HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-12-18 - Orange Coast Pilot~jury asks death sentence for r ealtor's slayer . j I I , I 'By STEVE TRIPOLI • ..... 0...,,......, · An Oranp County Superlor .court Jury Friday recommended ,the death sentence for Jam" ~ndrew Melton convicted of ~murder ln the 1981 mytna of retired Newport Beec.h .realtor Anthony Lia) deSouu. Each member of the elght- )Dan, four-wo~an jury, polled ;indivtdually in open c:ourt after ;the dedaion waa announced, u.ld · ~ h e'y a 8 reed w l t h the :ncommendation. . ~ The verdict l• not a final ••ntence. Judie Robert ,itz1erald can redµce the ~tence to li1e in pri8on without • the pontblllty of parole at Melton'• eentend.Jla he....m. Jan. 28. MoUone for a modlficatTon of the jud.IJnent and a new trla1 al8o will be heard or. that day. U Fltl.ittald eentenoes Melton to deatn the 1entence will automatically be appealed directly to the atate Supreme Court. Any appeal of a reduced llentence will be up to deferuie attorney Richard BOn.ner, who la expected to appeal no matter what •ntence la impoeed. Melton, u he haa throulhout the month-lone trial, ut without apparent emotion at the defen.e table aa the jury '• reoomrnendatfon WN announced. Six aheriff'1 deputlea, twk:e the number on hand throu&hout the trial, aat in the tenth-floor courtroom durtn1 Friday'• hearfna. After the h.Mring, the deputy c har1ed with handcufUn1 Melt.on u he WM led from the courtroom entn.181ed hla eervice revolver to another deputy before appl'OllChlna the prlaoner. The jury'i recommendation wu an apparent rejection of Bonner'• ar1ument that the 30-year-old Melton, who hu apent all but two of the lut 17 years in priton or 11ate youth facUIUet, wu brutallud by a l)'ltem \hat didn't undentand hla problema .. a youth. Bonner told juron earlier thla week \hat "theN wu an at.ence 9f any 90Cla1J~ft inOuence at All" in thme f u-. and that they produced in Melton a man without value.. Deputy Diatrict Attorney Pat Geary, who ~ht vict1ma of four paat Melton crtmea to the atand durtn1 the penalty phue of the trial, had araued that Melton de1erved the maximum penalty beau.111e of hla crtmlnal history. Geery called Friday'a verdict "Fest ival of Lights" by the jury "a aood verdk:t -the rtah t verdict." OeSouaa had become involved w ith Melton and Melton'• homolexual former prilon lover throuah a claaalfied advert.t.ement in a homoeexual newapaper, Geary told jurqra durtna the trial'• guilt phMe. Melton and Johnnie Boyd, who had eerved time topther at the California Men'• COlony in San Lula Oblapo, had planned before their releue to aupport themaelvea outalde prtaon by preyln1 on older, well-to-do homoeexual men, Geary Did. Police who entered deSouaa'a <Juiatmu Boat Parade wh ich weighed anchor Friday night will continue through Dec. 23. The annual holiday event, t poD80red by the C.Ommodores Club of Newport Area Chamber of C.Ommerce, draw• thousand& of tpectaton to Newport Harbor. The parade starta a t 6:30 p.m. and circles the harbor. For a map of the parade route, see Page A2. t~od, collected for :q.eedy, stole.ii in Huntington Br ROBERT BARltER °' ... ..,.,,.. ..... Grinch might be alive and well and livln8 in Huntington Beech. For how ei.e can one explain ..Oe theft of three boxea of &Sinned p>d8 that were 1Uppmed fo be a11trlbuted to needy 19'!>llles for Chrlstmaa1 •· The canned gooda were oollected by atudentl at Glen ~ School. 'lbe l&Udent drive p part of the Operatlon Merry Quiatmu procram apomored by ~e Huntln1ton Beach JUntor .- lllDEI Ouiatmaa ia : celebrated along . Orange Cout, Aff . Page Al l Woman'• Club. Co-chairwo.man Karen LechJch aid a woman walked into the achool at noontime Tue.day and told a libnrlan on duty that abe WM a member of the club and bad come to take the aoom. But ahe WMn't a member and abe apparently waan't well- intentioned.' "I can't believe it," Lechlch Mid Friday. "It'• ll1ce the story about the Grinch who atole Chrtatmu. Someone took food from others who ree.lly needed tt." Lechlcb u.ld ahe beUeva the bard-hearted thief ·may have learned about the achool'1 food drive in a newaletter aent to parenta. "We've polled all our clutt ·members. Nane knC)wa anythlnc about it," ahe aald. Lechich laid the IUSpect WM datrtbed .. & feet ~ lnchea tall and 120 'J>()Unda. She arove a 'crearn-colored camper truck with rainbow- colored atrlpee of yellow, aold, cnnae and onnce M, acoordiJll to I..echk:h. "The poJJce Mid they'd keep an er_e out for the truck but there. not much .-they c.an do." 'lbe woman'• club, meanwhile, 11 rnn z nibHna boxee of food and lifts at store N\U'Dber 17 at the Seecliff VUlace Shopplna center at Main Street and -Yorktown Avenue. Lechich aatd people can atlll brtna contrlbutlona by in the aftemoona through Tueeday. She aald boxes will be delivered to 200 needy familiel Wednmday. "But they won't be ~n.t' aa much H we had ·~ Mid ahe la holdlna out faint hope that eomeooe from a worthwhile organiutlon may have picked up the boxes by miatake. "I would at least like to know if they are lecltimate," ahe u.ld. "I wouldn't aak for the food beck." • Newport woman: 'Call me madam' ' 1euon, you know, .. 1he ~d . 'flfh. ey're sood clean bordeUO., only a bliocS from the conwndon ~~Odeft... Jonea II.Id Blnder hu a clean record lD hit town and .. opera .. well wtdlin the tndttlom and cuatom1 of tbH• aorta of bulbl I " Bolero Way condominium found the victim bound and naked on hla bed, 1trana)ed with an electrlc cord and wttli hJa factt .verely beaten. Acting on Boyd'• tip, police arrested Melton 1n Loi Anplel( ahortly after the crime waa dlacovered. Police aald Melton• waa ateppin8 into de&u.'1 car,; which had -been atolen at the time of the murder, when they': apprehended hJm. Geary laid Boyd told police ot: Melton'• involvement with' deSouaa because Boyd was jealoua of hi• prison lover's relationahip with a woman. ~ Gronbacti a-warded 23 years By STEVE TRIPOLI or .. .,..,,.. .... The maximum 23 -year sentence wu tmpoeed Friday on Huntington Beech auto mechanJc Robert Charles Gronbach for h1a conviction on 22 charJea of sexually abuaing hla daughters. Gronbach'• wife, Jacqueline, haa meanwhile been jailed, a proaecutO'l' aaid, after belna charged Thuraday with perjury for allegedly lying on the atand during her husband'• trial and conapiracy to keep her da\Mlhten from ~ at the tria1~ Orange County Superior Court Judie Everett Dickey, In 1en tencin1 Gronbacb , aald Oronbach'1 multiple lncenuoua act s were a •'particularly •mldloua offeme' bece•'N ·~ d a ma1 • (to Oronb ach•a dau.tl~ wm lnceku\.eble." '"The wont of lt la that you were livina them money for thia. You 1"S"e meld.,. prmdtuW ot your own dauchcen.•• Dkby ..... Granb9cb, 40, •• coovk:ted ot nWDll"OU8 charaee of mc.t. onl copulation, s odomy and: attempted aodomy. Gronbech'a• dauehten. now ..-17, 15 and, 14. te.tlfled that they had 9eX with their father numerous ttmea afcer the encounters be1an in 1979. The two olde1t dau1bter• te9Ufied that Groru.:h told them he would pve them money for thl.np they needed only lf they had 8eX with him. Dfickey uJd he WU impomnc the maximum 1entence o n Gl"Ollbldl becau.e the c:rtma bad· occurred over a number of yean and "because I believe t h e 1 children abouJd have the rtpt to Jl'OW up without havq to haw eon~l wUh yeu,''-Qiioabecb--- could be free ln .. little -11 ~ yean. Dickey aaid co Nov. 23, when he found Gront.ch suilty ot the . cha.rses at the conclu.ton of a· non-jury trial, that he found the \eatlmonv of Gronbacb '1 da~ten .'roompletely credlble.'' Gronbach'a wife, Jacqueline, who bad t.eetlfled that lhe WM t unaware of what w bappeniQI. "wu lying to thla court about . almost everytbina,'' Dickey aal4 at the time. Proeecutor Michael ~ aaid fou.r felony perjury cbal'llem were filed ~ bl!r 'l'hundaJ alone with two J::l. cbarl'!I o( conspiracy to di wi~ from~. Ma1utr.~ aald the perjury (S...Gl\ONBACll, Paa-A.I) • roblem ·solved' over body parts IY ITEVB MITCHELL °' ............... Orana• County heelth offlciall aald Frlday It la unUbly they wtlJ J>W'IU9 a complaint charOna a IAcuna BHch monuary wttli dumplna body parta lnto a flood cont.rpl channel. The Incident emeried thia week when employeea of a lumber yard next door t o McOlnnJck Mortuary on t..,una Canyon Road noted a ttronc odor emanattna from a flood control ct\A~nef fronttn1 the two bualnemes. Joe Jabrau1, whoae family owna the Laguna Beach Lumber Co. told d ty and county offidala he aaw a mortuary employee hoting down a metal bo.x and draining the contenta into the concrete flood channel Tueeday afternoon. The observation took place, Jahraua said, shortly after hia .mpwy .. 1poued .noa cu'*C tr om •th• m o rt u • r y '1 c:rematorlwn. Rohm Merryman, dinlC10f of the county'• Environment•! Heahh a1e ncy , uld bll department'• ln'veltlptJon of the complaint "may result In the· dt.covery that there WM aome Incomplete Inc ine ration - In comple te dt1po1al of the remain• of • body, ln other. _ ..... _.. . Wuna. ''There WM IOIDe material that:' wMhed down f.rom the mortuary~ to the lwnber yard," Merryman .. aald. "It hu been clff.ned up. The' Incident did occur but the problem hu been abated." Merryman aid a final report • on the incident will be prepared,. probably early next week. Mortuary official• Friday denied any body part• were introduced into the fiood control channel. Newport Harbor Festival of Lights Boat Parade December 17 through 23 United Way raises record $11. 7 IDillion .. . Deapite tough economic time9, a recofd $11. 7 million WU rabled thla ye ar by United Way of Orange County North/South, an 11 percent lncreate over Jut year. ... people .along the Santa Ana : River.1 About 19,000 people ~ ahowed up. Offlclal1 are 1tlll : awaiting word from authoritie9 ; at the OuinNW Book of World • Records to .ee lf the effort was a ~ 6:30-8:~5 p.m. . . . . . .. . . . . The Newport Harbor "Festival o( Lights,"' unveiled Friday evening for the 63rd time, will run nightly through Dec. 23. More than I 00 decorated boats will circle the harbor in a counter-clockwise direction, passing numerous waterfront restaurants along the way. Boats will be judged one night (it's a secret) ~uring the seven-day ceremony and award.a will be presecited in January. Maps show the approximate times the parade will pa88 along its course . "Even in rough economlc timea such as tbeae, we aaw an overall i ncreaae in .giving," aaid cam~gn Cha1nDan Harry Bubb, ln an announcement thia week. The United Way funds 86 county aervice organizations. They rely on the age ncy for about 20 percent of their fundint . The record campaign Wat kicked off lMt September when United Way apomored creation of what it ho~a will be the world's longest 'human chain" of ______. . 1-.v&U. • • Call Santa at 891-3491 Any requests foe sMta Claw? l You can telephone him l Sunday and Monday from 6-9 ? p.m. at 891-3491. ; The eervice la being provided j by the recently chartered l Huntington Be.:h Jaycees. l . NEWPORT WOMAN • • • ' ~rom Page A1 Free holiday calls for senior citizens ) ! t ? ~ comment in eeveral days. Chief Jones a a id his department inve1tigated the Newport man and tentatively approved iasuing a brothel licente. Jonea aald county law requires that a woman hold a brothel lJceme and th4.t Church. 1b9 ,_... who would' bold the Uceme, ii expected In town 8000. 1 "Everytblng appean to be ... along just fine,'' the police chief added. Church allowed that ahe la a tat ICal'f!d about takinc over the small cbaJn of bordelkll. "lt'a a gr.t oppol'tUnlty,0 ahe said. "The current operator la really an old«hool rnadun and I 'm 1oin1 in ju1t a1 a , be..m..woman. But rm exdted and tbriDed. "It'll be VU'! different,.. ahe lldded. ~· '""' Ill••• D u. 1ceer....•1,,. - .,....o.,_ al»..-.-... oa.lo MelQ. CA 02626 1••1&6-1~ IS.. 5D. C:-...... l.Qtlln:I e.oct\ CA 92d1 114491~1 Senior d tiz.ens may telephone friends and relatives throughout the United States free of charp between noon ancl 4 p.m. Sunday at' Safeco Insurance Co., 17&'70 Brookhum St., Fountain Valley. Calli of up to 15 mlnutea duradon will be permitted. '1t'a one of the little atrM we can provide, with little trouble on our part, dW'lnl the holiday 1eaton," aaJd Vance Hlcldln, Safeco dMaton manuer. . . ... All four Harbor Area Boys' Clube, ln Costa M-. Newport Beach and Irvine, will c;>perate with apedal holiday houn during the next two weeks. The fac:WU. wW be open from 10 a .m . to 6 p.m. Monday• throqh 'Ibunda19 and f:run 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on FridaJL The clube will be ex-I weebndl.. Resular boun wW rawne ln January. Meanwhile, holiday- ~ted activities ate ICbeduled for December, with aped.al ahop, recreation a l and athletic programs. In Co.ta Mesa, the branchea are at 2131 Tustin Ave. and at the-Ree School. .661 Hamilton St. Tbe Newport Beach club, Jn EMl Bluff, la at -3565 Vt.ta del Oro. , Tbe new Irvine fad.Uty, oUiclally ·called the Bo19' and Girla' Club, ii located at 295 E. Yale Loop. • • • An annual Chriltmu Dance Party will be ateged 4 o'clock this afternoon by studenta of the Inatitu te of Dance Arts ln Irvine. The free two -hour performance will be highllghted by a ne.w ballet choreo8raphed by master bfillet teacher l\ichard Adama. The family-oriented ·activities, followed by a reception. will be J HIUIAY HIPPlllllll ~ pre_H~ted at_the inatltute'a Family project at Coors I Studio Theater at 17302-A Dlstrfbu~Ccwnp-ny. 1'471 Del : Dalmler Aw. Amo Ave., -n..un. l • • • Beginning at 2 p .m ., truck 1 l'he Poliah National Alliance drlven., clerb. eecretariea, aJea t • will aponaor a New Year'• people, warehouaemen and ! Eve dinner dance Dec. 31 at St. othen will form a larp. human• Gregory The Great Wall Church, -.embly l1ne to atuff boxea with ; 13995 Telearaph Road, Whittier. ·14-pNnd turkeys, freah fruit and l Ticketa are $20 per pers:m. For vegetables, juices, atuftin, and ; re.ervationl, call 521-6751. candy for families who ml.ght not i • • • o therwile enjoy a healthy,: Editor'• Advilory holiday meal ; Beer boxes will be tran.sfonned In addition to the food buketa. : lnto festiw foqd buketa for 130 e9Ch employee will al.lo endoae a i needy Orange O>unty f.amWet on penonal holiday 8l"fft1ng from t Tueeday, Dec. 21 during an their own family to their ; employee-lnaplred Family-to-"adopted" family. ; . . , GRONBACH SENTENCED TO 23 YEARS ... ! • From Page A 1 ! chargea were baeed on her testifying ao that he' could bring appeared to have a happy family i teat1mony du.ring the trial, which thoee admmlona to the tuperior lile. t P h f d wu refuted both by her co urt eentenctn1 Frlday . One of MacWtt'• witnemes, a _ ate_ V _og _ ue dauahtere and by Gronbacb'a Gronbacb received a pair of coUNelor to Gronbach'a oldest t ,,_:;.._ ___ .z.~-==-...:.~~ J--brother. · 30-day jaU term• for thoae dauahter, teltified that the youth! __ ........_ ___ 1--~:aa-. .amwneJa11plurac~y-cbar:aa were ~J, ~aid. h "very dta turbed about! Coaital T~end~dMwlow doudl end Ptlldly log In tn. ..iy IMWfllftl !Miura. OtheflrlM felr ........ """ doude. HWle bod! ~ ,... from • IO ..,0. 0¥9l'nlOht ... In .. 40e. lte1wf11r1, from Point Conoeptloft to tfl• Mexican ....., Ind out eo m1111: Wlndl nortt!INM 11 to 22 ltnot1 o...., .,.., _.., w.. to no11t1=- ..... to 12 -..~--­ wind• over '""'' wetera. Mc a r*" .... to_,.,... a 10 11 .... WI lfttrnoOn. ~ ...... I to I fMt wltfl tom• ...... Ofl ... 111111 IO.,.,.,._ • to ...... ,.., but tome log end low ..... In .. morning llowa. Temperatures .. Le 21 11 17 21 14 2t N 30 4S 32 35 a3 .. 3t 41, 31 10 40 "" as ... 11 ... 81 38 2t 71 ... 22 11 17 11 42 34 50 41 • 2t ... 13 M 2t S1 21 34 21 ta 27 11 38 SI 11 •a n 24 • 24 ... 2t ,, 21 at ,. .. 2t NII .. 21 ... .. S7 U 41 .. 14 • t1 It M S1 • 40 II N N IS M IO 41 • . n r, Retnc:::J Snow~ related to h~r hu1band'1 E> f tt Cl ~ PJe oo ba ber 1 ~·· Fklmesl:':I adml11ion Thuraday in Weat e enae • orney arence life"-ind that he1 abWtv to ha t r--""""'Tw--=::-=o::T""'-~-T--.,.,..-....,...:=__,.~~~===<1 n.... .. -Coun M Haynee, who 1aid he w ould er ·~ w ! "' ..... .., ty unicipal Court appe al the convic tion and normal relations with males , that he had prenure d one aentencln{! brought 1everal apparently has. been disturbed by: dau,hter ln an attempt to block • her experienc:s • her tstfmony and eent another friends of ronb9ch to the ata.nd The three G · bech da ' out of lllte for the aame purpoee. Friday ln an attempt to persuade ha bee ron ed ~ht.en : Ma1uire aaid Gronbach wu Dickey to lighten hla client'• ve , n remov the:ir : eentence parenta cuat.ody. Two are tn 1 allowed to plead guilty to two · county foster homee and the• m h demeano r c bar 8 et of The witnenea teaUfied that third. reportedly ia ataytna with: dluuading witneuea from Gronbllcbwuaaoodpenonwbo relativalnCon.necticut. i Saturaay. Oecembef 18 Front1 Cold .,. \iY.11m WW 0.. h•h•I ~ '•l.thot1.tt\· •• Mtmptlla ... 27 c~ Mlltnl 71 It Le ...... .. S2 n =::.r:r u ~I PaA 34 11 Nelllvtla ... u Blirltow ,, Naw°""'11 It 41 8-lmont sa •r~f Auoreloent TCP AND IOTTOM NawYCW-. 43 2t Bio ... 1t ••LlllT Nortoll 42 40 8lltlop ti -.UWIY Nof1tl Plett• 81 20 Blytlll ,. NO~ • 1'111.mll OltWlomli City .. S3 Cetellne 40 MMJTA ' 110/or 12 Vott On-. 11 23 lurlke IO uc••OCM. saw .-.. --. °'** 58 ... ,.,_ .. ,...,., ..... __ -~·-~ n SI ~ I ........ ,.._,.,. 11 ... Long IMCfl 40 '81 A•t · 1411 NOW • :"or':'l.'a... 11 •• ~ ... ... •• u ao 2l ,.. 828 Now '°'" Pottllind, Ore 47 ... MorllelMl!lo 40 "•Olllldll-17 17 M<lrlt«9Y •• ="City ... aa Mt. w-.on ... 1·TON ....... lo.rte. It aa ~ .. MMVYOUfY SCllWOllVH SIT Alflo 12 .. =c'-" .. _,,..., --Ald'lmolld ... .. .... _.... IO ""Liie• IO " Ol'ltefto .. ~ a...AMotllo 70 34 ==-• ...-.. .. a .. ~"7.: u SI· ........ .. • n .., .,,. ~ IO It. µ,ult ., 80 "9dwOOf c .. 11.,.....r.,..,. .. ... IWlo .. ....... .,. 21 00 ~ .. .... 41 .. ..... IO .,.,... IO 10 lln..,_AIO 11 T~ 11 .. ._....,... .. TUieon 11 40 ""~ ., ~ • .. --~Ifill .. w.........., ... 40 ----40 WIGMI .. .. ......... ..... Ona =~ .,.,.,,..,.., IJ .. ~&e4Pnt1 LOS AN GELES - Spurred by wld e1pre1d unemployment, a aroup plana io hand out holiday .,.acert• for 30,000 needy peol))e next week ln what oraanfsera ,ay la the laraeat private f ood dlatribuUon ever attempted In the United States. The Ecumenical Coalition of Concerned Americana, rnpondtn1 to • Callfomla unemployment rate of 11.2 percent i.t month, .m.ctuJld the handout for the Lot An1•l•• Coll1eum oti Wedneeday. . .. l Almolt l .& m1WOft pounda of food will be diltrtbuted In one day, lf pl.anl proceed on 1 IChedule. · Yule discount to jobless SANTA CLARA -People who've lost their jobs can ,et a special di.count on clothing until Chrilt.mas at a San ta Clara County at.ore. Bu1ln eaaman C h ester Drake will take 30 percent off clothlna prices at his Able Supply StorM ln Santa Clara and Sunnyvale be1lnnlna Saturday. He aay1 hil bualnea hu s urvived the rece11lon becau.e of loyal cuatomen. and the diacount ill hill way of returning the favor. J Ch•n~r I 00, • l''"'P al Or•np Counly women ••.eullt'• an enlrepreneun recenll namea Newport Bi•c Mayor J•ckie Heathe Heond from r1Bh4 their Wom•n of the Yeer. Pt-e1entin6 the • award, rJNhl, it Oran Count y Super"'"" Harriett Wieder, Ja1t year'• winner. A&o reco6nlzed by the group for contributio to the community were, I rom left, Carol South, president of th• Newport Harbor ltt Cham~rof Comm~e, and Thelma Mueller. Bird recall 'going well' S A C RAM E N TO - Organizers of a campaign to recall state Supreme Court Chief Just.ice Rose Bird said Friday they have collected spend January and February working very h ard," said Tony Rackauckaa, executive direct.or of the Recall Roee 8'rd Alllance. Santa: Faster than speeding ·-bullet l ' , just over 100,000 of the 731,- 244 p e tition signa t u r es needed to call a vot..e. "At this poin t it's going well. We're in a lull for the holidays but we inte nd to The chief justice, chaa\Wed b y conserva t i ves who consider he·r too aoft on crime, was the target of three previous recall drives. None succeeded , but Rackaucku remains confident. • Police mistakes 'costly' WASHING TON -One of every three people arrested in Los Angeles on felony drug charges last year was never brought to trial because police made mista kes in seizing evidence, a new study says. "To a substantial degree, individuals releued because of search and seizure problems were those with serious criminal records who appeared to continue to be involved ln crime after their release," the report add.a. The study, by the National Institute of Justice, findl that releue of suspect.a becaute of illegally 8eized evidence hM a major Impact on state pros~utiona, upeclally In drua and narcotics cue1. _ Chrysler gives pay raise By JOEL C. DON or .. Dllr ....... Santa Claua has to be a pretty a1lle fellow, what with an exha\.$Uve tra"1 schedule come Christmas Eve. But did you know that in order to atop at each house hold throughout the world, the jolly man 1portlng a re d suit and white whl.aken has to travel at 32,500 rni1ee per second between each rooftop? And St. Nick only ha.a 1/14,000 9eCOnd to jump c>Ut of hill ... h. climb down the chimney, place the preaenta under the tree, gobble down a couple of cookies and gulp aome milk. room back uf the chimney and fly off -at 1 percent the speed of light - to the next home. Even the nation'• apace 1huttle couldn't handle the job at its snail 'a pace of about 18,000 mph. The phyalca of Santa's journey may not rate with Einstein's theory of relativity, but Newport Beach's Leroy C. Sutherland think. the calculations are at leMt worth a few ho, ho, hoe. DJ!TROIT -United Auto Worken union memben at Cbry1ler CorJ>. overwbelmin1ly ratlfled a new contract Friday that &tva them an immediate pay raise -their fint In two years. to 5,817 -a llW'8bl of better than 3-1, aaid lJAW Vice Pl-'dent ~ a..... So the Ford Aerospace eqlneer decided to do a littl.e ~~with the aid of a Uu.ty hlculator and a referenc~ book or .two. Sutiberland aid he had iead a ~pw article. on stmilir Ensfneer Leory C. Sutherland uaed a trusty calculator to determine Santa's lightning speed. .! . II 1be offidal vote wu 20,696 ue.,;o 15,000 Chryaln war n at about 50 ~ ln 17 ltatel Weft eJiglble fir the one-day vote. The previou1 contract expired Sept. 15. Israeli withdrawal delayed LONDON -Secretary of State George P. Shultz voiced dilappolntment Friday that Israel has failed to deliver on a forecast by it s for eign minister that Israeli troops could be out of Lebanon by the end of the year. MiMter Yitzhak Shunlr 18id publicly last October that a 1982 withdrawal wa• pcmtble. Shultz Mid It ill conceivable there could be a withdrawal ~Ian t\y the end of the &ear. rumfnet4cwW a ,... ,..,. ..,. "It'• been in the blldt of m:y mind for a lol'8 time, .. he aid. "l dedded to aee lf I couJd ficure out the lll'Qblem." Hla calculations are bued on a Hess named new school board chief Todd Heu, 36, o( Newport Beach hal been elected president of the Newport-Mesa Unified School District board. 'nle &ither of three, a trustee 1981 WOl'ld population eirtlmate of 4.49 blidOn people on 1even continentl. He alto counted on four people per hou8ehold. •'The main thing WU figuring out the distance of travel (208 mill ion mile•)," ••Id the 41-year-old Sutherland. "With the cookies I aasumed he ate two at ~ ounce apiece." U you agree with Sutherland's unpubllahed data, it's eaay to unce 1m. wu e1ede<I ~~~~-C:CMm1111aorar.y Wblte waJ nilht durina the board's meeting. 1~-~--4--- llell, a canmerdal industrial BUY J understand why the re.I Santa never' needl ptlJOws to fill out hit rotund costume. 11\at'a becauai Mr. Claus devours 17.500 tom cookies and waabea them do with 70 million plJorw of "Clearly , that I.a not golng to happen," Shultz said. But · be said lt sounded "pretty good'' and became everyone'• objective when F or eign peaking to~ SUltr alao warned~ nations th ey muat not let fear of nuclear weapons lead them into appe11ement of the Soviet Union. bil~~~will reeltor tn 1rv1ne. Mid be ~ew. ALL $1 1belp him tn bil new~t:lea. THREE Imported Teak IOOlrcases .. . .. Iran demands oil increase VIENNA. Auatria -Iran shattere d th e qu iet maneuve ring of OPEC ministers on the eve of their critical confe re nce w ith a demand for a bigger share of the cartel's production at the expense of political rival Saudi Arabia. Mohammed Ghara.zi, Iran's oil mlnllter, uld late Friday hia country would demand at Sunday'• opening of OPre1 re1ular year-e nd me eting that Saudi Arabia cut ita productioll ln order to allow Iran to incnMe ita outpyt. Gharui accused ·saudi Arabia ot flood'DI the market With oil under sn-ure from "superpowers." He u1d Iran would in1llt that the Or,.mzauon of Petroleum Exporttna Countries adoopt the ''revoluttonary l<>tPc'' of Iran .. ., it can be relieved of the IUperpoWen' ~." Next month tru1tees will eorwlder a report by Wellington FOR Prvpertiee, Inc. ()I\ pmible Ulel for aurplua land owned by the Ttlls watt unit. covered In touon. district. easv-to·ctean White laminate flntsn Is as S h 1 i d d durat>leas lt ls economlal tt~foursnetves coo •tea un er stu Y ana 1s11Y.x 30x71h1Qtt A$98va1Ueeach include Corona del Mar Elementary , L i ndbergh Elementary, Wakeham, Woocilmw:ll l'Jementary, Bannina Property, ptq>erty at Jamboree and auto1. Sear -street 8c:bool, land near Baker Street Headquartert and Back Bay Hi.ti School Rea will aerve one year u ~ent and facee re-election next November. Judith JPranco, 4~. a Newport BMch horMmaker, wu elecjed vice prelldent. IUYONEFOR ............. $59 BUY TWO FOR .......... ~108 ~·----------------------------=-~~~~~..;;;..--.;...::.-... ______ ~~~~-----· We're ' . Listening ••• 642-6086 :::' ........ What do you like about the Dally Pilot? What don't you like ? Call the number at left and YOW' rneMa&e will be recorded, traNCribed and delivered to the aplnpriate editor. The same 24-hour an1wmnc aervlte 1aa1 be \lied to record let· tera to tbe editor on any toplt. Mall• eoMributon mutt Include their name and lelephOne number fOf vertftcatlon. No circulation calls, please. .Tell us what'• on your Qrind. a...-....., ...... 114'141..,. Al....,.,,,,_.,.,... Ml~ --~ ...... a .C....---.cA . ..... _....J._! .. ,~ ...... CA .... -....._ ...... -h111•MI M•MH ~"';... fcl!Of '°""°"' . • TWO -$178 Rosewood ... TWO FOR•249 ( . ' LQa Hau entertains Matthew Huly while John Rinaldo performs magic for Harry Schwartz during veteraDB' hospital visit. H JYewport kids brighten ailing ve ts' holidays '{1 B\i JODI CADENHEAD O{ee..., .... .._. -For two houra the normally ~. quiet nunlna home ward oftthe Loni Beacn Veteran• Hmptal mapped to life with the s o und of ain1in1 12 and lS-yeer~ from IJnco\n School in Newport Beech. A.a i£ by mailC the aancllna y~ngatera -wbo had only IDQIM!Dta before been ahoutibg. abpv1ng and Jokina, atoocl like p4i1'fect aofdiera ain1in1 carola to men. mmcly beekhaln. AD were wtenm fouabt decade9 before th!>' were bom. . • : .. At fint the men in overwuhed bmpttal aowm stared VllCaDtly at the 87 cbiJdren who.e ~ "* l1k.e sweet lholta from ~· and t1mea eone by. Gndually tile connection waa made and the men clapped 90ftly. A few cried. A thin black man with a tube in his nme. bia eyes do9ed and arm .-raly.d. dtly .,.ttect bia Jee wblle ·the childr9l aaQ1. "'I'm nr.mlnaol a Wblte ~·· A IPl'Y little blonde &lrl in a lime greeri drem apnmc tbroulh the audience, d.and.na an lrlab Jc. "Oh. to be younc ..-m.·· aid Richard Tbieaing, 80, now confined to a wheelchair with multiple IC1erc.a. and recovering from a broken hip. 'The ch1ldnn. their excitement rWlna like drifta of IMW .,.m.t a winter cabin. burst into wild applauae when a c~le of studenta concluded a 'n'roll number. The •ucffeme of ll!Dior dU- wnlled, a few dmdrled. ~ .... dw'ly enJo1lnC tbea.elft9 1-& Wectn.day. '"I think lt'• the moat wonderful thine," aaid Walt PbillJi-. 8?:. a retired plumber and World war D vet. .. I i they're getting as muc h enjoyment out of this aa we are." After the ahow the children diatributed refreahmenta, homemade button• an.:!J:!ta purcha.e4 by all of the ta at the Newport Beach 8Chool. Georp Trobridae. 83, aa.ld the cof1ee cup probably waa the only auiatmM II.ft he'll receive th1a year s1nce au of bta family and nat of his frienda are dad. ''It'• very nice of them indeed," ukl the veteran of two world wars. eytna the ~ cup with the name ol a Loa ~ radio atatlon written on it. "I don't drink coffee, but I can w.e it for water." Asked if it isn't a little depreming to spend a holiday in the hospital, Trobridge said, "rd rather be here than a hotel where I don't know people." As one of the rare women in the hospital Violet Emanald, 77, la often asked if she's really a vet. She la. The World War D Army nurae, now confined to a wheelchair, recalled the five yean abe apent in Australia, New Guinea and the Phlllppinea aa her moat c hallen1ing. She expecta to return to her arand8on'• home In Loa Alamitoa before Christmaa. 'Now comes the tough par t ,. . 1 ~neliness of long-distance walker bits legleBB veteran : BLYTHE (AP) -After 200 l1lilea of bleeding knucklea, c:Japped lipe, opprealve heat, ....,., rain and Joneu.ne.., Bob WWAnd la ne.r Arbona on his SoH-country .. Walk for lfun1er," which the Ie1Ien ~year~ Vietnam veteran if ~plW.tnc cm hill b.nda. - .. We went th.rough a couple of thundentormt in the deeert," Wieland aaid Thunday, hia 64th day on the rmd, .. and we hid to ao out and buy pcw•:hc& I looked like E.T. out there. All you could aee WM a moving poncho." Tbe oout-to<out "Walk foe Huncer," which beaan Sept. 8 at Knott'a Berry Farm in Orange County' la tcheduled to end in Waahin4rt.on, D.C., in early 19'4. He •Y' he will era. into Arizona on Saturday. The walk la intended to rai8e money ~ help alleviate world !!~ throU8h cklnaticm to the sprtt of America foundation, a Luuna HlDa orpntation •t up by Wieland apectficaDy for the _ project. So far, the walk baa ra1-d an estimated $50,000 at $5 per slep, the P'O"P •Y.. addina that all the money, aceP' for admbmtraUYe cmc.. will ., to Ht.bllahed hua1er relief orpniuUon.a, auch u World VWon Int.emaUonal, Save the Refupea and Catholic Relief ~ w1etai-r.cl ta dre.eed in heavy leather chap• to protect b la atumpe and buuocJu, and h.la hand9 are cwhloned by a.istom- made rubber '*'8. So far Wieland'a )Jurney hM &akea-bim-thr.oufh.~J¥11~.._.._-+"!w-rit Southern Ca lfornla communltlea, where be wu frequently atopped by people eunou. about the wallL But the ~be md. WM lonely. -n.. were no DeODle fer ., DtC that lt WM kind a! reJaxinc. In a aen.e." It bu been actually 98 days lince he bepn the walk, but he ha• interrupted the walk ooe""'IJN~ tO make a side trip, then come t.ck to where he left off. Side trlpa took him to Wubinaton D .C ., Charlotte, N .C., Chlca10 and Vir1lnla Belch, Va. to 1peek on behalf of the Walle for f(~. Wieland aald tie "'xperienced an initial wei1ht lou at o-e beainnlne of the walk but baa linlit atablllaed bta weiaht and bei•••• ICCWtomed to tfle daily 'ta have been a couple of .,_,,, llid Wlelmd. "where my ---,... Wat ~ llM~LUL.11-aa.---- apltnta. We threw our aboulder fE1PORT HARBOR LUTIDAN CtUCH out once Juat throwina a 798 Dover Dri•e f'rtabee." Wteland fr~uently Newport beaeb, CA 92668 refers to hlnwe1f •""we. ('714) S48-S6Sl He la accompanied on bl• PMt•r.: R--J • .__ llM r~ A • ..._ jounwy by. ·~ temn" In a --· -· .......... motor home. Bel.lnd the mot.or home ta a tnil8r containtna a = .... pow.ect 90lf cart that blm ... the !'09d. Both t1M motor home and th• cart W9W daMtlam to the .... Come Celebrate ----- "I like perfume," she uid after 1 opening the pee~ wrapped by l Penny lJucbanan. 'I think-th1a la ! wonderful for the chlldren and I the grownups. I think they ! enjoyed it aa much as we did." ...: Nlcole Leto, 13, viaited the bedridden petienta on the wards before handinc out preeenta and chatting with tbo9e well enough to ait In the cafeteria. "We wanted to make ~= for them." ahe aid. e her clewmates• fourth annual vlait to t}le hoapital. "Even if we are unhappy we try not to abow it.'' .A;;-.J,..,11,,./ion lo e1 I ' ' 0 cooled off . by Harvard grads f .. ~ ~Dl!:NHAD- Harvard IJ'eduate Douc Amell, 14. &*Id tht aldewalk ~)' ln frant ol tht Oranp Cout Couep tldm1nlatndon buildlna llk• an expectant father. Nearby hta partner. J ohn Bnaoe, 2&, watched aa the crane operator' Jowem:I the mammoth tank that waa to h ou ae a revolutionary cooling ayatem built by the pair. What if the 60,000 /ound cement cube auapende from heavy ropes fell and shattered into a million pieces? Or worae, ·yet, what if the cooUni device the whiz kids had spent the lut two years building failed to perform? A <:luster of college officials, reporters and authorities from Southern California Edison Company waited until the 25 foot Iona tank WU safely grounded. lla1t the battle was ove.r . But the reel test ia yet to oome. The Costa Mesa college administration building is the first building in the country to U8e the Trans-Cool system. The fuel efficient system s tores coolness during the evening when the oost and demand for energy is lower and releases it during the day. About 9,000 containers filled with. a salt hydrate material will be inserted in the tank next month. If all goes w ell, the co~taine.rs will be fro7.en at night and melt during the day, thus C90lln1 the 75,1>00 1quare root buUc:Unc. And If all 1oe1 really well, ""'-and 8r\k'e ftcure they'll be rniWona1rea in about five yean. "Sure, Wa a pomibWty," Mid Bruce. "But t>.ln1 flrat la no l\W'&nt.ee that youn ta '°'"' to •ll." OUlclala a t Edlaon were confident e nough about the ayatem to pick up a portJon of the •30,000 tab and recommend It to the college. "I think it will save our cuatomera a lot of money if it works," aald Ron Fron ti no, Edison energy service repreeentative. Unlike other fuel efficient cooling systems that work only with water, Ames and Bruce claim theirs can be installed in existing buildings at one-third the cost and in a frac1ion of the. space .. R on Hill, director of maintenance and operations for the college, estimated the school 1 will save $300 to $400 a month on its electric bill. U the system is successful achool officials would like to see it installed in the library and the acience building. The two entrepreneurs were roommates at Harvard where they graduated in 1980. Ames, a biology and chemistry major, worked for a solar energy company, when he first beg1ln experimenting with fuel efficient systems for heatins(. Flights of Fancy Precioua bees, perfect as pins or as rinss. Available in four sizes and your choice of diamonds, precious emeralds, rubies or sapphires. CHARLES H. BA RR MemlMf .. Am.koft o.m Sedety Aea .. 1944hf'ft l••• ..... TENNIS PRO SHOP CELEBRATES 10th year In Corona del Mar 10o/o OFF ALL RACKETS AND CLOTHING ·MOULM .!.!!:!. WILSON STING 13500 119'' WILSON TEMPEST 20000 15000 PRINCE PRO 10000 89'' (Al Recket1 A~• Unatrung) WILSON TENNIS BALLS 210 (4' Can Limit) Air blasts po 'no harm to fish ~ .. Dallt ............ .., ....... ......, John Bruce, left, and Doug Ames supervise the lowering of a 60,000-pound cube from a crane Friday that will house a revolutionary cooling system built by the pair. T!Je system, being installed at Orange Coast College, will cool the administration building at night when electrical costs are lower. • Signal Lode Tuning • Weathef la'"' • Tinted Sunshield • AC/DC Operation - WHILE THEY LAST •2 9 9 II SONY lrJO&LC. DON °' .. ...,-.... Alr 1un bl11\a from oct1n- 1oln1 v ... 11 eearc:htn1 for oil and natural Pl I)<* no threat c.o flab or IHY whale mtaratlona, acciordU,. to. a aovemment taak force report llaued Friday. 11'9 inv~UgaUon was started several month• ago after fiahermen from the Fort Bragg area and a Mendocino activist charged that the geologic explorations were disturbing sea life. A two-month ban on such expforation, lnatltuted by the 1tate Landa Commi11ion, waa lifted Friday aa a result of the ltate-federal taak force study. 41No evidence waa found to auagest that air guns and other non-exploaive acoustic sources cause injury to marine mammala.'' the report said. "The evidence recounted in the literature eatabllshee that little if any physical harm to fiah is to be expected as a result of the use of air guns for geophysical reeearch.'' The task force included members of the commission and representatives from the state Department of Fish and Game, the Minerals Management Service of the U.S . Department· of the Interior and the National Marine Fisheries Service. In addition to studying available literature on the impact of air guns on sea life, task force aclentiats observed the operation of the devices aboard research RCA 21 ........ -...., ....... 26" lllMDMl Trinitron • 100" Solid s.at. • lllMtNftk '"""",. • Matrix Seu'"' Syst9m I.LI • 10 key' llectnnk Tunlnt1 • lxpreu <Ammonclet lemet• $ 4 99!~11115--.-· c.i.i. a~1JUIOD IEIEllL EU0111C • 1.4cu.ft. • DEFROST • 25 Minute Tim"' $289 95 PlllSlilC . ,, ... ~ •Temp.,...... • 3 It ... Memory $399 95 FllllDlllE. • Hur 1.6 cu. ft. • Pul Circle CMlclftt • Tomp.,...... e 4'Q .... MJMIA•'9Mt1 ... ftl• 'f I -, ~ ~· •i cr::::l .' ........ ainunll .... ·--·-Mlftwwe C:...weda.ft C..s•l:•tleo ... h ......... • c:.-Afoeu"4 '""' llR 1118 -, • 24 Ht ......... "' e ,Ot.IW ••mete • Setwct. UVE s1oooo llU/llTllllSll ~la. The air auna art• ullt'd to •nch for pock.la of fOMU rucll. f'Ach air cannon can 1hoot a blwlt of com~ air at 4,600 poun per 1quare Inch. A monl torln devl~ towed up to two mil away from the v~I plclu u blaat algnala reflected Crom th ocean bottom. Fiahennan had charged that salmon catchee were down at • result of the air bla.ata. And • 60-year -old activiat traveled~ throughout coastal Califorma,• alleging the blasts w ere disturbing whale migrations. • ·• However. the report cit aeveral studies of the effect of guns on fish that showed apparent harm to the anima And the task force pointed· o that gra.y whale populations ha been increasing at 2.3 percent year over the past 13 ye~ despite the mineral explorat1 and increased vessel traffic. Such research has been go· on for 35 years, the report noted. Research vessels at one time~ t dynamite, which killed fish. 'flM· air guns, though, have been found to be safer, cheaper • operate and more accurate thlf'l\ explosive charges. ' ''The opinion of ihe scientific·'- community has been for many years that there was np6 problem," said Claire Dedric"'t ,· executive director of the statJ> Lands Commission. "But when; .. the question came up I felt it. , definitely had· to be re-explored.(;!, Nebocfy .. h drthit\ d1>11,.~ I nw •"-fQ'Y" ,,.,._ 16f ev•"'rdft, IO<ld\ f ""'fll .....,., do-/•"9 \nlt11 c;,twtof" 0•' .,.fhout ""11• h <i.,,,... M.tro Mo.i.~ , ..... • • . ' ' ' I . . I I I I I l I • ayden· seeks to oost CED HOMAS D. E LLAS ht>ther us opponcnlll hkl· 1t or not llOme of them St.~m to hkc 1l u lot Haydl•n's Campaign for &'Onomu.· rat.")' accomphsht'd one or 1ts big this yl'ar when 1t becanw a m.1Jor in California poht1<.'S. llt on the wrt>e kage of liayd~n'i> rtl~ess{ul 1976 US &•nate l0ampa1gn, u1w11nw r,1d11 al h.1:1 ~'Oml• u rnodC'ru1,t,. "'Wt· .in· plal·111g u lkn•ot t•mphAlila on ('oa1t11m1:-.," imys Andy Spuhr1, CED'1 pnhrn·ul d11·1x•lor "We• now know It he un11•alL-.lll' to .1~unlt' thut anyone· will ug1t'\' w11 h Uli on t'Vt'I ythang Tht•rt• ls a w1dt• runl(t· of vww:1 omnng our l ~.000 dut·ic puym~ mC'mbt•ri;" Sµahn i.ay~ the• group will aU.O work t.o l'lim1na1e the negative CED image t•x plo1tl'<.1 by Hepubltcans this fall. But tt's d1•ar that R1•publicans, having found an 1•rft•l·t1vt• t•ampuign issue to use a~;11ns1 'IOlllt· Dc..n1t>tTats. won't let up l'OISll V C first emerged as an org<m1uit1011 wi h significant potcnual in 1979, whl·O its members and a lhes began winning cit and county poslS in local ele<•tions ~ r Humboldt County to Bakersfield to A,;d 1f CED wants to rt•main o major furn'. 