HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-12-20 - Orange Coast PilotFog due • again on Coast ·tonight A deme fotr that cloAked the Orance Cout early today and left a yacht It.randed on the sand ln SUNet Beach ta expected to roll --ln tonJaht and clln8 to the cm.tline through morning. 'nle fotr. cauaed by a warm air masa blowing Lnland, is being followed by an advancing storm that could bring rain late Wedne9day or early ThW'8day, the National Weather Service predicted. The blanket of fog triggered a now-familiar ecenario of minor automobile miahaps along the coast. The California Hlghway Patrol reported aeveral can on the San Diego Freeway near Harbor Boulevard tumbled over an embankment, today. No injuries were reported. Operations at John Wayne Airport. where visibility was put at a quarter mile early today, were not affected by the wisps of fog. An unldentified yachtsman out of Newport Harbor, reportedly lost in the aoupy oonditiona late Sunday, put his 27-foot craft on the strand near 20th Street in Sun.et Beach. - The 0ranae c.o.,mty Sherlfrs Department tlarbor Patrol aaid the boater and hia crew of three wen uninjured in the incident and were boPIUE to pt the. boat -the s. Capel--bee* in the ...... ~ .. " The fog obscured the third evenina of the "Festival of J..&ahia'' Christmu boat parade in Newport Harbor but viewen reported the aonu~l feat continued on .chedule despite the weather. The parade continua tb.rouah Dec. 23. -Christmas, 1982 Janice Hill of Co.ta Mesa polishes her Ouiatmu window, decorated with the nation'• moet popular alien by artitt Rieh Guerrero. a1m1111111 UC tightens guidelines on course credit By PHIL SNEIDERMAN Of tt.e D.itr ......... The University of California system has adopted new guidelines governing the transfer of credit for courses taken at other colleges, a revision prompted by criticism of television courses offered by Coastline College. One of the policy chanaea la a provision that would require transfer oounea to be approved by a district-wide fac ulty comm.It tee. Currently, courses at Fountain Valley-based Coastline are reviewed by the college's own staff. The new rule w ould require an evaluation committee to include faculty members from alster schools Orange Coast and Golden West colleges. Instructors at the latter two campuses have been critical of Coastline's telecouraes. claimlng th ey are not comparable to claaaroom instruction. Coastline President J ohn Buller said such a change would run counter to the tradition of Independent course control for separately accredited colleges. Buller said Friday ~ had not yet recei ved the new UC guidelines and cautioned that they may be modified before they a.re forwarded to individual community coJ.leees. The new transfer guldeline9 were developed by a UC subcommittee on community oollace articulation, the process throuah which community oollele undergraduates can take couraea aimed at satisfy~ requirements for dep-eee of:f1 by four-y.r eon,. John Sandoval, a UC Davia profeaaor who chaired the subcommittee, aa.ld a letter last spring from Ora.nae Coast and Golden West teachei'a, aiUdztng telecounles. sparked the review of cow. transfer policies. But he aald the commltte~ found that revised auldeltne~ were needed govemtna tra.nafer of all cou.nes. not juat the ones offered over televlalon. 'He said the group was aware of the telecourse controvetsy In the Coast Community College Dlatrict. "We tried not to take aides, but we wanted to ensure that educational quality la maintained . in the U.S. system," Sandoval. said. He said the guidelines streu that the method of inatruction - clasar oom teaching veraua teleoourse -will not be a major concern In whether transfer credit ia awarded. Sandoval said coune content, comparability of topics with UC classes, amount of time spent on course material , dialogue between student and inatructor, extent and quality of testing and the level of su.ident competence at the e nd bf the course are among the review criteria. In addition, when non- traditional courses do not meet the 1f'ual st;lndard of one weekly classroom hour equals one credit, a college must ahow strong evidence regarding the quality df student lea.ming in the COW"le. AlthoueJl he aaid he believes the Coastline telecouraea will meet UC'a academic standards, Buller said he la concerned about the dlstrict-.w i de review prooedure. "To 1101De degree, It takes away eelf~ from• ooUeee," be Mid. Baller noted that ll1thougb Coastline haa been at th, forefront of recent telecourM review proceedinp, mmt ·of the othin' community colie,. in the state a1m al.fer teJevialon oounea. tCoastline, however, l• (See COAST, Paae Al) ·Rigby eyes Coast • gymnastic center By GLENN SC01T O( .. DlllJ ......... A group headed by gymnast • Cathy Rigby la hoping to build a _apor1a cent.er at an Irvine park to train world-clua female athle1es in her sport. The facility, to be called the Cathy Rigby Regional Sports Center, also would offer aymnaatlca training to local ioutba in a beginning and ... mediate .cedelny. A sports medicine clinic and fl~ center would be included. The center, a non-profit enterprlae, would use revenue aenerat.ed from the clinic, flme. center and aademy to support the training of Olympic-callber athletes, a ccording to plans submitted'° the dty. Becau.e of their non-profit status, orpn1zen are asking the Irvtne Qty c.ouncu to 1eeae them land at a d~ park for a nominal fee IUCh • $1 per year. A similar ~·~the Irvine Boys ahd Girls Club, which opened this week ln Woodbridge, It hu a 50-year .... Staff mepibera ln the city Canan.ml~ Department ~ to the cound.I lllat week that Herlta1e Park on Walnut Avenue would be the molt Jop:a1 location for a center. However, council members asked their volunteer c.ommunlty 8ervtc. CGmmmf.on '° review