HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-12-19 - Orange Coast PilotI Of icials ma·p new strategies for -~oxic leaks BY GLENN or .. ..., .... Irvine, a city u1tl1n1 with medical laboratorlea, llth' lnduatrial planta and a unlveralty, la •tocked with tbemlcala. t.oo. Some of the chemlcala are more danproua than others, and when they leak, the air turna toxic. Three timea in the past five weeka, eacapina 1aae1 have eau.ed authoritiea to block off J>U1a of the city to protect aga.lnat potentially harmful expoeW'tl. The actlvitlea have raiaed queetk>na about the city'• abWtiea to protect resident.a and work.era from the dan1era of tt.e myaterloua and often I ' lmpenieptible vapon. The firat of the thJ'ft incident.a occurred Nov. 12 at Bentley Laba, 1J_502 Armatrong Ave., when lfhYlene oxide leaking Santa, C.Uf om!a-atyle ' nu. lald-lteek Santa waving to ean along Newport, BoaleYard ia .,,....11, Jim '~lim" Cray. offi.eial greeter -d atten~a-getter employed by a Ouiatmu tree lot located at 16th Street and Newport Boulevard in Newport Beach. from a ruptured pipe cauaed authorities to evacuate an 9t1ht- 1quare mile area within the Irvine Bualne9I Center. Twenty-aeven people at the 8CeN! -20 workera, 11.x police officers and one flreflahter - were treated at nearby hotpitala for exposure. Slx remained in the haepttal at lea.at one day. About 1,000 work.era on nfaht ahi.fw in the area were evacuated. Thouaanda more would have been affected had the leak occurred duri.nl the day. Two weelc:a later, five people were treeted and 100 evacuated after a midn11ht expl•on at American McGaw Laba, 2525 McGaw Ave., allo in the uroe diatrict. Ethylene oxide, a chemical sterilant, a1ain wu releaaed but in a amaller quantity. The third incident occurred at UC Irvine Dec. 7 when a fwnttant, Sulfo TJ:DP, i.eked throu1h a vent 1n • lar1• 1reenhou1e, 1pu_rrtn1 an emeraency call that txouaht 11 ONnae Coun~ Fire Department tnldcl. An evacuatlOI\ 10ne WU eatabllahed, di1rupt1n1 an eatlmated 700 1tudent1 on campwa for final e:xanw. No one wu hurt. Incidenta auch aa thHe are occu.rrtna thnJuchout the country ~~ pubfic aenaltlvity to the 'danaera of toxic material• increaaea. But local police apoketlmen concede th.at Irvine hM the potential for more than an •venae aha.re becaw.e of It.a induatrial and ecientiflc hue. They claim the city la ready fOI' auch emeraenoea. "Becauae of the volume, I think we need to be more prepared, and I think we are," aatd Harry Huama. coordinator of the city'• emergency Plannina and MlminiatraUve um.tant to Po&-. OU.f I.Ao P-.rt. Some room for improvement exlata, and not Juat in Irvine. Several countywide ~ are at work on new prosrama, lawa and protocoll aimed at maJd.nC the battle ap1.n1t toxic i.w a aafer one. Spokesmen uy rapome to the Bentley Labl leak wu a 1ood example of the dty'a protocal in hand lln1 aucb lncidenta. Flrefiehten in the f1nt enc1ne at the acene aaw a larfe, white vapor cloud hover n1 over Annatroq a block befon they reeched the location. The cloud waa about three feet off the iround 1tretchin1 acrou the atreet, accordina to dty report.a. Rather than chariina into the fQI, the crew pulled 0.Ck and called for aaliatance. Meenwhile, other offlclala beaan obtainlnl information about the chemical, the amount eacaped and wind d1rection, eakl HuglN. They al.lo contac1ed a 24·hout hotline of a private flnn ln Lona Beach that apedallzea in toxic apilla and leaka. An expert from th.at flnn WU dlapatched from hll heme ln Mlllkln Viejo. Becau. the leak occuned on private property, the county Fl.re I>epartment .. urned control of a command poat, where an evaroation p~ WM drawn up. Police oUJcen, their aquad can' lllht fluhJ.na, were aent throu&h the district to speed evacuation. DectakwU about the evacuation, lncludlnt an eventual one to expand the area, were made at the command po9t hued on input from police and the chemical expert, Huggina aald. After aeveral houra, officlala jud1ed that t.he vapor ~ dilllpated and ended the evacuation. (See TOXIC, Paae Al) Map 1how1 location ol Bentley Labe in Irvine. Leak there forced eyacuation of surrounding ·~· Drinking man's holiday? No way By JOEL C. DON or .. ..., ....... The menage f rorn law enforcement agencies la loud and cleer thia holla.y 11eMOD: U you plan to drlnk and drive, you've 1ot a good chance of •pe~ aome time behind ban. M09t Oran1e County police .,enda alreedy have beefed up the number of patrol units, with apeclal emphaaia on driven who've done jult a little bit too much yuletide celebraUna to set behind the wheel of a car. 'n.e booated proarall\.• aimed at ,..U.C drunken drtwn off the roed Will continue tbrouch 1he New Year'• holid ay, }>ollce oflldala aid. ·'Drunk..n drl"'9'1 ..... F'DI to face atrlct enforcement in Newport Bffcb," Mid traffic officer David Sena. "There la vwy little raam tor tolKance." -..w arr.ta of dnmlum driven are up bun 1-,_.. by 26 percent. He ereditll lncreue d •~of patrol offken. who are f11hUnc what the federal Cent.en fOI' Dl9ea8e Control callt a national~-More than ~.ooo peo ~on the roada eech year • a reaalt of alcohol- relat.ed lnddent.a. The problem hM reached the atepa of the Wbtte Howe, and President Ronald Reaaan bu called for more penallties for ---~~ peraona convicted of drivini under the influence of aJcobol The Prealdential Cornrni.mon ~ Drunk Drivtna recently ur1 .. th.at all •ta.ta aet the drinkinC aae at 21 , among other recommenda~. . A new law' in Cal11omia ~ year ltlffened the penaltlea fOf drunk.en driven ana iaet the .10 percent blood-alcohol level u proof of intoxication. In Newport Beach, two additional patrol unit.a a-tped apeclflcally to look ou t for drunken driwn will be CID duty, s.. ukl On New y.,.,. ~. . there will be ---tn eddltion to NIUlar pollce patrol&. Durlnc one recent llx-nl&h~ period in Fountain Valley, 30 ~were anmed for= Under-the influence °' u a aid police Lt . R ichard ~the best ye.r weV. ever bad," Davenport aald, n0Un1 that the entire traffic divllion haa switched to WOl'ldna the nJ1ht watch alnce Dec. r, There are four additlonal rnot.orcycla and four patrol unitll workiii1 the apeclal drunkea drlvin1 detail durin1 the holidays. he added. In addition to bo1ltered 1l'aftic patrola. Lacuna Be.ch police are (See DRINKING, Pap il) 'Match' point: To e;ise loneliness • us.A IOQAr LIFE i. By IA.REN E. nEIN or .. ...,,......., Carl Pecoraro wu alone in a group of strangera. To the authorities, he wea another in a --of endlem stories -all tin,ed with the ume hopeleamem. To bil peen, he WM another lib them, no better and probably no worae. And to bla ooumelon, Pecoraro wa limply another c:.e. .. "they've aeen a million of them." the 21-year-old aald matter-of-factly. He never expected to be treated any cltfferently. ' Pecoraro waa an Inmate at the California Youth Authority 1b1n.lna Sehool In Chino, a prlaon for youn.1 offendera who commU adult-alsed crlmea. Next door, the California lmtitute for Men. a medium-aecwity facility I looma cbe enouch to 8el"Ye •• comtant reminder to the youtha °' the place where many of them may ewntually end up. Born in Maine, Pecoraro bad been in 1l'OUble ance he .... 15. Eventually, he cmne to Cal11omia. where dnap and a robbery he committed in El Toro landed · blm ln Jail. He ll*lt .nine montha in the Youth Trainlrur School In Chino without a Yllitor. lfI didn't know anybody here, .. ba aid mnply. I ' Pecoraro'• CMe ii not an unUIU&l one. "I knew a Jot of IUYS who dldl1't have any viaiton, '' be aid. Of the more than 30,000 people lncan:mat.ed in California, 30 percent are what the system refers to u "90dal i8olata..'' That meena nearly 9,000 men, women and t.eempn in pW:m have no relatives or frienda to cont.act on the outaide world. Pecoraro'• onlt lnfluencea dW'ina th.at nine-month pedod were with the other offenden. 'tbeti he ... tramfen'ed to the Ventura School, a youth facility located in eam,rwo. There, he waa expoaed to a Cali.fom1a·bead cqanbation called M·2 SpoolOlnl. "A couple of men came in • day and told ua we could have villton," he explalned. Pecoraro didn't know why a ftnn8er would want to vilit him, or what they would have to uy to MCb other, but be ~ to ao aheed and lip up for the ~y after that, • San l'emando Valley man DAmed Omllr Bieler ltarted visltina Pecoraro once a month. And ~ kept on vlllUna. throuch the five reiDalmna montha until Pecoraro wu paroled lMt week. 0 1t make9 a lot of di.ff-., bavtnc aomebody come," PeclOrato aald. He looked forward CO !\ller'1 monthly villa The two would about life, and ......----...... llDEI---- .. t = -..., --•• .,.. ~"f;tz'I· ·---- • l.,l5A 'IOOlY MONEY ---~~ N~w nat ional newspaper USA Today will feature aeetiom on sports. liaances, and lifestyles in addition to news. USA Today .to debut • ...... I I • I I e t t learn by doing Tlii avtiMGbl)j otiiiNCJi C10U111 .•-__ _.... __ ~·"'--- ~~ffo1r.y"Ti·~--~·:n:~ rtMOMbty lood Job of navtaattna ::-.~by~1:: contt and makln~ulck ~ on drtvf.nl one of thl'M --mUictd 0 • by a ~ tnffto Uaht .• But after ilaht vodka and onftl9 juice tcNWclrlven, the OOMI Game l•twnbllni down. The 2~ear-old Il"vlne man had rwt---the .10 ~'blood ~ level -the lepl lewl of intoxication In Cal.tlomla. suu. Gray toortecl• broed pin delplte bia iecfuced d.rMna performanat. OnY'• ~ IMt wtek WM 1poftl0Nd by tbe Newport Beach-baHd Academy of Deftnllve Drlvlna, which hat a oontnct wt&h the county to offer driver education &o people convtci.d of drunken dttvtna. The firm operatee the Pl'08l'Aln at the 0rance County Yalrjrouncb and chara9I $200 per penon. !>The clemonttraUon wu •en4ed by law enforcement oJttctalt an<{ elaht munlclpal · court W... who were treated to flrtt-hana oblervatlon of two \tPlunuen trytna to drive the olttacle COW'le while intoxicated. The wlun*'9 had never been llft'•Md tot any alcohol offen.e. ,YTha 40·hour academy coW'le ~udel education, lnatructlon Ud omervat1on. , "You can't addrem the 1aaue of alooholllm in one twell tw00p," at!d academy 1pokuman Phil ~. ..... -iiddiiii ~~ r=~-~ ,.. ; .......... ---~­drlvtf\I." A few vohan'"n fram ttieh c1w belly up to the llC-lll'l>y ber to show o&hen tM effMtl of drinktna and drtvtn1l he 11id. Academy emp oyees undoubtedly •pend a lot of ttme . puttinl the OOMI back in p&.ce. ,"SUN they•,.. only a few eor. knocked down but think of U\Oll ccnee u the ...,. tnd of a cer ot a llUlt boy pullln1 out of a driveway on a bike and thQ thme cion. iake an • dlttennt Ulht." Mc:Otaw Mid. '!be molt dlttscuh drtviftl tell appeared to be the ..i.c:uoe of one of three ian. at SO tn&i. I* hour. The driver hu 01 fHt, after plllllna a tripwire, to make a cMdalon. Even a IOber Juda-ot two had trouble with that tell. "It'• really an eye opener," aaid Harbor Municipal Court Judie Calvin Schmidt. "By tbe ·time . you hit the tripwire it'• a faat 6e feet." Volunteer Leora Barry, 26, had trouble with the ooune even under the .06 blood alcohol level. "Since I don't drink that much I wanted to find out what it'• like ·in a ~trolled aituatlon," Mid the Newport Beach reatdent. "I would advlae not to drink and drive. "I could tee fine but there w111 no reaction there at all. U thla WU a reauJar street and a child wu out there, there would h.we been no way I could ltop." -JoelC. LbJ r DRINKING DRIVERS FACE PENAL TiES ... '> . From Page A1 ofterllta a ''ti.ply taxi" eervtce to on pe:ople who u.. OW' •rvice," extra patrol wt.Ua k>okinc out for .Qy Nildent who f.U a little too he uJq. "We hope they'll UM ti; intoxicated c!tlWtl throuch Jan: · py to arlw 1iome. it'• better than~ or 3, M-tdcle4. ril-•auna Police Chief Netl burttna 1omeone or belna Tboueh lrvtne im't known for P.walll IUd the ~ ta offend U1"e9t.ed fot dntnken drlvtna. a major restaurant row or bar Y.Hl'·round, but only about a "Bury your pride and calf ua." acme, four addition.al petrol unitl dll!len people have u.ed tt th1a Co.ta Mesa police Sat. Cliff wtll be out on the drunken year. People are aenerally .McBride a,reecs with other law drivin1 detail, accodrdin1 to .~ or uhamed to rtde enforcement offidala that A1Teltl police Lt. Bob Lennert. bQlm_JA a pPUce patrol unit. of drunken _driven are up thll ''Our problem la all of the ban ,But Pu.iWll emphaalled that year. are within two block• of a .. yoae.wbo u.ee the eervtce will "It PK>uld be dowh becaUla of freeway 1q b)'_ the time they hit rll)t be~. reardlell of the the 1\Ufer penalt~ea but the the ro.d. tfteJ'N lf1M," be Mid. ~ of lnt.oxk19tlon. percental" show It'• up," he The Oranlt COuntr Sbertfrs J'We don't run record checU aald. c.o.ta Mela wtll have two =artm•flt, the California way Patrol and Huntlnlton Beach Pollce Department reported no 1peclal patroll for the boliday period. ~ ~ ........ Dass. '"c...e.n llt1pp1 9oulr\Comt1'1111111 lW ..... C-..-,. CA 921126 H4-1&6-~ "' IO. 0-"""' UO-leoct\ CA 92el\ 1,_Heo7 forMMt a.turdey tor ttle IM Oabrllt end ~ wellM. A II of41_,..... ........ U )'OU f~}>O drunk to drive home and rvw· N ttuck tn Korth <>ranee County, you can ~t a ftM taxi ride bdne v1a CaNCab. a service 1pon1ored by the Comprebenllve ear..eorp. au. included in the aervice area extend from Wettmintter to Santa Ana ln the 1outh to Plaelentla, Buena Park, and Fullerton. The number for tbe ..me. la 1-800-422-4143. Offen ders lik e cl-ass most o f all When California'• new drunken drtvinl law took effect Jan. 1, 80lne thouaht a tint-time convlctlon called for at leut two daya in jail. But there are actyally thne oDtSonl fOI' thme found pilty of =. under the influence of They include: -A jail term of four da)'I to. •ix month1, driver'• Ucenae ~for atx montbl, a $37& to tDOO fine and no probation. -A jail term of two da)'I to alx month., a $376 to~ fine, three yeart probation and requlred attendance at a oounty- approved drive education proaram and/or alcohol tnatment proaram' A driver'• Ucenae may be rntrlcted or auapended . . -No jail term, a '37& to $~ fine, three yeara probatlO,!l.r ratrided c1rf *" Uoin1e for w days and requlNd attendance at a driver pro1ram and/or treatment Jll'Oll'WD· ., •••• 11\0hidlllf "" 899' '•n1a11fo and t111t1 Olarltl vall•r•. lftatropalltaft Loa A11t••••. flllvaral••· Ian larft•rdlno, 1111e11d Ora111• CclllMJ, """".-... .... .. Most peOple ~ to law enfOl()llDlftt ;ificlals, opt fot the latter of the tbHe to avoid aervtn1 time ln a county jell facWty. 'nWt 90-day ~on a driver'1 llcenle ua&illy aped.fies F--'84-11-.l~'-lhe...a:Jn\dcted pe"80D onl)r drive to and from place of employment. In addition to a fine, tht driver education ~ nana about $200. tN loW and lllgll ...... OOMlllll ,... and ...... UM. ~ ..,_ of c.tlOft IMI II d di .,. -.... tOf tM ...... end INttOpOlltM .,... "' "" Ml1Y ~ ~ .,. • tolowll: Good, 0-tOO: 11nMelttluful 191 .. n11t1we p.ople, 101•100; ~ fOr .-yane. IOt400 Md ....... IOf.acl. Temperature, ,.. .. 61 11 • It 11 .Q ., .. I .. 17 41 It • lpoUnt 1yr_.. '°'*'' T~ Tllllll W-'*'flon Wldllt• aM.IPOMIA .. ...._,I 1111'911• ,tw\O Llneel1er ~~ ~-- 42 19 87 13 u 41 u : " t1 17 IO ta IO ID .. " ., .. ~ ti 21 01 SI .. 41 .. 42 8econd and third convictlona brtna mandatory jail aentenca and atlffer penaltlet at do off-that involve the injury «death of another penon. ' Irvine police s eek 2 k i dnap suspects Police in Irvtne continued their tearch Saturday for two men who kidnapped a Santa Rou man and robbed and atripped h1a companion in an Oranp Grove near Jeffrey Road Friday afiernoon. A pollce department 1ook-.nan Mid the Identity of the m1l.tna man could 1 not be revHlad. lie oald Irvine PoUce Department d.tectlvH were followtn1 leads. in San Dteao, where the men apparently fled with the victim in the irunk of lhfAr car. The incident beaan about 1 ~· Friday when Manuel ~ 28, ofMenloPark.anda companion were walk.ins to a San Diego bua depot to catch a bua for Loa Aftleles, police uid. The two were approached by two men ln a blue and white Dodge C.Olt, who offen!!d to give them a rtde. Becerra told police they were traveIJns north on the San Dteao Freeway when th' driver ·~ pullMI off at ~ Jeffrey Ra.Cl aft end Meded lot a n.rby oranp pvve. Ther•, the men ordered Becerra and bla companion to take Off their c1othel and .sv:u1 I their money, \be ~Mmal\ Becerra c:omp led, bandtna over at>put f70, but hU compenion ret\md, The DllD put the victim ln the trunk ol their car and he.ded south, he Mid. W est01 inster 01all so ld Sean Roebuck & Co. hu IOld Weatminlter Mall and will •ll Brea M and two Minneeota ahopplna centira to a private Mauachuaetu truu, th• company announced Saturday. Term• ot the aale were not dllcloled, The two Oranp County man. are belDI IOld bilcaUle ol ''aood bu1lnea1 1enae," a Seara apokelwoman Mid. F B raeman of Homart t C.O , a member of Banket' Real !'.lltate Group of Sura, aaid both 1hopPlnl malla are extrem~ly ptOfltable. She aatd Homart, which ~. owned and man.pd the Br-e. and W..untNter mAl1t, will continue to manap them. Brea Mall and centera in Maplewood and Burn1vllle, Minn .• are to be 10Jd within two year• to Corporate Property Inftlton. h..ciquariered ln New York and incorporated in M.a.achUMtta. The tale wlll 1Jve needed capital 1ain1 thl• year, aald Stanley H. Ivenon, aecurltiea analyst wtth Duff & Phelpe of ~. He and Bera-nan aid Home.rt routinely tellt aome 1bopp~ng Cll!fttefll ~~\lldna­ movea. Weatmin1ter Mall, a 1.1 milllon-1quare-foot center ln centnl Oranae County, opelled in 1974. Brea Mall la a 1 mllllon- 9e1uare-foot center that opened in 1977 in north Oranae County. CPI lnvettt IOlely in ahopp(na centen. ---- Nl\llON Senate struggle with spen~ing bi'! WASHJ"OTON -Tht OOP-controlled Senate ~ toward a ttnal vote Saturday on .te1l1latton to avert a threetenld 1hutdown of the federal aovemment, a.nortN President Reapn'a blunt aec1aratlon that he would veto the bill becau.e It lncludee tl.2 bUllon fot public worka jobl. At the 1ame time , ~bllcan Leeder Howard of Tenne.ee vowed to make one final, latt·nlahl ati.mpt to wlAapproval IOI a 5-c.wrt lner'Hll ln lht ftdtnl PIC>line Yax. "We atll1 haw 1 f.roblem," S.ker uid. 0 8'.at m 1UU determined." That meuu.re WU all but abandoned Thurtday nJcht after the Senate failed to crack a conaervattve-led fillbuattt. Sen. J-Helml, R-N.C., one of the opponents, said he would .eek to delay a final vote u Jona u pomtble. Heart patient improves condition was upgraded to aerioua. Half of Clark's perman- ent plaatic heart wu rept.ced wt Tuesday when a valve broke. I ·'·· Employee. of " . !• Bentley Labe in I' Irvine are ehecked ··:.t by Oran1e County ,,, paramedica .., .. followin1 a .. ~ chemical leak in ' ... early November. • rtj 1iJ The i.ncident led to evacuation of •• •"' eight-square-mile .I? .. ~ area. .J o..., "°'...,... ~ ~ "--11 ' ... SALT LAKE CITY -, Artificial heart patient Darnel Clark aat in a chair for 3 minutes Saturday, showed "more physical strength than any time since the aurpry" and waa taken off the critical Uat, a doctor said. "Damn it, thla is a &ood day," said Dr . Chue Peteiw>n, University of Utah vice preaident for health 1cience1. He aaid Clark'• "Dr. Clark sat up in bed laat nieht and dansled hi• feet," Peteraon said Saturday. "This morning, he sat up In a chair for 38 minuta." LEAKS: AGENCIES MAP STRATEGY ... WORLD "Today was the atronaest chanie we've ~·" Martial law suspended WARSAW, Poland - Parliament on Saturday formally approved the military regime's plane to auapend martial law, but inatitutionallzed many of the ew--»rur powers uaed in the 'Wr.-~ the Soli~ty labor rnovenerlt. The legislation drew immediate criticism from the council of Roman Catholic biahopa. A council letter signed by the Catholic primate o f Poland, Archbl.ahop Jozef Glernp, aaid the government undercut ia support by puahlng through laws that "sharpen the rigors and repressive character of regulations while at the same time pro c laiming a relaxation." Pull-out plan advances BEIRUT, Lebanon -U.S. mediators appeared cloee to agreement Saturday i>n a two-at.age withdrawal of all forelan armia from Lebanon -lleCtarian violence claJ.med four more lives in Syrian-and Jnaeli-lteld J»Uta of tbl1 embettled Mecllterranean country. Pre•fden't Reaaan, ln a radio interview broadcast in the United States, aakl Ul'pftt acUon waa needed to rid Lebanon of IaraeU, Syrian STATE and Palestinian forces, which be said had become "armies of occupation." He aet no timetable but made clear hla patience wu n.anntnc out. American 1pecial envoyw PhlUp1 C. Habib and Morril Draper wound up two dlysqt talka with ~ 1-.den and 1buttled back to Jerusalem on the eve of a crucial Cabinet 8e9Sion that wu expected to determine larael'• nspcne. 'llaiher than jml 1oin1 in, ou.r tactic now is to keep others out. • . ' for •t~Hter preparatloni, eovertni everythµ.c from cu .... to ............ •-"The bl11eat challen1e in Jrvtne. if we haw to evacmte • ...... tial UM, t•where to put -....... akl Huama. PfolMable locations are local IChooll and city-nm facilities. ' 1 I IWCY plllw Uo deaipate e1aer1ency roles for many munkfpal~ Salcf Hughu: ''The person 1 •bo m.laht be your handJcrafa aide •• h nne Ar1a Center at ~ Park UC> mal_ be, if it becomH an emer1ency, the perai to keep that f8Cillty open ~t.'' Rsiaerltial evacuations aren't likely for toxic leaks in the lndwtrial 9eCtor becauae of the dlftance to hotnea, offidalt aay. M autboriU. also,.. plan for lal•hway apllla •f haurdo\.\• chenWak and ~ .... .... Tbe dty -.. In ..... 600 l'eclCaam°*...t~and le ~ 600 ..... RualM ...._ It le~ a JO..mliiute tralaln1 film on emer1ency ---=:•:-aid awource U.. and •• •111 f:'/ teleplaone numbera .,. ......, pl'Olra.IDM Into a COlltflUlll' for ,..... ~. Tbe ~puter la hooked up to an llUJdlWry .-nerator. '""' tqpst ~ la with the cbemicala. Currently, public afety offlciala have no idea what kinda of hazardous materiala are kept on the premises of most pl~ta. Thia is not a problem exclualve to Irvine, either. In fac t , Orange County Supet'Vilor Bruce Nestande has directed county government offidala to draft an ordinance requirlng private finns to report their inventories. The law would alve police and firefighters a better reading on dangers involved in fires, explosions and leaJu, he aaid. SOme firms are concerned •about the ordinance, though, becaUte of fear that giving away their liata of chemicals will tip off trade 1eereta, said Tom Eichhorn, a Neatande aide. He predicted thoee concerns can be overcome. "We think this la a model ordinance," he said. "Bruce i8 ~ all cities to copy it once we implement It." f)le ord•nance wquld 01,1ly cover unincorporated aectiou. Huglna eaid the county nre DIDartment, which eervea Irvine, l1 hoping to create a aimllar JM"OCram relylni on voluntary aimpliance. Inwntoria would be oontideatial, he .Md. At leMt one of the major lab9 In Irvine hM no objection to euch a pn>1ram. Officials at American Sdwarcb Labs, 17221 Red Hill '•. Ave ., said in a prepared statement recently they bep Ii*> of aubstances alone_ with ptar*· for handlinc them. 'Ibey tJalmed' • no proprietary co~ma wltb making the u.ta avallabJe to "d~ of f iciah concerned wltlii employee safety." . i Even thoee inventories won-. win the war, thoua,h. A problem sUll exilting woulcf be esUmattna; the e ffecta of toxic leak-+- eapecially if more than one chemical ii Involved. i "We're dealinc with a fan\Mtfe lack of knowled1e, even from square one, on what aome 6r these things can do," aald Davi.ct Schapiro, direct« of the UCJMC Poiaon C.Ontrol Center. ' Because there are a halfi.·· mlllion-conunonly uied cberDiclQ.~ entities, Schapiro aakt no one caa-< expect to be an expert on all leaks. And when infonnatiorf i isn't available, authorities oftelr• are forced to err on the lide ot • caution. • · "Moat of the (evacuation)" altuationa are CM!l'kill •iw.~~ he said. "Not that anybody le doing anvthbw wronc but ~ ar, baa•ctTon • hck• o•: knOwled&e." .;X. Schapiro said be Wanta kJca1 a1encles to conault bla cen more tru>rouahJy when JeUa reported becau.e hia 1taff trained nol Clllly to UDIMrlll&ld qujll lie• ., the chem.lealj bu hWnan .readianl. I S o f a r , h o w e v e r •l n countywide protocol bu oee establiahed: Widow, son face eviction LONG BEACH -An 86-year-old widow living with a paralyzed ion has turned down a settlement that would have let her stay In her heme even though it had been condemned to make way for a parking lot. Now a judge bu ordered her out within 10 days. Saturday in a telephone interview. "What a beautiful thought." She was ordered to leave her home of ~ years Friday at a h e aring before Loi Angeles County Superior C.Ourt Judge Julius Title. if er's last wish for others fulfilled "I don't know if they'll kick me out on Christmas Eve or not," Bertha Kirby aaid ... More than 500 potential bidders flocked to Irvine Saturday, attracted by a bankruptcy auction at the West c.o.t beadquarten of John Z. De Lorean'• fallen automobile empire. Much of the automf)bile cunpeny'a uaeta were taken over by a liquidating oompany after De Lorean, 57, waa arrested Oct. 19 in an alleged conaplracy to dlltribute t24 million worth of cocaine to save hia falling automobile company. The IMllw.cturin8 plant i8 located in Northern Ireland. De Lorean and two other persona were charged in an !1-COtfDt indictment lo U.S . ~Court In L09 Ancelea. De Lorean waa releaaed on $10 million ball on Oct. 29. He la . ..adna to have that bail reduced. We're ·Listening ••• 842-8088 "I don't know what I'm going to do," ahe aa.ld after the hearing. ''I have no place to go." The auction wu held at De Lorean headquarten in Irvine by C.0NIOlldated lntematioaal Jnc., an Ohio company th.at tOOk over many of the assets when the automobile company declared bankruptcy. • An estimated $500,000 of fwniture, office equipment. and automotive shop equipment w• on the block during the day-kml tale. "It'• png extremely well and we are i'ettlna ~ p>CI pricee." Tom Wilson, apoke1man for Comolldated lntematiol)al. eakl at noon Saturday. "We've already aold the automoUw shop equipment. I think we'll tinilh up the ale 8l!'Yel"al houn early.•• He said be would not know un"1 the end of the day wbether the aale will brin8 In the money the oompeny.expeca. What do you'Uke about the Dally Pilot? request prompted , Ken and Cheryl •hlii-1talre the ''Cancer Call the numbet at left and your me.age traNcribed and delivered to the appropriate tot. The same 24·hour answertn1 service may uaed to record let, lers to the editor on any topic. Mailbox contri utora must Include their name and telephone number ror verlnc Ion. No clrculaUo. calls, please. Tell us what'• on your mlM. '"'9 weekftd, the ~ are ~·r • <lldlemm .-u. 1n the 0.-counU. fw the ddld:ren. ti'* tunOlel and """"-wbo Mwlalt ~to omcs. Today, the Oranae County pwty ril bt Mid from 2 to 4 Jn. Iii me naaw~ lnn.&..md. u.o1 he for the party waa volunteered by··--who met nmd a recent ~ article OD the projlct. "Tbl1 la 1otn1 to be a ~ s--"t to me end a lot °' ..... " ...... Ken and Cheryl Ross, parents of Jennifer. Time may be running out~ but our Hickory Farms"' gifts haven't. Last minute shoppers, we've still p plenty d gifts; in a variety d shapes, prices and sizel, all filled with mouth- watering delights. . ' • ~r f • ot 11i6Yi":iiiarvi.i or .. ._......... . on Ntnlmblrlftl ,...., •PJllU'nllnenll ...-nc.,....... IN I n..-11. lut W ""*" rou know whtn the hOur ..... ~ hoW. on UM how1 COwr&rooma ar•n•1 th• only pl ctt..upMd by ..._ ihlnlt· Haw )'OU 1.._ a ~1 .......... 1.a..W and bNrd tn.k Up a a.nct.r love IC!lnef Oki l'ftUy Mid to know that you wen the elevator at J'llhioft ~at 1 p.m.1 I I The courtroom LI pACked. h'a • major fraud C•N that hH attracted lot.a of attenUon. The proeec:utJon't atar wltnell la on the ltand. The p~tor LI beu1na down, mak1na the crucial polnt of h.la cue. "Tell me, Mr. Jame.on, did you IN the defendant leave the 1eene with the One of the wont ~ •pedaily crowdl, la the llmple fact \hat peo watchel aren't all II\ for the eame · So for eeverll mlnuiet befcn and at each hour we'fe forced to endure litany of Bee-beepal from varlo watchll arowld ua. 25% off cli~ond cluster rmgs. bq full of money?'' the proeecutor ub. The whneaa 1lt1 pensively for a moment. Specta\ora )Hn forward ln their aeata. The air 11 pre gnant with 1u1pen1e. The wltne11 be1tn1 to open h1a mouth' and then, from the ...,. of I aay It'• unult, hara11ment a torture. The American Civil LlbertJ Union ou1ht to take one cue to t Su.Preme Court H an example. T JudaeS can go euy on the offender - yeen ahould do -just 10 Jona U polnt 1a made that theae watches "foday through C hristmas (lflly, Jewels by Jo:.eph announces a 25% savrngs on beautiful. quality Ji1t1Tu.mJ clll3ter rings. He re arc 1'{1me examples ... TOTAL WT. 1.00 carat l .47carat 3.00 carat REGULAR PRICE SALE PRICE TRJPOU U'a~ ... The mood la shattered ln an instant People stance Irritably over their ahoulden at the aource of the eound. The witneta' respome hardly matten now, the spell of the moment la broken. 'Ia that woman In the 11eventh row behmdnc hw dMdlbook on her pocket caJculator'? II a aw. mlalile hon\lnc ln on the courtraom mt that very moment'! No, noth.lna ao emttnc. Just• couple of people with Ux. new digital watcha that beep f!Very hour, on the hour. What'• the purpaee for thetie thinp? threeteninl. U\e natioo'• aanlty. :1 Barr1na that. here are several o .ugeetiona: -Buy and traln a huae Doberman attack thoee nolay watchea whenev41( they beep. u aomeone la brave enoush ti complain, tell them the dot1 LI trained~ defend you against uaault and dar1 them to 1ue. 3. 38 carat 4.00 carat $1325 .00 3150.00 4500.00 6750.00 5995.00 Save 25% on selecteJ one carat luose Jiamumb, too. A rradirion of trlll>r. $1012.00 2362.00 3375.00 5062.00 4496.00 Momebtl later, a second Bee-beep! emanates from another comer of the courtroom, further dlarupting th.lnp. What I• th is sound, 10 new to our environment, that Na.s ruined everyone'• fun ln thLI parUcular courtroom on this particular day'! Do their ownen htve bilcuita bakJ.nc In the oven blick home? Are ther. afraid they'.11. mill today's epiaode of 'All My Children?" -Purchue a larp at8ck of the "N More Bozot" stickers currently aelllng ~ the area. Every time a watch Bee-~ place one sticker over the watch an( another over lta owner's noee. U we all act quicldy, maybe we'll bl able to aet that Silent Nl1ht w e'r• pronu.ed at thla time of year. J[W[LS by JOS[PH Built-In alarm watches I can t.Ake. Some people have a devil of • time OCC we~ght class set A coune for men and women with .erioua weight~ will be offered by Orange Coast College a Phyaical Education Department t.h1a IJ>l'iif.:.._, __ eemes1tt ~~Jan. 31. ir'~ "nme. and Obeiity Management" (PE 117), the course meets Wednesday and Friday rnorn.lJ1ll from 9 a.m.-11 a.m. Registration for tprlng claaes runa Jan. 9-Fd>. 11 In the OCC Admtaiom Building. Regi.StratJon lnfonnation la available by calling 556-5772 . • GULLIVER'S ··~ J1appp -11\.. l1rimt l\ib 6taion , For Your Shopping Convenience The Following I BAYSIDE CENTER MERCHANTS We Will Be Open Sunday, Dec. 19th fr<Jm 12 to 5 p.m. and Evenings iMon., Dec. 20th thru Thurs., Dec. ?3rd JO a.m. to 9 p.m. I BAYSID CENTER ,; ,-Jn Tl\ • ..----_._.~~~-Y,.lV-C--- Newpoft Beach ~sw~ ~SIDEi PHARMA~ (714) 760-0191 NUTRITION (714) 760-9444 (714) 760-0111 . I (714) 7 60-6886 4' ' I LONELINE ''°"' ft19t A1 lllick pr.d&eta that the M-ll n..r,,,"'1 prCll'Wn, In OU'lf'O'Wlh of M-2 ltpoMUn. tan 1nCr.-&he 111\&N '° &O pen.wnt. Thole 1iall1tle1 haw 11meNd M·2 hl.Jh. pralH and aolld tndorffmtn~ Wfikh Ct'Oll 'poliUcaJ part)' 11lm. ..aidL ..ad._ The.>' have ai.o_ r.ulted tn a .f&OO• ....-z-q .,_,, w u .. pniwa..rr uwn tht IJllpU'Qnent of Correct.ION and &he CallComia Youth Authority. The reet of the f und1 come from '-300,000 a year l-n prlvat. e 1tct or danationl, whkh Ealick IJI reeponaible In W.. pu1 for ptherm.. The money IOl9 to paytna for .call, •Una up matchel In the prilolW and monltorlnl &he matches, malkk Mid. The 1po1UOn themaelvea, at leut 200 of whom live In Oranae County, are atrlct.ly volunteers. "We have a volunteer 1taff M b&I or btger than our paid ataff," he Mid. Why would 80l'De0ne want to spend 10 houn a month visiting and writing to aomeone who has committed a crime'? T hat la hard for a lot of people to undentand, according to Westmlnater residents Larry and Jane Spaulding, volunteer 'uaoclate area d irectors for M-2. "You have to come to that point In life where you have a tremendoua urge to give of yourself without any strings attached," Larry Spaulding said. "Once you become a apoNOr, the benefits are In having a relationahip with a penon you get to know In a deep, peraonal way. So many 1ponaon say, "'I'm being helped more than rm helping.' " • FAiick said most of the apoMOn have religious or altruistic motives. "The majority have some type of religioua affiliation and have been recruitec;l from .a local church," he said. When he aets com plaints from inmates about the program, most say thetr sponaora are proeelytizlng. Some people are attracted to the program because of the mystique of pri8on and some are meeting needs of their own just to make new friends, Eslick said. S pon sors are asked to commit themaelves to one vi.sit a month for one year, Ealick said, and the pr6gram abo • X-rated channel counidown WASIUNGTON (.AP) -A Chi~o com~ aays lt'a lined up au1*ribera to launch nation'• ffrat t otally uncen•or ed, X -rued ~-movie Ml"Yice. T he new service la being put tosether by a oompany called Bluemax Theater Channel I nc . -..nd will begin oper- ~lon before t h e end of the year, accordln« to Jerry Urban, an offidal w l th t he firm of Jay Holbrook and Amociates, which la marketing the .ervice for Bluemax. Urban d eclined to identify the owners of Bluema.x deecribing the firm only as "a group of Investor s ." But h e confirmed reports lut week in tw o trade publicat ions about the company's plans. "We will be the first and onlr, truly X-rated channel. ' Urban said in a telephone interview. "Our plans wett to start ~ ~· 2 but that WU on nin g up at 1eMt 40,000 sut:.cribers. Now we're above that and we're in the prooem of finalizing everything. We'll probably push the button this week, but '1 definitely before the end of the year." But perhaps the most c:rudal part of Bluemax'a pl ana appeared uncertain. According to Urban, Bluemax is arranging aatelllte time throug h the Robert Wold Co., a major satellite broker ln Ia Angeles. But Gary J . W orth of Wo l d Communications denied that a contract had been llped. "We talked to them aeveral montN ago, but the ball is IJtill ln their court ," Worth aald. ~~y called ua to aay v.y wanted to finllbe a contnct. But there'• no dtflnltive a greement .~·· B~TTLED ... Carl P ecoraro encourages sponaon to write to their lnmatee between viaits. The Spauldinp have sponsored four young m e n i n thei r three-year involvement with M-2. "We've given them time, interest, love and concern," Jane Spaulding said. "Sometimes, this ia the first time someon e ha1 been inter est e d in (the i nmate) aa an Individual with no strings attached.'' Usually the first question an Inmate asks his sponsor is "What's in this for you." "When the sponsor just says, 'I'm here because I love you,' the lnmate ls bowled over," she said. "So many of them don't have anybody to talk to. They sh.are thlnp with you th~y haven't talked about in yean," she sald. M-2 d oes not tr y to excuse the offender of his crime, or dwell on the past, her husband said. "They're there for a reason. M-2 tries to help them go forward In a poaitive direction." . l punaort try lo loolc beyond &ht lnmaw'• ouwr •U, Jarw 8peWdlq Mk.I. ''Thty'N bHuUful people wtthln. We ~ '° make them ... the ,ood,,.. In tMmlelvt111 afl(I build lti.lr •lf lmqee." Practkel ldvtc. and enrourqement ii llo • pert ot-ttw M·f1wolram iaJd Van u .._...