HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-12-13 - Orange Coast Pilot,..... • THE ORANGE COAST MONDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1982 County eyes state help liy STEVE T HIPOl.I 01 lh• Delly Pllol l l•n ( )f illllo(I' { 01Hllll Y ..:11\'l'I 111111 !ti ll\IJ\' lot" In tl\C' '>Ulll' L1·g1-.l,1t1111 • fe11 twlp Ill IL ... lc•lo(al l1.1ttl1· •'/.(·'"'"' -.m.ill 1 la1111.'\ l.1w.,u1L' 11v1 1 .J11h11 Wa\111• A11prnl 11p1·1..il1011.'\ A11 put1 M.111,11-:t·t Mur 1 \. (',,hit I" .1 ... klllfol 1 lllllll \. 'llJWI \ll'OI' let 't"'•k lt·g1,l.1l11111 t h,11 v.uuld 111.1k1 <di .'\Ult... .tt(•1111'1 tltt• <111 ftetl I '>llµt'l llll lllltrl 111..itte·1 ... :-.111 11 .011 ·" ''""· ti .q111111vc .. 1 \\ ,,.i),I .cll11\\ 11111111y l.-wy1·1' 111 11,i.:ltt llto · "1111.'\ l.c\\ YI'" 1111'11 l .olltoV.c·d llt ... m.11l 1l.11111., 1.i1111 .111 d v. ,, ll I cl I' I I' I I 11 d ,. l 111· l'""'"11ltt \ "' -.111' , . .,,f1cl I 1111111-. lw•111,i.: I dc·d tt\'C'I .tlld CJVl'I .tt(•llll Nc,crl\ ',.!()ll ple>j1<llY e>WJ11·1' h.c\ • flle•d .. 111.cll I l.,1111i.. '>lllL'> ltt .t.11 .. ,.,,1 h d1·111.111tl111Jo: lite• .... 111.cll 1 l.11111-. 1111111 "' :SJ :><JU 111 t1.i111.1._w., l'lll ... llll ... ,c) lo•).!l' th.tl dll IJCll I 1•1>,·t.•lt•.11,..,, ,i\l.,t· ,,.,1,1·, v1tudthH\!\ .011d 1111111". '!'ht• ... u11-., if '" 11 \ I '• ... I \I l ' ., IJ l d I 11· f 11 t· d 11 j1<'.1tc·cfl\ 1111ttl tlw p111hlt·m:-art• ""lvc•cf The· 1111111t \ .il11 ,1dy ha.'> rnovt-<I Ill "lf•I 1101 111111 t dlo(tllll.'\l lh1• '111t.' .1-.k111i,: th.it llit•y 1·1tlw1 II( t1 .... dl11\\l'd 111 l11111p,.d 111\1> .1 '"'git-••• \lltll ( '.1hl1· t'\ h1i. .. I 1111·v1uu:.ly ht:.u<l 11111111\ 1 l,11111s 111 d1-.c.·u~1ng has Dally Piiot Photo• by Oery AmbfoM Sandi Ho~t·, Ida, und Sut· llu('k arc· ~H·ll tlonrnu·ult•tl ou 1twir rounJ~ to find ill<.·~al !'liµ;n ... in Co~tu \1t·!'la ... twh a ... porwhlt· out·..,, b•·low, a long 17 th Stn·t·t. Sign enforcers unpopular By JODI CADE~H EAO Of th• Delly Piiot Sten If ;i populantv nlf\lt -.t \.\.1 rt• held tod<n Sui Ila< k .incl S,md1 Ro.,t · \.\.Ould -.un Iv Iii'>' 1 h1 t\\" Cost;1 Mt"'• t II\ tn'>P~"' tor-. lt,1\• bt•t n tht "" n out if t I"• 111 '' bU<illll''""" 111 lt>Y.11 thrt·.<lt 11nl and tall1'<I n.11111·" gu,1r;11H•·t·cl 111 .,. nd lh1 • .. -.11' 1 ufflt-d p.11 king Autth• tw11wom1n \.I.ho-... J<•I• " '" t nf11rll· th1 1101 .dv. ,,, popu l.11 t ll' -.1gn orclin.1r11 •· "'' ... 111 h 1•r11bl .. m<, cl11n I bntl11 1 tlwrn It !<"''' v.11h th< tt·rn111r" l )f 1 our.1 tht \ rt h.1pp\ th.et the •ti\ \f h11 I• th1•\' clrl\'• 1111111·' \\Ill. .c r.1cf111 1h1\ t.111 ll" 111 '>lllllfltlll\ p11l111• .... 11111 th111g th1·y cl11 • ~, ..... 11>11,tl I\ I>• •II l , 111111 li.11 k '' 1 t h11u L a ,.,,1 ... 111r .. 1·r .• 1 Ill v. t.u .. 1nt•<;s II\\ Ill I told I l.11 k 11'\' nth. \\ h1•11 ~h· r 111 • 1tt·1wcl 10 v. nu·" 0 t 1t.11111n 1111 .111 111··~.el 1g11 \.', e cl1111 I ltkt· tht ho-. tilt· t!'-t><' '1E~A :0-1<,l\. Page A21 Reprieve due for Ii-vine pool? Tht· ~•fl 1111·\f'r p11nl 111 tlll' Hc'ntaJ(•' Park Aqu;il11~ t 'ompl1·i. 1n l rv1n1· can he• k 1•pt np1·11 throui<h J11m• ,....., lonlo( •• , 1111 le·;ik-. drain w<1L1•r ii.'\ 11('t'Urr1 .. t 111 two o t her µoob 111 th1• 111mpl1·' aC'C'Ordtn!o! to .1 rt'<'!'lll nty n •porl Th<tt 111fnrm<1t1<1n will h<• a kt"< SUhj4'1.'l for d isc IJSSIOll wh1·11 tit• lrvinr l'atv l'ounc·al m1 .. ·L-. .at h .Ill pm Tuf'<iday 1n 1tc. onlv schC'dulNI mN•tm J( nf lhf' m11n1h M any -;w1mnwr-; ~nd pa n •nl' w h o u <; t• l h t' (' o m IJ 11' x . a n d espN·1allv i ts Olympu <;111'11 50 m1•1t·r p<K•I, arf' £'X IW< lt'd lo all<'nd tlw Sf'S.<;1on .1t City II.ill lo lohby ci1uncal m(•mnt'rs · 111 kt'l'P t hl' j.,.>11! llJK'" ·'·" lnnJ( a' JlC~"1hl1· Ti. .. I 111111111 Vl•lc'<l Ul1<t1'11llllll.,h Nil\' 2:1 to ~hut dnwn tlw 1•11t111· 1·11111pl1·x 1n J;111u<1ry Th1·y 'aul tl11• l<.11·1latv liu1lt 111 IH7ri for 1-1 Ii 1111llt11n 1111ild 111• 1 lo~t'd up lo tw11 v•-.11 -. 1..1. htl•· i.·pa1r., and 11111r I l1.ettl1·.., O\'l'I who P"Y' th1•111 .111• I .trt ll•d flllt ( 011) off111al' h;i\I• 1111 •d11 t1•d tit.it tl11 s.11nt· IYP''' 11f lc .1k-. !11 f t't ·cl Pr pt ~I('" IM·rwa I h t lw ol he ·1 ponls .<I~• will soon 1 nppll• tlw l.1rg1·sl llov. 1 vrr 111u111 ti rn 1 rn h 1· r s a s k 1· cl t 1 l v .1dm1111strator., to 111vc~t1~a11 ,111 "su1·' invoh·c·d in kt>C'p1n~ t lw ~10 nlt'tPr pool 01wn a<; lonJ.( "' I" '""1 ltl•· Tlw11 .111sw1•1 It 1 a11 I)(· d11111 ----INDEX------. A t Your S1•rv1t·1· Enna lloml)('<'k B11llr lln Jlonrd C'avak11d1• C 'la'<111f11.-cl ('nm11'1! { 'ros.o:;word C>i·a th Nouu~ Eda to n a l F.n trrtainmf'nl II n rO!'IC'f 1 pe lntPrm1&<11on All H2 A !1 m { ·4 II B!'l O!'l ('4 A!l 84 82 B4 A1111 I .andPr' M ov1Ps Naltrmal NPws P uhhc-N11t1c·1•s S porL-; Dr S tr•1ncrohn St111 k Markr·Lo; T1•l1•v1s111n Th<>alPrs Wf'alhPr W11rld N<'""' ' l\L B4 A:I l '•I I :1 112 H.I Hli B4 Al A.I t\ -.t.d I 11 pm l 11'11•,1s1"<I to t h1• 111111111 tod,1y .,;1HI tht• l'IJS\ Ill 11111 1.1t1• till' pn<1] through Jum • I llw 1·11d 11f t h1· ft<.,( al yNir) wnuld IM' $:.!h,!1~7 !l.11".1nwhtl1· 11 <1l.,o offf'rPCI a lt"t of lll'ar hv pool., wht•re othC'r .1qu.1111-... t las.-...•' 1111gh1 Ix> o f fcored St.1ff m1•111lw·r .... hnw('vrr. an• 1u1l 111.1k1111{ rt~ omnv•ndat111ns tn 1 lw 11111111 al on tlw pol1t1r;illy t 11111 It y ISMH' of k!'<'Plnl( thP poo l "llf'll Thi· f1v1· 1•IC'<'trd off1nals will mak1• th.1L c11 ... ·1s1on Thi ... 1.1ff rl'porl thou~h. no d1>11h1 wtll huov tht• atllturl<'s of • •·i.tular ""'r" 0 o f tht· cn111pl<:'x, who h.1v1· arJ<tH-<I all along th:ct 1111' rill 11Wll'I 111101 shoulrJ rPma1n 111i.•11 Sp11k1•..,.111•n ~urh as Art M1 [)t•v111. prt"Hdl'nl o f thC' I rvine N11v;1qu.it11·.., swrm tf'am. h ave p11slwd f111 tlw ~O m N1·r pool to ... 1.1y "IH'" wht11• rC'p aars Arr 1111111•1 tii k1·n 1111 t hl' two o thers, El .1:1 1111•t1•r d 1 v1n~ pnol a n d a 2'> yard tt'\rt•at1on pool C1111111·tl m 1·mbC'rS, how1•vf'r , ll.1v1• d1s1·nurng1•d !!Warn l t•a ms and 11th1•r p1111I rr gula rs fro m IM·l11·vtn~ that th,·1r prngrnms c-an -.1.1y a f l1111t d q >E'n d rnR on thr ~111 nwt1•r po11I 111 Lu t. n tw r1•11-i11n f11r lhP I' 11 "q 1 h I 1• t w o y 1• 11 r d ,, I a y 1 s (. f'f' POOL. Pagt A2l COUNTY EDITION ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS • jet noise lawsuits Ill • p111JH''>•el t11d.1v lie· • allt·d 1111• -.mull tlatlll.'\ 'IUih. wlt1d1 llw p la11111ff-, a d 1H1t ,.,,. a11111·d .11 .,wpp11l1< Jt'l 11111·1 ;11 11111-. .et the · ,111 port, J f11r111 o f lh•I us.'11111•11\ "lf J>l.'<1J1l1· w,111\ w 'u1• ~t,11ujo(l~t to l>t· 111 sup•·1111r 111111 l I lw11·' 11111h1n1< lo b·· l(.J11wd liY 1-(111111< t11 ;,111Jll l IJllllS ( OUI l l')\I t•pl h,lf,L'>MIWlll by till' lalljo(••llL., .. Ice !>ci l<l L'.ilJle··-. p1111111.,1·d I• g1-,l,at 11111 \\t1t1ld Ii. 11111d1·l1·d ,11 t1·1 ·.111111.11 I• g1.,l.1t11111 11.1 '•" d 1 .. 1 ~"" I· 111111l'ol11 l11t1·1 1111t1t111.tl /\1111<11 l 'l'l 1,11 .111 j 1111 I v. Ith Ii 11 fit ·.ifi\ h.e;. 111·1·11 111cl1·11·cl '" ,,,,y .... v . 1.d h1111dr11d thou.,,111d doll.11 ' 111 .,111.iJJ 1 l,1111" "e Xl'lllj>I 1111111 th.ii I YI" .,f l1·jo(.il ,11 11011 .of1e·1 .l.111 I ( '.1 ld1 .,,, 1d I h.t I l 1 ke ~.111 ~1.111<1 ,111 \he t11lllllY \\1tlllcl ·'fll>< .cl .c11 v ""·"' 1 l.11111'> :1w.11•h ••• ""I" 11111 er1u1 t .111\."' .1, 'I Ii• NB wants new By STEVE MARBL E Of the Delly Piiot Stan Ne wport &•ad1 of fll'1ab. 111 :i draft lt:'l ll'1 to Ur,1ng 1· l'11u111y s up1:rv1sors, li<1Vt' l!Skl'd t it.it c:o n s 1d1·rat1on b 1• 1<1v1·11 !11 providing a nt·w airport r.1th1 ·1 than increa s 1nt( f light:. 11ut ,,f J ohn W aym · A arµort T h e draft ll'tlt·r . lo Ix· voll·d 1111 tonight by t h t· crly t•oun1 ti, .,;JY" 11 IS thl• "t·rt•(•pang . ll\ll't•1111·11t,tl" expansion of t hl• a1rpw I th.JI tl11 clly fl·ars most "Add1tronal a1n1.tft f11ghh must go soml'wht·1 <· 1·l-,1· • tlw draft let tt•r st.al(~ Cou nty supc·rva-.111' .Jft scheduled W 1·drw-.day l11 lwgrn w h at IS l'Xpl'\.'ll'<I to l.H· .. yt'dl long look al tht· futun· uf th1 air port Sup1·rv1:.11r-. w111 ht· h a ndc-d a h .. -.l of 12 .dtnn .. uv, .... t h at ranl(t' from ;1 t.ot;cl .,hutdow11 t•f t he airport lo w 1111' 11p1•11 operataon I n I o 11 k r 11 g o v 1• r t Ii t ' .dll'l lt.ill\'t .... "\ 11fl Ii 1.ol ........ 1d tt11 ~ .111· w111111·d th.it tlt1· l11p l'ttil 1 uuld t1 <il1-'lat1· 111 1111111· th.111 l!cO Jt'l cll·JJ<•rtun•" dt.1tly Cur11·111ly. th1·11• an· 41 daily t111111111·n·1.d J"' fl1ghL-. N1·wport li.·al'h has :-1..H·llt 111•!1 t 1h.111 $1 malllon 111 t lw pa:-t two v1·ar~ trv111g to h11ld 11ff ,,,, 1><111 1·x p.ins1u11 Thi· lit\' w.1-. ' u r 1 t· s' f u I 1 n d 1·1 :1 ii 1 11 g L h • t·ount~·", last 111,,-,11•1 pl.111 f111 tltP o.urporl In the· dro.1ft l1·ttl'r 1·1ty 11ff1u.ib .ilknov..lt"<lg1· Lhi.il "tlw ;°'''"'"'"I-{ clt·m<1nd-. for .111 fJ.tS'>l'1tg1·1 ... \1\llll' (Ill \ht-l<lll ll\\) JI( I rt t• ( U l<lbh ' Thi· 11·tt1·r n1111·-. th .. .t \\ lail1 N1·1..1. port -.uff1·r., fr11r11 J<'l nt>i..e· tht· polat y of th1· lit) ,., not lo I lo:.c· lht· <..llrJ.Hll t Ill t•\ ('/I Ill 1·l1rn111<1\l-air l'.irnt·r lur l>11J1 t opt•ral11ms" Tht· lt·ttt•t <>lso dt'knnwh·dg.·-.. th,1t John W.iym· Airport 1w1·cl' 1mp1nv1·rn1·nt:-to 11·111 v1· dtlt1·11·1111 t.1 .... id '"th.it .1q11·11111 (111111 "1111• l.>.,l r1•-.(11I 1111 '111.dl I l.elllt' •ljlfJl',1b Wl11lt• .ill\ ·.1111 lit.it 1111..:111.1\1•' Ill '"'" 11111 I IJ\11 l t ,111 l>1• 1,11111•cl \11 tht ,\,l[e '.IJllH 'll,111 tiHU'b. ( ·.t1 1lt -..11cf llw t 1111\1uv1·1-.i.1I. \•I\ de t.eile«I .111d \'t I\ ll'\ 111111.il .11 g111111·11h 1tl .tll .111 p111 I 11111:-t .1111 h.1'¥1· 1111 pl.11, 111 .• 1.., .... y•·r It""• ....... .11. l.11111-.. 1tlll l airport I •11tgt·-.l11111 .1111J llll•ll1Vt•f1ll'lllt' l'ht· l1·t11 r l11 -.u p1•rv1-..1r' -.ugg1·-.t:-i tit.at N1·wporl 84·acl1 1~ ;i 1 l'<L'>'ll l<ll,lc• llt'lghlJ<ff, dUdrng lh..it "1111 11Llt1•1 ('(JlltrllUlll t y 11 1 thc· 1·11u111 y ha:-;, -.11111lar policy whll'h .ol't'l'IJL' J!'l ,111l1,1f t t.akl'llff.'\ IJVl I tlt1·11 t'llY .. Tiii' ,;lt1·111.iuv1· uty off1n.ds -...11d tl11·y ,111· hotJ<·ful -.ufA·rvLs(Jr-. \\ ill t 011.,11J1·1 t <111:-fur ... 1udy of <• Ill'\\ .Ill pot l Ill Lht• ltJUnty. po-.,d1ly .it S,1nl1..igo Ca11y1in J-u11h1·1 . t1Ly l1·<1tlt·r'> ~aid th(•y y, dll\ tl11 111unl\. tu <1gr<•(• th<it long h.1ul ,111d 111tl'rn<1t1onal flaghL' .. twuld Ix· eu11fan1~ to Lo., A11~1·ll'' l11t1·r11.1tron.il or Onwn11 Int1·rn;1t11111al a11·porl.'> "Thi· < 11111·11' of N1·wp11rl H 1 • ,1 t h ' I h t • d r ;d t I I' l t " r 1 11 n 1 I u d r ·" · 1 .1 n n 1> l lo I ~ r a t e t '"'Jllllg ,11rµ11rt l'XJ)<tn .. '>IOn which w 111 d (•'tr 11 y th t' r ro" d t' n ll <i I r1t·1ghh11rh1111cb m·ar th1· flight p.cth.'\ ,tlung N1•wport Bay whM1 :1.,.1100 of our n·,1ri<:nl.!> lrvc·" 80,000 jam Mesa swap nieet By JODI CADENHEAD Of 11\e Dally Pllol Sten A rt'l·ord 80.000 C:l11 ,.,1111c1s bargain hunH·rs fl1H·k1·d to ,1 wee k t>nd swap nH•t'l at tl11• O r ange County l<11rgr11und' 111 Costa Mesa resultrng 111 traff11 ,ams and a fE>w minor <1t'{'tdt·nt .. -. polrl·e said Off1t·1<tl.., for J'1 I l'h1I Entt·rprist•., 1Jpt·r,1 t111-. 11f tht '>\\ .1p 11u•t·t ,,11d '.111,000 1w11pl1· ... 1i .. w 1"<I up Saturday and 42.0CJO Sunday IJrl'<•ktng <ill 1m•v111u' ' r o w d (• s l t m a t e ~ f o r I h 1· 22 vc·:.r uld flt·a mark1·1 :I thank 1!'., 1nflcit10n A 1111 of µt.'<iph-art' uut of work v. ho ... 1111 want lo have• ;1 111n· C'hn-;tm<i'> .. -.aul 'l\•I Phil g1·m ·r<1I nwn.ig1 r ,J.11 k R<·c kwath · Th1·v d1tr1 t \\.dill lo ;,pend ..i lot of 0111111 . ., ~1\1 n11n111.wud111b1111urn·d 'Pelican ward' • patients IInprove P;;tll'nt.<, in tht• 1,.•111·;111 w.11 d of a Lagun<1 N1gu1·l ;,111111.11 hr1Sp1wl an· "d111n~ firw" d1·sp111· man infltctt•cl 1nJur11•-.. thrit ll'ft thPm without upr.w·r ll1';1k., ,ind thus unabll· tu fl-t'<I lht•m ... f'l\'t''> '' Vl'tl'rrnarran i.a1d Crown V.1lll'y A111m<1I 1f1..,p1t.d vl•tt>nn,1rran G,1yk Hol>1·rt..-. .... 11d <1 fourth prosth.1·tu ~Urt(Pr\ i-. plannc...J for Thur'-<l<t\ 1111 J,1m11• naml'd for al·tor Jam11• Fart of l<>l<>v1s1on's 'M A S II In thc· un14u1• opr•ratwn ,1 l1h1 r,.:la.,., m o I d r· d b <· o k 1 -.. s u r I( 1t o I I \ attat·h1•d w11h ..,t,11nlt"" c;\11·1 platt-... S< n·w' .. nrl ;1 '~)('1. t,11 hone l't.'111C'11l Tht· anam.il h1,...111t.tl ,., th1· honw for I.I 111 tilt' 111utll.t11•d llr11w11 µdu .111-. An11thl·t bard 1-. .I\ s('d World Ill s,,11 D11·go Four h:a\ 1• d11·d .,111n· 1h1• ma1111111g!-. l~·g.en Jround m1d-01.·111bt•r St...111• F1,h ..ind li.im• D1·p.1r11111·nt 11ff111.ds b1·l1t•\·1· ,111 .1n.l(r\ f1-.h1·rmc1n rn Dan,c Point ll.1rl•11 h,wk1-.I 11r '<IWl-<l 11ff the· lw·.ik-. tx'(iill'><' tht• bards -.1e<1I 1>.111 Dr Hobt•rL' "'"d sonw 11f t t.1 h1rds h.ivt· lwc·n namt·d .cftpr J.K'<tplP or t hdriit'lt•r' known fo1 th1•11 r;1lh1 r 1-rnnounn><I c;nouL' In add11111n to J.1m11• th1•rt•., A •• rbr.i rStr11 .... 111d1 J1mn1\ 1I>ur;;nt1') l"yran11 (de• l~·r~c-r.u I .mt.I Panc"i:·h1u. lht· ftr-.t l}lrtl tu rt'('!'l\'t• .in <irl1f11 wl lwak Deity l"llot l"ttolo by l"e111cll O'()o..nell Thr wnlt'r mny ,z;o hawk inlo lrvirw'-; 5 0 -m.-ler pool in llt·rilaf(f' Pork aflE'r alu· dly council nwf'I~ Tuf'fldny. during tht· busy two day penud ,11 0111• 11f tht· fdlrj~round" 1·ntr.1nt t'' 11ff Arltngtnn Dnvc> ;end l-'.11rv1Pw Hoc1d. pollct' said H r · l .1 u ., 1· o f t h " h t> c1 v ~ t 11ng1•,t11111 ;dung N1•wµ1•1 t B1ntl1·v;1rtl pol1u· art· adv1~1ng -.v. .1µ m1 l't bu) 1•r-. to uc;e .. 11 1 111r.i11tt"-,et F.i1rv1<·w Road r.nd !\l1·rr1m,11 w,,, M!'S<I Draw· ttnd 1\1 1..1. port Arlington off Fa1n:w1..1. .end V,1n~u.ird W.t) .md Fair An • 111r.u111· .11 F<11r Dnvp 1c; opC'n .. 11 I ' 1 " 111" t 11 1 1 ) l I 1 s a n d p•"<i(• ... tr '""" t\ lot of l"'oplt <•n ulllal111g 1111 '"·'I' nH" t f11r l'hrr .. llncls thi.. v1•a1 'Jld Slo(l Al<in Kt·nl "Thl· .1111d1 11L-. 1~'(·111 wh• n tht•\ dr1vt· lll<o r .... -.t .Jllll 111.1kt turn ..... from th~· \\ 11111g plan• I>i11111~ th1· \1u .. y w1·t·kPnd off1n.cl:-t111<·nt·d M:ny aw1tlahlc· ''" h 11f t h 1• fat rgrou nds fur p.11 kml-(. 1111 ludtnK prt·n1< areas Thi· I .~Ill! wlle·r .,, hawking I'\ l'I \'I h111g fr corn m1stlPIOf' and dt·...,~rwr J'"111' to o;ik dressers. will ·""" ltt· ,11 thi· fa1rgrnunds I l\,\ .!II :!·I f11r 'l>t."-'tal t•xtt·ndt'<I h11u t\._. /\clm1 ....... 1>11 \II tl1t ""ap ll)f'(•\ IS $I f111 1 .ir-. .111cl .10 < t·nt'> for pc'<h·.,tri;.n-. r h l' 0 r ,1 n g f' c (I u n l y f.11rJ<r,1u11d-. 1 xpt·l I I<• make $1 n11llmn th1., \l•,1r from th<> swap n11 • t .• 1 third luma ng from p.1rktn1< and ,1dnu-.smn f l't'S and a p1·n 1·1ll.1$i\t nf fuod and bf'vc>ragt. -..ti •. ., Masked rnen flt~<~ with $~l n1illion Nl<:W Yt>HK (AP> Twn mili-k1·d nwn with a ~hnt gun hr11k1• lhrou~h thr rnof of an arm11r1•d tar sPr\'l<'l' offt<'C', hnnckuff1'fl ,1 Rllard and t'S<•apc>d w11h about $R mtlltun in lht• lari.ir•st holdup rn ll S history. poht•C' -..iad tuda Y Thi' handrts. wt'arin~ ski ma<;k c; 1·nl1•rt•d thl' SC'ntry Armorl'd Car t'oun<:'r off•C'f.' a t :J!'l48 Roston Hoad an the Bron x 011 Sunday n&Mhl . poht't' said T hf' h a n dru f ff'd E(Uard wns n ot 111.)Urt'<l T lw thwvr<. u<;<'<l t rowbars to hrt,ak 1nt11 ;i vault room a nd .,. rnad P n ff with the· mo1wv an $:10 nnd $ l 00 l11lls. llt'Cordang Lo poller spokt>sm An J <ih n Clifford Thi· r o h lwry w 11s d1scovC"rr d ('arl y t c1d11y w h C'n othe r employc'l''I urnvt'<I a t tlw offt('(' A t f1 riit . thr loss h 11rl bl'en es t1 matC'd a l JUSl u ndl'r $1 m1l1 1nn Thl' lnr~l'St pre viou s ho ld u p was 1h1• tht:ft of $~ million an ca.<1h nnd $800.000 an Jewels from n L u fthansa cario 11rrll a t New York 's KC'n nt'<ly A irport on Ot'C 11. 197H - ':t I"•'"''"' ",.I I •/\II I I II I 11 t.1 ...... 'I ( ,,., """'''' I I I'll!,' ,~fo.\' \~,._ Continued stories l1°1'l111g" \\' tl.11 k \\'1 ~~''I ~\. 1 I I It ' 11 . II • ... 111 I jll'\t \\ .lltl 1111 Ill 111 1'\illtph Tho l '1, .ig11 "' ol 111 1 fl •• w l rn It 10 q 11111·.., .di l 111,111•., ,, ., 111 111•'•'1 't 11.1111 '\l,11111,111!'\ lo\ 1'111 I ti.;.. 1.11 .... ·d 11 ... 111· "' l1 1111•11111I' 1111·11 Ii.11th\\ lt111 l.1111 1 l.11 g1 ·1 '\lf.:11 ' •• 11· 11lh1.d ,,, lh1•11 htl,1111''" "M.111\ l"'1111lt · '''P•' 1.dh 111 ..... 1 who ''" 11111 111 11·t.11l d1111 t 11".11111· tlw 1111pco1 l,1111 ,. 111 \ l'll1lo • "tl<ll'> . -..11d Ste·\,. ll 11l1 "1''' C)\•.'11t·1 Ill I l11ll1-.1t·1 -; N111 " I ' o111d 1 lt.111111 ,111 to! llio l '11,t ,1 i\11 '·' ( 11 .. 11llH0I o>f ( '111111111 I I I' "o l).!ll 1111111111tl1·e· It I 11,111 111 l11111g 111\ "1!(11 d11\\ 11 11 \\ 1111 Id h 111 I 111 \ llU'111t'"' l<1 1 1•11tl \ t h• ,,,, 11111 111 11 d1 '\.Ith •d 111 I llll'\ld1 I I lt,111g111g l h o -.1g11 Ill d111.1111 1 '" t It .ti 1111 11 11111f111111111g '\lg11 ... tit.it \\&le lt ·g.ol bt fon· 1<17 1 111u ld 11111.1111 111111 1 d1.1ng1·\I v ol11n1.11 al ) l ;raduall) 11 ... l.11 go· ,1g11, t it.it lllll'I' 1 IUll1 •11·d 1111' t I I \-. ('\11111111 '11 1.d ... ti"'' h ,1\' '111111 • Jow11 ;1., 11ld lt1i,,11u· ... -.1., 1 '"'' d lh1•11 door-. .md 111h1 "· that 1111..,l mC'l'l th1• Ill'\\ l'Cldt', 11111\'t'd Ill SnnH· bu''"''"" 11\\ 111·1 .., l1,1 v1· volunt<i nl y l.lkc·n d11w11 1h1•11 largC' s 1g1;-., but 111:111\ ul h1•1, rt·n1aan But w1tl1 th1 '1g11 111 d111.111n Ul'<•dlm1· ... 1111 '"" v1-.11 -. ·'"·''' Hul'k and H11M· ,,,..1111 th• 11 d.i\:. cru1s111g th1· u1y·, ... 111 o·t.' l1J(1k11.1g stra1·tly fnr alh•g.d ... 1g11., I 11 l' g a I ., 1g11' .i 1 1 I h 11" I 111 V. h ll' h .! p I' I 1111 I \\ ,1 " 111 \ • I granll·d Th•·\ n n 1 ... 1 1111110 """ 11 POOL • • b1-<·aus t' '>1Jl1H t lt'i o rfau ..il, ,,,,. wlkmg about tlw ·P<~•balll.). th,11 lht-cnt1n· thn·t· µoul :-v.,11·111 n i.n need to ~ • turn o ut .111d 11 pJ,,n ·d The t•ounl'll .ibu '" ~ h1·dult·d Tuesday to ctUth11ra11· 'fH·nd111g $135,000 fvr thl· f1r-.1 ph •• .,.. ,,f rc·paars. a t·.1thod1t pn>tt•t 111111 system lo stop t'lirn1-.11m 0 11 till' 11uts1dt• stwl I of 1 h1 .tll1111111u11 1 µ<xii. T h t' t' 11 1 1 rt' 1 t' 1><1 11 J 1, b 1 .., csllmatt'll w t~•~t JUst u11d1 r $I millio n Tht• l'llv ;tlrt-.111\ h.1;, uutiated lc·gal µ11kl't"<li11g:-"' .111 attempt tu (on·t• 1·111111.11 l111 '> .111d dt-sagners o f lht• n1111pl1·x to p •• v for rl'pau~ THERf'S CHARLIE BROWN SNOOPY Hl 's l •OtNG CHRISTMAS .;110 PPINC1 O NLY I} PAY ... ro 001 "// • • 111111 11.11.111 h 1· ... 1.11 .i. dj.!11' .,fl, 11 1111111.I l1l1• l,111g ''"' v.o1ll-., Ill 11,11l1d 111 1tl•11lt11111 p .. 1., .Oil llto llll••I 1 "1 11111"11 "111 11.t1 I , llll'\ ... ,.1 '-"lttftU llfU t ", lh1 II )ttt r~ litl II illlt1 illl .1JU IP1IJI~: \.ti .tlht llhH h.t• ){,Utlt' :\ lo \\ \\ 1·1•Jp, .I~!" llto 1•·•11 11111111•.t .l ll l1llil11 I 11 1 1111 11.d.11• .t~i ll '\ i'" fl I •II I g l 1 jl ti I I ( '"" \ • l I\ J. '"I -. ( I I I 'h du1111g Iii• ",.,.1,, 11d ~ .. ,,,,, """'''" \\ll1k 111g ~.itlll "·''" llllH'lt ... tltt '\lll l'' ''' .. 11.i "''·IJ'f'"llll ll l• 111 .. , """" l Hl,lfU ·" l'\\ 11t I ' .\ltlt1d1).!l1 "'""' "" t• 11.1111 , l ,11 1d \\llh ·''""""ii· 111.1111111 .ogl 1 • t11 I 1'111"\ \' t lu 11 '\lg ll'\ 111lw1' .111 It•-., tlt.111 lo 'l'I" ""•Il l ''" "'"''"'' ll.11k , ... o1 '"'"·· t11h l tl11 11111111 St t l u11I 111"11 J I.ill\ p.1\\ II l111p Ill 111 \\!1 .d t11 lh• 11\\111 1 111,ult ti I"' 11·1 II\ '11 If 111 .ol h t 111'\t I \\ .itltc d 111 ''' lt1 I olj.(.lfll Hu t .dl • 1•11 t1 111it.il11111' .11111 I •rid .i11g111\ 0...,111111· .ol• ,.,,.,, 1111 111\ l.1k1 · llt1 ltllH ( l.11 k h.u( f<I I ,&It ltt I tol l 11 I IP f11ut t•lll \\ 11l'll11'1 ,1 Ill.ill Ill ti g111 rll .1 .-.1111 p11s lt111g 11 1 ... 1.1111 plto t11gr.1plt \ "·" tll1 ·g.d ""'' 111 ... t.1tu,1I'\' l.U• krh ho· 11'11111\t•d lho h1 .111 1.I lh1 !>U;l .111d \.\,ilkt·d 11"1111 lht bualdrng, lb1k lt'\.dl1·d Tl\l'rt v. .1:. th1· 111111· I l.11 k .011d I'l11s• '>p11tl1·d ,1 p.111111•1 hl.11 k111 g 11111 tlw -.1g11 111 ,, '"•·II l.1111\\ 11 fllil'-'••gt JJJil111 lo p11•µ,11• 11)1 ,, Ill'\\ ,1(1\'t•fll'>t'llll Ill T 11ld th.11 th• lllW -.1g11 W1111ld l11 alltg,.J Ibo p.1111h·r 'lo pµ.·d irk 1"'1 k1 ·d 11p 111 ... l '\jUllll lll'll J 011h Ii.tit "" 'l\I' •Ill t It 11111.1111, t11d.I\ Ho-...· h .11 k 011 t h 1 JOI • . .rt..r .1 -.h111 I IP.l\'1• 11 ! •• h.,••111 ,. \\ .dk1 d 111111 .1 111.111 hU'\1 111'"' 1111 l ht f1 r'>I ltllll .11111 told tho \llllllg 11\\ 111 I 1h,11 th• p 111 t.ild1 ... 1g11 11l11 ,1d1 \A llU Id "" \'&' Ill gt I Th" f 111·11d h 1•nt11·pr 1·111·ur "'"' h1• lll't thd t ho '\tgll ti• al(l,J\l l l.11 brn Be 1ul4·v,11d 11111l•ll l't:-. !11 • \\11)\;l1·11·d l\1 1\\ 111111 h 1h1 '11.11 1111 1 ""'"" '""' 11· \\ ··~ gl\'1·11 IHth .1 \\ .1111111,L', "' H11-.1· p11ll1 d 11 Ul "' tilt' l'l ll\.\dt•d !Jolf k111g (o il ll1t· I lto11tl I"• !111 Ibo -.1g11 ·, It 11111\ .il '"' 1111 d 11 ·11111\1 T\\ 11 d.I\' l,11! I g11111· th11ugh II .'>"\~,\~1 1"" ( "'"c'l 1 1 h~· from ~Daza Ice Cream Shoppe • \\ t l'°\ Highs Ill iHlt-'t lw 1H1tl• "'" ers Sob and I !JI~ r,,d~ ~t t1Pi,\r ! 1neu n1e"' 10' I t•lp t :o(l . .;fal Pertly cloudy IAIA IOrt Qlll e-'end •no tn1ougt> M m tl morn10g Tu~ay OtnM'w•!IA la11 Overn1gl'll tows 46 10 '><' 11.q~q 1oday and Tuf1'<l By " I w 1 mid 60s E t s~w~tHP l1_m Pr.i.nt-- C..oncep11on 10 lne 11111'1• c an border and OUI f;() mo~q Sme I cam aov•so..., ove1 outer wall"' 101 nor1nwe~1 wond\ IS In JO ltnols wlln '> to 9 1no1 cnmb•n4'<1 $88 and swell 1nrough luf'sde• Loc:a11y w<tllt 10 sovthwl'ISI "'"""" 8 to Ill knols w•tn 2 lo 3 fool "''"d waves ber.oming w fll'I t r norlhwesl 10 10 18 • ror" l uesday We'""'Y 1well I in .l fool Low clou<l• 1on11in1 c1,.A11nQ on the af1ernonn T ""~1'1Ay f ' •. ~ .. "'i lllllllllll".\' St.Atten'ir1 \nnw hnUftHH) """' 11'18 N01 ll'IPA•I 11~1 ly IOdAy 81 bll\81 rold ~r,11i~ct otlono 11111 r n,t Coesl t1111e Rc c umullll ln11 wn• 11ipecle<I from 111" 11(11'11 d"sllng 01 snow In ""' Nortnllll!l tllil lh., cold 1emper111urt1s swl'llll ''"wn me cou1 through GeorglA ..... 1111 1emperntu•M in lhl'I ?O! Rain sp•elld over lh" va1111y1 ''' the west chano•ng 10 enow •n lllghe< ftlllVl'tlOns wlllll' log Anot •ow clornll blenk .. 11><1 10"' ,oot• 11 0901ri11 snd southern Celltntn•ll Sio.IM _r .. CleAI ov ... II ,. "'" ol the nellon Sun1hlntti wfts torec.11~t ffl' '"'"' today ove• much ol 1n11 n111on 8•Cept lot rein &c..rn9! "'fli ""'"' Pacific Co11.r snd '"°w nvf'1 u1eh encl 1c11111Hed onow 1nlo '"" norlh"'" Rock11" """ ""' ~o<l .... 1n Pla1no I h.,. t w1 ( ~" .. ,; 'H~iiOwh re~ ·tt·plflo,. '' tlPQt'~ a nd wA,fH but •m P nr• 1art.pt~ Tt>tll/U'r<l I lt rt'."'i A lJftr"V A~buQuP· tJ •· Am8tllO ·~hp,, llf' At ttMl8 '• A1 arritic A\ol'lf1t Ra11.mr•t Bl• "0" 81f""f"Q' '" a1-,rrHVf'°' 81)1,P u ,,, t B, •'tlfr1~vl.t• 0-11'f.llr R11tl1,1y-r• f .\Sl•"H { hAfi#ll~I I MIHIOM ( l1,)tlA'\.h1t W \I ( ftAlli'Hlt\ •4 ( f f t1iy~rH1t1 ( h 11 lllJ('i { ln{'.lr'l!'HU Clevf'IAncl (,;nlumb•~ <,I Columb11o;. 011llns f I '1'/qlfl lMy1rn• ()"f1vllll IJ•~fr m l Ouhtth Fl PR•' r arur• f IAQ'18(1 t:.•PAI r a11' •iartt 1rtl t~.-lf•Mfl •1t'lnoluli• tiuu4'tnr• Jnr11An "pnh' JAC.~'nr. Mi'~ lac.'-son1it1tl~ I' A0'8' ( •ly HI Lo .. ~o . ' If\ 4 1 " 14 ,. :;>1 lC, )J 1n t.,~ 4 1 ?S 11 H •JS ': 10 • h l1 I/ OB ... :m ~· "' .'I ,; I} n II '•n Fl ?Ii 11 40 26 26 ~ronls f''U..,.. , .,~ q , I~ N t11tr Pt.•tl• ()"I •'1nn-1 • ( t, (j,tiur·11 f1t11lttflflllpl'"! • i•t1r1Pf\1• f'11t1'1h1.HQt Pf'V11tmd M• flc1rtl1H\tt <1tilt µf0YU1Pnt •• HalAl\.)t' (lavot1 f '' v A""'' n.r,.,mnn,t s .. 11 LakA S 1Jn AtHonltt $p81llP SIHMf'POrl S1ou,. Fall'\ S1 Lnu•• St p,..,,. 111m1111 '>I Sle MA"" ';pOkft!tA Sy,.,O,jt#' ,,, ...... , f ur ~Of Tut._A wa~n1natnn w (11111 AP Wlrepholo and crab peril viewed at On of re SANTA BAIWAHA (Al'J S. 1t·11t111111 pl.111 h11 tlw1 111udy 01\ tlu· 1"1111>1· of v11 t11.11ly 110111·x111t1·11l 11 Jll od111'1IOll hy -....1;d (I ,ill:\ lll'JI ti..-S.u1 ( lr111(11· 11111 lo ·111 pow1•1 pl..111 , i.a y ,. 1111· h1·,1d o f u 101111111111'1' lh,1t lllOlllltll"I thl• pl.1111 '-. l'l l t 't l)', 'l'ho•11 11-o "" d11ulJl th.it llw 1·~:- 111 1111' l111y • 111:-.t.u .. an;, .111• hc•111g 1l.1111.1go·d , l111t th1•r1• 111 11 11 1•v1d1·1111• tlt;it th1• pl •• 11 t 1>1 11 "l'"11-.tld1•, :..1111 Wil l 1a111 Mu1d110 It 1·lt.01r111<111 of lh1• 111,11111' lt'Vll'W I Olllllllllt't• l'll'Jlt'tJ h \' I h 1 · (',ii if 11111 I .1 ( '11 .1.., t J l ( '111111111-..:-11111 Mu1d111 It, .i l11ulolo(y pn1fl'S.'>(J1 .1t tlw l1111 VO'l'>llY or l'ahf111111.1 ..it S.111t.1 1\.1111:11.1 , ;,.11d th<· , 111111111t1t"· d1't tth'<I l..i:-.l Wt'l.·k to I 1111d111 I f11rllll'r sludu·-. of llw p111hlt 111 .dt1•1 ct rt·Vlt'\\< or Work by Adra..in W1·n11 .. 1 a llJIUral h 1 :. t o r y µ r o fl· s ., o r a l t h l' lllllVt•ri,a.Ly W1·nm:r reµurtcd 1.ist monlh thJl frwn lhan 5 pt-rn·nt or sand 1 rc1 hi. found along a 15 to 20-mal<.· strl'l.ch of bt·al·h 1war thl' rc·actor 1·11111pl1·x Wl'rl• sUlt·1·ssfull y ll'fJHKlll1·111g W1·nll'r .-..iad a YO to I 00 1x·1 t·1·nl reprodul'laon r.1tt• as 111 irma I luur lo r1vt• llrfll"ti h 18lll'r lhc111 111 ltw aullti found t'lac•w twrt· Mui d111:h 11<ml u 111011· ( urnpll'lt· 1·un1pul1·r analy1111> uf .. 1.111:-.lll ~ ~<ilht•n·tl by Wr..nnn will lw u11dnt.ukt'11 t.o dt·~rn1111t' d tlwt 1· .1n· any uppan ·nt hnkM wtlh pl •• 11t upt:rntluru; 1-'urtlll'r :itudy also will 11wlud1· n111r1· a 11aly1ui; of th•· llll'tJls 1·untent o f bf'a<:ht's n ear tht' pli.IUl, I.I !llll'Vl'Y of lil'll'l\llfl t' I 1 t .. r a l u r t• t u s l' a r l' h r u r 111form;il10n about lhl' cfft.'(:l.S uf nll'Lals 1n tiss ue o f 1ntertadal urg:'l n1i.ms . and a st•ar('h fur J.Kll:ISlblt• sour<.'t'S of nwtals 1n tlw .in·a MurdoC'h says thert' 1s nu t•vadt·nt't' a t thai. point that the L·unc"t•11trat1ons o f metals play a rolt-an th(• lowt-r reprodut t11m ral~'S Among t he p os!>ablc e xplanations of the metah. content m thl' c rabs lS internal rusting an the plant whl'n ll 1s s hut down, <:orrosion o f metals left lying on the property during t'Onstrucuon o f tht• plant's three units a nd the heavy sediment l"Ontent o f the Pac1fac Oc:ean Crash kills Bn1ok1· I .uudc·•·n. 2 , of' Flon·1u·1·. ( .,.,.,, f11·\\ with twr pan·nls lo Pill shu q~h "ialunla\ for l•·~ls lo t•va luu l1· Brook1··.., W1•1111,.1 <'ould ll!Jl t•xpla1n th<· problt·m liut said lw wa;, 1·1·rt<1in 11 wa:-11't l':JU:.t •d by racl1oaet1v1ty or th1• ht•at of watt·r d 1sc:hargl's f ro111 tlt1• t•oohng syst1•rn at the pl.int south 11£ San Cl1·nwnw Clementean; another hurt ... ui1a hili l ) for a liv1·r lran ... pla nl -.tw n•·•·cl..., lo ..,l<I\ a liH'. Wt•lllll'r r oun<l conl'('ll tra lions 11f four nwtals nwk l'I, 21 nt·, tna11galll">t' and iron that an• One m an was killed and anothe r seriously inJured early this m o rnmg when the van an which they wen~ driving struck a guard r ail on the San Diego Freeway m Cap1~trano Beach, thl· California Highway Patrol said Huntington likes firemen best l-11 1 p1 11l<1 t11111 1dg<'d µ0 !111 J•l11lt't llllll 11\ 11111 \'11\1 • Ill ,1 s111,1ll 111111111llllll\ '>Il l \I V ;.1., lht lllCl'>l 9 111 1p<o1\.u 11 111 1111 11111 p1 11\11lt·d h y lit • 1 11 \ go\t 1111111'1\I I ll ll11111 111gt•ilt ll!·.u h l'lu I 11 t d1 p.'1 t 11w11 I g n t I :! \11!1 ' .1-. I" 1 l111111111g tho 11111,l llllJlll l t.1111 "I VIII' \.\hill I 111 p11li1 ,. d1·11.11 l1111 111 11·1 • I\ ,.11 I I '"'', 'l'ht· ltl.i .11 ' '·""' 111 x i .,, 1al1 1·11:'11 \lit•·' pa y hike :\li·111l11 I!> ,,j lh1 I l11 11t111gl1tll fl,. "I 1-'111 1111 11 ,\,.,,. 1.ot 11111 ho1\I ' 11'(1 1\1 ~! .1 7 1 .. ·r11n1 P"' """'.!''' 1J11d1 I I• r 11 1'\ o f •• Ill"' '0111r ;,(I 1 ppr11\ • ·d 1111, ~" • k r1 .. '"''t'·''' , .. ,,.1, 1 1.1 , 111 11111\' •.., I 1 ""' '" t 1111 lud1 t 'hi• l !{,,, l'u ,11 cl 111 ha' lop ft\" I• •111111,1111 l 11j r11 I I ' l h· lt•l•I l11111g-. ,,,.1,,111.1 Ill tlo• 1 lt1 I'•'\ • " 'I 111p 'l' I' 111 '.: • • 7 .! I~· ' It" 111• f I .i.... " al I I ... l s lh ..... 111111 1111 L l•flt 1.11 I .... I f lt (II\ I 1111111 (It I f Ulllil Tll 'I :--1·p l .Ill the 60s .·.' <I d 1 .. 1 II' II:\ " 41 •• , j\ 4 I If) 14 _.1~ 4A ll ll oll 40 ,., n OR 40 IQ ·('~ # 1 •'> 41 40 l l 18 11 71 " 1 J '~ 06 Ol 1' l • )•, 0' n 1• f,'o 47 l: • H •ll JO l• 71 I 1l•tl, ' f ,,., .... J '''" l ·I' ·•<h•! l ''lJ f\f'i\rf ""Ano,..1,.\ V '''' IYI" M 1•1t,,.n~11 Mtintiu oy Ml W1t.1'11 N1•woor1 H1•.i1 r, Ook ln1111 t)ntafln JlA'Hld fHM f'1tqr Rnt 1h1~ n 1V6f'tl0fl RNJ f'htU J~ .. 11wntlt1 t t, ~i'\frHmnnf 5 1tllftA, 5,,,, l;lArn5rd111• ~&n G8hr1Pt ~ •• , O•AQn <t.HI r f rint l\f r r,~n ,,.,,. Snow CJ Flurrie s[!) '·J •1, 4•, "" ·.~ ,I\ 4 1 ff) Ait b I d'l b' 48 ',j) 4l /(l 4,1 11 47 ,,, ,,, h4 ,.., ~(') IA '>I •11 ... 1i 66 •O 1\1 •O H •5 611 'ol "17 4f1 Iii n ., (,4 4 I fo I •O 6" s~ '>0 II "' 20 Tlw i.urv 1·\ 11f lh 1·11111mun11~ lt·adt·r., v. ..i:-. l<ik1 ·11 111 LA tobt·r hy l'11y Counnlv.11111.111 Huth lk11lo ·~ .;. h°u h .1s l'M-. 11 h olding .i numl>t r o f 11w, ·ll ng., wit Ii 11wml>t , ., fJ 111H thl' puhlu Sht• s;111l [lHl.1\ l'lllllllll'llL .. \\<Ill t)(• 'oUl1ll11,1rl/1•d ,111d " 111 111 11tlll'I 11ty 1 ot11l1 ii llll'lltlt• I ' .11111 1 tlY 0 ((11 '"" ()I ht•I I 1''1111' ,,j \ht 'oLJI \'1 \ ,h11w1·d th.11 ""'' 11 11 .. 111!'1, \'11t1 ·d fo11 p:tl k~ .1t11I If'( I l ,ol 11111 -t!ld f11r 11 ,..,h n1ll1'\ 111111 "' 111" "''"' \'llal 'l'I VII I', -.IX \'lilt•d 1111 '-.11111.&llllll, ..,.,.. v111"d r111 111.111 .. 11\1· v111t•d f•u .......... 1 1\\0 \'11t1 ·d ,,,, '.,( "''"b .011d 1w11 Im -.1·111111 11t111 11 11u111 .. 11li pr ogr.1111s S1•\'1•1.tl 11t h 1•1 -.11 \ll l''1•'11'1\'C•d w 11· '"''' c·.il lt Th1• ... l J>Jr\11 q 1.t11 11g Ill l h1 ... un.•t-v could v1111· f111 mort· 1h<111 Ol)I' S(:f'Vll'l' "' lht· 11111 ... t 11nport.MI\ fu11111o n p11l11111wd bv t'll ' 1'111 p )!I\ I'('' ltl·sp<.mth·nu. .ilso c:om1n<•ntl'<l th<il thPy would lake to st't' more 1 11 n ,. I l t 1 on or burg I a rs (a 11·i.pons1hal1ty of thl' t"ourLS ) Ano lhl'r paruupant said thl· lalJ1 .11 y s ho uld ~· up<·n Su11d<iy llt pr1·-.t•ntly 15 opt-n s ax day:-) 0111 1w·rs1111 '><lid tht•n• sh1>uld 111 Ill! f\',1S1•d l•ff1c:1t'IH'V 110 th1· p;11 t o l n I y workt·I"'> "( >rw J'M'r><lll 1A11I k., wh1l1· thn·1· wale h,' Lh1 · JWl '>tlll ;..JIU /\ 11 o th l ' I l' 11 mp l <11111 d l h JI J><il111• 11ff1tt·r:. <irt· rude· A1111tl11'1 -..11d tit.ti <'tty s lrt·•·ls 11t·1·d 1111 pre .,., ·r m·n 1 M11•.1 111 tht· survt·y -.<cud that 11tv :-c·1 \'ll't'' shoulci l'ontanUL' lo li I: ( l 11 <111 l'l' d f r II nl l h l' l' It Y • S g1·111 1.11 1 trnd. but a frw :.<itd US<•r !1 •t ' 'hcould lit· c hargc·d fur 'IX'\.'lfll serv1ces Bu 1 10 of thOSt· survt•Yt'<i sauJ thl·\' r.ivo red uSt·r ft·t·s for tra.'>h l'ttll~'t llllll V. hlle '>IX O}'JX>S('fi th1• ,,., The passenger. DaVld Michael Webst er. 21, was pronounted dead at the scen e of the 12·30 a m al't'lde nt, with massive head inJunes W ebster as believed lo have been a rt'sident of San Clt•mc·nte, CHP o ffacaals said Tht' dnver of the v an. R onald Wallaam Cocch1. 21. o f San CIL·mente, sufft•red moderate ht·ud 1n..1urac:. a nd was taken to San Cll'mC'nte Gent'ral H ospital COl'l.·h1 w as lawr booked into ths Oran ge County Jail on l·harges o f man s laughte r and f e lo n y drunken dr1v1ng , a spokesman said Coc:c h1 was travt·l1ng northbound on the tr ansition road from the frl'eway to northbound Pacafac Coast I laghw"y when his van hit a rail on thl' right !>1de of the road. c·aromt'd to the lPfl side and roll<'<l nv{'r , offat'{'rs S<Ud .... -l ., . .__._..,,.. .,,__,-, ...--.....,..,,.. ~\ ~ ~ 0 ~ I ~ t t < >u r c hec ked oxford c asual 1:-i a handso nH.: gift idea ' ~ I~ \ I 11 'I 1 Ill'\\ IPll l h 111 l 111111 111 J,,:IVl' li1nt tl1t ... l 'l I 11 ' I \ l . ' h t•l ~ ... 111 1 'lh•r l "h11t •111.1 11 1H tli.11 '-. .1 H11111k-.. Br11thl'l' .,, t 1111 11l..l111 d '' "n\Tll t n lll'<tl I X" tll1 ' J,!,l1lld-l1111k1llK, lonK \.\l'.t1 1llK 11 ·-.. in.11k w11h l11nK ... lccvc' and 1'111 1111 1 d 11 \\11 l 1111.11 111 1nl, hluc. n;wy or )l.rct·n femp"rAlur t11 9rnun<1 t h~ nAllon at mtdnoght PST r11ng11cl lrom 8 b!llow tftfO '" 11m•,,1on11 M111n11 tn 69 1n K"Y W1101 rte 3• VllQA' 11 26 ?I 1J 12 17 18 n 34 04 13 70 14 11 n n 2• 38 2'J Hi CALIFORMIA S1tntA A•l.l ~nntA E\••'t 11 ' ;'; • .utn Mnr ·•' ~ilf\IA M 1tt t ~ c;,,,.~tnn J,,.,n~ \'Alloy fhN m "I ·. n • , 49 •Ill \\hill' ~ ~ Ca liforJJia Wlf'lry Wl!&lne1 WAS '""<l•l lftfl 1n Sou1n11rn CellfO"''" a1tn1 weekend 1emperelur11s (lronped 10 nt111r freerino In 1omll m0\mt111" 8reH. l8••tno • p11lr of sir •ntlell hlk11r1 IMllng lhe cnlll "We •1'•ted y .. 111no 101 helt> bu• nobO<ly h1191d u• Wfl < elle<I for 11elp moll ol !he n1gn1 uld M•rll Powell !'>!> 1118• IPMdlf'Q mo'• than 1~ hourt on • nArrnw 1e<1g• In Topeno• C1nyon P•rk nf)flh of PKlllc l°'ell .. dftt P_.it SS of l09 AngelH and JC Anlhlll ~8. ol t~swthorn" had uol 11ut Saturday bul tlld down 1 t r•acl'lerou• 1top11 and weo11 IO<<t&d 10 •P•nd lhe nlQhl on tf'l11 4 ny 1.1001 l4tdge Thlty _,,. r011Cu•f1 by ll ellc:opt•• 9uf1dey I •Ille nnc . lOVl!Wtllf' I ubbO<lo Mf'!m phl!!I M i"m1 M1)wFu1k~ Mpl~ S1 Pmtl Nn~n.111 .. ~~nw Odf\All" .. 28 J'I n 87 C,7 ) I )5 n 41 11 ,, ti ll AClfJlp VAll•y Bn••"~''"''' 01'11r"1nw Bl"8l1fnnn1 BIQ AM' 01,nnp n1vo11• HI lo 61 II ~8 IC! Ii• '17 r.:1 .tf, '•• ... h. ........... ~-~U_Rf_R_EPD_R_T llurl Be.ch Avg lumA I S11nlt Monot • 7 N.-wpntt 8•uu ,\ ' '111n O•"Qn (,nunly 1 Out1001it rm fi,,.~O•v lurl Mu ' Suri p,c1 1, ll ,, I ) 8well Avg I ' I I well Dlt c;w c;w qw w ' ttf '"'" (.t•l\1-''V f 1)rnf'111t1u "'4nMft f'ff'lt Ollawn f1ttU"'t' f OfOflfO V n o(.l")UV'fH W lrH\IOf!Q CANADA TODAY s .... ond low s...-.unll hl\)h TUl8DAV f lr~I In"" I 16 Am r ,,,, high 1 56 • m S...-nn<l il)w 1 08 D m ~...-.oncl nogl> <l ,., I'm !.I JS '}l 09 09 02 llA 02 ~· 16 11 10 ... ·~ i • M 0 '• .l 8 ~o 6 I 0 6 l8 Son 1et1 8' 4 ~~ o "' r•••• Tue•l'lAY ... 8 '>0 11 "' Moon llH' lod•Y Al .. " I m ~"ll at 1 4'1 I'm . I ' . /,• ~-1, 1•, u /fr110 Jt\ lf,,,,ltt'', lturii_t uppl1111t1o n f•h•'"' 1o>ll /•rt I H/111 147 111110 l\TAl llSHIO 111 I , " - • U11 tl11jt1 I 1111»1 !JAii Y I'll II f t M 1111do1y 111•1 11111IJ••r f 1 !'rill \ • • R eagan 'b end s' on M X m i ssil e plall Pt)la11<l l<, s u s pt ~11<l 111artial law ,Ja11. I Hy Tht• A!.sodutt•d l'rt•ss W1\HS/\W, 1'111 .... 1 'l'lw ).!l\Vt'l llllll'lll a ... lt t•d I• I IJ.lllll'lll tod._l\' Lu I .1 Ld y 11.;. dt ~-1!\IUll L11 '>ll">pt•11d 1111 1">1 of th1· 111ar11:d l.i '' I l '"ll 1t'l1011 "> 111q10 ... 1·d 1·).;,11 tlv 11111• Vt'at ;q ,:o , ..t f1 .. ·11v1· Jan 1 Sulidanty':. lon•1g11 branch 111 Brus.. ... 1•ls d1aq~1.J tlw 11111v1· \\::ts 0111 Y "1 11sr111'ltt'" t :l'11 W11.11 ·11-.. It .la11111·bk1, tlw p11·111 11·1. l '11111111t1111sl I '.11 t y 1 111..r .111d h .. Jd of tlw nil111g 1111l1ta1y l'UUIH'll, war 1wd tli1• n •g11111 · wuuld 11111 tolt•r .itc· .111y ..,onal u11n·st ,md th.it tlll' t'llllllt'll Wollld rt·~Jlll ">00\t of It.!\ ">Wt'l'l'lllg powers \11 1•111\lrol W•H kµlan•s and puhlw lif1· Leba11011 battle clai111s 29 BEi.H UT, Lebanon Fal'lw11al fighting t.·si.:alawd 111 LPbanon tocla y, cla1m111g <!\! mun• 11vps in nigh tl ong t·ombat bl•twt·l'n Christi:.in a nd Mnsle•m m1litiamt•n southl'ast of &:1rut and rival Mosll•m St'l'L'> 111 the nortlwrn purl of Tn p11l1. polln· said Rt•ports 11f lll'W f1ght111g 1•11wrgc'tf as U S prl•s1de11t1ul 1•1woys l-'hd1p l' Habib and Morns Drnp1·1· pl'l'f.Jlffl'd lo n·turn t11 tlw M1ddlt· 1'.:a.-;t 1n ;1 t t l' m IJ t " l 1 l ._. r r a n g 1 • a wllhdraw;d of ls rm•li, Svnun <ind Pal1·sl1111;0 1 fort·•·' -from L1·bar1w1 Chrys le r worke r s rt•t urn TORONTO Chry-.lt·r's 10,UUO Can<Hi1an workt•r1o. began returning to w11rk today with ca new. rtt'hL'r contract won by a five-Wl't'k str·ike that company l'ha1rman L ee Iat·occa sa ys cust th1• beleaguen'i.1 automak<•r $100 mil11on. "It's sun· good lo h:1 VI' 11 IH•h1nd us and gt•\ hack to w n r k , " C h r y s l t• 1 Ca n ad a s µnk1·s 1na11 Waltl'f Mt·Call ,,;.i1d M 1· l' a I I s ;i 1 d s o 111 1· -ma111lt•n;J11u• workl·rs Wl'rt· aln'HJy ;,it w11rk l'arly lht~ morning to gt.•t asst·mbly lmt•s rt•ady fo>r thl' mornmg shift a t ;di 'ilX Canadian planL' Quake standards 1101 1nel LOS ANGELES De'>p1te a 1981 f•arth4uakl'-S<1fL'ly law, nty o ff1c1als say tlwy s till haven't found the fui1ds to u pg rad !' 7 8 c 1 t y -o w n «ti buildings, 11wlurl1ng 17 fm• statio n s, that l'ould 111• reduec·d t11 rubblt· 111 <1 111a.1or quake· Thi' flrd1na n11" v.ti1(lt I 01 p t I -, I " " ( I' I I t S J f l' l Y !:>~•nd:inb 111 p11 ·parat11111 for tht· lll.AJo r 1•J1 thyuak1· th<Jt gr'Cil ug1 st.;. pn•drl't will shak1· C'al1forma th1-. l'l'ntury. til't tills 1111111th iJS tht• dt·adlin1· liv wh11 It rt•t'llll!-.t ru1·11o n h;ul t;i l>o•g111 om tht: budd111gs 111 th1• m11s t urg1•11t 1·at1·g11rv W t\S lllNC lt1N t/\I') l'r1·:0.1d1·111 Ht'.11-(1111 ti,,.., 1111 Intl for 111.d ly .1ha11d11111 •d Liii' "tf1·11!<.1' p.ii I~" IJ.1..,111~ plH11 !111 1111• M X 1111 "1'1lt-,p, ht• fq.~llb t11 Wiit 111t1g11·:0...,11111.il ,1pp111y,tJ t11 IJllllol tl11 · l1rs t of 1111• 111·w 11111 •!1.,11 Wl'.lpOllS Wl11t1· tlmtM and l'1·11tag1111 11!111'1 • .ls 1111·t With S 1·11at1• H1 •pul1IH .. 111 1'1I11·1uls to try to t:llllll'. U!J wllh ... l'Ulll!Jl'OllllSI.' ;u1J h«:.id ofl it volt· ag11111sl huy mg tho· 011;.sill' wht·n lht· S 1·rwt1• t.1k1 •!<. Up tht• tft•ft•llM' ;.pt•11d111g hill Lod ay New a rri val 1 .. ,,1 v. •Tk llw 111111-.•· V•1lnl d11w11, :!•1!1 l'/ti. Ht•11H1111"• 111op111<11I 111 i.1H·11d $~Jiiii 111dl11111 111 huy f1 v1 · ul lht• lo(1a11t Wt'llJXJll:> H1·al(1111 h:1s 11a1111•tl tht• "1'1·~1('1•kt•t •fM'I'" Hut tlw I l11ui.1· ldt 111•111 ly $:.! ~) IJ1ll1011 Ill tht• flll'll"UI(' 1111 r1·1>1·1trd1 011 tht• rntssilt• that i... I' I' 11 11· a I to H 1•ttg11 11 '" p I a 11 lo 1110Jt•t flt/I' /\1111'J'l('lt l. llUl'lt•ilf' forn•s I lu Ul>l' lllt'lllUt:I'!> llHH.lt.• dual tht•v didn't l1k1· dcn:o-1· pal'k, wh1d1 wo~ld bunl'h tlw n11s ... t1t'.., 111 ,1 ~O -mil1• squart· alt•.i 111·,11 Ch1•y1·nn1·, Wyu., 1m tlw tlll'my AP Wlrepholo ( :a!->t'). an ora n g uta n born S unday a l lht• Auhuhon Park Zoo in f'l<•w ( )rlt·<rn ~, i!-i ht·ltl h )· a zoo sla ff t"r for 0114• o f hi~ firsl puhlic· a p1u·a ra n ct·s. that 111111111111J.( S 11v 11 I 1111.,,:0.il o·" would k11ud< 1·:1111 11llw1 ""t I>i•11s1• p•wk abo has 11111111•1 rnis S1·n11t•• ,., 1111·..,, who s.1y tlwy li:1v1• th•· V11l1·s to d1•f1.it th1• J!l'<11 'Ut1•1111•11t 1111111•·Y H11t lt1-;1g;111, s t•t'k 1 II)< :i t'f11t1p1 •H111 s1·, List F 11 day u r g 1· d I"' 11d111·11011 approv.tl :r11d ~a11I h 1· w;is will111g to l1J<Jk .tt 11th1·1 h;1s11111, pla11.., "Nt•Xt yt•u1 as wt• hav1· 11u111• ltllll", i\J WfAkot1ti• H V l~Ol llWI d1'11at1· 1111 th1· l><·"t w:1y to lia:w llw 1111si.d1·." tho· f>l't'"t~l«r1I s.11d dui 111g a hnl'f Uv;il Ol 111·1· rww., «onft•rl'lll'l' "If l111· Co11gn·s s w.111\s to d1·l,;1t1· .m d d1S('U11!1 hlolJI ,,.,. ii tli1·11 · ''' t· 11•1i. ... 1lilt• L1tl~·r •IJJtlllllS lltat t'llllld I fllll'l'IVUbly ~· irnpr11vt•1111•11ts 11v1·1 th11;, w1•,n • wtllm~ f111' tlt.ot " .. 'l'h1·11··.., !Jlt•nty 111 t11111.' ~ d1 .. ·11J1·" 1111 ;1 hi...,111i.c µl .. 11, H~aSW') s a 1 d 111 h 1 ro. w <· <' k 1 y radio ln u.1d t'.1:-.l Saturd11y "What W(J rw"d now ts a dear , po!CiliVl' vol,lr •1fl tlil· 1111si>il1· 1t!11•lt , io go (or ward on prod u1·tum of th-_. 1111ssill' " Tiil' pn·s1d1•11t S<•Y"' thl· m1S8ill· '" 111•t•lh•d t11 rnako· tlw Sov tf't~ l1al'j..(Ulll for arms eontro l. S o cial Security 'f ix' said u rgent WAS 111 N <._;'I'() N (I\ 1" ! Ml'111lx·r!. of 1lu· Sou;d S t'<.'lll'lty n •fonn c·rnT1m1::.s11111 1'a y Pn·1>1tlt·11t Ht•agan mu">l ;11·t s11•111 -ti ht• Wiints l11 u:,1· th1· µwll'l 11:-"<• wh1pp1ng boy" lu push u11 u11popul;1r but nt·t·t·ssary n·sl·u1· plan f11r thC' systt•m thruuf.!h l'ongn•s'.'. Without an agrvl'1tlf'nt li:it k1•d ), y l h l ' W h I l (' ll 11 U <; l' (I I f' i.I blLwpnnt. Congr""" 1s unllko·ly to find It.<. llWll t111wl y !-.OIUllfJll to the· problt·m of mounting Sona I Se-<:unty th•f1nh, tlll'v suggt•stt•d Tht• pant•l's t li.111111o1n o111d a top Ht•µubltt·an "l'll,tl11r ..ii "" agn·1· that any plan mu-a 11wlwk a nux of h1ghl·r pay rnll t.;1Xl'!-. and lowl'r l'Oi.t -of-l1vmg 1m·1 t·ast•s tu kPcp lhl' old Jgc· funJ frum drytng up 111 thl' l!:l!Ws. SPn Robt·rt Doh'. H-Kan . th•· cha1rn1a11 of tht· S\·naw F1nantC' Comm1ttl't', s<11J Sunday he doubts tht• p<inl'I will n ·al'h an agrN·mt•111 at 1ls final meeting next Friday "unll'ss thf' president de<:1<ll·:. tu· U.k1· a look al Sut'l<il Sl·(·urity and ht·t·omw al t1vl'ly involved " Dole, 1nt«rv1~·wt«I rm CBS- TV's "Facf· Thl· Nation," scaid ho• has hc•l·n unablt· to gf't RPagan on the· ll'lt•phorw to cnnfl'r with him on lt.·~tslall\'t• bustnl'~ I\ Ian G rcenspan, chair man of l h 1• I 5 -m c• m bl' r r e f o r .m t·11111m1ss1un, said tht.'rt? alrt'ady j~ t1•11UJt1ve agreE-ment on the panel that thC' way to solve lhl' $15.0 l111l1on to $200 billion shurtfall confronting Soda! SeC'unty ov'c·r the n ext seven years is through a n11x of higher payrull taxc·s and low1•r bt•rwfit h1kPs (in·rnspcin aµµc .. eirt•d on botb ABC Ne ws' "This Wet.·k With David Brmkl«y" and Cahel News Nl'twork 's "Nt>wsmaker Sunr1;1\' " "If lioth tht· sp«akPr and the pn·s11.J1•11t eoulJ agret• o n tl1e outlines CJf a speuf1c• solutt9y . that would pretty mu<'h carry t~_. day." Greenspan said on Cable Nc•w s. lJole said, "It SN •ms to m'e we'rp gomg to havl• to have a mtx of taxl's and benefit reforms witho ut c·utting the level •of pr{'sent t:wnefits. 1f v .. •e're going tt'> s atisfy Demo c rats an11 Hepubht:ans on the rnmm1ssioo ;md m the Congre·ss " ' D olt· sa1u thl' White House should rl'altzl' tha t the p<Jlitlml "l'(•fltl'r or gravity " has shifte'd l'lost·r to Capitol H 111 s111ce th'e Ht•publlc-a n lnssPs m last month"s t•lt'<:llun ... Pane l hac k s tuit~on hid Winter's 'hon eyrn ~on ' • over 1n East BURLINGAME A comm1lkt' o f a cumm1ss10n appointPJ to Pxaminc• s tcit1• pol1ry of frt·•· tuition fo1· Cal1furn1 a r e s1de nts has rL't'omme ndl'd that publ1t (o ur-year 1·olleges <1nd univers1t1t•5. bt• .ibl{' to impose· tu1t1on lo k1·1•p "standards uf 4ual1ty." ,;t ud1l'd "tud1·nt f<'PS at th1· U nivPrs1ty of California and t h c l' a I 1 ( o r n 1 a S l a t t· l1111\·1·r...1tv sv ... t1 ·m s Bv DEAN FOSDl<;K Aiaocl•l9d Preu Writer Frtgtd wc·atht:r m ove><! 111Lo thL· Eas ll'rn S t·ahoard today and mf•mortes of last we\:'k's rC'l·ord- lugh tt>mperatures wen· burlt'd undt•r as much as a foot of snuw frnm North Carolina lo M a1nt.• Th t• "<·as o n · s f 1 rs t ma J r'1 r s 11o w s torm lllllVNI out to St•a Sunday aftc·r dogging roads, dosing airports <1nd C'aus 1ng scattf'rro power out.agc·s The Wt.'<'kl·nd storm spread a broad swath of rnrn. s lt•t·t and snqw from northern M1ss1ssipp1 to New England At l1•ast eight deaths Wl'r£' blamo•d on icy road!-., including five· pf'oplt· 1~1 Ohro Saturd::iy and lwo 111 V1rg1n1a and onl' in Tenm·sst'(' Sund av Schuuls Wl'n· close<l toda v in four count1L•s tn Mary land · and thl'l'L' <l1strtt'ls tn l>o ·lawan· Schools d1•1i1y1•d classt·s f11r up tu two hour:-111 :.t d111t•n Marvl;rnd l'IJUl)l ll'S T 1·mp1·1<1tur1·" 1,1mlil1·d 10 rt'C'ord o r 1ll'a1 n'<«ir'd low' totf.tv ;11 r11•;<, mut h 11( t h1 • 1•::1,t Tiu• merc ury fell Wl·ll below fro m upstate New Yor k i·astern Ma111f• O\'e rnjght lo d1ppn l into thl· mrd -20s fro 1·-.i.tt•rn Texas and Lo uis ia throu~h M1ss1ss1pp1 Alaba ;md no rt hv.:('st• ·rn Fl11rul:i " ~ A c o mm 1 t t c• •· of t h 1• Californw P ost S1·c«>nd;11 ' Edu t'at1011 C11rnm1ss111 n T h i' l'O l1 l lllllt1•t• \'ll lt'LI u 11 ,, n 1 m u u " I y Su n d a y t " r1·1·ommt•rHI th.it g11vt·rn1ng lio.1rtb of !10 t h "VSll·m s ht' abl<-l11 c·h<ffg1· 1u1t11in "wht·n statt· a ppropr 1at11H1"> an· not s uff111Pnt to m a 1nta1n standard-; u f qualitv · 'Bizarre' ar sonis t soug ht 1 0 sit es eyed for coun ty jail 1\ IJ ti u l 5 () () t 11 U I I <.,l s W t ' rt s it and Pd Sunrl.1v 11 1~hl -~ Nantu\'k<'l Is l;1nrl :10 11111!'!> off tb1.· Massavhus<·tts rn;1111l and whtfJ 12 llltht•s of -"now 1 loser! th is land's airpi>rt and haltPd fC'rr sPrv1cP High wind'> ::r 11d g ;:i\t wa1 nings also dosl-d ferry .:;pryicc• at thrt•e lu1 .1t1 11 ns u n North Carolina's Outt·1 Banks. SAN FHANCISCO l nvc·st1gators believe •Jnl' ''pretty bizarre" arsonist m<t y havp beC'n res pons1blt· for three hospital fires "This person rs probably pretty bizarre," fin· lnSJX'('tlJr G eorge Alboff said Sunday He d c.-clmed to elaborate "But hopefully, within a f{'w d ays. we'll know who 1l 1s." hP said The worst f1rt' was at Children's Hospital where d;unage was 1-st1m<1lt«I ,,t $I !"> mill1u n to v•1mput1·r <ind d1agnost11· rt'l'l)rd:-111 ;1 fourth floor 11ff 11·(· ..in ·;1 Within two hour:-., th1·rt· was also a f1t 1• at M <1rsh.1ll Hal(• Hosp1t.d, .1bout c1 block from Ch1ldrl'n's. and a fin· at Frt•neh Hospital. a few blcxks away N o 1n.1ur1es werC' reported ,md patients WL'n•n 't c>Val'ua t('d 2 bandits heis t $900.,000 NEW YO RK Tw o masked men armed with a shotgun and wearing '>k1 masks broke through the roof o f an armorC'd-car ser v1l·c· office , handcuffed a guard and escaped with more than $900.000, police said lOday The> bandits, w<·anng ski 111;1-;ks. l'nt(·red the St·ntry- /\rrnored Car Courier u ff1 cc 111 thl' Bronx at about 11:15 p.m S11nday, policP said The·y hrok1• rnto a vault and madl· off with the money. The guard was not injured Tl'll St'Ctions o f Orange County rernovt>d from m ost n•sidential or commercial devclopmen ts have beC'n smgled out for furthl•r study as possible remote stll'S for a prupnsf'd !WW Orange c~1unty J.t!I Thl' portions of the t•nunty 11knt1f1t--d for furthl'r study eut a s wath through the euunty's foo thills from Yor ba Linda Lo San C lt•mf'n le, s a 1d W ti 11 am !lodge, an aide to l'O Unty SuµL·rv1sor Harn<'lt Wl{'dN The 10 Sttllons selected by a county .iail-site rc•v1t•w commilll'l' will be> a n alyzt-d by eornputC'r m t•om1ng week s to pinpoint partll'ular lcx:ations that rrnght prove> surtablr for the proposC'd mPcl1um-max1mum SN:unty .}<l•I Supt~rv1sors rl1r<'<·ted tht• .1a1l - ">l l1· S('it-c t1r1n committ1·P to 1·xpaml th1• "'"1n·h for a su1U1bl1• r{·motC' loc.1t1un f'arlicr this month afll'r t·ncnuntl'rtng ftf'rt't• oppos1llon frc1m residc-nts liv111g near !'ilc h of thl' four proposro lol'allons. A range of n •mot1· s1tc·s will be reviewed by thC' ('ommttlee when it nt•xt m t•rts Dec 22. said Manu1•I Avila, ;1n analyst tn tht' e ounty Gl'nt•ral SPrv1«C'~ We're Listening ••• Wh.1t do '"11 lrkt• :tlmul till' l>;11h l'llol '' Wh:1t don't vou likt'" l',dl tht· nltrnlwr ;1l lt·ft ,111cl your 111t•ssagt· will 1>1· f't•n1rd1•d, tnin:-;c·nhc·d <tnd d1·ltv(•rc·d to thL' appropriate' Pditnr 642·6086 'I ho• 'anw 2'1 hour .1n~"C'nnj.