poulble locatlona durlq a Jan. 5 meeting. The oaundl la ICbeduled io take up tbl llale•t ltl Jan. 25 meettnc. Joa Donald8on, who helped start the Huntington Beach Scats gymnastic club, is president of the Cathy Rigby Gymnastics Foundation, the group pushing the center. Pat Fierro, manager of the dty'• recreational eervices, said Wednesday that the group appears to be serious about impr oving the coun try's perfor~ance in international competition . She aaid the center, a lo~­ time dream of Rigby'a, would be the tint in' the nation aet up to sharpen the akilh of t h e country'• top gymnasts. . TIM! group hopes to have the cenler in opentMin by the time the 1984 Olympia begin in Loa Anplea becau,e of the exposure it would l(a1n, she said. A market analysis undertaken by the group Indicated Irvine w o uld offer a central and affluent location to build up cllentele io support the tnining ~eheadded. ;()Up memben, meanwhile, are pointing out that the center would ctve local ybuth acxie. to top~ train1n&· The Introduction of the gymnlStb cent.er follows recent reporta about .not.as mechanical problems at the Olympc-callber aquatica center al8o at Heritqe Park. City cound1 rnemben uld Tuesday they'll allow the remalninC 59-meter pool to stay ln operat.lort uru... leab that cau.ed clolure of the two other . eoc>ll at the complex allo are dilcovered ln the competition pool J ~The Newport Beach headquarters of Smith International, which is being actively pursued by the Whittaker Corp. in Lot Angeles. Co3.st firm takeover target? objec:Uve ln mind like 'We're wooAnc you to Join us.' •• Btmey aUd. Worbn on lhe Ml9Ulbly line at Smith Tool. an lrYlne dlvillon of SmUb lntemadonal, ay they are curtoua but not wonted about the acdonl of Whit.taker. "We'N certalnlY aware of It,". foreman Mid, 0 but we feel lf there are 1°'1\1 to be chanpt they'll proti9bly be at the h{Ch ~t level. It shouldn't affect ..... l ' OAll 'I fill Ol IM i~·ng, need sharply "°"oiHn~Tvn \f\r) -1m7 •iamr"iii m,.. ,;, ""''F• ~ricana are 1Mn1 more lo -'a. table or1anlzatlon1 thl1 Co""91 heard t.t'lllmony lalt y ~ than they have ln wMlc on the pUaht of two million loua yean, bul the IJ'OUPI homelell and j0b1-Americanl donations 1Ull do not meet who a>Uld freae or •W"Y• thla IOal"l.nl nwnber of requea1a winter unle11 helped. far help. ''The homeleta populallon la n And there la "a different kind (rowing aitronomlcelly and al~penon" Mld.na for help thll ~ rad1cally," Mary Ellen )191' t ~y _charity 1pokesmen who H o m b 1 o f t h e c a p l t a 1 ' 1 .. oema tapped for aaal.atance Community for Creative Non· t..onl people who ln prevlou1 Violence Mid before the Howie ,...,.. were donora. subcommlttee on hould.na· ~J'ln terms of contributlon1, "Unemployment, Reaganomics we're up 12 percent over last and the economy have combined YJlk•r ," 1ald Keith Jone1, to drive hundreda of thouaanda ..-ke1man for the Salva\lon of middle-cl.ala people into utter /any ln the Waahington area. and abeolute deetitution." "But requestl fat our Chrlatmu At the United Wa~f America, 8el'Vice9 IUCb aa IJ'OCeries+ gif ti to one of the nation'• fund· t-lnl and toya for chilcfren in raiaing orpnizatlona or· health funiliee are up in excess of a n d w e 1 f a r e a g e n c l e a , , percent." contributions are up about 6 Jone• said the demand for percent over last year, aaid ersency financial assistance spokeanan Stephen Delfin. such l'4'Jnll aa food, medicine, He s a i d th l 1 ye a r the aJt:I fuel la up cloee to 30 orsanization expect.a an increaie t over tut year. of $100 million in donations over Lt. Col Ernest Miller, national $1.68 billion railed tut year. keaman for the Salvation . "People give more ln hard rm1 , said this year the"I times if they're working becauae ct'JPUliization has received many they like to help people in a Jten from r esular donors worse state than they are," · they are now in finanda1 Delfin Mid. "But giving would have to lncreue 100 percent in one year to cover the new needs." Pilgrimage More than 400 people turned out Sunday night (or die annual Posada at Bowers Museum in Santa Ana. In addition to I olklorico dancing and pinata breaking, a re-enactment of Mary and Jose ph's pilgrimage to Bethlehem was staged. Robert Brown, left, of Fountain Valley was among those. in the proce88ion. ~Jller said many of those ~ins for a&1iatance are *8o:U:lt.or:Ded to charity. Delfin said a recent survey of botlinea operated by United Wa.y in 15 major dtiea showed there hu been a sharp increue in requestl for such buic services'u food, 1helter, job training and family counaeJ.ins. TAKEOVER FEARED ... Holiday blood drive planned by Red Cross t"l'heae are people who are not ible for public aasistance u1e they own their own ," aaid Miller. "We had a tter from a man in suburban -t who baa helped ua ln the t who ia now selling his ·wre p1eoe br piece to put on his table.' -Miller, who baa worked for the tion Army for 48 years. said :tiona are greatest in areas in need of uaiatance, like t, where contributions are ~.nuaa about 10 percent higher lMt year. ¥-There ia an acute awareness 1ileed that ii more inteme than I J J I I • In Compton, Calif .• the Compton Welfare Righ ta Organization reports between 600 and 700 applications for Christmu aid, compared to 150 ap~Uons lut year. 