__ --• ---.... ---• .:;::,:i ~· .. .._ - 1tock"brok'•r who -11 ·th• volunteer ~te .,... d1recior for the California RehabtUiaUon Center In Norco. Huppert u1ch e1 a clau o n employment each week at the fadllty .. well u ot5£• M-2 matchel 1et up there. • .thelle ~n have not known true p1'' he Mid. .. We have '° pt away from the ld• of throwlna the1e people away. A prilon IJI nothing but a warehoU18 for aociety'1 mittakea," he aald. Huppert aald hi• attitude toward helplna crim.lnall has chanfed drutlcally aince he hu been pel"IOilally Involved with them. "Before M-2, I used to think we should just lock them up and forget them." Of coune, as all the 1ponaors will admit, not f!Very story haa a rosy ending. "Everyone goea through that pte with the Idea that this la a new life for him," Huppert said. It hurts when the Inmate you've 1pon1ored violates parole or winds up back In jail,'' Jane Spaulding aid. Two of the four youtha she and her husband visited have returned to priaon. "It hurta, but we love them just the same,'' she aaid. "We are disappointed, but they're not hUl'tfn2 us as much as they're hurting themaefvee." Development Director Ealik hopes the M-2 program can expand throughout the state In the next year. "The M-2 Re-En!r. program needs a solid funding bue,' he said, to provide reeources for parolees. Ealic k said h e receives a lot of gra tification out of h is work, partly becauae he was an inmate 10 years ago, both In the Florida State Youth Authority and In Florida state prllona. He la one who beat the odds, and helping young men like Carl Pecoraro do the same ls something he would probably do without pay if he had to. "I couldn't do anything elae with as much enthualum," Eellck said . Complete Top Sldola, t.tyaM....., or Plawa Die._.. Spedal ftlw ........... , lut '°"™· 10 come to Stutl Alldm'I today. Yoa'N ... to r.ltoodla.W.. I I 5*#Jil1 Put something spedal ~ ~Inside your season's greetln~ Send Stuart Anderson's Gift Certificates. U01~fta4i~"'°· a BLACK ANGUS RESI~ .. -' FOUNTAIN VALLEY, SANTA ANA, GARDEN GROVE, ,., TORRAN.CE, CERRITOS, LAKEWOOD, AN_AHEIM . l ...... mungufftwhtt?UmuntPlotf1ar11on. rn.111. the feel t nd 1n. reput1tlon. And our newest pure cottons C.ke I ~1 i.tp forwtrd with ColOf. Soh \ epringy PMllll boUnce off our ovtfdved 5-poc:ktt atclpe, 1n plnlt Of yelloW, •.OO; Ind off our 52.00. Sine & 10 13. W~ahlft, In pink. yellow 0t wh111. S,M,l .12.00. And, QU ... ~t~C>Ur t• .--,.. -· • • t 1 I t .. I t t I t ' ' ~ t • r ----bOnue Gut111 t~ le ';o\lfl Witn t"V O""Jll:.:,1 __ -J:~---~-..,:.:~~-1~~+~ 5Yesa freeway 1.!epo:et :., ., . "' .'far from encouraging If°• , L For mont h1, any queatlQn• aoout w here the Costa Mesa 1'reteway would finally be built -':U. it would be built at all -were ::.ilswered with a 1\0ck, "We have :,40 see what the Caltrans report ys.'' Well, the report is out at least 'lll\offldally, and frankly, it wasn't i rth the wait. Caltrans came up h eight alternatives ranging m awkward to downright ridiculous. One of the etah.t is to do . Anyone who has driven wport Boulevard from Briatol Pacific Coaat Highway on a r weekend -or any other for that matt.er -could tell trans that doing nothing is not coosidering. Without golna thro~h eech route, it Is clear that there are golng to be leMOUI diacomforta to a lot of people with ~ach of them. The one thing none of ua can afford la more lost time. Each month that paaaea the traffic volume i.ncreaaet, and so does the cost of building any of the alternatives. Now that California is no longe r sadd led with an adminietration in Sacramento devoted to making n o Improvements in its highway system, w.e have a chance at finally aeeil)g this much needed , addition to our area. ... . . . . . Of the seven remaini~g rnatives, oost.s range from '6 Ilion to $159 million. Living Because of the nature of the project, we urge all interested ·residentaand bUaneeseatoattend t--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------the public hearingl Piat must be units displaced range from none to • 607. and businesses displaced ; range from none to 156. . • , -. held before any dedaion can be made. Voice your opinion on which route is best, but for all of our ~· let's quit doing no~. ~Public feud unwelcome ~ Lest there was any question. C .Lqere'a no love lost between t ~ County Central Municipal .·Court J ud ge Bobby b . .! Youngblood and Orange ~unty : Sheriff-Coroner Brad Gates. ~ This more-<>r-Jea private feud ; erupted publicly nine days ago in a : pair of press oonf erences in which !·~h combatant attempted to ~ ou1do the other. : The stormy events of that ; Friday afternoon opened in : Youngblood's chambers in the ·: county courthouse in Santa Ana. '; The judge, elected two years ago, ~ r eleased a nine-page letter C p"t.e v i o us 1 y s en t to f e d er a 1 .: authorities, in which he demanded r an outside investigation of several t of the 18 deaths of prisoners in the ~ &u.ttody of the Orange County Sherif f's Department. These jail- rel a ted deaths have been the .~iect of oonsiderable scrutiny by if an Onmp County newspaper and ~local investigative authorities. f Without being specific, • Youngblood suggested one death : -that of Tumauatasi Luano in :, February 1981 -was a homicide. ~Youngblood claimed a coverup :: occurred when the death was ~ruled accidental. ~ But Youngblood didn't stop :: there. The judge said he was ~ convinced he is being watched by ~private surveillance agents hired ~ by the sheriff. He said sheriff's ~ ~ ;. intelligence unit members try to nose in on his restaurant con venations. Then, the COl'ker. Youngblood said he wouldn't be surprised if he were arrested, and jailed. Gates, while denying all of Youngblood's charges about the Jall deaths, dTopped a bit of a bombshell himself, telling reporters thHt Youngblood has been JJnder investigation in connection with a burglary that occurred prior to Youngblood's becoming a judge. What the public is left with from all this i.s very little. On the one hand, we have a judge accusing the sheriff-coroner of covering up the cause of an inmate's death; on the other hand, we have a sheriff claiming the judge is the object of a criminal investigation. lf either man haa evidence ~ the other, he should come forward and let appropriate action be taken. If not, the attacks should stop. · In the meantime, w e are encouraged by the fact the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the U .S. Attorney's office are investigating the jail concerns. Better for two outside agencies free of local polltica to lnvesUgate and draw conclusions than thoee who may have alliances to either the judge or the sheriff. i Viewers show good taste .. .. ~ As many of us ave ~discovered, one of the more §i agreeable things in the television ~ wilde~ is the consistent quality :.: of programs presented, minus ~commercials, on public television ·"stations. 9 Drawing on sources from across the nation and abroad, ~ public TV assembles a satisfying ~me nu of drama, music and !:... documentaries that both inform ~ and entertain. •• _ ~ And Orange County bas the ~ good fortune to have its own ~ public television station, KOCE :: Channel 50, based at Golden West ~ College in Huntington Beach, and :! now celebrating its 10th :· anniversary. , But KOCE, while it offers ~ much of the same programming, is ~ not nearly as well or as widely • known as the older KCET • Channel 28, broadcaating out of , ! Lo9 Angeles. And this puts it at a finanda1 disadvantage, for public television 1tation1, lack ing advertiatng revenue, are largely dependent upon viewer oontrlbutiona to raise money to buy and produce their programs. ThJa money, as we all know. ls • rounded up aflnterWlrwtth what they call "pledge breaks" - periodic appeals to viewers to call in pledges of financial help. This month, KOCE launched a nine-d3y membership drive, seeking to attain a goal of $110,000 in oontribution.s. Unfortunately, the KOCE drive coincided with a similar effort by KCET, and for a time things didn't look too promising. Three days before the pledge 'drive deadli.Yle, only 43 percent of the desired total was in hand. But over last weekend something happened. Perhape it bad to do w ith the· Christmas spirit of giving, or perhaps there was a touch of guilt among viewen who had been sitting b9ck enjoying a lot of free entertainment. In any ca1e, by the end of the drive a grand total of $108,983 ln pledges had been recorded -just a hai r away from what had .eemed an impouible goal. And that, in thet1e dlf ficult financial times, la a credit to the anerc>lity and good taste of the 2,500 Orance County famWea who reeponded to the appeal IO we can continue to enjoy t h ose commercial-free programs. Opinions tlCPl"essed In the space above •r• thOM of the D•llY Piiot. Otl',.r views H· prtsHd on this.,. •r• th<>M of their •uth0r1 ~ 1rtllts. Reader commfltt Is lnvlt• td. AddrHS The Diiiy Piiot, P.O. Box 1S60, COit• M.sa, CA '262'. PhOnt (714) ~2-'321. MemoJ.ies. sifted and stirred I ' . By GINNY 01..WN DA VIES My annual ritual has begun. First I build a fire on the hearth JO it will make wintry noi.Ses and emit pungent odors for several morning hours. Second. I dust the cheris hed Christmas albums. uncovering the smiling faoea of Perry Como, Julie Andrews and Bing Crosby. I nest the records on the spindle so the words, "Rum-tum-tum" "-'ill finally lead to "Ave Maria" and "Silent Night." And third, I spread out before me on the kitchen counter all the lngredieif ts of my age-worn recipe for Old Fashloried Dark Fruit Cake. l'.m soon immersed· in m easuring raisins which seem intent on clinging to each other. Fast.er thM you can say, "Joy t.o the world," the raisins of yesteryear appear in my thought:a--raisins stuck to three small chins while chubby fingers try to grasp the ones that got away. There was no time in those days for leisurely mental images. Six feet ran. one step ahead of me. from morning 'til night and excitement built toward Christmas with frightening frenzy . Would eyes ever close on Chnstmas Eve, allowing Mom and Dad to don Santa's garb? DURING THOSE growing-up years I sometimes longed for a remote Shangri- La. But there constantly came those momenta, in our lives together. which I would not exchange far any price. With the raisins properly measured, 1 tum to the quartering of dates on my cutting board And special, numerical dates parade through my mind. When first footsteps were taken by faltering feel. Graduation from kindergarten on an afternoon enhanced with the smell of spring rain. A little girl playing Mary in the Christmas play. That first home run on the third grade team. A son leaving the stadium w ith a college pitching injUl'y, knowing his world had ended, while Mom and Dad hurt inside as much as he did! .Exuberant shouts from a younger brother, "My first tip on the paper route!" Tears stinging the acraped cheek of a 4-H daughter when a horse threw her against a fence, followed by smiles of victory when she co urageously remounted and galloped away. Huddled by the fire roas ting marshmallows on a crisp, summer night outaide our tent in the Sierras, watching the firelight dance on our faces and knowing that even the Milky Way didn't hold enough stars to equate our blessing. Looking at large. blue eyes in a hospital bed. which accused us of betrayal -"Momm1e, you didn't say having tonsils out hurt so bad," only t.o be forgiven two hours later as son licked cold, soothing ice cream from his lips. Bathing away 104 degree fevers from toddler bodies in tepid baths and then feeling my own pains fade away when our hve year old brought a tray to my bed with burnt toast and a daisy rn a glass. SUDDENLY, I realize there are more memories than dates. and it'a time to aift the flout:. And as I sift, I see the sands of time falling through the air -time, 1 used to tell my mother, which dragged interminably on hectic days and carried overwhelming c ho res. S'fle always replied. "Enjoy today, for in an instant the nest will be empty." And it is! She forgot to add that for those who are able and willing to raise and love children , the nest is never empty! Christmas will again find our beds full, and bright. wool sock.a will bulge over the hearth. Before our grown children awaken on Christmas Day (funny how they all sleep late npwt) their Dad and I. gaily robed and padding softly in bare feet, will bring in the Chriatmaa newspapers from the driveway; light the fire; stuff the plump Chriatmaa turkey; place red cherries on the halved grapefruit; whip up batter for little, thin hotcakes; plug In the llghta for the festive tree; a nd savor together the coming day with children -all grown up! The sweet, clear tones of PeJ"l2' c.omo•a ••Ave Maria'' interrupt my pc-e-Chriatmu reverie. I quickly cream the butter and sugar. and add the eggs. Then I lt1r this mixture into the chopped fruit. After folding in the sifted flour, I start t.o fill the papered and greased pana, trying to make each loaf exactly the same. And I am thankful that each child is unique. FOR A MOMENT I try to imagine our lives without children. And I cannot! .. Silent Night, Holy NiRht" sinj(a 'de r Bingle', as l place my morning's efforts in the oven. Then I sit down by the {ire and warm my fingers which are stiff from gripping wooden spoons. Even though ili's broad daylight. I tum on the tree Jighta while "All is calm, all is bright," fills the air. "Round yon Virgin. Mother and ~. Holy Infant IC> tender and mild." My heart awelt. with the words because a world with 'mother and child' and 'father and child' seems so natural. "Sleep in heavenly peace." The a~ clicks off. All is silent except for the crackling of the fire. The aroma of baking frui t -cake gradually fills the room, and I become a child again. 1 can smell the plum pudding and pfeffemuss cookies in my grandmother's kitchen of long ago. And I know in my heart that Christmas is for "children" of any age! The writer JS a resident of Newport Beach. Letters to the editor Garden solution for Mesa 'ditch' To the F.ditor: P1eue consider a pomble 10lution to the problem• of the median along Newport Boulevard in Costa M-. -1. entire area cleaned, plowed, and leveled 2. parkina arM designated, with acceaa th.it will not aql'aVat.e traffic problems 3. water supply obtained 4. guard abac k /rest facility of inexpensive mMOnrY built; manned by a dty employee wocking 6 a.m.·5 p.m. in winter and 5 a.m .-9 p.m. in au.mmer 5 . deai1n•te the are• to be a c.c.nmunity Gvden Take a short ride, lookini in the 18800 bl0t.•k of B\&lhard Street ln Fountain Valley between Garfield and EWa. and .. the mnall community~~. It really works. Many people from aputmenm and condos ln the a. take advantaae to 1et out and f et 10me exerdae and flwb ali and do tomethlnc Uleful. A community a•rden or •om• variation would be i-expmlllve than, other ldeet beln& ~. and would be 1 10urce of community pride and education. MICHAEL SHEL.DON Faculty disagrees MAILBOX 13th year at~ Cout and all lour.oi the aforementioned lnstructon were vets when I aot here. Between them they must have l.ogged at least 70 years at Ora.nae Cout. IN TBE MAIN facul.!ld.i members are a pusillan1moUa. lot. In tion they are arnyed apJ.nst a fleet of tmOOth talkers who are paid anywhere from $50 to $75 thousand dollars • yeer to manipulate faculty, public and media. Faculty roemben ~ 40 to 50 hours • week tMchlnc. preputnc and sradlnl papen, and t.beY write letters in their 1pare Utne. ~tlOl'I and their cohorta, who aot '° tbelr lofty perch by being uvvy, apen4 40 to 50 bourl a week on the tine art. of beln& crafty. Why it It. when a moment in hiltory comea when aome faeulty membere f tnally ·~ICftW their CO\ll'aae to the adddnc pa..,•• that people rure you are 10 quick to~~ of ....Uty and ..u In--' &n't lt pomlble that. there ate at. 1wt • few faic.wty memben 1t Oran1e Coa1t who are 1enulnely ooince Ded about llClldemlc atinduda? I can undentand the reapon1e1 of district.~ a ploy to Ult lalary neaouatlorw,-f.ar of loslna Jobe, ete. After Ill, they .,. blnd ...... Md, .. a-n.r1011.ud. tell me~ a-w.Nnadon ·and I'll tell you your ar,wnent. But what•a yew ...,_? We *IJ'M, ~. on one point: let the jury~. BUt ~.~~that this jury II &OWE to be OONldlrablY ~r than CciMt .... .,,... ,... war.. OAaY J'UDlAN Review welcom~ with it.a, length or volLDDe. We at Coutllne Community ColJeae welcome Dr. Beu' review of the telecour11e pr<>fram: We welcome any profelBional collegial review done • an objRttve anenment:-W1' oune11v._-4'4,_... continually review the telecourae program with the aim of improving It to better aerve our students. JACK R. CHAPPELL How come? To the Editor: How come we all have to tighten our belts because times are bad when the military gets everything they ask for and then 80l'ne7 How come all the social prolJ'ama were cut by big percentages when the defenae budget wu increased by 16 percent in aome areas? . Howcome we atUI call it the "Defeme Department'' when all the new weapcm are offensive flnt...uike weapom? How come the government la atlll fundina reeearch and developmmt on the MJ{ when no IUitable "hou.aina" hm been found (three of five Jomt Chlefa of Staff are aga.lnat Denae-Pack), when low-income houalng ia belna cut 84 percent? BOW COME we will spend $-1 billion on B-1 bomben which will be obeol1* within • few yean of completion wba aupplemental food foe pncnant womc and lnfan.1a la cut 38 percent? How come we will spend t~u bOUan on a nuclear a1rcraft carrier which la a 8ttina duck to one llD8ll nuclear mltllOt, when educational oppol1WUdea f.ot our youth, our very luture, are beln1 eliminated ri&ht and left? nu. country can no lioft&el' aupport a t231.8 blWon mU"ary ~ 1UCb. • C.brMMd Uu·ouah the lame-cluek a-.c1e'1:t~~~ l--ot•llOllllllanclallll'll ..... d the dttlml of ---_ .. ._ -ddl ~·;m7iilartid: • lll\lll;Jn.... -~ Wt ..... Iii.,.. .......... ,_... . ._.._ .. ._.·vlawt ·AD•Uftm> The new Peace Corps: 1iat~s in it for me? Pll6M.W!D WAlifiicffON -Wt M OM MINN UM ..... a.,. oC ..... blhand the .... l ~:Once • hotiid-of ldHll••I• •=•I art• ~~ C!"~ !!.~w ~!~·-~.1 . ~ ·-"T;~-;;~,p;;;;c_l;;p; ;itih';;··e·1u•; opportW\ltl•_, 99nonal arowth and U.S. trade ln ..... ln lldd!tlon to altn.dlln. It tHchH ant1-eonununl11n alon1 with laftlUPI. And It recndtl retlrMI u well u frelb·faced col111• 1rad1: accountant• and rnartr.eUM oonl\&ltan11 11 well 11 n'-"-· 8udillna b\llinttl wlaardl helptnc African belblpen martc.t their hor'91f X.plna bookl fOI' monMftd-pop wood-carvtna operatlomf lt11 all part of a revlHd approach that, Salt mines will store atom waste LOS ANGELES <1!J. -Mlnen are bwTowtnc throuch den. of lalt far be1ow the aoutblMt New Mexico ICrUblanda to carve tun.nell and chambers where concepta about burytna ndlo.ctive wute wW be *'9d. - And on the IW'fa.ce, ._.... from atat.I rtahta to n=alear aafe are beU\I debai.d and Utiaai.d M work conUnu. on the Waite llolatlon t Plant lite 25 m1lel from Carlabad. The project la to Involve only wute from the mlUW')''• nuclMr weapona work and the nutlest type of radioactive debrlt, hlah-level wutet from reactora, will be 1tored there only temporarily for rwee.rch. Don Schueler, Militant manapr for projects and ~ prqpwm at the U.S . J:ner1y Department 1 Albuquerque opentlom office, Mid. Two vertical lhafta, one 12 feet acrcm and the other lix feei. reach lnto the aalt beda, and miners are cutttna horizontal tunnell · nearly 1,500 feet underpund to create a aeries of cryptl. The luue of permanently dl1po1ln1 of nuclear wutea, which must be t.olated from humanity for 100,000 yean or more, hu dofraed the commercial atomic power lnduatry :-No permanent dump alte ext.11. d•plte yean of 1tudl•, debate and falM atarta. Anti-nuclear a:roupe routinely cite that fact in contendlna atomic eneray II flawed by ba8c problena that defy IOluUon. ' Spent fuel from rw10ra, cl••fled 11 hiah- level WHte, 11 lntenaely radioactive and, althouch much of that buml ltMlf out ln a year or IO, wW ttqulre complete llolation from the envtronment for hundrecl9 of centuriee. Schueler llkl in a telephone Interview that the Carllblld lite ta not involwd with oommerc:ial =al~ information developed there aid the mrcb for a oammerdal ..... Be lmid the only ndaoeettw maWial ~t wtU be penMDmdy left Jn the New Naico ..,. ...... ....., "tranlunnle ..... .....,., .. ' E"'-0.. ..awD that AN produoed ~ lludeM' ~ ._.....,.. to Off~ ._.., mMtl Uwt nNdt of ..-.~. voawn.... lht dtw.._. Wll'ld. The lhilt Wll fot'Nhald &ill lal1 With the · ..Uaon oC .. =Uw ... .....,,.. dewlojw1llnt'' to ........... th ........... othlr '"""" .,...~··-- -; "Wt'N -~ It t.i a top priortty," •YI Nchald AbeU. of protrlm dewlollmtn\. ''The pbUo~h1 II tha\ the .JOme that Wet the ,oldel\ .. for Ow Amer1cM o..ni hll been the IOOftOINc ...._,. Th• new buetn .. orlent.Uon 11 larply • 1urvlval rHponH to ch1n1ln1 Tbltd World dtvelopinent phlloaophlH ana oon11rvatlv1 dornMUic tides. It oarr.,._. to Prelldent "-Pn'• emphaala on volun•riam. •It-help and prtvai. enterpri.le: renewed lntenet by tnternatlonal .,.na. ln th• "uickle-up'' tff.,.. of lmll1 ~ dnelopnwnt· and 1 powlnl V/IW of r.qu.11 tor \hll type of help . "lnoome ~II Uwt No. l Jfiority ln \b4 ... ~~Id," t1..n p.,. eo.,. Dll'9Cl10r Lqnt .... .,,... ,.~ ·--·----1 __ , ·-.,.~ buelnell lk.WI ... Hidden and aomt NY harUMd under th• ACTION umbrella line. Prll1dtnt Nl•on put It lhere, the r.... Corpe~ latt )'tat In hoPll of revt~ 111 Identity and ltl rntaaton. "for many yean, It didn't even have 111 own ltatlonery. 'Ibere WU I f."~!d:rc.-.ptlon that the p.,. C0rpe didn't exilt. I J'rld Thompeon, prellden\ of the 1,000-membtr National CounCil of Returned PMCll Corpe Voluns.n. "No admlnl.ltraUon hll ever .Sven the Peem Christmas checks deserve more than casual spend ing. lnv~t them wisely. Pamper yourself with really fine Jewelry that will be a permanent reminder of the thoughtfulness of your giver. our setectlon of Quality pieces wlll excite your Interest. Stop In soon ... and do bring your Christmas check! AMERICAN OEM SOCIETY REGISTERED .JEWELER @ CHARLES H. BARR ,,.,a ....... w ....... .... ....,. .... , ..... ..... ..... ... .,,, ... . The Robnsons Gift A LUSCIOUS LUXURIOUS BOX OF $<>DIVA . CHOCOLATES IS~ OUR GIFT TO YOU WITH '17.50 GODIVA PURCHASE. Indulge that very 91scernlhg sweet tooth In your llfe with one of the world's finest chocolates. Careful! a y ma e rom a lglum recipe with only the most select ingredients. then beautifully molded and luxurlously wrapped, Godiva Is one gift that's as Impressive as It ta lrrealstlble. And with your $17.50 Godiva purchase. we'll give you a 1A lb. box, a $5 value, as your special gift to give or keep for yourself. ~l-MQC;~~la4-~:;>U-JJlO~.W.41' ~KOH~ff8~·~-­ ribbon and rose. From our tempting collection, with cream centers and sollCfs: t lb. gold ballotln. 117.50. 2 lb. gold ballotln. SM. 3 lb. gold ballotln, MO. Y2 lb. gold ballotln. 19. Robinson's Candles. 66. t'lG "I ·" .;.-: . . ... " ' . •• i . f i y Mo ndal trouble W~HlNoTON (AP) Wal~r r. Mondalcl rrioY..t lnip a haun*9 political houM. Ht•1 lh• tront·r unn1u: tor tha 198• .~l\MllCNdir! tftlldential nomination. Thl' ihOlt.1 fillen lrcint·l'W\Ml"I lurk about tM campAll" an Mrly leader with a l°"C way to IO· 'n\en le no ~tJ~~ency for front· The fonner Ykle ent became OM ---the polla •Y IO, poU\kdans llY IO, and tlcal comrnentariea like thil say '°· He la ahead ln a fleld that hasn't reached the line. There are enUiee yet to come, other ta contemplatinl the contest now that Sen. Edward M . Kennedy has taken himself out of lt. The nomination won't be awarded until the awnmer after next. Beln1 there l• fine; ltaying there la tough. George Romney waa there in 1967, for the 1968 Republican nomination. He didn't make it to tht! fi~t presidential primary. ~dmu-nd $. Mu s kie was the mrnocratic front·runner for the better part of years. but when the 1972 campai&n began he fast. Indeed, Kennedy filled all the front·n.tnner fl.cations except one in the aummer of 1979. e one he lacked was that he wasn't p.ntaident and his opponent waa. Jimmy Carter beat him. The role belonged to Kennedy thia time, too, ~~ he announced that he would not be a ~date in 1984. Now it ii Mondale's. An AP·NBC poll of Nov. 2 voten said ~nnedy was the preferred Democrat for 1984 th 40 percent support to 19 percent for ntfale. That'• ln keeping with other early -.on surveys. And with No. 1 out. No. 2 takes <Ner. Mondale haa 90mething goln& for b1m that mer early leaden lacked. T,._e AFL·CIO, a werful ·force in Democratic politics, bas ded to pick a candidate to back before the 184 presidential primariea. if anyone Jn the field a.i win two-thlrd.Alpport of its te.denhip next D.oember. With Kennedy and Mondale both in, ~:'looked u thouCh eedl would keep the other -~ reaching that le.vel. With Kennedy out. ndale ha1 a 1hot at it, although other datea Jn a crowded field will carnJ>8fin hard deny him the endonerMnl Early .euon leads are notoriously fragile. A Gallup poll ln the autumn of 1979 showed Kennedy preferred over Carter by a 2-1 margin. lt narrowed u the Kennedy ~ began, and by wintertime, the president was_ winning ln the primaries. • 'lllOee were 1pedal drc:wnat.ances, since they mvolved the incumbent. In other campaiam, UM, front-runner doee have advantaaa Ilia name ii Down. hi.I opniona ~t. It &.elpa with fund J'llbina. And if be weren t aheld, IOmebody el.le would be. The down1ide is that every move the front-runner make• is aubject to 1erutiny. There's no time for a lhakedown, for early n;wrtaJ<es that go unnoticed when they are made by candidates back ln the field . ..... eSllME.T ... Tllll •llTMYSll .,..cam eSl8Yll01t .,.. ... • ..u .... •AIACm ' PA•I __ ._._ . .__,,,__ ................ ..,_ ...... ... ·-·----... ..,,._, ., ...... ., ............ ,......... ... ~=~et:-.:~ .......... ..,~ .............. ..... ...,... .......... , ... ~ ...... . ~~.:;=~~~;I rttl • POl.Y/WB. CMIUJIS .. •32 .. mm 1Um ms .. '21 ........ All PA• IDAPPIAll . • .................. r-"-• .._. .................. ....,.,. ....... .. ............. .. ·-·---.---... .. ..,.., ... __ ......,__ .. ---·--'"!' .............. _ ~ ....... _...__ .... _.... ... .......,_... . IUtlfllLL'I .,, .. ,""' l1411nrur• .... ............... cottA MllA -U•·t •N ' TUCK A DAY OF BEAUlY INTO HER STOCKING A wonderful gift every lady will love to receive ... and fvto ways for you to give ltt Simply select the Day of Beauty gin package you want and we'll prO\llde a gift wrapped cerfln. cate and cord describing the Day of Beauty she'll receive. 25.00 Reg. 36.50 *Manicure : Styte cut Shampoo and set or blow dry * Conditioner 35.00 Reg. 49.50 * Manicure * Pedicure •. Adrien Arpel Blo-Foclal * Makeup lesson and oppllcotlon Specloll Reoll$tlc Pk:k·A-Perm sole, now ~ off regular prices. We accept Visa. MasterCard, American Express and. of course. your Butfums cord. leouly Sludlo A kilt S4Nvlee Solon NA Stof•a The S-day sale onthe~s finest watches ... Concord . Jewels by Joeeph announces an excicin,g 5 day pie on a special selection of magnlfkent 14K gold Concord watches. You can't buy better quality anywhere in Ora• County. And, as has been our policy k>r nearly 70 years, every piece we sell ls becked by our own tradltlon of trust. So, from today until Christmas only, we'te ofter. Ing generous savmaa on the finest watches In the world ... Concord. © CONCORD. QUAm II W• • bl. d•y • tar •r • 1chool1 'OA THI AIOORD Jn Cypre 1 tourney. 84. .... ,-·ur prise! ·Ra01s let another ge.t aw-ay. t least they 11Jake it exciting, as Raiders pull out a 37-31. triuIDph .J.f~ ANOJ:Ll:S -In OC'der to be a Rama fan thw de,., you "'*1y have to ~ eame lad.iadc q""1IUIL l'.:lthet that or you are an admit* PIYCho. 'l'be ftum cerWn1y don't beJoac on a focitball ff.4•1Cl anymore. The whole bunch need• a ph)chiatrilt'1 coech at this po&nL And even then then'• no l\&llUftW. of any antWen. · 'nw Rame' 1982 cam~= beyond ~ It takes only a mediocre to make a ...t#t dJappear. It takee a true u.. however, to ~ two and three touchdown ... dmpttat.e. For the fourth time this yeu the Rama let a&:IOdler Hl'ly lMd vaniah • quick M vou could uy to." It all 1tarted in the tum"• fint 1ame the Green Bay Packen when the Rama 1 -0 and 101t. Then tflere waa the U -0 adVintqe -aatmt the Falconi that went by the ~~de. Next, there wu the 21-0 maJ'lin over ~that ended with the wne neptlve resultl lut week (27-24). 21-7 half Ume 1Md .,.tJWt the Lm A.nplea Raiden d'-olve into a 37-31 defeet. 'That rnHm in thme four 1amea the.Raml held a comblned 79-7 lead at one point onJy tQ get oui.cond lM-18. la lt any wonder they're 1-6? Of count, this WM the 1ame the Rarm -u did the entire Ol'pnilation -really wanted to win. A return to their former home (the Coli1eum) qa.ll\lt the vUllanoul eMmy (the Raider1) that had Initiated a new cult following in Southern C.allf ornia . But alas, the &ml. u tlwy have all aeuon. fell 1hort. Not even a Mike Lanlforcl 36-yarcl field ~ that gave the !Wm a 31-30 lead with 1:41 left to play could alt.er the t.eam•1 ultlmate destiny. In the abort 1pan of 72 aecondt, the Raiden came back, oo Mara.&I Allen'• 11-yarcl touchdown run, to traJUform the Rama' premature joy to despair. "We've been ahu.d 8 of 7 ~ haUtime and have come out and loet a.linoet m of them. When you do that Chere'11C>Methlna wrona. "I 1\&111 we juat have that old black cloud above ua. I Juat wtlft a Santa Ana wind would come and blow It away. All li>c la.ea have been very, very fruatratina. It'• to a point where l try to &n1Wer qu.tion1 and I don't have an answer. "To ... them march1na down the field at the end wH dl1heartenlna. B,ut then I've been dlaheart.ened all letllOfl loJll ... 'lbe Raiden' wlnnlnl touchdown covered 57 yardl Jn five pla:y1. h happened ao fut th.e Rams almoet didn't have time to leel the hurt. Wltb a partJa1an 6e,646 fans stand.inc on thelr feet and cheerfnl Raiden on, Allen put the final stake in what wu already a half-dead corpee aa he aprin~ around left end for the acore. ''The llal1\I are really a better team than their record lhoWI," offered Raiders defensive lineman Howle i.on.. ''There wu Just aomethlng lacking in the~dMll.'' could come t>.ck. Any time you're•io.tng with 1- than two mlnuta left you do yow damndest to pt the job done. It The Rams. accordJnc to the playen. have been doina their damndest. too. They ;..at can't tet the Mme resultl. The Rama led 14·0 and 21-7 before the Raiden 1taged a comebeck that finally •w them catch -1' and pu1 -their <>ranee County nelghbon to the ~ aouth, 24-21 on. Allen'• I-yard TD run midway f through the final period. j The Raiden' drive aomewhat typifl~ the Raml' miafortunee thla eeaaon. Halfway throu81'l. the defenae loet the aervices of middle Unebecker Jim Youngblood, who was replacing the injured Jim Collins. (sprained ankle), who had replaced the injured Carl Ekem (knee) earlier ln the year. • f I The loea of Youngblood, who was taken to the , sidelines with tom Ugamenta in hil knee (he ii lo8t ~ for the eeaaon and will undergo 1urgery MQnday), ~ ,Flnally, there WU the pme the ltanw played it, SdurdaY afternoon. >.. quick u you could uy, Ti. "Mow yi>u'" it. Now you don't," the Rum let i "We really wanted to wln thia ball game," said a diaturbed Dennil Harrah. "What other incentive do we hav•f J:veryth1na elle la lolt becau.e of our rec:iord. We're not 101n8 to a Super Bowl, ao this was our S_uper Bowl. We wanted to be champlori; of ecmet.hlnl. "In the leCOnd half, we came out loose and relaxed," aid Allen of the Raiden' turnaround. "We had ~n behind before and we knew we . left the Rama with virtually nobody to man the middle. The Raiden took advantage by running four (See RAMS, Pase 84) s K ............... ..., atff Branch of the Raiden lindt room to roam alter catching pue against Rama Saturday. Buns' hot quart. l ; 1 Uielts dolVn Lak·ers ... 1'HOENIX (AP) -Walter O.Via 8CONd a eeuon·htch 30 ~ta, with 10 cominl in a torrid ihltd period, • the Phoenix &ml J'OUted the Loi Anae1ea Labn 128·100 Saturday nlaht In a ~Atlonal BHketbalf AHOC· t:o=: tratllng 61·45 at ~· 1hot 71 percent from -floor in the third period and ftn11hed with 81 1econd-balf ~---two under the NBA >T~ Adami Md nine of b.la .ff polnta ln the J>ivotal third ~rter -lncludin1 a three· '(Mlht play wtth 7:08 remain1nl to • • ' eature gets llw the Suns their fim 1-d cJ ihe pme at 59-57. Phoenix then aoond 11 of the next 18 pointl to tab an IS-7t lead heading Into the fourth period. Outm>rine Loi Anaei-28-4 in the next five rninulel, the SUN went up 104-83 and COMted from there to their 14th vk:1.ol'y in 25 pmea this aeaon. Jamaal Wilkee led the Labn with 20 Pointl. 13 ~ In the ftnt half. .. Loi ~-record fell to 18·8. Evvfn ''Ma.le" Johmon flnlahed with 10 pcmta, while Bob MacAdoo had 14 for 'the Laken. . Veteran Lot Aftaeln center Karen Abdul-Jabber mimed b.la aecorxt ltralaht aame becau.e of a llnus tntectlen. Phoenix twl at nine ol tll lalt 12 pme1. lncl•Mlh\I two of the 1ut thne here at the AriJona 1 Veterana Memorial Collaeum before ·= niaht'I win In front ot a ol l2,8N. ''Whim\ a tMm -~ .. they tww, theYft-bound ID cane back," aald Laker Co.ch Pat Riley. ·~ •19d with it and _....Ible to oame bids. whlM w. dkl not eaeu• wry ..U. "Our IU11 did not have the aame ener1y 1,ve1 th•.Y hid , l'rlday ~t {n a 117-108 win over New Jertey. We dld not ~the--~~w • ..., humdlatld, M IUd . .. ftl Coach Joha MaelAod hid ht1-club "-bH pl~yed rfWY pane la'*lY rWlt ... to the Wtie and lt'• .. to ~ win I 10.d •11me ~1ldt I ~club." -wm.. wbam to ~..-.. pointl Md~ Loe~ a 11~11 ..... mid Pboln1x 11w.ntiil ""' ... 1l'IOl'e:" UC Irvine becomes l 40tb straight victim , on Vandals' court Special to tlie Dally Pilot the break." M 0 S C O W , I d a h o The Vanda ls boast earlier Venturing far away from home vlctorlea thl1 season over for the fl.rat time this aeuon, UC PacUic-10 representatives Irvine suffered itl Initial setback WHhtnaton· and Wa1hingt0n of the season, 84-73 to Idaho State and they are the two-time } Saturday night. defendlna Big Sky champions. ; 1 But the Anteaters, in lOllnC on LHt year'• team went 27-3 the Van.dala' home court. have 1 ovenll and topped Iowa ln the t Md plenty ot compeny. For the j NCAA toumimenL ,l 40th atrataht t::!i an Idaho "They pre1ented a lot of oppcxaent baa en the KibbM ' problems to u1: • Mu!!lpn DO.me-here, .rut for the -tOth lldmlu.d. ''Thelr center (ltelvtn "' *aJabt time, that foe baa come Smlt.h) baa a sreet ~ span." away a loeer. MulU1an WH referrin1 to "Even thou1h the crowd SmJth'a ellbt blocked lhota and -..a't that hmtile, I thouaht it 18 rebouDd8. UCI continuallJ ...... Siad ~ I« -.·· ... eble to 91' inllde. bu1 °'* cJal.-dl.10 Coech BW Mullipn ....... Smith WM there reedy to afterward. "It wu aood for w to reject any ahot attempt. travel this far ancf play a roed l'nahaDan Tod Murphy had 18 game." point• and 12 rebound•, a Irvine actually broke on top, p e r • o n a 1 h i g h I n e a c h takina a 16-12 advantqe in the depu1menL But Ben McDonald early going. Idaho paaaed the wu the only other Anteater to Anteaters at 21-20 and never notch double tigurel with 10. · looked back. The Antntera suffered their The 1eed b.ilooned to IO polntl worat 1hootlng effort of the in the aecond half (78-58) befon campaip, hitting on only 31 the 1ub1tltute1 came in and pesoeut'ln the eecond half arid 39 c natrowed the final maq1n to 11 percent overall. ldab.A, pointa. meanwhile, IC!Ol'Ched the neta at a 0 Idaho la a very acaresatve, 82 percent clip ln the eec:ond half well-coached team," Mulllaan to nm away. aid about the Vandak, who are UCI made one brief bid to now 8-1 . "'They took away our come back, after cutting th• , tut break. But I do think we clefidt to etcht pomta, 57-49, with didn't nm our lanes very well on lf:l l remainln1. But Idaho rattled off the next 10 pointl to take a ce>mmandiAg 67-49 loci with 1:20 remainlq, and th' -Ameetef• . 'UCt continues lta travela Monday nilht. open1nc the Wolf Pack ci.ilc in Reno Monda7 nlaht aaainat Southweetera Loulaiana. HoetNev-.-Bfto IDd Ocm'llP are ai.o ~parlll In the tourney. . enbloom: 0 • No'9ad) ume tn on lh• noon bllloon from •Mika .. ind ....... me, bu• •.• •11 hM ....,_ Jult th,.. yHrt 1tnc. form r ... :.-.... "'""' .... Rclienblomn pnMllNd, ~ ... ; ...... Ww,... '° oamplMefy del&roy :"'\ ~!.~" - eTMre are many who 1Ubmibe '° &he UMory that the Roee llowJ &I ln need of modffnlJalion which wouJd ..... ridcUftl ,...., of the Und• rmde MCI rey by the ....... nlftt with the 9aa 'hi\ . . . Actually, it do9I "°' ftcuN that an unranked team ~ appear In the ,nndaddy of them all. •It ... ma incredible there can be knock• ap1rwt boxin&, a-~ control14MI by IUCh aa.h• of the eu1b .. Don KJftl and Bob A.Nm. •It Don ShW. WM the'COIChlu IM!ua many would bav• you believe, he woula nave had a defen. tw a w...,an •common aa the mow plow. •M~n will be favond over UCLA in the annual Bowl beclau.e of experience. •The Nn.. playen hllw done a IOOd job of keeplns it quiet but the vote w• overwhelmina in Is Garvey finally nearing decision? Fnm AP .._tdlet SAN Dil'.Go -Steve Garvey and hi• aaent continued talks Ill Saturday with the San Diego Padres lll'nd the Cbicaao Cuba and said negotlationa for the free-agent first baseman ''were in the final stagea .•• Jerry Kapatein, the •sent, t old The A.odated Frets that the San Franda.