( st•r v11't' ma} be U">11d to record h•t kr ~ lo tilt• Pdr tm on any topu· M:11lbox contrihuton; must in<· luck th1•rr 11;111w and t1•ll•phorw nurnbl'r for vrnf1c·at1on No r 1rr11lat1on 1".t 11" plt'lfSl' 1'1·1111., \Ao h.1 t "on ~·our mind ORANGE COAST Claasllied advertising 714/642-5878 Oolty Plot All other departments 642.,.321 O.OVwy Daily Pilai 110.--.teed MAIN OFFICE JJO w -.1 e.,..s1 CO'\t• M•'tt (A ~t>'•11ttr ,,1111ty II 11111 ... Mt1t1I t1Htdrll'\\ Bow ti.o Coot• Mt\• C,. '106 ''llf hitv•• f1111! JJl'U!f•I ti..- top ... I "" ''"''"'' I,,"' <oo'Ynont ,.., Ot-•not' Coa,1 PubH\htno c~,,..Y '"" ',.,. •lifl'f ~di ti"' .i...1rv"''"''' Thomai P Ho ley No "'"*\ ''0''"' 1llu\tr11t1on\ tt<tltor••• m .ttt r or •ct. v~, '"f'mt-nh Pwr•~n mo ,,. 'tPfOdv<f!Cf •fthoui '.i,l111tl•t f Ol!ltf 'olj!tf14'f " r11f•'·~·"'' qrol I ft1f"I f '"' ••vn ( '"'• -·1 \JWt 1•1 p.rrfU\\lon ftf < ooyr •Qf'lt owrwr y11u '" ti '"' ~·vf' f 1tli' rt~1iy tJ1 I 1l ''' flttltwt•t•lll S-1 ono '''"'"'°''"'Of' IMl<I •t ( o''" M.,,. C •lltornt• "'"'" 1o•f o;1•11 ..... ., .,.,,,. itlP'i 1•4 -.,, .,,,,~t,•nhon h'f ,.,,,., \• ISrnc:mU'llY '"''""'•Iii'''"'' Jon• Amari Raymond M acl ean tiv m·ol \6 ~mnnthl'f' t "'"'I '""' t I ' ' )•·h+tllttt ClraAatlon t ~ Or•nQP C M\t D•tt'f' Poor with wP,lth I\ c~ r.11,,._ ... b1nlld th• Nf"N\ Prfl'\\ " PUbt•,~-0 by Uw Of'• ... C<>•nt PubH\hu•-.o ( on'lo...inv S..p•r •t• •dtttont 1r• Mot11 L Koy Schult1 M icha el P. Hor-v•y Qubll \f'l_.0 Moncf•, through r tldAy tor (~t· Mif ... , , .lf•''V", ... , .. ,., 4M'-4l" " 1• ftll'l\t 11'nl f 1111• 1, 1 1 I ,.,,.,, •r1 rig IOl••PO" S...h Hunll,,qlon e .. , ... FOVflt•ll' V•ll••· At•lt\ tr''"' l •OVNI 8eM h t,outn C ot\I A. >ll•Ole r.qtoNr N;tflliwli'\I ,.,,.., (l111l1 ,,,,Ii' A11 ... 1•!IJ'l'f tl I ' ,1,,1, •• •dlllon I\ llUbll\IWd !.<tturO••• •rid ~ • .,. T.._ ····"'"~'' ~ f\11"( h prlr"ltlf'AI l'IVbtl\P\!nQ O••l"lt h ., )JO W•tt .... \tr .... ~ w"'''""''"'''" .J40-lnQ P 0 no• IMO CO\t• M••• I •lllar,,la •tt~ t l\V'lfllil ,.,~ .. •• .--' ~ VOL. 7, NO. 347 Agc•ncy's fat1l1t1l·~ µlarrn1ng division T h (' r t· mo t t• s 1 l e s 1 n d u <.h· Albc•rh1ll. Black Star C<1 n y11n, Canada Gobernadora, Cur11n<1 South, El Toro. Prado Dam. San Clenwnte, Santiago Pc·ak. S1tt11n Peak and Yorba Lmda The computt·r anal ysts will attempt tu 1dt>nttfy sitt·s that nn· vat·ant and arC' ertlwr county 11r mtlttary owned L;md us1•d (01 agricultural purposf•s also w ould be> considt•rf'CI usable Overc rowded cond1ttons at the main .iatl 111 Santa Ana havC' forced s~~sors to mov£ ahl•ad christmas 1982 With tlH' Slit' Sl lt'\'llOI) pttll'l'"" ft!I a new Jail Ttw f11ur :-tt•·!>. \~hit h still art• undt·r 1·1in:-1d<·r allon. <H ('. Thi• .Ja m<>., i\ M 11s1l'k I fnnor Farm rn•;1r El T oro, \Vh1eh 1•ould ht• cxp.tndl~I 111 11wludf' th1· rww J<-111 l-11 o p\'! ty adjilt'\'llt 111 thl' San Lll An.i 111:1111 .ia 1 l S<tnt.:1 An.1 Canvon at Wl'1r Canvon H11ad 111 Yorha Ltnda -Tw11 SP para tt• lol'a lio n s in lrvm1· Um· 1s ltx:atl'J at Trabuco Canvon H uad bl'lWl rn Sand Canyon Avt•nut'. lhl· n tht·r 1s nt'ar El Tom M .11rw Corp:-Air Statton 'ti ti l h l '.t :-t t1 f S. • n ti C ;_111 V tt I\ I\ \'f'l)lH. F1vl' membl'rs of a sunk~ Rockland. Mame, fishing v~ wNt" reS(:Ued frum their life raft Sunday by another boat in se~ driven by 40-mph winds 90 mll!"l off Chatham. Mass. • ' Dispatchers sent l ,200 p1ec-e$ of snow-removal equipment onl~ highways 1n Massachusetts whilt 2 ,fiOO men werC' called in \o ope rat e more t han 31f.• snowplows a nd 290 salt spread~ in NC'w York Cit Y at a cost ~ :1bout $700,000. · ": 1 lv.i11l 1tl 1\ 1•1IJ._li.,11 •! --.:..{ .. ' . . . • • • • I • • I ! 1<11 V l M WTI !'<<J\15}i l\Wli'<l'> 111 ll1v TIHJ'\t ;//Clt.mu,C'CllOt".' . ' I I H Id l llWIH'> '~ll t ii !YJ.(/ 111~ ,111w·~· ~..tY•V:i ~'~'lH si.l.c. w11tq1\ 111'.l<:kmr~ -~'I .,,,·1'/, Wif'l i t.11 tll<'< r • 1d:1\ ,,.; w1t}1 C\\/I 111 \) t t • 11. Ii ll ~ I I' I": I ' l J I Mt.') JI !. "I' I lr!1 I• 1'.'rl !, ·t t 15, ,, I •.I l •l .' i J 44 I 11slH1>11 /1i/1111<1 • N«1t•1111rt il<'Cl«h • 714 644 ·~070 1001 W•·stwoocl Hlu.t. • w ,•stwood Vlllo!fr • 2'13 lllH-.1273 .. A I Orangt1 <..oHt bAILY PILOl /Monday, December 13, 1982 BENSON & HEDGES D•Hr f'tlot.Photo br Ch.,te• lteu Sunlu'i, 1wu horKeS 1m llt·J l"lt•igh lhrou~h Dunu Point llurbor us t•hildrN1 ehutted wi t h St. Nick . Holida y c amps set for kids A day <.'amp and a st.·paratl' f1ve -diiY ovPrn1ght camµ in to th<.' San Bernardino Mountains wall be offr•red during the holiday season for local youth by th<.· Irvine YMCA Serv1re Ccnwr. The day camp. for kindergarten through sixth-grade studl'nts. w1ll <.'Ol\SISl of eight days of activities. from Dec. 20 to 23 and Dec. 27 to 30. The camp wall operate dally from 8:30 a.m to 3 p.m .. with exttmded hours available The <.'O&l is $96 per child for members and $108 for non- members. The trtp to Camp Oakes. near Big Bear, is offer ed to students in fourth through eighth grades. The cost, $120 for members and $132 for non-me mbers. includes three meals per day. lodging, transportation and traditional camp activities. For more information, call the YMCA center weekdays between 9 a.m. and 1 p.m. at 559-1175. • • • A variety of hohday-spmted programs, from a Re nt-A-Santa to hourly crafts classes for children, are being offered this season by Irvine's Turtle Rock Park. Here is a brief hst of the offerings: -A pancake breakfast from 9 t.o 11 a .m. Saturday where kids get a stocking filled with goodies and a photograph taken with Santa Claus. Adm1ss1on is $6 each. -Crafts and games classes Monday through Wednesday, Dec. 20-23 from 10 a.m. Lo 1 p.m. or l to 5 p.m. Three-d ay fee 1s $25 per person, for children aged 6 through 12. Registration deadline is Friday. -A mailbox for letters to Santa. A reply from the North Pole will be mailed so children up to age 12 rec.-eive them within five days. Drop letters off at the park. at no cost, from 3 to 5 p.m. through Wednesday. -Evening fun and games classes for children aged 5 through 12 for parents who need time to shop, from Sunday through Wednesday, Dec. 19 t.o 22. Fee is $2 per hour; reservations may be made up until noon on the same day. HOUDAY HAPPllllGS ~ More information on these programs can be obtained by t·alhng the oark at 752-6076. • • • A cast of 100 dancers from the Irvine Academy of Performing Arts will stage three performances of the popular Nut.cracker Ballet l"nday through Sunday at the UC Irvine Village Theatre. PerforrnanC'C.'S wall be at 8 p.m . Friday and Saturday and at 2:30 p.m. Sunday. Tickets are $4.50 each a nd can be obtained by calling the academy at 551-3507. Leslyn Nitta and Edward Winslow will dance lead roles as the S ugarplum Fairy and her cavalier. Tracy Peterson will be Mother Ginger and Steve Mitchell will be Crosselmeyer. &'Ott Spiro will perform as Fritz with Lisa HilJ as Claire. The Snow Queen and King will be Steffi Sacket and J im Randall. • • A candlelight festival known as the Fiesta de Candelarias will be staged Sunday night at the lake an Irvine's Heritage Park. More ~han 500 candles will be placed along the shoreline of the lake to create a view of flickering lights reflecting off the water. Christmas carols and other holiday songs will be sung by local choirs. Community leader E. Ray Quigley Jr. will lead a sing-along. Santa Claus also is expected to pay a visit. Fest1viucs will run from 5::i0 to 7 p.m . at the park. which is east of Walnut Avenue at Yale Avenue. The event 1s s po nsored b y the Irvine Chamber of Commen·e in conjunction with several local service clubs . Membe rs of the Marine Reserves will attend to accept new. unwrapped gifts fo r their Toys for Tots program. • • BENSON t HEDGES IOO"s Only 6 h1g yet rich enough to be called deluxe. Regular and Menthol. Open a box today. Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined Thal Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous 10 Your Heallh. . . -A Rent-A-Santa to deliver presents and candy canes for up to 20 children is available through Dec. 23 at $20 for a half-hour. Santa is available from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Locauon must be in Irvine, but paruers don't have to be children. Seventy children from needy families in Costa Mesa will be guests at a Christmas party sponsored by the Costa Mesa Rotary Club at noon Wednesday at the Mesa Verde Country Club. ti n•g .,d, • 0 u 11111 nirnune av p~r crgareue. by FTC method Th§.f?ob1nsons Gift AN ELEGANT 4-PIECE BOX OF BILL BLASS CHOCOLATES IS YOUR GIFT WHEN YOU BUY s10 OR MORE Gilt w11h purchase As If we could make America s loremost 1aste seller"s savories. luc ked rn srlvP,r and gold boxes any more temptrng For the swE:etP-SI g1f1 ever c hoose lrom assorted chocolates. 7 oz $7.50 14 01 $12 ?8 oz $24 ChE>rry Cord1at5 Bl/• oz $10 Roh1nc;on s Candy 66 OF BILL BLASS CANDY.r SPECIAL HOLIDAY SHOPPING HOURS: (, ~ONDAY·SATIIRDAY 10-9:30, SUN•AY 10· 7. \ I Oranutt Co11t DAILY PILOT/Monday, December 13, 1982 • ... Sometimes, a man is an island ~I By JOHN PLATERO stallon, hut b4't'RUS«· of rouuln1t l.aland art' rodltX'<J t.o Ke)' Wt.'lt J- Attorney Jobn Patrick Do l an h as been e lect ed presid e nt o f the Ne wpor t Harbor Bar Association , the only regional bar association in Oran ge County. A_ Corona del Mar resident, Uolan is join ed o n the association board by attorneys Max De Llema, Mlcbael Obrand and Ma r y Lee Lindqu ist , a ll of Newpor t Beach. --- •Adventure on the high seas is the topic of a marine lecture series beginning J an . 6 at Orange Coast College. per lecture. Tom Blackaller will discuss the Amer ica's Cup Jan. 13, TrlJtan Jones will be on stage Jan. 21 and Lin and Larry Pardey will discuss their next boyage Jan. 28. Harold and J ulie Wheeler will headline the four-par t series at 8 p.m. Jan. 6 in the Costa Mesa college's Robert B. Moore Theater. For ticket information calJ Series tickrt.; are $20 or $6 556-5880. -~~~ •Michael N . Ortell, a n Orange Coas t Coll e g e professor of mathematics, has been elected president of the Rancho Santiago Community College District Board of Trustees. presidential term is for one year. AMOClei.cl ""' wrt1e. h•avt•s uncJ t.·oniJ>t.tn11utory tlrnt> for National W<>a ther Service D R V T 0 H T U G A S off on ly two or thrt<c urP C'ver and military broadt.•a»ta. Thia LIGH1'HOU8t;. Jo'la. Wht·11 h1.,•~t• at th(' iwmc lime. Informatio n inc ludes 1ky dal'kllt.'118 l'OITH·s a nt.I P 1•u y Those pulling lighthouse duty conditi o ns , te mpe rature, Offkcr 1st ClllliS ltonuld Mt1uldln on thts furthermCJ8t l1.1land of the humidity, wind direction and climbs the 226 swlni to thl' top oC Florldu Keys 70 miles west of velocity. this 124-yC'ar-old islund acntry, Key Wetat In the G ulf of Mexico, 0th e r d u t l e s I n c 1 u d e hl' ft><'l11 thl' lont•llncss of isla nd w:e provided all tht• amenities for malnt.aining the rotatini beat.-on duty und plnt!S for his wife and normal Jiving with one blatunt and three gene r«to rs that .two young daughten;. omission. provide eleclrici ty for the But toshlps plylng the Florida ·•w o m e n ,'' e mphas i zes l ightho use, fu e l and wate r S H a lts, the pie r ci ng llgh t Boatswain Mate Jrd Class Mike pumps, their home, radlo selB and panning the darkened sea is a Hoba n. a robust , 21-year-old several small utility build ngs on w elcomed beacon that he lps from Fort Lauderdale, Fla., as he the isl a nd. And , as at a,oy guide them through da ngerous gazes out the kitchen window military Installation, grounds and J shoals. Coward a passing yacht and quarters must be kept shipshape. "It's good duty, but It gets old fantasizes about his next shore As o fficer in charge of the after a while," says the bearded leave. installation , Mauldin prepares a 33-year-old Mauldin, who has Military discipline, routine and week I roster and de lega t es been stationed at Coast Guard r e gime ntation a re re l a x e d chores to be done. These may Light Stat.ion Dry Tortugas for somewhat for those selected to include painting, mowing the the past 17 months. "One more spend 18 months on this 16-acrc lawn between the lighthouse and month," he smiles, ''and I'll be island. The men usually are on b u i Id in gs or w o rking on transferred." duty 12 or 24 hours at a tlme. expans ion project s such as From offshore, Loggerhead ••W e prov Id e a Id s t o fin ishing a s ma ll recreation Key-a mile long and about 700 navigation. That's ou r primary building . Main tenance on a small f eet wid e -r esem bles a n duty" says Mauldin , a career wha ler at dockside is another un inhabi ted tropical isla nd Coasi Guardsman with 10 years routine duty. en circled by a white, sandy ac tive duty and fi ve i n the While the five e nlisted men beach. It changes little after one reserves. "We maintain the light have sp ecialized fields, each steps onto the single small dock which is on from sundown to knows everyone's duties so they at mid -isla!'d• where the br_ick s unup a s a la ndmark f_o r can fill in regardless of who is lighthouse is located. Nearby as a mariners, a radio beacon for ships away. modern three-bedroom house for and aircralt and we monitor the The a bsence o f a feminine Ma.uldln and the other four men emergency channel 16 on VHF touch is a pparent throughout the Ortell was elected to the board in 1979. and served as vice president last year . His A graduate of California S t a le U n iversity a t L os Angeles and the University of New Mexico, Ortell has been 'ct mem ber of the OCC staff s ince 1970 . A n a tive of Maquoketa, Iowa, Ortell is a resident of Santa Ana. assigned here. and channel 9 on CB radio." house. T here are n o adorning 1:hese are the .only permanent Mauldin adds that every three f!o w e r s, knic k -knack s or Home away from home residents at this Coas t Guard hours, weather conditions at the pictures. Tre Robinsons Gift • _J COME TO OUR ROYAL DOULTON FAIR AND WATCH THE FAMED ARTISANS DEMONSTRATE THEIR CRAFT ' THEN LET THEM PERSONALIZE YOUR CHOICES FROM OUR DAZZLING ARRAY OF HOLIDAY GIFTS AND EXCLUSIVE INTRODUCTIONS. We're celebrating our 3rd annual Royal Doullbn Artisan's Fai r with 150 years of master craftsmanship and magnificent artistry for you to see. Meet the talented artisans and watch them create the most delicate porcela1n figurines, •. 8 .... E colorful character jugs and beautiful collector's dolls. Then make your selections truly one-of·a· kind: our artisans will be pleased to personalize your purchases. Also during th e next two weeks. we're highlighting in ou~~event stores a dazzling collection of exclusive introductions of the new 1983 Royal Daulton Collectibles. Plus. through a spetial arrangement with Royal Doulton. we're pleased to offer you a unique opportunity to purchase the already sold-out Fire! ::union Santa mug at a special price . .;~" us. And bring home this holiday's most wanted collectibles. MEET TH E ROYAL DOULTON ARTISANS Meet Michael Abberley, Master Designer and Modeler. Dawn Lammas. Master Paintress. and Mabel Perry, Costumer for the House of Nisbet. Newport, Tuesday. December 14, 1·4 p.m and 6·9 pm Wednesday. December 15, 11 a.m.-2 p.m. and 3·6 p.m. C HOQSUROM OUR EXQUISITE COLLECTION: A Old Balloon Seller figurine. S175. B. 1981 Limited Edition Santa jug. S50. C 1982 Royal Doullon Chnstmas Plate, the last in this series. S39.95. D. Swansdown Doll, Limited Edition from Kate Greenaway, S195. E. 1982 Limited Ed1t1on Santa jug. S75. Join us now through December 18, in Robinson's Collecllbles, 183. To order call toll-free 1 ·800·345-8501. . ROBINSON'S COMPUJIRIZID WIPPIN9 GlfT ntlm MAKE AN APPOINTMENT WITH OUR CONSULTANT AT YOUI NUlllT IOllNION'S. WE'LL RECORD YOUR GIF? PREFERENCES IN EVERY ITOlll VIA THI ONLY CO.,,.RlllD UIVICl' IN IOVTHIRN CAUPORNIA. • I•' .. " '. . ~ . , . . . .. ., .. ' r· Oru11gu Cottal OAIL Y Pile OT /Mone.toy. D mbur 13, 1082 Shaky state final).ces • need prompt remedy California's sha ky fina ncial situatio n was nowhere bette r pointed out than in last week's decision by state Treasurer J esse Unruh to halt the sale of state bonds to preserve the state's sha ky credit rating . Forme rly r a te d AAA, the hig hest possible, the rating has been dropped to AA- plus and AA by two top credit rating firms, one of which has put California on a ''credit watch" -a climate hardly conducive to bond sales. Under the circumstances Unruh had little choice but to call off the bond saJes until something can be done to get the state budget back in balance. The deficit for this year already amounts to $220 million and could reach a nywhere from $1.5 billion to $2 .3 •billion by the end of the fiscal year, depending on the economy, the treasure r says. The L e gis lature passed a $::.J.2 billion budget in June, but since then it has been downhill all the way, as estimated tax revenues plumme ted due to shortfalls in income and s ales taxes brought about by unemployment and the recession. Legislators, who met briefly last week then recessed until Dec. 20, will have about 12 days to solve the problem before their special session e nds. Meanwhile l'Ommittces art.> trying to rome up with proposals. Clearly the answer must be increased tax es o r reduced spe nding, or a combination of both. But the deficit has become a political football, with Gov.-elect George Deukmejian, an opponent or tax increases. insisting it is a problem to be solved by the administration or outgoing Gov. Je rry Brown and the Democrats in the L egislature conte nding Deukmejian should participate in the solution. The political debate is getting us no whe re. Meanwhile State Controller Ken Cory says the state will be out of funds to cover salaries or pay bills for goods and services on Feb. 22 if it meets the deadline to pay off the first hall of a $400 million loan from Bank of America taken out to meet its cash-flow problem . In announcing his decision to halt the bond sales, Unruh noted that the first bond issue to be . affected will be the pending sale of $150 mjllion in Cal-Vet .housing bonds, followed by $2.8 1 billion in the sale of other bonds approved by voters, including those for prison construction. This, along with the warning from the financial markets, should jolt the s tate lawmakers into action, holidays or no hoUdays. Conflict 'gray area' / A rather unusual conflict -of- interest question has baffled the Huntington Beach City Council and City Attorney Gail Hutton to the point where the state Fair Political Practices Commission has been asked for a n opinion. Councilman Ron Pattinson has been employed by fellow councilman John Thomas for the pas t four months. He i s a supervisor in Thomas's crane and trucking business. But Thomas some times does work for the Huntington Beac h Company which from time t o time has projects up before the council. The Political Refonn Act of 1974 prohibits council membe rs from participating in decisions in which they have a financial interest -specifically if the source of income is $250 or hi~her. So Car, Thomas has abstained from voting on issues involving the Huntington Beach Company, but he conte nds Pattinson works for him, not for the Huntington Beach Company, and that this should not disqualify him. : P attinson says he likes his joh, has to earn a living, and is not deriving any financ:;.ial benefit from the company for which his boss sometimes works. The city attorney calls it "a gray area." It's a situation that is not likely to come up on very many city councils. But since it has been challenged, it's probably as well to seek a ruling from the s tate's official arbite r on questionable political practices, just for the record. Communications lapse P eople who operate a cable television system s hould be experts in communication, but officials of Dickinson Pacific Cable Systems admit that they were guilt y of a lapse in that d epartment when they recently told subscribers they would have to pay an extra $1.50 a month if they wanted to continue receiving a program guide that has been distributed free. To subscribers already paying about $32 a month for the cable TV se rvi ce,. th at was an unwelcome surprise. Seems the company decid ed to replace its fonner guide with a new, improved version, including feature articles along with daily program listings. They distributed the new guide to subscribers in Huntington Bea c h , Fountain Vall ey, Westminster and Stanton, along with a letter saying it would be sent free only through January, after which it would cost $1.50 a month. • Since there had been no me ntion of a guide fee when subscribers sign ed up for the se rvi ce, f ea ther s wer e understandably ruffled. What the. company failed to tell its 31 ,000 subscribers in the a re a w as that a second, less d e tailed lis ting still will be available free so they will, in fact, have a choice. - Obviously the more elaborate n ew guide is more costly .to produce, and the monthly fee could help offset its cost. But in these shaky financial times, people don't like to be told they will have to pay even as little s $1.50 for something they had assumed was included in the basic cost of their cable system. When the dust has settled, everyone will h ave a program guide, simple or elaborate according to taste and pockebook: And if that h ad just been explained in the first place there would have been fewer irate subscribers. Opinions expressed In the space abOve are those of the Dally Pilot. Other views ex· pressed on this page are those of their authors and artists. Reader comment Is invit ed. Address The Daily Piiot, P.O. Box 1S60, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Phone (71'1 642·4321 . L.M. Boyd/ Winning smiles Women with especially big smiles make wonde rful wives. Men with especially big feet make e xcellent . .hwbaods .. S1:1ch W.!_re the ~n~entlom; of that !..ove and War m an of yesteryear, E.V. Durling, who took pride In h is w ife's big smlle and his own big feet. Seasoned Citizens may recall Durling Is the Cellow who claime d green -eyed women w ere ORANGE COAST Daily Pilot ' Pv0'1\"4ie ,,,,.,, .. , tt I"-.... •• JIO w~w tt•r ~I C.•••• ........ _._, ..... we>-11<• ,. lkl• '"° , ........ , •• ,.,. • career -minded ahd honey blondes were the most beautiful. Q,_Why do_ sharks always h'~n upside down befort' they bite Into something? A. They don't always. Just when that something is on top of the water. [t'8'-lo avoid exposing their heads above the surface ' Thoma• r. Hol•v p I \If'• Jon• Amari t ".' ..... l 11tVf lcnbara Kr•IWch f 1 • I , ,, ( ! I • New Viet WASlllNU1'0N The honortng or Vit•tm1m V<!lt'r<ins and dedkalaon of thc.•ir nwmorial 111 Wa~hington l<isl month Wt.•nt a Jon~ way toward ht•ahng lhl• psyl'htt' wounds of that war But anothl'r C<>nlrovC"rsy h:1s llrisc.'ll, rnarkt·d by tht• bit'kl'ring unJ bat·kstagt• man<.•uv1.•ring tht1t t:haractt•rizt:d 1h1• 1.'0nfl1c•l and its aftt•rmath. This unfortunall' c.·onH'sl , wh11.·h m volvl·s wc·ll-mcaning pPoplt• on both s1d<.•s. t'Oll<"t•rns the· c•fforts to bury tht• rl'm.uns of an unidcnl1ficd V1Nnam sold it•r beside• t host• nf the two world wun; a nd th e Kon•an conrtic:l al lht· T omb o f lht• Unknown Sold1l'r in Arlmgum National Cemt'lery. THE PROBLEM is the great str1d(;s m S4.·1t•ntift<' idt•nlif11.·;H1on of rt•moms that havl' bccn made• sint•t• eurl1er wars. Fam1hl'S of nwn sttll listed ~·s missing ding lo the hop<> th<tt sonw d uy lh1•11 lovPd om.•s will be 1dc•ntified as among tht· b<xlws thut arl' now "known but lo God·· 1fos p1lt• the• lw!>t effnn~ of tlw mc•d1t·al t•x pt·rls Burwl at Arlington wuuld k;1vc· somt· fm111lies fon•vt•r"'ln doubt. But sornl' P1..ontagon offKtals want to go ah<•ad and bury a Vietnam unknown 'anyway. Thl.'y havt• four "t·andidatt'S" lur tht· hunm· four sC'ls of rc m:.uns in Haw.111 that they arc• t't•ntain will nevl'r Ix• 1dl·ntif1t'CI Lc>admg the charge is Army St'Cretary .... vet controversy Jt1h11 M<ir~h. a s havl•tatl with lhl• 0<.'Cupat1on fort'<'S in Germany <.tl the end of Wurld Wur 11 , a forml'r Virginia c·cmgrl'S."man und a mt•mlx-r of Vl'lC'rans and µ;i trtot1c.· organizations. On June 16. Mttr!-h drew up t·l::iborul{' plans for lhC' sC'l\•t•t1trn anJ burial of a Vil•tnam G. -JA-Cl-11-D-IR-ID-I -~ unknown, and submitted them in an "J\t·t1 o n Memorandum" to Defensl' Sl•u Nary C<lspar W<·inlx>rgl'r. Thi~ wa~ the suggl-stcd Sl'enarau: St·ll>ct11m o f one of the four sl'ls of I l'lni.1111' by ~1 highly dl'l'Oratt'CI cnhstcxl V('\1•1 an o r V1Mnam. "prcfl'rably a r<'l'IPll'lll of tht• Medal of Honor." Thl' rt•mains not chu~wn to be.• buried ttl ~-.l Thl' Navy to transport the unknown ttt S[m Jo'rant·1st·u. with a Coast Guard 1·u1t1·r in l'SCort. Th<.· Air For~i.' to fly tht· unknown to Andn·w~ Air f'or ct· Base uuts1dc W;1"h111gtun. D C. Tht.• Army to lc.tkt• the unknown lO ttll' Capitol, whl'rc the casket would Ix· plat<:d in the Rotunda for 48 hour~ Tht• burial c:eremony a t .Arlington lo b<.· h1.•lcl 1111 Vl•tl'nms Uay. Wl•tnlwrger. C'V1dcntly swayed by the argunwnl that lht:> raur sets of remaini Wl'I t.' not bc·yond ho~ of 1dcntif1cauon. Vl·lot:cl Marsh'. plan. But M;.ir:.h p<.11'S<•vt•n·d lit• enlisted th~ h(·lp or Re p. W1llwm Goodling. r-Pa., whu tnlru<lut't'<.I a rt'SOluuon asking t~ Wh1u: IJu use to t:han gt• 1ts mind and 1•xpc.•t.l1ll' thl· honoring of a V1Nnam unknuwn. A Goodling aide told my associate Donald Goldberg he has been assurc.'Ci by tht• Army that the remains in Hawaii Wl'rt' bt.•yond recogn1t1on. Des pite lobbying Crom those who don't want to {")OS(.• thl' files on the unidentified bodies, Guodhng as s111l pushing his r~olution. MEANWHILE, presi. rt·ports appN1rc.'Ci to thl• a ffeN that Wl'1 nbl!rger h ad as!-urt•d vNerans' group-. the rert•mony w<1s ~imply ht.·ing delayt.-d for a year. Bu\ Pc.·n uigun soun·t'~ say Wcm berg<'r was out of tlw wuntry w ht.·n the reports appt.•un·d , tht•y suspec·t lht.• reports were planlt•d to drum up support for Marsh's plan Tht·y ms1sl that nt.•tthl'r the Wh1~ I !oust• nur tht.· Pt.•ntagon has any plans to gu a hc<1t.l with the burial Fo11tn1•l<.': A spokt.>sman for Marsh srud ht• thought Wt.'mbcrger was still waitms for a 1t'l·ummt·ndt.1tion from the Army s<.•<:n •t<lfV I le was unawarl' that his boss h <1d nh:t;dy made a rc.'C'Qmmcndauon. and that 11 hJd been turned down 'I In the Legislature money talks best Eal·h sut't"t'S..'>IVC.' yt.·ar sinl't' th(' advc.nt 0 f l he .• r u 11 -l 1 ml' ' p I 0 r (• s s I 0 n a I IC'gislalors" bttck in 1967 the• IC'g1s lat.ur1t havt.• l:x'C.'Ome mort• a nd mort· bl<itant 111 tht.•1r fund-ra1:•1ng act1v1t1l>S YN nothing that has bc<•n donl' 1s morC' crass than the rc•t.•t•nt l<•tlt·r matl<'d out by St-na l<' Pn•s1dent David Roberti. thc L5t.·moera11c lcadc.•r of the Scnalc Tht> lette r 1s an appc•a l lo animal lovc•n. for mon c.·y t o t•l c•t:t lt'g1slators sympalhct1t 11> theu· a nimal pnitt-ct1on proposals Roberti Sl'l'' the lt.•lll'r as an appt.•al to thl' l'mot1ons of pc•rso11S who. hopdully. an• afflut•nt t•111>ugh to back thl'1r feelings with hord cash. 'through this ht• hope:~ to build up the• b;mkroll necc~~arv to c•stabh~h l11 m with the• und1c;put(.d pnw<.•r lO rt·tam h1!> position of lt-adl'rsh1p an tht• St•nak. HE WILL SE thl· rnorwy tu hobwr tht• camp;ugns of thosf> f1 w11d ly to animal lovc•rs. It govs without saying that they will also haw to h•• fnc:ndly to him Lo gain the finanda l s upport And 11 will be no surpriSE' 1( the only ont•s to lx>ncf1t from the funds art• DemtJCrats. The• idea o f the leader o f a lvg1sJativc ho us t• bN·oming tht• .. bugman " ftH' l'<lmpmgn funds doc'Sn't origmolt' with Robt>rt1 Spe::iker" of the• As~<'mbly hnv1ng bC'cn d C11ng 11 in in1.·rc asang inwns1ty for the ~1st two dl>cndes. What 1s disturbing about this lrc•nd 1s that it bestows on these indiv1cfuals p o w I' r s f a r g r c a l t• r t h a n l' v c r <.•on1t.'mplatcd by thosc who mnceived the legislative form of government. It makes them virtual d1ctators. tht:1r great pow<.•rs derivC'C.I from thl• faC'l that every mC'mb<>r aidl'Ci in his t'ampaign by the IARl WATIRS ll•adc•r 1s thC'rL•aftcr fort.•ver b<>holden to h11n rut her than to thl' t>onslltul•n ts in has d1slrn l f:vt•11 without th1' mordtnlll<' power. JUSI tht• 1dl'a C>f J!rt•al sums o f money pouring into the Statt• C<ip1 tol during leg1slativ<' scs.-..om ... mu~t' lx• repugnant to mo!tl c1t1icns Yet. disregarding the act1v1lll'S of lht• IC'adcrsh1p of ~at·h house, th<' mdividual lcgislittors have been indul~mg in tht•ir own fund ra1smg with mcrca~mg frrvor in N1ch SUl'C.'ecding year sm<.-c the full time Ltoig1slaturc t•amc Into hcmg 01w rC'ason 1t didn't h appen in the• yc•ari. lx•forc• when thc Lc-gislaturc was c.·om post•d of "c1t1zc n-lc.•g1slators·· was bl,.'('<JUSt.' sc.-ssions wer<' not held during the yc•ur of C'i<.'<.'l1ons. Nuw wi th t•ont1nuo u s s<.'ss ions. lt'g1sl11 tivt• busin ess h as becom e doni.tl'rou~l v blendl'd with campaign fund-rn1s1ng So blatant a r e thl'Sl! individual efforts that the Democrats r eportedly h av<.' coonlinr.tlt•d them b y <.'Omputcr and issul' reports as to who has contributC'd for the guidance o f the mt>mbc•rs m voung u pon bills. Most of this kind of pressure has been deniC'd by the members although their fund-raising appeals which start as soon <1s they take offt<.-c are no Sl'Cret. SO THE CRASSNESS of R obert1's l<.>ttc•r 1s found in the st;itcment he makes bv way of explan;llion of his appeal. "Unfortunately.' the letter reads. "monl'Y talks m the Legislature." ThC're vou h ave 1t. citizens. From the mouth ot lhl• President of the Senate. L t-g1<;ltt t1 on is not b c1 ng passed on whetlwr 11 1s ne<..>dcc.I for the protection of the p<'ople. It is not being passed on merit It ts not being pa~ on the basi~ of whcthcr it is good or bad. ll is bemg passed based upon how mul·h money yo1.1 have coughed up for the sen ators' campaigns. Your legislators willrationalize this by te lling you how much campaigns rost. The truth 1s that if no candidatt! in a given el<'Ction spent one dime, somebody would still get e lected The only one:o who 1h111k a great <Wal of money must~ spent arc thos<' who want to hold offi~ so bad they are willing to sell their soul.S to \\'in Scientific research yields· no absolutes . . It 1s foolish to olUlt'k sd<'!lct•, nnd only ignorant pc'Oplt• do so. But it 1s <.>qually important to dist1ng u 1sh bt'lwC'rn "st'll!nct'" and "sc:1cnl1sm " JUSl as wt.• must disungui~h between "n •l1f<1t.111" and "rc,lig1osity ." SdC'nlif1t• methodology 1s an absolute must for the human racc. to Ix• rc-spcct<'d IYlllY 111111 oml t•v<•n vent.•ru\L-d. ll 1s thc way wt.• karn to !Wpornlt' and l'ombint.'. whh•h 1s th1• (•S.'l('nl'<' of 1nt1•lllgcm<.'<'. Tht.• ~n·utt·st advarwcs of \he• human nit'<' hovt!. h•'t'n. and will Ix-. made by this mt•tluxJolof'y It 111 humblt·. 11•ntot1vt• urul pc•rpt'tuslly M>lf corrt.'<'th11(. ''S<'1t•nt11tm" I ll onothf'r matter nltol(l'lht•r h I~ a rc-dut.•U<ml1t ucuv1ty. in which life l!l M>en as "nuthml( but" '"' us11ortnwnt or collc•ct lon of mDtcriul flllbiltMnt't~ opt•raltnl( Gl'<'ordlng lo "bawa" or "ft.1n1.·ucm1" th&t hav<-no mc•anlnl( t1•ycmd th{•mwlvt'!I 1 t \Mo11t !'lf.·if•nlllllJC, rc·~rNtnhly. wor.hlp ar th<' s hrm<' of this false idol While th<.'1r t1.'d1n1qu<.'S may bC' humbh•, th<.•ir assumptions nrt• proud: llw primar y Ont.' bemg thal the• M.•crN of life may be found in the• physkal ell!me nts of the univt•rsc No t a ll uf the m . however. hy ony means om .. of the• most br11Hn11t. th(.. Notwl laun.'tttc•, Allx·rt Swnt-Gyorgyi. had this to suy ohout tlw c•lus1vc· nature of life> v1s-a .. vis sdcnt'l" "ln my hunt for 1tw ~rel of hrt•. I start1.•J m y n •s •tirt·h 111 h1 i-;tology . Unsu1 1sf1ed by thf' lnfnrm1111un that t-t•llulor morpholol(y t·ouM g1w nw oboul lilt'. I tUrnl·d to physiJll11gy 1-'mding phys wlog y toe> compl<•>C, I took up J>harmat•olo~y. Still finding the 1\\Jt1tl11n too l'Omplkatt'd. I turntod to b.1<.·wr1ology Bui lltwt1•1·rn Wl'rl' t'Vt•n too ('Ompl<'it, S() I dcs1.•t•ndl'd to I ht.• m o lt.1l·Uh1r IC'vcl. studying phy111l'ul ctwmi11try "Aftt•r 20 ywu11' work. I WM l<'d to c'Orwludt· that to und<>rstund llfC' wt.• h1wt.' to d1"M.-t•nd to thf' cl<'t'tron1t.· ll'Vt'I. and tu the• world of wavl' nwchnnic11 But t'IN'tron11 "'"' ju11t cll'<:tron~ and hove no llfo at t1l1. Evidently on the way I IO!lt lift!; 1t hud run out bttwl'<'n my flng••ni." "It hod run out bNwN•n my l•nR<'r8 " Ex11ctl y Thl11 it1 thf' most honN1 t appraisal of what happ<>ns in sc1entlfi~ rcsc.•arch that Sl'<'kS to tap the essenct' 0$ life. lf you go down far enough, yoy, <.'<>me to a dead end: somehow along the: way_ th<' lift.' prot·ess has esc ape~ ~rutiny. It is m u<'h likl' 1.uking apart a watch td set? what makes it run: No part can te~f you. for ii is In the organiZJJtion of paits Lhat thl" functio n resides. llllY Ill When you ne the number •t youn11ter1 out after dark on blcyclN with no llghta or reflect.on you have to wonder what, If anythtnc. their pantntl ~ \hlnk.lftl about. • • __ _ NERVOUS _?Rii:.. ---~;;, ••1-~ ............. , -........... .!'.!"~· .... ... ...... ............. . ' . ------------------~---------- Orange CoHt DAILY PILOT/Monday, Oec::ember 13, 1982 ~1 ·Tradition, sticky frosting, weet licks go into cracker houses 1-'or t•jtiht yt•.,'11 ttw holldoy 1w11Ho n hull brought vi11lunN of 8 1'11 h Ull\ Cl'l.lt'k(•I H l lllO lhl• minds or •t•cond and thlt d grud l•rll Ul Lns Nnranjrul &.'hool m lrvmt· Etich lltudt•fll brllll(!i Ullt' o( lh l• l'OllSlrUl'llOll ma u•rlnls; ca11dy, <·rat'kt'rs, powd{•rt'<J 11ugm· or cundl£'11. Then egg whllt'li arc whipix-d, mort.ur 1s mad<> und the fun begins. This year 25 mothers volunt<'<'rcd to ovenll-e the 99 junior culinary a.rchilccts as they carved poin ts Into the crackc>rs, assembled four walls and curcCully positioned the roofs which isn't easy with sttcky fingers. The three tcachf'rs watched also to see how well the pr9ject combined art, basic geometry and an understanding of our country's holiday traditions. One class made a graph to show how much the crackct houses cost. They were rated affordable -and ver'J' tasty. ~;­ Mothe r s showe d how to h e n e at with frosting but everyone got a s e nthused a s Eli Potte r and washe d up aftei;wa rds . The for tinJe isn't now 'New Federalism' By DON McLEOD "-lated .. ,... Wrtter WA SHINGTON -''N e w Federalism" may have been a good idea, but it's time is not yet. The ~pie who were s upposed to have gamed so much from the new order have decided they want no part of it. The White House says President Reagan still plans to send a bill to Congress early next year, but it will be a far cry !rom the initial design. And don't bet the mortgage on early passage. Reagan's dream of decentralizing government in America, cutting Washington down to siz.e, and letting people make basic decisions closer to hom e has falle n v ic tim to the economy. Mayor Charles Royer of Seattle, new president of the National League ot Cities, may have started it when he said debating the s truc ture of government while 12 million Americans are out of work "is like rearranging the furniture while the houae is burning down." ·It may be a corny obituary for a lofty design, but it fits. Last week, Mayor Coleman Young of Detroit, preside nt of the U.S . C9hference of Mayors;-was talking to bµsiness and industry leaders about another angle of Reagan's design, getting the private sect.or to take some of the load off government. Young said he h op es private en~rise will be able in time to meet "A"1erica 's long t e rm need t o sp-eamline our industry, create jobs . and rebuild the infrastructure of our <;)ties. "But I also urge you not to lose sight of the fact tha t without adequate food, heat and shelter, American families may literally starve or freeze to death in the months aliead," Young added. .. ~ov. Scott Matheson of Utah, cnamnan of the National Governors' A.s8ociation, went to the White House last week and told Reagan that f!fieraliam dreams are no solace to states staggering under his budget cuts. -'rhis rebuff from fh~ governors was critical. Their national association has spent most of its time and energy over the past year trying to negotiate a federalism agreement with Reagan. Now, Matheson says, no more. "We're interested in federalism," Matheson said. "But I don't believe it's appropriate for the governors to spend 85 or 75 percent of their resources working on 'n e w ft;<te raliam,' because budgeting has ~ the import.ant measure of how NllS ANAlYSIS we succeed in intergovernmental relations these days. "The name of the game is going to be fiscal federalism next year," Matheson warned. "The "'Situation ln th e s tates eco n o mic ally is devastating." The states figure they lost $17 billion in each of Reagan's fint two budgets, a nd Matheson said they wouJd not stand for any more cuts. T h e National Conference of Stale Legislators took a similar stand at its meeting here last week. T h e gove rno r s a nd the i r legislatures, following earlier stands by mayors and county officials, have come to the conclusion that "new federalism" may be what !IOnCe critics said it was when Reagan announced it in January -a smoke screen for dumping programs on them and cutting their federal aid. The surprising capper came when Richard S. Williamson, Reagan's top aide on intergovernmental affairs, conceded to the legislators that wnen the budget slashing began in 1981, "you guys got raked worse than anybody else." While the interested parties were debating federalism their share of the budget was being slashed to the bone, while the rest of it -from the defense buildup to the uncontrollable increases in Social Security -kept growing . "The administration ,...joined by Congress. the Republican Senate and the Democrat controlled House, all went fo r the easy chip s hots ," Williamson said. "And in the budget, the easiest chip shot was to go into the discr etionary accounts of state and local governments." .. Williamson also said the initial maze of program and tax base swaps Reagan proposed was "too complex" and "overdesigned " to ever have much chance of agreement among Its cons ti tu ency. The bill Re agan will send to Congress, Williamson said, will be much simpler, Instead of 30 or 40 program transfers, he is seriously conside ring trying for a ft!w "megablock" grants that wouJd group the programs and provide grants for each group. If this sounds familiar, it should. A d e<:ade ago, President Richard M. Nixon proudly signed a General Revenue Sharing bill at Independence Hall on the Fourth of July a n d proclaimed his own New Federalism. .......... •4••••••tf ' THI IARL'S . ., ... 1 l'\-.MIATNO ,_CO..TIONNO IOlAa WATa MIATINO IAT..o<IM~ lo I< 11101 S.-l-Slit!• al Yovr OOo< ACal 8t0te __ , YO'Ur A-) COSTA MISA 6' 1-1289 112'New,..,.....,. MIUIOH VIVO 495-0401 '"22 c:...... Caple-1-.... ....,, .... ...,. ,...,,, To piece your message be(Ofl lhl r11tdlng public:, phone Delly Pllo1 c1u1Uied. ~2·5678 Free Phone Call Home Now thru Dec. 24 MCI and Hunt ington Center will give owoy oviJr 15,000 3 .. -min. long dis tonce phone calls for the holidays. Just visit the MCI holiday booth in the center of the moll. W·HY COMPL ATE THINGS? THE O~~ Y CCOUNT YOU NEED is the ITIZE MONEY MARKET ACCOUNT INSURED Your inv .. tment is . insured up to $100,000 by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation INTEREST RATE 10% until December 31 , 1912. After that, we wil pay you the weeklyavera~ Fed Funds rate Yl of 1%. INSTANT llQUIDITY Unlmitecl p ......... transfer pr1•1•• to your other Qtlaena lank Ac:ceunt1. BONUS Bring us a lank of Ameilca or Security Padftc na:laper coupon and we allOw the 1ame bonus to open your "Citizens Money Malket Account." ~\·~\ / ''"" For the man with it all ~ Animal gift not advised BEVEHLY lllLLS (AP) Net-d a altt for lhul JX.'l lowr on your ll»t? Jlow about &>verly 1111111 Kitty Llllc•r ahrl'ddl>d mom.•y from the f't•c.lt•rol ltt"IM:rvt• Hoard In a puckaat' 1elllng tor $10. At 0.vld Or14ill. tht-t'mpt\MU i. on 11.t:rlln" silver -~lt>phonH, •&ethotcopet and, ol ooul'lt", ping pon1 peddlf't with at.erllnc allver handlC'S. BoUICh and Lomb ill ClUl thi1 yc.-ar wllh a llmJte<f edlUOn Of IOlid•IOJd ~--With ijvlJ tone lentet. They're fl,890, but you ac-t two C&llel. By PAT HOROWITZ Of lhe 011111 .. llOI llett DEAR PAT: Perhaps many of youc: readers are con1lderlng giving a puppy or kitten as a Christmas gift. T he United Humanitarians volunteer animal workers ask them to pleue reconsider. These small creatures are a serious responsibility. Few of us have lime during the holidays to properly housebreak a puppy or to feed a pet at regular lntervalsl and most homes are too busy for a 1mall an mat to get the rest It needs. &be &rip. I wrote re,ue1&101 a refund of my deposit on July 14. I ve pboned several tJmes reque1tln1 the refund, and each time I'm a11 ured ll will be malled. Needle11 to aay, I'm still waltlng and I bope you can belp me. Buying for u football fan"tk? How about the Sport Horn, a $49.9~ c<.1mpulcrlic:d bullhorn whic.'h will broodcwn lnaulta and alao play college fight 110ngs, march~ and varlou1 cthruc tunes. lndolC'n~ athletes ml.ihl be Interested In the Lazy Golte~ a $~0 club with reel holding ~O feet of cord attach('() to a golf baU. Or a gold-plated miniature archery ttet, a $60 Item with a toot. long bow, eight gold-tipped arrows and tiny targC'l. la your ,tflff a •kl bull? How about a pair of Brandy poles ($37) with tube-like flasks, pr Hotgrlpe <•26) whkh hold a pl~ of burning charcoal In each handle? M.D., Soutb La1uAA Value Vacations reported refunds are running behlnd because of a new controller at ' the company, who la examining "everything" before releasing any refunds. Fortunately~ your re fund request was given special attention at the request of A YS and you report your check has been received. And, under the headlna of toys t.o avoid: "Bye-Bye Diapen," a doll which clape Its hands while dirtying it. panta. For the corporate climber there's the Business Booster. a $79 wooden item which resembles an ordinary paperweight but fires off business cards as if they were mlsalles. :-. A LIMITED NUMBER OF ATTRACTIVE If only a puppy or kitten will do as a gift, why not consider a gift certificate to be honored after the holidays when t he household returns to a normal schedule? Also, If both parents are working, It's practically impossJble to properly train a puppy. Why not get an adult dog from t11e pound after the holidays and save a life? Property depreciation DEAR PAT: I recently went In t o busloe11 and bad to buy some property. Cao I depreciate It on my tax return? Did you send your parents Into near-collapse with a drum set one Christmas? Thlnk what you could have done with the $140 electronic version, Mattel's Sensonic Drums, which synthesize the sounds o( cymbals, snare drums, tom-toms and 4,000 different drum patterns and can blast all of them through a stereo system. Christmas Carol Song Sheets ARE NOW AVAILABLE TO: H.M., Garden Grove Than~ for the reminder that a cuddly puppy or kitten ts not JUSt another Christmas boy. At Your Service adds that the United Humanitarians of Orange County offer durable, light -weight formica pet identif1catJon tags at thelr $2 cost. L.S., Costa Mesa. Properly is depreciable If it meets the following three tests, according to the Internal Revenue Service. First, it must be used in business or to earn rent or royalty income. Secondly, it must be something that wears out. decays, gets used up. or becomes obsolete. And lastly, il must have a useful life that can be determined and its useful life must be longer than one year. The useful life is an estimate of how long you can expect to use it in your business. Another big seller ts a $16 board game called Mid-Life Crisis, in which players attempt to navigate the shoals of middle age without going bankrupt, getting divorced or cracking up. Or, if you're close to bankruptcy yourself, perhaps the Mid-L ife CrisiBSurvival Klt, a $5 com·pendium containing a balloon with "F.go" printed on it which you can inflate or deflate, a clothespin for exercising, a paper bag to hyperventilate ln and a loose marble. Churches & Organizations Coll In. Person, 8 A.M. to 5 P .M. HARBOR LAWN m<Wluary The tags come in small, medium or Large sizes in red, blue, yellow, black or white. The can be ordered by sending a stamped, self- addressed envelope to United Humanitarians of Orange County, P.O. Box 477, Garden Grove 92642. A UHOC volunteer will send a discounted tag order form by return mail. This offer is being made until Dec. 31. Skiers and backpackers might be interested in a $40 flare kit smaller than a pack of cigarettes which can fire colored flares 70 feet into the air. ") 1625 Gisler Ave. Costa Mesa R t;f und arri ved DEAR PAT: I sent a $300 check to Value Vacations In Winsted, Coon., as a deposit on a round-trip charter air fare for two from New York City to Rome. Tbe departure date was changed making It Impossible for us to take • Go1 o problt•m? Thc•n write to ._ i Pat Horowitz. Pat will eut red tape, - g<.'tting the answc•rs and action you ne<.'rl 10 solv<.' inequities in government and business. Mwl your questions 10 Pal Horowitz, At Your Service, Orange Coast Daily Pi/01, P.O. Box ·1560. Costa Mes;i, CA. 92626. Alvin Kuppennan, manager of The Price of His Toys, which stocks the items above, said $25 to $100 gifts are most popular this year. But there are, of course, plenty of expensive gifts in Beverly Hills. For example, Cartiers has an HJ-karat goJa pendant in the shape of the Disney char~ter "Goofy" which is inlaid with diamonds and rubies and priced at $3,500. Jewelry is also the thing at nearby Jerry Magnin which is offering solid gold fox-head cufflinks with eyes made of rubies for $1,250. 