'Donations are "ttp but it doesn't fulfill the need," aaid Phyllil Drienon. director of thel prosram which glvea food, clothes and toys during the holidays to those who ar~ WM!mployed or underemployed. "City employees and Ure departments -people wbo ·are workJni -know how Md It la this year and donated 500 beibtl of food," she said. "Lut year they gave 300." ~ from~ lll1911t Des•. Ice C'9Clm Dappe SQ,lt\ Cooot Plolo l3J.3 llnltol s- COllO -CA~'° 714 r...71:\7 I)& So CO<J11 ....., l<JQllO a.act\ CA~ I 7144Q1~7 From Page A1 "U Whittaker ii reAny lhooting for a takeover," Craig said, "I think they're going to have to sit down with Neely at 1e>me point and iron things out. "SmiTh haa excellent m&na1fl'1D9nt and they might be loet in an unfriendly takeover,'' be added. . Council eyes video ffee Hunu.n,ton Beach dty offidala will tty again tonight to impme a licenae fee for video machine games operating in the city. A recommendation to t.ncreue annual fees from $12 "° $200 per machine met organized opposition tw~ weeks ago. The proposed fisure was halved to $100 following a meeting of video game representatives and city staff members. The recommended fee would raise about $75,000 i.n 1983. The meeting ls scheduled to start at 7:30 p.m. at City Hall chambers, 2000 Main St. Partly cloudy toaatal 'I::=-1onlgllt and • io. 4610 66. ........... wllere, from Point Cklnceptlon to tll• Me•lcan IS'IJrder and out eo mllH: • ...,~ .... 11 to ao knots ............. Tulemr """' ~ ,..,. ... ......, ..... to8 ... l.Oall'I ~ ....... '°to .M k!Mtta tonltllt, •ec-1n11 ~«W 10 to 18 knot• ~.-noon. Plrtl'I ~ ............. ~.cew..ol ,...,.._ ............. ........... HafTtl aald -~. Amvale and o.partur• from San Diego'• Llndbargll flald ~ w. momtne .,.. tov Mio """ tM *'*' down..,.., ~•p.rn. ··we re running normal oper.aoi ... now.~11 .,.,_ ,,..._ 111\M....., IO llum elf now ao • "'°'*' be Ot< tor tfl9 ,.... °' tM "'°"*'II.'' ..., eo a.ti cf tM Loe Angalel *POtt control '-· ...,,.. .... ....., to Ont.to, P~. L.• Yegn and Sen fnni:tlOO. It I I 199'9 ltrMng II OMmrto. ..... 60,,... .... °'Loe ~ ~ ..,. 111.-d to Loe An""8 end p ........ Mio .... bu9ed "'°"' Loe An""8 to an.Motor~ "lt't a lltll• foggy but Ill• elfp«I'• op911;• Jim KruMn ol llrl*' ....... Undbetgtl llkS 11rty todar. "We'ra not ~lcwM ,,,.,., be delayed a tll• alrllnH try llrlilgh~ ... out." The Forecaat For 1 p.m. EST RalnlD Snowi:m .r~ ~2 1 ~-Flurrlea(tl} 11 13 51 32 ,. 32 28 " ae 24 74 87 87 61 43 32 81 28 .. 33 48 30 67 32 ee 40 47 3o4 .. 31 53 33 76 81 37 2t 32 " 61 .. 87 • 35 33 41 II 62 18 ..... •2 at 71 4t 38 33 n 47 S5 11 24 22 ... 41 31 lt long IMctl 31 32 -MolWO¥lt •1 11 Ml. Mewl .. ti "9wpotl a..ct'I .., • Om.r1o 41 .. ...., lpt1ngl 17 31 PllllldeM ..... ~ et 11 left ..,,_dlno 40 ,. lel'IO.... .a • TMIOeY*t 17 ... .. " t 3f 31 32 25 151 3S 78 47 67 38 38 33 &4 28 HI L.o 50 38 eo s1 47 43 81 27 74 67 M 49 84 40 80 42 H 60 48 ff 42 41 87 50 73 41 68 48 88 38 58 38 .. 22 M 18 82 42 1t 44 78 .. 13-111 .. 41 76 II 14 •• 78 • 11 41 14 M 1t 40 64 1t Smith's stock, traded on the New York Stock Exchange, shot up from $4 to the $30 mark per share followinR the first wave of buying by Whittaker. As of Frida)'~ the. 1wck .had settled just over :n per lhare. Craig, who haa followed Smith for eeveral years, aald the stock increase alone makes Whittaker's move a large financial aua:ess. "They'•e (Whittaker) certalnly made some money if all of this was for investment purposes only," he obeerved. Officials at Whittaker said they've agreed not to buy any more Smith stock for 30 days and explain the sharp stock rise as "something that just attracted attention." ''The people at Smith have zero to worry about," said Whittaker vice-president Murray. "Thia la an investment Qnly. We'll go to the annual meeting and that's about it." The Orange County Red Croes is encouraging blood donations during th.e. h,oliday •~•11on , traditionally a slow time for donations. Because blood can be stored for only 35 days, a steady flow of dQnon; 1s needed at all times of the year, said Dr. Harold Kaplan, Orange County Red Croes Blood Services Director. The Red Croa Blood Center ln' Santa Ana will be open between 9 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. Friday and Sunday and Dec. 31 and Jan. 1. Also, bloodmobiles will be· located at the Bed Cross Service Centers during the holiday season. Service Centers are located in Anaheim, Fullerton, Wesuninst.er and Laguna Niguel. Anyone in good· health between the ages of 17 and 66 .and weighing at least 110 pounds ls eligible to donate. For an appointment, call 835-5381. COAST TELEVISION • • • From Page A 1 considered the nation's largest producer of telecoursea, and generally offers more t.elecounes per semester than other institutions.) SAlE·· starts Monday DECEMBER 20 WOMEN'S Buller aald he 1s awaiting the fonnal docwnentl regardina the new transfer review polTciea, whi c h will be sent by administraton of the UC system. SELECTED COATS, JACKETS, DRESSES, SLACKS AND SKIRTS SIZES 6 TO 16 PLUS SELECTED SHOES 25o/o and 30% off regular prices BOYS' SPORT JACKETS AND SUITS PLUS . SELECTED BLAZERS AND ODD. TROUSERS SIZES 8 TO 12, 13 TO 20, 36 TO 40 25% off regular prices BOYS' OUTERWiAR SIZES 8 TO 20 30% off regular prices .. HTAIUSHIO ltlt • . . - WtlllLLJ 32 a •ad, :100 i11jtt .. t!d in Caraca plo ion I J 1't Aaaoct.'-1 Pre11 -o ........ ..._,,. Q .J;> • . ----·--......._ .............. ""-·-,More them 1,000 fire men und polic:e battled 111 runuway blut today In th<• fuf'I l">rqe y&J'C!!_ot u power plant whert' exploding oil and gas tanlu kJUed at luut 32 ~>oplc Un('onflrmed reporUJ said Ml l)C'Opk· Wt•r ml '"' Mnd Ill < ·--·~ -::.~ ~,"-::;--.. ~ !';": ~·;f Vunt•iut1la'1 worat dlta•tera. Thl• Inferno raC'f'd &er<* a half-mile.· of around Sunday at the oll and gaa 11toru1~ tank farm of thl• Tuc.'Oa-Arrec:lfe. plunt. :w ml11•s east of thlt1 capital. Poland to end martial law WARSAW, Poland -The government has announced the formal suspension of martial law on Jan. 1, but new legislation takes effect the sa me day giving authorities many of the stringent powers imposed under military rule. Hf'"r•••• f.,hl,.,..r f•; P.