HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-12-17 - Orange Coast PilotIll . c11m11m11 . Senate hill could force drastic college cuts In addiUon to poeable layoffs by J.,... Thompeon u.Jd there would b• • reduc tion ln comtnaetlon and pu_~hue of equi,._nt, and pn:>tlebly cuta ln frinle benefits for all employeee. Le1t1taUve advocate Myera laid cuta would be difficult to make beca\m 80 percent of the cUltrict'• budaet la ln aalariee and benefits. And. liven the f.:t the state la "In It. mo.t eertou1 financial 1traita aince the Depreulon," Myen belleves,Alquilt'a bW baa a JPJd chance of betna approved. Meanwhile, Saddleback Community Collea• Diatrlct chanc9llor Larry Stevena aaid the .bW ''would be a killer fot our dlltrict." 'That-diat:rict, which includea a campua ln Irvine and a larger campua ln Mt.ion Viejo, ataiida to 1098 $1.2 mlllion ahould the bill put. 'l'hc. cuta would come before the end of the current fm::al year. St.event aid. Dr. Al Grafaky, vice chancellor of buaineel at SaddlebllCk. aaid, "While making cuta at any point la "a traumatic and difficult tMk. mak1na them after half the fllcal year LI palled LI a muochiaUc enterprile of the tint order.'' Chancellor Stevena aaid the cuta ralae9 the poeaibllity of a freae on penonnel; a freere on conatNctJon of a campus police' buildlnl at the eouth campua; freeze• on library book purchases; ,=tr maintenance projec:ta; cu or elimlnadon of aub9titute inatructora and c1eeifled staff, and a reduction of the contingency fund to near i.ero. Recall committee foiled ·in. bid-for Valley hea:ring By PBD. SNEIDERMAN ................ Fountain Valley S chool Dhtrlct truateea have unanimously rejected a recall -committee'• request for a public heartnc aimed at reaolvinl an on1oln1 dlapute over the da.trk:t'• flnanda1 pncticel. Meeting Thursday night, ~ aUd that felUlar review procedur. and a apecial audit havlt failed to detect any lmproprletlea. Dt.trtct offlciah aid the additional hearlnc and audit 1u11eated by the Committee Advocating Belponalble Education "would aerYe DO Ulleful purpoae." CARE 19 att.emptlna to recall trusteel' Cheryl Norton ... Ro1er Belem and Suzanne Moore. The FO"P hM been dlltributinc an lnfonnation lheet alletr1na that the tnlNel have alloWecf fia:al ~t and have faUed to comply with staie Education \ Code aectiona govemJ.nc buainem ~ The diatrict responded by ilSuinl lta own lnformaticll\ abeet clalmina no fm::al mi9oonduct baa ~.A apedal audit report plt!9ellted to trultee8 IUpported the dLltrict'a information aheet and detected no illeplitie9. But CARE apokeaman Ken Bradley deteribed the apedal audit report u "meanlneleu" becauae lt conaidered the ddtrict'a reaponsea but dld not addre. all of CARE'• original ct)argee. He called for a public hearing to review the original CAR! chargea and the diatrict'a reaponaea. If the dlfferencea could not be reaolved , an independent auditor should be hired to inapect the diatrtct'a filwlcf», he aaid. '1 do not feel a public ~ would eerve any U8eful ~. responded TnLatee Norton. "I feel comtortable with what the audit aa.ld." / "To brina lri another-auditor would be tantamount to saying our preaent audit o r ta incompetent," aaid Truatee Belgen. "I think a public bearlng would be a waste of time." Truateea Moore, Jim Woeat and Carol Mohan al.80 maintained that the time and expenae involved in a public hearing and additional audit waa unjustified. CARE Chairman Devon Dahl then aaked for a two-hour meeUng with the dlatrict'a auditor to diacuaa the apeclal audit report. Superintendent William Flaber aaid he would permit aucb a meeting if CARE membera agreed to pay the ~ (the auditor'• cbafl'! ia "° per bow) and would ..cr-ee to retract their alleptlona if the auditor declared them falae. "We at.and b~ the facta we have preeented.' Dahl aakt. He -1.ed that the cilatrict should (See BEARING, Pace A!) Car stereo thieves hit Irvine Playln1 Santa Claua' middlemen In the· Great Packa1e My1tery were (from left) Brooke Plunkett, JUI Davia and Pat Davl1. ..,.. nta Claus takes detour ---. Package my1tery 1olved by Huntington Beach recipients IJ.!'21,~ .f.tl'Kll:R The box arrived Monda)lstn Hun~ a.ch. Then wu no 1ddre11 a.bel. TheN w•N no cl\111 about where lt cunt tram Clf WMn l\ Wll hMded, ln1ldt th• box wen 11 Chr&1\tUl..l>lck11tt, ~~ lndkllMd U'9y wwe ln l tor ..... lnptd, Lla and M!M. ~ Didcul Wll cllllwnd by Unlttcl' Paml lervlot to the Nau\llUI Im~ Company. It WM an okl bcix that Uw CQIQPlft1 had \.-d to Jh,tp canl and lhell prod\IQ.tl, MHldn.1 tape tha\ ilUed 0.. lftdl and CIOl"Ml'I Wll tmprlnttd with tht N1u\llu1 ....... 8ut there IH ft9 . SrlcH, ln1rld1, Ll1t1 or MlkH at Neudha The sn1h11t ~ wound up a\ \he wron1 dtetinaUon. lo Pa\ D1vl1 and her daupw, JW, U.. co-oWMr and offkje rnMllW1 ,_.,.ad\19ly, d1d aome dtd~ve r'fllMIGl.na, And wtth Uw help of \M editor of Uw PoulhQepM Joumal ln Ntw York they unraveled the ll\YIWy. And a famll1 ln Iowa will no\ 10 wt\hou\ lw prwenta. Whe\ lM Davt.. \&lUmately Mand Wll \ha\ \he DllCkaft WM mailed from Poual\kMpil• by Car&a Qude. 'n.t sir-"• wwe lntlnded for -...... funll1 ln O.Mo&na K.,. .. how It wmt ~thw: = tw cl\lllt Pit DaVS. =-tWDd ::rd~'*:: Po~bkMpel• JoW'Ml. •tna lmbutcl wltb her ahare ol Chrtatmu apirlt, ahe called the MWlptlpel' wtth the lntentlona of takinl OU\ an ad~t to ftnd out who the tendel' WM. nw editor reportedly wouldn't take the money for the ad. lnnMd, he pubUahed an article on the front paae about the ....... llvina deicriptlonl. -A ~ to.la Ow1e about the artk:le. And abe ca1i.d Nautllua 'lbunday, c:onf1n:Dln&' It WM ahe who 11nl the s-ckali· "With them nam. on the tao. It had to be my DllCkaae," a&e aald. "The people at RauUlua wwe vvy kind. .. Thelr klndne11 makea Chrlltmu what It ahould be.'' lhlllkl. . The myttery 1olved, the Davt.. Mid they an ~ to ( ... PACKAGE, Pap Al) aw OLSNN ICOn' it" ............ l'arty car s&eno thett. have been repor1ed thia month ln Irvine and thieve• are ooncentraUJl8 on popular, euy- to-Mll radloe in new German automobtles. Almoat all of the automobile bur1larlea have involved Vo1Dwa1ena, Audia, Ponchea and BMW1 with either Blaupunkt or Concord atereo receiver•, aald police Lt. Bob Lennert. Bu,..iu;. have averaged more than two per day during the last two weeka. A dozen w e re Roy 'Pat' Archer Embattled Narmco leaving Costa Mesa = lh\ltUftl cloWft ... on-. A go> LI IM tor thlt aarnpen,y '' eo Vletorl• It .. 1ald an •t• •'9w ,..,.. ,. .. relooate4 to a llH' Aaehtlm t.Wty et 1'40 K,.,.. Blvd. by Jen. l. ~' 18 r9Ml'Ch and quality ...,.....,. warbn wW remaln behln41 la Cott• Me•• until Much or APlil. ecconlina to Shim;my that was11 't hits Coa~t : ·~i.tweelcet.d oUce believe at leut three different .,oups ol thleYa are at work, baaed on •ketchy dearf pdooa from wih Fl I ! I Auto bursJariea are OCC\l.n'iq both day and nlaht. Lennert ma.· Medioda for breaking into the can alao baa varied, Lennert aid. Locka have been forced and wtndowa broken. In eome CMm. daahboarda have been entirely removed. Catching intruden baa been dlfficult, )le added, becaUlle the city LI 80 apread out and break- ina are occurring ln all aectiona. Lennert auggeated that bur1l•ra are 1peclalistn' In BlauPunkt and CGncord r...wn becau.. the unJU are bl hip danand. They m.il from about $1150 to $500. :er.cttna Oft the modela. On~~u~al dealer described . them aa offertna "affordable mid -range performance." T~ent more bur1lariea, the department hM i..ued the ollow1na precautiona: -Park lnaide cloaed and locked pr-.. or at 1eut well- 1.lghted Iota. -Borrow an electronl~ marking pen from the police (See STEREO, Pqe A!) Ar--e-her files suit -to overturn vote VISTA (AP) -Loalng and another 100 or ao other conareaaional candidate Roy th1no like poll WOrken aolidtinl "Pat" Archer filed a court peop1e to vote for Packard, not petition Thur.lay that l!Mka to ta_klng penclla out of vot1n1 overturn the reaulta of the 43rd booths that had 'Write-in Roa ~ Dlatrlct nice, won Packard' on them, and allowing by wrtte-ln Ron Packard in a -Packard supporters to cemptl"'1 stunnina upeeL within 50 feet of polll.na boot.ha." ''There were more than 1,600 Staie law forbids cam= feloniea committed ln thia nice.'' .Mthin 100 feet of a pollinl Archer aaid In a telephone Archer, a political ac en~ interview. ref err l na t o profeuor at Palomar Colle1e, allepUona of wideapfted polllna finiahed aecond ln the Nov. 2 booth lmproprietiea ln the Sall election wtth 57,995 vot.ee, or U.l Dteeo County portion of the percent. Packard, a Mor~on dlltrlct on Election Day. dentist from Carlsbad. pmered The dLltrict al.80 lncludea part 88,4U votea or 36.8 percent, of 0ranae ~ty. while GOP candidate Johnnie R. "There were about 1,600 Crean fln.lahed with 56,29'7 or deface1nenta of vottnc booklets (S.. ELECTION. Paa• Al-) ------IDEI---....... No, Frank Steward lan't dreued (or a po1t-nuelear 1ala. Find out why he's mukecl on P .. e Bl. .. fil I Continued 8'orl•• ELECTION UIT ... 31.l peroent Packard 11.arlfli h i.I wMte·ln candidacy af~r losina t.o Crean by 92 votH In the volatile 18-i;.andidatct Republican' primary ia.t,June. Archer tued hi.a complalnt lo Vlha at a branch of the San Dllfio County Clerk'11 offlce , dt.Jha violations ln the Election Code. He ..Ud the clerk would haw five daya to forward the petition to the superior court. and thAt the court tad to grant him a hearing withln 20 daya. uwe will show that precinct worken did not do thelr jobs and aa a result, we loet the election," Archer aald . "There's a pollibillty that Packard could be aworn In , the superior court could declare the election null . and void and he would no longer be our congreaman as a result of the action l i;tart<'d today." There wu no answe r at Packard'• home when The Associated Prete tried to reach ham Thul'9day niaht. San Dieao County Registrar ol Voters Ray Ortii aaid tfiat more than half the voUna booklets in the booth• In the San Die10 County part of the. dlatrict bad been defaced, either by wrlu.n, in Packard's name°" croealng out the names of the two candidatet on the ballot. The booklets remain in the boot.ha for uae by all voters, who punch out their aelectJona on a computer card. There waa a apace for write-In candidates on an outer leaf of the ballot. Ortiz certified the election on Nov. 19, saying that it wu up to th e district attorney t o investigate allegations of illegal election activities. STEREO THEFTS . . . department (free of charge) and cm1rave your driver's license number onto your radio. Then apply "Operation Identification" stX*er on a. car window to warn potential thieves of difficulties in aelllna the radio. -Consider buying a · reliable vehicle alann. -Don't leave valuables in an unoccupied car. Store them in the trunk if neoesaary. -Call polloe at 911 emergency number If you aee strangers loitering or acting auspiciously around nearoy can. . NARMCO MOVING ... aci'entific IOil atudiea. In March , two studies prepared by a private firm and state otfidala concluded that the land is safe for the development of. housing. ~ More teats will have to be CCJellucted on the site when the bu.IJdJ.na ia bulldozed before the city wfil grant build.i.Jl8 permits. I Over the years the Coeta Mesa company haa been the target of numerous complaints from nearby residents who contended that emission.a from the plant cauaed varioua health problems. ., - .. .n • 0 0 0 ' 0 Neighbors of the firm are continuing a auit against the company to collect damages over aUeged health problems they claim are related to emwions from the plant. In 1980, Nannco was dt.ed for producing offensive odors and waa fined $500 after company officia.la pleaded no contest to one count of violating the atate Health and Safety Code by releasing n~xious odo~. Narmco l'las been located m Costa Mesa since 1947. It was purchased by Celanese ln 1972. • from Hl!lllB 'su. a er.om Shoppe Sov1'> COOi' "'°'° llll'"'°'S- CCIOIO Mela. CA 0'1'°6 I•• IS. lr..2 ·~ So COOlf ._ lOQV'O &.<x" CA 0'1e6 • 714497 5e()7 Face lift Ricky Barnes, 13, wipes the etatue of Duke Kahanamoku, father of th' U.S. surfing movement. When asked why he was cleaning the bust at the base of the Huntington Beach pier, Ricky said, "It's a Christmas present for the Duke •.. he deserves it." PACKAGE MYSTERY • • • From Page A 1 · carry their good deed one Step further. They're mamna the package directly to the folla in lowJa. "It really made our day when we got the call from New York.'' aaid Jill Davia. "We really do have Chriatmaa splriL '' Why the un-asldreued peclc.age got to Huntl.nlton Beech ii another story. Insurance •cent Brooke Plunkett Lt a FCJd friend of the Davt.a. Ilia office is located In tbelz bulldln1 at 7456 Lorie Circle. cliools eye boo t m&th, MQf9 math. ~ and IOC!laJ 1clenc• clauee are belna ttlCOnil1Wnded for ltudenta ln the 1hc 1ehool1 of &he HunUnaton Beach Union High School Dtatrict. The recommendation by dilltrlct administrators calla for the 1tudy of math and ICience to be lncreued from one to two yean, •tarting with the 1983 ninth grade clul. Thme 1tudenta would graduate in 1987. Offlclala alao are recornmendin8 that another year of math be required fOt' studenta who will graduate in 1989. An additional half-year study of world history ia being propoeed for 1987 eenion. Police thwart HB suicjde The HunUn&*Qn Beach Special Weapona and' Tactics (SW~T). team was called out Thunday night to quell a disturbance lnvolvtng 2 man who threatened to ahoot himself, police aald today. I The Incident occurred at a residence at Melody Lane near Huntington Harbour. Lt. Bruce Young said the SWAT team waa called when the 21-year-old man allegedly pointed bis handgun at officers who bad responded to calla. The man put down hia gun and surrendered when SWAT members arrived, according to Young. Young aald the man was despondent over a girlfriend. He waa detained for mental obaervation at a hoepltal. Young said. • science ln lddJU.. affldall .. ..,. recommendlna a chana• In physical educatJon counet. The empha1l1 would be on m.alntatntnc phyUcal Ii"'-for life rather than on traditional recreaUon aporta, an officlal 181d. Studle. ue envlldoned on IUCh areaa 'aa the cardlo-va1cular system, diet and aerobb. Larry Lllcaa, auiatant superintendent of' inatrlictlon, aaid the propoeed academic changea are desianed to prepare 1tudent1 with technoloaical changes in the 1980. and 90a. Luca.a said the propoeed new graduation requirements are designed not only to imJ!:ve reading and writing, but to enhance computing, estimating and problem solving. ----''Twenty yean ago, halt the jobl in the United States were in, manufacturina," he Did. .. Sixty percent of the joba now ue informationally oriented. It is a different era." ( ~ The recommendation would require that the following math claDel be ottered at eech of the echoola: general math, algetQ I, buic algebra, geometry, algebra ll, trigonometry I math analysis and ca1culua. However, it ha an' t been determined what apecif.ic cl.uaes that all students will be required to take. Publlc forums on the recommendaUona are 9Cheduled at e9Ch of the high achoola early next month .. A public hearing Lt scheduled by the board of trusteee Jan. 25. Action on the proposal is expected Feb. 8. High achoola that would be affected by the ~11 are Huntington Beach, , Fountain Valley, Marina. Ocean View and Westminster. Slaying suspect's kids nained wards of court The three children of • man accused of murdering hla estranged wife and mother-in- law have been declared court warda f«-.lrrnmtha-by a judae \Vho alao aald the younptera could remain with an uncle'• ex- wife. Judie Byron McMillan uid Wednesday the cuatody arrangement for Rene Dayco's 5 -year-old aon and two daUjhtera, aged 2 and 6, would be reviewed at the end of the aix-month period, u required by law. the chlld.ren but Deputy County Counael Gene Axelrod said no one at Thursday's hearing dlaputed the county's request that the children rematn ·warc111 of the CDW't. The children have been living • at the Westmlnater home of a maternal uncle'• ex~wife aince June 23, a week after they were found with Dayco In Roarita Beech, Mexico. ·Fair weather ahead He and hia wife visited hla 1tep1on in Poughkeepale la1t May. ' Mc.Millan al.lo denied a request by Dayco'• ex-wife, CWita Luna, that her 9-year-old aon be allowed to vialt hia half-brother and half ..titers_ "Now the children are Ulolated, only allowed contact with relatlvea of their mother," McMillan said. "Jlayco'a side of the family and the Flllplno culture are shut off." Dayco wa taken into custody there and f.acs a Feb. 7 trial for the June 14 1layJn11 of hi• 27-year-old wife, Shirley, and 62-year-old grandmother, Amelia Harbulak. The dlamembered bodiee of the two women -.vere found at the family's Huntington Beach home. At a September preliminary hearing, proaecutora claimed Dayco had followed a watom ol bit naUve.~h,Wpplnea that allows a man to QJ an unfaithfW wife. The two had been .ef*'ated for about three wee'a at the time of the-deaths. "My atepeon and hia wife were baby lltten fot the Gudee while be attended the culinary lrwtltute Uiere. They (the Gudes) went away fOt' the weekend and uked blm to watch the houle. At one Ume, a cou1ln of o.,co>a had reqttested cmtody °'" "My wife and I atayed with them at the Gude house." HEARING DENIED • • • "I pve her aomethlng from Nautilua a a thank you gift. "She must have re-uaed the box to send packa1e1 to her relatives. "JSn•t all of thJs a hell of a coinddenctr' ' From Page A1 be willing to pey the ch.ups for two boun of the auditor's time if It will finally resolve the ~~hedoub~ the ~tiona that have been in ROSSIGNOL HAS DONI IT AGAIN dispute for five mootha could be resolved ln just two hours. The board memben aakl they would take the auueatJon of meeting with CARE and the auditor under advilement. Their new vibration abaorbtlon ayitem must be skied to be betleved Avallable at your Roulgnol Headquarters WORLD Gorsuch cir-ed, will obey Reagan Lech Walesa s ays he was kidnapped GDANSK -Lech WalHM aaid today he wa• "kidnapped" by Pollah police for nine houn Thul'lday to keep him from add.reuing a memorial rally. But he vowed that bis outlawed Solldarltv movement will "wln one day1' daplte government efforts to cruab iL "I have to find a way to realize our goal a," aaid Walesa, speaking to reporters for the firat Ume since he was Interned In the marUal l~w crackdown Dec. 13, 1981. Waleaa waa re leued laat month. The news conference was held in Waleaa's Gdansk apartment afte r police allowed Western reporters through a cordon that had been thrown up around the building. Earlier, they had barred the newsmen from entering, questioning some who tried to do ao. OPEC won't cut prices VIENNA -OPEC's Market M onitoring Committee chairman said today that although the oil cartel was undergoing hard tlmee it would not cut prices. "I want to put it in black and white -we are not fOing to lower the prioe of oil,' said Committee Chairman Mana NATION Saeed Otaiba, oil minister for the United Arab Emirates. He spoke at the opening of a day -long meeting of the committee. "We are determined to defend the current market price at $34 per barrel," he added. Missing bus located CLANTON, Ala . - Worried pa.rents and police searched through the night for a bus carrying a girls' high achool basketball team before the bus was found today stuck on a dirt road, officials said. · All aboard were fine, said Lt . R oy Smith of th e Alabama Department of Public Safety. H e said the bus was discovered near Kelley's C ross roads , a rural communit y in central Alabama, at 7 a.m., some 11 hours after it failed to tt1rn up for a game in Weogufka. 'Human emergency' told LANSING, Mich. -Gov. one day aft.er the government William Milliken appealed for offered the c ity surplus private donations of food and cheese. butter, fruit juice, shelter to Michigan's needy, bread, flo ur, spaghetti , saying the hard-hit state's macaroni. rice and oatmeal. • WA J,UNOTO!lf iAP}-An.ne OunRJt•h, cl &ed fnr conlempl of l'unartt11 b c•uH th• obeyed Pretldt•nt RH1an'1 ord1r1 to wllhhold Environmental Protec\Jon A11ncy documenta, aay1 1he wllr "proudly" kMp fullowln1 her bola' lnat.ructJont. The H ou.e voted 269-106 Thuniday night to cite the EPA udmlnlatrator who dofitd a congreaalonal aubpoena to turn over doc uments , auertlng executive privilege. "Obviously, my mother didn't r a ise any criminal, 10 I 'm Air crash . probe ordered SACRAMENTO (AP) -A congreaaman called for an inves tigation of B -52 maint.enan(.'e aft.er nine crewmen died when their aircraft careened into a muddy cow pasture only 18 days after another aging bomber burned at the end of a runway. Air Force spokesman Capt. Louis Figueroa said Mather Air F orce Base o fflciafs were "completely in the dark," about the cause of the accident 'Thursday momenta after the 450,000-pound bomber took off on a training flight. W1 tnesses said the pilot appeared t o des perately mane uver the bomber to. miss stores, homes and farm buildings a nd smash instead into the largest field off the end of the runway. All four instructors• and five trainees aboard the aircTaft died. Figueroa said there was no distress call to the base's tower after the plane took off. Unlike commercial aircraft, the bomber pan[_)nalJy dtamayad," Hid OotMk'h, lho hlP.t uffk1al wer ch&tDd In 1uch a batlle betwMn th• executive and l•alalatlv• branch• of aov mment. But 1he ldcMd. H( work for tM Pl"ftldent, and I wW follow hll Instruction• and do 10 proudly. . .I think th• pre11ldent made the correct decision." She u.ld ahe will c:onUnue to refute to hand ov'" documenta t ubpoenaed by the Houae Public Worka Committee aa part of It.I probe into how EPA II handllna lta •t.6 bllllon toxic wa1tea dl•anu11 proavcam The Hou.IC' '"°lutlon now ti to tho U S attorney tor lh«- 011 t rlc t o f Co lumbia f or EretentatJon t.o a federpl ara.nd ry, whlf.:h <:o uld Indict Oonuch. rwuch Conviction on C0'1,tempt, o c:rlmlnal milldemeanor, carrll"ll o fine ol up to $1,000 und a jail term of up to a year. Rep. Elliott H. Levitu, D-Ga .. uld the U.S. attorney la leplly obltaated to pte11ent the cue to the grand jury, but Justice Department of!lclala aald it co\lld rl't'a\9 a murky lrpl altuaOon ff 001'11Ut'h Wt!~ t'Ollw...d, \t\t- appeab that undoubWdl)' would follow would ultlmatel)' IO to tM i Supremt> Court, which could'~ ltlue a blndln1 dedmon on the rl1ht1 of the executive and tei111auve branches ln queatlona of executive prlvUeg•. Gorauch said the Justice Deputment flied lt.a own ault ln U.S. Dls trjct Court Thuraday night, one minute after the House vote became flnal. That aull seek.a to settle the dllpute {n , a clvll action rather than a c:riminal proeecutlon. A black swath marks the destruction of a 8-52 bomber which crashe d at Sacramento's Mather Air Force Base Thursday, killing nine crewmen. had no flight recorders, officials said. Rep. Robert Matsui. whose district includes Mather. said he wants an inves tigatio n of Thursday's crash ai\d a Nov. 29 incident when a B-52 bunt into flames on landing at Castle Air Force Base, 100 miles to the south. The crew escaped safely in the Castle incident. The plane that crash ed T hursday had bee n based at Castle, but moved to Mather aftl?r the accident damaged Castle's runway. The two accidents "raise some-- questions," said Terry Michael. an aide to the Democratic. congressman. "Are they properl~ maintaining the B-52s at Castle? ' .. double-digit jobless rate ha.s "There are many people in c r e a t e d a • ' h u m a n this state who have run out of emergency." alternatives and now face the spending nieasure Reagan veto seen on Meanwhile, Detroit Mayor basic question of whether Coleman Young persuaded they will have enough to the federal government to eat," Milliken said Thuraday donate l million pounds of aa he. launched a relief ~lua non-fat ~ milk for pri)grarn in a state where the ~ dty'S poot ~denta. unemployment rate ia 17 .2 The announcemen~al'be _ ~t. ____ _ Heart pat1ent serenaded WASHINGTON (AP) -& a weary Sena t e , In sessio n continuously for more than 24 h ours. struggled t oday to complete work on • stopgap spending bill, House Speaker Thomas O'Neill Jr. said he expects President Reagan to veto the entire measure because It contains a jobs package the president oppoees. ' The biU, needed to keep the government functioning beyond midnight, contains a $1.2 billion jobs-creating provision Reagan doesn't want. The Kou.ae-paa8ed version of the same legislation contains a, mott ambitious, $5.4 billion jot. plan. O 'Neill told re porters that presidential aide James Baker had informed him that Reagan would reject any bill containing a jobs program. "He told me outright he (the .. president) wouldn't sign it," O'Neill told reporters. The speaker also said he doubted a veto could b e overridden, suggesting that Congn;. might have to remain in town next week, beyond ita planned adjournment, to try to reach a compromise that would keep the government 10lvent. Unless the ca t ch-all appropriations measure clears both the House and Senate and la signed b-y the preside nt by ) 'II) midnight tonight, most federN.. • • agencies would run out of money · and might have to ahut down. ) Presidential apokemnan Larey i Speakes said today the fint t non..e.ential federal em~-:' · would be eent home on y at the earliest. He said the Offioe of Management and Budget was no tifying d epartments and agencies today how they should proceed in the event no spending measure ls pused and signed by SALT LAKE CITY -A children's choir outside the intensive care ~t ~ren.aded Berney Clark with Christmas carols and the artificial heart recipient was reported "moved and apparently strengthened'' after learning the world is rooting for his recovery. appears to be clearing up and his plastic Jarvik-7 heart ia functioning normally after '!"'uesday's emergency operation to repair a broken valve. Clark 's "pioneer toughness" in twice deciding not to die has deeply touchec1 doctors and nurses, said Dr. Chase Peterson, University of Utah vice president for health sciences. Catalina to keep mooring firm the president. Winding slowly toward the J end of the lame-duck aession, the Senate, In an all-night aession, voted on a mixed bag of lseues l ranging from the MX missile to abortion, foreign aid and the ; Clinch River breeder rejlc\.Or : Clark was in critical but stable con di ti on today . Doc1A>rs say his pne umorua SACRAMENTO (AP) -The State Lands Commission has awarded Catalina Island's boat mooring concession to the current operators even though their bid o ffe r ed t h e s tate the least amount of money. Atk.ins denied parole Commission members Suzanne M organ and David Ackerman voted to let the Santa Catalina Island Co. and the Santa Catalina Island Conservancy continue providing the mooring aervice It has maintained s1noe 1950 until the preeent lease expires on Dec. 31, 1996. FRONTERA -Former Charles Manson follower Susan Atkin5 was called a risk to society, accused of showing poor judgment in marriage and denied parole a fifth time for the 1969 cult murdera of actress Sharon Tate and ae.ven othen. California Board of Prison Terms Chairman Robert Carter said Atkins was denied freedom Thursday because ahe still poa ea "a n unre asonable risk to the safety of the public" and because her ill-fated marriage to Donald Lee Laisure, a self -proclaimed Te xaa milliooafre, showed "poor judgment." C8r1er said Mias Atkins, 34, would not be conSidered for parole again until 1985 becau se a ne w state law allows such hearings only once every three years for convicted mass murderers. The third member of the commiaslon. St.ate Controller Ken Cory, did not cast a vote during Thunday's meeting. Chef ordered to trial "More than t,at dol.lara had to be considered, ' Ackennan said. "We had ample testimony that boaters vi1lting Catalina were satisfied with the services being provided by the l.aland Co. ana Conservancy. In my opinion, the only reaaon to switch to another bidder wa.a If those services could be Improved aubatantlally. I could not make that finding." BEVERLY HILLS -A fonner chf:f at the Ma Maiaon restaurant wa1 ordered Thunday to atand trial for the mutder of actreaa Dominique Dunne, hi• onetime live-in girlfriend. We're Listening ••• 842·6086 John Sweeney, 26, was bound over tot a Dec. 30 arralgnrnent in Santa Monica S upe rior Court al the conclusion of hit prellrnlnary hearing before Judge David Kidney. Before the vote was taken, Cory, the commisaion '• chairman, had uked representatives of each bidder: "Do you understand that you are commJtting to put up a lot of money and lo What do you like about the Dally Pilot! What don't you like? Call the number at left and your meaaage will be recorded, tra.Neribed and delivered to the appropriate editor. The same 24·hour an11werin1 service may be used to record let· lers to the editor on any topl~. Mailbox contributors muat include their name and telephone number for ver1fle1lioo. No circulation calls, please. • Tell us what's on your mlnd. OAAHOE COAST laUyPll~. l~Mod.Hn • Controhr MAI!" ()tllftCa Jlt Wttt ... St , (. .... -·(A. ,.11...,...: Mol tMO,(Mle .._.._CA. ... Ct!llYrltM "8t ~ ..... C. .. ~ C-,. ,..ll_t....., lllMtr••a,.....,lel~-­ V .. llM ....... llff.tfl ,...., .. t...-.C: ........ ~ ... ...,,,.. ........ ,~~. performing a lot of services, and Co. in conjunction with Seaway if you don't perform we will take Co. of Catalina. Catalina Marine your money and we will take Services, a subsidiary of Pioneer your lease?" Take Out Corp .. proposed to pay Each representative responded the state $252,000 yearly rent.al a!finnatJvely. The laland Co. and in exchange for the master lease. Conservancy will pay the state In addition to maintaining the $206,500 per year under the 720 mooring devices specified in contract, wtllch 'lpil!ct:ttes"lhaTthe -W-tease, the bldde111 we1e ahcr guality of existing services will required to agree to provide for be maintained. garbage pickup from moored Highest of the bids received vessels. a boat patrol for policing was for $276,000 pe r year , purpoees and to render assistance submitted by Ia1and Navigation to individuals and to vessels . The votes followed the appareQt defeat of the proposed $5'.5 billion gas tax inc.reaae-highway repair program. . On the jobs measure, O'N~~ ac.c.us.e..d Ji.e_gresi~ Lof_a....,......_• __ u nwillingness to compromls • I adding "it's a two-way street." • "If the president has a better ' faster way of putting 450,000 t Americans back to work, I w~ • be glad to support it." • ... j WHO'S BEHIND YOU? How much to guarantees mean? It depends on the Item involved and the manufacturer. A $100,000 house Is guaranteed for ONE year. Most automobiles are guaranteed from 30 days to one year. Most electrlcal products are guaranteed from 90 days to one year. Guarantees on carpeting are complicated. The rule In the Industry Is TWO YEARS for manufacturing defects. The feeling Is that •' manufacturing defects wlll surface-within that two year period. Beyond this, these manufacturers feel there are too many variables In the usage to give coverage beyond that period. Don't be mlsled by "Phoney'* guarantees. They are pro rated, based on mlll-tnvolce costs, plus padding and labor to change. By the time you figure them up, It usually cost more to change than the original purchase price. Carpet manufacturers tell us that a preponderance of complaints Is not because of defects but because of Improper Installation. We minimize the number of complaints by having the best Installers around. Also, we deal only with more substantial mills, further reducing problems. Buying from Alden's wlll give you the greatest security. emocrat Aaaemblyman Chet Wray, D-Weatminster, defeated last month in hia bid for a third tenn of o.ffice, has been appointed to a $49,990-a-year post on ·the state Unemployment Insurance Appeah Board. The four-year .appointment, effective Jan. 2, WM made by Gov. Edmund Brown Jr. State Senate confirmation of the appointment ia ~ .. a 59-year-old Democrat, was defeated by Republican Doria Allen , who ran unaucceufully against him in 1978 and 1980. A spokesman for the · governor said the Wray appointment waa V1 keeping with Brown'• record of giving jobs to any defeated or retired Democratic legislator who request.a one. The unemployment board, baaed in Sacramento, ia a five- m ember panel that 1-'::tl.DlllWc:Dl....11PllealaJJ: emp l oyees and employers regarding unemployment insurance, disability insurance or ata te personal income tax withholding. In the Legislature, Wray served aa chainnan of the .Aaembly Labor ,and Employment Committee. Children's Puppet Show ft'• the eeuon to make kid• happy at Huntington Center with the ,.., Santa, carottng and ent«taln- ment. S.. the Mltchefl M.mnett•. 4 lhowl dalty. Dec. 18 thru 24. .... D1111r ..... PMee "1 Chertee .._., Part of the Gypsum Canyon brush fire triggered by a McDonnell Douglas power line support last October. Douglas to· foot fire costs? Orange County fire officiala are Plannina to bW McDonnell Doualu Corp. for $269,000 to cover the county'• coat of fl&hting the dl.aaatroua Oct. 9 G)'JISUin Canyan bruabfire. State law allowa fire fiahting agencies to bill people, or companies for firefighting costa when bruahfires are cau.ed by malfeaaance or negligence on the part of those people or companies, said Benjamin De Mayo, the attorney handling the matter for the county oou.mel's office. The cause of the Gypsum Canyon fire, which destroyed 14 homes, waa limited to a power line support at the McDonnell DouRlaa G um Can on test facillty, Orange County Fire Chief Lawrence Hohn• said following the blaze. Holma said Santa Ana winda knocked down a crcm bar on a power pole that emitted aparka and started the fire. Because the county claima the power line wu either improperly hutalled or maintained, it is uklna the aircraft company to foot tiie bill for fighting the fire. U McDonnell Douglas refuaes to pay, the matter will probably wind up i.n d:>urt, fire officiala said. The state Department of Forestry alao la expected to bW the company for ita share of the firefighting coeta, which could amount to as much as $400,000. De Mayo said the county'• claim la the first it haa ever filed to recoup the cost ot fighting a ''wildlands'' brushfire. County s upervisors will be ~~ of the situation at next y's meeting. J .R. Wilson, a McDonnell Douglas spok esman at the company's Huntington Beach offices, said Wednesday that aince the firm has no t yet received a payment request, no response could be made in the issue. "But this is entirely oppoeed to everything I've heard," WU.On said. "We understood the fire department made no negligence or blame assessment." r I '"'ARM THEIR HEARTS. AND ARMS. AND SHOULDERS. SA VE 20 o/o TO 50 o/o ON JACKETS FOR EVERY GUY IN THE HOUSE. The right gift it the right time, jeckltl from our flbuloul collection fOf men, young rn«I Ind boys wtllle tf*•'• Pl«itY °' &JICf -''* to come. FOf young men, our lightweight J~he ledteu. Reg. 50.00 to 66.00 M• AAd fOf meo. uve on leethef. aiedl end cloth jecketa from Wlllilm S.ny. reg. 66.00 to 215.00 47 • to •• Cltlfinl poplin vareity jlckeu. reg. 80.00 47• AAd 8roedwly'1 own vereity jKkltl. Reg. 80.00 a• DileoV9r boys jecklU from P.af'IC Trell, Lautre Mode Ind~ Point, too. Orig. 36.00 to r.>.oo. u •to •• Selection Vlriel bv 110f'I. Men'1 Outerweer. 217. Young M«l'1, 188. Bova. 98 ' RUPNLL1S W .. LITllY '14tt1t1u_. .... ltlJMAallOllUI. COITA MllA-14'•1 IH 641-4321 Df rlct "'coll.ct, to 1ublcn~ to JIOU' hom1lown paper,,,,. Great Last Minute Buys For Christmas BEL&llll WAFFLER SALE PRICED '29.95 ~G ,$38~ ~ ATLAS PASTA MAIER SALE PRICED •29.95 REG. $42.50 ···'' ..... Phone Orders Accepted " OFFER EXTENDED THRU FRI. 12/24/82 My Favorite Things Gourmet Accessories, Unique Gifts for the Home . . . 497-1944 332 Forest Avenue Mall #25 • Laguna Beach, CA 92651 - I ! l i I ~ , ! ' I j . L I I ·' .. ·: .. : ·~ New Shipment Juet Arrived . • • • • . atlll at 57.95 1052 Irvine Ave. 548-8684 NeWport Beach Horsing around ... "BG", a 6-month-old purebred Arabian colt, gets attention from Orange Coast College students Kelly Dwican and Cheryl Gratland. The horse, donated to the school's Animal Health Technology program, is to be sold to raise money for the group, which cares for assorted animals that later are offered to good homes. "BG" was displayed on the campus this week during a fund-rai~er. ~ Sign ups slated at OCC Reglatration geta under way Jan. 3 for mare than 2,500 apring lmDMter' cl..-. in more than 100 academic and vocational area• at Oran&e CoMt C.OlJeae. Spring aemeater cl.-ea begin Jan. 31. Registration by appointment runa Jan. .-... ' AVE 1/3 -. 3 -26 ln th" Adrnlaaiona Offi e office la open onday through ThW'9day from 8:30 a.m. to 7 p.m .• and Friday from 8:30 un. to HOSPIT AllTY GIFTS 2 p.m. 2 DAYS ONLY LOT OPEN DEC. 4th thru DEC. 20th By Popular Demand ()pen registration, oo a w~-ln besia, runs Jan. 27 through Feb. 11. SPl'ina clua schedules will be-malled to all resideooes in the Coast Community College District the final two week• of December. Schedules will also be Regularly 10.00 to 160.00. now l .17to 100M. Save on the hospitable gifts tNlt know how to polish-up a party. Ice bucket•. coastera. TV trayt, gla• end more, all with special knack for entertaining. aHal>le in the '="'"7--~­ Admimiom Office. R egiatration appointment• may be secured in the Admiuiona Office. For registration lnfonnation, phone 556-5772. Call Home Free on MCI E.T., you -anyone can call home and day 'tll Dec. 24 free for the holidays from Hunting- ton Center's MCI phone center. Your Free 3-mln. long distance call by MCI Is on us. Happy holidays . . Photos With R11I S1nt1 Bring the "llttle ones" to Huntington Center'• new mall for memories they'll never forget with the Mitchell Marionettes Christmas lhow and a vltlt with the Real Santa with the AeaJ Beard. And Instant Santi photot onty ... 12.H . Selection may vary from store to store. Here'• to your best Christmas and New Year ever! Gifts. 70. I I -· ,, I YI ·~\1 · '· . ·"" _! ul • . <~ i ' ) il 'Q " ·"'"o • ~rf...1 I ~ il,;. -u-o8 1 lO~t: .u.!. :i0::" ..n<k- ., t{ 1 '"P°"l 'N .Tl'JC ' l(f '11 • ~nL m1r I . ') "'>f. ll c;,.. •Jo . ,./.) r-,,, .. •1.,1] •Jd~ .r '" c ~:.S::· .~ C' ·~•:(,;~ ,., .. ,:-rt~ ., -II 70 j 1 ~0 f .. .,~q rlJiw ,yJ ~-.w r I le '.> " t-"' ,':) --- .1u'I I . I ·1 .I ~UHi UAll Y f11LO I /Hulut 11,11 efflh•r 11, IOH rt-----------.... _,,-~~r--~~---------------------------------------------------------Moose turning into city dwellerS Cancer seIDinar planned at UCI A 10-.week public lectur1..· aeries on aspects of cancer wW be offered at UC lrvine beainning Jan. 4. The aeries actually wLU be a · clau, "The Biology of Cancer," with preaentatlona from several UCI professors. h wlll run Tuesdays and Thundays from 7 to 9:20 p.m. ln the Science Lecture Hall. The class is available to ,oommunity members who can ~,atgn up for the four-unit 'course througl:l the UCI ·Extension or who wish to attend one of more sessions free of charge. Toplca will lnclud~ types of c ancer . tradi llonal and alternative tre atment•. environmental lnlluenoee on cancer, peychological upecta and ethics of treatment. The aeries is apoMOred by the UCI School of Blol<>iical Sciences, UCl 's Carcinogenesis Training Program and the local chapter of \he American Cancer Society. For more Information , ca ll the Biological Sciences Student Affairs Office at 833-5318. • The Experience Center store will be open for Science Museum in Irvine shoppers searching for last- wlll celebrate its third minute stocking stuffers, anniveraary Tuesday by officials say. offering fne admission. Cost to enter the museum The center is open from 9 at 3531 Main St, usually ia $2 a.m. to 4 p .m . Tuesdays for adult&. $1 for children and through Fridays and .from .. $30 for "1'0UJ'.l9. The cen ter's noon to 5 p.m. on weekends. --- ... • The roof top at Fire A~ate Street, will be re- Station No. 2 in Laguna roofed a n d gutters and Beach will get a facelift alter sidings repaired, by Armor ·bids were received for the Roofing Corp. for $6,400. repair work. Armor was the low bidder The fire stat.ion, located at ~": =~k.firms seeking to . llljo7 tie Ci1i1I••• l•r•'' ol Li1llt1 . ~''tie 52' Sellooa11 "ALLURE" December 17-23rd lwo CIUISts nithlly 6.00 lo 8 00 '• 8 30 lo 10 JO Cocll<11ls A~alfable on board Hy PAUL JENKIN& A1111htM,,.. .... ANCHOltAOE, AIHka Anchoraa• la up to ''-anlloni ln mooM lhll winter Ther.t aro mooMt on the Jome everywhere, hundreda of them meandertn1 throu1h the chy, munchin1 their way throu1h neighborhood ahrubbery and 1carlng the dayll1ht1 o'lt of motoriata. More than one houlewlfe hu looked out a window to find herae11 eyeball-to-eyeball with a moose curlou .. about what'• happentnc on the other stde of the pane. It happena every yur when snow blanket• the mountains east of Anchora1e and lta suburbs, and t.he homely crttten are driven to the lowlancS. ln search of food. But thla year, with record mowfalla, there are Two moose, driven from the mountains by heavy snow, forage for more than ever. "There are an awfuJ lot of moose out there," said atate game burie d food in a residential area of Anchorage. . biolQgiat Dave Harkneea. "Th.ls ia experiencing some difficulties very unusual aa compared with with a large herd of rnooee in the the last four or five years. different parking areas of the They're oomlng down lnto town hospital. becauae of the deep snowfall." "Security officen have chased The area has already had 52 the moose away aeveral times, inches of snow , w ith nearby but recently the animals have mountains getting even more. started chasing back. This adds a Harkness estimates the weather whole new a1mension to the has prompted 1,100 moose to problem." wander the streets -about one And dimensions, with moose, moose for each 163 humana. , can be aweeome. A mature bull The moose problem is can stand 7 feet tall at the illustrated by a memo Providence shoulders and tip the scale at Hospital diatributed to the staff 1,200 pounds. of the mid-city facility: "They're very easy-going • ' W e a re c u r re n t l y !nlmals, compared to some. ttather docile," Harkness said. "But aa winter ~. they become stressed. The~hyaical condition woraens and probably their mental condition." Then they might get a trifle testy, he said. Small children afparenUy run the greatest rlak o getting hurt. Harkneaa aalcl, becauae they may decide to have some fun with an ill-tempered mooee. At least two children in the Anchorage area have been injured in recent yean. Adults a~il<i.l:.e.Jl.-who encountu-a should throw themaelves down in a snow bank if pomible and remain qulet. "The chances of that moose coming over and kicking you or atepplng on you are very, very remote," Harkness said. No one has been hurt ao tar thia year, he said. And he nu had no reports of a moose being shot at. "The vast majority of the people say they don't hurt · anything, but greenhouae owners are upset because mooee destroy thousands of dollars in shrubbery." said Harkness . . ~12 per person ~ ~' rtstmhons can 'tilt. .(7U) 6751494 ~ )1ehls 101~~ for For Your Shopping Convenience The Following "jlOur hOllday partin (~ A80Ul OUf! SP£CIAI. llW YEARS eve PARTY) '<-'"' _..,.,...,.., lunoe & Cool1'1 l'aehtlnl( Consultants. lne. Suitt 5 • 3412 Via Ojiorto • Hewpoit llfKh, CJhlorn.a 92£>6J ~ Ors. Arttfur B. Corish and ~ Gregory 0 . Gilman ..are-ple4.sed to announce the association of BETH D. DU BRUYNE, 0.0. to their Optometric practice at "I 4902 lrvlne Center Drive ~ lrvlne, Callfornla 92714 ! Dr. du Bruyne will be specializing in • Family Optometric Practice ~ and ... Vision Therapy • ' Hours by Appointment :· u f714J 559.5905 . ~ " " " " " " f • A LIMITED NUMBER OF A TIRACTIVE · Christmas Carol Song Sheets ARE NOW AVAILABLE TO: Churches & Organizations Coll In P•rson. 8 A.M. to S P.M. ·HARBOR LAWN • mor1umy 625 Gisler Ave. Costa Mesa 540-5554 ] ~ BAYSIDE CENTER MERCHANTS We Will Be Open Sunday, Dec. 19th from 12 .to 5 p.m. and Evenings Mon., Dec. ·20th thru Thurs., Dec. 23rd JO a.m. to 9 p.m. BAYSIDE CENTER ---------------------------------Bays i e Drive Newport Beach ----- • ~sw~ (7 14) 760-0191 llD 1WAID 1S NUTRITION (714) 760-9444 . »!Y.SIDE ~ PHARMAQl (714) 760-0111 ' (714) 7 60-6886 o/uknW~ (714) 640-0990 , I I I I .. I I Orange Ooa I DAil v J'll Oflrr1d1y, CJ•umbet '7, tH? ,,, Air travelers can beat The Mess at LAX durini holidays 1 .J 11 U pomtble w bMt 1lMt M- at LAX durtna lhe buay hoUday lllUOl\f . Rep.rdle. of what lou ...Uht think , the Loa n1e'l .. De~t of AifPQC'ta •Yt you can -If you wlllln1 to break aome old airport u.e habUa. The number one rule, 11ya airporta genera.I manaaer CUiton Moore, ii to allow ample time for travel to the airport and check-ln at the termlnal. Moore iUCP'll an tra two houn. The bualnt acUvlly at the l1rRort.. beon Tbwwia~ and wW t'OIUll1\MJ V1nN1JJ \..llnMIQlll .-... 'l'hlna wljl_~l off for • few daya l>efore ano\her extra-buay ~ between Dec. 30 and Jan. Moore ad~ to avoid t.hele peak travel daya -and peak travel t1mea , 7 to 9 a.m., noon to 2 .m. and 7 to 9 .m. 0.SN1rttn1 puiactOI re. Moore they park at one of two Iota •Y.. ahould take advanw,. of operated by lhe department of bua MrYiaJ llnkJn1 lhe airport &lrpor11. They are loeac.d away with many South rn_ Calif~ from the central cermlnal .,... ~u.. n.n ~ DVrVM."f, nn _..; _. ~ by tr.. tram eef'Ykoe. example, offera aervlce from Three hOW"I free park!nl ai.o ii Anaheim, Buena Park, Lawna Offenid. Hllll, M'-'on Viejo, John Wiyne Lot C I a u 8 e p u Ive d a Airport, S..J Bffch and Loni Boui.vard and 96th Street. The BMch. Phone 776-9210 f« more VSP lot la on 11 l th Street Information. · between AvlaUon and La U pu1enpn ctM.e to drive to C1enep boulevarda. The 24-hour the airport, Moore recommtndl maximum t.a '3 for Lot C and ll.60 tor lhe VSP &ot Private perldna loll a1lo are l~ated In the vlclnlty of the world'• third bu1le1t alr_port. Varioul ralAlll are chata-d. 'n\819 1otl tilao feature tram aervice to the terminal. Airport vt.at ton dropf>lnl off or plckln1 up pa11en1era thould either u.. Lot C or the VSP lot and lAlke ... advantaae of the three hoUl'I' free klJll or park at the central area lota where Another aJtemative .. '° In mewred 1J*W near T·emrwullltf 4 and 7, at a COit of 2& cenll fti/ 30 mtnutea. Moore t.U"led villtora to avoJd 1 dropplna r,a11en1era off at curbtld91 n front of airline terminala. Rt.tle9 for loadtnc and 1 unloadln1 of paaaenaera and unattended vehlclea are being 1trlcUy enforced, he aaid. !ravaland will be Santa-Land on Id. Deo. 11 Travela.nd invites you to share the ~c of the Hol1d.8'Y Season with a very -speoi&l Sa.nta. He's the oftia1al 'lbys for 'Ibts a.nd Bob Hope Veterans Pa.rcy Sa.nta a.nd his hes.rt a.nd spirit a.re as real as his bee.rd. AttheGuebo lOam to lapm &pm tD ftpm ~ -'{\•~--S-tfl& .s- WET WEATHER SPECIAL All Rain & Ski Wear Dry Cleaned . . Waterproofed FREE 1000 N . Coa1t Hwy. The Robinsons Gift SEE OUR ANTIQUE HOSIERY COLLECTION IN NEWPORT THIS WEEK-. Take time from your busy shopping for a bit of nostalgia. A glimpse of grandma 'a stockings presented by Hot Sox wlll be on display from Friday, December 17 to Friday, December 24 . Discover one-of·a·klnd show pieces dating from the late 1800's. Inspired from the collecllon: today's chantllly knee hl's. From Hot Sox In whlte, gray, black or pink cotton. U .25. Robinson's Fashion Socks, 44 . • ,. ~ jl -•! ., . 'I ~ . I I .j.' ,, ~ . . . . .. I Shamel ul perf ormanc~ on Social Security For ~ than a year now we deiayin1 the next cott·of ·living :\&Ve been assured that the Social increue for reti.rees and briniini ,ecurlty dUemma would be new federal workers into the :-eeolved ~aa soon aa the Sodal Security 1yatem. ew-.a1ent•1 Security Reform Com.msi-.ton Bepubllcana, he .,.nmmillion completed ita studies aaya, have rejected this plan but· and _presented i.ts rec -failed to come up whh an >mmendations to the president alternative. In abort, the bipart!Mn wt c.oncn-. effort appears to have failed. The 15-member-bipartisan O'Neill baa indicated he ~on was appointed by the WO\Lld go along with the president when hia i.nitial Democrata' plan, but~ with pro.,,.1, for reacuing the Social the president that it should be up Security program from financiai to the commillion to carry out its oollapee were met with a storm of assignment and produce a plan, proteat from both retirees and rather than expecting the speaker near-retirees fearing benefit cuts and the president to get together and workers fe~ring still more , and olfer a compromiae. onerous paycheclt deductions. It was undentandable, if not With an election in the offing, commendable. that Congress the president though Uully wanted to steer clear of tampering ab9olved Congress of having to with Social Security before the face up to the issue by setting up election. And that the president, the com.miaaion and giving ·it a having been burned 'once, Dec. 31 deadline -well after the preferred to toss the hot potato elecUon -to complete its task. into the lap of the commission. It is With that deadline just weeks neJther understandable nor away, commiasion cbainnan Alan acceptable that the hand-picked Greenspan announced its commission, after a year of labor, members were deadlocked and appeared ready to throw in the appealed to both the president and towel. HOUR Speaker Thomas P . O'Neill Perhaps the basic error was in to become involved and help find a appointing a conmissioa made up 10lution. almost entirely of politically After a year of study, doi.ens touchy members of Congress. One of hearings and completion of a member pinpointed the problem list of 97 possible actions to raise saying, "Nobody wants to stand revenue or reduce spending to up with a proposal and get his rescue Social Sec\lri ty, no head chopped off agreement had been reached. Social Security will be out of And Social Security will have money by about .Twy if Congress to find $150 billion to $200 billion does not take action. A full year l-to--4.ep the retirement system has been wasted to protect 10lvent over the next seven years. political sensitivities. Now. According to O'Neill. apparently, we are threatened Democrata on the commission have with more months of partisan deviled a plan that would invo)ve squabbling while our t~eleu raising Social Security taxes, but servanta in Washington worry offsetting the impact with an about their= futures. income tax credit for workers, It is a . · , Tr~cky truck maneuver - Small wonder lobbyists from the Teamsters Union and the tracking industry ~ere out 1n force when the Houae voted on the Administration-backed bill to add five cents a gallon to federal gaaoline taxes to pay for repair of the nation's bridges and highways. . The trucken have long been ,trying ta win permission to operate bigger trucks with heavier weight limits. but have been 1tymied by federal laws designed to protect highways and bridges from the damage done by oversiz.e and overloaded"~. Thia time they won at least a round of the fight.· The gas tax increase went tbfough 88 part of a transportation bill that included previously p p~ed-l'itgh-erlrtghway-use taxes for large trucks, an increased tax on the sale price of trucks over 26.000 pounds and an additional federal tax on heavy truck tires. Needless to say, the industry had bitterly opposed all these propoeals. But they did manaae to lobby in a trade-off. The bill, u pamecl · by the House, includa the Jong- . awaited authorization to put wider, heavier trucks on the nation's highways. And unless the Senate can get rid of thi8 special 'Provision, that's the way it will be even if the highway uae tax. provision .1$ modified. The truckers. of course, argue that if they are obliged to pay higher highway uae taxes, they should be allowed to compensa~ by carrying bigger loads in bigger trucks. But the fact of the matter is that trucks have been responsible for a large part of the highway damage that now is in desperate need of repair. And authorlztng the use of even heavier and more damaging trucks in the same measure that would tax all highway users to pay for fixing the highways ia ludicrous -88 the Senate should recogiiize if it takes a cloee look at this maneuver. Opinions expreued in the space above are those of the Dally Piiot. Otner views ex- pressed on this P41iJe are those of their authors and artists. Reader comment is lnvlt· ed. Address The-Deily Pilot, P.O. Box 1S60, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Phone (714) 642-~921. L.M. Boyd/ Cal was first Q. Who was the first U.S . President to speak on the radio? A. Calvin Coolidge. He broadcast a r.p6rt that hia cat was misaing."1t turned up shortly thereafter. Almost two out of three rabies cases ~ last year involved skunk.I. Q. How many bUUonatres are there? A. Worldwide, 180, it's reported. What the French call .. cham~e" is known in Germany u "sekt' and in Italy as "apumante." A client aaka, "What's the difference?" Depends. The French say it's not champagne unleal it comes from a small grape- 1!'0W.ln1 district north of Paris. 'fblYYe trtfd desperately to pre&erve the Champaane, name as their property, even Pill ao far aa to write ft lrdo an their treaties. They're lOlina l!~und. thou1h. Archie fkuike.r'1 last name coma from the French "Bon Coeur'' maanln1 aood heart. If som e • Frenchman hadn't changed hia name when he first got here. students of the American Revolution might now be .writing about The Battle of Bon <:oeur Hill. You know the "poll" in "poll tax" means "head." But did you know the "pole" in "tadpole" means head, too? If that immature frog looks like nqthing more than a head In the water, it's a tadpole. U it wigl~. add "wog." the corruption of "wljgle," and call it a "polyw08. '1 Q . -What's that d.rflnttion of ''napins''? A. "Complaining mo.re than once a bout something that complatnlns won't change." Two out of three women over·~ 65 live on lnoome, of leu than $77 a week. The old Pel"llan.t -in ~ B.C. - drank t.helr beer in one way only: through a straw. .. Intelligence gathering Jags WASHINGTON -ln the tricky buaine9a of espionage, the United States has -or should have -an enonnous advantage over the Soviet Union: our superior technology. The intelllgence- collecttna devices we have positioned around ihe world and in apace are far ahMd of anythin4J the Ru.iana have in that line. But U.S . intelllaence gathering baa been falling behind the Soviets' for 'one simple, Inexcusable reuon.: lack of funda. The result of this false economy by recent admini8trationa -particularly the Jimmy-Carter White Houae -ii dia1 our Intelligence agencies may be effectively blind in a few years, @Opina helpleuly for Information on Soviet military activity. -THE DEGRADING of our in~ technolo£Y ja _a_ ebocking pmb)em that needs to De talked about. At a time when hundreds of bllllona are being spent on military hardw~. some of it of dubious value, it makes no teme to nint!h penn1a on the technologlical "eyea,-;-~t would tell our leedera where the.e CI091ly new WUpont can belt be u.d. Yet It la precisely the fact that technJcal Ptherinc of vital lnt.elllcence la conduc~_in_~ret Ul•t hu_pUUhe programs in jeopardy. It'• alwaya euier' to cut budget& fu areas the public can't see. In faime91, it ahould be pointed out that the Regan administration baa increased spendlna for technical ln~. But eome CIA aouroesiU'gue that it a still not enc>Ulh, A top-secret r e view by a CIA oversight group iaauea this grave warning about one sophisticated information-collection system: "The JICI 11111111 failure of a aingle launch in the early to mid-19801 could negate all of our capability for (that system) for a protr:actecl period of time." A. for the apace shuttle,· frord which some spy satellites are la.unched, the report added that "a failure of the ·~ shuttle could be diaaalroua for the entire technical intelligence collection effort." Who's to blame? The review says the collection .-y1tem1 were "groaaly underfunded during the Carter years aa contlnualion ·of budget cuta initiated durtna the Ford Administration." Until the CIA'• budaet hu:reue under President Reaaan. the agency waa ,~ only about 'Jl billion a '1._ear on teehiilcalcollectlon -an -amount ffie document describes simply as "not adequate." In 1977, President Carter halted production of the best satellite system lor high-l'e901ution (that ls. extremely sharp) photo reconnaissance, and only a few such satellites remain in inventory. In another area, too sensitive to detail here, Carter economies left the CIA able to make only one launch per year through 1984. The result will be a five- to six-month interval when the United Stat.es will be blind. ONLY TWO high-altitude telemetry satellites -which pick up Soviet communications -are in operation, and "both are dying." the oversight review wanu. An improved version of a fourth spy- satellite system is being prepared for •· 1985 launch, but the CIA study warns: "Any problem in the space shuttle could prevent the launch of the improved system on schedule, and since there is no backup whatsoever, the United Statg couJd be completely blinded with no overhead photo-reconnaissance capability at all in the rnid-1980s." The report, a copy of which was obtained by my associate Dale Van Atta, emphasized that "all satellites in the new system must work or the United States will be blind. Noting that "ground and eea collection stations are grcaly inadequate" aa well. the report ooncl~es ~~ ~e Qnly wu_ 19 "eaten up for losaes" in our intelligence- oollection arsenal from 1975 to 1980 ia an annual i.nc:rease of $1.5 billion for the program through 1985. Some of the report's recommendations are now being acted on, I am told. A few sugge.stions for tax boosters • Tell. me if I'm wrong. but aa I understand it Premdent Reegan tint got Congre. to .,... a 2~ percent ~ Income tax deduction to be introduced O"adually over three years. Then lut A\11\Ml he got c.onare. to pus a $98 billion tax Irma.,. T'hen he wanted the time schedule for the onpw~nt ~moved up ao we &et it earlier. la that right? President Reqan hun't made It euy ~ ua to Keep track of what hia tion ta doing to taxee or who it's doin, It to.· For the avenp American who couldn't define "supply-aide economlat" lf hia life depended on it, It'• all very confwd.ng. THE REAGAN administration has co~~ with a variety of novel "tax pro neently. Ju.t-two weeb aco. w the Pradden\ waa vacatioclinl in Santa Barbara, some of his aidee put forth the Idea of a tax on unemplQyment checb. The plan did not get a atandlna ovation from Americana who he&ra about it and the Idea wu dropped abrup1ly while the Premdent was still out back cu~ bruth. · · The next th1rig we heard was that the admlnlatration wu talldng about a tax on Social Security benefits. Many Americana like myeelf who d9n1t undentand the fine l>CUlta of econom.lcs, and other Defense appropriation..: couldn't undentand how that makes aeme. If people ~y into. a fund while -CHARGE THE handicapped $1 for they're ~ eo they can have some each ~5 minutes they park their cars in money wnen they're old, do you tax thoee special places reserved for them in then on their own money when you pay the au~rmarket lots. lt beck to them? 'lbere mu.t be a almple -· the salary paid to every rank answer we donti undentand in our anned services, give~ a most recent for a tax ~ --promo oti" and then ilip a 8h8rj)tiX on from Pr-esl~t fteaaan'• aecretary of a sergeant's paycheck so we're taking _ ·_ mott away from him than we gave him I '" ts a raise. ~ .J -Charge the blind two fares when : ,,~J they take their Seeing Eye dog on a bua. -----~----~ -Install toll gates at every l.IY 111.IY '" 1 wheelchair ramp. 1 -Have a huge national lottery. Sell tick.eta for $1 eacli on every street comer Health and H~ Servka. Ire aaya the ln America. Offer prizes wort.h $20 government could nile teVeral billion million cash or $100,000 a week for life. dollars by taxing employees on the. Sell $2 billion worth of ticket& and then. oontributiona their employen make to announce that because of the fiscal their health benefit plans. 1 r r ea po n a i b ii Hy o f p r e v i o u • I don't know, of COW'lle, how many of administrations, there won't be any theee ideaa the Prelldent~ drawing to chooae the winners. along with. but I try to be . · -Make people who uae food stamp of my .,owmment. Thele tax ideu take the limp lettuce, the warm frozen silly and counterproductive to me. but foods and the green bananas. rm the BUY who can't define "aupely -If anyone on Social See'urity lives in aide.'' I've been trytnc to think mote the Florida, California or Arizona, tax them way the admlniltration thinks about extra. taxes and rve come up with theee ideas Now rm beginnina to think more like for raialng money for the MX miasile an adminiatratlon official. Soine f arnous naIDes that were not their own · l ltarted out thia momlna to do a Qub column, 'and then abendonld tt 11 be1nf too difficult to 8lve relden • C!l'1IClk at a decent ICOl'e. It was Fbll• co deal with "pteudonyma" of well-known J*JPle, but. not the Ulual trt .. or Wlvial n1m11 .ctopted by tum stare --~ nor even the ptn-n.amee of autbon, which have beerl done to death. I had ciompOed a Ult 0( MoD1e ln tbe larger lanchcape ot worfd affatn - Much the same wu done by ~­Edouard Jeanneret, the areat contem~oraey Swl11. atthltect more I familiar lmown u Le Cori>uaier, who retalne · hla fati\er'• name for hla palnUna but u.ed hia mo&ber'• maiden name for hll far more noced architectural fMta. • .. • ALLIED t* ELECTRIC & tlGHTING Come in and browse, you won't believe Southern California's m~ complete · our selection, you'll love oilr prices ~ _selection of lighting at· competitive prices. HOLIDAY HQURS: 1 I i • ,J · . .. I ... ,. I' , JC .. r· .t 1 •.I , .J "' ·.l .. • • 1 ·~ ,t ,.. ·:.· :·,-.. ~~ ~ ~- ,,1 J -;t ·"l01 ~·/. .. . : ~ . ... •j ! l I t ., t ""•':•; ~ .JI 0 If] • t~ ' .. ' ... !