-o Giants abo "have made aub8tantlal improvements in their .Jal'ODOU1a and they are aUll very much in it." ..... "We have been in phone contact with all three teaml," be aid. He Mid that he and Garvey, the fonner Los Anae1a Dodaen' star first bueman, met for two hours with Pldrei' President Ballard Smith, but DO -£eemellt Wal reecbed. 'We ai.o talked thla morning with the Chica10 Tribune Company ownera of the Chicaao Cubs and GenerJ) M-:::J,er Dallu Green," Kapstetn aid. On Friday t, be said, the Cuba made "several, alternative new J>l'OP(l9ala. •• Garvey, 33, an ei1ht-time NL All-Star. rejected a four-y.r ~ million contnct to stay wfth the Dodcen. . Quote ol the day ..... s.:r••• Virldnla center after hla Jmc .. wai duel wfth Gecqet.own•a Pat Ewtna: 1'1 hope we have it aaa1n in the Final Four. Somewhere down the line, we'll meet again." Carlander leads Trojans to victory Forward WaJH Carlaa•er. a m product of Ocean View Hiah. aoored 19 polnts and arabbed 10 reDounda .. the Univenlty of Southern c..utomia defeated Loyola-Marymount. 74-63 Saturday nisht in a non-conference buketball =· Guard J-.e BID added US points and c = 16 for the Trojans. who upped their to 4-3 . . . Guarcl NdJ Mb• came off the bench to ICIOl'e 20 pomta and t.ckcou.rt maw Leea w ... added lj..,~ Cal State Fullerton knodted off villUna-nD'lllJ'ard Univenity, 69-51 . . . Guard J..U a.... 8COl'ed 22 point to IMd Lona Beech State to an -.y 87-62 ventict over the l1niwnlty of San J:>ieao, Lona Bmdl. now ~-2. )amped ~t ..k an 8-0 Teed at the start and had a 40-28 advantaee at hilfuiiii. - NFL _standings favor of stvtnc the foot co executive dl~tor Ed Garvey. •If there are really u few good playerw around that Rarnt Coach Ray Malavaal lndkatea, the United S\atet Football League wlll be tleldlna t.eama of real ham and egerw. •It It difflcull to remember a more popular victory amona the ·~• mob of Southern California than Bobby C . n over Bazooka Limon. •It waa a cool h"d prevailing that kept Madame Ram off the field durina the ceremony at C.Ollins' free throws sink 76ers DOD ColllDI aank three free m throws in the final 10 seconds to lift Waahington to a 100-97 victory over Phllacfelphla in the Na ti on al Basketball AMociaUon Saturday night . . . Elsewhere, lalall Tllomaa had 28 points, including 15 ln a key at.retch in the second half, to lead Detroit paat Cleveland, 97-90 ... Gerald Headeraoa notched nine points In overtime to lead Botton to a 107-103 decllion over Atlanta . . . Kanus City outscored Golden State 35-10 ln the third period and went on to beat the Warriors, 106-90 . . . Jim Pauon'a outside 1hooting late ln the fourth quarter gave Portland a come-from-behind 108-105 triumph over Dallas ... Gaa WlWam1 800red 26 points as Seattle rolled over host San Diego, 121-107 ... Mickey Jolaaaoo•1 follow shot broke a 97-97 tie and gave New Jersey a 123-114 win in Denver ... Renie Tlteaa led chicago in acoring for the seventh time in eight games aa the Bulla edged Indiana, 131-127 . . . Darrell Grtffltl'• 30 points and Duay Sc .. ye1' 24 rebound.a paced Utah to a 116-97 win over Houston. Flyers salvage tie with Islanders Bobby Clarke'• power-play goal Iii with 5:38 remaining lifted Phlldelphia ' into a 4-4 tie with the New York Ialanders in National Hockey League action Saturday night. After traU.tng 3-1 in the third period, the lalanders erupted for three straight goe.11. two on power plays, to uaume a 4-3 lead . . . Mlnnaota'a Brian Bellows aoorecl midway tbrouah the third period u the North Stars rallJed lrom a three-goal defldt \0 tie Vancquver, 3-3 . . . Steve Larmer scored three goals and Rlell Pre1toD had two u Chicago manhandled Toronto, 8-5 ... Jolla ()arodlllct tallied at 15:24 of the third period to help Detroit tie the. New York Rangers, 3-3 . . . Rookie Sea• MclteDaa scored what proved . to. be the winning goal at 13:51 of the eeoond period in Buffalo'• 5-4 win over Quebec . . . . Gaeta.a DudleH nett.ct a pair of goals aa Waahlniton extended Its Wlbeaten 1treu to 12 games by be.ting Pittsburgh. 3-1 . . . Gllbert Delorme ond Mata NaalHd 9COl'ed thlrd- perlod goals to give Montreal a 5-4 victory over Calgary ... St. Louil skated put Hartford, 7-4. Eastern. Kentucky wins Pioneer Defensive end Ric~ard Bell II returned a blocked field pl 77 yarda for a touchdown Saturdat to Ignite F.as1.em Ken~y to a 17-14 Pioneer • Bowl victory over Delaware and its second NCAA Division I-AA naUonal championahip . . . A fourth-quarter tnteroeption by Ba.My Pretcee aet up a touchdown that gave Central State of Oklahoma a 14~11 victory over Mesa, C.olo. and the NAIA Dlviaion I title ... '-'rll Evert Uoy• handed.Tncy Aa1tia her worst to. as a pro and Martlu Navratilova upended Hua MaMWtova to 8et ap today's final in the Toyota Tennla Championahipa at the Meadowlands Arena in. Fat Rutherford, N.J . Lloyd c:ruahed Austin, 6-0, 6-0 and Navratilova outluted iLndUkaYi; 7;;s;-6-• NATIONAL CONP'DBNCE illEIUCAN CONFERENCE 'tf.L Pct. PP PA w n.n. 5 1 .133 158 83 ...... 6 WMhinaton 5 1 .833 120 UM Clndnnati 5 Atlanta 4 2 .867 J63 119 M1uni 5 Green Bay 4 2 .667 144 lU N.y. Jea 6 Detrdt 3 3 .!M>O 102 95 Buffalo 4 Mtnne.ota 3 3 .500 t08 98 Plttabursh 4 New0r1-m3 a .500 77 106 San Dleao 4 N.Y. Giants 3 3 .aoo 103 97 New r.n,. 3 St. Louia 3 a .&GO 101 u• Seattle 3 ·~. 2 • .338 77 112 Clewland 2 2 4 .333 166 156 Dmver 2 Tampa Bay 2 f .833 8& 111 Jlowtml 1 Philadel. 1 5 .167 108 130 K.anMa City 1 .... 1 6 .143 ~&3 196 Baldmott 0 L Pct. PF 1 .857 192 1 .833 189 2 .724 137 2 .714 190 2 .667 98 2 .667 121 2 .667 160 3 .500 83 3 .~ 104 4 .333 89 4 .813 111 5 .167 81 6 .167 89 6 .000 60 PA lCWS 90 114 115 73 161 120 101 96 122 149 15lf 129 138 ............. .. JOHNSON &SON presents ... ,, NFL .............. ' Sun., Dec. 19 · SanProndMe over Atlciftta . * Phllaclelphla over Houston * MlnneMta • r h 0 che le Ana~lrn lla{llum wh«ttelri M rlln Ollen'I num • YCMif c1n be& llu~I ... lor. winner of lhll' 7• ftMrll Je,...,1 wu plM-.d In retJ"'""nt . , • ind 1 lot CJ' 1uy1 In th "-"" orpnluUon .,. Uiklnt rrtdll for ll. =• h"'11&~1 wlU ,..,, .. "' thl W• In UJe on Dl!tby aey Md 1W ,,...,_, a11o ._ U1et he will wtn &hi f•twe ,...,., / M •The ltem1 1r• like th• MarJn11 In onct •TM 1M rrandlOO 4hn Md t.be ... a.t' cw.,. .-at.. on•.,.., ltW>W fGr ~ •a.:.wfiilli-==--•--....:. Important r J*t they oouJd u. • fltW l'JO(i -----·•Of all tho flnancl•I abauraiu .. In 1po1U, the amoun" ukecl by play1r1 such aa Gary Maddox and Jim Sundbcr1 simply to approve t.rad• (to oon'-nden) have to be the moet d11CU1tlna. ~· 1-~v. CXMllCUolton '!(both ml.Wt pt 8'c!.k &o their 1tom1CN wa1m1n1 VMr WR9. •CBS football 1naly1t and commen&a&or PhyllJ.a Oeorp Nil written a book on dMt1na Md U f • •Rk:k Upchurch of the Denver Brona» hu filed for baf)kruptcy 1ayin1 he loat more than '200,000 on • fllnftl ceni.r , . . that ill nothlna to compare whh what 1uy1 have loet bett1n1 on Upchurch and that bunch. the la aa brtl.Uant about fiah~ fat • atw fi about tho ~U. of footbill, ot>ellty wW no aon,w be • problem, I •II •Quote of the rDOnth: Tt¥Dpa Bey coech 0.. . . .. John McKay, commenth'I on a kickoff fwnbli9 which led to the Bue» settlnl blown out by the Jetll. •Would Raiders owners Al Davia take a "£11t" of $1.6 million? . . . Al Davia would take a reef hot stove. "If you have solidarity and a ftl'OlnC union, )'OU>-, lhould be able to pick up a kickoff." • .. •That Ralph Sampeon wW end up with the Houston Rockets la not a waste -lf you live ln Texu ... •When you figure that of the network TV• fooiball tout.a Pete Axthelm of NBC i. the belt of the lot, you are tallc.lna about a wry bed~· 1 ~ NCAA zeroing • 1n on '•I Kansas? LAWRENCE, Kan. (AP) - Athletk Director Monte Johnson said Saturday there ll no special signltlcance to on-ca,mpua Interviews by NCAA investigators last week at the University of Kanaaa. "It Isn't anything different than what's been golng on the last few months, but now they're doing the onsite work at the university," Johnson said. Last April, the NCAA sent Karua.s a letter of preliminary inquiry. saying it had received complaints of illegal recruiting practices by the Jayhawka. NCAA procedures call for a notice ol offidal inquiry before a fonnal lnvestigation la launched. "As I understand it, they gather the information from the out1ide and they gather the Information from the imlde," . said Johnson, who was named KU athletic director on Nov. 29. 5-ft IS4K. On lcaldlfulOrlcntll Style lugs ~~omtmas a loYeJy erea rug_trom '°'°' Tiie and toot( fot· werd to a New YUi full of compliments! Shop new and~ CUlns our spedal gift Mic! .... Jt.00 5'ze "" J( .. ,. ..,.191} 1 /\)r•qc..,tror1q Cut 15~1 Specious 11 Ft. CU.hloned Vinyl This ~ ftoorin9 Is tM perfect time N'llt'l9 slftl ..,.,." lll'CMIW Ace~ "Then they will compile their findings and determine what the next step wW be, and that could be an offidal inquiry or it could be diamla1al (of the investigation)." The Kanaaa City Time1 on Saturday quoted an unidentified source a1 aaylnt the NCAA ia looking into Irregularities involving at leut two football players -junior runnlna back· Kerwin Bel, a product of l'.cliaon High, and fonner runnt.na back Walter Mack. The aource said the inquiry also concerns the recruitment of Carl Henry, a member of the Kanau buketball team. Johnson acknowled1ed that the lnve1ttsatora could be gathering information on both football and buketball, but he declined to be more spedfic . "I don't think we're at liberty , to,:J;:ir*t they're lookinl 41 s y because it wouldn't be all-inclualve, no matter what we said," Johrwon Mid. "I thJnk they have to say how much they can divulge at th.la point, rather than the university aayin1. because this la their prellmlnuy inquiry." • In a re la t.ed story, the 'l'lmel aho utd John Hadl wu interested In becomlna th4. Jayhawb' next head football coach. Hadl ll a former x.a._. All-America quuterback who w, now an atliltant COllch with lh«J Raina. .,~. "I'm very. iDter.ted in it, u everybody knows," Hadl aakt from Loa Anaelea. "And I've Wdted with Monte a few u.ne., Whether •aet an interview~ not, we'll have to find out. I certainly hope it would Wft out'· that way." Select ff'.!M' O¥W.r 30 ''"" lndudlnla U~ Off W•llcOYCrtngs To Deck The Wall1I auldt Point 8'acXs ... 1.19 ....,. ... Putty Knife ......... 1.99 How 1.lt Glau Cutter . . . . . . . . 2.59 Mow 1.01 Slip Joint Pkn . . 3.99 Mow J. 1t ScrewdrMI' Set ... 5.29 Mow 4.U Wonder Bar . . . 8.99 How 7.1t ~.r1od< Tape ..... 11.4'9 How t .1t Mitre Boit with Sew 13.89 Mow 1t. 11 Reduced 1nt T•rkett Ho-Wu Tiie Sdf<Stick vinyl In red °' beJ!a. .. ~·°' S.lc 89! n Prq>estcd vinyl welk:C>Yerings t7f Birge In .mortcd pettcms and colon. ..,. 7.tH.tS Auburn · win pa • 1ng w r C.mpbell throw Tis n to Ta 1111tJ.rln n Bowl ttlctory ~JPRLAJUX>, Fl.a. (AP> Botton Collea '• Campbell •nd th• Job h• dkt ton.IMhl ," Uy• .. id "U b&Wd ~ nuctw WOO thrbetl~ yarda. re.ally playcod 1.Nlt." ~~-~~-wrn_,_;w..; nam(r !;...,-,.._,.='.! ·~-::: ~~ ~ .. .,,,. .... c.m_a&ilJ MlcJ fie WU "U hlDPY.J. .a~ Bowl war. tonla&ht u I have tv•r bffn In toofben, althouih tho 'All Rand)' Campbell l't'ally w•nta to do I.I play Alat,,.ma gamo • 23°22 triumph lHt month wu or Auburn and win foolt>.ll aamea," Coach rijhl up lM,.. with thia one I had more fun lOnijht Mid Saturdey nJaht after Campbell oot on than at any 'tlmo since 1 have been playing ~ ahow that rivaled FlutJetr• and football " . the TIPn to 490 larda In tot.al olfente. Botton Collet• Co.ch Jack Bicknell uld he wu &·ll, 175-poun junior, normally the "1urprlaed th~ paued IQ much (Campbell wu d~r of Auburn•• frOund-orlented Wishbone UO-of-16). We gave them eome linsle coveraae and offenie, eet up three touchdowns and a field goal they probably declded to throw more.'' · e belt ~performance of hia career, the 18th-ranked Tigere to a 33-26 victory o eon Colleae in the ~7th annual Tangerine BcMt~. I '~pbell, who waa named the game' a mo1t vabqable player, completed eight of 10 passes In the firl\'ball for 146 yards u Auburn 1eored three ~period touchdowns that gave the Tigers a 23-10 halftime bulae and spoiled Boston Colle~e·s first bowl trip ln 40 years. t "I am proud of our 'little quarterback' Randy Sports on TV, radio I I ,· TELEVISION ,. r:. >':i<~ a.m. (4) -NFL '8Z -With Len Berman. "bt~._a.m. (4) -NFL FOOTBALL -Pittsburgh at ~lanci. I ... h130 a.m. (2) -NFL'S BEST EVER. ~ .i.2:30 p.m. (2) -NFL TODAY -A look at 1 Frabli:Kuah and h.ia efforts to rebuild the once- proud Baltimore Colts. Brent Musburger hosts. ~,f.!;1· (2) -NFL FOOTBALL -New Orleans at . (4) -NFL FOOTBALL -Buffalo at T~Bay. Bulldo§s cap.rally in last 11 seconds FRESNO (AP) -Freshman flanker Vince Wesson ~ot to the right spot and turned toward the football ust in time, with 11 aeconda remai.JUna, for the touc down catch which gave Fresno St.ate a 29-28 California Bowl victory over Bowling Green Saturday. "& 900n as Wesson turned, the ball waa there. Somehow he caught it," said quarterback Jeff Tedford, who threw three touchdown peaea and tied a achool record with 373 yards passing In the bowl game. Tedford tired the deciding 3-yard pus over the middle on third down and Wesson made a chest· high catch in the end zone. Scott Darrow then kicked the extra point which completed the 22-point, fourth-quarter comeback by the Bulldogs. "I just barely got there," Wesson said of his dash into the end zone. · F.arly in the season, he caught the Bulldogs' winning touchdown pass against Oregon, and he had a great high achoo) record as a receiver. "So far, the good Lord has allowed me to do It," said the FSU 1reshman. 11K Standard BAltC cat. No. 21-3004 • Uses lnatent·Loedlng Progr11m P•k"' Cel1rfdges for Actlon-P11eked Games and Penon•I Problem-Solving • Learn BASIC Progr11mmlng With Our TutoJt•I Manual •Educational-Alda Math, Reading, Typtng • Easy to Exf>8nd as Your Needs and Skllla Grow • Attaches to Any TV Set • Create High-Resolution Graphics-Color Computers With Extended BASIC Also Sale-Priced at $100 Off I l"l'r'I -- n ,. 11 • • 11 • 1 •• ., r1 n u .. _ eLJ ~.,lJUUU L!I D ~WDe!:! e u u u u u Q E» g ca u ~ = ~l.JUU D UCJL!JU Ml.t g 1r ~·p.m. (7) -GOLF HIGHLIGHTS -Tom WdlOtl tallc:a about hia dramatic 16-foot birdie chip on•1lt" '17th hole that earned him his first U.S. Open 1 titWin. J une. Al.lo: A look at the 1982 U.S. Women's Open. ar.11 6 p.m. (7) -NFL FOOTBALL -Atlanta at Sapihanci8co. ~·" RADIO I ~ootball -Atlanta at San Francisco, 5:50 p.m., ~t1070). Fresno State Coach Jim Sweeney said, "I've had a lot of great victories, but I'd have to say this is the biggest." The veteran coach, who is being considered for the head coaching job with the Arizona team in the new United States Football League, added, ''When Bowling Green went ahead 28-7 in the third quarter, l thought that might be all she wrote. 1 was beginning to compose my congratulations (speech) for (Bowling Green Coach) Denny Stolz." ~ SEE IT AT YOUR NEAREST RADIO SHACK STORE , COMPUTER CENTER OR PARTICIPATING DEALER .. J :&aketball -Dallas at Lakers, 7:20 p .m., ~C(570). Hockey -King:a at Chicago, 5:20 p.m .. KPRZ (1150). .. FltE "'..., 1 1011 '' 1m1n 11•11111 1111 LITIE llZE Mllll Wide Screen TV 1-llllrl •• ,,,., ,,.,., , ....... 7$9-18$4 3901 W. Co11t Hrt1. . ...... ~ ?Jtaeio 'c1 ?2ec1tauea11t ~ CAM.a 8l'ORTI GIANT SCREEN TV 4oe HOT DOGS '1.00 BEER Happy Hour 12 to 5 1"'3 lllia IL 141-1111 ._...._..... man A DIVISION OF TANDY CORPORATION PRICES MAY VARY AT INDIVIDUAL STORES ANO DEALERS II WIEllE TIE AOTIOI Ill lll•T SCIEEI TY & Ertra TV's for Gi·eat-Vi.wing- Feet L111 l et h11 I h lll le11 ,, ....... " .... Pre-Game Warm Up Happy Hour From 4 P.M. Me-o201 2I07 w. co .. t Hwy. cJJre6le98 ~ 10 FOOT SCREEN TV All ... , During Game $1 .00 Hot Dot•, Chili & Chips '"' .... ,.,., ••ettrlq SHllY llEES l • So. of 405 fwy. c.1 ,_ ,...,..,.,..,,_ M3-23M • U8) GALLEY DECK COCKTAlS • M90 Ctal Cf&SE DOGS • HAPPY HOll 1110U61DJT 11£ WE FOOTBALL SIZE HOT DOGS 18 oz. MUGS OF BEER Happy Hour Hon d' e>u.vr" 4:30 to 6:30 Mon.-h i. 14982 Redhill At Edinger IAl-1-0UEI 111n- IAR-l-OUEI O#IOIEI 71• IEEI FOUR 1"1 110 SCRllN TV 25• HOT DOGS $1.00 lllR _ "" ,.,.,, •• ,., Alt.t .... .. - I I I f i I i ' f \l I ' .,.., .... ,..... .., c ...... llt8n Willie Miller of the Rams gets a hold of Raider Burge&& Owena at C.Oliseum Saturday. RAMS LET ANOTHER GET AWAY. • • added Harrah. '"Ille tough part ia everybody has to make a an.art remark about us. rm lick of it. Of ooune we haven't won in 80 long you have to put the blame eomewhere. •• At the moment. the blame is being spread evenly amoog the playen, ea.ch Ray Malavasi and Owner Georgia FronUere. "I don't know what'• happening," aald a perplexed Mike Fanning. "Call it a lack of luck if you want, lt'a not like we're living up or anything. If ma1-iookt11De ft,Dut IlmoW that'• not it. "I clon't think it'• ~ or the players. lt'a Jua• ..• I don't know ... it'• juat one of those thb\D.'' l.Jnfortunate)y, fan• in aeneral don't undentand the statement, "It'• juat one of thoae thinp." All they can Me ii the bottom U.ne and tor the time beina that tranalat.el into the Rama losing and the Raiden (6-1 and playoff bound) winning. Which ia maybe w1il..:th 5:45 to playa tlle fana started Chanting, •I go home, Rama go home.'' "Oh, ii that what they were chanting?'' said Andrews with a trace of a amile. ''1 thought they were aaying, 'Lambs, go home'." "I didn't mind it." added Harrah aarcastically, "becau.e the pine wu about over and I waa aot.na to go hdme' anyway, I wam't 80ini to stick ar0una heft. Would ?" Ma • -on, JDS HB, Ocean View 1 ---• ..........._......._~ ....... -___ .... ----upc1.1 w J iri ·· w 1i1~ • It w•• M protltable opening nlaht tor four area hiah 1ehoola Jn the tint rwnd of the Cyprca Women'• BuketbaU Tournament u F.cllaon, Marina, Huntington Beach and Ocean View all J)Oftt.ed wina. Here'• what happened: Marina 14, Tu1tln H The Vikinp broke open a close game by outscoring Tustin 20-8 in the third quarter and advanced to a second-round game Monday night at 5. Sandy Corbett had 11 of her game-high 19 points in the period aa Marina stretched a three-point advantage at interm1aaion to 15 entering the finaJ period. Alene Andersen contributed 18 points and Tracy Fleischer 12 and each was a force on thl> boards. Andersen pulled down 15 rebounds and Fleischer 13. The win upped the Vikings' overall record to 5-3, while dropping Tustin to 3-5. Edl1on 46, Saddleback 34 Coming off a Savanna Tournarpent championship over Coeta Mesa, the Chargers were a bit flat and could never quite put Saddleback away. Shelly Trepl had 12 points and G retchen Meinhardt scored 15 and pulled down 13 rebounds to pace the Chargers, now 7-0. Edison meets Foothill at 6:30 Monday in the second round. Ocean View 1%, Kennedy 3~ The Seahawks had Ii ttle trouble dispatching the lrish, taking an early big lead and coasting. Miller entered • 1n tournament PEBBLE BEACH (AP) - Johnny M iller and Patty Sheehan are among the latest entries in the $150,000 Spalding Invitational golf tournament 8Cbeduled Dec. 29-Jan. 1, it was ~Saturda . MUlef> will be ~~ying in the non-tour event for the first time since 1973. Sheehan is one of several women pros who will be competing, with advantages in yardage an most holes, against the men in the Spalding. Tammy Weibb cunUnuod htr acoring tAUnuh with 27 potn .... , while w1.1mmatc Karen Chaar nou:hed 12 WI the plllr combined tu ouucore Kennedy. Ocean View, n o w 7 -1 , advance• to • second-round cont.cat Monday at 8. : Huot. Beach 43, Warru 33 The Oilers advanced into Monday's ll«Ond round as J1ekie Townsend and Eve Titua tallied an double figures. Titu1 •lso pulled down 12 rebounds. Huntington Beach meets Fairfax Monday at 3:30. The Oilers are now 4-2 overall " ... UCI women ', open tourney this evening; UC lrvane will face Montana State at 6 o'clock tonight iH an opening round game of the UCI Christmas Classic basketball tournament in Crawford Hall. The t.ournament three will feature eight teams from states. Other opening day round games today find Cal State Fullehon meeting UC Santa Barbara at 1:30; Utah facing San Jose State at 3:30; and Houston muting University of Pacific at 8. Four games will be played Monday and Tuesday at the aarne Umes. The champion.ship game is at 8 Tuesday. Coach Dean Andrea's UCI sauad Is without the services of high-scoring Dorothy LeAAt is. Lewis, a junior, suffered a lnee injury earlier thia aeason and is out for an indefinite period of time. Katherine Hamilton is the team's scoring leader. She 1s averaging 18.6 points a game along with being one o f ' the team's top rebounder with a 6 4 average. The 6-1 senior will be joined by Mary McElroy (6-1 freshman) at forward. Jac kie Vander Poel (6 -0 sophomore), will start at ectter with Vickie Patton 5-6 freshman) and Vickie Simpson (5-8, sophomo re) at the gu'ard positions. NI.JC ll>TICE POOLIC NOTICE NOTICE OP' DEATH OF ..CTITIOU8 .._.. ACTfTIOUI MWH FlCTmous IUSINESS MAm ITAtnmNT NAm ITATOIPfT MAM£ STATEMENT The to1oMf1C1 P9t"90nl -doing Tr•• fotlowlng 1>41reon 11 dOlng The lollOIOlnQ pe<son• are •0t• ~ -~ u. bu~•MS$ U HEW FOR YOU. 17440 17th ANALOG SYSTEMS. 1280·0 R ~ S RE A L ES T f4 T € 8trwt, TUIUn, Celtfornle Login Avenu•, Co•t• Mo•. SERVICES 2028 Oueol Saree• Elftlly ForbH·RUhl, t 1150 Celllorn4e t2e2t NeWl)O<I e.ecn. C• 92660 Tuetln Vlll•t• Wey, Tullln. Aodollo o.vld Fen .. 1, 23181 ST CARNS DEVELOP~" I ce1torNe wt10 OulnM, El Toro. Cellfcwnle "230 COMPANY. INC .• a C1lllorn1a Hatalle 0 '8h••· 488 '2nd corpof911on. 2028 Ouall Streel Street ~ 8eec11 Cdta<me Thie W-.-le condvct9d by en Newport 8Mc;ll Ce 92&eo. t2t8S' ' fndMdlHll. RFS DEVELOPMEN T Nll.IC NOTICE ACTJTIOUI llUIMH NAMI ITAllMINT COAPOA.IITION. 1 Calllornlit Company Inc Phtlop A Steatns. PrNid41111 I n1s Slatell*"ll was fifed With tht1 Coonry Clerlc of Otiinge County on Dec 1 11112. F20n07 Publlthed Orange Coast Da•ly ~WA~.. •IOI Dec: 5 12 IQ 26 19~82 Th• followlng P«Son I• doing •--------- PlBJC NOTICE 1 ' \ f ' aturday' ........ ,,, ......... . ........ ,. ....... ,. t::"J.Sir tt ~~W:.~J~ OOlllllE~!QIJl¥~4=(i':::'r ,_,.~,.. VTV•. fl fu ••·1•11 A111e111e ti, ~­~"'~. ...-..11.0ll ........ . MWnlW ................... .. ...... e.ullo.olMM .... I 1w1t1 ............ Ye. Tedi 111, l4lull o.olM ... ts ~-~Ttdll'I IMl 11, ... 17, ~ M l.IU 111. ~ ... 11 ttt 1111\llpl t7, c.t. AIMMM IO HOUllOll a e ptltl 14, NW lOIAllMe .. 1.~11, ..... Tenn.U Geor"9 ~!..~IO ~ ... LCIUllllrle 1t Yllldlrtllll 11, a.-t 11 ... ...... ... "· C4lnlllUI .. ,...,... ti,...,.. (0() ION ti, NA~ ti =: ~O::,.!!f ;.a ..... 1 .. St. Jotln'I It,~ 4t L°"8 111Mc1 u. 10t, ~ ee MUMCtlUMUt 11, Alfferloen 111•111111oM1 n St.~ ... ~ 71 ............. ..,"Un., 74, w.... 10 Geo. WlllNnglOll ?o, Anwtc11n U. M(04) So:me consolation for Marina, 62-59 In. prne that ~~·t -clme u the final ICOft indicated, the V held on to capture the con10lation championah ,p of the Santa Marta Tournament with a 62-59 victory over Santa Barbara. Marina. trytna to~ without the 8el'Vicm of the Injured eenkx' parci Scott Flllpek (out with a d.lalocated aboulder), hid a balanced ICOrina attack which feetured four playen In double ficw'es. JunJor Ran Roeemwt.ea en.joyed hia t.op 8COl'lng perfonnance of the .-in. pourtna In * pme-blgb 19 poinia, lncludlna a crudal'three In the waning leOCWwta of the contelt.. The Vikinp let most of a 15-point.advantaae evaporate In the final minutes and led only 59-57 with 13 wondl remalntnc when~ broke clean for a drivinc layup and wu Intentionally fouled. He converted one of the two free throws and a late Santa Barbua bMket accounted tor the final t.otala. Marina tell behind 10-2 at the out.et, but took the Jead for keeJ19 near the end of the tint quarter. QuU Neumann (17), Bill Belanpr (11) and 1"..ric Padilla (10) al.o tallied In double d1cfta foe the Vildnp. 1 lfadno wtD-~Volley~at · ;;:;:~hmruna ~=· LINGERIE FASHION SHbW LUNCHEON: E"'r Mon. a TuK Lunch Speclala From 1~:15 p.m. ' --' t'.t~ Reetaurant Under ,... Manegemenl 401 E. 17th St. Sea l ... A S teaka FREE PICKUP AND DB.IVEIY FOi YOUR MllCIDES IENZ 1. Purchase or leaae • new or uaed Mercedes-Benz from Dave. 2. You must l~ve In Sart Ctemente, San Juan Capistrano, or Dana Point. So wt'9n your Mel cedH Benz le reedy fOf e eervtce, jUat QI! Dew Rlctlter end he wll pick up )'OUr Mercedelo-Benz end hew It ..vtcect encl mum It to you when It la flnllhed. If you need ~ lnfonnetton c.ii end Dew _... come to )ICM.Ir hOme end 9M you • dernone1ratton Of the nw 11ne end .,,..., )'OUr queetlona. M188ION YllJO IMPORTS 411-1700 ha e t ball ..Cf.,.,............... CMrHet ,, ,UW!lt ' "".,. It ,,.,., ,.. ., 5.t • Mer• '· ., ., , .... , .. ~ ......... lft Oeftlll ~ , l.eftl~ AdM,.. oc ,, ...,.~ -·. ,. YllU llQ Lot Millilll 11 .... °"IO ---------.1 ..... e.-:-,;.~;-.N.Yii. iJd.IMte -LA...., .. n~ ..... ,..,t> ....,. ,., C:-" ~entw• 71. ,. (Miii If QfOllMOftl •1. tten~ole H ~i to TlllMO It (llrlll Ceoi ..... llon) -...,...,. It, =:: 19 If (lhltd) N9'I IJ f II II Ill& • LA ~It. 0r.,. CIOM4 Weet Ylrtllllt II, Yt ... ~ •11111 .. (Oii '°""*" ... Aober1 Morttt ·~ "'~ Te11n.·Oh•U•nooo• 11. ttt I ft f1. IM (llrll) Ale.• ~ 71, N~ 61 C"*«I) OIC..-.. TutM IS, ~ ....,.,. It (llrll) North Oerollne 101, Pe11 ~60 .. ..-11. 1111no1t 81. 10 (fttlt) a. .,_ 74, 1ow1ng ar... a (lt!Wd) aw~~ N. Mex1oo a1 . M (llne) bit Cero11ne IM, Grwnbllng 91 (tlWd) a.....cee, 81. Joelpfl ... Northe •&em 73 (hi) Seton Hell ti, IU.-Ch~ 1t T:.::.r== • T ....... l .. C"11 Jll I II . ._nerd ti, loeoo Tedi 11 l'"'I LI Poly ?$, Yerbum 0•1 II (ll*d) Miier Ott ts, LA hMl"tl 12 (tlftl\) Cr9MIWIW ea. '°"""*' """"' " (oontolellon) ....... CllrWla Rio HCIMG ~IP 71, Newpof1 Ctvietlen 84 ('"') OrMQe L.utttoren 41, H«lltee 31 (INrd) Capo Y..., ClvietlM 31, Peolllo CMet 1911 H (ooneoletlon) ......... Mttlnt 12, hllll latb.,e 50 (Oontolellon) .... tMMICMOCK. CO,,,...TweMIJMllt ..... ....--c-oceen vi.. a,~,. -"' • Merine "· ~. (V*d) OrtOOll 81. 78, Br~ 12 (!Im) HunUngeon lleedl u . Wtnen S:l W. Ttllnole 95, W. MlctllOM 7t Flllrlu 49, Loe A11rn11oe 16 llhlrGI Foothlll 61, Low• ao ~ 8MU 76, '-"'St. 81 (lnl) Edlton 41, 8ed~ 34 • H w~n.~so Cenl. Mlohlgen e.. trdln· Lall.wood 46, ...._,,, Y1tlo 36 ~M(ttllrd) a._,,, .. ....., Fr no 110 Golden Weit Bruin b ar do wn in 1emifinal1 1..01 AN0&"611 cAP> -UCLA Coeeh lAtry rarnwt •kt VllALIA -Oold•n W11& ht WM nPldlne 1 ~ pnw Col.11 .. 11 ~ 1WD. whlrh wb•n the No. t -8r'tln1 me&. .baa \AMn OUrd pi.ct ln \hrM eeYenth·ranked low1 tn a battle pnYloUI IOW'NUIMn\ tifGrs-WU. ~ vi coii.p ~_,,.:: .. ~= ..on, wUl tr)' for third ap1n a\ S.turday. H. wu rtcht. 2 today atcer dto&>Ptni • n -ee The Bru1nt Jed ~ Ju1t w.. dedl&on to "'-"o City Collep ln pot" t1 w l th 1 7 ucond • the ..nlflnall of the CoUeo of rematnln1. but r ... rv• auard 0 C the SeqW.-Tournament al Mt. Mic~l Kohan ICOnd mx pcltnit range 088 t Whitney Kiah· in thaf epan t.o pull UCLA away l'he PrHno trio of Jeff to a u -ee victory over the falls, 69-55 Stalllnp. Cye Ad.amt and Andre Hawkey•. Patterson combined for 32 of "I wu pleued with the war, J'lwno'• 88 flnt-half point.I u we responded late lrl the pme,' After taktn1 an early lead, the Ramt manufactured an eaJd Fanner. Oran1e Coatt Collea•'• etaht.-potnt Jeed at lntermlllion. Iowa Coach Lute Olton wu baM.etball teem fell betifnd by Golden Weet did mana1e t.o ,en.er.Uy haPP.Y with hia ~·· balfUme and could never recover . make one run at Flwno, partnc play, aaylna: 'I thoucht tt WM a dropplna a 6t-65 non<Onference the deficit to three potnta (59-66) good buketball 1ame between dechlon to Lo• Anfelu with 9:38 rema1ninc on a 10-foot two clubl. We bad tome nmtakee Southwest on the Pint.et floor jumper by Sheldon Bevil, but at crtt1cal t.1met and opportunidea Saturday n!tht. that w• u clme u the Ruatlen we didn't cub In on. The h01t1 led moet of the fint were t.o come. "Thit game wu a valuable half and were In front, 2$-17, 12 Sherwin Durham led Golden experience for wi," 018on aatd. minutes jnto the ga10e when West with 18 potnta. while Revt. "rd rather loee here under thete Southwest made lt.t move. By contributed 11 and John K.ret.ich circumetancet than win by 30 halftime. the vtslton were up by 14. point.I 110mewbere elae and not two, and altbouah the Pirates did "Fresno ta the mo.t talented learn anythln1. I think the manage Co tie the game three team we've played eo far," Mid Bruint deeerve their ranking." time• in the second half, Golden Weat Coach Jim There wu tome confWllon In Southwest eventually won aolna Greenfield, wha1e team fell t.o the cloaina eecondt when Iowa away . 1-'· r---;:=================•-- MomlN "· Por1lend ... (ftrll) T-AIM 74, W. T-SI. t 2 <tt*d) Saddle hack slowed down SKI RENTALS SKI SHOPPE of COST A MESA ........ Kent. W••l•)'•n 103, Ind. 8t . .ew.i .. .-. .. (llnl) AueUn PHY ti, Gennon 9 1 (1t*d) c~,, a.ma lert>lw• 29, ~ 27 Cfnt> Long Beech 11. JV 79, El c llmlno b1 iW:> .......... Clcti1111._ .... , ........ I 11••• ,,_ n, Golden w ... ee Foothll &4, Collitee o4 ~ 60 Cu1sl1W1n , ..... .._ Sen Joee 17, Well Hiit 61 Ctl"'9 17, f(lnge Alwr 72 Forced t.o play ln alow motion for much of the contest, Saddleback dropped a 29-27 deciaion t.o Santa Barbara Qty c.otlege Saturday nJabt In the c hampicm1hip game of the Gauchos' own tournament. Gerry KarczeM.l threw In a 12-foot alley~ ahot with four tee0ndt left t.o sfve the Wt.on the victory. . . Telephone .Reservations All Skis Waxed & Tunrd Snow Clo1hang Rtnial Affordable prices Skia, Boota, Poles (f'"11t1 O.y 99.001 SEPCIAL TUNE.UP $15.00 Tracy Mitchell had atven the Gauchoa a 23-21 lead with 61-'1 minutes t.o .. y. Saddleback'1 lut advantage. The Gauchoa did not ecore for the final eight rninutet of the first half after taking a 9-6 lead early in the contett. Saddleback I.a now 3-6 overall. Snow Clothing Rental I 52S Meaa Verde Dr. Costa M«a, CA 92616 (near Harbor & Adams) lrd.ldll 9tll'dJlld ~ (S22llO. Allal .... ) Plue ....... 'Morie! ..._. (1179. ftftJH .,.._,, PloltNM now • 11111. a l90llw • $200. COMPUTIOUE Gift Certlflcate good tor WP/ "*"' pul'd-. Olfy. Flnenoe We eystlM !!SM for 117.21/mo. t end mMI• your llrt( NY!M!!l f!lp. !t. 1.IY.. EJttJnded Wilmlf1IV Av .... Introductory Prtoe s 795. The "*"' H)(.20 NDeJeloot\ eon... ,_ ....... ~. ~ u::o~. ~ ""'*'• • ot COl'fttllUWd A* n ~ ~ n en ir.nw pc-. ..-"".,. i.ep • ~ ..,,~ eo l'IDIA ~~~Niue? I' .. Ill 1 I TheHx.IO-.,.,... . ..__._ , ......... .. -_.,,.wflO II ~torM ........ .,,._. .. ....... auMMI\ Doubte DeMlty lrdudM &lndard Softww9 ~. Rttel '-'ille). "'-..... 'Mofttl ~ (1175 ........ 'hive). Purc:tme "°"'. s1-. .. -$200. COMPUTIQUE Gift Certificate good lcw WP/ .... suo-~ F1nenee ltlte tylllem ~tor t74.11/mo.t end mell.e your ftol pmntnt fft. 11. 1m. Chllchn'• a...mlng Center MK AH'l.I I tncadle dllk ~ and oornlllf Allo· RF l'llOCUllDr b home TV '::.r:'lli & joylba. Plut LOGO ........ '9ue STRUT~ ........ (Mt°' tour). Spec.., Price $1999. P'IMftoe We llYNfil for 114.11/ito. t NOW end melt• ""'ft'9t peyiMftt ,., , .. JIU. M'l l't ~ol NCNdrtn'I ~C... &,1iltm dlOm9 ~ ""°"" .,. falowlng ()qnd ~ $p«itlla: AlltDIK Cdl'or I MDrW . .. . .. .. .. .. . tMt. ....... Oreerl "'°"'°' . . . . • , ... AM.a 'Mtlr I ,. . .. .. .. • . .. ... " .. . .. . t11 t. ».._. 9llnd . • .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. . .. . .. .. .. • n. A""-1 c.. &ltndld ~ .. .. • . • • .. . . tnt. 11!!1~• Greet Deel• on m =~.::~~ ~ Nlw jiOQllWlill.aite t ... .. a.tte ~ ... clbMlot ... .. .-.110 ~ --ClbMeor 111.tl "'·--"'11C ~ l'llllh ClbillD 1M.M "'1tc ............ cmMot ,,.., .. ...,c Hlndlllld~ , .... ... 1CV Hllnd hlld OC11'1..,uJ1t w111 5X mwmory 214.M ,,. "9oMlanl Hardlook. <ND \41Ue) .tit!~ ol 11C« 12Q t ! l , r L• Al1ic11 IAT\MOAY'I IULTI , ............................ _...... PIMT "ACL SllO y ... w .. VIC10flan (LaOl<91) 7 00 4 00 t .IO "'*' Jet llnoolll (H"'1) I IO :1 IO lei)' l'lulll (Aelalr I S 20 AIM r~ Jet l!m ~-. ClllC Apolo. Tlllye Hay !1u9, POelloe9, OMllln 'anc:y, My ~ Mllfl)lly, l;l-.0 TllO<;Olll 'rime 17.11 • Ill.ACTA (11-2) ~ ~ 00 MC«>*! 11.ACI. 170 Froaty JlmfMf (P...,,.1 4 IO 2 IO t 20 Stet tnw.ln*" (HW1) 2 IO t 20 J-oo f'ior.l 2 IO AiflO raced TodclMo ... 8Cecy lloCI, Corna Waldl Ma l'ly ~'611 ,,., II.AC:.. :150 y.,., ...... (Domingue&) t .40 6 20 4 00 Oectt• ~ (CM..i \ I 20 6 20 &Illy iu-a (Camc>belll e 40 Aleo ••cad 811acky• lmeg•. El PICllO, o~ Domino. P'lMt '-l•ol. Often Algllt. Bulla Machine, The Journeyman nm.. 17" • IXACTA (4·31 paid M3 40 POURTH MCI. 400 yatOa H...c111mp (Vel<laz) 22 IO 6.40 5.IO Hit G.itent Bug (Tr-re) 3.eo 1.00 El Potraroe Ookl (C.,OOla) 7.00 Alao ••oad Wlllmalcel Jal, KaynHl•n. A11ur10 Juen, Plum Civil. New Yaare Concapl, Cindy• Cllamplon, 811var lnllarltanca. Time. 2027 .. IXACTA ..... , pal<I ~e.oo. PIPTH 11.ACll. 350 yarda. Jell vaiu. (H<*lng"*Kl)41 eo 11 20 1'.00 Siulln SI• (Vllldal) 8 llO 6 80 Boogla "-(Brook•) 1 00 Ai.o rac.cl Roen Mongo, G<cwa LIM. Two MOta Ooublal. Jet Rallroeel, Jeoll 0 Luck. Bllnltare Oii. Ult• To Go Time. 17 99 11 llXACTA (4-3) pal<l 1414 IO llXTH 11.ACll. 400 yvdl er.no 1e.ro1 13 40 s 40 3.20 Otamoncl Oae/1191ta (Tonka) 2 IO 2 40 Tt\ICl<la Tote (C•M{IW) 2 IO Aleo 1acao Coa11y Clla<m. Le Ta OouQll. F1y Lld<l<ly So111. lamtoo, ,_ 2033 UVllNTH llACll. ~di Sill Ta (CatdoUJ 4 20 3 20 1.80 OoU• Go Easy (WetdJ 4 IO a 20 Anotllar Allon Bug (P .. J LIO Aleo rac«I Me1ty :lit Viking Copy, "9CI -....., ~·Win. a.y, Tima: 20 03 • Ill.ACTA ( 4·21 121.40. , • PtCK a&ll (3-4-~1 pelel~ With 14 wlnn"'IJ llcllat~ Plcll 81.w --'811on ~ '61.IO Wlnn"'IJ lk:llat• (four llOl99'~ 12 ,... ... -•tell conao141tlon paid 124.40 WCtll 141 wlnnlng llck•l~lh< .. llonee, --••all). llOHTH flACL 970 .,Jo.. Flaal Mlcllay (PMlllna) 13.IO 5.20 a.to P-~ ("'"! 4.IO LIO Town Anet Baell (Anne~) l.IO Alto rac«I· llol>by Oii , Thrtl of v •• flying P-. C.U.. '*· • lime: 4&.M. l9MTH flACL 440 rw& Sgt Pappw Faalura (CtQrj LOO 4.20 UO My 8tartlrna CT-.ral 31.IO 13_00 Denim N Olamondt {~Dlf•11M11 3.IO Alto rtoed: t119'" I Illa... L-.. Cute '"-'"*"· °" Le ..... ..,._ MeQk. DlwMlll -.in. 11me: 21.11. • DACTA (8-1) pe1c1 *411.00. TDnH II.AC.. 350 ~ T-llomtlat (F~ 6 00 l.IO l.,IO Mr Rld'I Biro (CfMoetJ 5 00 YO Prima p-(l!IMd) l.20 Al ao recad: Sound ACIYI~. H~I Jewel, Van Hempen, £Mr fllooer, ~ hi* Enola Gay. Jet P-.. TlrM' 17.93 • 11.XACTA (W) pelCI ea.oo. Ati.nci-10,208 Stay in the bl• not in the dar\ with ,,~ ~ .... . ~ ................ ~=-....... ~ .n.Ec:u ..... , .. -.~­fut,. -t I, """"'ti I. l.lrll#Y.., • .,, ..... ....-#1' ~ ,, ~ •• ''"" •• HMINI I Tel• ti 4 II M MAAAllA -Otrhll ti, Oa1•1r11 I ,.....,_ 1a. Andt!Mfl 11. IC~ 4 Totllt to, ... , ... .... ., ..... T11tttn It I I 10 -H Mtt111• 1a t ao 1:1 '4 To ... 10\M T..-Clll ••• M1rlna HI 'OU'" ovt, lnlllt IT'*"'). .............. .,... ....... <•--:~=·...._ .... , Jimmy Cot1nort (~ dff, "•Ina OuntharOt (l"'UlllenO), l-4, 7-•i ltltll T-=tMr (U) tW. ltlan Ooltll'IM (U.t.). 7.5, 1 ... 0 RAN • 0 A 'f Suaday,Deeemher 19, 1982 I Fan and people endure: Be-.erly Thompton of Newport Beach BeaUty supplies great stoc~ing stuffers ...., .............. .., ...... Floee Sehumacher Good rule:. Clean, glaze fur regularly ·From Page C 1 around )'OW' neck will protect the collar from )'OW' cownttb. A fur lhould be clMned and aJued reaularly. and a aood rule to follow Ta to have thla ciooe ooce a year. "Gluin&.'' accordlnc to Gay "brtno. beck the natUral p. and llle to the fur." Jun •Jncloth coata. there wW be wear apota In fur ltemL 1be vulnerable apota are the c:utta, collan and pocket .,.... .. well M the front panela. Depmdlna on the condition, mnall .-:Uom can be replaced. It ii important 1hat you take your coat to a 1ood furrier -one you can Uwt. Investments ln fun are midi not On1 b the IU rich. but lf the late Ch.riltmM lhopoero. A woman'• fur wardrobe to be complete ahould have a fur ~ lined and revenlble, If the 'iraveh a lot. "Ther are vermtile," he Mys .. and prk9 ICJ from the 1ublime to t he rktkuloul, and are available ln ewrYtb1nl from l8ble to rabbit." J'or ap~lal evenln11, Gay NUMtl a llamoroua table « lynx. He •YI they are both aood for CaUforala, and min la ~ble for all.....,...,... • t fu.r w9l'drobe alto m&cht cantaln a 9tole -a a., atralcht one -that can be worn OYer a Mt OI' • coddal1 .... 'l'he cape ltyle .... with .... front are s--. but wcmen are navtna thoee ID8de into veet8 that are -qui . . If the ~ will allow only one fur, your beat choice probabll will be mink, Gay advt... 'lt'a u,ht, durable and venatile." -Bonnie Lawrie, fur buyer for NordaU'om, Sou~ Cout Piasa, •YI volumewt.e dwy are ae1linl more jlcbta -a lot In the tun f W' cate1ory of fox, lynx and coyote, while dollar volUIMW1ae the malce JI l.Dlnk. M. hoqu9 •111 mink alto II the bM --foUowed by fox. lynx, rm.Urat and coyote. Any hue and cry from ~ la not ilffdnl ..... ,,_. .... to be little OI' no l"MAl\aDce to buW:ta fun. .. I '--only a tncdon o1 on. J*'Olllt ot end&Meted antmala ln fur eoatJ.'' r.f." Jaqu. 1ayw, addlna to prot.ct the endanaend." Colllt• 8r •cetet, ....... , 117.95 ...... " 20" Ught Cobra NKk Chain, R•l•r U7.95 ... 