-.1 ~-~· .. n o m i n·a I h ead of st a t e , announced the New Year's Day suspension of martial law Sunday in the form of a two.paragraph Council of State resolution that invoked government -drafted legislation passed by Parliament on Saturday. Ships collide in England HARWICH, England - Two loaded ferries collided in a raging night storm off this English port, kiiling ·at least five people and sinking one of the vessels in the icy North Sea, police and reseuers said today. They said another person was presumed dead from the Sunday n i ght smashup. STATE which flung some people into the frigid. gale-whipped water. Helit:opters. tugs and other vessels pu lied 64 people to safety following the collision between the 4 .263 -ton Euro pe-an Gateway and 3.514 -ton Spt>edl 1nk Vanguard. 50 flee gasoline spill CARSON -A ruptured tanker truck spilled some. 2,- 000 gallons of gas, releasing fumes that forced evacuation of about 50 people from a two-block area, authorities "said today. ; No one was injured when the truck jackknifed about 9: 15 p.m . Sunday after its parking brakes apparently failed. It was parked at a gas statio n at Avalon and Sepulveda boulevards. said a L os Angeles County fire dispatcher who dectlned to give his name. He said there was no fire· or explos1un. Explosives tossed in s treet FALLBROOK -Two Marines were arrested Sunday night after San Diego County sheriffs received complaints from Fallbrook reddenta that two men we~ throwing Jive explosives on the city streets. The explosives d id not detonate. The Sheriff's Department and a detachment of Marines from Camp Pendleton recovered six canisters of dynamite after searching the area around the 900 block of South Ma i n Street in Fall brook Arson blamed in store fire today. a n WA t4 ) I tlHI TO N ( A 11 ) Umin 11r · UH ft11111 Pt ld1•11t u .... """. Vl•lo lhrt•Ull, lh tfo1.1 I JJUMt•d rm lllllllf'Mt'llCY •1M•111.Uu11 btll wday thut l'tm'-ln• m.m•• ul fht• puhll~ works Job• monl'y _p. -• A... _....,.... _J .. By a 232-64 vottt af\cr.only ont• huur of dt•batc, tho Hou1e• ttent thr (.'Omprumik' meaaurc to the SNlatc. No roU call waa takt\A and the vot11 wu done by mombtlra standlnl(. J..caden did not want a roll call for fear the bill would be defeated. Despite the affirmative vote, there was opposition to the final product. Rep. Henry S . Reuss. D-Wls .. a strong supporter of the jobs initiative.. aald, ''The president and the Congress gazed eyeball to eyeball. and the Congress blinked ... We may not even be Mesa ey.es church use of blood A Costa Mesa church seekinlC approval to practice a new blood transfusion therapy will appear be fore the Costa Mesa City Council at 6:30 tonight. Representatives -from the William Parker Holistic Center at the Community Church by the Bay are seeking a pennit to use chelation treatments on the site at 148 E. 22nd Street. City planning commissioners have recommended against approval. saying the transplants that use blood transfusions to f ee d enzymes into the bloodstream, are m edical in nature. The holistic center has been offering cl~ and lectures on spiritual and physical weU being. The council is also scheduled to consider the construction of a 30-unit motel at 325 W. Bay St., ... f or which the Planni.ng Commission recommended denial. Although a cable communications system is considered three yean away in Costa Mesa, the council will consider a staff reconunendation tonight for a public forum on the issue. . The purpose of the meeting is to find out what sort of a 1ystem residents, business and education leaders in the community would like to see. The council will meet at City Hall. 77 Fair Drive. Ur fund vote ) • 1 p r ttllnwNI 111 kt•'I' 11111 hmlll'll tut 1h 1tp1 lnta 11l11w1t1.i '1 II~ wt•nt 011 tu dt•iwum• tt"' lt11l1lullun. ILIVlll_,, "N11v r wa1 prl)'l'I' tnort• In urdt•r. 1'Wf htYt'--left undnnt> thOllll _!_~ .. ,,. "''""'• *" blUIA~~ have done' thlna• we 01.q1ht not t.O have done." Conarc-11lonal nvaouotou. h•ullna for 12 hours Sunday. ellm:lnaled bllllon1 of doll1r1 In aid for the joblcaa from thci ~aaurc. Pte.ldenUa] tpokeam&n Larry Speakes told reporter• that White House aides were going over the <.'Ompromiae, expected to win final congreuiooal approval and be sent to the preaideht later today. Asked if there was anything In the bill to which Reagan objected, Speakes aald "I can't think of anything," although he pointed out that aid to Israel was h11tw1 fhu11 11tu1 11uul(t11 liv tlll' tm·•ldMll · · ln tho 111t•1mth1H•, lw utldt.U, lht• Otffr" of M"nci"t•mM1t u11cl 8ud&t•t Wiii t u Hln& fc •dt·rul 11 nctff t(t l'011ttr10t• wurlt un plan1 Jb fa;-.'-·;'-------··:~ worken. But, he auld, "th..rc· wllJ bu no turlouah11 tvJuy " Any d("Cltlon on 11hutll11g down the government would be mode lawr, he uddl'd. He said the ft>deral workun will be noUfled of any furloughs late todoy or before they are due to report on 1\aellday. If Reagan hWI not decided whether to sign the spending bill before Tuesday morning, the workers wiU be told to sta9 home. Speakes !laid the number of people furloughed would be fewer than ~00,000. He said the legislation, the product of a compromise worked out Sunday by House and Senate »WlrejlMto John Pleiss, S, got into trouble by calling Santa -63 times. IH'f!JllHllll WUlt 11111 ''"1.111 h'tl lU IH1 II jJ ,,, ,, v t• d b )' t }I(• l w tJ • d1utt1fi.•1 tt ond re1d1 it .. OMM th'l!k "untll Vl•ry law tonl1J1t N1rly l1111111r1 uw " At th11t ti~. h(• ~:.let, krnli(lm 0 wllh11k o cloee • ,--.Lo -~ ~ .. .c .. ~:---;-:=.: .... Hl· 11uld Rt<llifln wanted i 11tudy tht• lnipoct of the llmh fund H for the MX mlul program and look at row l retll·an:h and devclupment mo~ for program <.'Ould be apent. .a} Meanwhi le , Edacatl()n Department spokesman Loil> Mathis said, "We're on hold." • the Department of Health ane Human Services, spokesm•1'l Russ Mack said, "Aa of now, Wt!