn:! YOONGeR eveRY .,-weN-rY-FOUR PAYS.' \ .. • •• ···-·-I .. Lii ID B L. e w ~e 8 s b&t -i~ ,. I I .. 00 '1::>U FEEL L.11<.1! 90Me Ft>A::ORN• .-- J . c"'-• .. . .. ..... . . } . ~ \ \ -CAN YOU TRUST YOUR •YISf ,..... ere at ..... Ila ~tffer-._.. ............. llt IMts __ _. ....._ ....... .... -6GIY CH Y9" ffM ....... , a.di ...................... . •lutftlW tteiqel 'f ~IMtl -e 'S .... , ..... " drJ .• ·~·1 WJY '( ....,..,w '' '" ..... , ·~1 •1111 ..... ) .• :-....,10 '&l)unrrn5~cr Wllnlltrll@ (.!) -------by HalKaufMa•------- • TRAVIL. &.Ml Senta eeta ........ ~ ,... ........... ......._ .. ~. llut wMt ...... of *°"'°""' • eatoca....-wlttl Mctt ef tt1e ..,......_, 1. Clndenlle. 2. JIMll. a. 1carw. TRllTRIMS TISTWITSI Hel,1 laftta'1 elf abowe would Ilk• to trllft tttl1 Chrlstrnes t,.., buf II P"Uled by the telk. Ornements beerlng the numbers 1· to 9, lncluai~. are to be arranged on the "-'• branches In a tri.ntular conforma· tlon, with Heh of the figure's sldn totelllng 17. Ttne ot the or· Mments ere already In pl~. Can you help position the rest? Rflnemt>er, each side Is to totel 17. Cor· ner pe»ltlons figure In two sides. netch. ~ 't'6'l'l't"C 'l 'f 'I , .. "'° .... l•~JIOI) _/ •.LaQOedlv1.1 ....... n.6.C.,..lnVllleof ._,_,... 't 'll ..... f ..,... ............ C ...... '1 '11->ut~ I e MHr Thl1I Placie en .., et one et'CI of • flreplece kll and tcretch ... '""' tnd with• pl,,, Don the ICIUftd """through? Give tt •try. e NW UWt ............ to 9lve •cit tr•lldcNld U, llut IHlll •II .. M. ff a. tlvet eedt ... 12, IWU Mve U left. Mlw Ml"Ytr•ndchildreft "91 hef _,...._._.! e Rldd ... Me-1'ttlet W"9 hu-e white bHr-d, Nd IU1t end wellta et en lf'91t? llente Cleu1. WhAt did St. Nick buy at the gift lhlp? Ntdt·lu~ckl. Whet don 1 ~ .Ute buy et e gift lhop? NlctteHNCkl. IY 18 • • 19 CHICK POINTI Adll~ .... tty: 1-IM. 2-U. blw. ~Y ..... 4-Lt • ........._ S-FlellL .... u ....... 7-Dk. ........ I-Ill ....... f-.tMroon. 1 .... lll. ,..,..., 11-Lt. trey. 12-Lt. .......... " SPELLBINDER -. ICOlll 10.C: fir Ullnl all the - lettenln _,.MIDwtoform two~• ...... : LIOALISM . -... . ---,. · THIN score 2,...... Mdt for ell ..,. of four .....,. w more tounct ..... ttle lettlt'I. Try ..................... . 'lttw'*I:_...,......,. ' ' by Lynn Johnston .----------...--------------....... JUST LEf ME FlNle,H1RlS,ELtZABElt·l···AND Tt\EN WE,LL DO SOME.TRING- N\CE IOGETRE.R ···OK? 11-r I kffiT - UP, MAMA! WRNNA BEON YouR L-AP !· QK:-WE'VE. HAD A NlCE. CUDDLE- ~ NOWlUUST WANTlO FlN\SH .... IC • 1 I I - ~ j = I I . j r I MOM ANO PA1RlCK ARE. oJt CMll~~ ~~lN6, OAO, ~O l'L~ 6£, COOKlt4<. OINNl,ft A6A\~! 1~~1'~ untA1 \'M l~Rl\O o~! GORDO SHOE By Gus Arriola by ~acNellv aR MULTI-MIUICW m.LAR ~ELEClbfG, nw£n'tG~ " • I was only doing what 1 was told. I was only followtng orders. I'm SOITy. I didn't mean to. I wa~ only trymg ·to hefp. llilJNlllt WHY . AMERICANS LOVE TO ~canwork on 'Such a beautiful day? LIE By Sam Keen ...... AN INIDVllW With LANA ,..... ..• f f I I 1 SUZANNE MITCHELL ulce president and drrector. Dollas Cowboys Cheerleaden What happens to a woman once ahe leaves the squad? -R.M .• WUmington, N .C. In the past. some have left for the bnght lights of show biz. but they soon find that when the name and uniform no longer surround them. the lights dim. However. one member of the 1977-78 squad. Tina Gayle Hernan- dez. has a regular role on TVs CHIPS. LAINI• KAZAN, /ealured fn the film My Favorite Year You've been on many talk shows lately. Do you enjoy apllllng your private Ufe on TV? -G.R., Lorain, Ohio I used to loathe talking about myself. now I just dislJke It. Before I appeared on Broad- way l was concerned about my Image. But when I fatled and everyone In show bust· ness knew It , I felt I had nothing to lose. What the heck. I went right ahead and spoke. It has given me free- dom of sorts. There's nothing anyone else can say about ~._ .... -· me. It's all been-.aakl..- Cover Illustration by Mort S«nd the quudon. on a po«conl, to "AM,~ Family W•kl)I, 641 Lulngton Ao. .. New York, NY 10022 Well poy $~for publWted quadotu. Sotr)I. IH can'r °"""' OIMn. PROM THE "ASK" EDITOR MASS APPEAL: Rumor has it Tatum O'Nal has been looking into Catholic In - struction. ever so quietly, whk:h causes fnends to be· heve that her romance with Anthony Shrtwr. son of Eunice and Sargent. Is really serious .... Richard Starkey Sr .. father of ex-beatle Ringo Starr, is still a window clean· er in Crewe. England. In case you wo ndered. the Beatles never sent each other birthday cards ("None of us is sentimental." explained George Harrison). And did you know that. when they were starting out , the group entered only one talent con· test. and lost -to a woman making music on a set of s poons .... FROM FRANCE wrrn LOVE: In Nk:e, where the new J ames Bond film. Never Soy Never Again, is being filmed. the local press complain that Sean Connery is surro unded by more secwity than Is af. forded any head of state Tatum O'Neol: lkneath that oolm SVtfac~. Is tht. lltt~ darling going through •cotechlsmic:'" change? . . . Jlhan Sadat, widow of i------------------------4 Egypt's assassinated Anwar Sadat. Is preparing for her Ph.D. She's not wasting any time either: She gets up at 5:30 AM., and studies for 10 hours straight . . . . That dastardly fellow we love to hate, I.any H.em•. sea hlmtelf as a 70-year·old J .R. ("Do/las Is an Investment for retirement," he says). per· haps In a wheelchair -and ..lidlJ very mean . . .. PERSONAL P~RFOR· MANCE: The cast of Broadway's Annie has per· formed often before both the Carter and Reagan White Houses. Here Is a com· parison of the two Ad· minislTalions from Annie creato r-directo r Martin Chamln: ''When the Carters called. they'd request Annie first. and add. 'make sure Daddy Warbucks comes too.' Now the Reagans ask flrst for Warbucks and Annie is the one who 'comes too."' ... If ever a nasty remarl( Is tossed In Brooke ShJel•'s dlrectton. she says she handles It quite nicely, thank you: "I don't fight flre with fire . I stay nice, because I know who I am." KBlllETH JERNIGAN praident. NOltonol FederotJon of rhe Blind Owr the next 20 ~. what new technology will become .vadab&e to _.... the blind? -V.O., LM \legM, Nev. Talking clocks, calculators, computer terminals and ma· chines that translate the printed page to spoken words are a few. The real problem of blindness. how- ever, Is not lack of eyesight. but lack of opportunlty due to mlsconc.eptlons by the publk and the blind them· selves. f o rtunately, the public and the blind alike are realizing that with training the blind can compete equally with others. (For Information. contact the National Federation of the 8'nd, 1800 Johnson St., Baltimore, Md. 21230.) How h• comedy clwnged 8lnce you ........ the bull· ,,_? -C.A., Terre H8fe• Ind. Because of the new per- formers that have come Into show bulin~ more subjects are now. AlmOlt anything Is f* game -war, dlMale, drugs. But the old·ttme performers don't deal with such dumb topk:I. The bulln-. as we knew It, has duppared. ~ 1112 FAMILY WEEKLY. All rltflt• ....-. ,- Even little lies can be harmful. They're almost always detectable. And that's the truth. By Sam Keen, Ph.D. Remember when you told your first lie? And why? I was 4 years old and heading for high adventure on my tricyc.le when Mother said, "Don't go any further than the sidewalk in front or the Longs' house." "I won't," I promised. But when I came to the comer. Mar· co Polo beckoned me into the forbid· den beyond and I pushed on, finding my own path, tasting the thrill or autonomy. When I returned home, Moth~ asked where I'd been. and I lied. Why do individuals lie? Is lyi ng always morally wrong? Or can it a creative and good thing to do at ti What are the circumstances th are necessary to allow us to tell the truth to one another? - Popular wisdom makes a distindion between white and black lies. We all righteously condemn the outright, sin· ister. self-serving liar. We agree that it is morally wrong to cheat a friend. to con widows and orphans. Black lies are the stuff of which villains are made. Little white lies, on the other hand, help keep everyone happy. We also tend to make a distindion between our own lies and everyone else's. They lie because they are dishonest, sneaky. im· moral , evil, weak or bad. We lie be- cause we are tactful, clever. strategic and don't want to hurt other people's feelings. · It may be true that the truth isn'J always such a good thing. Surely, tell· ing a hostess that her meal was terrible or a child that his drawin~ isrf t very well done serves no beneficial purpose. And certainly ·:telling all" is sometimes just a selfish way to purge ourselves of guilt or anxiety -at the expense of others. But I think it's essential to realize that white lies are rarely as harmleM as they seem. and that the untruths we of. fer in order to spare feelings can end up hurting others in the long run - because of their possible repercussions. because of the wall they erect between two people in a reJationsbip, because the "deceived" often sense the truth anyway. Before we can overcome lying. we need to look at why we deceive each other. I suggest that truth-telling is governed by a certain psychological ax· iom: We can only tell the whole truth in situations of equality .. We first learn to lie when we are small and in an unequal relationship with parents and authorities who have power over us. f n our search tor autonomy -in being 1rue lo ourselves -we Inevitably come in con ftkt with laws, ru~ and commandments. Many times after I rode my bike beyond the Loop' house. I found it necessary to lie Sam Kan i1 