540-5554 Needles wants its fair s hare of water NEEDLES (AP) -For a town with only 4,120 residents, Needles gets more than its fair share of publicity. But the townspeople are more concerned about getting their fair share of water. BANli OF AMERIOtS The publicity has been coming from two main sources. First there's Spike. a fictional beagle who is Snoopy's mustachioed and shabby-looking brother in the "Peanuts" comic strips. Spike is a Realtor who lives in Needles, as did "Peanuts" creator Charles Schul2 for two years as a child. Needles Mayor David Daniel says the town's image as portrayed through offhanded references in the comic strips is "out m the boondocks -like, here is Spike out in the desert and the coyotes are going to eat hun." Located on the California side of the Colorado River some 250 mJles east of Los Angeles, Needles is hardly a desert wasteland. lt attracts water skiers and fishermen in the summer and a fair amount of temporar y residents from chilly northern climes in the winter. But Spike does convey one accurate fact of Needles life -the heat, which is the second source of the town's fame. Temperatures in summer climb well beyond the 100-degree mark, and Needles is frequently listed by the National Weather Service as being the hottest place in the nation. The water problem isn't as well known but it could be in 1985. when a 1963 U.S. Supreme Court dec1sion in the dispute over the Colorado River takes effect. The decision w1U divert to Ariwna and Nevada a sigmficant amount o( the Colorado River water now used by Southern California homes and fanns. As a result, Needles faces such a drastic cut in its water supply that town officials say the city could be ruined. But help seems to be commg from what some might view as an unexpected sou r ce: the giant Metropolitan Water D1str1ct, which serves the Los Angeles area and has traditio nally been blamed for grabbing water from ruraJ areas. The roots of the problem date back to 1929, when Congress passed the Boulder Canyon Project Act which authorl2ed a network of dams and also guaranteed a supply of Colorado River water to all previous users. In 1931 , the California agencies and districts that draw water from the ri ver signed an agreement guaranteeing 550,000 acre-feet annually to the Metropolitan Water District and 3.85 mlrnon acre-feet to various Southern California agricultural regions. An acre-foot is the amount of water required to cover one acre a foot deep and i.s generally considered the amount of water used by a family of four In one year. Needles was not Included in the agreement. The town had long pumped its water from wells raCher than the river, and Myi;.on Holburt of the Colorado River Bc.fard theorizes that In 1931 . people did not realize that most of the well water had .,eped from the river. "Needles was the only town in this lituaUon," Holburt said. "The other desert towns weren't left out, they were all lncluded 10meplace." The oml11lon of Needles didn't matte r , however , until the 1963 SuprerJle Court dectalon, which wlU ..' reduce California'• dependable annual supply of Colorado River water from the current ~ mllllon acre-f~t to 4.4 million acre-feet. The decision also said that the f:t. ... , • Needles, located near the California, Nevada and Arizona borders, is hopeful it won't dry up. California allotment would include groundwater from the river, which is what Needles had been using without any formal agreement. In the wake of the Supreme Court ruling, the Colorado River Board and the California attorney general's office determined that had Needles been a party to the 1931 qreement, it would have been guaranteed diversion rights to 1,500 .acre-feet a year. Everyone agrees that Needles can't make it on 1,500 acre-feet a year. Roy Gear, assistant regional director for the Bureau of Reclamation's Southern Colorado region, said Needles currently uses about 3,000 acre-feet, and city officials have projected future needs as up to 4,000 acre-feet. But MWD and Colorado River Board engineers have come up with a proposal to solve Needles' problem with a water exchange that involves developing a new water source. Jim Krieger, director of contracta administration for the MWD, said Needles would pay for wells that would recover groundwater currently seeping out of the AJ)·Amerlcan Cahal, which carries Colorado River water to Imperial and Coachella Valley farms-downstream. In return for Increasing the water supply to Imperial and Coachella, Needles would be allowed to pump more water from Its own wells. "What would happen 11, Needles would in effect pay for this groundwater pumping prosram, and that would entitle them to a diversion that would otherwite go to Imperial," Krieger explained . The proposal. which wu dlacUlled by MWD. Colorado River Board and Needles officials at an Informal meeting Dec. 2. la still very much on the drawing board. IRA PWS GIVES YOU HIGH RATES PWSAIOfM . . '. -·- If all the benefits of an Individual Retirement Account have suddenly become very important to you, but you thought you couldn't afford !hem, think again. Bank of America offers an IRA PLUS account that lets you earn high . rates with a minimum deposit ~of just $50 to which you can make additional deposits. So cvcrl with all the other ex· pcnses you have to.worry about, you can still enjoy the benefits of an IRA PLUS . What's more, IRA PLUS gi vcs you a variety "I like the high rates plus the tax shelter.' of plans to choose from. You can choose investmen~s which lock in a rate, or you can select a variable rate investment for more flexibility. With IRA PLUS, you pick the plan that best suits your individual needs. And you won't pay a penny in set-up or main- tenance fees, as you would at many other institutions. • "/like the high rates plus the $50 minimum." _, "I like the high rates Of course, when you plus the so.fety!' invest in IRA PLUS you arc also investing in a healthy tax shelter. You and your spouse can set aside up to $4(0) ($200) per working individual) each year. This money is deductible f rorn gross i ncomc on your R!dcral income tax return and the inrcrcst earned is tax de- ferred as well. You'll find both features to be valuable benefits at tax time. On top of all this, with IRA PLUS your investment is backed by all the resources of California's leading bank. Bank of America's $120 bil- l ion in assets provides you with just the margin of safety you need for a long-term invest- ment such as this. At the same time, you can also count on all the expertise that Cali- fornia's leading bank can offer. IRA+ IT'S MORE TiiAN JUST ANOTHER IRA. If you want to invest in an Individual RetirementAccount that gives you all the good things you want in an IRA, plus a lot more, open your IRA at Bank of America. Look into IRA PLUS-California's lead- ing IRA from California's leading bank. BANK ON THE LEADER,. f l THI COAIT AND THI COUNTY " llllJPlllt MONDAY, DEC. 13, 1982 CAVALCADE ENTERTAINMENT COMICS 02 04 BS r 'l't•levi io11 vil~wer co111inue to l eave the networks · for oth e r m ea n of TV entertainment. B6. D ~ 0 Robe rt Armstrong watches train on turntable a s it turns to match up with track. "- :This 'en gin~r' built own railroad By JODI CADENHEAD o<ttte DeltJ Not Sl•ff What little boy hasn't dreamed of waking up Christmas morning and finding a track of bright shiny railroad trains under the light-strewn tree. But little boys grow up and some dreams derailed by progress die hard in an adult world. Ask : Robert "Army" Armstro ng. who watched the ~ 33-year-old Orange Coast Model Railroad Club close shop last w eek a fter ~iscouraged members ~ were unable to find a new home for their engines, ~ w hich we re evicted last year from the Orange , County fairgro unds to make way for the • amphitheater. ; After losing the fairgrounds space, the club t• m embers took to me eting Friday nights in • Annstrong's garage and running the 34 engines ;' and 234 cars on the track he spent the last six years ~building. ~ "We hung together until we figured out that : there was no future," said the Huntington Beach resident, reciting a long list of empty buildings the club tried in v~· to le . It was im · e salvage the 1,000 feet of train track In 1 e e fairgrounds' bulldozed building. Also, many of the members have Q..scale trains, making it impossible for them to use Armstrong's track built for smaller trains. But Armstrong's 16 tracks laid through the towns he calls Waianae. Maiale and Makaha are every train lover's dream, comple te with freight ~ stations. tunnel, billboard. stores and even a beer , and pool joint. ~ The black Southern Pacific diesel pulls out of the freight station past the blue coated man waiting op the platform, the Waianae Construction Co., some bums resting under a tunne l, east sleepy towns and on through the wide .-open r countryside dotted with palm trees and grass. Though the dars of freight trains cr~in$ the • country adve rtis ing s ugar or banana fir ms have ended. the models they were built for have survived. • Despite the demise of the Orange Coast railroad club, new clubs are springing up every day and membership is increasing across the country, said Armstrong. At the cost of only $5 for a car kit and about $25 to build an engine, model railroading is not an expensive hobby, Armstrong points out. The real money comes with the price of track -$40 for 50 feet -or the solid brass engines, that can ru.n about $800. 1 At 71, Armstrong is a perfect example of the old adage that some K.ids never grow up, they just get more expensive toys. "I enjoy making them," said Armstrong. "The layout, wiring <it, making up the schedule. I . let the guys who come over Friday. operate i~." The train e nthusiast makes up actual schedules, switching and hooking up cars so that none of the models sit idle for too long. Although he grew up in a small town in Idaho that was little more than a huge freight.yard, Armstrong said he never thought abou~ model trains until he w~ browsing through ·an Australian bookstore 41 years ago. He was booked, and trom then on the Navy career man made a point to join a railroad model railroad club wherever he was stationed: Japan. Oakland, Hawaii and San Diego. He joined the Orange Coast club when he moved to Huntington Beach in 1962 and has become an honorary member of hundreds of clubs around the world. The chain-smoking engine lover, now retired from the military, spends hls days building freight and passenger trains and planning where his next foot of track will take him. "I can run anything I want," said Armstrong, switching on the controls that bring his gigantic toy to life. "Because I built my own railroad." A s peeding train moves pest a . nat car with model airplane. Armstrong owns more than 200 cars that are kept in his own little freight yard in the garage. He has spent six years building the railroad for 34 engines as welf. Close-up, of car with loso of the M•i•le Wal•nae •nd M•k•h• rallro1td. ~ . --· I\ • .. 112 Orengo Coaat DAILY PILOT /Monday, 0.ctmber 13, 1982 .,,,,,, By PHIL INTERLANOI of Laguna 6HACh I, • PlEAS"E l)O NOT SQOEEZE FRUrr EIMA IOMlfCI AT WIT'S END I suppose you're wond.ering what kind of people move into a new hou.se two weeks before Christmas. · There are oniy two kinds: the ones who can't cough up the rent by the 15th and the people who say, ''What the heck. what does it matter when we move just so long as the family's together?" I belong to the latter group. I am stupid. No one is with you when you move. Not the family, not relatives. not God, and certainly not the utilities companies. No wonder President Reagan wants four more years. They're not unpacked yet. AS WE SPEAK, I am surrounded by 137 boxes marked "MISCELLANIDUS." r am alone. No one cares that you have to stand on your head to read "RIGHT SIDE UP" on 30 of them. No one seems to notice there are andirons in the kitchen sink. Not one person has brought up the fact that we have not seen Daddy since he climbed on the roof to unhook the TV antennae at the old house. . This is it! I am aware that this is the seventh time I have said, "This is absolutely the last time I move anywhere," but I really mean it this time. I am ready to live out the rest of my life in this house. And I'm going to refonn. I will never own anything heavier than 20 pounds that does not come with wheels. When I hold a book in my hand I will ask myself two questions: "Did I read it? Did I write it?" If the answer is no, it gets pitched. God is giving me a second chance. I know that now. He is giving me virgin drawers and shelves for a purpose. In return I will mak e Him a promise. I will never save a magazine because of a single tuna recipe on page 93. I will never hang onto another rubber band, garbage bag tie, empty coffee can, mayonnaise jar (with lid) or plastic whipped cream container. GOif i 01 lllDGI BY CHARLES H. GOREN ANO OMAR SHARIF Q.1-Out.h vulnMnbll•, '" South yuu hold: ·~ l:>KI°" 0 K92 •J98Z 'l'hli hlddlnK h1111 11roct>eded: Nortt. F.allt Routh We•t I • l'H• I N1' ~a11111 3 • ..... ? What action do you lu •"/ A. -Purtncr' bid h1 nol fort• Ing, and you do not huv1• much more than u minimum no trump rt>1tpon1w In lC'rm!i of point count. llowt'vcr. your kings arc slil(hlly undervalued 1111d you do havl' some use(ul fillers. Wt• would venture three no trump, 1tnd we would not bl.' upset if p11rt ner chose to correct lo four spades. Q.2-Nei ther vulnerable. us South you hold: •9874 c;:;iQ63 o KJ842 +7 The bidding has proceeded: North E a1t South Weat 1 + PaH I <> Pa11 1 CV Pa11 ? What action do you take'/ A.-f"lr11t or 1111. p11rt1wr'" hill of a 1ww i.uil nt tht• on1• lt•vt•I 111 not forrinl(. 81'('011dly, your hand ii• worth only orw bid. uod you havf• made it. Pasit. 111111 lw huppy th111 you h11vt· 1111111nl(tiff Io lmprovt1 l he c·on 1 r11c•L without gt'l ting out of your dt•pLh. Q.3-llot h vuln1•r1tblo, i.1t So uth you hold: +K93 Ci:'K873 OAK62 +J8 l't\rtner opens the bidding wllh Qnc cl~·What do you n-spond'! , ,\. -With 14 points lri high cnrds and stoppers in the un· hid suits, your hand qualifies for a jump to two no trump. However. that would crowd the auction and you could easily miss a 4.4 heart fit- .,, ith your prime val ues a suit contract might be desirable. We would respond one dia· mond to see if partner can in - troduce hearts. Should he fail to do so, you can always jump in no tru11111 ut your nt•Kt lur11. Q.4-AH South, vulneruhll', you hold: •.uoe5 ~AQ9843 oez +s Tht• bidding has proceeded: North EHt South We.t I • PaH 1 ~ Pa11 2 • l'aH 2 + PaH 3 . c ... 3 ~ l'a11 3 • PHI ? What action do you take>'/ A.-We realize th11l your n•verse as responder hu created a situation which, in theory, ls forcing. However, the more the auction hu pro· gressed, the worse your hand has become. Partner surely has a hand with no more than three spades, a singleton heart and al least six clubs. In view of t he known misfit, we would break a cardinal rule of bidding and pass! But we are ready to apologize lo partner if we took the wrong decision. Q.5-Hoth vulnerable•, as Soulh you hold: +AJ1063 ~7 <> AK92+KQIO Th1: hidding hu proc:C'cdl'd: Houth Weit North •;Ht - 1 • Obie 2 0 Pa11 ? What do you hid now'/ A. -First, partner's bid doos not show any great strength -with a good hand, he would have started with a redouble. He probably has nothing but a long diamond suit. However, we don't need much more thun that for u shot at game. Our choice would be between a jump to four diamonds and 11. leap to game. Since partner may r~· ject an invitation with a suitable hand, we would take our chances with five diamonds. Q.6-East-West vulnerable, as South you hold: •KJ10986 ._,95 0 74 +AK2 The bidding has proceeded: Ea1t 8011th We1t Nortii 1 • Pa .. PHI , ... Whnt 111 your opening lead'l A. -You want to prtlvt:nt declart!r from 8c:orlnK trlck11 with h4a._ low trump8 by met1ns ofi-uffinK. 'thl' way to do that Is lo drnw trump•. Start hy leuding the king. in case partner or dummy has the singleton queen. l>on't worry about declarer havi ng b-Olh missing honors -lf he has them, he will score both no matter what you do. How do you chooee the be1t opellla1 lead? Charlet Gorea hu the aa1wer. For a eopy of .. Wlaaiq Opealq Lead1," tend 11.85 to "Gorea·Lead1," eare of thJ1 aew1paper, P.O. BOll 259, ·· .Norwood, N.J .. 07648. Make eheek1 payable to New1- paperbookt. Genes are -tricky, but. • • DEAR ANN LANDERS: The mother of "Very /Anonymous." is right about husbands producing homely children. [ have a beautiful friend who married a homely man, and every one of their aix children looks like HIM. e: Another friend, a striking Mexican beauty, ~ried an average-looking Englishman. Her children are all average-looking blonds and IO are the grandchJldren. People stare in wonder. I have been asked if they are stepchildren from another marriage. I have seen enou_gh of this sort of thing to be convinced that the chances for having good-looking children are Infinitely better if the father is handsome. It seems male genes are dominant when it comes to how the kids tum out. U you think I am wrong, just look around. -THE EYE WANTS SOMETHING, TOO. DEAR EYE: Tbere 11 no 1clentlflc evidence tbat tbe cunces for laaving good-looking cbJldrea are enllanced wbea tbe fat•er la bandaome. . Genes are tricky and totally anpredlctable. Some kids don't look like eltber parent. Tbey 1ometlme1 bear a very strong resemblance to an aut or a grandparent. Tile woman wllo marries a good-looking man beeaaae 1be wants cbtldren wbo look like blm la often disappointed -and 1be deserves to be. Tile next letter may be of interest to yoa. DEAR ANN LANDERS: I smiled when I read the letter about the mother who didn't want her gorgeous daughter to marry that ugly fellow because she wanted beautiful grandchildren . preceding letter. Alld tllank1 for t•e back·up. DEAR !\MN: I am a single working mother and I'm sure there are millions more like me. I spend 50 hours a week away from my baby, and it is getting harder and harder to say goodbye to her in the morning. I waste a lot of time thinking about my child and resenting the fact that I cannot be at home with her. My work performanoe is suffering because I can't keep my mind on what I'm •'!eposed to be doing. DEAR DR. STEINCROHN: I need some minor repair work. As I'm not anxious to be operated on in a hospital and stayi)ig overnight or for a few more days, I'm considering outpa tient su rgery. I understand I'll need an anesthetic. What concerns me is how I'll get home. My husband can't get home from work. Will it be all right for me to drive? - MRS.G . DEAR MS. G .: Outpatient surgery, in which the patient returns home the same day as the operation, is becoming more popular. But in some -patients, the effects orthe anestrresta don~entirely disappear on the first day. It's not unusual that drowsiness and weakness will occur. For this reason, better not plan on driving home by yourself. It your husbarld can't make it, have a friend drive you home. There ia no one I can depend on to help me DEAR DR. STEINCROHN: I need major financially. The longing I feel to be with my child is surgery and am ticketed to enter the hospital within creating j)hysical and-emotional stress. Can you a few weeks. My question is this: Will smoking hurt come up with a solution? -TAKE THIS JOB AND m y chances? I'm so nervous that I'll be smoking STUFF IT right up to the time they put me on the operating DEAR T.T.J .: Do you know otller motllen wllo table. Mr. Y. are leavlDg tllelr pre-1cbool cblldren wltl9 1ltter1 or DEAR MR. Y : Yes, smoking will hurt. relatives? Consider lkeeplDg diem for a fee. Pbone Smoking will interfere with the oxygen-carrying any employment a1ency and ask aboat jobs you capacity of the blood. Better quit smoking at least 12 might do at llome. 'Tbere IS a 1oludon to yoar hours before surgery. Recently, tests with chronic prol»lem, and If you penlat, you11 flDd It. smokers showed that carbon monoxide from . . . cigare tte s moke de•cr eased oxygen -t:arry . It Is alcohol1sm ruining your life? Know the combines ·with the hemoglobin of the blood, and AND IF HE WILL GIVE me a sign as to where the ooU.ee-pot is, I will never save-anothe!'" pl.astic- bag as Jong as I live. My own daughter was no beauty, but Lila had r a pleasant-fa~ and~a-fovely-ftgu1t;-She-was 1 feet-11 and did some modeling. Lila married a man who was 6-feet>-5. I thought thoee two would surely danger signals and what to do. Read the booklet, prevents the hemoglobin from adequately doing its 'Alcohol.ism-Hope_-and-H-elp," by Ann ~f-carrying-oxygen te-the-varieus organs of-HM!~- Enc/Olle 50 cents wit.'3 your request and a long, body. But if you stop smoking 12 hours before It'll all work out. It always does. I'll find the tree and the lights and the tinsel. Somehow, the boxes of ornaments will appear like magic and we'll get caught up in the spirit of things like~ always do. My son wiU put that ridiculous pie plate he made in the first grade on one of the branches and we'll get some firewood and build a fire and someone will play the piano and we'll sing Christmas carols. lt'U happen ... next June if we'~ ~ucky! produce-basketball playen. • That was many years ago. They now have four children. Their daughter, age 14, is 5-10 and still growing. The three boys, 181 21 and 22, are 5-4, 5-5 and 5-6. It wasn't until my aon-in-law's father died that I met the rest of his family. 'His uncles and aunts look like midgets. Sign me -MYSTERY SOLVED IN MONTANA DEAR MYSTERY: See my answer to tlle Holidays here too soon? I This year, beat the late shopping blues. Take advantage of the special buys and gift Ideas at your local stores and shopping centers listed in the "Laa Minute Gift Gulde," ~ special" section In the Daily Pilot coming Wednesday, December 15. .. stamped, self-.addressed envelope to Ann Landers, surgery the carbon monoxide is quickly cleared P.O. Box 11995, Chicago, DJ. 60611. from th~ blood. · Pho•Home Free on us IT'S NOT YET TOO LATEI: ONLY 18 DAYS LEFT To Aelund ALL '82 Taxes and Recover '79-81 Taxes t·l · 2.1 4:1 · 6:1 · 10.l + ITC + ETC? Real Estate · Research & Development · [qu1pment Leas111g E6cjtlnat Slllillr: lfllt I 1flM ......,, llC.. ll • .,.. ""' .... H.e.I • .,,. .... ,..... Presen1ed b'f DALTON, DALTON, COOPER a FRANKLIN, INC. 2691 Richter Ave . Ste 102. Irvine -Near Jamboree/405 Our Staff or Attorneys and Accountants will be available 9 AM · 10 PM SEVEN DAYS A .WEEK FOR A PRIVATE NO FEE INITIAL APPOINTMENT Come to the center RSVP: CALL NOW (714) 841·3781 FOR SEMINAR court of the Huntington IJ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l•••ll!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!ll!!!l!!!!lll-_. Center moll and coll your friend °' relative anywhere on the MCI long distance network absolutely free. Your free 3 -min. c:;.all is our holiday gift to yov. Steftlng ..... Buelneu A ctcer4ll111 •• c...r.... ....... _. ............ C.et (lec. 17HI te 17111) •II ,.._ ............. ............... _ ..................... ...... ""c....., °'9fti 91141fi_11,......._ lewr t1111e1 Ill 1 ........... _... .. ere I 111 ilrlllcll Ille ........... ...___ Tll• 11•11111•111 II ,......__, ... 9114111 _...,.,......... ••• , .......... 111.--. •••• 1t•11•1 ,._.1,. .................. ............ -. , ... DAILY ,ILOT ............... _. = ........ ---. .. .. .... ···-· .................. ... ., . ., .......... Or11111 Cet1111, c..1t1 1 ..... ... -· ........ , ..... " ............ ., &::~~:.:.~ ......... , .... ................. 1.t11qpm11 Complete Top SMola, T..tpld Steak. or Ptawa Dlaws. Special ftlw DD tllae woa'l lut loaevw, •come to Slart ......_ .. today. Yom're ... to &el toocf In ...... ttW' Put somethlna spedal ~ ~Inside .your season's ptetln~ Send Stuart Anderson'• Gift Certlt!cata. I A•~Nn4A BLACKW 4 FOUNTAIN YALLIY, IANTA ANA, GARDIN GROYI, TORRANCI, CIRRITOI, LAKIWOOD, ANAHI• 1 I I '· J - "!Mtlt>\ Ntl .. ,.. tt.t \.fl flff't ••t\ "f t •••n N .. t•t h1.t\Chl\#l"" t•t '-J .... , ilt .. hft~•l t'• t t t..t l'f'l .. y tl lhC.:k•t.•t~ ~·II"•• » lt .112 11 .. t '• ~l'U 'I ... • • .. ..... ,, , n 10•. H••m Pl • 0 II "' :IO J) §:~r~.p :·: :! ;: m:. :: u~~~r.· "" u '~ \~:: '9 ::~~~· ~ 10 ~~ :~~ .. ===~-:i.::: •• ~1.1 tr: ~ =~~~::'rn 10 !~ ·r· h ...... .. •• R•''o" ,, •» )4•· •• ~;l·~~: ~ .. ti,:: !: . · :::::? • a11 • w ~::: ·~ =:::or~ 9\ .~ :r: .: ••••w1 .,. ,,.. .... ~ , •• "'" I..... , """ i;·"·· .. , I'• ,A c.. "·· , -•• J ,... "...... :: ~ .~ • • ..... 3,. . , , ,. II ••• =~(T" •• n t •• · 0 .°' .. " J fi • ~ 111, .... g:~· .. JO ~! I::• t-:.-:: .. 'IQ ~ ,,~ :; ~~:.: .. •• v a •"'"'• H r !Ilia L • ,,.. •• a·""N, .... 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V. c.t...... l.olll · · 80 11~ " Finl Fed . 2" 23 -lnalOet •.~ J 11' MIE pfl ill 1•-SJ • 1 • Phl!Ntr J 40 IO 63> '1V.' '-SIOOOh 1 ~ S 1•JJ 311 ~, "io .40 142 M7 v. Cotttn' I.ID · no 27"-+ '"' Flrestn • .oas w. 17 -" 1no1PL j.60 SJ •sV: ' ' -' PlllllM n 17 31 71 -• • - I -~ ColOes J.. • SJ 29411. .... l'tAtln • I I ii• ,,~. '" ···•<O •• ' ,,. ·... MIE J>IHl.37 tlOO SJ PTillPtl 2 20 1 1 .... 3)\,, \;. SIPacCp ,. lS ., • ~. As I 2.IO S 133 ,..,. , C50 pl J..S IO ll\4 , --·-, • • NtufO Jll J\\ . . . Pl\llVH '60 • 1J 1•~ .. SltlldH tt 9 1 11 ..: A pf4.JO J ,..,,,...: ii. -,, F8-FI• 1.0I 6 90 11"1-IYo lnlml< n .. JO] n M<hER '34 s IS • "" PleclAVI ·,. I 11 ,.,.. Slenw-,. " m ,.... - A pfJ.96 . ' ,, ........ ~~r.,,ou.p i ·~ 1:~ . i.. FtCh•t ID . I ... 16 411 lnQtfR ''° I 110 Jl'I• • ' MclCTel I ID • JS u .... PieNG 1 • • l "' !> $1ttrell •• t1 ,. lO AACIDG 2 ., n ..... "" CNI! • FstCl\f( 1,20 • n JOI, ..... lf111R pl , lS 11 29•.. NtdCT pf2.0ft • ' ,. . . Pltr I IS .so ·~ I StaMS• ' ,, . 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TRW ) . .0 ., &'J ., J BaryWr .40 " 94 n v.-flt "4?f.1pf l i • .,.! ::~ ~ Fuqua .0 .. )l?Q 30 • l'o JRvr pf SAO I 104"· 4 Mun~ 21 10\lo "' PSHH pl) IS 2 21" ·~ TRW pr • )0 I IU 8HRes .Ml ti IJO •~-''°' ._. ~• ~ -,.~ -Jemsw IJ 10 /I -'• ~ t ~ 1-,·,· J I J PSHH pl3• 1t 11'• 1• Te<BI t 10 144 It ••usch Is. 22 110 ,..,._ .... C..ITtl t.M • 179 1/l<o-.... .20 lt:IO "". J 99nF I <JS• • ISi iO.i.. :::~/p0" 'i s ,.. '"" ... PSvHM 2.ID SU H • l tftBrd I 10 • ButTr .4' to 341 ...,..., '-11 C10ato ·"IO S:IO '° • '-&:~,r" 1.20 .. S "'II • ~ JeOPlll I .. 1 II ,.,,. \;, MurryO 1.10 11 19 ~:.,:. '.. PSvEG 2.'6 262 2•'• ;; Tell•Y 10 '! .. ::ma 2 ... 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G•IHOll .20 a 31 ""' .. , • J-IC pf • . • ,..., • , , HC" t.eo IO dS> •• •; '" PSEO "",, • tlO ,,,, Teldyne t ••• IJO 1 t\I. B•fdnH ,. ., u ~ .,,. • -Gtnntll I ID ,, ll'l03 .. ~ • • Jewlcr 1)1 ... s~ " NL 1110 I • "° 11"-• I . ~tkk 374 ,.., Tetu II 11111 u ..... "" 8tlHOW .. 10 11 • .,,._ " ,cornG 1.lllS J3 ~ ..... G•f)Slr ·'° 10 IS Jt'll .... JollnJn ' "JIS9 •""· •• HVfl Olr ,... '"' Pueblo n 1 .. .... 1• Tennco , ,, ...... llllto ... 8tlllna ,,... .. , JJ\lr ""' ,CM81k 1• 1• n 2111>-.... Gad•< 1.• • .. II~ .... JellnCn 'lO 10 ,, ,.,~ ... H•-· j OS • 1'S JI .... I '-,R C•m " J:l Ten< pr 11 IS • I lelCO g 2.0I .. it 11th• \lo ~~ ~: : ~+1~ G .. fhl A11 111 W n \lo JOlll.en t10 9 4S U\I.. Hel<OI 11117 502 10"-1 P\ooelP 1 1' • 71! 14• Terdy11s 7S 11 ,. .. ~, &emit l.tO IO t )I -•;, Cr:ft ' IS ~ ~-._ Gel<o 1.11 9 .. ti .... Jor1tn 1 I Jl t•I-> + '"' N•P<O 1 :u U 1IO !~ 7 \It =:~Ir.~ I 17 l~ I~ !: ~ Ttsoro IO • ,.. 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"" .rmflt(ft t-04 II 1 1"'-"°' GClnl'('I .-: ... , I 1' • It"'°" 11• 70 1)\. + ~' HtC111r 1 se It 119 I"!• ~ -,.".-"-h6T pf >0 U._ .... a.no fO 1" 1 • Vt Crw!ICll I " ~ • G110ata " "" K•lsrAI '° SJI , ... , ••• -"81nCI .. 11'• T c;l' Jn l I» 11 hstPd .J2 11 110 ••l't ~~Y!. • .! 16 •, !!"' + l't "'-Oyn -1·, -•t 1 L' "•l•C·• ~ 1·, -HelOll1 > 70 t 1,. 1• -4 RCA to IOI Sol 7l\c • "' t'" ..._ I<• "' $U 1 "' 11.v. ....... 6'0"0 ... -• • ii ... v. GD•f' .... u. I '· .~~ ... -.::: ,. ... " NtlEd<I I Ill ,, lCM is1 .. ~ RC ... "' t' tl • U ' .. ' •••fld -I• 21 lt\\ '• ..... .., ,..., :Ill .. ttlllt+ " cruirmM ..• 21 ....... GeftEI ... J eo d 111 tJh . ;:.: ::::~·. 'i 70 1. HatFG ,. .. s 5 32 " ltCA"' , "5 ,, ,,. • ..: Tt11lnS1 't1 ~71 Ill'•.'" .... Thr .72 10 1'4 Ult-\4o ~,_ 1,l't 12 1J11 Dl'o + \4o GaFdt UO IO .... IJ • ~ l(e,..t 1·.!! '! 2•2 U'• HtlOYll 1 aatt 9l Jl\• .. RLC n JO ll S t l•1lnl Oii ti .,. I 14 "' ::' 1 II ldM 1S V. " ...., •• -, IS\. HtHem OS 6 -•~ RTE •11114 II l11o TaHMo 2 1' 1 II ''"' \lo 1'-Y l,alll 1A JIV't• V. ~ -. -OG"' .•so 9 1111>-V. KICCCl:TLP~·.!! • ... ,.,.,. '• "::ir• •11 270 ·~ "'•l•-·r .1'•1~ .. , t TllOG•t 21 1tl ... JI'-'-8 1sFSL • ~ ..... • ... II •• .., .. v. • 1\lo OHost I •• , n "~ 11111 .... -• "" ....... • 1 " rw • ·-' 1• T p :: 11 • u 8!000 D .. ,.._. " """£11 , 21 * 'ltlo• "' GnHOllS 20 10 •II 11" ICCPL"" » ' H-" . ' no ,. .... R.,,.... Jo. s•. ,. .. HlHPwllll. U ulMl.;I urrlnc I.Ml .. 11 t \lt• \lo Gnlnst JOISl•ll WH \o l(CS.V •U Jll !:.... MIMS '211 J/ 1\11• I\ ltampc 1•1• 70 u , •xUlll 2 •tlll tt';, l4o llOlrJ11 I Ml IJ '1~ ._ CIH1W t.a I 2 1111>-"-GnMllls 1.M 11 11' ..._ ktnGE 7 >• • M ,,,, • ~ .. ,,., t i .. t SJ \j)ll,. \o> R•11<0 •"1 0 11 • " Tull 111 )0 J\ot • \W 81CkH" I.ft u •7 ....... Cy<~ ' IOI ... ,, ""' .. G-, __ 20 31'4 ,..... .. IC•nHb I -IO JI ts\fi ~ HS.ml . JSJ n-. .... R•Y<m " ... n u 10• •• I , ........ 'ID • '°' U 'l. ""' ...... I.ID IO • !?" . . -o-o,.:-,~ G ... _, ..... ,. • ' .... _ •• ••·P·1, --"'"''" ·~ :'. , 31 •• lteymll • IO ·~ .. J .. " ", OI l tlllt • =~ :::~i:; ~:: g:~ .JO ,; ,.;· tt g~·Pi .. ,L, ~ ~:. E ::~~~fi 1 ff~ ~ e::sr 1J. ~ :i:· ~= !:$1 •:1! = ;t~: ~t$:\.1 111 i7 ,: :::· E OUTLOOK '83 The December edition of Current business ....... addreHlng such topics as ... • Corllrlbutlons and progrett made by Orange Coast business In 1982. • Economic, trends to e>Cpect In 1983 -with a focus on local employment. real estate. construction, Foreclosures rate sets record WASHlNCTON (AP) A rtoCOtd number of American homrownera about 167,000 indlviduala and fam.lli~'I - Wff'f' fe<'lng to~loeu1t proceeding• a1 th recesa1011 t.'Ontinucd In 1he third quarier of lhJa ytar, • lenders group ~yi. On the other ha.nd, the group a1lo reported on Sunc:t.y ' that the percent.age of people who were late on their mortgage puymenu declined in C.M q~r. Mark J . Riedy. e>eecuc.lvc vke prealdent of tbr Mortgag,• Bankers AMoclat.ion of America. called the drop In payment dcUnquenciet "welcome MWI In view ot the continued worsening e mployment 1ituaUon acrou c.he t'Ountry." Hl· 11t1id delinquency ratH u1ually rise when th• unemployment rate riaet as it did in the third quart.er. The jobk~ rate, estimated at 9.~ percent ln June, r'Ofle to 9.8 percent in July, held 1teady in Auguiat, then lncreued to 10.1 percent in September, acrordine lo pernment flgura. "M y feeling is that c.here has been a lhake-out of . people who arc going lo be delinquent," Riedy said in the MBA report. ''ln other words, the moat vulnerable borrowers have been recorded In the put aa de~uencles and are now somewhere in the foreclosure procee1.' He noted new foreclosure proceedings were begun on 0.22 pereent of home 1oena ln the third quarter,_up from o.z..._ percent in the second. "If unemployment continues to rile, or i! unemployment benefit programe are exhausted, we may yet see delinquencies rbe again early in 1983," be said. Loans with payments 30 d ays or more past due, declined to 5.48 percent in c.he third quarter from f>.5t percent in the second. the report said. It said loans in the foredoeure process roee from 0.58 percent in the second quarter lo 0.62 percent in the third. That translates into about 167,499 if the 27 million home loans outstanding nationwide. The fact that such proc.'eedings have begun does not ne<JeSSarily mean actual foreclosure will occur, with a lender taking poosession of a home. Paint stores slated CHICAGO (AP) -Sears, Roebuck and Co. plans \0 start up six ·paint and hardware specialty stores near Chicago. New York and Los Angeles in 1983 in a one-year test marketing program, the giant retailer announced. By Tbe Associated Press Selected world gold prices today: London morning fixing $438.75, up $3.00. London afternoon fixing $438.75, up $3.00. Paris afternoon fixing $434.09, off $5.11. Frankfurt fixing $440.02, off $0.98. Zurich late afternoon fixing $438.00, up $3.00 bid; $439.00 asked. Handy & Harman (only daily q~ote) $438.75, up $3.00. Engelhard (only da ily quos,e) $438.75, up $3.00. Engelhard fabricated (only daily quote) $460.69, up $3.15. Mekll.s NEW YORK (AP) -Spot nonferrous m etal prices today: Copper 7 1 ~-74 cents a pound, U.S . destinations. Lead 20-23 cents a pound. Zinc 36-40 cents a pound, delivered. Tin $6.1318 Metals Week composite lb. Aluminum 76 cents a pound, N.Y . Mercury $365.00 per flask . Platinum $372.00-$376.00 troy ounce, N.Y . Si.lver Handy and Harman, $10.38 per troy ounce. lllm8et 1.12 11 :W Stlol.. lllOMln .Mii 11 101 11 • • Thmlild .JOt 9 l6 2S'• ... , Thrifty .ID 11 2S. 19•., l'o TIC•ro I.JO I S 20._ • , TktWtr 90 ' 27'1 24.l. 14 Tl...... • ,.. 11-. \'o Tl-I 111 tl'I tt -1 UEI plH • ,..,., SIYt I UO !Cal 1 • 3111 19t\o '-UnPo< 1.tllll 111 ·~lie U11lrOJI 11 * 1~ 1 '-~~r;~~f' I I I:~ SC:~: ~ Unllmd ,351 11 ·-Iii U8rd pf 1.JO . J "'--\lo UClllT'll .1412 117 1Sl't-... unE11ro t.22 , s.s 11•-111 Ulll11m 2'2 S '6 lS "'-Ulllti pf UO . ftOO 111/> • Ulllupf e • ""'° '- Timi pf81.$7 S Ill!> -Tl-M 1 II 111 '4'-• .... Tlmll11 1,ID IS .. tt TodSl\p 1.11 S Jll JI TOllllm ,j.I t 3 14 TelEdls 11' • •S 20 TolEd pl4 21 2 H lo .... Tel Ed pfJ :Jt • • 4 """ "" l=: ~.:,ls J m.: • ~. ToolRol .olOb I II u~ \to lrchmk 1AO I 10 it\to ,., ToroCo 4' 10 _ TOKO 11 J S60 .,.,.._ IO T-1• .u IJ 176 1' ... • \4o T-lt pl M . IS It'>. TeJR\/ • J1 111 ••~ "' Tte<or s .JD 11 111 J9 t V. Trane I lt IO 2l lt\1o "' n¥ \.P ll29 -··· TW •I 191 9\lo• \o TW•IA 91 ,.,_ TWC pf ? 11i;. TWC pf I .0 U Ult• TWC pl U6 .. ll Trantm I.SO 2'1 1:1 t,1o Tranln< 2... 12 11 -'" TARtty l5 13 Trant.co I.ID m 19 • l't TtMC pf l.'7 I• ll''• • ._ Tt-cn ,CSI) . 17 I t,1o TrGfo: 6.6.S . llJDO St • \lo r.o 111.Jl • • "° 12 TrG pf 1 .... 110 79\'o. TfGP pf 2.50 t 21h \I> TrntOfl • )4 '" 'lo Tr-y I to 9 33 7'"• Tttvlr s 1... I '36 2• " TrlCOll J.rle • . 274 ldt\'1 t " l:l~~ .40 a n~ I~ ~ T rlaPc I 19 s 21 " tr1<11tr .Sit 1 II s ..... Trl'o .16 9 16 a.-.. '- Trlnty • .-' " 11 1" l~~"' .::1: ~ ;g_ .• ·~ f•l110s 1. 10 II t 1S"; 1" h~oUI 10 • 217 16'1• IO Tyler tlO It " 11 • .. TymtlW Joi tS ~. ,. -~-UAL JI 1"'1 19'1> + i. UGI 2,0. 6 II ,..._ .... UOI Df US , 11GO 7>~1 • Ill UMC AO I JI •111 UMf. T lie 17 I l\11 UNCl'IH . • 1G .,,_ • USFG JM' • G ._ U11IHV •.7'e 6 •1 .. llfl = Jtl .. .,_,... ... J.AI I HI '°"'• \lo .:ID 1J • 111'>-.... u..-c ,,.. . . 11 °"· .... ""'* IAol .... ..-..... UftEI ~ •·• • I ?!f JI ... ~··~.t~: -~···-u•• ' ••• ~·"' ""I •.. , .. , ~ -Ull lfllfUt •• 11 " "" ' .. ,_ .... i-. • ,,. Unlnd s ·"°"IS l 41 .... U11lll1111 '2 10 7 :It + \I, UJ«I' 1.11 6 10 11'-· °" UtclMM D 1'-• 14 Ul'tlMn I 11 7 Ill USFoS ....... 12 1•'-• ~ USAlr .n • a. """ + ""' USG"" 1A 11 GI WI \o USHom .16e •• >&» n ?\lo USlllCI .~ t Jt 111'-• USL.ees .. U M J6 !'» us ltty ,. l 1 ,,.. • .... USS-1.• IO Ill JA\, + ._ USS""' I 141 •H IW. , I\ USSll ptJ.He • 9 47\lo \It USTok 2.ID U t 1J V. UllTt<fl 2A 1 Jn SI\\• t\ UTCI\ pt 111 S1 .. \.\ t '-UT<ll .t 2.» ... 11\'t• 14 U111Tel 1.1' I W4 111 Unllr.. .n It I()• ,.._ • " Unlvor ... 11 11 lt Y) 11; u111wFd 1.M t 11 nw 14 U11uel , ... 1 Jt ,.._. "" UpielWI 2• t '8S ..... , ~ USLIFE • t 11 '2'-U$L,F ,n.n . 12 HV> ••• U•HeFd 1.0U • I ...... UtePL I• • ,.. ,.. ~ UIPL pf > • I UV. . .• UIPL pl 1 .0 I u.-. \'II -v-v -~~ ~f JJO t I~ ~ft: I~ Velero 40 6 IJJt 71...,_I Vlla\rlll .:JOI 11 10. I'll! I \to Vt110tn 1,lf 10 Jt 16\11 t \lo v ... ,. .1111 12J s.-. ..... Vatltfl .SJ 11 n• .. I v ... o 4010 IOI .... " v"'° .• 21 n1 " 14 v-. ... :14 • v. ~=~··~ i• ~ ~. ~ vaaPw 1.• 111" 11v. •... VtEP llfUO •• 0 .. .., • 1'4 Vati-..... IS . tlGO 75"" " VatP~.O • J U \4 " Vel! ,,··, 1100 WI-• ~ V•E ""1 • . dO SAii>-111 "~"JI" 4S • • .. Sl"61 + , ... v:ic"iM . 1&1 16~ ~Ill<= J~ ~ g J...,_ ~ -----WICO" LM : IJ '""' + 14o == J:w I: ffl': :: E .Ill ... , ..... .... •. •t1 , .. 47 ... . f//f , • St 1 mil a IS JIS Jil 1"'-.,,a .. •• u..." ·" ... , t$16-Ill 11!1111•-- You oan't afford to mlN this opportunity to communicate your outstanding benefit• to over 96,000 adult readers -relldenta vltally concerned ebout the uncertainties and progre11 of their coastal region. Outlook '83 Is e feature sure to be saved for future reference by employees. customers and bullneaMI Interested In feeding area lnduttry. retail and finance. ~ • Local forec,11ts and proJectlona from key business figures. • An overview of Industry In each of the Orange Coast cities. To re..,-ve your advertising epece today, contact 0-'ly .,..ot advertlalng at 842-4321. " ~ Orange Co11t DAILY PILOT /Monday, Otteemb•r 13, 1982 J Shari Lewis not just for kids ! • 8)' FRED ROTHENBERG Al' ,......_ Wrltef NEW YORK Shun J..tlwhi. ttw wntrlloqulsl who crealecl l:Uiiili C op- and Hush l'uppl, h u ' airown up, cvt!n I eome riwmbt•l'll of ht•r Mudlence Rllll play In the aandbo>e. Miss Lewis Isn't ju11t for kida, anymore. Today 1h1/11 un entcrtulner who d0cs something besides talk lQ floppy animals. She has an adult night- club act and tours the countr y conducting symphony orchestrrus. This week , s he's ln Wu h lngton with the Na t ional Sympho n y Orchestra. Next week, she has three dates with th e Pittsburgh Symphony. V~ntriloquist Shari Lewis, shown with her creation Lamb Chop, has grown up and today tpurs the country conducting symphony drchestras. "M y box o ffice is unbelievable," Miss L e wis sa id . "M y 30-year-olds are bringing their kids to the concerts. I Jove looking out and seeing 2 and 3-year-<>lds seated among the adults. It bound to mak e the kids smarter. They hear la ugh ter and say, 'Whoops, I better listen. There's something going on'." During h er p e r - 'ormance, Miss Lewis dances with a 5-foot-8 replica of Fred Astaire, Mission Viejo < !$ets Yule play . I ~ ETOMTITUS ... Deir .......... The honor of opening the last production of 1982 in Orange Coast theater goes to the Mission o Playhouse, which w ill present tw,o ormances of a Christmas play, "Santa s tmas Tree," this weekend. I The children's musical (which also is being resented by the Garden Grove Community ter), will be staged Saturday aJ')d Sunday at 3 .m. under the direction of Bunnv Lawson at the ,..,,,,.,"m Theater on the Festival o( Arts grounds in iA.4!1"6"u ... Beach. Call 770-0381 Cor ticket information. Elsewhere around the stage circuit, final il'tllrt.llui· rlll are being .readied for no fewer than seven uctions as all but the professional tbeate.rs head to holiday hiatus. Closing are: -"Sherlock Holmes" at the Laguna Moulton yhouse (494-0743), with final stagings Tuesday l'UIJl'1\.llllh Saturday at 8 p.m. s -"Steambath" at Or ange Coast College (556-5880), running Thursday through Saturday at . p.m. 1 • -"Christmas at Wakefield" at the Newport liiarbor Actors Theater (631-5110), playing ursday through Saturday at 8 p.m. -"P otter's P lace" a t the Newport Theater Center (675-3143) on stage Saturday and ~unday at 3 and 7 p.m. -"Visions of Sugar Plums" at the Huntin~n ach Playhouse (admission free), perform. mg turday and Sunday at 2, 3 and 4 p.m. -"California Suite" by Coastline College at Westminster Community Theater (963-0811), ursday through Saturday at 8 p.m. , -"The Jungle Christmas Tree" at Golden est College (894-6070), Friday 1V1d Saturday at ,30 Saturday and Sunday at 3 p.m. • 1Additionally "A Christmas Carol" continues at South Coast R~pertory (957-4033), "Finian's Rainbow" is at Sebastian's West Dinner Playhouse (492-9950) and "M.eet M.e in St. Louis" plays the Harlequin Dinner Playhouse (979-5511). * CALLBOARD -T he Iryine Commun ity eater will hold auditions Monday for Tennessee Williams' "The Glass Menagerie" ... tryouts are at - 7 :30 p .m . in Turtle Rock Commun ity Park, S\.l.nnyhill Road off Turtle Rock Drive in Irvine ... dtector Phil deBarros is seeking two men (both ~) and two women (20s and 50s) for the drama, v4Uch opens Feb. 4 ... • Readin"8 for "Lilies of the Field" will be held ~. Showcase Productions on Dec. 27 at the estminater Auditorium, 7571 Westminster Ave., attminster ... Jean Koba is directing and will cast . four men (one black) and three women . . . call 894-6786 for details ... f * I 1 BACKSTAGE -South Coast Repertory has I 8'lect.ed "She Alao Dances" by Kenneth Arnold as ~ iecc)nd play in its world premiere season on the I• second Stage ... Jules Aaron will direct the ~Y with dance, which opens Jan. 19 at the I do.ta Mesa theater ... , • Speaking of SCR, the theater will begin it! l Jmter leSSion of Young CoNervatory claaees on I J~. 8 ... the two-hour aeaions for children 8 to 17 etnphuize vocal relaxation, introduction to theater d creative dramatics ... call 957-2602 for llment lnfonnation .. . If lt'stot ....... ,...,.,., ... ..... . ...., ... • Dally Piiot I classffled ads. can '42·5671 AN OFFICER ANDA GENTLEMAN A l'IUIA.liOnfT IW:TUllS,, ~·-..-.. ---................ !· •. ---20TH SMASH WEEK!:---- ,__,.... .. ,... ..... Alt,... ,...,_a.o1111auwww ... ,....twe~ ...a1 . r· .,. PG .• -· -~ ..... • ~~ ~-1( ft ---HW PLAYl•G ---~ !MIU MJM81u '°"' U9 Sllt COIT&MU l.,...ar.l 8'""' $•0 7U• cosn•u la...110. 11a<Do1 r .... 531 l~l UT .. le..-s-• Sii SffO ..... t .............. . c.-. SSI 06SS ..... ~ c.o ... 63• 9117 MIT-fO (41#110.t.NoMWnl Ill ltJS ----ClwoO ~ .. tAUU halc'sf-..v,,,.., Orrnlll 117 2U 1 .... su...~· .,. 1170 '-18 HRS. __ ,! ..... ~-- ---NOWPLAYING - lllU .,_,.,. ... '\alj ~lt Ult •cotll•M ~ .... ~ ~·· >•07 ceata•M ···-S..-C.... "6tJ )41 1 t II Ul-~~O:."-' LUXURY THEATRES 111 ""•1n..S11ew111sOIUS2llllllltu0t1Mnriw111tt4 S lliM4«•Xull61~ 2Sss1~~.) S * FOR FlK'l l EX<ITEmEOTl V111tOur... '-tr '-18 HRS .• --··- .~ • .....,.,,. • ..c•""" f~cffl,'Jo'iiBI f6~lo • . ! ht·r kangaroo l'haracler pluy~ Bruhms on lht• violin und Lomb Chop pluy11 Chopin Mli; L<•w1s has been t.'onduC'ting major on'l'lt.'SttAS tor five yean. "l wu11 brought up l(> conduct. I had 11 mother who said practice, pructlt~. pr1tcti<:e." dlfferc-nt. My kanaaroo charactt-r i1 bulcally a dirty old man. 1 don't do 1nythlna that my motht'r wouldn't watch all.hou&h occulonally she doe. ralle her eyebrow1." Vlewen aren't alway1 confo rtable wh e n perrormere 1tep away from their TV roles. "There'• apace between "ll'• not tit tor tht' family pet," she Hid. ''There'• n o th ing worthwhile for children between 6 and 12. Saturday momJna TV la a vacuum. The ahow1 are about nothing. They're not theatricaUy valid. "You have to 1pend m o n ey t o g el g ood theater," 1he adde d. "But wh•·n th<• nl'twork• put on kid 1how1i, thl•y 1pend pea soup money. On the other hund, J im H enion , cxl'c ut lve producer or "The Muppt•l Show,'' la brllHant. He has pltmty o f writera, and he prochx.-es shows the way they're aupposod to be produced." Her mo ther was a pianist a nd mus ical coordinator for the New York Board o r F.duculion. At ago 4, Miu Lewis took... lessons ln pi ano, guitar and accordion a nd studied (lance at the American School oC Balle t. "I violate the tradition that classical music has to be stiU and aloof. I look for melodi es that a r e wonderful," she said. my Image and who I --------------------- really am. But 1 don 't It shouldn't be surprising that there's more to Shari Lewis than being Lamb Chop's alter ego. She had h er own network television show from 1960-63, a time when women Wf:re scarce on TV. Behind'her sweetness lurkr. on e tough lady. "In some ways, a puppet r efl e•:ts you personality," she said. "But I get t\-eated like Little Bo Peep , and that's not me at aU. My adult show is Quite d e al with that difference," Miu Lewis aaid. "I do what I do, aa funny as I can do it.'' In the 19 ~0s, Miu Lewis waa working with big wooden dummies on the "Captain Kangaroo" children 's show. "They ask e d me I f I had somet hing more deJlcate," she uid. "So I took a small puppet and began improvisinf(." Her TV background lies in children's programs, and she hu just completed her 23rd childre n's book , ''One M i nut e B e dtime Stories," but Mias Lewis isn't interested in doing kiddie television today. She has written an adult sitcom pilot, and 20th Century-Fox has an option on it. Mias Lewis· is clearly not a fan of children's television. •BARGAIN MATIN•••• Mond1y t11rv l1turd1y All PetfOfrNnc•• betOfe 5:00 PM (Exce,t s,... h ............. HlliAyl) "THE MAN FltOll SNOWY NW"" -___ ,__ .. ~. THI N CMML"------- "AN OFFtCI" AND A GENTLEMAN" t11 ----- "THE TOY"------ "NaT9l.000"1111 --.-.---•n&tl• loc~I~ olCoftd~~) i' . . f 1 : 21S/IJ1-t5'0 "THE EMPtRI aT"IKla BACK" C"I .,_._..,,..o ---------&AJ Ol&f.C..11 ---. ... .. ~MTMUlr' ... I ... -.. , ... ,.eec. •• -.......... .. LAIUWOOO Cll'UER SOUTH .. a.-'" ~ Al 09I Mto 211/6M-9HI ,,.. ..... v ANAHEIM OlllVf IN ._ .... '-.. 119-MIO ...... -··--1111 &-1111 .......... _ ... _ .. I C..•1- ~ \ ....... ,.. ' BUENA PARK [JWIVI IN ..... •. FOUNTAIN VALLEY OlllVf IN _ __.,.., .. _( .. ) Ml·Ul1 ':O::l~'lJr'.; _-.....-== Aeeo.lill '8'1ir-... --...... ,..:..·--........ "THI MAlllPllOM INOWY NWR"------ "CMIP aHOW".,. ---.......... r -- •• "°""9"1111 •SMAMllY'S llAC ..... 1111 bloe·ASOllllO "AlllP\M9 I ,......_._ -"alt't\.LI ........ . ,~ ....... ... -.. _ 811_8'_,._ - .............. 1 • I lt1·Mtl ~ ..,,..aT9l.000"1111 UTU-~·.... - "ft.A .. ~ '"1 "MAD MAX".-, _ .. _ -·"- ''T'Hm TOY"'"' -"HA•Y PANKY'' 4"1 C1lll ,,_ ~ • M ... LA HABRA i'" ,, I .. """'9Taoor .. -.... '" ......... MISSION 1 -'.1 • ., --. - WARNER 1 "'·' "' ____ .._.._ 642-5678 ... MOUlll9"1111 •lffAMIY'S ua.m-flll c•·"- ...,.. ....... ,_,. ..,..:-....,. Put a few words to work for JIOU lnlh•lllyl'llll \ '.ti \R'.tt \DI.kt: 'I {(~ ::• - '""" I llotl l'H•: •. \'Ill l ' f lllfl'" by Bil Keane by Br ad Anderson "Every winter. he has to learn about ice all over again ... W HEN A8BEV SPENCER STOPS B Y SA M OA IVEA'S OFFICE. GLORIA TELLS HER A 00UT THE TICKETS HE RECEIVED FOR THE 'COUNTR Y OOY LUKAS ' CONCERT' ACROSS Gree11e 63 Apphanee 1 Golf group 64 H1erm1C fever S Otrtctl()tl 66 Mutate 9 Small pieces 67 Wl'lefe Laos 14 frencl'I girl is 15 Agley 68 Kicked ANO 0L D HONEST SAM HERE ~TEO TO SEND THEM 8.ACK1 ,..,, ....... ~ -· ......... .... . ....,... . ...__ SA TURD A Y'S PUZZLE SOL YEO 16 Eirene etc 69 Unclerorowl l'I ~~ii*-E::t:i!!lt!I 11 Genteel 70 fled 19 Cognizant 71 Quick 20 Turn ovlwarcl 21 lroul DOWN 23 Assess anew 25 Garment 1 Malaria 26 MaMman 2 Yellow·green e o 3 Womer s ~~ ~~,.:+:.