( business aa usual." Commer~ Department operations alao wf!M/ normal. "It's not the first t~ government workers have beeW: through this." said spokesman Ill\ Jay Cooper. II" Boy's calls;u to Santa "'!' total $40 ~ {' ALLENTOWN, Pa. (AP) -A 5-year-old boy who talked t . Santa by telephone enjoyed long-distahce conversation so much that he called 62 mor~ ! times -at a cost of airJlost $4~ his parents say. John Pleiss. ,of West Easto~ apparently learned the num for Bell of Pennsylvania's " It" Santa Claus recording from 1. television commercial, said hiS' · mother, Gail. The boy made the calls -at 63 cents apiece -from an uP61ai.IMl telephone while his mother w downstairs recuperating from fractured elbow. ,r "I thought he was playing with his toys upstairs," said M Pleiss. "I didn't know he w using the phone." When the bill arrived, he'r h u s b a n d , J ~h n . d i d n 'If • immediately recognize th number that showed up 63 tl01nM~ll So he dialed It and got a N><"inttlf'!il~ message whkh f8id, "Ho, ho, hol l I'm glad you called." The message went on to eay that "Santa" was in Africa day, described holiday cuatomll there, and mentioned that San would be in Poland the next day. "He's actually telling the kids to call back," Pleiss aid. He said he called the telephone company to oomplaih about the bill but was told It would haVe to be paid. LOS ANGELES - Shoppers and employees .vere evacuated from a grocery store when an arson - suspected fire broke out in a potato chips display and smoke tilled the market, a city fire spokesman said Flame and smoke damage to foofls in the Boy's Market in the Highland Park area was estimated at $1 million, with another $5 .000 in damage to the building. said fire Capt. Lon Pursell. Four inore Irvine cars lose stereos NATION Ex-CIA.agent sentenced Four more stereos were stolen from cars ln Trvine over the past weekend1 bringing the tota] of thefts thlS month to nearly ~O. police' said. All four of the radios reported ~ing Sunday were Blaupunkt models. the type most ln demand among the thieves hitting Irvine this holiday season, said police Lt. Bob Lennert. The weekend thefts occurred in the 119rtheast portion or the city, he 'said. Lennert issued a news releaae last week warning owners of new German-made cars with Blaupunkt or Concord radios to park their vehicles in locked garages or busy. well-lighted lots. He also asked residents to be watching for strangers acting suspiciously around parked cars. Police believe as many as three separate groups of thieves Are operating in Irvine, based on witnesses' reports. ALEXANDRIA, Va . - Former spy Edwin Wilson was sentenced today to 30 years in prison and fined $200,000 for his conviction on smuggling arms to Libya in the first of four criminal trials arising from his dealings with the Arab nation. ran "a very sophisticated scheme to engage in the arms business on an international scale.'' Wilson was convicted la s t month on seve n con s piracy, firearms and export law violations. All are connected to smuggling four pis to ls and an M-16 ri fie from the United States to Libya, a nation the United States says has been a leading supporter o( international terorism. Teen's de~th spurs fund U.S . District Judge Richard L . Williams s aid th e 54-year-old Conner CIA agent ~ A scholarship fund has been established in memory of Kelly Mohan, a 15-year-old Fountain Valley resident who died Dec. 3 after a short illness. Sky-diving Santa survives She was the daughter of Robert and Carol Mohan. Carol Mohan is president of the Fountain Valley School District board of trustees. WATERVILLE. Maine - A skydiving Santa Claus was a whisker away from death when his parachute failed to QQen as t.e plunged toward tlfe ground at 100 mph. At the last instant, the man dressed as Santa, Ronald Bradford, managed to grab the cord to h is emergency chJ,Jte and fell safely near a We're Listening ••• 642•6086 dazzled gathering o f 35 childre n at an apartment complex. Bradford, who has been skydiving for 21 of his 40 years. said that had he been killed, the children would have "seen the image of Santa Claus destroyed. The myth would have been hard to rebuild." Kelly had attended Fulton Elementary School in Fountain Valley and was a sophomore at Mater Del High School in Santa Ana at the time of her death. The Kelly Mohan Memorial Scholarship Fund has been established at Mater Del. It will be used each year to aid a graduating Mater Dei senior who What do you like about the Daily Pilot? What don't you like? Call the number at left and your message wlll be recorded, transcribed and delivered to the appropriate editor. The same 24-hour answering service may be used to record let• ters to the editor on any topic. Mailbox contributors must include their name and telephone number for verification. No cirtulatlon calls. please. Tell us what's on your mind. plans to major in special education at college. Contributions can be sent to Mater Del at 1202 W. Edinger Ave., Santa Ana. CA 92707. .. laHtfted ~1'11alng71"4"1M2·Mll All other department9 M2-4321 . r-- ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat Thomoa P. Hal.y l'llbl11htt oM Cllo11f ( •tc~•••• 0.llcer Jona Amari £•.CUii~• fdtlO< Raymond MacLean Con1•on.< MAIN OFF!CI DO We .. la¥ SI , CMle MfM. CA. ""4111 e-.tt: .. •IMO. C:Mla Mff4a, CA. fMJlt (.,y,,.l'fl 1.a Ot ..... (OHi l'ubll~ ~. ~· -· \Wlel, lllo.tt1r .. l•1, ... ltwllll "''"9f W .. Otllw"*"l ._,.,,, INY !It ,..,ttllot ... _.,..,. 