th~ Ot.llhor of ~ht booU illclildlltf lb • o.ncln9 CIOd and APofOIY lor Wondtr (both =• Row> and a contributfnl «1il<N to Pwy Today and American Heith 10 The Giants -parents. teachers. au- thorities -tn order to preserve the in- tegnty of my own quest. Each of us has a sanctuary within which lives a secret self that we share only with those w ho cherish us. l.Jes are always told in a situation where there is a power dis- crepancy between two persons and where trust is lacking. The summer when I was 16. and bursting with sap and longing, I was in- vited one June night to a beach party by the local Queen of the Nile -Jane, by name. I asked Dacts perm1ss1on and was told that I might go so long as I was back by 11 30 P.M. Haunted by the promise of moonlight. Budweiser and Jane's budding breasts, I pleaded for a later curfew. Dad refused I retreated and began to weave an intricate web of Oru family would haDe been heallhier had we dared Iv &peall our buliDlduaJ trutha, rl6kal more conllict, not been a/raid of hurting each other. white lies. At dinner I announced 1ha1 I had been invited Lo spend Saturday night and Sunday in a lighthouse. Dad raised no objedion When I returned on Sunday ahemoon (from the beach party and sleeping in the woods). Dad asked. "How was rhe lighthouse?" "Good," I replied. And that was all that was ever said . I am certain to this day 1ha1 Dad knew where I was, Remembering his own youth, he softened his stance as the moral watchdog and pretended to believe my fantastic story At the time. my white lies seemed perfectly justified. I gave lip service to Dad's authority, didn't hurt his feelings by defying him and kepi the peace In addition r learned some of the sweet lessons of Eros (bur that is another story). Altogether a good lie. Or was it? In recent years I have come to see that our family would have been healthier tf we had all openly defied the loving but tyrannical au thority or Dad and Mother. Our love would have grown had we dared to speak our individual truths. risked more overt contlict. not been so afraid of hurtrne one another's feelinRS The part of ourselves that we hid rrom one another by our polite lies -our wild- ness. our sexuality, our anger, our "bad· ness" -went underground and re- emereecl years later as rebellious emo- tions when we were grown and had families of our own. Today I think that we would have had fewer divorces had we learned to speak the simple truth about our needs and feelines in our original home. In defense or my par· ents. I must add that they loved us well. but they were. in good Calvinistic fashion. more devoted to the big Truth than to the small. inoonvenient truths of feelings and desires. Within the last decade, psychologists have come to understand that all in· timate relationships and families are an intricate system of communication in which the truth is known and told either overtly or covenly. oonSCJously or unoonsciously. We are finding out that intimates in fact cannot lie to each other. although they can pretend to lie and deny what they know. Clearly Dad knew I was ar the beach party. But co n- sciously or unconsciously he denied what he knew, and I chose 10 lie because sexuality was not. a comfor- table issue within our family. With increasing accuracy psycholo- gists can detect lies and measure their effects by reading body language. It, for instance, we make a videotape of a conversa11on between a couple where the man is having an affair that his wife ··does not know about." we can slow down the film and see the guilty ges- tures and responses. We can see the shin in the eyes when the husband says. "I was working late at the office," and the tensing in the neck muscles as the wife replies, "You seem to be work· ing more evenings lately." If we hook both up to a lie detector we will find that the heart and pulse rate of each In- creases and that their hands get dam- my when they lie. Later in the evening the hes might be confessed as "im- potence" or "frigidity." The body knows the truth and feels stress when it is nor confessed. Lying to those we love creates residual tensions in the body which eventually lead to fatigue, depres.sion and disease. The flesh, longing for warmth and ease. has a hfd- den love for the truth. We also know from the studies of HOW TO SPOT A LIAR the earlobe pull the cheek rub the mouth CC>V(!r the no5e touch I n ancient China. a suspected wrongdoer was forced by authorities to chew rice powder while being interrogated. tr the powder was dry when the accused spit it out aherward, he was found guilty -on the grounds that the stress of lying had olod<ed his salivary glandS and caused aary moulh. Aaually, there may be a grain of truth in this theory. Studies today indicate that no mailer how cool a person may rry to act when he lies, his body reveals the tension he s experiencing in very subtle ways. That's the premise behind polygraph machines (lie detectors). They measure changes in blood pressure, breathing and skin conductivity (which reOects perspiration) caused by st~. But is there any way to spot a liar just by looking at him? One theory holds that people give themselves away when they lie with split-second changes in facial expression-such as a twitch of the eye or a Oare of the nostril. These ex· pressions, known as micromomentaries. were swdied a few years~ with the aid of visuaJ tapes by Dr. Roger Bennett, now chairman of the ioumaJism department at Southwest Texas State University. He tentatively proved that these expressions -cheek twitches. frowns, tiny smiles. Haring nostrils, blinks, among others -occur at the precise moment you think of telling a lie. Although the cause of micromomentaries is not known. Bennett suspects that they have to do with the inner turmoil an individual experiences about ly· ing. As you decide 10 tell a lie. the subconscious directs a micromomentary on· 10 the face but then the conscious erases it a split second later. Though these expressions are very subtle. you can spot them if you look closely According to Desmond Morris, author of Manwatching and other books on human behavior. hand-to-face contact -such as the mouth cover, the chin S1roke. the earlobe pull, the nose touch. the cheek rub. the eyebrow scratch and the hair groom. -can also be a clue to lying. Morris theorizes that the pan of the brain uncomfortable with the lie is trying to "cover up" the decep- tion There is, however, one big problem with reading any or these nonverbal dues and it's the same drawback cited by critics of lie detector machines: Though cenain body changes do indicate stres.s, the stress is not necessarily caused by lying. For instance, a person suspected of committing a crime may be tense not because he did it but simply because he is bei~ accused. -By Kale White philosopher and biologist Gregory t----------------.-----------------1 Bateson that schizophrenia is some- times caused by a "double bmd,'' a lie that a child is compelled 10 be!ieve. A mother who acts hatefully but constant- ly says, "I love you.'' creates a psycho- logical disease within her child. A father who never has time for his chil· dren. but insists that they love and respect him. creates a situation where they must lie in order to survive. The rule for developing healthy and vit al inth'nate relationships and families seems to be: Make a habit of telling the truth. the whole truth and nothing but the truth But first we must develop a climate of trust in which the truth can easily be told. We are still left wilh a sizable pro~ lem. The world Is not composed only of intimate relationships. For lhe greater part of each day we are forced to relate to persons and corporations who do not care for us as individuals and do not have loving intentions toward us. Do the same dynamics of truth-telling hold for public and private refatloo· ships? To what extent can or should we expect to tell lhe truth lo 1he telephone company or the I.RS.? Are there dii- ferent rules for private and public eth ics? The policy of public lying in America became official in May 1960. While piloting a high-altitude U-2 over Russia. Francis Gary Powe~ was shot down and captured. When the Russians charged that we were spying. President Eisenhower, righteously denied it. Not us We are the guys in the white hats! Later, when the evidence became over· whelming, Ike -Honest Ike, Kansas gochic, leader of the Crusade in Europe -conles.sed to the world that he had lied and that. furthermore it was nee-- es.sat)' in the defense of freedom and truth to lie, spy and use dirty tricks. In fact, Americans have probably been no more or l~ rightoous or truthful than other peoples. Our history Is filled wlth broken covenants.. dis- crimination asalnst our minorities. the taking of land from f ndlans .and M~x· le.ans. Bui through it all we have held to the myth of our honesty: We were Cieo~ Washington, who might make a mistake. but oould not tell a lie. Hones& Abe, who walked five miles to return a niclcle. We were brought up to believe that honesty was the best policy, a man was as good as his word and the Devil was the father of Ues. Other nations might resort to propa- ganda and suppression of the truth, but we had a BUI of Rights. a free presund a <Jod.jiven mission to defend The Truth. It was this myth that died In the IMt two decade$. When Nlxon {Ike's· Vice) became President, we escalated the slide down the slippery $lopes of mendacity and public conupclon. In rapid SUCXle!llon wt learned that the CJ.A. had over· thrown the democraalcally elected Gov· emment of Ollle. helped train secret police tor the Shah of Iran and tried to M.'Sa.Wnate C.Wro. And the F.B.I. could find nothing better to do than hound and persecute that dangerous crimlnll, WHY WI! LIE ~fartin Luther King Jr. Then Vie1nam came along and 1hings really got bad. Meanwhile on the home fronl. the news New improved Concentrated ... Is better than ever on the worst kind of stains. was filled with revela1ions that some of our biggest corporations bribed and used industrial espionage when neces- sary. And then. of course. there was Watergate. 