HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-12-11 - Orange Coast Pilot-------------. . ORANG E COAST YOUR HOMETOWN DAllY PAPER SATURDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1982 ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS FBI t o i n vestigate Orange County Jail deaths Hy JJ·:t"F AIH.EH 01 T"• D•lly Pllof 8talf < >1 u11..:1· l '11ur1ty S l11•11f I H1 .1ol <. .. tlt'!> 11·V1'ctlc·d F1 1du \ l h,tl (',.11tral t)i;11q~1· C111111t v Mu111np;1l l '<•11 1 I .l11d1o;io B11bli y Y1>Ull!o(blc111d who h,1•, !11•1•11 highl y t llllt.il cd 1:,1lt'1' ,111d n>1111ty J<UI 01w ·ratu111" h,,,, 1,..,.11 lltlplil'dlt>d Ill ol blll gl,11 ~ l ;\!>C' tic)\,\ l.Jt•lll!o( 111v1·s11~.1t1•cl l1v ,,111 1 rfl"• Ut'fJUlll'!'> Thal 1•xpl11:-.1vt• rl'\'t•l.1t1w1 l'illtll' st•vprul lwur~ aft1·1 U S A ll111 rn·v St1•µht•n Trott acknowl1·dg1•d ,;, Los AllRl'll•" that th1• FHI Wc•uld Queen's skipper honore d By KAREN E. KLE IN Of tM Dally Piiot 8t.alf The last rnun to g t·t u11 tht· erowdt-d ell-vat.or was earry1ng a round pll"<'(' of glass surruundt-<.l by rt.'d , wh1tt· and hh11• flow1•r.; and silvt.>r gllttN The p1e<'C' of glass was 01w 11f the Queen Mary's '.l,000 original porthu lt'S It was a gift for ttw queen ·s last sailinlo{ c<iptain, John Treasur"' J1;nes The flower~ b<'<ieeked porthol• · was only Ont> of st•vt>ral g ifts Jones recf'1vt•d Thursday, ttw 15th ann1vt•rsary of tht' day th" 1.019.5-foot-long oc·t>an l11wr berthed m Long fka<.'h Harbor J ont.'s cont'('<.lro he had u1 I><· persuaded to fly with hts w1ft'. Belle, fr1Jm England lo attend th1• ceremony and dinn('r dunce· 1n the Queen Mary's hunor "It's not that WP didn't want to rome and be with you peoplt>," he said "It's JUSt that wE"re getting rather lung m tht• U>oth It's hard for us LO travel 12 hours s t raight o n onf' of those what<.'ha call'em fl ymg machines that put u s ou t o f business around 1960 " J o n es walkt>d across tht- promen ad{· dN'k ga n gp I an k around I I a m to the ceremonial tune of a Scottish bagpiper Pr~! d<JS{' bt•hmd th<' ship·~ officers, ltned up w;.i1 ting lo grc't"t J o nes. Wl·rc· mc·mbt>r~ o f th1• Quet·n Mary Club. form{·d by passengers rn thP fmal days 11f the ship's last, 14,559-mile voyage around Ca~· Hom from Great Bntam to Long Beach Mostly l'ld1·rly p<tSS(>ngers who were on that last cruise, stood expectantly npar Jom·s, c·all1ng out grt't'tings to ''thf'1r rapta1n .. and commt•ntlng (•XI tti·dly to .. ni· anothf'r on how Wl'll h• and Belle looked A hearty few trudgl'd out onto the s hip's bnw ("That·~ tht· pointy end." Jnnf'S advtSC'd). for :1 bnef c1'rPmonv 1r1 tht.· w1•t. windy weather .. It was a dav llk1· th1~" m Scotland. on SPpl · 26. 19:H when thl• Quf'Pn Ma ry w as launc hed ... said Bob Magu~(lm. (Set> QUEEN MARY. Page AZ> 111\•':o.t1g.it1· 11•tt.1111 d1 ·,1tl1 ... 111 1)11• ,r11I '" w..tl ·" 11tht·1 .1Jlc •gut1c•11' 1111 1 l1111•d Ill ol llllll' p11i.:1 (1 llt I Y c•lltl~!hlqod w1111<• 111 t lr1 11. tlt•1, Y11u11ghl11111I ,,.,,,., h th.it ( :,111·., .111d olh1•1 'ht' I I f I t t 11 "111' I d 1 • p ,if l 11IC'11 l I•(' I .. II " II I I ( II\' .. I I'd u fl I II l"Ulll .. lltlll't'!'o 111volv111g I 111· dt'.1th uf " ,rid 1111111111· 111 l!IH I (.; J t t• lo , I ti d I' 11 y I 11 f.: Y\lungblood';, d a1111:-11f ,, q1v1·1 llµ, sa id th1• Judi.w 1s "!wing I 0 () k t. d Cl t . • Ii y " h l' I I f I . s dt·parlmt·riL irivt·:-llgator:. 111 .1 ft'lu n y burglary l'aSt.' th .it '" 1u1J1•d lh·f<11 , Yuu11glilc1111l 1,.., ·'"" " J1u l1ow J'li1 It W,J~ .I ft•J 1111y I I 11111' 1111111111111·.t 111 wlt1• Ii w .. w 1·11 · Lold i. .. h.11! "11111· k111d .. c p.11·t," (;att'1> 'o.11c l I It• d1'\·l1111'!l lo t l;itx11,1t1• 111 lh1· lt·lt1·1 l u tli1• ll S /\lt111 111'y, Y1•w1gbl1x1d ~tat•·~ th,1\ t I w ill'cl\ h of Tu111ou,t1.<t:o.I I Lu.1110 111 F.·b111.11 y !!-IHI w;;:-"lrkc ·ly a ho11111·1d4' and/or an 1m·n ·dalily hutv li1•d 111v1·s t1ga t 11111 tt nd o1ulop:-y by llw Sht·nff ( 'ororwr " Tl11· ll'tt1·r ubu dulllL'> lhut tht· tlt-<.tths of twu other inmatt.'s Tumbl eweed s n owman dun11~ it, .. I"''' IV.•> Ve<11;. w1 ·r" lll\Jlt'\ l'!>.'o.IJ y "0111• o f lllt'111 Y.11 ~ l1k1·lv ·' ht111\lt 1tl1 • liu I 11 Wll'> I ,1 I l1·d ;u,·1d1·11titl Tllo· 111h,·1 lW<• :.amply d1d11 '1 lt.cvt· 111 d11.," .. aid Y t1U11~lil11od .tl .1 111 ·w~ 1·1111f1·n·t1<'t' fo'riclt1y dur lllg Whlt'h )lt' IPlt>aSt•J 1·w11t·11L.., .,f tht· IC'lt1 ·r "1'11l'y du·d l.x-<.'alJSt' \'1111d1 t1u11~ 111 th1· Jail an· barbu111· Thl.'y'n• l'l'Ul·I. 1rrhurnww and 18 pt:·uµlt• 111 tht· last :w months havt· <ll1·d ov1·r th1•rl· If :.un1l'lh1ng dot•sn't happt·n more are grnng w d1t>." the JUdgl' dt'(:lart'tl ( )ranrz;t> Coast-type snowman. <·ompl«'lt' with top hat a n d red ti.-, was put up b y tht· John S. Con!'lf>r family of ( :o sta Mesa. The "snowman," made of tumble weeds, was sligh tly deflocked hy the n•t•t•nt rains. but ~•ill a pp{'ars jaunty . Yuu111.(lil1,.,.1 .ib11 i-.ud that s11w1• ht· 111 :-.t puhl11 ly 1c·Vt·.1l1·d 111(01111.0\11111 l'OI H'l'l 11111/.( I .11,11111', d f ••I\ h It t ' Ii I( d "Ii t' (' 11111 I' ( ht' 11u111l>1·1 11111· LH g .. 1 11{ v111d1vt1v1• Sl11'1111 B1.1d (;;.itt·s " 111· ~ctd ht• l>1•lu·v1 ·~ that )i,. 1:-. IH'lllg WiJlt h1·d b y d priv;,il1• !>Ul"V1•1lla1w1· f1r111 h1n·tl by (;ut1·:-. tind h..i:-. lwt'll harus:-.1·<1 al l(i<:al n·t.~1ura11~ liy "l11t'rnl>1.'r:-. of tht• slwrrff's 11Ht·ll1gem·t· ur11t who 11-y t o s 1 t 1· I o s l' t o h t· a r m y nmv1·rS<Jt1on.s" YoungblU<x.I adckd ht· would not lit· surprtS4.·d if ht• Wt'fl' t<1 tw .1111'!-ol<'d "today, l•11111n 111" <11 111 tlrt• 1war lUllllt'" ( :..itt·s rt·spt111Jt·d lo th1· 1 t.a1 W'" ll'V••lt-<I by lhl' Jlld,Kt ' l1y I .illl111-< lh1·111 '',1hsolut1•ly 11d1nd11u., · "My fl'!'>IHJll ~I ' 1-. thul th•,,. (.dlt·g ,11t1111 s) "' , .. .t> .... il111 .. 1y 111 I ti ll t '." ( ; J t t '.'> °'.; J d " JI t .' !. otll'U:0.1111<( tht· lhSllll.'t <illOJIH'V IJf t 111~ 1·ou11ty and the· ,1w1 If f u f dt1111g :><111wthang wr.111g dlld It ... JUS\ llOl lrut• .. <._; a t t• t. a I so d 1 • 11 11 • J l Ii a t Yuunglilund t'V l't h <" ht·1·11 r fl I I u w (' d II J k , . p t II II d I . I (See FBI, Page AZ, Recall pane l 's charges rebutted audit report • ln By PHIL SNEIDERMAN 01 the Dally Piiot Staff F o u n t a i n V u I l t· y S c h o u I D1stnct officials, who havt.· bt'1.·n accused of f151.:aJ m1smanagE-nwnt by a n .•call c ommittt·t·. suy a special audit report madt· pub!JC' Friday has fatled to substantiatt• the charges In a wr1ttt'n s t atement accompanying the document, Superintendent Wtlliam F'1sh£'r claimed the special audit report "is a verification of the D1stnC't0s position that It has excerc1sed responsible fiscal management and complied with all s tate codes" Fisher said an add1t1onal mandatt'd audit has been completed and fil ed with required state and local agencies H e c laimed this als o "substantiated the sound fiscal procedures of the d1Stnct " The fiscal mismanagement charges were raised by th1..~ Committee Ad vuc;.i t 1ng Ht•spons 1bl<· Educuwin. whl('h has mountc>d a t·ampa1gn to rf'<:a.Ll d1stnl't trustees Cheryl Norton, Suzannl' Moore and Hogl'r fk.lgt'n. CAHE mt-mbt·rs rt'<.·ently nwt a deadline for collecting suff1nt•nt s ignatures to conduC't a rt•(·all c•lectwn Tht• group's pet1t1o ns are l'Urrently tx·mg venf1ed by th•· Orang!" County Registrar nf V1 oln-s' off ace CARE spokeswoman Janet Schmidt crit1c1zed th£' d1stnct for withholding tht-audit.or's report She !.aid CARE represen tatives had bt>en all.empting to obi.am a copy for a Wt'<'k befon· 1 t was re leased. Sht> said C ARE representallvt's wtll present a rebuttal to the special aud1 tor·s report at Thursday's meeung of the distr1ct 's board of trust('{.'S The auditor's report was pre par("(i in response tu CARE charges by Vavnnek. Trme. lh1y ISee CllARGES, Page A21 Judge orders talk lease dis pute • Ill An Orange County Superior Court JUdge Friday to ld the Irvine Company and f our Newport Beach famihes locked m a land lease dispute to try to resolve their differences before a scheduled March 7 heanng. Judge Claude M. Owens said both parties should meet and attC'mpt to reach a negotiated settlement and to advise t he court of their e ffo rts 15 days before the heanng. Four Newport BE'al'h Cami h<'S ftled a class action suit agamst the lrvme Company last January on behalf o f nearly 4 ,000 residenLc; hving o n land leasC'd from the Irvine Company Plaintiffs are Louis and Phyllis Scott. John and L illian Fabregas, Robert and Barbara Amstatder and Robe-rt and Mary Longpre· The· families asstx:1ated with the Committ.N· of 4000 contend that the mcrease in annual land lease fff'S are "unconscionablt-" The suit asks that residents be given fmanc1aJ aed1t for physic:al 1mprovemc•nts and intangible contnbutwru. they have made to their property The suit also asks that the least'<! property Ix-appraised as •·raw land" and that residents be ent1tlc·d tu an "1mpn1vPment" C'redit of no IPss than 50 percC'nt of the land value A spok£>sman for the Irvine Cumpany said represC'ntal1ves from the development firm plan to contact tht• families namL'Ci m the suit soon Burn patients h ave early Yule By JOEL C. DON Of the D•lly PlloC Stoff Tht' yul..t1dt' ho liday <J.rrtvNf .1 little f.arly for cu rn:nt and former pat1f'nts of UC' lrvtnl' Medical c~·nter's Bum Cent.er It was a spt>cial gathering Friday in thC' medical center cafeteria. a.c; children and adult hum victims had a reunion with d oc t o r s. nur ses and representatives fro m the Orangr· County F'1rt• Departrnf'nt and nearly a do7Rn nty firC'f1ghting and paramf'd1c units ThC'rC' wPrc· C'low n s and balloons . magic trtl'ks ,j nd puppets. trays of cupc·akl'S and cookies and plenty of punch for the more than 130 people who showed up for the annual Pvent, C'o-sponsored by the mC'dt cal centt•r and the Orangt' County Burn Assoc1atton Sant;l Claus was there, too The festivities, mark1'<I hy an abundance o f hu~o~1n~ And ki'1111ni:( betwt'en patients and hoc;p1tal s taff . St'l'nll'd lo ov1•rshad11w thf' lnJUrtE>S that Jl'ft <o o m f' w 1 t h p t' r m a n 1• n t d 1 s f 1 g u r f• m <' n t and o l h 1· r probkms It is for that n·a'iA>O, said hun1 t'enlt·r d1reC'lOI' Dr Bruce A c hauer. that lht' h oliday reunions werC' begun at th£' med1f'al center six yf•ars ago Burn patients spend from threE> wet.•ks to thret> months in thf' burn unit During that period, f a m 1 l 1 e s a n d b u r n v 1 t' t 1 m s d evelop r£>lati o ns h1ps with mPd1C'al t"<'nwr staff unlike those m othC'r medical wards, he said "There is a tremendous bond between the~w people," Achauer said "Nu onf' knows what it's likf' l<i b<-burned You rarry thP scars for life ''W e usually f o llow our pat1ent..c; for a long time ... addt'<I burn center nurs(> Sue Martinez "The avnage 1s two yC'an.i and sometimes we'll ~ them for up to ft vf' yf'ars ----INDEX -------. Clas.c;1f1C'd C5 II Public Not1e£>s B6:C4 Comics BIO Religion 86-·; Comment B8 Sports Bl-5 C rossword BIO T clev1R1011 C3 DE-ath Noti<'E'S C4 ThC'at1·r!' Cl-2 E nte rtainmf'nl Cl -2 Trivia C2 H oroscope 812 W eather A2 Movies C l -2 World News A:l National News A3 Youth 89 "Wt· kC'Cp ~·mg our pat11•nts ovf'r and ovPr and ovPr again We gPt tu know thC'1r fam1ltcs bc'<'aUSC' th<'y v1s1l so often It's JUSt great to S<'<' th!'m again and it's n•ally ntcf' to SN' all the patients again to S('(> how they're adaptm~ to tht•ir lives Lilli<' Vince nte "Vinny" Valenr1a eouldn't wait to feast on yC'l ano ther Christmas eook1e ThC' 4-year-old suffe red second- and third degree bums over 85 percent of his body aft.er a water heatn 1gn1ted gasoline in his home three years ago R os emary Tanis , o f H un ttngton Bt'ach, the boy's foot.er parent, said Vinny doesn't seem to min d t he permane nt injuries to his face and hands and armc; "He s~ud to me this morning. 'I'm handsome, I'm really cool mom .'" she said "He take~ swimming. gymnastics and joined the church choir He 's a favorite of everyone hE're." Bill Dean, member o f the hoard of directors of the Orange County Bum Association , said it's important for firefighters to see what happens to patient.a after they've treated them In the field. "It g ives them a little more retipect for the job they do out there," he explained. "After someone is burned. it's just a one-shot deal In the ne wspaper," said C1)Ata Mesa Fire Ch ief John Petruniello (See BURN, Page A!> .,.., ......... "Lee...,.. t :hildren, r.urrent and former patients of UC Irvine Medical Cen ter's Burn Cente r, line up tO see Santa Cla us during a n early Christmas party a nd annual holiday reunion. . -........ ----_-..-:.:...:. -::·~-.:. ........ --~..---.-. .......................................... .-. ...................... ____ ~-------.--.------------,,_,_. .... -:. ..................... =-..:.:~~----. ·-·· .. --... --------·---------------------------------------------------r--r-----,,.-.... _,....,,,... ___ 1 ''""IJ" 1 1111:it l1Att' 111111 1 '1111111.iu, l•rn ttll•I"" 11 11111, -------~-orange County ------------------------~\ ,,~ Continued stories 'lllV1ill,1111 1· lo\ O'lllwr ii llll\/11l" 111\'•"•fl~.otl\t' 111 111 .. , ,1o .. 11lf ., til'llU I It '\ Tiu '1111111 ,11ltl .. d tltul l1<1l h I Ii I I I g ,1 I .. II ti J u " I I I •• I t'tlll)lllllllll ll '' 'h1111)cf ft • 1·X.tllllll• Y11u11gl11i111d' 11u1dtf11 .1111111.., 1111 111 .. lx•111 Ii "It•·., ,, bud jlld~1· t;.111•, --.11d (rttll 1h1· I "l 1\l1tH111·y '-tit! l It .. l'Hl 11n 1 '' IK·•\1011 v. 111tltl .1t l<'lllJH 111 d .. t .. 11111111· d ,111\ v11d.1111111' 111 It d1•111I l.1w~ v.111 111v11l\'1·d 111 1111 d1 .. i1h~ 1111tl11wd 111 Y11u11ghl1111d ', lt·t1 .. 1 I It-t1·1111 .. d 111. lll\t,11g.1l11111 ·' • ... 1..11d.11d 11111 · \\'I l •• k I I It I. • ii I 1 g .. l 1 II II ... , l'lllll ... h .... 1d '1'111tl '('111 lltd II yll\~ l;I d11w11pl.1y llll' 111 hlil\\ II 11UI 111 111 1111<11111111 1·111\l'r "\\'1 'II du ,1 1lw1ou~h Jl'h 111 ltl\lklllg 111\11 thh .11111 lht I hiJ" V. Ill f._.lt V. IH•lt llh' d!IJI' f.d) \,\'Iii 11 lht ~'Bl nH11pl1•t1·-. 1\-. 111v1 .... t1g.1t11111 . tlw f111d111g.., v.ilt Ix 111 1111 d 11\'1·1 l o tht• US t\lt1111w\.., 11 ff w1· ll tl11•11•" I t",l'•llll to 111 Ill\ I .I l I 11111 h.1~ l)l't"I\ t •111\llllllt·d lht 111.0l It I \j\, di la· brought IH'f11r•· ,, f1·1h 1 .ol grand JU r) . ht" :,.t 1c.J Tr11t1 '"'d ht· had 111 • """' ""'~ • • lout~ llw 11111111 111l~~lt 1 t.ilu l'h1 11111,1 "I lilll' .tilt 1-:.1111111• , 11111.11111·.t 111 Y111111~lil•••I '-. Ir 111·1 , .,,u t '" Lu._..,,.·, clt•"lt1 tit ·~11ol I 111 1111h1.il ttll\I "'"'"" tli.t1 I 11.11111 d11 ·.! ,111 1d1 111.tlh tl111 Ill I 11111pl11 .1111111 ... I I 1..1 ... 1 ,,, .• It 11lt11lll 111111,11 .1111111 1·. "p.tlt•lllh 11\11111111 ,,1,, II 111llljl.t1ld t11 1111 l.11 " A ,,, t111d .1u111p-..\ IM I l11111wd .ii 1111 l fl.Of Ill I ,lffll 1 \ •., 11 lj\JI ,_, I I•'' h I ti ,, I .It d 1 I,, I I 111 111111 lrh1tJ1t Ym111gl1i1HMI 1 l.111111·.I 11 ..... 11d th.ti l.11.11111 .i ... .i I 111111 " lilo,.KI , l11t 111 111' h111~: th.it 111,1\ ""I lll'l'll I .1lht·d II\ ,, J.01 I IM·""'~! 111 I.di ~1\11,,) kt•\ f'Jlh 11! l,lf,lfl•I'• l111d \ \.\I 11 llll''>itlg .t lld lltol .1v.11l.ilil• 1111 llfl' "~ 1111d ,1111111'"" 1'111•-.1 '' 11ild 11.t \ I lit I II 1111pt11 l.111I Ill dt l1 1111111111~ \\ h1 lht I tl1t· lllolll • d1 ,oth \\ ,1·, ,I\ I Odt II( ti Ill -.,fld '1'111 1111-.:-.Jt1g l.111\ p.11 h and " "g11o11u11 Y11u11gltl11od, l.tlll\' \\ ·" 1111 g1·d till t t'l l.1111 I),, lllllt 111 ... l•\ ,, 1 Cll llll t'I ' 1tl I 11 t po1th1dng1 'I 11111'l1lul1 .1 <11\1 1 up 11111·1\ll•·d 111 1111!-ol.'Ull' tlw """ '·•ll'" 11( do ·,olh, ,111 Ill d111g lcr I 1\1· 11•111'1 <:HAR(;ES HEBlJTTEll • ,ind C11 . J n·rtlflf•d put.lit ollt UUllling r1rm baSt'<.I in Ont..1110 A l.'1.'oUnl,1111 lh·nn1s Pr111gl1• said his ftrm·s comnwnts Wl 11· rl·:.lnt·Ll·d tu tlw Vl·nfw.111011 ul f1ndnc1al dat..i µr1~ntt1J by th• d1slnct <and did not .1ttt·mpt lo ,1ddn>&o; lht· VPr<it'llV of l'AHE'., -;tal~m 1·nt ~ o r th.t· d1 ... tr11 1·.., 1 • J u ea t 1 11 11 a I p 11 I 1 1· v ;1 11 d philosoph y In on<· 111-.1.11111 l' J\ H ~- mt•mbl·rs c1:.k1"<f af ttw d1-.trr1 I 1.., Pay increaS(' h earing set lr\'111l s ut:i. t•mµlu)-t~·-. \~1111 I g1·l r<tl"it''> ,1\1·r.1g1ng I\ I J>< ru·111 unle~ lhl· t'ttv l'ou11cd ;1pprov1·~ C1w M .. rwg1•1 Willaa111 Woollt•tl Jr .-, salar v rt'l-ummt·rnl.1111111.., .Jl ,, mt·Hing Tu1·~lc1y night A headl11w 111 th1· I>ailv 1'11111 m1stakPnl: n ·p1.1rt1'<1 F'nd;;.., th.it thC' rat.st"• h ,ivt· lx'<·n gra11l1'tl ~Ar l'f PAY'> ro c ,() AN~ [ I ._1<;r MY 1 Ht..'l'>fM A$ •>HVl'l'IN( • 11•,Jf gutltv uf "lon·l1·~'> .1t·u1u111111g 111 d1'l.·1·p111m" tn ~i.x·nding $7~1111100 for l.1111bcap1ng, t·1•nw11l lu111lwr. .• n h1lP1 L'> aml ntht·r 111·11~. whil1· 11 11111 t111g t ht>m "" t IJ-.~1"111J111 1111l'111t·d l•<lu1at1011.il 1·q111µ1111 •111 ,1ml 'uµph~ <:A HF. offtu.d_., 1111111 11d1«I th1 d1sl11t l six·nt ,1l lt ·<t ... ,I $~~ 0110 111 pun·hc1sl' anJ tnSl..Jll k":k1·1·~ .11 t lw 1ww T<.tll.JNl M 11ldlt· Sd w11I Thi d1slnt'l ,md t l1t ... 11d1t111 b11th 111.iu...J th" l11l.1l 111s1 .it $1!1 Hll'I I 11 twr st·ct111n.., of tht· n·1mrl .1d d11•..,s 1•d CA HJ-: ch ar g 1•.., I tll\11 ·1111ng I 1·du1 lions Ill c t1ll'>Urll<1hle w or kbcxiks .• md f11•ld 111p-. th1· d1sln1 I ' hutlding (1111.I th p11l11 u.., (111 -..dt· 11( 'ur µlu" µ111p1•rty , It~ pr11u dur •.., for l uddll\~ (If) t'111)ll ,ll h ,11\d I 11 ... h ,1..-...,._x.'l.tll-<l With rt'llfl\'.ttlllll 11f lht• rlt·W d1stri1 l h1·Jdqu.11 lt•t :-. .111d 111 tht· Tallit·rl M1ddl1 ::... loool l>1!-.t1 tl'l u£f1uab '-did t 11µ11-s ul 1h1 '>J>l'('1,1l aud1t11r ~ '"porl .on· Jv,11l,1blt 111 tht µublu \ 'l")~d"""'l l""' ( ,, \ -'1 II l<t:';-, from HCic19en-Oaz1 Ice C ream Shoppe County take action on child abuse II )' .Jl•:FI' AIH.l•.H ()I lh• o.u, 1•1101 11•11 l\l,111111d I•\ 11 .. 1•111\\111~1 1111 11 11 II• 1 "' • 111 Id . .1°11" 111.I II• gl• I I 111 .111 11 1 I 1111111 \ -..q.·r\ h111 .11ut ~1.111 I 1\\ 111.1k1·1' h,1\'t' l.tk• II "'Vt 1111 lit 11111" thr ... \It di I ll II \ \II plt'\'1'111 1111 I I llt•llit''o I l1tld1 t II 'olllfll llllo< '• .11111 I 1l Iii• lo.11uh n l .11l11l t.. ('1111111\ 'llf't'f\I 111-. lt.1\1 1111 I• ....... d I ht 11\llllht I 11f ..,Ill 1,tl \\Ill k1 ·1 .... 11111 .111111111 \ ... c lt.11 g1 ti '' 111! l1o1111ll111~'. 1.t..,,., 111 ,ol 1us1·d llld Ill )111 t \I ti I l1tldJ I'll N1 '' l 111 -.tl.1\. -.i11"·n 1 .. 11 v. ill 1111"11)1 I llo1 111.1llt I 111111 .1g.1111 11 !'>.llt •'\11••l1dl11 • lit \\ .,.., ... .1.. ,, Stq•• I \ I I ... 1,tld1-.l1 f 11111lt·d pr 11g1 •lllll't lf1l1·111l1•d lo l'Ul 1111 111111il>1 ·1 111 d1lld .1l1ust 1,1-.1·:0, Ill { ll .tlW,1 ( 011\llllY Ht(\\. I fl 1•1111 .11 111 I tlll I 1t.1 lllllltlll I 11! < hrld1 t II 11 J11ll ll•d 11lrll'>t'd 111 lll'~:Jl'I. II d I l1111J11•d Ii\ 'l r f" It C'llf ,11'('111 d111g 111 S.11 :1 W.tlk· I , ..... ,, .. 1.r1ol ilf11'( 1111 ,,, llit• I 11tllll\ :-,,. I.ti ''l'I \ h <"• 1\1-lt 'flt \ I 11 ! flllll•"I 1 llt 1111 11 ,1..,1 11 1 1.1 ........ tit• ... 1.111 • 1 .. j.(.-.).11111 1· l'·'""·d '"'" hrlt-. tl1111111• "" ""'' "'''>'illll 111 I 1111d I lttftl ,d111 -.1• 1111 \1•11111111 .111tl """"t.1111' pt 11).(l .1111 " ·" 111111d t 111 -.l.o11 W.ilk1 I ....... 1 l-111 11!1" Ill t•.111 l1\. 11111 • ...... .i Ii,., 1111 l111 lt1 'I I \1111 ·•"' .11111 •• i I 1 ' 11111) 11 • I II I • II II II I " g t • \' 1 · t 11 111 • · 11 I v. 1 I I Ii , , \' • .q1p111i..111 1.i1 .. ly $:1;IL,llltt1 .it th d1-.1.11i:..tl 1h11111H I \llU A l T IJ I .. " ,, \ ' "" I I I II .. ! ""I" I\, ... ,,, "'' I "I" I It d 111 1·-.l.1hl"h ,1 f I Vt 1111•111!11 I ( "hild t\1111~1· S o 1 V I•, • ., A .l v1..,t11 \ ('11 1111111 -.-.111 11 , wt.11 It'" 111 1i.111111111·11d 111 1111· ho.11d o,1·v11,il Jiii \I 11111111 .111cJ ....... 1-.l,11111 progr.111.-. lt• 111 · l1111d1 d v.1lh lh• ..,,,,,,. llltllll"\ l't11 lll·W p111g1 .1111;. .Ill t •I d1111: 11• -,1.111 gu11l1 •l1111·-. 111u .. 1 J.dl 111111 f1 v1· 1,11,.g11111'-. 1'1 c1gl.1lll' f111 p.111 Ill.!> lfl,11 v. di 11 ·.11 Ii 11o11t·1111 11g -.kill~ "Ill" ..... l\Ulr lllllll pl.11111111g 111 11111111 ,111d 11111111 \ 111.111.1g1 llll'lol f >l l l~:11:N MAl~)'"S LASrr Sl(ll'l>J~lt ll()N()ltl ~I) Ill. From Pag~ A 1 p11 ·~11t.·11\ 111 tlll' .. tiq 1, t.111 t liJI• "I 'vo· 111 ·\'t•t ..,,..,II 1111 .., ... 111p 11 •1k111g l1Hlt·1 111 .di tl11 · Yt'oll ' I l1o1\ I kllllWI\ tft•I ' ,111111·-. -.,lld "rlh .i 11111 k h1gh-.h .u< 1·111 l ht (J111·1 11 Mo11 'r's glt·.rn1111g .1pp1•o11.1111' ""'"" du1• 111 p.1rt tu llw 11111111 y Wratlt1·1 I '11rp has f'lllllll<'d 111!11 1 l'JIJll., Ill llw p.isl I WO Vl'ill 'i ... 1111 ,. ll obla111t•d a 111.t~ll·I Jt .. ,..., 1111 lht• 'illl p fl \1111 tht• 11v 11) f.1111g B1.,1d1 M .1gugl111 .... 11d Tiu 111111p.111y. wh1th .tl1'.o own:- 1111 w .11 d ll ughl.'s' w 1111J1·11 •tll pl.1111 . tilt' "Sprun• C:c111St'," h.i~ put .Ill 11111~ of JJ.11/ll 1111 tlw lJUt'l'll Mary .111d rl'fu rlushed v.1M1d p.11wh11g, t df l1t 'L" .111d gilt 11 l w11rk' h• · ~1d S111n· 1)1.·tng lx·rtl11•d tht· hug<· ,hip hds qull'lly dt't'.1y1·d . lus111g .1rouncl $1 rnillw11 .1 vt·Jr (or Lung &•,i( h But .. tw ll 0 C'Vt·r losl hl·r d1gml v th-::.pllt· lw1 d1s1 t•pci1r. • .ind Magugltn hopt·s th1 Wralht·1 C1JrfJ wtll h< <.ililt l11 111111 ht·r los.S<·~ 111111 pror1L-. Afl1•r 1111 · hand had playPd "(;od S,1\.11• tlw Qu1·1·n ," a nd J1Jnt~ h.1d ,111·1·ptl-<l tlw kt·ys to tht· <1!v ht louk1-<l ,1ro und and askl•d · [.., ll lt•.i linll' nnw'1" I·.\ ii y (I II ( \\ .. I k' " I •• I ti I JI I \ 1,,,, k p.1!'.l tlt1· ll11•,ll11 '-. I .<11"k1·1 ,11 lll'>'o tlt1 · 'lifilll I \ WIMilJ.•11 tlt'l'k wh1 11 l111p'4 111t·l1 I tllll l~ .Ill -.llll 111.11 k1 ·d . l .11111 .11111 ( ;,.,,h . 111 tl11 {}lll'•ll ' ~.,(1111, wl111h ..,..1 v1-.l ·" .1 l11u11g1 · .111d 1·111 11·1•1 t h .oll dw 1ng lht· .. hip's voy,1g1''· p.1s:o.1·11gt·r~ 110111 tl11• I.1s t • rui..,1· 1·n_)j1y1·d ll'a .1111! l1ut11 ·r 111ok11·~ and l1 ;11lt-d 11ld 1111 ·11111n.-s () II I .. f l I 111 ~ •. () I 11.: I II .. I µa:..w11gl'r' w." 1 .. 1i~1lx•th Turnt·r . 82 who 11 111 11 11l y mud1· th1• .!~ '1 1.ty frrwl v11y:ig1: 111 I VH7, but also was aboard hH' 1!11• 111.11clt ·11 voy,1g1· 1n I !l'.ih "Thi!-. ship 11,,.., ht 1•11 J p.11 l ol 111y !aft·,'' Tun11•1 'M.1111 ,L.., -.la .1lt•" ptt'l't· o f th1 hll..:1 "h1·11hd.1y" ~ak1· th1· Wr <i lhl·r l'o1 p h.1d l1ro~1gh l for I tw p<1rl y Tu1 111·1. who w;:is h11rn 111 &1..,lon. rn,trnt'<.J .m F.nglishm<1n a nd miJll<' 5fi TransAtlanltl' ·1.111s!'.1ngs 111 pt .111•t11 1u• Qut·t·n M a r v .,,, t ht· During W111 ld W :1r II , llw Qut·l·n M::.ry tr:.in::.pont·d HOU troop.., and wa.., ~o dl·sp1st•d by Acl111f llillt·r that ht' n •µortt'Cily off1·n·d ,1 hl'ftv ,,.ward tn th1• m.111 wh11 111ul1t" "nk ht•r 'Anios' of 'Anios 'n Andy' succumbs LOS ANGI::LES CA P1 Frl.'ema11 G osden, who with Charil''> Cort>ll nl·awd "Amos 'n' t\11dv." orw of thl' mc>sl µopular anJ l11111<1•st -runn1ng rad111 program.:. of .ill lmll' tltt'(I l''riday He was 8:\ (;u.;dr·n ""ho µlJ\1·d Amos J11-<t 11f , 1c1n .l1at· c1rn...,t at 7 15 "111 .1t lfl'LA Mt•d1t JI l'<'nlt·r s.o11d spok1·..,m ,111 Al l111"k!-. l'or '.{2 \l'JI..,. (;osch.·n and C'orrt•ll, b;>th 11f whom Wt'rt' ""hilt pl.a\1'(f black t•h,lfdt U.'I"" Ill tht' 1 JJ111 Vt·Nton of thl -.how ~·t in Harkrn c:tnd b<is~·d 11n lh1 .1ct1v1t1f·~ of C1·org1· Stt·Vl'llS, a sch1·m111g c harat11·r who v. d' always lookm..: for a way to mak1· a fast buck Amos "'·'~ J l'a h drivc•r whu ne1rr;rtcd tlll' 1•r1sod ~s. whill' Andv wa:. a gul11blt· mrmlwr of lho· 0M vsl1t· K111~l1ts 11( thl' S1•a Lodgt: wh 11 w.1 s tununuall y dupt.J hy Stt•v1·ns ('11rr1·ll cl11•d 111 S1·pt1·111bPr (;t1..,tf1•11 .ind ('11r11·ll JOlnt·d for n·s in Durh.1m. N C .. Ill rn 1 !I wlwn thl'y lwga11 starring 111 11111c.trl'I shuws 111 1111' South (.;{)';(ft•n 1 ... SU r"\ I \'I '<.I hv h1s WI II· J.111 1· four t hildrt·n ." V1rg1n1,J .J,,, k..son, Cr .. 1g G1i...tk•n Fn>t.•man. Jr , all 11( Lo:. Angl·ll's and Linda c.;1r.,dc•.n of W,1sh1ng11111, DC . and four granc.lthildn•n Juh11 Treasun· JotH'"' Am id a round of ·111µ li1p hournvs," for Capt Jom-s. Tunwr r e I OJ t l' d s t o r 1 c• s ;1 b u u t h 1 r advt>ntun-s on tht-lll't«m hner In J wblc ful ur youn~ ll'ilt•ff(•rs Fn·.-man Go~clt·n ( """'' 1 111~· 1 1111~!1 .. 1llh ,,, 1•111,v1 d• 1 .. 1111 ~!• •"lf' 11 1111 l111l1V1d11,ol .,, I'. It I ' lit lhll'•l'd • l1dd11 ,, .111.t <.1111 ,,, \A.l(li 111 .1111 II , "' i l1rlol 11• gl• I I Ill .11111'>1 l'111g1 .1111 '" 1111 11111" l11Kt • r 1..,k 11.11 •'11"-\\ 1 ... wilt 1,.. t.1ugltt Ii \. 111.11 111 ·, 1111\\ lu 1,111 f•11 1lw11 1 lolld11 II I-' II II' I 'I I 111 .. .1' .. I ' l.1 II I I f'l OH"""" 111 p1 11\ldl I• 111pur ·'' v 1i1tlJ :O.lll/~ 111111!, I l11tlr1it)(, ,11\d I lllt'I g1·11,' I 1111r)o., 111 1·)1~:il1l1 • l.1t11tltl'', .1tt1) t l1rld1 I II l1dq1111.tl11111 .111d I •'ll'rt .ol 'II I \I II I ' .1v.11l.1l1I• ·"""1111'. '"' I,,',,~. ••IU~ 111 1wv1·1 lri1~~· t • 11111111g 111 lo Nt·v. Y111k h.11 l11n .d11·1 tlu· w .11 ) ' ... ipl•· Wt 11 I'( 11Wif1·d .ol1111g llll' du ks d11 1•1111J,.( 111·1 All .tl1111g llw 1.111., 1111 IM1\, """"'" w1 r• ... ult 1,11\•tl Ill .... \\t111d ... ht '" .ifll'd 'J'w 1111 la\1 -. 111 Sun l'1t~ ,111d , 111111· ... """" 11 11r11·11 rn1 till' Q \11 .. ·11's "l>11 t l11l:tv ·Sit• ... till ll<1Vc·b lht v.11rld 1111.•Mt.1111111• t -.. -.It• .... ud ;1.., ... 111 • .tw.1v-. i. ..... · I v. OJ:-1111 t I 11 • M .1 u r l' la r11..a (J1111tlwr 11111 r Ir 11111 tlw ....,me era <1s tht· Qui•• 11 M,1n) with Capt J 11nt:!'. 1111 111·1 f111;d vov.•w· in 1li1· M1'<.1 11t·ri.1111";111 Ill ti I Ill 'lih." .,ht' ">aid ''Wt· canw 111111 V1 ·n 1tl ond I JU~I ... 1111111 <ii tht rails, with mv lw.1rt lx•allng lik1· wilt!, wltl'I\ he 1Jcm1·..,) t1J11k ht 1 up lh1· t•<111<1Js, H1,I)()() t11w. 111 -.lt11J. ;11111 dot:kt·d h1·1 w11h11u1 .. 111g ·· Tiu t''IJ4 11.,. of t1,1\.1l111~1111 ... n 1111 ,111 l111t r """' I' 011111•..,l out 1il rt :0111 ..,111· '"'ct <Jnd "' 111111111•xl.1l11111~ ,,,.. 1111lh1ng l1k1 th•\ w1·rc· 111 th1 11n.111 l11w1::.' 111 \'ddV 'S 1·t«111d • 1.1 ... , It.JI I.. lhl'll WJS likt I ir't 1 l.1 ,, 1111 '""11 111 1 ltt ''" ,, ;11do1\ .111 · ... 11d llURN • From Page A 1 'Thi ~ ,.,., 111 l11111g ... t h • f1r1 pt'11pll. 1111 · p.1J ,illl!'dll'> .1 ... Wl·ll a. ... 1h1 hur11 1:1111111!'. Th1·..,1 1wopl•· t\J1t1111"ol 111·t·d 111ni111drru.., ... 11 ppor I · Bdrha1.1 K .11111111 r• r :rn. w.i., I•\( 111·d th.it 11111 f11rn11 r r.1lll'lll h.1d 111111 1 • .ti 1h1 ''·" from I 'ft'~('11tl . Ar 11 Thi· II untin~t11n H<•lJ1 h high "4 h11ol t1· ... l·h1·r was 1>.1dh b11r 111·d 111 <111 .1ulon111l11h• ,1(, trJ1 Ill '"-\1 .ti '-,1~(1 .t11cf 11\l r.,( 1111 nth 11 • .., 1.11 It d 1 rt 1111r' l•l•>gr.im f111 \•11111g l1t1n1 \'It lrni.-. ·Thi'> 1-. .J "'" 1.d 1·v1·111 ,'· s l11· -...i1d "It '> Ullltlllt' b1 t .tll~•· rt Irr 1ngs lngl'lht I a ll th1 • p1•111>h • 1 h.11 h.iv1· -.ul 11 1 • d • hur11 trljllr' ,,nd 1h1•11 f.11111)11 <lies Sunny days ahead Newport rites today 111 HH era h 1\ \\I !>lllll ll"lt T \.\ 1111\,ifl '-' ,1-. krll<'d .11111 Ii• 1 hu ... lx111d tr 1lll,ill\ 111Jl.l1t •d Fr 111,1\ \\ h1•11 tht·ir tdr ".1 ~ Ill\ 111\·1•d 111 ;,i t v.11 t <1r .11' tdl'lll .11 B11l -..1 :\\'t'llUt• ,111J Holsa <'lr11 .1 l!o.1d 111 llunt1r1gt1111 n ... 1t ti (.(J(I .'\I ((I Moslly SWlllY ()Oy~ to()a~ a"ll S1mOay wllh 8 '""' low clouds 8"d ~nme lo<: al IOQ du!lng n•Ql>I an<l jllllarty morning hNt~ .-..ghc;. ~A tn 75 Ove<nlQhl lows •l 11:0 48 Etsew hf111@ fr om P n nt Concept101 tn ''"' M•" c an borde• nnrj oul 60 mile• l •Qnf ver>able w1nt1s ln<lay bec:om•no west 1'1 i u 'loulhwest 8 10 15 "'nots •~tfl tr11 s i'f1ernnnn 5ou\hwPsl ••tttll\ 2 10 J teer Con11nuf'tJ '"" ' Sunday •"" §Orne low ~loud• and IC>C.&I l(IQ durtno morn•nq nours f ' . .'-; .. \llllllllOr_'t' ICy rain an<J SnOW spread OV61 Ille OhlO Valley and r&Jn pett8C Iha lower MIUIUlppl Valley on l'ri<l•Y u •trono nort'-fy WW><I• _,, temperetU<M en Mlnnesole end IM Oako!M plunging ~ to degr- The siorm• In the Mldwtut followed a wee11 ot1to001ng ..nic11 cause<! mor11 thM '600 million In dem-oe While IQmfl llle&S had 1>e9Vn drylnO out. SWOiien rtWM"I remained dangeroutl~ high in othefs Snow wu .callet8C across ltwl Dakotas llnd lhe Ohio Valley Info nortr-TI Mla.sourl He&\/)l snowtall covet8C !he mounl11ln1 ol Arlzon1t and the soolhefn AOCl<IM, wtllko rein SC>ret'ld acrou Te• .. end~ 1ow111 Mlu 1s1lppl Valley Info Missouri end -•etn Kentuc.lly The Soulh11a1t h ad mlldllr weelher tkl ea were perlly 1unny and 1empera1Ut89 climbed Info !he 801 In IOUthefn F1orlda light anow llngered over New England, wti.<e lemperslurea In the teena were common The NC>f'l-UM'n alat" had auMlllne AJlln wld a 1-rhundenho-• -• p<edk:1ed 10< the eoul'-11 P\9in1 and Ille lower M18811aippt Valley today. wtlh • cold 1ron1 moving over New England Info Virginia The nonh«TI Plal!>• Md lhe wttttern lhlrd ol Iha nation we1e t1ap11c1ed 10 have eunny ... leto T11mperalur111 were expecte<l lo be In the IBM'll In the ,_,,_., Plalna. In Iha 20a lrtrn IWw Yor'I fhrough Iha Or••" l •kH, t h• central Plalna end lhe nortl'lttn IWCI< tea, In the 309 snd 40. from fhe mld·Atlanlk: coot through thll T..-encl Ohio Vlill9yl and trom the Sout,,.,n Plelnl Into lhe Gr•I 8aaln tlfld the Pacific Nort'-1. In the 50e encl llOe In I he South, lltld In the 70. and io- 801 In IOUt'*n Florid• Tt1mparaturat u ound the 11a11on el mldallernoon 'rld•y r engeO tiom 1 below 1••0 In Wllll•lon N 0 l o 82 In Fort My.,1 Fla f;" tcndf·d ut•nt/Jer Mondar through WIMlnH d•J NOR fltf RN CAI rrnANIA ~810 w t lh tn(Jw {\1 h•Qhf'' Pl evat on5 M o "H1Ay \hPf decreas flQ 1t1ow,.., f,,t•5dAl Cle1111no ., it-a ""''" W1>d "5r1~, bul 1nc1eas1ng ciovd5 w t~ d c.hen~ ot showets 1ri 1he nofth Sn<I"' level near 4 001 fAel 1n th~ f'\orH1 to 6000 f~t '" ,,..,.. centrftl S1 or rn Nevu.oa Al 1owP1 t~levonons h1gh!t 1n th.-SOS-8N1 ll')wl In lhe mid 'l01 an<l 405 ~~ ............ ,.. .. ,,_ ~ 4/. • t~' ·~I CfNTR.o.t C:..o.lrro ANIA Aeon 1n lhe norlh and pa•ll) CIOO<ly In the soulh Snow in '"" S1etr& Nevada ebOv,. 6000 leet 111 \he norm end 8000 IMt In lhe SOUlh Oecrt18S1ng lhOWe<S OVt!I mosl 01 Che area Tuesdav lhfln crnering Wednu dey Al low"' ftlevauona highs •n 11111 '>Os an<l 10-on lhe 30s and •Os F'ronts 1 1t<1......,. W;trm 99 SOUT HERN C A l IFORN I A _ DESERT AREAS 0-ns Valley lair Highs mod 509 10 m•d-605 l o ""s m•O 20• l o mid 30s Northern d-1s lelr Highs In !he 60s lows mid ?Os In mld-301 Southern d1ue1 ts l&H Highs mid 60s to mid 70a l ows 1n tht! tow 4°' lo I()'# 5-0a SOUTHERN C A LI FORNIA CO A ST A l AA fAS AN O MOUNTAIN AREAS Fa11 W1fh hl(lha m1d-60s 10 mid 70s l OW9 In lhe low 40s 10 m l d -505 M ounlaln high~ mid 40a 10 mid 50s Lnwa m1t1 201 10 mld-3-0s Albany Albuquftrqut1 Amarillo Ashf\Vlll .. Atlanta Atl•nllC Coty Aualln Balllmo•t! Biiiings Bhmlngl'lam 81.,,,erci< BolM Bolton NATION HI Lo 21 00 u 34 41 29 48 2e 43 40 38 18 48 H 37 II! 28 22 53 38 111 08 37 21 29 l t Btown,v1ll• Bvllato Aurhngron fMoe1 < i'e"ft"O" ~t l-M•le.icw WV f.MrlOCIP •IC (.hftV~"'"~ Ch" 80" (.inr:1nna11 C.levelAnO Columllt6 <;1 Corumbti• nane, rt wo1111 n ayton ~nve< ~" Mnm"' DtWOll Oulutl1 Fr l>e9r f &•(lb I IAlj,IAll G1MI f~ll' He,lloHJ Ht1ff'n• ll0t1otu1u Hou11on lndlenepoh! Jec~eon. Mio Jac~&0nv111 .. 1<an111s City Laa Vegas Liiiie Rock Lou11vtlle Lubbock Memphis MIAml Mllwaul<tMl Mpra SI P1ul Naahvlllt! Nl!W Oileen• N8W York 62 ~. 35 07 '1 0 I !Cl 02 • • 45 l'I JI 2·1 2fo 1• 17 16 )I 41 , , ?!I n J4 ]0 l• lM ~6 ~o 17 fl7 H tl ,., 0'1 ] , "~ I. 01 I~ 6~ ~Q 52 J5 23 !i2 40 foA 59 ,, 33 '19 •6 •O 33 •O 16 • t 32 41 37 19 ,. ,. 25 13 HI H 2!! 60 55 34 t8 .. ~;;.... ..... ~U.-....-R_f R_IP_DR_T l4lft awt a11rf ._.. A"V MH ''d Zuma 2 J t I S•flf• Mon1c11 2 J 12 N~ 2 4 12 San o Counly 3 4 t2 Ovt nok !Of Sul'ldtv little Change ' .... ..... ' 2 2 2 .... .... 3 3 3 3 . ... ow SW SW SW w SnowQ Nortol"' N01ttl Ph<ltf! ()~ IMr1mfl (,1tv Omlll1A O'IPW"fl Ptltlrt1S~~t1rh4 P t"1t>Pn1• P ll•ll•"O" l>nilldnd Me Pt)lllanc1 OrP f'rnv1t1~nce l111ff'1(1h 11no1t1 r ny fl•rhm11nd '>~II I~""' ~ m ~~1nn1n CAllf ORNIA A1•1>ff' Vllhfty B11~e•,t1elt1 1111,,tow lit'111•mnnl R1y l1MI B'''"''' (llyth" ( ~I :\hn" Fu'""" Fre1nn l AnCUf"' I ong 8('BC" Loe Ana"'"' Monrovia Monll!b""" Monletey M1 Wlfatln N~let N11Wpor1 R11•<.h 01klsnrt Ontann PAim !'orinQ' Pn~ntlt"''' P11'0 Robt•' Red Blutl Re<lwOOO Cny Reno Seer Amento SellnH $An R11rn•1dlno Sen oieoo San Fr ancltl<.O Sen JOH Senta An• Silf'lta Ba1ba1• 81r11a Cr111 Saflll M•''" San11 Monln1 s1oc~1on T1hoe va1111v T1111m11 f()fffU'C" 45 J::> 35 ::>!> •• 38 36 25 11 65 32 16 59 55 JJ 13 17 02 46 • , \0 tO •e 26 43 19 13 17 ~ 1 •5 60 57 65 40 68 47 61 39 42 211 58 35 6" 5 t 67 •e \8 •I l'i t 35 6? 43 67 S• 65 58 69 5 t 69 52 60 .. •ti 35 60 46 65 53 56 •1 85 4!1 71 46 66 411 64 33 8t 34 58 39 43 19 53 3• 66 40 83 40 66 51 67 42 67 36 ee 82 86 48 72 42 69 38 81 ~· .,, 32 ~I 13 eo 511 61 ~::> Mt•m1111.1I '4. rvlC'1..., will lw h1•ld lnd<.tv '"' Inn~ lime L.1{<U n .1 l\.·a1 h rt'!>1den 1 Lorratnl' Pt•pt r N1·\\ port, wh11 d tl'<I Nov :rn a t rh1 · ,1g1 of i~ S l11 """ I h1 · d :llightl'I .,r ~:t11.dw1h H F1•1 gtl'••lll •• nd 1h1 I.it•· \.\'t<-.lt•\.' V.. 1'1 p1·1 Slw w ;10, .1 1 .. 1a.:UllJ Be oil" 11· ... 1d1·nl for 11\lllt l h.111 -Ill \l .1r.., N1 •\\ p11rt .1tt1•t11!t•<l s1 h111il 111 •i.(1111 .1 H1"1l Ii ,111d v. •" ,, ,Kl .. duat•• 111 tlH· l111matu l.i l1• Aeo1d1 •111 v 111 J ,,,.., A11g1•l1·~ Shi otl-.i .111t 11d1·d S.1111.1 i\n.1 (.'1111 • g•· s{'rYl('('S will ix' lwld al 4 pm ;H CrC'sn•nt Bay Po111l P ark 1n L agu na B (.'aeh w1 th Chuc k ChambC'rla1n anc.J Dr J a('k Wh1·.iton 11rf1nat1ng Shi' 1~ ~llrVIV<·d liv h1•1 ~on H11 hard B1 ;1tl frml N;•wprn t. 1>1 Ht'(lw11od ( '1ty. st1·pfo1tlt1·1 . 1\1.111 F1·1 !o(U:.1111 of L<1gu11.1 ll4-.11 h .111d • 1 .. 1 ... 11·1. Patt~ l'qwr Tru111.111 ;also 11f L..t!o(ltn.1 Bo-.ll h Thi· f.0111ily r1-qu1•.,L, d1111o1111111~ 111· 111.11lt· ltl lht· llll'f\l.d }11 .. i)l h '111111 .1 1 South l..'11.i<.1 M1•d11";1I l '• 1111•1 111 <;outh L.1gun.1 L ,, \ " 11 H 1 1 .i 11 , • -: I w a " p.1 ... .,1·ngl·1 1n 1111 1 ,,, dn\'t n by 111'1 hu..,\r;111d I.•·• 7·1. "'hl·n It H111\1·d Id l .11 I .Ill p m 111tv lhl' 111111hl>t>llllll l .11 drl\'tn b\ s.11\.111111 l·.11111 .. r l"hu1 •• v1-.1a . ,,111l pnl111 Lt l ·•·111g1· Huwk Shi \\ ,1.., p1111H>unt't'tl dt•,111 dt 1-'11u11t.11n \'.1ll1 ·~· l't1mrnun 11y ) j.,.,IHl.rl I lt·r l111~hand w;it; li~tt·d f,1Lt• Frid.I\ 111 1 11111 al t~•nd1l1on N[WPORT BEACH SPORTING HOUSE -NEWPORT BEACH SPORTING HOUSE :I: u ~ u.i cc ~ ~ 0 0.. ~ ~ z I ~ V'I ::::> 0 J: <.) z HURRY! 2 DAYS ONLY ---.... 1:9 ... l! I GIFT ~ w CERTIFICATES I I NOWAVAILABLF w 'MJ1:11J:$1.---~~ ........ - FOR THIS PRICE WHY NOT ENJOY THE BEST z 3601 JAMBOREE ROAD, NEWPORT BEACH 752 -0565 z ,.,., ~ "C .0 ~ -I ca ,.,., > ~ ::c :c 0 c: <.A "'" ~I ~ "O 0 JO -I ~ > g JSnOH ~NllHOdS H:>V18 HIOdMJN-JSnOH ~NllMOdS H:JVJ8 lMOdMJN • -.----~ - --.,,,. -..........-.. _.... ··--· .. -···· ______ ___...,._. ___ _..,...._,,_.._ ---------------.. . ... ... . . ... . Orengo Coa1t DAILY PILOT /S1turday, December 11, 1&82 i\3 NATION New court appealing for a home Storm slams Midwes t a cities dry ing out By The Auocla ted t'reu A 1lt'w storm drove fr~·t111g 1 u111 Into thl• Midwest Fr1duy 111ght Just & nvt'rl;ank l0ll1t'l> Wt·n· rying out from a Wl~k of f10t.K.hng that mfhctt-'d $ti00 m1ll1un 1n damage lo lhl' r t· l' t' :. :; 1 u n b u r d t' n •· ti t'tuno1111t•::. uf lhrt.>t' statt'l> Thousand:. o f peoplt· wt•r1· still honwless in Illano1s and Gvv J1tmt•:-. R Thutnpl>un dt•t·lun·d :!U mu1 l' n1unlh·1oo d 1 s u st t• r a re u ::. Jo' r 1 <l e y bringing the total lo '1.7, u::. the lllanms Havt•r n •t't•lkd from iwggy town:; .ind t'illl'!oo .111 ulu11g 1 t:. mutt· T hl' M 1:.s1ss1 JJJJI Ha vt•r rloo<lL'<.i eight bus1m•SM•s u11d f t1f't•t'tl 60 f amllat'S OU l of t ht•11 l10ust.>s in Cap<' Girardeuu. Mo , bdure t-rt..•sl111g Friday AMC recalls 23,000 '82s DETROIT Ame rll·un Motor:. Corp 1s r('('alhng some 'l.J,000 1982-model cars and J t' t' p s b e c a u s e f a u I t y tru 11s m1ss1on fluid could wrt"'<-·k transmissions and lead to at'l0tdt'nls, the automaker sa1J Friday ln .i statement, AMC smd the vehicles involved a n · early production runs o f AMC t·ars. including EaglPs, and Jt.'l'ps with four-or five-spt'<'d man ucil transmissions Pane l approves jobs bill WASH 1 N C T O N T ht• H ouse Appropr1at1ons Comm1ttel' approved a $5 4 b1l11on Democratic jobs bill Friday as part of a stopgap Sp<'nding bill that also op<'n.'i the door fo r members of Congn .. ·ss to receive a pay raiS<• of up to $1 7 ,000 Despite Republit·a n objt.'<:tlons that the legtSlation will draw a veto Cr om Preside nt Reagan and force th e lame -duc k session of Congress to meet past its De<- STATE $1.2 billion S ACRAM ENTO -A 10 pen·ent stale income tax boost and high e r taxes o n cigarettes. beer, wme and liquor will be proposed by the cha1nnan of the state Senatt- Finance Committee The committee staff said today that the plan w11J be introduc<>d Monday by Sen. AJ fred AJquasl. D-San Jose. in 17 targt•l for adjournment, the Democratit:-l·ontrolled panel approved th~ package on a 25-18 party-line vote "This bill was d rafted with a mugnel . . every nut and bolt withm five miles was d rawn into this bi l l ," complained Rep. S1lv10 0 Conte o f Massachusetts, ranking Republican on lh<' p a nel "These are n 't programs. they're fantasies," Conte said. tax hike due ? the current special session of the state Legislature as on(' solution to an expected $1 5 btll1on deficit m the $25 btlhon state budget for the year ending next June 30 Alquis t's proposal wo uld indude about $300 million 1n spt•nding cuts and a freeze on nc·w construction. Winds take a vo cado toll 8 y STl!:Vt: TlllPOLI O(the O•llY l'llot lt•lf It luukx lik1· 1m 0 111111<1· C'ounty upµcuill l·ourt'K l1111l UJIJX'UI wall be· for u IJU.ll.'\' to bl'l uµ llihup T h t• Fourth D1sln{'t Cuurt oC Appt.•al's new Oru11,w County branch as utmost rl•udy lo start operations. its dt•puty t•ll-rk s~ud thlS Wt.'l'k Tht're urt-JUSt l wo pt oblelT\ll Thrt..'t' of thl· w urt's Cour JWilll-es huv1· yl·t lo b1..· t·onftrml'U and th1•y hciv c tu ftnd u plan• lo l"tJllVt.'nc. Deputy Clerk David Joh nson, who now 1s working out :Jf a cubbyholl· offll't.' in Lhc Orangl• County Supl'rtur Court building. aald lht•n•'11 1111 ilH.llcMtlon ye\ wtwn• ttw ju11twt.•H w ilJ alt. Johniwn 11111d he'll not too worrll'<I i•hout th\> 11puc.-e probll'll\ bN·uu11e tht• court probabl y won't hcur argument.a W>Ul luw Februar y ul the earliest. J u11tlce9 will at.art reviewing casea aa early as the end of the month In preparation for initial arguments, however And three of the appoinwes, Orangl' County Superior Court Judges S hella Sonensh1m~. Thomas F Crosby Jr. and Edward Wallin, will have lo vacul.l' their chambers to make room for their rt>placements there. John son said the stat e appart1ntly luut not cwu 11ou1ht bld1 on local oHlce apace yet "Wt• don 't l'Vt.'n k now wht·n· tht•y'd p ut us tcmponirlly," tw wd. But J ohnson huK, perhaps opUml»Ucally, begun bu1ldlng a backlog of case& for the court nonethelc88. He aajd he stopped parcelrng out local appeals to other Fourth Dtstru:t branches Ill San Diego and San Bernardino nt'arly three weekB ago The confirmation dilemma 1s less of a pro b l l'm . T hl' Cumm1ss1on on Judi c ia l Appomlm <'nts, which will dt.'t.'1dc on the confirmation of the thrt.~ local JUd~es, will meet in Los Angele. 0.'C. 2H uml W lt'1 a virtual l~·rwlnty th111 two of the t•o m ml11Hlo11 '11 tli11·•· members -Guv to:druund <; Brown Jr and 8lttlt-S1111r•·rrll' Court Chief JWilil'<' lto· ,. U11 ~I wilJ confirm lhl· 110111l11t~?:1 Brown, aft.er all, 1s thl· ~ r ... m who nominated 1twn1 l\iril 1>. ~ Brown appointet• But if the rorrunas1111111 J u.· ... 1101 manage to meet by thl· t·11tJ o ( tilt.· year, an unlikely possibility. 11'11 u whole new ballgurrw (;ov 1•h·d Geor ge Deu km l·j1.111 l'•JU IJ withdraw the appu111t111,·11t<. ,1i; the new gove rnor As allw 111·y general, DeukmeJian 1s H 1111•111lx•r or the romm1ss1un He lpful hantlout. Travis Lae, I 0 , co uldn't r esist t hf• 11 rg•· to feed seagulls a t the pie r a t s unset. Nor· could Roman Silva nnJ Suzy Stone of Nt·wport Beach and lla r r y Freema n , rig ht, of Cinc innati. 'uch offe rings help-susta in the birds until tlwy <·an peck popcorn from discarde d Christma!' tre es . 0.Uy Pttol Photo by P•Ulck 0 °0onnell ESCONDIDO -This week's high winds npped up avocado trees and knocked as muc·h as 75 percent of the fruit to the ground in some groves an northern San Diego County, where half the nation's avocados are grown yea r " s aid Bob Lucy, ma n a g c r o f B 1 11 t' r e y Nurseries. where the winds uprooted 1.000 of the 7 ,000 trees on the 85-acre ranch ··we have been hit more than unyone w e've seen W e caught the brunt of 1t for some reason. It's JUSt a mess " Laguna tree foe not out of woods yet "It will bf> a very. very bad S tale mansion SACRA MENT O - Califo rnia's old governor 's mansion, a popular tourist attraction near the Capitol. needs $I m1lhon in repairs. aax>rdmg to state officials. The 105-year-old Victonan h ome's foundation 1s crumbling and much of the WORLD 'crumbling ' ornate trim and siding has been weakened by dry rot "It's not an danger of falling down no w ," says chief tour guide J ea nin e W e l l s "Ho wever. in !1 ve yea rs l might no t be able to make that statement If something 1sn·t done, we're in serious trouble'' Nine N obe l pri ze~ awarde d OSLO. Norway -Alva M yrdal o f Sweden and Alfonso Garcia Robles o f Mexico, p raised as tireless w o rk ers f or w o rld disannament, shared the 1982 Nobel Peare Prize awarded in Oslo Friday l n S tockholm, Swed e n . Nobel prizes were presented to Colombian wnter Gabriel Garcia Marquez for literature, and to six winners in science: America n Kenne th G Wilso n , p h ysics: Sou th African -born Briton Aaron KJug, chemistry; Briton John R Vane and Swedes Sune K Bergs trom and Bengt I Samuelsson . medicine. and Georg<' Stigler of the Umted States, econonucs Cosmonauts r e turn safel y M OSCOW -Soviet cos m o nauts A n atoly Berezovoy a n d Va lenti n Lebedev returned safely to Earth Fnday night aft.er 2 11 days 1n orbit -history's longest space flight The o ff1c1al Soviet news agenc:y Tass said a medical checkup on landing showed the men, both 40 years old, were "feeling w eU.'' and had "w ithstood well the long period of wei~htJessnes,,." By STEVE MITCHELL 0 1 th9 Oll#y l"ttol •tefl Maggie Meggs' gangling. shallow-rooted eucalyptus tree has been returned t.o Death Row, the result of a 4-1 decaslon by a Laguna Beach panel The Board o f Adjustme nt action allowing removal of the tree is the latest sequel an what has been a Heritage Tree horror show for Meggs, a 15-year Laguna property owner If no one protests the board's decision within 20 days, Meggs wilJ be able to take a chain saw to the odorous behemoth in her rear Office r s hot in shoulder An Anaheim police officer due to retire next year 1s recuperating today after being sho t m the shoulder during a routine traffic stop. authorities said ·Sgt. Clement A. Kramer, 54, was reported in good condition at Ana heim Memorial Hospital. O n e man w as arres ted 1mmed1ate l y following t h e shooting, and a second was taken into custody afte r a search by police officer s, d ogs and a helicopter, said Dean Grose. an Anaheim city spokesman Kramer, a 22-year veteran of the force, was shot just aft.er 9 a .m . Friday w h en two men jumped f rom th eir car "a nd opened fire.'' G rose said. He was not sure w hether one or both of the men shot at Kramer. who is scheduJed to leave the fon:e in April. We1re Listening ••• What do you lake ab<>ul the Oa1ly PiloP What don't you li ke" Call the number a\ left and your message will be recorded. tninscnbed and dchverl'd to the appropriate editor 642·6086 The sa me 24 hour answering !lervice may be used to record let ters to the editor on any topic Mailbox contributors m ust include their name and telephone number for verification No circulation ca lls. please Tell us what's on your mind o-9)' ..... o.-y 11 Gu wn4"MI ~fttCIOy """" 00 not h••• y~ P"P'e' Oy ~ 30 p ,., call .....,.e 7 p m 11'\d ynut copy .. 111 t1ft -Setu.day and Sund.-y II "°" Oo not lt( .. v• ytru' OOPY t>v 1 • m °"" n.t1Jt• 10 .,,, lll"tl '°"coo., -t.o ~.i a-.. ..... 'I,,..,_ ...... () .. Coui1!y .... _ .. ..,.,, ,.,,_ """""O'Cln .......,, , __ ,,,. l"Cll"'"'~- ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat Thoma• P. Hal9y Puhl··~· ""'' ("t,.,,f hNU1••• °''•(II( Jane Amari l •KV'i¥t (1l11nt L. Koy Schvlta "~· ,, .. ~ . e>M o. .... Of ol Advt'ht •llQ Raymond Mod .. •on (c>nlloll<tl Michael P. Harvey (),. K IOf of Motl <!lll>g 1(,1<111ofq1I Ct•H"led •dwrtl11"1a 7141142·5f71 All other ..,_rtment• 642-4321 MAIN OFFICE DI WH I ... SI . CA le --.. CA Mell eOdntH h• IMO, C .. te lllWW CA .,.,. c .. yr19M 1'12 Or-Co.It ~ ........... c_., ... ""'' ......... 111 .... ,.11 ..... .., .. .,1.1 "'"'"•' ..... YefUM nMlf'h twr e•n may bit re'"'Muc .. wft.._,. -··· "'"""lono!< .. ,, .... _ ... , yard at 320 Moss St. But first. a few SC'enes from previous episodes. Last month Meggs hired a tree cutter to c.'Ome out and faU about a down eucalyptus trees in he r yard A neighbor. Michael Tartaglia. asked Meggs lo save the last remaining tree She refused Tart.agha went to the ci ty and asked that the e ucalyptus be placed on Laguna's H eritage Tret> list T he city council voted late las t month to include Meggs' tree on the List. over her protest. That meant the tree could not be removed withou t the blessing of the city's Board of Adjustmen t Meggs appealed to tha t panel, which met Thursd ay nlght in council chambers. Now we rejoin our drama in progrC"SS. "My name as Margaret Brown Meggs," the 64-year-old widow began "I'd like to cut the tree down l don't want at there lf you don't allow me lo cut 1t down, al least come out and lnm al One of the branches is rather perilous." Mic hael Tartag~l 'm an ... Christmas at Amllng's is living and fresh-cut trees (natural or flocked), wreaths, garlands. decorations and colorful holiday gift favor of having It trimm1 d a nd thinned. Bu t the lrc>c 1s twang u sed as a sc·apcgoat IJ0<'5 a person have the nght to ckar our t heir properly? Wha t she d id a ffected the environme11l I've tried to save Lagun:1 Rcach's greenery and keep po1snn<; nut of the environment " Meggs: ··no you get tht• ft'chng that man owns the property at 320 Moss St.reel., I'm the CJWncr. I paid taxes for 15 years. I cannot afford to have the tre<' man out there every 20 minut es I 'm (See TREE, Page A4 l plants · .•• Also This Year We're Offering A 10°/o Discount On Your Christmas Tree If You Take It With You! 0 • • • •"k111g \1111 111 l1•l 11u· d1! whul I \~.1111 1111 111y JllOJ.lt'rly '' Thi t.0.1111 with tlw 1·x1•t'pllon ,,r n111 1111 111t,.·1 .• 1gn'l'<.l tht· tn-.· 1"''"'1111 ~1 u h .11.1nJ 1111d vutt'd tu 111111"' 1h1· w 11 111a 11 hov 1· 1l I t'O l11\ 1·d Hu 1 t h1· '1111 \ d n"' no t t•nd 1111·11 Th1•1 1• -. .1 p1 uv1 "11111 In t ht• ll1·111.1g1• '1'11 1· 11rd1n.11H't• th111 t .ti 1-. 1.11 .i p 1111w rt \' ownt•r lu • ··p l.h ' \IJ\l' I l1•1 1tJ~t· Trt'l' Wllh .. ..,u11.d1k 11•pl.11·1·1111•11t:." w1th1n l lW d.1v-. ol tlw lrt'l··s J1·1111st' "S1111.dJl1· r 1·p l.11·1•1t1l'nts" 1'11.11, plur .d .1:. 111 11111n · than 111w 111·1· Anti -.u1t.1lih-m1·.iri:-. th1• 11·p l.111·1111'1lr llt't' ... lllUSl µil-a Sl' 1111· Bit.II d ... t\djUSlllll'lll l\l1·gg" sugg1·,.tt-<l lt•mun lrt'l':. 'I ti .. IJ11.11 d wa ntt·d to kno w It"'' l11g~tlw t1•plan•nwtll ntru:-. 111 t '" 1111ght ht• "I 111 1 01111•1111·d about Sil t'." ,,11d 1111 mh1 1 Martha Col1so11 . ...;1 11· -..11d ::.lw did nut 1·ons1d{·r ~ • 1 11 , g ,ol l n 11 I t • 111 11 11 l rt' t' as ulequ.111· l'ht• ht "t w 11 uld bt• tlHt'l' l 1 "'' g.i 1 lun t r l't'S." o ffe re d 1111•111lw1 W,1yrll' Pt•tt:rson H.1.1n l t h.111111.111 J:.111it~ McGl'<.' l\l.tvlw ,1 11·\1, 15 gallon lrt'<.•s'!" T l11·11. turning lt1 th1· propNty 11 \1, 1w r. tht• parw l as k1·d hl•r 11p1 Ill! Ill Tu bt• hnnt...,l. I don't know I JllSt w.mt a lt•mtm lrt.'<' so I can go 11ut .111d pick tlw lrmon .... " Ml'ggs -..11d \\1th a sh1 ug !'ht h11<1nl 'l't tll·d o n t" o I g.oll1111 trl'l':-. l\l1 ·ggs' s:.i1d s lw wa:. plt·as<•d v.11h tht• IJ0<1rd's dN·1s1on , but .1dd1·d "I gu1·-..-. I have to wait for 1h1 appl·<ol pt·n od to Pnd befon · I ,·.1 11 1·u1 tht• d.imn l'Uc·alyptu:-. lnwn .. And 11 sorrn:onl' <tppt•als thl· Bo.1n l of AdJUSlmt.·nl dt'l'IS1un" St.iv tum·cl Touching togethe r llt·bbit• Dt•lon·nzis and son ~a rlo e njoy an t'X('rt·i~t· in a (•hild development class, ·•t.c·arnin~ To~ether/Mommy and Me," s ponsort·d hy lrvirw's f,ommunity Servicc~s Program a t Turtle Rock Park. It is one of ~t>veral morning classes offered a t park, includin~ a t•rohics for moms and story tdlin~ for kids. Fees range from $25 to $:~ 1.50 for I 0-week sessions. Winter Concert on Sunday Tht• Crnu.tllrw Community Colhigc Chorult· will pn•1wnl ltt1 unnual wlnwr conctirt ul 4 p.m. Suntlur In lh1• choir room a l Fount.oln Valley ll1gh S<:huol. 17816 Bu1hard St. Tht• 30-volc:e chorale will perform a voru .. '<.I mu11lc pro8rom for the holiday .ewaon including the Chrlstma11 Cantata, 8l'Companlcd by piuno and brass. Direct.or IB John Thompeon, formerly c:h orul director ot Marina High School In 1 luntlngton Beach. Admission lo the concert ts free, ond refreshments will bl' served after the performan<'t!. • • lloltduy shoppers al the I. Magnln and Company store at South Coast Plaza, Costn Mesa, l'an phone relatives and friends throughout the country free of charge at a s pecial "Phone Home for tht• Ho lidays" display through December 3 lst. l'OUrt.t.>sy of MCI Tek'COmmunications. Callers can place a 3-minule, out-of-state long d ast.ance call on the MCI network anywhere in the continental United States at no charge. Shoppers simply come to the MCI display at the store during normal store hours with the number of the pcirly they w ish lO call. No purchase is required to participate . • • • Two free Christmas puppet shows will be staged at 2:30 p.m. next Saturday at Costa Mesa's Mesa Vcrdtt. Branch Library, 2969 Mesa Verde Drive East. The program for children ages 4 to 8 will include the puppe t shows. stories, a holiday pantomime and caroling. For more information c-all 546-5274. • • • HIUUY lllPPllllll ~ Mr. and Mn. Santa ClaUJ are jutt two of th.- antique dolls on display at the Coat.a Me1a Hlstorloal Society Museum at the corner of Plumer Street and Anaheim Avenue. Oolla dating back to 1880 are part of the old fashioned Chrialmaa exhibit that includes a train and toy1 used by children a half century ago. The museum la open Crom 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Thursday, and during the holiday sea.eon from 1 lo 4 p.m . Saturday and Sunday. For more information caU 631 -5918. • • • Lawyers Wives of Orange County will hold its annual Chris tmas tea at 11:30 a.m . Thursday al the home of Roland Rubaclava, 20401 Lewis Drive, Orange. A boutique will feature handmade crafts, Clora}. a rrangement s, paintings, wine bags, wreaths, ornaments and baked goods. Proceeds from the sale will go lo supporting legal education in schools and tours by school chlldren of county court facilities. Guests are asked to bring a wrapped gift marked for a boy or girl between 3 and 12 years of age. Gifts will be sent to Children's Village in Beaumont, a home for abused children from six southern California counties. For further information, call 835-9171. • • • • Games, crafts and sports will be available to children ages 8-15 Dec. 20-24 and Dec. 28-31 at the YMCA, 2300 University Dr .. Newport Beach. Child seat law effective Jan. I S A C RAMENTO (AP) Beginning Jan. 1, parents will have to strap their children under 4 years old into approved safety seats in their cars. "It's jus t as important to buckle up lhe baby as it is to send them to school or immunize them," Tanya ChaJ upa of the California Children's Lobby said Friday. Auto accidents a re "the worst h ealth me nace that confront children of that age ... Ifs a terrible, terrible danger. said State Sen. Nicholas Petris, D- Oakland, of the new law. They s p o ke at a news conference to call parents' attention to the new Jaw that takes eCCect Jan. 1. parents must see that their small children are in car seats or using the car seal belt. Drivers transporting oth er people's small children must secure them either In car seats or the car seat belt, preferably in the back seat. Boys and Girls Club opening 1n • Irvine With the law, California becomes the 19th state lo r equire some form of seat restraint for young children. The law also says that all car safety seats, which cost about $35-$50, sold by California stores must mee t the lates't federal safety standards. Police officers spottlng a young child not in a seat or belt will be able to stop the car and issue a $50 traffic citation, but judges will dismiss the first violation if the parent shows a car seat has been bought. Tl1; lr v 11w Bovs Lind G1rb Clul1 opl·ns 11:-. n.:w fae1htv tn Wo1 1dbr1dg1• M onday. and 1'.:xt'( ut1vt' D1n'(:tor Lou Yantorn <.<1" h1:-. st.aff 1 ... readv · '\\'1 l'Xpl'\.'t an onilaught come M1111d,1v." ht· said C I lt ti o f f 1 t· 1 a I s h a v e b e e n n~1 ... 1111ng youths agC'd 7 to 18 f,,, '>l'\'l•ral months by meeung tlit.·m .it tht• lrv1ne Com pany informallon booth at Barranca P;1rkv.av off Culver Dnvl' Y;1ntu rn . who oversees 11114•1 allnn of all four fae1hues run by th<· parent 11,1rbor Arca Boys Club. sa id :-t:1ff ml•mbt•rs also h<1Vl' rl'('Cntly st:.irted e•mtacting local schools 111 Irv11w to te ll studcnL.., about 1hc $1 ~ million f ae1h ty So far, about ;rno youths hav'' paid th('lr $1 0 .mnu.il u u1•s Many more an .. expt.'<:ll'd to JOll1 om'l' th<· club 1s opt.•raung. hl• ~1d "The kid!> ('<Jn't wait," said Ya nturn. who o b v io u s ly 1s eagerly ant1c1pat1ng lhC' opening "We'll ha\'t.· gobs of kids It's Come Save On Christmas l Shopping 10% OFF Selected Merchandise -Lido Marina VIiiage -~~ 875·8806 gomg to bt· h~·uc the first thrl't.' months " The dub 1s located on East Yale Loop j u s t so uth of Barr an('a. 1n Wood bridge C onstruc ti o n was financed primarily by grants from local foundations and corporations. Local Lio ns C lub c h ap t ers already have started a new drive to raise money lO build a k1t.chen. Th e c lub in c lude s a gymnasium. a shop. a game room. an all-purpose room and a stage where members can test their dramallc abihtics. It will be open weekdays from 3 to 5:30 p.m. and 6:30 to 9 p.m. On Saturdays. doors open at 10 a.m. and close at 3 p.m. The club wall be closed Sundays. Club Director is Dick Rojo. David &ker is president of the club's branch council and Rob Ingold of Newport Beac h is preside nt of the Harbor Area Board of Directors, the umbrella group that is responsible for all four or ats facilities, also in Newport Beach and Costa Mesa. The law , passed by the Legislature last summer after heavy, lobbying by Chalupa's group and highway safety organizations, addresses only children under 4 years old or under 40 pounds. There are no mandatory seat belt or other restraint laws for older children or adults. Parents must put thelr small children in approved safely car seats when riding in their own cars. In someone else's car , J DOES IT AGAIN! BMX BIKES UPTO OFF FREE DRAWING! BMX BIKE lltTllllllE 11 .,..t1 ltertt, ltlttr PrlHI BEACH CRUISERS FIOM 69.95 J D.O. Helmick of the California Highway Patrol said the CHP will be using "common sense and much leeway" to enforce the law. He said officers will stop c ars when they spot unrestrained children. attempt to gel the driver to agree to comply and issue citations only if the driver refuses. tlll SELECTIOI IS HILHS M . A.J ·o R BRANDS • SPECIAL PURCHASE MIYATA 11s,.ffl 11 ..... 1h PlllE ' " I Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/81turd1 , Oecemb« 11, 1982 ~I . South Coast Plaza extended Christmas homs are: Daily I - 10 to 9:30, Saturday, clo~e at 9 p.m., Sunday, close at 6 p.m. Choir gioups entertain nightly, Jewel Court. Most performances start at 7 p.m. -· Grange County Master · Chorale perfomis Dec. 18-19. Visit our Package Check Booth near Carousel Court for Christmas Gift Gertificates; good at all stores. Valet Parking is available during all Mall hours between I. Magnin & Bullock's. A very Special Christinas to you froni ~of our 197 plaza stores. • +• ~ A . ,. Bullock's I. Mpgnin May Co. Nordstrom Sears Saks Fifth Avenue I I ~---- .. . { .. 'And the n I want. .. ' Theater hails 'a better idea' J\OSTON (AP)· Houw llahta In lioeton'a lh1•11lllr dlwll lul will dim twice today: om.-c to call the nudlcmt'l• lo h• aeat. und Again In trlbut•• w Thornl&8 Alvu ~i8<m "nd the flr11t oontury of ele<:tric llghtlna on tht• Anwrlcan ti.a~. On Dec. 11, 1882, Botton'• Bijou Theatre opened for Its flri l J>t!dormancc, Gilbert and Sullivan's "Iolanthe." But the main auractlon waa the 644 lncandeacent lamps in1lde, making the Bijou the rlrat playhouse In Aml'rlca ll&hted exclusively with elt.>ctrlclty. ''The Edison lncandcacent burners were a marked suc.'CCU," a reviewer wrote afterward ln the Boston Advertiser, "affording a clean and steady llgh t , easily ma n agea ble and of a purl ty immaculate," In another ~cremony, an actor portraying EdUion waa to place a plaque on the outside wall of Boston's Opera House, Which is next to the site of the old Bijou. The theater site Is now occupied by a parking lot and penny arcade. B os to n theater criti c Elio t N orton , commissioned to research the h~story of the Bijou by Bost on Edison Co., says Edison himself supervised the installation of the theater's electrical system, which took 11 days. The electricity came from a power plant built down the s treet. Norton said legend has It that Edison, decked out in opening-night top hat and tails, rushed from the theater to help fire the power plf.lnl bolll•r wh1•n the Bljou'11 llghtJi be.can to dim. Ancient Greek dramatlsui aolv(l(j their ll1&hllna problt>ma by atoglng produt·tlons tn dayllaht. sru.1u~apcare nlllO rllllt.'CI on tht• 11un, openlna hi• Globe.• Theater w the.• aky: Indoor perf()rmanc-et took place in smaller theateni. It.allan opera hoUM"S used candlea In the 16th and 17th centuries, followed by the ga.sllt stages of the 19th century. A ccording to Norton , early thea trical experiments with electric light included arc Jighll at the Paris Opera of 1846 and some stage lights at theaters In San Francisco and Chicago In 1879. The first all-eleclrlc theater wos London's Savoy, which used the new tool in October 1881, one year before the Bijou Introduced the innovation to the Unitc.od States. The 900-seat theater was lit with a huge central candelabra and three smaller fixtures, along with hundrech of smaller bulbs. Three rows or 16-candlepower bulbs for the stage and another 140 in the gallery added glory to the Egyptian-style furnish ings or the richly appointed playhouse, Where ushers and attendants wor~ Alexandrian costumes. But the novelty of electric light was the real crowd pleaser on opening night. Demand was so g.reat that tiekets were auctioned off in advance. The operetta received mixed reviews, but the lights were a hit. Before long, they were playing at theaters around the world. IT'S NOT YET TOO LATEI: ONLY 20 DA VS LEFT To Relunc ALL 82 Taxes and Recover 79·81 Taxes I I 2 I 4 I 6 1 10 I t ITC + ETC? Real Estate Research & ~velopment Equipment Leasing Kanoelani Connor. 6. of Lo~mm Dt•uch ~ didn't waste a n y time whe n Santa Claus urrh •c.•d ret'Nttly in th•• Art Colony. She was the first one on hi lap und immNlintdy began lo tell him her Christmas wi hes . ~ untu wilLbc al h is_ hoJisCC ·in front of Laguna Beach City Hall ~ 505 Fon•st An•., from 2 lo 4 p .m . each day through Dec. 24. RABBITT ~ANCE 441 Old Newport atvd. Newport 8Meh, Ca. 131-1740 Educatioftll Semtnaf~ lPM & 7PM Thmday 0ec 16 at lf'fltle Host Motor Hotel . Dyer Rold/55 • r,..W., Presented by DAL TON, DAL TON, COOPER & FRANKLIN, INC. 2691 Richter Ave , Ste 102. Irvine -Near Jamooree/405 Our Stall ot Attorneys and Accountants will be available 9 AM • 10 PM SEVEN DAYS A WEEK FOR A PRIVATE NO FEE INITIAL APPOINTMENT RSVP: CALL NOW (714) 641·3761 FOR SEMINAR • • 11.alfTime #22 I lb. or our famous Beef Sock• Summer Sau~ge. KY .inkt'e Trader lea bag>. :J oz. of!:>wecl·tlot Mus- tard. 'I. oz each or SNrpy and <..heez-n-Bawn chttse spread. K oz. of Medium Sharp Cheddar, y, oz or Cracked W~al Th111H nd Slr~wbt'rry Hon Hons. 114.99' • + Think of everyone who'd love a Christmas gift from Hickory Farms~v Choose from over 100 different gifts, in a variety <Jf shapes, prices and sizes. all filled with tasty delights. And we'll gladly handle all the ~ll~i~r;,1rm~ · OF 01110 Westcliff Plaza 17th & Irvine, Newport Beach 642-0972 Sat. 10-6 Sun. 11-5 EJ Mon.-Frl. 10-9 Fashion Island # 17 Fashion Island Newport Beach 640-6030 Mon.-Frl. 10-9 ~ Sat. 10-6 Sun. 12-5 ~ IHERMAN CLAY SPECIAL FACTORY PURCHASE IN CELEBRATION OF OUR 112th ANNIVERSARY BIG, BEAUTIFUL 42' CONSOLE ·- SAVE OVER •100000 Reg.•2949 NOW •1870 10 HHP Clll"-"ll OUll "'•hANNIVUSA•Y KIM&All HAS OffU(D tH(S( "ANOS 10 US At A SPfCIAL l'tl((. IHAl'S Wl1Y Wt CAN OHl• lHfM 10 YOU Al SUCH A GUAI SAVINGS. 1170 IS TH( FOUNDING vtA• Of SHUMAN CIAY SOW[ AU Ol'H•ING IHfS( "ANOS 10 YOU FOi llt70 NO MONTHLY PAYMENTS UNTIL MAR. 10 Wt finance Our C.I°"*'• ...... • LNll c..p.ny To 0.11 With! OPEN DAILY 1o-t P.M. SOUTH CllST PUZI (l .. LlWl llllOCll'S ... ) I UN.11 .. 141-1411 19" llAIOllL COLOR TV ··-·- • Color Monitor • Solid State OILY $299 95 RCA 21" llllll&L Otltr Ct11tlt • 100% Solid State • Electronic Tuning WHILE TIEY UST!! HUIRY RCA 21" 1111e111 Color Tr1k w/R111et1 e Scan Remote • Color Trak • Cable Ready ·OILY $499!!. $599!!. IEIERIL ELECTRIC • 1.4 cu. ft . • DEFROST • 25 Minute Timer $289 95 PlllSOllC • 6 Power Level• • Temp. Probe • 3 Stage Memory ;RlllDllRE • Hut• 1.6 cu •. • full Circle Coofling • Temp. rrobe • 40 Recipe Memory ~ -Al .) • ' : . PllllOllC OOIYEmOI 11111 IWIYITI .. Microwave C.nvtctlon Comblnation-loth • Aute S.ntor • c.elt Arevnd Tum llYI S100 • 24 "'· , .... "' .,_ .. _ • S-Ch l?rlFISHER • A ........... .,,._,~ ·~~~ .......... _ . • .... Saon ... llll!l!!llli.,.. • 1 0ey..._ ........... ~ .. :-... Tl $59911 . -,,...... !!!!!!!=I ......... ,...,... • 24 .... ~ ... ,.. .... : ~.!'-s!... • UH •10 •111•ns111111 • "" fvltCtiee ....... ·-• ~ r .... c;..,,.,., ........... c-.c... ....... "'obody g.h d ,..,., ct"'~""' lO• tM•Q.-O• ff tOf ••••tdcJp ·~ (,,.,q., 'O••• dt•·"I t 'f(:f.,. (lf<\'IOtet •• , ••fhovf •·-a~ l•rh,i,,.,. M.cto Mt-,~· J.ltt• • Orange Coa1t OAILY PILOT/Saturday, December 11, 1982 1 \--------------------------------------------------------------------------------..:.......;. __ .;._.;__;_ __ ::..;...;~.;.;,..:....:.;;~~..;.;_;.;.:.::._....:.::.:., ,~. 1-.~ - I , I \ Save up to 330/o and have Y.our new carp~t installed by Christmas. Here's a chance to give your home a great lift for C hri st mas. Because.during Harlow' Holiday Sale we guarantee any selection ' made frcm Harlow's tock this week will be ins talied hefor~ Santa gets there! A sale thi .big can only happen once· a year! Big aving on Harlow's -best-selling carpet fa hiori s in this year,s smarte t decorator patterns and colors! / And to make a good thing even better - there will be no payments due until April of next year. So why wait? Come in and save during Harlow Carpet ' Annual Holiday Sale. CERRITOS .. "' .. ' . . : . .:,· . . . . I I • ' :'\, . . ,.,·.~( .. "' ,i•,' ... . w ....... . ~~·· . ,I\. . .l~(~. .. . ' ' lil·i ,! il';/1 I . : : · t,: ·~ . .... , . ' ' , , (' ·I . J. . I ••• ._ ... • •• t • • •t ' :• ,,,. ,. -. . ; :. . t •• I 1• ·e With a~ littl e as 10~ down whe·n financed at Harlow's on approved credit. Featuring carpets of t , .. ••• i; '· . '1, 1• ' . :i , ... ~·· 'I • DUP.ONT ·· ANTRON @ \ ' ' ,, • Resist s soil-resists stains-re~ists static STORE HOURS: Mon~ thru Sat. 9:00 am-5:30 pm Laguna Hiiis GARDEN OAOVE 12802 Knott Street 11 Bt-No Garden G•o•e F••vt 11 coc Sout" Street fAC•Ott. lrom 11"1« c.tT110~ M41111 LONO IEACH 3oeO E •tti Street tAcross llom s..n1 Mon. thru Fri. 9-9 Saturday 9-5:30 Sunday 12-5 Garden Grove Open Sunday 12·5 (714) 991.9157 • (213) 594·9128 (213) 88().4420 PLACENTIA 127 E Yorba Linda t I 81• West Of 11.1ae1T1e11 (714) H3·1321 CORONA DEL MAR 3838 East Coast Highway 1Ac1ou from F.,,. Crowns A9st1urtnfl (114) 173·4U3 I (21~ 432·2221 LA,OUNA HILLS 22351 Avenida De La Carlotta· 1Be1ween El Torro and LI~ Forts• •••ISl (714)781-7"4 .. Conwen1en1 Credrl Terms A••••at>•• "' \ t Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT /Saturday, D.cember 11, 1t82 Cuban troop • ID Angola 10,000, CIA claims • increase WASHINGTON (AP) • · Cu bu 111 bt"'llevro tv have tent 10,000 more troopi to Anaola In recent months In reapon1e to an lncrell&e an South African military attacks aaalnst that t'OUntry, at'COrdlng to Central lntelllgem.-e Agt-ncy eatlmatei. The CIA now believes Cuba has eomc 30,000 troops In Angola, although oHlcials said that figure may not be precise because of the difficulty In ~btaining reUablc Information. The officials, who asked not to be Identified, made the diaclosure amid signs that South Africa and Angola are trying to resolve their differences over the Cuban troop presence an Angola. Angolan and South African officials discussed the differences this week In their first-ever face- to-face meeting. Neither side had any comment afterward, but the State Department called the meeting a "positive development which could .-nhancu fro11pc-ct• for a rt'1olutlon u( 1·e•"lunul probh:ma.' The C.'uban troop pre1em•t• hl Anwolo ho• beconle a major point of conwnuon In thl' (•ffort by the United State• and other NATO 11llle1 to neaiotlat.c Independence and black majority rule in the South Afrlcan-c'Ontrolled territory of Nambia. South Africa haa said It wlll not rcllnqui11h control over Namibia until the Cuban fort'd have left Angola, which borders Namibia t.o the north. Angola has said the Cuban trQOp commitment should not be linked with the Namlbian queaUon. It draws a distinction between the "legal" Cuban troop presence In Angola and the "IUegal" South African control over Namibia. The Pretoria government has maintained control In the sparsely populated, mineral-:-ich territory In deflance of U.N. resolutions. Cubu bt•1i1m ~ndlng troop1 tO Anaola In 1ate I U7~ un11d u civil wur thfit erupted a h er the wlthdr1aw1al u( Portuau('ll.' colonial fon:t... In rt'ttnt yt•ura, U.S. Htlm1i1tea have put the Cuban troop 11trl'ngth ut 20,000. In rt.'('cnt months, South Africa hu 11wppt'd up lta au.ack1 on Angolan-bHed black natlonallat Namibian guerrlllu belonging t.o the South-West Africa People'• Or1anizaUon. Some oCflcialJ believe the reported lncreuc in Cuban troop urenath may be related to lhe antl-Mar>dat lnaur1ency In southern Angola led by Jonas Savlmbl of the Union for the Total lndependem-e of Angula. The Cuban troop presence In Angola hu bt>en a sore point In U.S .-Cuban relatlons. The United Stales regards the troop commitment as a Soviet-supported attempt to expand communist Influence In 110Ulhem Africa. The Rea1an admlnluratlon hu aald the withdrawal of Cuban forces would frH toUthem Africa of aupttpower compt'tltlon, thus benefl\ln1 the nalion1 of that re1ion. Cuban Prealdent Fidel Castro haa <Jald the Cuban trOOpl wW ttma1n In Anaola until all South African troop1 •re mnoved from Namibia and "the danger of external a1gre111lon" •&•inst Angola ceWK.>s. ~&!erica. This Weekend Over $1 Million Dollars Worth of Famous Name Sofas, Loveseam, Chairs and Sectionals Will Be At lremendous Savings! .1 Immediate Delivery! Most stores wait until after Christmas to give you the big discounts on their finest merchandise. Well not this year at Chandler's. This is your opportunity to pur- chase the sofa. loveseat. chair or sectional you need at prices you can afford. And we'll deliver your selec- tions before the holidays. right up to Christmas Eve! Save 25-75% Chandler's offers only the best in quality home fur- nishings. Names like Drexel. Heritage. Henredon. Baker. Sherrill. Thomasville. Marge Carson and many more. You'll save like never before on the finest they haVe to offer. So why wait? Treat your family this Christmas. and seat your guests in style and comfort. You'll Find What You Want With the largest selection of quality upholstery in Orange County (some say in Southern California). you have th~ best selection possible at Chandler's. Choose from hundreds of styles including traditional. French. English. Oriental. contemporary. modem. and country. You'll find fabrics in tweeds. plaids. jacquards. twtlls. prints. florals and leathers. We'll be glad to custom order selections too!