1~1e1 wm11,io.,9fcCNWri9114ewMr. Police have been frustrated so far because the thefts are occurring in all parts of the spread-out city during night and day. Lennert said thieves a re breaking into the cars -mostly Volkswagens, AudJs, BMWs and Porsches __: by forcing locks, breaking windows and through unlocked doors. Last week, Lennert reported that 40 radios had been stolen in December. However, more thefts late last week along with the four over the weekend increased the count near 50 as of today, he said. A Huntington Beach teen-ager who was pinned beneath his car during a freeway mishap Sunday was listed in guarded condition PlllCI Biii today at Western Medical c.enJ in Santa Ana. :J Mark Matsumoto, 17, ~ Huntington Beach, was chec~ under the hood of his car, which had stalled on the transitioh between the Newport Freew and the Santa Ana Freew&)l. when the car was struck froJ6 behind by a pickup truck dri~ by Brian D. Earhart, 23, W Huntington Beach, a Califorrua Highway Patrol spokesman ~ The impact trapp .. Matsumoto beneath his vehi~ until he was freed by paramedMia and taken to the hospital, tt; CHP spokesman said. t1T chn~tmos 1982 ., .,. j thz. authznt1c classic ... 5'l.OJT\lq,e,s bru&w.d ehz~ 12.ach S'M'laUl.r i& rnada en a clrcular hand !Tomi, cnz. ttt. a tU'ntl ,m-.d twloz. bru&hzd. fbr cornfbrt ard.a ~ m.. cni cf tllCl. n ioz.st 8'Miat.<z.f"!I you'll IZ'4r 'll.'l'LO r. di t nothing to OEL C. DON ............. e commercial touts p l1 aooc:t food," a erence t o the rlentl found In nks of meat and tablea u well u In ch broth containing mlna, mJnerab and aclda, the chemical ldlnga blocks of UC Irvine biologist the ocean, like a 1 of aoup, la teaming lnviaible nutrients. e important, Dr. ver Stephens has a mini-revolution lence by showing y sea c reatures ge to get half of nourishment from se disso l ved tances. , e acientiS't haa spent decades studying the iology of clams, and mussels. But nt experiment he vered that these e mollusks manage r out and consume h as 75 percent of lved amino acids In seawater. b ved these simple at they are the bull of the food chaJn that 1lv• rtM to 1hrimp and lob1ter and mackerel and tuna," Stephen1 aaid. "All of thoee anlmab that are a food IOW'Ce for man are there becawie they get a significant portion of nutrients from (amino acids) ." Measuring amino acids in seawater as well as the amount consumed by c lams, oyaters and mussels has been· an arduous task. Single amino acids occ ur naturally in the ocean at about 10 parts per billion. Stephens, along with co-workers Dr. Donal Manahan and graduate student Jim Davla, spent several yea.rs perfecting a high ly aenaltive analytical process called high-performance liquid chromatography. 'the technique permits the researchers to get predae meuurementa of amino acid con centrations before and after seawater ls pumped through the gills of a bivalve mollusk. til a year or two a~marine biologists sh ish fed largely on ~11 marine plants, m n ly free-floating cles of algae. Other f d sources w ere su4Jcted, but Stephens was the first to show that bivalve mollusks also consume dissolved organic chemicals. Since amino acids occur a t relatively low co n ce ntration in 1e4water, sheWiah must pump large amounts of water. Mussels wer e To be sure, Stephens suspects most all marine Invertebrates, with the excep\ion of shrimp, lobsters and other cruataceana, depend on the abundance of chemical nutrients in seawater. H is studies have focused on amino acids, but he believes animab feed on other dissolved orga ni c materials. The fishing Industry -especially conunercial shellfish hatcheries and farms -could eventually benefit from the re search by supplementing diets for oysters and clams with special amino acid solutions, Stephens suggested . Oyster hatcheries. for example, currently only add algae as fqod supplements, he said. Though 9Cientista have just begun to acx:ept the r01earch, Stephens said - commercial shellfish producers have expressed little interest In c hanging their traditional feeding methods. In fact, at one h·atchery he found producers unknowingly were filtering out 75 percent of natural amino acids In tanks containing oyster larvae. "Commercial oyster hatcheries have no idea of what they're supplying In 50 percent of the potential food source for oysters,'' he said. The information on the feeding physiology of bivalve molluab could aha be import.ant for the entire fl.ahing industry, sJnce simple aheWiah are near the beginning of the food chain. Stephen• aaid the Industry rely on ocean algae counts the way tanners predkt a good or bad crop year hued on rainfall PerhaJl8 wildlife of ficlala wlll one day test the ocean for amino add content. he auges1ed. "All large fl.ah, directly or indirectly, feed on invertebratea be<:auae Free Phone Can Home .... _, • Dr. Grover Ste phe n• works with one of his hu ngr y specimens. found to use 10 to 12 lltera per h o ur while oysters procesaed aa muc h as 15 liters, Stephens said. The studies ahow the anlmala extract 37 to 75 percent of the dilaolved nutrients. Likewise, an equivalent amount of algae is conaumed as a eource of fats, auean and complex caroobydrates. "In the .fl rat f e w seconds that the water cornea In contact with the gills roughly half or better of the amino acids are removed," he said. The gills co ntain receptora for amino acids, and Stephens said there are four different lock-and-key-type sites for mW111ela. At first, aome scientist argued that th' amino a c I d s w e r e b e ln g consumed by bacterial present within the mussels and oysten. In order to exclude that t>OSSibillty, the UCI res e archers pain - a taking l y raised oysters from egg and sperm in a germ-free environment. They also w o rk e d with 1and dollara artd aea urchins in an effort to find anlmals free of all bacterial contamination. Stephens said h e couldn't rely on oyster hatc heries because there's little demand for experimental anlmala in such pristine condition. Other labs, he noted, can simply order s pecial strains of mice, rats and other animals fro m 'commercial breeders. "Thia is about the only lab doing this kind of work.'' he aaid. People who· believed that bacterial were involved were not going to be convinced until we did experi m ents In the comple te absence of bacteria." . . Manahan , a co - Investigator ln Stephens' lab, said he believes the r esearch may c ut commercial shellfish hat c hery losses , estlmated at 60 percent in the larval stage, w ith this n ewly f ou nd nutritional source. "A lo t of h atch e r y problems are blamed on water quality stopping the development of these animals ," he said . "Because everyone believes they feed on particles, eve r yone thinks ther e are po llutants and toxins th at are ca using problema. What we're saying i.s maybe there's somet hing In the seawater that's missing." lENTHE PIN ON HER LAPEL IS AS IMPORT ANT AS HER BLAZER, PIN HER WITH MONET .