~11!!11 28 CllSSlf,.O problem? I N U N T I E 32 Pic1ures 4 Draw back l l l s 1 1 l 1 11 0 SOCl E 37 F1t1gued 5 Conlhc;t 3& PHt 6 Patronage 29 Converse 47 Cults 39 Novehst Lofts 7 Ottomans 30 Amerind 49 Jogged 41 Golf problem 8 Doctrine 31 Color1nts 52 Twangy 42 Meaning 9 6uperflc1al 32 Hockey gear 53 Beguile 4S Tnose c11tec1 10 Oblivion 33 Bugbear 55 Band '"'' olhers 11 · 01ts -3• trr1t1te 56 Signer •8 Ch1ndler 01y of Wrall'I 35 -·l•·I• 57 Penniless 50 V199taDles 12 Brazlf rrvet 36 Hominy 58 E•Geltent 51 P1ne1oote 13 Aril f1»er •O Attend , 59 Chest sound S• ActOf Hoff. 19 W•ttt animal 43 Having pro· 60 -t>ellum men 22 MOfn•ng ,.ellng rims Pre.war 5e L•Otl clll• 24 -Vllll Ct•· 44 Offeu 61 Ptg1SU$ • 2 wOfda 11tve 10'~ •6 -Ste attt 62 Canad• s Mr 27 Aet of Suf111 Mlfit 45 tncubaled -,_ ::---. ., ' _, "I hate Mondays." 1{p •• • l 4 by Harold Le Doux ~~--,-('E-N-TAl-L\-~_..,_M_t~M~-RT~iC'W CAN lHAl EANNIE IQEL~ :'we I ec: C'lflN T SH( HINk SHE' Ml1$l & Rl"-1 ('Ff WIT~ 1HE HE MA~A0EA 0F' ~"Nn $1('1Lf N IN COUNTP.Y eov • HAl ARM1."lR(('I C AF\ p,("'e>e.E R' lN Nf W '1< .. "'lRk : l~ 4f. ,~.,,.,,~/ ~-··· ~:tt~I~' \"° . J 1 /J .. ,. I .. by Jim Davis _ 11'5 TIM ( YOO W(NT ON ANOTHER DIET, CsAR FIE.LD \ 14'1\,. litlilti.,t ••••• , ... , ~, .... ,,, ... by Ferd & T om Johnson 1 DoN1T k NOW, BUT IT'S GOT S IX L~~S .' ( SHOE Orange C08!11 DAIL y PILOT /Monday Otct mt>er 13 iga2 81 by Tom K Ryan "THA'f MtJS'f •t= -n4E: scoo-r oA'll-f vou HEAR SO MUCH A!JOiJ'f. by Jeff MacNelly LESTER, THE BUM, SURE FOUND A BAD SPOT FOR PANHANDLING TODAY W HAT 'S WRON6 WITH TH AT SPOT? THE COM PETIT ION -- G«tRIHt lllA!Ml~ ( IMlll lflt DR \HHl.t : DR. S'90('K POC eA1"e:s SeN'f' Mf!f. o ve:R HE:RE: ,-o COL.L.E:C f' HIS K ICK- eACK .' '&. , • JI )I •'•' I '• .. , \ HOW t\.°' 1 Kl.JOI/II 'l~'V1~E: ~ "'T Jll(.M L.ITTLf';' WKAT15 THE ~::.::.WO~DF SPtAKlf\IG a.I BEHALF OF 1HE EN11RE BAND, WE D£EAY APP~ECJATE WHAr LXXJ'VE W.iE ! IT~ ~ "f.~\.l~ ~MK~ 1 ltWUlTE.0 \\ M~~l.f ! 1~-1 IT\ IN O UR PRO FE:SS ION , V f!f.RN, ,-HA1"'S CAL.L-f:P A R t:F t:RRAt,.. Fee ·' by Tom Bat1uk 1 KNO(A) WHAT A BUR'DEN A 5E(.O\ID roRIA&£ CAN BE. WITHi~'$ IN1ERE5 r RATE5 t1 'J "-~~~~~.-.u l •.>l by George Lemont ~J~ • •• Orange COtilll DAIL V PILOT /Mo11duy, 0 mb"1 13, 198~ Where all the s? • v1ewe are \H)Nl>AY EWNINO 11:<10 6 0 NEWS 8 CHARLIE'S ANGELS A vengeful game hunle• who la altet Charlie traps Ille Angela on en 1slal1d end lhrea1ens to klll lhem unless Charlie surrenders D @) NFL FOOTBALL Dallas CowbOy• II HOUS· ton Ollerso 0 EIGHT 18 EHOUOH Tommy oflera to marry 111s pregnant friend even though lie Is not the tellle< m M ·A·s·H Fetner Mulcahy takes being paue<I over lor a promollon philosophically until he nears or Ille rapid e<lvaneement mede by • llerOIC ~lcopter P•lol ti) HAWAII AVE--0 An lnterna11on11 1111el arrives In Hawaii &;) 0\1£REA8Y Guest· opera Singer Jess Thomas o Ci) UNOEAST AHOING HUMAN BEHAVIOR "lntarperson11 Attraction" C88NEWS ~N8CHEW8 '1) THE PRICE 18 RIGHT ·(HJ MOV1E • • "Jack And TM Bean· stelk" I 1976) An1male<I An ed....,.,turous young t>oy ollmbl • o•anl beenatelk 10 • maglcal kingdom gov· erned by• greedy. tyrennl· ce1 glllllt ·G· S' SHORT PICl<S 0MOVIE * *'"' "Brotlle; Sun. Sisler Moon" I 19731 Granam Faulkner. Judi Bowker FrenciS ol Assisi rejee1s -•Ith and honor In Ofdet 10 live and work emono ,,.. gentle In nalure end the poot In lf)lnl 8:30 Q) ALICE &;) OICK CAVETT Guest· Barbara Cerlland (Al fI1) SEWING POWER (J)(3NEWS '1) WOAU> OF PEOPLE CC)MOVIE • • "Improper Cllen,..is" (1981) Alan Arkin. Marielle Henley A -1es ol misu<l- <1.,stendlnga ceuaea • aoclal wot11et to 1U$pec1 th• 5-year-old daughter of 1 aepar11ed couple Is the victim of cl'llld abu1e. ·po· !) RICK SPAIHOAELO IN CONCERT Sprlnglleid sings "J~'I Girl" end other hill In • perfor~om the n- Unlver~lllleelre In Los Af'I08'el. 7:00 IJ C88 NEWS D H8CNEWS 8 HAPPYOAYSAOAIN The Plccalo and Cunning· hem perenll meet In a ahOw<town f> SOAP Biiiy and his 1eacher heve • romentlc rendlzvous llnd S81.11 pleeda wtlll Ille aliens to return Bun to Mary (!)NEWS • THAEE'S COMPANY Chrluy dlacovert that Jeck hu become • male eecort .., ~JOKER'S WILO ED w 8081NE88 ~ (I) P.M. MAGAZINE '1) ORAHOE COUNTY TOOAY 7:ac> 8 2 ON THE TOWN FNIUr9d' tome Hollywood parties that reMml>le mov· le production•. • aoep opttrll convention, • loolc al Ille postlblllty that trees h•v• '""no•. Cl Q! FAMILY F1!UO 8 LAVEANE & SHIAl.EY &COMPANY A little white lie brings on • i lltmere for Slllrkty M.t.O*Ml!'I l9t.ACE M'A•S•H Owing • COid snap, e pelr of longlohns _.,, to Hawk· •I ;4 0 1111 11 1 u 11 , o f l Ii l' h o 11\\' # J n N11v1•111l>1•1 HllH Nll'IM•ll t·ompuk'I 'I S p111111• ll11ll' Vil•Wl•n1 pet huu .... •hohl Nov 1• 111 b t' r 111 a 11 1 t< n If i l' o "l mt·11~ul'lng month h lB om• of ttw 110 ndlt-d swvcp» p ·rlod». wht>o th•· 1wtworks loud up un glluer pro~roni." tu u1tr111•1 vlt1wt'l"li bt-cau,.1· rotlng11 In Nov1 •mbt•r t:t1Wbl111h udvt•1'11!1lng rull'8 tat lht• IU1.·ul stu1111n8 Cur tlw 1wxl thn'l' 111unth1> · unaqw• pr0Gram11 thut g1vt• vlt·w''"' lllll•I II tllVl'IC '' 111 tht• pai.I yt·ur, m·w l'Ublt• 114•rvlet.11 huw f0l·u1otttl on hctAlth, wom"n· nuw1 muJ 1•f\tt•rti1inml·11t. That's in uddlllon IQ movie.-dtamwlJI, all·•µort.N ••rvk,.,•ic and the dl»t.ant IJgnat. of awuor\S like· WI'BS m Atlunla lnc.llvldu{11ly, they muy no t IR't'OUOt fQr a lot or vicwen1, hut culll'Ctivt.1ly tht'y explain 110mt· of ttu.• network erosion. "I Jun'l know whl•n • thl'Y wtmt, t•llht'I'."· suiu Ut•nilu JuHt" NBC's vk~ prt<sid<•nt for spcdul projt.'Cts. "But Whl•n wt• Cmd out, we won't find u smokmg gun. We're lo.sing 1l m dribil and dr~bs." Publll' broadcuting also 11t.-ern.~ to haVl' profited Crom nNwork losses a nd, 1roolcally, from cable TV'11 growing f)(Jpulllrity. In many areas, -I the clarity oC the publtl' TV swtion's \,. • .. signal has improved slgnJficuntly by a .. ~ - ''C l t.•a rly t•able is drawing aud1cncl!s," said Jay Campbell , president of Cable Adv<•ntures, a cable consulting company. "With a box full of channels, tht.• viewer is Clipping around. Cable is offering cable hook-up. ~Bob Hope is carried by some of the 24 0 ~=rs bi~~ ~~::::~~:~th~:~~~· layers of The AdOcialed Press All t~O&e not aHWated with a network: Amer ica .~ootball Team during taping for These independents survive on an the Bob Ho~ Show at NBC last we k Johnny Slash (Merrill Butrick ) examines Lauren's broken leg on tonight's e pisode of "Square Pegs," on Channel 2 at 8:00. eye from nome t>eeomes a mucll·aouglll·Bll•• com· modlty a> (11 TIC TAC DOUGH &;) MACNEll / L&iREA REPORT '1i) SNEAK PREVIEWS Neol Gabler •nd Jeffrey Lyons review "48 Hours." "The Toy and "Sophie's C11ooce ID MOVIE • * · Cap1a1n Scarlett'' ( 1953) Richard Greene, Leonor• Amar A deflng rascal pits ll1mM1t ega1ns1 a mv1111u<1e of foes 10 gain the ~1ngdom end 1 18<1y H EMMET OTTER'S JlJG..8ANO CHRISTMAS Filly new Muppet• a•e 1n1ro<1uce<1 in a hearl- warm1ng slory •!>out Iha love between an otter mother and lier aon 0 MO\llt • • • • 'Room Service I 19381 Maril Brothers. Lucille Ball A lhaelrlcal group a11emp1 to remeln 1n a ho1e1 without peylng by lrytng to convince the management 111a1 they 11avett1emeu1ea Z MOVIE * * ** "MOICOW Ooesn'I Believe In Tear1" (1960) v.,. Alentove, Aleael Bat•lov Three country gorla with <llffetent goala and vak.les mo"e 10 Ille btg c11y to pursiie llle<r •mb1· llOtlS 11:00 6 SQUARE PEGS Pattt bhndly Irle• to prove ,.., theory lhal glasses <lecrHae populerlty al w_.,..eweeHlgh CJ SMUAFS CHRISTMAS SPECIAL Animated A d1abohca1 strenge• ar,,ves ln the for· est intent on <1111rup11ng Chrtttrnu tor 11141 11111e t>lue Smurls Q MOVIE • * ·~ ''Blue Skies" ( 19461 Fred Ast11lre. Bong Crosby. 1'Wo llOng·and·dence men hn<I romance and WC(;t$S 0 MOVIE • * • "Kil Caraon" ( t940) Jon Han. O•n• Andrews A bold pioneer ptOlecls • Cahlorn1a-bound wegon train from Indian relders (f) SOAP Danny and 8"11 l>Yngle an a11empt to pay Elaine's ransom end Benaon and Jessica visit Eunice end Ou1ch at their country t11deou1 Q) P.M MAOAZJNE An 1n1ervlew with Ann- Margret. •Culver Clly man who lies created 1 pro- gram lo IOH wleglll a> MOVIE • • • 'HI• Matesty O'KHfe" (19541 Burt Lan- ce11er. Jo•n Alce A mer· oenery It for<*! to llghl Ill• morlelen«ny fill Pl.£DOE MEAi< Regularly scheduled pro gremm1nv may t>e delayed Clue 10 pledge bre•ks '1i) NATURE "The ()jscovery 0 1 Animal Bell•vtor Sea•ch For The Mind Tl\e ellorts 01 11141 early n1tural1sts and LOOl0- g1111 who delved 1n10 Ille myllerles ol lhe animal mind••• r1W1ewed ((. CLOSE·UP C MOVIE' * * "The Legend 0 1 Tiie Lone Ranger" ( 1980) Kiin· ton SP'lll>Yry, Cllrl11opher LIO)l<I The Lone A8nger end Tonto pursue tlletr arch-enemy. Butch Cavendish, who nu l<ld· n1ppe<1 11141 Pf•S•<lent of theUS 'PG' $ MOVIE * • * " "Fltfdlet On The Roof" ( 1971) Topor. Norma Cr11ne A peasant milkman 1n tu•n·ol·tlle·century cz.a,,sl Russia 111n lo mar- 'Y off l't•s eloglt>le daughle<s while trying lo llOld onto hi• Jewlst'I lletllege In tha laC41 01 oppression 'G' 0MOVIE * • • 'Suttday In New Yotk" ( 1964) CUii Aol>ef't· son, Jane Fonda Aller being 1lfted by lier boy· ltlerld and tra .... ong to N- York to 111111 lier brother, a young woman consider• lier poa11ton on vlrglnUy, a:1om SYLVIAFlNEKAYE'S MUSICAL COMEDY TOHIOHTH A at•r·sJud<1e<1 cast Including Danny Kaye. Bonnlo Fran1e11n. Jeck Lemmon 1n<1 Lynn Redgrave re~eataa some ol tllB magical moments In American theater with scenea lrom "South Pacil· oc," "Flnl11n's Rainbow," • Swell Cllerlty' and L•<!t In T lie 08rl<. ' 8:30 e m PRIVATE BENJAMIN Judy t1nd1 the heroic sol· diet who saved Ceptlin Lawis a ll1ll lfvlng elone lnatde• tank 0 ~A Ctf!PMUNK CHRISTMAS An1ma1ed Alvin. ached· ule<I to play a Clltlstmu Eve I040 a1 c .. neo1e Hell. gives hi• harmonic• aw•y to on lmpoverlelled llttle boy (R) fl'1 CHARLIE'S ANGELS The Angel• go undercover on 11 cruise ship 10 llnd the m•1te1m1nd amuggllng cr1mlna11 out or 111e coun· try Q) THETOY A IOOk 81 the n-movie "Troe Toy," and Ila two comedy Siar• Alch••d Pryor Md Jackie Gleaton H MOVIE ••·~ "Taps· (11181) George C. Scott. Timothy Hulton Mllillry achool cadet• leke over their achOOI 10 p1.....,.,t ptena 10 lurn 1118 ac•dftmy p•c>perty 1n10 1 condo dellelopmttnt 'PG' 9:00 8 <J) M 'A 'S•H assortment of sports, movies and r -• e · s uccessful network reruns. The show will be aired laler this monlh. 1nlan1 ••lllblll hla al!llt •• wetenkllng Q) MEAV GRIFFIN G~ta A11;ll8td Harria, June Allyaon. L-• Bteni. g•n. H8t1llfl E1t1eon Ci) GOLF "J&B GOid Puttet Award Pleyolla" T1141 llnfft wom- en golleta 1n the world compete lor 1 $50,000 lirat prize In thl1 preaoglous pulllng contelt lrom the Desert Inn 81\d Counlry Club ()]) DON CORYELL '1) 80l.DOHU COl MOVIE * ** "Sltr Ctuy" (1980) Alcll••d Pryor, G-Wild· et Two men are mlateken tor bank robbera and aenl tofall 'R' t:30 IJ (J) NEWHART Oiclc retUCt8nUy Ilg<-to help. local hOusewllt with ,,., writing ambitions MOVIE * * 'h ''Sunn S11<1e" ( 1961) Troy Oona.hue. Con· nle Stevena Wiien llel <laughter gives birth to an lllegllimlle child. e wom1111 poses H the lnf1nt's mother unlll a crlala expo ... Ille In.1th EHTEAT AINMENT TONIGHT An Interview with, Bruce Boxi.ltne< 10:001J CAGNEY & LACEY TM precinct I• beMI with a variety of problems, Including e flood ol Setur· day NIOlll Specl•la, •n unc:l4WCOY« cop WllO poMd In Ille nude. and • lollery ticket 11111 could be worth S 1 million 10 th• <letec· lives 0 Qt CHRISTMAS IN WASHINGTON Otel'teM CarrOll, B•rb•ra Mandrell. Ben Vereen, John Schnelder 1nd Olneh Sn0te celebrate the Cllrlal· mas fflson from the Nallonel Bullding MuMUm In WHhlngton. 0 C D 0 Q) ti) HE'l(I D MOVIE • • '" "The Clleyerrllw Soclel Club" ( 1970) J- Stewlrl, Henry Fonda In 1867, two cowpokH 1nller· lt • aoc:l1I club in Wyoming which turna ou1 to be a rOI· loeklng llouM of Ill reput• &;) SOUND FUTIVAL The ttlnowne<I guitar •nd vocel stytlngs of Joae Fell· c1ano •n<I the thing virlu· oslly ol the 1au group Fronter• •rt featured '1i) MEDIA PAOeE8 "l-V N-s" Hott John Cemeton Swayze looks et llOw Ille d(tYe for r1hngt 11aa led 10 -amwng n-sroom "pKk.-." (A) 0 @.) CHARLIE'S AHOEUl Sebrina fells tor a 1kyfadl· Ing •murdetet, Who pata. chuled ewey from eutllOfl- tlea IWO yeet'I HrlHlr '1) THE VIRGINIAN An engi,_., <1r-..1 of vut tlCllM 81• Ch•Aenoed by Illa old P•I Tr•mpu (C1MOVIE * ~ "Big Biid M•me" ( 1974) Angle Olcillnaon. W•lltatn S1111ner A women cuts • P•tll of \flolenc:. 8nd romuice through the Soulhweat of the 111301. •R' 0 MOVIE it** "92 In The Shade" ( 11175) Peter Fond•, Wer· ren OatM. Tlloughl1 of murdef enter 11141 - when •n enterprlalng d•ihet lnvad411 the l>Ytl· ness letrllory of • veteten fialllng guide In the Florid• Keya 'A' (ZIMOVIE * * * * "K•lfe Tippet" ( 19751 Monique Ven Der Ven, Rutger H.._. A Ir•· spirited girl 11 lorced Into prostitution aa • tnMna of 8'.lpporllng '* fllmlly 1o:aom~ NPWON<NEWI '11) WOfllLO OF 800t<8 fH) VIOl!O .AMUOX I 1:00 8 Cl @)Qt HEWS 8 SATUN>AY MGH'T Ho.t· Howard HMMm8n. Gu•••· R•n<ly N-m•n. f> tN~ACHO# ... "Loat Viking•" • ALLINntfFAMtlY Archie'• union ooee on 11r1ke (P•rt 1) .., HA,.FIY .() '1!) OOCTOA IN TlC HOUIE E llet')'Otle p8nlcl tlMI - nlng belore the Royal Cof,. '4lge Fallowatllp exem1 (H)MOW I IDBI TDPPIRI KNBC (4) 8:00 -"Smurfs Christmas Special." A diabolical stranger arrives in the forest intent on disrupting Christmas for the little blue Smur(s. KNXT (2) 9:00 -"MeA*S*H." Morale plunges at the 4077th, already sweltering under a severe heat wave, when alcohol is prohibited. KCET (28>° 10:00 -"Sound Festival." The renowned guitar and vocal stylings of Jose Feliciano and the string virtuosity o( the jazz group Frontera are featured. a l>tolcen-llearted Ripples (Al , 0 t.1t THE BEST OF CAMON Hof1· Johnny Cetton Gue111· Suunna PleaheUe. David S1e1n. berg. Stephani Gr•ppetll, M8re Winningham (A) D NEWS 0 YOO ASKED FO.. IT FHturad "The Human Ania or South Amerlc•" and "The Bird Thel Flies UndWwllet." ID OOOCOUPlE Fella <llrecta a mo"le t>ullt atound Oscar's d•y·by· dayactMll• Ci) PM LATEHIOHT Host· OennlS WhOley @) .UCH£WS NIGH TUNE '1) 700Cl.U8 tC MOVIE • • 'h "Back Ro•d•" I 11181) 6811)' Fl91d, Tommy L" Jonn. A lloolcet and e <1own-on·hla·luc1c boaet ,,_. 8nd !*Ml -· In SHICll of 8 MW hie 'R' 0 MOVIE * ·~ "Confeulona Ot A Co-Ed" (tg31J SyMe Sid· nay. Phltlip Holmu A young gltl lind• ,,.,..., lllrHlened by 8 touchy romantoe dllemme lnvolY· l!:!i! two """'· lit 8UMMEA IOl..ITICE Henry Fonda and Myrne L.oy at•r u • married cou- ple who tel1ec1 on the!• 50 )'98fl log411her. 11:M ED FOCUS ON SOCIETY 11:46 rz ) CHAN.ES CHAMPLIN ON TH£ ALM~ 12:-clO • EHTu.T AlHMEHT TONIGHT An Inter.,.._ with B•uc• Boalellner 8 .UCHEWI HIOHTUNl 0 MOYIE • • "Project· Kiii" c 1977) Leslie NlefMn, Gary Lock· wood The hM<I of I gov. erntn«ll mUfdet·fOf-tllre unit wno decldn 10 get out ol the butlMN I• hunted by hi•'°'"*' uslll1111t (!) MEWi • MOYIE ••YI "Anzlo" (19118) Rob· ert Mitchum, Pelet Falk An over·c•ullou1 •nd atubl>Otn o-nwel ,_iy turns the Anzk> lnvulon tnlo • di ... ,., ID LOW. AMSUCAH STYLE "LoYI And The Ann!Vet· ury" George and Mertlla "f'9tum to '"--"'°'., Where they apenl their honey· moon OJ) MOVIE it * \.\ "The Magn111C41nt s.ven Rid9f" (11172) L• V•n Cleef, St9'an141 Pow· en. Five P•roi.cl corwlcta aid two I-In ree<:ulng • town lrom tM elute'-of • "''"'"' bMd of CKlllawa. (l)MOW * * "tl'a Alive" ( 1976) JOhn Ryen. Sharon F•rrefl. A bouncing baby ~ Into 1119 world with fengt, e1-. and • at•ong l!Oml- cldal ln1•1nc:1. 'PG' ll!IO Cl Q! LATE HIGHT WITH DAVID liTTBIMAN Q.,.111 Lfflle NlelMn, Bwbere weners. 8 TOM COTTLe: UP ClOM a-t· Olorl• Sttl11em • MO'ltl •• * "Holiday For LOV· .,, .. ( tHll) Cflflon W«lb, JAM Wyn\8n. TWO young glrla IMlcome young ladlel wnne trevellng 1hrougll South ""*lea with lhelr patent a TOM COTT\.E: UP CL08E Guest· Melanie Ch•rtolf. ti) LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE "L<Mt And The Big Top" Four trapeie a111111 tlnd 111emMlvn lnvOlve<I with one •nolher "Love And The GOiden Memory" Mur· rey returns 10 London efle• 30Y9•'* 0MOVIE **·~"The Border" ( 11181) Jaell Nlc110l1on, V•letie Penlne A TeaH bordet guwd'a vetues come In confllC1 with those of 1111 COflUPI CO·WO•k••• end Ills meterl•liatlc wife 'A' 12-.36 ($J A1Ct< 8PAIHOA€LO IN COHCEAT spr1ng11e1c1 a1ng1 "Jnw·a Gltl" llnd other hit• In • perlormence trom tlMI ,_ UnlllwMI Atnphit1141eHe In Loa Angeles 12:401J CJ) COUJM90 A doctor kills a rlurM WllO uncoveted hla plM to mur· dw • COiieague during ...,,. ll!'Y (A) 1:00 U OINE AUTRY Cf) SAAM' FAME.A ti) MOVIE * * * "The 08rk Al The Top Of The Stair•" ( 1llfl0) Aobw1 Preston. Oofothy McGuwa Beaed on the play by Wiiiiam Inge Mem· befl of •n Oklahoma laml· ly In the 1920s lltuogle w1t11 the problems of eve<y<lay Iii• (OJMOVIE ••YI "Cheech And CllOng'a Nice Dr"m'' (1981} Richard "C'-1\" M••ln, TllomH Chong Two ln1111erete po111Md1 apl)Mlr to "•"• found their trve calling aa they peddle iC4I cream on the llr•t• Of Loa Ange!M 'R' 1:101CIMOYIE • * • "Str11)9t" (11181) Bill Murr•y, Harold A•ml• A New York cabble loolclng tor ••cl•-• convlncee 1111 be91 friend to jolt'I him In enllatlng In the u S. ArmL._'A' 1:30 Cl ~ N9C MEWi OYPHIGHT 8 CMNEAUTRY fZ)MOVIE ••YI "The Bord«" (1981) Jack NlcllOlaon, V•lerte Perrine A Teau l>Otder QM!!fd'1 vei-COnl41 In connlct wtth th<>M ol Ills corrupt co-work.,.• end hi• meterlelletk: wife 'R' 1:4f(H)MOVIE 1t * ''This la Elvia'' ( 1981) Documentary. Fiim footege •rid dram•ttc: re-c1Hllon1 are uMd 10 tell Ille atory of EMa PrnMI)''• life Md cet- 2;00 II Cll cu ..wa HIGHTWATCH 8 HIWI WIUJAMTnL 2:0I < Sl MOYll • • "The ... , .. A buxom country glrl llH grHI plMI for Ille In Ille big city 'R' ~-llOGMPHY ·= * ·~ "Hl1tory Of The World •• P8rt I" f1981) Mel 8'oolc a, Madellne K ....... Man'• llkdlr'IOUt hlatOf)' - from~ c;..,.. """' to Ill• Sp•nl•ll lnqul· IUIOtl •• It exeml...O 'R' 3:00 (t) HA HUHT ICI MOVIE * * * "Quo Ve<llS" ( 1951) Aol>efl Tey!Of, Oet>otlll K•ff A Aom•n •rlatOCrll go.Ina Nero'• dl1l1vor when lie falls In love with • Chrll· ll•n g1rl O,MOVIE * * * • "Fiddler On Tiit Root" ( 197 t) Topo1, N0<me Crane A peasant milkmen In lurn-of·lhe·century czetisl Au111a tries to mar. ry oH hit etlglble daughter• while trying to hold onto 1111 Jewllh heritage In the race of oppre11100 ·a· 3:IO (!) FAITH 20 OOM<ME ••~ "hps" (11181) G.orge C Scon, Tlmoth~ Hulton Miiitary achOOI C8<1etl teke OYet In.Ir achOOI 10 Pf.....,.,I plant 10 turn the academy p•~ly Into • condo development. 'PG' "'5)MOVIE * * "Siience 01 Tilt North" (1981) Ellen Burs· tyn, Tom Skerrilt. In 1819. •young wom•n'a mer119g41 IO 8 ltappet leads her 10 8 life of llardthlp In the wll· d«nesa of northern C•na- da. 'PG' CZJMOVIE * * * * "Keelje Tippel'' 11975) Monique van o.. \len, Rutge< H-A Ir ... IPiflled girl II lorced Into prostitution u a meana ol supporting her famlly 4:00 TOP O' THE MOAHIHO 0 MASTlA OF ILLUSION Mel Brooke I• PIOflled llO<I • IOOlc 11 teken al 1he m•k· Ing of "Hlllory Of The W0tld-Part I 4:30 Cf.) 8ULLWINKLE 0MOVIE • • * "92 In n .. Shede" ( 1975) Petet Fonda. W81· ren Oaln. ThOuglltl Of murder enter 1119 ecene wh•'\ an enterprlalng drlflet lnvadft the bull· -l•rllOf)' of. 1191et8f\ llalllng guide In the Florid• Keya 'A' Tue•da•'• Da11tlaa~ Mo.,lrs 5:a1Hf) * * * "Tll9 eonc;.n For K•mpvcllee" ( 1980) Paul McC•rtney. The Who A holl of roc:k perlortT*a, many ol wllOm get togetll· er In an •ll-11er rock orc:llelt••. ere feetured In this •9Cord or 1 -le• ot concerti held tor I he bene- fit of·~ to war-r•veged Cllml>Odl• t: 15 CS) • • * "Cllrlstmu M ounlaln" (1981) Slim Plcken1, Mark MUie< A rough and lougll oowt>oy del<ver9 • ,,_. ol loYI 8fld the Cllrlatmu spirit In llleOldWMt. 1:30 (Cl **'A "Heidi" I 111711) A young glfl ta l>touglll from IMir grendf8fhel''1 Alpine home 10 live In the City 7:00 * * * "Gry 01 The City" ( 1.11481 Victor Mature. AIChard Conte Two child· hood frlwlela grow up to lace each other from dlf· letenl tides ol I lie l•w Zl * 11:1"' "Clleech And Chong'• Nie. Dreama" (1981) Rlc:llar-d "CllMCll" M1rtn. Thomas Chong TWo tnvetetete pot1141ad• appear to l't•ve found lhelr lr\19 calling .. they p.ddle io. cream on the street• of loa Angelet 'A' 7:JO 11 * "Mo<letn ei-~· (18111) CMvy Cll8N , P•lll O'Arb11wllle. A hapleN air traffic controller with nvrT141<0Ut personel prob- l9m• la endowed wtlh 1...ac1ne11c ~· .,, ... befng douN<I with nuclear ......... ·pa· l.'00 (Cl * * "Mede In Perla" ( tHll) Ann-Margret, Louis Jourden. A Pane o.algnet 1weepa 8 fHhlon l>Yy« of1 herl•I l :IO(H) * *'h "Raoe For Your Liie. Cllerlle Brownl" ( 1177) Anlm8ted Chwlle Brown •nd the entire "PNnu1a" 118"11 llNd for ..-Cllmp, ..... they become lnvohled In-· wlld 8dllentur• ·o· COi * • .,,."So A"'"(1M1) Ryan O'NHI, JllCll Wer· (!en, A ltufty eOllege PfO· ,.._ -hie f•t'-'• floundwlng f1'11'141"t IKI0- 1')' by Inventing • ,_ type of ledlM' i-tl•· 'A' I SJ • • "Wlnda Ot Ch•nge" 11978) Anlm•led Nattated b)' Peter Ustinov S-81 llOtlM from Grtek mythology ara recounted 'PG' (l ) * * * * "MOICOW Doesn't e.tMtY• In Teat•" ( 11180) Vet• Alentov•. Aleael Betelov Tllr .. country girls wilh different goels and v••un move •o the b•g city 10 pur-their lmblltona 9:00 '1) * • "Are You With II?" ( 11148) Oonald O'Connor, Olg• S•n Juan A matMnl•tlcl•n glv .. up Ilia Job 10 jolt'I • Cllfnivet, 0 * • • "Nutc:recker Fen188)'" ( 11179) Anlm•ted voio.. or MIQllelle Lee and Chrl11ophet L• A girl's love end cou•-o-•re tnt· ad during lier many adverl· fUtll$ while lltllmpling 10 help a 111ndeome IOld141f under the •pell of 1 two- headed mouM 'G' •.so m • • \.'t .. z.. ..... 119511 Victor Mature. Mich..i Wiiding Oflven from Ills vlll-O-. a man becomn • ruthless oull•w le•der 1~ re * 1t * "A ChrlslmH C8<04" (1951) AIU1elt Sim, KetlllMn H8trll0n. Baaed on Ille atory by Charles Dickens A cokM'1earted ml-learn• Ille .,...... of compassion lllrougll ghostly •d.,.entures on CllrlstmHEve ~) * * '-" "Zorro. The Gay Bl•de" ( 1981) George Hamilton, L8Uren Hullon The netolc: aon Of old C81l· tor nle's famoua 1uallce fighter la lncapacitat41d by • riding Injury, forcing his topptlh broth« to don the cepe end mult 'PG' ($) ** * "Indian L<Mt Call" ( 11138) Jeannette MecOonald, Nelton Eddy An oper• llf\Oet 1•11• In IOve witll the mounted policemen who ~nda llel IUglllve t>tothet 10-.30 0 • * • "The Hunte~" (11179) Steve~. Ell Wellacll A.lph "P~" Thorson leed1 a d8nget· oua Ille as a modern·<l•y bounty llunlet. 'PG' 11:0CHZ * * • "The Concert For KMlpuchea" (IMO) P8UI McC8'1ney, T1141 WhO A host Of rock pertc>ml41ta, many of whom get togeth· ., '" .,, ell·ll•• tock or<:'-lre, are INtured In th•• record Of a _,.. of ~·~for the bene- fit Of 1el1el to W8M8V8ged Cemboc:ll• 11:30 C **•"The Gel'-lng" (11178) Ed Asner, M-een Steple1on Longtime d1Yl- alon1 among INlmbWI ol the 18flllly of a dying man come out in the open wtl4lt\ 1111 grown on.pring g811Mir ror a lin81 lllll\lly reunion. 10 1 • * • "Prelly B•by" ( 1879) Keith Cerradlne. Brooke Shleldl A WOt'ld war J pllotogr•Ph•r d41cl<leS to mwry the edo- leacent d•uglltet of • pro•· Utut• In the "Red Light Olatrlct" of New OrlNn• 'R' 12:00 f> * * 'h "E-V Girt Should Be Married" ( 11148) C•.ry Gr•nt. 8elay Dreka An ambl1l0ul allopglr1 with mattlmonlal Intention• turns on her ~ Ch81'm8 10 lrlC). bache4or doe1or, e • • "1133 Squedron" ( 1964) Cllll Aol>9r1ton. George Chllltlrls A Nazi fuel IKtOf)' In Notw•y II deaftoy.cf ln • g8118nl effort by an Amefk:•n aqued•on {H) ••'h "MercnOt The Wooden Solo..,_" (111341 Stan L81Jret, ~ Herdy Two men find 111emH1ves In • l•ntuy world toy lllop IS)•• "Buddy. Buddy" t1981)Jadl t.emmon, Wal· tar M81th81.1. Wiii.. •n ae....in conoen1r•t .. on his nlXt lcllllng, he ls rudely lnlem.pted by • buf'l\bllnt lllllUfa Of I man who 18 8l14W119llng t<llc:lde. 'R' 12:30 0 *•~"The &order" ( 1981) J8Clt Nlch011on, \lal4Nie P-lne. A TH .. bordef gu•rd'• veluea CCHM In confllct wttll lllOM of hit corrupt CO·'lllOrlc.,., Ind 1111 m8t ... l8Mltk: w1'9 'A' I Zl * • '"' "Ci-h And C11ono'• Nie• DfHma" (1981) .Alcll81d "C'-h" Merill, TllomH Chong. CHANNEL LISTINGS Mor•le p1unge1 •t Ille 4077111. 1lrea<1y a-...teting under• Mvete ha•t W•ve, wllen alcohol ia prohibited 0 I)" NIC FAMILY C..AllTMMP~ * • * "R8gtime" ( 1N 1) J•mea C8QMY, Howard E Aolllna Amid the aoet•I upllNval Of 1820. New YC>fk. en upP«-ct ... faml• ty tr'" 10 llOld On lo lr8dl> lion .. 81) 8l'9"f blectl IHd1 • mllllan1 flOht 119aln11 1119 r.et11 .. 181>· 11111r'*'t 'PG' JOHN DARLING by Armstrong & Batluk 8 KNXT CCBSl 8 KN8C (NBCJ • l<TLA Clnd.I .KABC CABCI e l(FMB ICBS) 8 KHJ.TV Cine! I e t<CST CABCI • l(TTV !Incl l 'e 1<COP·TV (Ind l e l<CET (PBSl e KOCE (PBSl 0 ()n.Tv l Z TV HI HBO C (Cin<'mil&I (f l CWORI NY , N Y ll1l CWTBSJ ii IESPNI 11 l~tlmel • $4>otliQhl • CCat?t N~w\ Ntlworlll • A d•Uhng •rr•y or N8C'• IOp Sllfl, lncludlng Tad Oanaon. G1ty CoMll\'lan. Ch••IOltf R1e •nd Debbie Allen, p,._,., •11 llOVr Of Yulellde co,,,tdy •nd mulic D THAT'l tHCMOleLlt r .. Med the 1912 Rubik'• Cut>e WO.kl Ch•mplon· lhlp, • ~fllld tut"1-being run 011er I>)' • Duit<IO,..., a rame11 Liiiie I.Hou., pltc:h" 17 no·lltt•.,.•. ~ 0 IVMVTHNI GOU ISJM<Ma ** 'T_.,. Plu1 OM" I 19111 Sheron T •t• 'A' u:oe I ""'"•• ~ 11:• ~ .IOHN. MO Oon10 p111p mtlfctw•.,., IOr 8 Paraiyalld Ptlllllnf wl'O , .. 111• • l)OMlble cure Met J l .· ·: :· v ' I \ \ llllJPllDI MONDAY, DEC. 13, 1982 C4 ClASSlfllD Rams prove ag8in no lead·-is safe Down' 21-0, DeBerg spearheads Denver comeback in 27-24 • win By CURT SEEDEN Of the 0.-, ....... ..., In Randy Gradishar's opinion, If you hang In there and give it your best, things will eventually turn around. Coach Ray Malavaai to juggle his defense. But that wasn't the reason Bronco quarterback S teve DeBerg tied an NFL record with 17 consecutive completions In sparking the Denver comeback. "I feel lll(e crying now," confessed 6-5, 255-pound guard Dennis Harrah afterward. "We put it all on the line and it just didn't come out. I don't have any excuses. There aren't any answers to a ball game like that. In fact, those were the Denver linebacker's exact words Sunday afternoon, shortly after his team had staged its comeback from a 21-0 deficit to beat the Rams, 27-24. F\mny thing is, the Rams thought they played hard, too. And they surely thought they had their second victory of the shortened NFL season after assuming that 21-0 bulge much to the delight of 48,112 fans at Anaheim Stadium. "We've been ahead. we're winning but we keep losing ball games. It's just about the most de- pressing thing I can think of right now," Harrah added. The Rams' fifth defeat against just one victory has ever1one on the team down In the dumps. And Malavasi still feels he's not down for the count. II you ask the Rams what happened, they won't give you an answer. They don't have one. In fact, they didn't have any excuses either. Sure, there were several Injuries which forced "I don't want to talk about next year. l just like to talk about the next game," the Rams' coach said. The hams showed Sunday they weren't above trying a little trickery in their game against the Denver Broncos at Anaheim Stadium. Here, holder Nolan Cromwell dodges Denver defe nder Aaron Kyle on a fake field goal and romps I 7 yards for a second-quarter touchdown which gave the Rams a 21-0 advantage. However, that lead vanished in the second half, and the Broncos were able to rally and post a 27 -24 victory, the Rams' fifth setback in six tries this season. Area teams continue on tournament trail Two major tourname nts highlight prep basketball activity this week for Daily Pilot teams. One involves Ocean View and Fountain Valley along with the cream of Southland basketball, at Cal Poly Pomona, while the other -the Irvine Townament -includes five area teams. Fountain Valley duels Blair at 5:30 tonight at Cal Poly Pomona, while Ocean View waits until Tue9day (4 p.m.) to tangle with l.nglewOod. Tonight's schedule in the Irvine Tournament in cludes Garden Grove at Ii-vine, Glenn at Woodbridge and Villa Park at University, each at 8 o'clock. Costa Mesa and Corona de) Mar are Involved In 6:15 games in the Irvine tourney -Mesa meeting Laguna Hills at University and Corona del Mar facing M ission Viejo at Woodbridge . CdM defeated Mission Viejo, 49-34, Friday. In oth er games tonight, Cypreaa invades Edison and Marina hoets Sunny Hills, each beginning at 7:30. * trvlM TCIUf'NMMftt TONIGHT 4:30-Sent• An• ¥L W•lem •t IMne 4:30-Arteela va. Loi Amlgoe et Unlwnlt; .RAMS RETIRE OLSEN'S JERSEY He'• knOwn as Father Murphy thele daya, but as far aa the Rams are concerned, Merlin Olaen will always be remem)>ered aa one of the team's all-time great playera. They m ade aure of that Slflday afternoon at Anaheim Stfdium when Olsen's No. 74 Jetaey w aa officially retired aurln1 halftime ceremoniea of \he•Rama-Denver 1ame. 6:15-Cofone del Mw va. Mlulon Vleto et Woodbridge 6:15-Legun• Hiii• VI. Coat• MH• •t Unlv9nl1y 6:15-TUllln VI. Swenne •1 lrvlne 8-0erden Orove et !nine 6-Gi.nn et Woodbridge 6-Vlle Perle at Unlvwllty TUHOAY 4:30-Sent• An .... weet.,n loMr va. CdM· Mllelon Vi.fa loMr et IN\ne HIQh 4:30-Coata M ... -Lagune HUit loMr ve. Tu911n-Savenna IOMt at Un'-11ity High 6: 15-Gerden Grova-lrvlne loter vt . ".\lenn-Woodbrldge loMr 81 IMne High 6:15-Artnle-Lot Arnlqpe I-va. VIiie Pattl-lJnlwnlly loeer at ~ 6:15-Co9te ~~ Hiia winner va. Tldt~v8M8 winner at Woodbfldge High 6-Garden Grow-INIM winner va. Gteen- Woodbrldge winner at INtne High •-Sent• An•-WMlern win,_ VI. CdM· MIMlon Vleto winner at Woodl>rldoe High 8-ArtHle-Lot Amigo• wlnner vt. Unlvenlty-Vlle Perle wlnl*' at Unt.oer.lty High TOUl'MIMnt of C"-"talllfte ( .. C~~) 4-Long BMctl Poly VI. Serra 5:30-lflelt VI. Founteln Vl//Wf 7-St. Bernard va. Gardena 8:30-Mei.r Del ¥L PtlNCMna TUHOAY 4-lnglewood vs:'Oceen V._ 5:30-Benlnng va. Compton 7-V.,bum Delva. C<tePI 8:30-Crentflaw va. Boeco Teen AMMlm Hiatt Townement TUf'80AY 3-Ealende va. Velenda 4:45-s.Mte va. Maytelf _, 6:30-Katella va. Sentlago 6:45-Weetmlnllt., va. Anaheim Magnolle Miah TOUFNlfMfll TUf'80AY 3: 15-Troy VI. Loe Alemiloe 4:45-Corona va. 8~ 6:30-El Toro va. Orenglf e-Magnolle va. Aarldlo Alamttoe u OUIMa Hiatt T~t _.,..80AY 3:30-Domlngu9l ¥L El Oofedo 5:15-Sente An• V•ll•Y vt Cepletreno Vr/llfrt 7-FOO'lhlll va. Edlton 8:45-E Modene va. Le Oulnte 8enta llerte TourMIMftt THUlt80AY 4-Doe Puebloe ve. Sent• Ynez 5!30-Rlgflettl VI. hnte larb8tl 7-St. Joeeslh'8 VI, Merine 1:30-o.na Hiiie VI. Santa Marte L*-'JClwtettenT ............ t ,.._AY 3:10-Llbarty Cllrlell•n YI. Herllege Qw""9n "I'm herf to coach the team and do the best I can. I feel we have some weaknesses but I don't want to discuaa them here." · Malavasi said he wanted to take a close look at the game fllma before expounding on what. went wrong Sunday. When he does, he will surely note that: -De Berg riddled the Rams secondary. hit Ung 23 of 31 passes for 307 yaras while matching an NFL record, which ironically is held by injured Rams quarterback Bert Jones, who accomplished the feat with the Baltimore Colts in 1974. -Injuries took their toll on the Ram defense as defensive tackle Greg Meisner went down with a knee il')jury; middle linebacker Jim Collins sprained his ankle; linebacker George Andrews suffered a hip pointer; linebacker Eric Williams had a eroin Olten wu inducted into the PrO Football Hall of Fame lut Aak:t followtna his retirement in~. S -"IO HO n d O Pttp VI Ceplttreno v...,~ 1110-lleolllo CMlllen..,. OrtflOI Wtftlretl I-~ Clwiellen ""-Cel Lll!Mfen Den\'er'a Louie Wright moYet upfield with key fourth-quarter interception while Rame' Willie Miller looks on. strain; and safety Jimmie Johnson strained a muscle in his upper leg. -Ram quarterback Vince Ferragamo was under constant preuure from the dogging and blitzing Bronco defenae all day, which is the reason he managed to complete just 14 of 33 paaaes for 181 yards. The Denver defensive rating la quite misleading. "You've got to give credit where credit is due," admitted Rams tight end Mike Barber. "They've (the Broncos) always been very tough defensively. They were very aggressive and hit very hard today. We couldn't be working any harder than we have, but now we have nothing to ahow for it." Up until the 2:57 mark of the eecond quarter, the Rams didn't figure to be a:ratching their heads (See RAMS, Page CZ) Raiders • survive mistakes KANSAS <.:!TY (AP) -Ir was fitting that a mistake won this game. The Kansas City Chiefs, home for the first lime since the strike was settled list month, joined the Los Angeles Raiders in a long afternoon o f blown plays, co ntroversial ca lls a nd squ andered opportunities Sunday. At first it seemed nobody would win. Then ii looked like the Raiders had salted it away. Then the Chiefs scored to regain the lead. And finally , the Raiders came back and won 21-16 on a 35-yard touchdown pass with 25 seconds remaining that quarterback Jim Plunkett admitted was underthrown. IT WAS that kind of •game as the Chief.a sank to 1-5 and the Raiders went to 5-1. "These are the types of games championship teams have to win," said Los Angeles Coach Tom Flores. The frantic fourth quarter got started when officials called a 44-yard pass Interference penalty on free agent Kansas City comerback Trent Bryant, who spent a nmerable day trying to fill in for the injured Eric Harris. The penalty put the Raiders on the Kansas City 23-yard line and w ith about five minutes remaining, Plunke tt hit Todd Christensen with his second touchdown pass, an 8-yarder, to give the Raiders a 14-9 lead. Nick Lowery's third field goal had given Kansas City a 9-7 lead after the Chiefs lost nine yards In three plays following Gary Green's fumble recovery and 18-yard run to the Los Angeles 2-yard line. Get the picture? BUT QUARTERBACK Bill K enney, who replaced Steve F uller starting the fourth quarter, whipped the Chiefs 85 yards in 7 plays. Los Angeles' Lester Kayes picked up a pass interference penalty that f:;: Kansas City a first-and-goal the one, and Billy Jackaon dove across to put the Cheifs on top 16-14 with 1:55 remaining. l5acK came the Raiders, hoping to get close enough for Chris Bahr, who had misaed a 23-yard field goal as time expired in the first half. But Christensen drew a holding penalty that shoved Los Angeles back to the Chiefs' 35, seemingly drawing the noose even tighter around the Raiders' necks. On third-and-20 from the 35, · Plunkett heaved one in the direction of Calvin Muhammad. The pass WU under\hrown. But Muhammad turned around and came back to the ball, cradling it to h1a cheat In the end zone. Muhammad beat Lloyd Bum.aa. "I saw it just as Plul'\keu releued it.," taid Bum.aa. "f had peat pomtion on h im, but the ball WU underthrown. Thia la an all-time low for me." IT'S a.o8E to an all-Ume low for the Chiefs. who are aotna to make it 11 aeaeon• in a row. There were more than 10,000 no-lhowl and the crowd of 26, 307 wu quick to boo a h ome team that atanda 0-4 since the llltb ended. ~Uty quuwrt.cka were l9Cked ellht Um. for t.be aeaJIMt week In a row. And runnlnl beck Joe Delaney, lut year'• AFC roold9 of the ,...., ... carried from the fleJd wtth a Me. Injury that could lkleUne him the .,.. of the eeMOl'l. I • f '41 Orimget Cou111 DAil Y f'llOl /Mundny, 0 emher 13, 1082 Inmate paves way for Patriots' win From AP dispatches FOXBOHO. Ma~. Thl• New [il England Patriots got soml' unexfX'<:ted 4. t help from a 12th man an admitted prlSOn inmate -in their 3-0 National Football League victory over the Miami Dolphins Sunday. Mark Henderson, 24, became an unusual hero for the Patriots when, with less than five minutes remaining, he drove a tractor equipped with a plow and power sweeper onto the field and cleared snow from a smalJ area during a New England timeout. Veteran John Smith then calmly booted a 33-yard field goaJ from the cleared spot, lifting the Patriots to their upset victory. He nderson, who is from nearby North Attleboro, said, "I saw arms waving me out." New England Coach Ron Meyer admitted he waved Henderson onto the field, but said he would have done the same in a similar situation for the Dolphins. He nderson was the target of post-game interviews, but said he h ad t o make an emergency phone call because he was due back at Norfolk State Prison at 5 p.m. and probably w ould be a little late. ''I 'm o n a progr am from N o rfolk pre-release,'' he said. "I have an eight-by-eight room with a roommate . They let me out for school and work-release. I have to be back by 5, but I can call them and tell them I was on TV." Quote of the day Ralph Miller, coach of Oregon State on dunking: "The only thing the dunk h as done for basketball is to increase stress fractures. Now, if you raise the baskets to 12 feet and I see some body dunk, I will applaud." Paxson paces Portla nd pasl Phoenix Jim Paxson ignited a fourth-m quarter rally Sunday night that lifted Portland to a 99-94 NBA victory over Phoenix. Paxson had nine of his 20 points in the final period as the Trail Blazers overcame a 76-70 deficit ... Bob Lanier poured in 22 points, including a three-point play with 1:43 remaining as Milwaukee held off Indiana, 120-108 ... Larry Bird notched 23 of his 36 points in the second half to spark Boston to a come-from -behind 126-112 triumph over visiting Denver. The Celtics trailed most of the way until Bird hit a 15-foot jump shot with 7:09 remaining to put Boston ahead, t00-99. AP~o An exuberant Boston College footba ll fan poses beside an a ltered road sign. Auburn and Bo ton meet in the Tangerine Bowl aturday. · t'lyt:r!-1 have Penguins' numbt•r al home Brad McCrlmmoo scored his first ~ goal for Philadelphia Sunday night, ' sealing the Flyers' 4-3 victory over Pittsburgh in the National Hockey League. The win allowed the Flyers to continue their home-ice mastery over the Penguins, who have not won in Philadelphia since Jan. 20, 1974, a span covering 17 games (0-15-2) . . . Rangers' goalie Ed Mio recorded his second shutout of the sea.son, stopping 23 shots as New York beat New Jersey. 4-0 . . . Demli1 Marak netted his second goaJ of the night on a power play at 3:56 of the third period to break a tie and send Washington to a 4-3 triumph over Boston Jobn Ogrodnlck scored three goals as Detroit won its fourth straight game, 7-3 over visiting Calgary . . . Hartford's Ron Francis scored twice to give the Whalers a 3-1 victory over Buffalo . . . Darryl Sutter celebrated his appointment as team captain by scoring four goals and linemate Tom Lysiak had Cive assist$ as Chicago routed Quebec, 7-3. Carne r. M ahaffey team up lo win LARGO. Fla. -JoAnne Carner; l!I battling high winds. made a three- foot putt as she and partner John Mahaffey saved par on the final hole Sunday and hung on for a one-stroke victory over Jay Haas and Hollis Stacy in the Mixed Teams Classic. Carne r sank the tournament-saving putt to complete a final-round 70 that gave Maharfey- Cam er a 72-hole total of 268 over the par-72. 7,015-yard.Bardmoor Country Club-course. taze r squander three-goal lead Kim and Per Roentved scored • two goals apiece Sunday night, leading the Wichita Wings to a 9-7 Major Indoor Soccer League victory over the Los Angeles Lazers. The Wings trailed 4-1.at halftime but scored six goals in the thlrd period to go ahead for good . . . South Carolina basketball coach Bill Foster remained in stable condition afh!r suffering what doctors termed a "moderate heart attack" after his team's victory over Purdue Saturday ni~ht. Foster reoorledly collapsed after the g_ame in the coaches' room. Television, radio Following are the top sports events on TV tonight. Ratings are: v v v V' excellent; V' v....,... worth watching; v....,... Cair; v forget it. 6 p.m., Channel 7 v ....,... v NFL FOOTBALL: Dallas at Houston. Annoaacert: Frank Gifford. Howard Cosell and Don Meredith. The Houston Oilers, virtually out of the playoff picture with a 1-4 record, will try to spoil things for their intra-state rivals from Dallas. The Cowboys are 4-1 and will be trying to move back into a t.ie for first place in the National Confe re nce with Washington. It is only the fourth regular-season meeting between the two teams with the Cowboys holding a 2-1 advantage. RADIO Football -Dallas at Houston, 5:50 p.m., KNX £1070). RAM LO E • • • From Page C1 tor ru U1wN·1 and comlna up empty . After taklna a 7 0 le6'd In th.-firtt qWlrt.<•r on Mike Ciul'f\l'n't OM•yatd plungl', Malavul, knowlna tut haad nothlna to loie, Ulcd tht• amt• play on • fourth·and-1 altu.atlon (ratht>r than ao tor the 1ure field goal) with 2:30 gone in the ll('('()nd quarter. only tMs tlrrw It w1&11 Wendell Tyler who jllat did make It lnW th t:nd wne. Th<' Rams alao showed they wucn't. afrwd to Inject an elt-mcnt of surpnsc into the 1muuJon when they faked a field goal, 1lllow1na holder Nolan \.romwell to roll around left e nd for a 17 ·yard touchdown und a 21 ·0 lead. So much for the Rams' offense S unday. ASIDE FROM Mike Lansford'11 39·yard field goal In the fourth quarter, the offonslve output for the remaining 33 minutes or so was in the hands of De Berg Touchdown p asses of 51 yards l O Rick Upchurch and 7 yards to running back Rick Parros sliced the Rams' lead to 21-14 before the !int half was over. The Rams managed to ho.~ the Broncos to a pair of Rich Karlis field goals of 47 and 18 yards and still maintained a 21.20 advantage in the fourth quarter until comerback Louis Wright picked off Ferragamo for the third Denver interceptlon and set up what turned out to be the wlnning TD drive. "Believe it or not, I did know that I had a string going but l didn't know how many," noted DeBerg oC his NFL record.equaling pcrformanc.-e. "I once had 15 In a row at San Francisco. "It was important for us that we w ere able to come back and win this game. Our receivers were getting open and obviously that helped a lot with my completing the passes," the Denver quarterback added. DeBerg's performance, meanwhile, obviously didn't help the Rams' low morale. • "I FEEL BADLY that we didn't win. The eftort was stiU there a nd I just don't know why we didn't," Ferragamo said afterward. "Thelr defense played well. They were dogging and blitzing in a very clever way and they were doubling up on our outside guys a lot of the time." Are the Rams' carrying the thought that they will blow a lead on to the field each week? "It's a nebulous area I can't put my finger on," admitted Jack Youngblood. "You try to ffg)'it that· .thought. The only way to do that is to keep tnat intensity up. Is a coaching change the answer? ''A change right now would be a negative thing at this point in time. That's not the answer," Youngblood added. "Ray has worked hard and so have his assistants. The preparation has been there. You have to look at the individual players to find fault." Top yachts wage spirited battles By ALMON LOCKABEY Dellr Piiot lloll""9 Writ• Fifty spectator boats ;am.med to the gunwales with humanity turned out Sunday to wat.ch the 12-meters, Defender ant!-COurageous, in a two-race skirmish in the ocean off the Newport Pier. Steelers stifled by Buffalo defense Defender was the winner in both races over a short windward-leeward course in Ught airs under hazy skies. Defender was skippered by Tom Blackaller and Courageous had Dave Vietor at the helm. Despite late starts, Courageous appeared to perform better upwind, rounding the mark only a Florida teams wilt in cold weather; Bengals win battle of Ohio few boat lengths behind Defender. · NHYC winds up 1982 season From AP dispatches ORCHARD PARK, N.Y. -Buffalo's defense shut down Terry Bradshaw and the Pittsburgh Steelers. J oe Cribbs rushed for 143 yards and Joe Ferguson's passing to Jerry Butler set up Roosevelt Leaks' I-yard touchdown run, leading the Bills to a 13-0 National Football League victory Sunday. The Steelers didn't get into Buffalo territory until 16:29 remained in the game, and that was the result of a shanked 26-yard punt by Greg Cater to the Bills' 43. By then, Bradshaw had been taken out of the game after completing only two of 13 passes for 3 yards. He was intercepted twice and sacked four times. His replacement, Cliff Stoudt, got the Steelers within four yards of the end zone with 11:58 to play. But then, safety Bill Simpson. who had inte rcep ted one of Bradshaw's passes, tipped Stoudt's throw and defensive e nd Ben Williams picked It off to kill Pittsburgh's final threat. Patriots 3, Dolphins 0 FOXBORO. Mass. -John Smith booted a 33-yard field goal from a narrow path cleared by a tractor-driven snowplow with less than five minutes remaining, lifting New England to a 3-0 victory over Miami. Smith, making his first appearance after coming off the injured-reserve list, missed on an 18-yard field goaJ attempt in the second period, but made amends with his boot again.