• •Discounl on cuslom orders is 15·20'l.. Convenient F~ancing ~s You may pay for your purchases by check. c~it card or through Chandler's own revolving charge -program. It's easy to qualify and you'll have up to two years to pay with low monthly payments. Just ask one of our sales consultants how you can apply. ·Good Old Fashioned Service You can always count on the friendly. helpful service you've come to expect from Chandler's. We know fine furniture and can help you make the selections you'll be happy with for years to come. Please take advantage of this tremendous opportunity to find the uphol- stered pieces you really want We look forward to see· ing you this weekend! Featured: Cfumd/er's Pnesl mmd·cm(1£d Tmdilional Wing Chair by Woodmarft Covtrrd In an imporltd hand-made cl'l'Wtl. Hu1711 pr btsl stltction. Rt9. 5695. Now $395. • FINE FURNITURE SANTAANA Mai" St. at 17th • 714/541·4391 , • .. . . . :., ' .. .. .. • ' ·. INTERIOR DESIGN SANTAANA LAGUNA HILLS Mai" St. at IOtli • 714/542-6737 Alida p~ & s. 0. fWv. • 714/951·7101 Mo"days 12-9 ·Tuesdays thru Saturdays Q.30-5 30 ·Sundays 12-5 • Illy l'lllt SATURDAY.DEC 11, 1982 El Tort) claims Central Conference COMICS 810 f 001ball title. B4 ...., ,... ....... ~Gery AMllf.e P e t er Ueberroth, president of the LAOOC, discu~~ed the status of the upcoming Olympic Games. Ueberroth sports a Well-oiled machine LAOOC president seems to have all the answers for '84 Olympics By CURT SEEDEN OfltleD..., Not St.If Los Angeles Olympic Organizing Committee President Peter Ueberroth tells the story or being in Moscow for the 1980 Olympics and being just a little bit impressed. Ueberroth and a crack group of event commissioners has, for the most pa rt, gone after already-standing potential Olympic sites. The r eason: While Ueberroth was impressed with the way the Russians masterminded the 1980 Ga~es, he He couldn't help but think that way as he drove his special Olympic car in a special Olympic lane alongside the clogged, bumper-to-bumpe r Moscow traffic. I'm not intelligent. When I entered San Jose S tate and was filling out the application, I came across church preferen ce. I had written brick. "I hope you all support me," he told an audience of Newport Beach merchants Friday morning, "when we block off part of MacArthur Boulevard and the San Diego Freeway_ when I leave." Ueberroth, apeaJc1nl at the Newport Center Association's annual meeting in the F.dwards Theater, isn't e xactly E.T. or Gandhi, but h e captivated the large audience while detailing the LAOOC's so-called no frills plan to stage the 1984 Olympics in Los Angeles. -LAOOC "111d1nl ...._ U1 .. 1nolh doesn't want to leave the city or Los Angeles with a $9 biJllon deficit that existed in Moecow afterward. In fact, technically speaking, the 1984 Olympics will be best remembered not as the Los Ange les Olympics but the Southern California Games. But then, Ueberroth didn't have much of a choice. He pointed out that voters in Los Angeles County -73 percent to be exact -elected not to give one penny of tax money to the Los Angeles Olympics. "After s eeing the problems in Montreal (that city ia in the midst of a 20-year surtax to help pay off the deficit No less than five Southern California counties w i ll h ost the g a mes as Oilers' early spurt 70-61 earns • w1n, Sea Baron By ROGER CARLSON o< .... ....,,... ..... A blazing first-quarter burst was enough -the unbeate n Huntington Beach High Oilers swept to their aeventh straight basketball victory and second straight tournam e nt championship Friday night aa La Quinta's Aztecs fell victim, 70-61, at Fountain Valley High. The conquest earned Coac h Roy Miller's Oilen the Sea Baron Classic crown with Billy Thompson (the tournament's MVP) and all-tourney aelections Mike Mills and J amel Garner leading the way. Fountain Valley took third place with a 77-61 win over Loa Alamitos and at Ocean View, the Seahawka captured fifth place with a 68-61 double overtime viciory over Morningside. The Oilers jumped to a commanding 27-11 le.id in the flrst quarter aa Milla and Lou Harrigan almost made you forget there were any Thompeona or Gamer around. Mills collected 10 of his 11 pointa in the opening quarter and Harrigan contribut ed three bucketa, while all five starters put La Quinta off balance with their defen1e, fOl'dnl the Az1ecs into an:s that weren't producing. La Quinta never Jed and 1'ever llfrioualy threatened, although the Azteca 10t to within 62-~7 with 4: 18 remainlnl· . Mills fouled out a t that juncture, but the Ast.eca didn't "'-ve anything left from pl'ftllng ~ the way lince faWnc IO far "'hind. "I wu hoplnc we oou.ld run crown All-tourney team Steve Krallman (Servlte); Mike Defrez (Los Alamitos); M ike Miiis (Hunt l~g ton Beach); Jamel Garner (Huntington Beach); Mark Moses (La Quinta); Rob Whitehair (Fountain Valley); Dimitri Antonopoulos (Ocean Vlem); Tom Power (Fountain Valley); Junior Utu (La Quinta). Most Valuable Player - Biiiy Thompson (Huntington Beach) Mr . Hustle -Dan Schneggenburger (La Quinta). point where your're making mistakes. And we wt-re getting tired. La Quinta applied a lot of defensive pressure. How tired? Well, Thompaon, who averaged 17.2 pointa a game in the tourney and was a dynamo in the Oilers' victory over Fountain Valley Thunday n.laht. went to the line with 1:32 left with a one-and-one and came up with an air ball "We're going to have to get used to it," con\inued Miller. "We're going to Laa Vegas in two week.I and f'm sure we're IOill8 to see more.•• ot the '7ti games). Los Angeles we nt back to the International Olympic Committee with the Games. They (the IOC) had only one other cit~ in mind, so they turned to Tehran,' Ueberroth recalled. "But they were going through a managerial change in Tehran so the IOC turned back to Los Angeles," Ueberroth explained. Ueberroth's position as president of the LAOOC sounds unenviable, to say the least. He has been faced. with the prospect of trying to make a traditionally d eficit-causine event into a money- making gamble for the city of Los Angeles. · He's trying to accomplish that goal despite the lack of three often-dipped into revenue sources: The government, an Olympic lot1ery (lotteries are illegal in California) and donations. Ueberroth said donations eventuaJly turn out to be nothing more than a" sort or bribery" for tickets to Olympic events. "Ins tead, the LAOOC Is bas ing its financial hopes on a $250 million _ television riithts package, corporate The Ollen connected on 11 of 15 from the floor in the first period and were still clickln1 along with a 2 4 -for-42 performance through. three quarten (57 percent), but in the flJW period they were 4-for-10 from the fleld and 3-for-9 from the Une, allowtna La Quinta to stay within ~le ..... Hanging on sponsorsh1ps and ticket sales. Any profit that is made, and he expects one, will go toward development of youth athletic programs in Southern California. Ueberroth's maverick_approach may leave members of the Switzerland-based IOC and past hosts of the Olympics scratching their heads, but he pointed out, It's not a change in his style. "When it was announced that I had been named president of the LAOOC, there were people at both USC and UCLA who figured I had to come from one of those institutions," Ueberroth explained. "They dug around ·but couldn't come up with my name any place. All the other major colleges were checked out, too, but nothing. Six months later, they found San Jose State. "I'm not intelligent. When I entered San Jose State and was filling out the application, I came a cross church pre ference. I had written brick." he admitted. Still, with just 596 days until the opening of the '84 Olympics, plans are progressing smoothly. '\1 (See UEBERROTH, Pa1e B5) t.be entire pme that way," Mid ~Iller. "It'• juat a matter of ~ltlonlna, but It'• h•rd "' and nan wtth bMk:ally jult ''~~h, pUlh, pUah to I And, La Quinta forced 20 tumoYen in all, but the Olien' extra card thla time WM deferwe, (8" OILUI, Pqe 81) Cotta Meaa'1 Da•e.Palmblade1athen •n rebound durin1 Friday'• pme qaln1t Foothill. See 1tory, Pqe 83. ~ 0 ~ 0 Seaver • returning to Mets? HONOLULU (AP) -Three- time Cy Young A wtard winner Tom Seaver, who symbolized the young New York Meta durln1 their gl o ry year s, waa conditionally sent back to t h e Mets Friday by the Cincinnati Reds aa baseball's winter meeting ended with a record low number of trades. New York General Manager Frank C a s h e n and Reds President Dick Wagner ;ointly announced the deal at baleball's winter meetings, pending a medical report and approval of a new contract by the 38-year-old Seaver, who suffered a variety of maladies last season and finished with a 5-13 record, his worst ever. The 5 p.m . Hawaiian time deadline arrived Friday after a late flurry of action, but they remained among the slowest in history, with eight deals involving 22 players. The Seaver trade, which ls conditional, does not count in that total. SINCE BASEBALL began keeping track 10 years ago, the fewest number of trades at a winter meeting was 11 involving 30 players in 1979. In othe r action Friday, the Houston Astros announced the signing of free-agent ce nter fielder Omar Moreno, the San Francisco Giants re-signed relief ace Greg Minton and the Chicago Cubs sent right-handed pitcher Doug Bird to the Boston Red Sox for right-hander Chuck Rainey. T h e M ets also completed another deal, sending right handed pitcher Mike Scott to the Houston Astros for outfielder first baseman Danny Heep. The Dodgers had a four-for- one deal consummated with Texas for catcher Jim Sundberg. The Dodgers were to send the Rangers pitchers Burt Hootoni Dave Stewart and Ore Hershiser, and outfielder Mark Bradley. A handshake was made between Dodgers vice president Al Campanis and Rangers General Manager Joe Klein. But the Dodgers couldn't agree to terms o f a contract with Sundberg, and the Rangers refused to buy out Hooton's right-of-refusal. "AB far as I'm concerned, it's off," Campanis said. SUNDBERG HAD a no-trade, eTgn t -year deal with the Rangers. He wanted the contract condensed to four years. wanted the no-trade clause retained and asked for poet-playing assurances of employment. "That was unacceptable to the Dodgers," Campanis said. Hooton, who like Sundberg had enough major major league experience to veto a trade, asked Texas for $250,000 just to agree to the trade. The Rangers didn't (See SEAVER, Pa1e B5) Will Raiders be going back to Oakland? SALINAS, Calif. (AP) -The Loe Angeles Rl\lders are heading toward another trial and perhape back to Oakland for the 1983 National Football League seuon. "I really don't know what it means," said Al Davis, the team's managing general partner, after a Monterey County Superior Court judge ruled Friday that the Raiders must move back to Oakland under a preliminary I n j un ction which he reinstated. "Th e trial decision in Loa Anples Mid we could move, but thla injunction says we can't." said Davia, whose team haa played itl 1982 home pmea in the Loe Anplea eou.ewn but ltlll u.. ltl old Oekland practice field. The Raiders are 4-1, tied for t h e A m e r I c a n F o o t'b a 11 Conference lead, and have two re1ular-aeaaon home 1ame1 remalnlnc. . The move back to Oakland won't haw to be rMde until after this season, Judie Robert O'Farrell specified. He l1 PIW&din8 over \he e.-in wtuch. Oaklancf llekl to lake over the Ra&den under \he dty'• power ol eminent damaln. Next Friday, O'hrrell .._, .. .. , • trial date. If th• a....... lhould wtn tM tnal, of ~ they would be the Lal Ane-111, ............,,lnllU. HI Orange Coalt OAtLV PtLOT/S11urday, December 11 , 1982 BUllETll BOARD "" O ver th•• lln·,. Tile SOUll\1t1t1 C111110111111 Sofl1J111ll Over·lh•· llne 11 ttccepltng t1tum1 for 1111 fourth annual Chrl11m111 C1a111cl Ovor tho llntt Tournament today. Entry lee II $ 18 T<>ur 11ey will be played 11 Millikan High In Long Beacll All teame are guaranteed or playln~ lour games Men'1 and women a dlvtatone ~Ill be held. Check-In l ime Is 8 15 a m with tourney play 1et l o begin 01 9 For more lnlormatlon, phone (2 13) 30-2298 Laerosse exhibition Three-time defending elate champion Orange County Lacrone Club Outlaw• wlll hoal rival Loa Angeles Lacrosse Club Sunday at 1 p.m. al Valencla High In Placentla, 500 N. Bradford. Proceeds from the eKhlbltlon wlll go 10 the California Olympic Games Fund Ralalng Committee to support the U.S. Olympic team's training efforts. More Information on this exhibition match la avallable by calllng Bob Davia at 738..()532. Suiting Walker up was hardest part From AP dispatches Walker officially acce pted h is t D• ' ATHENS, Ga. -H e rsch e l [i] Heisman Trophy Thursday night in New York, but not before tailors had an anxious time trying to fit the three-time Georgia All-American with a tuxedo. Even UGA IV, the Georgia Bu lldogs' bulldog mascot, was dressed formalJy for the event, in white collar and -of course -white tie. And it turned out to be easier to fit the ma.scot than the guest of honor. With a little time, however, Sanford "Sandy" Schwaru, owner of Sanford & Sons clothiers in Athens, was able to come up with a tuxedo for Walker. "The hard part," Schwaru said, "is when Herschel walks in off the street and wants a suit. It's a virtually impossible situation." That's because Walker , at 6-1 and 222 pounds, takes a sii.e 48-long coat, and pants with onJy a 33-inch waist. "But he needs a 36 pant when it comes to his thighs," Schwaru said of the junior, who has led Georgia to a 33-2 record in three seasons, the national title in 1980 and a current No. 1 ranking. For Walker's formal induction Thursday night as the Heisman Trophy winner, Schwaru ordered a special tuxedo through &;quire Formal Wear in Atlanta. He got a 48 coat with size 36 pants, "which we brought down to a 33 in the waist," Schwaru said. Quote of the day Sonny Smith, bask e tball coach a t Auburn, on how he got forward Charles (The Round Mound of Rebounds) Barkley to reduce from 295 pounds to 265, using the Qlmbridge diet: "I told him. 'If it tastes ,good, spit it out.' " Mblon, ff'ood carry Tlt•ns Ricky Mixon came off the bench m to score 18 points Friday night, leading Cal S tate Fulle rton to a convincing 104-75 n on -conference victory .over visiting Sacramento State. Leon Wood had 17 points and a game-high 10 assists as the Titans raised their record to 4-1 . . . Mike Almeldo scored 16 points to lead San Francisco State to a 63-61 triumph over hoet Chapman. Homer Kelly led Chapman, which fell to 6-2, with 13 points. HEALING ENERGY FORUM A scientific experience with Spiritual Healing Every Wednesday at 7:30 Hear Rev. Kathy Snapp Wed., Dec. 8th & 15th Followlng by a "laylng on of hand• heallng 1ervlce" Co-sponsored by William R. Parker Holistic Center and Community Church by the Bay 148 E. 22nd St., Costa M111 528e FIVE 1982s REMAINING. EXCELLENT LEASE OR BUY. ;Roy Carver BMW : l5'0 JAMBORE£ RO.~ NEWPORT CENTEk ~ 7l~RT BEACH, CA.=SUNDAY llf ' I r••ln,. ba.-."••tbnll ........ "fhNdule D•o. 14 Chtpman. Doc 18 ot Unlvtr111y of ld•ho, D.c: 20.:1 1 at Woll Peck CltHIC, Aono, (fh tt round Ol>POnent Loul•l•n•). D•o 29 30 KOA CIHtlC, 8llllng1, Ml. Jan. 8 -at Cel State Fullerton•. Jan 8 - Nevada L .. Veg .. • •t Lono Botch Atone, Jen. 10 -Untvetelty of P04'0and, Jlt\. 15 -at San JOM 8t1te• (8:015 p.m.): Jan. 20 -at UC S1t1ta Barbara•, JIN'I. 22 -f r .. no State• at Anaheim con~tlon Center; Jan 27 -San JON Stat•': Jan. 29 -Utlh Fob. 3 -., L~ BMch Stato': Fob. 5 -at Nevada Lu Vega• (8:015 p.m.): Feb. 10 -Cal Sttte Fullerton• at Anaheim Convantlor) Center; Feb. 12 -et Utah Sta1o11•: Feb. 19 - UC Santa Bat bar a•: Fob. 24 -Unlveralty of Paclllo': Fob. 28 -Long Beach Stato'. March 3 -at Freano State'; March 5 -at Unlvetalty of Pacific'; March 10-12 -PCM Tournament at LA Forum (TBA). All gamH atart at 7:30 p .m. unleu othetWIM not.cl. All home gamea at Crawford Hall (on campua) unlo11 otherwln notod. PCM oamea Indicated by an 11terlta1. Ticket Pflcea are S7. a&. S5 and $4 at all arenu. UCI 11udent1 admitted free to gamoa at Crawford Hall (llmlted ticket 1upply). Tlckot price for UCt 1tudenta at larger arenu ta S3. CelUes r••I' past Slxers Larry Bird hit for 24 or his m game-high 33 points in a decisive first half as Boston streak e d to a surprisingJy easy 123-97 victory over Philadelphia Friday night in the National Basketball Association . . . Lewis Lloyd'• three-pointer at the buzz.er liftc.~ Golden State to a 101 -100 victory over Seattle and pushed the Lakers into sole ~on ot first place ln the Pacific Division .-. Kyle Macy a nd Maurice Lucas scored 17 points apiece and Alvan Adams added 16 as Phoenix snapped a five-game losing stre.'lk with a 97-83 decision over Houston . . . Dallas forward Jay Vincent poured in 30 points as the Mavericks held on to edge Detroit, 122-121 ... Larry 91"° Drew and Eddie J ohnson combined to spark Kansas City past San Diego, 118-106 . . . Alex EngU1b scored 27 points and KikJ Vandewegbe added 2 1 to spark Denver to a 117-107 victory over Cleveland . . . Rookie Clark Kellog tallied 22 points and veteran Billy Knlg)lt added 17 to lift lndU\Jla past New York, 108-100 . . . George Gervin scored 26 points, including 14 i.n the first quarter to help San Antonio knock off New Jersey, 114-102 ... Brian Winters accounted for eight points during a 25-6 second p e riod s purt that e na bled Milwaukee to coast to a 104-83 triumph over Atlanta. Hed·ltot McDonald llrt-s Flames scored three times Friday night, ' Right wing Lanny McDonald ~ giving him the National Hockey League's goal-scoring lead with 25, to pace Calgary to a 6-4 triumph in Winnipeg. McDonald, with seven goals in his last fi ve games, beat Winnipeg goalie Doug Soetaert twice in the second period and once early in the third on a breakaway . . . In the only other NHL game Friday, Brian Engblom scored on a slap shot from the blue line at 18:12 of the third per iod , completing a comeback which gave Wash ington a 4-4 tie with t h e N ew York Rangers and extending the Capitals' unbeate n streak to eight games. Washington trailed 4-2 with less than five minutes to go before rallying to earn the deadlock. Loan to be repaid: Robert~on The chief Los Angeles negotiator • in bringing the Raiders or the NFL from Oakland denied Friday that a $6.7 millicn commitment to the club • constituted a gift. "The money is to be repaid," said Bill Robertson, who led the n-egotiations for the Loe Angeles Memorial Coliseum . . . Brad Bryut and Qrl1 Job1oa shot a second-round 64, picking up eight strokes and pushing their way into a four-way tie at 11 -under-par 133 halfway through the Mixed Teams Golf Classic in Largo, Fla. . . . Tom Moore, coach at Gardner-Webb College, was named head football coach of The Citadel . . . James Aadrey "Jlmmy" Adair, a retired professional baseball player , coach and scou t who held various positions with the Chicago White Sox, Baltimore Orioles, Houston Ast:ros and Kan..Cl;l.'I City Royals .. died at the age of 7~. BALDWIN - H MOllD .-ANO Ancl OllGAMS None finer 12% financing on new Baldwins Dec. only (sate Items eKcludedl ORGAN & PIANO CENTER 270 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa 645-2471 ORAMGi COUMTY «:eua«:-reMll!A CHRISTMAS GUii SHOW llGGll & 11n11 THAN IVll Dec. 111 & 12 Sat. and Sun. IUY -SELL -TRADI 250 TRADE TABLES ~ F .. turing Gun1 -AnttQue a Mod9r1'I ~ Ammo .... War Relic. a Sutillut lncltan Art1fae11 -Rup a Jewelry -Coln• Admleelon 13.IO ..t. <.. Children UfMlef 14 l1M i-.•A<IAMI HOUtllc itT ..... t .. I OI• •1 COUNTY Mii •DUi• MIW fllOIUCTI PAWUOM.' .... 11 ...... -............ Celle ..... ,. .... 414 .... .,. ...... ,.., 642-5678 Put o few word~ to work /or you tn the laily Pillt ''"~ ........ b"""f9tb,dl Homo lohed"lo Doo 17 N-J., .. y; o.c. 18 -Oallu, Oeo 22 -Utah, Doo. 30 -S..llle. Jin 2 -0.trOlt, Jan 19 -San Diego, Jan 21 -S•n Antonio; Jan 23 -Indiana; Jan 28 -MllwaukM: Jan. 28 -Atlanta. Fob. 8 -Kanna City, 1:50 p.m.; Fob, 8 - Utlh, F'ab 13 NBA AH-lier game. 12:30 p m , Feb. 115 San Antonio: Fob. 23 -· Bolton; Fob 27 Denver March 9 -San Diogo: Mtrch 12 -Chicago; March HS -Phoenix; Match 18 - Kan111 City; March 20 -Dallas; March 22 - Seattle, March 25 -Sin Antonio; Match 27 -Hou1ton; March 29 -San Diego. April 1 -N.w York. April 8 -Golden State; Aprll 10 -P~nlx; Aprll 15 -SMtlle, Aprll 17 -Portland. All games played at the Forum. All gamea at 7:30 p.m. uni .. • oth«wlM noted. Tlollet Information Ticket• are pr~ at $12.50, 18.50 and 17. For more Information, phone (213) 874~. • ll•n• rael•• LOe M.Aln08 -Ouar19rhor9e meeting rUftl ""°""" ...... t7. "9dno ~through 8atutday with flrat poet al 7,41 pm. 0.-k Sundav· Admllllon ptloet: 13.50 clubhouM, 12.21 gtMdltand and I Ul~r~ ... , •. Parking• 11 general admlHlon, 12 Pf•r.cl. HOLLYWOOD PARK -Thoroughbred reolng ninl through Dec. 28. Fltet poet at 1:30 p.m. Aaclno Wodnotday through Sunday. Detk Mondev Md Tueeday. ~ ettllana d11Y Dec. 22. kvtce charge ooty. AdmlaalOn prlcH: •s clubhouM, '2.25 genetel ednWtalon and •2 r....-wd ... ting, Parking: 11 general, S2 preferred and S5 valet. 8ANTA MtlTA -Thoroughbred racing OC*'8 Dec. 29 and conttnuee ttvough April 25. Raclno W.clnnday through Sund.it. D.,k Mondey and Tue.clay. Poat time la 12:30 p.m. from O.C. 28·Feb. e and 1 p.m. from Feb. 9-Aptll 26. Admlaalon prlce1: H clubhoun, 12.25 general admlaalon and S2.75 box Mate. Peraon1 17 and under admitted freo to genetal admllelon when accompanied by an .clult. Parking: St general, '3 preferred and 15 Valet. Area youth baseball well? Costa Mesa, Newport Beach share Harbor Area format A recent letter in the Daily Pilot was brought to my a ttention. The letter is from a Randy Holliday and appeals to the community for the fonnation of a Little League baseball program in Newport Beach. He points out that if kids from Newport Beach wish to play baseball, they must go to C.OSta Mesa. As a board m ember of the Harbor Area ~ball program and Recreation Superintendent for the City of Newport Beach, I think it is important that you inform the community fully. The Ha rbor Area baseball program currently provides baseball leagues for both the City of Costa Mesa !lJld Newport Beach. Games for youth of alJ ages are played at local parks and playgrounds in Newport Beach, Corona del Mar and C.OSta Mesa. The program is directed by Rod McMillan, commissioner and a member of the Newport-Mesa Unified School Distrtct Board. A nominal fee is charged to participate in the program, much I~ than the average Little League fee, and every child Is guaranteed to play. I would welcome Mr. HoUiday's participation in the program. Coaches are always needed. Youth baseball is alive and well in Newport Beach -just stop by the Community Youth Cen ter, Lincoln School, Eastbluff Park, Mariners Park, Ens ign School, or Peninsula Park this spring or summer . I would be happy to provide any additio nal information you wouJd like on the Harbor Area baseball program which has traditionally provided youth baseball instead of Little Leagues in Newport Beach and Costa Mesa. Jeffrey C. Kolin Recreation Superintendent City of Newport Beach Piiot prep co1'erage lauded As parents w ith a son on the Edison High football team, w e really ha ve appreciated the excellent coverage of the prep activities in the Daily Pilot. We have been very pleased to see alJ the high schools so well-covered and the credit given to all the hard-working teams. It is such a thrill to hear that paper hit the ground, and the kids run out to see if their team , made the papers. And what joy ... when their name has been included! Keep up the good work! We need to read of the constructive things our youth accomplish these days. Continue with the good news! Dorothy M. Jean Jean-Paal Jean Fans getting the m essage? I was pleased as punch when I read the Sports Section Nov. 22. The attendance of the weekend SPORTS MAILBAG football games was down drastically, with the exception of the Denver Broncoe, who had an excellent turnout of Cans (thanks to their All- American attitude of not being hood-winked by . these union do-gooders). The fans from the other teams finally got the message. I got it a long time ago. Fans patroniz.e a sport for years, and then they get the shaft as unions line their pockets as they drag the players aJong with them, demanding higher salaries and benefits which are ridiculous. I've played baseball, hockey, football, etc .. when I was young and I have aJways felt that sports were for fun and pleasure; not really an occupation. The players should fee! privileged to play games and to receive salaries while doing so. Instead, with the help or the union organizers, they are ripping off the public by boyish strikes and outrageous salary and benefit demands. It costs a family a health y sum to attend the games during the season (if the re ts one). How about players being considerate of all the American fans who support them in theee trying times? I'm sure management would consider a reasonable adjustment in their salaries and benefits. Why can't they? Then perhaps the attendance at a football sporting event would have a truer American flavor. .. Charles Mikal A vote tor Fl''s Empt.Ing I am writing in regard to your recent high achool All-Sunset League choices. First of alJ, I am not a bitter parent. I have no children. 1 merely want to see credit where credit is due. Fountain Valley's strong safety Kevin Empting was totally overlooked for even a second team honor. He did a fantastic job for FVHS. He led the team with 36 unassisted tackles. (He) had defensive back, hit of the week and defensive player of the week seven times. You (the Daily Pilot) yourself picked him as a high school defensive player of the week. He was a.I.lo credited with a safety against St. Paul and bad three recovered fumbles. My husband and I followed the Barons., and granted they weren't the team of recent years, but is that any reason to overlook a good football player? Again I am not a parent, just a FVHS Baron follower. Mrs. ,. McGuire NFL standings NATIONAL CONFERENCE W .L Pct. PF PA Dallas 4 l .800 121 76 Green Bay 4 1 .800 134 85 Washington 4 l .800 l 08 97 Atlanta 3 2 .600 118 119 Ne w Orlns 3 2 .600 77 71 St Louis 3 2 .600 94 102 Chicago 2 3 .400 63 92 Detroit 2 3 .400 72 8~ Minnesota 2 3 400 1:15 88 NY Giants 2 3 .400 AO 90 Tampa Bay 2 3 .400 l 19 114 Rams 1 4 200 98 132 IPhildlphla 1 4 .200 10 l 112 Today's Games Philade lphia a t New York Giants (Channel 2 at 9:30 a.m.) San Diego at San Francisco (Channel 4 at l p.m.) Sunday's Games Denver at Ram1 Raiders al Kansas Clty (Channel 4 at 1 p.m.) Pitts burgh at Buffalo Baltimore at Minnesota AMERICAN CONFERENCE W L Pea. PF PA Raiders 4 I .800 134 109 Cincinnati 4 1 .800 116 80 Miami 4 1 .800 117 92 NY J ets 4 1 .800 139 78 Pittsburgh 4 1 .800 121 88 Buffalo 3 2 .600 85 73 San Diego 3 2 .600 119 83 Cleveland 2 3 .400 79 99 New Eng. 2 3 .400 80 98 Seattle 2 3 .400 84 82 Denver 1 4 .200 84 125 Houston l 4 .200 74 118 Kansas City 1 4 .200 73 108 Baltimore 0 5 .000 50 125 Cleveland at Cincinnati Detroit at Green Bay Miami at New England Tampa Bar at New York Jets (Channe 2 at.10 a.m.) Washington at St. Louis Chicago at Seattle New Orleans at Atlanta ,. Moaday'1 Game Dallas at Houston (Channel 7 at 6 p.m.) LllTED OffO ·10.15% A.P.R. LINCOLN MIEllY 2626 Harbor llv~., t;o1t• Mo•• ....... FIMCN AVAi.a£ auu 01N2'• JOHNSON &SON presents ' ... NFL ,., ........... Sat., Dec. 11 San Francisco over San Di-t° * Rams over Denver Clnctnnatl over Cleveland * •Green lay 0¥9f Detroit Mon., Dec. 13 o.llas ..., Heulten .. 'I l • I I I I • ·Orange CoHt OAll..Y PILOT/Saturday, December 11. 1982 Ila Late spark from McAdoo lifts Lakers J Costa Mesa up at right time • r era 'fix' a fte r SALT LAKE CITY (AP) 8ob McAdoo acored 26 polnta, including 10 ln the final quarter, as the Loe Angeles La.kers pulled away from the Utah Jazz to register a 128-122 victory In a National Buketball Auoclation game Friday night. Mustanirs reach finals at San Clemente with 58-55 win los ing ti tie Earvin Johnson scored 19 points, had 12 rebounds and 13 assists for the Lakers, who iJ'nproved their Pacific Division ~rd to 17-4. Kareem Abdul- Jabbar had 21 points and Jamaal Wilkes contributed 20 for ,the • Lakers. Adrian Dantley, the NBA's leading scorer at 31.9 points per gaMe, poured In 35 points and Ben Poquette pitched in 24 points for the Jazz, 7-14 in the Midwest Division. With 3 'h minutes left, Dantley tied the score at 116-all on a basket. But Johnson, Jabbar and McAdoo scored seven straight points to give the Lakers the lead for good. Dantley and Poquette, both forewards, scored 10 apiece in the first quarter to spark the Jazz to a 36-35 advantage. By JOHN SEV ANO OfeMDelr ......... ln a game filled with pt>ak11 3nd valleya, the Cci.t.a Meu tllih Mwilllf\811 hit a peak at precisely the right mC>ment and the result was a 58-66 baske tball vic\Ory over Foothill in the 1emlflnala of th' San Clemente Tournament Friday nJght. The Mustangs wUl play Long Beach Wilson, a 71-60 vfctor over San Clemente in Friday's other semifinal, in tonight's 8 o'clock championship finale. The final key for the Mustangs Friday proved to be their ability at the free throw line whe re they canned 18 of 21 opportunities, 10 of 11 in the linal quarter when they were overcoming a 45-38 deficit. The Knights (l-1), on the other hand, managed to hit on only 11 of 20 from the charity stripe. The contest started out close with the Mustangs' height bothering the Knights, while the Knights' quickness and full-court press bothered the Mustangs. Costa Mesa however, scored the last six points of the first quarter and hit six of Its first eight shots In the second to take what seemed to be a commanding 24-11 lead with 5:56 to play before halftime. But Foothill's Rich Dutrisac, a 6-0 senior guard, single-handedly brought the CdM, Woodbridge, Lions post victories Tonight's scheJulP ':30 -Compton v1. El Moden1 (consolation championship) 6:15 -Foothlll vs. San Clemente (third place) 8 -Cost a Mesa vs. Long Beach Wiison (championship) Knighta back lnto the game a.s he wu a perfect seven-for-seven from the field during the final five minut.ee of the quarter. The entire Knight aquad, in f«t, waa 9 of 12 (75 percent) in the quarter to cul the deficit to 32-29 at the lntennisslon. The Knights then came out and picked up ~heir hot hand again in the third quarter, hitting 10 of the last 12 points down the stretch to take the lead, \3-38. ' The Knights stretched the advantage to 49-42 before the Mustangs (2-0) pressured their oppone nts into one turnover after another. A basket by guard Mark Williamson, his first of the night, tied it at 50 and then two free throws a couple of minutes later by Phil Kos gave the Mustangs the lead for good at 54-5:.!. I 1 It was a successful evening for the high school basketball squads from Woodbridge, Corona del Mar, Westminster and Capistrano Valley Friday. We've BASKETBALL m -e- the start of the fourth quarter, the m~ ~ ~ ........ e· d. Warriors were never threatened in , VUCI~ CdM and Woodbridge won non - league tussles, while Capo Valley will play for the championship of the Sonora Tournament tonight and Westminster captured third place of the Santa Ana Tournament. running their overall record to 3-1. \ Mark Foringer, Woodbridge's point I All the new '83 models guard, played well in running the are in. offense and scored seve n points. I Here 's how it went: Woodbridge opens play in the Irvine Tournament against Glenn at 8 · CdM 0, Mi11lon Viejo 34 Tuesday. David VanSteenhuyse had 16 points, Karl Wolff had 9 and Greg Wynn and Tom Vance added seven each as the Sea Kings evened their record at 2-2 on the season with a victory over the visiting Diablos. Westminster 61, Laguna Beacb SS In a seesaw contest that determined third place in the Santa Ana Tournament, it was the Lions who were hottest at the finish. CdM used a tight defense to blow Mission Viejo out early as the Sea Kings led 10-2 at the end of the first quarter and 25-6 al the inte~ion. Richard Brown dropped four straight free throws in bonus situations and Tom Downs made five straight to keep the Lions in front. Westminster jumped out to a 20-4 lead in the first quarter, but saw the advantage vanish by halftime. Laguna then built a five-point lead and took it into the fourth period before the Lions again took control. Mission Viejo came within 13 al one staged in the fourth quarter at 37-24 before the Sea Kings pulled away for good. The contest marked the appearance ol senior guard Mike Hess for the first time this season. Hess, who has been nursing a foot injury, playe d sparingly off the bench and 9COred six points. The Artists were hampered by the lack of playing time for Scott Fortune, who was limited to about six minutes by foul trouble. Laguna is now 3-4. Woodbridge 53, Rancho 34 · Capo Valley 7%, Brea 67 The Cougars led by as many as 13 points in the second half before holding off a late charge by Brea· Olinda. The Warriors' pressure defense paid dividends in the second quarter as the hosts built a 16-point advantage at the half and coasted. Anthony Radovcich tallied nine of his game-high 24 points in the second period when Ole Warriors outscored Rancho, 17-6. Though the Vaqueros did manage to cut the deficit to 12 at Senior guard Walt DeCasas enjoyed a 32-point performance, while Mark Otta chipped in with 14. Capo Valley plays for the championship at 8 tonight. Sports on TV TELEVISION 9 a.m. (2) -NFL TODAY -Featured: A look at the Philadelphia Eagles and their troubles with winnin~ this season. Brent Musburger hosts. 9 :30 a .m . (2) -NFL FOOTBALL - Philadelphia at New York Giants. 10 a.m. (7) -COLLEGE FOOTBALL - Southwest Texas State vs. UC Davis for the Division II championships. _ 10:30 a.m. (4) -COLLEGE BASKETBALL - Illinois vs. Kentucky at Lexington. 12:30 p.m. (2) -COLLEGl!: BASKETBALL - USC vs. Iowa at Iowa City. 1 p.m. (4) -NFL FOOTBALL -San Diego at San Franciaco. 5 r· .m. (7) -WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS - Rafae "Bazooka" Limon (47-11-2) defends his WBC junior lightweight title against Bobby Chacon (50-6-1) In a echeduled 15-round bout. 5:30 p.m. (11) -COLLEGE BASKETBALL - Virginia meets Georgetown at Landover. Mft. This one will match Virginia's Ralph Sampson (7-4) against the Hoyu' Pat Ewing (7-0). 7:30 p.m. (56) -COU.EGE BASKETBALL - Sacramento St.ate at Cal State Fullerton. Taped Friday 7:50 p.m. (9) -NBA BASKETBALL -The Lakera take on Golden State ln Oak.land. RADIO Football -Philadelphia at New York Giants, 9:15 p.m., KNX (1070); San Diego Chargers at San Frand8co. 12:45 p.m., KNX (1070). Basketball -USC at Iowa, 4:45 p.m ., KNX (1070), delayed; San Joee State at UCLA, 8 p.m., KMPC (710); Lakers at Golden St.ate, 7:50 p.m., KLAC (570). Hockey -JCin81a at Winnipeg, 4:30 p.m, KPRZ (1150). Irvine triumphs Irvine High had a close ca ll at Tustin and N e wport C hristian opened the Lone Pine T o urnament with a convincing vic tory in women's basketball play Friday night. The Vaqueros edged Tustin, 46-44, as junior Carla Figueroa poured in 17 points and Suzie Flynn notched 10. Kris Roberts broke a 44-44 tie with 15 seconds left. and after Tustin missed the last shot, Roberts then grabbed the rebound to preserve the victory. Irvine moved to 4-3 with the victory. Newport Christian's Stella Berkebile had 24 points :ind Tina Anderson did a fine job directing the offense from her point guard spot in Newport's 40-18 romp over Owens Valley. Newport Christian moved into the second round of the tournament. and will meet host Lone Pine at 1:30 today. PICKUP AND DELIVERY FOR Mon.-Frl. 5:45 p.m. KWVE FM-108 • YOUR MERCEDES BENZ ' 1. Purchase or lease a new or used Mercedes-Benz from Dave. 2. You must l~ve In San Clemente, San Juan Capistrano, or Dana Point. So ~h.,.. your Merce<Jet·Benz 11 reedy for e Mrvlce, lust call~eve Rlchllf' end h9 wtff plctl up your Mercedes-Benz and hive It Mrvlotd Ind return II to YoU wtlef't 1111 llnllhed. If you nMd more lnfounatlon call and DIYI """ come to your home and (JIY9 Yoll I demc>nltrlllon Of the new tine end 1n1Wlf' your queetlona MISSION VIEJO IMPORTS 411-1100 1st & 8roadwav, Santa Ana: 835·31.71 NEWPORT HARBOR PARADE OF LIGHTS · CHRISTMAS CRUISE Enjoy bein1 a part or the traditional Parade or U1hts Christmas Cruise aboard the newly commissioned Catalin• Holiday. F riday, December 17th Saturday, December 18th Sunday, December 19th Monday, Dec~mber 20th BOARDING TIMES: SAIUNG TIME 6:15 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 8:00 p.m. 8:15 p.m. . COST: 514.00 per person •t•~.i'IC ,pcc1fy '81llng 11me when ordm1111 I 1ckc1• will be honored tor 'fl\'l:lficd "11hng t1m~ onl~ Balboa Pavillion Main Strttt cl Ed1~atn- ~ TRIP INCLUDE : • J 1/1 Hour Cruise . • Champaane • Dancln& with Uve Music •No Host Bar FOR RES£RV A TIONS CONTACT: Eucutlvt Youn IL Tr1nsport1tlon 711 West 17th Street, Suitt C·ll Coita M ... CaHfomla 92627 (714) 646-1163 • ...,... Al 1,f'IUft'-'C lll.llC'TTO<HANGt!WlntOl TNOTIC'[, ""-...,. ....... '°' tnllk ....... -· 11lln -............................ ~ ..... ...................................... ....... ...., ....... ,..., ............. CllOlll'!f MU$1 MAK~ TH6lll OW!t/ TllA~l'tNITA ntJ'V AltltA'WOnMfllr.t. Ulit.ll M('Su'• T<'ti Stitt IN! ull r..<0n•111 wllh 22 point.a Paul &Ison and Mark Cook each addl'<1 10 for lht• Mwitangs Dutr~ WM lhl· Knight.I' wp 8C.'Ort•r with 16, 14 o( thOllC oomlng In tht• 11{'<.'0nd quarter. "They go \ ho\ ond we got down u little," .aid Mustang Coo~h Tim ParflCI of the inconslate ncy. "I told my kids they couldn't shoot Uk«' that all night ... and they almost dlcJ." The Mustangs played most of lhl• gamt' without the services of 6-2 senior Duve Palmblade, who spent most of the third quarter on the bench with four fouls and eventually we nt out oL the game for good (with hls fifth foul) early 1n the fourth. Palmblade, who had 20 in Mesa's opening game of the tournament, finished with just SIX points. "Mesa did a good job or trapping us and that got them back into the '-ame," said Foothill Coach Jim Reames. • We're not ashamed of our performance. My team did a good job. Mesa is good." The Mustangs finished the night shooting 51 percent (20 of 39) from the field, while the Knights e nded at 45 percent (22 of 49), despite s hooting a horrendous 2 of 14 from the floor In the LAS VF..GAS (AP) Michael "Oy n11mlte" Uokc1 knockc.>d d o w o M i k 1• W 1· 3 v e r a n d 11wppcd him a t 1.03 of the firat ro und to twcomt1 the World .Bo><inl( A.$.4'0Ctation heavyw .. aght cht1mplon Jo'riday night in a 11tunnang vktory tha t Weaver callc'CI "a fax." "Are you so yang It was a • setup'!'' Wc•awr was ru>kcd. "Yc.>s. I am saying thM," he • answered. "Was iL a fix?" ·•Definitely," said Weaver. • "Do you think promoter Don K111g was behind it?" "Who else?" said Weaver. D o n Manue l , Weaver's manager, said he would ask the WBA to declare the fight no contest and resch edule It In 30 days. The fighl ended in chaos, with a s tre et brawl be twee n the • fighte rs' entourages and security men taking place In the ring. While the brawl In the ring was going on, one fan screamed, "Let them fight. I paid to see a first quarter. -----__ fig h t." Two locks for the price of one! 14'!!.. Reg. 47.79 ""'"' t J0.00 lecurtty I Entry locll 1" 11,,0W ONOIOdl One key IO• ~ti! dHdlOCk al\CI IOICkMI l'Olill'led llfHI lll\1111 It! IOL •ii m IJUI!?'* \® N100 Reg. 9.95 5ee HllJ" Quality lolclltllJ •PM' 1/\CI Ptn bleOe• In aaw cut 0.lrln llel'Cllt 51108 J "°"' r9Cl\ef .. cycl•. on• Clltr" candrivell)llof1w h11ndr9d ... l•l/l "WMdacr-•nto PIN c:om,lele ..... -9folled eM-llfl•"•~ ~ EJltrna lecll 'Mtu"• .. ,.,,, dMdlllcl! Weller. Reg. 19.39 1211 ....... ... , 10 -".. " "" tu" ., ... ,.. .. ,.,. ___ .... _.,._ . LIMITllTO ITOCI OM MANI VG·1S2 INTER LOCHEN ·-·--·i• ....... lot __, .... -~ ........ -..,,..,,,.._ ,_..,,_.,...,_ Ao,utllOO.-.. mpoond•Cl'U- tonH"ot& Easy to .._1M1-rept.tc '• ~<""""""""'~e•Jl~~-rtp h'al'!S iat"'e<e"CIP8 H.-.OS•ffl.C:O'I'"' "Of11ontafty '-•• f4'<f" 8 • 91 , 1 l D cw 5000 0 • 5000 OX~lOACH l r11H. cuu. ao1u r1, _,di 4.J/4 lb 1orcll comb1n .. propen• wit" ;omp,.Htd o•r8•" for t fun renge of torcll 1ob1 .._ ••••1071 ~:-:: 2t6t CIMTUIY PL C.OITA~ • i . .. B·l Orans• Coaat OAIL.V PILOTl81turd1y. December 1 1, 1881 El T o ro's Bla ke Fenne l (left) moves fo r yardage thro ugh a F~llerton d efender; Gar y Pifer (8 5 ) la tches o n to a pa Delly ""'°' Pholoe by C"41ttM eten CIF champi~nship to El Toro I Chargers jump to 35-point lead, settle for 35-19 win By ROBB MUNSON SpecW lo ttle Dmty l'Uot :El Toro High's Chargers were crowned CIF Central Conference fobtball champions Friday night, as they rolled out to a 35-0 lead before finally winning 35-19 before 6,500 at Oran ge Coast College. On their second poosession of the evening, the Chargers drove 55 yards in nine plays and scored W:h e n q u a r t e r b a ck M 1 k e J:l>uglass hit Curt Woods with a 6~ard touchdown pass. :"This was a fantastic team ef1ort for us," said El Toro Coach Bob Johnson . "We have been ei ceptional all year long, both on offense a nd d efense. Marty ~ding (line coach) and John J ohansen (defense) have really been great coaches for this team. Withou t the m we don't even have a team." Fulle rton was dealt a great sEback op en i ng the second q . On the third play from s immage, David Willes was injured after gaining four yards ob a running play. Willes was the key ingredient to F ullerton's attack , both offensively an d defensive I y. El Toro capitalized on Willes' departure on its next possession. With 11:03 left in the second quarter, Douglass burned Willes' replacem ent by t hrow ing a 23-ya rd comple tion to Brian Horgan. And just four plays la ter Douglass hooked up with Horgan again, this time for 43 yards and a first down on the Fullerton 2-yard line. Blake Fennell ran for a touchdown on th e n ext play, upping the score 14-0. An i nte r ce ptio n by E d Christian on F ullerton 's next possession gave El Toro the ball at the Indians' 41-yard line. O n a play-action pass four plays later, Douglass hit Horgan with a 23-yard touchdown with 6:14 left until halftime. S teve Williams' kick was good. and El Toro had a 21-0 lead. F ullerton h ad Its 't r oubles getting star ted against the aggr essive C h a r ger s . Paul Svitenko, Mike Piel, Christian, and others led the defe nsive surge for El Toro, which limited Fullerton to just 46 yards in the first hall. The lndians managed to enter El Toro ~rritory only once during the half. Fullerton's woes continued in the third q uarter, when Christian blocked Tim, Hirou's punt which was recovered by Bill Douglass on the Indian 16-yard line. Two plays late r Jerry Eldridge squirted around left end for a 10-yard score. After a pair of Fullerton punts, Dou glass found Woods w ide o pe n , and threw a 38-yar d touchdown pass to the speed y receiver, making the score 35-0 with 57 seconds left m the third quarter. Do uglass had a l ine gam e ~ing for El Toro, as the 5-11 senior was 8-for-16 for 184 yards and three to uc hdown passes. Fenne ll r ushed for 87 yards, while Woods caught four passes for 74 yards and Horgan had three re<:eptions for 99 yards. El T a r o's de feni;e h e l d Fulle rto n to only 79 yar ds through three quarters, but gave up three touchdowns and 162 yar ds in the f inal qua rter. Richard Williams broke the ice for Fullerton with a 1-yard dive with 7;32 left. Fullerton took to the air for its n ext sc!o re as Williams hit Kevin P arry with a 25-yard sooring ~· Marc Hangsleben ran in from 5 yards out to close the scoring for Fuller\,Qn. College, prep basketball scores c=~ Cal St Fullerl on 10.t Sacr11m«110 St 75 San Franct9CO St 63, Chapman &1 Whittler 90, Anisa Pacific 85 RocltlH Montana 81. Washington St 58 EMI Army 73, Yale 70 Bucknell 55, Muhlenberg <t6 Piii 95, Robert Morris 80 flMdonet Bowling Gr_, 88. Ol9flance 69 Sollttl-• Texas-San Antonio &9. Texas Tech &7 South SE Loulstene 71, Urbana 81 TOUMt~.NTa Mlieu C'-* Fr-St. 58, Horlh«n Arizona 64 HMtef C'-* Georgie St 88, Floftda A&M 71 Stetaon 88, TennNtN TeQh 87 ,/~jf l • MAllOA • REC•HCAL SAW ,.....,,_ ........ '· ..... 152 •as Community college T~NTS Qoldefl .... Chemplo ...... -'8\. , LA Sout"-1 71, Golden w.tt 67 Pasaoene 78, RlveralOe 70 COMOletklft -le LA Ple<c. 69, Cltrue 57 LA Valley 76, Glendll8 75 (5 ot 1 Sltytlne ,..,.. rWftd San Frenclaco CC 77. Orange Cout 75 {ol) SentalleltNlre ci-p1oMMp_.. Santa Ana 71, El Cetnlno 70 Santa Barbar• 43, Compton « CoiMc*ttto.1 _ .. Long Beach CC 77, Secktlebac:k 72 Santa Monica 88, Hencoek 62 car-• C'*""'°4....._ _.. Groasmont 8.t, Imperial Valley 81 Cerritos 91. San Olego Mesa 81 Conec*lltort -i. Soottiw.tem 101. ~ 83 24-TOOTH TlllSTD UlllH CllCIUllWE r•~·--e • .......... c-.. _ '=s51s 2-TON HIAVYDUTY '119 HeavyDvty 1111 llYETU ---~ ,_ •12 PorteMlle 55, MocMeto 48 T:.=.:=a ......... Huntington e.ecri 70, La Oulnle 61 (nrs1) Fountain Valley 77. Loe Alemlloe & 1 (ttllrd) OoMn V1-88, Morningside 81 (fifth) ._ .. AM Bonita 85, Santi Ana Valley 62 (ot) (first) Weetmlneter 81, Lllguna Beael'I 55 {lhlrd) .... c~, .. ..,_... Capistrano Vtlttrf 72, Bree 87 Sonata 64, La Habra 43 Coo....,tlcMl-le Canyon 74, Sunny HNI• 53 Dana Hlllt 58, Orange <t9 c--. c~.....,...,... Kennedy 53, Arroyo 47 (ot) c-..."°"_... f ·' Lompoc 70, ~ Diego 48 t/2"0rM-1501t.• TORQUE WRENCH ~ Clod-~ ~''19 ·~· SCREWDtUVIR SET ti• .. ~---.,.... M.tric or SAi 40 TAI • llE ID re. Cetrltoe 7 8, carpmterla 39 aanci.-1e c._.... ... _.. ea.ta Mna 58, Foothill 55 Long BHcll Wiison 71, Sen Clemente llO COllMletloft -·· Compton &5. Clllno 63 EJ Modena 58, Bufbanll 56 ....... __ Mater Del 63, ~9191 41 Weetern 72, Senllago 58 Corona del Mar 49, Minion Viejo ~ Woodbridge 53, Rancho Ai.tnllos ~ Troy 58, Anallelm .t6 American Ctmal.an 43, Liberty ChrtaUan 42 Garden Grove 68, Lotrl 86 (OI) Womet1 Collete Santa Clare 50, UC Irvine 48 t¥KMol !Nine <t6, T"'tln « Newport Chrletl1n 40, Owens Valley II s.-4-... MMrk 7 '*- NUT DRIVER SET \iU :;.'2~ 4 piec• PIPl .... sn The win was the tenth s traight f or El Toro (12-2), wh il e Fullerton, which suffered its fi rst defeat of the year. finishes at 13-1. ... El Toto 35, Fullerton 11 acoree,,o--. Fullerton O o o 19 -19 El Toro 7 14 14 o -35 ET-Wooda 6 pua lrom Oouglua (Wiiiiama kick) ET-Filnnell 2 run (W1lllam1 kick) ET-Horgan 23 p&SI from Ooug!ISI (Williams kid<) ET-Eldridge 10 run (W1Hlem1 kick) ET-Woods 38 pass from Oougl111 (William• kick) F·Wllllame 1 run (FernandN kid<) F-Perry 25 PISI from Wiiiiams (kick felled) F-Hengaleben 5 run (run tiffed) Allendanc»-6,500 (estimated) 0-llatletlca F First downs 11 Rullhes·)'8fdl 19-9 PISllng Y'1de 212 p-15.:n.2 Pun ls 5-28 Fumblea-l<Nt 0-0 Penaltl••yerd• 3-10 lfldMdlMI ........ IT 16 40.206 184 8·18-t 2·27 2·2 7·58 F-H1ng1l eb1n , 3-9 . Wllle•. 3·24. BelMncourt. 5-13; WIMlama. 5-lor-mlnut 25; Anaya, 1·0: Garcia. 1·1or-mlnua 1, Hlrou. 1-lor-mlnus 21 ET·Eldftclge, 7--43. Trickett, 8-30, Fent*!, 13-87: OouglaM, 5-23. Woode, 1-8; Mclain, 1-0. Chrtallan. 1·4: Gatflo, 3·8: Svltenko, 1-2 lndhtdul P-lftt F-Willlema, 15-29-2, 212 ET-OouglaN, 8-18-1, 18" l11dMd~ flecel¥tftt F-Tenney, S-.7, Pwry, 3-93, ZMb, 3·28. Adams, 1-11, Betheneouft, I_., F"rllt'lklln, 1-2, Garcia, 1-0, Hanglleben, 1-lor·mlnus 1. ,CT-Woods, ... 1"'4; HorQan, 3·G9: Piiaf. 1-11. ~EROBICISE ~ If someone on your hst Is putting 1heir heart mlo aerobics. pul their feel mto the shoe that's designed specially for aerobics TM•nrBaJ&oce Jaaboree .......... $21.15 Add a little extra 10 the rou1ine. Jlak1e/wrlatwd'1stt .. $12.50 lliilENNIS II.I RACQUETS A Qreal gift for the Orst Ume beginner and the old pro alike Wiison's new graphite reinforced ltr&JHr ald.abe racquet ...... cneo.. ................... Sll.00 Southwest edges Rusilers to gain tourney finals By HOWARD L. HANDY Of'IMDelrNeettaft Opportunity knock~ at the door of the Golden West Ruatlen but they faUed to open it and aa a result, Los Angeleti South west College moved lnto the final.I of th~ G WC tournament with a 71-67 victory Friday night. LASW will play undefeated Pas ade na (8 -0) f o r the champion s hip whlle Gold e n Wes t w ill play Riverside for third place tonight. Golde n West was ne ver in front but came back from a 14-point deficit In the final 11 minutes to tie the score at 65 w ith 2:36 r e m a i n i n g on a follo wup shot by Dan Siber. When the Cougars missed their next attempt, the Rustlers took possession but instead of playlng for a controlled s h ot, rushed downcourt and fired a miss. LAS W went In front , 67-65 w ith 2:08 remaining and the Rus tlers promptly tur ned the ball over. What appeared to be their d ying gasp was converted into a big break a t 1:44 when an LAS W player 'committed an offensive foul. This gave the ball to Golde n West and set the s tage for F.d Dorham to hjt from under the basket to tie the score at 67 with 1:19 remaining. The Cougars elected to run down the clock to 13 seconds before taking a time out. They set a play that f~und Manue l Carolina hitting a 10-foot fall- a way jump sh o t with five seconds remaining. Golden West took the next Tonight'& &ehedule 4 p.m. -Pierce v1. LA Valley (coneotatlon final•) 6 p.m. -Golden Weal VI. Rlverllde (third place) 8 p.m. -Puadena vs. LA Soothweat (championship) timeout and when they returned, attempted a long pua downcourt that w as in tercep ted and conve rted ln to a n in surance basket at the buzzer by Carolina. "We should have held the ball and made them play defense at 2;04," diaappointed Golden West C.0.Ch Jim Greenwood said aft.er the game. "It was a n ice comeback but we still fell short. If we could have controlled the ball ... " It wasn't to be and Southwest moved into the title matchup with th e favored Lancers of Pasadena tonight at 8. Southwest moved in front at the out.set and at times looked like it would run away and hide. But the widest margin between the two teams came at 14 in the second hall. This was when the Rustlers heard the knock at the door but couldn't quite convert it Into a victory. T h e fina l game lasted until almost 11 o'clock afte r a five- overtime victory for LA Valley o ve r Glendale, 76-75, in a co nsolation bracket semifinal. Pierce beat Citrus, 69-67, in the other consol ation semi while Pasadena's m argin of v ictory over Riverside was 78-70. Pirates stopped in OT SAN BRUNO -Orange Coast College was in comma nd for more than 20 minutes Friday night tsut that wasn't enough as City College of San Fra ncisco came from behind to beat the Pirates in overtime, 77-75, in the opening round of the four-team Skyline Tournament. The Pirates wW play for third place at 6:30 tonight. A fter m a nufactu ring a I O-po int lead at intermission (4 3-33), t h e Pira t es b eg a n turning the ball over and let CC San Francisco back into the game . About midway through the second half, the Rams finally caught and passed the Pirates, taking a four-point lead. But the Pirates battled back themselves and forced the game into overtime on a pair of free UJAVE A BALL! No matter what his game, you can give your favorite athlete the brand of the pro's WU.O. PootMUs . from$ I 0 .15 Voh .... etMlll . from $1J.ae ...... SoccerMlll .... from $14.IS lll(iilLEEPING ~ BAGS It's the Cat's Meow! The lightest. most compact synthetic bai fo r backpackers. with a tot.al weiQht of just 3 lbs. 6 ~ Made by the •ort11 Pace, it's quality you can depend on. C..'1 ........ ,,.. SIOS.00 .............. .... , ............. Ul.00 throws by Garinn Morton in the final seconds. S h awn Ryan immedia tely gave OCC its only overtime lead. but the Rams took con trol aft.er that. Big men square off LANDOVER, Md. (AP) - Virginia Coach Te rry Holland be lieves Ralph S ampson has more to lose than Georgetown's Pat Ewing in tonigh t's first-ever matc hup ·o f th ese colle g e basketball giants. ' Many experts compare the 7-4 Sam pson, a senior, to Kareem Abdul-Jabbar beca use of his fluid all-around ability. Ewing, 7--0 and a sophomore, is likened to Bill Russell because of his out.standing defensive ability. lll(iilCHOOL PACKS ~ When yo4've got too much stuff and no where to put It, you nud the Stticly 8-Jer.~==i...._ With special pockets for pencils, pens, calculators, etc .. ~IKE SHOES la;a Slip lnlo something more comfortable for the holidays, Jllll• shoe.s Proven performance and uncompromlsed comfort .............. WyADc:..t ...... Sii.ii .. c.... ........... .. T ............... m .• o...111 ........ ' ..••••• OiJPEN MON.·FRI. 10-9 •SATURDAY 10-6 •SUNDAY 10-5 z • 81Wi'Oitt ll&Cll ,...,_i.M --· .. -.. ........ \ Loe Alamlloe flllDA'Y'I llHULTI (Jlttl .. ...,....., ~ -""'' """ KACI. 350 yardl Prlllie Z.8'11 (CfMQ«) 30.00 7 80 5 40 OH·48Q8W1 .Hll IMllC!lell) 2 40 2 80 OH·T-u1 Rell (Tonka) 3 00 3 80 OH-DMdlleat l0t p1- Alao raced Oetracllon. fatter Faoley. Sove reign Bar. September Morning, Sploeomellc. Rebetillne T"-19 24 II IXACTA 13·41paid137 40 II IEXACTA (3·71paid 151 20 SECOND KACI. 400 y11td1 Betlet JudOetT*lt (Harl) 8 80 3 80 3 00 Noble Daltu (Treuufe) 3 80 2 80 Utu• Tara (Tonlll) 4.00 Alt o reced Whlmalc•I J et. CHiiean. KeyY>ellen, Bllllnglley Chane.. Champegne F .. IUrt Time 20 17 TIMD llACI. 350 ytrdt LaMr Chtrge (T onll•) 12 20 8 80 4 20 Stit~'llery CCwdoa) 7 80 8 20 LUClll Moon IPtulloe) 8.00 Alto raced· Herea Jolln Jolln. Lua Eu y Geme. Wacky Angel, Reven SIH y, Ryon• Hope. Bubblea Jet, Lnty Jotdache T1me; 17.1111 t:z IEXACTA (1-8) paid 184.80 fOUltTH llACI. 350 yard1. Oo Me4 Oo (Fryday) 111 80 12.80 7 .40 P041c:y Wlff Ooo (Hart) 12.00 ~ •O Fly to the Moon (Bltvln1) 5 80 AllO r.-1· Rebell Saini, Mighty P041cy, lta Oa.,,..., S11\191 Grey Fox, FIUh l!!m. Easy Ood.O;"l(OOI Nlllve Time: 171111. II IX.ACTA 17· II peto $203 00 flnl4 RAU . 400 y111C11 SkybO (Ptullne) 13 00 8 40 3 80 Pall Boy JO (Ladtey) 7 80 4 870 Btaltar ~ (Mltehetl) 3 40 Aleo reced Never Shott, 0eee> Night, Tillk to PIPC>&. Im• Gun Runn«. Kmys Klptykel Time. 20 to II EXACT A C5·7) peld $U 00 SIXTH RACE. 1170 yerC11 Tigar Wellt (Harl) 6 80 4 00 2 80 Froety Jlmmet (Pauline) 5 00 3 00 Macho Milo ILllCltey) 2 80 Alt o recad OH·Mr Stacy Bob. DH·Mr Colfax l artL, Wiii Wlnelol, ReMS Rambhng Red OH-Dee<lhee<I tot rourt.n Time. 45 61 llEYENTH RACE. 400 rwdt JualanolCI Love (CarCIOl• 3 40 2 40 2 20 My S11r11me (Tr..-e) 3 00 2.40 MIU CUii Credit (HMI) 2 20 Alto rlOld Flequeel Chetger. Rlgnllutly. 8emt Lee Bid, Flying Rock .. Time: 19.1111 II EX.ACTA 12· I) paid S9 80 t:z P'ICtc SIX (5--1-7·&· 1·21pllCI I 12.350,80 with three winning Uc:k•I• (ab t.or ... ) S2 Piek St• coneotallon paid S 1a. 80 wlrh 75 wlMlng llckett (llve hot ... ) EQHTH RACE. 400 ytrd1 Roclcete Elaine (Mylea) 8 40 4 40 3.80 OH·Hlleah Fl«> (Hat1) 7 80 7 00 OH·lnkytt Oeliglll (BrOOllt) 4 40 5 00 Aleo raced E•y _Jell Wlndl, MW Honey and Spice, Audra. Hurry on Now DH-ONdhNI r0< third Time. 20 14 NNnl RACE. 170 )'WCI• Holme 8eM (Pauline) 20 40 4 20 2 80 Anna HI (Hen) 2 40 2 20 Mr K•a (Adair) 3 00 Aleo r.-1 Tlmeto O.tgona. w ... POiiey. Mighty Duc:lt, Oley Suc>erllCIM Th<ee Wiid Chef1CM Time 45 27 t:z IXACTA C2·3) peld 138 40 ffNTH KACI. 400 yerd1 ,,..,_. (Delornbe) 8 00 3 80 3 20 Floan Monge> (WarCll • 40 3 80 T rlpot Prune (Creaget) 4 40 Alto r.-1 Jell Villue, Seymour Soonet. C>etuue 1>99. FleQUMll Jet. Dupee Little Bew. Tlme' 20.12 II EXACTA (1·71Plld 44 80 Allendence -8. I 211 Hohwood Plltk FNDAY'I MIUL Tl (2"1 ot...., .._......,_. -unel ""ST RACf.. 8 lurlonga. FMOUk (McCarton) 8.40 • 80 3.80 Zuml LOu (H.-Y> 9 oo s '° BillOM!oon (Ollv11r•) II 20 Also rt~· Snullum. CIHllC Holldty. Waterford Bitty. 1l1nolmyleull. Cllrll CommenOer. PenlolO, Eye Fl<ll, HNI AMII. Sengellcen Time I 10 115 HCOND RACE. I 1111 m- Money M~ •' (M<:Cetron) 7 80 5 00 3 llO Hlfly Bid (Pincey) 9 00 8 00 Z811oc (~telne) 8 00 Aleo reced F llCflendon' I 8oy. Coneoler. O'leloe, Jeff Llltfle. Aini Hll.a, Ooncentoo. M.in Jee, Mer1<'1 Br-. Le ~ Time I 441 t:z DAA.Y DOU•U! C7·2) paid 121 00 TM9ID RAC.. ··~ lut10nQa ~ Rob Lee (Hewley) :n 40 t• 00 7 20 Getmeo CMcHttgueJ 21 40 14 20 Denc:ln9 RibOI cs--. .. , 5 40 Allo raced fn1earct1ol, Colmen, Pro P-. s.m·a Table. Pvbllc: TrMllllon Time I 15 315 •EX.ACTA (7·21 paid 1879 00 FOURTH RAC•. I 1118 mtlee Jelling Poly (MeClfron) 7 80 5 00 3 20 Eye1 or Pow.f (C..tened•I 13 00 •.•O U111e Avalenc:lle (Stelnet) 3 20 Alto reced Oeorge'a Alr1, Fillrl) P<W, Knll T-. Bow! or fentuy, WOf'lhy 81d. llonke. Siie'• a Doll, Natur• Remedy, Clrctuway. Time: 1·•8 415 l'W'Tlt RACE. I 11 Ill mllee. Btauneillen IPlnclly) 5.eo • 80 2 '° Cloldeti Mln11re1 (Ollvar•I 8.80 2.eo Fuuy Fr-!Bladt) 2.40 Alto receel· Coen, ldMI ~t. Specletty ~ a.it Men, Blclc'I a Klcll. Whefa W• It. Time: I 4• 415 • IXACTA (3·5) pillcl S 102 00 9IXTH llACI. I luf1on9a Comroo ~(Toro) 23 20 7 40 • 80 ~I 0,,. jPWce) 4 40 2.80 Our Heroine (Caialenede) 3.40 AllO raced Arrlvllla, Suale FIHVH , Wlndy'a Sono. Full Ort ndy, FIMI Rull. Met-. Donni nom.ttc, 1AMIM.. T1mr. I: 10 315 • UACTA (5-21 paid1112.50. UVDfTI4 llACL I~ tunofl09 ~ For ... (Bledl) 12 40 t..40 2 80 Ab4w1>er• (Hewl9yl 15 00 4 20 r,.~~ 220 Alto raced. -. N 8~, MllrA, llrtQle ""'-· Pe1-iet, llua Jel TlfM, 1.18 4/8 • UACTA (1-11 paid'41700 • l'tCIC 1111 (2·7-7-3-M) paid t:l,230.80 '""" .. wlnfllnO 11c111 ... (llW hOt-) $2 PICti 8ik OOMOll!tton paid '4UO wltll 721 Wlnl*'9 .... (tout ll«IM~ ...mf AAca. I 1/ 11 mllM on tUff 901a De Of-(Plneay} 8 00 8.00 3.20 ~ (81bllie) 10 40 uo f'lmpln' ,_. (T OfO) 3.40 Alto raced: Mlclnlt• Copptr, Herbie ~ CelllO Wfrr10r. ~. Al!llNl(M, lronwdor. TllN: 1:47 4/11. "9ITM MC!l 1 I/ 18 ,,,.... "9IMllft Joe ( ..... ) t'I ~ 7 ,oo uo ~ 0oue c~I uo a.oo ...., ""°'° (T-) a.40 AllO r.-t Mr.*""-· Nll9d lnYedet. '--ftwMOO, """"'' llond, ~ 'fliM. 1.4' 1111 • IJIMITA (1-tlOtllel UIUO ""-••~ ''· f ... HofM rao=" leecHra cuw~ I ,Det.•I JOClll I Mewlte 1•1 IM l'IH ... 1; ... 11 .. 0 Ptoca~ v~ .... , C McCerron Oeh1l>w•uye MiacBetll , ... 1,UJ U7 311 H .0411114 t,381 H O 2:>i I 4113 080 t 688 ,., .-:111 • 0111!\0 I n• 217 1118 91 t;).538 1 '89 11111 1eo e.no.11112 1,430 '" 216 4,117 .. , '· 1411 187 168 4,701 007 Snoeni.k .. O•v MalJI• Clllll t 11 101 4,661. 232 1.9111 355 21111 4.387.65• I, 16' 183 174 4,~68,6611 TlllAIHllll 11a1r1 111 2nd l'111ae1 Whllll•'llll•m l ukH La.,, ... Frenk .. McAn1Hy VIII Berg l'Mttlln S1epl1en1 3811 91 81 14,4113,00 sn 811 87 3,480, 146 397 lltl 70 3,433. 181 534 117 101 2,871.962 4811 12 59 2 543. 405 J Cempo Jonnton 1,211 211 137 2,380,04 t 724 134 108 2.240, 7112 2911 Ill 51 2 161,1195 537 11& 511 t.8311. 171 337 63 50 '756,729 MOlllEI .,.,,, 111 2nd "'""' P8'rtull 8 4 1$1,1117,•00 Lemhi GOICI 12 8 2 I 068.375 11 t Tne One Mellmel 13 3 2 723,4114 1' 11 3 851.590 Otto Del SOI JOlln Henry M1,es1y'1 PWl< Track Flobbety Blush With P11t Apt~ Aun II 2 3 588,779 8 2 0 580.300 14 5 • &72.545 12· 4 3 531 732 t2 S 3 Stl,851 3 2 0 505311 NBA WllTIEllN CONFIElllNCI l'llCtflc DMalon w L l'ct. oe Lek ere 17 4 . 810 Seatue t6 5 7&2 1 Phoenl~ 12 9 571 5 Pot11end " " 500 81-1 Golden Sl•t• II 13 40$ 80.. San Otego 4 17 lillldooHI Dlvlelon lllO 13 Sen AnlonlO 15 9 625 KanNS C11y " 7 811 1 Dalla 10 9 528 2'h Oenv8' 9 12 4211 4'>\ Ulat1 7 14 333 ll'l!t HOUiton 3 17 150 tO U ITEAN DIVlllON AllMIUc: Oi.telon Botton 17 4 810 Pllolad411phie 17 4 810 New Je<wy 12 10 545 5'' WUhlngton 10 10 500 6'1t ,.._... Votk II 15 281 " c.ntrel DIY!elor\ M11Waut.ee 14 8 .638 Detroll 12 9 571 ..... Atlante 9 11 450 4 lndlaNI 9 12 429 4'" Ch1eago • 13 381 5't Cleveland 3 18 143 IO't f rldeY'• SCoree Laliere 128. Uleh 122 Boston I 23. Phllldelpllll 117 lndtena 108. New Von 100 Sen Antonio '14, New JerMy 102 Mllweukee 104, AUanle 13 Denver I 17, Cleveland 107 Della• 122. Oetr041 12 I o<enaao City 118. San Otego IOI PhOenlx 97. Houston 83 GOiden Stlle 101, Seattle 100 Tonltllt'eO-l..ellere 11 Golden Stale Wasn1ng1on at New Voth Detr04t ti Phlladelpl'lte Kenl81 CU~ San Antonio Atlanta at ago Sen Diego at Oilltu U1ell el Houaron I.alien 121, J.u 122 LOI ANGEL.El -Aam1>11 10. Wiik• 20 A!>dul.Jabt>ar 21. Ni.on 12. E. Jotonton Ill Cooptor 2. Worthy 18. McAdoo 21. C Jonnton 2 Jorden 0. Totell $8-117 11-23 128 UT AH -Oenlley 35. Poquette 24 Sctlayes 14, Green 12. Gnllott> 12. Eaton 3, Woll!lnl 13, Evant 9 TOl.ts 48-84 26-30 122 lcofebf 0--. Loe Ar>getes 35 34 211 30-128 Utetl 36 32 26 21-122 Foule<I OUI -Mont Fl•bOund• -LOI Angelea 43 (E Jollnaon 12), Utah 35 (Poquell• 91 Auosll -loe AngelM 32 IE JoMton 13). U1111 36.IG•_, 191 Totill louts -Loe ~ 23. Ufall 22 A -9.023 COllMUNfTY COUEGE LA South ... t 71, Ootden w .. e 17 OOU>Qt WIT -Durhem 14, Slbet 10, Revt1 10, Krealch 19. Jamet e, Btown 2. My1ee 2. 0omarn 5 Toi.la: 23 11 • 14 87 LA IDUTHWEIT -Carolina 12. J. Willtema 13, E Smith 18, CallOWll.Y 2, Mot1on 8, Wtllllnglon 15, E...rt 3 Totalt: 27 11·28 71. Hillttlme: LA Southwell, •S-35 Tolel louta; Golden WMt 111, LA South-I Ill; Fouled out: Jemes (Golden W•I) l•n Fr•nclaco n , occ 75 <>l'ANQIE COA8T -Bruce t~ • .Kro11nftldt 8. GIM98 'I, Symentlll 4, W"4t• 10, Mor1on 10, Ryen ~et 2. TOIAU· 31 13-11 75. IAM fll 0 -l opei 12. Ledbetter "· Lovte 19. Wlnaton 10, Cooe>et 5. Otlu 10. AQM 15. Totall: 211 19-27 77 Hallllme Orange Coeal, 43.33. Regulellon. Tied. 70-70 Total lou11 Orange Cou t ~. San Frendaco IS. Fouled out Sytllanllkr{Orenoe Coeal) Tec:Mlcell Sen Francllco _., f HIGHaC~ Hin. lleech 70, LI <Mftte 11 LA QUINTA -Sc11n1ggtnbur9tr 10, ""-22. Koller 3, Wbon 0. Oebt>e II. Utu 15 Totell 24 13-11 81. HUNTINGTON •I ACH -Oarner 23. Han1gerl 8. Miii 11, B Thompeon II , 0 T~ e. Croeby 2, Alverez O Tott11 21 14-24 70 ..... ~a-.. La Ouonla 21 1• 15 11-61 Hvntlnqlon 9Mc:tl 211 13 17 11-10 Totll louta: Le Oulnte 20, Hunllngton Beadl 18. FOUied out ScllNgglnbutger (La Oulnta), Utu (La Oulnte). Mlllt (Huntington Beech) • ftn. V•r n , Loe Alamltoe 11 LOI ALAlillltO• -Stetler 10, Cheng 9. Oefru 21. Harmann 11, Wall 4. Keub 3, Olton 4. Totel1 25 11·23 111. fOUNTAIN YAU.IV -Brown 10, Harry 7, Powe< 19, Whltellalr 111. Jecobe 11. Newlon 4. Tinney 9, Mlrlln 4. Totilla: 3I·15-27 77 ._....,~ Loe Altmltoa 20 II 18 18-81 Fountain Valley 20 II 21 27-77 TOlel tou11· Loi Al1mno1 27. Fount•ln Valley 2' Fouled out Wiit (LOI AlamllO•). Detra (Loa Alemlto1}. Stetlet (loe Ale.m41oa). Jecob1 (Fountain Valley), Hatry (Founttln Velleyl OoMrl VleW .. Momlrtr•••· " te0•••1ra..,. -BuMey 1 . eroo11.e a. Mll9t 12, Faululer 21, Wlglnt0f1 2, Aeed 2, W1111eme II, ~ 4 Totiilt 2t t-13 ti OC1AN Y11W -Judge 4, Antonopouloe 8, Farll 4, Mulely4, 8alf11, .._ 11. 8erry 11, Or-** 2. 'fat•· 21 11·M M ..... ~ ....... MornlngelOe 11 10 1' 13 4 O-t1 ~View 11 I 12 20 4 7-M T ot.i 1ou1a: Mornlngeldt 24. Ocelll V1ew 18. c ............ ,oothltl11 P'OOTHILL -Alverado I , 8tr11Clt a. ~ 2. Outrluo 18, G0<• 2. J Lalfd 14, 8cllmid 10 fotele 22 11·20 55. C08TA •IA -Wllltemaon 4, Edeon 10, Kot 8, Stitt 22, Pllllnlllede II. Ttno 0, Cook 10 TotM' 20 11•21 M. ._. _, o.wteta FooCNll 7 22 14 12-5& Coll• MM9 12 20 • 20-61 TOlll fOult. Foothtll 11.' Cotta MMa 18, Fouled O\rt' l'lllmblade (Coeta Meee) ......... .., ... ~ ........... .. WI"-''" 1>e11 ... _ • 1u1111 toL•-I Jc>llMton I 0-.oa t3 Qr-1 , ..... u .. ltll LAGUNA .. ACN 1~ 1& M<.<.i11"" r4 N-• J-Oo11ar1 4 j.urt.Ulllt 2, M .. Oretn J Dewar 2 lllltoit 20 I& IO &6 ... ellfo.tter• Weallllll1tl11t 20 t I t '~ I t l llUUl'8 0-:11 10 21 ll 11-11~ ro1111111;1, WM1ro11111ei rt ~ICl'll,. °""'n n row1ec1 ou• t oi1-tLaouna Dae..n) • ......_ II, "Meho M ANICttO AUlllTOt -Oard 10, (Mel.., 4, Hono 11, lle11on o. llan .. o. Smith 9. ''""-~yeti 0 10411111 16 . ,, S4 ·~----·. -'°'lllOet 7, Bollull. ll1C1ovo1on ,4, More l•nd 2. Wlu I , A1n1tt1or1g t, l urk• 2, Flynn 0, l H 0, ltb••no 0 1ota11 tO 1~24 03 lk«e..., ~tete llar~hO Al1m110. J O IO ti 3.4 WOOODtl(IQt I 17 It ti &3 Tollt foul• f\•noho At1mH01 ?2. WOOllbrldgt 17 f'Oultel OUI. WIU (Woodbridge), P•tlon (flencho All1mllo11. Sm1111 IAancho Alemlloa) C-.o Y•ller n. llr..ONnda 17 CAilltlTllANO' VALi.iV -Andert0.1 7. Muld" 8, B c 111 o. OeCuaeU,Aouitar 2, N Cell 8, OU• 14 To1"• 21 le.2A 'f2 MIA.OLINDA -Q190ory 7 Colley 2, Blelr I , Duckly 14, Stoet~ 10. Anc19taon 2~. Colman 2 To11111 28 15..21 87 aa-...,a-ter1 C"*tr-Valley 18 19 18 19-72 8rH·Oltndl 10 14 12 25-67 To1111 rou11 Capr11r&n0 Valley 18, Bru. Ollnd1 21 Fouled out MVtd8f (Ceplllreno Velle;~ o.c .... (C11>111reno Valley). Oliren 181 .. ·0lind•) Amer. Chr. 43, Llbert1 Chr. 42 LlllllT'Y CHllllTIAN -Harrold 7, Pemper e. Mey•r 23, O'Flotk• 8. Syn O T 01111 20 2· 13 42 AMllllCAN CHllllTIAN -Zemore 9, &ocltell 14 Allen, T 8. Alltn, Troy 6, Qoode 5. R4ll 4 Totalt ti 7-15 43 .... ~~ Ubef1'f CMtllan 15 8 11 t0-42 A/Mf'"11 C1Nl1tten 5 18 t I I t-43 Total louts Liberty Cl'lrlellen 12. Ametlean Chrlallen 12 COLLEGE WOMEN l •nt• Clara SO, UC lrvlne " UC tllVINl -Patton •• Oomei 2, Hog•snl I, Biker 4 Htmlllon ?2. Slmp1on 8, llande<Poel o. MCEiroy t, Randall 2. Totllt . 224·12 48 I ANTA CUllA -OotH 2, ChoppelH 15, Macken~t k 9. McCerlhy 15. Ulmer 9 To1a11 20 10. 5 60 H•llllme lrvtne. 30·27 Total IOult ~C Irvine 24, Stnle Ciera 20 HIOH SCHOOL WOMlN lrvlne "· Tuttln 44 lllYINE -Flynn 10. Floberlt 8, FlgUe<oe 17. WOOiiey 7. Jac:hon 2, Sima 2, F111ger11d 2 Totals 198·1846 TUITIN -Umplltry 211, Set.ware 4, Hambefg 3. S"'J" 4 Edwardl 4 T Otall 17 10·18 4, le-bf Ouatten IMne I 8 13 17-46 Tusun II 10 14 14-44 Total roulS Irvine '1, TullWI 12, Fouled OUI Hembefg (TJ. Technleal Tullln beneh Newport Chr. 40, Owen• Yet1e1 11 NIEWf'Of!T CHllllTIAN -Betl8"1111<19*1 II Mofllet 3. Be<keblle 24 Veertey 4 Totel• 18 4·10 40 Owt!NI VALLEY -Got>aon 8. Lawls 2. O'Hlrt 4 SttPl>ln• 2. S-t 2 Totals 9 0·4 18 lcore bf o....i ... Newport C11r1111&n I I 10 II 10-40 Owen1 Vtlley 4 4 2 8-18 To1111 loult Newpott Ch11at1en 11. Owen• Vtllty 14 Fouled out Olbton (Owen• Valley) Auetf...., 'Open <•....__) TMrd .............. Miki Btunni.<g (U.S.) def Cflfl9 ~ (New ZMlend). 2.e, 8-4, 7·5, H-Pflalet (US l def Brad OuMo (Autlrfllta), 1-2. 7.e. Sammy Otammalva (U S I def 8ruoe K!Mge (US ~ 8-2, 8-2, Drew Glthn (U.S.} def Ulk• &199 (US). 4-tl. 6-1. 7-6, Joton s.drl (US.I def Jolln McC<ltdy (Autlralta). 1·!>. 7-6, Pll CUii (Au11r1!1e) def Tim Wllklton (US.), 7·5. 9-1. Steve Denton (Au11tatlt) det ;Seit 8orowt..k (US ). 7.e, e-a , .... .._... ........ CHh def Wal!Y Muur (Auatrllll). 1-4. 6-2; Brian TNChet (U S.) <lei PttA Dent (Auttr eHt), 8-4, 8-2, Olllln def. Oamlr Klletlo(W•1 Germen)'), 8-3, 1-4. Qlammlllv• def. Jolln Ateunder (Aullrtllt), 4-8, 7-8. 7-5, Paul McN-(Auttralle) der Brunnbetg. S.-3, 4·8, 8-3. JOllan Kroek (Soutll AlrlU) del Cllar1ie fencutt (Au9trllil). 6-2. 1-2 Otllftd MIC tou"'*'*'t ( .. TeuAMee, P'r .... ) ~ ........ YllMlcll Noah (Frence) ~ Ander'• Jarryd (S•.,.d•n), 8 -•. 8·4. St1n111u Birne r (C1ac:t101lovak••I der Magnu1 Tldtman (S....,.,,I. '-3, 8-3, Michael W•tphal (WMI Qermeny) def Shtomo Gltc:klteln (larMll. 8-1, e-2. ,_Smid (Cndlot6ollllkla) dell Jacob H1aM11 (Swttter1end}. e-2. e-7. 1-4 Women'• eourn.ment ( .. == .. , o... ...... Wendy Tutnbult (AU11r def Mtry Lou Plettll (US). 1-2. 1-4. ~ AuMell (US I def Mlft\ll Jau-IYUQ(lela'M). M . 8-2. lracy Au1t1n (U SI def 8onnte Oaouaelt (US). 8-0, I-I, Lelgll ~ IU S I def V1tg1nta Rwld (FlolNnle). e-3, 8-4 117-81-133 • 68-87-133 15-11-133 et-e.-133 67-t7-t3• 8M7-13$ 72"'4-lff 71·85-131 10-88-138 15-71-136 18-89-1&7 87·70-137 81-69-137 8941-137 7o-t7-137 70-67-137 7CM17-137 .. ... _131 11.e1-131 7o.te-1M ff.ft-131 71-86-131 .... 72 138 71-81-l)t 70---139 71-M-13t 7CHlll l:lt 7o-et-1H 6t-70-t3t 70·70-140 70.70-140 70170 140 ._ ........... . COL&.191 MCU ....... PIMll C• llOU> Ian 0teto It def \JC4.A, 111.1, 111.10, ... 11. 111 ... NHL CAMl'elllCO.WllltNCI (01n1~lli>t• Kine• v.,11.wv"' Oetg•ry w1ron•l1"9 1"'\:8 f'4~, OA 1'11. 14 10 ' 141 130 311 u 10 a t04 101 31 ti 13 8 117 ti t H 11 Ill 0 13:1 139 21 12 12 6 rxi 1 t6 21 Neff le DfWltlefl ChlCll(IO MlnflffOll 41 ~OUll 0.11011 loron•o ti 4 6 l:tl 17 42 11 11 4 136 IOf 40 ro 18 3 107 122 23 o 11 o 70 1 tCI ti 6 16 6 ti() 120 16 WALH COIWllllNCI l'etrlCllOM ..... NV 1t111no .. 1 111 11 t; 111 101 37 Pn1t1d9'Pll" 10 10 4 11? 111 34 NV FllllQll6 14 13 7 I 111 116 30 w un1ng1on 1 1 O 8 t03 r04 30 PIHlllUl(lll II 14 0 114 126 23 ~ Jwaey o 111 7 113 137 111 AdaMt Dlvltlon Ml)ntrl•I eo11on Ouebll!C BullelO HertfOtd 17 I 6 1•8 IOI 40 18 I 8 1211 117 311 14 II 3 1S3 121 31 l'2 10 8 118 115 30 7 17 3 " 135 17 ,, .. , •• k., .. NV FIN>Q8'1 4, W11h1ngton 4 lie Catgary 8 Winnipeg 4 TMer'•O-• Kine• •• w1nn1peg, n ChlcagO II Botton Pftlt.o.it>l'lte •I H•<llOtd n S...lllllO •• Montreal. n N-JetM)' 11 N-YOtk lllMCl.,1 n Ouet>ec: at P111abufl)h. n DettOlt et Totonto ro Edmonton •• Min-•• n Vt1nGo.ivw at St Loula. n NFL team atatlatlc• AMElllCAN CONf!llENCl OfflNll New York Jell ~an Doege> Cincinnati P11t1burgh But11Jo Cleveland lleldet• Ml~ Den vet Sealll• Baltimore Kenaas O ty -Engltnd Houston N-V otk .Hiii Bulf•Jo Miami Seettle Ctnc1nna11 Kansa$ C ty New England San o.eoo Ptttsburgt> Battomore II.alder• Cleveland Houston Denver Yatd• llueh ""'• '991 848 I, 151 1,904 626 1,371 I 74S 528 1.217 t,6311 520 I, I Ill t 816 754 1112 1.5115 &04 1111 t I.SIS ... ... 