11111 203912 By 1he year of our bicentennial, the effects of our policy of public lying were measurable. In 1976 the Harris poll showed that 69 percent of Americans believed 1hat "over 1he last JO years the 25° no ~-----------------------------------J . country's leaders have consistently lied to the people." Three years later 77 percent of us believed "manufacturers don·1 care about me." Confidence in our public instilutions rell. And if "they" lied to and cheated us. why should we not do the same 10 them? Tit for tat. Cheating on income tax became as American as apple pie. The l.R.S. pulled its hair and estimated that unreported income from the under- ground economy cost the Government between $80 billion and $I 00 billion per year. Corporations reported that pilfering and on-the-job stealing were at an all-time high. Job applicants falsified their credentials. Students cheated. Americans agreed that those who Oout the rules are rewarded. while those who observe the rules typically end up empty-handed. All of this brings us back to the ax- iom I offered earlier. We can only 1ell Lia and minor plllerlng say lo the authorllio: Jf>u don't care about 118, OUT hope, OUT we/hue, ow 1111/h. We are facelells and anonymous lo you. the whole truth in situations or equality. If I consider another person mrenor to me. I will not consider that I owe that person the truth. When I reduce another to a slave. a servant. an em- ployee. a customer. an enemy. a num- ber, I judg'e it permissible to lie to serve my own ends. Likewise if someone in authority considers me an "it. .. a func- tionary, a vote. a faceless entity. I reel no obligation to tell that person the truth. Absolute truth-telling (possibly an un- reachable ideal) could only exist in a society made up of relat ionship ~ 1ween persons of equal power and dig- nity -a true democracy. ff we bear this understandin~ of the psychodynamics of truth-1elhng in mind. our public lying appears lo be more a symptom than a cause or a dis- ease. Our lies contain a message. They 1ell us. first, that individuals in our society feel themselves to be in an une- qual connict with authorities. corpora- tions and institutions. We feel vul- nerable. pawerless and Ignored. When. for instance. tax evasion becomes widespread among formerly law-abkl· ing citizens, it is time to stop looking at it as a sign or moral degeneracy and start recognizing that it is one very ef- fective way In which disenfranchised people vote. Withholding taxes has always been a way in which citizens who had no other form of power ex· pres.wd their disapproval. Our lies and I • ,AMILY WHllLY, 0.C-&, llU Give the Kodak disc camera and watch it light up · the holidaxs. Every one an<I a third seconds. T~ rcrNtl.ib~ film d~ th.It h<'IJX ~~~~pl'Otog•Jph)' The Kodak disc ca mera knows when to flash . And it can flash again in just one and a third seconds . In bright light. it takes pictures even fast er. Every half second. How did Kodak build all this into a camera small enough to fit in the palm of your hand? With a brand-new invention. The film disc. A disc so thin. there's room in the camera for a whole cluster of electroni cs. Each disc gives you 15 beautiful. full -size color pictures. And t he le ns? All glass. And a fastf/2.8. Give the Kodak disc ca mera this holiday season. It ·11 help someone you love capture memori es fast er and easier than ever before. ~?sc Photography from Kodak. Bet \'<>U kno\\' s<>n1conc '"'h<>tl k>vc <>nc .. I - MERIT fv1enthol Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined MERIT continues as proven taste alternative to hig4ertar smoking: ~RIT Ki•&lOO's -· ·- That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. Kings: 1 mg "tar:' o.5 mg nicotine-100's Reg: 10 mg "11,;' 0.7 mg nicotlnt- 100·1 Men:9 mg "t•C 0.7 mg nico1ine IV.per cipmt1,FTC Ripon Dec'.81 0 Pluliti Morrit Inc. 1112 WHYW•U• minor pilfering say to the authorities: You don't care about us. our hope, our welfare, our truth. We are faceless and anonymous to you. so we will not be truthful to you. It is unfair to expect individuals to bear the burden of a moral renewal that can ol)!y be accomplished by a radical change in our corporate struc- tures. C.Orporations and bureaucracies are not mereJy a collection of individ- uals. They are entities with a will to survive and maximize their own power To date we have ignored the ex· tent to which corporate bodies rather than individual citizens are responsible for creating the moral climate of a n~ lion. If our institutions seek only their own profit. po~er and self-preservation they end up not only destroying them- selves but impoverishing the body-polt- We will prollpl!I' only ii the IJ!Oden of OUT mojor tXJrporat/on6 and Gooemment ~ that their lint tOJlk 18 the re-amtion of tnl6t tic. For instance. the American auto- mobile industry is sick unto death because neither the manufacturers nor the unions had the couraae to ask the moral question: "What kind of automo- biles should we be making and driving in a world with declining resources." It lost the trust of the public when it con· tinued to make gas-guzzling cars that needed to be repaired shortly after they left the showroom floor in a time that was calling for conservation of re- sources. voluntary simplicity, quality and economy. American society faces an era m which we will prosper only if the leaders of our major corporations and Government realize that their first task is the re-creation of trust. Business and Government must chanse their ways in order to deserve a good reputation .For the next generation the bottom line is not profit but the creation of a public ethic. We need manufacturers and union leaders who will insist upon pro- ducing goods that are appropriate, durable and excellent; politicians who will abandon rhetoric; educators who will teach us to resist the techniques of persuasion and propaganda. Unles,, we recover the habit of public honesty, we will be unable to create a moral climate within which individuals feel sufficiently important. powerful and equal enough to tell their own private truths. AV l'AMILY WEEKLY, o.o..nllef S, 111a • t UESWE LOVE TO TELL Even the best among us will admit to telling an occasional white lie. But in truth, we may be telling far more lies than we realize. Studies by Dr. Jerald Jellison, associate p~ fessor of psychology at the University of Southern California, have Indicated that many people tell up to a whoi>- ping 50 lies a day. Dr. B.L. Kintz, professor of ____ _. l.11 Get your best price on any of these Singer machines from your dealer and Singer will top it with a free U.S. savings bond. t To cash in on this offer, purchase one of these Singer machines between Novem- ber 21 and December 24, 1982 .. Then send your sales receipt. vali- dation coupon and product registra- tion card to The Singer Company, postmarked by January 21 , 1983. Sir*1~MllchlrwModel8136-14 bullt-ln sdtcha, "--m, butft.tn butlOnhokr (S50ttcnd) SINGER 100 MILLION .PEOPLE SEWEASIERWITH SINGER. Take this mUseuni-qtiality Chippendale _J_ il---=---Chest Kit-= for$1* The House of Miniatures•M invites you to build ... ·A collection of authentic true-to-scale antique furniture • the pa90MI satisfaction d aearint ~hew~ reproduc:tiona with your very ownhmdt. lmlllline the thrill d ~ duslc Chippendale in your home. Showilll off a Hepplewhite dininf Ht or a Queen Anne tab6e. Thae are arno.11 the world's molt qwurecl antiques. . Now you am ~ dMl 6melas Mluty ud c:barm d thae fur1litare mMte'llieces ill ..wu.111 .. -with our otnonl:inary Mries d muMUl!Hlualit)' c:olJedon kita. CIOl'ftd details-such u demi moldinp ·-roullld panela. And each kit Includes a full·aiu layout IMet ...S detailed, *P-bf·*" h\tmattiooa. No q.c;.i _,.,,, lkilJ .,. ,...;,u,., .... 6'Ji Start your c:ollediol'I now with the Tbomll Odppendale chat-yours for jutt ILOO-. U c::oupoa bM been uted, 1end name and addrell llO: The Houee oi. Miniatura Colledon Society. 222.4 Speedball Roed. SC...VUle, N.C. 'lllfrT1. Bectn your c:o1Jedin1 ldventure with our miniabare reproduction of the Tbomu Qlippendale c:be1t kit. You11 build and di• plliy it wida pride .. ·S--it down to your flmily • a c:heriabed heirloom. Thil c:ol1ecton kit ii yours for the introductory price d ,--------------------. r - - - - -- --MAIL THISOllDIR flORM TOO.\Y --- -__ - --, I l1IE HOl5E OF MINIAllJRffi Each kit features fine details only fl.00-when JOU become a member d The HcMe ol MiaiaMes CoUeaon Society. E..:b miailbn IUt ia precilioa ecaled ID 1112 of tM ,... oriclul and cut ID exact spedAi ....... (Thil ecale d l" lo 1' .. "the .. molt ..... ..,~ mWilurflta.) .. .., _,.~ badwood (DOwtotpilldc:s)and 91dr1P IDd ............ of lalid ....... Molt ..... ............... jult ·the~ And -=II~ lndudet bUlorbllJ .,... I DM1ion of Craftmarlt Inc .. 2224 Spttdball Roed, St11taYiDe. N.C. 28677 I Enroll me as a member of The House of Miniatures I Collecton Society and send me the Chippendale chest kit. I Bill me only 11.00-as my introductory payment. I under· I ltand I will receivudditional lhipments every four to eiPt I ~ks. PricH tor each shipment, which will contain one or t two kits. are 19.95• or lesa. I may mum any shipment that I don not satisfy mt, and I am notoblipted to 1CCe1JC UlY ! minimum number. &Hie O Mr. 0 M,., 0 Ma. 0 Ml-~..,,--...,,-----,.,---.,....