11·s going fo find that the negative JXJrL-. uf that role anm't always l'3SY to sh.ik1• off S Diego. 1981 , CED controlled the largest of delegate votes al the state ocratic Party convention and its Tlw11ws Elw.s 1s a frt'C'lancx· CY1/ur11111s1 bi.ls..'</ m Sa11w Momca. s controlled several city councils, Ing 59 elected offices around ornia. t CED had not begun to work on jor goal of beconung a force in the Terrorism becomes a fact of life , I r Legislature until this year, when d en himself took the group's dard onto the ballot and won an mbly seat. w it appears that CED has bel'Omc important to Republicans than it 1s t Democrats For the GOP used CED name mort! an 1982 than ocrats did. EPUBLICANS showed they had ed from a 1981 campaign agamst a 1 toxic-waste control measure in t Covina, w here opP,Onents won by g the proposal to Hayden. even gh he wasn't involved. the Assembly level to the U.S ate race, Republican s this year e nted CED as a major radical boo. y Democratic candidate wtth even a ous link to Hayden·s organization subjected to a seemingly unending age of advertising and literature ing up the connection h e Hayden link was clearly one n Gov. Jerry Brown lost his bid for U.S. Senate seat. On the legislative el, the pnme victim was J ohn Means, ning in an apparently ·•safe" ratic district in the San Joaquin Jey . Des pite a big Democratic atratici-n edg e, Means lost in a palgn where he was constantly geoned with anti-CED rhetoric. ware that it has become a significant part of the political picture, CED now ' p to work at three levels to sol.icilfy i role. The fu-st task was to retam its erful position within the Democratic y by electing convention delegates at m~ly ~lrict caucuses last weekend. , " EXT WILL COME the springtime 100&1 e lections, in which CED must prove , its victories of the last few years were ~ nOl flukes. And the group will use Hayden's new i ence in Sacramento to develop a le lative program that sound• like a whack to the early years of J erry r Br()wn -promoting solar energy, toxic ' w~ control, rent control and use of j put>lic pension funds to finance housing. i all these areas, CED says it has c n ged Its approac~<rtonger d a nding s lavish loyalty f r om bers and allies. While the group's er staff director once promised that would dump any member who lated from the group's line once office, the CED stance is now more ciliatory, IO line with the Hayden paign eme claiming that the ~=u~~~:,?LUM AMSTERDAM (AP) -A Dutch Justice Ministry offid.al, palms spread in futility, ls blunt: "Eliminating terrorism is an absolute impossibility. OK. we're ready for the hijacJtinp and hostage- taking. But for most of it, we can only sit and wait." In a decade of containing terrorism, Italy shattered the Red Brigadea and West Germany all but obliterated the Baader-Meinhof group, Dutch marines, behind the roar of diving jet.a, recaptured a train, persuading hijackers that terror will not free the Moluccan islands from Indonesia. But European and U.S. officials say groups are springing up faster than police can track them. And, they say, entrenched nationalists, "Palestinians, Irish and others," use new tactics to elude authoritiea who cooperate only partially across borders. "These new troupe are very small, very aggressive and very dangerous," the Dutch speclaliat aays, asking the anonymity that la cu.atomary in this delicate area. "And the old problema main .. re . I F TERRORIST groups do n ot threa~ governments' survival, officials say, they push free societies toward repressive measures, forcmg innocent citizens onto a vaguely defined battlefield. In Pans, terrorists burst into Jo Goldenberg's delicatessen and sprayed gunfire, killing aix people. Fran ce suffered 112 lnddenta in a 30-day period th.is summer, many of them victim.less bombings by Corsican autonomilt.a. In Italy, where terrorism is declining, left.ista and righlista struck 428 times in ~t months of 1982. Targets include diplomats, securit¥. forces. synagogues. banks. politicians ana unfortunate passersby. Public places of- ten bristle with preventive weaponry. Some embassies are fortified, on sealed- off streets. Bomb squads haul away suspiciously parked cars. In extreme response, generals In El Salvador and 6uatrmaia-aUow myster~ Lo kill or torture s uspected lelt-w ing terrorists -or sympathizers -by the thousands. West.em Intelligence eources aay. Democracies aeek to safeguard institutions despite -Ute terroriat threat. Suspects must not only be Identified but also convicted and, lf arrested In another country, extradited. As a result, known terrorists can often dip acroa unchecked• borders and go free, protected by Incom patible laws and political differences. CIA REPORTS identify more than 100 groups that used terror for political goals since 1968, from romantics who bomb empty buildings for 108t causes to technology-equipped commandos who kill en masse. Some are ag ents of governments, such as Syria, who w ork behind d ipl omatic immu nit y , intelligence sources say. Many share safe houses, anns, money. training and techniques. "We have no evidence of any unified command, but when terrorists come to a town, they know where to go." says a top Interpol officer m Paris. Until recent waves of violence, France and Belgium w ere considered terrorist havens, and police adm itted privately to an unwritten truce with activists who left their jurisdictions alone. After the Goldenberg's assault, French President Francois Mitterrand vowed to "tear out terrorism at its roots." He added a "public safety" department to h1S Cabmet, reinforced the police and ordered strict border controls. But France shelters 150,000 registered refugees, and uncounted activists, including wanted Italians, Latin American guerrillas and Middle F.astem dissidents. Despite orders, road borders remain casually watched. Important secton in France oppose new police computen as a threat to civil right s. Many a rgue controls on foreigners violate a tradition of political asylum. JEALOUSIES among French police forces, the paramilitary Gendar merie ## ......... _ ........ law puts govern01ent on trail of had debts PHILIP JAFFA RS, 1982 'Some Am erlcan s owe their mment a debt of gratitude. Some plain owe. ccording to the But4ge t Debt llectlon Report, prepare:~ by the O flee of Management and\Budget, defaulted or were detsnquent an eltimated $33.5 billion in 19tlj and .5 bl1llon In 1982. In 1983, Americana llk.ely 8tidt \heir government with than $42.2 billion ln bad debta. ot surpUingly, the department with ..,..._ problem ia Treasury, which rapona!bility for collecting back xes. D~bta. owed Treaaury are ijected to cllmb from $20.8 billion ln 1 to $29.8 billion ln 1983. problems with non-tax debta ve actually declined sl~h1ly since 1, ~ othe.r than Tttuury do ve serious problem• with delinquencies and defaults. The Department of Education, in 1983, it likely to find itaeli with a collection proble m of $3.2 billion; the S mall Business Administration. $2.2 billion; Agriculture, $2 billion: Health and Human Services. $1 .6 billion; Housing and Urban Development, $1.3 billion. COMMONLY, the delinquent d ebt is associated with government loan and loan guarantee programs. But ln tome ca9e9, Individuals claim or are granted benefita to which they are not entitled, and the government requires· that proviaions be made for rei-yment. Qmgrea does not look kindly on those who owe the government at any time. But with Uncle Sam running a record defldt. and policymakers 1erambllng for revenues, there waa strong pressure In the 97th Congreee for act.Ion. Before rece11ing for the e lection , Congre~ sent the President the Debt Collection Act of 1982, which he slgned October 25. Public Law 97-365 gives the goverrunent additional a uthority to put the squeeze on debt scofflaws. There are seven important changes; 1) Federal agencies -except IRS - can use private collection services, although the government retains authority to settle claims. In.stead of uaing salaried civil aervantl, the government can uae debt collectors who will pursue other peoples' money a.s if it were theirs (which, of ciou.ne, a part wt11 be.) 2) Agencies can use the threat of dlaclosu.re to e.xtract paymenta. Agencies are authorized to warn debtors that, If they don't take action within 60 daya, repon of non-payment will be puled on to private credit •genclea, perhaps ampaign spending stretches imagination NTMRY OPINIOlt/S: How c.n "economy" con1~n ln '"Y credlbillty, when a hard-liner Bep. Jeck ~ la nwf'eled~t.o ~v~ l tl,748 of ~ camptl.en kmy to ffy U and wlf• to Calllomt. to watch Buffalo lllllt play th~ San Dle10 r en on the 1hoddy excuae that BQlfalo .. ., .... ~ dlauict. (Tell lbe wtlllft\Pio,.MI chat.) My CtetJnitlon of an t-\illOhri~IPI.• penon le one who finda ,,. fciOd dtlkfoUI ... • -Men over 40 who are fond of drivln& oonv•nlbl .. with th ~n ~> IYlllY Ulll are nol lO be tru..t.ed with company funda. • -No ma'ter what tJme of yttar It la. ll you att In P'bida ~ wfU pt eweK com lhat ho.s been frozen and ahlppt'd down from M ichigan: if you arc In Michigan, you will i t 1weet com that has bttn frozen and •hipped up from Florfcla. -I h ave n ever been ltbl• t o understand how t0 many homely you ng women are able to ,et lnto th~ llnala of "Ml.a Amcnic•'' contest. -Slnco military commanders get promotod much Cnt .r ln w •r than In pe-..e, what l.neenUve I.a there for them to be pldftr rathttr than rnar1lat1 damaging a debtor's cr edit r a ting. Congress a18o took care of a glitch in the law that discouraged private credit agencies from using federal lnfonnation. DISCLOSURE may indeed be the "teeth" in the new law. U you don't pay your student loan, you may not be able to borrow for a car or a house. 3) Private collectors pursuing federal claima can uae mailing addresses from the IRS. U you obey the tax laws, you won't be able to hide from a fede ral debt. And i1 you don't obey the tax laws, a federal debt probably isn't your biggest problem anyway. 4) Federal loan applicants will have to supply their taxpayer ldentlficatlon (1oclal •~urlty) num ber, allowing tederal agendm to check for outstanding delinquencies, lncludJ.na taxes. Only one unpaid federal loan to a cuatomer, pleaae, and none to thme behlnd on their taxes. 5) Asencfea can charge a market raw of lnteret1l for delinquent debt, a six percent penalty, and 9UCh c;haraee aa will covtt the cott of handllns and processing delinQuent cl.alml. • 6) Uncle Sam can deduct up to 1 ~ percent of a federal 4!mployee'a tal.vy, after t.axM and rettttmeni contributlona, to pa)' off ovvch.&e d bts. 7) 1f11 now l"tidt1'll Ofte:ftll ta ...ult a ft!dtnl .,.,ployee colJ.ectlna debtl owed the aow.mnwnt. If Con.,._ haa lta w•y, debu of crautuc1e ~paid. AlJ otnen .,.. IUbjec\ IO -_ Pb:..ll!.P; JaJla la • WMhl,..ion-bMid }OUrMJJllf if!d ~ and intelligence services have erupted in public acrimony, and officers accuse one another of hiding information. U.S. and European off1c1als complain they are often frustrated, or confused, when seeking French help. "They someumes just let people go to avotd poLit1cal hassles," one U .S. official says, upset at a recent refusal to.return Vicker Tcharkhutian, an Armenian wanted for a Los Angeles bombing. France, in 1978, freed Abu Daoud, suspected mastermind of the M unich Olympics massacre, refusing extradltion to West Germany or Israel. Italian prosecutors accuse France of having harbored .Red Brigade kingpins. "May~ they will help now that they need us," an Italian offlcl.al says. "But we'll have to see." But the Socialist government last year granted amnesty to Jean-Marc Rouillan, leader of the anarchist group Direct Action, who had been captured in a shoot--0ut. Justice Minister Robert Badlnter argues terrorism must not distort legality. Interior Miniater G .. ton Delferre in•l•ta terroriata mu.t fear punishment. When police arrested two Rouillan lieutenants recently, and linked them to Pales tinian groups, a conservative cartoonist had Defferre telling Badmter: "Please don't free them before the weekend. I have to paint my house." Belgian police set up an anti-terrorist urut and decided to computerize records But Belgium remains a favorite black market arsenal. "It's no secret that 3,000 pistols a year disappear from the naUonal arms factory, an~t's only pan of 1 t, ·• a Belgian of fice.r remarks. I N W AS H I N G T 0 N , a J"U st ice Department specialist observes: "Sure. police cooperate. But some terrorist groups can't be infiltrated, and if they are, no one wants to endanger his own agent to help someone else. There is so much political turf to protect, even within individual countries, that I don't think we'll ever see really e ffective cooperation." He sa~ the FBI controls terrorism by pursUing every case tO the end .... ttr.l.--f spent $4 million and two years to find the guys who shot a Cuban diplomat," he says. After Munich, authorities mounted such strike forces as West Germany's GSG-9 and Italy's ''Leathe rheada." They agr eed o n anti -terrorist conventions and shar ed what they learned. "We were caught off guard at first with no anti-terrorist apparatus.'' says Arturo Chiodi of the Italian Interior Ministry. "It was like building a Fonnula One racing car while hurtling down the track." West Gennany's Bundeskrimlnalamt, the HK.A, uses computers that can root out safe houses by analyzing elec:tridty and telephone use patterns. Lut year, 35,000 Germana called police with leads, prodded by large rewards and a amae of social discipline. Italian police plea bargain, using information from repentant terrorists to catch th<* atlll at large. Police say they are encoura,ed. by recent important arrests and new promises o f support from polltlcal leaden. But one U.S . apecialist awns up the lingering problems: "Even if you get the big guys, there artr'the little ones who get together ln a back room and decide to uae terror for- some cause. You can onll wait io see what they do. It's a fact o life." O"ANQI COAST · DallyPlll Thf l'nmmrnl pal(t'Orthf' Dill} 1'1101 ~f<'ki< to Inform a"d 111ilnul11tt' rC'Hdt'r~ h~ prtsent in11 M q1r11•h or rommtntar> on 1oplr~ or lntttr•st and ''•nlflr11nl0l' rrom rnrormed ol> stn•tra •nd spoke men Tlwmo.T P llaltJI. Publfsllf'r .. ......_,, o.e. II, 1111 Great outdoors calling Uncle Len c:ertalnly " .-nvloue of hil YOWll fr&.nda. Whflt you'll be enjoy1n1 vacation , Uncle Len will be poundj.n,l 1way at h1I typewriter. lle wtafie1 he could joln you, eepedally on the llopee. A. you mfaht have aueued, •kilnl la the mo1t popular choke for holiday activitl•. and Uncle Len hopes that all of you who will be 11ehUMing will be careful. He doesn't want any of you to return with broken bones, whkh he fean might happen to Eric Sanda if he performs like hi1 drawing. For h.1a humorous rendering, the 10-year-old Lagunan wina the $5 ti.nt prize. Sherry Norton's vacation plans also are tempting . The lll:ll lll1 1:11111 ------ Huntington Beach 11 -year-old- says she's going fishing, and for her fine effort she gets the $2 second prize. First place: Eric Sands, Laguna Beach Uncle Len is filled with sympathy for Michael McDonald , 8, of Fountain Valley, who will be spending his vacation recovering from a tonsillectomy. Good 1 u c k , M ichae I, and remember there is one good part of t.hia recovery, you'U get to eat a lot of ice cream. Two other fine drawings receiving honorable mention were s ubmitted by Glen Meredith, 13, Irvine, who'U play (or watch?) football, and Bet.hie Coulter, 10, Corona del Mar, who'll relax by the fire and read. Before you go off on your holiday, Uncle Len wants to remind you of next week's contest. It will be a Christmas caret. Uncle Len is still hoping to be able to print the winners in color. co Because there will be fewer mail delivery days over Christmas, Uncle Len wants to give you more time to draw your entries for Jan. 1, so he'• .anaounc:in8 the theme -It will Second place: Sherry Norton, Huntington Beach be reeolutions. - Draw on 4 by 4-inch paper. and include your name. age and address. Send your entries to Uncle Len. c/o the Daily Pilot, P.O. Box. 1560, Olst.a Mesa, Calif. 92626. and be sure to get your Christmas cards t o ham by Wednesday. Until next week , happy drawing and vacation. Santa's nJailbag overflowing NEW YORK (AP) -Juanita Foley of Manhattan aaid she didn't believe in Santa Claus, but she wrote him anyway to aak.f~r world peace and Jordache jeans. Eric Black of Queens helpfully included the page in the Sears catalog where Santa could order a-Space Invader set, and Lewiston resident J essica Hubbard promised "a plate of cookies and a c arrot for Rudolph." Their letters and those from children all over the country were 8etlt to the North Pole - sometimes to "Icicle Lane" or "Rudol h Ave nue" -and ended up a Genenil Post Office on Eighth Avenue. Postmaster George Shuman said the office expects to get . Tired of waiting more than 9,000 Sant.a letters this year as part of its 50-year-old "Letters -to Sant.a .. program. Originally, postal employees read the letters and tried to respond to them. N'ow Santa's helpers are New York City high achool students, who make sure the writers get responses from Mr. Claus. U the letters can be believed, most children have been very good this year or, as one child wrote, "as good as I COULD BE." "I do all of my work at school and I sing to God," wrote a correspondent named Lucas, of Buffalo, who wanted a Kermit the Frog puppet. - "I'd like a tote ba~, a gerbil and a fast food stand,' wrote Sue Wisa.n. 6, of Staten Wand. . ___ Heinz, a pithull-hoxer mix, looks as ii he's tired of waiting for a home. He i1 at the Irvine Animal Care Center, 20401 Sun Valley Drive, Lquna Beach, phone 660-3740. By the way, he'• had all of hie 1hot1. Shannon Carle o f Wilkes Barre, Pa., simply requested that Sant.a "pick me up on Saturday at 10:00." Anto n e tt a Lambros of Fanningville wanted "my own goldfl.sh," and Laura Chem.a of Yonkers wanted a "German s he phe rd girl puppy" even though Santa's reindeer ''would get jealous." Some children also thought of others. One little girl asked that Santa bring her mot.her "a new car. chocolate candy and three new bras." Many were money-<:onacious. One little boy listed the r:ces of the i tem.s on hlS list an adaea that Santa could "find most of these things at May's (a di8Count department store)." Some requests were less concret e than others, like Juanitas: "l don't believe in you, but ... I want peace in the world, people will like me more, a J ordache pocketbook, Jordache jeans and Atarl. '' There were other skeptics and , some worriers. Billy DeVas of Clifton, N.J ., wanted to know how Santa got into the house when the chimney was too thin and the roof too steep and ~·how do you get some of ·the gifta all the way in the back of the tree without ma.k.ina' all the ornaments fall down?'' he asked. "P.S . Fasten your seat belt." Some writer• injected a sad note, like Andy Freire, 12', of Flushing, who had hl1 house burglarized and last year's Christrnu gifta stolen. "My mom h.u been depreaed lately. If you can, could you pleaae tend mr mom • bottle of Chanel No. 5?' he aald. Mary Seay of Ruatburg, Va., wrote that "Most of all 1 want to ttt my grandmother." • Workshops for kids You won't find 1 map:al toa.d for your little pri.ncem to Ida, but your kids wUI examine tauanaa. arow tonJght'• ulld, and atudy f 011111 durin1 the Saturday Science Worluho91 at the California Muaeum of Science and Indu1try, i..01 An1elea. Re1i1traUon 11 under way now for 38 flCtion·pedMd coun.. ClUll!I are held Satwda)'I. G a .m . and ll :SO a .m . For lnfonnatlon call (213) 744-7440. Cele brations big and small Ente rtainers com e in various sizes,. Examples are star performers a t the White House Christmas p arty (above) and at the Las Vegas ' Hilton. uAnnie" star Aileen Quinn sings to Nancy Reagan and g uests; Tanya plays Santa for Hilton employees and their children. world scope (10 polnl• tor Heh qutellon enewertd correcll~) 1 Edw1rd l<~nnedy, S.n11or from the ltlle of .. l .. , 1nnounced that he wlt l not seek the Oemocr1tlc nomination for the pre1ldency In 1984. 2 The labor Department announced th1t nearly 12 mllllon Amerlc1ns were ou1 of work last month. The new rate -10.9 percenl - Wilt .<4 pef'~ntiCHOOSfO~ hfther, lower)- than the rete for OC1ober. J U.S. Secretary of State Ceor1e Shultz left for 1 rwo-week trip 10 Western Europe where he planned 10 mff1 whh NATO fOfelln mlnl11en. 11 wes Shultz'• first m1jor Western European visit since he took over the office followln1 the resl1n11lon of .. l .. 4 The Parliament of 1he People's Republic of China unanimously adopted a new connltu- tlon. TRUE OR FALSE: The new document strictly limits the lenath of 1lme Chinese leaden can hold office. 5 Sovlel cotmonauu wrapped up the lon1es1 space fll9ht In history aher nearly seven months In Eerth-orbll aboard the Salyut-7 space Slellon. The U.S. (CHOOSE ONE: also hes, does not have) a space station In Earth· orbit. newsname Since Ted Kennedy's an· nouncemenl that he will not run for President In 1984, I have become the frontrunner for the Democratic nomination. Who am I, and whit post did I hold In th• Carter Admlnlttratlonf 1-ttatutt ktatur9 ).tt1tl• kandard ... tratum .. layer c·l1w t-mtuure Answers appear (up1tde down) beneath qlllz e news picture (10 polntt II '°" ant-ltllt queetton conec11rl Barney Clark, 61, made history when he became the tint hum.n to receive a per1Nnent ertlflclal heart at the Unlven lty of Utah Medial Center. Tke device replKed the lower chambers of Clark's own heart, and 11 11 operated by a compreued 1lr drtve system. The artlfldal heart was named after tu lnventOf, Doctor (CHOOSE ONE: Wiiiiam OeVrtes, Robert Jarvlk). peoplowatd1/spot •Rd•~ i2 polnlt !Of H ell quntlon en•-recl corttelty) 1 ut . 1 Comedian MartyFeldman,49,dled In MexlcoCltyofamantve hean attack. Feldman was a n11lve of .. t.. I ::> a-the U.S. b-Canada c-Brltaln l 0 2 Henchef Walker of .. l .. Unlvenlty became the 32nd runnlna~ bad to win the Hebman Trophy, awarded each year to the outstandln1 collqe football player In the U.S. a-Oeorsta b-Geottetown c--Ohlo Slate J The Wuhlnston Redskins, the NFL'• only unbeaten team, fefl .to the Dallat Cowboys to hand Dallas coach .. t •• hh ~ career victory. 4 Thomu Hurm took the World lo1dn1 Council IUpet x weherwel1ht title away from boxln11rut Wiifred hfiltu In a• 15-round declllon. nuE OR FALSE: HMm• h undef .. ted Ml profellk>nal. v s Way,,. Greu.ky of the Edmonton Olien Mt hit 22nd tndMduel National ~ey L..,ue tc:Orint record by eccwtnt In a contealttve II"*·~ old ~of a w11MtIn1171-77 br .• f .• of MontNal • · a-lobby Hull b-Mlkt IOMy c-Ciuy Lefleur roundtable ,....., ..... lleft(M ...... Drunk drtvtn1 ofMft ,..... epidemic propontons d1.1~ hoUda~ Whet mtlN WGUld ~ IUllfll to control me .. drunk drtvtns problemf YOU'I IC0..11 t1 .. 100 ,_... .. -TOP ICC>f'll t1 .. IO,_... .. -11-...t. J1 .... ,_... .. -o-. 11 .. N ,_.. _ ,..,, •YIC, lne., 1111-11 I r. ., . ) ,. .. Of.,. c o t flAlt T f'll • movie pt r i I ·t r of 'Deadly Encounter' fl.'J',~D ~HENIEftO YORK CBS trtee to "vunter the llilfy e wcaplam or "Love Boal .. 11nd .. ,.ntaJY ' ~ht with an equall~ vapid actJon yam1 ~ Eneounter," 1tarr1n1 Larry Hqman ana helklopter, alrini at 9 on Ch.annef 2. 'n\at'1 rt1ht. ThJa whirly blrd does trtcka, and It' a more credible actor than that rucal from " ," w ho la barely articulate, wh= along e duhms. ruged figure he's sup to be , but lan't. ou know the real star when the film opena a ahot of the helicopter's lnterior. Immediately , while hovering on the ground, big blrd e-k lck1 a can Into a bar re l. Two h e r o - rupplns boys cheer. Rover then climba ufward roll.a over. All that's rrusslon IS a playfu bark a wet kiaa. HaRman (who la J .R. Ewing in "O&llaa" in caae didn't know) plays Sam Hooten, a forme r m combat ace who runs the Ya nkee Go Helicopter Service in Mexico. He would be ten t to drin k t equil a a nd curs e the blishment, un til his old flame Chris (Susan ~lllM"" ) shows up. Sam and Chris, a nurse in Vietnam. had a Chm from the buml'll v1hk l• Cb.da la lllNp ln Lbe ~'-i •h.#-h,.,_--l•5J!dl tnemlel' hellcopc..-· ctMh. lhrou,h ~ roof and Ult. her away. Ap!n, Sam la ln hc>t punult. rtytnc low throu1h the 1tr"t1 of Mexico and ln1ld• tunnela, It'• OU.Unc Rotor Bladel, the two 'copwn r-.mbllnc pnhJttoric dinouun 1quartnc off In a eel-fl fliek. When Chrll flna.U5ake9 up, ahe's remarkably cool. She bei1I out, 1n the water below. Sam IWOOpe down. la ahe ar• fuJ? No way. He naked hls llfe and aaved her1. For w hat? "No more q ueeUona," ahe 1aya. T he aerial drcua and 1tunt1 are th1a far-fetched movie's method for deellna with an airhead acript. When ln doubt, "Deedly !lhcounter" merely cranks up the roton. l\'1 easier than p>d writing, which the following exchanp definitely la not: "I didn't tum lnto an ldlot juat becaue I got horny," said Sam. "Cut lt out," uid Chrla. "You know you love IT'M! ... Even1ually, Chris acknowledges that her enemies, who killed her huaband becau.e he turned s tate '• e vidence , are a fte r $2 million and an incriminating blac k book. That's why the y're chasing Sam and Chris throughout Mexico, which must be a .man country al.nee Sam's helicopter is spotted everywhere ll hides. n fling, but Chris dumped Sam for another GI. ow, she's back in his life, acting mysteriously and asking for he lp from Sam's helicopter. As bitter as stale coffee, Sam turns her down. · That's when the movie takes an even sillier tum. Fasten your seatbelts: Banditos barge into Chris's hotel room, inject her with drugs and put her into an ambulance. Sam and his helicopter give c . The ambulance overtuma, and Sam pulla ''Deadly Encounter" is another case of a CBS star fultillinB a contractural commitment In a flim-flam movie. Last Saturday, Patrick Dufty•ot "Dallaa" wu ln "Cry for the Strangers." Thla time, H:n r econfirms that they dpn"'t practice S pearlan acting down on Southfork. Clint Eastwood was in Los Angeles th is week for the screening o f his film, "Honky tonk Man," which a lso stars his. son , K yle (s~cond from le ft). H e is shown with his da ughte r, Alison, (right ) and Alexa Ke nin. Experience with us the joy of Christmas at Neighborhood Congregational Church U.C.C. Of Lacma Beach 340 St. Ann's Drive at Glenneyre Laguna Beach, California THIS SUNDAY, DECEMBER 19th 10:00 a.m. Music by the Children's and Chancel Choirs The Rev. John M. Reynolds wlll bring a short meditation on "Sharing Mary's Joy" Ch/Id care provided CANDLELIGHT CHRISTMAS EVE SERVICE FRIDAY NIGHT 10:45 P.M. DECEMBER 24th Pipe Organ recit al by Michael Sanders ' 15 min. Individual candles tit. PRAYER FOR PEACE Phone 494-8061 '~ . ,, .... ~ The boy is on his way to becoming a man. The man is on bJs way to becoming a legend. /,.~~ .. ':'tt. ... " rr-- Clint &.stwood IUUI Kyle &.stwood Honkgtonk Jnan Otn1 ~><1 .. 1"1 K~ l::.."""•od ·n·Ho-tkvt<•• Man" E.ioraa-l'ltxlun-r Fru M,,,,.... ~ r•' n1..i.t 1., C'laut-y (.Mlilr-l\IN'd ~ h1> ..,...J l'mdu< Ml •rd Om~ uxl t,., ( l•u '"'""". d ~ ... .-.--.. --· ·-·-· -·-•tr~u1lf• ...... __._.._. --Al&-'!,(_~o --. ---- ~ I ~\Nl(ltt ~Ql1UllJ ~ • fMIA fAf~ IM~llllAl AT IOA140 !1•:11 -o.ll "The best film Burt Reynolds has ever made ••• Goldie •BARGAIN MATIN•ES • Monday thru S1turd1y All PertormancH before S:OO PM (Elca,t S'9d11 E ......... IN "*"11 "BEST FRIENDS" _____ .. , "THE VERDICT '..., .................. "THE VERDICT" to11 ___ .... _ LAKEWOOD C fllHER SOUTH WAI• ... FOCUfV Al Del Nr'O 211/6W.tH1 .. THE TOY"-,_. ... ._._ .. wanu. Of' THE NIGHT".,., 119r. ...... Nl. .... ttia '""" TKUTllU ....... SWM •un rfWlClt ---..... tW .. , " AllAKEI• DllM ·Ja MAUGa l lft ...... a ..... 111rn.-1 a.. rt •,. u,_.., • ._., ,.. __ n•1-•1-......... ..., .... , ............ ,. IMf>OllTHT llOTtCll t •UtMI _,. 12 FMll ___ .. ___ .,. .. ____ _ --·-·CMl-·--,, ... CMI ____ _ --•-..1·au--•••- .. ·~ .. , .. ANAHEIM ORIVf IN ._.1 .. i-11 l,._..IO "•TIU. Of' n. NIOHr' --..,...at-..a .. 1111 C.ff-............ BUENA PARK [1111~1 I~ ·• "°""•· .. , ·tMAM•Y'I ... ~ Pll _,,_ "THI DAM CRY8TAL"--w1941"-awn ~ Jovnest perlMmana. A delicious romantfi'-1--~,._-...l!!!ff"l•rAO,O -____ _..;...;_ ______________________ ~ comedy audience wlH love." -Rex Reed A l«lRMA.'I IWISOI FILM WRT R{Yl«OS !n.OIE HAM "llST fRIOIOS" St.1'1~ l SSlr.A TNf11 8ARNARO trots Al.W UIO.EY KIDIAN WYNN ROii sum IMlc by MICtll l£GIWll Lyrics by AlAll 11.t MARILYN BERQWI UfJCUhlt PnW:ef n Wl1.NI WY1tt9l by w.ER1£ CURTIN & BARRY LEVINSOI ~ by IQMAll I WISOI n OOR!Ck PWIR Duetted by QMAll .lWJS(#I .... -.. ,~~=-Cl! I~ . ,, ..... , 10"' t I 'I I U ·~. "' ::::, ~· :·:. '' ' ..... ' ... ' r .......... LINCOLN OlllVE IN .... •. FOUNTA IN VALLEY D RIVf IN _ __.,_ .. _CS.I M2·1'11 - -~· ,...~---.... TU.l lt'fm ... TOOll'nml ,..,,... "' °"'"--o._.,_,,_ _...,.Se. 1 191·J69~ '"119 'ftRDICT"... MIU( ....... ---"OeA,TH HUNT" 1111 "THI POUR aaAaoNI"' - alll·fl- wntm TOY"1N1 -"HANKY ~ANKY" .,., .,._ " ........ LA HABRA [lWl~I '" --·--·--•n·JIU ._ITPRm••"' -. ......r...,... .. M ISSION I•''\ I •N ... .· WAl.>Nl R ,,.,,"I IN ._ ... _ .. _,,_ CW·ll- "HONKYTONK MAW' --"f'MfOX"- ........... ..., ..,_,... DTM-1 --'WIOllCO e&&.Y" - -·-----··------- oadc t betti on o ne of your smiles . ~· ~\_.~Eft Joke t\aUon &o othert In lhe fltld, bu\ they aU bNlhed It off, he •Y•· WAIHINO'l'ON -Robert Cobbin wtU be ln What wUl WJOK ofter? deeD trouble U llltenen don't 1-u&Jl wMI\ hi. MW .. Juat about any-humor that"._.v.-r been nd{o NUon .,.. on the alt Mxt month. WJOX 1'tClOfdild," Cobbln M)'I, and he ...... off the lilt - will bl'oeckwtnumor and hardly anyth.lna elle. Amoe 'n' Andy, iM Greet OUdenleeve, Bob and The 24-hOUl·•-day llatlon ln 1uburban _Ray, W.C. Ffeldt, P'tbber Mc:Gft and Molly, Phil Oal\henburw, MO., will be the flnt In America to . Fotter, Godfrey Cambridp, P'Up Willon, Buddy make comecfy routines lta main fa.re. Hackett. Oeorae Gobel, J9Clde Muon, Steve A.Uen. c.obbln ~ he hu enough humor on cuet&el Fred Allen, Allan Sherman, Stiller and Meara, to broedcut f« 18 montha without repeettna a joke. Redd Foxx, Rlchatd Pryor, Jack Benny, Joe E. Brown, Woody All~. the Smothen Brothen. WJOK wW carry news, Joo, but with emr>halla And more: Phyllla Diller, Johnny Canon, M1lce on the briahter llde -"like when a Boy Scout Nichola and Elaine May: Mel Brooka, Carl Reiner, =~ olo lady across the •treet, you kno~," says the Smothen Brothen, Lily Tomlin, Jonathan Cobbln aaya he had the• idea for aU-humor-Winters, Belle Barth, Dave Aator, Rutty Warren, radio iJ) 1964 and haa been collecting recorded ~~ ~ Nipeey Ruaell, Morey 'Amlterdam, humor ~ver aince, mostly by dipping into the What about dirty jokes? libraries of other radio stations. "Between 10 p.m. and 4 a.m.," repllea Cobbin. "I figured if people were willinB to apend a "There will probably be aorne ~ but atationa are.... dime to hear a joke, there must be a market for this already broadcaatlng four-letter worda." atation," Cobbin says. The New York Telephone Co. WJOK will be fike other radio station.a in aome Myt 15,000 people call "Dial-A-Joke" in an average regards -offertna weather forecaata and traffic 24-hou.r period. condition -but numor wlll be ill meat and Cobbin and two partners a.re betting a million potatoes. dollan they'll have the laat laugh on industry On the call-in ahows, llatenen will tell their inldden who've been BCOUing at the idea of an all-favorite jokes. Live broadcaata wW o~te from humor atation. " Washington night clubs with comedians. Cobbin, 52, haa been In the buaineea and sales And music? Sure: Songs by Tom Lehrer, tunes end of radio all h1a life. He offered hia idea for a by Spik'e Jones. LET ONE OF THE YEAR'S TEN BEST• MOVIES -uFT YOU UP WHEAi! YOU BELONG.'' . ........,...,..,,,....,..., "'MAAllCUlrT ~ ~·-...-.. ---.. __ 21st 8~ WEEKI---- -..w1 com ma ..._ EdwMb Wts1brOOll [dwwds 1111m AJIC Orange Mal S30·UOI 646-SOZS 837.0340 THE WILDEST, FUNNIEST, ACTION TH RILLER OF THE YEAR. Phone Home Free on us Come to the center covrt of the Huntington ,.Bpecl•I December 11, 1112 To December 21, 1m fl ltn 11llon &lass 1q~111u111. c11111plctt w1t11 an lllllltfarntl hlttf. 111 pump, htlltf. tlltfll!Qjllfltf, two 11"1 nlve. flvt lett tu-two i.pt bulbs, ltn pounds lflwl Ind I lift lacll 1qu1num handbook. S.. at ,f.quatic Tro1>4<1b 101 on4, 39.99 Center moll and call your friend or relative anywhere on th9 MCI long distance network absolutely. free. Your VISA" ... free 3. min. call is our l5lt., ~ -54t.1J9l•C.. Hdlr I W• holiday gift to you ... --------• Another World, Another Time ... In the Ap of Wonder. G\~ ~'°"~~ .. $'P> °"' ''°~--!.~· \.~ )Of'~~ '° ~ --WHY1 NO matter what the marquee says, what'• now playing at United Artists Communications theaters fs a real horror show. UAC, the second largest movie chain tn the U.S., has embarked on a national pollcy of ellmlnatlng Jobs, foeterlng unemployment In city after city where they own and manage theaters. In Callfornla, UAC emptoyeea who chose union representation are the primary targets of the company's greedy, crass "pro- fits before people" corporate phllosophy. Within the last few weeks, UAC has locl<tld out many "'Of Its southern Callfornla projectionists (mem~rt of the International Alllance of Theatrlcal St~ Emptoyees and Moving Picture Operators) rather than engage In good.faith bargaining. Manao• ment taunted these hlghly skilled and dedicated workers with a preposterous "flnal offer" that would mean: .. ellmlnating 50 to 75% of the proJ.atlonlsts' Jobi • cutting wages for many of the remaining empt~• • art>ttrary reassignments and c.,_ngH In working conditions (I.e., forcing one proJec· tlonlat to service up to 18 movle screens In two or thrM bulldlnga that may be 24 mllea apart). Janitors In UAC'a San Francisco-area theatert who belong to the Service Employ... union have alto bMn vlctlmlzed by management. Forced out on 1trtke more than a year ago becaun UAC won't &udoe from 1t1 demand for a total wage freeze, the tlanlfor1, too, are confront.ct with a hoatlle and lnflex- ble attitude on the company'• part. UAC want• uncondltlonal 1urrender, no matter what the connquence1 for workere, the lnduetry or the arH'I economy. "Take It or leave It'' 11 their biah; '1negot11Ung" 1t1nce. UAG ...... ~~ no ,._. OhcMoe. lvt-mcwl~ do.._. a choice of where to epenct their entert1lnm.nl dofl1ra. , PLEASE DON'T PATRONIZE '--'-..-.......--UAC THEATERS Bob Cobbin, owner o( radio station W JOK, stands out&ide his Gaithersburg, Md. station where h~ will broadcast nothing but humor. ET ftSb'ftA· ID • '· Taaanaa4L -~-.c•uM DALY--.a., .... ,t1 .... Pll.7:11, .. IAT/IUM.d:al.a., ..... 1:11.Ml(N) .,THI DARK CRYSTAL" D•Ya 1111, -4111, 1r11,-.... ~i".P~ ...... WO of Am•rlran l•l•vl1lori'1 moil .......... humonau.., that Attt1trk• rM.'tdl w •• IWll dUr1"1 thll lJfTMI of UMtnploymttn• tnn.Uon. And ttMy .,. dolnt IOl'n«tthln1 about I - W N.-..r1 of CB8 (Monday. U:30 10 pm.) Muta ..... u of PBS (Wednnday. D U:30 pm , t,,u1 check local lllUnp tor varylna d•Y• and llmee f0t•1m•• and repeeta) t.Uovo that th Ir 1how1 eomethlna more than mere l11u1hwr that kind of lnt.elllpnt humor provide.• neoollNU')' tor people flldna the trial• of da)'·t(>oday ln • difficult IOC:ttty. ( taUCed to both of them the other d•Y· YOU' can't exeect to ettjoy Mark Russell on TV newapaper readlne la llmJted to the comic Hil type of humor requires aome awareness hat'• ao'na on from the viewer. "My audiencee reed newapapera. watch PBS. y're \bouchtful people. Wealth and geography nothlna to do with It -In every community la a nucleua of t.houahtful. curious people who to get a kick out of the political aatire which I Why la he juat about the only one on TV doing DOlldcal aadre? "Well, there certainly isn't any great clamor for it commerdal TV. All we see there are short ologun by Johnny Carson and Bob Hope. Tbit'a about all the traffic will bear. On PBS I'm lucl>' to get that half hour every couple of ~'.'~hs, ~ ... .uve. Compared to commercial T\}, 1t s a .-..ii audience. • "But after all, satire has a kind of shadowy . It'• aort of aemihonorable. You are being a naughty, irreverent. So It needs the feel ~f basement cafes, as in the old Berlin, and 1t dn't be flaahy, atraiaht out of Las Vegas. "My lhow oriainates from public TV station nn....,n in Buffalo, N .Y., and we tape at the State eraity of New York at Buffalo before an nee of students and invited guests." What kind of aatire works best? .. The more the polarization in an issue, the bet.r uUre .eema to work on that subject. People al,.; sometimes forget that sat ire Is not tmlenonation, like Rich Little's work. The true aa1'Nt doesn't get any laughs at . all. What he's u'Jdna ia in Its own way deadly senous. ~ ''The best satire concentrates on issues, not pe~ties. And I never tell jokes." unemployment a good s ubject for satire, te lta extremely grim character? Yea. But not a good subject for ha-ha jokes. 'oimln91tani::e, I might uy that In October, when the an administration knew the new plo~ent 1.i&ures were comi~ ovt. they to divide the unemployed into two gtoups: p that Reagan inherited from the previous tion and the group he caused. So there 11 mO.llon in the tint group and Al Haig and Allen in the 8eCOnd group ... t llOl1. of "contemporary satire will we be on Mr. Ru...ll's Wedne.day night show on fA True Children's Classic." -KABCTV fhotos With Real Santa Bring the "llttle ones" to Huntington Center's new mall for memories they'll never forget with the Mitchell Marionettes o@ Satirist Mark RU58ell by Cheyenne, Wyoming. And there wlll be a number about a guy who lives on a farm and yearN for his boyhood daya ln Los Angeles. . .'' Does Mark Ruaaell fee l that people are laughing more these days, despite the bad news all around us? "Laughing at yourself has always been a marvelous antidote. There has never been a time in the 25 years that I have been doing this that people haven't said 'Boy, we need this more than ever.' "People said that during the Vietnam war, during Wate rgate. 'We really need this because inflation ia up.' they say. and then when inflation ls down, they say, 'We really need thi.s becau.se of the recession.' "The fact is we aJwa,YS need this." In Six Weeks. you can find memories to last a lifetime. A l i\1\~ IUlfA\l Cl'l!I.. I nMnal • "' ._. I•• !'~!~. !,~~~OHi !ID .. 11tl Mad M111 llU ET. THE EXTRA· • • nRRESTRIAL om "'!!..ftrllltw!: '"'°' Christmas show and a __ ............ ------------------------, visit with t~e Real Santa with the Real Beard. And lnttant Santa photos only $2.99. !raveland will l>e Santa-Lind on Id. Dlo.11 'Iraveland 1nvltss you to sh.a.re the magic of the Hollda.Y Season with a very epeoial Santa. He's the otao1a.l Toys for Tots and Bob HopeVetsra.ns Parcy Sant.a and h1s heart and spir1t are as Na1 .. hia b8&rd! • • 1 I N WHAIT,HUMOll · N.whart!e new IMW~hlth M ,a.ye • Wtl f•lnn..,., lft New t ~·~ '° be ttw> only ft/IW ..n. .....,.Ul In top · "I'm pa....d about that," Newtwt •11• "but we'll nNlf)' find OUI how mum ~ UM UI wtwn •M•A•s•w pe off the aJr In 1 C11Upie Of mmnhl and wrre an our owu without \ht mrry-vtn born lhat •ttonl lhow, whkh ~ 1.111 now.'' II there • Newhart •r.Mrnce out I.here th.at will watch any 1how he cto.' "Maybe an lntelll ent audience, but not aPOClflcally a N•whar.1 audience. Mayt>. a Uttle 1tarved tor their own 1'lnd of 1how, one that demandt a bit of lnt.eWpra Iran lja viewers. But I would never call It a Newhut aUdlence. U what you are doJna 111\'t any aooct. no matter how loyal people are, they're not lolna to watch.'' Are we in for an era of more eopht.Ucated oomedy on TV? "I hope eo. Tilat'• one of the reMON rm back on the air thia aeuon. I thou(ht I lenMCI a chanp. When I left the old lhow, I eemed the opposite. It waa the time of 'The Incredible Hulk' and 'Wonder Woman' and 1how. like that. I thouaht I'd better not try a 1eventh yev with the old lhow ln that climate. I wu tired of watchin8 the networks all try to copy ABC'1 hit show.. "When I wu off, people would come up to me ln the street and they'd aay, 'Pleae, come back, live ua something to watch.' Tilat'a a very nice feeling when people think of you and your work that way. So I came back, and I'm doin8 the same kind of show I've always done. I think there la a resurgence in demand for mature comedy." Does Newhart attract a brighter audience than most? "I wouldn't put It that way. In the old show and ln thla new one. we simply give the audience credit tor having eome inteWgence. We don't hit them over the head with saga. And that's a compliment to them. Anyway, I wouldn't know how to do a ple-in·the-face kind of show. Thia new show is a radjcal departure ln that It portrays two The newest and funniest 'Panther' of them all. I NOW SHOWING I nu CttTA IKU HMIU .._ •• $2 .. t»I UA C-54D-0Mt I.IA Clly C:....134-Hl I COSTA •UA ~ Fff11TAI• llMUY ...... C-C.. t7M141 holly""" 11141M?1141AMCOIMle1111111 '31.o340 h I ( Bob Newhart with Mary Frann in character-centered humor on CBS' "Newhart." adult people who are able to aolve their own problems ... without the help of their children. We don't have any In the 1how . "I've always found that the funniest thinp are the true things -all our humor COme9 out of character rather than gagJ. "Not too long ago, on Saturday night It was 'All In The Family,' 'M•A•s•H,' 'The Mary Tyler Moore Show.' and 'Carol Burnett.' So it really was a golden age. a wonderful time when people were doing wonderfully Intelligent humor. There was an audience then. If that audience ha.a left, I am sure It la now coming back." How much of the lead character la the real Newhart? "He'a 86 percent me. I always hold about 15 percent back, because I don't want to confuse myaelf with the character I play. You have to hold back for your own protection .aa a human betna. ShareThe Joy Shan!The Magic Share The \\OOder 'This Holiday Seal;on. ~ THE E XTRA-TERRESTRIAL ~--· Lawrenu Ross The reaction to presents "MOSES" this release has been by Salvador Dali. unprecedented. This etching is Lawrence Ross a monumental tribute L,,~;.,__ ___________ ... Galleries invites to the gTMtest of Renaissa1:tce masters, you to view this exceptional work to Michelan,gelo, by the world's gre.atut commtmoratc the opeMing of its ntw living su"ealist, Dall. gall•ry in Newport Beach. Moses, the prophet. Moses, the Also available-Agam, /qwgiver. Interpreted, complemented, Luongo, Miro) Rockwtll, W:zsarely authenticated by Dali, tlte '"'"''"' and others. 1 . ' . .. Christ01as spi it along Orange Co From lood drive to Santa's visit . ' Studenu ol Univenity High Sehool are conductin1 their annual canned food drive. Shown makin1 a pyramid of IOUp at left are, from left, Shell White, Cheryl Burger and John E. Yoang. Below left, Santa visits Kaiaer Elementary Sehool in Coeta Mesa and 1eta a bi1 hug from Autwnn Watao~ 5, a kindergarten 1tudent. Traniported by Costa Mesa Police Department helicopter, Santa made many visits to area schoob. Below right, be presenl8 a gilt to Hoi:tensia Morales of Whittier School. ( i ~ A~~=!_?~!~~~~~~~i!~~.,~~is~:~~:~,~:_:~~~~·~~~dw.!1' of netahbon who bate telling time by the roar and throuah the hillsides near the nmwaya. action ln Small Clairol Court at the sugestkm of stop San Franmco from ab1ftina the don out • • -rat'tle-of-Ukeoffs--and-landinp-have won a aecond----""ftl1 • tn abrupt not.e-tbat meke9 you lit up ln -lawyeq-wbo-wwned4Hould tlke l2 ~ &MD ewm. Court,aot Hu. owr 1epl hwcBm • round ln their battle apimt airport noile -and the middle of the ni~ht and wonder if it's an $100,000 ot men for a regular laWIUit to wend lta Jet ua aet beck to eelf-repreeenlatioft." J)y8Clft they did it almost without lawyers. earthquake or a plane,' Huajudo aid. way~ heuinp ~appeals. Wlth two decWrww in ita favor, the poup~ A municipal judge recently awarded $301,500 "tf you want to 80 out ln the yard and read the They boned up~ 1epl .it-help boob, IOUCht have ··= c.ndiblllty and clout that - to 263 men, women and children who are fighting Sunday paper, you're~ b.ck into the hou8e additional help frolD the authcn and bepn f:Wnl of com would be poMble," Warner-'d. ncUe from the natl.on'• fifth-bwdeet airport in Small by the nol9e.'' said fellow coordinator Unda Dyson. clahm agalnat San Frand.lco, which owna the And Dy90l1 hoped the victoriee would be tbr-' Cla1ma Court. "And you don't need an aJann clock in this area." airport, in May 1981, at a con 10 tar of $iil 600. "economic pulb" t&e atrport neec1a to reduce .... .=.::. The victory -at minimal cost -was the The two women and other relidents met while ''It wu a wonderful avenue.'' uld u.jardo, n<Ue. lfJClODd for the residents of elghi communities on the attending meetings of city councilors, county "especl.ally when you win. It'• IO lmmedlate and But San Frandaco ii appeellna the flnt award Sui Frand8co Peninlula. In January, 116 people su~~n, airport oOmmlllionen, regional t.ranait ~nsive." and will filht the eecond.. And that llkely wtD ~ won an $87,000 judgment in their noi8e oomplainta. of state authorities and federal regulators. 'Thia la one answer to the frultratlon the more compllcated lep1 bettla fot the aellldenta And two more bateli;of c1aima are in the worb. They formed a looee lobbytq network, ataged average American feell with the lepl system." ..id before any c:1aiml can be paid. "We're ecstatic; we finally found a forum that demooltrationl at the airport-and testified about the Jake Warner, author of "Everybody'• Guide to La~ who have cmt the city $UI0,000., tar w.1 llatenlng," said Delores Huajardo, a Burllnpme nol9e problem durina a two-year federally funded Small C1ai.rm c.ourt." arg~ ttiat only the federal government can homemaker who'a helped lead the srnall-cfa.lma study. · "They tried everytb1na e.lae, and everybody f'elUlate the airport. "At une point, there'•~ offemlve. "We didn't leave any atone unturned; we ju.st la~ at them. .. But thele people didn't inconvenience you have to accept ln an For a half·4~zen years, nelghbon of San thouiht the prooeae would be re9ponalve to us. but quit. We re deliahted and amazed," be aid. aociety," .-Id Donald Garibaldi. aeneraI coumll Frand9co International Airport ~ve been looking it WASn't," Huajardo aald. Warner and Stephen Elias, who wrote "Lepl . the ~ Qwnmt"'an. ' Southernmost part of California ·pron~ to e8~thqualies · ~ cont.ldence when or whse the next ..-t ti7:1 quake mlabt CJa.'\11' ' •t ' SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -A much- •· feared stretch of the muthem San Andreu J'ault la probably decade• away from another pat earthquake, while a le.- studied eegmeDt farther IOUth could be the lite of Callfomia'1 next pant tremor, aya a C.olumbU Unlvenlty ldent11t. "I don't thlnk that In· the next few decadee the notthem end of the 200-mlle ~ment that 1pawned Southern The eouthem half of the San Andreu beslnt at Park.field, about midway between Loe Anaelee and San Francf.lco and 50 milM inlAnd. That'a the northwett limit of the 1867 quake, whldl ruptured the fault almost to San Bernardino. That 80-rnile lencth could 10 by I.at, be aid. and produce a very-..~. But If either of the lonaer' ends .Up, It Pl"Obably would take the center wtth It and the quake would be that much Waer· Thia theory 1eem1 to 1u1aHt an alternauna aequence, spread over Syba 6... bil · oonclu•m partly mi a ~i " theory of "tecton.lc knota" -1ped,flc. ,-'!. nubborn pee. of the bult. IO mdll a.. ~· t .or man, where the two.-of tbe fauft ~,.-:,~. are atuck toaether more ttahtly than .... uywhere.i.e. ---&arthquak" occur when conatantlJ ' omla'1 lalt pnt Nrtbquake (ln 1857) II likely to be ready for another ai-eat wthq••!!i'_ ~y_Dn I\. Sym of Colwnbia'• Lamon-l.IWM!"Y GeoJotical Ob.rvatory, ..ad thll week. Sytu. dtvidea the llOUthem lee intO three pan., elCh with diUerent quake-productnc characterlatica and Interval• between tremors. From Parkfleld almqat to Palmdale, about 120 mllee, he oonc.nda, (IJ'eat quakel are likely only once every 200 to 300 yean. buUctt'll ltl 111 n finally beooa1it pnrwf\11 ...... to UYtftUM the frtctaan tbat lalilll tbt liult In plllCe. The lon&ea' the frtedaDal t.ond Olaa Mid Wt. lhe ar-wr an 111e -..-- • ...... elete and the ....... "My --• we are not P.nc to haw an a.:t duplicate of. the 1807 ewnt for a Jane time," he said in an Interview after clllculllU'I bll oondUlllcm at an American ~ Union conlerence here. But s,a. lldcted that the bottom 200 mllla ol Che fault, from p.JmdaJe to PM' the 8aJ1on Sea, 100 mti. --of 8111 Dl..ao prahtaq.,. ._. to . .......,.. Jooee ~ •----Gi&ld.plndtMP.ID.-"'llr.Jlu9 ..... --~the 80UtMrft end'.of tbe fault hlm't Md • map quake in tmt.ortc a-. ...._......,It'• 80t to pop •.. iind 1r1 ewn ..... llilDuldmwa.,_t~ln ........... , ..... he ... . .... odllll' ........ ., ...... ~ hilt .... -... be ...... Iii the _.. h1~ .•• we..n,nMdw f WIJ cirnful ~II I nb In thllt ..... " l Another stretch, rouahl7 120 mllH eout.bwt trom ._. Sc .Hem9rdlno to Che Salt.on s.. bam't ..... --... at ... 220 yMn ., 0 lt mm& haw a YH7 blc recurnmce interval. but w. don't knoW when the 1alt ewnt oocurnd." A Calltomla lmdtuw of Teehnoloay r ... ucher, KllT)f Sleh, prevtoualy baa reported 1eolo1lc tvldenH the San ~Sahlllri a. =tml,iht))aw ~ • ...... ,..._ ,__ay .. aoo )'Hrt .,.. AM 9"eral .... UN bave llbown # Fl and ........... ~ Jolded into the IGUtMm end. ..., .............. . l1Meiktlad1 the re~at time la . • ............ .., the .... ~ llut.., the u•• ..... Wldlta IL ~ a ab ...... bald tbe rmt ol di9 ~~'C I Will .. ,. wMt otW will ~~~~A new waY to do your Christmas Shopping.· .... · · Everything under the sun ••••. With bikes bright & shiny, & jeans by ·designers, toys for ·the girls and also for bOys, watches, pillows and tons of t joy. Thing~ tnade by hand for wotnen, for tnen, plants for your house, a lovely new blouse, new chairs to ~~~o~~-a-n-~~~~~~fy~~-~~-o-~~~~~~~~M-~~t~~sit on, tables to eat t---H~--r--~ Chrisr.;;; S.;ciat --, on. Pictures to look - Monday through ~ri.Jaer;.s!'D!ember ZOth-Z4th at, a ball, a hat, a ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~tnitt&abat,andso tnuch tnore ..... It's all there .... ~ at the - Orange County Fairgrounds Svvap · Meet Christmas Special, Menda-y through Friday, ·necetnber 20th to 1 December 24th J rotn T:DD a.tn. to 4:00 p.tn. Have fun vvith the vvhole family & save 1 ' 1' dl1lrlb~•n1 them to nrlou1 chJldNn I ll'OUP harrill. Thl1 w11k, Wtbb11 ldH beeefM I ....Uty M 8bout 170 of the handmade Woodin ....,.._, truck1, 1rad1r1 and •= ~ ftN delivered '° childNn'• hdlidli. tnd~ thi Albert 86uon home ln ~· It all Nrted bliek in A I In Lacuna H11Ja. a\ J'lre Sta 22. You He, Webb explained, Statton 22 WH a very buay 1tatlon. ,,.. fU'llfnln didn't twwe • lot of 11tlvUl11 to hold them ...,_.,, Alter e p.m., lMY'd all 1U aroWMI and waceh TV. lo Wetlb cMew.d he lhould t1Y '° :::'~~!...~ ~ ftif the ,-.,. ctilJdNiii •well. Since th• fire depattmen\ came under &M Jurildk:Uon of Oran1• County In May 1980, thin baw been a lot of~. Webb md, and other ecUvtU.. "Mother Karen'.' .. The year 'round jacket Great fo< 011erything. like booting. b ike riding 0< just the beach. Fun color comblnotlons. Machine 'NOshable too. Super with Vuomet &. Le Cord sunglass holders ---~------------------- &~~~ 56 FASHION ISLAND · NEWPORT BEACH · (714) 644·7030 ]11[ old fasiioned J l j .J.. afrc{e.sfcliff ~laia This holiday Mason. join the Westcliff Plaza family Setect your g11t1 from more than twenty ahopl. without crowds or en<llesS parking lots . . with the peraonal touch that Westclltt Plaza has become known !Of. This Saturday afternoon. and ~ evening next week. enjoy Christmas carolers and have the kids meet Mrs. Santa -who w\11 be lilllng her atoddng with gifts for Toya !Of Tots and giving out Christmas goodies of her ownll · 171h and Irvine Newport Beach OP N T 9 P.M WEEK IOHTS MOSl SI ORES OPlN NOON TO • "' SU~DAY.DECEMSER ~ On f11£-'f irsL> day of Christmas my~~~to~ .. a ~icecream on Q COfre-" The perfect Christmas gift- In many yummy-flavors. We also have Haagen-Dazs Gift certificates. £~ /\\ .. " -~·. -; ':_~ ~ . · Atert Sitton Home tykes felt Santa's beard and kindness of firemen who made toys, such as ironing board, right. FJREMEN . . . · "' Frctn Page B 1 '" ~ 1ee the firemen and get a toy. That makes thef _feel a lot better about ua." ~t 30 children got toJ:.e"'::~Y from 1 f~firemen, on&of whom up aa Santa Claf!: ~ ,,Enclne company 9 also diatributed toys to the'-1p home for children, located at 34669 El Molino in Capistrano Beach, Webb Additional deliveries ~made by a group call Operation Santa Claus with the Social A¥,ency. DllllJ ........... "'.., ....._ Santa arrived in a fire truck and demonstrated the intncac1es o toys moving parts. :J.or an £/eganl, • (Jer6ona/ C/iri6lma6 Wear cuffed or plain. Navy, taupe, ensign blue, red, black leather. Knitfit lined. Only 39.99 MasterC.rd • Visa SOUTH COAST PLAZA MAKE IT AN A I w A CHR~8TMA8 The AIWA CA-100 11 a home quallty mualc 1y1tem that can go with you. Featuring an AM/FM atereo & ahortwave tuner MOtlon. A power 15 watta/ch amp. A aoft touch controlled cauette deck with Dolby. And detachable 2 way apeakera. A/C or DC operation. The AIWA HR-801 la the perfect gift. It's an extremely light AM/FM 11111..1-.11111'1~ · Ster.O Radio Headphone ~REAT for Jogging, walking or Just horeln' around. Unbelievable · aoundl VIDIO RECORDER 8ALll 2111 I C_OUlHWJ"._, __ _..._ ~~--CORONA DIL MAR MO-IOIS • • 'Tis the~ason when our r~latlonshlps with others find expression In the generous spirit of giving. Not surprisingly, some of the gifts that mean the most are neither traditional nor costly .. One unique way to display your holiday spirit Is with a Holiday Greeting In .1n_fJ Daily Pilot. What better way to convey your speclal meaSge of warmth and good cheer? And, adding a personal touch, your message can be as long or as short as you desire. For only 50 cents a line (two line minimum). you can display your holiday message In the Dally Pilot's Holiday Greetings page on December 25. For an additional $5 you can choose from three holiday Illustrations to enliven the greeting (select from the assortmeAt ahown below). Mall the attached coupon to place yout message. Please don't detay, closing date Is noon, December 23. To order, rlnt your hoUday l'T)essage below. allowing 21 characters per ne. 1 coupon to:-Hottday Gf-eetfflge- -Classified, Orange Coast Dally Piiot, P.O. Box 1560, Costa Mesa. CA 92626. (Private parties only, please) -------------------------------------------------~-- Include Illustration: 0 Illustration A 0 lllustratlon B 0 lllustratlon C Card type: 0 VISA 0 MASTERCARD Charge Card # ----------------Card Expiration Date --------------- You may charge yCYJr Clualfled Ad. Be sure to Include your Card type (VIN/MasterCard). Your Card number, and the EXPIRATION DATE. YOU MUST INCLUDE YOUR TELEPHONE NUMBER BELOW. trJ I I I I I I I I I I I I I· I I I I I I L J _I I !' I r1 ~~1.J_L_J__J-L-.LJ..~L-J-~-'-~--­ r 1 ~J_i_LL...L.-l..-1-1-1-~~_,_~~~ I :c~1..LJ.~1~, ~:..L-:J~~~---=~~~ TI L I l I 1 .. •. J l AalriJ Kamer ~ wlt/J some of lter 11alled f rleads. KaQ.Jar'• compaay makes E.T. dolla. E.T. dolls a bonanza· for company TORRANCE (AP) -~ the final Christmas spending spree draww niah, the J)r'Mident of the company making "!!.T." dolla la receiving flowers, bribe often and oocuional threata from store owners desperate for more extra- terrestriala. ·~ prc1mre. baa been iDcredible.'' said Astrid Kamar, whlee Kamat International, Inc., la exdUllve ~ for stuffed ioya baeed on the amHh Steven Spielberg film, "E.T. The Extra-Terr.uial." "rw been anKmd for ~ years and I have never been offered bribe9 before. I have never received flowers or been taken io dinner by customen before. Uaually, I take them," ahe said. I ''Of CIOW'lle, if a ahipment mr.ea the plane they aet msty. And lt'a getting nutier • lt aoea . aJona. U we deliver io one ltore and not the one qext doer, we l)et the pnllldent and cbainnan of · me boud on die DliaDe." ....., wttll "factarW In Kew. end Taiwan -wcal'm'IW..._. GAi-. ic--ean't -., up with .... net. n• pheaomenon bu crealted a monumental headache for Ka.mar and her Nlllwnd Pwl. who edal*d the "E.T." demp to tlft doll ,..... the firm ..... '.'Most of my day la consumed ~! problem of ocui1er&ita and knockof&," aid In m lnttnleW at company beedquarten In tlUs Loa ~ IOburb, where ataf:fen answer the obone, "11.amar International, home of 'E.T.'" Knockoffs, or product lmltationl with alight vartatiom built In '° dn:wnveM the copyright, are cnnmnn ln the toy .,....,,.._ But Kamar said the hot-tiellina little alien may have sparked a firat.doU. counterfeited right down '° the awlen Kamat Jabe1. "l think thla la the tint time there bu been a counterfeit to)' on the market," the said. "Jeana and watches. yes, but wya? But there are ao many people who want io get ln and get out and make a quick buck. And they are Ullng our tags and our labels, IO that (U.S.) Customs uswnes it'• Kamer and it .. ()0 through." I A1anned by the lnpn\Jlty of ita imltat.on, Kamer took the ~ step of buying -MPtt earlier thla ear warnin1 unauthorised manufacturers they would be proHCUted. So far, Kamar nid, attcmeya have ldmti&d, 300 finm making illicit •cg TS' and obtattled 35 lnjunctionl with more in the worb. Althou&b retailers report slow eeaonal aale9 for 801De •..:T." pl'Oducta, lntenlt in the dolls is apparently t.ilk.. "The '& T.' doll la Pt unbelieYable,'' aid Gordon ll:lland, mana1er of Welnatock'a ' department 1toN in 8.n J'randlco. ''I think : peOp&e relate men wtth him • a penon than I ~ 'B.T.' Oft~ that la not 'E.T.' What do8a 1&.T.' haft'° do with a key chain?" Kmw, which apec:ta io .n 10 million of 111 dol1a by OuUtmlll, ltopped taldna orders from American retailen two mont.U ago. But lt expecta even .,.,._. eaJs lntemaUonally • the movie, whleh Mia atre.d1 sni1ud more than !_300 million in the U.S., bec1N '°pack howea ln ~ the Orimt md South America. In eome ~ I think lt'a Fb'I '° be Jaraer. l think J.pm la aolna '° exceed any country in tbe Wdld." Kamer laid. ''They Juat 80l't of pW> onto ~ like this, and when they do, they top ewl'yOOe ... The Kaman., who met while vaicatklninC in ' Palm Sllrin9. fo(mded tbelr privately owned '°Y ·firm 26 ,_.. 8fo "becawe we wuted '° do eomethtnc to1ethtr and we wanted to be ·=::n~:.. ~~'!be-=~ WM 8IJPWbed d*D In u. fall at 1•1 to do ·~ IDd, at first, Pw:.l Wlm't enth•eefW'e "We haw atwa11 cb'8 our owa cteMr. and _......,., .,, , ........ doml't looll far --...,....,, proplr'lsl." Xsmar ..id. "We actually ..... 'No' three ..... a.tar. ........ '° 4IYell -'-" Xamar Mid Iller buabad, a. at-year-old ~ ... w--· ... .,.., ..... wtth the .... T."'-.,, ._~ ........... ..... ''It WM ~ ~I ..... ltle little ........ tbat ..... )alt ....... with him .... ._..s •• ....., ...... ,, ,,..., &a-.::er• aould ... , dllOU• th• lmrd•' ., .... CIODUld wttb .......... Im& I H** I F0 ... '11* .... b .. a.T ..... --. . ~---"iiiiiiW-·~ .. ••M. .. Wliltltwa.ddblta ~ \:'.::CG tr__..:... a: ---· ............ El.: ..... . ~15% Off AU TI TEXAS INSTRUMENTS ~ Tl·99/4A HOME COMPUTER A lot of comput8(S offer a lot, ontf one in its ptcerange offers the most ... • 18K Ram~ to 48K RAM e28KROM e 16 Color Gt'llPhlcs • Speech Capabilltlee SALE PRICED s33goo REBATE •11 QOOO" • Sold State Software Command Module NET COST 123900 PLUS FREE.SPEECH SYNTHESIZER* with purchue of any I 80ftwaN moduln * COMPIJTEB ASSURANCE t~~C::~t:u) (714\ 859-6993 *(AVA• UU fROll TI THROUGH .IANUARY 11, 11U) Your S ___ i ~ ~ ~ i ~ <?> 9 ~ <?> ~ ~ <?> LOSE WEIGHT TONE & TIGHTEN MUSCLES IMPROVE HEART ACTIVITY INCREASE Cl RC ULA TION RELAX TENSE MUSCLES FREE Instruction Manual / ---- Guaranteed • Quality you can depend on • 8 .colors • all sizes • also backyard family trampolines Compare our quality. It cannot be matched. • CALL TODAY .... ...,;;;.,. F.:."11 FOR MORE. ... ._-;, ~ INFORMATION CALIFORN.IA SUNDANCER, INC. Phone Orders Accepted 488 E. 17th St .. Suite 226 Costa Mesa. Ca. 92627 cn4) 645-3500 • oys ~ ·~ ~ ~ Shop with us for Christmas. Make your Holiday shopping a~ adventure, discovering our many boutiqu~ and galleries from around the world. With an exceptional choice of continental restaurants, your dining experience becomes an affair to remember. • ,, .. ,:; ·~~ .t:> .;&;,lt .1-._~ .-1{' ' . -...& -• t -! •' t I I I 1 I l ' . "I ._.. lhl llllllllibs. rilht h... can I pt bltdt to you?" 1 .... 1,~.~-lt · dlBI (March 21-April 19): EmphaalJ on :dell.NI. llp9dal needs and WW.. that come true if you are r.:u.tic. Spotlight al8o on romance, unjque 1 cont.et. and the beatnnina of a "meantnclul \ 1relaiianlbip." 1 : TAU&lJS (April 20-May 20): Your position ia i .1tronpr than orilinallY anticipated. Power play 'occun and you emer• victorioua. Focus oo career, bo•neee, ~ and receipt of a unique honor. 1 GEMINI (May 21..June 20): Focus on trawl. ~ .... P1ana. apedal oommunkatlon and break • wttll tradition. You'll gain added independence ~ ; you'll perceive potential and finally you'll Jet go of l bunlen which WM not your own in first place . .:. ~ CANCER (June 21..July 22): Areu that bad • ~ ahrouded in mystery wUl "be Wumina~ - I you'll gain factual data where financial ratings are I · ooncemed. lnvolva 80IDe di8illuaionment. but abo gr'elt.er awareneea and ultimate .elf~ ! LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Avoid map ded.t:iona, 1 n.asbing to judgmenL What appears oo aurface may 1 not repreaent "true atory .' Focus on legalities, apeclal requirements and backlog of material. VIRGO (A&Ja. 23-Se~): FOl'Cll!9 tend to be ICattered -fa1-report to embernmment if you are not cautious. Be receptive without being gulllble. Social event in evening Jada to excellent 0011tacta. Gemini, Sagittariua ~prominently. LIBRA (Sept.· 23-0ct. 22): 8reakthrough l!ldtca'ted -be rady for stpificant chaqee, apeci.a1 ttJationahlp, outlet fer c:reetive capabilities. SUCiClem corne. vi.a \mOrtbodox prooedurea. Member 1 of opposite eex playa key role. lteep eye on $cofplo. I.: ! SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): M-ae received concerninl home, property, long-atanding tramactlon. If perceptive, you'll have diatinct , : advantage -member of opposite 8eX if ia involved ' and 10 la your eecurity. .\ SAGl'M'ARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Attention center around homebaae -viaitora include relatives, close nelghbon and individual who tmpe119 needed information. Statua quo ta shaken; abort triJ> may be necemary to verify plan.a. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22..Jan. 19): What appeared 16 be a io. can now be transformed into a -dietinite • .-et. nnphuls oo payments. oollectiom and chance far .. encemdul invatmenL Temporary delay wcrb to your advantaee. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Timlnc, judgment combine to make this a productive, power-play day. Streaa Individuality, make pemona.l appeerance9, be confident and direct. Take initiative, realize that your intuitive intellect la oo target. Watch Capriooml PISCES (Feb. 19-Marcb 20): Long-•WvUng obligatim ia fulfilled. C-omcience ia clear, you can aucceaafully begin venture that had been puafled Mide. People will be n!Ceptive, you'll have ~ aupport. you'll be flniahed with destructive tituation. :Riles bows out, • • issues warning .. Holiday Sale Entire Stock 20% OFF Featuring: • Frank Lee •Sir l ames •Coco •Russ · • Adde' II •. Lilli Diam ond • Swea ters hv Atle.o; • Country Mi~ • S1,ecialt_v Imports. Jewelry and more' ~omethlng Special feminine fashions 250 E. 17th, Costa Mesa • 645-5711 Wr 1pecialitr in fashion for thr miss\· fitturr (111r1 4 thru 181 SCREWPULL Simply, the world's best cortcscr1w ... just a turn of the handle .. ·wEAREVER. POPCORN PUMPER No oil. .. just airl ._ • ECOLOGIZER Get rid of smoke in your homel THE CAii HAllDLER! Wearever's Hand· Held Electric Can Opener. TWO-TIMER SILE! (This is one time you'H love beine two·timed) Buy a Grandfather Clock and . receive a FREE wall or table clock on the following basis: 11.000 Gr•ather • '220 Bonus ctoct& 11,500 Grandfather .,. •330 Bonus ctoct& 12,000 Grandfather cz •440 ....,. Clod 12,500 Grandfather m 1550 ....,. Cloct Or If you profer we wlll deduct 20°/o from the price of your Grandfather Clock. W1 f1alll'1 iht Fin1st Qualty GraRdfath1r Clocks made today: Molymeux, Colohlal, Seth Thomas, Hershede, New England. --5-TA-N' GU.~N -~ - ---PO-~='=:.~ER-- Handy homemaker or hobbyist tacking tool. Loads ~ " and ~." stopfes SlllYO All/Fl CLOCI UDIO CAPPUQNO 4-cup efectric cappucino brtwtr by V1suviqna -., •by Raytheon •lights flash as it pops! Super-thin! -.· INTERMATIC TIMER •Helps protect your home (01118) • I I I I • I .. • I . I .... t ' I I , I I -· ... BIZARRE Bi\:ZAAR DON'T WAITI Take •dv•ntage of our after Chrlatmaa aale BE~ORE CHR18TMA81 50 0 / OFF ALL /O HOU SE PLANTS 20-50°/oOFF St::LECTED BASKETS Cu•tom •Ilk arrangement•, wreath•, ornamtnt•, unique gift Item•, Chrl•tma• t~H•, polnt•ettla• a more. BIZARRE BAZAAR 1858 Newport Blvd. • Costa Mesa • 645-3392 Hours: Mon-Sat 10-6 • Sun 11-5 • We accept M.C./VISA VACUUM FWK •One litre capacity •Replaceable gloss liner •keeps beverages hot & cold for hours . 'ULLLINGTH LOUNOINQ .. 011. 9-M-~)(L, PlAtOI a PLAIN COLORS ALL 100% PENDLETON WOOL. 171.00 TO 18.00 -- ceew NECK OR V-NECK SWEATERS OF.100% PENDLETON LAMBSWOOL NINE COLORS: S·M·L·XL. 148.0040.00 MAKE IT A PENDLETON CHRISTMAS DIPMTMmn' ITORe 1111 NIWPORT 80UUVARD ....., _. NraiJ~rt...., lilt Dewnlez1t C.-..._ ·-culSHllRT Ports and Accessories Headquarters Ol.Cl0£ ........................................ 94.99 Ol.C8F ........................................ 144.99 Dl.C7£ ........................................ 179.99 Dl.C7PRO .................................... 199.99 PASTA ATTACHMENT .................... 94.99 ...AllillllllM-1 NEW! Dl.CX ................................. 299.99 •COMPAU OU1t PIUCl'SI * Qlc •• °""" KITOIEN FAVORITES DIWll HIAYY DUTY FOOT PUMP Tiii NEW IWl50ll --DRlllMINDER- DISPENSER Select and receive the dril bit you want. frff· standing, or clip to your drill. Comes ~-loaded .. ., with 13 drill bits. nmfboclProc 111r CITRUS JUICER DF-lt.Q,'6 .. ~ .. Special iuictr attachment for yow food processor KNIFE sn Includes paring knife, utility knive and slicer CONAIR --- HAIR DRYER 1500 watt Pro Style less 5 .00 Mfg. rebate MULTIPLE ounn CENTER For all your holiday needs , • l 00 psi guoge •26" hose The Sounds of SANYQ AM-FM Min' Player (RP55) Mini Cassette Player (MG 1 Ol AM/FM Cassette Mini Player (MG~O) DUPS TOUCH-IT -GRINDER -• Model No. 202 No. 1 Selling Grinder In the World List 27.00 Strumming Santa , ·~ .. This Santa Claus at Hallidie Plaza in San Francisco is a bit out of the ordinary. He plays a 12-string guitar to entertain passers-by in an efr ort to earn some extra cash for the holiday season. . . ·,: ----------------···;;i 'Lead sleds' status symbol EL PASO, Texas (AP) -The young man. slicked up ln a atyU.h Zoot Suit, adjuata hi.a Fedora ao the shadow falla just over one eye. He preens hbmelf carefully: hi.a "baby'' ia waltina. Frank Trujillo'• baby, dre.ed ln candy- app)e red with. Jaw lender akirta. ia 8Cnltinbled for any flaw. A apeck of dlrt catchn bla attention. Deftly, the U-year-old pulla out a toothblwh and bnlabes 'clean a chrome edce of ........ the hood. . .... .L >)I .l"" baby the Albuquerque, N.M., man la 90 .,: cauaht up with ia a 1860 CbeYy lledan that car 1 collect.on •Y la worth about $1$,000. 1.,•J "I Jove her:' he admlta. "Spent the last a ;::: ~ her up. t.llJdnc her bun nothinc to • :~ thina.'I t~ He allows pictures of hia beloved -bun a ~ ! shell of a car he pieced totetber at home, pelnted and spent hia aavinp for original parts, to what he hopea will out.hlne other can at the El Pa.> Convention Center's Low-rider Show. The spruced Chevy ah1nes brightly under the Convention Center lights where ..ne 300 other low-rldera from acrom the Southwest were meeting in an almoat rltuallatic d.laplay of their dreaeed-up cars. The rage from California to Te:xaa, low- ridera are lovera of the low-slung, ground- hugging aut.ae that started u a fad in the 1960I in the Hiapanjc ghettoe of Eut Lo. ~ and : ~ I San Joee, talif. Alter fading away in tM 1970., low-ridina has once acain become atylilb acr'09 the Southwest where molt of the nation'• 18 million Hi8panica live. · 1 '! ''Low•l"idinC-ia-unique wi~ I culture," said Johnny Lozoya, automotive editor .;-;r - for Low Rider magazine, a San Joee-bued ·'-3"! publication that attracts an estimated 125,000 . ' readers monthly. · :· · About 10 times yearly, Low Rider mapzlne .'.;,;1 and the Anheuaer-Bu.ch and the Coon beer companies sponsor ahowa in Hiapanjc centen ._ ~· aach • El Puo, Phoenix. QI' Los An&e1es when locala' low-rider can are d.Japlayed. · ..... , Low-riders' children, too, can show tbet.r ;~! bicycles, moat of which have anall chain-like steeri.hg wheels and over-sized c:Uced hanclna from reer view mirron like their ---ta' can. 'i' ..---~~ Low-rld!n,a a1ao featuret aurreallatic art 9CeflN painted on the car's exterion and primly '•ii'· dreuecl young men auch u Trujillo, a bar •. ,,_ 1 bouncer who •YI "style" 1a what be lovea about the low-rider movement. '" j ''It's eomethina differenct. eomethina that'• ' '14 readily recos:nbable," he aald, pmina bellde bla ·"' car in the atrtped-,ray suit made fariiow flnf"tn , the 194-0a and later by Lula VaJdUa 19'10 play of "'w ',· •"--• 1. un: tame naa>e. ,. Othen at the ahow put trophiea around their :>: I can provlna their paat wlna in low-rider :·~b =t1t1ona. Many of the low-riders at.and ' ' their tropbjel, affectionately butt.r 1111 d • by their airlfrieftda, whom they call their "old . . .. ,_.... .. ~ ... ...u..aee. "': •. Low-rldlna ta • male -oriented · •. "lelaure-veh~le sport" that Losoya aald baa .clvocatm from • f.ar away • J'rance and W91t • "' Oermlny. The IPGl't knoWI DO boundariea. be JM ukl, beca.-anyane can bav. an au11o built wt1h 4 ··• a h1dfaulk system 1hat allbwl the c:.n ''to hb9" •• (bounce) up to 30 tnche9 off the pound wftb f .iM lpeda1 air pumps. -,, &ban~ ~~c:=--= '<111 autc11. IUCb 11 a jll-blidl lnt BWck e. .... WQl1ll li.;M up to-.ooo. Tbe oanwndonl brtDc -•'t• m ~ 0 If low-ridel' lawn who.,_ alt thlAI' old Y9l*lll Cf -GM~ d''lflaJI a lllO r...d a.top wttll ~ ......... lhotcUD _.. ...... fNlil .... OtMn revel lft the ,_" ·~ tmt ~rn lnolud• danclq '° ·~ .,.... ..... • ~-; ...... ~='C"'~ ID tllO =:cs :.~ ==a=:--:.c.~.=--:: JI ilr,.,,,. llld ,.,..,.., • llld dlt monm• . . (IMLOW, .... at) Wiley Brooks says he's been eating only air for the past 18 years and that's all the human body needs. Breath alone r key to_:_lif e? By LISA LEVITT A111allt1f ~ ..... SAN FRANCISCO -Wiley Broola says he's living proof that man can survive on breath alone. For the last 18 years, every qh has been a snack, every gasp a gourmet delight, every meal a breeze. "l eat air," aals Brooks, the reed-thin . 46-year-old director o the Breatharian Institute in Marin County. "lml)Omlble," says Jane Woeckener, a die1k::ian at Stanford University Medicel Center. "I just cannot believe he'• been able to remain alive by ).wt breathing air. The only thing he's taking in are SJ18e9.'' That's all the body needs, Broob insist.a: nourlahment out of thin air, the th.inner the better. Here's a l!Wl whoee last breath could be his biggest meal. "The body it8elf requires no food, becauae in its most efficient form, it's just an alr-gu system. It takes the gases from the air we breath and condenses them into the liquid and the aolida the body_needs," Broola said. That means breath for brealdut. air foe lunch, and maybe a light aupPer -oxygen again. Hard to imagine for gounnanda who have difficulty eoi"i 18 minutes with.out a snack, much le. 18 ye.an. "It's not that people ahouldn't eat if they want to, but it's just that food la another type of drug," said Brooka, who denies taking any nowiahmmt intravenously or t.hrouch enemaa. ''We don't really know what we're ~ppoeed to eat. We could live on rocks if we had to -the human body can adapt to . " And if you happen to be a breatharlan like Brooks, it's easy to make a p6c of younelf: just inhale deeply. "I feel the same way you feel after eating," he said . "1 don't have any desire for food." The advant-.s are obvious. No grocery bill.a. No dirty dlahee. No restaurant tabs. No l.ndiaestion- Certainly no weight problema: Brooks la slx feet tall, about 125 pounds. The dlaadvantaaea? ~th from 1tarvation and dehydration, perhaps. But Broob says that'• not ix-U>le if~ do it rtaht. and he chargee $300 for a five-day 'lntenalve" on the subject. So far, 50 people have putidpated. "The moat important thlnl about becx>mi~ 1 breatharlan la learning how the body worb. reference we have now la that the body must eat or it will die. From my vlewpolnt, if we do eat, we. will die," aa1d Brooks, who derived hla theory from raearch on lonpvity. "I got into it becauee when I wa1 28, I had arthrltJa, and aome other ailments. My hair WM ~out, my akin WM bed and I WM tired all the time,' he recalled. "I ltart1na readlna boolu on lcJnCevity, and I dt.:lovered tM 1eel we. eat, the 1oftCer we live." ••Jt ru. in the face of edelltiflc knowledp of the Wemm variety,'' aid Dr. MJcheel Gerber, a Mill Valley pby1ician who practice• bollatic medklne. "But atranaer thlnp are pcmttM and have htppened. I hate to rule out 1tran1e phencmena.'' New Low Prices *695 to *895 Coaat Hwv. 1 block 8. of 55 fwy. (t>ehlnd Newport Vespa) NEWPORT BEACH (714) 842-1400 10-5 Mon. thru Sat., CloHd Sundar .-----------------------------------------------------..... ----------------------------------... Mesa Verde Center Harbor and Adams, Costa .. Mesa Albertson's Market Bank of America Bilbo Baggins Coco's Dolphin Hair Fashions ,~---Edwards Cinema Center Fash 'N Splash • Hamburger Hamlet Ice Capades Chalet Mamselle , Mesa Verde Florist Mesa Verde Travel Mione's Restaurant Music Market Photography by Jeffrey Piecemakers Reuben's Restaurant sOuthern California Optical Spa Lady Swensen's Ice Cream _,..._........_ _ _.._~- Upper Cuts •'• . " • • COmputer gift Cu tom r'1 LC n ral inlorm•tlon brinp • uh Santa, hold the puppies AN DIJX)() (Al') 1'Nd of tle1 for Dadf Had lt wl\h dume...tor .Mmn't 'l'he anl'Wttn to what to I•' th• folk• or anyone •lM for Chrltunu thlt ytar may be lurktn1 In the memory-benkl of 1 computer. J:peon Computer ProdU()tl ta HUlnfl up electronic buylna 1ulde1 In 20 1hoppln8 mall• around the country. And 1tumped 1hoppers are llnlnfl up to type in the eex, a,e poup and Ule.tyle of their loved ones, and how much they want to apend on a attt. In three minutes, the computer prlota out a lilt of 1th 1u11e1ttont that many people would never have thou,ht of. F.ach abopper U1f.n8 the computer al.a may enter a ooni.t with a computer u a gn.nd prtz.e. reprHentatln, .. id tie •llhl .vm buy \he oompuw, wtlkh C01• aboiul •t,eoo corn.,.... wt.a. ~ter. And that'• the--:Whele .. ,.,. .. !plOfl PnlidUdi .. concerned. In conjunct.Ion with Ma1 Co. ''°"' in molt of the maDi, die company proeram1 ln a U•C of productt of varioua price ranpa from a variety of 1toret. ''The tenanta (1hopkeepen in the mall) aay people are walldnc Sometimes the computer goes a little haywire into their atores with the comput.er U.U in their handa and uk.lna for atfta on the U.C. '' aaid Carofllartsell oJTheBohle Co. in Lot AngelM,· which la handl1na publicity for the project. Chances are Michael Tringale, 9 months, won't be asking for pet dogs for Christmas. He already has his hands full with h is Saint Bernards, Tai and Samantha, who weren't too pleased about posing at a dog show on Boston '1 Commonwealth Avenue. "Every year I u1e an hour walking throuah thJt place just getting ideH," uid Richard Mlddleton, ~2. of La JoU.. after apotting the 1hop-by-computer dl1play, at the Miaalon Valley ahopplng mall. He punched ln the characterlatica of h1a wife, IOI'\ and mother-in-law, and received some "'xcellent ldeu." "A one-nisht stand In Las Vegaa? My mother-in-law would certainly enjoy that." he said. Middleton, a manufacturer'• "ln Topan1a Plaza (In Loa Angelea County) one man went in a jewelry atore to aak about a ring on the computer Ult and dedded he liked some~ ei.e that wu· more expenalve, ' ahe aaid. Hartzell aald shopping malls report that an average 150-200 people a clay have been using the W RIDERS ... Othen come to liat.en to bands plQ 19509 .uch • "Why Do Foola J'all ID l.oYe." 1'wt au-" Dumy ......_ a.Id he came to the ahow'a Zoot Suit and Be~ Lega 1C0111et1t:: "Hey, Uaten. you can only at 10 y lhiny old can." But Trujlllo, who drove 300 m0ee IOUth to oft hla beloved car and Zoot Sult., waa tiafied: "I turned down one guy the other da who wanted to buy this car for $20,000. Ma be next time I shouldn't -billa, you know, are or real." Signs are great to give directions to your garage sale ... but to let people know you're having a sale. you should schedule an ad to run in the Clas•lfled section of this newspaper! It's the best way to tell people what you're selling, when and how to get to the sale. Call today and let us help you word your ad. DAILY PUT --1- CLASSIFIO ADS HONE &42-5671 IHERMAN CLAY SPECIAL FACTORY PURCHASE 9 • IN CELEBRATION OF OUR 112th ANNIVERSARY BIG, BEAUTIFUL 4r CONSOL£ SAVE OVER •100000 . Reg.•29-49 NOW •1870 TO Hfl1 CfU IU.rE OUl 1121MNNIVllSAIY ltlMIAll HAS Off(ll[O fHfS( ,,ANOS TO US AT A SPfCIAL pt1Cf . tw.T'S WWY W( CAN OffO THEM TO YOU AT SUCH " GUAT SAVINGS. 1170 IS nu fOUNOIMG vu.a OI st1UMAN CIAY SO wt Altl OfffllNG THlSl "-"NOS TO YOU fOl ,IVO. NO MONTHLY PAYMENTS UNTIL MAR. 10 Wt f'Nnct 0.. C.'-', NI 111111 • l• C....., Tt Dell W1tN OPEN DAJ&..Y 1MP.M. SOUTH COAST PUZI IUN. 11-1 141-1411 • Dual Mode Remote • Channel Block Out • Cable Ready • 4 Speaker Sound System RCA SELECTAVISlll VIDEO DISC compuU.1"1 fClr tu&I lh1t11 "" they w•nt cm dlaplay tfov 20. 'nwty wW bt av.U.bJ "nOI fll~· M. -- 8ometlmea, &houah. th computer IC* a Utile haywire Jn °"' Drtntouc, It~ a wlrlt' label album and •twfed cate tor a 11-to 17·yeer-old boy. Neverthelftl, mott cuatomcra were aurpriMd that the computer cduld make ao many un ble •ua•llona with the generaUfi'd lntormatJon It had. "How did It know that about the 1hoea? That'• wbat he's bttn aakln1 for," said Linda Bahr, 3~. of San ptego, who wu ahopplna tor her 18-year-old 800. The computer al.a auggeated a lrlf? to Santa Catlllna Wand. 'You have to~ the mother of 1 teeo-a1er to know that I'm alway• wllltn1 to give him a one-way ticket anywhere," joked Bahr. Use the Dally P!lol "Fasl Result" service directory Your service Is our specialty. Call 642-5678 ext 322 RCA 1-IR. VCR ..,,._., . ' r • • I • Up To 2 Hui On A $irtClt .... • 465 c.r.m 1lHts • SttflO Models Avllable IWCO ITMT '·2 4· 911 AS LOW AS • 2-t Hour Programmet.I• I ..,. • 8Nrch •Remote PauH ~·44915 i ' i i Children's p· ppet Show RA.FF introduces the SeikO Adventurer. When all you want is everything. Anywhere. ,, A rugged new quartz masterpiece that delivers an astounding range of convenient functions. In both traditional aNIOs and di&itat reldout. Water-«eslld to 300 fftt. Wllh lhtH different titpe zones, 24-hoUr alarmandhourfvtlme~ls,sptlt·secondChl'OnOSRRh timing, rotattn9 bezel'<day/datt display and more. Rlcn black ~IKO tachymeter ditl with st~·wcond ga. hind. Erased In tough, •amlns ttainlesl with 1 two·toned black and stalnleti ~ S215 . ..• ·=· • •• . .. . . . ... ·: .. ' . . . n1 r.t•ILt' Cl8CIJI '\It's get one that's wide.at the bottom so thwe1 be room for lots of presents." by Brad Anderson 12.·•e, "You're being punished, so get rid of thoae centerfolds!" 