1.soe 1ss 1s1 1,500 557 1143 1,4111 '°' 1,083 1.347 825 722 1.313 4~ 817 1 219 e113 see '2&3 SO() 7$3 DEFENlf t 235 515 720 '238 491 757 1252 563 see 1,315 793 532 1.409 420 11811 1,491 eee 825 1.&511 723 836 1,823 591 1,032 1135 440 I, 195 1.7" 1147 78'1 l,72t 412 1,314 t.746 731 1.015 1,883 141 1,215 t,1171 555 1.4111 NATIONAL CONFERENCE OFfENll San FranGtllCO 0811.S Phlllelalpll\1 Green Bey Allan1a We1lllngton New Orle1n1 .._. -V0t~ G1an1a Tempe Bay St louoa M1nneao11 Detroit OfllCa90 Y1td1 ll111h PaH 1.811• 3211 1.M5 1,858 7615 1,093 us9a 457 1.231 '881 64 1 1.020 1.880 823 1,037 1.811 557 1,oeo I .804 1577 1127 1,542 MO Im 1.539 418 1,051 '501 548 1153 1,374 700 874 1,337 3115 1142 '.3 14 515 7211 '2•5 606 7311 DEFENIE N-O<teens cn.cago Tampa Bay Gr_, Bey Sen F'rl~KO DetrOll -VorkGianll Deltas St lOUll Minnesota All1111ta Wastungton .._. PIMlade4pt11e 1.268 318 1.314 4~ '3!>9 528 '413 482 l,•51 &03 1.5211 480 1,S34 703 1.832 488 1.6311 548 1.863 807 1.1165 803 1.872 51111 1,m IN 1818 6$1 HIGH aCHOOl Clf cMlnDlonehlp nnel• lllo flYI SeMle 31, long Beech P04y 7 CIN'TltAL El T0to 35, full«lon 19 COAITAl eeo M l 131 1131 8$4 1.049 8Jt , 114 1,088 1,051 1.082 1,073 1,111 1.180 w .. 1 Totrence 35, Santa Montct 21 DIMllT MOUNTAIN Ale5Clldeto 21, SI 0..--8 INLAND Ont•rlo Chrllll•n 7, Brtlhren 0 NCNITHWHffllN Vet bum Dtl 7. MonrO\'la 0 IOUnteAITlllN A-d tll Gorey Ill lco-c:hernp1Qn1) ART9 J::. 8(:.!':!."L..1 -53 tnglen 8 ~ 22 madletel. 3t7 roclr cod, I ~:-2. ~:='i..!.:.=' lleedl) - 18 eng1et1 I c.a11co l>Nt. 51 maclletel, 11 rodt tltfl. 5 aer>d b-DMIA WMAllf' -20 anglert 3 bMa 3 l>onllO. 2 toelc ltetl, 4 ~. 7 ICl.llpln •M. MACH -14 1ngler1 2 cow cod. is• roe-cod' ,..,,.) -t T engler1 3 l>OnllO, 100 INCilerel. 2 NM b-, 500 wtlltt Ctoellet. 300 queen hall Thia w"k'• trout pJ•nta LOI ANO«LEI Eltllbeth lake. Ptclr Floed P•rk Lake, Pvr•mlCI l llkt, Sen O•t>rltl RI-(EUI •nd Wttl For'~I) ftN'T\MA -Caa•t .. Lelle IANT A 8AMAllA -Cachumt L41te IAN -AllOtNO ~· Guaall Park Lalla. Olen H-. County Plflt Liiie. Mojave Nerrow1 Par!! Le~e. Prado Per~ Lelle, Sii-Lake lllftllllDI. -Perrla l•k• .,... ... -LaOUn• Nlguel Perk Lake KlllN -Hen Perk l tkt. Karn Rive• (BOtelt P-110U .. IO Oemocrll Dam, KR3 P~ 10 lilt• IMbtlle) tN'YO -Owen• Fllve f (5 8rld911 do..11111-10 81ewow1 Lana) l Orang• Cout DAIL V PILOT/8alurd~. O.C.mbef 11, 1982 UEBERROTHe From Page 81 Sure. there'• that little matll'r ol tht> WK" of the LA Collleum, an on-going b11ttl<' be twttt•n L..01 Anrt!ll'tl Raldel'd uwnt>r Al 0.vla un( \ht• LAOOC, but U~berroth rcfUIC.'S to panic at the proepect of having no pl1A<.'t' to at.age track and fu~ld eventa At luue h<'re la who will have the rlghl.8 to Mlltlt.' luxury boxes Davis pltrn• to build at the ColitM.•um. They represent a lost rev«nue of an estimated •6· 15 million from the 174 boxca. som ething the rtnanclally- strapped LAOOC can't afford . On the brighter aide are the strides Ueberroth and c'<lmpany have made in o rganizing the Cu mes. For instance. the Olympics In the past have included even ts with an 80 percent-:W percent ratio favoring male particpanlS. But In 1984, w omen athle tes will be competing in formerly male-only contests like the 400 -m e t er hurdles and 3,000-meter race. In addition, sev~ral women- only events such as synchronized s wimming and rhy thm ic gymnastics will be on t he Olympic docket in '84. Ucberroth's m ove toward equality isn't reserved for the arena, either. He has a staff that consists of 25 percent minorities and 56 percent women. "We've balanced the Games and it's permanent,'' he SMured the Newport Beach audience . Ueberroth's expectations, in fact, a re so deep-rooted, that ending up with a profit for the city of Los Angeles almost sounds secondary. "We'll be bringing something like $3.3 billion into the economy with the addition of 64,000 jobs," he pointed out. "And, this is a chance to bring this nation together again," he added. "In 1932, we were in the OILERS WIN From Page 81 which held the Aztecs to 38 percent from the field (24 of 63). including 2 of 15 in the final segment. Mills added nine rebounds and Garner had six boards, along with a like number of blocked shots. Big moments on the way to a 39-23 lead with 3:15 left in the third quarter included Harrigan's layup off a turnover with a quick release in the early going. four free throws and a three-point play by Thompson in a span of 56 seconds and Garner's dunk shot, following Harrigan 's steal and pass to up the lead to 16. Gamer led all scorers with 23. Billy T hompson h ad 18 ahd Harrigan and Danny Thompson each had 8 points. Mark Moses, a slick 6-4 junjor, kept the Aztecs in the game with 22 points and Utu tallied 15. Fountain Valley snapped out of a 33.33 situation in the third quarte r with buckets by Rob Whitehair, Tom Power, Drew Brown and Mike Tinney and Los Alamitos never recovered. Whitehair (1 9), Power (16) and Brown (10) led the scoring for Fountain Valley, which raised its record to 3-2 overall. Ocean View 's com e-from- be h ind victor y in double overtime was keyed by Dimitri Antonopoulos' two free throws with 30 seconds left in regulation to send it into overtime, then a seven-point shutout in the second overtime. UCI women fall, 50-48 S ANTA C LARA -After leading for most of the way, the UC Irvine women's bas ketball team fell to host Santa Clara Friday night, 50·48, in the first round of the Bron cos' own tournament. The Anteaters will meet Utah at 6 tonight for third place. Playing without leading scorer and rebounder Dorothy Lewis, UC Irvine did manage to take a three-point halftime lead and build it to 14 early in the second half. · But the hosts ke pt chipping away and finally past UCI in the final two minutes. The Anteatere had two shots to Ue the game ln the waning seconds, but both failed. 'the setback d ropped UCI to 1-3. SEAVER From Page 81 like that deal either. • • • Caahen and Wqner have been trying to complete the Seaver deal for eeveral months, haalina bllck and forth over whom \he Met. would eurrender. "Dick and l are in 1enera1 ~1reemtn' on cornpenMtton," CuMn Mkl, but did not dllc)me the namt1 of the p~ who would bt lobta to tht ft.ell If Seever ...... tr. Metl' pta,..a and approvH hl1 eontract • QnclnMU hla bMn lltldlli -of New York'• MY• .. I well· r•1•rde d youn1 pltehln1 proapec:U. e e • • depthl of a detprt'llion. but the Olympk: 0*'1'\ft .c~ u • 1park. HC!Ck, there were peiupt. plantinc wUdnowen In vacant lot.." Ont' blti key to tN L.AOOC01 limited buda t I• the help uf m1)or corporatlona which have conatrucled eeveral Olympic 1ltee and then donaU'd thl'm. For ln1t1nce, Mc Donald'• pourtd In '4 million to build an 11 ,000-aeat 1wlm et.adlwn on the USC campu1. The 7-Eleven Corporation paid '4 million to b u ild a world-clau cycllna velodromf' o n the <.:al t:itate Domingue)% HU11 campu1 near Carson. Both structuree will belong to the respecuve echoola aft.er the two-week '84 S wnmer Game.. AJI of t.his, Ueberroth pred.icc. will r esult In one of the beei Olympic ahowa on record. T h4t LAOOC preside nt aaya he expec ts th e Ruesians to participate despite "quite flatly, the stupid boycott by J immy Cart.er." H e's a lso excited at the prospects of the Chinetie iendina an Olympic delegation to the 1984 Gamet. "The Chinese had one athlete at the 1932 Games (in L os Angeles) and since the new regime, they've had one athlete (in 1962). They told us they would have at least 30 athletes thi.s year, but now I've been told they're bringing a group of 400:: And they'll be dam competitive,'• Ueberroth said. As for the RU88ians: "We tried to ruin their party_(jn 1976LJo ... why shoul~n't they ruin ours? They're coming here because they're the beet in the world in almost all sports," he pointed out. "What a chance to influence the socialis t and third world countries with 2 ~ billion television viewers around the world." • e Billy Thompson Byron Ball acored 19 pointa, Steve Moser tallied 15 and Brian Berry added 11 points for the Seahawk.s. F.V rallies to pin loss on Esperanza Fountain Valley High rallied from an early 1-0 deficit with tw o first-half goals by Mike Sundy to defeat Espera nza Friday afternoon. 2-1, in men'• soccer action on the Aztecs' field. Esperanza ta llied just five minutes into the match, but _so_c_c._E_R __ fil Sundy answered with his finl goal about 10 m inutes later. Chuck Smoot was credited with an assist. The game-winner came five minutee later when Sundy waa fed a paaa from Darrin Tam and converted. The Aztecs nearly tied the game just before halftime .. but a shot ricocheted off the croesbar of the goal. Fountain Valley goalie Scott Sedlak played w ell, stopping aeven 9hota. The Baron.a are now 3-0 and will play at El Dorado next Thursday. San Diego St. ousts UCLA LOS ANOELES (AP) - Second-ranked San Dieao State defeated .eventh-ranked UCLA . 15-7, 15-10, 6-16, U -8 Friday ntaht to win the dwnpaon.hip of the NCAA Weatern Re1lontl Dtvlaion t women'• volleyball tournament at Pauley Pavilion. · By wlnntn• the re1lonal com.-utton, San DI•~ = qualified for the NCAA DI I ChamDAaMhlp 1'oummnlnt lfli the Unf veraity of Pedflc neJ$ weekmd. :: The A.-.. who ....... 51 record to 38-1, .... led .., Himmer, who Md 14 ~ _. makh·h£ _..,., ~:1 Bnalrw. r.11 .. ~M. led by Pa~ er.-. ... ..... . mttch-htah 22 kllll. 88 Oran • Coa1t DAIL. V PILOT l8a1urd1 • D.cember 11 1082 Gambling town wanted by Baptist preacher SALi SHORT NOTICI LIQUIDATION OP OYIR 450 SILICT HANDMADI ORllNTAL IUGS "*IC NOflCC -;ICflflOUe 9U .... H ,ICTlllOUI tUllNIH ..... tTATIMINT NAMI ITATIMINt 71,.. IC,,._.,.., ,,..&<Hll Ille Cl4Mtl4,I llUf h•llOllllltO pe1t11" I• 00,ftf ,.., ....... "~ llthlflftf •• Oft N {NU SVIHMI IHO C 11 IHI CON lf1UC. llON llJlh ~I IM 10~1 ~j)(,111 6f.w.tt CA OC NcrlAl CONlllAC IOttt JOQ r. 11.•11r, I 11th 81 Ste 8800 A 109 CMla Oule t>,41(h1441I MCN110y 1960 Mat.1 CA 91U7 lblh 6 1 IM 1021 N<rWl>C)f l 84o~h CA W111rton J 11>1'• .. 4~ f1a,,..tR 81 RAV FORMANEK 'ttlllal • "'-...... EAST ST. LOUI S, 111. He envtaiona acret o f la nd, rolJtns with Roulette wheel• and clinking with dk:e, w ith blackjac k ~blee beck on ing to brlna proap erlty t o the m ost troubled city In southern UJlnols. And to the s urprise ot some and the chagrin o f o thers, this proponent of gambling Is a Baptist preach er. "It'• n ot a moral Issue, It's a m oney luue," says the R ev. H e nry N ich o lson, pastor o f the T r ue Light B apt ist Church, who also sees an amusement park and a dog trac k on the same l , ~ acree. "Since m anufacturing Indu s t ries and other produc tive ele m e n ts h ave decided to bypass F..ast St. Louis, I sat d own and tried to figure o ut what mode o f industry might be a ttracted here," said Nichol.son . "P eople are literally begging for something to happen to e levate their lifestyle," h e said . "W e're Lal king millions and recovery," h e a dded. According to N icholson, research at the University o f Nevada s h owed t hat the three or four casinos h e plans would employ about 4,000 people and bring in about $26 million each . The profits w o uld be divided between the state and community. '"Th e biggest problems are the MC>Ple who vie w the casino industry art a threat," s aid N ich o lson . "Th e h orse racing track and bingo people ." F.ast St. Louis h as been crippled by industrial flight, a nearly n o n -existe nt tax base and Reaganom ics. A ccording t o the l atest figures a vailable, unemplo yment in the area is rapidly app roac hing 12 percent. B ut Vera Gers tnac k e r o f the Illin ois Bureau o f Employment Security said that number does n ot represent the many people who h ave just quit looking. In fact, the city's fiscal h ealth is so poor it almost didn't h old an election in November because the budget was short $72,000. The 4 9 -year -o ld Nich olson plans to challenge incumbent M ayor Carl Officer in the city primary e lection next February on a legalized casino gambling platform. Nichol8on said two of the biggest cwclno u~·tators ln uw n ouon hav1• shown lnte1'est Ln h111 plnn und tld ht• Ui propurlng u propoa.l to turn ovn to lnwrnukC'l'lf who mutt draft th llt.ak' u11wndment. 11;>1.tiJ Of Co.ta Mffll CA tlt.24' Prom ltorH Thot Hovo Dlacontlnuod lutlno11 Dluolutlon of Portnorahlp • Unclelmod Oood1 Prom ltora•• Patn•I• ll11y M4N1,1tty 1960 ll!ol but•~ .. C'onclll(ll'O Or •n 111111 SI tM 1021 t41Wll<Jf l OH<.h CA 1no1vldoal 9:.>llG3 w..,,.,1 J tbo "• ""• lkl•Hl4:'H .. 'Of\411C;lllO by en IN• 11a1am.n1 .... hl(IJ WIHI llMI **TWO DAYS ONLY** 10<11v1<1ua1 Couo•v Ce.ti. Of Ol••l(lv C°'mly on PilmC'la II MCNUity D«. I 1119:1 "Wh,le soml' arc fleein g f.4ast St. 1111,, 1111orne111 w .. t1te0 with ttl41 Coum ~ Clef~ OI 0101'0• County Ofl 0.-C t 1911., ,~ ,.,.. Puo11111ail Or•r•oo co .. t Oa1tv PllOI Qt( 4 11 If ?!. 111112 ~24682 Louis, othcns urc• saying 'Wl•'re interesll>d.' ,Now tha t's 1.1 s witch," &ale.I N icholson. 011'0 h eaven with the m . Packing houses sm e ll a n yway." SAT., DCC. 11 10 AM·4:30 PM llA CLW, COUNT9'V CLU• 3000,ALMAVI, HUNTINGTON alEACH SUN., DCC. 12 10 AM·5 PM HOUDAV INN tl.20l LA 'AZ 9'0AD LAGUNA HaLI Pul1ll-1ltl(J Oranglt COHI Dtuly ___________ _, 1'1101 O.x; ~. 11. 18 26. 1982 rta.IC NOTICE "Easl St. Louis Is a multi-billion doUar locotlon," tw 11ddc<l. "I s incerely Pine aelec:llon of rug1 In all color• end 1lzt1 from 2'113' to 18'x 12' from all major rug wtiavlng centere Of the world, Including Iran, Chine, lndla. Ausala, Afghunltl an, Egypt, PUBLIC NOTICE Pakl111n, Romania, 4 Turkey. 62415 82 -~MUMIC~~~.--Al~C~OUR~--T-OF~-­ '09 ITATI M CA11PO"NIA ••/ see no reu 011 why ..,,. c.•tm 't compete witl1 A thmtic City or La, Vegas." FICTITIOU9 BUllNHI SAVE 60 80 3 NAME 8TAHMINT -0 ~·.., L............ Tllll lollow1ng perton• are <IOIOQ Tiie-.... lat 19 .,. .. _. .. -~i..t ,_-l'f... l'noe l>USlnQU S 1n.10•1 P., ... n l(Nllan-P.,_811• •».000 11.260 BRAMAN s AR1 GALLERY. 0'2d'• ,.._,., 1(..,.,,..,1 ~,..,. t,650 3115 170!:>!> Nl.lwlontJ, Hu1111nu1on e.tach. 12 d ISG\ltotut~ I.ting °""-UOO 1,aoo CA 92647 :.~:;~ 8-I A~l!Que s_..aa KelUm U50 116 RObflt1 G Fo1bU, 8281 .. _,. 5!:;::' Pr~ 11"9 m •: ::rir:r' Ot Hunloflglon Beech, C4 ~~·:~;. Em-A"'*'°') 3,= m Donna M forbea &U I O"t•a3 ~ i..Uf• TIM>fll 4,250 I.HO BOlmOfOI 0. HuOllllQIOtl 8411Ch, CA beheVe that. ) think tt'li 3 goJd mine," r1!;~,!~ ~ ~ ,._,.,.,_. ~~~ m 92~,~ business II COOdUC:led by an But Officer says h e's not betting ;~!&!3 a ~ 0ou,: it'°':'=~· uoo 1.220 1r1<11v1dua1 any money on it. 1Q'h 1'a 01011u::...s.m:~.,.., · IWP' ~!n 3·!: Ro1:1e<• o F0<t1o• • I h Ni h 1so 6"•3' Stnti1111g aw-9511 250 OOtma M FOfbft • ave n o comment o n c o n n us 41au•m""' wn !tied wi1h tne or his plan." Officer said. "N eithe r ~~:~=~~..;~ """~·· on<c•.,.. 1• •v .... IN •• '"" ..i. C«llf1CM• 04 County Cte•k ot 01ange County on one is a viable candidate." • A,A, a A. ~ldeton Twma: CNll, C"-ctr, vi ... MC ~ ' 11182 f2CWl1 Still, Nicholson says h e's gaining lnnoo: 211-Publtshed Oronge c0111 Dally support for his casino plan a nd h e's P1101 0ec: • 1 t 18 2~ 1982 ~rio~abouttwningtheci~Mound~==========~~=====~====~===========~---~~~~ffi~_s_2_e_1·_~ with gambling money. 1· MLIC NOTICE "l think som e of the most tale nted, PUBUC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE f>tmlC NOTICE FtCTITlOUS auaiNHI creative peo ple live h e r e," said NOTICI Of' FICTITIOUS BUSINEH FICTITIOUS BUSINEH NAME STATEMENT Nicholson . "[ sec n o reason why we NON·fllS .. ONllBlUTY NAME STATEMENT NAM~ STATEMENT The 101101111,.g pereon II doing • · h A I · Cit Notice 11 hereby given that the Tho 1011ow1ng person 15 doing Thu 1onow1ng perso"s 818 doing b\•sllH!H as cant compete Wit t antic Y or und11rslgn1<1 will not be reGPQnstble bus•nuss as buamou H fRl ·FISHERS 11. 400 Main Las Vegas." 101 any debts Ot llab1t111es K 0 C ENTERPRISES. 2936 CREAllllE PHOTO. 1618 w Street BalboP. C•hforn1a 92661 But n o t all In re ligious circles contrected by anyone other rhan Persimmon Pl . Fullerton, CA KalellB Anohelrn. CA 92802 Mtchaet Bullard. 820 Balboa myself, on or alter thlf date. 92635 Creative woys. Inc . e Celllornla Blvd , • B, Balboo, CA g2661 s upport Nicholson 's proposal. Oo1e<1 this 3rd day 01 Oooemtier. t<en,.elh Ou1.rne Camp. 21138 corporation. 729 w 16th s1 "B-5. This business 11 conducted by a Afte r r eading of the preacher's l982 . Porslmmon Pl Fullerton, CA Cosio Mes11. CA 92627 limited partnership I h R J h B , I h Thom11 D. Huret 92635 Thll business 1s conducted by a Michael Bullord P an, t e ev. O n lrm ng a m 47 H.,11•11• Way T'hts business·~ 1;onduc1od by on corpoiallon This s1atemen1 was filed Wllh the brought about half the congr egation lfvtne. CA 12114 lndlv1duel creo1tve ways. Inc County Cieri.. ol Oranoe County on L tru u p p u R Q 0 m J e s u s Publiahed Orange Cout 0111ly Kenneth 0 Camp Tom Plallool D8C 1 1982 OC e. · M · · · f Ptlol. Oec; 4.-4r 11. 1982 Tn11 sta1emen1 was fl1e<t w1m the Secretary-Treasurer Thom~• 'II. Allen om passionate 1n1str1es r om 5324·82 County Cletk ot Orange Counry on fh1s ilotement was ltlea w11h me Attor,.ey et i..w Kansas City to picket the Truelight Dec 1, 1982 County C1erk 01 Or8nge county on 1151 Oove 81., Suite 100 Baptist Church o n e recent Sund ay. PUBUC NOTICE F20l2t2 Dec 1 1982 Newport .. ec:h, CAlt2MO F--~ I PubltShed Orange Coasl Daily F2032U ~ But the opposition didn't trouble FICTITIUUI BUSINEIS • Poot. Dec 4, 11. 18, 2s. 1982 Published Orange Coast O•ily Published Orange Coa11 Oalty the congregation and services went o n NAME ITATIMENT 5310·82 P1101 0ec 4 11 18 2s. 1982 P1101 Dec: • 11, 18. 2s 1982 as usual. That afternoon, Nic h o lson ou~hn~s~o~~wlng person 15 <lolng 5215-821 __________ 5_3_<>M __ 2 said, he went to the nearby Fairmont EDYTHE & ASSOCIATES. PtllllC NOTICE PU8l.IC NOTICE Park race track -and won $900. 20162 RuM•ng Springs L11ne. FICTITIOUS BUllNESS f>tmlC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUllNEH Dial the direct line 642-5678 Daily Pilot Classified Ads Huntington ee.cn. CA 92646 NAME STATEMENT Edylhe Zwtcklar. 20162 The lollOw"'g persons are da<ng ACTITIOUS BUSINESS NAM£ STATEMENT RuJlolng S1>1ing1 Lane, Huntington bUslness as NAME STATEMENT The following persons 118 da<ng Beach, CA 92646 COST A MESA SHOPPER 2085 The IOllow1ng persons are d<><ng bus•"ess as E<l'flh• Zwtclclet Placentoa • 6 Colla Man. CA buslneH H TRIDENT INT . 6892 M•M•ll•n Thia atatement was lllad wllh the 92627 A L W TRAINING C6NTER, Or Hu1>11ngton Beach, CA 92647 County Clerk ol o~ange County on Jerry l ee Waugh t8150 Naw 1700 E Garry No 107 Santa Ana J em e ~ R F o r o . 4 2 1 8 Nov IS. 1982 Jetsey Costa Mesa. CA 92626 CA Shorecre'9 Coron• del Mar. CA f202055 E<l•lh Carol Morton t860 New Ben Wood 334 15 Perlw1nkte 92625 Publllht<I Orange Cou1 0111ty Je'HV Costa Mesa. CA 92626 Or. Lagyne Niguel CA 92877 Edwin II Johnaon. 6892 P1to1, Nov 20. 27, Oec 4, 11. 1982 This business ,5 conducted bl' 1 Grant Jonsson. 15292 Moullns. Ma11ha11en Or, Huntington BellC/I 5134-82. general paflnership lrY1ne. CA 92714 CA 92647 w Th11 business •S con<1ucted by en Mark V Lonsdale, 6892 PtllllC NOTICE This 51~~~e~I ... ~~~led with Iha unincorporated aseoc:11110" other Man11a11an Or Huntington Beach. thon a oa•l"8rsh1P CA 92647 FICTTTIOUI BUStNES!t Geu<lly Cfe<.11. ol Oi.anga CQ1Jnly on Ben wooo Th .. business Is conducted by a COUNTY Ofl OAANOe, 4 WH'T NOfCIAL Dll T"ICT 1'41 -,,... •• , ... WMlflllM44w, C ... Ofl\la ~ IUMMONI UNL ... WFUL DETAINER STATE HOUSING LAW 6 O•y RHC>OOH Time CAN NUmtllll: '1nt PLAINTIFF HARBOUR·PACIFIC, L TO , I C1lllo1nta llmll•d part netlhip OEFENOANT MICHAEL J TAUBMAN, In lod111ld11.i WIU.IAM C TAUBMAN, an lndlvldu•I, a nd DOES 1 thf OUO'l 10, lncluelYe NOTICll YOll hewe bffn ailed. .,,..~...,~..--..,... ....... ,_ ~ hNrd .,,... ,_ ,........ ...... .,.. ..... ... ................... . II you wi.tl 10 Melt the advice of an attor,.ey In th11 melter. you thauld do ao promptly ao that your wrlllan IHPO""· If any. may be tiled on Uma AYllOI Ualed h• e l do de111endado. II lrlb11nal puede deddlr -Ira Ud. Mn audtencla a -..-Ud. r~ deftlro de I ..... LH lntormaclon que ....... SI Ulled du•• aollcllar el con••lo de un abogado en este aaunt o , d ebeda h a cerlo lmmedl91amente, de ell• manefl. 111 reepue111 escrl11, ti hay alguna. puede Mt r911l11t1d1 • tlempo TO THE DEFENDANT A aMI complalnt h11 been filed by the ptalnlllf egalntl you. If you w15h 10 defend thll laweu•t. you mutl, within I daye atlet 11111 aummont IS MrYt<I on you, Ille with lh•• court a WTltten reeponM to the complaint. UnleU you do eo. your delaull wot be enter~ on 1ppllc111on 01 the ptatnlllf. and 1h11 court mey entat a tuoomenl agaln1t you lor the relief demll\Oed In Ille compla•m. wl'ltch could reault In garnlshme"t ol Wlge9. talllng OI money 0t ptopetly ot other rallal requHted 1n the comptalnt 0.tad Aug 18. 1982 RICHARD J WACK Cieri! By SUSAN LYNCH Deputy "'"" ll. YOUftt, Etq. HUNTER a YOll 1llOO filfdllkt Dflwe, lulte 100, ... o. Boa 11177 lnlne, Callto1nl• 12713 Tel.: (714) 116-1041 Published Oranpe CoaSI 011lv P1to1, Nov 20, 27, Dec 4, I 1, 1982 5135·82 ~ South Coast Community Church N4ME STATEMENT Dec 1, 1982 This 11a1emen1 was hied with the general portnerah1p The following person IS do.no F203MO Coun1u Clerk ot Ort1n"e County on James R For<I bus1ne11 as Publ1sheO Orange Coat! Doily ' • T 1 1 t 111 d 1 h lh R 0 N R 0 H R E R A N O »1101. Dec 4 11. t8 25 1982 Nov 17. l98:;> h i$ 5 9 emen was 8 w 1 • F20241t Cou,.ty Clerk ol Orange County on ASSOCIATES. 509 No "M•m St , 52711-112 Publl&he<I Oange Coast Dally Dec: 1. 1982 Soma Ana, CA 92701 Pilot. Nov 20. 27, 0oc 4 11, 1982 f20Ut0 P\IJLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSMSS NAME ITATI!Ml!NT TM l0Uow1ng ~sons •r• doing business as Services 8 :30 A.M. & 10: 15 A.M. Corona del Mor Higti School, 2101 Eo11blvft Or., Corono del Mor OVT ol CONTROL. or VNDER the 1.'WFLVEl~CE Tim r;,,,,,,,,,,~ S(JN1kill1t 1'1009!<1 William Rohrer. 113 PUBUC NOTICE 508'4·82 Publlshe<I Orange Coast Dally 1 llh SI Seal Beach. CA 90740 Pilot. Dec 4. 11. 18. 25. 1982 This business IS conducted by 0" FICTITIOUI eu..... PUBLIC NOTICE 5243·82 1nd1v1dua1 NAm ITATE•NT This sl~~e:~,.i"w!o~;: With the The 10110.wlng peraoo la Oolng ' FICTITIOUS BUllHESS County Clerk ot 01ange Cou,.1y on bldlneee 11• N4ME I TATEMENT Dec I 1982 F CACTUS CREATIONS, 1825 1 Tha tollowing person is <lolng 2oa3IO WHtcllll Or .• No 183, Newport buaineaa 11 Publlahed Orange Coast Dally Beectl, CA. 92660 MANOOCH PUBLISHING CO Pdol Dec 4 11 1S, 25. 1982 Deb ra Lyn Eva n t , 1828 1304 Logan Ave Costa Mesa ci . ." __________ 6_2_78_82 Wettclllf Or., No 183, Newpott 92628 ' · MLIC NOTICE Beech, CA. 92te0 Manouchehr·\/1r11toh 5934 This butll..-ii conduc1ad by In L•nden Ave . Long Bench. CA FICTITIOUS BUllNEIS lndMduil ~ I 90805 NAME STATEMENT _._ Oebre L Tl'l•S bUsll'less IS con<1uc1eo by an TM lollow.ng per~s 111 dotng .,.,. atetement wu th 1111 1nd1Yldual but•lllllS u County C*1I of <>rano-County on Manouchehr-V11as1.n ARLINGTON TIMBERLAKE 10ec. 1, 11162 Tlus a1a1amen1 wes t11eO with the ASSOCIATES 171571 lrvlfle Blvd., ,._ County Clerk ol Orange County on Sutt& 204 lusun C1hl0<n1e 92680 I P11bll1hed 011oge Co111 Oelly Nov 17 1982 Creative Real Eatlte Concepts, IPllol, Dec. 11, 18, 25, 1982, Jan. 1, F202A14 Inc .• CaMlorn11 corPOtellon. 17671 1983. PubltsheO Orange Coast Oa1ty lrv111e Blvd Sulle 204, Tustin. 638e-82 P110I Nov 20 27 Oec 4 • 1 1982 Calllorn11 112680 5086-82 Dese<t E,.1erp11ses. a Cahlornla ge,.ar11 p•r •11arsh1p. 18551 8eilchmont S•nla A"•· Ca11torn1a 9270!1 Wlllll"' E Osterm1t1er. J r .. ge11e1a1 P••tner. 1201 w La 11e11 Ave • 600. Oro,.ge. Caltlorn11 rtBLIC NOTICE flCTITIOUI .,, ..... NAmlTAff•NT The lollowlog paraon 11 doing business .. : MLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUI BUllNESI NAMI ITATEMEHT Tiie lc>ltowtng f)ef'IOn• ire doing buslnost es PU8l.IC NOTICE -FtCTITtOUS-BUSINIH NAME STATEMENT The IOllOWing l)t<90n5 ate OOing bUSAr>eSS llS PARENTS WHO CARE, 1827 Tahu"• Terrace Corona del Mar. CA 92625" Pare"u Who Care 1827 Tahu"• Terrace. Coron• del Mar CA 9262!> This business •s conductad by an un.ncorporered essoc:1111on other rhan a par1nen.h1p Pom Howard This s1n1emen1 was llled w11h the Counly Cieri. of Orange County on ctec 1. 1982 Captetz & KMdeft Attorney• al Lew 2091 •u•IMH Center °''" lult• 200 lrvlne, Cautornl• m 1s.11se F20UM Published Ora,.ga Coaat Oelly Pilot, Dec: 4, I 1. 18, 25, 1982 5311 ·8~ (Al "SPICE ISLANDS TRADERS". (8) "'FAR EAST TRADERS'". (Cl "'EASl INOIES IMPORTS ... (01 'CURRIE & DENNIS"" (El "INOONESIAN TRADE CONSULTANTS . , 2423 MISeno Wey. Coll• Men CA 92627 Simon F Currie, 2423 M1seno Way Costa Mose, CA 92627 Nancy Oenn11 2423 M1seno Way Cost• 1¥tesa CA 92627 T h1S buStn9H IS conduc:tad by a o-•I pannersh1p S F Cume Tri.s s111ement was hied W11h lhe County Cletk ot Or1nge Counl'( on 0ec I, 198:.> f20)MJ Published Orange Coas1 Dally PllOI 0ec 4. t 1. IS. 25 1982 5275-82 l'ta.IC NOTICE ltn"EAIOfll COURT OF CALIFOflNl4 COUNTY Of OflANOE In ......... ., of ,,,. 4ppftc.tloft of ,,_ LMltt Youns. ... "''°"" 92668 John W Hengesh. general por1ne1. 18551 Beachmonl. San!& ARCHITECTURAL INTERIOR WOODWORKING. 33880 Blua Lantt1tn, Dana Point, CA. 92&29 Allen Lorne Noll•. 33880 Blue Lantt1tn. Dana Point, CA 92629 Thls bollnn1 I• condUC11d by an Individual BB PRODUCTIONS 195421.------------ Slerra Soto Rd . trYine. CA 927 15 PUBLIC NOTICE tor Chaftte of Name No. A11I011 OflDIA TO I HOW CAUIE Ana. C1111ornl1 92705 Barbare Berr. 19542 Sferra i,...-N_O_T_IC_E_O_F_1"_U_l_T_E_E_l_·_&_A_L_E_ Solo l'ld . Irvine. CA 92715 WHEREAS. Jemes letlle Young. This bustnus II conducted by a gE>netal partnership Robert Barr. 25901. Spiuc;e On Oocember 17. 1982 at 1100 Lene. Legima Hiiis, CA 92653 8 m . FIRST AMERICAN TITLE Pelillooet. hH llltld a petition wllh the cletk ol lhlS court lor • decree changing ptlltloner's neme from Jemes Leslla Young 10 James Lealle Oral Von Ounewakl Young, Creauve Real Estate Concepts. Inc Allen L. Nolte T INSURANCE COMPANY , I hie boStneH '5 COO<IUCled by 1 Ca11torn1a corporalton IS T1us1ee. By L R M11rt1etS E•ec VP This llllemtn1 WIS flied with the County Cterk ol Orange COUniy on Nov. 12, 1982 general pertn9'shlp or Succe"°r T111stee 0< Subsllluted Barb••• Barr T hta 11111emen1 was llled with the County Clerk ol Orange County on Th11 1111emen1 was hied ...,1h the Trusree, of thal cierlaln Deed ol C.>unty Clerk ol Orange Count~ on T1u11 executed by Helen B IT IS ORDERED thtll ell persons 1n11rH1ed In the above matter appear In Department 3 ol thlS COufl, l~lad 81 700 Civic Cenlat Drl"11 Wast. Senta Ana. Calllotnla. 112702 on January 5. 1983, el 10 30 A M or as soon the•ealter as the m1111er may be he•rO, and show ceu1e. •I •or. wny the pet111011 lor Chlnge ol n•"'• 1hould not be gtlnla<I Oec ' 1982 no1m Publi1ned Orange Coul Dally P110t. Dec 11, 18. 25, 1982, Jen. 1, 7 82 Hancock. a widow, and recorded Nov I • 19 June 23. 1981 as ln11r11menl No HotrMr, 0.11-• 8'-0Wn Allorneya at L-U.cl c_,.,. on.. .._,.,.. teKf\, CA_, 1983 F20M17 PublllheO Orange Coast Dally 33346, on Booll·14 \11, Page 924, ol 5425·82 p,101 Nov 20, 27. o.c 4• 1 1, 1982 Olhc:1a1 Records of Orange County, 5099.,a2 Cahforn11 Ind putsuant 10 lhll F2032l1 Pubhshad Ora,.ga Coast Daily P1IOI. 0ec 4 11. 18. 25. 1982 5309·82 rta.IC NOTICC NOTICR Of' ~ CW MA1 "'°"ft'TY AT .....,AfflAU l'te.IC NOTICE ...!'::.0 K·2770 In h ~ CM#t of NOTICE M IALE Of' h ..... _. ~ AUL ""°""" AT for tf'9 c--, ol l .. A ....... "'"VAff IA.LE In the Matter of the Eetata of No ...... a. JAMES PRENTICE MATIHEWS SA. "'Ille Superior Court ol the State .... J. P MATitiEWS, SR Ilea BIG ot Caltlornia. lor the County ol Los JIM MATIHEWS, ~ Angeles In the M•tter ol the Estate Nola •• htlttt>y given thel the ol JACK L T AHNER, Decease<! undet.+gned wlll Mii at Prlvete Mle. Pt&IC NOTICE '1CTITIOUI BUIMH NA• ITATEMDfT The tollowlnct peraon I• doing bu$lntea .. CROWN AUTOMOTlllE- INOEPENDENT C AOlt LAC SERVICE, 738 W 17th SI , Coslt Mesa CA 92827 " Hamilton S Barnerd. ~6242 Hawe1I, Hun11ogton BHCh, CA 92$49 This bull,_. 1$ cOncluclad by en lndlvlduli Ha'"Oton Batn•rd Tiils 1111o:net1t wu flied wrth tlle County Ctent ol Orange C01mly on NOY 17. ~982 f20a4tl Publlthed Orange Cont Otlly Piiot. Nov 20. 27, Dec •. 11. 1982 510G·82 Not1c11s hereby given that the un• to ll'le hlgl'IHI and beat bidder, dera1gned w1n setr at P11v11e sate. subject to conmmallon ol ••let 10 the h1gnas1 ano bell 01ooer, Superior Cour1. on 0< an., Ille 21th subjeci1 10 conl1rmeUon of said d•Y ot Oecemo.r. 1H2. al Ille omoe Superior Cour1, on or alter the 14th ol RICK L. LUND, 3 151 Airway, dey ol December 1982 11 the olllee Suite C-1, Co111 M .... Cafflorola ol John F. e .. u. 11 1 Wtsl Le Habr• 92828, Coun1y of Orange, Sllle ol Blvd . Le Habra. CA 90631, County C•lllornl•, 111 lhe rlgnt, lltle and ol Ora,.ge. Stele ol CellfOf,.le, all lntereat ol aald decHHd 11 the ------------ the 11ghl, till• and 1n1erea1 ol said time ot death tnd ill lhe r!Qht, tltle PUBllC NOTICE dece11e<1 11 the lime of death ano Ind Int-• that the estate ol MIO ------------ all the 1lght. tllle a"d lnter"t that deceaead h11 a cquired by FINC!!!.~:.~~I tne esl•te ot 111d Oeceuad has GPer•"on of I-Of otherw\M othtlt ,._ ,. -acquired by oparallon of law or 1han or In iOdltlon 10 thet of Mid Tile follOWlng perS0111 are dOing otherWIH other than 0< In tld<llllon ~MCI. et the time ot death, In bu1lne11 H 10 lhll ol said deceeMd. t i the time end to alt Ille oertalfl AEAl P'Ol*'IY THE NEWPORl co . 601 SI. ol death, 1n and 10 aM the Qefliin 11111uat1<1 In County of Orange, Andtew Rd • Newpori Beach, CA taal p,-ope<ty lltuated In City ol Seal State ol Calllornla, p111tcul1rl~ 92663 e.acn. County ol OtaJlge, Stat• ol LqeecNor11vo..s10E*'o '~"0~1'N10TEw1A1•s4T c T, Ile El rnest R Jon, osons'o'no1 s' a Calllorn1•, p111tcul111)' dele11bad u "' " " "' alt orn I corporat on, I IO!lowe lo Wit IN. Lota It and 12 In Blodl 47, Andrews RO . Newport BellC/I CA AH o1 LOI 7 and lhe NOt1""1)t 1 S Lot 3 In Blodl 48, Lota 19 In 8lodl 928413 fMI of Loi 5, 1n Stock 217, of TllCI 46 Of Arc;h 8Mch Helohl• .. Pet Th•• buSl~U " c:ondUClad by I No 10. 11 per map tacord*«I In m11P tlCOfOIO In aooti 7, pegaa 9 corporetlOI\ 80Qk 9 Paga 10 OI M!Ketlaneous i nd 10 ol Mltcallaoeoue a.fapt , Tile Erne.IR Johnson, lnC Mepe. In '"' office of the Counly c'l,o°'•~.~ 01 Ore n11e County, Thi• .. !~=::~:·,= ,![~'the A.corder ol Hid Otange County. -·-more commonly known 11 307 Seel mora commonly kl't Owft 11 County Ci.ti! 111 Otanv-Court!)'°" Beach Boulavard. 8aat BHCh. (Unlmpr°"'9d) NIA ' Nov 17 1982 ..-..,. Callforftla t ermt 01 H ie CHh In llwl11I r- Ttrma of HI• CHh In lawful money of the united SI .... on Mle, Publlahed Orange CoHI Oelly money ol the Uollad Statn on ..... or Part c.n and belenc:e ewldellC*i Piiot Nov 20, 27, Dec 4, 11. 1912 Of pan calh and balance t\'ldenGICI by note aec.ir~ by lifOtlgtte or 6107·•2 by not• a.cured b\I Mor1gag• or Truat 0..0 on the Pfopel1'f to told. •-IC ....,T.,.t Troll Oetd on the prope11y eo 9old Ten Pet oent of lmOUOt bid to be ,._ "" ,_ Ten per cent of emoun1 bid 10 be Oepotltad ""'" bid ------------d~tlled won bid eldl or on.t'I lo be In writing and PICTITIOUB Ml ... BI B•d• Of otltlt• 10 0. In wt1llng and wlll lie tetelffd ii Ille atoreHld NAMI ITAft•NT wlll lie ractlved 81 thl 1for111td office 11 any time aner Ille nrat 1111 lollowlng P•rton I• doing OfllCt at a11y llme after the llrll publlcaltoft htlteof end IMllcn dele butlrn ~·A A 0 A E T H E L L publlee(lon hflttOI ll'ld before dale of..... CON"'T'"'UCTION co ........ ·-·-. Of .... 0.tld lhlt 11\h Mv of Novamllef, 51111: Ana. CA 92707 • u ,.... •• ~·~ lhll IWll day of Novemo.r. 1912 l'IUTH l<IMMT Alcllard A Ethall, OWi*. 24't ,.JOHN F llEAU and 9AMUEL 4 AOm1•1eM11 OTA "'"''· ..,,,. Ane. CA H10? GREENBURG, 411otneyl I I Law, Ol tlle..... Tiii• bullMI•" COftOUCltCI tty an of Mid~ lndlllklual 111 W"I Li Habra Blvd • La Habra, .. ~.,, ~ 1111111 CA t063t, AtTorneya lor Mary Mell L. L~ n..-••••-• ......... _.,, _ LOtllrfdOt T a nne r MAR V A...,_, ••-,...,..,, ,_,, ..,.,, .,,. lOTMlttOOi TANNtrfll. lhec111or ltl1 ana,, ..... c., c-"1 Clel'tl of Orenoa Cioullly Clfl Adl!Wlletrla Of I~ hllll OI MIO ~ .... Calf. -Nov · 1NI -· o.c.o.nt ~ ler..... r- P11blltlled Or.noe Co111 Oally ,.ultlltllff Ofl~ Coaat Dall~ ll'11bll1hed Ore1199 Coall DlllW Ptlot DK ' $, 11. ttl2 Piiot. Dec 10, 11, f1, 1MI Pilot Nov ff, 21 090 4, 11. ,__ 14S-442 8109-ll Olf111n NotlCe ol Default thereunder recorded August 4, 1982 aa lnslrume,.1 No 82·269157, ol Oflteial Records ol said County, wtll un<I« an<I punu nt to Htd Deed ol Trust will Mii at pubhc auc11on tor cash. lawful money ol the Unlle<I Slates o f Amer1ca a cuhtar'a check payable to 1110 Trustee drawn on• state or n•IK>n31 benlc. • s1a1e or ladefal cra<111 unt0n. 0< a state or federal NYlngs and loan auoc;alion domiciled In this state, It the main entrance 10 Fltal Ametleen Tille ln11Utanee Company locatad It 114 EISI Ftllh StrMI, In the city ol Senta Ana, Cal1lornla all that r1ghl. tttl• and Interest conveyed lo en<I now held by •I un<ler Hl<I Deed ol Trutl In lhe prope1ty slluateo In Hid County an<I State <lesetlbed as Leasehold Interest In end 10 Lot 177 of Tract NO 2813. 11 per map ftciorded In book 94. pages 4 5, 46 and 47 o l M1soell1neous Maps. In lhe oll1ce ol the county recor<let ot sa1<1 county IT"IS FURTHER ORDERED 1h•1 I cooy ol this ord« 10 allow cause b& pubhahed In The Dally Piiot a newspapet ol genetal clrculallon prlnlld 10 Oranga Counry. Calllotnla once a week lor t0ur success!Ve weet.1 poot to lhe dlle ... IOI l\Uflng on lhe petlllon 0.lad Dae 1, 1982 Frank Oomen1Chln1 Judge ol Ille Superior Court Lew Offlc:ee of Oeftatd I . Buddenbaum J2IO Ocean "art! Bhrd. lutte 100 lanta Morllca , CA aoeos (211) 452·71H Published 011,.ge COHt Dally PilOI. Dec 4. 11. 18, 25. 1982 5312-82 Ml.IC NOTICE Tha s treet addreu or 01h1r ---,,-C-T-IT-IOU---S-B_U_l_M __ l_I __ common deslgn111on ol slld NAME ITATE•NT property Is purf)O(le<I 10 be 2001 Baya<leta Te<race, COfona del Mar The lollowlng peraon la doing California 92&25 1>o111ness U Said sale Wiii be made wllhOUI c AL I F' 0 RN I A p Ac IF I c covanant 0, warranty, eapteH or INllEStMENTS, 255 <>went Ot1ve. Anallelm C1NI01nit 92907 lmt)l..cl, H to Utle, PQSMSSton °' Jack Thom., Llllatd Jr . 255 enc:umbfances 10 satisfy !he unpel<I O•ens 0 ,.,,9 Anaheim Cahloinla balance <lue on tile note or notes 91C\lfad by Mid Deed ot Trust. to 92807 "'"' $432 .625 89. ptue Ille IOllOWlng Thia bu ,,..,. •• conduc:lad by an lndt'lldu•I esllmatao c ost•. upanaea ano Jack ThOmas Llllatd. h ldYl'nOU al Ille 11"'8 ot Ille lnthil publ1ea11011 ol 11111 Nol~ ol s ate ThlJ al•lement was hied with the $3,389 42 County Ci.tit ol Orange County on NOTICI TO "'°"'"TY OWMIA Dae I. 1982 'mill Publl•h•<I 011011• Coa11 Dally Ptlot. DIG 4. 11. 11. 25. 1982 YOU AM .. DIPAUL.T '*'-"A :~~ ::..r:-:c:~1::. ~n:. TO NOTICT YOUR "'°""TY, IT MAY U -..0 AT A ..u.LIC -----------1 A L I • ., y 0 u .. II D A .. M.IC NOTICE IJIP\.ANATION OP TMI NATURI --PtC--TmOU9---tu.---.-,-.-- OP T ... ll'tM>CllDINO AOAINIT .,._ ITATl•NT YOU. YOU IHOULD CONTACT The tonowtog peraon 11 doing -1.AWYllt. butlneM ... '1RIT-MCAN HUNTING TO N HARBOR ==--NC• OLEANtA8, 164' 1 PaclllC Co••• e C........ Hlghwey. lvnM1 8eecfl, CA 92649 ..,_ .. ~-.11 L.. Dale Edwtt<I Plclterd, 21161 L""9 Newland •44. HunllnglOfl leech, ......... OIRlet C4 92t41 1M .... ,... ""9t, ~llMN II con<l\leltd l>y ~ ..... Me. c.11 • ..,., 0... I ~ard '-:.et.,--~ Coatt Thia etat-1 WM 111N With ttte Delly "'°4. Nov t1, o.c 4, County ci.11 of 0r-.. o-.e, on 11 IMI 0.0 1, IHI . ..,..., ,_ Publlthed O••llf• co .. 1 0111y ""'bll•hed 011"oe Coeal Delly Pllo'. Nov 27, O.C 4, 11 tlU Hot Die 4 1 I. 1• U , 1911 ~,,...., "°'~ $2$7-e2 \ Christmas pag-ean t Oran~ Coaat DAILY PILOT/Saturdey, December 11, 1982 87 : Choirs sing 'Christmas Cantata' Lkl· pllK·t• during at •p<oe.:lal {-..rumon)' at 4 p.m Sunduy. SlntiinR and dancing will Th<• "Chrh1tmlil Cunuiui" l.>y D1mlt•I Pl11kh1tm will be pn•forml•d nt two Oranaic• Cou11t 1.ohun.heli Sunduy, Specl1.1l conc·ert11 ca t Andrew'• Prc•byterlan Church, N'•wport Ek•uch, ur 11lutt-d at 6 and 6 p.m. In uddl\lon t<1 thh1 major chorcal work, pc:rformcd by the Sancturu·y Choir, carols and splrltual11 will be Mung and the even ing w ill culminate with n1ected chorus~11 Crom Handel's "Messiah" climaxing with the anthem or adoration, the "Hallelujah'' chorua. At the Neighborhood Congregational Church, Laguna Beach, the Chancel Choir will sing the contat.a and "Solemn Mass" at 10 a.m. Huntington Beach's First United Methodist Church choir will sing the Chris tmas cantata. "Prince of Peace" by Roger Strader. a.t the 10:15 a.m . service. The Christmas st01•y will be told In musk nt At 4:30 and fl p.m. Sunday at the First Christian Church , Huntington Beach. Slides will augment the music. Chabad of Irvine Jewish Center has erected a 30-foot candelabra t.o be lit the eight days of Hanuk.kah, ending next Friday. The lighting of the giant Menorah will Collow. Temple Bat Yahm, Nt'Wport &ach, wlll formall y dl'<ilcate the new aanctuary at Its rc.'l'Cnlly completed facility at 1011 Qimclback St. The Bl'rvk'CS. 11~ 8 p.m, next Friday. Dt-adline I or n f-ws of Christmas ervin~s is Wetlnt-sday, Dec. 15. will coincide with the final night of Hanukkah, which \radltionally commemorates the rededication of the Temple. in J erusalem. Ellen Vinograd, one of tht! founders of the Jewtah Co.mmunlty CentM in Laguna Beach, will be honored at a Hanukkah celebration at 8 toni(lht at the center. Jed Allan. a star of " .Days of Our Lives" TV series, will present "This Is Your Life Ellen Vinograd!" Margaret McEathron, co-author of the book "Phillip's Cousin Jesus," will speak at 10 a.m. Sunday at the service of the South Coast Science of Mind Center. Rllllllll llTll Meetlng11 are held ln.Jhe 1elenc:e lecturei hall, Orange Cout College, Coet.a Mesa. Catho lic couples who will be cel ebratfng mile.tone w edd i ng anniversaries In 1982 arc Invited to attend a Diocese of Orange celebration honoring married couples a t 2 p.m. S unday , Dec. 19, at St. Columban Church, Garden Grove. A s upport group for divorced,· wido wed , separated and remarried Catholics meets at 7:30 p.m. Mondays in" the adult center at St1. Simon ud Jud&• Catholic Cburcb, Huntington Beach. X-rated game flayed . .. . NEW YORK (AP) -A new X-rated :;, video arcade game was condemned DYJl• the Episcopal Church's executive council,., as "prurient , la sciviou s and,,, pornographic." Local churches were urged to work t.o prevent ita sale. . The council heard a report that the i.· game. called "Custer's Revenge," in :1• which a naked male figure ravishes an Indian woman figure, is to be marketed,:. Affirm identity, Jews urged . ____ Wo_o_ri't.i_m_.3_~~-~a_&_~_f.uu_11_,tip_1_e _ 1 n_d_us-t r_ 1 e_s_ 0_f(·: -""----------------...... DENVER (AP) -The marvel that keeps them I ea de r o f R efo rm Jewishly alive." Judaism urges American Ca 1 I i n g f o r a Jews "to affirm our own "r e storation of some ext e nsi o n s of its essence ." Affiliated wi1h Divine Science "' - COMMUNITY CHURCH BY THE BAY . .where an atmosphere of love, 1oy and freedom prevails. in which each person can feel safe to be himself and develop his own divine potential. '• .. " .. Me mbers of the Fountain Valley Baptist Churc h pose in a n outdoor scene that will be re.peate d for public viewing tonight at 5:30 and 7. Included in the Christmas pageant cast are Sharon von Heyn as Mary; Kimberly Perry, a nge l; Larry Tesdall, Joseph; and Kristin Freeman, baby Jesus. ·identity, integrity and balance," he said, "we v a 1 u e a s J e w s ' ' will not survive if all we independent of the st.ate are about is Israel. And of Israel, but at the same Israel will not survive if ti-me to "dee pe n -0 ur -the-Jews. of the world solidarity " with the become pal~ peripheral Jewish state. He said there is a "greater Israel which sustained our Jewishness throughout the many ce nturi e s of the dispersion" and which "we must also nurture if we are t.o survive." Rabbi Alexander M. Schindler, president of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations, told its board of directors tha t m a n y American J ews ha ve been "plugged into Israel as if it were a kidney machine. a scientitic SAINT MICHAEL ·AND ALL ANGELS EPISCOPAL CHUR~H Holy Communion -Sundays 8 & 10 a.m. Tuesday 7 a.m. Wednesdays 9:30 a.m. · · The Reverend John Rogers Davis, Rector 3233 Pacific View Drive 714/644·0483 Corona del Mar 92625 If you are seeklno a church family like this .•. welcome home! Worbllops I Classes / looli Shop Hollltlc Health Cetlter SUNDAY AT 10 A.M. "Light Up Your Life" 7p.m. 8ANOY McDANIEL, Oueet SpeM!llf ~·~ Wed .. 1 p.m. -H9ellftg E'Mft1J Forum Dr. Fred Davia •a: 7850 148 EAST 22rt> STREET/COSTA KSA/CA 92627 ,: .. ·-· CJ.range Coast RELIGIOUS-DlREC"fORY " ... ~ . ·=· -------------------.,..----.,..-~---~-~~~~-~---.,,.-~~~-----..--~~~~~~~----~-~~~---~~~~~-----==: ; r----.------------------:·: 1st CtutCH of RELIGIOUS SCENCE OF NEWPORT BEACH Member Cllurdl United Cllurdl of Rtlilious Science CELEBRATION OF LIFE ·-'~ .. SERVICE 10:00 A.M. i a. ~ Sunday School-Child Core ~'41.; "THREE WISE ~... ~· IDEAS" 1"· Judy Gale "Dial-An-ln'spiration" -760-0504 1011 Camelbock, Newport hach . (off Jomborff load) Mu•ic Olr.ct0< • Mori. English 760-9474 Church of St. Matthew by the Sea (Tradlllonal Eplacopal) 'HoL y COMMUNION -Each Sunday -9:00 AM (Book of Common Pray81' -1928) MERTZ HALL of. Community Congregational Church 611 Heliotrope, Corona del Mar The Rev. Ja"'" Hohfeld -532-2201 .~ I Pl WELCOMES YOU 3209 Via Lido, Newport Beach Sunday 8:00 A.M. Prayer Boole, Holy Communion Sunday 9:00 A.M. Church School and Adult Education Sunday 10:00 A.M. Flrat Sunday. Prayer Book Holy Communion Sunday• thereafter, Holy Euchartat, Rite II l:OO a 10:00 A.M. NurMry C•r• CHARISMATIC MAH Flrat lundey of the Month -7:00 ,,M. Tueeclay -10:00 A.M. "°'1 Rucharlat Heettng a.rv1ce wnh Laytng On Of Hana The REV. John P. Aahey II; Rector -·Phone 875-0210 Accenlilt te ... I 921 .... of c-f'Nyw 1 Ba32 ~ushord, Fountain Volley 963-3801 : t UY. STIPHIH W. 11.UO.. llCTOI l ~MOL y COMMUHK>H ..•.••....•.•...•.•.•••.•. 1:00 A..M. IMMOl .... fltl.4Y-.CHUICH SCHOOi. •.•••••• f :ll A..M. I 01 ..... fltl.4YOl A SBMOH ••••.•• • ...•••• 11:00 ....... . , i -,.;... .~~·.·1 A.Mo S.C... & ,_.. ......., t: IS A.M. NEWPORT HARBOR LunDAN CtUtCH 1'M Do .. r Df. •WPORT HACH ....... 1 ~, ............ CIMfte A. Mtp • ......, WORSHIP SERVICE ....................... 8:00 A.M:· CHRISTIAN EDUCATION ............... 9:15 A.M. WORSHIP SERVICE ..................... 10:30 A.M. ....VCMllAYM.AeU WILCO• CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCHES BRANCHES Of THE MOTHEfl CHURCH. THE 'INST CHUACH Of CHRIST, ICIEHT18T lfll 908TON. ~U81TfS "God, The Pr111n1r of Min" Sunday, December 12, 1983 Co1ta Meaa ~ Flrat Church of Chrlat, Sclentlat , ... ..._VerdeDr.,C.... ...... c ...... 8undltJ ..... -1MI A.M. RMcllng Room. -..... Verde Dr. I A.M.~ P.M. Moft. ttwv lat. Wed. 7·7:80 P.M. -~ P.M. lrvlne -Flref Church of Chrlat, 8clenllat Renctto Ian Joe.,en ln..,medlMe lcMol 4111 Mlc:Mellon (NMf Y•) Churctt A hnd9y 8oMol -10:00 A.M. Reeding Room, .4S10 llatrence Pttwy., Suite 145 atonehuret Plan 10 A..M. -4 P.M. Mon. thtu ht. 10 A.M. -7 P.M. Thureday Child C81e -Sunday & Wednndey Huntington Beach -Flrat Church of Chrl1t, Sclentlat -• CHIM. Hunttngton ..... c ...... ....., ..... -10:00 A.II. ~ Room -Zll .. It. Newport Beach -Flrat Church of Chrlat, Sclentlat 3303 Via Lido, Newport Beach Church a lunct.y School -t:OO a 10:30 A.M. Reeding Room, 3315 Vi. Udo Mon. fllru Set. -t A.M.·5 P.M. Tuea. -7·9 P.M. CtMld c ... e PtovlOed TuescllY9 -8.30-11 30 A M IO< SIU<ly Time Newport Beach -Second Church of Chrlat, Sclentlat •• hclftc vi.w Dr., Corene .... Mer Church a luftcleJ 8oMol -10:00 A.II. fteedlnt Room --... "L C.... Hwy., CclM WED. EVENING TESTIMONY MEETINGS - I P.M. AU. CHURCHES All are c;ordl•lly Invited 10 •!lend !tie Churcll _...1~ •nd enjoy IM privileg" ol IM Reeding Roome, Clllld Cere Provt.ded AT All SEAViCES. Chlld care PrOYtclect AT ALL NRYICH SERMON TOPIC: DEC. 12th 9:00 & 11 :00 A.M. "The lei Of Reltirth" Rev. P1tggy BaHett CtUtCH OF RRIGIOUS SCDCE Member of the United Churcti of ReKgloua Sclenc;e SEACLIFF VtlLAG~ SUITE 45, 2223 MAIN STREET HUNTINGTON BEACH. CA 92848 Adulta & Jr. Church For Information 10 & 10:30 536-5150, 538-9339 A CORDIAL WELCOtiE HARBOR CHRISTIAN Thia Sunday Worship In ::? FROM M CHURCH ...- UNITED CtutCH OF CtltlST 340\~ :.n~. IT. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ~: 146-1711 600 St. Andrews Roed . Newport Beech. 831-2880 ............. -..~,_ C~T:CH j! W0t:;"t8 AM Worship Servlces-7:30-8:45 & 10:15 AM 111 Hellotrope An. Sooday "Jeeue -The Mighty God" Cerone .._. ..., School 9 AM 144-7400 0.. lweneon, Dr. Jehn A. Huffman, preocf!l"I Doneld W. Kuta. llllMW • -Mlnlatw . PROGRAMS 10 A.M. -lundltJM~lp 7:30 a .. m. -Infant• Thru Kindergarten, Chlld Cere Clu'dl smooi -NUrWV c.r. 8:45 a.m. -Infante Thru Adult ClasMI fDHIORHOOD CONGREGATIONAL CtUtCH J40Sl a.'sPllct It "-""· l.111111 ltacll 494-8061 JOtll ll flmlOlDS MMWlT Alll flmlOlDS ...... 10 UI. -SIMlf .. a.di kW • ...., Attend The Church of Your Choice ST. MARK PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IMtblUff Df .............. Newport ..... tt.w ........ McOUOtd "9¥. TOftf Wolte PMlof Aaeocla .. PMtor Rodger Whitten, Mutic Director · Church School & Adutt Cl ..... -9:00 a.m. Worship Service -10:00 a.m. Nurtety Care et Both Houre -'°'Info: Celt M4-1M1 A Cordl•I Welcome from The UNITED METHODIST CHU CH Coeta Mee& FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 19th St. & Harbor Blvd. Church loMor 1:11 WonND10M Chartel O. Cfanl. Mlnlater Huntington eMc:h FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 2721 17th St. 536-3537 Wonhlp a.rwtoe 10:11 e.m. --.:: ....... Churclt ...... 10: 15 a.m. -Infants Thru 6th Grade & Adult Ct ..... AllC tteepllne Ml-2222 Community PrHbyterl•n Church 411 P:oreel A,.., U1UM .._.. .._?Ml Rev. Arthur J. Tenk....eey Rev. Craig w1n1eme Christian Education 9:00-10:00 A.M. Worship -10:15 A.M. NURSERY CARE PROVIDED OiJAIHG SERVICE PRESBYTERIAN CtUtCH OF THE COVENANT -P:almew Rd., eo.e. ..... -117-- ...... A. Kurrie. PMlot Terry Mceanne, Director of Youth Mlnlatlee Howard Kllllon, Director of AdUlt Mlnlttrle9 Don Maddox. Director of Slnglee Mlnl.trle9 ...., WONNp -1:11. 10:00 A.II. Church 8oMol -C....._ ttwv Adulta 10:00 A.M. NufMrJ .,_ n ..... -1:11 a 10:00 A.II. v.....,.-.,.P..M. CHURCH OF CHRIST 211 w ........ Coel8 ..... .....,,., We're A Going -GloWlng -Growing Church IUNOAY URVICml 99La ITUDY I A.II. WOR8t9P 10 A.M. A I ,,II. 10 A.M. -"Ate You Critical Or T.tant7" ,,.,-.-u 6 P.M. -''ffs Sheeo Hear tis Voice" ...... 20o 11-11 ·. ·- ., .. .. ' :- .. Coet• Mee& North MESAVIRDE UNITeD MITHODIST CHURCH Wonltfp A CIMlrdt loMof e:to • 10:00 A.II. Huntington BMch North COMMUNA"V UNITED METHQDl8T CHURCH 6M2 Hell Aw. 842.....e1 WONNplantoe ·I ....,. Tllomee, ....... .., -Doug Coif, Y...U. ......... 1,\!• .=::::=:=.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::====::=:==========~~ Dr ....... Llteel 1:11 • 10:IOO 1:11 ..., IC!MOl 10:00 CHRIST CHURCH BY THI llA Fountain Ve/Mly .. ~~ FIRST UNITED 1"""' ~7~ BIVd. M~THODIST CHURCH (!) S~~~~~!&T Frtder 1""'"8 1:11 P.11. ,......,..,.. • "'9t ''*' .. tM '"°""' ,. ft.II. I I : r ,, I • .... Rabbi Bernard P. King JamborM & EaatblUff Or. I.-; · Rev. Robert SNoerd Jr. 11225 8ultwd St. .__ _________________ _,, w ....... Chutoh..... -.- 111•111111!~-------·llJllll••~~~· 1111 A.M. Or. Carrol E. Word, Mlnllter Mualc:: Arie Shlkler Newpor1 a.ch, Cellf. I '. EdUcetor: Nai1cy Levin Por lnfonMtlon oel M4-7m Al~ W9loalM -~=============================;;! r South Co11t Soi1101 of II•• ••1 ,,....... w....,. • c...... a.... Def C.. NI A.M. New Place -New Time rrao A.II. ... P.11. A..,...-..__.. Oran•e Coast Cole•e NEWPORT CINTIR UNITED MITHODtST . . • •1 ........ ,.. ..... Cerone dlt ... ~ Science Lectll'e Hal # 1 M4-07a Rev. Enie Nylander (Off Ado"" St. '°"'Int tet) Service 10 A.M. Reverend Ernie Nylander -Minister Reverend Christian Sorensen-Associate Mer91ret McEathron, Queal lpe•k•r Co-Author of 04Phffllp'a Couetn .... .,. .. With Dr. Pett.rletle HolmM (213) 431-8595 Parking Is FREE and Essy Sund•Y School 10 A.M. Com• end experience th••• dyn•mlc •nd lllumlnetlng 1peekera. 111\1~~~~-~··=:-.· -•'-•11 ..... ......, w-.._.-,_ -... a 1WA& ......, .............. Cllll -... A.II. ............. , ....... _ .... .. Worship a Church SChool -9:30 A.M. Rev. Ktln McMiiian You Wll .. Welcomed -And Hllpedl FIRIT CHRllTIAN CHURCH llelft et M9Me, llMfttll .. IR ...... IUHIS'AVi C ...... -t:OOA 1~ • ....... -t:OO, 10:IO ................. Adv. Youth....,__......, .. , .... OTHlll ... TIM .-1 Bl rn rn [l'AJ [U]_a ~u Solar energy may he Brown's legacy By T llOl\tAS 0 . E LIAS Wlw1l11·r h1 :-. t~1t1:-.lllu1•11l:-. hk1· II 111· 1101, 1..'\'1·r y guv1·rn111 111 t':dif111111;1 .,,.,;rm. 111 ll'.IVt· ,1 .. uus1.m11al m.1rk on tlw .,tah· I '.11 Urown'l> mul-1 J.1:.llng lt·g,1t \ w.1'> uw .,t.111· W;1tl•1 l'r1111·1·t W11h U1111ald th-.1g.111. 11 wu:-. w 1·lt.1n· n •for 111 ;ind w11hhold111g ot :.1.111· 111t•un11· 1ax1•s A nd II Jt·rrv Brown has lt•l L u n11·:111111glul 1111pr 0 1111, 11 will µrohalJly LK• in thl' lll'ltl uf 1·1wrgy. no 111.1111•1· how UllfDRNIA fDCUS . 1·11111·.d his upporwnts 1m1y havt' tx.•1•n t>I hb JUd1n;d aµpoinl1·•·:.. who will b1· gorw 11t' 11u111uml11·1·1·d 1n ,, f1•w v1·ars ;m y \\ a v Fm Brown·., appoanlc•1:.., on th~· lwu :.IHll' bo,1rtb lllOSI llllll'l'l'lll'd \\'llh l'llt'I gy UUO d(•g n .,•:. .1111 1 p111d1111 1•11111 11'11 ,,, .. 111 111 ~1·m•rah· .m .111111 k1h1\\ ·'' '"' 111 IMI\\ 1 r- p(;& E 1fi11,1 ttu d1 ,11•11 .111d "''' hl'\-.1U$(• II .di""" 101 111,1 lllHl1l1 )'"\\1 I oUl)JUl \l1t1111g d ,1\ lil(l.l 1111111 11 1 .111111 Jul~ ;md Aup.11-,t \\ 111•111h1•1111 1h 111.11uts Ill N111tli1•111 C.'.el1f u 1111.1 1111 h1.1\1t '>l ht'l'UUkl' ol 1l11t \.\l,1lh1·1 ,1111) .111• to11diliunrn1~ ""' h's 11 i-.111 · IK•l th.11 111·11111 1 111 1l11 ·M· plunl:-. w11uld hi .111\ 1h111g 111111 1 1h.111 .1 l'lllH'l•.,l t od.1 ~ I t .J 1· 1 I \ B111\\ 11 '-. .1JJIX>i1ttt•l'' h.u ln'1 1111111 11.t ,1 d1 l.11111 quid pro 'flJll 1111pu\\1•1 11111111.11111·-. "\\'1 'II lt•l you p1'\1t1'l'tl \\llli t1111\111111111,1l pl.1111,., 1111l v 11 vuu .1b11 \\ 111 h 1111 .i1 1, 111.1 11· 1•1wi·A~ " Tlw -.111111 p l.1111s l'o-.1 1111111 111 .. 1.111. liut t l11•\ '111·1•d 1111 I u1 t '" t 111·\ "'"' '"' d11•ap1•1 111 th1· l1111g run II tlt.11·, 1lt1 · ".1~ tlu•\• turn 11t1l 1111111 .11111 1111111 \\ill II( bu1it und li1 11\\11·-. t.~:.11 ' \\tll 111 JU 1 ,1s lusting .1-. Ht·.1g.111·.., 111 tus t.11lw 1 ... th1· Pu1Jtr1· Ut1lit110:-Co111m1s...,1on and lht• Etll'rgy t'u111m1!>.-.11>11 1·om.1sll'lllly l ' n l' 0 ll r ·' g l' d d l ' v (' 1 o p m l ' n l ll r "ull1·r11;iL1v1·" 1•nl'rgy o;{JUrt•t•!>. while· 11fll'n pu11111g roadblol'ks 111 th1· path of old- 141sh 111111·d oil-burn mg and a tomw po\\'l ·r plu11h No\\ !>llnll' 111 tlw rPsult" an· 1·um1ng in • U.S.-Japan trade a two.-way street • 1ml 1h1· rt•sull.-. mily bt• lt•h lung <llh:r Br11w11 mo\'lo:-011 abt•ut a m11n1h from 110\\ Not only IS t•lt•t lnl'lty no\\ 1·um1ng f r om l>IH'ltmt· w :1s11• µrudu1·1s l1k1• .d111 ond hus k s <ind 1·xt·c·ss hc•al 1n 1nduslnal planLs. but Culifornw will soun Ix• u-;ing far nll)l'l' !>tJlar (•nt·rgy than ;my 11\h1·r s\,1te lllllrt'. 111 fal'l. 1h;1n .inv 11.rllun l'Xl"l'Pl ml-s1.11 v1·d lsral'I Until this month . 1h1• ..,ofar u:.<1!-:t-h.1!> t·111111• 111 ind1v1t.lual honw..,, whl'fl' buvt·rs of !>Ull powt•rc•d wall•r ;111d !>pal'1•-hr.1°llng l'ljUlpnwnl wt·n · g1v1•11 lax l'n·t.l1L-. that :1muu11l<'d Lo more· tlwn a 50 perTe•nt tfp.,1·ou11l on most nl'w uniL., BllT NOW SOLAR t·rll'rgy ha!> g<Jlll' u 1m1111·1t·t;.il 111 Catlforn1a "11h lht• ••Jl<•n1ng of Sol.rr Orw. th1• world's largPst sul.11 I ht·rn 1<1 I p< 1\\0t•r plan l m •<ir B.ir '>IOW 111 Lill' l\111pv1· Dl•:.t•rl Thi• µ:.ipc•1 1 ... tllk<l ''.l.1p.111 ~ m nrl ur Fut·'?" c:iml 1l 1,11.,. . ., .di Iii• 11 1111111111 CfUl'Stl011S lhat J\1111 •111.111 llHflt I I ~ l1 1•h about 111 th1• tu111•11l 11·l.1L11111-.h1p \\ 111 1 .1 c:ountry w1.• k1101·k1 ·d out :17 y1 .... ., :ig11. a nd th<·n h1•l1)(·d h:1t k 111111 1111 1111g IL 1s LhC' -.1ud11d li.111d l\,11rk 111 1>1 Lawn·11u• C Wolh.1·11 ,..,..,.111.1t1 d111'l 1111 or thl· Ct·nt11 tur Edu1 .1111111 .1 11 d Rt>st•an:h in Fn t E11t• I l>l'l'>t .. 11111 11 11 ·11 ... 1t provo1:at1v1 I\ ,L., \\'olkt n .. m 11 "" .1 n '<.'t.'llt f1rsthd11d 'l'l 11 111 11~ 111 .J,11>.111 ln thl-st· 1: .... 1 :i.j ,,.,1r-. \\'11l kh1 '>.1\''-• thl• J apc:i nt':>i' pn1pl1 h,1\1· 1r.1 1hl1111111 d .1 dC'fl•all•d •• dn111:.1 11>1.rl lv dt \ ..... 1.111 d nut1011 11110 1111 1111h i..u 1~t1;11 d 1•1 to11n11111 g1,1nt How" a~ u"ing l 'llllljU I 1111 Ame Ill .1 ,IS a pallc•rn to cll•lll1K r.11114 1L-. JJultL1t.tl systl•m i.lnd aclupt .1 pll d o111111 1111 h tr • 1• t.ml<'rpn.,._• C'<."<lllllllllf ... ~'>II 'Ill •• TH E s (' c Es s I) I J .1 I' •• II ... l'Xpt'rimC'nt 111 111•1· 1•11tt•q ffi...1· d1 ·...,·1v1·s , praise." Wolkl·11 sa vs ··111s 11·;icl .1 ... Amer1t:a 's t'<1m11m\ <.nnhnut.., 111 L1lt1•1 wo hear m1111· and 1111111• <111111 111 o l Japan and IL'> 1 t.-.tr11 ll\'I' 1 r.id1 pt .1111u . .., H11 .111•" .l.1p.111 hm. ~·n .,., '>Ul't't,..,ful 1n 11·1 I Ill \l'.11'-. tl IS l'Ol!>'I' hi IJl.inw thl'lll for 0111 , .. 111111111t .,1 ul;1t·i11-. A f1t ·1 ,di. th1 ·n · .111 11 \\ 1t .r1 lw r-. who PnJOV lwing shown 11p "' Iii• II -.1;1r pupil ... Ii~ f_ll_IK_M_cK_Nl_GH_T _#4 I 1>1 l.1~ 111 till' 1u111·111 bani unws. wt· h1 "' 1 1111-.1.11111 ~ ;ihuul .l~1p:int·i..t· firms d u111p111J! ll11•11 p1odu1·t.., 1n tlw US. h11\\ .l.1p.11 11 ... 1 1111pv1 I'> hur I Amt>nt'Wl lllllU ... 11 II-. \\ • <11l• t11fd lh,1l thl• US 11 .1d1 tl1 T11 1 l 1 ... a d1 n ·1·1 1 t•sul l of 11 ~111111\1• 11.t1T1· p1.r1·ttt'1'" by J.1pan 'Thnt A11w111 ,1 1.., th1 tn•t• trnd1·r. Japnn tht· pt "'' • l 10111' .. l ''.l.rp,111 tiu ... 11w..,..,1wn and J..(OVl•rnnwnt 111t111.11., rnl11111 1lwv h11vt· 11.ul1· hurrll'rs. '1'111' .d-.u l"•llll nlt·l th:il 111a11y J\m<>rican r11.11 h.1 h .111 · prot1·1'll'd ft om fon•1gn l 11 Ill jH I I I 11111 r ;i II g I 11 g r r 0 m ;111t1111111l11h '· '>ll't•I mid tl'11•v.-.11m ~·~ to t l11ttw:-.p111 .... 1·1g;11 IJJ11th. s hoe fol'l'!> and t1111lh1Jlt'k~ Th1·1 <' gut•s J\m1•11<·;1'.., 11 l'l' ti .1d1·1· 1111.1g1· .. B111 \Volkc•n lwli1•Vl''> tlw1 t• '" 1·omni1111 gr 11u111I tor llll' two t·ount1 it·!. tu mt•l'L UfJoll g1v1 ng <"1111:..Unll'r !> u l b11th ('11u11tn1·s bl'n1·l 1l!> t rum 1v c.luct101h 111 lradt· h.1n 11•1" u II I u r I u n .11 t· I ... . h l ' II b:. I • I \' ,. !>. f)I Oll'l lllllll-.I f l•(•i1ng-, JrlSI' \\' h1 •11 t'ti 11111niu ,1t·ll\'ll\ dc-t l11w!. fol.ill~~., Ill both l'\tu1\lnt•-. t-0111111u1• lo l'Lllt'I' to the poll I lt".11 d1•111;1n1b 111 pl tidUl'f•r gr uups \\ htlt• ig11111111g 11111·11•._t., of 1·011!.un11·1·s .J:1p.111. W11lk1·11 '>.1y .... 1s f'l.•alt y 11111 th1• l 'l. 11111 llllll' lllllpl,1 SI '('II 111 lh1• J>ll'tUl'I '!> It h,1.., w1•;.aknl•.,s1•' 1ncluslril'!> l1k<• a I u m 1 n u m . p <i p <• r H n d p u I p . p1·1111l·nt•m1t·7il.., and '>h1pbudd1ng c1r1· np<>r.Jtmg ';ll IU tn hll p<'rrt'flt o f r:lp;inty S11•1•I produ1·t11111 1 ... down ft om I :w 1rnll11111 Lons pc•1 y1•:11· 111 lt•S!> th<in 100 m1Jl1on tons · · N t' w t v 1 n d u" t l'I a l 11 Pd 11 ri t 11111 !>. l">f'l'l.'1ally 'T.i1w;m . South K ort•a , I long K1111g an<l S111g<1pon" havt• mad<• 111roL1d" 111111 markt'l!> pn•v111u .. 1y d11mm<11<'d by J .11i.111. c·aus 1ng ,, f('"ll u c·tur1ng ur J:rpcint•.,.. mdu ... 11 y." Wulkt•n 11•p<Jfl.'> In l1111k1ng at lutur<• US -J apan rl•l<1t11m~. Wulkt·n !><!YS that 111 the• pasL Wc~lt·n1 Europ•· was fur morl• 1mporwnl 111 US lrach• than Japan. In 1965. total 1•xµ11r1 a 11 d import tradl• bt'lwt·<·n Anwrw;1 and W1·sll'l'n Europe• wa~ thl'l'l' and '' Ii.ill 111111•.., our tradl· with Jap::in. " H u I I a !> t v l ' iJ r , " W o I k <• n s a \' !>. "l w o ''a \ lr.id1: bt•t Wl'<'n U S <ind Japan h.1d ~I'll\.\ 11 \•I :SliCI b1ll1on h:1lt tht• SIW ot 11u1 1t ,1d1· \\1th all of Wt'!>tt·111 Europe• .illd llltll'I' th.ill tWll'l' lhl' VIJIUmt• or LJ S ln1d1 · with .m~ l>inglt· Eurnp<·:Jn na lwn" IT DOESN'T t.ukt· too mut·h t•XpNllsc• Ill n •Hh7<• tht· llllp<)rtant·<• or Ja1xint•S(• Ln1dt Lo thl· Anwrtcon t'<.'onom\ ..Wt· Amt·r1c·!fn'>-nl'l'd to makt.• a grr:rtf'r rt fon to undc·r.,t<ind Jap:m." W11lk<'n ,,,ys "By doing ~o wt might make· l>rnn1 \'aluabl1• dlSl'llVl'fll'S For l·xamµlt ., du<• to its l:ll'k of rt.-sourt·t·~. the 1x•oplt• of Jap,1n tkarly know that they rnu ... 1 ..,tay 1·0111pt·tit1vt• if th<•y arc· to f(•tHll1 thc•11 high Standard Of Jiving P1·1 h.ip-. 1t ,.., Ltnll' fur Lhl· teaeh<•r to ll'am soml'lhinJ.t from th<• pupil " Tht· plant usl's 1,800 "hl'lws tat!>," uss1•111blil's of 12 door-s1z1• rC'fl<'l·tmg parll'ls wh1l'h f1J1.'U!> the s un's niys on a 1·1·1111 al to wl'r Tht· rf'fll't'lt•d !I nd g.11ht•11.J sunlight produt't.'S tc·mpt•ratur<-S uf ·HHl to 950 de•gfl'l'S Jo' in thl' t<>Wt·r. t.1u-.111g W<ltl•r tht·n • Lo prudutc .,tl'am whu h d11 vt·s <1 hugr· IUrhmt• lo prodUC'l' t•lt'l·tn1·11y Sul.ir Om" a j1J1nt projl·<:t uf th« U S lh•p:.11 tmt·n t of Ene•rgy . Sou tht•r n Cul1f11rn1a Edis on Cu and thl' Los Ang1·h·s Dt·partmt·nt of W<1IL·r & Pow<.·r. \A ill put t·n o ugh 1•1H•rgy 1ntu-ilb(' Soulht·rn C;;ildorn1,1 gml tn pow<·r 12.000 hom1·s Wt·athl'r in tht· high dt•sl'rt a .. ..,u1 t•s th:.it 1t will o pt•r<Hl' about :I'> n •l1uhly .1s an Oll-fut•lt'<.l p<>Wl'I' plant and 111ud1 mon· dt·pt·ndably than a nud1·ar plant Argentina's military regime 3ttempts retreat And JUs l as Solar OnC' was opt•ning, Ca I 1fo rn1a 's ol ht·r g1ga n l 1c e l N·t rit· 1Jnx.Juu·r announ<.'t'<l plans-for a s1m1lar plant l-'.it·1f1c Ga!> & ~:ll'l'trll' Co will put a ... 1mil<.1r-s izt•d solar pr<>Jl't·t o n tht• l'arr11.11 P la in , a 2.000 -foo t -high ag111·ultural pl<tu·au about midwa y lH· L wt· t' n Sa n L u 1 s 0 b 1 s p ri iJ rHI Buk1 ·rsf ll'ld. TllE PG&E P LANT will USl' l14u1d !><><h um 111 IL\. central towt·r . allowing 1l to lwul watl·r lo lC'mperalurt>s of up lo I. By DOUGLAS G R ANT Mll"E ~led li'TM• Writer BUENOS AIR ES. Arg <•nt1n.1 Argentina's military rulen., u.11nl<'<J by defeat in the• Falkland Islands war with B ralain, a re e n countering s erious obstacles in their attempt to mak1.• an orderly retreat from guvemm<'nt Pr-esidcnt R<.'ynaldo Btgn•mf'. Jn ,11 my general who cam<• out o f n •tm•mt•nl 111 take over July I following Lht• Falkl.111di. def eat, has pro mised lo g1 v 1 th<• government back to nv1hans bl'fo n • March 1984. He h as said h e• wants the lrans1t1or1 paved with ac<:<lrds with c1vih.m s<.'l:tor!> on thorny lssut•s Among th<·'><• an• thl· questions o f tht• peo ple• v. h o h <•V<· d isappeared in security S \.\ ll'P " tt)e blame for th<.' currt•nt l'Cnnonm t.·r1'>1'> and tht• tt'!>p u ni.11Jl11ty for th<.• ill-fated invas ion of th<' British colony ocr the southl•m coast last Apnl &'<auw of the surre ndc•r m June to an uvl•rwhl'lming Br1t1s h task force, th e l'o1H1nuing del.'p recession and n e w Hlll•gal1ons of official l'orrupllon, military pn·sllgt· 1s al s u1.·h a low ebb civilian lt·adt•r , I l't·I no compulsion to makl' J>IOIOl'><'S "I R llLE o t iT the poss1b1hty of an y m>t·onJ with th~t· gray military men who abuM'll 1·wrythmg, who are capable o f ml•1.•t111g amiably with a preside nt one night unrl OVC!rthrowing him the next morning.'' said Rad 1cnl Party President C.irlos Conlin 111 a r('(·C'nt sp«'Ch. Th<· Hud1t.·als. the JargL-st poht1c-.l1 force L1f tc•1 th(' l'l'ronisLs. arC' moderate Today's youth can 't l e ave the nest li) JEFF NELLIGAN It w.1s a typical autumn n •union Dan. £ru . and l a ftl·r s urf m g at Zuma BC'~t<·h got toge•thC'r and simply sat around 111 U<tn'!> garnge w hile· hl' f1ddlNI with somc• gad g1·t Wl' didn't l'hargt· out to night duhs or mov11-s 111 the fashion of aclulL'I looking for cn tt•rlurnmt•nt, wt• JUSl sloud1c·cl and jokC'd and c·adgt•U food from Dan's fndgc• Om• night long ago Em St:urnC'd out of thl.• garage holding a frown pie hkt• a football Now p<>ath JU1t·1· drips off his d1111 "You haven't chanl(t•d 1n 10 y1 •af!>," I s;1y . rdlt'<.'ling on th1• Yl'<tr!> WC''vc• !VX'nl gr·ow111g up T llE FACT IS, nothing has changt'Ci, and neither do 1 thmk wc'vt> grown up lns t1:ad we r<'pr<'SC'nt a w1dl'spr1.•ad rt•aturt• of this l'ra. young pl'Ople who rC'ma111 young pl'Qplc'. T his sounds awful. Howt•vc·r. there is n11 dC'ny mg tl -a nd l sp<.•ok us one afflic·tl'd. P<.'oplt• m y ag<' arc slowl'r m letting go o f apron s trings a n d purs<.' s t r i ngs than ou r prt'<il'l.·t•ssors It's not exac·tly th::it W<.' act Ilk<.' kids. at J!> th;it W<' a rc unwilling to becomC' adult.'> We arc• vt•xC'd by maturity W<.' K<'l oldc·r and our t•xpcriC'ncc• 1s broad, yet we· avoid, somC'l1mC's rC'j<.'Ct, st<•ps that would make us a<.•ccpt the 11r1• style rt.>sponsiblliliC'S of adulthood. Dun is the only one of us who holds a jub l'ons1dcrC'd a t•art•t•r . H e~ ts a f1n•r1Khtt.•r and h c still hvt•s at home.> Whe n h e's n o t s p C'<'d tng to somt' calum11 y. his mothC't 1s tC'llmg him to hurry up a nd pic k his dirty cloth<>s oH tht · rloor. Eric is a lso 24 . He ill l!n tcring h is 11cvcn1h year o f collt•gc. rinandally. supportt'<.i b y his parents, living rent fn.-c with his brot hcr. He hBS attc>ndl'd fou r dfrtcre nt colleges and ta ken summer school six years He owns no car. has no l.Nuronce, no savings. on d still hat no oochl'lor's degr{'(', He hrut 8Vt'rogt'd 17 u nlt.s o !K'mcster und Is a bloch t'mlstry m ojor. He hm'l stu pid. he sim ply C1.11l11 L'la!>sl•-. ;ind 1g 1111r{'l'I Ll11· ,1d \'11 ,. o f ~'Ounsdorh .ind ll«•l hen.. L1kt> Erit··~. my p.1n•nL., paul 1111 111) St.·hoolmg. though l g rauu.ilt•d 1n 1 h t customary four yc•.1r; I wrn kut 1111 -.1•\••n mo nths a s a n<'Wl!paµ<.•rm;in ,111d tl11·n took orr for Lill' F.ust Coast t11r a girt. settling in Nm th t':u-ol1na 111 "1111• ,, <'Olqmn for a m •wsp:.1p<•r NOW 1'1\1 llOME "1th nn < .. r. no n nl11 cards. little ~1v111gs, 1111 Jl>h, .11111 1111\\ 1m girl. The times l'vt• nmw h111t11 h.1v1· bc><>n mijrkC'd h \ 11·union.: \.\1th n1v friend~. surfing tnµs. 1111,y di1~.., 1>n th~· patio a nd in th<• garagt•, v1 .. .1 1111·1, ,,, mealtimes, guc•!lts lrkt• Erk. and 111 .. tul confron tat1oni. with my pun•nts. who expect an adult and not u 2:i-v,.ar old adoles<'ent. m1n•d in youthful· 1 lu ht·!> about borrowing th<• farmly rnr m11w111g thf' lawn. etc. My parent:-1 have muny fru•nd ... wh11•w chlldr<'n llvt' I.I\ home'. too. kull\ Ill th1·11· :ZOs w ho ar<' still d<·rwrldl'nt f111a11rn1llv and/or <'nmllutt:illy on tlw11 p1111·nL' · "Th • problt•m with mv gMwrutwn." Wick ,.,, time we had a chat .-,t the facts of llfe. This Is • bltl." :--.•' ... Ill\' 111111 lw1 , "1:0. that w1•'rt• caught in t h1 11111hllt· V..'t• n • taking carC' of our p.111 nls \\hilt -,ull nur~1ng our kid!>·· !'itw·.., ~ 1gh1 Wh~ is my gt•1wr.11ion ltkt• 1111 .. ' S 11npl<· It 1s lht• agl' of thl' &·<:1.md C'h.1rn1" ,md llw Third 'h1111<''" und tht•, Fnw lh ( 'ha111·1" :ind tlw 111,lt•:td ot li1•111g push1•d nul or lhl• h ou" .11 HI, voung pt•oph• hngt•r un. u~u.111~ tlH go to l'Ollt•gt• Mo:.l 3ltt'nd l11c .rlf\ .ind thll'\ hv1• ut honw lx'<:OUSt' 11 t!> l ht ·•IK'I Wh,11 l lwy don't .1dm1t IS that II .... 1•;1 .. l,1 •1 111(1 S1111w J.11 l 1111 tlw edu<·,1111111 ll'<'admill. grow d1"s.11tsr1<•d .• md l1'<1Vt'. hk1· Dan Or llll'V g1 inti LI lllll in pur!.Ull or a degree. ltk1· E1 it Sonw t'Vl•n gradunt<• 11 11t1•:, h•avt• hmlw or go lo work. the• h.1111.: llll llltllUdt•:-. pl'l'SISI. that goin~ h111111• 1~ .ilwuv!> a n alwrnaUV<'. · whl•n 111H 1 It \\ ,1.,11't, Lh;1t pan•nl:-. hav<' t hc- r1 ..,11un 1·" 111 twlp their kids o ut and will m.1• 1h1•m un ... p;lringly. wh<•n Olll'(' tht•y dl<ln't, :rnd lhHl l ht• fun duys or ado!C'scencc can and wlU be relived. M Y P EER S AftE n o t luiy. But. h111ugh1 up .1.., tlwy art• in l'rtbs r111g<>d by ,..,1f1 ty 1wti.. ~oung pt.'opl .. d11n·1 worry us mm h .1hou1 t11l1111g 1'11.-. t'> ,1 so1111•what d<>!lplltflng roulC' of .1ppt .11:-..d But I knuw mony mon• pt.'Oplt· l1k1 D1111 ttnd Erk u11d 1lw. W h it t• sw~ 1 Hltng 11r l1lp111~ In ulht•r «nd t•uvol'!; 111 ltl1•, th1·\' 1·11111111t qultu l'11rnh out ol tht> J.rlupy 111 ~outh ai\d ll•Uvt• ttw 1ntlu<•m•<• Ill 'tllllll'tll))('ll tht• t•rt'tll\ l'olfd!> Of M11rn .ind n.1d Unltkt• nthN t'IHl>, 1odi1v l>H'M'nL" no war:-., '>l'\'t•rt• t'l 1'<1•11. or p1t'<'t'd1'1\L'> to act 1111 v11111 h!> .is d<·11n, ('ll't1r trnr\~lltons fntn .1du l tho11d It 1R n f oq"tvl n g . t•omp,1--. ... 11111.111• UW'. ttw fn11l wh1•rc•, .. s M11111 say>1. "k1di1 huvt• not bc·~·n pu"'h('(f OUI 01\ thur tlWll .. So th1·11• ... 11 f:11l' nnd l t•nting pt'OCht: , 111lk1rt~ al111ut ~wlmmlntc poolic 11nd skutl'IK1.11 ""' .1 ... wt• d id ._1 don•n yt•1tr11 llJ!tl .1 .. 1 t N1·ll1~.111 wws to Vollt•y c.'11ll1·w· 11.n .. A11~ .. 1t·i<) .111d Zumu Jk11d1 Peron1st rallll's have produced thunderous cnanls of "Fmng squads' Firing squads! For all the 'm1hcos' who sold o ut the nation " "M1hco" is a derogatory term for u military man. T he militar y tha t o u stl'd c 1v i11an President Isabel Peron ond LOOk power 1n Marc h 1976 is t'l<.•a rly on the d e fensive. But tls s pokes men are establishing para meters for dissent "We will not permit anyone und r an y pretext to accuse us in the name of thl' human rights we strove> to protect," said tht• n avy t.•ommandt•r , Adm. Ruben Franco. when h<' was s worn 111 a s a memtx•r of lhC' gov<.·rnmg JUnta Oct... I. But acrusations abound LOCAL AND intC'rnational human rights orgaruzattons chargt· that 6.000 to 15,000 pl.'Oplc ''disappeared" dunng tht..' govC'rnmcnt's <:ampa1gn against le ftist rc>volutio naries in 1975-1979. Most o f the missing were takl•n away by "men who presented U1em~lves as police or armed forcL-s o fficers. More than 100.000 legal wnts have been s ubmitted on b,cpalf of the "desaparl.'Cid os" as fhc missing are called -to no avail. Most are assumed to have been k1l1C'd. The governm<.'nt hopes lo come to an undl'rstanding with politicians to c>nsure the generals will not be the object of future orfac1al vt•nd<'t.t.as.. Peronist leade r Dt-ohndo Bittel said 111 an tntc>rview wtth The Associated Pr<.'SS the c ivilian government would not Ul't.'Cpt r estrictions on 11.S prerogatives. "It's very difficult to t<.'11 a legislator, 'OK, you're a legislator, but you ean'l say this or tha t'." Conlin said the Radlcat'party does not intend to mount "witch hunts'' when the m lhtary IS baek m the bar racks. But, he said, "T he a rmed fort.'<'S m usl understand th at th<.'ir lack o f credibili ty obliges us to avoid aC'C'Ords with them becaus<' that would raise people's ~uspic1ons." A sen ior W estern d iplo m a t w h o mointains conw e t with political leaders s uggt•i.tcd they have httle alte n\ative to rc•achmg al least tacit agreem en t with the generals on certain s ubjects. "IF THE Y -the civilian leaders bt-gin Nuremberg-type trials, lhc t.an ka would ro ll u p lo Governme nt Hou se und they'd ~ back on the Slr't.'(!t," he said. 81gnone said m o sp<.'l'<'h in September h1.• hopt'd to be Argen tin a's last m ilitary president. But tht> arm e d for ces' "P r()(.'l'SS o ( Notional Reor ganiza tion " ~gun with th<.' 