118." 24" Herrtntbone Neck Chain, .. ..,.., 1121.95 ....... " •I" H•lrY)' Herringbone Neck Chain, Reguhlr 1243.95 ••• Ult.M JO'' HelrY)' Her~ Nede Chain, • ..,.., IJ67.95 ••• ""·" . , .. SoN ltope lrMlfet, ..... ., S19L91, onfy one ••• "'·" I 6" Sold Rope Nedc Chain, We.,.., MJl.tt, ~OM •• ·• IJI IM I I '' SerpentlM Nedc Chain, ·~ 127.91 ••• '"·" 16" Meclum ~ Neck Chain, ·~, 1100.•1 ........ " 10" Medium SerpetHN Nedc Chain~ Reeu'lt 1112.H ....... " .... .lo• Neck Ctwln, ....... I I 21'"9J ••• 161." rm wandertq lf anybody ltayed at heme thil put WMkenCl. &wrybody lffmed to be partYina 10mewhere. More than a thouaand · ahow.G up for the ninth annual Chr11tmaa CandleU,ht Concert aponaored by the OC ~ Artll c..nw at tbe DllneYland Jl,otel. and UlG&bir aoo pb• .... &Jn9tnt al the Junior· Awdlaary, Aadrt•nce ~of Newport Bwh. Cand.Y Clime IW1 In the SOuth Coast P1ua 8*l. TMn th9n wwe prtyate p.ru. all aver the oauntJ with • many • 100 to 200 "*"-n.. ' are buly daya wtth fun, ewnlftC cl..-and ~ 19tUna their lhate of WW. 11 m jult a pl who can't •Y no," Mid no. Schumacher at the CandleJ.lcht ec.x.t • Iha Wll ...-ited a bouquet bj Jbn Benti.y and thanked for hmnc MrWd • cba1rman for the fourth y.r. On the .u,., SchYl'M'!Nr enthUllMtkally thanked the people for turnln1 out and IUDDCll'tlna the cent.er and all of tboee who bad won.ct oft the party detaOI. Aa a matw ol t.ao&. ewryone 1111ned to be 1n • f91dvw mood, -Ind ~ ..sd 00. ewnt DUt8 blr la a boUday .pijl e.dl ,_.., 0 After the ooncart I know -1t•1 ~Y the am.tm..-.." TbM'a what the OC P.dftc Symphony and the oc ..... a-. bad In mind WMD they planned the enWtalnmlftt. The ~ a llleot ll'OUP ol ._,. from the cbonle, becan the ~ wlth '1W• .... a Little OuiatmM" f rorr; ' ame", and HVeral o~er popular Ou1Rnll aelecUonl. Tbe 8&-pleee IJ1Dp~1Mhac~~ Xt&tb ...... I ii from. ''The Nutcnd•" blb'e Jolnlnl with the J talentild 11().~ cbonle, directed by Maurice • Allard. I J'or the OCC"km, the ba11rocm WM decorated with eo dried banWl bAreb tn11 decorated with : twtnkl1na Uabtl. 1be tablle, where IUMtl dined : en a l'OMt aiWn ot beef dlrmll'. wen centered 1 1 with a~ ot white..._.~ around a cryatal h\ll'ricane ·~ oa a mlrror baae I I aurrOunded by vottw CMMllM • The petta Included Renee and Henry j Sepretromklrene and Jbn Bentley, Georp 1 · Spooner, ltty and John Rau, the Olen I : SUllwelll, Suaan and Tlmoth~trader, Mn. I Allen Campbell, Dr. and Mn. Gee Dlna, t •' Caroline and Maury DeWald, Bev and Bill -~ ~toll, 1An and Jane Bed8ow, Mary and • Jamea Roc.evelt. the Walw BwTouahleia. the • Barry ,..bin and M1chelle and Frederick Rohe. I J'OR 34 Y&A.88, the Junlior awdliary baa been boat1na 118 Candy c.n. Ball 'nlll year'• . theme WM •'Chrlttm.. la Comina'' and each teble I\, held. tndl~ -~Martha Bell. ~ a member for t ~~·and put Into ' producticn M ........... tbjn 300 houri WM apent .. ,tu~ the blrdl." .fudy Lawrence, ' chairman, wek'iomed the l\*18. who had an opportunlty to b6d en a variety ot ltenw ln a ldlent auction. 'nle bit of UM auction wu a puppy decked out with brtPt ribbon around h1a neck. 'nMI IUllt Ult fDcluded ~. and Mmee. Ro1er Afford, Robert Ball, Seymour Beek, Richard Callqhan, IUchard Ferber, David Grant. Ronald Harnnctm. Boben Ihrke, en., t SH Dicken•, P• C4 i r I I l ' • On ~firsL>dmj of 'my~~ gti'Vt+-'to~ .. • a ice cream Dn a~ The perfect Chrlstmas ·glft for ttle employee from the busy businessman. We •lao h•v• H••1•n·D•z• T·Shlrta •n Fur look: Feathery 1-=;p;;:;;;;;. ;;;;~-larbetl hM two dee""-of nperienat ~. H1a O'NUQnl Nfllellnl quallt1, W9• -.-..: w..~-.~r=-~ ~ ~ ~~1"' the molt IODhJIUtated Wqow\ ot man. In 8ctt.n'1 ooUectJon for Net.man-Mam.al, collart are 1mall a. nd banded ~and YO}umlrw» ahawl c:ollan. Many are ex.aqerated with lleevn fW.l at the top and ta.-mc to pntle naJ"1"QW1"8I at the wrllt. New A-1.inea. updated for thSa ~. f•ture fuller bocllcee and flarinl to the hem. Yet, even wttb the sreet lenctha of fur, Sorbara ach1evee m airy, feathery look. ,._tured in hJa colkction are capes, jllcketa, poncbol, ~ and stoles. The dominant colors of .medium brown, eoft grays and black are joined by standouts ln electric. blue and red cambmed with black, pink and white . • Natural Golden Sable ...., ............ .., .............. Dyed Sheared Mink . Furs fash i one~ w ith petite woman in mind Not long ago, a petite woman ahoppin& for a fur coat could try on rabbit in the pre-teen department or mink, several sizes too large, in the fur salon. It wasn't much of a choice. lt's bard to tell w.,,.t a fur looks like with the sleeves rolled back and the hem tacked up, even though the furrier is full of 88IW'8DCl!S. In many caaes the petite customer was literally buying a fur sight unaeen. . "Despite the impreaion you get from fuhion magazines, l)':i percent of the female population is under :>-feet-4 inches tall," says Jacques Haran of Revillon. the oldest fur company in the world. and one of the first to develop an entire collection of petite fur fashions. The collection includes mink. awakara, sable, lynx, fox, raccoon and coyote in sizes 4, 6 , and 8 , all specifically proportioned for the 1maller woman. "The designs are completely new and not just shorter versions of taller styles," notee Haran. When it comes to petites there's more to it than simply making a large coat smaller. The designer must call on the powers of optical illusion to give aborter -women a longer line. The moat elongating styles are full- length coau W1th petu and nm:rkinp that run vertically and not horiwntally. The fur itaelf should have short to medium-length haira. Likewi9e, coata of fully let out pelta (akina that have been alioed into thin strips and stitched b.ck together) are preferable to those constnJcted akin-on-akin. In general. a petite should overlook . double-breu1ed or wra desi in favor of eemi-fiued or straight-bodied looka which are·more flattering to smaller figures. Exaggerated details such aa hu1e buttons, extreme shoulders, giant-aize cuffa or balloon lleeY"M only detr8C't from a diminu tive silhouette. And lt followa that collara should be on the undentated aide, but never skimp}'. Mandarin, modified lhawl or notclied styles are an good choices for the petite . -when a -pel1te woman-decide. on-a long-haired fur such M lynx, coyote or raccoon. ahe should dM>me a coat with aborter ha1ra at the ahou1der line and Ioncer ones at the hem. Thia technique givea even full fW"I a flattertnc sweep effect. "In fact," says Haran, "lf a coat la d~ with the petite woman tn mind, there'• almost no fw' ahe cannot wear." fa-that:;pzcie.l ~ift ... madci in finland,just foru.e. thz, .eofteet c.olfekin. 1<1.0thz.r, Hncz.d with ooyot<L. nzmovati<Z. h:xrl-arrl- it's 11ZVtf8ib\cz.. . ' • - ---~ --------- THI CHRI TMA , OIV TH HAN ,f!, Orit au re mark of success the Corum cotn watch Compl te IV hlndcretted In Swtuerland with eloctrontc quartz move mentl for luxurious accureey. Authentic American gold colM. ·~ ~~ !~~~!~~ ~~ ~.acalut>t thrH .wmgLes. Come see. For ladles: A. $5 coln,$2.950. 'b. $1 O cotn. $3200. C. Man's, $20 coin, $3.~. Bailey Banks& Biddle Wor~d Renowned Jewelers Since 1832 SOUTH COAST PLAZA, COSTA MESA ' . Finl le~J. BuJJod'• wUv· (714) 761-5640 'Tia the season when our relationships with others find expreaslon In the generous spirit of giving. Not surprisingly, some of the gifts that mean the most are neither traditional nor costly. One unique way to display your holiday spirit is with a Holiday Greeting In the Dally Piiot. What better wJiy to convey your special mesaage of warmth and good cheer? And, adding a personal touch, your message can be as long or as short as you desire. . I For only 50 cents a llne (two line minimum). you call display your holiday message In the Dally Piiot's Holiday Greetings page on December 25. For an addltfonal $5 you can choose from three holiday Illustrations to enliven the greeting (select from the assortment shown below). Mall the attached coupon to place· your message. Please don't delay, closing date Is noon. December 23. T o-Of'deJ,-pflnt-your .bolldAy messa e below..!.... allowing 21 characters per llne. Then mall coupon to: Holiday GreefTngs -Classified, Orange Coast. Dally Piiot. P.O. Box 1560, Coste Mesa. CA 92626. (Private parties only, please) -------------------------------------------~--------- c lndude lllU9tratlon: D lllultratlon A. D lllu1t11tlon 8 0 llluatratlon C CMd ~: 0 VISA 0 MASTERCARD CttargeC.d , _____ _,._,..-.,..---------~ Card ExpntlOn Oet• ___ :..;,_ __ ...;;.... _______ _ You mey c:hafge your ~ Ad. Be auni to include your Card type (VtMIM~). YOUf Cent number, and the EXPIRATION DATE. YOU MUST INCLUDE YOUA TELEPHONE NUMBER BELOW. D f I . . . • . . . . ·: . . :-: . . . . . . . . . . . Dickens of a Christmas party -----· -·--·--· ...•. _. .. __ ....,__.. .romon ~ ovn '"'"· ...... -. r----at the Newport Harbor Art MUlfum to lnbrale a "Dk'kenl of a °'r1ttmM." The p1111y plahnt'd by Martha J,.aud•nba.tk and Marcia CHhlu11 featured Charl• Dkl&em~\4tr 1c:ton. a bnll quartlt and an OkM food P1rldct followed lllY a tndlUonal y dll\Mt, The I\*\ -)ncludld the Otet9I Y.._, Don Pecka, lot Ta\ffL. ~lck Alfe-.•t.W•Ulntton Bon9•1'11, Parker uaaH, Roe• Mln\Ofte and DellJ,... • ..,, ,...... .., ca.,~ Jim and Irene Bentley sign in at Candlelight Concert. Len and Jane Bedsow, left, witL Caroline De Wald check Christmas Candlelight Concert program. :tHE PERRECT HOLID~Y Business Gif~t Fine Wine and Br1U1dy · From ·rht:irn111 Yuu,. aod "'· 1ttd Mr1 •• , Rll4ty ind Ur. and MN. Kkherd •rann HAftaO.ft IUOOI WOMAN 'S CLUB llllld wtlb la.f .Jfallvt fuMU7r~1Sw"h. ~ A ·&Ae WM Id ln the .... ln -----. .... ... ~ .._. ---~-~~ii:Oa:; ::;u.-~-;;.;r chairmen,· 1reet1n1 IUHtl. J:1on wean aUandlnc ~tvod a hand·plJ.Aied jewelry 11 • mtrnento. Hh•ri .. ,..,, held a Wl"Hth·maldna party wlth Mari. lbit ~r tram Roten Cf'~ J)n)Yidlq tJpe and .teehnlques, ohaa • llOr'Y on the Clt111n or lh• 'tuilt.mN w!'ffih. The reaulta ot \he (Jub'1 dtc.'Of•llnc may be teen al the Harbor mtt.tt •nU'llllRI. '"Th club hailed • tree-U,htine ceremoney for tll• l'UtutnUnlly, (\hey plan to make \hla an ltH\uat •vtml) wllh Newmen leadln1 the ~l~U wi ••Ml ltahUna. L.ator the poup went \'arollt'I\. endln1 "#!. 1t th home of Llla and Jlm Harper ror hon d u.uvna MCI d..-n. Jun bet<hlt l atran1td a bu1 rld• for ~~~\\lhera uHl thtlr famiUH to the lhrtn• udt\ l\ltn tot' • Pft*'\\atlDn of lh• Rocketwe t' ft1tnt lp.t'llCUl•r. Thty had wine and ~h Oft U b~ rtdo back to A.T. l«>'• for ''" ...... l'IUl-.MkN'S HOME SOClll:TY of Oranae """''"'"" ....... t~ Ottaunu parw at the • '"''1 ~1\\.1 Ana ~ to offer a tliank you \UI r tor \t\'9 20 pAl"tf\\a haw children ln '~" ™"""· O•vht Ru1Hll, a 11\tatcilan frum Maile la.lt.1"'· ""'~ualned, Santa P"-out aifta to th• ~·hll\t•"'-''· •md ~rd member t.rnanao OUvaret •\.l~I 1uH•r •nd led lhtt approximate 76 people m C'ht-l.itm111 <'Aroll f\ HOPE kept 460 A voo executJvee from th£! \JS, Canada, Awi\titlla, the U.K. and Japan roarm1 with la'41hler ~nlly when he made an appc!arant'tt. at tho 1roup'1 conference In the N"wporter. Ula ateady atream of one-linen follow~ dinner In the Plaza Ballroom. CINDERELLA GUILD JUNIORS, a aupport airoup for Chlld.rens Hoepltal of OraJ\le Cowlty held lta Chrbtmu benefit dinner at Plc .. so1s Reataurant in Laguna Beach. The money they made will 10 to produce a new chocolate cookbook. The Junion expect It to be ~vailable in April. Thia group holds the dlstinCtion of being the flrat junior group to support CHOC. LESJ:IE NEWQtJIST of Newport Beach was chairman of the 47th Candlelight Ball spo090red by the Juniors of the Social Service Auxiliary at the Beverly Hilton Hotel. Joining her in greeting guests was her eicort John Hages\ad. • UMO'ED ENGAGEMENT I • l -- -Vid• Dean .., ............... Amy Lee, Karen Bucci_. Marjie White and Donna Schroeder at bird 1tuffini workshop , Amy, Kari•, Marjie, Donna and the bird go to the party -Enthusiasm designer's hallma,rk specification of materials, custom design of furniture, flooring, 80UDd aystema. wall treatments, exterior material specifications, ~ and lnatallation. . Can a woman over 35 survive in today's world?' " Thompson, who achieved a goal to make $1 million by her ~9th year, a1ao ia a motivational speaker, and has formed a motivation group of 300 women from all over the U.S. And what other ventura are in store for tbi1 40-year-old, 6-foot dynamo who alre9dy hu been a model • a teen--aer, a t.elevl8kln talk-.how 00.-and a prychoJo&y intern at UCLA? But accompllahmentl of her 19-year-old Newport Beach- t.ed company are not limited to this ...... H• firm hu client.a OOMt~ and ln Mexico. Tile work lncludes restaurants, hotels, OD1_P>raUona and model homes. ~ aays traveling la one of her hObb6m, and opportunities ln that line will certainly be available in the next few years. "l bave mr eye on the f.-hlon "We will be involved in the bualneaa,' she said. ''My Far F.ut for the next six to eight daughter abo ia interested and yean. We will be focu.aing on IOl'De day we might do aomething hotel8." along this line." Another of Thompson'• T~ompson admits that with hobbAes is writing. "rm writing a her height ahe bu a terrible time with evening dr ! 11 ea, and I like book. 'The Dlsposable Society, °"(finding clot.hes that are long enough. '"lbere are no problems 0 h very feminine thlnga. But for n t e c 0 v er . . . busineea suits, there is a problem with length. I aaw beautiful Beverly Thompson wears a ' fabrica ln Hong Kong recently, CanadJan cherry red fox cape and I bave a dremnaker who can designed by Jerry Sorbara copy anything." exclusively for Neiman-Marcus. Location: Vick Wbe Chevron Thomp1on ii married to Station at Jamboree and San Horace 0 . Coil, a trial lawyer, Joaquin in Newport Beach. and haa two children, IOI\ Vance, p ho tog ra ph er : pa trick who attends Orange Coaa\ O'Donnell of the Daily Pilot Collefe, and daughter Mame, a Staff. student at Newport Harbor High. --By VicM DMD t.aln that ~ ~ii was eJCaCtJy tight \Xie do not compromise on deslgn or qualtty and oUt reputatJoh speikS ror this fact-chances a~. she knoWS that. and the wrapping tells her that~ ca~ • enougt't not to ~omlse efthtt, Ullq~ and extltJng~lry from stOO. ..,- I• " r . . old f<IB ioned I :r esfcliff Remember when service was more than just a slogan? . When hometown merchants spent time helping you select the perfect gift? When Christmas shopping was a joy ... not a chore? This holiday season, join the Westcltff Plaza famlly, where the holiday spirit stlll means sharing joy ... with our customers, our friends. Select your gifts from more than twenty shops; without crowds or endless parking lots, with the personal touch that Westcllff Plaza has become known for. Enjoy twinkllng llghts, Christmas carolers and Mrs. Santa ... and share In our spirit of giving by bringing along a special package for Toys for Tots. . . This Christmas, join the Westcllff Plaza famlly, and have a merry Old Fashioned Christmas! .... OPEN 'TIL 9 P.M. WEEKNIGHTS MOST STORES OPEN TODAY, DECEMBER 19, FROM NOON TO 5 P.M. 1 • ... ·•. -·· I ' • • • • ' • ' • i \ ' I I I I 1 · I · l . ' ,... IV llDNIY OMA,.,. ....................... I .'Alla Ct.larch U ·Aprtl 11): Tllk le complNd, .::i'\ II f &&Ulll•d and relatlon1hlp ln\•n•lfl". -Ws on romance, emoOonaJ f\.aJftlll'IWnt Ind •9.eAI'-----...,. .................. _ .. ,... hu.tft----.-....,. ..-....,;: -. --~--. TAURUS (A9rU 20-May 20): Study Arlft mt "• -you 1Nm 1.-ona concemJna Ucen1e UlltlDlhta,--. lepJ f'llhta and permllllona. 11 rid ot burden, career ta booli. o.lllNI (May 21-June 13): New approach ~ 1111 ry ta connection wt\b travel. communication ~ educadon. Break from put ta indicated and will prove beMfklal. ·CANCER (June 21-July 22): EmphMll on bulC \Mb, emp&oymen\ prolp8Cta and financW etatua of one who desires a clOMr auoclation. Intuition prov. cornet -know lt . LEO (July 23-Aua. 22): Glve fWl reln to lnlellec:tual curlomty. M.alce inquiries. uk queltlona and check lecal requirements. l'ocua Abo on public relatiom. DEAR ANN LANDERS: When a 35-yec-old dies. people aay, "What a ahame ... he W91 ln the prime of h.11 llfe." What about a 17-yec-old whoee life ii suddenly cut lhon? He iln't even halfway to his prime. What do people •Y then? A few days aao I attended a funeral of a 17-year-<>ld pal. and the woman next to me at the wake aald, "Well. at J.eMt he had 17 p>d years." The kid doem't even remember thl'ft of thoee prec:iowl years, and 13 more w~ apent trying to aflaiP that magic number, "sweet 16," '° he could ~y llve. Tbat left him one 1cM.my yeer. : Why don't puentl care enouch to know where flMA IOMlfCI ATWIT'S END • Today'• youth are toying with God's timetable and frankly I think it'• a bia mistake. In the put. tradition dictated lhat at ace 24, a child should be married and making monthly ~ta on everything in the house and a mother should have no more to think about than whether to eat the rum-dipped bon-bona with the light chocolate or the dark chocolate. Why am I brm,tng th la up now , you uk? Because I have just tom through this city like a crazy lady from a "Dukes of llazzard" caravan trying to get my son on a plane. IT'S NOT THE FIRST time we have tried to make a plane that left 20 minutes ago. He's late for his entire Ute. When I wu younger it didn't llee'l'D to matter tl)at he ahowed up for dinner when we were bavina de9ert, or that we were all ln the car ~ oo oar vacation and he waa still looldn8 foe hJa aboel. We U8ed to shake our heeds and smile, ''What'• a mother for but to fret?" . . . VllWtJ CA"t 114 Iii, IWlt f flrtt ffrlnl lltfl Hid hHilh llnH Im~ *' qtt nulrlOan, .mplufmtnt, ,.. 11td s-•usil• wh u d•ptnd u,um you UIRA ,.,,. IJ.( I ta> l lltflM '"""· IVutcl •lf,.._.pijcfi, t apN9 ...._ In '11phw matilWt. You're tO..Jy to 11t what you wanl. nwmbtt' "' uppa11Ue •• playt Uy roa.. '' UI on ,...,,_, ICORP10 (<>Ct , 21·NUY 21): ... , domettk' lldJUl'lmftt .. ~ted ron.11 on hcwne, propeny. ..,..,.,... cainmltmll'll& Money .awaUon lmptOYel -IWW'I rieitYed OON"eminl po.ible lanct llibJ; -~~ .... -,::-.. ::-=--.. ::~. :._. ;;:;-coWd be on .,.... -aura of sJ.amout a. pan of 1Cenario. Othen c.unment on your looka1 vitality and ldeM. You pin llimPll behind..,....._ CAPRICORN (D.c. 22-Jan. 18): Spod.liht on paymenta, c:olltotlona, locatl"' lolt artloln and opportunity to 1l1nlflc:antly inoreaH lncome potential. Relatlon1hlp inten1ltie1. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-J'eb. 18): Wider audJence ii l'NChed, your views are aoucht and you could be uked to appear before the mec:Ua. Tlmin1 and t are llCCW"llte, hunch pa~ off and you'll be lace at crudal moment. Watch Aries. ~ (Feb. 18-Marcll 20): New •tart ln new dln!ctlon provea benefid.al. _Keep prom!ae to one who ta confined to home or holpttal. Open lines of communication. You'll recelve meuaae which boost.a morale and hJahHahta romance. their lddl are at niaht and what they are doing? My pal who died at l? dldn't have to mm out on hll whole life. But that'• exactly what happened beau.we no one paid any attention to him and he could go and come aa he p1eued -I AM 16 AND SCARED IN ClllCAGO · DEAR 11: Ya p.e 10 few detalll a1 to laow _.e boy dle4 I am at a .... te ....,.... It 10Dd1 a1 lf lae wu .....i.1 wl_. a '-• enwd ud w11 ILllled by a rival f!aa1. I cu ll )'H Mme tlteH YOUI victim• 1et Into bad compu)' ID aplte of _.elr pareet1' eflorh to keep &Mm 1tralpt, IMlt yo• are rlcllt wllea yoa H)' It I• da•1eroH for yOHI people· to be permitted to ru loose. S&aU1da tell •• mon people are Uvta1 to be 70 ud over tUa ever befonl ,q)Je dle-dea_. rate for dK>le betirea l'7 ud H ua tacreaHd P'eatly ta tile lut decade. W•yT Accldeat1, dn11 ud 1alclde. Well, that waa 10 yea.n ago and the fretting has turned to froth!na. Hta ridea to the airport have now become clasaics in bringing on hypertenlion. The plane leaves at 7:0 5 p.m. At 5:45, he comes home from handball and aak.a, "What's for dinner'!" At 6:00, he la drinking milk from a carton and watch.lna "M• A •s•H." At 6:15, he asks where the suitcaae is. When he flnda it, he dumps all my summer shorts and T- ahirta onto the bed where they will remain. At 6:30, he sets the washer dial on Maxi and throws in three pairs of shorts and two pairs of socks. AT 1:35, HE STANDS in fro nt of the refrigerator w ith the door open as he talks on the phone with a friend whom he has not seen since the handball game an hour ago. AT 6:45, be beglnl a ahower that will not end until the 40-pllon water beater ii emptied. At 7 p.m., he graba the IOCks and underwear from the wuber, put.I them ln a pluUc baa. jams them ln hll IUhcMe and-~. "WW you whip It up, Man? rve aot to aet to the airport in time to buy a tickeL" - rd 1ove to unlollCl ... aet him married! To pllin for iou.'·......, ,.,.... 8iMt ·~ ... ; .......... 11111 Plln lllTILS .... •ver-tfhlng ,... need to malt• four event• aucceea. IOlll 01 111111 IV CHAN. I H 00 H AHO OMAR -.=!=-.::= ~ -...--!...i ~. .,., .......... ..,.s .... IMtw &.-r•llfNd If •1 ,.,aa.r .,... wtdl s wNll &w•. w.-.., ........... ..._" , ...... , .. Q .. 9' .... Aeew•r eoJ••H? Thak you . -L. Wiater, 8&. LewJa, No. IThla quHUea ftu lteea awarded the WHkJy prtu.I A. -There Is no queetlon that the weak two-bid la gain· ing in popularity, and il la quite poulble th•t . In the foreaeeable future, it will become standard lO play weak two·bids with an ar tlflcial two club opening bid as the only game force. But the weak two-bid is effective only Ir you have a construe live way to develop the sue· ceeding auction and or eatabllsbing how good or bad par tner'• hand really is. The range or an opening weak two·bld i1 quite elastic-from a minimum or about 6 points (pleaae. only when not. vulnerable) to a maximum of a bout 12 point• (usually onl y when vulner· able). ln addition, the quality or the suit can vary quite a bit. . There are two popular methods or finding out about par tner·s hand. Both start with a response of two no trump. which is an artificial bid asking partner about 1pecUic information. T he most po pular method uses two no trump to uk partner for a feature, i.e .. a high hon9r in a side suit. If opener has such a feature. he bids the suit in which he holds it. U he does not, he usuall y rebids his suit. However, should bi's suit be ../ h•aded by lht thrt• tu11 honoN, h• rtb d1 three no trump. l&eapondtr un tlthM pa lhlt or tonvert to JC•m•• tn openel".-111n. m,a,.. ___ ...__ ~ ---..... ,.,,,.. -----· -~·-------lyttem of r•lpon•c.it deVllNf by Ont• of ·my t.,ammalH llnd very !food frlend1, the lalt• Harold Ogu1t. Opt1ner rt- 1pond11 lo two no trump In four 1t.ep1: Step I -bad hand, bud auit Step 2-bad h1tnd , good ~ult Step a -good hand. bad suit Step 4 -good hand, Mood suit Assume that you, using the Ogust responses, open two hearts and partner responds two no trump. You could have any one or the following hands: • .. •u ~KJ9u.s OQa •Qu bl • • u ~ AQJuJt 0 u • ua cl •• ~KJhu OKu •QJa di •a ~ AQbllll O Kllll •allll el •• ~ AKQllllJt 0 au ••n With a) bid Step 1. three clubs. T his hand i11 a minimum on all counts. Hand bl has a good suit, so bid Step 2 -three diamonds. Hand c) is a near maximum with a poor suit, so rebid Step 3-three hearts. Hand di is a maximum with a good suit. which you show by bidding three spades -Step 4. Hand el is a three no trump rebid. Naturally, r esponde r should use the two no tr ump response only if he needs a descr iptive rebid Crom opener in order to get to some sort or game or slam -or to stay out or it. There a.re many hands with which responder s hould simply jump t-0 game, either ARIF bttrlUlf' hi' think• hl1 1ldl' ran m1lu1 It. ur 11 a lurth., preempt. A •lmplv ralN or op ner'• 1ull I• pr•emptlve • U 1-Aa Soulh vulnara.bla you hold: •Alq CVAJ'87 Ot +Kl"2 T he bidding h11 proceeded: 8etatll Welt N_.. £ut J ~ Pa .. l • P ... 1 W~at do you bid now'/ Q.2-Both vulnerable, aa South you hold: •QJI0871J OQH •J7t The bidding hu proceeded: North Eaa& 8Mdi t o D~le 1 What action d-0 you take? Q.3-Neither vulnerable . u South you hold: •JS ~t5 O AQlOt52 •t7a The bidding baa proceeded: Wnt Nortll Eut 8oadi P ... J NT OW. 1 What action do you take? Q . .t-As South. vulnerable, you hold: •A 'V' AK875 O 95' • 10952 The bidding has proceeded: North Eut s .. di Weit I 0 1 • 2 ~ Pau 3 • Pau 4 • Pua 4 0 Pua 1 What action do you take? Q.5-Neither vulnerable, u South you hold: •9873 ~K8 0 52 •AKQM The bidding has proceeded: N ortla Eut 8ffdi W Ht l • Pau 2 • Pau 3 • P ... 1 Whal do you bid now? Q.6 -East-West vulnerable, as South you hold: t"' +Ql0952 ~QJ92 •J865 The bidding has proceeded: Weat NortJt Eut s .. o. I + I • Pua 1 Whal do you bid now? Look for answers on Monday. . .. special family times, shopping for that distindiYe gift, feeling the excitement in the soft evening air. For the first time, the shop owners at Via Udo Plaza want to share those evenings with you. Enjoy our unique 'Christmas Around The Wor1d'window displays, listen to holiday carols in our coey courtyard, get the Christmas spirit by giving to Toys for Tots. This year, share those "Nights Before Christmes" with your family et • Via Udo Pim.a. Happy HoUdaysl Udo C1r*"9 c-.1111on1 flW'tllon vi. Udo Aam n .,.._ 1n ror c:hld'a pstc.s -Dae. 20 ~ 23 onfyl ... .. .. • . . : I Se a r c h i n g o u t t h e small, primitive P,l~~:!tr!dr~•-~ve lon1 '"~nd.0 to the call of M,ulco. Surprt1ln1ly thou1h, many Yillton have ventUted only ovw the border and have bMn dlaappot11ted wlth th• frantic h~ and buatle of th• typical border town anywhere tn th• world. A. new hlahways 1J>rin8 up ln Mexico and &lrllnte provt~ more eetvlce to th• country, lt ta more convenJent, If not lmperatlvt, that one 1trlke out for the tw1.her J'ffeh• of thta hlltorical laod. Thia reporter, h1vln1 found the country to be fuctnaUnaly provocative, lrrltatln1, IJ\lrltiatina and challenalna, hu 1truek out for It.I far-reachlns pocket.I of humanity. De1plte the pro1re11 made (1ome aood and 1ome not 10 aood), the Inventive and IMl'Chlna traveler can •till flnd amall primitive vtllasea tucked away beneath breathtaklna mountains. .The Mexican iOVtmrnent hal \Aken heed to the warntnaa of 1nthropolo1l1t1 and has dellinated many old vfilaaea u hl1torlcal 1ltea. Such areas include the outlytna mountalnoua dl1trlct nea-r AJlic (near Guadalajara), where the Hulchole Indiana weave the famoua "eye of God," and speak no Spanllh. A quick fllsht from Mexico City ln any direction can bring the traveler to the ancient ruins of Chlchen-ltza. The 1pell of the Mayana quickly tranaporta the tourilt back to the pre- C.Olumblan culture. To the aouth 11 Oaxaca where Zapotecan 1peakln1 Indiana stlll make pottery a1 their ancestors did thouaandl of yean aso. The ~eturn ~o Mexico City provtdea a look at the Mexico of today. The coutal areu of Mexico abound wlth exotic tropical reaortl, from Acapulco to the 1outh with lt1 beach front hl1hrJ1t1 and condo1, dleco1, bHch" and t®"IMI. wl\h-\he .._ .. _L M•¥.lco hldden behind the allck ·fr.cede of amutnc.. -· - Up th• cout ll• Zihua~Jo. a quiet, llotat.ed alloe of MUloo N It waa. It1 quiet uncluttered beach•• off er a place for unhurried t11hermen to pull In catch• of red anapptr for dJnntr. A oornplete vacation Mexican 1lyle with a French flavor 11 offered In a 1ently 11oplnc valley jult above M&n.unlllo. Manzanillo or Muatlan offer Ideal condl tlon1 for dttp ••• fllhi.ni and relaxlnC. Thi• dlverH country often vl1ltora 1Hmp1e1 Into another world and culture, but for a splendid comblnatJon of the old and new, a trip Into the valleys of the coutal 1tate of Jalllco ta a trip to remember. Puerta Vallarta, a lleepy Uttlt Mexican tiled vllla1e located between the sea and the htU. often the vtaltor a aentle way ot life. A vlait to Vallarta ln DK-ember featurea the L11 Fle1t11 de Dlclembre. a celebration with fireworks, folk dancea, parades and m1rchln1 bandl. The fo cal point of the celebration of the birthday of the Virgin Guadalupe ta the Church of Our Holy Lady of Guadalupe, Patrone11 of the city. Puerta Vallarta lle1 In a natural bay, surrounded by luah green foliage and rolllna hlU. which come down to the water leavln1 a 1trlp of beach tJ:ie length of the bay. -· ••• I5ecember la a aood month to vilit wtth the sun alway• shlnina. the daya warm and the eveninp · Children play ln a tide 1treet in a em ll oeean-f ront Mexican vllla1e. having• aoft breei.e. Hotels are plentiful and feature the Po11da Vallarta, Playa Gloria, a new Holiday Inn, and the Hotelliadendl. de1 Lobo. In the middle of the vUI.aae the Oceano 11 convenient for 1hopplna and d1n1ni at eeveral excellent reataurantl. Croulna the brld1e to the aouthem part ol the village, there are 1ome excellent beach front hotell 1uch u Hotel POMda cStl Selva, Hotel Elol11, M"e1on de lo• Arcl>1, Fontana dt1 Mar, Manol, Delfin, Troplcana, Camino Real and Garca Blanca. A new hotel called Ocho C11cadaa haa recently opened hlah on a hill above the Camino Reel. A new Nltaurant, Cafe Je»e, oj.tert a tood time and aood food nicht aNI d9y.. El Dorado Aptl. and beach Nltaurant, a lonatlme ,.voritit on the beach, olf era crepe1, enchilada 1ul11e1 and aood turkey aandwlchea. Bu1111t1on1 for other accommodatlonl can be obta!Md by comacuna • travel ~ or the Mexican Tourt1t BUNau. TOUrt.at carda an al.lo ava1lab&e at th• airport or by alk1nl your travel aaent. No vacdnatloa certJUcate II J\Mded, but proof of . . . your cltlsen1hip 11 neceuarY. 'l'hla oroof &a al.lo aood for uvtna the f5 P,emtnt exct.e tax now Oftly WYlld on Mexic8n re.ldenta. Springs, Australia . was one of the last frontiers I I H:~ om.APLANB ...... ,... { the end of World War II, Nb 8Dl'ina had 4000 people. A Sot of ~-eould remeinbir the \\9201 when the town wa1 ~pplled by camel tn1na. 'n\ere +(9ft no l'Olldl. Today there are four tlmea u many people. The town council II comtdert.na putttna In the first traffic llaht. Hilton will build • hotel by 198D. All th.II ln one of the 1ut frontlerL Vut plains of red und. Knee-blah IJ'UI. And a wanderln1 outdoor 1how of kanoroc». wild camell, and the wUQ ao., called dJnCas. "We've never bad ao many villt.on." uys a coundlman. "It wun't planned. It wa1 Nevil Sbutit'1 book that put ua on the A~map." The book i• ftOW a 'l'V mlnlMrle1, 11 A Town Called Alice.'' It'• a wartime Jove ltory laid in Alice S»MD. It 1ookl ._ a llDall town_ In 'U\e Americaft Wt.i. Local people are tanned. Talk endle11ly about beef prlct1. Crul8e the unpaved Outbedc ln four-wheel drlvea lay.red with grit. Main 1treet 1hopt are amall. An ord1nanoe aays you can't build anythlns hl1het than the eucalyptua treetope. Blllboa.rdl are forbidden. • • • lt'1 mldawnmer Down Under. The detert temperatw'M IO• hlch .. 13~ deateL ~ aeek lbade until dark. . You'd th.Ink thil would drive oft the '°"'1t1N. But, ''W• -a liaaot& .... anda..r..lt'•• new Wint.er awan for tMm. lt'a the 'In' dmtinatkln.'' The 10\V'D Nnl ~ ......... In me oold co.aftldtl 'of ~ "8" Alice 8prtnp Whitt f t•1 Hot." • • • It'•. ftW.hour jtt fUaht from Sydney where QAN't'"AS Jell land .very day from the Wett Coaat. (tl,199 one-way, 17-~ houra) Rall 1ttvlce la 1ood (tl42.&0) flrtt cl.ala. • • • • The center of Auatralla hu a prehl1torlc beauty. There are deep~· 8Yeft lu.h OMM wtt'h pure 1\reeaa and ,Sant palm tree1. &ndle• mUH of ....... '"Th• "abo11 -th• native abarftb:M-hll beell ~In th• deH .. t Uh wber• the "Outbllelt' renctber rounde \a' cattle b,11~pwr. He wean ~ 81'4• ... TUM• in harl•J Trlfl aa~ eountry mUlk on bll lallY IMtlo. Outback cattle IOOft r..rned 1• COPIES . ........... .......... '461 Vie I.We 67M1n Nut to ldWWdll ucto OIMIM I 'I •• • =· •• • . • •• • • • • • • • • • • •• • •• • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • . .. • • • • a .... =-A= HOMECOMING CHRISTMAS She'll have the luxury of • atatement you CM afford to rNke . From our collectton of glorious red fox, a convertible • collar jacket with beautiful marl<ings, stunning deep red coloring. She'll be elegantly fashionable, endlessly grateful. All furs labeled to show country of origin. Our red fox collection starts at 1,850.00 . South Coast Plaza, in THE FUR GALLERY. . •• • • • • • • I • • • • • • •• • • •• • • • • • • • • • fl A!AL !STATE STOCKS 1fi ldy 11ooi1 •oll~lll for Or•n1e Caunly firm• •r re~lewed Jn l•ble an P•6e oa. · MOney :markei Bcc;,unt: Corne & get._ i t ~ ' By STEVE MITCHELL 0( .. ..,,.. ..... BonUMt ranee from a cup of coffee to a chance to win a $160,000 vacation home ln Palm Sprlnp. There are offers of free calendar•, free personalized checks, free Nfe depoalt boxea. d.llcou.nts on income tax preparation, $20 on-the- spot bonu.ea and up to $1~ in extra lnter.t. One bank la even offerina two nJ1hts free lodCina at the investor'• favorite Marriott Hotel. Nlckname9 for new money market accounts are almost • numerous M the lifts and born-.. There's the C..h Maxlrniztnc Account, the £)cecutive Market Rate Account (I and Il), the Safe-Saver's Package, the Hi-Fi Account (that's for H.lgh Interest, Federally lnaured). And there's even a Checking Supreme Account, which aound1 more like a taco with everything on lt than a money market account. Whether its the if}lnmlcky names, the gifts and gadgeta, or the opportunity to earn high interest with low rllk, Orange Coast residents are flocking to local finandal lnatJtutiona to get a piece of the action. What's the action? Put simply, money market accounts offer bank \Nation's I ' 1 S&Ls face 'E cash woes By SALLY JACOBSEN A11 11h11d,,.....,..., WASHING TON -More than a quarter of the nation's 3,533 federally Insured aavinga and loans were running low on capil41 ln the tint 1 half of 1982, a airable increa8e from the end of , 1aat year, aocordlnl to industry figures. Most of 1 thoee lnatitutiona were losing money. · The figures, filed with the federal government and obtained by The Aaociated t Preea, showed that nationwide 971 S&LI had 8 reeerves. or net worth, under the Federal Home e Loan Bank Board's regulatory requirement of 3 ~t of UabtlitieL J: ·In oampmUcn. eH out of 3,743 S&Le bad a net worth below the nquiNd leYe1 at the end of 1881, lllmilar' lndwtry ~ abow9d. Net worth ls the exceu of u.eb over liabilliMs. MOl1ppa held by an tr.ututlcn are canlidered a.eta while tta -~ MICOUlltll are llabllliMs beca..-they can be pulled out at any time. Wlth the industry ln lb wont financial turmoil since the 1930a. a greater number of S&LI have been running low on capital becau.e they muat pay more ln interest on saving• accounts than they are taking ln from morfCa8eS, many of which were granted at low rates in years peat. Congreaa approved an aid package thla fall designed to help troubled Lnatitutiona. But at the aame tlme the bank board -chief federal regulator of the aavinga lnduatry -changed rules that will make a large number of S&LI ineliaible for the help. J'ederal regulators measure an institution's financial health on the buia of Its capital cuab.ion. .• Once an lnatltution fall.a below a 3 percent cushion, regulaton monitor lts activities more cloeely and can take action to strengthen It. However, Home Loan Bank Board offida1s caution against concludlni that S&lA fa11inl belew the requirement by the Lnatitutiom' own reporta-a.re trou6led onet ln ~ They note board rulea provide leeway ln det.ermlnlng If an Lnatitution meets the minimum. The board doe. not ~ public the number or names of lta problem 8&.Lll, and ln ~y atate. ."eYealing figures on individual aavtnea and loans that contain errors can be Wepl. The board doea not take reaponaibllity for the "completene99, accuracy, or adequacy" of the figures. However, an overall p6cture can be pined from the board's ficure9, and to pin 9UCh a view the AP t>ou,cbt a computer tape from the t.nk cu.stamen llmlted check.lna llCOOW\t prMlepe, pey interest ratee that rival money market funda, and a.re lnaured up to $100,000 by federally bKked qende9. It requiree a minimum openJna depo9it and avenp monthly balance of $2,500 and the novel notJon la beln8 touted by financial lnatJtut.ion.a for lts "liquidity, fiexibWty and eecurlty." Depo.tton may put money lnto the money market account at any time, and wtthdrawall al.:> are unlim1ted. However, lf the averap monthly balance ln the special account falla below the $~500 minimum, the interest rate tw the statement cycle will drop to the~ "' percent rqu1ar rate for a •vtnp or aped.al checkina eccount. AM lf the average fa1la be~ $2,000 in the account, 80fDe ban.kt reduce the lnter9t rate and levy a tervice ~·· The new hl1h-yteld investment account la an out1rowth of recent federal le1l1Jallon which dereaulates banka and •vtnaB and Joana. 