6MOW M£ A OIE1"ER . AHO rLL 5'CW VOO A PEA60N WMO BELITTLES ~IN\~ELF ftJNK\' •INKE88~N -WITH A WARM- HEARTED YOUN6 MAN NINE'flJ-5EVEN ~. J()U) 1J.E PICKL.e> ~ ~ •. , a r J ............... Clllllflll CdM on a roll Sea Kings streak to tourney title ~ IOllN SEV ANO -~=-:r mar H11h iJ on a roll. The Sea All-tournament team KlnCt have now won five atralght, upping their Mark Foringer (Woodbridge): Keith eeaaon record to 6-2, and Friday niaht they capped Watanabe (Savanna); Tim StrMV9f' (Santa a atrong week of ~tball by topping Al1e&la ln Ana); Robert Carter (Laguna Hiiie); Erik the clwnpionahip pine of the Irvfrie 'tournament, Blake (Unlveratty); Ted Stitt (Coeta Meea); 68-~l. Bernard UHery (lrvtne); Burk Beadle Stlll, CdM Coach Jack Errlon, alway• a (Arte1ta); Tom Tolbert (Arte1ta); Dave perfectlonlat, feels there'• plenty of room for VanSteenhuyee (Corona det Mat). bnprovement. He even goes u far to bnply h1a team MVP: Mike H ... (Corona del Mar). might be very med1ocre at the moment. "We have very poor support techniques on defeme," analyr.ed Errion u his team wu collect1Jl8 . "I thoueht we tried very hard. I can't complah) it.I champlonahip trophy. "We 1tUl have a lot of of the effort, but I can u far• techniques." work to do, sped.ally with the front line." The See Kings were technJcal enouab to lhoot Jud&tna by their performance agalNt Artesia a crilp ~7 percent (16 of 28) from the tloor In the · (6-3), you wouldn't think the Sea Kings needed first hall when the game wu put °"t of reech (they much work at all. were 51 percent overall on 29 of·~7) and were• After dropping behind 4-0 at the outaet, the (See CclM, Page CS) Sea Klnga reeled off 10 of the next 11 points to take 'a 10-5 lead with 3:21 to play in the first quarter. The game, for all intensive purpoees~waa never in I Rams return doubt af1er that. The only real my.tery waa how many polnta the .Pioneers• Tom Tolbert -a virtual one-man lhow -would end up with. t c 1 • The 6-5, 190-pound aenior finished with 30. 0 0 1seurn triving him a total of 110 for the tourney (27.2 average), but hla final margin waa very deceiving. h . f While Artesia waa shooting a mlaerable 39 t IS a ternoon percent (19 of 49) from the floor, Tolbert was caatiJl8 almost hall hla team'• total (he waa 11 of 23). And, moat of thOlle came from long range SpedaJ to tile ~J,PUot lnatead of in ahort where he could have done LOS ANG -Normally when a 5-1 team considerably more ..1 .. -....... ia ~tched up againat one that ii 1-5, interest isn't ...._....,.. that great. Who wanta to eee a mismatch? "He'• the best kept aecret in that area. He can But there's more at stake _ much more _ really shoot the ball," prai8ed Errlon of Tolbert ln when the Rama and the Loe Angeles Raiders meet one breath and then ln another added, "but that here today (l o'clock) in the. O>ll1et.1m (referring-to Arte91a) II a one-man ie.m. U that That' a becau.e the Rama, who wied to call the had been a five-man team our glaring lack of Coli8ewn their home, now·make their rSdence at techniquee would have shown up." . Under the direction of IUAJ"d Mike Hess, the Anaheim Stadium. acme 40 mOea away from their tournament'• Mmt Valuable Player who tallied 13 old neighborhood. pointa in the finale, and backcourt mate Dave THE RAIDERS, on the other bandi are the VanSteenhuyae, who contributed 20 pointa and a Coliseum's new tenants. but ltill pttpare foe all team-high nine rebounds, the Sea Klnga steadily .... nAA awai from the Pioneers. games at Oak.land. IOIDe 400 mOea to the north. ~ A wclrd 1etup? You bet. With anSteenhuyae canning three buketa The game will be the tint foe the Rams at their during the final 2:45 of the lleCOnd quarter, CdM former home 1ince they moved to Anaheim raced to a 33-23 ed4Je at the lntemmaton- He9, VanSteenhuyae and Greg Wynn (who ftnJabed with 15 po6nt8) then combined their efforts On TV today 1n the third quarter, a'lOrinl 16 of the teem'• 18 channel 2 at I pamta dUirtnl ibe')*tod:. to Widen the pp to Gl~37. --------------- Plnall>:1 VanSteenhuyae clicked for the followinl the 1979 _,.,_And It will only be the 1 liville CdM • lmmmountable M-38 edae. and the · Coli1eum, where they moved thla year from ...._., lint nve pamta starUnc the banh quarter, third home •ame ever for the Raiden Jt the ' II rout wa1 completed. Oakland ., . ..., ,...,......,ca.e....., "l\houa)it (Karl) Wolff (who fin.llbed with 11 .. I'm kind of curiow • t.o how the crowd i. Costa ~esa's Mark Cook does a balanciq act while Woodbridge'& =t lt~ ..::':!'~::~~!:.n;i;;:,O:.~·~! ff0~to Y~·~ =: f:11 ~-~~ Anthony Radoveich ( 54) and David Wise ( 42) def end. al80 ran the ball down the floor better. hard to get a feel for the crowd. But once the game starts rm not aoma to worry about it ... A crowd -of 85,000 baa been eatlmated for ~~eorgia at fault in Rams' demise? ;~~JZ~~:f= home and the Raiden flying ln to their new home," Former club employees say owner has only herself to blame FloresRald~!°~JbnPlunkeudownplayed i:· the rivalry aspect of the game. Yet he ai.o pointed "'!_ For almost four years she'a tried to do the right operatioo like that you need everybody working to the signiticance of the cromtown rivals meetinf ~.and yet every decision Georgia Frontiere haa SPORTS COLUMNIST together toward the aame objective or you're for the first time lince both moved. iiDade -~ve or otherwt.e -for the most filhtl!'fl m u~ batile. ~has backfired. JOHN "lt waa a diff:icult road for Ray. The thing I "THE PRESS la probably mald.nc it more of a ,::~ Now, with the team at ita lowest ebb, NFL feel most badly about la my prognostication came rivalry than it la," uid Plunkett. "We're out to set ~ -thoee formerly with the club and others SEVANO true (about the organization deteriorating). You to the playoff:s and thia la ;..st another teem In the iW'ho are interested out.aiders -are seemingly • be a sreat aootbsayer. but I wiah it way, one that we will have to beat to l!t there." 1• ~ didn't happen." For the Rama, the playoffi are CieaC:t. That ~ The verbal shota taken at the Rama owner this They would have to get a auarantee In writlnl that "What about the future?" he waa uked. doesn't mean, however, this trime carriel any le8a ~ ~_:a~c!::':~i::ir ~::;:: lhe<e would he no Interference and they wouldn't ' "The _,. tiuna wDl mndnue to happen. The' ~ c-:b Roy MWrunul, who la rumond ted to do 10 anonymously. get lh:&t from her. ownenbi_R ~ manaaement are unable to relate to to be out of a~ after the aeu:in expirel, the pme ~ Obviously, becau.e of the Rama' reputation and "l mean what would you do anyway with all : people. They've ~ thenwe.lva with bed mark• one laat chance for redemption and ~onghold within the NFL, those talking out the dNdwood piled up around there? · people and bad advi8en. I knew lhe wu going to IO respectability. ~t Georgia don't want to burn any bridges. "You know, before she hired all theee people l8<f degreaa differently. Obviously, U you do 'The Raiden' pme ta very important ton»," ~ may be, u aome have contended, ruining the y~ -~d ha~ gotten everybody Into the little IOmethina succadul one way it won't be luocemful he said. "I think we can beat them and I think the J ~am. but lhe still carries a wicked stick. bu.Udlna on Pico (where the Rama ofticel UMd to be going the other way. team feela that way, too." 1 ,;. The ~on-~ .... are __ ...__ from•'--fonner b--..h.uArtered In Loa ... -'-)and still had room." "It'• """"' hard to look at It from a ration.al ''I think· they will be fired up becau.e it\ a "'· ~ ·.uu....... n:naany "'~ ~ ~ .. ~ ·-·-1 cromtown rivalry for them," Flores agreed. "Thia la ;itxecutives of the Rama. Two worked In the front point of view. You not dealing with rational people, their tint trip to the Coliaeum since•"-' left, and ~. while the other iJ a former ooacb. •'They bad a coach at one time who wu exactly '° their metboda aren't rational. Wh;J, lhe want.I to ..... ,, r.:· the nma of coach the whole ......,.. .. 1 ... uon needed" con .. -........ be In :.._;a wt"" .c._ la a -~ ... they've got a lot of th1np to prove." vf All three were asked to give their views on the con~~ the one-time coach"~1-th;' Rama. ·~y "'" ..... .u voi..-cu \11 vic ... --.. -.-The Raider• have won two of the three fCunent state of attain facing the club today. They had 1omeone who knew how to run an for the be9t p•ychoanalyst or ~trist In the previous meetings between the teams, lndudlna a Idld, but Mked to have their names withhekL Still. if organization, and was diaciplined and made country. 24-17 dedsion at the Collleum In the Rama' 10'79 lfou'w followed the team at all the past few years. everyone do a better )>band WU motivated. "Maybe it goes back to her grade B movie ~opener. ·~out the characters abouldn't be too tough. I acting when lhe wanted to be ln the spotlight. But :. --0 He lnallted everybody in the organization • I have trouble feeling bad for her becauae she put • .• Question: "Knowing .\bf! type of s1iuatton a should pull together and he knew how to beat henelf 1n that position." Blackout lilted on game ~would be walldng Into, who would want to Dallaa. . LOS ANGELES tAP) -The nationally ~ the !Wm?"' "So, what do they do? 'Ibey let him go. 'Ibey The,quotes are aelf-exp1anatory. Sure, jealowy televiHd ·aame today between the Raim and (. Answer: "I don't have any idea," anawered the didn't want that type of IUY·" and bltt.emem C>' a part In what wu aald. You Loe AnplM Raiden alllO will be televiled lb ~ executive. "I guem there are alway. people ~ ~ :=a .:i:, ~ R:. ~ Southern c.a11fomia, on Qwnw1 2 the two clubl ilWbo are desperate enough, or whoee egos are ao big. 1'lnally, from the th.lM executive, who directed their heyday, when the term .,Loa Ana'e1ea a.m.•• 1 ~ J'rlday bl&bt. · ~)'body who baa any Mme around the league ~ ~__.~.~~~t the, like~ of c.o.ch ._,,u carried 80lne clout In the NFL. The local ~t .,.. IUted ahhouah 12.000 ~·t ~ lnier.ted. ...,..y Mala~_ ~--• VUoJ te•ta .....Wn' umold i. the National -Yootbaµ know damn well John Robmeoo wouldn't .. .l feel a.d," he started. "lt't ~ what · The Rama are a far ay from that ~Uon now, t.e.sue pme fn the l..A. Colman, wblch hu a 't eee why (Denver c.o.ch Dan) Reevet oe happened to Ray. But 1 knew it wa1 in thi cUdt. ~ tlM* who remember the aood 'Ol days are ca~ty of '13,000 for Raldln' COlltlltl. phla.c.o.ch Dick) VenneU would be either. We ftired Ray and Bay w• a aood coech. In an aaddeMd, and yet bitter, becaUle of lt. The pme la a:bldWld for a 1 p.m. atal1. 1: . . ~ ~U.L ABSENT 'F'h • T SENTENCING -.1 IS game was . LAWR»f<2. Km. (AP) -A SAN DIJ:OO (l.P) -Ohio State for =1 ti In a a.,.n ol 2!07, wttb 10 of most undwaa...S bllCk In tht COUDll'y!' warrant WM iaMaec1 J'riday Coach Earle Bruce oredl ted the tht ti camf.nl after BYU tumown. BYU, makina lta flftb ~uve the arntt of Unlvenlty of BuckeyW ..,..._ ottemlw •plolion In '' e've been •ttiq atronaer and .........,. In the HoUday 8oWl • the ; • tall*k Kerwin Bell their bowl hWoey to . what bM become 'mon phyidcal .wry we.k." -'Cl Bruce W.....,_ Ath.i.UC Conf..,nca champ6oft. f.u.d to am. • eow1 a IChoo1 trademirk -t.CJUCh, ph)'lk:al after· the Bia Ten nmner•up BucUyet finllhed 8·4 while auttmna tte mo1t on a drtnldna cha:rlt· play.. • ended tbetr MUOn on a MYen·pme one 1611ed io. 1n u ,_.. . , wu acbecfuled to ''We are a more phY*al _,., than Wbmlnl ...... ~a 1-3 ltar'\ Spencer's et-yard mine run pw ear tn Dou1laa County I've .e In pl9t ~ aakl Bnm after Spe~r, named the 1•••'• mo•t C»\Jo State the lead b' 11oocht 10-f wly Court fol' •-.ctnil on a tht 17tb-nnW....,_ .. ..._.ec1 va1UaWt ~. _... lt w• a .., ot 1n &he~~· Spencer, a lmlol' of ODlilWDIN a1coM1 bY a ~~ Uni~~ •7-17 in a Oh&o ltate'a belftC too toU1h In the who had 108 Y8fda f'UIMnl at ba1NrM 'r. Dlnrtat--fUcllf Mtb 'BowTtumway TrldaJ nWJt. bwd-. on .U .m., _....... tM bill on1J \Wk* .__tbebmdlwanmt Tim 8pe1M»r ran fir 117 •'We_.. able to w.r them down tntbe~~ . ..... • ~ ol..... y .... -21 oantll wl ICICINd "'* =blaaa..&wllm."healld."8' 8mlor ......... ......., a., ....... fatW to appear at the lneludll\I a Holrda7 Bowl record at 0.. Dm, w. lmlw w. .aJa . foulith-qJiM• .,. ........ w ol 1 ..S .... l ........ 8d -~Nil Qf tr}lldl, ID p.Cll ttii lie ld"W..... flftla 8f c:alo~ ! I • . ... ,_ 8YV Oalllla X."'Vla . ...,.... .. '1 The ••·w.· ~ .,.... .....,. l'd1*J.,.. aruc. •Id u.. .. knoekou• ,.,.h.. ..._., ..... ..-; ..... ...,.._ i11. ~"\":C·'° ...... on. .. , lltiNtilltn111 .... 21 @_8IDl ,ln the third~ wbm Ohio -..... am-...;" A.a........ ..... ... .. . ..... oft-. tn Liwre•c•. 111ataJ .._. 17-IO at halNmit. ~ •••11p11 ")lie ..._ •.• ........, tbl #liidi IDllll ol ~- 1 • ,Weaver apologizes "for 'fix' remarks ~ . c Pr-om AP ..... tdet 1 LAS V'mAS -Mike Weaver, • , who lost hil World Box:IJl8 A.9odation beavywel1ht title last week to Michael Dokes, baa aJ>OlolU.ed to the Nevada Athletic Com.rniaaton for remarka he n made after the bout. In a telegram to commiaaion Chairman Slg J\ocich, Weaver ..atd he did not mean to lmply 'the commillk>n wu involved in any "fix" of the ~ controversial bout. t "I did n o t mean to question the intesrity of the Nevada Athletic Commission," the telegram read. "The sudden dedalon and fact I was eo upeet led to my unfortunate remarks." The title bout ended suddenly when referee Joey Ji Curtis stopped the fight at , WUftlt 1:03 of the fint round with ( Weaver offering no resiatance to a swarming J attack by Dokes. ' Weaver said at a news conference after the bout that he thought promoter Dbn Kini and 9 , others had conapired to pick a referee who would ""atop the bout quickly. 1• In hi.a telegram, Weaver said that "although 1 I did not agree with the referee's decision." lie wanted to otter hl5 "sincerest apology" for the n remarks. E r-~--------------------------~-~1 Quote of the day ; , Tom Seaver, after returning to the Meta from Cincinnati: "When I left the l organiution I dJdn't really think I would be ~ beck. Now, it'• juat atarting to dawn on me • 'J that rm a Met again, and I couldn't be r happier." Houston riddles Utah in Tokyo Akeem Abdwl-Olajwwoa, the m Univenity of Houston'• 7-0 center from Lagos, Nigeria, acoN!d a career- ~ high 30 polnta, grabbed 18 rebounds and blocked eight shots, leading the 14th-ranked Cougars to an 82-57 rout over the University of Utah Friday in the third Suntory Ball college ba1ketball tournament in Tokyo . . . Jim Ma1ter and Derrtc:t Bord notched 14 polnta apiece as 9eCOnd-ranked Kentucky struggled past slow-paced Duquesne, 55-42, in the Kentucky Invitational tournament . . . No. 11 Tenne98ee relied on 14 pointa from Mtc:ueJ Broob and 13 •teals in the tint half to beat St. Francia of New York, 70-51, ln a first-round game of the Volunteer Cla.ic ln Knoxville. ., • .,.... .. ,.. .. ,... lhilll ,...., •r11··· .... off Ute ........................... In •h• lhlrd 11u111er, lt•'1n1 . MUw1ulaH &o 1 111·11 N•llon1l lllille~ A.9ieta1Joft vlctoty over Chllqo . .,. .. --· ~ &n ..... of the lnJuNd ....... ., ...... H llCIUa• ~haUd clown ri1ne ~ • • • l:IMwhe ln. the NBA. I notched 28 P.O ta and San An\Oftio OU~ Ucah lM midway throu1h tht final quarter and the &puu Jmocktcl off the Jaa, uo..toa . . . Guard All• IAavtU netted 21 polnta and had 10 ..... ta to IMd HoUlton to lta fourth win, 114·107 over Indiana . . . Jtff R•IH• fh"ed ln 24 polnta and Ore1 Baller• added 23 to carry Wuhlnaton put Detroit, 11~110 . . . Mt1et Mato.e ICOl'ed 28 polnta. and J•U11 Ervl11 added 22 u Philadelphia downed New York, 109-96 . . . Center Jack Sltma'1 26 points and 26 rebound• aparked Seattle to a 93-90 win over Kamu Clty. Whalen get lint shutout of year Hartford 1oalle Mike Vellor ~· recorded bu first National Hockey , Leque shutout In two years Friday night to lead the Whalers to a 2-0 win in Winnipeg. Vellor •topped 33 ahotl, U in the final period and aeveral from cloee ranee, to lead the Whalers to their first ahutout of the aeuon . . . MJke Bo111 snapped the longest ICOring drought of his career by collecttnc three goala to lead the New York Ialandera past the New York Ranaera. 5-2 ... Jart Kwrrt a:oreci three goals and bad two Ulistl u Edmonton went 4-for-6 on the power pJay in a 10·4 rout of New Jeney. Fresno State, Bowling Green vie Bowling Green and Fresno State [I] have met only once prior to today'• • matchup ln the CaJJlomia Bowl in C • Fresno. Thaf wu in a 1961 benefit . game called the Mercy Bowl to help funllJes of 16 Cal PolyrSan Lula Obispo players killed in a plane crash after a 1~ pme at Bowlin& Green. Fresno State won, 86-6, and 21 years later ta a 13-poin~ favorite to beat the Falcom -aatn. The Ba•lldoes were 10-1 and 6--0 in the Padfic Coast Athletic A..>dation. while Bowlina Green wu 7-4, including a 7-2 record to wln the Mid- American Conference. Today'• aame at ~.000-aeat Fresno State'• stadium ii a aellout. Sipe will start on bench Sunday Brio Sipe, the National Football • League'• Moat Valuable Player in 1980, wm be replaced by backup quarterback PHI Mc:Doaald Sun-• day when Cleveland takes on the Pittsburgh Steelen. "Brian Sif,9 hasn't played to h1a level the last four games, ' aaid Coech Sam R•tl1llu0, who baa watched hie team 1oee three atraiaht gamea and fall to a 2-4 record ... Brfaa Gottfried shocked Bjona Bore, 6-1, 6-3 Friday to move into the aemiflnala of the Haml4= Invitational tennia tournament in North Beach, Fla .... T-44 May, the state'• moat pubUdred blab IChool ~t a year qo, quit the University of Kentucky baaketball team P'riday, eo.cb .... B. Ball. takl. I take . ~ ~ ..... o.u,ru.t MOSCOW, Idaho -UC' 1Mnt'1 bililMtball '-In, 6-0 on the Younc ....,.,, wW find out Ju1t how aood it ii .. th•, Ant.ten open• lone five-pine • rOlld trip~ the Univendty• of Idaho here tonJtht (7:80). . The Vandab, currently 5-1,: wlll carry a 39-aame home : wlnnln1 streak into tonic : pme with the Anteaters. : State wu the lMt teMl to bea1{ Idaho here, wlnnlna 71-68 In : overtime way back In January.! 1980. : "It'• f,Oing to be a real . chal1ence. ' aaid UCI Co.ch Bill , On radio tonight KWVE ( 108 FM) Mulllgan. "rm 1ooJdna forward_; to lt." . The V andala have won two · 1traight Bfl"Sky Conference titles and have competed in the ; NCAA tournament the pMt two : leUOl\I. Idaho WM 27-3 overall ' i.t year, topping Iowa, 69-67 in~ overtime, in the NCAA tourney , before l01ing to Oreson State, ,~ 60-42. Entering thia aeuon, Idaho ; had a two-year record of 52-7. ; The Vandala (5-1) have defeated i two Pac-10 8Choola thla eeuon, i whippln~uhi!\ltC>n (51-46) ; and Wu State (62-58 bi:: overtime). 1r only to. came·; to Fresno State, 38-34, in the ; Sun-Met tourney cbampiorwhlp : pme. lJp .and ever Guard Brian KeUennan. a 6-5 . aenlor, leada the Vandals in·: acorlng with a 13.5 average, : Dlllr,...,..... lllJ ~ ~ followed by center Kelvin &nlth · • -{6-8, ar.) at 13.0Ld forward Phil. Co!ta Mesa's Dave Palmlilade leta looee shot during game against Woodbridge. -----m>piOn (6-6, ar l af12.7. Sm1 l ahlo the team'• leadina reboundet' at 8.7. · Lakers heat Nets minusAhdul-Jahhar The Anteaters are led by forward Jud Beardsley, who is scoring at a 13.4 clip. Guarc£ George Turner I.a next at 13.o' with forward Ben McDonald= closely behind at 12.6. Others av~ in double figures are Tod Mu-rphy (11.6) and Bob Thornton (10.8). . Troy Carmon, who .:ior-ed 16 ed Pointa and Md ~t reboi•nds in-INGLEWOOD (AP) -Jamaal quarter, 92-90, but outacor hie debut againat Chapman Wilkes ecored 27 polnta, 15 in the New Jeney 10-2 in a two-minute 'I'umday ni8ht. will ..-.n be m a , Anaelea Lakera to a 117-106 never seriously threatened nJah National Basketball A.18odat1on thel'Mfter. to t. final quarter, to lud the Los •pan to take a 102-92 and were reaerve role off tne benc~ ij vict«y over the New Jeney Neta Since joining the ~BA, the Friday ntaht. Nets have now lost 16 of their 19 Gauchos . The Lakera. who Improved meetings with the Laken and Will their record to 18-5, bad five are 1-9 at the Forum. Today's sports on television, radio TELEVWON 9 a .m. (2) -COLLEGE FOOTBALL - Delaware va. F.aatem Kentucky In Dlvlaion 1-AA chamf!onahip game at Wichita Falla, Tex. (4) - NFL H ·-With Len Berman. 9:30 a.m. (4) -NFL FOOTBALL -New York Jeta at Miami. , 10 a.m. (9) -NHL BOCl.EY -Kinp at &at.on. 12:30 p.m. (2) -NPL TODAY -A look at whether Los Angeles bu accepted ita new team, \M Rakiera. Brent Muaburpr host& (7) -DRAG RACING -C.overqe of the U.S . NaUonala. taped Sept. 6 at lndianapolia. 12:45 p.m. (4) -COLLEGE BASK.ETBALL -'l'be Iowa Hawkeyea meet the UCLA Bru1na at Pauley Pavilioo.. R'ald!J.:m. (2) NFL-FOO'IBJJ I . lhme at ' ~~· (4)-COILEGB BAR.ETBALL AIJ.... .\tfERICA TEAM -A look at the 1982--83 ere- ltMOll All-America 1eam .. .elected by Playboy M'tfPZ'ne. ' 4 p.m . (2) ..-ALL·AMEBICA FOOTBALL '!BAM -The top college players, .. ae1ected by the .M1ertcan Football Coechee Amod.adon, are abown .. 9dion. 5 p.m. (7) -WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS - Two championship fighta are featured. Mike Weaver (24-9) defends h.la WBA heevyewlgbt title agalnat Michael Dokes (25-0-1) in a .cheduled 15-round bout, taped Dec. 10 in Lu Vegu. A18o: Thomu "Hit Man" Hearns (35-1) takea on WBC 1uper welterwel&M champ Wllfred Benitez (43-1-1) in a bout taped Dec. 3 in New Orleana. 6:20 p.m. (9) -HUA BAS&E'TBALL -Laken at Phoenix. 11 p.m. (5) -QUABTEIUIORSE RACING - The Champion of Champions invitational at Lal Alamitos. lJve. 12:30 a.m. (11) -TANGERINE BOWL - Boston CoUep (8·2·1) va. Auburn (8-3). Taped at Orlando.Fi.a. other players score In double La.ken Coach Pat Riley aaid, • l • figurea. Rookie James Worthy "Tonight was a real effort game. ID over 1me acored 21 point.a, 17 in the first We knew that New Jeney was Saddleback College's bas- half, Norm Nixon acoN!d 18 and one of the most physical te.ma in ketball team worked overtime, Earvin "Magic" Johnson the league and don't pve you an but came away with a 70-69: contributed 16. inch. Our players played well for overtime victory over the Long-' Bob McAdoo andJCurt Rambis the entitt 48 minuta. It was a Beach State junior vanity squad tallied 13 and 12 respectively for complete effort with sagging and in the first round of the Gauchos' Los Angeles, which hu won 11 trap defenaea. We played a own tournament Friday night. of ltl 1ut 13 aamea. acrambUna defeme, we trapped Saddleback advances to meet The Neta, who dropped their more than at any time thia yeer. Santa Barbara in the final.I at 8 third •\raliht and are now 12-12 "The trap defeme opened up tonight. Santa Barbara won a for the aeaaon, were led ln the court for u1. We were low-acoring tilt from El Camino scoring by Darwin Cook with 21 trapping tonight after made in the first game Friday, 28-22. polnta and Buck Williama with 20 baaket1, not only after free Gene Arceneaux had aix of RADIO polnta. throws. This means we weren't Saddleback'1 eight polnta in the Football -Rama at Balden, 1 p.m., KMPC '!be Lakers' leadina acorer thJa aa predlctable. extra 1eaalon, including the (710}111(ndl071QDCO). (1070); NY Jeta at Miami, 9·30 am leUOD Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, "Anytime you loee a atarter eame-winning buket with 12 KN1C aat OU e aame wnna·--'"'IIh""'Ulrn.--(_A .... bd.,.Ul-Jibbar), your ptayenr-1ec:onda 1.1---- Buketball -Iowa at UCLA, 12:45 p.m ., infee11on. really reallz.e they have to gear Alex Adams helped 8eJld the. KDAY (1580), UC Irvine at Idaho, 7:80 p.m., The Lakers led by only two up and give that eeconcJ effort," · game Into overtime with a steal KWVE (108 FM); Howa~ U. at C~ Sta~~p~o_i_n_t_1_e_a_r_l~y_i_n __ t_h_e __ fo_u_r_t_h __ aai __ d_Ril __ e_y_. ________________ and ___ d_~ ___ w __ hich ___ U_ed __ the __ ~game~~· Fuller1oo, 7:80 J>.1n., KWRM (137~li:t..ola at USC. 8 p.m., KNX (1070); Labn at pbJa. 6:20 p.m.., KLAC (570). Hockey -K1np at Boston, 10 a.m., KPRZ (1150). Hone Rlldna -Champion of Champions at Lal Alamitos, 11:15 p.m., KNX (1070). ' NFL staiJ 1ngs AMERICAN CONFERENCE NAftONAL CONFERENCE . f -------------------------------------~ W L Pet. 'PF PA W L Pet. PF PA • b c• OUT bi.at.eiill\ng e:rd m:et fUnctionol pen~ d~ thi fa\\.ard winwr months tm~~la. i.!la~c£ 00~ cotton and 12r. docron end tl'>tZ. narrow \9 ~cx:ttcn end 5CK dtkx:Jrl. cbdl pont ~ b\en&zd tbr maxium C:Omfbrt. and dunsbl\\t.y. intd41 ,20 ~ bs~\cend. fatVlion cdor&, mcludma tar., blua.9,grttiz.nend pu~. Raiden 5 1 .833 156 125 Dal1u 5 1 .833 158 83 OncinnaU 5 1 .833 139 90 Waabington 5 1 .833 120 104 NY·Jeta 5 1 .833 171 95 Atlanta 4 2 .867 153 119 Buffalo 4 2 .867 98 73 Green Bay 4 2 .867 144 115 Miami 4 2 .867 117 95 Detroit 3 3 IU\I\ 102 95 Ptttlburch 4 2 .867 121 101 Minneeota 3 3 :500 l()g 98 $an Diego 4 2 .867 160 120 New Orleana3 3 .500 77 106 ·New En&Jd. 3 3 .500 83 98 NY Gianta 3 S .600 103 97 :Seattle 3 3 .500 104 96 St. Lou1a 3 3 .500 101 114 Oeve1and 2 4 .333 89 122 Chicqo 2 4 .333 77 112 Denvw 2 4 .383 111 149 SID.Fran 2 4 .333 156 155 Houlton 1 5 .167 81 165 Tampa Bay 2 4 .333 85 111 Kan.. City 1 5 .167 89 129 Rani• 1 5 .167 122 169 Baltimore 0 6 .000 60 138 PhUadelphia 1 5 .167 108 136 N~: The top el&ht w.ma. ln e1eh conference will qualify for the playoff.a. .,...,.. ..... ... .. ....... (QleltMI ... 1 p.m.) ,.._ Yortl .-It ~ (ctwlnel .. at t:JO a.mJ _ .......... ..... It T:er:(QIMNI • et 1 p,m.) ........... ,.... "". .... v.-...... w .......... l'MlltMtft It CMlleno (OMnnel • It 1d a.m.) ... ~. ClllOl9o ._~....... . ~ •O.W. ,_ • Dllll fCflMMI I It 1 o.in.l =-~ fCNf"* T It I p.m.) ···= .... ~ .. lift '°'*""' 1 .. ' p.191.) .......... " JOHNSON &SON presents ... NFL. __ .,... ......... Sat., o.c. 11 . t.s An1• ... lalcleft over lamt · Sun., O.C. 19 San Ptandlee over Atlanta ... Phlladelphlii t up fo gab - Essl get nod in wide-op n a View race aw BOWARD ~. llAHDY if ..... -......... lkinie' i....au. women'• bMlc4'lbeD aoecrtte. refUllt to name • probable favorite wlt.h meet of UMm •Yinl. the race wUl be a cto.fll)'lt to the ttnllh not only to Cletermtne the wlnMi b\at th• three CIJ' playoff ber1ha u well. · The wMlt.h h.u been 1prud around thh aeuon with rountaln Valley, under Coach Carol 8tra"9bur1, the potential favorite. The Barona have )ml« Therele PuchaukJ retumJni. She wu an all·INJrUe eelectlon lut year and ll off to a fut 1tart qatn th1a eeuon. Jan Whitham , a aenlor point guard complement• Puchal1kl alon1 with Trudi Hu&chmidt and Jan Whitham. Deniae GlelarowakJ, a freshman, hal been playlng well ln early aeuon pme9. WOMEN Beach, •Y• her team ll youna and unt.-ted. · Starten will Include Ann Comocllo, a &·l~ aenlor, at center; J.ckJe Townltftd (5·0, ... ) and Evef Tltut (l!l-10, jr.) at the forward epots; and Dawn, Cooper (5-3, ar.) and Yvonne Cordova (5-G, Jr.) ad guarda • Mike Thornton'• Marina Vlklnaa wlll have I all-league aelectJon Sandy C.Orbett retumJng at a t guard poaltlon. She l1 decrlbed u an excellent r 1hooter by her coach and wW be a three-year letter winner. OTHER STARTERS include Alene Andeno'1 (5-10, ar.) and JW Bellamy (5-6, jr.) at the forward EDllON BJGH'S Chargeni defeated CIF 4-A positiona; Tracey Fleiaher (6·1, 81'.) at cent.er; and defendln1 champion Riverside Poly thl1 week. )udy c.alk1na (5·5, jr.) at the other auard spot. C.O.Ch Dave White haa a veteran lineup with junior In the Sea View Lea3Ue, Coach Joe WolCa Gretchen Meinhardt the lone starter who lln't a Eagles appear to have a alight ed&e in the early aenior. Shelly ~pl ii the lone returning itarter going. Irvine, Co.ta Mesa, C.Orona del Mar and with Rnion Lynn Uch.lz.ono, Kari Cates and Janet Newport Harbor could all challenge ln the ch.ue for Bittner the other starters. the championship along with .El Toro. $add.lebaJck Ocean View hu four 1tarten returning and and University don't fJgwe In the picture. ahould /robebly be the favorite. Included ln the E.tanda haa an experienced starting lineup' aJ"TaY o talent for Coach Frank Ruotolo ll Tammy that includes Debbie Hughes (6-0, ar.) at center. She Webb, a co-player of the year ln the league and an waa a tint team all-league aelection lut year and All-C'IF 1t!lection a year ago. third team All-CIF. i Other 1ta11en returnlni include Karen Chase, Amy Hathcock (5-8, jr.) waa second team all·! a junior who averaged 10 polnta a game last season; league and will at.art at a guard spot aloJ18 with' Laura Simek and M ichelle Chomicz, both either Suzy Vatcher (5-6, sr.) or Connie Braz.ell (5-4,1 aophomol'es thU aeason. jr.). At forward it will be Cheri Carpenter (5-10, sr.) "I feel we V(ill be a cont.ender for the Sunset and Sally Christman (5-8, sr.). Arny Scholes (5-11,1 League championship this year," Ruotolo says. " sr.) is also a poeslble starter. ! "With the depth we have, we will play an up-tempo I style." COSTA MESA has a young team with only one Wettminater la ready to do battle with any of_ . senior on the squad of Coach Paul Kahn. Starers the contenders with senJor Diane Watson keyin& . wilrmctude An8)e liaraa (5-10, jr.), Pat.Si Harada the attack at forward. Wai.on was a first-team {5·2, soph.), Shelly Neal (5-8, jr.) and Lisa all-league selection laat aeason as a sophomore and Schumaker (5-10, Jr.). The other spot ll open. la round.lna lnto lhape after spending the fall with Newport Harbor, unde r Coach Glenn the volleyball team. Takemoto, haa two seniors and three juniors. Stacy Schlange, Debbie F.astin, Gail Guthrie starting. Cindy A~n and Nancy Beidle at.art at~ and Margaret Just.en are all senJors on the team fo~ard . ~d are seruon. Marel. Doan la at center, giving the Lions experience. while Elizabeth Dodds and L1aa Wayne are ~t: Joanne Kellogg, coach at Huntington guar~b Dave Heffern will depend on the play of' Angie Dodds and Fran Wynn to lead the Sea ~l from Corona del Mar while Carla Figueroa, Suzie' Flynn and Kris Roberta spark the Irvine team. : ... efrFrie of Costa Mesa talu~s aim against defense of Woodbridge's David Wise Fr id ay night. Edison ~tops .Mesa for title Basketball scores ~ I CdM STREA KS TO TOURNEY TITLE ... F.cilaon High captured the champion.ship of the Savanna Tournament with an easy victory over c::!r c.llfornla 11. St. Maty't 62 Gonuga ee. e. Wuhlngton eo Chamlnad9 541, Hawaii-Hiio 47 Sacramento St. 72, Cal Poly· . From Page C 1 adept en0ugh to outrebound their opponent, 35-25. All of which makes you wonder how much better the Sea Kings can get. "We need to get considerably better if we expect lo stay in the race, .. ~ warned. '"lbere'a no way we can keep winn1ne at thJt' plac.u." You C9D t.t other coedM9 would lOY9 to haw ...,..._,. problema. CNta Mna ti, Woodbrld1e 4t The Muat.ang1 rallied to subdue 1tubbom Woodbridge and claim the comolation title. Senior Dave Palmblade netted 15 of his game-high 23 points in the 9eCOnd half aa Costa Mesa came from five poinll down to tum it around against the Warrion. Palmblade hit four frtt throws in bonus situations down the stretch when Woodbridge pulled to within five polnts and threatened to get back in the game. Guard Phil Kos also played well, scoring seven Vikes, FV earn points in the final period to spark the Mustangs, who are 5-2 overall. Againlt bMvy pr9IUN mmt. of the evenlnl, Woodbrlda'a Marie rari.nCllf maoaaecl 32 points. while Anthony Radovdch chipped ln with l&. The Wanion fell to ._. ... th the aetback. Lapu am. 11, lntM 11 In a _., banle that w.a dme all the way, the Hawb dldmed thiJ'd place wt th· the narrow victory '1V9 Jtvtne. The VaqueroS, now 5-3, took a eeven-potnt advantaee at. lntierrnlmon and led by u many u 11 points in the third period before La3Una Hilla rall\ed. Once the Hawka took the lead. they protected It well at the foul line, COdYe.rtinl 12 free throws in the final period to lnlure the win. The Vaqueros are off until aft.er Christmas when they open the c.anyon Tournament. • tourney wins Costa Mesa, Estancia took the coNOlation title at Garden Grove and Ocean View rallied to take third place at Savanna in women's buketball Friday night. Here'a what happened: F..tl .. H. Costa Mna •1 The Cbaraen euily annexed the champlonahip of the S.van.na Tournament by building a 26-polnt lead late ln the third quart.er and coasting. 'lbn!e Edi9on players Mrned all-toumament honon -Janet Bittner. Gretchen Meinhardt and Shelly Tret>l. who WM a.i.o eelect.ed u the tourney's most valuable player. eo.t.a Mesa junior Shelly Neal waa alao named tot.be~. Bittner Md 13 of her game-high 19 points in the third quarter to help the Chargers manufacture their I.arae INd. Ed1.aon u8ed a preasure defense and forced numerous tumoven. Guards Lynn Uchiz.ono and Kari Cat.ea sparked the offense by dishing off nine and six assists, respectively. SLO at ....... BolM St. 81, UC San 01eoo ea . ........ Nol1h T--It. ff.~ 85 ..... Mu,.,.,. St. M, E. Kentucky 13 MOt.t!Md St. 16, Middle Tenn. ... .... Long l1IMd U. IO, KaM ee r. .... HouMon ea. Ulefl 11 TOI W IAamwTG ..... ~ ~c...... M l tt l ttlpp l St . 17 . Ala.·Blrftllnghern 47 Tenn_-CN!tanooge 80, HeY)' 17 ll...._., ... ,.. ....... Tui-~. Rulgere 64 Kentuctty 65, ~ 42 .... ··-Ci...to Va. COmmonWMlth 94, Rober1 Mome 71 WM1 Virginia M , Ga. Southern .58 Yoluftleer Clseelo Mleml eo. I.JC.Senta Barber• 55 T-70, SL fflnda. N.Y. 51 Junior Lila Schum& er was a bright apot for the Mustangs, pulling down "18 rebounds, while Neal had 18 points. ,.,_. c._. lllnoll 79, 8 . lllnOle 11 Eataacla H, Suta Au U Co~ St. •1• 8owlnO ()f--. 117 In what C.O.Ch Joe Wolf admJtted was "not one Atlaftttc CltJ Clslelo Fountain Valltry overturned a five-point deficit of our better efforts," the Eagles took their time in Nor1hNltern 74, Seton Ha111 with a 10·0 run early in the fourth quart.er to take dispatching Santa Ana and claiming the c:onaolation St. JoMph'• n , ll . .(;hloego 71 a five-point lead and~ to the victory. crown of the Garden Grove Tournament. ..,_ C1see1o It waa only Puadena 1 leOOnd km of the seuon Junior IWlrd Arny Hathcock carried Fstancia N. Mexk:o St. 83. Orambllng e 1 against six wins, the other .etbeck for the Bulldop in the fint half acori.ng 17 of the Eagles' 18 points 55sw Loulallne 13, E.Mt Cer<*M ............ _.. l CC Sen Frenc:leCO n , Columb4a 'i 73 Henc:oc:tl 71, Sent• Aoea 97 • Cenulalteft.....-'t Long 8Mdl CC 79, Con_,,_ Rlv.r er I Contta ca.ta ee. San Joequln Della 73 I ........ I a.............. 1· Lo. ~ cc ... v. Pierce 59(2 OU) Sen Oleoo Meu 71, AMlr'alde .. .............. :.':: ~--.:2 C 2 7 ...... ) Or_..,. •. cww-.. QMnde6a .... -....... IO T:l:.r&!#t "\ T-11 1 t_,ct JI Ctl 111 ........ 8-Tedi 80, Yertvn Del 58 (at) St a.<narda 68, Long a.acti PolyO ,..,.......... '! 9enn1ng eo. "~ 11 Meter Oel eo, ..., 50 • • Cortul&San_... ~ Crtinlt\9W •I. Compton 44 Fount.in Vlllctt M. P..o&ne 4 I , ...... Sonora ee. F'*1tton 41 (Intl Moael&* 79, Ls Mnd& S2 (ttwd) w1r1on (HH) 1 1, Garay 1ct• (oonaoletlon) ~~ .. c.....,, .............. Rio Hondel Prep 80, Her1tege 41 1 Newport CM9'1an 7', Or~ LutMm 57 '> c ........ Ii... ~ Ceplatrano Vlllctt CMttJan 39, Liberty CMltlen 36 T Paclllo Chrlallsn 55, Ca t; Lutlleran 37 1 Ls o.18 ii Marina High eacaped with a thrilling double- overtime victory ln the ooNOlation eemifi.nals of the Santa Maria Tournament, while Fountain Valley and Capistrano Valley al.a won consolation bracket sames Friday night. Here's how it went: Marlaa 45, Dua WJ11 43 comi~gainat Mater Dei in overtime in ~ • ..26...,,18 .a.t .in.termlM!on · OI ~a.a. opening M.lnd of the toumamenL . The wlnnen turned it around quickly in-th-e--t~ue..,..-..:,.,_~.~NutlDrtt~rl• ~'!l.Pn:-~_,,., •• -OGmll IP• M , Ls Qr.Mia.~IOQ.,--­ (llrlt) Phil Belanger hit a pair of free throws with 11 8eCOnda remaining in the aecond extra .-ion aa the Vikings eked out a win over the Dolphins and moved into tonight's 5 o'clock conaolatlon tilt .,.Wt Santa Barbara. Rob Whitehair b9d eieht of h1I 12 pomta ln the second half, jumping on Santa Ana with an 7t fo~th quart.er to 1park the turnaround, while ~ve defenae and t.allyiJll the first nine ..... 1 ... ts C"1•f'laa......, a.a.ls junior Rolf Jacobi added lix fourth-quart.er points. olthe third quart.er to take the lead. ,..,... = :: r.:.-::J'sr Meanwhile, Mike Newton p~yed h1I tint game as "We ltarted runntnc and c:onvUung on the Mll•..-t a.a. point guard and did a fine job running the offenae. break better in the aecond half," u,id Woll. "And r;:.-s~~: .. ~!t~n Cheri Carpenter and Connie Brazell gave us a big PM)' S4 Dana HU1a bad opportunities both at the end of regulation and the end o{ the tint ar to win the pme, but failed. Marina. meanwhile, controlled the tip in the 8eCODd overtime aession, worked the clock down and called time out. Belanges-was then fouled in the act of shooting and made both free th.rows to give the Vikinp the ~ewe~ averaging over 70 points a pme," claimed Marina Coach Steve Popovich. "But we we.re patient tonight." : P ... tata Valley 51, Pandtna U After an openln1-round 1011, the Barona teemed to have gotten their act t.opther at the Tournament of Champione and will play for the contolatlon championship at 4 today agatn1t Crenshaw at Cal Poly Pomona. Capo VaJlef 14, El MMeaa H The Cougan. IMdlnc by • many as 3e points early in the fourth quarter, co&1ted to the comolatkm titi. of the La Quinta Tournament. Walt J>tCeua, Capo'• kadinC .:orer, capped off the toummnent with a ,.._.hl8ti 22 points, while aenior ~.itch Andenon pnped in 17. Meanwh.De. center Dan Mulder wa1 choeen tor the all-t.oumament t8am after tallytnc 11 points. Mulder averaaed mon than 15 polnts in the three tourney pmm. Utlllalnf lta r~nnln1 game, Capo Valley 1printed to a 23-potnt half1lme .dvantage and was neVt!'1' t.hreatehed in tmprovtna tw overall mark to 8·2. The Cwaan mfft Marina Tueaday nJfbt, 7:30, at Saddleli.ck eoai.e. TIME 18 RUNNING OUTI ONLY 18 DAYS LEFT To Make a Meani0gfut-Diit1rtnc1 In Your '8~ Tax Picture Contae1 ttle Prot9"ion111 a1 DALTON, DALTON, COOPIA I 'MNK&.1 .. , INC • . .. ,4: < . ( ~~< , fl. -' . . ~ .. ~ NO OBLIGATION • CM.l Tt*Y FGl'A':ltMMA lOMC>t'AOW (11., M1""'1 2691 Richter Aw .. ~le. 102. trvtne • .._ .... ~~o~ lift." .... cw, ........ r...... --...a n---8tedley at, w. ~ eo ~t"""nter ..... .ui-lUCll 1COred nine and eight 0i-oon at. 11, w. lllnol9 11 point.I, reapectively, all in the second half. D.-.. a.satm Carpenm •ton the bench for most of the first half :=; :i :.:W~173 after three quick penonal fouls. • ~="' ~:!.••• OceQ View 4t, Savuma H ':... ~· The Seahawka overcame a fourth-quarter Saddlabeck ro. Long &Heh deficit to dump the hOlts and claim third place ln Si.ta JV"I .. (ot) the Savanna Tournament. s.n~~~:~;:tno 22 Michelle Ch<mk:z netted lix of Ocean View's 10 points in the final period, and flnlahed with 16 =:: ~8wt ~ :!:' "5!. 09 poin1a overall, Tammy Webb added 13 and Laura Co4laOa of 9equo1u aa, Cltrue Simek tallied 10. 12 Tbe Seahawka, now 6-1 with their only to. Freeno 54·.::.;:-H coming to Edlton in the 1emlflnal1, will open cem:'m• _.. Cypraa Tournament play today at 11. =C*Utatii ':."*'~ n LIVE , Christmas Trees 30%.0FF Santa Ana VIMirl 58. Foothll 53 (tNrd) '.J.. Ceplattsno Vlllctt 14, El Modarll' . &4 (ooneolatlon) !)ti .,... .. c-del .. ., ... ...,,.... ,(~ (ftrtt} Ulgune Hite • '· WW. 57 ~ Coate MeM 12. Woodbf1dge ~ (Mth) Sav1nn1 It, Su ts Ans lfl (COMOlatlon) .......... '! CNIU ............ Senta Y-M Nghllltl 56 c.i1111iirn-'* Msr1ne 45, Dane ... 43 Sent• ~ 34, Doe Pueblo. 33 ,....,. .... San Clement • II. Rancho AllimltOI 41 LaHa~71,9olla82 ...... H18ttlCHC>Ot.. e.-T--t Edi.on 52, Cotta MeM 41 (flret) Oc11n View 41, Savanna 41 (third) ._...._T .. ........e !atancla 55, Santa Ana 4S (OOl IDllllllfo) ~··· ~·. .. t 'r.. • ;;;-.;. .. . ·"' .. """"" :: : : = ~ ... ~.... '' ..... I ..., '*"' • • ltf " ... ............. ..,, AntoNe ti • ..., ~°"Y 1a • •. 11t • 0.... " 11 ~ .... °"""' 10 ,. ,4 " .... Utlll • 11 .171 1i.. ~ • tt ,174 If •M-C•••IJOll ,. ............ ~ to •.m ~ \I 1, :m ~ ... N8 Jf!I.., 11 12 .IOO e .._ YOttl I 17 UO 11 ... c:.....~ 11 I .NO 11 11 .122 a 11 It .UO I I 11 .111 .... I 11 3aa 7"41 a ao . 1ao ,, ,,..,,.. ...... UIMrt I 11. New JerMw 10I ~ IOI, New Yorti 16 WllllNntllOfl 111, DWoll 110 ... MfoNo , 10. \Mii '°' .......... 111, ONo-.o"' HOueton 114. lndlelw 101 leettle 113, "-Clly to T__...0-i...bn .. ..._,.. 