-­All tftrOlll'MeD att Mlbj«t to__,,..._, I Acldttu-------------1 City late Zjp, __ _ I ..... 1111,...111 •114 "'"'4lliftl, •114' Mia tu. Free Bonus Proleaional-Quali P\nilhinl Kit lndudel dnlled ... . .. ........ ... two kinda o1...-. lop cmt flnilher. ..... llld ... ,... ..... ID pcuf 11 I llMllJ finilll JOUI' kit. ~----------------""------------------------------~ WHYWEUE psychology at Western Wash· ington University has also found in research on lying • that Americans tend to be very active deceivers. "Almost everybody lies more than they think," he reports. "It's even been said that if we had to live one day without telling 1 a lie. it would be extraordi- narily difficult." Why are we telling so many lies'! Jellison says that. m general. we lie to proled (O}lrselves and to conceal.petty ~If interest. "We want to create impressions in . that we're all good. that we have the highest motives when actually we have very personal goals." Interestingly, even some animals appear to be capable of "lying:· According 10 Dr Emil Menzel. professor of psychology at the State University of New York at Stony Brook, animals in the wild have been observed deceiving one another when looking for food. An animal who comes upon a supply of food will sometimes lead another animal m the wrong diredion. Also. researchers who train chimpanzees to speak with symbols and gestures have found that the chimps like to occasionally tease them by giving the wrong answers to questions In the ca.5e of humans, we may prevaricate a lot but we're not always very orig- inal In his studies. Dr. Jellison found the following to be the most often told ties. "I was only following or· ders. I was only doing what I was told." ··1 was only kidding. Can't you take a joke?" "I was only trying 10 help .. 'Tm sorry." "I don't know what my serve will be like: that old football injury is acting up .. "Not tonight, I have a headache." "Better late than never ... "I had lo work late." "I didn't want to hurt your feelings." ''I'll get right on it.'' "I'll do it tomorrow.'' "We must have lunch sometime." "I don't expect anything in return." ''Of course. I care about you, it's just that ...... "I never lie.'' -By Karen Emmons ,NlllL'I' WHICL'I'. Oeoemller 6, 1112 • 1 t 9020: This\" Cordless 2-~ Reversing Drlll end Sc:rew· driver can make the job a lot easier on you. Becll6.e It's well·belanc=ed for good control. And It goes where extension cords cannot. 7190: Bi.ck£, Decker's\" Variable $peed Reversing Drlll Is perfect for dr1lllng ell kJnds of wood end even herd sur· faces, like ceramic tile end steel. And, It doubleJ as a power ~river. 7436: The ~ Flnllhlng s.nder ls almost like two tools In one. IVt Ofbltal sender for fut meter'lel AlfnOVel. AM • ttralght·llne _,., for fine finishing. 7J90: Our 71A" Clrc:uler S.W edjUltl reedlly for~ end ~.It hes two-handle tupp<>rt for easy control.• l~·t.p• motor end •ll·melel blade guards. 7580: You get a lot more from this jlguw then verlllble lpMd. You ei.o get • guide for circular or streight cutting end • wood· cutting blade. 7614: Out JIA·hp· Router comes with a bultt·ln ltaht. AM Is quick end~ t.o Lde. becaute of lta 9'ngle wrench end cotlet lock S)'lten\. Our newest rooter. with femtures found on pro. fftllonel routers. . 7392: 21' hp• end S.11 Beertng CONtruc:tlon meke this 7V." Clrc:uler s.w tough ~ to hMdae the herdat Jobi. It hM two-hendle IUPPOrt for ealY control. edjUltl ealtY for bevel end depth • ..ctbta ~ ell·mNI blade guards. ~ --....... 8'eck G o.dler ~r 'toe*-bedled by• tWO>Yffr, "°"'9-"91 ~. S.. ,our ..... for dlMllt. ·~r fOOd until J9nuefy ll. 1913. ·~I""'"' motor OUl,ut I ~ ~ 19 HOLIDAY SURPRISF.S FOR THE DARN HARD-TO -PLEASE By Rosalyn Abrevaya G iving is what the · holidays are really all about - whether it's traveling miles to be with loved ones. of- fering an extra-special treat or search- ing out that one gift that will delight. If there are still a few friends OT relatives whom you haven't found the rtght gifts for, checK FAMILY WEEKLY's an- nual roundup of new ideas to jog your imagjnation. All the items are nation· ally available at department stores or specialty gift shops. Kid Stuff: Based on the popular ar- cade game, Frogger -in a video car- tridge for the Atari system -provides fast and furious action guaranteed to keep things hopping. About $30. from Parker Brothers .... Dellght a chUd with the 4-Alarm Fire Engtne with push buttons that sound the siren and ho~ There's a seat that lihs up for storing toys. About $30, from Wonder .... Erector®'s new 500 model is a motorized remote-control construction system that lets kids buUd cranes, tanks end trucks, as well as lunar-surface vehicles. About $50, from Gabriel .... The official E.T. r M doll (not shown), everyone's lovable allen, comes in a 7lh-lnch leatherlike model. About $15, from Kamar .... No tyke will be ignored riding the col- orful Pac-Man Sidewalk Bike . It's stur- dily constructed. comes In 12-or 16-lnch models. About $25. from AMF .... Here comes Flex.Ible Flyer's ).____ __ ___ 12 • "IMILY WHllLY, Deoembef 5, 1112 Crayola9 inflatable action toy for snow, water or lounging.. Made of heavy-duty vinyl, it has molded. hard plastic handles and runners for greater steering flexibility. About $18 .... A Donald Duck "t>r ckey Mouse reel. rod and line (under $16) plus tackle box (about $6) could start a lifelong hobby for a child. From Zebco. For Her: The "tuxedo look" is not for men only, as in this stunning polyester-satin blouse with white cuffs and pleated bib. About $40, by Kanga .... For the angel on your glh list~ a gossamer pullover with full elbow-length sleeves in a mohair- nylon-acrylic blend. About $52. by Liz Claiborne .... Lacey finery Is all the rage now, especially in black - exemplified by this pair of pantyhose in a bride's lace floral pattern by Geof- frey Beene for Bonnie Doon. About $8 .. Give a unique neckpiece. It's studded with a je1 stone set on anti- qued gold·tone metal and features several rows of ~e twisted and braid- ed metal detail · From the Bijoux col- lection by Marcella Saltz for Trtfari . About $35 .... A gift mom and the whole family will enjoy -the Deluxe I. AlMONDCHOCOLATETORTE Elegant party des5en or hoUday gift. Rich chocolate flavor! 2Y2 cups Blue Diamond• Blanched ~cup sugar Whole Alm6nds. toaStcd 2 tablespoons flour 9 ounces semi-sweet chocola te ~cup brandy (or 2 teaspoons ~cup butter brandy extract) 6 eggs, beaten ChocolateGlaze (recipefollows) Preheat oven to 350°F In food processor or blender. finely gnnd 1 cup of the almonds; reserve remaining whole almonds for garnish. Generously butter a 9-inch cake pan; sprinkle sides and bott0m with 2 tablespoons of the ground almonds; se t aside. Melt chocolate and butter in top of double boiler over simmering water. In large_ bowl, beat~ ~th §Miar. Beat in ~late mixture. Beat in flour, remaining ground almonds and brandy. Pour into eparcd pan. Bake about 25 minutes.or until toothpick insened in center comes out almost clean. Cool 10 nunutes. lnven torte onto wire rack; remove pan. Cool c.ompletefy. Meanwhile, prepare Ch<XX>latc Glaze. Pour gla-ie- ovcr tone, spreading over top and sides with sparula. Transfer torte to serving plate. Allow glaze to set. Arrange whole almonds. points towards center. in circle around outer edge. Working towards center, repeat circles, overlapping almonds slightly Makes 10 to 12 servings. Chocolate Glaie v 6 tablespoons water l tablespoon brandy 3 tablespoons sugar tor 1 teaspoon brandy extract) 3 ounces semi-sweet chocolate .,. In small saucepan, simmer water and sugar together until sugar dissolves. Add chocolate and brandy. SLmmer a few minutes until chocolate mcli:s and glue coats back of spoon. 2. AlMOND BtJTTER CRUNCH WHEELS Easy enough for teenagers ro make. Gift wrap the whole disk. or break mto pieces and put in a iar. 1 cup Blue Diamond" Blanched Slivered Almonds h cupsugar 1 tablespoon light com syrup ~cup butter Line bottom and sides of an 8 or 9-tnch cake pan with al~minum foU (not plastic wrap or wax paper). Butter foU heavily. Set aside. Combine almonds, butter, sugar and com syrup in IO-inch skillet. Bring to a boil over medium heat, stirring constantly. Boil. sti.rring constantly, until mixrurc turns golden brown, about 5 to 6 minutes. Working quickly, spread candy in prepared pan. Cool about 15 minutes, or until firm. Remove candy from pan by lifting· edges of foil. Peel off foil. Cool thoroughly. Candy may be presented as a disk or broken in.:o pieces. Makes about X pound. 3. ALMOND BANANA NUT BREAD Make several for friends and family ... gift wrap in cellophane. 