>! .... '.,,,,_,, t~· cri •'J':\ .1 . • t"'J \ . ~-~ . ... ; '• •••• • . . I l I l Why Santa -in chininey? lb PAT HOROWITZ or .. ...., ......... DEAR PAT: My cllild la J11t old tDMP to ~e l•&ereated l• Saata Clau tllh CMtlmau. ••• asked me wMre 8aata'1 lled ud relaMer came from ud wily Ile comes • .... tile ~Y to brtq Illa &ifb. Every•e bows tile sled ud relaieer came hom tile .. N...-. Polel bet I'm 1t11mped for u auwer •. U..t wily H comes doWll tile 9.IJD.My. Cu yoa fl•d oat? I'm 1are a lot of otller YOUl•ten also wOtlld be lateretted. K.E., Costa MeA • • Santa'• alelJ[h and reindeer must have ' come trotn the North Pole since that'• where Santa lives. But, the tint time anyone teamed about thla was when the "gift giver's" tran.aportatlon waa told about in "A Visit From St. Nicholas," the famous poem by Clement C ... .Moore. The belief that Santa dellven hia gifts to the home via the chimney ltema from an old Norwe legend. The Norae believed that the godde9 Hertha would bring . aood luck to a home if she appeared ln the • fireplace. It'• only natw-al that Santa would • clM>08e thia method of ,mtering houses to bring ~ l~ky (and good!) children their gifts. Ridding the stink DEAR PAT: I b .. pt some uflal11led NM caaes a few weeks a10. I've beea olllq tile fbdall ud ave noticed ~ catel llave a terrible odor. Do yoe bow wllat la eaulllg tlalt? WW It go away la time! C.8., Cotta Meu Moat plywood and particle board la held tosether with an adhesive resin containing urea-formaldehyde (UF). Molding, furniture and wood paneling are some of the most · common products made from plywood and · particle board, ao you probably are detecting unpleuant formaldehyde fumea given off by unliniahed wood (often found on the Wlder or beck side of furniture). You may want to seal the wood with a fini.ahina product, or wait until the offensive odor fades as the glue driea. UF ia an ideal adhes.ive, being both flexible and inexpensive. The forest-products induatry would have to spend at least $2 billion more a year ·to make plywood and particle board without it. Cookie ornaments DEAR PAT: WW yoa ,Please repea& you recipe for clay .. cookie' oraameat1T I've mltplaced mJ ffPY ud we waat to make some for ov Clu11tmu tree qala tlab fear. M.N., Newport 8-d This "Bakers Clay Ornament.a" recfpe calla fox m1x:ina 4 cups of unattt.ed flour with 1 cup of aalt and 1 \Ii cups of water to make a . IU!f_~. Tum out on a floured cloth and . kMid ffve minutes. Roll out dough to ~inch thickneea, cut into shapes with cookie cutters and place on cookie abeeta. Inaett straw through the dough cl"9e to top edge. Beke in a 350-degree oven for one hour or unt:U hard. Cool and decorate. • Got a problem'? Then write tO • 1 Pat Horowitz. Pat wW cut red tape, - getting the answers and action youi ..... n eed to solve in equirles Jn . government lind business. Mail your que.tions 1 to 'Pat Horowitz, At YoW-Service. Orange Coast Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, Ca.ta Mesa, \CA. 92626. -.-.... Wiii -HAllMOllD lllAllO AH .. GAllS None finer 12% financing on new eatdwfnTDec:--On lyTNJi nem.ex~ OIGAN ,a PIANO CENnl 270 E. 17th St. Costa Mesa 64S-2471 PUBLIC NOTICE : .MDowove store cloeed. Owner Mllnt rnkl•wcrv•. ovens. Any reoMnoW. effen. Example: Shorp w/corowet '215; Amano •11s. WI 1•6u67•0 LUii HOW TO SICCEED II TELEYISIOI COllERCllU FRIE WORKSHOP Sponsored by Richard Golttstone productions, one of the countries leading commercial production companies 7:30-9:30 p.m. Dec. 15th Costa Mesa for your reserved seat Call " 213-931-1305 Get ready for thoee big hoUd•Y parttea with Dennison N•m• Tags & Crepe Streemera In ah oOIOrl of the rainbow. ... And don't forpet th• economy package o Tl11ue Paper Sheets for gift wrappfng, evaJlable In white and cofora at Partltt Plus -your holldey store. .Tonlgh' 8:80 KOOB-TV/BO .... ,......,.,...,._, ..... ~ ............... ......, ........ YallfJ ...... tf ............................... ,, ....... ........ ~~ ,MJ ..... "(t...,A Gallery ol Gilt Ideas Aaron Brothers Art M.afts The store that brings you qualty frame:s and art supples at low prices now presents 11 colledloo ol Christmas gift Items at the same lncredib6e savings. ~~ ol natural oak swivels art supples, food-even your lV wltt*1 reach. 'Z'/xl?l/4•. fOUJIN6~CH4/RS R/!fr. l9.9S • ~ 'f; lf!!t5. //9.8() ~ Hl!Jh tech foldtng chan 11 , bll(k, brown. red. yelk>w, lawnder, bbc. and white belled enamel. l2B , ................. . Pick the perfect stool from ow selection of swivel and non-swivel styles. Limited to stock on hand, .~ Automatic Redial Phone The SX7400 Automatic Red~I Phone by Record 0 Fone eliminates un- necessary repeated dial- ing. Now when your fin· gers do the walking over your phone dial. only two steps are neided. Just push th~ dial tone reset , then the redial button; and the last number you called is dialed automat· ically. The SX7400 also features a silent ringer and hold switch and o match· , Ing pocket for wall hang· Ing. Reg. 29.95 Slf.88. Basic and deluxe palntir'g sets,fOf beginning, lnterme· dlate. and advanced artists. Limited to stock on hand. Sp,ciel bn.a1he1. palett• kntfe. and palntt to uM In TV petSOnaM1y BIU All•· end•r'a method of oil painting. .30% OFF AJJ. °'SELS ~aff72a9.95 HJ7~ Choose from 11 variety of metal, wooden, and alu· mlnum easels ln as.sorted styles and D5. (Assort· ment may vary from store to store.) ~~NT made of beautiful pre-rut redwood stands 12x13x5" when complejed. <Batteries not included.) Four drawtr cardboard or· ganiler box with II grid pat· tem comes in an assortment of colors. 26'12x 15x 13 • (Assembly required) For drafts. drawings or doodles. we have oodles of tables in a variety of shapes, styles, and sizes Umited to stock on hand • Add a professional look to your framed artwork with mats YGU cut younef. ' .,,. Or•n1 Co••I '1 cllm•I• 11 Ideal /or srawlns artlcho1'e1. Pase B5 D ~ ,flltOAV,.OIOIMllf" 11, 1HI OAVALOADI 12 OOMIOI 84 IUllNl88 ae Frank Steward clean• the chimney on top -or a l;apna--ileach "tiime u Crail Ree1-· gell a bruah ready (right) • In the lower photo, Rees done a duat ma1k, top hat and . t._n, 81 he carriea • vacuum rrom • home after cleaning out the fireplace. 0 . Chimney sweeps 'sooted'-to job By GLENN SCOTI' in Laguna, every chimney has a or .. .,..,........ view. . Drelled In bia top bat, tails and "Every chimney ia unique, tentlla ahoe., Frank Steward every one' ia radical," aaid mJa.bt not look too unusual on the Steward. bia bl.ck ba1r stick:ina .atreeta of Laguna Betlch, it being out be neath the top hat. auch an ar1S)' and tolerant place. "SomeUmes. you run into roo& He la JD9l'e likely to attract tbat are at a 45 desree anaJe. You aome qutntcal looka in ht• ahna9t have to ra .... "lP them.. " hometown of Irvine or other Well. JM>t exactJY. You rappel Oranae County communities down. not up. But better to lllf where atyles uau.ally are more on the language than on the roo . subdued. We know what he meana. These Moet of hia jobs, he aaid, are lined up through referrala, and a clean carpet at the location may mean buslnal eJ.ewbere on a atreet. Steward aid no definite rulee exiat on how often a chimney ahould be cleaned, although be aaid· many 1weep1 a.dvt.e • clanlftl efter etdl cord of wood ta burned. The CWTent trend to burn wood rather than gaa abould man more bu8lne89, and more sweeps, be aaid. A clean chimney buma wood more efficiently, cauaea leas after all. for a chimney to aet dirty, especially when the relidenta are burn1nc PL But all in all. Steward beliewa there are eD0111h cblmneya out there to keep sweepe happy. A sweep. be noted, hM a better life today than in the 1 00.. when youna 6oya , from poor farnO&.. were 80ld Into apprentx.bip while sUD mnall enough to crawl iDlide the flues to clean them. Mortality rat.es, mostly due to tuberculoat., were hi•h then. But no matter where Steward roo& can be steep. iapoldngaround,becanoounton When it cornea to being attention when be pta down to surefooted on ahingles, though, bullnma, which mean.a getting up Steward aaid neither he nor · on top of chimneys. Ullatant Craig Rees have allppe(l. Steward Ls a chimney sweep. Steward credits bia stability to a Hi.a I.a an old-f.Mhtoned profemon former job. ln a modem world. He drives "I wu a carpenter for eeven from job to job in a c:uatomized ye.an IO fve got the balance part Vol.kawagen .quare•k with a down," he said. "Every chimney is unique, every ·one is radical. Sometimes, you run into roofs that are at a 45-degree angle. You almoet have to rappel up them." aouped -up e ngine and four-Cleaning a chimney involves smoke inside a houae and I.a lem a wheel drive. two taaka: balancing on top of the fire danger than one with years All the while, he wean hia smokestack to ecrub the flue with of IOOt built up, he added. blllck hat and taila, bia throwback a lone, wire bruah -then H'-company charge. $50 to to the Charles Dk:kma era. vacuuming the fallen IOOt from clean a aingle story cblmney and An enthuaiutic buaineaman the fireplace. $60 for a two-story variety. who began Red Hot Chimney 'Ibe outdoor work may be the Lately, Steward haa been Today Steward protects bia llmfll . by wearing a filtered muk over . hia mouth and nc.e, a mnall but aafe departure from the 19tb · century atmasphere evoked by hia top hat and tails. . '! ~~S~wee~c....=;=:c~d~mor"e;;;:;,;..:than=;;:~tw:.;;.;o~~artful~;:,....:and~:._nexa:;:q.;·~~~ro~th:=::=:e--~~-»J .doun upbUlinnl in yeara ago, ewar aa e , t w care Laguna. "There are ao many A aupentttion of IOr1a and a marke~y for cenam:.....,.,,...... __ _ old clothM are suppoeed to give The proper chimney 1weep unlforai, u modeled by Frank Steward, in the upper photo, includee a bl'Ulh, top bat and taila. Photo at right, Stewaril anloadl the neeeuary .. pmeat from tu. VW ~rebaek u Reee ...... prefers w orking in Laguna par,: off. homes there that are older," he becaU8e of ita old and individual 'People are alwaya worried said. "And they have chimneys chimneys. about their carpeting," he said. that have never been cleened." He likes character in a L ike moat sweeps, Steward The relatively recent age of c:hlmney, and variation. He ai.o carefully coven the fireplace and many homes alOll4I the Oranae UU. them oJd bec:au. they are the IW'TOUndlng floor with drop Cout. in fact, I.a a problem for the ones that need cleaning. And c1otha before the cleaning beginl. chbnney sweeps. It tabs awhile, the job an extra air of authentldty. Steward, with 1Ua ambition and imaainaUon. -. well .. llllted" for the occupation. Maybe that ahould be wel1 • ·~··. : 'I I UAIL 'f 1111 0111 II GOlll 01 llf DGI BY CHARLES H GOREN ANO OMAR SHARIF Th y can't get· off Kras Ul':AH ANN LANOl!:HM. J lim 1 ari y 1.1r <Jld wltt• 1mJ molh••r My hu .. band und I h•Vl• bet-n 1rnoktnu put for I 4 )'l'Ull W1 h11vu trh•d t.o qui\ dotcn1 uf t\mt'I, !Jul w t·u11't Th hublt 11 4-'<Jltlna WI 140 a Wl't•k W are both ovt-rwt·laht bc-caute of th· munchl lhat 10 with put amoklni They aay pol la "r••laxlna.'' and wt1 can certainly voU<'h tor that, In tact, wflcn we get horn from work' and h1.1v• •upper we are 110 free It'• ID "e pboae book ud Qere are "ouaacll <'an be u coatly. relaxed afwr.,. tow Jolnt.1 we are '°°atoned to read of c~ap&er meetl111 aota1 oa au over Ute world. Both vulnerable. South dtial~ NORTH +Vold North·Soulh conduct•d a 1pade11. He caahtd the•<'• or or watch TV. There la no convcruUon and no 1ex. Yet, &eeD·~tn are welcome. •en•lble aucUon lo urlve at 1pade1 and ruffed a 1p1de. My hueband has fallen asleep tr)'.l ng ao often that Dr. Senay alao recommend• profHlloaal llelp , their optimum •pol. South camts back to hand with th11 we have alvcn up. -a p1ycbofo11tt or /'fClllatrllt wllo h ~Q9754 O A109 ten of lrump• and rutred hi• I have teen l ettert In your c:olumn from hlah "'-owl•ds•able la Ille flel . la Cblca~o, Dr. Freel 1howed a hand 1tronger than ,_,d h h I tr bl ... "' "' remainina 1p1de. He over· achool and rolle1<e iu s w o aav t ey are n ou e Scblck and Dr. Sydney Scbao (boelt at a one no trump peninJ bid took the queen of trump• and becaUM of pat, but never anythln" from adulta NortbwetterD Ualveulty) are Hperb. Pot addJct1 .r when he jumped no trump drew lhe remainder or the like us -and I am aure there mwit be millions. To wlto cltooae tlle coHtellat ro.te are carefallJ +kQ916 WEST EAST • 1.18854 • '1013 at hi• second \a1"'11i--WTiln trump1. Next he cashed oul put It simply, we are middle-aged people who are monitored. Tbelt urlae oatpat la meuHed every superb lit ror South'• •ult hi• dlamond1. When he final· hooked and want to get off, but we can't. What's week to make sare tbey are 16t 1mokl.Dc OD tlluly. and fint· or iecond-round ly led a club, Eut took the the answer? -ASHAMED IN ILLINOIS. Uaen of alcohol ud dn111 tend to be 1klllhl Uau. rt control of every aide ault, ace of clubs and a apade for a DEAR ASHAMED: Yoar letter tlaoald lay to 11 <:::1 UU ~Vold o Z o '7854 •41 •AH02 SOUTH •AQ2 North bid what he expected one-trick set. reet for all Ume tbat old Uae tllat marijuana 11 not 1 to make. h I d'-d Declarer waa on the right addictive. Back lD Qe late '101 a Iona Utt of 10-DEAR ANN LANDERS: Th1t la my tint lener 11 Wt1t led 1' ow aamon ' track. bul .he ihould have called expert• were 1aylD1 pot 11 barmle11 and to Ann Landen -or any newspaper penona.llty, d and dummy'• nine won the taken 1 few momenl• to con nonaddictive. I waa con1ldered 1ome kind of nut for that matter. The letter about the mother who '1 ~AIU 10 o KQ83 trick. It wae obvloua to all ~ becau1e I dl1a1reed. Furthermore, I bad very Uttle made her 12-year -old son and 8-year~ld daughter 1'.J th t f th d f.nd.r. alder the hand. Hi1 error was liar ch rd a one 0 e e profeHloaal npport -Dr. Zlcmond M. LebenaollD -shower together struck a fami · o · •Q •85 The bidding has proceeded: held a ainrteton dlamond, but in releasing the ace or ipadea of Wublniton, D.C., Dr. Francia 8raceland of My e><-mother-ln-law put my husband and hit : even'°• declarer expected no prematurely. He ihould have Hartford, Coan., and l>r. Harvey Powelloa at sister in the tub together until she was 14 and he . Soutla Weit Nortlt Eut 1 ~ Pua 2 • Pua trouble witb the hand-until proceeded to rurr hi• two Berkeley, were tbe ooly ones wbo backed me. was 15. She washed them both ALL OVER. To add he led a trump to hi1 kin• and spade losera while retaining Recently I bave received tbouaaadt of letten to the nuttiness. ahe in&i.sted that the girl wear • •· East slutred a diamond. Now the top 1p1de in his hand. from pothead• wbo want to get off. My coaiu.ltaJlt panties and washed her after e boy. She made . , s NT p.,. e ~ Pu1 p ... P ... Opening lead: Two or o . it was obvious that it was Then when he plays a club to for tblt proble m h Dr. Edward!' c. Senay, him stand with hi.a face to all so be "wouldn't ,,, West who held the singleton the king and ace, the ' paycblatrlat and top-notcb autborlty on 1treet see anything." diamond. defende rs are hel pless. druga. Dr. Senay recommend• one of two Early nuttiness ma for latter nuttiness. I got - Distribution can play Declarer panicked. He Declarer controls every suit. approaches. First, 1ood old Alcollollc1 out of that marrlage fast. -WARY OF BATHTUB strange tricks with seem· could not afford to lead a club and he com ea lo twelve tricks Anaoaymoua. Tiley llave done a fabulou1 job of MOMS . b lnrly impregnable contracts. to the king immediately leet via one spade, two spade gettln1 people off all addictive 1ub1taacea. (Most t But raah play when one is fac· West obtain a diamond rurr. ruffs, four trumps, four folkl don't realize tbat alcohol IS a drag -DEAR WARY: "As tbe twig la beat ... "and ,; ed with a distributional quirk so he decided he had to rulr diamonds and a club. undoubtedly tbe moat abuaed drug of all.) AA la that Mom really beat them. Thanks for wrltlDg. llii:-----------------------------------"T'-----------------------------------, ~-===..:..::..:..:.:..::.:.:....:...::..:..~-=-~~~~-=-~~_;_~-=-~~~~~~__;;~~~~~~~~~~~~ ..• POT SHOts ·b ..... BY ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT ., llOIOSCOPf BY SIDNEY OMARA y, ~mber 18 AR~ (March 21-April 19): You get what you t ln surprise manner. Family member is lved -token of aUection ls featured. Lunar haais on friends, hopes, wishes and a desire to :•TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Don't ~p at f • offer. Trick clause could be involved. Deflne • • get explanation of tem\S in clear. concise ~r. Focus on businea, career, possible dealings ~ j{ovemmental agencies. T STAY FREEf THE L.ONGE~ '(OU CAN AVOID GETTlt.IG C.AUGMT, THE LESS c:>EV!i:R.ELV YOU'RE LIKELY TO f3E PUNIS MED. 10UI HEALTH DR. PETER J. STEINCROHN -.;..: GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Travel plans can ~!aolidified. What had been ~bulous will now t#me real -distance, language barriers will be o9acome. Past efforts will now pay dividends . . t:: CANCER (June 21-July 22): By digging ~eath surface, you could strike pay dirt. Means ~t superficial explanations. Break with past 14flkated -you'll let go of security blanket. • LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): You recelve guiding DEAR DR. STEINCROBN: I tappote YH progrea. Path is illuminated, barrier is receive Wa tpery oft.ea: "Wltea It It safe to 10 , member of opposite aex booau morale and ..... wttMet .... eeiat1'aet9U..T" I am 51 ... makes comeback. Spotll~ht also on la.ad my wt period 11 moatllt a10. Nevertltelee1, I ~ oial>lidty. _, 1tW a.e a dla...-.sm. II It 1tlll 1ece1ury? -MRS. · f -VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Intuition is on H. l4"1et. A dream, properly interpreted, could prove DEAR MRS. H.: There have been reports of ~hetic. You'll get help from co-workers, others auoceaful pregnancies after the age 50, but they are Who ahare basic concerns. Keep resolutions wuaual. Your obstetrician or gynecologist should ~ming diet, nutrition and general health. be the source of specific infonnation; but It's li.k.ely , LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): You're released from he will say that contraceptive meaaurea are ciligations which were not really your own. AB UnnecelSary if at least one year has passed since the r,ltult, more freedtJm, c hance for creativity, last period. Younger women -in middle or late ~tion and romance. forties -would be safer waiting until two yean , ·scoRPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Focus on fine haw pemed without a menstrual period. It seems gO(nta, small print, details, property, adobe and that you have reached the "safe" area. ~ter. Long-range negotiatiOOt are featured -·~la to lcnow when to anive and leave. Aquariua; roR MRS. K .: Your daughter's abnormal q,c> and another Scorp!o ftRure ln .:enario. increate ln hunger ~ia not unusual in some , SAGITrARIOS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Emphasis on adoleecenta. Girla sutter from it more than boys. It ~ement, change, trips, information concerning ls the oppaeite problem from .evere anorexia - '4#on and relatives. Catch up on read.Ing -check extreme tlitnneel due to lack of appetite. Patients ap.polntment book and calendar. Member of with exceuive appetites often overload their dfpoaite .ex makes request -it ia reasonable. stomachl with large amounts of all kinda of food.a. ~· CAPRlCORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Money Afraid of pining too much weight, they get into ds attention -earning, •pending, collectiJ;>R the habit of inducing vomiting after such food . Uncommon gifts from 63 countries. Pier I 's decorative bra~ware catches your eye the moment you walk into a room Handmade by Moradabad's braziers Entire stock on sale• 30%~. Trim your tree with handmade ornaments and find some to &Ive to loved ones Pier I's buyers gathered a collection from ~··-·lnl·-tiating savings program. Home and replW"I binges. l-___l.,..~LU.1~,pl~.RL.u...."l'-~is.....,.,c~l ""'-=.r t~h~ann_mp:!!i&h~tL!;be~~~-1,n.-UJ~.,-lt.AA~~in.a~-CM~~D-e~~"'°'"'~iilt~~ ~1gurieu. You U 80011 be aware of exact location. oomequencea; Injury due to repeated vomiting and 299 •· AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-F.eb .. 18): What ~tially imbalance9 ln the body's metabolism. Chances are to be a defeat will be transformed into your daughter is emotionally disturbed, Mrs. K. If Meanings will be clarified, tenllS will be the family doctor can't help, lt may be time to aak and techniques will be stream.lined. You'll for comultation with a psychiatri.tt. what to do and you'll be at right place. , PISCES (Feb. 19-MArch 20): What had been Dr. Stelncrohn welcomes questions from den will be revealed -you'll have behind ruden. H~ cannot answer all individually but will • ea 1Hmpse, relationship will ~ clarified, include th°*e of general interwt In his column. rior will support your posltton. Cancer, Send your questions to him, in care of the Dally natives figure_ p~tly. Pilo P.O Box 1580 O.ta Mesa CA 92626. chri~t~ 1982 ... lo withsUmd thz.cz.\cz.mcznt.e, our ehczar h.ng bombzr .)Od<a.t 25% off Fun for youncsters-our • entire collt!Ctton ol toys · at bl& 51vln1s. Find Inter· estln1 1Ht5 from Europe, Asia. Central America and Africa Rec 99(·2• 99 ;;~re 25% off u- Placemats and napkins are pe rfect clfts for those who llve far away Easy to send by parcel post or UPS. no qualms about break.ace Entire 1tock. 25%~. S.le prices cood one week only ... , .. c-~._ Tea sets In colorful por· · celaln come In handy clft boxes. Give • lH set and take pleasure In Its use next time you visit. Selected stock. 25%~. G Ive a cafe·style class cand leholder to everyone you kn ow who loves llnculnl by candle- 111 ht Sets the romantic mood From Italy. rec 2 99 Heap this handwoven willow loc bullet hlCh and keep the yul11 fire crackllnJ throuch the eve· nine. From Romania, rec. lt.99 1488 ANAHEIM -509 Katella Avenue. 772-2472 COSTA MESA -2710 Harbor Boulevard, 540-7337 •• ·1.o .. o) , 1, Marin • auction slated The 0.fetW Property ~ OffJce at c.,mt Pendleton wlll hold I public local auction .a. Jan. 8 at 8 a .m . In Bulld1nc 2241. Th e publl ~ 11 encouraaed to bid. Amonf the 2~ ltem1 to be offend wW be cub re1l1ter, 1leepln1 ba' cover. cold weather boota, field pac ka, rnl8ce1laneoua hardware, lndlvldual equipment, tool boxea , office machines. aleepAnc t>ep. hot water plpe inaula tlon. athletic equipment, personal property, aer--tor •ta. SS-jallon dtuma, encine acce11 o r i e 1 and componen ta, bicycles, apace heatera, t e n t canvaa.. ammo cana, penonal vehicles, food preparation and aervin8 equipment. The itema will be on 1 ~laplay for inapectlon bellJlnlng Dec. 28 from 8 a .m . to 3 p.m. d a ily except weekend• and holidays. A complete list aa well aa aale tenna and oonditaona may be aeen at Bulldtn1 2241, Camp Pendletcn. Reptration will besln at 8 a.m. on the day of the aale. Bidden must be preeetlt and-ttglat.ered to bid. Mailed blda cannot be accepted. Itesna purchued may be removed on the aale d'te provided fu 11 payment ia made. For further detalla contact Sonia M. Johrwon or Ed C. Calac at Building 2241, Camp Pendleton. Stress course offered A new c0w. Jn 1~ ma:::/ement will be off for the tint time at 0ranae COMt Collep thla sprinc. Sprln1 aemeater c1-betPn Jan. 31. The nine-week ooune, l1sted .. psycholol)' 117 In the OCC 1ehedule, meets Tueaday and ThW'9day morntno from 8 to 11. A 88ClODCl nine- week ..ton wW belln April 11. The two-unit course examinea the nature and cau.ea of at.real. It will look at the effects of atreaa on paycholoatcal and physical well-belna and Will offer methodi and techniquee for ~ reduction. Students wUl develo p thetr own peraonal 1t r e11 ~tprocrama. Courie Instructor la . . ,anOCC- profe.or of Jl9)'dw>loey and biolOI)'. LOw t. an expert In biofeedback and atrell reduction. Reilatration for sprU\8 cl.-Nnl Jan. 3-J'eb. 11 tn OCC Achn19tlona Buildin1. Re1l1tratlon information t. available by calling 5M-5772. FREE BIG SELECTION! •3 PIECES OF "HO'' OR "N" SCALE ROLLING STOCK WITH ANY TRAIN SET PURCHASE ! SEE OUR LARG E SELECTION OF TYCOb BACHMANN AND LIONEL TRAIN SETS! ALL AT LOW, LOW ISCOUNT PRICES. YA"D -90U N111u.. train .. t wltll oi..~o.. "US"A" O-t-0 ewltcller & tender, J-clome _...,..., __ taftll car. 11 ft. plu14oor car, tOftdola car :,:;i-..:::=--~=:!... Wltll traYel load, callooM, .. lut-ln to""lnu ·•--<-f ;;l~~;~nltN20i :99 :~~::---woo ~mN N·ICALE (!YJ KING COAL : • • • COWLETE SET Complete wich "Tyco-Scene THE CONSOLIDATION Reg. $49.99 ............. $34.99 Rea. $49.99 . . • . . . . . . . . . . $34.99 J1 PIK• treetle Mt lnoludet: POWER PACK 21 1••duaUd trHtlH (2 of Tran1l1torlud train control· eHll lllH ), 2 ramp aoot1on1, 2 lor wltll momontum, for ro•I· llrldl• aldH ~ I brldt• dtole. ltllc teal• op1rat1on1. Off Of THE "IOULAR ITICKE .. ED PRICE Re~. 12. 99 79' ~~~~95 36.99 -....-~ 3 FOR "IC etectrlc ...-red a-t~ l'Wedy to rvn off roed nteer. I "C" oell Nl.cd bltt•rv pldc'end 2 di· enMI rMtlci """"" not ,., ..... AXline's Village Shoes r-~~guna-Beach Store Only Men' s-:--Women's-Children's -ALLFAMOUSBRANDSl- 9 West! Bass! Adidas! lmpo! Buster Brown! Florsheim! Sperry Topsider! Jacques Cohen! FoQt Works! Dexter! Grasshoppers! Keds! Bata! Daisy Colehahn! Levis! Pac Man! E.T.! .. , . Grosven9r Slipp·e~ ·~n ·More! M.lrl•1 Roo•for Spriat Stock. ._..._ ...... T-a.I .. •• ........... V•T• 50~ 80% off _ ... 5DAYSOBI! TOTAL Dl8POLU sArJ: lnven~ suOject to prior Sale . photo depict sHoe category \\We've watched Christmas specials for tonight, Mommy. Guess we'H brush our teeth ond go to bed." by Brad Anderson .· "You and your swinging holiday parties!" ''l!DGf; PJ\Rkf:R .. ••••••• . "You don't '" many pollce oh1H1 Ilk• thHt nowad1y1." • ~ ~ 0 0 0 by Ferd & Tom Johnson ® Y0LJ DoN1T~~TO KAVE ANYTHIN~ IN A GET·WELL·SLoW CA D . ,.,.,_'Tl NHOt; DEAR SANTA, PLEASE StND ME 'loOR AUio6RAPH. SOT IF Yoo ARE loo 0U5Y-- by Jeff MacNelly by Ernie Bushmiller You CAN SE.ND ME ONE OF BL..ITZEN'5 HoOFPRINTS IN£Te.AD. ~ ~ .~ q~ ONE HUNDRED AND -0.1~-51X MtUJ()..l, ltAX) fl .ulORED ANO ~-SEVEN nw5AND ANO FIF'fi.,l-l>f~ fl BOT11.EO OF BE.ER ON 1HE WAll. .•• JJJ 1'.t~MK-s fOft. f'Oll~~Mi ~. lltlt\CK! rt •If ~ -ru~.,.A>5t ~-~ 'fQJ ~·t AA~E. 'fO~~ 9o1'fOM'S. Grow your own veg tables1 U you've t!Vt•r h1uJ a hankerlnt for freth J ~·· ' .. I' l~, -• ·•' ·' ..... ,,1 :S·· ~·:- Berries for the birds 1&.1P41r1111u• cJt 1u tldmkn, now'a th tlrTMP to JIM In thc•at• thr ••(' pt•rt•nn111 v•a tabl 1 Ju1t think of lt.'ndc•r ut tll:hukt" lv1vu dlp_ptd In C:tt1amy mayuramd*.', a•paraaua with hoUandailto aauet• or laity rhuborb pie A.rtJchokea Uk' a cUmaw where 1ummcn arc aomewhat root to allow for bud developm nt At a alow pecc. 'rhoy'r«t best planWd alona th~ coui.I n·aton11 and thr'-e or four planw wlU 1upply onough arllchokea for the average aiZL'd family. What you will plant la called a dlviaion. Place the woody at.all« Jn a vertical po11ition with the bue of the new leafy ahoow Ju.at above the .uound. Space them 3 to 4 feet apart ln rows leaving 4 to 5 feet between the rows. Give them full 1un. A rich, weU-draining aoll along with plenty of water and a fertilizer high in nitrogen are required. The first year'• yield la uaually amall but by the aecort:l year the plant wlll be prolific. When a stem has given you It.a laat artichoke, it will seem to fold up and the leaves will die back. Now you can cut back this stem to the base and wait for next year's crop. Asparagus takes two years before it produces, but the wait as rewarded with many years of harvest. The home gardener plants crowns in a loose, fertile soil. Dig a trench 8 to 10 inches deep and in the first 3 to 6 inches work in the fertilizer. Set the crowns between 6 to 8 inches below the top of the trench spacing them 12 inches apart. Then cover them with two incnes of loose soil and water slowly but deeply. Why not please the birds as well as yourself by pla nting holly or pyracantha? The berries brighten a n y corner o f the gar~en or patio and the y attract hungr y birds. As the plants grow, fill in the trench a little at a time but don't cover the tips. By summer, the trench will be filled and by early spring the second year, you can cut asparagus spears f0r 4 to 6 weeks and then let the foliage grow. , By the thitd year, and thereafter, you will be able to harvest for a full 8 to 10 weeks. Artichok e plants yield eating e njoym e nt for Azaleu spruce up scene. Color guaranteed the year round Con~ gardening offers year-round bonuses to the lnventive gardener. There a.re many advantages to growing plants ln small containers that can be moved at whun to. add a touch of color. A portable garden also offers oonvenience of being able to garden in spite of the weather. Since we're in the wintet season, some of the favorite container plants for the outdoors are the cyclamen, camellia, azalea, holly and nand.ina with their bright red berries, annualB such as calendulas, Iceland poppies. fairy primroees and mat'Y others, bulba which can still be found this month and, of coune, the perennial.a such as English primroses, cymbidium orchids, gamol~pia and euryops with its daisy-like flowers. You might even want to start a cactus garden _ -~ varie ot herb in decorative. containers Shop nurseries for gift ideas Still have Chnstmas gifts to buy? Consider visiting your local nursery. Many offer gift certificates, novelty items and gardening tools that will literally fit the bill and the budget whether they're the main gift or just a stocking filler. Of course, your job is a lot easier if you know that those few left on your list are "green thumbs" and like to garden. They're so easy to please as almost any gardening gift will make them happy. Gardening gloves and shears make an excellent gift. Get the leather -faced gloves so there's no trouble when handling thorny plants. As for shears, there are many types. You may need help in selecting which is the roost versatile or what specific job it handles. Gardening books are plentiful, becoming so numerous that it's impossible to list them. As a bonus combine books with packets of seeds or recipes. One that's always appreciated is a vegetable gardening book. The pictures, alone, ma.ke anyone want to either try more varieties or just start a vegetable garden. And in these economic times, it's a money saver. Tools of all kinds, even a rake, pruning shearer or a new trowel will be appreciated. Or, how about a ael of flowerpot.I for container gardening? Don't overlook fUllng that 1et of Oowerpota with bulbs, miniature roees and anything •lae that hita your fancy. Dwarf lemons will probably have ~me of their intoxicatin.I{ bloom on them. Planted in a wooden tub or redwood box they make a knockout gift. /\. GARDINIRS CHIClllST • Don't throw away your potted poinsettia or chrysanthemum after they've finished blooming. Your nurseyman will tell you how to plant and bring them into bloom next year. e Snails and slugs are still active, so toss out a handful of bait around your winter annuals. e Many dormant trees -especially fruit trees -should be pruned now. Do not prune spring flowering shrubs or trees, wait until after they finish blooming. many y,ea rs. LLO~o·s garden shop FRE~H eur eHRl~TMA~ TREE~ Come •H the difference water mekea. All treea 4 ft. •nd over wlll be kept In water from the day they arrive. Our prlc4!• •tart •• low •• $5.98. Live Chrlatmaa tr"• 50% off . '"' OPIN 7 DAYS A WI& I A.M. to 10 P.M. DICIM-2 • ugla DIC ..... 21st MOW IAQ ..UllOM Ull MOMIT IA ... COWOtel CUSTOM R.OCllMG Fl• PROOFIM& heok our supplJ of ~•111h1, ,,.... 11111 ,.,. ...... F°AESH CUT TREES AVAILABLE DouglH Fir• Scotch Pfne IJliG~5,!lgi!l!!ilil antatk>n Sheared DouglH_ FIJ f Noble Fir • White fl r Sliver Tlp1 t ST. LOT t LLOYDS NURSER~ From Our Florists •.• Fresh CEDAR GARLANDS Decor1tlve holiday wall accent•, table centerplecH , l r\d beautlful holld1y ho1te11 gift a. One-of-a-kind, long-laatlng floral and candle decoration•. Share the magic of the season. TM FTO HoUcby Glow ~nd your rnctinp with s~ctal -• care. The FTD Holiday Glow Candle • Canes Bouquct.17 .50 IAnttn\ Bouquet.125.00 --.. .... '>~ a1top by piton. • UH your Cl'edlt oerd. Sino• 1141 • Decorate lndoora and out with fragrant Cedar garlands. Beautiful WREATHS and graceful BOUGHS Dougles and Noble Fir, end fragrant Ceder. LIVING CHRISTMAS TREES Select from th• bet t for our area. ALEPPO, MONTEREY ANO STONE PINES. Decor•te lndoora now • plant outdoore 1fter the ttollday1. PRICED FROM 13.95 TO 70.00 living trM1 2 tt. to 7 ft. tall. GIFTS THAT BEAR fAUIT .. I CITRUS TREES Select trom ... ORAN·ou, LEMONS• GRAPEFRUIT, LIMll AND NECTARINES. Praotlul, vitamin-pecked glft1l Hallislfts · POINSETTIAS IMutlfut blOomlng plant• In hoUdey wrep end bow. Nursery · Florist • 2140 """' llYCI .• Cotto Mt10 ALSO · Meny ~ hOllday ~nt1 In bloom • · .. t on pa I J• la ... , pntllklenl1 ml• ul •l111nn lnd4!r9 In W•&mar .. AlludaWI Of •h ho me unter and lrvlM, hM beu f\lmtid a bu 11 d I n 8 ma l • r I • I 1 mombft of I.he advt.ory lndUllr)' board of the flrat w.cem Hom. C.n\er & The ahow la •ponaored 8ulldln1 Muerlal1 by Vance J'ubll1hln1 Show, lo be h•ld In ~aUon, publilher of Anahet.m, tn Oct., 1083. Home C.nier MafazJrw The JG -member and 1pon1or o the A d v I a o r y 8 o a r d National Home Cent.er/ repreaenta a dlv•r1e Home Improvement• ._._~p_h_lc_an_d_ln_d_ua_try.::....._Co_nare-& Exhibition. Call 142-5111. Put • few word• to work for ou. TIME IS RUNNING OUT! ONLY 14 DAYS LEFT To Make a Meanlnglul Dlllerence In v~ur '82 Tax Picture Contaci the Prolesslonals at DALTON, DALTON, COOPER I FRANKLIN, INC. 10 discuss intelligent Vear·End Investments Free Phone Call H·ome NO OBLIGATION ·CALL TODAY FOR A RICHER TOMORROW Now thru Dec. 24 MCI and Huntington Center will g ive owoy over 15,000 3 ·min. long distance phone calls for the holidays. Just visit the MCI holiday booth in the center of the moll. (714) 841·3781 . 2691 Richter Ave .. Ste 102. Irvine Near Jambonie/405 • iliL..s lat 1 West Main Street (213) 570-8444 ~ .... 79iE:st Arrfffl H1 ?!I_ (2 3) 967-5331 H~ .J' ~~e -(213) 273-3980 ~ -----41~ Oellv Onve ~~T~1 :l~~l1 ; MUC M)TICE : ACTITIOUI &1 lll•H Contrary to the belief of many car makers, not all people who can afford a large tax shelter are too inert to en1oy 1t. The proof of which 1s embod· 1ed 1n one remarkable luxury sedan The BMW 7331 It is a $35.000 car that. when used for business purposes, per- fOITT1$ splendidly on your tax forms, yielding 1982 tax savings as high as $6,300• But 1t performs even more splendidly on other surfaces. yield- lf'lg rewards that can't be measured in monetary value alone According to AutoWeek mag- azine. "both 1ns1de and out. 1n performance and comfort. the BMW 7331 is a truly superior machtne.'' It owes this supenonty to a vanety of attributes. Attributes such as a remarkably responsive fuel-1n1ected engine that denies the dnver nothing but the slug· g1shness of ordinary luxury sedans And a patented front suspension that straightens curves and flat· tens mountain roads with a sense of poise beyond the capacity of ~mous1ne-hke sedans. But for all its virtues the 7331 suffers from 0<1e drawback scarcity. Given their l1m1ted sup· ply-and the obvious fact t the current tax year expires on December 31st-we urge you to pursue the 7331 whcle there are st~I 7331's to be pursued. You can do so at your& nearest BMW dealer. who will be happy to arrange a thorough test drive. ................. L LET YOUR LOCAL BMW DEALERS ARRANG~ A THOROUGH TEST DRIYL ~k Hunt~ Park N~ach RtVerslde -.. ...... '"" ,-. Cl IFW .. 7050T°Cf::r 1-.WS 1540 J~boree Rd 7850 lrc::hana Ave 6000 Pacrtte Blvd (714} 640-6444 (714) 795.4444 ~m46-3144 (213) 583-1901 North HoAywood Santa Ana Fulerton Lancaster .-T ....... <11¥8 moron. ------.. ... ..... 45201 N S ierra 4270 Lankershirn 208 West Flfsl St 626 E.udd Avenue H1~hway Boulevartl (714) 835 3171 ~213~ 691-6701 (8 5) 948-6004 (213) 761·6133 Santa Montea 714 680·6300 Long Beach NO<Walk OCUll ...... Gleroale .,. ...... MllMO ... 1820 Santa Monica NafKIMW 3670 Cher?, Ave 10840 Firestone Boulevard 800 South Brand (213) 427· 494 Boulevard (213} 829-3535 Boulevard (714) 636-5790 ~213) 868-3233 V¥1 Nvys (213) 246-6543 MtSSIOO Viero 714) 636-6775 -.-TOcalll Hermosa Seach r:-•*il -.an ~=s 5230 Van Nu?!; .. ,..._ llNITS, .. Boulevard 2901 Pac1f1C 28402 Marguerita ~uan. (213) 788-1791 Coast Hl'l. Par'Kway 4095 East Palm (213) 37 -0935 (714) 831-2040 canyon Drive (619) 328-6525 PUBllC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE Collings ·Stevens Beason Strathman Sea. West names Collings .. Jaaiea E. Collla11 bu been named president of Sea West Construction Co., Inc.,. Newport Beech. The appointment was annou.noed by Howard A. Siegel, OOard chairman of The West Companiel. a diversified real estate holdina company. Collings has been UIOdated with the building industry since 1967 and haa held management positions with Kaiser Aetna, Oakland; Ponderosa liomea, Santa Clara: and Leadership Homea, Newport Beach. He la the owner of Collings Co., Inc., a general contracting firm. lrvlne resident Paal M. Steveu bas earned the 1982 President's Award fo~am Management. one of the highest honors to employees at The Aerospace Corporation in Segundo. The director of the firm's 1osail energy department, Stevena received $5,000 and a pewter plate from Aeroapa~ president Dr. Eberhardt htin at a special company-wide ceremony. He cited for outstanding contributions to the Department of the Interior's coal-leasing program. ABLE Coaipater of Irvine has named Michael G. Beuon as director of product line management. He is reaponaible for new products business development, product performance and ongoing support of all of ABLE'• hlsh performance product lines. For 12 l.ean prior to )>tn.lna ABLE. BeMori worked for 1JtC1tal Equipment Corporation. Most recently, he was regional operations support manager. Bea.on replaces Thomu Mulder, who hM been uaigned to the new position of directoc' of research. Keeler Fooda, Inc., the Santa Ana-baaed wholeta.le d..latributor of fooda and related aupplles 1erving restaurants and lnatltutional feeders throughout Southern California, Arizona and· Nevada, baa announced the promotion of Tom Strathman to group sales manager. In hi1 new poaltion, Strathman will be responaible for managing five Keeler aa1es people, with accounts in Calllonlia and Arizona. Strathman'• previoua experience with Keeler includes 15 years of sales within the food lnduatry. Jack D. Tinkler has been elected vice president for e ngineering and technology of Occidental Petroleum Corp. Additionally, Dr. Tinkler will be responsible for the corporate effort in envirorunent. health and safety. MUTUAL FUND NIW YORK (API c.n1 .. 111a1 Gp LI Mun 7 n NL Ill }Iii It t1 •• ~ "' G.M NL Grwltl 11..D 12.JI St11la 7.25 NL 1..~::.'.9'.::i::i ~ ~~I u~ i.~ r:.~r. u ~ =t :~: ~ t~ .::r. ::.en!.. ~ =t ~r~:: ~ if:: ~::1a-.. ,;i ·.:~ , ... Nati.n.i iu-1. C...ncellor GtOUp S.IMll IJ II Nl 1 .... R•"' UI s ... Nat llld ll.1' NL lllCom .... 7.17 s...o.... 11..tt II.It etloft of 5'<wlllft HIYld HO 10'2 S.ITel\ IS_.. Nl latel 1Ul2 NL Hal $«witleS: 1-1 IOAt ll.A6 Tu..,_ mM.74 o. ...... lllC., .. HIMIH\ IJ I' IJ n T11rln t" NL Jl""G"!... ,'H! 1·N·L ...... 11 ... 12.a Ootll 12 IS II.JI T._.... : IM prl<• el wlllcl\ NO.C 14.G ILM TrellG :10.. Nl P , ~ ..,.. • ._ J.47 1.7• l•a Ea a.. rt... G.... ·• .11 1..... -Wlllei TuM 17.U "·~ =1.....ci.i Proa JP lnco I.SS •. ,. Grwlh 1.n ..... VltU lt.16 .... G.-7.1' , .. COUid i..... -'"' Sfl• 12 J1 "L Ov11• • f) NL J....... IO.M NL Prefd ... n 1.2' Voy119 14.11 ..... W.Wld ILl1 aAoZ Mid (He! ..... <:Mr! FO ". ••.SJ F11<lh ll.'1 Nl JOf\11 HWKOCk: lncom .... 7.21 Oua.ar G.Jt NL T .... c. 11.11 ,... vallle) OI boual'lt (l\p Dir 11.t:) !'IL llldu•I ..... NL ._ 14.ID IS.M Stoel ,.., 10.0 -··-l.22 NL TrMHew ..... NL , ... 1 .... "'"' Mil .. c.......... JUI NL ln<om 1.01 NL Grwtl\ 11.IO IJ.a ~:·11~· t: :·:#~ r.1:!•s.<:.!.~' n ... ~= i2 ,i,!!1112• (l\eroe) """'"4My c ...... 1.1F-'•llnv..ic .. ,· USGvt l.17t.53 F•'rtld .. ~.. E-·11 ·-NL TwnCGt ,._NL Sell Illy Fund 11.'6 IJ,'3 81\d ~ t•Ot U.19 T•a Ea t I• t .t:) I -~ -.._ Acorn , Jt.J) NL Grwltl I. '10 OIKO 11.tJ 1'.0I ~vfmn ,,, NL N•llonwlelt FdJ: Grw1tl is.a NL TwnC ... 1&.71 NL ADV 17 • NL HI Y14 4.M 7 41 Grwtll l.G t llO Kemper F-: N•tnFd LG t.U lnco 10... Nl TwnC UI ..... 6.lt Alll111re u 1t HL ln<om '-• UO lncom 6•41 7,M lncom LM l .1t N"G., 7.Gl 7.11 SIP..,1 1-: Twcllw -•1 AIM F-· ()pin La t.U HelR• ... 697 Gr-tt.a IJ.11 Naiad t ... I0.26 c.,pjl 12.JI UM USAA~: CvYIO 12.9.1 11.tl Tu ""21.D ZJ SJ ()olll s 7'I •• n HI Yl4 t .1' ,. ... , NELll• I"-: o.-IJ.4' 14.JI G,,_ tt.M NL Gmwy IU6 11.lt Cot11 Gltl tJ 42 NL Tu e., l.IJ a.• 1ntlFd 11.• 11..U EllVll tl.tS ZJM 5"<1 ••• NL HIYld 11.Jt NL Alllll\6 , ZJ.42 NL Cwllll co UI I .. w Wall 14.70 NL ()pin 11. IO 11.n lll<om 10.n 11.65 Com SI Q..G NL SMt 11.M NL A llrtl\T IJ.73 tJ.'1 Comp Id t.11 HL "'osl.,. S. S.S7 SVfnm t1 la U.IS Rel l!q JUf ZJA7 0.ffl U.J1 NL U1111l ~: : I I t :.! • • ' I • • • I I . .t • . ' , t • ; : .. I ~I ' I I HIYld wwvall Cwl .. Al I a I • 1 14 WIEq t.ot t .t> MVft 8 7.0 JM G..-JI.II Z:LJ7 Sc-r ,..,.,.. lllCO 10M NL Amerl<all ~: Comp Fd .... NL Frtd Gii\ S.01 s.. Te<ll 1i 11 IJ. It TUE• L.51 ..., c.por 11.7' NL Uftf MCU t..R NL A eel t G 10 7• CoftcorO 21 11 NL I"-G< Toi Rt IJ tO H 10 ....,._,_ ..,.,.,., lncom -..ao UftfGltl U.62 NL • Am<p I.JD 1'.91 C-CtkUI Gent: G,_n 1":il' NL USG. YI i."2 t1t G£nr9y IMO·. NL 1"11 '"' 16.11 NL Unit -~NL l A Muu 11.14 W.16 FuM , ... 1~.46 lncom ll.n Nl K• , __ , ... ,., n .tO NL MM8 7JI NL u .. 1... i ' 8-IUS 11.n lncom 7 1 *"' •• ~ .li-i.IJM I 1.711 NL l.f · ~ -t7 4lll .. 0.....,, IO .. 11.tt Coont l11v _,, .. , Fr-Un 0.-: 111 M 7• I.Jot M'lll 1fJ-~ E_.,.y t..rt .. ,. IMOltl U..16 '6.S7 , I Inc-t n 10.'1 Gonttel G , ... IO ..... AGI! J.61 J ,. C111 Kl 7.ft .. ,, $1 f,' ~I 1-t t .4S 10..IJ CM lllC 11.11 1U1 t le.A t.IO I0.71 Gonl#UI 7 01 NL OHTC ...... IL16 C."' IU 6.12 7.Al llC _,,., Ultr• I.SI t.J2 fldut V.tl JUt H ,..,. 7.M 7.9.1 Copley I 7'I Nl Gl'Wttl t I! 10., c ... SI ,, " It S7 H "°la 21.SI NL Selected ,,_, HI lllC IUI u.n • T nE t 11 '·" Ctrv cap 1• M i. o. ()oll011 , ., • ci C.11• SJ 1" I n =I I~~ ~= =t ""' SM a.• NL llldfft 1u1 """ : w"' "" t.41 t,,. 0.1-... ~ Utlll ~21 s., c ... $.I .. G 7,0J HonFO ls.Of' Nl Spl SM 17.tl NL """"I 6.AIS .... I Amer~.. O.Cat .....,,.11 lncom 1" 2 Ot 1111••1'11 • .. 4 IS y 7 •• • Selltft\"' Graup: Sci! , .. ioa • ~ 941 6" 7.A2 o.i-_,,All US Gov J » 7 11 T uFr 7... 7.7S =""= 1A; ·~ CapFCI 10.l1 IU.S V IS.A tt..• ~r~ I~~ :::: ~1~,.. "":",:11._,, ~1\ 'U! 1~ ~~ u":r~°" 2.: 1J 1t g:,:, IO.tS NL ~~ 11._i;, ltJ; ~Jw 7.SI NL MIH\ I It .. 17.•7 Della -v•ll ~Tx ... 6 1' Cp C.dr IHI 17 11 Ofw m IL6J HL IMO 11.1t 11-71 ._ Vefllr 2S'9 21.-0 Dir,... I~ NL F-Inc· GoldfO •.J2 NL °§1-FO. Seftllnel ~: ,,_ Cmtlll 12 '6 11.7J l>ocK• 81 :U ,. NL Cmrce -•all OHMA 1." HL lrecl II.It 111.21 lat6" 1.10 t .SI lllCom NL Eo<" 27.ff NL O.OCa 51 11.42 HL lr1vQI ......,.11 Gr-t.t• NL , .. 1.6! ._ 6.M 6.91 uv Gt NL Fd Am II n 12M o ... aw IS.., NL Piiot _,,... RHll I .... Nl H Yid ll.n JO.IJ c;....,, s IS.14 16.S, Spl Sii U .. JJ NL Gr-2S... NL Dreyfus Grp. $o.tftbll ......,all LlflON' IUO Hl ~I ~~ ri·: Grwtll 1J.1J 1•.25 VMC4 s.no.n: Ha...,.. 11 II IUJ A •1111 ll •7 NL GT Pac IJ 1\ NL ~J: S.~"a f'a Fre 7.CIS 7'.JI ~,.,,· ::: ~ :: ':~ '::: Pace >t.21 ,,... Oreyt 14.,. IUS Gal• Op "71 Ht M.Ji' _,, .. , NL AIM '6..&I ll.Jt SMM'IOll .._, ~ ll.fS NL A~:.~: :-~. u: ~·:.r,,. tt: 11ic~ G4n Elec: I-: L.Md Aieett. Time IOAI 11 • .0 ANr'9 IUIS ISM t SJ.IS .... A Hffnt J.M NL Spl Inc •• HL ~~~~ =~11 Afflltd 1.16 LIO ~!.'~M ft';t ~.:: Hl~IYY_!!ICI ~ "1·~ l!E.VGT .. a ,',~ .!·~ A"'l11s s..Jol SM Tu l ICUI NL S&S _...ti 8n0... t.tS I0.17 p Id IA-NL ·~-.. -..-.-·~ A lnwtl t.Gf HL T~ -•II S&S Lt -•II 0... Gt ti.ft U... =Sq ~ NL ---IUI ll.JS Olkt f kll ..... ~.!.:.:." ,;.-: ~t l:t..i-~. ·-G4n Se< _ .. I ~~<w,,.,Ji!ID Ju ,._,,., S.11 NL NwOlr U.tO ISM Dwr I J6.l.1 ••••• A NIO"' 01 S.01 aa1.. U0 US &~"{al ~::~ tt MIT •. II.SI 12,•I =.I 0::,.'. t .lt t:..n: & 1t: tt 1:=:~ ~:.:: A Nllnc 17." ..... Foun IO.JO NL Gr1tl '"" •• HL MIG 11.'1 IJM ... • IOU 11.62 "-, ...... , FldE I .. , ••••• Aln••Y 6.17 • . .O lncom -.n S.1' "-'Pk.A IS~'tt; MIO ......... 1 .. • Caplt IO.IS 11.0t kf'ldl •;s Arc:llOvt t,JI HL 1ncloe u 1 t.41 ~--=-H. ft• s' ... MCO IO.JO 11.00 Cvf'o 16..17 11.M 1 7.61 LJJ s.-1 ti.A MM ,.. H°"'91'ton: SIKI t1.n U.41 H;rt Gtft' 11. Ht MEG 10.41 n .JO Grwtll 11.a 12.• .~...:.1 1Uf M..61 v.,.._,. ~: """. • .• I0.07 Stoel! IJ.DC 12.• ... r1 i.e. ,.'... H MFO II.a 11.1t HIYld .... IO.J7 S.CI n 11.97 Ull l! .... r 11.11 NL lllCOfl'I , ... S.01 EbeAtadl ~: ...... 1111i..o1 NL MFI -·" Stoo 11.M 12.17 f'n;st ... , ..,. ''"'Tr 11..0 NL S(oell II.JO 11.1• CMm 10.11 11.41 --2J.S$ NL Mt.II -ell PC c.. l•.tO.... Veftt ...,. t.17 ONMA Ut NL ILC GI I~· l4.AI Entlh Lil t.6J Hut..... 11.lS NL MFH 6.11> 7.JJ Pll.,ltlm GrP:1. ~ t• ,7 $1 £qty "-" 15.l'I 1¥HI IUI NL IU: Inc IJ.U 14.. SutWy w.>1 UM HuttGltl 11.• NL lftTr8 _.,.... .... F4 11 ...... SI II.Gr ..,. Ull _,. 11.Sl NL llebs Inc I.II NL EneUlll ,,.. HL 11'1.A HIY • ,, teAS Ma~ Jt.n NL ~ f.. tl: tr. s.o... Ill ,~., ,~,. Mllt{Y ..,. ~ --lllV 12.01 NL Evrer11 ,. ., H ISi o,..· "'-""' L-,ndl: ,.:;;. ,_. 15"1"' 4.J6 NL _.,. IJ.11 NL ... ( G .. 11.61 NL EvrerTll ll.» NL G.....,, . ",. 7 IS ... k 11.n 12,. -~ • .;. ... r In '6.ZJ 11.• Mlllllt .... Ht. a.< Hiii M.00 HL Frm BG ll.1' 1~ hKom J.11 .:., c.ptl 17A l&.61 ·---.. .....,{!, -Le ... NL ,,r 0.-: F"9r-"-' Tm 91 Ill.JI 11A9 Equ lld -.J7 10.11 """' 1l.J7 JD.JO Gom St S.tS ~\' I 1M1 NL 1 ,., 11..49 NL Am I.cir _ .. I ~ HI. HI lllC 7.1' ... II llK U.11 , ... ,. 01""" S.tO \' II 1.n NL F~ lO:r.J 1'I\. Einl -.illl cii1tif· HI 1Mt •tt le.~ ,..,. llW ""-*-"·It ........ -+.Al '9Ko a.et Ht. ... ,., c.o: HI l<m .....,411 l..C. tO.eo 11,21 tnTrm IO.M 11.76 Plllrftll 12.AS NL StFrm Gt -v.i1 Walla! I NL IPI In< -11 Ta Fr• wnevAll HIYld ,, .. , •• u LI~ '·'° 10.00 Prk• ,, ...... , 51,,,m .. -·I Wei"" 11. NL C..-Ao 2101 NL US Gvt llfteV611 lllVal 11·5' U 21 MIH\HI l,S5 I .ti Orwtll _,,all 1'"' I"": IGlllW NL .. , Flld -all l"ldellll ~: NIR•• .:,. .... "'"""" 6 ... 6.t7 lncom ... NL •ell 70.SI NL HlYM NL lull ....... G!lt: A•M 17.~ NL Ta•E• t.)t .:7J PacFd 11.Jt 12.11 1"11 IOM NL edl ... Nl w..... NL Capm 10.it !'IL ._ .... NL lnl lnvst 12 .... IUO '""la t .G 10.07 " I!" ........ 11 '"""' -·I Veftlwr1!' , 11.70 CatHI s 11 S3 NL c;_,. 0,. NL Inv lllllk I .• NL Sol Vel 16.ID 10.tl H wonr ....... e11 SlffClmall ,_, WattSt G ,, • .:11 Golen IJ.. NL Conftd 11 J) NL lllV ... -..all Mid AM us 1.11 Ta ,,,.. L'5 NL Am llld U2 Nl Welfl E~ .... HL Catvlll autlock: O•lllY IO.• . . . t11wstc1rt Qt-. MMrr: It.ta NL PY-. s.rwtca: A•t« .• NL Wla Inc 1.61 NL lwlkll -17.M Eq lllC 12.D NL IDS 8d ~ .• a ""51 d 11.n NL IMfT "'" NL ·--,,.,. NL ...., $1N!Nn: CaMln 7.JD 7 " Eire" -.11 NL IDS DI• 6.SS 7.lt -11.lt l).JZ ,,_ a.n NL ()c41111 t.M NL -.v.. G..21 NL Olvlct J.G l 10 ~I 11.0f 11.9.I 10$ Gft I~ .. 17.00 lildlGvt 10.e NL I-.... NL 51_.., ~ ,,_, HNW 16..'6 NI. HllllC 11 It 11.0J Mun 941 6 S5 Nt U>S HIY J.70 l.IS Millltll of~: ll'r\I SIP. 11.1' 11M ..... tl..27 NL Pl,,. 11M NL Moftl" II.Gil 12.05 Fl• 11..M H 10$ HO Ut t OI A~ 10.JI NL """"""' ........., ._ L.. NL NL -....... NI WS t.• I0.71 Gvt Sec t61 NL 10$ Pn11 t..901 Grw"' S.M 6A2 Caft\' l.u7 U..l"I =0. Jia NL C..i• <Nrtitl Taprre t.17 t.6l HllllCO l.Jt NL I'"' MU lO '6 1141 lllCOM U1 t.A2 lftl Eq 1S.• 1t..l't II tt.M NL t-PnMM ..,., CapTNT -NL HI Vld IG.71 NL IDS Ta in ,:.1 ,.. Fre ..,. 10.tt 0-. 14.12 16.ID " I U.M NL ..... OVER T1fE COUNTER NASO LISTINGS NIW YOltK IAPl GolrTla NASDAQ ~-ColOOM .-1,,. ~ bids ComCIH -1-~ bv CmlSftr -rl.•t IMMn H of GmwTel • p.m Pflas do ""' GollPff Inc"*,_...,,,...,,,.., Cordi• mar_dO_ or c.-nm-Crotlre I\":'-'°' ~:. Cllllrf'd A~~'"" 'ID '1. ~"'°" O.t. M' pr: '4 0.rtM ~;a .... ~~ oa- ~Y:!i 'f,' ~ o.~ ~-..yl!I ~vltou Slit ~ OleG•yt A II"' m. 1116 Ol•~fll Alkoln< Jt"' a Do< " AlllarH NL 8:4if8~ """'" "" "' ~, .. , =~ °'=r "° ,. e1f11, 1~ 14\11 lit"' "'tm. s~ A e I\ 1~ '" A::;f,14 6 '"' efl:.# .I ' ' . , ., ..... THE ORANGE COAST 'J( Ml• ,..,.,.., .... Jobie claims ~ fall, agency says WAS~ (AP) -Tlw number of ~ ru.tna llnt-tlme dabril for u.nem~t comptftllldon dropped &o &90,000 In \he week end1ril Dec. 4~~~ iotal.Jn more than four monthl, Ute Labor ~t reported. The new total, whldl 1a ad).uited for nonml ~ va.rtaUona ln employment, la 1W1 hieh by nm1-1•ec.mion ltand&rda. . 7 Put lt marked me third week In tM 1Mt four \hat ln!dal claiml have 1tayed ~Jaw the 600,000 matk. And lt WM tM lowest linol! the G66,000 for the week end1nc Aua. 7. ldvbta at leaat a hint 'hat the unemployment 1ltuatlon may Improve .Ughtly before too lq . WHAT STOCKS DID NEW YORK (API DK. t• Pr .... ,"":/. '12 403 1,,.. ... " ,. -'"° 11 s ti t WH• t AM( I (>0 HEW YORK (AP) DK 1' METALS NEW YORK (API -Spol nonlerrout metal pncee todey C...., 71~· 73'A cen1a • PoUnd. U.S. <IMllnetlOne. LaMI 18',..23 OWtta • pound, a.. J6...40 -"• • poui\(I. ~. Tift M .15441 Metale Weelt ~·IQ, ~ 78 _,._ e pound. N.Y. ~ '385.00 per ftt911. "'8H1111111 S383.00·S385.00 troy OUllCll, N.Y SILVER tiendy end Hermen, Sl0.290 per troy ouoo.. GOLD OUOTA-TIONS ., Tiie ... "''' • ..,_ ~ WOtld gold ~ 1ocs.y. Lo.-.. ............ *'440.60. "° I0.24. ........., 9ft9nlu11 «••1111 '437.00. oft •..26. ...... ...._ .... ~.02. up 11.67 • .,.........._..._'442.oa,..., ae.01. .......... ..._ ..... Ma.\.26, °" 14.28 w. .. .a -.d. NeMJ a Mar•H (only delly quote) 1437.00, °" 13.26. ' · '.':I.' e ' (cny ~ C!U*I 1437.00. of! • ' I I •• ..,.. ~ l~ --quN) '46t.95. oft 13.4 '· • SYMBOLS d· ..... Y"'IY IO-olt, U·Hew ~ Ng/I Unlee• Ol"9rWIM nottd. relM Of c!Mdend• •r• 1""4.IM dl•Our--11 l>8MCI on !ht leet querterly or temo-ennuel decleretton Spee1al or e11r1 diYIOttlClt or IMY!'*lll not dMlgneted .. ~., are lelenllfled 111 tht fOllOWlnQ footno•• 1-AltO H lf8 or erlrU II-Annual rei. P'U• atock d1v101no c·llquldettng dlvldt nd Oeelered °' peld '" precec:tlnQ 12 monti.. l·~Wed Of ptl(I efler ltOCll dMClenCI Of tplll up I-Paid 111 .. ~. dividend omitted. ,,...,,tel or no ection ...,_, 1 .. t dlVtOend l,,,_1lng. ll·OedetlCI or P9ld t1111 yew. 111 eccumut•llwt '""' wttll dMOenO• 111 .,,..._ DOW JONES AYEIAGES NIEW YOflKCAP) l'I~ ~ ....._ 10t Y~. Oec. 16. JTOCl(a . Ill 1"41 ~ =-A~=-U-~ ID f,-11 01.a ..e.90 -...-.u+ •M U VII 11 .. '7 117.IS 11'-D 10.-...... t.$ Slit M .11 •.ll -14 "2. lh 0.74 Indy• ............... ....• ·:m-iu':': : :: : :: : :. : .: : ::: : : : :: :. ... :: '5 Stll ....... ,. 1t-.1't UPS ANO DOWNS NEW YOflK (AP) -TIW fOl-lne , .. ........ .,,. .... y-stock f!~ ...... ...,_r_ ---• , .. -.., ....,, tM "'°'' -Oii s-rC9ftt o1 Cflenoe neoer,.eu o1 voi ..... lor T hurtdeY. • No MC,.llfH lredl"ll .,.low 12 ,,. lftcl· .. d. IMt-~c ....... a.,.tN Cllff .. ...U bet-1he pnvlout C ........ Of'le>e -'°*Y'• tl-im. prlu. --I.Ast C1'Q Pel. 1 Norlin Corp 2Hll + 2'41 Up 10 J Oler1trCo wt ~ + 1111 Up 11.2 J N~ I ~ + 11> Up 11.t • Cllertwe.o 11""' + 1""' Up 11.J S lltuyFSl. 7~ + :\lo Up lt-S 6 OiwtEd 4.6Spl 4114 + ~ Up t.6 7UI Pecll »"'+Wt Up ... I UAL Inc Jiii> + 211> Up U t us -22 ... + '"' Up LJ It FMC SI + M Up Lt 11 ~ Mee 19 + 11111 Up 7.8 IJ CIOroa Co JA~ + l'llt Up 7.t IJ G41ftAmOll M'llt + 211> Up 7.8 I• FMCC.0 pf .o'llt + n. Up 7.1 1S GTFI I.~ 1114 + Vt Up 7.1 1• lllUkof'CI l~ + 14 Up 7.1 17 1'911 Qwp 321111 + J\.'j, Up 7.0 1: =~ rit:! : ~ 8: tl JO TeaOGe!I 2211> + t Up U ii WendYafl'll I t•"' + t\ Up U 12 AltA Sw ~ + 2... Up 6.J U 8Wfl 9-w IOllll + 1111 Up U 14 Fal ~ .-+ 14 Up '-' U S.8'tnt t~ + "' Up S.t ooww. ....... Cha fl«. ,_ -Jll. Oft 11.a J1 -.... Off 11..6 •14 -\I) Off IO.J 17 ... -J Off 10.S J\.'j, -14 Off 10.5 • -Wt Off 10.A ~ -)'Ill OH t.1 • -4 Oft u ~=~ ~ ~1 ?;. 11111> -10\.'\ Off u ~' ---Off L2 •• • -1-Off ... '· --. -,.. Off ,.. •j ,,_ -,. Off 7.7 ~· 'l = '.,. g: g . JllW. -Nl Off 7..6 ' IS -t Off 7A 611> -YI Off 7.1 J -.. Off ,_. v,..._.,.. °" .. , ·\I)-,. E .. , u -1-.... 16\oli ;-"' .. J ~-.. ~ The first Sunday of every month, the Daily Pilot presents an expanded · business section wit~ everything you n~ ' to know about business in y_our community. you,re in business, you need ·Business Outlook. ' ' ca to mechanics, jobs are there By LOUISE COOK A1111f1I1 • ,,_ WtltH Twelve mllllon Amf'rlcana are out of work today. You t"Uuld be joining them wmorN.>w -If you're not p~pared for the job tnMrket of the future. No one can pn!dict exactly what will happen to the unemployment rate -at 10.8 pen.°"nt durln1 November or when the reces.slon will end. Nor can anyone guarantee you a particular job in a particular ploee. You can &et some clues, however, from the Labor Department's periodic reports on employment prospects for about 2~0 occupations. The reporta give the job outlook for the ooming decade.and the growth expected in each area. You can get the latest report from the Consumer lnformatlon Center in Pueblo. Colo., 81009. I'here ls a charge of $2.75. Add~ your ~uest to Dept. 124L and ask for "The Job Outlook In Brief." The department warns that the reports are subject to error: they depend -to some degree at least -on assumptions about things like population growth and the demand for individual goods and services. And they deal with the picture for the entire nation and roay not reflect local job markets. Tot.al employment in the United States is expected to grow from 102.1 million in 1980 to between 119.6 million and 127.9 million in 1990 -an increase of about 17 percent to 23 percent. Here are some areas where employment is expected to grow faster than average: , ACCOUNTANTS AND AUDITORS : Employment is expected to increase by between 25 percent and 34 percent during the 1980s as managers rely more on accounting infonnation to make business decisions. You'll probably need advanced training. however: college graduates will be in greater demand than those without degrees. Jamie Fi1ke Jamie returns for Yule BRIDGEWATER. Mass. (AP) -Little Jamie Fiske, who was dying when she left here three months ago, haa returned home in time for Christmas with a new liver and a new lease on life. .. • fhO 1111 ~ Hll l>ltft!Jft It lhllllll fM ............ ., • ...,,. .. *l'ltr A AVI U 1Ulltil(I ANU ilft41MH~A~t•OllUU& UAL I HQ ,.eotll O•t•t 1tCA " HOMVI to'., lltl W ,...._, t ti C•l .. hie •t ~Ip, t ..,,., ..... ,. UA 11>1 I tllYf It . o.t1 ...... a.MC•• ttlO t .. 111&.#lll•, lit!Clt tteneC • 4tl •11,.. t 10f1 Mlllwt C.~~ ltOtl •C C.WINl1 t.A •I Ito "'"'' I Ufltltll !.J _ UO I O••• l 1t,1111011et1. ttl0· 11:1 lNt W.•f-111 LlllMJuOeJ "'•II o.tter, llnll AM. CA"''" IMMI 1M llerlM Celdel"ia ~~'OUAI Allltll Or11r1,11~l t 11 ti •lllM LlnN h-Cool! ~If,~ W' totJ0 ll\lt ~ 111 ~llMI tty I flll9 atlltomlolll W81 tiled ••lh Ille 11111 .,..,... Ill IOflM\ed tlV I .... ,.,,,...,... e-•1 Clllfll (14 Or•nv-COUllTY on ..... P*"••· Oono CiM NO'< U , 1Ht .,._,. C<omoton ,.It~ Wiii llled wtlll IM ,-., lhll t\...,,.,..(ftl IMed wM tM Cciunty Chlfli Of Of111109 County on itvbllthlld OrtnQ11 Co111 DlllY COWllY a.tr OI er..,~ on December t tN2 ,llOt, Nov 26. Dec :I. 10. 17, 11112 Oeo f3, 1N2 • I tit' j~"'"' ... fllll1 ii d '"• '"'"' .. li lfAl>!lllUI I llUl/11 "llOIU ••• r n.-.,.,d• 111 ~·•11011 le•I• C.A Hi ) M~I> ... I M•011 .... e, llU llt•411t et C0tl1 Mt.. CA VI 11 I !\It bl.I .... , '' tunlflll llltl II; M tndhlOU<ll M~hNI I Ml.(>1*11141Y ftll• .,.,~ ..... '* "'"'"' Ill• COulll1 Clerll M Otanga Cout1ty on Dee 1 11il2 ,...., P111>1tthH Ooeflfe Coatt Dlllly PtlOt ('>.<. 3 tO 11 24. 1112 &?40 12 . ,.,,. &171·82 • ,... ,vbll•h•d Or•not CoHt D•llr .... IC -TICE Pu11111hed Oreng• CoHt Dilly ot111u1c NOTICE PllOI, Dec t , 1t, U , 10, t112 rVIH. ""' P~. 0eo II, 2S. IO. 1112, JM, I, r...- H4H2 ,tCTITIOUI 8UllHIH ,.., FICtiflOOI IUllHlil ----------NA ... IT&TtMINT ________ 6-4_.a.._•2 NA• ITATIMINT PUBLIC NOTICE Th• tot1ow111g p111on 11 001ng PtaJC MOTIC( I ht tollowlng P•"on •• do•nu ,tc:Tl'TIOUI IUllHl•I NILIC NOTICE 'IOTmOUI IUIMll NAMI ITATW•NT Th• lollowlng person 11 clotno bu.,,_. u OCE.ANSIOf INN. lt11 t Pectllc Co11t HlghW•I'· SunHI a .. cll. c.itlornll I07 n &Junt L Myeta, 212r> HtltOlrept, SMll Ana, Clllfornl• 127ot Tiii• butl-I• CIOOdUCled by an bu11M11 H bullnw1t ••· NAMI ITATIMIN'Y IC V PRODUCTI \PROO t ,~ IUIMH ANIMALS IN CE LEORA llON Ill U 0 Q o I a e 11 w .. 1 C 1 r c I e NAm efATl.MIHT CREATIONS OF DEB BEE 0 Ol!Ll, bu~~~o:wlng ptraon 11 dOlllt WettmlnlllK. CA 92813 Tiie lolloWtnf perlOM .,. doing 2513 Colby Pl•C• Cotll Meta. A880L.UTEL y APPAL.0 08.A St•v•n Cory Young. 1138 1 bu91,_. ~ Cal1lo.n11112628" 06 1 s ' G0<don l.1H1b•1, CA ll<>t31 TUCl<IR ENTERPRISE•, 411 OeDl>M 8ut 0 Dell 2~13 Ce>nl~ 4 1 th 1 ' •A. Hunll,,glOn ,. p Co •• C • B"cn. Ca 1126'48 l nlt bu11n .. 1 11 f<OnduclecS by ,,, El Modene, N-port llHOll, CA lace, Ill ...... llll01n<11128 C1101yn Jt1n Craig, •O:> 111n llldMdulll '2ee:l Thls bu.ineea 11 conductecS by an St A Hunllngton 8Hc:h, Ce Steven C Young PAUL £ TUCl<lR, 411 Et lnd•v•duat 1126•8 Tlllt ... ,_,WU tiled wtlh lllt Moden•. Newport 8••ch, CA OobbM 0 Oetl Th b COl\duclted b County Cl.,lf. 01 Orange Cou11ty Ofl 1290). Th11 t111_,,1 w1t 111.a with the lndi~u.':'1-11 Y .,, ... Otc 1 1982 CHRISTOPHER P TUCKER, Covnty Ctork ot O••not County on C1totyn Craog ,_.. eot W Bllt>ot Blvd, llllboe, CA Novemo.r 211. 1082 Hiit t11ternen1 wu llltd ""'n tne •· Pubt1111ecJ Orang• Cont 0 1lly 121181 '20l100 County Clttk ot O•enge County on 11\dlvlduel , .• l June l Mysl fbll 1111-t Wit llled Wllh lht County Cttrll of Orange County on Oeoember 8. 11182 PilOI 0ec 3 10, 11 2• 11182 Thia bu.U.. 11 c:onoucted Dy • Puo111ned Orange Cont D•lly October 27 1992 6222 112 geM<ll pvtnettNp. PllOt 0tc 2. 9 Ill. 23 1982 . ,..... , r•m Publl1hed Oflnge CoHt Delly Pilot. Dec II. 18, 23. 30, 1982 539M2 -----------Cll1llt()9her P Tiii*• 5223-82 Puollanad Orange Con1 ONI)' • P\B.IC NOTICE Thia tllt-t WM Ill.a with the p I I N 26 Oec 3 10 17 1ff2 ---,-,C-T_t0_u_1_•_u_a_1 .. -1-a--· I County Cltfk of °'ange County on "8.IC NOTIC( 'o ov . 5213-82 NAMI ITATIEMINT o.e.inbtt 14· 1"2· ....... l'lCTITIOUI .., ..... P\B..IC NOTICE The tollow1ng pe11on 11 oolng Publlthtd Oieng• cout Delly N.Alla •TAft....,. buSJneH., PUol. Dec: 17, 24, SI, 1N2, Jen 1. The lollOwtng pt11on It doing •PlCTITIOUI .Ul .. 11 RO IRRIGAllON SYSTEMS. 1913 blllintM 11: NAMI ITATIEMIMT 3081 Lo•en Lane Coll• Meu. 5643-12 BURT CLOSE INSURANCE, The following peraon I• doing ce111 92826 I------------1•13 Gienn.yra, l.aQllN BMoll, CA bu11""8 11. Ralph K Oun 308 I Loren ..... "IC ""TICE 92051. · lRANSPAC CHARTERS, 177 1.ane, COtllB Mesa C1l1t 92626 rUIJ\. nu C 0 N NIE BE TH CHRIS· Alvertldt Ave., Newport BHCh, Tlllt bualnets 11 conduc:IOd by an rtc:Tl'TIOUI 9U8*1:99 TIANSE,., 897 Mv-!IC: Wty, l.1g11N C1llf0fnl1112H3 Individual NAMtl ITATU•NT BMch. CA 92661. M111t 0 Silvey, 177 Rl,,.,lldt Ralph K Oean The followlng per1on It doing Thtt bullntll It conduc:ted by 8" Av1 .. tt737, Newpo rt Beach, T111a 11a1emen1 was tiled with 11\e bualntet 11: 1nd111tdual. C1tttornl1 92663 County Clerk of Orange County on GREAT WESTERN SALES. 329 Conni• 8 et h Thl1bullnteal1conduclecSbyan Dec 1,1982 Avocado, 11 F, Co111 Meaa, lndlvtdl.lal, l'IOIHI Calllornla 12627 M1rk O. Sltvey Publlahed Orange CoHI C>elly Spencer Allen I.ten, 3211 Thlt1t•teman1w1111Utdwlthll1e Pilot.Dec 3.10, 17.24. t982 Avocad o. 11 F , Coate Mes i , County Clerk of Orenge Counly on 5241·8 Cellfornl• 92627 Oec:ember 6, 1982 1------------Thi• bu11nea1 It ~nducled by en '2037'1 PUBllC NOTICE Individual Publlthtd Orange CoHt Oally S~ Allen 1.len ,. ChrlallotnMn Thlt llllemenl WU filed with the County Clertt of Or1nge County on Dtc:embtr 14. 11182. ,....,, Publled Orange Cout OeltY PllOI. Dec:. 17. 24. 31. 1982, Jen. 1. 1183 6476-82 rtCTITtoUI .., ..... NAMllT&Tl•NT The lollo,..ng persona are dot~ bullnMeU , .. ANDRES COMPANY. 1181 S11nbrM2I. Hunllnglon BNoh. CA 92847 Pellr T Andr••· 7181 ' SunbrM21. Huntington ~. CA 928-47 P1mel1 I.. Andr••. 7181 Sunbreei., Huntlnglon Beach. CA. ' 112847 Peter T. A11dr" Thi• 1111emen1 WU !lied with Ille County Clttlc ol Orange County on Nov 24, 1982 '• FJOJS19 I Publlthed Oreng• CoHI Dally PllOI, Otc 9. 18. 23. 30. 1982 FICTl'TIOU 8UllNlll Thtt 1111emenl wu II*' wllh the 6330-82 NAllW ITATIMINT County Clerk of Otenge County on Ml.IC NOTICE Piiot. NOV 26. Oec 3, 10, 17. 11112 --FlC--TITIOU--l-.U-ltNe--1-a--5209·12 • ------------The lollowlng person It do11fo October 27. 1982 P\B.IC NOTICE bulintN .. F200t10 SPORTS TODAY. 15500 Publlahed Otenge Coast Oe1ly rtc:TITIOUI IUatNE88 Puadon Aven..e. Tullln. CalilOfnle P1IOI, Nov 25. Dec: 2. 9. 16. 11182 MAME aTATIMl!NT 112680 5t85-82 The following person Is doing Phtlltp p11sons. 15500 PUldon buSl11t11 H Avenue. l u1lln. Cllll01nl1 112680 NAllW 9TATl .. NT Ml.IC NOTICE The followlng person I• doing 1----------- bulineu u : PlCtn10US __,... .. IA) "8 "' SAFE SECURllY N.Allm ITA,._,-SYSTEMS CO . (Bl .. 8 .. SAFE The fOllowlng peraon 11 doing • SECURllY SYSTEMS 18•0 8 "'*'-ae: • P\B.JC NOTICE AUTOMOBILE MECHANICS AND BODY REP AIRERS: Employment should grow up to about 30 percent du~ to the increased number of ve})ieles and traffic accidenta. Job opportunities will be plentiful. Business machine repairers also should find plenty of work; the number of jobs should increase by between 60 percent and 74 percent as the number of machines increases. The smiling 1-year-old tot, who became the youngest peraon ever to receive a liver transplant in an operation In Minneapolis •Ix weeks ago. was carried into her home Thursday night in the anns of her mother. Marilyn. BINGO BuGLE. 17'11 Pomona, Thi .... 111 I onduc:I'""' b No 10 Coste Me•• Cel1torn1e ' "" ,,... 1 c: .., Yen lndl\llduel 92827 PhlUlp P8'$001 Ftc:TITIOUI Ml ... 11 NAiii IT&TUllNT Newport •27. Co111 MHe. CA HURl'.AY FOR HAIR. 1~ 21" .,. 92627 ~. ~ a-ti, CA t1M3 • Dev1d W Henion, 1640 S ANDREA RODARTE. 5115 E. • John Healy. 