8oe4oft el AtlMUI °""°" .. a...no "'111~1lpllllo 11 WlltlinglOfl lftOleM .. ClllOleO Houltoft .. UWI .... .._ .. o.n- a..1111 II IM 0..., o.a.. .. POl1lwld 1(-City .. ~ 8\Me Ult .... 11~ ...... 10I ... ....., -""" 11, WllwN 20, 01wktn1 111, 8lrd10ng I , CoOll 21, M. ~ 11, O'K-4, On*lllll 6, W•• 0, ~ 6. TMtle: ...... 11-23 109. Loe ANMLH -COC191W I, W... 27 Alnlble 12, !. Jolwwon 11, flilacft 11, WOftll) 21, MoAdoo "· c. Jolwwon 2, l.Mldltlerglf 0. TOlale: 61 .. 7 16-24 117. .... .,o-... ..... --,.. ff 24 23--106 Loe~ SI 2' 27 29-117 foue.d OUI -Mc.Moo. Alboundll -New 41 (W..,._ I , M. ~ I). Loe llO (WllMI I , I.~ I). A.-.. --30 {King •1. Loe ~ 33 (I. Jolw-.an 11). TOUI ~ -Nlw .._ 21. Loe~ 11. A -16.711. cowvcoua• ~w..t14,W ....... WUT MLU -...,_ I, "°"' 11. 0.0.. 17, K..-, 4. Corr9I ... ..., 4 • .,_ .. T otlll: 24 10-11 GOUMlN ft81' -°""*"' •. 8ltler 2. Kl..id\ 17, ...... 6,,.,.. 14, OorMm •• ~ I , P'Wldldlr '· ._ o. ~ 6. T oWl9: 27 20-32 7 4. Halftime: Qo6CIM Well, a-n.. T'*I to.Al: Welt .... H . Golder\ W-1 20. FOUied CM:~ (W9 191). llfown (W ... Hiii). Tedlnlcll tOMi: ~ (Ooedlrl W•). ::Jtj1~;Dt& 10. UI 8t. IY • L. •ACM 81'Aft Ill -HoullOl'I 11. '':J:.~ "Co.~~· 11. Holl1nd I , W I, 6, 8r1l1oft 4. Toi* 33 S-7 • IADDLe•ACll -T. Mllcllell 18, .,_. 11. Hendel_, 11, Groun4 7. Ward 7, Adame 6, RentroP 2, ~ 2. llor1ln 2. Totm: 21 14-24 70. ' ......._ Sllddlebedl. 1741. AeQulllton: 62-et. Total loul1: long 811011 St. JV 22. 81ddleb1c1t 17. P'ouled oul: T. Mllcllell (8eddlebecll). HIGH 8CHOOL CdM-~·1 C~ DIL lilMI -WWN1 16, WOif! 11, VenS~ 20, .._ fl, MoKlbben 2, "'-6, ~ 2. ldlonert o. Oolllll9e o. ftoll4eorl 0, 0.-0, ,_ 0, TOlftklha 0. Toe.: 29 10-11 11. A•Te81A -Tolben IO, 811dle 12. "°'**' '· ...... 2. Gerda 2. McAh 2. TOCM: 11 1S-U 61. .... .,o..w. eor-Oii ... 11 17 11 17- At'9111 1 11 ,.. 14-1 1 TOUI foYI: C:O.-Oii W. 20. ,.,_.. 11· T ........ IWllrwlt ~ . .......... .,.,,,.. .... fWI•• 1 ·s .. ·~-iii-~-dllml.~ !1tl:J'r .. 't.. .. =-·~·'iiJtO-... t=' *"' -IL:. I~"· = 16 tr:, :i· ic..... .. 4 .... ., ....... ... " ,. 11 1f-:' ~.-t It 14 11-I Totel ,..._ ltw. ti. L...-""" 14 P'ouled ouu ..... (lniwlel. u.et't (IMM). OW-(!Mlt~ ................ 41 • ..... -ltl111.., ''1 ll'ldlll• 10, •-••"' t , flMllftlw 11, Orowt.y a. ~a.'°'* 1111-11 tt. DMA ..... -,.,.,. 11, Alloret IO. =-~ ,,.,,.. .. "•rfe •. Oonei9ll 4, 1. ,....._ 111.u ..s. ..... ., ..... ...__ ,. 11 11 I 0 J-41 DIM ... I 11 11 11 0 0-43 Totlll ~ ....,_ 11, Ollla Hiie 14. ,., V.., .... ?11M 41 HIAMU -ltOOllt 10, Milot.II a. Morr11 1. Hwn. It. 9\1rne 4, Wlll1• I . WllefM 2, Altll 2. T...it: 111-11 41. POWn'MI YMLSY-Nllwlon 11. H1rrt I, J9oOM 11, .....,. I, WNMNlr 12 • .,_, I.~ 1, "-0 ToWI: IO 11-23 K. .... .,---. Plilldlftl 12 16 I 1-41 Foumeln Vf/flel/ 12 14 6 24-111 T«*i toula. ,9Mdenl 21. 'ounleln V..., 10. T 1C1N11c* toul: Foun!Mn V..., bendl. c...v .................. CAlb YAU.at -~ 17, TreW>o 4, Mlllo. 11~ L C4ll 12, N. Call 4, O.C.. n . ,.._ 4, Ot1A1 1. ~ 2 .... o. TOI* 311l•11 ... IL _,.. -COOll 2. !IMnllt• 11. Li.w 2, *°""'8 1, C Mo. 4, J ~ 6, ~ 2, ~lw 11, WMlln I TOlllle: 231-11 M . .... ~a-we c.,...,_ v~ a• 22 22 11-64 El Modena. 14 • 11 20-54 Total loule: C1Pltlr1no V1lley 11. El Mode!\11 It.. HIGH KHOOL WOMIN a...a.eeet.e ..... 41 _. -~ 6. Cit• 1, Trepl 12, Bltl~ 11. MelnfWdt t(), 0en«on 4. T~· 22 1-21 62. CoeTA •U -HM9di 10, 8_,on 2, NMI 1'. Sohumllter e. 810f't 2. IAll a. To!M: 17 T-16 41. .... .,o.n.. EClleOn 12 16 17 7-42 Co81• .._ 6 • • 22-41 Totll foUll: ~ 11, Colla .,._ to O...V...41. ... lftM41 OCllAll Vl9W -CNwNc:I 11, Web«> 13. 8lmllt 10, 0-1. Douty 4. TotllllJ· 24 1-16 41. tAYA.MllA -Aid .... 11, Tr9Mt)' 14, Crtlloflro 7, UMOI 4, W-.-2 Tot* to 1-1041. .... .. ~ cio-. Yi. 11 I 13 1C>-41 ...,.,_ 11 1 11 .__... T 0191 loula: 0-. View I , Sl'IWWll 11 Fou61d out T,_, ca--i. lat.enoMM,._..AN4' tAMTA A.NA -KeNy 11, Sobrulll 7. Aeldl 4, N . ..,_a 7, L ...... 6 Totele 1& 1).M 43. ltTAMCIA -Cerpenl• I , V1tefl« I, Halllc:ocli 28, Scllol•• !I, Chrtt1m1n e . 8ruil e, Totlll: 21 $-11 66 ---~~ ..,,.. ,.,,. 11 I 6 11 -43 atMCll 10 • 16 22-66 Totll IOule: 8Mt9 ,.,,. 111, £Mindi 14. TICMICll rout: tanta ,.,_ _,.,, oe.. ... ...... MT'S Ulldee -26 ......... 27 ti.-. ~rodlllllll.l••s•&Md.1 OMA -N ........ 4~1 halibut, 7 m1clterel, 144 roclt cod. 1 • srr.cs. .... ,.....,. ....... NV lllln6et9 &, NV Alngera 2 Heriford 2, WWllpeg 0 £dmon10fl 10, ..... ~ 4 T..,.•0.-IC.._. al lkleton , &utfllo II °'*-· n ..._,/' Hew Votll ~· el OelrOlt, n WllllNflOl«I et Plttlbufgll, n ChiOIOO II T-10, n ~ltV_,_,n MontrMI II CllQery, n ~II Neoir Yotll'lllllnderl, n Her11cw 8' St. LOUii. n HOUDAY90WL ONo 8t. "7, •YU 17 ...... ~ ONo Sl81• 3 14 17 13-C IJVU 0 10 0 7-17 08U-F0~47 SYU-81lllOllft 1 PIU lrom Youno (Ounlher Ilic*) osu-~ 11 run (Spengler ...,.., OSU-Tomc:iak~lll'I ~ IUGll) avo-ro Ow1tNr ,. 08U-ll«lldnllt 1 run(~ klolcl OSU-Splnoer 11 ""'(~ .._., OSU-FO 8oengler 17 OSU-Ge)'ll 1 run (&p.ngler "1t*l BYU-Hudeon 13 pin from Young ( °""',,., ltlolc, 08U-Geyle 5 run lklolc llllledl A-62.433 T_t.......,. OIU llYV """' dow<\e 24 21 ~di ~5 1....0 P..inQ y•d• 132 342 AMum yardl 44 0 p-11-11-0 ~1 Puni. ~ we ~ 1·1 1-1 ~ 12-109 .,. Timi of p E II fC I 34:33 ..U:21 ................ AUSHINO-Olllo at.M . ...,_ 21-117, 01yte 11-10, ••o•dn•• 11-11. •vu. Hemllon S-M. Tiun>llll S-13, 8'*'-1 14. PA88tHO-Olllo 81111, Tomcz1k 11·19-0-~U. llYU, Young 27~1-141, F009W 1-14-11. MCEvlNO-oNo ••11e. WW... ...... Qeyt9 ~12. Spenoer 1·H 8YU, Hudlon , .... s.-4-31, 8elMlim a.66. onahae to change approach LOS ANOl!L.1!8 (AP) - UCLA Coecb Terry Donab&aei i whom BndM .,.. 0.2"1 in boW 1 Pl'* lincl he became the *1n'• t hetrd co.ch In 1978, Mid Frlday he plan• to take a different 1tpproach to the club'• pott· 1 .euon contert th.LI yMr. "We're iotna to prepare for th.LI bowl pine dlffenmtly than we've prepaNd for other bowl pmea I've been ~ted with,'' Donahue told memben of the med.la at a breakfMl meeUna. '1 have felt like boWl pmet are a reward. ''In th1I pu1icWar ca., I think • the pme Is a reward. £ "But (rve aot to set) a win t here. We're aotna to prepare ' hard foe~. We will have ! more em cm certain MpllCtll 1 of our prepara than we might f have in another dty.'' ! Tlie frftl\-ranked Brutm will r oppoee 19th-ranked Mlchiaan ln I the 6o.e Bowl on New Year•• ! Day. It will be the eighth Roee : Bowl game for UCLA and the I J' achool'1 flnt appearance ln the f conteat 1tnce Jan. 1, 1976. : Donahue took over • the team'• i head coach the following fall · t ''We are going io take part in a the Rote Bowl activlUea," aaid ! Donahue. "We are going to make ~ it fun and try to enjoy it aa much : as we can, but we are going io ! take it aerloualy. It'• a different l approach than aome other bowl I 88? mllibt be." \ The J'Sacific-10 Conference ! champion Bruins bring a 9-1-1 : record into the New Y ear'a Day l Clauic while the Big Ten i Conference winning Wolwrines : are 8-3. ~ UCLA lost to Alabama. 36..a in t the Ll~rty Bowl following the : 1976 ~ llect.Arllao'f'! 10-lO ; in the Fiesta Bowl folloWlng the 1 I 1978 campaign, and WU beaten ~ by Michigan, 33-14 in the ~ Bluebonnet Bowl lut Dec. 31. i The Roee Bowl game will be I the third between UCLA and . Michigan ln a year and a day. i Last September, at Ann Arbor, i Mich., the Bruina overcame a : 21 -0 deficit to earn a 31-27 : triwnph over the Wolverines. i The Bruins have a 2-5 record • Ln Rote Bowl games but have ! won in their la at two ! appeeranoes. bea~ Ohio State ' 23-10 seven yean ago and I ' nipping Michigan State 14-12 in ~ 1966. \ GWC opens • S:unset League loaded with experience with victory VISALIA -The Golden West l College buketball team caught fire late in the firat half to take a f 10-polnt lead at intermimloo and: went on to defeat West Hilla, l • 74-58 Friday night in the open.inc round of the College of the Sequolu Tournament. llM kickers look tough, but after that, it should be a scramble for CIF CURTSEEDEN .. DlllJ ........ To 1ay the 1981-82 soccer uon waa a forpttable ex- for Hwitinaton Beach Coec:h Randy Chamben ii u.ndentatement. Cbamben' Oilere fini1hed ruet Leaaue play with an -"1 record"' wbJcb gtvH you me idea of juat how 1trona naet League soccer mpetitioo ii. nunaa c1on·t fi8ure '° be any oompetitiw th.la aeuon. u t year'• champ•, Marina'• ikip11 and runner1 -up tain valley and Edilao look ttrona • ever. Even Huntln~t!;::ch fk~10 Improve. baa km than 10 returners from year'• team '° cballenge the powers. Karman'• little brother, Eric, Breu Davie, eenior forward who a1llO played halfback and David Vuquez and goalkeeper kicked for the Viking Marina John Hewtn. football team thia aeaoo.. Top newcomers oh the Oiler Fountain Valley, which · equad att aophomore forward finished eecond ln the Sumet Vince Duke and fullback League lut eeuon. baa Just five Fnndalo NUM. retu.men from a equad which Sea Vlew , ___ finished 14-3-2. ----COieb-oer&Ja Aalibya BinJm At C4rona clel.-.Mv, Coach boaat experience in aenlor Bryan Haney'• Sea Kinp are defender Chuck Smoot, ltrlker ccmina off an 8-2-2 8eMOll. CdM Mike Sundy and midfielder advanced '°the CU' playoff:a lut -n--M year but IM in the eecond round .IX~ umee, among others. '° Bewrly Billa. TBB NEWCOMERS include Senior plier.Jeff Jacobs (0.95 h D T ff .,.i. ap1mt avenee i.t -.i> aop omore arren a • a and center forward Scott center-~ who wu hurt 1ut ...on.-and aenJor fullbwk ~ u-> lead the Ifill De&nonte. ~ allo --.. .,~ Edl8on Coach Dave McLeta lost Haney la ..... ..,_....._ standout Glenn Strachan to from ·nan Phaulm, who Or-. c.out College but he still flve time• lut aeuon before expecta to field a compeUUve bfteldng hla lea and mminB half ~ <;haqien finiahed third in theN'!~r t Harbor Coach Sumet t.eque play, cioroplJed a Mauricio Claure has nine players 17-&-5 overall recora and. beck from lut year'• team which advanced '° the eecond round of fin.lahed In fourth Dlace in the CU' playoffs 1ut INltlft. See View Lague. ' -Thil year,· McLel1h will The big new• out of the Sailon' camp II the number of =cm a punter and fie= playen Claure bu io work with. tam.J!':;~~ti!ecored "At leaat rm~'° be able 11 p11 and had two ..i.i. 1ut io field a com ete team .very wlll be back. Another we.k,'' noted ure, who had jult 13 playen en his tqu.d laat ldckef, Eric Blefeld, ii _,.. the team'• top defender. ~-· • OcMi\ View CGecb Paul Kollar SltNIO& J'ULLBAC& Bob 1ulded hla team to a 10·5·7 Talamo topl the lilt. He'll be record a year a10, and the jaAned by retumen MUat Yule Se¥-wka loll all five of them (eealor halfblldl), Siew lAffler ....-by Just one~· (JwU -..1a..-> and J Returner Don Durbin, a D\ale;r(~~). amee center-forward, and rewrner a. View LMtuef!yer ot the, Be6d 'lbAbedeeu. n.ure to lpark 8 l d • f the ott ..... Tbe se.hawka will year a va ore aaqu a o UC> -llllM hllp from Swedilh • =c~d~• U::-!:c!~ exclianae ttudent Henrik VuquH, an All-CO' ..ieotlon 0em..,... a~ acorect 28 oala lur r. -· 0 -'-8 -.. .... .,. 11 _.., .. ,.:A. Olller returnen rom la1t UK an -•~ -~ year'1 squad incl~ Mnior ....._ The 8-bawa will II' m14ft•ld8r Oerndo ... ~1an 1ome offenllve help fro• aad cenw mldtlllcler A*tan ; newmmen IUahard Sililth and PbW1a a '*"'.-d ...... ,_....,...,, fuJJbedr Mark Iller. Saadleback Coach .Jamea· -0-' nr lfmqjs,._ •--"--XMpp ._ • .._ 41antr.a by tqUad held 0. .... ,..... No. 0 ..... Ha -pl --from ID dae CIJ'. to a M tie to opm the l•t year ta R&fHl CU\ro, a 1-..a-'-.... wttll • .... liila-.i. fullback Mel Silva on hand for oUenave aupport. At Costa Mesa, Crenahaw ha.I just four retumera back. amona them Jerry Dahlll, a aenlor midfielder, and Gua Slnestera, another midfielder "who we expect btg t.h1np from," uys hla CQ!tCh. "We'll do well to finiah among the top three and set lnw the pla.yofta." uyt Crenshaw. Former Call.fomla Surf player Jlnuny Hinch ent.en hla .ecorw1 1eaaon a1 head coach at Univenlty. ·He boutl 10 returners from lalt year'• team which won juat four pma . Junior goalie Eric Nel•on, center t.S aweep Darryl Willi8 and midfielder Sid Venlletcah are amooc Hinch'• iop plQen. Newcomen lnclude freshman forward Albert Contrea and midfielder Darren Samaha. So•~ C.0.1t Lape When Capiatrano Valley topped C.O.ta M... 8·0 ln the Cougare• opener, Capo Coach Ron Willme noted: .. I know we•re aood but not that aoocL .. Well. w~· Coupn en now .f-o in pre Fl I II\ play. The Cou1ar1 boa•t 1lx Tbe Ol1lft ... 10 NSUrDa •• , IMW..!·~'~·~·" lhll •uon.L lMludlna onw Mlmlta KM'PP· "~ ll ~~~~~:i:.'IE=2~~ haU-...k aelf Zecfier aact ~ mw to tbe ,. ... " f uUbaell John ltro!ID: la 'hie ............. W1D bave eMtMe. .._..., ..._ !==l.4:1 * _., ._. Qu kt la ........ - returners fonn last year's team which finlahed u the CD' 2-A runnel'l·Up. This year, the league haa gone 3-A. and Willms i• hoping returner Robert Mayar (28 goals) will spark the Coupn to the 3-A crown. Other returnef'1 include oenter-mkifielder Steve Skuplan an centra aefender Bobby ~ollna. At Mimion Viejo, Ed Carillo, who 1tarted the Diablo aoccer program eeven yean ago, ha.a four returners thia 1ea1on, includ~ fullback Darren Uecker goalie Greg Prypor. Othen to watch are junior hallbsdt Matt Kinner (nine pll IMt ....i) and 9ellior' forward Bui aooeb Plrgbibi. West Hilla at1empted to slow down the J*ll9 ln the early png and the reault waa a 15-15 deadlock aeven mlnutee into the contest. But the Ruatlen went oo·~ an 18-8 epurt the remainder of the half to pull away. West Hllla never-10 aoaer than 10 points in the aeccnd half u Golden West upped Its ovenll J mark to 7.4 . John Kreeich topped the i Ru1tler1 in the •coring department with 17 points and Sheldon Revla acored a penonal high 14. Sherwin Durham contributed alx rebound.I and eight u.ilta '° '° aklnC wttb bJa nine points. . Laguna Beach Couch Bill Hahecker honored RoUlng la hoping lut year'• ==::!'ea~~ as All-American place tiniah. Suaan Habecker of Newport Beach WU named to the NCAA The Artist.a are dominated by Dtvlaon III All-American · 1 1enlor1, but the goalkeeping women'• volleyblill team for the , dud.ef will be handled by )inlor' aecond time recently and wu Matt Rom. honored at a banqu~ ln Sao 0 Top returneu are Adam Dlego followint tbe ~ Johmon. a aenior mldflelder, and Habecker flayed for the Wyatt He1teJ', a Mnior cen~r Unlver1lt~ o La Veme. the forward. The Artlsta abo bout. national Div11lon Ill team i.tt winl Marco Pits. -champloal. ~~;;;;;;~~~~ 1:00 CJ) U.I . l'ANot Ml"Offf (H) ITAHOING M>OM ONLY "llled 8 k•llon P1-n11 Fr9dcfy TM F 1M!Oad9t'1 Otwlltmu Oinn9r" 11111C9111 Prloe Md Imogene Coe• ao-11., wltll A9d St19llon In tlM 11or, of Fr9dcty 1119 FrM10ae1 .. ·1 1r1a11 1nel 111bulauona u ha p!M\1 a holld91 Cllnn9r cmMOVlr **~ "So AM" (11181) Ay9'I O'NMI, JKll WW· .... (I) WN:.t<Y WOAL.D Of' JOHATHAH Wl~AS CW-1: Rtctvoo Mon1a1b1n ~-llPV (!) THI W0AL.D TOMOMOw • lfleAl<OVT (I) l.Aff.A.. THON A comeCllan ho.I llnel four comic: contfftllnll wllo compete ag1ln11 on• MOll\9' are fNlur.O In 11111 UnolnlOf.0 com9Cly Q- lhow, 15\46 (%) MO\llE * "Modern P1ob1ema" (11181) C"9vy ClllM. Petti O'Arb1nv111e. l.'00 8 CA"'1AIN l<AHOAAOO l ~~~T'( AEXHUMBARO OOOODAYLA. SATURDAY MOANING OAAPEVINE (I) PU8UC Aff AIR8 9 NEW8MAKER8 at= • *'h .. hp1" (1081) George c 5':ott. T1mo1hy Hutton O MOlllE * * "Tiie Al1h MUSii .. _" ( 197111 8M\I BtlCIOM. Urau- 11 Andi ... 1:18 ll) MO\llE * if'n ''TM Voyag9 Of Tanal" (11175) W.M Reno, K. lmrll ue>G ntATSCAT I PACOETT£AS OAOWINO YEARS VOYAGE (!) l88UU UNLIMITED • ELEMEHf AflfY NEWS (I) V~Of' AORICULTUM I rra YOUR BU81NE88 THE MUPPfla MOVIE *** "Ja TM Gl11111 Klllar" ( tH2) Kerwin Met'-. Judi Meredith 7:00. DUSTY'S ~ • 8 THe l'\MTSTOHE I~™ LAT1NnMPO AMTPeNON YOGA FOfl HE.Al TH INTEAHA TIOHAL HOUA !: * * "Mad• In Par11" (11166) Ann-Margr91. LOIM Jourdan. 7:*18 KI08WORU> I Ql8MUAF8 OR. SHUGOLE.8 9 PAC-MAH I UTT\.! AA8CAL8 / ..... NCH 1J DAVEY AND OOLIATH (!) JOeUNE • TANGERINE BOWL PARADE • COHTD(PORARY HEAL TH l880Ea !: * * "JoMpll Andrewt" (llJTT) Ann-Margr.i. P.i., ™" ... PAHOAMONIUM MOVIE * * "TWlllgl!t On Thi Rio Grand•.. (11147) Gene Autry. fl) HOT l'VDGE i= MOfNHO OR.VEVM -~SHORT ITORY l~SPLANET **'h "Angele" Pll551 Oennta O'Keete, ROINnO Bram. (8) NCH um.Ea CH~CAAOl. The IT\Ullf lmprlMlonl91 pleyt • muttttu<ll of rolee, lnc:ludlng Ebe n111r Sc:toooe end Bob Cre1e1111, In "' Ul1UIUll ¥ertlOfl of 1119 CNnM Olclcene 11o11- (B =· * * * * "Herold And MM>de" (11171) Ruth Gor· don, Bud Cort. • DOT AHO IAHTA ClAUI Oot )Oil't Senta for a tOUf of "" wor1<1 10 -werr- -oal9bf91• Chrlltll\M In thell' own "'"9rlflt W¥ aao I GIU.IQ.tN'I ~ g,~ WILD, WILD WON.D Cl'NMitALI Cl) YOYMM TO THl IOTTOM °"THI llA Cl) IUCll MINNY I "°'40 ..,...,. (D) THI LAIT °" THI CAOOOl9 Larry Hagman portrays a helicopter pilot who runs into high adventure in "Deadly Encounter," tonight at 9:00 on KNXT (2). t:oo 8 (I) NCAA FOOTSAU "Otvlelon I-AA Chemplon- lhlp Game" (t1om w1c11111 Fall1, Te•.). D 8NFL'l2 I Ll!AVl IT TO IEAllER III MOAK a MINDY / LAVERNE I SHIRLEY 8 TUHTAU< tD Ml8810H: IMP06818l.E ., EIVfUT ANGLEY • ART8HOW C!) FOCUS OH SOCIETY (C)MOlllE * • * "Thi Get"*'lng" (111711) Ed Aaner. Maur~ s 1api.ton (fi)MOVIE * * * "They AH Lauglleel" (1981) Audrey Hee>burn, Ben Gazzara cm JAHE FONDA'S WOAKOVT II: 18 (%) CHAAlf.8 OHAMPUN OH THE FlLM SCENE 11".30 D a! NFL FOOTBAU. Noew York Jett et Miami Oolphine I OZZJE AHO HAIWET LOHEAAHOEA MOVIE * *'I\ "Slreet1 Of Ler.Oo" ( 1949) Wiiiiam Holden. Mtc<loneld Carey. CD FOC08 OH SOCIETY 6D MOVIE ••'I\ "Ent•• Artene Lupin" ( 111441 Ell• ~. , Cllerlet Korvin. 9PUGE A Mnlll old women rem-1na. her lemlly tlllt • tul end IO..tng Piii cen -b9l8Ken,...1y. .. .-(%.)~ * * "The Geng Thal CoulCln 't Shoot Sir lllghl'' I 11111 I J«rt Orblic:tl. l.aloh T eytof ·young 10:00 I SHA NA NA (II 90008YI 8CAAPPY 000 I PVf"9Y i NHLHOCKEY Bolton Bruin• VI Los AflOlllt Klng:t • 8IX MIU.JOH OOUAA MAH ., 808JOHE8 • THt8 OlD RouaE Bob VHa coo0uc1• a room- by-room anefytl• of light- ing for the old llOuM and vltlll • llgtlllng 11\0wfoom G ORANGE COUNTY "Tha Stop Gap Solu110n" Jim Cooper IOoka at • unique thNtrk:IJ group thlt perlorm1 tor ln1lltu- llOnlllHCI people u • rorm Of therapy cm JANE FONDA'S WORKOUT CJ) 80METHINO'S AFOOT Jean S1ep11ton end Andy Gibb .w In ~ mulic:ll-- wt>odunl1 about 10 ll<>llN- ~ ti an Englllh ooun- try ,_ wtio .,. rnut- Cl«eel one by one. 9 MOVIE •••'h "Ac:ro H Tll• GrMI ONkle" (19711) Rob- ert Logan, HMlhlr Rll· tr91 ·~·~THE CAUEl AFTEMlA 1lt • EYMYDAY COOIOHO WITH JAOQUU ~ J~ PIPln ~eoer• chicken c:u1oulet e nd ClllCU-how 10 buy Md UM lrMfl Mi9<I gr-. ID IN THE SHADOW OF THE MOUNT AINI A ntm portr alt Of mountain c:llmber Jim Wk*wtre fM.. lurM epectecular tootage Of hit Qflmbl In lhe Hlmllla- )IU Ind on Mt. MeKlnltly. 11:00 I AMINCA'I T()tt TEN 9 WD>C.INO UfCIA1.I "Zacll And The Magic: F ac:- tory'' Two young people combine their telenll to open up • ll'laglt lf'09 (Plf1 l)(RIQ ·=-TJWH • *"' "The Whit• wam. °'" ""'' s1-"--· Georgia Moll. • IMAGUIN WAT'lftCOl<>A l:='"°YWW * * .. Damn Clllitn" ( 11158) Klhh Andee, M-O· gla He~ (C)WOVll • * • "OW "-die" (tt~y Rob9ft Tlylor, 0.bOreh Kttr. (tt) INSIDE THE NFL Holl• L.,, Dew.on In(! Nick Buonlconll review hlghllghl• of lhe prev10u1 ~·a NFL QI,,_ arid lnl111Vlew key pj1yer1 •nd COIChet (Q)MOVIE ., * • "Malvin And Howard" (1~) Paul LtMat. Juon Robarda 11:30 e OM.HD PRIX OF ALL- 8TAA8 • 8 ®' AMEAICAH IAHDeTAHO Cl) MOlllf *•lo\ "Comin· Round Tiie Mounllln" (111511 Abbott end Co111110. Dorothy Siiiy e MAGIC Of OIL PAIHTIHO ! :,::::WO YEARS •• "CAMel Solittlfe" pea 11 Franc:oiM Feblan. Dayle Htclelon. ~ 12:00 II THME STOOO~ ·~ "TM Flylng Gulllollne" (No Date • WOOOWNOKTS 8HOf' "TM Straight And Nar- row" Ii) OF EAllTH AND MAH ··~: The GolClln Door" <ID~ * * 'h "~For Your U'9, Cl\erlle ._,I.. (1971: Animated. Cl>MOll'll • ** "A Chrlt1m1t Cator· ( tN 11 ..._..., Sim, K9tllletn H9Tteon .MOYll * * "Slturdly TM 14th" (IN t I Rlchwel Ben)M'\ln. Pa.M Pr9nU9a. 1HO. (I) NP\. TOOAY Look at *"""" Loa MQll9a llM lccepltd "' new teem, Ille Raid•" Brent Muaburg« !'!Ott• • OMOMONO "U.S. Ha1tonalt" • OUIT All WITH ~NOAO ··~1on Of Tile Fll1h Potltlon" (ii) Cl' EART'H AND MAH "CUIM: Thi M1nm1d• World" 9 KIDeWOfllU> '9 Mov. • • "Thi Cltmp " (1t44) SuMnnl Fo.1«. Borle Kar- IOff. 12:46 D 8 NCAA BAIKET8All lowt Hewlceyee at UCLA BNin• t:OO B1ll NfLFOOTIAU. lo. ~ Remtl •• lo. Angeiee A11d1re (Gem• mey be~ out.I e THI MUNITtM Vecatlon-tlound Herman blundtrl Into a remote lndlen llllllgl aft« 1M It accldtntally WI behind I t • CIMlf1 train ttltloft.. G WILD, Wll.DWUT WMt .. k~ by t madmen wtio pletll 10 er-. •t• .. "'.. •••• k '"9· Clom ltlat w4ll conttOI entp- plng ..,__ i ~'ITC>f'Ta. • *'A "Man Of Thi WMI" ( tllMI Gery Cooper. Julll London. A rllfonnecl OUI• law • forcaod bec:k Into • 11'9 Of c:rtfM. • NOVA "Treoklng Tiie Supar- tretn1" An ln.,..tlgatlve report on 1111 conetrucoon ofa Jep-h~ lraln llne ~ LOI Ange!M and 8an Diego, wllleh It .,.led for OOtl'lpi9. !Ion by 1Hll, It pr-teel i OCVNUI: THI MANNI~ 9 MOYll * • ~ .. 8a11 Ooodblf•. M1gv11 Cote" ( 1tr21 S-H.,,...wd. o.rr.n McGeWI. cmMCM1 • * * "JeGll TM Olant Kiiier" t 1H21 Kerwin MilttlftS, Judi Mer.ollfl, 1:IO • ~ ""°°" ,.. • ,...,d '°' MWlg Cllllil Wiid hole'• .... ,.,. ,_,.., ,. ""*" .,, lndlan CHANNO. LISTINGS lbeblf=--TMIN ~THI MAW~l .... rT 9 KNXT IC9SJ (Ml l<OOC (Ind.) 9 ICNBC INBCI co. On Tl/ e KT~ llnd I ,, z-rv .ICABC IABCI '"' 1100 eKFM8 fCBSI re <Cf,,..•nit•l • f(HJ TV (Ind l !f l (W0 At NY.,N V eKCST IABCI IJ1) (WT85> e 1Cn1111nct 1 ,, IESPNI e ICCOP·TV (Ind I II IShowllmtl e KCET CPISI • SootllOlll ti KOCI I "ISi • lC .. t>le Nf'*' N~lwork I ~=M(l9C)X ••• "l.0¥9 .... Or~ Me" (1HI) Oorll O.V.· Jemee e.,.,,. .MOYll ••• "La Ceta Au• ,olaa 11" (1NO) UIO TOfftml, MIOMI..,,..... (J) OHAAL9 OHAW\JN OffTHaP'ILM .... ... -.ue..,...., lfla"9Cflf •~,,.. mlMlle, IM Alt ,erce . • •MMM ...... ,. ......... tu a tltlllflt • ,..,....,_ 1111 IMllll ~ llft '"-*'lie ~ .. , ..... .,...... 1i c.e11a1trMe11 •• eut "' .............. IOllNI 11 .MCMI • • • Hankr tank ( , .. ti Cl•k CMbla LIWl<I ~n:.o. eutlfllll fOOA't' "819t1fn9 And ~ A Retl-11111" Tiie -of • gourmet r••-ant and 1he ce--ownere Of 1 oon .. lhop CllacuM Iha r-dt and Clftftouttlet In lllfllng and running I r•teutatll. ID AMINCA: THI llCOHO OINTUlllY • MOlltl ••lo\ "l •Old\Oray" (1Q4:11 Oeotge Ael1, P11 o·•ien tC)MCMI * • "C11tle King" ( 1to3) "ablf1 T 1ytot, Joen Ceul· 1111<1 (}l)MOVll •• "' "hp•" 11••11 G-ge c &ou. Timo111y Hulton (%)MOVIE * "Mo<lltn Prot>!am1" (IN 1) Cr.evy CNN, Petti O'ArOlnvlU. 2:aC> 8 OILUGAH'l 111..AHO Mr Howell con•t• to beca Gtnger'1 8'0.0...ey pit y tor It• out..Of·New York tryout on tlM lllan<I (!) 0000 T1MU Wlllon•'• Chfletmu )oy 11 111,.111n1CI when •h• .. .,,,, tlult her mOll prlCl- OU• glfl mw; be taken from h9f • WRIT'lfl'I WON<8HOP GUNI. Geo<ge Pllmpton G AMIAICA: THE SECOND CEHTUM' @) SHONMITH 3:00 0 Pl.AY90Y'8 All- AMERICAH TEAM: COLLEGI BA&l<ET'BALL '13 U MO\llE • * "Stnll Cleu1 Conqu9fl Tiie M1tllan1" ( 1"4) JOhn Call. Leon9td HICka Cil llE4T Of MIDNIOHT SPECIAL Holl Roy Orb laon GUMt1. Thi O.lhtr1, OM Sh•nnon. J9dlle Wiiton. Bobby 11... Lloyd Pl'lee, Ou-Eddy, Tommy Ro9. (!) UTT\.I "°'*OH T~EPfWM A lonely old woman WMO· 9tlf (Hermione ~) trlet to Nttta In Wtlnlll Gro-. -~ * * • "P1lm 8pr1ng1 WHkenCI" c 11le3J Troy Donallu., Connie Stevena. fB PAOFll.l.l IN AMERICAN ART WIHl•m Whllllklf .• painter with cllllnll• Ideal about the artlllciellty of tlM 20th century, I• prollleel; Alell· ~ §aNCW..TMAT "Hol Hero &.ndWlc:h" Aol>«t ~. Merlo TtlOmll. a.ttlet9 Wlltera """en-..,,_ ..... Chrletmaa tnall'IOo1ea, bOlll blttM encl ...... ,.., (D)MOYW * * * "Aefvee" (IN I) Anne Twom•y. J eme1 Congdon UO Q OH CAMPUS "81g ButlneM" at LoYOI• Meryinounl COfl9gl I WOfW..D OF 800t(I 8EWINO f'OW'E.R KODAK AU.. AMENCAH FOOT9AU TUM A Mlull IO OUltlan<llng P'•Y"f'• In OOlleGI 1001 bell .. 111«1.0 by the Am«l- cen Football Coaell11 ~·ion •• pr-led. [C)MOVIE * * ••it "The Hanging TrM" (11159) Gary Cooper, Mar1e Sd!elt. lJ) WHA ra °" AMe11111CA1 FNturtd: t vlllt with San- lt 'I helpefl U they gMt up for the hotlday ~; wtwtl It tak• 10 be • llkl pelrOlmen. a ...ur.m.n1 home for Ql\lmpe In Flon- da. e PUGE A eenlll olO woman '*""" lndt her family that • !Ult Ind l<Mng put Cllll -be lllten _,,.,, Cll MOVll * * "TM Oa11g T1111 Couldn't 8hOot 8ttalgftt" ( It 71) J«ry Ort>edl, lllgfl T eytor-Y °""O· 1:00. KOONC A.U.• AM1NCAH POOTMU ~ A MMe to outat.lndlng pleyetl In ccllage lootbell .. Mlecltd blf the ~ oan Footbell Coec:llee Aaeoclatlon .. ~ed. I AGNOUI. TUM U.l.A. NI'\. MMAZIHI MOVll "Aege Of Thi O.egon" {!HO) Dragon LM. Cl) 'AUL HIWMAN: A MAH AHO H• MOVlll Thl1 proflte Of 1M poput11 .aotor eu.mtnee .._..,,.,,., fltnl c-Ind lncludM eppeeranoea by toffte Of hi• 00-lllt't • MOYll * * '4 "FO< , .. ,., Salle" ( tt11) 8ertlr• 8tf"llNnd. Mlehael &err lll:ln. • OOWVTll'I ~ • WM'1NG '°"A MAeON ''Tiie ~!Mey'' Cl) IT All TMK ~Int 10 find no~ vor. of .,, llClrioulM• OOl- Olllf. Cept. Klftl ta M'Pl1aed to find ell oolonlaU alMt 111<1 .... OTHI~ ...... Moel .,,....,... "°°'fof'O In hie IOMI of ,_.. •a hit """ '"" .. .... ...... _ ....... Afllll'•h ~ ... ~..,. ..... a... W91.Y L~-ATI Cll>~.1"'1 Holl Clldl c...t ....... .... --.. 1tt1, .,. )'eat Cflattal UndlMrftt ~ tM ""' trMa-Allran-llO 1119M, liquor ll°"9d Ill ........ Md Mtfl ..... -.-... ~ ,,....._......, •wov. •• TUBE TOPPERS KNOC (4) It 00 "lluw ttw Urlnl'l1 WI C.'hrl1lma1." A mJmtly artncoh trln lo t'r ... Chrlllmu f rotn tht• mJndt ol lh«• reaidenl.a ot Whovlll by 1walln1 all of th mau.•rtw aymboi. of the lt'uon KNXT (~) 8:00 -··Deldly Encounu,r '' Larry Ha.rman and Swian Anapach 1t.ar In movie about on ex-<.'Ombat heUcopier ~ Uvlng In MexJco who agttt't to help hl1 former lover when her husband in murde~ back In the atatea. KA.BC (7) 10:00 -"Perry Como'11 Chrislma.8 in Pari3." Angle Oickinaon joins Perry Como fo r a celebration of Christmas. ( 111751 Jac:t. Nlcf\Oleon, Matll Scllne!Olr 4:IO I LAIT OF THI WIU) llMl..+AU. eMATUTP(Hn'I IMT IOI "Ptul Hornung" Hoal Howatd CoeeH Cl) AT THI MOVU Roger Ebert and Gene 8111kel rwvtew "Toot ... ," "Tiie ll«Clic:C," "SQPNe'e Cholcit." "Air plane II The Sequel" ana 1111 "•llnkar of Ille WMil." • IPOAT8 AMENCA "~ Hock9)' Min~ IOta 11•. WllCOfllln" G WNTINO Fa.. A MAIOH "Engllllfl Lenguege· A Brief HltlOt)I" !~T~THE: CAOOOa (I) 80Mtl'HINO'I lt#OOT Jean Slepleton and Andy Gibb ,,., In Ihle mualcel wtloelunlt •bout 10 l\ouM- QUMt• al an Engllah coun- try holMI wllo .,. mu<· 0«.o one by one 8:00. LORHE GREENE'S .-w W1U>£AHUI I IWOEM PLAYIOOt< HAPPY DAYS AOAJN WUWOAU>01 IPOftT8 8c:lleClul9d. CO¥eraQ9 of Ille U S Bolllng CMm- plonlhlClt (lrom lndlanepo. Ha. Incl.). (!) 000 COUf'U ,,.._ la inoenMO When Oac:ar glv" • rlotou1 llCCOVnl ol hit O<IM1""8 on • tlllt 111ow I 80UOGOU> WOOOWRIOHr8 8HOf' "White Tiie Iron'• Hot'' (I) M•A•S•H Turfl9d Clown tor 1 future poaltlon at "°""'· Charlel .. IO lr•I• hi refu-IO lalk 10 anyone In tile unit. IT=.-IOWL AublHn Tiolf• ,,., Botton CoMge Eaglte from OrtM. CIO. Fla. l:='AOBIT •• * .. "Olho9t" ('"'I Ron Moodlf, ~ AMd cmMOVll •• "MaMrt And Howard" I llleOI Paul LeM1t, JMOn Aoberoe. a: 10 (%)CHAN.a CHAMl"UN OH THE F1lM 8CEHE 8=ac> B ::w_ wm< IN MV1a¥ • LAve.NE I SHIRLEY ICOMPNt'f LI-get• lhrown ln10 Jell •11« the la acc:uM<I of thoplifttne 11 an •• e1ue1-. 11ore (!) OOlilOl llAIKET8All De Paul ,,.. Farlelgfl Ole· klf\IOO • mAHIC 1H A TUii: THE OOU>ec AGE Of' TCY'f 80ATI la Andre11 O'Arlegn1n and Ille Thr• Mvllkat_.. beCOIM lnvot"'8d In ano111. " plan to blOea 1111 11111 1n1enllon1 Of the ..,,,,,., CardlnAI fllc:tltlltu llOllntt lhl Fr9'\dl arlltoetKY 'PO' t:20 G HM IAlf<.rTaAU. Loe Ange!M Lahr• va Ptioenlx Sun1 l:lO 8 8 (I) H1W1 0 MARY TYLiA MOORE Tiii motl\9' ol Maty'1 d111 bellev•• that Mery 11 enoao.o to h9f 011\91 ton I AllCt! WHY IH THE WORLD 8NEAK """1.EW8 HNI Gtbler 111<1 Jeffrey Lyon1 11<>11 an lnlormatlve loolc al wf\11'1 new at the mOVlel. (l)MOVIE * • • "Alrplenel" (111801 Robert Heys, Julll Haget· ty. Aller an alrllner'• a- lall1 to 1000 polaonlng, • nervoue lormer wet pllot 11 prMM4 lnlO .-vloe Ind mu11 ~lend wllh on· boatd l'tyttene, • MCretlve c:ontrOI lower and c:llc:fle.. !Nied memor1M 'PO' 7:00 8 IN SfAIQi Of' ... "Tha Gatelln Of Eden" Q FIGHT MCKI Hoel David Horowitz looks at CfeCllt card rtp.dlt, Clan· Qtl'OUI Cit IUn roofa. hOw to get Clltcounll blf Pl)'lng In Cllh, and~ I Color n1m c:ot'IV!Wcilol. 8 PAUl.~A MAH AHO "'8 M0\11£8 Thia profile ol Iha poc>ulat ec:lor examine. Newman·• l~m Cit-I nd lncludlt appeerlflOlll by 110me or hl1 co-1tara. .. MEMORIU WI™ LAWRENCE WUX "Chrl1tmu With TM Mu.._ Cal Family" •c~ CONOAUSIOHAL "90RT G AU. CMAT\JMll OMAT AHO IMAl.L "TM lNt Fur!Ong" J- dllCOverl 11\11 -,.,,.._ 111 Ilk• to do thalt own -.1ng, aMlougll --,.,,._ lhl ,.... can cure tlM ,.,.,.,., . ,,..,, ., Cl) .AACK AHDINOH OONl'IDefTIAl. (II IO YOU TMHI< YOU OOTmoua,a ID MOVll •• 'A "HolllfwOOO s lory" ( 1951) Rlch9rel Conl•. Jullt Ad9m1 lneplred by an unaolved H041ywood mur- Cllf. • movie produc:et •"empt• lo llullfl out llM CUlprtt by proCIUc:lng • mo..te CletllnQ with Iha ~ cmMO\llE * •'!\ "Cheec:h And Chong'e Hice OrH ml" ( 11111) Rlc:tlltd "Cllaec:h" Marin, Thomu Chong Two lnY9ttrale pottlead1 ~ to lie-. found tllelr •rue Cllllng u they peCIClle lol cream °" 1111 1treet1 of Lo. Ange!M. 'R' (%)~ * "Modero Problem•" Rei Hlrrleon narrat• 1 look at Ille poc>ul.,lty Of 10)' bollt In Ille 19111 cen- tury. IM1ur1ng OIO ,_.. ratl footage Of ~ lln· era. bltlllahlpl and IUb- mertn.. e touAMRX>T ~ (I) AlJC( Ao find• "40,000 und« • dlllr In ,,,. diner ( 11111) ClleVy Cll-. P•ltl O'Arblnvtlll Ah.,._. air tra ffic controUec wilb_ numerout ~ prot>- lem1 •• endowed wllll tellldnetlc: ~ afler being Cloutitd *"" nuclear wute 'PO' a wa WOf'l.O 01 ~ 8c:t19d1Aed· -· Of IN u.a. 8oldnO cn- piofW!lpe (IYom lndlanepo- 11, Ind.). ~;:.a::=. IOTH c:.mMt' Oraon w..._ nerra1• 1 mlnW!letory Of 1119 mod«'ll world Clr1wn from lhe Molllelone ...._. .... EVINIHO t:OO I=. c:w. HIWI * * *'4 "MlrllClll On 31th 4treet" (1941) ... _ O'Hll'I, Joflfl Peyna. Ari old man nllMCI t<rla Krln- gla It lllfed by Meoy' I to p111y Sent• aaua 1n "" TlllnllegMng Day patlde. •LYNN~ nNrl~AK't The,_ .... tell• tn en Old man .._ ..,.,.--11 Ml bMll oomer1eo 1n10 • ooi1domtn1um. • MOYll ... 'A ''The Burning Hiiie" (11671 Tab Hllftter, NltAla Wood. Two~ io.... Ilea "" lll*tUl)UIOt.la ~ beton 1n • dalperate llght tor~. • WIU) AMl"90A "Wltel BablH " Mart11 Stoulfet lool!t et how beblf "*'*· tnolUdllll ......... r90000M. CMla Md Min. raarn ~ ... .,.... ... ...-lla¥t ,_,., • lie ..... ttme. ·~MIOCIM ... AUAI MTN N.:J ., ...... TNll An.._. r~ • * "Made '" 'llfi•" ( 1MI) Mn ........ LOUii JowGen. A ,_,. ...,., ..... t IMNon ~Oft ........ .'*""9 • * "nit """ .. 1tt 1111 .. t..., ~ 7:ao 8 DANCE l"EVUI C.lebrlly )UelgN. Vlekl ~Cher* Siebert. Jo1fl Taylor GuH t MIQ\MI 8rnottwfMn • Ola. CMINfll au.t. J«ry AMd I ~ ll'tGHT MCKI Ho.t Dlviel HorOWIU lo<>lla at allwl1)' t•tlng, IOltlng plekpoc:tie11. dec:epllve lebtl•. Md ehllltnOM • •etmup oommtrClllll. 9 IYI OH IAN Dl!OO FMtUf'ed: John a.atty vll- ll• PlllOmar Ot>Mtv1tory, Cflaf George Munger dtm- OMtratM the bulldfn9 of I olnoetbrMd llollaa: JOhn Cl<ntdlna dlteuMM "Bah, Humt>uo:' ®M<MI * * \t .. ,._ F0t YOUf Life. Cllltlle 8rownt" ( 11171 A~ICI. Chante Brown · and Ille ar1tn "'"-'utt" QlnO '-" for -c:emp, ..... tll8'lf baclOfM lmlolwcl In __, w4ld ~t-.'O' 1:00. Cl) HOW THI <IM041TOt.1 CHM1lMI AIW!wHed. A ""'-"If orlnc:t! ltlea tO .,... Cllnttmee lrOlft Ult "*'°' Of Ille ,..._ IMntt of~ by ...... Ing ell of IN meterllll 'lf'TI• b011 of U.--,. \Al • a ,,.IWP',_l"M(7'N-- 8fROK81 I Amdd lmlt!M I ltrwt COf • -...... to )oln "" °""""'*•for QMMlftM :t':oli. ..... "Mf. Ml.lllo" ( ttoO) lln1 Croaby. CharlH Ooclurn. ..,,,. _.,.., of -M•~lhOM ""°~,.....,..,,than ....,.. '**"-~ """ • IMllltloue IOlftl. • 9 T .J. HOC)gt HOokar ...... """ ...... al ...-II\ '* ll9Drtl to ""' ............ .... ..,. ............ ... ..... ,. • ""' ' *"" 6 I 6 t111• I lit • ..,,.., f I ... lt#IMtll More ~ wtnttt f hf ,_ 0..11\eft ... ,~ .. dafMI• "" ........ b .. .., "" ... IOI wit • OO'fMn Daol t , wnlly A pot ti lit Of • lat"ll<IO f.,,,,.., tn 1nc111 IOWMt ....... t'MCMIOift «. ~ 1bill1., 10 Mein lair! the,.,.,.., unll .. Ollng lllfN laned by IOCllW en(! 9'0nOlnlC clleng. IAI Q D IHltOI OAAHGI COUHTY tCJM0\111 • * • "The Oetll.,lng" (1g1e1 Cl A-. MMlr_, S t•plllon Longtime dM- ••ona among 11141m1>1r1 ol the family ol 1 dying m•n C:011141 out In lhe open when hit grown olfaprlllQ o••ller IO< a llnal I.Milly tlUlllOrl (f )PATCOWN8 HYPHOTIZU THE COPS Hypno1111 Pet Cot11n1 turn1 po1iee lnVMtlg•llon into • hlltrlOut 111 •orm 9 MO\llE * * * "T"9 Frtll(;ll Lllu tenant'• Woman" (1111111 Meryl StrH p, J•,.my lron1 An •lfal1 1>11- lwo ac1011 II parallel.o In 1ha romentle petlOCI IHm In whleh the IWO atl petform- lng 'R' 1:30 B (I) 'TWAS THE NIGHT BEFORE CHRlsTMAS An1ma1tc1 Tiii Cllllln• OI • am1H village 1e1rn lhal S1n11'a fatllngs hive DMn "-in by an unalgned 19119' In lh• toce l P•Par denouncing him 11 • m)llh (R) Q QJ SILi/EA SPOONS Ricky end Edward 1peno Chrlstm11 wilh en lmpov erlshed lather and ion llv· Ing In a ca'ia bet1lnd me mansion. (!) LA OOH TRAX fl1D MOVIE • "• '"' "Nothing Sacred' ( 19371 Frld11C March. Car Ole Lomt>trd A termlnalf> Ill gtrl ·-v•• IWO week• of pleasure u P•M of 1 pubtlelly 11unt m MOVIE * * * "The E•lll ( 111<48 DouglH F1lrbant.1 Jr , Marla Mon112 White Ir tklll, King ClllflM II 01 England 11111 In love wllll e peuan1 glrl COJMO\llE * * "Buddy, Buddy' (19811 Jac:ll Lammon. Wal ter Mlttlltu Wlllte ar aaullln c:oncen1ra1e1 or his MXt ~ll"ng. he 11 ru<lol; lnteaupl«I by • t>umbll"' !allure of 1 man wtlo It tttamptlng aulelde 'R' 1:38 (1) CHARLES CHAMPLIN OH THE FlLM SCENE t:oo II (I) MOVIE "D••dly Enc:ou1He1 ' (Premiere) LaHy Hagman Susan Anapac:h. An ••· combal l\lllc:09t9t -llv· Ing In U.1tleo agr-IC helO hi• 1ormet '°"*' wl'l9r her hutbMCI II murel«eo by • crime QM beck In the lllt ... D a GIMME A BRUK Nell 1111<11 • neighbor to c:our1 •11« .,,. le bitten by '*~dog •9 LOWllOAT On a 1pec:le l hollda) ~. • '-"""" pereon b1c:om11 myt llc:t ll) ln"°"'9CI In Ille ...... OI two nuns end _., orpllen1 lrevellng wllll ,,,..,.,, • cou- ple wno h-a ClomMtlC j)<Obllm, end two OCICll>lll aOOk• o 0 THE kAAOY IOY8 I NANCY DREW MYSTEAlf.8 N•ncy 11 determined to restore lhe honor or 1 Cll9t old gentleman who clelm1 lo be San11 Cltua When ha II IOCUMCI Of l>urgltry I WORLD CONCERN MYSTERY ··Metl ..... Guy 11 now lhl IUIPICI In two murOer1 . t>ut • new fw111 p0tnt1 to Me11 ... ·1 lnvOlvement with more than gambling (Pan lli:J ctl)'ON LOCATION "Tiie Seven lh Annu•I Youno-~It' ~floow'' Ho.I. Alen King OUMll Sc:llmoc:k And V•lltly. Miki Mac:OonalO, St"'* Wright. L•rry Amorot end J.J Wiii (l)MOVJE * * "F lllc;on' t Gold" John Marley. Lout• llalane. Oeep In the MllCICAn IUnOlt • Nf• Ind """' blllle wagee over an ancient golden lrMl<Kt wllll my1- leriou1 powlfl. ClJ MOVIE * * "Chanel Sotllalrt " {191111 Franc:oi.. Fet>len, Dayle HaCIClon. •.ao Q 8 LOVE. SIDNEY Palll per1uad1• he r motl\9' to Ill IMr lue bat· let'"'°"'· (!) aouo GOU> OHAllTMAS 8PEClAL Ho.ti: Rex Smith, M1rllyn Mc:Coo. Gues11: Thi Chip- munk•. Mar.. Oamonel, Peter, Paul & Mary, Donn• Summer. Siii., Sledge, John Scllnelder, AndrM Crouc:ll. The Oall Ridge Bolfa, America 10:00 0 8 THI DfVUN OOHNECTIOH Nlcll •-tlgAIM the mur der of • "•'·Hl•t• ~··Mc:ntl•ry ··=OOMO'I CHMTMAI 1H 'A1418 Angla Oldllnaon, Patlllan variety 1t11t1 UM ~. Ftenell dMIOMr Pierre Cardin and thl Bolfa' Cflolt of HOite own. join Pwry Como !'qr • oeMOr'8110n Of Ctwtetmea. • MOYll ,. * ... ..,..,,. Honey ,..,. .. ( tta71 Ru Harrlaon, Su11n Ha)'Ward. ThrM -Wiit lhett fOfl'l'W I0¥9r IO he CM decide Wflo will Inherit Illa ....... •IOUO~ POI.NC): TWO WlllCI .. WINTM The eYentl In Polend In OeotmO. of ,. '· et WfllOtl lime • nlllltary , ..... -"""'*' tM ~ ltf• 8*8tlty ,,..,. unlotl 111\d tM llQpe64of .,., .. lbtlOn ~ tlle OOlftl'llUnlll .._ .,.._. 1011• • MOY!& • 6•\t ''1119 WM ••• ••• , t Ii••<,, .. "" GhOnf • Iii. • L>tHm1 1 IH '' noe1,.,11 <.1-.ri .,..,1t1 f """'.. r."°"11 f-.O ""'9tlllll P011'ee0• ""*" te llllve IOI.Incl their trw CelllnQ • ~ Pllddl9 IGI c;1eem on Ille tl•Mta Of Loe~ A to.JO. JACte AHC«MOH ~ • MOVll ••'A "Ol9"'ond Jim · t tt)SI ldwtrd Atnold. J-• Ah hur ··01amone1 Jim" Brady dl11>ley1 1111 PIOChlrll lor IOO<I and line women during 11>1 Gey Ntnetlel (11) VIOl!O JUKUOX IOIMOVll "lnMIU" (1978) Rl<.fll ld Oteytu11, J11tlc1 Har1)91 ')( t&I& 8 IATU"DAY 8~l8 PAGI 11·ooeeaC1>oat NEWI • HORSE RACIHO "LOI Al-lo'• ChamPtQn 01 Cllamp10n1 tD MOVIE * * Speed King Robltt Hardy Jennifer Hll•rv Brtlllh mo1or eog1-sir M.:aleolm Ca mpbe ll b9ciornea 1ne llr11 man to uGM<I 300 ml ... pet hour on land Cl) MOVIE • • • 'Hla M1 jesty O'KMll ( 195-4) Burt Len· . Cltla<. Joan Rice A mer· e~ary 11 lorC4Mj to r1g111 hll mor1a1....,..y (f1) MOlllE ••"A "Tep1" 119111) George C Scott. Timothy Hullon Mllltery 1c:hool cadet• tile• o~er their IChOOI 10 prevent plan1 10 tutn Iha audemy property ln10 a condo developrnenl 'PG' (.S)BIZARRE John Syner 1how1 you 1h1ng1 11renger than truth, larger than Ille, end ianoer lhen anylhlng you ve eve< -(ZJMOVtE * * "The F1fl\Cll Woman (111111) Frlll\COIM Fabian O•)lle Hteldon A borG.ilo belf>Q kept open by • gov. ernrnen1 tul>ll<ly 11 the _,. or murder and po11u. cat ac:and•t when • Ill p C:Ullom9f II pl\otogr IPl>9CI et play. 'A' t 1:30 IJ THE AOCKFORO AL.EB Rockford P<>MI 11 • newa.- P&I*' publlaher when he lnllltrll*' a "charity" club lor a my11er10us cllent who IUIPICll I rlgge<J gam- bllnq_ ope.-•Uon 0 Q! SATURDAY NIGHT LlllE Hott How1ro H"Mm•n G..-11 Men Al Wortt, mime 8111 lrwln. (R) • ENTERTAINMENT THllWUI< lnllt'lllewl wtlh Bruce Box· llltnet, Roaemery Clooney, Robby a.neon. and mlm• l>lfl of Allblme. • IOOlt a1 ..,.,, 8roedwllf ""' tum io~=A8 • * "Tiii Oulll<ll Man" ( 1972) Ann-M11tgr,.I, Jean Tnnl!Qnanl An unlmown "'1 tnan rtlen lleuly tr lcil 1 • hit 1arge1 through lhl 11.-a ol Loe A~ . 9 MOVIE * * • "My Name 11 No t>oely" (11741 Henry Fonde TerenGI HHI An aging gunllghll!f hoping ro r.i1r1 Into anonymity It lhWaMecl by •n arrogant young drllter wllo haa 011* p1en1 • CC) MOVIE ' ;-* • * '" "Tiie Hanging TrM " ( 1959) Gery Coop«,' Mena Schell A doctor ktti. > • man while rueulng • glrl i • and la elmoll l)'ncMd by• drunken mob MOVIE * * * '"' "Carnal Know!-l · edge" (1911l J.ICll NJc~I? 0 eon, Ann-M1rgre1 Two .c COiiege lrlen<lt llPlfl<l MY· , , er at Y"I' • before '"° en er • grlduellon dllCOYtrlng Ille ' / by lharlng and swttc:Nng MCh other'• glt11ritncSt "R' DMOVIE .. • * "S.1urday Thi 14th" , CIN11 Rtollard Ben>-n!n . Paul• Prentlu A couple' dlac:ovat 1hll !he houM" they'-. lnh«tteel la belngi occupied by v1mplr .... gholt1 end "80<1.0 mon· 119tt 'PO' 11·48 8 MOVIE 1 * * * "Flnlan'1 Rainbow" ( 11168) Fred Alllolre, ~al Clerk An lrllhman I nd hl1 daughter 118'1111 lrom lllelr" nellv. land 10 Iha Unttec!l' • StllM wttll 1 lepreellaun: on tllelr 1ra11 1 12:00 Cl) NEWS 12:30 8 NAME Of' THE GAME l A reporter QOM to New Mexk:o to find out wtllf •' yQUng lndlln IOOll the 1111 • Of his bo)lhoo<l lrlenel. • LAUGHTIWC (!) flltOM TH! EDn'OA'S f Ol8K • TANG~90WL ' Auburn llglf1 "' Botton Colllga EaglM from Orlan- do, Fla. (a>MOW "P ... te Mr Poetman"" l1N 1) Loni Slndtrl 1:00 D IVINNO AT THa IM"K>V G MIT Of' MIOMOHT IPIQAL Ho11 Ao11 Orbteon Owtte· The OrlfttQ, 811ennon, JllOkte w"'°"'' lobby 11... UolfCI llltlce.1 ~~,Tommy Aoe 1 • * • "Cap1e1n Carey U I .A " (tteO) Alan Udd, • Wltlda Henctrl1t 'otlowln01 WOfld W81 tt. an 01$ IO*fll tel\lme to Itel)' In Maroh °' In Informer. ·= •• " "TM nt.