2 cups ripe banana puree I teaspoon vanilla extract (about 3 large bananas) 2 cups flour >1 cup vegetable oil 1 teaspoon baking sod.a 31 cup granulated sugar ~ teaspoon baking powder ~ cup light brown sugar. ~ teaspoon salt 6nnly paclced I~ cups Blue Diamond• Chopped 3 eggs Na~ral Almonds. toasted Preheat oven to 3500f. Grease and flour two 7~ x 3~ x 2lo4~inch loaf pans. Set ~de. ~t first 6 ingtedients together. Combine ne-xt 4 ingredients and stir into banana mixture. Reserving 2 tablespoons of almonds fur top, stir remaining almonds inro batter. Divide batter evenly between the loaf pans, sprinkle each loaf with I tablespoon almond6. Ba1ce about SO minutes. or until toothpiclc insettcd in center comes out clean. (!!hrowntna too quickly, oovcr top$ loosely with foil.) Cool in pans 10 minutes; tum out on wire rack and oool thoroughly, Makes 2 loeves. For a copy of~ New 1teuury of Almond Rec:.q,." ( 100 ,._i NC~), Mftd 7 5, to BO. Boa 41.577; Sen Frandlco, ~ 94142. • Drlnkmaster (not shown). It's Ideal for taste treats from milkshakes to pan- cakes. It has· two mixing speeds, a patented agitator for maximum aera- tion and an all-metal professional con- talner. Under $50. from Hamilton Beach . . . . A smart 24-inch traveling case Is made of heavy-duty nylon with contrasting vinyl trim and brass-plated hardware. The square shape allows extra packing room. About $80, from Samsonite . For Him: Give your favorite man a pair of smooth-grained leather and wool-nylon knit gloves. They are hand sewn and pile-Uned. About $23, from Pierre Cardin Gloves by Elmer Little .... A splendid gift that will also keep him warm Is this windowpane- plaid scarf made of soft, brushed merino wool. About $13, from lmpe· rial . . . . Or give a leather belt for all seasons. The smartly designed metal buckle can be detached and worn with another, belt. About $18. by Allyn St. George . . . . Other great gift ideas for him (not shown): The new- est look In a dress shirt Is one with a white collar in a pinstripe on a pastel background. A cotton-polyester blend Is a good choice for easy care. About $28, from Hathaway .... Fa the man who'd like to shed his jacket and still look well dressed. the perfect gift is a sweater-vest In wool, particularly In a Navajo-lndlan pettem on a slate gray or black background . About S50, from Ron Chereskin . For Pct l..oYen: Lucky dogs and fus.sy felines will eat them up. This Imaginative gift (not shown) lncludes a cookie cutter in the shape of a dog bone (or mouse) and a rectpe for three end a half dozen beef-flavored (or tuna-flavored) treats -with a CA.rd. The Idea for the dog-bone cookie ~ ftom the Upper Valley Youth seMces In New Hampshire, which wllI earn a percentage of the sales. Each costs $3.50, from 1'111 Diebold Designs. ., ~AMILY WHKlY, ~a, 1IU 8 11 A TALK wm-1 LANA TURNER She was the stuff dreams are made of. Discovered at 15 in a Hollywood soda shoppe, su ltry Lana Turner went on to star in mare than 50 movies, including The Postmqn Always Rings Twice and P(!yton Place. Ottscreen, her life was anything but dreamy. She was married seven times U.S. Government Mint Announces 1982 Is 1he Last Year of 1he Copper Penny! Severe Penny Shortages Anlldpaled As Collect.ors Hoard Vanl.sblng <:opper Peftnla E\TrY l>att.'. Li1H:oln \tt.·n1orial Perun ~trtH:k . . Hv l .~. (,ovcn1nH:nt \lint~ -S l ·f.9-; If You .\l.·t \\.ithin 'O l>a\ '°'· . . Tl'< Coppct' pnin)' has become a vcsclgt of bilcory . I 9ff2 will be tlM-bsl vcar 1ha1 copper pennon arc CVCI' stnKlc f vcn be fott thu hls(oric announcemnll. c.oppcr pc11IUC' •-ctt .urpt1\I~· ocarcc In many areas.. banks have oft'l"n'd IO bu\ pcruuo 11 up IO I ~... "' lhclr ~ •'a!Ut" and no Amcrk"an CQ4n 1$ u avtdh houdc<l b• col· f«lun and UIVC'!>(f>n alike A~ Oppor11un.1ty To 0t¥n E9'U}' Year Of The Uncoln M~ Cn\1 No"'" for a llmllt'd lime unh lnlt'rru1111nal Mini 15 olJcrlng collect<>" chc npponunil~ m l"''n Unc.-c>ln Memorial Ct'nb in 9'1'-. copper from cvc') ~a1 the coins were 1s MJC'd. ~rt' art' 4 2 uttru. in all in lhL' ma11 ni6ccn1 SCI f.Kh coin I• :ab'oolutch bc2uti ful.. 111 hrilll.am unurrnblnl 1:oncJl1ion A comc>1e1e Kl of Uncoln Memorial Yen nll'll ~ almc"' impt~hk 111 a.~mhk Louie tbroujth 1hc ChanftC In m ur ov. n pockc1 -II would be '°rprb1n1t for \'uu IU hOO a pcriny that 11 more man nine or u:n rcan old YC'I now )'OU atC' able 111 ubtiun an 1m pru.lvc 42 coin Uricoln Mcmonal C'oUl'c. lion ... cad'1 &.oln In ab!.olutelr mlm ·J1a1t bt111lant unclrculuC'd condlllon ... for an un bdk>•abl)' low 11•.9~ per JIC'I ~A vaau.bk-Colkcdoo OdUll~ AllM.aa lnduckd Numl11'1\atlCS il the ldeaJ hot>b) for~ eVCrvon<' atM.f dM-f"ICTfoCI f"IU(lmc a hither nr mochcr can share with their childr~ U>tn coU«ttnjl l' b.""1na~ and fun II can abo he 1mmcr1$Ch· profitable u ,...ell - one v;mctv 11' lhc pcnnv th.al'" jW!I I 2 ynn old (once wonh a mCl'c I• ) oow com monlt ..cllli for U O 00 per n xn' \l'Hh \'our 42 crnn "l'l ol cvt'n' due 1hc I m eoln Memo rial PC"nn\' wa~ m lnll'l.I rcpre5Cntln11 c•'C'n• mini· \'OU will al!>o ren~•vc a free album 10 house and dlspla) your maft111'1ceni collcc1lun of brllllanc unc1rcula1t'<l t'uln' Supplln Extttmcty UmJ~ - OrdttNow Our $Uppfi· ul 1~ 12<0U1x-u1rl Uocoln Mcmorial ~lei. L• llmlccd Tl'CTcfutt "''l' wUJ accq>1 Of'dcn wilh a limll of livt' ( ~) ~n 111 .uw one ~s Order one or more~ raslt·frtt toda)• II l'IO( dcllput'd with your C'olns ""'hen lhc}' UTivc. Jlmpl)' rl'lum them anytim<' within 14 th)" for prompc refund ot purchase price ( l'XCC'pl po"~I<' and handlln1. of C'OUl'llC') FREE! 14-KGoldPenny ln1t'mallon.al Mini ha.\ 11truclc 1hl' !!pC'ClaJ m1n1a1urC' I 4·Kanll t.ol<I l'l:nny doublc-d.att'd I 909· I 9ft2 IO <'omtl'IC'moMllC' 1~ ••~ ot thc copper pmnlo JI ruck by the Ult Govc:mmcn1 Mtn1 Rcpilar NI valu< Youn FREE If you order within 11 ct.ya! ... --··~-'­....._ ....... ,~-.,.-..-,.-_. CMDfT CARD HOUl8'I CAU -TOU RIH: 1-800-345-8502 Elt. ll~(M h . Clft 1·-412-11•1 r --------, ................. o.,t. ll"34 I • ,.... ........... , ... ""9y ...... 1-I PleaM rustt my Ltncok\ MtmoNI c.nl OOl!ec'l1on(1) u llldated I below on your money-bldt guarantM I uncMrstlno my 1>111111111 I ut1C1rcutlted C0111S wtH be accomp&nled by 1 cuSlom d1sptay I I album. O One~~ 11 Sl4 9!> p1us s2 oo posuoe. I 1n111rance and SPIClll hlndhflQ I I o Two COlleciJocls at S28 00 Illus S2 50 posti9f & ninonno I O Tnree COllectlons 11 145 oo OOIUllld I o SAVE s 1 a OO! Send FNe co11ec1t0ns • s 10 OOllPllO I O 1 1111 orOenng WltlW1 11 d'Y' Please seno me one FftfE I 14·-Gold PtMy (vallit SI) wi1ll tKfl COin NI I orlltf I 0 My c:l1eC* Of Motiey Orllef 11 erldoMO fOf ---- 1 (PJ ...... '*"*"' .... , I 0 Plelst cflarot ""I 0 VISA 0 MallerCard I 0 Amtran ExlwlU or O °"*• Clull account I I c.n Ho [Jl»H'M I I ~" I l'Mllllmt~------------------------------~ 1..... I I and suffered through several unhappy love affairs including a rel ationship with alleged mobster Johnny Stompanato, who was stabbed to death by Turner's frjghtened daughter: Cheryl. Spells of depression and alconolism persisted. "In 1980 I was on a serious downhill slide," Turner, now 61, confides in her newly published, best· sellil)B memoir, Lana: The lad)'o_ the Legend, the 'liuth. But shes satten her act tasether, appear· mg frequently on CB.S' Falcon Crest, and tOday, M she told FAMILY WEEKLY's Mary Ellin Bar· rett, "I've found a peace of mind of my own." Q: Do )'OU tblak ol )OW.. - teJC)'1 Turner: I don't think or myself as a sex symbol. I am a sensuous woman, and a sensual woman. yes, but there's a broad difference there. Sexy is all ex· terior and that's because of the bosom. But that image drove me up the wall. I'm sure that I just aisappointed some gentlemen because I didn'I tum out to be as sexy as they thouaht I was going to be. The sex never meant that much to me. Q: la II tn1e tlMt you were weutnt a 8Welltei wblD )'OU W8"e 419co~ .-.cl7 Turner: No, a little blouse and 1kin. Qi Wily did you ay the ftnt time you_.,.,......, OD ec:remf Turner: OUl of ablolute embamssment becauae I hid never ~n myttlf walk 1'• ,AMILYWHK&.Y.~t.- I -------~-------------- BARClAY -WlrA1lfD: The SUrgnn Gentrl1 ttas Otrtrmind That Cigarette SmoUlg Is Dangerous to Your Huhh. ~,..,,,,,.....-~~~~~~~~~~~....--;-~~~~-·-~.--· . New Ctaft Pattems ~ 9349 8-20 93'9-lne very e5sen<:e ol softness and ease Pnnled Panem. Misses Sizes 8-20 Size 12 (bust 34) takes 3518 yds 8!51R 45 Inch $2 00 SS IR -ll1ese one a dav t~b are fun to embroider 1n bnght colOl's Dirt<e tlOf'ls. color cl'\4ns. transfer ol 7 mo11f~ about 6 II 6-$2 ()() 974R-Crochet pineapple 1ac:ket All In one piece Use 3 ply fingenng yam Dlredions Women' s1Zes 32 46 incl (perlect IOI' the fuller ~e) $2 00 and embrOlder flowers en 15" blocks fOf this quilt Tissi.e tnmsferof 12 motifs: chan for 61ic80" quilt Incl 52 00 475R -Grand.motlwr\ Fan quilt Is easy to pteee Dtrecrloos pa"em o( patches. charts and yardages IOI' single and double slas S2.00 Send S2.00 for each p•tt-"'• add 50 c.ettb each for p09~. hat'dl· 1"11 To: Femlly W~ly Mepal ne. Boa 84 . O ld ChelH • Stetlon. N- York. 101 13. • IY .l ''"'",. ,,._ a4<1r-. alp•,... •"4 cr•ft -"4 7 '5 A PA Tl"Otl'il5 SHOWN 0 1'1 ntJa l'Mle ~ AVAii.MU n0M THE AaOW...,..,.. o..i.V. LAllATUMB In the 40's. Turner poM!d as a sex symbol but never really felt like one. before. At 16, I knew I had a body but I was never aware of ii until I saw that creature walking and the bosoms mov- ing. All of a sudden -the wolf wh1Stles. And actually, I wasn't even that large. I wore a 348 then and it's a 34B now. Q: You poeed for publk:tty tbots wtth Ronald R~. la be a better Pra£dait than he wu an .aor? Turner Now how could I answer that? You see. I happen to like Ronald -Mt President -very. very much. I've seen him throughout the years at parties and I adore Nancy. But I never dated him. Q: \Yb)' were you alway. attract· ed to the wron1 aum7 Turner: I didn't search into people. To- day I do that and that's why I'm not emotionally involved with any gentleman. and I certainly have no plans to be because I love my new rrt- dependence. When two people are courting each one puts his best foot for- ward My God. you never know a per- son until you live with him. But in those days. if you fell in love, you mar- ried. You just did it. You might sleep together but one of you had to ~ home to your own house. It was tembly, ter- ribly difficult in those days. It's not like today where you can live with