17• t Pomone. No. Tiits a111ement wu lll•d with Ille 10. Coate Mne. Ce1U0<n11 112627 C<iunly Cle<1< of Or~ County on Tiie followlng person 11 doing Thll bu!linest 11 conducted by an Nowmbtr 21, 1982 indlvldull bull,_ ... THI! KOZAK GALlERY, 202 F2027IO Nt•PO<t Center Or . Suite 5 . Newport •27. Coate Men, CA l.1 Palme t83tt), Anelllem. Cellf. ~ 92621 112907 Thia DUllMU 11 condUCled by an Thll ~ le conducWd Dy Individual en lndMduel. "Home at Last," read• welcoming sign tacked on the door by Jamie'• neighbors in this community about 20 miles south of ao.p>n. John H"ly Tllll 1t11emen1 was meo '"'"' .,,. County Clerk of Orange County on O.V\d w Haneon ~ Rodane Thlt ll•lemenl WU I~ Wllh U.. Thie ttat-1 -Ned with the • County Clerk ol Orange County on County Clertl of Orenga COwlt)' on Publlahed Orange Coul Delly Newpo<1 Oeech. CA 112660 P1101. Nov 25, Dec: 2. II, 18. 11182 Oeflld LM Kozelt. 2100 Ya.chi 5113-82 Mischief. Newport 8HCh. CA CASHIERS: Plentiful job opportunities are expected as employment grows anywhere from 28 percent to 36 percent. ·Widespread adoption of automatic checkout systerl'Vi -already in place in many supermarkets, for example -could slow future growth, however. CORRECTIONS OFFICERS: Employment is expected to increase between 47 percent and 49 percent as oorrectional facilities -prisons. etc .. - expand and additional .officers are hired to provide closer supervision of inmates. DENT AL ASSIST ANTS: The number of jobs should increase by about 40 percent as dentists use more chair-side assistants. There should be excellent opportunities for full-time and part· time work. Prospects altlo are good for dent.al laboratory technicians due to the expamion of. prepaid dent.al plans. FOOD COUNTER WORKERS: Employment is expected to grow up to 48 percent as with the increase in the restaurant business and in the number of meals eaten away from home. Job openings will be plentiful. HEALTH SERVICE ADMINISTRATORS: Employment is expected to grow between 43 percent and 53 percent as the demand for health care increases and management becomes more complicated. Again, you'll need special training -probably an •dvanced degree if you want one of the top hospital positions. She was carried through the gaily lit entrance of the two-story Cape Cod-type cottage after a state police cruiser escorted the family from Boston's Logan lnternatlonaJ Airport, where they landed to a jubilant reception after a flight from Mlnneapolla. Jamie's brother, Darren, 2 ~, popped donut-shaped cereal bits into h1a ala1er'• mouth .. .they paused at the doorstep to admire the tree neighbors had decorated ln lighta and pink bows on the lawn. "We really haven't caught up with time," said Mrs. Fiske happily. "We feel we atill are ln the transplant atqe. It hun't caught up with me yet, but it may tomorrow. The beat tnlng la having her hOD\e." The Flak.es aaJd they planned a quiet, family Chrlstmaa. November 30. 1982 F203240 Publlshed Or•nge Coeat Oe1ly P110I Oec 2. 9. 16. 23, 1982 52S8·82 -----------12660 P\B.IC NOTICE Thie buSIMSI 11 conctucted by an -----------lndl\lldUM F1CTITIOUI 8UllNl!ll G1tlld l Koiek NAME ITAT~MIUolT Thll 1111-t wae llltd with Ille The following person 11 doing County Cieri! ot Or~ County on business H 0ec 6 111112 0ec, 1. 1982. OeQ. 1. 11142 r201210 ,._ Publlthed Or1n11e Conl Delly Publlthtd Orenge Coul Dd)I POOi 0eG 3, 10, 11, 24, 1982 Piiot. Dec:. 10, 17, ~4. 31. 1te2 ________ __:5~2~54~·~82 1 __________ 64_1_1_-«l~ Ml.IC NOTICE PUBllC NOTICE 'GOLDEN CHARIOTS. 177 F F*174 l'tCTITIOU9 llUIM81 Rtverslde Avenue Newpotl 8"ch, P11bllth•d Or•nge Cont Dilly F1CTITIOU9 8Ul,...ll l'lCTITIOIJI .., ..... NAm ITAT'DmNT Celllornia 92663 POOi. Oec II. 16, 23. 30, 11182 NA• ITATIMENT NAME ITA.,.MENT The followlng pereon 11 doing The odore r ro tdmen, 1228 5303-62 The fotlowtng petlOfll tre dOlng The IOllOw1ng pe<tonl are doing ~ a1: • Rutland Road, Newport Beach. -----------bualnesa 11: bualneu 11. COMMUNICATION DESIGN, California 92660 Ml.IC NOTICE THE BRISTOL BUILDING 1072 FIESTA IMPORTING CO . 12ll08 Huter St .. ~etden Grove. Tnls busoness IS conducted by •n -----------S.E. 8rlltol SI . S•Cll• Anm, CA 20330 Flo•• ln , Huntington Beach. CA 926'40 1ndlvidu1L P'ICTITIOUI 8UllNEll 92707 Ca 1128•6 Jack V. G11yar, 24806 Via TlleOdOf'll Friedman NA• ITATlllleNT DEUTSCH & OLINSCHEIO ThomH Paul ShMll, 20330 Tonec:i., EJ TOf'O, CA 112Ua0. Thlt 1111emen1 wH llled wllll the The following pe11on It doing PROPERTIES I. 1072 S E. 8rlstot FIOra l.n , Hunllnglon Beach. Ce. Thia ~ le concluc:ted Dy an County Clet1< of Orange County on bulllntSI ea· $1 .• Santa Ana, CA 112707 112646 lndMduOI. Novembef 29, 11182 "°*5 C6C • 1. A Wmlted 1>8'1'*•hip, Thie butl,_ la conduc:led by • Anne Sneett, 20330 Flora lll .. J1ldl V. Gu)'9t Publllhed Ot1nge CoUI Dally 4901 BlrCll St• Newpo<t 8"och. CA g-•I pertnerehlp Hun11ngton Beec:ll. Ca. ll2e4e Thie ltatemenl -llled with tile PllOI '"'---2 .. 16 23 11182 112660 D• ltc .. ' 011 h Id Th•• bualned la conaucted .... an Counll c:1tr1t of°'""' County on ·..,... · •· ' · 5266-112 John T C anuwell. 14802 Proe>trt• lu " nsc: • lndlviutl ~, o.o. tO. 1N2. Newporl Ave., Unit 21C. Tuttln, CA Joeeph p Dtll\ldl lhomel PllUI SMeta ,,_ PtBJC MOTICE 12680 Thi• ... ,_I WU llled with lhe Thlt .,,,_, -flied with .... Pul>llahtd Ot•nge eo .. 1 D•lly Thll bullnMI II c:onducted by ' County Cltr1I ol Orange County on County Cltrlt of Ofanga COwlty on Plot. Dec:. 1S. n , 30, 1"2 • .-.. d, ACTTTIOU8 8U81Nmll "mlled partnenhlp New. 23. 1982. NOv 15. 11182 t~ ...,_ ITATEMINT John T. Cantwell ,.,_ "'*1 6-440-32 Tiie following per\on It doing Tlllt •letemtnl -tiled wltn TIMI Publlehad Orenga Cont Dilly Publllhtd Orange CoHI Oall)' -----------~ u Coul\ty Citric ol Orange County on Plol N 26 ..._ 3 10 17 1"•2 P1tot Dec: 3. 10. 17 24. 11142 •-II' ""'TIC£ rue GER .. aN uOME .. aKERY Nov 23. 11182 1 • ov ·.,... • • • ..., rUUU\.o nu 3412 Via~';,. ~a..cto. ~1---------5-13;.:2;.--!.;2 .._ ________ 5_29_2_-82_ rte:TTTIOUI ~·• CA 12te3 .. Publllhed Orenge CoHI Dally PUBUC NOTICE l'tll.IC NOTICE NAMR ITATIMINT Sii.ViA ALATRISTI!, 1084 Glen PllOI, Nov 26, Dec: 3. 10. 17, 111821----_;. _ _;._..:..... ___ 1------------ The foHow1ng perton It doing Ordt, C:0.11 M .... CA 92627 5116-12 FlC'1TllOUI -•• ~TTTIOUI llUllNa81 buelMN u Thll t>uslnMI •• conduc:ted Dy en NAm ITAT'llmNT NAlllE ITA~ INFAX SV8lEMS. U48·0 lr>dMdull. PUBllC NOTICE Th• lollowlng ptfton 11 doing The following pereon I• doing Adema Avenue. Coall M•••. SIM• Alatrlllt -----------~ u: INllMSI 11 Cllttomll 92$20 Thia tt•lemtnl wu flied with Ille P'ICTITIOUI ~I C & A MAN AG! M ! NT SUNSIGN GRAPHICS. 1717 E. O...lelJoaephHartneHJr .. 1138 CouniyClttltolOrangeCountyon NAIHITATI COMPANY . P.O . 8011 8870. Olrc:hSI •JJ20081'M.Cdf.t2821 Eaetglen OrlYe. uVeme. Celtfornlt NoYtrnbtr 28, 11182 The lollowing person 11 doing Fountain Valley, c.tlfoml1 11270I. Anthony Chlflee C...111. 1717 91760 '110a1IO bull(!j1 fHE SOUTH COAST 2247DonnleAoed,NewporlBeldl. E. Birch St •JJ201. 8111. C1ftf Thlt bu...,... la c:onduCled by an Publlahed Orange Coaal Dally DRAPERY CONNECTION (bt THE Callfornle t2tleO l2t 21 lndMctllM Piiot, Oec:. 11. 18. 23, 30. 11182 -Jt DRAPERY CONNECTION. IGO• Dorotlly Cunnlngh•m·Vogel Thia bu9iMal II COO'IOuc:ted by M Denlel J Harlnett J1, $3...,.82 (mldd .. NWl'lt Mary). 2247 Donnie lndlvldull Thlt tlat-t w11 filed with 11141 1------------Haven Piece. Newport 8Hch, hoed. N-port Beec:h, Callfornl• Anlhony C C- Counl" Cltfk ol Or•""'" Countu on "'ll!l'JC ""'fll'" C1llf0<nl1 t:zta3 ll29CIO Thia 111tt«Mnl wu flied wttn the , .• .,. ' rVIK. nu ~ JOhn R MC1<eon. 1604 He\ltn Count Cltt1! f Or Count on No...ember 28. IH2 Piece.' Newport BHch, Celll0<nle Tiii• ~ 111 conduc:1ed Dy 1111 Y 0 ange Y r2DICll9 P'IO:TITIOUI IU ... H 112883 lndMduel Nov 3, 1182 Publl1hed Or1nge Co111 Dally N&Mt ITATIIMINT T . Dorothll CllnnlnO'*'l.-Vogel not• Piiot, Dec:. 2, I. 18. 23. 11182 The lollowlng ptraon 11 doing 1,,d1~'dublllltlneas It conduclecS by an 1Ne 1tatement wN Ned wttll tN Publl•h•d Or1ng• foH~ .. Dally 5209 .. 2 bualMM aa; •• . County a.ti of Orange County on Piiot. Oec. 3. 10. 11. 2 ... It"" PHYSICAL AND OCCUPATIONAL THERAPISTS: Employment is expected to increase up to 60 percent for physical therapists and up to 71 percent for occupational therapists because of increased concern about rehabilitation services and the groW1h of \herapy programs. PROGRAMMERS: Employment is expected to grow between 49 percent and 60 percent aa the use of computers expands, particularly in accounttng. b4H4nua manail.e.ment..-.da processing services and research and development. The best prospects are for college graduates within computer science or related Seers debate volcanoes ________ _...;.~;..;..;;. M ER c,. T 0 A 6 y s l EM s John R Mcl(eoo Dec. 3, 1te2. '"8842 rtaJC NOTICE DEVELOPMl!,.f , 2548 °'=A~.. Thia a111emen1 wat flied wllh the ~ •-II' _,.TIC[ ----------County Cltrt! of O.ange County on p 11 0 n-n. nu " flCTn'IOUt_.,...•I UnH K. Cotti M-. CA 27 Nov n . 1982 ,202114 ub •h•d range Cout Delly , N.um 9TAT'PSN'T David P. Lemt>ert, 25" Ora~ Publlaned Orenge CoHI Dilly Piiot. Oto. 10. 17. 24. ll1. 1N2. flClTTIOU• ....... ' ""' lollowh•t peNOft-··-H'"A.;_;.Yll ..... , Unit K. Coot• ....... CA 12$21 f'il0t~l._l2_!3._:l!!ll8~2 ....... ,..,J_:=:--=:;;;;;:;;;::=:::=540=-=-.:..' .. =-i2 N.U. ITATUmM'f '. ~ ... 1nc1.!:'1~11ywr -rtaJC llJIK:r ~;:.._ ~ _..,,,. .,. dolJlll_ fields. • A & M SERVICE COMPANY, Oe\lld p Lambert , •-.,. _,.TIC[ 8 & B ARCH IT I! CT UR A 1. 1202·1 I!. W1lnut, Sent• Ana, Ttlla Mat-I wae llltd ,_.th the ~"" ~TITIOU8 9UltNaal GRAPHICS. 12122 Olive SI., catl1omlt 92701 County Cletlt of Or"'119 CO<Jnty on NTmOU9 WM TIMI ~ATC_,., Garden Grewe. CA. 82t-45 Atchard A. Stdlv~, 14696 Nov 24, lt82 !Mm ITA,_.,, ~"";;"'V .,.,_.. 1" 1) HerOld M. \Jlltldl Ill, 12151 TRAVEL AGENTS: Employment should Increase by up to 52 percent, but job opportunities will be hilhlY sensitive to economic conditions si~ travel spending often depends on the overall business climate. SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -A. dentia1a aet better at predlctlna volcanic e11uptlon1, they're findln1 themaelvea drawn lnto decidedly uMclentlf le public debate over the ~·IMM.~~~ ........ TIMI followlne peraon le doing AMERICAN HEARING Al Ollvt SI . Garden Orove. Calif. ~--an Publltlled Orenge Coeal Dally ~ -CEHTl!R. 11'4 Soutll Mein Street 12646 Richard A, 8tdNy PllOI. Noll. 20, Dec:. 3. 10. 17, 1N2 FLOWE RI DAIL y . 4101 Sent• AM. Cellfomla 12707 21 Brent w Brlnon, 12822 AMOIWIO on December 15, 1982. She 1a c o m m o t i o n t h e 1 r A N o B L I A • M . B . aurvtved by her hu1band waminp can cau.e. AMOROSO, rHldent of MJchele Amoroeo, Sr., IOlW ' ' The It a t U I of Costa M-. ea. p_.t awa,y Michele Amor080, Jr. of predictinC erupUona hlll ec.ta ,._, ea. and Frank re.ched a ttaae In which ___________ Azrawo of St.nta Ana, c.a., it'• both very excittnt bl'othen Anthony, P.auale adendtically, but U.0 a and Carmin• D'Uva all of 1 0 u r c • 0 f f r e a t HAU0a LA WM-MT. OLIVI Mortuaiy •Cemetery Crematorv 1625 Gisler Ave Costa MeH S40-SSSA rtBCI llOTMllll MUlaOAOWAY ...otlTUAIT '' 0 Broad""'" Coat• Mes4 642·9150 Rhode IalMd. .... me.nor 11 h PeVecca of ec.. M-. Ca. reaponalbl ty or t e and 2 ~Barbera 1cient11t In term• of Jee.nae Anne Amorom and communklatinc hia work Bendy Lynne AJDDC'Cl9D, both to the 1eneral public," of Costa Naa. Ca. Bedtadon uld Miamolollat Steve of the Rcmry wUl be helG Malone of the l1nivendty OD J'riday1_ n.c:.mber 17, of W~ 1982 at 7:uuPM at Harbor Mal h h 1-A Lawn Memorial Chapel. on • w 0 • rv ..... of the Reaurr~Uon pndJct activity at Molunt wm be held on 8atu.rcby, S t . H e 1 e n 1 l n Decemb•r u . 1982 at Waahlnaton, aald 9:00AM at St. John the technical atatem~ BapU•t Catholic Cburcb. ...,.,.wly when fil Interment aervtcea ~the media, of1iln lmmedlawly followtna at appear either unduly Hubor Lawlf1ilemol'lal alarmllt or ~y Park. ~ u.nd~ the und11ntated. dlndion of Hart. Lawn· "WalkJDI that fln• 'Mount OUv• ~ of ' Un• in tb• middle ii a.ta~~· ~ eomethJna of BJ:S8~0Uat.'a 14year an ar&, ' he Hlcl ln Nlldent ot !Abwood, c.. lntroducl~ • volcanlc P.-d away on December b.uarde dilculllOn at an 16, 1112 . ._.ii~ "1 American O.Oph~al ,_eon Mcma. ._.. ~ Un&Gn ConfeNnCe . Hork ot ._ C... and Ann Many volcanolo1ll&1 ~~~v::d:r~~ Mrvlcea wilt be held on -•-~ ..,. .. _ _....._ ...au, DI ,._ 11, 1111 ..,...._ ...,,_.. ..,,.,.... ., 11,:-~ lilouat of,..,.,.,. tw9pt late OIM , Tiil ._ V~ Walh., ahlr 81aueon, Loe ..... Ca. Mount et. H•l•tt•' ..... --llllt........ plitUP OllbiC en.tJon in ot llarltor Lii••·llount 11 • J Iii . Io . ~T ti o 1 • : ae.iu.,., Of P-1'-relation• were not Tllll ltllemtnl WU llled with the 61'l'M2 e-OOCI Lan9. ""'""CA 12718.. Oon•ld M. Whit•, 1t513 El Ottden Grove, cellf. 12t-45 County C*1I of °'•not County on '"EN I! I( EN NED y' 4. 0 , Clrc:le. Fountain v .. ley. C1llloml Thll bu*-It oondllc:ted Dy I ~ 8. 11182. f'\llUC NOTICE 8-ood l..lnt. lrvlne. CA 12716. 12708 ganer., partnertNp. nol1T1 '1CTIT10U9 IU .... I ~--II oonduc:t~ by 1111 Evelyn G. Whlll, 18583 El Tllil .. ~:::!~w~ll~h the P11blltlled Otange Coaat Dally MA• IT&,.._NT 1-,.____.., Clrcle, Fountain Valley, c.utornl County Clttlt of Or-Cou...., on Piiot. Dec: II, 16, 23. 30. 11182 The lollowlnlf per1on la doing Tlllt ttlt_;;t ';;;-:::!... ....... tM 92708 HOv. 8, 11182. _.,,.. •• ., 539142 butll ·-...... Thtt ~la c:onduc:ltd by ~~,ER EHfE1'PAISl!8, ~ ~r:a.engl County on general pattnenhlp. P111>tl•h•ct Orano• Co•.:-6= 16802 Springdale . No 100, ' ~ EYlll)on Q. White Plot No¥. M , O.C:. S, 10. 11, iM2. - Hunllngton St1d1, Cellf0f'nll 82M Publllhed Orangt Coa11 D•llY TNI 11a1~1 -toted with 5211..C ncnnout .,..... LH 0 . S c huller. 1&802 Pltol, Dec:. 11, 24. SI, 1tt2, J1111.1, County~ of °'e-. County NAMI ITAftmNT Springdale. No 100, Huntlngto 1993 Nowmbet &<i, 11 2. "8JC fl011C( Th• lollowlng ~ion It doing &each Cafll 11 926'49 '*' bUtl,_ •: Thl•' bUtl,: 11 conduc:led Dy 6'471..U Publl•ll•d Orang• Co811 Dally MR. T'S AUTO SALES ANO Individual. PllOI, Noll. 25, Dec 2, t , 11. 11182 HAVICE, 3303 w. Werner Ave.. L.M o. $c:tlaeffer PtllJC ftOTIC( 5l!OM2 Senti ,Ana, CA 12704. Thi• tl.ltement w .. fllecl wllh t ncrrnout 9U9MI•• l'tll.IC NOTICC THOMAS OE.AN HURST, 47 Covnly Cletk ol Orange County NA• ITAftMINT . H«ltege Way, lt\llne, CA H114, Novemt>Ot 29, 11182 Fl01fi10Ut ......... Tiile t>utlnttl 11 conduOI~ by 111 Th• followlng petaon 11 doing ...... aTAT"IWNT lndMduet. Thomu D. Hurtl Publttllld Orang• co .. , 0•11 butl':i."isTA'Tl INSPECTION & Tiie followlnO perton• -doing Tiiie ... ...--, ... llled wttn ,.... ,llOI, Oec: 2. 11• 18• 23· '"! ....... _. MAINTEHANCI!, 1572 Orollard, bullMN aa; .,.,,...,..... ,,. .,...,....v I a H I Ill CAR'S ITC •. 1405 Slaltt County Clerlt of Orenge Covnty on 1------------1 Apt. U , IMI ,..na •If '· Avenue. Huntlnglon 8t1cll, e>eoemw 8. 1ff2. "'-IC NOTI"" Callfornla 92707 Celltornle 12647 nDl1IO r~ "'-toward J Sonteg, 1672 Publlll'l•d Oran'lt Co11t Dally f'Crrnoul ..,..... 01ch1rd. API. 14, S1n1• An• Hunt=~·=.: ~~2:1 ~. 0ec. I . 11, 2 . 30, 1"2 NANI ITATt.MIHT HtlOhta. Cllltornla 82707 Waymen i<tllh Mui, t 111 5323-82 • Tllte ~,_. .. oonduc:'«I by .,, The fdiOWlng !**>"• -dOlt\O ~~ .. ...,.,.. ~edtltle Orl\'e, HutlllnOIGn leac:tl, ---.. -.. -IC-....,,.-,-ICt---bue1ntea ea: • ...,. ~Edw.d :i. tontag ~tom1e 12641 r-"" THI! RIENAtaSAHCE AG"""" Y. Tiiie tlll«nfnl wee Ned wftll ~ 9 1 1 1 Med• 11 n e 0 t I 110, --"°--nn-,.;;.°"-,.-.,...---11--INC .• 4001 11te11. SUit• 8, Ne'#POrt Coun ... Qlftl of Oranoe County on ~·~on 8Mc:h, ~ tH48 leeeh. Cellfofnla t2tl0 '' te2 Thlt Dullneea 111 GOnduc9ed bye NAMI •TATl.MINT 1'ona1uenc1 Por1ot1n•I o-llber e. 1 • "*"' ,.._..~Ip. ~::!.-'"O parton II doing Aooncy. Inc .. a C11Hornt• Pulltllhect 0 ,.119, Cotti Daffy Ou)C.CloMlll HUNtlNQTON FOAO!. 1001 ~t~~~ = S, itltol, De t. 11, n, '°· 1t1Jta.e> ~ ~tc::.lltdeo:~ '= 1'1oe0 OrW.. Coale ....... Caltlom&e ltepflen J. 11Ure111 "°"91nber U , 1N2. m21 Seclt-'&tY IC rmn' John • locotolelly. Hal Tiii• e1atoment WM flied wit!\ 11\t P\a.IC ..,, ( P11bll1llect Otano-COH I Diiiy ltdfOld Lin•. NowpOtl llHOll, County Qlftl al Oranoe COUnty on ''°nnoue IU9MH tl9t. Holl. tt, Dec. I , •• 11, , .. , ~~ 11 00!\Mied ~ en No'*'lbet t2, ltll ,,_, ..,._ 8'A19'1NT 1144:N lndMOWl.Jolln a .-...-... Publltllocl Oten~ COHI 01~ w:::.. ~ftt ,,.,..,_ .,.. ~ "8)C ft()llC( illllllllllll .... Tl111 6•a•...-. ~.....::::· .... ,~ ..... Piie>\. Nov H. o.o. t . '· 111 1112 .U.f cO. 1t11 w"1ra1N1er. iUfW Of M~r•a11iai i _,.,,,...,. .,._ •-.. , " ,,... 11~ .. I Cotte MtM, ~ f2''7 OP Ull °" . • =--~ ~~ councy Ott ._ __________ 1 J..,r_, ,.len frledmat1, t&ll ·MmtOUI ....... ...._ • •-.,. -Wotlmlnat•'· Colll Me11, Tit• followlnt ptnon llU ,._ ,.,,,_ Oallfomla '"81 . ebendOMCI 1M ""8 Of \M flottttoue t'""IP1Cili~cm-..iCiUiiiwera1iiiiiiiii11ii'--I L'tnn 11e1ne ''"'man, un ~MIN! ----~~ ....... •-~--_.. If_,_. W u t min 11•1, Coat• Mt .. , IONQAVI AllOCIATU. tM'O ti. tOllOwl"t .,.,.... 11 ctolnt Cellfornill •n ____ ..... __. 1roo•1turl\ ''(;~,::1t1 104, 91: Tiiie ~II -by t ,....,.... Vllly, •?ti .. •• A u , H 0 \.If I" y • ~· S*fMnlNP. Tiie "otMIOlll .......... Heme AGU,_11, tl04 Newport llvct., l.Yf'tl I.'~ ,.,.,,., lo 11tov• ••• '119" In ....... QA.... TNe ""*'*" -flled.,. \M °'""' QOUfltt °" ._, 1, , .. Un*,,_.~. 11 "°""' CoulttY Oletlt Of °"'"P ~ Qlt on1·• A ftoter1. 1100 .... QA Mlt1 Novtnll• n. , .. , lftollll\ltl\ llr.ot. lull• t04, ---............. lily lfl ,_. '°"'""" v...,. ~ lt?OI lftllM..... P11MlaNf Ot1n..-Coaet Dall) Tilll ..,._ ... oont11o1•at lily &:. ,,.... = 11t1ot. Nott. n. 0o0. •~ •· 11. , ... -...-w••.._ 111111 ........ ..... .,...... DIWllA.,... .a.ti el °'91111 OA~---=-..;....------94 Na ............... . .... ~ Cieri. "°'*'It o.ilr .. , ........... PUBllC NOTIC£ ~t..oar-r-,_.._.. ....... ~~~~....._ ....... .. .i f~fj A,..M~ Ullttllf~,,~ .,,..,, II ~~~~~~ ~J.li~I/~'~' !ittMJS: ot""' D QttlOl(I i'HO'iNO IH CIVIL 001 llOTION 111411 '" ...... ,.,. ..,. 6'Mllln ~ meMr ol tlMI u1111.o llalHI 111 ""llllll';"llUI 1llfO im•• ~ '° Md f'IOW Mid by,,""°"~ of l""'91 in ttw propany '*""'•"• dm IMd: T"U8TO,_, MIOHAU WM IC""~Oll8MAN U ftvtlH, HAIW)jNO INTEA VIVO& TAU8T llNIFtCIAR'f: AAT+iUlll I , OIE'IMAN M.O .. TAUSTll 0' THI AMHUlll I . 081 .. MAH M.O. INC.. 0£FINIO llhlFIT PINSICH Pl.AN Aeootct.d J\lne 11, IHI 11 ln•lr. No. 1IO•t In Book t•OH. P•O• -.rot of Oflldel Aleofd• tn the otllol of ~ Aeoofdlf of OtllnQI Oounty. 1ald Cllld ol Irv.I d-rtblt 1111 IOllOillllnl prooertY;DHCIWTION PA..Ct'L t:. Unft No. 11, In tttt ClltV °' Newport 81eoh, Countr of Oreno•. 81111 ot 01111011111, " lflOIMI end cMltned on that canMI Conclomtntvm Plan r1oord1d A119Utt It, 18'11, In ~ 12820. P•OI• 219 to 318 lnclutlva ot ()tl(olll Aacotdl ot Otanga Counfy, Cllllfofnla. • PARCEL 2: An undivided 1130 lnt..-t • a •-• tn oommon In tw ~-· tn and to tlie Common NM Of LOIS 1 and 2 of Tract 9&48, M I* IMP fifed In book ..00. P1QM 211 to 28 tnclUllYI, Ml-ilaneou• Mepa, In tile ofllca ot tile County AIGotdef Of Niki Countr ... IUOh term t1 dlllrled In the Artk*t antl1ted "Olllnlllon•~ of the OlcllfatlOn ot ~.'· Condition• and EXCEPT THEREFROM all olt. o•. ""'*'-" and other hydrocerbone, bllOW • depth ot 500 tMt. wttllOut the tight ot 1urlac:1 entry. u r9IW\led In lnttrumanta or ,_d. PARCEL 3: Eu1m1nta are penlclllerfy Mt forth In ,hi Artlcll lfltltled "E1Hm1nt1" of the Oectarallon under th• Seotlon hMdlnoa tn IUdl Attldl entl1tad u ~ "AIGMa and OUtlM: Utlltl ... and 0-... "relevtl6otl", "8"PPOf1, 8etttefnent · end Encroachment'', ··~ EarMI and Aecreltlonal Rlt l\'-''. "bclu1lv1 Reatrlcted Common Area E1t1m1n1" and "......irBoxE-t". PAac:EL •: EeMrninta u llUCh -ta are partlcularly Ml forth In tile Attlcll anlltlld "e-n.nta" ol Ille Decleratlon ol Coven1nt1, Cond ition• and R11trlctlon1 In "Su~t to:" belQw (the "Muter Oect111allon") under th• Section Headlngl In wen 1r11c11 entltlld .. followe: "Rlghtt and Outtee: UtUltlal and Cabla TeleYtllon", "Support, 811tlltm1nt and Encroechment", "Community FacMlll Eaeem.nt" and "Oraln1g1 over Community FllCllltlM". YOU AM .. DD AULT UNDO A DUD fW TRUeT DATID MAY U. ,.._UNI.la YOU TAKI ACTION rore_r.cT YOUR"'°"""· IT Y .. 80LD AT A "'*JC IA .ll'YOUNllDAN Uft.ANATION Of -r-. UTUM fW 'IHI NOCHOIMO AGAINST ~~ IHOUU) CeNTACT A. 15 Cov1ntry Street, Newport a..ctl, C.iitornll ''(It'• .,,_ addr-or QOmrnOfl tlon ol property la ehown no ~""'Y le llfYert 11 to Its IColl'IOli'*-°' ~)."The neflolary under Hid 0..d or by r..aon of • t>rMch or lntlle~-­• lwetofot• executed end Id to tlte undenlgnld • 01111 ""°'' ol o.t.llt .., '°' Sale. and M1t'9n notice llt..ctl and of e6actl0n to -Ill und•r=d to• ••tt ••Id to laid oti•o•m-. n '. ttleraalter U11 under119nld ..., notice ol bfMCh and of to bl ~ AUCIUlt 26, 1 .. t •• lnetr. No. 82-290H3 In ooli: of Official Recort11 In th• Of tile AeeOfdlr ol Orange P\8.IC NOTICE l'ICTITIOUI IUU.H NAMIE tTAn•NT Tnt IOllowlng peraon Is dotng OUlll"'8 ... W .INTEGRATEO VIOEO·AUOIO Nt,WORK & SYSTEMS ON LOCATION OROANl~ATION, (9) (IVAN SOLO): (Cl INTEORATEO V117EO·AUOIO NETWORK; (01 SYOTEMS ON LOCATION O"Oi'NIZATION: (El IVAN; (F) SOt.O. 55 Drive, Box UI, Coate ~ CA 92828. Malling Addr-~ P.O. Boie 7578. Newport 8eecl\. CA' 92't0. tyan IVenovleh Solovtelf, SS Falt Otl~ Box 18. Co•t•.MHa, CA l>Hfe Tiii• bu~ II conoucted 1>y an t~ctull. • tv1111 lveno\llell Solovtelf . Tl!lt ttll~t w11 n1ec1 with tile Coullty Cletk Of Orange COUnty on o.on. 1"2. • f'20l8I ,_.19'\ld Orano• Co11t DtJly Plot, Oeo. 3. tO. t1, 24, t982 n ..... ea ... I . ;I I ,. ,. • I I• r· ,. ,. I. r 11 It I L Cathedral's ta status eyed ........ cJfktaM •'I~ to"""' at th• l'tv Robert Muo.r1 CmMl C..&hedral mal haw jlopaMlud ihe church 1 ID-ftemjlllan ltatUI. -» ·'!!'t!'••.!...~ whlA>i 1111_.rA ~nooed few the c:.thednal'• flM ull·fledfed eeuon • a major concert aclllty, were dropped under atate pre11ur1 becau11 they wert' 'btUtYtd &oo ,,,..., u& th• Ull• Board of lqu&lillldon .. ~. rwport \)Wt will CU'l'Y • NOGllim.ndalJon " lo t)YI .or.-~0$o r whethel-to hvou· UM we fart- related port£on of the church'• curnnt y.., claim. The report 1110 wtll conald.r back tax p1ym1nt1 and 1 H perutnt Ptt\IJty am • n1nl. The church In O..-d4m Orove II allowed a '° n.mpt.lon under property-tax lawa for rtllJlou• end w11t1r1 -orlt nt1 d ~~ of clwical or ~lat don't ~ I reu,toua endeavor juat becau.. Rev. Robert Schuller stands inside the Crystal Cathedral in Garden Grove. State tax ollicials say pro~d concerts jeopardized the church's tax-exempt status. Putlllo ,_.. .. be held by Iha Ooata .... PIMrq Corno1-..0.1 at 1t1e c.y Hal, n Fs om.. eo.ta Mw, c.1bn1a, et 8.'30 P.M. Of aa eoon H ponlbl• tll«aaf1ar on Monday. December 27, 1982. fl•=udlng tlla lollowlng -- rtaJC NOTia l'ICTIT'IOUe WN NAm ITATDmNT The tolkMlng ,,.,_ -dolnO ~-C.D.P. ASSOCIATIE8, 9094 CandlH tlck Lane, CypreH, CA 90830. DONN ALVIN PUOH, 9084 Candl••lk:k Lana, CypraH, CA 90830 CAROL LEE PUOH, 9094 Candlaetlck Lana, CypraH, CA 80830. Thie ~ .. conducted by e oar-• pertnerlhip. Carol L P\.oah Thie ec....-nant -!fled wtth ttie County Clartl of Oranoa County on o-nt>er 14, 1982 ,_ Publl9Md Of8nQe Cout Dally fltlot. Dec. '7, 24, :J1. 1M2. JM. 7, 1813 NC llTIOUS • H•M '1CTTT'IOUS IKl ... H ..._ ITA~ NA• tTATI....,. Tiie kJeow1no ,,.,_ -dolnO ~o:wlng pareon 11 doing ~X-RAOK>l.OOY MEDICAL MA~ N S T LUNC H AND OAOUf', 1211 Weel la P.im.. SIMa COMPANY, 11218 E McOurmoll 404, Aneflelm, CA 92901 •1<. !Nina, Cell! 92714 Lawranc. c. MadMf'I, M.D .. J . Sc o 11 E laame n . 2 7 2 1135 N. Columbine St., Anehelm, Brentwood. Coal• Man. Celll CA 92801 92e27 Pater T. Otle, M.D •• 1301 ~bu*-11 conductac:I by 111 = Undo DnYe. Senta AN. CA J Scon ei-nan W1lllarn E L.ewier, M.D .. 700 . Thi• atet-1 -flied wttll Illa "-'dlo Clrda. ~. CA 92$32 County ClaOt ot Orange County on Thia ~ la oonduc*8d by a Dec. 1, 1982 general 1*1!'*lhlp. FJ111a91 '---C ......... M.D. P11bH•had Orange CoHI Dally T1'll -....-it -tllad ...,. Iha Piiot. Dae 3, 10, 17, 24, 1"2 ~.~of 0...,. County on 5246-82 . • ,_, --------------------"8.JC NOTICE Publl9flad Oranea eo..t ouiy --PiC:TiiiCMiii"iiiiiiiiiii"-Not. Dae. 17. 2.4. 11. 1M2. .Mn. 1. ftCTITIOU8 ........ 1813 NAm ITATDmNT 56M-G The foltowlng l*'IOfl le doing ~-HOTEL/MOTEL FUR · "9C'Tn10Ue• H•M NtSHINOS. 501 311t St .. NNport MAim ITA~ -~---Tits ........ SU pwaaw aw HENRY HASS, a Callfornla ~ - corporation, 111~ 11/23/12. 8 ENTERPftl8Et 2307 L.at11 ~111 St., Nawp0rt Beech, CA Ellen Or,. Fulenon, cA 92t35. Tllll. ~ II oonductad by a BEN DAH BOULDIH, 2307 un Blan Or., Fularton, CA 92935. oorpol'allooHenry H Inc. PATftlCIA ANN BOULDIN, Henry ..:. Pree. 2307 LStl Blan Or .• ~ CA Thia .... _. -!lad with Iha ~· ~ .. ~ by. County CWtl of °'W198 County on ~ IMll'tnerlhlp Oeoambei 14, 1982 Ben ow; 8ouldln ~ Pat11Clla Ann 8ouldln PubllaMd Orange CoH t Daffy Thie etatarnent -flllld w11f1 Iha "9ot. o.o. 11. 24. 31, Jan. 7, 1983 County Clartl of <>ranoa County on &47~ Dacambar 14, 1982. ~----------------~ ,_ Publlelled Orange Coaat Deity --~NC=11=1IOU9=~.:::.~,::: .. : .. ::::---IP11ot. Dae. 17. 24, 31, 1982. Jen. 1, ....c "°1lC[. 11Mm ITATemln 1983 TM 1011ow1no Pef'ec>n 11 doing 547542 ..,,..,_ -·--------------------T-8HIRT TYME. set1 Glldtad "8JC NOTICE Circle, Huntington Buell, CA ---===~~:':'::=:o:-- 92649. lllAmSTA~ LORFIAINI I!. SHAW, 5191 The tolkMlng l*90M.,.. dolnO llldf9d Clrcte, HuntlngtOn heafl, ~ - CA 92949. KAOU. a Wll.DEA PHYSICA.L ~II conducted by 911 TI4ERAPY, 24411 Peaoodl ~. ' Lon8lne E. a-B Toro, CA t:zao. Thia~ W8t fifed w11f1 Iha DONALD A. KROLL. 3111 County CWtl of °'Wl98 County on Ootdanrod, Corona dal Mer, CA DIOemW 14, 1N2. ,_ 9292~ACI< A. WILDER, 2441' '"blleMd °'rt:. eo .. t D~ P--* St.. a Toro, CA t2t30. ....... Thia ~ la oonducted by a = o.o. 11, 24. 1. 1-. Jeri. • oener• pertner'lfllp. 5642-82 Donald A. l<toll --= ·-Thie ~ -tllad wtth Illa "8.JC fl)TIC( County C6artl °' Or-. County Oii i iiiiiiiiiiiCWiw;M;OiiiiiiifTI o-mi.. 14• 1•· eTAW W ~l•llNT ,_ (W Ul9 OtJ Pubtlellad Orano-Coaat DellY ''9CTmOUI .............. Plot. Dec. 17, 2A. 11, 1912, Jan. 1, t TII• follo•lng per1on llu 1983 ..,.,dooed a. .-of the flalttloue 54n..a ............. OAVl90N MIC)C&ATE.8, 1'430 •roolllluret ttr•••· Suite 204, Piil.iC llOT1Ct ~ Vfll#ly, c.Mornll 9270I ------------TM r1ct111oue 8u1MMH Name NOTfCI ~'nOlt g:r."~~v-•;, ':~1. In owrn::.'., w ~re avid A . ,.,.,., 11430 ~ UOl9m •roo11t111r1t ttrfff, lul~7g:4• ToWllcMft" ~: ~~-=·~ad by a JIAN end JOYOI TUNQ .,. _.:.:=. _,,.,.,., _ ~ to the Qe1>1r1111ant of .,....._ rn;.;.s A. 'Man • ....... a..attDr "4t" ~ -lllilf With the OH t.\ll 1111' 'l WINI (PW IAT ~ °""" of ONn98 County on ltl) to .... 9ooMlo II•.,.... • Mow. -22 ttet. 1CIH4 Warner Avenu., 'Ollfttltll ,_.., • ,,_ Vfll#ly, CA "10I, , ~ Ofenga ()Oalt Dally 'utlltellad Oranta CO... Dalfr U .._ """ Dec. l. t t8L11ft Not, 0... t7 t• l'llo4. ,_..., .... • e...~ 5640..et ~·,.. htld fn a reli,tow hail. That'• common 1tnH," Hid Howard Whitcomb, 1 project manapr In the a ••or'• offfot. 1n addJ.UOO '° the ...una&l(ln of concert operationl. offld.IJI for the ltlte board and the county llMllC>r 111 revl1wln1 earlier appearanca by Victor Bora•. Fred Warln1 and Lawrence Welk, u well • the rental of church property for p=olo1tcal coupaelln1. w t-eontrol cia-and other OU ll'OUP9· At leut 12 attractiona were planned for the 1982-83 cl"llcel and popU)ar muldc 1eriel at the t20 ind.lion, all-sJ.a-cathedral, but el1ht were canceled or booked elae,.vhere after Wtlliam Grommet, a property-tax field officer for the Board of Equalisation, warned .OJ the pcm.Ible io. of exemption 'itatua. Deleted from the J>l'08n.Jll, to have begun In October. were performances by viollniat Eugene P'odor, the Fifth Dimension alnglng group, 1ingera Tony Bennett and Robert Goulet and lina~ maeltro Mitch Miller. Spared were a Vienna Choir Boys concert, the cathedral'• annual "Glory of Chrl1tma1" nativity paaeant and lta organ ina~ ooooert 8eries. "It a not a q~tion of whether theae outalde uaera are commendable cauaea In themeelvea," said Whitcomb. "It'• a question of whether they're allowed under the cathedral'• (property-tax exemption) c1airn." Schuller, founding putor of Lthe 10,000-member cathedral, uid the ~rta were viewed aa beneficial to those outaide the church. Shimmering sunset The church. in his worda, waa in the "prooe91 of de9ecularizing" ooooert' plana and facility uaea by outaide groups. A pair of bieyclists, silhouetted in foreground, ga.ze out onto the water off Corona del Mar a s a Ion~ boat sails at sunset. ~ Shlnd9IO Soll-. ($2280 AalM .... , flue d9Ma • & llltorlat lofh!are (1175. Retail Value). ~ "°"" .. 11716. & -e S200. COMPUTIQUE Gitt Certlflcete good lor-81'1 Mn IUdlllN orty Fin-tflle ayelaln ~for H7.31/mo. • and make )'OU'""' pm!t!lt ""· ~·· 1.fH. EaWdad Wwrwwy Avalabla .J p~ ""'Olborna SyNm lllad ard cl'OCIM Iha -C--'-c modem ..... hOollup for 1221. (16'!(,, elf .....,, 01 tha ,_ ~-'-c baaary pad! lot Bullt·ln Double Denalty Bultt·ln Double Denelty onclidea Slanc:lartl Sollw- ($2280 Retail VW•) Plue .a .. 11 l\ltof'lal Software (N75. Rat.all Value). P~now•ltttS.&,_ $200. COMPUTIQUE Gift Certificate good lof any M\119 purd\Me orty Anene. thla ayetam NOW for 174.11/mo. • and l\'l8ka your llf9t~I f'eb, 15, 1113. ~-t-·-t:::=t-~-~~~ --_ ___..,.....-... .... • -.• ... -!~ •When 'lbu Buy a~ Hald9y Syllem lor )'OUr F amly: Dlall Dt1Ya • Controllaf Appla•llonttof ..... ~ 11K len9U• Cant Appia Wl1tar II Com!K'tiqua 12 mo. latandtd _,.,.nty Than 0.C M ACJPa II ~ 481< Fot $798.* ~: we lfQide PFS & Vilieelc Softww9 & The -()lCJPllW a.ma. • 8uybab9 Dec. 25 & ~ .....,,, ~ & 0r-oc-Glma ($49.115 Rae.I.,._) Frw '~IN• •"'8m for NU1/nio.• and lllHa no payment untM M . 11, 11n. Introductory Price $795. Thi Eplotl Hl<·20 NoelOook Con1Mlr -a u..... ~a bull4t LCO ~a ~-In en-.• t:J oornbr.t RAM and A0M memory. Ind M lr9nll ~ ~ M _. ~ l r""'*'CI b """ llOlloin. POrtlDla. fillDwlrU. ~ SopllllllclNd. Thi H>C·20- (*tlld lor ..._ ..o~ e1111~ ........ -lf't'ON wflO II IOolllr1g lor 911 ~. ptadlclll _, Ir*>~ TM;...... 1\>9ftllllt COl'll,_lloft Children'• Learning Center MIC APPLE ti 1ncUtH dttk alw and oontrdlar. Alto: Flf' l'TIOllAalor 1or home TV hookup. plddlal & '°"'**9 Plue LOOO loftwere. Plve SESAME STREET LNrnir19 Moclulaa (aat of fourJ. Speclel Price $1999. Finance tNe aye181'11l0t174.N/mo.t NOW and "'"8 y-fttet peymant Feb. 11. 1NS. Ml Iha~ t:J 118 Cllikhn'a Laamng ean.r ~ cllooaa from ernong Iha lollowlng Grend Opening Specilll: AMOtK Col« I Monl!Of P41. APPl.1! en., Moniot ,,. 11 ... APftU! Vo\'tar I 1111. U'LI! SWcl I U.. AftPL! C.,. Extended Wttrarty 1111. .-L, ..... H•WLATT Great Dula on &.T..9 PACKARD Hf>10C New~ .... " Hl"1tC AIMlnoadedarcilc~ ··" tw12C Advll'ad lnrclal calcUalor 111.tS H'11C AdYancad rnalh CllcutllOr 1H.ff Hft1 IC Sc:1ano1 & aladronlcl caloulalof 1 M ." HN1C Hlndllald~• 111.M HN1CV Hand Mid oompuW wlll SlC m.nory 114.M FfW ~ Handbook" C$20 '*"l will l)UldlMa t:J 11C 0112C \ f'"IOAV, DIC. 17, 1112 ClAlllHfll ce Artesia, CdM • Vie, • ID finals BY ROGER CARLsoN or ... .,.., ........ Moat observers figured It would be c.orona de1 Mar ~ dueJ.lni for the Irvine BMketbel1 Tournament crown ton11ht at University Hi1h a1~in1t a 1urvlvor (A.rteUa) in the other bracket, but few would haft fi1ured it to be quite 1uch ·a tough roed. Alter all. it'• no .ecret Ir/tne WU 1-19 a year ago. But that'I all -tdatory now, u evidenced by Th~)"• 44-42 nail-biter at Woodbrtdce, whJch ~ Cd.M'1 Sea x.m,. into the finala toniSht . .......... -It took a 12-foot bank abot in traffic by All-CIF guard Mik~ o.ltJ ........... ., ~ ,.,_ Irvine's Bernard Ussery is pressured by Chip McKibben (left photo), while CdM's Tom Vance shoots. ' -Malavasi may he on the waY out • • • And if he's indeed gone, who'd ~e foolish enoug~ to want the job? h's ridiculou s, maybe eve n downright asinine, to think anybody, with half a brain, would want the Rams' bead coaching job in Its present state of chaos. JOHN SEVANO And, Malavaai, as the ahlp'• captain, is being targeted as one of the principle problems. or get s omeo n e back like Vi nce Ferragamo." And, just to bring you up to date a bit further, the latest word from Rama Park is that Georgia, not Malavasi, wu the one who so highly coveted Bert Jones that she gave away two eaaenUal top draft pleb, not to mention Dominic'• accordi.an, to get the Baltimore flop. Today's schedule (et Unlvenlty High) 3-Santa Ana vs. Savanna (fifth place) 5-Woodbrldge VI. Costa M ... (conaolatlon) 8:30-lrvlne va. Laguna Hiiia (third place) 8 -Corona del Mar vs. Arteela {championship) Hell with three aeoonda left '° provide the winning margin in a =~hJch yo-yo'cf from ltart to 'lbe 9COl"e was tied or the lead changed bands 20 times through three quarter• and wa1 deadlocked twice in the final period,.,,the la1t time on Bob Rhodes offenalve rebound and 1ubeeQuent four-footer with 23 aeconda to 80 to kno( the 9COl'e at 42. The Sea Kings Qalled time out with 1~ seconds left to aet it up, then lllmply went to Besa and the 1lick University of Texa.-bound playmaker did hia thln1. taking the ball in the comer, ~to the top ol the ltey, then drivina a ~ inlide fot the abot. '-'"He WM fouled. but mimed ttio free throw and Lance Neal'1 60-foot desperation abot at the bu.Der hit g1ua before boundn& away. CdM Coach Jack Errion, a veteran with a reputation for wtnn1ng the clme ones, aid the plan WU, and most likely will be in the future, to go to Heu. ''He'll either shoot or..-off to eorne<JOf!, '' aaict Enion. - "Irvine," muttered Errion, "they've made IUCh a complete turnaround." Irvine C.oach Al Herring, who aaw hia teem fall to 5-2, said, "I thought it WU 801.ng to be.a game like that. I "The offensive boar<J.1 waa proably the key. Corona del Mar The last three years are documented proof of what can happen to an organization under poor leadership. The aurpriaing thing, at least with the Rams, ___ ._...,~~L hap_P.ened 90 1.aat. EvBi.. t.he-owner In NFL hi1tory to have her ~-with 1he -nst""ot the"1eam for the team photo? And lt..,took nine takes before ahe could decide She looked pretty enough. "It aeems like Ray has gone from the first year, when the team was thrown into hia lap, to now, where he'• got hia finger in everybody's pie," says the official. "He spread himllell too thin. He'• = to do everything and he'• ec:cam: ig not:biua. Thl1 i• the kind of operation )'l>U'd want to be a head coach for! Hardly. But that doesn't mean someone couldn't come in and tum things around. • ~ ClY!..JO...=-...JW:%j_li...'.z.li...._,;u.... _ aetUnc a lot of hoope there. But. we were still able to run our otten.e." Roman F.rnpire had the decency to wait awhile before it crumbled. 'nle Rama, however, seemed to have aooompliahed their task with a simple snap of the finaera -or, more directlr• with a 1nap of Georgia Frontlere a fingerL And, the saddest part of all la that the Rams just haven't fallen into a tunnel, they've dropped all the way to the cent.er of the F.a.rth, where there la no light and the prospect of getting any isn't good. U the rumor mill la aocurat.e and Ray Malavaal is indeed getting fired at the end of the season, he'• probably better off. N. are thoee OOllChe9 who will apply in the future and get turned down. U you don't believe it, liat.en to the following testimony and see if your lnlides don't chum a little. ''The obvious-thing is that the right Mnd doem't know what the left huld la dotng within the organization," remarks one former Ram official currently working with another NFL club. "Do you realize ahe (Georp) ii the only "Plus, you don't know, u far u the front office is concerned, whether you're dealina with Ram po~r Tampa Bay policy (referring to r~a '• clo1e relationship with Bucc ers owner Hugh Culverhowe). ''Who is actually pu}llJll the •trlnga is a concern. A per90n looks around and asks, 'Who is my talk-master?' and the answer is, 'I don't know.' "What you did was walk around in a complete atupor not knowine who to go to for a complete answer. When the Jack Teeles (former director of operations), Dick Steinberg• (former director of player per.onnel) and Don Kloetennana (fonner general manager) were around, you could at leut 80 to them for aome stability. Now there'• no one." It's obvloualy the team'• current lNtability, ~ ewry department, that baa pummeled It to its pre.ent depth. ,; "I thirik what afu>cked people WU the Fred Dryer situation. That wu the straw that broke the camel'• back becau.e Ray WM IUppoeedly 90 cloee to hia defensive line. ''The way I beard it, thouah. is that Ray wanted to keep Fred u a D.ckup to help from Reggie Do11. But the f.ront of&e didn't want to pay $220,000 for Fred to be a backup. So they toJd Ray, 'Do what you have to do to get rid of him.' They put the monkey on hia back rather than the front office taking the brunt of the action." It'• funny, but in recent daya, more and more aocualna fingers have been pointed at Georgia lot the team's demiae. ObeerVed one official atUl with the club: "Her miltakes have made th.lnp lmpoealble. She'll 1pend $250,000 on a halftime &how, or another $8,000 on a party, but &he becomes indedllve when we have a chance to get players like Fred Dean, Ruaa Francll, or keep IUYI lib Bob Brudz1naki and Jack Reynalda. What would it take? "It would have to be an individual with a great reputation that wu given a large amount of money," uyt the former Rams official "Th.at way he could come in and work in the chaoa." Does anyone come to mind? • "I think it would take a George Allen-type to reorganbe and remucture the Rama," he aaya. "'Ibey (the Rama) need pneone to come in and say, '1'hia la what'• going lo take place. C'.6eorgla, leave me alone.' "I don't know if Georgia would do that., though. It eeema like the Rama are a toy for her. But maybe aft.er receivt.n.g 90 much bad ink she'd be wi1llng to eet out of the 1potlight and let IOl1leOne elle auTY ihe ball for awhlle. "George Allen la known to co.ch di1Uter lituatlona. And that'• exactly where the Ram. are now . . . from manaaement on down ... Will Seaver's return help the Mets? NEW YORK (AP) -Tom Seaver walked into the New YOl'k Mn clubbou8e to butC jmwy No. 41 In h.19 JOcker for the flnt time" In 5 ~ yeua. ~ In the Jodr.m' room were Mookie WUlon and Brian 00., a couple of the Met. YOUftl p1a1'ft, 1\119 who weren't around When 8eaWr WM winnina three Cy Youna awards with the Meta. "MOokie wa1 in the du~ and Mkl hello,"1'11Jd Seaver, "and then OU. walked in. I thoulht he w• a bat boy. '"How~ we l9t to the other end of the~ .. Mid S.wrr Nmmlberins a :C'1 day fn 1987,·W~ •a rooklt, he the ftnt Metl ptcher named to the AD.Star ._.,, ~ '°' • the ballpark tn AnaMUn. rm 12 ,_.old. "'.Ml, ~ I look • r:,: wan't a.t -In tbt ~pft. ~ .. ta. rm 1a a "811 ....i eo &nry ~ ... °' 1111 boyllood idoll. ,,.. Lou .... --°"" md •11 to me, '<Jet me a 7-Up.' ~,.,.,.... ........ When jb• Meta dealt Seaver to Both team• 1hot poorly - Irvine nettinc 16 of 44 from u. field apimt CdM'1 man-to-man premure, Corona managing only 19 of ~O (38 pereent) apinlt Irvine'• ame. The Sea Kinp' biqest lelld came with 3:50 left at 40-34, but it wu quickly knotted a1~ followin1 free tbrow1 by Bernard Ua.ery and perimeter ahotl by 90phornore Jeff &amen and Neel. Hem, plaYtnM with fqur foula with IUll 5:42 left in the fouttb (See C41M, Pase Cl) Garvey close to decision? on Chargers' stadium From AP dJ1p•&cbe1 SAN DIEGO -Regardless of m who wins, Monday rught'a NaUonal1 ••• Football League game between the San Diego Chargers and Cincinnati Benaala Is a guaran~ stinker. It seems that San Diego Jack Murphy Stadium sm~lls like a barnyard from a reamt rodeo -and Chargers Coach Don Coryell isn't klndl to It. Cor yell, 1n an angry outburst d irected at the Stadium Authority, says he can't understand why a two- day rodeo was held at the stadium last weekend duriJli football season. "H ere we have the H oliday Bowl here -a national TV game Friday night between Ohio S t.ate and CORYILL Brigham Young University - and our game Monday night and a few days before they put all this mud on one end of the field and let cows and horses and whatever run all over it," Coryell told reporters Wednesday. "It's the worst grass field I've ever seen,'' he said, adding that the animal manure scattered on the field ia "dangerous to the players' health. There are dangers from abrasions ... a player can get tetanus. As it is, there's more dirt than grass down there." .,...,,, ..... l•"Y Clerlat nMI twu 1o•lt and aulU•d on a nothttr. IHtllnl Phll1d lphl1 to 1 1 3 victory cw r Detroit Thuudal nl1ht ln lhe Matlon1I Hock ey u•MUtt . O.trolt, whll'h la wlnl-ln 33 CONlfl'u\Jv *"'" in 1h1 81)11Ctrum. opeMd the ll'Ottnl onJy nine ellClOnda Into the IJ':'· but It WM all Flyel"I after that where ln the NHL, KtlU. Crow•er, Terry O'Reilly , Crall M•eTavl1~-and Mike &n11lelay1ld 1COred two a<*I nc:h to power Bo1ton to an 8-1 rout of Buffalo Millllt*>\1'1 Tim Vou1 taJUed with 27 111COndl left to 11ve the North Stan • 4-4 Ue wit h Waahlnaton. extend.ma the Capita.II' unOO.wn streak to l l gamn. Quote of the day · Scot& Wedman, a forward for the Cleveland C.vallen, reflecUn' on a 129-79 loa to Portland: "When we were down by 59 poinu, 1 remember thlnk.lna that even il we. acore 29 consecutive baskets, we'd 1tlll be behind. How '• that for a depre11ing thought?" Perry alsns up for another hitch Veteran right-hander Gaylord a Perry ha.a signed with the Seattle Mariners for 1983, hla 21at major- league season .. the team announced Thuraday. PerT)', at 44 the oldest active player in the major leagues, is a two-time Cy Young Award winner, leading active pitchers in viotorle1 wlth 307, and ranks third on the strikeout lilt wlth 3,452 . . . Left-hander Floyd B&DDJ1ter officially joined the Chicago White Sox and promptly predicted that he stood on the "threshold of becoming one of the premier pitchers in the American League." Bannister, who signed for $4.5 million for five years, appeared 4t a news conference to elaborate on why he choee the White Sox over 16 clubs who expressed lniereat in the free agent. "I was pleased with the package, financially. as compensation, but 1 was also pleased with the , friendships they offered me.'' Knt "• urprl ~ .. '"" In litt!rthtt lenar4 1111 IWrtd 97 pulnll, Ill fl vtt In overllm•, and Ntw York 1urvlved twu Bottton tallln tor a 113 lO& vkwr1 Thunday nl&hl In the N1t1onaJ Buk tball ~l11Jon &lwn, whkh had 1 tlvt ·ptncl Wh\N"I 1tl'eak brokm, ICOf'9d l8 ol lha lML 24po&nta1ri nautauon \U wJpe out I 12-polnt def~t and Ue th4f ICOl'e, W·OG , , , J:llewhete, auarct DevW n.m,... notched 18 2olnt1 to IHd • balanced Seattle attack •• the SuperSonlc1 1napped a three·1ame lotlna 1tr.ak at \Mex..-of O.llal, 103-93 . , . Jim PIXIOD tallied 21 pointl • Portland topped hmt s.n Dfeao, 111-103, for the Bl.uen' fifth straiaht victory . . . Joe Bury Carroll had a a•me~hlgh 26 point• •• KINO Golden State overcame a 17-point halftime deficit to beat Phoenix, 98-94 . . . Reeerve forward BUI WUlOllpby hit 10 1tn11ht poinu for Sen Antonio in the fourth qWU'\eJ', u the Sp1.&r1 downed Denver, 120-108 . . . Mike Gita• 1parked a fourth-quarter outbunt w1th 14 pol.nu that tielped carry Atlanta to a 106-97 victDry over Clewland. Lapka sign• contract with Ram& Free aaent MyroD Lapk1, a • ·former USC lineman, haa been alpled by the Ram.I, the club announced Thunday. Lipka, 6-4 and 260 pounds, wu drafted by the New York Gian• in 1980, but mialed all 011981 on injured reeerve and wu cut th1I aeuon. He'll take the roeier apot of defensive tackle Gres Mel1ner, who 1uffered a knee injury laat Sunday . . . University of Pitt.aburgh linebacker Todd Becker, apparently trying to elude security· officlala after a dormitory party, fell to hi8 death early Thursday from a third- floor window. Television, radio TV: No events 1eheduled. RADIO: Baake tball - Lakers, KLAC (570). New Jeraey at ountain Valley, Estancia roll arina, Edison tumble in high school basketball action -ountain Valley and &tancia high ools rolled to basketball victories u rsday night while Edison and Mllri'l'. ua were defeated. H re's how it went: taiD Valley 45, Gardena 37 e Barons remained alive in the c nsolation bra c k et o f th e T urname nt of C hampions at Cal P y Pomona with an easy win over G ena. phomore center Bren t Martin yed well in,hia debut as a varsity r and point guard Mike Newton a fine job in running the of feiwe. b Whitehair enjoyed h is most uctive acoring game of the &e8.90n, l>d'llUU? in 19 poinu. tain Valley. now 4-3. will meet P ena in the coMOlation semifinals a 3 today. are inexperienced. Still, I thought we played aggressive basketball tonight." The victory upped the Eagles' overall record to 5-2. Westminster ;::;as paced by junior J eff Eastin who finished the night with 14 points. Estancia doesn't return to action again until Dec. 27 when the F.aglee open play in the Orange Tournament. El Modeaa U , Edison U The Chargers bad a couple of opportunities to pull this one out, but for the fifth 1~ht game, they came out on the short end of the acore. Tiie Vanguards' Rich Rycraw, who led his team with 21 point.a, twice missed the second free throw in a one-pl~ situation in the closing seconds, and twice the Chargers got the rebound. But they couldn't score the equa1i.zing basket in either case. Tournament. St. Josepb 7t, Marina 55 The Vikings couldn't match up against St. Joeeph'a front line which meuured 6-6, 6-7 and 6-8 and were push ed into today's consolation semifinall o f the Santa Maria 1,'oumament. St. Joeeph's big men Brian Moody (14), Bill DePrlest (16) and Tim Rehder (22) combined for 52 poinu, many of them on the offensive boards. Meanwhlle, lenion Chris Neumann and Eric Padilla supplied most of the scoring punch for the Viking•, tallying 22 and 17 points, respectively. The Vikings played without the e howa.q•••lc, mervicel of polnt guard Scott FUipek, sidelined in last Monday's game agaltut Sunny Hills. Filipek, who dillocated hia shoulder, hopes to be back w1thJn the next couple of weeks. Marina dropped to 4-2 with the setback. C.po Valley It, El Dorado 17 • The Couga.n advanced into today's 4:15 oon.aolation tilt against El Modena aft.er holding off El Dorado in La Quinta Tournament pla~. Walt DeCaau dropped four maiaht free throw. in bonus aituationa to ae.al the victory, af1tt the Golden Hawks had pered a 13-point deficit to two in the wlftin8 momenta. CdM IN FINALS • • • From Page C1 period, led CdM'• acoring with 14 polnta. Errton, who has voiced diautlafactlon wtth hi.I front line during the early portion of the ...on. saw tome Uiht at the end of the tunnel w1th the play of 6-6 Torn Vance. Rhodes and Neal led Irvine ICOlini with 12 and 10 pol.nu, respectively. The victory ups Corona~ record to 5-2. • T~t'a foe, Artesia, enters with 6-5 .enior Tom Tolbert the major focal point • Woodbrlcl1e 55, Mlulon Viejo 5% The fiost Warriors got a 19-point effort from 6-6 Anthony Radocvich (10 in the turning third quarter) and 1uperb playmaking by guard Bob Foringer to put the Olablos away. Mt.ion Viejo fell behind, lU-42 in the fourth quarter, but put on a closing 1purt to pull to within 52-50 with 55 seconds rema.ining. Gary Flynn's free throw with 14 leC:Ondl left gave Woodbridge a 53-50 lead before Mislion's Rick Muench cut it to 53-52 with six seconds remaining. David WiBe went to the Une with four aeoonds left and connected on· both ends of a one-and-one to clinch it. "Mark (Foringer) did a hellu~a job against the pressure," said Woodbrldse Coach Bill Shannon. "We went with four-man motion in the third quarter and he (Radovcich) waa open." Woodbridge, now 4-3, had four players aoorlng in double figures with Foringer (11), Wise (10) and Tom Borauk (10) backing up Radovcich . "Burke did it for us with defense and boards and Wile produced in the presure cooker," added Shannon. Savuna 54, Ulllvenlty 5a Savanna's Phil Hill 9COred with two seconda left to lend the game into overtime, then Keith Watanabe 8COred a bucket in overtime to give the Rebels a 54-42 lead. University's Erik Blake aggravated hia right foot again and had to leave the game with 1:04 left and the host Trojans converted only one of Blake's two chances from the line. A turnover with 17 seconds left ended University's chances, sending Savanna into today's fifth place game against Santa Ana. University led , 47-38, with 3:38 left in regulation before Savanna made its run. Costa Men 54, VUla Park '8 The Mustangs U(>ped their record to 4-2 as they held off a Villa Park fourth-quarter spurt which cloeed the gap to two points before Mesa's board strength and solid defensive interior turned the tide at University. Ted Stitt and Deve Palmblade fouled QUt less than midway Into the fourth quarter remaining after 800rin8 14 and 11 pointa for the winnerL "We didn't give them anything Inside and we controlled the ball." aaid Meu c.oach Tim Panel, alluding to hia team'• ability to atave off the Villa Park uptising. Rycraw's charity toaa with 32 seconds r e maini ng gave the Vanguards a 43-42 advantage. Edi9on rebounded his mi.al oo the .econd attempt, but an errant pus gave the ball back to El Modena. .......... ~ parts .. opl• on •II ~our au~omotl11e needs Rycraw waa later fouled &pin and sank one free thro_W with two 9eCOnds remaining. A desperation shot by the Chargers failed at the buzzer. Tim Wenner and Jeff Washington scored 12 and 10 pointa respectively to lead the Edi.Ion attack. £1 Modena, meanwhile, had just three players who'aco.red: Rycraw, Jett MCJl!I with 12 and Jeff Emenak.er with 11. e 30 percent of thelr shots (16 of 53). EdiM>n doesn't return to action again until Dec. 27 when Canon O ty ~~~~~0@@41, ~· ~ <:§0 ufJio C))ifJeo ~~ MAKE IT AN A I w A® CHRISTMAS The AIWA HA-SO 1 Is the perfect gift. It's an extremely llght AM/FM Stereo Radio Headphone GRE~T for Jogging, walking or just hora'ln' around. Unbellevable The AIWA HS-P02 Is the world's amallest, auto-reversing "Walkman style" unit. Aleo equipped with noise reduction, metal/chrome tape compatlblllty, headphones, case, 1 yr. werranty, and unreal sound I sound I • • • • • • • • ! Valvoline All Cltmat• Multl· Vlscoslt' • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Mc Ka, Spare Air .......... ~ . ............... punctur••· 108 ••n.,_•_ ---........ ....,.. ........... .,,.,. ... . JO os. C•n • Robert • Bosch • Spar• : ..... For many • popular • lmP.Orh. • #W7A, 78, 7C, • #W7D, eA, 8D :1qc· • ••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • :C Rubber Quee~_,,,.__ • • Twin Front • Rullller Mats • Popular colors • • • #641• • • • Twin Front • .e.ruue....,...• ·Mats . .................... ,. .. • ff.,..,._., ... ... • co ....... • • • • • • • • ~•• .... eort" • • • • • • • r ' . • • I • • ":· ... l ..• -. -. ·'. I• I• A • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • >ANCQ !, : . . • • • I I I Loe Alllmttoe TMURaDAV't MIUUI ,_._ ............ ~ .. -4MI) ""9T lllACI. 400 yaroa s..r'*' COie (HAtl) 8 20 3 40 2 •o A ZUr• A WlnnOr (C61Cl<ua) 8 eo 3 40 SllvwS.......(TOMal 280 AleO ·~ Ft.,. 0 Two. SplCy Boje<:k, ~ Um. SNl\e Uf Booly Oabb'fa Udy lleclAna.. Time 20.31 • UACTA (S-1) pekl la7 40 ACOMO llACIL 350 retoa LOtM Styte (Tr-•l 8 •o • :10 3 40 Lacie Sporta Olrl (P..,llne) 3 00 2 80 s.y.nou. S-l.Ymetroog) • :10 Aleo raced Cr{llat Aawaro, Oa Ouoa Diaco Doll. Pay The Mota. S,_ Pu t Oue. er .. ,..,. Comfort Time 17.t14 TMIM> llACL 400 reroe Saint 0t Sinn. (Fire) 14 80 II 20 8 40 Stan The Game (Hart) ' 40 3 ao Stunning Sunny (Mytee) 16.00 Aleo r~: Bar l'ha Coecll, Ttnys Oo Gay. Jela Atn. Reb• lrlah Mia. Ruily ~oc:llln, Mr Straight Arr-. Ota Oen Hughaa. Time: 20.4'8. 11 llXACTA (7·3) paid 197.00 POUftTtt llACIL 4'00 yardt ~ • &ouquei (ValdMl 12 40 s eo 3 40 My Euy Vlc10fY (Ward) 3 eo 2 ao 0uetya ~berg (Mylee) 2 llO Aleo reced. WllO ln~Mlmenl, Saini J ay Dee, MllM Mtto. Thanxt«thamemory, Trleha Reimblw, ShlM Natural Star Tim.: 20. 13. • DACTA (4-tl) Plid 155 00 l'lnM llACL 400 yarch Jecladllll (lac:iley) 12 90 II 40 5 :10 Rodc.C Snapper (Hwt) )8 20 19 40 Dloll* (Warcl) 7 00 Aleo reoeel· Top~ F .. 1 Aame.1ong1 L.ay n ..... s-l<ttarffled. BMre. Lev-I llol>. St 1Wn Bar Tim« 20.32 a HACTA ( 1-10) pekl '558 00 IOC'nf llACa. 870 yara. Aer>e Ootl<lte (VllOeor) 10 20 II 40 4 20 Bentley ,..__ (BIOOlll) 8 40 S 20 KepleA Oreler (Paullne) S 20 Ata o r acad Whoppae Cat 1<,1noa Speedy, Per11t1..-1or. Strap Mr 8 B Roc;tat Time 4e.3' UV.NTH llACIL $60 yarda Cro a... Moon (WarCI) 17 40 5 llO 3 00 War Wln (S..d) 3.llO 2 llO Nevldl lamb (Hart) 3 20 Aleo reeed: Aackum Back J eck, Aun !Qt..,. Aun. NuhVllle A«I. Cley 8Yt>er9klet Time: 27.18 12 UACTA ("-7) peld "45.40 12 PICK SIX (8-7-4-1~) peld 122,11+4.60 with one wWolng ttcllet (11119 '--1 12 Pld! Six oonaolMIOn peld I llkUO wtth "6 ~ tle*eta (IOUI ~). l 2 Pldt SI• -•I~ eot\IOllllon paid St4.20 wttll 17 winning llc:bCa {llvee ,__, -ec:reteflt metfTM llACL 440 )'Wde. 8-8-oe (H . ..,) l .IO 2.IO 3 00 L..-Cfw'le (.,,,... 1,20 IUO AcNneo lM1I (Zvfell> 13 eo Aleo rec.cl Heu Tru Rebel. bploalve ~ & & Te, HeeYy Dooa, bey feeNon, Oolne MeMoNa nm.. 21.72. • DACTA (5-3) pllld ass 40 ...nt llAca.. 3SO yarda Slngln S-(Mll<:Nlr) 4 00 2 llO 2 80 Top Mo11eQe11 (Her1) 3 IO 4 00 ~e..t(~ 1120 Aleo r-O· Holey Pod.ell. Bed Rlalt. Tak H ... n Talncfw. Cun 1<111 ... Juan MOO<• ~ ~~"'O· CNrlno Croee '2 IXACTA (8-2) peld f l4 40 ~ Ollle, ... 141M. 111111 ~ lry ,.ur "OM' l ahy Natjye 111.ollln I I MIO'I' Kllal .. ., fWM I t;l ll• • lltACU 11 e1pe1c1 U~l00 Poui.TI4 llACI. I ti ti mllet Wll)o lMtlle (M<.Cerront I 00 3 20 1 40 tee 'rOllC tl"->•llA• I 3 40 2 40 Cedarty (H~) 2 40 AlllO taoacl A Ilg K ... , H ...... too, MIM 8""81, t.4odet """· floyal Wlt\detOlm T-· 1·44 410 II IXACTA 15·8111"'0 151 00 '"" lllACI. I II ti m11tM on tut! Clneo Gtancll (Pietoe) 29 IO 1' 40 I 40 S..11Qy (o.t.hou ... ye) I 90 ~ 40 HMMI (Meeerronj 6 90 Aleo reced Bteac:necr, C110-., RalnbOw Wlall, Blackwell. Tlmba rjaoll, Plu l" F11ntullc. Tree Runner, Creluatovi. Pu" ot s.-. TkM. 1.41 31, II IUCTA ( 10..21 paid "35 00 atxnt M CI. 8 lllrtong1 Lnt1e .......,. 1~1 11 eo e eo 8 40 Nallle 8 Frlandty (t0to) II 80 4 20 0rena·1 OreMI 1Meu1 20 eo Alto raced. Don111op Tlle1'1u11c. Love ~ .. NMt1y ForgOlttn. An Alllnlly, Tooe Mertl Anne'I , Swf•e Olny. Megma LeH. ~""'-Time 1 10 415 MftNTit llACE. II tunono• Lave Blaat (Hawley) 211 20 Sterwng Sliva (McCarron) Hur Powe. (Black) Aleo raoacl Son ol Stblrrt, An<l•-PM Aow, ~ Blada. Thorndale Tlrne. I 10 415 II HACTA (1·2) palO $155 00 a ~K 11x 111-1.s.10..1.11 paid 125 .. 398 :10 with. IOUI wtnnlng ticket• (rive hof-) 12 Piek SIA conaolallon petd l 17 1.00 wllll 198 wlMlng llekeU (IOUt llO<MS). EIGHTH llACa. One mite N0tlher$Y Glow (TOtOI S 80 3, 60 2 60 Any TWnl Pet (Valenzuela) 4 80 4 00 Oranjl Ouqu-.e (ShOen\Mar) • 60 Alao raoacl: MleJMlurl . Shimmy, FllQhllftQ Scarlet O'Wonder, No More Lemons flrne• 1 35 215 ...nt llACL 1'4 m11et Provldentlal (Blac:t<) 11 20 5 llO 4 20 8r11MY Kneve (Pleroal II eo 11 •o Qaaa CNef (Sibille) • 20 Alao raced. E•tr•mely. On Th• Prowl. Roya( S ari>, Rorke'• Ortll Prate nd•O O'F-. ShOe In T1me 1.50 415. • UACTA I 1-3) paid S327 00 Allendance 14.326 NBA ftST£11H CONf'EflllNCE 'eclllc Olvtalofl w l ...... L81l .... 17 6 773 SNllla 17 8 731 Porlland 14 It ~ Ph<>enl• 13 II 542 Golden Stele II " 440 San Di41oO • 20 167 .. ..,. ... Olvt.lon San AnlonlO 17 I 65• Kanaea Ctty 13 7 ~ Oellll II 11 500 o.n-10 ,. 4)7 Utllll II ,. 3111 Houlton 3 18 l:M llAaTW CONPEMlllC9 AllMllc~ Pl>oledelpNa 19 • 828 &oaton 19 5 7117 -Je<My 12 11 522 WMhinglon 11 11 soo -Yotlt 8 16 333 C-lral OhWert Mllwa.ikM 15 9 125 OetlOtl 13 11 $42 .t.tlanl• 12 11 522 lftCloane 9 ,. 391 CNcaQo 8 15 )48 C-.nct 3 20 130 T'llwMey't ._... ... ,..,,,. 108, Qevelend tl7 "-YOt\ 113, Boaton 105 (otl San MtonlO 120, o.n-IOI Goloen Stata 98, Pl>oenl1 114 POt11and 1 11. Sen 0la90 103 Seattle 103 o.au 113 TOft!elll'a 0.-,_ W M'f et LAiii.,.. New Y ortt at Pl\lladelpn1a Waallington at O.trolt Utlh at San Antonio Ctuc.go t i MllW9Ulcee 1no11na at HOuston l(llJ\N• City •I SM11i. COLUQE &oeel 142. Pacific Chr. a GI .... "" 5 1·, 14 I • I 8'" 12 .... 7 7'" 1 t',\ 2 2· ... 6'~ ..... "'" IOUTHVIN CALll'OMIA COLLaGI -Aobent ltl, PIUimer 10, Slnltll 18. Shannon 8, Pierce ti, ~ 12, Hlrat 22, Co<WI 17, M«t__, 14. Aeddlelt 15 Totale. 57 28-34 14'2. l>AC..C CHNITIAH CC>U.IC>e -Yi1< I, ~-~. o.Mt.n~. ~.on e Scot1 "· Scllrodl 13. 5--s. McGiii '· Oue9y 15, AlmO 8. Tot•· ~ 11·20 83 Hallllme' SoC.1. $3-.35. Total loula· Southern Celilomla College il 18, PllCl!lc Chtlellen College 27 FOUied out Olwtlt-(Pedllc ~I NFL standings AMERICAN CONFE RENCE NATIONAL CONFERENCE RaJden Cincinnati NY Jett Buffalo ·=urgh W L Pct. PF PA W L Pct. PF PA 5 l .833 155 125 Dallas 5 1 .833 158 83 5 1 .833 139 90 Waahlngton 6 1 .833 120 104 5 1 .833 171 95 Atlanta 4 2 .667 153 119 4 2 .667 98 73 Green Bay 4 2 .667 144 115 4 2 .667 117 95 Detroit 3 3 .500 102 95 4 2 .667 121 101 Minnesota 3 3 .500 109 98 San Diego 4 2 .667 160 120 New Orleans3 3 .500 77 106 New F.ngld. 3 3 .500 83 98 NY Giant.I 3 3 .500 103 97 Seattle 3 3 .500 104 96' Sl Louil 3 3 .500 101 114 Cleveland 2 4 .333 89 122 Chic.aao 2 4 .333 77 112 Denver • 2 4 .333 11 1 149 San rran 2 4 .333 156 155 Hou.ton 1 5 .167 81 155 Tampa Bay 2 4 .333 85' 11 J Kanau City 1 5 .167 89 129 Rams 1 5 .167 122 159 BaJtimo~ 0 6 .000 60 138 Philadelphia 1 5 .167 108 136 NOTE: The top eight teams in each conference will qualify fbr &he playoffa. ..... c ••• o . . "., C"°"a Ml. MM w,-e Well! I Vl llt• •• V•1tllH1t1t11rH • Heu 14 ~11...,.n •uri.o r.......,_o 1:i._,o fCll ... ti I IJ '4 ..... .,, ...... lfvli• 14 I I I I 42 C41for .. NI .... 1:1 I 11 I I '4 fotll IOul• ... _ 10 co.-cMI .... " c .... MMe 14. VIM ,._II 41 C:OITA MllA llalniOledt 11, l cltOn I COOll '· l tlft 14', Wllll-I,~ I , Klr!wN 4, ,, .. I Tolllle II t•l4 t4 VILLA ,AlllC fll•:.c::t.. e, Beyal II. 11111ofd n. lhnf\k• 1, 10. v~ o. Jacob• o ro1111e 11 14 '' •• ifff•bfO-W. l,;oala M... 1' 17 11 11-64 VINA PAlll 10 18 I 12-4' Total lovlt Cotta M-a<>. V*-P11k II f O<MO out 11a1"1bltide (Colt• I.MM), 81111 (Coale MMe). &ehnl1t (VIiie Piii!,) WoodbtldcM M, M'9elon Va.to SI MlllM>N ~JO -.E-0, CrwfOfd I . CelMIVI 0. Miii 17, Mo-y 9, M-1' I . Karn 0, 8tlck 0, M klllly I TO!alt 21 10-11112 woooeNOCM -F0tlrl0et I I, 8oreull 10, flado\'(:ICll 18, Mo<eland 0, WIM 10, eu.t.e II Totelt 22 11· 11 55 ._ • .., Oloerler'I MIMIOn V .. jO 18 Ill 8 16-52 Wooc:tbrfc19e 16 11 14 13-55 Tot., IOUle Mlaalon VlejO 21. Woodb!'IOQe 16 l'ouled OUI CaM..t (Mlulon Vletol hv.-. M. Unlwrell&w a IAVAIO•A -Lemb I . P ll t111an 0, VanOerttMY •• Wallnlbe 20, Htl 11. Wllaon 0. Ttylor 0, ~ 2 TOllle 23 &-13 64 Utt!VSRllTY -e.i.na. 12, E-etl I, ~on II, Blalla 11~ dlOi 2, KlallrlOet 1. C:..e •. f otelr 11 1 t-;i 1 53. ec-w...,... S.vanna 10 I 1 12 18 2-54 Un1-..1y 12 7 19 14' 1-113 Total ICKi.lt Savanna 2•. Unl.,.,llty II: FOUied OUI L.Mnb (Savanna~ Vand«91uy (SavtnN). Btoaotr (Unlwrtlly) ArtH&a a , u.au,,. Hiii• st LAGU..A HILi.i -iR°illlema II, Caner 21, Lltlln 10. Garcia II. Kaweda 10, COiburn 2, Plemtli 2, Blown 2. Totale< 27 M 59. AflT•alA -Aoblnell 2. Ao-13. TOibert 21. Campa 4, ~ 8, Jacoti. 8, Walker 2 Tolall 26M 82. e-.1>,o....-. A1•-.1a 20 111 11 12-112 La111inft '"''' II 211 tll 11-511 ~ Total '°"" Aneela 10. Laguna Hiii• 10. T ecnn1cal '"'-Art•at• Coech Ettencla 57. WMtmlneter 40 l lTAHCIA WMllumOnl 15. Jollnllon 2. Mualafa II. Curll• 21. Pinckney 7, R Lockwood 6 Total• 24 9 18 67. ftlnMITIA -Jol\naton 2. Oowna 6, N~al •• ENUn 14, Oel..avallede 8, Brown s Totalt 17 &-15 40 ec-wo...w. Etlanc:Ja Ill 1' 11 111-57 W•t111ln1ter II ti 15 8-40 Total IOUla. &lanc:N Iii, Wastmlnlt• 18. Ftn. Val'9y 41, OetcMna ~ GAllOIMA -Dr•• 5. Roberteon 10, Slatlwonh 7. Walton 2. Woode 2. Joyce 8. Ala•ander I, 191eh 4 Totala 13 11· 15 37. ,OUNTAIN VAU.IY -Harry I. Whlt.nalr 18 Jacobe •. Manaon II. Marun II, -on 5, Tinney 2 TOlala 18 7·12 4'5. --.111~-0arcleM I 13 S 11-37 Fountlln Vllley 1~ 2 1 1 5-45 Total foul• Gardena 12, Fount.in Valle) 12 It. JOMDh 71, ,._,.na M MAlllMA -belangar 8, Padllll 17, AoMn•-•o 2, N9Umenn 22. Crowl.-y 1, Coonlt •. Ektlr0tn 2, Whll-5, Ptncur. 2. Totalt 22 I 1· 19 55. IT. JON"" -o.Pr-Ill. 8. Moody 14, Render 22, EtlOler II, Bigger 10, "9ynojd1 II. T8yt0t 2. M Moody 2 f"0tal9: 31 11·18 78. aoo..bfO--. Marina 8 13 13 2 t-56 SI. Joeec>/I 24 23 24 10-111 Total foula Marina 20. St Joffl)ll 15 Foui.d CKil: Crowley (Marina) Technical: Mame ooectl E Modene 4ta, E..,. a IOllON D<wowai.1 2. w-12. WUhlnQton 10 MaelerlOl'I 2. HamMon 8, M._d t , Had1ten 4 Totall· 11 1~18 42 IL MOOCNA -~-11, J. W-12. Ayorew 21. C Moaa O. Lune O. OI 0. TotM: • L.8W......~ ........ MAlllMA -Corllett •• 0 1 lto1n1 • r"*'* 4. "'"*-It. KeclCly 4 fotale II .... ,. WILM* _. ~ t l!CKiltil!We • ''~"" t. Wendi 10. Oooo•n I LM •. W...,_ t Totlll IO ll ... l J ..... .,.,o.-wa MMllll 7 8 14 13 &II W"-' • 10 1) 12 •3 IOlal IOUla Marll\a 7, WlltOll 18 CdM •• Oetd9n Orov. 17 OAMllH OAGVI -Adame t, C.11ea 4, (Giii •. l0'9f\1 2. Orne••• 3 Totalt ~ 1 " 17 CGllOMA DIL MAii -Aomne y 20. Valenllne I . Dodd• 9, Wy"n I . I 001 • rotate. U 3-1• 41 ...,...,~.,. 0..den Oro... t 2 I 5 17 Corona def MW 1 I 17 II 10 411 Total IOUlt, Garden Oro.. 1tl, Cotona def Mar 14 FOUied OU1 Dodd• (Corona def Mar). WyM (C«one del M_,I Hunt. -..Oh .... ,., Del 2t 111.Aftll DE -K ..... I . I' Baller O. Acu.n •. IC Akeyta o, Gainey 3. Jam-o. 8ltT'f 3, 0 Akeyte 0. Vartaco I . WMlherfOtd 2 Tot ..... 11 2·10 28 HUNTINGTON llACH -Cou on 0 CorcloYa 3. Aeybufn o. Townw>CI 6. Coopet 19, Tttue 7, Cofftoolto II Totllll. 13 1S-28 0tl ..... ..,~ Mal• Otli 1 I 0 4 11-26 Huntington Beacrl I I I 7 12-39 Total foul• Mater 0.1 17. Mun11ng1on 9MUI "· NHL CAMHIU CQNPEMNCI 11'41rthe Ol¥Weft EOmonton Vancouver WIMlpeQ ICtnea Calgary W L T OI' OA l'tL 14 11 7 148 135 3e 13 14 e 128 111 32 14 13 3 131 132 31 13 13 5 110 119 31 11 18 8 131 149 21 No.,te DMaleft Chlcego Minnesota $1 LOUii Oetrott T0tonto 20 5 8 '~ tl7 48 ltl 8 • 147 1111 .. 11 20 3 11S 131 2S 7 18 7 11• 135 21 & 18 e ee t3• 111 WALll C~MNCE Plltrldt Dh'le'9n NY llllanderl 17 13 5 127 Phil-Pll•• 17 11 • 1'7 Wlla/llnglon 13 9 9 111 HY Rengart 111 13 2 130 PllttOUrgh ti 18 8 105 N-.Jetaey 8 21 7 114 Act.mt Olvtelon 101 39 103 38 '13 35 116 34 140 2• 148 111 Monl• .. l eo.1on OuebeC S..ttalo Hartl0td 11 7 6 151 110 '4 Ill I 6 14' I~ 42 15 12 • 1'7 141 )4 13 13 8 12s 112 32 ti 17 • 104 143 22 Th..,.....,.'I kof'M Botton e. Buttalo 1 Phlladelphla 7, Oetron 2 w..n1ng1on 4. M1nn..o1a • Vancouver 3, Calgary 2 TOftlelll'a OemM NY ltlandert 11 NY Range< a HarllOtd Al Winnipeg N•w Jaraey al EClmonlon OalOI' aowt T._..,, Deo. JO C•t .Molt-vlle, 'ILi Weel VltQlt\18 (8·21 w F10tlda Stale (11·3) ChetlMI 1 ., 8 p m Hall of Fame lktwl ,,....,, Dec. 11 C.t lllrmli.