-r-9l-V::1r ( IHt) AoWI "°'10ft,$ ~ Plluld. "'-'t ... fr91'11 en __. .,,_.. •" ~.:; ltetton. t •••"T~AI~ llN tJ Aloldr9y Hlielbwn'° lel'l 0u.urL 1 ' r t { ., ~(]hurches set concerts ., ut liand.,I'• "Tht- be performed by ttw lrvlae Pre1 · byterlaa Cburcb choir at 7 p.m. Sunday at the c hur c h . The concert is und~r the d irection of Jap W yma, doctoral candidate at USC. WDIA A short concert of ancient carols and art sonp will be preeented by vocalist Abby Alderman at'l0:30 a.m. Sunday at the service of t~ Ualtarlaa-Uaiversalht1 of Lquna Beach. The Branc h , a n 80 -votce high school-college t•hoir, will present 1t Christmas concert at 6 p.m . Sunday at the San Clemente Presbyterian Cbarcb. L :T h e a n n u a 1 C h r i s t m a s cahdleUghting service of the New T•~•&b.I Cbrlttlao Cburcb will be held at 7:30 p.m. Thursday at 2101 A Chris tmas musical and live pageant will be presented tonight at 7:30 and Sunday at 6 p .m .. at the Harbor Cbrlatian FeUow1bJp, Cost.a Mesa. • Cl ~ llome gears up for throngs I • ~ME (AP) -The Communist-led ' dty government here is racing to meet t t.hM challenge of welcoming millions oLpilgrims to the alfeady-t overcrowded city for the Holy Year um!xpectedly proclaimed by Pope -1 John Paul II for 1983. ~ ~ South Coast. Community Church Services 8 :30 A.M. & l 0: 15 A .M. Corona del Mar High School, 2101 Ea•tbluff Or., Corona del Mar "Not All Spare ln11ader!f Are In The Arcade" 1·;,,, Ti1111UOll1' Spt•1tli.illl' Yr .iU '" """ Orange Coast RELIGIOUS " 1st CUCH of.REUGIOOS SCDCE OF IDPORT BEACH ..... Chlrdt IJl'lilld Duch "' Rlllious Sclenct CE.l!llRATION OF UFI! ~~ MRVICI! 10:00 A..M. ·~i91 i''. Sund.y w-1-ChlW c-. , .. v_, .. , 11111 If ~· DlllllllSIUI" "Diot-An-tn'tpiration" -760-0504' 1011 CanMlboc:ti, Newport leach ll <• ........ ~ 1'\wk ~ -M.ie . .....,. 760-9474 "· ~hurch of St. Matthew by the Sea , • ~ • (Trlldltlonel Eptecopel) ~ I no OLY co=:'~~~~u~~:1a,· 9:00 AM l ~ MERTZ HALL !o> ~f. Community Congregational Church lo 611 Heliotrope, Corona del Mar ~ n• The Rew. JalftM Hohfeld -512·2201 ~ WELCOMES YOU ~ 3209 Via lido, Newport Beach 11iundeJ i:OO A.M. Prar•r Book, Hoty Communion · 1~ t:OO A.M. Church 8chool •nd Adult Eduo•tlon aoSund•Y 10:00 A.M. ''"' aund.y, Pr•yer Book Hoty Communion Sund•J• A theruher, Holy !ucharl1t, Alt• II ttt· MO a 1M0 A.II. ......, Care Ll<l CHANAIAT1C MAU 911 P'lmlundllfeftMllonth-f*»P.M. ~ti T....-, -1MO A.IL Hotr •uotwtet 9V ........ hmoe Wfttl Laytftt Oft Of Heftde h TM MV. John P. A•hey H, f'Mt~ -PhOM t75-0210 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCHES 8llAHCHU Of' T1* MOTHER CHUACH. T1* flAST CMVACH OI CHN8T, taamaT IN 908TOlll. MAUACt11J8ETTS "la The Unlverae, Including Mon, lvol,;•d by Atomic forceT0 Sunday, ~•mbet 19, 1913 Coeta M"a -Flret Church of Chrl•t. 8clentl1t _ ..... v.,.~ .. eo.ta....._ etturoet a ...., ...., -10.GI A.M. ......_.Room, -..... v ...... Dr. I A.M.-4:IO P.M. Mon. lbna let. W9d. 7-~ P.M, -f.e:IO P.M. lrvlne -Flrat Church ·of Chrl1t, 8ctentt1t "-ndto len Joequtn ............... lcMol 4111 lllct.111111 (Nw Y•) Churdt a 8uMeJ 8chool -10:00 A.Iii. "-ding 9'oom, 4a30 lenenc. Pkwy., Sult• 145 •tonettunt ttt.u 10 A.M. -4 P.M. Mon. thru Set. 10 A.M. -7 P.M. Thu'9day CNld c.... -s..ndey aw~ Huntington Beach -Flret Church of Chrtat, Sclentlat -• Oflwe, Hufltlngton .._., Churctl a 8Uftder lchool -10:00 A.II. ........ Room -rm Mein It. Newport Beach -First Church of Chrlat, Sclentlat "°' vi. Udo, N9wport a..ch Church a lundllJ 8chool -t:OO a 10:30 A.M. AHdlng 9'oom, 3315 Vi. Lido Mon. thru .... -• A.M.·5 P.M. TU.I. -7-t P.M. Cl"'4 Cw• P¥o-r.-.,._ ~' UO-A..M.. '°' ~ r.,,.. Newport Beach -Second Church of Chrl1t, Sclentlat a'taio hcftlc V19w Dr .. Corona c1e1 .. Churdl a 1unc1eJ 8chool -10:00 A.M. .......,. Room -llOO "9" L Cqeet Hwy., CdM WED. l!WNINQ TESTIMONY Ml!ETINQ8 - I P.M. ALL CHURCHES All ••• c:ordlalty lf'tVtted to attend the ehuretl l«Ylcel aod anlOY the prMleQ9a ol the RMdlog Roome. Child Care Provl<Md Af ALL SERVlCES. CMd C.. "owlded AT ALL Nf'vtCH SERMON TOPIC: DEC. 19th 9:00 & 11 :00 A.M . "Fi14'11 Thi P1rhot lift" Rev. Peggy Baaaett CUCH OF RELIGIOUS SCIENCE Mtlmber of the United Church of A911gloue Scl9llCe SEACLIFF VILLAGE SUITE 45, 22?3 MAIN STREET HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92&48 Adulte a Jr. Church FOf lnfonnatlon r A CORDtAL WElCOIE FROMM lllTED CtutCH OF Cl«IST HARBOR CHRISTIAN CHURCH (Dtaclptee of Chrtet) ~1..,,.,.. ........ ....,... ....,..1 COlllNTY CUCH CONGRE&A TIOIW. 111 ............... . COfONtdetller 144-7400 Doneld W. Kuta. ......., 10 A.M. -_...., Wonttlp °""" ldlooj ..... ......., c.e fEGtllORHOOD CONGREGATIONAL CtUtCH J40ll All'1,.. .. ...,,..Lit-..... 494-8061 .... It. Ml9lllDS IMIW[T .. lmlllDl ...... lOut---,.._ Clll'dl Sdllll I ...._., ·y ' - Momilr Worship 10 AM Slllday School 9 AM ca... twllftMfl, Mlnteter Attend The Church of Your Choice IT. M PReSllYTEAIA HURCH ........ Dr .............. *•1*1 !leech -.. w-.. lloQuoN ""· Tonr Wott. ...... AMootete ..... Rodger Whitten, Music Dir9Cf0t · Church School & Adult CluaM -8:00 a.m. WOl'lt\~ ~ -10:00 a.m. NiirMrJ Care ath HOU,. -FiilnJO:Cilr~f A Cordial Welcome from The UNITED METHODIST CHU CH Coeta MMe FIRST UNITl!D MITHODtST CHURCH 19th St. I Hatt>or BIYd. Ctturdt ....... leJO Wonhlp 1MI Chatlea D. Cfark, Mlnleter MISAWRDE UNITl!D MllltODllT CHURCH W°""'llt a Ctwnllt ldlOOI .......... ChrtetMM ht'1o .. 7:00-11:00 p.m. Huntington e.ct'I FIRST UNlnD MiTHODl8T CHURCH 2721 17th St. 536-3537 Wonhlp a.'floe 1Ct11 Lm. ~ca.. ........ Churoh .....,_._ a.m. HunHngton e.ct'I North COMMUNITY UNl'RD METHODIST CHURCH 8e62 H911 Ave. M2....e1 Wonhlphmoe l::JO. 1MO .. ~~10:00 CHRllT CHU IV THI l!A Fountain Vllley NewD«t a..cti FIRST UNITl!D 1400 w. Balboll Blvd. 873-3806 Ml!THODIST CHURCH · Rev. Aot>ett Sheperd Jr. 18225 ~d St L..-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~J1 wonttapaC~loheol ta.a.a m.•lll!~----~--~~-~~~~1111 t40 A.II. Of. Cerrol E. Word, Mlnleter 10 & 10:30 63&-5150, 53&-833e South Coast Soi11oi of li1d ·~ '1:'°°' •°""'II:.:~ ..... New Place -New Time ,. A.11...t ,..... ...,.,_....._.. NIWPORT Cl!NTIR UNl'RD MliTHODllT Orance Coast Cole1e •1 .....,., ... """' c...... .. ..., Science lectt.re Hal # 1 M4-0741 Rev. Emit Nytandtf (Off Aclom• St. '°'"'"t1 le•l Wor hip & Church Sch~-9:30 A.M. Service 10 A.M. R.v. Ken McMiiian Reverend Ernie Nylander • Mlnlster Reverend Christian Sorensen-Associate (213) 431-8595 Parking Is FREE and Essy Sund•Y School 10 A.M. Come •nd •XSMJrlence theM dyumlc Ind lllumlnatlng epeekara. - You WIU • Welcotried -Andttelpedl FIRIT CHRISTIAN CHURCH ..... MMM, .............. ~Vi c ...... -M1a1t:Jo . 'Wonhlp -l:OO, 10llO ....... lcOO p.m •. At9w.'teutha..,. .... , ....... On91MllMITIM Mlilt ''"'· De.,. MlllOOIM, Ttd M0«9 6 Mlll'Of lcfan 'DtA[:l:odonoM -... 1111 OMle --.1111 ........... CtwtM .... _.. ... _...__,_;. ____________________ ...... -.._"--____ ~ ......... -~-----"-----~ ------------ I I I IA NT .CHAI&. AND ALL ANOILI l"ICO,AL OHUflOH Holy OommU'110n 9unday1 .I I 10 a m Tunday 7 o m W dnetd•V• O 30 1 m TIN R.Vtlrllnd Jvhn RO(Jurt O•Vll, ,_tor '2U ,eoltto YleW DtlH 71.4/M4..Q413 Corona del Mer t2t26 Al.I. SAINTS ANC;l.U:AN EPISCOPAi. c:11 u1u :Jt ll:i082 Ru•hard ,,_, I ....... , t uu1111111 \ iill"Y '>6'.\-:J80 I CllHISTMAS St:ltVU:t:s Chn~rrnu 1-. vt'. 5 :m P M GlulJrt'u'a Page11111 •nd Holy Comrnu11111n I 0: I ~> P M Cuol1, Evensong 1111d lloly Commurnon Chn11 rru1a l>a v 1>:00 P.M. llnlv C.11111111u111u11 St. Stephen'i. U:OO A.M. Holy Co111mu111011 9: 15 and 11 00 A M. Ft'altv1•J of LesltOni. and Carols COMMUNITY PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 4 15 Forest Ave., loguno Beoch 49.4 .7555 INVITES YOU TO SHARE OUR CHRIST MAS CELEBRATIONS "SUNDAY, Dec. 19, Wonhip S..Vk.e 10:15 a.m. , Po\10< Je"y 1 onlte•sley Preoc~ong "A SA VIOll IS IOllH" . . Fomoly Ch,.i•mos feSl••OI 6 30 pm Progiom by WENDY HOFHflMH M1.JS1C•0'1 0'1d Rec.Ofd•ng A'"'' •falDAY, O.C. 24, ChrKtma• fva Condlel.gh1 Se<v•C e I I p m + .. · ·+. : .. ··:t Potoo• Je"y Tankersley p,.•och•ng "CHllST THE LOID'' Ch,.simos Mus•c by Tl\e Ctooncel Cho" ·suNDAY, o.c. 26, Wonhlp Se.vice 10:15 a.m. Po\10t Je"y Tankersley P1eocl\•n11 "DIUVD US" •fttDAY, Dec. 31, 7:30 p.m. New Yeor'1 Ewe Commvn•Ot'I Service '"''"'°"' t01.<uiqi c~ ~ ~ 09" • o "' ~'1 +- (1rr1.icf itor• ~'".oed ..,....,. -o~ .., .. • .... 0. --.. , .... ...i.y ... c.-.- This Sunday Worship In ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 600 St. Andrew. RCMMS • Newport a..ctl • 831-2880 Dr. -A. ......... ,,_ Worship Services-7:30-8:45 & 10:15 AM ".letu -fte Eterfasflq Fathr" 0.. John A. Hvffmon, pt-t>lng PROGRAMS 7:30 a.m . -Infants Thru Kindergarten. Child Care 8:45 a.m. -Infants Thru Adutt Cluses 10:15 a.m. -Infants Thru 6th Grade & Adull Classes A8C ....,.._ .. 2222 Community Preabyterlen Church 411 '°'"' ..... Llljuna Beech .... 7111 Rev. Arthur J. Tank~ Rev. Craig Wiiiiams Christian Education 9:00-10:00 A.M. Worlhlp -10: 15 A.M. NURSER'!' CARI! ~VI0£0 O\JRING SERVICE PRESBYTERIAN CtlJRCH OF THE COVENANT -,alntew Rd.. Coeta ..... -11'74MO ....... 1( ....... ........ Terry Mc<Anne, Dlr.ctor of Youth Mlnlstlee Howard Kllllon. Director of Adult Mlntetl1M Don Maddox. Director of Slngtea Mlnlett1M lwldlr..W.mblJL-~. Ctturofl loheol -C....... lttN Adutta 10iilii A.II. NwMrr cer'9 ......... -e:ao a 10:00 A.M. v...-.-f*»P.IL CHURCH OF CHRIST ., w ...... Coeta ..... 14641'1 We're A Go!, -Giowtng.-GroWtng Church UNDAY ARYICal 89L.R ITUOY t A.IL WC>ft .... 10 A.II. A t P.M. 10 Ut -"M SON'S OllO>DCE" __ .. , .. 6 , Jl -"llfTO US A CHU> IS BORN" _ ... hut ThomM, Mtnaetiar -DoU9 Cote, Youttl ......... (!) SHIR HA-MA 'ALOT HARBOR ReFORM TEMPL! lebbelh ... wtoee ,,..,.~ l:tt P.M. ll'ftltJlenloe NOP& . -. ....... t 'rldeJ of lh9 MOnlh Rabbi Bernard P. King Jamt>orM & Eutbluff Of. Muelc: Arie Shlklef Newport BMcl\, Cellf. '°' lntcM'metloft ....... ,.. EducatOf: Nancy Levin ,_. ..,_on ¥Nloolfta - . TEMPLESH or:PV r.:1vi.--ttve) ¥ Pre-School -HebreW & Sunday School IWIMltzvah Training Youth Oroup-Sleterhood s.Mcee: Friday, 8:16 p.m. Sat. 0:15 a.m. Sun. 8:30 a.m. 917 w .. t Hentftton, Coeta M ... U1-1212 U.MMKS.aa.LO 'amftV 8erVIOM . 1•1 fl'rlday di Month -t~ao AtllglOue 8chool, Mult £d .. Youth ~ llf9M 1011 Cemelbeok, Newport 8wh tett......,•> ..... , . Ceftter RoMld •·,...... • 1-.ue. lllrtlM YM llMMe i- NI W IUllNlllM Cont1ot the DAIL V fttLOT for Information r•1•rdln1 t h• oounty requtrement1 fOf u11ng 1 'l0Utlou1 lualn••• Name. Or1n91 Mme -------'~lUM't. ,. lultlf "!11n.ftl:r ·~ Ir 11 ........ .., , .......... '" ~~ ,, .. r:;::;.;."..-.~ •• Cl•lttl ,~,..., ..... ff "'&::t:'OMllJO .... ... 'AL I ADii flHHll caut............. ""'N tNll ll1111lM• IHO fl .. tl 11111 "' U~on trtt 11 lfltltA. J ania Altt. OA IA/1 "l~AIHANCU tltlAlfH U1lt1 l l fMIC!11 ,.._.,.,,1 0-.11 l,A lialal, OA mu lllUt llAV CH Ill l'llNAllUNCll 11~1111 llan•l•tl tt11hlllh1"1. J Ill I MlahH I N HolMI 1HJ a 1 ti l A I I H C I N I I Pl 1 ( 0 l fJ11e Mtr na11 M1 """' 111to ~..:!,..,11 lt1. tt11nltn(llon IMUt lkwlittl IMll Ana, CA 11 t01 "r HA I I 8 A. NC I II f A l f I 10th II 0111071 Haw!ltHI h•ar h t A --aon11 1 11oo•. 11u a t '""ouncr 112u 1100111 111 . 111411111 Tflle ----11 4.ooOUc;ted l>'I'"' •Mllol lartl1 ~ CA. 1210t louth lao--. CA tHlt 111mtl• KO M&oN1.1Uy tUU ......... ..,,.. • ,._. .,lgh" A.ndr•• ..... , ~ •U• ••tha t lllHO'! ~I 9"cfl CA )(~I hathalll\anl fhle tlll-11wM1111c1 wtlll ""' lrt1Ckt 11 lo1.11h l eg1.1n•. CA tnotl fhll llltan'l9tl •• hlad With ,,,. 1..oun1, Clerk ~ °'•• C-•ly Oii ntn 1111• bull•-· •• I OliOIH:lld Dy an COul\ly 0*11 Of Otangt ~ty Oil l>eQ ... IHf fhll buail-It Qon<M."1111 by I/I tlldMIJUAI Dae 11, IN2 ,_.,.. lndl~ 1'•11 ... 1 K McNo.ilty .... m 1'1.1bll•h•d Oreno• Co111 Dally Johll A LMI 1111• •lllt1mettl ...... 111110 '""' '"" Publlallld Orano• Co111 Oa l1. l"ltol, o.o it. 211. tHf, Jat1 1. I, fhlt 1tattmtnt wM llllCI with thl c''""'Y C:tetk or onnoe l.0un1v on Piiot, o.ci 11, 2111, '9112 Jen 1, . 1"3 COuniy c 11r• Of Oranoe Counly on o.i. 1 111e;.a I~ f>.4"42 Nov !I, 11112 f>.4"12 ,,.. PUBUC NOTICE P1.1011enao Orenoe CoH• Delly PllOI, Dae 11, HI ,6, tH2. Jen 1, rta.JC NOTICE ~ P1.1b1tan•t1 O• •11;1 (;0111 Dally 111101 De\. .. t I 18, 20 IQH ~248 112 Ml IC MJOCt ~ '': . ..,. . llw I 't I ..... 111 lllihf fN _., ...... ,............. :1:: .. I AJ 11 .. lfH 1n1 AN D• W 'OIU HA .. 10 lflAUlltll !CH ,Al~ l1UI INV ··~lllll UU·I YI• ll I llMOlhl 1C1 lAll INOltl ~_,.,CA ..... rMl"OIOI IUI GIJl!Alr I O=ll .,.AYI !1a :· Of Nllll fl I IN00 Nt llAN UCMl.'!' I --..i, t RAOf LC>HtlJl I AN 11 i!0 3 MAY 'AMll.Y ,Alt 1 Mltenu Wit CCIII• W111 C.A ~Vie UIN.....,,.,. tit?/ CA.,_ lioMJ11 I Co.in Mt 2423 MtMnO I T A N L I Y ' A M I L Y Way Co111 M1t ... CA 91817 PA.l'WTNIMHIP U:Jt..I Vie Lieto, N111~r D1n111a 203 M1tet1Q ~ 9eedlf0A .,_ \ Wey Cotll MAt CA tt18:>7 JACK IAe lllOAV, ........ ~ Tht• tJo.illHllH .. condvCIMi by I l.JdO. ~ 9eedl. CA Hit* getlef81 pettnerahlp Tl* ~ le OOI:...._. ~ • s f C...tle "91*81 pet1Mrlfllp. CO\•nly Cllfk 01 O••"OI C..Ol.lnty on l'I ll91119y Dec. I •OU Ttllll tt.•lement -flied .. 'ICmiU Counly Cleflc Of Ot.no-~ ,.CTITIOUI IUl lNlll l'llOlltheO Orang• Cout Oa:ty Dec. fl , 11112 'IOTmOU• au...... MAMI ITATIMI NT Piiot. Dec; 4, 'I HI. 2ti 11182 11183 DOING BUSINESS UNDER A FICTITIOUS lnta al1llttlltll ..... ltltd #!lh the ·~ ,.,,,,,, ~ ...... I TAT'llmNT lh• ro1111w:ng p11ton :a 001110 Ml.IC NOTICE 5'76 82 P1.1bt11h1d 01anoe Cout D lhl lollowlng P«90tl• 811 UO!n\I blla•rtHt n rta.JC NOTIC( Pllol Dec 11, 26, !M2, Jen 1, ~ U lHIC PIPER & A.SSOCIAIES 1------------•ICTITIOUl llUelNUI -----------!lle3 PA C IF IC H 0 RI l 0 N 2600 C Nulwood Sull• 1100 lllCTmOUl llU.-H MAim ITATDmM'T l'UBLIC NOTICE N7~ INTERNATIONAL 206112 Ptbblt ~ul .. flon CA 112631 NAm ITATa•NT The lollowlng pereon It dotng l.11 , Hunllnglon Baectl. CA. 921148 Ettc Nell Plj)lf 37 14 61u1 Key Thi lollowlng l)«IOl'll Me dOltlQ OU"-u : MOTIC• M ~ AUCT'I<* e 11pn1n D Klmbl•. 205112 CO.Oii• del Mat CA 112e:tl5 bull-.. CACTUS CREATIONS. IH6 Of' NalC*AL "°"91tTY rta.JC NOTICE PIC>Oit Ln . Hunllriglon S..Ch. CA. T1111 1>ua1neu 1a co11dutl•tl by 111 ' A.NOES INTERNATIONAL., 000 W"ltllll Or , No 1113, N1wporl l'lellAININQ O N VA C AT•D -------,----.....,IP' 128'18 1nt11v1t1ual S.. Uni, Spt. ea, Coron• del Mar, 8Nc;h, CA 112ee0 ........ IC--}o S teven 0 Welnb11g, 8692 Erle N Pi1>11 CA. 02825 Ot brt Lyn Event, 111211 Of,~ TU«A#T (CC,_) 'temtOUa MllMll NAME? Cody A¥1 . WMtmlnaltt, CA 1121183 Thia 1111emen1 wH 1111<1 with th• Kevin Scott Q1.1lnn. llOO St• W11tcllll Or , No 183, Nawport Notice It hereby glVlf'I tht t on .. ..,.. STA~ 14 Thie ~ ltl oonductld by • County Clltk ot Orange County on u.n., A.pt ea. Corona Clll M.,, CA e-n. CA. 12ee0 Dtc. 21, llH. •I 10:00 a.m., at lhl lollowlnQ P8f90M are Ootlt.11 gtn1tal ptlftMflJ\lp o..c; l 19112 112826 Thie~ le eonduC11d by an 1157t VOlge Al¥'W In FOl.lntaln Vllley, bu'"-M ---• J If you have just filed your new Fictitious Busi ness Name and have not yet submitted It for publica- tion, please don't forget that the llmltatlon Is 30 days from date of filing. The DAILY PILOT wlll Stephein D Klmble noaz12 LllClll ~ 000 Sta LAne, ln<Sivld""" Or1ng1 Co1.1n1y, lhl 1.1ndertlgnld VlN Rl!PRODUCTIOHS, ~ Thie 11at-1 wu hied Wiii\ 11>1 Publlined Orenge c0111 D•llY Apt. 114. Corona del M.,, CA 112826 Debfl Lvn Evan• wlll 1111 11 p1.1bllc 11.1ot1on 1he Camp1.1t Drive. lrvln•, C•lllott\ILI COun~ Clerk ol Or•noe County on PHOI. 1)1(; .. t 1, Ill, 26, 11182 Thi• bull,,.. I• conducltd by • Thi• lllttNMnt ... 1111<1 wllh thl pet90tl81 Pfopwty i.tl by Htt1*1 & 112715 Dec , 11182 l'2:0llU ---------15_:>_0_8·-82 general ~~~~~n g:n~ r:: ol Oranot Counly on ::~tzi!-:"/:iv!. ~n~.1um111>1t, l Ctll~:~,.f~~~?~~~~2n.'~:i~~ Publlthld Or1nga Co111 Delly P\alC NOTICE Thia •l•temtnl wu fllld wtth the ,.... Said 1uollon will bl m1d1 C1mpu1 Drive, Irvine, Cellfortta ·> PllOI, O.C: 10. 17, 24. 31. 111112 COun1y Cllf1I ol Orenoe Courtly on Publltned Orenge Co111 Dally pura1.11n1 to th• provl1lon1 ol 112715 .tT 15351-82 '1CTIT10UI .u ... u Dec 16, 11182 PllOt, o.c 11, 11. 25, 11182. Jan l, SectlOrt 1118& ol thl CMt CoOe Thia bl.I•'-la COM\lc:11d W"t ~ ITA,......,. ,_.Ta 11183. Oeted <**nber 11. tN2 totpotation l?rl NlLIC NOTICE Th• rollowlng pereon 11 doing P1.1bll1h1d Orenge CoHI Dally 53&tr82 Sell)t Kim VTN CON80LIDA.TED, T TIOU. U.l .. E.. buelnw. M: Pllol, Dec 18, 26, 11182, Jan 1, e. 1157~ VOIQI A'-INC "c I • R G,I(, PROORA.MMINO, 1267 111113 -----------Foonlaln \'alley, CA 112708 Rob4W1 L Bec:hman, ii NAME STATEMENT Conwey 81., Cotta M ... , CA. 928211 5521·82 !'ta.JC NOTICE Publlaht d Orange Co111 Dally Vice PrMldlnl lhe follow•nQ pet1•0t1a are ()01t1g RANOAL.L GEORGE KINZER, --f'tc-TTTIOU---.-llU-... ---1-1--Pllol, Dec. I 1, 18, 11182 Tiiie tlelement WM fllld wl1h bu11~e~!~'AN S ARI GALLERY H/57 Conway St., Co9ta ....... CA. :-----Pta.--IC-NO_T_IC(____ NAMS ITATW•NT ------"-----15-4_2_1-_8_2 ~~..:Z~.o~ll~~ c-ty 170S5 Newland 11un11noto<• Bffch 1121128 Thi tollowlng Pl<IOtll .,, doing ~ CA n2 ... 7 Tiiie butl,_. le oonductlld by an ....,.~'I llU ... al .... _, __ M •-II' Mt\nl'C • .,.. lndH"' -• """"'...,., .,.,__ · ~~ ""'~ Publl•h•d Orenl:. Cotel D Ro bert G for bes 8261 '""'U•.; __ ,,._M O l(JA-~ NAm STATDIPC'T PETITE BEAUTY PARLOUR. 1 ......... ·-'1Cnnou9 .,...... Pllol, °9$ ''· 18, 5, 1812, Jen.~ h t 9Bt2~";7o<al D< 11un11ng1on e.tach, CA Thll ll•lll'Mfll _;, .. ftlld wtlh lhl .... ~~ng ~· are doirlQ 62• S Brolldw1y, Santa Ana, CA. .... ..-IT·----1983 ••~I~ r-p ublish your statement for $40.00. Our circulation Includes the ent ir e Orange Coast area and legal notices appear In all editions. In order to sub- mit your stat ement for publication send ap - propriate copy and a check to T HE DAILY PILOT, P.O . Box 1560, u~ .,., ... _ -Frenclaco J . 8er•I••· 21800 -... ~... .... O on n a M For D ts, 6 2 8 1 Couni CllflC ol Ortng1 County on HOME ORA.IN SERVICE. 111121 Bloomlllld 1127, H-llllan G.,Olna, The lollowlng Ptrt on le doing Batmoral Or • Hun11no1on Beach. CA Die: 5· 11182· f'2IM1ll Slapnanll Ln .. Gerdtn Grove, CA. CA 90718 bull,_ u : 92647 112840 Lii a M Bara j .. , 21800 THE CLEANING SPIRIT, 1828 Pta.JC lll)llC( '.WU This ous1ness '' con<1uc1eo Dy a11 Publlthed Oien~• CoHl Dally Richard Jtromt C111roll 11821 Bloomlltld #27. Hawaiian GarOlne, low• #0, Cotta M .... CA.112828 ic..-. •tt u lndtv10ual Pllol Dec. Ill, 25• 1182· Jan. 1• I, Stephenie Ln G111dln Or0ve CA CA 90718 Mlotcll Valdltraln, 1828 Iowa TO ,._-.., rfo(. ~ Rot>en G Fort>es 11183 112640 " ' Thi• bueln•H la conducted by •D. COela MM&. CA. 112e28 NOJIC~ ~ Donna M For,,.s 55 ll--82 Carolyn LOl.llM C1111oll, 11821 lndlvldulll (Hl.dblnd & Wife). Ind~ II conducted by an (a... t101'4W7 U.C,C.) , ThtS $1819'1'18fll Wll.S Ille<! With lhe ----... ---•c_Mt\_TlC_E ___ Slaphanll l.11 , GBldln Gr~. CA. Frandlc:o J . B.,alaa .. V"""'--'-NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVt N 44 County Cte•k 01 Ortlnge County on ~uuu "" 112&40 TNe Blalamtnt w .. nled wllh lhl .., _,..,, Dec 1 1982 flCTITIOUI au ... 11 Thlt bu9lnMI 11 oonductecl by 111 County Cleril al Orange COi.iniy on Thie llaltNMnl wH ftll<I wllll lhl t rtdltore of lht within nam l F2033&1 NA• ITATW•NT lndhllOulll. Dec f8, 11182. County Cllrtl ol Orange COunlY on lraneferorw that ' bulk ,,.,..._ Publi•had OrangA Coast Dally Rlc;h.,d J <Arroll ,._... Oec 16, 11182. •bout to bl made on pereo•a 9 v ~ v Th• lollowlng p1reon I• doing , ....... _ ..,..,...... ll«elnattar o-tb.o Pilot. Dec •. It 18, 2S 1982 bl.ltl,,...u: Thlt 1181-l WU flltd wllh the Publl1h110 Or1ng1 CoHI Dally -·-,... ......... ., ~W 5261-82 .. 0 R, ,-0... IN 8 TR u .. ENT ,...-·-ty Clerk of Or•""* County on PllOl "-18 25 1982 Jan 1 e Publl•ll•O Orange CoHl Di iiy Thi natnM and~ l .. " " .., ~· • "'""2 -..,... ' .,... ' ' ' ' ' PllOl Dec 111 26 11182 Jan 1 8 al lhl IMended liai-.«a ere: u -----------CONSULTANTS, toe 28th St., ...... ,, .. 1'"' ~ !1183 11183 . • • • • CARMEN MA.RY GALE PtB..Jt NOTICE Nlwpoft a.di, CA 92ee2 P1.1bll1h1d Orang• Co111 Dally 65M-82 5501-&2 SCOTT BLAIR GA.LE, 1626 W FICTmoua aua1HHI K•lll• Grace, 108 2111n St .. Piiot, Dec. 18, 25, 19112, Jan '· 8, NlllC NOTICE -----------MICAr1h1.1r Blvd., So.ill• 11. ~ .... ITATE•NT Nlwpoft Blach, CA 92ee2 1083 NlllC NOTICE Mela, CA. Tha following pereon 11 doing Thia bullntae It conducltd by an ..,,.,.8 ,,8 Thi locall0rt In Cellfomll or di I bull-u : lndlllldullK..11e R G _,,.,,.. 2 Fl~~~~o~:A~~:;NT. I UPffUOR couwr OF d\llf ueoutlve olflol Of ~ J 0 T A p E 6 L A. B E L · r-tha following peraont 111 dol"i! CALIFORNIA b1.11ln111 olflct of 11'11 lnlef'IO~rl COMP ANY 3520·B Ctdlllac Thie 1111-l w .. ftll<I with tlwl NlLIC NOTICE 1>1.111neu u COUNTY OF ORA.NOi! trwwtwcn II; NONE- Av1nu1. Co111 Mell, Calllornla Counly Cltr1I ol Orange Counl}' on --,-.,..-Tm--OU-8-1-U-.-, ... -1-1--1 TRIDENT INT 6892 Menhatlin In the Meller of the All other bl.lalntH n-~ 112428 Dec. 15, 11182 .... -,.._ C n •• Appllcallofl of 1ddr-uMd by lhl lnt:r ~ NAME STATEMENT ..,.. Hunttnglon Beach. A .2.,..7 •---, __ .,_ y.......... ,,_ ......... _ ......... ,_ ............ -_. Jo._tJ>h...W. Qt .Cerio. 2..0.2_4 Jemes A Ford 4218 _._...._ -... ... -.... _,., --..-· Costa Mesa, CA, 92626. We'll do the rest. For In- for mation about legal ad- v er tis Ing please c a ll 642-4321 Ext. 332. BPl•trlo Drive, Cotti Miu. Publlal'ltd Or•nQ• Co11111a1ry The foTlo~p-erson Te dolng S C · C ,..llllortlf pu t 10 tu u kno•n to I CllllOfnla 92828 Piiot, Dec. 18, 25, 19112, Jan 1, 8, bu1lnH1 H ll~g~f""1 orone dll Mer, A. IM Chane• o1 Name Intended If.,,.,._ are: NOHE. Thia bo.illntH 11 conductlld by en 11183 EBERLE CONST RUCTION Ed wi n V Johna on 8892 Mo. A11I011 Thi '*'-and~ .OC,,__ ... lndlvldut l. 5'118-82 GENERAL CONTRACTORS, 369 E Manhattan Or fiunttngton Beach, OROER TO IHOW CAUIE al lhl Intended ,....,..,.,_.-. JoMPh O.CBllO 17th St Ste 8300 A· 1011. Costa CA g2&47 WHEREAS, James Laelle Yourig, TEOOY I.EE COWNS & 8ETTY Thia •l•ltment wu nltd wtth lhl !'tel.IC NOTICE Ma,., CA 92827 M er~ v Lon~da le 6892 Pe1111oner. hes llled • 1>1t11ton with COLLINS, 1833• Mt. A.cllwman, County Cllti< Of Orange County on :-------------Wtrren J Et>erle 490 Tra...,se M h Or H Be h lhe clerk of this coorl lor 1 Olc:lte F~ ValMly, CA 92708. Dec 1. 1oe2. FICN!fTM!f"a: .. ~~~~· D< Co111 Mesa. CA 92828 c!"e:~.:r unllngton ac · changing pet111oner's nem• from Thel lh• property part1n1 n t f10m2 .. "' .... ~ This bullness " conducted by en Thi• business ,, con<lucted by 8 Jamee LHlle YOl.lng to James Leslie llarlto le ~ In Q91*al - Publlahed Orange co111 Delly Thi loffowtng ~· are doing indlv1du11 Grel Von Ounewald Young, Tool and Oy• Machine end le PllOI, o.c. 11, 111. 25. 111112. Jan. 1, bl.l~Eow"•: RE. 323 N BrN B"·d.. Warren J Eberle gene.al ~lrlMts~·~ d IT IS ORDERED that ell Plf80tll IOc:atld at: 1525 Waat MacAt1tll.lr 11183 ... •• Th•• •l•leme111 wu lllld with the •mes or in1ere11ed In the above miller untt 18, Col:ta ~CA. 5352-82 NI.JC lll)TJCE ACTTnOUl-N PICftttoUe .,_.. MAm STAW MAim a TAl"DmNT The toeowtng ~ art dOlng T"9 followtno peraon la doing .....,_ • ~-PELHAM FIN A N CI A L l'l"IT LIBI ATY EXPRESS 8EAVfC£8, ~1 81ro11 91 .. NNpot1 MORTGAGE, MS7 8ln:tll 81. #481, 9-11, CA. 12980 "-P0tt 9aectt, CA ll2teO Mlll'C R. To., 300 Cantl SI , Angela Bond, 2&67 8wc:tt SI "-P0tt &Mdl, CA t2t413 •4411, ~ Beac:t\. CA. t2eeo Carmen A. Motlnelo, 2231-C £.. lllla ""*-ta conduC'ted by an Saitta Ciera. Santi AM. CA 12706 ~ Thie ~II conduci.O by an Anfla'a Bond lndlvtduel Thie ...._., ... fllld wttl'I the CMmen A. MOtlnello BrH, CA.112821 Counry Clerk of Orange County on This •llt&menl wu llled with lhe •PP••r In Oep1rtmenl 3 of lhl• TM~,_ 1...:1 by ---Fa dkam, Inc .. 323 N. BrH Oec I 111112 Counly Clerk 01 O•tnge County on cou11, located 11 700 Ctvtc Center Mid tranafarcn at Mk! loclatlofl Iii; BlvO., BrM, CA. 12821 , f20l2l9 Dec 1· llll2 F20329CI Ortva WMI, Stnll Ana, Clllllo<nll , 8-n'e MacHna Shop. Thie bu..,_ II conducted by• Publlah•O Q/ang• Co111 D•llt P1.1bll•h•d Otenge CoHl 0,111 112702 on Jenuery 5, 11183, et 10 30 That ••Id b1.1llr. traneter COfpor811on. • Piiot Dec 4, 1 l. 18, 25 11182 Pilot. Dee 4, 11 ti , 25, 1882 A M . or .. IOOl'I lh«Mnet .. Iha lnMnOeCI to be ~ • Fadlc.IM, lnC 52•8--11 5243.82 ma\llr may be h111d, I nd •how oftloe «: TM ~ On111p. Lloyd K. HIMaOy, CEO -----------cauM. H any, wtoy thl petition IOf 111122 •••ch Blvd .. lult• 1 Thll llatement wM tllad wlltt Iha PUBLIC NOTICE Ml.IC NOTICE Change 01 n1me ahould not b• H\lnUnOIOll 9-dl. CA t2t4a Couroty Clar1I Of Oranot Courtty on or•ntld. after,,.,_.,•. 1113. Dae: t, 1982. "CTITIOU• ........ '1CTITIOUI au...... IT IS FURTHER OROEAEO lhlt • Thie bl* trentdw .. eubtlCI ....... NAMe STAn •NT NAME I TATEM.ENT copy ol Ihle order to llhow C8"'M be Callfornla Uniform Comm9f Publlah•d Or•no• COH I Dally '"" tonowtng PIUOl11 .,. dOHIQ Thi lollowlrig PlfM>f'I .,, doing p1.1bll•h•CI In Th• Dally Piiot, • Cod9 ...... 110t. PllOI. Dec: 11, It, 211. 1912, Jan l, butlnlH .. bull,_.•• n-P•PI' o r II"""' dtcl.llallon Th9 ,,.,.,_ 9'td llCldr-of 1083 CREATIVE PHOTO, 16111 W PARENTS WHO CARE, 1827 prlnlld In Orange Co1.1nty, ~ ....,_ wflon> ~ 543M2 Ka11111. Anan.im. CA 92802 Tah1.1na TeHaca, C<>fone Oii M.,, CtlllOf'nla, once • ....., !Of loo.ir fll9d 19: T1ll E.crow Gr<*P• CrNllve Weyw. tnc .• Clllfotnil CA 112825 eucc:.aelve -· p<lot to Iha dll• tlt 22 ... ch Blvd., Sult• PtaJC NOTICE corporation. 729 W 16tn St •8-5, Puenta Who Care, 1827 Ml for hffrlng on 1hl Plllllon Huntington Beedl, CA t2t4I; Coste Meta CA 92827 Tehun• Terr•Ci!, Corona del Mer Oaltd Oec I. 1982 the i.i dey for ~ dalrne by flCTITIOUe .,..... Thia bu1lness 11 conducted by • CA 92625 Frank Oomenk:hinl c:rwdllor 11\811 be .JWMJMy II, 1 MAim aTAftmNT corPO<allon Thi. bu11nass Is conducted by en Judge of the whlctl 11 the ~ dey b9fot9 The lollowlng per90n9 ,,. dOlng Creative Weyt. Inc un1ncorpor111d esacx:11t1on other SuperlOf Coon con11.1mm1tlon d •t• epeo lll•f County Qarll oC Orange County on Thie 111a1ement wM Ned llllUI the -------------1 o.o. e, 1N2. County c11r11 o1 Orange County on Diii mCll ..... , Oec 10, 11182. H I P1.1bllth8<1 Orange Co11t Dally f'IOal2 Ptk)t, Dec:. 19. 25, 11182. Jan l, 8, P1.11>llahtd Orange COHI Dally •------.. ----1 '183 ..... • Piiot. Dec 111. 25. 11182, Jan 1. e. ~2 111e3 ~ M: T'om Pi.troo1 tnan a pertne<lhtp Law C>mc.. of abo¥1. (A.) ASSOCIATED REAL TY Stcrellry lrMWrlf Pam Howard o-atd f. l 41d6eull1Yll'I Detect: Deolmbar 111, 1N2. SERVICE OF NEWPORT BEACH, Thi• stet_,,t WH llteo w11n Int This statement wu filed with tnt J250 ~ Plftt l lvd. Teddy .._ Coal9 SATRE MYRTL E E L L EN SA TRE, p aned away on December 10, 1982 ln Santa Ana. Ca. She w u born In Thief River Falla, Minneaota on J une 17, 1898. She leaves behind 3 loving alatera, Helen L i.naon o f Newport Beech, Ca,, Emma Satre of G rand Forks. North Dakota and Mabel Holkeau.lg of Thousand OU.. C&. She WU a well known nune for over 40 )'8111. She w orked ln the L a u n a B each School rrom -m~ She received her training at the Michael Reeee Hospital whe r e abe received a acbolarah ip to Columbia U n lverai t y , a h e t aught nural.ng and then came lO Califor nia and gradu ated fro m the U n lverait y o f California, furthering h er education In t h e nuralni field. S h e wu a Major ln W0trld Wer ll and eerved In N ew Guinea. Gravesi de aervices w ere held at Pacific V iew M e m orial Par k . Interme n t at Pacific View Memorial Perk. Pad.fie View Mortuary diredora. PtB..IC NOTICE l'ICTITIOU9 IUl lNHI NAME I TATl!MeNT Tiie lollowlng Ptrton la doing buslnMs ... CA LIFORN IA PAC IF IC INVESTMENTS, 255 Owens O•we, Anahl4m. Cet1forni1 112807 Jtc:k Thom11 Liiiard. Jr 2SS Owen• 0r111e. A.n1helm. Catllo1nie 112807 Thia bo.i .. ness 11 GOndUC:19d by an lndtvldual Jact. ThOmes Llll1td J• TN1 ttllement w .. ftll<I wttll lhe County Clerk of 0r•"911 County on Dae 1, 1982 no:nu PublTlheo Orange Cout lla1fy PtlOI. Dec; 4, 11, Ill. 25. 1982 5257·82 INC , (8) ASSOCIATED BROKERS County Cte<ll of Orange Counly on C<>unly Cte<k 01 Oranoe County on l lllte 100 Bitty Comrw SERVICE, 2026 W. Balboa 81Vd., Dec: I 111112 Dec 1 1982 lertll Monlu, CA toe05 Intended T,....... _,.. ~ 8-:h. CA. t2MJ F2032U Cepr•t:r a K•~ (211) •52·7t55 Publlahad Orange OoMI D PtaJC NOTICE A.uoclated RH ll)' S1n1lce or PuDltshed Orange Coeat Dally Allcwnty• et l..aw Publl1n1d Orange Cont Cally Piiot Dec. 18, 11N12 Newp0r1 8Mch, Inc ... CalllOfnl• Piiot. Dec 4, 11, 18, 25. 11182 2091 • ..,.,"' .. Ctnllf Drive Pllol, Dec: 4, 11, 18, 25. 1982 RCTTTIOUI .,.._.. COf'PO<lllon, 2025 W. 8albol 81Vd.. 5215·82 81.111• 200 5312·82 ----------- MAim STAn.Nf ~ BMc:tl. CA. 1120e3 -----------lrflne, C-'!lomla t.2715-115' Pl8JC N011C( Thi followtng pereon 11 doing Thie ~ II conducltd by a Ml.IC NOTICE , .. ~ M CO<POf•llOrt F'ICTJTIOUI 84.lllHEll Pubhlhld Orange Co111 Cally ECONOMY PRODUCTS· A.8aoolatad RMlty NAME I TATEMEHT P~ot Dec 4 11 11 25. t982 NOTICE OP DEATH WESTERN DIVISION . 3101 Service of The lollow:ng per•on 11 doing _. _________ 53_1_1·_82 NOTICE OF DEATH OF JULIA A. TEWJND.B M•nlal" Dflv1, Coeta MtM, CA Nlwpoft BMch, Inc bullneH 11 0 F p E T I T I 0 N 112828 Hll-e Jar. Prealdln1 K 0 c ENTERPRISES 2g38 ____ Nll __ l_C_NO_T_IC_E ___ PAUL JAMES PLOSS AND Debra J . Reynold•. 3101 Tnll 1111-l wu Ned with the Pttstmmon Pi l'ullerton CA FICTITIOUS IUI Mftll 0 F P ET I T I 0 N T 0 ADMINlSTER ESTATE M1nla1 .. Dflve, Co•t• Me18, CA COunty Cllt1< al OfarQI Courol}' on 9283S NAME ITATEMtENT ADMINISTER ESTATE NO. A-111111. 112'11~ ~ 11 conduo1ed by an Nov 23· 1982· fJID:ZMI P Kennllh Duane Ctmp 2936 The rollowlng pet1on 11 oo:ng A·llllll. To all he.In, bene,Hclar~• ......... ~ ..... -, P1.1bll1hld Orenge coeet Dally eratmmon Pl Full&rto n CA t>ustnos u To all heira, beneflciartea. cred it ors and contlnae •"'"""'90· 92835 R 0 N A 0 H R E R A N 0 d I d I d I f J 11 o.ora J Aeyno!Oe PllOt. Dec. 18, 26, 11182, Jan 1, e. ThlS bl.Illness 11 conoucteo by •n ASSOCIATES. 509 No Metn St. ere ton a n con t n i e n t ere t o r a o u a Thie •tat-• wu llltCI wtth lhl lll83 tndlvld\iel Sant• An•, CA 91701 cr edltor t of P a ul J amea TeW lnkle and .perwonl w County CMdLol. 0£aoge County 00 5.552...a2. t<""""1ttl-O Camp Ronald WI II lam ~h•er. 113 Pl<l8S and pel"ION who may miy be ot:herwwe Tntl:I Dec 15, 1982. This 11a1emen1 w"a Ille<! wttn the t Uh SI Sul 8Nc:h CA 90740 be Otherwi.e lntereated In ln the will and/or estate. • •20f112 P\lllJC NOTICE County Clerk ol Orange County on Thlt bullneu Is c~ucled by an the will and/or --•-. A --"don baa been filed 557G-a2 Publlahld Orangt Co11t Dally MOTiel Of IAU Dec l: 1912 ln<llvldual ~--b ~-N ., __ , n--1. Piiot. Dec. 18, 26, 11182, Jan 1, 8, F20Ut2 R IO w AC>hf A pellllon ha.a been filed f!Y U"OCIU::I a ....... -a PtllJC NOTICE 1aaa ~,c,:~~f1\,?ir~7~ Pubh•heo orange cout 0111y rh1a ... ~, wu 11,: with 1n. by Rich.a.rd L . Plcm ln the c.orporation, in tbr Su ACl'TT'tOUS au-u 56~2 01 lhl CMI Codi of the Stall 01 Piiot ~ 4. 11. 111. 2s. 111112 Covn1y Clerk or Or•noe CounlY on Superior Court of Orange Court o f Oran1 e Coun ....-nATDmNT 0 1111orn1a Ill• under11gn1 d , 5310-82 Dec I t1182 Cou nty request i n g t h a t r eque atlni thal Crock Thi lollOW!nO .,.._ .,, d()i()Q ____ Nll __ tC_NO_Tl_CE ___ HARBOR TOW co., wlll 1111 11 •----ni-.,L-IC-..,..-T-IC_E___ ' nosMO Richa r d L . P lou be N ational Banlt be_ .......... _~ publlc a1.1011on, 11 98• w . 17th ruu m1 Publlthed Orang• Cont Delly .,_, ~~HWARE, 323 N. Br11 Fl~r.rio~:A::• S1reet In Coeta M-." 10:00 a.m. FICTTTIOUI IUlfNl!ll P1101. e>ec •. 11, 18. 25 111:~78 82 a p pointed ae peraon al u per.>nal repreeentadve Blvd .. er.. CA.. 92921 The lotlowrng pereon la doing on Thuraday, Iha 30t h d ay ol Na• ITATUftNT • rehpre9entallvef top adm.lnlate1 J r ~~est&( ~ ol J~ Uoyd K. HatMdy, M o , inc .. 8 1>1.19lneas •• Dac1mber 11112, th• lollowlng Thi 1<>11owtno perton• 8,. doing l"UBllC NOTICE l e eatate o au amea • e n e un er Calllornl• corporetlon, 20757 HUNTINGTON HARBOR deacrlbld PfoC*fY, to wtt. t>ut1nen M P 1 o a a (under the Independent AdmlnlstnaUcll Rancho l.oa Cen1loa. Covlne. CA. CLEANERS. 18•31 Pactlle Cout y-Of Car: 1t1'9 COSTA MESA. SHOPPER 208S flCTITIOUI aulMH lndependent AdminiatraUon of Eat.a.tea Act). 11M! petiti&t 1 1724 H~hway, SunM1 BIKh CA 1128411 ...... Of Car: Ford Plact nlll •8 Co•l• Men CA NAMI ITAftMENT of Elltatea Act). The ~tition la tel for hearinl In = Thie~ le condUct.O by 1 Dale Edwud Pl<:klrO. 211151 VIN NO. llF02W2721188 92827 buT•"i~'..!_Oi81o1.wtno pereon IS doing 111. -t for h-s...tft .. ln pt. 3 N o . 3 •t 700 Civic ~-00tp0r8tlon. Newland •44. H1.1nt1nglon Bitch. UOenN: Mo. (State): VUM722 FLA Jerry Lee Waugh. 1880 New ·-... ....~"6 • ...,.... Lloyd K. Harnldy. M.D. CA 112846 Said .... " '°' the purpe>M 01 JerMy, Coal• MM•. CA 1128211 TAI -FISHERS II . 400 Main al 700 Civic Center Drive, Drive, West, In the Qty °' Tl* 1tatement WM l'llad wttl'I thl Tl'l:s 1>ua1ness 11 conducted by en lllletylng lltn ol lhl ~lo< Edllh Carol M~on. 11180 New StrMl. Bt•t>oa. C1ilforni1 112881 Weat, ln the City of Santa Santa Ana, CAlitOftlJa on County Clartl Of Orllngt Courtty on lndMdu•I towing Ind lloreoe, IOQll~ wtth JerMy Coste ~. Cl' 11~1128 Mlcheel Bullard, 820 B1lbo1 Ana, California on Janllarv Janr7< ~. 1983 •t 8:30 0.0. 1, 1M2. Dale E Ptckl •O OOl11 ol ad\wUalng and ~ Thi• bl.l•inlll It conducllld by • Blvd • B Balbol CA 112881 -.I 1D ...,._ "'*7 Thia ... ,..,,..,, WH fllld with 1111 of·~ Of ..... general pennt<'Shlp Thlt ~.,,_.I~ conducted by . 12. 1983 at 9:30 a.m. IF OU o°" ........ to Publlahld Ortnge C081l Delly Coun1: Cl4!ftl ol Orange County on o.lld Ihle 15th dey of D9oambar, Jlfl'ry l Waugh 11m11ed panna.ahlp IF YOU OBJECT to the grandng of the petition. ! !Plot. Dec. 18, 211. 11182, J111. 1. e. o.e 1 tll82 11182 Th•• •••1emen1 was lilld wtlh 1ne MlchH4 e..nard granting of the petition, you should either appear at 11183 F203a7 JllMt Miiiar County Clerll or Orange Coun1y on Thi• 11a1tmtn1 was filed wt1h '"' should either a p pev at the hearlna a nd atat e y o -----------. Me7-82 Publl•hed Or1no• Coa11 Dilly Pu~htd8 Or~zg• CoHt D•ll)I Dec 1· 11182 _ County c11r11 °1 Orange County on hearlna and s tate you r obE t lona or file writ ten ----.---.,.-..,,,-nrc-----1 PllOI. Dec 4, 11 18. 25, 111~2307_82 PllOl ,._.,I • 1N .. au1_..., ,.._ Die: I 11182 • HA.llOI LAW..._MT OUYI r-""',_ ., _ """ -u.. Publl•h•d Orenoe CoHt 0111y Thome• w. Allen ob iecUon1 or file writt e n o b Uona with the court Monuarv • Cerrete"' PIC"'10Ue auH•U •-.,. 11nnrc Plto_!i Dec 4, 11. 18. 25. 11112 ""°"MY" LAw ob jectlona with the court be ore the beartna. Your Crematorv • ...u. STA~ ____ .._ ___ ""-'-~---, _________ ;:.:S2::.:7..:;ll...:8:.:ot2 1111 0... I t.. lvtt• 100 before t h e heulna. ¥ou.r appeeranoe may be tn pen:in t625 G isler Ave Thi lolkMlnQ peraone -doing PtaJC NOTICE K-4911 PUlJC N011C( ,.."P0'1 haotl, CA neeo ~ a ppMl'IUlCe may be ln penon ot by your at1orney. Costa Mesa ~~acv G. w •LKER & oo.. ~~ .. ~..?• MOTa <» 1---'10-nnout---.,...---1-1--1 Publl•h•d orange CoHt Dally or by your anorney. I F Y 0 U A R IC A ~5554 .. ,...,..._, " _ .... r--... ~ATIOM TO MLL NAiil ITAT'Ulmff P1101. o.c. •. 11, 18, 25. 1182 l F YOU A RE A CREDITOR ot a con~t =. ~ Clrde. Hunilng1on TII• follOWlng penon 11 dot no 141.C~=""'Qlll The followlng peraon le dot~ _________ 6306-__ 112 CREDITOR or • contmcent creditor of the deoeued, yoU PIUCI llOTHHS l&l llOADW•Y MOaTU.UY 110 Broadwav CCXtla Mesa E>f'l·9 150 IALn & I HGllON SMITH & TUTHtU. WHTCUH CHArtt. 4'27 E t71h SI CoslaMeu 6 48-9311 f'ACIPtC Y•W .....ORIA.L PAll c.m.1..-y Monuary Chapel-c:r•matory 3500 Pac:1f1c View Drive Newl>Oft Beech 6«·2700 Mee~ ..OITUAIAI ~un18ue., •N-9416 u ovna Hiii• 1ee..ocm Sen Juan Clptatra no •&1ne c Thomaa 8. WloMtr~..t-332 E. ~:'d.u.TEC COMPANY; (2) To Whom H May COnolrn: ~ ::c R . T 0 w a f'UBLIC NOTICE creditor of the deceaaed, you must file your claim with the a1e1=,:. ~--~om·.~-.,_ .. SA.LU A8800IATE8; (3/ SUBC<>N CA.AOL. L. l MICHA.El L. A880CIATE8, 4821 Blrc:h SI.. flCTITIOUI .u...... mUll Ille yourcla1m with the court o f prHent lt '° th• Nr c.r.. ~k;ton ;:;;., .. C:: co., a Rook 89t"191. """'· OA =~ ·~ ~~.h• "-POtt 8-d\, CA eaeeo NA• aTATlmWT court or preaent It t o th' peraonal r e pnaentatlve l2t4t • · t271• COnttol fof • .. 41 .. OH IALEBW ~ere A. Tow. soo Canal, Tiii IOllOwlnQ '*'°"' -doing person a l repreaentatlv f appo inted b y th• court TNa ~ 11 conducted by a Alctl.,d George Ollll. 3 Roell 1 WINE (P1.1bllo 1 a11no Piao•) Nawpotl eaecn. CA t2t63 11us1n11111 •P POln ted b y t h e cour t within tour mon\ht from llmlted pao11•1f11C>· Spmoe, IMM. CA 121 14 llo9nM lo ... Mootlollo baWteoat Thie.,..,._ .. OOl\ducted by 1111 AfllLINGTON TIM BERL.AKE within four monthl froro the date o f flrat IMuaee. ThomM IS. Wlc*'1f0ftl Ttlll ~ .. oonducltld by 1111 at 3664 euatr-Parle OfM. Sit. lndMdual. A.SSOCIA.TES, 17871 lrvtne Blvd .. d t f ft t I o f ,__ ~ ·-............. ...__. ... ....-... ~ the lndMOulll. Maro R. Tow Sult• 204. Tuatln. Callfoml• 112eeo. • e O r1 11uance ,.,._.. • ........ .....,.. ui r...:.:::. -;::::.:':'.,'',...._~--~on RlcharO G. Gall A•t, eo.ta MeM., Ce. tMH. TNt llaltmenl -fllad wtth the Creative RetJ &1ata Cortolpt1, lelten U provided ln Section 700 Of the probate code ~1't.1"2:--.,... """'"'' Thie etat-1 wu n11<1 wtt?I thl Pl~~~~:. <r.:209 OoHI Dally County Clartl Of Otanot COunty on 1no , Calltotnle oorpora110rt 1re11 700 of the probai. oode of C alifornia. The Um• fo ,_,. County Clartl Of Orange County on 6"CM2 Dao. <o. tH :i. lrvln• Blvd .. 81.11ta 20•. Tuslln. C alifo rnia. T h e tlme f o r f1llnc clailm will not Publlthld Orange Coul Delly 0.C. f8, 1912. ----------,._, C.lllO<nla 12080 fllt ... -1-1~ will not e--i-...-... .. to f"""'"' _ .... _ ~ . t• 8. ~ Publll hl4 Orenoe Cou l Dally DaMr1 EntatPflMI. a Calltomla ...... .....,,. ,..,... .. .,...... ,,,_ .......... " = 0.0. 11· 25• 912• Jen. 1• • Publlahld Orang• Coe11 Dally ____ MUC....., __ .. NOnCE...,""!'"""'!"---j"°'· 0.0 11, ta. IH2. Jen. 1. •· ei••f p1r1n1n1tlp, 18881 prior to four montha from the date o f th• haarl ~a PllOt, Dae. 18. 25, tM2, Jan. 1, t , 1ta mont. Santa Ana. Call•omi• t h e d•t• o f th• h o r ln c noticed aboYe. ---------1ta 6IMIM2 1210& notk*9 above. YOU MAY l:XAMt PICTrTtou9 .,_ .. ...._tTA~ Tha fOllOW1119 11«eon 11 doino ~-l"VI Nl.·I AD DL. lllAOK OOUNal UNG CVfTEft. n1n IA Oadatl• °""· No. 102, Leouna Hiia, Cellfofnla t2t53 Lindi A. Haoood, M.A.. HOH 1111411.board Lane, L•o1.1n1 Hiii•. ~tHA Tllle ........ ~byllft lndMdu& Ulldt A. Hl909d n. ~• wee Med wttti ma c:ounty Olartl cf ar.,. County on Dn1mllel •• '~ ,_. Publllflff Of • Cout DallY "°'• 0.0. 11. 11. • 1N2, Jen. f, ,.., ~ S.UM2 w11111m g 0111rm111er. Jr., . YOU MA y EXAMI NE the tilt kept by the *"1. __ .,. Mftftl'r CllMf'al ptr1Mf, 1201 W. La Veta l---:=..--=~':"':""~'~.-~=--t Av• •loo, Orang•. c 1111orn11 the fUe kept by the court. U you are lntereeted ID P'tennoue .,..... 92&84 you are lnte r ea ted In c.he estate, you fJW/ m. a Mm tTA~ John W H•ngHll, Qant1ll te, you may file a requelt wit .. the COW'\ to ,_ ... Tti. tollOwlng pwaon 11 dOlftO p111ner. IM&t ~'· llnte th th e court to ~Ive 1ptclal n o tice of t ....,_ • Ane. C .. lomta 12705 _,, _.... nil NAU. l.XP"lll/HIAOI Thi• butlnMe .. condllc1«I by • p. c I a 1 n 0 t I c. 0 f l h. inventory -.... -~ NAIL.t INC. NIO ~ lllf*el partner.iilp Inventory of •tate a.nd of tbt petlt60N, •- 11. ~Ofl ~. CA t"4t Creau1111 ,..... E.11111 tha peUUon,. eocoun" and ~ ct.criW ID Judytll Ann Cllamb«I, 1410 ConoePll. ino. tpcril ct.cnbed tn S«tSoo 1100.5 of tbe Calif WNMMllda "· """'""'°" 9M:lfl. '" L.. R . ..._,.,.,.. 1100.& o f \b e C e Ufornl• Probe'9 Code. CA....., bee. v.P. au•w1•1 a T"'9 ~ Iii oondUCltecl by 1111 Th4t 8llllfntlll .... fllaO Wlll'I t~ te Ooade, ft W f lndMdull. e-7 ~ of Orange County on WUJJAM 8. ~ llMDQNALD .-, 1 ..... ....__ .,...,. .. ~~ _._-... ~-.'=--a .,_ CJ • ....._ w-. I... Ht N ew,.rt Cea "_.....,_ • ._ __ ._ ....... -'""'.... Aa.rtea ~ Orlil:te. ..... aw.-~ IMM. CA H'114 CountY ~ °' 0..... County on • .,.._,. ,e ';h_ A ...... (flt) td ·Utl, CA (tat ) ~ ... L~ ~A. MOllOft PM97M 0.0.. ft. ,tit, ~ =::z::: CA -' Publlahtd Or~ Cout PublJlbed OnllM ftubll•l'led °'~ CO..t Dlllly ftubllllMd OrMtt Co•t Dell>' ~ Pilot Dec. 17, 18. 14, lWb PUot, Die. lf .. LL flllot, 0... , ... ti, lMI, Jin.. t, 1. 1J1!1ot. o.a, 11, 11. lta, .-, 1, 1. Pulllllet!M O•tnet COHI Dally lM ltlf tlU 1ta Piiat, Dae •. 