~t the wind at 10:20 of the fourth period. The Dolphins. who had won four of five previous starts this year, struck back in an attempt to pull out the victory, driving from their 34 to a first down at the New England 20 with 1: 17 remaining. However, on the third play, linebacker Don Blackmon intercepted a pass by David Woodley at the 10 w ith just 30 seconds remaining. Jets 32, Buc1 17 NEW YORK -Freeman McNeil rushed for two touchdowns a nd Richard Todd passed for another to lead the New York J ets to a wind-chilled 32-17 victory over Tampa Bay before the smallest home crowd to see a Jets' game In 18 eeasons. The game. played in 23-degree temperature \ with a minus-5 wind-chill factOr following a two- inch morning snowfall, attracted only 28,147 fans. But there were 32,223 no-shows. McNeU's first touchdown came on the Jets' first possession of the game, when he followed a Marvin Powell block on a 4-yard run with 8:40 left in the first quarter. McNeil's second TD came on • 5-yard run 53 ~nda later that gave New York a 14-0 lead. Ben11l1 %3, Browns 10 CTNCINNATI -Fullback Pete John10n and quarterback Ken Andel'90n ran for eecond-quarter touchdowna and Jim Breech booted three teeond- half field goala u Cincinnati defeated Cleveland, 23-10. Browns ufety Clinton Burrell returned an interception 14 yard s for • third-quarter t.oUChdown u Cleveland pulled tO wlthtn 14·10. But Breech kJcked field goak of 44, 21 and 36 yards to NFL ROUND UP seal Cincinnati's victory and give the Bengals a 5-1 record. Cleveland, 2-4 threatened to tie the game in the third quarter. but fullback Mike Pruitt fumbled inside the Bengals' 10-yard line to end the Browns' last touchdown threat. Red1tln1 12, CardlDalt 7 ST. LOUIS -Mark Moseley kicked field goals of 32, 30, 20 and 24 yards, leading Washington to a 12-7 triumph over St. Louis. Moseley's kicks, set up by Joe Theismann's passing, brought him within two of the NFL record of 20 consecutive field goals. He now has a string of 18 in a row . Garo Yepremian set the record while kicking Cor the Miami Dolphins and New Orleans Saints. Moseley, who had one field goal in each quarter, gave Washington a 12-0 lead. Lions 30, Packers 10 GREEN BAY -Billy Sims rushed for 109 yards and a touchdown and Detroit's de fense smothered Oreen Bay with nine sacks and five pass interceptions as the Lions rolled to a 30-10 victory over the Packers. Alvin Hall returned the second-half kickoff 96 yards for a touchdown and Eddie Murray kicked three field goals, while tackle Doug English led the Detroit defensive charge with four sacks for 24 yards in 1088e8. Interceptions by Bobby Watkins, Hector Gray and James Hunter set up 13 points for Detroit. Murray kicked a 27-yard field goal with 10:06 left in the fint quarter. Watkins intercepted at the Packer 28 two plays later. and a 17-yard pass from Gary Danielson to Mark Nichols set up a 1-yard touchdown plunge by Sims as Detroit led 10-0. Vlk1D11 13, Colts 10 MINNEAPOLIS -Minnesota place-kicker Rick Danmeler kicked two second-half field goals to give the Vikings a 13-10 victory over winless Baltimore. Danmeier'1 decisive field goal came at 9:09 of the final period aft.er a Viking drive stalled at the Colt 22. Aft.er milling two from 40 yards in the flnt half, Oanmeler put this one through !rom the same dlltance. Minnesota quarterbac k T ommy Kramer completed 19 of 35 pu1e9 for 285 yards and one touchdown. Falcons 35, Salnt1 O ATLANTA -Gerald RJU-and Lynn Cain each 9Cored two touchdown• and a swarming defense produced six turnovers and aeven quarterback sackl u Atlanta crushed New Orleans, 35-0. Moel of the delenaive hl1hll1ht1 came at the expense of 36-year-old Kenny Stabler, who 109t two fumbles, WN Intercepted three UrMe and ACked five times for 33 yards in lONeS, qnce when he stumbled and fell in an o~n field. Seabawkl %0, Bears U SEATTLE -J im Zorn passed for one touchdown and ran for another to lead Seattle to a 20-14 victory over Chicago. Zorn scored on a 15-yard run and hit rookie Byron Walker on a 7-yard pass for scores in the second quarter for a 17 · 7 Seattle halftime lead. The only touchdown in the second half was scored by the Bears on a 2-yard run by Matt Suhey early in the fourth quarter to cap a 99-yard, 17-play drive that consumed 8:43. Newport Harbor Yacht Club wound up the 1982 sailing season Saturday and Sunday with two regattas. On Saturday.17 Lehman-12s turned out for the Doty Beek Trophy regatta along with 31 small boats racing in.side courses in the Winter Regatta. Results of Win~ Regatta: LID0-14 -1. J•rry Normen, Behl• Corlnlhlen YC; 2. Metty Lockney, Lido llM VC, 3. Kerin end Scon Muon, NHVC. SABOT C -Chen Lef.t>ufe, NHYC; 2. Oevld Schock, NHYC; 3. Jim W•rmlng1on. NHYC. SABOT A & 8 -1 01wn1 Coon, NHYC; 2. Jell Olton, NHYC; 3. Erlo P1oul, B•lbol YC. SNIPE -1. Jell L"1hlrt, Alamltoa 81y YC; 2. Brl•n Kent, ABYC; 3. Craig Leweck. Calllornle YC. SOLING -1 G .. ton OrlU, 8111><>1 YC; 2. 0 Oonnell end Bwman. Bahl• Corlntlll1n YC; 3 C. Jones. WlodJwnmer• YC. Rookie Norm Johnson, who kicked a 30-yard field goal in the !irst quarter, booted a 34-yarder with 1:57 to go Cor the Seahawks after Chicago punter Bob Parsons got off only a 16-yard punt from the Bears' end zone. ~ SANT ANA·20 -1 De Jew . Javu. Ja.ne Sel'IOclt, NHYC. 2. o.lsy, Mlk• Null. NHYC. 3 Righi Stuff. Cfa)g CetN. Bll'lla Corlnllllwi YC. ETCHELLS-22 -1 Shy. Don eev.r. NHYC: 2. Gene WllllatM, BllbO• YC. 3 a-tis. WOO(fy Meclu. NHYC. NFL standings NATIONAL CONFERENCE AMERICAN CONFERENCE Washington Dallas Green Bay Atlanta Detroit Mlnnesota New <r.leans NY Giants St. Louis Chicago San Francisco Tampa Bay Rams rhiladelphia W L Pct PF PA 5 1 .833 120 104 4 1 .800 121 76 4 2 .667 144 115 4 2 .667 153 119 3 3 .500 102 95 3 3 .500 108 98 3 3 .500 77 106 3 3 .500 103 97 3 3 .500 101 114 2 4 .333 77 112 2 4 .333 156 155 2 4 .333 85 111 1 5 .167 122 159 1 5 .167 108 135. Raiders NY Jets Cincinnati Miami Pittsburgh San Diego Buf{alo New England Seattle Cleveland Denver Houston Kansas City Baltimore W L Pct. PF PA 5 1 .833 155 125 5 1 .833 17 l 99 5 1 .833 139 90 4 2 .667 117 95 4 2 .667 121 101 4 2 .667 160 120 4 2 .667 98 73 3 3 .500 83 98 3 3 .500 104 96 2 4 .333 89 122 2 4 .333 111 149 1 4 .200 74 118 1 5 .167 89 129 0 6 .000 60 138 NOTE: The top eight teams in each conference will qualify for the playoffs. .. ~·ae­....... 21, K-City 19 o.n .... 27. "-24 New YOfle Jell et Mletnl (Clllnnel 4 11 9.30 8uff9lo 13, PttlllMOfl 0 Minn.cite 13. Baltlmote 0 Olnalnnell 23, C~ 10 Detroit 30, OrMn Bey 10 New £nolend 3, Mleml 0 New YOtk Jell 32, Tempe &ly 17 WllllhlnQton 12, 81. Loull 7 IMnle )0, CNceoo 14 At""1e '8. New on-n. 0 ..!~0.-0tllaa •• ~0-:.:' e p.m.1 .._.,,......,. a.ml LI NCOLN MERCURY 2626 H•rllor llv_.., Co1ta M••• ...... LMTED OFFER 10.75% A.P.R. FINANCING AVAlABl.E <I" Ml NEW 1912's u1101•1 PIOll" JOHNSON & SON presents ... llFL Ploks tf tt.• Wffk Mon., Dec. 13 Dallas over Houston * Sat., o.c. 11 Lot Angel .. ladien ov.r Ram• * Sun., O.C. 19 San Francisco over Atlanta * Phlladelphla over "°"'""' ' .. Bronco• 27, A•m• 24 lcore by Querier• 0enV8f 0 14 3 10 27 Rams 7 14 0 3-24 LA Gum•n 1 tun (lanslO<d ktcl<I LA Tylef 1 run (lanalord k.ICJo.) LA Crorr>wett 17 run (lanalord ktckl Oen Upchurch 51 pan from 0.Berg (Karlla k.lckl Oen Partos 1 P•H from OoBe1g (Karlis k~I Oen FO Katllt 47 Oen FO l(arlla 48 Oen Parros 3 run tKarlos ktckl LA FG Lanslord 39 A 48.112 T•am l1all1llc1 Oen Flt sl downs 22 Rus'1&1·yards 34-127 Pasting yards 268 Relurn yatdl 43 Paaaes 23.31.1 Sack.• by 2·20 Puntt 5-43 Fumbles·IOSI 3·2 Penallles-ya•d• 15-38 Time ot Po11e111on 34 35 lndMch11I 11a!la1lc• LA 14 28-112 161 50 14.33.3 5.49 7-41 1.0 4.45 25.25 RUSHING Denver. Winder 14·57, Wlllhll• 10·43. Parros 9·2S, 0.Berg 1·2 Rems. Tyler 12·29. J Thomes '7-2g. Gumen tl·t7. C•om-1·17 PASSING Denver. OeBerg 23 31·1·307 Rams, Ferragamo 14·33·3-111 RECEIVING -Oenv1t wauon 10 113. Parro1 3-20 Upchuteh 2·68. Wlllhlle 2 11. Eglott 2· 11, Wlndat 2· 1 Odoma I 11, T Wtlghl 1·2 Ram1. Tyler 4-23 Batbet 3·31. Ouman 2-52 Miiier 2·28. 0 HNI 2·25. Dennard 1·22 MISSED FIELD GOALS None Reider• 21, Chief• 18 8c:ore by Quatt8" Rald811 0 7 0 14-21 Kanaas Ctty 3 3 3 7-16 KC FO Lowery 35 LA Chr111anun 4 pass from Plunket! (Bahr kick) KC FG lo-y 27 KC FO Lowery 29 LA Chri11enaen 8 pass lrom Plunk.ell tBanr kick.I KC Jackaon 1 run (Lowery klCkl LA Muhammad 35 pass from Plunkel1 (Bahr klckl A 26.307 Team 81atl1tlc1 l A Flrtl downa t8 Rushes· yard• 74-59 Pa11lng yards 2~ • Relurn yards '"' Sacl<a by 9 P..... 18-33·• Puntt 4-38 Fuml>t .. ·loet 4-2 Penam ... yerds 7 -58 Time ot Po"41S11on 22 51 lndM dual a1etlatlca KC 21 31-79 206 51 2 19·315-0 4-31 1..0 S-78 3709 RUSHING LOI Ano••··· Allen tll-47. 1<1ng 8·12 Kanaaa City, Delaney 13-32, Jackson 10·2 I Hadnot 5· 13, Futter 3 13 PASSINO LOS Angeles Ptunun 18-33-t 303 Kansas C.1y Full&< 10-21·0 138 Kenney 9-15 0 134 RECEIVINO Los Angela, Branc:tl 5.111, Muhammad 3-92 Cnrts1enaen 5·56, BMnwell 4-43 Allen I· I Kan ... C•ty Ol•on 6·102. Ma1ana115-81.c1rson 2·42. Hednol 2· 10 Hancock 1· 11, ROIM 1-10. Delaney t-13, Jedlson 1·8 FIELO GOALS MISSED -Loa Angelea, Bahr 23. 45 Kanua CUy Lowery 48 8111• 13, 81Hlen 0 lcofe bf Qvarter• Pl111tiurgh 0 0 0 0-0 Buttalo 0 10 3 o-13 Bui l eek.a 1 run (Herrera klekl Bui -FO Herrera 34 But FO Herrera 19 A -58,391 lndlYldNI 11alletlca RUSHING -PlltlbUrgh. Harris 13·52, HaW1horne 3·21, S1ovd1 3-15. P041ard 2·5. Davi• 1-3 Buttelo. Crlbbl 30-143, Leaka 15-45. Fatguson t-mlnut 2 PASSINO -Pl111burgn Br.t1d1naw 2· 13·2·3. S1oud1 2.10.1-29 Bullalo Ferugson 14-29-2· 103 RECEIVING -Pllltburgn. Swann 2·29. Smllh 1·8, Harris t-mtnua 3 Pullalo. Buller 5·70. Tultle 3-51. Piccone t-22. Holl 1.10. Batnell 1·8. Mo1lay 1·5 Brammer 1· 1 Cribb• 1-ml<lus 2 MISSED FIELD GOALS -Bullalo Herr8fa 49-41 Viking• 13, Cotti 10 le«• by o.. ....... Belllmore O 3 7 0-10 MlnMSOla 7 0 3 3-13 Min -While 24 pus from Kramer (Denn'91a( k.lek) Bal FO WOOd 39 Bal Butrougha 94 pen Interception (WOOdl\lcltl Min -FO Danmeler 23 Min FO Oanmel• 40 A 53 911 lndl•kl""' a11t1allc1 RUStUNG -Balllmore, Olci<ay 13-42. McMiiian 18·30, Pagel 2· 10, Franklin 1-0 MlnMsola, Brown 20-75. Yovng 4· 13. 01lbr .. 1h 4·4, leCounl 1 •mlnua 3. K•amer 2-mlnu• 2 PASSINO -Ballimore. Pagel 14·32·2· 118 Mlnneao1a, Kramer 19·35-1·258 RECEIVING -Balllmore, McMiiian S-32. Buller 3·30. Dklcey 2-14, Beech 1-17, Bouza 1·10, Dixon 1·7, Fr1nklln 1·8. Mlnnno11. S While 3·78, Bruer 3·52, G1l1>rea1h 3·50. A11had 4·38, Brown 6-37. Sen-1·3 MISSED FIELD GOALS -Balllmore. WOOd 25 MlnnMOla. 01nmeter 40. 40 011111go C.omtt DAILY PILO I /Mo11cl11y, llt1c omhor 13, 19R2 C ·:1 Bengal• 23, Browne 10 l cora by Q111rten Cleveland 0 3 7 O 10 Cmctnnall 0 14 3 8 23 Ctn Johnson 3 run !Breech k.ICll) Ctn Anderson 1 run IB•eech klCk.I Cle FG Bahr 29 Cle -Burtell 14 1n1.,.cep1ton •atu•n (Bahr k.te~I Ctn -FG 9'MCh 44 Cln FG Breech 21 C1n -FO Breech 36 A 54,:1<>5 lndl•klual lt•119tlca RUSHING Clevelend. Prutll 13 40. Hatl 2·14 S1pa 2·7 While 1 3 Cox 1-0 C1ncmnat1 Jonn•on 19-54, Al•••nde• 8·'7. Andetaon 7-24, M Ha1fls 1°mtnu1 e PASSINO -Cleveland. Sipe 13-18· 128· 1, Mc:Oonald 5· 13-54 2 Cll\clmllt. Ander.son 19·21-183· 1 • RECEIVING Clevetand, N-IOITI• t0-88, White 3-211, Prulll 3·22. Login 2-4 1 Clncinnatt, Col!lnsworlh 8·84, Rots 4-•ll. Jonnson 4·40, Curll• 2 17, A G11lfln 2-13 MISSED FIELD GOALS -None Lion• 30, Pack•re 10 Icon bJ Quarter• OelrOll 17 6 7 0 30 Green Bay 0 0 3 1 10 Oet -FG Mutray 27 Del -Sima I run (Muney klekl 081 -Scol1 21 pau from OanletlOfl (Murray klCkl Del -FG Muney 27 Del -FG Murray 25 Del -A Hall 95 kick.oil relurn tMurray klek) GB FG Stenetud 3 t GB -Elks 1 run 1s1ener~ klCkl A -51,875 lndlYldual •tatt.llca RUSHING -0.11011, Simi 29· 109, Bussey 5.3 t K-6-15. Thompson 1 ·3 Oanlelson 1·2, King 1 m;nus 5 Green Bay, hrery 7-26. Rodga.s 4-14, EH1s 2-4 PASSING -Oelro11, Oantelson 14·30·3· 159, Hipple 1·2·0·mlnus 2 Green 8ay;·Wt11t-rat 12.32-1.118. OICl<ey 7-19·4·39, Ivery 0·1-0-0 RECEIVING -Oetron Scotl 3-45 Sim• 4-31, Por1er 2·23, Hiii. 1·23 Nichols 1. t7. Norrta 1.10. Kane 1·7 Bussey. 1·3. King 1·mlnut 2 GrHl'I Bay lollon 4-69. Jeff..-son 3-45, Ettie 4-311, Cottman 2-31 l"-Y 5·28, Rodger• 1.ie MtSSEO FIELD GOALS -DelroH, Murrey 44 Green Bay s1-ud 43 Jet• 32, Buc1 17 Score by Quarter• Tempe Bey 0 3 7 17 NY Je1s 14 o 9 9 32 NY J -Mc:Nell 4 run (Leehy k•ckf NYJ -McNeil 5 run (Leahy k•ckl TB -FO Capece 32 NYJ -FG Leahy 34 TB -Wilder I run (Capece kl~kl NYJ -Stluler 1pass1rom TOdd (klC.k failed I NY J -Dierking 1 run (klci.. blocked/ NYJ -Dierking 1 run (klek blockedl NY J -FG Le#ly 29 TB -Wiider 15 pess lrom Wtlltam1 (Cepece kick) A -28,147 lndMdllal llltletlc1 RUSHING -Tampa B•r ... Wtlltam• 3· 19 w11e1e< 11 17. Owena •~3 Cervar 3·9. HOUH 1-mlnus 1 New York, McNeil 14·53 Olerktng 12-49. Augu11yn1ak 5.12. Cru1cnt.eld ~29. Harper 1·5, Todd 1-mlnus 2 PASSING -hmpa Bay Wtlltams 11·311·2 ·204 New York Todd t7 ·29-0-189 RECEIVING -Tampa Bay Wtlder 11· 116 Giles 4-51, T 8Clll 2·36 House 1-1 New York, Walker 4-54, MCNetl 3-49. B1rkum 3-28, AUQUS~el< 3-21, Harper 1·11. B JonM 1-1?. Gattney 1 15, Shula• 1.11 falcon• 35, Saint• o 8c:or • by Chter18" N-O<te1n1 0 0 0 0 -0 Allanll 0 14 14 7 -35 All -Riggs 3 run (luckhllftt klek.I All -Riggs 1 •un (luckt1ur11 kick.) All -Caln 17 pass from Barlkowalcl ILUCkhulll klekl All -Caln 2 Nn llUCllhurat klek) All -Balley 9 PIH lrom Moroakl (lUCkhurSI kick) A -39,535 lndlYklual •tall1tlc• RUSHING -New Orleana, 0 Rogers I 5·52. Wiiton 2·9. Markena 2·8, J Rogers 1-1 Allanla. Andrew• 14·0 t, Riggs 11-• 1. Caln 11·38. Robinson 5·27 Strong 4·9. Hodge 1-11, Jackson 1-04 PASSING -New OrlHna. Stabler 9. 19·3-58; Marken• 4-14-<l· 13 Allanla Bart1<ow1k.I 19-30· 1·153, Morotkl 2-2-0-$ RECEIVING -New Orlean•. Groth 4-47, Wilson 3-for-mlnua 3. Maull 1-9, Scou t·7. J Rogers 1·8. G Rogert 1·5 Gatan 1-for·mlnut 2 Al11n1a. Jack.IOI'\ S-75 Caln 3-21, Riggs 3.11. Andrewa 3. 1. Moller 2-23. Robinaon 2·3 JenklnS t. It Bailey 1·9, Hodge 1·8 MISSED FIELD GOALS -Allanla LUCllhufs1 34 S.ahawka 20, ... ,. 14 8c:onby~ Cnoeago 7 O 0 7-14 s..111e 3 14 0 3-20 Sea -FG N Johnson 30 C'ht -811chnag11 39 pan ttom Payton (Rovelo kick) SN -Zorn 15 <\Jn (N Jonnson klelcl Sea -Walker 7 pau from Zorn (N Jonnson klCkl Ohl -Suney 2 run IRovelo klCkl S.. -FO N JOhnlOl'I 34 A -52,828 lndWldual llltletlc• RUSHING -Chleego. Payft!l1 14-40. Suney 11·35. Mc M ahon 4· ti, Moorenaad 1·8 Seallla, 4·41, Ivor~ 4·36. T Brown 11· 10, Smlln 5· t5, Hughes 3-13. Ooornlnk 2·5 PASSINO--Chicago. McMahon 19·29-t 199, Payton 1-1..0 39. Sea!Ue, Zorn 22·32·0 198. RECEIVING -Chicago. Sulley 7-79, Pay1on 7·511, Baachnagal •·19. Moor-•d 1·7, Margerum 1·4 See!Ue. Largent 1-111, Ooornlnk 4-20, Smlltl 3-18, Ma1ie1Hrl 3·14, Walker 2·24, Hug1-1·10, Tice 1-mlnue 1 MISSED F1ELO GOALS -Cnleago. Rovelo 50 • SCOREBOARD Petrlote 3, Dolphin• O acore bJ Q11erter• Miami O O o O o New Eno1ano o o o 3-3 NE FO J Smllh 33 A 26 718 lndlvldll"' l19'1a11ce RU$HIN0 Miami, Frankljn 23· 107, Na1n1n 10·20 Woodley 4-27 New England van Eeg~n 22· 100, Tatupu 13·81, Colllna 7-18 PASSINO Miami, Woodley 0 11·2 78 New Engtend, Orog1n 2·5 1·13 RECEIVINO Miami H1rdy 2·17 Nalhan 2·14. H•trl• 2-33 New Englend. Dawson 2 13 FIELD GOALS MISSED -Miami, von Scn1m.,,n 45 New fnglan<I, J Smllh II Aedtklnt 1Z.. Cerdln•I• 7 acore by Querter• - wasn1ng1on 3 3 3 3-12 SI Louil 0 0 0 7 Wash FO Moseley 32 WHh FG M011eley 30 Waah FO MOHley 20 WHh fQ MOMley 24 Sil larleur 5 pan from Harl (O'Oonogtlue klckl A 35,308 lndMdual l1ell1tlc1 RUSHING -WUl\lnglon. Rlgglr'lt 28·19, W11tllng1on 5-15, Tnel1m1nn 1-11 H1rmo') 1·4, Monk 2·3 S1 Louis. Anderson 15·101I, Mo•rf• 6-21, Ml1chell 3·1. Lomu l·O PASSINO W11h1ng1on. Tl•ellm1nn I 7·20·0· 188 SI Loula, Lomu 1·14·0·100 Harl 7·12-0-91 RECEIVING -Wasnlng1on, wes111ng1on 8-71 weuen 3·33. Brown 2·47 Walker 2-15 Riggins 1-11, Harmon 1·4 SI LOUii . Tiiiey 8-95, GrHl'I 2-49, M11cne11 2·35. Harrell 2-35, Sehumann 2·32. l•Fleur 1·5 FIELD GOALS MISSED -St Louis. 0 Donoghue 21 <. > . N8A WH TEllN CONF~llENCE Pacific DMaton w l Pct. l aker• 18 4 .811 Sea111e 18 5 762 Phoenix 12 10 545 P0tlland 12 11 522 004den SIHle 9 14 391 Sen Oll!QO 4 18 MklwH1 DMalon .112 K1n1aa Clly 12 1 832 San An1on10 IS 10 .600 Dallas 11 9 sso Denver 9 13 409 Utah e 14 3114 Houslon 3 18 143 EAtTEllH CONFl!llENCE Allefttlc Olvteton eo.1on ,. 4 818 Phllaclelphl• 11 4 818 N-Jeney 12 10 545 wa11>1ng1on 10 11 478 New YO<ll 7 15 318 Ce11tr81 OM9* MilWlk.lk .. 15 II 852 0.1•041 12 10 545 Allan1a 10 11 476 Ind lane 9 13 409 ChiC&OO 8 14 364 Cleveland 3 11 143 lundar'• lcof .. Bo11on 128, o.n-112 MilwaukM 120. lndten• 1111 Portland 99 Pnoentx 94 T~ Nogamesec T-.laJ'10.- Laker• 11 Port1en<1 0.1100 al New YOr1< We.nlng1on at ChieagO San Antonio al Hou11on Phoenix II Seatlle 01llH al GOiden S1a1e 09 t·~· 6 5•;, 91;, 14 1•;, 4•;, 5•;, 10 ...!. • 7''> 11 21'\ 4 5'• 6'~ 11 COLLE OE How top 20 fared Here·a hOW the ToP Twan1y 1eam1 In tne A1eoc11111<1 p, .. , college b1sketball pOll tared 1nl1 -1 Vtrglnla (8..o) bHI 0u1(e, 104·91. bell 0110rge1own, 61-83 2 K..,1ucky (5.0) beal Oe1roU, 13·46, beat llltnM 76-57 3 GeorgtlD'MI (8· 11 !>NI Alabama Stall, 98·76, losl 10 Virginie. 88-83 4 Memphll S1a1e (8-01 be91 t<ent St•t•. 72·59, bHI EHi TenneHH S1a1e 80·82 ' 5 UCLA (4.0) beal San Jote S1a1e, 04-71 • 0 lndl1ne 18·Q) bHI Noua Dame. 61·52 beat Eule'M M1cnlgan. 115-411. beal Wyoming 76-85 7 to"'• (8-0) beal MMque11e. 117-$8, !>NI Soulhel'n Cal, M-55 8 Mia~t (5-0) bea1 Temple, 78-&, beat Jecioson St•••. aa.s1. be•1 Oregon S1a1e 17·59 9 Houtlon (6-11 bHI Auburn, 77.e5, losl 10 Syrecute 92-17 10 VIiianova (2·21 bea1 M&1111, 97-69, IOSI 10 Ptftll. 84·90 • 11 Alabama (4·01 beal Sou1h••n MelhOdlll, 74·56, bHI Penn State, 75-17 (3 011 12 81 John'• (7·0) beal Falrle1gn Dickinson. 17°05, beat Nlegera, 11·53 13 loulavllle (5· 11 bHI Eutern Kenlu<:ky, 12·53 14 Tennessee (4·01 beat Arli one. 9~·73; beat New Orleans. 78-74 15 Arkanau (4·0) baet Sou1nwes1 MtHOVrl S1a1a. 17-81 11 Marquene (3· I) 1011 40 Iowa, 17°88, beat Nor1hern lllln04a, 118-68 17 North Cer041na (3·2) bM1 San11 Clere. 79·58 18 North Caroline Slate (4·0) beat EHi Carolina, 57-49, bHt Michigan Slale. 0 ·4t 19 Naveda·l•• vagH (11·0) bHI A•lione. 81· 70, bHI Nevada-Reno, 15-75 20 Purdue 16-1) beat Miami, 71·56. 1011 10 South Ca•ollna, 59.53 aUHOAY'I ICOllH Mleh~•n es. O.••oU 83 H•w•W·Pacihc 71, OoaM 78 •A TUftOA Y'I LA Tl! ac Olll!a AIUll·Paclfle 79 Hayward SI 88 Cnemlnade 18, BIOi• 60 GOtUaga 12. E Oregon 31 Hawaii 81 BYU·Hawltli 87 Hollrwood Park aUMOAY'a lll!IULTa -f)Ollt of .... y -tine) Flf!af AACI!. 8 furtono• Nexl True Nallve ISbll 7 60 4 00 3 :10 Mn EJ Pro (Bleck) 8 20 4 60 Doc Ward (Cruz) 7 60 Alto raced Eaglet Five. S1allluv. lmpreulve Beel. Calllornla Fig, Trenslllon Machine. Coun1 C1rlac10. Querier Pounder, Crlmaon Cadlll.c, Vinci Grey Time 1'11. IECONO llACI!. 1 1116 mlllt le Verne's Sona11 (VINI 18 80 7 40 4 60 Pampas Ca1 (ValoYlch) 4 60 3 40 Bad Bad Lucy !Castaneda) 3 00 AllO raced Whl1paring Sat, Oall'a Delight, Chlnau Bronze, Loving Though!, Flawleas Perf0trnet. Wendy'• Hoanen e. :>PYO'"' Lau. uear nenchy Time 145 115 a DAil Y OOUttlf (3-6) palO $ 7 1 60 THlllO AACI!. 8 lurtong1 HI Yu lulu (Vinita) 19 40 1 20 4 20 Luerary lacly (McCartonl 4 oo 3 20 Merry Melady (OIMrffl 3 60 Also raced Miu OIHltaty LlnH Pt.tie -0'&! Mol Cheri, Oerin9 AMe Time 1 11 2/5 96 l!XACTA (3· 1) pald S 113 SO FOURTH llAC£. 0 turk>ngs Socrat1t (Valeozueta) 4 00 3 00 2 40 Superb Serb (Pedroa ) 13 00 4 00 N...,erg•Mn (Black) 3 40 Allo ••cad Sammy lne Boy, Savannah, EaglH Ga•den. Salu•n1u1 Prtmatoa Pride Tim.: 1 11 115 98 EXACT A (5-1) paid S 175 00 FIFTH llACE. 1'~ mt1es on 1u•t Wild Oalt (Toro) 7 60 3 80 3 oo Prine<! Circle (McC1rron) 5 60 5 00 P9fry Cebln IOelahou11&ye) 6 40 Also raced. JlmbO'• Ace. Sunny Sovlh, SUnglngly, Some Lule, Clear Verdict, Night league, Soapa Rajan 3<d. Pie<re la Mont Time 1 48 315 98 EXACTA ( 11·21 paid $85 00 llXTH llACE. 1 1118 mllM on 1ur1 Oomlnallng Dooley !Hawley) 800 280 200 Or o.ty jSh<lemaker) 3 80 3 00 Nonnrextord Drive IOelahou ... ye) 3 80 Also raced Mouy'a Cn1mp, Aguila, Emmel Kay. Aller Houn. Moral Leeder, "-waive Lead•, Oe1>onau H9rc Time t 42 115 SEVENTH llACI!. 7 lltrtonQ$ Mr Prime Mlnlalat (Ha .. 1ey1 600 280 260 AoP« {ValeNuele) I 80 3 00 M•nnetola Chief (Mc:Cwron) 3 00 Al90 raeed Square Your Hal, Haugh!)' But~. Crlmton Comrnandlf, Anothel' Realm, Master Warr!Ot Hegley 1 NHt Otympiecl 1 Son. BOid POIM Time 1 22 115 • UACTA (4· 11) pald '42S 00 a P'tCK SIX (6·3-5· 11·1·4) paid $.49 224 00 wHh lou• winning 11ckell (al• horses) S2 Pk:k Sia con101allon paid $285.20 wiln 230 wtnnln;g 11e~e11 (live nor-} $2 Ptc:k Six scr•lc:h con90lllion paid $222 10 wllh 4 1 Winning llekell (thrM norses one ac •••en) • EIGHTH llACE. 1 1118 mites Roving Boy (Olh11y) 5 40 3 20 2 40 09-1 Wine (McCartonl 5 60 2 80 Flllh OW!t!on (Plnr111 3 20 Alto rac ed Croeao, Copelan. Consolllng Surgeon, Sel F•ee, Bel Bog, Grenoble Time· 1·41 415 NINTH llACI!. 1 1118 mllel Bl~k Sutpnur (01nsey) 5 40 3 80 3 20 Ram Boldly (Slelnerl 7 80 4 40 Blowing Snow (Slbllle) 4 40 Also raced Oecanl Devey. v1my'1 Champ, Parson'• Leader Greal Grandaon, AllHa Tlmff • Time 1 43 115 96 EXACT A (8-1) paid $123 SO Al1endence 34 417 Major Indoor 8oc:cer L•egue nanllN otv11MOM W l Pct. Qa 7 2 771 5 8 455 4 5 444 • 4 8 400 3 4 375 3 3 3''> 3 Phoenl• San Otego SI Lovia Kansas CUy Wlehlla GOiden Bay ........ 2 5 218 4 1 11 083 7'\ EAITEllN OIVtatON Clevetand 7 I 875 Baltimore I 2 000 N-York 8 3 887 1'.\ Buttalo 5 3 825 2 Chleego I 4 800 2 Memphla 4 8 400 4 P11111>urgh 2 e 2118 5 alff>dey'• korM Wlchila 9, Luer• 7 New York 4. Chlcego 3 (01) T011teltt'10-No gamea echeclute<I CAMEL FILTERS NEW HARD PACK ) . Mixed T••m• tournament (al L¥ie• Fla.) Meh•lfay C&r1*.S1 .000 08·87·83·70 -Haat S1acy $57,000 271 non 1<1rig. S30.ooo 70· 70·64-67 2n Coupl1<1·S1epnnan S28,800 67 ·66-72·67 273 Ge11>erattr·Sbe1111.120.ooo~ i..87·69·66 27• T-ell ~o•n6as,S 18,000 71-65·70·88 275 Thmpsn·Cll•bnnr,S 18,750 65-68-89·73 271 Zoetler·Rllzman.S 13,500 68-73-67-68 Klle·Danlel,S 13,500 68-69·70·89 McCuml>er·B• adtey ,S 13.S0089·70·66-71 Oraham·Brownla,$13,500 69-88-67-72 KOCll·l•uer.S 13,500 68-69-68-73 2n S111nge·Lopez,S9,375 Bean·Riuo,sg,375 Mtlnyk·Klau.sg,375 Pate-wasnem.S9.375 271 C04berl·Ber1olccn,S6. 111 Bryanl·Jonnaon,S6. 111 Ponl·Hoose.S6. 1 11 Hoch·Lu<:ktlu•1,SI, 111 Nellon·Whlll $6, 111 Ja<:Ot>Mn·COleS S8 111 COOdy· Haynie S6, 1 11 Rod•IQU9z·Adama.S6. 111 Su11on-Poa11ewal1,S6, 11 1 27' Golber1·Spuz1Ch.S3.925 Nor1n-Relnhardt S3.925 -Walson J.i. •. S3 600 P11t\l8f•Blalock $3,800 HHIMr·Morae.$3.800 211 P .. te-Whit .. or1h.S3,050 0oll9fhull -POll S3 050 FetgUI· Tabor,$3,0SO LIYl·Egglll1ng $3,050 Ha11lskl·M•ller .S3.050 S1mpson.Gar1>ac:i.S3.0SO Hay .. ·P91mor ,S3,050 Kra11er1·0alley,$3.0SO 213 lnman-OermaJn.$2,600 70·~·68·69 71'118-71·07 70·67·66·74 67 -87 ·08· 75 73-69-87 ·69 69·6•·74-71 69-69· 70· 70 72-64-73·69 72-69-89·68 70-89·88-7 I 70-66-70-72 05-71-70-72 70-87-66-73 71-70-Ga.70 69·69·70-71 70-70-69-71 72·66-70-72 66-72-73-69 70-69-70-72 70·67-71-73 71-69-70-71 69-72-70-70 72·68·71·70 72· 70-69-70 67. 70·69°75 72-72-70·67 * S1mmons·C•ll190n,S2,500 70·68·72·74 ats Cook-Rankin S2,•00 218 Elenelberger·Brer,$2,300 72-75-70-69 217 Valen1tn-McA1111r.s2.1eo 70-72·08·77 Morgon-Hagge.$2, 180 70-69·12-76 2IO Snead·Llllle.S2.120 2M Pooley-Gietzen.S2,080 297 Olcklnson·Clark,$2.040 J01 ~-H~IS2000 72-7 t-74-73 74·71-76-75 72-78-7S.74 76-73-76-76 NHL CAMf'HLl COHFEllENCE Edmon Ion Kfn9• Vancouver Winnipeg C1lgaty C.,,.cago MIMl$0ltl SI Louis Oelro!I Toron10 amythe 01v1aton W l T Of QA Pie. 14 11 1 149 135 36 13 II 5 107 105 31 12 13 15 120 112 30 13 12 3 124 119 29 11 17 6 135 146 21 Norrie OM 1ton 10 5 8 130 94 44 10 8 • 1•0 112 43 10 19 3 101 125 23 1 11 a ee 124 20 5 17 5 92 126 15 WALES CONFl!llENCE Pa1rlcll OMaton NY 111ander1 17 1 t 5 124 103 39 Phlladetphle 16 11 4 120 10 I 36 NY A1nge<1 15 13 2 123 115 32 WHhlnglon 12 9 I 107 107 32 PtllSbUrgh ll 18 5 101 138 23 New Je<My 8 71 7 94 148 19 Ad..,,• OM 1ton MonlrHI 18 7 6 1411 108 42 8os1on 17 9 6 t36 t03 40 Ovel>ec 15 12 3 143 137 33 Bullalo 12 12 6 119 101 30 Hatllord 9 17 3 101 14() 21 •Uftdat'• lcorM Harllord 3 ButtalO 1 0.1 ro.1 7 Calgary 3 Ph•led81p1Ue 4 P1111burgh 3 Wat11ong1on 4 Boston 3 New York Rlngata 4, New Je<sey 0 CNcaoo 1 Ouebec 3 Tonlvflt'1 0- No games scheduled TYMCle)''1 0- IC.lfte• •• Wuhtnglon Toron10110- 8ullalo 11 N-York. latand•• Hartford •• Minnesota Wtnnopeg al SI Louis Warning : Th e Surge on General Has Determ ined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. 17 11111. "1ar" 1.3 111g mr.01ine a~ 111ir t'IQRfRlll! uv r r c rnorhon . • Auetran.n OIMfl (et....._ne} ._...,... ........ JJh:>n Kriek (Soulh Afnca1 Ciel Paul McN1rrM (Au1t1a111I 7.e, 7°8 4·8, 3 6, 7-6. St•~• Oenlon (U S I def Henk Pliller (US I. 8·4 4 6 11·3. 3 0 7·8 nrand Prix tournam.nl (at T°"kM;M , FrarM:e) Slntln Flnel vennltk N•>~n (F•ance) del lomat Sml.J (C1..c;h11Slav•~••I. 6-3. 8·2 Grand Chemoto,,• tourn•m•nl (at k ohedale, Arla.) lonele• Fina! f:lan Smlll ,u S ) dftt Bob Lui• (U S ). 11·1, 6 2 ($rM~ wins $10,000) Ooubtff Flnal J .. m1e r .1101-Colln Olbl•) IU s I d&I Mtll/ Rlo,...,n Sh-OOd Sltwarl (US). 8-2. 1·6, 7·6, 7.5 (FlllOI IJlbiey splll SS,0001 Wom•n'• tournament (et l'lcllmorJ, \'a.) •• "fl ... Fine! w.,. Jy l urnbJll (Au11r1lla1 eel Trecy Auslln :u S). 8-7, !\-.4, 8-:!(Tur"b<ill wins $23,0?0, Aullln wl'11 S 1ll 0001 OMO Ma ftehlna MIT>I LAH61No (""'Porl'"leech) - 21 1nglera 31 baaa 1 bonito 97 mar:lcerel. 113 rock cod, 53 ~. 2 sc;u1p1n, II JICll ame11. 2 wrauy OAVEY'I LOCKEll (Newport heel\) -41 1ngler1 1 cow cod, 230 mackerel 209 •OCk c;od. 2 sand bass DANA WHAllF -66 angtera 118 ban, 2 b<>n110, 3 na1111u1, 180 mackerel ee rock coo. t rock fllh. 15 ltlMPSheed, 8 aculpm 8EAl •EACH -48 •nglert 2 cow cod. 150 macketel, 190 rock cOd, 110 rock ltsh. 6 lhffplheed, 10 sculpln, 35 while 111h l•••g•I -35 •ng1er1 5 bonllo, I halibut, 120 m1c~erel, 300 wnne c.oeker, 100 queen fish .. al llMc:h YC aUNOAY aAll.°"I HlllEI ,.,,.. "9c:e PHRF·A 1 Vroom, Marty Green (Ultle Shtpa FINO PHRF·B 1 Tulle. Woody Sande•t !Utile Ships FINO Pl1RF·C-1 Gem1n1 Tom Newlon ,(AllmotOI Bat YC) PHRF jNO Sp1nnake•I t ltghln•n Ble" lyson ISNl 8MCh 'l'CI Ca111tna·3o t Chocolate O Herb Ha•1ng (Seel Beech YC) San11na 525 t Bl11urleg Dl'k eru,,,,... (Sul 8MCh YCI Calallna-27 1 Wnlle Rabl>ll Rtch Schullhefl (long 8Nch YC) Cll·20 Nia Nick Condos (Seal &ICh YCI Catel1na·22 1 GfPIY Aon Tnomat (Seal Beach YCI 0-.er all ler1" PHRF·A-1 lnltnM. Allen Roaenbe<g IAlamllOI B1y•YCI PHRF·B 1 SBOC, Bruce Walle<lleln (Long Beach YC) PHRF-C t Oem1n1, Tom Newlon jAl11111to1 Bay YCI PHRF (Non Sp1nnake•I 1 No Commen1. Rici< Ad•m• (Alamllo1 Bay YC) Celellna·30 '1 Chocolale 0 . Herb Helling (Seat Bead! YC) Santana-525-1 Fl•ecrtcker, Andy Gan1ner (Seal Belch YC) C.1'11na·27 1 Whtie Aabbll A1en Schullhela (Allmllos Bay YC) Cal·20 t Nix, Nick Condo• (Seal BAchYC) c.1.i1na-22-1 Gypsy Ron Ttlomet (Seat e.ach VC) .. • ('I Orange Coatt DAILY PILOT /Monday. O.Cember 13. 1882 "'8LIC NOtlCC NOTICE OP DEATH OF M A ft G ll •: K I T J:: 8 F. II R ANO O•' Vt;TITlON TO ADMINISTER ESTATE NO. A-111134. 1'u au ht'ir.. bt•nellt'larlet. l'l••d 111H1 end conun1<>nt <'red1tors of M11raut•nw llt!hr und persur111 who m11y bt• o therw1IM! inll'rt':tlt'<i In the will 11nd/or t'St.alt'. A peution has been 1 f1k-d by Junl•t Behr Crowl, Elsa &•hr Grt>ther and Martha Bt>hr Bt>aurnunt I n the Superior Court of Orange Cou nty requesting that JanN &hr Crowl. Elsa Behr Grt>thcr and Murtha Behr Beaumont be appointed us pt.•rsonal reprl'isentatl ve to administe r th e estat e o f M arguentc Behr. (under the Independent Admanustratlon of F.$t.ates Act). Tht> petition 1s set for hearing In Dept . No 3 al 700 C1v1(' Center Dr • West. tn the City o f Santa Ana. CA. January 5, 1982 at 9 30 am IF YOU OBJECT to the granung of the peuuon. you should either appear at the hearing a nd state your objection s or rile written objections with the court before the h earing. Your appearance may be In person MllC NOTICE NOTICI Of' TllUllll'I ULI T.I .... C .. 7MI VAL BAN COA .. ea dul~ ap1>oln1e11 T ru•••• under Iha 10110 .. 1110 d•K•lbed dtaQ ol 11u11 Wll.l ar1 l AT PU6LIC AUCTION TO THf HIOHUT OIDOl'A fOrl CASH jpayall .. 91 llma ol Hiii In lewlUI money OI ,,,. Unll.O SlelM) all llghl Ulla e1>0 lnlll!HI GOii~ lo and now held by II undei Mid Oaad ol T ru11 In lh• pro party nare1na11 .. deKrltlad TRUSTOR JOHN A HARRISON and MARY HARRISON, hutband and wlla, and VINCENT JOSEPH JANOWICZ, a mauMod mat\ u 1\11 tole ar>O NP••al11 pro~1y BENEFICIARY MARYLYN M McBRIDE. an unmatr1ad woman Recordad Jun• 23. 1982 •• lnllt No 82·216089 ol Ottlclal Records In lhe 0111ca 01 Iha A410ordar or Orange Counly. Hid dNd ol Hult dHcrlbH 11111 followlng property Lot 40 or tract 3138. In th• Clly ol Newport Beach, 11 P•• map racordad 1n Book 103, Pao•• 3 1, 32 and 33 ot Mlecellaneou1 Map1, record• of Orenga County, California YOU ARE IN 0£FAUL T UNDER A DEED OF TRUST DATED JUNE 18, 1982 UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY. IT MAY BE SOLO AT A PUBLIC SALE IF YOU NEED AN EXf'LANATION OF TtiE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU. YOU StiOULO CONTACT A LAWYER. The 1trN1 addreu ol Ille above It 2408 Eatl 23 23rd SI •. Newport Beach, CA No warranty It glv.n u to 111 com~•-or coaacl,_. The beneficiary uooer Nld Deed of Trull. by reU0<1 of a breach or dalaull In Iha obligations MCUred I hereby. heralofore executed and dellvared 10 Iha undersigned • o r by your attorney. w1lt1en 0ec1arat1on or Oatault and 1 F Y 0 U A R E A [)efrland for Sare. and wrlllen nollce CREDITOR or a contmgent or breach and of alacllon 10 cauM red. f the deceased you the undaralgnad to ••II aeld c Jt~r o . , • property 10 t1tl1ty Hid obltgatlona, must hie your claim with the and thereafter 1he underalgn11d court or present it to the c•uNd 1ald nouca of breach and of p erson al representative election to ba recorded September a p pointed by the court ~~80~·:,~n~:;,c~~R~~~~!.548 In w ithin four m onths from the Said ule wlll be made. but date of f i rst issu a n ce o f wllhout covanent or warranty, letters as p rovided in sect ion ••pre1t or Implied. regarding lllla, 700 o f the probate code or po1te1tlon. or encumbrances, to . pay the rema1n1119 prlnclpal aum of California. The t ime Cor the not• MCUred by t1ld Deed or filing claims will not expire Trust, with Interest u In 1akl note prior to four m onths from provided. advances, II any. under the date o{ t h e h earing the term• of Hid OaaO of Trual. . raas, ctlatOff and expenHs of the n oticed above. Truaraa ar>O of the 1ru11s craatao by YOU MAY EXAMINE aak1 Oeed of Tru1t Said 111ew111 t>a the file kep t by the court. If held on Tuesday, January 4, 1983 at You are interested i n the 2·00 Pm., at Illa Chapman Avenue antr1nca to the Civic Canter estate, you may file a request Bulldtng. 300 E11t Chapman with the court to receive Avenue. In Iha City of Orange s p e c i a I n 0 t I ce 0 f the NOTICE AT TIME OF SALE BIOS in vent-Ory or estate and of MAY BE MAO£ IN CASH ANO/OR • . THE CASHIERS OR CERTIFIED the pellt1ons, accounts and CHECKS SPECIFIED IN CIVIL reports described in Section CODE SECTION 2924h. 1200.5 o f the California At Iha l ime of the 1n111a1 Probate Coede publication of lhla notice, the 101111 S · ANGELO •. amount of Iha unpaid balance or the WOOL EY • .. obllga1lon aacurad by the above THATCHER, ZOtt San d .. crlbad deed of trust and JoaqulJa Hills Rd., Newport Hllmeted co111. expanaes. and Beac b, CA tU•O. ( 714 ) advancu 11 S93.327 .37. To ,40 0800 detarmloe Illa opening bid, you may • · call (7 14) 937-0986. Published O range Coast oa1a: December 6. 1982. Daily Ji>ilot. Dec. 12. 13. 19, VAL BAN CORP. 1982 u•aeld Tru11ae, S462-1!8l T.O. SERVICE CO .. agent -------------Cindy Schoonover, Ass1. Sec P1"'LIC NOTICE Ooe City Blvd., West, uo Ora119a. CA 92868 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The f0Uow1ng petson os doing business as· DRAGON FLY. 230 t t Moulton Pkwy, Ste 0-5. Laguna Hills Ca 92653 S1ephan Parment1e1. 169 1 Louise. Laguna Beach. Ca 92651 This business 1s conducled by an 1ncl1V1dual Stephen Pa.rmentoer This statement was toled with the Counry Cle•~ or O•enoe County on Ocrober 29 1982 [7 t4) 835-8288 Publlanad Orange Coaat OellyPllot. Dec 13, 20. 27. 1982 5461-82 "'8LIC NOTICE FICT1TIOU8 94.1 ... H NAMESTAftMEWT Tne lollowln9 parson ts doing business at: COM PUT RON CONSUL TINO SERVICES, 25191 Ctnarla Way, El TOfO. CA 92630 l'UUI 11,. NO 111.l rn .. 1111uv• IU'\INU• NAM" .,.1UHNI Ito h •• .. , , 1 tit• 11 1 '' •••u l u ... .. lJAY'.>111\lli H 1'11111 II A llUN .. ( t'1 t;UHf vlll• "\• l Ot• •It dt•I ... I .. l ,, \f,.t1._'*t Mui ,tot l t•n t •11uu,I 41"1 ''''""~' tho A .. , 4 ·• 1u1• •h t M.o l u 11.1>1'• I ht• l10 , ........ I "'"h'1 "''' •• ,. •O lllll•vo\lU•ll M1111111~ I l •1>11111t1 1111. •tut11<111111t w"' 1111111 with thll Cuu111y Ck!•i.. ol 0111111111 CQu111y on NU•l"lll>tlt 10 tlllll' PtalC NOTICE STATEMINT OF A8ANDONMINT 01' UH Of FICTITIOUI IUllNHI NAMI SANO N SEA PROPERTIES, INC. 1843 t P11clllc Coaat Hlghwly Sun"t Beach CA 90742 Th• r1c1111ou1 bu11nan n1mt referred 10 above w111 Iliad In County on Feb 13, 1g9 t SANO N SEA PROPERTIES. INC, 18431 Pactrtc Coast Highway. Sunset Beacn, CA 90742 Tnla bu1lneS1 w" cond11<:ted by • corpora lion OorNI\ L Ad1ms T hit statement was hied with Iha Count Ctetk ot Or1nga ~ty on "IOY t8, 1g82 F116174 Published Otano• Coast Dallv PolOI Nov 22, 211, Dec 6, 13, 1ge2 Sl68·82 Ml.IC NOTICE FICTmOUI au ..... NAME ITATIMINT The following pe11on 11 doing butln ... aa. GREAT WESTERN AUTO SALES & LEASING. 1 1 Ody11ey Ct • Newport Beach. Ca 92863 Lallie F Bachlold. 11 Ody1111y Ct .. Newport Beach, Ca. 92863 This bualnen 11 conducted by en 1ndlvldu1I. L.F Bachtold Thia 11atement .,.., llled with the County Clark of Orange County on Oec:emblr 8, 1982. F2040M Publl1hed Orange Coatt Delly Piiot Dae. 13. 20. 27, 1982. Jan 3, 1983 5327·82 Pt.ellC NOTICE ACTITIOUS lt.ISINIH NA.ME STATIMENT Tne tollowlng pertons are dotng bu11ness u COURTESY AUTO BODY. 727 Laguna Canyon Road. Leguna Beacn. Celilornle g265 I ALPA T. INC C• Callforn1a Corporetlon) Titos bu51ness is conducted by a corporatl<>n Joseph A Pataho. president This atetement wu hied w11h the County Cte<k or Orange Couniy on NOV 16. 1982 F2022fl Publosnecl Orange Coaal Oatl'f Potot. Nov 22. 2g, Dec: 8, 13, 1ge2 5 162-82 Pt.euc NO nee STATEMENT OF ABANDONMENT OF UIE OF FICTITIOUS 8USINl!H NAMI The lollowlng persons nave abandoned lhe ulMI of tne t1cllt1oua business neme· COURTESY AUTO BODY. 727 Laguna Canyon Road. lagun1 Beach. CA 92651 The Flctltlous Bualneu Nam• relerred to abova Wiii Iliad In Orange County on December t. 1981. Fila No. F177030 JOSEPH A' PATAFIO, 37 F1rragu1. lfVlna. CA 92714 DOUGLAS G ALBERT, 37 Farragu1, lrvlna, CA 92714 T~ buslnats was cond11<:lad by • gene<al Parlnerahlp Joseph A. Pat11lo NM.IC MOllCC PtCflllOUI •UllHl~~ .. ~­ NAMI lf4TIMl.NT 11141 f,~tVWll~ ~ll'llM .... flouolJ tJtl•l~•1r1~1~0I U llNlftl, 12!1UI Vtdlly Vit>W ' I (l•Hhltl 010¥11 t..e llJ 0 r 1lw•HI l'•t•ll ... fl•H'f 6Mi2 '•1uw11• 011vw 1111111111111011 llt11t.h <.a 1~1>411 t hit h\ltlllt t II tontlutr~ by "" lnd1Vil1V•I (Ow••d P 01my I hla etllltn ... 11 WI• lilttd Wiii\ Iha County Ct*'" 01 O•••>O• County on No~emba1 tll t0'2 1'2.0lMI Pubh$110CI 0 1011011 Coua1 Ot1UY P1IOI Nov 22. 2g, I)«. 6. 13. 1082 6163·82 NM.IC NOTICE OCIAN NW ICHOCK. Dtl"'1CT 1'M08Slleet H11nt1111ta11 8eaatl, Cellfor11la ..., NOTIC• Of' •AUi °' .u ..... u• ll'RONfllTY NOllcla le hereby glv.n thal blda wlll be rec:atYad lot tale lo lht hlghallt bidder(•). of mltcellanaQUt turnllura, equipment, al'ld verl0\11 obtolel• ltama All ol th• foregoing ara ll'la property of Iha Ocean View School Dillrtct. Seeled bids will ba opanad 1nd pul>tlely read al 2:00 p.m . on Monday, January 3. 1983, at Iha OcMn View SchOOI Onie.. 16940 B Str .. t, Huntington Baec:h. Celllomla g2847 Bid lorma with llama and 1paclllcatlona Indicating exact toeallon ol llama mey tMI ot>lalned trom Iha Purcna14ng omc.. 16940 B Streat, Huntington &each, Calitornla 92847. AM "am• may IMI ln1PACted Tue1day, Oaoambar 14 or ~bar 21, 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. or t.30 p.m 10 3:300 p.m. at OcMn View School Olalrlc:t WarahouH , 92g1 Warner Avenue, HunUngtOl'I Beach, CaHlornla 02847. All axpanHI of cartage and removal are Iha rH ponalblllly of the eucc:eutul bldderC1). Sales tu will ba added 10 all quoltllons unleas v11id 1etall 1111111 tax permit numbel la 1ubmlt1ed Otl approved card form eccompanylno bid. The Boatd ~ the right lo rejacl any and all 1>k11 or to warva any Informality or lrragulAftty In the blddln9. All ma1erlal1 are IOld In an "u 11· condition ol any Item. P•yment In lull muat be made wllhln llftaan ( 15) day1 of the awarding of the Hie, and the maleilal mull be removed lrom Iha Oi11rtc1 preml-at the time of luM payment. Clwlea Otlarlund Clark of Iha l'UULI\: N\J I h.L ......-011c( UI 1 MUil U. I lt•l L 1.0•n N(I '0fl1lfl T I ,.II D 01091 t II "'I • I I I >Ml'Aln 1h•IV lllf.'f)IJl1th '' I • u I•• uuch • lh• tollo•iuu Cl• t1ht .1 1h, '' ,.t ttv111t Will ~rt I A I l'lllil I(.. Au<. llON I U I 1 II ltlulll •, t llllllll II I 011 t A!>ll ANll·Oll tlll t;A»ltll HS 011 er Hltl ii I) l,;1tl Cl\:J 1>11t Cll 11 u IN <.tVll l U!JI '>I U I ION "11411 111 .. y111>h oil "" ''""' ... ~I• Ill IHWIUI mo11111 ut 1111 1111111•11 'ltwh •I ~11 llQlll 1111\ lilld Utlt•u ... I ~IJ'IY• y1~l IU 1111(.) llOW l•1•k.I lly 11 UllO"I •·"ll {)1• 1t or l1u11 111 1111• 1•101,.•1ty "''''""''h" dtil•ltllvd lllU~tOll '.>U'>,t.N n l'OHILH O[N[r ll,I AR Y C 0AAA H rrc.~1rn t UC v ANN r u l t..ilrn R«:o•dl'd futuu••Y 13. 11111 t n 1t1••• ti.1 t!>7.sll 111 flooi. n•1~1 Pilljl> t t!l\1111 Otlo1-1.1l llVCt.110• 111 tho Olh~tl o• Ill ll1·~u111 ... QI OlllllQO County. -.uu 1111•1•1 or11<1~111t1.i.11111i. tlllt IOllOWll!g Lot 110 QI I rtlCI Nu t 1 •1<1 Ill 11111 City or Co~HI Mtt•U n 11•11 11.11111 roc;ord•d '" 00011 31. PAv11-. 1 I 11rt<1 12 or M1Kcllu1111ou1 Mop,. r11<.0•01 or IOld 01anQe (;ounly Cultl011th1 YOU AR[ iN OU AUL t UNOLH A DEED or TAUS! OArlO h 1brua1y t I t96 I UNLCSS YOU I II Kl ACtlON 10 PnOHC I YOUR PROPEIHY IT MAY BE SOLO A I A PUBLIC SAL[ If YOU NEEO AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATUR£ OF THE PROC.tEOING AC.AIN9T YOU. YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER Add1es~ ot tne 11bov1> 11 4911 Broadway Costlil Mesa Co11torn1a No WDlfGrll V IS g1v11n J~ 10 111 comp1e1eness Of c0t1ec1nos• I he 1>ener1ch11 y unde• se•d Deed ot Trust by reason ol 11 b•each o• default 1n 1ne obligaliona M.'Curad 1hereby llt11etoto10 execuu•d eno <1ehve1eo 10 11tc undeis1oned a wntten Oeclll•BhOu ot Oeloult ond Oemaud lo• Solo, and w11tten nouce or b•each and or eroc11on 10 couw 1he unde1s1gocd to •ell 1a1d l>•OPe•ty to ~ehsly s111d ubhglltol"n~. and the•eurter the undersigned caused sate! 1101oce ol b•ttocll ancl ol erec11on to bo recorded Au!Ju$t 181 1982 u Instr No 82-269592 o Olllclal Records on the 01t1ce 01 the Recotde• or 01ange County. Said Sale will be made, but without covenant or warranty, express or omploed, regarding 11t1e possession. or encumbrances. to pay tl'la rema1111ng pronc1pat sum or Iha note secured by said t.leed ot T1u11 wllh interest as 1n sa1<1 note p1ov1ded, advaoces, 11 any.• uncler tne terms or said Deed ot T1us1. leea, charges ano expenses 01 the Tru11e11 ond ol the trusts created by 1a•d Deed or Trust Said nte will be neld on Tuesoay, December 2 I tg82 at 2 oo p m 111 the Chapman Avenue Dally entrance 10 tne CIYIC Canter Buoldong 300 East Chapman Ava 5442-82 Oumge CA At the 11me or t he 1n11 1a1 publlcauon ol this nonce the total Bollrd of Tf\191-Publlahad Orange Coul Piiot, o-nw 13, 20 l'\8.IC NOTIC£ 'tCTITIOUS au ... H NAMl!ITAn.NT The following pereon la doing bu9Jnasa ... MAIL ORDER SERVICE TECHNOLOGY, 101g WMI 18th SI .. Cotta M .... CA 92627. THOMAS K STANFORD, 1010 W MacA•lhur BIVO., Santa Ana, CA 92707 This bualneu 111 conducted by en ondlvldual Thomaa K. Stanlord Tn11 alatemanl was filed with the County Clerk of Orange County on Oecamber 8, 1982. F204053 Publlahad Orang• Cont Delly Piiot, Dec 13, 20, 27, 1982. Jan 3. 1g93 5387-82 P\lllJC NOTICE '1CTITIOUl-S8 NAME 8TAftMENT The following partoo 11 doing bu--• .. PALACE GUARD, 1548·0 Adams Ava • 9282e. amount of 1ne ul'lpaod balance or Ille obhgittlOn secured Dy the above desc11bad deed o f truSt end estimated costs. eapente1 end adV8!\GeS Is $36,302 6 1 The opening bid may be obtamed by calllng (714) 937-0966 the day betore the sale Date NoYember 19. 1982 T 0 SERVICE COMPANY as $8ld T ru~tee Ma•co Brenes, Asst Sec One City Blvd West Oronge. CA 92668 (7 14) 835·8288 Publo~hed Orlingti Coost Dally Pilot. Nov 29 Dec 6. t3 t982 523 t-82 POOLIC NOTICE F20CMM2 Published Orange Coast Daily P110I Nov 29 Dec 6. 13 20 1982 52t7·82 ~Fl-. 25191 Clnsla Way. El TOfo. CA 92630 Th1t business IS conoucted by an Individual Wlltlam M. Croat>y Tnis slat-I WH lttad With the County Clark of Orange County on November ti, 1982. BRUCE SCHOFIELD EMERSON. 3182 Madeira Ava., Colla Mesa, CA 92826 This bu Illness It cooducted by an lndMdual Bruce S Erner.on NOTICE OF TRUSTEES' SALE On December 14 t982 al 10 30 a m UP LANO M OH I UA<JE SERVICE CO INC as l1ustee or Successor T rusrae or Substllutecl T1ustee or lhot cerreon Deed ol Trust e11acuted by Roy E Baevatl and June B Beavers husband and wore and 1acordeo October 8 1989 as 1l'lsttument no t2254 1n bOOk 13779. pege 1g3g o r 011oc11t Records of Orenge County Calllorn1a. and puisuant to lhll cert11n Notice ot Oalaull end Election 10 Sell thereunde1 recorded May 27 1982 as Instrument no 82·182928 or Oll1c1a1 Records or said County wtll under and pursuant to 5111d Deed ol Trust Mil et public auction ror caan cath1a<'1 check. or cash equ1valant (which hH been approvec:t by 1ne Trultff S days p1101 to Hie), It the lront entrance to Cal1lorn1a Lind Tille, 860 W Imperial Highway, Suite K, Brea, C11hl0tn1a all 11111 right hlle end Interest conveyed to and now DllTB NDTICIS LONDON ALFRED A . LONDON. resident of Tustin , Ca. Paased away on December 12, 1982. He la survived by his wife Sylvia, daughten Corrine S. Z.Lmmett and LUa Bernstein, grandchildren Jay, Laura, JW, David and Elyse. Services will be held on Tuesday, December 14, 1982 at l :OOPM a t the Harbor Lawn M oW\l Olive Chapel. Interment services i mmediate l y following. Services under the direction o f Harbor Lawn M o unt Olive M ortuary. 540-5554. This 11a1aman1 wu llla<I wtttl tile County Cler1t ol Orange County on Dacamber 8, 1982 wtt.UAM M. CllO .. Y A LAw Corpof9"°" F2040IS 1439 hat Chapmen Awenw 0r....-.c .. t2t11 Publl1had Orang• Coast Dally Piiot Dec. 13, 20, 27. 1982, Jan. 3. 1ge3 P\B.IC NOTICE No\lca la hereby given by Bank of Ametlea NT 6 SA, Newport BMch Branen. 3444 Via Lido. M11wport Baach, Catllornla g2663, that wa will NII by put>tle auction, ror caan, on Monday lhe 20th day of December 1982 at I 1:00 o'clock a m at Schock Boal Sales, 2900 Lalayalta, Newport Beach. Catllornle a 1980 Calllornle 42' Ollahore Crurear, Serial No . JCM42102M8 1B , named th• t'ral9n'ad Statu., IJlllCllll No ~J ni with twin 3208 Catarplllar OiHal Engines Tarma ol 25 perCelll down ------------~ c .. h. Cathlar or Cetllfled Checil, HAHO. UW~MT. OLIYI Mortuary • Ceme1e1" Cremator'\I 1625 Gisler Ave Costa M esa 540 5554 "HCI llOTHHS H il llOADWAY MOITUAIY t HTBroadwav Costa M esa 642·9150 IALTZ & HIGllOM SMITH & TUTHILL WISTCLIFF CHA,IL 427 E 17th St Costa Mesa 64&9371 'ACtftC YllW MIMOllAL ,AalC Cemetery Mo rtuary Chapel-Crematory 3500 Pac1l1c View 011vt- Newport Beach 644·2700 McCOtlMtCJC MOITUAlllS Laouna Beach 494·94 15 LIQUl'll Hills 768-0933 San Juan Cap1S1r11no 495-1776 c non-ralundebla with 75 percent balance. caah. CUhlat or Certified Check to ba paid lo Bank ol Amerlu NT 6 SA Within one weak of the data ot Nie Published Orange Coasl Dally PllOI 0ac 13 14, 15. 18. 17, 1982 • ~2 NM.IC NOTIC£ FtCTITIOU8 8US*l!H NA.Ml STATEMINT Th• lollowlng parJon la doing bullness u : SELECT OFFICE SERVICES. 20721 Sandpiper Ln .. Huntington Beach. Ca 02846 Marl Elliebalh Stoller, 20721 Sandpiper l.11., Huntington Beach. Ca. 92846 Thia butlneaa I• conducted by en lndlvldual. Merl Elliao.lh Slollaf' This 1ta1eman1 WU flied with Iha County Clark of Orange County on Oacamblr 8, 1g82. l'2040l2 Published Orange Coast Dally Pilot Oac 13, 20. 21. 1982, Jan. 3, 1983 5328.-82 P\llllC NOTICC '1CTTTIOU8 au ... H Nit.meTATS•WT The I~ per.one are doing bullnat1 U : CAIBER RlO PARTNERS; CABER EQUITY ASSOCIATES, 119 Jaamlna CrMtl Drlva. Corona del MM. CA 92125. CABER FINANCIAi. l INVESTMENT CO .. a Delaware corporallon, t 19 Jasmina Crffk Orlva, Corona dal Mar, CA 92926. Thia bullnMA la condUClled by • Wmlled partneiahlp. Cabat Flnancl•I Inv. Co. O.W. Sioevm, Pree. ~:::=========::'.'.'.:~ Thia ttltamant WU flied with lht -County Clark of Orange County on Daoamber 10, 1912. , ... 1 Publlahad Orange Coatt Dally Piiot, Dae 13, 20, 27, 1912, Jan. 8, ,,...,., .... Howafd 1IO .... port Cnlf Dr. •:Z.50 Newport Beech. CA t2MO Pubhaned Orange Co111 Oally Pilot. Nov 22. 2g, Dec 8, 13, 1982 5167-82 PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUI lt.l81HEH NAME STATEMENT The tdllowlno pereon Is doing buatness u . THE BABY CONNECTION. 305·A Mein Streat, Hunllnglon Beach, Ca. 112648 Lore L. Morrlaon, 305·A M•ln Slreet, Hun1lng1on Baach. Ca 92648 This butJneas Is conducted by an lr>01vlduel Lor• L. Morrison This 1tatemen1 we.a llled with Iha County Clark ot Orange County on November 18. 1982 '202SM Pubtlsned Orang• Coatl Daily Pilot Nov. 22. 20, Dec 6, 13. 1982 5111-82 P\B..IC NOTICE TI\18 8llltametll WH flied With ll\e Countv Claf'lc of Orange County on December 8. 1982 ,.... Publlth•O Orange Coatt Dally 1101. Dec 13. 20. 27, 1982, Jan. 3, 1982 5348-82 Ml.IC NOTICE STATEMENT 0' A8ANOONMENT neld by ot under 1111d Oee<l or Trutl Of' UIE Of' 1n Iha property sotuelod 1n said FICTfTIOUS 8USINES8 NAME County and Slate descubeO as T ne folio wing pert on ha Ye Loi 21. Tract 3t15, In lhe Coty .-oandonad the use or the flc11tloua or Co1111 Mase, Coun1y or Orange, buslnaas name State or C111ororn1a. as per mtip MORELAND-WARMINGTON recorded •n Book 1og. pages 4 t 10 VENTURE, 3ogo Pullman Sttael, 46 M1scellaneous Maps 1n 1ne OlflCe Colla Mesa. CA g2626 or the Conly Recorder 01 Hid The F1c1o11ous Bualnats Name County. Orange relerrad 10 above was ftlad In The street address or ottler Orange Counly on Aug 24, 1981 common destgnallon o l Hid ~bart p Warmington. 3090 properly t743 lobrodor Ortve, Pull Streat. Coat• Meu. CA Costa Mesa Cahlornla 9262 Name and addreu of 1ha Moreland Davelopmanl Co (a beneloctery II wnose reques1 the Catltornta Corporation) 481 So. sate os being cor>Ouctco Oetle R Boylston S1raat. Los Angeles, CA Riordan cto Upland Morlgage 900 t7 Service Co tnc . 391 N Centr 11 Thlt t>uslneu was conducted by a A.YA , Upland Caltforn1a 91786 FICTITIOUI .Utt••• o-ar partnerShtp. Directions lo the at>ove praper1y NAME STATEMENT RoberT p warml119ton mav be obtatned by raquullno The toltowlng persons ere doing This itatement wu filed With tlle same tn wnung from the benehci1ry bu11nes.s H . County Clerk of Orange County on .. t1 hln 10 days lrom tne llflt CAMBRIDGE HUNTINGTON NOY t8. 1982 pubhcatk>n of lh1t notice PROPERTIES, l TO , 2943 South F111221 Said Hie ,.111 be mode w1tnou1 Pullman Slrfft, Sanle Ana. Ce Publoanad Orange Coast Daily ;oven1n1 or warranty ••Press 01 92705 P1tot. Nov 22, 29, Dec 6, 13. 1982 mphed. as lo hlte. pone soon O• Cambridge C1pltal Group l• 5169-82 -.vmbrenca ro 111t1sty tne unpaid Ca1ttorn1a corporation). 2943 Soutn :>alance due on the note 0t norea Pullman Streat, Senta Ana. Ca Ml.IC NOTICE JA1CU1ed by said Deed ot Trust. to 92705 Nit. $61,000 00. plus the tollow1ng Th•• bu11ineS1 11 cond11<:lad by • K.oaGO !lttm11ed co111, upenses and 1tmitao partner1n1p FICTITIOUS BUSINESS 'dvences '1 the time or rha 1n111a1 Camblld99 Capital Group NAME 8TATEMENT :>ubllc:atton or tnos No1ica of Sale By: Steven L Edward•. The followtng pe.raons ere do<ng on1iresl due hom Febluary 20. 1982 Exec. VICe President buslnaes aa $Contact Truatae This 11atemen1 was llltlO with lhe FOOTHILL SOU.e.RE LIMITED Turstces FeM. 1neludlr19 cost• County Clark of Orange County on PARTNERSHIP. 19762 Mac:Ar1hur $Contact Truatea November 18, 1982. Boulevard, Suite 140. Irvine. Ca. All FIGURES ARE SUBJECT TO F20Z211 92715 CHANGE, CONTACT TRUSTEE Publlaned Orange Coall Dally Gregory C. OIRoenzo, 19762 FOR ACCURATE AMOUNT S Pilot Nov 22, 2g, Dec 6, 13, 1982 MacArthur 91Yd .. Suite 140, lrlllne, DATID: '""'amber 11, 1M2 5181·82 Ca g27t6 Upland""°'".,. aanlce Co. Inc. -------------Bruce Co• Conklin, Jr .. 