__, Ala.I Vende•Ollt (8·3) vs "" f'o•l<• 11·$1 Olannel 11 at 11 a m Peec:h 8owl ''*'·Dec. It (al Allerlta) T.,_ 111-4-1) ve. i-a (7-41 ·••~net Bowl 'rider. Dec.. , 1 (at "-ton) Art...-. (1·2·11 ve. FIOtlda (7·3) Cnannel II at 6 p m Fleeta llowl ....,,.,, .len. 1 (.t TM1t'9, Arla..) Oklahoma (8·3) va Artrone State tll-2). Channel • al 12.30 p.m Cotton Bowl ktvrdar, Jen. I (•10 ..... 1 Soullwn MethOdlal I 10-0· I) v1 P111abu1gh (9·21. Chen"'" 2 at 11 a m ROM Bowl ... ..,....,. J#t. 1 (atP..-...e) Mlehlgan 111·31 vt UCLA (9· I· 1) Chanrllt • al 2 pm OrMge Bowl aetutdaf, '9ft.. I ca1--.i1 Lou1a1ana Stale (8·2·11 .s NeDrUll• j 1I·1), Cllennal 4 al 5 pm Sugar Bowl .........,,,,.,.. , (atNewc>n.-) Penn Stal• ( 10· I I va Georgia I I I 01 c;i,.,.,... 1 al 5 p m All -PST Men'• toumarTMnl (at Notlh lllUMtl llMdl. '11.) lecond ~ llnglff B1orn 8org !Sweden) def Tim Mayotte (U S), 8-4 8·2. Vine. Ven Pallan (U.8) def JOH Hlgue•H (Spain), 1·4, 7'11. Jimmy Con"or• (U S I dal Henri Lac.oote )f ranc.). 6·2. 8-1. Halnr Gunthardt (SwilZarland) def Gene Mayer (US). 4·S. 8·2, 11·1; Brian Ooltlrled (US l del Oulllermo VllH . 7•8. 7BS New South Walet Open ,.,.,...,.~) Thlrd"-tel ........ .H>lln .t.launClar (Auatrafla) del. Peter ~ tAu.trella). 1..e. 1-e· .1o1>t1 Rtiigerekl (""9\•alle) dal Tony o~. (U.S l. 8-3. 1·2, Craig Millet (.t.ullrlllla) def. Mllca Cle Pal"* (U S ). U . 8-1, 6-2. Wally M ..... r (Auatrella) def JoNI S*"1 (US I. ~. 8-1, SernrnyGlammalva (U S I del EdClla Edwanfa (South .t.frtca). 8-4. 8-0. Ric* ~ !U tt._. ,..,.. ........ IUIJ U l f ,f,. '""Witt"" "111 t I Hf '"' lwlw• Ill II I 1 I I ) •1111tleU O•llU l•j l'•&J"""l'I ttel lf¥ff ........ IV I I I I .4 HIGH .:=r 90TI '°""fain VelleJ 1, IJ Dtrada 0 'oun1e1n Vllley aoot"'O 'Ollllnt 1 HIH\llftalOI\ 9Mlfl t. ~· I 11un1tng1on 8-1\ ec:ortno Oelllt 1. !lull 1 OM6'1 Vlewl.~t Ocean v--Ing l l\ll>Odeeu 1 Ou<bln I Gaor(IM>n 1 NIOM ICltOOL 0..1 ,,.._, •• T .... O fo1aon ecor1ng IMelleld 2. w-1 Deeo ... :!".!!f OAVEV'I LOCICUI ( llMcl\) - 20 •nola•• 30 rnecl!erel. ee roe1c cod OAN.t. WHA"' -33 anglara ltl beM. 2 oon110, J4 macllerel, 68 rock COCI, I rOCk llah, 13 tneapallMd, 8 tculpln 11.t.L llACH -13 •no*•· 138 roelc Cod lldooncMloM IOUT'HIM CA&IOMllA Cold air la "'°""'O In out o4 1M not1h With moat .,... hOldlng "*' '""°"' -· MT. IAU>T -12·38-lnch ~. T11< .. Chait MIU operetlng ..,.. 1U1911T -2~ l>eae, -nature! anCI aome cuato m enow Litt• ooerating •• neaOecl IMOW VAU.IY -tl-38-lnc:tl ~. - cue10tn Nina chair lilU opereung. ~ -24..J&..tnc:h ~ All Wla operetlng ThUredeY'I trenuctlonl ll'AIUAU. ....... L....- NEW YORI< METS -Traded Charlie Puleo, pttchet; Lloyd Moelendon, c:etcher, and J--. Fellee, outt'leldtf. 10 IN Clnclnnetl Aedt IOt T0tn a..-. pltchet. ._._. ....... SEA n LE MAAINEAS -Signed O*YfOrCI Petry, pllefler, to a ~ oontr~. fOOTIAU. ............ ~ ....... LOS ANGEL.ES AAMS -Signed Myron ~ L"O':S"'C.t.AOINALS -Signed Don ~. Ml«y, 10 • ~ oontr9d Plamer Wt)'fte s...itll .......... bee*. Oft IN lnjuted--SAH FAAHC18CO 49EM -8laned fllldcy Pe tton. running back. Placed Newlon w..m.. ~ on lhl tnllnd-Ill. C'I " ,,. I f . '• I • .· ,, 1~14 .. ....... !If aw.ten r-;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~ Eateon 10 11 10 11-2 EJ M-. 13 II 8 13-44 Tout louil Edteon 12. EJ Modena 13 Capo V...., •. !I Dot..to a IL OOAADO -8oei 4, BM>al<er 7, eyer. •• Catmo 2. OeNnen •• Aorw 18, Htc*tMn 2. M-""ld 3 SchwarU I, W16aon 17 Totals 32 3-8 87 C~l'TllANO VALL.EV -AnCleraon II. Mulder 18. 8 Call 16. N. Call &, O.C-. 111, Otta 10 Totala 21 IS-18 118 ._..,~ El OOtaoo 10 23 9 2~7 CapialrWIO Valley 15 25 12 17-Gtl Tolll loult £1 Dorado 11, Caplatrano Valley 7 COLLEGE WOMEN Freeno St. 81, UC lrvlne 51 UC IRVIM• -Pellon '· OomuO. Hegul'll 6, Ba~er 2. Harre 3. Ha1'1Uton ltl, Slrnpaon 4, Vande<Poel II, Randell 2. McElfoy 3. Totala. 18 15-22 S1 ,lllUIO 9T. Blhn 0, Volglaberger 5. Procter 10. Stump! I . CJay 16, Coolc• 7. WVClrlOWtkl 10. To-2 Tot.ia 21 19-27 1 1 Malftlme Fraano SI . 29-21 Total loult UC lnllne 2', Ftaano St 22. roula d out Ham111on (UC lrvlna ), V-Poei-WC ~.p~~4 HtOH ac~ WOMEN Et tanole 10, fllllgnolla II MAGNOLIA -Arthur 4, Wllh rtton 4, Mudd 1 I, KobefMN 4'. Klien 3. C.W 8. Lyndl 1 Totele 13 7.19 33 "1101'1 PIOll" JOHNSON & SON presents ... NFL Plob tf tilt Wt .. Sat., Dec. 11 Lot Angeles Raiden owr Rama Sun., O.C. 19 San Francisco over Atlanta * Philact.lphla over Houston * Mlnnnota Save with ''Instant Magic'' from Kodak! Buy a KODAMATIC CHAMP~ Instant Camera and two packs of KODAMATIC Instant Color Film or a KODAMATIC 960, 970l or 980l Instant Camera or Just four single packs or two Take·Two Paks of any Come In fo r a demonatratlon of a ny of these new KOOAMATIC'" Instant Cameras. and we'll give you up to S00.00 off the purcha• price ..• on the spot! KOOAMATIC 960 Instant Cemera • Lowest pr1c:ed fold•no KOOAMAT IC Instant Camera. • Flash every llrne • Full Three·Year Warranty• Regular Prlc"I less your demo bonus Your Spec11I Price $59.95 s10.oa $49.,5 KOOAMATIC 980L Instant Camera • Automatic focu1l • F.ull F1ve•Yeer , Warranty• • Ener~y-11vlng flash CtrCu1lry Regul11r Price LH I your demobonu• YourS~ltl Pr!Ge $89.95 ' $10.00 $79.95 KODAK Instant Color Film at one time and get a second ticket free when you purchase one full·fare ticket on Eastern Airlines. See us for f ult details. KOOAMATIC CAAMP Instant Camera • Lowest priced KOOAMATIC Instant Camera • Automatic eicposure control • Full Three·Year Warranty"• ~egutar Proce Less vou• demo b011u1 Your Spec•el Price $24.95 $5.00 $19.95 KOOAMATIC 970L Instant Camera • Bu1lt·tn close-up lens • For pictures lrom two leel to infinity • Full Five·Year Warranty• Regular P11ce Less your demo bonus You• Spec111 Price $69.50 $10.00 $59.50 KOOAMATIC lnatant Color Fllm • Faateat ~k Instant fflm • • OealQn~ for ua• In KOO~M"TIC lnatant C1rn41ra1 Note. Tnla tO-Clll price 11 contingent uP;On fitting out, 11 11'1• 9'or1, the cutlOl'!lt! lnto,,natlOtl wd Wf\ICll It pac:llH wit~ l<ODAMATIC lnt11nl Cameru. :· I I t I, nguard roll, 142-83 8q.ithern Callfornla Colle.ic erupted for a 142·83 bMk•tbAU vlct.ory over ho1t Pac ific Chrktlan Collt!ait· Thursday ni&_h\. 'the ·Vanauardt amassed their toe.al, deapite pla)'inl the rftervN the t1na1 13 mlnuta of th• 1ame. A 2$.-2 1purt In the openina lix min~ of the aecond half aave SCC;a 78-37 advantage. L.p-ry Hirst (22) and Mike rob<r"t• (19) led a parade of vancuaros in double figures ll.8 the tlnnen upped their overall mar to 6-4. College won't play again after Christm as when it the Southern Vt.ah State UTI.arn1en l o n Dec 29th again.st petitive field. ~~!!"!~!!~~«!'e !rio still und~[~!!;.~'!h~h•h dldn'• w1 ... •nd Founs.aln Valfey hltha' ITI('ln'• IO('('t>r ~(J( '('Ell 6up.,t Lo .. ruti 1•mti IHt vur. 11 now MUN have In (.vmme>n? .. ~ • , " Jndaftated In It.I fll"ll alx "'Nt·IK'UOn gamcra That't rlaht, aU three ant W\Mt l..eetiue of tho 11,6:.t tt!t Muon combat•nta But all thrt'e ., .. •ho Coach Randy Chambf',..' aqwad Improved undefea~ and the 1982-83 ~r Mtwion 11 "My k1d1 1howed peruvt'ranc:c, Ill! r«'Ord to 3-0-3 with a 2-2 lltaradoff with W(!ll lnw It.I third week. t'lpttclally aftt'r bt•ln1 Jown :l l In the ThUl"lday atiemoon, thf !eahawkl and lk"l'Ond h.alf," no~ Kollar. "It wu nJce to vlilUna Dominguez &rona recorded lmpro19lv• vlcturin, whlJc ait·t the equalltcr (by Durbin) within five The Dona owned a 2·0 lead at the hulf, the Oilers aettled for a 2-2 11.andoff In a minuws otter they went ahead." but tht• Olle,.. retiponded with a goal by game In which they had to battle back from Ocean View returns to action Monday Brett Davl1 and on a free kick anct the an 0-2 deficit. when the St!ahawlu and Canyon 1quare off L>quallr..er with about 12 mlnut.ea remaining Ocean View 's 3-2 victory over Foothlll at 9 a m . In the South Torr an cc-by Raul Ruiz. upped the Seahawkl' overall record to 6-0, TournWTient. a nd Coach Paul Kollar can thank a Meanwhlle, Fountain Valley got a goal Swedlah exchange 1tudent of all people for from junior Dave Folkins about 12 minutes keepln8 his team's record unblemlahed into the game, and goalkeeper Scott SedlBk Reid Thibodeau and Ron Durbin had made It stand up as the Barons nipped El !ICOred goals for the Seahawks to keep them Dorado, 1-0. . even with the Knights, but with 10 nunu~ Senior Mal Diep got the assilt on Folkina' remaining In the contest, Ocean View's goal, and Sedlak managed to make nine Henrik Georpon drilled a shot Into the saves on the day as Fountain Valley Foothill net lO give the Seahawks the win. improved i\s record to 4-0. "Thia ts enc.'Ouraglng. because the teams w~·v·e played have been very strong teami,'' noted Chambers of his squad's record In women's action, Edison upped its record to 8-0 with a 3·0 victory over Tusun. Joy Biefield tallied twice and Kim Walultk added the other goal for the Chargers, all m the first half. -area stars i~ NCAA semis STOCKTON -Two area freshman standouts will 1park their respective teams In the semifinals of ~ NCAA women's volleyball championship at th University of Pacific here tonight. U<:I W()m n fall, 61-51 YHESNO A UC lrvlrw rally In tM flnaJ mom.nt.1 f•ll ahort 11nd th<' Antttatert dropped a ffl ~l nun-t-onferem .. c:t.dalon to host Fr~1no State In women'• rolleaiate buketball lctfon on th• winner'• floor Thuraday nt1ht. Trailing by eight points at halhlme, UCI pulled to within two, 48-46 with aeven mlnutea to play, but could not 1uataln the ratty Katherine Hamilton paced UCI with 19 polnta and 12 rebounda bt!fore fouling out In the aeoond half The Anteaters dropped lO 3-4 overall with the setback. UCI now gears for tu own Christmas Tournament tbia weekend. -SC's Trojans will have Tracy Clark, .a gradute of El Toro High, as their leader. Clark was vote MVP of the NCAA M ldeast re gional to rit after gettin8 2~ kllll and four service _. in the finals against Purdue. DIGITAL TUNI AUTO a1Y1as1 ers from the area on the USC team include iedringhaua (Newport Harbor), Lori Uranich r Dei) and Leslie Devereaux (El Toro). All but b are freshmen. t Stanford, Kim Oden has been the cat.alyBt Cardinal th.la 9ea90n and haa been largely ble for the team ma.king the final four. She uate of Irvine High. en from the area on the Stanford team e Deidra Dvorak and U.. Murphy of Laguna . Both are 90phomores. Terri Bry.on of El Toro · a freshman. $an Diego State, the No. 2 ranked team behind Hai., will have Danielle Devereaux and Angela Roe both of 90phomores from El Toro, on the sq . tonight's aemifinals, No. 4 ranked Stanford pla No. I-ranked Hawaii while No. 2-ranked San Di • State meeta No. 3 USC. e third place and championship games will be yed Sunday night. I ~sketball scores • College i ·-8oul11. rn Cal Coll•Q• 142, P~Ctv19tian 83 . .....,.. ~SL 74, wao.r St 82 ....,-din. ae. N9¥9da-Awlo 83 ........L.. .. ~65 ~11,USllJ&e 81. 81, Y~own St. 63 _... .... on 8apli9t 88, T--.San Ant 84 (ot) ~84. St. Mr(a, T-5-4 SE Fl "! G.ofgle St 42 St. • 81, 8'oo•dyn College 51 ~·· cauj ..... :-=., ... _. ,.... ea. o.aer1 46 :=:.-n. v.ntura ee Qwu ........ 1, Oxnerd ISO ~ 64, Ml. Sen Jadnto 47 Gtltdale 79, Senta Monica 75 Sarf&emardlno 7t, Mi.Ion e7 ~:.:=:t::: ~09 73. CoUTlbl9 98 te:...-....llndl• !F 83, Vet.t 73 B...:tl 17. eu.ta et Joaquin O•lla I 1, Sa n 87 t ' r:C.:=. ..... ctldl ......... 1 ... COrona del Mar ...... lrvtN 42 Art .. 92, Lagurle Hiii 641 ,... ......... SMta Atta 87. Ol9m M 8--M , :::=. 53 C.01 I• •"* Wc>c>dt>f'ld09 66. MIMIOn Viejo 52 Coeta .,._ M, VIie P-" 41 u o.tllt9 Cw11I • 11 :M "* Capo V'*'f •• B Oorlldo 87 e Mode ne 4", Edl9ofl 42 T-.i l I I 91 Ctl ;I I c~ n ' :: 0Wo•0 1 $ Sl a.rn.d .... 50 Long 9-:fl Pdy ~ ..... Oal 45 (ot) c I. OWi ...... Foull'llaln Vrllw/ 45, Gllrdlna 37 P...o.na 84, Serr• 58 ~ Srttt• 50. ~ 41 (tint) E•tancea 57, Wntmlnllw 40 (IHnl) ....... ..,... ..... St ~ 79, M.nna 55 ...... cou.a• F-81. 81, UC !MM 51 ........... o.ni. car-, __ al14 &tenda 70, ~ S3 Corona d•I Mar 49, Oard•n O<ow 17 .......... IMl~QI\ e.:ti 3$, Me1« Dal 2t LB Wiiton 43, Mame 39 B~' ~~u!~~:~i~a~ "Bear" Bry nt won't be on the aldellnes at Alabama foo games next IJe&IOl'l, but his fans still will .ee bis ~ face on post.en. T-shir1a and television adl ~ at least for a while. Jrbat'a the opinion of marketing executivaa and aior, ~who said they expect a surge of ~think It'• golhg to cauae a spurt," said Cam Jo~ store manager at the University Supply S in Tu8caloou. one of the largest retailers of Bry t paraphernalia. ones aaid the store had "a little spurt" tm~tely after Bryant, 89, announced W y that he waa retiring from C011China. molt popular aouvenlr Items, Jope11 said, w Bryant printa and T -shlrU celebrating the na~'• wtnn1ngest coach. t, ooech at Alabama for 25 ye.an, la molt r'l!Dlk"!M!d for hit record 322 victories and bia lix champlonahiJ» with the Crinwoo Tide. ltJI the pureh•H of • UHd car, TNcl("or VM hl• Prl., lat., lun. or Mon . Choo•• trc. r t500,000 tnv•ntory. All aale prlc:oed for iaw dilponl • CASSlnl AM/PM •n••• Precision electronic tuning, pro- grammable memory. automatic seek and scan, LED digital time S ·n and frequency reod out. a 1r s ops at ~;,~~ti~pneo~~~;~~~~~~di~DNR), __ -· LUI. power 45 watts. NSR308. 1499 ! I ,_.-C Rubber Queen-... DILUXI PLUSH CARPITID fLOOR MATS LUXUS, AVENTURA and LEVILLE. Front -Block , blue. gold/beige or gray. #6468,6576,6568 19~!. ·' • v•f'" ' -... LUXUS ·rear tloor mots block, blue, gold/beige. or groy.1164~7 . Ploys ony COSHll• in 8 track lope deck lock· ing 1011 forward. outomotlc stop 01 end of tape, top• end in· dlcotor light. Needs no instollotlon For uH In all cor and home 8 troclc top• ployer1. ,SCA-10 12!!. 'DRIVING LIGHTS .. •• m Amber llut.cl 1..-iafor bod weoth« driving YOUI CHOICI 12~ IN•LATl•ALL 110 Portoble oJr compreuor lnflot•• up to I 50 p1I. .• Your choice of 18 manuals ovoiloble Tune-up & repairs for most cors ond trucks S In 1 TROUBLI SHOO Tia •Spotlight seorchlight •Fluorescent lontern •Amber 'red warning flosher •Red emergency light •Amber red wornlng flasher and fluorescent lantern. Easy to install truck mirror. Chrome ploted. 11760. CALPAX· Pre-progrommed to ploy 76 tu.,e1 (with LEO tong Ind icator llght & "•y). Ideal for cars. truck•. c~mpert and boah 17650L8 Sp'-<• (j bucl.e: , ' <-Of'ltOtft\ poll..t\lng cloth mm wh•••wotlt l<'UbHt •pong. ond turtle wo11. w.,.h ,, 18 I!? Combination or open and · atondord or metric. 16.487185·647177 6.487169·647151 un•l'I 8ron conalrucllo" lor ••lro 11r~th Poll1t..d chrome Handy pod••• clop IA50'9el . . : . ' . : • ) : I I Or11 ·CdM women to vie I or bask e tball title tonig ht Coron• del Mu will be pl•ytn1 for tho 9dvan..., •• lnLemll•lun •nd never looked blec-k. putnll ln tM Ml'Cmd quarter II t!M Olien oullcored champlon1hlp, while l:•&•nc)• will vlt for f;t&aHla 71, M•1Mll• II . MD. 11 ·0 Tho Monan:ha did~ to puU within eon101-Uon honort ln the O•rdtn Orove Th• Ea1le1 conllnued to rtnn uf. In tho •ht polnu late ln dw pme, bu& unllnC1an Be«h d l • hi h h 1 k f IW'Vlved the .care. Tournament lo •Y n women • I IC 00 C!Of\IOJ..Uon brec: et at Garden Clrovt, • r bolna llve ntua had MV•n polnu and • team·hiah bMMtba1l action. forced to fort It their .cheduled opener beeaUM of Meanwhile, Hunt.lf\l10n Beech topp!'d Mater confllctJn1 datee with another tournament laet t'lfhl rebounct. for lM wln.nen. Det and Marina tell at Lof\I Beach w1i.on ln non-Saturday WlltOD ... Martu .. tournam4mt play. Am H •t..~t.. ~ f 7 f •'--ti Id In • U8)\t bettle from wlre-to-wlre, the V~ Y •uOUA."" went or rom wic e ' trail__. the -n·•-w•y ln suffertno their third 1--Here't how lt went: dilhed off 10 ...U.ta and dropped all three free· cu .. unr ... ...- C4M •t, Gardea Grove 17 throw attempu ln • eteady effort for FA\anCt.. .even 1amee. Cocula del Mar'• Liu Romney out.x>red the Senior center Amy Scholeti aJ..ro played well, Alene AnderNn hi&hlighted the Vlkes' oll~ entire Garden Grove = u the Sea Kina• tal1ylns 11 polnta and doing a tine job on the with 11 polnu and 16 rebounda, while Sandy brened into toniaht'• 8 o' champlonahip tUllle boarda. Eat.ancla ii now 4-1, not lncludlna the Corbett led all tc0ren with 16 pointa. -aatm~~d~ up the atack for the injured ~~~~=~i;:e Eagles meet Santa Ana 1n Iowa, UCLA match up Heather Eat.ey, 1pearheaded the fut break and fl.niahed with 20 point.I. Meanwhile, Angle Dodds HutiD1&oa Beac~ SI, Ma~r Del H LOS ANGELl!'S (AP) -UCLA and Iowa, a ••• wH a force on the boards, pulllna down 15 In perhaps their best ahowlna of the aeuon, pair of unbeat.en ie.ma ranked amona the country'• rebounds to 80 with her nine pointa. the Oilers were able to abut out the ldonarcha ln the best at thi.t •l.aie of the aeuon, will 1quare -off JSUZU P'VP 4a4 SCORES IN THE BAJA 1000 The Sea Kinp led only 11-9 after one period, second quarter and roll to their third victory In five Saturday afternoon in a nationally televiaed non-_ An Iauzu P'UP 4x4 pickup driven by Henry 1 ,~.t: but forced Garden Grove into numel'OUI errors in outings. conference college basketball game at Pauley Sirnpeon and John Camacho overcame llOl'ne very ,,, , th~e~aecond~~~1t.arua~~2!and~-too~~k~a~~~~~~~28~-~l~l---~ 0.~wn~~Coo~~pe~r~had~~nin~e~o~f~h~e:!.r....!l(~am&-~::::..:hi:!!gt::h:....!:l9::.._.Llmll2.li._ ______________ -\I tough odda aa It fintahed third In clua -and COME IN FOR YOUR FREE CHRISTMAS GIFT GUIDE! RAGEN LOO K FOR THE REINDEER FOR UN ADVERTISED IN-STORE SPECIALS .,,..._. SF4RKOMATIC SPX IM SIRllS 6x9 FOUR WAY STEREO SPIAKIRSIT A ir suspension woofers with 20 oz. cobalt magnets, direct radiating midrange and dom e-horn tweeters. Handles 100 watts (RMS) of steady audio power. .... .;:~ .. ''!ii . , ~·~ Cleona, poll1hes and prot.c:ta In one eo1y atep.IAl816 16aa .• ~~ ~ IA ucs . Hatot cold. Splll proof. 16488555 ~·' .. ~-' SUPaTACHll •Solid stat• circuit •lnt•rnal dial lighting •For~. 6, 8 cylinder engines. e().8.000 RPM range •250° diol SWff P K.P7901 DILUXI TIMING LIGHT -<=h•ome, die ;OSI metal houalng ~ -Clomp-on lndue11ve pick up . ~ all elecftonlc b•eok•rlets ~ high energy and . con"lt-honal __ ec.ker-poinl 1gnlllon 3 6 67 aya!.,,,, YOU• ICP7501 CHOta IA For 12 V. botteries with automatic circuit breoker. ~ omper• capacity. IA6612 Quartz crystal mount In dash, on dosh or under dosh IWC:l·3 12~ ~ ~ DIGITAL SYSTEM ALARM •Sight/sound computerized alarm with digital keyboard control. •Featuring flashing lights, Hi low sound, ignition immobilizer and motion detector. ···~ BUDGE CLOTH CAR COVERS ~~rRb~r.~~.1.~~~.-:.1.~~~~-~ ....... 379! ~~fR~~~.~-~~ .. ~~:~::.1~~.~~~····· 449! ;~~f R~~~~-~~ . 1 . ~.·~·:.'.~~~.'-~ ..... 4 99! ~~i~~~:..~~-~-~~~~ng~~ ........ 5 99! ~~fR~~~~-~~-~: .1~~-~~~ ........ 63 9! Wrap·around style. Worm In winter, cool In summer, low qr high bock, gray or ton, #6058/6059. YOUI CHOICI .499 ! I -f "'. Automotlc ln..,..,.ittent octlOft I rom 2 lo 20 MCOllCh. Timlng Mlect« twffdl .... prKIM wlpef d.loy._ ,, ..... • 14' 1 E. Imperial 7• "71 • 2978 Yorba Linda.......,.. LeMlf11 .. • 15081 Imperial Hwy. (a1a) M7·1M1 ........... • 24'510 Allcla Pkwy. •1 .. 171 Owe 11 · 1100 N. Tustin 7'14000 ........ • 10403 ~noffo Av•. W ~H ....... • 2604 S. lrtttol St. 7"6!1411 •13021, 17th St. 9A 1 .. 1 ahead of all other import trucu -in the recent Pernod/SCORE Beja 1000 off-road race. The PUP :::.i was the only 4-wheel drive pickup enten!d in the .. ':I. popular Class 7 for compact pickups, and the only diesel-powered vehicle in the entire 135-vehicle • starting field and only the second die.el vehicle to ~ ever challenge the infamous Baja 1000 coune. The - P'UP, with a completely stock 2238cc Iauzu dieeel ellgine, finished the 935-52-mile coww over two and a half hours ahead of the fourth place finisher. Isuzu 4x4 truck.a are available at the following Orange County Isuzu dealerships: '~' '" Bauer Isuzu in Costa Mesa, Jim Marino buzu of Huntington Beach, H8.nsel Isuzu In Fullerton, t,;-.;~ "\Jt .. v Smith Isuzu in Garden Grove, Ray Fladeboe Isuzu • , .• c .• in Irvine and Renfree Isuzu in Orange. *** CARSON ... Datsun's turboc harged ~.I horsepower now comes with a manual , Mi transm.i.aston. , · i A five-speed overdrive transmission ia now available aa standard equipment on the 280ZX ' 1 .~ Turbo, and can be seen at Dot Datsun in ... le',: Huntington Beach, Costa Mesa Datsun, Quall • i. ~· Datsun in Orange, Target Datsun In Garden Grove, 7.ee Datsun in Brea, Barwick Datsun •,IJ•.· San Juan Capistrano, A n aheim Datsu n In · .:·~1 Anaheim, Sant.a An.a Datsun in Santa Ana, Dick '"' Barbour Datsun in Cypress and Newport Dataun , , in Newport Beach, Irvine Datsun in Irvine & Brea ..r,r. Datsun in Brea. :;_,•~ The 2.8-liter six-cylinder Turbo ZX: engine is ~.J~·­ rated at 180 horsepower and is capable of accelerating from 0-60 mph in only a little more "!•; •.' ... ~~ than seven seconds. The turbocharger option is available in both the 280ZX two-seat coupe and four-place 2+2 < "'' models, and aho includes special alloy whc:ela, wide radial tires, unique gauges and ZX hedging. l ~ wide radial tires, unique gauges and Turbo ZX ~ ::_ badging. - . . The three-speed automatic transznaion will continue to be offered as an option on the Turbo zx. "'•fl·"· In other new1 from Niuan U .S .A ., distributors of Nl-.an and Datgun can and truck&, .r., have Introduced a new limited warranty ~ ,. .. powertra.ln coverage up to two-yean/25,000 miles "'"' on ita 1983 vehicles. .oi --nre new Nl-.an!DatBun vehicle Powertrain Limited WaTranty covers 1elected en1ine, .,1-1 transmiasion, drivetrain, suspension and steering .,, .,. ' components for an additional 12 month.a/12,500 R miles beyond the standard 12 month/12,500 mile 3'"' New Vehicle Limited WUTallty. Niaaan hu also en hanced the limlte •<: warranty covering the sealed refrigerant portion 1 ~ of air conditioning systems to be effective tor 12 full months after vehicle in-service date regardless of mileage. Factory air conditioning syst.ema on ·~ Nissan vehicles are also available for lnsta.llition .,, .. ,:_; by Datsun dealers. :i There is no charge for these extended ~.., warranty tenm. ··g Nissan can and trucks aho carry a 36-month ., limited wammty covering body perforation from corrosion and a 5-year/50,000-mile limited warranty on the emiasion control 1ystem . ...; California vehicles equipped with dieeeJ engines have a 10-year/100,000-mile limited warranty on •.J -emimfon eyaterm. --~· Now, new1 on Datsun truck financing. A ":~: .. dramatic l.ncreaae in ita truck aales has prompted Nilaan U.S.A. to extend ita 9.9 percent annual financing rate on Datsun pickup&. Cl The nationwide program, which began (_,_ October 10, resulted in October aales jumping 58 per cent over a year earlier to a new all-time for the month of 12,066 unita. Although final November results have not been tabulated. Nt.an executive said a new record for the mon probably will be aeL Under t.erma of the program -now eX1~aec11 through Monday, January 3 -Nu.an peya the difference between the 9.9 percent rate and prevallln1 lntere1t charges. which are now running around 17 percent. "We think th.at the tremendoua IUOCMI of program demonstrates the demand for qualit 1 new trucu," said C.P. (Chuck) King, Nllaan'i · aenlor vice president/aales. "Much of th.at demand haa been limited by the high ooet of hnl'TmivtnJn .,money, but we've removed that oblltacle." King estimated th.at oonsumen can aave $1,100 to $1,800 in finance clW1feS on• 48-moo loen usiDI the 9.9 percent program. ... 11 t 0 ClAlllFllD r;42 5G78 ,. rrltlfl,J t••·1111/1· 111111, II/fl 1'" I I 1111(/ fll • 11 ICJ rf'tl/ l ' .. /llfl' I /Ulfl•lf lt'I/ •II> .1fo(iday Gift &Service Guide .-. ... -.... Arr~ & ( r..tfts ( .Henn~ OIHOI IYEllSOI -~.,..-. _,,,..._ Firewood. moatty n11r<l I ~· ~--wood. 1130 a CQ(d Sell GlllUITllS lllE (,th " pldtup, 1100.ou1 SCll ove< lnv:.oce on all if/I .. ,..,i, • r1••t1·nu 8h0pl I.I. IUH1•1L, IM. Ne\• 1111 & ldhlon llOft lfOlllUrlr" oOIJCclueiYe Silt urc.. 1kf1 t. tamoua llC1~ t>y Jenine Cardi lnvlta1ton1 C«tlnc.1 .. Call anewer ad •579. 842-4300, 24 hra. H & H Floral & Craft Sup- ply 3 loc. Orengo, Oard-89 Grove, Anaheim AS THING AAE -FIOW91' arrangement1, Siik Plant• & Treee. Hand cnilted gllta. t590 S. Cat Hwy, Lag Sch. 494-1204 Cuetom llve flowering buketa '°' Chrlatmu by Tayla 495-5970 eve loALERIE ""LI IQL l ~ !ho.,,. l1lt oac<!l•"(S ol 111.mne ArtJSt A. Crlsai. 3420 V11 Oporto, H 8 675·8157 --·· Boutique P&TWlllDI ......... llft .... Chrl1tma1 Item• -,;, ·fin your Holld•Y• with etin.tmu ~. COme Vlell U.. 4242 Campua Drive. Ste E·3 Newport 8Mdl S4M560 Mon-Fri tG-4, Sat 9:30-3'30 To place your messa9e before 1he read•ng pubhc phone Dally Pllo1 Class•loed 642·5678 Bar tending lor Hollday Partlee Pvt residents only. Tell u1 how mony you expecl Wa wlll do lhe rHt Shop, mix, Ml'· ve. clean-up, all lor 1 , ... , .. 770-~ n.,. for tht: I lornc: (;ourrm:c G1fcs ll'. 8, Audl'1 8~ Ra.ibll Sed1n1 '82 Sciroccoa MICROWAVE. N-Sharp OllllTIUI Ml\ll'llJnt:Oll'I Prl<:et do not Include In· CarouHI, probe. 1229. stalled acceuorle1, Ext Or oh09ae from Amana, llllOll Ullm Sealan11. or Fectory r• Litton, Magic Chef, Tap-All ChocolatH In one. ou1-•• •Plants ' ~es •Birds Give• different gift batea, II any pan, O'K .. le/Meoll Pale and Caviar In ••- 445 E c 11 Hwy N.B. 5-46-8740 anothef Pemape 000t-NIT P&l&IE everyday 673-0900 ALLIED LIGHTING met Soupa & Bru ed? B&lboe Charter C«p • Ca1es •Pel supplies Otter end 12124/82 222 Vlet()(la-Coeta M... Fruit, Cheeae & Wine + now 1a1c1no r-.vallona of the year. v-Reg111... '°' pr IH drawing Dec 15 wlndtwrler, boota, vaca• tk>M. morel 842-5e30. 1111 •• ....,.. .,.,. w .. tctlfl Pl.u.a, N.8 . WINDSURFING SALE Mlllral 1950. HIAy 1760 UP Sport• (714)831-4 !0l LOVE AT FIRST BITE 7132 Edinger S•nla Ana. 842-4611 6-ie.-3737 M&--8194 many more. Hand Dell· 876-1978 646-5707 Our New Year'• Eve Perty WI hAlle Southern Call-v•r•d In the Newport c·--..... d odd l b GIVE l a1n OF LIFE! A ·······1·~ . wllh Bene Mldler or Lena fornl•'• moet complete Aru. Call A.S V. P . 'FJ'A .. T~~LIDA~S' Roi Sk 6': Specl111 Holld111y Re1e11 ~:~J~yacee Llmlled . Mlectlon of llghllng II _!7).3620 --Rel 842-5449/845-7972 llOTIO PUITl1 Lge eelectlnn "' unusual specimen IUblCrlptlon er ate / •Cetenng •W&Jtr-. PACIFIC COAST compelltl\le prices .~... · size plants at Incredibly low pnce-to the SALE ~ Walters • 8anend•"(J BOX OFFICE Ferrara Aooll Co _., CHRISTMAS SPECIAL • I0'- 842·5937 "'"' '""'9 53•8826 °-roof a~-· nos .. 1 •-' Loelclng •Prlnger lorka, Hiii flllHl lor amall anlmals rretf "'-Ir> lvr "000 Dallv Piiot. otO---_.__ ~ .,.. ._.. · • ...., .. r, "ng.. ho<n bu1IOOI Porrlnglon "v " I Off Pollt• & well groomed (714) 8-42-8233 I io lidJ\ Hu~ tr~ Pedall & 01,;., goodlell hOmes & good homes for lree pets Onlv 140 75 I prol ba1tender/ser11er OAPTAll lll'I $3 I All OllH on 11oc~ incl' •v•ll lor Holldaya. par-You've had our greet Sparkle lor Chr11tmu (& Sale on uled blkea 5 & 2330 NEWPORT ILVD., C.11. a month Roedel & Surec;irlpl Uet. aandwlchea lrom our 6" year 'round). Linda'• up. 0 0 Stelle 845-t428 10 our 8'. Try our prices CIMn'g Serv. 8e9.0318 LEE'S FLOWERS ••••• ••• , pen Dally 10-5 (714J HHfrHt I Spo I. 6 nne• s .. ue lor "OUr Chrt1I· 2809A. Nwpt Blvd NB • • • • • • • • • • • • • Wltetlwtrb OrMI Tullng Homemade n our r "' ~ • MINIATURES ' >-~!! 64J•4J21 N II Ch I I Chi I Save up IO 70% PCH & FOA CHRISTMAS? mu Bouquetl 891-25459 875-570 Hl.&H llf-HIO u Y· oco • e P Warner, H B. 840·2555 ---• . ••••••••••••• o a 1 m •a I cook, e,. Why Noll FLOWERS BY MORAi OUlTll ll&.PIAOI ... .. •eaok Tr:ltJ _______ .. S2 25/lb, 3 lb min Dell-or 12131592-3l30 Come ... what -have 448 E. 17th Strwt, ChrlelmH boet parada IV< • &111&1&.l ll&mll .,... 11eted 556-3931 OHllTllU PHIAL At Mini Buur Coeta M ... 646-8144 "' other partlee. Unique I lacr• •1 5 842.a520 .. 400 w .. tmlnater NB 8 5. • k t h p ( . I 170 E 17th St, Sia. 117 KITIEN L11 Chic Plque·Nlque, KS FARMS, NWPT BCH &45-3261 Sanla'a coming -Don'1 • cua.om • c Jrt\' J Ollt '> coat11 Meu.846-3141 NII• ••o -TV/V'd i;">Ormet French catering 10 Aiding le11ona $75 1---=:---,~-=-..,.,.---ch4aM him IWP /. Lei Red 2 1 3 I 3 7 4 -3 8 8 4 0 r ~ -rwr• & part~ tra.,s. Cul rate (•"'-• $ 15/"or) ~•nnlng, The Video Station Hot ChlmnO" Sweapa 21313711-4214, Or. Pale---------Engraved glfll IUI lor• Champion Rancho Une, I eO ' ' -,. ' mten ver Tankard•. goblet•. •--------• prtc:es 76Q..e8.44 edvat\Cf'J 615·2 I 1471 Olenneyre lag 8ct1 Clean hi' way SJ*: Rta WHIRLIGIG baby cup a, plclura 8 wltde, p H I Ski ,. ....... 11~ "-1 South 49"4-005-4 551-3273 C I ke lnn1 etc Piii If UTTEll rHerve your ol dA) ~ ""-~ .._, _ __ *llUIAY •E* 801 W Baker, 01ta ramH, Y r ., , · M\4\ ... Red ~ w/ MemorlH on a Vld•< Tahoe 3 bdrm. Frpl, TV. mt> .. Studio Pi.no )(Int BOUOUE I :J J F BAL· for eYenlng & afternoon M... _et_c ________ I '"" ~ drk red Tepe. Dr•k• Vlde( Dec 26 ·Jan 2. 780-9072 cond S 1600. LOONS Delivered by parUH, allow•. Exp'd 9711-3570 i ltik ,.:'/ S)'91*n, prot...ionet enc: (,. fcs _. .. -9e2-60"43 co1tumed mHHngar1. duo oompany. 720-1349 • .. lln IF 111110 250 . ..8.~EtarnlL~· -----,.07-M'll 11 Allan Thealer Compact Bears Balloon• 760-8768 .,. ... • *'--_. ia. .. f.<)r tl1,, t.:arn1l}' Organ. aepwete epealter Alto grHI for decor•· .. • FOR LITILE PEOPLE Wllh blue 9)'M $500/bet 9'i '-1-_,., I • ..,.,, 9•2 .,,~3 tlonl ~ Let "PAUL, THE 90Y ofr. Xtre lg boned, xlnt ' Gifcs tor H er ....,.000.,. .. ~SOA.LOvA·Evu11 .. ~Wraf>&Me11svc. Ptr~onal1 1ed MAGICIAN" entertain temp. Shotc·~~orm•d.. Trees & " t825 w ldltt Or NB M S your youth gathering• Wiii hold tHI ••• atmaa. [) Hotld•y Rent-A-Car 01n Door'l 1n11alted 1725 M:,OY1•. c'M & us1c & Cereo (,it t<i during th• holld•y• S30-6M5 <:turac1on'1 Low u $39.95/Weelleod Sloger Sewing Machlnea Call Bob, 64tr2923 9YS So CO&lt Plaza, twr M. Rat .. etart et S35 Cali Cocicer Span Pupa 8 wlt1 Robina Ford 642-0010 N-Zigzag MO<lela/S95 Waterford Crystal Stem-g Peul, 980-39119 AKC, Bult, Champ' e1r.o', p & J Cox 5,.8-4425 ware. Alana Pattern Have your Chrlatmu Par· Mull<: on lhe Move: Get In E mlWlY .-... Show Quid M· ....... ...,.,.. HOLIDAY POTLUCK N 8 w . S 3 9 . O O e 11 ty on a 44 It yacht In the Groove with Mualc .... LJI llFT ~ Wiii keep '°' ~: ~= CRUIS7~~:5% •llUE'I llU •llE 5~2-3586 Newport Bay. 640-5159 for all Ooc. 731-9194 Fii 11111111&1 • Call aft1t 7 PM 751-4963 --------1 221 M11rl ne Ave, B.I -------••• •1111Fii1111(• M•-• II • Contlnen1a1 675-1572 Tia the ..._ ....., " MUSIC FOR YOUR AF-King JemH ver1lon °1 p I\ I lruf ll•t P•-Chr11tm111 A gift lor eon lo give real """d Hotlday Balloon FAIR, any atyle Plano, the New Tutamenl, er\ & . upp lt'Ci P"" ¥"' Bouqueta WOtd '°' WOtd. on 33'..\ Cropped, Fawn/blk mUk the J=;~~·SON Sacrifice, •lightly UHd ,,,, ~515, MM755 gu!ta3~'22YIOI~~· v.,o2c7•51• IOng pi.y recofdl Holl-643-2380 Lincoln/Mere 540-saao Boach Miiter S249 50; Olhlt • .,, t.h s-4..-or ...,l..,, day apeclal S29.95 w/ - -and Magic Miii $199.50 I 'The Bou' llUllJ WJ GIVE DANCE LESSONS free vinyl cue (S 15 AKC Beagle PupplH lllrhtmat ~ Scandia Do wn Shopa. 8"6·5091 • ~~I Parhu FOR CHRISTMAS value). Come ... ua 124 1169. letrltnf ,.,,.... Comfortert etc. 275e E -· ----4 Newm~• Dorothy Jo Dence Studio E Broedway CM. Mon· AKC Gldn (lelrlevere Very Friendly & Smart. Cit Hwy Cdm 1590 S lb4•t lleUll er ALSO Savell -S200 2515E.C1t . ..._ Wed 9 -12 or cell $229. .. ........ ~ .... Ou Cat Hwy LB NEW OOLLS. 8'' $tenet. Miners', Wwd & EJlll CdM 8JJ:3..20 ,_85_7_-"".'.2040______ Lhllo .. ~f!!2, S250 "'';.':J~~mWllr. e Auatrl• Boy. Jo 12" Santa Fin vty 962·1922 , .....,..,.,..., r- Laguna Beech 497.3490 111 Lady Jina Pierce'. Co1tumer. Holiday part .... O\lallty S • c . '4 O 0 Io b o. Champegne Twup.toy-mlntature LUYll llllllY CHRISTMAS -TREES WREATHS 203a Newport Blvd CM .... H41 Jon er:=:~.:= Co I ~=19-f~a \~:::: ~; Sant~u~!1!er H~~~ ~c!~~:! ~~&d~b':~ In Tl~=•YI llUIY'S PlllUI ....... •.•• New Mloroweve (AmWla).' 962-8987 Stocking Stulters NMc:ie. 760-2581 657-1358 Name, meuage, logo, 5'16-2848 .. -~~=----,,_.,.--photo on flYe<y bottH!, u eo.tdlng & grooming I . _S_pecl_•_ll_eta_ln_,,.H-olld.,,...,.---,De,,... .189 .. CeNlng Fana w/ =-~ .. WOND[RLAND w. Wrtgh1 loe Cl'Mm T-JUKE BOX Wut1ttzer 1015, 10 .... 14 ••. Cu1tom AKC OLD ENGLISH Sporunv Goods •Y ~~;~~ e w ' s 7 9 · 1!5"~ , of FUN ~ ~,:~ ~ ;•~'?:d~•,o;~:· s1~~o~. _Cella.• 9?_Mal3 SH£EPDOG PUPPIES i.----0----•1 =:.,.~-,~~ Chr G f f b90 w 191h s• CM s.c.as. 8734313. 957-0802 .,,..TVlm FOA CHRISTMAS Y0ut Complete Ski He96-Hwy. LB. u.-1113 D1~t~1t'LEA ~=RS I (\ o r ff I m 645-9023 Put mobility & lun In ~ Are you planning •move? tcnockl often ~ you S350 97~ 1478 quar1era . s.... Rent*. CHRISTMAS TREE.S Sanl• An• 557-2132 meone'• lite lhl• Chnet-Cluellied eda will point UN resull-geltlng Delly CANARIES -Singing Ball Clothing. Ski Ramp. DELIVERED trom lot tc Gag gill• for office/ maa wit'" en electrlc you In the right direction Piiot CIHtllled Ads to of Red Fealh•re lor NEWPORT SKI CO., V04Jr door. Call An-Ml~ Car Finish Gift 1971 Honda. CB 450 Less friend•. Wonderland of " 1 d h .. ~h ... the Orange Cout Chrlllmae. (red-Ora""'") 2700 w. Cout Hwy. Ad 537, 642-4300, 2· ,.,... .... t .. & Holiday than 5,000 orig mllea Fun 890 W 19th, CM 3-wtleeler. Golden Cha-to In t e nome you ,,_,.,,, .. .,-.. _ ~Call 7~ $450. 9e2-8(M3 84S-9023 r1ote. 548-2344 need 6-42-5e76 Phone 642-5678 S35. &4&-8132 631-3280 ,.,. ....... HH1t1 111 S1J1 H .. ,., 111 S1J1 H,.,,, 111 S1J1 B1•111 111 Sil• CLASSIFIED INDEX ~ ::c::: llhlf'uat• lC•"""U' & [q1,110IYWr\t ,,,.. . ,, -Mm ;;~-;;;;i·········i·oo2 "t;;;;;;i·········i·;o1 ~;;;;i·········i·ooi . .•................... 1#•11.J IOIZ 1111 ,,,,,, !'.'.~!!!.~'.'. !.'.'!....... '!.~~!!! .{'.'. !.'.'.'· •• • • . • ~'.~!!! -~·!. !.'.'! ...... . . . .. .......... ..... ... c,.,,,, I ooz GIHlll I ooz S.Hlll I ooz Doc> ftHtO\Olol f\.•Nl..rf' c ... ., .. ~ 11 ... .. ........... (.,.o.4'tt. , ...... .,. l-'ttt.tocrt Mw~Wft MltNll•N010 M'a1<t:H•ftif'OU.\ • •Mf'd 1~ Mtt.uu' •~uwnwnlt ,. ()fht'<t ~,.,,. .. t!qwtp 100'1 ~. := c=~~~c:~ ICDo Span .... <"""'11> :: Slw-• lll:n\•w.t.,·1t 8Ar '* ~1:tio .. ,, .... ~~" ,.., 1004 ,.,. ... 11151 oan , .. 1011 ,.,. ·-... ·-·-1100 BOATS & MAllNE EOUlrMEllT c...., ... , .. h .... ,,. ~,_"''" ~ M•r•MfQll,li;p ......,,...., ...... lllf<'ll(~.,, .. , _,...,, ..... ~ ..... '*''' ............... &o.u ~ur11r THNSPOITA TION '" "'""''" UOL f•"'P'f'' ~If H.f'~I t~ Df'ttlnc l·•n ::: ==:."~" .. ,._ .. ,. JW MO&« ..... _. ~If fh"I 111(. 1'rtitn-\ f,.ul :: !::~'C~~'!"~., .. = AUTOMOBILE %Illa %Illa -... l:W -"" '-'"""'·' Ant1qwe1 t:ln au·t llf't'tHh~ \'fhtfi.O •-""• ... ,. "'"'' t'tlr'...,.i Oru~• Tnwh v-AtAo lA•••lll z. Al&QIWaA\M AUTOS, IMPOITED OOlO ~ •.........•......•..... •••...••.....••..•••.. ····•················· ·•··············•••••· ··········•······•·•·• ...........•.........• . ...•••.•••••.....•... -I!)<) lllllt -.. .. """ •n ocm LIDO ISLE llOIES Prmw Lido Nord bay front 5 bdnn. 5' 2 bath Lge L R . air l'\lnd 2 boat slips $ 1.500.0oO Yllta WNa ..... UIE UIUlll PENTHOUSE. 2 bdrm, 2 ftlJ Harbor View HomH. '!.,. '!' ... --be Large deck, vlewl lfllllll priced 1000'• of doltWw _.. Aak~ 1275.000 with In CorOll• del Mw. ~ below the competition at 31' Living rm w/hl~ft $30, dn, ueume l at. park, 3 Bdrm, 3 bath, $209,000. Seller la reedy ceollng. O'looklng t • -llOll EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY OWner wtt1 c:eny. YfKY tastetul, edult• with '°' on.ra f0t we eupert> ti.eutrM 11111 fatrw•). I Rcmod<·led 3 bdrm, 2 bath + largl' rt'<' nn, C8lt owner ~10 '""'room 1345,000. 3 er 2 Ba Monaco. WOll't Lg• mHter eull• on beam ce1hngs, furnished, patws. $420,000 Compwe befof'9 you buy. UNIVlJt t1VMl:S £~!ir nowl 646-7.71 ~~.';: :;~r.,s~~i::-~ wau LCMlty one bedroom and den condo. Pl••••nt vl9w. Pool and ape. S.. curlty gate. 1104,000 loen at f0~%. ~ wlll c:eny eecond tru91 deed. 1148,000. 11111 -di ----,.Mhhf'• letlfft : All rMI .. tale ec!Yertl..O In thl1 new1paper I• eubJect to th• Federal Fair HOUllng Aci of 11168 PElllSUU llOllE ~~~ makea 11 -r. ~~Aealt~~ors~e~7Moob~~~~,,~~!!al!i!!ij=-!!:!~·!-!;j :W~~ae.m11 . o.te Oc·('an & Jelly views Manne room, 4 l>dnn, 3 -_ _ -~~ _.._ beth 3?00 sq.ft. Sl.385,000 Oc-eanfmnt 111-7111 ----' which mek• It Illegal to advertlH "any prefer- ence, llmll•llon or dllcrl- mlnatlon b...o on race • color, rellglon. ••• or nallonal origin, or any Intention to make any auc:ti preference. llmlte- tlon °' dlecrlmlnatlon." Liii& iSLE l&YFROIT Laypon view from 6 bdrm, 5 bath. plnymom, dark nn. den Boat slip Now $!J()(l.OOO llYSIDf PUCE Spet l.JC"ulac bayfront d plx 2 br 2 ba up. 2 br, 2 ba ctn 2 boat spoces Reduced $1.~00.000 F&IRl&llS R&ICll New 4 hr, 4 1-'l ba. custom French Normandy F.slJltc I 2 pnme acre hilltop $1.250,000 Thi• ~ will not knowingly accept any edver1l1lng tor reel M - tete whlctt II In Yloletlon of the l.w. COROl&DG OHS iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ Coronado Island cusl b9yfront lot 85' boat 1111111 Advertla ers should check their ads dally end report errors ·1m- m e d I ate I y. The DAIL y PILOT as- sumes llablllty for the flr$1 Incorrect Insertion only. ...... ,., ""' ....................... i..J "''" •••••••••••••••••••••• ¥!~~ ••....... !.~f &Ulllllll llllT In fOteclolUre. Lovely 2 etcwy holnl With 009tom "' lntjrlar and ouetom WOOd lhuttwe. lncluclee lluge eundeok whloft Ollel'look• tha pet'k end • lluge ou11om built ape. (Wiit 11CC1ommod1te the dock Plans avail Now $370,000 w/tcrms. BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR )JI Boy\•<l<· D•·v• 1, 8 b 'S 610' IF YOU LOVE THE BEACH! ROMANTIC OCEAN VIEW, Capo Beach condo w /3 .Bdnns, ~uUfuJ dbr, 2 fplcs, privacy & duck pond. $167.500. LAGUNA BEACH cbt.i.ge, nr beach wtt.h aeller finandna tl~0.000. Aak for Carol Blalack 497-3331. UllO IW. EITATI whole perty). 2 flr•· p6eoee. one In t,,. family • llUIAY IPllllLI ...... IDHD .. HIT ULI room end one In Ill• HUNTlNO'roN a&AC'Jf: •iot,900. I atory, 4 Br. 3 "*'llW8)' muter IUlte. Ba. La Queti., ueume •M.800. '1411,900 .incl• ~C11 atory 3 Br, IM Ba, pool, 1}18. lldcM>n·tunlly room. wiitt;m =~~ALLEY. llU,750, 2 story, 4 Br. 2~ ·-==-=-=-=-=-=·=-=~Ba. t-nt. IJl8. amwne llUOO ~5.000, 4·pi(11, i pftme ...... 2°" down 1107.900, 2 ltory, 3 Br. 2 ... ~hou.. LOOK For our new regular ..-iy teetUf'9 lllT lllW- 1111 lv•ry latu= In Ill• Plot c ,.. OARDSN OROVE: flH,900 ouatom, 2 1t.or1 townhoueie, 2 Br. 2 Ba, loft. alr cone!., frplc, p11vai. •·dumb waiter, otntral Yll:.'Uum ci.ner IAU. '"''" u. a... n•1•1 .. 1n M:SIOfHTIAl Af At fS TATE SERVtCf:S 111111 YIN -1111,001 OutatandiJ\I "Monaco" on fee land. Juat remodeled with over $25,000 In upgrades. Features 3 BR'S, spectacular country kitchen, c•thedral celUngs & a pool afzed yard. A great buy! IN NEWPORT CENTER 644-9060 •WAmPlllT lllE I ILIP* SenHtlonal executive home featuring 4 Br, enormous Uvtna & dlnlng room, 2 fire(>llca & room for 55' boal! Ooly f069,000. FEE wtt.h uaumable finandna. Call 769-1501 Of 7&2~7373. llll,000 . •HYEI tlllll• Spaclou1 execullve hotnt featurtnc 4 br & 3 ~ be, pool & a vlew of the backbay & Ar.thony'1 Pterl Thil fine residence la located In a v•ry dulrout area & priced for Immediate Nle. Low ln~l'fft ..,urnable flnancf.na available. Call 769-1501 or 7&2-7373. IN.~ n:uau Ltr-KMI XLNT LOCATION WITH Ti\ YI .OH CO. EXISTING DUPLEX. lli&H• Wiii DRIVE BY 2001 l<Jnga Rd end call for detalle. • Pll'f .. Ownet'8 wtll ... thlll ..... Elloellnt Nllllpoft 8eec:tl for be6ow meric« prtce. location. S bdrm•. 2~ Almoat lot valo• for 1 bethl. new carpet. w• fabuloua loc1t1on with to beec:h. 8ecurtty gate. unquHttonable VU. YOU OWN YouR SUP. Ownere will help ftnenoe '300.000. Mio for._ in~ -x, L.oc:eted In at 11000 mo. °' 't200 an .,.. of lllgllef pf1cld wlttl 811p. CHANGE. OR? 11 EIUPI TO SNOW SUMMIT Now 11 the tlmel Located at the toot of the llftl In 819 Bear -3 bdrm1 2 beth, eecurfty g.ted, Nr· nfllted oondo with pool & -.. You mn aid to the front doorl S186,000 Celt Jeff 8el1utelt. UMHO PETE BARRETI ··· REALTY ~s~:.:.~~V:-. r.-------... - Wi\TIHIHON1 l ~~:~~T~E Lido eatty ~~~~~~~ fl.JI 1400 673-7300 .... hJm 1#1 ~~~~~~~~~ ..................... . LrnUllUll IEllOEI Tl SEW Large 4 Br home w/ family room, covered patio, 2 ""~ & pn.. vat• ep41I ldMI fOf the ecttve tamtly. A gr .. t value II 11311,800-Cett nowt Me-7171 THE REAL ESTATE RS COLDWeu. BANM.eR ~l lmlL -FM IMMEDIATE Nie at MH.000. By owner. Low ---dn ... buy_..,.1\111)' l.OWMI priced unit• In ,..,-.odelld S br hOme & Corona dll Mtrt High ~ • •1. . a u • • t • P " llbUfty l~tlon on the 12 ·127~ Abalone. OOMr1 .,_of P.C ... ~ •M>-44~~2~4.~~~~ • few bloca1 from the :;; beeeh. £xcettent rental cw., "'1 llM Ila hletory. 12~~ llnenctng. • ••••••••••••••••••••• 1229,000. • -···-17141671-4400 l9lD ..... UIJI Ul-llJI , lrnmecu4at• a bdrm, 2 HA" R batll own«'• unll 1nd ~ 1 Wlmf911 .. bolll with lofted Me"6 Clllllngl, ,,. end • very PfN•te pool, Looeled on OM Of Coton. del Mat'I DmtlMt .. ,....,. • t>lk• \o Uttt9 Corene 8Mdl. ....,.11 ''W 11 I' 11 I! 1 ,\ •\' ,'1111 1 :1 ·I '1 1 .. d .. 011 <JUHi CJAll v PILOJ l frW•r. .. , .•••• 1.•.•1.l1J1 ....... l/Mttl/l.1111 ....... l'Mttt.~bh ....... '1flt.MMAW!r ..... llnft.""1#1MC .. '1Mff,fp/'11h1M., '1.flfl.flhllll>M .. =·~J'/11.'A .. ~Jitd, ~ ftttMM<lllt •• JMI tmn ........... Jiffl~ ........... Jl.ff -. ,._ ""'.llftt ...... IMf lmtt ........... IMf lnmnllltA .. IMI I 'A.J!;.ft ~.~ ._ ... ~ .. A-..-... ... iiii ·: UHIQVI. ~ ~ r:' I 1 • m=-· . . """" ..... Ifft, !Ml i= ... I .. , l:"'m ,, .... I ..... ·-:·-· • m~1.mn ...... ,,, mn.mn ...... "m' . : r .. ~7,.,.: •NO DOWN PAvtarNT * ..,. . l: :i.' •·• ~ ...., ~· .. , • ., .~it•,:!',.. :.,.'.: .. ·:~:~l o;~i• =~e,.r\,..~::O~ "'~~L·~~·J... 'it1i'~l!'o~r': ":·· •r•i•m•tr IHwlew IRK. t ". llllW *"' •ti et Int UIOl lftO I W"""-• .... Ht ,._.,. r. .. fl l dt' A ,.,,,, 1 Ir OOHtlfteflf •hit. "-'::,~, M111WJ t»41IO, l·ll'M wf. U1IOOO rto-OIM o.. of 10,000, 11191,1114 14M1to •· ,..., t.W. ~w• flOO II· 110 , 1!flnter malltlu onl~ , .... ., ,_a " vld 0..,.., lrvtne·Collcgc Park, 4 Bdr, Ul 71 1= I 161ett111 11101"'0 N•• 11r,i11,1 1111 ... , "'° ~11 •,,!!!! _ MOO. 1Ja..tto0. ~1 .-NoPllf• ....,. .. • • • -... f Lr rd 2 rod U 7t7 ...... IM MW dr1pee, t o., 1111• lJnh 1'1111 I • .... le. I Hwpt 01•1, I bt I N , A41I ...... "'* 641•47 NIW 1 IORM CONDO , -• roo • 8 ya • COV pa OI, W llllltf .... 0101e lo l!wt Otrk, Clel CIW, ,,to If , I 'f' ltplo, dbll g11. t ennl1, UH/mo 2 1 1 1'4 11 ~ upettn oondo, ... .,. lot IJulet 01~ comm. pool.a. mthJy pay.men\ of .... ---lndd ..... fl41 144·7HO, pool'"' 711·120t A,11,..,, uppet unll, •II bll·lnt, .. H /mo VIUllM o.11· CdM IOffllOt• lulff I • 13 7 7 c 11 D B r .. mfW...... .. m o.ni. It. .... .. ,.. b •'--'•'-' oaroott lndrv '"' .,.,. .... t"*1, dtil gar, pool. pool' Jae. 2 t>Clr, '" • • Q on or ~"' or Lagun1 Nlouel liouM. JIL ...._ Ml·1MI H., Of VllW Homu ••• "";-:;r.:n:m....... oon ' . ..,. beUI front "°'*' 1 bdf • I ' h 1 ... n • 144 900 "•nollo C"111f acr•• • _.... .... new. lmmeo. ~ be9UOtul 4 Ir ,or1otlno, JaJM lalAatl "" y 527 w Wlleon eee w t.,h 046-2739 den blcll hOUH. 811t CXC us ve I ow...... • • . I 0 r H. we 11 p, 0: *' Ir. r.nllM. nr a.c uoat1d•d deuo •d 11400/mo, lnctudll ........... ":Jr.'T......... T1L .... Ml 1MI ,.,Pa..WOOO APTI oflw. 7I0-1.o4 4M-7078 "aH. I A. Pool, tpe, ~ :n W=~· 2 'Y1hlnCI· -.....eeio. l&YJlllT • , Ir w/01110 011111 (Cell ...,..ti TIWI I OlllTIY IULTlll WA.HT i Ir 2 la~ 011.1::~2~0. w/d hk· m'aintenance ir.': ~· bee .. 4 od. Newport Litt .. Ille. p191', 3 1tory D.iru 2 Bdrm, bit In. S3Hlmo. 310 c Monte C.u ... JltM 111-1100 Long IMd, Ot' Or cn.Y up. • L•k• pool• tennli . C1e11 Condo. 2'4 ba.1 d•IUH lrg. 28r, lrplo, dlWhr, bbq, j11Cuu1 on v~1 81 ••••••s••••••••••••"'::: W"' I •-Tr·.._~1l1 u111• 11000' /tno 9'75 3t72 plrtlal OGMn vu ll'Mnl·1 11800 mo. e71-30e7 b 11 w vu I 4 0 6 mo --------• .,._ "' pey rnc)(I tor -· -· , -. • U• lt50 Cell o3&et1 126-61'7 !/tide 1 Br, t 11, lrpl, ma,... 1ood '""''· Jennifer peld, No I RlnOI & ~ 070.-111N • • • BAYFRONT pe11o It()( rm l!Mlncl f80 •••wa ...... , encllfl 7200 Adami It, reler. hi. plut HO. WOOOBRIDOE· 4 8 3 W11t1ld1 2 Br. 1tov1 & Quiet No p•t1. 1•05 -R--.... ·~ ~ llfl CM. 642-'"4 '386/mo 489-1017 81 3 car gw ·quill~.. I .. 11111/.. llMM4. ,..._.... reftiae, newly decorat.s. 045.7234 · =':.t~";,!-= Plllll Ill.I ••• •::.:: llY••••,••••••• IHI htt 2 81. endldd Olf'r,,3cet-de -• • c . V r I Y I • • .... lllW _, 'urnl1Md or unlurn, 2 ~ rc:•· ~~I~. 'f :~• 2 Bt. 2 Bl TwnhM nr SC enclOMd gerden room, VwNtlll Wll llept femlly w•• II IN e,•tt, r1p11. W. 11200/mo. All am.nit.... ....,.lful rentll Horntl. mo1. minimum re ntal. 64~2 PllU. a.c g•t• poo1 off th• ma1ter iulle. home, 5 Bdrm, 3 bllh, LINDA ISL!, YMffy. 6 llf .•••• !!••••••••••••••• 15~~1!," 03~!a/e •" Appl ooly 581-0lllf; . 17S-7711· 780-13t7 l!xoe l loc. 1 1500/mo. 1550/mo. 1131--0.. ' Compl1111y remodeled ~rm and tormel din-M400. 076"-06M . WANTED • Plelc. wHI PIK· · SuPlf 3 br, 2 bl, lrplc, °""'* 644-9513 2 Br. 1 Bl. Eutllde ':f;; thruout wlih m•ny up-Ing rm. Oonv1nlenl to II .... Pl!llllt chaae tor CMh, '-than Eat-Ide, 2 bd, 1 be Du-p1tlo, hUQ41 tamlly rm 3 Bf & din, 2 bl, lrplc, dbl Yeerly _ 2 Bdrm 1 b• P•1• nHr IChoolt. 0 Lrg 2 Bd. 8-nl ~ grldll for thl di.criml· POOi. Plftl and~ Seller 11 n~ S:oC:ge. 5 Y'9 old, IOcat.S In CM. p1ex et.'d gar, Pr1v yrd. 1596/mo. 780-0307 gar. new c1pt, w1111 10 fir~ 2 Ctll '*-Ing r.:11· No w1terb•d•. Iott ol wood thruout1 n1tlnQ buyer. A•klng In lrvln•. Owner 11 N9wpor'I ~ll 3 bdnn Nwpl BH oh or CdM 1485. No Pell. 208 Woodb Id 1 nd bHoh. Comm. pool & MOO/mo. 97a-9797 · 50/mo 031.e165 11rv ber. 1480. 225G $190,000. For 1n 1p-d .. perlllll Only 1145, onty, PM only, Wrtte 10 Slnto Tornee 642~ 1_ .. ~2 bdr• 2'!: t1nnl1. No pelt. 1925 E.tlde lrn t Br , hu'I M1p11. 0 73-8803 or Polntment 10 '" call 000. Cell NOW 9n.6370 charrn11 wit · ~nty 01 CtWlflld Ad #aaa, ""'"" """"""''-· rm, ...., 873-2t64 •-•&..... • 548-7350 • c:uft> ~oh~ no Piiot. PO Box 1 ;&o~ Eat-edl,3bd, 1 bl+Frnty llrepl1c1, double ger · ~ walk-In oloMI. ~· W D --------- 640-lllS1 r.-... JMd JHI peyment until Fib . Pfto. Coeta Mela C.. 02e29 Rm. Lrge o.tectlld Gar Large prtvet• y111d.1.at11, la• Cl•Mlf 111 ltaJu.U 1111 hoolcup, clell'I 215/mo. ~lat UJI :;'I(.-;::............... eel '250.000. 8'oker ,,,..__ '-"""I,_.,: prl-. • i-. WI..., 8009M. $825. No rn)I, tennll prlvt190... •••••••••••• •••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••• • Ho pell. 8uz.an 831..0213 •••••••••••••••••••••• ~HERITAGE .•• HE.Al.TORS IM.D 2 Bdrm Ndl lldl dMcled by double Cir glrlQI. ConcrlM drive, private pelloa. lt27,700. . .,....,..,."'· Ml-171t Reduced $8000. Muat Mii lmmect. All new 2 81. 2 Bl. ouatom houM, r.nc--ed, deck, more. l13t, 900 terma. By appl. PP. 138 Walnut 81. 764-1648 °' 642-0765 Reduced by owner 1109, 000, llmll. 48', lmrnlc, OUltomlnd lhruout. Encl grdn rm, pvt apa, dick, 2 petiol, uttl rm, more. By appt. PP. 754-t641 111.1mA1111 It our trl-level 4 bdrm. Near Pw1t end So. ~ PllH. Mod•I quallly. Atlllng 1229.500. Bkr. 843--0709 2 8' No .-Id °""'* wtl4 •7,. ....... ......., ..,... """'· ,... • ",... P I 2 1 2 L 1111 a HIM lldl ocean view 3 br 2 Bt. 2 Ba.. yrty. Mitunt. * *** • • v ..--come of property. • •. • n • e 5 o mo. A tt • r v . , non emllr• no peu seoo 2 Br 1 Ba. 11t nr. Pillo. ElloepUon.i 2 Br 2 a.. tin. '225,000. 442 ~ .. •y IT •••• ••• 042·e3ee 973-0409 convert den & meld • + .._., 2·t3/ 7~1915 crpt dr•r•• 110,,1 a • ter1y Of 494-0154 No '"-- -qu1r11r1 $2000/mo ......, · • D w' , 7' "'1 only tot the dllc:tll'Nnal-polntl. Thlt "Clllbllncl"mod--lal.Z. E.lldllrgqulet38r281. T11rtl1rock 3 br. 2 be 213/44i-2828 · 267-9792 or (7 14) I " mo Ing. 1050/mo. Agent 11 1n Hart>or Ridge 11 1 •••••••••••••••••••••• lrpl, D/W. lndry, gw, no home, 1trlum, lovely 073--3986 55&-9650 710 Shlllmar, 7141'~ .... llft IUIT hOcM worthy of lk>Qlrt ...... hnJd" pet• 1795. 8TS-3e00 Tt'rd, 2 ;.!r 1,•;oofntly ~!!.~•••••··'··•• Blyfront, priv beach. 1600 _A_·--------1 A 2 bdrm oontemporaty w/4 Bdrme and thl aura •••••••••••••••••••••• EASTSIDE. 3 bdrm, 1 bl. um .. ,. ... mo 2 Br, 2 B•. vecanl, kid• eq ft. 2 BR. 2 bl. Flr• lY&IL .. •ulUf,.• clllalc nlltlld In ltt own of d!Y lightl. 1520,000. llJM lllld 1J# 2 cer ger. Larg1 yard. S5l-3033 OK Sic. gile. Keith pllCI, -s· $1100. Cou· Luge 1 Br. r•frlge. ltMj "41 private 50 )'Mr old fo-644-7b20 •••••••••••••••••••••• Chlldren and pell OK W0008RIOOE Detached 9e2""471 oea-9853 pie or le. range, l1undry, pool, •••••••••••••••••••••• ~~_ct.I.::.,~ u. IUL llT&ll ~=~ ~:~ 220 £. 24th PL. $790. 28', ~. A/C, No pell. SHARP 3 ~. 1'4 Ba. cov 8 3-2102 c., p 0 r I. N 0 p." Nr 8dl, lg 3 bdrm, 2'.-i bl 1n th!~-~· $3-48,000. Ing room, IN rm, den, 3'14 754-4508 SOOO/mo. 561-2340 patio, 2 0., gar. bltln 2 Br 1 B1. Prlv1te 1un· ~:.2~9~31 W lith ~·c~:Ri.'g~~j~·,:' .-...lll .. '91oU.aTI... ... CJ•atf Jnf Bl, 2 lrlo, 2 tundeckl, & 11t•ld1 2 Br. houM on HOMES FOR RENT elect renge, & moret Mck, N-por1 Beach • W/D hook up. Fanced ...................... bo1t dock. 1 1500/mo privet• ttrlll, $550/mo. Irvin• 3 & • Bdrm. L•••• or 11111 opt block to beech & b1y, •MESA VERDE 2 Br. 1 o dener ··.II the w«d IOt' thll ...,.,.../ .... Ml winter r111. $3,000/mo lnqulre1t324211t.St.or 1726-1 750. Fenced 1850/mo Incl w11er & quiet qu1llty neighbor-Be. N-ly decor. 1-495. l:5o~cJ'~1 · condo In an adult prtvatti Ptlme OCHn vi-con-y11rty. 202 S Blyfront. call 536-7979 d & Kid & --"-~ "70 hood on Bilbo• Penln No .-,, 833-8974. community. ClubhouH doe. 1tep1 to land,~ 013-7979 or 013-8508. · Yet 1 garegee. 1 g .......... AQt 957"" 1 -,...... 2 bdrm, 1'4 bl. Nr bch. Bit lor rllldenll & ,..-. i. i~-.._., 2 .... 2 M-Verdi home tor en pell ..icorne. fi'45-2000. lt--.8 -'-' eul• Point, lumlthed or Lovely 2 Br twnh11 on ..------.. .,. · •~t no fee --•.-uu .. I unlum 834-1679 Int, cpt•. drepe1, encl luet 1 lhort walk eway. 2 IQ fl· frplc' elev• 2 bdrm, turn or unfurn. lertllnlng 4 Br gerden ._...' • · · · E.tlde, nu C(Jllt/drepee, 150 bdrm1, lge llv. rm'J._!x· IOt', Submit An-; oft... • 1900 yrly, 1750 winter. rm, dick.' epe, 2 palloa, Ll•UI J.Mi JUI U.JuaJ1t.• '411 Penn Point: 1 Br, view, lrplc. pello & lrg 1un-get .. Cal~·636--0921 ~tlonal kltctlen . .-ro5, Kent Aaatty .a2-4e63 875-9M7 1 mm a c . I 1 2 oo I mo . ••'••••••••••••••••••• ;/;•;•; .. c~·;;:·pj;;~· • u n d •c k . 1 n d r y . dec61, oar. $525/mo. 111. • --------- 000. ~· __ ..._, __ ,__ '"' 1t--fl •--''e' 764-1648 EBM1E.RAlrpLIDc,BbArYlck3pB1r1.102' Sherp 3Br l'.-i ba, pooi $49!1/mo. yrly 1175-0963, 1111 & dep. No peta 1 WIPlfll &ITI ..-..-r "'",_,..,_ ... -•, 2 bd 2 bl---"' """" end jacuul, 2 01r g1r, 850-7999. Avail Jan 15 ~20 I A LOVELY PLACE ...... "'..::!i'...a.. • ••••••••••••••••••••• E··,a··,d···3···b···,··b....... rm. ...... ... o. ,,........, with •P•· S1000/mo. TO LIVE ............ ....--. Trade equtty In home for • r, 1, ger, jec. 15715 mo. Nr. s. Cit 075-30e7 petlo I025/mo. Kid• & C.,.u ltl lbr 111Z .,...... = motorhome and patdenlt. S760. 351 E. Pia.I Ann 831-5273 · pet•<*. 556-e147 ...................... 1.•&J1Ui-~Robilo~ •Homey/Pvt 1 & 2 8< firm. 3 Bt, 1'.-i BA. MagnollL 548-1128. 2 Br ltplc wood bHm 2 &. din. 21>-._:r:. d/w, mn Tl MUI -~tfield ::~~b:!utlfulty ••• c-......_ 22 x 30' pool In W11t-'-•• t.Mj Jl41 0111'1ng1 'E 1ld• very mbowave, tr comp, ~,.,.,, hnhllH Laroe 3 &. 3 81· many APUTllEITI 11nd1c1p1d •urround-,,__c. -· mlntter. Bal 187,000. ::"I'.':::' ............... cozy no p· ... 's595 1paclou1 wood dlCkl. • ................. 1m1nlll••· $1100. Cell Beeutllul garden aptt I •.1290/mo everything. Attr8Ctlwl 2 8t cottege nr 031--0921 · · tao• ocean/cyn vlew1. II.JM Ootothy 07)-7975 P1U09/dec:k1 Sp1, heat ~ F,_ & ............... 1714)494-1177 E1tlm1tld v1lu11128, beedl. P1tlo. 1500/mo. 11150/mo.•~70 ltala.U ,101 plld.Nopete ·-·-_...,..... • .., 000. ~ MIUmabll no Some utll pd. 494-0C>n UAll.oEotnYE 2 Br den 2 1>-, fr-pie d/w ••••••••••••••••• ••••• a.an 3 bdrm, 2 bl dplx, 2 Bdrm. 2 ea_ 1585 • Out.I etN ta.. ••• ,..,, Ill quel. PY'v perty898-56n. • •---&. " II ~ 3 bdrm 3 I>-. •o.M tr.eh Oo,np' Smalt 1 BR apl, MW crpl, p1t10. ger. xtr81. S960. 398 w. wn.on 631-6683 •No pell; lum av1lll -::r.-::: ••• -,........... ......., -· .,J d I s' c , . drpt. 1-425. No peu. 119 Heliotrope (11~!·1111 LOVELY 3 8t 2y, Ba. Prof •••~••••••••••••••• con o •o. o o. II 191clou1 wood d1ck1. 075-5068 Open. 972.9406 Ell-Ide, 2 bd. 1 bl Ou-aOel C<. HB d View n t Ir Otlt« IHI llUlf Reep. party preterr.S. 1 Plaza. Pool, IPI. lenn4a 110• ocHn/cyn vlew1. _________ 1--------- y:C'rrpl VA r co':' 11! •••••••••••••••••••••• Br 2 Ba dollhou11 , ct, etc. P11t11lly turn II $1000/mo. •94-4570 2 Br, 1 Ba. furn. no QW THE SHORES-BEACH m·5~~d011;-~::v le'e Btwn :.--a.::lmflf *Ull * .,;,,,*· ~ dn. 1130. llMlH .... $550/mo. pool, 191. pvt d11lred '850 mo. di 3 Br. VW w/ lv8cy walk Yewty I050 mo pi\11 dep. AREA Slnto Tomu. 042-6368 --------- , _....... 000 . 495-9139 or '•"" 11• bNctl. Loi• Miiier, egt 154 5-0010, n . wllnd to prlv1t1~Hch no utllpd.Nopell SllPllO ffiEERENT WHl'All ...-•-657 .... &/\. ••••••••••••••••• .. •••• 073-7644 5'0-6284 Ir""'· bl _ bMcfl. 076-6088. Come & -our newly 2 Bd, 1 B1, ger, pool 2 Brand new large Condo. ..__, ln1 .. 1itf Plft pell, Glf909. ..,...., t dec:or•led models. 1 & 2 Chlld OK No pell. Spic. 1 & br, lovely 031-5055 042-2000 •--._.---.... ---r--1 20x~ /~ ch LIDO IS LE . 3 bdrm, 2 bl, New 3br 3bl bl-M twnhm, lnl. 11t +lee. S960/mo. BAY FRONTAGE, bMct\, Bdrm epU.. S550 & I095 $550/mo 1399 A Blket pln11 & llrHml, NC Ew ..... UI..... W'UI ... .c 2 BR ~ Bl. ~lot. tamrm. SHOO mo. Biii pvt Yfd, Ind unit. 2blll1 •~1017 pier, prt(Q, 2br, S800 lbr Pool & tennla. call Karin 841--0783 e•IM, entry by phone, ---11111111 12-1 llQht i:.iter1or1 Thie .. ttie ONndy, Ritt. 01Mt01 s c p I. z I s a 5 0 ' North Laguna , bdrm , H OO. Utll pd. 303 E 644-2011 ·--3-Br-.-$4-715-.-,-• .-i-Ba-~ :oir-: :,:': ~:!· = Cozy 2 Bdrm bungalow LlnkH Poln11 4 Bdr. ee.t 8Yy In Town 851-9\)0C) I>-. g11. 2 b1t1a to bNCh. Edglwalw. "871"2aee Greet 2 bdrm, 2 bl upa-$4 1n1t•ll, 2 tree mot. wGoodlth r~-~~~-n.d~ f1mlly, den. A ti H I 540-6837, agt. • ..... Ull/flnld" OPEN THUR & FRI 12-4 Av ell Im med. 1050 . STUOlO APl tllre apt with nreplece, Pool2, NBro, ....,~15!J,._8:5u 8'6-Mtl -"-..,., ,.. w/236K In ...,.-n. nnan.•------..;;....--•••••••••••••••••••••• 4Br 2'481 Condo, nr 653-8497, 851-1346 'Al bite to bay. ....-""' bargeln 1100.ooo. II 12.5%. Call Ru1ty ........... ..,,,, '"' Bacl<BayHIQhSchl2448 1350/moyrty 752-57,0 ~:::a=· Avail Jal'. 2Br.281.Condo-SC ....... &LI 045-1915 Agt.. 831-128e e.autlful Lancer hOml. •••••••••••••••••••• .. M.,....1111 Wsy S7SO mo. Oc11n 11l1w 3 br 1p1c. . . Pl1z1. av a ll Jan 1 20X40 ~ 2 BR 1 3 8t 2 Ba S800 +die>. 1""3i-3S4I IXIC. home, 19t$. 1422 c.tn• ltJ #tr 111J 720-1041 wimd1 '550/ 751-3191 Lt!! 2 & 3 BR lownhoule .... 111111 lovely• BR. 11rn rm, 2'.-i be. lwlmmlng a tennll. Xlnt llna~~e'l OPrn HOUSE R[AlTY / ba. u0M 1ntlt10ri,. Thli II 2 81, FP, 811 Pen S800 TetrlCI Wsy. 640-e029 •••••••••••••••••••••• Aft 0 wkde ___ mo_. ____ --1 eptt, encl g11r, frl*l. ,.._ th• bHI buy In town 1Br,b9ytrontl680 New 2 8f,2 81,dblgw,lll MONARCH BAY-3Br Bllutllul euneet. decore-1 Br 1 Be, relr1y .. S575/mo. 2 Br. 2 Bl. ~~·~~.~5- 132,500. 540-6837 ~ 2 .8:.:::.lml~!:nooo E"f111 dp1u•' ~· "'NOo/ ~o'· 281. pvt bdl 11200 mo' ~~51' u r '!.7: P,..~F r PI. I025/mo. Baytront. it. townporthou11,..:.. .~~IC.!.•''!>~ --· Sl" · Incl wt / d ' 111 J ..... mo v .rvv..... 1111 I 100 dep. Sindy car , ........ r; '"'• .,, 2 bdrm, 1'.-i bl twnhH • ...,, .... J 1 Bedroom Moblll home ..., lllllmlf 567-2991 or 656-5784. o4 r G'• IV an It--, 844--0129 blt-lnl, lmlil pet Ok. 1416 + 1375 def>. Nr.- •u'att•HH ......... In COiia Miii. '8000. 15· 89-""°"'• .... 114 TSL Mgmt 042-Hl03 Blach nlvd 1t McF1d liiililiililiiiiiililiililililililillllif 646-23n after 3pm. t7M171 EISld• 3 br, 1 ba, far. La.. •• .aJ. 'IH •••••••••••••••••••••• C..I• .,,. RU or ett 5, 642-8221 .. -..,.,. pw•• . ~r~. 1760. 35 E. ;;J'.-::e............... OW IE Ill •••••••••••••••••••••• ~dOutet,:__.~.eC: You own the lllnd. 2.000 .... / G~ROEN OROVE. 3 Br Magnoffa. 548-1120. 2 bdrm condo. A/C, end 2 ALL UTILITIES PAID 2 bdrm, 1 ba. comp. ,... pr •no..-- eq ft. l8r flm rm 2\41 Liii i«"" 1• 2~ Bl lulWfY Condo. 2 .... Ytnlt Yll8 car gar Full upgred91 ...,.,......,. .. ,... dee. P•llo. Gar. Large 2 Bdrm, 1 ba, 1450, Be._..~·,_ •• .... ······~·u•••••••=.:• ;;'L.F: ~~'19· 2 er. COndo, 1 e.. LA9M MOO mO. 551-0255 att 8 Compere bet ore you ~-..._.. unlt.15215 mo. 561~130 111lla1t & d•p. 779• = F• l*ow ltWtl.c ' •-UH/mo. Avell now. llbda n.u 1111 rent. CUltom dlaiOt' '--AP&aiWll 2 81'. t'AI Ba. email com-~. Pti '46-4680 ._ .. _,_ "!!'.% i•-..__ ~· .~ ,. ..... ,... op.-,. WtDlllll -•Im 831-12ee. • .......... -;-&......... lllf• Pool,~ cov~ BN~I~ l~1ea& •ped p1ex. M 75/mo. No peg. 1445, 2 Br 2 Ba. poof. ·-l'I --_,, _,, .......... -San a.m.nte pr1de of -·-HOMES FOR RENT garage. '"""·--...... oar-· -.......... Spa. 548 4508 ~. lddl OK. NO Pit*-.............. ...... ownerelOp, modern CdM 3bd :;;z., MOO 3 • •Ii:.,: l.f., 2 Ml••lon VleJo $ & , pluth l1ndec1plng. No Pauo./dldtl. No p«1. 04&-eW. ~7..,. ~ ~ ~~ N9wpor'I Hllclhtl otdlr 2 ~ ICY'I 4 w11t 1Pt-= = ~ l960 ::'J.";~· ark• se::::i 8drm. 172M 160· "-" ref\. Fum.. 15111 h~tngUllrd ~ ~ ~ 1ar'! ~ 1'"'9.11r a 2 • rwMo. tiu1t~ 11200 ...... ,.,. er. 1 e.. dbl e11 gmnoe, io.. wttti-"'* & • mo • 1.:. act ywdl a germoea. IOd9 ..... w ...,.,___ •• 2 1,.71 y .._ .... 1 ,.___, No Ovef. ,..,_,,, ne-50 1t 117 Rt lot. golf cour.. vt.w. Ctoee ,.., Slw'l 4bd l960 ' vv 6 p 11 • w 1 1 come. _,., .. _,.,.,... • • .._ .fr-pie, peuu "'~ -..--l~~·r~~l•1::le~l~~ll:n 1155,000 to 1wery1ht"Jio:l7' 3 ~:' byfn :1g: Pr1ml E.lldl locatlon. 3 & 545-2000. Agent, no fee. llWNIT YU..Ull Bldlelor'I 1395 VY-. ·Jrsi:; pool _,,._,_. __ 21_711 ___ _ avall. Wiii trede. Su• 48~:-: ~w = :d & ~ Beytrt oondo 2bd 1~250 1 ~'Ii 81 ~ 1e25imo. •!r.!f t.Mi ,., Bwrtlt\JI l.And.:aped 1 Bdrm ~ ~1 · 01~9 WTl8I ft.US 881-6568 •---------• _..,.._, 3'-:~2 ...-. Hbf Vu Hme 4bd 11595 .J>A-1•1~ lltze, egt ••• ••••••••••••••••• o ... wet• peld. Pllloe. 131 E. 18th. 64&-6816 B Townho1n_,. k>r ren1 . .._..... ~ ~ 2 ___,., .......... ...... ...., .cvv ... ~ ......_.. .... 2 ._ 2'" ... ........ ,_.,... I • E. Miii Verd• 2 d/,rg•. .........._ ............ ~ 3 ... 2' ... . =-,__,,...., ._ ...., & ~ "'-....,. H SPYQ1a1e 4bd $1e60 ......_ -"'• " ... .,......, ,_......., llUftl. en-1v1 18th. 642--0856 _._no.,.. •• ...,.,. _ ..,_,,,. ,_..,,_, ""· "' U Bf. , Ba. d car gllr8gl. -·7 1 ...,... LJdo-2bd den l t860 condo, !Oft-type den w/ nll courta, voll1yb1ll •--. ,....._....,., -Ba. 1700/mo. Cell Sally 1141 60xl17 Rtlot. 1pplcabl1&r1nllh• BlyfrtudoPll SHOO w1tb1r.lrplc,op1n court•. rec room Jr.t 38drm2BI S04l5 2649L.amon.979-4383. 71 4 /847-3857 Of •••••••••••••••••••••• 1156,000 :=,: ::;'.."':::' tor 811 Covel 2bd l2000 ,,..11./.a r~•,_ J"4 blamed <*llng.a, many &. tumllhed $430. t51 E. 2111. 543-2408 El1__,. loc., Pf1ot entry, rn 11'1&48-3725. No down -no quallfytng. 3 48t Santi Ana Aw n m & SAVE ~ Bllyllde CW 2bd l2200 •••••••••••~'-•••••• 1xtr11. 1805/mo . Call 5157.0075 & ,..., door, quiet, nokH 2 Bt, 1 Ba. Very pf'lv upe- 8' twnfw'I\. ~.Ilk• 646-6041 lft 0 1:ou11nd1 of doller1I WATERFRONT HOMES I025, loll9ly 3 br & din, ~7452 or 84t-2&80. 111, 211. Ill. $235 pd uttl. 1131-5478 t1lr1 unl1. 3 Biiii from ::~·.~1~-::!~n~~ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil REDUCED Ntllng price 111·1• b11utltul yerd, xln1 Spac. 3 br, 2'.4 bl very •u"-IN Newly decor. 011 pd, Lerg• 1 bdrm ept. Oc11n , encl gar Shared 1ppr1ol1llon IDllD of '325.000 11 WllY BE-nelght>om~.nCha7'1drlr'I dNrl twnhM, pool, jog-.... ) ,TfO encl ger. dwihr. pool, $400/mo Quang $560/mo. ~ 6$6-1436 111111. Wiii trede. Sue ..,... LOW curr1n1 r1pl1c•-"1M bMM 1111 W96oome......... C?· etc. S800/mo ~ ...................... bbq. no pete. 642-5073. 957·2740 aflw 530 "'oeo-.8488 891-656e ••• rnent COltlll Prln~p•I• •••••••••••••••••••••• Why throw tlnl 1w1y? 1440 '" HllllYE m .._ 2 BR 2 Bl, 1-475. ·---------4 CLOSE TO SHOPS. 2 &. •--'-1 1~,. BIO CANYON CUSTOM, ONL VIII Cell owner at 3 BR, 2 Ba. f'p, ,_ pnt, Rent to own 3 Br lwnhm BAYfRONT Beaulllul & part! 11111 with No p111. 780-1• 1a 'Or 2 Br. trplc, wood be1m 1 Bl Launcl '9c N bctl.. UYlll ..., on ....... couree. 20% dn. (714) .-, gar. 11000/mo. yrty. no down, no qualltytng. ,.,.__,pool. 842-71528 eve/wtmd•. c1lllng1, E.1ld1, very • · r •••••••••••••••••••••• ""'' ._.,.-0111 d::.. ...-$120042300 ....aotla.bre •Sft.....,.,_ • cory, no pell. S595. No si-11. $460/mo, 1st BEST OF TURTLEROCK Vac1nt. thow anytime. ..& ,..,_., _,, 044-__.5, -,...,._d __ _. .___ .,_...,... ,.pte Lrg 4/plex 2 Br. 1B1, 031~21 only+ die>. IMIO-e972 SWllOino IUflllt & loht agt 11095000 113-eOn p1ym1nt1. Share ep--.. ._.. *Ptlvlte Pellol d1hwr. W/tlde. Av1ll llaht VlaY n 8 ITS-nOt (,, 78o-1397 ,__, IJ -!l .. pr1cl1llon ev1ll. Wiii FUFINISHED or untur-•eov..d Patttlng 1 2 I 1 1 . S 4 9 O I m 0 2 bdrm, t'4 bl. ftreplaoe, CONDO 2 br, 1Y. ba. quiet ~ 0-:::9;.3 ~ ......... :..... •••••• 2 81, newly r~eted, trade. Sue 891-5550 nllhld, 2 moe. minimum •Dining AIM 045-e625 dlthwuher, prlv1t1 pe-end unit. Pool, r.c room. w111n rm.;.,.,,, 000 Merthl --SAN CLEMENT£ -10 unit. goo1 dn to1onrd.R 11ono11mo1 • HOM ES FOR RENT rental. Excel 1001Uon. •WINI In Cloeet1 tlo, 91r. No pet1. 1640 tennt1 court•.= · -· · 111-0c .. nfront t1me1hare. W • · S 1 5 o o I mo . own• r •Home tikl KltcheN WIU.AOI WtMS mo 5-43-5478. 834 H•· IUmllhed, fvllY 8hark1nl, Coldwell One of the beet priced ~ & coal1•1 coinmt. 2 13·790-9000 dy1 or Fountel~ Valley 3 & 4 044-8613 1 blk to Huntington mlhon 1875. Ar11 & lut mo. Bani(• 156 -2000 homea In ~ at lion IP9fOWll. 50% joint 79CH302 ~. :rm~:=..~ Hllbor V... ...___ 3 bd Center. traneport1tlon & Mlnut::~:n !:"t-cti. ,.,,t plue clMtllng dlpc>- ........ -•TUI --500 9 .. __._. 3 Br v1ntut1, 11,250,000/ a.11.....-• ,....,,_, • --. LUXURY 2 BR. 2"'• Ealtlldl luxury In I pilw Ill. "2-43e1 .... -2B:hom. '/.;;;.-; & 1150,000 dn. 8 111 _,_ :.t•11 wel com e . 2 1>-,lovetyhoml,oomm .. -,ira.na Jiii """ lor11t. Lerg1 1 bdrm.---------Townhornl, 2 bf. 2 ba. F t w rm ODO ~ JJl7 2000. Aoent, no fee. p o o I, g 1rd1n1 r . Mll1>tl pullmln I~ retng, dllhWllher. BBQ. Studio ept, V«'t pnm1 1---.,-.r11..,, ~ ~ep1He.,.,-t'<I ... ,. -dn Owner 492_1120 ...................... HOMES FOR RENT 1 12 O O f m o . Av 1 Ir t Bdrm t"rom 1515 DleoitllOI ~ Gae fnduded "35 mo loottton. 