11, 11. U. IM2 aa..aa ,2 ..,._ MM-t2 IM14-U UC>t-t2 __... -· •, . '/'ht• m<trk,•t plcu't' tltl tlw OrtW{W C'on1tt 642-5678 ___.-{ I rrrt'sfmn5 HOllday Rent-A-Car (...It; n Low u S3U5/week911<1 l ( Robln1 Ford &42-0010 CR,{ lnf'l{1:J~ HOLIDAY POTLUCK -:J / w DINNER CRUISES, S 10 833-&aoe 780-2578 by Janine Make II a Contlnental Carda Chrl1tmH ... A gll1 tor Invitation• the wtlole family. 1971 Honda. CB 450. ~ than 5,000 orig mll .. $450.M2-eo.3 Certlflcatea JOHNSON & SON Call an1war ad #579 Uncoln/Mwc 540-5630 MICROWAVE: New Shatp 642-4300, 24 hr1. • Scandia Down Shop1. g:r;:::. '::::-~!: H a H Floral a Cratt Sup-Comfor1arl ate. 2768 E. Utton, MIQlc CM!, Tap- ply. 3 loc. Orange, Gard-Cat Hwy Cdm. t590 8. pen, O'l(Mf9/Mafrl1. an Qro ..... Anaheim Cl1 Hwy LB S4M740 AS THING ARE • Aoww Jon Brockman Plano Co. ALLIED LIGHTING arrangement•. Stilt 897 Glanneyra 222 Victoria-Cotta M ... Plants & TreH. Hant! Laguna Beach 497-3490 &48--3737 84&-8194 crafted glf11. 1590 S. Cat ~ Mierow• .... (Amana). We 111 .... Sou1harn Caft. Hwy, L-o Bch. •94-1204 11119 ... Celling Fani w/ tornl•'• mo11 compla1e Cu1tom llva llowerlng 111 e1 • New , $ 7 II Nlec:tlon of llghtlng •I bukata tor Chr11tmu by 1-855-6209 compe11t!Ye PflCaa. Tayta.. 495-5970 ava Fleta for CMitmu Ferrara Rooftng Co. DICK MILLER MOTORS ~oof. RapM, Shingle Santa Ana 557-2132 <714) 642-8233 MINIATURES Ming car FlnWI Gitt FOR CHRISTMAS? lllJUYUU New'"°'*'' aa .... •160-t200 Mlnan', Ward & Elll8 Fin Vly. 982-1922 -n•H H ..... your BOAT/HOUSE -CLEANED batora ()( anar •T Pll&M Hollday PWtlea. Quality •Plants ' ~s .•Birds •Caces ~Pet s~es llYE I lln OF LIFE! B.iboe Chert• Corp. NMoa. 180-2581 now taking reearvattona b.iiiiii-:====~., Dt11I""'"' Lge eelectlon of unusual apecl~en 875-1978 1146-5707 J" lfP~ size plants at lnc:redlbly low prices. Newport Wrap.& Mall Svc. knock• onan wtlan you 1625 Waatctlfl Dr, NB UN reault-ga1tlng Dally 1725 Monrovia. CM & Piiot Cla11ltlad Ad• to So. Coat Plaza. lwr lvt rMCtl the Orange Cout Read Iha ciualfled adl fOf mat1tp~ &42·5878 the beat dMl1 In ~­ meot rantai.. 842-5878 -,_.. tor tmall anlmala. Free pet1 for go6d homee & Oood homes for free pet1. 2330 IEWPORT ILYI., O.M. .. Open Dally 10-5 L ••••••••••••• ' ;t "' "''" ,,..,,,,,,. ,,,,,,,,,,,, '"' ,, ,..,,,,,,, Ill', rf!ud rt•ttl ,,,.,,,,,. t'/111 .. l/lml tul• Ive• different gift everyd•y of the y••r. A s ubscription to the D•lly Piiot. Only •4.75 a month (7141 642-4J21 BACK SWING. ..-. reg. Coctlar Spen Pupa, II wk1, '349. only 1279. St..... AKC, Bun. Cf\emp w.d, 646--0729 835-7775 x 12 Show Quel, ...... l200. Wiii kMP for Chf'lat.IMI. Call after 7 PM 751-4"3 .,. .......... Cropped, FeMl/blk mMk &43-2380 DIWllall*l4er Mualc on the Mova: Get In the Groove with Mualc lelrtfter ,.,,111. tor 1111 Occ. 731-9194 Vary Frlendly & Smart. MUSIC FOR YOUR AF-1 Shoti, HMlth Guar. FAIR, any 11y11. Plano, fltN ..... lln guitar. vlolln, vocal1.1 UM1 .. 545-3722 or 831-3276 !Newly bom BMgle pup- Uka ,_ drum Mt I plee, •1a5 -. Greet tor Ludwig & cymbal• Chn.tmu. 850-e058 Sac:. l•OO/obo . A~. e ni, CFA 657-1358 I champ, Chrlatmu dal. JUKE BOX Wurlitzer 1015, 549-4707, 646-8555 rec?ndltloned, $3200. I CHRISlMAS PUPPIES. 50 1 1tyle $5115 .1 S,._dmbt. 1157-0802 1146-5839 Carllfk:tit• & Holk!ay Why Nott Speciale. Call 7~ eom. ... wttat -have 01101 lftllltl ~~~~n!:°'NB Johnson & Son Lincoln·Mercury OlllllTIUS WJ 645-3261 1611 over lnvoloe on all Spetilla for Chnslmaa {& GAlERlt, l'AL. flQl t, ,_; Lift .. • · ,112 Audi'• year ,'round). 9-03,• 1 Now sllowtrc tht pa.~••ncs ol lil111nt Attisl ·112 ('abblt Sadana c;...,, g Sarv. ee 8 Thanks You. • • WHIRLIGIG YOUf C<>mpteta Ski HMd- 80 1 W Baker, Colle q~en . s.-. ~. Meaa Clothlng. Ski Ramp, 1179-8570 NEWPORT SKI CO .. 2700 W. CoHI Hwy. A. CriuMI 3420 v., ()potto. H B 675·8157 '82 Sdrocicoa The Video Station Prloel do not Include In-1471 Glanneyra t..g. Bc:h , stalled acceuorla1, Ext '4IM-0064 Sealant•. or Faclory r~ Klmbell Studto Plano )(Int batee, If any. cond $1600 ~ZllllZZl~~~~~j «5 E. Cit Hwy N.B. · N2~ ~ t73--0900 ·-·-------------· Cu11om Siik Plant• & Ott• and 12/24/82 Allan Theater Compact Tr••• tor Chrlatmae Organ, eapareta apeekar 01111. Aee1onable • .,.,. .,,u.,, 720 .. 1858 O&PTUI L.11'1 cabinet. ~-ee2.._ _;,,,;;.;,_ _______ 1 You've had our great DOORS GALOAEll aandwtchM from our 6" om Doon 1n11allad to our 6'. Try our prioM Calf Bob, 646-2923 aw In our Sports Annex • 1----------1 Saw up to 70%. PCH & Watar10fd Cly9t81 Stam- Werner, H.B. 840-2555 ware. Alana Pattern. or(213)592-3130 Ne w , $39 .00 ••· PlTWt90S 1-0ur--New--Y-..,-.,-E-.,..-P-arty-11-56_2_-3_sae _____ --i ...., ... Ifft ... with Batte Mldter Of Lena Homa. SP90M Umtted ... Call Today. PACIF'IC COAST BOX OFACE S40-36e9 ~:le Tll ntlUU.Y 1 831-3280 Stopl CMltmae Shopl U. HllFWl , ... New lkl & fa.hlon atore I fNtorlng exdult\'9 8612- 1 urd ltlll & famous ec:11- -· Regl9tar for Pf· tra drawlA1J O.cr. 1.5; wtndawier. bocM. v-..... llf'T Ilona. moral &42-6630. •• OBISTll&I I n11 • ......, "'" King Jam" version of Weetdlff Plaza. H.B. the New T11tamant, WINDSURFING SALE word fOf word, on 33'-'> Mistral '950. HIFly $750. 10ng play rCICOfde. H<>U-UP Sporta (714)831-4108 day 1paclal $29.95 w/ --'------- tree vlnyl ca11 (I 15 •••••• • 1• 411 value). eom. ... UI 124 R_. __ t"L · E. Broedway CM, Moo-. UKf .Mite 1: w e d 9 -1 2 o r c • I I SALE /, a57-2040 • 40-IO-J. ': ... '= I lff . I t70_E. l~St, Sta. 117 All •,kelH In 1tock, lnc;I Chrl1tmH llama to -li11 your Holldeya w i th CtlriWnal Cheer. eom. Vltlt UI. 4242 Campu1 Ort ..... Sta E-3 ~I Beech 549-8550 Mon-Fri 10-4, Sat 11:30-3:30 ~ ~ .. Gag 01111 tor olflc:e/ KS FARMS. NWPT...,... frtanda. Wondat1Md of 10 Riding 1etaon1 175 Fun HO W. 19th, CM (reg. •15/ht~ ~· 845-9023 edvwlcad 87~ 7. l·~--Aut--o-by-1-2-3-,_.-2-,-1 For meklng ue #1 In Or•nge County In November. With our low, low 10.75% ftunclng, we e11n m•ke you the beat de•l ever on • new 8 utomoblle. M.ke thl•. • new c.r Chrlatma•, give • gift to the whole Coate Meea. 8"&-3l•l Riedel & Suregrlpl Engra\'9d gttt1 i..1 tor• loeHft .. t Ylf. Tankard•. goblall, WltHhrer\t baby cup1. picture U&.111 l l l-ll111 framH, key rlng1. ate ...... • •• ••••• t ate. l Ski Cha6el fOf Rant. South ,.,.,.... 1 rd ltfp atrtwa Tahoe. 3 bdrm. Frpl. TV. to Hawaii, good for 1 yr. Bartandlng for Hollday Dae 26 -Jan 2. 78C).9072 Ml! for Marion~ Par11H. Pvt re11ldenta only. Tell u1 how many I t•mlly. Wishing you Happy Holidays you expect. We will do the rest. Shop. mix. --ve, clean-up, all for 1 ,__ fee. 770-9833 LOVE AT FIRST BITE J~~~.~·ON 2828 Harbor Blvd. Coata Mesa, CA 540·11830 Pr .. arva your Hollday AKC Beagle Puppl•• MamorlH on a Video $1119. Tape. Dreka Video AKC Gldn Ratrlevar1 System, pr~ end 7132 Edinger Singer Sewing M~ _s.n __ ta_Ana. __ 114_2....,.-48_1_1_1 New ~ Modala/$95 ...snl&I ..... lllllTI Lincoln·Mercury Spedal Hol1day Rat•! p & J Cox ~25 •Catettng •Waltr..... -1 .... ._ • -Wtften • Bartandlng _..... • -&42-5937 221 Marine Ava, B.I. ---------1 875-1572. 'Tia Iha .... Pollta & waif groomed eon to g1119 ,.... gotcS. prof. bartander/1arver •----';;,._--'----t evall. for Holldayw, pat· lla41m1 llla.llf Ilea. NEW DOLLS: 8" Sttr1et, St..... 645-1426 Au1trla Boy, Jo. 12" All ChocolatM In one, s c Pat• and Caviar In WW wrtglit lea er..,,, T-CHRISTMAS PE IAL • anott.. ~ Gow· Stllrta. lAdtee & Mana. loc*lng ::'l: fortla, mat Soup• & Bread? ~ avtetmea Glfta. =... ~°::;., c::r.: FNlt, a-& MM + S'4.N . t7s.3313. a. on~ blk• $36 & many more. Hand ~ varad In the Newport Firewood, moetly hard-IJ9. &-...a.J ~ ~~;..~•II R.S .V.P., ~.:..l~!._'f"1 d. Seti ,.._ ,.._ .,,_._., ..-.... _...,..... 2809A. Nwpt BIYd NB Grea1 Ta.ting Homemade Marmie. Jo. LM#te. 24" Nutty-Chocolate Chip/ ~~.~'/-;en~e~~: 1-11•nw 0 I t m a I I C 0 0 k I a I , ,..,.._ "'n l2.24llb. 3 lb min.~ .,_11e2_.-a _____ -=~ knocks onen when you a..i '*'do. odd Jobe 87~2570 FOR THE HOLIDAYS llllTa 1U1U11 fW. 942-6448/IM5-'T972 Chrtatmu boat parade ant•'• oomlftt-Dofl.'l • 04NJ-P91'-'-'-~ll ~him ntfff. Liit Aed ea·. cu atom k etch. Hot Chimney Sw .. p1 2 1 3 I 3 7 '4 • 3 8 8 4 or o..i hla wrf. 8pec: Ata 213/37M21•. Dr. P8'a- vered. 5~1131. .are...,., p1---'ng I .....,..7 UM rwsotr-getttng o.ity ---------" ,~ .,.,., v~·-Pilot Cl111llled Ada to La Chic Plqua-Nlqua. Claatlfted ada will point reach the Orange Cout ooumwt Frend! catering you In the right d+rectlon martcet. l party trays. Cut rate to find the home you Phone 542•5878 prioaa. 780-e844 need. 842-5878 '. : sr ACH . LIVING • Sew11ty~tn • P(IOI ' Rec Room • 1 6 1 BR P1ho ApU • l;a1C1M UlldJCllP1'19 • 0.Sfl'*HlletS 6 880 S • J09 lo Be.Kil 6 Sllops o I It t '. . . Kennebunkport? Isn't that the horse that won The Triple Crown ln '72? ~fD~ ti you're not sure who (or what) Kennebunkport was. don't feel bad -you're not alone. Kennebunkport is one of 1• dlttlnctlvely different apartment noorplan• •t Seawlnd Vlllege In Huntington Beaeh. Seawtnd VIiiage I• a result of totally l*'90flallzed profeulonal planning. The kind of attention you deaerve. A perfect blend of Mture end llvlno -nestled In a for .. t wtth ~bbllno brook• and quiet l>Ond•. cootad by na1ural ocean breu ... Add to tha1 tennla oourta, IWfmmlno pool .. a IP• and • conveni.nt tocatlon ,,._, lh<>P9lnv end employment and you've got • plec. enyOM would prOUdly call home. (Even t<ennet>unkportl) One and two bedroom one and two beth epanrnentt from as.a ~~L. 15555 HUf"tlng1on VllleQe l.at1e Huntlngtor 8MCt1 CA (71 .. ) "3-5191 l'rom ,,,. San ~ 'rMW•Y dflv9 iionh a.cf\ to MO'J~. then weet on Mcfadden to a.wind Vllleoe ~not t~bte • Open d~ lo AM • MIC. 561~273 . mlert. lln IF 111111 FOR LITTLE PEOPLE Lal "PAUL. THE BOY MAGICIA N" antarlaln your youth getharlng• durlno th• }lolldaya. Rat• atart et 135. Call Peul,980-3989 FOf Claulllad Ad ACTION Cell. ~fl'llot A0:1soR 642-54578 For Ad Action Cal a Daly Plot AD· VISOR 642-5678 $229 cornpattti..... 497-6428 LhllO~ 1 250 . *NUii'-* T MCUP-1oy-mlnlatura 11111n •111w j 546-2848 tor .-..ntng & afternoon Boarding & grooming part111, 1how1. Exp•d AKC OLD ENGLISH duo company. 720-lS...ll SHEEPDOG PUPPIES ~·In Hotlday 0.- FOR CHRISTMAS coratlone. Coppel1laild'1 Llllle Miss Mutfet sat on a $350 117g..t478 Aowe,.., 1938 So. Cat Tulfll, 1tong ce1ne • · Hwy LB •94-1173 spider and rHd In the CANARIES • Singing a.it _....:....·--· ------- De 11 y P1IOI Claaslll•d of Rad Feather• for CHRISTMAS TREES sectton about Miu Mui-Chrf1tmu. (rad-<l'tnga) DELIVERED lrom ~ lO lei's Tulfet and bought II $35. MM132 your door. 7~ 1or $9 95 Yov can NII Are you planning 1 move? youno~nd 1011 or Tlnrlk1nV vt ..__,. _ _,.,.,....,.,.., CWlmRRJ'"IRflr"wttt":POtinr--tl other thtnga through for spring? See lhe m1ny you In the right direction Dally Piiot c11ullled ll11ing1 In tOdey's claul· to find the home you Ads Cell 842-5678 fled columns 842-5678 need. 1142-5678 IJi .~.u • ' ....... ,ff " .... OliM~ ,.,.., !!!' :~~-"--•-•...;.;.;.....,•~n.o..i mt. • =•-:. -·----~--·--,.~.-......... iit'l,,.... . ,. ... t.;.: .. °"' ••. . •• ~ • -~ i=--.....,;,"; •• ut:~ ............ =r.. ·r. =-=-..::: llP· lft. I Ill _.. ••*"" WI-'• r 1. ~ e I ao 11. IN 11toWan *'-"''. .......... ........ .... ~ .,.-.:-,mnc 141141 °'*', o.r-~---• lw, • ....... ...,. ~ MO to mo: Otr" .. , .... 1111,AN<,O.M. .... Ten"lt, ~001 , ~II l••M t1H~l141 mo . .__ 19 1--MM .,..... .... ,...., '" o. Wont proawtnt oon· fr.':':'J.n.1'1'1T. .. n;n tlOO MO. t44 ... IH 0t ferenoa room• ;..... "·'· l0ANl1 1•t·•rc1, 147-ltll. l!lleOI*"" "°'9 .:.. MOi L;•o~~~·~oo!;"';"'~'~· ~oo~"~'!"~·.~~~~~~~~ ,_. ... to etir lbr. 1ba ~ ltvd, 111 ,. , ... fUndlnl. ...... UMI *" ~ 191'• ~· .. Qapo Bctl, •HO + ~=~flo" •lvd), N .• ... 24 lw °"*' ...... 01¢'• ""'· 14131 • 11 on the way '°' vour -Fem 100.;;n .... to atw S. PAIMI! LOCATION: MW ~ proe.m.. ..__ 1--_ ...... __ ,_4 __ _. oondo, Ha non-lti\kr, btdel. 1100 aq It °' C8n ,....., 1mtraM Ind oott. •KM KAIHOLI• no e iUo mo.+ IA be divided. On PCH, 1•. 2nd, 3rd ro· .. o.1 In pareon M.i CIC'1 II& ~ ~ 9aec1tt, Stop by on our e•part1 a1 no ..._..11, ..._.,a .,,, 1,_11 10 "'.,. CM a "' UH w. Ooaat oo«. A8Y 1--~,,. ... iii:iiiiMMil;;'I.--, -" .--.. -Go-Go 9 lr l1 (to 90) ~ ·~7• mo............ Hwy, NII A'1< a 1-1400. aa7-1 422 7 7207 di 5411-7094 ....... .......,4 .,_ ~·,:~IQlt~e ..,,..,,, '1uf •••• CLM8Y LADtE.8 Mtlle looltlng for male to _. ,,_. -allere hon11 on Linda 1430411200 ICJ n. Beadl •••••••••••••••••••••• uaa .... ...., .....,,, Baed'I _ 8Ml. etwn 2 fwys. CMc u. uma -•• :.=1anci&eg:~~~·.::o = ~~ ~In~ ':--2nc1 DANCEMIMUOe.¥ per mo. lncludaa utMlea °' eeo-4144. T~ 1941 .., .. .,. Call_, ofloa ~ .... Ui"'M Robt. 8ettter NH/CM EXOTIC DANOIA8 Fem. non 1mokar, no ec.c. lkltt• Ind. ~.. R.E. Brok• Bd RNltOf'I Baotlelorl~• peta. 2 bdrm, 1'A be 2 MC'y Mtvl, cont. Cfm., 142·2171 546-0811 l*tY ante/1M,,,,..;t llcty • In Hurtt. 1Mct1 kit., mall handlg. Aea-WIDOW HAS ... tor TO'a ~ 558 1538 (nr boh) mo pll'9 utll. de ponatve to 'f04il ~ M Loene, 10K Up. No People Call It 8en1ual, 857·1108, ev 148..()410 nMda. Adj. 406 FW;. In Credit Cheek, No Pen· eoothlng, eanaattonal I aft I PM F.V. lndtv. ofcl.. Malmo. alty. DanNaon I Mloo. relexlng. Wtuit...,..-you """""..mad: M to "" 4 from '325. 1183 eu5. er> n 11 _. It. ce11 .,. for yow br on .......... dMn, Offtoe ... for ..... 710 ll~ a YUi ... next m .... 4117.a718. quiet. sno. 1n-140I "· tsN1mo. Ut11am. aeo.ooo 15~ 3 yr noee a DITll INlllll ~jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii1 ~:: ~·~bike~ ~":. ~ .. ~.,:·.= PM Nowlty 975-331111 Ill 'II Wlll'D of Fairview ·, ·Adema. ,,..., ..,_ ~ Yl'9, 754-1040. Mr. Trecy. vacation home In 111• to IMre apedol-. ..._ Trinity ~ Peys •150 ~ Ufl fumlthed apwtment In 8 u I LE A 8 E '0 FF I c E mo. Sell tor 141.000. • .................... . Coate M .. near Civic SPACE ANO/OR WARE· (714)24CM123 wkdyt Cen1er. Washer/dryer, HOUSE SPACE. 15 min to (1111)7~ ~ alectrtc kltcnen, mlcfo-O.C. AlrPort. 4 offlcee WllW, patio. 124 a.er-pei. 800 .. t. ~ r/ brook, Apt. A. Ban wl9W191 doof. Ar"! RWt fl 545-4112 (1·101m or Of ... Sq. footage at!»-'-11•111/ 1:30-ll:!Opm) I o w g o I n g r a t a . "" I INM ........ 557·2900. • ••••••••••••••••••••• r....mw• FW90flll. • dttv-..... neada met. appta. 111opplng, air- port•. ate. E~y hour or •• 494-5167 7~1731 8pac. ocwdmt 3Br 2ba. OFFICE SPACE FOR fl fl• frplc, WID, t300 a utll. LEASE. 700 eq h, ell.It •••;•j•H·;~··Mo ~~~~~~~~ 14&-1444 =toe. 5411-7728 announcH lier retire: Relatlonahlp Recovery. M/F atw 28R 1Y.8A, pool ment from the practk(a Learn how lo atop the nr 406 F.V. $270 y, utl. H.B. office In lnduatrlal of Family Medicine on peln of not being loved a 912.()271 eftar 5pm. oanw, nr 8Mcfl & Slel· Dec. 31, 11182. The r• lo build new ralatlon- '2ta/mo pei. ~ utl. 1 hM from bch. Own rm. & bL Non 1mkar. MIF Call 17&-5MO Rmmate to ahr Cot\dO, 1tralbht, t300. mo. Incl utl. kr bch, ICtraa. Rick ~ Chrl1t11n rmmte, allr twnly home. SW Santa Ana, low kldl. klt.llndry Pflv. $250 mo. 117M750 • • ....._ rent.. corda wt1 ba ~ 11 1lllp1 wllan old onH 142-0100 e.-1221 440 Fair Or, Stia S, Coeta have broken down. •U..-T .,,_ ....., ea. m2I ~.,.now fonnlno. 270 1q ft In Npt Bch. I ,... .. Immediate occupancy. •••••••••••••.,,•••••••• 1CcmDllNl:w1 11Va11 lo tell• 1at and 1u1. MOO per you •hop, app11. vlalt mo. 71411175-11007, you, i.tter writing, hM 213/4ea.3128 -fetll)-ADS llttlng 142-4870 Newport Beectt ,,..., 1411 Newty d.corated. ear-ID~ FR£E •••••••••••••••••••••• petecs. panelled office. ~ HELPl11 Need rider• to f I ' I I the bay.,..,« Tahoe. urn un urn, uxur ou1 C ........, 1uze. 840-11172 atmoaphere, fully 1taf-al: -·w"' F/M to allare 2 bdrm fed, cuatom ...... 4 weaka, I coun-- 11 o u a e . Pe 1 I 0 . K . Cal 752-14()1 Ml ... ll trtaa, .. ~ $2350. 1300.mo + 'A UUl'I . ~..-.. .-... ......_ XEC offlcH/apace1. ~~~~~~~~I .._ ,.... _..,. _M2_.a_759 __ ..,,...........,~-1 •1315/ •UIS/mo. Sec. i: June 23. f1141 ~110 CM, .... 8** 8-y. M/F, Xerox, Recep avall. ..... •-=-ewe. ______ __, ~ OOlno. Student prtlf. 1t1-eee1 1oat tam btrd. * a go1c1 ._..___, AelpOnal&te. •150/mo .. ATTORNEYS 1 PROF£8.. macew parrot, vicinity :ex:""d::::'ee••••••••• 754-0llt. SIONALS . Lo ground ftr Hunt 8MCfl 540-0141/ .,. flMJel 1111 fe111•I• prof. allare offk:ea avail wtwtndow 1557-3877. ·~·.;;:.;:,·=·;; townfl•, 80 cat Pim wt.we. FULL SERV1Ce. ... &omaar-8pMMI, «r....,.., ... wor1t. er-. '260/mo ptua 'A Nr OC Arpon. ~· 7 l'n09. W. ...... --. Celf evH & wlcenda, I& 517..at (714) 7U-a2M . . . SUba·tanttwt·Hwardl ·972-911a -*• ... tn-1108• .._.., f;i;;iOiio;;~· Uii~iii;i;;;:I oet: Qoldeft ft«rtevet nlDft ..... ~~ mix. nr 81ater .._ C.M. flour'I needed. 1411- Prof Mlf '° * ar tum ..,,..,.,.............,,..-----·t-1-41-'-0:_29 _____ ro;;;;;;;;;-w~~;;:;;;;;;t;I Ila '-*"· Udo .... 2 yr Golde!\ ~ *460 mo. 17&4Sa1 •· no top-... Alw to Lenin. llt3·55111 or F abr 2bt/2'Aba condo, 1-----'------' ~ 7511 m 51 ----------• ·CM. WIO, gar, FP. o L.eguna 3 Arch Bay. • lch ... Corona Conat. 12115+ ut111. Joan S4l & 500 aq ft. ap 9¥1111 ll•awn Any oonat Job. Int l4l-et2e ~ood hwy vlatblllty lo9t t>ec 11. 21at end aldln91framln9. Beat ..__·235_1 ____ __, Santa Ana Ave, Col1• ,...._ 167-3955 lalall fl•IM Ull 580 aq h. Hert>or Ball• MeH. Black. Name ..... 11• •••••••••••••••••••••• center (acr oaa from "Max". Red lealher ••• •••••••••••••••••• Cote w/2 chlldren need i:.doo). Jo6n aome ~ c h a In . 13 1 • e 1 4 4 , a.cr.tary M br houae Wlfl#., CM lenanta at thla choice ~ 8ecretety to the Con- to Dena Pt, earty Jan. 1ocaaon. Mgr 1546-1381 Coc*9' 8pan6al vtc trolar of~ a-:ti (11t):l74-3271 efl. 6pm. . Yortrtown I Hwrtlnclton· rMI •late lnveatmentl Young Couple wtlt"8 to ,..,..,, ... ,., Hlf M0-3308 llf'I I PM P'GCH.rty mgmt CO. 8eff rent gueat houae or ••••••••••••••••••·-··~oat~lftlell~~whl~te~le'.._M_lll-_ ltanet wtttl aptitude for HP•r•t• apartment. Aetall atore et 2850 Avon, tea• puppy I Dover ~~=~ =ig'T':T WOI~ :S.:,.. 9\,.~~~ 8 car Shore, Wntclltt area. 154.21118 I ~~~ ren1. Raf'a, mfl mA ~C::::-'1586• 300 eq. ft. to 2900 aq. h.. ound: Female ml••d .,_. I# lat 4"f 75t per aq. ft. I up. Call ~d. 8*, bnm a •••~•••••••••••••••• Aealonomlca, Corp. wtrt. 2 .,... wt;t. 9*ed E/8lda C.M. a..., agl on ,_e7_MT __ oo_. ____ -' Ph Butl pupp+ea. MaM pvt 1119ey, long term ator-Cocltapoo ti* a wM. 2 aoa. te6/mo. 17i.aeCIO c-m.I adult ca1a. 144-31151, 111' 126 ..._Dr., CM. * -~ • I t 00 • = Q) ~ •·· ~ Q) • I co uld tell Dad toos proud, aud Mom was really beaming . And even Aurit llarriet got a little 111i8ty around the eyes . Aunt Harriet I • swore fd go to f4e dogs. Mom always wanted me to be a doctor. Dad didn\ much care, as long as I amounted to something. But Aunt Harriet was convinced I would come to a bad end. The reasons Aunt Harriet was not exactly kindly disposed toward me stemmed from when I inadvertently left a pet caterpillar in her sterling camly dish . After that, Aunt Harriet felt that my chances of evolving into a resp<>nsible human being were bleak indeed. "Headed right to the dogs, that boy:· shea mutter. To overcome this grave flaw in my character, she began bombarding me with US. Savings Bonds. Figuring, -A&OOubt;-that-money might lead me.awa11fmm evil_ rather than toward it. After all, I needed all the help I could get. And Aunt Harriet couldn\ have helped me more. Those Bonds grew up, along with me, into a nice, fat nest egg. One I kept tapping a~ I moved along in my life. I finally hung out my shing)e today: John Petrie, doctor of vete rinary medicine. I could tell Dad was proud, and Mom was really beaming. And even Aunt Harrie t got a little misty around the eyes. After all-she's the one who predicted I was going straight to the dogs! Buying US. Savings Bonds on a regular basis helps America. And it can help a dream become a reality instead of something that might have been . ' \ . ' ... •• c::-;. .. , I? •I I u 'J d ,, ';) T 0 ~ ~El q '\ ., v -· ' ~q q • " e lO ~ 0 :.a •.1 -~, i .. .. _ our famous , DIMES~A-LINE Pl•ythlng1, excellent Wooden courtroom dllllr m•ttr ... 271150 13.&o. 001ldltloi1 IS5. 548-1117. 925. 687-UTI record pl•)'ef CONOie, a.Mt..,., 1~ g9. BO.iv ,,;lL; .. .... ..... aao. 142-1207 Ion 14.50. Aalnblrd .....,. -• '30. IMS r.o-HEST of four dr...,.., ""91* ... No. 25, 13.80 Ing bike 145. Kod•k """" fonNce • foot QUEEN llH bed 141. Hoh. 8kld Oh•lnl for EK-I c • m • r • I 15. Icing. 2 ,_ tel, d0"9 tell Wood frwne ...._ bed oompect te ao Germain 711 .. 711. dnlwwl tao. eoet t11ller US. Book ehelf 110. bMr et.,na· '3.ao. c0 • c6'MEA'lONG, new SI. do»y, tw~ Pote •nd PIM S 1-H_._ Jana del.Mer ~25 I -=r-·.... 131-12$4 • ~ ne et.end 15. ,,,.,.mr GENIE ect9W drlW do« lft-7215 ~del ·~ 8;r: OOAK fllm 30c eMf\ '°' op1n•r like new 150. INTERCOMS, Laf•yett•, 81cyolr::-a1rl• 11: erolordtlc..8314542 A•dlo Control• IU. AM end FM 16-125. Fte-175-0748 otd ....,_ tnn1 Doot '*-.... tellitCy ~ rnMlt, llfCllent, IAOHI 1100 Smell ~ SM. Doll bedl 11.&o. IP"10I QO'. 567....0 Nevy 175. Volt-Ohm •nee• 11: Toola""'i'Oc" Doll clothH 25o-11S. TRAIN i.yout"N" guege 2 nlltef', Mii. ~good l8di. Poe.end-50c. Dolll2-tl0. Yelow91*1 lflOIMI end c.,. 150. '31 ec.ww -4 ....--IWlethHrt rl,,9 With T • ......_, ._. 110 ,..__ IC.ion .... .;;:;''i1s. tt.lcMell ~· 0.-tmel dl8mond 18. 14K I W r.;: . ...,.._ lft-72116 untl 80ld l20. ~ · 9lwlng doubll etrMd bfeoellt ::r.-t~: ~ AOl..L8'....., ~ .,.., ~ ~ =-J!: 110. 8IMr tlfaceeet 17. phonM 11 each. Ski'• .... I end 417.80 l8di. Chair• f5. Meh. 1171 lher rtl9 It. IWOMnl end blncli'Gll IOOorn 125 • ............. _115 ,.. .... _ ...---.. ..__ ...... a..,._, TUlle.-•MO.~ .___ .. ._.._.,F ,, __ •-·-.. -• ...,..,.._*-.~ 125 ~ atl75-llMI 8Hoh. Saturd•y end di• holct•rl •1•115, M11bed • 2 8EV£RAL men'1 end wo-8unde:y M . -...-7 h11'•11ke,...141, &<WA end low MM tao men'• P«UVlan AJpece 8EAA8 24 Ind! ~duty Cllltl Of'h. lelurcMy eftllr leClh. Over ltuffed cNlr 1wHt•r• h•nd m•d•, c:Ntn -125.tn-oA! t . 136 2itt ltNlt. with ouom•n HS. e ..... -..-18di. KM1 HOOVER~ 0.-..,. ._....,.. m•totll:;\ dining room 790-1112 ~~·.!;• new '35. l•lftP t10. Children. = 1~1.t::!o~= POLAROID 4x5 hOlder J. ~ w-Ne* 7lcl leClh. Dlocnl• .. = ltO. Aft1tque ISO. P•dded c•mer• 116. a..to ,__ Ina Ne* 11. ~ of 11v...-~ treye equip bad! peck 125. er tf\ermoet•t-control btllC end-.. ta. Cee 11ito leClh. 170 "E. 19th loft a.ner-. ..-cme 1aeo wen a. new t11. ecnp bode •1.ao • ..,,.. ..... Cotta MeM.. a.t-112. VOM ohen91 beg Snow cNll'I, '*1vy ~ of .... reoonJ ~ II ' ....... Oll4 11Mn. tar............ ---------t llCYCLE8 •nd pert• Llkl MW ltl. ~ ~ 21o-t25 Gemee. pun-~ In FOd CIOftdt. ... toye IOc-U . Kid• tlon IH. I.Md .... '-Cdl9e Pot 71o. .......... -end cNlr'8 • oe.. '°' *In ...... t-11 ..... tMmto It ...... '"' 100-12. siiet• 111nw111 ao • ..._ •uo. -.rte ..,. end .,.,.. 25o4I. MM muer ti. Wiid ............. bolltl. Orlfteman router tao. ,.,.., ...... 116. "°'*' ...._ ttl. ,_ drtl flllde oordll .. ehavet , ... •'· New drlll pow9fed moct1•. Ilk• n-t11. Mft ........ Four... ~I llrOler 10'1 I llll ....... eMf\ ....... ~.., .. Cllltl ........ N. .. ,, ____ ..... ~_11_11 ___ , .......... 0... ..... ~-Mlr-wrtltY ....... 41tll. lft ....................... ...... ~ ...... =::n.==r-..... ..!:!i'i '''· aw-..... '==~==~~'' _!~!!,!!~ llllt H... .,_ ... 1111 BENETEAU 38 . Is herel JI n. AAllY-1H1 Twln Chryalen, rebuilt. New auto pilot, fathometer, radio, bilge pumps. Aho electric windlus, synchronizer, swim step, gaa range & oven. ACIOC refrigerator, bait tank. $16,000 or offer. lll-1144 . ThJI 111W'J111M of Ow LB-Show" II • now tn water and rHd)' for demontt.rattona. PlelM hurry, If lnterHted In ••bt1 boat'' hltb ~uallty and Lat.tet flllt ~ at thSI "liveeway" tlOOK prtce! AIMt 31' Jl'INN FL YER • '82 dealer demo w/fu.ll ndnl ....- (w• f7eK) ~9,)50 26' FISHER Potw • '78 •I• ---~$3&.000. 32' BENrrEAU -'82 deeler demo $49,9&0 30' FINNSAILER • '74 mtr 81.t ·~6.000 no1d yachts 3700 .... ~ .• ....-..., ... wpott 8Nctt, CA _, (714>~ Trade your old etutr fOf 71 Dateun Pickup, alnt new eodlH With 8 oond., Al'tlna !l700 Cl•tllled ed. 142-11171 M+-12- DIMES-A-LINE ADS MUST BE PLACED BY 3 p.m. ON FRIDAY. FOR INFORMATION CALl LOIS, 642-5678. ext. 319. tJ \ ~ •40 ... ·" ----~·Of~I ·cate. . 0MtP9'1, :'914't.' • """' IDr UIC MGR ~!° ·-.... .,. 117U e..11 IMS. ~TON BEACH 'I 141.- I· I 1 k r.111 I f I~ . ' 'I I I~ -~ ESTER ••••••11111 13e31 Hw1»or BIYd. a..narow ........... 'II 714'1:1111 ••••••••••••••••~•• '• 912 TWQA. mint cond .. llloye.t~ WIDIDMllt .......... '71 Ced Eldo llleo 17.J000 ...... 1AP8111 '7• DMlult 2IOl ""'° 1 IAllll 1111'* I IPd ·na-0....11111 ~~·~ •llO?Nllo '71 Pinto .. ""° ~='r:.ir t'l W • ._, C.M. --""' "*"' ~ ........... Mtt, lrown 141 ·-~............ . ( UMMfll _HtVlllJLf l '>41> I JOO ,.,.., luper~ltO ~~.-nnc- •YPlll ...... _,_ 2080 Hw1»or ltlld. 008TAME8A . .. " 19"CAINUAC COWi DI VILLI ltCMVIO) 18995 , .. , CW.LAC PUllWOOO MOUellAM COllll'I C18WU111) 114,995 1911 CADILLAC ILDOllAOO llAlllTZ (1A8GH1) $}5,995 19IO CADILLAC ILDOIADO COUPI (IACL799) $12,995 1979 CADILLAC llVILLI (392YP8) $11,495 WB BAVA 88 BJIMAIBJ:aG 1988 UUZOB o• sax.• 'i"HIB •••XWBD ~ '!tHBDlACTOAt. l'.AmoB2 IB VOICJI PBICll. AIJ, 88 llUST GO :tBIS WB•B MfltDI. l'llIO•& ...... .A8 ~ .&8 •sass (IPS. IW) ~ Ottfl) --~--._._..,.- ~ -uet 1-.t '*'...,.a ..l(«>~fO.sl'l Y.JM04!11M vt~Oi-~ ,.-A• Al S ~ ~ ~ 2 -Orange County RMI Eetate/An Adwrtlelng SupplerMnt to the OAtt:.Y ~ILOT/Saturday, December 18, 1982 *$279,000 * DOVll SHOllS * S~oua execuUve home featurtnc <I bl' & 3 ~ ba, pool & a view of the backbay & Anthony'• Pier! 'lbJa fine residence Is located in a very de9lroul area & priced few immediate ale. Low interest AMomable financing available. Call 759-1501 or 752-7373. ISTATI SIDD LOT * CAMIO SHOllS * Thia outstanding exec home features whllt mUst be the largest lot in Cameo Shores! The rear yard features a JapuM!9e prden, waterfall, Koi pond, pool & volleyball crt. ln a 1pacioua environment designed for memorable days thruout the year. A }&e liv rm w /frpk overlooking the pool & gardem exemplifies the 'Open 1pacloua feeling prevalent tbruout. A hup kitchen. fnn1 din nn & 4 ~ bdnQs including a matr suite w/blt-ln shelves. sunken jllcl.mi tub. Offered at $670,000. f'EE w/assumable financing at 11.7~. 759-1501 or 752-"7373. *NIW LISTING* HAllOI VllW HOMI Outstanding Portofino on FEE land! Excellent family home featuring a premi-'n location with extensive use of Wied brick, 3 BR's plus large covered patio. Priced for immediate sale at $315,000 with 10~% assumable financin !! Call 759-1501 or 752-7373. AIANDONID Alnsrs CHAI.IT SACllPICI PllCI Of $ l69,900 "' This EngJ.iah Tudor lt)'le home ia vacant and waiting for a new owner. It is custmn built with many feaiure. nonnally found ooly in higher priced properties. Notice the bay window and artistic wQOden planter boxes. What you can't see in the picture are the five skylights, used brick entryway, ceramic tile kitchen flooring, aecluded patio or the lbfta found in each of the large bedrooms. Added to that is a spacious family room and three full baths which make this cory five year old home located only two miles from the ocean trulv an B::Ctional value in today's market. 9032 Adams Ave., Huntington . For more information please call 556-7035. HOW DO YOU SPI LL SUCCISS? A Rolls Royce of a home! Of course every detail has been attended to for the dlscril'ninat1ng b0)'8. Tantallztng c:olol'S. Perfect ilC>w for entertaining with cozy comers of "at home" living. Three thousand five hundred square feet of uncompromising elegance consisting of five bedrooms and three full baths. The master bedroom suite is particularly enchanting and includes a luxurious sunken oval tub and separate tiled shower. There is a aeparate family room with wet bar and a 15'x21' bonus room for the cbildnm. Formal d.iningJs provided as weU as an eating area oft the kitchen. Beautifully landscaped yards including a custom spa. The $354,900 price is surprisingly affordable in today's market place. For compleie details call 963-5671. u1NJ11NGJTOW1'CNno10Ja-~~~-:--- * DOVEi SHOllS * This custom Ivan Wells designed home was built w/executive entertaining in mind. Quality thruout, from the 10lld oek paneled den to the mahogany paneled fmly rm. Same of the numerous features are: sensational view of Faahion Island & ocean. bi.ck bottom pool & spa w/outsi.de bar, 3 car garage, complete lleCW'ity system & of course formal dining. To view the lwcurious features of this magnificent residence, c.all 759-1501 for private showing. $1,500,000 FEE! OCIAN VllW + POOL '*SPYGLASS HILL* Thia truly ~t n!9idence Is foe U... who embrace relaxing luxury u a way of life. This home Is cosnpletely remodeled & decorated, featurin& impol'ted i-ven ~ OD the front patio & con&lnWnl into the entry & thruout the fm1y rm, kitchen & breakfalt --. Dww tecl in M8diternnean style w/curved an:hea. recnnd ~ • Ub9nl u. of mimn. The remodt led ...,met kitchen feMunl IOlld Ollk cabinetry. Jen-Air RaJWI ~ to.I • a ......,_. nook w/oowi view. Nett•.U, thin 'Ii• paar_. OCltUl & nleht view fnm LA to Ca'8llna • of..._ a poo& • 1P9 .. enol'd tn a prlvete cowtyard. 'nu. tine bame .. ._.,fetekebly Newpal'tf Priced at $849,900 nz w /wnmable ffnmcinl. 79-1001 (II' 7&2-7878. •WAftlflONT NOMI & ILIP* ·, Sensational eucudve home feetw1na 4 It, enonnoue 1Mq & dining room, 2 fireplaces & room for 50' boat! Only $5~9,000. FEE with a.umable financing. Call "'9·1501 or 7$2-7373. AFP O ID A I L I llACH LIVING What would you normally expect to find for $112,000? c.erta.inly not a double car enclc.ed garage with an extra large patio, and probably not a den with a wet bar or a large family eating area. But even 11 you did, we'll almost guarantee the master bedroom suite wouldn•t be 18'x15' with mirrored cloeet doors. All this and more can be yours within a five minute drive of Pacific Cout Highway. We'd be delighted. to give you any additional information if you'll jusl call us at 963-5671. DILUXI llAUTY SALON IN HIGH TRAPFIC AalA LOCATION You would· have to 11ee this custom designed and decorated interior to believe it. Five busy operators and five additional slations for future expansion plus twin nail stations and a f~ room. Abo included are six hair dryers, three ahamJ>C?O 1tations and two supply rooms. All equipment ls topof the line quality and barely 1 \..i yeara new. Seller Is willing to remain-u an employee of the new owner. Conaiderlna the location and cub flow is ~ offered at $74,000. SS6-70S5. . .. r, 1 I 760-8333 . ~ 3 ~IYIC PLAZA #170 NEWPO.RT BIACH, CA ....,n111a- Lovely EeeWde Costa Maa 3BDll., 2 Bath with Spa -PleMant ,.... yard. tree lined ltreet, _, tenm. $171,000. 780-8333 . ..... ""'""' Batt 2 story Dobw plu with ou1standinc view. 3BDR and Dam.-room. Formal dinina. Owner will finance. Priced right at $249.50(). 7~ . l NEWPORT BEACH NEWPORT BEACH BEACH COMMUNITIES ...... ·--3 bedroom Monaco model. Freehly painted, new landscaplng. Charming country trench decor. Loweet priced MONICO In 8'g C8nyon. Prtced to Mii. Owner wtU help finance. • U1Y11 Mn.Ill At last a one story townhome with Iota of prtvacy. It• own pool & apa. In model perfect condition & reallatlcally priced In this prestlgeoua oate guarded community. • .......... 1111,lll JUl1 listed! The new owner will enJoy the~ elegance & pride of ownership of thla 4 BR home pm poof, spa & bonua rm. Extravagant UMS of uaed brlc:k. ,........ .., .... Lowest prtce fee 5 BR Someraet model. Great financing. ($238,000 1st T.D. at 12~% fix.), neutral, Immaculate decQ.r & beautiful low maintenance landacaplng. Cml ua for more Info! •UITll ...... . Totally upgraded 3 BR, den reektence. Formal dining room, large patio, aophlltlcated decor thru~t. Aaaumable financing & excellent value & fee landl .... . Ill .... --lil•mo-t11ona6-MttklgJ B•t JocaUon wtth panoramic-- views of Back Bay & city Ughta. Dolor• plan wtth lovely neutral decor. \fwy anxloua aener ha made thla 3 BR vtew home a great buy! . .... 11-. Price reduction! OwTl« need• to ... II Great location 6n Bluffs. 2 BR condo with greenbelt vtew. Perfect for ..._ or couple. A mull a..i .__ ....... Private eltate on " 8CfW tucked Into mat\n gawden & 1N98 wtth PMOr8ft'Mc Yl9Wf 3 BA Md IMld'•· Reotl-remod1l1d. Hardwood "°°"' beM'8d c1•noa. & Old Wortd Cherm. Nothtog .. It an)'*'-9 In ...... ..... I.,.. Cuatoma.d bMutlful expanded ptan 5 5 BR. The trick today In buytng homes la to find great value, great emotional appeal, AND great tlMndngl T"'8 lovely home has It all. mNW M1._ Spectacular 4 BR New Bedford model In guarded ~e area of SeavW.W. Community pool & t.,nla. OCMn & City llghta view. Be creative, owner will uel8t with flnandng. ·~ san.-we are exelted about this lovely home. It really offers so much with lta extra large lot with spa, 4 BRS, lta perfect for the medium to large f8mlly requirements. ....... 11-. Thl8 la a VIEW Condo aerenely enhanced by high ceMlnga, and open to two paUoa. It hail a i.rge mMt• eulte & another BR with bath. It's )u8t a grMt place to llvell 1.81.. a.•• Cuatom dealgned & decorated by Carole Elchen, thl• fabuloua bayfront home unite• natural beauty with Imported lnterlor8, brick paved gourmet kitchen & belluttful woods. 3 BR, maid'• qtrl, pier & allp. . ~--.... Little laland bayfront. Enjoy the charm ot Balboa latand from the patio of thla Ideally located home. PrHently a duplex, could conwrt to atngle famlty. Motivated Mfler . N Ill.I 11.,_ Count your etepa to the bay -It'• that cloeel Thia NEW 4 BR country atyted home offers the ultlmate In quality of craftaman8hip. "Extras" abound make thla a very apec1a1 property. MTlll•I ·--. One of a kind custom 8.BR ln aecurtty gated community. Two prtvate beaches & marina. Tateful decor wtth quattty cSet-. llbound. Lrg comer lot, prof ~ & m-'ntlllned. ----···--.__ L .. Mloptlon or buy one of laland'a moat DrMMlttc OCMn vtew & rare down COMt vtew. charming alngte realdenoe. S bedroome + Iott & Owner la anxloua, price atuhed $100,000. TtW CUltom jacuzzi. Ugttt open airy feeling lnatde. '4 BR home with private courtyard & pool la ~c::=..one dining room. Owner will auch exciting newa that the Sandplpera are ._ M•• doing a Fandango 9" the beechl Ch.-m la the only word for thta wonderful '4 BR. --11111 1111 PH,m f8mlly home ]'m atepa from Balboe'I ~ 3-eR~lllM:tttome"Wfed amono-matu'--~-~ w-~.:-:~!b-.rrnniVl.iitf"l'~-----tt treee. Large cowred patio, BBQ, flreptt, spa. a white plck.t .._ & pr.tty flowera thla hOuae trench door•, cathedral celllnga, hardwood would deUght the .,,._ of buy9tal noora. Excallent financing. Owner will c.ry. 1.81.. ·--....... LY.I. ..._ &elect Lido l1le location feature• charm, 4 BA 8penlltt with Inner courtyard & fount81n.. prtv.ay & a oountty EnQlttl f1avort 3 BR. 3 BA, DeGtc IMda to mature tr ... & private park. 2 atory home. 2 '"'*°"• NmOdllld kHd'8fl & Home la c:IMn, adaptable & located In one of '" brlok patio. Outatllftdlng wh.-r+ owner our beat communttM. You won't bllaw the flnendng. financing we are ~II -• -1111.m IOlllUI .... Neet & clMn duptex. FNlhly painted 2 untta. 2 PrN ... oommuntty. Gfwt ftMndng. Fee land BR & 1 BR. Thia la a toroid ..... Owner Wiii pg ct.°"*'G 3 BR home. WMt more c.n you carry p..-. Trede or conalder cloelng cost for Mk for? lrtak ~ dutch doOf, IMded glaaa & down payment Call for ,_ta. 1emod1l1d ~.Owner wll t»lf'I long term. LAGUNA BEACH ---" .. Loweet pttce vl9w home In one of the moet ~ prfyate gated comrnunm. .. the PllCtfto eo.t. Walk to uncty be11at1 from ttM brtaht & cheerful 2 BA, freahty deccW .. ld home. ""'rhe perfect retirement apot & •n afforMl9~ _.._ --PNltlgloul North Ulguna. Drtve 80U1te 7 m11e & .. ..,. ....... Of= ac-.. .... of PCH. lnWMOlllll• a M ~ on ~ OiM. ....... w;llt with ftMnolng. . II' N L9I -WlllWlllT The utttmate-locationl Maaterfuly del6gned for Pl'tY8CY, party flow I. . family comfort. Orwnatlc IWChftecture fMtut1ng -bay vt.Wa. Gourmet kitchen, 3 ftNplacM. 2 BBQ, 4 cer garegee, bayllde pool, dock for 60 footer & muc:ti .nor.. te,eoo,ooo. c.11 for llPS)t. Dona Chk:heeter. UllllFWI .... DTl1D 2~ acre leY9f hllttop. v-. to the .... Unffmlted brtd'8 traits. 5 stall t.n care taker M1tte. Umtmfted UM of ed)olnlng private 5 acre part & Baa Lake. 5 BR, 4 BA -20 mlnut• to John Wayne Airport. $1,295,000. George Grupe. ......... 113 Ruby R-2 lot with completely ,_ored treuure c:ottage. New plumbing, new FA heeling • Old original beama, mleek>n doors, epanleh fireplace. Huoe muter suite. All new kitchen & bath. $800,000 Fee. Bewrty Morphy. . .... -• 111111 IUM.ll On the gotf cour.. LOW99t priced 4A tewnhome wfkNety vt.w, epa. _ t>Mutlfully customized. Sec. syetem, Mltomatlc llghta & eprintdere. Profeak>nal maintenance, free landecaplng -Gated community. BIWM1Y"M ... tml•urmt Super OCMn I. bey 'Mw from thla ~ elngle story reeldence. 2 mstr......, plue 2 more lg BR, 4tem rm, & geme rm. Pool In courtywd. Great for entertaAnlng. '595.000 LH. Donna Godshall. M-111 I.Am I lllT IUP lt•,111 lrnmllCUlat• & ~ fumlllhed home on· a ~ beach In a prtvate community. ProMlllonalty 1emodll1d. Mary Lou Marton. •11·m •1111 ""' 11111 "'' '111'' Fabuloue ~·below m.tc .. " lnt.-t rate aYallable for a quallfted buyer. 5 fonMI **ta rm., fwn rm. wtth tots of~ & fNnch doon Md wtndow8.. Pool & lpL Great ftlmtty home. CIOM to ~nlty Pllfk & IOhoc*. "429,000 Ind. land. Donna Godehall. ............ The "legend" model one Bf\ den condo lltUlded within stepe of. the bey. ~ redeoor-.d. TM "'-IUlee occup ... tM entire MCOnd floor. Flnanotno ta exc.u.nt on thl• p,...t)OIOua home. $395,000 Fee. Donna GodlMI. 111111111• .. Gate ~ oommuntty. __.,. fn"Y horne on quiet etrMt. Y04X deooratMg touch Wiii edd much otwm to thll lovely 3 BR, 3 BA. oonwrtlble den home. 9311~ lnal. land. Dick HllldermM. I ..... _ When you Wlllk In the door -You .. 1HICCfM. 8eautlful 3 BR, = flm """"" • ..., -OMllllllCI ...,.,... dll*'ll rm. Gourmet w/....,, n1t1•t room • ...... d lot. 8perkllne pool • NA tor •n.ooo lnaWlnO lmnd ...... --. ------· z:q; > 40 .. ,.. .. ,nm Thia 18 a tplendld opportunity -new reuodel and ~ decor In a great famlly area. Warm cozy and ipllCk>ua w/a beautlful v1ew & 4 BR + library. $298,000. Coby Ward. . . ..... -Ill -.i 11111 Spotleu 3 BR, 3 BA, lncludlng teparate entrance guest suite. Canyon and ocean vtewa from OY8f'alZe lot on qutet street. Very motivated. Owner hM pttced property well under market. May be belt value In town. 1289,500 wtth land. George Grupe. UHU ... mau.- New on the Market -View -3BR, 2BA, amall den. Room to bulld up for fantastic view. Near high IChOOI for publlc tennis courts. Mary Lou Marton. ... .. , ... You're going to love thla cuatom bullt landmark home. In great condition w/bultt-!n1 & 2 maselve flreptaoee & 3 lg BR. $260,000. Coby Ward. TWI YUi ... _. • fU Ull Original Btuffa MCtlon, beauttfully decorated, 2BR & formal dining rm. S2n,500. e.verty Morphy . UITll.lff ..... Spartllng emotional atrnoephere prevalla In this 3 BR + fam rm Lusk beauty. Numerous cuetom felltu,. & upgradee -Newty landacaped W~8"1W':yard. ThlW .,.OWi l*W"ll new h<H1Nf l!xoet .. nt tocatton-- adjacent· to· park. $230,500. Jane Pequtn. · ·---····-Darting houM w/2 prtvate patlo9, lg apa, trench doore, 8-1 bookcaell & fireplace. Lota of exterior brick, w9lk to Merl,,.,.. IChool. $239,000. Beverty Morphy. U1111.Wf ..... Rare "Plan B" elngle story, 4 BRS, tarn. rm, dining rm home situated In lovely Eutbluff. Just painted Nlde & out · Mow9 belluttfulty. An Inviting apa I• located In the prof...,onally landscaped yard. s 199,950. Land quote 189,800. Dona Godahalt. ...... Ultl .... , Aret Offering! OrtgtnaJ Bluffa -Immaculate "Carmetlta Plan" pn greenbelt n.. pool. 4 BR, 3 BA -Patio. $198,000 LMMhokl. Ok::k Halderman. ~-E.xceptlonally ICMly 38R, ..,_ "°'Y home, quellty prevails. Lg tree etMlded lot. YefY pttvete, eocc1l1nt looadon. Lllrge ...,mable toana. Celt nowt S179,800 lnct tenet JMe Paqutn: ·~ Mtn vtew, trt-tevel, 2 BR, FR tC>WMome. COzy 11v rm, fplo, handy gourmet kitchen. ~ ftnencln'g. 1174,900. Bltbara calllhan. • OCEAN VIEWS FROM IRVINE TERRACE One story wood home wtth 4 bedrooma, 3 bathe, pool, terms. $600,000. Owner will carry 1at. ELEGANT BAYFRONT CONDO On the Cove overlooking Balboa Island wtth 2 bedrooma, den, 2'~ batha. $855,000. • BAYSHORES CHARMER ON FEE LAND Spacious 3 bedroom family home wtth famlly room and French doors, large corner lot, good terms. $495,000 FEE. WATERFRONT HOME IN LINDA ISLE Traditional 5 bedroom, 4'A bath home wtth courtyard entry, apa, sllp and side tie for 60' boat. S 1,450,000. . SPANISH JEWEL IN THE BLUFFS Lowest priced 4 bedroom wtth apa and eecurtty system plus fireplace and gara~. $269,000 FEE. A MINI ESTATE WITH POOL, SPA AND KOi POND A beautiful huge yard au.rrounds this 6 bedroom, 4 bath home with fireplaces.