1the rapid srowth of me>N!.Y ~~t funds over the put four yean hu hurt~ lnatitutiona, which until now .have been prohlbltfd by law from often.,, lllnUat hlch·lnterelt aooounts. And bankl and Nvln1a and loana, throuah newapeper, radJo and televWon ada, are aaytnc the new accounta are better than money market tu.nda. "Money markel eocou.nta 1tve you an lrwured, ~h intereet llCCOW\t without t)'inl urJ'mour money wfth term time Umita," rellda one ad Downey S.vinp. "S.y £oodbye to uninaured m0ney funds," U)"I La= Federal, a dlvt.ion of Great American F . '!bat bank offen investora a variable interest rate that moves with chanaes in the money market, or a ax.t rate of interest. Finandal lnatJtutlona contacted at midweek cited Interest rate. between 10.685 and 11.2$ on new aocounta, which became effect.Ive Tue.day. Some. 1uch aa Lacuna Federal, even offer a telephone number where inveaton can obtain the late.t yield. Toll free, ju.at dial (619) 231-EARN. An informal check with local banka and aavinp and loans ahowa curioelty about the new accounts la overwhebning. "Every desk ln here la full, and there are 11 desks," lau&hed teller Jerry Scully at the Bank ol America branch ln Lacuna Beach. Denny Voyl•, Mnlor vice pre91dent of tbe Bank of Newport, u1d the Dover bnnch office hM been busy ecnailtently alnce Tu.day. "We're aeeln1 cuatomera comln1 la wltb money market funda and tranaferrlna their checldna and uvt.nc1 accounta to money market accounts,'' he uld. CecUe Butz, Militant manaaer at the Secwity Paciflc Bank in Fountain Valley,~uld ahe twa five t.dlen worklnc full-time opening the accounts for cuatomen. "lt'1 been quite heavy and we're ,ettinl a ~of new money here,'' she aaid. ' And Laiuna Federal ~r Fran Ha.lief' uJd Interest ln the new account la comln1 frodi cuatomen IWitchlnc over from broken, aa well • chancina over old accounu. "Obvloualy lt'a a popular account," she aaid. Local . banken and uvlnp and Loen qftioerl hope the popularity continues. lncludina Home Federal, whoee newspaper ada end wtth th1a 1D1!9UCe: • "Uae it in aood wealth." ~ : .. mmm (BANK)· board that contain• reports filed by 3,533 federally Insured ..aclationa on their finanoea ln the fint hall of 1982. Mont1omery Data Sytem1 Inc. of Kenalngton, Md., culled from the tape Information on ueeta, l.noome and UabWtlee for each S&L. Some of the lnatitutiona pointed to ln the record check have undoubtedly found healthier merger pu1nera by now u part of the mxielerat- lna trend ln the industry toward mergers. -TeaerarIDaurance of saa.. il8o meam no aavir has ever Jolt a cent ln the failure of such an institution. In the AP record check. of the 971 S&rlA below the 3 percent level, 875 were losin1 money. S.vtnaa and bull havina a net worth below 2 percent, of UabWtlet numbered 481, and 211 bad reeerwa under one pel'Cfllt, the repol1a ahow. I Seventy-nine ~ h,cl no '*k-up cuahion. alt.bouah aeYen r$orted maJdnc money in the tint half of the year, probably becau1e their mort1a1• P•Yr•nt Income . . . remained greater than aavlnp interest. EJiglbHl\Y for the aid la limited to A state breakdown of the figures ahow that ..aciationa which have a net worth equal 'to « 416 of the S&rlA below the 3 percent cuah1on ie. than 3 percent of a.eta, but which would wen! 1n California, Florida, lllinola, Louisiana, have at 1eut 0.5 percent after the Ullstance. New Jeney and Texas. They U.O m\.mt have Jolt money ln the previoua On the other aide, the data showed aix states alx months. where either no ...ociation.a or only a amall Acxordlna to the financial reporta, 923 S&1A peroentqe had a cwh1on below 3 percent. 'n>08e 1oat money and had a low net worth. were AlMka, Colondo, Idaho, North c.aroJ.ina. 11* boud'a nale chanaes that cu\ Into the New Hampehire and Vermont. number of 8&d.. elialble are en what equity the Concreea' a1d J*kap fOC' troubled S&Le lmtltuUorw have to include ln theU: ~ --wu-~fAll.1>0t'tbebi!Ut'""'beiNrl<XX~1-nate~--~ ... ~ti!Diii--.-ti~u.........-they want Uii ulAatance. chanaea mean OWlY will not be elillble for the SpecWcalll, S&t. must include built-up help. equity ln o flee land, bulldln1a and &.rd Chairman Richard Pratt defended the Improvements in fiawtna out their net worth. By chan1ea ln a recent Interview, aaylng the ~ that, the baDk boAr<I estimated Jut week. aovemment'a pool of inaarance money. needs to the number ol S&1A that can pt help would be guarded carefully. drop to JU, down fran an estimated 880 eUllble "I think that we abould come:rve the fund. under earlier nala , Thia la publlc money we'ft talldnl about," he Despite the benk board action, however, 1ald. "U hulltutlona have other reaource1 officlals aay that decl1nJ.na 1ntereat rat.ea and available to them, It eeema to me that thoee other chaJllff made by l::onsreu mean the should be taken Into account before the •vino and loan industry will at leut break even expenditure of public fundla.'' in 1983 after rtnclna up record Jo.ea th1a year. ' • Laffer looks at bright sid~ BY KA.IUtN E. u.EIN 0( .. ..., ......... The na&lon'a economy wlll 1row nJ cely in uea and expertence enonnow ~ ln 1984, uya Arthur Laffer. fathet" of supply-tide econamlca;. who •poke at an economic outlook conference lpOll9Cl'ed by Marina National Bu\k IMt week. The Unlveraity of Southern c.al.lfonUa economb prof...-- wbo lnwnted the tax chart called the~ O.V. -akl M.ull bM:lca amDl.Y.ede econanUm 100 pen:ient. 1'l'm not wavwinl.'' he aakl, delPM an onpnc alwnp the nation hu experleriioad the IMt twoyeen. The theory of aupply-alde economlct1 conceptuallud by Laffer, hold1 that t1ducln1 rnaralnal tax ratH createt an lncenUve for tncllvldual• •fld cwporauona to produc:. mon, thm cnaUna more Jobi end men ..,,.,,....,, ...wnue. Laffer bl.amid the economic ....... ~-.. fad that • w*b ................. CIUt did"°' oenar on July 1 of tbll ,..,. .. There It no auch '!:,:f u • ~"!"' -........ ... ~ rat. dMlnp en Jan. l." T hia Jan. 1, tax ratH are IC:Mduled ., decline anodw' 10 percent, be .Ucl. And it la thb r.lbatlon that i. caUlld fourth quarter economic 1rowth to r..mlft low. I "Would you ea. t.n a aon the week before thetr baa tale, or would ,.. waltr Laftw ..ad bll M'#mne at South COlllt .,._.. Hocitl. Falling lnterHt rat•• and eAar17 SUlC.._ haY• ab,o contributed to the 11u11t1h economy. "Everyon e'• po1tponln1 arowth and producdon \d\Ul next y.r," be explained. . .. Thia Mrlee of drewnltancee hM made 1982 look .n~ he utd, and lt maU. 1911 look befter than lt normally would. 11Th• bou1tn1 lndua\ty will come roWnl blick0 1n ..... he Mid, ''wbScr. Lt whet Southern CaUfomla neecb and Oran,. c.o.anty ~ on." 'lt_ 1~ ~ econa1D1 WW be -:~--·"be.W~ =· .. ea-=:."= nMI-. ...... .. You..-..W_._~.u. ~ durlnl a reoe91ion, '' he Mid. '!be only tax Laffer doe. IUppol't Is the propoeed u.er fee en pmlint. ''1'1Mliie who benefit frcm tlllt road1 pay for the roada that way,'' he laid. <'.>ranee <:ounty will be a twinC area for recoverr. nationwide, Laff• pndk:ted. 'Tbia .,.. -not cauaht the U.S . d lee .... ~wants to come and~ hire." When Hked about 1om-Or-.. Counfy '°""""'-' ....... to limit nowih, Latter llld ba thoui't th• Idea wa• dlllCJ'imlnatory. "We all~ ... fram ................. .ud. "I don't tbAnlc it'• ftlbt • prohab't ll'OW1h·" r U you want to l'9Uict buildlail and Dowladail 1n an --. do a fw!i.mlUll."Awww_.... ......... ho ........... 1-t .... "he..ad. - Here are th• 1took marMet 10Uvltl11 of -,ubltotv ·trMed Otantt Count~ ftrm1 for the~ ended ,.rld1y, ·O.O.ttf •. D1t1 provld9d by Newport leourltlel Corp. ~ e;I•• ooa 1-41•• I l)llf1 . . ... , . I it 'S:1ao PU ! ~., ... , ... ,.,, t.r.;_ IU,C.n U&C.. •u., .,.,.. Pai• u E!"f:.i;f;· m.: " h••· .,,.., at n '"'"'HI 11 m> ~::. m: It ... "-.. ii I ICAI , .. , .. ••ht la !!!'r.f! .... . ;;:,.,, .... ~ r.:r::· .... - .. , ..... _ .. .,. ...., ... .,; . .,. ;m11·•::r1~· ,r.:'· -..... ., .... t::~r .••• ., ::~n ·~~u 1T~ ~,·~ ·,1:~!i1 ::~· i~'ii:j.i PfR t.O . ., :t .M ,. u. ,. , OTC '·It •. .. . . ·1·•1• f lltC • ild Ct ,"I • I •l t• Ofotlll• h•r.·· .... h C.t I lfllt eA ..... 4'1J W~•I• '=! '3:::•c •• 011 tll U f4l•lt· t:m2 1011 .... 11 •• -..... , ..... ,,. ••• ._ , ... ff"t•· :::~1::· 0••· "'"'" ., .. ,,.,. 11.u .,.:xg '· 1 •:u )fc.' .o .~ .. ., ,, '·!I '·'! 0 ,ti ::&3 U& . . ·u ,.~ .. ,. ~ •. ,, • t , I , 11 • • ,. l, · 1~ t·•• •.• 1·~~· ···1·· ·01 ' • I • • f •·ti !·' 11· 0 I 'J· I &:J ,r,; 1 : : I 1l:1ll t:~:.~·a. .•. "''' '" "'"'1 .,.. 1 .. 1 •• l.llth•I• .. tflJOr-t •••Gtoi .. ,,h A"I '""'"• uell•• Mt 1••1 k:lm ,wi cuel tuu lo ""'' l flllll ...... '"" .._ ... l .. f~~:r. lant.• Ana 1.a1woo "tilt Coau llou l.alll•• Miiie Ir•''" f'!;!M ';t~t. I.ea Alt•lt•• Con•,.. •• lr'llft• ._,.,, ...... ... .... ,". lant-lftl h \h f"\.,_ C.l t• 'MM :m:~: ......... ''''". t:r:,.A.~·0~ lll'lt• Ana .. :r:'~ •:··" i: ••• ,.t a: ..... Wht ie &Mh411 Pav1He\ft f1l1. &1\aht l• :::r:·i~:-.... A11th•I• ,._., , .... ::?1~·~!:,. '::: .. rd•· k M l•I "''"' "'' \Ml t o.-d1. *"•I·~· ' , ... '" l H•rJ •f~ •"ei-. .... ~ I\ ··1 "·'1 =ti t! ':' 1:1 OTC t. o, •· O g~ 1:~: 1::1 ..... o 1.00 '·" :!:!l:.~;~:,:--·· ::::~ 'UI ·~:·~ hdt~ & hi• ' T-.o. IUlllO 4. H T Jo ,, • ., .,.,1. •'•· u auo 6.oo • .oo ~·••oprr••""' .... ,,.,,~ 1. 1• •·•& •o••· • ••· ·~·· oai•o •· , 1.1 .,,,"'' 1 •~·· u r T.14 1.1, :::~!~:~:·!,,~~l!~:·· ... ,:r: ~t ti ,tn k 11H•1 Qft I. to 1 .QO :!:;!~:~1:~. mm '":~I .11:?~ ,..tor N•••• UI ). U ).00 S.Wltt•I • \I'll''\ ltftll 'l ,41 t0.11 ~!!~; !~=~~·•·:o"•" ··:m ;u~ ;ui r1 .. ,.., .. c,u ph•ll•• NUDAO •. IJ a .• , 'm:::,:m":~:. mm tH ~·n C..1111t~ 11.,\lr tor. OJD&o ,,0 ,,O .... dlU I d .. l .. o OT' 1.H J.U 11011 ·-· ,,. .... MOl U I• tow•r Coftt ' Lt 4•""• ..~"·• Natl\~ c ... 011 0Ptf UOI loll l•h ·rtd tou l ol••• ll'tlltr ••""~'•'• \rr-. .SCl4•11 "' i. ..... :t~'if ,, "" -· r....• fft\rlftfllUhH C.t._t i t r l•al Hhlt a ,...t, tore f•tHUI"' Prof 1er1. Cf llUfttH ~==~"f oo r. • •r•· 011 a Ou Ol\ ••4 o .. I0\1r Ma\lllt fjT. ur • J. JI ''·l' llTU 11.4) 10. l ::~:8 ug u, U Sl>AQ l•.U 10.M aUHO .it ·lf H !fl&O ,,~0 •.8 U JDlQ 1.00 1.,0 U !fl•O •o.oo •O. ;M ore 11.00 1•.?~ IUDtO 6l .6} IAJDlO ,,,00 I,. ,0 U JDAO . ~6 . 16 OTC •· oo •.oo llAIDAO lf,1f •1·1' UIDAO •o.jO 1),l' Ott f.H t.'° nH •I.TS 11.H IHOAO IQ JIO ••11110 ·" • " JAIDAQ • f1 r,i .- . l'1 1 •• , 'l· l ··10·1' • rig ci:Jt, 1 : 1f: d: I llC il.J 11.1 ,,.,,. ' ~ 1~· • I . •·10·1' • . J 0, I • 11· t-I • t. I .Jl 11,l •I· 1· t . '·f o.u 11.f •• ,1.11 •U. 10.U l • 11· 1.t l • \, O.J•I • t• 0·11 llC 0.01 •••• l·"·" •11.J 10.•01 -.lo-11 • 1.t 0.11 • 11. I· I IC • • 11· I .11 : N .:~~ ~U 1J:IJ:U ·••·• •.n '·' ,,.,,.11 : l:1 1::&11 ":' 1::'1~=1f • '.1 '·" , . ' •· 0-' .1,,, Ct.t•I • ti• 1.11 • 1,J (t.9'l • .,_,,_,, •C I.I) 1.) 10.)1.t 1 ·•.I .60 1).1 1·)1·11 .11.1 1 •• , 1.• 11-u-11 ·"·' I t.tO> • 1·)1· I IC co. U l • f ·)O·ll • ),, CO. ltl • l·)O-tr . 1., (0.16) • ,.,1.u • t.4 ,,, II.) 9•JO•l l : ;:: g:J: lU :::1::t: -•·• . '' "" •-So.ii MC o.o• '·' t-lO·:· ·"·I 0.?1 99.• t-01.1 • '1 1.1l •.o 11-s1-•• • '·' o.16 "·' u-s•-11 ~ CO.;M I : :J:f::U •t 1.10 1),6 9-J0-11 !IC CO.Oil 6•)0-U IC t,JI 1.9 ll·it·tl • , •• 11.0)) .,., ••• , !IC (0.11) • ''·1l·t• ·ti., 0.11 U.9 1· 0-11 llC O,' 1. t • I• I ·'I.I 1.n 1&, I 1·fl·U • I,, '·ft 10.• ' -)t-t t • '·' • 21.J ·JO·U ·"·' o.ot ••·• u.,,.,. • 11~ u: lU J:H:ll 11e 0.01 tt.• 11.31.t t • •.o 10.111 •·-10-.111 .1 •. 1 0·"1 l I • , t 0. 01 •• I· 1 llC •. ,. 11.t 1·1··11 • l.f 0.61 ti,& 1 • I· I llC ••• , 1,., u . ,. ' • 1.1 1.11 u.t 11. '"I' 110 0.01 IJ.O t·10· I ·111• 10.101 • •· 0·11 .,,,, f).Of • • .... •d t ~=r~=· htoh =:.~:~·mm~: .. ~m U:n lJ:U : u f:U JJ l:~l:ll .. fttl '"• ,,.,.,,. ~:r::' .... ~ Ceaerttt Pl l't,\tett lt\al \ hiN'tl t,,,., ~l~t.r::~.!!1,.l. HIDMI 110 llO 110 (1.61) l-)1·11 n u •1.H •J.OO • .t .Jl )t .• 6·~-U mm ,f ·88 .J:~ -'O~ ,J, fM '2:J4:U -to•I hoe~ 011 ,,.. au Oft 1.61 1.,0 • •.t 0.0) 4).) 11·)1 II ~=~!"h•• :c1 ::\::::!" Ciro mm u~ •ni ... , ... ••ao• Orllll•• 10011 & ••· nu si.oo 10.,0 :!~:: ••. :7~nzt ., .... ,. m~i~ :: ij ui C••t• lit••• "°" e-..1tr••t1•~ nsc ''·' n.,o too Clt .. ole Vele• •-••I 4u U !fllO T.,~ T.,O O.•••• O•ou 111'1 lnrlouo• P•od. u m>ao I . 00 l .tO lNIUle Pr•.)t t\ .... t•ttw-.1 OTC 1.00 '·'° 1 .. 1.. .. ....... ,. .. 1... ..,.,.0 1.1, t .00 f:~:: "',,. ~:~r· ,~:~!a.:1~ •• .::a · 11 : ti ~::~:~.•;:~~., ~~,:.r;.:~~: , •r. m~~ ·:~. •:;I ·•O.t o.tl 60.J t•)O·l l oc c1.a11 • 6-Jo.u • '·' ••• 0 ,,, •1·'1·11 • 1.1 o. i . 10. 1. t •t 1~·111 . "·1··1· • l.t . 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'·1 J.01 1.1 1•-1··11 'U:m "·l°' ~:m. ~•!;::·:!:::!"..;1'"· ::::: 1:;& ·:~i ·''c 1tn1 .:a 1:f::: •.m ·,;1 __.,, .... ,, rra11M re.w••dl•t UI ,,,o '·" • "' (0.661 • 11·)1·1• •ll,U1 ·'·'" O.r••• o.... Oil ..... Ou I UDolO • It , 1, ·J l.6 10.011 • 10.)1.11 '" -ltO 106 WttJtret•• WP • ''""" c°"'""' oonl••ll•.. au t i .JI n .n '"·' 1.01 1).0 l ·JO·U 10,JU l,6H 101 VtUirt 011. VOC:L llwpoPI htoll "•ltelltoctor d"lou UIDlO &. tJ •.1' • l.t 10.,1) 6·JO·U )1,llJ •!,OlO 18J Int ~~!.~·"!.. '=:~:.t~·,.1. rm!;t •• , ... ;, •• ''"mg~ l:U Ui · 'iJ o:~t 1U ll:ll:ll 'i:m 1 • 1U 110 Wrll al lll••rr WID .. •r." huft Oil and Ou U ID&O ·'' .0 • 1.0 I0.19) )·)1·11 1,9'0 •l,llt 111 llyoo'I 11\t' WI hi "'" awto r .. 11 • Aot ll'IH 16.18 •6.1! • '·' I ti '·' 11·1•·11 101,191 I0,6•t ~ ............................... --...-·-·· .................................................................... ·-···-· ·-·-· .............. ·-· .......... ·-.......................................................... ... • ,., llOICATU ncn IDIPO•f SICUllTIU COIPOU TIO• u s • "'I Ll•ID •UC.OU ,....,,, l ......... u• T•ll tUltfH I h\11\aht erto'h 1r1 ••• t• ••••r• U~• •••,.r••t tH U•llft••• er lh• U la tonlU"'' '" u,.,, t1i.l••• •t\ier. 1r• N ••• tl"I IOVPOll ••ll••td t.o .. rt U ••l•, Wt 9\llti •••• ,..., •n• U•lJ•••• ,,. ao& C\llMft&ltf '"' ... ,.,, leour\Ut• l ftd tMt n•••· .... .&~·~,~ ...... "° II"""' , .. .,,, lu••~~•llU ·~ WIUMll••U ot Ult dlla ,..nu~·· lllft , ~11•4 ., ..... U ftOl'ie1111D 1ll.ID -·-· ·--···-..... -....................................................................................................................... -· ........................ ···-······· ............ . TIMB 18 RUNNING OUTI ONLY ~t" DAYS LEFT . If tt'•eot h•ndtes you'lltr•b ..... fa1tetln Dally Piiot 1Utflld-aell. c.n '42·5671 ) I VJ L Lawr•nc. RosJ pru1nt1 "MOIES• by Salvador Dall. lo Make 1 Munlngful Dltt1renc• In Your '82 Tax Picture Contact tlll Prof111l0Mll II DALTON, DALTON, COOPl!R a FRANKLIN, INC. to OISCUll lnt1lllgent Yllf·End I"*'"""'' - ' " . NO OBLIGATION · CALL TODAY FOR A RICHER TOMORROW (114} 141·3781 2891 Richter Avt .. Ste. i02. lrvlnt • ,.tar J1mbof'1t/405 The rtactlon to , this release luu bffr(' unprecedented. Lawt'fncc RoJI ~ Galleries invlru This 1tchln1 Ii , amon~rdal trlbul., to 1h11r1at11t of R1pifjtu1211e. """t1r1, Mlch1lani1lo, by th1 world'1 fNatut Uwn1 1umolllt, Doll. yow to \.'Nw this 1JCc1ptlonal wor~ to comm1morate th•..,.,,,, of It• new 1all1ry In Newport a..¢11. Moiu, thl prophet. Mo11s, tlN /ow"wr, htt1rprwt1d, compt."""'"'' .,.ntlClded by Doi(, th• matn. Also availabl1-A1am, Luon10, Miro, Roclcwcll, \Warely and other1. --' Low-for t UCLA eaonoml111 JMI reao~ery on ne d tor l•llln1 r•I • LOI ANOILll (AP) - Lower lnter11t r1&11 wnl be neteMd f°' &.he naUoft'• eoonomy to lhoW ~ of NaJ NOOV•J, -..niala,-.t tNI UCLA~ rONCMClna Projld M!d. Robert ·WU1'am1, founder of tM f~ "°ject, llkl &.he rtdenl Rlllrw lloiard will have to brtn1 lnt1r11t r1tt1 down further If the economy hu not NCOVered by Mtty next y..,. and predicted that loottnlnf tht money tupJ>l)' would not • off a new round of lntlation. "Rap6d money FOwth wW not ~,,.raNNraenceof mtlaUon next year 1>1cau1e the unemploynWnt rat. wW bt over 11 percent and lnduauy wW 1Wl be operat1n1 only at about 70 CI JS IOM BIHH.HIJH I S ODRREmll I 0n,..., .......... "Wrap "P a tttautlfwl ChrlolmH ·~1:.::: lntef't In .... peRent of OlpHtty,11 Wllllame kJmbell 19'49 lhl ___,>' ""'U 11td, addl.:£. that mo~!:I week. He "'*Cl \hit~ naUonaJ =~ ~ ~u':of nMd '° t~~ w~tl. ~J:"~: borrow hMvllY. -· e lll.lon ma.nulaaiµrl.M Johl.,J.Mt "~ow ortdlt 01mand1 by ln the pelt tht-.·yeen. bullnw will allow the federal 8ewra1 "°'°"' of &.he eoouomy ,owmrnent to flnanoe \ht cltfldt 1hould lmprove next _year, the without orowdtn1 out other forec.""' Mkl, lnclUdlnl a rM1 borrowen next )'tet," he MJd. 1rowth rate for the Orou .Project economtu David Natton.al Product of four .,.,cent Shulman 11ld lnt1r11t rat11 by next 1prtna. Houatna 1tarta 1hould continue to drop In 1hould recover and car 11111 ~ monthl. 1hould rlM 1l1nJflcantly, they "The thrH·month Tr111ury Mid. bill rate lhould be e pe~t. the T h e e c o n o m I 1 t 1 1 a I d prime rate 1• than 10 percent, Calltornla'1 economy will aho and mortaa1~ rat11 below 11 be1tn to recover next year, percent by 1prlna," Shulman althouch unemployment will utd. remain hJ1h and may hit 11.9 Project director Larry J . percent in the eecond ql.W1er. ·20th ............ , .. aftd Newa eek ma1a1tn1e, and th• D1111•••r 11et IMut of • U1 Ma1a1lne, owr 1-pleoe Cornln9wart• ••I fer mlorewave lnclydcs 40 a:c~oded atocka. Whit inveatment choices should you cona1der now and for next ~ar. Our free "1983 Outlook" explores the opportunities In stcn for you . °""' , .... ~ offerM tor ...... 'M.91 •....... It lnoorreot. The oorreot HI• prloe ehowld ltt 'H.t?' Wo elnoerelr Ngret ... .,,., • (Sears I lllAftW•-<O ~ NEW aUltNl!UMl!N Cont.cl the DAILY PILOT for lnforMatlon regerclng lfte oounty requlrementa tor ualng • "oUlloua auala ... Name. 842-4121 mcT.m Prudential-Bache analysts jdve you their overview u( the market and major eco- nomic factors. Then they make apecilic buy recommencbtion1 by major induatry llJ"OUps. as we!! as individual laauea. In all. 40 stock opportunities . Tilt' report alto covers our outlook on: bond market a, mutual funda, tax advantaged investment a. fixed b!Come and leverage opportunities. And more. Call or wnte for your free copy of our "1983 Outloolc. • It's another way Prudential· Bache Securities 11 lookma out for your futun!. Prudential-Bache Securities 1301 Dove St .• Newport Beach. Ca. 92660 714-752-2280 l•t>---------Sltl~-----Zap, ___ ,.,_.,... _____ _ C~nl•. 111~1 ... 1111t Mn~ And rtflt•:t' 111 Al'rnunl f.1~t'Uill't' ------------ ' IJ~ Prudential-Bache Securities A double tax break for Californians only. No U.S. income taxes. No state income taxes . TAX-FREE Federal taJCes. State taxes. The more you make, the mote they take. But, now you can keep it all. 9:71%* When you in v~st in the California Series of tbe Municipal Investment Trust Fund, you ..keep every thins you earn. Nobody takes a penny of it. Not · t--•t.e Stattr.Not tlnrlRS. It's completely .,______________ tax· free•. And the current yields are attractive. 9.7 13 and that's sher all salea ch•rges and expen888. And there 'a no mana-gement fee. We tfiink that you'll~ that the Otlifomia Seriea of the Municipal Investment Truat Fund tc0re1 high on all counta. All ol the municipal bonda ill the fund are rated in the catesory A or better by $tandud & Poor'• or Moody 'a. &cuue it'• a fixed portfolio you '11 know exa<ftly where your money ~ invested. And, because it's diversified, your rid redue«J. You ay redeem or .ell 1our unita at . any time without ch•r1e or fntereat penalty • the t~;:~;•ilia1 market -,,rle1. If ~'re a · · a in• m,11 tu ·bracket, dc;uble ~-iaoome m•r fivo . you a lot atiore 1peaddle income. · Writd today for • Pro1rctu1. lt'a 'free · 4nll Without oblisitioa. /mt caJJ or mail tliA Odaipoa. ~,.,..._ ....... _, __ .,..~ --' ...... ~ ., ... ,... .,,.,.,,,~ h..,.,,. .... ,....... .. -..-··;....,,. .....,,..,.,,... ... !1.... ... ~ ,,. ................... ., ..... ""''" -_... ...... 11 ... ,., ...... ., ,, ... ..... I o••t•...., .. 4.i 3 1 t.._ .... ._..... • .. ,,,,,, .......... ,.,..,, ......... , .. , al --......... ,.. .......... ., .~C.-tl• ,.,...... _, ...... "-"' ,., .. , ............ ... HH••-1 It rlrt•l•lf4, fr4• ••Ir •••• -' •h ................................... ,, ...... .,,,,,, ......................... ..... --.. ,, ""-· ..... ~ .. ~,,.,, - t t t Re•llon ah/ I lo SAN rKAN 'I X> 'l'h du0rtn1 th1• nut f w w..elu '°"1·1w1J&ed vnumk rt•t:uv r)' lnc•1ce1111r tlw p1u1p•«H• for la bt91Mifll lo..,,.,_..,., bol1tNNI ltnJlrov nwnl In lh ... 11\llt ll by dfflhtft 1n both 1hofl ind llMVfftl~ ~of th. •wnoffty --~_.__..__ l-~-·--• -...-•--_ e ~---~ -.._ h,_,...._..t-L• t ........... AU Ait atwtdlna to J;k Carlaon, ·chi •f uutomobll ," ht• iwld. - ~conomf1t and exc,•u\lvv vh: • Morl6',.llW lnltorl'•t rote>• are prHlde nt of th e Nllllo n a l t'Xl>'-oelcd to continue to d ~un AllotlaUon of Reallorw. f 990 "Thetie lntereat rote dcdlne1 Into the t>arly put 0 1 "· are primarily due to lower thon expected private 1eetor demand for credit caused by a lack of crowth In outrut durlna the third quarter o 1982," Carlson aid. He presented hla November Outlook for the Economy and Real F.atate at the Realtors' 1982 annual convention here. "Thete Interest rate reductions and expectations. of further reduction• in long-term rates Carl110n sold. "We ant lclfutt• that the conventlona , fixed-ra te mortgage r"tc will rea,•h abou\ 13.~ pert.-cnt by the end or thJa year," he said. "as lhe recovery broadens and money market conditions become tighter in the rirst quarter of 1983, mortgaae rates are likely 10 increase 0.5 to 0.75 pert.-entage points, but they will resume their downward Alternative finance praised in study LOS AN GELES - Alternative financing remains the most accessible method of bridging the affordability gap in the California housing market, according to the 1982 Housing Finance Study recently released by the California Association of : Realtors (CAR). The report also shows a decline in the incidence of third trust deed financing and ' balloon payments. ' "Alternative financing has provided significant amounts of mQrtgage capital to the California housing market over the past two years," said Seb Sterpa. presid e n t of the Realt'or , association. "Consumers clearly prefer the lower transaction financing costs associated with alternative financing packages. In the first half of 1982, straight assumptions provided mortgage financing with a median interest rate of 10.25. "Even when a second or third t r ust d eed is originated in addition to an assumption, the effective interest rate of 11. 73 percent .. a&Jll well below the interest rate for a new loan." Assumptions and th ei r ac.'C.'Ompanying junior trust deeds accounted for 59.5 percent of all Ca lifornia h o me .resale transactions. These trends of the l~t 12 10 18 months have been t.he result o f cha nges in the seller-provided portion of the secondary financing marketplact! and a r e a result o f buyer insistence o n greater security in a volatile and uncertain financing environment. The permanence of seller- financing in the California resale housing market has had an importan t influence in the greater standardiz.ation of the secondary financing market. "Now is an excellent time to refinance balloon payment loans which might be coming due in the nea"t future because the inter est rates have dropped," Sterpa said. "W it h the gr ea t er standardization in the current ma rket, we are confident that a lternative finan cing will continue to be the bridge over the affordability gap for California homeowners." ' e Pay Top U.S. Dollars For Stattt of Israel Bonds Before Maturity H.L. WOLF a CO. INVISTMINT IANICaS 120 WAU. STREET, SUITE 1044 NEW YORK, N.Y. 10005 212 473.3504 Photos With Real Santa Bring ttfe "little ones'' tQ Huntington Center's new mall for memories ttyly'll never forget with the Mitchell Marionettes Christmas show and a visit with the Real Santa with the Real Beard. And Instant Santa photos only $2.99. USITHI DAILY PILOT .... ,, llSULT" SBYICI DlllCTOIY For Result Service Call 642-1671 .... • tit tMt Ill tht• lh Y••U. "W• t'~J14'l'l , uun1 1lllru. • .,. .. 1-.U~ ill .Tna( ·larnfly un la._ U.1 """"'"'" H"\'1V\ l1IJ tn uwe-. ...... ~ 9u rtur ot nt''" •or," h laid. • About I 3 ml w 1.4 mllllon 1.·an Ix.• l'Xpt>clt I 1884." Carlton ttxpt• • lo&al new lnv-.·1tmt'nt In nrHldtnllll butldln" Ind Ina office, lndu1trlal and lalf 1p1c t.0 lncrt"aae nearly percent lhlt yHr, after odjuatf for Inflation. ''However," he , "with the office boom fadln and lndwlrilll production ex to lncrea.e only aJowly dun thetrecovery, new commercial d lnduatrial building ls likely fall around 1 percent in 198 but ahould Increase again b er 2 percent In 1984. The National Realtors, the n trade assoclall more than 600, involved In all p estate Industry. Realtors ot assocla tlon 'a <.-onventlon. Appointe Ron J e ns named sa ror Le Pa condom in developm Toro. latlon or Ion's laraest , represent• indivtduala of the real than 12,000 nd ed the 82 annual 400' TO 000' FROM 1.05 PACIFIC 234 E. 1 COSTA ESA 145-20 continue weakly California home reuJe llCUYity remained very wea k la October deaplte a mar1ln1l riae in tnmecdpn volume ol 2.6 percent from September, the CalUornt~ AaaoclaUon of Realtors has annowad. The ...onally adJult,ed annual rate of Mles for Ootober wu 218,7Sd unJta, •llahtly above the m11 lhly a~ for &he third quarier ended Sept. JO, 1112 but 17.S percent below October, 1981. For * flftt 10 mon tha of thla year, r eaalea have M W r1 only 224,84, unUI, 34.4 pe.nieat below the -pa1od hi 1111 . ... "'Dlfplte recent c1ec=11r,. in mortpae interest ~ naale hoUlllna llCtivity has not thown marked lrnproYenent," Mid Seb St.erpa, president of the P 1 la -nation. ''Newrthete., the declines in lnleituticnal l'DOl1ple interest rat.ea smce July have apparently encouraaed more houaeholds to re-enter the housing marke t, as evidenced by a sharp lncre .. in home ahopplna traffic." r The 8"tewi4e median sales price of an existing ~ bolbe ln October WM .109,476, a o.D .......... decreue froM September of th .. ye.r. "'o...,.pu111-U111111td.:1 to October, 11111, pricm clurtnC Oc\ober of &Ml year were tncr.anc at an aemeeHwed rate of U peCiti.tt., exceedinc the annuallmlt appndation ,.._ ttw the pnrvtout thne montha. go In , 1.~~.~:!~I ~;..d"fM' Oftii ;; I ~ home rem1laln 1 availabae for lmn111 dll411 GCC.'\APIM)' and ........ IOld ln the .-.. .... where~llnot yeti und er way et the e>ec UllYe I A'4t·pal'ded Irvin• commuatty of Canyon 0-k. · For the one a I ''ltna home ln PhMe v. •Mcfi faces a ar••n.,.lt area with treea and a bNok and ill priced at $314.000, buyer1·may take advantage of a 30.,_,. • financing plan with a t fixed ra~ uf interest at t 12 'A percent. Homa in PhMe VI at Canyon .Creek are prk:ied from $279,000. On tlJt-'firsL>dtUJ of Christmas my true->~ gave-'to ~-- a ~iacream .. I t t • t I t ' : . ' l I ~-··:~"··~·.,.., .. \'-"'-- '\ -.~.~-~-.·-..··-·----...••• --~ ---------.-···-----·-·---:-···--·---···------·--;:------.. ~"".!'! ......... ~,._ ........ , .................... ____________________ •..• -••. ·--·-----· ~. ········-·-··--····'" ..... . ... ··"'••"·'~ ~ .... 1.. ---.,, • ---... ·~ .. --.... . \.. l ~ "· , •• ,., ..... •. •,"-,.,,. .. ~ !. • • • • 7-' •• , •• 4 ·-··· ~ .. ~._,_ .. ,... ' ... ·-. 't ., •••• -.. ...., -.. ---.,...1.t. .. ......__... .. .., - -• .. .... ~ .... ____________ .......... -... -_4 .. -·---~~-----·--------_,..._.._ ....... ~ --~ ___ ..... ~ ..... • • . 1 ;..__ 11 .. ~-_, - -----.... ~ - -I ~ c I .-. a•• • • -~~----L---------------------------------~-----------iiiiiiiiiil-------~ ..... ~----~ .... · ... ~." --- y h Oranae County 1Ull otr•n oppur&unlU for CU1ftl111m.itlllll,..•""rdal and lndualrlal dev lopmmt ln tt\4-rn C&Ulomll, l«'Of'dtna to a 1tudy rond~tec:t by Peat Marwkk'1 Real l'.ta. ConlultJnai Oroup, under the dinctJon olErik H.nlM. I" natJonal director. ~ 'fhe. llud)' WU d«!lll~ to..a~~~ lfut ~~~~! • \.-t .... llaa CL-"'9fVDf, \A"f ••• ::;;.;e.: • ..-. -.--reU •tate market. Other opportunJty .,... dted are Ventura, San Bcrnardlno/Rlvertlde, Loi ~el and San DI~ countlee. In Ore.nae Count~. employment la expec141d to rile from se f.ooo ln 1981 to more than a m1lJJon ln l~:-Like oiher •urroundlna countlt9, Orance wW continue to receive "apW..over'' demand from Loe ~County. Unlike other areu, Orange County shows no ahan> aigna of office apace overbuilding. V aca.ndes raJ'\19 from 10 percent to 15 percent. Within the couoty, demand levels have changed. In 1981, the nor1hweat portion repreRnted 2tl percent of the off~ leMinB market up from 3 percent in 1978. The figure for central Orange County wu 24 peroent, down from 37 percent ln 1978. Newport/ Coat• Mesa and the South Coast have held rel•tively stable at 18 percent and 13 percent re1Pec:Uvely, while the airport's 26 percent la down frotli 4~ percent in 1978. Taking Orange County as a whole, the~t five years saw abeorplion peak in 1979; then decline. The figures: 1977, 1.5 million equare feet, 1978, 1.9 ~~. 1979, 2.9 million, 1980. 2.4 million and 1981, 2.1 ~on. Office space may be holding it.I own, but the lnd'*5trial market shows "significant toftening," the study polnta out. The entire Orange County market haaH19 million square feet of available industrial fpace. The average ·1979-81 abeorption was 8.4 m.11'on square feet .. l Looking at Ventura County, the atudr sees ''a hlg9 growth area throughout the 1980's.' Its real estafe market wW follow a historical pattern as the des~tion for major firm relocations. Last year, for e>C.a¥1ple, more than 130 such moves were made. AmOng the companies Involved were Burroughs, Norf\hiop, Litton and Bunker Ramo. ! Growth is expected to center in the Conejo Valley and around the cities of Ventura and OxJiard, However, other cities have recently joined the list. These include Simi Valley and Camarillo. Th~ former is now home for Fairchild Industries, ~n Instruments, Vanguard Metals and Fa..-mera Insurance. Camarillo has Everest & Jennings, 1 maJ')ufacturer of wheelchairs, System Development o•P· (computers) and ~&H Technology aedispace). 1By 1986, population growth due to external teldcations, will probably reach 193,000 ... up 36,000 from tbe t98I tOtal of 1~7;000. Of late, relocations have slowed. Yet, real e.~ builders and developers should be aware of uf)C9mi.ng build-to-suit or speculative opportunities as the trend resumes and support services follow, ~to the study. The same applies to office space developers. who currently have limited opportunities in the area. The present vacancy factor is 10 percent-15 percent. Office space absorption ~ estimated at 100,000-150,000 square feel annually in the Canaarillo-Ventura-Oxnard vicinity. The gram rate ranees from $.95 to $1.40, fully serviced. Preeent exijting office space ln Ventura County totals l,OQ0,000 aquare feet. LA typical industrial building in the area ii 20,qoo square feet, 7 percent of which is office s~, cost per square toot is $.33-$.36(nnn) per sq~re foot, with 5-year leases, based on CPI ~ of 2.5 percent. ! The study terms retail development "a tough call!' since residential growth is limited at this time. It alao cites some special characteristic.a of Ventura Co\{nty, which must be considered by industrial and confmttcia.l developers. For example, the largest sin=e employer is government. and oil la the big est business. There are 24 oil and oilfield su companies, including giant Vetco Offshore lnl" with l ,000 employees engaged in I Piower of attorney ~e·eds clarifying 1 POWER OF A'ITORNEY DIFFICULTIES 1 D~AR BOB : My mother and I own ---~-proputle1 together Sb.L.l~&H.L al~e mtgement in my bands. In 19'18 sbe pve me a no rlzed "power of attorney" form 10 1 can m age tbe properties when she ia away on fr ent trips. Last month we sold one of our pr~'perUes. At the closing, tbe escrow officer re sed to recognize my authority to use tbia po er of attorney form to sell my motber'1 lnt . rest. He said I need a more recent power of an•rney form. Isn't tbla illegal? -Nancy J . DEAR NANCY: Ask your lawyer to fully ex ~ pawer of attorney details. The general rule I L ESTATE lllli manulaoturtn1 Hplnrallun and prod~Uun ulpment By c:<>n,r11t, Oxnard h11 a mot• mixed ecxJ1---.arn-~~lW9 la IU'Or\I, and a 1attt ftalhfon ffldllty a.ct MN mak4I rru.u. '411\ aqulpnwn\. ln addHlon, Hnbl•ln, ln-c. hH a plant ~tur~ food groducta. There are 1..000 · people on 1Wu'6Wft'1 S-lroll~ .. Pot\ Humtme, I flOW1lhlnC lhJpplnc town, experlencet tonnaa• lncreaM• of 2& pe,_nt-38 pem!nt tldl. year. De.JJ6t.e Ventura C-ounty'• dlventty, Cll'9 factar can lead to .....ncted srowth. The county drawt moet ot It.a water from an underaround aquifJer, which Ml been plqued by the fut.ruaon of .Ut water. St.ape are belnai taken to conatruct • $26 miWon dtvenlon faclllty which wlll pipe freah w1wr trom the Santa Clara River IO lhe moet 1•r•ou1ly aUeot•d 1re11. tJntll the project 11 aomolew, lark ot waw c.n hlrnper --~· 'The 1tudy projec:U that Bantnardlno/ Rivltf'lic:t. wlll have tubltanual pc>pultlUon lna111M by \he-ytiar ..00. TM n,un..,. Ul,000, « an 81 germn1J.1~.TWt l« IU~1 ~ .831,~, ! 71 peraenl tncr 211 rot &n Wl•wuo. ·wrmr ~ term ....i •taw opponun.tdll are ncel.lent. ,_,. term potential la 11nall, •YI the Peat Marwick etudy. On the tnduetrtal front, there i1 now apprcndmat.ely a two-year aupply of 10,000-20,000 aqUAN fool bUildlnp. ~ at.orptJon rat.e la about 600,000 equate feet. Current demand la tor "bt1 boxee." Theee are rail acce11 buildlnp of 100,000 equate feet or more. Ma.Jot IK'tMty ii In dlltttbuuon and war.houliM. with hllh lah ~ • mkl to °'l·llf'rn ,_.b'1Jij "but not .. urtd. 11te focut II on tht OnW1o lnternaUonal AirPott ana, Bancho Ouaarnonp Md Chevron'• Ontario ln&erNUonal Cen&lt,. 8801111ft W&JU.·UM~L ...... ~-'-;'----.u-i::---i-•"'-• ..._...In~ IOl'IW oorwtraint.1, Nnvn1nl lrom the fart that moll land ii controlled by a anaD number of conaortlwn.. Thua, very few percell of five or mon ICl'9I are avatlabfe. Moreover, a aeneral reatonal 1nfrutruciure 11 ltill to be completed followtnc ..... of PropoltUon 13. n.e Peet Marwick study ~ on to caudcn that "apeculaUve projectl have not done well in thla economy. Look for build-to-Nit." PRICES GOOD ONLY WHILE OUANTITIES LASTI ROUND OR OCTACON ,,.,,, .. 80trl t.-s n 50lld wood constructed. usy to issetnble. IR2291fJ851. .JO" ALL PURPOSE •1e-on-1e •eool SOid woad top '*fl llmd tnama stftl ffame. USV aswmllly. IFllS4. -lliJYm.iMl-~wALM/r~ ;~~~1~~-.DS ~uo &l,,,,,.IT Ul'lft •s11•• en IO rmrsllllt to IAlmlt flnlSh. 29"'" 111~" I 71"'"· 1560 WAtNCJTLmAiV wrTHOOOlfS .... llltlftl w~ 00011NS1m •&11•• iS1 S£\.it110N HURRY '°'I ~'ts \ASTI . WHll l '"~"1t f\IALI ~~\l~ . tom fol ta winy! SUI and bD. I 504 WALMIT Sl'HEO A T. V. ··~-.,,,..,~ a.11 .... .,., ~ UllMs, mord dMdfn, drMr and T.V. slletf. 1•. &....,, .,_,, Untt ~ fllilll. 2t .. " 11116" I 11'41". 1565. ,, ... ,,,, ,..,,..~ ntW •as•• A QM J IHlll Ol'fN • ... ,,~ ll01tW •1111•• a TWO DOOi QM CAWT J , ....... ,.,.,., ···-·· ,,.,~,., ... i·Rfi·'·' YOUR CHOICE SOUOOM PADDED SWWfl ..,.eool A005 )ll5t tllt ~ tOUdl to mr or kltmen. I 511J. 24""' JO" MAPLE<» WALNUT . .,,,,., ••r•eool• ~ mr stoot5 n my . to~. 1206-24/G-241 206-50if06-50. r 1\vo New Hiab InterestAccowits. Imperial Savings is in touch with the latest ways to keep your earnings on the rise. And today, Money Market Accounts are dominating the financial scene. So we're making it easier for you to fit into the picture with a choice of two different Money MarketAccounts. All it takes is a minimum deposit of $2,500 and you can start earning high Money Market rates. And those funds are insured up to $100,000 by the FSLIC. Imperial Insured Money Market Savings gives you a high yield for your money. You can access your funds at any time. At any of our Convenience Centers'(ATM Machines). Or any of our convenient branch office s. And each month, you can write three checks and make three telephone transfers. Imperial will also give you a free checking ·account, and offer you a Visa ChecCard that accesses your free checking account. · Imperial Insured Money ~et Checking is our most advanced checking account. The rate of interest earns a substantially higher rate than the traditional interest-bearing checking account. Plus it offers complete liquidity, through unlimited check writing privileges. Open this account today and earn Money Market savings account rates. Then onJanuary 5, we will transfer your funds to o ur new Money Market Checking Account.