2 bltl trot'IJ .s. Uk• new cond. 1 10. b .. m oelllnge, lotl of · · 1 yr old condo, Balboa 1/16-83. 848 8848 Townhll unlum ~ wlw carpeta 131-e141 · · beech, utll Incl. 1325 ooo dn, euurne loaM. ltalMd gl ... & llaltan PoettM call now w/1111 PenlnllN. 3 er. 2 Ba. 111 Huntington 8eactl 2 & 3 from le50 Welk In ao..ta ~. 536-1435 8kr coop. 56t~ tJla. Cell few~ esipt. thelter Income. E.Jtc:.11. emen!Uel, dla6gner O. Bdrm. l0604725. Fane-E11tblufl Condo. 4 br LA QUINTA HERMOSA ~ petlOI DELUXE APTS: 28r 1696. FDILllS FAMILY llME Expended l<entlngton In the D11n1 Hom11. • bdrm, $ be. bey wln- dowa. 2 "'epleoel.. Thie hom• II IXC~~ decorated and act. A muet ... before deciding on enythlng ..... 1298.900. - 831-7370 « 540-0312 llnanc*'G on 1 tr1plO nee coratld, mo1t conve-ad Yatdl & Q1'111GM. ~ 2'AI>-. 135 Ar'Ngo(No 8). 18211 P11111ide Ln, 1 b4k Gourmet kltcMr'I 4 BR 1796, lfler 8pm cell .._.property locet.d 1n ntent loeltlon, 1 block & l • t • w •I c 0 m • · S 9 7 15 • 7 e 0 -9 3 0 7 w. of Beech, 3 blll1 S. Carport w/lt0t'91J1 840 9056 1 Pf1rM So. C1lf. loce-frorn 11nd. Cell Broker 64 2000. Aoent. no fee 213/541....., of Edlnger .... 8'7-5441 Spe.. outdoor 880 llW llED llTI tkln. e.n do. tNI ,... e7M912 or 87~97 •uiu.tM e-rtlt\JI home 3 er 2 Ba. * S350/mo. up Bach _ 1 Laundry Att~ t 8r 1 Beet. U05,~00. St•;..~:lo C... .i lbr ,m ,..,i 1Uf 2 e11 garege, pool, 191. & 2 Br. unturn & furn. S650/mo ~ lor. Encl gar, trplc, pool 8rtght W19I. 54 •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• Wl'fY pt1¥ate, 1 YMf .... pool. epa. t89112 FlondL lllTUT • & epa. Gal pd No peg. 2 br, 1 bl, ti.in OllUnQ, 2 bdrm, 2 bl. den, POOi. aa. l t360/mo. A'l'll Jan 042-283o4, 642-.3'72 2 Br. 1'.4 Be twnhH . '385/up. 645-4411. 393 U. -.11r1 ~·· 1tov1, reftlg. nr Mell, Cul-de-he, 11t. 714mCMXM7 Blllltln•. leund rm. Hamilton II.... Two cSwttng 11ouM1 on • YllY nlc». l800 l150 638-7864 NEWPORT CREST llPPIPll llTI c.rportlger, yard/bale. 1--------1 There 11 • 81nt1. No A2 lot In Newport mo. tcl6-3MO, ewa 2 bdrm, 1 ba. "95 Ind Aoent llM 2 epec:lal oon-1 & 2 BR .• pool, •P•. Smell Pet OK. F/p . • ...... ,._. p1ym1nt1 until '•b. Helgtlt9 • cMrm l or-t LAROE CdM l\ome, 2 u11. 4 bike to be9d\. No do I : 2 & 3 Br I . 880~· no1~~ltum.•tltl..,.a. seoo-1826/mo. BacMlor, 1 I ·2-INflipte Mow In kw awtltmM. 5 rn.i. 1111.aoo. ~erry ·&try. a cer 0.,, ao..n pett. LO'lllef unit In du--11000111200. 046-0295 " -2541 Orllllgl Aw. evall. Pod,• Indy nn . bdrm In clMa Newport ..... eu 8400. •I•.. , 0, I• a I e . p61Jt. 21~141 I-· ... Ir 1 and~. HB 2636, 2314 Santa Ana No pets. lmmed Oocuo TR,\DITIO\,\I. RL\l T' '·: Rf~LH . llVING ' . . *"''"' "'" • P(IOt & flee R- • I & 2 BA Plloo Apts • li110tnl~ • °""" llSlllt1 ' 1181h • Jo0 10 lludl & SllopS r I Na.'290,000. 11350/mo. 851-8110 2 STRY 3 81 2 81.0utM ..,.... ..... Btwn~ter/Wamer Celltorappt BadlelorM10 l*r '76-e334 ~ 1to-3e60 ~. St. Very nl.'ce encl yd. 5 !t'· 5~ Ba. meln twty. off Beech TSL MQrnl. 942-1803 1 Bdrm "450 WAU< TO BEACH. 8ldl & Npt Ht1 by own., R1, tir'Y 8PYOLA88 HILL 5 BR 1760/mo. Agt. 53$-1435 50 lllp. '4400 on yr,.._ ..__ .. j 1141 wun.aD ftLUll :..S~1::!. 1 Br. 816~ & t1frlg1, 2 br hOuM + MParlt a..tt., ~ home, 3 bl, Of ~ ... e76-066t ::"I'.':::'............... 2 It 1V111 Pod TSL Mgmt 754-0C>e t IOml utllll S>tl6d. S375tup. 11~ ~ °' fam6----..... &...--LIDO ISLE .. 8 3 •-Luxury llUdlo. ,.._HBO. IPI• . '.._ 1-;:-::-::;:-=:::-::-::::~:-;::;-;1_::5.1::H:::~::03:::.:.;7·:....·_ '~--~artere. 125,000 &11111' .. b;; rm, s~s~ s:~ ~ :;:C·~.':.; 11400. 222 V.. '(>.._;:; ~~.:tc~~· apa, ~ ~~ petL Im-'Btend = =~f Jr exec. t br twnhome, 1 176rJ:!C.Prtnl..onty. 11..... •1M •Cl ft . 1v1ll. J an utriu. 1•12oo.tmo. 075-71el 2Br.1525. ~5764 • • POOl.Nrbeeclh.Nopeta. 642-Utt I06/23t.2048 AMUIM OVfll t300K In l2300/mo &44-5043 "4-0221 BAYFRONT • Bel Penln, .__, JHd #ff 955 W. 19th St. llrookhuret I Ad1m1 . ......,. 1-m 1-n1 of ... 1111 -•• II.YI _,..._ .... ........ •••~••••••••••••••••• T8L Mgmt 046-11122 Spec. up1tre ttudlo nr I 4 3 6 . 5 5 7 -t 7 1 8 • .... " -j;o'; 12%. ~ R2 ~ -II m U.-p.t'i '.'°'i 2"g 00,n: OCEANFRONT ou 2-4 81. occ, rerr1g. gar. 1350 .213/547-1901 4, Bdnn, 2'4ba. 2 ltcwy -fff lend. Projected Large 4 bdm, din, 2'4 Vu of ooeen: 2 Bf, 1'Ai 875-7873 8y week or month. 8fiaolou1 2 Br. 1~ Be. ino. Aft. 2. 546-7214. 2 Br. 1 Ba. l.tplt.n ept. Pllllrmo mdt. Elloelllnt 1ummer/wlnter grow be, lwtng room. dining 81, guard gate, pool/ 8~7173 .:;:n=~'l'::o!/. •u-::s-wew pe6d. 1 c:Nld ok, no flnan~nl. FH Lend . 9 ro11. 1151< 0111 room.2 oer~ uuna /g~m . UOO. Npt Cr11t 4 Br. plu1 tr. bit-Ina. 1686/mo. Siem ~t400/mo.Aoent.no Fer Id ICtion t'\o.1u a ,....,. "'--·--MM078 Bier ..... ...., "'9 2t31333 3841. 880-7313 .vait ,,_, 10. ........ . ..,.1_1 .... 4. .......,,....17 ft ft ...,.", •"""'· ....,..,._, · 11900 Monti\ to month M0-1201 agent ~ ....,... .... '"' •••••••••••••••••••••• .....,..,, Cal a JoM •• .::-rt. ~=....__ ,,.,. .. ... ,., ...... lmmedltle Po ... W.!!,t'~..'~r!n~. ~ & .._s ~'~OM -S3te--: -1-8'-. -rwMg--. _Pl_"°_· ·------biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii: ·-.. ·.. _,._ ···-················· ~. '-',,.:::.:-" .. == ... """"" ,,.. .. ·-..... --w· no P•t•. 1du1t1 pref Kenne unkport? _, ----"' ... , .... no11-=-~ . -~t$. 731-0 11th St 873-77171 n43v Plot ...... •II'... _.,.._..,., BIG CANYON: 3 bdrm · Isn't that the horse that won 11•7 MTI um& 11,......1111 p1ym1nt1. &hared •P· Mona oo Townhome 1 8dnn. 1 bl. pool,*"'" If\ UIOnD FOi ~Ad Fentuttc ocean 1 &ft.a --·-~ ,ireclatlon ev111. Wiit OW91ioC*lng i.t• a ,..,_ dry1 1dult1. no pett.1 The Triple Crown In '72? ,.,.,WUI\ Cell• ~ ~. c.11'1 Pf1Ce n;-r..~ •••••• f~ trade. Sul att-a&ee w~ot-11Y ctlwmlng U•5, U3-7HO or ~f'V"'\~ ~·2 5678 Dtllly Plot 11ea.ooo. (714ITT2·'281 8d ~and 2 8d l)u.. N!W CARPETS. DAAPE.8 .. mo. ...., .. , I 1...:,...-. "'~l "-"~~ -:J V't • AO.-~Oft WAU<8' & LO flE.. -' PAINT 3 er. 2 ... trpt. rAST8Lu-· v11·-Ora 2 Ir. 1 81. upt)lr In trl-1 ~~~~~~~t;::::::;;::;t4~2;-417~1==1 133 E. 21tt 81. CM 2 aw gar, otN peUo, lluae -~ 3,. bdnn: RJIHISHED c*x. er'°'9d '1ll'llDI No -; ~... Ma-1103 No pell yd. ,iete Ok. 18041 2~ bl. C•nyon view, Of pel1. 2278 Pomon1,1 ':.':' S<C'\l~'' -/)£he.• -htl IM 1 • PllY I..., Warren (!dlnglf/Bol .. ,... a""""' ltOOO mo. UNFUINISllED "76/mo. Nt-2115 ------.., J'!~ ~ ~ ;;J ... ·~~··••-•••••••••H ~ yerd, No peta. Utll ~.1l:~':..:. 1:!! All UTIUTllS I Ir wig er, up1111re. pd. Q40/mo. tit peu1 N?-0701 ..,.. IAVINE, Aenoho l en PAID, HtAlJ'H $41etrno. No ,..._ "9fa •~': ,t':r'-"' !'! 1 • 0 • 1 4 1 \4t w . Jotquln. Lo11ely Ian • ct• .. s _.._.5 r.,q'd. w ~ --111t1.418-11t7 3 Ir 2 11, frplo, 1850. Joc411nl'ltn.21rldeft. .,. • ·~· 64Wtl1 ..., "'-..., ...., _.. l'oof, ~ Jee. l<etth View• to park. ••II• & SWI~ '*' I R A If S c It f • oondo kw ....., 21' 112-4471, -...a3 footl\1111. ,, .. ,.. p1lnt, fMC:A moftl Sony, ~ :'Sc t I I' I I I 11, 1160 •·'·· tennt1, a bdrm 2.,. oondO "PO. ~=-"°°mo. "° pcta.. ~ :_ r'~ Jf.mt . -. . . -. ~ ':;,~~ fWf10: Comm~ MOO :=:. ...0:1 CIPtft dlly 9 to 6. I I 7'»46at mo. 141·1101, •fl 4. O kw--,,. ~ D U ff I lit s' 631-10l2 8 .vu I I I It 10 s-""' 1 \t Br. ou•1•. yatd. w .. 1011n. exc.11. cond.., 1 Ir 1 la. "" ...--...,, Utllrno. We1t1ld1 lnlat ~lf4 fOllOOI n11tby, • Ir Ganla .............. ' • f 23 Acrw 1ou~ra . .._.ell. ................. :-.... 11100 Incl.\:~ 'I. ~~~ =.-.,_0;t::c;_ drep11. I i o • ' , I r' + 20 llddltlooa• ~ ... mru poof .w.. ''° ....,... 8eld/k '""'~ I r I I ~ •lw1~ ..-mt II I ...,.. I~ 1 k :: !.'!. • '*'"',,., .... .,,tno at .... ._ ND nlM IM. t •. 1 ... ~. ~ -•""·it,_-~• .... ieat1m0. t7t-75M -'° 114'1 -Hd, .... ~l•tefr Cat 16111) rm, *'-Of IOI CIOUtM -------wto. _,.,, 11 •-IM•..,.... r...... 1 er."' ... ~ fel\oecl, a Ckl ( ~age, MS.UM tram ,,. :"'°· I, r:,r...:..~ J;!r,r...:. .. ....,......,s.; • •·1• . a __ ..,.... .-.0/fnO, l?OOI .. ~ ,........... To,._,_.,_.... lllCIM!t ..... ._ '6Z·IUS ~· Qx=MW171 ' , .,._ _____ "' ~ --·- l 'I 00 IT NOWI .......... Vow Delly Hot ~Dlrec1ety ....,. ...... ,...,. Mt .... ll, 11t. IJI I ~~ •••••• 91JttpJ~f!itf1r11 ••••• lirr~ •••••.••••••• ~............ • •.••.••••••••• ~~ •••••••• f f!!!ftr ••••••••••••••• ~ •••••••••••••. ...,, .. ,AJ~,,...... • .• ""°' CAalHST MAKIA ~··~--lLmT"9CIAN OUAUTY WUDINO ..... uuNO' CUAN-Uf't ~ ---· No ...... to ·~1 --· n:-.-:-M:..m nm 11 Yf9 PP Cuetom-blt w~. wor11. Lio. ""' ~ .. ue. "I aldlf<IQ lrt tCI.... CALL IUCHAllO Ml 11 llfun1 c.11 .... 4. T=21.,, 9114). ·~~,=~~ ,::=::·':&:U. turn1ture. Uo'd. •111061 ..._.,.,.Ha m10.0.10 ..._.~ _...,. , ~ ,.. en. act1oot. n1-e121. •~ I ,..... ..,,. A.lllgM1C 111.... ~ ........,.7 Ken lklttce« 83t-1481 &.-Ill ftlt Tat' QUAU'TY WOM flon. Nat~ HAUL. MOVI °" "--lHla. HO • 7t0-1W 1----"----- M11lne WOOdwork, Int a mmn•••••••••••••• AT A2AL MTU ~*' L--6 MMOVI. I'm 1,.,,.. rnTifu=ii';r .......... l ·'"IO~. • .... ~ ,,_ ......_ ,.. + .. , ~'I TIU ''-'d t--.t ..... 7-4421 u ~ A.A ••1H•••u•w WIU. " ""v•~ :t."n.r.;tt••••••••••• •••••:::•"'•-:1•••••••••• .. o. ct1m cie.,.neta,,... ...., ' ,,_...., •••••••••••••••••••• Cell Norm, ~6418 HOUantT_,..., Oulc*. C.-... lenltoe. UITOM wood patio .. LOW AATU .. mode I k 11 . Wet I y !111*1 Ill MS4W lllf.810/00MM'LllNO NIGHT ITAA IKY ·~ & __ ....._ • ~7 ... .,.,,1 We do peolllng 11112-0410 oowrt. redwood dec;lta & Tr• lrlm/r9n1ov, ~ 8411--4518 ao Do -. on YfNf celling. l!uotly -· .... --.......... ,,1 --upe mowtnG 554-7017 C~IU ~ yn, r"L Ol#rl peln1ed In color• that •••••• •••••••••••••• ITAAVINO CC>U.fOI tenoee . .._,..)' --vv<M' ' ' c--tn .. r.:r ................. Uo. 27'°41 ....... ," alOw In !tie detlc H., D <:::> la-1111 "9Clr9d ClcM I= I ITUOENTI MOVING •1--.m-1.. ,.,_,_ ~1~y;;;i:: etitld c.,., ""I home, 1\111 t..i..JW1. ~'" do other ac>ec:l•lty ,.~...., lleet av ... !,<51~ co. Uc:. T124-4H !m;-;~r.c.-.-........... ·;:::-A ............ . Oec:k~ P•llo• tencea "' pt/tlnle. Nwpt 8hoNe •••••••~Im.•••••••• Jobe • eteot .. plvmblnG. eleGtronlo tgn ~-. lneured. 841-6'27 EO'I PLA8TEAING Mo9t 1111~, K-14 ,,,.. .9t. Steve '1&2·846e .,..._ Refl. &41-1114 F~~~c:_!!e•. ~.,!!I painting, etc. &e1-287f .... 11 __ •-.-j~ Prof. OCMJpte to 11o1.1ee Ill WATCH US GROWi NM1 ~-lntlm. Dey/eve A t12/tw ,. ...... ,...,_,.,, ._... ..,_ ~ wtn._ monlN NIS Ae11uoc:oe. 145--1259 Mr. Morgen 641-11171 EXPER. c•rpenter doe• Chlldc:are In l0\19 ' totef •bl• coat. 842·8128, L,.,,__. •••••••••••••••••••••• .,,.,. 213/47t-14i8 '"""-p• '"'""""'" P'"TCHING .,~ '-'-·'-•dd'n• remod dec:ka ecc.c>I.,_, FT/PT, my t42·2141 ~::::"•••••••••••• Wll oare IOf rOUf emW. •••••ttF•••••••••••••• ..,..., .. " .. ...,...... ~~. $1(yt1Qhii ' ' CM home. 14H1et Painting · Cerpentry 1ety _,., wtll6e you WOl1I .. PillTm AHtuc:coa. Int/ext 30 •••••••••••••••• ••••• •{ 0.:,' & ~ ,,,.. ""-'M ..a.I.. OlramfC Tiie. Uc'd 6 or v•catlon, my C.M. b~lchard Sinor. Lie. yn. NMt. Peul 546-29n WEF!,~~~S •· • a..1-4&e2 C.tzMfaft~ "--al u·::-. ••••••••••••••••• Bonded ....... , .. _ home MM158 2 1,, ,.,,, .._,...;..________ ...... ,,,__ Doo,. lnatalled, every· ~r~:-v--.: CUSTOM REFINISHING HOME ~AE·REPAIA, .......... ,_ looel -~-"" ........ , ~%~.~= ~:.::-.. ~= ~~~~~~~~~! thing In bldg f. repelr. H From A 10 Z we do" Ill. FUrn. & Kit. Cet>lnet• pelnt yard FrM haul •••••••=::I'•••••••• Thri you, 831-4410 Blodl wallt ~921---------!'~ ~· ••per. Alfa Jerry 714-e7&-M31 Ito •2&111 STEVE 8JS-2M3 F,.. ~-74·1_.348 . A081N'8 CLEA.NINO Totlll t,.. eerv, llndec:ape, .....:~···P·~~~··•Lo•••• 8-4413 ........ _ •*-rhl, fltlrl•'-***WINO D'"MAGE? 8ervlce. • thofoughly hendymen, cement. in. wo':.~r"~A.!,f!,~ inv 11••"-16.&a • -~ "'" ............ yt, •" t 1!. ... t •-~... .,..,. ... • ....... ...._..•••••••••••• "' cteen ttouae. ~7 2" ••• .... 1... 7•• ._....... ••............,••••••••••••• , ... ..,.. Aepelr9 Seelcoa Ing. ~r.. _,."',.... ••••••••• •• •••••••• tllll Aepefrs/Remod. No Job aonry. " yra . ..........,.. .. ext. Acool1tc: oelllnge UC. Hllr U ~ Ml-1121 That alt QOnt.r OB who a&S Alpl\tt 831_.1"Uc: ••• •••••••••••••••••• Supplylln1ta11/Aepelr too arnell. Fut~. HOUSECLEANING: Good ..,,,,.,,.,, .' 388780. F,.. ee1llnetee. perf0<m work OYer' t200 _________ ,Shampoo f. •tMm c:lean. Lo• Hlectlon + herd-Topped/!'9mOWCI. CIMn Fr• Mt. Keith ~72 reta. Tranepottatlon. Ex· ••••••••••!!.......... Oevte Painting 647-6'32 40 oel w~ter •226 tnc:ludtno labor and .. ,. ..,,,,.,,_,., Color brlghteneta, wM ware. Bob 6'&.2923.,. up, lewn '9nOV. 751-3478 per'd. 97M158. St•rr Property 8ervlCM. • ... ....._ P-'-•......., •-~••• materlala muat b• II· ., '/ c:rpt1 • 10 min. bi.aotl. bp'd In ell home rlll)elr9. ---·-"' -::-r. oenMd u fkleneed .... Hiil, ltvldln. rma S 15; •"V DOOR INSTALUAEPAIA •••111111 W111'11 ReM. No Job too &man. Houaec:t.anlng. relllb~. Malntenanc:• HfVIC:• Spec ,., .. t75 pr day •••••• ••••••••••••••• tr--~ .... IO ~ •••••••••••••••••••••• room $150 oouc:h Sto· Look• ln•t•ll•d Free ref, Own 1,..,.. ...... ~.·'~~'•·,.!':,!:llng . p1ua in.ten.ta. 87'"6370 Hu~~ typea. -·-· ......... ·-Flbe rol• bo•t repair· cnr 15. Ouar. ellm pei Mtlma•. 8111 Ma-1139 Mowtnoaweep~nedglr1o. Fr•'•'lk••~t : ::-" 850-30tt 9'111 VOL.ANDA Ml-o406 .,...m .... ,., '-'""'' ,_..,_,...,-de(:b In their adWttlelnO Con-Vemllh, paint a malnt. odor °'Pl reptlif 15 yra -·"-c:rete Remodellng, etc. LowHt ratHI Prompt, UC. #411802. 648-8734 trectOB Ind conaumerl, '"'4, ,..., 611-8787 art •:fa." Do work m"••ll. a.-.11 mat9a. 131 •••':':'::II•••••••••••••• llllW flLllTT R••• ratea. 845-7157 ne1t profeHlonala. 16 -,. .... , oontect Mary Grondte at 6pm. . """ "123 ' ;";'/'.':::':............... Ha.a-........ Clw\I~ SerWie. ~ AM onty. 546-4471 PM yn eiq>. 1136-7149. ....,. _... (714)558--.c>M wtttl 1nY .,.,,..,.., DRYWALL TAPING _._ --DUMP JOBS Don't ,...-oof. ~ ·.. qu .. tlona. Contractor'• 181"-' All Tmurea & Acoutttc: e:tf.-5035 & Small Moving Jobe ttneea 1 next to Godlt· 11.a--ULPrl PlllTm frectlon of ... 867-2890 State Ucerwe eo.rd, 28 •••••••••••••••••••••• Nos~~~~-~!'-"'Fpoo Fr• .... ~ •ILA.......... "-"MIKE .,,.1'""1 neee. 842-8809 =='•••••••••••••• L .... le ............ ---------• Civic: Cen1er Pia·•. CUSTOM HOME BLOR 1 .. ,. .,.__. .. t. ut .,.,.,........,. ~Yd Clnuoe .,_ ,..._ ... BAICKWOAK Small joti. ow ••••· . ..........,.., ROOFING REPAIRS ~ neec1e IMAU.EA JOBS dry. F,.. Mt. 839-1582 llfltrluJ T,.. trtm/~t HAULING-ORAOING H=~~ Newport, Coeta MeN,. MOBILE HOMES Smell Jobe OK. Free Room 890, Senta Ana, beCWlen tiouMe. RMI we care Crpt Cleaner• EL·ecYRiciAN.··,;;j;;d lmgaUOn Jim 651-0121 demottuon, c tHn-up. Brenda 982•2eeo 1rv1ne. Refl. 175-3115 30 Y'9 eiq>. Free-~ ... 1m.1 ... ca11 Tom or _c=A=t2=1=0=1=. ===== comm. Dan 537--0342. Steam clean a uphot right, frM fftlmate on Garderltng..lndeqle malnt. Oonorete & ,,.. r«noval. Cuetom Bride-Stone 971.()124, ew 831-Chuc*, 542..e392. - You don't need a gun to Truck mount unit llfna or emell......,. tree wort! commllnduet, Quid!~. '42·7838 BACHl!LOA'8 HOUSE Bkldl-Conc:nll.Stucco 1, ,_,_ lttf Ulb 1.,llrH "draw faat" when you Work guat. 84&-3718 Uc"."°3tee21. '87:i-o35e Chuck Nowtln 6'2·2173 HAULINO -atudent wllge CLEANING. RELIABLE. Rtifa. Fr• Mt. 549-9492 .~'3.":'A••••••••••••• lnex,_,...._... 151-7118 . ptaoe en ad In the o.lly truck, um• to retee. KAREN 640-2818 Farthing Interior o..1an ..-.·-·-• Piiot Watt! Adel Cell now Went Ad Help? H•ve aomethlng to Mll'I WANT ACTION? Think you 7H· 1978 Find what&:...: In QaMlfted Ada, your HANGING/STRIPPING / 642-5e78. 642-5878 CIMalfled •do tt .... Cleeetted Ma 142-6878 Jotvl Delly Piiot 9top lhopplno center. VM-MC 8ciott CM&-8326 Went M ~ tor 1our ••111-tood . refrigerator DOLLAR DAY DOU~H SAVERS Sell your no-longer needed Items for cuh. If It doesn't sell, we'll run It another 3 daya FREE. One Item INES Get GREEN caeh lor WHITE elephant• wtth a Cluelned Ad Cell 642-6878 OLLARS • per ad, must be priced. Sorry, no real estate or commercial ads. Call today for full detalls. · (~. Edre """11.00) 3 3DAYS Cl;ASSIFIEDS642-5678 A,ul•••I• U•l.nJ1iH .•..•.••......•....••• lnbw 1144 •.••••••.............. Walnut Sq. Condo, 2 8' 2 Ba. den, gar, AIC. patio, t700.860-883t PARK H • l)ORT APAClT ~'."NTS ,,.,.... •.....•..............• ~~ •••••••• !!!! WESTMINSTER A8BEY AHTIOUf MAU 11751 Weetmlnlt« Ave. GARDEN GROVE ~103 CONNHL '..:HfVllOll T ' . . .. ~~i_z~ I WllTll ~oer.'200 8'2-0100 .... 1221 ~L...eng Tll 11111'91 1111 ... llft lllMlt A HANDFUL OF 1982 MODELS REMAIN AT 8Ul8TANTIAL SAV• INGSI * '78 3201; auto., 11Un roof. (7008) * '79 320!; 4 ipd., IUftJ roof. (9321) * '79 5281; auto, aun roof. (046.?CF). * '79 7331: auto. k>flded. (73&ZFH). * '80 ~20l~JljjlO.~ aw __ _. roof. (40M) ua.1111 208 W. 11t. Santa Ane aoa.cs~ a• llMGM ming , 10r' CARVER,· IOJ.SiOCE·!MW I• ... , .. , ., s.·· .. ":'Ji.:' ~ .,.., MW •lutell '* JOnt r t. -t~1M7 4'ft 11 M on,.. MOtlW • • • Mint oioM. •· wi"'•' a'"" 11110. tVl)rtof. C•ftter Line ,_*"'_N0.;_1 _____ 1 w1111. tt•r•o. D1y1 --.... nn 1111t 1 t ·•!l..!J...•wt r;;rn ........... Tr.11 ** 7'ttt7u-w.u 1tfl ... ... '11 IOOI, Auto. ~ 4 oytlnclet, 4 '9leed trw. •"-' "*· AM1'M oee1. to ay Po"' ttelft ...,. s:.·~ 171u11 1ell. ,.,..,.~I ..... ,,~ ...... . J;".-:i;; ••••••••••••• ';f ...... .... 1871 Dateun 240Z. 4 ... CUMtt•. 1 ~. xlnt cond. $3900. H8·5837 ewe. '11 210, Beige, Lo M.._ Mint Condlflon. AM/FM C... 752-llOn, &-8 PM. tlJGE SO.fCTDI pl(..OWllJ) FIAT SPURS Ii FIAT X 1/911 ~ to cttOOM from. for~ '78 FIAT 124 SPIJER 5 1pd., meg1, rack . call .. whit• wi red. (057UPO). s5495 '79 FIAT -2000 SPl>ER Beautllul Metalllc Btonzie wtttl ,.,.. lnt«ior. Fully equipped. (#57104). s5995 '80 FIAT 2000 SPl>ER 5 1pd .. fuel Injection, 1tw.o. mint cona. 27K. (84345). S6295 20IO Hat1>of llvd. COSTA MESA ea .. 11 ,, .......... . ......... tf '73 MercH .. 450 StC Vwy a.en. Mu.t ... 176-3302. 860-3'34 The Best of Condition __ ....___ Thriestottrice. .. •• . . •• • .. . . . . . . H . ' ' 1 ....... ...... Al Vlllcles G41•llll..S ORNa COUNTY'S WlEST FACTO«'< AUnOll2ID nu~ ciAlll F ot ClllliJled A6o ACJlOH 1--------1 TNI OM llM W oond~ *"*""' (75*). ., .... Call A MJLY "'°' u.ftlOI· 641-1611 . 5058 "fur~ 5apd. --Cedlac:e to OO-c.1a 112,500. No ff1., or am. ..... ... Wtmww the F.ct «*I 840-2147 11111 a..itl ltwd. DICK MIL LER MOTO!l'I Roi 'em off the rnn« ,..,., If• ~ a.di Wtttt • 0-"'8d AIJ •••••••••••••••••••••• w .. a. ,·, '• .. Amid trle ce..med .. tor c.. Howl 142-1117• flESTER 1-'M----,-1-.- •1a1u111• ·'~'=' woni. the .... dellll In eper\· Sell "*9 ... wlttl Delly ~ ,.,..._ 142-M71 Plot Wint ML A•,., ""' A•tn UIH ········~············· ~····················· ·Economy Specials EXCELLENT CHRISTMAS GIFTS Ftjy Rtccincltioned & 6uarantttd '71 RAT '71 FIAT 121 SPORT 121 2 DR. I Or. 4 tpd., radial Mght'9d,4 1Sld .. -.. tlrH, dltc br•kH. breket, very nice. ...... --.... •7....-,I o o n o 111 y + . -·-· -· l901~ s2995 s2495 . '71 RAT Xl/9 .... -. ........ wMte epotty oar. (411xzt). '3295 1M31 tWtlor lt¥d . ~ Gtowe 1171 ....... .......... ,,..,_,. Yellil T1* OM hM e 4 tpMd 11• 111-2111 :a:::2). a 11 "OIHn"I 'II 112 Terge. mint oond .. ~. 111.000. I 7eo-1682 '71 81......,_ wtltl/blldl. I 6 IC)d. Moon roof. Ladlel ' OU. like new oond. I 1nao. &e 11'"4MO '111111& lOnt oond, lo ""· toOeooo brn ,,, ••.• ua.1100. '45-2111. Mi.el21 'II Hiii• •••rl•lll Super lftetp. AH new. ,_. •"* "" a top. !I K OffO ...._ (1MMMI) .... ()lrK r.rn 11 H ~.~ ( J • , ) JJ • ~'.I:' ....... 18111 8-d'l llMt. ""ir"~ laJd Ill . .................... . 11llau&. Low m1ae a ~ ltllfpt 80 -PoM" tr.in -· ~.(1ADTM4). •YIMll ....... _ ... 2080 Hat1>of BIYd. COITA MESA w .. 11 ' e WOfldemll WOftcl of Shopping, right et yOUrll~~ oeny";t;;o, c11111t1ed Ad9. To pltlOe yow ed, Ollll &Q .. 7. Md •• Cl• •!fled M-Vleol' help W'OU· 1979 CADILLAC COU" M VILLI (100'10) s3995 1911 CADILLAC ILDOIADO llAlllTZ (1ASG8&1) $15,995 1980 CADILLAC ILDOIADO COUPI (IACL799) s12,995 1979 CADILLAC SIVILLI (392YPS) $11,495 Otter Good ThN Monday, 12·20-82 NA RF RS CADfLLM: 2'00 HAMOR Bl VD. COITA MEIA 540-1860 • AI.I. 86 KU8'1' GO THIS WBBKB1'DI BXAllPLB: '88 PICKUP PBIC•B START AS LOW AB •sass (ftJL lW) C-. Ofttl) ·- I,,_ t()lll Nil INI• Ml 1M!tM7 .,_n\I""" IO UIO -·Or_....;., ............. ,, U11 -\t. IM. ._,_,~, ...... h1'!!'J ~ -1.0M ...,.,_..,.. .... .,. _ ·aa---•~..a.o.r ... ,...,.,.,. Daily Pilat MAIN OFFICE llO W ... , •t.. Coeta MHa. Ca.1 Mall eddr ... : Box 1180, Coeta M ... , Ca., t2t2t Telephone: 142-4321 Pro/IT&m information 11 provid«J by the networlu 1t.11tionl and u 1ubjeet ro chMip without notice. -·-·· TV An ienna . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . 1'111/f! 3 Daytime Drama .............................................. Page 4 Tube Toppers ..... . .......................................... Page 6 Sporrs ... .. ........... . .......................................... Page 7 Daytime Schedule .......................................... P~ 8 Evening Schedule ......................................... Page 1 I TV Puzzle ..................................................... Page 3' _ ....... _ (2) KNXT, CBS, 9121 w. SunMt Blvd., Loa Angelea, CL (4) KNBC, NBC, 3000 W. Alameda Ave., Burbank CL (7) KABC, ABC, 4151 Proepect Ave., Lot Angetea ca. (8) KFMB, CBS, 7977 Engineer Road, San Diego, ca. (10) KGTV, ABC, Highway 94 and 47th St., Sano.;;,, Ca. (39) KCST, NBC, 8330 Engineer Road, San e>tegO;-c!a. -·-······ .. (5) KTLA..i..~800 W. Sunset Blvd., Loa Angeles, Ca. (9) KHJ-1 v, 5515 "4elrote Ave., Loa Angeles, Ca. (11) KTTV, 5748 W. Sunset Blvd., Los Anoelel, Ca. (13) KCOP-TV, 016 N. La Brea Ave., Lot Angelee, Ca. (66) !$DOC-TV, 1730 Clementine, Anaheim, ca. -1 .. 1·21 _ .. ' . 2 Friday. Deoember 17, 1111 Show ruins a 'Capital' idea By L YNl1A HIRSCH -Last week we were told that Duncan Gamble, who plays Frank Burgess on Capitol, waa axed. Thia week he waa given a reprieve. But Brian Robert Taylor who plays Thomas McCandleaa, ii exiting. MISTAKE! The pMt two month.a, Taylor's made lots of acting improvementa and our mail shows him to be one of the most popular actor/ characters on the ahow. We certainly bope this Is not the end of the character, at least. Capitol's uae of a handicapped person as a major character was a breakthrough, one of the mast charming things about the ahow, and ita sudden curtailment is a great dtaappotntment. Regular readers of thia ~ know we have been high on thia show. Well. UUS-wee we are very tow. IS JOHN DIXON REA.LL Y DEAD? Who knowa? At least. no one at A. the World Tums I.a aayinJ. When last we 18W John, played by Larry Bryggman, h.ia cold body waa lying on the floor. Then the body disappeared. We hear that if the ahow'a ratings diaappear, John Dixon will reappear. U the rating:I manage to atay ln the upper Nieben stratosphere, then it'a goodbye, John. It will be hard to imagine Tuma without the cunning John and the superb talents of Larry Bryggman. MICKI GRANT joiru the Guldin& Light u a non-contract player. Miu Grant la not onl.y a terrific actrem but a fine writer wtx. "Don't Bother Me, I C&n't Cope" bad a Iona New York N&e run and ll currently beina Merl In little that.en and on coUete campuaea acrcm the ClOUJltry. Several Guiding Li1ht players are exit.Ina, lncludlng Deborah May, who play9 lvy Pierce. She wae al9o aee:n on that lbow u Renee Dubo'-• f.w )'MrS t.cJt. AJ.> setttna re.cty to u.y fOOdbye are Lori S}Jelle u Grade and Nilel Reed .. nm. OVER AT YOUNG and the Restle9. the enUre Lawrence funlly -Claire, Robert and Ancl• -la pw. 'Ibat meana the fine talenta of Susanne Zenor u Clatre and Peter Brown -Robert will be m•atna. Ditto 'to Vtatona Mallory, who playa Lnll•. Y & R la 1•tUna ~tlna· I.a aocn • ~Mein 10 fMl ~for. cbanoter, that chani:tlr dw~ Haw. ~ •bOul)'OUI' ~ _,, «.,.,; lllN1 M-1• flO L,.-Hlnob. clo n.k1 Newspaf* Syndla.r., P.O. .bl .. ln'fl». QJJ/. tnl4. Bbe 'Mil ....... • IDlft.)' 9'*dw • W CUI la lJw Column, but tb• YOlume ol mall ~~~.-..... Siobhan ,,. undercove Soaps, 4 Fun with words Word Game, 35 Change In llne-up TV Antenna, 3 •Dto. 17 -Oto. 23• Lisa Brown (in black) , Ellen Dolan (center), and Lee Lawaon make up the Reardons of the CBS drama, "Guiding Light." -l>ayti11ae Drama Pepper adds spice to Siobhan's life By LYNDA HIRSCH EDGE OF NIGHT: Spencer accuses Nora of padding ALL MY CHILDREN: RefU&ng to play ae<:ond fiddle the budget. Mitzi decides to give up her acting. When Poppy to Donna, Daisy decides to df\te someone else, making quits, she 111 suspected of stealing money from the caah Palmer furious. Once Donna is home with the baby, Palmer register, but Damien clears her by getting Smitty to confess insist& the child's name be changed to John. Carrie annoyed to the theft. Sky is accuaed in scam. Although Raven feels but finally agrees to Chuck becoming god.father for the Jeff Brown planted papen on Sky, she agrees to apy on Ian, baby. Phoebe decides not to tell Chuck she knows that he is whom the.polJce suapect. Nova overbears Barbara lying to the father of Donna's baby for fear he 'll fight for custody. Nicole that Miles made advanca to her. In exchange for Langley tells Opal he thinks Phoebe will aoon die from too immunity, Eddie gives state's evidence in Ted Loomis cue. much imbibing. Jerry is able to pawn bracelet Ray gave her GENERAL HOSPITAL: Heather blackmaih Scotty and be makes rooney for down payment on bomb. For extra into putting u~ bail money for Holly. Holly, freed, awaita cash, Ray robs the cash register at the Glamorama. Opal trial. Heather wants Susan to sign power of attorney over to decides that she's going to marry a wealthy man. With F.rica her. After an angry c:onfrontation with Scotty, Susan leaves away. Silver entertains Kent, but she panics when he Scotty'• office. Momenta later there is the aound of a car pre.es her to make love, and he agrees that they can stay crash. Rick retuma home from Jeff's bedside just as Leslie just friends. feels she can no longer take any more preuure. Scotty ANOTHER WORLD: Jamie and Stacy decide to have outraged when the Webbers are able to buy the aporta di.oner at the Connect.ion to discuss the legal nunlficetiona of center. Alan and Edward make a killlng in the stock mark.et. Jamie'• book. Dinner is interrupted by J{UJ'\f"ire. Juon ~ AiilJi regaffilng llleQuartennain wealtll. stumbles forward, overturning a table that bwnpe the gun GtJIDING LIGliT: Justin learna Alan bribed the dean in Daa'a hand. It goes off and Ilsa falls to the Ooor. Both to halt Philip'• expulsion from achool AlW.r arguing with Juoo and Ilsa are dead. Sandy rontinues to preea C.ecille ~Justin realizes that Philip should continue to live aa a about Louis' plan to sell his artwork, and becomes ~paulding. Tony decides to buy Fatao'a and reopen it u a concerned that the tw080ffie may be leaving town. Blaine pub. Helena moYe9 out oi the McCord bowie and diaappean. decides she'd rather Sandy not leave town with Cecille, but Since Ed's divorce la finallr.ed, he plana to announce his be aaya that he must. Rachel and Mac share a warm enpgiement to Maureen at Bert's OuUtmu party. Morpn moment in front of their fireplace but realize that their days decides to move back into the cottqe wltb Jennifer and toeether are over. Elena confronts Louis and bep him to Mark. Leslie Ann attepta permanent job at Cedan Hospital. atop Cecille, but he aaya he cannot deny his daughter Tay receives a new position and mova out of the Reardon anything. Quinn and Bob decide to marry and to adopt houaehold, thanking them all foe their support and help. Thomasina. . Not realizi.n1 that "Mike and Henry know ahe hu left. AS THE WORLD TURNS: Margo vows to find Vanessa goet to Europe to search for Sean Ryan. whoever murdered John. A fire at Claythome Sanitarium Overbearing Nola talld.na to Mra. Renfield, Rebecca reeolves destroys Barbara's reoorda. Dr. Moeller leaves the country. that Quint will never bear her lpeU. Ivy aeu·promotlon After receiving an okay from Tom, Karen gets involved ih and is asked to move to Wuh.ington. D,C. the investigation of John'• death. Steve t.ella Kim that he'll ONE LIFE TO LIVE: Karen cont_. to Larry that stand by Andy. When Craitl!°P<W to Betsy, she aa}'S she she made love to Steve ln Nantucket. She beg• for hu no feeling of love for · . John'• thoe is found. AJao forgivene. but he tella her to get out. S1e\'e ta 1njured found la a gun belonglna to James. Ariel anxious for Maagie dwini his filht with Larry and hospitalized. Marco tel.la to have John declared legally dead. Nels is queaUoned in Larry that he lhould try and start over ap1n with Karen. John'• murder and Margo feela he la covering up for James. Jenny and Karen plan to go on a rellpNI fttreat. Mimi Betsy diaappean during a aiorm. wama Au that i1 he hat any more fllnp wtth Diie thelr CAPITOL: 'nlon"'8 tell.a Beth she must chooee between relationahlp is over. Aa oUen Ludnda a ranch, hoplna that him and· the Cleap. Wally deddea he must stop Julie'• it will p.dty MiinL Dee tells Eupbemla the will no blpr' wedd.ina and gets a job at the Euy Rider bar. Jordy mak:a be any part of tbe scheme to Nin Ila. ea.le jealous ot truce wlth Sam, but atill plans to aabotqe the wedd.lna. Edwina'• rela~J> with Gery. Jordy bribe-the chauUeur not to ahow up to take Julie to RYAN'S HOPE: S1obhan and Brol1IJd ft.t&9 a fiaht at tbe wedding. Although Mark feela Paula will never be tane, the c1inJc benefit. but durina the flcht aome of theil NAl h!I believes ne haa an obligation to stay with her. Tyler fliet feellnea IUl'fllCe. In tbo middle of the tinldei Bromld flna hOme from Nlahoba ln an attempt to atop Julie'• marrt.ap to SJobbin. An "'8rY rifth bnab ott tMf relaUombip wtLh Lawnrncit. Bromld. Meenwnile, Siobhan IC* uncMlmvw •~.a DAYS OF OUR LIVES: Kayla and Chr1I get tqiether. prostitute. Joe catcbel Siobhan m--d u• boobr Ind Ill I.ls teDI Tony when they are divorced lhe plans to fla}lt for c.ol'ltwed by what ta~· Kirk~ Rm.an mMl"Ud, C\lltody of her baby. Abe vowa to help Roman flaht chlqet which the ~ ICOIP"-Aware tliat Dee lmoWI bt II that he la com.apt. Owen t.ella Doi\ that ahe la ldl1er to bOth Kim'• r9U fa~. Kirk WU'nl mr that l1 ~ • flnidl Woody and Oliver. Julie jMloua when lhe fin.de Doua out. Dee wUl be::::=· Klrtr off.n Patrick~ to talldn; to a hooker, even ~ be'• onl)' dolnc to ln an atop hil ~trie --wtth Anumda. but he ref\alei.: effort to topple StephaJ!O. 8&ARCH roR 'IOMOBIOW: BUltY cOUeil. Warnn DOCTOM: When Erk ltGnnl out of the~~ beck into tun·nmnlnl dM1. & then ~ mUlllc fililirl he Aa.,.. to be• tU a problem M Bmr,. Philip pu.bUIMr in order to ruin Liia's IDu.lcll caner. IND e eyet Jean Mate'• ''lounca.ln of youth. ' Hoil18' NhaNntly ~ to marry Xttatin far thil '1ebY.• iUra. arow.d whm Matt PoWWI chooeeit M.ib and IQt Warmi ~ 1'ulty IJIVYlde phaQy ~to ihOW SW au.cl the ~t.med6oal ~Jean Matt, Oft a that ~ c..Dtnl AIDlirfca ·1\11.1-SVi.,_ wm ~ date wtib Alth•, the re.l Adrienne. l'ellda ftnt and Jig Vibe JCltltlll ""'Apeee, n-. blr to taarfu1 .... contimtadon th Adrtmne. the~~ of lrllnl .... mt •. 4 Friday, Oioember 17, bun ~~to a::;f. ~ ~ -~ --~~~~~~~- ~ '· ·~ It Was a good Id a while ft la ted flrl,l!i, 92tj?,UIAM w71, ~ ... • iOi;d ,.. •hU. '' ........ NIC'1 Thundav naihl Une-uo at •'fame," ·~,.. '"JiJd" and ''HlU lttMt Blun" hH bffn properly ......... • Mtwat'k WMYtlkm'I IOla f hrH·hour atre&eh of lntelU1enc, ~)' ~· doem\'t buy the blca\, and NBC hit Unally dedded to tamper wUh the liM·up hoptni to bomt lhe ns,ht'• rattnp. DHplte a 1tron• promotional campal•n and favorable revlew1, "J'anw,'r ''Cheen" and ''Taxl'' have been f1n1ah.tna IOlldl)' l1'\ the cellar ln the weekfy Nlelatn derby. 8-narkably, <*pite lhe weak leed·ln audience delivered by theee •ri•, "H111 Su.et Bluee" hu cona1atently checked In amona the 20 moat watched ebowl of the week. (Some ob9erven aay It could be ln the To~ 10 wtth a more popular ahow precedln& It.) ( After waidng aeveral month.a for a biger audience to pt hooked on the trW'J'linl'• tint three pn>pa.ma. NBC bu apparently run out of pad.ence. PrObably in mid-January, .everal chanp9 will take place. A.ocord1na to ln1lde reporta, "Gimme a Break," the network'• bolateroua S-,surday comedy featurina Nell c.a.rter. will be alipped lnto the 9 p.m. -'11\unday ~t foOOwtna "Fame." "Cheera,' now at 9 p.m. Thundaya, will move a half ·hour later to the 9:30 a1ot. bumplna ''Taxi. ''Taxi" will jump to 9:30 p.in. Saturdaya. It will follow a new half-hour comedy, "Mama'• l'alnAly," ba8ed on the old "Eunice" aketch.. aired durtna "The Carol Burnett Show." (Burnett la expected to make occulonal appearances.) "Taxi" will be bumping .the Tony Randall comedy, "l...ove, Sidney" from the IChedule. That program will go on furlough, poelibly to return ln the ~· Tbeae changes indicate NBC believes lta more intelligent sitcoms need a little help in attracting a wider audience. The network la hoping that the more y~th-oriented homespun "Gimme a Break" will hold onto eome of the y ''Fame'' fans and lead them ln~een." In addition, the later 9:30 time alot may be more ~riate for the adult-oriented "which la .. t ln a .8owton bar. Wbethec th1a 1111"ategy can aua:ieed ln lurlna viewen away ~rom CBS' Tbw'llday n.liht double-whammy o! Nell Carter, star of NBC's "Gimme A Break," will find the show on Thursday night. "Mapum, P.I." and ''Simon and Simon" remaiN to be .een. On Saturday, NBC la &1ain gambl- Lna that the domeatlc, down-home comedy of "Mama'• Place" will f\lnnel a few more viewers to "Taxi." But again, the competition will be touab. ABC'• ailly but exCMdingly popular "Lo\te Boat" haa a loyal audience in the 9 to 10 p.m. lime alot. "Taxi," one of the funniest, beat· acted oomediea on TV, was reecued from cancellation by NBC after ABC gave the ahow it.a walking papen. But if "Taxi" remaina in the ratings cellar ln it.a new Saturday night alot, you can atart making the funeral arrangements. NBC haa apparently decided three current one-hour aeries are beyond hope. Headed for Cancellation City are Robert Urich's ''Gavilan," Rock Hucbon'a "The Devlin Connection" and "Father Murphy," featuring Merlin Olaen. No need to abed any tears over the demise of these ~-g ln the NBC wings are wveral new one-hour ahows. "Ba.re •• ., 1 prt Urrw llMP Ol*'9 one rnln1 th• perfume lndu.try, baaed on the top·r•Uld ft'Un~rMI btoedmlt ..,u.; thJI lllllJft, '-rhl A 'l'Mln° hlll 0eorp Peppard hMd1J'ti I t.nd oC eokl.....of·fortune. "The Second r1mtly TrM" wUJ fH&Urt Ann• Archer and J'rank eonw ...... two dlvoroed peopJ,e who marry and tonn I MW (aDJf)y wtth chlldren from their prevlou1 marrlaaH. Finally. there 11 ''CMablanca." which hu many peo5* wQ.Dderlna how Davld Soul of "Stanley and Hutch" will manap to filJ Humphrey .8oprt'1 mo.. Althouah it la olftrtna 10me of the l'DOlt moadnl new ptOlraml of tM .uon, RSC'i fall IChedule remalnl firmly entrenched In thlrd place behind rlvala CBS and ABC. The network obviously hopes the oomJnc chanaee will give lta line-up a ahot ln the arm. The network deaervea to be commended for exhibitina paUence wtth aeveral quality ahowa that have .cored lower ratinp than the three eerlee belna W'lOeled. In addftion to the excellent "Cheers.'._ NBC hal decided to stick behind the hoapltal drama "St. Elsewhere" and the offbeat detec11ve aeries "Remington Steele." The latter two prosruna nave been. blt uneven, altematlnti flrat-rate ept.ooee with le11 aatiafactory ones. But both have excellent caata and deeerve a chance to find their bearlnil ln the prime time jungle. * * * CONGRATULATIONS TO the folka at KOCE Channel 60 ln Huntington Beach, who collected more than •108.000 ln pledge durtna the nine-day membership drive that concluded lut Sunday. It 1 nk:e to aee that deapite the current economic problems and holiday expemea, many Orange County viewers were able to contribute a few dollan to help KOCE continue ita fine programming. * * * KDOC CHANNEL 56,the Anaheim-baaed station that went on the air juat a few month.I ago, la now being carried by 14 local cable television companies. Theee include Community Cablevision in Newport Beach , Dickinson Pacific Cablesyatema in Huntington Beach and Fountain Valley, and Tlmea Mirror Cableviaion, serving several South Orange County communities. Friday, December 17. 1982 3 : Ji.P!~lul~'.1i:11u1i 1 I i:Jll•ur~ I 'f!ll:l 1 nt~'lll i 1111b I !ilf 1l!HH!i I I f .11111111.Jr •if; . ·,I 11:::11 2 111 !ti','~ [ 111f;1I 11 ~ •11n • ;11_1.r111= ;9-11 lfr a .. ' -~a; .. .r I:_ .. ,"' .... ~ ; It. •'B ! . •r' 1 ·~ I 1111' ·t!I ~11n 111 l'JP 111' 1 · •rt ... ff nlitir 111 u1!! itiH!;i, !IHn i;1b!:r! ~"I mn; ~iiJ I . I l~!n11! !J1111·~J 1 ' 1rc11!c11 ui 11 ~~1 r. , _ t;dl~I slfl tr(I 111~:"11 :11 ~ J ~ ~ g; ' ,~.i~j:if 1· ~ 1 ,na,1 jil rf''' .'Ii i ~ ~ ~ +:, I \d ·R:-·:~~: _ -·.p1i.1 Iii ·~rd!. · ~ ~~ = J11 :\uih !1,P,Jilf , I 11 hrl If.. ·· · · · - / I I I I I I I I I I I I I I :111~1·. •1~11m1tt"'llll.:,~1~1111• 1111s111lf!l'l(l;jli' I il'~'lf8tJ'l'~ltf!~ •1111!111 ii ·1rr111·11riJiiJ ti irlj ~tlfl• 1•11 'it!:.• ~ !11!1 -~~ ._ra-" .s~-------·------, I J.i 'J;il IJ1l I'~· !s11r,t1 !H'J •!t .r p;1:~r ... , t~ 1s.~1 : .s(i 1t !f I ! I I I 111 11r1.1 r 11 Ii f 1-f • jf " Jfl llb.J l•.Hl.rd 11111 sla i !tU llrl ' UHi IU ! ,11: f,r Uhl uni .j"~ ~--r ~r· L ~ ~ _,_,_ ... r~ ,.---_ -=~ "'"·--... ~1· J'O .. ,.. Ron Arrants and Sherry Mathias st._r as Travis and Liza Sentell on NBC's HSearch (or Tomorrow." ~·~&Uld(J7ndwt :~ ° Cn.·am·e Je"wln~. Inc. -TVaaa 'Falcon Crest's' L.orenzo Is son of late Fernando By LYNDA HIRSCH Q: I'd like to bow If Loreuo Lama1 of "Falcon Crest" ll related to tM late FenJJMto Lama1, aad also, wllat Soatll American clJd Arlene DUI marry? -L.S., Boca Grande, Fla. A: Fernando Lamu wu indeed the father of Lorenzo Lamas, and the reuon Lorenzo is considered a living Dahl by many la becauae hil mother la Arlene Dahl, who was briefly married to Fernando. Esther Williams, late-1940s and earJy-1950s American bathing beauty, is Lorenzo's stepmother. Q: Jaat hlrDed off "ZO/ZO" ud I told my frleDd1 tJaat I uw tbe mu wlto'1 tbe lto1t of tllat allow doing a qall 1bow. Tiley uy I'm cruy, tbe only otller llliDK be ever dJd wa1 work wltla Jack Paar. Wllo'1 rt11ttf -D.A., Soutb PlaJ.afleld, N.J. A:. Hugh Downs waa the original hc.t of the NBC game show Concentration. He did indeed IM!rve as Jack Paar's sidekick (a Ja Ed McMahon) when Paar hosted the "Tonight" show. He aJao has been the host ot the ''Today" show and a ahow c.a1led "Over F.asy" on PBS. Clearly, Hugh Downs has been host of many fine programs. But when you aak him about Concentration, he'll often say, "Some of the most fun rve ever had ... Heli••r lift lcle11 ... for that afMdal 6 f) ot%~m/#~ ~RAil-Jr, s;;,"~~f ·1 ". person in your life. ~ CN Jewel•y ••eo•u••" I• ... ~ be loved and __ __. __ .. ~ 0 ~ 0 COMl'lll! JEWILIY savas o~ o~ ~~ •0€SIONING•REMOUNTING•AEPAIRINO O l -CUSTOM MANUFACTURING •DIAMONOS•PEARLSoGEMSTONES 0 .:=.-760-6766 ch•ished ... from contemporcwy high fashion ... to traditional . . 2610 E. PACIFIC COAST HIGHWAY • CORONA DEL MAR. CA. e {Across from Sherman Foundation Gardens) Friday, December 17, 1982 5 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Pearl Bailey and Dana Hill star in ' e Member of the Wedding," on NBC Live Theater Monday at 9 p.m . on Channel 4 . .. ,..... ~-.... 1M llMICCll'Cl&PN••111 ... • .. ---... l.C.&A..._a.nlU.._ .. =--~ d . ..:_~ ....... _ ...... _...., ......... _..., ___ ,., _,_ B: .. .., .......... ,. ... :: =m:t.u-•WNll ._,N! ....... ~,.-.._ .... .,.,.., ===-Q =t=a.111\. .... _ I I -I I I ----llDOl'IM1 llHllF oe., .. ,..... -\0'1 ...... (lln.) nime•'lmr.-••www -1;<&.• TWY = ................ (.._.......,... ... ,,.. Cl .......... , -·-Cl) llOOTUU. .... ~ ...-. a1n....c1a-.,e (lln.) • • NOTUU. "-CtlJ c...... .. ........ 111(lln.) --.. • a• P001U1.1 M1a11111 ,...._ .. ._-,.. , ... O(lln.) _ ..... my ____ _ ..-... O •fl001Ul.1 Clll1M .el ....... .......... Cbl ... c;J(lln.) ... CCIU.HI ummTUU. LILIMJilelr' .. nn11122 iialllaUCLA(lln.) -Tuesday -ftlllnday --NI 0 LYml •M"".,,., ,,_. IMIAIDTULL. &..-~ Ubn • ... ........ Qa,_.(I ........... , 1111 ® -1lm llll ....... ...... ........... ., ............. , .. .... paeA1•....-.NPL.--...i lll:lnaute•IDI! ............. , •• cm MOCaY ,......_ 011sn ... 1a ~ ...... (lln.) ... -couw umTUU. --d ... ~(I .... ) It bae been eight months since Tom Brokaw (above) and Roger Mudd became co-anchors of "NBC Nightly News." They can be seen nightly on Channel 4 at 7 p .m • COST 77 ' Dt M r.-.. Clwp 1ht laN? NO VII C1n C11t In fht Hlmt Cttt lllft Thin •Jdty C111? Admlttlon to 1 nuretng faclllty can eometlmet be 1 period of b•wllderm•nt 1nd dletre11. 8101uH p1tlent1 ar• encountering 1 new environment, our 1taff hu been tr1lned to 1tt1nd to their nMd• With courtMY and reauurance. Whether for 1hort-term po1toperat1ve conv~nt care or long-term care for the chronlcally Ill or aged, you 01n be auured that our faclllty maintains the hlgh .. t 1tandard1 In the provlalon of 1kllled 24 houra nuralng care. Below Are A Few Of Our Many and Varied Benefits • REHABILITATION PROGRAM • FULL ACTIVITIEI PROGRAM • ROOMS WITH GARDEN PATIO • NOURISHING AND APPEALING MEALS • WHIRLPOOL TUB W /HYDRAULIC Lin • T.V.'S IN ROOMS -WIDE SCREEN JN LOUNGE Please Call us to answer your questions about nursing home care: \I 1111 SUPERllR AVE. NEWPORT IUll, Cl 92113 714/646-7764 Adninlstr a tor RAY MARKS fbsitr Dhctor ESTll:R CALDWEU Friday, December 17, 1982 7 -Dayll·ie·Conl. --- -.. w ,. t:ll - 10 aw.JI M .. - • ,..,. bvllt-4tt centktu. Mloopt-iea • Built..,. AK. • Aute. Step •Que• antew • Sett fjed II Reg. 1t9.95 $9995 Friday, December 17, 1982 9 -l'riclay Cont. unusual ms1des f;isc1na1e the doctors when he is e•powd 10 a vorulenl bdcte11a (1 hr) 8 llOft Holiday Inn ( t942 Musical) Bing Crosby Fted Asl(111e Aller loSlng his hancee. a man retreats 10 his Connecticut farm which he turn<; on10 a sea~! inn !.? hrs ) U ~ ~ &n~ lt1es 10 help an assistant c~ wh~ children have been taken away from her ill Ch11s1ma,time Q 0 HATI Off TO COUNT1l'Y Host Charley Pride welcome<; guPSIS Alabama Larry Gallon and The Gathn Brothers B;ind Tern Gibbs. Janie Fricke I t hr 30 min ) ~ ':tf llAQADll Skiers who travel by hehcop1er to remole runs on the moun1a1ns ol British Columbia. America's number one 1lgsaw 1unloe competes 1n lhP Ne1t0n al Jigsaw Puule Conies! • llOft "ROWll• And Ryan Men Who Love Women" (1977. Mystery) Tony 1----·--R"'o"'ne=rt0s, S~UTre ~n A pn1r af-crtmlml1 auorneys del&nd a young soc1e11te (2 hrs) fm WAll..aTC* WID Ill M'VllW G) HOLIDAY IOWl Brigham Voung C~s V$. Ohio S1a1e Bucl<.,.yes lrom San o. Cahl (3 hrs ) 6l) W 1TJ1UT WID "Blue Chip Ftwe- cast" Guest Boo Eggen. p<esident and ch.et econom1,t. Eggert Economic Enter prises. Inc (t)MOVW · Senar· (1980 Comedy) Mar· lln Mull. Tuesday Weld A happily mamed Mann County couple are spurred by lhe11 1rendy netghbots Into uploring 11ternatrve l1fes:a•R' ( 1 hr 31 mrn ) CID Don I Cry. It s Only Thunder" (1982, Otamo) Oenn11 Christopher Susan Saint James A temale Army docttw end a trouble-prone medic help two nuns bnng a group of Vietnamese orphans to safety 'PG' ( 1 ht • !><> min ) ())llOWll "The EntC>fce1" ( 1976. Otama) Clint Eastwood. Tyne Doty "Dirty Herry" Callahan IS JOlned by a temale rOOkle In his porsuit of a group Of CatllC>fn1a re11olut1on· arles terr0tl1lng San Francisco 'R' ( t hr 36mln.) l llOWll "The Honor Guard" 'A (2 hrs ) .. ALL•MPM&Y .. <11 1"1 .. 000 C0WU Oscar falls In love wl1h a beeutlfut womM , but she bee~~·'*~ 1nte1Htad In FoHx i em.LnmAT WM1 STm'f -"Blue Chip F0t• catt" Guett Bob Egoe1t, pre51dent and chief ec:Ol'\Omlet. fggerl Economte Enter· ~lees, Inc • ._. ccurrt "The Slap Gap SOlu tlon" Jim Cooper look• 11 1 unique theet· tlcal group thet pet10tm1 f0t lnstltutlonel- lted PtOPlt u 1 form of therepy . ttllCZ)CIWaa~C*ntl ... -.. al) --''The A<Mf" (1967, A<Mn-tur•) Anthony Quinn, ROI Hayworth. In the daYt following the l=rtnetl Ar.lolu110n. • pt!Vat"' reecu.a • io..ty vouno Oit1 from• horde of ret>M (2 hrt., 10 rni'I) ... (J) MUI The arinu.t Ewing bllrbe- cue~ Into • battlefield for the oPP09" Ing t-ot1one whtn JR 'I !tl .. I actlonll anger lhe CMirttl and frvt.trate the new oll cofnmllalon ( t hr ) • ...., .. A ~ty ll'l'IMlla vlc11m ~ helc> Mlohetl Knight Pf~I the _..,·tlllMIJon Of • fore!On hef4 of etate ff~ t-. citn unloc* tl'Mt Glue from '* lolt ,.,...,.. CD· Lt hr.) •• .. "°'·No" Cttes; MMn-eur.t ~ Cc)nnely. \JliUlia Anchea. ~. Deolmbtt ,.,, ,.. While on a Jamaican murder probe. secrel agenl James Bond uncovers a m1htary base desig1>e0 to track and d1ver1 nuclf'ar rocke1s leawig Cape Can;iveral (A) (2 hrs) G) mRY _.. Guests Cnarles Azna vour Omar Shani Hot GOSSlp Rogei Moore Sylvre Vartan (lrom ParlS) I 1 hr) fII) ICIDY • ouunoet ··ea1anc1ng Act ' Of Jonathan M~ler lootls at the elabotate set of preventrve reactive and repe11 mecl'la nisms 1hat are desigried 10 keep our bod· 1es 1n a stale ~i1 ( 1 hr) 6l) ... , "Dance In America The Green Table" Geiman cho reographer Kurl Jooss's moving ant1·war masterpiece combining dance and theatet rformeo by the Joffrey Balle• ( t hr ) .ol'f'ICllfTlll .cMI "Modern Problems' ( 1981 . Comedy) Chevy Chase. Palll D' Ar ban· ville A he~ess air t1afltc controller with nameroos rM/\81 problems Is enaowea with telekinetic powe1s attar being doused ~wllhw'o:IE'iaste 'PG' ( 1 f'lr 3 min I t:9 LDMIOllt 1MI CM"1 AIT'IWTM IAnll)AY llQNT .avw "The Legend 01 The loM Ranger" ( 1980. Western) Khn1on Sp1I!: bury. Ct11istopher Lloyd The Lone Range1 and Tonto porsue thetr a1ch enemy Butch Cavendlsn. wtio has kidnapped the presi denl ot the U S PG' ( 1 hr 40 min ) (l)TIWU. IODIO Coverage ol the Lou· JS Resto (0 c ) I Robert Sawyer (N y ) 12-round welterweigh1 title defense bout (from lhe Sands Ho1el In Atlanttc Cl1y N J) (R) (2 hrs • 30 min ) CD llOWW "Fathng In Love Again" (1980. Drama) Elliott Gould. Susannah YOtk A man goes to his high achOol reunion tn the belief that he can relive the gOOd hmet of lhe pest 'PG' ( 1 hr 30 min ) ©)llCWa "Taps" (1981, Drama) Geo<ge C Scott. Timothy Hutton MtUtu y schoo4 cadets take over th&lf achoOI to prevent plans to turn the academy p<ope1ty lt'llo a condo develapment 'PG' (2 hrs) 1 -8 Cl) PA&.CC* CMIT Jacqueline Petreull returns 10 Falcon Crest with eraggerlng news of he< past and enough evldenee to put Angela In prlton for ..-nbez:zlement ( 1 hr ) D n•--•lll'IJnllC*•"9a Laut• and Remlng ton beoome Involved with lnduet1lel espionage when they 11e hired to supe<vise t~ lnttlallatlon of a bufgl•• a1arm1;em :..(1 h1.) l ~w ... ... PO&MD 1WD .... • --Tne evtnt1 In Poltand In Decembllf of 1981. at whloh time • mllltorf takeov.r emethed tlw country'• Soli<ltlrtty traoa union and the hope6-lor llbllfaNz.ltlon of fhe 'COmmU- nlat ttlle, er• chlonlcted ( t hr • ~ min.) ®Cl> .. "The Botdet" (t96t. Of•· ma) ~le NlchOltOn. Valette ~Int "n lll(U border gu,trd't Vltuft COl'M In~ met wt1tl thoM 01 hit OOtNpl CO-wMefl and hit metet\alllllc Wife ·R· ( t hr • 411 = "La Ca{lt Aux Fenn II" ( 1980 .. ) Ugo Tognaal. Mlchel ~autt A ~ QllY couple •rt the qwetry Of a Netti °'genll.allon frying 10 get the mlorolllm that OI'» ot them 1welfooQd 'R' -........ i .. _'t:.n ~ l'rii" tylit\.) ..... the~of!N~ munteallons rev01ul1on (%) .OVW "Home Movies" (1980. Come- dy) Keith Gordon. K11k Douglas A young film studef'll suffers from a badge<IOQ teacher and an anractt0n to htS brother's t.anoee 'PG' ( 1 ht. 30 min ) -IJZ).OVW "Curse Of The Fly" ( t96S. H0t· rC>f) B11en Oonlevy. Carole G1ay A lemale escapee trom a mental mstr1utlon dlscov· ers that her husband and lathe<-jn-law are plagued by a very peculiar alfllchon ( 1 ht . .tS min cki ,,.Ill~.= .... •mMCMOf-ALLMMPAm.Y tWllY-0 .. , .. ~ 11:11 llOVll "Blowdry" ( 1976. Comedy) Pepe. Helen Madigan A struggllng halt· dresser finds that he Is In demand IC>f m0te than his p1ofessional 98fVlceS. ( t hr. ~min) Snow" ( 1980. Otama) Michael Leemed. John Houseman A group ot choir mem- bers of vatying backgrounds encl VOCI abrhlies struggle under the leedership ol e per1ec.:tt0rnst director to p<esent tiandel'1 "M8$Srah " (A) (2 hrs. IS min ) D ti) TI*lmn Host Johnny Clrwon Guests Sally Aeld. Thalassa Cru9o ( 1 lhr )~&,':=.~ ,....., .. oooccuu DAW»•~ ,_ LA~ Host Dennis Wholey ~hf) ea•1ruoa. .,_ "The Joy Of Letting Go" (19 78) DomlnlQUe 51 P\efre. (1 hr . 30 m1n.) 1w •'='9"Modern Prot>lem9" (1981, W'e>medy) Chevy Ctiase. Petti o· Arban- vllte. A haplesS alt traffic controller with numerous personal problems Is etldow9d wt1h teteklnellc powers 1fter being ~ with nuclear waste. 'PG' ( 1 ht., 30 min ) ._ • ...,._...~ O MLAITWOla iiilMI "Kitty Foyte" (19'0, Oteme) Inger Roger.. t>ennls Morgan A young work~ Qlfl experiment• 1,..iy wltfl I·~=;~..:~) "Big Bid Mame" ( t9?4, AdVenture) Angle Oicttlnlon. Willem Shafrw A wonwan cut• • pttth ot lllol9rloe and romance thfOIJ1tl the Sou1iwtt.t Of lhl 1930s. 'R' ~hr .. 23 min.) i ..... mWll "The Hunter" ( 1970. Orama) ew McOueen. • Ell Walleet\ ~lph ''Pepe" Thor1on IMdt 8 danOetout ltt. • a rnodtm-dey bounty hunter. 'PG' ( t ht .. 38 mll'I.) f ... "'Modem Pfbblema•• (1881. eom.dy~ a-. Patti O'Afben-Vllle. A air trafftO conttoltr Wfttl • nutnetoua ~ Pfobl«'N ta Wldlo.ad wt1tl "6eklnetlo ~ after balna douled with f!UdMt ...... •PG' (1 hr .. 30 l1lln. l Cl)--~· tight" 1968, Ofamt) .All-an Mayileld. SI. JecquM. After t!Wt KJno tion. •. sroup cf bllc* mlllt~t• "".,..... of .... °"' It\ ..., • ,.. ., .. 'tr~ ~ ':inT d ,_.own ~ "' -•ii""*•• nw....,.aoTY .. • ! .. ,,. MUW, -• 1 •••, Alfrfl• 1.llt) M1tWtal fhoitfi in U.W tJlllt f I .,, ' llO "*" ) • ''lunduwn" 11 4 I, A•"'9f1tureJ 0.. ~. °'""" Cebm ,, hr• ) CH.1 ''0on'I Ct;. lt't On1Y fhundiw" I tO.,, or-.,., Dlww\lt ow111op"9f, 8uMtl eain• Jwnet • ' "' • flO min ) Cl) '•fhlt llofdlf'' ( I DI I 0rllfM I .I.ell ~. VMlfle P•rtne ( 1 hf , 46 min ~ Honor Cksct' 'A If hn ) Modern Pre>blem9" ( 1981, eom.dy) Ctlue, Patti O' At~ ( 1 hr 30 ) W~ ''AM The Fine Young Cann/bait' , 990, Otama) Nlllalie WOOd. Robetr lgflef (2 hn ) cm "So AM" (1Q8t, Comedy) Ryan O'NMI, Jeck Watden ( I Iv . 31 min ) .. ®"Zorro. Tn. Gay Blade" (198 t, Com edy) a.or~ Hamlllon, Laur9" Hutton ( 1 hl,33mln) • "Love Me Of LMve Me" ( 1956. Musi cal) Oorte Dey, Ja"* Cagney (2 hra ) (%) "II LIYM Again" ( 19'18, Ho<ror) Frederic Forrnt, Rarhleen Lloyd ( 1 hr. 31 min) .. cm "The Hldeewaya" (1973. Comedy) ~ Bergman, Johnny Doran ( I hr , 46 .. CD "Don't Cry, lt'1 Only Thunder" ( 1982. Orama) Oennla CMl!ophet'. Susan Stint J9mea ( 1 hr. 50 min.) .. (%) "JoMph Anelfews" ( 1977, Comedy) Ann-Margret, Peter Arth. (I hr. 46 min.) W !i'Modefn Problem9" (1981, Comedy) Chase. Patti O' Arbanvme ( 1 hr • 30m ) W CI:) "Allegro Non Troppo" ( 1976. Fania· ~ Animated. ( t hr , 25 min ) Cl) "The Voyage Of lanai" (1975, Advenlure) W M Reno. K lmrle ( 1 hr . 30 mln.) •CD "Love & Money" ( 1980, AdVenlure) Ray Sharkey, Omelia Mull ( t hr . 36 min.) cm "Modem Problems" (1981 , Comedy) Chevy Cha1e. Patti O' Arbanville ( 1 ht • 30 min.) .. @ "Batman" (1966, Com!dy) Adalm --= _..,, 1111.-.~ ==Q .......... ._ UI\' ~t director Franll .. ~ !':. "Bilckbc>ltd ~ .. (t96&. Oramt) Qiefin f'ord. Anne FrttlCll A d9d lcat.cl YOUt1Q tM<lhef alt~• to r•tor• order In • t)lo-dty 1re1nlng ldlool whefe ,_.... 1ewr.-n.. Ind vlOlef\C.e ha~ taken rOOt. (2 h"') (I) MCM.aAY IOWl Brigham Young Cougara VI ONo State Ouckeyee (llv9 from San Di9go, Caff~.) 3 hrs ) Cl) .... -Paul 19 IMlwed In this lw<HCI pllly by Jui.a Her deplctk'IQ the ln11ablllty ot urban lite. ( 1 hr.. 35 ;'~"The Four Seesons" (198t, Drama) Alan Aldal. Carol Burnett. Tl'Kee couplet. all CIOM, long-time frlerlda. exp. rlenoe profound chllngee In their r•troo- lhlpe when one of the marrlagff dllln· i~~57mln.) -.~""t'-r~ <'lt;Wff Guest: Ray Bradbury MM. CDllllMl1'0M TllT ----mo .. ~DAYIAUll ==j. A profile 01 British reek group The Who, wtio are giving their laS1 American concert thls ev911lng; America's number-c>M J!glaw )unkle competee In the National Jigsaw Puzzle Contett. I NEW JAPANESE RESTAURANT Now Open F~ Lmch Mon.-Frl. 11 :30 to 1 :30 Dinner from 5 p.m. Sunday from 4 p.m. Closed Wednesday "'-I tn D1RrtOn IWld lluclnloontl '"'" ~fl of 11'11 PfeWM ....... Wt. OM* Md lnfl!Mlw ~,!ll--endeo.;,_ It ht I \Ill--.....-~ ~-"It LMlll AOffl" 1 tWfb, tM. -, r,'.-1o Forrest. l<al"hleef1 llOyd A num bef of ~ lnO """ )ov CNef lwvtno • baby ch.tnged Into ~tt«lng t•ror whet! the lnfantt em.rga .. clawed mon- at .. ·:µ1 ht • 31 min ) I OCUITYtODAY Jrtl .. -••• YOWi fMtut.ci modified C&fa that reeoh ~ of over 200 mil9e I* hour, a W()(kthop where people laugh their prOOlaml ewey. • but II "'Ivan thr=Obetacll covrae I ..... , ... UMIY lnlpedor Gadgar llght1 ....udoet• with hla lneJCheutllble sup- ply of gtidgall tnd hll two aldeklclca hit nleca P'eMy and the dog Brain • m • U. Featured. Lot Angelet' bMt Jobe; a tour of the Velodfome whet'• blcyclllta wt" compete In the 198<4 Olym- plct; a look at "making II" In Hollywood tlYougtl the eyee of Ahonda ShMr. an a ring P«forme<. lllCTAC--11' lllUCI ........ " ., ..... .._.,.._..,. ., •... ,. __ _ .,.. "The ROM Bowl Story" ( 1952. ama) MerahaM Thompeon, Vera MllM A football player's glrttilend teechel him rnpec:I tor the gtima. thereby chanalna hit thOughta of only llMnclel succeu:-( l hr .. 30mln.) ... (I) 1MI IUD OP MAZZAllD SOM Hogg'1 no-good nephew Coefces hll uncla Into baotllng hie campaign tor sherltl agaJnat Roaco ( f hr ) 8 M ,_OP llATnmr ITMI Watt' a CHRISTMAS CERTIF1CATE FOR YOU! .... ~-.., ... "°° ,....., ... '•JOO ~ ___ po,.,,,..,110()' T"°',__,,..,..,0.,0. .. -,,-....... .... ~-....... 19 ~(An 11 ),.,,. ~I • .U-~ s... -• Dnng ~ ..... 8o<ll ·1 ~·"'l.....s-•--llol-......• N>o y.,..,. l'll:v'-• .,... 9""'. s,.... ""'9-. -·-~ 'i\ .-/ n... • ., • .,._...,..,,.,onlt\,...,....i fotf...-J ~atnw"°" ~(.,,.._.,CM--..~ f'°"' IO(X) " I f""-600 p"' T wndot ......, 6M ~ a/Y~~~w~ 2901 EABmWW DRIVE. NEWPORT BEACH, CAUPORNlA nellO 673-3933 I Friday, December 17, 1982 11 -l'riclay Cont. Horror) Linda Miller, Paula Sheppard forever" ( 1970. Musical) Barbra him. 'R' ( t hr .. 30 min.) Members of an Italian-American family are Streisand, Yves Montand A young worn-(8) llON "The Border"' ( 1981, Orama) vlcllmczed by a psychotic murderer In their an d1SC0\/9rs she haS ESP while trying to Jack N1Chol5or'I, Valerie Perrine An Texas midst 'A' ( 1 hr • 48 min ) curb her chaln-smold~ (2 hrs ) border guard's values come in conftlct t:a9 ll0¥9 "Triple Cross" (1967, IMIS..C ... O\W-&rr with those of his corrupt e<>-woricerw and Suspense) Chnstopher Plummet. Yul .... his materialistic wile 'A' ( 1 hr .. 45 min) BryMef An international agent rec«ves .,_ "Chanel Sohlalre" ( t 98 t) W (S) MOLD • Paul Dooley Is featured In medals from Germany and Brlt•ln before Francoise Fablan. Dayle Haddon (2 hrs . this two-act play by Jules feltter depicting the end of the war. When he turns out to 5 min ) the lnstabihty of Ufban tote ( 1 Iv • 3S be a hero for the Alhes (2 hrs. 30 min ) t:a(f).,.. "Trouble Mak9'S" ( 1948. Com-min) CC) .,_ "Cleopatra Jones And lne edy) Bowery Boys. Leo Gorcey After wit-M 8 .,_ "The Men" ( 1950. ~•ma) Casino Qt Gold" ( t975, Adventure) nessif'lg a murder. the Boys have trouble Jack Webb. Mallon Br•ndO. A ptWelyzed Tamara Dobson. Stella Stevens A female tocatlng the dead body ( 1 hr .. 30 min_) war vet9"an struggles to ovwcome the governmenl ageni attempts lo lnf~trate CO .,_ "Prince Of The City" ( t98 t. P9'*)081 ditflculUes bl'ought on by hll d9- and oestroy an underwof1<1 syndleate con-Orama) Treat Wiiiiams. Jerry Orbach A abll1t:..2 h,.., 15 min-) trolled by the myslenous "Dragon Lady .. New York cop Is caught between federal •• "Man From God'• Country" 'R' ( 1 hr . 36 min.) pressure and loyalty to hls fellow officers ( 1958, Western) George Montgomery. CE MOUDAY IOWl Brigham Young during an inVMtigatlon of widespread Randy Stuart. A cattleman becomee vs Qhoo State Buckeyes from ~ice corruption. 'A' (2 hrs , 45 min ) Inv~ In a conflict 0\/9f the construction . Calif (A) (3 hrs) 1::8E i.LDATUW · of a proposed railroad. (1 hf., 30 min) O "The Shout" ( 1979, Horrol) • •.... Cf) CAllTOClm Alan Bates. Susannah York A dltlturbed .,.. "Melvin And Howard" ( 1980. G) .,_"Arch 01 Triumph" ( 1948, Dra- man confined to an 1nstltutlon believes he ) Paul l tMat. Jason Robards An ma) Ingrid Bergman, CNriel Boyer An cen metcit-e-''deeth~t." a eound tMt -OShwwlsaunltnown..gaa aIAtlonAUendant Austr.lan Jetugee~ Perts for a wiH k1M. 'R' ( t hr , 27 mtn ) clalmS to be the rightful helr to Howard Gestapo agent ( t hr .. 30 min ) 1:11CB).cMI "Zorro. The Gay Blade" (198t. Hughes' bllhon doll9t estate 'R' (1 hr . 35 (%) .,.. "Ontbaba" (1965) Nobutlo Comedy) George HarTHtton, Laureo Hut· min ) Otowa J1tsuko Hoshlmora ( t hr • 40 ton The he<oic son of old C.ltfornla's O .cMI "Modern Romance" ( 198 t rTlUl ) a riding injury, forcing hrs foppish brother A mm editor tries repeatedly to win back 69 ,,_ICCm/COM"llrYC#mmM famous juahce lighter Is Incapacitated by Comedy) Albert Brool<a. Kathryn Harrold 411111U\'m,.. to don the cape and mask 'PG' ( 1 hr . 33 the neert of the wom.n he loves 'R' ( 1 M. Ul9°'1MI - min) hr., 33 min.) .,_ "The Horizontal lieutenant" M CI) .cMI "Twelve Plus One" (1976, H CC).,.. "A Dangerous Friend" (1971. ( 1962, Comedy) Jim Hutton. Paula Pren- Comed'y) Sharon Tate. 'A' ( 1 hr.. 3S Suapen1e) Rlct\Md Thoma•. Berbara Bel tlss. A bungling Army otflcef, his aide and min.) Geddes.. A dllturti.d 23-yur-old victim-a beautiful nurse tr•ck down• Japanese M 8 .,.. "On A Clear Day You C.n See tzes • young woman who I• attracted to oulfaw. It ht • 30 min.) Adventure) Beau Bridge•. Ur~I• Andt.. ( 1 hr .. 43 min ) •1PALLOJIU&a .. CGU.-umTIAU..~(11) .,.. "The Voy•oa Of Tanal" (1975. Adventure) W.M. Reno, K. lmrle (1 hr . 30mln,) .. TMY'ICAT , ..... ,]. ... ,... w..•--.nm -------INYMIURRll .-TMY ... ,.......,.. ... "Jeck The Giant l<iller" ( 1962. ) KetWltl Mathewt, Judi Meredith f.M ... -''Crou Country .. Gueat: Terry Aldrtch. Middlebury d\. (R) ,. DU1Mn•••• I MfUhllW,._ ...... gmm II rw.-....... 111 =· ...... ,... ..... -·~ It\ Peril" ( t9ee, Come-?£ m::a:~°"' Jourdan. (2 M.) _, _ ''The PrlnOe A.nc:I The Pauptf". ~· AcMM\lr9) Errol~.~ Dl30lflln.) ----_,""" ··•·· '-:- .... TU IKJllOa,.._ CCllf-•llff lmAl111--fllC*1MI ,_ I MWIY Am ICIUAnl ... "= AndreWI" ( 1977, Comedy) Ann-Margret Peter Firth ( 1 hr, 45 min) I NIY .. , ...... ... "TWiiight On The Rio Grande" l fM7. Wettem) Gene Autry ( 1 hr ) •'•wtNMm *" .... W IMI • IAWYmJJI I__.... ' R CMWTl19' Mm 9GIT A. ldenllllc: eicptor•llon o athletlo perlormence wNd'I can •Id eth- ~ .. ~~~&W~ The muter lmpl'Malonllt playt • multftude ol rolel., lncllldlng ~ Scroege end Bot> Cr1tchlt, In en UfMUll Wf1iof'I ot the Chllrlet Dick~ holldaly ctewic. t1tw.) ="Harold A.nc:I ~I.Ide'' (t071. ) Ruth OOl'don. Buel con. < 1 hr .. . • DOT am UllTA Cl.Mii Doi jollW Sent• ror • tour of the WOfld to ... everyone ~•t• Ctvtatmu In lhek own dlne..nt wty& (1 hr .. 30 min.) ...... ~ .. (1956. ~) ~mO'K ... Rouano Btuzt ( 1 hr . .. flLASr -·· _,, .. _ ..... p,:·---....... --·--.... tot •• --~ec:mrJ.8=' WA .... m "DMilon "'M ( ------ 1 .-;~~~ "1t11ty (Of M• f~fd'' ..,, OomtdYJ nob ttope D111m~ l~ A Wat'honutou •b01""9 '""' le ecc=1/ ~f*' by " 1001..tt rwwtilJa ·~~1018, Comedy) ~ Hawn, Chevy CNN A llbta11a11 enllllt1 the aid of 1n llwpt ~ O.t1Kltvw •ltef .,. beoOfnM ln¥Olftd In a bit.,,. Mtlel of murd..-1 and klOnepp1110 a11emp11 ( I tll . 66 min ) .. a!J .. "The S11acen1" ( 1980, Adven tur•) Alctwird He1r110n. Ana Mori Obaldl An ectwnturer 1etum1 trom Vlfllce lo llnd SarllOell plral" In poun1lon ol hll C:Dll· .,...~ Parte flhr ) ~_, MOLaAY IOWl Brl hem Young 1 va. OhlO Stele ~uckeyei; from San . Ca~I (3 his) --- I w1111e·~r;;>= e "The Sundowner•" ( 1960 Ole ma) Deb«eh K.,r, Robert Mitchum Aus 11'911an sheep drov111s lace problems In their work and In family rel&1lonsh1ps ( 1 hi. 30 min.) (J) CGU.19 f001ULL IOWl ,._. A kx* at aeverel ol the upcoming Bowl Ga~R) (0) "Allee. Sweet Allee" ( 1978. Matthew Star (Peter Barton, right) must use his super-powen in Friday's episode of .. The Powers of Matthew Star," to save the life of Walt Shepherd (Louis Gossett Jr.) on KNBC (4) at 8 p.m. CHIROPRACTIC OUTLOOK By Dr. Gary Baranoski RACQUETBALL -FUN BUT PAINFUL ! , Racquet.ball ii good exerc11e, but continue with it loni eno~ and you may experience painful and potentially 1erioua nerve-muscle akeleta.l problem.a. The •port c:reatea unbalanced muaclet whicb un cauae much apinal slreu and often result in lower back-leg pain. Abo, amalJ rips (micro-teua) occur in tendona of your fore.mi muaclea near your elbow. Inflammation atriltea. Caution: Contllnl equeezing the grip of your handle (especially with amall and ring fingera) may caute 1endonitis. A sudden atop or twi.tt may e&Ule a apinal, pelvic or nedc 1111ury. Your cbiropractor is 1r1111ed to bnng relief from the kmka and knota that often affec.-t your spine'a complex atructure. Spinal adjustments. programmed mild exerc:iae, and hydro-helio therapy are all aimed at easing pain 111 your abwied bona, li8ament.a, muacles. nerves, rcndons and more. This multi-pronged approach eaaea and relievea pain frequently aaaociated with racquetball. Prcaented as a st'rv1re to the rornmunity by d r. gary baranoski ClllROPRACTOR ( 714) 675-3492 2345 E. Pacific Coast Hwy., Suite 0, Corona det MM Allled Lighting Is Your ho~town full service llghtlng center We are Southern Callfornla's Most Complete Selectlon of Ughtlng At CompetJtlve Prfces. * Over 100 Unes In Stock * We Repair AH Makes or Lamps * lnstallatlons * See Our Complete SelectJon or * Over 20 Years Serving Southern Callfomla's Celllng Fans * Energy saving fluorescent fixtures Ughtlng Needs. COME IN AND BROWSE You won't believe our selection, you'll love our prices and our very helpful sales people. I-fours Mon -Frr 8·6 W ed tll 9 Sat 8-S JO Closed Sun 222 Victoria St., Costa Mesa (across trom Nurseryland Nursery) 646-3737/646-8194 Friday, December 17, 1982 13 -Saturclay Cont. ed 0 (1 hr.) '1l) OCIMllla THI W •Ill CI 7 CD ~ IOWl Bowbng Green Fal- cons \IS Fresno State Bulldogs (ltve from FrfY...n<>. Calif.) (3 hrs) (Q) 110¥11 "Jack The Giant Kille<" (1962. 1:111F;n~~-Moll...,, Judi M"odUh OC1M1•TH1~BIV9C11mrr vmlOMmlOl .,_"'Love Me Or Leave Me"' ( t955. MuStC81) Oof1s Day, James Cagney (2 hrs) 0 .,_ "La Cage Aux Folles II" ( 1980. Comedy) Ugo Tognazzi. Michel Sefrautt It hr , 39 min ) CIWl.D~«*THI,._ IC:&m 29 QLUUIN&MI) .al.'fADAMI llO¥ll "Honky Tonk" ( 194 t. West· ern) 0-rk Gable. Lana Tur~ (2 hrs ) Running A Restaurant"' The owner ol a gourmet restaurant and the co-owners of a cottee shop discuss the rewards and dlf· flCUlhes 10 starting and runrnng 11 restau- rant '1l) ...