19762 111 N. Central Awe. MacArthur Blvd • Suite 140. Irvine. Uplaftd, Ca .. 111• Ca 92715 (114) MH071 FICTITIOUS IUllNE•S ThlS buslnasa II conducted by a liiladaltna •• ,,. NA• 8TATIMINT llmlled Paflnershlp '°f'eelMura Sacr1ta1r The lollowl119 parson1 are d0tng Bruce Cox Conlclln. Jr . Publlahed Orange Co111 Delly butlnats as General Partner Polol Nov 30 Dae 6, 13. 1982 MR SMOKE ALARM. 2g86 This atalemanl WH !tied With Iha 1 ----------5-22_7_82 Babb St .. Coale Maaa, Ca. 92126 Counr; Clerk of Orange County on 1• .,_IC MnflCC D•Vld Steven Davis, 29M Bebb November 12. 1g92 , ____ r_uvt. __ nv _____ _ SI • Coat• MAN. Ca 92621 F201150 F1CTTT10UI .u...-.. · Ava MAfgaurqualta DIVIS, 2966 Pubh1hed Or1nga Coaal Dally NA• ITATIMINT Babb St , Coste Mesa, Ca g2628 PllOt Nov 22. 20, Dec e. 13, 1962 The followt"" ---eon• are CIOlng Thia bullnHS II GOllOUCted by an 5115-82 ......... 1nd1Vldua1. ----.. -in.-1c-..,..-1-IC(----•~ E8tt·1c AM re LE PH o ME DaVIO S Davt1 l"uvt. "'" 0 F Thia llllamtnl was folad wllh the ------------1SUPPLV CORPORATION County Clerk of Orang• County on "'--SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA, 5 Mason October 22. 1g92 ITATIMINT Of' AaAMOONllaWT S1ra11t. lnnl'la Ca g27t4 ,IOOln Of' UM°' T91aP11ona. Educ111on. 11nalyele Publlahad Orano• CoHI Dilly FtCTITIOU8 ., ... ,, N.-4 Mathoda Corp (a Maw Jer111y p1101 Nov 22. 2g, Dec: 8, 13, 1982 Tha torrowlng paraont hava c:Ofporatlon). 5 Ma.on Straat, trvlna 5147·82 •b•r>Oonad Iha UN of lht llctltlou• Ca 92714 ---------~---! bualnen namet ENTERTAINERS Thi• bu11neaa 11 conducted by• "'8.IC NOTICt: PROO u C T r ON S w Es T 1 n d 11orpor111on. Ml.IC NOTICE -----=~--------!ENTERTAINERS ORCHESTRAS .. Telephone. Educ1llon. flCN~ITl·!!'--JS 260;, 171h SlrNt, Sulle K, COi. t• An1ly1l1 & MtlhOO• Colp -.. ,. '"' Ma Ca 92126 Frank J F .. u . The IO!lowlng PlflOll• Aft dOlng T 11c:11t1oua bualnaH name• Pt .. ldtnl bu•lneaa aa. ralarrtd 10 above were ltled In Thi• 1t11amen1 wH hit<! wltn '"-SEA SKI SPORTS. 226 Main County on Septtmbtt 10, 1981 Oounly Olafk ot Oi•noe Covnty on St . Hunllngron Baach. CA. 1 Brandwein, all• 8obby Kt11t. November ta, t082 _ RON C.INOENF!t. TEA. 34071 5503 AdOl)a Fall• Ad • "13. San .. _ USITHI DAILY PILOT "FAST llSULT" SHVICI DlllCTOIY For Result Service Call 1g93 Calla La Primavera. Dana Polnl, CA et.go. Oallfornla 92120 5449·'2 WES Sl!LI Y..1. 17851 Bu•ll•td, Gerald Gallman, aka Jarry 1-------------1 Fountain v~. 1.;A. H7ot, Garerd, 7509 HallltH Avenue. Ven &..aw°"'°" WYMAN. 8AUTDfll.1.. fllOTHMAN, ICUC .. t.lla.MfllT • ' 642-1671 ht.JJI If It's got whee1s l ou'll move It aster In• D•llY Piiot classlfled ad. Tllla bW!nMe la conducted by • Nu)'t. ca. 914oe general p11r1nei1111p Th•• 1>vt111t•• w•• coodvct~ by • WH ... by Otnlfll ,lf1ntrtfllp fhla 1te1amen1 wM l'lltd wtth the Qarlld Oellmll'I. ak• County Clttll ot Orenoe County on Jarry Oar•d ~bat I , t .. 1 Thie atal-1 -hied With lflt A .._,......., IMMllllt ,.. .......... c .... ....... 4 ...... ,.,, ...... . .....-. ....... c .. .. Publlatled Orange CoHt O•tly l"llot Nov 22. "· OeG .•• t3, , ... ,..., County Clarti ot 0ranoe ~·~ on Publltll•CI Or1n1:• COHt O•lly Nowwnber 12. Illa '------------~ ~= 0.C 13. 20. 1, IH2, .111'1 3, • ';~~ Cell 141• 1171. 511442 "*12 Pu1>1l1neC1 Orenge CoHI Detty ht a few WOf,I C'• • 1,, 1 ~ilf. ~42·!1(,71 ~NO¥ 22. H . Oleo e, t3. 1tu toworll for yo11. ~ Stte-e? 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 D A I L y p I L 0 T c L A s s I F I E D 6 4 2 5 6 ' 7 8 Clllllflll • I I I . . ,.,, ..... ,., ~,. ••••.••..••.•••••.•••••.................... INDEX Tt ... Y•M.Cal 642-5671 .USfll SW: A~Mi!ll"WM.t Cot Pool Lifulfl'lohrct ............. ,..._. Sotta•Ch.iM• Travf'I• SUYIC£S Ml'•~ 0ttf'('l0f1 EMPlOYM£NT & mr••ATION S.-> ln>IMK'I""' JobWaft14"9• lttlp'lhnt..S ... ,. M£1CHANleS£ 1:: lllJ• "" ,. llllAI .... IUI IN< , .. IOM I .. I .. lllN 1111 1• 1tll '"' ·--, .. ... II -lG'I 1100 -•no = ----9<) ---Wl5 -------al ---- llU< - C.•11'1 IOOZ ...•.................. IQUAL ~ O .... OllTUNITV ,.......,,, ....... All , ... •l•t• MtvtrtlMd In Ihle n •w•P•P•' It 1ub141Ct to tn. Federal Fw Houelng Ac1 of 1Me wtlldl mu• " IMglll to adv•rllH "any pr•f«· tnC4l, !Imitation "' dl9cf1· m1nat1on bMed on r~. color. rellglon. "" or netlonal origin. or eny Intention to mak• any ~II pt9f.,~. llfnlt• uon or dlletlmtnatlon:' Thie ~ will not knowingly ac:c•pt eny aelvertttlno for r•al .... tata whld1 19 In vtotatlon of ttwlmw. LLllUT1 If you're c:onelderrng 1 c:Nnoe, come I talk whii ua. W• off., ooml)Vter u c'y, bHutllul aur• rounding•. good com· mt~on toti.dula1, and .al tilt tue>f>Ofl Y04J need A.it tOf Jim or Maryann at 131-7370 TR,\DI 110\. \I. ~L\I I~ IUffUftl I•••••• ta Siii, .... ft-Ulll UT·PUll XLNT t.OCA TION WITH EXISTIN G DUPLEX DRIVE BY 2001 Klnos Rd and c all ror detail• ~· wlH Mii ltlls week tor t>Mow market ~ Almo1t lot value tor a labulou1 locatlon with Hllll1 Advertls unque1t1onable vu ers should check ~ :~~~~~ their ads dally and en ., .. 01 l'tlgtier priced report erroraTlmh -r::rs 0t: ~ 1~~11e v.t med lately. e CHANGE. OR7 DAILY PILOT as- sumes llablllty for -wl\11 H• Ho' 1 the first Incorrect 110M1' h•c. REALEST/I.TE Insertion only. 6J1 1400 ----------- TAY LOI\ CO ' - Wlln• YILUIE Low11t prlc•d 3 Bdrm aYlllablt, excellent con· dltlon and financing $89.500. 142-1200 A PETE BARRETI REALTY mu llAIT PUB Ar••· 2 Bdrm 2 bath condo with aecur1ty, apa a.Jna pool and tlnanc· ;=~===~~ Ing. $87,500 U!IWl ()Uf t1(;MfS •HHlllW'L Realtors, e1s.-eoo0 PllPllTY• II Ir. nu.11m&- 2 br hOulle & 81udl0 zon. td lor art 1tudlo, gift ahoP•. antlqU99, etc .... Ownet wlH carry llnene Ing tor 25 yeare. Onl) $135,000. Call 759-1501 "' 752-7373. ....... Exqultlt• Medlttraneer viii• In qul•t Camec Highland•. 4 Bdrm1, ' Ba. Indoor )ac: ... pvt poo & aaH\L Exl41nliv9 UM of 1kyllgllla and Fr doon. A 114.iper HP'- elon ol quality d"lgn Call Linde TtQllanettl tOI an appt. 1se-0100 GEORGE ELKINS CO COLD We.LI. BANl(eRO ....... au Lovely Sausalito Pier beautifully malnlllned and upgrad•d. Profes· elonally landecaped w11h ext41Nive brlekwotll. Ful ••cur lly aystem. 3 belrmt. and famlly rm ~7.000 L.H. 1714) 67J-44o0 Ill JI Ul-ZIZI HARBOR * ~ §5:1~~~·;·~·;; ... ~·~~!1 = --· -ml.II.Ult Going Into Buelneaa? Aa '"'*" -lew, ............... ....... . ........ ... ......... ..._ .... , .............. .. ..... ea..a.11.. Cell .. DllL't PILOT LIU&. DINllTmNT .. ............ ........... . ... .... ''lllP1"1 Mrt. C6Mrl doet live In MH• Verd• In tlll• 3 Bdrm, lamlly r oom charmer. A r••r yard bc>Mta a c:lllld ule en- clOHd pool. Tiile It e .,,..., NIPPY houea, 1--'Y tor a ,_ lemlly to moY'I In tor the ..... v ... Ex· cell•nt tumt. Call 546-2313 THE REAL ESTATERS 1-1 LIT Larglt & lowly 2 Bl' 2 Be home locait9d Mar Npt Hgll. Hav• approv•d plane tor 2nd unit. A•· 1um• 112 1,000 12.1% lc)en. ~ will .. fin· an c •. 9 3 1-73 70 , 97H7M TR\OITIO\ \I f<I \I I \ THF. REAL ESTATERS F• Ad Action Cal I Olly Plot .... &42-5671 • I ' 00 • = (l) ~ • >< (l) • ~ • I ' eun Ill...,. li•I not ::s: ln ~; IWIOft• coM:rleulfled ~ • ..., .. =·== • ~ '/'hC' murkcl place c.m I he Orcmg 1 CoCl~t .642-5678 Or Ilg Co II DAii V Pll Ol IMorid y, D"c«1mhor 13, t982 t •:\ A rwmy t>t-111Jlf • /mil mu /m CJ rt•t1te1l , 7tl', rt'<td n •ul <'lilul«· dcts:;tf 1NI wl.'I .. .1foCiday Gift &Service Guide ~'f't-~!1-~~~~~~~!!~~~ rr-. &. r.llr~ ' tor d1t' Famil y tor rhc.-Horrn: (1tlt\ Rk:co's creative cetetlng •• • • • ••••••• BOUQUETS OF BAL lllllllf'S Pffllfl UNIOUE HAND<..AAFTED C'f 'sf We do II ill, or just serve Make It a Contlnenlal Sparkle tor Chrlatmaa \& • LOONS Oellvered by Tll nElllalLf Teacup-toy-miniature TOYS & GIFTS Jtrt ma5 & cleanup 5•8-0621 C I year 'round). Linda 1 OQ fll costumed me11engers " 548-2848 Aa.aonable 875·748C -hrlstmas · A g II 101 Clean'g Se111. 869-0318 ~ Bears Balloon• 760-8768 NNUll llfT B di & 1 C l. r ,. .~ the whole lamlly 'JI Aleo great tor d11cora ''" OllllSTM·a __ o_ar ng groom ng • • al u::ir al:lhJ.1 tl/la•.-JOHNSON & SON The Video Station ~"' ~ ,• tlOJ1S " AKC OLO ENGLISH ~ .. ~ f~ '~ ~--ScL:nnc;;:'~::~·~:=~~. 1471Gl:;~~'ilag.Bch ~~ ~ ~ . UNUSUAL ~o~:N:~::!~::r~~i~~ ~~~~~~~¥J',_~PPIE • • . • • . G ii ( Cl· red I l .l tc..·., Comtorters etc. 2758 E. Klmball Studio Plano. Xlnt • ~~!. &s • ~~:~J~~~ long play records. Holl· S350. 979-14 7 I n.: (,: ... & byC~~~~e Cst Hwy Cdm. 1590 S cond $1800. ""'Wll'C How about an antique day apeclel $29.95 w/ Cocke1 Spenlel pupple Dl'l or,1(1011!> ln111tetlona TllUT SIME lllllY" Cst Hwy LB 962-6043 •Birds bicycle? Of eat-lrorr tree vinyl cas11 ($15 for Christmas. AKC reg .--------• Cer11flcates Body wraps-laclil kits Allan· Theater Compact • Caces the rear tandem or En· vEalueB). Come see ua 124 blood 6•2-3341 LLOfll llllSlllY ~:~~~~;~ tt~~ "5 79 · gill pacilege 644-5289 -~.. ~g~1.~~·:s=3 •Pet supplies ~r:.~:~; You can nnd 11 w • ~oa9d~~~ c0~· ~~7i c:r~~1~s F~:~~~~ ~: CHRISTMAS L..... ,_ .. I , ... 857-2040 TREES H & H Floral & Crall Sup· ,..,_. MICROWAVE: NffW Sh&TP -· 11.er Cllrlslm&1 (red-orange WREATHS ply 3 loe Orange. Gard-..,.. (i ifb for Her Carou1e1. probe. $229 ~IVE A ~in Of LIFE'. 21Hl le.,.rt "''· In Time'°' Holidays S35 646-6132 2038 Nfl'Wpor1 Blvd CM en Grove, Anallttlm ( • I Or choose from Amana, • • II Personellzed Cllam CHRISTMAS PUPPIES 1•1·1••1 As THING ARE -Flower '1 t' Singer s~1ng ••·~hlnea Llllon, Magic Chel, Tap-UITIO PUITI: Lge se1~110 of n s al I 875-2570 pagne Adorable wht Shepherd/ --------- t I I. v -..,_ pan, O'Keefe/Merrfl "" n u u u spec men Name, message. logo, Gldn Aetr $l5 6"6-373 Speclolls11 In Holiday De arrangements. S Ilk ur c ll' · a r ll ii \' New Zigzag Models/$95 546'_6740 size planls at Incredibly low prices. Have your BOAT/HOUSE photo on every boltle, as coratlons Copperfleld't Plants & Trees. Hand P & J Cox 548-4425 MHr fl•HI tor small anlmals; Free pets tor good CLEANED before or alter low aa $4 ee. Custom ........ Flowers. 1936 So Cal crafted gifts l590 S. Cst Jon Brockman Plano Co. MOLLIE'S IOLI Miii Ferrara Aoonng Co. homes & good hom~s tor tree pets. Holiday parties. Oualll) Cellara 675-8813 -9!Jlll"; .. Hwy. LB. 494-1173 Hwy, Lag Bch. 494-1204 Re-roof. Repair. Shlngle eervlce. 760-258l ,.. 697 Glenneyre 221 Marine Ave. B.I (714) 642-8233 2330 IEWPORT ILYD., C.ll. llHoll Trt•hr ' CHRISTMAS TREES • • Laguna Beacll 497.3490 675-1572. 'Tis tile aea-.. IE I (. I DELIVERED from 101 tc -"~. N$789Ml~rC~~~g (~:~"!Ji s7cnrltl~c~~es;l:a~t~:l:Hd FO~l~~:~~~SAS? ••• ~-n~a: ;; •••• ~ , ~a~a u!t~~~t~~7 , porting JOOc S ~~u;3~~~2~~.~~s;,~' Bnuli<ltH'"' 111 es . New . S 7 9 Bosch Mixer $249 50, come see what we ha\19 Engraved gifts last tore-Your Complete Ski Head· ..----------. . I 1-855-6209 and Magic Mill $199 50 At Mini 8az&af ~ Music & : cert<) 11er Tankards, goblets, quarter• -Sales, Rentals C 846-5091 .. ,_.,. W••tmln11-NB .,.. WIH Wright lee Cream T· babu cups, picture Clothing . Ski Ramp F!ats lor hrlslmas """' -~ Shirt• Ladles & Mena ' NEWPORT SKI co PATIFllllElll DICK MILLEA MOTORS .......... • 645-328l • Unique Chrlllmaa Gifts Music on the Move: Get In lrarnes. key rings, etc ' IHllr••• lift Siie' Santa Ana 557-2132 .,; H I' I 'I $4.95. 673-3313. the Groove with Music etc. ~:~_g2;:, Coast Hwy Christmas Items to fill Ming Car Finish Gift , -·~ () ll a \' I· OWtij Put mobility· & fun l.n ~ lor all Occ 731-9194 •• St•rtlng •New Buafneaa H 11 d 11.. I ~ !oar.. "-Stopl Cllrlltmas Shopt your o ays w " Cenll1<:ates & Holday (' · · · . ' meone'a Ille this Christ· MUSIC FOR YOUR AF· •I! _.., Christmas Chee<. Come Specials. Call 7S4-6404 Jd(~ tor Him CJifrs LEE'S FLOWERS mas wllh an electric FAIR, any style. Plano, S · I.I . lllMMEL, llC. Visit Ua. 4242 Campus . 3 wtleelef Golden Cha guitar-, violin, vocals , New ski & lashlon start A ctco•dl"ll 10 Calllornla Buelne11 and ProlH61on• Code (S.C. 17900 lo HUOI all pereono c101119 butl!MH unoe1 1 llctlt.lo111 name "'Ull Ille I l lllOmont wlllt lit• Cou"'' Cl11k ano 111" II publlthld l ou• ll m•• '"a new1papo1 Mnlng ti.. ua • In wit I ch tho Dllllftl .. ii icKalad Drive. Ste E-3 Newport CHICI IYERSOI fur tht Offiu: See ua lor youi Christ -· • 5-45-3722 or 63 1-3275 Ptr'\ & ~llf)l)lt<:-. featuring excluslve Bllz· Beach 549-8550 Mon-Fn C•mp-ways Inflatab le maa Bouquets. 891-25 rlota. 548-2384 zard skis & lamous actl 10-4, Sat 9:30-3:30 CHIUSTIAS SALE dinghy $200. Data·-FLOWERS BY MORAi Firewood, moally hud-ALTEC STUDIO SPEAK· vewe&T. Register tor pr· ,,,, ... Cac<:ring Bartendlng lor Hollda> Parties Pvt resident! only Tell us how man) you expect We wlll do tile rest Shop. mix. ~r· 111, clean-up, all lor 1 reas. lee. 770-9833 LOVE AT FIRST BITE 7 132 Edinger Santa Ana. 842-4611 Special Holiday Retest •Catering •Waitresses Walters • Bartendlng 642-5937 Pollte & well groomed prof. bartender/server avail tor Hollde)'I, par. $69 over Invoice on al marine d l~al depth G ag 3'"s for office/ 448 E. lTth Slreef. wood. $130 e cord. Sell EAS (2), walnut wood AKC Beagle Puppies lze drawing oec. 15 nffW· eounder $2 . Seatemp frlen 1. Wonderland ol Costa Mesa. 64w 144 pickup. 960.0587 flnllh. $250 ea. 551-3208 $169. wtndaurlet, boota. vaea· '82Audl's instrument S100 . Fun 690 W 19th CM AKC Gldn Re1tle11ers tlona,more!642-5630. '82 Rabbit Sedans 968-5808 645·9023 . • ..... c~igiRw~~d~o"fi'~~$gs l&IY lllAll NII $229. 1111 Westollff lrlYe '82 Sciroecos 11 h Heron Sallboat. All • .. Ref. 642-5449/645-7972 Good eond. Must Hll Lhaso Apaso $250 Westcllff Plaza, N.B PrlOeS do not Include In· wood, hand made. and .,.,. ~Ing $1300 Call eves 6"6-0090 stalled accessories Ext beautiful. 95% complete . _.~ Santa's coming -Oon'I 714-846-2788 WlNOSUF\FlNG SALE Sealants. or Fae1ory re s995 644•5769 • f\.1 isu.:lla nt:ous ehaae him away Let Red GIVE OA.NCE LESSONS Aust Shep pups, 8 wka Mistral $950. HIFly S750 bates, u any (,' <>urn1 ... ( G 1.t.c, Hot Chimney Sweeps FOR CHRISTMAS adorable, all colors, no UP Sports (714)631-4 IOE 445 E Cst Hwy N B 1971 Honda. CB 450 Less '-ciean his way, Spee At• Dorothy Jo Dane. Studio papers, '45 631-8632 673 0900 than 5,000 orig miles UlllTllll 551 3273 2515 E c H Adorable Slame*4 Kllten! •••••• • • •••• • Off-end. 12/24/82 $450 962-6043 •••1 pa••-. . Cd'' . SI. wy .,., • -_,. -LIONEL ELECTRIC TRAIN .... for Christmas, $75 tc Roller Skate '7/ CAPT•111 LOl'S ,. • ClllllSTlllS Balboa Char1er Corp. SETS. New, a11o uaed 673-3420 SIOO 642-8520 " 11111011 IASlnS now taking reteNatlona I t k SILE You·ve had our great ~ .. 675-1976 646-570 eng nea, cars, rac ' • • IOllE AIC PIPS sandwiches from our 6" ·-_. , All Chocolates In one tranatormere, aeceHO· • !oar .. ._,, • Ch I A .. LI 40-60')'. t 6" T I _.G r---Newpor1 Wrap & Mall Svc rle1. And llonel and ..,.., --amp on anono ne OFF o our ry our prces I tS Pate en d Caviar I 1825 W Ill Dr American Flyer Traina 6 wkdl, In our Sports Annax • another. Perhaps Gour estc I · NB PICI IF LlmllS Save up to 70% PCH & !or tht" H ome: met Soups & Breed 1725 Monrollla, CM & from 1920·1 and 1930's. Part\ Good-. All skat.ta on ttock. incl warner. He 840-2555 Fruit, CllMH & Wine So. Coast Plaza, lwr M. 548-4326 Must see. Red males w 1 Aredt'l & Suregnp• or (213) 592-3130 many more. Hand Dell Ha\19 your Chrlslmaa Par-lllJ••r •.&1f green eyes/very drk red Ocunfr11t ALLIED LIGHTING 11ered In the Newpor IY on • 44 It yacht In N.:---=. WHIRLIGIG $2&0. Blk fem $175. Whttlworb Holiday Rent-A-Car 222 Vie1orta-Coeta Mesa Area. Call A.S.V.P. Newport Bay. 840-5159 sa~ 1't~""" 801 w . Baker. Coste llAlE IUEI IALIOA 115-HIO Low as S39 95/weeltend 646-3737 646-8194 873•3620 MIMf·;.. w'Zd&'Eii1a Mesa WHh blue eyes $500/bst • • • • • •• •• • • • Robins Ford 642-0010 we have Southern Cell· l&lLNll FM Miii Ftn Vly IMl2•1922 979-8570 oft Xlta lg boned. 11ln1 Selling anything with 8 HOLIDAY POTLUCK fornla's most complete , Sell wllh EASEJ Holiday Balloon temp. Shots/wormed, Dally Pilot Classllted Ad Tlta alalamanl II r1qult1d 111 law and la ftlCHUty '" P•OIK11ng your b1io11lne11 ftHft• M ott 1>1nk1 ••quirt f)IOOI ol llMt19 10 Q90ft commerdal .UOMntl Tltt DAILY PILOT provl0.1 bolh ltltng l ftd pubOcetlOft Mr~•. We h .. o ell IM 1tec .... ry IOltftt and tftl lftlelft • dally tO••ICe 10 Ille Or•no• Countr CounllouM fllhl• atop by one ot our con .. nlenl olllcea or pll ofte 1111 LEGAL DEPAllTMEHT 842-4321, f•I >>2 tor more lftlo1m1llon •ltd l0<mt lies Steve DINNER CRUISES, s 10 1elect1on ol lighting at It'• a BF\EEZE Bouquets Have something to Mil? Want Ad lieJp? Will hold 1111 Cllrlltmu 11 a simple mall&T _ 64~ 1426 833-5806 760-2578 competitlYe pm:ea. Classified Ads 642-5878 850-6515, 546-6755 Classified ad1 do It well. 642-5678 530~6385 Jul! call 642-5678 Daily P.ilat Hoast1 /or Silt HoaHs for S•lt .•.................... ...•••........•...•..• Gt1m1J 1002 Geoe11/ JOOZ ······················~ .....•.........••••.•• LIDO ISLE HOMES Pnn"· Lulu Nord bayfronl !'i l>drm. !'! " bath Lgt• L R , 111r rnnd 2 hc);Jl shp-; 'S 1.500.000 Renuxll'h'CI :J bdrm. 2 bdth + l;iri.:< n't nn lx'am le1hngs. furnished, pat111" SHU.01111 PENINSULA HOME Ou•:m & J<.'llY Vtt:'W S. Manm· ruom 4 bd1 rn. 3 bath. :1700 sq.ft. $1,385.000 Oc:eanfrnnt LINDA ISLE BlYFROMT Lagoon v1c•w from 6 lxlrrn, 5 l>alh. pl.1)'11.10111. dark nn. dt>n Aoat slip Now Sl-1011111111 BAYSIDE PUCE Sp<-<.Wl'UIJI bayfront dplx :! br .! 11<1 Uf'I .! hr, 2 ba cln :l boat spares RrouC't.'d SI ,:il>0.000 Houses for Silt Ho111ts /01 Silt Hoarts /or Silt Hout1 /or S•lt . ........••..•..•.•... ..••...............•.. ~~!~.'!!~~!. ... !.~ f!!!~.!!!!! •.•••• }.~~1 !!!'.~! ........... !.~1 !t.'!r.!!.!!~!~ •.• !.~? !~!~!'!!.?!!l!!!l.!!'!!'!,~·~~'!! .••.•••........ SAN CLEMENTE -10 unit, BHl•I f•r•i•iH O~anfronl timeshare ••••••••••••• ••••••••• LITTLE llWI Ownr must sell cull r• modeled elegant 3 br home & sep guest apt Prime loc. 127-127 '~ Abalone. Reduced S200 000 10 $495,000. Cour· tesy to bkrs. ~424 °' 759-0777. C•t0•• l•I #•1 IOZ' .......••..••••......• FllO CUlllO Perfect Location 5 bdrm. 3 bath, Includes master sulle & large family rm and off-street parking for up lo 7 ca" Only 5 dOOfS from entr- ance to Main Beach NffW on market al $575 000 Oll.L 1"-1211 llY A OHM BEST OF TUATLEAOCK Fl" O."•~••i Sweeping sunaet & night .. ,_ light VIEW Spec 3 Br VA/FHA terms or 81· lam rm . Owner wtll llelp aume loan. Darting 2-•l'r w/On. $305,000. Martha condo! In desirable area• Sllarkany, Coldwel• Att.ctled garage. lrg P&· Banker 552-2000 llo. Only $91,000. Cal now 979-.5370 ClllRIDIE City & coastal commie· L••H• ••d 314• I.Ill llLI sion approval. 50% Joint ••'••••••••••••••••••• l&YFIM venture, S 1,250,000/ Emerald Bay 4 Br 3 Ba, nr FANTASTIC $150.000 dn. Sell beacll.$1500/mo 'ltl 7/1 $1,500,000/ 1300,000 6«-7020 Dave H TEAMS ... Owner wlll car· dn. Owner 492-1720. ty long term 111 Trull iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii •• .,..rt ••ti 311$ Deed Priced to sell ••••"••••••••••••••••• Neat Lido ClubhouM S CLIFFUYH tennis courts. Wiii c.cco. 3 bdrm. 1~. ba. lamlly One of Ille most llvable modata a large yacllt rm 2 fireplaces. Lae Mid lloof plans In VIilage 1. 3 11.300,000 Jan to Mid Aug 1983 . \ (>I l / 111.·11 PF.&'·~ 1~.f'-i"'VE~T') 2166 Krtstln Lane (Harbor and Victoria) lease or lease option. 2 bdrm, 2 ba, 2 car garage. Fire· place. enclosed patio. $125,000. 844-6426 llPLD High Income, assumable loan Fantastic atea Wiii consider exchange. Ask· Ing 1183,000. Rbt Mllllk· bdrma, 2 ba. one-story. ---------$900 mo. Include• gar· Fantastic location on -,.-,.·~uuTC•••oco daner & cleaning lady greenbelt. Steps to pool 642-8181 end I en n Is. Ca II to 1 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii further 1n1orm111on. Lido Rea ty w:~:.:EI VeraaJri!·~~?~H s625 673-7300 Gorgeous vlewl Ocean. VIEW, 2bd $725 Catellne & city night Nr water 2bd $750 lights. eaay walk to 3 OCean Vu private beaches! 4 BR1, Versailles $1200 large private courtyard Oceanlrt 3bd $1250 with pool -Remodeled Udo lg 5bd S 1800 kitchen • Securit y WATERFRONT HOMES rulill '"' ..........••..•••••••• Beautllul 2 Br 2'/t Be system Owner will fin· la 1· 1* anca. ~~~~~~~ FAIRIAMKS RANCH condo, ex-model unit Nt·W .j hr. 4 I . ba. custom rrC'"l h N•>rm:indv 'f573 CAMllYI fl...,,eu.-upgrades. micro. trash ... .. RVM* rv.;ioft "" .. c: compactor, must 1ee Est.ill' I 2 prunC' a1:r<' hilltop $1.2.10,IJIJO I I IH i llll $800/mo Ed IMIA~l71 --'======== iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ •• '!!r.!! •••• ! ......... Wnt•h11tor lllfl CORONADO CAYS OllTlMHA WTllll TllPLH 1265.000 Coromufo Island l'W.l. bay frnnt lut 85' h<mt dcx·k Plans av111I Now $:no.11011 w1wrms "°=1:2:1 TllPLD ILlffl 1111111 r;;d;·;q~1i;i~·i,;,;;.~·,; E'.Emia• 111•11 Al11•.We F11 .. t1a1 You own tile land. 2.000 good motorllome and -" All 2 Bdrms, enclosed sq 11. 3Br. fam rm, 2'h $5000 Orm. 3 Br, 1~ BA Triplex -excellent loea. lion, pride of ownlflhlp. Lovely owner'• unit Garage plUa extra park· Ing. '119undry rm. Ownei wlll e"'llrry 7 years, 25 down. Appolntmen t wltl't agent. BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR large rambling country garages and patios, ex-Ba, wide Greenbelt, rwat 2'2 x 36' pool In Weil· home with panoramic cellent rental area. Own· pool Far below market minster Bal 187,000 view 01 the back bay er w111 also consider car-1235,000. Wiii leaM op. S1290/mo everything Newport Center and tlon Bk 8«"13-4 much more. Faelllllea '°' rylng 2nd TO. Near · r. ..,, E1tlmated value 1126 341 Bay\ode Or•ve NB 675 6161 a small llerd of llOrlel. •hopping. Asking 1175 000. Fully aaaumable no AIAllllED llAIT In foreeloeur11. Lovely 2 story home with custom Interior and custom wood shutters. Includes huge sundeck which 011etlook1 the park and a huge Cullom bull! spa. (Wiii accommodate the whole party). 2 lire· places, one In the famlly room and one In the hide-away master suite 646-2313 access to bad! ba" trails 000. Call 540-1151 RiWi>ofi RiMght1 Old9f 2 qual. Prv party 898-5577 ' Bf. 1 Ba. dbl car garage, '"""" lllOl ll.lllETTI, .. ,. 50 x 111 Al lot Olhr IMI lllllt IAllY llPLEI (714) 711·4'4' s185,ooo •••••••••••••••••••••• ••iii••••• REI.CE. 461 Santa Ana A11e 0.~flfH/ l•rk ZJ" UNIQUE. City llghta. qual 548-5041 aft 8 "•'" ,,, "" '"' •••••••••••••••••••••• Excellent buy on thlt r• & rabbfls for neigh. 3 Br • •• •• • •• • • • • • •• • • • •• • • dueed duplex. Front unit 2 Ba, Nantucket model 11 f•n 103' Newpon Heights older 2 haa 2 Bdrm with cozy Broad moor Sea view •••••••••••••••••••••• Br. 1 Ba. dbl cer garage. atone fireplace and wood S375,000. 720·0858 Oa· AUmUIR 50 II 117 A 1 lot. paneling In the llvlng Yid Connelly 11 our trl-tevel 4 bdrm. 1185,000 room. kitchen end dining ---------Nea.r Park and so Coast 481 Santa Ana Alie area_ Completely refur-Cnt1 #011 IOZf Plaza. Model q_uallty 548-5041 aft 6 bilhed The rear unit la •••••••••••••••••••••• Asking $229,500. Bkr l .,.-- 15 month1 old and has 3 Fii UU IY 843-0709 " Bdrm, 2'.lt t>ath and 1 IWlll Largett taketront lot Ir or ..... ng rep....... uge Adorable 3 BA 2 Be time .. , lot on Cherry Like Vt/4 ·-.. Ii fl •·-H •·•"•sl•• Npt Seti OWf 20,000 I.I bacic yatd. 548-2313 In pr1me cond Great toe ,.., /f" er 3'A Ba home. ~ti) THE REAL ESTATE RS • walk to so. coaat SACRiFiCE~·1·9;•c;;.d~· renov•ted A9"1ng 1495 Plaza. Gorgeous, lotall) Nr beach Adults. Sec o o o . e 7 3 -7 3 7 o , p\11 backyd w/«JY patio Rec lac Make offer 549-35'48. llPll lU lllLTlll •• llYllTlllm San Clemente pride ot PRIM£ MOBIL C llOMC PARK ownerahlp, modern Spanllll atyte 4 unit apt. llouM with OCMn/hlll• a golf courM view. CIOM to everything , only 3 yeara old & 1how1 llke NEWI A new owner could 11 • '>I~"'" .. 11 occupy 3 Bdrm., 2 batn .! • ''' '"' city 6 ocean view epl II + .!O o•ltlottrou.ol applicable & renl the '" ,, .. other 3 apartmerill for • 1 1 1ll 1H1t1 LIDO ISLE -3 bdrm, 2 ba. famrm. 1 1700 mo. Biii Grundy. Rltr. 675-8161 BHIOI Uol•t•i•AH .......••.•......•.... c. •• ,., 3102 ..•.........•..•••..•. HOMES FOR RENl •IAVINE* $750 •HUNT BEACH• $700 *GARDEN GROVE* $700 YIWIE 1 llYESTIUTS THE REAL ESTATERS Lge auumable low lnl 966-2198 Find wllat you want In loan. aelllng to avolo --------- Dally Pilot Classlfleds foreclosure. Priced be-II ll·ll flAU low market al 1158,000 Close 10 ocean 3•3, TR,\DITIO\,\I. ~f ,\I TY Income. Seller wlll help (l l ... ~l-!OOO finance & SAVE buyer • thouunda of dollars! AOE T, NO FEE REDUCED aelllng prlc;e • Housts V11/a1ais6td Hoarts Vnlarnis6td .........••......•••.. ···•·•················ c., ••• ,., •• , 321. C.11• .... 3224 •......•..•........•..•.••.......•••••••.•.• CHARMING: 2 Br. 1 Ba. $510/mo. Naw carpet, lrg rms, beam cell, blks1 new drapes, 2 car gar- t 0 b ch $ 8 5 0 I m(). age, CIOM to Ille park, 675-9496 ~ gardener lncid 2 br, 1 ba, beam ceiling 622 Center St garage. s1011e, refrlg. TIL llc1lt 1'2· 1181 dshwhr, very nice. S300i mo 955-3649 eves j 1 Br Trailer, prtvate. utlls -----·----1. paid. No pell Rang41 & LARGE CdM home, 2 refer. lsl. plus sec • Slty, 3 car gar, Ocean S385/mo 499-1617 view For lease, $1350/mo 851•8110 2 Br, xlnt location, kids 760 3650 OK. 11t mos. rant & de-daya. • eves. I posit. $525 963-7600 or Country eh&rmer 3 Br, So. 645-5735 or Hwy, good locatlon, -N-ew-3-B--3-Ba--b1-.1-8-11 gar A II a 11 n 0 w r. \I 842·3442 631•1266 twnhm, p111 yd, end unit, • 2 bike S C Plaza 1850 2 Br, 1 Ba, Cape Cod.1 851-9990 compl remodeled. Pvt. ---------beach . 11000 m o 2 Br. enelad garage, ear· 675-8048 973.4771 & pets. drapes 173 W wild)"' 833~2900 W i I S 0 n N O p e IS $525/mo. 631-4889 f!!!~./!!!~ ...... !.~t E/Slde 3 br. I ba. gar. 2 8d House and 2 8d ou gardener. $750 Furn. or pleic unll.lrn 548· 1126 333 E. 2 Isl SI. CM E.11-sde. 2 bd, I b1 Ou- 6•5-8103 No pet plex Cla'd gar, Prl11 yrd. 1 ." " n $495. N o Peta. 266 P IY I 011 Sonto Tomas 642-6368 Ang, yard, No pets. Utl pd $540/mo. 1s1 plu Est-Ide, 3 bd. 1 ba + Fmty I e c . 6 4 6 'I• W . Am Lrge Detes:tied Ga1 18th 499-1617 w/alley access. S625. No .. B ~--... I I 2 Pets. 2 12 lllllan, .. r ......... o or ease, 642-6368 pa. 1850 1.1 , tennis.--------- pool, rec. No pets Refs_ E.11de lrg quiet 3 8f 2 Ba, Avall 12/1, 544~8071 lrpl. O/W, lndry, gar, no 739·6521 pets S825. 673-3600 1 '-' Br garage, yard 1525/mo Weatsld 641.0763. Pell Ok. E.slde darling 3 Br hou ... newly decorated, nice yard 1875/mo Plus $300 11curlty Joyce Weitze. 631-1266. Agl Eastllde. r•sp ad1t1 pr !erred, 2 br, I ba. gar age $825/mo. 673·7544 E.slde 3 Br 2'h Ba condo $825/mo Sp• Joyce 28r, 1Ba, I story, shag, Weitze. aot 631·1286 cpt/drpa, pallo, lrplc, ---------dshwahr, beamed cell Eat·•d• 3 bdrm, 2'h ba, Inga 2850 Elden. $540 encl pall<> & yrd. lrpl. dbl mo. 650-1798 gar lat, Lat & Sec 1775 E Id 3 ... 2, B I 3 1 6 S a n ta l 1 a be I. 8911 • "' I\ a. pr 631-82&3 111te patio w/spa. Inc ---------bac:ttyd, remod. lt.ltclleo NEW 2 Br. 2 Ba, dbl gar, 2 car gerage $950/mo all epp11 plus fridge No 11 lut & MC 8-46-3532 Pet1. E/alde $650/mo FllllU -551.201 4 B1 2 Be. encl. patio, Lse-e,t1e1 te r..tJ trplo, 2 car garage, No. 5 bdrm. lamlly room. C M. location. 1850/mo aHlum, 3 ear garage 631-7370, A8'1 for Jim. Boat gate, newly deco· IUI HllT CJ~~ £\,.' -f) C ~C. • WOID r1m11 ;::,~ l""l! ~l ~ v<J' "=> ... 1 -----1414•4 ~y CU.T • rouAH Owner. 540·3136 Pymta 11200 lo $2,000. II NWI Yll 11751( to 12151(. Mow lri 3 Bdr*E. nlc.ely d• • take over shared ap. of $325.000 It way BE· 3 Br 2 Ba $800 LOW current replace· I 2 bt, FP, Bal Pen S600 HPIR RIOI ment co1tlll Prlnclpala 1 er, baylront 1850 Landlord needs big ta rated. Mesa Verde. $1, 000 mo. Xlnl tarma 761-2445 or 548-5155 corat tra lrg M1t1 preclallon. Financing iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim Bdrm uge baekfard. avallable. Call Sue at ..... Cheery a brlgtttt Onl) _u_i_-5_5_5_& ____ _ St09,ooo. Tet1eOY9r 11" Im•• IH4 1111,111 loan. Call 970-5370 • ••••••••••••••••••••• 8IO CANVOJI CUSTOM ONL VIII Call owner at 2 er, oenfrnt 11000 wnttottl Set "Rent this (714) ...... ••ain br, 3'A be, ouatom Eutslde 1 Br, Quiet. •••.0111 •u11la, .,.,,, ,.-.. •••==--home .. Gou.rmat Kit Stove/frig. new cpt11 •& ·-~--,,~" ---• F()fmal dining, ......... d r • p • I • N 0 p e I I _, • tll-1111 ..._ 15 10/mo 650·4088...,.. ,.,_, ,,.,,,,. .. ...................... decor thruout. Natura & wkndl •••••••••••"••ef•••••• Petm o..er1. Mont.,rty r~ trpt, t.elud«I --.......... ... \ f . i f I I . i j ~ ( l I : I j i I f \ f >I/. / 1l F 1! 'I' ''I' lllTU •DI With I 191( down Ht< lrnmedetely d~uctablf on gOlt COIKM ~ dn Vacant. ltlow •nytlme agt. St ,095,000. 173-7711 Of 780-1397 11 f-af\1111 CC Plan 300. golf, leke/ ORANGE 38r, 2 Ba, lrg yrd Vety eaay 'm<>Ye-ln'. "'--B-A'""C_K_,8,_A_Y_A_R:-EA--- Prtoed 91 9 2•'• grot a mtn w. l189K 1100 as· den Good neighbor · 1350 under market, Agl 1 8' w/frpl 1350/mo Ind , lncludu pool teMlt aum PP. 7141855-4151 hood. Children 01<. 537-11740 chg u111 751.11111 , • N INI MUMllftO I' 1!11(t\ -.i sq,ii.tU rrrrrr r1 I I I I I I I I ICllAl·LITI &a1nra I• Clanlfl11tl .. 1100 -•• on darling 2 bdrm ....,...,. Northwooc:i Condo 2 Bdrm Eaatllde divided I 1 2 O • O O O • A g e n I by dOOble car gerage 75t·I088. Concrete drive, privet• ~-~~~~~~~~ l)tltloe, S 127,700. •• ,~!...,' Ml-Tin llr1••• I Wrll .......... ., ... ................. '""-'-'1111,MI. . , ...... ,.. NORTHWOOO EJtec:utlve honie. 4 Br IOl'rnal din. rm. IMI rm pool, '99· l>'Wlllum lot • dramatic muter tulle lm•ll down a. eaeuMt loaN. S239,900 Aak IOI Dan 841•8901 or eve1 552·e993 eXECUTIVE REAL TOM LIW,iJIW ...... , Bachelor apt near Lide Ille w/petlo & Meurlly tome "'9w Tty 11% dw\'I M7,llOO 644·7020 &.ml IU&. DTlTI Mllilii ..... P!NTHOUSE. 2 bdml, 2 be Large deck, 11lew1 Aaklng '275,000 with '30,000 dn, llMUf'M 1at o-.-.. cwry . c.11 °"'* t53 ... 10 • 1700/mo 997-4783, Avlll ---------1----oourta. •nd only • 1r• 0.1 ti C..•'1 o.c 20 4 Br. 2ba, 1ge bonul rm. EASTSIOE 3 bdrm, 1 b• new. In Ot:Hnal •· ._ ''" g1r, !'aide 1950. call 2 car gar Large yard . OVtner motivated. 8ub· ~,. ........... GARDEN GROVE· 3 Br &48-8165 I Chlldren and pell OK mttieia'i IU&.n i2ooo dwn. 3 Br 1 Be. ~ '=r~uF'~?.~=-:. 4 Bdrm, 3b•. llV rm, faml 22e E. 24th.PL 1790 • oarage, bft,1111.newpalnt 17215/mo. Ed 964 8171 rm. reo rm, 004tan ""-·'---764 •_508 ___ _ 111-1111 l roof, Sto Dimas I~-walk 10 bCtl. ldMI tor Ea1talde 1. 2 a 3 Bf, t1ou- I -•-tt'°.!'.:.~30 .. ,•1 7011 1x50ed't "''-' l1IH' 1M sharing SHO/mo. •••on private atrHt, r... r--. ,,.,., • I '•••••••0 •••••••u•••• 945-8150 S4751up l~tt)2• Prleed et t .HX groe1. •Me .... 11491tt4i..4 3 BR, 2 Be.~ new Pl\t, a 1 1 l S t o r c a 11 ~:-==~~ IMI .,.,. ~t~t'. ~ .. ~"':, ::. '*p~.:; ~w~t11,:0c,7~ :p~. 836-7''19. ' lt¥9M 8 .... prtoe S 1.311 ......__ Bt1111 e73-M77 98f 1780/mo, w/d hk • ., ooo • •• :~•·····~ up n2-&122 11 ,,,. JIJJ · · ect Jotwt ....., Laouna Ntou•I tlouM a 2 Bt. newty rldtCOf•ted, •• .. •••••••••••••••••• : •' II rav•r• "•nctlo C"atlf •creege o o o d co n d S 1 O 0 Tt•de your Old etuH lor l)(fC 4 Br, 3 ... 1ar11 ""'. -·-~ to r H•wall prop . 2 Ul7t0·9 000 dy, new goodlea wllll • eecga ... eltVIEW,pello ~ ... HH ...... 7078 790.7302.,,.. C!Meified ad .. 2·5871 M75f'no 720-0376 • I . . . I ' I ('0 u~~~!e:ou0~i tor • 30 day ad In the IAJU PILIT lllVIOI lllEOTllY DO IT NOWI Alt fer lal4ra Your Dally Piiot Servtc. Directory Repr-tlllve 142·H11. ed. 122 lessianal Service Direct IHll, #1/aftHHt/ i.1rlr• .•.••..............••• Flbergla bolt repa11 Vttnlah. paint & m11n1 Prof, reat, 861·11787 •11 5pm 1.n1,,, ....••.•..••••........ CUSTOM HOME BLOR neod1 SMALLER JOBS ~IWffn hOUMI. RH/ Comm. Dan 637-0342. f !!I!!.!!.'.~!! •....••• Nu St .. m/No lhtlllj)OO Stain 8 pectallal f.'atl dry Ftee Mt 839·158' We Care Crpt CIN ner1 Steam clffn 6 uPllOI Truck mount unll Work gu11r 645 37 16 f !!!!~!/.~!,!!!!~ •.... Cemeni·MHOnry·Blook W1ll•·Cu11. work Lie. ""'""' ...................... EltCTRICIAN Prtttd right, free 1111mt1e on ta10• ot arn&ll tob• Lto 308821 813·0369 ElECTRIClAN Sml Joba/ l\41Pal11 Lie 233108·C. 10 548-5203 Al'SIO/COMM'L/INO. 20 yr1. Oo my uwn work lie 278041 Al 648·8 128 C j/ 1 #dla #381057 nob 547-2683 !!!!'!!~'.l.T!!! .•••.•••• .! ... ~~•••••••~•••••• ClllJ' Cut Formic• l op1 • o l ell PROF. CABINET MAKER •••••••••••••••••••••• kinda Prompt • Reeeon· 21 yre e•p.,Cu1tom·bll Child C1<e, my home, lull able coll 642·9126, furniture Ltc d Of pt/lime Nwpl Shorn 842·274 t Keo Ekorkell 838·1451 area. Rel•. 548·6164 ---------STEVE THE TILE f!~~~ .. ~!!.'!.'~!! ••...• !~~!'-""·············· !~~~!'!~''·········· r~~.'!9 .............. t!!'!!HM •••••••••••. ~m!!!~~'.t;1!!! .. . NIOH f ST AA SKY HAUl INO & CL CAN UPS BUSINE&SMAN WILL PAINTER Nf.[08 Hlw 9 '\) Ml-llH PROFUSIONAL c>tr your etlllng E1111~1ty CALL RICllARO HOUSE81f !ducat.cl WOAl<I 30 )'fl .-p, Intl 40 get waMrhMt« I U5 SCCR TAt\IAl S£R'llCt ptlnttd In c:olo11 lhtl tlttf tchool, 9117 8121 & CIP•ble 647 3&24 elll ~ouellc Gllillnge UC. --=-------1 764-63&1 glow In thll dirk -3841780 Fr .. •tlfNIM PIUtnblftO, heetlng & dr -- Witt do other 1pec:ltlly !~'}~/. •.•••••••••••• ~!~~~!f!"···••••••• 011111 Pllnllng 847·8432 =:•1::j.:=•~1 ~.cfM!!!~!!~~!. •• Job• etect . plumblllg, 241w II • , IU· llH Cuetom O.Ck• MhOt'lry Sat T11e Painting ployed by USC • Jour DRESSMAKER ' p•lotlng, etc fl81·287 t F OOI h 6 Patio Covett AMI Spec. relM ,75 pr day .._Mtn Plutnbef, Con· FASHION OESION£R • I -ur~p ·w•tN e11 r'rM eet. Gene 830 '40711 t t lala. 873·53711 ,·~,.'0101 lie. "2•2"50. ~able 646-11441 ••• t.••• • I I -------~•« . ., u • ••••• •••••••••••••••• at•• fN rt Toltl trM aerv lt11dtcepe Loweal r•l•tl Prompt, ReH. ratet 484·3413, •--•-1-'11 Ptlnll~ • C11•...,.t1y ••••••••"'0 ••••••••••• ' ' ...,. *""• 1 ... -..,, .. -.. "HELPING HANDS" hendyman cem.nl m•· nent pro1e11lona11. t6 _, • ...,_ •••••••••••••••••••••• Ceram Tiie llc'd & • 0 25 ' 536.(l014 ---------· "LOW RATES SS Bonded 6~4798 eve1. VEodu&nBaombeb1"2·4w0~0~70..o, 21~ _•_nr;_. yra yr• axp. 83&-7149. a.Ja•1lf•n Tr" trlm/remov, ctett1 HOME CARE·AEPAIR. tlfl ' " !~!!!'!f ... ••••••••••• w.Pl'I PlllTill ••••~·AAiHOUTTER•• up1, mowing 554·7017 paint, yard Froo haul BRICKWORK. Smtll jObl LOW rat ... lie. 53&-91108 Bond.s-.,..._llc 8344784 FrM "'· 75 1·4348 I HllHala• N-Pof\. Costa M ... , MOBILE HOMES Fr ...... 1·524-5824 • ••WINO DAMAGE? •• ~'! ••••••••• r........ ltvlne. Ref• 875-3175 30 yra IA$) FtM .... OV• Ml.l 6l ~1111/Remod. No IOb ROBIN'S CLEANING Custom Brlcll·Slone 971~1124, evt 631-5943 ..... ;!;;9 ......... .. too •mall F111 Nf'\ltca Servle• •• lhOrOUOJ\IY BIOc:k·Coner•t•SIUCCO J Q. Hom ~ ,,,.,. ..... ~ •••.....•.... * Sptttluet based chlld SETTER • expert lnllll· ~~~~~~~~~I C11M•ln co.re In love & total IC· latlon, ''"Mt lle~3283 = ••• ,-.-••• -,•·••••••••••• ceptance C M home Moat eubJec;tl, K-t4 Dey/.ve IO & s121hr Mr MOf'gan 845-~ Fr .. eat Keith 846 .... 672 Glean houae 6.40-0857 n-11. FrM HI •49.9492 11Mria• Antlqu ... kit. Cebtnell, nw ~ ••'••••;A••••••••••••• E;p:d In all home repllrt. HOUSECLEANING· Good •--'•f Farthing lntll'tor =n fine palntlnCJ, 845-0Cl84 rt/Mw CllUl•f U"llHI lft•H•ll•• Remod /Aepalra. Lo rat81. 645-6169 . fuallut l1u.i16 •••••••••i~ ••••••••• .-. Deck a. patio•. lenees. ---------••••••••• ••••••••••••• ""··· N I b too Sm-•1 ref• Trenaport1tlon. Ex• .... u•NGINO/STRtPPI 0 ·--6~ .................... . .-... o o .. . : • •• • • • • • • • •• • •• • • • •• • '"'" -· DO S Brian 650-3099 av" per d 979-9758. *I• l ltVlll* Vi1A·MC Scott 84!'>-9326 •••••• ••••••••••••••• w~;,A_S~1;:_1on~ REMOO. SPECIALIST Free HI. Steve 752-9556 CHtlltllll 0.Hlll CUSTOM REFINIStilNG JG Allen. Lie. 202752. • •••• •• ••••' ••• ••• • ••• Furn & Kit Cabinets • II HouHcl11nlng, rellabte. Top q~llty 25 yr exp, .,,,,, "1-11 Huber Rooftng-111 typea. Quelltu wo<k guaranteed Bonded. 494-1810 EXPER. carpenter does None 2 big, none 2 am111. STEITE 875 2363 add'na. remod, decka. From A to z we do II 111. • ••• •A ref. OWn tranap. Reee Compelltlve ratff. !"~.!' •• ~~::•••••••••••• N-ecovw-dec:ki F ., ti 11 848 7391 ••••••OUMP.jOBS• .... • YOLANDA 842-0405 No overtime. 730·1353 CUSTOM wood patio Lie. #411802. 548--97a. rM • mt • Al/Aall Skyllght1 & repal11. Free 714·675·9436 llc 425781 l1tltal•• -•• ••••••••••••••••••• est Oan 841--45'2 ••••••••~•••••••••••• & small Moving Jobs IPlllLE PLlm ---------c:ovela, redWOOd deci<t & lttf ,_Llllt Call MIKE 646·1391 STARVING COLLEGE lencH Randy 641-0822 Orlvewaya, Parking Loi · · Doot Bu•i lllHllll WUTll Repelr1, Sealeoetlng. Ooofl Installed, every· •••••••••'•~/. •••••••• Ctewilog Service. Clean· STUDENTS MOVING ---· _ _...;____ Don'1 ra--rOOI, repair • at HAULING-GRADING llne11 IS next to Oodll· CO. Uc. T124-436 1l•1l•1lf1MU lr1C11on Of SS. 857-2890 lteta Law lat1lr111 That ell contr~ora wht perform WOfk over S20G lncludtno labor an,c materiel• muat be lj c.nMCI. Unl~Md con 11ec:tor1 ahoold ao 11att In their edvertlalng Con 11actOJ1 ltld conaumers contec:t Mary Groodle a (714)558-4086 with 80) que1t1on1. Conlractor't State Llceoae Board, 2f Civic Center Plaza Room 690. Santa Ana CA 92701 S&S Alf)hll 831·4199Llc thing In bldg & repair. 35 Supply/lna11111/Rap1tr Mowing, edging, raking, A yrs exper. Reis Jerry Lge selecllon + hard· sweeping· Free •Ill· damolltlon, cleln·up nen. 842·8809 lntured. 841-8427 ••••••:!.~.Fe•••••••••• ROOFING REPAIRS Cn~rete & tree removal W'"TCH US GROWi ED'S PLASTERING ~-HOUSECLEANING " Neat , ...... ~ t t/ t Small Jobi OK. Free Oulck Mfll 842·783 Honest & Dependable P• ......... n ex . ..11m11e1. Cell Tom or LIGHT HAULING Brenda 962-2890 r!!~J!~I.••••••••••• •• Reltuc:coe 645-8258 ChUck, 642-6392. .}!!~!T!............. 546-4413 ware Bob 646-2923 ev1 mates. 1145.5737 Incorporation, business c. • . DOOR INSTALL/REPAIR Clean UPI -Trlmmlog advice. Reuonable lees. ur..t •llfltl Locks ln1tallad Free Sprlnklers • Malnt. 752·1962 Sh~~·&";i;;,;,·~;;;; estimates. Bill 968·8739 Free est. 642-2657 & CLEAN-UPS flll plJmH PLASTER PATCHING Free ett 842•2657 Let Shelley claen·up lor by Richard Sinor. Lie Raeluc:c(IJ. Int/ext. 30 • .f()tft ~NRY the Holiday•. Aellable, yr1. Neet"'Paul 54!'>-2977 Rt11~h/llrw HAULINO·llUdent w/lg • x p . d . 0 w n Ir 8 n I . 280644. 14 yra of happy NORD PLASTERING lie. 41'2» vuck , same 71~9 ra~ee. _8_4_6-_5_8_5_3_____ 1~11~~·~~ 1·4410 Int/ext. A .. tuccos S._.,13 A•l•tlin Color brighteners. whl Whal a Wonderlul World ..l&PUEH 11111111 •••••••••••••••••••••• crpls -10 min bteac:h. ol Shopping. right at 339.5035 •• NEWPORTWEST ~ Hall, tlv/dln. rm• S 15: avg ~our hngertlps everydayt Datsun to Rona. Custom room $7 50: couch S 10; Dally P1101 Clossllled Landscaping-Yd Clnups hank you . 1 7 BACHELOR HSEKEEP· Block walls 586-4892 wax & detall. 650-1132 chr $5. Guar. etlm. pel Ads. To place your ad, Tree tflm/remov·Malnl odor. Crpt repair. 15 yrs call 6<12-5678 and 181 8 Irrigation Jim 851·0129 John ING Buying and selllng at 11 Thlnl!lng of a n-home New In town? Classllted Unique & Spealallied reasonable price-that's Buyer meets seller-with an for lf)rlng? See the many Classllled Ads, your one-exp. Do work myaell. Ctassihed Ad·Vlsor help WANT ACTION? stop shopping center. Reis. 554·0123 you. Classlled Ads 642-6678 con help you mfft maoy Cleanlng-leundry·lron what claasltled Is olt effective classtlled ad llsllngs In today'• ctaset· ol your needs. 642-5676 etc:. $8.50/hr. 642-1207 about. 642·5678 642-5678 ,,... fled columna. 842-5678 • for your atlll·good ·refrlger•tor DOLLAR DAY DOUGH SAVERS Sell your no-longer needed Items for cash. If II doesn't sell, we'll run It another 3 days FREE. One lte(Tl per ad , must be priced. Sorry, no real estate or commercial ads. Call today for full details. (Non·refundeble. Ei<tre llnee 11.00) 3 3DAYS LINES CLASSIFIEDs642-5678 OLLA RS !~~!!! • '!~~.~.'!!~.~t~~I!!!!. F~f ~.'!'..~'~.'!.. · l'!.0.1!!!!. ¥~!~!!'.i!~!.t. l~r..'.'!!!~!!. !~!.•.'!!~ A"u:i.~:ZAH _.,.chr'i.~:;;,H A,~:::~:::.H A,.,;t;r•~• "" A,.;:;:~:::,," A,.,::::~:::11r1 Ft••l•I• V•lln 313 Ima• 3Z44 ..... ,, "''" 3Zll Baatla1t•• •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• • • ••• • • • •••• • • ••• • ••• • •• • • ~.!!!'!! .•.•.•• · •• • .•••.••••••••.•......••••••.•.••.•.....••... ··············"······· •••••••••••••••••••••• ··-··'"················· ... ,. ,14, ,,,M4 '"'•' 31 C..11 .... 31Zf c .. , •• ,,, 31Z4 CHll .... 3IZ4 w ... j Jl4I 311, S825, tovety 3 bf & den. Woodbridge. Detached 2 lllTUIE Cl. llN • •• • • • • ••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • •• • • • • •• • • • • •. l":!~ • • ••••••••• •••• ~ .CJ.~!!1! ........ . beautllul yard, xlnt bdrmpluaden,A/C,eo-Lease/option Custom JOI IESEIYEJTI llYFIHT 2Br up1talr1. quiet, enct ~~r.18a,downstalrt,lnc:d 1 bdrm apt. Cptlng, __.., 2 BA. $465, y11rly, naw netohborhood. Chlldren vered deck. Lake end twnhome, 3 br, 2·~ ba, Beautiful & park llke-Wlth little Isle, pter, 3 sto gar, no doge. 1110 Vic· '9d & garage SSOO mo. drapes, all ullt except M 1 elegant apt bldg decor, pool. nr beach. welcorM. 848-7787 pool prlvlleQIL No pets flm rm. din rm. lrplc. dbl Iced pool deluxe trg. 2Br. lrplc Io r I I . S 4 9 5 /mo 754-0986 heal. Gar. no pell. $395 In ~n• Beech: llnelt bus. No pell. 498-6277 Why throw away rent $900. 551-2340 gar. Approx 2000 aq tt tspacloys Apts $1800 mo. 675-3067 831-6812 att 10. UHi paid. Quiet, Adulll, mo. 547-2874 locatlon In town, bfealh· 2 bd, 1'h ba, blk to bch. :~:~2JO~ocS~.g;:,np!·y·~ W•H• •atA 3z4 ~~=~·5 ~~~4~~ 1;!~ 1! •Private Patios E/Slde, chHfy 3 BR 2 Ba. Patio. $300/mo Avail Jan 2 Br 2 Ba. Corldo neat SC teklng Yiews ... bullt4na, chtldren & pats OK. menta. $17SK . $215K. eM'eRALD.BAY~3u9,~·2 wknds :g~~~r:!'klno BAYFRONT ~;~oin!. :!~~;port , 1. 64Yl4-L6U958•EH·· :~;:,~.·7v5~~~1~~n 1 ;50~4:',,goo'u'p·. l.:'~~~~ :::~225492 -6637 or move In • take over ap. Ba. trplc, !>rlc:k patio, BAYFRONT • Bal Panln, •Walk In CtoMts l••alll. PMHHla• "" -preclatlon, call Sue al with epa. s 1600/mo. quiet, 5Br, no dock, no •Home llke Kltetlens Furnlahed or unlurn. WILUOE Wtlll 2 Br. 2 Ba. tamlly com-tiOLIOAY SPECIAL 330 CUii Or. 494-8083. 2 Br 2 Ba, nr S11n Cte- 891·5556 675·3087. p e 1 s . s 2 o o o m 0 . 1 blk to Huntington mos. minimum renlat 759 W. 19th. plex, dishwasher & dfs· ~n'J~ r~~'r,,C:.:g'~· !~f:; Small lludlo, ocean vi.w, ~~Yt•d..!1oroa•f..,.·. !:ie'~o& Buti•il•• 675-7673 Center. transportellon & Excel loc. S 1500/mo Minutes from the beach. poeal. en clad gerage, pd, nar. tri..... Xlnt loc, no nr Main bch. s3351mo. x'"', .. 1• p""d, $ 4-8 5 1 m q 2 Br, den, 2 ba, lrple. d/w, '"""'S. Owner 644·9513 LUXURY 2 BA. 2BA. • "'tie p-'d S"'"'tmo plus • .,, ·--.... , c ... , "'' .. . """ p. I.. Av a 11 n 0 w. ulll• lncld. 494-3044. _, ol-mlorowave. truh comp, Npt rest 4 Br. plus ''· mUTIEI FIEE Marble J)IJllm•n top $300 depo•ll. 2324 Eld· 631 8427 _11_1_.1_64_4 ____ _ •••••••••••••••••••••• sp1clou1 wood decks. av11ll Jan tO. 1 Bd F 15 5 Oec:OJator drapee en, 548-4147 • Large Studio with kitchen. CLEAN & SUNNY. 2 Br, 1 2 bdrm, 2 ba. den. pool. 180° ocean/cyn views 840-8208 agent rm rom 1 J1JHa Plulh w/w c:arpeta $575/ 2 a 2 B near beach ehopplng t nr Mall, Cul·de-Sac. $1150/mo. 494-4576 Townhse unfurn 1tai•Hll 3104 Wiik In CloMts 2 Br 1 Ba, crpt, drapes, mo. r. 4 • · Ba. refrlg. gar. No Pet.s. $750 536-7864 Beautiful rental H V from $650 •••••••••••••••••••••• P .. ~, llot stove & O/W $475/mo lownhouse, lrple. patio. $385/"!°UV\lflclda utlls. 1•t $450 , evatl Jan 2 ---------13 Br. View w/prlvacy, walll Homes. 5 BA, $1500 mo LA OUINTA HERMOSA 2 Br. 2 Ba. yrly Mature rin e pa 556-9550 716 Shllllmar car port, laundry rm. all mo.+..,.,_, aec:. to move 493-2710 2 bf, 2 be condo. 2nd nr. to prl¥ate beach, no Agt. 673-7761; 760-1397 16211 Parkside Ln, 1 bfk $60C Gourmet Kllehen A ' blt4na, small pet ok. In. Holet Callfornta Apu. --------- lrplc, tennis. MC. gate. pell, garage, lrple, bll· .. w . or Beach. 3 blk• s. ~:;:r~·,';; ~:_:..195_ SCarpc>r\ wd/ator8age80 TSL Mgm1 642-1603 Le 1 v • mes 11 age 11 ~ with ap1pllanca1 & 1'"' ml beech. Ktd1 OK. Ina. 111 + aec:. $950/mo. of Edl,,,,., .... 847.5441 5 7 9 7 9 2 7 pe, oot oor 2 Br. xlnt locatlon. kid• 0< att 5, 642-6221 494-2797. r,...-. ICfOU rom ocean S 6 o o I mo + de p . 4~1817 UIMI llllE ···~ 2 • 01 I u ; ~ry OK, 1st moa. rent 6 a.. $400/mo. 661-1192 556-4597; 213/912·7626 HTITH * $350/mo. up Bach · 1 673·3986 $550/mo 548-4630 poall $525. 963-7600 or Nr but & 1tore1, v•ry ·~· ... 311 Jll"' ---------•Monarch Bly, 3 br. 2 be. C 1 1 1 1 1 d & 2 Br. unturn & furn Baylront prlv beach 1soc 1 C 64!'>-5735 cleen 2bf roomy 2bf. no ••• •••••••••••c ....... ,. Aa• 11 Why throw rent away pvt beech. S 1200/mo "Lomp e • Y .~~.~ ohml zbe pool, lf)a. 18992 Florida ..,., It 2 BR 2 ba, Are-2 Br• Weal• d• olle Pet•. S 4 0 0 . $ 4 1 o . NO FEEi Apt. & ond 3••B•••2••B••••••s••c••p•j::: when you can own 3-3, tnct. gardener & water. autremont ... 1 a U· 842-2834, 842-3172 • .., • . Mell. Carport & poot. 2 Br. 1 Ba EastsJde UP· &42-3153 rent• VIiia Rentals. r a, nr ._.., 11200 10 s21000 pay· Avall. Jan. 1. 499•5538 lous ocean vista and ex· place. g11, $1100 Cou· No pets. $415/mo. Call per, netr achoola. No 675--4912 Broker. rec rm, pool/Jae. S69:;. men'. S 175K·S215K qulslle furnishings tor pie or 1lngte. 833.-8533 pets. No water beds. 2 bdrm, 1 ba, patio. W/O 545·7131, eves 545-5323 3 •· ,.., 9001 A I 1....J 31.... 873 2162 "ook up 485 Plumer St 2 Br 2 Ba. from $525. N Move In, lake over. Arch Bay Holl. Newer s~~~nd~I/ :;~~renet~ !~!~.!!! •••••••••••••• "!! 2 8 1 Ba .Prlv11e • n· IUTllT II $450/mo. 631-8155 $ 4 6 5 .. 5 4 4 . 5 9 3 9 : pet1. ACl'OSI trom Mew ,..,. ,, ... I '"' Shere appreciation. Fl· bdrm & Den. Frpt, New Orengetree 2 Br 1 Ba, 1 · u West1lde 2 Br. 11ove & &46-5976 Pof\ e.ech Golf Coorte ••••••••""•••••••••••• nanclngavalt.CallSueal Crpt,OceanVu,lmmlQ, Whlte,644-6200. lower unit on water deck, Newport Beaeti . 2 Br, 1•.t Ba twnhse. 545-41155 . CONDO, 2 Br. 3 Ba 891•5556 $1050.(213)594-8126 ,..,501 E 55 -658 • bloc:k 10 beech & bay Bulltln1, taund rm. ~rlge. ~~1decorV:led. 2 bdrm. 1 ba, comp. r• Ocean view • Close to 1 -mo. ves 1 1 qulat quallty neighbor carport/B"· 6"d/bilc. pets. -mo. &Ill' dee Patio. Ger Lar~ _ _. •'"'9•• • h'""' & •hoJ>• 499-1460. 2 bdrm. 1 bi. •~95 Ind North Laguna 1 bdrm. Small et K F/p p 11 Id . 1 n dry t e c .... ,sw _.,_ -, -b 2 blk ...... h • i•u• •~II 31' .. I hood on Balboa Paotn. unll $525 mo 551-61 3 & 4 ""·. ,............ to we1-. A F . &. _. utll 4 bike 10 beach. No a. gar. 1 10 .... ac · ~'•••••••=••••••••?• suta Point. lumlshed or 18254835/mo. 6-46-4382· . furn •.,.unv..-lurn. ra•so-n ,,11a1at1 •t•ll•ww nats Lower unit In du· Avall lmmed. $650 "817 2"~3 Ltg 2 8d ., ___ --'11~ '" .... J4A11 .. -553-8487 851 1345 Lullury tludlo. tree HBO. unturn 834·1879 ' • .,.. • Lrg 3 Br. 2 Ba ctrpet, · ,._,. ...,_.,,... able. all amenllle5. II Dalua ,_ ptex. 213~148 · • • phone, maid aerv, apa, 2 Br. 1 BL ullls p-'". ,. 