1976 coup has Calle n way s ho rt of Its m4)in s tated ob jective: the establishme nt o f "o s tron g. s table and last.Ing d emocracy." The populist P <'ronlsts followl'ril o f 1h e la te P re sident Jua n D. Peron - rt•m a ln the domina nt c ivilian fo rce d espite l h e a lx years oC military 1overnment. They and the Radkals are part o( a five-party ro.lltlon th at w arned in a ~ntly dl.atrtbuted docurnC'nl. "A n Immediate rM tlflutlo n or f'COn om1c policy m ust ~ e rtecled, bf.cau~ If no t. t'C'Onomil• a nd 90ela l dflterloratlon will bf> .. at"Celeratt>d and explosive." Unemploymcmt 1s ~t a 10-year high of 12 p e r ec•n t a n d th ere 1s n o unemploym<'nt insurance for those who lose their JObs. The cost of living has risen 15 pc~nt a month for t he past three months a nd Argentina appears to be head ed for a repeat o f last year's inflation rate of 130 pt>rcent. Rea l wages have fallen nearly 30 percent m the Last year. Local a nd inte rnatio n a l huma n rig ht o rganization · ch a rge• tha t 6~000 lo 15.000 p<·o1>le ""d isa ppeared •• during the go,1ernmcn1 ·~ ca mpa ig n against leftist · rc vo lut io na ries. Most ar e a ssume d to have bee n killed . The regime was further buffeted early . in October by a kidnapping and m u rder that recalled all loo vividly the years of le ftist and rig h tist terror believed by many to be a thing of the past. The battered bo dy or advertis ing t>xecattve Marce lo Dupont was found Oct. 7 wrapped 1n a raincoat on the s idewal k o f a e hic tluen os A i r es neighbor h ood. H is family, a week earlier. had expressed fears of polWcal implications. The government promised a thoro ugh investigat ion in to Marcelo Dupon t's murde r. Armed forces unity was s hattered by the disastrous showing in the Fa lklands conCl1ct. making the generals m o re s uSCC'ptible targets for criticism. T he navy s nuffed out a sh ort-hved r<'bc'llion m Sc;pwmber by the southern zone military tbmmander, Ad m . Horacio Zaratiegu 1. Gt:'n. Americo Daher of the army, who commanded Argen tl n ground forces in the first weeks of the Falklands con flict, Is curre ntly u nder , arrest at a military base for h is criticism • of the overall strategic handling o ( lhl' war ORANGE COAST D1ilyNat t'h1• l'IH11111l'lll flU).!l' llf l h1• f>u1h 1'1tot '«'l'k' to 1n(111m uncl ~11nrnt11ll' n•mh•r-. IJ\ prc1wn1 1n1o1 11 u 1111•1' 111 1·1in1m1•nl ••" on 1111111.· .. 111 1ntrrc•,1 und 'u:n1fl1·11n1 ,. from 1'nforrnt•d oh 'l't \ 1•r, .ind io1x1k1·~mtn Tfwma~ I' llalt•11 P11t>l1~llt•1 Sa11rday1 Off. 11, IHI I f .J .. Dressing up the holiday Uncle Lt>n c:l.'rluinly is in a holiday mood, and he hopes nil of his young friends are, \00. What got Uncle Len in the mood 1s listening to Christmas fllus1c on his car stereo on his way to and from the oUice. On these trips h e's also been gawking a t all of the pr etty outdoor lights . .at least w hat's left o( them arter all of the winds. He's also been sampling a lot of cookies a nd candies that have been brought into the office. So now he's rea lly getting apxious to start decorating his home and tree. He'll be able to do a betle r job now that he got so many good ideas in the mail this week . In fact, he'd Like to take the first prize-winner h o me with him. The d ecorated tree was llCll lll'S CDRllR First place: Glen Me re dith, l ~vine drawn by Glen Meredith, 13, o( Irvine, and for his fine efforts he wins $5. Of course, Uncle L en would like to top the tree with the angel that wins second place honors . Artist Jennifer Amsten, 10, of Laguna Beach, gets $2 for her drawing. He 'd a lso like to have th e Teddy bear submitted by Kim Wood, 12, Laguna Beach; the Christmas bells by Dori Dutton, 14, Newport Beach, and the wreatns by Bethie Coulter, 10, Corona del Mar. Now that you have your ideas on p aper. it's time to start creating the decorations, so Uncle Len knows you are going to be busy for the next few weeks and that you are looking forward to school vacation. So next week he wants you to d raw some exciting thing you will be doing or want to do on vacation. Because of the holiday bustle. Uncle Len is going to give you the theme for the follow in g week, too. He wants to give you enough time so you can be sure to get your drawings to him. Second place: J e nnifer Arnsten, Laguna Beach The theme will be a Christmas card, and Uncle Len hopes his friends at the office will be able to pull enough strings so he can print the winning cards in color on Christmas Day. Draw your entr ies on 4 by 4-inch paper , and Include your name, age and add ress. Send them to Uncle Len, c/o the Daily Pilot. P. 0 . Box 1560. Costa Mesa 92626. Be sure to get the vacation e ntries t o U n cle L e n b y Wednesday. I n the m ean tim e . h a ppy decorating. Class helps kids accept baby By ERICH SMITH ~ed "'-Wrtt.r PHILADELPHIA -The ar- rival or a new brother or sister can be big trouble for a child, and two nurses at Pennsylvania Hospital have developed a class to make the adjustment easier for the family. Bonnie Burke, who founded the program, estimates she has taught 250 young children, who attend her Saturday morning classes with their parents. Gradually. gentJy. Burke and Susan Trainor, who also developed the course, draw out the youngsters' feelings on this unknown person who will soon be a big part of their lives. "Realistically, you can't get rid of s ibling rivalry. but can reduce it," Burke said. "The biggest thrust of the program is to improve the child's self <0ncept." In class, some thoughts that may not have been expressed before come out. An early class exercise has the children draw a picture of t h eir fam ilies, including the unborn baby. At one session recently, two anxious parents found they had to coax the ir son to draw one more tiny person. "I've draw n three people, that's enough ," he insisted. "The paren ts learn a lo t about how the kids view their families from those pictures," said Burke. ''And we want the kids to learn that it's OK to feel that way." Programs to confront sibling rivalry and deal with it exist nationwide. bu t most of them Chester, an "older gentleman," loves to play catch and Frisbee. He ie genii~ loving and good with children. The neutered m•le blue Doberman ie at the Laguna Beach Animal Shelter, 20612 Lagun• Canyon Road. Pho ne 497 ·3552. deal with individual children, not in a group situation, Burke said. She also believes t hat her program deals with a su bject many othe rs avoid -wher e babies ,come from. "You have to deal with the sexuality of it." she said, "When is there a better time?" Even tho ugh some o f the children in the class have been as ~oung as 3 years old, she doesn't feel sex education is a problem. "Actua lly, the children pay at1ention, but they're much more interested in finding out how the baby's going to affect their lives." In other parts of the class, the c h ild ren visit the h ospital's delivery area and ta ke t urns U.tening to fetal heanbeats on a monitor, and they also get lessons in safety for small children . Youth faces toug h choice in TV show A young Amish boy, raised in the a uste re traditions of h is forefathers, must chooee between his family's simple world and the luxurious, modem world of his 1ch oolmate1 in "J o shua's Confusion'' airing Christmas Day at 2 p.m. on Channel 4. The Peabody award-winning "Young Peorle's Special" oUen a thoughtfu look at the values and cuatoma of the Amish culture a nd a port rait o f a s turdy parent-child relationship. Joshua lives in a world almost ide ntical to tha t o f hi• 18th century ancestors: no electridty, no aut omo biles, no m od ern conven ience•. Joshua's family leeda a quiet, atuclioua life. Ye t at ach ool J o1hua sees anothe r , luge r w orld: f aat alrplane1, te le v i1lo n ae t s, wonde rfu l l u x u rie1 . H i• IChoohNtes play loud 1amee and enpy parUes and other acttvtues that Joa hu a h a• never eXl)erlenoed. P'orbldden by h i• father to attend a cla11mate'1 birthday party, Joshua aneelu away to the party anyway and la dialovered by hla father. Joshua returns home, havlnl rMde tu. decleion. Fl1med on an Am'8h farm ln Berlin, Ohio, "J o1hu a'1 c.onfumon" feetures Tim Rail aa JOlhua, and Chari. Ooeta u hll father. - His t a l e of woe outg rown By LAURINDA KEVS ~ill'f-Wrtwr SAN DIEGO An t hony Galyean missed n lot or flral grade classes because his echoolmalefi lhrew him Into the traah can and he was too short to ge t out "I wanl.(.'Ci to punch them but I couldn't reach them." said Tony, w ho, because of growth hormone injections, has grown 16 Inches In the past six years and now Is slightly smaller than an average 13-year -old. "Tony was only supposed to be 3 'A -feet tall as an adult, the doctors told us," said his mother, Barbara. "He's just short now, he's not a dwarf," she said. Tony now ls 4 feet. 7 inches tall. and his doctors say he could reach 5 'h feet by the time he Is an adult.. But six year ago. he was under 3 feet, and an easy mark for schoolyard bullies, who made him a prisoner in the .restroom sim ply by closing the door. Tony couldn't reach the doorknob to get out. "Kids teased me a lot," he said in · a n interview. "They took advantage of me." H e said h e so m e ti mes r e m a ined for hours i n t h e trashbin until a janitor would come along and get him out. "His teacher thought he was out, roaming around someplace when aclually he was stuck in the bathroom or trash," said his mother. .. "It was kind of rough. She thought he was a disciplinary problem .". Far from being a problem, Tony is participating in an experiment at UC San Diego that may benefit others but have no effect on his stature at all. ............ 0 Afte r ta king growth ho r mone inj ections,- Anthony Ga lyean , 13, now is only slightly horter than a verage. "Anyth ing that he can do to help himself and help someone else ls good, especially when we know wha t it's like to be on the other end -with no hope, no alternative." said Tony's mother. variety for 20 years, doctors and scientists stiU don't know how it works, and how it might affect other ailments. hate to sa y, 'impur ity,' but basically tha t 's what w e're talking about -we've not really had a clear understanding of what it is that is producing t.he cha nges In the blood sugar. in insulin levels and the glucagon levela. We're trying to give a purified fonn in this voluntary study, to see what's responsible for those metabolic changes." Tony is one of nine growth- stunted children who are being monitored for a study on how the hormone affects bodily functions besid es growth. There are possible ra mifications for the treatment of diabetes, hardening of the arteries and kidney and eye diaeaaes caused by changes In blood sugar levels. More children will be added to the experiment in other parts of the country. "What we are doing is taking children like Tony who h ave . been under standard treatment for 20 years, and for the first tjme, treating them with a more highly p ur ified Corm of the hormone and another highly purified variant of the hormone," said Dr. Kenneth Lee Jones, a pediatric endocrinologist. He. said the children "are told from day one that there may be no direct benefit to them at all for their participation." He said, "It involves some pain in terms of IV (intravenous) and d rawing blood and time in the hospital. It is amazing to me that they have the ability an d willingness to cooperate. Although children like Tony have been receiving the human growth honnone and a synthetic "We're studying, not growth responses. but changes in blood sugar," he said. Up to now. the growth h ormo n e has been administered in a form th at contains additional proteins, said Dr. Jones. "Because of this -I world scope (10 points tor Heh quHhon a:11wtred cotr.cllyl 1 ~mocnt5 H well as Republicans supported a Sc a gallon (CHOOSE ONE: oil, guohne) tax that would be used to provide )20,000 jobs In the highway-construction industry. 2 President Re;igan left on ii trip to L;it in Ameria in hopes of re·estilblishing ties there th;it have been strained since the U.S. sided with Britain against (CHOOSE ONE: Brull, Argentina) In the Falkland lsl;inds crisis. 3 The Soviet Union clmged that the proposed deployment of the MX missiles would violate the SALT II ilgreement which was signed by President .. l .. bu1 never r4111f1ed. i1·Ni1Con b-Carter c-Reagan 4 CATT, an 88-nalion world trade conference meeting in Geneva, reached an uneasy agreement on ii new set of guidelines for encouraging free Hilde 41nd hillling protec- tionism. CA TT stands for .. l .. 5 U.S. federal, state, and local governments took i(I ;ind spent more than S1·1rillion in fiscal 1981, the first time income or spending reached tha1 level. More 1h;m 60 percent of the total was spent a1 the .. l .. level. a-federal b-sme c-lool newsname (10 polnll II you c1n ldenllty lhla penon tn Ille n1w1) I replaced Jose Lopez Portillo as the new Pres~· dent of my country and inherited a nation that Is chilrilcterlied by serious social lnequali11es and an extreme economic crisis. Who am I, •nd what nation do I leadl matchwords 1-wnction a•wlld, cruel b-disgrace, shame 3-1cand1I 4-sc1nt ct.extent, range S-sco~ •·penalty, punishment Answers to qull appea r (upside down) beneath quit • news picture (10 points II you answer thla queatlon corr.ctly) The 97th Congress ame together for the last time in Washing1on, D.C., to debate a series of con1roversial bills Though 'his is officially a "lame duck" Congress, the vast majority of Senators and Representatives wilt be back in January, Including House Republican Le;ider .. l .. , lelt, and Speaker of the House .. l .. · pe_oplewatch/spor·tlight (2 polnl1 tor Heh quntlon 1n1wered correc:Hy) 1 Silent film star Gloria Sw;inson's notes, scrlpu. pholos. and letters will become part of the collection of 1he Humaniaies Research Center al the University of Texas. TRUE OR fALSC : Ms. Swanson wori her only Academy Award for her role In a "t;ilkle," "Sunset Boulevard." 2 "The Mouse1rap," the world's longest-running pl;iy, celebrated 1he 30th anniversary of its opening in London. The play was wrinen by Britain's premier mystery writer, the late (CHOOSE ONE: Alfred Hitchcock, Ag;itha Christie). 3 John McEnroe led the U.S. team to its 28th Davis Cup championship. The U.S. 1eam was coached by nonplay1ng capu1in, (CHOOSE ONE: Jimmy Connors, Arthur Ashe). 4 Randy "Tex" Cobb went lhe distance but lost in his bid 10 unseat heavywei9ht champion Larry Holmes. TRUE OR FALSE : Cobb was the llr1t challenger ever to lasl 15 rounds against. Holmes In 13 title de fenses. 'S Quarterback Warren Moon led the Edmonton Eskimos to a victory over the Toronto Ar9onauts to win his 1eam's tilth consecutive Carutdlan Football league championship. tht> .. 1 .. Cup. a-Canada b-C rey c·Pearson roundtable P-ity dilCUHlen (no-) Should convlC1ed crlmlnal1 be allo~d to i.ell book, TV. and him rl,hts to their Ute sto rltt •nd profll fro m their crimeif Or would• i.w deprlvln• th•m of \uch rights be unconttltutionatr YOUlll SCOAI " to too polnl• -TO~ SCOIUI 11 to .......... -f1c~1 11 to '° '"""" -OOOd " .. 10 !Mff't• -'"' evrc . inc , 121·U - - HI U Ornng (;0011 OAIL Y PILOT /Saturday. Oecomb t 11, 1982 THt: ··\~IL\' ('IRCl'S "We rode on a REAL bus! Not just a school bus." '.'l.\R,.:\Dl'Kt: by Brad Anderson l'l fl "What dog? In what bed?" Jl'DGE PARKER .. .. • .-.. £?'rZ', ,_ ' .. by Virgil Partch (VI P) ~ ·. . c9 "I thought you said this country was untouched by civilization." by Jtm Davis I HAV~ NO IDEA WHAi YOU'R~ TALKING A00UT by Ferd & Tom Johnson PAINTING .. NEW WALLP,APE:R ... CARPE TS1 DR.APES .. ... AND A LOT OF PRETTY NEW CLOTHES FoR ME ~ ACROSS 55 Containers 1 Repulse 58 Constetlatton FRIDAY'S PUZZLE SOL YEO 6 Tilled 58 Runway tad1es 60 Cefamte 11 Throat 63 Loosen P A "' C I f T A I I A s p s 14 A51an &6 Numeral I\ p ~A I l NE I V I Al 15 Likeness 67 Dogfight 16 Mid - -68 Marsh b11d A ~ u ~ y H X I EN Hf II I ~ E ~· ~ IA T u II A T E • haller 69 Unused 17 Hit 70 Turi 18 Top-klCkS 71 Plinth 20 Undergradu-DOWN ate 1 Unseam 22 SloUCh 2 Time period 23 lmll11or 3 Fare 25 811nche1 4 'Come 1n1 28 Misplays 5 M0<lgage 29 Metel 6 Renounce 30 Liked 7 Brnve's home ii ,_l T I I S T " I I ~'1'-AP-~ ~ 17' 1119 T 'I S•NIAID f 8 u I • P T •DIE C K "IQ ""''"-II l l ET I A HA -IE p -I NA I II OT IA ' II :•T AM ,,_ ~ ~ i 5" IC II A "l A I S i f II O l A HCE "'~ 6 t 0 E A f " T A l s A 0 T A l l 32 The -8 Scratch 30 Treated Netherlands 9 tnc11e 3 I Animata' 34 Toronto 10 Progeny backs g11dder I 1 Chateau 33 UCLA's rival J9 Dance 12 John Jacob 35 Back Pret 47 a.wailed 48 Mal de - 50 Table fowl 51 Forlorn 52 Scaller 42 AulhOf 36 T ran(lu1t1zer Parkt!f 13 lnS@CIS 37 C11vaJryman 43 Mag.ciao 19 Kin 10 11 38 L1rge B C 45 Hac:kneyro 21 Give --ulmon 46 Ouandry try '40 Author 49 Atrhc. 23 Mullltleet Ambler ••P!Ofrr 24 Instrument 4 1 Chinese waa ~ MOid 28 Surround o Income 54 Light vessel 'l7 Ullh aymbOI rec~ver 53 Tic -toe 55 ve1se 57 German river 59 Dt»tr 11nge 61 Author WallKe 62State·Abbf 64 Indisposed 65 Seine season by Charles M Schulz .--~~~~~~--. Tl' M 81.E" t :EDS SHOE 8E,AUSE FOi.. TME RESr OF HIS LIFE PEOPLE WILL SE LEA\itN6 MIM .J' t j I --- Mc fOUL., ro '(OU ~EAL.IZE WHA"f 'b'.JR RO'l'ERIES ARE 1101 rve 10 oOR ASSE1S?l l:J II ! 1 i t ~ J ,, ,, by Tom K. Ryan· NO ... l'O'"f Fff:L. F~EE 10 PU'f Mt: NAME: ON PA MAILll\IG l..ISi FOR 't't:R Al\INUAL. ~E:POR'f. by Jeff MacNelly "· IJ• ,,_ ___ ., ~· r 1 !?,. /~ :·I ~ IN A r~~~T Cl)~~ THAT ~IAl..IZE:D IN EAADICAillJC:1 ALL I~~~ OF ltE:t:110N.At.. ACCi:t.Ji . Ffl:OM OIJ£/5 ~~! ,,,_,, Rose Parade I t1nerary 6:15-Dinner at Cactus Motel. BRABBLE •.SMOCK WHA'f"'S A JAPANese: SHOR"f'-ORc>E:R RE:S~AURAN-r !' FOR BETTEaOR rea •Oaflll THE MAN Ar 1f1E S1?:lf'\E Gf'Ne.MeA v ~-<XS" fMBEINS~ I by Ernie Bushm1ller PHOOEV-· I ONLY D~EAMT I WAS SLEEPWALKING TO THE COOKIE JAR Al) ~A/77ii!AIRE/ 1'HI: ~OOL eit.JEO ~R FOil COl-J- T'AMINA11Ne1 ~ FACUL. i-I! Wt=°"' AU. f:NOE.D l)P ~.AK.1/Je irice~r . ~~ .. hc~,J by Tom Bat1uk 7:00-Board buses to go see drive-in movie. ... ll-11 by Kevin Fagan ~"f~\.L ~, rr lA>A-S 1°Hf. 0€U. ()ti 't"€. 4S'flll710 ~ME i'~M wo~E. M€. UP~ .----1 by George Lemont YA ONL.-Y HAF"f"A "f'AK6 OFF ONe SHOE::.' ,. Shop with us for Cfiristmas. Make - your Holiday shopping an adventure, discovering our many boutiques and galleries from around the world. With an exceptional choice of continental restaurants, your dining experience becomes an affair to remember .. Sunflower & Bear St.. Santa Ana Extended Holiday Hours I • J Orange Co11t OAILV PILOT/S1turd1y, Oeee'flber 11, 1982 HI I -------~ South Coast 1Plaza . . . . ; l I I I I ' I I • I • t . I . i • • I Bii Orane• Coa1t DAILY PILOT /Saturday, D.aemb« 11, 18'2 Comics super art form? QUEENIE From Felix to Fritz, they had a definite tyl By WILLIAM C. MANN •-iat.a ,,_ wrt-.. COP~HAG~. Derurulrk -"Shuam," aaJd crippled newsb9y BIUy Batson, and 1uddenly he was Capt.nin Marvel. A diversion for generauons oC children of all ages? Of course. says art museum curator Tove Lund Larsen. But she Insists the bright t'Olors and sll'Ong lines of the C.C. Bock comic book superhero also was art. Larsen became something of an expert on the rom1l-:; and the cartoonist's art during hundreds of hours of reading and research for an exhibit she calls ''Heroes. Heroes! Give Me Heroes!" "The idea behind it is to show that comics can be art, too," says Larsen, curator at the art museum in Hans Christian Andersen's home town, Odense, Ot!nmark. What her study shows is the development of a for.n from the comparatively simple lines of cartoonist Joe S hustcr's 1938 Superman and Bob Kane's 1939 Batman, to the intricacies of Frank Frazetta's Vampirella in 1969 and Stan Lee's Spiderman of the 1970s. Along the way, themes and pictures became mor e explicit, graphic and violent -even pornographic. Neverth&less, says R. Dahlmann Olsen, curator of Niko l aj, the Cop e nhagen museum n ow displaying the exhibit, cartoonists have become better and better. The Belgians call it the seventh art. "It's a special sort of art, with very great appeal to many people," he said. "I have seen many very good artists involved in this work, and it's really hard work. "We want to get people from different levels interested in art. We have to get younger people, with differing interests, and this exhibit is doing it... • Its first weekend at Nikolaj attracted almost 2,000 people, Olsen said, and he expects 15,000 or so to view it during its one-month run. That-would make it among Nikolaj's most successful exhibits. Larsen said she c hose the comic-book su perhero as the focal point of her exhibit. "All the real superheroes have a mythology," Top U.S. students still conservative NEW YORK (AP)-Reaganomics and religion are more popular than marijuana and pre-marital sex among top stude nts who answered a questionnaire distributed by "Who's Who Among High School Students." The 13th Annual Survey of High Achievers showed that as in previous similar surveys, the natio n 's mos t capable students te nd to be conservative on many political and social issues. The questionnaires were sent to 363,000 high- achievi ng public and private school students nominated by principals or guidance counselors to be listed in "Who's Who Among High School Students." Twenty-three thousand students responded. Students are not charged a fee to be listed in the book nor do they have to buy the book. The directory is published annually by Educational Communications lnc. of Lake Forest, Ill. The survey found that 75 percent said they have never had sex. but 50 percent approve of premarital sex. Only 4 percent said they used marijuana, compared with 10 percent in the 1981 survey. and 21 percent in 1970. And 39 percent favor legalized abortion, down from 42 percent a year ago, and 70 percent in 1970. Call Home Free on MCl 1 E. T . you -anyone can call home and day 'til Dec. 24 free for the holidays from Hunting- ton Center's MCI phone center. Your Free 3-min. long distance call by MCI 1s on us. Happy holidays. S,,.clal Dec. I, 1912-Dec. 14, 1912 A ten callon class aquarium. complete •1th an 11nc1t1c,1wet f~ttf. 111 pump hottt tlltfmomtttt. two pnc •ilvt. hvt tttt tu~ two ICht bdltls. ten pounds &Jl•tl 11111 a fM'I facts ~u1111um handbook Set at AQuaht T rOiJl(afs lor onl, 39 99 VISA' ,_. mow ...... ~ • Soff.IJtl-C-""""' .... New From JOHN ROBERT POWERS IHIYllllllZH PlllltW. ""'911 IHYIOE For detail• call Kim (714) 547-1228 For yourHlf or gift to eomeone ~~--NOW SERVING COUNTRY STYLE SUNDAY BRUNCH s1 99 Includes Beverao• -W•ll Drink or Beer 9 •• 1:00 1712 Placentia 645-8091 COSTA MESA Tax Credit Pass-Through 4-1 WllTIOff PLUS DIDUCTIONS RECOVER 3 YEARS IACK, 5 FORWARD NO NOTES, NO IECAPTUll STIONG TRACIC llCOID DICIMIH 24th QOSINGI DAY /NIGHT 714/720-0220 '. aht' 1N&ld. "The cn•utlon ot tht• lwroc'tl, llwlr funu.wUc: dt'ed'i, their mon•I h1&hlt.11 anti lx•huvlor .. have on at.oluwly mythotoa h.:111 charac.·1.cr." Sho .. Id •hi' did flOl lltll out to an1.1lyic the comict, but "In a very 1lmpl~ way to ahow lill rnan.Y her<>H and hero typca1 a. p<>l'lble. Tht• {•xhlbltlon ht eel up u a vlaual entity.' h traces the history of thf> comic •trip from ''Hogan's Alley," which appeared In Amt•rlcun ne ws papers ln the 16901, to Murvt•I Comics' Fantastic Four of the 1970s; from the 19301 lnnocen<.-e oC Felix the Cat to the 1970ti raunchlnetis oC Frl\Z the Cat. A section dedicated to cartoons on recx>rd covers features Porky Pig stuttering "That'• all, folk.a." There's also Richard Corben's album cover drawlng for the rock group, Meatloaf, and the famoua street scene by Robert Crumb for Big Brother and the Holding Co. Larger-than-life paintings of Flash Gordon, Wonder Woman, Superman, Captain Marvel, Popeye and 17 other classic characters look down over the exhibition. History buffs can start by browsing through Egyptian h ieroglyphics. They're not exactly cartoons, but they're pictw:es in a ser ies, and they tell stories. Still, it's the modem cartoonist who's the star of the show. The section on the history of comic.'S Includes originals of early strips from the United States, where the art began, and t}le genesis of the form in Denmark, where comics first appeared around 1938. Suaday, December U ARIES (March 21-Aprll 19): F inancial tral\llMCllon can be t•ompl~ted to your advantagt•. E.mphllSll on taXt>t, IPuet, llc:erue rt-qulrcmc-nta. Rc!Jit\JONlhlp la tetlA.'d, maintain telf·L .. wcm, ,llet rid of burden whJch waa not your own to carry In tl1'1t place. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Be ready for new at.art, poealble break from put and legal d<!elsion which grantt you more controtiover your own detllny. You'll be dealing wlth creative, stubborn Individuals who aru~ngly admit that you really know what you're dotne. GEMINI (May 21-June 22): Work methods are refined; tuk.a which had been delayed will now set underway. Co-workers and others who share your Interest will cooperate, will concede that your way ls best after all. Cancer, Aquarius penions play key roles. CANCER(June 21-July 22): Imprint style, break free from maze of details, red tape and people with petty concerna. Sweeping changes occur, aura of excitement exists and your creative talents gain recognition. Gemini, Sagittarius persons figure prominently. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Adhere to basic prin- ciples -spiritual values come into focus, home and family command attention. Focus also on property, · long-range plans that Include business, career, and possible journey. Taurus, Scorpio persons play key roles. Danes are among the most avid readers of comics in the world. Henning Kure, an official of Denmark's largest comics publishing house, said VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): You may be trying Donald Duck -Anders And in Denmark -has a to be too many places simultaneously. Don 't weekly press run or 125,000 and that the weekly dissipate energies. Be versatile without scattering total of all comic books approaches one-half million. your forces. Surprise trip could be part of scenario. Larsen's historical tour goes through the Nazi-flghtini""superhero era of World War n~. ·UM!---LIBl\A-(Sept.._23..-0ct 2fi__Basic concerns Korean War period with American soldiers depicted include residence, domestic affaTrS. 1ncome- as su~e North Koreans-as dolts; and the potential. Many problems-w# be-reaolvec:Lin superheroes of the 1960s and 1970s, with generous surprisingly easy fashion. he lplngsoftheundergroundsexcomicsofthesame .SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Judgment. period. ALLIN STOCK B.P. JOHN BEDROOMS Y2 PRICE "There's one 1n every el('vator The building's ru11 of stockbrokers " Intuition prove accurate. Someone attempts to deceive you -you'll emerge victorious, you'U be at right place at crucial moment. SAGITl'ARIUS (Nov. 22-J an. 21): What had been a source of fear, doubt, suspicion will be eradicated. You·r~-0n brink of important discovery. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Finish rather than initiate project. You reach more people, green light will flash for progress and you'll pursue educational iotereslS. · AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Emphasis on impact, style, business opportunity, dealings with professionals and green light from government.al PISCES (Feo.T9-March 20):-Good lunaras~r---=-• coincides with unique reading material, possible journey, heightened spiritual awareness. NOW IN PROGRESS OAK or WALNUT 4 PIECE BEDROOM . 'Tis the season when our relationships with others find expression In the generous spirit o f giving. Not surprisingly, some of the gilts that mean the most are neither traditional nor costly. One unique way to display your holiday spirit Is with a Holiday Greeting ii) the Dally Pilot. What better way to convey your special message of warmth and good cheer? And. adding a personal touch. your message can be as long or as short as you desire. For only 50 cents a line (two line minimum). you can display your holiday message in the Dally Piiot's Holiday Greetings page on December 25. For an additional $5 you can choose from three holiday illustrations to enliven the greeting (select from the assortment shown below). Mail the attached coupon to place your message. Please don't delay. closing date Is noon. December 23. To order. print your holiday message below. allowing 21 characters per line. Then mall coupon to: Holiday Greetings -Classified. Orange Coast Daily Pilot. P.O. Box 1560. Costa Mesa. CA 92626. (Private parties only, please) ------------------------------------------------------- A Include lllustratlon D rllust·atlon A D 11tuS1rat1on B D lllustrotton C Card type D VISA 0 MASTERCARD Charge Card Card Expiration Date You may charge your Ctassihed Ad Be suM to Include your Card type (Visa/MasterCard) Your Card number and the EXPIRATION bATE YOU MUST INCLUDE YOUR TELEPHONE UUMBER BELOW I I I I I I l t T J f I I H f 1:1 Lt J_J I I j I I I I I I r r I J l l i-1 1 1 1 r r [ J:r_l_t ru r J 1- -l . I I I I I I L f l I I I I I I 1_1 r_ r=1:1 1 1 1 1-1 1-1-1_ I I l I I l_l=t l __ I r NAME AOOAESS CITY ZIP -TELEPHONI! OCheck or money order ef'ICIOM<I -STATE -1 _ =1 t DRAWER DRESSER, FRAMED MIRROR $179 DOUBLE OR QUEEN HEAD80ARD ANO 1 NIGHTSTAND 0-..DMIRf! TIWU DMllEll SHADOW IOX M1AAOR (nol lllOwnl llOOK CASE HEADeOAAO, 6 DRAWER CHEST Of 4 DRAWE" DESK ~ MATTRESSSALE ~50%0FF SLEEPER SOFA SEALY LADY AMERICANA AND NIGHT & DAY Choice of fabrics, in stock or ~ week ..,.,9 .. delivery ·~ QUEEN SIZE ..... sza.oo BUNK BEDS ..... ...... ~6 :::• ... ·v .............. c..-•. ts ....... ,_ ....... e.=., • ...:.• . ..,. - IN STOCK OR 1 EEK DEL Premium RED LABEL MA rrRE.5S SE.i'S TW1N SIZE 2 PC 64.96 Matt. l Box Spring FULLSIZE2PC 74.96MalUBol~ QUEEN SIZE 2PC 119.96 llatU Box spring KINGSIZE3PC 1%9.961h11.lBo1~ ********************** PREMIUM FOAM MJSMATCHEDSETS TWIN • t11U Sii QUEES SI• llNG SIM CHAIRS RECLINERS f .. 't~~ ~--. 1~\~ \. :' --· J "'';-~ sgg auP STRA TALOUNGER OILED OAK WALL UNIT s122 S24995 $1 6995 BARCALOUNGER LOVl KROEHLER sou SEAT GARY SCHROEDER QUEEN SLEEPER '349• SHANNON C.MJF. CONCEPT -----.......--- Y2 PRICE '449 UP -A YOUR CHOICI 12415 I Daily Piiat . ClASSIFllD Emily Remler in vanguard of jazz 'guitarists By AMY DUNCAN CtvtettM ....._ ............... ..,.,... Jazz guitarists are hardly ever women, but Emily Remler ·· one of the most t•xciUng young guitarists around •• never gives the feellng that she's consclow; of being one of the few women In what is still largely a man's world. Only one thing con('ems Emily •• music. And that is probably part of the reason she's in the vanguard of jau guitarists. It's remarkable, even among the most up-and-coming player s, to see som eone progress as fast as she has. Her music is melodic, adventurous, and endlessly Inventive; she is steeped In jazz tradition and plays with a maturity of concept beyond her years. AB one of her fellow musicians put.s it, she "starts from the inside and then goes out." New Jersey-born Remler started playing folk music when she was 10. She didn't take it too seriously at that time. "I never really practiced -it was mainly for fun," she says. ~ far as jazz was concerned, she knew nothing about it -that is unti.l her Interest in music began to grow and &he decided to enroll at the BerkJee School of Music in Boston. There, for the first time, she heard and came to love the music of guitarists Wes Montgomery and Pat Martino and saxophonist John Coltrane. In 1976 Emily moved to New Orleans, where she really had the chance to "pay her dues," playing In a lot of different bands, in many styles, including a rhythm-and-blues band called "Little Queenie and the Percolators." During this time she backed artists as varied as Michel Legrand , Nancy Wilson, Robert Goulet, Joel Gray, and Ben Vereen. It was there that she met guitarist Herb Ellis, -rll' ls men than Foci··· It ts a wonderful. wonderful ftlm." -Joel sieiel. ABC --NOW SHOWING-- El TOllO fOUITAll VAUEY OUllGE s.HltMct SI I ·5110 ft11lllt1ft Vlltey 139· 1500 Or1119t Miii 837-0340 COSTA MESA Edwards lllVllf OllAHf Cin..,.. CAn111 979,.141 Wotdtlli4ft 551·0855 UA C.1y C.11t1M 834-391 I COSTA MUA lAGUU lfACH WflTMllSlfll UA C.11t1M !'>40-0594 Sout~ Co111 494 1514 Clllt1111 Wnt 89 1-3935 I N:.ADDfV MEMBERS: YOUR CAAO WIU. ADMIT YOO ANO A GUEST TO AHV PERFORMANCE Al THE A80ll£ llEATRES. .............. ,.... ... _ All ,... ...... a. ........... ,.... ... _..... ...... IMA ...... ti....,. 529 5339 C:elTAMllA &lw•OS llnoiol 540 TH4 llTIM l ... -~ Hl $HO ..... l.,..._w~ c- ~51 Ol55 ..... OlyC..t• IH 9112 WUT-Tt• ldw .. 0.-Wtsl •• , 31)5 CMTA ... ldw-Mwbot Twfl Utl~I liff) l'Ml&t ACCl '110'0ft t• CNieAOl•Nf THE '.\10\'I E YOl .. 1.1. W:\~T TO ·1 El.1..\1.L YOl H ~J·:1<;llBOH~ \BOl "I . r 1)1 ..... ' . ~ ' ' who, after hearlna her play, declared, "I'm going to make you a atarT" Within a few weeka ahe found herself playing at the Conc.'Ord Juzz Festival In California with Ellis and "The Great Gultan" -Tai Farlow, Charlie Byrd, and Barne! Keaael. Herb Ellis has since remarked, "I've been asked many times who I think is coming up on the guitar to carrr. on the tradition, and my unqualified choice is Emily." Emily displays a matter-of-fact, down-to-earth, and often humorous approach to muaic and the music business. Utterly single-minded, when she is Un concerned with h ype or g la mour on stage, Hemler carries the a udience with her sh eer master y of the instrume nt. on the bandstand she is not concerned with show- biz hype, g lamorous i mage, or anythin g nonmuslcal. A lesser musician might have to concern himself, or herself, w ith these things, but Remler -neat a nd professional on stage -carries the audience with her sheer mastery of th e instrume nt and her seemingly endless flow of ideas, which serve to spur her fellow players on to a kind of intensity that nevertheless r emains always musical. Her recent engagement at the Blue Note here In New York could be described as nothing less Uian thrilling, especially to this writer, who had heard her several months previously in the same club. The earlier engagement was excellent, but the ntE MOVIE THAT 11UFTS YOU UP WHERE YOU BELONG• CELEBRA'JEI ITS 2oth SMASH WEEKI lllU fNll<I lllU ~I 519 5339 ..... Etlw¥0$W-.OVO ein...... 5SI 0655 MtlllOll N.JO EfW11cbV14110TwW1 930 6990 lll1n'OllT llDCM Edw•cb ..... poll c.- 6 .. 0160 .... c-.. n • zsu IAIDI• llllOft (4'#1101 WUlt<OOll 530 .. 01 The Outlaw ... The Outcast .. and the Legend that .. . ...... CU'tlT ... l>IC•IC's lolisSIOf! llt!W ltl 03 •S•S ffO lil'ANt_I ACCl-,rtO J(Htf ............... f was b;gger than ~ both of them ~ -·"~~:-....___ Willie Nelsp n Gary Busey ~ Exclusl11ely At Edwards Cinemas llMllll-&IWI -......... latter one showed a more adventurous, Jnsplred, and confident Remler than ever before. Remler recalls that when she was at the Berklee echool In .Boeton, "I couldn't play yet." She • describes how she reached her present level of proficiency on the guitar: "I really worked hard. Like one summer 1 got started playins some be-bop, but 1 never could really play eighth notes. So whafl did was alt down with the tape recorder and play with the metronome, just played all straight eighth notes. Also. I played chromatic exercises that I invented myself, and I imitated Pat Marlino, or tried to sound like John Coltrane. A great bel,ver in copying the B0106 of jazz greats, Emily spent a lot of time doing this, learning passages from solos and then developing them into her own ideas. "l never could tranacrlbe a whole chorus of anything. But I tell you, If you do it right, one idea can be as good as a whole solo. If you're resourceful enough, one good Wes Montgomery idea is enough to make a hundred in your mlnd if it's strong enough." Although she's based In New York , Emily does a ~ot of traveling, usually doing guest appearances with local musicians in t.b~ towns where she ia scheduled to play. When sne's In New York, she uses Buddy Rich alumnus Mike Pellera on piano and Bob Moses on drums. She has used Eddie Gomez and Chip Jackson on baa, among others. But her dream is to get a steady group of her own and to be able to travel with them all the time. Jazz guitarist Emily Hemler -__ ...... Ut UH ·-ra-Eloo--$ .. llOZ _TA ... Moo--ce.i ...... , .. ,, .. .,... (8--,..~ NO matter what the marquee says, what's now playing at United Artists Communications theaters Is a real horror show. UAC, the second largest movie chain In the U.S., has embarlced on a national policy of eliminating jobs, fostering unemployment In city after cit~ where they own and rT1anage theaters. In California, UAC employees who chose union representation are the primary targets of the company's grl)edy, crass "pro- fits before people" corporate philosophy. W ithin the last few weeks, UAC has lockftd out many of Its southern Callfornla projectionists (members of the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees and Moving Picture Operators) rather lhan engage In good.faith bargaining. Manage- ment taunted these highly skilled and dedicated workers with a preposterous "final offer" that would mean: • ellmlnatlng 50 to 75°/e of the projectionists' jobs • cutting wages for many of the remaining employees • arbitrary reassignments and changes In working conditions (I.e., forcing one profec· tionlst to service up to 18 movie screens In two or three bulldlngs that may be 24 miles apart). J1nllora In UAC's Sen Fr1nclsco-1ree the1tera whO belong to the Service Employees union hive 1lso been vlctlmlzed by m1n1gement. Forced out on strike more than 1 yeer ego bec1use UAC won't budge from Its demand for a total w1ge freeze, the l•rillors, too, i re confronted with a hostlle end lnfle•· ble 1ttltude on the compariy's pert. UAC wanta uncondltlon11 surrender, no melter whet the consequencn for workers, the Industry or the 1re1'1 economy. "T1ke It or leave It" la their baalo "negotiating" st1nce. UAC glvea Ila employ"' no reel choice. lut movleooera do hi ve a chC)lce of where to spend tMfr entertelnment doller1. PLEASE DON'T PATRONIZE UAC THEATERS ._.. IATH eo..thtm AaeoclatlONCotPOr•t• OemHllln 830 Gen9ve Street, Huntington lttcl\, CA ... • aARGAIN MATIN•••* . ...., ...... ...., AJI Perfonunc:.s befofe 5:00 PM f~ ...... E11111 1 11 ........... I "THRMANf'ROM 8HOWY NVEft" ------ .. ~. Tt9UGURL."------·-LAKEWOOD CENTER WALi( IN .. ,,. ... a nmc11 UCK" .... .... ....,.,_ ---------.. , .... .,-."_ ....... _ ·MTM119".,.. _ -... _. __ " ___ _ LAKEWOOD ClNTER SOUTH ...... '" _ ..... ...r\. . ·ntS----PIL-.&.r• --- "AN~AND A QeNTUlllAN"-. ----- "THE TOY"" -----· "t'IRIT a.OOD" 1111 ------ fCK••ll'I' ot Cono1ewoocs 211/111•9580 --·---~--== ACC I ill '3'11.-----....... ,-.:..-......... "'CMIP IHOW" Pll ---·cu M r -- 11oo-.-.. ....... , .......... ,,. IMPCNITUT •TICll C•l•H ..... 11 FMI! ___ .. ___ ..., .. ,_, __ "'•• ~-·-•CM-·-­•••Cllll------..... MllaLl•Ml ______ - . .... ANAHEIM (\'11\/f IN ~~--.. --... .. -. .. ._._ __ .,. -"-.... .. BUENA PARI'\ . • .i '" -----UMOJO ... LINCOLN [1111\.t ,,.. l-----·-111...01'0 . , . FOUNTAIN VAWY 0111\/f '"" _1119",_, .. -(le) 961•1411 ...MOURl"l"I "9HAMIY• ... ~ 1111 -.. _ - -ft-5-0t) --·-~-191•H9~ ... T. ,_ ..,._IT M.OOD" Pll UTM-~·--~ .;;._.. -"llAD MAX"_, _ .. _ -·"- '"THI TOY" --"MAMCYPAMC't"--"----·--·--UMltl ------- 01.'ANC.t •. I .. _,._ .... ~,.. .. ~. -·~YCM eMOlO"t!lil J ('2 Orange Co11t DAILY PILOT/$1turd1y, December 11, 1882 'Gone With the Wind' falls behind 'Casablanca' • 1n survey Movie bum1 are beaming "E.T." higher and higher ln our favorite flick poll, while "Oonl' With lhe Wind" haa fallen to third place behind thnt perennial fnvorile ''Casablanca." The latest look at the survey, which ls being taken through' Dec. 22, shows the ext.rawrrestrlal sensation a full 12 points ahead of the Bogart classic, while Scarlett and Rhett rank another Clve points to lhe rear. Rounding out the leaden at this point are "Star Wars" ln fourth place, "From Here to Eternity" and "OUzen Kane" Ued for fifth with ''The Godfather," and Sl five-way deadlock among "It's a Wonderful TRIVIA n T.T. ~. Dun Ouryt'a surfer('{! from u1nm.'!jlO In what movie? 6. In "The Wild Orw," naml' th<' brunt.I of motorcycle ridden by Marlon Brando. 7. What bast'ball ployer wn11 known as the Splendid Splinter? 8. A character named llor8': Holltm s how• up In what play? :nat 11Uuillara· • ...... , .... - IAT/IUN. I*, •11, 10!21 THEllAN,._ SNOWY RIVER ,..,~1 NI ,.._. IAT/9UR.1~,l:t0 ...... ·=-· 1040 ''°' TRIVIA BOWL XXVIII STANDINGS 9. ln ''The Caine Mutiny," what was (a) the name of Fred MacMurray's novel and (b) the admiral he and his fellow oUicers almost vlsltt..'Cf? ··----.=.~:==··--.. MeM~ .. PllU.1 ... MD.1•M IAT/IUN. 1 ... , lcalt.1:11 1 Ed Sc:hmener I 101 98 a. Nancy Prior (7) 42 -~ NICll NO\TI , ...... I IAT. ON&.T 1MI 2. 0,,., lhe Hiii Gang (10) 91Yo 3. Cl•renoe ClllPHddle (7) 88 4. 'The Groop (4'itl 51'A 'Shlllom (4'A) 51'A 5. 'The Behr Fecta (3'it) 50 7. Rk:k W•tner (4) 36 8. John Ruuell (3) 12 9. Weller Wiiiey ( 1) 8'A ·no enlry rec*Yec:I --hell or IUl 8COfer. .. ded 10. Even though he gained great wealth and power, the hero found tough sledding In later life in what movie?. Last Week's Answers ' ··~ IOOllllllUUM., • . ..._...... .. THI "18 HRS.. . TOY" ,. ,.., . '"' . -::::"'. ""· ..... ~ UT. 1111, .._ ,._.. ... MO, tOlll IAT/euM.11111. I. Lulu (name chan~e) 2. Ritz (Nancy's Aunt Fritzi) ¥ 1111, Ml IATleuN ........ 11 .......... 11111 IUN.1 ..... lllO .......... ... Life," "Dr. Zhivago," "Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid," "Raiders of the Lost Ark'' and "My Fair Lady" for the next slot. ln the weekly competition, both F.ci Schmerler and the Over the Hill Gang tallied 10 correct ~wers so Ed maintains his large lead. Here are the next tantaliz.ing t.en: 1. Bernard Zanvllle thought he might be a great actor if he called himseU what? 2. Name Enuna Plushbottom's boss in the Moon Mullins comlc strip. 3. A dog named Black Tooth showed up on w hose early TV show? 4. What, specifically, prompted Queen Victoria to deliver her famous line, "We are not .amused? IM~t•tAl AT IDAHO 2t).tf1.ol33 SPECIAL UMITID ENGAGEMENT .&MiilR'C. SJNIK•S BACK. - 3. Marvin (Punk Anderson) 4. Westinghouse (you can be sure) 5. Both "Spellbound" and "Mirage" (Peck's amnesia) 6. "The Bad and the Beautiful" (Douglas movie) 7. Gene Tcnace, .913 (series slugger) 8. "The Night of January 16th" (John Graham Whitfield) 9. (a) Richard Deacon, (b) Joe Flynn,(actors) 10. "The Caine Mutiny" (movie riddle) (Send your answers to TRIVIA, c/o the Daily Pilot, &x 1560, Costa Mesa 92626. All en tries must be received by Wednesday, other wise half ch e player's last score will be awarded.) MOVIE RATINGS FOR PARENTS AND YOUNG PEOPLE n.. Olll«• .. "'"" l'lilnO• 11 ro -_ ............. ..,.°""""' ,,., .... ~lot .... .,g °' ·-· '"""~ ~ .:..LAGES ~T(O ~ a.n.tet Auo~ All IQl IJ!j] ANO @ fll'-'S R{_C(IV( TH( SE <\l ()II 04( M01 •0N PlC TUAE COOl ()II SClf A(OUl.A I o01< Phone Home Free on us Come to the center court of the Huntington Tonight on KOCE·TV/50 Center moll and coll your friend or relative anywhere on the MC I long &>tonce network 5:30 The Snow Queen I absolutely free. Your free 3 -min. coll is our holiday gift to you. I Ml '"TWI MA~ 'lllOM INOWY llllYllll" (l'O) "AIRPLANI II THa llQUEl" .......... ,,., 10:11 IAT/IUM.1raD •11. ...... l:I0.10:11 THEllAN ...... SNOWY FllU. 1:20 (Ill) RIVER IAT/auN .... l:JO '"'· 1:00, t:10 M' fA~ IAT/IUN. 1:00, 1:10 ~ Bl l:20, 1:11, •M "'I, t:ao, 10-AO (N) IAT/IUN. 2:11, .... .. An Ice Ballet. Dorothy Hamill, John Curry and a cast of Olympic Champion ice skaters turn a classic Hans Christian Andersen fairy tale into a majestic spectacle on ice. An enchanting performance for your entire famlly. TOP OF THE LINE ""-·· 7:15 r The Nutcracker Panasonic Portables ~h~-~~:. lightest .... : .. :: .'::: -,.. ·~1 VHS Video Recorder! -L · ·· --Fully loaded, Wireless ti Remote $94900 e Panasonic PK·956 Compact color video camera Newvlcon Tube, Auto-Focus Titting, Low Light, Fade s94900 "flRIT 91.00D" .~::.'~J. ...... "HOUll WHERE EVIL DWILLI" ,., ... ,, .. .... Tl __ ,...,,. "HEIDI'S SONG",., IAT/~=.-... - "THE L.A8T UNICORN" c•1 E.T. TDbTllk__ Taaaunu.u "'"-1:11,t'.to IAT/euN. 1:11, l:JO ........... 10:11 (N) RICHARD GERE ·~ fA¥0RITI YIAR , ... l:ill, t0:10 (f'-G) IAT/IUN. TI:JOX 10:10 ..... , O•UO.. T &l ene1·----· -~.1:11 IAT /IUN. 12:11, 4:311, 1:11 HIGH QUALITY• LOW PRICE RCn SelectaVlslon /,-~~-- VGT225 ~ Front·load VCR 'I., ••••~==:i~ with Picture Searoh - & 24·hour Electronic Timer S 5 2 900 9&ANVO Beta VCR 3900 s39900 With Mlkh•ll B•ryahnlkov, OelMy Klrtdand, •nd the American Ballet Th••tre. Sugarplum fairies and pirouetting snowflakes dance to the1muslc of Tchaikovsky In this holiday f amlly f avorlte. PHONE:Me-••2• vie Ea rii] Mon. thru Fri.· 11AM to 8PM Saturday · 10AM to 8PM Cs:tam• --..AD9 Sunday · Noon to 5PM ~ 103 E. Seventeenth St. (located off Newport & WHt Seventeenth · behind Denny'e) ™' ...................... lfellll ... ~.., ................... , • ' .. " S:\ I l IW" . ... MOAHIHO &:00 (.f) U.8. FARM AUORT <ZJMOVIE *~ "Bring Mel n,. H..o 01 Allr9do Garcle" (19141 Warren Oetea, Gig Youllfl. &!1& lC I MOVle **'I\ "Cheech And Chong'a Nlc;e Df'Nm•" ( 1981) Rlcherd "ChMcll" Merln, Thoma• Chong. &:308 ISPV Cf) THE WORLD TOMORAOW «D 8PEAl<OUT O MOVIE * * * "The F'rencn Lieu- tenant' a Woman" (l98ll Meryl Streep, Jeremy Irons. 8:00 IJ CAPTAIN KANGAROO IJ SERENDIPITY 0 THNTALK "Rape" Cf) REX HUMBAAO Q) GOOD DAY L.A. Q) SATURDAY MOANING GRAPEVINE CIJ PUBLIC AFFAIRS @) NEWSMAKEAS Qtl N£WS CRJ MOVIE * * * "Don't Cry, It's Only Thunder" ( 1982) Dennis Ohrlst09her. Susan Setnt Jemes. COl MOVIE ** * "Popeye" (19801 Robin Williams, Shetley Duvall. t :301J THAT'SCAT 9 PACUETTEAS D GROWING YEARS 0 VOYAGE C!J ISSUES UNLIMITED «D ELEMENTARY NEWS Cfl VOtCE OF AGRICULTURE <!JJ rrs YOUR 8081NE88 Qtl THE MUPPET& (S) USA MAKES THE HEADLINES . Lisa needs a QOOd head- line lor her newspaper, 001 hlf llr11 big acoop lands he< In a heap of trouble 7:00 IJ DUSTY'S TAEEHOUSE- U aJl THE FUNTSTONE FUNNtq 9 BIG BlUE MARBLE D @) SUPERFRIEHDS 0 DAVEY ANOGOUATH (!) CHARLAND<> «D LATIN TEMPO Cl) FIRST PERSON fl!) YOGA FOR HEAl TH Cfl INTERNATIONAL HOUR ID FURY (C)MOVIE * * * "A Chrt11ma1 Carol" ( 1951) Alastair Sim, Kathleen Harrison. lS)MOVIE * * * * "Flddllf On The Roof" ( 19711 TOf)ol. Norm• Crane. CZ)MOVIE * * * * "Outcast Of The titands" ( 1952) Robert Morley, Ralph Rlehardson Based on 1he novel by _ Joseph Conr9<1. 7:30 IJ PANOAMONIUM IJ aJl THE SHIRT TALES 9 OR. SNUOGLE.8 D @) PAC-MAN I UTTI.E RASCALS I RICHIE~ 0 DAVEY AHO GOLIATH Cf) A880TT ANO C08TEU.0 .. TWICE A WOMAN flD CONTEMPORARY HEAL TH ISSUES ID FURY O MOVIE * "Modern Problems·· (1981) Chevy Chua. Petti O'Arbenvllle. 8:00 1J CIJ GILLIGAN'S PLANET U Q!SMUAFS 9 MOVIE *'~ "Ride Tenderfoot. Rlde" (1936) Gene Autry G-lnhlflll a meet peck· Ing company. 0 HOTFUOGE (!) 8UPEAMAN «D I DAEAM OF JEANNIE Cl> IATUAOAY MOANING GRAPEVINE fD AMERICAN SHOAT ST~ m MOVIE * * "Free For Alt" (1949) Ann Blyth. Rob8f1 Cumm- 1 nga. <ID EMMET on£ws JUG.BAND CHAISTMAS Fifty ,_ Muppeta are Introduced In a "-!· warming alory •bout the love bet-n an otter mother end her son ©)BENJI'S VERY OwN CHRISTMAS ST~ A lrlp to SwltHrland becomu an exciting adventure for Benji and his friends When they meet Kris Krlngle. t:aO IJ KI08WOAU> D ®J PAC.MAN 0 WILO, WILD WOALO OFAHIMAUJ (!) VOYAGETOTHE BOTTOM OF THE SEA ·HOGAN'·~ . CJ) IU08 8UNNY I AOAO AUNNER lC)MOVIE * 1t * "The Conc«l For Kam~" (1990) Paul McCartney, The Who. @ ON TH€ TWELTH DAY The faVOf'lll ChrlllmH c.tol •• btough1 to the ecr-. 1111 111 a lltaf> or lrQul.lte eMOWI • * '' 'hp•' I 19111 Qeor .. C kClfl, TIMOllly Hut1011 12 l MOVlll I I "" "The 80<d4N" (IHI) Jlldt Nl~hOllOtl, Vller'le Per111 .. 1:00 8 WUl(INO aPIOW..t "Th<t 81g Ho 01 Little tu1u•· lulu cooooot• 1 tehtlme lo convince T ubbv to either work or 1ac1 atar· ve11or1 (R)9 G ,!Gt4TFOR IUfllVfVAL ID ...am-9U11NU8 I TOOAY "How To Seit" The •• ,.. rnat1eger 01 • lerge store, 1 ~-lul rHllor, and , ••'" trainer tell how 10 Mil aimoal en'(lhlng lllD AMCNCA: THE ltOONO CENTURY lt)) MOVIE • •IA "Tiie Petlla Of Pau- line" (1947) Betty Hulton, JOhn Lund: m MOVIE ***IA "My Man God· Irey" ( 1938) WOiiam Pow· Ill, Carole Lombard. tOl MOVll Lou Jacobi is special guest on tonight's "Love, Sidney," featuring Tony Randall, Swoozie Kurtz and Kaleena Kiff on Channel 4 at 9:30 p.m. * * *'h "Allee. Sweet Allee" ( 11178) Linde Millar, Paule Shepperd. I S)MOVIE * * "Made In Patl•" ( 19881 Ann· Margret, Louie Jourdan. a:ao D AMERICAN llAN08TANO (!) HOGAN'S HEAOE8 flil WRITER'S WORKSHOP 8:40 (ZJ CHARLES CHAMPUN ON THE FILM SCENE t:00 IJ Cf) NFL TOOAY 8 LEAVE IT TO BEAVER D @) MOAK & MINOY I LAVERNE & SHIRLEY Q~T~ "Underprlveleged" m MISSION: IMP08818U fl) ERNEBT ANGLEY fD BIG BLUE MAABLE '1!> FOCUS ON SOCIETY (ffiMOVIE * * * "Flash Gordon" (19801 Sam J. Jonet, Max Von Sydow. (QJ MOVIE . * * * * "Flddllf On The Roor· (1971) Topal. Norm• Crane. OMOlllE •• • "A ChrlllmH Carol" (1951) Ala1taJr Sim. Kathleen Harrison. (2J MOVIE * * * * "Moscow Doesn't Believe In Tear•" (1980) Ver• Alentova. Aleo1 Batelov. t :30 IJ Cl) NFL FOOTBALL Phlladelphl• Eagles et N- York Giants 1J Qt'TME'~RY COl£MAN SHOW 9 OZZIE ANO HARRIE"( 0 WILD, WILD WEST Cf) MOVIE * • • "Man Without > Star" ( 19551 Kirk Douglas, • Jeanne Crain ED FNEN08Hlf> UHO€R SAIL Peycholog.lal Rob8f1 Fir• stone ahar11 hi• ob88fV•· llon• on • group ol lemll1¥ and friend• who 1811.s around the world on an 85- 1001 llciloonel'. '1!> FOCUS ON SOCIETY m MOVIE • * "Flr«nan Save My Child" (19541 Spike Jones, Buddy Hackett. 11>.00 IJ 8 THE JET80N8 9 AMEAICA'S TOP TEN CHRISTMAS SPECIAL TOp mullc 1tara join Lo Uk.lie'°"" or the grutesl Chrlstmu hill of all time,, Including "White Ctlri11- mas" and "Ru4olph The ~-NoMO AelnOMr." D COLUQE FOOTUlL Sout"-1 Texas State VI. UC 081118 le>< lhe OMa1on II OhamplOntlllp . • 8IX MILLION DOLLAR MAH a> 808JOH£8 fE) THIS OLD HOUSE &ob VIie vlsl11 a kitchen showroom lo dl1cuu designing and selec;ling a kitchen tor the apanrnent. '1!) OAANGE COUNTY "The Perl0tmlng Arts Cen· ter. A Gift To Orange- County" Guest•: prNldenl James BenUey. eJlecut~ dlreclor Lan Bedaow chelrman or the trust~ Hlf'lry Seger1trom, end guild• chairperson Bell)' Belden join Jim Cooper. <!JJ HA. WEEK IN MVIEVll1 ~MOVIE * *'" "For Your EVM' Only" (19811 Ro08f Moore.: T09ot (S)MOVIE * "Mode•n Problem&' _ 10--.30 1J 8 NCAA 8A8KET8ALL IHklol\ INlnl at Kentuelly Wiidcat a D @) NCAA FOOTBAU 8 MOVIE **IA "hit Of The Bad· men" (1951) Robin Ryan. Ctatre Trevor. Cl) THE OTHER AHOEl. Mrt. Shirley Pet Boone allows UI Ille Ille of U.. Angel Of Mercy of Calcut· ta. Mane Butein. fB E\/Un'OAY COOt<lHQ WfTH JACOUd PEPIN "Egge ..1Hnne1te, Gratln Of Eggs" JacqUM P9pln d«non-.rat• how to boll euo• end dltcu-er• alive u-for hard-bolled l°'wo...oOF DIFFERENCE OMOVIE • • • • "041V8f" (1"8) Ron Moody, OIMtt' Reed. 11:00 8 ~·t TOP TIN I :-.Tf'Mf * • * "0.rk eomin.tld" (1940) John w • ..-. w..,., Pidgeon. Guaat: Stephan Spender. fiil IMAGES IN '1l) AMERICA: THE WATERCOLOR SEOONO CENTURY '1!) OAOWING YEARS (Q1f«>V1£ m MOVIE * * * "A Chrlstmes **Yr "Rlcocihet Carol" (19511 Ale.atafr Sim, Romeooe" ( 1955) Marjorie Kath'-1 Harrison, Ma.In, ChUI Wilis. 3:00 IJ MOVIE @ IH81PE THE NFL * * * ''The Slender Hatta Llf'I Dawson. end Thread" (1988) Sidney Nick Buonlcontl review Poitier, Anne Bancrott. Nghllgllla or the previous 8 MOVIE weefl'I NFL game1 and •*Yr "Sorrowful Jonea" Interview key player• and (19491 Bob Hope, LUCiiie coaches. Bell. Baaed on a 1tory by 11:30 8 GRANO PRIX OF ALL--Damon Runyon. STAM 0 KOJAK Cf) HOll YWOOO A murdered patrolman CHRISTMAS PARADE puta Kojak •nd his entire Thia tradltlonel perede atalf on the trail of a slolen down Hollywood Boule· ~; ring. vard leaturn a hoat. or (!) 0000 TIMES motion picture. televtalon «D MOVIE and recording 1ter1, * * *'~ "The Son• Of marching bands and Katie Elder'' (1965) John equestrien unite. Grand Weyne Dea Marti Mershal: Ron Howerd. Cl) w0vie n n. ti) MAGIC OF OIL * *'It "The BM1t From PAIHTIHO 20,000 Fathoml" (1953) '1!> GROWING YEARS --Pluli Raymond, Paul I Z) MOVIE Chrl1tlan ** "Stromboli" (19501 fl!) PAOf'tLES IN Ingrid Bergman, Marlo AMERICAN AAT Vll•::::::-:::-::--------4--_::"~G~len!!!na _§ood.cre" Tiie AFTEWilOON award-winning aculPtor 12:00 D THREE STOOGES 0 MOVIE * * * "The Spenlall Main" (llM5) Maur8"l O'Hare, Paul Henrald. Q) OUTER UMrT8 83 W<>OllWNOHT'S SHOP "White The Iron's Hot" '1!) OF EARTH AHO MAH "Am«lca'1 Hearltend: The Unconditioned Guarantee" 00 STANOINO AOOM ' ONLY "Co<.intry Roell '82" The Oak Ridge 8oy1, The Chwlle Daniela Band and Rounne Ceah perlorm thelf lateet hit& In thll ben· efll Conc«f taped at Ille Pine Bluff Convlf'ltlon Cen-"' ,.,_ CO)MOVIE * * * "Popeye" ( 1980) Robin Wiiiiams. Shelley Duvall. CS) MARK TWAIN THEATN! "Huck 8ecOfMS The VIC- 11,m" Tom~ and Hue- klebetry Finn find mora adwnture when Huclc le tuddenly kidnapped by Ill• Pap. 12:30 IJ NCAA BASKETBALL USC Trojans at low• Hew- kll)'M IJQ!WL 'l2 9 OUITAA WITH FMDEllCK HOM> '1!) OF EAKfH ANO MAN "The Amerlc•n Ci ty: GrOW1h To Melropoll•" (]) tCM 8AIKET9AU. Reglonel C0--1(141 of USC Troja111 a1 Iowa H•wtl4'Yft; 11ou1ton Cougars at SyrKUM Orangemen. m MOVIE * * * "Up In Central Park" (1948) ONnna Our-(c)• ::.eH•ymw. * * * "Boys' Night OUI" (111e21 Kim Novak, James Gem«. 1:00 a a IWl FOOTaALL San Diego Cherger• at Sat Frencl~ ~0..1 8 TOVS "°"TOTI TELEntON m MOYIE "Avenging E•glH" When • young ,,,.,, It Of'dered 10 klM e ptegnan worn.an, lie IHYlt Ills lrlbf: and join• a kung IV flghttr. • MOYIE * * "UFO Journals" ( 1975) Documentary Repot11 of ••traterreetrl• epecec:ralt sighting• art •• .,,,1,,_,, Ill HOVA "Wllele Watch" The meg- nlflcent gray wtlalle are followed alOllfl their annual marethon mlo'•llon, and In ln11mete ...... of fM'tlly .... among ,,_. hlghly lnlelltgent being• 11 Pf• eented,Q fli> oceANUe: THIE MANNE PMN>NMINT (ff) CAWTT llHINO TH€ ICeNl:9 An Interview With Wiiier Metthau about 1'119 the«y on actlllg. whoee wor-reflecll her -tern heritage 11 pro- llled; Alexendlf Scou(by narrat11. '1l) SEWING POWER (I) WONDER WOMAN 11'• the Chrl1tm11 MUOI\ and Wonder w oman rind• out lh•I some toy1 can be very harmful. 3:30 D OAEATEST SPORTS LEOENOe "John Wooden" Hoe't: Reggie Jack eon. (!) LITTLE HOUSE ON THEPAAIM 8i> WOALD OF 80Ql(8 &) IEWINO POWER (}Q MOVIE .* * * "Flash Gordon" (19801 Sem J, Jon11, Mu Von Sydow. <i )MOVIE • • 'h "Cheech And Chong·• Nice Dreama" (1981) Rlehard "CheeOh" Merln, Thomaa Chong. 4:00 IJ TAU< A80UT PtCTUAE8 D HR. MAGAZINE O MOWE "~ Oregon, Sllvar Snalle'' ( 1979) Dragon lee, JOllnny Cllen. flil HITCHHIKER'8 GUIDE TO THE GALAXY Arthur and Ford find them· Mlv11 In • r111aurent apparently 11 the and oi theunlver- ~ WRIT1NO FOR A REA80N "Epistemology And Logic" Cl) STAIHMK C.Ot. Klf'k find• bis brother dead and ,tie en11r1 popu.. lellon of Ille plenet Oeneva in._, <!Jl THE AOCKFON> FILES Roekford and• up In a deadly game of blackmail When he tri.t to cteer a • drUl'lk drl\lef Wllo w11 framed foi • homicide. Q! NEW9CENTEA , WHJ(LY 411' AEALUTATE IJl'DATE CC)MOVIE ••IA "Corky" ( 19721 Rot>ert Bl•k•. Charlott• A_,11119 (())MOYIE * * * * "Flddlet On Tho Roof" ( 1971) TOf)OI, Norm• Crane lSJHOLOMEI Paul Dooley I• teatured In tllls two-ao1 pll(Y b)' Jules Feiltef depicting the lnala· blfHy of urb•n Ille. "~ -• * • "The Aephelt Jun- gle" ( 1950) Sterling Hey• dan. Jamee Whitmore. •:ao I ,,...+ALL 1 OH LOCATIOH (!) AT THI M<MI* Ro08f Ebert and 0- Siek.. review "48 Hrt .. " "The Toy," and the "etlnk• er of the week." • HfTCHHlkER'I QUIOe TO l'HI GALAXY Ar1huf end lflerldl bOlll'd 1 ship of ,,,. Ark fleet end tell• oft to colo!llH a ,_ ~.,,.. of "*' OWf\, ID WNTINO flOfl A MAION CHANNEL LISTINGS 111100 OHAN.a CHAMPUN OH THI P1LM ece.. 1tl0 8 IOOOeY a ICMPPY 000 ,,..,,,,,., Q "FaltaCIM" e:00l':._.1 NIW WllJ>IMUI e KNXT ccBs• 10. 8 KNBC I NBCI il ) e KTLA (Ind.I (H .KABC (ABCI IC g KFMB (CBS) (JJ f) KHJ·TV (Ind.I on e KCST IABCI l f l e KTTV (Ind.I rt 1 e KCOP TV <Ind I • e KCET (PBS) • e KOCE (PBSI • On•TV --. Z·TV HBO lCIMma•I IWORI NV .NY <WT8S> <ESPNI (Showt11'\el 5'>01110ht (C.Ola News Nelwo;111 Cl) IOUl TM* • OOUNU8: THIE ~IN'""°IWT 9 GMATUT lll'Ofn'8 IAQINDe OOMOYll * * * ''Oon't Cry. It'• onty T~" (1912) O.,nla CMltCIPf*, s.,..,, Saint J-. <•> ueA MAICU THI ~ LIM nMdt • OOod hMd· llne IOr II« I .... ~. bUI her flrtt bit 1000C> IMdt I MIDIRI ~V800k ~DAV8AGAIN WMn tl'lt llvr~ troop Howerd lllr9d doeen't lf!Ow, tM ~ pindl lllt• 8 WIDI WON.O °' "'°"'8 Sclleduled: OO¥tr• of the Aa1111 "IUOOll•" Limon I ~ 0"9COf\ 15- round wee ..,._ t!Nttl· etweftllt ••mptOfllftlp bout lfrom ~. Callf.): -· of ... W0t Motor Oft lee -------~-~~----------~~ Orano• Coa1t DAIL 'V PIL0'!/81turd1y, December 11, 198~ C':J TUBE TOPPERS comat 9<1Mll Alabama, Leny Oa11U1 and The Oatlitl lrotn•11 11110,. r.111 Ollioe, J-* 'rleli• 1:41 ID "-IDOi 1MM flleglilatly M~ l)fO• KCErr (28) 6 :3~ p .m . -11 The Nut<:rnckt·r.'' Mlkhuil Baryshnikov stars i n this Amorlcan Ballet Theatre production of the enchanting h oliday a.tory ubout a yo~ng girl whoee Chriltmu Eve ~lrt'arns <.'OnJLfrt• up dancing toy• and batthng toy ~ldlort1. Cl'Mlminll may be ci.layeO due lo pledoe br•• t:OO • (I) MOYll "Cry "Ot Tiie Slrangert" IPreml«e) Patrick Duf'V, Cindi( Pickett G ~O.....AllMN< Hl!l)lng to m•• • fOflllnt, H9ll ~ a dOOf·IO- door Nleemlln, KNXT (2) 8:00 -''1'.J . Hooker.'' Hooker ~oes aft.er a gung oC ilupcrmarkct robbers in ordt.•r to dcdr an old racing buddy. 8 111 LOW 90.\T J\ille'• once-wealthy aunt learnt 0111 Iha ta now '*"' nllee1. • woman COM!*" with a robo1 IOt a hand· tome pu~·· atten. tlon1, and a cOIJple -• the aurrogate mother 1~ htr9<1.I.) KABC (7) 9 p.m. -"Love Boat.'' Julie's once-.wealthy aunt learns that she is now pcnn1Jess, a woman competes with a robot for a handsome passenger's attentions and a ~ouple meets the surrogate mothe; they hared. ·JULIE~ C..AISTMAa 9"CCAL ID IAVEAUT18T10 CHILOMN tEUTHOH '1!> UNHnT & M8ll TOOITHEN Championship• (from tnz.elle, Weat Germanvl ODO COUPLE «D COLLEGE BASKETBALL Georgetown va, Vl1glnle ID 80UOGOLD Holla: Re11 Smllh. Marilyn McCoo. Questa: The Gap Band. Eddie Rebbltt, Crya. tal Geyte. Cl'lllllwack, Peul Oevlt. The Osmond Broth· er1. Paul Camack, Llooe4 Rlcllle. flD Pl.EDGE IAEAK • Reguf1rty scheduled pro· grammlng mey be delayed due to pledge breaks. '1!) THE VANISHING GIANTS . Loretta Swll narrates e documen1ary on the dan- gers feeing the wDf'ld'a whele populellon and •tee:>• being taken to aid In their aurvlval. ()) M•A•S•H Klinger brHka In another psycho and tha last bo• or morphine from aupply '*""'to be C-Ontaminlled. @)NEWS IB INOEPE.NOENCE BOWL Kanau State Wlldcals VI Wllconsln BadgMa (fro,.,; Shreveport, Le.) m MOVIE ••~ "Appointment For Lova" ( 19• t) Charles Boyer, Margaret Sullavan • [?)MOVIE * * * * "OUtcast Of The lll1nd1" C 1952) Robert Morley, Ralph Richardson. 5:06 8i) THE SHOW QUEEH; AN ICE BALLET Six Olympic 1keters Including JOlln Curry and l>Orotlly Hamill, join the Jojo Starbuck and other WO<ld-CI... aketlfS for 8 performance of this de41ghtful Ice ballet bllled on Hal'll Chrlatlan AndM· ..,, •• c;lasslc felry tale. 5:30 IJ NF\. WEEK IN REVIEW I ~&SHIRLEY &COMPANY (!) COUHE 8A8KET8AU Oe Paul VI. Weet«n Michl· Im' THE SNOW QUEEN: 1414 ICE BAU.ET St• Olympic ekarera, lnckldlng JOhn Cvrry end Dorothy Hemm. join the JoJo Starbucll and othlf world-ctua lkahw• for • performence of thl• dellglltlUI Ice ballet based on H-CMs11an Ander- sen'• classic fairy tata. Cl) ALICE Allee and Flo try to help Vere with her love Ille. @) WIDE WOALO OF 8PORT8 Scheduled: COVlflQI of the Refael "Bezook•" Limon I Bobby Chacon 15- round wee auper leeth- erwelghl chemplonahlp bout (from Sacremento, Celil.)I cover•ge of the World Motorcycles On Ice Cherru>lQnshlpe (from lnielle, W11t Germany). (11) COLLl!Ge IAIHTaAU, Virginie meets • Georgetown et Lendo~ Md ·-· i._CJ MOVIE - * *'-' "For Your Eyes Only" (1981) Roger Moore. TOf)ol. (H) l!MMETO~R'S JUG..8ANO CHRISTMAS F.lf'V MW MU91)etl are Introduced In • heerb warming atory about the love bit-en otter motile< and her 11or1 EVEHIHO t:GO G CJ) C88 NEWS 0 .C::NEWS 8 MOWE * * "Tha Wlnda Of Autumn" ( 19751 Cllarlel B. Pierce, Earl E. Smith An t 1-year-old Queker boy 11111 ou1 acroae Ille grua- tend1 of M ontana to ...... hie family'• dMtlla. :=r OF MtONG!fJ Hoete: The Bee Oee1 Gueet1: Jerry Lee Lewtt. Qladyt Knight & The Pipe, Johnny Nllllh. Jim WH lh· erly. Skeeter Oevte. • MOV1I * * • "tnvttetton To A Gunfighter" ( 1ee•1 Yul BryMer, George 8egal. litMOYIE * * *"' "Acrou The OrMt OMcfe'' (1978) Rob· .,.. Logan, Heather All· Irey. ••• l'LIDQI IMAI< Atglllarly IClleduled Pf'0- 0'-lllfl may t>a deleyed M IO pted9' btHllS. .... (1) NIWI MARY MIR MOOM Mar,'• l'IOlldey plan• are CMCelfed wi.. Ille ~ wo.tt on C!Wlttmu o.y, OOMON * "MOdern Probtllme •. ( 19111 Chevy Cllaee, Petti o· Ar11erw1te. ... '"'NUTOMaCIR Mlttllell ~0¥ .. _ In ttlle Am.taM 8e11M n-tre produOtton of the tneflefttlnO 11o11cNy .. cwr eout 1 ~ ..,. -.. Cflrl11maa 1119 dfMIN Two legendary 111r1 of the and bettllng toy aoldlera AmorlOan mullc ~ •• 8:40 (2)CHAALE8 CHAMPLIN Tony Bennett and Wiiiiam ON THE FILM SCENE "Count" Buie •• team up 7;00 .. IN SEARCH OF... for D special eonc:.rt I*• "Bllhop Pike" lormance fea1urlng lhe IJ FIGHT llACKI Coun1 Buie Band. HO•I David Horowitz look• ($)MOVIE Ill • n-devlCe tor pre. * •'h "The Bofdar" pg811 venting reer--end colfl1lona, Jeck NICholaon1 Valerie how the government Perrine. uncovers apolled food, ( ZJ MOVIE home escape ladders, end * * 'h "Cheech And c:halktnges a paint C-Om· Chong'• Nice Dreama" marclal. (111811 Rlcherd "Cheech" D NU<OH I DUNPHY: Mlrln, ThomH Chong LOOKING 8Aa< 9:30 IJ Qj LOVE, 8lOHEY KABC-TV'a J«ry Ounphy Sidney's "Uncle" Mori and lormer Presldenl Rich-show• up and ptov\del an ard Nixon discuss tile eye-opening reveletlon leaders and events that about Sidney'• 1a111 have lhaped recent hlato-mothM. 11:_ OMOVIE u THEHAROYBOYS / • *\<\ "Tepa" (1981) NANCY OAEW George C, -Scott. Timothy MYSTENE8 Hutton. Military actlool Frank and Joe race cadets take ov..-their ageinat time to SllVe Nancy school to prevent plen1 to from • tire In the sky•-turn the academy property ~ Where she Is being Into a condo development. I" 't'e4d prisoner by a reclu· 'PG' ') llve bllltonelre. 10:00 IJ Qt THE DEVLIN Cl) JACK ANDERSON CONNECTION CONF1DEHTIAL Nick Is framed for murder ®J 80 YOU THINK YOU by lhe pretty protege of an GOT TROUBLE8 • lnternetlonal jewel thief. m COACHU CORNER D m NEWS (O)THE MANHATTAN D @) FANTASY 18LANO TRANSFER UVEI A weltreH wants to The Grammy Award-win· lmpreu the daughter Ille nlng quintet perform var-gave up tor adopllon u an led Mlaetions Including lnh1nt. end e kleptomaniac "Birdl1n.d," "Twilight trlel to find the tllleves Zone." and "Boy From WhO 1tote a diamond neck· N-York City" lrom the leoe. Q Rl81to Theater In Joliet, 1111-(C) MOVIE nols. * * * "A Clockwork (Z) MOVIE Orange" ( 1971) M.ak:olrD **~"The Border" (1981) McDowell, Patrick Magee. Jack Nicholson. Valerie Directed by Stanley Perrine. Kubrick. When police cap-. 7:16 '1i) THE NUTCRACKER _._ _ _:_lure the leader ol a ,..,... Mikhail BaryShntkov stars e_ge-gan-g ot'"l'aplllt-and in this Am«ican Ballet murd«era, the me1hqd of Theatre production of the n111ebllll1tlng him proves enchanting holldey atory even more threatenln9 10 ebOUt • young girl wlloae IOCiety. 'R' Chrl•tm11 Eve dreema (~STANDING ROOM oonjUre up dancing toys OHL Y and battling toy sotdllfa. "Country Rock '82" The 7:30 IJ DANCE FEVER Oak Rldgl Boya, Tha 0 OLEN CAMPIELL Cherlle Daniela Band and Guett: Tammy W'(nette. Rosanne Cash perlorm (!) NEWS their 1111111 hlta In thla ben· ()) 8UPEABOOK eflt concert tepid el the C..RISTMAS 8~ Pine Bluff Con11«1tlon C41n- Animetld. A magical book ter. takas Chrlat09her Peepet, {O)MOVIE hla lrlend Joy and their * *IA "The Bofder" ( 19811 robot Gl.zmo on 1 Journey Jeck Ntcholson, Velefle through time and ~ 10 Pe.-rlne. A Texu bofder 1he lirsl Chrlatm... guard's valuM come In ®J EYE ON.SAN DIEGO oonhlci with thoee o1 hlt 8' COLLEGE corrupt oo-wort<et1 and hi• ~L mat«ltlllatlc wffe. 'R' Saoramento State at Cal 10;30 0 MOVIE State Fulllflon. * * • "Forl Apache" 7:60 8 NBA IAIU<ETBALL 11948) Jol'ln Weyne, Henry Gold4ln Stele Werrlor• VI Fond•. A •tubt>orn cavalry Lot Angelfl laklf8 olfiOer II held r11C)On81bte 8:00 IJ CJ) WALT Dt8NEY tor rampant lncftan ettecll• "Winnie The Pooh And ;•lrut 8 mlll11fY OU1potl Tigger Too" Anlm.ated. m LAUGH TRAX POOh end his.chums band ~ together to take the m OOMER PYLE "bump" out or TIOOlf'• 10:40 (l ) CHAAlEI CHAMPLIN bounce, end the 1ntiC1 ol ON THE F1LM SCENE Chip and O.le are leetured 1o:45 9 SATURDAY 8PORT8 In three cartoons PAGE Cl Q!I DIA"AENT 1o~ss-ooy··-8TROt<ES WI ...... ' Wtnls enjoys an easy JOb "Masi«• 01 Metal" New worklnp tor hi• let/ler until dating techniques UMCI b)' an 1 arct\Mologlall In Europe OUl·O ·WO<k frlerld 18111 heve redlcalfy 111 ... ed tha- hlm lull hOw lucky he Is. ,., 9 MOVIE ... orles conc«nlng the OIVel- ~ "Ace Ell And Rod_gar: opment 01 m..tal tecMolo- 01 .the Skiea' (11173) -11:00l~'i.(JJ11J)(BJ D @) T.J. HOOKER NEWS Hoolllf goaa •It• a g•ng " ENTERTAINMENT or aupefmarket robbera In THt8 WEEK order 10 clear an old reclng lnteMews with Wiiiie Nel· buddy. (R) ton. MlfV G_r1tf\Jl,. Roy • ~ WfTH Clatk_ and Roell l:IUOIOI\: 1 l.AWAEHCE WELK reporl on the Inn..-Of "The MualOal Famtly 1n consul1lng firms In TV Eecondido" ,_. PfOIJflml. Cl> 901..10 GOU> ... MOVIE Hoitt: Rex Smllh, Marilyn * * *'it "Midnight Cow- McCoo. Guest1: The Gap boy" (1969) Ou111n Holl- Ba/Id, Eddie Rabbitt, Crys-man, Jon Voight T'wo born tal Gayle. Chllliwecit Paul IO-• hullllng 10 aunm. tn 01vt1, The• Osmond 8roth· New YOf'k City dllc- era, Peul Cerrack, Ltonel their need I« each othlf Rlcllll. too late. {C)MOVIE Q) 8AVEAUTl8TIC *'A "Bring Me The Head CHIL.OMN TELETHON Of Alfredo Garcia" (1974) (00Nr0) Wwran Oat ... Gig Young m NIGHT GALLERY A lalltng piano pl•Y9f 1111a 00 NOT NECEMAAIL Y OU1 on a long and bloody Tl1I rew9 trall In Ma•ICO to ra1rtew a Comedy lket<:'-combine veluable h11d end a with ClaMle film end ,_. 110,000 r-ard. 'R' footage In an offbeat, (E_f) M0Vte Hllrle lell•oft, **~"The Border" (1tt 1) ($)MST OF-.zAAM JllCk Nlcholton, Veterte John Byner shows you ...,rfne. thlllfll 1trenger th.,. trutll, (Q)OOU.mE larger than Ille, and ianltr MSkl'TaAU than anything you've ...., Sen JON St•t• VI. UCLA -Btulnt (1) MOWI (l)L.09TIATUUTR '** "SpeUet•" (19811 NETWOM Han• Ven T°"91ren, TOOtl A loll teiecommunlcatlonl A011fbllf0. TIWW fl'lencl• "telllte fall• Into tM from • ...,,... town beeoma lland• ol an a11er1 cMlll•· lnvotwd In the motorcrOM tlon. reclng alrcutt. 9MOWI 11!J08 THI~ * "Modern Pl'obleftla" F1LU (1H1) CMYy Ot\Me, Patti Tiie ltata prOYIOea Angel O'A,.,_,,. wltll lu•urtoue protection tn 8:08 e n. •IOI; MOMINT8 return for 1eatlmony TO~ aoatNt • 1~a1a 1111 Artllllr Godfrey~ e "*'- atar-ltudcled 11n4MC1 In 1 0 Qt M~V NIGHT mualcal N111'• to the I.Na rOMallllC tide of Ille PM'• He*; Nlak Nolle. 0-.t•· _., ... ~· lnClllde Llonel ~ ft\90ICIWI ~ CIOOfMl1, Frenll· H8'fY Anderton. le Laint, 011Y MlteMI. 1=-MCMINmWI l ddle Hey.Off, "•ltl l'!'t!_ encl n..e .,...,, l:IO. ml ILVIR ~ • • *"' ''TM O.......'' Tiie ltrett°" ~ (1t1•1 .--0.., 1'W empire I• end•flle'ed lclrvlno. A ~ prOflt-....,. ....... end !Cale'• _,... ..... .,..,..... ,..,...Me...... :9='"'0 ... (J) MAft OIP TO ...., OOUNnn' • • i. "Tiie lerOlr}I ..... ~ "'*..... CoMt" ,,.,., Wllllalll e11e1ner, I y111111 U11y 0-ge A min •• llHlf"I • varlet~ of lll•nllH•• 111 ordet to ••POR ev11do...-1 • MOVta * "Toe> Man" ( 11101 Ol>n 814 O'Conoa1, Ru11n111 '°'"' OOMOVll *a* "The f11111C11 I 14k1 1 ....... l'e WIHll.,I (11181) M11y1 81t4!11>, Ja1em~ lrOll• An ellolr 114!1W~ two 9'10tt ,. parllh•lll<J ~ 1111 tQll\anll( P*flod lttm In ...,!Cf\ tile two a1• pNtorm. i119 'A' tll MOVtl * * * "8t1angM Ill rh• HOii"" ( 1975) i<.i, Dull•• Ollvte HuaMly A Pl~'OOllG mutd41<at hid .. In lhe Ollie; Of 8 ~oflt08 ao<1l1 II y llOUllO on C11ttalrnH Ev• 11:418 MOVIE • * • "Seven fl1111et r or S.V.. Brolltl••" (1964) Howerd Keel, Jonu Powell The rftt or • trMC) "' wild brother• (14!H)lde1 10 marry •11• orie or them 1a1tl'I• Iha lnltlallv.. 12:008 AMENCA'STOPTlN CHNITMAS SPF.OIAL Top music a1ar1 Join 10 Nllute some of the gri;ateat Chrl1tmea hit• ol 1111 lime, lneludlllfl "White Chr••I· mu" and "Rudolph Thi Red•NoMd Reindeer " (!) FAOM THE EDITOR'S De8K (OJMOVIE "3 A.M," ( 1976) Goorg1na SpeMn, Rhondl Gilliard "X' 0 MOVIE * • • "The Enforcer" ( 1976) Clint "Easlwood, Tyne Olly. "Dirty Harry" Callahan 11 joined by a f...nele rookie In his pursuit of • group of Calllornla revolutlonariea 1er1 or I zing SJ!n Fran~c;g 'R' 12":20(CJMOVIE * • * "The Concerl F0< Kampuchea" ( 19801 Peul McCertney. rne Wbo.... A llOl1 of rock performers, meny of whom gel 1099111'- lf In en all-star rock orchestra. are laatured In this record or a series of concerts held tor the bene- nt of relief 10 wor-raveged Cambodia. 12:aG IJ NAME OF THE GAME (!) MOVIE • • "The People Vs Or. Kiidare" (1941) l ew Ayres, Uonet Barrymore. A young doe1or all.empts to c1eer himself ot a malpractice ' c"haroe. 1:00 IJ EvENING AT THE IMPAOV 9 LAUGHTAAX 0 BEST OF MIDNIGHT SPECIAL HOiia: The Bee GHll G.-ts: JMry ltoe lewis. Glldve Knlgllt-"& The Pips, JOllnny N.aah. Jim weath- ll'ly. Skeete< Davis .., SAVE AUTISTIC CHILDAIEN TELETHON (CONT'D) (JtMOVIE * * "The Prem111ure Sufi. al" (1962) Ray Milland, Hazel Court A BrlllSh gen- tleman fears thal he'll be placed In e grave t>elore he'adeed. {l)MOVIE * * * "The Concert F0< Kampuchea" (1980) Paul MoCertney, The Who. A, host of rock performers, m.any of whom get 1ogelh· If In en all-star rock orchestra, are featunld In this record of a series ot conoarts held tor the bene· flt of rilief to war-r1111nged Cambodia. 