-CA·THl9CClllJcmrnllY (C) llO¥ll "'Callie King" ( 1963. Westem) Roberl T aytor, Joan Caul1leld ( 1 hr • 30 min J CID.,_ "Taps" (1981. Ofama) Geotge C Scott. Timothy Hutton (2 hrs ) CZ) llO¥ll "'Modern Problems" (1981. Comedy) Chevy Chase. Patti D' Arban- v1He (1 hr , 30 min I a3 MOWll "BroedWay" (1 S.2. UystefY) Geor.xr:.::•t O'Brien (2 hrs.) t::ll mAm flOOO,_ MlmTM ......... 0 ~·---C8IMIY 1:9 mtWZ&&LUl1U19 .. llUYIOY'I M1 UllRCH' TUa CCJL. umTUU.• • .,. ''Santa Claut Conquers The Martlens" (196', Fantasy) John Call, Leonerd HlcU !2 hr&.) l mr•••111-.. um.I ___ ..... IA-·-.,. "Palm Sptlnge Weekend" (1"3. Comedy) Troy Donahue. Connie St......,._ (2 tin..} • W• Mlllf Wllllam Whln talcet, • pelnter with definite Idea •bOut the artificiality of the 20ttl century, II pto- llled; Alexander Sc:ourby natta1 ... e 1NCW. mAT "Hot Mtwo Bandwloh" Rober1 GutllfurM, Mano Thomet.. Barbet11 Wallett and ~ Jenner ~ c:Met- rNI memoti.a. both blttet and IWMI. (R) ~~ ... ... "Adventut .. Of The W1ld9meea amlly" (1978. AdWntut•) Robert 8uean Oiimen••· ( 1 hr • 40 min..) "AefUOe" (1981, Drama) AN'Je womey, .,.,,,.. Congdon. ( t hr., 30 ,,.,~ = 1:=.. "81g au.lneu" et Loyola ~'zer. ............ A Mlute to outtt~ oWwtt 11'1 oolilgt lootbel M .... cttcFbi/-.ttw Amer'loln ---~-,_... ~ ~ .. Pf'Ml'll'-1 .... _ _,_ 11 l'rtday. Deolmber 17. 1"2 ct).,. "The Hanging Tree" (1959. Western) Gary~. Maria Schell (1 hr. 46mm) (S) WllAT'I UP A •CAI Featu<ed a VISlt with San1a's ~ as they gear up '°' the h0tlday season: what If takes to be a ski palrolrnan, a retirement home for chimps 1n Florida ( 1 hr ) g,.. A senile old woman reminds her laf'Tllly that a lull and l<Mng past can ntvef be taken away (%)lllCMI "The Gang That Couldn't Shoot Straight" ( 1971. Comedy) Jerry Orbach. Leigh Taylor-You~ ( 1 hr., 35 mlrl) W 8 ltODAI M.L •• CH' lf001UU. TIMI A salute to outstanding pla~ In college football as selected by the Amencan Football Coaches Association Is present· ed l ==~=u.u ITM,_ .,. "Raga 01 The Ofagon" ( t980 Adventur~Oragon Lee. (2 tin~ (I) MIA .._.A 'MM Mia IM -This profile of the popular acior examines Newman's l~m car1MW and includes nrances by aome of his co-stars THl~N.11 .,_ "FOf Peta's Sake" ( 1974 Comedy) Barbl'a Streisand. Michael Sar· razln (2 n) l ccmvmCMC.:la •w••~., .._,_AlmAICll 90Rf ..... YllT9lftML m7 Host Dick Cavett guldet lllawefs back to 1927. the year Charlel Lindbergh made the Int trans- Atlantlc lljght, liquor flowed In tpeak· eallel and both the economy and job ~unities were booming. ( 1 tv I ta llO¥ll "The Pauengef'' ( 1975, Ofa- ma) Jack Nicholson. Mana Schnelder. ( 1 lhr .. :a'~"""'"' W LMT•Ma.D emuu. mA111T.a.TI~ ''Paul Hor· (D'l;=~•rd Cole«. • .... .-cA "Collage Hockey: IMni:?:&N.) ..,,. I ll'Oflf Jean Stepleton 11\d AMI Gibb star In thll muMcal wtl<>-dunh abOut 10 tlouleguelt1 at an E.nglilh counw ~ who 11a murdered one by one. (' hr .. '°min.) .. IUlllllH I 11 .. al a• ._llUWOGI . ~ ........ ----.... ~ cowrege of ,,. U 8. Boxing CNmplon- lfllpl (from lndlanepolll. Ind,) . (1 IV .. 30 mini. :,.r:... .... t .. Aubun'I Tlgera ¥9. °" C<*ot E.aglll ll'Om on.ndo. Fla. I';;~*' BllN W ''While Tilt Iron'• Hot'' (I) TQ!Hma• ... Auburn non YI. IOeton College Qgll9 (lw ftom on.Mo. Fla). {3 tn.~ m .. . (1818, ~) Aon °'* (2 nt... SS min.) I ·-Mo" (1171. DNme) ler· CWV,lo~= .. "M9Mn And ' (1llO, Comedy) Paul LeMat, Jason Robards ( 1 hr.35m1n) ~-=-rAGIMf •llll .:AA ~ Indiana Figh1tn• Hooslers vs Kansas State Wildcats (2 hrs) "IQWl.D~C*THI ... -.. IA ....... ..,.. u~ a -.n a COfllllllf =-~OePaulvs Far- leigh Olckl;:J2 hrs.) !ti ... tJll lflOllTI Scheduled· covel'"age of the U S Boxiog ChampiOO· ships (lrom tndtanapoltS. Ind ) ( 1 tv . 30 min.) e mAllC • Ana THI .-am tJ11 TOY IOATI Rex Harrison narrates a foot< at the popularity ot toy bOllts In the 19th century. featuring old newweel footage of ocean hners, banlestllys and submennes ~:==-W•ll ····~Orson Weftes narrates a mlnl-hlSt~ mod- em world drawn from the Movletone Newsteels ( t tv . 25 min) --•lvening •1Cl)C81!9WI me ... MOWll "Mwacle On 341f'I Str .. t" (1S.7, Comedy) Maureen O'Hare, John Payne An old man named Kris Kringle II hired by Macy's to pi.y Santa Claus In the ThaL~~=de (2 hrs.) I ':'~Burning HUis" (1957. Western) Tab Hunter. Natalia WOOd. Two young lovers flee an unecrupuloul cattle baron In a deSpe<ate fight for survtval. (2 tvs.) • WU .-:A "Wiid Bablea" Marty Stouttef loolc.I at how baby 11nlmala. lnckJdlnQ lkunkl, r~ owll and bears, TNm Important 11i..aY1ng akllla and have fun at the aame time. CID -.U•IOOU CC)..,. "Mada In Paris" (1966, eom.- d'f) Ann-Margret, Louis JounSan. A Patil detlgrl8f aweaps • fashion buyer off '* leet. (2 hrs.) e llOW9 "The Fifth MUSketeer" ( 1979. Adventure) Beau Bridges, llraula Anchsa. 0 ' Ar\agnan and the Thr .. Muak- etMfS become lnYOlv9d In another 1*11 to blOck the evil lntentk>na of the llnllt• c.t- dNl Rlcl'80eu agalntt the French atlltoc- racy~~ t:: .=. ..1 .. ~ LOI Angelea l.ak.M .. ,~p;·'°"*'l WW•ftI_.. .. ,., ........ Gabler •nd .,.,. h)' L~ holt an lnlomwt"'9 10ok et ... t'•,...... at the rncwlM. Cl) ... "AlrpleMI'' (1980, ComldY) ROwt Heyt, Jule Htgtrty. Aft•.,.. alrtft. et'• ecew lalle t<> food poleOnlng, a ner· voue rotmer war pMot II O"-.d lnto ..,. llice and ,,... con1end with on-bOtl'd ~ ...... NCretlvs oefltrol tower and OllcN- tmed """'°""' 'PO' ( 1 ht., 30 l'Nn) ·1·-·-=··A·-·-Pfo8t at me.,.,.., .ctcw ...,,._ ~·· fllrri C8f9et and ~ ........ by ..... oft-.~ --------------- (~~~ -- - m S'l IDClllT'f .. ''llw 0411'1efln\I" 11978 '"" Intl) rd """'"· M•lH'"" m11pletor1 , .. tllll) . EIR&UmOIM- 1... Tn.y AN I •uut-1 ' I 1081 y) Autlrey H•pburn Oen 0•111111 ( I '" .tl'i min ) --~'IWOMOUT .. ctwUl~Olll MP&ll-... • l9IL. fl001UU. ~ YOik .i.11 •I Mlll~=~j , 1~ 111111 I • LOllll IWlm (!j llON "SlrHI!> 01 I 8t41do'' I 19•9 WHlllll) W1ll11.1m H~n M•1Cdo<18ld C11ey (2 hrs) m> flOC*ll Olll IOCllTY (flWCT.,_ "Ho1llo1d Open" live cov erage 01 Illa semifinal roundi. (from Hart IOfd Ct ) !NOie Thrs evttnl wrll not be seen w1th1n a 35 mile raaru!> ol the Hart lord 111110) (J hr' ) g NIGi A senile ollJ woman reminds her lamrly that a lull und loving pasl can never be 1aken away m lllOVll 'fntor Arsene lupin· ( 19"4 Myslery) Ella Rarnes. Charlttt. Korvin ( I hr. JO mrn) 11:11@ lllOVll "My Darling Clementine" ( 1946 Weslern) Henry Fonda Linda Darnell 12 hrs I M (Z)llOYIE ''The Gang That Couldn't Shool Stra1gh1" ( 1971. Comedy) Jerry Orboch, L84gh Taylor· Young (I hr 35 nun) -11HANANA 9 ICOOIY A ICMWY DOO I flWPY Q -· M. HOCtllY Boston Bruins vs Los Angele& Krngs (J hr'll) I Ill llLUOlll DOUM MAM IOe~I nll OU> ~ Bob Vtlo conducts a room-by-room analysis ol lighllng lor lhe old house and v1s11s a hah11na showroom -: Iii ' • .:= I ililfutmt IM . i9f ~ 'm" JHn l ll&Mton 1100 Andy hb 11•1 In lhtti n.M.lff *"'<> rluno 1t10111 10 ~IMUUMll 11 •n F nglilfl roonll'f IMJUM whn IHI n!UIU..111.l orie bJ' r111e I I hf otO rh111 I • _.,. Ac'""' It,. tJ1ul Ow1de" [T07fl Artvtnture) Rf"*' I oO•"· H1111th -11t ntlll':lia .u hr 'lO m111 I ' r=.--... M'TWTlt ...,.., OOOlm wnMMC*m ... JaoQ''-' Pepin p1epnr" ctlloken cea .OOlet !Ind Cl~ h()W lo W'f ltnd UN lretltl.al.td ~ ID• TNI '11 M --am A him po1lr1tll ol mountlln cllmbef Jim W1ckw1rtt te111u1ea apeot•culer IOOl•O-ot tua cllmb11 1n lhe Hlm1tleyu Ind on Mt McKinley -. '*! ~ • .,..,. 9) I -INQM.I "lack And The aglc Factory" Two young people com htne their 1alen1s 10 open up a magic 'hO~art 1) (RI O I _,,.~he While Werrt01" I 1961. Advenlure) Steve Reeves. Georgia Moll i hrs) llAIU • WA11M:Ol.Olt .oa.YUM _,,. "Quo Vadrs" ( 1951 Ofeme) Roben Taylor, Deborah Kerr (3 hr11) (H) _,. TNI l9IL. Hosts Len Dawson and Nick Buonlconti review highlight• ot the previous week's NFL g1mes and Interview k._!y =s and coaches { 1 hr ) (OJ "Melvin And Howard" ( 1980. Comedy) Paul LeMel, Jason Robards. ( 1 hr. J5 min) m llOYIE "Damn Cmzen" ( 1968. Drema) Ke11h Andes. Magg;e Heyes ( l hr . JO mrn) U::M I GRAIG,."' AU.4TMI l1t MBICAll IANDITAlm _,,. "Com1n' Round The Mountain" ( 1951. Comedy) Abbolt and Costetto, Dor=6ihay ( 1 hr . JO mrn ) fJl) "' OI. ,AlfTllCl _,._.,. .•. .. "The rtv1;iOutllotkte" INt> le AdventlH~1 fwa • Wad 8 ) "The 9111igti1 And Narrow" ~OllMTNAlelWI MDWll "Raot rOf Your l 111, Ch"r1i. ownl" (1977 (.;omedy) Anlm8led (I hr 26mln) Il l llOWI& "A CMlll'TWH Carol" ( tOb I FantHy) Ala11e1r Sim. Kalhi..n Harri.on ~. hr • 26 mln ) _,,. "Saturday Tl'le 14th" ( 198 t omedy) RICherd Benjemttl. P•vl• Pre11 llMl::hr , 16 mll'\ ) -1 IRTODAY uml "US N1111on111s" ( 1 hr) ..-.-0 lllTAI WM .....-.Cl '90AO 01 UllTM MID IWI .......... (ti) llO¥ll "The Climax" ( 1944, HOllOI) Suunna F041ter, Boris Kerlotf ( 1 hr . JO min} !Ml D CID MCAA um1l.AU Iowa HewkeyH at UCLA Bruins (2 hrs • 15 min ) * 8 Cl) l9IL. POOTWAU Los Angeles Roms er L.;.~lders (J hrs) l ~WUWllT ~'llWTllll llO¥ll "Say GOOdbye, Maggie Cole·· , ( 1972. Drama) Su&an Hayward, Darren McGavrn ( 1 hr • JO m1h ) II) _,,. "Man Of Tne West" ( 1958. Western) Gary Cooper, Julf8 London (2 hrs) fD llOYA "Tracking The Supertralns" An lnvesllgallve report on !he conslrucllon ol a Japanese htgh·speed 1rarn line between Los Angeles and San Diego. whl<:l'I ts slaled for completion by 1985. Is presenl· SENIORS Davis:·)Brown '>INCL IY·:l RCA 25" Diagonal REMOTE CONTROL Corona del Mar Medical Is A Medical Office In Your Own Backyard That Will Take • HMOff CONTIOl Medicare Assignments As Payment In Full For Information & Appointments Call 720-1339 Corona del Mar Medical 2700 E. Coast Hwy., #6, Corona del Mor • COl.O«fUC • CAllU HADY OILY 599!~UI( 411 E. 17th, Costa Mesa .646-1684 Friday, December 17, 1982 16 -lalurclay Cont. hr. 30 min.) CQ)MOWW "Buddy, Buody" (1981. Come- dy) Jactc Lemmon, Walter Matthau While an assaSSin concentrates on his next kllt- lng, he is rudely Interrupted by a oumbhng !allure of a man who •S attempting su1c1de 'R' (1 hr . 36 min ) 69 .,_ "The Extle" ( 1948. Adventure) Douglas Falrbanks Jr , Marla Montez While In exile. King Charles II of England falls in love with a peasant girl. (2 hrs) •(Z)CIWl.D~0911Mlfl.M 1Ca. ... Cl) llOVll "Deadly Encounte<" (Prem- iere. A~ture) Larry Hagman. Susan Anspach An ex-i:<>mbal heltcopter ace ll'Ving In Me,uco agrees to help his former lover when he< husband ts murdered by a crime czar back 1n the states (2 hrs ) D a -A .... Nell takes e ne1gh- bol to court atll!f she '' bitten by he< an~ngdog. 8 (II LOWI IOAT On a special tiof1day cruise. a heavenly person becomes mysti- cally ilv<>Ned In the lives of two nuns and severa orj)hans traveflng wltl'I them, a couple wno haVG a domestic PfOblem. and two oddba.11 crooks. Q ( 1 hr.) D 1M1 11MDY IOYI I IWICY DMW llYs-,_ • WGIUCl*-llWllMt "Melissa" Guy ts now the ~t In two murdefs. bl.It a new twist points to Melissa's Involvement with more than gambling. = 3) Q ( 1 hr ) (I) CMl'OMIA Bowling Green Fal- coos vs. Fresno State Bulldogs from Fresno. Calif. (R) (2 hrs . 30 min.) (8) C* LOCA,. "The Seventh Annual Young Comedians' Show" Host Alan King. Guests. Schmock And Vallely, Mike MacDonald. Steve Wright. Larry Amoros and J.J. Wall. ( 1 hr .. 30 min ) CD mwll "Modern Problems" (198t, Comedy) Chevy Chase, Patti O' Arban- vltle. A hapless air traffic controller with numerous personal l)foblems 11 endowed with telekinetic powers alter being doused with nuclear waste. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) CJ) llOWI "Falcon's Gold" (Adventure) John Marley. LOVIN Valance. Deep In tl'le tMxleen jungle a lite and death battle wages over an ancient golden treaSUfe wltf'l~powt!fs. (1hr.,30mln.) (%) "Chanel Solitaire" ( t 98 1) FrencoiN Fabian, Dayle Haddon. (2 hrs .. 6 min.) •a> llOWll "Oayt 01 Wlne And Roses" (1963, Otama) Jack Lemmon. Lee Rem- ick. A bullMMmln and hit Wife b8cOme atcohollca, but only the hUlband II ab68 to find rehabllltat~ nr.., 30 min.) -· • LM. Patti PMlJadM h« motner to i.t "* take bllllet ~-(!) ........ CIMTllU ... Hoatl: Rex Smith, MarllYn McCoo. Gueets: The ~ .. Mane Otmood, Peter. Paul & Mary, Donna SUmrnet. Sister Sledge. JoM Sohneider, Andr .. Cfouch, The oak ~ eov.. Amttlca. ~ ~ -·. Ml_.ODI CTF Nlctc im.. ~ the murder of 8 fMl""111ta ~· Mef-•ry. (1 hf.) • •:.cc.e CIMTllM• ... ~ Dlekin.on. Parlelln vartety 8r11tt line Aena.ud. French <*lgner Pierre C.- dln and the Boyt' °'°" Of Nott• c.m. "'*' ,._l'Y como tor a Cllebfatlon ot ;'=·~~Pot'' (1917. ~ ~ Ru Hentton. ew.n Heyward, Thf1il wom1n Wit their '°"'* IO\lllt IO he CM dec'de who WI# ltllwtt Ne ...... (3 lift) 11 ,.~. Deolfnber 17, 18a2 -~~ ..... --The events 1n Poland In December of 198 t. at which time a mihtary rekeover smashed the country's Sohdarrty trade union and the hoped-for hberalizallon of the commu- nist state. are chronieled. ( 1 hr . 30 min ) @) MO¥W "The Man Who Came To Din- ner" ( 1942. Comedy) Monty Woolley, Bette Davis A feisty celebrity stranded because of an accident decides to help out at hrs hOS1s' home ( 1 hr . 30 min.) !CJ fi)MOft "Cheech And Chong's Niee Dreams" ( 1981. Comedy) Richard "Cheech" Marin. Thomas Chong. Two inveterate potheads appear to have found thetr true calling as they peddle Ice cream on the streets ot Los Angeles 'R' ( 1 hr .. 27 min) -;4Aa[ ~--Blllllll"°""'c....Nl VlllOMCBOI lllWm "Inserts" ( 1976, Clfama) Rk:h· ard ()feytuss. JeSSIC8 Harper 'X' ( I hr , 57 '=* m •'tJiamond Jim" •1"9~'5:-0fama) Edward Arnold. Jean Arthur. "Diamond Jim" Brady displays his penchant for IOOd la~dh::'j women du11ng the Gay Nineties. .. IAl'WDAY "°"'1 'Ml 1w GG(J)al CIDlllWI *-lllACM "Los Alamlto's Cham- pion 01 Champ!Of'ls" 0> llOVll "Speed King" (Biography) Robert Hardy. Jennifer Hiiary British motor Qflglneer Sir Malcolm Campbell becomes the first man to e~ceed 300 miles per hour on land. ( t hr .. 30 min.) (I) llO¥ll "His Ma)BSIY O'Keele" ( 19~. Adventure) Sort Lancaster. Joan Rice. A mercenary Is forced to tight his mOftal enemy. (2 hrs.) Cll)lllW'm "Taps" (1981, Orama) George C. Scott, Timothy Hutton Mllilary echool cadets take over their school to prevent plans 10 turn the academy property Into a condo development. 'PG' (2 hrs.) CD *'N "Playblrcls" ( 1978. Suspeose) Mary M1"1ng1on. Alan Lake. A beautiful policewoman goes undercover to track down the klllef of .several centerfold mod- els 'R' ( 1 hr • ~min.) CS)_,.. John Byner shoWs yoo things stranger lh8n truth, lerqer than nte. and zanier than anything yoo ve eve< Men. CD llOVll "The French Women" (1981, Drama) FranoOiM Fabian, O.yle Haddon. A borelellO being kept open by a ~ ment subtidy II the ICefl8 of murder and pollllc.81 acandat when a VIP cuetomer It ttcll~~~··t (lht.,37mln.) •• IA'MmAY -1' &Ml Holt: How-ard ~n. Guests: M9l'I At WOl'tl, m7.r.:i~ .. 7liW"~ min.) I '::"!The Outlldt M1n" ( 1972, apenM) Ann-M.,gtet. Jeen l'rlnttg. narlt. An unknown hit men relentie.ly track• hla target 1hrOUOf'l the ttr .. ta of l.ot AnQelea. (2htt., 5 mil\.) i!'.l1*Mlnler• · .. ''My Name It Nobody" (1974, •tern) Henry Fonda, Tetence Hill. An eglng gunflgtlttf ~co retW. Into ~ nymlty It thwarted by an arr~I YoUtlQ cMn.r who hat Other pl.In&. (2 twa., 16 ~·~ ''Tlle ~nolna Tree" ( teet. W•ttm) Gsly Ooooir, 'Md &otill. A dOGtOt kllll a man whlle 1=• girt and II a.emo.t ~ bV a mob. C1 "'·· :tL mrt.L Cl) .. ,_. " (I) mwll "Carnal Knowledge" (1971, Clfarna) Jack Nicholson, Ann-Margret Two college friends spend several years before and altar graduation discovering Ute by sharl~ and switching each other's g!lfrlends. 'R ( 1 hr., 37 min..) g llOVll "Saturday The 14th" (1981. Comedy) Richard Benjamin. Paula Pren- tiss. A couple discover that the houM they've Inherited Is being occupied by vampires, ghosts and assorted monsters. 'PG' ( 1 hr., 15 min.) 11:11 all lllCMI "Dangerously They Live" (1941. Orama) John Garfield. Nancy Coleman. Wbftn a lovely girt with Import- ant Information on Allied ship sites Is tak· en prtsoner by the NazJs. a young physi- cian comes to her rescue. ( 1 hr., 30 min) 11198 llOWll "Anlan's Rainbow" (1968. Muslcal) Fred Astaire. Petula C1ark. An lrjshman and his daughter travel from their native land to the United States with a echaun on their traU. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) ..,... ,,,_ .... UU.TMI ,_ _ _..._ TA 1 HFI• IOM. Auburn Tlganl vs. Boston College Eagles from Orlando, Ra. ~hi$.) CE TUl•UU IOM. Auburn T1geB \Ill., Bos1on College Eagles trom Orlando. Fla. ffi) (3 hrs.) (O)mwll "Please Mr. Postman" (1981) Loni Sand9rs. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) t119([)MIMI "Inserts" (1976, Clfama) Rich- ard Dreyfuss. Jessica Harper. ·x· (1 hr .. ,_157 ~ATnll__, -'11-llUrJ..::W. llOWI "Ce.plain Carey U.S.A." ( 1950, Mystery) Alan Ladd. Wanda Hendrix. F~ lowing World War II. an OSS agent retuma to ttafy In teerch of an lnlormef. ('t hr., 30 min~ 1--"The Green Slime" (1969, Sd- eno&-Flctlon) Rotien Horton. Luciana PaluzZI. Plant Nie from an asteroid attld<a e U.S. spaoe station. (2 hra..) CID llOWI "They An Laughed" (1981. Comedy) Audrey HepbUm. Ben Gazz.llra Tl'lrM New YOtk det.ct!Ye9 beoolne Involved In numerous romantic lleltorta while tracking their cll9f'ttt' errant wlYea. 'PG' ( t hr., 45 min.) • .. "Ent• The Ninja" ( 1081, A~ture) Franco Nero. SuMtl George. An AJneflcan me.""91 •rta expert .. t• out to ~ the nuder of hit beet Mend. 'R' ( 1 hr., 30 min.) (%) ... "JoMptl Andrews" (19n , COmedy) AM-M#gret, Pet• Fifth, A young man'a ftembOyWll ronwntio ~ cauM ~ among staid and EnQ1i11'1men of IN 18th oentury. ( 1 ht .. w~••Na•n•mL11 w ... "Herold Md ~·· ( t97 '· Auth ~ 8ud Cort. An 80-woman ,.,.... an 11-ytw-old ~ ..... d With dMtti In • ""*" pet· IOf. •nd DfOOMdt to ~ hkn the .,, ol Mnaand ~'PG' (1hf.,31 Min.) •cm .... ··o l.~ MAnr' <1tra. Ont- ,.,,., M8'00lm "°°""' Aalptl flt:Ntcl-llQn. A ooftea ... _., • OIOt\nO • a 'PY end~ to~ ......... .,,.,... plilteaa ..._~ ... ~ (IM.,5 min.} ·~a •5..-m. ....,.,~ .... > Old( ~ ,.,. ~ .... 10 "" ,,.,.. b•fl ~.n ·~~a. (1tw.,ID mln.l I .·~-~-~·~ --- ,_.,.. fl•• ""' ~rWJidl. Oulfl DI( '*" V•tiOOt _I 'hMKflfl tomptte I" I o t IC>COMt eutn r~ PO' ( t l'v iii ,,., J (Q) ... "Che«lh And ChcJnQ't Ny DiNmti" (1911, Comedy) ltlohard "CtlNCh" M1rln, ThomM Chong Twa tnwt91tl• pothMdl 11pp11•r to he¥W toond 11* true calllng •• they P9Cldle lee CIHm on the 1tr•11 of Loe AnotlM 'R' ( t h1 • '7 min) ii! r llf vw 111 tt1111i111 &Mftl" f flt f, Ctwrt114"h I Ar~•l4Hf CIMll .. lifowll enil the llfYIH "PHllllll ' Dll"CI t*Mt lat 1Ur••ntt ump. wt•• 11t1y ti.u;.111 ·~ lrl W\19111 "'lk.I ll'Mln ~-·o· ti.!."...,.,,,.," ... ()) ... "9-'1'0LI a.TIMI Animated A m1wly gtinch 1r1ee 111 er•'"' C1111111ma• from the minda ol the 1uldet1t• ul WhOvllle by llHl!ng all OI th• m•l•ll•I !I!"boll ol lhe ~) U e "'_,. Atnold 1nv1t11• n lllMI eotntl Sent• lo IO'f'I t™t Ornm rnon<M IOI CMttmat dinner Q 8 MOWll "Ml Mvtle" ( 1960 MUSl(;MI) Biiig C1otl>y. Chai'" Cobufn Thi com Poter ol ecme hit B1oedwey etlOWI whO would relhe1 pity than wOOI becomet1 lovOl~d with an ambllloue egenl (2 hra ) 8 Ill' f~ MOGUi Hook11 Clll&hel with fe~al agent• In hlS ottoita to nail the dealer wh() II Mlffng angal dutt In lhl locol i h ICl'IOOI ( 1 llf ) UYCcmf aMTllM..,. CZ) .. "MOCS41fn P101*m1" (19&1 Com.cfy) CNvy cnu.. Pttll O'Atbftn Ylli. A hapleU al1 tralllC COfllro!lef with flU!NfOUI petlQnal ptObllrnt II todowe<I with ttlel<lnetle power1 tltlf being devMO wllh nuelMf wHlt 'PO' ( 1 hr • 30 min ) tD liO¥ll "Hollywood Story" ( 196 t Myller() Aletlatd COnlt. Jullt Adame lnap1rld t>y en unaolvtd HOiiywood mur def. a mov11 Pfoduc411 111emp11 to llush out the culprit by piOdOCJng • movll deal I wUh the cue ( 1 hr 30 min ) ,.. .. NI..._,._ .. Cld I l m•LA. ...,,UCIJ ... m Oii IM Diieo Featured John Bealty visits Palomtr Obtel'ValOfy, chef George Munger dem<>nstrat .. the building _,... "'Sink The Bttmarck'" ( 1960 AdVentu1e) Kenneth Moie. Dana Wyntlf The famous German t>alllest\lp Is cletMI ed by •II avallabll air and see fO(cetl (2 hrs) fJD OOYUIY "Dadl's Family'" A portrait of a farming famlly In fndla fOCYSH on the grandmothe<. whose ability to maintain lhe family unit IS being threatened by soctat and econom1c; changes (A) Q ( t hi) • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • •••••••••••••• ' HIFLITIOI FIGHTING: PRICES! • s4 • • • AH Men's & Boys' Haircuts : Senior Citizen• 13so : (Over 65) • • ~OT-MARt: BARBERS: 5 Professional Barbers : To Serve You e 631-9654 • 2200 Harbor Blvd. at Wison, C.M. • (K-Man Plaza) • • ••••••••••••••• -~1~=" 11111, f.H 111411 d _ t, A!lilllifMt'I lfll•ton I "'10 fttntt dMili •11 11111,""' '""'" ""' elf lht '""' ~t Of • c1.,"IU man ~ out 111 the r.,-n WllWI hit gf0*11 olflf)tlllQ g.10• fut I ftnef : .. ,~=-~~·' ( ) NT ~111f.11NO..a111•..a ft9 Olfll t yonotltl Ptl Colline turiw polk.e ltwelll Q!_llM Into. hltlttlOUI .,, lorm (I ,,, ) • _. "Thi frltleh Ueui.n.n1'1 Wom· an" ( ICI& 1, Omni) Matyi SlrMP. Jefemy 111JN i'\n alf1111t betWMtl lwo .OIC)(t It per-•"'*' lo the romant1e p.11Dd lllm In whlcn the two a11 perloim1ng 'R' (2 hrt • 6 min) •Im tlCGe ~,_,Am., ..... DiY u,_"' hOltday • .., 1 .. 1ur1na the dellghlfuf "Winner•" Vllllon Of "/.. Day ''' 1he I lie 01 Snnta Clau11". I Chl- neee c;hlld11n1' rendition ol "Jingle Betl1": g1Mt1nge from Cap111n JacquH Couattau 1n th• Amazon Jungle ( 1 hi ) .. 8 (I) 'TWAI TW llCINT --a.T· ilAI An1ma1it0 Thi c1t1zen1 ol • am1N VII· tage learn 1hat San1a·a f1111nge ha~ bMf1 hurt by en unatoM<I letter In in. locll paper denouncing him Ha my1h (A) G CJD •• 8'0Cllll Aleky and Edward &pend Chrl11tm111 with an lmpo~rllhed lather and ton IMno In a cave behind the manalon (J)UUGMTUI G llO¥ll "Nothing Sac1ed" ( 1937. 0!1· ma) Fredric March. Carole Lombard A terminally 111 girl 1ece1ves two w..+<s of pleasu11 as part of a publicity stunt ..J I Friday, December 17, 1982 17 -laaclay -1~ -econ .,_ICCl9 .. ..,.. .,.. ''The Four Seasons" (1981, Drama) Alan J<lda, Carol Burnett ( 1 hr , ab~ Llml'I etm1llAI CMG&. The rnutet lmpresslonltt plays • multitude of r<*S, ~ Ebeneler Scrooge and Bob Cntctwt. in en unosu.t .._.,..on of the Charin Dickens holiday classic .. Cl) .. "lln -· Pm M 1ml "The Mlrecle Of The Maccat>MI" The Small Wonder JewiSh Puppet Theat1e. under the direction of Ali- za and Yaakov HOfowitz, Pfe&ent a per- fonnance of "The M~acle of the Macca- bees.'' I _,.,..,. -- MQMIOtt•~ WM" Uf U&YCM Featu1ed a visit wtth Santa's helpen as they gear up fOf the hollclay aeason. 'tlllhat It takes to be a ski poa1rolmlln, a retlfement home !Of c:hlmpl In Floride ( 1 hf ) -1 CAn•u.AIOO ............. c..uewva....., • .,,.. ,_ "The vttaml,. .. Gueats· Florence LaRue of the Flfth Olmen.ion: author Mau· reen Salamafl; nutrltlonlll Betty Lee Mot .... I===--~, .... ar.r.. .... CMll ....,_ '°°'9M1. CoYerege of the &ngeftne 9ow1, (from Orlando, Fla.) . R)~=) "Final Alalgnment" ( 11180. ) Genevieve Bu~. MtchMI Y<>ttt (!hr., 30 min.) Ill) .. "Oolnoy'e au.1" (1979, Fan- ~~ Antrrwted. (1 tv .. 20 min.) e 10L11C1 Herwy Fonda and Myma Loy Nf .. a rNf11ed couple who tdtct on their 50 yeara ton.tNw ~ ... "Home Movtei',....c'198o. eom. ) 1<91ttl Gordon, l(ltlc Oouglu. ( 1 h< • .. ~ .... .. I !IW ~--·· & IW ---,·-------.-. ........ .. "Heidi" (1979, A<Mnture) ( t tw .• = -.,..~ ........... -=·-.... ~.A Feel Of Life: T..,,..ge Preanartev'' Gt-.: lllter M9ly Bertlle. of tt. lrnprCMMt Pregnency Out· oame Pft9MI n Nw onMnl: Joen ..... ~.~,....,of ... loua.llnl I Hei111t1 o.pertn•lf'a ._..,,_. end a*I C.. p!'Ogtlfl'I: lyM H Moftll, _. Of ,... °'111i111' mtyoJ Ind co-dlelr,,., Qf a reoent fONm on ·~ ~ tn ••• •••11111 •• 10 ,,_, ~ 17, 1112 I WOODY WOODf'IC&Bl M9 ,_ YOIAPCl919AL111 ..-AYllAll llCMI "Continental Divide" ( t98 t. Romane.) John Belushi. Blair Brown. ( 1 hr . 43 min.) CS) UM Wll,,. ..__ Uaa Medi a good heedllne tor het newspaper. t>ut her Int big tcoop la.ndl her in trouble D 11CM1 "King Of Klngl" (1962, Ora· me) Jeffrey Hunter, Robert Ryan. (2 hfs , 50 min.) IUCl» ..,_., UITllT Cll.:M .,. ..... _ . .,.. ... ,. ca wwww · wmt .. ,,...,., u-.u. TNLOOIHTW 1•11 WWDOll.• ..,, •• 91Mf ----a. .,.. ...... ,,.,. llCMI ''March Of The WOOden Sol- .diem" 11934... Fantqyl Stan LaUfel, Ollvef Hardy (I hf .. 15 min) cm llCMI "Popeye" (1980, Comedy) Robin Wiiiiama, Shelley OuvaU. ( t hf .. 0. min.) Cl) B.ICTllC --An Eskimo boy ta ~ endowed wtt'h eX1raordlnary electrlcal PoWef"I dl#tng a nwgnettam f,rlment at the North Pole ( 1 hr.) WCll.-&.m•M ... W 1111 ..,_ "Rebecca" (HMO, Ortlma) Joan Fontaine, Laurence O!Mer. (3 hrs> -.WYllJI •I ,. .... &R ..... ._. •••aw: l::.o:::-" ~CCINUllt TMI WOIU ,.,.,.,. TMIU...._ llCMI "On The Town" ( 1950, Musi· cal) Geoe Kelly, Franlc Sinatra (2 tw"s.) (E)WCT~ "Har1ford e>p.rl" LIYe cov· Mage of the linal roundS (from Har1ford, Ct) (Note This event wiN not be teen within a 35-mlle radius ot the HartfOfd area) (3 hrs) cm mw9 "Fiddler On The Roor' (1971, MUSICal) Topol. Norma Crane (2 tvs.. 59 min) -1••111&'9l111t11a1PM-) M '°°'9M1. H~ston Oilers at Ptilta- delphla Eaglet (3 hrs.) 8 llCMI "Santa Claus ConqU8f& The Mer11ans" ( 1~. Fantasy) John Call. Leonard Hicks (2 tin ) .. ,.,...,.. (I) TMI W.TIM11 CIW.ll • --... 1111M Two-time Otymplc decathlOn gof<f medalist Bolnnmras namit«n?lls r'.m.:=·nunt m ... llCMI "The Feathered Serpent" ( 19'8, Myslcwy) Roland Winters, Keye LUka ( 1 hf , 30 min ) I -·--~ ... Cotreepondenta Lin- da Wenhelmer and Cold• Roberts join Paul Duke let an up-10-tti.mlnute aum- mary of Congfeaalonal ectMt..._ e .... flOOTIM&. R4lglonal coverage of Houlton Ollerw at PfllladelpNa EaglM. Plttat>urgh st..,• at CleYelaod Btowna ~tin.) ~~ (1981, Orama) George c. Scott. Tlmoltiy Hutton. (2 ~;-J. etaOl'fl ,,_QMS T Animat- ed. TtwM 11orie. fot c:Nldren -"Ale> Van vmtde." "Th• Uttte Pflncle." and "Merlin The Cobblet'' -are btought alM thtough the c::Uymetlon i><ooea (1 tw., 25 min.) Cl),,. ........ cmmllY Orwon w .... narrat• a minl-hlltory of the mod- •n world drawn from the Mollletone New~ .~Zi' 25 m1n.i -[:=--. ., ........... ,. Aobln Zander llM Rtck NleiMn of "°*P Trick.'' a.th Howlllnd. ~ •tt~a.;::.ley. (R,) (t hr.) l=rr:=· ---WU.~ -"BIUe Chip For• catt" ~: Bob Epn. ~· and -rt~~=-~: ~~) Tonmy lM Jar-. Ed tm!•-~ .. ''Ptlm Sptlngl Wf//lltlMtlf' 913. CotMdy) Troy OONhUt. Com6I teYent. (2 hl9: )' • WIU ti,_,. "To 8eM Them M My Oeye" P.a.•1 tlud • the ~ OOfMI to. N9d .. lhteoetd of ~ mMN wtllfl AloOdl dllmlndl NI 1~ (lllrt 10) Q (1 tw.) ·~-11u•r-•11tm1•11•-mm.-tw tlY MW ..,.,.,.. .. lntfOUled In I hlln .... ;~titory ............ -.,...,..,, ., ~ ........ her ... The black-hearted Grinch reveals the "arsenic in his soul" in °Dr. Seua&' How the Grinch Stole Christma1," Saturday at 8 p.m. on CBS. Thoughts of murder enter the aoefle when an enterprising drifter Invades the bus1- nesa lerrllOfy of a veteran tithing guide In the Florlda I(&~ ( 1 hr . 33 mln.) •CI>---• llOWll "Mr. And Mrs. Smith" ( 1941, Comedy) Carole Lombard. Gene Ray· mond. A couple discover by a fluke that their marriage Is Illegal CI> MllTUUAll Ill.a fOO'fUU Carlton 115 Richmond (R) ( 1 hr . 30 min ) ••lODA" ... ~~uddy. Buddy" (198 1. Come- dy) Jack Lemmon. Walle< Matthau While an aSS8SSfn concentrates on his next kill· Ing, he ts rudely lnterrupled by a bumbling failure ol a man who Is anempling su1c1de •• llOWll "The Mummy·a Ghost" ( 1943, HonOf) Lon Chaney, John Carradine. Due 10 an onc>enl curse. a mummy 11 kepi alive for 3.000 years 1n order 10 protect the SOYI of an Egyptian princess which has been reincarnated In an American girl (Jl)wmtlomlOll W G) llO¥ll "Jennifer" ( 1953, Suspenaa) Howard Duff Ida Lupino A young girl uncovers dark deeds al the drafty old mansion whete she wonts ( 1 hr . 30 min) t)) llO¥ll · Falcon's GOid" (Adventwe) John Marley Louise Valance Deep 1n lhe Meiucan 1ungle a Ille and death battle wages Over an ancient gOlden treasure w11h~er1ous powers < 1 hr • 30 min ) (2) "The Gang That Couldn'I Shoot Straight" (1971. Comedy) Jerry Orbach. Leigh Taylor Young Two bumbling Italian "families" 1n Brooklyn become Involved In street wars 'PG' ( 1 hr , 35 min l - OPPORTUNITIES!!! IN ELECTRONICS & COMMUN/CATIONS Horr Wo11/' You Ui• to • • • • L••rn • n•w elc/11 • O.~•lop L•MMnhlp • M•lc• N•w Fr,.nd• • Enjoy R_,,ul•r Clvlll•n Lii• 2651 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa w. ,,,., ... • Exc•ll•nt C•rHr Opportunltl .. For H.S. Gr•du•t• or Equlv•l•nl • Tr•lnlng For P.opl• With No Mlllt•ry Ex,,.rl•nc• .• A11• 11 or prior lo 35th birthday • o,,.n1n11• for Prior S•rvlc• lndlvldu•I• SOUND INTERESTING ... ??? CALL TODAY 979-7363 (be~ 8:30 a.m. -4:30 p.m.) CHOY GIHllNG SSGT. Friday, December 17, 1982 19 -Sunday Cont. Hams presen1s up-close repoos on the people ano even1s which are malung news on the prodvchon an<J glamor capital ot the movie 1n<Justry .. UIT CW n11 WILD .. 1 .. fllOfll ldllAY Loca11on Boys Republk:, Chi· no c} hr~) fJ ®> ~ cw nll UIQA H1ghhghts of Tom Watson's dramatte US Open voclory the U S Women's Open, and an 1nlel\l1ew wolh Tom Walson Cl) WILCOm uat. IOTTlll 0 MO¥m The Bal People . ( 1974 H()( <Of) Slewart Mose;. Mananne McAndrew ~hrs) OOOCOUPU lllOft For Pele''> Sake" (1974, Comedy) Barbra S1re1sand, Mtehael Sar- ra11n (2 hrs ) al MO¥m "Man Qt The West" ( 1958, Wes1ern) Gary Cooper Julie London (2 hrs) m~---·~kif .. cast · Guest Bob fggell president and chief economist EQO"rl Economte Enter· proses, Inc fJI) llOVll "Relenlless" ( 1977, Adven- ture) Will Sampson Monte Markham (2 hrs bt 6:)1tQI •Ill Mam lfTIJIOlll (J) MO¥m "Falhng In Love Again" ( 1980 CftamaJ Elholl Gould Susannah York ( 1 hr 30m1n) m .o¥ll 'f'rench1e" (1951 Western) Shelley Winters Joel McCrea ( 1 hr . 30 *lm1n~ -maTGllHf 4111 CllNLDTIW "The Police Ottlcef An<I The TV Rep<>rter" Unda Kelsey and Erik Estrada play host to e young boy and girt as they learn how a te~ reporter covers a story and whet It's Ilk• to be 1 polleem8n ( t hr ) fJ 9 8'0llTmAT The StQntllcanl evttnll ttlat shaped the year ln sports are reviewed, with hlghhghls of intlll\llews with Bowl8 Kuhn, Jack Nicklaus, Jotin McEn- roe, Herschel Welke<. Larry Halmes end Ge~ ; ...ncll"",. YW'.Clll • llMCtt ""- ..... ,Oii -·---IVWIDAYCOOU. WMMCCMI ... Jacques Pepin demooslratee every atep In making chicken I/Vet pate. CC) 90¥11 "A Chrlttmu C.rot" ( 1951 Fantasy) Alast11lr Sim. Kathleen H1rr11on' (1 hr .. 30 min.) (I) ma ~ DetroU Plelona 11 Botton Celtics (Note Due to mendatOtY FCC regutatlons. th19 game mey not be lfff'I ~ llr .. ) (2 hft. 30 min.) CR> "Anet Aaaignment" (1980 Dr•roal Genevl8Y9 BujOld, MlchMI VOik' L!hr ,30mln) (Q) llOV9 "~•Of The City" (!981, Drama) Tr .. 1 Wiiiiama. Jefry Orbeeh (2 ·-~tir•·.i..~L~,.a.u.­:" ... ........ •M.Lmmr....,__, = ........ The South~ .. WllMtn F«rll, difectOf of the tar fOI' ,,,. StUdy of 8out1*n ~ James C. Cobb tnd St...-.n M._, ~ Clete l)fOIMaoft II lh9 ~ of M• ea.elppl WhO .,. 1rt111tted with ,,,. C«tl•. {.1 ht.} • -U-Bob Vie end NI .... '9lcicilt• the --end ---..,,,... • 22 frtdlly, ~ 17, 1111 into 11 WOfkshop , ([) 110V9 "Olrver" ( 1968. Muslcll) Ron Moody. Oltver Reed (2 hrs • 35 min ) • trn UIM¥'U.I ALJV11 Guests. The Keodalls Ronnie Robbons. Joe Sun. Ernest Tubb 1 hr.) CIWl.U~Clllnll ... IC&m .. Cll ... LA~ l-..Y &C09Nlf ... ALICI Mac ..... °" CClllAlmt1W. Mte ... MOmcm llOV9 "A Kid For Two ranh1ngs· ( 1956, Comedy) Diana Oors. Cella John son (1hr.30mtn) e'a llO'W'm "The Girl In The Kremhn" ( 1957, Orama) Le>< Barker. Zsa Zsa Gabor (1 hr , 30 min.) -•h8ftii; M GZm Me ...-T a.ITIMI Har rlet and 0.vld Nelson join Tom Hatten on viewing cllps of the Show "Adventures 01 Ozzie Met Harriet." (2 hrs.) e ~ ~ POOTUU. Atlante Falcons a1 i~!==rs) i ... "A Song To Aemembef" ( 1~. Musical) Paul Munl, COfnel Wiide Chopin's heart breeks over hl9 love tor George s.nd. the beautiful novellst (2 hrs.) . II» llOltl "Smile" ( 1975, Orama) Bruce Dem. Barbar• Feldon. A small-town beau- ty ~nt mixes slnce<e ~tuts end ambltl<>US promol8'1 (2 hrs ) eR&DWMI G llOWA "Tracking The Supartralnt" An lnvestlga llvl reporl on Iha construct10n ot a Japanese hlgh-spMd train Nne between Loe Angelet and San Diego. wtilch IS slated f()( completion by 1985. 11 preMflt· ed.C;J (1 hf.) CC') lil0¥9 "Boyt' Night Out" ( 1962. COmedy) Kim Novak, Jamee Garner When • shapely young c~ undeftakes II ... r .... rch project, lhe ftndl IOUf bUll· neeamen more than wllllng to IMN an rMnllO aid hat In hef atudy. (2 t'n.) .,.. "This Is Elvll" (1961, Bk>cT•· OooLmentery. Alm foot-oe and dfa- matlc: f.-er .. trona are UMd to , .. the sto- ry of Elvta Prllley't •ta •nd c:etMf (1 hr .. •2~ ~I N• MA1M "Huck Becomee nit Victim" Tom Sawyer Ind Huckleberry F1'ln flf'ld men ad>lentur• wt-.an Huck It ~k~byNtPtp (lhr., 12 -~·­.... CHI& LICI U.1o ...... -·---' .. "The Horliontal l.ieuttnt1nt" "2. eom.d'/) Jim ~tton. Paule Pren- t A ~ Army offto«. hie 110e lflCI • ~ IUle trtlek dcMn • ....,.,.. -o-IN\.) iiiiilii ,,.... ~ tr.t ..... ,, ............. ---""""8 '°' --. ..,._ lah In tN A~~ _... Jef· ff9Y ma.te hAa grMt grendflither on Qvlel-,_ E.,. of 1192. (1lw.} C:"Mm ~·~~.:.!:.-=' experiments done by Ivan Pavlov, John Watson B F Skinner and w1mem ThOl'pe hoghtogh1 an lnvest1Q9hon of how animals learn ( 1 ht) (E)8'0llTec:aTlll CI> 111Cm1 "Hometown US.A " ( 1979, Orama) Gary Spnnge1, Dave Wilson. The problems and an><lelieS of three adoles- cenl s coping Wllh growing up In the '50s are explored 'A' ( 1 hr . 30 min ) ~ OIWIQI CGWT'f .-n IC89 19 ... 1:9 ma ~ [)aJlas Mave<ICkS at Los AngeleS Lakers (Nole Due to man· da101y FCC regula1ions. thos game may not be S4'1en in your aree) (2 hrs . 30 min) CL) 111Cm1 "The BOl'der" ( t981. Drama) Jack NtehOlson, Valerie Perrine A Texas border guard's values come In conflict with those of his ca<rupt co-wOl'ke<s end hos materl&ltatoc wife 'A' ( 1 hr . •S min ) CO) ma u.mTUU. Oelllt Mavericks vs. vaT OR a.ITIMI ITClllY A '"P 10 SWttletland t>ecomes an IKClllng adventure la< Ben~ and hit ITlends wtieo they meet Kris Kringle m COUIGI IAIOTUL.L CSU vs San "~ .. , ...... fUCI CIR Sergeant Getrae<·s daughter gets involved In e potent1&tty \flolent anti· ovc:;:11.s1. ( 1 ht ) I rr•.:="'n11wm ,..., .. 90¥ll "For Pete's Sake" (1974, Comedy) Barbfa Streisand. Mlc:hael Sar· r11Zln A devoted wife lnVOlvea he<Mll In several wacky tlChemes lo raise some extra money so thel her cab driver hu&- ben<I c:en finlal't his edocatlon (2 hB) G> mWll ''Searcn FOi' SuMllat" ( 1972) Documentary Camera crews tolloW jungle and prairie creatUf• of North Ametlc8 and Australia In their relentleaa QVMI IOI' water (2 hrs ) • Uftlm "The Discovery 01 Animal Behavior. A QuestlOn 01 Learning" The experiments done by Ivan Pavlov. John w11aon. e F. Sklnnet and Wllllern Thorpe highlight an lnV9atlgallon of how anlmM lelm (I hf.) ID ua"••._aa ... 119A1M "To s.r.... Them All My 0.ys" Akiock ta gone and Iha Ql*tlon ageln 19 ~ win be e~t­ ed new heedmater: Ow1e arr!Yea from Canede with • new t>urc»n tor P.J. 10 shoulder. (Part 11) O (1 hr.) CC).,. "On The Town" ( 1950, M"*- Ollf) Gene Kelly, Ffank Sinatra. A trio Of ...._ teem up with • tut drlwf and an an~t to find • belutlfvf girt whoM pictllfe Is dllpleyed In Iha subway. At "i:J. "Modem Problefna" ( 1981, ~l Chevy a... Patti o·;.,~ vllft, A hepie. air tnatflo contrallef with numerout pertOnll PfOblemt It endowed With 1eleklne11o powe(I lftat being «iuMd with nudHt watta. 'PG' (1ht •• 30mln.) Cll .... "Tapt" (1M1, OtalM) o;forgt c. Scott. ~ Hufton. MllllMY IChoot cadett ~ '1'* 11*r ~ to pr~ ptaf1I to""" ltMI ecedilmf ~ ty_ ln1o • oondO *'•'•'*"· 'P<r . .'ll _,.~,...,. -11)"--~J Adlri'lt NI a .... 10 bOOlt .-y.:_ a -~ NII ..,_. ------- ( 4~ '.':'I ·~ .......... -l!•ma• '=' "Lot1 In ·A Harem" ( 19'4'4 ) Bud AbbOll. Lou Coetello. (2 tnl.n... t· .. ----.. "Modern Problemt" ( 1981. ) Chevy CNN. Patti O' Ar ban· ville. (1 hr., 30 min.) e ._ "Deported" ( 1951. Ofama) -,,. .• ;~) .-Y-llllAll91l¥IDI -C<Mwage ol the Wor'ld Miich Pley ChempiOflehlp (lront Wentworth, ~.:. (R) (2 ~. 30 min.) (I» "Cltl%9n Kane" (1941, Ofam11) Orson Wellee, Joeeph Cotten. (2 hra.) (I) llCMI "Caveman" (1981, Comedy) Ringo Starr, Dennie Quaid ( 1 hr .. ~ 1 mlnL 11118 (I) ... flOOTIML New Qftea.ns Selnt1 at Dallas Cowboys (3 hrs ) D ... flOOTUIJ.. Kansai City Chiefs at "' ~ Of AtlifMt .. dl ,., ,,. . .,,,., . ,,. effcwtl (1' ftll liltfy Nfurellltt ~ toulo uit•• WflO dMwd Into tht nwetlfltt of the 1nm.t ~Ma tWleN<I I l ht ) .... MllMl "9olor* OCMflge of ~ City Dhlefi ,, o.n. Dtonoot Haw ·~fend ''"'°'• II IHlll• SMNwka. Buffalo Ml 11 Ta~ Bay ~ .. ~ .. ~ •-a••••n CJJ .. ''8c.lnnw•" (1911, HotlOf) .Mnnltet O'Neill. Pa1ttctc McGooNn (1 "'··~aJ *!"' IOOraMmT--A .. x •W• Mge ot 1 blllctc ""-lcatl family contrnu.. In 1882 In Henning, Tef".rtlllH. wflh the ma<rleQe ol Tom HalveV'• ~ ler Cynthia to 91111 Palmer, Tom H8'V9)'. dlllc:endant of Kunta Klnte. l0tbldl tWI daught8' to rNrry 1 men he conllderl to be too "white " (Ptr1 1) (2 hra .. 30 min ) Cl) --.. A CtwllttNI Carol" ( 193&, IFej!,~~ ~Id Owen. Gene L~har1 ..,,.. .... H• DllM I0\9l Ell T .,. "Corky" (1972. Ofama) ~r1 ke. ChartOlte Rlmpllog ( 1 ht.. 30 min.) CH> .,. "Ralgtlme" ( 1981. Ofama) Jamee Cagney. How1rd E Rolllnl. (2 htl .. 35mln.) e.,. "A Chrl11ma1 Carol" (1951. Fanlaty) AIUtalr Sim, Kathleen Harrl90n. t! hr .. 25 min.) (%) .. "Home1own U.S.A... ( 1979. OfarN) Gary Spftnger. Dave Wiiton. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) -1 •&'ltW'l-.Me llCMI "Triumph Of Herculet" ( 196<C, AdVentufl) Oen Vadlt. Marilu Tolo (2 hf$.) l ~_,,119_ .,. "Woman's WOfld" (195'4, Of&· Costa Mesa's Only Complete Funeral Facilities "Serving All f a iths" - "Toi • ( 116J, ,,..,.,., Ot•touf M ~ WldlnO r l ht , !:::-'''ollqw ,,. loyt" ( .... ~. -1ii=:::·-DMnoh ... "P~' PMO. Comedv) Obin W1llltmt. l'*'41f euv.. I t hr • 54 min.) •IJlll IU ..... ,.,,. .... -~"The L.mon Otop IQd'' (1961. ) Bob Hope, Matllyn Mexwel (2 hr•.) (I) ... JMm.Y MK Fem Anlmlltd A Shipwrecked latnlly 11rugo1Ma to MVtve 1n lhe oNMdlfnMI ol a deletted ll£and ( 1 ht) !!J nlll'I ·-· FMturect. a man outr~ 1 hofM; • woman IOMv• being burled In 1n avalanche; a malnt~ m41n becOfnet I mlllionalrl tlYe tlmel <Mir: Iha reeulll of the achOlaraNp conteat. (R) l hf.) CMINMllCGI lllJllMl9Cm ............. .... "Heidi" ( 1979, Adwntur1) ( 1 hr .• 33 min.) Cl) M\m ~ A lcientltlc exploration ol athlettc perlor~ wNctl can aid ath- letM In lmptovlng their game. (R) CD .,. "The Foor Seuonl" {1981, Orama) Alan Alda. Carol Burnett. (1 hr., 57 min.) • llCMI "Berry Lyndon" ( 1975, Dr• ma) Ryan O'NMI. ~ 8efenl0fl. (3 hrs .. 6mln.) (%) .,_ "The Elephant Man" (1980. Orama) John Hurt, Anthony Hopkins. (2 ht&., 3 min) -1-·'AIMl-••tm•• NIE ,.._.,._ ........ MllU.YWOGD Hollywood report« BIM I larbor l~aW11 ·Mount Oliw ~1en1orial Park · Mortuary· Mausoleums Bunal In Any Cemetery --Shipment --Cremation. Plans Available 1625 Gisler Ave. Costa Mesa (Glst•r Av•. at Harbor Blvd.) 540-5554 Friday, December 17, 1982 21 / . -· ,._ '" .~...e~' The cast from the critically acelalmed 1h~w, "Fame," in its 1eeond season on NBC, can be ~en Thunday nights at 8i00 on Channel 4. <I> ... "Stranger In The Houee" 11975, Honor) Keir DullM, OIMe l'Mley. A =tic murderer hldM In the attlo Of I• hre40 -::.;•v ~on Chrlltmae Ew. ----~ATCM 'llLL -.. .. "" ... 11111 . -... .. "KJno Of t<lnQi'' (1882. or .. IM) .#ffrwy Hunt•. AObeft Aytw\. The ~of JeetJe ~the ewnta of NI llf9 ~ 6lrth to• new rlllglon. (2 Iva.. 60 "*'·>' ...... ,rld_ay, DeolrriMt 17, 1112 /> . (Z) ._ ''The French Women" ~198 1, Dreme~rancolea F11*n, 0.yle Haddon. A bor being kept open by a g<Mfn- ment aublldy II the ~ of murder and potltlcal acandlll when • VIP cwtomer 11 -~· •• p61y. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 37 min ) .. "St,._ .. (1981, Comedy) BUI ay, Harold~ A. New York cebbll looking tor lilldt..,,. It conW IC* NI belt friend 10 Join hm "' Milting In the u.s A.rrtrJ • .,.. · < 1 rw .• 20 "*'-> .. ---Cowrage of the 6UP9f • (from Mt IUlcMi Wta.) • (R) .. ''Ttle ftt9nOh u.utenent·• wom-.,. .. ( 1111, DrefM) ~ ltrelp, JeNmv lroM. An .... ..-..n h.o eotott .. pet· , " "" I \ ------- -L~~~ ---- ;JJ" 111•_ I* r ~ '"*' •. tt' fl j m I ,,. ,,., '"""n• --... retur,. r•ll'I ---· cl ltle y '1Q --•• of 111 1U¥W ll"''J.:r'4"'9 to tprMd la •NIWOt 1n I I U ..... " • lltt f .. turltd the, ....... ltYtlflt• IN1 lnlj)lftta lht flotlon el.IMIC. "Thi Men In fhe !ton u.M", IOt'rle l•mout dl9monde llfld the Cl .. llOn of 1N1n·tN1de dlamOndl ffom ~rbOn. unu tual blfda, the c»iefloflllan of IN(l'I f teet trMllM• ( 1 hi ) ..,...., ... "Tell Me That Voo Love Me. Jvnle Moon" ( 1'170. Chma) Liu MIMel II, Keri Howard. A ltclaly c:tilflgur.cl young glrl, an eplleptle and a er~ homONx ual lhar1 an apartme•'I wn.re toye1her they 1truggle to cope with the outlllcle WOl1d ~ hrt.) ••=aw wm "To s.rve Them All My O.yt" Alc«k Ill ~ Ind thl Quettlon again 11 who wlll be a~nl ad now l'IMdmuter: Chrll ArrlVltl lron1 Can11cla wtth a new burden tor P J to shoulder W:''' 11) Q ( 1 hr ) G llYI Y "Melissa" Guy 19 now lhe suspect In two murder$. but a new tw1111 polnla to Mel1Ma'1 Involvement with mote than gambllng. (Part 3) Q ( 1 hr) CI> llOWll "fhe Elephant Man" ( 1980. Orama) John Hurt. Anthony Hopkins A dedicated phyticlan take1 under his wing a horribly deformed men whOM Ille unlll th6n had been spent In cheep lreek l•hl- bltlOns. 'PG' (2 hrs . 3 min ) .. a1)°'9W • ... CJ) m9 DAY AT A,,_ An expk>slon 11 their rooming house forces Barbar a and M1rk to t11k1 temporary refuge uncle< Ann'• roof (P1rt 1) 1-.00llllMWAl MatYM .. ... "Holiday Inn" ( 1942. Musical) Bing Crosby, Fred Astaire. After losing his hancee. a man retreats to his Connecllcut l1rm which he turns lnio a seasonal Inn ~hrs) (HJ (Q) llOWll "The French Lieo1enant'1> Woman" ( 1981. O<ama) Meryl Streep, Jeremy Irons An attalr between two actors IS paralleled m the romantic peOod tom tn which the two are performing 'R' 11 hr& .• 5 min.) CD .W. "Cheech And Chong'a Nice 011ams" (1981. Comedy) Richard "Cheech" Marin, Thomas Chong Two tnvete<ate potheads appear to have found their true ca"lng as they peddle ice cream on the street& ot Los Angeles 'R' ( 1 hr . 27 min.) I WMA"llllY~ -CJ) 1Ulf8 MMI, U.. U S and Rus--lllan oltlclals orde< Trapper to delay ope<· aling on an Important Soviet diplomat who Is Cflt=ll. ( 1 hr ) 111.,,,llCIUl'T'C* A top model asks Mall to lnveallgale the murde' of a lamous fashion designer when she becomes the chief suspect (R) ( 1 h1 ) I WC. .. TGDAY W•'.ml CUMT "EdwerdJ Fraughton" The dlsllngulshed sculptor from Utah examines his traditlonal style and the public monuments and Preslden· llal portralll he haa done; Alexander Scoorby 1'\111118$. D ---~--"Five fled Herr-ings" Lord Pele< Wimsey and his manser- vant stumble across a corpse white on it I , I l"'~I' If "' M ' (ff I 1111. .. ""' In lflU '°' ., ltnlltlf .... -.,..,,., 1 jUlt1 Nn1 ltt ffllltllf'I In II• U •. ~"'' 'A' ll ht • 0 1n111 I ) _,,. --· C<Mt of IN omen' 1 Qijjnf 1 1om (from = d'IMr• , ~ t t.t .IO mn ) -"r0t1y Oecoo~ 8ttMI • ( 19;1:1, ) Auby KMlet. DI k POWll!t Ot•t llmlllllOtl dllvee I pt~ 10 pul on I Bloedway ll'IUllClal amid amot!ONI IUt· moll-IV, u,n'ln J -, ........... .......... __,.MIMT fOW1 __. _.. ''The Bid lhopl And A Queen" Tony 9'own vlllll the Bad Bltnopt, a g1oup ot inner-ei. llllGnt •• Phtladelphla'• VAUI( JunlOr H tchoot who have won MVlt\ ttra I national cheN chOmplonthlP.9 (I) .,. "Alllftta Stalll. (1980. Sci· enca Fiction) wm,am Huft, Blalr Btown A Harvard sc::Mlnllst'• genetic 11ruotura le altered when he eof\ducta mlnd ... xpend- lng e11perlmen11 wllh taolatlon tanks and powetlul halkJclnooeot 'R' ( t hr . ~ min) 9 MOVll "The Border" ( 1981, Orama) Jack Nlc:holson, Vai.rie Perrine A Texa• bordef guard's values come In oontllct with thOM ol his COlrUpt CO-WOl'k8'1 •nd I hle ~=lie wtfe 'R' (I hr., 46 min ) .. ~~"°"'9PAtm tW fli:llM(J)I& ... UMY ,._ "latael Va Tt\9 R.l.O." Gvesrs· Sidney Zion. Or. M.T Mehdi (1 hr.) l .,.,,Al ... 99M ,..,. .. Neel Gabler Ind Jel- trey Lyons host an Informative look 11 what's new at the movies. (%) llCMI "Chanel SolltaJre" ( 1981. Biog- raphy) Merle-France Plsler. R1.1Jgar HIUlf' The romances and business struggles ot Pans tutuon q\.leen Coco Chanel's early ~ars are detailed 'R' (2 his ) 1t11 CM ... J llCMI "The Condominium" ( 1976. Comedy) Pete1 Doris. Stelll Stevens Members of a sw1ng1ng Slngles condomlnl· um try around lhe clock to quaMy !Of per· tWlmaneri~..:l.shlp 'R' ( 1 hr , 2011'\ln) PAClllllM MC ... PACITNIU.,_ ATTNIMOVlll llCMI "The Cour1 Jester" ( 1956, Comedy) Danny Kaye. Glynis Johns A c11cus clown meets adventUfe when he totns up with outlaws trying to ovet"throw a tt!ant kin~~ ID OU! • PAaY Hosts: Diie Evans. Stan Mooneyham Guests: Mike Douglas. Wllllam Shalner. Carol Law· ranee ( 1 hr) G) MOVll "From A Far Country Pope JOhn Paul II" (1981, Orama) Ceury Morawski, Sam Neill The Ille and career of Karol Wo1tyta, the young Pole who became the first non-ttallan pope In •OO ~rs, Is chronicled (R) (3 his) lflORTICllmr. llCMI "Flnal AS8lgnment" (1980. Drama) Genevieve Bujold. Mlchael VOf\I A Canad1an TV reporte< In Ma.cow di. covers a RUSSlan SCMtntlflc experiment using steroids on children and smuggleS Incriminating m111erlal out of the country. ,.. , ttlll I I A ,., llMf1 in • -• .u:'~.!'"1'.1,., .,.; of °' J:'~ . .,. rta'"I ""° •7•--n.00 'i# -(A) II tit• J ,.. • • QvllUnM'' ,, ..... I) Bini Ctcey, DIMy ~ye A com1o fcu1111mt ta1t11 .,, tnlftl•intNnt jOb In Vtm\Oftt to l'Mltp 1 '°'"* oen-.i wtlo II In det91' Of 1oeit'1 hla Inn (2 tit .. , 10:. ~ (197~~=0f~op::: MlhOt!y Booth A radl 'n' roll star ftnde otenty Of romat\tlc action wt\lla on tour ( t Iv .. 30mln) -· Jll Q.111 A IOotc It how b6ldla are llMlly attaining aqualtty "' the bullneM aector: now an~ man became the editor ot a national ~· ( t llr . 30~ Cl) ,._ "lttMI VI The P l 0 " Qu.sts: Sidney ZIOl'I. Or MT. Mehdi ( 1 hf,) G ··-TO W Stan Mooneyham and C&rol Lawrence host thll document•· ry on tn. more than 1111 mlllon ~In Africa Who ha\19 bean •"ected by Gier Ind ClfOOQhl and the rnulll of IUCh ""'""· ( t tv) i =tmn a11e .,_ "The 6rldgl On The Atll9' Kwat" (1957. Or1ma) Wlllllm Holden. Alec Gulnneu. During WOf'ld War II, a British colonel and Na men beooml ptft ot a prison labor camp gang forced by tt\9 Japanete lo blJlld a jungle bfldge. (2 hrs .• 46.:.J. (J) "Melvin And Howard" ( 1980. Comedy) P1ul LeMat. Jlton Robards. An otherwise unknown gas 11111on attendant claims 10 be the righth.tl hel1 to HOW9ld Hughes' bmlon dollar nt11e. 'A' ( 1 hr .. 35 -1mln.~est.I TNllOGlm ml llAm'fUl1 Detroit Pislont at ton Celllca (R) (Note: Doe 10 manda- tory FCC regullllont, this game may not be Miil In yoor area) (2 his • 30 min.) 9 ... "Honor Guard" (No Dell, Dra- ma) Rod Sleiget. A paclfiSt who dleerts th9 Army and escepes 10 Canada becomes the targel ot an ex·Marlne eer- geant Ind his hUl')tl(lg buddies. 'R' ( 1 hr . 45mln) -..cm llOWll "Aliee. Sweet Alica" (1978. HOfror) Linda Miiier, Paula Sheppatd Members of an llallan-Amerlcan !amity are vlclimized by a psychotic murderer In their midst. 'R' ( t ht . 4a rpln ) *i 9cmmWOllMI -ICOTT .,_ "Hometown U.S.A." ( 1979, Drama) Gary Springer, 0.ve Wiison The problems and arutletlel of three ldoles- ceota coping with growing up In !he '50s are ex.pk>red 'R' ( 1 hr . ~min.) W (B) llOWI "Stir Crazy" (1980, Comedy) Richard PryOf. Gene Wlldet Two men are ml!ltaken for blnk robbefs Ind &ent 10 jilt 'R' ( t hr .. 51 nw1.) tS(C)llOWll "Corky" (1972. Orama) Robert Blake, Charlotte Rampllng. An ambitious pert·llme stock car racer has problems adjusting 10 losing a race ( 1 hr • 35 min ) W al la ... W al)MT PATllQL. Friday·, December 17, 1982 23 •CD "The Great Adventure" ( 1976. Adventure) Jack Palarice, Joan Collins 11 hr , 25 min ) --lveniag ·1· ... c.wa...--... di ... flOO'TW.L C1ncmna11 Bengals at 8;.= Chatgers O (3 hrs ) l:rc:=::".rcw. ... ...,. KAWAI ..... O¥a IAIY Guest slnoer Margaret Whl~,j.. • WIBIT.-GHl.mAlll mlAWll Ce) 90Wll "Sunday In New Yorll" ( 1964. Comedy) Clitf Robertson, Jane Fonda After being jilted by her boyfriend and traveltng to New York to v$lt her brother 8 yowAg WOP'llt° ~l>tOeril he< poeUIQn 00- ~lnity (2 hrs.) CHJ .. IWDllll Of,,_ IAKMA A lleet ol br1Qht·sa11ed land yacl'r!s takes a crew ol European. Canadian and U S sallofa on a 1.500-mne odyssey from an Algeuan oaSls to the AtlanllC C0)90Wll "Zorro. The Gay Blade" ( 1981. Comedy) George Ham'lnon, Lauran Hut ton The he<Oic son of old CaNlornla's famous jvStica fighter Is lncapacllaled by a riding 1n)U1Y, forcing his lopplsh brother 10 don lhe cape and mask 'PG' ( I hr • 33 mm) (I).,_ "Jesus" ( 1979, Orama) Brian Deacon. Rivka Noiman The Ille of lho "King 01 Kings.'' from hlS earty years es lhe aon of a POOf carpenter 10 his lnstlga· lion of lhe 1aliglous and social revolutlQn thal led to hie death by cructflxlon, 11 detailed 'G' c 1 ht • 57 fTijf'I > 0 90Wll "The Gathering -Part ir· ( 1979. Orama) t.Aau1een apteton. Efrem Zlmbalist Jr A widow nd her gtown chikklf'l's Christmas r Ion Is com~lcaled by their unfavorable r tlon to a new man In hef life anct conll ts lti lthel< ·=·~ 40 min) ........ 1*:11 CAWITT Guest· Ray l·~RJo.. -..01 ...... -mi-me .. IWP'IMftMMI '& •At•-Singer Wlllle Nelloll tnMt• • chtonlcally Ill fen with Whom h4t hea bMt'I corresponding: apec•eoe 11ree1 da~ In ClevNnd. .. ,_..CCl9., Ii,_. .. '>'--.,..... &Ol A .... OIMnMi Anlmlttd. coulMng ~ cry 10 profH from awtmM wtllle Santa Claue hal ottwldlea. ([') .. "A CMltmes c.rot" ( 1851. '8nteey) Alaatalt 8llfl, Kat"'-' Hatrtlon. Bwd on IM e10ty by CNtiM ~Ilene. A ootd-heert«f mlW ...,.,. the VII.... of oom(l1.ion ttlf!'-1.' ~ adll9ntur .. =~~~!~·~1. BloO-, ) ti.Frmnce Allet, AlitQllr HMMJ. TN ~ and bU11nw -.... ot II Frtdtly, o.6.mber 17, 1112 Paris lashlon queen Coco Chanel's early years are delatldlt 'R' (2 hrs ) m ~ CCMlfTl TODAY 7:9 I) C. TOO llAllY Je8s MarlOw takes a took at tl'le lncalcuable human loss resull· •no from alcohoHelated auto accidents ltom the vartOUS perspec1rves ol law enforcement ottic1als. accident vtellmr. and dt"'9f'I 111),M&TN\ID LA~ l-.rY l CC.MT • 1'C TAC DOUIN llADAlm'l .ucl rA•l"M ~/~.aRT MM ....... Neal Gabler and Jef· Irey Lyons host an lnf0<ma11ve look at what's new al !he movies. CID IT.-.0 100M OILY "Re<:! Skelton Presents Freddy The Freelollder's Christ· mas Oinne<'' Vincent P11Ce and Imogene Coca CO-Siar with Red Skellon In lhe story ol Freddy the Freeloader's tnals and tnbu· lattons as l)e plans a .boltdayJlltloet e} C0U.-~ CSU vs New t.Aeldco Lobo6 (2 hrs ) M ii?) ... .. 8 ~ NOi Patty's estranged father unexpectedly arrrves '°' 1 11is11 at Christ masllme ( 1 hr ) e m • ..... CtMT11A1..,. Bob Hope Is joined by t.Aac Davis. Olivia New- ton-John. Loni Anderson. Phyllis Olllef the Asaoc1ated Press All-America Football Team and Rose Queen Suzanne Kay Gal· lasple fOf an hour of Yuletide mUSIC and comedy ( 1 hr ) 0 cou.D UMn'ULI.. Loutslana Slate vs. UCLA (2 hrs ) (J)UTll ..... Cl 90Wll "Room Al The Top" (1959. Orama) Laurence Harvey Slmooe Sip- notat A young man plans to advance htmself In a .rww town by romancing the daughter Of • WMlthy lndo9(11allst (2 hra.~ i , .. IUQAZlm Singer Willie Nellioii meets a chronlcalty Ill fan with whom he haa been co<1espondlng; spa~age street de~ Cleveland. e "A Warm December" (1973. Romance) Sidney Pottier. Esther Andef· son. A ghetto pnysk:lan lalll In love with a mysterlout African woman who has a Merel Iha cennot wre (2 hrs.) e,. ...... w ...avt "Cymt>elna" Shakeepaera·a tragic comecfy chronlcils the troubled romance of Imogen (He6en Mlrren). daughter of CymballM. the K""1 of Btltaln (1lichard Jonneon) ... Iha atrugglal to overooma the obs!IOIM pieced In hat way by her M at~har the Q\IMt'I (Clelf• Bloom) (tl hra.) flD IA,_ "The Olloovety Of Animal Behavior. A Oueltlon Of L .. rnlng" The expeflmenta done by Ivan Palllov. JoM Wateon. 8.F. Sklnntf and WltUam ~ htghllgtlt an inv.tlgltlon of how anlm•ll leam._J 1 hr.} a:> Cl)-. ''T .... (1979. Drama) Nat ..... Kln9kl, P9Cll' Firth. Tht daugh- ter of a pcor ~ twmer beoorrlM U. lltctlm of her l=_..tlone and her 0\1¥1\ i.uty. 'PO' 2 hra., 50 min.) r.CGUm LSU Flght'lflg at UCLA 8rUlne 2 tn) .. ''The =:J. (1981. Or.,.,.) ~ Nlot'dlon, V*11 Perrine 4 T.xa bOfd9r rPf(ft/I vtMe COIN ~ COfltllct with thOit Cf .... ~1 00-wotlcete and hit rMterilletlo wltt. 'R ( 1~ht. '41 ml!\..) e .. ''Don't Cry, "'• niuna.t'' 912. Oremll) ~ letoQNr, 8alnC ..... A.....,..."""' doctar and a trouble-prone medic help two nuns bring a group of 'ID81namese orphans to safety ·po· ( 1 hr. 50 min.) 0 90Wll "The King Of Marvin GardeoS" ( 1972. Orama) Bruoe Dern. Jaci< Nlcho'- son Two btolhers. frustrated with their lives. dream of rettring 10 a !topical para· .. 1 d1se ~( 1 hr 45 min) awan .-..a OODCCUU M ~ "The BoStlop'& Wife" (19-48, Fantasy) Cary Grant. Lorelle Young Ot>sessed by hlS dream of erecting a cathedral, a bishop endangers tMs mAI· rtage unttl he is aided by a friendly aplrlt {2 hrs . 15 min ) • •l!I (J) rA•t ... Klinger convinces the entire camp to bet their weel<'s pay on a 1001 race against a rival MASH unit. D 8) M-'111111.._ PMrl Balley and Dena Hill star In 1 ptoductlon ol Carson McCullers's award-winning p&ay a.boul a 12·Yo&l-(li(j gir1 who flnclS 80laoe 1n her relationship with the !amity cook as --=-1 she a11M1pts 10 cope ...... th coming ot eoe I 1n Ge0<g1a ~1~ (2 hrs ) l 8 TMT'I • M• Feat1Ked • man outraces a llorse. a woman SUrvlY9I being hurled 1n an avalanche; a maintenance man becomes a mllllonalre five llmee 0\191'; • the ~,8f''IS of the sch<>Ulrship contest (R) DGe COR'nl.L ~ .... nil CIMTllAl 1C*81 Hoel Met T Qrme with Les Brown and his Band of Renown are ;otned by Rich Llllle. George Shearing. ( t.AIUfeert YcGovem. Marllyn McCoo and 8llly O.Vll Jr. tOf an ....,..r,g of holldey mu91cal ent9rtalnmenl. (R) ( f ht.) ([)a.-'111MIA,,. n.r PrincW Gfeoa gives us 1 look beNnd Iha Wllll of the v-oenova Qloraographlc 1ne11tute - also known as the Kltov ballet ldlool -to explore the dreems of two Ruulan dano- .,. who hope to follOW In the fOOlll8$)8 of Baryshnlllov, Nureyev and MaJ<arow. ( 1 hi.) CZ) 90Wll "Joseph Andrew." c t9n. Comedy) Ann-Margret, Pater Arth. A young man's llamb0y9nt romantic ~ CIUM 11<*\dal among staid Ind Englishmen of the 18th oantury. ( 1 Iv., ... ~ ...... The ~t. tor a per-t.ct Vermont Chrletmaa tor Dick and ~ ere metrad by toe much enow and too me}:ly ou-ta. Cf) __. "The Blat'q)'a wtt." (UMa. f!intaey) Cary Giant. loratta 'loung. Obe••d by hie drMm of 8'9Cflr.a a cathedral. a ~ endengare hie rner- riaQa untM he It aided by a friendly epitt, 1(2lwt., 30 min.) ...,_,.,...... _,uu.m -•(I) ~•&Miii The d9tacU.....,. IOOttlng totward to • qulClt oetawer on ChrittrnM E~ unt• • feke "Santa" .,,... ad for • chetlty frlUd f'l'WMlillll to .,..,,. fJonl .... Qll. ~ l•~~WhoCemeTo~ ,... (1873, Comedy) Ryen 0' ...... Jecquelne Billet. A comput• ~ ~lllghtt .. a ~*' o.t Mgllr and ha an •fttlr ~ a eeq IOClttCV lliitly. u1v. ~sr· . 0 iii ...... CMOl!rt-'°"' Patrtok Cdh, ~°"""Md .... "* Olll<*'I ...., ~ "* ~-*'of .. ..,.,....-= (1 tw.) .,.. (l)a....,... -'9 ---- -L~~ "Et th'' Cltf , AIMin lomy (I hf , t• min I i~,. otllilml" ( 1111. Comedtl OhUt. Piil ii 11 A1 fl¥illt I t ht ) "The fnforoer I 1171. Orama) C"..lof11 ... WOOO, Tyne Dilly 11 hi 3ft min) "A Kid FOf Two l a1thlf1QI" ( tObft ) OlaM Dora. c.lla JOnrllM (I ht,30mln ) •t7l .. The Bollom Of The Bottle" ( UIMl Oiame) van JohNOn, JOMC>h Collen (~ In.) •Cl> "TM 8hogull Wania._ Odngwud AOe" (1981. F~IHy) Animated (1 hr ""min ) M (J) "HudlOn't Bay" ( 111-'0. Adventure) Peul Munl. Gene Tlefn.y (2 h1a) CID "T ... " ( 1979, Otama) NaataMI• Kin J(i, Pet., Firth. (2 hr• .. 50 111ln ) (ll) "OUf l'lme'' ( 1973, Drama) Pamel11 L Martin. Park., Slev.neon ( I hr . 40 min) ,.. "Ol!Yer" ( 1988, MIJllcal) Ron Moody Oliv.r Reed. (2 hrl., 30 min ) f it rJ M•wln M t1"t It• Mo11 1 tn J "ltui _ '"'" u A•· ( ttlll. '"*""'' . ., 111 , r " w" • ( 1 ttt "' ,, .. , ) -~1 "All fhl rw.. YtJUr'\I C 1111r'lll1t1 ' tiff. (lfamel N.tlalll ~''°'' 1lu111111 IO'llf t 1 hra I >Il l lhe F'alnltKf 1t1tt. 11 fo t l>ianua1 L •tw P•ul l<wlly ( t hr 0 fflll'I I • 'A CtvlllllnH CarUI" ( 11!!11, I 11nt11ttl Ala1tt11 Sim, 1<11t11MO Ha111etln ( t t11 , r.i~ min) .. im "'"°'•" ( 1970. Or•ma) K11tu11111 RO.a. Jaeon Aob111d1 (:1 1111 ) ,_<JO 'Tlallh OordOn" 11t&0. $ctflnc.• r1<. ll()n) Sam J ..>nnee. M•~ l/()ft Sydow I I h1.60m1n) IQ) "Melvin And Howa1d" ( 1980 Cun141 dy) Paul l eMa1. J1aon Aoberd11 ( t "' 3f> min) ttae "H111ry'1 War" (1981, ComttcJy) Edward Me11mann, 08f1id1ne Paga ( 1 hr . 40mln) t•CZ) "The O•no that Couldn't ~hoo1 Slrtlght" ( 1971 Com.dy) Jetry Orbach. Leigh Taylor Young ( 1 hr 35 min ) W 1 .. 1 ' flf1 hott 1 1•.lflfl 1 1111 t, l•IWN' lt.fwr t r1111itt "''iet•• lftt or1 ( 1 ht , . """ ' I I f 11111' I I t, CJflitlfl) Otorge 0 " Al U1mu111 t11t10fl 1• Pwt I W At rua fl• '""' r>Mde" I 1171, tfwtf11.1111 ,.,,,,.., I uv-n . ._lh• ..... '"'' ~);,,,I Jl t;l111'191 lt011ta1t•" 11 I, ftlogrepny) "'"' ',.,,( • ~"'* Autuar Hll.* I~ ,,,, j •IC) 'fhe l.CM~I '°' l<a~" { Hlltll Mu M.al) Paul MoC.rtney, The Who 11 111 ?O min I .. ,,, A I''" Of Hit! Own" ( 1950, Ot1me1 L.111111 Tiirnor. Any Miiiand I 1 ht , 60 min ) •IHI ''/om' Ttt1t <Ji.y Hlltde" ( 1881 Com- N1yl Gtror"4f t1e111~1on I 11u1en Hutton ( t hr 'l:J min) tL l Afr(;h lnlcl(Vlll' 11976 Ot•ma) Eddie All.Hirt, Rip torn (I hr , 44 min) COl "Willy Wnnkn An<l The Choaotele Fao- l<>ry" 11971. r""'""Yl Gene Wiider, Jeall Albertson 12 11111 I •9 Ohvttr " ( t966 Muf;ICal) Ron MOOdy, Ollve1 Reed (2 '"• 35 min ) •<JD "Don't Cry, 11'1 Only Thundef" ( 1982 Ofame) Oennlt C1Vi.1opner, Susan S111nt Jam-. ( t hr , 50 min ) _.,, .... _....,.._ '%1 · Modern Problem!I'' ( 1981 C~) Cn.vy Chur.e, Path D' Atblnvtlle ( 1 hr , 301111n) d !Cl "Ch11&tma1 Mount111n" ( t98 I, Dr•· me) Slim P1,ken&. Merk Miiiet (I hr • 30 min) (J) "Joaeph Andrew•" I 1977. Corned ) Ann-Margret, Peter Firth. ( 1 hr .. 45 min~ -CD) "Fort Ap1che, The Bronx" (198 1, Dr•ma) Paul Newman. Ed Aaner ( 1 hr • 59 mln) -· "Mad About Mualc" ( t938. Musical) ONnna Durbin, Herbefl Marshall (2 hrs ) .. • "The Three Worlds 0 1 Gulliver' 119 e "The Falcon Tokes C>.ler" ( t9•2. My1te1y) George Sanders. Lynn B11r1 ( 1 hr .. 30mln) II) "Claudelle Inglish" ( 196 t. DtBmB) Diane McBain. Arthur Kennedy (2 hrs ) CC) "NIChol81 Nlck.leby" ( 1947. Drama) Derek Bond. Cedric HardwiCke (2 hrs ) Cl) "Jesos" ( 1979 Orama) Brian Oen con. Rivka N0tman C 1 hr . 5 7 min l •!Ill "fl's A Wonderful Liie" (1947, Fanta· •y) James SlewBrl. Donna Reed (2 h11 , 35mln) lc1t{Z) 'The Gang Thal Couldn'r Shoot S11a1gnr · ( t971 Comedy) Jer1y Orbach, l e•Qh Taylor You~ ( 1 hr 35 min ) HEADACHES? SOUR ROOM ADDITIOll Quallfy for Energy Tax Credits DOU•L• PAN• INSULAT•D OLAH NOi only OOH 11 COit IU S than convtnt1onal con m 1t1ue11on. 11 also lluts your home and may 1110 ~ tu csecl1ts as wall An taotic 1oom w1111 ao1us1at1lt ~ 1111411\G I/Id vtnllfat1on For OO·•t·yourselltrs w• 111du0t on1 man for 1 Oay to 1nstruc1 and s1111 you -o COfrtctly SM 1 moo.I 1n our sllow 1oom as shown In Sullltl. HouH Batutlful & Homt and Gatden FOUR SEASONS AUTHORIZED DEALER HQur• M<n 1ntu F-t18106 Sal 1010 2 27812 Forbet Rd. Laguna Niguel 831-5870 UC •3'1603 YOU DESERVE TO FEEL GOOD CALL 645·5300 for Complimentary Con1ultatlon WESTCLIFF CHIROPRACTIC OFFICE Dfo. leMf't A. hf4eer ll04i WHtdHf Dfo., hit• 109 ... ~.._.. (-C.C.'a -17th WMI lrvtfte) Moet lnaurance9 Accepted Friday, December 17, 1982 25 _........._llovles_ •cm "Melvin And Howard" ( 198-0. Come- dy) Pavt LeMat. Jason Robards. ( 1 hr , 35min ) ... "The Fifth Musket-" ( 1979, Adven- tufa) Beau Bridges. Ursula Andfess ( 1 tv., 43 min.) •CH> "Jack And The Beanstalk'" ( 1976, Fentaay) ANm81ed ( t hf • 32 min ) •<m "Hilda Oane" (1956. Drama) Jean Slmmoos. Guy Madison (2 tvs.) •Cl> "Green Grass 01 Wyoming" ( 1948. Western) Peggy Cummins. Charles COburn (2 tvs ) CC> "The Christmas That AllTlOSI Wasn't" ( 1966, Fantasy) Rossano Br8.Z2l, Paul T!J>P ( 1 hr , 30 min ) (12) "Ovet The Edge" ( 1979, Orama) MlchMI Kramer. Pamela lUdwlg ( 1 hr 35mir •. ) (J)-,; "Ctl"'t...,ls .... li"'tia-s Carol''-( t95 t-. FeMaeyt AIUtaif Sim, Kalhleen Harrison ( 1 hr , 25 min.) .,. e "The Gathenno -Part II" ( 1979, Ora· ma) MaUfeen Stapleton, Efrem Zlmballst JI ( 1 hr., 40 min ) CZ> "Home Movies" ( t980, Corned ) Keith Gordon, Kini Douglas ( 1 hr . ~ min.) •CH> "Taps" (1981, Drama) George C Scott, Timothy Hulton (2 hra.) .. CC) """9foper Chennels" ( 198 1, Come- dy) Alan Artcln, Markttte Har11ey ( 1 hr • 32 min.) . (I} ''The Voyage Ot Ta.nal" ( 1975, Adv9nture) W t.t Reno, K. lrnrle. ( 1 hr .. 30mln) .. cm "The Hldeawaye" ( 1973, Comedy) ~ Befgman. Johnny Oo<an ( 1 hr . 45 • "Heft To Hold" (1943, Drama) 0.-nM Outt>ln. Joaapt! Cotten. (2 tws ) .. • ''The Man Called Fllntatone" ( 1986, Comedy) At\ltNted. voic. of Alan Reed. .... 919nc. (2 hra.) • "lovie Me Or Laeve Me" ( 1955. MW-~ 000. Day, Je.mN CaaneY. (2 tws.) (%) "CheMI Soeitalra" ( 108 ( 8'ogrephy) ~ranee Plalaf, Ru1gar Hauer. (2 In.) -Cl:) ''The Ligand Of The Lone Ranglf" (1980, Weettm) Kllnton Splllbul'y, aw. Lloyd. ( 1 tv., 40 min.) Modetn PrObllma" (1981, Comedy) Cl'IMe, Patti O' Arbe!Mlle ( I hr , ) (m "A~ AllM'" (1984, Comedy) 80b Hope. UIO Pl.Mf. ( 1 hr .. 25 min.) -Ett"lklnny O'Hare" (1971. Comedy) -L;~=~~i11{~~1•. Britt Eklend. Eric 8t . ( 1 ht., 60"*'-l Cl) ''OVlltma Mount.in" (1981. Ora· 1'1\11) Sim Ptckena, Mark Miiiet. (1 hr .. 30 "*'·> • ''Cheech And Chong't Pb Or_,. .. (1M1, Comed)i) Aldwd "a.ch" Met· ~~ u~)~~ ....... Alb9tto lord. ( 1 ht • 46 "*" l hi., 46 min.) W OO "American Wlldemel&" (No Date, Adven1ure) (I tv . 55 min) (I) "OllY9f" { 1968, Muslcal) Ron Moody. Ollver Reed. (2 hrs .. 35 min.) O "Sunday In New Yoo" (1964. Come- dy) Cliff Aoberlaon, Jane FondlL ( 1 hr , 45mln) tal(Q) "Ovef The Edge" (t979, Drama) Mlchael K!atnef, Pamela LudWlg. ( 1 hr .. 35mln.) -~ "lmp<oper Channels" (1981, Come- dy) Alen Arkin. Marietta Hartill>'._ ( 1 hf., 32mln) (%) "A Kid FOf Two F81thlngs" ( 1956. Comedy) Diana Oen. Cella Jotvwon { 1 tv . 30min.) .. CH) "9 To 5" ( 1980, Comedy) Jane Fon- da, Dolly Parton. ( 1 hr., 50 min.) ([) "The Witch'• Sister" (No Date) ( 1 hr .. 15 min,) * ~ "The Ctvll1mu That Almost Wasn't" -U966 • ..f.aolu~no .Jk'221, Paul T!lf>p. (1hr.,36mln:) - cal "The Hideaways" (1973, Comedy) lngrld Bergman, Johmy Doran. ( 1 ht .. 45 mfn) Cll "A Chnstmu Carol" ( 1961, Fantasy) Alastalf Sim. Kathleen Han1aon. ( 1 tv .. 