a man and find out just what it's like under the same roof. Now they can do that. I think it's a lot heallhier. Q: You write tbM a ClOuple of your b....,_. dMIMed oa you. Did you ever. cbMI OD tbaD? Tumer: No. That is one thing about me. One man al a time. I worshipped them. The thought of flirtine with anyone else never entered my mind. Wh~n I found out that they mre cheating on me when I had been so true to them. that used to hurt like hell. 11 8 l"AMILY WHKLY. ~I. Illa Q: Now that you're not Involved with a man. do you feel lonely? Tu mer I'm never lonely. I can enjoy my own company. I used 10 feel I had to lean on men but when the crises came 1 was always the stronger one and they would crumble. I would lose respect for them and love went right With it. Q: Would you ever many apln? Turner: No. ma'am. I am not planning it I'm not searching for it You see. I was always searching for love. I was searching for the man. But let's say that I met someone. that I . really felt at- tracted and felt that I could open up my heart again. I would definitely try living with him without any paperwork. Q: Why do men make 8ucb foola of tbauelvfl9 over blood women? Tumer: The brunette Is probably so much lovelier and more intelligent but it takes her a longer time to get atten- tion. Many men end up marrying the brunettes after the glitz of the blondes. Q: What WU the bialetC mJ8take )'OU ever' made? Turner: Well there would be two: get- ting involved with Stompanato. which was innocent on my part at the begin· ning. And once I was trapped I couldn't get away. As long as I live I can never get rid of it. But al least I told the truth about it and not the vicious lies that were going on for years, that I walked m on my daughter and he in bed-now really-or that she walked in on us in bed. I mean. such untruths ... and the last and definite one was marrying my seventh husband, the hypnotisL That was one of my more, well, just plain dumb things to do. And I know I'm teased about it and I say I wish I could prove that he hypnotized me. But I have no proof. Q: Can you c ryatalllze your pb.Uoeopby ol lite lnto a aenten.ce or two? Turner· Trying to keep calm, even when everything around me is falling ro pieces. Now I don't say formal prayers. But before I go to sleep, I'll say, "Well, God. how do you figure it went today?" just like I would to a friend, or 1f I'm a little worried about something I'll say, "Please God. please give me the courage and the energy to get through these next few hours, and to keep my cool and not let anything jar·me. · Q: On the eubject of reinc:amao- doo. you writ~ ... beBewl rve hem bere before." Who do JOG think yoa were ln a prevloal life? Turner: Once I wM an Egypt~n and then an American Indian:-because I relate to tho.'ie two groups deeply. I know that I was of a royal family in Egypt. but not Cleopatra, and I was of a h'8her tribe. What the he'I I'll be next I haven't a clue. But IJ.l':blback. IW Prego Homemade taste. All natural ingredients. It's in there! ·-----·-----... .!. How do we pUt so much homemade taste into new Pcego Spaghetti Sauce? By putting in k>ts of the good things that give homemade sauce that special taste. Onion? It's in there. Gartic? It's in there. And you can even see the bits of oregano. parsley, and basll in fN8fY jar of Prego ~hetti Sauce. Clip this money-saving coupon, and try new Prego Spaghetti Sauce today. Vou might find that Prego k>oks, smells, and tastes so mUcfl like homemade-you may never want to go to the troubfe of making sauce again! NOW! DENTIST'S DISCOVERY LETS YOU EAT EVERYTHING··· WITH FALSE TEETH! ENDSLIP ALL-DAY ADHESIVE CUSHIONS MAKE FALSE TEETH FIT AND FEEL RIGHT! Gives Perlect Cushioned Comfort All Day' F.nd~ilp ..\11-Da' Cush1<1rn• IC'"C bl1.-""~e<i comfort ~.nd pain <1nd "41n•n•'"-' Dl'nture~ lit '"ul(h all din _.,,..,i, ;l1H 11~ht 111 p<>rf~CI rnmfur\ • S1mplt> \O u'<(' f'lact< rul'>h1ont' nn \ourdt'nturt' ~unJlltn~ nf'O.•t:.snn 1unu .. cubht1>n:-art• µrt•.l(hnpt-rl f1lr up~rM or luYtt'O. '-\o mt·~p..' pa•tr "' ll""drr• n..,d,.J EncL-fip'• r .. a1h~r,..~1ght, p»pt'r- 1h1n cu~h1nn, ~-rnm" •dh~•"~ OSI. Y Wit~.-.; W~:·1 < nn· not \.\A•h nwn' hkt· J)(•~tlt-r or pii"4tt" lkK·~ not d1~.w11vt" H\ ¥oater ur >3h\l\ '"on' ~oJCh ,.v.,n ""lth rrw .. d~ drink ... or l111u1ds Arluall\ mnk"' lal• .. \t'dh llr1nkprMf ( '"~• grt'3lt'r h1tang powt·r l':AT . .\Sil ORl~K A:'liYTHl'\C' ~11JO\ •uch fnod' ''* appl..s cand' rnrn hKrd •nd .... ,(\food> <tlUli>. lwv~rai:o 1n t·nmfor1 ltUd l'Onfirit-n('~ t((.•dt"""t)\lt•r t ht' p t-J.i~r\· O( \ nyr (11vorou, food. f~D SOREGC'.\IS A "l1 IHHITATIO:'li 'Tht>rt1mft1ruhh· cu•h1nn1n11 rll't'<'L hrlp• •nd ""(' 11urr1• and 1rr•'-" 11011 .. II da• long J-'rf')\ •d'"" ... "\ron,c r~u.•nnnn and 1mpro\t',.. !4urtw11 K.-~p• m lHl\h dun ~nd htalth' ·"" p~•l<' ror powdH nN•<!t•d Thu• •n~ l(Hl!!(ll111>And UP""' •tom11di l.(X>K BEITER-FEEL Bf.TIER' !::at •~ak. lnu1;h b111• ch•" •n ... tt' ... 1th confodl'n<<' End• •hpp1n11. •lid1n~. drnpp•njl wohhhng ttnd d1rk1nl( U•<-n-ome• l'mbstrra.• m.-.nt ~n nn~ n~d knt.>'4' \CJU w1·ar d.t•nture<ll' ~ h.:ht nnd comfrirubl• \ou'll hardh knu"' \OU rr .,. .. anng dl'ntul"t'• EMi.s\ to~1 ofT t•arr1t•"'n~a\ n1rul10t' ... mok~·U\""' t;i,1.tt'-· 1n11 fl.6•d panodl'" Made in Uppers and Lowers and Packaged Separately SPECIAL OFFER 'z·· pack tor', .. IOI Of $1 IOX Of $1 TM --•-U U MC~•OE.O LOWOIS UPftRI 11'1 ._, DOITIITI An E'"11llp All·Oay Mllellwt C•llllon P11"4! On Ytwr u,,., Of L'"ffr Pmldts lltuef Comloft All Ort! SOFT ANO PAPER-THIN . lnvi1lbt1 and cenno1 lie tell! NO CUTTING NECESSARY . c~tlliona art ,,..._,_ lot M,,1111 u• lo~ Money-Back GuarentM \our m•'""'I. ,. ... urlrl,.'(f 11 \uh ,,,., nut vf,.,,.,..-<f m ,.~,.."' 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Stir11no mo0noon1 1on19n1-Mat1nt Su1pt~~ 101ct winos 01 250 mph 11 1orce grea1e1 "'" accepl 01oe1s lrom 1uoer\ 011n1s puD 1n.tn 1ny 11m1t1mc vessel 15 ever upose<l IO I hta11on for Ma11ne Huvy·Outy h1oaul.ns EKn ol tnm '"'"ne llle·htne terps a"o la<:n ol 111tse l1ltt1me la1ps 1111 s11M '" fulures oou1>1r Slrtcneo hems re1n1orcf(I 01191nat cas1r19s1 arr .:ans1ruc1eo ot n>Qn 1roir19utar corne~ oustprool ooommets oens11y 10000 POlverntltnt wove 25 peo everv 3 II nylon naval rope anO are so SQ 111 waterproof m1IOewproo1 ro1oroot wllt'1•Qhl 1ney are numcane-prool' 1ao1•c-me same ttuc~ strOll9 n stetl RecommenOeo for '" saris 01 neavy·Ouly sott•t.a11ons •eQuueo lo ... 1ns11no nuvy t1v1han uses for yKnts ano ~1l 1>a.11s loo auty at1t0n on ace.in sto•ms 1uno1e oown t.its ano truclos for larm eQu1pmen1 or oul oou1s 01a1•no tropic nu1 o• '°''" fOO·Ddo"' ooor lurniture POOis plus .ill bulk storeo ltlO COIO OI n191\•1tl1lude lllOMS heh IS lflller.ats e1pose~ 10 tne elements GUAR· OtSION'O 10 w11nstarid Ni1'• p•enu•e OI O•t• ANT HO fOR UFE 01 lree repla.:emen1 at any 1000 10s oer so on -tlncl raQ•nG lornaoo· 11me ORDER TODAY• •• * • SIZES .4".uJA9LE roa T1DS &£LUSE * * * * • 12 " 16 ........ S22 • 20 >< 40 ........ 161 • : 12 " 25 ........ S29 : 25 >< 45.. .. . . , 164 • .. 20 )( 20. . .• 134 • -30 )(to ...... 1135 : • 20 )( 30. . . . . 147 • • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• IMPOR1ANI INOICA!f QUANTITY Of EACH LIMIT 1011en1 ltlrps per aooress no erceo· SIZE !ARP DESIRED ANO ENCLOSE THIS t!Ofl$ Seno 1poroor1a1e sum IQOetlleo w11n NOTICE WITH YOUR REMll TAHCE name •od aooress or slloulO Y<!Y '"'" 10 !Pl.US Ille IOflOw1no tre>Qlll lnO CJS•no ChllQt your order on VISA MASTERCARD cna1ou S~ tor u ch 12 • t6 12 • 25 or or AMERICAA OPRESS OM tredn taro 20 • 20 tarp S6 lor NCfl 20 ' JO iarp t1.1me number ar>O nPtr&tlOll dale lo hOtO S7 SO tor tlCll 20 • 40 or 2~ • '~ 111p O•MPPO•nltne11l or lulure r19ret VOii mu11 SIS to1 a.ell 30 • 60 lltpl Purt/lut p11ce 1)4.ce your oroe1 1mmtd•1ltly lnclOse 11111 relur>Otd •n lull 11 no1 comolelety u11shtO OflQ!llJI llOI~ woth ou1"11ttet lllO•c.tltd uoon rewpl ol youo Manne l•tetome ~1ps 11>0ve ACT NOW• llA&l1'E 81JaPUJ8 DEPOT LTNE-39 9D1MOO .................. NY11C90 THEONIY FRUITCAKE RECIPE YOU'U. EVER WANT By Marilyn Hansen 0 Id· lime Molasses Fruitcake is not only one of the most popular recipes FAMILY WEEKLY has ever pub- lished but also. even if you've never baked a fruitcake before, so easy to make. 3 cups (OM 15-oz. pk9.) d&rtt ra191M °' S aape chopped data or pttt.d .,,_ s Cl.IP9 (l~pkg.) ~ ,..... Of 3 CUP9 dried apric:ott, chopped 3 pk911. (16-oz. li.M) mlud c:ancled lndt ~ ~P brandy, nam Of apple Jub 3 cups butter, m.,...,tne or ~ ln9 21,.\ cu,. eugar 12 ... 1 tablapoon vanllla atraet 1 bottM (If oz.) dark IDOi• •• 1 tableepooe .,ated oraoge Md 1 grated non rWt 1 pkg. (2 lbe.) .a.pwpoec lour Of 7 cu,. unalfted .a.purpoee lour 2 teMp a o.te Mic.Int eoda 2 lelll!POOfW ult 2 t11We1tiaa• .,.ound dnMCMn 2 taWelti Q .. .-ound ......... l t11Welti 0 Oii ....... dcMe 2 cam (1-oa. -.) « 4 c_. walnutl, ~ daopped 'It to 1 oq1 lll'llOdi/ or ..,,a. Juice ~ GUii Ugbt COtft .. lt.Ml-.aom..._ Cudled ~ halYa. dtroa and ~ ...... ..,.. 1. In a large bowl. combine dark raisins, golden ralllns, ~and mixed candled fruit. T091 with brandy. Cove with plMtk film and allow to IOak ovem~t at room tempcratuN. 2. Nect day, preheat oven to 300°. Tur off four 13 >< 18-lnch shHts ol hovy. duty foO and tine four 9 >< 5 x 3-lnch loaf pana. Cduly praa foU Into comen and tm00eh out folclt: allow tome of fol to hang over edges ol pant. Do not ~· 3. In a large bowl with electt1c mixer at medium-high speed. beat buner until lighJ and fluffy. Gradually beat In sugar. Clean side of bowl and beaters. t . Beat In eggs, one at a time, add vanilla extract. Gradually beat In molasses untU well blended. Stir in orange and lemon rinds. Tum Into large stock pot to ml.x. S. Sift together flour, baking soda, salt and spices. Add to aumed mixture and beat until well blended and smooth. 