* In addition, we'll offer you a Visa ChecCard, a card that works just like a check. For Current High Imperial Rates, Call Your Local Branch Office. Imperial Savings offers high interest rates competitive with Money Market mutual funds. And ose rates will be q1 ioted to ¥OU ju b dialin our local branch office . Visit one of Imperial's 124 convenient offices located throughout California But do it soon. Because the sooner you act , the sooner you can activate high interest. ~morrow Begins Today. Imperial Savings is constantly looking ahead. We keep you informed and up-to-date with the newest trends in the wo rld of finance . So you can start making your future a more secure lace to live. Today. -------------, Yes. I wum to hin.·M my f un<ls todar. ""'--~---O Imperial ln~urc<l ~1oncy Markt:l Savings I ..... O lrnpcrlal lnsurt:tl Money Mark~l Checking I -~-..;..;..._~~~----;...;..__--fnltlal depo.'ill (minimum S2,500) I _________ Phnnt! I • .r. " C.Q I ·~ UG T APESTY-COYERED FOLDING ROCKER All-WOOD FOLDING FIAllE 99 WMl&.ISTOCUWll SPEc"IAL . IUY! full•sa•' choir for cot'llplet• c~forl, W-alnut·lin· lahed frame with tapestry over foam seat and back. AHi.AiU AT llOS! nmlj-... STOm ET. UNDEROOS® 2 -PC. UNDERWEAR SETS GllAT DESIGNS FOi IOYS & GlllSt SILE PlfCl-- YOll CHOICE 99 E.T., Poe· man & other charocten in Dacron polyester cotton for bays, 100% stretch polyester for girls . -··--·---- YOUI CHOICE • 10 CEIUllC 01 BISQUE CEIAlllC MUSICAL ._.,.. 11 FIGUIES wr.Ln 1111 111 ridlly ......_.GOl.Dfell REG. 9.99 WIMI STOCl.S WTI Cultivated styling in 100% cotton. With piped trim. He'll love to get into th••• on tho" ?ippy nights! eil Simon considers himself a pltiy.w:tight "I write the plays becaw.e thil la my life'• work," he .. YI by phone from Le» An1elel, where he and hla wife, llCtreel Manha Muon, have lived llnce 1975. "I write movtn occa1lonally becau.. I like to experiment ln other folTl\I," he adds (hla 18th occa1lon la "Max Du1an Return•.'' due out ln the 1prlna, co-1tarrln8 Miu Muon, iuon Robard1 and Donald Sutherland). "But basically I · conalder myself a playwright. And u \ong ~ • t ba1ically I consider myself a ~wrl1ht. And a1 long a1 I can keep , co~lng up with ideas that are viable and duii I think make good entertainment, I ~ tle9't see any point in quitting." J ~to Broadway ln May scheduled test r!--'n ln cut. ·'""'A new female venion of hla =hit, "The Odd Couple," bly comlna to Broadway fall, provided a deal can be f1ni:k with ita two proepedive '-d1na ladies, Nancy Walker and Ja.it~ven. A1ao in the winp, maybe: A ne musical (music by Cy man, hla collaborator on ttle Me" and "Sweet ty") hued on Simon'• film y, ''The Heartbreak Kid." t the quiet, retlrln1 1mith, who in 1966 bad comedies and one musical tu in1 almultaneoualy on "d~•y, 1&y1 he hH no ~~--~l"'Lllaio .... _.....,n to have at least one of ._ Ol'ka playt.na here each year. • " o ," he 1ay1. "Geor1e ard Shaw, for example, te ~7 play1. Talk about cblllbul.a:lon. Shakespeare wrote t, 37? There's no way I'll write 37" -a ahort pauae· think.'' u I can keep coming up with ideu that are viable and that I think make good entertainment, I don't 1ee any point ln ctuittinc." Hla new "Memoirs, ' aet In 1937 and partly bued on hla ppertences as a DeprelBion-era ltld growlna up ln New Yor)\, will be hla 20th Broadway lhow aince 1961 and his debut wrth "Come Blow Your Hom." He'a l(Otten wealthy, from auch u 0 0dd CouRle," ''Barefoot l.n the Park.'' ''Plaza Suite," "Lut of the Red Hot Loven," "The SUNhine Boye," and "Chapter Two." But he'• had his mlafires, too. Such aa "The Star-Span1led Girl," which he wiahea he could bury 1omewhere. Kia laat Broadway comedy, "Fools," about a Ruaaian village cuned by stupidity, wu curaed by poor review., folded a.ft.er a ahort run. And laat winter, hia revised revival of "Little Me" fared somewhat beuer crlticalll, but alao withdrew after a brle stay. But Simon, who broke In wrlttn1 1a11 for revue. while 1tW ln bla i.na, keepe knocklfll 'em out, keepe under1otn1 the rlaon of o penin1 ni1ht on BlOadway, the pralae and the puia, with no vialble W effectl. 8omeUme1 dl1ml•1ed H an author of liahtwetaht comediee, a foaler of froth , a one-liner tDICh.lne. he jpaiata he bean no W will tbwardl hOltlle crltlca. He won't even aay, 11 once d id Euaene O'Nell~l that h e love1 0 every bone ln melr heads." "I d.on't feel that way." he aaya, lau~ina. "Well, maybe immediate alt.er (bad) reviews come out. ou feel very angry the next day. But you let a month ao by and you read the 35, 40 reviews coming in from the 1WTOundina areas." U mo1t are bad, he saya, then one muat rethink one'• position, realize that maybe something wu am1a ln the play aft.er all. "I muat NY they (Broadway crltica~ave me a bigger break in the , as they pnerally do. I critics would rather diacover young writers then keep established writers ur there. "But that's part o the game. It's hard to deal with, espedal.ly when you 've bee n very aucceuful. In a aenae, success may make lt tougher. But Aialn, that'• part of the game." Nominated 11 times for a Tony award but never a recipient of Broadway'• top honor, Simon was a top comedy writer for TV ln the early Fifties, working on S id Caesar'• "Your Show of Showa" and the "Sgt. Bllko" aeries. ·· "After that, 1 said lt'a ~for me to move up, try my hand at playwrighting." Which Wal "Come Blow Your Horn," about an exasperated Jewish businessman ln New York ~d his two playboy son.a. His fl.nt Broadway hit. It took him three yean and 20 drafta to fln.llh, he u y1. 1o1n a 1e111e, that wu do-or-die for me, becauae if It had folded, I don't think I would have had the encourapment to •pend another three yea.ti on the next ahow." Hl1 play1 tend to become movies, with him wr~ln1 the film acrlptl. Hia celebrated "The Odd Couple,'' which al.lo became a ntt TV lerles, ran from 1970 to 1970 and hu been repriled Ulla •uon wtth a black cut. The major dlaappolntment ln hla playwrl1ht1n1 career? ''I don't thlnk there'• really been one. Becau.ae with the lhows that didn't work, I knew ln my mind they were chances, like 'Foola' or 'God'1 Favorite.' "I thouaht. I'm playing around with the kind of material that audiences may not ao for. Not that I know when audiences will 80 for 1<>methlng." lt'a not that kind of play that bothen him when it flop1, he llYI: "When they don't work. lt'1 not a dlaappointment. It'• the onea you believe In and don't work, tpat'a the dluppolntment." Slmona wa1 11ked If the preeaure of middle -.,e weighs on him, keepe him writina, createt a new aeme _of urpncy. to )eave IOmeth.lni lut1Jl87 "Well, you always want to leave 90methina luting," he NYI. "And I think If I atop now, 20 pla)"I lan't a bad thing to l~ve behind. But I'm not after any particular number. I want to work u long as I can work." And what would he like u hla epitaph? Neil Simon thinka about It. "I guess," he NY1, "I'd like it to say1' 'Thia ia a miatake -he'• not due here for 10 mo_re yeen.' " Playwr~t Neil Simon has a ahow either ~ . o~5'""Coming to Broadway each seuon. .. ,.,..,.. . - in' Ar ~Tm.-==:1•· -o1d ... lM leood In IN riUd6i ot • nudio In IN MNMr ol 1911, tryinl hit '*' IO Ch.Nun.. But try• the woiald, the holiday 1plrll eh.MMd l hw. lo her Dl"Gdu.r hUftl mJetleioe and beu.. ........... in a ~ .,._ jU\d lW'Md UD the air CXJndrtklnlna '° h• hJatMit level. LH mu1tered the Chrl1tma1 1plrlt and -recor-ded.t..t what would t.cmne the llCOnd blaelt· MWnc record In hm' c:aN9!'1 °Rockln' Arowaa-t.be Chtf.IQnM Tree." And Wee cheltnuta rouUna on an open fl.re and cer1a1n reindeer with red noeee, Lee'• little Chrtltmll dt"1 annually adda holiday cheer. "It'• a roWckinc, happy kind of '°"I·" Lee aaya. "I a.ociate happ6nem with ChNtmu. Some people aay ChriatmM la ad, but to me it'• a happy • time ot year. ''It doesn't IOUnd like a lot of Chriatmu IC>np,'' ~ ahe aald. "It'• up-temro and perky." Chria~.r:. ~~1::~~~pi~ -.,ond ,:tit,!> !)er 1980 hit, "I'm Sorry," which baa IOld 8 cop'-. Lee, who 1Umad 38 thia month, recorded the IOftl in 1958. But It clktn't become popular unUl the -early 19e0s, ridino the coattalla of her other hit.a - .. I'm Sorry" 'ADdlfsweet Nothln'a." Even thouah it became her tee0nd blgest- Mlllna eonc. ahe never put out another Chriatmaa IOftl ln an effol't to duplicate the auccea There aren't many written, ahe aald, and thoee that are, First lady blasts film industry d th h tma ..,, .. '"" • few ... kt In ~ I t UI lht)' ~ holkte)' ,....,., lM hM ll>kl About tu mJlllun tt rd1 durtn1 hlr .. vmr __,, lnthadlrur "A.JI AbMt Am I," "Aa u.uaa:r iiifoo Many Riven:'' "ComJn' On 8lrof\I/' ''Johnnf One Ttme" "Jambalaya," "Bruk u io M a.nly'' Md "Btll 8.tJiey." JIM burat Into Jhe nalJP.nal muak -..neat ut 11 when ahe wu known u ''Little Mi. Oynamlw'' Another World, Another Time ... In 1h~ Ase of Wond~r. OIMrlbuted by Un1w1..J Plttortt anJ f\tM><..,l•d f 1fm Obtnbunon Ccwpo••llOfl rm C l'i82Un1..,,..JC11vS1ud ... Int cx11.=.=.1·· , ... ...,., ,. 7-' ,, ... ..., Share The Joy Share The Magic Share The \\blder 'This Holiday Seaaon· THE EXTRA-TERRESTRIAL ~.,. IMA _ .......... U1Ult CMJA ... few_.._ ~,. .. CMYl•U !dw.,._,_., UI 3!01 lit-. few_._.. !>It UIO .... =w-• SSt OIH ..... OIJC..... U •t?U WUTllmT .. tdw-C-... Well H t HU ~ .. dUIJ ,......,,_ . .., °"""' .. u .. , ..... 5-0nvtto .,. 1710 NEW YORK (AP)-Fint lady Nancy Rea&an uya the motion picture Industry, of which ahe once wu a part. ~ dn.lo and faUa to live up to lw1e91n'mbWtytoyoungAmerlcans. _.f"";-:~_._._~~~~-,-;:===============~========~~~-====;!::==:::====~::::::::::::::::=::=::=::::::::::::========~ .. ,_. • former actreea. I think~ lnd\lslrY '-E'f ONE OF THE YEAR'S "The best film Burt Reynolds has ever made ... Goldie !: n::;~:t_~ ~~bfuiy," 1:t: '6: .• !:.:::'~ TEN aar• MOVIES Hawn 's Jovllest performance. A delicious romantic aaj4-!no-en ir6cJe In the January r.ue of • Into . ..LIFT YOU UP WHERE YOU BELONG." comedy audience wlH love." ~"Illlllill! Joum.l. usable •NelJoMI ._,..of Revtew Mra. ae.pn aald that Hollywood tends to .et e cash. Cilll the trend. e DaTly Pilot "With llO much beina written now about ahow • classifl-bualnel9 and aporta oeleDritiea uaini cocaine and vu other ~ dii.ap. tho9e aubltancs 10mehow • 642-5678. attain an aura almost ot gl.am6ur." TIDAT~I · ClllllDID nlZLB ACROSS S8 Straying 102 Rind 30 Erle or 72 Arabian 1LMMn 60 Bargain 103Anlmal~ Huron dl1trlct 5 MaiMlnly 9Y9ntl 104 Gear tooth 32 Old IOldl4H 74 Gambling party 61 Fann atruc-105 Goad 34 AUNlan game 9 T Olaed con-turea 106 ~ pr-. 75 ReYolvea COC11ona 62 Sci. c:ourM 107 lriah fort, ~ 76 Routine r~ 15 Grinding 65 Scoffl of o4d 35 Anger etltlon teeth 66 Motlonten 108 Golf acore 36 Grarld 78 Lucifer 21 Period In 67 Alarm 111 OucheM i.dlet 79 Cout hlltOf')' 68 Ulla a oer-of Saxe-37 Asiatic plant 80 Small 23 Region of talrt avta w .. 38 Dravidian wagon SpM'I 69 "*'tlc8I 113 e..tng eon i.nguage 81 St0f1el ' 24~-phrate: 116 Moderate 39 baning. in 82 Nuenc. (agreed); 2 words 118 Glan11 Venice 83 Ugtlt fog 3worcta 70 N«men 119 Soure9 40 Brand· 65 Student 25 Deadline: Vlnc«1t 120 lnha6et 'I 2w0fdl exam 2worda 71 Comcakea 121 Aromas 41 An1tloo1: 86 Map dlrec- 26 Historic 72 ChoW YcMce 122 Cancel out 2words tlon period 73 Iowa town 123 Greet mull-42 Jacktebbl1 87 Of material 27 Drift bectt 74 Ruedela cattwm 43 Grol1oea needs 28 Slmiel'I Palx city 124 Habtt ... p .... MMUeone'a 211 Cu1aofT 75 HIUMld 45 Wltneea wey 30 Earp.rt 76 Ru'9I DOWN 47 Harbor town 89 Soup V9ge- 31 Always 77 RiY9f 1 PNUpplne 48 Edible tablea 33.Meedow bottom aervant muttwoom 90Clwiltma b8ltey 78 Finn 2 Take -49 Wyoming a tamp 34 Saled ftatl 79 Maat1 tromme ,.,. ·91 Gypay 35 St,_11 with 80 Punctuation (listen): 51 Snln&Mnd 93 ONdOeS: force mn.a 2words for gold 2worda 38 T8kea a nap 81 Captured 3 lMget>OOa 82 Eaa1 Ger-94 wuonce 38 Twltc:tt 82 Leg boflll 4 Scottlltl man city 95 Sha¥9r'I 39Pr~.u U Herl of unde 53 Broedway Mid Yegetablea apyfllme 5 Heirs 1*18 97 Sticky 42Longwalk ... ltlumlnated 6 Aondaclty 55Cardgame 11utt 43 Mlltary ae lAglaAatM 7 Sper1an 5eDlpe,u 9a Tranquil ltudent bodlea king ..,. 99 Meat and ... Spotted • "c.llup" 8 Ot>t.ln 57 Putaon' patr;treet ctMee 90Mare'amai. 9 Blblcal the payroll 1O1 Lawn \l'8IWt .... ~ 81-Sect.el -dancs 59 Sollka..tlU--1i)2.Postulate 47 AINn meiMoe 10 DeMrt 60 Serious 103 Miiitary 48 -and 82 Gradueted .. Ider .... 61 Wwt>lea poets papa t3 8oeca 11 Tardy 62 Ctty In India 104 Hit musical 49~ IM Molt 12 Growo6d 63 Otes -. ww-105 Liquid dllh deelrable 13 Spanlatl atllP of yore mlUUt'e 60 Jazz 95 Penatea' not>leman S.. Powers 1oe Roman robe numbers partners 14 Co4d 65 TNdl lllce 107 Rage 61 Slcln M lnt.taoed IY"l'>tomt 66Canary'• 108 Muecovy °'**"1 97 Foreat 15 FemMI COU9ln ductc 62CNdehut apece • hof'8ea 67 Certain 109 8°'81 disk saw ..... ~ MOoan 18 J)9re: Fr. drlnlt• 110 Relax 54 FnAI dt1r* '*-'•totl 17VlrNltl 680xNde 1128wedllh 55 Taxi r1c* 99Moltaahen ,. ..... , It rap dlatrld MExpoeea 100NofM 1ev.,... 70 8ecolnea 114 Lode loed to vtew gobln 19 Elltremllta aahen 115 OU1flt 57 Trawter'a 101 Long-20largeknh 71 Smooth 116 Scottllh cap Mop ned!ed bird 22Enl0f*n IUrlaca 117 Uncooked ~ 17 ,, ti 20 " MllAMlU1llT N:1VllS ~·llOLlllO., __ _ .. __ 21st~HWEEK1 UMOl IMfl COSTA llJA OIWlll Edwards Wtsltll'Ooll [dw11dl Mm AMC Chno• Mal S30 4401 646-S02S 637 0340 110-ACCU'T111 -.--aow !,~!~,~!~LONI Ill Plu1I Mad MH (") I T HEEXTRA· • • nRRESTRIAL IDAl~(f'Q) * Dri.•'SJll::. 1 :41wrrr,:a/1:30 Wellcet* ... rl retu.ltsdtled . THE Wit.DEST, FUNNIEST, ACTION Tl:tRILLER OF THE YEAR. -Ra Reed A JOIN IWiSOt FILM llJIU l£1IO.DS !nM 1WM1 ''llSl-f'RIOOS" Stsi111 ISSICA TNl>Y BARNAAD IWlS MW UIUEY mJWI WV. ROI SDU litJslc by MIQll UWJll Lynes by MJlf nl IWllYN llJOWI Eaiw Pl'*s Jl ffllM Wtitten by VAUR1£ OJRTlll & 8ARRV l£Vlm PrtGdl by IOWM IWISOt nl fMD PN10 01rocted by ..-... fWISOI ._. .. ~;-• ~ ........ . I ttU' t I \I I IC ~ .._ ... ---- §9 -·- 'me is running out ··r trivia contests 11 n.tnnina out, bo\h on TrM• 1•n ~lil XXVW and our Belt Movlel of ... -....-c.o-.:::; -""8-v•,. lchmerler and lhe Ov~r the Hlll ..ch chalked up a perf«t ICON · wwek \0 break tnto the three- column1wtthId1Ull holdlna • c:uti-.\dlna a~·Po(nt lead. the movle 1urvey, which remalne throu1h n ext We dneaday. •n K ane" pulled even with With the Wind" ln 1 bet\le for pa.c:e. "E.T." holds a whopptna O¥er l8QOnd place "Casablanca." STANDINGS which Roy Rot•t1 played 1 villain • 6. When the Marx Brotheni 1pent "A N11ht 1t the Opera," wMt wu the opera betna preMnted1 7. About whom did Red Smith write: "Groucho Marx 11 prettier, Sonny Tutti 1 more lifted actor and Connie Mack a better rualer?" 8. H. C. CUrry ls 1 character from what play? 9. In the movie "In the Heat of the Night," (a) what busmesa was William Shallert in and (b) what w 11 Rod Stelger's preferred soft drink? 10. A young man's driving ambition was realized early once he stopped bein& 10 backward about it, and aoon his new friend was spaced out in what movie? Latt Week'• An1wen 1. Dane Clark (name change) 2. Mr. Hartbum (Emma's boss) 3. Soupy Sales (Black Tooth) 4. Comics in the London Times or a n Impersonation of her (Queen Victoria) 5 . "Black A n ge l " (D u r yea's amnesia) TUESDAY WED. THURSDAY FRIDAY IPll IYllY an••••• ........ ••••11111 Vlllnll - --•1ll1r 21•-••• lllUY Ml. II ~ IUTl lllnll 11111 iut111 PLll PllllR ltT DEC. 21 -E.T. FUN OAY DEC. 22 -BALLOON DAY DEC. 23 -OPEN SKA TING DEC. 2"4 -CHRISTMAS EVE DAY LUNCH SKA TE NOON · 4:00 3415 Michelson Dr.• lrvlne • (714) 857-9087 • Located Off 405 Fwy. Between Jamboree & Culver 6. Triumph (Brando's bike) 7.Ted Williams (SplendidSpllnter) 1--~~~~~~~~-.-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- M 8. "Who's Happy Now?" (Horse Hallen) C•ll 642-5878. bu whom? 9. (a) "Multitudes, Multitudes," (b) Admiral Halsey ("Caine Mutiny") Put • few word• to work for ou. ~' Name the John Wayne movie in 10. "Citizen Kane" (movie riddle) The newest and funniest 1Panther' of them all. f AR.ING DAVID NIVEN • HER Bf Ill LO'<• Ille IC "Ill> '4l 111<. \' ANNA LUWUY CAPUONE • 11081 llT LOGGIA llVEY l<OllMAN • ~T 1(\¥-0IJI. • Ml"< BY llfNllY MAM 1!111 OllY llY Ill.AIU fDWA'-0$ • SCRll NPLAY BY FllANK °«'AL0MA1' M 'IVAWMAN •Ill.AKE EDWAlll>'-•GEOFFREY COlVA!ID" l ODUCED llY 8&.AKE CD'lllAllO\ A 'II> 10'1' All<\M' U CTlO IY Ill.AK£ EDWAI D!> rr::-~~ ~~~ •BARGAIN MATINEES * Mond1y thru S1turd1y All Perform1ncH before 5:00 PM (EJ~t Sptelet En91g11111nt1 1nd Ho1141aya) "BEST FRIENDS".,., ----- .. THE VERDICT" c~1 ----- lAt<EWOOO CENTER N All! ,.. ..-YOOT81a"- . ------ "THE VERDICT" COii ----- LAKEWOOD CENTER SOUTH WAU ,,. focul!V Al Del Nno 211/6U·92t1 "SlX WEEKS"------. " ... ' ' . ~.· ANAHEIM OlllVf IN ,_,, .. .._ ... 119-MIO "I TLl. 0 , THE NIGHT" l"I -...,.. l*MNG" °" -·A-- •,L -·• BUENA PARK ••·vi I,. -----llMOJO . ' LINCOL N !•ll .1 '"' """---·· ..... llMOJO ----- f (1!JN:AI'• •fl• lFY , II ·~ t 1 '· _...,..._ elf.) Nl•Ull -------- ~ ''>t ,r, I 11 , • , ,.. -..... "THI TOY",... -~PA#f.Y ..... ... _ "THE TOY" cN> ............ focvlfy 0 1 Ca-000 211/H l·tNO "THE MAN ,,.OM SNOWY .. IVE""l"l ......... ,. .. ... HOUfl •• (11) ·•HA11Kar 1 MA~ (ti) Cllll .. _ "THI DAM C .. VITAL""' -"1M1"1H1 "ftAL Of' '"' ... ,ANTMEI" .. , . -"CAftlllNI' ..... .,,.__.... TMIWCMa.".-. --..C'l'U • HVOll ••• TOMTMlll AON#" ... . _,. .... ............ --""""-ltl•Mta ---'lifiiis ... ,.. .. ,.., UTIM&.._Mt. .. ,,..,... 80NCI" PUff UT,_ llAin;.. DALY 1lllO, Ml, Ml,1111,lllO -- ~ 1111 ( )j I 111 ~~ 1(.111 DUITIM NOflNAM aMICALMOI .. "TOOTlll" (N) DALY 1!00, ldO, ..... ........ "THI DARK CRYSTAL" DALY '=lt. 111t, ., ....... ,., tOl1I ·'' .. .. , ,. Julie Andrews still in search of new challenges HOLLYWOOD -Julie And.r9w1 hell done lt all -BrlU1h vaudeville, Broadway mu1lcal1, Hollywood extrava1an111, ietevlalon Hrl ... cbUdftn'a ncMtll and now a country muaic albUm. She'• done ~ but srand opera. "I'd love to line opera, but I juat can't do It," admits Mm Andrewa, who IAl\I an arnu1na four odav. u a child perfonner. Aft.er a career that haa known Evereet·llke hlabt M well Ma few lowa, Julie Andrews at 47 aUl1 hunta for new chal.lencee -like the country album. "I admit that at tint I wu ~~y d.labellevt.ng, even aloof about country mulic, th1nk1J\I that it was pretty hokey," the aays. "But I found that the IC>l'P are l'Mlly terribly pretty. very real and directly from the heart.,, Larry Butler, who hu superviled recordings by Kenny Rosen, Tammy Wynette and other country gruta, produced the album. It will be 1'9Jeued next yar. Why would Julie Andrewa. with a voice still rem1nlloent of Plcadllly, venture into hominy grits country? Probably becauae lhe haa always been an over·achiever. She 1tarted at 12, posing u an amateur at the Hippodrome in London, coming out of the audience to ut.ound her llltenen with her llnam. vo6ce. -"f WU a child freak," the reca1J.a. "My parents carted me off to a throat 1pedaliat, who di8oovered that I had an adult larynx." Julie Andrew1 became a vaudeville star, openina on Broadway in "The Boy Friend" a day before her 19th birthday. Then came "My Fair !Ady" and ''c.melot." and the inevitable call to Hollywood. She won the Oacar in 1964 with her tint film. "Mary Popptna." followed with ''The Sound of Musk," the hiaest moneymaker in film hiltol'y at that time. From the arlleat yeera, her career bad veered from one triumph to another. She always strived ...... -~"'l...'h. ......... L--' ~¥urll to ,..,..,,.btnl.lL saw ~w.u m(lw 1;1mrn JW more narut}' l'OJm: -, ve done that," lhe MJd. Aft.er "HawaU.''"Tom Curtain" and 11Thorou1hly Mod..-n Millie," And..-w1' film career be1an to lan1ul1h. She Hemtd to bt rebeUJ.nc ap!Nt her Mary Popplna tmap. Her marrla1e to producdon de1lsner Tony Walton ended, and •h• fell In love with the brilliant, mercurial filmmaker, Blake J:dward1. To1ether they appeared to be flahUna the fllm eatabll1hment and one vitriolic columnl1t in pert1cu1ar. Blake and Andrew1 married ln 1969 and moved their bue to O.taad, Switzerland. He made films ln Europe wb.ile 1he dropped out of public view. "With 'Star!' and 'Darllna Lili,' lt aeemed that bi& muaicala weren't popular any more," 1he aaid. "I underwent a career dip. You know the Hollywood sayinc, 'You're only a1 aood u your lut hit.'. Sometimes an enormous hit can carry you along. but not forever. "Alao 81.alte and I had marrled, and It required an enonnoua amount of hard work to merge our two families. Then came the televiaion show, and I started writin& children'• books, which I enjoyed . immenllely." F.dwarda, who had made a 1uoce..ion of hita, such as "Operation Petticoat ," "Breakfast at ntfany's" and "The Pink Panther," a18o 1uffered a career slump. Friends say lt was a rough period for both, and both underwent peychoanalyala. Then Edward• made the h it "Return of the Pink Panther," and once again he wu in demand. .Andrews' own film career was revived by her hUlband, who d1rected her in "10," "S.O.B." and "Victor Victoria." Edward• aeem1 t o ovenee everything concemina hi.I wife'• perfonna.ncee. During her recent appearance on a Bob Hope televillon special, Edward• kept a careful eye on how 1be was photographed. One of her IOngl waa repeated to meet Fu. approval. Christmas at the Garage ... Our very o.Nn Cl8\lll ned< S'N90tefs of sheflond 'W'OOI. spun ond knitted in England: b those coolef days, AYOilable In 15 col<n ~~~ 56 FASHION ISLAND · NE'WPORT BEACH · (714) 644-7030 Jlj\\\OI'~~· --....tffOr' ~· ~uv· ~'° ~---WHY? NO matter what the marquee Nye, what'a now pl•ylng at United Artlata Communications theaters re a real horror show. UAC·, the second largfft movie chain In the U.S., has embarked on a national policy of ellmlnatlng Jobe, fostering unemployment In city after city where they own and manage theaters. In Callfornf a, UAC employees who choae union representation are the primary target• of the company's greedy, cra11 "pre> fits before'J)eOple" corporate phllosophy. Within the laat few weeka, UAC ha• lock~ out many "Of ltt southern California projectionists =~ra of the International Alliance of Theatrical • Empl~ and Moving Picture Operators) rather than engage In good-faith bargaining. Manage.. 1nent taunted tfteee highly lkllled and dedicated ;woH<ert with a prepoaterous ''final offer" that would mean: • ellmlnatlng ~ to 7~W. of the protect1onl1t1' '°" • cutting waoe• for many of the remaining emptoyeee • art>ttrary reualgnmenta and chang" In WOlklng condition• (I.e., forcing one profec- Uonlet to terVlce up to 18 moyle .ec:r•na In two or three bulldlng1 that may be 24 mll• apert). I T'Wna ;a: A message from New Variable Interest Rate. Finding the ideal mvcslml'nl is something everyc >nt· dreams about. Ont' wnh .1 variable interest rall'. < >m.' that lets you share m thl' rates offered in todav\ securities market. · But it must be .w1/1'. A plan where rates can't drop below a cert.am levl'I. Sound too good lo lx· true? Well. it is <Jvailabll' to everyone, even the saver with as tittle as $~5 lo inw~t. Donald T. Regan, Secretary of the Treasury. It's the U.S. S;1vi11g~ Bond. A vastly improved Savings Bond that rhangl ·d from a fixed to a variable interest rate. There is no lurnl on how high the rates can go. A Guaranteed Minimum~ Although interest rates will fluctuate, you're protcrtc:cl by a guaranteed minimum. And if you hold-vour Bond::. l<1 maturity, you'll absolute(y double your money. You 111.1\' do even better. So take another look at Savings Bonds. We did, and then we made them better. ·~u .... ....,~ • .., .... ti tCMliht6f\rrs•vtlWlff'_.f'_,,,.~·~,._..nttt#"_.., •1""' t..,..~..,.,....,., ..._..,....._V..~•~•~..-t"--""'""'"'•'_., p~"4v• ._, .. ..,.. t ,.. .. 1 W aS~.._. ...... llr:_, ~.,..., .. ....,.._a-'-" .....,.....n'f~" '°' f ...,. ~ .....ri ,.........,.~W W tu" • ..,..,,., A Public Service of This Newspaper & The Advertosong Council • ' , \ Samantha Rader gue.t 11an with mother Sally Strulhen, in tonight'• Chrutma1-oriented episode ol "Gloria," at 8:30 p.m. on KNXT (2). Or90n w.... rierr••• • mW-llllltaty °' the modem W«1d dt-lrom 1119 McMelone 1i1e ........ 10:to I INTIN'ACI a .-r °' 1<101 AM NOflL.a TOO Ou.a: Aobln Zanclar and Rick ~ °' "Cheilp Trick," Be1h Howland, del9lllM attomay F. L• Beiley. CRI l ~ICHULL.eR JD/llf'f 'ALMLL ONNMIHO WALL ITMST WOK "Blue Chip Foreca1t" Ouellt: Bob Eeger1. preal- dant and dllel aoonomlllt, E9ger1 &onomlc Ent•- 1,,,._ ~WOMAN CATHOUC IUNOAY H:OO =YOU * • * "Palm Spring• WMtcend" ( 1"3) • MAIT'!1'NC( THIATM "To Serw Them All ~ Dllyl" ., ~ • HUMAMT1U TH..ouGH .,.-AftT8 • ~WIUCIMON 00....-T OTTM'I JUca M.NO CHM'TMA8 Flfty -~ .,. Introduced lf'I • '-'1· wwmlng ltOry about the IO'<le ~ an Oller moth9r end Mr aon. n:ao I Hfl.'l lllT EWA 9 THl8 WEIK WITH DAW> llNNl<llY G TIMVOOU. WHITTAKlll (!) MOYll * * * ,_. "Mlrecle On 34th Streat" 111Mn ...__.. O'IWa. John Peyne. • OHUfOt .. TM! .... • HUMAHfTB THROUGH THm .MTI ~=TMK • • • ..~. Night Out" ( 1M2) Kllll No\IM, ,,_ a.net. .MCMI ..... "Brother Sun. si.t. Moon" ( 1913) Oraham Fau!ttMt, Judi Bowker. (Z)MOW! •• "Uptight" (1Nll M- .,, ~ Aeytnond 81. ~ AfiBWWW &MCMI * * * "A Clulet"'" C.OI" 119'1) .....,_, °'""· GeM Loc«iwwt. • AOiW-11 A ,...,._, dotie llddlct end I ,...,...,. Cir Wlf .... , the llw end Olfloer• ~end"-'· • AMMa.N ~--" .. ~ eo.itt: lnftuenol i.==· * •.,. "Corky" ( ttU) Aob«t Biik•. ai.ttcM .. ~. OO MOYll * * * "Raollme" ( 1M 1) J-C1gney, H-d E. Rolllnl. ewoVll * * * "A Chrl1tm11 Carol" ( 1951 I Alaeelt Sim. Kai'"-' Hlrrieon. CZ)MOVll * *.,.. "Homelown U.8.A." p tTt) o.ty Spnnoet. Dew Wtleon. 2:00. GIU.JQ#Nl lllAHO The Skle>PW ordln the CUll!Weyl IO build a oom- munlty hut due to lm'*'4-tlj t= 1torll\I. * * "Trk.omph Of Her· culel" ( 1~1 Dan Vldll, Marilu Tolo. • MOVll * *'A "Woman'1 Worid" (1116-41 Clifton WM>b. June ;-"..ow **'A "The W..t Point Story" 11HO) Virginia Mlt)'O. J-Cagney. -~ IHTPaT8 ID INTI'OOUCIHCI ltOlOGY 111 !NT'PTAIHMIHT THISWUK Interview\ with ~ ioa- ~ lellnet. R-wy Cloon.y, Robby Benaon. end mem- *-OI Alabama; I lo<* II wtly Btoectwey hit• tum Into Hollywood llop9. • MOV1a * * "Follow The Boyl" ( 18'«) 0-ge Rah, MM· ~ Oleirlch. Cl)MCW ••'A "Torch Song" ( 1953) Joan Crawford, Mich ... WlldlflO. 2:tO e <MUJQAN'I lllAHO Mr. Howell dl8COllWI I Ir~~· "Pura a.... -Conjunlo ~" Marco QulntMllla la leMurad In Ulla COf-1 petfol'flWI08 apotllgt .. ig the ~ ManflettM. ~ -L.am bend. • INTf'OOUCNI 9'0l.OGY (DJMOYll ** * "POP9Y9" (1tl0) Aobln Wllllemu, ~ ow ... •:00• MOYll • • "The Lamon Drop Kid" 11951) lob Hope, Marityn ............ ()) .._.. ,NllA.Y N:IH .. OM Anlmalad. A thlpwlecked lllfllly ~to~ In ttle ----"' I a-ted laland. -~ CONG~ l~I esroooa ~ * * "Lost In A ~.. QI THAT'l INCMDl9&..E ( 1944) Bud Abbott. Lou F .. llK9d: • man out- Coelello. • h«M; a woman IUMv. I ART8HOW l>elrig buried In an - UNDIMTANDINO lanch9; I maintenance HlMAN~YK>fl man~ 1 ~· "l11..,pa11ooel A11ractlon" l!llf tim. over; the _,Ill • MCM1 'Orthe ectlOlanNp COftt..t. ...... "Deported" (1951) (~ ~ Jeff Cllandler, Mal1a CC)....,.,,. TUIE TOPPEIS KN ~4) 1:00 t•CJlll'I " IMrlffllt o.trMrt dauahw ~ tnvolvlll In • po'9nU.Jly violent a.ntJ·nudMr pro ... t. KNXT J'l 9;30 -"Ope 0.y at • Ttme." An explolion at thelr room1na hoUle -· fore. Barbara and Mark to take temporary retup under Ann'• roof. ~art 1) KA.BC (7) 10:00 -0 Matt Hou.at.on.'' A top model ukl Matt to lnvestlgat.e the murder of a famous fahion deaipr when ahe become8 the chief auapect. lll1et1ey Wlntet1. Joel MoCl'el. (.l)MOYll • • "l"alltno In Love Ao•ln" (IHO) ll!lllott , O°'*I, 8uaannall Yor11. 4:IO. CU NL.D TIW "The Polloe Olll09f And The TV ~.. I.Inda l(elMy end IEtltt &Ir.di p6ay 11o11t to a )'CKlflQ t>oy and glr1 .. !hey learn llOw -~~--­.. • ltaty end whet It'• like 10 be I SI oic 1rr-. •&~T The atgnlllclint _ .. !Ml lflec>ed the v-In 9')0r11 are ravlewed. with lllghllgllt1 ol lntervlewe with 8owlll l<utln. J.all Ntc*leua, John McENoe. Herecnel Wllllcer, Lerry HolmM end Gerry Cooney. ()) .. 8IAACH Of ... "Pompeii" ew~TOHWHK .. MVllW • ~YCOOKJHG WITH JAOQIJU ~ J.cquee Pepin demon- ltrat• wary 1tep In mak· ~=pet.. """'OH OF THI! YUK OH ~MOW • * • .. A. Chrlllmu C•ol" (1951) AIM!elr Sim, Kai"'-' H81'11aon. CID MOYll • • "Anal "-9 ""*"'. ( 19IO) OeneYlave ~ MICNlel Y Oltl (DJMOYll * * * \t "Prlnca Of The City'' (IN1) Treat W-. ...,.,., Jeffy Ofbedl. 6.-00 I HAPfl'V DA YI AGAIN A8CNIWI WAUl'TMn JOUNW. MflOftT ...... LM "II TM 8ouVI CMnglng?" Oueet1: Wtlllem F«rte. cllfeGlor d lie c,nt• lor the Study of aouv.n CM- ture: JMMe c. Cobb and a...-.n ..,_, ~ pr~. the untww9- ty d Ul1J'111S'.,. Wflo -.,....., ..... c.tterr .lMIOU>~ 9obvtlilendhla_,... CMa the ..,. Md C!Oft-... t""*'8 It Into • wortt- lhop. (I) M•A•t•H Col. Pot• ltrlk• up a wwm ll'lelldahlp wltll • *- ltlng ,_., nurM. l:OI !=.. CHAMf'lJN OM THI~ ec::e. a=-I a. NIWI LAW... & ltM..EY &OOtl'NIY ~ blaf'llel UWrne tor ltle ~anoa d Mr llc*CllftltY. I =-ANDIMOH OONN)INTW. • M01'0fMBJ( The MCOnd of I lWOi*1 ,..tur• on 1N3 <*I look• .. the -rnodell from 0-el Moton and AMC I Renault . ~ AUCll * * * "Boy9' Nlgtlt OUI" (19121 Kim NoYllk, J- Oarner. WMl'I • INC>elY young oo-ed under116'• • ... r....,oti projac1, w Hnd1 lour buel'-- more than wtlllng to IMM an apertment to aid Mr In her lludy. ®MOYll •• "Thll .. Elvll" (1981) ~ary. Fiim footllge and drametlc -•lonl are UMCI to tell the ltaty of a. """6ay'. llfe end Cit.-. (I) MAM TWAIN THIATN "Huell leconlel The v~ tlm" Tom Sewyer and Huc- klebetty Finn ltlld more ldWnture wMtl Ho.di II auddenly lddn~ by hie l:I01p·sa.== 8HIWI MCMI • • • "TM Horizontal Lieutenant" C 1M21 Jim Hutton. Paula PrenUM. A bunglltig /11.rmy omc:.r. 1111 elde and a beautiful nutM 1tadl down • •-outlew . T:OOI i :vu:= Phlneu dltco¥ers that Oeoro• W11hlngton 11 fighting lor Iha Brttllll In the Amaric:en AeYoluUon • .... J«tr., melltl 1111 grHI grandfathar on ChrlltmM Ew of 1892. • :wr• f"lACE • ALL CMATUN8 GMAT AHO IMALL "IYlldog Bread" Neither 8lagfrted II« J-- to be lll)le to help wherl • lwmet'I entlfe .. c>c* II strk:llen wtttl • deedl)' dte- -. (P"111 I • NAT1JM ''Thi '*°°"9ly Of Anlrllal ----=A~ Of L.Mmlng" The uperl- menta done by Ivan PIMD¥, ..loM W"'8oft, U . lklnner Ind WtUl1m Ttiorpe ftWllghC .n .,._.. __.. Of how .,.,. lllm. • OMHG!eoo.MTY "'°'"8 tclem CZ)MOYll * *'-' "Hometown U.S.A." (UITt)Oary ~.Delle Wllaorl. The 11'°'*"'8 and arWatlel °' three adolee-oentl oop1r1g wttn orowlnQ USI . In the '601 are ~.'A' 1:aoe COUIN IAIQT'aALl C8U VI. San DllOO (DJ NM IAIKET8AL.I. Dallla ~ VI. LOI Moa'etllk .. Cl)-..n Yl!Jf( OWN CtWSTMAI ITOfn' A trip to 8wllurland becomH an exciting ~ture '°' lenJI end hll lrtandl wMn they "-' Ktll l<tlngla. -r..w. -----+---*-*~ .... -· ..... ·H9idl"f ,_1.:.•....:1•'"'"'1--t Aloi .. ......,"'*' ... laeml ... '* ........ DWIO tOC* Giit'-. 8'I '9r-" enoe poky """ _,.,,., _ ..... .--y. a:OO • (I) AIOtlE auNKIR'I PUCa e8CHN ~a._. • .., --~ pcitenllllty vloWlt .,... • ":Aodem Problema" (1tl1) ~ en-. Panl D'~ l.ooll Ill F,_,. ICuafl and Nii' elfort1 to rebuild the once-proud Baltimore Cotta. Brent Mu1burger ,_.., 12:.101(1) NA. ~y WALL~ ~~ • WILD. WILD WOfLD ~·NMAL.1 "TM Foreet U¥9a At Hight" The nWit ... In the fofwC Ill obarfold. • UNDIMJMDNa HUMM~~ "toallil~ 1~-- •••• "CIUMn 1(-" (1t41) Orion WellH, Joelllfl COttM. (I)~ ..... ~. ,, .. ,, ....., ...,, a.. au.Id. , •• Cl> Mil POoTMU. Meo# 0"8IN ...,_II 0.- IM~ ..... llOOYMU lwflllO M T~ Bey. .'"'.....,_ ..... -Her'INll .... ....... "'9 !0ee tNt i~ HmMAW Ouellt9ol Jim llafbd, e.t 11'omm ~. The .... Ion Dolllr ...... • NJNl,,.u °"'°" ...._ ..... w. ___ ..,.._°" lloW ........ 110.000. • MA1UM "'nil o.oo..y Of AlfllfM ~'-di ,..Thi .,..,. 'nil ..... of .. wtr r\illM Ill Ind.,.,... ... ""° ..,... Into .. ~ -.. .,.., ................... GI 0.-TV • AM•UDM ,.. Z.TV ll0\19 .. fT \el' •• ,......... -~;,Ji.,,.,..,__..,._ .a...t~------~-..:9-~~~IL----lh-_;;.: C> tQMfNJll it>.,.._, NY., N.Y. ·• (WTMI -.............. tl1 ,...,., _ _,_ ... _ ... ~- l::W- • • "The O«I In The KNmlrl" (1te1) !All ..,._ •• Zll Zll Gebor. (%)MOYll '* ••• "A IOd For T'wo ,.,... .. (ttee) Dllna Doti, Olll Joflnlcn. ..... ,..,..., ""*"· • llfT'IMANmff lMIWmK lnteMeM with en-8o11- teltner, AoMmary aoon.r. Aot>by llenlon, and --.,.,. °' AIM>arM; • took It wtty ~ hit• tum Into Holywood llocla. • rT•WNTTIN (I) lWIUIHT ZlOHI Henry ConM ... dle*t-"*" ltore lent• Clllll ..... .,,,. lllalng for .. aw.....IC*ft. • MOWll ··~"Air,.... ....... ("141 ..,_,1 Slr.lalnd, MldWI llif'rllalft. A d910t• ...... .,__ ..... ~ .......... y ....... WI r ....... ..,,. ""°""" '° tMI ... c.t> .,._ ..... bafld .... ftnWt "" eouo.. tlcn. • MCMI ..... "lellfoll '°' lunt¥-.... 11112) 0--my. cern.. -follow jlllloo ... Ind.,,..,...~ of Nof1fl,.,...,. .... ~ .. "' ... ,....,..~ ...... • MA1UM "The DllolMry Of "'*""' ~"~°' LMmlng" Tiie ..,..,.. ment1 dona by IYltl ~. JoM Watloft, a.f".. llltn11tr 1nd Wllllem Ttlorpt hllMll!t Ill ... ......., .. "°" ...... ..... r L,~WUC. '!Te ..... n-. Al~ .-: -... .. fOM -................... .... "'**' -t ... , .... Owtl .,.,,_ ... GIMfll .. I .. ... .. ,.J ........ S·«'*'"IQ • • f'J'.°" 'nil , .... =-~-ica:·.:: -·--·· ..... ....,,, ...... .. .... ............. ..... ..................... S:.M·-----·.......-= * ...... =.=a ""' ..... 91Ht .............. ,, .. " ....... ..... ........ ....... --......... ,..., J ~ • •~ "Tl111 llHH 0.91 0 ...... fllntllrt HU41tft ~ W100t c ............ .... ..... .., .......... k turn the~ I"~ ~ t llOltdO IMi .. OMMf ~· ... w ""°"" °' A.O*"I .... • .,.. .., ,o Meet..,,,.,,_ durtne .. ,.,.. Cfltlettnll ~ .. ,..,. • THIWOM.D TOMOMOW (() IATIMDAY NIGHT Hollt: Elllotl Gould. Ol»al. Petar Toetl. t:OO. (I) THI JIPPIMONI Georoe'• Old tow POll'N to LOUIM IMerett • Pllb- tletler W"9tl llW)' tell Into ''OIMlde'' hendl. •aMC)ytl '* * * "Oii Oodt 800ll II" C tHOI Oeoroe Burn•. a-PlllN«e. Bod raturn• to Earth end' ctlooMa IM )'CKlflQ cHougll- tar of an ldwrtlllng neG- ullYt to 11ptead hll - NOf 10 tM world. I WILD KlHCIOOM Mtl.IY'8 MUIVl IT °"NOTI Fellurad: the rHl-llte .....,..,. lhet lnepifed ttla fiction dUalc. ''The Man In The won M..a": - ,_ diamond• end the et.allon "' man-mede di• mond• from cerbon; unu- IUel bird•: the delarlora- 11on of man'• gtMl..t ,,_,,.., ·= THEA TM "To 8arw Them All My oay.·· Alcodl 11 gone and Ille quellJon egeln II who will be appointed - '-dmMI•; Ctw1I am- from Cenada with a ,_ burden tor P.J. to lhOul-= ~ .. .,..._ .. Guy II now the IUIP9Ct In two mur-., but a ,_ twllt polnta to MeliaN'I Involvement with more than pnbllng. CP"1 ~MOVll! ....... "Tell M• That You Loll9 Me, Junie Moon" ( 1910) Uu Mlnnelll, Ken How1rd. A laclelly dll!IQ- urad ~ gift. an epilep- tic and • crtppled homo- MXUal lflarl an apertmlnl wMre t~ !hey IU'ut>- gle to cope with the OUI· Mdewortd . CZ)MOVll! ***'A "The Elephant Man" ( 1INIOI John Hurt. Anthony Hopklna. A dedl- calad phy1lcl•n takH under hit wing I horribly cM!ormed man wlloee Ille unlll then Md bear'I epent In Gl...ap ,.,.... ellhlbltlone. 'PG' e:ao•~ ONl°"'YATA .,.. /11.n •~oalon at theit rocwnlng hol-. forClll ..,_ bllfl and Mn to !eke ~ary refutt under Arw1'1 roof. (P.,, 1) • WON.DOf IU9MYAL ~ ::t:.:"" .... * * *.,. "Holld1y Inn" 111421 ling Cfoeby, Fred -'ttalre. Alter loalflg hll llancM. 1 man ,.,..._ to hit Connectlcul farm wtlic:fl he tume Into • ~ Inn. • WHAT'I ¥Y UNE? ®CDJ MOVIE * * * "The Fr.di L.Jeu. t-1'• Woman" (IN 1) Meryl ltrfft), Jel-y "°"*· Alt .,,.... .,._ IWO ectort II peralalad In the romantic period lllm In wllleh the two -perfonn- 11'.'9 'A' 10:00. ~ T'MPPEA JOHN. M.O. U.S. end AuNlen olllolall Of der Trapper to dale)' operating on en tmoortent SoYlet dlc>lomet wtlo II ~·· ·N1W9 --MATT HOUSTON A top model MU Met! to lnveetlgat• the~ of. famoue """"°" dlllgrw wflen IN baconlel the dllel ...-t. (Al I WON>"°" TODAY ~ ... AMINCMMr "!dwetd J. l"rlUQtlton" The • ...,..._ ~ "'°"' ~ ..,.,.,_ .. lred!Uonel ..,.. Ind .,. publlc rnonumentl and Pr...,.•ttel ~ he 1111 done; Alaunder ~-:o.r ....... "Ave Aid Hermgt" lotd Peter WlmMy end Illa maneer111nt 1turebl1 l«o.. 1 COfPM wfllte on hOllMy In 8oottend. (ll'ert !.:=~ ••• "i"1pel" ,, .. ,,Ill Murrey, Hatold AM11a. A NIW Yorl _,... looklnO for ~ OOftlllncm Ne ... ll1lnd to jOln Nm 111 ...... 111 1t1e u.a. Anfly, 'tr -· WILD. WILD WON.O ~ANMN.I • .._....Of The CIM'' Tiie -II e l#llqul eftVI.. r-•: 11111 PtOgrlm llCplOlw .. .,,. from ..... to .... ew...,~ ~ i=IWMMM IROIMf'I ''TMllld ..... MdA a...t''Tlfl1~ .... ............ 1 ... .. ~.._. ........ ..,_,1V... JIMol Hlgll edlool-. ... WOii ... ...... ........ Clfl-. EF ................. , .................. .--~-­.................. ..... __ ___ .................. ................. =r· ... P.':.~ , ' ...,, ....... -..... -.. ...... .. -n:-;u:· ,,,.. . IDWIO Wt ta-t . ,.,... "llr• Ve Tiie "1.0 " ....., --llM. Or ... , .... • -·iiiiiittt rM.WiA..l. IMIMC ...... I Hiii 0-., and ..,.., L~ ll09I Ill lnfor_..,,. lo<* " wllef'• -.... moYlel CZ)MOYll • • "Chanel 8olltalr•" 11H11 Mer....,.renoe Pitier, Autgar H1uer. Tit• ,_ Ind bullnell llruoglel of Perle llllNOn QUeM Coco Chanlf 1 -tr ( • .,. dlltalad. .... 