1:10 ($)MOVIE * * "Melvin And Howard" 11980) P•ul LeMet, Jeson Rol'>erds. An otherwise unknown gas station atlendent clelms to be thE rlghtf\11 heir to Howarc Hughes· billion do11111 eelate.'R' 1:30 m MOv11: * * 'h "The Midnight Man· (1974) Burt Lallcllster Susen Clerk. A colleg~ MCUrl1y guard relentleSSI) stalks the shadowy kltlet wtlo murdered a campu! co...:f_ (ffiMOVIE * * * "The Wiid Geese" I 1978) Richard Burton, Roger Moore A _gr_oim__ol daring mlfOenaries 1rave,s to South Alric& In order to uve a deposed rulertrom then-dictatorship 'R' @ MOVIE "Five Klltens" ( t973) Mar- ie • Claire Devy, Elisabeth Orencourt. "R' 1:S& ((!}MOVIE * * "Games Olrls Pl;ay" ( 1973) Chrl1tfn11 Han, Jnne Anthony. Some boarding actlOOI girts compete for the hlghnt-ranklng dlp4o- met. 'R' 1:41 <!]) A8C NEWS 2.-00 1J MOVIE * * "Murder On Fllght 502" (1915) Relph Bella- my. Poll)' Ber94Jn A msnl- ac atatlt• the pessenger1 on a tran1-At1antle jet wllh murder on hi• mlO<I 8 MOVIE * * "PHrl 01 The South PaclnC" ( 1955) Virginia Mayo, Dallnls Morg11n An ld)llllC South Seas lalend 11 ravaged by thrff ruthlesa fonuna.huntera tt!eklng precloul pearls fl) NIW8 DMOV1E ** "Juat A 010010" (1981) David Bowie. Kim Novak. An ••lstoc111t10 PNNlan eoldler r"!tu1ns to 8"1111 alter World W11r I to -n hi• Uvtng u e in111., eecon. 'R' l:IO Cf) llA HUNT • MOVll! * *"' "Thunder O'lf'f The Plalntl" 11t53) Randolph Scott, Lax 8efller. lf"Otlow- lllg 11111 CMI Wer, • mllltery ~ la ... IOnld to put • "°' 10 t"* prectkle of cir• pee~ In the South· ..... OOMOVll '* *" "Cllaeoh And Ohong'1 Nlee OraaMa" (tM11 ~ "Clwltell" Marin, Tl\OINI ChOftO ,..., ~·· potl'leedl ....,_ IO ....... fOund tlMJlf trve ~ M lfler pedOle .. ON8m Oft ""' ,., .... Of Lot,.,... 'Ill' NO(IJ..,_ * * *" .. _.Of'tllf'tttrO" (1Htl luaen Ari~ • friend JO .. t1ll•Of'I \ -('•I Oran e Co11t DAILY PILOT /SllurtJay, December 11 , 1982 Lech Walesa, lead e r of Solidarity trade union, led strikes which brought ubout imposition of rn'artial law in Poland. AP Wlrephoto Ml.IC MOllCC TICI Of' NON-MIPOMllllL.ITY N11Hte II ne1e1>y OMHl Utll lh41 110., .. 111HK1 w111 nut be 1..oiw1_.1> .. 101 any d•bll 0 1 llablllll•• 0111111 14td by 111yo11e 01tie1 1n•111 "'Y'*" on or eltet lhl• d•ltl 0.1ed 1hl1 9th day 111 ~ .. n tte•, rulllC NOTIC( PICTITIOUe-18 NAmBTATlmNT 1 he follow Ing peteon " doing WlllMHH 11111:00 IA/ RfNAl88ANCf Hl'A~ TH a RV en. l(t) R('NAIHANCE R£ALTH Ct:NTfR · (Cl Bebe l!J " RCNAISllANCC Hf Al Tl J11let Keilef RCIOUACE. 3 t3110 1 1001'• St • 2 1773 O<.H11 v .. 11 Of 8outll ~·· CA '2t71 l!loulh Legune CA 971JTr JOl\rt Artd1'11W ...... 31:J Pu1Jll1hed Orange CoHI O•llV Drook• 81 • 80ulh ~•ouna. CA PU11t, 0.0 I'· 12, Ill, 1982 92177 ••• I ~AA"·-1·"' "" 11423-8:.! Tiii• 1>u ... i.u • ............. --• an lndl\llduel. 1-----------John A L"f • PUBLIC NOTICE Tl}l9 llllemetll .... llled wtlh tho 1-----------Cou91y Cler'k Of Orange County on '1CTITIOUI BUl .... H NoY 18, 1982 NAME ITATl'.MENT "811211 The following .,.,IOI\, lte doing Pu1>ll1hed Or1n1i• COHI Delly bulll~~:..-...RE, 1123 N Br .. Blvd ' ~~~ 0.0. 11, Ill, 6, 1982, Jen. 1, Btell, CA 9?821 &4 111.112 Faokam, 1110,, 323 N 8ro 1 __________ _ Blvd., Brea. CA 921121 NtllC NOllC£ Thi• bualne11 le conoucled bV • COtl>Of•llon l-----IC--4-""'•"'."'• ___ _ Fadk•m. Inc TITIOUI .... -•• llOyd K Ham8dy, CEO PIC --...... aTATIMINT T11t1 t111emen1 w11 l•led wllh tile The tollowtng peraon• ere dOing County Clllfk of Or1no• COYnty on bUllineH 11 ~ I, 1g82. P203lM VTN REPRODUCTIONS, 230 I P bit h d 0 C I D II i;1mpu1 Drive. lrvlne. Catlfornle u 1 e range ou • y 82715 Pllol, 0.0 11. t8, 25, 1g82, Jan '· 'llN CONSOLIDATED, INC ' I t983 Celllornla corpor1llon, 2301 5439-112 Cempu1 Drive, lrvlne, C1lllornle -----------92715 PUBt1C-NOJICE Thll bU1lne11 I• conducted t>y e -------'------corporallon NOTICE Of' PUeLIC AOCTION VTN CONSOLIOATEO, Of' NRIONM. PRONRTY RIMAININQ ON VACATED PM-I CW F~ ftNANT (CC1•) Nolle• I• hereby given that on 0ec 27, 19112. el 10.00 1.m., II 11579 Volga Fllver in Fountain Valley, Orange County, the underelgned wlll 1111 et publlc auction the per1on11 property lell by Herbert & Kelhy Alltlgll: 1 TV, I turnteble, I equellzer. 4 111\ier t0in1 Seid auction wlll be made pu1111ent 10 the provl•lone of Section 1988 of the Clvll Code. Oiied December 9, 1982 Selly Kim 11579 VolQ1 Rl111r Fountain 'Valley, CA 92708 Publlahed Orange CoHt Delly Piiot, Dec. 11, 18, 1982 5'428-82 NlllC NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE INC. Robert L. Bachman, VIOi Presldena Thia t111ement wH tiled wilh the Counly Ctetlc of Orange County on Novem'* 30, 1982 F203Ne Pubtt1ned Orange CoHt Dally Pllol . Dec 11, 18, 25. 1982, Jin. 1. 1g93 5420·82 PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUllHEH NAME ST A TEMENT The lollowmg peraon 11 doing business es ERIC PIPER & ASSOCIATES, 2600 E Nulwood. Sulla 900, Fullerlon, CA 92632 EttC Nell P1pet, 37 14 Blue Key Corona del Mar, CA 926M Thts buSI-~nducte<l'6y a11 1nd1v1du&I • 1n Latest joke Poland NOTICE OF rUILIC HEARING CONT.INUED FROM 1V7/12 UH HRMIT NO. 12 ....... CONOITIONAL EXCEPTION NO. 12 .... E11C N P1pe1 Tn11•01111emen1 was 1118<1 wllh the Counly Clerk ot Or•nge Counly on Dec I, 1982 F203292 Published 01enge Coeat Dally PtlOI Dec 4, 11 18 25 1982 5308·82 • JS still the econoniy NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN lhat a public huling Wiii .,. held by the Clly Plennlng Commlnlon ot Iha City ot Hunti ngton Beach. C elllornla, tor the purpoee of oonalderlng Ute Permit No. 82-44, • request 10 permit the construction of 1 342 unit apartment complex loe11ed on lhe .... , aide ol 8eecll Boui..t1rd, approxlmalety 1300 feet soulh of Atlanta Avenue. Cond1tlonal Exception II 1 r~t 10 lllow • l'tlductlon In the lront y1rd NlblCk from 20 leet 10 15 fMI, to atlo"" 25 percent compact pert<lng, 10 111ow a reduction In the minimum equ1re footage ot the one bedroom unll1 from 650 aquar• teet to 600 squ1<• leet, and to allow 1 15 loot Iner-to the permitted building height UM Permit No. 112-'4 Ind Conditional Exception No 82-65 hive ~ referred lo the Planning COmmlsalon by the Board of Zoning "dJu1tment1. The Planning Commission wlll alto 0. conlliderlng Negallw o.otarauon No. 112-41 In conjunction with thlt project· A legal deacrljSllon 11 on f I• In the Oepel't"fl'lent of Development 5eN\cel. Nil.IC NOTICC FICTITIOUS BUIMH NAME BTATlflllllNT By THOMAS W. NETTER AHOCl•ted Pr•H Writer WARSAW, Poland - Dt-spite off1c1al reports of unproved i ndustrial produc tion, Poland's e<·onomy has shown few signs of recover y o ne year a!ter the imposition of martial law. DEATH NOTICE Economic stagnation , except for increased coal production, IS in fact seen by so m e W estern observers as a major facloF in the po litical decision to lift or suspend martial law, possibly by the end of this month. "Poland's economy 1s very much W estern-orie nted," a Polis h journalist who specializes in economic matters said . "ll need s MURPHY new West.em credits and WILLIS L. MURPHY, a spare parts That is one resident of Costa Mesa, Ca. reason for lifting martial Passed away on December 9, law." 1982 Beloved husband of Christina, devot.ed father of Com mun isl Part y John, Pauline, Billie Lee. leaders and government James and C harl es, offic ials have said t herished grandfa ther of repeatedly that Western Daw n Cr ystal, Shaw n economic credit sanctions Michael, Raynee Charmaine, i m posed a f l e r l h e Wendy Erin, and Heather crackdown began Dec. :ind CoUeena, also 12 other grandchildren out of state. l 3 • 1 9 8 1 • w i 1 1 b e Mr Murphy was friend to overcome th rough all who knew him with a greater assistance from <,pt.'<'1al place in his heart for the Soviet Union. the neighborhood kids. Mr. The i r c 1 a i m l h a t Murphy worked with the Poland w ill solve its Civil Army Air Corp during economic crisis. with or World War Il, and has been · h W h 1 · involved with the Cal Aero wit out estern e p, as based on new projectioris Flaght Academy Club, he that the country will was also known for his beautiful Chn.stmas displays, suffer only a 1 percen t to as he was the winner of the 2 percen t dec l ine in ~·o rty Mile Christm as production this year. A Display Sweepstakes on 14 percent drop had been several occasions. Holy predicted last December Hosary w i 11 be held on Sunday, December 12, 1982 "But the situation 11 7:30PM at St Joachim's r eally was n 't much Catholic Churc h , Costa better this year than Mesa, Ca. Mass of Christian I as t , ' ' o n e Wes l e r n Hurial will be held on economic observer said. Monday, December 13, 1982 "The industries Sfnt at lO:OOAM al the Sacred aren't producing enough Heart of Redlands Catholic production figures for most industries. Coal minin g, the lifeblood of the economy a nd a major generator of th e hard c urre n cy income needed to help other indus tries, has cl imbed from a disastrous 163 million t o n s 1n 1981 to an estimated 190 million tons this year. B oth Polish and Western analysts say this increase, attributed to the reinstitution o f the Saturday workday, has raised sagging figures in o ther indus tries and a l low ed Poland t o project a minimum d l.'c l1ne 1n ove r all production this year. Western diplo mats discoun t the increase, noting that despite the rise in coal production, improvement per man- Said heating will 0. held at the nour of 7.00 p.m .. on oec.mber 21, 1g92, In the Councll Chambera Bulldlng of the Chilo Center. 2000 Main S1ree1, Huntington Beach, Cllllomla. All interested pe<.ona ar1 Invited 10 111end Mid hating and ·~­their opinion• for or eg1ln1t 11\e 1><opc>Md U.. Permit No 82~ and ConOlllonal Exception No. 82-65. Further lnform1tlon m1y be obtllned from the City Planning Oepar1ment. The followlng peraon1 1<e doing bu"'-u: PA CI FIC HORIZON INTERNATIONAL. 20582 Pebble l.n., Huntington Beech, CA 92$48 Stephen o. Kimble, 20582 ~bill Ln., Huntington 8eech, CA 92648 ~ Steven 0 . W erg, 11592 Cody Aw,. W•tmk. , CA 92683 Ttlll ~ I• conducted by • gener8I pettneretllp. Stephen 0. Klrnble Thie ... ,_, ... filed with lhe County Cleric of Orange County Dec. 7, 1982. FJD3823 Publlahed Orange CoHt Dally PllOt, Dec. 10, 17, 24. 31, t982 5351-82 NlllC NOT1C£ FICTITIOUS ....... NA• ITATIMIWT Th• lollowlng peraon I• doing bl.lt lneM u : IRVI NE· SA 0 OLE BACK COUNSELING CENTER, 23177 LA Ceden1 Drive, No. 103, Legun1 Hilla, CeHfo<nll 921153 Linda A. Hegood. MA , 26022 Buckboard Lene. L1oune Hiiia, Calll0<nl1 g2653 This bu11"-• i. conducted by an lndlvlduel. Lindi A. Hegood Thia atetement •• tiled with the County a.rtt1>1 Orenoa COl>nry on December 2, 1982 hour has laggged. "There's been no real change over last year," one Western diplomat commented. "This is an CITY Pl.ANNING COMMISSION J-W Paltn, Secrelery Publlihed Orange CoHI Dally P1IOI, Dec 11, f982 F20MM Publl1hed Orange COHI Delly 5458·82 Piiot. Dec 11, 111, 25, 19112. J1n. 1. ~~~Nll;;;~~NO;;;;;;;;:r:::===-1 a.stounding fact when NOTICE OF DEATH OF you take such a key JUUA A. TEWIN&LE AND i ndustry as co al production and listen to 0 F p ET IT I 0 N T 0 the a u thorities blame ADMINISTER ESTATE NO. A-111100. strikes last year for the To aU heirs, bene!iciaries, 1981 figures. creditors and contingent "In fact, when you c r e ditors of Jul ia A. look at ma n -h o urs, TeWinkle and persons who p r o d u c t I o n c o u I d may be otherwise interested probably be lower," the ln the will and/or estate. d . 1 Id ·•s I A petition has been filed ip omat sa . ure y, by Crocker National Bank, a 19113 NlllC NOTICE FICTITIOUS ....... N.-BTAT'RmWT The lollo""lng .,.,.on I• doing bl.ltlneuu: J .O . TAPE & L ABEL COMPANY. 3520-B Cedlllec Avenue, Costa MeH, CeJllornla 92828 Jo19ph w OeCarlo, 202• Balearic Drive. Coate Mase. Celitorn11 ne26 Thi• bl.lllineas Is condueled by an Individual. Joseph OeCerlO Thi• •tetement WU 1118<1 with Iha Coun¥. Cleric of 0r1noe County on Dec • f9112 f'20l822 Publl1hed Orange Coell Dally Piiot. Dec 11. 18. 2$, 1982, Jen 1, 1983 5352-82 Church, lU West Olive, corisumer goods, supplies llcdlands, Ca. Intennent will i n t h e s lo r e s a r e follow at Hll.blde Memorial shrinking, there is too Park, Redlands, Ca. Friends m u c h m o n e y i n may call for visitation on circulation and the pt>Sl- Saturday, December 11, 1982 December 1981 reforms from 4:00PM to 9:00PM and haven't begun to work." there Js no ~tor in the Corporauon; in the Superior economy that sho ws a Court of Orange County real improvement .. .in reque"Sting that Crocker p r o d u c t i o n p e r National Bank be appointed man-hour." u peraonal repreientatlve to T h e q u e s t i o n o f administer the estate of Julia 1------------1 producUon efficiency is A. Te.Winkle. (unde.r the. central to the d ebate Independent Administration l l • · of FAtates Act). The petition over martia aw s impact ls set for hearing in Dept. on Sunday, December 12, Off' · 1 b Ji from 9:00AM to 6:00PM al ic ia s att ng lo on the economy. No. 3 at 700 Civic Center State officials say that Drive, West, in the City of "m ili tarization," or Santa Ana, California on e n forcing s trict work January 5, 1983 at 9:30 a.m. discipline in mines, ports IF YOU OBJF.CT to the and many factories was granting of the petition, you resporisible for "peaceful should either appear at the w or k ·• im p r 0 v e d hearing and state y our Pierce Bro th er s Bell institute self-f in ancing Broadway Mortuary. Pierce and self-management, a Brothers Bell Broadway means of decentralizing Mortuary 642-9150. the economy, note that ---------~martial law has already McCotlMIClt MOlTUUIES Laguna Beacn 494 941 5 Laguna Hills 768 0933 San JJan Capistrano 495 1776 HARlotl LAWK-MT. OLIVE Mortuary · Cemelery Crematory 1625 Gisler Ave Costa Mesa 540·5554 PIHCI llOTHllS llt.L llOADW A Y MOlTUAIY t 10 Broadway Costa M esa 642·9150 IALTI IYGHOH SMITH I TUTHIU , WHTCUH' CHA'8. 4?7 E 111n SJ Cosl a Mesa 646-9371 rACIHC YllW MIMQalALPAH Cen-etery MOftuarv Ch•pet-Cfematory 3500 Pac111c View Drive Newport Beacn 64-4·2700 II had positive res ults in od I objections or file written -----------..., pr S ~c~ 0~· W e 5 t e r n objections with the court be fore the hearing. Your ·~ THI diplomats, however, appearancemaybeinperson -i; EARL'S argued that martial law or by your attorney. had a negative effect on IF YOU ARE A ~ the economy because. as CREDITOR or a contingent 1o01A1 w•n• ""'""° one said, "It clearly can creditor of the deceased, you IAn.ooM -bring no improvement, mu.st file your claim with the .,. •• 11101 f i h &ervtce ""'* s11rn"' Your Ooor or solutions lo any of the court o present t to t e 1c.ri S•or• N<t.,"' Your ., .. , 'problems that were the pe rsonal representative "" .. 1 1289 appointed by the court COSTA MISA v-. • root o f 1 as t ye a r 's wilhin four months from the 1526 ,._~ .,.,,.,, unrest." date of first luuance of MISMOH V1IJO 495-0401 Although there have letters u provided In aect.ion 1.!.,"J!. ~ .. ':.:;~.1 been improvements In 700 of the probate code of ----------.·rood availability, prices California. The time for 11-----------1 are now 300 percent lo filing claima will not expire 400 percent higher than prior to four months from a year aao. the date of the hearing 0 notkt!d above. Meal iB still In short YOU MA y EXAMINE supply, rationed at 5.5 the me kept by the court. tr pounds per month for you are lntere1ted In the every man, woman and eetate, you may me a request Free Phone child. Other item!I, such with the court to receive as gasoline and shoes. 1peclal n otice of t}'le Call Home have recently been Inventory of estate and of added lo the ration list. the pelltiona, a«'OUnll and F h reporta dacrtbed ln Section Now thru Dec. 24 MCI ood stores, t ough 1200.& of the California b r I m m I n g w I t h Probeee Code and Huntington Center macaroni, canned goods RURWIT·z. REMER , will give own OV•!r and other products that MaeDONALD ... MEADE, 15,000 3 . min. long were unavailable last HI N•••er• Cea&er Dr., distance phone coifs fur year , have a limited ~~1::~,::,T,11w11, the holidoy1. Just visi t ,..15;.tiC~ai.klU.t!!.!l!_._4-2_-58-7-,-.----4 PubUahed Oranf• Coa1t the MCI holiday booth Put a lew word• = PUot. O.C. l • 12, 18, in the center of the moll. lo work for you. MS7·82 ., Stertlng· ..... BuelneH Ac tcordl11t to c .... -.....,. ... 11c1 ,,...,_ c.-flee. 11900 te 11Uel •II perMlll ....... .......... ...... ,.~ ... -"'"'t Ille • .. ••• _ .... wllll Ille Cou11ty Cle11t •11• ...... ",..... ..... tour ""'•' 111 • ........... -......... art• 111 wlllcll 1110 WllllHlll.___ Tll• ••••• ,.. ... t II r ......... _,_.,..,, _ .. ..,, Ill ,._...... r•11• •••'"" "'"'•· ................. 1 •• ~ ....... ..... ·-........ -· Tiie OAILY PILOT ,, ................ '"' ,. ........... _ ..... . .......... ......., ler"'' ......... . .... , . .,..... .. . .. . Ore •t• C•••tr c:e.r-.-. --... ., .... , .. . ............. ....... •r ,11a11e tile LIGAL Dl'ART-.n ......,,, 111. JJI tar ••re ................. --. , __________ _.... ' .. Jm 11/d tell Dad wa!)· proud, '"'" .\fo111 was really bea1t1inJ!.. Ami 1•1-1•11 A1111t llardrt got a Ii ft I,. 111 ;,.,, y tmm 11d t lw eyes . Aunt ·Harriet swore fd go to the d~gs. Mom always wa11ted me to he a doctor.-Oatl didn't 11111c:h care, as long as I amounted to something. ·But Aunt Harriet was convirx:cd I would c:ome to a bad cn<l. The reasons Aunt I larriet was not eKac:tl y ki11<lly dispo ·ed toward me stemmed from when I inadvertently 1c R a ~t catt·t:pillar in her tcrling candy dish . Aft •r that, Aunt 1 larriel felt that my chances of evolving into a responsible human lx-ing were hlt-ak indeed. "I leaded right to the dogs, that boy;· she'd mutt('r. To over<.'Of'n(' this gniYe naw in my char.ic:tcr, she began bombarding me wi th US. Savin~ Bonds. Figuriug, no doubt, that money might lead me away from evil .ra.thei: than towar-0-i . Afterall~I'lfecded aJrtJle help I could get. And Aunt Harriet couldn't have helped me more. Tho~· Bonds grew up, aJong with me, into a nice, fat nest egg. One I kept tapping as I moved aJong in my life. f finally hung out my shingle todav: John Petrie , doctor of veterinary medicine. 1 could tcfl Dad was proud, and Mom was reaJly beaming. And even Aunt I larriet ~nt a little misty around the eyes. After all-shes the one who predicted I was going straight to the dogs! Buying US. Savings Bonds on a regular basis helps America . And it cm1 hel1J a dream become a reality iustead of something that might /woe beetJ-. - .~c mAmerica. ..._?i:..~ ~"< ~@c; ~· lf, Pollle & well groomed arisfmas prof. barlender/Hrver avail. tor Holldaye, par- UM. Catl0rar3!J Sieve 645-1428 Ricco'• creellve calertng. We do It 111. or Juat MNe & cleanup. 548-0e21 by Janine Carda '? lnvt1111on1 Certlllcatee Call answer ad #579. 842-4300, 24 htt. H & H Aorll & Craft &.Ip- ply. 3 loc. Orange, Gatd· TIUT•l ..... Y" en Grove, Anaheim Body wrap1-l1cl1I kl11 AS THING ARE • FIOW9f gift pactiage 644-5289 arr1ngemen11, Siik Pienta & Trees. Hand cralted gifts. 1S90 S. Cat Hwy. lag Bch. 494-1~ HotldaL Renl·A-Cat Low u 9.9SJWMkend Robina Ford 842-0010 PA1•LBIDI HOLIDAY POTLUCK DINNER CRUISES, S 10 .... , ... Ifft~ 833-5808 780-2578 Cnr111ma1 llema to Ill your Holldaya with Make II • Conllnental Ctltlllmu Cneer. Corne CllrlatmH ... A gift tor Vlall ua. 4242 Campus Ille wflole !amity. Drive. Ste E-3 Newport JOHNSON & SON Llncotn/M«c 540-5630 Beech 549-8550 Moo-Fri 10-4. Sal 9:30-3:30 Scandle Down Snopa. Comforters elc. 275e E. C1t Hwy Cdm. 1590 S. Cat Hwy LB Jon Brocttman Plano Co. 897 Olenneyre Laguna Beectl 497-3490 Bertendln~ for Holiday New Microwave (Amat11), Partlea. vi re1lden11 $189 ... Celling Fans w/ only. Tell us now many llte1, New, 1 79 . you expect. We wlll do 1-855-8209 the reet. Shop. mix . ..,. Fleta for Ctlrfatmas ve, cleao-up, all for 1 DtCK MIUER MOTORS reu. lee. 770-9833 Santa Ana 5S7·2t32 LOVE AT FIRST BITE Ming Car Anllh Gift /132 Edinger Certltlclt .. & Hol~ Sarita Ana. 542-4611 Speciale. Call 754 Ss>«:iel Hol'<lay Rat .. I Have you read 1ooay 1 •Catering •Wlltr ..... CIHalfled Ads? If nol, Well.,. • Blll1endlng you're mlNlng Ille bell 642-5937 bargain• In 1ownt ....... ;i. ... 11 "-j:3,n, frat TU.Un ' HJS •.......•...•.....•... ...................... ...... u. um.n ••• ~!l ••• 1!!! ~ .......... Speclal ~ 111 & 2nd Laundramal tor Nie. In· TD'a 1949 cludea Flutl & Fold. Robt. S11tlet NH/CM S800(). Hatbof & Adema, R.E. Broiler 8d Raeltora C.M. &40-8754 542-2171 545-0811 Accnt'g & word proo. bus. Cnnatmaa clltt? Pvt pty Sell or oulrlgllt or take hu CMh tor good INSI acllve pertner local to deed1 . Agt . HB/FV area w/lnvalmt 819-75a-0318 anytime lundl. 847-3034 141,114 h4 Tl lllNllllUPlllll Due 3 ~.Home on R2 Wan1ed to own end lot. 90x 100. Localed on op«ele Candy, Snact< & Wiison Ave, Coe1a Mete. Solt Drink Vending Rou-Excel.tent payor. 1e In Coe1e Meaa. New-f:' 8eectl & surround· 714-972-11194 ng .,.... Pteelanl 1>4111-SS0,000 blJya SS3K TD 2 neee. High profit llema. yr 18% Int. Npt Bell con- Can atart part tlnw. Age do 6SQ.-0822 or experience not lmpor- tan1. Raqutt" 11,950 10 !;:, ....... ,,; 1 17,500 Cl~~ l....ab/ ment. FOf de1 cal lntervt.w, write CA ,,_,,, ... WEST VENDORS. SUP· .....................• ,,..,,, ..... PLY, INC. 256 LaQo Dr .. .••.••.••...•••.....•. Rancho Murlele. CA 95883 P II o n e 918-354-2771 or call our FOlll> ADS TOLL FREE number 800-952-5858 and aak lor Ext. 014 ARE FREE ~.!!.~! .. !!~ Cal: R.E. LOANS, 111·3rd. 90%, comm'I, con11r. M2·Mll Fut lundfng. 843-1145 IELPUID Loal: Cal. Orenge Ilg«, la on Ille way tor your male ahortllllt. Vic Meta money problems. Lowell Verde, CM. t 1129. rllee, Int.-and coet. 540-1497..,.. Rawatd 111. 2nd. 3rd TD'I. Cal on our experts et no loet: Springer Spenlel, 7 COii. "'ls moe. old. Bal. Penln. .... Rawerdl 873-t 105 7-1422 or eeo-1020. Found Mid-November, 2 A flclllloue l11elt1Ht r old. moetly blec:lt lhep .,. .......... _ llled . Fe. 493-1508 or "'"' .... ~ Qef1I .. 879-4230 Hlldl9f ... ,..... ..... wlllcll II-OOtltlllllfflt Found: Fem. Blade, bllnd, --8itle--...... clog. Yoftclown/ M~ ,. .. Mic ....... __, Ila, Hunt. Bell. Colar. 811fJ fl l ller e ere 982-2182 ell• .... •· Cell IN L~ Oe111•rl..,•11I et I e DAILY ,.LOT 181 For Clllllfled Ad '"'•'"'•"•" ... _ ACTION -••MfY'--· . Cell e 142-4321 D~Pllol 11.111.na AD-ISOR l •tJlfl~l!'JI 842-5878 ·=~=· S~\\4l lA-4£~s· -· .... 1-4~a.Af t ~II ·~': ... ~:.,::.:: ..... to '"''" ...... -· -· u ) I L A J H [ T I 1 ) ( I' I I' I I I I j S U E 0 L >f · -( L .JL6,<I~ I I I' I il ~~ I C J T H H ·I I' I I II looll ,,,. l•o Yffrt 10 II.Ch my doO f\OW IO t ll. Now he'I IOfOOlltn llOw 10 -. I 1. c_.... .... th ... ,i. q.,.oM F A RDOF I I I I I' byl:ilo-~-"' .,..,.........,,_..,. ............ .,.INI NUMlltfO UlllU IN '!SH SOllAlll r r I' r r I • iidlui.t AIOVt: UIUU TO OU "'"'WU I I I I I I -·Un.....,. ................ \ Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT /S1turd1v. Oec«nt>« 11, 1982 7'he mcirketplac:<• cm lite <Jronge Coast ... 642-5678 Among people looldtt(J Jor a rental. 70'; f'ead real e1tate claaai/led ad1. ~~~ ~~ ~'C'-,1~'? ~(Vg ... l ifJ~-~ ~b 1i2J0tQ~ J ~ ... ~ ~ < J l l--~ I • 11 It Heron Sellboal. All I •• IYll .. wood. hand made, and ••••TllAI ••••••••••••• MUSIC FOR YOUR AF• Yow COmpleie Ski HMd· beeullfUI. 95% complete Rlllll&llm fll."' Pl~~ FAIR, any atyle. Plano, In Tlnw for HoidaVI ~··Salee, Rentela, OllllllUI SALE $905. 544-5789 t'''"· violin, vocal•. Penonallzed Cham· o ng. Ski Ramp. All CnocolalH In one, 5-3722 or 631-3275 pagne NEWPORT SKI CO , S89 over Invoice on 111 Piie Ind Cavl1r In r11·~ Name, meHage, logo, 2700 W. Cou1 Hwy M. .• • ~ Al TEC STUDIO SPEAK· ,_; ·w:£-:ir_ anolllef. Perllapa Gour-ERS (2), walnul wood ro:to on every botlle, u 631-3280 '82 Audi'• mll Soupa & Bread? rgi ~ ~. ~ •Ptanh & o H 14 ea. Cualom '82 Rabbi! Sedan1 .,.. FNlt, Cl'leell & Wine + flnlltt. 1250 ee. SS 1-3208 Cellat• 875-6813 Stot:>I Ctw1a1m11 Shopl '82 Sclroccoa -many more. Hand Dell· lllY Ulll NII U . ll•IL, IM. Ptlcel do no1 Include In· vared In the Ne'V".orl ~ .~I r SuppHes New 1lcl & tllttlon store 11111ec1 acceuorlea. Ext Area. Call R.S .. P., •Birds Good cond. Mutt Hll. feat~ exclusive Bllz· Sealenll, or Feclory r• 873-3820 [: ll ~ ..,,.. Aakl, S 1300. Call eves. z.wd lk & lamoua actl· ba1ee, It an~ MICROWAVE: New Sharp ..._... .,. • I.. 111.---· .. •Cacu 14-848-2788 vewear. Aegl91er for pr- 445 E. Cal WV N.B. Cat.ouMI. probe. S229. ~~'fa (~r -~-~ •Pet supples GIVE DANCE LESSONS lze drawing Dec 15; 57~ Or chOote from Amana, FOR CHRISTMAS wlndlurl•, bootl, VllCI· Offer end 12/24 /82 Litton, Magic Chef. Tt11>· Dotolny Jo Dance Sludlo AKC Bea,le Puppies tlone. morel 542-5630. pen, O'KMfe/Merrlt. llYE A lln IF LIFE! 251S E. Cst. Hwy. t89. n11w.....,..,... un•1.11'I 54&-8740 CdM AKC Oldn Retrievers W..idlff Plaza, N.B. You've lled our greal ALLIED LIGHTING 111TI1 PUITlt lge aeMc:tlon of unusual specimen 873-3420 S229. ~tromow8'' WINDSURFING SALE 10 OUf 8'. Try OIK prices 222 Vlctorle-Coeta Mete LEE'S FLOWERS • llze plant• al Incredibly low prices. llluo Ap110 S2SO. M18tr• l tsO. HIFty 1750. In our Sportl Annex • 848-3737 548-8194 S.. ul for your Cllrlll· -.-as tor small animals: free SHtls for good I.I &4f.0090 UP St>or1a (714)631-4108 Save up to 70%. PCH & We nave SOUtl*n "C.,f. mu Bouquet1. 891-2589 homes & good homes for free pets. '-.1 .( m llY'I Nlllll ••••••••••••• Warner, H.B. 840-2565 lornle'a moat complele FLOWERS BY MORAi Teecup-loy-mlniatllfe Raler Skate. or (213) 592-3130 Mlecllon ot llgllllng al 2330 IEWPOllT ILVI., C.I. competitive prlcel. 448 e. 17111 Street, 548-2848 Cotle M .... 64S-8144 Open Dally 10-q_ Boarding & grooming Ferr1t1 Rooting Co. --WHIRLIGIG AKC OLD ENGLISH IALE Re-root. Repelr. Shingle •••••••••••••• 801 W. Baker, Costa SHEEPDOG PUPPIES ..... ,. (714) 642-8233 'JI, Meta FOR CHRISTMAS lff Sparkle for Cllriatmu (& UNUSUAL CIMn wlndows-<>dd joba 979-8S70 1350. 979-1478 All O alH In llOCk, Incl yetr 'round). Linda's CHRISTMAS FOR THE HOLIDAYS Cocker Spanlel puppln Flledel & Suregrop• CIMn'g s.v. Me.o:J 18 PRESEHTSI Ref. 642-5449/146-71172 ~ Singer =i Maclllnee How> eboul an enllque for CM11mu AJ<C r90 .. ec ... ,, .. , New Zigzag ocMll/l9S Tiie Video Stallon Sanle'• coming • Don't blond. 1542-334 1 Witttl•trh 1471 G~e lag. Bd1 ~ blc)'de? Or • lleet from P & J Cox 54M42S the ,.. tandem or En-en... him away. L.et Red CANARIES • Singing a.II N&.Na 111-1110 494 54 MAT PAUii Hol Chimney Sweeps -.ul'I---goo 8*e? You can 111\d It ol Red Feetlleu tor ••••••••••••• cleen 1111 way Spec R11 Balboa Chenet Corp. ell •• the: Cllrl1tma1. (red-orange) 221 Marine Ave, B.I. now taking ,_.,•Ilona Pt481 Pwsller SSl-3273 . 135. Me-8132 875• 1572. 'Tia 1he Ma· 875-197e 648-S707 eon to give,.., gold. INN..,.,."''· LIONEL ELECTRIC TRAIN Tll mUAU.Y CHRISTMAS PUPPIES ~ Wreri & Mell Svc. SETS. New, also UHd • Ad«eble wttt Sllephetd/ Sacrifice. allglllly uHd 25 Weelcllff °'· NB engines. cera. track, "'9UI WT Bosen Mixer 1249.150; 1725 Monrovta, CM & 876-2670 tran1tormers, acceaao-,. ••llTllAI Gldn Ra1r I 1S 848-3732 and M~lll 1199.50 So. Coaet Plaza, twr tvt. Have your BOAT /HOUSE rl11. And llonel and King Jamee version ot Au1t. Shep. pupe, 8 wtia, 5091 Oag 3'ft• tor office I Have your Cllrltlmu Par-CLEANED befOfe or aftet American Flyer Traina the New Te1tamen1. adMable, 111 cotora, no UNIQUE HANDCRAFTED trlen 1. Wonderland o I ly on • 44 ft yacht In Holiday ~artlea. Ouell1y trom 1920's and 1930'1. word lor wOfd, on 33',', papers, "4S.631-e632 TOYS a GIFTS Fun 890 W. 19111, CM Newport Bey. 840-5159 MMce. 80·21581 54M328 fono play rlCOfdl. Holl· Adorable Bi-Kl1tena Reeaonable. 875-7489 ~ 145-9023 Wiii Wright IQll Cfeam T • BOUQUETS OF BAL· day apeclel 129.95 w/ tor Cllrl1lmaa, $75 to u•ttn,. ... Shirts. ladle• &. Men1. LOONS Delivered by tree vlnyl cue (S1S S100. 642-8520 Hollday Balloon unique Ctwtetmae 01tt1. collumed meH•ngers. value). Come -us 124 ........... For Ad Action Bouqueta $4.95. 873-3313. Beers Balloonl 780-8784 E. Broedway CM, Mon- 850-8515, 546-8755 Also greal lor decor•· Wed 9 -12 or call Champion RanchO Une, Camp·w•i• Inflatable Put mo~ & tun In ao-Ilona. 857-2040 8 wkda, Cal a ... ,uu meone·, • 11111 Ctwtat-MllfUTTEU d'ln,lly 200. Dela· mea with an electric ':i!.!:r: Mull .... Red m .... w/ mar ne dl~tal depth Daiy Plot New moped• 3->whee6er. Golden Cna-ireen ~-:'l drll red Speciall1t1 In Holiday 0.. sounder 12 . S..lemp Save l150-S200 riots. s.48-2384 250. Blk fem 17S. coratlon1. Copperfield's Instrument 1100. Minert'. Wiid & Eltla 170 E. 1711\ St, Ste. 117 llAll lllll Flower•. 1936 So. Cll 968-5808 AD-VISOR Fin Vly. 982-1922 Firewood, moally nerd· Costa M .... 646-3141 wood, 1130 a cord. Self Engraved gift• lall tore-Wlth blue eyee ISOO/b11 Hwy. LB. 494-1173 Have aome1111~ you want 642-5678 Selling anylhlng will\ a plctlup. 980-0587 ver. Tenkards, gobl•tJ. otr. Xtra lg boned, :tint CHRISTMAS TREES to sell? Clessl led ed1 do Oally Piiot Classlhed Ad Mulle on Ille Move: Ott In baby cups, plc1ure 1emp. Sllot1/wormed,. DELIVERED from lo1 to II well I Call NOW, 11 • simple m111et Shop al home. 11'1 eaay lhe Groove with Music: lramea, key rings, etc. Wiii hold IHI Ctlrlltmu. yOUf door. Call Answer 642-5678. jUSI call 642·5678 with ctullfled 642-5678 for all Occ. 731·9194 etc. S30-838S Ad 537, 542-430, 24 hrs ,,.,, ' , ... , 5300 r.....i. 1111 11.,,.,,.1, S1H !-11..'!~~ .... !.'.!f ~'.'I.!!!!.'.~ ..•. !.'.'.! ~!.'I. !!M~-!. •••. !!.'!! !•!1..'!.~'!!. •••• !.~! ~~'}J ... ~~ ........ !."!!~ ...•..•........•....•• ..•.•••.•............. . ..................... Hoeplt• PIT -SI Found: Fem Siberian ·····-Cullom Fentuy Phone Servera, 5 yra exper., Unuauel American oak Husky. blk/wllte, vie 9Nl1Ull Wll1 ConvwMtlon with 8artlel Clerical 1111111'1 AmblUoua couple/ ma· bet-3-SPM In per· commode w/mlrror, all MagnQllJ l Atlanta, HB. 1 MCNISA 24 lln IUllYllU ll.DI lure 1ln9le; mkllmgml, aon, Bob Burns Reetau-ftnllhecl, 1225. 980-4607 ~1SS ln11anteneou1 reaull Part time, flex, noura, family bu1l ne11 . renl 37 Fealllon Island, with apece ~ ~ Call 638-0701 j•n•ral office dullea. Corporate Office, N.B. 645-8778 NB ~ In P9f*>O. AMERICAN OAK Found: Ory Tabby type ogyl Where? or Cllll oeltlon available Imme-Good Mathemat1c11 & for Cllrlalmas, dre11er lnNUJ I< II ten, aprx 4-S moa. ue at dlalely with small Irvine Communlcallon Sklll1. REAL ESTATE s.rvtce Station Altendant w /mlrror. S22 S Hell /Rhone HB . nNIT• i.mn. "" tu eccounllng and In-Lite 1yplnJ. required. Salesman. Need 1 expe-PIT Evening Slllfl, fl 980-4807 842-9945 ..•........•.••••••.•• Muat be ependable, rlenced person In com-days, 15/hr. MUii be ex· nnm,•. vwlment firm. re1pon1lble, & 1et1-merclll & lndutltlal reel perlecoed 675-2278, Er Persian rug, 75 yra old, Found: ~ry/wttt gooae, 4020 8lrdl Street PtMM call motivated. etlate tor a succeutul & nle must Mii. S300 or besl very" NEWPORT BEACH .._ ___ Ablgalt Prlee: I. Ruiz 714-840-8950, g:wing nrm. offer. 549-8457 '4&-8114 ....U4 PetlONI, quallfled drlV· 141-1114 X147 t working condHlon• W ~ llLD 8-.ttltul qutll lrom Mid· Blacil cat wlwtlt martllngl. ... •1 Meda me!. Ora, In Newport Beach . e tr . No exper1. WMt I 150 . apple. shopping, air-H01el 714/848-5051 enoe neceeaary. Ewfiing 759-1877 Vic. P'lecenlla Ave. ........... Maida needed IOf reeo<l S48-5801. ports, elc. By hour or ....... work. Very etly sell PKOTO MODELS day, -AM Occupatlona not•. ~ In petlOI\ 11 Salee/Decorating 11alr. OU11anleed hourly wage Entire collection anilquee, Loa1; Golden Relrlever. ESCORTS/DANCERS 494-5857 769-173t Available 348.82 SA. C.ot11 l:bw,y~ Commerclll/r"ldentlal, + bonut plan C.all Mr priced for quick sale vie Brookhural & Bu· OUTCALL 24 HRS ar.1 Income opportun-Ceflflttano Beech part or full time, wlll Spencer 754-6801. 73r-M59 atllrd. FV. SS0 R41werd. -.all lty. For In t o JANITOR, PIT. For Sal· train . Holly Typing, 40-80 wpm, PIM-~ Ill I 988-1988 71417~3. ff'~! •..•...... 312/888-4347 Exl C-70. Sun. 7 am lo 3:30 pm. t1n1. neat, entry level ..,, Found: Black lab, fem. Fee lot Directory. 4000 Hllatla Way, NB. Ill.II ltl ti bit • • ••••••••••••••••• *** poa on • nego a HARBOR AREA No ID. Vic Oarlleld & /~.'!.~'!!. .••• !.'!! 1542-5881. P.R. PERSONS NEED· w~. Send Hand Wfft. APPLIANCE SERVICE M~a. 983-7351 lff11fi1 Parler CultocMan HOUH!lffper, FRENCH Cuatodlen Needed F/T ED. Meglc Island 11 len reaume to: Laurlt we Mii recond .. :.u•r. Found: gray llger kltlen, Open 24 htt a dey lot bullneM oomplex In l,el SecretatV looking for 1 1-lnlelll-lee. P. 0 . Box 272 apptlanc:.a. 54 -3077 LADY. Exper. Call Kathy Coton• def Mar. We ate 1· yra experience In gent, attractive a ~· Huntington Beach, C~ wllt ctlett/ legs, blk col· 7 d*£•--M8-78H or 845-7077 lat. HB/ FV. 964-2327 Jacuzzi. euna. Local• lootllng tor a hard work· corporete law. Experl-persona to represent 112648 enoe on word prooeulng 1hem In thelf private club I llY APPUAllll 11 well •• Tour1111 . Young married man wlll Ing, aetf tllttlng lndlvt-Wented melure womer Found 1217: INc* haired BankAmerlcard, Amer • do r::a1 handy work. ctu.1. Dullea wllf Include equipmenl helpful. Mull In Nwpt Bch. lnteN!ew lor chlkS c:ate 2-3 nlghtf let 957-8133 wtllte M Samoyed(?) W . Cal eve1 & wkenda, regular CU9lod411 malnt & be polaect and able to required. Call for appl, 7 lean ExprMS, Diners. All wkly. Salary negotleblE W---Dryet S135 ... 19111, C.M. 548-e01S welcome 714/MS-3433. 972•9S25 • .-tor Biii. the Mtllng up of lerge work under preuure. days, 10 AM • 8 PM. Atlt< 540-6240 Dlthwuhet 1100 Found: F Do01e mix, blk & 2112 Harbor 81. CM rooms tor meetings end Office located nr. Jofln Io r Mr . Helberg brn; F Lab mix. blk & Prectlcal nurM, comp•· program•. Heevy titting Wayne Airport. Send ,. 87S-0900 WllUUSE Reff1g. S200 548-158-48 wm; M DoOle. bll l bm: nlon nMdl poaltlon eny ot teblH 11 required. aume 10 P.O. Bolt 7820, SALES PERSON • Merine W..,_, dryw (atedl unll) houri needed. 645-2590 Newpot1 Beec:tl, 92MO. No Experience Req. F Colle mix, Mote & wm; ocm11 Exper person ~ed. Hardware, exper pref. -.C. Good cond. 1150. F Golden Ret. mix, go6d. Compenlon nutMI ua't ~ tleve reterence1 Alt'"11on: P.F. Futl llme, benefits. Dane Malle up 10 l t2/tlr llart· 873-2817,873-3415 All avell. now. Newpot1 ••w wlll work In your home 5 end work experience In-P1. 631-9333 Ing r.•r,· Full/ParMlme Exira \Jpflgllt freN & •• Beach Anlmel Shelter, dl:-J'er wk, Mon/Fri. formation e¥911able wtien loan Pfoceeaor: Minimum aval . n our pub. Call 12S Mesa Dr, C .M . ...... 5 178. Sll#on. calllng. Call Mon-Fri, 9 2 ~ expettence In FN Salee ·=lot appt. 537-2880 frig. Both work fine. S35 644-3856 AM • 4 PM 873-2218 MA. Call Lori 549-1938 TY MIUZllE Kl chg MCtl. 720-0148 , ..... u..11•11 s.r. FWr1g l22S, Wlllrl-Found: Slatneee cat. In Ir· Deelr• pllt duty nunlng Dent• LOW ON SKILLS/ HIGH IEDS pool Relrlg S29S. l<en-vine at Tiie Orovet. 9Nu1lful modefi ror tt1e for~ """· 14 r ... EJtPtrltnced R.D,A . ON MOTIVATION, " you WELIDS-mGf9 gee dryf 175. Fri-. M0-3734 dlactlmlnat1ng wtto love •. 831-928 needed for O~tlc can type, cleen, prffl, Profeatfon.. 9dvertlllno Experienced people l ldalre Sklnny·m lnl the "golden touctl". Aellele merrted men w/ practice In Ml.ion Viejo drive. &. w1n1 10 grow 11le1 per1on. Earn ex-IMke up to S17/hr. Full/ 275. Whirlpool apt az ,,,,,.,,, S3SO NM. 830-3703 with our Co. Conlaot lremely large commit· car. dMrl lie. aee1<1 em-part-time poeltlonl evell ..,.., S12S. 548-&872 ..........•.•..•..•••• Open7~Weetc Domeetlc Lynn ell 5 on4y llS7 ·2500. lion, working In a pro- SPIRITUAL READINGS a1-ployment. Handy, Int-. Full-time llve-ln anen-CM non-amlltt ontf. tected territory lfithln In Olfr pub. Cal 1odey for, COldapol retrlg«llor w/ Advice In all matlers, gen!, 1111 497 .. 783 dent for chlldren. Must Orange County. Sell Dia-appt. 637·2880 KING IQll ineket, double doors, love, marrlege & bual-1115 PARK. C.M. !-11..'!.~'!!. ••.. !.~!! be ~.mdl• and w4I-1•1•11 WllltH play Adver1lllng for TV chg l22S. 640-8278 nHa. Also counMllng. VISA MC Ing to.,...,.. ~ fabuk)ua wonting condl-Megulne, the nation'• ......... Roc:brell 10" radial atm 181S So. EJ Camino Real, Acct• peyeble petaon. tlona. No •lll>et nee We largest local weetcty Pl'-ly. Cal &.tty, 151-9388 ...................... -· s 17S. San Clem. 492-7298 AEFAEStONO UTOPIA ...,.., w/ -bkkp'g. lot lf!Wvt9w. treln, -lchool. ClACUS bllcalton. Benefit ptog• 4!~ .......• I!!! 540-8278 GLOW. OC'a tm.t, lie lumber & det• Pf~ MAXIMUS. 711 No. H.,. ram provided. Some FAMOOS CICUS · II~ exp. llelptul. Hunt lllVlll .... bor, Fl.lletton. 87M 192 part~llme available. For Zenith color TV 24" good mMMUr 840-8085 ~ bet.-i 12 and 5 WESTMINSTER A88EY working condition *" .-TllWT• Bo aree. 842-8221. No Eicperlence Req . Mon-Sat. a. Kelty Interview, call (714) ANTIQUE &.tAll S7S.OO. 640-8278 Maxilu 10AM-3PM Mak• up to 113/llr 85Mt40 24 tw Outcalt Maj C/C'1 Stertlng P•r.· Full/Pttl --11751 W•htolnlt« Ave. Freear, Admiral 19 cu. ft. ........ "-"" Salee with lntetlor deco· GARDEN GROVE Maaaege Perlor. Oor• eet-891'4 Mature couple to ,..,,. time avall. n our pub. Cen meke S13 • 118/hr rator polentlal, Funlon &64-e103 ~ 118<>/beet offer. ~ glrll to _..... you. •KRIS KRINGLE* age 18 unit bldg, qulel Call tod•ri tor appt. atartlng P'fi· Full/Perl· llland ftne nome furnlttt· 5 trom 10 AM untll 4 537·2880 K NO chg In petton Maj C/C'a eHttlde locallon, ex· time avall n our pub. Inga , .. ...., nMdl expe-HOPE OR BLANKET Ferberware convecllon days a weetc. Free bUffet. 719 No. Herbor aet-8913, eet-8912 petlenoe prefened. Send ~outgoing fem ... Cell todaYi tor •PPL rlenced Hies peraon, lmlt, 11M. a-, like ,_ $85. Blvd, Fullerton , ... " rHume lo Ad # 1085, V9' belloon bou· 537-2880 K NO chg 1\1'/comm. Call Mt. 8n.tC4I 846--4225 Delly Pilot, P.O. Box quet lel99ram1. Mu11 844·8HO Nettle Creek 548--tt 11 l1MlM111 Oo-Oo glrla (to go) -IL Shop. REFRIGERATOR 1HO, Coeta M"•· Ca. lle¥I own car 1eo...a1ee .... • .,Le .. , .... ALLMAJOA~ ...... 14 ~. ~Bad! Office. PIT or like,_, lrotl free . CAAOS ACCEPTED Entry le11el Ad Agency II type. Nr Hoag. ~llYLL sso. SU-91 t 1 l 15S. 893-9080 IUllYUIU Attlateftt Ina merk~ poeltlon avail. Muat be lllC•PUI ttpt, F&C lie pref. ::r:llble, organized, 846-5073 8acretarlal po•ltlon In ......... ,'ZZ,... Firewood-Self plctl-up El.all 145-*e ""'-to: C!MaHIN Ad type 50 wpm. 8t:7· Now hiring Full l PI T ecllve Newport Center 1 100. 9111 S12S.:.g: cord -#H7. Dall&:!ot, PO 1100 /mo . Ca I Cooks. exr,: Pref, but Aealtor'a onlce. Fron! BMutltul, .... told me-587 a.ITll-.S Ml-4lM Box 1580, Meta. 71 ....... 1-0111 ~red. wa:,H office poaltlon requlr" ~· rolftop dell!, 12600. Hotpolnt Refrlg, aide by 24hcMs.cell135-tt" Ca. 92927. • THE OA 0-=telephone 11olce, 1111111-873--7419 llde. eutomatlc loe mak· ER AESTAUAANT, 1400 • thor1Mnd & .. •• 1100. 844-1804 ,,,,.,,,, ,,,,..,, Babysitter. exp. to cere ExPf only 1542-4 780 W. POH, N.B. 642-8Ut pee,.nce. Aeal eatate ...... ._ .• l«ftni 1111 S.mm SJll for 4 moa. old In your experience helpful but Bullt In dl1nwaaner. Ex· O.M. home. Full time &.pei•'IOed Pentograpll· Office Ptt•on. FIT, 111• not ...... 11a1. Pfefer loolll Maznlflclent Louis XV ~I conottlon. 1100. ··············•1•••••! ········••!••!••••••.!,! Mon·Fr1. 842-9114 .. Ill• oftloe wrtc . bttk'g, ~· tiling. Mutt tffldent. For Interview Din ~oom Mt, value &H-0281 631-4418 ~ • 111111ng sa.ooo Stress Wunarmurl B•bteltler needed O.C. nave lumblng office call Mra. DuN .MMl10. 18 CU FT FREEZER bperlenced Trect La.n work tacperltnce. Call • .., .. ,'C!'-17t • Mature WOIMlf'I my Offtoer, Mutt tiave ex-Hogan Plumblng 11 ANTIQUE NIGHT a... upnght, •Int nome. a..o-2ee1 morn• pertlee In fHAJVA PfO· 181.....U """°'9 10 STANO, tlO. Botlble, oond, 1175. 545-5187 q"''I of. Ve69ue :J).C. Inge. ceeetng. Xlnt beneflta, Hfim1 752 -4 000 X1nt 30" Tappan, VllUellte ••mm ........ plNMnt offloe environ· JQl7/ ..... 79 oven & timer, copper Need ~ l ltttf lUet ment • Cell Traoy Evee INJ/OI wttkendt. :=:o=..1e1:::: oolor 1125. 1MI Tu.tin Signs For Stress Include: tflN '"· 2• PM. Cc*a 114n30-09T 1. Atlponelbee adufta, °""' MUltCAL CYUNOU\ C.M. let/Sun IMM135 21, wlttl outlttftdlng ... TOV, aa. 9obble, Mt11 7 my llOtnt, _ ..... trecttvt ~toMlltlee 10 tty~-··· Mon-Thin 112 ·4 00 0 ~19ou,aldt Headaches MO-tl1 WOtll wl II youltl irwl I: ~a llOOft, Jani ""1· Qt1,.....,. No R11perlt ftet "•q. '"' llllry & ........ rua~ Fatigue 111 . .11 .. 10· 14). Call 2· M , tleWU.ID IDCM P~ Mlle• "" to 1 11/tw •ert· u 2.021, ut. 348. ,..., "' ..,...,.,: '9rlcln-146-HM • lrrltablllty Aocounta reot1¥able, Int f:· P:ul & Pltt·tlmt Cunt1\ ... 9ollllll. LO.E. -~.1101Jtn-... Backschttt llgM tW*'I. MaMt Ptf-pot tlon• avall. In our M ,N .. 711 -4000 10" tfngte oven r•nt• eon wtttl minimum ol I pub. 837-aelO KINQ ohg """'~ QIJ/141-3111 GOOO oCM\dltlon. H a. Using gentle marupulaUVf' therapy. ri,:• .. ,.,i.no.. ,ull/ ........... lnlerlor Land ect plng. ...,, ... JulltbOel. WurMllr 1011, tn.14U °' 515-7145 •· Mon •• frl. lend 1111* Helpful, IM ltOt fl1ntnOlll '"" ..... """ MPNG&M"°" Buie nutritional couruielln1. flleelofld. 'IO't ttylt 41. MIUMI ONLY lnotud• Hol>-llnl'• now :::?o: ""· Muet ""'' ,;od for eduHlar .. ,... ... ..... '"~ ,,...,..,........,. .. ~14~53-1231 '"' wort\ ""'°"Y & llllry PotldOflt. F1utf and • ""*" NOOrd. 751· .. • OMllllUOdDM' dlpC, l tll. .. • .,. .. requlremtfttt: Co11a .... Dtlhery dmtf. "°l •• c,p. a ''" All• ..... Ollt HOOtler •121 " 11 Pl., It• 111 M ... ltatloMr~ l"et· ""-" fOr llaftd lrofl-Put your 9dYertlalng "*'" ...... . .... -.... ltl .,...... ........ w.-w....., a °'Y9f, Newport e..oh, Ca. 12110 ....... :-:...:.10 11ltl .... c.11 ... .,.... llge wflere Ille readtfl .,, ............... , OOfllllfltr, 1 100 . l tlO .... 114 LoycN, ... Colle ttl27. .,. 1542-5878 .......... c.11 Ill 0940 . ....., CM.MOI• . ~ I ! r ' - t 'tl Orange Ooa1t DAILY PILOT/Saturday, December It. 1812 DO IT NOWI l .. fer S..4ra Your Delly Piiot ~ OtreclO<y Aepresent1t1ve lessianal Service .,.::.:;l•ft.,.H/ f!!!~!l~~tt ..... ft!!!':'/.1!1~ ......... !'.¥.r.!~ ............ !~!!~~~~!!!I ...... .. •••••••••••••••••••••• Cemenl•MaloNY'llclc* Formlo1 Top• 1 0 1 •II •• •WINO OAMAOI!? HOUllCl••nlng. rttllbl• Flbergl• boat rep1lr Wllla.Cuat,WOtlc I.le k!M1 PrOMpl • A111on ~1/f*TIOd No Job ref Qw1'1 tranep AMI V11nl1h, 1>aln1 a m1lnt 11381067 Rob 547.2113 able 0011 842·9 126. loo wnlol! FMI ..W:. YOLANDA 942..()405 Prof. r ..... 881·8787 •fl ctJU Cut ... 2·2741 rr .... , l( .. lh 04t·•t72 IPAllU PUIYY 5pm. •••••••••••••••••••••• 8TEVE THE Tll.li E111>'c:t In 111 home 1epal11. Cleaning 8efv1c:e Ctean-l-1J•n Child Care. my l\Ot'M, Ml SETTER • •-"'*1 ln1tlll• AMI No IOb 100 Small II'*• 18 M XI 10 QOdH· •••••••••••••••••••••• Of pl/time. NWpt Shor• i.tlon. ff11 "'· 983·32~ Brlll'I 8&0·3099 wee ........ , 842.aeoe CUSTOM HOME BLDR .,.. Rell. 54MJ84 · ........ l'IMCll SMALLER JOBS * Splrltual blMd olllld· hnlrt,tt It/laid •HlU.f HOUSECLE.\NING Mt...,. hoo .... RMI c•r• tn •-.....-• tot·• ....._ 00°0u0s0r·o ·M••R•E•F·1·N·1·s·H·1·N·o· • • •• • • ·ou·M•P• ·J·o·a··s· • ••• • H~• 1 Oependat>a. Comm. Diil 537·0342. c:1p11nc:~C.M. h'"c;,;;: FUrn. & Kit. C1blnet1 & Smell Movlog Job• 8rend1 te2·28to CdlHt #di•• 845-6169 STEVE 875-2383 Cell MIKE 84&·1391 •HooMCleenlno . honnt, ············••I\•••••• CHILD CARE· Temporary ""' ,.,_ HAULINO·ORADING-rell.able. 0111llti work PROF. ~ABINET MA KER full time. 'put time: ••••• ~";';;ill............ demollllon. cl••n-up. Rel. Sue 845·9 99 2t yrs exp., Cutlom·bll drop-Ina, 24hrl day/ TIHI Conc:rett & trM removtl. 2 Ell"'"' houMCIHMrt wlll turnlture. Lie d wkenda tooE We LOVE • .._. ,...... ~!l •••••••••••••• BRICKWORK· Small !Obi News>on. Coe11 Mela, lfvlM ..... 015·3175 Cuetom 9fldt•Stone 81oek.Conctet .. 8111CCO Aeft Fr11 "' &49-9492 ,~~ ...•.....•.•• ,. lftl'llt\Q '"'"'°' DllfOn HANG1NG/$TAIPPINO V..._MC SCott 046-9325 ~l.fm!! ••. llTl•..-S WT'I vHom. r..,.itl"9mod r. .. ~ ............ . Mott tubJeclt, I<• t4 Dey/eve M & 112/ht. Mr. Moroan 945-51?8 "1tl c... ... ,, •. " 8*vlCe • ~11! ••• • •• 'f!. • • • • • • • • • •Catl>tf\t'Y •Ptiutnb"'O Tm!sf • f!!!f!! • •• • • • • CUSTOM wood patio •EleO •Fin Cawcien1ry Will do typing In my llOfN • COYerl. redwo<>d ~·' •Or .. Motd~• IBM Seltcttlc II C•ll •.Uf reno..~ 041.oen •SheMng •Jeucece to &&1·te32 •••• •• ••• ••••• ••• •••• ger dOOf ep<lnQt. BIO or ---------•&-1 ..... llMlftl ... 1. email • -do It •Ill ....-.. t. "'-' .. CJH·'-rop q11allty. 26 yr exp. ••••••:;1.•.7.':":'·••••••• efficient ..,..,Ice 20 yra •••••••••••••-:;:'••••• Competitive r•t•. ED'S PLASTERING ••e· 8352951. 951-«>97 WE WASH WINDOWS No overtlmt. 730· 1353 tM11 Pltcbel. lnt/ex.t, !~~-~~~~~~~~! F11t . ProfeHl<>rtll ReetuCGCM1. 645·8258 I: Oulllly w0<k gu1r1n1eec1 Ouk:~~:~~'~. PLASTER PATCHING ~~#. .............. _F_r_ .. _._ •• _1m_•_•_•_8_4 .. _7_3_91 low rel... 552..()410 RHIUGC:OI. Int/Ht. 30 Huber Aooflng·alt typee, STARVING COLLEGE yr•. tMlt. Pl\lf 546-2977 New-recOYW-deckl .......... ...... STUDENTS MOVING NORD PLASTERING Lie. 11411802· 54e-9734 That IN contrlCtort wno CO. Uc:. T 124·43t '"""'"'· Rlllvc:c:o9. I• PlllUllt perlorm l#O<k °"" 1200 KenBurkelle3~ Kida. 9 31•4 274 or Topped/removed.CIMl'I Oulck-•. 642-7638 b111111fy rour 110m1 for MJ·Hll, tit. 122 8.42 07 up, i.Wl'l rer\OY. 751-3479 LIOHT HAULING the hol d1y1 . Rel1. I!.,,...,,.. ·11 & CLEAN-UPS 973-1729 blwn 8AM-t2 ~~~~~~~~~ ~j~~,j;;·l~;;~;,• C..ltMI.,,, 1fat1il UlllW WllTll Fr .. •t. 842•2657 ~=. 831-7309 •fl 12 &-8-8ll''--~1•-..,8 l'1-Oec:k1. pallot, fences. =.-....-....•:•2•:.:,.••..:;:•2•::.·_~1• Mowing, edgll'lg, rlklnQ, lntured. 041-8427 Blodl Walla 5116-4892 Don't r•roof. repair . 11 lnc:ludlng labor Ind WATCH US GROWi IJ~ traction of $1. 157·2890 m1terl1l1 m1111 be 11· ~.!:!'!,."!!~':"!!.~ 5 ""'.. ....... '""... ..._ •w••Plno. FrH HIT· HAULIMO·•tudent wllo• BACHELOR'S HOUSE REMOO. SPECIALIST Free .. ,. Steve 752·9 56 From" to z -do If ... : mat•. 546-5737 truc:k, Hm• lo fltll. CLEANING. RELIABLE. '•'•"-• •••••••• ••••••••••••• AOOFtNG REPAIRS cenMd. UnUcenMd con· JO Allel'I. Uc. 202752. EXPER. c1rp1l'lllr doea 714-875-9439 He 425781 Clean lll)I . Trimming Think yo11 7 59· t976 KAREN 540.2819 Bonded 494-1810 add'ns, remod, deCkl. 0.. B J Sprlnklert . Mllnt. _J_oh_n _______ 1--------- •••••••'•••••••••••••• J6r 0 (.? 141-llJI S lr1C1or• ltloulcl IO ..... -p•-40 Qll waterl!Mter S225 m•ll Job• OK. FrH '"their ldvwtlting. Con· r--·-H11mllH. Cell Tom or trector• and con~ by Richard Sll'lor. lie. Plumbing, hM11ng & drllln ctluck, 542-e392. contact Mary Grondle et ~r.:.'1.~ ••............ Dr1v-1y1, Parkll'lg Lot Repairs. S111c:oat1no. S&S Atphlt 631-4199Llc SkY1iohll & rep1lra. FrM ••••~ •• ~'!l.~I......... Fr .. Mt. 842•2857 HAULING & CLEAN·UPS let Shelley C:IHn•11P for eaf. Oan, 84 t ·4592 Supply/lnatlll/Repalr OAl,l RICHARD the Holld1y1. Rell1ble, ooora lnst111ec:t. every-lge selectlon +herd· .llPlllU Ul .. I 111erec:hool.957-8121 ••P 'd , o wn trana. thll'lg In bldg & rep1lr. 35 wire. Bob 8.48-2923 eve 839-5035 B I _8_4_&-_5_8_5_3 ____ _ yrs exper. Reis. Jerty DOOR INSTALVREPAIR L1nc:l1Caplng-Yd Clnup1 ••~~!(•••••••••••••• •••HIJlll'!t, 546-4413 Lock• ll'llt•ll•d. FrH Tr• tr1m/remov-M1lnt J6r n ~ 141·11H .. BUStNESSMAN.WiLL°. 280&44. 14 Y" of l\appy 1topp1g11, houH or I.====:;;;:;;::;;;:;;:;=; (714)558·4088 with at\y local cutle>mll'S. c:omm. Evee/Wknd•. Em-• HENRY que111on1. Col'ltrector·a Think you, 631-44 tO ployed by USC u Jour-RtoJirs/Ntw St1te LloenM Board, 28 PAINTER NEEDS neyr,)an Plumber. Con-LIC •• ,_ Civic Cel'lter Pin•. WORKI 30 yre 1xp, tn11 trec:tor lie. #252950. 5'1·1213 Room 890, 81n11 Ana. Ht. Ac:ou11lc celllngt Uc. R111. ratee 494-3413. ~---------1 CA 92701. C.tr.,I hrriit e1t1m11ea. Biil 968-8739 trrlg111on Jim 851-0129 Furn~-pool·witer hMt HOUSESIT. Educated ~.'!!!'!!1! ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.• a , 'ill "9111l llm iH • I . & cepable. 647-3524 lnc:orporellon. b11slness No Steam/No Snampoo •• !!.~'•••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• •• ~! ••. ~!~•••••••• p of c:ouple to houM lit advice. Re&son1ble lees. 'Stein Speclallst. Fut ELECTRICIAN-Priced NIGHT STAR SKY "HELPING HANDS" r · · 388780. Fr .. 11t1m1111.. 88t·5088 l«nlul•I llmffl !::======::=:= Davit Painting 847-8432 •••• PROFESsioNAL···· Little Miii Muftet ... on. S Bii lale1 PSein7611ng d ~~!!!~~'••••••••••• SECRETARIAL SERVICE Tulfel, •long c:1m1 1 pee. re N pr ay AC RAINGUTTER 754...e388 1plder end re1d In the plue m1ter11111. 873-5379 Bonded·tn.llc 8344784 1---------1 Dilly Piiot Cl1ullled hU•IAJ,.1111... Mellon about Miu Mllf· loweet rat••I Prompt, FrM Ill. 1-524-5824 ••••• ~~••••••••••••• let'• T11llet and bought It 75l'·1H2 dry. FrM Ml 839·1582 right, frM Hllmlla on on your celllng. E11aot1yl You name II -·11 do Ill winter monlht, NB. Non ---------•shampoo & 11eam c:lean large or smell Job•. painted In colors th•t Ed a Bobbi 240-0275, 24 llmkrt. 2t3l471·14 18 A•,...lln Color brighteners, whl Lie. 39662'1. 973..Q3j! glow In the dark hr• W ' ••I ...................... crpts . 10 min. bleac:h. ELECTRICIAN J Wiii do other 1pecl11ty ' •••••~~~!I .... • .... • •• NEWPORTWEST •• Hall. llv/dln. rms S t5; 1vg Sml )obs/RepairL lie. lobe • elect .. plumblng, •••1Hl1,.la1, Cullom Deck• • Muonry n111 prol•Hlon•I•. 15 DRESSMAKER & for $9.95 You c:en Mii yrt exp. 63&-7149. ~!t!!~f!I........... FASHION DESIGNER yovr tuffet end loll ol Datsun to Rolls. Custom room 17 50 c:ouch sio· 2.,., 08 c 0 5~. 11203 painting, eto. 961·2871 •••R•08•••1N·~8·•c•L•.,.:•N•IN••0••• & Pillo eo~. Reae. wax & detall. 650-t 132 c; .. , s5. 0· ua' r ellm. pet' ""1 • • 1 · .. .,.." ""' " ... ,ra.. Service • • thoroughly FrM Ml Gene 539-4078 ULPl'I Pllltm J,O. Horl'I Refil'lllNl'lg Reuonable. 046-8447 other thll'IQI through Low rllll, He. 53&-9898 An11quH, kit. c1blnet1. ftH llm it Delly Piiot ClaHllled tine pllnllng. 645--0ee4 ••••••••••••••••• ••••• Ads. Cell 642-5978 MOBILE HOMES IS LOW RATES SS 1---------. odor. Crpl repair. 15 yrs RESIO/COMM'LllNO. •••••'"•••••••••••••• clean houee. 540..0857 Total trH MrV, landlCa""", ... n llli•• exp. Do work musell. 20 yra. Do my OWl'I work. Painting C1r.._,.trv ,..... •••"••••••"••••••••••• Refs. 554·0123 ' lie:. 278041 Al 649-8126 CeramlC -Tiie, u~:ci'& HOUSECLEANING: Good h1ndym1n. cement. ma- herleftt'I Sltten Borlded. 844•4798 eves. refa. TrantpOrtallon. Ex· eonry. 25 yra. 536--0914 (llc:'d, bonded egel'lcy) We Cere Crpt Cleaners Buyll'lg and selfing 11 •i---------per'd. 979-9759. 30 yra exp. FrM Nt. Dye CldllllCI to Go-Clfla TrM trlm/remov, c:IHn 971-0824, eve 631-5943 Wh•tever the Fld upe. mowing. 554-7017 CIHtllled Adi ,,. the ll'ltwer 10 a 1ucc: .. 1tul gerage or yard 111e111'1 • 420-82nd St.. N.B. Steam clean & uphot. reasol'l&ble prlce·lh11'1 HOME CARE·REPAIR, • The f11teat drew In the C. Coder's B•byslttlng Truck moul'lt unit what c:l1111fled la ell p1ln1. yerd. Free h1ul. Shop at home II s easy West ... • Delly Piiot H&ve some1t11ng to sell? Roll 'em olf the markll With 1 Clanlfled Ad Call ~ow ~5878 Sell thongs lesl wotll Darty better w1y 10 tell more Agency. Cati 8.45-3746 Work guar. 645-3716 at>Ou1. 642-5878 lfr• ett.y~1-4348 • wllh c.1.auihed 642-5678 Claeallled Ad 642-5678. Classrlied ads do 11 well PJJot Want Adi.--_peop1e1---~ • tor ~our •tlll-good retrlo•r•tor !!11!!! ••••••••• ~ !~~~! ........ I.~!! ~~ ............ . QUEEN Sile Htct.-1-bed, Good usec:t FurnlhHe & good A:Ondltlon S75. Appllance1-0R I wtn 11111 ~~~~a.4~7~-33~92~~~ Schwinn Conlll'lenlal, very Sol• 7'. 1tlnt COl'ld. Mike **I BUY** good col'ld . new tires. otter. Eves: $75 775-0456 846-4538 LADIES' 3 SPO BIKE Sola & IOVIH•I $500, XLNT CONO. $45. dining rm glus lop tlble 775-0456 & chrt $300, dlc:taphOne Old Cru l1ers & used Bikes. Tires. Wheels. &l'lswer mac l'llne w/ remote s soo. 573-5103 or SELL for You I . IUSTIU llOTlll CUSTOM Teble Pldt 40"xlSO" 01111 with le•· 141-1111 lll·Mll ..,.., new $30. 847-3392 DOLLAR DAY DOUGH SAVERS Sell your no-longer needed Items for cash. If It doesn't sell, we'll run It another 3 days FREE. One Item per ad, must be priced. Sorry, no real estate or commercial ads. Call today for full details. (Non..qfuncWlie. Eidre llMI 11.GO) 3 3DAYS INES CLASSIFIEDS642-5678 OLLARS ~1!1 ••••••• ~f !'.~'.'!.'!~!'!!.~! ••• ,."!,. !'.'!!.~~!!.~ •.• I!!! DO A LITTLE 8U81NE88 IN YOUR OWN HOME 8" Craft1m1n Jointer Work benctl, r-dwood 31 -•T Planer wlleg, llke new. X 70. 2 dwr. b o11om Full length Chrl1t1ne S250. 549'-2141 "*'· $45. &44-83t7 Olof. light~. S7.000 15W' Cral1aman Pedeetll Mink Stroller. Gorgeou1 value. Beet ofter. Oflll PrM1 llke new S250. natural renc:h w/S1bl• e57·9G94 Seats, Part1. 1982 Char-3 Swivel bar stool• Dark le St. C.M. 642-0309 brOWl'I, toper nice. All 3 I llf nUITlll lea 957-8133 BUNK BED wwltll mil· tre11 and l1dder, •II wood $100. S46-3319 r.. .,.,~ i 549-2141 coller. Value S5.000. #.'1 U :~ n ' · 10" Creflaman tlble MW Mklng S2400. 8-40-490l •NI· .. ,. •• :~ti . . ' ._· r. \ • w/legl, like new Cer phone, n-In box. ,, .. ,. l•l Q ~ 1250. 549·2141 puahbutton, heed only. •••••••••••••••••••••• , (,~.'. 1~ .._ t~ o.~57o r b • t o Ir . 1111 IBP l Glrl1 L•l'lc:tcrulser. 26''. _S60 __ ._63_1·_1_7_62 ____ , 'I \ • lndultrlal Mlll.lnQ Motor 1 ..,..,.._ Ill lff lll FURNITURE . NEW Sola and m1tchfng c:hllr, '"'-(,; • " r I ''11.-...,;~ .•. 4;· ~· I.·-? ·H~P~l~150~.~54&-0~~132~~~ -on---o.c..--o---G-ram ___ acale_~. g ood col'ld, 5 spd. Sola. 7 ft. beige al'ld Pur/$250 will 114111 S 100. brOWl'I. $50. Must rllM Calh brown, tan llow«ed. gd . = c:ap. 2910 grem1, Mdl ltmH Prioet 11111 11 c:ond. $85. S48-a034 .....,,. 1100 4 ...... -21 Mother 1hort of c11h 493-6186 846-3478 M1ttr.._ & found. Mt -..11,...., Ml -· · .,......, l'IMCI• ea. 10 weteult to 10.19Md Rosa. Pf'Ol11951<>-KING HEADBOARD Twin $77 . Fun $97 Olk Oll'llng Room Table & ..c....-,"' •••••••••••••••••••••• ·-.... ----,...--,-11&.1--1 ••art her 8-yr.-old eon off nal model. S 150/obO Chi,_ leak, $90. Queeri $147 • King S 187 8 upholttered chalre. ._. ~ _ A" 11 q u 's m5 • h 0 g 1 n Y / •-t cond In hi• 1urflng cereer. 873-5223 or 548-2888 Evat..-l'ld 548-&737 Sot• Beds S t97 Xll'lt col'ld. $600. 2450 cabll'l•l· 7 : bathroom w -.. Jt .. , • Need '°' Santa 10 IMve Newport Blvd. Mngra of· "marble type'' link In 1 l200 551-8517 Glrlt 20" Hufty Sunflower, Twll'I bed, box eprlnge & SoDlfl & loveeee/4 t S2S9477 flee.. door I 2 dfa.er cabinet Harbor l8land &tate Sale: Ul'lder the tree . .., C71811 xll'll cOl'ld $25. lreme, good c:ond $40. nette w cttrs plua m1tchlng 2 door 1 n 1 w • r 1 d # " • S45-14T9 548-8651 DISCOUNT FURNITURE 2 twin bed•. tram.. mal· t.lM '"'-' 1c.,,, .... r............ Wiii c1blne1 & "merbl• lldlel aillom diamond 842-4300. 24 In. 1959 Harbor Btvd. tr•••· iprlnga, wood •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• ::J'••••••••••••••••••• t .. .,. hett all f watch a matching wed· ~~~~~~~~~ Boya 20" Hulfy Roul'ld· Nett of 3 el'ld Ibis. con-Cotti M... 631-8809 hHdbOarda pr $150. EVERYTHING GOES, Ap-ESTATE SALE I f..e1Y.. /roo; ~.m:ered gli: dll'lg bind, 12100. Jay Attentlonll Small lamlly Up. $20. 1emporlll)' Chinese. S20. 780-0157 pllan. 111/wr, c:!othes, Deelgner clothel, BIUI, furn, b•by .troller, b•by 11\ower doof• .. Ilk• new, 875-373t wanu 10 buy 1 nloe 546-1479 644·1604 Lene Cedar Chelt. wllnut, ....... a... knlc:-kn1c1. etc. 309 Al'll'I Kleln. Evtn Picone. mlac .. tooll. ~. Ol'lly S50 for both. Call Harbor llllnc:t Eatll• Sile: dre11er. Call 1nyllm• Sc:hwlnn Verslly, Boys 10 8 drewer deek. contem-$135/0BO. C•ll lor d.. ... _. Dl'lyx, Sul'I 7-4 Siik. wool, cotton dr"· Blcycles, Chin• end 042-0138. be9utlfUI, rare 1 c:1 di•· 542-9415 apd, 24". Ilk• new. $90. porery atyJe. wt c:h•lr. tells 542~9111t 7PM S125 673-7144 "'~ 1t•lat8ll "'· •(]'',· blo11J "'· book•. 1211 Starllte. --.----UL--L _____ , mond ring. never worn. --------- 644-0937 • S 100. 644-1604 Ornete Entry teble & mlr· Deek/Chllt, 16x.TOx30. 4 ••••••••••••••••• ••••• ~~:i:r :~·~t1111~1• Sat/SYl'I 9 to 8 PM -n; -f:," cert. for $7100, ... f •will ~~=.c~:~· ~·s~ N~ts~llld w11h 4 drew-~--~~ued. S85tobo. ~'f1"s:."=6.3CC:~2ssoo. s~~~~':l!.n~•..!::.~~~a& c~!.!._~~c·~2~0~woo1· n~: ~!'~f.e .~:':!.c,'•~PI~~ =~ ~:i H,:iu: C:,.~:08~:3713;d• torj •• ~~~!! ••• ~ · · · other 1t1m1 S•t·Sun r.,.,.... -"·-·· • oc:~1lon1 & holldaya. Elect on1c Combo piano Cuti. 644--8387 ~1604 9· c:lelk, petfec:t lor archl-Lg 8re1kfront:. 01111 l0-4. Rew of·2023 Mira'. cotton 1w11tere. Size d'tllrs, table ... c. Mo4or· Delivered inytlme. 8 tred( tape player S50. 72 r WllQtli.d • Schwinn 10 apd glrta. llke Bdrm c:hHI. c:onlempo-lect, artist or anyone. 2 doors, llghtl, H · $450. mar Drive, Balboa 6-8. Few 10· ~hOH, ree~h=lodc, m~ 973-4419 ~~=-~ 35 =~Wnp l epllrk= new. S 125 ruy style 5 drewere. ftle dwrs & "*-· S95. 875-0554 boOl•. 111 colort1 ~med. ,.... ---------• · •••5 844-5424 548-6737 & wltl'ld 585 ~1&o.. 648-8181 MISC F R IT RE C..1 ''' "'1 Ltllr puree1, all c:otora. SatJSYl'I 9-4. 489 Moun· ll'lt ... 11l1lon G1me Unit. 5Y. S25. 979-1288 _... · · · "" · · U N U •••••••••••••••••••••• 0111111, 111lnt111 1111· tlln Rd. w/8 c:1rtrldge1, mint Linton Plccolo. Bought l•ll'1•I 6' Sola. llghl t•n back· Belutltul Imported French Mull Nit. 540-5488. S•t 214 Carn1tlon. Wa· were, c:ooklng u11n1111. • rl a..-L cOl'ld. SICllflc:e $176/ofr. SCRAM LETS n • w . u a• d 1 w I c; e #. I« .ll llZS roul'ld • llorel prll'lt. WaJ,..111 bullll w/hutch 22.4 Loyola,C.M. terbede. bike trac k, Much more kit 1tem1. '!'!!'!P.!:.~....... Chr11, 975-9084 • $250/bet otr. 042-8392 .... ! .. !! •• ~•••••••••• 125. 64.4-1604 bevelledc glut dr' 'Of· Int women• clothing 9-12 a . King ai ahMtt. towal1, Furn .. lkll, hMNd good1. 4' Horne Bar. 4 stools, & ANSWERS 1952 l• Paul Golden""". Slldloo gl1~ doort, auort 8• Sol•. "'""' good col'ld. very ountry rll'IC ... D ng table. CU$tom gold ler-t Ille let P. lllowt, t1bleclo th1. Ill• cab & mort. 538 Acc:elllOriee. S175, ft ~, of 8,. to 8 high, tinted s 100 ·-·, $995. 64&-8t8l 4 bfack l•c:quer. S275. H~old lterr!I Sameonlte luggage, c:al-Redlands Ave. Nwpt 548-8748 Ent.it -louee ~':~.tr~ 5~~·1 r~ glaas In anodized alum 720..()952. 675-t334. Buy Iler ' beaullful tolld 548-8737 ...,/Wknd 424 FernlMI 8-5 PM. cul11or, IBM-Selectric, Hgt• Sat. only 10.2 1 .,_. Frenc:tt d"""" 6' with Hitch . Afford 548-2573 frame . Beat o ffer. m11\og pede1t1I t•ble Bunkbedl/Ceptllnt bed• Plc111r ... bootc1.S•tl&m -· ..,..... STAND 873·7677. BEAUTIFUL 8' Henrlldon w/1 drewer & !either top w matching dreHere. Toyt, bikM. l11rn and mlec: 8 AM. 303 Ramona Pl. GW.'troa:~~i s:.11~: hardwar:.!20097.;... 11 look me two years to 0 RUMS: Gr 111 ch 11 I Breakfront • 8' mirrored tor Chrlelmu. $50. 844·4504, '752·2404 1tem1. 2515 Windover (OFF SANTA ANA AVE N.B. 675_8829. Mital ,._.. ...., tMCh my dog how to alt. "MOl'lller +'' In ebony . .,,.,,., dining t1ble w/ 8 ltaltan &45-8746 WOfk Sun 11-4 8TWN 15TH & 16TH llreplace chandeller 4 patio c:hllrt. aoo.. cu-Now he'• forgotten how 10 c:INml, ~.11'"61. L.J-nt ,,,. chairs. Sacrifice It S3000 ST1, CM). • • ahlone metal framH to STAND. Mull -· Delp. $1400 •• ;';1:"""•••••••••••• -..i.1e. E~e51•1 138 2411.60 wal flnleh coflM F11" Stu Sol•·bed, $100, S1t~Su" t0~3. dbl oven,,...~ ........ bout""'-d ...... _ tum lkl equip n111tlcal • • or beet. 544•8878• C1nl'lon 3 5mm s LR ~·....-table w/orn1te c:ervtno. Good Condition. Beige TV•· hMhld Items. 1533 VIV\"""" ~· --· le1ci 0 allleld. etc: • s 75 '°' all.'656-0t98 Pl.AYER PIANO, exit 731-3905. equpmnt len-. filtett, Ch1lr reclll'llr vibrator. $30. 645-8748 1~. 842-9740 Saecr"t 044--8889 turn and mllG. 144 Cecil SUPEI' SALE 7 NEW TIRES cond, Duo Art. Beel ofter --------- c11e. etc:. $225 OBO oood ~-•S50. 502 9th Mllchl"" c:hr Mt, Velour, Dacoratora 3x5 beveled CHRISTMAS BOUTIQUE ~I:. Coeta Meal. SatJSl.tn PAICELESS t60Jt19.5. 10 pty. seoo or trade for Baby grand. Fender Rhod11 73 Key 64&-2374 St .. H.B ........ 980-5078 only 0htw mol'lth old. gi.e dining table. br-SAT 12-4 SUN 10-3 ....., TREASURES CMtl for... 558-0tH _9_7_s-_7_9_7_7· _____ , :~T. ~m.~cond. Canon AE1 w/lal'IMI & Ill M1tlr"8 MIS: twin SflO, 1150. 831-8870 hOOll w/t1m1 llHdl. 702'.-\ NarclllUI (alley) , ... ,. ,~,,_ & JUNK. KNIK·KNACKS Wrought Iron baker'• Twin tlH Br111 HH eocee ll'IOld. N.-u..o. full S85, q11 .. ,.. s 105. Bullodls Contemporary 8• cot! I 1000 llOttflce for c.ti ... •••••••••••"-~•••••• DtSHES. BOOKS ractc. fl' high, w/doof1, boafd, 135. 1 Zlmer Electric: 0 111t1r c 111 '" c 1 s 4 9 9 . king s 12s. 750-5832 aota; beloe plllow bac:k pr lea of gl111 only. •••••••••••••••••••••• Artificial Cllri.tmaa TrM, ASSORT. FURNITURE b41dc. 175. ~8 042·9740 with •mp. Xlnt cond. 979-2518 11. l500 780-804 Matc:lllng c:oflee table. ..., llaH .._..___ am bdrm ctteel. ®'hla, 11n Domlnoo Or. 3 blr ltooll. bill wrought Grey Norwegian tur cape, S350/0BO. 497·1925 POLAROID INSTANT OaYerlport, perfect c:ond. IOvelelt. . 5 M&-9795 Pot holdere,b':ii~d mite. ploturaa. """· Saturday, t.m-2pm Iron, gold cualllonl, 175. "1oulder length ARMSTRONG PICCOLO 1 CAMERA. $25. Bobble. $50. 2217 Harbor Blvd, Oorgeoua cttrome & glUI loll of Chri.tm .. c:teco-flower poll, mantel. 780-1219 558-0tM 175. 844,9&fl8 yr old, xlnt cond. $225 7 5 2. 4 o o o ept E4, CM. 642-2084 coffee table. lt25. .,._ "" ratlonl. Verr -, 2044 gam••· 9~30AM-4PM 111W"llT UTlt1 ••• • OBO Erin 559-5328 1.11111 FllllfTlll 780-ll04S-••-•••••,•::::•::::.::.~.. N1tlon1t Co1t1 Meu 9t40 W-aner FVver CW· -RCI Femlly Membetlhlp JACUZZI MOLD X397/548-3979 -~ c:te F'I ee2-8280 2500 Cllff ~ .. Newport 1550 Inc[ traneter r.e. 11000 or belt ofter Linton· Plccolo. Bought Magnificent lo11l1 XV So41d01k KS FARMS NWPTBCH Sat/Sun · · B11c:11. liquidation of ff&-t487 548-8121 New . uaed twlc:e. ~r..'!!! ••.•.•• 1.1:! TX ln11 Home Computer Educatlonal/entertllnlog $349.95 lnet ~2374 Olnll'lg room Mt. v11ue Coff11 + Ible, well unl11. 10 Aiding L...on. s 15 111111 IALI the" Item• 11 1 mu1U S250/blf ofr. 942-8392 S 1 7 , O O O . • 1 k In g Col'ltemp 1ola/lov ... 11 (r-1151 .. r) ~...,.. •utla•IM...,. Cry•t•I, porcelalne, Soloftu uerclae unit, Ilk• Ventura lllQOage. Mll'll S8 000/0BO Alto beau-'500. Olk wttti gt.... din ...,. " · .._ .. -"". S11/S11n 10·4. ChUdren ••••••""•••••••••••••• bronze•. Jewelry, c:•-,,..,,, $250. Oyc:hlddoc:tc Two Suiter, uMd once. 111~1 BrHkiront value Mt 5 pc olk bdrm $400. ldYanoad. 975-2·207 and l1dl11 cloth••· Huge Hie. "veral oer-maraa, gu111r1, ~. CUilom made ract. din-MS. 144-e918 OllJn ,.,.,.,, f Slt,000. 11kll'lg S5000 Eleg•nl 1011 bed .~...,,,,,, •porting good•. Chrlll· :rn:·tt~p='. antiques, p1lnllng1. II· Ing rm teble, 2 IMYel, ~·Bumper Pool Table L.1-1 ,,,. OBO. 640-4910. 972-4895 •••••••••••••••••••••• mat glftl. NEW YORK & b nbe ea. d 1 paatrlee. 8f1no CMh, VIie Francll wM!ut ftnllh. S1, wttll red tell, a•e new. w/ ••• -...~•••••••••• LETT ER . Q u A LIT y ee.rtlful Dining Rm Set, WllerfOfd 0.-yttal Stem· NEW JERSEY. CM • y goo •• c:o1met c or American E.Jrpre11. 000. Oya 546-3441; eve. ..,... 1350. 8'3-0538 or "" ... 11111 PRINTER.. lkolher EM-t Rec1angotar, Walnut top, ... -ware (l'leW) Alana Pal· 229 W Wll1on no 14 =irno!ncs"":"a::i IUHOAY ONLY 9 am to 780-1901 790-8538 Moat Brandl. Sac:rlllca. par11111 d•l•Y wheel w /ornetely dHlgl'led ~;:1,:·~~S~ ~U.35aes ~!.5 0 • • · S111sUn. Furn . .'lllh t,.nk, Yortttown Sat/Sun. 3 pm. . IMrla Coelt Country Club Tiffany BIMlrd llghl honey "2·7033 ~nter. U... IBM r1bt>ot\. wro11ght Iron lega and 8.45-2518 111 3 PM m4ac. houllllold, toole. Yard Siie. eo21-22 Ebb-Wood "1wlng d11lgn" Membetalllp for Hie. oolored. S250. 833..oS:Je UMd Undelwood rnenu11 nt ·condition. lnetruc-c:halrs (8). New 12500. JfWlrT. 1111 S•t. Furniture, Chrtltmaa tide Clrc. Oddi 'n end•. cllmbtnq gym, I 150, $1500/ofter. 9754851 or or 7eo..8538 typewrllere, one with lion m11"1u11 . $800. Aekll'lg S800 obo. D1y1 N1ug1hyde couch with •••••• ••••••••••••••• 1ree/decor1tlon1. clo· some new. •om• old; boy1 23 . KHS d111ter 919/~722 .. .. wide carrlao•. Xlnt for 751-8408. 640-4910 CerOI m•tchl!lg c:hilr & 0110• Rlnga, lldlel 14K Wht gold thN, etc. 999 Pr .. ldlo 50•1 ctothll Sat t-5 bike, 170, m11c toya . • ,. Franclec•n Mldelr• 8 •tudentl or home bu1. tt..,. ,,. llff C~~-:,::•~:f~~ -~I~~ n~~288S4 0 0 I o b o . ::~. ~: Or. Commercial ·~~or. ~~~8p:r~r~:,•c~'g9~t1•2 2,:~: t.:~:k,' :.~~ !:91~~~8d:; $75. ~Te •••••••••••••••••••••• 548 .• 8737 "" & wknd Balutltul OlnlnQ Rm Set, 1111 MOOOtOBO. Nlawlr 1915 Wallace, SAT. only. Ptaypen Couch, Jewelry Sat . ttyte 175. 552-oetM 780-8538 5' wood dMk w/ 1'9tract· 4X8 HO TRAIN LAYOUT Aetangullr. Walnut top, Ad 534, 842-4300 24 hre. 8·6. Twin bed, plllowa, Etc. 21871 SaMlc:le Lane: . 4XI' fully de talled HO BEAUTIFUL ¥• length na-Ible ~Ing table, MO. (lncomplet•) ...... S w/orn1tely dHlgned •--Is Ifft •tep ltool, toyt. t>ookl, Bueherd/Hamlllon . f~J!!.o·Samc>lellle, 10111 train I•~ tural Lunar1lne mink S4M 7 ftSIWtcnd 540-6021 ..... .... wro11ght Iron leg• and ~~ Ilk• 10 =:·a md:iat== 984..tH I ~-~ dllld:S. 8acftmln ang .. A ooat by M. JaoQUM lur. ... ...... Ml , .... lllllll Slit ct.air• (8). New, 12500. trade 1 i ct. Gemotoglat manta Set Only, Dec 11. 8·5. pint•. 'ihort•. ahlr11: care. Mull HI. >Clnt Sic 11500. tt7-0471 New, 1lngle drawer. ~ UI m E\'erythlng ffom e IVllu-A 1k I ~ I 8 O 0 I o Ir · cartlfled diamond valued Yard~ blk ......, . 19472 Oakmont lane. 1wlm, 1ccH1, 1k lrta. ~4~J/C:a'o'" ::2.3114~ I 8• Pool Table w/llte. Coat btldt. S115. M5.ot78 SwHt, af ectlonate F r1out 4 bdrm model mvet 840-4l Cerot It M500 for• llt• model • • • .,....urea. Deak, Dinette, Motorcy· Sat/Sun Dec· 11-12, 4'71 . ' 11800 new Seti IUO aMJ puppy needlgood home. be lold by Sul'lday. BeaulllUI BrMklront. v•· car. WOUid be • ore11 "'* knlc knace7 'do~ ~~~ T!'!!. 'vnd OEamn, 82nd St. New po rt 112·7451 W* 611. 54f.ee77 . ~•••••••••••••r.r;i• 842-0100 9et-1221 RANCHO SAN JUAN lue $11 000 Atklng ChrlltmM Gift. Call 12·9 womm'll n • '""'' .,,... _,.,,. .._.., •d quip •• 842-0751 EISENHOWER Comme· Ootc:tan ~ ~ Need lovtny home w/ bundle o love for Chrl1tm11 for blk toy Poodle. 4 yre old. 882· 1tt0 Roll. ESTATES. S•n Juen S5000/1)1totr.e..o.....910 pm,178-373t. =~119~·M~959 Ana-~~· Kltc:hen llama. Chrll1mee °"•Sale . moratlve Coln, 110. 2~~?::: AKC Cl\. blood llnea: Caiplltr1no. 9• COUCH r1111 brown ladlff Certlef tank 18K Like MW blla, 11111. baby ~· 4 0 O O band! _..,, aml ...._ _a_5o.043 __ s ____ _ ~" 4~~· C:. g~1~ blac:k t1tir1c:, r'.riodern'. 11200 C::t l~e ~~ A:,r~~~~1.:1A~!"rh~,~~· UUll ULI """· 1oy1, llPPlllicea &. x397,~3979 phone d .. k w/chr, ra-P11yru1 part s11m11• wy, ....... -Xlnt cond. 1125 obo paper•. '"' -v-• •1 1 • 811/Sun I AM. 14 Ft clotll u . 8 1 t18un oordcablneUtl-7353 apayec:t F cat 1 yr old I Aq11ecate. 857..()880 II n k I 1200 co It bdrm Ht, ampa. ote 1allboll GHii r1gl1ter 11AM·2PM. 1159 Port P~ TABLE 4117 ouetom dadawed 15 '17s-5214 ' Follow 11Qn1 from cnr S20001trd ~ c:ompu. more. 1831 Tanager, cl th ' doll 1 ;, Wheeler NB bull1 11111 bed• hardly Aane J\lcler, good condl-· · SAT-SUN 10-5 1 d•Y "''· everything pp 84&-"4M . M•H Verd•. S•t·Sun ° ... •. OYI • . • llon. $45. l Amertoen Pit lull Tenter. WANTED; Fr" to good CASH ONLY goee, no reeeonable of. 10-1111 !Wk. gam11.. 1572 Nettoa!W11y. IWIN lllld. llOO. MO.olH. 045-1572 I 1 yr. p1per1. 1125. 10 ~o~~ :r::~-o~·:o~~·l•iiiiiiiiiiiiii • .., retuled, Hundr9dl of H.:.i:: :::::= Dec to, 11. Collect ..... Many MIOf1ed 1teme.119ry Gun Cabinet, Cuti ,.. 1'1" ... tor.°' tetlle w/ BEAUTIFUL Mink coat I good hOIM. 173-4114 Chrl1tm11 pruent. mlTI 111.1 = =:...::-o:= wetd'I & INtd*'a Wed· glaet. pottery. boo9111. ==~7~ 1~ ,~~:~ c:::.~~::::-d ecoee. 142.'1709 knee lenath. Jdr'1 ~-----·------nS-1321 ...... for Moth-I 1 Sat di De-ding band, H1c>ll. Jay br .... mucll mlec. U I · V & oonct. Drti brWn. 'llftlill AKC Coe*• 8'*"" pup-• 228 Grandview. l•g. ~~· ll, 9u~M !3 PM. 875-37M 1enete SI ,,.,.. C~~t~iV.. "l'.:o Voice act1111ted Phone •· 11150 14&-sut . plH. Lar~ty. 2 t-mo t.m. ~ 1 fl'IY HovHlul ~·furniture, 381 I So leer SlrHt, Harbot talerld ~ S.: GARAGE SALE ...................... kid (l.ldO Ille) == ,:.::•..::.:=· Qwt111rw Sat. ll71-S200. · brown tabby, f White. c:I01hlng. IH "''· mlr· ::.::.:.n:· ~= beautiful, r.,. 1 ct~ SAT. ONLY 7.5 ~..U Ill.I ._,, AIN uklng firm 1100'. N ...... ,,.,,. a Doble, 22 mo1., Fem, un.r boll trained. A"-C1. ror1. din rm •t. mlec. F 1 mond rtno1 naYer worn. 984 CONGN88, C.M. jr .._ 7·1, glrja ;i::.•••••••••••••••••• 1:11·1l'G orafted 91tt1. 212 21et AKC, "'°" queMy 1180. good houee c:at1. ~ Set/Sun 8-2. 417-1108 or more In orm1t1on. gem oert. '°' 11100. eall Cotof TV daek MWlno ...,. , • I** .. • ...... t . 1 day Hie Everyttllng It,. C.M. ... 