6. Sdr In brandy·'SOaked fruits and wal· nuts. Spoon batter Into foll-lined pans and spread evenly Imo comers. 7. Bake 2 hours. or until cake tester in· serted In center of e.act't cake come:S out clean . 8. Remove from oven and cool 10 min· utes. Using foU overhang. lift loaves from pans; place on wire racks and cool com· pletely. Remove foU. 9. Cut 4 lengths of cheesecloth to wrap around each cake. Soak cheesecloths In 1;, cup brandy and wrap each cake. Over· wrap completely and securely with foil and plastic wrap. Store in tightly covered con· talner In cool atmosphere, or freeze. JO. If stored more than 2 weeks. unwrap and raoak cheesecloth and wrap again. Repeal every 2 weeks. Store fruitcakes up to 4 to 6 weeks. The frul1cakes may be lmled Immediately after making, but the IOak1ng a.nd lt0f1ng procea gives them a meDow. nch flevor. 11. After etoring dmc Is up, make glaze: Combine com syrup and water in small saucepan. heat to bolHng, then cool. 12. Unwrap fruitcakes. bnlsh off surlace aumbe, then bruah With glUI. O.Cor•t• with candled chary halves, bits of citron and walnut halwa. 8Nsh With glut IQaln and aUow to Mt 15 mlnuM. Cut Into thln .rJcesto~. IS. To praent fNl!x:aka • gifts: Wrap ACh decOfated, glued hu~ In plMdc wrap. Tie with ribbon and make your own pcnonallled labaJ. f1aoc In IPPfO• pnately lbed, lillu•·llned boll. Wr.p en- ttr• boK with gift paJ* and tie with rib- bon, ftnlthlng off with a IPflg of h<>Uv or Chrlltm•~·· Malta 4 f3·1b.J jn.lltoo'- --i I I it•!•l•, I •• ••• ~ • OllP Co.. 1112 I I NEW HAPPY CAT BRAND CAT FOOD I I I I ~-==--= • :':"J"' .. o:.• a ::::.'l.l:i.j''"''!!·"=!f I =a ......... I ·--~···· .. "':7. =---== =--·:.!,,......~I -··· =:r::··~-· ;;-g;.w11:'i r£l4n~l!i 1 ___ , ... , BUYERS GUIDE Cherlahed Qlft Adorable' Br0111e baby's shoes and the wllOle family will be sure to glow Baby's first shoes are gorgeously plated in solid metal for 1ust S3.99 a pa11 Also available TV lamps. p<l'lralt staod. bookends and ashtray (shownr What a perfe<:l gift lor grandparenlSI Sena "° money. Wnte tor lull oetalls and money $.av1ng certificate 10· Amencan Bronwig Co . Box 6533·ME26. Bexley. Oti 43209. Iron-On Cloth Labels Yoor name in bold, blue letters p11nted on srurtty precut ciolh 2 • '( 318 • labels adhere 10 any fabnc Won't lade. rub or wash off. No sewing. iron on easily lor permanent I D lcle.11 tor scllOOI. camp. unil0<ms Pnnt name 50 one line labels. SJ. 50. or too tor S4 ~O Universal Lallel Center. Dept FW1 2 Box ~. Bostoo. MA 02101 C•ptlv•tlngl You w~I simply adore t>eauhlul Eva Gabor wigs that are e•tra llOhtweigllt tor real comf~ and on.so-easy to style. A great conventence for !!lose surprise oc- casions! Corne 1n 23 flanentig styles and 28 naturaHoolong c010<s. For free catalogue. 1ust wnte 10. WtQS by Paula. De(>t. 1912A. Brockton. MA 02403. FREE COLOR CATALOG Sensattonal"SILK:' So Incredibly Realistic Friends will envy your Green Thumb' TllEF.S •PLANTS • fLOWEm • 90\JQUETS Name ----------- Address -----------City ______ State ___ _ Zlp ___ _ CHRISTOPHER BOOK, FW 12 P.O. Box 595 West Pateraon, N.J. 07'424 BEDWET'nR · LET THEM HAVE A DAY BED Tite.,....... ... ,_ -..... -.... ................ ... .....,, teo ... 8ft elMI ........... ~ Md ....... ,_ .................... --.._"celtO...Ctffp' ==· ct111D11ce1 ..,....._ "* teee •......., "'• .. --...,. ................ ~.,, ............. ......................... _._.....,..., • ... ..._.....,_..,.. 11'1 All AMut MMI .... Te IM It'',•,...,. i., two ,,..... dectota. No eeet • auaJMoro. ··-----~·!~~?.!!'~~!!.!!'-~~~~!·~----, ...., W. P'ACIFIC INT~"NATIONAL, LTD. F'W·9 1 • 1., 555 Bitch Stt .. t/Mel\OOU. WI 54'57 I • _j PARENTS N!<ME : "-'~~AOORESS : AINlfnso ~ CITY STATE ZIP ___ ~ Nailra : PHONE ... ae __ I _Ji.iAIJI I • P8c:1lle lnt•m•llonel ~10 1171 t,t.oft •-Mil J wt 1•F,1''.11 Mr : ,,. •,·,11·., 111 :·1.r~~ C'AN EXERCISE MAKE YOU WISE? By John E. Gibson TRUE OR FALSE? 1. Exercise enhances your mental faculties, getting your mind in good shape, as weU as your body. 2. By the simple act of smil- ing, you can easily make people think you're smarter than you are. 3. Meditation relaxes the mind so much that mental ta.sks are performed less effi- ciently. 4 .. Left-handed people tend to lack o riginality and creative Intelligence. ANSWERS 1. True. In studies at Crozer- Chester Medic~ Center of the Jefferson Medical Col- lege at Thomas Jefferson University (Pa.). students were given tests designed to evaluate their ability to per· form mental tasks requiring both loglcal and creative thinklng Tests were con- ducted under two condJtlons : with the subject seated ln a comfortable lounge chair, and pedaling a stationary ex· etcise bicycle at a mild level of exertion . The investigators concluded from the results that such levels of physical activity "exert dramatic ef. fects" on the mechanics of thinking, thus Increasing the scores on mental tests measuring perception, cognl· tion and the complex func· lions of both loglcal and creative thinking. These find- ings suggest that the ex· ecutive who paces the floor or goes for a walk while pondering Important dee!· slons ls doing more than pro· crasllnating. He's giving his mental abilities a boost . 2. True. Just give them a big smile. When you're smiling, others perceive you as being more on the ball than you might suspect. ln psycho- loglcal studies on the effects of a smile on percept1on. conducted at the Chinese University of Hong Kong's School of Education, m019 than 100 men and womfn undergraduates were shown random selections o f photographs of people from all walks of life. Photos were of males and females. both smiling and unsmiling. After viewing each picture, the subjects were asked to filJ out a questionnaire giving their Impression of each person pictured. The results showed that a smiling person was perceived to be appreciably more intelligent than an unsmiling person. 3. False. Long-term research by a team of University of California behavior scientists on meditation and Its effect on mental prowess and clari- ty of thought has demonstra- ted that the opposite Is t:rue . The investigators found that the practice of ryiedltation ac- tually results In an increased flow of blood to the brain - while other studies confirm that an Increase In mental abillty tends to go hand in hand with meditation. 4. Folse . Investigators at the University of Virginia made a study of the differences In creativity between left· handed and right-handed people. A standard ae.a1ivtty test was used 10 measure creativity on 192 men and women. The subjects con- sisted of 96 left·handed and 96 right·handed Individuals. An analysts of the re5Ults in- dicated that those who were left·handed demonstrated greater creativity than the right-handed Individuals on all four scales of a standard creativity test. Each sea.le measured o riginality of thought processes. flexibility, fluency and elaboration. It was further noted that of those who were left-handed, females scored higher than males, and the college-edu- cated scored higher than those with no college. Tn. point was made that, by hav- ing to live In a world for the right·handed. the left·hand· ed are challenged to adapt to their environment and thot this may foster creative 1'111 behavtor. IL.I Hemorrhoid sufferers. use medlcared aeanslng Pads by th• maken of Preparation H!' They often provide soothing temporary relief from rhe bur'}ing irch and pain of inflamed hemorrholdol Use only as dlrecred. WHEN YOU ORDER IY MAIL from compMlft th•t eci-tlM In Felf'lllY WMl!ly, PIMM l llOw fouf to llK WMl!I fOf deli•lf)I. Somellmet uninlentlOf'll l O.l•y• OCCUI II they oo, 11111 w11te. l.,. ""-'1, F..-r WMl!i,, .. , Le ........ A-..... YM. NY 10022 POSTAL EXAM Proven high score results to help you make e 1 00 on the Clenv(;arrler Ex· am All technoQues are c:Jesorlbec:I in Tesl booklet trom OOAODA. Box 493. Mobile. AL 36601 $5 00 Name ~-,...------­ Address -------- City --------- Slate Zli> THI OLD •IHISll-off Think ot your poor. lowly friend the 1oothbrush. It serves you faithfully twice a day, sil· ting in anxious anticipation in its hole next to rhe bathroom cup. Yet you continue to 1--~~~~~~~~~~-.-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ abuse it; ils br istles be- come bent and bruised and toothpaste resi· due covers 1he handle. are socking you and me right in the wallet According to the Atlanta-based National CoaJi- lion to Prevent Shoplifting. shoplifting in all businesses co.sts each American house- hold an additional $480 a year. Did you ever 1------------~ dishes with the high-protein kemels-cottorH>utter bread, oottonseed quiche and green bean casserole wilh cotton- seed topping. talk to your loath· brush? If you do it might ask you for early retirement. Seems the average American buys a new toothbrush on- ly about once a year. Thas despite 1he fact 1ha1 Adver· flsing Age reports 1hat a toothbrush wears out after lhree to four months and about lW<>-thirds of all brushes in use need replacement. So don't bristle al the suggestion Take a look. II could be lime for a mercy killing. HOADDOWN In these tough economic times, what ilems are super· market shoplifters grabbing for most often? Socks. Yep. socks, followed by cologne, perfume and steaks. reports a recent survey by Checkpoinl Systems of Thorofare, NJ. which makes electronic anti- theft devices. Next on the "most-likely-to-be-swiped" list come canned hams, pens, pork and lamb chops, lipslick, underwear and gloves, accord- ing to the company, which studied shoplifting pauems in 13 of the 200 supermarkets ii serves. And apparently, shoplifters ..,......,,. .... ........