•Need to Mil. $449,000. . . HARBOR VIEW "CARMEL" HOME Near beaches and lcnoots wtth 3 bedroome, covered patio and huge redwood deck. $249,000 FEE. LIDO SANDS NEAR POOL, BEACH AND SHOPPING Great starter home wtth 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, patios and fireplace. $159,000. THE PLAZA AREA OF THE BLUFFS sparulfi style ~om1n1um-wtth 4 bedroomt, ~the. -l'.f'y~Jq>tlon.­ $169,500. CITY LIGHTS FROM SEAVIEW Seller wlll help finance thl• 4 bedroom, 3 bath home In prestigious, gate-guarded community. $485,~. BIG CANYON CONDO Upper level 2 Bedroom 2 Ba, flreplace, taateful wallpaper, uee of pool, spa. tennis. $205,000. Try anything. ACROSS FROM OCEANFRONT White water view 3 bedroom home on OCMlwlde Meda TLC. '895,!>00. EMERALD IAY TOTALLY lllllODELED Outatandlng 3 bedroom 2'A bath gate guwded community home w/uae of poo11 & t•.ota. MklnQ S710,000. FMULOUS OCEAN VIPi LOT I Above "Palm Tree Ctrde" With .... ftn8ndng up to $100,000. $385,000 .. . . NE.AR PARKS TENNIS AND BEACH Country atyte home wtth 5 t;droome, 4 bethe, t..mty room, brick patlO. S755,000. COUNTRY CHARM PLUS OCIAN VllW Wdc to pool from thle 8'bedro0m, &'A beth home wtth m.ld'• ~. seao.ooo. LOW, LOW DOWN Oii UA89/0PTION OcMrl vtew, ~ reetorect 4 bedroom a beth home wtth twnHy room, cornw lot. HIQhtY ~ed ...... mi.ooo. . . --.. ·~--. > ~ , • ' ,. ~.~~·· .• ; ·i!!· ,.,, • U!. • ~ --.. Jo. • -~ ... ~ IDEALLY SUITED FOR ENTERTAINING "Lucerne" model with 3 bedrooma. 3'A bath, 3 fireplaces and famlly room. $895,000. SPECTACULAR OCEAN AND CITY VIEWS This expanded "Miramar" model la ldea!ly located near pool and tennis. A 3 bedroom for low down an.d terma. $575,000. -. . SEE THIS ONE AND COMPARE Try low down on thla "Oynaaty" model with 2 bedrooma, flreplace,.terms . $379,000. SPACIOUS AND ELEGANT LIVING This 5700 sq. ft. home with marble floored entry features 4 large bedrooms, elevator, ln8ulated wtne room, fuU eecur1ty system, 4 flrepleces and much more. S 1,895,000. "LAUTREMONT'' MODEL WITH TEAMS A spacious patio area aurrounded by luah landecaplng plus 4 bedrooms. $790,000. JUST LISTED "JODELLE" MODEL Striking Interior with furniture lnctuded, 3 bedrooms, 2~ bethl, good terms. $865,000. SELLER WILL CONSIDER TRADE Thia "Oevonlhlre" model wt•h 5 bedrooma, 4 bathe, haa fireplace, atrium and panoramic ocean and city light Ylewl. 1675,000. MOUNTAIN AND CANYOJLVIEWI _ Two story condo with 4 bedrooma, 3'A bathe and famlty room plus nice location near the Reeerwlr". Prtced bek>w nwket. $550,000. . "CA8AllLANCA" MODEL WITH GOOD TERMS A flreptace to wwm the nlghta • you gaa out to the lighted city. A 4 bedroom. $520,000. . RMtcH0 SAN M>AQUIN.IRVINE Two bedroom, 2 bath condo with fttepleoe, deck• and UM of pool and IPL $159,000. AMOR LAKE OF IMNIE Boating and .wlmmlng .. ftalt1ble to ,...,ti ot thla tine community. Thia 2bdrm.2bathlaOtttf1175,000. . TllY 11~ DOWN Oil TRADIE FOR T .D.'I Neer bMOh and 8hopplng, thle Coeta ..... triplex Ml garegee and aundecka. True pride of ownerlhlp. 1245,000. QUIET GOLF COUR• CONDO Laguna Niguel 2 bedroom, 2 bath greenbelt view unit near tenn~ 1111,000. HUNIWGTON HAMOR WITH_. 90AT DOCK Trtntdlld lllend ,,...,.. I ...... ~ room IMMM ..... ....., flnMolng ........... °'*'-·~•a:trta ..._ 1-6 .. 8412 .......... . ULTW'n AKNIWCIUML .... Young exeoutM wtl ....,..._ lo. COMt flllm tooelon fOf thla 2 bedroOm 2 bath oondo. 1148,000. . ... ••• , FOuR ACRES, NELLIE GAIL lncredlble upgraded equeetrlan ..-te at Nellie Gall Ranch. Handeome tile-roofed four-bedroom, thr ... bath home with view of rolling hllls. Perfect for the acttv.t famlty, the property featuree a pool, spa, fountalna, and.,Jnany fruit-bearing trees ... and four acree of privacy ... all for onty $4~.500. Excellent financing Is available . . . call Marilyn Hiii or Susan Trlvt9on for details. PALM SPRINGS Canyon Country Club. Beautiful cul-de-Mc location on golf course. Views of mountains. Muter suite with two rooms, two baths. Guest quarters with two rooma, one bath suite. Plus den. Pool and spa. Auto sprinklers. Alarm system. $385,000. Call Marilyn TWltchell for detalls. . INVESTORS -DEVELOPEf'S Don't mlaa thla appeatlng ... astslde Costa Mesa duplex, each two bedrooms, one bath, weH maintained. PlUS,.there la land enough for two more unttal $175,000, and owner will carry with about 2091. down. Call Joyce Daboft. , NEW LISTING · No games here. Sellers ace motivated and realistic. Pr~ $20,000 under mnet for flllt Ale. Three-bedt oom, ~th Harbor View Hiiis home on fee land, with many beautlful upgradee. lowty HCtuded garden setting on quiet street. Call Trudy Stubblefield for a ahowtng. COUNTRY CHARM Two-bedroom cottage In "Old Corona det Mar." Remodeled with great taste -parquet ftoortng, brick flreptece, French doors to wood deck, new ttie, oak cabinet• In kitchen.,..._ Low maintenance. Excellent financing available. Pleue contact Btnnte otxon for detaJla. WARMINGTON IN NORTHWOOD Beautiful Shadow Run In lrvtne. • bedroom, bonus room, 3-car garege, all on quiet cul-de-ac. Huge living room, eepara~e famlty room, hand80fl'Htfy lendecaped grounde. Very good aaumable loan, AND, owner wtff ..... t tn financing. A great opportunity for y&ur famlly to llve In desirable communl1)'. Cell Cerol King. DRASTIC •ooo REDUCTION Beauttfulty upgraded Preeldent'a home In pr•tlgJoua Turtle Rock. • bedroom pool home .. tuaWd at end of an unique Mduded cul-de-sac, provtdlng a forever vtew. Reduced for quick ..... Owner may ualat In ftnandng. Caff Oton Schmef'lr for exciting detalla. SECLUSION OF CHINA COVE A ~ opportunity within the vtUege atmoephere of China Cow. LMt aboerd and remodel, or tw down and rebuild. Third floor overtook• Harbor entrMCe. Property la .,m>uoded by mllHon dollar homel, and la priced at onfV 137~,500. Cell Marttyn Htll tor a prtvate lhowtng. .. SPECTACULAR oceAN VIEW Unique cuatom home: muttl·leYef five bedroom, '41A bath, p1u1 •P•· Dramatic entry with 17' n.hpond, 8'(tum and tlkyllghta. Panoramle ocean view. Maid'• qu11rter1. Security ayatem. Poaelble LEASE/OPTION. '885,000. Call Sally ShJpley for further ~. Nl!WPORT BEACH INVESTMENT Two apecloua M.B. condoe -lkte by aide -located near Corona del Mar HI School, Fashion Island, churchea, and many other amenities. CommunJty pool. Very desirable units. Good assumable 104lna. Owner very motivated. 3 BR, $183,500. • BR, $183,500. Call Sally Shipley for a lhowlng. REDUCED $84,IOOI Exquisite custom wood and gtaas home. Quiet cul-de-sac location. Featuring three bedrooms, plus a convertible study; spacious family room. beautifully landscaped .garden, patio and pool areas. Off-stceet RV . parking. large assumable loan. Call Joyce Oabolt or Don OeThomas. ' INTERNATIONAL FLAIR A moat luxurious ttv.-bedroom bayfront property, with pier and slip for a large yacht. Superbty crafted Interiors dramaticalty counterpoint the bay and city views. Remarkably ptlced at onty $1,350,000, fee. Please contact Cathryn Tennille for detaJls regarding owner-assisted financing. GAEA TL Y REDUCED Hlghty upgraded property on the Bay at Dover Shores. Superb view of Bay, Cfty and Mountains. Three-bedroom reeldence Is finished to a VfKY high level of quality and taste. EXtenlfve uee of wood, brlctc and tile. Private courtyard entrance, fabuloua wetbar, eectuded muter suite. The tiled rear terrace leads down to the Bay and to your pier and sup. Dover Shore's best buy at onty $899,000. Appraleed at $1, 125,000. Call Binnie Dixon for an appointment. NEWPORT BEACH -BIG FIRST LOW PAICEI lovely condo with poolslde setting & large private patio on lush greenbelt. Excellent financing. $110,000 assumable, 10V•%. Owner very motivated & wlll car 2nd T.O. Cail Sal Shi~ toda for.!. showln . Q.nly $185,000. IRVINE -3 BEDROOMS -Sll,000 Three 'bedrooms for the price of twoll Fun condo In Walnut Square. Air-conditioning, garage, two baths. Interesting financing options. Donna Webater has details. Call today. .JASMINE CREEK A apecial community In Corona def Mar. A former model, many upgrades wtth lta own pool.and ape. A deelrable Plan 2 wtth lots of privacy. Call for appointment to eee. Linda Tagtlanettt. l PRIDE OF OWNER8HF Three bedroom ranch atyte home muet be Men to be appt'eclated. Property boasts a heated pool eurrounded by a large, well melntalned garden with gu fired Mrbeque, mellbu Mghte and fruh treee. The warmth and comfort of It• fntertor I• h~htlghted by a natur.i brick kitchen barbeque, ftnelY finished woodwonc thruout and an enck>eed patio. Call Don OeThomaa for a per80f'lal lhoWtng. 832-3910 or 75&-9100. BEST BUYI Monaco model In• Harbor View Homea, featuring pool alzed yard, many upgr•dea. Cul-de-MC k>cetlon. Asaumable 1at T.D. Owner can carry paper. Beet of all, YQU OWN THE LAND. ~18,000. Call Toddy Smith today. I --. REAL ~STATE E.XCELLENCE SINCE fNS* L9I ...... Not a king -Just ltYe llk:--e-one--:-ln--...~~WIT~ US TQ. ._:._ -lPEW ... ~ this country English Bayside home. Six . BMmed celling. French doors. Shutt.,. and bedrooms, six baths ..• one wtth ltwn room. levelora. 'Tht1J;! . ~ bedrooms. Oen and Spactoua epllt lewl ltvtng room, vaulted celt6ng. L9I ,_ .. · · · kSMI Bavfront two bedroom family room. \;U911om IPL Owner wll conelder Step-up formal dining room. Gourmet kitchen. condominium for the buey or trawlng t.mlfy. exchange for commerctal bualneu, t>oat or Luxurious bayfront brick terrace wtth wet bar. When the worttlng day la over or vacation la aubmlt. Avallabl• 1398,500 Leaaehold or Convenient dock for 3e foot boat. Owner wtll · finished, the quietude of the evw-changlng $533,500 Fee. carry large trult deed, lntereet only, or consider · marine view provtdea pr'.c: 11111 therepy for body part trade. ..... : ................................ $2,700,000 and soul. Your own pier ~~ .. ~Ip.,:_~~! eecurtty ayltem. Large auum...,,. ...,_, ... ..._, ... -..• New llatlng we beneY9 to be the IOWMt priced bayfront In Dover Shor•. Three bedrooms and den. Formal dining room. Two secluded prtvate patloa. Seventy-aeven feet on the wet« wtth pier and aMp for large . boat. ·0wner wtll Ulilt with ftnandng. $395,000 ._ .._..,. ... lmpreaalve new bayfront home. Five spacious bedroom . Distinctive • step-up dining room. Bultt4n china cablneta. Immense entertainment room with wet bar. Reatful vtew deck. Pier and float for 80 foot boat. Gueet apartment over three car garage. Custom pool. You own the land. Owner exceptionally flexible aa to financing. Wiii conaJder exchange for unlta, comm«clal or submit. ........................................... $2,350,000 ._ .._ ..... BayfronL Owner wttl . canv One Miiiion Dollar flrat truat deed. Ave bedrooms, den. mWd'a Quert.,._ Sixty fMt on the bay with pier and allp for three boats. wuc teue completely fumWted for abt month• at $3500 per month, or conalder leue/optlon. : .• ·:······:············································· $1,500,000 • 111111 ... Fuctnatlng home In a luxuriant eettlng. Ave epadoua bedrooms, Formal dining room. Huge famlty room wtth wet bar and large bullt-ln teleYtaion ecreen. Custom pool and apa. Located on the 18th fl!llway ......... 11,4'96,000 .,. -•.. Incomparable bayfront home with large pl« and ftoat. Luxurloua home OeilQnecno-tll T~. yet qutte flex.Ible. Huge ltvtng room, fonMI dining room and den/llbrary, pk'9 mater bedroom In "'*' buUdlng. AcroH the uHd brick patio la a Mparate two bedrooni QUe9t suite. You own the land ................................................... $985,000 ... ,...... ••• tf the hOfM Mt9 the mood for the day ..• how woutd you Mk• to wake up to one of the beat marine views In Newport e.ach? Whether It'• the maater bedroom, breakfaat or living room, you enJoy an ln8plratlonal view of the entire harbor. Three apacloua bedrooma, famlty/bUtlarda room. Huge paUo and custom apa wtth guebo. You own the land. Aextble ftnMCfng. ..... $985,000 "'II 111111 . . . Quallty show• In moat everything -partlcu&arty In a home euch .. thla cu.tom four bedroom buttt with lath and plater. Situated on a prtvate bNch. Muter bedroom aulte balcony ovettooka bMd'I and bay. In-law or maid'• quartere ......... '920,000 ... -... Evety day le a holiday In thle enchanting vtew home. TWo muter bedrooma In one wtng. Third bedroom wtth own •tty and private bath In the other wing. Al roome open to Indoor dehumktlfted pool. 8ecurtty aystem. ~ .~.~~ .. ~~~ .. ~~.~ .. ~ i=.o: ... -... Pr9adgloue five bedrOom, four Md~ Nth home. Aeetful bey view. P-lenkwood IDOra. rrenat. docn and gorgeow WOod9 • .....,, room with ...., ... bllllt.·Aoom • for 1pa '" tc~t courtJard. 1110,000 to ll00.000 doWft. Owlllr .. wry b--.. 1a-Ma. ·-·•••••••e•••M•••••._ ...................... :···· 1740.oac» wtfl carry MCOnd truet deed or exchange for Income property. Wiit conekler leue/optlon . 1499,000 lnlUll a&. ... Thia delightful four bedroom home reflects an air of comfort anc:f' contentment. The feeling la accented by the specttlCUlar and everchanglng ocean view. Thia ~~~wx.=~~ .. ~Now~5= WllT •1tan ... Everyone lowe a wtndow to the eeal Just open your patio gate and step out on one of Newport'• wldHt beaches. The auneeta are varied and breethteklng at Umee. Well malnt.med two bedroom and den home ... a drMm for comfort and relaxation. se&o.000 L9I ..... PNetlgfoue aree. Top location on the wtdeet atreet on Udo. Juat ltepe to private beach. Eaay walk to tennla courta. Four apacloua bedrooms.. Prt1Ctlc8I floor ~· buflt around large P11tlo. The land alone worth the total aakJng price .............................. $825.000 .., •• .•• Custom buttt three bedroom threi bath home wtth unobstructed view of bay and ocean. Numerous bultt-lns. Tremendous potential. Offered by original owner. Quick po11 I lllon. .......... ............................. $395,000 ......, •.. Famlly oriented four bedroom home. Two muter ault•. Famlly room with flreplace, barbecue and wet bar. Entldna ooot Convenient to eohoola, library and ehopping. . ........................................................... $356.000 U HllM • • ... Two bedroom oottaoe on Gr-' corner lot. OcNll view. EMy walk to Big Corona Beach. Attractive owner financing. .....................•.•.................................... $340.000 - - -••. Attractive duplex. Comer location. Handy to poat office and anopa. Comer unit Ml ttv'M bedroome or two and qorwwtlble den. Fhplllce In IMng room. Othef' ._ llT . . . Over half acre MrlY cal~ornla unit (now fWlted) M9 two bedroom.. Both unlta eetate. Six apactoua bedrooma. Huge llvtng hpe cozy P11tk>9. Owner may consider Clln'ylng r m. ~~~~al dt~i.".91 room. !~'!! morning nm trust deed. ................................. '326,000 room . .......,,, .,..., nga. ncr.v1u .. -itorav-.------ Three <* 911'9· HorM corral. Sepwa• lot 11~ ..• Choice tven w• ttww bedroom large enough for Wria court. .. ....... $550,000 h<>fM. Oeeigned for euy entertaining .-SO ... -••• Faa..etng home '9elftc9l1tty upgraded. Four bedroorne. Dining Aoom. Din wtth 10' bar. Spwkllng pool. W1tfi 26% down, owner wtM heep buY9f obtain new ftm truat deed · at 10'A%, amortlnd over 30 ~ due In five yewe. Owner may conelder trade for Income ~-··························-················ '650,000 IHll 111111 . . . Owner wlll aaalat with flNandng. lmpreeelve two atory home. Ae9tfUI bay vtew. Excellent bedroom wrangernent. one down and three upetelrt. Sparkltng pool In front 00llrty8f'd. ······•·•••·•·•·••· .............•.......•. 1550.000 --••. 8pect8CUtar front, row YIM of mount.ma. ctty l~t• and lak..uk• reeervow. Thrff bedroom 'Aenal ... nce" floor plan. Ubrary/loft overtoolc.a huge llvtng room. Wet bar. Three view decka ...................... '510,000 ... Mm ••. HlahlY deelrabte locatlon wtth a "foreYer" vtew of the-bay and OCMn. TWo story _,,.. bedroom home wlth lnvtttng bftok patio PLUS complete gu"t unit OYW thrM car oar•· .... , ......................................... '411,0iOC> ••••••. Cheerful four bedroom, ttvw Nth home. Ju1.t old enough to have character. 8peotaouler OOMn, city and bay vtew. Port Aoyel ~. ape In atrtum off famly room. Poaelble .,...,. for .,..,._ horne._._~75,000 J people, no problemt Husi-IMng room wtth eowtng bMlned celflng. Quattty and lnformalty. Reduced $40,000 ............ : ......... Now $299,000 ia1alPP ... Grack>ua one-.atory custom bultt home. The Inn« atrium, around whleh the houae la bullt, prcMdee a vwy Intimate feeMng • . . .• fMlng of oomplM9 prtvw:y. T1ne aplleb• bedrooma • . • rwter ...... expeclafty large. Luxu~ ~ In Nllr ywd .......... '298,000 1&1111 llllUlll . . . Delightful farftlly nelQhborhood. ConYenlent to Hbrary, echoola end oomplM• ahoppeng oanter. FoQr ~ bedroom•. Large IMng room with tnpllioe. ~~~~~~ ..,.., ••• NEW PRICEt An abundance of n•otia to buy. Conwnlentty located. Th,.. bedrooma. Open floor plan. Po«>' and epa. Avalable for ..._ at 11100 month. 1242.000 · WllTILlff . . . ConvenlentJy located t•o Mdloom oondOrnllUIL:amlc to ~I•• .... --· yet ..,.. ... Md ~umeroua up= ncludlng new ......... and ...., • Reclant ~ ~~~ .. ~ .. ~~:.~ r . ) Orange County AMI ~e/An AdwrttelnQ 8Upplemtnt to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday. Deo.nbef 18. 1982 -9 'Maoy ... ~ownen are o ermg_ 1 tanti pnce reductiou ao.4:tutm . ..SOure will. exchange ~ . ~~pea~' .,LOwer than liated pri~e, if ?9~-have cuh .• . .... Call for de:taib and submit J.aw: offer • . .. ..,,n 1001 •• 111t1 •111 .... ,. 111 11111 •• 1•• 11111w1 I I NmWPOllT CONDO av Qlllll •Ii. T ,..1 Ct! .......................... . ..._..,.._, 1't1D11 .,., ........ .._, LOW PNCe ' Rl!AIOM.W.a aUPPa .. r::1• VllW. "'r::' .. 0 • • + ........ .............. ...,, ......... 111• rrt .. .,.,.. UCK aAV YIU.AM CONDO .......... 11:.-\ ................ ~ .. a _, M 9110 .... , I ..._ n M Ill o .... '111¥ n ....._.,_tom. NIWPORT CONDO-t111,000 ................. ....,.. ... ...,. .......... •••••••••• ••-.::"'"• l·•••rr •••-••••••• 111H1 n ,......_11 .... 1111•11•..._ .. n ..... ...i11'111..-.,LM111J .......... _. 14111., ................................. . ,....... ...... ..,.'*' MUIOA .._.ND ~TO-.-. _....,,...,,, r • .., .......... ,....., ........ Alli U1lll1ll11•...._. .... ~.,.._a ........... sn e ,,,,...-.. .. c..c..c ..... -• .... ••te•-·c.11•.._~-aw• .......... " ~PORT~NW ........ ...., ttw. ·~:z·· ...... . a1111te .... a_,,....--·-·--._,_ ., ...... w.111 .. 11• tt ~,..ea...-, 1111-I ............ ADOllUU DUPUX..coRONA DIL MM ............. ...,. lltoella .. -. ....... .. • .... . , ........... 4 •• ~ ..... ,eu1 .... .................. "' ........ _ . .....,., ... ................................. Cll I I• .... t .. AIF I 1 bi_. ..... CORONA DIL MM -mM WCHl8 ~AmO MtellLANOI l••M•lete ••-•••'"red ...... ,.. ......... , .... 1 ................ ........ Mllllll •11-.... ,,._ MM•• C?J••_,.. U91WIQ ,.. ... , -~ ... ., JI ... " 11111: ..... ..... .. .. =~· .. . .. .......... ,. tleT.D ... =--=----==-=.-.. ~-= CLl'PHAYDl MDUCD TO..,.. W UW LOT--l'UNa XUIT LOCATIOM wmt ...,._ ==· Mft 8Y _.. K11191 llJL.............. .. ...... ..................... Lee ... lere 0 1'11 t1 I Ille ............. 11.Halilt W, 0.W. .. .... ........ ..., .... LeellM ... _ .. ......,..,.... ...... .................. _.,.~Gitt Pm•llULAPT ...... CT ............ 1 Ill ................. ,., .... ...... ~·.::!!'::.:e-... I '11111"11 ... we. ..... ...... -.,.,, ... 0.. ............ . aAL.aOA l8LnlD DUPUX a.. ...... .., .... _...., ......... .. Ml I ...,,_, e : 1 1k1 Ii :;:;..~111 ........ Oww .. ClllJll"llte ..... '!?... -· c.ttn-1111. JAi•• CMik -11.aGANT a.... ............... 4N ............... ... ........... +-.a .......... MDUCBTO ...... LOWS8T PRICm 8HOMCUIF8 CC•1P1•NJf•1k...,fJ 11a1"i1l1il .. ~ ..... 4 ..._ 1-. a ... .., , .... All ... ~ wttfl ..er ......... I •1;11111a1w ....... ,.,.......,.,........_. -.o.w • ......., ... ,11•• ..... •.,... ., 'A an •I• • ln••41 ... -.,,_ 8PYGILAl8 MDUCD .. ..... LMloee_,,.._4'11111r11• ,. ..... , Gt.._ .. ..,........,,__1=:111..,lw ....... ..................... . ............... .,..tom. UY a LIGHT8 VU -alF•ll ...... ......... c... ...................... . ...... ..., ....................... c.. .. . ....... ............................. ..... ,.,.... •n•an 1111• .... ....., ~ u1 .. 1ua I I llmllTll IEICI MAGMFICENT WHi I !WATER VIEW Offl'leoklllit •...W .., wttll I Md,...e, 4YI be. 8•...,eer ............ r. llert1' Lat•u Loulle•. ll1X'uel1il .... -~ AreC T.D ... ~IM. -..... ....... ""' ........ 911.t.m, OCEANFRONT---HUQE REDUCTIONI c.....,.. ".._.,,... ....................... TW .... ,4rr.ilYl ... lltM.e~ ......... Pv111"' .... ...i ..... -..., AreC T.D ... 11~ ............... w.oaaa...-_._. .. ._....._ ... .. HUNTINGTON 8TRAND-1 lll!DROOll °"" ........................... ......,.,.....+ •••r ••J'•'•• ••-••••Ill••· Drlwo •• 11112 ......... Lw ............... -.... ... .................... ..,.1418. ocaAl ... ONT-1.ACIUNA llCH. ll11atllt ll11111t1tI8*1. I IM...._ ..ea -teM • .._ ....... ....................... VllW. Al ..... .. ....., ..... ,..,.., ,tn1h llln1ePOOL. ...... ""'>... _ eAUOA covwa llAYFRONT · -...., ...... +,...,, ........... ,,..... ..... •-*et ... ...., .... ......... lwe/ ....... _, M lllRl4'111•11m .................. .., .................. ,,, ..... .... DCLUllVR-AU. VU TEMACE ...,,.. ............... ~ ............,. c ...... , .. ......... ......, ................... ....... ........ c..-..-... ........ ,. 1111111& :W ';':: :.,., .... JllMf 'Al atn1 1111• 911.,_, I I --... KNOCK OFF ALL THIS AD READING. GIVE UNIQUE A -C-ALL~U'LLLOVE US . • ...,.111 lllPl -OoYer Shores 5 bdrm. lharp, new kitchen, was over $400,000, now $299,500. FUlllU ,.. 1•1 -Porfoftno 4 bdrm, owner wtll hetp finance every way pou., large guest room with bath. Asking $319,900. 4 mt •tUWI -SoUd rental area. SS0,000 down to 13% loan. Gross multlpller of 11. Management history available, $225,000. unu ._ -Charming 3 bdrm plua rental unit & maid• quarters. Spacious muter autte near brick patio. $425,000. · a .alT PUZI -Area, 2 bdrm 2 bath condo with eecurtty, spa. Muna, pool and financing. $87,500. • llUIY • -Mountain and bay vtew81 4 bdrm Dover Shor•, owrftnanced and 8t'Udoue. Only $375,000. I -W. ~ -Looks cutate, llvee jumbol 2 stoty ne.r So. Bay beech, 5 bdrm+ bonue room. U25,QOO. ,, Milllf I --In EMtbluff, spectacular nlght·Haht vtew, clean, fresh condition. Only ueo.ooo. ..,. • ml -Excepttonel end untt, quiet cul-d•aac, private with subtle color1, good loena, private patio, leuehokt. a22A.OOO. ... t •' I -~ on the Wand! 3 bdnm. 3 t.the, new and want. Bewled ~ rock firepl8ce and different! At •1~.000. -ft&,_ .. '17,--F• land, 3 bdrm, mjnl view, 2 flr9pleoee, • large femlly room, ownere wlll carry 1•t Truat 0Md. 1352,500. .... ...,. -.--Uttle corner of the local coastline: Surf, dramatic rocks, exquisite 4 bdrm, pool and epa. Nothing elae ltke ltl $2,500,000. --..a ........ -Nesti 12% financing with 20% dn. Rents ere steady. Tree ltned street convenient t llbrary, lhope & beach, $289,500. I .._ NW Lm -e..utlfut decor, aerene, tasteful, 4 bdrml, 2~ ba on fee IMd. Alklng $395,000. • ..... m.-r -Prtvecy, eecuHty and a rofltng lllwn. 5 bd'"'8, pool, apa and quality craftlmMlhlp. Only $789,000. ILi Ill I 1111 -Brend new, detailed, charming, near perk I. bluff, name prica/terma. • ., El •• IC--Acrou from park, walk to 1ehpol, 4 bdrm with greet appeal. $245.000 In Harbor View. .. , ........ --Neer park. 3 bdrm. 3 beth, vwy tasteful, edutta with teena room. $385,000. ILUI YllW -3 bdrm hideaway with gueat cottaoe. clean allglft view, well financed. $315,000 . ,.. I ,. -a..... plln on ~ lMWlak. bMuttfutty ~· mlllnt81ned, ~ & flnanoed. 75,000. I Pl MWllll -~aty remod .. 1d 3 bdrm, ~ ldtohen, 1 Wrm 11Pt. OWner motlvlded. 11,0I0,000. IPllT.._.. -Dover Sh0t89, Immaculate 5 bdrm, farntty room & pool. Perfect condition wtth spectacular vtew. $875,000. HllTllll 111e11 -Architects home! In Seavtew, 3 bdrm, vtew, dark room.~toft and tasty touch•• throughout. Really speclell $42.6,000. . ITLYll • mn.I --Thia 2 bdrm & den home overtook• pristine greenbelt, eerthtonea, plentetlon ahuttera, ape. Greet financing. $219,500. · Ul1'..a mll ml -2 bdrm home wtth 1 bdrm Income unit, 8500 aq. ft. lot, uaume 1st loan under 10%, excelent rental area (Broadway-& Orlinge) $132,500. I .. II&-lmmacutatel 3 bdrm, den, 3 bath In lrvlne Terreoe. Poot, lhuttera, apa and good ftnanclng, tuty at $339,000. Mlf ... ----Thia one ta ae.dert 5 t>drma, 3 flr.ptecee, unllmltecl View from Spyglau. Sunny, oozy, exottlng, practtcel • 185(),000 ~ much of the """'"'"' Ownr ftn8ncfng too. --------------------~ ·. KffP tllh ~ 6ecct., wltli ,_ tWt ~es,_ ........ taa:t•t Al Mile lee..._. MttH Mtew -~ill.,...._ ..... -~._._,. i. ~· DA&l N.OT WANT ADS. P--. .................... hr .... w,..... -.,... .. ht-····-·-"'..,, c ..... Mell, .... , -'S..,. HOUSES FOR SALE 1101 Klngt Ro9d, Cllffhawn, N.8. 831-1400 $896,000 Sat 1-4 45 Hlllgrus (Turtterodt) Irv. 8#-6200 $309,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1215 Marinert Dr., Newport a.ch M4-6200 $495,000 SaUSun 1_. -!J'"-:;----:---6~tQCJl3-,$.J.tlZ.ei00..----1:ialt.2 2307 Flllt'hlll (Beck Bey arM) ....._ ___ __;:::..::84445200 $2T5,000:f:w·-<11Sat._t,.Sun-'t'M 2 .. Dlut ffAll RM or DEN 3825 Oceen blvd., Corona del Mar , 831-1408 $1,475,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 3-491 OuMnt Court. eo.ta M9M 4...ooll 1779 Hawaii Clrcte, MeN Verde, CM 97&;.2390 $189,900 Sat 1-<4 *1717 Beyadere Terr (Irv Terr) NB &40-7020 '800.000 SaUSun 1-5 790 Via Udo Soud, Newport 8eect'I 875-ee70 $625,000 SaUSun 1-5 • a maDROOM 11 Rue Verte (IMQ Cenyon) H.B. ~10 $MJS,000.Fee SaVSUn 1-5 1543 Seren8de Terr. (Irv. Terr.) CdM 844--4110 $320,000 Fee Sa1/Sun 1-5 34' Rue F~ (Bg Cyn) NB 7eo-e333 $578,000 Sa1/Sun 1_. 2108 Yacht Miec:Nef, CdM ........ ,_ .. ., DllN 1218 Key Welt (Hrbr Vu Hie) CdM &M-4910 $298,500-LH Sun 1-5 720-0858 '375,000 Sun 11-3 113 Via Ravenna, Udo Ille, N.B. ·~7300 1348,500 Sun 12-2 210 Grand c.n.I, ''"'*' 8Md1 175-eOOO "'81.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 213 Olllmond Ave. (Bllboe llllnd) NB &44--4110 '5N,000-Fee Sat/Sun 1-5 211 Opll. lelboe llllnd, N.B. t7'MOOO '875,000 8etl8un 1-6 2101 YMtlt GrllWlng, N.B. 875-«IOO t4t0,ISCIO Set/Sun 1-5 434 e.ao.-. Corona del Mar 144-1211 '550,000 Sun 12 .... 938 ~Pl., rv SC P1a:a. CM 751-714115&7-Mal 8un 11 .... 1441 ~Dr, Oowr Stn. N.8. 541 5147 '420,000 Sa/8 12:30-4:30 *1f40 T........_ Be;Q ... , Ne eu eoeo 1341,IOO aun ,,... 2751 8ln "'*' Ln .. CoeCa .... tn-e.1 S148,too Set 12 .... 222 Vie Plllllrmo. Udo ..... N.8. en.noo 1ae1.ooo Sun 2 .... *4829 Aoxbury, C... 8tn. CdM 1ee-1eo1 •10,0CJO..oFee s.vSUn 1-s **Ml ..,_Ill Or("°""_, NI 7M-1100 •1~.000 -:119/lun 1;.o . 210 Via lln """°' Udo ..... N.I. '1'I ID4lltn ••• l9ll8un 1;:.e 2912 Carob, Eastbluff, Newport Bch 644-1742 $30<4,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 201 Larkapur/Ooeen, Corona del Mar 831-1..00 $1,875,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 *108 Via Udo Nord, Udo'"· NB 875-6161 $1,500,000 'Sun 1-5 I M plue FAM Rll or DEN *35 Rldgeftne Dr. Harbor Ridge 760-1900 $2.2 Mllllon Sun 1-5 «2 Begonia, Old CdM, CdM 875-6000 $5<49,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 4 Narbonc:Mt (Harbor Ridge) NB 8#-6200 $1,500,000 Sat/$un 11-5 * #7 Muir ee.ch Circle, CdM 640-6259 S 1,995,000 Sun 1-5 901 Klnga Rd. (Cllffhaven) Npt Bch 650-3900 $960,000 · Sat/SUn 1-5 I 9EDllOOll 233 Via Genoe, Lido lete, N.8. 673-7300 $575,000 CONDOMINIUMS FOR SALE 1 8aDROOll Sun f-4 #61 L.akeplnee (The Lale•) Irv. 5-40-1151 $115,500 Sun 12-3 2~ . 1031 BeYlide eo.,. EMt, N.B. &40-5390 $875,000 Sat/Sun 12-5 a 9BllM>OM 2288 Pecfftc, Colta M9M &4&-0303 $119,000 Sat 12 .... /SUn 1 .... TOWNHOUU. FOR SALE 1 I ....... PAii • etGa 37 CMyon Cfwt Dr., Corona .. Mar 7eo-il 17 '249,ooo-Fee 8at/8un 12 .... / DUPLEXES FOR8AU -a•,..a• <411 .... 11~ OtHlll. Corona del ... 81$-6494 1410,000 8et/8un I -I I . .. • \ --, a s 12 -OrMge County AMI Eatel9/An MM1llil'Q ~nent to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, Deoember 11, 1982 CLASSfFIEU · 1NDEX ,,,..., •• Cll 6'2-5111 ..SMW a-... -.......... -..__ -~--g:-..:,•or = a..,_ -a,..... -,,_....YIMt7 -~--.._... , ... :==-· = L"'T"~ = ::.~~ = S."'90.....,.. -..,:::-.::..·· = _.._ --------... . umm ~--. . ·-~--.... ~ :,'iifa.;.. . . !5 ~:l'r' = =:-~-=.=-.· = :,.:=v . -........... .._ -t1rtr ""' -.-.-::r.rc:..~ . O.fl_,.,,. :::r.:!.~ --·-· IOITAU _....._ -~ -........ ""' ~c ::, :§:. :, ~ ,..._"'"' ....-u., a..--rw. tr:;:.""' "-UllifWoll "-"""•u.t -·· ~· --y--........ -=:;.:: .... ............ ............ =· .... - --1 ----"" --, .. ---------- .1111111 Advertla- .,. IMuld --.... ._Md report errora Im· medtatety. The DAILY PILOT ... .,,.. lebllty for the ... lftOOrNat tnw11on cnr. pj. 8,:::i R-A, SPECtAL-VIEW-HOMES- flllT MW IU'191 -For the Christma Parade! FJepnce f« the tradltionalista. rmcntflamM foe the lover of the fine thiµp in life. On the beech. on the bey, this 7 Bdrm brick residence featw'H: spacious vhltu, cozy noob, gourmet'• dream kitchen. eX1ended (or grand entertainina. Pool. •i-. sauna & all you wish· fet ~ $4,500,000. IPIHlllLH HUH YllW ~ Above the harbor, on the bilJa of, Cliff Haven la OU. beautifully renewed and cared-fOf' 3 Bdnnl home. View lide deck rum full lenfrtb overlooktna bay activities ancf far-off Catalina. $525,000 -..... _For the Christmas Parade. From the veranda or upstairs balcony of this Jovely old Penhwlla Pmnt home. The cbann of ... glows from Ua hardwood floon, comer fireplace, 4 Bdrma plus 2 eeparate bdrJD• over 3 car garage. V-acant., could be available to ri1ht buyer immediately. $334,500. _ .... ,__,_You oenafnly can 1ee the l?fl9t 1.ighta aomc by, 0o llp8Ck)IJa bey and ocean vie~ bf day. Desirable Newport Heights loc:atian with, room to add on. Alley aicce9. Owner may trade, leMe opdon,· IF YOU LOVE T1£ BEACH! ROMANTIC OCEAN VIEW, Capo Belich condo w/3 Bdnm, beautiful decor, 2 fplcl, privacy & duck pend. $187,500. LAGUNA BEACH cott.ae, or beach with leller finandna $150.ooo. A.a for Carol Blalack 497-3331. LmllULDTIR ·: .. : ' . 'TAYLOR CO. ' L._:__· ,'. 1i1. ---·'± It. MIWT • LUI Fiii ............ -·1·111111111 •-..... nmr A custom home with a wide fran&ace 0n the golf coune. 6 Bdnm, 6 ~ beths, pl~ all of the amenities )'OU would expect. $1,950,000. See anytime. Call 644-4910; ....... a. .. 4 J¥nm, family roam & dinml room. lnumculate tb.rcJucbout. New carpets, drapa. marble entry & decor. l:lectronk .curity system. Wet bar, 2 fpk, 3 CM' pr, beat.er pool & .... teM.000. _ .. ...., __ _ Quiet perk-lib . Rm for .-tdJe fam. rm . $299,000. Low pound --6 year. 17 Y ean before adjulement. 1111at9' ... 1 .. .......... _, __ a1 ,._ lMnc rocm. <>wrJooarinc 11th fairway. I.ce muter l\.dte on IJ'OUDd floor. ~_Jlll'qe. Vacant. 11 -""' ... ,... , .. ----flUi.lm -Charmine DMMWW, ' bdnm, fmn. .rm. Quality delip and decor ~t. °"""'*' for l\*t quarters. PM,000. Seller finance. No loan fee. 111 .. 1. .... .. llT/m. , .. -ffi?'M•--Ch.umln. a bedroam home wtth Sota of extna. You own tbie land. ar.t ~ home. a.uatW .... can. lot. Owner modvated. --~. '1mnl:lq aw&llble. 1 .. 1 9"..... mllm M WDTllYI.._ • ....... illf Comer lot with 4 bdnm, 2\li baths and family roam. Larae patio overlooklna bey -PLUS pm-and llip. Owner will conatder carryina ht truat deed. $1,100,000. PlllTI YILUITI Year end 1all km needed? Two weeks time share packaae. Costa Vida Vallarta, only $4,790. Similar now aeµJ.na at $7,950. Call Carol Mulvey, Ml-3216. Lido Realty 73-7300 COLDWeLL BAN~C!R O ...... -Adonblea M 2 .. ..,., "' sinme oonc1. car.. eoc. I -walll to So. Coa,t ,...._~~ ptl beC*yd W/otJlll pilllo . Lee ... smllble low tnt loan, MUlng to awold ~·Pficeda. -rnllitM Ill • 151,000. ~.640-3111 ........... PEHTHOUR. 2 bdrm, 2 b• we• dacll, wlftrl AMlng 1275,000 wlttl ao.ooo dn. ...,. 1et. 0-. .. C*TY. C.il "'* ea.el10 ~~~~;;m;;m~~~; ......... ,.. ........... ~== 111 N .... -.. -, .. MO'J. b .. ""'"' ..,,_ Prima Udo Nerd bayfrant, 5 bdrm, 5 K •th. ~= °: Lee L.R., air cond., 2 boet .u .. $1,500,000. .. .. ...,_. '°"' '...._ --Allllw.lln•...,.._ Remodeled 3 bdrm, 2 beth + larae NC. rm 41 en.mo tumllhed. jiab UJO.qoo. ,_ ... ._ .... " ., PlllllllaA ... ·ac.n & jeUy .... )Wtne rocm.' bdrm, s ti.th. ~00 sq.ft. •1.-.000. ~t. Lmlmllltr&llT i...o.n view from 8 bdrm, 5 •th. playroom. dark nn. den. &o.t illp. Now $900,600. BILl GRUNOY. Rt~Lron [ \111111'.\l ~I \I I \ -..-... •'( ··-mwa.n ...... w-~n.r HGT&. Mllll Ill ... 1 ...... Mldrlilll I •• .-. -...? N(f ofter. ME "°"E"a .. v.., 1 ,tJ • •:1 ut•'9.1-.\J 1•.> i.m.so\ 1 • ~ Jl'1 f .!•""u on: • 1 rr..,,.1r,.10~~11<> J;r.n11navt>!-, nA \01cll:>fl tseA yt11'•00 tJ"mnO --St ~-~----~~--~-----~~----~~~~~-1~f~i~---· ... "' ... • ..... let ,.,, ..... -..,. ...... '-,,,, ..... ,., ,.,, ..... -..,. •••• ,, ,., ,.,, .... ,, ,,, ,,,, ................................................................ , ..•.....•..••....•....•.•................... ···•····•·····•······· .••.•••..•..••....••..•••..•••.•.....•...•.. ~ .... ~ .... ! .... ~'}. ......... !.~ ~ ......... J~ ~~aJ. ••••••••• ! .... ~.t!!!!lf;! •• J •••• ~-~ •••••• J.'.:!t ~ ••••••••••• !~·~ ..••.•.•••. ].~ CORONA DEL MAR CANYON CREST ESTATES ocat.ed next to Harbor View Center !IU' ~ laland. Gated community I 42 homes featw"tn8 tennis, pool & Spa, arae 2 story townhomel with attached a,... & 2 firepi.ce.. II 1241,000 + f.am rm. 2 ~ Ba, over 2000 1q. ft. YOU own the land. II 1111,DIO + f.am rm. 2 ~ Ba. 1800 aq ft. oth t.he9e tine homel are ~te & retty. IPEll llllE UT/Ill 12-4 11 ..... Inst lriY•. (tfthlir.-w..1 ... ~ 111-1111 REDUCED $100,000 ........ _ ....... 3 Br, 4 Ba. 2 y"eers new. $550,000. mn11•11 m111• uu. .. •1 • -111-11• . _.,_,,,.. .. ..... 1111e c , ....... ....,._ ... • .... •• .. , ...... ,, .. ,. o ..... ......................... :="~· .. =:n;-.~· . 111.1111 IPllW.I ,._ -·-.. f&l'f ULI HUNTINGTON B&ACH: $198,800, 2 llC«y, 4 Br, 3 e.. La QuMta. --$98,800. $1411,800 llincle st.ary 3 Br .... Ba, pool, .... 8dd-<Jn·f.amlly room. -m.ooo. FOUNTAIN VALLEY: $183.'™>, 2 st.ary, 4 Br, 2~ e.. ~t. lp8. -$M,100. $366,000, 4-p1ex. prime -. 201' down. $107,800, 2 st.ary, 3 Br. 2 Ba. townhowe. • GARDSN GROVE: $1311,1100 cua\OID, 2 1tory ~. 2 Br, 2 Ba. 1ott, air oand., frpk. private apa. dumb waiter, central vw:uum clMnlr. llLL lnbn u. a._ 11•1•1..e1n BEST IN BLUFFS BAii ... Y041I tlotlnG Income pr~ perty tx outgrOwn '916d- -wtttl the ......... tty f()( thll ,,... Nelle Ind roomy 4 Bdrm, 3'1' bl hOIM In WALK TO THE BEACH CORONA DEL MAR \.OCATION with 1pectaoular 180 deg. ocean, Catalln• ll6end Ind '*'* view. ~-current~ Ill Of 1475!..000 fee. Owner hH • 1111,000 ~ end ... e#l"J ~ Mt-l.111 t J ·, ~ : ' ~. *1111* ........... Br811d new large Condo. 1131-6065 A2·2000 ....... L.-ge1t 4 Br mc1 on~ It. ~ oond. 11441, 800. 751-3191 c;:. " . -t-' ... -- rJn '< I, ' ( LI I I .-' ; c.. '• 'J .... n... ' -J tm "'· Lovely 2000 Ill· ft. 3 bdrm, 2 ~ UMly~ ~ ~ ~ bath., fam. rm., wide greenbelt, near --iiiiiiiiiiliiliiiiiiiiml be. ew1mm11io & tennlL pool.~ $235,000. mil-Tm U.. IHrt "'"'' •It• Xlnt flnanolng. Only ftL IPTm. Good terms. By appt. ....... ... MM 1 . . ... *NO DOWN PAYMENT* Irvine-College Park, 4 Bdr, tile roof, lrg yard, 2 covered patios, comm. pools, mthly payment of $1377 . Call Don or Bev for exclusive showing. $144,900. TIWI I lllmY IULTlll 112-llOO lll'T llSS TllS OIE! IDllD, Front row, bey view, 3 bdrm, ~~eou1 Country tWbof vi.. Hiii 2 ~ bath, end unlt. $309,000. NOW 4 Bdrm, r:.m ~. Formllf Ideal locat.ioo, 2 Br, den. fireplace, pool. =·~i-. 1-1 1• Yttta....., ~~.~o~ 4!f. ::= spa, tennis. $129,~00. Great terms. ' n OPlN HfJIJSf Rf Al TY I/ I---Interior I exterior I Amwnable loan 10~"· HELEN B DOWD lend•C4Plg£ MUST ~ME&A--VEADE----AEPO---.-Loi 111111 • ~St..·!;,. 3br,0Clr'*lot.1156.000. Nl&•·YaPI IU&.1111, •· 144-1114 'iiiiii;151~u;•=iiiit1o~dwn.~AGt-if:~~T138~.;;:I •· UJm .......... Ii &l C.M. 3 bd, 2 .,._ tpl. l•------1 .... Ill-' ,,,, 8 If .& 1 1:nlt ueum 11K. 1129, BEST Of TUATLEROCK ~ ~ lift .. • .. ...................... 411~11"'..... 600. ~7452 811g"ht .. 1"' .... , ·A-'3nlald, rova:;·;·~i\Za.·,:,; Specuou•er OOMnfront 'VIEW ..,,_ I Br. dee. vi&. nr trMe. "9 :::;-a:,,_~~ For ~e .. I ~.::.,.':"~~ ... ,... ..... ~~-~-:.= yd •• lq>t. VA, oomp ... din. hoMlr ltiop a for-'421.000~ owns. Low tloe. nMUllCclUng duplllll Super loolllon. 2 Bdnn Sharkeny, Coldwell ~ low dn. l110, • mat dining rm. Lot9 of ~w41buy elag9nt fUly tx 2 oondoa. end unit tn eocce1. oond. a... eu..zooo O o O . 4 t 5-t 1 a II or glme to~ Iha eit· remodeled 3 br home l (LJ _. _ ·-_ _1 _ J ~L. ~ ... 800. Cell MM _1151_..a:_m_. ___ _ cltment"'of ttle aotlon 1 ef.. g u e 1 t apt . l?OIOlla""' ~ MCIC11'1ICI,4131-1191 LUii/ ... .U ::'.!..c.m:c:-lt= ~l.~ Ab1lone ...... ~ =le~~~~ 11,..Y 12-1 not be~ tar ._ 9!!!f' ~.-$1~Qb ~70fln000•~ ~ LlnkH Pointe 4 ltdr, 12.600~ ~ IMt I. C.:~ i2ee:aoo w,,-;.:! '°' ••=· clen. A etHI 1714J'7M400 .... f'!r!¥-~:!w..J!! • .. _..!fl!U.JSf DnlobY3Vll9yVlw. =t 12.1.~.~·A':::'y IJ[JJ •n.nn Lift • cw.. .... '"' dOwn -no~ 3 SATISU«>AY °'*' 1U 4131-1-HAll•OR a c.t.una aw.-from •••••••••••••••••••••• • ewntwn. McMMn. t11ke Pllt. P'YI on/It. ~7484 ........ • b .. c. );' . a?Mltt ~. ' Lll'I T&i 1'llilY ""' ,...... '11, .... ., .... .. ... ..,_ .... , .. ............ .. , ....... ...... ............... ............ -._ ...... . ......... ,.. ......... .,.... .............. ftr "' •••tr• ...... ...... .... ..... 1-.-. tall hr I•••• ... 11 lllliJJIW. .. J!!lf ,... 4 ....... home. ASSUME LOE VA~ °"'· a1200-1noo .,.. I -·n11 ac..i .... _ mtn ...-... I br, formal din. Nt S. lotleble paymantl. ..... fC1nne1 **'o, .;.;;;;; C. Pia&. IC4 761-7141 tiered appreciation femlly rm, 1 oat a-r & evell. Wiii trade. Sue men '°' °"" aaa.ooo W' DI •1.ae&e wl"tdJM ""-l.CW9 Ill~ 1--------Aon...., •1-1• :~· ._ -~-------- ~ H£RITAGE -Hf Al TORS . ~__,,,,. H£RrTAGE ~~~·'>~ 1111&.IYO Charin .. vi-. 1000'1 """' ..... et '230 • ooo. "---1171,000 11t T.D. •t 13.1~, low dwn. Della Flaok . \ . RVM~ ___ -_---:..__ I : I I I I I I .... ,. 14 .--:. 0r.nge ~ AMI &tate/An ~ ~t to ~ DAILY PILOT/~,. December 18, 1982. FIR LIYUS Of Alf I 11111 .... WllTE WAlD •EAIDI This custom built oceanfront home features elegant European detaihne. impressive stone & wood exterior, with leaded & beve led glass windows. 3 bedrooms & 3 baths. 2 fireplaces & muc h . much m o r e Possible tax advantage in easy conversion lO duplex. tffUEI fllllSID AT llll,111 (S..1tMffal....,,.111i111) Please call for brochure . I• ·- t . _( -' . --· ... UM-8he1 ~ llwe In thla foY9ly home In Meea Verde 3 big bedroome and family room. Featur• a chffd'• .. 9'M:loMd pool Thie .. a very happy cMrmll'Q home r99dy for a new family for th• New Year. Exceptional terma. S152,000. 54tr2313. 11•1 If fll Ill - 2 atory 4 bedroom home In a private walled . community by th• .... Family room with crackling flreplac.. Formal dining, dram-.ttc ttep · down llYtng room with crackffng fireplace, cathedral cellfnga, unique patio kitchen, ov.,elnd o•• wtth wotkahop, etc., etc. 192,887. 54tr2313. ..... , .... -Thia 0M wUf I Mii thta week due to the drutlc prtce reduction. The·owner aez reduce " beaow l'Mrtcel price and aet tt IOfd. s big bedrooms,;owty family room with ltone ftreplace, big patio, the ywd .. tM.ege with plenty of room for a Qlfden and pool. Gl'Mt famlty home. Bettw hurry won't laat. $102,500. 54tr2313. J ••+ .... +Wta.1•-Abandoned garden homel Sunahlne kltchenl M.ooo down· S815 mo. 11t yr. Cell "3-e787.