25411 Otange Ave. drapas, .:.rport, nr occ. 1011 ol wood thruout, Btokll' 675-4912. •••••••••••••••••••••• 2 STAY, 3 Br, 2 Ba. Outel , ..... Biili 3J5' S130 wit. 499-3015 ...... " 2314 Santa An• Ave No pets. $550 / mo. aerv bar. $460. 2256 WWlll SI. Very nice encl yd. ••'••••••••••••••••••• Ila Cl,.•all JJ1' b Io ck IO beach Call IOf appl 751-36&6 Mapla. 673-81103 or 1750/mo. Aot. 536-1435 2 bdrm condo. A/C, eocJ 2 •••••••••••••••••••••• •SIGHT & SOUND HOO/mo 111 & Int TSL Moml 548-7356 YILLAIE or 960_8468 car ger. Full upgradea Hiii side ocean view 3 ~ OF SEA 1Br, lrplc. gar 646-5743 842·1603 AVAIL MW • B . New 1&2 bdrm .• luxury $800 mo. 551-0255 att 6 convert den & maid• winier 1425 mo. $295 nice ba<:hetor, r••· Large 1 Br. rel rtge. ••l••tll• 1Pl1 In 14 ptana. 1 Bdrm SPAC. custom exec. 4 Br. quarters $2000/mo. 494-5184 ponalble peraon, ulll' WllTLAll VU.WE range, laundry. pool, IHtt jiff from $540, 2 bdrm from 3 Be, pool, spa, man) ·~ti •1tll JZIS 213/449·2628 .,.,..,, ••ti 311S paid. no pell. 108 E. Ba) Bachelor & 2 Br 1p11 carport . No pet 1 . •••••••••••••••••••••• $595, Townhouse trom aJ1tr11. $1200./mo. $ ....... j"j;".;··;y,·.;• • J ••••'"••••••••••••••••• A A 19 avall. Pool, apa, laund S425/mo. 931 W. 19th UIWIPll APTI 1685 + poola. tennla. 964·0221 uper spec a '· a ••• H• OCEANFRONT Dix 2·4 Br ve. p . rm. No pell. lmmed 0c-St. 548~492 A LOVELY PLACE COUNTRY CLUB LIVING w1terlall1, pond1I Gas SAii oondo, Iott-type den w/ C!filllHI 3111 By week or monlh C111a• 111 #u JIJJ C\lp. TO LIVE IN NEWPORT BEACH tor coolling & heatl'lO H TIE wet bar. l rplc, open •••• •••••••••••••••• 673•7873 •••••••••••••••••••••• Becl'lelor $375. 2 BR duple11 w/enc:t gar. •Homey/Pvt 1 & 2 Br Slnglel, 1 &. 2 Bdf'm. plld. From San Diego vu of ocean: 2 Br. 1·~ beamed celllnj•· many AVAILABLE NOW. $495 ITIPI Tl tolll 2 Br. S525. Aeclec .. good netghbOf· •Pool/IPAfbbq Apw1ment1 Frwy drive North on ea, ouard gate, pool1 extra a S 8 5 I mo . Immaculate 2 bd condo. On lhe beach hotel t Large 3 Br. 3 Ba. man) 955 W. 19th St hood, S 4 9 5 . C • 11 •5 ICl'IS ol beaolllully & Townhou9eis Beach 10 McFadden 10 1 aunt/gym. $800 848-74520f841·2880. all extras, pool. 2 kid• room apL kitchenette & amenltlei. s1100. Cal TSL Mgmt 55~5001 ltnd1caped surround· Froml5e0 Seawlnd VIiiage 213/333-3846. 960-7313 Spec. 3 br. 2•.t b• very OK, no dog•. 831•9303 bath, furnished 1250 & Dorothy 673-7975 846--8122 Lovely 2 Br 1wnh11 on lngs On Jambofee Rd. •t (714)1193-5198 clean twnhM, pool, jog· Of 240-6019 u P + de P 2 3 0 8 W Spac:lou1 2 Br. 1.,., Ba E.tlde. nu cq>ta/drapes, • Nr Frwys & shopping Sen Joequln Hfls Rd. lrm• JZI~ ...................... 1m11.1 t• 4 Wrws. liartl11 •• .... ft 11'11. xlng, etc. $800/mo Agl Jt 6 f.!1 3Jl4 O Ce 1 nI 1 on t ' N ' B BMut ooean. bay Pavlltor Townhou11 wlfrplc, E/ lrplc, pallo & lrg IUn· • Oulet area ..... ,. ..... fM 44-1«-0 •• ,!.... !~.~........ 673-4154. ~~~~~ 'a';J,: lkte. No pets. 1 car gar, deck. gar $525/mo. 111, at!· ;r) ; ""lift" 8-utllul large 4 Br. en •••• Uiiii"iU.oi .... 3Br,Westctlll,evall.now. L•~ .. optlon. 3000 1 1'1 1" $140 0 mo . tease bll-tns S595tmo. Sle<ra last & dep. No P•ll Ml· ctad patio •tep• to •Tll IH get..., are11, tenn • er 1. 5411•3441 Mgmt. IM 1-1324 &46-3420 1 Holland C<, HB • • s1000. Harry Frederlek, ocean vu, Medlt 11yle, Spacious single, ont Btwn Stat91'1Wtmer bMctl. Yeerly. 875-4419 . a5 . .P"l5~83 1. I 2 8 6 or $2000/mo. 551·8215 r. two bedroom Nice 2 BR 2 Ba upstairs F•Htll •FHT •Mf:SA VERDE ..2-l'r. 1 on 8-:t\ 1t ~"' ,......., I Wkly rental• $95 up ... .,.. ""' O' 11,., bak:on 1 1 b 1 ea. Newly decor. $495. W " ...., """" Of 1>0'W'11' Color TV, free coffee. Ctal•l•I••• apartments. •Pt w ,....c, y, patio Like nu. g• ' •P '· No pets. 833-8974. Wlltl UI boet. 3 BA 2'AI ba. con-heated pool & atep1 \o • and oar. Avall now. Cr• lrplc, dW, !JAi. S475/up. •--do. 11200/mo w/dock. Kitch' 11 U•l•1al16H 34.5 dlt ref 1 must. No pet1 Patio Of balcony. Pool & 2 bedroom, 2 bl. gar1ge. Sp1e. 1 & 2 br. lovely $1000 without. 650-1190 OOM99n5. N. "-~~tvHa ~. •••••••••••••••••••••• $725 mo. Call 875·2311, ..... No ..ate. 2650 Harle. upstairs no pet1 $415 pfnea & 1treams, sac. ..,.,..... •. , I •••.. Pa•s Nr So Co111t Plaza -... ,...... Mra. Long L.-una Be-·". 494·5294 •• • • · · · btwn 9-5 Meta Pinet 549·2447 1604 Caraway 979-31142 galel, entry by phone, =:==-::-:":'.:-:::"=:-::=-::--:--11_:=-.!:.:::.=_=.:.:...,:.::.:':.....:.;:..:_:.:.::.....:. FURNISHED or unlur· Sharp 3Br Ht ba. pool tge rec area Incl. gym, OCEANFAONT-Cu1lom Room. lhr Ba, pool, Npt nlstled. 2 mos. minimum and jacuzzi. 2 c11 0111, Gr"t 2 bdrm, 2 ba ups· $395: 1 Br, refrtg, pttlo, pool&. epa. 846-6591 Decor, 3 br, 2 ba, up, Bctl, kit. prMtegee 122~. rental. Ex eel locitlon patio $625/mo. Kida & tatrs apt with flreplace. no pell, adulll pref. hotlltlf emenlllea. yrty $1200/mo 845-2590. Pref Femaje s 1 5 o o I m 0 owner pets Ok. 556-8147 bt.tcony, gar. Avail Jan 731·0 18th St. 873-7787 ltW A--..lel ...-s WW Mllur• PeraonL 7400 W. 28/oYer 644.9513 FURNISHED or 111 S800 mo. .,._ lrg 2 • 3 BA 1----Ocnlmt 85()..9192 •----· -----720 8 1 Bdrm. 1 ba. pool, laun· .. """""""-H 3 bd A..,,_tallF•tmldH UNFURNISHED ·1 41Wknd1 dry, adult•. no pell 1BR , tBA . 2BO , 18A 1Pta.111C1oar.fr'plc.Neet OUf'lEX 2 Br 1 Ba.di Furn room. prlv. home HarborVlew omee. • .r.-;;.-;;••••••••••••••• All UTILITIES Af16wkd• 1385 • 833 •7890 or bothwllhtwoe«electrlc ~uni. Hrbf. from $545. · w, pool Sec.Gate NrOCC BAYFRONT 2 ba tovety hom4I pool ,,, ..... _ • l I 3"-•. ..,,... ,,,_.~ ·"y C .. I... O,; '"~" '"'"7 lndr'y. WALK TO BEACH. Call di"" 63t-3910 -gardener. S 1200/mo' .. ~!!.~ ...... .6.~ PAID. HEALTH $850 2 br, 1 ba. lrptc. no 648-1947 ffO'nl' ,k,..,.,....,. •• -• "...,,., "'· .,_,...,...... !!,,2~:,o. 962-4914, alt. 4'.°'30 631-9776:-,513 CA"f"'5Dl:IRVM Avall 1/16--83. 846-8646 2 Br 1 Ba, trpl, egl garage CLUBS TENNIS pet1. 2 B t B t 1 t 5' pa · MAOOOX APTS. 1 & 2 br. ..---18001 1 1 111 A 1 • Aoen1. 760-1199 9-6 r. L u~ n 1 • Frt• Nice, lulet surroc.indl""". ---------•Smalt attrec, tum. 1tudlo Univ Perl( 3 Br 2'"' Ba, ~ car gar, 1950 a.I .• 1 )'f ..... '845. 844-7220. 549-8755 3 bf, 2 ba, ale. 2 ur gar. frple, no common walls rec center. S750 552-3288, 213/597-4987 Eastbtull Condo. 3 br mo nc u g SWIMMING plus plex. enclad o•rage. No ... -AcroH from beach. 2 nr bch fOf em""'d. Non· 2'.laba. 835 Amlgo(No 8). 673-4062 I Cnt1 #11• JIZI pelt. 2278 Pomone. 1411 ft 1111, $450-550. 842-8781. bdrm. deluxe. Yearly. smkr. Prvt klrc'henette, S 9 7 5 . 9 6 o -9 3 6 7 "lHa mu(h mort! Sorry, j •••••••••••••••••••••• $475/mo. 851·2175 Bel 11·5. $750/mo. Guy 631·5300 PM entry. l300 Incl utils. 213/541-4460 ''•ia••I• 3102 no pets. Modtls 2 Br w/gar. upattlra, 631-5909 Lge 2Br wt gar Super OCEANFRONT . 3Br, 28a pool, TV, tenn11 Rel'• Beaulllul home 3 Br. 2 Ba. •••••••••••••••••••••• open dally 9 to 6. mealiB.AU $415/mo. No pet1. Rel• clean. close to bch. upper unit, lrplc, gar. req. 493·3490. 2 cer garage, pool, IP•. Small 1 BR •Pl. new crpl, Oakwood req'd. 352 Vk:tOf'lt $495/mo 964-4888, $1260 mo. Yr!Y. 87!'>-2725 Female Roomm•I• 10 very prlv•I•. 1 yHr le•· drpl, $425. .. ... ~. 845-8181 536-T330 dye, 87M58~ evea. lltlar• apt. In H.B. Q~ te. $1350/mo. Avell Jan 875-5068 G""rden AnJ11rtmen6·I 8eautllully landictped '''tfll-L.I 2 bdrm. 1'"' b• twnhH 1 N " S2 5 • r-y gllden apta. Pool & Spa. Flreplaoe, pool, dlthwattl-••-=--=a.I S 1375 d N 1 br, 1 be. 11ove, refrlg, oc. on-1m .. 1. 1 111. 714/770-0347. 2 Br, 1 Ba. turn. no gar I Patlot/decki. No pell. er. p'lt patio. X 119 gard· AIUMITS · 415 + •P· '· new paint. Cloee to 536-2875 NEWPORT CREST Yearly $650 mo P'U• dee>. Newport Bodi/No. 1 Bdrm 1476 en. 2 Br. l5e0. 55 -284 t. Be•utllul garden apt• =c~vd~ M~:!; beech. S410. 557-0975 1·p-,-o-f_w_o_m_e_n_w_/_l_•_m_1_iy Agent hU 2 apeclal c:on· utll pd. No pelt . Step• to 880 lrvint Avf. 2250 Vanguard 540-9628 Large 1 er nHr a hope, Patloe/declla. Spe. l'IMI pr_;.d, no;..... .....,, ~-· Beautiful 3 Br. 3 Ba. w1nt1 to 1hare rm w/ d 0 • .. 2 • 3 B 1 1 . beach. 875-5069. 11116th) ~-i.t No -'I "'' ...-•-.,.,_..... I $260 E • pool, alt uttt1 peld. 11184 ,..._... ........ · TownhouM, 2 car gar pro . . ve1 call $1000/$1200. 845-0295 C.tt•I ,., .. , 311J 645-1104 s•1o Monrov1L 548..0338. 2 Bdrm. 1'A Ba $5GO 2 Bdrm, I ba, $460. age, lrplc, lndry ht(-upe. 759·1406 F •• u.. te rt.t ••••:.-:.=:;·;i:;•••• Bect1e1or1 .. 2 Bdrm. 2 Ba. $585 tit/last & dep. 7794 m 1 .. r 0 N 0 p 111 ---------"' _.._ "'"' Newport 8Hch/So. 1 Bdrm $4115 THE SEVILLE 2 Br w/gtr. 398 W. Wltaon 631·55113 Newman. Ph &4&-4558 " ' 900e · N. B. DOVER SHORES Newport townhOUH, 4 831·7714 1700 16111 St 131 E."111th. 646-11818 crpll, drpl, blt4nl, lncO s950tmo. 875-• Full ea. bed. mlcrowe~. Rede<: 2Br, 2Ba. lrplc. bdrm. 2 car ger. 111 (at Oovt•I 181 E 181h 642-0856 yd w/patlo. water pd Est·ld•. 2 bd, 1 be Ou· S445. 2 Br 2 Ba. pool, Lower 2 81. duplex w/ lrlg. Sap ent $350/mo Woodbridge. 1850 mo per mo. By Jan 111, Beautiful eunaet. deoorl·' 2819 "O" Santi Ana ptex. Cll'd gar, Prlv yrd. patio, kldl Ot<. NO pet• patio a carpe,rt. 1111111 Call Ginger (213)6M-t096ev.. 833-5806,760·2578 tor t urn apt. Frpl. 6•2-Slll 1U.JU,IU. A ve . s s20 . Cal l $495. No Peta. 288 84&-&eee,M0-7414 1725,mo.831·68&4 841..ee8eMon-Frl8:30•5 Near,_, lmmao, htghty 2 Br 1800/mo 3 Br S9951mo873·0898. Newly decor. Gu pd, 1~120 SantoTomu.942•838!1 1 Br, relrlg, bullt-ln1, 3 Bdrm, 2 be, 2 bike lo Large prlv rm w/prlv ba. upgrtded detac hed 1950/mo Have olher1. C..tl #t~ 3111 2Br 2Ba, 1tep1 to bch. encl gar, dw1hr, Pool. •ll•TI 2 8d, 1 ea. ger, pool. drapu & etrpet. No ~h. Patio. Pet • OK. Prfv entrance. 2 bike lo 'hOITWl In Woodbridge. :1 Fred Tenore, agt •••••••••••••••••••••• auume8mo.onyrtyl11. bbq nopell.842-6073. ...,, • ...,. Chlld OK. N o pelt P9't.980-2875 1700/mo.873-3728 to wn a beech. Non Br & den, 1trlum w/lf)a, 631-1286 1390 Attractive Furnlthed $750 mo. 850-79311 evea Newer 2 BR 2 Ba. $475. -" $560/mo, 13119 A Bllctt. Aull. f or CIHlttm11. ~-. 1 working PAf· maintenance free yrd. N-port Sh<>rH 3 Br. 2 apt. large pelto, garage. 1 BA, 1375 mo .. blk to No P•I• 7110· 1418 or 2 Br. 1 Ba. l.undry rm, 841-0783 Lowty cuatom 3 bdrm 2 ~ e:"o!i ~ eon onlY. '275 mo. 111 & Lake, pool•. ten nit. Ba. near bHch, Avall. Mature, quiet. No lher· ocHnlpool • 1ngl •dll 842·75211 ev1/wlcnd1. pool, orpll, drapu. 1 Br, avllt now. W•ler a be With doubee .19' ,.;. • t l•t. Utll lncl'd. TY hOott/ $1000/mo. 975-3972. now, ltlort Of long l«m tng1. No pet1 2234-B prel'd. Avail Im med $400-$415/rno. ho1 water !\Kn. No peta. piece "° ~ '814 mo llon. 1425. ell Jan u P . F o' •PI c 111 ewe 876-1558 I••••. s 8 9 5 7 mo RulOAI'• Dr. Colla Mela 842·5002 L~~h:,t:'~1!1d~r.' ~~:.i 2284 MAPie S375tmo H4 Mluton 17871 Vwn Buren .• '*' tcW 84&-7800 417-3121. Avail Dec 15th rift§ SPRINGS. 1 bdrm 7eo-1977 2131454-5104. 121 1 1 S 4901m 0 2 Br t Be cafPOrt, lndry 0riw. 84&-3427 appt or lnfO 141-5'24 or 1• :ri w/9'0'le, retr'IO a Furn or untum. Slept to condo. Pool. jae, running Remodeled condo, 2 Br & .. ,.., YIU.Ml 1Jn~::;:::~o;,~ = 845·8826 '"'· vi.w o~otl coorM 3 Br 1475r 1.,., Ba tl0-1S47 par Ing. S400 mo NPT 8CH Pool, l•o. etreemt ISOO. 857·1010 dan, c:omm. pool, nr 8Mu11tut Landtcaped 873-1901, Sindy, IOI BAY TIMBERS ffom cse::. Jo:~mo 2 er. $425. t Be 2 9t, 1 la. v.,Y pttow ~ 975-0812 llft PM lennla. MC. '235 tno ulll GREENTREE 3 Br. 2 Ba. Hoag Hoapllal, $750 o ... w•t., paid. P1tlos, &pac. blCMlof, Mt bath 1 er . nrepl-& poo1 lll.... 142 1MI Pool, No pelt 5'8-955' tetra unit. 3 &flea from Luaury t Bt ,.ntt1ouM ... 11_54&-'4 __ no _____ _ Ir pie. In dry rm. comm Ag1. 760·8333 pool, jecuzzl, uuna. ten· B!Oelt from beactl AveM Privet• petlo a garage • NEW CONOO 1 8' 1 Ba 0 c •an • • n c I 0 • r. pool, 8'»a. o.-!Ootll N.8 2 rooma. beth, pool, po o I , I a O O I mo . Lii•• llll nl1 court•. volleybtll '300/mo yrly 21·2•301h $480. 848-1883 1485/mo 2 Br 1''• 8• 2 d 119 fll)lc MIC 0 : *'80/mo. A,gt 53&-14'5 cour=· '':.S laet '9nnlll • .,_ &51..f209, &51-476' -courtt, rec room, Jr. I St 875•3208 · 3119 w . Bay St. upper unit, all bll•lne, wa:!. pool a 1 '• or MO ltll eeo. mo. t-4300 '360 mo 145·5848 Dr•no-tr .. ldlitt condo 2 5 Br. 51~ Ba. main bay. Br. l\lrnllhed S430. · L1rge 3 Br 2 Ba. Town· c11port, lndry rm. bal· $875/mo. Awalt ,.C 1. OLOll TO 8tt<>P8. 2 er. 1 Ir. ,.arty, gar ptcng, "°°"' with knch !>flv. Nr bf beeutttul deoc>r, .,,;.. 50' altp, S4400 on yr IM· Call 657-0075 A ll<>UM In quiet com1>1••. cony.527 W Wit Mll-2151 1 ... LMlfld tee. Nr bdl. ltpe '° be9C11, 1418/mO. bu• lln• a i hopplt\g ntitee ~· .., r ... 875-0568 Bull• ,,. i,ltt•nll large pool, garden Ml· . Ion ••NIT llUMI No pela. S4IO/lft0, ,., ::l;.~: t -5441 eve °"'*· 191·7120. Ind .•. 8113-315 2 Br, 2 B• CONDO 2 car ;;:s ,,. .. !!~~!~ ....... ting. H76 845·:)381, lll .... 142·1MI 8-lttM/lalldmped :\;.11CM1111 ....... ,_ ~ .... oompt tum Mii COl'll• WOOD8~t001!: 4 Br. 3 oer:cr, ll88f H::! Hoe· •••••••••••••••••••••• ,,,_ IWN "" 815-5948 IE.Mt~ B.cMIOr a-...._ peld. ,..._, ......, ...... -i::,:' ""· PoOlllcle 911 ea. 1 '* 0.,, qu1ee °"" pl111 7&0/rno 5U4 l•FID "'9 ...................... 1 bf, r•lftg, atov.. lndry. laaMed cefllnt, Frenct\ pool jacuut •T ..._ .WI "*-' V.1~••n't "': •· N,8 . Lt cook, m11 de·• a C Yr I Y tt'!,! LIDO 181.£, 4 Br. 3 la. 1 & 2 8A, pool, 1pe, VHrly • 2 ldrm, 1 bt Pall cont 1395 1820 door• to private pallo, ~ couna.' ;-.~m ........... :7-U apa, MOUf 't ga e, 1 ~ M1' ..... '376 lnct S1200/tn0. AJt an;• -11400. 222 Via P eao. no I*•. !um IMllt llrepiece. 2 cer f:rlftll W~ 840-802t lerge k"Cllln' "'"bath courta. rac room. Bf W..,. lea. Coftdo, 1 llr I .,. .. .-, "° ....._ "''*"*'· A#t «tty 111..01 • t75-71M Cl1•) Ml·.. NOOtmo 876-t 7 2 8' 1 a. 171 W. Joenn ~Y911~7~2::"'mo. ~7: k NH Cal ,,.~~NO. pellO. ~1.C;... Ml-Hftll '°"*'*1111 you weflt Mardi to ytNt phone to Cenat front, upper 2 01 Holtand C<, H8 SMI cottage, 2 Ir t Ba Up1Ulrt No p_etl. -----'° 111? Qelllfled adaclo pe.ca a IMt·acllno C1M-bdml, ~ tllp evall 1 1 Btwn llaterlWarlMtf frpl, no gar. STOO/mc 1425/rno 81etra MOMt Sell ltllnOe l•t _.,,, DellVI Hew tometfllnO to ... , llLL ICll• ttetM with • It wall I Call NOW. lifted Id ... i .se11 ooo mo. 7l0-0909 cfl a..cn 1nc1 111M. AO• ui-..ot2 841· t324 Piiot went Adi. Cl...,ftecl .. io " ... Oe!IJ "°' Cl•• ... d Ad 142.1111 J ) Or nge Coaat DAIL 'I PILOT/Mond y, Ducomb r 13, '982 C'7 ~!.'!/t,.~t ... !.'.ff !t'!!..~Jfl .... ~.~!f w~~ ,_; "1m........... ... ..~11..'9'!'#. .... !L 11.&LUI ... ~ .,.. 8UI •• :::": •• ; •••••••••• ~TI Cuetom r11ntaa)' l'nooe eu.10d1e11 Wkly r.nlall now avall ~-''om 225..-60 Ml 11 17&0 up. 21eo II tnctu Cotlv« .. llOn *'~ hllltl Cu110dlan N"ded If I 10& & up. Color TV 1 I* IQ " MM'f .,,.. ,,,, .... OltlC;a ti 101 ~ MOIV18A 2• hrt 1111' Wiit-• r.Omf>ltl~ In Phone• In toom U7• all 687-1010 oonoo 0 1ro1e, p a. T Cell llf-0701 COIOl\I o.i M., We are Newport Blvd CM 40().900 PLUS t400 eq, II Huntington, 8uoh IPIAITUAL HlADIN08 took. Ing IOf e hltd WOik· M&.744& PenlhO\.IM 01ytr011t Sul· ~· Ad11lce In 111 n\•llen, ~ .. ~11:'~~l'1r:~~ B E A C H AR E A le, Plrklng, P•llOI. U7t aq It trvlne .,.. tov1, matrl•g• & bull ~ular cu1IOdlal mat1111 t73·t~ S 1030/mo. At10 Mr ,,.,, Aleo coun .. ttnu lh• setting up of 11rg1 ......... - Roger• leave mHHg• II 5 lo Et Camlrio R4tat, room• tor mMtlno• and SU/Wk 534· 1056 Ian Clem 492-1'2110 ptogflm1 Heavy 11111ng oat Alt'*ltlll'll ruitlc u~lelf8 ol tabtea le 1equtr1d Refrlger•tor·Mald·Pool Mtllf'IO, W• au~ dMlt., 1000 •I 9'>'4lll w/offlct, fAMOtJS CIRCUS Ell~ ,,.,-eon Pr11.,-rtc1 Nwpl 81\'CI & WlltOn apecie, copier. YO\.I aup. on w. l8th St, C M PleaH have relerencM Coete ..... &41·9765 CllY l)ftOM. a. 195 I: rno ... 5.9t07 Ma1""'•s IM'd W()(I( ••ri-<teoc. In· Pl~ Knot Motel Of1 Coul P' Oeak. Cell e.t4-2 t 1 ........_,, .... , •1111 lormellon eveltable when Hwy , NB. Stepa to llM11fll t•OO eq It With office In Ma•UOI P1rtor OOt· calllt1Q Call MOll·Frl, 9 ocean. Wkly ralea. 1111_, _ Coat• MHt Ve<y tM.t ~ gltl1 to-n you AM ·• PM 873·2268 ... " ,. ... ,. •r.w ..,.,.. c ..,_ from tO AM until 4 .,.....,.._"""' With UH ol reception, ""1 811 Mr. ,...hac;hter. daya e WMk. Free 1Em&T111 Ill.II cont. room, klldl, pnone, 549-3464 bull•t. 718 NO. Harbor PIT, FIT, xtnt comml1 .. MCtel811al & word pro-1100 11. Tep Loo , 2 010 81\!d, Fullerton work In OC. Mu11 ha11e ReHonable ratH. Kii· ceealng. Malt & meauge •/cpl, OIH Door, Fri/ l14-lll·l111 11alr lor cOlor, will tral.n. ~~~'.'8i ~~=;. m,::,~ wv. avall i!artttl'f II rear dr. $385. 075·0251 All MAJOR CREDIT 84_0_·5_2_4_9 ____ _ vi••· SANDPIPER MO· deelr1;4<]f~W6 1100 lq ft, oltloe a war.. CARDS ACCEPTED llllYUY 1111 A PUOll ••• 11..'!,,.'!!. •••• l.~'A ~~"'9 •••••• ~~' !Im.I/,~.'!.~! .......• ~ TUllUI Norge netvy dut" wlllNr, llW\e COMt C.ounlry (..lutl P111tlllMI poilllon• Ii dt)'•• 11Tt Hervnt Membe1eh1p for aetie tnoome Call Mr Ce1io Oold '41 0-HI 1 t!IOO/C)fjer 871Htt~ I ot bllllCO, 804·1II1 -818/&el •122 p II a PI T llrH/H .. ,, •XI' fully d811ll10 HO Now hiring u ••"'•••••••••••••l'•~.. •oat• train '•Yi out Coutla £•per Pr11, but 24' 10·10d bOY'• 111111, II ' nol Required. Wag.. "'01 ol(I, Ilk• new 176 Bechman ano .. A h••1111 Negollable TU QRINO a.44"4201 1&1·91~6 a1r1. MUii .... Xlnt ER RHTAURANT 1400 -' C II r I e Im I I 8 I 11 w PCH N 8 442.'1191 10·apeed ROI•. prolee1to ••00/080 842· 1•3. ' nat mOd4M $150/obo 682-1•&1 Q&ltce pe11on. Fil, 111e 073-5~23 or Mll-211111 1 treetc ••c>e pl•"•' tao ~k'g, typing lfllng M1111 • nave Pturn-btno olltc• Schwinn bHCll erut111, Ampllll4N 120 New Alln work experl•nc• Call mttalllc blue, nlcket bO• 1hoe 1k1111, 1111 Hogan PtuMblng 11 cNln, xtnt cond, S125 OI 51.t $75. 7b9-t288 ....... u belt Olli' S4$-4o2& Twin •IH BraH HHd boltd, S3$ Ev•• ~~!,"!'!end• 1.iui.1 MMT40 Rtapontlble adult•, over #1tnl1l1 1115 Orey Nof'NtQlan fur cape, 21, with ou111andlng ••· SHdj ••;;:;;d~;;·~;;,j ~oufder length lrlCtlvl ~raon•llll81 to ot 19 lo 8' htoh.' lfllltd 175 6••·9666 work with youth (agea gta11 tn anodfr.ed alum JACUUI MOl.O 10· I 4 I Call 2·SPM, f,. me. Bu I o lier , 11000 or bell oflet TEL, 1967 N-POfl Blvcl.1---------1 hOuM, xlnt IOC, So. S.A. llOllTI I ~· F/tlme tor tocAI delivery CM 845•9137 IELllE SUITE ~~~~~n~~w~ti Ct~:~o 2• hours · CJlll 635-9199 ~::~"It~==~: C•••t1n II Ventura Lugg;g;:-Mana 11,..,u,. l•••-•,4••1 ..... , frt-lf 11.11 M&-7512 ,,57•9212 Mi Emmon• Pla/lt C1re ••••"••••••••••••••••• Two Suiter, uM<I onoe. 80·4321, ext. 340 873-7677. 5•8-812t E.o .E. r-0 , '"' ,.,, •~· •• w Interior l8rldacaptng . LE T T ER . Q U '" l ITV 185 M•·99t8 L;·g·;··9,-g09;:;·e:~·;,~· 1 1.50/sq It. l•ue. Rent • Mg 000 1q II. ucm11 Oenlal Ellper Helpful, but not ,.. P~ Table color TV 2 842-4644, M·F, 9-5 1250/mo 2944 Randoll • EllPlrtenced R.0 .A. nee. Mual heve good PRINTER. B<olhtr EM·1 Statt Bumper Pool T•ble lrpl'e. S le•P• 14. F0< LeaM-Olllce 3 rm•. #5,C.M.875-5118. lllELS needed 10< Orthodontic drlvtngrtcOld 751·1756 parallel del ay wheel wlthredlett,llkeneww/ 714/545-e918. 1200 aq It. GOOd tretflc, ,,., .. , 41S' ...... practice In Mhlllon Viejo REAL ESTATE printer. u ... teM rlbbOll. accee. 1350· 833•0538 OI l ... Tahoe Inell Vig 3 good algn a expoaure. h•••••••••••••••••••• wtl ArM 830·3703 Saleeman. Need 1 upe-Xtnt condition. ln1truc;. _1_eo_.e_53_8 ____ _ -• • ne • 18423 BNch 811/d, H.B. Stor-o-Spece 12' 11 18' Ttltll* OomMtlo rlenced i-aon In com· tlon manu•I $800 Tllfany 811181<1 light. honey Br 2 ba lld rental, Antol-Call 831· 7900, Aft 0 & 38" door. '$70/mo, plus Full· time llve·ln ell en· mtrclal 4 lndutlrlal reel 751·8"0& COIOfed. 1250. 833·0538 nette 7021631·5554 wkndl 931·9309 $ 7 O a e c . de Po a 1 t Beautllul modell tor the danl tor chlldren. Muet aetate fOf • IUCGMlful & or 78()..8538 CONOO.SUNVALLEY 2000aqftotfloew/500aq 673·•154. Newport dlacrlmtnatfng w11o love bt non·amokef a.nd wll· growing firm 11H,. Ft• IH5 l'"ranctacan "Madeira" 8 Beeutllul 2 atory, 2 Br. 2 ft warettouM. $1545/mo. _ae_ac_h_. ------the "gOlden t~h". Ung to travel oecutonat· Beat WOtklng condition• •••••••••••••••••••••• I Ill I di Ba. Sleepl M comfOfl. lrvlne area Mr ROQef• ly. Call Betty, 851-9388 In Newport Beac h. llYUU W •II ~e:-1'1950"\;3.~;;6 !; able. 186/day. Call leave meeMg. 538-1058 lul.,H/l•n1t/ Open 7 Daya 8 Week IOf Interview. 714/846-505t Sweet, allectlonate F _1_eo_·_·8_5_38 ____ _ 857•1244• F·"' ~...__ 11 1 1l•Mll 111-HH MIYUl llEHI Sates SSK month. Be no•ppyr\Mdegoodhome. BEAUllFUL v. tennth na. ;. ";itit"i:.:'!,y ~~: 1;;i,;;;;••••••••••••• 1185 PARK. C.M. No hperlence Req. Slim. gain HS. Need 842--0100 989·122t tural lunaral~e mink ••• ,,,,,..,, .,,, legea (Eat. 1971) Olftcel • ttuJ "'5 VISA MC Make up to s t3/hr f5~!'e72l II . App I ~~~~~~~~ 5··,~~· ;;~ue.,· lur •••••••••••••••••••••• allllllable mo. to mo. or ••• -~r.~ .... !l........ Starting pay. Full/Part ---------if•t•ll•ll "" ac · --04 t 1 - M&fE leaae. $195·$545 mo. Famtly M•klng/ Manage-REFRESHING UTOPIA t(me •11all. In our pub. Ul.ll Ollll1 lttell •••••••••••••••••••••• 8' Pool Table w/llte. Cott -Word proc1Hlng. con· ment eJIPMdlng. 11 lntlf· GLOW. OC'e llnett, lie. Call toda)' tor appt Offloe Supply co. hu II * *' BUY** $1800 new. Sell $850. Fl•IS ference rooma, Teleic. e1ted In Htloue ntra matMYr 840-8065 537·2880 KING chg time position avaJI WI Witt def. 548"·6677 ExlCUlhle Row Inc. 3901 ineome call 848-833 t tor *',. llllT •IHn* Ene<oettc outgoing lefnale train Newport Statlonef• Good used Furniture & A Juclef OOd condf Oldelt & lwgeet egency. Mac:Anhur Blvd, 211 (at appt. No rla6<1I • -10 deliver belloon bou· tnc. 557-0212 M1 Em· Appll8ne419-0R I wlll 1111 ,t= 145 • g • All ct1ent1 ecreened wtth Jamboree Blvd), NB .. -.----,,.,---5-0-1-S 2• hr Outcalt Mal C/C'1 quet telegrams. Must rnon1 Of SEU for You • g,.5_1572 ~=t: ==tan 752•7 170 •• ~!(.!! .... !....... 669-891• have own car 780-8788 ULll llUTDl llOTlll GOOd Morning America PRIME LOCATION: new R.E. LOANS, 11t·3rd, •KRIS KRINGLE• i••-tt lllMI P.R. PERSONS NEED· Mt·tflt .Hl·HH • Trf• T1t .. ft The Tom0<row Show. bldg, 1100 sq ft or can 90%, comm't, conatr. In i-ton MaJ C/C'a --ED, Magic I al and la ---------Jet Amet'lca. long Sch to *\.\ otf *to all who be divided. On PCH, Fut lundlog. 843·1845 889-8913, 1189-8912 Expr only 8<42·4780 looklng 10, 1 lew lntelll· I llY flllrTllE Chlce.go (elth81' way) Use need a place. ~::'2:38~.s~.~~i---1-1-L-'-P-ll_ll_I __ ---,-... --.-,-,.---ExPeftenc.d Pantogreph· gent, awactlve & alncere Lea 957-8133 by 2128. 875-7186 .. ___. M1 1111 B ... oo era Ille otftce wrk. pe11ona to tepreeent Health Club Stn~kl Mem· Wf!W! • Hwy, N Agt .,..1.14 . ta on the way for your Go·Go glrl1 (to go) 631 ...... 1 1 1 1 b -,.,.9 ...,.1• _...,., them n Iller pr vale cu FURNITURE • NEW ber1hlp 101 sa e. S 150 NB prof oll, 800 aq It. money problema. L-1 "" ·o" ~ ---------' I N 8 h I I I C 2 bd 2 b V....... t ---------Experienced Tract Loan n wpt c · n erv ew Mull ralM ash Lo• C • b • 11 e r o • . rm, •· -8P · Three carpeted rooms rates. lnternt and cost. •• •••y a •••• t .... C JI I t 7 p •-90 6 P t P-'-t ... ..,. -..,..... Officer. u uat have eic· requ r-... • Of' IPP • ,,,,_ alert II 542· 24 aft PM romon ory ""' · _,, w/bw link Charming nat tsl, 2nd, 3rd TO' a. Call "' d 10 • •• 8 pu A·.. •• & I d rr IMit, .•• ~~J!~!f1 .••••••• A•tc>l'M f et lj1ellll-. • 1160 Of3~1~ Ar ARI I/CS ,,.,5 o•m•• Uken..., llbO 641 61H3 ll&al UT HI w1cart1ldge1, atni CflnO 8f2·t443 SONY 10·· 81K k • Wtiii; potllble TV Xlnt cond an eeo 1et2 ,,,,, ,.,,, .. A•t" 111 "'' ....•.•.••••••••...... IMPORTANT NOTICC TO Al'AOCAS AND AOVCATISfR'J Tile p11ce ol llem1 80· VfHllMd by vthlC .. cMlal era In the vettlde Clual· Ii.cl advertlll~ COiumn• d°" not lneklde •riv ap. pllcebte ll•e•. llc•nH tran11ar tet•. !Inane• charges, 1 ... IOI air pol L•l•••t tulloll control device ••~•"""•••••••••••• c:er1111ca11ona 01 deat11 C.a11al HI documentary prepar&· •••••••••••••••••••••• tlon ch1rg•1 uni••• 1111111 Fill HOI 01h11iwlH 1pe,11ted by fOR SALE ., " I 1!42-4644. M·F. 9.5 ~· 8"118" Hf Alum Boat, Valeo Ui'4c" A.tlfHI/ Rod hotde11, to ckln C!111l11 lllf comp 1825 5•1-838, • • • ""·· •••••••••• ••• • •• -* OUSSIO OM * ,..t:n~1•1• .. •M, CLOSEOUT! ·;;AAiNf0el.EcrRiC1A9N. Oelllgn/ln1talll Repair Olly work 549-2520 Ev ,,,,,, .,,,., .• ~!!f!l!!!! .•.. ~~-TINY TIGER 12v/ I 101/ generator aet 10 Iba 500 Watte. Cover. $100. 873-6223 01 5•8·2888 ,,,,, , • .,,, I04 ·····'················ '1• Catllorn11n, all llber glHI, 10 \II/Chevy Eng \laneen Treller, goo running cond. $1795. Pv Party Call 847-5666 o 536-3008. 24 ft SKIPJACK Twin Volvos $t5,000 963-6477 Clualc 18' Lap11rak Century bay boat, • cyt Grey. $3500. 675·6161, tO ' llbergtass boat W'll 7 ~ hp OI B motor $800/obo. 751~288 1111111111 snum1 IEPUU The moat llt08fll coupe evet ~UI (2010) WU · 141.IOO IOW -131,100 1121 MllEL l PIOllP IEPUOI Produced by Shag Coachbulldera. (8802) WU · 112,llO •••• 110,110 1121 Mill' OHPI IEPl.IOl Yea the one llfllh • )Ump aeatl ( t0.-2). WU· J11,tl0 IOW -Sl,710 THEODORE ROBINS FORD 'lOOO HAlllOR llLVD COSTA MISA 642·0010 ,, __ ._ 25-35 ..... ESC811TS ___., .. tn FHA/VA pro-aye, ,...., • .... "" ... a111esaea oun . Mt CdA. .:::: 533· Iron Colonial bldg nr city on our uperta at no ~.~Ing. Xlnt benefll9. I o r M r . H a I be r g TWin $77 • Full $97 #llffUMHll 842~ h 1 ' hall 2929 Newport Blvd. cost. Ray 22 " .... I pte ... nt olttce environ· _6_7_5--0900 _______ 1 a-$147. King $187 WMI" ,,,, '53 Studebahr Champion r . $5e5. 073-4466 857· 14 -men t . Ca 11 Trac 'I SALES PERSON • Marine Sofa Bede $197 •••••••••••••••••••••• 5 pen cpe. Nice car Shr lrg home or condo, a.II lllUlll .,,,,.,.,, frut M2-4ll0 7141730-0971, Hardware, exper pref. Sola & LOveMal S247 .... • •tre• 13750. 2131592-1792 ~~~~.d~?;~:.tlls, Exec. Sult .. Incl. recept,, DH11 Sl35 ,,,,..,/ FILLIW TIE Sii FuU time. benellta. Dana o~~~N~,~~~,:~~E •lsll1.r lfa55rF Tiil he4 lt•H lt14l14 : a.c'y Mrve, conf. rm .. •••••••••••••••••••••• •-~-, JH• Pt. 831 -9333 19'46 Ford Woody W•·, • -••---I I di R I.I ••mu _....,.,. ,,_ Work and play In Palm ---------1 • 1959 HarbOf Blvd. mEOI gon, $13,000. •' -·-• kt., mat hen g, ••· ' -•••••••••••••••••••••• Springe, Lu Vegu and Sales with Interior deco· Coat•..,._ 631•8809 Mother 1hort ol cash Shr with Newport uec. ~ 1odJ~5 ~II~ ~· ... l1t. rMOrt ar ... demon1trat• rator potentlat, Fuhlon needs alze 10 wetsuit lo ---------1929 Ford ••oo ...... Town. 1390/mo. 631-8058 •· "' · wy. n Special In 1•t & 2nd 1 8 citing new prOduct Island fine home IUrnllh· Vlc1orlan Spool bed, dbl, he 6-.. "' '"" --------, F.V. lndlv. ofca. Mo/mo. TO'• nee 1949 MMH IDYllE T° x, with Ch• .... 0 eci Ing• retall81' Medi ••Pl-Walnut $150/ beat Otfef. rer11 r r-old IOl1 011 ,,,,, ••• , s. d. n ' s 1 0 '0 0 0 .• Sl'tr luic mobtte home, ~ from 1325. 963·8'445. Robt. Sattler NH/CM Petaonel, qualified drlv· rallt .,_r n rlenced sates person, 759-8001 n h s iur Ing career. "L•i tllt IO" _6_7_5-_6_1_6_1_. -----blk to ocean. Pool, rec. RE. 8 _.. 8d ..... ~a -•1 6.-....1 met Ors ~roup, tran1portetlon h / C 11 •• 8 Need for San1a to leave ..,. ~· •ualf. Own room & bath. ,.....__ .,.. .. _ lor ...... 710 · r ..... er ._ .. 1or1 -• ., 11-.. · ' 1 d t r comm a ...,, ruce ---------• '60 C DeVlff fl ~1g • v11 ..... ...,....... -t h I I urn •h• , re urn gua· 84•·8860. Nettle Creek Buy ...__ a .. ·-utllul ·-'Id under the tree. Cell •••••••••••••••••••••• oupe e. a .,. Furn or unlum. S250/mo ft. 1595/mo. Ulll• paid, M2·2171 545--0011 •PP '· 't opep nhg, a r· rantHd, paid training mah,...,og pe.,..de1tal ta..,.bte an• we r • d # 5 7 8 ' Chrlstm11 Boat Pa1aode, Xlnl cond. $3100/oller. 111 & tut. Avall Jan 1. air, ground 1100<. 1055 El ••2,11• IM Tl port1, e c. y our or and high Mmlng.I. Mull iiShiopii, iiiiiiiiiiii 11 d & ,.. her 642-4300, 2• hfl. Newport Harbor. ec 642-1403 A•ta. pie .... Cell aftM Cemlno Or. C.M. 3 bike E -::t5157 759•1731 be well groomed and w rawer t tep ~~~~~~~~~ 17th thru 23rd. Ralph --------- &pm, H0-5844 ol Fairview & Adami. ~~ ~== ~ start lmmedletely. For IEUOAIY I.I. ~L~~~l stmu. S50. :;:: _H_utt_m_an_83_7_-_1_00_8 ___ 1 T.~.~~~ .......... !.~!f Matr Bdrm w/bath, pool. 754-1<M-O. Mr. Tracy. Wllaon Ave. Coat• Meea. ~~~~~~~~~! Interview. call 846-3337, Secretarlel poaltton In #81it'1 Chrlstm11 Boal Parade 197• Chevrolet ¥. ton BEAUTIFUL. $300 mo. s u B LEA s E 0 FF I c E Ellcellenl payO<. MaleJFemale. Prof. ,,...,.. 11 AM • 4 PM, aak f()( active Newport Center 24x80 wal llnlah ,COffff &1tn••n 1113 si-rtlel. Classic 50' uil CemPef Special pldtup 545-5105 aft e. SPACE ANO/OR WARE· • 71,..972·199• June Pridgen. It no Realtor'• olllce Front tabltl w/ornate cM11lng. •••••••••••••••••••••• boat a11all. for charter. Air conditioning, AM/FM HOUSE SPACE. 5 min to peutlc mUNge by atu-llntwer, call 645-5000, Iv office po11tlon r:W.utre1 $30. 845-8748 Linton Piccolo. Bought Room lor 20 +. R ate<eo cassette & anwpt 3 Br t n. C M ....-.... I dent. 966-2077 _., n e W , u I e d I w I c e .,rd, t';lc .. c~jj'';~;~ O.C. Airport, 4 offlce1 J..IUn8l•ll/ ~· good telephone v&olce, Naugahyde couch wllh s250/bat olr. 642•8392 able rate. 857-3567. Asking 13400/or beat plus 800 a.I. warehouse ~ ----• / '-..t!!f!l!••f lllEIAL lfflCE typing, ahOflhand ap-matching chair & otto· RESERVE NOWI 60• ofter. Prt. Pl~ Calf 831--0503. S2SO & utll. w/gar1i99 dOOf. Any si-rt •~--• •• • ••••••••••••••• pearance. Real estate ma n, I -4 o o 10 b 0 • Linton Piccolo. ,Bought Schooner, Chrtatm• 5•5·697•. II no an•-· M/F non·lmllr, to anr 4 br, «all. Sq. footage at ~ ,,.,, I tn•' J1 .. W••tM 1115 No Experience Req. experience helpful but 751-4288 N • w . used t w Ice . Parade, Whale watch. pleaae keep trying. 1iv. ba home. S200 + y, Io w go t n g rate . •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• Make up to S1 1/hr start· not eaaentlat. Pref., local 1250/bsf ofr. 842·8392 utus. C.M. 850-0907 557.2900, A..11at1•nl1 5100 Young married man •Ill Ing pay. Full & Par1·tlme realdenl. For Interview BEAUTIFUL 6' Henredon IUl'' F ,1 a Par11et etc. 6'14·4005 Toyota '78. AM/FM Ste· •••••••••••••••••••••• do genefal handy work. po1ltlona avall. tn our cell Mrs. Duhl Breakfront • 6' mirrored .,,, 111 .,., •ti• "''' 6'il IOf reo ca11e1te Small Female roommate 10 OFFICE SPACE FOR llJOl.MOI Call evea & wkenda, pub. 537-2860 KING chg WtsltJ I. Ta..a...• ... dining table wt 8 Italian r.sJ••nl IOl5 •••••'•••••••••••••••• camper shell 12 175. lhate 3 br cottage, c.M. LEASE. 700 eq tt, exit lllYEIT•I 972-9525, uk 10< Biii. ,... ctlalrs. Sacrifice 1113000 •• ~.~··•••••••••••• SPENCER·44. alt cabin, _6_7_3_·66_1_8 ____ _ S 175 & ulll . Evea Newpo'1 toe. 648-7728 Wanted for card count. Pracllcat nurae, compa· .... Wut.4 RealtO<t 84•.,4910 comptete.Evn651·1138 OIPY ll&Clllll center cockpit, cutter. We're .o 1 In Ille West _63_1_-4_'4_1_8_· _____ 1_9em-__ gpm _______ , Ing team. Call Mlch .. t nlof\ needs position any Hop.Sing'•"°"" ~Iring all Bunkbed1/Captaln1 beds Mott Brands. Sacrlfloe. xlnl cond. Equip tor l!JC· for New & uHd Jeep Female Mnlor citizen to H.B. office In lndu11rlal 213/855-9891 hours needed. 645-2590 poeltlona. Rutl and fokl, 111'1/DlO w matching dreuers. ____ 98_2_·_70_3_3___ tensive ~lslng, bit '73. Safes. There's a Reason snare 2 br dupleic., non-centeir. nr Beech & Stat·---------counter. Dellvery drlV8f Ftnanclal lnvntmenl ll1m 6U·4504, 752·240• Owner wants offers. In-• Price & Selec1ton $1, emoker, Nwpl Hll. $225 •• -rent. scR•u LETS •• ,. w .. w 11• Pr....,. f()f hand Iron-for edue&IOfl. P8fton"411 worlC Flll·Plllf FILE tpeCI boat In NW!)t. PP. 000,000 Inventory & utll. 848-3192 or &42..0100 969-1221 ""'• •••,.•••••••••••••••••• Ing. Cell ·communication•' dept. ---------New. •Ingle drawer, 875-4895 Accll payable peraon, .. ~.... sec'y. Xlnt typ. & SIH Full Size Sola·bed. StOO, black. $115. 645--0978 ---------•~·,, n 442~508. 3 offtce roorn..c~ eq !!· ANSWERS elxperum.:,.. w/6 IOll'lldeta pbkrockp ... 'g. HQ14>1t9' req'd. Exec. aecretarlal Good Condition, Beige • I 1111 "'''' llJ11 ;Oran~c ··- MIF 10 lhr 1ge 3 br. 3 t>t good loc. In ...... P<••· .,.... ·-exp. a muat. Non-amkr itii~iiiiii. 84iiii2ii-9ii740iiiiiiiiiiiiil rl ' l>#n H11 ( ·0 3 .. t -condo walk lo beach bkkpg ~. S275/mo. Savage. Dally alng eicp. helpful. Hunt _.,. preferred. Calt 553·09.-0 •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• ., ·-ol N.8. s3sotmo. 445-0209° _~ __ 9&43 _______ , Revue. Camera Bch erea. 142-8221 , IUl1YUU OUll QUEEN Size Hlcle-e·bed. Q~~~~~~:rri~~: BOAT SLIPS AV~l~Bl~: nl•IMIOl•Wll comtUA ,..__,.... "-··h AVERAGES 10AM·3PM CorPQ<ale Office, N.B. Servera, 5 yra nper.. good ~--dllton 175 850-0.35 Newport Be.ch. 25 , 28 , 11141 ~' I01l 17141 •o mo MIF to shr 4 br, 3 ba ·--"""·....... My accountant Joined a Good Mathematica! & between 3·5PM In per· ~· · .. 30' 35' •O' &. •5' Calf houee. N.B. Nr beach. N•wl)' decorated, car· softball team, He aaya Adventure Tra\191 Communication Skllls. son, Bob Burns Reatau· 8'47·3392 American Pit Bull T8frlef, 842·4G•4 '1rom '9.5 '70 Datsun P.U .. camper !,25-8205 1' 51 91 & I a. I . r:r':fu~f~~~'.'~~l(~~:~:i lh•t after the game the)' .TOO YOUNG FOR lit• l)'plng required. rant 37 Fashion l1lend, 1 yr, papers. $125, lo Mon-Fri • she II' c . r p e I k JI .,.. epend houra trying to Must be dependable, NB Apply In P8'80!l. CUSTOM Table Pads good home. 873·4818 . $900/080 642-83•9 atmosphere, fully l18f· balance the AVERAGES. 40"x80" oval with lea· SLIPS AVAIL. Huntington '75 F d F100 Pl k 360 fed,c:Ustomleue. AIRlllrS 7, 7, 7, reapon1lble, & ult· Sentfc:41StalfonAUendant, 11ea.oow$30.847-3392 evM. Harbou r Bay, Oa or cup, Room tor rent CdM, $316 & I utll, fem pref'd. 780-1394 ..-for SUlle Call 752-6408 1,nt I 11ul 53,, l1t. motivated. P/T Evening Shift, 8 ---------•DWARF BUNNIES! Show/ 840-55<C5, 846-7766. 8-9 cu. eng. auto, w/at1. *II --•••••••••••••••••••••• (111 her) I. Rutz 11•·6•0·8950, days, $5/hr. Must bt H · BUNK BED wwlth mat· peta. Many colors. PM , 8 • O . 4 O 9 7 , $900 6 1·8678 Fem ahare 2 Br 2\.-\ 8• w/d. lrplc, gar. $295/mo + utlle. J06tl 846-9928 1r-• _.r_ lmmecl. cpenlnga tor 1o X147 perlecned 875-2278, Er· treas and ladder, all s 15·30. Wiii hold 1111 71•1840·7875 ·72 Che\ly Luv PU. Good 270 1q fl In NP1 Bch. sharp gala & QUYl free to Hotel nle wood $100. 548-3319 Chrt1tmas. •9S..607 Boat Sllp avllltabte tor ..a tltea. lo ml ~~f'=~~·::.fc~~g~n;!; fOlN) ADS trawl all major" U.S. c._ Maida needed tor resort TUOIU Sofa and matching chair, LAB PUPPIES, AKC to 65' boat. Nwpl Sch $1350. •96-3270 M ""Of aee6<1ng M/F (neet mo. 714/675-9007, 119' & resort areas. In· hotel. Apply In person et COfnputer and/or Word brown, tan !lowered, gd Beau11fUI heal1hyye4towa, 831·7777 ll la&..-1 •l•l·"--L .,. ARE FREE duding N.Y. City. Miami, 34802 So Cout Hwy, cono $85 548-8034 ... .._. n-amkr) rmrn1e ltlr 2BR 2131493-3720 Oellu, New Orleans w/ Caplatrano Beach. ProcMSlng. Min Salary, · · •ho I•· 5 5 1·80 1 3 • WANTED permanent NB Red, xlnt cond, $3400 tBA modern turn apt w/ E EC lfl I unique young bu1tne11 JANITOR P/T F S I S 11/hr. Contact Paul Oak Dining Room Table & 848-2217 aUp fOf my n-•2 Uni-or best 840-5529 (trpBatctb. o1a)blks2'roomomooee811atn :135/ o $3~;~m•t.•~:~: Cal·. group. No exper. nee... , , or • • Snyder, 71..,979-1955 8 uphot11erea ch1lrs. AKC Cocker Spaniel pup· fllte. Wiii pay going rate ·70 91 IT cpe dk btu/btk · · x R II -provldee 2 week p1ld Sun. 1 am lo 3:30 pm. --• ... irs Xtnt cond. $800. 2450 pies. Bull. 11 wke old or trade for uM ol new • • ' • tut $150 MC. 875-4.t76 ero11, ecep ava . M2·Mll trelnlng period. Above 4000 Hllarla Wey, NB. TELE ... --Newpon 81\'d. Mngrs of· Female $275, male $250. car . C •I I Clo 11 e o t fowerec. 7 s, cuae11e, aftef lpm. _89_1_-6_99_1 ______ , average earning a & 842·5861. We Wiii train. No experl· floe. 640·5130 7021798-0320, 10·6 pm. ~~~~\ ofr, 759-1600, Single parent (female) •11• PlllE LOOI trane. pd. All applicant• LEGAL SECRETARY· enoe neoeaaary. EvenlnP. 2 twl ...... 1 1 looktng tor rmmte (I} 38R :rf 1eo p1u1 a.I. Avau. Lott: SPflnger Spaniel, 7 mull be 18 or over, Good typing & dicta· o:~n::f ~~ !:e tre;s'."';~;.,~~~~!d IElll&l llEPIHI :.o~<;!,~~w.=. V••• fS10 houM In CM S250. All lmmed. Only~ pr a.I. moa. old. Bal. Pentn. •harp, unattached & phone lklll1, It SH. pro-+ bonue plan Call Mr. headboard• pr $150. Wonder llller. 6 pups. $19,500. 648·4005 •••••••••••••••••••••• h 0 u 1 eh 0 1 d pr 1 v . 474 E. Hth St. CM. Agt. ., ... Rewardt 873-1105 ready for lmmed. em· bate & gen. Law e•per S 754-88o1 · 760-0157 Both parents at home. 'ti FNI EOl•llll 646--4987 aft« 8 p 8 tr 1 ck T 1 n 0 re , 0( 660-1020. ployment, For Interview, pref. fOf lrlendty 3 man penoer · Top Imports. Wlenerau "''' Sl111•1 Hie Camper Van, pop-top, 831 286 contact Katie Matteonl at firm. WIN do tome reoept Typing. 40-60 wpm, Pt... •st le4 Breeding. Sire Sch 3 •••••'•••••.,.••••••••• alnk, stove & Icebox, Shr w/cple: beaut. lrg 2 •1 Loat: Golden Retriever, 557·3009, Mon thru Fri, dutln w/prlmary MCI'• san1. neat, entr)' level $125 673·710 (VA). Dam hand Mlected DRY STORAGE fold-out bed, • 1pd Br. CdM apt abc>WChlne ATIORNEYS & PROFES. vie Brookhuret & Bu· 11 am to 5 pm ONLYI tarlel reep for Jr. uao-poaltlon , nagotleble by Wallet Marlin. Great StOOO. Co v •. G • r • v • 11 · SIONALS • Lg groUnd nr shard, FV. S50 Reward. elate, Nwpt Center loc. wages, Send Hanel wrlf. Oesll/Cheat. l8K70l(30, 4 18fnperament. OpPOflun-Monthly boat at or age, 980-9537 962·3232 1395/mo. 875-42S8 offlc.1 avail w/wlndo 988-1986 &,art...t ..... ., W-5292 ten rHum• to: Laurie dfl wlahelvea, cost $500. lty to obtain the beat any llze, 24 hr security, --------- Chriillan F to enr mf\lm· vi-•. FULL SERVICE.-F--d-.-F-Oeble---1-b-lk-& Mature couple to man· lee, P. o. Boll 272. S.USlS0.546-3242 SSOOplua.PrivateParty. treelaunchlng 'llllllEY1112• h I He $27 ,__. Nr OC AlrPOfl, leulng. oun · ml!, age 18 unit bldg, quiet legalSeeretaryTraJnee Huntington 8Hch, CA Lg ereaklront, gtau 631-8263 1111-T•-Crptd,panelled.13800 ut~ ~r. No "'''" (71•) 752·2234 ~~: ~ ~:"~k :'~,~ ~· p~:,o;:!:,~s=d ~~r. ~~·. "~·, ':~~: .·gx~ _9_2_M_e______ d6·~o·5· llghta, H ". $450. Golden Retrelver puppies, 1111 h: • ., .,. D obo. 641-5982, 549·!079 Of kid•. 98&-3880 .......... ,,, "" F Collle mix, Mble & wilt; reeume to Ad 111065, training required. Pleaae WAREHOUSE sa 9 wk• Old, $50 w/lhota. 144-1111 A•tn w .. 1" 15H Dana Point Hae, 213Br, •••••••••••••••••••••• F Golden Rel. mix, gold. Dally Piiot, P .0 . Box call for Appl. •••••i•I' "'411115 844-8877 •••••••••••••••••••••• avail now. S250·S300 Aetall etore at 2850 Avon, All avall. now. Newpor1 1580, Costa Mesa. Ca. Mary Hickle Agency No E11perlence Req. •••••••••••••••••••••• II II In.. IHG RV & BOAT WE PAY m 0 . c 8 11 c 0 I I e c t 1885 1q. fl. ptua 8 car 8Hch Anlmat Sheller, 9282&-0560. 19712 MacArthur Blvd Matle up to $12/hr 11ar1· Waterford Crystal Stem· •• ~~ •••••• -::1~'•••••• 617·769..ee71 garege.M1·1777. 125 M e18 Or, C .M. AHlltanl Ina marketln trvtne,CA640·2920 Ing r.•Y· Full/Part·llme ware (new) Alana Pet· Oak upright player piano, DRY STORAGE TOP DOWll ---------• 1800 1.f,, tdNI for ex8f·1_84_4-_38_S6______ reps, F&C 110 pref. ~ Loen Proceuor: Minimum aval • In our pub. Call t • r n . S 3 9 • 5 0 ea • man / et e c , s 5 2 o o . 4Nbd,s2 b~ pool.SN22o5P/ets, dM atudlo on Bal Penln. Found: Slameae cat. In Ir· <>-··me to.· c·-··•1•....o Ad 2 .,..,., ev--1ence In FN today I()( appt. 537-2880 552-3586 Frank 11381 ... 812 ,. 1111 IAll o m ..... era, mo. 97c.7•29 -. 87" '29·3 vine at The Gro"el. ....., -...., " •--......,. KING c"-e.aa ,., --a&. aa a• ••t• 631-0208 .,.. 0 v,. -. . t887. Dally Piiot, PO MA. Call Lori 549-1936 .... J,..1,. 1111 PLAYER PIANO , xtnt -_... -- Female 11 to 30 to share -· 680-3734 Box 1580. Cotta Mesa. LOW ON SKILLS/ HIGH WWERS ••••• -:~••••••••••••••• cond, Duo Art console ~~n=' :::~ "'"1&0/1111111 OISTI lllSl Found: Viz.Ila vie Harbor Ca. 92$27. ON MOTIVATION. II """ Gold dt~mond & pe1rl Bell ofter or trede tor IE •••• 2480 Hatbor Blvd. large 3 Br. 2 Ba. holJMln __ .. ....,.. ___ Co .......... ,~ Ei1perlenced people woman• ring, $425/ ea .... grand 873-7677 --COSTA ••es• Newport Be a ch . 300 sq. 11. to 2800 eq. 11. .,.., "....,.' Ila -S.bylltter, exp. to cate cen type, clean, press, mue up 10 S171hr Funt best otter. 759-8001 "' · • 1111111 YIU.All •••.•':-"' $300/mo. 546-0987. 75$ per 9Q. It. a up. CaN Mate. 10 mo 645·91•3. for • moa. otd In your drive, & went to grow ,..... 11 ......... 11 811 u..trlt ia-11 llher -- OUSE .... TESROOM Realonomtca, Corp.1_M_6-40 __ 5_1 _____ C.M . home. Full time with our Co. Contact .,_,. me.,..... 0"' av Ring• ladlea 14Kwhtgol<I .. Ii • ' atO last Ott hJ, • 141-1411 *H ,..,.. • 87M700. ..__ ___ ,_ 1•11 Mon-Fri. &42·9t'4 Lynn alt 5 only 957·2500. In our pub. CAii today for wedding & engegement, ..... 1 •.,Mar41. II· Ill· 1111 WE lft MATES* r---. • --------• C~hlOll·lmllraoni... appt. 537·2880 KING ovet lC. Appr. $1l,OOO, ttrHtlH ad ttll ae1ablllhed 12 )'elltll C-•~1'1 •••••••••••••••••••••• IAIYllTTll '' chg NII $8000/080. A~ 4'. ·~t~~efot,oe' ~.,,-!" i..1'11 Htf U9& I Yllll'I Need lovtng etttef Tun MARKETING #eniH"" Ad 53•, 842-4300 24 hra. ~::!•,· l~•1•1• .. :t1 • F!f!"-!!W!!~........ OLUI OAll ._ •••••••••••••••••••••• PHOTO MODELS lhru Fri, 2-!i PM. CO.ta •••••••••••••••••••••• Antique ring, white gold, 1 .._, .--.,,.ti,~ I'~ .. ,. 11~, All .._IOIS •Service for 8 Moe * 550 aq It $550/mo. Xlnt ESCO NC S Me 1 a , my ho m •. •-t''~••• I I 7 11 di d YUWIA IUI .. 1•1 • '" S,,,_.llll IL otf to alt whO for P.O. Box'•. Coa11 RTS/OA ER 11101111111• -,, g. am• amon • I ... _ •••••••••••••••••••••• ..--,. OUTC .. l 2• HRS 850-1317 •••• •••••••••••••••• $800 080 ( al•..,.) '"-''"1 .. OTOBEC'"NE u op need a place. Hwy/Newport Shore1 .,L ~ . ---------1 "-&ullful qulll from Mid· appr _, · 13900. 588-819'4 ° "" "' "" . HMHl 11111(•-...... 548-2589 ED Xlnt condlton $365 Sl'tare lnduatrlel apace Accounll recetvabte. 759·1877 NEVER BEEN USED s.I· M·l l l , walnut w/Marlc COHHRL CHEVROLET ?\.')t lt.1r t•1r H • r-. I\ ~ f "' 112-4114 Tll IUT loc. 448-66-44. * U"ut ~ 1180 _, S1SO. Hammond organ mdf 631·4571 •-,.1 • ~ 4• offlol & *** llght typing, Mature I*· 91}.' Ill• ko Oueru. diamond "'eM1 & bacll ,.,111 1950 Like new t978 Sachs .-•lul ... ,.,.. • &/or • nr BMcf1 ion wtth minimum ot 3 •'•''.•·"'•••••••••••••• watch. S150. ~1·9300 ~;.,, .. 122 ..... · • M ored, 2835 actual •••••••••••••••••••••• Stater, H.B. Reta. Prtoe Afll.&:I Pirlor 1 F ER MONTH o•orv 1 s 5 9 s / b QUIET MATURE WOMA neg. 842-0100, 989·1221 IHI ye•rt Hper •nee. ulfl HARBOR AREA ·~ ,,,, ,,...,,,_,,. lfH ~2-:9~0 ° 0 -========-~:.~ble). &:0~5\;2 ID• •••• LIOA· ~!! ~·y ~~u:e0~·.;r~·1!T:d~ No Experience ~:~~~~vu~~ .....................• r.::.-:w ...... ~....... W 11111 S4~ 1200 befor-e 8:.30, after 9 PM Tllll Jecuu l, s'·auna. Loc•I• lnO work hJatory a. Mlary R . ed tippllenoes. 54t':77 lnduatrlal Mt11lng Motor 1 -• -l ··:::•IH/ ,,.... Top dollara tor Sportt requirements: Costa ICISI HP •150 64&-0132 -aSU" tm ""' Care, Bugs, Campert, ,., .... lit i..t 41 15t2 1.f. at only SO.II 111 u well •• Tourletl. Meu Stallonera. Per· • c81eer -ot>POrtu""" I llT ~ • ' I• .. TIE •••••••••••••••••••••• 814'1, Audl'a ••••"-•••••••••••••••• noor of 47 .. E. 17th St. BankAmerlcerd, Amer• aonnel u..-. 270 E. l711't '"'' _.... '7• Hondl 7SOK, 4 Into I, All( I« U/C MGR E/Slde C M CIMn...,, on lean Ellpr .... Din«•. AH St, C ............ ....__ 92"""7. • Young minded pecpi. Lae 967·1133 .. ,._ .... ,.., "" ••-•• olf cooler, stock. runt ... ••-_. -:, ~· 1-..,,.___ CM. i':e• Palrldl TlllOre --'-om• 714/• .... 3."3. ""'' ..._ v• oni.. 196 .. ,.u, .. th l't I h I S'" 0 0 I 0 8 0 --., •• _, -·" .... -...... ,....,... .... ., W81her·Oryer $135 ... •••••••••••••••••••••• ... o e1 • ort o ca1 11 n 1. o • -o-. s1o. u 63t·1 2112 Harbor 81. CM •Cell 24 hOura Dllhwaher &too A ntique m1l'togany need• .a. 10 W91eult to 549-7179, 549·1322 YkllWAllll Nwpt Ht• ere•. •Ingle l11u••I .,.,..,, Clerical 114·141-4111 Refrlg. S200 648-5848 eablntt·a75;.,bathroom ,,.,. her 8-yr.·old aon on '79 Yamaha xs 1100, t8711 BNch Blvd. r ' • "marble type link "1 1 In hll turfing career. HUNTINGTON BEACH G81-0-M5 mo. l«rrlt1• 1311 l«rrltn 1111 Part time. llu, hours, ........ Wlltt4 REFAIOIERATOR dOO< a 2 drawer cabinet Need for Santa to IM\19 dress kit, to mt, 12500 or Ml·Hll 54e-eaa1 or e.4()...8585 •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• general office duties. Fabuloul working condl· Uke new, froat tree. plus matching 2 door under tha tree. Cell trade for II.Ito, 49,..7754 UO/mo. 288• LaSalle. Poattlon av911abll lmf'nt. tlone, No expet nee. We 11$5, 893-904!0 wait cabinet & "marble • n • • • r • o # 5 7 8 , '79 Hond11 750K, 13,000 WAITED! Coale....._ St m dlattly With am.-IM~ train, -llChool. CIRCUS Xlnl 30" Tappan, Vleuellt• type" wall •!'tell, all lor 842-4300, 24 hfl. ml. Kerker. Muat Sell. Al15:00, 951·2140 ress anaaemen/ tax 1eoountlng and In• MAXIMUS 719 No. Hat· oven & timer. copper 1100; tempered gtau ~~~~~~~~ S1500 obo. 8'42·1384. ~~tv~~~:~!O/t~'. Ml# IMW fM --~ veat"*'1 firm. bor, FUiierton. 17<M192 eolot S125. 1MCI Tld11n ::.::-.e.oCSO:r"t!~~ 'C!:.i Tep quality blCkpeoktng 'lf 1111f 11111 e.it ua tOdlY! •••••••••••••••••••••• /')aru /Jn I) ~"'Quit "'-. /? 0 AtttltY between 12 Md 5 C.M. 1et18un MM1H .... 2.0138 ..., 1 dottllno . .,._..,.. •INIT mTa ':::Jl /1 oJ,.,,. Vt.,., ,. o£_J L, PIMM e.il PM, MQf\-Sat S-Kelly WeeitnQnouM 11 cu. elde .,.. · now K•ttlr"lft &7&-3410 llrt ae, pM ..... u:~..;n Signs for Stress Include: Ai:1.il:' c~~1~tw :=-· =·';~~,: 1~ ~., .. ,,.,, ~!'!~~s ~!1 • , Fun/unfum Headaches ... .. .. 1tartlng pay. Full/Part• I a llollda"• •••••••••••••••••••••• SUZUlll <400, 5 l4)d • llG. .... ....,., __.. fOf......... time avell In our pub .. 0 .. 1 1 occ81 ona • , • Comet~ Patty Mak· ofl rd, or••t cond . ..,, 1~ ·-..... • ' ., • ng e oven range. Oellv•re" anytime. ., 1300 ao. 111 w. ~,... Fatigue All OccupetlOna Catt today tor appt. Good condition. a221. " '300/obv. 631..017• alt. 940-5410 Avallebll 63MMO KING ChCI 87$-1435 or 525-72•5 873-4•1• WMaon. C.M. 845-8054 e Irritability "~·1 1-.......-c ,,._., :a/' t ••m .. _. ur-.......... ..._...,un• ....... AIFAIGl!MTOA Wall loclt...... aor n ~ 'll RIO 11111 1 MO. F"AIE AIHT Backaches ~~/1w.:J/ Ellt1 c.~:. Ellp e.:'S:':' PIT or F"roet free, lllC*-'1t :t ~~~, '3 /btll ";.:/ ,,,,., "" DI rt, Q o o d oo n d . 1 rOOM to 2eoo aq, n. Using gentle mtanlpui.uve therapy. FM 1or Dlrec1ory. FIT 11 '~P•· Nr Hoag. •116. &414485 • &9-•• ~~............... '3tlt090. 