~ She tak• deeign Hnoulfy. From the cut of her jKtl.t to tho flnlthlng touch. A clealcalty deligr'9d Monet ~ ICickpln, bef pin Of bfooch In triple ptetad 22K go6d. And with~ minimum 10.00 purcn..e we'l lnclud9 a tf8Yll ~ boJt wltt\ mirror. Gitt with purcheM lirNted to atod on hand. Monet. 111 . llMtratlona enlafged t~ .now detail, Wlndmlll, 1.00. . c•m 111 Panel seeks new blood The Oranare County Human Rela\lons C.omml•lon la lookln& for penons Int.ere.led In becoming • commlaJoner Created In 1971 by the Oranae County Board of Super vlaor1, the Human Relatlona Commluioh la charged with aeeklng out the cauaes of tension and conflJct or diacrlm.ln.atlon and Intolerance baaed on race, religion, national origin, ethnicity, handicap, age, sex, sexual preference, socio-economic 1tatu1 or marital stat\a. The commission is seeking hard-working, dedicated people who reside In Orange County and are interested in human relations. Interested peraona are urged to contact the commission at 834-4796 and speak with the commias.lon's director. • • • Dr. Franicls Mackey has been elected ,to a second tenn as president of the Oranse County Health Planning Council's board of directors. Mackey la medical director of St. Jude Hospital and Rehabilitation Center In Fullerton and an aaaociate c linical profeuo r of rehabilitation at UC Irvine. He is a past president of the Oranse County Medical A.aaociation and past president and current board member of the Orange County Heart Asaociation. Other officers who will serve with Mackey are James Dick, vice president, Ernestine Ransom, secretary, and Ina Bliss, treasurer. Dick is chairman of the Fountain Valley Planning Commission and president of the Fountain Valley Historical Society. Ransom is the University Center program coordinator at UCI and Bliss is director of the Santa Ana Neighborhood Housing Services, Inc. ·-• • Beginning Jan. 3, Orange County Deputy District Atl.omey Joan Reilly will take over as commissioner of the Central Orange County Municipal Court in Santa Ana. The commissioner's job is the court'• top administrative poet. -Daily Pilot County Bureau • ~ I I ' . Now thru Dec. 24 MCI and Huntington Center will give owoy-ov•r .. 15,000 3 ·min. long di.nc• phone cofl' for th\ ho11doyl. ""'vii .. the MCI holldoy booth lmiiil _______ ._._ in t._ centet of th. moll. ~ ....... Thor VL'\\?.f"IHJ, .......,,,,..~ lhare lhe Mine dltt.an\ NlalJVe and the Mint Ot'CUJ»Uon -wrttif\I. Henry Dlvtd Thoreau'• 1randfather wu ~nan O.vld Thoreau'• 1re1t· cr-t.·pat-aranC1t1the1. ·=&•-. way tO pu1 n , 'i ~· w Henry David Thoreau wu my diltant cou1ln," laulhed 36-year-old David Thoreau, who h11 taken up wrltina ~la u hla vocation. But, unlike h1I noted naturallat/writer relUlve, the younger Thoreau prefen act.Con-packed myatery thrllfera to lenathy treatlaea on living and the environment. He'• penned three novels to date, publiahing them at a rate of allghlly more than one full-length book a year. Ria first novel, entitled "City at Bay," has eold more than 50,000 copies and ia now in paperback. The other two, he admitted, "haven't exactly been burning up the bookstores," but the reviews have been good. Thoreau is a San Francisco native, a 1969 graduate of UCLA, and a former advance man for Jesse Unruh 's unsucceeaful bid for California governor against Ronald Reagan. " He has worked a8 a waiter, bartender and house painter to support his writing efforts, finding time each day to put in at least four hours on his books. Beginning next month, he will teach a course in "Writing and selling the Novel" at UC Irvine. And if anyone knows the ins and outs of the publishing business, it's David Thoreau. "So much goes into publishing a book," he said. "So many hours, even years into a product that can be read in just six hours." His novels are about California, and he verbally illustrates them, drawing from his observations in the Bay Area, Los Angeles and the prange Coast. What is quite evident in all of his books is the painstaking attention to detail, whether it be the inner workings David-Thoreau of a police department, the design work of a nuclear power plant or the in-house politics of the federal Drug Enforcement Administration. "City at Bay" deals with a police strike that threatens to paralyu San Francisco, and Thoreau said the plot is the result of hundreds of hours of interviews with police officers in the &y Area. He spent a half a year on police patrol, conducting interv\ews with patrol officers, narcotics investigators and inspectors in the intelligence bureau of the San Francisco Police Department as well as officials in the mayor's and governor's offices. His second novel, "The Santanic Condition," included exhaustive s ction tne.rvlftll Wll.h ftderAI dNI olfk'ltl to l'tllMt a book •bwl I te& mUllon l'Ol'alne 1muUJlf'\C c:aper. That book draw1 • c:hutkle from lha you.n1 author. c--=---- "h ...,.. nuhllahMl.laat veu~ .1111 about a mulU·milllon doliar tmuauna lnctdent In which a wealthy IUY tr(ee to brlna cocaine tnto the country," ho explained. The book came ou& well before auto maker John DeLore1n11 arreat ln connection w1th a f~ million' cocaine deal. "What'• funny," Thoreau