1413 _; 8' c:ouctl a lo¥eeeet bm/ oar. Jayl75-37M dret~ bike t-~ I 'tld•••t•r, Irv . refUeecl ... .-.......... .,: lftad a 1talnad glH• ~ ~.,....._.. !'...--1 ..... _ :Oall~.~IQ~~·231:~3~~~~.l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:;.5~49~4tt0~~::".".:'::'."::'::-::'~I for HOOO or 1rld• for mectl ~ oert def'Y -., '°"" peme. Set M ;::No rM.o.11t11e of. Un111ut l, unique ha nd· Drw. ber -F__,, .... ,.....-.,,.,,..-,.-.11-9.,...,11*,....-...,llll..., Kitten Free to good home. 8Ll!EPER/80f'"A • • • _,., 161...att • ...._ __ "' Ol'MfMntl, hlflOlnga I "I ~!.. If-' .,.. ,_ ---~ --L.oollt !Ille 1 young Mor· Full·•IH, ruet twHd, 9otd, '275. Bobble, Antique nng. wllffe gold. t tll•• & more. 10t to Dalltl. ._....,.. llllOhna. e.uttM 1 ~ • daye, hO. Paid over old. UWM rte at~78 oo1on111 ltyle, oood a 2 . 4 o o o X 3 9 1 ; If, 7 •m•ll diamond• 1 100. 414 01•• St .... Coudl NO. Stereo, P• oNln' end YW'ICM oflllDe kind . ....,., I 1 o o. I" I .so 8 o • -LA-,-,-u-,-,-.. -,--A-K_C_ Concl 1100 988-0428 54a-3979 • AGO oeo (g81Md). Colla Mela. 14 ·1917 tto '""'· Ctlen. Dr..., pleoet . l1turd1yi 0.. 141·1111. ~ ~· · 7~ 8p/8Mp, l<l~~H!A08RO HOUMllold& offumlt ... iqllke 94e;. MOVING IAl.f: • lvety· l::':OCS~t.t~ ~a!1·:.:~;,,=· art!...,~ 11• U eft01M tor ..... •"OU . 111·..:t:: 13'·7411 aft 4 Otl pine lttnt oonct. MO. ,,_, 8GOWOI · ~ .. lllN UHD ht-thlnt llOM· dining ~: tM ' . . l t nta Ana. (letwMn 4'7 ........... ~ ._. offW. NIA tot lo6. ..._.17 6111 .. 517 Mt-2201 110 Quaru , dlemond frar, kl111 u bed, 12 .,,,_.. 1 MMAltflw) "°"",. -.,-... -..,..~1----~-Gentta, beaut. ll•meae .....,,.,,,, __ ....,..,_.,,......,,..,~-1 WMCfl. 1150. Mt-NGO 1or1, tblH, ploturH, ........_.. 'Of more lnfofflletton Qn • wtr bed, oon• .. 11 I 11 type. 2 )'fl, deettwect. P!CAN DIN. AM NT Dinette eet w/ t '-"8, toola, Hlor TV, 901f rrm•lnt of I MW llOlfte l4t •Ill • •"'-""'· pedellnt, I Mink ltrotlef GorteOU9 °" VllO..._.. ~ ..,.cs. LCWM people. wJI clll6rl, neutrlll wlM ... t I . tH CHh. Dlelftoftd br..,.... l .40ll1 oluh. Manr llHtlld tor eprtng? ... tlle::Z E ... ~-. netwal rlflOfl wllel* tame.-.,....._ 911111. .uer11_,t0fc.a cft-.. ou1hlon1. alnt oond , 1217 Har1* ~"apt. tppr. •!!;!OD. Hll 1tem1. 110 Monrovia ...,.. in todll1'• SELL 1dla tt1m1 wtth a t o. 710·0111, oellar. Value IHOO ... 00/ ebo. lft-ltll '1M71 1271. ,.._MN l-4, CM 142-1014 17100. 21.,_.14. A1119. It>. 23 ...... t. fted CCIUllN. 141 ... 71 ~ ~---M t1M ll400, MMlto ~ • ~ ' ----~---------------~----~-------"!"""!'..---"!"----~ ...................... --"""""! _____ _,,, • Cout OAILV PILOT/Saturd1v. Oecamber 11, 1982 ('7 our famous DIM!S·A·LINE ADS MUST BE PLACED BY 3 p .m. ON FRIDAY. DIMES-A-LINE FOR INFORMATION CALL LOIS, 642·5678 , ext. 319. AUTO H•u• muffler and l\Mderl IOf '85 vw 1600 $20. Car 1tereo oUMtta, AM/FM 120. 962·3429 SKI boot• G111mont ala 9 $26. Playpen, new S26. Bed frame, new 110. Chlld'a 1kl'1 $6. Cat bed. wicker $8. 845-4339 USED patio lumber: Red· wood pott• and •trlng-ert, long 2x2'1 for top complete $50. Queen llze weter bed and frame 140. 647-2666 MAN'S 3 ;p;ed bike $25. 640--4479 Cotta M .... A P A nk with llUOlt Pl!Tl!RSON playpei1 120 Young man'• ault 3Hl PICAN oollu t•ble WAI.I l\4111ttt StJO Doors 18. Radiator'°' 'ord T· Toya like n•w. Tupper· Jaeltet, veet, 2 pair pant•. 2811)x801r\ with 11oreg1, 110 648·60•5 e1rc1. good coridl!lofl ware 1n1ma11 13 Tup· bNut11u1, blue 128 ~"' axc:ellenl S&o 848·227& WASHl'RiiO Ory., S50 140. Two Goodyear tlre1 l)ef'Nlll'e 11111113 Flah41r· Wlnalon 18 fldl•I Bt --O ••o n.1 I H. Millet mounted on 8 Price Oto tool bench 110 10• 13 120 Sauer hoc;lley Sii.VEA COin• 1 1 26-150 tehwuher .,, · '"" r o• hota rim• HOx 18xS, 1ot1 Fleher·Prlct Muatc bo• lllltM ala 6 135 Up· Wl<1k1r •tool• $8 ••ch. r1to1 150. Ei.ctrlc eds~o' of rubber 140 uch record player 110. holetareoaaayot)a)rl20. Coc1Co111t•y flO Coca $10. Puah mower · 1.860111h5 new oap Flther-Prlce Acttvlly Aid Ctplalfl chah 110. Cola gla ... a $1·$2. Sllv-CMICtrlc heater $10. 221 S 16. Four Fr. 781116 all center 13. Fl•h•r•Prlce S48·2589 er blue fox fur ooUar 126. Flo war StrHt, Coat• for $15 Four car tPe•k· MlnH~u• 50c Kev and Table lampa 120 each. M .... Aller 1oam. art $6 Heh. 2 AM puah Shape boll 12 Fat mer 1912 DA TEO hMtth rook41f Antique Bentwood Ch&lll iJiSHWAS•lER 126. auut· button radios 110 each. SH 1n<1 S1y 13. Smell 160. Unique matched Mt S25 Heh Stalnl"* melt In double oven $50. Pair tide mlrrot1 for Van 1t1ck horH $1.50. AMF ol 4 hardwood l~ldlng lllcer S2S. 8tturda)'. t>-6. 8ulll<ln range &35 Built· or P.U $5. Sun lamp Ho1s .. t1oddler bike $5, Chalre from 1-.ntyl 125. 29t E. 23rd Str .. t. COlta In llOOd $20. Breakfatt heater 15. Car or Van Barbie clothea 25c.$S. PaJr old aolld oek dining Maaa. counter bar 130. 811 1lld- theft atarm $15. 10 load Electrlc traln1cce11orv'a Chtlr't $50.Ellecutlvaold F'AIQIOAIRE 2 ,peed lnoo11udoorw1th trame chain blnde<a StO each. $1·116. Pachlnko ma. Heywood Wakefield blr· wuher need• 1ome 150. Duncen Phyla table 3012 Klllybrooke lane. chino $20. Boy• clothff 'p1C1 lit rokom c~ '..t01· work 125. 648-2279 140 Mll.OY ti.re lhuttera Coate Men. S.C0-3811 llH 3.7 26c-$3. Boy• r mo 0• COWuv1 c ... r ,, HCh. ett round Tro- ehoea alze 2-6 26c. Ml· S50. Old maple wood NORGE heavy cjuty wuh-piton• lounger S50. 6ll KITCHEN table and four TWO end llblea and chetln tire 1651115 4 lug 1hoe laata, m•k• fin• er need• timer $16, Chrlatmaa trei 110. chalra, fine condition cocktail $50 set. Pop. rim 15. Sunday only. book end1. Taper hold· Kenmore PQrlable auto. Showtr door $25. Push $30. 962·7408 com popper $5. G.E. hair Noon 10 Spm, 235 lugo. eta or $5 pair. Old CHI mat le dl1hw11her. run a lawnmowtr $1 o, Oog KARATE GI, alze 4. Heavy dryer $6. Skein• ol yarn nla Newport Beach In Iron school deak hard J>4Kle<:t $50. Cash only. cllp,...r• SS Folding bed 75c. Train lantern 10 an..'.v). Ott PCH bet~ mapletopandfOlddown 897·3489 ,115-715 Camphor weight cotton. worn $10. Two lawn mower p -• 1 and 0 ange seat $18, Oak double s ·, Ne pot Be"C" about 8 tlmet, paid $40, both 15. Box ol old rotpeo r . foldup church pew $35. CRAFTSMAN tool .. t new tree , w r .. " w 111 9 e'l I 10 r $ 2 S • booka $S. Boll of paper-DRAPES beige/cream 10 New Grumbacker wood-II•, l11, 'A drive aocketa. ~ _7_2_0_·_ 16_9_6 __ ....,. ___ 1 549-<>884 backa $3. Yoga Slant lit 811 wide Window, Uln. en artl•t• cue with pallet and on drive ratchet• and LADIES leather ahoea. 1 BENETEAU 38 is here! Thia "aurprite of the LB·Show" UI now In water and ready for domonatroatlona. J:>lt"aae hurry, If lntert>sted In "big boat" high quality and la~t faat design at this • "giveaway" $100K price! AIHI 31' FlNN FLYER -'82 dealer demo w/full racing gear (wna $75K) $r>9,950 25' FISHER Pott.t>r • '76 w/11 ••erlq, asklns '3!!,000. 32' BENETEAU -'82 dealer demo $49,950 35' FINNSAlLER -'74 mtr-Slr $55,000 notd yachts 3700 Newport INvd., Suite 30G Newport Beech, CA t2M3 (7t4) 173-M 7' MC LANE lawnmower board $15. Pachlnko long. like new $60 (coal) $18. Excellent 36 Inch exten1lon1 $A5. 7 pleee pair allver meth 5'hN $25.Ed~r$20. 121n ~me~~pen~msa $300~ aE.ci~~~~ te~~l~w~el~O. Crtfl~~~mbln~~n $~0Mp·~~k~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~---· black and white TV $2S. 10am·6pm. 178 Cecil boxed $20. Medlterra· Full sized child• wagon, wrench 981 ~to¥· new with bow 6 1.+N $10. 1., I -6J I060 1110 Stereo console, works Place. Costa Mesa. nean paintings $10·$25. wood stake S30. Oak I 1 4 . c a sh 0 n I y . 844·0780 ''< .. ,., o, ~.'!,.f!!t .......... A•I• hm~!'-4''"'H r~.~~ ................ . great $36. 962-3597 842·S872 Table lamp, medlterra· c;hllds spring mounted 897-3489 11111 lll rH 1091 I An Nnn nean $8 k $t8 R_ ....... 118 & ICE k • GAS lawnmower excellent ••••••"'••••••••••••••• New Olson 30 paid $32, H F~ .. e-.. Company .now BEAUTIFUL 6ft Chrl1tmu GAS 1 heater StS N~ · r~ er · "'" .. ., • atea. women 1 $40 Large auto repair '' ' •••••••••••••••••••••• ""'" '"" tree s12. Rotating atand mant: shell $3S. 'sm"'aii 210 LBS of weights. oe-blue letttr Miiier neon white leathef', tlze 8 like book ss. Pota 75c·S3. Aweorne Tf,f,o8~•ket1 g~s~:b;; ~r :629~1~9~~~ P~~NJ, ~le 0~~7C:.~: ~: .~~~:·x~:.o~~ S3. Chrl1tmaa Ilg ht a walnut veneer bookcase ment and mete I $35. type beer tlgn 124· Solid new $35. Panasonic ate-Large, am a II dolls 963-0158 msg 8111 842-01001960-1221 111114600. &47·7901 $1-$5 Blue area rug $15. $20 VatlOU4 new draw· Panasonic cassette play-hickory 811 •now aklls Jeo as 11 $25. TwQ bar 75c-$25. 6tt wide eyelet ---~,--~--- Pop corn popper $10. era S5 each. Horse collar er with AC adapter and s2o. African hid• drum stools. walnut legs, olive $1 yard. Zippers, but-ATARI vcs w/5 games, SPENCEA··U. au cabin, Auto low bar and hitch. 'II·-IOIHUIE Barbecue $1S Radio sso Horse hames S16 ballerlea S25. 850-3S87 St5. Lovely old glass oreen 11lny1 seal and tons, etaatlc tc-60c. 220 Like new. $150 center cockpit, cutter, As New. S150 camper van, pop-top, • • 1 Queen Anne oil table back $40 nch 979-4S98 c 1u t 6973 xlnt cond Equip for ell 6 S2'"" 5•8 2888 gear 25c-110. Auto ra· pair. Gold picture frame LADIES golf clubs and lamp s35 Sit hickory · Camellla Lane, osta .,.. -· • • 73· ""'or .. • elnk, stove & lceboJC. dloa $10-$15. Home $30. Old pictures with b•n s25. Old mahogany tobogann' s 2•. Hand· JACUZZI heeler $50. Me1a. Saturday 9-4. AT••i •n Sii tensive cruising, bit 73. 5.. 1 T 1 fold-out bed, 4 1pd. k $6 $10 A to $5 s s p 1 1 ..,. .. $ $SO -• Owner wants olfera. In-Four 1 tires or oyo a. S lOOO apea ers -· u frames -1 · a r 0 dining table $45. Four some 22 Inch antique Pump 50. Fiiter · CHRISTMAS gift boKea 5c w/cartrldgu, xlnl cond. apec;t boat In Nwpt. PP. $90.-""" 9 5 37 962-3232 radios $10-$15. Home new birch cabinet doo.r game chairs $40. After wood block plane $2S, 5 Gas stove $40. Tools each. Toys fOC·$10. De-662_1443 676_..89s 540·8278 ...,.,.. speakers S5-S lO. Auto 130. Hand made tapestry 9AM S49-4398 Costa Inch Taylor bra11 cued S 1·S10. VW back bumper coratlons $1-$2S, As-1---~-,,--~---,~1 '71 llllE HI UM caaaette recorder $30. made In Colombia $16. Mesa barometer $20 33 Inch $10. VW tire and wheel sorted pictures $1-$25. SONY 10" Black & white liilh11l1 HIS Ail•• 111 lal• Sk:k C.8. $10. Antenna Tennis racket $3. Crystal • wood modei Coaet $8. ~Broadway. Costa lampa s1-s1o. Carpet portable TV. Xlnt cond. •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• Crpld, panelled. 13600 $5. Auorted plumbing candy dlah $10. Glass NEW cigarette llghtera In G erd Veseel wllh 2 po-Mesa. (backylll'd). remnant• SS. Flower ar-s75. 960•1662 WINDSURFER• lot 1ale. IMPORTANT NOTICE obo. 841 -S982. 549-8079 part• 25c-$2. Bike part• with silver candy dish gltt box $12 each. PleJ!I· w~rlul englnea tlnely rangements S 10•125, $6SO. Good cond. For TO READERS AND IA In WulM IJH 25c-$3. Bike wheels $10. Glasa planter $S. glue piggy bank $6 handcratted $SO 2 foot ANTIQUE-brUI and glau Booka SOc-$1. Small IMll I #iri•• info. 963·•8S2 ADVERTISERS .!••••••••••••••••••• $2-$5. Padded toilet 981t l!aakets 25c-$2. New lld each. New plexlglass diameter copper plant lamp $2S. Pair Royal boya bike 12s. Saturday Great Chrlstmaa Gift. The price of Item• ad· WE PAY $2. Plastic molding 25c !?Piiie IE f'lrnament•I picture frame• sa each. bow' $10. 1866 Tustin Dalton lamp1 $39. White 9tm-2pm. 1002 s-·reta· ~.; •• ,., c s lib d c-t a vertlaed by vehicle deal· I C t e S's "· Nice cl .. I k baskets ' I b th b h $S ""' °" uatom a oar · ""'r -Int .. _ ·-.. •-•-_. ___ ,_ ·op llWR atr p. amp I ov . bottle :>. .... sue 8 ... any w c er Ave Coats Meaa Sit· meta a enc . rlat Clrcle Coate Mesa. •••• • •••••••••••••• d d .,,.. '"' ""''"""' ..,....., T Swivel bar stoola $10 purse $8. rwo canv1t:1 St-$8. Small antique urday' 9-5 Sunday·10_.. Antique fireplace grate --'--'--,----,---,-iS.•1111 IOI san. bra 6 n 6 n7e2w00con · fled adverttatne columns each. '73 to '82 Chev bags $3 and $5. Genuine brass boxes $26 each. • · $35. Two anUque Stencll CORONA del Mar Jacket •••••••••••••••••••••• S950. 4 -ev • does not Include any ap-Fii llD CUI pickup back window $10. Kutanl base $7.60. New White chine Unicorn box ch a Ir s S 3 O each . size 42 $3S. 611 aluminum l&lllE FIEL 1001 Wknds. pllcable taxes, llcenee, Children• Encyclopedia Princess Houae butter $1S. Small antique brass SHAINEAS Fet $50. Snow 644-9688 Saturday and Christmas tree $9. New FOR SALE .,,,, Slii• tran1fer feea, finance IL.Al 1&1• $4. 10 gallon aquarium dish $7. Set of sugar, bucket for planter $28. chains S2S. White and Sunday 9am-3pm. poultry shears, cuts 642·46"44, M-F. 9·S "--Ir• ,,..10 ch111ges. leea for air pol-NITIAl/111&11 with 1uppllea $10. Pet cream and cotlee or re-Electrolux vacuum $35. golct dishes 150. China BlCYClES $20 each 71j turkey bones (cost $58) Alum. Boat, Valeo U 14c •••~•••••••••••~•• tu ti on control device 2.•80 Harbof Blvd cages $2·$4. Tool boXet lreshment In ahape ol Cook boolla $3.50 each. chrletmaa tree $50. llao · NII $25. New large GE Rod holders, locking BOAT SLIPS AVAll.ABl.E: certlllcatlons or dealer COSTA MESA ' $2-$4. New undrllled mushroom, very attrac· foaster$10.SO. Electric 636-6030 W. W n, Coate M.... elec:trk: griddle $16. SC 8 N-port Beaoht-26',..28'. documenU.cy._.pcepar_a-••• ...__ bowling ball $10. Car live $10. Crystal lld $3. or0tler $28. Mixer Julcer 6"5-8054 typewriter and case $29. comp. 1625· S48·&3 1 30'. 3s', 40', g 4S'. Call tlon charges unleu -- epeekera $1·$5 each. Set of figurines $5. Va· combo $30. Bright col-WOOD deak with •Ing NICE wooden pon·a..crio, Chr<>1'"9 pharmacy lamp, 642•464.c from 9-5, otherwise specified by 141·1417 Chalra S3-SS. Display rlous dishes 50c-$3. An· orecl noor plll<>M $10.60 out typewriter •land $50. adjustable with iheeta tent anade 381"'481nH $9 . .,,,, ••i•t••••tl Mon-Fri. the edvertlaer. WE Ill at1nd Sit $5. Assorted llque scale $30. New each. Two chrome noor Sewing machine Necchl mattre11 and Beetrlx 644-6898 all.er 1AM. $ m IOZ wtre 25c-S1 roll. Exten-braas letter opener SS. lamps $25.50 each. Car-In wood cabinet SSO. Potter bumper pads $35. CHAIRS 13_110. Clothes I H SllPS AVAIL. Huntington hlif•ll/ OLUI •••s lion cord H.D. $10. Tret-Antique wall clock sso. tel white plastic maga-Unlcycle good condtlon Rlpcurl Freellte wetsuit, 50<:-$2• Couch. chair and ·;;AAiNe."el.ecrRiC1A°N" Harb o u' Ba Y • D a Cl1,,it1 II Vllll lit $1. Girard turntable HanglngBudwelserclock line rack $18.SO. White $40 . Two bedroom aprlngcut, small $60. Ski lampa SJO-S26• Kitchen-Design/Install/Repair 840-SS4S, 846-7766, 6-9 •••••••••••••••••••••• Ill TIHIS 17. Reel t1ape 25c-$1 1. Ear $so. 6 4 2 . 6 1 o 1 or Cartel plasstlc w~t;1bas-che~tl 8~ ~rawers1 S30 type Jaellet with zip out ware Sl·$S. 1747 (reat) Olly work. 549·2520 Ev ~ 1~18• ~7!7~ -4 O 9 7 · * CWllC OAI * phonH 5. Chr atmaa 631-1147 keta $1 eac · •ce ••c · 8 r, cas ers, 1leeves grey and blue, Santa Ana •ve., Costa CLOSEOUT! decorations Sc-$2. Sat-mate $2 each. Napkin• awlvel and tllt back. b 1 L 1 flt "' . urday and Sunday. 369 GIAl'S 20 Inch bike, blue $1 each. New panty hoM wood and leather S3S. w~~e~ ~~ze · 9 8 :~d 1 ~ Mes•. 1oam-Spm. .,,,, /lliriat 8;>0•t6~!1Pb~~~~la~~P~o~~~ Broadway, Costa Mesa. with ~ck pedal brake. $1.60 each. Night gown• Night atand $10. Beds-$2S. Caah only. 1942 rlANOSOME pair of Ad-r. i I I030 63 7777 ------5--T--1 good condition $35. Girls $4.50. Cotton stretch pread. queen alze. deco-.. 8 .. Anaheim Ava, Costa lake Railroad 4 way •• ~!!f!!~!•••••••••• __ 1_·-------, HANO drllla 4· 00 9 20 Inch bike, brown with braa 34A S2.50 each. rat or quality $3S. Mesa. 831-4274 twitch lampa $40 each, WANTED. Wood Freeman RESERVE NOWI 60' 111111••• IPIEllTll IEPUU COMMEil CHEVROLET $1-SS. Electrlc motors high rise handlebars and Small T-shirts SS.SO. 548-6737 Costa Meaa. Old cast iron klckatart Auto Piiot. Model ,.. 11, Schooner. Chrlstmaa I S. Paint $1 per gallon banana seat, front and each Liken-)eana tlze HEDSTROM deluJ(e 11roll11 Fairbanks Morse engine 12 Volt. Please call San-Parade, Whale watch. can. Hardware 1 1 per back hand brakes $40. 8 s 1'0 50 Sliver meah DOUBLE mattren and with buddy_, and bed sso. Pair upholstered dy. 714/644--0126 Parties etc. 6"4-400S .'.'i.,.ll 1rt••r 1\1, I ' • (', i \ \1 ~" \ 546-1200 The moat elegant coupe ---------- ~~~:~~·~c~ i~!! li.' 6"6-2279 evening purse $21. Like ~~1,:rl':i~h '!~iu~t!~~ $35. Chlldrena clothea nall keg a tool a $17. TINY TIGER 12v/ l lOV. lolll ll•ll•• IOH Luggage soc-S.c. Ice 10 SPEED men's bike n-leather purses 12~1 gla11 1helvea $40. 1·11 !~~~.2'ci~~~:. 2255~:\t Shloa wheel walnut wine generator set. 10 lbs, •••••'•••••~••••••••• chHt• $1-$2. vacuum $50. Picnic table and each. Leather sandals 1 deliver 548·3578. $S rack S15. CaHd Conn 500 waus. Cover. $100. DRY STORAGE clMners Ss-$10. Picture benches $20. Chest of cotora $12 each. Satur· Typewriter table . Ba· -clarlnei $50. large po-673-S223 or S48·2888 dra~ s l5. Vinyl sofa· day and Sunday 8AM. AlMOST new twin alectrlc throom alnk $5. Kltcheo-Uahed copper and brua freme1 J"'s ~m;~ ~~ •·bed S30. Old Mono hi· 303 Romona, 011 Santa blanket $15. New head ware se.11. Bookl 25c. apltoon ll6. Engllah po-Ham radio gear: Iran•· Monthly boat atorage, ancea · 0 8 · 11 s 2s . Books Sc-I 1. Ana Ave .. bet-n 15th racquet ball racquet $40. Saturday only 9·3. 12t3 llahed bran wood bas-cetvef. tuner. base mo· any sl~e. 24 hr aec:urity, rblnet $20. Old plcl~s 12pm..Spm Saturday and & 16ih St.-Costi 'Mesa. Women'I ahoe skates Done g a I PI ace . ket with Ilona paw lega dule, antennu & books, free launching l~O~i T~ :::rs n~ Sunday 388 Bucknell I KJ new 1Whi16iil 111 19 $16 and S25. Wall flan. (Halecreat) Baker and $1S. Autographlo 1914 $800 takes all. 645·7711 IEWNIT Miii • • ur ay u Ad Cost M cassettes 23 hi fl records glne SS. Women's pant• FalrvleW. S58·2174 Kodak folding camera eva 1111 .... lar Ir II day 6-... 8171 Indiana· " 8 esa. by 20 vOlc:ea, Intro Tenn $1-$4. Blouaet S 1-S4. SKllS lkl ptints bib tops $24. Ericson Yachts teak --------~• • ~ta~9H5u7nt1ngton Beach. FRIGIDAIRE electrtc dryer E. Ford 1·22. Ocean, Rattan bird cage $5. ski aW98tera. aid jackets and mahogany ahlp ca· IHll l•nr f040 l"-0110 ~ SSO. louvered clo1et lake, tithing gear $1-132. Cage acceaa orte • 60c-$20. Pushbutton bin ladders $7.$30. ltlllln •••••'•••••••••••••••• --------~ BASSINET $3S. High chair doors SS each. S57-811S Malla.rd decoy $20. Anes 15c-S2. Newlah lamp telephone• s 10 each. hlldng boot• Mt teether '70~,~~n:gr'!!,c·h!~ 1~~: RV & BOAT $18. Car -t S7. Walker auto burglar hi lo alarm 11'1~ $2-$15. HOOl<ed HamP«• 12 Seara -· uppera and llned, size 4D d $8.60 . Car bed $10. CAMERA, new, never European IOUnd $2S. All plllowa S2-$15. Dryer $2. Ing machine wllh cabl-$18. 3 drawer 1olld Vanaen Tral~r. ~oo DRY STOR'GE Coffee and end teblea us~:d Ll~odak P~:~rol:i Items new. 548-9832 New Mini speaker $10. net electrlc older $20. American Oak dre11er ~:r~y'"i~n~47~~:6s ~ ft $641S. lamps S10-$1S. · • n-c 1 9 0oy'1 large down Jacket Tali ehutters (10) $10 $60. VfKY good Schwinn •40 ,., ..... Patio table and redwood outfit for 4-6 year old. SKI rac~. Moen. for Dal· $12. Men'a 46xl sport Small shulleri (10) s10: 5 speed bike $4S. Hed-ii53i8-300iiiiii8i.~iiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiil •we1 Boat Slip• benchee $4S. Twin bed• Boots. sklls, poles, bind· sun Z 9 • almoit new, coats 15·S10. Quilted Fabarware brollex (2) atrom metal tricycle $5. available also. l25-$3S. Two bunk bed• Ing•. g Io v es $ 3 5 . aacrlllce $3S. t 3 Inch warm up ski pants $1S. $20 each. Twin and king Motebecane 10 a peed 24 fl SKIP JACK H •• ,. S4S each. Dlne1te ae1 851-2266 wheel s7. 644-7718 Baakett $1.SO. Tennis "'"1s $10$2. King com-$30. Magnificent 28 lncn Twin Volvoa $1S.OOO ....,,. $50. Couch $4S. Unen TRAIN layout "N" guage. PlAYPEN $15. Sewing drenas $5-$10. Tenor lor1er l6. ladlea Unlvega PQl!shed aolld beavy po-963-6477 llYllH YtLUll $1·18. Kitchenware 2 engine& and cars $50. machine table $10. 422 uk.etele $10. Table hair blke $40. Walfpaper $2 tithed braH flreptace ~~~~~~~~~ aoo Ent Ost..,,. SOc-$5. Olshee SOc-$15. Transformer $10. Other Dahlla Ave., Corona del dryer $1 S. Saturday per roll. Old 10 speed SS. andirons US. 38 Inch Cla111c 18' Lapatrake Ill 1111 543-0854 or 953-&467 or engines $20-135. Fron -Mar. flTS"-~10 -9.:Cpm. 982-3766. 9111 Small wooden deak cut aluminum chain Century bat boat, 4 cyt, • 667·1109 cars $2 each. Tele· LOVElY dinette table Kahulul, Huntington school type. $10. WOOd drive chNds pedal tractor Grey. $3500. 675-6161. ever bullt. (2010). WU · Ml,IOO IOW • 131,IOO 11H IMELA PIOllP IEPUOA Produced by Shag Coachbulldera. (8602). WU -111,111 •••• 110,110 1121-LA Min IDUOI Yea ... the one with a jump 981tl (1042). WU · 110,111 IOW -Sl,710 THEODORE ROBINS FORD 2060 HAR&O~ &lVO COSIA MISA 642 0010 SUOING window• $40 phones S9 each. Skll'a $50 Six chairs s2s Da-Beach. parquet floor tiles $40 S32. New boxed maho-f tnl•rllli•• each Merble heel $20 and bindings 300CM · 1 $SO Ca ah· (for one room). 3134 gany fireplace match 1 k 9• HOHP •••••,.••••••••••••••• ·53 udebaker Champion · 9 1 $2S. Tube teator MC venpor , j . CLOTHES: Glrls 7-10 Kerry, Costa Mesa. Fair· contelnera $2. Lovely ~!~~re~tra ~g. all fish· c .. ,,n, fal• 5 pall cpe. Nice car. and $30. Wrought Iron $40 Tektronix scope 50 68 4 12d·20Co84• 2.~1 Hlll'bor 60o~S2. Soya 4 25c·$1. view 10 McCormack to handcrafted corn husk Inn "'""'r Incl. 3 yra'Ql.d. l••I 1120 $3750. 213/592-179'2 ralla $10-$20. Wheel 50. 'case $20. Aollaway v.. sta meta. ap8Q8 Women'a 10-14 60<:-$3, 8J.Jll dolls 75c to 11.50. Neat .. ., •-rll chak $50. Grannys --bed S30. Healhkl ts E.C. Swlvel rocker S2S. NEW Boat hardwareL Chrlstmaa trea decor. S lO,OOO & new trl · Fib';rgi:;;·~;~;;r••;;~~ hff ..... hHM •IRYD Top dollar• for Sports Cara. Bug•. Campera. 914'1. Audl't Atk IOI U/C MGR --·· YUIWAIU t8711 Beach Blvd. HUNTINGTON BEACH M!-2- ·WAITED! late model Toyotas, Volllos. Pickups & Vant. Cell ua todayl 1~·ar/e Ike TOYOTA·YOUO . ............. . c .. teMHa ~ .... ., ......... ., WE•Y USED CARS & TRUCKS COME IN OR CALL FOR nH IPPIWIAL Cormler-DeLlllo •mlLIT 18211 BEACH BlVD. HUNTINGTON BEACH 147-IOll, Ml·Hl1 Ing machine In cabinet $10-$60. S48-6232 HANDMADE wreaths, Boolccaaes $10..$20. Hair Snap shackles: 4000 Lb Beautllul Sam Browne ~~49~5-~~23«~~~~~~~ from Oataun truck, $90 1948 Ford Woody W•· $50. Ornate cornice $25. rtl 1 $1 50 · S 3 000 Antique double bed $50. HAND croc:hted Afghans ducks and clowns cu ng rons, new · • $7.60. 8000 lb $t0. tO, mllllary aword carrier 645·9701 gon, 1 • . $S-$26 . .c22 Pahlla Ave.. Pollenex ma111ager s10. 000 lb 112. Nk:ro roller and leather legglngs. Mt 10· llbergl11ss boat with --------...,.1 Top Dolar Bike frames and wheels 4Slnx601n. left from bou· c 0 r 0 n a d at Mar. Broller $5. Wok pot $5. travelera: $26. Schaefer $50. Delk:ate old purpl-7 ~ hp 018 mot or• llHtrit C1r1 1130 1929 Ford Model A Town $25 for all. Hanging tlque aale. Beautiful, 675•6610 Paperbe9k book• 15c;, Genoa alldee for IV.In Ing glut oil table lamp $800/obo. 751-4268 •••••••••••••••••••••• Sedan S 1 o ooo . Paid· llght1 S26 each. Sanyo 4 Ideal gilt $47.SO each. Cane Swag tamp s10. track $18 pelr. Schaefer with hand blown chimney Cabin Ctulaer.' Need a Srir'utcr:!olzb~aty/H&a~dn~~PY~ 875-6161: ' channel stereo $2S. 846-2279 RECUAVE Bow 45 lbs and Saturday and Sunday. Cam cleat•: For 'Mlln llne $30. Antique trunk S20. F y ca I :21~'.n 5v~~·~r.~b,cag~ DElUXE playpen $20. 1 dozen ne~ arrow, S48·8194. 1974 Meyer $6 each, '-'In llna $12 1866 Tvatln Ave .. Costa ~i~~oJ:.'ia~v~n;~d:i d!:h.::!!: 0';,.J~c~~~ '5g8::::o: '::t··~ --rt HI HA78_1• ateel belted Baby swing $15. Walker many extra a. Good Place, Coste M818. each Schaefer Jib Cam Meta. Saturday 9·S. 67" "•15 " .... 57 .. $4 B d S3 Christmas gift ISO. 422 cleats for day aallor $18 Sunday 10-4 ..--riots 548-2384 4.--U1Ml1-ler11ry ~~~1s7 ~,9S:.L~:S s · Be.by u;'ice; ::c: S8: Dahlia Ave •• Corona del Bu r meetaaeller-wlth an pair. Schaefer heevy #•l•rl•H llkn 1140 '80 Coupe OeVllle, all orig. 2826 Hart>of 81vcf. Bobby Nee car_, $1S. Mer. 676-88lO err!cuve claaalfled ad. duty Pad Eyes S 10. LITTLE glr·I• Clothes, tlzn •••••••••••••••••••••• Xlnt cond. 13100/olfar. Costa M9M 540-5630 VElVET drive marine All In excellent condition. '71 KAWASAKI 90 runa &42·5678 Sdlaieler Spinnaker pole 0·4T 18-$1S. Eiccellent MOPED -PEUGEOT SSS 6"2-1403 HIGHEST CASH lmme- tranamlltlon $50. l .. th· Call bef0te t1am or attar $50. Front and rear Urea allde $18. Morse puah· condlton, great tor ml. New cond, all e11tru. 1,,~. dlately '°' your vehicle er rocker S60. Mlsalon "pm.,...., n327 and rlma $22.50 each .......... ~-~ ................................ , pull ctblea •20. Biige chrlatmaa . Laurie $385. 844-1016 1r1tk1 ~-f 1 ' " ""irv -i -. •••••••••••••••••••••• domestic or ore gn library deak S50. •o·a Go·Cart Urea and rim• ,... . pump1$25. Turnbucklet: 541-e896 . PUCH 1974 Chevrolet~ ton 5S1-828S book end,3asl1A2. M1 apte VW11 P1a~0s: F'6r4on8tufgen'dr~9t auorted S1 ·S25. 422 • f · i 'Aln $20. ~In $40. Call MAPlE bedroom Mt: Hf Xlnt conc1. $300. Camper Speelal plcl<up.•·N--d-ln_e_x_p_e_n_a_lv_e_m_e_ dre11er • nt que1: c P .. · '" Oahlla Ave .. Coron• del 111-' i Bou c"~t $50. Orea~ 640-9096 Alf dltlonl AM/FM ee · - OH i.mp $1S. Tin trun.k $15 each. Headltt• S16 ~ • chairs S2S. Baby'• chest $ A 1 1 .. 3 bin crulaer, xlnt cond. '81 MOTOBECANE MOP· Asking $3400/or beet Call .,.., -1 an ,_.,,. $25 •-1r---..1m•·r~ e-.... Tall .... hta each BICYClESchwtnn20lnc:h ,., S10.Well lampS2S.Allln 35· Ladl•• ••g.. M uat 1ee S23 000 '°DXlntc--.. "on•"'"'S ..,...,. • Child'• wuh atend $50 $20 each. Rear lenders Mar. 675-6610 _ • •,··t·. 'i· CHllD'S round t•ble and SsO. Mir;or for drea;;~ '80 SeaRay Sund811Ce ct· _____ ...,...........,.,...,..,.....,,...--=-1 at.::' c.aMt~:·&. aharpl chanl"..aJsly 7 s 7 o 1 unddt:!':k. $46: ~994·-"v• Q;;k Ilda 1ts each. •9f glrls "Lil Chic:" excellent J ~ e.x.cellen.t -00.oJffiJoCI 1peed bike SA8. Man·a 842•2~ · ' ' " ea1~s78..,.. offer. Prl. pty. Cati .. ...,,. ---------1 Deck lld $10. ·ea gas shape, -nn -.rew-$4.6. • 10 1?19d, perfect. but S..8914...JI no anawer,liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_ __ TIRES ••t 01 tour tank s1s. ·94 gu tank Chlrd'a doll houae. top Businessmen Ic 1 with maur .. • • ,n!e 5 d. 'sco 0 n 1 e 1 , 1 1nhna•nrdtmub 0 er Pkg deal: 3 br. 2 ba. ale Llk• new 1976 Sachs pteuekeeptrylng. WAITEI HR78x1S ,.adlall on G.M St6 5 lug stock rims $3 quality wooden 2 ator; d 1 , S P lo fu 1 .. trail« on Colo. A. In Ari· Moped, 263S actual 1177 .. ,-P.I, Dependable car, $200. Or FOfd belenoed wneeta each. '74 1e11 door $36. wl1hfu~nlturebyCr .. tlve If you art I) ng i Playpen 20· •I rn· $8. Black and Decker zona + 21' Ornego bolt mlla1 . S S9S/obo --842.0100 1169--1221 ..... AA•r.1-070x1',1-8 'S7VW $50 ·e• Pia things •.co b us1n rs:1 under 0 " tvrer,tcnlctable)$2S. electrloed""'rl12.La-aklboaL$20,000. 642·2$40 Shortbedatepaidtmod· P,Ye7sx1s. 78x14 $1S completetrfr~taxteSsO 548·1~17 • . !f'1ctit1ou 8us1nen l lndu1rta1 mixing motor diet golf c:Mi With Mat 546-5187 .. •l•-ln'' •1190 day power train each. 631·3701 vw to Corvalr engine __ r i 'Jome you ore required l 50c·S3. Toya 13. Wom-&10. Ladlee golf .no.. S2 ,., ... ,. '/ -rranty. (1090719). A tu ,_ rtH d t $25 '73 Pl to ROYCE 23 chan...,. baae1 iby low l 81.1.$1ness and ~ en'• clot h .. 18·20 pair. Shetland canlater .,,,, l••I in.ten llSI HLJ 11111 •• ~ •• ;, ••• ~•••••••••• ACCURATE Penn candy ~ta~f :~ ~. VW J~k mobll C..8. $50. C.B. ! Profts111uns COOJ! Sec f 50c-U. Bedding 5()c..$3. vacuum 18. 2830 La Ci,,,., IOS •••••••••••••••••••••• All. ..... 1111 ~· 0091 MOO Nkeblnew 'I&. 638-8312 Antenna $50. Mini bike i 17900 to 179301 1-0' /jLe 0 'r Black .a.,_n1d 5w"'.,t!9T9V fOf Salle Ave .. Coata M .... 1 •••••••••••••••••••••• •74 Honda 750K, 4 Into 1, 111 .. 1 •••!•••••••••••••••••• .so. Kitchen ca net • $50. EXarctae bike $60. i 8 pert•.,,,.. 1 . ~ rent· bloek aouth of Bak« on Chrlatmas Boat Parade. oll cooler. atock, runa .... F•I LUii A 1111 30ln wide $50. Matching liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiill Exerclae bike $50. i F'rct it ioui uslnus l wood. Coats Meaa.~lf Fairview at Adams, e1 Newport Harbor. Dec ll Int. S 8 0 0 I 0 8 0 . 2080 Harbor 81\fd •••a .... ·-upper cabinet $20. Greet 3ftll t21t Cole<:o awlm-l Name Statement and 1 Santa Ana, north ol c 1 T .. El c lno 17th thru 23rd. Relph 549-7879, 549-8322 COSTA MESA -..--tor bathroom. Butcher ming cool with laddtr l have ,, pubh~hed for I Sant• laabel. 548-0132 am no. a... am ••DI ILE F Ad Act.On 1 to 1erond atop algn Huttman 837-7008 79 H-... XLlf.I"'. ~tn• ••• -11 1 blOClc Of matble top $20. or I $45. et ol .. chrome i /oi;r COn.!t('Ultue weeM ! Seturdey and Sunday. y • "'"' ~ .. ... -- Flat 1erge cuter dolllel wtre wtiee11 $2S. Magna· : ~· e o t the DAI l Y M . 640·3977 Chrlatmaa Boat P~rade 1750 OBO. Toyota '76. AM/FM Ste-1271 $20. Two rollt gray roof· Call a vox 191n portable black l PILOT can help wtlh i WOMAN'S bike, need• pertlea. c 1...ic 50 ... II-64()..83$3 reo cauetta. Small & .58 plu1 tax P* month Ing 110 .. ch. 648-9795 and white TV S20. Wood ! oolh Coll 1114 l~CAL. I CURVED padded bar $60. wotk 115. Shuffle board boat avall. for charter. •79 Honda XL500, SK ml, camper ahell S217S. for •6 months on ap-Gl~S 20 Inch sunnray Q 'I Pi'lol doll houM with furnttur• l DEPARTM&NT at Two rattan beck bar aat $10. Ben Hogan ooll Room for 20+. Reaton· 65mpg, perfect cond. 673..e818 proved credit. Cep blk .. 20. Car blk~·car-31 Y S20. Buddy l Typewriter I S42·"321 E.rl 332 /<>r 110011 $25. Cash only. ahoea: Man'• tin. 10•.;c able rate. 857-3587. $950/beat. 979-5S95 c 0 at-$ 12. 1 o o . o o • • $7.50. Stingray blk81 /"rlhtr rnformat1on S•l-3134 115. Women'a tlze SM •··ti •-'/ ._ We're #l In the W•t rMldual·l4872.00; total rler sa. Clll' luggage top AD-VISOR $15 Schwinn bllcea ....,,., .. 10. Large braaa "t,11'• -'I ... -' '73 Kawaukl Mach Ill for New & used Jtep I t • 13 carrier $8. Nl1eco •kl ... v 0 ••••••••00•••••0 • 500. New eng. a chamb· Satet. There'• a Aeaaon o paymen • -• • btndlnoa StO. ltallan akl t0-1pHd bike 12&. i•Hl,'liJ!{l}I STINGRAY i lrl'a bicycle s·10.Setbluel~wlne ..... f11 era. $550. 948.4650• _ Prtc. &. Selection. Sl, 817,78;toatart ..... (11t bootat15.545-3838 642-5678 8•7-809S l • ••••-••••• like new 36 ~Super cblet•l20.HMvyglua &•11111&1 642·5049 OOOOOOI 1 month peyment & lloert- Htve aomethlng to &ell? SELL Idle Item• with 8 i 642·4321 ~1~'.°$1·~ r~k-u~a~d~~~a9,r.t· Ulll , '78 can-Am 260cc dirt ' nven or;. ~ -.,.•:tJV:t" (lSH7). Clutlfled ad• do It well. 1--------·1 Dally Piiot Clanltled Ad. l ..... w ........ -.......... -................. The L•-StOfe. 1•1 •n-bike. 900<1 cond. mu1t .. -'n, . w• IMNITI nual Chrletmu c:kterlng. Mil. MOO. 873-'\408 J Urangc ,._ &41 Dove St1"t • ht ... 1fH .._,,_ '-11 lfH lleN1 ... llllUl1 Dec lO. l I, 12· M . Luer DIRT BIKE-'79 Kawankl C 08Sf ~ EWPORT BEACH ,.,, 1111 11••• I n..,., IOH 11,.., I Or••u 1111 :r.!! •• r .....• ! ....... •m•"'•••••••••••••• •r 1111 tailboard• S660, Hug• KX80 greet cond. S2t0. N 1 .... •••t~t·•··~··.er•• ••••••••••-::1......... •••••••••••,..••••••••• -·-llllYY •••••••••••••••••••••• reduct Iona. 824 Watt 752 e'ee:t ct.YI ~ ':];'° ~'•IOI! II mea et Schafer aplnet organ, w/ Oak upright player piano, 111.P lllP & -comc1 Burger Patty Mak· 18th SI CM. 542..()848 • ' 11AI <114> "'mt 1-.7-8-All9tt--a-red--w-/blk--119-- 125. Wiii hold. rhythm, 1460/mo man /elec. S 520 0 . I• .. tll OILUITllllll er '300 OBO. 111 w .. 7s 23• Ertc:son, UHF r .. • 79 Y1m1h1 1X!!_!,!!10, '70 Dettun P.U .. cemper lou r . AC, Ilk• new. tS7-8170 5 .. 8·1734 1/381~812 ......_.... Wlfeon,C.M.8454054 dlo Hond• tOhpmotor dr ... klt.lom .-...,.,Of 1he ll, carpet kit MIOO Shown thll ww- Aotlon-packed Whippet Thomaa Electronic: Otgan, BaldWln compact theater man ..... 11 • 11 4 Nila. $7250. 444.459.c' trade for •uto. •M-7764 lt00/080. 842-8349 lcend '42-11582 ~ M lo IOV!ng, r~2 d ble 2 lleyboard1, LHll• organ, beautiful cond. Mother •hott of CHh fr• .. te IPI n'-~~ "-1., ._. PHOENIX SABOT '79 Honda CX 500..1.~!J..:.OOO '78 Ford F100 Pickup, 380 •-~• 1 •• 1 home. 667·821 I.YI· apkre. w/bench, good $1000 080 844-1018 need• all• 10 .-ttult to lllTi ,.,.. --"'"" llll• new MW n • to / 1 _ 1• d s 5 7 6 /o b atart hef 6-yr.·old ton off ...... •••O•••••••••• 1dnt cond. 1860. • teo.-55°'3 · ~ •3; ,.!'11 • "' a r · ••••••••••••••••-..•••• AKC Coctcer Spenlel pup. ~7°,.n .... ;0 ° · Steinway Upright and In hi• 1urllng car•er. llf.-• .. -•-Stereo combination. 975·3739 ........ ...., · ·11 &0008, wtltlbelge Int.. Pl•. lutt, t 1 wka old. v """"' Artl1t Bench. $3800. Prl\I .... ~ fOf Senti to 1e9:V9 --,_ 150. '-"llUI -• Dll 1 ,....__. PU Oood M FM Ill F--1275. mele 1250. Hammond Organ BC Prty Trm• 64W737 ,_ FMtlKtne WMpont Of... 780-ICMI O'Oay Oeyealler 18'8", -• 2 "'"''7 LUii • AIC, A I Clll .. u M0-5t30 d under th• tree. Call er•: 8WOl'dt. cOlnt. wer hinged mut, llftlng hOltt, $200. 54&-5117 tn.. lo mt. P'#f OPUQn, auto, e11oya, ---------Model, 2 apkrt, goo HammondElectrlcOrotn anaw•r ad #578. IOUYerllrl, 11ntlquee end 25" COio< Conlole, new otllefextl'•.Contlnerltel Suzuld90Reeilng8"ce a13&0. 411f.1270 1nrl, 27K ml. $12,000. ..... ..... cond. $800. 947 • 7 0 17 end 1.tge Spicer ~ 842~ 2• hra. ttiouundl Of colleCUble pix tube, wlnt cab. Jdnt traller. AH In IClnt cond. Bored out to IO, MOO. ti ..... •Ill In-' 1/1521-71811 • W0ttd8' Hfter. I pupa, Upright piano, OOOd cond. $2200. Prlv Prty Ttrma 1tema1 cond. 1150. 112-11523 $2350. (71')523-9868. 54s.5117 Atd atnt cond NAOO •11 .ooo •E. Am/tm cat, 8otll petente at home. oOOd tor beginner, $400. 5*8737 Ledl .. Gotr Club1, left ORANGE COUNTY AC/DC POAT AILI 11' twn to JOhneon tl\11 •1.,. H.-.... _..,.. 1 .. OOO or Mtt. M0:M21 alt. elloy1, new tlrH, To, lmPorta. Wlenlfeu S.8-1046 evw. ft.II-,,,,. handed lull Ml Stan FAIAOAOUN08, RADIO, laO. lobbll. ""' ....__t ttlr M I ... ,. .,...,, '"""' '".r Audi melt v.r.r cteen. Bt .. dlno. 81r• 8oh I ::::o:r, ,. ' ' C08TA M1!8A: l!nter 7 "2 • 4 0 0 0 1 ..... .=,·_ .. · ... "t' offer mt. Kerker. Mutt i:tell. '70 t 11T, ope, dll l*Jfblk, lllOO. N 7!eNO (VA~==.n~ ,...::•=~ .. P=Ooood K~;,•;;j;•;•i;,;;•& Ui'4~~ao n , 1115. gate3AOffMlngtonSt. .. X3t1/"4Wt1t PPi#01'H 873·112t 11500«*0.141·'114. lo"'9C, 1't, ce11 .. te, 'ti_ 1 .. by ament Oppottun-cond. "16· 447•70f1 blncllnOI. Sim 200· MO. Top quellty lll•P•fna Yemeha Sterto, replec. 10• ~t ,_,.:mutt !!'J 'ti~..!"'..... 1=::1 otr. 781-ltOO, Auto, 110. rm ttereo. ii:!!' obtal~ the ~··· 111.erte lrs•, llttr• e7Wl & 12J! ~ Cltort gear a.='l. ~ Mii ment U600, Hit for NCftrloe •tH. tet-1wo .. ..., • ...,. run• '*Y ..-i. AlklnQ o p1ue.PtWat•P#t:Y . ...., 1 ,.,...,.. ... ,wtl .. ,_, llH ~12:0C,~,= now.Kllltwyn 7114410 nooo1 on•. '97·15922 1eevernw. .. / ........ 11 f.¥.t.............. !,1 1 1.!_o, 1111 1 oer . • ,~ fl • .mre:r.............. bMt offer &.e-...11 Atari + .,._ lrwedera. llllY P M i.-gd oond Mutt ... ..._, l,I Dodi• '11 Trede1men, .. ·- 11, I Or IOIO lfrH II II IHI .... -. Plll1ll, Conlbet & GOif. 23 Inch color Zenith TV 8 e c r J f Io e ', I I M : ~ ... -.~m. .. lUtO, v.a. AM/PM rd -.,-4-1_00l._8 ... -lhl--llel-t_oer_ •• ~~!!. •••• ~~'•••••• •11b, 111• 111•. ........ ·~::::,d·11.;~a~•= Mii. M0-7• worka 178. -..1•5 IM"9 ,,,_ •71 OOOG1 IMO PU. wl "'*·.....,...... .,IOO wtll IM#y. •·fPd, Hammond orotn ll!d l .... ltt-t1_. 1126 Off !'ft boerd• _.. fin 5•8 .. •1100: 1 O'Nell ... •••••rl ... 5•• 8"-4 1• dll'OY toOd cond ~ 10•1 Mlf-GOttt .. n.d "" oond. t f;'*· I •IO AJC.. --. """' oond. M· 1 "·......,. •IMri ,_ ... ,._ thte lld. AulMll't, HIO wet •vita, 190 ... Qlder,aood oondltlon Find wll•t you want In u n. j ecrlflce. 9111. ~wo·~~ .. ~7 ... 71 ~ra~tl~~~~' 0 ' ~~"°.::=r" r,::',fte. 1f11, IMO. SMOO. 511-f194 N8Wport 11. 173-1171 M0-7183. . tu: 1704104 Diiiy P11oC Cl•ltedw. --1-.._. me111 .. ,... .. _. -• ,. ·--....-~·· ' • ~I Orange Coaat OAILV PILOT /81turd1y, Oeoember 11 , 1982 ~."l!.~.'!'!r.!!tl ....... ~.~~'.~.'~11!!'1 ....... ~.~~'!.!!'!f1!t~ .•..•.• ~.".'!!.!t!r.!!!4 ••••... ~.".~ •• q~ ........... A •• •.• •••• ll.•.14 ••••••••••••• A11NI lllH ,,,,,., lllt4 A•• llr-' A1• 1-' ..... •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• • ••••••• '::1 ••••••••••••••••••• i;: ••••••••••• T wr ... ·····,!!!;r .;;'~'/o;:;,~;·;·eru:··'·~!!-1 .... ~.! ... !f! ........ ,.TnT ... ll Trlflllf ......... 1.~tr IMA ........... 1!.!f 911.'Jftf ......... w.u ~~ ........ ~. "1r.!lr ......... l!ff !mttf ......... 11.f ttnnrMt ...... 11.ff '"' 1111 m-. lfltlall c..-TM 1971 "" laM. 1111 IAmUI -• ..... '11 ...... 1• w ...... . H ,000mltel.l\llly10eded ml, ale;, magi, uel lnJ, Anthracite w/dove Int" "acing '"'" l .. lhlf Low m11ee a ~Y llhafpl ... _ 1 • r ... 11 81 11 1 11 1 ... , .... eunroof, Qd oond I.Ike louvr11, 151100 fvea rlor. chrome alloy• 11pno111.,y. Oood mlle to • power lraln • .,. --..... We 1'eve • GOOd aeeeo-ac • ver IOctlitr mTm 'It C1111H t l11pte"" new. 1 13,400 0 10 4 t 4 ·a t 8 t , day 1 Ablo t u1e ly Min Il l age I,_ tit .. fnolne r11tty (lAOT3MI. Hll a Conllnenlal kll, tlon Of NIW I UHO rlnc:oo HOO Orio ml 4 ..... .,.,. I a ...-.o 8rogfltft. Dal ec~, e 4 8 -1z 1 t 1v,1 . t79~llOO 1.111 eu Ken (1C8V3"40I re1>11111 (arly AM'• 01 llLY ••••• ~ :!!:_,q!~!.'w·'·ow CMw-.1 ..!\187:Jn' :"'..!· radio wltll oaaHtte. Ille,..,....-Int. • 167·M84 daye. OCArt& _,1ng1 ..... ,,_ .,. "' · (S42VZA) ONIM, .. CMI. I ._ -..... nee_ YlllllM • "Mlllt See" c:.. TNt ., • .._.. IPlt r: .... ,,_ doOr '711 Alldl fo11. Need• Miiie l111ul ITU one 1e a "one Of a kind" ~ Hlf ..... IOoll ..,._ ~ ="1ef~~7 or *' ot-.. iUiii .iiiiini .. 20ew. t11,a.n11An• [tg!~ ...... !~t Jo~.!~~ 1110wc:etll1(1U032~ ~7o~e";;"66K IWlr'M v1ny1 top ua 1 . '" en.an1 1HI ........ COSTA MUA Lm llMI ... ml, litre eng ' tran1 HOO...,. 9tvd, ..... 2121 '·'· 'll ... NJ • H •Y....... Cloeed Sunday ..,...... Ml .. 11 1211143? !!'°.,.!!'°... COtnC1f '2200 . ..._6811 ~AtMUA-.......... ... A1110. New '"t· tran1. RllAll I,;" -~ - ' 2 d 33 ooo 1 i'T-1. braaet, ""'· OOkl' ........... or,,lgtnal 22,000 tow '12 l.e • ..,,. WIQOn-;;: Tr8"-Wetcome 1tH ... '"' IHI 1tn --Cf.;;,.·'·· c:am:. ·.-run• 111n1 12250 Cell _____ _.. m 11· 1111 '11 & Ilk• IMHnt or blly out Nia •••••••••••••••••••••• -• · "NtW"I A "Mull See" "· •71 El.DO CONVERT ~ lt~atlOnl to 1tll Lll wa. ~ .... to • power roOf, plUeh Int., wire wflll. :.n.,~ ;~ ~ • Iv 1 m 1 g • 1 ~Iti-1 cat Ill (4 tu:.. Loaded '4l·3001 Reblt ~ a Irene. need• city power treln w111rant• t r • 1 n w 1 r r 1 " 1 t . pwr everything, cr11IN • -lft 11--''I I 5 -;. (2IOMM8>. Full power I air oond.1 IO (1EJT•••1. oon1. Mllfm/caaa. Orto • ..._ .,.., 111 Hll top, oo . warren MY iz•i• d•r power train warrant-...,. · owner Uke new eeooo ~ ~~ 11. :u~ I 1714) 838-11780 •••••••••••••••••••••• lelllm, '45-e383 • • y. 183WY8). ., UllJ OI ~.Ofter, ..:...O.tt m 1. •in 1. 1 1 1 • 5 o o rr!:~~2~!:!!n. Tll UllllT Caw. Hl1 TlllllU •Y 11111 lmllM ·77 Old• omega. Orio ...,._.203 3100 WMt Co111 Hwy. llLIOTlll ...................... -... TlllllU -.. ownr. A/C, PB, PS. Vt, Newport Beach 'II WW ...... IHt or late model, low mt• 1111 UllUI 2~0:~a:Jl~d. --fN1 20eO H111bor alvcj, XI n I O on d . I 2 18 6 . ""' 1111 ___ ... _2_·_94_0_5 ___ , While. 17,000,nl.17900, age Cadlll101 In Sou-6erllnetll lhal" loaded! 20tO l11rb0r BIYd. COSTA MU A 175-4t12 •••••••••••••••••••••• 8711-2740 thern Calltornlal See u1 90 day power train war· Ml .. 11 COSTA MESA Ml .. 11 --------•111 1111 Good u-_,,, vw Sclrocco lodeyl renly. (t23WOG), 1111 ~ 142 .. 11 IMlf IH1 • ,, _, NLY IOI• '711 Mu11....,., A/", 11--. •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• cylinder head. Complel• ••••11 • aa -.. .. --1• ·--'Attn: Santai 1975 red Flat \( WI! w/cem and valve at50. ....s Tlllltll -YIUll Wa. •72 Gren Torino. run• & euto tran1, new brk1, rm•• Spyder. New lop. tip lop a.e-9783 OlllLUO Fact0<y air cond., auto· took• good, PIS , A/C, good running c;ond . Ot ... economy! IO • eng .. $2,995. 080 . 2llOOHatborBlvd. .... fNI matlc tran1 .• pwr. win-r•d lal tire• 1 950. l1775betofr.54M7M power train warranty. 551-1850 alt 8pm. t Set Klc;k-oul VW reer COSTA MESA 20eO Hatbor 81Yd. do w 1 & mo r a I &47-4212 •89 M F b (l&ICM l). 'l1 IPllll 1H i1s. S:e-t783 ar ware. , ... 1110 OS A MESA (1DMB«3~ '79 Graneda ESS. 4 dr. 8 ...,.. Good ·-~-.. .. • NOT BE lndo ~1th h d C T Mutt ~!!.•ng "1!!~ •Y ••11• RED, 11900. c .it evs -;:;;-;;;;a;;;;;;;;~;-·1-__:=.•:=::...·..!..!~=.....-I Ml .. 11 •LY 11111 cyt. Lo ml. Gd cond. Cond I UOO/obo YlllH• 875-4908 Dyl 975-3 t30 'II seuatllOI '72 c . de VIiie. tmmac 'l4 UIUll LT WIS UN.Lal $3495. 847-8095 5411-5230 -P• ·-~ llUl-lllYlll 'la FIAT 114 lNIRsa.D! New paint, reblt eng, lo lnalcle/ out, blue/ white l3500/obo 940-0937 2tOO Hatbor Blvd. '82 F0<d Country Squire 9 '87 Ford Mu•teno Conv, 20eO Hww BIYd. LU... ml, 12 100/or olr. top. loeded. Run• per-· COSTA MESA paitenger Station w'1• Wht. 8 cyl, atlc;k 1hll. COSTA MESA 931.204() ~9µ948 1 ,8;/;,70;::' '1;~~~·87 • , 875-oe&a fully. Price : neg. '80 Z28. 350 eng, auto, Me-1• gon. cr.ulH con1ro1. Fac;t A/C 12450 (714) MJ .. 11 llN' pw .. '89 VW Squareback, rebll 548·5308 AM/FM caM., A/C, l lC· StereO•Ullelte Many 9 8 4 • 9 8 I 5 • ( 7 1 4 ) •---'-11·-II you're reading lhl1 eng, tran1. dtll, brk•. ·ea CM!lllac (BroughlllTI) tru, Xlnt c:ond. 87K mt. 1111 ~ lllLI ektru. t1,000 ~I. Like 538-8218 73 Pinto, air, new tlree, 28402 MargU«lte Pkwy ._. •• ad, don't meke lhlt good tlrH, •uto, rune ........, ""'Int ..... 1 -. • $5800. 548-7888 Alf cond. & NII ~I 80 new. 111,250. &44-7404 Xlnt Ir~-~ ...... _. 711, • AM/FM CHI. S 1100 M1aa1on VleJo •••••••••••••••••••••• m '1 t • k • 0 I n ° I 1oo d body good 1·-575•7 ,... .., .. :::-;;:: .. ,... d•r power trein w11rant· • ..... ..:::. =... ~t cond.. oeo. (Avery Exit olfl.5) 1111 IYIO WUN checking with Jim 1350. S..s.2085 · ~ ~~ ~3oo y. 152JZll. 73 Grand T0<lno. good a..7 U.-.: 7's.2344 "6-5208 Open Sundeys 4 cytlnder, 4 lc>eed trana. Siemon• Import• tor ·79 EJ Dorado orig owner •x · -•y i•1t• running ~2137875. 80 day pow. train war-your nHI Mercede1 ·ao VW VaMgC>n, 18,250. lull pwr. white. $2500'. tse-4223 or 982-7503 ... • • .,._.... '80 Mu1tang, air, 1tereo ,,__,. IHI ~ ~ ranty. (829UNK). Benz. Bring ul •ny lo ml, AC, AM/FM c:au, 850-6578 #IL I 11_ YllHI• .. 2 Lll 1...._.. __ W c:aaaette. 4 IPeed ,_ .:i:=:-:0 •••••••••••••• ~WL"'-llLY 1111• written authorized m-o whll, new tlrM, •Int 111•tn• •I •• --,., ·' •-1P t1r11. s3eoo10Bo: Call 'llO Plymouth, 83,000 orig • c;ond. 7 pai ienger. '75 Coupe de vllle, wire •••••••••••••••••••••• loml.runagreat,ST!;O 49'-7932 ml,goodlnt,needabody ~. 0 __;eaa1 111 i Tll ... I ~l«*leslt. T .. ~omot& welon'll 873-7388 wheel•, e11celtent cond. ·ao Monte Carlo, lmmac:.. 2080 Hwbor Blvd. 64S-ea14 548-1182 ----------1 work. 1100/bat ofr. ,_ .. ,_ • .... fNI .,.. •-,... 11800. 546-5591 38K, all pwr, loaded, COSTA MESA , 1977 MU.Ieng~~.!. 4 IPd. 146-4972 .... appllft to all 2400'1, '81 Rabbit c:on\'111., lo ml,. $5500/obo. 75t-Otao 142 .. 11 89 El Camino SS, 350 JClnl c:ond. S2ouu 080 --------2080 Harbor Blvd. 3000'1. 300TDT'• and AM/FM o .... JClnt c:ond. 74 Brougham, 1 OWnef, Z28, TWl1ter llree, need• 714-493-74&4 . '78 F11ry wgn, pl, pb, llYI lllMll COSTA MESA 300CO'a In at~ only . '45-2870. hea IYlfY1hlng. 12600 0< ·ea Impala Wagon, 302, pa Int. S 18 o o o b o . crulae. amlfm, air, new A HANDFUL OF 1982 142 .. 10 O .A.C . Thia o ffer , beltotfer.~30 rune 11lnt. 1850/ bHI. C~--111 Hll IHIO-e972 '88 Mu1tang conv. auto tne,goodc:ond.see>oor MODELS REMA IN AT expires Dec. 20, 1982. 79 ~~Bug, whtlw2h1Kt. 1982 Cimarron 9000 ml 835-7775 ext 3. Krl1 .:-:1•••••••••••••••••• tran1, very nice cond. trade.1158--01'4 SUBSTANTIAL SAV-•1& •mHt c 1 f grea ""'"'·· •Ktr••. 1 ' • ·93 Newpor1 pulhbutton • • .L IH1 14200. 875-3821. INGSI We ~·n "'-'pl "'-t~e you al or d«alla. ml $77110. 780-8708 al fact equip, Ilk• new •ee Impala, Good Cond., 1750 or m' eke offer ' lrtllf• -'""" ""'~ ev9. cond. 111,000. Cell •lier PIS, P/B, A/C · ~··••••••••••••••••••r. . ._llM HIS * '75 6301: auto .. 1un buy. check our unbeat-· 5 891•1588 seoo obo 875-3208 CASH ONLY. 842·7883 76 MavarlCk, new pain . 80 Turbo MU8tang, bk'9 :m•••••••••••••••••• roof. (1DVK310) •bl• N lec;tlon, 11vtng1 CLEAN ·ee VW 1nrf AM/ ' · Yin top, PS, AC, s tereo. w/llghl vlnyt Int. 40,000 '10 Flreblrd original own-* '78 3201; auto .. eun and MfVlce lodayl FM. $1795. • • 1980 El Dorado Dlffel. Lo '12 Oawtler IL a ., c. ,,,, ,,,. 12485 obo. 891-1361 mllea, 4 1911d, p/a, ... er. Jdnt c:ond., In l out roof. (7008) lllYEllITT . 499-5056 Ml, Mint Cond. Sun roof. Alloy wheel• 4 •geed •• !!'!i ••••••••••••••• ~ • H'°O r1eo. V11y good cond. ltlOO. e7M518 * '79 320l· 4 apd aun Xtra tank, muat Hll. 1 11• h 1 • 1 · •ttsn · .,, 4 9 9 5 . Ca II . .. IALll. lllYIOI '79 vw Rabbit 2 dr, ,_ 110 500/obo e«-63ea CHHt •. g t ue, 73 'Vette. 4 ..... 73K • ~·····~·············· 714/847-8821 fl~ ,,,, ~!ab93l2~1: auto .. aun 2850 H11bor Blvd. or ... brk1, AM/FM ete-• • cuatom dark blue. 38, 350 ang, wire whit, •Int 87 Mere;. Cougar. New •••••••••••••••••••••• roof. (4098) COSTA MESA reo, good cond. $3100. 50 Coupe OeVllle all O<lg. 000 ml Watranty. 17,250.1 cond, 15995/obo. Dyl eng. New Irani. New pwr '78 Muet. 8-cyl, llUIO, 79 T-Blfd, lo ml. ldnt cond. I•• •111 l40-ll40 '81 380 SL, 7000 ml. Wire 498-5930 all 4PM Xlnt cond. 13100/offer. 213-417-5383 730-3780, wnkndi dlac brka. S 1600. air, etc. $1595. $4,000. •r• wheet1. $38.000/080. 842-1403 • 714-833--0e17 964-5290 780-1099 548-7038, 848-0370 557-0175 208 w. 11t. Santa Ana 213"832·8979. ·79 Rabbit dl11 w/1lr, • -------- Cloaed Sundey '78 Ac;cord UC. maroon, apd, rune tuperb, not a A•lll In 1111 tow mileage, aut0<nallc. 1111 'll 2111 WI acitatcn, nick or dent. 2 •••••l•••••••••••••••• CHOICE INVENTORY $4250. 551-8100 52,000 orig. ml. Mutt d r 4 2 0 0 0 m I -VOLUME SALES Mii. 16900. 831-3058 13895/olf.;. 548-7245 . 5 Rebuilt Ho nda 197 6 CVCC cyllnder head. '6.4 t90D. MBZ. New '74 Super Beetle. New . c o m p I • t e S 2 5 O . paint, uphol, run• well. I I I I 0 LI IE I a.e-91aa _s_2soo_._c_a1_1 648-389e ____ , _______ 1 •MW 80 Honda Pra6u<M all••-'11 IUlllT .... tru, Ilk• MW, 28,000 ml #C • 1141 I S...-Servlce-Laaslng $8500. &42·11155 •••••••••••••••••••••• Good c:ond. 1900. Call 828 So Eucffd Ave '51 MGA REPLICA bet. SAM & 7PM Mon F*1on · '80 Prelude, lmmec: cond. Xlnt cond. $4000 thru Fri. &.«~27 ('f1•\a.._.aM Nu brlkM. am/Im atereo &4S-IM07 '61 VW 1b1olulety mint ~ay C:HI. 1unlroof. 18900 cond. Call for detall1. .......... OBO. 552--0ete •• 1144 770-5384 iiiii11iii11ii11ii .. iiiii ... iiiiitiiiil·a2 ACCO<d. • dr. 5 spd air, •••••••••••••••••••••• •·.,-1------1-11-• •••••--lterao , 4800 mllu. 1111 ... 1••---rf N We need you t ade-1 I $8300 873-8910 -•-•••••••••••••••••••••• Cell °' ... ou~ ~ ~r . Super earl 90 day powtt # 1 Ytht hlltr manager, Woff Jurl-JI 1111 1131 train werranty. (733.XZX). la •MC• '""'1f nelc, IO< hlghee~I •• ~.................. •LY 11111 -- LI• IDOi llW 'll ,, ... ., I.Ill 1'11 ... 1 llLIS. 111Y101 s......servic.Leaalng sa.ooo ml. 19.900 .... fNI -UH• 3e70 N. Cherry Ave. 875•2740 2080 Hatbor Blvd. OVERSEAS DELIVERY LONG BEACH 'II 1U11 DI OPE COSTA MESA EXPERTS 114 IJl-1110 lmmac. l91100/obo. Wiii 142-1111 cone. trade. 842-t384 '77 MOB. blue/Ian tnl. UIU •E Good cond. Lo ml. Ste-YILYI .,,.... ah 113f reo tape, rack. $2200 1986 Harbor Blvd. •••••••••••••••••••••• 080. 497-8961. COSTA MESA '89 Ghia, 500 ml on new Ml-IHI ••• .... ., eng. New pelnt, llr•. too ·77 MGB. nu red paint, _____ _. __ -_ __. much to Nat. 13250. Se-lop, tlrea, 1tereo, •Int '78 Vofvo 282C loeded rlout only call 850-1909 con d . I 4 100 I o fr . tow rnlleage. S42-7053 Salel-Servlce-Leulng '88 Kermann Ghia Con-75~1800• 873-4223 -· vertlbte, a real beauty., ..... , 1141 -.• -V-otvo-.-m-1-nt-cond--.-.,..--i '3400. 770-5384 ·•·-A••••••••••••••••• tometlc air toott1 & rune 1982 P"'9'QI 505S Turbo ' J. '73 Karmann Ghia, •Int dleeel, 5epd, eltWr/blUI lanteatlc •1450/ otter. cond. thruout, $3850/ 30,000 ml, No frl ..,. or 1_648-__ 12_4_5 ____ --1 bee1 ofter. 759-1731 ut calla. 840-2847 •••n. ...... 911TllUJS 4 l9"d ,,.,,.,, AM/FM '74 HO H dan. Xfnl . .. .,., 11111 pltl)'lt' wtlh o on d . Ev u /wk n d 1 ·~I ~II cmMttte~ & ~om ..... 151• '' .......... y ........... ~ •••••••••••••••••••• ,_,. '73 Toyota Corona O.· 1979 CADILLAC COU'I DI VILLI P Q4YS0) s3995 1911 CADILLAC ILDOIADO llAlllTZ (1ASG881) $15,995 1910 CADILLAC ILDOIADO COUPI (IACL799) $}2,995 1979 CADILLAC SIVILLI (392VPS) $11,495 1911 CADILLAC PLllTWOOD D'ILIGANCI (1ARGe38) s12,995 1980 CADILLAC SIDAN DIVILLI (9<49ZIT) $9895 Oller Good Thru Monday, 12-13-82 ., ..... MB '77 240D, <4 ap , 1Uq. Aur'I good. Neede ._. IANllM e11nr1., Ivory/bamboo. eo m e work . 1 380. N~~ IOK ml, tootta newJ ~· '78-4413 2'00HertMwBlwl. own e r • 10 ,110 0 . -------~ C OOBTA MUA 173-7376 or 87a.ot12 71 CellCa, 5 tpd, AO, mini I ~ -_ _!l~·~·-!!!--1~7f,i7t=i=::;:::=.;::;J oond. t 4•9abo -HAMOR M.VD. ·11 uo 11.. a11ro11ndy/ ~ .,.,_fide CotTA •u '11 2IOZX...;"'... 1111'1, 2 topa. )(It oond . '771T2!.'ll.A, ~W:llrLA, 540-1860 Mt-t30t ::._o~2 ml. 1 11,100. ..... __ ~==========i::::::==::::::======~am~Jfm~,~·1~M0=·~:;;;;3MI;;;!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ • \ f 1977 fmD .,. 111sm•1 ff<W _. ,.. ""' _. '° .. ,_,,.,.. .. ,~, lt74 Ct«VWOUT NOVA (~I , ... _.,,,..._,_ ( ... to.., -..... ""'""" 1'77UK fl(GAI, 1lllOl>l'I ,,...,..,. .... .,._ Vttr n.,,. to ••• ,,.,.. tra11 •¥fftil4t 1'71 Ct«WCUT MONTI: CMLO 11~71/!l ............... _ ... ....... ,. ... -h ... _, ... , A.P.R. FllllllClllli IYllUBLE 011 EVERY REMlllllll& 1182 CAR Ill OUR HUGE lllVEllTORY! 25 3 Down, 36 Mos., on approved credit 011 lllW '82 FORD CARS TRUCKS & VANS 1971 IQl)A CVCC WAGON t~l 4cyt 4....,h_ to .., ...., ··-........ , lt7t f(Jlll) l TO WMilCll llU'#Yll .... ..._' "' -·to.., -~-•l<''"'' 1m~u SHORTID> PICll .. 110901191 1 ..... II ,..,,... -*" ,. .., ... ,, ......... , '•3993 •1183 . . . . . . OEACUNES F6f T~ay through Saturday public:etlons, 5:30 PM the pt9Ylous day. For Sunday end Monday publications. 12:00 noon Saturday. ERRORS ~ lhould c;Mck thlllr a ct.lly and report 9"0f'I Immediately. The DAIL y Pit.OT _,,,.. 11.olllty for the fl,... lncorrec1 lnMftlon only. 642-5678 • Pl.8.ISHEA'S NOTICE: All real ...... ecMrtlwl In thi8 M" • ._.le ~ to IN Federal fair HoU91ng Ad o11• whlctl ,,.._ M lllegll to adw9rtlee "any preference, HmltMlon, Of cllcftmlnetion bmed on ,.., cotor. 1'911glon. NII, or nattonll ongln. or an ll1•1llon to ,,.._ "'1 IUCh pr9ference. llmltattoft. or dllcrtlftlMllon." Thia,... •"'9' wlll not knowlnW aooept..,, .., ...... tor,... .... Wh6dl le In vtolatlon of ...... I IMlS Fii SAU ·~In ""8 CategofJ MUet ... ~ - ·-lat ~ ·-·-J .. ,,.. -·--... ------.,. -- Olllrt H :IO, leluf-lonooft CClawld on a.ndlr) •w . .., It .• Colla ....... ca._,..., --= -= I 2 -Orange County Aeal Estate/ An Ad9tlrtlslng $\lpptement to tne ·D~ll. Y PILOT /SatUrdaj, CJe0tmb49r" 11; 1982'""· Top Realtor:· regulations jack up new home prices Open House Ex<..-essivc g1J~ernment regulations <it all level<> m:c:ounts for up to 30 p<·rt<·nl of chc cost of a new home. u<:<.·ording tu Charles M. Fe rguson. p r e s i. d e n t o f t h e N e w p o r t Harbor/Cos ta M esa Board o f Realtors. Building mdes and dty planning :m:ount for much of the red tape. For t:X<imple. higher density zoning ~vt·:-. lund and t·uts <..'OSts for streets, S<·w<·rs and rights of way. A General r\ct:ounting Offi~'e study shows that ,..1;,ndurds for s tn<ets and related site 1mprovemc·nts add mort' than ~2.600 tu tht.· l'ost of a typical new home. W hen e ng ineers, builders. gove rnm e n t o ffi cia l s and <."Onstruction Jr.ad~ put their heads- together, a good. soJid home can be bu il t f o r muc h l ess than t·onvcntional homes, Ferguson says. More realistic building codes can redul'l' remodeling costs of existing homes as well, particularly with regard to the use of n ew , more effidcnt methods and materials. Lumber cos ts can be cut b y permitting tru~s. walls and floor joists to be framed 24 inches on l'enter rather than 16 inches, wh ich is common in older homes. Concrete slabs can be cut from 3 ~ inches to 2 ~, inches. Olher .... cost-saving ideas for new homes include: -Plywood box beams instead of solid wood or concre te door a nd window headers. -Single top plates on walls. -Under-the-floor open space for heating or cooling, which eliminates the n~ for ducts in attics. Another interesting idea is the use of pol ybuty le ne pipe ins tead of copper pipe. which results in an average savings of 44 percent on plumbing costs. Solar -energy loses public -. attention -not feasibility The following story, presented in a question-and-answer format, was compiled by the Newport Harbor/ Costa Mesa Board of Realtors. Q. Is solar e ne rgy c urre ntly fea s ibl e from an economic standpoint, or is it somewhere off in the future? A. Solar energy has been in use for tho usands of years. Ancient home builders oriented a home to tatw advantage of the sun's warm th and store its energy. Tuday. this 1s referred to as p:1ss1vc solar construction. Active solar units, incorporating moving parts or cirl'ulatory systems, have bl'l'n in US<' for about 75 years. St.•Vt.'ral Mediteranean t'Ountries and Awnralw and Japan get most of tht•1r hot water from solar heate rs. Whak· 1t is true that interest in solar cnl'rgy has waned somewhat :-.1m.•c• thl' rN.·enl worldwide surplus of 011. tht• fact remains that our pl.inl'l has a limited amoun t of n<itunil resources. As these b«.-ome mon · sl·arce. we: w ill turn toward ren(•wca bll' enL•rgy sources. Alread y, 1rn1ny 111·w homes use some form of solar energy and are m uch more e nergy-cflicien l. T here also is a ma rket in re tr ofittin g e xis ting homes. ' Alrc ao y , man y reputable manufacturers are involved in the production of reasonably-priced solar units that <.·a n be added lo existing homes. Among the most popular are solar water heaters and solar greenhouses. Solar-powered elC'CLric generating systems are stiU too expensive. Ho w ever . recent developments indicate they will become more Ce~sible in coming years. Q. What are the'advantages of a planned community developme nt (PCD)? A. PCDs offer the advantages of a detached single-family home along with the amenities o( a well-planned condominium project. As land bec.'Omes more scarce and ex pen sive. d evelop ers are maximizing its use with increased density and smaller housing units. Perhaps the greatest advantage o ( a PCD lies in the simple fact that tht.!y're m o r e afforda ble than conventional homes. Single women become force in home buying Bv JAMES M. WOODARD Copley Hewe Setvlce S umi· 1 n t1·r•· ... ting tr('nds a rt· l'r1w rg rng in the United States fi,,ui-.ang pit't ure. Tht.· rall' of home ownership is dropµing for lhe first tim e in d1"<.·<id<'S Single women are buying morl' homt.-s on their own. And some rnmmunr ti(•s and sUltt•s are finally l<.kmg a1·t1un to help first-time hom1:· buvero; Thl· ntll' of home ownership had hc.·c n stL•<iclrly inc:reasing since the Un1t1·<.l S tates Cen su s Bureau bq;an kt.•epang records. The rate iru:reaS(.•d. that is, until 1980. Sinc.·e thc·n. thl'rL·'s btoen a s light decline. :itt:nrding to the Census Bureau. In 19 4 0 , 4:$.6 perl'e n t of hous..•holds wer<' home owners. ln 1950, thl' rate had grown to 55 pen·ent. ln 1960. it was 61.9 percent. <ind m 1970, it was 62.9 percent. In 1980, the home ownership rate peaked at 64.4 percent. Since thcnj it has faJlcn to about 63.9 percent. Most housing experts do not view thl' unprt'<:eclented downward turn as a part.l c ularl y omin ou s or permanent phe nomenan. They see it as a temporary setb ack -111 indication of the difficulties home bu yers <tre c nc·ountcrin g due lo l'urrC'nt high prices and in terest ratl.'s. . One M:gmcnt of home buyers that 1s growing significantly is single women. For the first time, they have become a major factor in the home buying market. The biggest impetus to the single women boom in real estate sales was pass age of the Equal C r edit Opportunity Act of 1974. This pr oh ibits cre dit ors fr om discrimination on the basis of sex or marital status in any aspect. or a t·redit transaction. Also, an amendment to the Fair Housing Act now prohibits sex discrimination in the sale or rental of housing and in home finance. These new laws, coupled with the gene ral tre n d to w ard a more progressive business approach being taken by women, is resulting in far more home purchase transactions. In fact. more than a third of all condominium sales are now to single women . Women a lso are becoming more active in investment real eatate transactions and management. In Santa Barbara, for example, 13 women have combined their efforta a nd business savvy to manage more than $100 million worth of real estate, collecting about $10 miJJion in annual rents. Another noteworthy trend is that communities and s tates are taking more action to help first-time home buyers. For example, the Illinois Housing Development Authority ~tly m ued a rnor..-. 1Ubeidy bond keyed apecUlcally to h~lp flr•t·tlme buyers in flnanctn1 • bqmc, Illinois' first bond issue results in about $20 million being available for exis ting home sales and $40 milHon for purx:hase of ne wly constructed homes. Q. Att more people working from offices lo tbeir homes these days? A. De(jnitely. One recent study indicates that 15 to 20 million people will be working primarily from their homes by the middle of the next dct.•ade -many using computers as their key business tool. Q . Is it true , ... , two or the nation 's larges t appraiser assoelatioos are merging? Y es . A t l eas t the f i n a l togethe rness arrangements are now b e ing hamme r e d out b y the 5,000-member American Society of Appraisers, h eadquarter ed i n W as hington O .C .. and th e 15,000-membcr Society of Rea l Esta\4? Appraisers. based In Chicago. Orange CountylAeat!bt.ate/An.AdVertlStng-'SUpptemenMo-the DAILY PILGTISaturdtly, Oecember in, 1982 -3 --·-. . . . -· 11.~PERTIE~ 760-8333 Ill CAIYll PRICE IEllCEI $100,000 Reduction and excellent terms or consider trade. Assumable 1st, 2nd and 3rd at low interest or submit. Lovely designers home with large pool and spa. 4 BR, 3 Baths, Family Room, Formal Dining, Now Only $695,000. 760-8333. HSlllEll-E Exquisi~ly upgraded "Palenno" in Harbor View Homes. 4 Bedrooms, Formal Dining, Country Kitchen , upgraded Appliances, Imported Tiles, French doors, Skylight, Wetbar, Spa-Assumable Loans, Fee Land. $339,000. 760-8333. 3 CIVIC PLAZA # 170 NEWPORT BEACH, CA TWO ACllE ESTATE Spanish. s tyle retreat amid magnificent setting of lush landscaping. 6 Bedrooms, Game Room. Formal Dining, Large Pool, Spa. Waterfall, Tennis Court, Mexican Tiles, Cedar Beams, 24 Ft. Ceiling in Living Room, 4 Guest Rooms Maids Suite. $2,200,000. 760-8333. . • llSTllOTIYE Ill llllYllllLISTIC Only begins to describe this lovely Big Canyon Home. Lush landscaping and meticulous care add to the comfortable area. 4 Bedroom+ Family Room. Closed Circuit T .V., Tivoli Lighting, Pool. Sauna, Spa. $775,000. 760-8333. ~--.---~~~~-- COITllEITIL llOWCISE New Orleans Chandelier, French Do9rs, Italian Marble, Ill W•LI Cllll Roman Tub, Antique English Pub, Wine Cellar. all included, in Enjoy this NEW Custom Victorian within walking distance to this Charming Big Canyon Monaco-Plan~ BR, 2 ~ -aatti ________ Beach Stained Glass. Quality Craftsmansh.i,p, 3 BR.J'amily Residence. Must See to Appreciate. $895,000. 760-8333. Room, Formal Dining, Quality Woodwork throughout. PElllSIU NllT Beautiful Family Home with Lush Landscaping and FABULOUS BAY VIEW. 4 Lrg Bdnns. HUGE Farnicy Rm, Formal Dining Room, Big Kitchen and Pvt Deck off Mstr Bdnn Suite. With 20% Down, OWC Balance for 10 Years!! JUST REDUCED TO $625,000. 675-6670. • A Division of $379,500. 760-8333. TWO sm IF TllPLDES ••• Just Steps from 10th St Bay Beach/Oceanfront. Units can be sold separately or together and have Excellent Rental History. Owne r offers TERMS! TERMS! and Will Assist with Financing. $285,000 OR $295,000 OR $580,000. Take your pick ... Bring Your Offer!! 675-6670. . .r JACOBS REAL TY, INC. . . . 675-6670 2919 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, CA 92663 4 -Orange County Real Estatei An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, ~ber-11. l982 Many owners are offe ring substantial price reductions and terms. Some wilJ e xchange and . "cash speaks" - Lower than l!sted price, if you have cash ... Call for details and submit yo.ur offer . NEWPORT BEACH ••• COSTA MESA NEWPORT CONDO BY GREENBELT Allord1ble end 11nlt M JCI lo pool. Setler wlll tract. thl1 3 bed. lor other r111cMnc:e or? Submit. 1139,000. LOW PRICE & REASONABLE BLUFFS With grffnbelt VIEW. Upgraded with lhUtteta + Patloa, work bench arH, term•. OwMr Wiii cerrr on thla 3 bed. Reduced lo $143,950. BACK BAY VILLAGE CONDO End 11nll overlootllng pool I 1pa with large private patio & many ame nltl••· Two-atorr 3 bed. 2'h ba In a quiet location. $165,000. 631-1400. NEWPORT COND0-$165,000 ,. quiet loeatlon on a ce ntral Newport atreet with a immaculate and apacloua 2-ato rr c ondominium residence. Private 1t1trance lo lhla 3 bedroom home wllh 2 • 1 balha and· enclosed patio. Lov•IJ lendacaplng end adjoining commun ltr pool. Perfect .. move-In .. decor. Two·car garage. 631·1400. VERSAILLES PENTHOUSE FURNISHED Excellent deeor and all Inventory ol 1llver, china a lurnl1hlng• Included. OW tlnanee with 10% c"h Of wlll lease/op. 1865 leped sq.fl. In thl1 2 bed. 2 ba. 1172,000. 631-1400. NEW CONDO LISTING $225,000 Mini oeHn Vu. Comple lely remodeled a owner wlll llaten 10 all exchange. leaH/optlon, gama. ear•, boala, plane• offers Lovely 3 bed. with 1198,000 In aHumabta loan•. 631-1400 PIER/SLIP -$212,5001 NEWPORT New o n the ruarkel in a gated waterfront eomple1. LowHt prlee on lee land with • dockl Large 3 bed, 2'11 ba. t decorator amenities. 1131·1400. BLUFFS-END UNIT New llSllng. Wide, aecluded grffnbelt locatlon with a wrap-around patio and • 3 bed . 2'h bath home. Priced under markel al $230,000. 631-1400. BALBOA ISLAND-REDUCED TO $265,0001 Massive price reduction for Ihle home on regular alze lol. Adorable 3 bedroom cottage with beama, brick • warmth. Price Includes plan• tor new Cape Cod home - or llve In II aa la 104' now. Cell for loan det•I'--OW help llnanee• 673 .. 900. POPULAR POATOFINO·HARBOR VIEW Spaclou1 tamlly home. Soerlng celllnga, tam.rm. overlooklng pool a 1unn1 patio. Unftnlahed bonua room by garage. Walk to communllJ pool a park. $295,000. Open Sun. 1·5 P.M. ADORABLE DUPLEX-CORONA DEL MAR Well priced a nd only 3 blockl lo ocean. Front hoUH wTt"fi 2 .,.d 1 ba.. well-equipped kitchen, tll• flreplac• and wood lloort. Spanl1h architecture with Mwer 3 bed, 1 ba. unit over 4-car garage. Beamed celllng, large deck. Charming wallpapera 6 Immaculate condition. 1272,000. PRICE SLASHEDn -BALBOA ISLAND NOW 1254,0001 On 30xl5 n. lot. Aclofeble 2 •r 1 be w/brlck patio. A SUPER VAUJet ~. CORONA DEL MAR -NEAR BEACHES CAME O HIGHLANDS Immaculate end manicured 11terlor. FM lend on thlt 3 bedroom hom. end OW e11l1t llnanclng. Aaklng 1344.500. t31·140I. BA YFRONT -EXCIT,NG 6 BEDROOM Security and garct.n entry Into thla 2·•tCNY euatom home on waler with drema11c room• and decoratOf feeturn. Interior H una, •P• and 1u1pondod library/den. Roottop deck tor aunnlng with VIEW of 111. An entertaining peradlu on FEE LAND. Pler/allp tor large rechl. 11,695.000 tn. 973-elOO. ••• CORONA DEL MIR • • • BALBOA ISLllD • • • LIGUIA BUCH I I I PENINSULA PT. PERFECT Immaculate, adorable home. Ju1t 1tepa to bar and Mieh. Excoffent financing on thl• 2 bedroom, 2 bath plue den, patio home. Dme by 1m E••• OcNll and call 1344,500. DEVELOPERS: LEASE/OPTION Drive bJ 1425 Su~IOf a call for det•ll•. Hlfheet a beet uH: 5 rHldentlal condo• or poealblo madtcal compleL Aaklng 135t,OOO. PENINSULA PT.-EXECUTIVE HOME Complet•IJ remodeled Cape Cod acroH from Perk. Step• to 8aJ, Ocean I tennla club. 1241,000 eaeumeble fl ret T.D. a OW help with balance. S3IO.OOO. LOWEST PAICE-SHORECLIFFS Completelr remodeled In 1912. Large 4 bed. 3 ba .. I famllr room. All new kitchen wltfl oak cablnela, 3 flreplacH a 3 ear garage on a l•ge corner. Private Mach acceaa. Owner motivated a wlll cooperate with ell tJpe• of financing. 320 Seaward ... now 1395,000. JASMINE CREEK -ELEGANT Quiet cul de MC .....,nd guarded ge .... lrnpr'lealve decor enhancoe 3 bed. + den I cuetom Spa. REDUCED TO 1375,000. SPYGLASS-REDUCED $441,500 Loweel prtc.d 4 bedr-In die arN. BNullful hOfM with elrtum, femltJ r-. 2 ftt1plec.e and 3 cer gar .... Motivated a coo,.ratlv• Hiier. Submit rour offer. 131-1400. BIG CANYON'S FINEST New LletlJttt. Ono-lonl, hlahlJ u"redod 9roedlftoor home. Cathedral ~·· 2 llnplac•, con......tlon pit. S.Ck*d comer wfth hefldume atone ex1orior. L°"'J 4 bed. 3 be. home on -luded comer. ll'oot + ..,.., ... epo off m•ter Mita. '111.000 fM. BAYFRONT -aEAUTIFUL LM9o lot. Dock llW IO' boel. Atrtum entry, entertainment center, fofmal dining, bllllerd room, 4 flreplecea. Two-1torr home. '1YI tt.drooma. Melda room. 8ecWttJ 111tem. loltd conatructlon. ,do on ... ., wlltl gazebo. Outet .... Pof1 --. .. .000. GM400. WATERFRONT -BALBOA ISLAND Unobatruc ted VIEW of turning bHln of ••rfront. Fabuloua qutet end of .. lboa tetand. Can be •lnele tamllr If de1lred. Pler/allp for I boata. 11 .300,000 fH lend. 631· 1400. 173-etOO. LIDO ISLE-40' LOT-LEASE/OP. Sunn~ South patio and remo4eled end new decor. Hardwood lloora, leaded glaaa, gourmet khchln In IMa 2 bedroom ptue ct.n. Priced und9' mlftlet for qulcti ..... A11umable loant and OW help finance. 143t,50o. BAYSIDE FUANISHED-$417,500 Owner Wiii earrr 2nd T.D. of IM0,000 at t.5% l.,..,_t, Decorator c-dtneted with lo•etJ furnl•hlnga In ttiae 2 Md. + den and dining arH. Unqueetloneble YU Of .., a llghta. Pool, epa a boat allp eveltable. Owner le lnctudlnt memb9rahtp In lr:vlne Countrr Cklb. LIDO ISLE-BRIGHT-CHEERFUL Str .. t to 11r .. 1 toe.lion plue • 4 bed. I be. "°"'9 wfltl large garden femllJ room. Cwatom wall coworln91, Mpaf•t• meelw auft• a,mucti -· 11•..-U1·MOO. BAYFRONT -50' BOAT SLIP SunrlM to aunMt I nlfht VU from thl• gracloua I ~ant WATERFRONT home. Large mntet aulte + 3 bedfooma for famllr. Spacloua Nv. rm., format din. rm~ gourmet kitchen with brealdeet arH. French doora to brick patio I colorful garden. Manr extrn I decorator amenlttea. Reduced to 11,450,000 fee. 131-1400. MAGNIFICENT WHITEWATER VIEW Overlooklng Em~rald Bar .with 5 bedroom1, 4'h ba. Superior con1tructlon In North _Laguna Location. Motlvat,d Hiier •Ill carrr Flttt T.D. at 101 Int. 4" Panorama .... now 1595,000. 131·1400. OCEANFRONT-HUGE REDUCTION! Cu11om bullt bJ orlglnal ownera In prlallne condhlon. Two-1tory 4 bed. 3'11 ba. In beat BEACHFRONT location. Propertr 11 ctear and Miiera wilt CMfJ First T.D. et 11% lntetnt. See 2804 W. Oceanfront and call for detafla. teso,ooo. PRICED FOR NOW-S143,'50I New ceramic Ille kllchen, 4 bed. a· walk lo beach. Aaaumable 111,000 loan a OW carrr. Drive bJ 22t Pfoepect • Cllll ......... NEWPORT VIEW CONDO Wetoft ..,._.t ._.... front ewety room In Ihle I bed. and unit. E....._ deoor, llnplH• A wet ber. OW carry ...... ..... 1171,ooD. 8eouftlJ eontllllL IO' FRONT AGE-C>CEAN BL VD. Coronedel_... .............. ...._ .. YIEWSOf ..... ,..., .............................. ....., older c-atructleft. Tw .... .,, 4 bed. I be., J car 1•r19e. Hardwood noon + ....., epec1e1 ......._ Lot can be eplt and JOU can build ,,_ ...... IMt .. IV ....... I lncl!Hhd In purchaH price. Cell for det•H• on thl• HoepltcMlel ofterlnt. 201 Uftlapur/oomer Oceen. 0..- Satt 6 IUft. 131-1400. FREE BOAT DOCK + HOME Speclou• •·•torr, 1 bed, 2'h be. lownhouee, 1ecur1t1 compteL Flrwplace a patio. Owner .. lrede, .._./op. Of6taao,OOO fee. BALBOA IS. WATERFRONT Clwlc Cl0lt89I deooreted In '""'°" In" OOHdlllon Wltt\ •-It! A cMrm. A pertect MUple'e 2 Md. 2 II&. wt1t1 r== kllcheft, ... decll ........ Dock .. 2 boete. EXCLUSIVE-AU. VU TERRACE North L.atuN'• nn..t cr...d ...,..ullftJ. CelMdral ~ 1n Ihle 2-etorr, '...._ ...._ ~ 1n pm. .. area .of •oat Cen1on. aluo ••tor Yl•Wa. l11n110nH fem.rm., wflh .~ltJ welt XLNT ftnlftetftl. lllCl.000. U1·1400. ..._ 1118n11 NEW VIEW LISTING-CLIFFHAVEN Two-atorr. generoua room• encl 1eo• VIEW of .. , end ocean. ftolftOdliled 3 bed..-1, I 'll ....,_, ...,.-cellar, 1pa I large declt. 0..-lat. 6 Sun. 1·5 P.M. et 1101 King• Road ..... 000 .... OCEANFRONT ·SUPERB QUALITY ....c... .................... ,,.........._ecoeM. Tiie ......................... ...., OOMlrwted 2 bed.+ .......................................... floors. ,,... .................... k~ ... to ........ 11,411.D. .,_,... BAYFRONT-11,300,000 FEE 8oet allp Included wtltl INe 4 Md. I V. ba. + den on fllrornontorr ..,. Cueto.., kllclMn + .,....., autte with wot ber on WATER. ,...._ locetloft..lmmeculet• a everr emenllJ lmaglnlblel U1·MOO. IXCLU81Yl!