_ P11rlck M Lln&Jcey Vlc9 ,._,..,,. .... M •l)qolof Ger1td Wroe Vlee ,_ldeftt Incl o.ni ...... Jon11111n Thomolon ,.,,,,~, ~-._.,.._ t,10f1on Fr11* U • l"r\MILY WftKLY, 0-l'llOef S, 1112 RIAGAN'llN THl .. OOYI An amateur songwriter (and a registered Democrat at that) has -siss-boom-bah -hon- ored rhe Presidenl in a rousin~ tune called "Reagan's March.' Eugene Viscione. 48. a clo- thing retailer from Somerville, NJ .. has composed more than 100 son~ over the last 20 years. He told us he wrote and ~C~ recorded this new tune because he was tired of people badmouthing the President's programs. "Don't chop a man down until he's had a chance 10 prove himself," Viscione in- sists. "Reagan's March" tells of a helpless American bald eagle named Betsy wobbling along a railroad track. But wait, a train ANAXUTO HIND Those crater·like holes in our roads are also eating holes in our pockets. It's estimated that potholes will cost Ameri- can drivers $37 billion this year. reports Cornell Univer· sity's Lynne Irwin. For every dollar spent by highway agen- cies to maintain the roads. with Ron himself at the throttle approaches Big Rock Bend. Think of John Philip Sousa and a big bass drum and just listen: He picked up Betsy and put her on the train. And promised he'd make our country strong again. Rah. rah Reagan: Reagan saue our land Hooray for Reagan: Reagan is our man. So far, Viscione has sold about 750 copies of the 45 rpm record, which is available by mail. Seems like "Hail to the Chief ' has nothing to worry about. motorists pay $60 in out-0f- pocket costs due to poor roads. Such C05tS include burning more gasoline, bu~ng tires more often and making more frequent repairs to brake. steering and suspension sys- tems. In addition. it's believed that one in every five highway accidents in the U.S is caused by a road in bad condition. conONCANDY (AND QUICHI) It won't be long before you'll not only be wearing cot· ton but also eating it -cot· tonseed kernels. that is. Researchers at Texas A&M's Prolein Research and Devel· opment Center are develo~ Ing a wide variety of edible cottonseed products. This is now possible because the kernel gland that contains a toxic substance can be genetically bred out. Texas A&M food researcher Rhonda Simmons says she has prepared some delectable So far bread products oon- taining the cottonseed kernels are commercially available in New Mexico. New York. Texas and Illinois and chocolate can- dy via mail order. In a few years, though, cottonseed should be popping up every· where. in everything from bread crumbs to cereals. pies to meat extenders. Simmons told us the taste is "a little like sunflower seeds or peanuts, but really, it has a taste all its own-a mild. nutty flavor.'' alllTllDAYI (All Sagittarius) Sunday -Ot· to Preminger 76; Strom Thur- mond 80. Monday -Dave Brubeck 62. Tuesday -Ellen Burstyn 50; Ted Knight 59. Wednesday -Sammy Davis Jr. 57: Flip Wilson 49. Thun- day -Dina Merrill 57; Kirk Douglas 66; Redd Foxx 60: nd Kn(Bh~ Rwa MOl'mO John ~vetes 53; Dick Van Patten 54. Friday -Dorothy Lamour 68. Saturdly -Rita Moreno 51 : Christina Onassis 32. ...... 01no EdllO<, Tim "'VI'~"· O..•on Olreclot Aolletl Alt.mua, AnlCIM EClltOf, K91• White, ~·°' EOftOtt, PtlllCI• Ade•Oll. lloMI~ "OlllVIY'I. l'OllCI EdllO\ Mattfyn HAIMtl\. ... _ Edita<. Eliot l(apfen AHi fOllOI, M•ry Ellln Berrt11. C°"y Edllot; °*" 8fowne. 11-rall, l.#lcM VHMUOMI, "'°'o EClllOf, VlclO<I• 91•1• Aft Otr.cto;. ,.~,..,el YalQIU, ,.,., An 01111CIO( Suaan Pt re111 Art, O.~re Jlbton CY11tflle Rllj)pOfl, ContrlbuUno Writ-. No<mM1 LOl>Mlll Allttl ~ VP,.llillg '0 1• OI Oe>erellone, Riefl•fd MIMn. Malleup Mg<, Aoc.tto comnt. Pfod MIJf,, OMtl"W K11-. f"lannl119. llllC""' Monl-rro. Tn>oof•phef. Otor• AoM. VP AHOC. Ad Dir, Joe F ,,,,. .. Jr EHlem Mgt .. Lew• 0 Ou1en. 011., Clt.nt & Aoency AelallOna, Ja,,,._ 8 ,._,, A..OC Eee1e111 Mqr, ~hard I( C:.r,,,it Southe<n Mgr. 1(-lh J ~ry. O.oolt "40<, Lewi....,•"' Finn. Calll, "91-itll. 11""*'9. ~ dlr Utlfl tNI Ha,....111. VP. MaMllnQ DI<. Slani.y AoMnfeto:I, Ma1u 11no Mg<, Ker11 O'AJ.ea1N!IV. l'lomollon 011., P•tric .. Kyle C<H tl•• Olr, llcoert 8-•r. Metc11MC11-lllO Mgr, ()onlle Gefttlle. ANI Mdet Mgr, Ly<lla J.- NtWllMll* ..... ,lofl4 v P .• LH (lhl, V,,.. NtwtlMllMf a.mo.e. AccMlltJ ()l\rtellllll N-.peoei Atl Mgn,,,_0...,,.,,AoM<I H MetttOCt. Aorl~.JoNol!C w,.. Ti.ntNIOt 1111on Mo•' J.m Mc:C.nn Olllllbutlon Mgr.. Pllytllt Plleto. Conell"* l\'OL. L#llM Moufll Admlft AHi ' Be111e•• tNowo. V,,.,.,,_,....,.,,, "--'" ConlrOllef, ~ Cilriont I I· I 7 mo. *tar". 0.5 mg. nic01111e iv. per cigarene by FTC method. Here comes .A fresh new taste e~rience that outshines menthol. It not only tastes fresher while you smoke. It even leaves you with a dean, fresh taste. T~ w. .;ttait OJU:kti ... VITAMIN PRICES THIS Low1~ We probably could not offer you quallty vitamins at these advantageous low prices If we sold In stores. But wtth mall-ordtt they're yours. So act now. Save aa you've never saved beto~ NOW TRY THE "MAGICAL" G'l'~EM ORIENTAL HERB, GENUINE ,.,_, t1 GrNSENG ROOT. the mo.t pot.ent part of th11 very expen111ve Orient.al herb that takea up to 1 years to grow, hu been re- vered in Onental cultures for ages and ia m worldwide demand today. 1'ruly it 11 a NATURAL food 1upplement.1Weearch and lhouaanda of years of uee in fol k medmne may together reveal even more ~milang roles for lhi1 "Queen of Herbs" with ita •JM!' ciaJ plant nutrient.a. The word GINSENG literally mean11 "man-root" in the Orient lthe root look.a like an oddly huma.n-11haped parsnipt And, Oriental emphasis on maintenance of natural balance 11eem1 practical to nutrition-con11ciou1 people today Now. you can ~t a bottle of 60 po~nt G11uen1 t.ableta FREE-from Nulrit1on Headquarters, if you order any of the it.em• in thi1 ad. J1111t check the box in the order blank and we w11l 1nclude without charge a bottle of 50 Ginseng tablets with your order. Offer Expires o.c.mber 20, 1912 ? Enda11 Coupona Below With Order. =~,,._ IEM.11 ftlll ':=-: ••••••••••••••••••1 r••••••••••••••••••, CO.AM. TMltl flMC8I _,. 1'MOla YOU AM_. _.AV.01 MAIL ORDER COOPON MAIL ORDER coo~ !"t!' ........ , • ._,,_,11;! ..... lOOO 1,000 MO· Ga~ 011 UCMDC!O!Ul9t~ .. •tt•:-.. 111ra10 Vl .. 'AMIN '" ••MCO!l!CA"'·c. toot1W ... ;to0111r•• Cl. -10068• :=,.,LMetz;i!;:~•~:t:!.: -For !..-Ont -.............. !AfY!!-190 tor~''·~ lar. 50 :i 500 tor 3.21 o1,,,,, Sa !!l!!J m. c. C!!!f!AL.S-6 "'· 111r •:IS! • !!!. '°' 7.7s Wllh Role Hips 0 1000 for 1.31 to 1 ,,,,,., -·A"" ~to lar U !; lOO IOr f 7S 19 8 '--°"' N714 E 1UO82 -... l!W!TA!L.l!!=IOO tor P i !00 '°' 2. :J 100 ofM,5'111 •----•••••~'••••••• KlllT~IOOIDr•. I0001Dt2 .. FOf 1e 1 ~ ,..•-••-•••••••••---L.&.~1GO!!l!"300 torlll0 MAIL ORDER COUPON •MG. "~liiiij: ~tor •a. eo 1or t 15 = soo tor t .4t Our "TOP-I" ,. !C!9. ••• ioo .. t.•. * '°' s n :i 1000 tor 11.11 B-Co•plex "SO" :r'~':.~~:::;;~:•ao .... H·1"'--------E•.P.••.•_121_201 __ ~.J F .. __ .. , _ ~ _ . emou. "'"'"'&9 at a •-. C!!fLATID -.C-100 por 1. 79, 500 fot 7 .u -MAirC>Aee"Ftc&i'PON-, lenMttcMllll Low "1cel ~···~--tor,•:·~· E~~ ~ 50 mg ~ W1!1A @-"!!!•:!:~~tor uo LECITHIN ~. choli· ... ~~ 1• •·¥If, c !!!!!! !!O!!,.. 100 '°' t.tt j !00 tor,. oo It Grain Capaiulee 8 12. 8ooew1. 5'0rn9. Pltle IOOmcg UQ!U!P_ ¥If, .. ~~ '°'W, 2 II 2 IOf 5.iO :J IOO 149 Folc~ !CfM-!!~~-~tor!= 0 50 .. 89 ..-o.. ...,~--1·~~·· Bi::::=~ g'f:'!:~::: r.~.= awiiifiJi1i°j.ji'fiiiis N114 fap!fU 1l20ll7 a N71M ExcNire1 12/20'1;2 J ._._...__••••••••---•••-' ------~------------r--MAILORDERCOUPON ... , "BIG 4" I "lll-1r The nutrient mtx mentioned en Kelp,W.N,~ I o7ooa.7vi.....,9• ! DUR~~~ and FOf l .... °"' I SANDY SHAW "lH Ellmm" '.:) 500 for 3.50 ti Mt "'°' • 1415 cco-. IO '*'11- --------------~---------------------, ... All OAOER COUP-ON I VITAMIN E a0 MONTH&~ =:i 400 Unit lO a (llf'#r I c...... -100 for 1.19 : 'l 500 for 1.25 • N714 ElPl"H 12120112 '..J 1000 for 15.11 : ·----·---------------·---------~----····-' r;;ii~~~OERC00~~87¢1 : ""'"'""' -C a aoo ... •·• ~ '1:.l I N714 fapiret 12120182 Q 1000 for 7.lt It!?....., I ·----Enc;oe.~co;.po;.aiiiOftw-c>niW .. -----• PllOT• ...a 0 1.0.1." 'T.t=~ ,._c:. ... .-iiiiliiiiiliiii-,. • 11• J(R.lollM ..... • .......... 11 .... ....................... n.e GRAPEFRUIT DIET PILL PLAN AllO LOU WEIGHT FAST Conlalne Ol'9 ol IPle 1110119 .. • -8kle ev.il· tO for 2 ... able ~ Pf•ecnpcion ~ ft'l(ICleM, I 00 ell-ve -Plien 1N1 1en you eftjOy ) Clef• 200 for o ;:i-..;;:' -"*"' evertl)ey .. you IOO for 9.81 leme Forftlla Others Chtr'fed 15.11 aftd Up For SPiii...._.. ,._ ut OlllWol. sm,,.. T... llD-.... ~-'r IW$IWI fOMIW '°MLETS 2.49 .._1... 1::9 2H ~M 8U VITAMIN E IMWIM YUIT Tut.m no 95t ,_, 1000 few t .11 N ... r.,r,.,. H•llA4u11•r,., Money S<tvin~ MA•, QH:ll k ill AN I\ uar Hema you wl•h her•: I I CILWl1"Y Silt °' l'llOOUCl IOI~ PlllC( I I [j ,000 for l ,4f le 1 ,..,.. 1 MOnlll1 ...,,..,, N114 E&pot•t 12120!12 J a.::========= ~---··--···-··--·--r --1 ... I MAIL ORDER COUPON I . .,,, ... r··--······-·····--• WDLOW CALCIUM : M~~ ZlNC I I o= 39• i CALCIUM 11 Hllnllal-But 90fM celdumt he¥a been lound Ngfl In , .. Cl Thia ballnoeCI c:el-aum 11 lallotlilelfy......CS '° hew ·•=m I ....... c-..<~·-----·"-,,00 I SAllSFACTION GUAAANTEED TOlAL~ I l..nul~---~ ... --5•0.000....~---­ ---w._ ...... -........... 0 IOO tor 1.. UIOtl °"' j 0 1000 tor Ut = :'7J; l .. ,.. , ..... lt/IOfW ... -------··-· a low SAFE·lead ~I. • , ... u. ........