146o&t13 .., 111t ft .... , a--j 1 II •••907 8o1on. e1iCMC1M unit, Ilk• 13 tfteh colof Ztnltl't 'tV 1---------1 .-rom • • '2: . ,_,, .-. c: nu1r1uona counte ng. ....... W•d• W••'* 1 DryeJ, ,.., 1290 ~ wor11a ,15. ...,. ...,.., '"" ~".:3 fl:rwyt. (714, 553-8236 You don't~ a ou11 to tCla11t1led Ad• .,. th• a1&0 ••t . 224 Loyola, cuatom mede 1'9Ct, din-~ ~&cs,..._ m "draw IHI when you en•wer to a auc:c.111u1 CM, 64()..6411. Int rm 1aott. 2 tea¥91. ..;;.mi •••• ;n. •••• 1817 w.ec.n. N.8. HI 4121 Wet .,., Pl., It• 118 piece an ad In tM DlilV garegt or )'lfd ..... "'•. A I w • .,. • •• 'e I n ff9nClfl .-nut flnleh • .,, Tum to IOdlY'• Claallfled PAINT a .. body work, to -4000 llQ. ft. 1at. floor. Newport .. 8Ch, C•. t2tlO PMot Went Adtl Cllll now bell., way 10 tell mOfe claHtlled·read the •d• ooo. aye 8484441,..,., tor the but buya up to~ Off 'lfNI •· Aeel" &41-Ma / e.t2·5e71. people! 8Vef"J cs..,. M2·5871 7IO-tt01 e.t2-5t7t 1111 e.t2.0t00/Mto1U1 ' 1 ........... , c ....... .. " .... ., .......... ., WI llY USED CAM & TAUCKS OOMI IN OA CALI. FOA .......... °°'""'91 DeL.llo -.n 1111t~ll.VO HUNTIHOTON MACH .. , ... ,, .... 1 C'ff Orang! Co I I DAILY PILOT/Mondav. December 13, 1812 WUTEI o.p.nd1ble car, $200 842·0100 969· 1221 '74 100 LS. SYnroof coup. Very clean local c;.,. New radio. 11850. 675-6906 • ATLAS CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH 2929 Harbor Blvd . Costa Mesa Tel 546-1934 3 blocks soutn of San Diego Freeway off Harbor Blvd Complete body shop Sales Service Parts Service Dept. open Monday thru Friday 7 30 A M to 5:30 P M and 8 A M. to 5 P.M on Saturday BEACH IMPORTS 848 Dove S1ree1. Newporl Beach Tel 752-0900 Call us, we re tne spec•ahsls for Alfa Romeo. Peugeot. Saab & Maserat1 THEODORE ROBINS FORD Modern sales. ser111ce, parts. body. paint & tire depts. Competllive rates on lease & dally rentals 2060 Harbor Blvd . Costa Mesa. 641·0010 or 540-8211 JOHNSON & SON LINCOLN MERCURY 2626 Harbor Blvd . Costa Mesa Tel 540-5630 57 Years of f11e ndly family service -Orange County's oldest Lincoln-Mercury dealership DAVID J . PHILLIPS IUICK-PONTIAC •MAZDA Sales • Service • Leasing 24888 Alicia Parkway Laguna Hills 837-2400 NIWPOIT IMPOITS 3100 W Coast Highway, Newport Beech Tel 642·9405/540-1764 The Ferrari. Jeguar. Aston-Martin headquarteft In Orange County To place your menege before the reading public, phone Delly Piiot ClaMlfled, 842-5678 MATCH THE· NUMBERS OM THE. COHHfll CHEVROLET . _,.' . r \' • '>41>-I 200 ·ea Muetang conv. auto tran1. very nice cond. '4200. 1176-3821 . 'IO Turt>o Muatang. blue wfllght vln~ Int. 40,000 mllea, 4 epeed, pie, at• reo. Very good cond. $411115 . Cell 714/1147•N21 '71 Muet. 1-<:yt, euto, *·*· $1595. 54&-7038. 848-0370 IJftmtMff Hl5 •••••••••••••••••••••• '71 Olde Omege. Orig ownr. A/C, PB. PS. V6, >tint Cond . S2195 . n~12 WITH THE NUMBERS IN THE BOXES NIWPOIT DATSUN 888 Dove Street. Newport Beach Tel 833-1300 At the triangle ol Jamboree. MacArthur & Bristol behind Victoria Station Sales, Service. Leasing & Parts. We make great deals' • NAIHS CADILLAC 2600 Harbor Blvd , Costa Mesa. Tel 540·9100 Orange County's La"1est Cadillac dealer. Sales Serv1Ce Leasing • SADDLHACK IMW/SUIAIU 28402 Marguerite Pkwy .. Avery Pkwy. exit We offer what no bank or lease company can· 1 Expertly stalled. most modern service & parts dept.; 2. One of the Southland's most experienced sales & leasing stall; 3. Ellmlnallon of the middleman by teasing dealer direct. 831·2040 Mission Viejo 495.4949 • CHICK IVHSON PORSCHl·AUDl·VW 4 15 E Coast Hwy .. Newpcrt Beach 673-0900 The only dealership In Orange County with these three great makes under one roof• • ALAN MAGNON PONTIAC-SUIAIU 2480 Harbor Blvd .. Costa MeH . Tel. 549-4300 Sales, Service. Leasing "Mr. Goodwrench " CLASSIC AUTOMOllLH 765 Newton Way. Costa Mesa Tel 631-1393 "JAGUARS OUR SPECIALTY" XK t20'1/ 140'1/ 150'1IXJ's/E· Types Sales -Servlce -Restorat1on1 Off Placentia between 17th & 18th In Co1t1 MeH • • IOI LONGPH PONTIAC 13600 Beach Blvd .• Westminster. Tel 892-6651 Orange County's oldest and largest Ponltac deelershlp. Sales. Service, Parts. • DICK MILLH FIAT/LANCIA "Probably the lowest priced Flats 1n Southern Calllornla" (Located 1 mite north of South Coast Plaza near Main St and Warner Ave 1n Senta Ana) 120 W Warner, Santa Ana 557-2132 • SANT A ANA DATSUN 2001 E. 17th Street. Santa Afla lei 558-781 1. Your Original Dedicated Da1sun Dealer • MllACLI MAZDA We've moveol Our new location Is 1425 Baker Street, Costa Mesa Tel 545-3334 Stop by & Visit our modern showroom and see why we're the t: 1 Mazda dealer in Southern California Sales. Service, Parts and Leasing • COltMIH DeLILLO CHIVROLIY (Formerly Groth Chevrolet) 1821 1 Beech Blvd., Huntington Beach New • Ulld • Sales • Leasing • P1r11 • Service Come by and see OUJ Huoe Inventory! 147-4IOl7 549.3331 • OIANGI COAST AMC/JllP/ltlNAULl 2624 Hatbe>t Blvd , Coeta Meea 549-8023 MS-7770 ,, 1 Jeep Deeter In the West! See u1 today for ...... MMce & 11111ng There are reason• wtty we are • t . . Prtc. and eetectlonl Also, the all-new Renauh Alliance 11 hafel COSTA MISA DATSUN 2845 Harbor Blvd., Coste Mesa. Tel. 540-6410 Serving Orange County for 16 years. 1 Mlle So. 405. • SUNSIT FO•D. INC. (Home of Willie the Whale). 5440 Garden Grove Blvd .• Westminster. Tel 636-4010. • OIANGI COUNTY VOLVO 10120 Garden Grove Blvd .. Garden Grove Tel. 530-9190 Exclusively Volvo to co11er 111 your Volvo requirements. New•Used•Sales•Leaslng•Parts•Servlce•Body Shop Freeway close In the heart of Orange County at Garden GroYe Blvd & Brookhurst . CONNILL CHIVIOLIT 2828 Harbor Blvd., Co91a Mesa. Over 22 years nrv1ng Orange County Sales, leasing. service Call 546· t200, speclal parts line, 546-9400. body shop ltne, 754-0400 0 IOY CAIVll ltOLLS IOYCl-IMW 1540 Jamboree Roed, Newpor1 Beach. 640·6444 Service. Patt• And Leasing • LONG llACH IMW Lwge Mlaetlon of MW & QU8lity UMd BMW'• end other Ii cw11 Selaa. MMc9 I IMlina. fr.-.1n1 watc:omel Telle Fraew1y lo NGtth CMrry olf.remp, tum right & go 8 blocli north to H70 N. CMrry Ava .• l.ong BMch. (714) 836-5790 (213) 427-64 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, OR TO BE PLACED ON THIS "D, CONTACT YOUR DAILY PILOT REP. 642-5678 -------- . t• 4 THI DRANlil COAST M ONDAY. DECEMBER 13. 1982 County eyes stare help By STEVE TRIPOLI Of the Deity f'iklt lt•ff Orange County government may go to the at.ate Legislature for help in its legal battle against small claims lawsuits over John Wayne Airport operations. Airport Manager Murry Cable is asking county supervisors to seek legislation that would make all suits against the airport superior court matters. Such an action, l{ approved, would allow county lawyers to fight the suits -lawyers aren't allowed in small claims court - and would preclude th e possibility of successful claims being filed over and over again. Nearly 200 property owners have filed small claims suits to date. each demanding the small claims limit of $1,500 in damages. The suits allege that airport operations cause noise, vibrations and Cumes . The s uits, if successful, could b e filed repeatedly until the problems are solved. The county already has moved in superior court against the suits, asking that they either be disallowed o r lumped into a single action. Cable echoed previously heard county claims In discuaaing his 0.-, Not "'41t08 "' Gery ...... Sandi Rose, left, and Sue Hack are well documented on their rounds to find illegal signs in Costa Mesa such as portable ones, below, along 17th Street. Sign enforcers unpopular By JODI CADENHEAD Of the DMly Piiot It.ff lf a popularity contest were held today Sue Hack and Sandi Rose would surely lose. The two Costa Mesa city inspectors have been thrown out of the best businesses in town, threatened and called names guaranteed to send the easily ru(fied packing. But the two women, whose job is to enforce the not always popular city sign ordinance, say such problems don't bother them. It goes with the territory. Of course, they're happy that the city vehicle they drive comes with a radio they can use to summon police, something they do occasionally. "Don't come back without a police officer," a new business owner told Hack recently when she threatened to write a citation for an illegal sign. "W e don't like the hostile (See MESA SIGN, Page At) Truce due in NewpOrt oil war A two-year fight in Newport Beach for control of 16 oil wells and more than $1 million in annual profits appears to be at an end. Ne wport Beach and oilman Robert Armstrong reportedly have agreed to drop respective lawsuits and bring their aometimes·rancorous fighting to a cloee. The city presently controls the wells. It expects to earn $1.1 million from the rigs this year. Armstrong operated the wells until 1980 when the city refused to renew his contract, touching off a fierce fight between the two parties. City officials, at the time, said Armstrong was paying them only $65,000 per year, a fraction of what the city calculated it could make with Armstrong out of the picture. The dispute resulted in the wells being shut down for several months as both sides went to court on a series of technical questions. The wells are located just outside city limits in West Newport. The oil they pump ls located off the coast in tidelands controlled by the city. To secure the wells, the city - with help from the state Lands Commission -condemned the ----INDEX----. At Your Service AS Ann Landers B2 Erma Bombeck B2 Movies B4 Bulletin Board A5 National News A3 Cavalcade B2 Public Not.lees C4 Clasalfled C4-8 Sporta Cl-3 Comics & Dr. Stelncrohn B2 Cromword & Stock Markets 83 Death Notices C4 Televtalon 86 Editorial A6 Theaters B4 Entertainment 84 Weather A2 HMC*Ope B2 World Newa A3 lntenru.ion B4 I. land ,around the rigs. The city a lso took p ossession of the surface equipment, saying that Armstrong's contract called for hJm to sell the eqtJ!pment to the city. I Armstrong filed two lawsu.its, one contesting the condemnation move and the seco~d refuting the city's interpretation of the contract. Both suits were filed in Orange County Superior Court. The city prevailed on the co ntra c t dispute while Armstrong prevailed on the other. Newport Beach City Manager Robert Wynn taid both sides have been standing by, waiting to 11ee if the other would appeal The anticipated agreement would end both legal challenges. As part of the proposed agreement, the city would pay Armstrong $226,000 for the rip and both aides would abaorb their own legal and engineering coets. Wynn said Armstrong hat agreed to the aettle me nt "ln concept" but hu not given hit blemlng to the preci8e agreement the city haa propoeed. Armatron1. who conllnues to operate wcU. for other pan.tee ln Weat Newport. could not be re.iched for comment. ClllT 1111111 ORANGE COUN l Y C ALIFORNIA 25 CENTS ' ·-• noise lawsuits ID proposal today. He t:alled the small claims suits, which the plaintiffs admit are aimed at stopping jet operations at the airport, a form of harassment. "If people want to sue, It ought to be ln superior court. There's nothing to be galned by going to small claims co urt except harassment by the litigants.'' he said. Cable's proposed legislation would be modeled after 11mlla.r lcglsla lion passed for San Franrisro International Airport. That airport. which already has been ordered to pay several hundred thousand dollars In small claims, Is exempt from that typ<> of legal action after Jan. 1. Cable said that, like San Francisco, the county would appeal any small claims awards to superior court anyway. The differen ce, he said, ls that superior court ls the last resort for small clalmt appeals, while any 1ult that originates in superior court can be carraed to the state'• appellate courts. Cable said the "controversial, very detailed and very technical arguments" of an airport noise suit have no place in a lawyer· less amall claims court. NB • wants new airport By STEVE MARBLE of Ille 0.-, Not ..... Newport Beach officials, In a draft letter to Orange County supervisors, have asked that considerat ion b e given to providing a new airport ra ther than increasing flights out of John Wayne Airport. The draft letter. to be voted on tonight by the city council, says it is the "creeping, incremental" expansion of the airport that the city fears most. "Additional aircraft flights must go somewhere else," the ·draft letter st.ates. Co u nty supervisors arc t\Cheduled Wednesday to begin what is expected to be a year- long look at the future of the airport. Supervisors will be · handed a list of 12 aJt.ematives that range from a tot.al shutdown of the air port to wide-open operation. In l ooking over th e alternatives, city officials said they are worried that the top end could translate to more than 150 jet departures daily. Currently, there are 41 daily <..-ommercial jet flights. Newport Beach has spent more than $1 million in the past two years trying to hold off airport expansion . The city was successful in derailing the county's last master plan for the airport. In the draft letter, city officials acknowledge that "the increasing demands for air passenger service (in the county) are irrefutable." The letter notes that while Newport s uffers Crom jet noise "the policy of the city is not to close the airport or even to eliminate air carrier turbojet operations." . The letter also acknowledges that John Wayne Airport needs improvemen ts to relieve congestion and inconvenience. The letter to supervisors suggests that Newport Beach is a reasonable neighbor, adding that "no othe r community in the county has a similar policy which accepts jet aircraCt takeoffs over their city." The alternative city officials said they are hopeful supervisors will consider calla for study of a new airport in the county, possibly at Santiago Canyon. Further, city leaders said they want the county to agree that long-haul and i nternational flights should be confined to Los Angeles International or Ontario International airports. "The citizen s of Newport Beach," the draft letter concludes, "canno t tolerate creeping airport expansion which will destroy the residential neighborhoods near the flight paths along Newport Bay where 35,000 of our residents live." 80,000 jam Mesa swap meet By JODI CADENHEAD Of the 0.-, Not It.ff A record 80,000 Christmas bargain hunters flock ed to a weekend swap meet at the Orange County fairgrounds in Costa Meu resulting in traffic jama and a few minor accidents. police said. Officials for T e l -Phil Enterprises, operators of the swap m«>et, said 38,000 people showed up Saturday and 42,000 Sunday -breaking all previous crowd estimates for the 22-year-old flea market. "I think it's inflation. A lot of people are out of work who atill want to have a nice Christmas.'' said Tel-Phil general manager Jack Beckwith. "They don't want to spend a lot of money." Five minor accidents occurred Irvine Cove homes hit by burglars The Irvine Cove homes of an Orange County Superior Court judge .an d a former Laguna Beach achool trustee, aiong with that of a third victim, were burglarized sometime Saturday night, police said today. Laguna beach police believe the three exclusive homes in the gated commuryity at the north part of town were ransacked by burglars at about the same time Saturday. The victims Include Orange County Superior Court Judge Sheila Sonenshine and her husband, Ygal; Stephen and Marylyn Pauley, and a third family whose names were not known this momin~. ~arylyn Pauley is a former Laguna school board member. Police Sgt. Doris Weaver said investigators have discovered similarities in the three break- ins. In the burglaries at the Sonenshine and Pauley households, intruders filled automobiles belonging to the victims with belongings from the homes. The Sonenshines' Cadillac, along with jewelry, silverware and video equipment, is still missing, police said. The Pauleys' J aguar was discovered in the garage packed with the family's belongings. (See BURGLARS, Page AZ) ................. Law1ulta over thne Newport Beach oil welh are expected to be dropped• tettlement it reached. ~ during the busy two-day period at o n e of the fairgrounds entrances off Arlington Drive and Fairview Road, police said. Because of the heavy congestion along Newport Boulevard police are advising swap meet buyers to use all entrances at: Fairview Road and Merrimac Way, Mesa Drive and Newport. Arlington off Fairview, and Vanguard Way and Fair. An entrance at Fair Drive is open o nly to motorcycles and pedestrians. "A lot of people are utilizing the swap meet for Christmas this year,'' said Sgt. Alan Kent. "The accidents occur when they drive too fast and make turns from the wrong place." During the busy weekend officials opened every available inch of the fairgrounds for parking, including picnic areas. The 1,200 sellers, hawking everything from mistletoe and designer jeans to oak dressers, will also be at the fairgrounds Dec. 20-24 for special extended hours. Admission to the swap meet is $1 for cars and 50 cents for pedestrians. The Orange County fairgrounds expect to make $1 million this year from the swap meet, a third coming from parking and admission fees and a percentage of food and beverage sales. Masked men flee with $8 million NEW YORK (AP) -Two masked men with a shotgun broke through the roof of an armored-car service office, handcuffed a guard and escaped with about $8 milliop in the largest holdup in U.S . history, police said today. The bandits. wearing ski maaks, ente red the Sentry- Armored Car Courier office at 3$48 Boston Road In the Bronx on Sunday n18ht, police laid. The handcuffed" auard was not injured. 11.e thleva Ulled crowbars to break into a vault room and mede off with the money ln ~O and $100 bWa, accord1nc to police apollellMn John Oifford . The robbery wu dl1COvered earl y today when other employees arrived at the office. Al flret, the lo .. had been HUmated at Juat unde r $1 miWor!· (1'.wller f/IJJlly P..-A3.) The ~ pnvtoua holdup wM tM d"wft GI ta mllllon in e.h and '800,000 in j9wela fnJm • Luftbalm CIU'IO .,.. ., New York'• tc.nnedy AJrpcwt on Dec. 11, • .., •• • ' MESA SIGN ENFORCER • • n1<..><.'l the 1ww t.'O<ll'. muvt'<.I In • feelings we gel sometimes," salt! Hack. "We just want lhf'm tu romply." The 1974 sign ordinance, ... hich requires all businesses to meet certain standards by 11)84, has raised the ire of longtime merchants who claim larger signs are crucial to their business. "Many people, especially those who are not in retail, don't realize the importanc.'C of visible signs," said Steve Ho!lister, owner of Hollister's Nursery and chairman of the Costa Mesa Chamber of Commerc~ sign committee. "If I had to bring my sign down it would hurt my business." Recently the city council decided to consider changing the sign o rdina nce so that non - conforming signs that were legal before 1974 could remain until changed voluntarily. Gradually the large signs that once clu ttered the ci1ty 's commercial strips have come down as old businesses closed their doors and others, that must Sumt• buslnc1111 owm•n; h 11V'' voluntnrlly tnkt>n d own tlwlr large s igns, but many oth<'rK remam. But with the sign ordanam•t• dcudllne still twu yN1rs nw11y, Hack and Rose sfX'nd thPlr days cruising 'he city's streets look Ing strictly for illegal signs. Illegal signs on• those for which a p e rmit was never granted. They must come down immediately. Portable signs. often round blocking sidewalks or nailed lo telephont.• poles. arc the most c.'Ommon offenders, they said. BUR GLARS. • "In one case the burglars entered the home through an unlocked back door." Weaver said. "One house was entered through an unlocked window and they apparently jimmied a window t o gain access to the third home," she said. Needs liver Sand crab p eril v i ewe d at On of r e SAN'r A 8ARB)l.RA (AP) Sdentllt. plan further 1tudy on th1.• cuUM> of virtually nonexlatent r1•productlon by aand crabt O("Or the San Onofre nuclear power plant, says the h ead of a comm llt('t' that monltora the plant's effocts Tlwre is no doubt that the eggs of the tiny crustaceans are being damaged , but there 11 no evidence that the plant 11 respon1ible, said W il liam Murdoch, chairman of ,the marine review committee created by the California Coasta l Commission. Murdoch, a biology professor nt the University of California at Santa Barbara , said the committee decided last week to conduct further studies of the problem aCler a review of work by Adrian Wenner , a natural history professor at the university. Wenner reported last month that fewer than 5 percent of sand crabs found along a 15 to 20-mUe stretch of beach near the reactor compl ex were successfully reproducing. Werner said a 90 to 100 percent reproduction rate is normal. four w five timel higher than 10 the crabt found et.ew~re. Murdoch aald a more complelA..• computer analyai1 of 1tatl1th;., gathered by Wenner will be undertakM to detennine If therC: are any apparent Unka with plani: operaUona. Further study allO will Include more analysis o{ the metab content of beaches near the plant; a survey of scientific literature to 1earch for information about the eUecta of metal• in U11ue of Intertidal organisms; and a search for poss.Ible aources of metals in the area. Murdoch says there is no evidence at this point that the concentrations of metals play a role In the lower reproduction rat.es. Amon g t h e poss I b 1 e ' explanations of the metals. content In the crabs is internal rusting in the plant when it ls shut down, corrosion or metals left lying on the property during construction of the plant's three units and the heavy sediment content of the Pacific Ocean. 'Pelican w ard' • • patients improve Patients in the ''pelican ward" of a Laguna Niguel animal hospital are "doing Cine" despite man-inflicted injuries that left them without upper beaks and thus unable to feed themselves, a veterinarian said. Brooke Lundeen, 2, of Florence, Ore., flew with her parents to Pittsburgh a turday for tests to evaluate Brooke's suitability for a liver trans plant she needs to stuy alive. Wenner could not explain the problem but said he was certain it wasn't caused by radioactivity or the heat of water discharges from the cooling system at the plant south of San Clemente. Wenner found concentrations of four metals -nickel, zinc, manganese and iron -that are Crash k ills Cl ementean; an oth er hur t One man was killed and another seriously injured early this morning when the van in which they were driving struck a g u ard rail on the San Diego Freeway in Capistrano Beach,. the California Highway Patrol said. officia Is believe an angry Cishennan in Dana Point Harbor hacked or sawed ofC the beaks because the birds steal bait. Dr. Roberts said some of the birds have been named after people or characters known for their rather pronounced snouts. In addition to Jamie, there's Barbra (Streisand), Jimmy (Durante). Cyr;-.,o (de Bergerac) and Pinocchio, the first bird to receive an artificial beak on Oct. 31. Y a chts' damage h e a vy in s torm Crown V a:Iley Animal Hospital veterinarian Gayle Roberts said a fourth prosthetic surgery ls planned for Thursday on Jamie, named for actor Jamie Farr o( television's "M-A-S -H." In the unique operation, a Ciberglass- molded beak is surgically attached with stainless steel plates, screws and a special bone cement. The animal hospital is the home for 13 of the mutilated brown pelicans. Another bird is at Sea World in San Diego. Four have died since the maimings began around mid-October. State Fish a~d _Ga_me Department ' Other patients include Pete.' Repeat, Grumpy, Shorty. Rusty, John (Davidson), Fran (Tarkenton) and Cathy Lee '(Crosby), the most recent recipient of a new beak. The latter three, stars of TV's ''That's Incredible,'' were named because of a segment filmed ~t the hospital. By ALMON LOCKABEY OMty f'tlot Boetlng Wr11., Additional reports of the devastating storm that wreaked havoc in Baja California last week have been reoeived from Orange C.oast boat enthusiasts. The storm, packing winds estimated between 60 and 80 knots destroyed or sank more than two dozen large yactns at Cabo S~Lucas, the fishmg port at the lip of Baja California Firemen get pay hike Memb~r.s of the Huntington Beach Firemen's Association have received a 7 percent pay increase under terms oC a new contract ~Jfsl). 'approved this week. The contract covers 143 employees. It doesn't include Chief Ray Pic¥d or hts top five command officers. from Hlagen Daza. Ice Cream Shoppe Sou•• ('001• l'oo:uo J')l 6f'lt (~· ,, .. , ... ,,.., .. '1' ;o ,,, 1~ )I The raise brings the pay of a firefighter in the top s tep to S25,772 per year •!,4-. Hfllt'¥ ~IM.«• .>Q'Jo!' 714 407~" The increase will cost $367 ,- 000. The contract is effec tive from Oct 1 until next Sept. 30. Highs in the · 6 0 s 1Mer two olhe< hiker•. Bob and T ueSday December 1 4 Lucy Perlte<. heard their ctlas for help The two carried 1endwlclla1 . .,. __________ applH , oranges end w1ter bul Consla I wore no 11cket1. Par tty cloudy lat• tonight. extending lhrough to mid· morning TUMday. OlharwlM lair. Ovamlght low1 48 to 52. Hlgh1 ~~nd Tue1day In low to Temperatures Elaewhare . from Polnt- Concapllon to th• Mexican ~-and out 80 milel· Smell c.rf1 edvl90fy CNef OU1er waten lor norlhwaat winds 16 to 30 knota with 6 to 9 foot combined -and twall through Tueeday. l.Oc811y, -t to aouth-t wind• 8 to 18 knot• with 2 to 3 foot wind wavaa, becoming wall to northw•ll tO to 18 knoll TUMday. Wa1tar1y awatl 1 to 3 laet. Low cloud• tonight. clearlng In Iha 11ternoon Tunday. NATION Albany Albuquerque Amarlllo ~ Allan la Atlantlc City Aualln Ball I more 81Nlng1 Blrmlnghem Bltm1rclt BolM Bolton 'arown1\llle Buttalo Burlington -C1aper LJ. • SUl1ll1l<tr)' g~:::::: ~~. • ' Cher1otta, N.C ScallerllCI 1now llngerad over Chayer\M the NortheHt early today n Chicago bllter cold apr"d along the EISI Cincinnati Coat. Claval1nd Lllll• accumulation wu Columl>la, S.C expected from Iha tight dulling of Columbul anow In Ille Nort"-811. but the Oellu·fl Wor1h cold tampareturH 1wept down 01yton Illa co .. t lhrough Gaorgl1, with Denver temparaturM In Illa 20a. Dal Moina Allin IP!aad over Illa valleyl In U.trolt • the WMI, changing to 1now In Ouluth hlQtl9t .-Vallone. wt\lla fog end El Puo low cloud• l>lenketad low apol1 In fatgo cantrll and eoutttem c.llfomla. Ftagatatt Sklal -• clMr over the r•t Grail fella of Iha netlon. Hertford SunaNna wa1 foracaat lor later Helen• loday over much ol the nation, Honolulu ~ lot rain ac:rou Illa north HOUiton Pec:lflc CoM1 and anow over Utlh lndlanapolia and 1cattared 1now lnl o 111• J9Ckton. Miu. northern Rockla1 and th• Jacktonvtlle nor1ham Plain•. Kan ... City Temparaturu .around th• Lai Vagae natlOfl at midnight PST ranged Ullla Rock from s below zero In UmMtona, Loul1vtlla Maine, 10 88 In Kay W•I, Fla. Lul>t>ock Cali£ornia Memphla Miami MllwlukM ""'"' Mpll·BI. Paul Wlnlry -ther wM pradlelad NuhVllla In Southern Calllornla altar New Ori..nl HI Lo 23 041 37 30 50 29 33 18 441 24 21 04 45 27 29 '" 39 31 37 21 41 15 4() 33 31 10 54 41 25 11 20 -08 37 30 66 31 32 08 45 20 5" 30 23 17 32 14 27 11 50 22 2$ It 40 28 28 It 55 28 27 21 28 13 18 12 47 37 27 1S 45 22 47 34 22 04 18 13 80 70 47 34 29 13 37 22 " 22 29 24 &5 38 3& 22 31 18 41 28 S3 22 82 87 21 11 28 17 33 17 47 33 N.;•l(,l'\44 Wf:'i4tf H ~-H', ... P l•QAA U ~ Ot-o• ' c.(>!T',. ... ,ti Fronts·Co1ci ..-. Warm w. N-YO<k 31 18 NO<folk 41 28 Nor111 Plane 51 18 Oklahoma Clty 40 25 .. 22 Omahll 33 Orl1ndo 72 43 Phlladelptola 30 14 Phoenix 88 48 Pltllburgh 28 11 22 00 Portland, M• 40 38 Portland, Ora 22 08 Provt~ ==r'c11y 40 111 « 24 ~ 49 30 RlchmOnd 35 18 Silt Like 3& 18 Sen Antonio 49 27 S..ttle 45 41 Shreveport 40 21 $k)u• fallt 28 23 St Loult 27 14 St. Peta-Tempe 73 35 08 -02 St SI• Marie Spoltene 32 24 26 -05 SyrlCUM 33 25 Topeka 66 47 TUC900 Tulsl 37 28 Wllhlnglon 40 20 Wlchlle 34 27 CAL'M*A .. Lo APt>!e Valley S1 31 Baknflald 68 39 Barwtow 84 37 82 48 &Numont Ilg Beer &4 1!1 68 23 8llnop 87 •5 ll'(llla .-ena tamt*atllf'M dropped to new rr-ino In eome mountlM .,..., IHW!g a plllr of 1trandad hlk«I l9allllg the CllNI. SURf RIPIRT "We ltllrted yelling for help bl.It nObOlty '-d ua. We c.a11acn0< help 111011 ol th• nlghl," 11ld M9f11 Powell. 66. ener apandlng ,_. !Mn t4 llOUrt on • nerrow ledee In Topenoj! Cenyotl Pm nor1fl of Peolllc: PallNdea. ... lttrf ............. lwell Dir aw aw aw .... "" ... ,,. "" .... ZW91e 2 3 t2 t 2 a.nta MCMllea 2 3 12 1 2 Ca1a11n1 68 45 Eureka 80 •2 Fresno 68 37 Lene11111r 80 31 Long Beach 72 47 Los Angelal 71 S3 Morvcwl1 75 45 Mont1bell0 66 52 Monterey 58 43 Mt w111on 58 44 Needle• 83 415 Newporl Belch 65 48 52 42 oa1111nd Ont11lo 70 42 Paudana 71 47 Paso Robtas 81 35 River Ilda 89 45 Red Blull 60 38 Redwood City 57 40 Slier amer1to 45 32 Sall nu tl6 4() San Bern11tdlno 87 40 Sen Gabrlel 74 4$- Sen Diego 88 51 67 48 Sall F r1ncteco Sin JoM 68 341 Sant• Ana 72 47 Santi 811l>lltl 64 41 Santi Mafia 83 40 Slf'lta Monlcll 85 52 Stockton .. 50 33 Tehoe Val~ 49 20 Thermal 72 43 Torr enc• 7t 49 CANADA 51 35 Calgary 27 09 Edmon Ion Montreal 09 02 OllllWI 08 -02 Regine 24 11 Toronto 11 10 VtnCOUWf 48 42 Wln"'"9 24 -02 Tides TOOAY 8aoond low 2.34 p rn 0.8 8econd lllgll 8&4 pm 38 TUHOAY Flfal tow' t 3e a m 2 O Flr•t lllOll • 7.&8 a rn 8 1 Second low 3 oe p rn o e S.C:ond lllOh 923 p II'\ 3 8 where many coast residents have land property and boats. First reports of the storm came from Jim Armstrong of San Clemente who was vacationing at the Los Palm.as at Cabo several miles north of Cabo San Lucas. Armstrong said he counted 36 boats on the beach at Palmilla, many of them large fishing boats and sailing yachts. The passenger, David Michael. Others who witnessed the stonn said the best estimate of damage to yachts was in excess of $2 million. They said many owners admitted they had no ins~. Webster, 21, was pronounced dead at the scene of the 12:30 a.m. accident, with massive head injuries. Webster is believed to have been a resident of San Clemente, CHP officials said. The driver of the van, Ronald William Cocchi. 21, of San Clemente, suffered moderate head injuries and was taken to San Clemente General Hospital. Cocch.i was later booked into ths Orange County Jail on charges of manslaughter and felony drunken driving, a spokesman said. At the height of the storm snapping anchor chains sounded like rifle shots, observers said. Boat wr~kage was strewn along two miles of the beach at Cabo. they said. Armstrong reported that h e saw wreckage along the beach all the way from Palmilla to San Jose del Cabo. Cocchi wa s traveling northbound on the trans ition road from the freeway to northbound Pacific Coast Highway when his van hit a rail on the right side of the road,. caromed to the left side and· rolled over, officers said. • Our checked oxford casual is a handsome gift idea A frc~h. new touch of color to give him this Chri!>tmas, and one that"s a Brooks Brothers exclusive. Cotton o xford is woven in neat 1/8" c hecks fo r this good-loo king, long-wearing sport ~hirt. It's made with long sleeves and ou11 on-Jown collar in red, blue, navy or green on w hite. 141/i to 16 1/i, $36.50 • fo rt<t••'f a RrooJu Bro1l11r1 cltor11 applirolll>tt , fllttl"' rnll·f•" t,-800•247 ·I 000 HTAIM.ISMID 1111 ~~~ ~~A~ furntshings for lltn. Womtn ~ 9oys 530\\t .. sT 7'1tiSTHt-.... r.t OSA~rn .. 1 f.S.C U R b \StttO' ISi \'°'I>. "-lf•.\\'POR1 HP.ACll. CAI.IP. .. . • • . . • • . • t . ' • Powell. ff, of Loa ~ and J.C Antllee, N , of HawtllOfM heel Mt ovt l ahlfdey but 1lld down 1 trMCf*out ...,.,. end wet• *oed to apand ttla night on 'ttie 4-by·l·f004 ledge. Tiiey -· '"°'*' by 11eticop1er l'!nd1y Ntwpor1 leKf'I 2 3 12 1 2 aen OitOO County 2 3 t2 2 a , CMiooli lor Tuatdey 811gtll Iner .... In weeterty ...rtt w Sun .... •• 4 411 p m • rlH• Tll98dll't at t 50 I m Moon r .... •Odey al e 12 • m 1 ..,,,,34&pm ~I ' , ' •/ , I Orange Coa1t DAILY PILOl /Monday, December 13, 1812 NB 8 3 N '~~ (:()MPO 'JrrE "rKA ... l:TI o u o 1u10 .... 11<lUDI T••DUOll , ....... VOlll MIO••" tat •AHOI\ AHO •ll'OlflO IV Tiii HA\0 AllO IH\flHI I "''"'< ••w I OUO .. 01 llO•T •roo CINCl!llNUI "0C• tate \• "\ N•t Jl I "'11. t NI•• ("9 s::t~r 11 m 1:'" • ~, 8:~1 ,. • 'U ':t "' ... ,., Nol ~Hlltl I 10 U .,, )I ~. ,. l ~ , , ...... l "9 r:t,~~. ~ ::~ ,, el 1 ID IO t t'I'• • '• Ml, 11 .1t 1 I ),J II" t " •1119 '~II t'iC)j u • .. •• '. U4 JO MC I.to, G r"' • h 0.1111.P t » • U.111•10, \, 1et:'w~ tfi • ~ ,)'• ! 1:: 8:1~ 1 >r;: 1:.!' "' w··~ .... :::;•,,..,: ~ ::"'; ,, ~~~r •. ':21'~ Jf J!"' ," PL,,.., <:•o•• l.."9 ... I!!•• 1 11 '14 '"' • 1~ 0.11iw•, .M i u1 ~ .... , 1.. 114~,:.."!,v~i~Ar~ ~~ t'1 V', ii: ,, ~ ;;t · ~ 8:;!fo" ,:" ~ ·~ ~1~ • \\ Yor' Slot' f•< ....... tuwH Ir ftM t.10 I) 131J ti~\ ... 0.tld I ... 1101' 11'• v, •I ._ lrtlM pf 1 ' 10' > ti , O.tl pf t .n . ,100 tt 1,, lo. -•• Ult C119, lrltPI I Ile 4 12'1 20 0.11! pt 1 ... , , ti~ St\;., 1"- AA" "~SAl'I-t \i+ , ~. roo 10 1t •It> 10 "-O.j! pf 1.0 110 u l\o\ ACf' Ut t 11W Jlh , tO.W_J 1.:12 I 10 17 \lo 0. £ t 1.3' t190 U\1 t "° ... ,. 1 .. 151 11.,, .. _ I ruo t 10 • ~ 11~. 11o DE pf 1.11 1 201 •• .. .., ·-l • -Ut:pU.41 . 1 Jll.+ •. DE pf 2.H I lf\.o \I+ AMII Cp .,., llol) •• !'.' lw11 ... • ,, 11~.. ... 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Dli t Algln I.AO I •I" m. \'a fir~". :AO . ~ .,, ,, ; 1 '• ovf: = a:: : : l! ~ t4 AlglllJ.f 2.1'. · •11 1' • lit emSc> 2.10 10 IOI 46~ 1 Dvke pf 11 •. rlOCO t1'n , 1-. ~lf~p,;,C121:~ 'i 1:lf f,~: ~ dPe< g 1.40 .. 1M> 11'-+ lo\ Dvk pfN I ..... lit l'J!t. + h AllenG .AOl>»•ltl 11 \lo ... ",\0 :fl41 ~ w· ·...; 8::~l:"'U1H'~~ 1~~·.;,1. AlldCp 2.40 S 117• 32.Yo + \lo Ill .IO 11 1&> 12t I DuqLI I.to I IU7 t•h •.. ~:::,C,fdpf~I~~ ·; ~t sro-t: -.iHld 1.40 t IOI llh t " Duq pf 1.17 , . ~AO 1Wt • "' AlldStr 1.10 10 2'2 JI~+ v. a~:~o :th; ~ J"·~ :Z E::::lo2.J :, ~ :~~ .. ::· !l:f,~·~ I . ~ Ji! 2;14 ~ ~ fNll 1 t '11 O" t 'II Duq prl<J.10 . . 4 U-I/+ All.Ch p1u11 u u~ + " Cerol't .»" JO 11>..-" l>UCI P• 2,3.1 .. aoo 1711>-\lo Alpf\Pr . . ll 17 , 'I+ CArf'W 2.AO I Ill it '" Duq pr 1.IS .. aoo. 711/) ..... " Car• pf 1j7 • I 7' OycoPI .2A t 1s. " -" ... ICM 1 ~'1 '" 2tV. V. ~e< 1.1011 31 31 + \> Oyl!Am .U It ll'11IO>tt+ h ~::::: pf ·~ · 1~ ~, :: Pl• U O 14 ll m 1, -E_. - Amrco 1.:12 It 11 t•~ · ~~I.~ 1J "! m: ~= ~~~I 1s :~ ~ ~ m:: ; 1 ~:::~r M8ijm~ n~:. WI .~11 "' 11"'· ... EeoleP ·'"' 11 IS'>+ h AmAo• .OSJ • 31• 1'-+ \lo NO 1.11 11 •s .... . EH~O 1.l2 I " u • \lo Allll(r IS 11~ + ~ ~t:sll ·~ . · 11' t + \lo EHtAlr SIS I , \<o Alrencl J.SO I Sl3 46V. + .. Ce<~p 1 I~ 11~ :~"-; ..... ~:~,•;t., : 1~ ,~;' ~ Aird pf 2.H J U .,,, Cele11M 4 1J 11' 431.+ • 1\lo £1Alr r3.~ 71 II -Ito Aird pf 2·t1 1 '1 -l CefMI pf ,,SO . I UI.+ EHIG 1.:JO I JlJ 22~ • ._ ~= '·": ~ sr; ~". :: Celeron AO • lJ2 ~· •• "' EHIUll 1.70 • .. 13\\ + ..... Al111Pd .5' ' 11 17 -tefttel 1.1' t 11t :M1i>-n EllCod l.a IJ 2MI to-"" Amce11 2.to no 11 • "' CMitH .u :ao 1(31 <l~ • "'-Eelon 1.n 14 10 11~. " AC-pf 2 IO 13 n~-~ C...SoW .... • m ••. '. 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"=:u .: ,. ,:::: ~ OUTLOOK '83 Notl!AI .11 I'°" IS • I 1 llepAlr 20J I ~. HorSo 11 J,ID I S10 St .. • \, RtPCp .tO I O 11'-\o Horll11 I 17 II~ Ito llNY pfO IJ IOt U '-, I ~nlr Il l .JO t 11 ll'• RNY ~At.0. at)l\oo, 1, Hort• OI S " 10\, • \\ llt PSfl !O MS 1'~1> ::;=: 1:~ : )~~ !;~ • ~ =:~t:. I~ ~ 1~ f!~; ', NE11rO 2.•I• I 17 20\li. h ltnco • 11 "' U \.o 1:T:%1 ~'.~ ,~ ,:; a~· "" :1.11,,~:~· ... •o t~ j ::: ~: =;~>;.t!: ~ ~ ~~;; "' :::~~ :: 2f ~~ tt~ • lo HS .... Ill• II 1.0 JSI.. ~. i.•y11111 J 6 1IOO ~ ,· 1, H5P pf 4. lt . 11SO J/1 H ~. i.ey 111 pf• 10 J' 'l '• NorTl g 1. IOO .. .,,. V1 Reyln pf 12' 10lfo, " .. 1"901 II . '1 ''• AOMll I »t H"' ~:::::,,'.:;\Im:, Z 1,. ,:: =~~~:·u~ 11 ~ ~:.: •; llwtlcp 1.IO I J:l9 U'° V. Rj-IT 1,IO 11 » H " Nl<P pft.11• • • 171 SI "4 R oGren I.Ml 1J "90 ~·, + 2' , Nlcp pft,7.... 61 St vi Riie.Aid .IO ll 41 ''"", •1t NWllEll 1 • .0 IS 11• lt '" i.ot.hw 1.AO U 2 Uh, ~ NwEn ..... ,, •2• Ill> .,, Roll!"' 1.60 ' lS 7•l· .... Nwllrtd 1 ... J SOl ••1t, Rooln• ,Stu 72l 11" =:J:: 1 i2 2~ ~ .,. ::~?. ··:~ & 1t1 m.:: "' NorStm 1,0I ' ICM 2J~, .... Rocllwl I.St 10 •11 U V.• t t Ho"o .lle " ss "" . Rot1111H 2.IO 12 12 111, •• ,, Nucor .S2 16 )I s.•., '• Aoht111 S ISi 11"-• v • N11trS n :!! :...C,'1_ ,21 ,. \', ::::~~~).ti~ .~ ~~ ; ;: ~lllnd .u • 94.1 lt Rolll11• ... t 101 "', .... ~I~:: t~ •: :m~ ~~. \. :::.~~ ~ •!! ,~~ · 1~: :><,ctP "'2.SO St 17"4, ', It-• .to )I 3 1'\• If, ~CIP llf2,1J • 11 IHo AOtef 1.IW 1J JlJ 2'1.t \') < ,. llf2.JO .. ll U'-lo "-•n OI ' 1n1 •~ .. ct~U·'° lt7 to~• \• A-en pf2 ~ 101 31 , Vo Jc.ct l'-42 . '1 IH + \It RC Col 11W 11 11 20'•, I• :>DE O 1 t a 11\o-L<o ~oylDm ,1tte11S ~ J:Jl·1\.'>-"' :>eden '.IO ' llt ,.... • -.. """' -::>filoEd 1.76 1 Sii 14" It R11H09 I I Ml 10 • ~. JllEd pf 1 tO 1110 )0 Ay.,.H I 11t 170 """ • I+ :)ftEd pf 4,40 . aoo llh. 11, Ayo.rs 1-u s" *' :>l!Ed pl I.» •• 1'10 "" 11.,, :>llEd "2,t'J '1 2'I 1 S -:>llEd pf 1.M , 1110 tJ 1, SCA 10 u JOS ""' ... :)ftE ,,. 10.16 • • ISO '"' • I, 5CM 2 ' 3tl JOI• • lllP pf I.CM . rlOO ~ "4 SFN I It 10 116 J2\, '-~P pfC IAO r<)«IS.'1-1 SPSTec nu IO I)"' ·~ P pfG? ti 7 11•. •, Seblne .Cl 22 nn JI'-. 1 P pfA U (240 IOl' l , '1 SfoOll l J2 It •141 12''11 • 1 ::>rtP pf01 1' ISO )I SIOOS< lt 1-... :>ILl•GE .... I Ill 11' I . SfltdS WI 11 ,.,., 1 16 :lkteG pf ,IO . r110 71, Stf•wr J IO I 11• 46~ :>lln '·'° a u2 n "' s.oee.p » 11 M ll'o ~ :>merll I 17 II "'' i . SIJoLP I.AO s " 1Jh ,, :>m11Cr 11 11121 101 u '4 1~ ~eut 1 It u •~· '• ,,.kl• .7212 SI 11 , I• i.eoP I 12 I 142 2S ''-:>NEOlt 2.AO S SI U l<o t.,.t .AO t ll 110t lo :lpelllle . 107 t h, " Die<;' I IZ t ISi 1Ho • 'I• :>re11Ak 1.IO I tJ ""' , SJ_ 11enl 'Me t> 1'1 ''• :>re1109 ,QSj . It •>.. 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'-S.eCOlll U ' 1101 7S''o+ ', ~:r.11 :: :t.•'f: :!:~ ~. t=.~1rn :·; I !:~ ::~ ~ :::~~ ~~ a ':; ~:: · •· tM,', to u tt J:~ · ~ P.-4911 ..SO t 10S 16'• '• S.elPw 1 ~1J >t 0 '1 11 P1tr1Am . nos n. s .. ,1eo u u 1100 '° . 1~ P-EC 2,,JO S 121 U 'o • "'> See,. I.» ll S41J t'1 .. lo Pepe It I 9' 10 JO • SK Pe< 1 40 6 4JO a , \, Perdy11 U 2!tt u • "' Meleo S7 1 ll1 11'4 , ,., ::ro~r~ ~ .: !::=· .• ~..!'cu : :• !: ~P PerllH ... IJ 1S IO~ "' ~krM 1 20 .: •St JI '. ?~ P••llP11 52 n i.. 1•~ •, Slltoell u -• 1 p.,..,. I I • 123 20't .. S/l<twl11 ISt U Jl ll't • II) •et Ptrl lll S1'o . >llellO 1 IO I JIM 11 , • ,,_ PeylN .~ 1' .SO 11 •, 5.fwtllT ) 10e I 2 16~ • lo PeyCSll 2•U 1'1 0 11•1'1 W IGlo 50 12 11 21'1• 1, PMlllcly .16 11 lU I + h 51\elG pfl n I :IJ\o. ~ ,.._ .en.. «>O I iMIG pfl 40 • II u-. • 'II ...,.t ll I I SJt 111 • t 'II Ptrwln I 11 .:i U~• ') ~..!:.~~ 10 = ~I.!\, ~:••Pee 1: i b20 ll\o Po!\NY 2 t 31'/ ~ '" .. ~:~. AO l2 J m; '• PePL 2.Jl t VS 20~ h SlmpPt .llj II OM f • \lo PePL pf 4,40 1«>0 U~ I Singer 10. 20S 11>..-"' PaPL Ill '-'° . tJOO ~ '"' il119• pf J SO I JS"-'" Pe PL pf 1,.0 11111 M • ~llyllll• A 46 1"2'11 2H Yo PePL Pl'8.,. rll30 t21.,._ 1 >mllll4 UI • 10 10', •1, PePL ~IS 17 2H t-"' Stllllllln ti 6 IOU '1 . PePL pf f.U .. IMtO II''>+ I~• Stlllll 2AO 1J llt .. ,, , 1~ PePL pr 11 • r1M> • im110r 1.«I 11 I 121, • I.• Pe PL pr I •• 1100 to I S11ap()11 .. ,, ,,. ,.. • \') Pe P L "'8.l'O 1110 tS 11 • '°"'I 1 IO 6 lll H\lo, -., Pellwlf 2,JO 10 • JO eyCp 14t 1' 1110 IS', 1' • Petlw pf I.to . 12 19' • "-Lin 1 Ce 10 I Jjµ, .._,., l.20 • "' "'' 1. rec 2.to st 17+. Pe111 pfl I . 00 lltl. if'cC_.tt pf2 40 I ~·~ \lo ...... 0 l .. U 16 21' 1 1-. SCrEG I.ft 9 '" 17•• P-E11 I • •ll "• 1• ioJerln 110 1 I '°"• 1. Pel>slCo I t1 10 1''1 40' • i. MM1ctw11 !IOI> I 1' >th • ~ Peril El SO 22 ... 11'-5oollk I I Jt JI',• It Prmle11 I Me I m t •\ • 11 SoelPS 1 «JI 16 2 t"r \'ti Olrle IA 1' • 1' ieet£d l 51 , _., :M o Vo 1111 '° I 17l u ~l!Co t.10 1 277t IS• t Its 4.»t a tl'o• '• iolnGI! 2 OI I 11 H "• Ill pfl JI . tl U\o "' iNE hi S IW IO :M ... , .. •I far I .. ,, IS.J ,,. • ftollPec J to • Jlt U\o "' lpO .:JOj ftS U '-• \o. ioUnCo 1 St I tO lt\o -... 1010t0 ..... '"' ie<lllM , ,. • JM 1'"-• ... leEI t.11 I Sit It\+ ioi.oY GI 20 650 u • .. I~ pf s.: 1150 11'~ :.: '°""''" .0.. • M t :e::40 gc: ~"· ~~r1 ~11 .~ ~r:. ~: IE pl 7 llOO ,.. ;.111111 I lit t 111 17\t IE pl I.IS . r«> ... , • 1 '-"1•11 IO I 12 9' .. • Vo llE pt 1,IS 1100 S'\'11 • '• '-1'1• lff If 17 :JO'.,._"-IE DflS U . rllOO '°'""' • 1\o lw!For 1i1 61 10' ,_ \o llE pf t.SO . lJO h•• "' \wlGti 1.1' 14 Jt tt. '• llE pf 7.IO rl70 SI''• 'J S.£11• 52 12 '1 10\o IS..b 1 JO 10 11 ll" SwtPS I t2 I tl'I It • "° IMr 1 40 10 1111 tl'' • '• -rtll .0 t 3' 11'-\\ lltncl Sl II St 11"-• lit >c>KIP IOI JJO n • >-•• 1Po1 2.~ 1 1ttS :n~ n . ~"' 1., • 1m 11"' •· llVH .to 6 ti 101• • '• M»tlllll.• 1 U 1 «15 JI I ledA>fl • I 7M M-'+ ... $.Qwero , .. 1J lll ,.,, • 1 PleNG t.• I I 11... '• $.Q11lbt> 1.:W 11 01 46 '• :~:.:" 2.• 1l ,!: ,~. ,~~ 1•~::, 1,t ii u an..:!. :.., Pl-• 1.16 1J 1111 21' OMo! .~ 11 '3 ,.._. • 1 Pl111 I IAO 11 m 0 1' • IOllCI 2.AO 1 l 1SI J7\, I'> Pt111Lp12.11 .• , •• 11.!: ~ 1011141 t.IO l '1J1 ·~---Pllblll to 10 4\t " , 1, dODll 2 .0 S '"S it•, '- PlenRsc 10 Ito IOI;, 1 • ii:~: '.~ t " w• Ple11tr11 . It 1' t4 It~ '" ;1enWll 7t 17 1t$ u • , ~ .. , • .,.,.,, 111 . Me ·~ ., ~ ... ,,.11 ,. 11 ,. ,... "' =;'d' :: :~ ~ ,, "' ;teMSe l,JIJ J7 IO''o .... Poferld 1 Sl 100I ~!',;''Ill llAwfCll 1 4' I 1132 U'I> 11) Pftdros .1011 111 >ti•• " l'"'° .11111n ~ a~ flopTat .to SJ 12 It'•• "' terclll .1611 10 Uh; v. Portee .to 11 " 11,.. "' trllkJ .n I 19 t it)• 14 ... • fe'°" 1• 11 ,..., ,,_. "" .Caw.i·u i ~u~h···i.\ e¥1W 1.1014 n ""'• l't G 11f J,.O 1 ~ Wr'll 1M It H ti~+ >II G pl 411 • U »"-+ .... VC I .. ' tJt •"-+ \lo pl . . " m. " .:;:.c;,.ri,J. 1-,: "!:.., • ~1.~ ,::, l-: 1l 11l~ ~: ~ 1111\C. ..... JJ , .. ,. h £1 pf'°' . aooo .U'• 1., .. Ml s 1 .. IO 1'S .. ._ t\ ••• -... ·~ e( I01Q J• ... " .o 1 • -"' ... totor .nu 11s t111 . "' resley .JO 11 1t ltll• " l•ldi.11 1 ,. 11 J1 ll ~..::c ll#A i! 1:! ~ ! !: ySfl .ID 4 211 ti• '" rnM' ·"" .. ''"• ..... •rG I toll IO UI ~""' ~ ,. ~ 4.:;: a;: ·:r.:: i! 1· ljl:I~; ~i~: ~ I• 11 ' '1'e-~ ... u · '\~ ' t , ·4 .;; ;&!': .• IM 2,. J 1111 , 7t'~• \lo flf 1j J ~VI t)"1 II Ill l .. , llOD I'; ,\r I ' )IJ ~1'> '-Ill ... 1 IS .. .16'~ I .. 1r• • '-:: "' :: " & ~ : .. ,.,!ti' ,. ,, I~ ,!~. '" ffr: I .It 6 Jtl ,,..., t \lo Mr<>!I a 1J Ult """ ~ " .,,, ,, •• 10•1J-"' i o ... 1 • »·~ 111 ~ ~~ . : ~ ~ • ..: :I t? ,::: : t! HIF! U t f71o Ill ..,_.. !. l1 nf ltlo .... H M •J 17 ... ". ""' "1 • . I -\<o N t a 7 .oJ U t IA Ylll .. t 1 IO It ttfl ..... '- The Orange Coast le a prime financial center marked by solid growth and a healthy economy. The December edition of Current magazine will ff ature Outlook '83 an examination of the timely Issues In bulines1 -1ddret111ng such topics es , .. • Contributions and progreaa made by Orange Coast business In 1982. • Economic trends to expect In 1983 -With a focus on local employment, real estate.-eonstructton. retall and finance. • local forecasts and projecllont from key business figures. • An overview of Industry In each of the Orange Coast cities. Dow JOnes Final 5.52 UP CL081NQ 1024.27 AMERICAN LEADERS METALS. UPS ANO DOWNS ... ,,,. I h lecomCp 2 NevP 1.tOpt ) WlnMti.go ' The<lle<'"Y SUS Home t GTFI pf8 I GrtllAtr I 41eP 1111>1 • Clle'1efC.O 10 PecS.Clen 11 N•I HornH 12 LLC Corp pl 1J T e ndr<t1t :; ~~t.~p It J•w•let>< 11 su .... ~ 11 HMW lnel It AmCent(p 20 Fl11(pAm s 11 PeyleuOll 21 T riSou In¥ 2l FedNel Mtg 1• AIMo-n 2S ICl>I PNnn SYMBOLS pt IC. •<llYe '"W\~ ..... • i-1• -\lo ..... 'IV. '" --.... . \\ Pel Up lt 1 Up 1'0 Up 1JJ Up II S Up t7 Up t4 Up t ,I Up to UP ll Up l .J Up I.I Up IS Up U Up S.I Up SI VP H Op S,I Up U Up S.S Up ~ 1 Up 10 IJp " Up •.I Up •.I Up 4 1 Up O Pct Off "J Ott 12 I 011 107 Otl ti Ott t.i Ofl 1.1 Otl 1 1 Otl 1.2 Otl 11 Ott 1.0 Otl 7.1 Off ,,. Oii IA Oii •• Ott •• Ott • s Oii • s Oii • ' Otl • J 0 11 •o Otl •O Otl tO Ott SI Otl s. Ofl St GOLD QUOTATIONS ., TM '111 .. 1t1_. ..,_ lellc1ed' -004d Pflell •OdeY: WMllt momlng "•lno 14M 75, 11P 13 00. L, ....... •ller11oon flalllO 1431 71, llP 1300 hrtt .net,_ !laing 1434.0I, oft '8 t I. ,,.,.,_, llKlng '440 02. oft to ti Zllrtell Illa lltemoon llalng "43' 00. up 13 00 bid, Mff.00 Mlleel H•ntlr a Me r,..•11 (onlr deity Quote) *'431 75, up 13.00 .,...._.. Conly Oelly QllOlel ... SUS. up 1300 1,...CMltl t1b•k:eleel (only detly Quote) 1480 811. \II> 13 15 STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT SILVER Hendy end Harmen, •10.:11 per tror Olll\Ce O·New yH •ly !Ow 11-Ne"' t•••ly lllQ!I Unlen 01nerw1se note<! ra1u 01 a1111oenot ire annuet d11oursemM111 bHod on th• t•~• ll·N•w •Hue •·Oecl1re<1 or P••d 111 prec:edl"' 12 montnt plut 11oc• dividend 1-P1id 11 atock 1n preced•"Q 12 mot1lllA, ea11me1ec CH h •• , .... Otl ••·Cl•VIO•nd or ... dll lrlbullOf dele luerte•ly or se m1·1nn1111 deCll•tl•On P.C•t l or HHa d11110end1 or paymenlS no1 1e11gnated 11 regular are 10en11he<I 1n tnt Ollowing IOOlnOlel •·h ·d•¥•Oendt Of ••·ttgn11 y·Ea·dMOtM and 111e1 1n lull l•Stlee In II.IN •·•110 •••re O• ""H b·Annual rete pl11t .1oek d1¥1oend C·L1qu1d111ng dov1dend >octt red o• p1•d 1n 11•ece<11ng 12 montn• -0ec••1•d or P••d 111., "°"' o"•d•11d o• •Ohl up 1·P11d ""' ye.1• O,.,d.,.d om111eel l•l•rt•d Of 110 IChon ••••n ., lH I dlVklMIO ""''!IQ k·Dec••tf'd or P••d 1n11 yoat an .ccumu••t•v• fllue wttt\ ot"¥10end• tn .,,.., • e1d·C11te<1 wo.wnen 0111rt1>111eo wl·W~ tllUI O WW•Wlll\ w•"l tllS •W·Wllt\0111 .. ert1n1a •Oll·h -dllltlbUhOfl P E reuo Tile puce ot a 11oc-es t m~lt•Ple Of pet•sllere •tr111ngt·0.,1..0 b) 01.,.C11ng 111• ttlH 1 12.monl~ "'n•!IQ• hgurt 11!10 1e11 ltle Ortce Paint stores slated CHICAGO (AP) -Sears, Roeb~k and Co. plans to sta!"t up six paint and hardware specialty stores near Chicago, New York and Los Angeles in 1983 in a one-year test marketing program, the giant retailer announced. ;.,w.o' 32 ll 68 19' • • ~. -T-T -fDlt II .12* 11 SM •H •••• f£CO 1,• ' "' 10'• . f11£ 1 t ' ,., lJ\\• " fRW 1 • .0 U 73• "'•-1'-ri.w pr •.so 1 ,,, tec81 I 10 221 II'•-11!t ref!Brd 1 11 • o v. • v. reuer m 1 , l'it retley p1 1 .• 11 1011+. r-y tlut3 » • v. l"lldy<lt 22 IOI IS~ 1'• r.,.,,., .71111 I 11S 101-. + ~. rct1c:tr .n 12 12 n-.. 111 rektma 1 u '°' Stv. + 11> rekom 101 l ' ·-'It relclyne • ... 130•4. , .., tel.. 11 151' 13v, +I ren11<0 2.n • ,.,, 3t • >.. renc: pr 11 • 01 • -1 renc: ., 1.40 • , tl• ,_ • ., r..-dr11 • 11 J'M 31 • ... fntro A • 271 11'\o .,, fnor pf 1.1• • • 3' -..., r .. eco J • 34» >•°'. 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