-~':"'a 0n.-.................. and Cit*' ..... .... ..... -......... Ji .... b11l1nl c .... ..... .......... ._ .... ,... .................. .....,. • ......,.UfWe....., ................. , ...... . ............ c.. ..... = ................. ....... UfWelllJIWlillll ............. ...... WATERFRONT ... HOMES, INC. REALTORS A Sales. Renta ls. Property M1m agement 315 Marine Ave. Balhoa Isla nd {)73-6900 2436 W. Coast Hwy. Newport Beach 631 -1400 SJM'f'ialixintt in pl'Clpf'rt~ on lhf' ••tf'r ..• nf'ar thf' "•tf'r ... and •illl \If'• f)f ••lf'r .• , 1ange County R~ &tate/An.,Advertlllng SupplemenJ lo the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, Oe.cember 11 , 1982 = 5 Dalebo•1f __ aay a Beach Real· Estate REAL ESTATE EXCELLENCE SINCE 1949 COME WITH US TO ••• LM ISU ... Not a king -just llve like one In this country English bayslde home. Six bedrooms, six baths ... one with steam room. Spacious split level living room, vaulted ceiling. Step-up formal dining room. Gourmet kitGhef'h···· . . two self-cleaning ovens, microwave, food warming unit. Luxurious bayfront brick terrace with wet bar. Convenient dock for 36 foot boat. Owner will carry large trust deed. Interest only, or consider part trade ................... $2,700,000 Ulllll ISUll lllYE ... Impressive new bayfront home. Five spacious bedrooms. Distinctive step-up dining room. Built-In china cabinets. Immense entertainment room with wet bar and temperature controlled wine storage. Restful view deck -like a bay cruise. Pier and float for 60 foot boat. Guest apartment over three car garage. Custom pool. You own the land. Owner exceptionally flexible as to financing. Wiii consider exchange for units, commercial or submit. ......... .... ............ .................. $2,350,000 111111 ISUll 1111 . . . Bayf ront. Owner will carry One Million Dollar first trust deed. Five bedrooms, den maid's quarters. Sixty feet on t he bay with pier and slip for three boats. Will lease completely furnished for six months at $3500 per month, or consider lease/option: ....... .. ......... .... ........ ...... ................. .... $1,500,000 Ill OUYM ... Fascinating home in a luxuriant setting. Five spacious bedrooms. Formal dining room. Huge family room with wet bar and large built-in television screen. Custom pool and spa. Located on the 18th fairway ......... $1,495,000 llYEll HHU ... Quality shows In most everything -particularly in a home such as this custom four bedroom built with lath and plaster. Situated on a private beach. Mas1er bedroom suite balcony overlooks beach and bay. In-law or maid's quarters ......... $920,000 Mm SlllES . . . Every day ts a holiday in this enchanting view home. Two master bedrooms In one wing. Third bedroom with own entry and private bath in the other wing. All rooms open to indoor dehumidified pool. Security system. Seller may carry 1st trust deed five years, at 10°/o. . ................................................. $835,000 Mm SIMES ... Prestigious five bedroom, foor and one-half bath home. Restful bay view. Plankwood floors. trench doors and gorgeous woods. Maid's room with separate bath. Room f or spa in front courtyard. $150,000 to $200,000 down. Owner will carry balance at 12°/o ................................................... $740,000 WflUU llll ... This dellgtltful four bedroom h o m e r eflects an air o f com fo rt and contentment. The feeling Is accented by the spectacular and everchanging ocean view. This ~~~~~1i~~.o~i~1~~~'.~--~~~~~~-~--~$';~-5~ WEST ..,., ... Everyone loves a window to the seal Just open your patio gate and step out on one of Newport's widest beachea. Th sunsets are varied and. breatP\taklng at tlm•. Well maintained two bedroom and den home ... a dream for comfort and relaxatlon.1 ............................................................ $650,000 LM llU . . . Preatlglous area. Top location on the wldeet atreet on lido. Juat atepa to private beach. Easy walk to tennla court•. Four apaclous bedroom•. Prac11cel noor plan, built around large patJo. The land alone worth the total asking price. ............................. $825,000 1617 WESTCLIFF DRIVE •wm TDUOE ... If the home sets the mood for the day . . . how would you like to wake up to one of the best marine views In Newport eachr WnetheT It's the master bedroom, breakfast or living room, you enjoy an Inspirational view of the entire harbOr. Three spacious bedrooms, famlly/bllllards room. Huge patio and custom spa with gazebo. You own the land. Flexible financing. ..... $985,000 MYll IHIEI ... Fascinating home significantly upgraded Four bedrooms. Dining Room. Oen with 10' bar. Sparkling pool. With 25•/o down. owner will help buyer obtain new first trust deed at 101h%, amortized over 30 years due In five years. Owner may consider trade for Income property ............................................. $550,000 HYEI SHIH ... Owner will assist with financing. Impressive two story home. Restful bay view. Excellent bedroom arrangement. one down and three upstairs. Sparkling pool In front courtyard ........................................... $550,000 Ulllll lllHE . . . Inspiring view of mountains, city lights an d man-made lake. Three bedrooms, family room and three sundecks. Outside entrance to third bedroom and deck. Owner will consider low down payment. Quick possession ........................................ $499.500 LIM Pill HIVE ... Every day Is an Inspiration in this two bedroom condominium Bayfront. The ever changing marine view from kitchen. dining area. living room and deck give you the feeling of a continual vacation. Your own pier and slip. Complete security system. Large assumable loan. Also will carry second trust deed or lease/option. . .. ..... .. .. . ........... ....... ...... $499,000 CLIFF UYH ... Highly desirable location with a "forever" view of the bay and ocean. Two story three bedroom home with Inviting brick patio PLUS complete guest unit over three car garage ............................................... $499.000 IUYIEW ... Cheerful four bedroom, tflreeoam- home. Just old enough to have character. Spectacular ocean, city and bay view. Port Royal model Spa In atrium_ off family room. Possible exchange for smaller home. $475.00< WEITCLlff . . . Quite private, yet exceptionally convenient. Four bedrooms, den, family room and dining room. Authentic plank flooring. Custom kitchen cabinets. Spa and gazebo. 90x 1-52-pool size yard. Owner will finance ttP" to- . $300.000 ........................................... $475,000 Open Sun 1-4:30 ........... 1118 Somerset Lane llYlll TUUll . . . Delightful split-level home. Beamed celling. French doors. Shutters and leve ors. ree spacious bedrooms. Oen and family room. Custom apa. Owner wtll consider • ..ex.ctian~eJor commerclal bu1tne11, boat or submit. Available $398,500 Leasehold or $533,500 Fee. Open Sun 1--4:30 .............. 711K-Thanga Drtve llWll -... New Hating we believe to be the lowest priced bayfront In Oowr Shorea. Three bedroom• and den. Formal dining room. Two aecluded private patloa. S.venty-eewn feet on the wat9r with e>ter mnd allp fOf larae boat. Owner wtll ...a.t wlth ftnanctng.1395,000 Open Sun 1-4:30 ............... 1~ Potarl1 Oriv. 631-7300 UYllUT . . . The Inspired work of a master · craftsman. Completely rebuilt with rare artistry. Four bedrooms. Pool. Spa. Seldon does a property of this caliber come on the market. ............................................................ $395,000 UST ILIFF ... Fee land. Largest "Lusk" floor plan. Five bedrooms and family room view home. Very private, easily maintained yard with pool, spa, garden lighting and sprinklers. Covered carpeted patio with bar. Excellent financing. Below market. .................. $389,500 IHHHT . . . Distinctive three bedroom and convertible den home. Custom built by Ivan w~ells for a fastidious client who could afford the best. Fascinating living room with cathedral ceiling, dual stone fireplace and wet b ar. Waterfall just outside the pic;ture window. Spacious family room. Custom pool. $350,000 Open Sun 1-4:30 .............. 1724 Terrapin Way UYlllEIT . . . A lot of pride Is reflected In this choice four bedroom home by the master builders. Ivan Wells. Located in an Ideal neighborhood for the growing family. There are three baths. loads of closets with mirrored doors. Numerous amenities _., ......... $.325.000 OIRIU HL llAll . . . Attractive duplex. Corner location. Handy to post office and shops. Corner unit has three bedrooms or two and convertible den. Fireplace In living room. Other unit (now rented) has two bedrooms. Both units have cozy patios. Owner may consider carrying first trust deed .................................. $325.000 UYCllEST ... Choice Ivan Wells three bedroom home. Designed for easy entertaining -30 people. no problem! Huge living room with soaring beamed celling. Quality and Informality. Reduced $40,000 ...................... Now $299,000 UllH lllaoll ... Family oriented tree lined street. Three spacious bedrooms plus maid's quarters with bath. Formal dining room. Family room. Significant upgrading Including new roof. ............................................................ $299.000 Ullll •llUllS . . . Highly motivated seller. Will consider any reasonable offer. Tastefully decorated four bedroom home In Immaculate condition. Upstairs master bedroom retreat. Best buy In area. .. ............................ $270,000 lllTllWHI II lllYlll . . . Spacious three or five bedroom home. One large bedroom and bath downstairs. Two bedrooms upstairs plus bonus room. Large pool and spa. Just reduced $23,500. .. .................................. Now $230,000 Open Sun 1-4:30 ............................. 5 Colonial WIST •EWNllT ... Duplex. Two three., bedroom units. Excellent location. Steps to sand. Ocean view from upper unit. Great financing. Submit on AITO. Just reduced $74,000. Now $225,000 llYllTllMnlLMtl Prime location In Eaatalde Costa Mesa. Nearly a full acre at 18th Street and Orange Aven~. Plans and permlti> for 28 condos avallable. Price lncludea near new trlplex. Excellent terma. Owner wtll conalder trade. cafl Harriet Perry .................................................. $950,000 ...... .Two choice contlguoue Iota. hatt 50x78. zoned R·3 -Could be R·4. Ideal for trlplex or • ~ble four unlta. Topographlcal IUtWY paid for. OwMr wtll entertain ell offwl. Call fOf Ga~ Amato ........................ 1148.00,.9 NEWPORT BEACH 6 -Orange County Rear csti ttt/ An AcMtrtlslng Supplement to 1he DAILY PftOT )Saturday, December 11, 1982 BUYING A HOME NOWADAYS CAN BE A REAL DRAG. CALL UNIQUE. WE'LL MAKE IT FUN! SYLVA• II TURTLE llOCI -This 2 Bdrm & den home overlooks pristine greenbelt. earthtones. plantation shutters. spa. Great financing. $219.500. SPECTlCllUR -Dover Shores. immaculate 5 Bdrm. incredible views. perfect condition. $675.000. SOIE llllH HIQH -Architects home! In Seav1ew. 3 Bdrm. view. dark room. loft and tasty touches throughout. Really special! $425.000. A 5008 I U L -Immaculate! 3 bdrm. den. 3 bath in Irvine Terrace. Pool. shutters. spa and good financing. tasty at $339.000. PRI VA CY UD OCEU VIEW -Hard to find Broadmoor. expanded 4 Bdrms. gourmet kitchen, extra large master suite. $429,500 LH. IWIHS Will FllUCE II lllOIHotR -Harbor View Hills. Owner will carry $2'50,000 a. 12% interest. No points for 5 yrs. Nr. comm. pool. 4 Bdrm 3 Bath $429.000. VHY SPECIAL II CIM -Near park. 3 bdrm. 3 bath. very tasteful. adults with teens room. $385.000. ~ IRYllE TERI. PllCE IOWI 137,000 -Fee land. 3 Bdrm. mini view. 2 fireplaces. a large family room, owners will carry 1st Trust Deed. $352,500. HEAIFlllT SHLlllll -Little corner of the local coastline: surf. dramatic rocks, exquisite 4 Bdrm. pool and spa. Nothing else like ltl $2,500,000. PIJOU llllT tit • llllfllll -3 Bdrms. 21/t baths, Immaculate. Air cond. patio, financing under 12•1 •. Priced below competition. $149,500. _ llllfllll TIWllHSI -3 bdrm, near pool, one story In earthtones, great floor plan. $129,900. I Cl&llEL UYHllT -Completely remodeled 3 bdrm, gourmet kitchen, 1 bdrm apt. owner motivated. $1 ,050.000. LITTU ISWI -Charming 3 bdrm plus rental unit & maids quarters. Spacious master suite near brick patio. $425,000. I 11111 l&Llll llUll -Looks cutsle, lives jumbo! 2 story near So. Bay beach, 5 bdrm + bonus room. $425,000. IEWPHT I IHI -In Eastbluff, spectacular nlght-llght view, clean, fresh condition. Only $260,000. ILIFFI Ell 11n -Exceptional end unit, quiet cul-de-sac, private with subtle colors, good loans, private patio, leasehold. $224,000. IHll I OUHIH -Victorian on the Island! 3 bdrms, 3 baths, new and vacant. Beveled glass, rock fireplace and different! At $575,000. Oll Cll I 1111 -Brand new, detailed, charming, near park & bluff, name price-terms. II& Flllllt ... II lllWPllT -Pool, spa, lmmac. decor. over 3500 sq., ft. with 5 Bdrms on a quarter acre lot. Sellers flexible, Harbor HI District. $339,500. 1111• YllW 111111111 -Good 4 Bdrm home, good 12% loans, good neighborhood and great value. $399,000 LH or $495,000 Fee. ILlfn m lmT -Popular G Plan, 3 Bdrms, den, 3 Baths, spacious feel. $250,000. ~ lllTA Ill& -2 Bdrm home with 1 Bdrm Income unit, 6500 sq. ft. k>t, auume 1st loan under 1C>-le, excel!. rental area (Broadway & Orange) $132,000. HAii CllllL/FIEE Ill OlUI -Cute clean, 3 Bdrm with dock for 2 boats. Owner financed. Priced at MAI $528,000. IEWPllT'I EICITIH HIES -This one is a leader! 5 Bdrms, 3 fireplaces, unlimited view from Spyglass. Sunny, cozy, exciting, practical. $850,000 includes much of the furniture. Ownr financing too. • Ill OIHll, LIW PlllE -Dover Inside Big Canyon. Priced to sell, light & airy atmosphere 2 Bdrms & 2 baths with den great patio! Only $350,000. • CLUI IUl -Solld 3 Bdrm, Turtlerock, sunny with plantation shutters, atrium. upgrades, loans. $179,900. CIUllll Fii CllLllEI -Across from park. walk to school, 4 Bdrm with great appeal. $245,000 in Harbor View. • CLEAi VIEW -3 Bdrm hideaway with guest cottage, clean slight view, well financed. $365,000. • UUIY ... -Mountain and bay vtewa, 4 bdrm Dover Shores, overllnanced and anxious. Only $375,000. • Fllll I F• -Carmel Plan on Port Lerwick, beautifully expanded, maintained, landscaped & financed. $275,000. ..... YllW Lm -Beautiful decor. serene, tastefut, 4 Bdrms, 2'n ba on fee land. Asking $395,000. • ..... _... -Prtvecy, MCUrlty and a rolllng i.wn. 5 Bdrma, pool, spa and quality craftemanehlp. Only 1719,000. STATELY HILLTOP CHATEAU · NELLIE GAIL RANCH Here is a residence of enduring design and splendid architectural beauty. A regal home, beautifulJy decorated. and with every amenity f6r comfort and gracious livi ng! Ever y area is richly appointed with extensive use of woods, crown mouldings and tasteful finishing touches. 6.000 square feet of quality are yours. with 5 bedrooms (includi ng a magnificent master suire). study. 6 baths. 3 fireplaces and a grand entry wa y accented by a sweeping solid oak staircase to the second floor. The generous sized lot is beautifull y landscaped, wi th a gorgeous pool that overlooks hills and valley below, S 1, 150.000.00, with great financing possibilities. Trades considered. OPEN SUNDAY. 12:00 to 5:00 25462 GALLUP CIRCLE (Nellie Gell Ranch -Just off Freeway 5 -tqe La Paz exit west.) DRAMATIC CONTEMPORARY NORTH TUSTIN ESTATE Elegant! .A fresh and unique blending of traditional and contemporary architec ture. so exciting and different, any attempt to c-opy from it would equate with attempting to duplicate the Mona Lisa. Almost 8,000 square feet on a large secluded, tree covered lot with sweeping views towards Newport Beach and Catalina Island. Custom buiJt by renowned contractor T. Duncan Stewart, this gracious home· offers uniqueness and quality often sought but seldom Tound. Its warm and rich appointments are greatly enhanced by the extensive use of exotic, beautifully finished woods and wall coverings. Extra features include solar water heating, fireproof roof. Pella windows, 4-car garage and much more. Great owner assisted financin~ and will consider trades for huge equity. Priced at Sl,750,000. Shown by appointment only. 1710 LA LOMA DRIVE -NORTH TUSTIN PICTURESQUE NEWPORT BEACH 2 ACRE ESTATE Miracle of Miracles!!! Two full acres in Newport Beach,. with a panoramic view of the Back Bay. the Bluffs. and Newport Center! This secluded estate was chosen by a legendary Orange County actress as her permanent residence in the glory years of the silver screen. It is adjoined by many other similar estates owned by prominent Beach area families who tr~asure its sert>nity and country charm . The huge. rambling ranch home is superbly planned for large scale casual anJ formal entertaining. as well as family comfort and enjoyment. There is sufficient land for tennis courts. and existing facilities for- horses if you like. with direct access to the Back Bay trails. MAGNIFIUENT COUNTRY MANSION ORANGE-NORTH TUSTIN HILLS · A bold and stately country chateau. with a grand circular cobblestone motor courtyard behind massive electric gates. A truly distinguished residence for someone whose success in life requires a parallel in living. This spectacular home has almost 8,000 square feet and features a giant entertainment room with a magnificent solid oak professional type bar and two fireplaces. The master bedroom suite boasts a gorgeous custom designed granite, pewter and hand carved oak firepla ce. and the master bath has an 11 ft. Roman tub/spa and a large marble shower/steam bath. Each of the 5 t;>edrooms ~nd the study_ feature private_baths.~ m addition to 2 powder rooms. It is situated on one full acre with pretty views and is surrounded by other grand homes. Prices includes decorating and landscaping aUowance. 380 CHANDLER RANCH ROAD r - I "· IEWPORT IEACH DUPLEX Fee/land-owners unit plus 2 bedroom & bachelor unit. Steps to quiet beach. tennis, racquet ball-terms. Carl l11u 631-1266. PRICE SUSHED This home Is beautifully maintained and is located on quiet cul-de-sac. 3 Lg . bedrooms & 2 baths. Professionally decorated and landscaped. $156,900. Call bH lcCaslaa4 631-1266. VIEW LOT IEWPORT $190,000 PRICE SLASHED TO SELL IMMEDIATELY! Views of Bay & ocean. Best offer gets it! ltH Rt4cers 631-1266. NEWPORT HEl&HTS CHEAPIESI FIVE PROPERTIES from $139.900 to $195.000 EXCLUSIVES! Call Today! ltH ... ,,.,. 631-1266. DUPLEX High income. assumable loan. Fantastic area. Will consider exchange. Asking $183,000 ............ 631-1266. IEWP•t--TI • Br. 2'/t ba. w/game room & poof -table, beau. decor. over 'I• acre, w/jacuzzl tub, reduced to $299,000 low dn. Excel. · financing .... er htlt I..,. 631-1266. -I OllTI mlA-IM I. 1111 IT. IEIPEUTE IWID Partnership split forces sale. Seller will carry. 12'h% flnanG!_ng avail. Submit all offers. Newport Beach area. 3 Br. 2 ba F.P. single tam. hm. Reduced $149,900. Call P• .lehM• 631-1266. IPT ILIFFS IS POE JlllllSll f:xecutlve condo. Open beam ceJlings. Private spa. Palatial view of Fashion Island and Npt's back bay. $260,000 Fee. Price inc ludes the land. Call Pett .l1h11• 631-1266. NEWPORT HElliHTS IEW CUSTOM 4 Br .• pool lrg. bonus room, private area In C.M. Assume $96,000 1st at 8.5%. Must sell. Steal at $208,000 ..... er lffit I"' 631-1266. FORECLOSURE 4 Br. 3 Ba. pool, spa, seller will finance with low down payment. $740,000. Make offer ..... I l1Yi1 1..,. 631-1266. DISTRESSED SELLER 3 Bdrm. bonus room, assume $149.000 1st at 12.5%. Must sell at $295,000 lt11fJ l•i1ti..r 631-1266. ' - HARIOR IHDliE CUSTOM Mus1 sef'"submit any-offeron1hls beaut1f01 new custom 4 Br. 5 Ba fam. rm, all-oak, for din, library, harbor view. 4 fireplaces & spa. Asking $1,450,000 ..... tr l1wl1 •"•· 631-1266. Merry Christmas to every one & a ~pr:= Hew Year. See you next ywt ... 831-1288. .631-1266. llLf ... IE FlllTllE Secluded on 'h acre & set among tall trees, privacy abounds on this 4 bdr. contemporary custom home. Private poof & spa. paddle tennis & golf course panorama lend to the ultimate In comfort & privacy., ..... •••••• 631-1266. llLF ClllSE New listing -prime golf course ,frontage - 17th fairway Mesa Verde C.C. 4 bdr., tam & rec. rooms pool & spa. Only $425,000 ............... 631-1266. HSPEUTE 1000's under market. 2 Br. 2 Ba. Channel view In N .B . Only $230;ooo assume $171,0 00 1st T.D. Low On ltlla f111k 631-1266. FllECLOSllE Ill GUYii EUIAllOE Versailles over lake & fairway 4 Br. 5 Ba, formal dining. sep fam rm, maids qtrs, huge master suite, plus room for pool. "Must Sell." Lowest price Versailles at $700,000 ..... ., hftt 1..,. 631 -1266. UILIEllS- Prlme N.B. Heights Location. Lot value Includes 2 bd. House. $142.000 '''" Waltzt 631-1266. •Hllmtlma'I -•mrmm . ...... 3 bedroOm 1 bdt lft good condttlon ..... cer.,.., near new drapa, paint, roof, copper ptumblng and more. Excellent famlly home, large yard and moat Important tenne. terma terma. Call ... """"I for a private ahowtng. 831-12M. ., mmMitll ····-flWY. DRASTIC $80,000 REDUCTION Beautifully upgraded President's home In prestigious Turtle Rock. 4 bedroom pool home situated at end of an unique secluded cul-de-sac. providing a forever view. Reduced for quick sale. Owner may assist In financing. Call Dion Schmehr for exciting details. SELLER MOTIVATED! Cul-de-sac location. 3-bedroom home with separate -quarters for teenagers, mother-In-law, or guestJ. Terraced yard has patio, kol pond & waterfall. This home Is a "must see" for the famlly that wants the Newport lifestyle. Divorce forces sale! Call Joy Holker tor a showing. NEWPORT BEACH INVESTMENT Two spacious N.B. condos -side by'slde -located ne~r Corona del Mar HI School, Fashion Island, churches. and many other amenities. Community pool. Very desirable units. Good assumable loans. Owner very motivated. 3 BR. $183,500. 4 BR. $185,000. Call Sally Shipley for a showing. REDUCED TO $359,000 Beautiful three-bedroom home. Family room, exceptional built-In kitchen. Rare larger cul-de-sac view lot. Room to expand. Secure community provides pool and tennis facilities. Call Marilyn Twitchell for a showing. SOPHISTICATION JUST REDUCED. Elegant bayslde drama. Beautifully appointed five-bedroom home on Promontory Bay Is keynoted by an International flair. Luxurious materials throughout the home. reflecting a most refined taste. A superb floor plan, adaptable to lavish entertaining, as well as comfortable family living. No amenity has been overlooked. Of course, a private pier and sllp for a large yacht. Priced at $1,350,000 fee. Owner will assist with financing. Call Cathryn Tennille. , AFFORDABLE HORSE PROPERTY Cozy two-bedroom, nestled In the oaks at· Sllverado Canyon. Wonderful use of wood and wallpaper. New garage. Also, an extra lot for horse mini-orchard, or possible new building? Assumable first T.D .. and a willing seller. Call Mary Richards. Asking $110,000. NEWPORT BEACH -BIG FIRST LOW PRICE! Lovely con.do with poolside setting & large private patio on lush greenbelt. Excellent financing. $110,000 assumable. 10'1•%. Owner very motivated & will carry 2nd T.D. Call Sally Shipley today for a showing. Only $185,000. JASMINE CREEK Exceptional Plan 2 in Corona del Mar's Jasmine Creek. Former model with private pool and spa. Two private patios. Please call Linda Tagllanettl for a private showing. Offered at $425.000 fee. SAN FRANCISCO CHARM Brand new beach house ... convenient Balboa Peninsula location. Charming exterior, quality finish throughout. Delightful floor plan features three bedrooms, super kitchen. Near beach, restaurants, shopping. Good financing available. Try just 10% down. Call Susan Trlvison for further details. EQUESTRIAN PROPERTY Large o/:i acre In woodsy area of North Tustin, near horse trails and Chapman Park. Lovely pool and 1pa. Spacious 4 bedroom home. Highly upgraded. Large master suite. Cathedral ceilings & skylights. Space for horses and parking for 8 car~. Reduced·to $259,000. Call Joyce or Sally. 832-3910. PERFECT HIDEAWAY Newer 2 Bedroom, 2 Bath Home At The Charming Condo VIiiage Of Los Ouatroa. Ideal Location, Quickly Accessible To All Of Orange County. Near "The City." High Ceilings, Great Floor Plan, And A Motivated Seller. Call For Details On Super Financing. • WATCH THE BOATS Entering and leaving Newport Harbor. You wlll see It all, from the numerous decks of this dramatic custom-built home. Four bedrooms. family room. A view from every room. $1,500,000. Owner wlll assist with financing. Call Cathryn Tennille. IRVINE -3 BEDROOMS -$99,000 Three bedrooms for the price of twoll Fun condo In Walnut Square. Air-conditioning. garage. two baths. Interesting financing options. Donna Webster has details. Call today. NEWPORT DUPLEX Beam ceilings, fireplaces. Front house, two bedrooms. 11h baths. Back unit, one bedroom. New roof, water heaters and disposals. Good financing. Call Dorothy Hardcastle to arrange an appointment to see. AFFORDABLE FAMILY LIVING Sizable assumab.le loan on this super cute three-bedroom home near The City Shopping Center. The Immaculate home Is located In a nice. family neighborhood. Features Include a lovefy "family kitchen," central air. and an 8' x 14' sunken spa. Good financing. plus possible owner assistance make this the perfect home for your family. Call Joy Holker. SOPHISTICATION IN HARBOR RIDGE Secluded two-bedroom, perfect "couple'' home. Handsome white on white Interior features marble entry, plantation shutters. plush carpet & draperies. and white brick fireplace. Formal living area Is highlighted by skylight, wood sheathed cathedral celling. Enclosed spa off master bedroom. Pastoral view. Assumable financing. Call Binnie Dixon. INVESTORS -DEVELOPERS Don't miss this appealing eastslde Costa Mesa duplex, each two bedrooms. one bath, well maintained. PLUS. there Is land enough for two more units! $175,000, and owner will carry with about 20t/o down. Call Joyce Debolt. NEW LISTING No games here. Sellers are motivated and realistic. Priced $20,000 under market for fast sale. Three-bedroom, two-bath Harbor View Hiiis home on fee land, with many beautiful upgrades. Lovely secluded garden setting on quiet street. Call Trudy Stubblefield for a showing. COUNTRY CHARM Two-bedroom cottage In "Old Corona det Mar:" Remodeled with great taste -parquet flooring, brick fireplace, French doors to wood deck, new tile, oak cabinets In kitchen area. Low maintenance. Excellent financing available. Please contact Binnie Dixon for details. ' NEW BAYFRONT -ASTOUNDING VIEW Very luxurious quality-built three bedroom home, featuring 1kyllghts. and the extensive use of wood and glass. Large bayslde patio overloolo s private· 50" doclc. Great Investment opportunity. $1,295,000. Motivated owner. Call Dion Scl'tmehr for the exciting details. The firm with the Beverl1 Hiii• /Palm De•ert connection 759-9100 ~ # 2 ·Corporate Plazo· Newpqrt Center ' ... . . ' . 10 -Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising SuppMtment to the DAILY PILOT/Saturqay, December 11, 1882 OCEAN VIEWS FROM IRVINE TERRACE Une stor v Nood home with 4 bedrooms. 3 baths. pool, terms. $600,000. Owner will carry 1st. ELEGANT BA YFRONT CONDO Jrt ir1t:: Cove overlooking Balboa Island with 2 bedrooms. den. 2''2 bd111!> S855.000 BAYSHORES CHARMER ON FEE LAND ~IJdv•vu:, 3 bedroom family home with family room and French doors. large corner lot. good terms. $495.000 FEE. WATERFRONT HOME IN LINDA ISLE Trdu111011ci1 S bedroom. 41 1 bath home with courtyard entry. spa, s11p and side tie for 60' boat. $1.450.000 SPANISH JEWEL IN THE BLUFFS Lvwt:>t µriced 4 bedroom with spa and security system plus fireplace and garage $269.000 FEE. A MINI ESTATE WITH POOL, SPA AND KOi POND A u,_;uut1tu1 nu~e yard surrounds this 6 bedroom . 4 bath home with fireplaces. Need to sell. $449,000. HARBOR VIEW "CARMEL" HOME Ne:c.1r t.t::ilcnes and schools with 3 bedrooms. covered patio and 1 Jqe redwood deck $249,000 FEE. LIDO SANDS NEAR POOL, BEACH AND SHOPPING Gre<it s~arter home with 3 bedr ooms. 2 baths, patios and ltreplace S 159,000. THE PLAZA AREA OF THE BLUFFS :>i,,cir11:,h style condominium with 4 bedrooms. 2 '2 baths. Try 1"'ase:/opt1on S 169.500 CITY LIGHTS FROM SEAVIEW _,.-111::r ....,,u help 11:-iance this 4 bedroom. 3 bath home in prest1g1ous. Jdte:-guarded community $465.000. BIG CANYON CONDO upper leVel 2 Bedroom 2 Ba. fireplace. tasteful wallpaper. use of ·pool, spa, tennis. $205,000. Try anything. ACROSS FROM OCEANFRONT . Whitewater view 3 bedroom home on Oceanside need$ TLC. $895.000. EMERALD BAY TOTALLY REMODELED Outstanding 3 bedroom 2'/t bath gate guarded community home w/use of pools & tennis. Asking $710,000. FABULOUS OCEAN VIEW LOT Above "Palm Tree Circle" with seller financing up to $100,QOO. $385.000. NEAR PARKS, TENNIS AND BEACH Country style home with 5 bedrooms,.4 baths, famlly room, brick patio. $755.000. , COUNTRY CHARM PLUS OCEAN VIEW Walk to pool from this 6 bedroom. 5'/r bath home with maid's quarters. $680,000. LOW, LOW DOWN OR LEASE/OPTION Ocean view, completely restored 4. bedroom. 3 bath home with famlly room, corner lot. Hlghly motivated seller. $775,000. IDEALLY SUITED FOR ENTERTAINING · Lucerne" model with 3 bedrooms, 3'h bath, 3 fireplaces and family room. $695,000. SPECTACULAR OCEAN AND CITY VIEWS This expanded "Miramar" model 1s ideally located near pool and 1enn1s. A 3 bedroom for low down and terms. $575,000. SEE THIS ONE AND COMPARE Try low down on this "Dynasty" model with 2 bedrooms, fireplace. terms. $379,000. PREMIUM LOT FOR FORMAL FRENCH HOME Plans for a 10.000 sq. ft. virtual estate are included. Try joint venture. $1,500,000. "LAUTREMONT" MODEL WITH TERMS A spacious patio area surrounded by lush landscaping plus 4 bedrooms. $790.000. JUST LISTED "JODELLE" MODEL Striking interior with furniture included. 3 bedrooms, 2'h baths, good terms. $865,000. · SELLER WILL CONSIDER TRADE This "Devonshire-'-' model with 5 bedrooms. 4 baths, has fireplace, atirum and panor.amic ocean and city light views. $675,000. MOUNTAIN AND CANYON VIEWS Two story condo with 4 bedrooms, 3'h bafhs and family room plus nice location near the Reservoir. Priced b~ow market. $550,000. "CASABLANCA" MODEL WITH GOOD TERMS A ftreplace to warm the nrghts as you gaze out to the lighted city. A 4 bedroom. $520,000. RANCHO SAN JOAQUIN-IRVINE Two bedroom, 2 bath condo with fireplace, decks and use of pool 'and spa. $159,000. ARBOR LAKE OF IRVINE Boetrnirand-swimmlng are-available-to residents of this-fl community. This 2 bdrm. 2 bath Is only $175,000. TRY 15% DOWN OR TRADE FOR T.D.'S Near beach and shopping, this Costa Mesa triplex has garages and sundecks. True pride of ownership. $245,000. QUIET GOLF COURSE CONDO Laguna Niguel 2 bedroom, 2 bath greenbelt view unit near tennis. $118.000. HUNTINGTON HARBOR WITH 35' BOAT DOCK Trinidad Island spacious 3 bedroom family room home with seller financing. $399,950 FEE. ULTIMATE ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN Young executive will appreciate So. Coast Plaza location for this 2 bedroom 2 bath condo. $143,000. NEWPORT BEACH Call-for ciddre11e1 644 7020 . Orange County Real Estate/An Advertlalng Supplement to the DAILY 'PILOT/Saturday, December 11 , 1982 -11 . -~ ON THE 8TH FAIRWAY -In exclusive Big Canyon. Elegant Valentine built home in this most desirable location. 5 bdrms., beautifully paneled family rm., book lined study, formal dining rm., pool and spa. Truly a showplace! $1,850,000. SURF AND SAND -Spectacular ocean front home with steps to private beach. 4 bdrms., den, hobby shop and formal dining rm. Lots of glass to capture the excitement of the action view and magnificent tropical landscaping. Could not be replaced for $2,500,000 asking price. ARCHITECTURAL SPECTACULAR -Just 1 block from the beach in Corona del Mar. ACTION VIEWS of the bay, ocean and jetty. A unique home painstakingly built with finest materials and workmanship. Must be seen to appreciate. 3 bdrms., formal dining area & 3 car garage. $975,000. (213) 828-2828 ROMANTIC' SUNSET VIEWS Professionally planted yar'd and lovely covered patio laced with hanging bougainvillea. A beautiful pride of ownership home in Harbor View Hills - 3 bdrms., family rm., cozy breakfast rm. and formal dining area. $347,000 L.H . 80 FEET ON THE BAY -Spacious family home with private pier and float to accommodate large yacht. 4 bdrms., den, hobby shop (perfect for working on your yacht) and formal dining rm. Terrific home for entertaining with a large brick patio. $985,000 L.H. 100% LEASED -Costa Mesa shopping center adjacent to huge Costa Mesa redevelopment project on busy West 19th Street. Outstanding tax benefits available with very attractive financing package. $477,000 L.H. (714) 873-4400 2865 E. Coast Highway-Corona dal. Mar 12 -Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, December 11, 1982 1MACNAB /IRVINE 1REALTY ' I A SI &SD•Ff'f OF TME fWM CD'*1Ntf llAllllll ISWI -11•.000 Fee-U veable older beach home-LQ_lot to bulld new home. 50 ft. frontage. Pier & slip. Lowest price on Newport's most prestigious island. Beverly Morphy. SPYIUIS YIEW Panoramic ocean, bay & city lights view from this two story "Southport" model. 6 bedrms, formal dining rm, family rm, 1 + a bonus rm professionally decorated In bright colors. Beautiful sparkling pool & spa. $890,000 Incl. land. Donna Godshall. EITU WIE UYlllllES MlllEll 1st time on market! Open & sunny, 4BR, 3BA + bonus rm. Mstr suite has bay view. All new kitchen, baths & carpeting. Private beaches, gated community. Land incl. 11n lots. $875,000. Dona Chichester. Ill CUYN -IDT YIEW Magnificent high vista & view from this superb location In Big Canyon. This 3 BR, den, Deauvllle has a wonderful pool & spa for outdoor entertainment. $785,000. Terry Aune Hanes. 11111 llSE ONllllllll Total security In this beautiful luxurious condominium -Bay & city view, underground security parking. Pool & spa. Magnificent entrance salon w/crystal chandelier. Pool rm & deck area to private boat slips. $759,000. Barbara Aune. llYllE TEIUOE DOEPTlllW. Ill Great potential In this 3BR, den, famlly home surrounding a large pool and overlooking the entire harbor, harbor entrance & oceanl Reduced to $725,000 Incl. land. Martha Macnab. SPYIUIS llME-UllE LIT All UllE FAMILY HIE Wonderful views of all of Newport from this large 5 bedrm famlly rm home oo quiet cul-d&-sac. Owner will assist w/flnanclng. $695,000. Tom Allinson. ''UPI OH TUllTllUL" M LIM llU '2'fz years new. Exquisite detamngl 1 lot to beach w/a little bay view. 3 BR, 21" BA, fam rm, 3 fplcs. $685,000 w/$299,000 assum. B of A 1st. Oona Chichester EITEITlllUI IWllT -IEWPllT ll&OI Marvelous for parties wtth dance floor & custom bar. Glass roof retracts. 4 BR + den. Private walled yard Includes pool, spa & waterfall. Security system. $675,000 Including land. Cathy Schwek:kert. SPYIUIS 11111 YIEW Hmt Family home w/great circulation -a Hiiisborough SBA, 3BA, OR, Family rm, beautiful garden + a view patio. $640,000 Incl. land. Oona Chichester. OllTll YIEW -llYlll TOI• fD Financing! Sit down bay, ocean & nlte lite vtew. High beam ceilings. All new kitchen. Lg courtyard. Beautiful floor plan for couple or family $595,000. Beverly Morphy. 1n••---111 ... .,. Custom single story Mediterranean. New tiled ftoora, plush earthtone cpts, 3BRs. Handsome den w/hand troweled atraw plastered waHa, brick fireplace & bar. Huge private back yard. $496,000 Incl. land. Cathy Sctlwelckert. "IUYIEW" 1111- New on the market. This fabulous "Bar Harbor" Is situated high oo the hill affording a superb view of ocean, city lights and coastline. 3 BR, separate fam rm. Shows better than model. $399,000. Anita Schandel. IEW Pllll UY ... Gift The "legend" model one BR, den condo situated within steps of the bay. Completely redecorated. The master suite occupies the entire second floor. Financing ts excellent on this prestigious home. $395,000 Fee. Donna Godshall. .Ill-•m -llUI VIEW Rare 1 story, 3 BR on wide greenbelt -dose to pool & spa, large patio with view of ocean, large assumable loans, 24 hour eecurlty gate. Tennis courts & 3 pools. $385,QOO. Maxine Propp. 1 lllPllll , ••• Remodeling just completed w/elegant designer touches. Large. Eastbluff residence expanded to take advantage of lovely view w/pool & apa. This Is a one-of-a-kind property. $333,000. Coby Ward. 11111111 llftlmEll Ocean & Catalina views from this two unit property, one house from the sand. Upstairs unit -4 BR, 2 BA and sun deck. Downstairs unit 2 BR, 2 BA. Owner assisted financing. $325,000 LH. Tom Alllnson. . -... Wiii PllRIT ... Beautiful lot w/stalls for 3 horses. Like new houM w/hlgh beams, wood paneling, used brick, country kitchen. Separate bdrm suites, loads of room for expansion. $a99,000 Incl. land. Beverly Morphy. Ill .. VIEW 11111 Magnificent air cond. Carmel model. Waterfall nows Into a be8utlful rock spa. Lg. mstr suite, formal living rm. Skytlght In Famlly rm, light beige carpets throughout. $289,900. Maxine Propp. • PllYATI ltU A rare opportunity. Thia custom bullt home. Architect Herb Brownell. A true one of a kind. High celllnga. Walnut bookcue1. Rreplaoe In master BR. "Great View." Community pool. $285,000. Barbara Aune. You own the land. 'f' Pl.II • M.lffl • Mii SB.Y With fully assumable loan, upgraded end unit, custom wallpapers, shutters, 3 BR, fam rm, patio, flreplaoe, beamed celllnga. $285,000. Jan Young. IDllD -... llY lmlYI Shingled cottage, hl beams, Frend) door9 & windows, hardwood floors, 2 UMd brick flrepl.,_, 2 + den Of 3 BR, 21" BA. Woodwy view, lg decks. FEE $250,000. Beverty Morphy. .I• urmnoam ....... -W/PllYITI IN Bright & sunny "G" Plan end unit featuring 3 BR sultee, each w/prl. bath. Redwood deck apa w/ramada overhang & tinted gla11 ... windscreen. Low Int. aaeumable 1at TO. Priced under market at S225,000. Leaehold. Paula a.Hy. ....... Charming 4 bedrm home w/brand new gourmet kitchen & cozy famlty rm. Ownera are reedy to rncMt. $149,000 LH. Anita Schandel. -.. NII Ut&I •YI Plush, 2-atory, upgrmded 2BA, 2'ABA. Mirrored wardrobes, neutral tones, parquet floor, air cond, 2-car garage, prof. landecaped w/ patio. Plantation ahutt .... 8wedllh flreplace, pool & ape. FaJM,lloua ·fixed uaumabte loan. $129,500. Debbie Fratt. 144-1211 Orange County .RMI &tate/An Ad~lel_pg Supplemenuo the OAJLY PILOT/Saturday, December 11, 1~~---....--- RESIDENTIAL REAL ESTATE SERVICES NEWPORT BEACH CORONA DEL MAR BEACH COMMUNITIES .. IAllll 11.--Hlghest point on the golf course. Vlewa foreYer. Megnlflcent 4 BR. 41A BA manageable manak>n .. Wood floors, Sheryt Wagner baths, gourmet kitchen, spa & brick courtyard. Excellent terms. ......... 1141 ... Beet buy In this exclusive guard gated area. Elegant Kensington featuring 4 BR + fam. rm. Lovely upgraded home In pristine condition. Fabulous condition, fabulous view. Large assumable loan. Owner will be creative Including lease/option. • IAIYll saa.-Lowest priced Deane 3 BR condominium. Gorgeous large yard. Beautiful front entrance & a vtewl The seller will lease option or carry the flnanctng with 20•1. down. ....... .. ..... ," Wide open ocean & jetty view. Glamorous entertaining remodel first time on market. Gated entry, security system thruout. 3 large bedrooms each wtth own bath. Short walk to private beach. ... TDllll 1'41 ... A super view home with pool. Lots of potential In this spacious 4 BR, each with Its own bath. Probate sale prtced below market w/flnanclng available. Ml':UllLUI UH,111 Superbly customized 4 BR In Harbor View Hiiis. Features Include: pavers, hdwood floors, bullt- lna, wainscoting & the latest appliances. A redwd sun deck will entice you outdoors. ,....... 11 ........ Spacious bayfront, 5% 1st TD paid off In 8 years wtth payments less than-present 30 year loan. Many amenities. An elevator, guest apartment & extra wfde slip. 'Prime location. llUllFIMT ........ An architect's creation located on prime CJCeanfront. Very sophisticated & contemporary In design. Absolutely lncredlf>le white water & coastline views. Features 3 stories. • .. llYI 1111.- Walk to a magnificent sandy private beach from this lovely 4 BR home which Includes large lot w/solar heated pool & spa, paddle tennis & security gate. Owner wtll help w/flnanclng. ...'"' 11•.- ·---' -·-- IUWllW 142._ Securrty1ot your tamlly in thts guard get community. Spacious 4 BR executive home on pool size lot. Assoc. pool, spa, tennis. Flexible financing. Call to see this today. ............ Pll.- Tut~nted 3 BRrtamUy room homeJn quiet residential area. Upgraded throughout. Home Service Protection Plan provided by seller. You own the land! Watch the whales. surf, sunsets fro-;..:.m.:.:.-<<..:;o;.;:u"-r ______ ___ private beac n this eleQan ga eCJeommun ty. IAllllWllW..S Pl._ Just listed - a beautiful 4 BR Palermo Plan. Gorgeous pool & spa In extra large back yard. Lovety views, an absolutely prime location In a prime family areal I YllSllLH IMl- Dedlcated condo dwellers -your attention please! Maximum security, spacious 3 BR, corner unit wtth unsurpaued bay & ocean view In well maintained gorgeous complex. UllM YllW.... P2._ '" Expanded Palermo. French doors, window ieat , shutters, wood floorlng. Charming Country French decor. Highly upgraded. Seller wtll help finance with great terms. We have priced this 4 BR home to setl now! ...... , 1111.- New on the market! Beach llfestyle as It was In 1907. Live In th.,!s 2 bedroom cottage half block to surf, or keep for Investment. Terrific owner flnanctngll UIYll llDT 1111.- A real classy 2 BR pad wtth aJI the goodies! Vaulted ceiling, two fireplaces, master suite Including sitting room. Security area with community tennis and pool. ••www lllllTI 1111.- Charmlng 2 BR decorators cottage. Just refurbtshed throughout. Huge lot, alley aocess & super Newport location. Good financing avallabte. NEWPORT BEACH OFFla 2161 SAN JOAOUIN HILU llOAD ----....... Bayview Duplex! Large units. Exoel'8nt Income. Owner must sellll Price Is much below a recent lender's appraisal. ... ._.... '*"• An exceptionally sharp duplex. Each unft has 3 bedrooms & 2 baths. Recently redecorated. Nearly new carpet, paint & roof. Excel'8nt rental area. Close to theater, shops & bus. 11111111 ma un.- Look no further for a lower price & better value. Private area, security, pools, tennis courts, neutral decor, vacant & crying for a new owner -take advantage of this now. ~--... Worth seeing -worth owning. Desirable CdM duplex In super location. Lots of parking. 2 BR unit + den unit that was recently remodeled. Call for appt. Price & terms made available for quick sale. .._........ ., ....... 3 BR, famlly room on spack>us corner lot. High beamed ~Unga, Mexican tlles In entry, famTly room & kltchen . Priced to sell. Out of state ownef'very anxious. - lllYll llUT Ill._ Immaculate 3 BR condo on fee land. Master suite has tlraplace wlOt view of the city & mountains. Spacious sunning deck. Gated area with pool & ~· & tennis courts. ,, .. ~ ----•lllCIUI cmlllW •• --.. , ... -·H·--• lllN- Recently decorated 2 BR, den home Is perfect retirement home, or starter home. Owner wtll help finance. &allSU •t~ Completely remodeled 4 BR, 3'~ BA home on extra wide lot. ldeaJ for elegant famlly llvtng. FR doors, oak floors, stained glass, ext used brick & sunny south patio. Nothing spared In detalllngl Own~ assisted financing. &.mlSU •n• A4 perfect combination of prestigious llving on Lido late + privacy & spacfousneas. Custom French style 5 BR home-wtth lrg yard & spa & corner prime location. Owner financing available. .......... 111 .. The home you have always admired on the Island. One home removed from S. bayfront prime bay view. 3 BR's, sepatate gst room 2 BR apt. over 3 car garage. Owner wtll help finance . ...... ... , .... The ultimate In prestigious family llvlng. Privately guarded community, magnificent whtte sandy beach, 6 lighted tennis courts, 4 pools, a recr .. tlonal paradise. Thi• 4 BR home deOvera It allll NlllllllL.I • 121 .. Heaven for 2 In this Immaculate 2 BR cottage 'h block to ocean. bay & wedge. Owner financing. ..... llT 1111""- Just llstedL Ylntage 2 BR cottage, 'h block" ft> surf. K~ aa rental unit ortmove to the beach you~ Superb owner financing offered. 1111 Qmal UTI-.... ..,.., _ _, ---ua• ,.._, llllCY- ............. ---...... ----.._ ftll111-. ~ .... AMERl<:;A'S LARGEST FUll SERVICE REA.L ESTATE COMPANY .... ... , -- --------- 14 -Orange County Real Eeta~/An_A vertlelng_ Supptement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, December 11, 1982 __ _ '*NEW LISTING* HARBOR VIEW HOME Outstanding Portofino on FEE land! Excellent family home featuring a premium location with extensive use of used brick, 3 BR's plus large covered patio. Priced for immediate sale at $315 ,000 with 10~% assumable financing!! Call 759-1501 or 752-7373. ESTATE SIZED LOT •CAMEO SHORES '* This outstanding exec home features what must be the largest lot in Cameo Shore1! The rear yard features a Japanese garden, waterfall, Kol pond, pool & volleyball crt. in a spacious environment designed for memorable days thruout the year. A lge liv nn w/frplc overlooking the pool & gardens exemplifies the open spacious feeling prevalent thruout. A huge kitchen, fnnl din nn & 4 spacious bdnns including a mstr suite w/blt-in shelves, sWlken jacuzzi tub. Offered at $670_.000. FEE-w/a.sswnable financing at 11.75%. 759-1501 or 752-7373. • SELLER DESPER A Tl* •COLLEGE PARK * This fine home has been remodeled thruout!! Besides 3 brs, the owner has added 2 skylltes in the fmly nn & re-tiled the kitchen counters. Priced at $133,900 w /assumable financing!! Call 759-1501 or 752-7373. '*DOVER SHORES * This custom Ivan Wells designed home was built w/executive entertaining in mind. Quality thruout, from the solid oak paneled den to the mahogany paneled fmly rm. Some of the numerous features are: sensational view of Fashion Island & ocean, black bottom pool & spa w /outstde bar, 3 car garage. complete security system & of course formal dining. To view the luxurious features of this magnificent residenl-e. call 759-150 I for private showing. $1,500.000 FEE! *$279,000, *DO.VER SHORES • Spacious executive home featuring 4 br & 3'h ba, pool & a view of the backbay & Anthony's Pier! This fine residence is located in a very desirous area & priced for immediate sale. Low interest ~urnable financing available. Call 759-1501 or 752-7373. •WATERFRONT HOME & SLIP• Sensational (•X<'CUllVt> home featuring 4 Br, enormous living & dining room. Z f1rcpla<'<'l' & room for 55' boat! Only $559,000. FEE with assumable· fintin(•tng Call 759-1501 or 752-7373. •EX QUISITI '* Contractors own horn('!!! Smashing 3 Br home featuring used brick and wrought iron. skylitcs. atrium, shake roof, and extensive use of Mexican pavers. Offered at $165,000 w/assumable financing! Call 7141759-1501 or 7141752-7373. AIANDONID ARTIST'S CHALIT SACRIFICI PRICE Of $169,900 This English Tudor style home is vacant and waiting for a new owner. It is custom built with many features normally found only in higher priced properties. Notice the bay window and artistic wooden planter boxes. What you can't see in the pkture are the five skylights. used brick e ntryway, ceramic tile kitchen flooring, secluded patio or the lofts found in each of the large bedrooms. Added to that is a spacious family room and three full baths which make this cozy five year old home located only two miles from the ocean trulv an exceotionaJ value in today's market 9032 Adams Ave., Huntington Beach. For more information please call 556-7035. HOW DO YOU SPILL SUCCESS? A Rolls Royce of a home! Of course every detail has been attended to for the discriminating bllyer. Tunt.alizing-00lor&; Perfect-flow-for- entertairung with c..'02y c..'Orners of ''at home" living. Three thousand five hundred square feet of uncompromising elegance consisting of five bedrooms and three CulJ baths. The master bedr oom suite is particularly enchanting and includes a luxurious sunken oval tub and separate tiled shower. There is a separate family room with wet bar and a 15'>c21' bonllS room for the chiJdren. Fonnal dining is provided as well as an eating area oH the kitchen. Beautifully landscaped yards mdud1!1g a custom spa. The $354,900 prke is surprisingly aHordable in today's market place. For l'Omplete details call 963-5671. CAPE HUNTINGTON TOWNHOME AFFORDABLE BEACH LIVING What wouJd you normally expect to find for $112,000? Certainly not a double car enclosed garage with an extra large patio, and probably not a den with a wet bar or a large family eating area. But even if you did, we'll aJmost guarantee the master bedroom suite wouldn't be 18'xl5' with mirrored cl05el doors. All this and more can be yours within a five minute drive of Pacific Coast Highway. We'd be delighted to give you any additional mfonnallon if you'll just call us at 963-5671. DELUXE BEAUTY SALON IN HIGH TRAFFIC ARIA LOCATION You would· have to see this custom designed and decorated interior to believe it. Five busy operators and five additional stations for future expansion plus twin nail stations and a facial room. Also included are six hair dryers. three shampoo stations and two supply rooms. All equipment is topof the line quality and barely 1112 years new. ~Uer is willing to remain as an employee of the new owner. Considering the location and cash now is reasonably offered at $74,000. 556-7035. BICYCLE TO THE BEACH FROM SUPERB LOCATION This highly upgraded home with solar heated pool is only minutes Crom the ocean and lS in the much sought after Edison High School District. No expense has been spared in lavishly appointing this showplace with wall coverings. wooden shutters, mini...blinds. mirrored wardrobe doors and MORE!! A very large formal dining room is perfect for the coming holiday season. With all of th~ amenities, you'll find the price hard lo believe: It's offered at the May, 1982 appraised value of $158,500. Call us for details on the exciting financing plans we have available. One is certain lo be right for you! 556-7035. NEWPORT BEACH OFFICr 2970 San Mlg•I Drive Newport leach, CA 12HO (714) 711-1501 AMERICAN HOME SHIELD "We Protect & Service Things That Service You." -HUNTINITON IEACH OFFICE I032Aclcn1AM. HUntl"llOft l•cll, CA 12141 (71•)111-7031 -. .... , ... , t ...... ·' t • ' -.--r .. .---~---------'----=-·-· ---· OYange County Reet !atate/An Adverttemg S\lppltJment~IO'the °"tLY Ptl.OTISaturday;~ f1; 1982--l5 Hoa111 111 S•lt BH1t1 111 S•lt H••111 l•r hit HH1t1 l•r hit HH111 l•r I.tit H••1t• l•r S•lt ......................................................•........................••...............•••••••••..•••...................... ~~~~~{ ......... !.".!!~ ~~~~~{ ......... !.".!!~ ~!!'.~~~{ •..••.•.. !.".!!~ ~!!'.~~~{ ..•.•..•• !.".!!~ ~!'.~~~{ .•.••.••• !.".!!. ~-.. ~~~{ ......... !.".!!~ ~~ ~~t,t, ~~ LllO ISLE llOllES 101 Vil UH IHI IHI SH 1·1 Prime Lido N ord bayfront, 5 bdrm. 5 1t'J bath. Lge LR . air cond , 2 boat slips $1.500,000 Remodeled 3 bdnn. 2 bath + large re<: nn beam ce1lmgs. furmshL>d , paU06. $420,000 PElllSUU HOllE Ocean & ,elly views Manne room. 4 bdrm. J bath. 3700 sq.ft. $1,385,000. CK-eanfront Lllll ISLE UYFROIT Lagoon view from 6 bdrm, 5 bath, playroom. dark rm. lil-n BoJl l>ltp Now $900,000 I IAYSIDE PUCE Specucular bayfront dplx 2 br. 2 ba up; 2 br 2 ba dn. 2 boot spaces!. Reduced -$1,500,000 FllRllllS RAICH New 4 br. 4 1~ ba, custom French Normandy REDUCED $100,000 Ocea•frHt -M111t Sell. 3 Br. 4 Ba. 2 years new. $550,000. DRIVE IY 4111 SEASHORE CALL 131-I031 er NOME ll0-1110 ~u~ 1 2 pn;~;;~~~; c:~:o.ooo. I HARBOR VIEW C.Oronado lsJand cust. bayfront lol. 85' boa• I dock. Plans avail Now $370,000 w/tenns. HOME BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR J.i· Soy\odP Qr.,•· ... B t>lS t>lt>l I First time offered. Latge l level 4 Br. form. din.. Cam. rm., 2 \!'% Ba, beautiful yard w/swunmmg pol. & jacuzzi. GoOd ~....,......~......--.......,._.. terms. YH tWI Tll UH 1111,000. YIW llEIDOU An exceptional villa in prestigious CdM with magnificent panoramic ocean & night views. This 4 Bdrm home exudes charm & warmth from the extensive use of oak flooring, panelmg & Fr. doors. Mexican tile & r edwood decking surround pool & spa & the large lot offers maximum privacy. Walking distance to pvt beach. Owner will finance and consider some exchange. $ l ,250.000 FEE. Opn Sun 12 -5. 407 Mendou. Te rrace. ....... ,,.,, .. , 'JI0-1111 ~.~!!~!~ ......... ,1 ~~~~-~·!.~'!·······1 IHI lll•lf l•;;;;i·········;·;;z . ~ (·····~1~;····· L.:.J 1nn•t EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY ,....._,,, htlees All reel •tat• adltertlMd In thla newapaper 11 aubject to the Federal Fair Houalng Act or 1968 VIEW LIT NEWPORT HOTS. Mutt Mii next 2 week•! A.Utlng S 190,000. SUBMIT ANY offer. RAE RODGERS 831-1288 wNch muea It llteglll to --"====-~--1 advertlae "any prefer- ence, llmltatk>n or dl9crl· mlnatlon baaed on reoe, color, religion, au or national origin. or any Intention to make any 9UCh preferene., limita- tion or dl9Cflmlnatl0n." Th .. ~ wt11 not knowingly accept any advertltlng for real ff- tate wtllcl\ Is In YloletlOn of thel8w. 1111111 Advertis- ers should check their ads dally and report errors Im- mediately. The DAILY PILOT as- eumes llablllty for the first Incorrect lneertlon only. ~ & lllYI II If ••1STU11 No queUfytngl A11ume low Int. loan! Short .. orowt S.... aeya -take h off my handal 3 Be- droom•. lamlly room, modem 8.1. kl1Clleri, pool and .... 1133.000 DON'T OE1.A V CALI. DIANA TOOAVI .... .. ............ ...... OPll SAT I Sii 1·1 1124 Pert •• ,, ••• HELEN 8. DOWD RULTOllS, llC. 144-0134 a~ UU&ICEI ll&Mll lllltlYI SPYIUSS lllH Ill home w /pool. spa & 3-car garage. Huge cul-de-sac lot overlooking ocean & canyon. Seller asmsted financing. $790,000. Anita Bradshaw. 752-1414. IUSTIOlLLY IEIHll N o w only $52 5,00 0 "K e nsington" w /loft. Super plush carpets, stained glass, spa in ~ntry. This home has it all! Ass umable loans + owner financing. Darlene He rman 752-1414. IUITIFIL Ullll Home, ocean view on lg lot. This fully restored 2 level seaside cottage offers warmth & c harm w/"early country" flavor. There are 3 bedrooms, 2 ~ baths, Cam nn, country kitchen & guest qt.rs w/3 fireplaces, vaulted beam ceiling & French windows. The large lot o ffers sundeck s, flagstone patio w /spa & •rtchly landscaped garden. Don't miss this one. Offered at $397 ,000. Bill Wed.more 551-8700. llPUI ltltll llL •H. Thia prime investment property la located on a comer lot & h.u 2- 2 BR UNITS. -Oood annu al income with low maintenance. All records available. Property easy to see. Offered at $299,~. Bill Wed.more 551-8700. WHITEWATER VIEW llCIElllLE PRICE THE MOST UNIQUE NEW HOME on Hazel Dr. SPECTACULAR VIEWS of window rock tide pools and canyons Cr o m poolside & living area . EXPENSIYE 4 bedroom. 7 y~ars new. CALL FOR EXCLUSIVE SHOWING of this security gated residence. Tiii RHOIE RAE llODIERS R,E/IU 131-1211 *'~'" FllWIOlll* Large family home fea- turing 4 plus Br. 3 Ba. 2300 sq. ft. Try 1ov. down. takeo\/8f 9V. 1st & owner will carry balance al HW• for 7 yean1. Only $129,900. Call 759-1501 or 752-7373: ~ Walker8 Lee For Ad Action Call a Da~y Pilot AD-VISOR 642-5678 LIDO ISt: WATERFRONT Own1.•r will tradl' lhis lovely 5 bt.'Clroom. 5 bath home for ANY n •al properly in So. California. SC'aullful St Charles kitchen Rt·ccntly remodeled throughout. $~99.000 equity for exchange or purchase at $1.995.000 with a $1.4 million assumable loan. BIG CANYON CUSTOM CONTEMPORARY Strategically situated right on thl' gotr t'OUJ"S{', this 4 bedroom custom im:ludl>s a very pnvatc pool and SJ><! and was completely remodeled JU~t 2 years ago. Call for color brochure. Owner will trade (down) for other Newporl home. Pr1et..~ to ~II ttt $1 75 million with incl't'd1blt> lt>rms. LINDA ISLE WATERFRONT This custom delight. located right on the main channel oCCers what li ving in Newport is all about. Modern 1ri design with 5 bedrooms and 5 1.h baths, includi n g a t'Ommunity tennis court. the docks ' will accommodate 3 large boats. Priced lO sell at $1.625 mi1lion and ow n er will trade for income producing property. BIG CANYON CUSTOM COUNTRY FRENCH Possibly the t>e.it home in alJ \he canyon. 'thLS lovely 5 bedroom home on nearly one-third acre offers outstanding amenities Including nearly 6()()(1 square fttt with custom pool and spa. Ownrr wlll exchange for commercial or sell direct. Over $1 .3 million of assumable financing and priced to sell at $2.~ million. (714) 780-1800 ' presents SPECIAL VIEW HOMES FltlT HW SHT111 -For the Christ.mas Parade! Elegance for the traditionalists, magnificence for the lover of the fine things in life. On the beach, on the bay, this 7 Bdrm brick residence features: spacious vistas. cozy nooks, gourmet's dream kitchen, ext.ended for grand entertaining. Pool, spa, sauna & all you wish for Christmas. $4,750,000. SPHTlOILH PHAH VIEW - Above the harbor, on the hills of Cliff Haven is this beautifully renewed and cared-for 3 Bdrm' home. View side deck runs full length overlooking bay activities and far-off Catalina. $525,000 11•1 ltW SUTlll -For the Christmas Parade . From the veranda or upsta~ balcony of this lovely old Peninsula Point home. The charm of ages glows from its hardwood floors, comer fireplace, 4 Bdrms plus 2 separate bdrms over 3 car garage. Vacant, could be available to righ t buyer 1rnmediat.ely. $334,500. MIE VIEW Fii TIE •In -You c..-ertainly can see the boat lights going by, also spacious bay and ocean view by day. Desirable Newport Heights location with room to add on. Alley access. Owner may trade, lease option, or outright sell for $359,500. llSTUT PAHIE VIEW -But lovely 24 hour bay view from this 1 Bdrm secwity condo. Villa Balboa with all its a m eni- ties-perfect vacation ret~at or bachelor home. $129,000 •n L.lllT1 • wam vtrw - Dramatic 3 Bdrm home with soaring ceLlmgs. spacious rooms, country kitchen. Private gated comm. $449,000, or will lease opuon. or leue for $1700 mo. UGI Ill -ti Tiil W&TU -View of boating activities with your own boat dock Cor 50 footer. Channing single story 3 Bd~. dining room home, huge bnck patio & gated entry. $450,000 leasehold, or $850,000 in fee. SPlll&l IYEl -YI EW Overlooking Blg Canyon and city lights, en joy the privacy aUorded in this spacious 4 Bdrm and dining room home. High ceilings, large f'OOQlS and great kitchen which opens to large patio. $725,000. llT A HAii YllW -But marveloua canyon and hUl view In Anahelm Hilla. Large 5 Bdrm family home with pool and Iota of lplft around it! *349,'4>0. ... ---·=·-'!be harbor aprelMla out beneath this IOl'aeoua level bu1ldiftl site -the perfect lift for the family •75,000. Call for detalla. ..,. • . - This Weekend ! kup MM• "-dy di-.ctory willl yo.. ...,, •• .-...c1 •• y ... 90 i.-~.-. Aa it.. locolloH lht.d at.low on dHcrito.d;,, ¥•oltt •toil by oct.ni11loiq ..... i..n loo t.doy'• OAIU rll.OT WAHT AOS. ,..,..,., •howl~ ... ~u fM 101• or""'' -w,-d to list 111<11IRf_.iool 111 tw• co._.. eocll Solvf"doy ' 011d Swoday. HOUSES FOR SALE 2 BEDROOM 10 Rue Verte (Big Canyon) N.B. 760-82441759-8995 • Sun 12-4 3 Rue Fontainebleau (Bg Cyn) N.B. 759-9100 $365,000 Sun 1-5 2 BR plU8 FAM RM or DEN 3491 Queens (Wlmbldn) C.M. 645-0303 $167,500 Sun 1-4 **3425 Ocean Blvd .. CdM 631-1400 $1.475,000 Sat 1-5 * 19 Curl Or. (Jasmine Crk)vu, CdM 640-1515/1-728-5151 Sat/Sun 12·4 * # 1 Pandora (lrvlne Groves) Irv. 642-5200 $138,500 Sun 1-4 3 BEDROOM 1411 Kings Rd (Clittheven) NB 642-5200 $525,000-fee Sun 1·5 211 Opal, Balboa. Island 675-6000 $575,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2619 Way Ln. (China Cove). CdM 759-9100 $379.500 Sat/Sun 1-5 1863 Braemar Way, Newport Beach 759-9100 $349,900 Sun 1-5 1543 Serenade Terr. (Irv. Terr.) CdM 644-4910 $320,000-Fee Sat/Sun 1-5 11 Rue Verte (Big Canyon) N".B. 644-4910 $465,000-Fee Sat/Sun 1-5 2338 Rutgers, Costa Mesa 548-3375 $132,000 Sat/Sun 12-5 3335 Maryland (M ... Verde No) CM 979-2390 $158,000 Sat 1-4 2108 Yacht Mlachlef, CdM 720-0858 $375,000 3 Woodland, Woodbridge. Irvine 644-8200 $155,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 233 16th Plaoe, Newport Heights 644-6200 $155,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 ... 113 Via Ravenna, Lido Isle, N.B. 673-7300 $349.500 Sun 10-12 322 23rd St. (E/Slde) Costa Mesa 546-2313 $213,000 Sat/Sun 1-4 278 V1rglnla, Costa Mesa 546-2313 $135,000 Sun 12-4 2516 Elden, Costa Mesa 546-2313 $237,500 Sun 12-4 616 Via Lido Sood, Lido tale, NB 673-7300 $387,592 Sun 2-4 1824 Port Stirling, Newport Beach 546-2313 Sun 1-4 3 llR plua FAM RM or DEN 2650 Riverside Dr, E/Slde, C.M. 645-8748/541-0425 Sat 12-5 1607 Cornwall (Westcllff) NB 642-5200 $289,500 Sun 1-5 2491 Crestview Dr (Bayshores) NB 644-7020 $495,000 Sun 1-5 •1472 Galaxy Dr. Dover Shrs, NB 642-2510 $695.000-Fee Sat/Sun 1-5 **1044 Polarts Dr, Dover Shrs. NB 631-7300 $395,000 Sun 1-4:30 109 Via Ensueno (Mar. Pt.), San Clem 759-9100 $465,000 Sat 1-5 *1724 Terrapin Way, Baycrest. NB 631-7300 $350,000 Sun 1-4:30 **1038 Polarls Dr. (Dov Shrs) NB 759-9100 $899,000 Sun 1-4 711 K-Thanga.l.~rvlne Terr .. NB 631-7300 ..-eo.ooo Sun 1-4:30 1218 Key Weat (H81bor Vu Hiiia) CdM 6«-4910 $299,SOO.LH Sun 1-5 2674 liledland• (Beck Bay), C.M. 497-1744 $145,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1101 Klnga Road (Cltffhaven) NB 631-1400 $895,000 Sat 1-4 409 Dahlia, Corona def M., 875-8000 $365,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 15 Carmel Bay, Spyglass, CdM s.«-9060 $595,000 214 Amethyst, Balboa Island 6«-9060 $449,000 **3415 Ocean Blvd., CdM 644-9060 $899,000 **1621 Bayside Or, CdM 760-8333 $1,395,000 34 SltYer Creeoent {Trtlrk) Irv Sun 1-4 Sun 1-4 Sat 1-4 Sat 1-5 760-8333 $260,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1215 Mariners Or. 3-F, Newport Bch 6«-6200 $496,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2307 Falrhlll, Back Bay, N.B. 644-6200 $215,000 Fee Sat/Sun 11-5 101 Vie Genoa, Udo Isle.._ N.B. 673-7300 $895,000 Sun 1~ •204 Via Eboll, Lido Isle, N.B. 873-7300 $525,000 2120 Aster, Costa Meaa 546-2313 $189,000 669 Joann, Costa M ... Sun 1-4 Sun 1-4 546-2313 $124,900 Sat 2-5 11721 Candy Ln., Garden Grove 546-2313 $109,900 Sat 1-4 * 1130 Pembroke, Newport Beach 546-2313 $245,000 Sun 1-4 4 BEDROOM *1717 Bayadere Terr(lrvTerr)NB 644-7020 $800,000 Sun 2-5 1038 Weat Bay, Bal. Penln, N.B. 6«-9060 $1,050,000 Sat 1-5 **503 W. Edgewater(Bal.Penln)NB 644-9060 $1,275,000 Sat/Sun 1--4 760 Via Lido Soud (Lido). NB 675--6670 $525,000 Sun 1-5 4 llR plua FAM RM or DEN 2706 Lighthouse (HVHls) CdM 675-6000 $429,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 468 DeSola Terrace, CdM 675-5930 $375,000-fee Sun 1·4 510 Aliso. Newport Beach 631-1266 $350.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1118 Somerset Ln., Westcllff. NB 631-7300 $475,000 Sun 1-4:30 * 14 Burning Tree Ad. (Big Cyn) NB 644-4910 $695,000-Fee Sun 1-5 210 Via San Remo, Lido Isle, N.8 . 675-3048/873-2556 Sat/Sun' 1-5 •2•25 22nd St .• Newport Beach 790-1900 $600,000 Sat/Sun 12-4 19121 Biddle Str•t lrvlne 760-1900 $199.000 18891 Antioch (Trtlrk) Irv. 552-7500 $229.000 Sat/Sun 1·5 114 VJa Eneueno (Mar. Pt.), San Clem. 759-9100 1875,000 Sat 1-5 43 Cambria, Spyglua, CdM 640-181 2 te75,000 Sun 1-5 201 Larkspur/Ocean Bl .• CdM 631-1400 $1,875,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 ... 1511 Kings Rd. (Clltthaven) NB 631-1400 $550,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 213 Diamond Ave. (Balboa Island) NB 644-4910 $595,000-Fee Sat/Sun 1-5 •5 Colonial, Northwood. Irvine 631-7300 $230,000 Sun 1-4:30 # 14 Poin1 Loma. Spyglass. CdM 673-4400 $723.400 Sun 1-4 * •601 Bayside Dr.(Promon. Bay)NB 631-1400 $1 ,300,000 Sat 1-4:30 633 Bayside Dr, Prom. Bay, N.B. 644-9060 $1 , 100,000 Sun 1-5 2609 Lighthouse Ln, HV Hiiis. CdM 644-9060 Sun 1-5 4901 Basswood, Univ. Park, Irvine 644-9060 $235,900 Sun 1-4 * 1715 Galatea Terr.(lrv. Terr)CdM 644-9060 $435,000 Sun 1-5 1840 Tradewfnds Ln. Baycres1. NB 644-9060 $349.500 Sun 1-4 *407 Mendoza Terr. CdM 760-1817 $1,250,000 Sun 12-5 40 ~I St. George (Big Cyn) NB 644-6200 $3,000/mo. Sa/Sun 1-5 4 Narbonne, Harbor Ridge, CdM 644-6200 $1,695,000 Sat/Sun 11-5 2965 Maul Pl.. Costa Mesa 546-2313 $229,500 Sun 1-4 1152 Kingston. Cos1a Mesa 546-2313 $215,000 Sun 12-4 2709 Gannet (Mesa Verde) CM 546-2313 $182,500 Sat 11-2 932 Coronado, Mesa del Mar, CM 631-7370 $142,900 Sun 1-4:30 222 Via Palermo. Lido Isle, N.B. 673-7300 $367,000 Sun 12-2 *4626 Roxbury, Cameo Shrs. CdM 835-4242 $670,000-Fee Sat/Sun 1-4 1441 Galaxy Dr. (Dover Shores) NB 548-5647 $420,000 Sa/Sn 12:30-4:30 5 BEDROOM * 708 Via Udo Nord. lido Isl. NB 675-6161 $1,500.000 Sun 1-5 1204 Ave. Buena Suene. San Clem. 759-9100 $865.000 Sal/Sun 12-4 2912 Carob. Eastblutt, N.B. 644-1742 $304.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 5 BR plus FAM RM or DEN •a Oakmont (Big Canyon) NB 673-7761 $1,095.000 Sun 12-3 2406 Francisco (Baci( Bay) NB . 675-6000 $339,500 442 Begonia (Old CdM) CdM Sat 1-5 675-6000 $549,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 , 5 Point Loma (Spyglasa) CdM 675-6000 $850,000 * 1800 Jamaica (Mesa Verde) CM Sun 1-5 tMS-0303 $409,900 Sat 2-4 ·~ 233 Via G.noe, Udo IM, H.B. 873-7300 $575,000 Sun 1-4 I ... plue ,AM Ml « OEN 41 Goteta, Spyglaas, CdM 6«-6200 $890,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 CONDOMINIUMS FOR SALE 1 H DROOM •300 Cagney Ln #107 Veraallles, N.8. 673-7300 $114,000 ' 2 BEDROOM 1031 Bayside Cove East, N.B. 640-5390 $675,000 Sat/Sun 12-5 •a Lucerne (Hrbr Rdge) Newpon Bch 759-9100 S.50,000 Sun 1-4:30 2 BA plue FAM RM Of DEN **621 Udo Park Dr. F-3, NB 673-7300 $525,000 Sat 1-4 3 BEDROOM 2286 Pacific (#M), Costa Mesa 645-0303 $119,000 Sun 11-4 4 BR plue FAM RM or DEN 501 Cancha (Bluffs) N.B. 644-8011 $290,000 Sun 1-5 DUPLEXES FOR SALE 3 BAplue 2 BA 423 Carnation, Old CdM 675-8370 Sat/Sun 1-5 3 BA plue 3 BR 416/416'.lz Carnation, CdM 631 -1400 $569,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 5 BR plue 3 BR 509 Acacia (Oceanside of Hwy) CdM 645-7048 $440,000? Sat/Sun 1-5 * Pool * * Waterfront * * * Waterfront & Pool { It should be about 130°. unless your laundry includes diapers (they need hotter wate1 I. Higher temperatures produce water too hot to wash your hands comfortably. Check your hot water heater. If the thermostat d oesn't show degrees, set 1t on "medium. After a day or so, run a little water. then wash your hands. If the water is still too hot, turn the thermostat down a notch at a time until the water feels right on your hands . Besides saving water and energy, you could also save hves. Hundreds of people, mostly children, are burned each year because hot water temperatures are too high. For more energy-savinf tipe, Mil a member of the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REAL TORSe fO/f 1 fr• booklet. There's a REAL TORe ._, you wherever vou liYe . A pubfic lerVice of the ..., .... Classifieds 642-5678 ID REALTOR .. .. 18 -OranQe County Real Estate/An Advertising Sue_plement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, December 11, 1982 w1-:s 1.1-:Y ~ ~'.~!!!.~ .. '.~.'! •...... ~ .. ~!!!.{~'.~'! ....... !'. .. !!!!.{-l.~'! .•••••• ¥!~!.~ .. '.~! ••••••• l!'. .. ~!!!.~ .. '.!!.'1. •••.•. ~~~.{~~~'! •.•••.• . . •••.......•..•••••...••••.......•....•••••.• ~ '!!.-.~~'.L ......•. !.'!. ~!'.~~'.L ........ !.'!~ '!!.-.~~'-t ........ !.'!1 c..u '•',,., 1111 c .. ,. .... JIZf c.. ...• •• .................. 1.•.u •• ~ 111111 ...... DITllH PML.. WEITllll I.I. ,. 11 you re conalderlng • lall UY Remodeled 3 Br 3 Ba a.st buy. Ju1t LISTED change, come & talk with hOrM with den formal '99 000 ... MW cop-TAYLOR CO. HEALTUHS ~1111't' l !Hf' OWNER WILL FlllAllCE 9% INTEREST NO LOAN FEES 115 CllYOI COllTllY CLUI OI Tiii COLF OllllSE OWIH MAY CllSIHI YOll llllE AS IOWI PAYIEIT Cl.1i.i.-Style-Elegance-Q u ality. All are truly descriptive of one of Big Canyon's 1 truly 1.·ustom homt'S with a w 1dt• frontage on tht· golf coul"S(·. 5 Bdrms. 61/2 baths. plus ;,ill o f the a nwn ities you would <'XJX'<.'l An unusual opportunity to step up without tnc·onvenience $1.950.000 Set• :rnyume Call 6'44-4910 • OI Ill CAIYOI CILF CIHSE S4H,OOO 31 Foot living room. Overlooking 11th fairway Lgf' mas\l'r suite on ground floor. Private yard & palao, 3-car garage. Vacant. &'<.· any llm<' Call 644--l!llO for pt•rm1ssion lo cntl'I'·. 11 "IE YHTE o, .. SAT /SH 1-5 115 CAJIYH PlllE LICATlll 4 &:drm.:;, family room & dining room, immaculate throu ghout. New l'arpC'ts . drapt~. marble entry & dec.'Or Ele<:trontc SC'<:unty system Wc•t bar. 2 f1r<'pla1.'t"S, 3 <«Jr garagc·. H.-att.•d pool and spa. Pnc'E'd rig ht ut $695.000 Call 644-4!:110 fur p<'rm1i..c;1on lO enter gate 14 111111115 TJIH II., l ie C111111 SH 1-i IALlll ISWI FILL-TllE 11011 Charmi n g n p ar-n ew. 2 -s t o r y architectural gem 4 Bdrms. fam. rm . Quality design and de<'Or throughout. Dt-s1gnro for gut-st quarters. Prtl'Cd to S<'ll $595.000. St'llC'r fmant'e. No loan fee. 213 llAllll AYE. OPH SAT /Sii 1-1 Romancei-Atmo9J)hefel Elegance! are youra In this apectecul., executive home on a private "Jungle" waterfall. Dramatic master iMJlte-<:reckllng ftreplacie. formal dining. 