25 min) (%) "Home M<MM" ( 1980, Comedy) Keith Gordon, Kirk Oouglu. ( 1 hr., 3o min.) W. "The Alth Mulketeer" ( 1979, Mven- lura) Beau 8r1dgae. \JfUa Andrea (1 ht., 43 min.) W CD "The Competttlon" (1980. Orama) Rlctlatd Oreyl\m. Amy IMnQ. (2 hra.. 9 min.) •Cl) "The Lemon Crop Kid" (1961, ~ ~) Bob Hopi, t.tarfyn MUWlll. (2 hra.) (JI) .. Jadt And The Beenatalk" ( t978, Fantasy) Animated. ( 1 tv .. 32 min) (I) "Ffddler On The Aoof" ( 1971. ~ c.1) Topal, Nonne C'twle. (2 htt., 59 min.) -~·Modem PrObllma" ( 1881, Comedy) °'*"• P9ttl O'~ (1 tv .. 30 .) ® ~ on9'I ..... Cll91llAI Alty ,_ Muppets are Introduced in a M8r1·warmtng stOly about the IOve between an otter motile< and her son. ([) .,_ "Sweet Charity" ( 1969. Musl· cal) Shirley Maclaine, John McMartin Tiied of her tawdry existence. a dance hatt h08tess with a lleart ot gold searches for lt~~mpe married life 'G' ,.. cm ... me .. ..... IATIMMI ~.:-:.'i·-Cal Worthington, Southern~'• top car dealef; a ~handicaWed man whole Nie Inspired the TV movie "Biii." IQAP .. ...,_.,TOmlMT .. , ·--11: Wtm: WT lwmt MCi I .. CZ> L "A Kid For Two Farthlnga" ( 1956. eom.dy) Diana Dots. Celle John... eon A lad llvlng In the ...,... of London buys a amaff goet belieYlng that"'• realty the kind Of meglc unlcom that I tailor once delcribed to him. ( 1 hf .• 30 min.) 1 --CCMITYTGDAY .,. t • • W. FMtured: a behlnd-U.- ICet* look et La e.g. Aux Follll; a ohat wttt'i a ~ matot'lmakar, how the ~. Famendo Valley became "The V• i !.'"'J:~aca•MY ftl •LA Feetured: an lnieMew wtth the eutt'lor1 of "Ute Extanalon"; a man wtlo lak• care of e.lebfttlae' fWI; a look at the Gfoundllnga lmpr<Mlatlonal group; a Ethe.,,°' klaelng. 11CTM-fUCI ,._ .. ., ., ... --.1~..r .... ,..... ..--. ... llA ....... Dorothy Hemll perlofml Md 00- hOltt with Orta UIWll In an aktar ~ tlon ... twlna JO Jo 8twbuc*. Toler CIM-aton and Jolin ()wry, • well • .,,.._. ._.. ~ to, • .....,. CNne In the '84 WlnW OM'nc>lc:e. (ow .• 30 min,) cm .. ·'Th.· Botdif' (188 '· er.me> JiiCk Nlchollol o. Vawte Pen1n9.. A Tew bordet ~· -.. come In oontlCt wtth 1t)Ole of 1'111 oonupt OC>-WOftc• and NI meterilllMlo wtt.. !'°~ t hr .. 4& min.) eu.. ____ Liia Medi • Good ,..... tor '* "' .,,.... bUt her ~ecc;: ie;:.r.1n~. • ''U.C. ~ Ch11t11• r~· Cl fWI.) ·m .. -llllrY•M W AIWMted. A •• ttOll'IPIP9 hid 1Nfllb11• ..... ._ enow ~ )n;c,.,, ~ IOl9' ~ fMn! .ltmrrry ~ '*'9teL =--_, Jotwl.,... to ..... .... ~~,.~·--di c ·on.~ ArowncS 1"-eanw' ~#.~=: . .. -.. °' .............. O...llr ----------- t. :~~·-~ -Ill I TWIWWW ... _. .... _._. ____ __ on-9tld otf·ICINll 11'9 of one of Amefl ca'• tavorll• ~ten• trac.d wttti r*" clie>e Of tofne OI hle beet m<MM lnck.ldlng "On Golctef1 Pond" wNch won him an 0.Cet -~~ "C.rve H., Neme Wlth Pride" 958. Orama) \/ltglnill Mc:K9Ma, Jack arrw The vallenl WOtld War II French Reeitllrtee Ughler Vlolette SzabO MCllf 10t11 ev.tylhlng lor hef ~UM (2 hra 30 '1111 min ia&n ... •llMCll•-ML•••M&Y ..... -0 ...... ~ DOCTc.••----"&Ing Me The Head Ot ... llredo O•rcte" (1974. Advenlure) Warref'I Oates. Gig Young A telling piano player sets out on a long and bloody trell In .._x1 co to rarrleve a vakJable head and a $10.000 reward 'R' ( 1 hr , 52 min) Cl) fVnm 90Wf A scler'llillc explOtarlon ol athlelle pef'formance which can aid ath- letes In Improving their game (R) ([) .,_ "Three Way Weekend" ( t978. Comedy) Dan Otego, Jody Lee Olhera. Two ti.ckpackers decide to spend a weekend hiking lhrough lhe wooela 'R' ( t hr. 20 min) CJ) .,_ "Massacre At Central Hlg~" ( t976, Drama) Andrew Sreveos. ~belt Carradine. A crusade IOI revenge begins ah8' a ptank lhal went too tar was pulled on the quletet stud.ents by a group ol bot'ed high-school friends 'R' (I hr, 27 min.) (%) .,_ "Hometown US.A .. {1979, Drama) Gary Springer, Dave Wiison. The problems and anxieties of thrM adoles· cents copong with growing up In lhe '50s ere explored 'R' ( 1 hr . 30 min ) n:a G Cl) ~ alt, U. Trappe< and Gonzo try lo change the attitudes of a etltk:ally 111 girl end e hospltellzed streer- ~llQ}'OOth (A) ( t hr 10 min ) U G T1il ~CW CAM011 Hosr Johnny Carson Guests Buddy Hackel! Martin Mu~ {1hr) l==-=-OllDCCUU POQ'9 O. IOCmTY ,. LA~ Host Dennis Wholey ~hr.) • .,.....,. ... ir!lmf'lrra• .... "On Golden Pond" ( 198 t, Dra- ma) Henry Fonda, Katharine Hepburn Old family tensions resurface as an elderly couple return for a last summer at thetr New tngland relreat and are vlSlled by their daugh1er. her fiance and hiS son 'PG~~ 49 min ) -1...r_,TCmMf MC--~ .,.,. "Murder My Sweer" ( 1944. ,.. • ..._..,.. f tf7J. OIMtl) fl • MM in I M'ICMU A tt1Pt1mit c;outl nom1nW II ltMlilllgattad 0¥ • TV new. ~t.,y IMtft (I tw 30 mitt J !.,!'.!!' "The Ou111da Mllfl'' ( 10 ' ) Mn-Wargrat Jun r11noo nant Alt "'*~ hit men 1•1tlMl1; track• '* 1a1get tl'lfougfl the 11r_..1 of Lue &1'"' .30mtn) • • CMlftU (II) "3 AM .. ( 1978, Orame) OIKH ~ lpaMfl. Rhond• Oaltatd ·x· ( t hr • ~ "MOICOW ~·t Ba4teve In fiara" ( 1980, Comedy) V«a AltfltOYa Ale•al Betatov Thr .. country glftt with dlttlfent goala end vatuaa move to tl\f btQ Clly to pur.ua thelt ambitions (2 hr•. 2~ min}_ -· • LATI ~ wmtDAVDL.lmmM Ou.ell comadlen a.c>roe Mlllel, 1tun1 !m•W.B~•u.l~ _. "Paddy" ( 1969. Drama) Des ve. Miio O'Shea Based on a nOV91 by Lea Dunne A young man learns about growing up whtle moving from one roman tic lnvolllement lo anolher ( 1 hr , 30 imintM&Y ,,,,. UM, 'uJMU CM ITYLI =~~·~\'°war" 11sso. Adll6l1ture) Chrlatophar Walken, Tom Befenger. Alter being tortured and deported by an African dictator, a merce- nary relurna 10 lead a revolution 'R' ( 1 hr . 45rmn) Cl) MON "Carnal Knowledge" ( 197 t. Orama) Jack Nlchol800, Ann-Margret Two college lrrencla spend 59vera1 years before and aher graduation discovering Ufa by sharing and switching each olher's ~ltrMHld& 'R' ( t hr • 37 min ) 11:8 CHaa~OMM ... _ tll9 Cl) COi •W Colombo auspect1 two foretgn dlgnllarles of murdel'lng a polltlcal adversaryA ( 1 hr , 20 min ) *•::.,.._ Ci).,_ "Westbound'' ( t959. Wesrern) AandOlph Scott, Virginia Mayo A Yankee oHleer tS placed In charge of stan1ng a stagecoach line to ship gold out ol Califor- nia ( 1 hr • 30 min ) (C)MON "All The Fine Young Cannibals" ( 1960. Drama) Naralle WOOd, Robert Wagner A head$1rong glr1 from a poor Southern family marries tor money not love (2 hrs) lD C:OU... POOT'UU Coverage of the Calif01nla Bowl (from Fresno. Calif ) (R) (:.I hrs) (%) _,. "A Kid F0t Two Farthings•· ( 1956. Comedy) O.ane Dors, Cafta John- son A tad Irving tn the Slums of London bUys 11 6'll811 goer bellevlng thal It's realty !he kind of magic unicorn that a ratlor once described to him. ( 1 tlr . 30 min ) t:ll ltz> MON "Iron Angel" ( 1964, Orama) Jim Davis, Donald Barry DYrlng the Kore- an War. a patrOI sen• to de5tr0y a morlar blockrng a road Is surprised to find a m1t1- 1ary ambulance ltlere lnsiead ( 1 hr , 35 min) CID MON "Don'r Cry. Ir's Only Thunder" (1982. Drama) Dennis Christopher, Sosan Saini James A female Army doctor and a rrouble-prone medlC help two nuns bring a group of v1e1namese orphans to '('Vt , .... ''''""= MYW ,. Mtlfflfl _.If.. .1- Jhl """<if li!ril ~OUt'IJ '~ trilallld •• , ...... It~"'' t:"•nold""'" 01• of in. g11i. w.co-..t• an. ~ p;~ ·,ro· ·1£.l.._,,.ATat ' atl m llOWll ~ty M11tJ1 M 11'1 A Row' ( 181 I. Myat•ry) Auck Muaton. A~ Ooc•uneon A 11'11di1t1'• counM!Of the Idol at n bevy ftf high 11~hoot ~-wetlul with • t11r.t.11r and 1 pOllc:• eaplalr'I lf'I WllllnQ tn• mytt•ry of ....,.ral ~<* 11111iu11~111 31m1n) ;':.. "Modum Romance" (198t,. !'ornedyJ Albert Brooke. Kathryn Harrold A lltm edtlor lr•M repe1ttldly to wlf' tulck the he1"1 of lhe woman 1'141 I01111 'A' ( 1 hr 33m1n J (%).,_ 'The Cllng That Couldn't Shoo! Straight" ( t971. Comedy) Jerry Orbaoh, Leigh Taylor Vou11u Twu t:>umbllng llallan tam1t .. 1" 1n Flrookly11 become 1nv()lved In srree1 waub •pr.· ( t hr '.l5 min ) ... ~llAtUrf ~ = ·rile C.vncerr For Kempuche6 ( t980. Musical) Paul McCartney, The Who A l'IOSI ol rock perlormera, m1ny of whom get rogelher In an all·star rock 0<chestra are fealuted 1n tl'l1a record of a ~lies ol toncer1s held IOI the benefit ot 1ellef 10 war ravaged CarnbOclta (I l'lr , 20 min) ©) llCMI "Scanners" ( 198 t, HorrOf) Jennifer O'Neill Peu1ck McGoohan A lethal conflocl a11ses between two small groups ol people whose exrraordlnary psychic powers include Iha ab1llly to klH 1elepa1h1cally R I 1 hr 42 mon ) a11l8) llCMI "The Border" ( t981, Drama) Jack NICl'lotson. Valene Perrine A Texaa border uuarCl's 11alues come 1n coo"tcl wtth those ot hos corrupl co-w01kera end his ma1enal.s11e wile R' ( 1 ht 45 min ) Mt(!)PNTM• M (J) llCMI "Jesus" ( 1979. Drama) Brian Deacon. Rrvka Naiman The Ille of Iha "King ot Kings:· l1om hos early years as the son of a pooi carpen1er to his lnsttga· 11on of the religious and sooal tevOluhon rhal led to his dealh by cruc1ll1Clon, IS de1a1leC1 'G' I 1 hr 57 mm I •i TOPfrTMI~ IPOllTICllfTU moVll ·carnal Knowledge" ( 1971, Orama) Jack N1choli.on. Ann-Margrer Two college l11ends spend several years betOfe and after graduation d1SCovering life by sha11ny and sw11ch1ng each otl'ler's ~ll11ends 'R' ( t hr 37 min ) ... RllTm d llCMI "Modern Problems" ( 1981, Comedy) Chevy Cha~. Pa111 D' Arban- volle A hapless a11 tratt1c contrOller wllh • numerous pe<sonal problems Is endowed wilh 1eleklnet1C powets afler being doosed wtlh nuclear waste 'PG' 11 hr . 30 min ) ta CC) llCMI "Nicholas N1ckleby" ( 1947, Orama) OA1ek Bond Cedric Hardwlcke 8a5"d on rhe clac;sic oy Charles Dickens A young tad a11empts 10 prorect l'l1s lamlly from an uncle's wicked 1nlluence (2 hrs . tOm1n) ta(!)IUU...U 41:11 1JZ)IDMMCW~ Friday, December 17, 1982 27 -Tuesday Coal. Australians conscropted 10 hght on Eng land's side on Iha Boe< War df!c1de to loghl lhe Boer guerollas on lhe•r own lerms 'PG t' hr 46 mon I (JDllOVll •'laps t 1981 Orama) George C Scort Timothy Hu11on Mthtary school cadets take over lheor school 10 prevent plans to Hirn lhe academy property into a condo developmenl PG' (2 hrs) llOVll 'Carmen Baby ( 1968. Ora ma) Yta Le11)1a. Claude Ringer A cop wreaks revenge upon the lovely 58duc- tress who led him asrray ( 1 hr , 30 min ) cm llOVll "Naughty Schoolg11ts·· ( 1976 Drema) ~becca Brooke Kom Schac~ (1 hr . JO mm ) (SJ llZAllll John Syner shows you lhongs strangef lhan lrulh larger lhan life. and zanier than anylhong you've ever seen (1) llO¥a "The Frenct> Woman" (1981, Orama) Francoise Fabian. Dayle Haddon A bofdello belng kept open by a govern- ment sub&1dy 1s lhe sctne ol murder and po11ttcal scandal wl'len a VIP customer 1s pho~raphed et play 'R ( t hr , 37 min ) t-----~ --·~" ~l. Comedy) Jack Wild, Mark Lester Two pre-teens learn a lttlfe ebOut lite as they slr~le through 1earn1r19 expe11ences 1n a British school (2 hrs , 5 min ) 11:118 Cl) CMl9CY Quincy ellempts to decrease t>os workload by re1urn1ng lo hts medical practice (A) ( 1 hr . 10 min ) 0 G M •IT CW CNllC* Host Johnny Carson Guests Lee Marvin, Buck Henry i)«t1~ ... ..m.. •llMalCW-CIGDCCUU MlffW-IUIM .. LATBIQNT Host Dennis Wholey ~~Tm ~ MO¥ll "The Border" ( 198 I Orama) Jack NlcN>tson. Valerie Peulne An TeJ1Cas border guard's values come rn conlllct with those ot hi& corrupt co-WC>fkers and .. ,~·::i~=~r , 45 min) 91MIWT.._ WIU.__,POlrT = "PO()!" ( 1969, Comedy) Alan Atldn, Rita Moreno A Puetto Rk:an wld- OWef plent to Ht his two sons adritt In lhe ocean In hooes that thev wlll tin<! a bell« _......._ ... v1.- -· "Honof' Guerd" (No 0.le, Oramt) AOd Stelget < 1 hr . 45 min l •CD:l "Cltlmn Kane" (19-41. Onim.) 0!900 W....., JoM9h Cotten (2 h,. ) Cl> "CMetmu Mountain" (1961, Dr• ma) sum Picken•. Mark MMltf ( 1 hr., 30 min.) Cl) "Joeeph Andrews" ( 1977. eom.dy) Aim-M11gr11, Pet8' Fltlh. ( 1 hr., 45 min ) •a> "8o Welt Remembered" ( \847, Ora· me) John Mitts. Marthe Scott (2 In., 30 min.) -~_:~:pv111ma In Connecticut" (HMS. ';;;',,:({~bere Stenwyok. Oennll Mor-if· .. ~cr~tt l'entety" (1071) Aft.. ~tect Volcet Of Mlchelt We et>d aw. ~ L ... ( 1 tw .. 22 IOO) •Cl>" ... ~ Of The Nof11'1" '1011. IO Ff1dey, o.o.mblr 17. 1112 home (2 hrs.) 41> LOWI, R.mD c Ale lml 0MOVll "Blood Beach" (1981, HOflOI) John Saxon. Burt Young A pair of police ottocers have their hands fuU when they 1nvestoga1e the cause of beac~ being sucked into the sand. never to be seen ~aln 'A' ( 1 hr , 30 min.) tl:ll U Cl) LA1111Mr llml DAW>..,,..... Guests comedian Kevin Nealon. .c:tor Ron S1lvM (I hr ) B TOM com.I: UP CL.Oii llO¥a "A Dendy In Aspie" ( 1968. Suspense) Laurence Harvey. MQI Farrow An undercover SOVlet agent IS 8SSlgned to ehm1nate an enemy 1nl11trator responslble tor the deaths of three Britlm agents (2 hrs) (!) MO¥ll "South Of Monterey" ( 1947 Western) G~bart Roland ( 1 hf. 30 min) ~L0¥1,' D ICMlml ............ ("> llO¥a "The Postman Always Atngs Twice'· ( 1981. Orama) Jack Nrcholson. Jess;ca Lange A young woman and her -'Over p&ot 10 tnuLCloLJ\et nust>and. 'A' 1.1 hr . 37 min) cm llO¥a "Ardent lovers" (I hr 30 mmL a. a Cl) 'fCl9 u11 a WI Mac IS lett with a host of suspects when Miidred Is attacked wMa on Jl''Y duty and a fellow YJ'OI is murdered (R) (I hr . 20 min ) a.(%) llO¥a "JOMpl'I Andrews" ( 1977. Comedy) Ann·Maroret, Pet91' Arth A young man's flamboyant romantic capers cause scandal among staid and slutty Englishmen of the 18th century ( 1 hr . 45 min) U.(C) llO¥a "Sig Bad Mama" (1974. Adventure) AngMI Oicidnson. Wtlliam Shalner A woman cuts a path of viOlence and romance through the Southwest o1 the 1930s. 'A' (1 hi., 23 min.) W 8 mws "VoyaQe Into Space" ( 1970, Science-Fiction) Mlt&undbu Kaneko. ShO- zaburo Date. A hero swlngt Into .c:tlon to rescue TOkyo from annlhllatlon by a dreaded monster. (2 h,.) 8 .,_ "S.gean1 ~d" (1965. Comedy) Frankie Avalon, DebOlah Wa~ ley. Alter a ap.tee trip. 1n ofllcet jeOpard- tz" both his carMI' and love llfe with his newly acqulfeCI parsonalty ( 1 ht • 30 mln'"-1 .. =~ · (1962. 0r ... • Adv«lllKe) Ellen Boratyn. Torn St\8'rltt. (!ht .35mln.) •CC> "The Gathering" (1978, Orama) Ed Asner. Maureeri·s1apleton. (2 In) ()ti HNvenly Dog" ( I 080. Comedy) CNN. hnJ. ( 1 llf • '3 min cm llr Crazy" ( 1980, COmedy) ~lchatd ~"'·Gene WllOtf, (1 hf .. 5t mlo.) .. "The G•no Thi• Couldn't Snoot llgtll" ( 1971, Comedy) Jeny ()rt)ech, Lflgh Teytor· V""'O. ( 1 ht , 36 min.) ... "Woodstock" (1070, Mulbl) Oocu- m.ntary. (3 tn., 6 min.) ........ 9uti.t'•811t-'' (11M3. Mulloal) DMnna ~ .P•1 O'Btlen. (2 tin.) ... "LMale ec.ne Home" (1~ Dr• ma) AOddy MaOowal, Edmund Qw9nn. E > -HomefromTheH ... (1880. er.mt> Ml1~ o.oroe ~ (2 30mln.) ~ ~ l.auafllld'' ( 1•1, oorn.c:tv) l9V ~..,om.a. (1·tw •• ~ ma) Sidney POltlef, Bobby Dario A pl'ison psychiatnst tries to undefstaQd his 1ntt- Sem1ttc, anti-black pal tent. ( 1 hr.. 30 min) CD CCIU.IGI Mm1UU. North Carolina State Wolfpacil al Louisville Cardinals (A) ~hrs) CID llO¥a "9 To 5" ( 1980, Comedy) Jane Fonda. Dolly Parton Three W<>ftllng women rebel against their subjugation by a male chauvinist boss 'PG' ( t hr., SO min) tll«l) .... M'(ll I Cl) mws "The Best" (No Oete, Come- dy) A t>uitom country girt has gtMt p0ns !Of hie in the big c~· ( 1 hr . 25 min.) 1:1111 :c;n HM -c. ... ..mrAn:te .. o = "Turkish Delight" ( 1974. Dra- ma) Rulget Hauef. Monique Van De Ver . A young sculptor mames a woman whose appetite IOI tvn matches htS own 'A' ( t hr. 40 mln) -0 .o11J "Cheech And Chong'& Nice Dreams" ( 1§n:-Come<JY/ ~(! "Cheech" Marin. Thomas Chong Two 1nvetMale potheads appear lo h8W louod their true catting as they peddle Ice cream on the streets of Los Angeles 'A' ( 1 hr . 27 min) Ill QZ> UOATllGL CC) llO¥a ''Improper Channels" (1981, Comedy) Alan Arkin, Marietta Harti.y. A &efles of misundlmtandlngs causes a eoclal WO<kM 10 $U9p9C1 the S-yeer-old ClaughtM ol a aeparateCI couple is the W:- llm of chlld abuse 'PG' (I hr • 32 min ) -1· ... ,_,,,,,. mw11 "Affair With A Stranger" ( 1953. Comedy) Jean Simm<>M. Victor Mature Divorce seems the only altema- tiv. fOf a young couple untu they adopt a child (1 hr • .s min.) (%).,.,."Home Movlel" ( 1980, ~ dy) Keith GOfdon, K1'1< Oouglu A young flfm st~t autfefl from a badgering tMCher and an attraction to NI brothef'a flanc• 'PG' ( 1 tw .• 30 min) M (D llCMI "The Fllll" (1981, Sutpenle) Lau~.,.-Bacall, James G11met. A popular lilm etar la vlotlm!Hd by a psychotic a(lmlrer. 'A' ( 1 ht • 35 min ) (I) llCMI "Oliver" ( 1988, M"*-1) Ron Moody. ()hoer AMd min) al) "Ab, SWMt Alloe'' ( 1978. Horror) Linda Mk, PN* 8~1d. ( 1 hf . 4t min.) (I) "lndlan LOll'I ee.n" ( 1t3e, Mulllcat) Jeannett• Mec:Oonetdi Neelorl Eddy. (1 ht., .t5 min.) Modem Pfobleme'. ( 1981. eom.dy) Chaee, Patti 0' Arbenvtlle. ( t ht .. .) -al "Bundle Of J<N" =· Comedy) OiOb6e ~ Edol9 . (2 tin.) tW. "High Country" (1961 Ortrnll) ~ tfly Botfome. Undl ~ ( 1 tv • 32 min.) --- ~ l~' ::-1. ·~~ ---- - •I'm Vililt • pu1Wtt111 • """"* ~ ,,.,, ..... .,. IGltM ilil tv MCMI. "M " .. 1'VCl&#10 Al HNI!' ( llM. ~ CAM) ~tllnll llnefra. Dotil9 Dey ,_ollllatlle ._. • rouna ooi.-.,.. •he trwn , .... ~ P-!i!!rilf'• llefWlee (I hre ) • •a "The T......ion ~" The pat. ,,,......, end futUfl of AmwlOln , .... lllelon 1te ••l*nd (A) O (I ht) • ..,.., "OUIM M A ~· WPlel\ e nun dee Of tt•rvallon In a c:on"9nt lowe.. tNYtelon ln1ervi.-Jemima llhofe, • for· "* OUCJll 1t the ~t. II atled 10 WW.tlolite. (P11t 1) 0 (I Iv) Cl:)-. "~Of Your Ey .. Only" ( t9e I , AdveflltJte) Roget Moore. Topel Jamee Bond track• • criminal whO purloined e top MCret Bflllah dtlenM de\llce 'PO' (2 In.. 6mlnil. CI> .. , ,. CJ) .. "FelcOfl't O<>IO'' (No Dela, Advefllure) John Marley. LoulM Valance. Deep In the Me,1clcan jungle 1 life •nd death battle wagee over an •nclent golderl treaaure with mr-terlous powwa. ( 1 hf. 30 min.) ... "The Aept\111 Jungle" (1950, Sulpenee) Sttfllng Heyden. James WNl- mor1. The Police are baffled by a criminal mastermtncf1 hall~ rc>bbery 50 min) ... YOll llM'I MJAYM ~ CM91 Animated. Y()fj Beer and Boo Boo become the obJect• ol • maSIMI police ... rch When a blltlonalf•'• lonely deoghte< thlolct Vogl la actually Santa Clllia I CMma"I Mm.a cmccuu M Wal....-OltTlllPLm- .. .. "Supp<>M They Gave A War And Nobody Came?" (1970, Comedy) Brian Keith. Tony Curtis The oold Wll between an Army base and a neighboring town turns hot when SOldlerl bo<row • Stay In the black not In the dark • r:!:IW'--'='-~ ~'" tN ff :::~ ,,. I~ 1.7 '': N till lfltr ~ ,..,. frt I"*" .. NlihJ ..... ~,_. •• trMJe lnlfNlf• to IM'IMIQltt 11n leQlll CIP'fllliorl on 1 l1opielll 1Und It ;.'. --.. JIJdl ••• up In biiJ c.ldt JIM! end ~ wtien hi oen't ·~IN~• of the pr~ Gr•'i, w "fWMll Round· ourNIMnl" g;;) -.-•• JlmmY Connon. .,, Petten, Hermen end l<llt A9gue t--. Kii Audtnln, Jeffrey o.bomt. Ot M~ Hanieon. ( 1 hr ) • 8ti1Wi ''Quiet Al A Nun'' Whe<'t 1 nu11<leaol1tetV•tlOn In• convent 1ow.r. t~ lntervlew9f Jemlml Shafe, a IOf· "* puc)il ., the ()OIW9nt, It •lk9d 10 m.tlQ.ite. (Pan 1) Q ( 1 ht ) • •&"The TMYlllon Exp6otlon" Ttwt peft_._ PfeMnt Ind """'' of A"'9<1Can tele-vtllon are e~ed. (R) Q (1 hr.) (f) WT ~ "Hartford Ooen" eov.r- aga of the llnet roundl. trom Hartford, Ct R) (2 M., 30 min.) ... "Modem Problernl" 11981, ) Cheoly Chua. Patti O' rban· vtlle A hapi.a air tratflc controllef with numeroue ~ probleml ii endowed with tei.lnettc pcl'#efl •fte< being douMd with nuciMr wute 'PO' ( t hr .. 30 min ) CD --"Houle Calll" I 1s1a. Come-dy) Walter Mattheu. Glende Jacit9on A widowed doctor hell• hie Caunov• tend- enciel tong enough to le.II for • Olvc>tcee whO d<>een'I belleYe In philandering 'PG' t! hi .. 38 min.) CZ) .,.. "I Vlteloni" ( 1953) Franco Int~. Al!>erto Sotdl. ( t ht • 45 min.) • • O I TO I Mr. Hart'• new computer goee on the fritz and Jody ends up without ajob. (R) (I) 90lfll "The CMetmae Tree" ( t969, Orama) Wiiiiam Holden, Vlrna Lill A weelthy buslneaarnan devol" aH of his '"' ';' •/• Of ~·!!.!!!' , • ., t ,..,........_ 1.....0 filth '" .. ..,, ...., .. ka on • t ... llCiflllf With I fOUJ1Q n ""' ·~ (I tw 30 tnlrl , ---TWMtyendAllptl lry ~ Or 8Mle lhel they •• tMOf IOt tM outlktl WOtld, IN eouroe Of the mytltfl«M ...... found, 8nd Dr Cavanero dMll w.11" I WOtNl'I t.r own tlQll who rnull fee. • hyllt111Clomy ( 1 ht) • 1 u"., Jonethen end Jen. ~ inveallga1e I ~em eompMy the• la belnO UMd to Nt up a .., ... of °"'"'"':atfrti.'"· o <' ht l • M ICllll8 Hoel M.i Tonne with Lff Brown end hit Band of Renown a1a jotnd by Rletl Little. Gtlorga Sl'IMrlng, MIUl'Mfl McOcw.rn. M1rltyn MoCOo Ind Billy Dallis Jf tor an evening of holldly mullic•I en1e11alnmen1, (R) ( 1 hr., 30 min) 81) 100'r M am.t1m "Sleight OI Hand" Dr Jonathan Millef put.a. Ille art ol heeling In 1 hlal0tleal conteJCt with an examination of the royal end char'lamatlc he1lere of the 19th eentury (RI O ( 1 hr ) (I) A .. DAY M ... A powerlul !amity 1um1 a small town Into a model rejuvene· lion project. (Part 12) ... "High Country" I 1981. Orama) Timothy Bottoms, Linda Purl An eecaped convict and his handicapped glttfrlend ftee 10 the mountalna. 'PG' ( 1 hr , 32 min.) ITlllRJ 'M .. Ill II llOOm -•IF••• FT •wn1•www-... ..OMmlGI __.. -.111 Tiii llAmc (Pan tW11~a· ... M.L•TlllP&aY .....,.0 DOCTOll • 1111--.,. "Bfeaker M0tant" ( 1980. Ora· ma) Edward Woodward, Jack Thompeoo Stress m a nagem ent ... with ~ •13 ga'ty ...££, <VE.~ue ~. C. ou\\00 Signs For Stress Include: The Dally Piiot's Headaches year-end business Fatigue review and forecast. lrrltablll ty Coming Dec. 29 Backaches In the \,'sing gende manipulative therapy Basic nutritional counseling. Daily Pilat' (714) 553-8236 4121 Weaterly Pl., Ste 116 • NewportBeech,Ca.92660 Friday, December 17, 1982 29 mlhtanls t>u1ld1ng up an arsenal ol weap· ons in preparation fo1 a race war are betrayed by one of lhe11 own people A' {_1 hr «mm) li:ilD G) 'Al&Y1111 flyse realizes that her "enlighlened" at1ttudes 10..,ard teen age sexualily extend onty to other people's children (!)MIPBWIEWOM .... ([) CCIUIGI ....-ruL1. DePaul Blue Demons at Purdue 0011etmakers 1n1 (2 hrs) m llQHT UW11Y 1liil D G> QUllC'Y A famous surgeon makes a fatal mistake when he allows an 1nexperi enced doctor to perform a simple opera- tion lor him. (A) ( t hr I l ame ... 9 D'fllAITY M.irk tells Krystle lhal their divorce papers are phony, Blake loc3tes Steven. and Kirby tells her lather the lruth abool her Ille 1n Paris O ( 1 hr ) Cf)~ "Ch11stmas Eve" (1947 Ora· ma) George Rafi Ann Harding On Christmas Eve. lhe three adopted sons of r------W99Mll'f-~ Jaal.11 jhar her real nephew rs developing a s1n1ster pip! ~Inst~~~) • A IPKW. wmt WCWIO 'AYAMTn The Metropohlan Opera star Sings "Ave Mana,' "O Holy Night"' and other Christmas closs1cs trom the Notre Dame Cathedral In Montreal (A) ( I hr ) Clll MOYll "Don't Cty. It's Only Thunder" ( 1982. Drama) Dennis ChriSlopher Susan Saint James A lemale Army doetor and 11 trouble-plane medic help two nuns t>nng a group of vie1namese orphans 10 salety 'PG' ( 1 hr . 50 min I (O) .. DAY•-(1) llOWll "Looplng" (No Oate) Shelley Winters A small-time carnival owner enters a daOQefOUS pact with an aml:>I ricx. -ng stripper ( t hr . 35 min ) e "Honor Guard" (No Date. Ora· ma) ROd Sterger A pacifist whO deserts the Army and escapes 10 Canada becomes the target of an ell·Mllrine set· geent and his huntrng bud<lies 'A' ( 1 hr • ~min.) I ,. ...... -•••• ...,....w. ... A amTllAI cc.cmrT ... CAWM The Ara Nova Ch8mber Orcheetra an~ tok*t Adrienne Tworek-Oryta under lhe direction of Maryloulae Nanna present e hOllday concert from Canlslus College lo Buffalo, New YOfk , ~MlllMOWCA• -... "Bailout Al 43,000" ( 1957. .,,...) John Payne, Ka1en Steele An Alf F'«C. majof feels cowardly fC>f hiS t .. r 01 t•~the automatic r,tlon ... , of his 8-C7 t. 1 hr., 30 min. CMAMll .... -.... &UU ... ·-·-••••Am.• =•9GIT ..,. ........ ... "ChMc:tl And Chong'.• Nio. eemt" ( 1981, Comedy) Richard "a.ct!" Matin, ThomM Chong Two lnYtt••te P9tt.dt •PJ*lr to hllve touno their trut calling .. tti.y ~ lo. cr .. m Ol'I the tlJMtt of Loa A~ 'R' ( 1 hf , ~'i:J.. ''SUrnmlf <'Amp" (1t 7'9, Com-~) JdVI C. MCUIJQNln. ~It ~ The """"" of • r.111ng ~ camp dlclOll to ralle money bY hddlnQ • tNllOn for tfw now-mat,Ufed a\lmtil, •w a Fttdey, December 11. 1m ~;-.r . 30 min ) PUYIOY Oii THI AM ' llilOVllE 'Modern Problems" ( 1981, Comedy) Chevy Chase Path o· Arban- v1lle A hapiess aor traffic conlroller with numerous personal problems is endowed w•lh 1elekone1tc powers alter being doused with nuclear waste 'PG' ( t hr • 30 min I 1t:al6 (() twrr TO twrr Jonathan and Jen· niter become luglhves When lhey are faced with llTlpcrsonment on Mexico or dea1h a1 the hands of 1n1ema11onal drug smugglers ( 1 hr . 10 min ) • D 01 n. IDT 01 CAMOee Host Johnny Carsoo Guests Elizabeth Ashley. Pal Boone. Neu Simon. Sob lJecke< (A) ( t hr) l ®)MC--~ YOU AIUD PCla IT OllDCOWl.I POCUI f* IOCllTY i h~ LA-Ho" Oonoo Who"" )~ Jllct.m tt• .,,,. "The freoch t,ieutenan1 s Wom- an" (1981, Orama) Me<yiStleep Jeremy Irons An affair between two actors 1s par- alleled 1n the romanliC period lllm ln wtlleh lhe two ere perlormlng 'R' (2 hrs 5 min) 1tl9 tH)llOYll "The French LleUtenant's Wom- an" (1981, Orama) MerylStreep, Jeremy Irons An affair between two ac10fS Is par· aUeled 1n lhe romantic perlod film 1n whlCh the two are performing 'A' (2 hrs 5 min) 11:111 llft'a'f~TOMmff 9 MI.Alf WGe MOYll "The Deadly Altair" ( 1967. Orama) James Mason. Simone Slgn01et A 6rlllsh apy Is dispatched 10 follow up on a leller !W!f't to lhe lorelgn secre1ary trnk· 1ng a key offielal with the communtSt par· ~ (2hrs) • '::. "Christmas Eve" ( 1947. Ora· ma) George Raft Ann Harding On Ch11stmas Eve. the ctv .. acklpted sons ot a weolthy spinster teem that her real nephew 19 deYeloplng a sinister plot i alnst he< ~2 hr..) LCM. • U CAM Im.I .,. "Ho1 Rackels" ( 1979, Otama) Candida Aoyalle, Laurlen Dominique ·x· (1 hr .30 min.) g ~ "WOOdstock" ( 1970, M"*81) Documentary. Many of the top muaJcal group1 of the late ·eos perform at the ramous rock concert held In Bethel, New YOl'k, In 19&9 'R' (3 hrl., 6 min.) 1119dl) llOWll "Four 0.ughtM" (1~. Ora- ma) Lane SlsteB. Claude Rein. Four musical 11111111 fall 11'1 love with the aame man. (2 hrt.) -· e LA11 Wwrnt DAWI» Uii &Ill Questa: comtd\ln J«ry Senlleld. oom- rnerclal anlat Bnioe ~•. Mlldellne t<a"TGJ~a.cum , .,. "8arbtty COiiet" ( 1935, Dr•· ma) Joel McCrM. Edw~ a. Ao01111011. A4td llghtt, gambling and ~ telQn In SanE' . ll'lthe 1eoo.. (2htt.) • u• C•lml Cl) ........... MlnnMotl G<*> en Gophett I I Jeckaonvllle Oolpt'llnl (R) ~M.) ... "Mon~" (1811. Come-) 8iAlan Anlpecf\: Et19nd ~ A oegleoted Witt tt9Ylllll to 8tOC*tletn Ind begll'e In ·~ wtth • "*' ... met In • ~ flinhtolub '" (1 hf., 40 ~-) Mtm .. -~'A·~ C-ol'' (1861, ,.,teey) A1Mtilit llm. KetfMn Hltrilon. Based on lhe slory by Charles Dickens A cold-hearted miser learns lhe vRlue ot compasS1on lhrough ghostly adventures 011 Christmas Eve ( 1 hr . 30 min. I U. 1J Cl) .o¥ll 'The Quality Of Mefcy" ( 1976 Orama) Scott Hylands, Tony Musante Two young doctors take drastic measures when lhelf plea for extra tund· 1ng for health care is refused (A) ( 1 hr. 20 min) 1:bW .ZJ THI ._,., 11TM cmnltf Orson Welles narrales a mini-history ol the mod- ern world drawn from the Movletone Newsreels ( t hr , 25 min ) ~fl llOYll "The Monolith Monsters" (195 7 Sclence-FtetlOn) Grant Wllllams. Lola Alb11ght Strange deaths OCCUI when a meteor tans 1n10 the California deseft (2 hrs) G llOYll "Francis Of Assisi" ( 1961. Ora· me) Bradford Dillman. Oolo<es Har1 A ge11tle and humane monk founds a rellg· 1ous ordef ln the 13th century. (1 hr , 30 m111) • enar.-.rT~ llOYll "·30-" ( 1959. Orama) We , 1am onr pulls all dep8r1ments together to gel the paper out (l hr . 30 min ) t:tt D GD me ... 0\9811 mlT (0) llOVll "Endless Love" ( I 981, Romance) BrOC*e Shielda. Martin Hewln A 17-year·ol<fs obsessive love for his 15- yaar-old g!rtlrlend leads to parental con- flicts and tragedy. 'A' ( 1 hr , 55 min.) WCID ~ "Buddy, Buddy" (1981, eom.- dy) Jack Lemmon. Watt• Mant\au. WNle en assassin ooncentrat• on his next kilt- ing. he Is rvclely Interrupted by a bumbling lalture of a man wflo Is attempting suicide. 'A' ( 1 hr . 36 min ) CS)~ "Eyewitness" (1981, Mystafy) Stg<>Umey Weever, W~llam Hurt. A lelevi- Slon reporter becomes lnYONed wtth a Jan- itor who may know more abou1 •murder that he witnessed then he Is saying. 'A' ( 1 hr .. 43 mfn) ... Cl)ml ... ~ATQt ~ '::. "Onlbaba" ( t965) NobUko Otowa. Jttsuko Holhlmur• (I ht . 45 min.) Ml (fl) MT,..,.. ~ --"The Gattleflng" (1978, ex. ma) Ed Asner, MllUIMO tfta!*ton Long- time dMllor19 among memti.n of the lam-tf of a dying men come out In the open when hit grown o~tna gethef fOI' • flMI lam~ ( t I'll., 45 min.) w CD "Sc8nners" ( 1881. Horrorl Jennifer O'N.-. Petrick Mc:Goohen. lethal conftlet ll1Ne bllwMl'I two .,,.. group9 of ~ wMel extraordinary PfYChlc: P<>'N"l ltdJclt the •bitlty 10 kttl .. t~t:-J'· 'A' (1 hr., 42 min.) ~Jlii,.,. Yll "lntermeuo" ( 1838. ) lngrld 8efgmln. lMlle How- ard. All Int.,.. loYI •tr.Ir de'o elopa between • married oonoett ~ end hll daughtet'• mutlc lNOl'lef. 0 ht .• 30 t·=-...... ,um .. .. ''The Leectl WomM" ( 1080, . ) Coleen Gray, Clf80t w..inL A ~ n*'1ed to' yClUnQ8t men~ era the MCftl of youth, bul not w.. one of II~' hr.) ~-• -YMMr&.Or ''The .,. ~· '"~· IM) J9C* Nlri'OIOl1, lcih' • \ f I f f M•. -) "Mic» In ,, 11" (I llil tfl ....... I Jo4JI n II twt I • "'fhi ..... ltUfMIR" ( ,.,. u.. lnl) OICtll Ven~· KafNMn °""911 f I .... ,,.,, t~ ''The Gang Thill CcJUldn I t.tw1t1t lit~·· ( 1111. CotNcly) Wry Ott.h, T evta1 · Youog fl hf 31 min I -Oon~i-Cry. 11•1 Only Tl'lundef" ( t 7, M'll) DtMll Cht•topntt, SuMn B•1n1 ~· (I tv . 60 min) CI) "'•lllng In LOYe AQeln" ( 1080, Ota me) tlllott Gould, 8ut•nn.th V0th ( 1 t11 30mln I CD> "Jeck The Giant Klltef" ( 1Q82, f"•nte ly) Kerwin Mathews, Judi Metadlth (2 t\rt.) •• "fhe Horlrontlll l i.utenant" 11oe;i, Comedy) Jim Hutton. Paula Prentlu ( t hr., 30 min.) .. Cl) "Uptight" (19&8, Ofam•I Julien May ~. Raymond St Jacque• ( 1 hr , 44 min ) W (C) "The Gathering" ( 1978. Of•ma) Ed Alt*, Mauieen Stapltton (2 hr• ) •CD "POt>eya" (1980, Comedy) Robin Wiltlame, S~ OuvaH ( 1 hr , S. min I • "The Hazing" (1977, Dr•ma) Jett &et. Brad Devis ( 1 hr , 35 min ) ....... -w:.... --~·----Q .. , ..... ......... Gm IAIY Gu.t actreu Janet Gay· nor ii: ... .-T-IUWl191AVIOI ... "Cltla n Kane" (19" 1. Drama) wane.. Joaeph Cotten. Fluhback• recall the Ille of • wealthy, powerful and extravagantly Nit-Indulgent ne~per magnate u 1 rapor1e< eearchet lor the algrilflcanca of the man'a cryptic last WOf~.) Cl>•• I UOtlr Jean Stepleton I nd Andy Gibb 1tar In this mutlc:al who- dUnlt abOYt 10 houseguetta et an Engllah country houM who are murdered one by -~,t;a~~ • aJ •CAA llAIOI W•U-U' IHOW HlgNlghts of this aeaaon's NCAA football ·11.i'= = CAWITT Guest Bemardo Bertu· locd. (R) ·-... CC) _.. "A Chns1mas C.rOI" I 1951, Fantasy) Alastair Sim Kathleen Harrison Baaed on the Slory by Charles [)jckens A cold-neaned mlsef learns the value or compassion th<ough ghollly adventures on Christmas Eve. ( 1 hr , 30 min) CID Ir-IOC* m&.Y "Red Sketton Preeen11 Freddy The Freeloader's Chris!· IT)U Dinner" Vincent Price and Imogene Coca co-star with Red Sketlon In the slory of Freddy the Freetoadef'l lrlals and lrlbu· latlons as he plans a holiday ctnne, e _,... "Nulcracker Fantasy" ( 1979) Animated. Volcell of Mlchelle Lee and Christopher Lee A olr1'1 love and cooragtt 1111111• A ~Dr CJ• l"1a1 U...•il'.lll'kt Ip .. In a.v.tty H !hi bfuttwt ~ 111e allllfflf•llfig In 1-·,~-- ICS Minneeota OOl<J an Oophett er JacitlOnVilltt Ool~ln• (2 hrs) ([) .,.. "Aock. Aook, Aoclll" (IQ~. Mualeal) Alan FrMd. TUM<ley Wald A hlgh·achOOI prom reaturlnQ iti. mull<: ol &ueh '60CI tiara ea Frankle Lymon ano Chuck Berry bllngs • boy 1nd girl tog.th '" 'G' ( 1 hr , 26 min.) t%)MOWll "The Gang That Couldn't Shoot Straight" ( 197 t. Comedy) Jerry Orti.ch, LtliOh Taxlor·Voung Two bumbling 11allan 'famlllea ' In Brooklyn t>ecome lnvOlved In 1•11-=-=~~: min) NI ... 1111 I• 1MI TOW Featur.O a look at tri. le~e rock group phenomenon, a loolc at lake lood used for televlSlon and mO\/lea, '"'i~i:~==-·"" •TIC TAC DOUIH liiiDU•t N.ACI CCIU.lm umTIM.L. 0. Paul va Pl.Ir due~~ I :........ '°"" ~/~90ll'I' lml•t C81'9TW "Christmas Kennedy Center With Leontyne Price" An evening of tradltlonal Chrlatmaa music and readings leerurea renowned aoprano Leontyne Price, llutlSI Paula Robison, gul· tarlst Eliot Flak, and Norman Scribner con- ducting the Fettlvel Orchealra end the Wesnlngton Cho,el Arta Society of Wastl- 1~1~ hr.) CH) "Oliver" ( 1968, Muslcel) Ron Moody, Olivar Reed. A young or~an Is kidnapped from his new home by his old gang, bUI manages 10 escape end rarurn 10 his benefact~~. 35 min ) G CC1UH1 "UC. lrvlna Chrlslmas Tourney" (2 hrs ) .. II (I) 11VB1-. .a.11VB1.on- Tne McFaddens come 10 the aid ol e young widow whose untorgMng In-laws are trying 10 take her three children away lrom her. (1 hr.) II flD MN.. filO'la Featured a toy man ufactur8's' convent'°". skaleboard1ng In snow. a school lor Santaa. the author or "The Preppie Handbook", • report on Chlld And. (A) (I hr.) D llON "Tovarlch" ( t937, Comedy) Claudette Colbert. Charlaa Boyer A f&gal couple set out from Russia lo France car ry1ng 40 mUlron francs for the czar {2 hrs.) 8 0 TAU.I Of lHI GOU lllOml'f Jake. Jack and Corky are led 10 an une•pected rendezvous wlltl Gen Douglas MacArthur wherl' l~y tty ·to· uacl< cfown reports ol "n•Mt ,.,,_ •• , ~ "' MiAJ M hHf Vtlf~, ltttltt MIM ur1!ht 110tr Ill' etw• ~hta A r<UtO bcrf'• ~• ,. dMC>IV ~f br • otillMi '""ount., *1th .., ~.tf,lad ,,,,.,,,., '' hfl) • Wllt•••u _,,. TW · Clvlltllnat • Al Kanoadt Cent• With l eontyne ''"-" An ewnmg nf tradition.# Ohrllttl'Mlt f'nulio i nd rtadlriu• INtur" rllrlOWned aoprano l1KH1tyne F'rlc•. flVtlet P1uta Robleon. gul 1ar1at r1101 Fiii\, t1nd Norman Sctll>tlet con dUoOng the rMllval Otcf'lfftra and the Wuhlnglon Choral Arte Society ot WHh ~ton (th') (C) MO¥ll "Homa From The HIN" ( 1960. Olama) Aob4111 Mitchum, o.c>roe Pep- pard A ma~·· II tlmata ton tovoa hll 111•. ~:·· 30 min !O) C<ilolado St•te Ramt va USC Trojana (2 hft) (I) LOlf IAT&UTI •tWWW A Iott reiecommunlcatlona aetelllle falls Into the hnnds of an alien clvlllzatlon ( t hr ) • MIMI "Enter The Ninja" (198t, Adventure) Franco Ne10, Susan George An Ame,lcan martial arts •xpert NII our 10 avenge the murder of hll bell lr'41nd 'R' ( 1 hr , 30 min ) .. aJAU•lHl,AllLY ... ,OllO~ lHI _.,. The 300-member Otato- rlo Society of U1ah perlorms George Fred- erick Handel's "M...i.h" with guMt con- duetor Sandor Salge> from the Mormon Tabafnacle In Salt Lake City. (2 h<s) CD .,_ "A Clockwork Or•nge" (1971, Sclence-F1c;11on) Malcolm McDowell, Patrick Megee Olfected by Stanley Kubrick When pola capture the IMder or e reen·age gang or raplsta and murdet· ere, the method ol 1ahabll1ta1lng him provH even more threatening 10 IOciety 'A' (2 hra., 17 min) ... (11) MIMI "And Then There Ware None'' ( 1945. My11ery) Louis Hayward. Barry Fitzgerald. Ten people Invited to a remote deserted l1land are mysterloualy murdered one by one. (2 hrs.) .. 9 ())MIMI "Love At Flrst Bite" ( 1979, Comedy) George Hamilton, Susan Saint James The world's most tamoua vamr.lre gives up hi& one-bite stands when he •Ila In love with a top New York lashlon model (A) _l2 hrs.) II fJD 1MI FACTI 06 LR Mrs. Garretl's logging partner une1tpectedly proposes marriage 10 he<. Q 8 0 TMI PAU '1Al'f COit runs tnlo a lor- me, glrllnend In Aspen wtlo needs his help 10 escape trom her husband, a moo-con lfOlled po111ic1an (A) ( 1 hr ) G _.,, FAUllU RCIAl CD~_,.. Guests Laurence Ottvtet. Leata Galloway.~~a Lewis ( 1 hr ) f!I • om o-.MICI AT TMI Wllft .,.,_ Famed vlohnist ltzhak Perlman •S master or caremornes lor an all-star J8.ZZ program lrom the East Room of the While House ~~, ..... (!} HT COU.. trlNOTIZU lHI CGN HypnottSI ~olhns tums pollee lnvesll- Q!llon Into Pfi11ar1ous art lorm ( 1 llf.) CZJ .,_ "Uptight" ( 1968, Drama) Juli· an Maytleld. Raymond St Jacques Alter 1toe King assassination. a group or black Friday, December 17, 1982 31 , poC>I English larm« becomes the victim ot her family's aspirations and her own beau-ty_ 'PG' (2 hrs .. 50 min.) l:llU9 ITAIOflMlfAl&YA fire company captain finds his 01ganized life thrown into chaos when the singing talents of htS teen age daughte< catapult her to a careef 1n show c::=-J.:b i =.w Neal Geblef and Jef· Irey Lyons holt an lnformatl\le looll at what's ,._ at the movies. Iii) 1141 WMM.ll tMAT...,.. Archi- val and rare him footage documeot the story of the Pacific ~y whalM. wt1'ch have twiCe rebounded from near eKttnc· tlon. Jacic LOfd narrates. CID mWll "The Border" ( 1981. Ofama) Jack Nicholson. Valerie Perrine. A Te>1a1 border guard's values come In connlct with thOM of his corrupt co-worker• and hll materlellstlc wife. 'A' ( 1 hr .. 45 mln ) .. «Z> mWll "$halako" (l968. Western) S.en Connery. Brigitte Bardot. A lof'8f saves a group of aristocrats from Indian ~ •'-defeating-the .Apache cblef'• IOn in a fight. (2 hrs., 30 mn) • D e ~ A sheltered bride-to-be 11 abandoned by her fiance 1n a Boston bar with a oolorlul OfC>UP of c:ust~ and Its handsome Pf~°' (A) • Ill 100 CUlll,.. ccmio1..--n ... Hefw)' 1s sent Into a state of shock when Muriel's mother decldel to make San Francllco her home. (R} • _, ... Gupsts: Margot Kidder. Linde Lee. Laura Tyler. William J Grace Jr .• Brig. Gen. Chartas Yeager Ill (retired) u tv.) • M--MIOf,.._ ''The Comedian" MIOkey Rooney l1er9 a1 en egotlltlc81 come who lhriYaa u a atar by deYOUrtng ev9f)'0"8 around him ( 1 ht • 30 min.} e IMllW&a w• ''To SeM Them All My Dmys" Ak:Ock Is gone and !he QY9&11on again II who wMI be appoint· ed new heedmaster: CMI antvee lrom Canada whh a new burden tor P J to lhoulder. (Part 11) O (1 hr.) CD lllMI "The Border" (1981, ()Jama) Jeck NlchcMeon. Valerie Perrine. A Teua bouw guerd'• V8luea oome In conflict with tl'IOM ol hie comipt oe>-WOtkers end hie mattf1allltlc wife. 'R' ( 1 hr., "5 min.) C%l .,. "C>nlbebe" (1966) Nobuko Otowe. Jbuko Hoehlmura ( 1 hr., 45 lrnin..;. ... _ ... e TAii .Arn la foro.ed 10 moYe in wtth Lout. when. Wf9Ck~ ~hie con-=ar ~=~~wife and mother abendOIW ti« kltehen to ~ a car.., .. a ~Ing anom.y. (R) (!) ... 'Going My Way" (1~. Ora- me) ~Croa()y. 8atry Fltl.Qlf9ld, A P'felt to • down1rodcfln pariah worttt a .-With the parWI and the (2 tva.. 30 min.) IWIW -~ -91111 "Don't Touch h t . MoftlY ......... ~ ..... IOOk at the bla ~ °' p1me tlrM ~ and lolloM two ttlOWI from "'*" tMfy c». •• .,...,,. to their rwf • woncr.t,a.'1:.~·I !' .. ,."':ta k>C91 bar~~: OC#l .... IOf of local gel1G ct-. ft 8*• ., .. "lllded'' by . ~Y. ~ _...., wtlO cell ......, CtptM\ .......... (,.) (1 ht.) ... ,.rtdey. °'°"""' 17. 1112 1 ...... 111 •1• A CllllTMAI Rew.. wmt WCWIO PAVAROTTI The Melropotltan Opera star sings '"Ave Maria ... ··o Holy Night" and other Christmas clasS1cs from the Notre Dame Cathedral 1n Montreal (A) ( 1 hr ) ([) ~ IASITUIJ. UCLA Bruins at Maryland Terps (A) (2 hrs) •CS) A ..W DAY .. IDB A powerlul family turns 11 small town tnto a model reJUVena· tlon PfO=I r an 13) 11141 n •• -&B• IJ9T•IWWW ... •AMC:aAClal A reading or Gene Hlmmels\91o's atories thal recall his lnd1 ana chlldhood 1n the 1930s is leatured (C)llON "Senal" (1980. Comedy) Mar- tin Mun. Tuesday Weld A happily married Marin County couple are spurred by theh trendy neighbors Into e><ploring allemallve lites= ... R' ( 1 hr . 3 I min ) CID llOliDA: 1141 llM MD .. llONI The on-and off-screen Ille of one of Ameri- ca's tavortla actors IS traced with film cUps of some of his best movies including "On ~.POQQ'.: ~Jiii.Oil Nm IA Oscar_ $.hr.la. ~m•11ooa mWll "Modem Problems" (1981 Comedy) C~ Chas.. Pam O'Arban- ville A hapless air traffic controller with numerous personal problems IS endowed with telelonellc pcwera atter being doU5ed with nuclear wute 'PO' (I hr • 30 mm.) tW DeCl)OG>*"' IANIDAY liilMf • llAllCM Of_ M.L•TMIP~Y ..-W-0 ••n•.-r DOCTGI •TMI *"-.,._ "Char10tte" ( 1975. ()Jama) Sir- pe Lane. Roger Vadlm A succ:.sslvl writer becomes lasclnated with the mlKdef of a former love. ·x· ( 1 hr , 45 min ) (D) mWll "Pandora's Mirror" (1961. Fan- tasy) Veronica Hart. Jamie Giiiis A wom- an bUys an enchanted mirror lhal Involves her In se•ual encounters with the past. ( 1 hr .• 36 min) OlllMI "Taps" (1981, Orama) George C. Scott. Timothy Hutton Mltltary 1ehool cadets take over their achoo! to prevent plans to turn the academy property Into a condo ~topment. 'PO' (2 hrs.) (%)mWll "It lklee Ageln" (1978. HorrOf) Frederic Forr .. I. Kathleen Lloyd A num- ber of couplel find thelf toY OYer having a beby changed Into ~n.nng tarror when the lnfanta ametge aa Clawed mon- ate<a. 'R' ( 1 tv .. 31 min.) tW«l) ... "Holtywood Hotel" (1937. Muaioel) Dick Powell, Roeemary Lana. A atany-eyed country btM'npkln tra11911 to HollywoOd and ~· 11'1 not the dfeernland he thought It would be. (2 hrs .• 10mln.) -tWe (I)__, Quincy ttlM toJ;OYe lhet the ll<Ull of an llP()IJrtnt hOfNc \/lctlm la that of a mt.Ing lebor i.ader. (R) (1 ht .. 10 rnln.) • e M mf Wcmml Holt: JomrrJ ~ au.ts: Df6Mrln eano.. Aobec't ~ Teri Glrr, Capt. "'*'1 TtuaX. (R) 1hti • __ ..,... ._,." -119&1 -·--MIA,_ Ho91: DecV* ~ • hr.) .. •10n Goldtfl Pond" (1Mt, Ora- l'N) Menry Fooda. Ke1harlnii MtpOum. Old WTllly '"'*°"' '9Mf90il .. .,, ~ couple return fOf a last summer at their New England retreat and are vtsltad by thelf daughter her tlanca and his son l'PG~~ 419 min) a. anllT~TCMGHT !11 lMIWT WC. 110N "Georgy Glrl" ( 1966, Comedy) Lynn Redgrave. Alan Bates A girl marries a well-to-do older man In Older to give her lriend's baby a home (2 hrs ) ;="A Girl Named Soone<" (1975, ()Jama) Lee Remick, Richard Crenna A brtSlly backwoodS Of&ndmother lo8es her 8-year-old granddaughter to a young cou· pie with no children of their own (2 hrs ) ~ LOWI, ' If I CM ITl\.I .-TIC8n'a ttim mW11 "Cattle King" ( 1963. W"tetn) Aot>Grt Taylof. Joan Caulfleld. Presidential Intervention Is necessary In a heated 1883 tand dispute in Wyoming territory ( 1 hr .. 35 min) , CS) mWll "Altered States" ( 1980. S<:I· eno.-Fiction) Wdllam Hurt, Blair Brown A .HanlauL SCiB111lst's oemtle. st~utt 1$ __ _ altered when he conducts mlnd-e•pand- mg experiments with tSOlatlon tank• and power1ul hallucinogens 'A' ( 1 hr . '3 mlnL -· m LATIWwmtDAVIDUll •• Guest· comedian Richard Lewis ( 1 hr ) ... com.I: C.Q.Oll (!) llCMI "The Man From Utah" ( 19341, Weatem) John Wayne, Gabby Heyee. A tough lawman nabs a gang or outlaws • who are utlng a rode<> as their bate ot r:atiooa. \1 hr.) UM. ft CM Im.I --"MeMn And Howard" ( 1980. Comedy) Paul LaMat. Jaton Robards An otherwlte unl<nown Q9S station attendant claims 10 be the rightful heir to Howard HogheS' bllNon dollar estate 'R' ( 1 hr . 36 min) (%) llCMI "Uptight" ( 1968, ()Jama) Joli.. an Mayfield. Raymond St Jacques Attar the King assassination, a group of black militants bul1dlng up an araenal of weep- on• In Pfep&rallon IOf e reca war are betrayed by one ol their own people. 'R' l! hr..._ 44 min.) ... w 9CCLOUD McCloud pOMI ••• heroin de8lef 10 lnflltrate an International drug ring. (R) ( 1 tw .• 20 min.) -="La C8ge AUJt FotlM II" (1980. ) UgO T~lchel s.nautt. A tQad oey 4 .,. the quarry of a M<nt orglin&.tlon trying to get the mlcfoflllTI that cw. of them awe.llOWed 'R' !..! hr., 39mln) •• .,. "Moolter On The ca~" ( 1958, Hon«) Arttlur Franz. JoeMa Moore. Wtlef'l a eclentlst beoome9 Na own guinea pig •nd Injects hlmMff wfth !he 66ood ot e mfftlon.yMt-ctd flltt, he II tul'Md lnlo • monat«. ( t ht., 30 min.) • .. "The Story Of Ohtd" (1980, Ciama) Jeff Chandl9f, 9Mill SV<1n9V. A V°""'O ~d ,.... 1d power and oPPOM8 KlnO &MM for the ttvofte Of ..... JJ.W.,fi~rnw ... ·~ Fot c...'' ( 1860, Comedy) Hc*n, Aonatd Colman. An ~ i:letM plal'9 to Mf1d • qW ~Into benlc"'PfOY. (1 ht., 30mln) E ---· .. .. ''AMI .. (1M0. ) ~ ~lchelf Y°'11. A Canadian TV er If\ MotoO'# dl9- oowr'I • "-Ian ~ ~ ~ ttwaldl on dlllchn and.~ J f ! , , .. I I c I It At•tl t:l11lfty' Mr• flla•1•1• r 1 f lllt!ilil,) , hllfrl I I '"It ·~I lrt ft11'" 011 ""' t I 111 Jf lfl!ft I .. l "lfo11 tuwn U d A" I llt11, lli•rn111 "'" •r""\)91 o. ... w"' '" t 1 hf u1 """ I •111' 'kel,,. O" ( 10'.f f')f•mMf li.111 ~, ... JM 8ttfllno 12 hf• I ,.(1'.) "rtancla" I rl~ Cunllldy) llorwht O'"Ctlf11:1or, P1111e .. Mltdln• I' h1• I CC) 'Cnn11noa• Mou11t1tt11" t llHI 1 1:1111 m1) Bllm Pick••"· M11flc Mtllnt t I t11 lCI min) (0) "OV1ncy'1 OU.I" ..J 191CI r11nlHy) Anilllll.O ( 1 ht ?O min l 19(1) "The Hlde•wftyii' I Ul1:l, COffif'<ly) 11\Urld 9efgmen Johnny 0ot11n t I ht 4!1 mfn I GI "Hfrry'• WAf" (1961. Comedy) f!tiw111d H•111111tro'1. Oeteldlne Pllge ( I h1 . 40mln) .. 00 "10110. Thtt G•y Blade' ( 1981, Cum edy) 0.0,ge H11mlllon, Louren Hutton (I ht , 33mln) .. CC)' Heidi"" I t979 Adven111111) I 1 ho l3 min) (Q) 'Mtllvon And Howard' ( 1980 Comu dy) Paul LeMal J1150(I Robards ( 1 hr 35m1n ) .. (Z) '"A Kid For Two F11r1h1ng!." ( 1956 Comedy) Otena Dots. Cell.s Johnson 11 hr . 30m1n) ... "I"ll Be Yours' I 1947. MuSIC<JI) Deanna CNrb1n, Adolphe Meniou (2 tm. ) •G) "Wee Willie Wlnk1e" ( 1937. Drnmu) Shirley T ample. Victor Mclaglen (2 hrs I ct "rnter The N1nj .. !"' ( 1981 AdvtJntwe) Franco Neto Susan George ( 1 hr . JO min ) -(t) "North By Notthwest" ( 1959 Suspense) Cary Grant Eva Marie Saini ~hrs JO min) (ID 'FlaSh Gordon" ( 1980 Scltlf\ce Foe uon) Sam J Jones. Mell Von Sydow ( 1 ht. 50 min) (S) "A Life 0 1 Her Own" ( 1950 Otama) Lana Turner. Ray Milland (I hr . 50 mtn ) -(11) '"Greet Expectaoons" ( 1934, D1emo) Jene Wyatt, Henry Hull (2 hts ) 11r11 (Z) "The Elephant Man" ( 1980. Drama) John Hurt. Anthony Hopkins (2 hrs . 3 mlnl -JU1enaooa Movies- -• "Men Of The F1ght1ng Lady'" ( 1954. Orama) Van Johnson. Walter Pidgeon ( 1 hr . 30 mtn) m "The Clone Master" ( 1978 Science· Ftetton) Art Hindle Robyn Douglas (2 htS) "Hetold And Maude" ( 1971 COl1W dy) Ruth Gordon Bud Cort ( 1 hr 3 1 min) tl:tl(C) "Boys· Night Ou1" ( 1962. Comedy) Kim Novak. James Garner (2 hrs ) (8) "Final Assignment'' ( 1980, Otama) Genevieve Bu1old. Michael York ( I hr 30m1n) 0 "Moscow Doe::n't Behe11e In Tears" ( t980, Comedy) Vera Alentova. Alexei Batalov (2 hrs . 25 min ) tMl(Z) "It Lives Again" (1978. Horrol) Fredetoc Forrest Kathleen Lloyd I I ht 31 min) t:a(Q) CS) "MOdetn Problems' ( t 98 l Com edy) Chevy Chase. Petit O'Arbanv1lle ( 1 hr , 30m1n ) 1111(%) '"Homerown US A " ( 1979, Drama) Gary Spttnget. Dave Wilson ( I hr . 30 .. m"J.... .... _., ...... MC ... Q ........ MAWAIMM 09 llAl'f Guest comedian Phll Her:C~ fl.....,_. ......... TMIMTI m> MO¥ll "Modern Problem•" (1981, Comedy) Chevy ChaM, Patll O' Ar ban· vtlle A hapless air tralflc controller with numerOU5 personal ptoblams la endoWed with 1elek1netlc powere titer being dousec1 with nuclear was1e 'PG' (I ht . 30 min ) 0 MO¥ll '"Harty'a Wat" (1981, Com&- dy) Edward He11mann, Getaldlne Page A smaH·lown poslman cornea to the aid ot hts aunt, whO owes 1he IRS back taxes -iGe:..:.~ I= CAVITT Guest· Jean Luc Godard i art 1) (R) ~YUM WMAT't UP ~ Featured· a vlslt with Santa's helpe1a ea they gear up tor 1he ho1Jday season. what It takes to be a ski pattolman, a reltramaol home for ,..1ch51::~1 ~~A 16-yHr-<>ld who IS 8 champton freestyle skier: songwrl1er John- ny Marks tells how he came 10 write "Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer " LV. IMCUl.10e ... llllBT~ TOMCIMT Mm'ICO.lllf fl) ... .., '1'UUIHM 90IT lOPIAIS.,_ MO¥ll "The Elephant Man" ( 1980, Orama) John Hurt, AnthOny Hopldns A dedteated physician takes under hlS wing a hombly delormed man wtiose Ille untll then had been apenl 1n cheap freak exht· b11lons "PG' (2 hrs . 3 mln ) ~ 01We1m COWTY TOOAY ?:II G lml IAID1"ULL Los Angeles Lakers ,, # f ·-I! A W!lh fllt 1141 r.•IQ.M t 4JY a ti tu ;' il:IJ~~ .. .:: •• t.t'f::._, e NW ..., la UIA!Jkle tt .. lltat tlf • lft p;itl 'tipe't on the r:11me nf 1 ,,., • """" form C)f HMtM 1ny1nm UY'""'"'~ JICIP""' ,,.,._ lllffi8nll0 tic;tlun booll• l&:::r g::,~~ ..,,. .... -TOMtM.AIY -TNI ... Hoell LIM DlrWIO"I end Nlc1< 91>0n1<.ont1 r~ lllghllgt'llt QI lht p1evtou1 wHk1 NH g11me1 and ~ntervi.w key =mend w11cri.t ( 1 ht ) COJ rornon1on OJI.,, v• LOI An~os King¥ (3 htll ) Cl) .-0.C. G•t 1n uhape, loOll good. (Ind Itel gront with this pl'lytlcal fllllell erogt•m m llO¥ll "Thtl Adll-"IUrM Of Torn Sawyer' I 1938. Comedy) Tommy Kety. Jock11 Matan Based on the 11ory by M•rk Twain A m11oe.hievous Mll&Outl bOy hH • Htlff of eicc111ng adventure& (I ht 30 min) 1:9('1) ... • B Cl) llAQllUll, '.&. A tragic evanl ltom Magnum's pH1 coinus to llghl when he brlelly seei; o gtrl he Is convinced Is hla wtle. who was reported dead tn Saigon (A) _(~hrs) D GD PAim A11 tJlllOtlonally handicapped teen-eget encounters va110tts dlHlr,ullJea when ho enrolls 1n the School of Arts (R) L1 hr) 8 COU..QI IAtKrruu Maryland vs UCI A (2 hrs) a l1Jj IC>Alm LO¥U CMACll Fonzie visit• Chicago uneapecledly just as Joanie and Chacht are 11boul to aud1t100 IOI a TV show (RI (!) IOAI CD '.M. llAGAn. A 16-year-old whO 1s a champion lrees!yle skier. songw111er John· ny Marks tells how he came to write "Ru= The Red-Nosed Reindeer " Cl) "Sunshine Christmas" ( 1977 Orama) Cltff De Young, Barbare Hershey. A widower takes his daughter to Texas lo celeb1a1e Cht1s1mes with hts parents (2 hrs ) fJD u.a. a.oeea..I "Metropolitan Hospl· tal" The inner w0<k1ngs of a typical emel· ~~ital are examined ill) I WWI Neal Gabler and Jef Irey Lyons host an 1nf01malrve look at what's new al the mov141s (C) 110¥1! '"NOt!h By NOfthwest" ( 1959, Suspense) Cary Grant. Eve Mane Saint An advernsrng man's ~le is changed dras· ttcatly when he is mistaken lat a CIA a~nt (2 hrs . 30 mtn ) (LJ QROVll WAltlllGTOlt A • CCIM'8"I' The popular 1azz saxophonist is accompa· nled by an &ll·sler qu1nte1 In a concert '\ !aped et the Schubert Theatre in Phlladet· ph1a ( t hr) (.SJ llO¥I! "MelVln And Howard" ( 1980, Comedy) Paul leMat Jason Robards An 01hetw1se unknown gas station allend&nt claims 10 be the nghllul heir to Howard Hughes b•llton cJOllar estate 'R' ( 1 hr • 35 min) 0 llOW! ··Tess' ( 1979 Drama) Nas1e1· s10 Kln~t. Peter Fttth The daUQhler of a Friday. December 17. 1982 33 1''" .... AMC-JEEP ORANGE COAST AMC-JEEP-RENAULT 2524 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -549-8023 28402 Marguerite Parkway Mission Viejo 831-2040 -495-4949 ROY CARVER BMW 1540 Jamboree Road Newport Beach -840-6444 CREVIER MOTORS 208 W. 1st St. Santa Ana -835-3171 LONG BEACH BMW 3670 N. Cherry Ave. Long Beach -131-5790 CADILLAC NOeRS CADILLAC 2600 Harbor Blvd. eoata Mesa -l40-9100 C HEVROLET CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH ATLAS CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH 2929 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -548-1934 DATSUN 888 Dove Street Newport Beach -833-1300 FORD THEODORE ROBINS FORD 2060 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa 642·0010 -540-8211 LINC 0 L N -M ER CUR Y JOHNSON a SON LINCOLN-MERCURY 2626 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -540-5'30 SANTA ANA LINCOLN·M!RCURY 1301 N. Tustin Avenue Santa Ana -547-Gl11 MAZOt, MIMCLm MAZDA 1426 Baker Street Costa M81a -Ml-AM PEUvF C>T PONTIAC BOB LONGPRE PONTIAC 13600 Beach Blvd. Westminster 892-8851 -836-2500 PORSCHE-AUDI RSON, INC. 445 E. Coast Hwy. Newport Beach -873-0900 MEISTER PORSCHE-AUDI 13631 Harbor Blvd. Garden Grove -838-2333 SAAB BEACH IMPORTS 848 Dove Street Newport Beach -752-olOO TOYOTA EARLE IKE TOYOTA 1966 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -841-9303· MAXIY TOYOTA 18881 Beach Blvd. Huntington Beach 1474515 VOU<SW AC-EN JIM MARINO VOLK8WAQIN 18711 Beach Blvd. Hun=on Beach la· VOL VO --- ~ '~ "'71·.~ ------------ '" fl II I •• ,,. Of w . ''"° lift) Cll'ltllf Vflllll!MI, fom lkft1 Ahif '*1f lart"".O and CMptlf lfp 1ri AlrlOlf'I dlllfll"', I mlr '*Y lttuine to INd • t~IM 'A' ( 1 tw ""*', COJ M IMllM1TM ~&.-The duttnmy A'1tlld-winnlng ~tel 1>9'f0fm varled INttlonl R:;kJdlnO "8lfdlM<I." "Twlllgttt lone," end "8ov From New YOfk City" from the Rlallo The•tlf In Jof let """°'• p tlr ) .. (ff}-M ... Hoell llf'I 0.WllOn "•net Nick Buonlconll r~i.w highlight• of the previOUI week'• NFL g•met Ind lnf.,\lteW •i SFncl co.ci-( 1 hr ) .. CC) llOW9 "Bring Ml The HHd Of Attr.OO Garcia" ( 1974, Ad111ntur1) W1rr1n OllM. Gig Young A t1111ng piano pllVif Mt• ou1 on a long and bloody tr•ll In M1.111i. co to retrieve • valuable head and a $10.000 reward 'R' ( 1 hr., 52 min) ~ "Melvln And Howard" (1980, ) Paul LeMll. Jaton Roblrda. An ptherWIM unknown gal 11atlon ltltf'ldant clalm1 to be the rlghllut heir to Howard Hugl'les' bflllon dOllar Mtate 'R' ( 1 hr .. 35 min) 11111 (!) f AIT'M • .. ,.IW.w.&I l llMMI "Carnal Knowledge" j 1971 , ama) Jack Nlcholton, Ann-Margret Two COiiege l111nd1 apend 1111eral )'NII belOfe 1nd after g11du11t1<>n d11eov111ng Ille by attar1n9 and 1w11chlng aach other'• ~frlerlds 'R ( 1 hr . 37 min) l.IJ llOWll "A Ktd For Two F11rth1ng1" ( t956. Comedy) Diana Dor&. Celia John aoo A lad llv1ng 1n the ilum1 ol London bUys a small goat belle\llng that 11'1 realty the kind of magic unicorn tha1 a tailor once described to him ( 1 hr 30 min ) W(!l)IDMAlltJll~ -Word Game EMERGENCY FILL I~ ~e Ml~SING l.E'ITERS /rJ IH£ ''IV IA.IORDS" BELOW. I 1%JZI 1 IEI I IAl ~RI I I ITI IAI IEI IBIUI IR~I Is l !PIA! I I IO IO IN I E l ,,ueAI~'~ ~It"~ IS e*'~ M I INI 1 IXI /'~~~/~-" ~ R€ A~fNJG€ TH£ A \. c..Err~s You FILLED llJ ~ ~:lil ~lo ~ll iHE t.JAM€ ~A , ~ j COMEOIAN : !\""; \ ! I (\ I \ j I I I I l I DOCTORS OFFICE THE A TT/lNTJON YOU NEED · WHEN YOU NEED IT MOST A convenient elternetl'lle to f!o1plrel emergency room• lor ILLNESS INJURIES FRACTURES Thorough Proleuionat & Personahzeel Care ADULTS ANO CHILDREN No App01ntment Needed e lmmeel•ate Attention Given WORl<MAN'S COMPENSATION ACCEPTED 1 OAYS AWHK Ma OAYS A YUll ....... ,, ~ ..... (71 •) 752-4S300 •M•RO•NCY DOCTORI Of',,C8 4030 Buch St. Suite 101 fffwp0r1 Beach I N = 1 15oFF = • ? your first visit = 5 ' wl~ thk mpon = • SH what we have to offer • --:a1111111111~oufll.1111111111r: Friday, December 17. 1982 35 •December 17 r 1982• Linda Fratlanne • • • Success not carved out as effortlessly as ice skating By LORENZO BENET Ol &ke Dally Pllol Std At first glance, Linda Fratianne,s life sinoe she won a silver medal in the 1980 019JDpics has been filled with all the glamour and extravagance one would expect of an ice skating IUpentar. The four-time national champion and twice. wcidd champion eama a lix-figure aalary t.our1n& the alobe as the star attraction of Walt Dimey'a World on Ice, which opens Dec. 26 for eight daya at the Anaheim Convention Center. She aJao recently reJeued her 8e('l()lld exerd8e album. the first of which IOld 300,000 oop6ea. 'TD be very comfort.able for the rest of ~ abe aid unabeshedly during a interview from her hotel room in Denver, Colo. s~ then "rattled off an impremive list of plJ9I I aw· three bowles and a coindnmtnfum in West Hollywood; a ~em Benz 4!M> SL she drivem three weeks out of the year, a $1.0,000 Bill m.. mink and oodJee of diamond jew~. Fratianne haa cashed in handeomely Oil her name, but a r 1ook at her life revea1a 1--~= .. Linda Fntianne •tan with Mickey Mouse in Walt Di.aney Prodoction1' World on lee which opens Dee. 26 at the Anaheim Convention Ceater . .. I ' l I I . 1 I N ao O> ..- ,,----1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thelnt•rtaln•r• ~i:::::===-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jan Rublni • • • Music should appeal to everyone. By KAREN E. KLEIN Of tlle Dally PUo& S&atr ,. Jan Rubini thinb mu.le should appeal to =one: from European royalty to everyday peo . 'That'• why the violin virtuoeo keeps his ormance1 on a ''not--too-ller'iowl" level. He wanta . the evening to be fun. •'Whether they be royalty Cl' COIDllMW\ people, mUlic -the power to make them fcqet their iroubles," Rubin! eaid. And be should know. He baa appeared throu&hout the wodd since he began performing at the -ae of 7, headlining at USO abowa In the South Pacific and recitals a' the Boya1: Albert Hall in London. He hu played for troopm in World War ll and for the royal f.amiliea of ~. o«en doing three or four ooacerta a week. kow that be ta old enouah to know better, Rubini aa1d. be keepl bis perform•ncw down to one fN«Y two or three weeb.. In between traveling to ccocerta, he llvea in BUr CanYQQ in Newport Beach. Tontsht. Rubiril wlll a.,PP!~r wi\h -hi• ecn, IJian1lt Michel Rubini. at Or8nge Coast C.Oll,ege. Tbe lWbhlla will be playing 8elect:klril ranging trOm Beethoven to Chopin to popular American compoaera. Rublni will do aome of hla own ~ta• well, be aa1d. Father and aon have appeared together u often• they could b _ the put two decadea. But wtlmes that'• difficult, since Michel is in demand • an accompanist. Michel will fly in from Hawaii, where his Houae in St. Petersburg. Rubini went to achool in England, where he made hia debut at the age of 7. It waa like "experiencing a reincarnation," Rubini said. when he found that hia son a.180 "had music in h1a 80Ul" 'Ibe family wa.i. in Australia one year. when Michel was 3, viaittng a friend of the family, when Michel noticed a piano in a nearby room . "Daddy, there's a piano over there," Michel said. "fd like to play iL" "Go ahead," bis father said, though Rubini knew the boy had never had any piano training. Michel walked over to the piano and started saying The Lord's Prayer, wNch his mother bad taught him to MY at bedtime. Then. u be said the words, he started playing chords to go along with them. "Then I knew he had music a.lao, and I began him on lesaons when we returned to the states," Rubini said. Like his father, Michel Rubihi made his debut when he was 7. • Tonight's concert, which be~ at 8 p.m., will be held in dCC's Robert B. Moore Theater. Tickets are $5 at the door. For more information, call 556-5527. Movie adaptation of opera experiment • house wu nearlv lifted off lta founda'1ona by Hurricane lwa, for tonight'• concert, Rubinl taki. HOLLYWOOD (AP) -Italian director Franco Michel, 32, accomi>antea pop alnaen like Zeffirelli calla bis $8 million movie adaptation of the .8&rbra' Streiaand and Frank Stnatta and ot1en does opera "La Traviata" a daring experiment. ~ta of popular tun. foe them.-. "He bad to "Will people come to see it?" ~ Zeffire~. get into the money field u well M doing cla-lcaJ who previOusfy turned Shakespeare into a movte works," Rublnl laid. hit with "Romeo and Juliet." "Or will they be Viol in •ir;.t:;;u;;oso~:-Ta;n;;-,lliia;J;i°1;;;nT1--=~'----..;..;..;;='jfiiiC'runaruiitilffi;ijilll~e vetna-''"~,-or=--men:c-::-R""u'""'bliil=.--deterred at the tbOUg!it of ope1 a. If not, if they rf h h family. Rublnl'a father wu direc.10r of the Royal ~e to aee it, it will prove my crowning will pe orm wit is son., Camervatory tn Sweden, where Jan waa born. and ichievement. For once they aee it, they must be Michel, tonight at OCC. bJ.a mother waa a ballerina at the Grand ~ captivated." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~----~~---------------------)~------~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 'Tootsie •• - By PBIL SNEIDEJlMAN 01 tM DaU7 Pilot Sl&tt • Year's funniest mo~ie also touching Dre8llng a man in women'•~ JI one of the oldest and cheapest jokee uOuri(l. Du.tin Hoffman'• new film "Tootale" pulla a pretty famlliar atory out of the dtac Pl book: a man dreme9 up u a woman to &et a job. then falla in Jove with a female co-WOl'kes' who doem't realiJ.e the new pl la a guy. 'lbll routine waa the bull for BUly Wilder'• clalllc 1969 tilm "Some Uke it Hot," and te1eWdon worked a variation on it for the eeriee ''Botom Buddies." . ans,_ • Mtr,... ....... ., a......., Ice skater Jill Sehuh waits to rehearse at Knott'& Berry Farm where she will star in "It's a Dog-Gone Good Christmas" ice ahow. Jiii Schulz • • • Looks forward to spending Christmas at home By LORENZO BENET Of ~• Dalb Piiot Stair off. For the next decade, abe pr.ictlibed five hours a day, artslna at 4 a.m. most mom1n8ll-11 Uled to fall lllleep In c1-." abe nailed. Her~. an ice bocby player blmeNf, WM Scbull'1 .... t .... . Wberi the local k:e rink WM ooademned by the dty. be built a 2,SOO.....t Ice arena, pm'tly IO Sd\uls and bet sis1er couJd COfttinue to train. 3 ~ §: ~ i • !:J Q. ' Cl ... l ...... .,, I ... Ci I Ill ~ I I I . ! 3 i I .... ~ -U> Q) N -.. N CID OI ~~~~~~~~~~~~--------------1c._ ______ •_n_1.,., ___ •_ln_•_r_• _____ ~~------------------------------------:-- .,.. ~ Linda Fratlanne • • • Success not as effortless as ice skating 1 i .From Page 1 ~ Linda said it was dittlcult for her brothen and llistera to cope with their mother ~ spending all of her time with her. but it was -o buttered with admiratiml and an ~ underst.nding that Linda'• hectic life was far • from easy. 'O i Perhape it all climaxed during the i Olympias in Lake Placid. N.Y. A. the games ~ drew to a c:lme. 1Jnda became the last hope ~ for a United States' woman to win a gold · ~ medal The pi'ellUl'e waa building and ii: reporters and fans eeemed to be everywhere, IO Linda and her mother hid out in Lake Placid'• Hilton Inn under the name of Danolfo -her mother's maiden name. The nm for the gold in women's figure skating eventually came down between Fratianne and F.ut Germany• Anett Potzacb .. The spectacular head-to-bead dog-fight W8I de9cribed by Sportm ID..ir&ted u "one of the toughest ahowdowm in Olympic skating hilt.ory .•• Fratianne lost the battle, but only by a mere BeVen-tenths of a point. "I came in third (a week later) in the world championahipe -I definitely suffered a letdown," she said. Fratianne then turned pro, beginning with a special eight-week stint in Las Ve0s. It was the first time in 10 years &he bad been separated from her mother. · ''It was hard at first -my mom and I have been thrnugh a lot together," she said. "But it WU time to break the apron ltl'tnp and get 00 with life ... 'l'ourin& with the Walt Dt.ney ice lhow hu Ha upe and dowm. Fratianne said On one hand, there are thundering ovatiom f:nJm a~ throughout the world. and lliaht- eeeing tours witfi friends. On the other hand. if relationsbipe with fellow akatera were icy as Lfnda moved her way up the ~teur ranks, they havm•t been much wanner during her twcryear tenure with the Walt Disney show. .. Sometimes there~• tension within the wlit," ahe said. •'J think it's bard ftJr eome people who have been in the lhow many years to eee thia little twerp come in and be the star -it's bard to explain in a nice way." -------:;~ .... -----===~~========7----========---~--... ·------....-_,, __ _ 'Nutcracker' at OCC ...... , .