11:1t C.NIWe 1t:ao ~NW. "ACllSTTIM MONIWll ATTHIMOY9 Roger Ebetl end Bene .... ~ ''Tootele." "The VerdlC1," "lopNe'I CMlcle," .. ~ ti: Tiie Sequel" and the "lllntlfr of the week." ·°""~ 'AMIL.Y H01l1: Dale E...-, Stan ... ~. Ouellta: ..... Douglea. Wllllern ...,., CerOI ~-. 1=.THaNA~· * * ·~ "The Coul't ..,.,... { 1968) Danny Keye. Glylnlll JohN. A clrout dcNfn rnMt1 ldllenture wn.n be Join• up with outllwl ttyil'lg to ovwtht-a tyrant king. Q!MOVW • • ~ "From A Far Coun· try: Poe>e John Pu II" (191111 C.zety MorlWllkl, Sam Neill. The llte end cer.., of Kerol Woftt'I., th• young Pola wllo becatM the llrll non-ltel- len ~ In 400 ~. Ill ctvonlc:Md. (A) ®MOYll * * "Final Alllgnmenl" 119801 Garlelllew BuJold. M lcflM4 York. A CeNldlen TV r9')0r1er In Moecow dte- coYerl • RuNlan IClenllllc: experiment uelrig 1terold9 on clllldren and arnugglel Incriminating metertel out of the country 'PG' 11:..aD ~ ....... "From A Fir Coun- try: Pope John Paul H" ( 19111) C.zety Mor8W9kl. Sam Helll. The life and cer.., of Karol Wojty\a. the young Pole wllo became the mt non-IUll- len pope In 400 y.ars, II dwonlded. (RI 8 AT~MOVa Roger Ebert and Bene Slellet review "T oot.ela," "The Verdict." "Bophie'I Chotoe.'' "~II: The Sequel" and tlte "atinker oftheweM." CD) NlW DAY .. llllN 11:80 • MOYla * • • ''Wtllta CtwtltmM" 11K4) Bing Cfoeby. Denny K9ye A comic , __ t .... an a'lt"1111nment foCI In Vermont to help a b · tnar ,._., wflo II In dlln- IE~ hll Inn . * * "Con,_._ Of A Pop Pelorrner" (19161 Robin Allllllllh, Altlhelny 8oo1h. A. roc:ll 'n' roll ltlf !Inda plenty of rornltl1lc ectlon while on tour. 12:00 • '700 cu. A k>C* It llOw b6ac*e -llnally atlallWng equally In the buW-MCtor: hOw an un1mployed man became the edllor of • netlol'lel fl'llGUlna, G NOMl8• TO T'UM St1n Mooneyhem end Cerol L-.nce '-1 .. doc:umentMy on the more than II• rnllllon l*>t* In Africa wllo have been allectld br war end orougllt and .,. r..ultt of lldl-m.. i=:..UMITW A 1.-n of IClantlllte propel .,. ................. ...... cllmenlion. ""*9 ..,.,-y- ttllr\g II a mirror Image of ltaalf. ~ IAMY'MIM "llrMI V1. The P.L.0." Guell•: Sidney zion. Dr. M.T.Mehdl • 12:16. MOYie • • • • "Th• 8t1dge On The .._ l<wal" ( 1111) w.llnl ~. "'* °"""' -. Ourinu Wor1d W• M. • 8rtlWI colonel Md "" man~ P91 d • ort. on leibot °""" oei19 lofeecl by the ..-..-10 .... ~~ ... ''MeMr\ And Howlrd'' (1M0l P8UI LAMM. Jeeon Rotwde. Alt other .... untinown 9a1 atatlon 1.ttendlnt olelrnl to be .,. rigMf\11 .,. to ..... HughH' bllllOll dolter ........ ,. . 1t:ao())~~ .,...~ ~ l*'tende Jolly, .. ~of• -""° .. "°"Ill ~­.MCMI • • "Hen« cau-i·· (Ho l)M) Rod ...... A pee». 1111 wflO ....,. ttle """I end ..... to c..- beoolllel tN ..... °' Ill ....... ~Md "" = buddlll. .,_. 11:41(D) ***~ "Altoe, 1.-et ,.,,,... Cttfl) LlllCte Mmlr. .....JS ........ 114 .,, ..... " .. ~~ ,.. ............ I ~---... .. .... 'W ··1-'°°" ____ ,. MCMI (1t1tlo.y ....... ;I • *~ ........ ,,.,. ............ ~ Wllllft.'nll ........ ..... Of .... .. ........ .... "' "' .... •IOel')ri ~azu:.w ~ ... ,.,~c .....,.,...-... __ ..... ............. ... .,..,..--~ .... ......,._..~ ••l' ~ ( .... -. ... -. ....... ,, l I • I ' Tuwn Center a t South Coast Plaza The Village at South Coast Plaza . The holidays are upon us. And this year, the values and selections at South Coast Plaza 'Ibwn Center, Mall and Village are better than ever! But there's one out- standing value you can buy even before you reach South Coast Plaza: A ride on OCTD. · · More Convealeft · Taking OCTD to South Coast Plaza will make your shopping trip easier. We now have 10 bus routes from 20 cities in Orange County that will bring you to · . , ostbuse will drop you off right in front of the shopping centers. What's even more convenient, is that with over 6500 bus stops throughout Orange County, you're almost sure to find a bus stop within 3 blocks of where you live. Plus, many buses run every 20 minutes, all day long. So you can stay on schedule to and from South Coast Plaza. Of course convenience isn't the only rea- son ilr taking the bus shopping. Eco110111kal too Thking the bus is a real transporta- tion bargain. Bus fares are only 60¢ during middays, evenings and weekends. • Gank>n GnM'/ Oran~/Newpon BNt'h Newpon S.ach &nlo Ana Sonia Ana/N~port !kach/t..gun11 Irvine/ l.al(Una H1ll- Huntln"1on Beach Hunllngtun ~h/ Santa Ana The Ma ll at South Coast Plaza • If you ride dw-ing rush hour (6 a .m. to 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. to 6 p .m .), the fare is just 75¢. Seniors and the handicapped pay even less. And transfers are always free. This means you'll not only be relieved of par~ing frustrations, but you'll also be saving money on gas. If y~u want to save even more money, you can get an OCTD bus pass. A regular pass is only $25.50, while students pay just $22.50 and seniors or the handicapped, $14.00. With this one low price, you get a full month of un- . . . d ... · Afirw'------- No matter how you add it up, the bus is a real inflation fighter. Cati · 636-RIDE As you can see, the bus is a great way to shop. So take the ea8y way out, and in, to South Coast Plaza. 'Thke OCTD! If you'd like more info_rmation on a specific bus route to South Coast Plaza that best fits your needs, call 636-RIDE. We'll be happy to send you a free route .schedule which includes bus stops, time- table, and transfer information. Happy Holidays~ OCTD. ... . ... • •\ r r , ,, OAlEalE NAUTIQUE ............. of' ...... Artist A. c.s.I -~·· ( .•! l 11 I I ' Bartendlng lor Holldey Partlee. Pvt r•ld.ma o#J. Tll ua tloW fMflJ you expect. We .. do ...... 8hop.m.--ve, ct.an-up, all for 1 ,....,... 77CMN9a3 Pollt• I well groomed prof. bertendet ,..,,,.., ..... tor~ per-.... ....,. ._ L• Chic Plque-Nlque, aourmet FNndl ---. I petty treya. Cut me sn-.1ICMl44 Give Ber Some&blng ITALIAN ror Cluia&mu ,,.,, morlc tpla <nJ "' 1 Orarta• Cuo•l •.. 842 -5818 For making ue #1 In Orenge Counlf In November. With our low, low 10.75% financing, we un meke you the beet deel ever on• new •utomoblle. M•ke thl1 • new ur Chrlltm••, give • gift to the whole f8mlly. • . . Wishing you ·Happy Holidays dOHNSO~ -, ....... .,......_T_..--US-ON •••• H•rbor Blvd. Coat•Meaa.CA e4o-eeao Lincoln·Mereury llMlla Advertl•· .,. lhould check 1"* -d9'1y and report errora Im· ROMANTIC OCEAN VU!W, Capo 'Beech condo w/3 Bdrma, tie.utiful decor, 2 fpb, privacy & duck pond. $187,~. LAGUNA BEA.CH coua1e, n:r beach with leller ~ tUS0,000. A* f« Carol Bta>n 497-3111. .... 1111. llllft BIG CANYON 45 Royal St. Geor11 Price '*"· to S7M,OOO r.uie ._ ~ 0.. oi .. Ceftyon'a fl.-i hofM9. Pwfaet tor .................... famll)' llvln1. Cl&aalU)' craft1 .. Dthlp throuc:ut, ••••n1lve UH •f oak. M.pt , ,..a Ind ~ a IMclroaaa. a baehl, '-"''>' ....... fonMI ... ,.,.. Ooalttor ...... ' '° Ullo VlllOa. • I I HtN. Y~ OWft llftdl llH,000. Af9ftl I 11M1'11. ,. ~· .... ~ .. . . . . ' ' I ~ I I ,I l .... ~-·· ~, ~ ~~· ~--,. &a" Y• ... '-&"'-'""& LlNOOLN, Nib. (AP) -A p&ralyMd youf\I man, who°"" won the f'iaht to refu. m.dica1 t.reetnwnt, la 1 doctor today and now hopet to help other quadrlpl•'f.ca with hll reeeareh. Ted Ver,Sth, 2 , wu 1wardtd hit d~IJ'M th1I wHk ln 1 nunina home1 21;\ yeara 1fter hit mtdkal career alrnc»t ended t>eeaUN of• aurfinl ICddent in th• Domlnk:an Republic. Once • ma.rat.hon l'\&n.MI' and tCCOmpUahed planiat who hoped to become a •W'PO'lt Ver,Sth linlahed bia medical education from o-elshton nW"ll.nl home, compillna ..-.arch from around the couniry on traumatic lnJw'Y to the aplnal cord. Verllth, who II paral~ below the annpltl but able to move hill arrm, hopee io develop a at.andardmd me\hod of t.reatlna 1plnal lnjurlee that could prevent or lnaen the catutrophic re.ultl of accidentl like hill own. He pined wide attraction two nets ago by convincing a county Judie to let him be hill own J(UAl'd1an ao he could refu.e medical treatment if ne withed. While Ver8fth denlea It now, thoee cloae to him aay he wanted to die. Vergith wu 26 and re.dy to at.art hia aenlor year In medical school when he went to the Dominican Republic for experience In the specialty of family practice. On July 6, 1980, he and two other medical atudenta were body 1urfl.ng when 1 wave flipped Vergith on hia head, facturlng a vertebra ln hia neck. Brouaht to Lancaat.er Manor after eeveral month. at other medical faclUtJea, Veratth'• physical condition won1ened with roller-ooaater temperaturet and •rloua lnfectiona. He be1an to refuae treatment until hla condition became IO arave that Pat Snyder, director of the county-operated home, Mked the oourtl to appoint a l\W'(ilan. Vergith decided to flg,ht. "I wu not ln control and I felt almoet like I wu being atrlpped of my dilnlty," he aa.ld. ''JUl1 becau.e you can't walk anymore doesn't mean that you can't think and make decillona for youneU." · Ver11th ended up accepting medical treetment at a bmpital, and ~ thAt provea he wu not uldna penn1lllon to le\ b1lmeH die. But the Rev. J:rneeto Tl"IVS-0, a rned1cal achool chaplain who knew Verstth frcJm hla flrat year at Cftlahton and wu ln the Domin.lean Republic when the accident happened, aa.ld he waa ••amazed to hear the thinp he'a dyl.nc today, that he didn't want to die. "I think he expruaed to all of UI that he wu w1l1lna to die," Travlem aa.ld. 0 Ke knew that not taklni apeclal trea\ment or antlblotka would mMn death in a matter of two dayl." Veralth aald hla medical tral.nlng both helped and hindered his recovery. He knew, for example, that l1x montha after a lpinal injury like hla own, revenal of peralym alma.t ne\fer happens. "I could undentand my lltuaUon u well u or almost .. well 11 my docton. To know what the prosnolia ia eomttimel makft It WC>l9. Lib they uy, 10mtdmea tcnonnce la bis..'' he uld. "I don'j know Whether you're lntereeted, but acoordll'li) to the computer you were due to be llHM~natld ... ht..,.. months ago." Doughnut diner forgets dough RANCHO CORDOVA (AP) -A $600 tip overwhelmed a dutiful dou1hnut-1hop waltrell who could have had 02.000 a fter aervln1 ~ cwitorner If •he hadn't been ao honelt. A woman who uked to be Identified only u 1 Bonnie aa.ld when lhe went to clean up crwnbe on the table top ihe found a paper baa with Chrt.tmu dec:wat.ionl on ltl outaide and $22,T>oo in criap $100 bWa lnalde .• The wl.ndfall came at Allen'• Do-nut Hou., which doublee 11 a Greyhound bua atop for th1a community near Mather A1r J'oR.-e Bue. Bonnie 11ya ahe wu atll1 a little 8J'Oll)' at the •tart of her • a.m. lh1ft when ahe d.19Covered the udc. "I hollered. I didn't know there wu that much money ln thla town." ahe uld. U lhe kept the money, "I ex>uldn't llve with m)'MU," aa.ld Bonnie, a in.ndmother nlne tirne9. An hour aft.er the find, a man called from the downtown s.cramento bua atatJon. He delCrlbed the contentl to her utiaflicUon and hopped a bua t>.ck to the doushnut ahdp. Bonnie de.2'1bed the traveler u "ordinary," maybe 26 or 80 yMl'I old. He told her he won the money pmbllna ln Reno, Nev., and wu tak1ni the bua back to &m FrancllCO when he stopped ln tor a mack, ahe recalled, flustered by the publldty. "He told me he didn't remember brinaina the ~In with him. He thouaht he left ln on tM l>ua." ahe IUd. '!be U drtvtr told her 1 Bonnie laid. that the mao ~ frantic alter he M>oarded the ooech and sWUiic huntana ~ the...... . Bonnie N)'S th• apllt the $000 reward the twice-lucky pmb1er pw her with the bUten en d\it)' that mondna· CB fad burns out ol' buddy WASHINGTON (AP) ~ved a million liceme 40 ·c hannel 1et1, -It took .16 years for a~tlom a month. At .. reducln1 proflia and moat Americana to t met, the agency'• ~ up morwy tot tbe discover Citbena Band proce11in1 backlo1 ertl1ln1 and radio. And Just five yeen ai.nded more than atx promotion that ii needed to for1et It. roontha. to IUlta1n any Ind~." The decline ln -'The fint 1-:J. at the Mc:K.lnney and 8 th popularity bu been ao time, Betty Fo , made have yet another swift that the Federal neww by ptting a llceme explanation. Communlcatlona and adopt1n1 "First "There were two Comml11lon may atop Mama" 11 her handle. thlnga that caused the llcen1ln1 CB uaera. Elvia Preal~ecame boom," 11ya McKinney. Oftlclala believe the ''The Mualc ·'' Burt "The un• on m1a1a and craze I.I C1Vffr and there'• ~the '~ti" the redµctlon In' the no~to~ue. arter •J. lrat ,apnd llm1Lt9 a mU The FCC won't act per hour." until next yeu but the -In 1974, when the "When the trucker• f.ct It la even propoatna boom IWUd. CB radio becan ~*"'-and the :ta emphalml bow WM 18 ~old and bad rmd to proWt th.lnp Ye cbana-'· 1~htly more than 1 the fuel 1horta1•· Conllder: ml Uon llcenaeea. By America Wll eJl:pOler to -At the bei&hl of Ila 1978. there were more 1bll ~called C8 that popularity, aboUt one of than 14 mWion. Many the w ... ~ "Ql eeven vehlclel had had more than one radio. to OrpN.M Ind =:tan a radio and the FCC Now only 5 million eye out for Smo •ft MOC NOTICE (police)," add• Smith. •• t wu free publicity. But l ACtmOUe au ... u now, we've come full NAl9 aTA,._,.,. circle." Tiie lollo•lng per1on I• dOlng The decline ln CB'a ~-popularl ty, however, AOO CHAMBERLAIN AIR 1685 ~ 1.•n•. co11• MHa, doea not mean it will I ....... dlu't;ar, 11~ Sodolakl. ~ •. ~lalll. 2945 ... ..,, Plaee, c.... ....._ Clllfomla t2Ut .. 11 e utl tty of the Tllll IMIMM 11 oondu01ed by an radio hu chanpd a1nce ln4llllflt\oc, the fad.'' be uya. "Now . l .Cflamb«tlln H·= LAW~MT. OUYI Thia •~t •11 llled wl1n tri. we're 1eeln1 porttl• =1 '*"' OI Orlf'l9t Co\11\ty on unltl that you pllfah to I/ • tuary • Cemetery Hert. 4, ttet. ,....,. ~car dprette w crentorv 1125 Q11ttf A.,. P'ubllllltf Of1r1ri 00111 Dally an emer~ . CottaMeN ...... OM. •• , .. , ' "· ..... ' CltlJeN Bind 61 ;y M>.&S!M • N41:f! the lowest COit fOl'M of '9JC NOTICl communlcatloa ln the ,_CIMOTHHI world. And I think the la&.MOA8WAY arue ltar1ed a cMmaftd MOITUAIY for mobll• comnu.anl· 110 Broadw•v caUoni that will carry Cotta Mesa over into the next W ·l150 .tury ... -___,_, I could tell Dad was proud, and Mm11 W<l8 really beaming. And even Aunt Ha rriet got a little misty around the eyes . Aunt Harriet swore fd go t.o the dogs. Mom always wanted me to be a doctor. Dad didn\ much care, as long as I amounted to something. But Aunt Harriet was convinced I would come to a bad end. The reasons Aunt Harriet was not exactly kindfy disposed toward me stemmed from when I inadvertently left a pet caterpillar in her sterling cand)' dish. After that, Aunt Harriet felt that my chances of evolving into a res,P<>nsible human being were bleak Indeed. "Headed right to the dogs, that boy:· sheCI mutter. -To overcome this-grave-flawilnnyc~. he began bombarding me with US Savings Bonds. Figuring, no daubt, that money might lead me awafl_from evil rather than toward ft. After all, I needed all the help I could get. And Aunt Hamet couldn\ have helped me more. Those Bonds grew up, along with me, into a nice, fat nest egg. One I kept tapping as I moved along in my life. . I finally hung out my shingle today: John Petrie, doctor of veterinary medicine. I could tell Dad was proud, and Mom was really beaming. And even Aunt Harriet got a little misty around the eyes. After all-she's the one who predicted I was going straight to the dogs! Buy(ng US. Savings Bot\th on a regular baN htlP' Anwrlca. And ft can help a dream becOtJW a realft1J fnatead of aonwthing that might ha~ been. t I t t c ....... ......... RechJl'e<J •200,000, N11om 'D,000 mq.LL, vlcw, •t.095.000 2ot. ~dow~ 1 9Mlml• Flawlcm condllJon, ocean vi w •. will trade, •~~0.000 fee. Opn Sunday 1-4. ........... Six yean new. 5 Bd.nna, walk to ocean or bay. Owner will trade for Costa Mesa 4 Bdrm mouvated. $399,900. UllllUT .. •695,000 fee. Privacy, 2 atory, complete remodel. IUOllOllll $825,000 fee. Owner will finance • or trade for income property. 4 Bttnns, Cameo Shores. llPUIOIAlm $245,000. Walk to all shopping -in Old Corona del Mar. am AL 5 Br. Harbor View Homes. $1550 month. REDUCED $100,000 htaefre9f -•nt S.H. 3 Br, 4 Ba, 2 years new. $550,000. j •IYE IT 4111 1011111 " uu 1111111 --111-11• ~ ' • Dir II ofHT • llllll llLHI -Uveable older Beach Cott.,e on apectacular lot. Driveway & grassy lawn. Pier & allp -FEE Sl,600,000. Beverly Morphy. ---a.a. --•i •••aaT • llll PDI ........ _ .-., .... , .• r- .... N. -· A cuatom home wtth a wide troniaae on the aolt coune. & Bdnna, e ~ baU. plua all o1 WI amenllJet you would npect. $1,950,000. See anytlme. C.a1l 644·4910. ........ '--.. 4 Bedrma, family room & d1n1na room, Immaculate throuchout. New carpeta, drapes, marble entry & decor. E1ec:tronic MCW'ity ayaiem. Wet bu, 2 fplc, 3 car gar, beater pool & •PL $695,000. ...... au,_. ... Quiet park-like aettina. Rm for paddle tennla and pool. 3 Ac:lrms, fam. rm. $299,000. Low ground leae •37~ year. 17 Yeara before adjultment. 1111 In MIT ... -1-1 . . ..,.. ......... ... 31 Foot living room. Overlooking 11th fairway. Lge muter auite on ground floor. 3--Car pr-age. Vacant. 11 IR YD1I IPll IAT/ .. 1·1 .... , 1111111 • lllTl IUl Charming 4 BR & family room. 2 brick I fireplaces, country kitchen, quiet residential area ln young development. Seller will fjnanoe. '229,000 Fee. SPTIUll ... --Lml l ... Two-story Nantucket 4 BR, fam. rm. pool. Tastefully decorated. Sho~ like a model. Seller will finance. Submit dn. $760.000. .. , .. _., ..... 3 BR, 2 ~ ba on greerlbelt with community tennia, pool & spa. Drive by 15 Willow Tree Lane, University Park, then call 844-4910. $1M,OOO. wauY L Tln.-... Ill&. .... 1111 ......... .... •MMU•Ul~IT ...... U. .....-11 mllD1111W La ra• 4 Ir home w femTly room, ooYered petlo, 2 llrepleoee & Yat• apel ldMI for the aotlY• lamlly. A grHt Yalue at 1139,900-Call nowt &46-7171 THE REAL ESTATERS llW" ---., ..... Aadecof-.dl Goroec-1 Large 4 BR fernlty home wl1h 2 ftrep6aca Pr ... tlge locatlon. Huny. . ..... Piii! II' llYfHIT LfflTlll. •1·------1 COLDWeu BAN~eRCl I & . t t t Room for two 50' boats plua a bay boat. Shows like new. 6 rm1 overlook view of main bay. Lo1a of guest parking. A newer homP. on land you oW11. 4 BR, 3 ~ BA. Reduced to $1,295,000. George Grupe . ... ....._ M tll\.lll", A beautiful lower "Covington Model" featuring 2 BR, ~ BA w /many upgrades. Beige & wh1te decor, profeailonally- landacaped, brick patio. Sp«1.aCUlar panoramic view of mountains & lake well stocked w/fiah. Boating allowed. A muat aee. $255,000. Sharon Smith. llLF IHllE • HHllLLll • IDlm ........ Fee wtth full pool & si:ia . Completely customized. Tile floora, Bermuda shutters, huge storage room over garage. Vacant & ready for occupancy. Beverly Morphy. • Jt..mn ... _. ..... ··-Ill IAI. Contemporary feeling yet reflecting the best of a unique amall aeaaide town. Thia beautifully rebuilt home featurea splendid ocean vfewt, prox1mlty to the beach & the flnett appolntmenta. $~9.000. Coby Ward. llWPllT lllllTI llllHL. Outatanding 3 BR, 2 t.th home completely remodeled In Neweon Heights. Tb.la beauutul J'elidence h.u lota of ,charm + a IPUkl1na pool. Cbe to beeche.. ahopofog & ach oola. Call tna flnanctna. Priced to $269,&00 Incl. land. Donna Oodeha1L Ill IHIY .. llllTI" PLH. Or'8SrW Bluffa. J'lnt otterina, leclude d location on wlcfe •r••nbelt . Up1ra d e d, lmmeculafai move-in oond. SD, 2BA $212,000 LH. Probet.e, Dick IWdmnan. aawww..n sa..- 6 plex prime comer location. 2 BR unita with fJreplacea. Vacancy factor for thia area la almost non existent. Cloee to beaches, echoola & ahoppfng. Call for renta & expel\IM!9. _.... ., ..... A pride of ownenhip duplex ln the heart of Old Corona del Mar. FAch unit hu 3 good abed bedrooma, private patloa & a feeling ·of •paoiou•MtK-thro"iib.ou&... A,..J.. condiUon. ................ Bayview Duplex! Large unita. Excellent income. Owner muat aelll! Price Ill much below a recent lender'• appraial. .. ___ ..... Fantutic finandna on thla cheery duplex 1n a good area of old C«ona del Mar. 3 BR detached home plu. 1uper 1 BR apt. Don't mial thia great buy on a comer lot. .. _. .... uu.- lmmllculate duplex -front ·~te home with lai'p family kitchen, firepl8Ce, 2 BR + a t.\ha & aunny patio! BllCk upN.lrl unit 1arae & ILlnny with 2 full batha & 2 BR. Unlta have been well maintained. i.se.1 for OWTWir/uar. ... 1&1111.1 111NUllll& Charmln1 3 bdrm beech home In •n ex 11 nt 1oc•Oon. cJOM to clubhouM1 tennf;I & _lwf l:nmJJ\f· _J'~tu~ : ~~ ~-~'"pri;.;i ... bd'~ & .--.;.-u, upatalrt with outalde entrance. '349,&00. ' U.111.1 . ....... , ... 221 ¥11 PILllll Open beam celling• throu1hout. 4 bedrooms, remodeled kitchen, IOUth aunny patio. Submit ofter. Excellent buy at '367 ,000. YUi 111 lllllZA lnl RllAY 1-4 211NlllU Larae Lido Iale fixer with 10me bay view. 11 room; 4 batha. Bank owna lt • will finance lt. Large loan, low down, low lnterest. Muat cloee ln Decem~r! $575,000. Liii llU WIH LIT + NIL IPll lllllAY 12·1 204 YIA DILi Walk to Lido Village. 3 bedrooms, 3 baths, good asswnable financing. Xlnt buy. Price reduced to $520,000. OPEi TIDiY 1-1 Pl 2 ITHY, um H~••n, • ""' $490,500 2101 YACHT GRAYLING, NB llWPllT, I Ulll, Im YllW, IUI -. $260,000 .................... 2531 BUNY A. NB. Ill.II& llUll, ... , .... --..... $495,000 ...... 210 GRAND CANAL, NB Ill.II& ..... -,...., ""' .... $075,000 211 OPAL, BALBOA IS .r , ................ U~IVUI: tic:MlS REALTORS.675~ U43 E..e CoMt H......,, <Mou 4el Mu ......... Harbor VI•• HomH, ptloed 1000'• of dolar9 below tM competltlon at '209,000. Seier .. r-4y tor offtrl tor thll auperb 3 8r 2 S. Monaco. Won't laat~ nowt &46-7171 AESIOENTIAI. ~l ESTATE IEIMCfl ~ --3 atory contemporary offerln1 beach living wtth aophiatfcaUon . ~ble-white water & coutllne views. Totally remodeled with the finest of appointments. IN NEWl'ORT CDJWA 644·9060 ,,.,... ... Desirable Nor1h l'ai location in The Bluffa. Popular ''C" Plan with 4 bdrma. and 3 bath• lnclud1n1 Mparate down1ta!n bedroom and bath -idMl for ln-lawt OC' •an office. Full price la $2&6,000 L.H. Seller .,Ill finance at 12 ~._ lnier.t tar ao yaua. No a.JJoon pe~ta. JWnadeled I bdtm, 2 bredl + IMllt ,_, nn .,..,., ~ tw ...... ,.U..."til0,000 PllllllU-bc..n ai Jttty vtiaws. Manne room. 4 bdrm, a beth. 1100 eca.tt. e1.aaa,ooo. OaNntront . ..-.. umwr , LMoon vt.w fram e bdnn. o beth, playroom, darlt rm. den. Hoel 1Jlp. Now t900,000. llllmPUll Speci.cuJar bll)'ftont dpbr 2 br, 2 be UPi 2 br L'b! _cln. 2 •..!.. . R9CIUL'ed -ti.~.ooo. ........... New 4 br, 4 ~ ba, cu.tom J'rench NOIToandy Ella'-1.2 prime IC hilltop. el.260,000. lll•IM IAYI C«onado laland CUSl. bllyfront lot. 8&' ., •dock. Pl.am avail. Now _,70,000 w/t.rrw. BILL GRUNDY . REALTOR ' ' . ... ' , THE REAL EST A TE RS .......... 3 ldrm. plut Income' Unlta. 171 ,000 down wll buy thlt pro~rty. A•· .. rneble toen.. 1425,000 . HOMES from IH6,000 to ae.000.000. Condoa, 12ss,ooo to 1430,ooo. c.... .i 11.a,, Im Lott , 1150,000 to 13, •••••••••••::::••••••• 500.ooo ...... me tie '/04lf Lift II lllAldt to ttlt arllOloul 11¥-a catallna JUDMt ~ mg aYall. f11 Aancllo 'f04Jtf 4 8dr hmlllde home, Santa Fe. OoMit plue mtn. W.W. HENI Ol.HEY, REAL TY formel dlnlng, ttparet( PO Box M15, Rendle> famlty rm, 3 cw ow l Santa ~. t2011 men tor orly 1321.ooct 75&-4488 w/Jdnt fin. 1.0\19 II callnO .. UnMIT Aon8elterta1-12tt ..,. ..... v.,., luxunow qu•ty- bUllt 3 8dml home, .... turtno ~and ... -----~ of wooda ind ceramic Ille. lrg ~p.elo~a :!I':;· .... lftYeet-211.000~~ •. Clil Dl!Mt........,.., ............. 11Tftm..., 2 8dml OOftClo .......... ad by Orffh a luall ~== tlon. Vllf'/ cafttrelty lo- cated. All emenltlH. Alklng only •.ooo and .... .. Mar .. °"*"- Calf Diane c.r1ora for ...... 754M100 C.1t ( )Jlc ... f ~ •J..,. '-, I ( 1 R \Pl I If 1 \ \I l<I \I I \ R&IMtaX ~'•' t :. . • ll "J':LJ\ H ' 1.-J . l I , I • ... I • • f I • • ' p l j .... &Ml.... MUA vaN>I Mlll'O. L4l - lrvlne·Coll•I• roof, Ira yard, 2 cov red petiOI, comm. pool1, mthly payment ot ,,.,,(. \..e~ .... ~" uc oev fur exclualv lh1'1Wm&· •144,900. . . Gt• .... fOf • Cl'owtnO &btl OOMlr ..... , .. J.~ U.twnlll TIWI t llllllr IU&. '1111 111·1• Aeduced llOOO. Ml.e ... tamlty on quiet aul da lo own. Alt, ...._nw. Turtleroolr IHcutlY• lmmecl. All new 2 Br. 2 MG. a WOi bed~•. I View ''ot*ty. Allum· !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! R&IM~ ... °""°"' houM, ""'°" betM, oornb!Md di 1!1t O.M. a bd, 2 .,., IOI. able flNlnolngl Sale pfloe 1d, deck, more. 1131, IMnQ room. Fwnlly rOOM 12%. ....,m t1K. 11M 1270,000 . wut NII ror --!'llm•~ll!ll---------......... ~ :=;. :l. ~·t:a •nd llreplece 8hup 500. 84f.7462 tl98,IOO ttlle ...ic, clean home. ldHI tor Oro, by 9 v..., vi-. YCMI own ttw i.nd, 2.00< aq n, aer. t.m rm, 211 ...... ~,,.. pc)OI, F11 below mattie attl,000. WW ..... op UOft.ltlt. 144-0~ _0t_84_2_..0_1M ___ ...-1 .,_...,... co.rt......,t .... y-....t-___ ..._ 8AT/IUHoAYoC*I 12·5 Aeduoed by owner' 11•, locatton ctOle to lhopt ..... ..... PYt. P'Y1 ~. &ae-7494 ooo. terme. 48r, lnW'llfO. and tr•fll•Y ecc .. 1. ~ loeetlon. a ldrm iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii IOl'T •Ill Tiii 1111 cuetomi.d tflNOU\, !'.nol Priced tor quick 1111 end """ In .. -. ooncs. llUL Otdn rm, pvt epe. dee*, 2 1154.500 C. t7t,2MO Only '"·toO. Cell Anni ~ttoe. utJ rm,~ By MoCMland, M1·1Ht tor the lerger temlly 4 ••--•TE l•I ll)Clt. PP. 754-1141 WI 11 tfhtt bdrma ptu1 80NUS .r•Rll m.... IMutlflJI 4 bedroom, 31~ ROOM 1nd 11par1te PlltMr9hlp llQllt fOf'oet IMltha. GrMt "°°4' p1en ot fw'll~ room. Cent. AJC Ideal locaUon, 2 Br, den, flreplace, pool, 1111. Setter wlll oury 1«1 Galaxy Ort~ 11 our tf'1..level 4 bd.rm. 2800 •Clu•re , .. t. 2 ..,d 1lr fllteriuon and spa, tennl•. $1 29.~00. Great terms. 12.~ tlnenctno 111alt 4 Br. Oen, FOtmW Dining Neer Pn and So. CoNt Hparate mHt•r b•· water aor11n1r. Nicety "-umable loan 10,.._ .. , ebll. Submit alt offef• Room, 2 Flreplac.1, S PIUf. fiifodel q_u•l"y. droom ~ All newtv --------• loollled Pten 7 In T""le ~ n l9 Newport IMcfl lrM a 81 Cir garage plue l1rg1 Atklng S221.600. Bkr. pell1t9d and~. All IWlO m/lll Aoc*. 11",tOO. 1111& 2 Ba. F.P. 11191 tarnll\ Hobby Room. POOi lltted M&-01ot thl• and • b11ut11u1 ' --.... ........ ........_ rtllmll·YILPI home. Alduqecf to 114i lot, beaut. 111\dec..,.O ..... ge .,. tot. _. ... ...,......, toO. Cell Peta JoflNor\ Owner wilt Ullat at fl. .... ....... Owner out ot town & mull ltquidlt• thll pride of ownenf'llp apt. COfTI· plu. Super loc1tlon, aoee to achooll. ctlutdl & •hopping. All unite f'leve 3 8dr & 2 ... 11t T.D. II aHumabl• & OWC 2nd. Submit. ~2313 THE ~EAL ESTATE RS =Lq,,:;1~ !:~t1.: pr1nolp111 only. e11t, lh. U /IO Ill·..... U1·12M nenc:lng. Only 1420.000 . !rear en otter end th• 0 o O. e 4 6 • 4 I 0 :S or ~ Open s.vaun Hiier wt11ll111nl1182, -84-2·-"-1-4-----/J~' i... ..... I i..., ..... I HI Robl:"~°"' 600 Call 979-2380 ,, .. ,. ''"'· '"f ''«'~/.... ::1'.~ ••••••••••••••• ::'A~............... • ••. --·1 ...........•.. ~..... ... ,.,. -""llllT 2 Br. No end. Owner wtll ........ ..... -.,., No down · no qualltytno. :S 11.22._~ A 2 bdrm contempor fin. 1225,000. 442 Mon-BY OWNER: 3 BR houM ~~~~~~~~ Super 1wQ19 condo with I ~~a~b t~ u;Ji1"'QVUU clalllc nl9t.lld In lta own tlflY Or. 494~154 No S1tt,OOO. Lo fin, Con· TrMllll ....... bedroom•. 2'1\ beth• gott•bl • peymenu private 50 year old lo· polnta. lldet ""Y ofter. ~1 • Lm. 1~ LtTI Dining end IMng room• 8hu1d 1ppr101atton ,..., EllqWette Clatalll & l.waa •I.NI lllJ Newpott HllClhll older ~ ~ • .'~~-~ ev•ll Wiii tr•d• Sue 1t513 C,a-a.ft..,i.-WOf'kllWllfllp.,..~t ::7.-:;;".;":I' ••••••••••• Br. 1 Be. dblcwgi1r1g1, Lge ,_ cuetom home, "--· --'V .,.., 18 HM ~1111:1" .. ....: In t~_p!!.1349,000. LOVELY 3 Br, 2'1\ la. Prof 5011 117 R1 lot. ~~·~ ~,21t0 tM belt poeelbll rectea-t• ~ti-deo. View, fir tr ... , lrg 1155,000 ,.,. .,_,.--"" . .......,.,:ti tkw\el tlCilltlel lnolud:s ••• ,.,.. ... II the WOf'd fOf thl• yd. tipl. VA, comp ... 4f1 SWlt• Ana Ave e75-304e 1173-25 POOt.. .,..,_, Spa ...,} JH condo 1n .,, lldult private eumabll, low dn. 1130, 548-5041 alt e 0 .. ••-__ ... 1t11ctled 11•r•ge1 wnh •••~•••••••••• •••• EXCRLENT community. ClubhouH 000. 495 -9139 or N9wport HelQhtl older 2 -~H ,._,_.r utility l'OOft\. AMumebfl No down . no quellrylng 3 IOI' rllldlnt1 & gueeta II 557-331(). Br 1 Ba. dbl< Owner• h~tlvatld 1111181 ~:, 1J;!5~:6'i~. :'ver~2~~ t~: f .. lllclllt' Jult • lhor1 W91k ewey. 2 SELL Idle 1t1m1 with a 50· x 117 Al:. garage, ::.= :-homl !:': 0on•t mtea thla 2 bdrm 950 C.. 97e-.23llO gotteble p1yment1. llW1 ll1U bdrm1, tge 1111. rm., Ill· Otlly Piiot Claulfted Ad. l t56,000 park• tdlool9 & lhop- ,~,..,...°°" ...... "•duoed 10 .. 11.000 .,ILWtnf e.eoo.ooo oHh a buyer Haume S200..i.~ ttt TO, 10.7% Prlot lnotudel boet lllp, lfunNno rwnnure & eounC"1ea. etc .. etc. OPEN 12-6 SAT & SUH Cell Mur ... ~ Aot· This l'ustom built oceanf ront home ft-a turl'i; e legant European det::ulmg, 1mpress1vt.• swnc & wood exterior. with lt·aded & lx·vt•lt.-d glai.s window!> :i lx"<lrooms & :1 ba~hs, ::! ftrc•plac.·t.·s & m u l' h . m u (: h mo rt• . P oss 1 b It· ta x a~vantage 1n easy l'Onverswn to duplex. IFFHH FllllSllH IT nao,ooo (S.~1t18tfll Iner F1 .. ao111) ,., tvrtlter .......... ,, .. lcttt 140-lllO., ut-0087 .. home on Megnoll• '°' l'lt-JIM Shued appreol1 tton W &....6 Sq T QIPtlonel kitchen. S205, 1142·5'78. 4e1 Sent• Ana Aw ping 'e.utttu1 pat11-llk• onltt S129,500. 'r-. OWi 1707 s. IAISTOL .... 11 Wiii lrad• Su• • 31 1Ul • Own· 000· Lltttl Mlel Mun.t •ton 541-6CM, aft II grounoe wlhuge ..wnm-Npt Htl by owner, R1• tiny ,,.. ..., hlf a b1Qla9r\.Cell 191-65&e house Tuffet, elong c1m1 BESTBUY ·LOWEST mlngpool,INlttt-and ~~h~MC> •te .. •••••••••••••••••-• ... ICIDOfE. ..... ...,. and ,.. In t prioed Hpl ~ ,.,, 3 lt0flg9 ltlad. Speciou• • 1()(11 0 0 iwu. ..... IG-1111 lnlitf llH D•llY Piiot Clei11lfl1d S Ir Ul-M S119,800 lb. roome Uvoughout. qu-. :t:,u•rtere. 2 • O ti 1aJ. . UM ~ •UJllU ...................... tm~3 ~ ~ ~ ~ -.itton M>out Mlel Muf· IMMACUl.ATE-End Unit tty bit-Ina, mll\r, many ll7s-:C· Prtna. ~ .•• '!f ................ -;i s·--.... Wll•IWMA1UI w111wn, •to. Encl. gar. tet'1Tuffet endboughtlt ~ldld 38rdln PIMl4 ex t ru. C1I now. &12-2211· 8051238--2048 um&.U Cozy 2 8dnn bun01110W Townttome. 2 br, 2 be, o I a104 goo fOf' St.t5. You Olin NII 0,000 1~ dn lkt. 546-2313 8-ltlful 24X80 2 BR. 2 With rooM to 111p1t1d. .,..t kMI. Hlghly uporao-,,,'~/w'M c.iry tg' 2~er/ your tuffet and lot• of om Gottler l46-9200 lllllflllT BA home. Corner lot. Good ~ loan. A ed. Ukl new cond. 110, nM!tl othar thlnge through Trade your old llufl lor FOf S... or lAeM 5 Br lallnd l<ltcNn. Fem Am .. bar~•ln 1 100,000. 000 dn, auurna loana. 'tSZ3~Da·IRYM Delly Piiot Cl1Hlfl1d new goodlee w i th 1 4b&. 7111 w. ~onl Llgtlt lntlflor. E.ndoMd 1145-815 Aot-• 8k:r ooop. 5111-IO&e Ada. call 842-6878 Clu.ilied ad 1142·5&78 l550.000. 175-3817 pcwch, llr c:ondJ..ou~ ! .. !!!!.{'!..~' ....... ! .. '!.!!!.l!!.!t!.' ....... !-.!'.!!.{ .. '.~..'.' ....... !~!!!.{~?#.• ....... ~!.~!'.'..{'!.!.'!! ............. I«..,, ,.... .. .. • ..... ,_ ,.,, . I.Ii. .,, -~~· . C.•u.J llOZ C.•11•1 11111z C..11•1 IHZ C.••1'1 JIOZ C.•1t•I IOIJ ;;,;;;;;j•••••••••jfii •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••.••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• • •••••••••••••••••• ~l"'• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• -...i '"' ,. •• ,., 1001 EVE~1y1~. I ~,.,; ·-·-,,. -.:---~~ •••• ••••..t.t.; •••• •••••••••••••••••••••• " " ~·· 11a1 .. ,,,,, .... WALK TO BEACH! •••••••••••••••••••••• •$279,ooo · * fe)Vll SHORIS • Spadoua executive home featuring 4 br & 3 ~ be, pool & a view of ibe backbay & Anthony'• Pier! This fine residence is located in a vecy desirous area & priced for immediate sale. Low interst 8111Wl\8ble financing available. Call 759-1501 or 752-7373. ISTATl''SIZID LOl _ • CAMIO 5HORIS * Thia outstanding exec home features what must be the largest lot In Cameo Shores! Tile rear yard features a Japanae garden, waterfall, Kol pond, pool & volleyball m. tn a spad~ environment designed for memorable days thruout the year. A 1ge liv rm w/frplc ~ the pool & gardens exempll1iea the open specious feeling prevalent t.h.roout. A huge kitchen, frm1 din nn & 4 IJ*loua bdnna including a mstr suite w/blt--in shelwa, IUhken jacuz:z1 tub. Offered at $670,000. FEE w/*8SWD8ble ftnanctng at ll.7K. 759-1601 M 752-7373. -------------NIW-lfSJING..._,,..--__ ~ HAaaoa VllW HOMI Outstanding Portofino on FEE land! Excellent family home. featuring a premium location With extensive use or Wied brick, 3 BR'• plus large covered patio. Priced for immediate sale at $315,000 with 104'% assumable financing1! Call 759-1501 or 752-7373. * DOVIR SH ORIS• This custom Ivan Well• designed home was built w /executive entertaining in mind. Quality thruout. from the 90lid oak paneled den to the mahogany paneled fmly nn. Some or the numerous features are: sensaUonal view of Fashion Island & ocean, black bottom pool & 1pa w/out.side bar. 3 car garage. complete aecurlty system & of course fonnal dining. To view the luxwious features of this ~fkent residence, call 759-1501 for private showing. $1,500,000 FEE! OCIAN VI EW + POOL •SPYGLASS HILL • This tn.a.ly ma.gniftcent residence I.a for thoee who embrace relaxina luxury u a way of life. This home la completely remodeled & decorated, featwi.na lmpor:ted paven beginnl.ng on the fron\ patio &. continuing into the entry & thruout the fmly rm. kitchen & breakfMt. area. Decorated 1n Mediterranean style w/curved a.rches, rec1111d ll&htina & liberal uae of mirron. The remodeled gourmet kitchen featuree 10lid oek cMtnetcy. Jeo·Air Range, Portugueee tiles & a breakfast nook w/ocda.n view. Naiurally there II a panoramk: ocean & nJaht view ffort> LA to Catalina & of counie a pool & .,. are encl'd In a private courtyard. Thia tine home .le wuniltakably N.Wport! Prioecht $849,900 FEE w/wumable finand.n1-759·150l ~ 762-7373. ~IANDONID ARTISrs CHALn SACRIPICI PRICE OF $169,900 This English Tudor style home is vacant and waiting for a new owner. It is custom built with many features nonnally found only in higher priced properties. Notice the bay window and artistic wooden planter boxes. What you can't tiee in the picture are the five skylights, used brick entryway, ceramic tile kitchen flooring, secluded patio or the lofts found m each of the large bedrooms. Added to that ls a spacious family room and three full baths which make this cary five year old home located only two miles from the ocean truly an excepUonal value in today's mark.et. 9032 Adams Ave .• Huntington Beach. For more Information pl~ call 6:WS-7035. iiow DO YOU SPILL SUCCISIT A Rolls Royce of a ho~! Of coune every detail has been attended to for the discriminating buyer. Tantalii.lng colors. Perfect n ow for entertalnJng with any comers of "at home" livi.Qg. Three thousand five hundred gquare feet of uncompromislng elegance consist.Ing of five bedrooms and three full bath s . The master bedroom suite is partlo.darJy ... .enc:banlir\& and inclw:fes a lux.U~~ oval tub and __ separate tiled shower. There ia a separate family room with wet bar and a 15'x21' bonus room for the children. FormaJ dining is provided as wen u an eating area off the kitchen . .Beautifully landscaped yards including a custom spa. The $3M,900 price ls surprisingly affordable in today's market place. For complete d~tails call 963-5671. CAPI HUNTINGTON TOWNHOMI AFfOIDAILI llACH LIVING What would you normally expect to find for $112,000? Certainly not a double car encloeed garage with an extra large patio, and probably not a den with a wet bar or a l~ family eating area. But even if you did, we'll almost guarantee the master bedroom 1uite wouldn't be 18'xl5' with mirrored cloeet doon. All this and more can be yours wiLhin a five minute drive of Pacific Coast Highway. We'd be delighted to give you any additional information if you'll just call us at 963-5671. DILUJtl llAUn SALON IN HIGH TRAPPIC AllA LOCATION You would· have to aee this custom designed and decorated interior to believe it. Five busy operators and five addiUonal stations for future expansion plus twin nail statJona and a f~ial room. Also Included are six hair dryers, ttu'ee aham~ s~tions and two supply rooms. All equipment ls top of the line quality andbarely-nf years new. Seller ls wiUln& tb remain u an employee of the new owner. Consic:Mrlng the location and cash flow ls reasonably offered at $74,000. 556-7035. llCYCLI TO THI alACH PROM SU .... I LOCATION This hljhly upgrlded )lome with 11>lar heated pool 18 only minutes from the ocean and ls I.A the much IC>Ulht after Ediaon High School District. No expense hu been 1pared in lavia)'lly appointina thls showplace with wall coverinp, wooden ahuttera. mini-bl.lnda, mirrored wardrobe doors and MORE!l tJ. wry W. formal dJnina room la perfect for the com6"8 holldat.