2 car garage. MUST SEE TO BELIEVE $145,000. Call This 11 the "'°"'9 for you! Cele ), CN•s,...... • t ' .. J ) ....... :..{/)1 ••nmu-1•1 ........... .............. .. tr....,, ...... . .. ~ ...... .. SPYCWS POOL llOIE-lllE l llOIEL •roomy bedrooma, large _ ltvfng-dlnlng room ., .. , ....... a-. Two s to r y Nan t ul·k e t 4 BR wit h circular game room, b('aut1ful S u nsl'l pool. Tastcfully1 ralMd roell nrep1aoe, 2 d<'coratl'd throughout. Shows likP a pvt patloa, cenl . air, --· I h C-11 II r· s b . dynamite locatlon. LMI moue om<'! 0<." ('r w1 inanl'l' u mil 11\an $950/mo. down $760,000 incl. land. 11¥111 Tllllct FU HI.II Charming 3 bedroom home w ith lots of extras. You own the land. Great family home. Beautiful la rge corne r lot. Owner motivated. This could be best buy in CDM. $320.000. Financing avallabll'. 1iU 11111111 Tllllllt 04ll Ill/Ill 1-1 .. ,a.T-ln-- 3 BR, 2 \.'\ ba o n greenbelt with community tennis, pool & spa. Drive by 15 Willow Tree Lane, University Park, then call 644-4910. $135,000. WUUY L TIYUI M., IULTlll 1111S. .......... llM .......... IT" ..... 1.1. ....._,. COLI OP .. PORI' MAL.TOM H11LC....Mw-,. c-... -IH·ll1t UI. '!'e offer computer. I...,... llllTI dining room enci French per plu'mblng & 'roof. sec y, beau tiful aur-large rambllng country door•. Huge patio and Super terma. Opn Hae roundlnga, good eom-home with panoramic pool. POM4bla tease OP-Sat 12_.. 944 Governor '!'Inion achedulet, and l view of the back bay, tton. Aaklng $235,000. St. all the aupp()lt YOIJ need. Newpor t Cen t~ and 631-7370 5A0-0312 Curt Herbert• Mk for Jim or Maryann much more. Faclllltes for ' ' 631-1266 at 631-7370 a amall herd of horsea. TR,\DI T 10\..\1 ~L\ln . ..a..&1.-'"' ········~·····~······· *XlMt to bac:it bay trails. -ILIDETTI, llr. (114) 111'4444 TR,\DITIO~\I. RL \Ll) Best little duplex 10. ol .... IUI lllf hwy. Open Sat/Sun. '4231•-------•1•••••••••••••••••••••• Carnation. 67S-8370 12~ fllD Ult IPD mil 111111 -R • -·Tiii LOW DOWN $127,000 2'4242 Santa Clara -.,_ Gorgeoua marina, 2 br, 2 Cu_t to m 4 br. 3 ba. REDUCED PRICE 3BR ba condo, newly dee. country kit.. study, mini= OWNER 979-1909 Reduced $25.0 00. UTTU Ill.Ill vi-. pvt beach. $375, 893-3151 Ownr mual sen cu1t re-000. You own lhe land. F• ••• R II 1---------...... _ , ... modeled elegant 3 l>r 67S-5930 agl. twm ....... ., -• home a MP gunt apt. --.. -.----R---11--<f ••••••••••••••.••••••• Prime toe. 127-127'h --Adorabla3 BR2Bahme, UUmUIH Abailone. Reduced $200, 2 Br. + den. S 1501( equ-In prime cond. Great toe. la OIJr trl-level '4 bdrm. ooo to "495,000. Couf-lty, u change for unit, -walk to So . Coaat Near Park and So eomt tea)' to bkra. 640-'4'42'4 or CdM duplex . Broker Ptua. G«geous, totally Plaza. M odel quallly. 759-0777. 651-8800. PY'" bec:kyd W/OCN patio. Alklng $229,500. Bkr. Lge Qawnable low Int 846-0109 11~-•--1_. C..la ... I loan. Hlllng to avoid ~ ,_-,_ .,~ 1 .... --• hi -•-•••••••••••••••••••••• toreclo.ure. Prtc:.d be-,,,.., ..... , ~ •••••••••••••••••••••• 1' .... 1ow matte.et .. 1158•000· ···c·HRtST-~4AS ot;.;··· •FULL OCEAN VU• C OMPLETELY UP-Ownet.~13e Prl~· ,.-..uc ... to •139, 300t< loen.. JMmina Crk GRADED 3 BDRM 1V•BA ---------'""' '""' • OWNr/.Agant 640-1515 HOME. COLLEGE PARK F•LY -900 on thla beautltuf 3 AREA LIVING RM AC bdrm home near Mlle ...... , .. ...., CENT EO W /W000° 3 Br 2 Ba, frplc, encl. S..ar• Park. Try $10, Spotleaa 3e30 tf duplelC PANELING • BRICK patio, min. 10 beeoh, OO•down & aaaume OWC 111-12%-long lerm FAPLC. GOOO LN06CP :::"x~. ~.set. tV.'I. lntereat. Bkr. 3br/3be+5br/3be-1 vac W/AUTO SPRKLRS, ad •559 W JA-982-7751. Opan H..--Sat!Su'I 1-5 ZEBO. CEMENT DRIVE-New 1650 aq ft condo, •-IM 509 ~--to... COVERED PATIO & GA-,....,._ . .....,"'' •----.--=s------ Ownetl l*r -&46-7048 WAY & RV PARKING. bank forectoaura ..... '"' Mllllll _. $132.000. 546-3375. ....,. S10-S20t<. buy di-.................... r 2 bdnn, ~ be, cMft. SUPER 4 BR ASSUME re ~ t f r om_ b an k · tam flUIL---~.11 ed under market at VA. Aedec & upgtflded 831 5055, 142 2000. • M .. 1275.ooo. Owner tniout. Bullt4n, trPc. 1g 11Y I -~ 1n ... 759-1688 ooverecl patio, 2 car gar. ,. ~ Fou-r ~' from S195, on cul-d0 1ac, nr So. .....--• fmY •... eo.at Plaza. By IP906nt-VA/FHA terma or ea-000 to 5'25,000. All with P9rfect t.OC8tion rnent $139,000. AUlst-M11N toen. Dar1lng 2-11Y 10% a11um1ble loan•. 5 bdrm, 3 beltl, lndudee u-Mll (714) 957-11401 condo! In daalollbloi ••1 and owner wll carry 2nd melter aulte & large owner (71'4) 551-een Attached paea. lrg pe-TO . family rm anc:t ofl·911Mt tlo. Only H1.000. Cell 711 Ocelf1 BIW. pattdng for up to 7 car.. ASSUME LGE VA II~ now 979-5370 Open Set/Sun 1 .. Ont)' 5 doors from entr-3 br, formal din. Nr S. Call ~1151 anoe to Main Beach. Cet Plaza. Agt 751-7148 for more lnfonnetlon New on merttet at '575 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil \ f >I l I fl F 1: 000. 1111144-1111 /Jn .. ,, ' . ' '• ~ ~ ' . t ' ~ • .i ssu:.. .-. r [ s 28A 2'h8A Townhoule, lkyllghta, aolar water. ---------1 lllew, 1 mile to ocaen, 2 cttr ganioe. 1500 aq n., 1enn11, pool, Jae:., C.H. S 1e5.000 reduced S20, 000. By Owner. -'>Pen llOUM Sat/Sun 11°-5pm. -----..;....;;;==-1 1099 S.. Blllff Dr, O;M. I YIU llft.I 1111,111 111.ll~llH (714) 64e-11190 or M&-1109 \ f >I l / ti/:' If . . " ~HERITAGE .• -REA1..TORS -- Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PtLO!/Saturday, December 11, 1982 -19 !'.'.!!!!.~'.'.~.'! ...... ~ !'!.~!!!.~'.'.!.'.'.~ ..•••.. !'.~~!!!.~'.'.!!.'.'....... !!~~!!!.~~'-~'! ....... !'. .. ~!!!.!'.'.!~.' ......... ~ .. !!!!.!'.'.!!.'! ••••••• ~-~!!.'!.~ ..... 01••1 ••• , ,,,.,. ~! ••••••••••• !~1 !~~'!! ..•.••••••• !.~1 ~!!!t'!!!.!!~!~ .•. !.~~! ~!.'!r.!!.!!~!! •. !.~! !~!!.~!~ ... !.~! !'.'!r.!!.~~!~ ... !.~! -="1:_!.--''" ;;;j;j;·,;;;;;········· TIE .·• -,., ,,,, ""' Wll.mT --DUllE E ILlffl 11111• llW YllW ••• •••••• •••••••••••• • ••••••••••••••••••••• Charming 2 Bdrm, highly mucE SUYIEW -NIT llYlLE llllL Y04J own .,... l•n<S. 2•000 IUIM9M upgnded. upete1rs con-oc~a .. I lllllT LlllT VIEW sq tt, 3er. tam rrn. 2tn -19U195 do. Excellent flnenclng 2 bdrm, 2 bL Plan C. All ~ Be. ~ GrMnbelt, new ... UT/lm&f evallable. Asking $87, the amenities Including poot Fer b4llow rnerket 900. For en eppointmenl mlcro-weve oven end Sale or lease option $235,000. Wiii ..... op-... to-· c.ii 540-1151 treth compactor. heevy . 8*r. 844-0t34 111-1111 duty wul\er end dry«. Beautiful four bedroom, 3 bath home in ~HERITAGE REALTORS ·--_____.j BY OWNER, n/dn. $10, 000 bel mrkt pr. -4Br . nice hm/College Pll. Fant fin. Cel4 alt 5, Mr Slmh or 897-7931 TllTUUOI IUI ,,....., ,.,... Slit A apotleea 4 Bdrm Glen- neyre plan In • greet locallon -only 1 short W9lk to pool end tennis. Reduced over $20,000 '°' fMt ..... ExJatlng 1dt It ~ et 10.?5%. NOW ONLY $288,500. Plus the added usur-d · E 11 ance of• ~rlty t>Ylld· guar ed gate community. xce e nt Ing. $108,000. view. Professionally landscaped. $375,000. Good financing available. -·- $15,000 PRICE REDUC - 112-002 IWIEI llEIT- 111-1111 TION *•fl•.S* Price inciudea bO•t lllp, stunning llllllUU LUii furniture & ecceeaorlea, etc., etc. Betutllul executive home OPEN 12-5 SAT & SUN on large professionally Call Muriel Reynold• Agt. lendacaped oorl*' lot. 4 1 TURNER ASSOC. ~B~j~~~ ~~~., ... ~~· .. !,~~~37~ 759-15011' • .;~«C«t't• ..... AlllM'* . • • To Hll this llke-new ----=-· =------------ IUPEUTE IWIEI -----1 Penneretllp apllt force• ..... llME aele. Seller will cerry. Least 1• __ ._ 12.60% financing evell· 1_ ... _11_ ......... ~..,.. eble. Submit ell olteta. - Newport 8Mdl llM 3 Br View of oc:un city 2 Ba, F.P. linclle flmlly llghta, 3 bdrm. 2.,. beth home. Reduced to $149. PLUS office . 2 f\repi8ce. 900. Cell P9te John80l'I ~ en offer. 1131-t266 • OPEN SUNDAY 12_.. 3 ST. TROPEZ OITll LIT et GIST ...... .u BY OWNER: 3 BA houM. Wiii IUl>Ordln•t• • will $199,000. LO fin. Con-build lo eult t>Yyw. GrNt alder any offer. &45-8841 view of oc.en end city Newport He!QtM Oidet 2 lights. Br. t Be. dbl C.Jl'l'9fl'· BOB HALLEY REALTOR 5011 117 R1 lot. liM Ull $1115,000 46t Santa An• Ave PllOE 1111111 548-50-41 •It 6 S..Ut. Bluffs 4 Br. 3 Be & 1Newport----....,,..--t-1-older--2-1 «*!condo. Pool, tennla '._,, club. Nr achooll & ahop1. Br. 1 Be. dbl Cat gerege, Neutral decor. FEE (you 50 x 117 R1 lot. own lend). $290,000. $1115,000 461 Sante AM Ave Agt. ~11 548-50-41 efl 11 Ulm 1M1 BEST BUY -LOWEST A w e r d w I n n I n g French doon-greenhoose windows-Oak floor-skylight etc. accent. Ba double wide mobile home In the security M4-1i11 l\04Jaetl One bloc* from ... IUI llAI I Lake. Kitchen features Super 3 Bdrm 2'h nexl to Jennalre range & (2) · pool Welk 10 beach & convection ovens. UY ihopi. $150,000 prlee 15% down, ~ lat & Includes rel~ wether/ pr1ced Npt er ... Pten 3 "Oynuty'' model, OCMn 3 Br trl-tvt 1179,500 Bkr. view. Thia drametlc 2 Br IMMACUL.ATE·End Unit home w/ha well of mtr- UPOf aded 38< «*! Plen 4 ror. wtllte mert>i. entry, IAf'flllT -$210,000 10% dn Bkr. white crpt & ahultera. It'll UT 1-4 Tom GoWer ~9100 ~ with lta brN.thtek· gated community The Groves..wry emernty. $67,500. A buyl Toni 121 l • ...._ ~ • F • Ing Veluled celling It the owner wll cwry blllence • et t0%. Reduced to dryer. Agt. 55 -7500. .._ r_. • .. UI .. 11111 ultimate piece for th• ~°fh.n:;, 2 2 ~i! ESTATES • 2 bd, «*!, 11-tophlatlceted coupte to curity, & boet docking. t>rety, Cult SPA. FANT· entertain. Add guwdecl s.,,.; .. l1111i1! • II + formal din Ziii : ·~ ....i 12·11~~ ..... ,... $235,000. FEE. Cell 769-1501 or 752-7373. ~ Walker 6 Lee ... ,,.,.. .-mu e:~~1~~ tt!.pc:t 11•••• llghtlully customized 3 er. 2 Ba. *98 atort. home Mt amidst IUP« end. petto. dbl qw, gdo, large Country Green get 880. cent. lllr, blllth. Grounds W/lowerlng $28K down, $112-4 Pl/ 11 .... Completely deco-Mo or $13K down, $1312 rated W/eye appealing Pl/Mo. RE/MAX, Cell wellpeper & dazzling Olene, Ownr /agt . mirrors. Mualv. family 55~~ r:;· ~-:r;~ -r.---.. -J.MA----l--1 MAL DINING ROOM. ::'I'.":'::' ••••••••••••••• Z.o dn. VA or aa low u ~ALO BAY 5% dn (K you ere not • UllU\ Veleren). LOW, LOW 30 F'ront Row/Fabulous Vu YR AX.ED INT RATE At Wiii trade equity for only S 119,900 la THOU· comm'I, lnduatrhtl, con- SANDS UNDER FOR· do1 or lan<t, Lot value MAL APPRAISAL Call to $ U5 mlUlon. -now. CAROL TATUM. Rltr. .... , 21 769-t552 •11.1•1DLn 157-2121 NCITHWOOO Executive home. 4 Br. forrnel din. rm, tam rm, pool, ~. premium lot & dremellc master 1ulte. Smell down & eaaume loene. $239,900. All! tor Den &4 1-1190 1 or evea 562-eee3 .XECUTIVE REALTORS EST OF TUATLEAOCK •!P.!f ..... t•I Suaaplf~..,... & ""'9t ••• •• : ............. . Ngflt VI W. Spec 3 8r. •••-.. fwn rm . Owner wlll help --w/lln. '306,000. Merthe ..... n ::.::!~:~ldwell .... , • ,==:.. =~~~..:..: lmmlOI ..... 4 9clrm 2'i4i 4 8dnn 'MAY ~ ,.. ""',__on._*"' s~ tw ll • ear'Oee nm pMI. f'oonn.. • 10 000 •a• • lftOdet Me air & I OS "°°6EM 11f·t-,_ 1ara9e. Owner 11y1 ........ ~ tenM. "'* 1229.000. Aft. 862-7500 R &IM~ --- ow• VIEW Nicely ~ted. See a ASTIC VIEWI 759-t078, getee, ••lmfnlot! ten-• " s I F •• 211 comp.re .... Ing ,525 own/llQI. nla, • superb tlon ••• ~~!!! .. ~~ .. ~~•••••• Od11 IHJ ,,,,,. 2er2ea&cnanne1v1ew. ooo. . ....... 'liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii =.r"v.1ue~t ~1~=-M.-11 IHc• IHI ~·i;.·w,·;· Try $23,000 dwn. Al·.....--------IDllD 1140-9714 tor eppl, ····•l"iu••••••••••nn :.:::"A• .. ••0 •••••••• -~ $170000 1 .. TD ----71• ot•• 1aa. Jrs1"1ul.... GOOOOLEBOYS -·-' •• ' . • ... •II ...._ ....., ·-=-=-1u • -Hunt, 11th, rel1e your et 13.50% epr, OWC a..,U BIG CANYON ._ • n ... ,. family In healthy envl· 2nd, Miler deaperete. BIO CAHY<>fi CUSTOM. 2 bdrm Condo. S.Ut. & Lge new cuatorn home, ronment. 4.e9 acre• Dale Aeclt, 831"1298 lid lfy' ~~.°'::: ~ytir!:: aecluded home over· open Set/Sun 1·5. 210 gently rolling lend, t:Net· 0 9Q looklng golf courae. Via Sen Remo. Own/~ 1oo1t1ng Tollhou• Ve/Mty. 67117300 91'7~~~eo.1397 Priced et 1 430,000. 1175-3048 1173-25 Surrounded by g«Q90UI ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~~Open Sun, 12-4. Kathie ........ I ranches Sell or pon He-rdelly, Realtor. .,.,..,... trade. $22.500. Agent PRICE REDUCED • 78CM2.4-4 or 7~5 BeMll. Tredewlnda. best 544-1H5 $304.000 LH • 1 view. Newport Center -------- EMy awf. thiancl~. 5 UUT IDllTm Realty. 1140-1812 Fred,c...mw llUI YllW + NIL • IPYIUll M.L • Th.is truly magnillcent residence is for those who embrace relaxing luxury as a way of life. Th is home i1 completely remodeled & decorated, featuring imprted pavers beginning on the front patio & continuing into the entry & th.ruout the fmly nn, kitchen & breakfast area. Decorated in Mediterranean style w/curved arches, recessed lighting & liberal use of m irrors. The remodeled gourmet kftchen features solid oak cabinetry. Jen-Air Hange, t'Ortugueee tues & a breakfast nook w /ocean view. Naturally there is a panoramic ocean & night view from LA to Catalina & of OOW'le pool & spa are encl'd ln a private courtyard. Thl1 fine home 11 unmistakably Newport.! Priced at $849,900 FEE w/auumable financinl. 759·U01 or 752-7373. .. ..., ....... .11 .. -.. ..... (114} 111-1•1 (11t) JU.1171 Bdrm, doM to tohoola, W /S. •Y Good .,,_,,. Jiii 1hoppln9. Open Sat/, .,.. WATERFRONT 4 Br. 10% •• :.-.~~••••••••••• Sun . Agent Hedda! 3 Br. 3 Be. twcury con-~ OWC et 10% Int• '=iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. domlnlUm, meny extr•. rHt, 10 years, Hklnq 1• xlnt financing avell&ble, $249,000. Wiii discount lfl IM&f 1-1 n .. r ac;Mot1, parka I for lerger pyml. Agent • .... ~-S40-820I .. Ill.I " .... OPEN 1_..:30 Bet/Sun m ,""Place ,.. a.... in Lovely 2 Bdrm p4lae den 875--4333 •••••••••••••••••••••• ~~::,U.g~~.::~' TraH fer lllte Jo~ ~~d~ C~d cheerful elmoepliire. Npt Hat•. 2 bdrm Cape Pelto. ONC tat w/15% ----------; c.n be~ eny wey Cod, l31,500 equity. dn. l135K pp. Welle to you wlah w/20~ dwn. I t92,000. belch. Bier. CMG-5078 Y04J ara W9kiorne to in-~·8 oeo. •~ ,_ J .. epect.. 13 Rua Fortt .. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiii ~ Lido 90 ...... '316,000. l!.Jn. ' Own r / l Ice n ••• ..... ....... • •• ~:'~ ••• •••••••• 67117300 840-9333 ..... ....... seooo ~. ••· 2 e... ~ , cov.red petlo, vaulted~~~!!~~~~~ -nu-t4-4t Gelexy Drtw oelllnga. commty pool.I= •-•r-• 1 4 Br. Oen, Formel 01n1na 1117,500. c .. 497-1657 · DTAll -Room. 2 Flreptecea, ~ fulla I ...,.._/ HUQe tot, ""09 dodllng, cir garage plua large •••••••••••••••••••••• rmlt '-» JM hut• owner financing, Hobby Room. Pool eli.d 8eautlful 2 Ir 21h Be •••••••••••••••••••••• huge PflM reduction -I lot, t>Mut. land!IC8Ped. condo, ex-model unit, ma TU -.ta M5,000 land tnct. we o-wtfl ...iat " ft-uporectea, m1cro. truh ,. ••Dfml cl'lallenge you to aom-1 n9ftdnQ, Only SU0.000. compactor. mutt tee. San Clement• pride Of ~how •nytlm•. ~~!:"" MOO/mo Ed ..._.171 ownerahlp, modern Aobll.0...: A.non ..,_....,, l ~ ..,.. 4 uNI -.>t 20 Y'Mt Ofd rnod9I hOme 4 ••• •·1 ...................... "°'* """' ~-...! Br + famtly rrn + den. -•--• T,_. ~ In tlotne. tor OOlf oour• ve.w . ..._ 11&4,000. Open Hou• I::, motorhome •lld to eve~thln1. 01111 3 Sat. 1·1. 301 Ceder. '9a ..... .... flmt. 3 ... '"BA. ~ Old & ellowe ..-. .-.eaoe Ag9llt It • M ' DOOi In w..t• ..wi A new OM* OOlald liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii--iiiiiil PINTMOUea. a bdnft. 2 "'IMter .••• 111.000. -........ I ..... be lar9' HM, .... , l 1HO/IM 9"11tl'ltftl, ca, & OOMf'I .., IPt I -AM::& 1171.000 ...... letllftltecl ...... •111. 9"110lble & rent IM LamJn. l30. dn. -,.._ 000. Nlr -m•t• no ott. 3 ..,.._. .. Jor :a ~.c:.. °i:<:: °: =.-;zw.10 .... PNl*tr-..u77. = r::v:-..::;: Yaoent -.. ~-1111 HM a -Wtllll 1 WOftdefM WorW tltOMande of dotlanl ·~~Y 1w LMM/opUOft. CuatOftl of lltopplng, right at ~·~::: ·~ =.:..~m.~"D C,"7:'~=:: ~ =:~·,;:~;: 1• _, :i:-,r.· .. ~·I Mt , =~-=-lllllda :r~Ylll Cell....., at ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ 11,.....t ... a --Clllll •u M-Vlillw...., w__.1• . ..,.,.. ,... ..... . ;- 20 -Orange County Real Estate/An Advertlalng Supplement to the PAIJ.. Y~mbii !-!~!!.~.!!!! !~!!!!.!!~!~!!. ... ~ !'!.!!!!. ¥~~!!~':4.. !'.'.~!~!.!~!~!~!!~.':!.. P!M!! !!~~~.. !'.'.!!!!. ¥~!~.'~~·!~.. !'. .. ~!!! .'!~!~!!!.•!~ .. !!'.!!!! .'!~l~!. .. {'~!l .. I~~~~ ~~T:~~ I~~·: ~ •. ~~t .. !.~~ ~.~!!.'!M .. 1.IJ.! ~!~.~ ...... !.'.¥. r~~J~.!.~ ~ ........... !~1 !~.~!! .. !.¥.! ~!.,-: m IOxgroas. Prine. only. E,,,.,ald Bay 4 Br 3 Ba. nr IPYILlll ... I II 2 Sr, xlnt location, kid• 1125. lovely 3 bf & den, THE SPRINGS 1 bdrm ,..., te N11f -.co':'.... I Bkr. 556-8171. ~;o:d~:.m~ 't11 711. Beaut .• spec home, 3 t>a.. OK, 111 (TIOI. rent & ct. buutllul yard, 111n1 condo. Pool, ,.C. runn1ng N-port townhO\tM. 4 ·AVAIWLE.NOw~S49r 21 F•-PLDIS . formal din. rm, lam rm, poell. 1525. "3-7600 or nelghborflood, Chlldren tlreemt '500. 1157-1010 bdrm, 2 cat gar. $1100 lmmaculale 2 bd condo, Priced at 9.2x's grou. •wmt lffd 3111 t>onu• rm. 3 lrpa 3500 845-5735 WlltcotM. Ma-n87 GAEENTA!E 3 Br 2 Ba. per mo. By Jan ltt. all exttu. poot, 2 kid• Includes pool. tennis .... :;............... • q It . av a II . J • n IAll UY Why lhrow away rent lrplc, lndry rm,' eOf'llm 833-SIOe. 780·2578 OI<, no dog•. 1131-9303 courts, and only 4 yra OUFFUYll $2300/mo ...._.8043 Luxury TownhouH o'n when you can own 4·3 P o o I •• $ 8 0 0 I m o . Lux. Big canyon 2 bf 2 be. or 240-«l 19 new . In Oceansi de. 3 bdrm, 1v. ba, lamlly 2 br 1 ba beam celtlng Unlv.tlty Dr 3 Br 2 ea w/11200 to $2,000 pay-551-8209, 551_.75e condo POOi NC gUatd-la•• _.__ ._. o 11 ted S b rm. 2 llreplaeel. LM Mid ' ' I ' 3 . _,.; 1ev91' menll. l 175K -S215K, .-... s12oo ' F. - -.,_ wner mo ve u -Ja t Mid A 1983 gerage. stove, retrig, car garage, ..,.... . 1 tak Orengetree adult condo 2 ...... mo. erguaon •••••••••••••••••••••• mu all 011.,.. $~ c:no. lncl~J .. gar: dthwtv, Vf1fY na. SllOO No peta. $900/mo. ;:=.~~. c:u~ ~ bf, beMltlM decor,.,,.;.. & Hahn R.E. &42-11113 3 Br 1'A Ba. vecenl, cple INOS IU&.n dener a cleaning lady. mo. 955-3649• -Agent 541-7962 1191-555e n111M uwer. 11 ~ 2 Sr $800 /mo 3 Br preferred lO min. lrOfl'I 171-H11 642-8181 LAROE CdM home. 2 New 3 Br. 3 Ba. bl-level Incl. M .1193-315t $950/mo Have olhert. occ. 1575• .. e 8308 • F ..... rwH LIDO ISLE . 3 bdrm, 2 i>.. Stry, 3 car g.,, Ocean twnhm, prv yd, end unit, •utUflM WOODBRIDGE: 4 Br, 3 Fred Tenor a , a g I ,..,. ta..., 1m ,.....,._. lamrm. S 1700 mo 8111 v I• w . For I• a I• • 2 blks S C Ptua. $850 lfMj JI~ Ba. 3 car gar, quiet cul-1131-1266 ••••••..-.---'•••••••••••• Priced at 9.22X grott. G ..,.., •7.. • • S 1350/mo. 851 -8110 851-9990 •••••••••••••••••••••• de. 1 • c yr 1 y I• e .........,.,. .,. .. ~ 3 B 2 LeeM option, 3000 1.f .. 91., ,.~-1atlon ev·'I rv .. v,, Rl1r. v ..-v1v1 d-7.,.. <>•50 -CLOSE TO .. ..,,.,.... . .~,,.... • .,.,..,... r. gat-' ....... , .... _ .... _ ... , Mt~~t & llnancf';;g ., •. .........., · 2 Br. enctld getaoe. car-Brand new 3 ;"~Ba 11200/mo. Al amenlt'-. Ba. near ba.aeh, Avail. oc~ ~'7°'M;;;i.": ,;i.: avall. Salee prlCe $1,395. BHNI l/"'uaJdH !CHARMER 2 Br. 1 Ba. 2 pelt, drapet. 173 W, wl ptlv tundeck.\011 of Appl only 581--0180. now, lhort or m term '2000/mo. 5514215 ooo. -;,:~~··•••••••••·;~· c a r g a r • s e 5 o . w1521151 on ._,,N o88p9e 1 •. wood. Skvllohtt. bUlttlntl, Woodbridge. Oe1aohed 2 I!! 19e7. S 8 9 5 mo . 1t--.6--'-~.., Cootect John SMI ~II ••I 8191756-2368 Imo •.... 1_. and frpl. Alf utll pd. Obi bdnn '*-den. A/C, co-_1_...,_-1 __ 1 _____ ,--...., 1&111111 PllPllTill ...................... JASMINE CREEK. 3 Br, E/Slde 3 br. 1 be, gar., car gar. Child OK. DrMI vered deck. Leke and AernOdfl6ed condo, 2 Br & f.-..W Jflf .I• ...... HOfl:S f()R RENT lernlly room. 11600/mo. get~. 1750. Furn. or b Y: 9 2 1 A I• b • m • pool prMleget. No pets. den, comm. pool. nr •••••••••••••••••••••• .-..-Agent 840-5273 unturn. 5'48-1128 536-7979 $900. 551-2340 Hoag Hoapltal, 1750. Hr. So. Cout Plaza. ---------.---------11---------1 .._,.. 760-8333 Sharp 3Br 1'A ba. pool CllTA •W •·c-ou-n-try_ch_ar_m_•_3_Br-.-So-.1 Elt-ade. 2 bd, t be Ou· 2 bdrm, 2 ba, den. pool, BEAUT WoodbflOge, 2Br ..,,.. and Jacuzzi, 2 car gar, E.slde duplex 0-5% dwn. ol Hwy, good locatlon, plex. Cll'd gar, Prtv yrd. nr Mell, Cul-d e-Sac, +den hee w/grdM, 2 car UllA ISLE patio. S6261mo. Kida & 2 Br, high beam oeltl~. •IAVINE • gar Av a 11. n 0 w $495. N o Pelt . 286 1750 538-71164 oar wl opnr, child & cat ' pell'*· 556-6147 yards. garages, $14 1, S750 642-3442, 631-1266 Sen1o Tomu 642-6368 2 ..._ 2 ... __ ,._ 2nd"' OK, 1875 mo. (7 14) 5 ~· 5~ Ba. main bey . ..;... _______ _ 900. ""· ..,. ...,.....,, · 552-7303 50 lllp. S4400 on yr lea-VILLA BAL.BOA, CONDO, Two lrlpleus, all 2'.s, •HUNT. BEACH• NEW 2 Sty, 3 BR 3 Be, lam Etl·lde. 3 bcl. 1 ba + Fmty lrple, tennis. MC. gate. M . 87!M>SS8 1 Br plul bdlden, 1~ Ba, 1 50% dwn. break even. SJOO rm, 2 car gar, l995tmo Rm. Lrge Oetedled Gar 1~ ml l>Mch. Kida OK. ~ ~ 1141 Br 00 "1>1e. dad!. ac-ti vt.w. s 187 ,000 each. Agt 111, lasl. sec. Bk r w/alley ICOMI. $825. No I 8 0 0 I mo + de P · •• ••••••••••••••••••• 2 · 2 Ba NOO. 2 Car Sec .. undergrnd gar. 640-7814,558-a981 •G"ADENGAOVE• 840-6259 Pets. 212 Ltllle n . ~597.213/9 12·7826 EMERALD BAY. 3 Br. 2 g11ege MW Hoag Hoe-$850/mo.&45-2315. " &42-6368 Wh th 1 Ba. lrplc. brick patio, pltal 1750/mo. 84()...5324 $30,000 1u deduction tor $700 2 Br, 1 Ba, Cape Cod, Y row ren awey with 1pa 11800/mo ....,..., 1982 2 dlx duplexH 3br. compl. remodeled. Pvt. E.llde lrg quiet 3 Br 2 Ba ""*' you can own 3-3, 875-3087 · • L~OO ISLE. 4 Br. 3 Ba. lru"1IW -- 11\o',ba unlla. 4 yrt old+ 1 •ANAHEIM• b eac h . S 1 O O O mo. lrpl, O/W, lndry. get, no S 1200 t: l ~~ 100!> P~Y-2 Br den ~ ba. lrpk: di 8~~1~ Via Palef'mo •••••••••••••••••'!:':'!'! 2br house. East C.M. $700 875-8046, 873-4771 & pelt $825, 873-3800 ment. K ·.21 K • • • w, 1 Br un11 v~ tncd yrd & kd 833-2900 M ove In, take o ver. rnlcnJw•ve. truh comp, c I • area. Full pric. $400,000 •CHILDREN • w ys . E.llde 4 Br 2 Ba, lenc. yrd. Share appreciation. Fl-apac::lout wood deckt. anal ront, upper 2 garage. 13 Ol mo 149 owe 1300.000 TD at I re I s s 7 5 o / m 0 anc1ng avail Cell Sue at 180• oc:een/cyn views. bdrm, boet lllp avail. 11. W. Cenada. 981-1247 11¥.%. Income S $36 . •PETS OK• ~!~.!~ ...... 1.¥.~ 752-5040, 9-5 wkdyt , ~l-5558 · 11150/mo. 494-4578 000 mo. 780-0909 240. Musi sell by Dec I WALK TO BEACH ..... ~,. lmnldH 31st. 631-4516 I 2 Bd House and 2 Bd Ou·1 E.lide darilng 3 Br houae, Beeutllul 3 Br 2Vt Ba 3 Bt. VleWwlprtvac:y, wall! CIMn 2 b +den 2 be. :r.:-.-::;:-••••••••••••• tr-...tJ 1-...._-.u_ J 333 E. ple21tltt St CM n1wdl~•d75ecora~~· !'~~ condo, 2 lrplce. encl. lo private bHOh, no frplc. patro. 2 car gar' t.a.. lllW jf. ~no ~· I v1w~E )'If -Imo • .-... s ~ gerege. micro. ocean pet•. getaoe. frplc, btl· I & I ••••••••••••••••••••••• Partner's quitting 3 br, 2 • 645-8103 No petS HCurlly. Joyce Waltze. view. $950/mo. Ed Ina. 1st+ sec. 1950/mo. ~~m~°seo.1'm" 1· 2 8r 1 Ba, lrpl, tgl gar11ge ba. 2 sty duplex. NB llYESTllEllTS 1 II PllY I e111T 831-1266. Agt. ~171 499-1817 · leool mo Incl. utll, Agt $275K. Agt 538-3600 R E aide 3 Br 2,,., Ba condo ~ h B H BEACON BAY: LrQ. ltv rm 873-4062 ng, yard. No pelt. U111 1 · 8 2 bdrm, 1 be. $495 Incl c ay gls. Newer" 3 w /p lne pnlg corner -.. -dj-Ni _______ _ lfdi/1 B••1 {71tft2000 pd $540/mo. 111 plus 25/mo. Spa. Joyce utll. 4 bike to beeCh No bdrm & Den, Frpl, New wind/ti t>Hm Cell 1 Br '"k ZJOI , e c 8 4 e v. w Weitze, aet 831-1266 pet•. L°"'*' unit In du-c,p1, Ocean vu, lmrn.c.. w/tJ p'orch ar' Prl~ ,-...u '1n •••••••••••••••••••••• AG T. NO FEE 18th.499•1817 Est·lde 3 bdrm, 2~ ti.. ptel(. 213_.34-8148 11050. (213) 5~126 bch.' tennis Ct.gSSSo/mo •••••••••••••••••••••• PRIW: MOBIL£ HOM£ PARK 11 l !'-tptH\' ••fl .! \ -+\t •• , +-~II .telcl1t1ur1.1I ,M It"' S.i I 111 IH~I Cote RHlty I lnnsh••nt Co. 4 Br condo tor ...... 2•,<, encl patio & yrd. frpl, dbl 3 Br. Townhoute. sharp, 2 Nor1h Laguna 1 bdrm, 1 Incl utll._875-3337 bef 10 8AY ~~~'i:eoo~ 2 ~. ~~~.: ~$600 Be. 1850 1.1 .. 11nn11. ~ar. 111. Lit & Sec. $775. 11ory, trplc, 2 car gar. bll, rir· 2 bib to beeeh, or aft 4. =0 uYiL pd 303 E t Br, i>.ytront S850 pool, rec. No pets. Refs. 631,~25a;nl a Isabel. $680/mo. 831-3131. Ave I lmmed. $850. NEWPORT CREST, 3 Bd, ~ater.'t111i1-2866 . 2 Br, ocntmt $1000 Avelt 12/1, S«-8071 or 2 STAY 3 Br 2 Ba Quiet 553-11487, 851-134$ 3 Ba. tri-lev lrpk: pool ' _ _;;. ______ _ ••-• 1•••n 739-6521 NEW 2 Bt 2 Ba dbl ,.., St V • . 1' • I d ~ •m. •-• tennit ._.. i ,..., ~ wet Small 1 BA llj)t, ,_ upt, -~ • • -· . ery nee enc y ....u. _.._ · ,,_., ...... -· ..._ $425 1 •,<, Br. garage, ,yard. 1111 ~I plus fridge. No 1750/mo. Agt. 53&-1435 •• ••••••••••••••••••• ber. weaher, drylf, ~--..-. 875-5088 PllP IUllll9llT 1 525/mo. Weatalde Peta. E/tlde. S650tmo. or980-M88 2bdrmcondo.A/C,enct 2 CloH to bch. lmmec. ---------17M17S 641--0763. Pett ok. 657-2691 S car gar Full upgrad... $875. M S.9830 OCEANFRONT STUDIO, PAC. cuttom ••ec 4 Br, $800 mo. 551-0255 aft 8 ~nt $350/mo lnctua- OAANOE. 3Br. 2 Ba, lrg Easllide. r999 •dlts pre-Eatllde 3 Bd 1 Ba houM 3 Be. pool, ac:i•. many •TWI M. IEPI Ing util 21315ff..1934 den Good neighbor-!erred, 2 br, 1 ti.. gar· 1850 mo .• no peta ext rat. S 1200 /mo. ~ Jucj ,., lHN/optlon Cullom Mk tor Jot,,, • hood. Children OK. age.$625/mo.873-7544 Avalleble J en 1. 9&4-0221 ••••"••••••••••••••••• twnhome 3 b, 2~ I>&. · $700/mo 997-4763, Avau, 2Br, lBa, 1 atory. shag, 8'C2-0096 II Tll ea-Super lt)eCltl 2 br, 2\.\ i>. fam rm, din rm. 'trplc, dbl 2 Br. 1 Ba. lucn. no IJAr. Dec 20 l cpt/drps patio lrplo LM ........ .._ -oondO. loft·type den wt gar. Approx 2000 aq ft. Yeat1y aeso mo plus~. GARDEN GROVE· 3 Br dahwshr 'beam~ cell~ 5 b~rrn:1:Muy ~~m. Vu of ocean: 2 Br. I\.\ w•t bar, frplc;, open MJke, SM I, 521 -~618 utllpd, Nopet1.Stec>tto 2•,<, Ba Luxury Condo 2 1ng1 28So Elden SS-40 1 I 3 Ba, guerd gate, pool/ beam_, celllngt, many dye, 551-448 1 evt & ~. 8'7S.50e9. . · • •rum, oar garage. 1aun1/gym 1800 •:xtrae Stt5 /mo wtlndl 'I car gar Full emenltlff. mo 850-1798 Boat gala, ,_ly Oeco-213f333--31Mt; 9eo-131i 14a-7452'or &41-2880 •• ---------rC...• •l llM 111J $725/mo. Ed 96-4-8171 Eattslde 3. Br. 2,_., Ba. prl· raled. M ... V«<MI. $1, Big Cyn condo on golf •••••••••••••••••••••• vat• patio wl apa, tned 000 mo. Xlnt terma. lnU• 1144 Spee. 3 br, 21-\ be very courM. 3bf, 21-\ba, big ....... APT ...... bectcyd. remod. kllchen. 751-2445 or 548-5155 •••••••••••••••••••••• deen twnhae, pool, Jog-kll .. tee. gate. tennis, es1-n14 CdM 3bd cnrmng l800 2 ca.r QMaot. $950/mo. L-quiet E...icte 4 or, 2 BIA&.I g';?·1= $800/mo. Agt pool, Sl200. 494-4431 e-rtlfUI eunaiet. decor• Hunt Bch 2bd $800 1tt lest & MC. 648-3532. b• tamlly home. trplc, le • .... ....... BAYFAONT • Bal Penln, tor turn apt. Frpl. 40 AOIU nma Weal Bay, 2bd $950 , ..... , -oar. 1850. 831-1054 ........ $1411. 2 Br. cottage, Newport quiet, 5Br, no d()dc, no 1995/mo 873-0898. 1 bile home rtl 7 Npt Shrs 4bd $950 -Height•, ftple. redWood p e t 1 . $ 2 o o o m o or mo pa · TwnhM 3bd 11000 4 Br 2 Ba. encl. patio, EatUlde 1, 2 &. 3 Br.~ I dackt. b rick walk•. 875-7173 C.u.... 11U units per a<:fe. 115,000 Npt 114bd bytrt Sl200 111*:, 2 ~garage, No. IH on private 1treet. wooded gar $750/mo •••••••••••••••••••••• per ac:te. Chetry vaney, B9Yfr1 condo 2bd s 1250 C.M. locatlon. 1850/mo $475 & Up.11'1Quir. al 234 Aval 1-i-83. M5-M25 . Npt cr .. t 4 Br. plus Ir. 1111 ... ~ 1~~~g3~~· Age n I. Hbr Vu Hma 4bd $ 1595 831-7370. Atk for Jim. 2 lat St. Of~ SM-J979. -a._ 2 Br 21>9 Vertalllet condo. ..,.. ::a':oa t Al.L VTIUTIES PAID Spygl ... 4bd I 1850 nm .. Eatttlde -Don t miM tl'llt jfJ A d u It • . (I 0 p. II ' llQ9'I # ... t•i•, ,,._,,, Udo 2bd. den $1850 Landlord needt big tu 2 Bd home on Magnoll• ~~ MSOlmo. Dys 831-31151, Compare before you ._, U# ::re! Lido Pl< Sl700 wnteolfl S.z "Rent thl• 4 for only Sl 29,SOO. Take ' ev/wtlnd 2131912·9352 lfll.... IWtt. CUiiom deligrl ,.._ p~j.;,··o;;;;,:•;;~;;,~;; ~c.!'1bd == br, 3'"' .. ba. _,om pool =:~'°;'·Call Mel '4{.~ S Br. Weetdltf, avail. now. ~~n~:~Y~:~~h~;': :=;.:=:r~cov~ cc Plan 300, golf, taaiel WATERFRONT HOMES home. Oourme1 Kii, Ml·llll 11000. Harry Fred«lc:k, ovenootclng lake & fair· ptuah landtcaplng. No mtn vu. l 189IC$100 u-U1·1• Formal dining, deelgner S-860() ag1. 831·1268 or way.. "fotally'chertnlng pell .. IUfT\. PP 71411155-4151 dacor~hruout. Nllural 4 Br. 2\.\ Ba. "NEWPORT la. 5'8-5508 91 12200 mo. 1 aR. Furn. 1515 It~-roek • MCiluded tncd RIVIERA" Condo avall --3t5 W. W11eon &42·1971 0.1 -'--'Y .,_ ~ J• yrd. Very MS'f ·~n· 12·20. $750/mo. +de-523c_.,·-·-BAYfR(lff EASTBlUFF•. VIM• G'~ • ..,,. Attr ............ .,,._._.__.. a.. ••Sf •••••••••••••••••••••• 1350 under matket Agt l'V'lAit 1 •3a '>••• • L. ......... '..-.,,,,..,, ... ,,...... r...-r....u ... ,..... -3 8" 2 a-fp I •"7·"7"" ....,. • ' ~ • -.--~"'.... neda, ...........,,. 3 bdrm, -. I ..._ ...-..., ....,_" •••••""••"•••••••••••• .., ..., • new pn ' .,.., .. ..., .... .., ...-----· --..-·---..-s2ooo dwn. 3 Br 1 Ba, 1:91. gar, $1000/mo. yrly.•·4-Br-2-ba.--...._---bonul---Euttlde 1 Sr, Quiet. W0008AIOOE No. 1 Wiid ...... Pttl. 2,,. ba. Canyon view, Meture. quiet. "° lhar· garaoe. tite-lna, tWW pa1n1 Fhl, Ill, 144-9805 • • .,,.. '!P.· Stove/frig, new cplel ~ 3 bdrm 3 be. 2 F'UANISHED or unlur '*' & "'-" •1000 mo. lno•. No pelt, 2234·8 & roof, San D1mM ioc.-2 Br MWly ~a1ed c~~~de HSO, a&ll d r a Pe I · ~!et I car ger. Femliy rOOl'l't. niaflect, 2-. minimum j•"IN•, "'"a;-c .. o •an Auto9tl Or. Costa Mel&. 11on.AaeumeS70.150a1 goo d cond 1 7 00• '610l mo8S0-'40889V98 w.._,drye(.Nr.Aaa'n rental. hcat locauon. "" "'" •• o 2131454-5104. 12%. 30 yra llxed. 2131790•9000 dy: 4Bdrm,3bll,llvrm,twn &wtuida. pool, ape, temla. A¥1111. 11500/mo . Owner Joaquin. Lov•ly 8'n •••• ,-.... 84&-11844 790-7302 -. rm. reo rm. ooean vt.w. BACK BAY A'""'.. 1211.1145 mo • .._.,. 844"'813 JCMlqUin Plln. 2 Br & den. --• ...._ •TW9 Milk 1 bet\ "*" f 3 "~ vleW• to parll. lue & ._..,. Llllldaoaped •--• •.J .. •-•&....-0 • °' 1 Br w/frpl. l350/mo Incl UnN Part! 3 Br 2~ .. 2 HatbOt View t--. 3 bd loolhllle. Fr••" paint, ,.._ --_... --... ..., _,,,,. _ •haring. St80 /mo 11111. 1s1-n11 cet. ger, 1"° Lf .• 1 'yr 2 t.. ..,_ l!Ome. pool: ~reed! llOO mo. -,._ ........... ~ .. ,..._ 1• MMl60 EASTSIOE. .. ....._ 1 leaM 1145. 8•H-7220. garden•r. 1 1200/mo. AOAMUOINO ~·~·':j":-:i ••• •••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• S5101 N 1 .. ...,.'", be. """"'-8756 Awl 1115-a 1411141 ~r oour '· v •Y • Laguna Niguel houN & 1 yr old condo, Balbo• mo. •w cupe • 2 car gar. Large yard. ..._ • Ol 9W99 -OOUfU. r.c room. Jr. 1 Renoho Calif. acreage ~ 3 er. 2 ea. 11 ~ ~i 2,;:' ~· Chlldran and pelt OK 3 bf, 2 ba. ala, 2 car ger., EaaUtluff Condo . 3 b{ Ir.""'*'*' l430. 1 or H • w a 11 prop . arnenll'-. ~ ct. ..,..... o P • 22t E. 24\tl Pl. 1790. trptc, no oommon -. 2*-. 838 AmlDo{No I), 8Hu11ful r•ntal H. V. call 657-0075 498-7078 corated. moll conve· garo.92ie;:;:::.,81 754-450I r e c c •nter. S750. lt75 , ltO--tse'f Hon.-,5Ml1100mo. It;;.: "*'' location, 1 block _ .._ .... •1 ... EMlllcM IWnhM. l8R. 2'A 652-32ta. 213/597..-e7 21,,..t""4IO "-· tfS.771t; 7I0-1117 U .. !f lntlll from Nnd. Call BrOker •-...... -· -be. K ...... , ..... Ot< ... .,. ...___ .. ~ • ... a Be ••· •••••••••••••••••••••• 17M912 ~11 ~,,...... . .,.,.,..,. ~ ""'11119 .. ..-. * .la• a ll1f •• ............ ..... ....,,,.,..W C.... °',,., •-• ·~.:: ~~:,'8,:;,o~~ :P~: L~~rvln• ,..,., "~O:~~t.J':!:: ~f!j£/cod·:;;;-.tit.i9~'-·....... llRFl•&m ········:..-.-.:.:.;····:· ........... ~ ...... t~ gar. S7IO/mo. •Id '*• s 8r condo ___..__._..... (211) .... --• • -Jin .. ~ ~ "fM' -~d~ 1 I 2 BA. pool, •P•. "1M -.1 CHARMING: 2 Br, 1 Ba. up. 782-6822 __ ....,,.".. -1Ml17'0-0M1. oon.--........... "'.. • eeo. "° ...... fum. llWlll ...................... lrQ rma. be9fn cell 11111 Blufb, "'6C-w . Uncle ...., ,.., ...._, 11111* quert•r• 11000/mo. l11~-- Cu1e 28', open bMfMd lo bch ltSOi m o 1 Br. Tr .... ~. ut11J1 Har1131-12tl,... upgrad•cl cl•teoli'eCt ~~ 1111.-.1• IOtl Ct .. oe111nge. pvt petto, or-t e &.94M. · peld. No pet. ...... I tlOrne In WOIMllN.._ I A0aM ,_ I ...... CM-• IOC. '4CM1H 7 . refer. 111 . plu• HC. II"-"" ., '-. .......• 1..... d. a : I a, • , • ' ........ ""°!.-cl...,.,.. ....... .!-'~.,,., 2 •.. 1 .._ ooetaoe '3N/mo.-.1111 ... ;n:" ............... lftalnt9"Mele ,,.. yrcl. 11000111•. ....... Tiwt'a.._. ._ "" - March to YfNf phone 10 n, -I. 17211 IXlC. ""' ....... 1111, L•ll• ,..,a '•""''· ONLY PILOT place a la11·11Ctlno ,1.... 41887~2117 _1.7....,ndmo. Find •t1atyo11 w1nt In w ..... * vtlW.J pello. 110001..._ el14trl. a tP f M9, ,.. .,.. 8lfMCE DtMCTORY WNlf ACTIOtn allied ad. 842-5e7i _. ..... -D9lly Piiot Clw"*". _....no.GI?• -•11o1•· ...,. tJJP4_.,, .... ....., CIMllll9cl Adal42-M71 --,,. Orange<:ounty Reat Estate/Arr Adverttlind Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, 08cember 11. 1982 -21 ~•I• fuald-4 ,,.,,.,_,, A,.,,.,.,, A,.,, ... ,, ~ti A,.11•••1• A,.tl•••I• A,.na1•t1 •.;:;,i;; .............. !~~....... ...!~!~~}!~!!........ ...'!'!!~!~!!~!!. .......... !~....... . .. !'!!~~!~!!........ ...'!'!!~!~!!~.'!....... ...'!'!!~!~~!!. .... ... 3141 ~.~ ••• ~ C..11 #ft4 Jllf C..I• .ft4 Jll4 C..I• .... 3114 CM.... 1114 utJNr. '--u• JH«t 3141 •••••••••••••••••••••• . lllfllllT •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• ;·;;··:·.;;_·~··· •••••••••••••••••••••• ,._,II ll41 ::r ••••••••••••••••••• , .. IEIEllYE m Little Ille pier 3 llOfy WllTUll ~ per near •choola. '::; 2 ~r 2 Ba. ~~SC •••••••••••••••••••••• IMge Studio with kltctlen. Beeutltul & perk llke with deluxe lrg. 2Br. frplc, me8tiBAU Bachelor & 2 Br •Pl• petl. No waterbed1. aa:01~ a7v5~-319~n 1. 2 Bdrm, 1 ba, $450, neer beach, ahopplng. terraced pool. 11800 mo. 87s-3067 IPllTimll avall. Pool, 1pa, laund S450/mo. 831-e 155 · 1e111aa1 & dep. 7794 $385/mo lnclde u111e. 111 *Specious Apia rm. No peta. lmmed Oc;. HOLIDAY SPECIAL Newman. Ph ~59 mo.+ $500 MO. lo move •Private Petlol e•YfRONT Beautlfully landacaped cup. WHllld• 2 Br. •love & Large 1 Bt. CtPt•· drpt, $445, 2 Br 2 Ba. pool, In. Hotel California Apt• •Covered Parking n garden apt•. Pool & Spa. Bachelof $375. retrlge • ..-ty deec>tated. 1ndry rm, prkng, water lo 0 0 L e a v e m e • • a a e •Dining ArM 9-M. .......... Patlol/dedta. No peta. 2 Br. $525. No pet•. $450/mo. Water pd, gar. frig. Xlnl loc, no =-~• ~7~e.epet•. _4_1M_-2_7_97_. ____ _ •Walk In CloMt• 2 1 Bdrm $475 955 W. 19th St. P •Id • In d r y fa c • pat•. Ave 11 n ow . ' Oceanfront 2 Br 2 ea trpl •Home like Khchen1 Furnlshed1 1or unfurn, 1 2250 Vanguarel5'40-9628 TSL Moml ~2. 1831-8427 1 Br. refrlg, bull1-ln1, 'n' bld/i In No Lao' 1 blk l o Huntington mo•. m n mum ranll M~f22 Clrapea & carpel No • Center tranaportallon & I EJtcal loc. I 1500/mo 2 BA cklplex w/end gar. I ~· 9e0.2875 · 1 00. 52-,5040, 9.5 trwyt ' Owner 644-9513 9acne1or1 $410 Spacloua 2 Br. 1'h Ba. Aedec., good nelghb<><· •-;:,sr. · _wt<_dY9_. ____ _ "1ut-.I flH Yearly -2 Bdrm, 1 be 1 Bdrm $485 :n::uN w~frt:· E/ hood' S 4 9 5 . Ca 11 3lfl l&ITl9I YI.US ._,, .... Jiii 1 Bdrm From $515 tlr~. 2 cat perking. 131 E. 18tb. 64~18 blt..kta. =:;mo S~ 559-5001 •••••••••••••••••••••• Townhouses tor reht. :':'.-d':'::•••••••••••••• Townh9e unturn S800/mo. 875-9797 181 E. 18th. 642-085e Mgmt 641_1324 · Lovely 2 er twnhH on H•F•D APTI Deluxe f .. tur ... 3 lk. 2~ NO FEEi Apt. & Condo from S650 · · E.llde, nu crptafdrapaa, -~VElY PUCE' ea. $100tmo. carSllty rentlll. VIiia Raritlll. U QUINTA HERMOSA Panln Poln1; 18r, view, 111. '211;. ~ PlllW HIFllT frplc:, patio & lrg 1un-TO-UV~ 7 14/847.3 8 5 7 or 07~912 BrOlter. 18211 Partlakle Ln, 1 blll IUOdeclc. lndry 1495 mo. Newly decor. Gaa pd, Like nu, lge 1 br apt•. Cleek. gar. $525/mo. 1•t. •Homey/Pvt 1 & 2 Br 7l•l848-3725·. 2 Br. 2 ea. from $525. No W. ot Beach. 3 blk• S. ~~~~· 950•7996· encl gar. Clwahr, pool, frplc, dw, gar. $475/up. lut & dep. No pell. •Pool/tpa/bbq . Avell. for ChrlatmH. pets. Acirou from ~ of EdlOQef .... S.7·5441 bbq. no pets. 542•5073. Patio 0< balcony. Poe>! & M&-3420 •5 ac:t• of l>MUlllUlly lovely cuttom 3 bdrm, 2 port Beach Golf CourM. Sml cottage, 2 Br 1 Ba. Newer 2 BA 2 Ba. $475. ape.. No petl. 2850 Haila. •MESA VEAOE 2 Br. 1 lanC11caped aurround· b• with double gar, fife-S..s...855 * $350/mo. up. Bach · 1 frpl. no gar. $700/mo No pat•. 760-1418 or M ... Pin.. 549·2«7 aa. Newly decor $495 lnOI pl place. no pel1. 1615 l'l)O. --------- & 2 Br. unl~n &Fl furn. lncL uUI. Agt. 673,..062 642·7528 ...,./wknda. .,.96: 1 Br, ref"n, patio, No peti. 833•897,4. · .• ~.lfWYl1 ar .. ' atlOp ng 17871 Van Buren, call tor WllTll IDTILI pool, spa. 18""'2 orld•. ..., d "i" f ...,.,. appl 0< Info M&-5924 or 3 & 4 &. Ctoee to water, IM2·2834, 842-3172 ~ Lrg 4/plax 2 Br. 1Ba. no pelt, • u ta pre . 2 bedroom, 2 ba, waoe. •No pet•; turn avail 980•1347 furn & unfurn. reuon· l..U1•h 3111 d•hwr. W /slde. Avail 731-0 18th SI. 873-7787 upatalrt no peta l475. (11•) Ml·Htl ebla, all amenl tleJ,.o llrill1 3144 •••••••••••••••••••••• 1 2 I 1 1. S 4 9 0 I mo. 1 Br ••1" ~ __.__ 1604 Car-979-38'2 8081 H-"--' ,.. HB ........ _ 67"' •n12. •••••••••••••••••••••• 2 Br. 2 Ba. yrty. Mature. S..S-6625 .,.. "'· r~. ____ , ""'9flU ""'· Vt~.. ~· Or1nge1ree 2 Br 1 Ba. non smkrs. no peta. $600 Cl/w. ale. gas water Btwn Slater/Warner ,:_ BlACH lower u nit on waler, + dep's. 2131 799-4195• BAY TIMBERS paid, patio, NG. gate. bMlletlf off Beach $650/mo.Eves551-8581t 257 _9 79 2 o r (714 1 1 Bt.,flr~&pool crprt, pool. parw rm,. WlllUlll Private patio a garage Call aft 11 AM, Cua hw le•lltl ..... __ . ~I ~I NG . . PARK N PORT APARTMENTS ......... ,. 3141 873-3986 $460. 648-9883 Granada. 979--1911. Spec. 1 a 2 br, lovely • SKUltty G.les ••'••••••••••••••••••• e.y1 I Iv beech 1500 399 W Bay St 1BR., 18A • 280., 18A plnea & streams, sec, • P()01 & Rec lloom COUNTRY CLUB lNIHG Luxury lludlo, he HBO. ':" 2 ': 2 . A ---. 1 Bdnn, 1 be. pool, laun-both with two car electtlc: gal ... entry by ph~. • , ' '/ 8R P.thO Apes IN NEWPORT BEACH phone, maid aerv, spa, sq RS ~ C::: Large 3 Br. 2 Ba. Town-dry, adults, no pets. garagee, n~. aky-lg• rec arM Incl. gym. • r,•,Ot!ft l~lldstaP•no Slngtea, 1 & 2 Bdrm. $130 wk 499-3015 place, gar, 11 · • houM In quiet complex 1385, 833-7890 or lights, patloe. pool & ....,. ...... 5 ... 1 Ai>artment• · pie O< single. 1 d ' &48-IM7 f ......-.........., • • D1snwasne1s & 880 1 •SIGHT & SOUND 813 2 162 large poo ' gar en Ml· 1 rt• • Jeq 10 Btadl & Sl\ops & Townhouaes OF SEA 1Br, lrplc:, gar • ting. 1875. 645-3381, 2 Br. 1 Ba. upper In lri-1•11 ,_ 1111, Ill ... Wll.I From $560 winter 5426 mo. 2 Br 1 Ba. Private sun· 875-5949. pleJt, encild garage. No "' IW Lrg 2 & 3 BR townhouM On Jambol'ee Ad. at 494-5184 dbeckl k• N-bporthB&eacbh • 1 bf, refrlg. stove, lndry. peta. 2278 Pomona, 631 5909 aplt. encl gar, frplc,INear San J:~ul1nl00Hill1 Rd. oc 10 eac •Y. Peta cons. $395. 1920 $475/mo. 851·2175 • Hunt. Hrbr. from 545. -quiet quality neighbor· Wallac41 640-8029 Chlldreo OK. 840-6807 2 Br. 1 Be. Vfll) prlv ups-j---------hOOd on Betboa Penln-· 2 Br w/gar. upstai rs, talrs unit. 3 Blks tr om Beautiful large 4 Br. en-sula Point, turnlahed Of 2 Br. 1 BL 571 w. Joann. $415/mo No peq. Reta MA.OOOX APTS: 1 & 2 bf'. 0 0 8 an. 8 nc1 gar ·1 cltd patio , •t•P• to unturn. 834-1679. Up1Ult1. N o pall. req'd. 352 Victoria Wzatfk:ld ~~O~O~tt~m:: 1550/mo. Agl 536-1435 beadl. Yearly. 675-«t9 • • ,.,,..rt • &. 3111 Be• ch tr o n l B •ch S425/mo gi.,,a ~gmt. IMS-8181 Bet Of 960-8468 Wltll '°' doctc fOf power • ......... ~:'........ $300/mo, lat/1st. 1418 641•1324 Areplace, pool, dlatlwuh· IPUWll 9--5. s OPS Br boat. 3 8A 2'h ba, eon- EANFAONT Dix 2_. Br. w. Oceanfront. Avall 10 2Bt upslaltt. quiet. encl er. pvt patio. X "¥ ~d-Beautiful gard.,, apta. Lge 2Br w/gar. S uper CLOSE TO H · 2 • do. 11200/mo w/dodl. By week or month 7"'77 dOOI 1110 '"-2Br ........ 55 •• Pallolldeck•. Spa. tie.t clean, cloH lo bctl. 1 Ba, L&und tac. Nt bctl.1 $1000 without 650-1 190 873-7873 -Sat onty. 6 ~ 22 gar. no I",.· ....... "'· · .......,. --1· paid. No peta. $495/mo 984·4886, No pet•. S450tmo, l~st Mrs. Long ' ---------3 bdrm. 2 be. Frpl, Lrg t 0 r !: ·2 • .419 0 5 / m 0 Large 1 Br near •hops, 2 Bdrm. 1~ Ba. $5eO 536-7330 only n the beach hotel 1 Gar, $785/mo 831--1 8" · poot, all utlll paid. 188'e 2 Bdrm. 2 Ba. · $685 m dep. 960-6972 OCEANFRONT-Custom room apt. kitchenette & 875-2018 or 675-7810 2Br, 1Ba, downstalra, lncd Monrovia. 548-o338. 398 w. Wiiton 631-6583 CLOSE TO BEACH •-1 JI 0.Cor, 3 br, 2 ba. up. bath, furnished $250 & yd a garage. $500 mo. Unique baotl, w/loft and UTI•f I emenlll ... )'fly $1200/mo u p + de p ' 2 3 0 6 w. * *. Great loc, bech & 7"'• ,,,,..., THE SEVILLE 2 Br w/gar. &t-Sde, 2 bd, 1 ba Ou· frpl, IJIOlle wld ,.,,-1g, All w··:.···, ·Sq···;.~:::·2··B··2· M•IU1"9 Penons. 7400 w ocean f, 0 n t . N . B. patio on bay. 1295 Inc ~.,..., crpt1, d<pt, bit-Ins, lncd pleJt. Cll'd gar, Prtv yrd. u t 11 pd. $ 4 5 O Imo. ..nu · ~IV"• ' • 873,..154. utl. No kltch. 873-1943 E/Slde, cheery 3 BR 2 Ba, yd w/patlo, water pd. $495. No Peta. 288 536-7979 # Ba. dart. gar, A/C. patio, Oc:ntrnt 850-9192 liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilirl2 Br. 1 Ba. ullll paid. 'n ~~~o~. ~7port , ~8v1: ... ~.~:~~lac~~~ Santo Tomu, 842-8388 WALK TO BEACH: B•· $700. 850-8839 ~~;~~~LB~.T~ ':iAdt~· b I o ck 1 o b ea c h . 1 ,..,. •1..... 2 Bel, 1 Ba, gar, pool. c:helor, stove&. refrla, all '--•••...,. l 1725tmo. 982-49 t4, 1800/mo . 111. & Int M ... Verde lg 2 br, 1'n ~ 'v Child OK. No pets. utlla paid. 1350fmo, ::7................... IM4-Sea6 Spacious singlt. ont & two !Mdroom apartments. 648-5743 t>a. oar. patio. no pei.. 1111 • ....,.~n 15501..otmo7 . 1399 A Baker. 536-7979 llUlflllT --------$500 & MC 97M383 ·····-64 83 Moat elegant apl. bldg. 2 Br Condo . QUIET, eJtlt 1295 nice bachelor, res-· · ... AllYI WALK TO BEACH 1 Br In ~ Beactl, nn.1 cond. Prime Weatcllff ponsible person. ullla WM.LAii ... 2 Br 1 Ba laundry nn 1 Br. avail now. Wtter & w/b81cooy. Stove &: re-toe.lion lnl own. biiilm c nso 759-052 paid, no peq. 10G E. Bay 759 W 19th j orpia drapes' tlot water furn No pete. frig: $425/mo. takl"" ..-.. WI buMt-im., 9"1-_ Aw. Apt 9. · · p oo • • · $375/mo, 984 Ml11lon · ..... 79-"• Minut• from tne beach $4()().$415/mo. ....,._ .... ,.,.27 ,,,_,. •.. hMted pool, suti-oanioe. A f 0 b h 2 LUXUAV 2 BR. 2BA. 22&4 Maple .,,,..., • .,........., 3 bd, 2 ba. garage, leun-elavalor Le••• only c rou r m eac • C.... ''' •u 31 Marble pullman t09 2 Br. 1 Ba. carpor1. lndry 3 Br, $475. '"'Ba Ory facWs. ldeeJ f0< 2-3 1850 & up :drm. del~•· Ve~. •••••••••••••••••••••• Decorat0< drapet rm. vi-of golf courM 2 Br, $425. 1 Ba adults. se7s 840-t128 330 Cliff Dr. 494-80e3. 750/mo. 631• FURNISHED or UNFURNISHED ALL UTILITIES PAID. HEALTff ITtPI Tl MUI Pkdh w/w carpel• from deck. $475/mo. Pool, No pet• 548-9556 Small lludlo ocaan view OCEANFRONT · 3Br, 28a Large 3 Br. 3 Ba. many Walk In Cloaeta 568 Joann NEW CONDO 1 Br 1 Ba. nr Main bCh. 5335/mo'. upfier unit , frplc. gar, amenities. s 1100. Call Private petloe lSl .... MJ-1111 2 dack•. trplc, micro· 2 bdrm. , ... b• 1wnllH utlll lncld. •94-30«. sd~.527m3o~r.ly5 ·!!!,;,2725 Dorothy 673-7975 Gounnet Kitchen wave pool & •pa $415 + '375 d•P-Nr T• v ...,..., ,...._. Clean 3 bdrm. 2 ba dpb, Carpor1 w/ttOf'age 1•85/mo. 2 Br. tV. Ba. $8751 • A all F b 1• Beach Blvd at McF1d-H 1. t Spa, OU1door BBQ upper unit. •II blt·ln•. mo. 11 • • den. Quiet, older person a• 1•1 H patio, gar. xtru. $950. Ulund~ carport, lnelry rm. b•I-986-2859 pn,t'CI, no~. m_.... ••di 314 1 l>f, 1 ba. llove, retrlg, new P•ln1. CIOH 10 betlCh.$410 557-0975 CLUBS. TENNIS SWIMMING plus mlKh mort! Sony, No pet•. 719 Hellotrope $550/mo 548-4630 cony. •WNIT -• a.-· • •••• • • ••••• • .... • •• .. Open. 972.9406 ·---------------------12 Br. Wulalde Coita 527 W. Wiiton . Beautlful/Landlc:lipeel ? Baaullful 3 Br. 3 8a. no pm. Models open daily 9 to 6. 2 Br., frptc, stove. bal-MaH. c arport a pool. lSl .... M1·11U aa.. weter peld. Pattoe. Kennebunkport TownhouN. 2 car oar- cony, view. no pell .. 1700 No peta $.41S/mo. Call Eutalde BacMlot pool. jacuul, aaunu, lsn 't that the horse that won age, frplc, lndry htt-ups. Oakwood lnclds elec. 322 Hello· ~ ., __ ___. .............. Ff~.. tennll courts, volteyball m I c r o . No pet •. trope. 875-6024 Open ................ "... __ .. 2 ... Th T I I c own In '72? $950/mo. 876-9006. 12-4 ,, •• If-.... ,. door• to private patio. courts. rec room. -e r p e r LU " large kltc:Mn & !vii bath. unfurn. 1 Ba. '525. call rY""\ ,.-~ den ASNrtnleftts Beaut. ocaen. ciey Pavtllon Spacloua E.Sld~I•. Avail Jan 2nd. $3e0/mo. _55_7_~_76 _____ 4 ~ ~ 1 1\....1 ~,, ~ .. ~ •--..... /No city llOM view. L.oe 2 BA, End gar, patio, d r & No peta. 752-2550 1 bdr m 'ff'· Cptlng, If you're not sure who (Of what) ._..pot1 uc-.n . 2 ea. grut old CdM toe., stove. Moat U1H free. No drape• a 1 utll ••=• t f • 880 IMne Ave. s 1 4 O o m o . 1 ea, e . pet•. Utll paid, Quiet. Adults, · Kennebunkport was, don't eel bed -you re (At 16th) 648-3441 Aak about Patio. $300/mo Avail,,_, ::t~t.'2e~ pet•. 5 1101 alone. Kflf'lnebunkPQft is one of 14 645-UO.t THE SHOAES·BEACH Chrlatmu Ol1COU011 _1._&4_4-8ff8 _______ ,----------1 dlslinc1ively different apartment floorplans al e.cMIO<. E/Slde, bath & Seawlnd VIiiage In Huntington Beach. ,...~ •--..... /S AREA 2 Br. t parton $510 ft.LA 11111& kit, u111a pd. S250. Seawlnd VIHeg• ls a result of totally ._...,r;>0~ ~ 0 • c~~ ~O~A~~rA;~~iy 2 er, 2 perton• 1645 2 Br. 2 Ba. family com· 64&-573&, Me-1279 personalized proleatlonal plannlng. The kind Clecorated rnodelt. 1 & 2 1 Br. llartlng at "435 p1e11, dllhwuher & di•· *5751 2 8 2 8 of attention you detefVe A perfect blend of <11 Oo~rl Bdrm ,....11. 5550 a. sees. 2323 Elden Ave, CM poaal. encl1d garage, mo. f .l: 1o'· nature and IMng -nesti.d In a forest with ~!!!!!!!!!6!!!!4!!!!2!!!!~!!!!511~31!!!!!!~~! POOi &tennta. Call Karin 642-7805 utlll peld. $630/mo. pllll ~~~·:tali babbling brooks and quiet pends. COOied by ~ 844-2911 mTllT. ~4~1•7. 2324 Eld· bit~. amall pet otc.' natU<al ocean bree.t ... Add 10 that teonls G 2 bdrm 2 2 Br, 1~ Ba twnhae. en, .. TSL MQml &42·1803 oovrta, swimming PoOI .. •spa and• Br 2Ba. •tep• to bch, reet • ba upa.. Bul ltlna, launel rm. 2 bdrm, 1~ ba ~10 Joentl °'aft 5, &42"8221 convenient locallon near ahoC>Plng end Maume 8 mo. on yny IN tall'I apt with flrepltce, ,,.,.._rt/r.r· 6ard/bek:. St. Adult:ad· Small 4HnploylMnt tnd you·..,. ~· Piec.. anyone 1760 mo. 860-7938 evea balcony. gar. Avail Jen. -.. -Id "'""'dly --" (l--1at 1800 mo Small et K . F/p , dog OK. 63 '9lf WOU ,.,.,,.. ...-.._, BA, $375· mo., blk t 720-184; wknd• M25-1636/mo. Oelulla 2 Bdrm, bit In, •W Ken~portl) One and two bedroom one ocean/pool • angl edit Aft e wtcda 2817. 2543. di ....... r bbq 1_ .. ~1 on ........... and two bath aperlment• from l540 pref' Cl. Avall lmmed. 2548 Orange Aw, ...., ' ' -~ 1 Br. t2H/mo. 2 8 r. ~ nd &42-5002 S4S50 2 bf. 1 be. frplc, no 2314 Santa Ana Ave. b It w vu * 4 9 5 m 0 S3ealmo .. lnfent 9"fy. No WI peta. Call tor...eppt 828-5147 peta. No wewt»Mt. Plua ~ bdrm, near beach, • Aoant, 790-1198 M T8L ~t ......... I in Hunt1 on Vlllan.• Newly furn. P"111ng L 3 8 a I t V1-· -•· a 1 ~ -8 1 1 -3 5 8 s , ·--=====:i--1 &42·1 ra r. •· carpe • 2480 Newpott lltvd. 1 ---------1 drapee, ~. nr OOC. I 213-390-5485 •••l1iin 2 Br 1 Ba. °"" drapee No P•'-· USO/mo. L.to a Id . .._. ...,.. 1 Br oceanfront bldg, knock.I often when you llova & O/W. 14751mo'., _1_6_1-3tM _______ Iota of wOOd thruout, 1$555 Huntington VIII-. L9M Hunttngtor win $400 UM reeutt-oettlna ~II ·-.. rv bar. 1410. HH IMcfi CA (11{) "3-51M e1~9::.';f!oy~aot. · Piiot Claealflec:I ~di 1~ !_51-9&50. 718 SMllmer, lYll... Mapl e. IU-1101 orl From the 8en 0..00 ~ ctriv. not1t1 rNch ttie Orange Cout L•roa 1 Ir. r etrlga, 541-7Sll 8MOf1 to ~eoden. "*'...ion bact*Of. full beth. marllet. 2 Ir, 1tlnt ioc.tlon, klcl1 range, laundry, pool, ---------; McFeddan to~ Vllleae from beactl. Avail. Phone &42.&4178 OK. 1et moe. rent & de-c. r p 0 rt . N 0 p. t •• hMllcM cute 1 bdrm duo Furnllt\lftga .., ....... OS*' dely lo AM • '300/mo yrty. 212·30th pollt 16215. au.1800 Of 1426/!ftO. 131 W. 11Hh ptex, 9fMll ,.cl. 13H. ... .... 8t. 875-3208 &46-5736 St. &4t-o4ta No .,.._ .... 7121. - Lower 2 er. ouple11 wt patio & c1rport. $725/mo. 631-5'&4 3 Bdrm, 2 be. 2 blkl 10 beec:h. Patio. P•I• 01<. $700/mo.873-3728 1 Br adul1 condo. VerNll- lel. OOMll'I vu. se90/mo & $760 MO.. dep. Agt. 54M547 Newpot1 Heights, 1 bdrm, 1 be, carport, Gd ~ tlon. 1426. Cell Jane 14tr1800 18' -.>t w/ato.., t.-rtg I parking. 1400 mo. 87S.0.12 aft 5PM l.usury 1 Ir penthouM, pool, ape, OW'IOOklng coura:,d. 1at. IHt I MC. Imo. IS 1.o300 1 ar, yeetty. t•r J>kna. ... to Medi. '4U/m<>. day1 731·1441 evea 1114211 ·-2 2 -OranQe County Real Estate/ An Advertising SupplefTiellt to the OAl&. Y PILOT /Satur;a~ber 11, 1982 ----------------"'------------"=-;.......::....::.: .... I ... A,.11•1•t1 U•l11•i1•H ..... 4,,,·1a1'11 ,. 0.,. 4M la1'11 ,. a,,. 4M OllJn lai.l Hll 'Mln ._W ...........................•................ ······················1······················ .•.•..••.............. we I c 0 m • r 0 r n 0 n -MtF 30 +prof. tum. room, M prof Miking M/F (neet IELllE s•m ..... •.at ~-Prof'I or exec. • bf. B be. houM. N.B.' n-emkr) rmml• etw 2BR ....,. ~~.~!~ ... ~! Prtv ba. Npt Bch. '300. -·· 1325. 8-46-1309 1BA modem furn mpt w/ Weier frHf aL1. ~IO~_,t!· Av .... ,· .....••..•.•....•....• 044-0388 'Ml1 Bdnn /bath ..,..... frplc t bite from OCMn 1 ..._ ......-. """"' ..... pr .• $550/mo. Bachek>f Pen-r w • ...,..... (Balboa) l200mo tat t .50/aq ft. LHH. 474 E. t7ttl St, CM. A.gt. ~-............. pool, Room for rant, tum/ un. BEAUTIFUL. 1300 mo. IMt lt50 0754479 842-4144, M-F, t-5 Pat r I ck Tenor e ~-:,ur~ :.::·C::: ::: ~=or $250 +1 545-~ after epm. MC. For LMM-Ottlce 3 rme, 131· 12te ' ~CSL8f.f~t 8'2-1803 Room for rent, kitchen 1375 mo. Shr w/Nwpt S:f:ict.::~~~•m;~~ = ~· :0:-.,!.u~: ~A!f!f!.~ •• prlv. 1 180 mo. Nwpl Exec.831-8<.'5&. houM In CM 12~. All 1&423 BMct\ &MS, H.8. Aetellatoreet2080Avon, $a Cl ... 19 jiff Hgtt. 6-42..et.a 'Fem lo thr 2Br hM, CdM. ho u a eh o Id pr Iv . Cell 831·7900, Aft 0 & 1fe6 aq. ft. plua 8 car 2·aR:~:·;;;;.;~·,;; •Mfh •1tl1 fl• non-tmkr pref. Frplc, &46-'4987 after I wltnda 831-9309 geraoe. 841-8~77. deoor. pool, nr beach, ••••••'••••••••••••••• W9tW/dryr, • blkt to bctl, Shi w/cpte: ~t. lrg 2 2000 eq ft oMce w/rico lq 1000 t.f., 16eel for eJ1er· bus. No pets. '498-6277 IUUll lltll 1317 mo .. Incl uttl. c.it Br. CdM apt llboftCNna ft~ 115'45/mo. clae etudlo on Bel Panln. Wkly rentela now avall. ett OPM 759-1105 c 0 v •. a 8 r • v • 11 • ltWM ••· Mr ~I. 175-7829 dyl, OJ3..4293 2c~id~~nba& ~t1~ ~~: i~~~.! t:f'ro~~~r2J~4 ll2 congenial yg rems . toClhMr S395tmo. 075-4298 IMve meeaeoe ssa-* ...,..._ $'450. 492-6637 or N9wport81vd CM 3 br, 2 ba EJ1 lde •. CM: 3 guys. Jae. pool, Fulleervlcaexecutlvetul· c-..ttUJ 974-7225 6'48-74•5 · ~~!...'. ~~52 •• ~.,~Ill• a I~"!!~t, utll pd. s200. t• wl1tl lew library prM-,._,.,. 4415 2 Br 2 Ba, nr San Cl• .-...., --........ .,.............., legea (Est. 19771 Offlcea •••••••••••••••••••••• B E A C H A 8Vllllable mo. to mo. 0t * 550 eq n 1550/mo. Xlnt mente Hotp., patio, R £A F 2 ahr 3BR apl In C.M. furnished Condo. Fe, leua. 1185~45 mo. for P.O. Box'•· CoHt newty decorated, waler & non·tmkr. $165+ dep. Own 8' a ea. HB area. word procaslng, eon-Hwy/Newport Shores O a• pd . S • 8 5 1 mo $84/wk 22 & up. 11;}1·7037 All AmenltlH. $250. ference rooma, Telex. loc. Me ea44. * 891·16« 3 Br 1 ea C.M. home, lrg 984-9'4&1 or 844-2583 Executive Row Inc. 3801 --------~ CLEAN & SUNNY, 2 Br. 1 Retrlgerator-Mald·Pool yrd, tr pie, call evea Chrlttlan F 10 ahr blo turn. MacArthur Blvd, 211 ~at Share lnduatrlal •P•c• Ba, refrlg, gar. No Peta. Nwpt Blvd & Wiiton 631--0503. $250 & ulll. hOUM In H B ... 7! Incl Jamboree Blvd), N •• 86.Jor office, nr 8Nch & s 4 5 o, • v a II J 8 n 2 . .__Coe_t_•_M _____ S4_e.._0_1_ss_ · · -· 752·7170 later, H.B. Reta. Price 4"" 2710 ·-M/F non-tmkr, to IJhr 4 br. utlla. Nc>nemkr. No. pets PRIME LOC•TION.· n--neg. 842--0100, 9&9·1221 -""'--------Pine Knot Motel on Coast w. ba home. S200 + v. or kids. 986-3880 " ·- 1 Br. with appllances & Hwy. NB. S ttpa to utHs. C.M. 850--0907 .... , .. -bldg, 1100 aq ft"' ceri llt 1111 Liii 1...,. ecroa from~ ocean. Wkly rat••· r-• be divided. On PCH. • T,,_. · e.~ Female to s hare 3 Br. Femele to et\llN my kl-~ BMct\. SloP by Tiii! $400/mo. 861•1192 home In Mesa Verde, 1 xury 2 bdrm, 2 ba Pro-a aee 2'430 w. CoHt 1s121.f.atonlyeotlt-1st lat Au 31111 IEEI A PUOE chlld ok, non-smoker. montory Point VIiia. Hwy, NB A.gt 831-1400. floor of '47'4 E. t7th St . .... ! ................. Reatonable rate•. Kit-Call alt OPM. 5'46-3831 Ocean/bay view. fir•· -·n-na ~!'41._1~;. Patrick Tenore 3 Br 2 Be, nr S.C. Pleu., chenettea. pnon., maid !Lawyer want• to thr 2 place, prof. decorated. •-..., ,vv rec rm, pool/Jee. $695. Mrvlce, z ch1nnel mo-bdrm apt w/nonamkg, Tennis, pool, gym. Ve<y Deluxe office or •lore S45-713 t , -MS-5323 VIH. SANDPIPER MO-neat F &41-8100 reeeonable. 075-8327 1P9Ce. 14280/900 aq ft. WuflMI TEL, 1987 ~ Blvd. . . Dan p I I H 2/'8r 14304/1200 aq ft. 8-tl ... ,., f,,, ... ,,, l.a.SJU 3111 CM MS-9137 F rmmte 25-35 to IN 3 bf, • 0 n "· 'j BfYd. 8twn 2 rwys, ctvlc •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••• :;;-A•••••••••••• · 2 b• condo In lrvlne, •;t•ll now. $250-$300 Center Shooolna Center, 1750 up. 2160 It. lndu·1 CONDO. 2 Br. 3 Ba. Vatafiq Jnl•/141$1 S27S + utlls. Many ame-mo· Ca 11 co 11 e ct prime locaticin. 079--8189 stNI ·Office. 19101 ,,. Ocean view. Cloae to •••••••••••••••••••••• nltlea. 857·904'4 617·759-1671 Of el0-01'44. dondo Clr cle, P & T hwy a anopa. •99·1460. P:~~ "~!!E~!;~c. ,..._pa M/F to •hr 3Br-Tuatln M/F share CdM home. NB prof oll ooo aq It Huntington. Beech. • · ._... .,.. ...,.,... avail 12/15 $230 mo. • • &42·283-4. IH86 f"' Mld/wll/ndt. S50/nt/cpl. home, .. ,..... s11,"te,.,....... 075.1871 ThrM carpeted room• ---------• •••••••••••••••••••••• j Holiday rsv. 58&-8119. toe, avell 1/ 1·93. Call w/bel alnk. Ctlermlng ftllt 2570 aq 11 lrvlne UH. •••-a •R•-I Tom 770-4483 ,_,,.,_ w .._.. ~,-Iron Colonial bldg nr city S 1030/mo. Al10 Mr. ~ -Perk City Utah Condo. .a wu,.. w -....... ...,.,,.. ~ .......... R le ---I S'--1 0 kitchen 'walk Rmml• lo ahr 3 br hM • ••• •• •• • ••• • • •••• •••• ..... ,."' ._......... ........ Hogeta ave m••••ge -·-......, • • E ....... _ c M $250/ • WANTED 2-3 bdrm houM 1565. 073-44M 539-tose Wkly rent alt $95 up. to till lift. Avail Dec 18 lo /...,., · · mo + / Inc M Color TV tree coffee I 25. S.-50, 714/4oe-0314 '/\ ullls. Chris S47-7272, w J:m7 ft. 3 IWll ...... 1000 s.t. apace w/offlce, heated ~. a st991 to Lerge Big Bear Cabin. 6-42-1963 • er pm Exec. Sult• Incl. rec.pt.. on w. 18th St C.M. ocean. Kitch' avail. Pool Table color TV 2 Female roommate to CClfona del Mar. Retired sec'y Ml'VI, conf. rm., 845-9907 985 N. Coast Hwy. 1rP1 · 8 • s I e • P 8 1' 4. lhare 3 bf eon-oe. c M. couple wlltl • 1·2 bdrm kit., mall hendlg. Res· ll•strf-1 ...... Laguna 8-:tl. 494-5294 714/545-0910. S 1 7 5 a u t 11 . Eve' aot or home to cere for • POfWve to your buMleea 1400 ~h office lf1 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil..!83~1~__..~1~8!:_. -----1 ~"' or 1oW rant. No needs Adi 405 F'wy 1n aq Room, etv Ba. pool, Npt ..... 875-2A24 F v ~Iv o.c... Mol ino Coet• ...... Very r•• Bch. kit. prlvllegea $225. Female aenlor clllten to ti · ... 25 MS-6445 · rant. C1111 Mr. ScNcttter. 645-2590. Pref. Female lhere 2 bf duplex, non-..,._. 1-.. , 4111 om -• · ~ 28/over. 1,a1la11 •ti II• amoker Nwpt Hts. 1225 ••••A-•••••••••••••••• Offloe lf>909 fOt ..... 7101---------1 ...._...._ • 111' •4" 3192 E/Slde C.M. CIMn agl on It 1595/mo Utll1 P•ld 1100 af. ToP Loe .. 2 ofc Furn room, prlv. home E.xcel.;~~llone '" u · " v · or pvt WW:/. long term ltOt· ek ground tioor 1055 ei w/cpt, 0/H Door, Fri/ pool, Sec. Gate. Nr OCC. Flnety Appointed &'42-45045. age, $70. 073--3800 c#nlno Or. C.M." 3 bllll E ,_. dt, 1315. 076-e25 t Call daya 831-3910, eves 7111./t•11. ••11 Stable 30lth to ahr 3Br Nwpl Hta eree, t lngle of Fairview & Adams. 1100 aq ft. ofllca & ..., .. an 4:30 631·9n8. .. ..--apt by t1alra to beh In o-• 165 mo. 754-10'40. Mr. Trecy. hOUM. xlnt 1oc. So. S.A. NEWER comp furn, NB Laguna. S300 mo. + '/\ 548-8831 or 640-8535 STORAGE YARO 1840 Minnie St. Cloea lo Wll'J amt, compae. t~ 819 Beat--tU_VJewJ94:l 182 .. 3600 .,. tt JMllt with .. 65/405 frw~a. Reu. pl/aide get h9e. u coot!. f rom Snow Sum"'"· Avall !Mmed. • ~~ ....., "" ....-1su-- Mat qui al resp emp I r p I c . S 3 9 / d a I I y . Pool/Jaci 4 Br home. SC ............ niiiiii"•• 000 eq tt ytird. Rent • Mg 000 lq ft, male. 1111111 SI D. Raf. see-9167 Plaza. M. 2 1-35, ttr., •5000 aq ft unit with 10. $250/mo 2944 Randotf $375 Ind utll. 645-2663 lake Tehoe, Incline \Ilg, 3 non · am k r . I 2 5 O !Ult~~:. ooo 1q n yerd. #5, C.M. 075-5118. Mature wor111ng female. 8' 2 be Mil rental. Anlo4-&'4t·3523 --• -•• - Prtv l>a. klt pr1v. pool Nr nett• 702/83t·555-4 1-0ulet--M-l_F_t_o_thr--2-br-.-1-ba-1 S650 • • Furn/untum 714/111-4711 f!'!!~•••••••••J.~ff oc Alrpor1. REF. $225 LK ARROWHEAD • 2 l1y w/ 23 yr M. 2 bftla trm An you need tor one Stor-.... _ 12· II 18' plua utll. 557-7678 new 41>r +loll. 2ba, 2 l>ch In CdM. 673-5309 '".?!1~~7tee0 I SUBLEASE OFFICE .7"'"' ...,._.... .,...,_,,.. SPACE ANO/OR WARE· 38 door. 170/mo. plue Smell ettrec. lum. studio trplca. 2 baleonlee, color M 10 lhr huge beach hou-HOUSE SPACE. 5 min lo I 7 0 • • c • d • P 0 1 11 • rw bch tor ernprd. Non· tv, sips 14. North Shore. H w/panoramlc view •llLID lffllll* O.C. Airport,• olllcet 073·4154. Newport smkr Prvt kltcheneUe, $295/wknd. $395/wk. Balboa. $350 /mo: 1 MO. FREE RENT p1ua aoo a.I. warehouM ~- 1>"'1 entry S300 Ind utlts. $595/mo. 522-863 t 675-IH>44 1 room to 2800 eq. It. w/gerage door. Any pwt l;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;j pool, TV. lennls. Rel'a CONDO-SUN VALLEY M/F 10 Stir lge 3 br 3 be From $1.10 • aq. ft. Adi. or al. Sq. foot-oe at be-For Cluaflled Ad req 493-3490 Beautlful 2 story. 2 Br 2 condo walk to beach Alrporter Inn a Frwys. 1 0 .,. g 0 1 n 0 r 8 1 e . ACTION Female Roommate to ' Be. Sleeps 6-8 comfort-s3 · Celt AM 833-3223 567·2900. Cell• shate apt. In H B. Good able. $85/dey. Call N.B. 50/mo. 645-0209 1017 W ttn NB 256 Dally Pilot loc. Non-smkr, $215 857-t24~. Ftoshr3br,2babuch· estc ' ·' OFFICE SPA CE FOR AD-VISOR 53&-2875 . front apt, Nwpt Bch. to •ooo aq. n. lat. noor. LEASE. 700 aq It, exit 642·5078 nonamkr, $310/mo Agent 5'4l·SOG2 Newport loc. 8'46-7720 Prof woman w/lamlly b•Ulr,. liu1 4111 5-49,...1'48 Airport area • Exec. Sul· .9em-9pm -···-- wants to ahare rm w/ •••••••••••••••••••••• Rmmte w•~t ..... · M to ·"r 4 ltM. Frorn 225-'450 lq It H.B. office In lndustrlal prol $250. EvH call 2 bdrm. 2 be View apt. P-· 1-· 1 :".::~-t per lq. tt. Meny xtras. e.nter nr Beech a Stet· 759•1406 Promontory Point. $380.' br on en ntu •· o-·· Cell S57-7Qt0 ., real rant Female, 2S-35 veer• old. q u 1 e t s 2 2 o / m o • · · N B. DOVER SHORES. Call An-ad No 533, 673·1'408 '400·900 PLUS t.00 eq. ft. 942--0100 .9"-1221 Full Be, l>ed. microwave. 6-42-4300 24 hrt. PanthOuM Bayfron1 Sul• 3 ottloe roomt 6'40 aq n trig. Sep Ml. $350/mo. M IF to •hr 4 br, 3 ba te, parking patloa. ,....... I I 'c M .,· h t/Isl. Call Ginger Share 2 br. 2 ba houM, houH. N.B. Nr beach. 073-1003 · ~k ~ •• 27·•,.1Pr • J ' • .. m.w::c--; 64 1-6668 Mon-Fri 8:30·5 lido Ille, bay vtew, allp $ 2 0 5 , U t & I a It 54a.'l43'~· " mo. 1ne1. $450. 675-3321 6'4>2015 1111 •• • Businessmen AC~· ~8. vw";;!:t~o.F~~n~ Shr lrg home or concso, CdM, Mesler bdml wfbL Attrect .... Nl11e ue>e1elrt 580 sq. It. Herbor-Baller t f 11 o.. u •,. d.,,,. g 1mkr 54>2517 111 laat depoalt u1111. Fum or unf\.trn. Mttlng. We euppty daa'I, Center (eoron from b k fl ftf'U Mfldtr o . ae&-8-479, M2·2«8. $250. 873-7359 ~. ~-You 9UP-Fedco). Join IOfM or-8 I Furn or unf\Jrn. Steps to ply phone, & ~pr mo tenant• al Ihle choice flClttioui UJlflt!U NPT BCH. Pool. Jae. M/F •hare Cd M home. Perk Newpon, 3 bf' twnn• pr daatl. c.il &«.7211. ioc.tlon. Mor· 549'-13M \IQlll' !PM Otl' tf'qlllrt<I tennla, eec. $235. Inc ulll Avall 1.2115. $375/mo + ae, M/F vu back bey. bl/ law tHimn•u and I 548-4260 '/\ Ulll •· Evet. 8·8 pm pool. 1ennl1, spa. Jan llAIT1flL Newpot1 BMct\ Profts$IOl'IA Cw Sf'c: • ---------1 650-3231 159..()().49 •"•"•n -Newly decorated, cer-17900 tu 179~1to1111 a ! Lge 2 bdrm unit downs· _, -·-peled, panelled office,· • 8 I talrt, sundeck, ocean Male atrelght, noo-amkr, Room for refit CdM, $310 With uH of reception, turn/ unfurn, luxurloua ,. IC:llti~u Ml lllt'U 1 v i ew NB $525 1 250 + ·~ ulll. ova a I u tll, fem pral'd . cont.room,kltdl,l)hone. etmo1phete, fully •l•f· Voml' Slolrmuf and I 862·74S9 . . 0 4 2. 6 .... 6 •It 0 pm . 760-1394 ... for Su.le HCretarlal • word pro-red. cuttom ...... havr ,, pvbhsh('d /or 6-42-5620 ceaalnQ. M.it a meeuge c.i1 752-6408 tour c:tm.lft'vfhit> 14..1ttk1 N.B. 2 room1. belti, pool, _,.._ Fem. looklng f()( Fem 10 Mr'V. avall. MP«•t~ 11 w ,.; o t th r DA t t.. V tennl1. tP• __. .. _, •hr 2 Br 2 Ba at Pro-dellred. Cell: Jene, *11'1mf lfM r'ILO't con ht lp 1.11101 $350 mo. 1545-5840 Shr ~th Newport exec. montory Pt. Maribeth 7141780-0100 270 1q It In Npt 8 eh. bolh Coll tlu' U X:At. Room ..tth kltch prtv. Nr $390/mo. 831-8050 675-0074 or 855·3993 OlllTM mTll lmm•dlate ~cupancy. tH:PARTMf;flT or bu• lln• a ahopplng Stw lux moblle home, '/\ wk .. Avall lmmad. ttl and 1 .. 1. 1400 lie' ~U-4321 1':.11 J32 for canter. H2·7520. bl! to oceen. Pool, rec. Fem Wier• 2 Br 2~ Ba :~vtceiOw l<:':,J:: r;,;j~/:075-900 7 • (Mrthtr lftformolut avtlll. Own room & bat"-w/d. lrptc, ger. Ut5/mo "°"* im.,. lllQh, Pr• -•--Fil -E Furn or unlUrn. 1250/mo + ullta. Joen &46-992t •t'OICM Weatollff -of , l•JJlfl;jlllll r~ 11t I IHI. Aval! Jan 1. Newport Bteell 111 Tum to loday a ~Miiied • ••••••-••• - In C.M. Emc>loY9d. non-Reft. pleH•. Call after Seit thing• fMI with Dally 0 0 0 8 t • , 4 I 0, ltlt be 11 buy. llA2. ~321 am6tr, 162-2216 8c>n'I. 980-584~ Pllo1 Want Adi. '3l~l r . •· • 042·5071 '" "' ----· .... -.......... . . -t}VoW.. .<fJ/ew... More value for your DIMES In the famous Dally Pllo1 DIMES-A-LINE ADS Adverllae ltema "P to ISO In value '" Olmea-A.U-Ilda every Seturdey '" lfte D911y Piiot. 8rifttt your ad wttfl c:aafl to •"Y of our tllr•• oonveM9nl olflcet or meM r-copy wllh • cheell or money °"'9r '°' Ille COfrect •mo""'· 20c per K-. 11 .00 .lftlnlmum. Sony, no llwe1tock. produce or pl•"" alld no comlnefdel adS ere aHo-d. Eedl lte"' ""'9t be pncied wlttl no he"' over HO. ~•A.U... •d• "'a., be plec.d et Ille Coate Meu office """' 3 p.m. Fridey, THE BIGGEST GARAGE SALE ON THE ORANGE COAST IS IN THE DAILY PILOT CLASSIFIEDS 842-5178 .,Plat n ' -Orange County Real Estate/An Advertlsjng Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, December 11, 1982 -23 It should be about 130°, unless your l~undry includes diapers (they need hotter water). Higher temperatures produce water too hot to wash your hands comfortably. Check your hot water heater. If the thermostat doesn't show degrees, set it on "medium." After a day or so, run a little water, then wash your hands. If the water is still too hot, turn the thermostat down a notch at a time until the water feels right on your hands. Besides saving water and energy, you could also save lives. Hundreds of people, mostly children, are burned each year because hot water temperatures are too hi.g_h. For more energy·saving tips, ask a member of the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REAL TORS® for a free booklet. There's a REALTOR® near you wherever you live . .. A public service of the Daily Pilat Classifieds 642-5678 REALTOR® l. - ·- .. • ~. J • • STITELY lllLlll Tllll - $116,500. Unbelievable price for this one In a million English Tudor. B ig l iving room , crackling fireplace, formal dining, country kitchen, wine cellar. Bonus room, BBQ. Covered patio, RV access llAll UllUJ -Luxurious llvlng steps to sand! Bubbling spa & gazebo! Assume low Interest loan, flexible d9Wn payment and terms! Call 963-6767. llllLE ITHY + Piil + 111111 Stl,OH -Totally. customized garden home! Sunshine patio' Bike to beach! Assume loan or tr) $10,000 down! Call 963-6767. a 11, ...,,,. ,... • •• •1-.-- Decorated to perfection! Bike tc beach! Assume 9¥ .. •.t. loan, $64,000. $564/mo or try $13,60C Down! Call 963-6767. YllTlllll HH TH 11111 - Architectural masterpiece wltt waterfall + Kol pondl Asaumt $58,500 at 91n•!t, $630/mo. or tr) $8000 downl Only $129,500. Cal 963-6767. and a beautiful sparkling pool. GI .----,,....---..-----.=-------::"!---.,.--.--...----,..---.....,,.._....,..--------.~ assumable loan (large). Fruit ~~~~~~~~fi~~ trees, etc., etc. Call 546-2313. ll HPH IEW LllTlll -Huge 4 Bdrm. 2 bath. two story home • .)'11th family room and large patio. 1.ocated In Greentree In the city of Irvine! Minutes close to schools & major shopping! Well priced at $167,000. act nowl 646-7171. PlmlE PUHIT -Fussy buyers and not so fussy: bring them to see this charming 3 Bdrm 2 bath, completely refurbished and redecorated home. New carpets, new drapes, appliances, ceramic floor tile, c;:punter tops and more, morel Also Includes ·a large well landscaped yard with many beautiful plants, flowers and.trees, plus a larger than mini nursery In the back. Priced at $127,900. 546-2313. STEPS Tl UllT 11&11 -Beautiful beach duplex! Two 3 Bdrm, 2 bath units. Live In one and rent the other! Steps to private beach, cl ubhouse & tenn is . Only $285,000 fee , call today l 646-7171. WIN A $25 GIPT CERTIFICATE FROM TOYS-R·U• This Will Be A Drawing (Not Judged on Coloring Ability) •E Tl Tll 11111 -Super buy at this price. Light aud airy, with great ocean breezes. Large llvlng room and dining room, 3 spacious bdrms. All located on a quiet cul de s ac , near much more expensive homes. close to the beach , proposed marina, shopping and bike trail. Terrific family home. Call 5<46-2313. 0 Ag": 75 and under ... Drawing: noon, DecemlMr 2 ht Mail or •ing to Your Neor"t THE llAL ESTATBS' Office: I ._ ,_ -Waterfront 3 Br. 3 Ba + 2 Br. Income unit! Owner'• unit .offer• formal dining, huge patio, auper view and a private dock! Well priced at 1550,0001 Call now for appointment! ~7171 . ~ llWI -This home Is only alx yeara old and ahowa Ilk• a model. Large ftoor plan 3 Br, 2 Ba wtth for"* dining located mtnut .. from South Cout Plual Prtc.d Right at 1136,000 -call for appointment &46-7171. ·· . . . OTHE REAL ESTATDS OTHE RIAL ESTATBS OTHE llAL ISTATBS 1700 Newport lfvd. 2790 Harber lfvd. 21030 lrookhunt St. Costa Mesa 646-7171 Costa MelCI 546-2313 Hunt. lch. 963-6767 FROM:-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-:-~~~~ ,_, .,....., .. WIW -Prtde of ownerthlp, Harbor Vt.w Homea. 3 Bdrma, 2 bath Monaco! a.at value In the area and ••lier wlll aHlatl Reduced & Priced to ••II at 1201.eoo· •••I C•ll today. &46-7171 . 1111111 II WllTILI" -With uaumable term• under 12~%. mak• thle .. Br ~ home a cut abcWe ~ prtoed mGdele In th• area. <fomfort, terlftl and prtoe make thla one a ,... e.gmnt Priced to Ml at 1234.000 -llC1 nowt &46-7171 • t • • I • • t .... TWI Wll'T M -Seller has bought another home and must sacrtflce this stngle story beauty. Rambling ranch styte with spacious rooms throughout. Lovely living room with fireplace. Big bdrms, family room, huge covered patio with skylight and Spanish tile floors (Actually a bonus room). Many, many extras, k itchen aide dishwasher, cooktop with griddle. much, much more. Call now, won't last. 546-2313. IAMI• fDll -Superbly priced 4 Bdrm Mesa del Mar family home with sparkling pool .and bubbling hot apal Lowest priced of Its kind at $135,000, act fast! 646-7171. YllllT, F•ILY .... -And at the unbelievable p ric e of $119,000. Great starter home also good for Investment. Big rooms throughout, newly paJnted. Drive thru garage, 16X17 storag& building. Many, many extras. Call 546-2313. 1111•1 1111,111 -Of built-In financing on thla huge 3 Bdrm 3 bath executive Corona del Mar homel Enjoy sweeping views of ocean, bay & city lights+ elegant pool & deck area. Seller may trade or exchange. Call for detallsl 6'46-7171. LIW ... I mTY -Axer In great neighborhood! 3 Bdrm need• work! Allum• loan. low downl Call 963-8787. t-llll IA_.• -OwMr muet Hll thla beautiful Ht of uRlta under market price. Showa definite pride of ownerahlp, exc.tlent conforming ar•. The complex and aurroundlng arM Mve been very .... IMlntlllned, rental• demand top dollar for area. Include• 5 encloaed gareo••· 1240,000. Call todmy, won't IMt. 548-2113.