• Terry Hayes and Anthony Sellars ~ dance lead rt>les ~ in the Civic Ballet of South ern Calif ornia~s production of '7he Nutcracker" this weekend at Orange Coast College. NOWTHRU DEC. 21 Ptt'fomllllces ""Y ntnlnt. Vtu. Ma*Card ICCelllld. Alll llTltblrMI. Moll, Tun. Fit It 1:30 I 1:30pm. Wld, lltun,Sat, Sun It 4:30, 1:30. 1:30 pm. (714) 971-4011 • -... - I• ILl•lt ,, , ..... ~, A Complete Selection Of Watches Starting At $55. Do Your Christmas Shopping Early For Best Selection Men's Analog Quartz Sports Day/Da te KP047 $130 Pulsar Quartz a H~I T ports ... Watc h Waterproof. UE0075 $150 Ladies' Analog Slim Oren Ou arts XZ006S $105 Dress for Less KQ031S $55 Men 's Analog Stirn Pren Quartz KC102S $100 Digital Quartz Alarm Chronograph KS039 $85 5 3! 0 - \. 1 ~ ~-==============================~=~======t~~------0_1v __ ._~_••_o_n_• ______ ~~------------------------------------~ ~ -CHRISTMAS t.IJSIC--- BOWERS MUSEUM, 2002 North Main St., ..... Santa Ana. Posada celebration featuring caroling, .x folklorico dancing and. proc'Mlim ~ Mary E and Joeeph'• ~ to Bethlehem will be held 8 Dec. 19 from 5:30-8:30 p.m. Nhnfwkc> 18 free. Warm ~ clothina b advisable. >. KNOTT'S BERRY FARM, Buena Park. as Beginning Dec. 18, Snoopy's Ice Show will be :g appearing in the Good Tlme Theater and Knott'• ~ Christmas Snowland will be open providing a real ~ mountain of snow for children 12 and undet' daily "O until duak. . i UC IRVINE, Vi.llaae 'nleeter. Irvine Academy i of Performing Arts will paent "The Nu~' ~ What, s happening , along Orange Coast ballet toniaht and Saturday at 8 p.m. and Sunday at 2:30 p.m. 1llcketa are $4.50. For more infonnation call 551-3507. SANT A ANA FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH, 1010 West 17th St., Santa Ana. Organist Marvel Jensen will pre'8nt a Chri•tmu Candlelight Concert Dec. 19 at 7:30 p.m. AdmlMjon free. For more information. call 836-8127. ORANGE COAST COLLEGE, ea.ta Mesa. Qvic Ballet of Southern Califomia pre!!!!!tl "The Nut.crecbr'' Dec. 18 and 19 at 2 p.m. Tick.eta are $4 advance, ~ at the door. -AIT------ uN1v1:RsITv OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA, Univenity Art Galleries. '"TreMurea of USC" exhibition will be on di8play throuah Jan. 8 Gallerie8, at 823 l!:xpo.ition Blvd., are open Tue.day-Saturday, noon-5 p.m . For mere information, call (213) 743-2799. THE SANDSTONE"GALLERY, 384-A North Cout Hiahway, Laguna Beach. Exhibit featura recent oil plintinp of Louisa S . Cooper through Jan. 3. NEWPORT BEACH CITY HALL GALLERY, 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beech. Exhibit of the w0tb of Susan Smith and Valentine Mayer will conUnue through Jan. 27. Howie Hours are 8 a.m.-5 p.m., Monday-l'riday. MILLS HOUSE VISUAL ARTS COMPLEX. 12732 Main St., Garden Grove. First Annual Throw Away Art Show opens today and continues through the holidays. Any artist can enter, with the only requirement being that the art must be taped to the wall Mmtwon is free. For more information call 496-8925. -ETC.------ sot.m1 9QAST REPERTORY, c.o.ta Mesa. Young eon.erv.tory claaae8, foe ages 8 to 17, begin Jan. 8. Flnt and aeoond year cla9es teach vocal relaxation and mechanics. Foe more information. call 957-2602. -MUSIC------ TID!! MUSIC CENTER, Loe Angeles. Simon RaUle conducts the Loe Angeles Philharmonic. with oellist Ronald Leonard as aoloiat., in ''Don Quixote,'' by Strau. and Sdloenberg'a orchestral version of tN! Brah.ma Ouartet in G minor. Concerts will be held Dec. 18 at 8:30 p.m., today at 1:30 p.m. and Dec. 19 at 2:30 e.m. Tickets can be ordered ~ 2hone. For more onna6i0ii, aill(2I 3) 972-7211 .. . -SINGLES----- ST. PIUS V PARISH HALL, Orangethorpe Avenue and Bach Boulevard, Buena Park. Five Ca1holic anc• clube will apomor a Christ.mu . dance Dec. 18. Admiuion i• $6. Information 846-8304 or (213) 925-t050. NEWPORT CENTER PUBLIC LIBRARY, Community Room. ~ San Clemente Dr., Newport Beech. DUcuaDon Oil laughter and healing will be held Dec. 18 from ~-7 p.m . Admission i• $3. Information $51-1232. '.-Pl.AYS------ "CALIJ'ORNIA SUITE",,. a Nell Simon comedy, complecea it• ~weekend enppment for Coaatlln• Community Colleae at the Welllnlmeer Cmmunity Theater, 7272 Maple St., See·.Dlvermans, Page B j l -.1_ ----- · Pacific Coast . Stompers in competition The Pacific Coaat Stampers. Golden West Colleae·• Dlxieland ju:z bend. ._ cbcmn one of the nadon•a top colleglate groupa in the third annual competition aponaored by the National A.->dation of Jan l!ducatora and underwritten by Southern Canfon Corp. The band•• aix mem.,.,_ will be flown to 1tanau Qty. Mo., to compete In the "BaWe of the Dixieland Banda" durlnl the --=lation'• convention. Jan. 13-16. The wlnnlna band will be aelected &om the top three cantenden. The tint pUoe winDel' will receive a u.~oo contribution to the colleae muaic depu1ment, pb• a $1,- 000 echolanbip for e9Ch bmnd member. An eerller Dlxieland band. the Golden. West Syncopaton, took flnt place tn the 1981 competition and laat aprinC embarked on a nationwide tour of concerta and televilion appearance•. The Syncopator9-toured Enaland and.Scotland durlnc the -onmer. Bill u.tGn of Cy...-. formerly with-the Synccpt.ian. ia leedel' of the new band, which waa formed in Set*".ber. Llatm plays clarinet and ••opbone. Other Golden Weat studen'8 In the P8d1ic o-t Stanpen are Fritz Wienecke of Loni Beach, trumpet and vocals; John Allred of Anaheim, trombone; Tam Byma of Cn1nm. aWW' and bujo; "Mike Davia of enr-. dru.ma; and l!rtc Me.enchmldt of Anaheim, tuba and *inl'--To pertidpate In the January compe~ elCh band ... to aubmlt a 20-ute tape ablbitlnc • variety of Dbdeland atyJea and tmnpce. J ---------'-·--------------~~ 7 ''Mar11elous'' -Rlell•rd Selllekel -TIME I t •.• 8 C\I GD ~ From Page 6 ~ Westminster (863-0811). Cbing perfonnancea are ... tonight and S.tw'day •t 8 p.m. . .X ''A CHRISTMAS CAROL,'' the third annual E production of Dickens' cluaic at South Coast ~ Repertory, ia playing at SCR'a Fourth Step ~ Theater, 655 Town Center Drive, Co.ta Me.a (957-4033). Performances are Tue9days throuch ~ Saturdays at 8 p.m., Sundays at 7:30 and weekend ~ matinea at 2:30 through Dec. 26. U: ''CHRISTMAS IN WAKEFIELD,'' a medieval ~ enter1ainment. enda ita run at the Newport Harbor i Acton Tbeeter, 390 Monte Vista St., Costa Me.a ~ I ~ ~ a: (831-5110). nnal perfOrma....., are tonJaht and Saturday at 8 p.m. "FINIAN'S RAINBOW," a musical with ui lriah touch, ia the fare at SebMdan'a. West l>lnDer Playhome, 140 Ave. Pico, San Clemente (492-9950). Curtain timel vary nightly except Mondays on an indefinite nm. "TRJ: JUNGLE CHRISTMAS TREE," an original children'• play, completes ita run this weekend at the Golden West College Playbox Theater 1n Huntington :ee.cb (894-6070). Final perfonrwww are tonicht and Saturday at 7:30 and Sunday at 3 p.m. "MEET ME IN ST. LOUIS," the st!p versicn of a popular Fortie9 movie musical. ia oo stage at the Harlequin DUmes-Playhou8e, 3503 s . Harber Blvd., Santa Ana (979-5511). The show plays nlcbtly except Mondays at varying curtain times through Feb. 20. • "POl'l'EB'S PLACE." a mu.k:al comedy for children. completes ita run at the Newport Tbeeter Arts Center, 2501 Cliff Drive, Newport Beach (675-3143). Ck.tna perfonnanoes are Saturday 'and Sunday at 3 and 7 p.m. "SANTA'S CHRISTMAS TREE," a musical play foe children, will be staQed by the Mi-.. Viejo Playboule Saturday and "Sunday at 3 p.m. in the Forum 1beater on the Festival of Arts pounds in Laguna Be.ch (770--0381). The show ai.o ia being offered by the Garden Grove C.ommunlty Theater at Champen and St. Mark's (893-0806) at 5, 6 and 7 p.m. Saturday and 2, 3 and 4 p.m. Sunday. "SHERLOCK HOLMES," the first play written about the legendary aleuth, winds up lta engagement at the Laguna Moulton Playhou8e, 606 Laguna Canyon Road, Laguna Beech (494-0743). Final performance9 are tonight and Saturday at 8 p.m. "STEAMBA TH," a bizarre ccxnedy, c1'»m this weekend at Orange Coast College'• Drama Lab Theater In Coata Meaa (556-5527) .. Final performances are tonight and Saturday at 8 p.m. "VISIONS OF SUGAR PLUMS," a free children'• mUlical fantasy, oompletea ita run at the Hun~ BeK:b P-\ayhou8e in the Seacliff Village shopping center on Main Street at Yorktown Avenue.1:1untington Beach. Performance times are 2, 3 and 4 p.m. Saturday and Sunday cm a finlt- come, fint.-tecf buia. ·-. ....._, __ -. ... _____ _,.._ --- He/en Keller's story continues on_Proadway NEW YORK (AP) - In 1959, William Gibson's "The Miracle Worker" told of Helen Keller's early life and the heroic efforta o1 her teacher, Annie Sullivan, to lead the child out of a world of deafness and blindness. Now be continues their story 16 years lat.er. And he's got another winner tn "Monday After The Miracle," an oft.en sad, often funny, con.siltently compe11ing new drama that bowed Tuaday on Broadway. It stars Jane Alexander as Sullivan, Karen Allen as Keller, and William Converse-Robert• as lusty, unhappy John Macy, an editor, literary critic and would-be radical who wed Sullivan when be WU 26 and lhe 37. All offer superb, beautifully ·1baded performances, with Allen -eminently foraettahle in the bJcbly . hyped escapi1t film, "Raiden of the Lo1t Ark" -unforgettable in her Broadway debut. In "Monday," young --. .-..----- "TIJe ,,._, Ill• 8.•rt Bepold• IJ•• ever ••de . . . Goldie H•wn'• lovll .. t perfona•ace. A dellclo•• ro•aatlc co•ecl11 ••dleac .. wlU love.'' -Be• Reed 9 t. I .-..------....... ----.. -..----====::=::= ..__.___ ------_,. __ -------_____ ....... ______ ....,.._ IO "' ClO --------1( . On Slog• ),_ ......... __ _... ........ .....__ _________ _ : Chuck Mangione • • • M akes music lovers smile Chuck Mangione and four fellow musicians staged the kind of concert al Orange Coast College that makes music lovers smile. Hls long, straight hair ever dangling 15eneath h is characte ristic hat, Mangione is perhaps the best-known flugelhom player in the country. He may not be th.e best, but he is one of the most successful and prolific composers, with 19 albums to his credit. His work over the past decade h&'I shown that Mangione has discovered the magic of turmng simple melodies into popular, profitable a nd appealing works. 'I'hat.. muter)' waa.~c. duriJl8 ~~al.­ -the Robert B . Moore Theater Sunday, Dec. 12 -0 0:: organized by the college's Community Services Program. It was a proper concert for a community college. The group strolled out to their instruments to an enthusiastic welcome and aet in with their Bf GLENN SCOTT 0 tbe Dally Pllot Staff first number, "Chjlae the Clouds Away." The musicians were all buai.nea, which means all about their music. They squandered little time with fake encore calls that have become such ritualistic wastes m more commercial aettinga. They played about two h o urs in th e comfortable theater. Acoustics were full but not excessive, and the air was pleasingly free from cigarette anoke. The full howle of 1,200 people in the fint show never lost interest. The only special effects were gradual chmige:s ln stage lighting, adjuat.ing hues to supplement emotional qualities of the eound. Speaking of color, the musicians wore shirts with solid colors - p~rple, blues and graya -that seemed to fit Mangione's creations. Like the shirts, Mangione •pedali.z.es in simple, aolid tones for his narrative DUDLEYMOORE · MARY1YLERMOORE melod.1es and dreuea them with unusual chords (like mixing blues and pµrples). Then he adds a repetitious, jazzy rhythmic pattern and, of course, room for improvisation. These interludes in the arrangements gave the audience its best chance to savor the abilities of the players, particularly woodwind player Ouis Vadala and guitarist Pete r Harris. Mangione didn't demonstrate as much dexterity, preferring to carry the melodies with his mellow horn and leading the varied and clever endings. Baas guitar player Gordon Johnson-and drummer Everett Silver had fewer moments to show of~ their best opportmrity dwiug "The 11th Commandment," which cohlicidentally was the 11th of the 12 tunes playec\ in the first show. Mangione's work, of course, is strictly instrumental, eo we can only gueee at what that 11th canon would be, in words. 'Tootsie,' year's funniest movie, very touching From Page 2 his lines and talka back to the soap director (Dabney Coleman), who has a low regard for women. (He keeps referring to Dorothy as "Tootsie.") The new character catches on. boosts the soap's ratinp and even makes the cover of "Ms." But Dorothy/Doney'a problems are just beginning. Doney has fallen in love with a aoap actress played by Jessica Lange. who views Dorothy as a sympathetic mother-substitute. At the same time, Doney must hide his female identity from a neurotic acting student (Teri Garr) he's been with dark aocia.l overtones. But in "Tootaie," P ollack sets his soap . bo~ aside. He gives the Larry Gelbart-Murray Schisgal acript a crisp, furiously paced treatment that never lingera too long on a gag. Pollack and the ac:reenwritera build the comedy on character , not on groes-OUt acenes or mean-spirited revenge plots. Some 80cial adentist will probably obeerve that ''Tootsie" shows that a man can benefit from exploring the feminine side of his personality, or that t he inner qualities of kindness a nd understanding are more important than the sex roles we play. But if such messages are at the heart of "Tootsie," they're delivered with a feather, not a fist. And if you're not in the mood for social lessons, just sit back and let "Tootsie's" feather tickle your funny bone. ~DoroUly muM-(end-off amereus---Th d advances from Lange's widowed father (Charles e newest an unniest ~Panther' of them aTI. Durning) and an olcler actor on the aoap (George Gaynes). What raises "Tootsie" above the usual level of ) drag humor is Hoffman's bravura performance and the excellent supportiJll cast. In traditional drag routines, the man'a vok:e, apparel and makeup are ao phony that the audience laughs at any character dumb enough to fall for the diag\1.i8e. Hoffman takes a different tack. His transformation, thank• to expert makeup, oostwning and Hoffman's own acting talent. i.a uwo.iabi.ngly oonvindng. Hottman wt.ef y ahuns the usual fal8etto drag voice foe a aoft. middle range Southern llCCellt. Beca•.-Hofb;nan'• Dorothy ii ao believable, the cbaracten who incenct with her/him get a chance to me above ~ ua.&al caricatw"eL Lange is :::s~~~=~~ by followina Dorothy'• model. Durning, as her father, ai.o injects warmth into a role that oouJd have been played ltrictly for laughs. Garr brightene the tMnlrJew roJe -Doney'• girlfriend. Even Bill Murray, who doea one of bis patented apace cadet routine• aa Doney'• playwrWit roommate, commendably uel"CUea more nstudnt than '•"' Director ~Jd.ne.Lij.ollack la known for his atrong story-telling and his ability to draw vivid perfarmances from b1t actors. In films like "The Way We Were.'' "Jeremiah Jobnaon." "The Electric Honeman." and 1Mt year'a "Abeenoe of Malice," be hM spun aome bittenweet romanoea LET ONE OF1ME YEAR'S TEN BUT• MOVIES -..r ~ UP WHl!RI! YOU BELONG:' ti 3? 2 :E lE ~ CD ;:, 0. CD "' -.... ..,, :::!. a. Q) ':< 0 ~ CD 3 CT CD "' .... ...,, .... Cl) (I) N ., > \ 1 I ' - ... N Cl) ---------.(· ),___ ____ _ :1982 ... • • • Year of innovation for Orange Coast t h·eater groups ~ E R (Ihi.s is the second in a series of livr columns reviewing the year 1982 in theat.et" alonJ( the Orange Coast) By TOM TITUS Ot \Jae Dally Pilot Staff high marks for originality. Credit goes to directors Randy Keene and Kent Johmon, respectively. · For the 10 community theater iii' groupa in the Orange Coast area. the :g year just entered into the record !:t books was. for the most part. one of ~ innovation -of departure, however -g brief, from the tried and true. Q) i Nine of these 10 non-professional ~ Atayhouaes mounted at least one new play in 1982 ("new" meaning heretofore umeen ln Orange C.OUOty) and three of these were world premieres. In the aelect latter category were "Thornhlll" at the Laguna Moulton Playhouse, "When the Bough Breaks" by the Stop-Gap THE WILDEST, FUNNIEST, ACTION THRILLER OF THE YEAR. Two wild and crazy shows .et the pace at the Newport Theater .ArU Company at the Newport Harbor Center -Pat Terry's production of Act.on Theater and "Your Flake « "Bleac her Bums" and Eileen Mine?" at the San Clemente Flshbach's mounting of "Bullshot Community Theater. Crwnmond." A bountiful bonus was Whether « not all the newoomen the summer musical "Pippin." staged we re artistically or financially by Debra Sampson. successful ia of little consequence. The Newport Harbor Actors What matters Is that these local Theater emphasized both the new and ;--theaten; mast openating on-minimal ~ different -<luring 1982 with Don budgets, are taking chances on Laffoon's staging of "Cloee Ties" at unproven material. the head of the class. A1ao impreaive Mart ambitious in this department were Nancy Ebeen's ~roductions of was Laguna's summer production of ''Di vision Street' and ''The ''Thomhill." a lengthy, vitriolic drama Gondoliers." with flashes of brilliance and a A pair of Kent Johmon musicala. bravura performance by playhou.e "The Pajama Game" and "Grease," director Doug Rowe. Rowe also highlighted the season at the directed Laguna's top 1how of the Westminater Community Theater. year, •'Crocifer of Blood.'' and starred 'The M.imkJn Viejo PlaybouBe enjoyed in the highly enjoyable "Romantic a fine eeuo11 that included splendid Qmedy... productlont of "God'• Favorite" and It WU on all-<DDiedy teUOtl for' the "Happy Birthday, Wanda June." c.o.ta Mesa Civic PlaybouBe, with its The San Clemente Community lone new play of the aeuon. "Fling," introduced a new Jack Sharkey abo the Dl08t i.rnprelslve. >.. usual, ':::::r "Your Flake or Mine?°' and P ali Tambellini put the entire an imaginative production of schedule together. and now has ''Lovera and Other St:rang'l!n." And mounted the last 15 shows and 24 of Westminster'• Sbowm9e Productions the last 25. Whew. IDOWlted the hJghly ambi~ nneath The drama "Inherit the Wind" and of a Salesman" as the centerpiece of the comectr "The Mind With the its three-show aea.m. Dl.rty Man' proved Dl08t popular at Of all these community abowa, the lrvine c.ommunity Theater. ICT which were the 10 best7 Having accounted for two local premiera in viewed 44 of them; we'll offer an 1982 with ''Who's on Flnt?" and "~y oplnlon on that 11COre in the next GoodltW[b1t, Gracie." column. AIWr which we'll endeavor to ee)ed the oubd.anclin1 indiyidual perfonnancee and, finally, reveal the Daily Pilot'• ninth annual man and woman of the year in theater. Stay tuned. . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~----t~Currently$~reenlng ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--..~,~~~•: AN OFFlCER AND A GENTLEMAN: Rated J IOVl.eS now showz·ng THE LAST UNICORN: Rated G , this is ~ R, stars Richard Gere, DaVld Keith, Debra WinJer lY~ 1 another animated version of a novel -but this time :E and Louis Gossett Jr. There att Vtty few surprueti / O C it's for adults as well as the kids. The story, based ! but some beautifully drawn performances in this a ong range oast on the fantasy by Peter s. Beagle, follbWS the 71: tale of boot camp and romance. It's rated R becauee odyssey of a unicorn on her search for another of ~ of language, sex and adult situations: of life. Critics are heraldtni the film as a positive her own kind. Features the voices of Mia Farrow, g.. A BOY AND HIS DOG: Rated R, star"J Don tum-around for Disney Studios. Robert Klein, Alan Arkin and Jeff Bridges. ~ Johnson as the owner of a smart-talking dog. ~ THE HOUSE WHERE EVfl.. DWELLS: Rated THE MAN FROM SNOWY RIVER: Rated PG, ~ L.G. Jones !ilm, based on a Harlan Elliaon novella, R, atars Edward Albert, Susan George and Doug stars Kirk Douglas, Jack Thompson, Sigrid ~ was onginally released In 1974 and has gained McClure. An American family moves to Japan to Thornton and newcomer Tim Burlinson in the title ~ nothing in the way of substance or believability find their new house ia a haven for 19th century role. An outdoor adventure that is sometimes ~ sinoe then. Japanese ghosts.. entertaining but cornball and out-dated. ~ B~OSA: Rated PG, mainly for violence, THE t:MPIRE STRIKES BACK: Rated PG. THE MISSIONARY: Rated R. Michael Palin stars Willie Nelson and Gary Busey. Thia ia this sequel to "Star Wars" was nearly as well-of Monty Python fame has the title role in this tale ~ another one that was released a couple years ago received 81 its predeoeaor when originally released. of a missionary who opens a home for wayward ~ and brought back by critical demand. Nelson and Cast revives most of the old characters, played by souls in Edwardian London. This warm-hearted Busey put in admirable performances as two Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford and Carrie Fisher, and picture has some amusing moments, but they're ...., outcasts who find a sense of family in each other. introduces aome new -including "Yoda" featuring offset by a boring love story and a surplus of <D Deals with larger issijes like revenge and the the voice of "~Piggy's" Frank Oz. undeveloped plot threads. ~ making of a legend. E.T . THE EXTRA-TERRESTRIAL: Rated PG, stars Henry Thomas. Dee Wallace, Robert Macnaughton and Drew Barrymore. This highly acclaimed science-fantasy film deals with a young boy who befriends a little lost alien from out.er space. This family film has been touted as one of the best in years. FITZCARRALOO: German comedy (English subtitles) about a man devoted to bringing grand open lO Peru tn the 19th century. Cast includes Klaus Kinskl and Claudia Cardinale. HEIDI'S SONG: RaJ.ed G. this is superb h~!!t!i' fare for youngst.en. The all-animated. m venion of the classic novel features the voices of Lome Greene, Sammy Davis Jr. and Margery Gray. LOVE CHILD: Rated R, Amy Madigan is impressive in her firs\ major role, supported by Beau Bridges and Mackenzie Phillips. The film ii baled on the true story of a young convict'• struggle to keep her unborn chlld. MONSIGNOR: Rated R, stars Christopher Reeve, Genevieve Bujold, Fernando Rey and Juan -Min.. ~ tradel.-hia Supenn,en cape for clerjcaJ robes' i.n thia tale of a World War ll priest who beoomea iQYolved in finandal wheeling and dealing within the Vatican. The beautifully pbotographecl film la ~ oo shock value (priest haa a romance, prft!1t deala with the Mafia). but abort on qiolivadon and .w.tance. TEX: Rated PG, stan Man Dillon and Jim M.et&ler aa brothe~wln& up in a small OldahomA toWn and out about the realit.iel ( lUIUIY THEATRES ) The MRPLANED' Movie Quiz -~ I f I t t r I I t }-. ~ r t I -~ .... •BARGAIN MATIN•RS • ......,ttwv..._.., AN '-fonMnCeS before 5:00 PM ,~ ...... (11111 ..... ......,., .r.lfi• lo;;MOO) .._.T,....,.,._ ----- "T'He RRDICT""' ----- "TOOT .... _ ----- .. ,.,. VEllDICT" ... ----- lAl<EWOOD C HH EP SOUTH ,.,., • " .. 80lftlXS"------· ..,._TOY"-..-.:•--- "811U. OI' THI....,._.. ------- NO matter what the marqu.e Mys, what's now playing at United Artists Communications theaters fs a real horror show. UAC, the second largest movie chain In the U.S., has embarked on • n•tlon.1 policy of ellmlnatlng fobs, fostering unemployment In city after cltr. where they own and manage the•ters. In Callfom a, UAC employees who choM union representation are the prlmmry targets of the company's greedy, crass "pro- fits before people" corpor•t• philosophy. , WJthln the tut few weeka, UAC has lock-1 out many -of lt1 southern California protectJontste (membera of the International Alllance of Theatric.I Stage Emptoyeea and Moving Picture Operators) rather than eno•oe In good-faith bargalnlftg. Man.ge-ment taunted theae nlghly akllltd and dedtc.ted wort<ers with a preposterous "final offer" that would mean: • ellmlnatlng 50 to 75-;, ot the projectionists' jobs • cutting wage1 for many of the remafntng enu>loy ... • arbitrary reaaalgnmenta and ch•ngea In working conditions (f.e., forcing one projec- tionist l<f service up to 18 movle acreen1 In two or three buildings that may be 2A mllH ape rt). ANAHEIM :·"·• N ..._ ... _ .. IJ9tll0 "STILL OI' 1MI ...,,.. .... -"""' ......... __ -·"- 13U~NA >'AIJ~ ••. ''• u..._ .... ., .... UMmO LINCOLN ,._ .t 'N ..,...TOY"'_ -"MA*Y ,,...,.. _ _,...DAM CllY9TA&.• .. -.... , .... -""11&0.TMI ... ~ ..... -"CA ...... _ ·~· ,,. ........ ,, --~ .......... voea,_,.,_._ __ .. _. Sister act Sue Rihr (left) and Sandy Edgerton play teen-age sisters in the musieal comedy "Meet Me in St. Louis," playing at the Harlequin Dinner Playhouse. Technicolor" -· ...-Nt'.~00-·~-~..._. ,... --- I STARTS TODAY I 111U COITA •HA IM .. 1 .._ .. 52Hl31 UA 0-MO-OSl4 UA Qly a.-134-3911 COSTA MW ~ FOUITAll \llUIY OtlAlll 0..-Clmt 11M141 ,_., T-(7141112·1241AMCO....,Mii137.0340 ...... ,,.,.,. ... l'N.1':11.11::9 IAT1 ... 1-.a:ao,.-, ..... (PO) 'ISHRS. .. "="". AIL 7+ .. IATl8UM.._.. , ...... ...... IOMQ". PLAYa&ATllUM llA,,_..0-.Y •--'IBHRS AIL ND. 1111 (ft} IAT/IUll.Mt.l:ll,10i:ll "HEIOl'S IONG" tet PLAYi UT/ ... llATlllD8 ET..,_&Jl,.... m •• TaaUnUAI. AUWW..,.tllltCft.,lllllf DALY 12:11, l:M, --.1111, .. llJ1I ~ -~ 1-WiN Br~·~ ~ f;, DAIL.'f tllll,~I, ... .,,., .. °"" ... , .... ••lirltolllc Hll6I AIL 7:11. 9:JIO IAT/8UM. 12:IO, 2M, MI0,'1:11,t::ll(PO) DUDUYllOOM MARY TYUR llOOM "SIX WEEKS" tPO> ,.., ... l:10, 10:11 IAA/IUN.1 ........ l:10, 1Ct11 --......... &enkfl'-" Hiii ,.1:11,e::IO .. ,,.,... 12:11, ... ... ?:11.e::IO(N) .1-. ------ '~I 11 I ) I I 1-1 l ~ ~ k_',J-11 DUeTM HOfl'IUN .-..CA~ .. .. TOOTSIE" <PO> DAILY tllll, a:aa. MO, ... .. "THE DARK CRYSTAL" (PO) DALY 12:11. J:U, 4'11. •11.1:11. .... .. AN OFACER AND A GENT1.E.MNf' C"I FN.4UN. 7'lll, .. .. HEIOra IONG" 1•1 PLAYS IAT/8UN llA~& •,\ D ~ 0 -~ l c» ::s 0. <» ... ' "YI ... 0: Ill ':' § 3 CT «» ... ..... ...., ..... <O OD ....., ~ '·' -~ 16 N co CTI ..... ,.... ..... .... G> J:l E G> () ~ >. co u ;: u.. ...... .... G> u c Q) :JI! G> G> ~ l § ci: -. -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-(~ On Stage ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Helen Keller's story continues in Broadway play From Page 9 here as a virginal, lovely, spunky Radcliffe student who's already famous (by this time she's mastered speech, in a fashion, and also participates in the proceedings via sign language the others tap out on her hands.) He promptly falls for her devoted tutor -who later becomes her co-star on the lecture circuit. It leads to a frustra ting marriage, clash lng feelings that are both careen and his boozy, comp 1 i cat e d a n d self-pitying downfall. ambiguous. And to a fascinating, Macy admires Helen's h i g h I y c h a r g e d , mind, spirit and courage. emotionally complex But he also wants love, study of love, sexual children, a nonnal family tension and jealousy, of life . ..A4 he rages at his On tJre-,f irsLJday of Christmas my t~~ gtlve-'fo ~ .. a~etl->~iacream on a C011E--' The perfect Christmas gift- Haagen-Dazs T-shirts, hats & bags In many yummy flavors. We also have Haagen-Daza GlfLcertlflcate--._ __ ~ -~ . . ~-\~~ . . • . . ,('ry-~ .. W~·.·.::-:.·:,· __ .... ~::::~:~:::~ .... '--·--t~ULI~~'- / ,, I / SOUtll Ooeel "-3333 lfltlOI 81,..1 Cott• Mete. CL llHN 714 -1$4-7162 ,,.. Go, eo.11 Hwy LllOIJM 9Mcfl n• ... 4.660.., . wife, "Every time I reach for y ou she's in the way." Annie also wants marriage and children, desperately so. But thia iron-willed, dogged, witty lady can't brinJt herself to abandon hef- blind friend ~d pupil, even though she hates being considered. Helen's "faithful crutch." A truce is reached as they all live together. It seems to wor k . UGE SALE Out/rt ... hop 1011 9N080 0NVa. 8UfTW 1M, COITA ••A - -(714) 145-3359 Between 17th & 18th St. off of Whlt\4er Blvd. MON.-FRI. -1o-4 ·. ut here., take home WI HMISI fOI HOD CHllfSf fOOO WNCMts • IMHNllS • TlOPICAl COCrT MS arle'{ltin Di1t11tr Pllzyltoue I I .1119111 , . IAHUO FACtUTIES • Wednesday-Saturday 9:00 pm-1;30 am _, MEET ME IN StLOUIS ....... ..... .......... ••••• , ..... to c....... ....... .... "••fI III • C... ( .... ,, ••••• ''~·~t ::: ::-:==-........ ..._.. .... c...., a.rt ................ ... , ........ . ····i:-· ...... ... . , ............ . ................ , ............. . ~ ......... .. ..... _, ... ........ ,.., ........ -. Meal Milka r•••lre ,.... ........ .... II• .... -. Tiie DAIL\' PILOT ..................... C""Irtr ......_ .. ....... _, ..,. ............. .... , ..,.... •• tit• Or••t• Ce•AIJ C.W.I If ---.. , ....... , ................... ••••• t•• LIOAL ... ~....., . •... ... .. , .. ,. ..... ... ~--. . IHE-$1.6~­ EYE OPENER BREAKFAST SPEC I ALI 2 Freah Egos. •Pancakes. 2 Sausages. and a Smlle. 6Mttft f,f//11 ~ Ckri6lma6 Gve ;/)inner .. . Served till 8 P.M . 73CMJ111 4112 .......... ...... ., Tuetln ... CAtlltNG * FOOD TO GO . °"" 1 ban I REMEMBER fT WEU CAN-CAH ·1> --.Si.) THE NIGHT THEY ~ INVENffD CRAUPgffr I. I THANK HEAVEN FOR LITTlE GIRLS r----.9~ l ( GIGI p OM A GtMd Dlrw'9f Theme l'M GLAD l'M NOT YOUNG ANYMORf ~Can't And That 8peciaJ Xmu 0 ~~ '\ (& r-0-IR_E_C_T_.E_D_B_Y_A_L_LA_N_H_U_N_T ... ~4llOUSE Otnlng ond CocktOlll qnn a .... co 00 N 1 '\. ..... I I ... t I t I I I I LJ_ .~ 18 N Cl) O> .... Merry Christmas We're celebrating with a Special Christmas Menu. Seatings at 12 noon. l :30 p.m., 3 p.m-. 4:30 p.m. 6 p.m. & 7:30 _p.m. 0 • reservations ... 833-2770 o New Years Eve Gala Special Menu Seatings at 5 p.m., 7 p.m., 9 p.m. (HATS, HORNS & NOISEMAKERS) dancins to The Gres Topper Grou. raenatlona · ... 833-2770 the Management & Staff of the c_Airporter qnn CJ-Io tel Wishes you a Happy Holiday Season 18700 MacArthur, Irvine. (aCTOM &om Orange County Airport) • • •• • • .....,~ ...... FeaturlnlJ ANSELLtaLA Hie I Piece Orch11tra BUFFET SUPPER Party Favors Tlcket8 on .... at the Pavt1on .nytjme. ., ... ,.,.... ~--Hf\IJ HUI\ rRVI IJ ON ·.~. -. ··• ..,.-.,.~~ ~ .• .-..~--:----r.. 400 Main St. 173-4833 Balboa Pavtllon Bal>oa BIG BAND DANCING ANO MAGNlftCElftlllDlttGHf - BREAKFAST BUEFET EDDIE STELL ORCHESTRA •Glint J2lC64 tMkwood d9nce floor • Noitemekerl. hets a. f1vors •One drink & reMrvect seetlng e Frw pertclng ,..,..,. "'"-' M'9t .,...,.,_ $11c:9d tNlt ... mlr- ,... ........... dll .... lukln. c:Mllft9 .,_ ,. .... wtttl ea••---'*"---......,...,.. ..... ..._ 0....... -"ta. c:dl99. ... ~ ,,.. ... ~ Mltl Ice CMVIMI.. lllL'ntN AT'IWB P48& 1 ... So°' Oltf9y1Md ... ...,. (714) 750-1811 Ell 1115 2A Hour RICOl'dlcl lnformlltlon 52S-7'57 LONGISLAND AND BEST WISHES FOR A HAPPY NEW YEAR Come join us for a cozy. romantic Christmas or New Year dinner by the sea ~!. Jlltw.~ '3f#Pt;Q/Q uk~ 675-2566 .. A ~at Christmas meal is a Marriott tradition. In our Kina'• Whad Restaurant you can enjoy an Old Fuhioned Chriltmu Butf'et. Two convenient ffltil\al at 1:30 & -4:30 PM. Capricclo Cate airers a Turkey Dinner complete with all tN crimmiftaa. FOR INfOaMATION AND llESERVATIONS PHONE (714) 640-4000, EXT. 6100 ORANOECOVNTrSONLY 4-STAR HOTEL ---- Direct From Las Vegas *" * * * THE SNAPPERS • Da.nce to the 60's music and current top 40' s. Reservations Accepted PARTY FAVORS _ UCl(B8A]tl>'S 4250 Nutia1ale WaJ 1..,.rtluck 833-0080 KJnt'• Wharf -'35.00 per per90n • Prime Rib dlnner/ .. lad bar • Champagne a.t Midnight -one bottle percous>fe • Dancing In the Main Brace Lounge • Favors ~fftc ... lroom -S75.00 per P9rtOn • StMk & Lobater dlMer • Unllmlted Cocklalla • Champagne at midnight • Favon • Continuous muak: with Th• Society for the Preaervatlon of Big Bandt and a Laa Veou al'low band :!! ~ ~ ,$ 7C' ' CD ~ a. CD ~ ...... "Tl ~ a: "' ':< § 3 a CD ~ .... ....., .... CD Q) -·"' • • 1 • l t t I ·l c • IO N Cl) O> -,.._ ~ E ~ ~ al ~ -.: u... ....... ... CD ~ c: CD .J/C I ~ -..2 0:: ... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~---\~ Tobi• to Tobie ~,__~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ La Paz • • • A landmark of sorts in Orange County LA PAZ -1133 S . Cout Highway, 1A6una al80 come with hotter green chili sauce and pork a. Beach. 494-4016. Lunch 6f!rVed from 11:30 a.m to 3 By JOEL C. DON well u beef with with red chill sauce. p .m. Tuesday throu_8h Sunda_y. Dinner aerved Of tlt• Dau,. Pilot Sta.tr Burritoe and toetadu are on the a la carte menu from 5 to 9:30 p .rn. Tuettday through Sunday. only. A burrito with beans, beef and cheae l'Ulll Clo.sea Monday. Lunch from $3.30 to $5.26. $2.25. For an extra $1.50, chill sauce, gwicainole and Complete dinners from $6.40 to $8.25. A la carte flavorful rice ia O"OWDed with melted cheddar and IOW' cream are Included. There are two type of from $1 .45 to $4.25. Beer, wine and wine mll(/arltas: the beana are not of the watery type served nacboe for appetizen, one with meli.d C::heae only. Takeout window aervice. eJ.ewbere. ($3.50) and the more popular Sonora«yle variety More than a quarter-century ago, F'lorence The combination dinner ($8.25) includes a beef ($4.25) with beans, suacamole and 80Ur a.in. Nicholl and her busbend, Ken, gave up en the Lone taco, chee9e encbUada and tamale. 'Ibe latter of the You can order any menu it.em from the takeout Star state and beaded west to open a continental three ia the only imported item on the menu. 'nie wind£!w, popular UDmlB thoee ~for quick restaurant tn their new home town of Laguna oom flour abell ia shipped in, filled with aem>ed but heartY Mexican food. There'• al80 a beckdoor ee.cb. ground beef and •uce and ltelUDed. 1peclal ($3.25) available only for takeout. lt'a a Lacking capital to open a houae of haute Abo of note are the de Sonora enchllada1, combination of rice, beuw, meat, c:hieme, Jiettuce, culalne, the couple decided the area wu tn stuffed with cborizo (Mexican aauaage), beef, chill sauce, guacemoJe. eour aeam and chii--80l"t desperate need of bomestyle Mexican food. La Paz, _oniooa __ and __ to_.pp:d.....__wi_tb_a_red_chili __ aa_uce_. _Enchlladaa _____ o_f_•...::tp.ano.... _t _toetada ___ wi_thou __ t_the_omn __ or_flour __ tm_rti __ na at the relatively ripe old a1e of 26, ii now a 1uMtmark of IOr1a in Orange County ~tdam. Little baa changed owr the yema. '.fereaa FriM r-----------------------------------baa been ln charge of the kitchen atnoe the place opened. Louil Vaialobo. la a.180 put of the trdticll • be celebrated bis silver anniverary with La Paz La Paz can best be described as a true taco house, replete with the luscious aroma o( deep-fried tortilla chips and Spartan trappings. thia yeer. Other employees haw been famillar face. for many years. La Paz can best be dem:ibed • a true taco howe. replete with the 1U8Cioul aroma of deep-fried t.artiDa chip1 and Spert.an trappinp. Thi.I ia a ~ frilJa restaurant: The food ii simple but tuty, reminWent of the diahes lle!'Wd at a~ cafe In a llDal1 Mexican town. Tables are draped in blue-and-wbite- Your Holiday Entertainment Center c:t..ckned platic tableclotba wtth clo~th~~~Wl--Ll and an ever-pre9e11t bowl of fiiiiliiy .-. ~------ Homemade aa1aa ii b1eoded with ~ and red chilies and ia not be taken lightly by the tender s-Jate. The rather stark plaster walls are livened by 1eattered piC'tun!8 • well • a mural of Taxco. One room often a view of a snail out.doer prden.. The menu often standard Mexican fare; from tlil:m to ench1ladM to chili rellenoe to ~ to tamelew But you can't say you've dined at lA Paz until you've aampJed lta chicken tacm, which are roUed like fat taquttm. deep-fried and topped with cheddar dM!le9e and 11aacamole. 'n. beef taco ia ie. lnlplrinc, u it la made with ground rather than lhredded meet. . ~ are 10 ca:nplet.e dinner -~ wh aaxmp.med by eai.d, '-m and rice. My auest, a patron for more than lix C oe_ted for her fawrite. the Sanbarn deluxe ($7). It lnd•edee a chick• taco llDd La Pu'• sped.al~ the 8anbom ench1lada. wtth sreen chWa and blended Into a savory aauce. The name o the enchilada. nor.nee noted, la of no connec:tlaa to the popular rataunnta In Mexico where homMck American tourista can get a hamburaet. &ta and a chocolate shake. The salad ii of the lceber1 varlet)' with a homemade Green Godd~-atyle dr ... lnC. The Actress Eileen Brennan released from hospital Mesa Verde Center A.lbertlon's Market Bank of America • Biibo Begglns eoco·s Ddlphln Hair Fashions c111111m11 , 1 , , r.. , , , t ' ' 11 1 r i , , r. : 1 1 • • · r, 1 I\ • ·, r . I t ~ l · . Senate bill could force drastic · ~ollege cuts By STEVE MITCHELL or .. ._,......., Offidala from both the Cout Community and Saddleback c,omnnmlty c:olleae dlatrlcta lay a mid-year crllia, 1n the form of at.ate !:.fi\~tion, could mean multi-dollar cuta to the two dlstrtcia. For the Coaet Community Collep Diltrict, the loa could amount to $2.18 mlllion for the nmalnder of the ft.cal year. Offlclala at Saddleback Community Collep Diatrict uld that tw°":ffi~ l)'ltem ltanda to lo.e $1.2 . Senate Bill 9X, by state Sen. Alfred Alqu.lat, D-San Joae, w• introduced in the special legialative te91ion u a means of coplna with a 1tate budget defidt estimated at $2 bllllon for the current ~ year. SB 9X will be oonaldered by the Senate Finance Committee Monday. U approved, it will face conllderation by the full Senate, then the Amembly. The bW is de8lgned to ee11e the deficit by both rai1ing new revenue and c utt1n1 1tate expendjtwet . That'• where the two local colleo d1stricta came ln. Leland _Myers, the lellalattve- advoca~ ln Slicramento for the Cout Collep diltrict, Mid SB 9X would take away 10 percent of the dlatrict'a total apportianment -•bo\.tt $2.2 m1lUon. Correll.an Thompeon, the c.o..t di1trict'1 exeoutlV• vlce chancellor of bu.aineu affaln, equated that Jo. of 128 full-time ::ro.:-or 218 non-teechlna Playing Santa Ciaos' middlemen in the Great Package Mystery were (from left) Brooke Plunkett, Jill Davis and Pat Davis. Santa Claus takes detour -Package mystery so ved by Hunt1ngton Beach recipients lb ROBERT BAR&ER or .. .._,.. .... The box arrived Monday in HunUnltOO Belich. 'There waa no addrea label. There were no c1ua about where It came from « where It w• betided. Inalde the box were 11 Chriatmaa packages. Gift taga tndicated they were intended for Erica, Jnarid, Liz and Mike. The pecbae ..... delivered by United Pareel Service to the Nautllua Import.I C.Ompany. It _... m old box that the company b8d u.d to .tUp oonl and ahell proclucte. Mukin1 tape that leaJed the ends and cornen WU lmprlnted with the Nautllua ..... aut there are no Erlcaa, tn1rld•, Lina or Mikes at Naudha. The ~ obvtoualy wound up at the wrong destination. So Pat Davis and her daughter, Jill, the co-owner and office manager, respectively, did IOl1'le deductive reuoning. And with the help of the editor of the Poughkeepeie Journal ln New York they unraveled the m)'ltery. And a family in Iowa will not go without ita pn!9efttl. What the l>avt... ultimately found W8I thYt the packqe ... mailed from Pou1hkeepele by Carla Gude. The pre9e0ta were intended for her lilter'1 family in DesMotneL Here'• how it went~: n.= for clues, P8t Davia and found~~~ Poqhkeepele Journal. Being l'tobued with her ahare ol Chrlatmaa 1plrlt, the called the newspaper with the intentiorl9 of taking out an advertltement to find out who the sender WM. The editor reportedly wouldn't take the money for the ad. Instead, be publ.lahed an article on the front page about the pedcaae, givina deecriptiona. A 6iend told Gude about the article. And the caDed Nautilus Thunday, oonflnning it WM the who tent the peickage. "With thoee rwnee on the tags. it had to be my packqe," ahe eald. "The people at RauUlua were Vf!rJ kind. "Their kindneu make• Chr1atmaa what lt should be.'' lhe said. The my•tery 1olved, the O.vi8M eald they are l(01na to (See PACK.AGE, Pa1e Al) In addition to pcmible layoff.I by June, Thompeon Mid there would be 1 reduction In conatructlon and purchaee of ~ulpment, and probably cutl ln mnce benetita for all employee11. Le1l1latlve advocate Myere uJd cut.a would be difflcult to make becaUte -60 percent of the dlatrict'a budpt la ln ularlee and benefit.a. And. elven the fact the etate la "In lta moat aerlou.a financial 1tralta aince the Oeprealon," Myen believee Alqw.t'1 bill baa a chance of ~ approved. Meanwhile, Saddleback Community Collea• Dlatrlct chancellor Larry Stevena Aid the bW "would be a killer for our dJatrlct. ,, That dlatrict, which lncludee a campua In Irvine and a Jar1er campua ln Million Viejo, ltandl to km $1.2 million ahould the bill pall. ThClee cut.a would come before the end of the current ft.cal year, Stevenll uld. Dr. Al Grafaky, vice chancellor of buidne9 at Saddlebeck, l&ld, ''While making cuta at any point la a traumadc and dlfficult tMk. mak.lnc them after half the ft.cal yeu la pu9ed la a muochiatk enterpriM of the tint order.'' Chancellor Stevena uJd the cut.I rallee the poeaibillty of a Irene on penonnel; a freeze on CONtrUction of a campus police building at the IOUth campua; freeze• on !Jbrary book purchue9; ,t:,t' maintenance project.a; cu or elimlnation of 1ubatitute lnatructora and clue!fled staff, and a reduction of the contingency fund to nHr z.ero. oast doctor to fight charges ban, • conspiracy BY STEVE MARBLE °' .. Dlilr ........ Corona del Mar phy1ician Ebbe Harteliua, banned for 20 yean from pertktpatiJll in atate and federal medical prqp-am1 for allepd abwel, baa charged that he'• the object of a full-scale ~ily think there'• a jM)ouay factor behind it," a.id the 57-yeer-old doctor. He aid the punWunent hu forced him to tell hla thriving pracUce. Harteliua Mid he alto bu been ltrlpped of hla staff privfietea at Hoag Memorial Ho1pital in Newport Beach and l1 being shunned by area conval.-cent hospitala becau.e of the lengthy IUlpenGon. ''l'm perplexed by the whole thing and I'm certainly going to fight back," he eaicf in-an interview Thursday at hi• attorney's Newport Beach ofticel. Hartellua made headlinee in the 1970s during a highly publicized trial in Orange C.ounty in which he waa cl~ of anon, bribery. fraud and conapiracy charges. Amona the allegations waa a charge that he had seduced two women t hrough the use of narcotica. Hia medical llcen1e was au1pended for a brief period following a state medical board hearing, which examined charge. of moral turpitude and unprofe91ional conduct. Hartellua, a native of Denmark who carries a alight accent, said the trial and medical board hearing are "andent history" and have nothing to do with bis pre9e11t probleme. But a spokesman for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Service•, which IUlpended the pbyeician's right to participate in the federal Medicare program, aaid the criminal trial and sublequent state medical hearing are a part of the record that led to the 20-year euapenalon. Harteliua, the federal health spok"'""'D said. hM been banned from both Medicare and Me<UCal for allegedly "providing lervicel 1ut>.tantially in exceu of the needa of individuala" and <See DOCTOR, Pase A!) flood channel? Body parts • ID By STEVE MITCHELL ot"hDlilr ........ 'Oran1e County heal th ••••l'tm••t officials are lnve.Us•tlna • complaint that pu111 of a decompoeed human body were dlacarded ln a Ll2una Beach Oood control channel by emp)oyeee of a mortuary. Joe Jahrau1, whoee family owna the Laguna Beach Lumber Co. adjacent to McCormick Mortuary in Laguna Canyon called health department offidala after hit employeee complained of an "unbelievable 1tench" emanating from the concrete channel in front of hia bualnesl. An official from the county's division of environmental hea,lth refuted to comment on the cue thia morning. But dty offidall uJd 10day the health department la preparlna a report on the allea-d dumi>fuar Incident, which I'ahrau• a.1a occurred Tue.Say afternoon. Robert McC.onnfck. owner of the mortuary at 1705 La1una Canyon Road, denied body pu19 were wuhed into the channel. He claimed the material found was sawduat. "The funny thing ia," McCormlclt said today, "I think the aawdu1t came from the lwnberyard .•• "It's all over with," he said. "The health department came down yeeterday, we went down ln the channel and swept up the eawduat." But Jahraus insisted parta of a body were dhcarded by mortuary employees. "The smell w~ 80 offensive we hid to ~ an ol. our doon and wtndowa." Jahraua laid. . "Many of our outmde people (yard employees) had to come inside.'' Jahraua said hl1 employees spotted 1moke coming from a crematorium at the mortuary Tue.day afternoon. "A few minutes later, I obeerved a mortuary employee waahing down two metal boxes with a hate and draining them lnto the flood control channel," Jahraua aid. The followln1 morning, Jahraua aaid two of hia employees lowered thermelvee (See CllANNEL, Pase .U) Archer files suit ,.,._ ___ _ Roy 'Pat' Archer to overturn vote VISTA (AP) -Losing congre11ional candidate Roy 1 "Pat" Archer filed a court petition Thunday that eeek:a to overturn the reeulta of the 43.rd Conare-ional Dlltric:t race, won by write-in Ron Packard In a ltUnnini upeet. ''There were more than 1,600 feloniee CJOmmitted In thla race," Archer eaid in a telephone I nterv iew, referrina to alleptione of wide9prMd po1llng booth improprieties in the San Die10 County portion of the dlatrict on Election Day. 'The dlatric:t alto includes put of 0ranae County. "There were about 1,~00 defllcementa of votlnl bookle\I and another 100 or 10 other thinaa like poll worken_tolidtin& peoJ)le to vote f«' Packard, not taking pencll1 out of voting booth• that had 'Wrlte--in Ron Packard' on them, and allowing Packard 1Upportel"I to campajp. within 50 feet of pollln.g booths." State law forbids c:ampatgntna within 100 feet of a poWnc place. Archer, a political aclence profeaaor at Palomar C.Olleae1 finished tec0nd In the Nov. ~ election with 57,995 vota, or 32.1 percent. Packard, a Mormon dentiat from Carlabad, pmered 66,444 vote• or 86.8 percent, while GOP candidate Johnnie 'll Crean finished with 5$,207 or (See ELBC'l'IOff. Pqe .U) ------llDU--- Embattled Narmco leaving Costa Mes~ No, Frank Steward iln't dreued for a pott-nuclear 1ala. Find out why he'• ma1ked oa Page Bl. llY JODI CADENID!!AD or .. ._ ....... Narmeo Materlall Inc., tt-e Oolta .... plMtSm ftnn that hM been the tar1et of numerou.a c:omplah1ta from nel1hbore, be8an lhuttf.ne down lta offices tocJ.y. A tpe>k......, l.o!t the company at 600 Vlctorta St., aald all admlnlstnUve emploJ .. will be relocated to a new Anaheim fadllty at 1440 Kramer Blvd. by Jan. 1. About 10 raearch and quallty .. uranc:e worken will nima1n behind ln Coata Meta untll March or April, acc:ordlfta to Shimmy that wasn't ·hits C<:Jast ... . ) I e y boot in math, science Continued •tori•• 11' DOCTOR TO F IGHT • • • t. •·~~~~·~--~••med to bt ol ".Ub.lanaara quality." . tjono Sle,U. a federal health ~. refuMd co elaborate on t b,, chargea. He noted that H~teHu1 haa appealed the and will be granted a eometl.me next year. ua Mid the charaee are a mylttry to him, that ne hH neYfJ' been liven a hearing and ha-not received a detailed MlOGUntinQ of what he did wrong. While the au.tpenaion doee not affect the phy1lcian's right to pqdlce medJd.ne, Hartellua aald t h• 20-year punhhment effKUvely hu put him out ol ~ tnatiq-Uy elderly pa;.;.-in convai-:eot hospitala wlao w ere on theae program• (Medicare and MedlCal)," he eXDlalned. "I~ doinl this at a tlmea 'he not too many dooton do lt becaute of the-Iona dela tn eettinc paid.·· R ar tellua aald he h as not reUred but conceded the w.pemlon hat "certalnly forced me-to reorpnize my thinking." ·• 8 Jeg ll aa1d the federal 1 ~t -aave HartelJua due procea and that the physician evm traveled to Baltimore on one occuion to argue hia aide. Bartellua a.i.o ta fighting hia ret90Yal from the 11alf at Hoag ln N •w port Be a ch . He ~wledged that the charges br ought against him at the boll'ftal are not directly related to tboee that led co his suspension from the medical programs. Rotier Murphy, the physician's attorney, said Hartellus was hit w ith 28 charges of alleged "dHlciences and short.comings" that centered an ludl Alllnk!!w aa overuUUutton of ho.pltaC beda, calllna In too many conaultanu and orderln1 excemive lab tata. Hoapital admlni1tratora at Hoa1 were not immediately available to comment on the action aaalnat Hartellua or the aerlowinm1 of the charges. "Our poaltlon la that elderly people need thta eort of attention and lf they don't aet enOugh care -then it's all over lor them," Murphy aald. The attorney added that none of the~ qainst h1a client are aer1oua 'like a loll of We or limb." Murphy charged that a panel of six hoepltal pn)'liciana lnit.Lally recommended keepiJl& Har1eliua on the 1taff but that the hospital'• board of directora revenied ·that recommendation. The attorney aaid dllcipllnary Prooeedlno were started at Coeta Meu Memorial Hoepttal, where Hartel.lua h.u staff privileges, but were dropped later. Although the State Board of Medical Quality Aasurance haa a policy a.gaiNt acknowledging an investigation, SlegH said the probe that led to the 20-year suspension h.u been sent to the state IJ)ed.lcal board. Only the state board has a right to suspend or revoke a medical license. • Harteliua charged that it is "poll tlcal power" that has resulted ln h1a current troubles. He did not say who he believes ia wielding the "political power." "If there's any justice at all," .he added, "I'll be vindicated." CHANNEL PROBE .. _ "· in\') the channel and retrieved wlWat h e termed a jelly-like 1ubltance "and what appeared to ~ecea of charred bone." !ahraus said he called the health department. An inspect.or later arrived to collect the aamples purportedly taken from thf .. channel bed. ·0 ~~ t.•' '{r.. ~ >. • o!h' 0 0 • 0 or 0 0 I 0 I bl• 0 0 0 0 ! . " e 0 G () ,. 0 0 o o OJ ~l.1 0 0 0 0 0 ° 0 0 11 • o I •.ui 0 0 0 0 0 ?t1 When contacted at the health department today, inspector John Hilla said he could not conunent on the incident. Meanwhile, city officlals said they will await a report - expected today -from the health department on the incident before taking any action. -from Hl_!191n Dau. le• Cream Shoppe ~ Cool• "'°'° WJ._olS- COl'O ......., o. intao ,,, 1~115.1 '"'So cOoi.._ lOQY'>O e.oc" CA 91061 11 ... 01.~1 Face lift Ricky Barnes, 13, wi pes the statue of Duke Kaha namoku, father of the U.S. surfing movement. When ask ed why he was cleaning the bust at the base of the Huntington Beach pier, Ricky said, "It's a Christmas present for the Duke ... h e deserves it." Valley school trustees nix second audit hid By PHIL SNEIDERMAN of h ~ Not ltllft Fountain Valley School Distri c t trus tees have unanimously rejected a recall conunittee's request for a public hearing aimed at resolving an ongoing dispute over the dlatrlct'a flnancial practicea. Fair weather ahead Meeting Thuraday n ight, trustees said that regular review procedures and a special audit have falled to detect any lmproprietiea. District officials aaid the additional hearing and audit 1ugge1ted by the Committee Advocating Resporulble F.ducatlon "would .erve no uaeful purpoee. '' Moumeln ., .. hlQhl may t'MClfl the 509. wlttl low9 from 25 IO 36 Saturmy. HlgN In 0-. v..., _. 9lq)eC1ed from 48 IO 58, end ic-In the 20t.. Htgll• In northern deHrt• 8'IOIAld 1111 the SO., wl1tl towe trom ~etclly ro11 at1d iOWCtoucf•·--42PA-l ... to>4Ni&,, ...,._lft U. ~ 'Cl'n11 Ill• coe•I Seturde rnlaht GM Into the 80a. end 1ow9 ~nlng, otllerwlH lelr wit~ wll,.,. from 36 lo 43. .,..,.. high cloude. NMr nonnel • ~US-~::'~~~'° Te mperatures tog end tow~ -~ .......... loNahl sevay morning.~ Saturoay December Hi CARE la attempting co recall trustees Cheryl 1'ort0n, Roger Belaen and Suzanne Moore. The group l\Arb@n-dtltrtboting-an- infonnation sheet al.leglns that the tnateel have allowed fbca.l mlamana.gement and have failed to ocmply with state. Education c.ode MCtiona governing business j>racUces. Thl! dlatrlct responded by illu.lng ita own lnlormation sheet ~.no fiscal miaconduct has Mon math, ICMnol and IOdal ICltnoe cl11111 are b1ln1 recommend9d tor 1tud9nta ln the the echooll of tht Hunttn1ton Buch Union Miah School Dlatrict. The recommendation by dl1t.rtct admin11\J'aton calla for the 1tudy of math and edence to be lncreued from one to two years, atardna wtth the 1983 ninth grade clus. ThOle 1tudenta would er-du.ate ln 1987. Official• al10 are recommendlng that another year of math be required for 1tudenta who wW graduate ln 1989. An additional half-year 1rudy of world hlatory 11 being propoled for 1987 aenlors. Police thw a r t HB suicide The Huntington Beach Special Weapons ancf Tactics (SWAT). team wu called out ThW'lday nig ht to quell a disturbance lnvolvtng a man who threatened to shoot himself, police said today. I The incident occurred at a residence at Melody Lane near HunUnston Harbour. Lt. Bruce Young said the SWAT team waacalled when the 21-year -old man allegedly pointed hia handgun at .officers who had responded to calla. The man put down hia gun and surrendered wh'n SWAT membe.n arrived, according to Young. Young said the man was despondent over a girlfriend. He wa1 detained {or mental obeervatlon at a hospital, Young aaid. • In Mfdhfon offJdall aJ8c> .,.. recomm•ndln1 a ch1n11 In ph yUcaJ education COW"lll. The emphHfa would be on maintalninc ph)'lical fit:nim for life rather than on traditional recreation 1po1V, an offJdal eaid. Studlee are envllioned on auch area1 a1 the cardlo-vaacular 1yatem. diet and aerobk:s. Larry Lucas, a1slatant 1uperlntendent of lnatructlon, said the propoaed academic changes are deslaned to prepare student• with technolo1jcal changes ln the 1980. and 909. Lucaa aald the pJ'OPC*d new graduation requfreinenta are de1l_sned not only to lm~ve reading and writ.in&, but co enhance computing, estimating and problem IOlving. "Twenty years qo, half the jobl in the United Stat.ea were ln manuf.acturina," he aald. "Sixty percent of the jobs now are lnlonnatlonally oriented. It la a dltferent era." The recommendation would require that the followins math claMet be offered at each of the IChoola: general. math, algebra I, buic algebra, geometry, a'.lgebra II, trigonometry, math anal)'lia and calculus. However, it hasn't been detennined what specific clatleS that all students w1l1 be required co take. Public forum1 on the recommendations are acheduled at each of the high echoola early next month. A public hearing la acheduled by the board of trustees Jan. 25. Action on the propoaal la expected Feb. 8. High echoob that would be affected ·by the ~~la are Huntington Beach, n, Fountain Valley, Marina. Ocean View and Westminster. Slaying suspect's kids named wards of court The three children of a man accused of murdering his estranged wife and mother·ln- law have been declared court wards for six montha by a judge who also aald the youn11tera could remain with an uncle'• ex- wife. Judge Byron McMillan said We<lnesday the cuatody arrangement for Rene Dayco'• 5-yea r -old ion and two daughten, ..ied 2 and 6, would be reviewed at the end of the she-month period, u required by law. McMillan also denied a request by Dayco'• ex-wife, Clarita Luna. that her 9-yea.r-old son be allowed to viatt b1a half-brQther and hal1-aiaten. "Now the children are laolated. only allowed contact with relaUvea of their mother," McMillan aid. "Dayco'• aide of the family and the Filipino cUlture are ahut oU." At one time, a couain of Deyco'a had rectueated ~y of the children but Deputy CoUnty Counsel Gene Axelrod aaid no on.e u Thuraday'1 hearlns diaputed the county'• requeat that the children remain wards of the court. PACKAGE MYSTERY • • • From Page A1 cart')' thelr good deed one step further. They're mailing the pack.age directly to the folks in lowa.- "It really made our day when we got the call from New York," •Id-Jill Devis "We. rally 4o. have Chr1stmaa spirit." Why the un -addrea&.e_d pac~ got to Huntington Be.ch is another 1tory. Insurance agent Brooke Plunkett ia a good friend of the Davi.ea. His offke la kuted ln their building at 705 Lorge Circle. He and his wife vlaited hla stepson in Poughkeepsie last May. "My atepeon and h1a wife were baby aiUen for the Gudea while he attended the cul1nary i.mtltute there. They (the Gudes) went w.Y-.l..9r. the weekend and aaked him to watchthehoUie. "My wile and I stayed with them at the Gude boule." "I gave her 90methinc from Nautilus as a thank )'OU gift. "She muat have re-u.ed the box to aend packages to her relatlvee. ''tari't all of th.la a hell of a colncidencer' OBI E SPORTS LTI). Cance r seminar • planned at UCI A 10-week public lecture aerln on upect.a of cancer • will be offered at UC Irvine betlinn1n8 Jan. 4. The 1eiiee actually will be a clan, "The Blolo1y of Cancer," with pretentatlona from •veral UCI prof,_.,n. It will run Tueadayt. and Thundays from 7 to 9:20 p.m. . in the Science Lecture Hall. The class la available to community memben who can alp up for the four-unit course through the UCI Extension or who wlah to attend one of more .eeaions free of charp. Topk9 will Include type1 of cancer. traditional and alternative \reatmenta, environmental lnfluencs on cancer, psychoJop:al upecta and ethic. of treatment. The eeriee 1a apoNIOl"ed by the UCI School of Bk>l<>lical Scien c es , UCl '1 Carolnogeneais Training Program and the local chapter of the American Cancer Society. For more information, call the Biological Sciences Student Affa.lis Office at 833-5318. • The Experience Center store will be open for • Science Mu1eum in Irvine ahoppera searching for laat- wlll celebrate its third minute stocking stuffera, · anniversary_ Thursday by offieiala aay. offering free admiaaion. Cost to enter the ml.Ileum The center la open from 9 at 3531 Main St. usually la $2 a .m . to 4 p.m. Tuesdays for adults, $1 for children and through Fridays and from $30 for ~ps. The center's noon to 5 p.m. on weekends. --- • The roof top at Fire Agate Street, will be re- S tation No. 2 in Laguna roofed and gu ttera and Beach will get a facelift after sidings repaired, by Armor bida were received for the Roofing Corp. for $6,400. repair work. Armor was the low bidder The fire station, located at = =~k.finns seeking to .. laj1y Iii Chl1I••• P•1•l1 ol Ll1il1 AM.11 lie SZ' kioo•11 "ALLURE" December 17·23fd ~ two cru1sn nl(htly 6·00 to 8 00 8 30 to 10 30 Cocatatls Available on ~.rd Moose turning inta city ·dwellers f.l.rs~.~~NI ANCHORAOI, Al11lca Anchor• II up to ltl antlan ln mama lJUt wtnt..r . There ve mama on &he lOOle everywhere, hundNda of them meander1n1 throuah th• city, munchln1 their way throuan net1hborh ood 1hrubbery and 1carln1 the dayll1ht1 out of mo tort.ta. More than one tw>u.wife hall looked out a window to find hentell •yeball-to-.yeball with a moose curious about what'• happentna on the other aide of the pane. It happens every year when 1now blankets the mountain• east of A~chora1e and lta suburbs, and the homely crttten are driven to the lowlands in aearch of food. But thl1 year, with record anowfalla, there are more than ever. "There are an awful lot of mooee out \here,'' aa1d state biologist Dlwe Harkneta. ·~ very unusual u compared with the--last four or five years. They're coming down into town becauae of the deep snowfall." The area baa already had 52 inches of 1now, with nearby mountalna getting even more. Harkneea estimates the weather has prompted 1,100 moose to wander the streeta -about one mooee for each 163 hwnana. The moose problem is illustrated by a memo Providence Hospital diatributed to the staff of the mid-city facility: "We are currently /l#Wll ..... Two moose, driven from the mountain• by hea vy snow, forage (or buried food in a residential area· of Anchorage. experiencing some difficulties· with a large herd of mooee in the different parking areaa of the hoepital. "Security offioen have chased the mooee away several times, but recently the arum.ah have started chaaing back. Thia adds a whole new a1mension to the pro~em." And dimenaiona, with mooee, can be aweeome. A mature bull can stand 7 feet tall at the ahouldera and tip the scale at 1,200 pound.a. "They're very easy-going ~ni!"als, compared to some. Kather docile," Harkness said. "But 81 winter progr Cllel, they become stre99ed. Their physical condition wonena and probably their mental oonditlon. '' Then they might get a trifle ie.ty, he aatd. Small children afparently run the greatest risk o gettina hurt, Harkneu &Wei, becauae they may decide to have 80l'Jle fun with an ill-tempered mooee. At least two children in the Anchorage area have been injured in recent years. Adults and children who encounter a mooee should throw thermelvea down in a mow b8nk lf ~ble and remain quiet. 'The chances of that mooee oorninl over and ldcldq you or atepp~ on you are very, very remote,• Harlme. said. No one baa been hurt ., far th1a year, he said. And be baa had no reporta of a mooee being shot at. "The \fa1t majority of the peop~e aay they don't h urt anything, but greenhouae owners are upeet beau.l8e mooee destroy thousands of dollara in shrubbery',, said Harknea · For Your Shopping Convenience The Following Ors. Arthur B. Corish and Gregory D. Gilman are pleased to announce the association of BETH D. DU BRUYNE, O.D. to their Optometric practice at 4902 lrvlne Ceoter Drive lrvlne, Callfornla 92714 Dr. du Bruyne will be specializing in Family O ptometric Practice M and Vision Therapy Hours by Appointment f714J ss•-s90s M M n· M M . · A LIMITED NUMBER OF ATTRACTIVE Christmas Carol Song Sheets ARE NOW AVAILABLE T-0: Churches & Organizations Coll In, Peraon, 8 A.M. to 5 P .M . HARBOR LAWN,, fflDl'luwy 1625 Glaler Ave. Costa Mesa 540-5554 J BAYSIDE CENTER MERCHANTS We Will Be Open Sunday, Dec . 19th from 12 to 5 p.m. and E venings Mon., Dec. 20th thru Thurs., Dec. 23rd JO a.m. to 9 p .m . BAYSIDE CENTER Bayside -Brlve Newport Beach ~swtw~ ~SIDE ~ PHARMA(f.Y- (714) 760-0111 (714) 760-0191 A.D'llllD'S • NUTRITION (714) 7 60-9444 ~714) 7 60-6886 UP 21 .29 CLOllNQ 1,o11.IO METALS UPS ANO DOWNS NI W YOlll( IAPI l"9 fol-lf>O .... GOLD QUOTATIONS .,_. '"' -York iteu. E•-.. MOCllt ,.,_. w.,rentt NI ... ,,. _.. .. ,,. mCKl --,,. "'°'' -o .,. t:,'u;:.!v~ rt0otr0ten of vo1v,.. Ho tee:vrlllft 1reo1111 ..__ U ••• ln<l-vded. Nel ar..:I '*"-''-<"9fttilt •re ,,_ OlffHMIU 1114-.. P"•~IOll• <t•lflo ptl<• •nd lod.-Y't tltm ptlce I 9At."2 l.At~V. +°'i> 2 Nv"lk n J1~ ~ l Cler• l!q JI~ ''"' • Mor .. Eno 11y. • "' S S.W RllEll t l'I • ~ • Am SI.. Fl• '"" I~ I F-o.nt """' I I NIM 41!pf 17 , Jll. • Mecmlllefl )I • I~ 10 AMR Ccwriwt II .. 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