=". With all of thtlle. amen1Ues, you'll fihd the price hard· to : It'• o«erect at the 'May, 1982 apprafaed value of •168,500. Call u1 (or dei.ill on the exct\ln1 ffnal!IC1na plaria we have avallab.le. One t. ~ IO ._ rifht for yout 6M-?036: MUll.ANMALTY ... ta-.m 540-2MO Mk for .. mvat.al .... " ... Sen Clemente pride' of 4 Bdnft, 2~.,._ 2 11 o wn 1r1hlp . modern Palenno mdl. Exe.flint ~ ttyte 4 unit llpt. ~ with OCMn/fllll & tlnancl'a. F•• Lend. goff 11 ..,._ ao- Only S2 •600· Contact to •~thing, 'only 3 --= Pr ..... y_,. old & lhOWI llkl .. 1:: I =:38ct~O:: city & OCMn \/law apt. " WIY llY1 1ppllcabl1 & rent tf'le LINDA ISLE.~. 5 Br. otf'llf 3 apartment• fOf l4400. t7~. lnc:<>me. a... .. .,., finance & SAVE b"Y*' thou11nd1 of dollaral REDUCED Mltng pttcl of 1326.000 II W1Y 8E-LOW current replac.- IMftt G014111 Pt1~ ONL VIII Cell OWftlr at (H4) Ml-0111 ~o~ ~.~.!!!! .. ~ SAN CLEMENT£ -10 unit. venllnt cuetom-bullt 3 Oce•nfront llme11'11re. bdrm, '*""Y room encl City & coeetal comnW-c• r gar a ge ho me. I '6oll IPP'O\l8I !50% Joint lt)l rklll with pride o venture. 11:250,000/ own-.:,~t~r wit S 150,000 dn . Sell .,., ........ $1,500,000/ '300,000 ... &-On. Owner 492-1720. A PETE BARREil REALTY Poelttw cMf'I flow w/t&ll IMlter Income. Eltoell. flnMc:lnQ on a .,._ net .... property toc:..o ln • pt1me So. Celt. toe.- Ion. Cln ... tHa Y'MI'· U H ,000. 8t1rlley, lr'llflt & Wiii. 541-1'30 •& laA 191.11 Motlvetld .. ,.., offer• ttlle l)l'lme beeCtl lr'lptml. two ~ Br unMa w/frpk:a tn front bldg, a Ir unit 1bov1 3 cir garege. 142a,ooo. owe. Lynne Valentln• Pro~rtle1, 760083:93 .... , ... 11hlh .. 1. Aaeume OY9I' $300K In tong term loena of ep. PfOll 12%. T1na "' !om • fH land. Prol.atad 1ummer/wlnter t row gro11. 1 85K C a ll ~781Ma. ............... Wall kep1. quiet E'lldl tocatlon. No vacancy. O wner 01n finance w/15" dn. ... UL.a -iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil • yn. ctd. Wei ........... Id. "-tlt1na owner wll "'*"" w/fW dn,. 1~ Int .... oonekfar not.a for dn pymt. A elctno '279,000. ..... ~~ n..tbta t.,lft&, A•llnt au ...... ..... , ......... NII OOMft fawd. Cofonl Ml Met N1·1.tc>O l1,4f l 1000 811/lun 1·& 10 ~ V1t«M;l6e Cenyon, NI 1~ ....... lun12""4 I MWOll 11 Rue Ver1e (INQ ~) H.B. 644-4110 $445,000.1'• Sat/Sun 1·6 15'43 8er9ftld9 Ten. (lrv.Tatr.) CdM 644-4910 $320,0Qb..'9e Sat/Sun 1-6 38 Rue l'ontllnebtMu (Bg Cyn) NB 780-8333 $578,000 SaV8un 1-4 2108 Yecht Mltch .. f, CdM 720-0858 1376.000 Sun 11·3 113 Via Ravenna, Udo 1 .... N.B. 873-7300 1349,500 Sun 12-2 938 Meck9ft%1• Pl., nr SC Plaza, CM 751·7148/6157-156159 Sun 11-" 8102 MarMlll" Or, Hunt. Beac:h 848-0709 $129,900 Sun 1-" 2018 Vlata Cajon (Blurt.) N.B. 644..e2oo $212,000-LH Sun 1_.:30 311 12 Holly Or. So. Laguna 41M-11n $685.ooo Sun t-5 * 1472 Galaxy Or, Dover Shra, NB 942-2510 $895,000-F• Sat/Sun 1-5 101 VII Genoa, Lido I .... N.B. e'TB-7300 $8915,000 Sat/Sun ,_. *2<M Via Eboll, Lido I•. N.B. 673-7300 $525,000 Sun 12-3 4'5 Hlllgrue (Turtlerock) Irv. 6#-8200 $309,000 Sat/Sun t-5 1215 M1rlnen1 Or., Newport Beach 844-8200 $4915,000 Sat/Sun t_. 2307 Falrtllll (Baek Bay·area) 844-8200 $216,000-F• Sat/Sun 11-5 14~ SJ*.'ft on 23 Acn. + 20 addhlon.tJ llCl'ft 13,150,000 ' ...., ....... ~ •• ,_ .. ...._..cpb•rl It ...... ....._..MM._.• ...... ~Iii tpMlw ... Illy ........ ~ .. _.. .. ..._,., tML Y PILOT •AWf AtL ,..,_, ....... ""' ..... .., .... w """ -........... -· ..................... _ .. ......, ......... a ...... , ... Ml or DIN 2&60 Rlvtrlfde Or., Cotti Meu e.46-8748 1173,900 Sun 12~5 2209 Prtv1t1 Rd., Newport Beech 844-8200 1285,000-FM Sun 1-4 4 MOAOOM 760 Via Lido Soud, Newport Beach 675-8870 1526,000 Sat/Sun 1-S #6 Rue O..uvllle, Big Canyon, NB 944-6200 $625,000 • Sun 1-i 4 ... ..,._ PAM Ml °' DtlN 1218 Key WMt (Hrbr Vu HI•) CdM 64-4-4910 $299,800-LH Sun t-5 213 Diamond Ave. (Balboa laland) NB 644--4910 $595,000-FM Sat/Sun 1-5 1« 1 Galaxy Or, Dover Shra, N.B. S..8-5947 $420,000 Sa/S 12:30 ... :30 * 1840 Tradewlnda, Baycreat. NB 6-44-9080 $349,500 Sun ,_. 222 Via Palermo, Lido t•. N.B. 673-7300 $387,000 Sun 2_. *4629 Roxbu_ry, Cameo Shra, CdM 759•1501 M70,000-FM Sat/Sun 1-6 4 M ,._ PAii -• IMIN •2283 W1t«men, Collll Mela 631-7370 Sun ,_. 210 VII Sen Remo Udo IM. N.8 . 87&-30481813-2551 s1t1aun 1-a I .-..oolll 2912 Catob. Eatbk.lft. N9WpOrt Boh 644-1742 $304,000 Sat/Sun 1·& 201 Lwkapur/OoeM, Corona Ml Mar 631-1400 t1.876,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 * 708 Via Udo Nord, Lido .... NB 97M191 $1,500,000 Sun 1·6 I • ..... PAM -or DIEN *36 RldgeUne °'·Harbor Aktge 790·18b0 S2.2 MINon Sun 1-5 4 Narbonne (Harbor Aadga) NB 944..e200 $1,600,000 Sat/Sun t 1-5 *111 Muir e.ach Clrcte, CdM 940-8259 $1,996,000 Sun 1·5 901 Klnga Ad. (Cllffhaven) Npt Bch 950-3900 SN0,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 ·~ 233 Via Genoa, Udo I .... N.B. 873-1300 $576,000 1 lllftOOM 111 LA*IOIMI CTPMt t.••J ltv. M0-11•1 8111,IOO lun 11·1 1"'9DNOM ~ ......... ~i,o:'l' rr.v ~at/lun 12·9 2911 lunflow11 •!!.1. hn11 Ana 751-a1t1 N7,wu sun 1 .. I IUflOOll 22H Pacific, Collll M ... 945-0303 1119,000 Bat 12,../Sun 1_. TOWNHOUlll FOR IALI I M ,._ PAM Ml or 1M1N #3 Aue Fontalnet>tuu (lg Cyn) NB 759--1100 1385,000 Sun 2·5 I M pNt PAM Ml or DaN 37 Canyon Crest Or .. COrona del Mar 780-8817 $249,000-FM Sat/Sun 12_. DUPLEXES FOR SALE 1Mtplue2M 411_.1 n~ Oahlla. Corona del Mar 973-6494 $450,000 Sat/Sun 8 t 1 t Seuhor•. N.wport Beach 945-0303 l-450,000 Sun 2:~:30 SMpluelM !509 Acacll (Oceanalde of Hwy), CdM 946-7048 $440,0007 Sat/Sun 1·6 * Pool ** W1terfront '*** Waterfront a Pool 1115/mo. 2 .,. a ••. tclwnhouM. ffp9o. ,.., OM port. laundry ,.. II bft .... '"'811 pM .. T8LMgmt _,.Ml OI 81'1 5, Mt-4111 .. , I I I I .._....__•t.,.-Aj A:: -~~j·,l•~u·r::!l~J • •• IACHILOftl ........ ~., , ... ;,;::. ~ ... Div -. ..&. _,_ _...,._ -.. -~ ':.:: ~ Cp*'r' ftl'ltlitlftl, OIHft•\!P• (1.1.HHIHO ~ I ........ l"""'llm-~-~ 'TWiM.L~P'J motlel lall, lielly .,.._...._..._..... STWVI.,.__... 0::-·-··1 ~...o-wi. -.......M. ..;,,. .,._ ... ,.,..._, . ..,..,, '°' e t 4I tlll ~ In love l loW . WV. ... ..... Hol,..._llflO. ~ ltlolc .. '°"'9 • IO MV ed &-fW ~ "'" my· • •••u•• HAUL~I WI... OWi' 11.,._ ~llYOOO 1'a-'-ln... mrm.-,............. CM hclf'M. t..M1ti truoll ••m• lo ,. •••. I ......0037 ~, ........... Mt2 Sl"r.7n11············· 111.f "9mod.I......,._ Lo,.._ Toooed/ ........ CtMf1 Tllatlk YOli flt· tt'71 ,~lnWIOf = ""' ~Ill, pallotl flNICIM. CNld C..: IM\ to tom. uP:fiMn,...., Ji1-M7' Joflrl Hef '*"91CWI No dme to _,_ H /ITAIP ••• ,.. .... "-" u..eeae HouM. lnld&e, rerd. Yul ' . HAULIHCI & Ot.IAN-Ufll NII.......,., Cell •"-' 4. m•ew............... VIM-MO 80ot1 .......na &.'1111M, ••••••••••••• MOllt eubtect-, 1<·14 ~/ew .. I 112/tv. Mr. Mofgen 145-5118 IXP!A. oarperilet d ... °''*'time. 14t.JtN 11111 I Wlltll OAl.L AtCtiAAO ~ w&-1 ..... l•P''' w•llcio"erlng In· IUllllY ed~temod, decile. &. ........... .__., ....... 1. ,. rail~, eftet eotloOI, Nl' .. 1t1. HOVNGl•1111tng min 4 '" T=. 21 'I' pP. ltlhtlofl ..... Oonlut-~=r:112U1 ...,_ .... 00 IT NOWI .. l,....,... ,,.. :::-.-...-.-na.-rr.n:i.. IWHP~1~1· .. • HAUL MOVI OR d91, ,..,., Conni. ,..... tent AMIOM\I. 611 .. HO • . :1G:'ill ••••••••••••••• .... I ... ,....., None a t>lo, ftOM 2 ll'MI' ....... a•uovi. I' lnM9d 540•1422 No 71C).t353 Typing '°' '/Wf tndMduel ... "' ..... D I lied ''°"'A to l w do II.... LM~Yct Olnuoe ....... ~ • lat# c.... .. ... .....,_ nHd Term P•P•fl YfNI o.lly Piiot !!!:! In"!!!,, .:.!!•'la 114-fff.MM lie 426711 ;,;;;,;m/;;n_.Melflt Otl Nomi. 18 •--_,.jHI--AIO MOVING-.................. , ........... r.;.r.r.,...... the11i re1ume1 etc'. ...,... Ohc10tY ·-,. -·-· trrtgatlOrt Jim lll~t2' 1-~.tt'r. Qu6ok, Careful hMOe. CUSTOM wood patio PACWE8810NAL &46-'1Me ,.,.._,tat!Ye l~~ ::~· Aeft. Jefry ~ •••••• ................ iUSiNYSMAN.WtLL.. W• do IMIOIClngH2-G410 covera, redwood dec*1& Edited, written, iyp.d. i---------141 ... ll, ut. 1U .. DfWWAUTA;;.;Q ... CW~ l'Mlnl. 14 llf D iy> Ml-llU HOUSESIT. eoucatecl 8TAAV1NO COU£0E fence.. Randy 6'1-oe22 942-2'42 ,,,..,, ~ !~~~~~~~~§!1!!.h!t!lt........ All r~, AooueUo ~ Nowllrl~ "'"=°o1 •• ., '*' • cepeble. s..1-ssu sruDENTs MOv1NO 1 L.H-··wi'wA&H'w~oc>ws .. 8hem-l ~ CllMr\ Ff'9 .... KM\ l6C).l()H ~ tgn ~c. Retired G0\11 ~ CO. Uo. T124-438 I. Ulfll "-lr :":;";'::'I'............... F__.. p,---.--.. Co1Mbr1Qht9Ml't wt1i ~-·• QUALITY WUOING avail IOI houlealttlng INUfed. 141..a.427 ••••••htt~•••••••• Huber~ IYPM ' au.ii; won:'_,, __ tat.~!~.............. OtPll -10 "*'· ..:.... ~............. F 11&9.::':Z w·&Wr:t~~ . 751-5211 WATCH us GROWi ~8 ~~~~. ~eooww.-.. . , Fr .. 9ltll'nateouar...:~91 ~.=L04 ...,.,ltv/dln.rmel11;9"1 !LECTAICIAN. Priced Nc*4M-42U tcwytlder youwork'p,of Couple I houM elt Reetucoa.. 145-8258 uo. #411802. IJ48..97:M --------.~~ ..,.1 .. 1q. room 17.IO; ~ llO: f'IOht, ffM Mtlmet• on ' or vaoallol'I my C.M 1 wtn·t., rnont.! NB ~. 1"'6"-p• ••T"" .. p•TCHING -Pll•mt ..... a.. I I -...,...~ • ....., -IMl.Jo cfW SI. Quer. elm. pet lar9f « llftall )obL ........_. ••• .. ,..,,. • ,,., • ,...,.,. •••••-::JI'•••••••••••••• ~ '"" " -r••--:Ta , ... odor. Cf'9I ,..,.., 15 ~ Uo. 318M21. 873-036t ••••• •••••••••••••••• ,_.,,., __... .... lmkrt 213/471-1418 .. PlllTm RHIUCOOI. lnt/ex1. 30 Don't ,...,oof ~. ..~ .... ... ....... / D II If ~ ~-....,. Meet Paul 646-2177 ......... Ion .,.. •e 7.2•""' That .. ooritr °"' who ., 'I exp. o wor my1e . ELECTNClAN ,.._, ·........ 'dM'& ~herd Sinor. Lie ,._ • .,_, ..,. -· ....., perlonn wort! 0"9t S200 •• 1'!!!!!!. ................... 56+4l2' 8ml jobe/"9pelra.. Lio. ~ ~.,..----··~ecruNiNO" "-'"~" . 14 ~of htlCIPY NORD PLASTERING ROOFING REPAIRS Including tabor end Ftbergt1 boet repair. No SteMVNo ~ 2331oe.c.10. 541-5203 ' s.w.. a thoroughly c;;.••0 ~ .......... IOCal OUltomen. tnV.it. "-tUQCOI. Smell Jobi OK. Frelt meterlat1 mu11 b• tr~ Vemlilh. pelr'tl I !Mini. a .... Sp-I r L ,_ TOP OUAUlY WORK HOMI! CAAE-M.,AIA, dMtl hc)ua9. ~7 & 1~1o eo!;...~=:.' Thenlc you, 131-4410 8lodl .... 58&-4892 •llm•t ... C•H Tom or caneed. UrM0101ed oon- Prof, ,...._ ee1..-787 aft cSty. ,,_ .... .._11582 AT REAS. RATES ~~-· 1_'~~1..:= haul. HOUSECl.EANING: Good Fr• eet. Getw 639-4078 PAINTER NEEDS Chudt, 8.42-8392. tractore "'°'*' IO atate 5pm. We C.... Crpt CIMner9 UC'd. Joel 647-4425 ,.... ? ,-.. Tr9MPQttetlon. Ex· Total tr .. wv lendecape WOAKI 30 Y'l"I eoq>, lnV ll111•M-IMf Ula ...... ~.!it":.-::~ MlllM '*"'T-..... ~~ ~· RESID/COMM'L/IHD. !!!..~~.Mt~t.. per'd. 979-.7151. handyman, o.m.n1. m.: ext. Aaoultto cMlngl UC ... ::::::-r............. ·~ 'flS1.n1e contect Mwy Grondle. •••••••••••••••••••••• ·-.. .._.. ..... wor1I ·-----""' ,.... s 638-ot 3te7IO. ,, .... umet•. 1411r D <:::; 141-lln I (714)558--40tt wi1t1 llt'f CUSTOM HOME BLDA Wort! GI* 14W7tt 20 yn. Do '"L 0::.., 24i too llNll. FMC MMc1. Houeec:l .. nlng, t1U1bl•. IOnry. 2 1"1· 14 DeWI Painting 847-6432 quettlonl. Contractor'• Medi SMALLER J088 5i1ij/j, • ..., UC. 279041 1 Fr.e Mt. Keith 6'&-4e72 ~~,l'llNPM~5 Bal Ille Pelntlng I 40 gel watertieater '225 State UCenel Boerd, 28 ~ hOueel.""' •••••••'•!•••••••••••• "-'--!I.TH! "'•ft'd In., tiome ~ ..U""an 8peo. ret• 175 ~ei Wti.t e Wonderful World I Civic Center Plaza, ,.. __ Den 537-0342 ,...__. U~ ...... .......... •••••••••••••••••••••• plu -'•O •7 7 I """''""· · ._,_,.._ft,__ ••••••• .. •••••••••••• Reet. No Job-·too I. Sterr Property Servtcee. •mat .. -•. v • of Shopping, right et Room 890, Sent• Ana, ~ ,.,...,_ .r;.~Aob WC::.;.~ F::::.c:.,~•-~ Brian ~...... :r='1 ~o ~==· Melnteneno1 HrvlcH, LowHt retHI Prompt, r:f. ~lpa 9"efYd•YI CA 92701. ••••••••:;;;-::'A•••••• •bl• colt. 842·9125, ••"-,....,142-ll09 I •"ell1ble. Painting,. nHt profe11tontt1. 15 Ad YT tt~t Cta11lfl•: L-'••'Almatl1•1 l'!T=t=k=I=~~~==~ PROP. CABINET MA.KEA C.-" ru. 942.2741 •••• ....... •••••••••••••• plumbing, roonng, con-yre exp.13&-7149. cal~.94~ fef:' .J:'ie~ • :-::;.~:.............. h n ng of e new home 21 yra exp. Cuetom-blt •••••••••••••••••••••• DUMP J09S HOUSECLEANING crete Remod11tng, etc. • a DRESSMAKER & fOl IPf'lng? See the many furniture. UC'd. ITIYl'I 11.1 Sell thlngl fut with Delly I. Sm.it Mo'ltng Jobi Honeat I. Oeoendeble RHI ret11. 945.7757 UUl'I ,..,. Clualfled Ad-Vlaor help FASHION D£81GNEA ltltlnga In today'• clanl- l<en Burttett 836-1451 Expert lnetll NS-a2'3 Piiot Wan1 Ad.. Call MIKE 64&-1391 Btencle "2-2t90 AM only. 548-«71 PM low ret•. tic. 538-Nte you. Reuonable. ~7 fled c:olumn8. 942-5678 ~:=: ...... l!ff AHll'leftt IM 1t1el'tlttlnt ~NOlt=leni ...... to:Ol~M ""· Dally "'ot, PO IOll 1llO, 0-. ..... lertendlnO w.n,.. av.. 11 Y"· Muet Ila,,. •k· .,.,..,_. AW-I In per-'°"· II Metedof llWt_,. rent. 17H Newport lltvd .. O.M . ........ ......... In beMltlolene wlttl IOOd foaowlno for new lteauty Hlon In Nwrpt loll. Comm . or rent. Catt Joyce dye ~:..,. IU-I011. IMN<ffMT COOK Xlnt befteflt1. Apply In penon OHL Y. Jdt'I fllOO'" er ""taurant, UOO Herbor llvd, Oo1ta ..... MARKETING MGMT TRAINEE U!!9 No Experience ... " ... ,. ~ Mri OOfftPUtlr .operator • Oetl M Houri nMd•d for a 11rvloe 11'9M4 llM ·-~~...,..,_not , ________ , ~~I\.:. .'Yfo ........ ...... ... ,tibuloull working oondt. -IW II teQU!t9d. 'or rnrormatlon, oall 1141111..offl ' ~Jr •••••••••••• ~ 1 ........ ar.t eootiomyf IO def powet treln werrenty. (158041). •111211 ...... _,_ 20IO HertMw ltlld. C08TAMUA ... 11 1979 CADILLAC COUPI DI VIW (104YS0) $8995_ 1911 CADILLAC 11.DOaAOO llAllSTZ (1ASGl81) $15,995 1979 CADILLAC HVILU (3t2VP8) $11,495 NANCY MOW'S nus, MA'AM? TWEN1V-FOUlt COWS STAHOIN6 IN A PASTU~E •• eAat OHE RENDERED IN EXQUISITE DETAIL ! .NOW, 1'LL ·COLOR TME SKVBLUE,TME ~SS 6REEN AND PUT IN SOMEVELLOW · FLOWE~ .• WOW! . WMATA PICTURE! WAAT AN ARTISTIC TRlUMPM! IZ.-19 . ' THANK YOU - -I'M SURE YOU'LL Bf: SATISFIED WITH THE BALL , ' PVT AWAV T~.AT MISTOR't' SOOK I MARCIE ••• ARt IS NEXT ! SOME OF. ·.US AAS JUST PAT~ONS OF , TME AAT5, SIR av Ernie Bushmiller QARF-IELD®. GOOP MOANIN~, GAAFllLP. l'M IO MAPPV VOU CAN &MARl~n"H16 Qt0Rt006 MOANIN~ wrrH :Ml. ~I.JD .GE by Jim D1vl1 ' By Hank Ketcham ~------~--1-11 JEANNIE! I CAN'T FIND MY CONTACTSI ~ WAN-rA PAC-MAN Vt s:::>eQ 'GAMS! 56 WE COULD All GO OOf CAROLING IN ~E NEJ6H&oRMOOD ON · CHR151MA5 EVE ~ WMAT WEN&ED AIOONO HEllU! ,, , ANO Mf6& ifiE. 'DUKE5 OF HAZZARD SALJ.TJ'e 10 Q4~151MAo' ~ by Ferd and Tom Johnson ITILL-BE A ~RE,AT WAY-ro ~NC>-OlJR · -DAY! HOW CAN You MAl<5 . A~ MoNEY IF ONLY ktt>S HAVE" To PAY TO RIDE:? - I 4 l t I l ~ \ . 1 CAM YOU TltUST YOUa IY•lt TMN .,. et ..... M• ..._... .......................... _ ............. ,. ...... .... _.,.., _.. ,_ ........ , DIG ....... ~ ...... . 'Hl*f'tl .... .1. .. ·-..-..... 'l ··~ tt.-n•.1. ···~•-"°99'C ~llPIUW:l 'l'eio4""°'4~"'611tlut1Ui\9 'I '~110 For Better· or For Worse HMMM ···· F\U'lA,o.K.,JeSSe,HEL.E.NBtN~,-MARS ----. . // . ANO~,NA~C'{f\ND·Ul~, ~fiED AND MRU~~.!t'~~ by LYJtn )ohmton ' I I I . . J Gus Arriola MacNell · ' D1i1JPlat . . . ~ ' . . . . . ----.. ~ .,. :Here comes ~ fteSfl ne\N a e ex~r1ence that outshines menthol . . . · It not only tastes fresher While you stnoke. It even l~aves you with .a dean, fresh t.aste. · W.ming: Thi Surpon Gtnifll Ha D111rminld Tl'9I Cilm• S..-..110.. .. M ta Yow Hllhh. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--­~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- IOAll..Vill I ~- Odis' '!:'J:': ..,.....,., _..... ,.,. ... IO ............... ,.,. .... die m'IT1laoe OD Cbrtll- :;:,~-LJL. S... Naturally. rd ltke Robert Red- ford (who-wouldn't?), but I'd never be so lucky. He11 be busy filling other requests, and I'm way down on the totem pole. If he did~ I'd keep him glued to the spot by thmltenina to disrobe if he made a move to leave. But because no one else would want him. l'U take the Aya- tollah Khomeini. rn •• him from beneath my mistletoe. park him under the Ouistmas tree, then blow it up. ' , ' : I I ' ' 1 I I f.. ' t y , ' ' ] '/'' /L--L '9·l'&n,. CAUGHr, A n.EF: Here's a Ouistmas IUrprlle for C..,. Gnat. but It's not a present. It's a skeleton In hll cloeet - and he doesn't even know lt'1 there. The Silver Screen legend once walked °" of a restaunnl without paytna hls bW. The owners of Serendipity In New .\brk Clly. are ptepar· Ina a book about their ~ llshment and. 1n a.mbUna the recipes. picture and memorablUa, th~ came aero. an unpaid ctm. It ... ln 1955, Onnt and 0.-..,hldtealnd.- • S.wMllDliY ........ I> Cardt a 7W, WhW'I they lla, they Mn I0-.0 Ill d Ill CDno- versation, they forgot to visit the cashier. ''Stop cary Grantr' exlaims <XH>wner Stephen Bruce. honifted It the tho ... t. "Absolutely not. Even if he had spent much more than $6." ... Alm .._ wants anything but cloehes for Ouistmaa. She finally hit empty doleta -and wants them to Illy that Wl)': "When I p back home ater bMt on the road b y_.. ln Sip 8abla. "lhe repoftl, .. , bJftd l could not lk eYelYthlnl iNo the houte. So I ~ IWly tbOlJllncll of dlriof .. l'it collec:led th~ lhe ,_.. .. Unfortu~en lhe bar\ -... relllmd 1hlt ....... .... MdoMI dlbt "'And .... more. die 11\111 donlled ..... ter than what I saw." ... Whal ....,.... Mudrell would like to find under her tree ls a book or kit or Kadaet to help ~aet orpnizilii. "tmjeak>us of effideni people," she sighs. "I was born without organlza. tion genes. I'm aettini worse and worse. Whatever r need Is never to be found, and later turns µp under my nolt ...... ll6tt' 71IB HAUS: Sldldl llmdel-. music: diredOf and oondU<20r of the New \brk Pops and O>nnectlcul Sym- phony Orchestras. reports that his friend, 94-year-old .... lerMa-composer of "White Ouistmas" -still plays a mean same of pinochle· .... Vidor aa.,.. concludes that Santa has the rf&ht Idea -vtsit people only once a year, and )'ou'U always be ~me ..•. WllAT rou SES IS WHAT YOO GET: flip~ in- forms: ''Whert I was a kid. I loll respect for Santa aaus. Wher· ever l went, I kept teein8 the old boy In di&rent ~ I can't re1p«.1 ~ 8"}' who Clf'l 't hold a lteady tob· - MAft'YllMMDI• fJff)du«r ol Ill« lflm Nlllonal Lam- poon 'a aus ~nlon ,.. ODe of tbe fomden ol Diiien Cab, do ,.,.. tblnk credit~ will ever com- pletely repi8ce CW I ency7 -J.~ Gnele,r, Colo. Yes I do, but I don't know if I favor it. I started the system so people could be charged monthly for expenditures at restaurants. The last time I was rushed and waiting In line al a deli, however. I was irritated because the guy in front of me was holding me up by using his credit card. When we began the aedit card idea for dining out , it was meant for er restaurants and hotels -not for sett.ins a pastrami sandwich in a deli. • Now you can plan your 1983 cruise with the most generous savings ever offered by a luxury cruise line. Save in every season. Save in every category. And there's just one string attached. You must book your cabin by March 31, 1983. That's it. No complications. No restrictions. -·-.. c. .... • YRr 'I .... Caula1. Save $500 ~r person (double occupan .. cy) on the vacation of a lifetime. For 14 lovcly, luxurious days you'll explore the exotic Caribbean, the glamorous Mexican Riviera and the tnan .. made ~nder of the Panama Canal. Sitmar offm 6 different itineraries in 1983. Firstq_uanasaili~~ Jm mry 15 and 29, f.ebruary 5 and 19 Of March Sand 19. s"" 111u ... ....,eaa1a1. Save $500 ~r couple on any 14-day AlasJca cruise. Save $400 per couple on any 7, 10 or 11-day Mexico cruise. Save $400 ~r couple on any Caribbean cruise bcginnlng April 9. ... "' ... And even with these savif9 =~ frtt to and froin the Uberian~ T.S.S. Fainea or Fairwind. But remember March 31. It's the only strina attached. The Sitmar Experience is aold nch..ively by pro(aaional travcl aacnts. Ccnsult youn today. -----------------------~--------------------- -------------------------- =. """'' .............. ' ' ,.,,,,,:: ~ ..... _ ..... .. . BOW TO StOP DBUIK DBIVllG. TOUGH LAWS MAY HELP, BUT WE ALSO NEED TO CHANGE OUR ATTITUDES. Doyouknaw~wbo's in favor of drunk driving? Not likely. And yet many people have driven when under the influence of akx>bol, or will do it at least-ODCe. Take a look at some chill· ing statistics. One out of every two of us will be involved in an alcohol-related accident sometime during our lives. Last yar alone, more than 25,000 people died in such a<Xidents; an additional LS million were injured. A dis- proportionate number of those killed were und~ 25 years old. The ooet of dnmk-dri . accidents amounts to over~ billion every year in propeity damage, loss of wages, medical and legal fees. Not to mention the emotional . to the vic- tims' families a':imends. What la bein• done aboat it? Over the years, many different approaches have been tried; mandatory jail sentences, stiff fines, license sus~nsiona, alcobol·rehabil· ~ . and higher drinking~. . No sinQle mmtenneasure seems to dO the job by itself. Toup laws, unleM they are auPl)orted by equally tough enfOroement and the ~nty of punishment, don't seem to work over the long nm. Even with all three, probably the most effective single thing we could do is to examine our own attitudes about drinking and ~:.V much do you really know about the effects of alcohol? The facts may sur- prise you. For ~~ey a lot of people believe t beer and wine are ~ intoxicating than other drinks. In ~ a can of beer. a glass of wme, or a l*•ounce drink of as. proof hquor are all about equally intoxicating. A lot of facton deter- mine bow qaickly you'll aet dnmk. YOlU" body weight, bow much you've bad to eat, and the number of drinks you ba'1e over a specified time all make a difference,. That's why it's · so bard to lm(>w when you've bad too much. A oommoo legal definition of intoxication is .10 percent blood-alcohol level. For a 160 lb.~ it takes about four or ve drinks in the first two hours on an emntv stomach to reach the legal ~t, ~ with tme.orfourdri~tb; first two hours for 101DeOne who weighs 120 lbe. Of ooune, your judgment and reaction time will be impaired well before~ reach the teca1 limit. At General Moton, we're very concerned about the effedB of drinldna Oil chi . Over a demde qo, we ~ oped a de.tee that tests a diiver'1 refJe1e1 and motor reepome1 before 8bDtiaC the car. The Department of Trans- portation is now field-testing that device. We also strongly favor all efforts that focus attention on the problem such u the Presi· dential Commission on Drunk Driving. Make sure your friends and family know the fads about mixing alcohol and driving. Drunk driving will only when we all decide it i~ socially acceptable. Be self· confident enough to admit when you've hadtoo much ttr - drink to drive safely. M~whlle, eeat beltl are ltill yoar belt protectioa ••in.t drank driven. They can't prevent an accident, but they will help save your life during a serious aash-wbat· ever the cause. Tltis ad~t is J>arl of ""'COlttiui"6 e/ferl to giw . CNSftmlm NU/td infomtatifm about tlteir al1'S tmd '""* ""'1 tJu amepay tlult hillb tltnt. Chevrolet • Pontiac Oldsmobile • Buick Cadillac• GMC 'nude I I. ------ -... ~--... ·--... -·------·· ·-----~----._.._... By Marilyn Hqnsen I th~ to us all: A friend drops in, fJlll in hand, and you have nothing to give in return. Not to ~· Here are some delicious recipes that make perfed gl.b, and if you don't sfve them away, you and your family can eoj:>y them throughout the winter. IHllf.-rlCI ....... I Ullr 111a--~1Mn7 lc:llf9 ........... h 3 ......... l'J ........... _ • ..... " ............. . 1111111111• .......... .... I. In • ............ bowl • ._ • whb ... ton unll llodly Ind opeque. Bell In r:ld .............. ....., m.ted with the • whlte-sheny mixlure. S. In a measurina cup, mmblne ...,, cin- namon. doves and oranae peel. Add to almonds. toslin8 apn to OOI& well. 4. 5pf-s almonds on a fP'a.ed baldl18 iheet. Bake In ptthaled~ oven tor JS minutes; then ltir, keeplns almonds In a sln8fe layer. Bake JS minutes more. Tum oven oft but lave almonds In for 20 min-utes more. unrtJ thorou&f\ly crisp and dry. S. C.ool ll ~ tempenltW'e. Place in .ir· ti~t container wbm a>ol. An 1ttracdve apothecary jar or tin ·is the perfect mn- tal ner lor th is lovely sift. Molta3 cups Time to share the warmth of the season. And what better way than by serving Southern Comfort to your holiday guests. After all. don't good friends deserve the very best? for the smoothest, richest eggnog you ever tasted, try a Co"fforl EtPol. l pan Southern Comfon, 4 parts dairy eggnog. Pre-chill ingredients. Pour Southern Comfon into a glass ~d add eanol· Stir to blend. Dust with nutm~ and serve. Cheers! SOi•lcmCombt ......... :\::· .. ,....... . llil.Amertas only full lined ~ froru-wheel-drivc cars. lil 41 est h~ JS] EA\ est mpg.• ffW\est~~coupc and sedan In Amerta. lll'6S77. .. Lowest pria:d fronM1'Jfleef. drive~ car ln Amelia. lliJ Advana:d fronHIPr'heel-drtve pafonnance. i!S year or 50,000 miJc ~on plan.• Of all the cars in America. the 1983 Dodge Aries KS are probably the mast perfca &mlly cars. First d all , no ocher line olers six~ coupes, sedans and~ cs¥neered with fronMwleel-drive. through snow Thats t>eca.tse the weight c:1 the erwnc is CNer the ddYe wheeb for a flnn hold on the road So whedler you 're Pill up a snowy mount11n or your snowy~ Its good to know Aries' front-wheel-drive is pulling you al~. And &Od-whcel- ddYe means that the Aries K tm plenty d rocm. Becaasc dlett is no ddYe train huf11> ID take • sbt~ C2r in Amedc:a. ,,., ............ tzt ......... t The 1983 Aries K you choose will be a member d your family for a long time. Because we've built the Aries to a new standard d Amcrtan workma.nshJp in one d dle world's ma.t technologt- caUy advanced plafllS. lhlts why we have the oonfidcnce to bcack the Aries Ks "1illlli-.... --.-... 9° •c ............. -. ... _______ WSL ... ._f .., .................... ... ( nd has it that Santa Qaus knows many things about us, from our sleep- iM habits to our secret Cfiristmas wishes. But we know surp~y little about him. DoeS he enjoy his work? Does he ever lose his temper'? Does he ever get embammed? What woulcf he like for Christmas? For a glim~ of San- ta' s li~hter s1dei FAMILY WEEKLY s Mary El in Bruns ~t up with him as he pre-oan!d for his annual visit to Macy's. . 12 r~w-ar • ..-.... Q: So ....... CIOIDe llD Me )'OU ud ell OD JOlll'..., Santa: Oh you better believe lt. I don't let anybody go away without sittlfl8 on my lip! SeVeral arandmothen and srandfathen have had their pictures taken 1itdn4 on my lap. AnybOdy who waru to .s. br swe, more than wekxxne to ex>me and sit. Q: Do lddl llt. ,.. • lad Santa; Oh Ood. yes. Yet. Con- ttandy ... kJlees, hUll-Hup are a big. wonderful thinL thll ls IO easy to do II Chrllbnallime. .Elpedally If rve .een a kkl the 'JfM b9:>re. the kid wW oome hick and II)', "Oh s.r. I remember )'OU fJom lilt )'Ml lt' I to aood to tee you apn." And the kid WW tel1 me everythin& thll hlppetaed Ill ~ about when he or lhe loll a tooth and thinlt Hke this. Qi Do ................ ldll ==The 8b11· .. I lo\'e 11 Whln ....,... aime throuflh the .... on ttMlr lunch houri J ....... ftW'= ... ,.., Santa: I think It's more ember• ruslna for the other person. Something. br lrutanoe. like whert the children are sitting on your lap and they are 50 nervous or 10 excited or whllever, and they decide to relieve thernlelves .... I won't say it happens once a day, but II has happened teVerll timel durina the .-on, oh ~ and I think the pll'ef1CS 1re more embar- ra.ed than I am. r had a little P1 1a1t year. she was• tin& on my lip and she Wlil saytna IOITM!thin& and I dlouFt lbe Wll IPfJUlnl -sp.nilh to her ~ and she wasn't. lhe Wiii ~ "I pee pee. I pee ~" and lhe cld. We ~ commodlte theim. u they haven't even me their Utt. ru * there Ind Wiit and l1lcen IO the lilt, and then • IOOft • they lelYe I 1111 allowed to ., and m.,. my para and then oome bldt. Q:Y•'Nb A&Ma~lllJ. ... ,_m,h'I'._..•..._ .,.,.. ....... ,..,, . .., SilU: No. No. 'bl cm'L Pldlracll II a lot of IL Ood. I IDURd 11111 Dodi De ,,.. ........ ,.. ......... 11 tried.wt.I=----· 11n1:·rw anllltar• ..... -~ ............... . with Santa If it's the last thing you do, kid." And to sit there and smile for the camera. Thln&s like this. Q: Do klde eftl' try to baDy JOU. ....... ,.... ..... Santa: Oh. the first year they think they've bund out Santa's little secret. they try to put one over. pull the beard, lhin8s like this. But. of ooune. everyone knows thlt Santa's beard can't come off, 50 there's no problem there. Even t~ they may think they know Santa s Utt.le secret. th.at whole fantasy ltlll wilJ a>nlinue, the idea of the jovial man sittin8 there and really beins nioe and smiling • them. Not to IOUrid oomy. but a smile is oon-taeioUs. no matter whether the child l.s 8 years old. ot 18 or 38. ,. ...... tlllle? c:ww.,........... I U IOIMbody tries to pull _my beard. I te111e the kid back. I say, "How would you like it if you had a beard to ~ pull, if I pulled your beard?" :I 'O 2=u~09t~'::.:..::=r-f Slnaa: I don't think fve found that little 8 iec:ret out yet. beaue I still have pretents underneath my tree on Christmas day, and I don't know how they get there. • &!:' ',!° J:'8 ~ llD ....... Santa: In the mom~ when I get off my Iona. Iona ride. we U sit around and have Chriltinas ourteJves, the lm- medille family. the people I work with. my~ my helpers. Q: Wllill woald ,_ .. ID 1M ,_ a.tao " Slru: A mWlon budcsf No. Just peace and re& P-=e In • flmOy ... aod ., .,... in the world. .. TaUE OR FALSE? 1. What others think of you can de- ~ on whether you are self.punitive ~ to telk:rttk:ism) or em.punitive (indined to blame others for falJure). 2. Others are likely to value you hlQh.ty If one of your penonaliry traits Ts a desitt for an active social life. S. The type ol penon who is a whiz at makin8 money often excels at little else and tends to score low on general inteJ. li8ence tests. 4. You can learn about an lndMdual's personality traits and his outJook on life just by having him write a few sen- tences on a sheet of unlined paptt 5. A penon's reaction to pain gives I~ siltll lnto his penonallry and IDe style. ANSWERS 1. »w. In studjes conducted at the Oly University ol New York. male and female students were given e cal tests to identify their penonaJ type. and were then divided into punitive and extra-punitive groups. Ft1ends, acquaintances anCI aseodates were then asked to rate individuals in each ol the two c:atepies. The investi- ~ showed that exlrai>Unllive sub- jedl were~ In motivation and more bti not as oon- lidente • ldf.punitive individuals. l. Falw. Male and lemale subfects from various walks of lite were inter- viewed in a Middle-TenflesRe State Univenlly study on the subject of the meet and least desirable human traits. The lnveltiptors found that ambi- tiousnesl. frlendllness. seme of humor and ~ were &he molt hJshlY valued trails. On the other hand. the IUbjeds rited artittic talent. reljp>us or philolophical orientabon and desire for an ad:tve IOCial life .., being the traits that should be aa:orded leis value. I. F<*. BnlnJ and the ~ to ao- QUire money tend to ., hand an hand. ~ l'etell'Chen obeerved lo IUllll1llnB up the lndln8s of a Boston Untvenily inteWflence swvey. "It Is aca!pted thll lntelll&ence levet senenJJy C'Om!llles wkb ~llOl1Uc llltUI." 4. 7h. A Ceai>mia Selle University lludy bmd that when the lines ol a 1Ubjed1 handwlMint t&lnled uphll he lhowed I mlrked tendenc.y llO haw 11'1 upblM oudook OQ lie and GplCl the cMcon1e of hit .,. to be llWnble. On the OCh9' hind. lines which ..... clownhlU in*-t I Mndency llO tMe I more dnlcll view al lie, IO hope IDr Che bllt while Pl'IPlrlnl .,, the wont. L 7Jur. CGiumbla Un1wr1b ltud6ll lhowld lbll lhe .._. eo whldl a'*'" DI CM ... plln rwv-. a lat ,_.,_,._._ .... ti ·----------------- - - - 1 ... n,1 .. •n We can hear a belldul ~~=~Cl to ~-Inch) middlHar bones. the oesides. that vibrate and tnnlmit IOUnd to the inner ear and on to the brain. For thole ftho've suffered heerina lolrdue to mJddle.ear infection or injury. there's .,._ _________________________ ____. now an improved device -m.te totally of human rib car- tila&e -to replace the non-funCsionina bones c.ausing the ~lmiddle-ear thees have been ~ plastic or bone but are unreliable. explains Dr. Richard Chole, an ear and throM doctor at the Univenity. of California. Davis, Medical Center. and the man who devised the tiny unit. ty. There.. for a fee of from S5 to $30, you can find a healthy. dectionate pet to gladden someone's heart. And. if you're lucky. you may even spot a pedigaee. As well, many shelters will refund a percentage of the purchase fee if you return with proof that your pet has been spayed or neutered. "There are two Important thinas to remember when you're giving a pet as a gift," says Marlene Walsh, associate director of animal protection at the as90Ciadon. wee sure the J>fl is really wanted and. if you re giving a puppy or kit· ten to a child. remember to 1t?eSS that the pet ls a Uving thing and must be handled with great care. .. Ing behavior of widowblrds found that the lo~ a male's tail the~ irresistible he Is to a female. Ot Malte Ander- son of the University of Goth- enburg trimmed the tails of a male group and glued the feathers to another group. lengthening their tails from the normal 18 inches to 28. When the females spotted the longer-tailed males, they mMed with them at twice the rate of males with normal tails "The dlsadvant~e of plaldc." says Olole. "15 that the body tends to reject it as a forei&n ob;Ja. and bone can't be teWn or t' so ii can shlft out ol That often means another operation." On the other hand. Chole adds, canUa8e is llexible. readily availa1lle from tissue blob. shapes easily and can be aored ~ in a comman akohol IOludon. ........ • 1111 •••nnm .,__ _______ ___,. and more than four times that Dr. Chole bas pert>mted about 50 otlicuLm' replace- ments. which take lboul an hour under local anetthedc. Heerina usually returns dW'-ina the aqery, and Oiole says padents repin 11 leatt 85 ~~normal hear- ' \ --~----..:.=-c=.-Miia'.._ --~....-,.... 14 ,..__. __ ..... Givinl a furry new friend to I child or elderly penon for Oiritlmas is a fine idea, but beb'e choolin8 the ·h aid-dry thing dMlt .. your ... tendon. here Ire I few tjpl from The Amerian Humane Allodmlon, baled ln Denver. C.onlider aMna an okter doll or Cit ~ they're elier to train. But a younaer arum.l it peetened if It' I to be the eeoorK1 pet in a houle- hold. bi can AY"e money If you buy I pet II the nmft!lt D mll lhder or bum1ne ~ of males with shortened tails. And when the males aufJed their tails into ~ jeans, the lady widowbUds really went crazy. alRlllDAYS (Sun., Mon.. ~ttarius; ~~=~~ -Jane Fonda 45; Ouis Evert Lloyd 28; PhD Donahue A7; Frank Zappa 42; Paul Wln- cheH 60. ~Y-Lady Bird Johnson 70; Gene Ray: bum 65. Thunday -~ Orem 64; Hany GUardino 57. Frtday -Ava Gardner 60. ~-Barbara Mandrell 34; T~ Martin 69; ~ SplClt 33; Cab Clllowty 75. DJ,,.,~ II~ tui(l.oa (!Id,. ··~MYLO VITAMIN PRICES! FRE---E---f~)ffil ~~ ~....J:.::::-i.....:.-----....-...... only,.,,.,. atory. lloit "'9pott8nt, you·u aa.o VITAMINS · WITH EVERY ORDER t;. · 1 love our high quality and fhe penonal attention you BY MAIL FROM I ntlle I ! ~=1nyowordertodaywh11ettw1owpr1ca.,. LEE NUTAmON Pa no I ... .--------------------, SHAMPOO SOAP a..AP.iriiUiTiiiiir i91LL I ~~ "°'" ~ •• ..:: I h I l'l.All Al#J Ula rmGllJ' MST I .. VITAMIN E D 100 for 1.59 I llare •ll•••n" ... ••••••-•I•• =:::~':..~ ... 2.B 1 m.a 1 c•PSuLES o 50otor 7.n I lullrtormenawomen ::C:::.. ... .:-'..=~t:~t ••I: Ill' 1 0Nl~1m ... --0 1oootor15.75I Now, '**8 to M llNzillO --~,.. ......_ · •tar • .. :>~~v•--=---=---c::-.:::.• ... ~ ~ called PANTHENOL ''tll" ...,OIJ .. Dllmllllt 2m Ullt T•Mtll P'n .... ~•••••••••••••••~ (~85} .... 11..,.,,..qNEWand so 100 aoo I~~ tr.M9obLee 1719 I pclellJ~~tordroapytndbfl-Tlllllll 4.00 Tllllllll.IO Tlllllll 12.IO I 500MG. G COW.WMVWIW I .. "'*· ~ .. pn>duct9 .. • vrrAMtN. _ o 100 '°' 11• 1 merely C0911'9 hlir to.,...,_ It, PAM-........ Y•&ST 7lM 10001orl1.11 •• """RoNH419 0 soo tor 3.11 •• THENO~ 9CtUaly penettata the hair m GRAIN :TAaETS HOT-fl.... • I OHi ~ 9IZI ---D 1000 tor 7 .II~ ----'--11 ....... _.__..ir.ide Thil I TO A~llfll..Y ,,.. UILCOUNll"""~ ;;=.;,,.~.:~~. · ~.aLECITHINC.::..'1°'•'"'-r:;~------~-----".,......_ and'**-"the hlllrtornlke -• II more,,.........,.. (and more bMUllfu!ll J:., 250 mg GfHSEHG t•.. • .. ,.& _ • ., Men .. It. womM\ loYe II. ~I?, . CapsulH 12.11 112.11 -=-71' .._ Tllla ........ .-..r, .. ,_ ....,,_. --• • ..... t .... 69' L-LYSINE 1--'2" 3'2"'1T..... --~ __ HIGH ~tDICY ~ L-TllYPTOPHAN VITAlll•.. . 1•m.TMU:TS 50 MG. TeDlllla, 100MG. T..,..._ 1QO.l.41 ~11.IO 100 rorw 100tor1.A1 .... TAIUft 500 tor UI 250 tor Ml »4.71 ... 00 GIE9fSl ~~l!l&J 1M 2.• T.• ... 14.. 37 .. 11.• 21.41 ..