said, "ia that when I described my atory to people, they said lt wu unrealllt.lc. "No one can move that much cocaine. That's what they told me." His third book, "Dynasty of Power," evolved only after Thoreau plowed through volumes of material from utility companies and reviewed history books from Pacific Gas and Electric Co. The result: California Edison, a fictitious utility that figures big in a tale of murder, deception and politics. Thoreau is preeently working on his fourth novel, a story based on California's water wars. "I want to write about two San Joaquin Valley farllling families," he said, adding conse!Vationists and the Metropolitan Water District will be mixed in the book. Water can be a dry subject, but Thoreau .. said his novel will be sprinkled with ''romance and mystery, a contemporary thriller that examines the politics ~d what is happening to water in California." Sounds a bit like something that would be written on a book jacket. But that's the way Thoreau likes to write. "It has to have action, be fast moving, must have mystery and must be infonnative." To date, Henry David Thoreau's distant relative has filled the bill. * ,.,, ._ .... ~--.. ""'--.... .,,. -:.:r.·"" ·-· .... . ... "" •. , .. ::.r. ...... -.. i ..... ..... ·--....,_,..,._ ............................. -...... ,_.,..._ .. ,.,_ ...... -· I pt '"'-ii~ t"'f 1' I ...,............ ... .. 11th MClll '""' .... -AMI CALL TODAY FOR YOUR APPOINTMENT --~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- fEW YEARS EVE AT ?1~~ 3901 [. Coast Hwy. Corona .. Mar 759-1154 5° COPIES YlaLWe ..... .......... J461 Via LWe 675-6122 ...., to l!dw9rdf Udo CllWM Photos With Real Santa Bring the "little ones" to Huntington Center's new mall for memories they'll never forget with the Mitchell Marionettes Christmas show and a visit with the Real Santa with the Real Beard. And Instant Santa photos only $2.99. Stetting a New au.aneu Acccordl11t to ~ ........ Pd ~ ...... C.-(lec. 11111 lo Hitt) •II ,.,_ .... ......... --r·• ....... -.... ,.. ..... _. ..... ttle~a.rtl OH !low•~ fo11r 11111 0• 111 • ................ -.,.. 111 wlllc,11 tllo ........ I--.& Tllo t toto•o•t 11 ~----i. _ _, .. ............ , ... , ............ _ . •... -··--, ... .,. .................. •••• 1 .... -.... Tllo DAILY ,U.OT ~--.... .... c .............. ... ...... __, ..,. .............. dollr •or.,lco to 1110 O r••t• Co1111tr ~ ........ -· •••• , Ollr ...... ...._ ....... ., ,11011 0 lllo &.IOAL OVMmleft' .._..,, let. JU fOI lllOlo ............. ..._. ~,, ' ... ______________________________ .J.Jl • /1f ·=XPECTA BEAUTIFUL TREAT WHEN YOU GIVE A PIERRE CARDIN HANDBAG : A SI GNATURE COSMET IC BAG , AS YOUR GIFT. Your well·daerved bonus for being Mloctlve enough to give the best. The puro designer elegance of a Pierro Cardin hondbmg. We lhow a few from tl'ie collectlon. TOI> rip shoulder bmg In tan, taupe, navv or black, 26.00. Smell ahoulder bag, in taupe, navy or black, 66.00. Satchel, on taupo, navv °' blm, 56.00 Gift cosmetic beg in taupe, ten, navy or black. Better H•ndbega, 179. .... I~ ! . .. ,.. •I )I 11111 .. ; 1 I b ) •I :u n· j 'bllf . . • ~".fl I , (;/ . • I 1 ~ "1\1't' t I•';. •1•"< h•'J• •·'l(.1> . ) .. h.Jllrl l 1• lqqu11 , , l <• 1100 '>tau I I l t 'Jci 1 •lri lo Ot'lt- l 1J n~· .,ctl~ 1r, \(1 h.)Ot ·2 • IJ lHll tt•~ Io llT't.Q) f>B(J tlflA1 ui lln • lflt l1t1 •'1 /, . II IU ~Vnl Teacher tes ting can 1-oniy benefii ltu-Ueni!!; For som~ time, there h.u ~n concern among California pa.rents that In inc reasing numbers, Johnny can't read. Now t~om Sacramento, we may know why Jo hnny can't read, or write, or do basic math problems. It just may be that Johnny's teacher can't ~ad, or write, or do basic math either. And thsit is the basis for a furor now raging among educators In the state. Saturday, the 1tate began testing all new teachers, administrators and school aidee in the three basic skills. The examination, known as the California Basic Educational Skills Test, was established by the Legi9lature in 1981. After Feb. l , no teaching certificates will be issued to persons who have not passed the test, including current teachers who want to switch from one subject to another. Currently, prospective teachers also must pass an exam on their subject matter. Depending on where Inc o ming state school superintendent Bill Honig sets the pass cut-off point, up to 62 percent of incoming teachers could fail the test. The 62 percent failure rate is based on a 70 percent cutoff. If Incoming teachers are required to score only 50 perce nt to pass, otftcials predict about 23 percent will fail. A breakdown o;. the universities from which the candidates graduated wilJ be released after the test results are t a llied . T h e s tate hopes the publicity will embarrass colleges with s ub-standard programs to shape up. Obviously. a n·umber of co1Jeges and prospective teachers are irritated about all this. The exam itself contains 40 reading and 40 math questions, as well as two half-hour writing samples. The questions were evaluated by a panel of teachers, and are not "esoteric," according to David G~rdon, assistant chief of the offtce of program evaluation. Both colleges and teachers say it is unfair to administer the test after students have invested five years of study only to find out tht·y cun't be certified. S ome 1.:oll ege authorltJet would like to Ree the teat used u an entranc exall'\t rather than an exit. Although we d o n 't necessarily oppose using it as an entrance exam, we are a little s urprised by the argument of investing all that study Ume to no avail. ls this any different from a prospective attorney's needing to pass the bar or a prospective edJtor's needing to pass an editing test, or a surgeon's need to pasa the state boards? Since we entrust teachers with the next generation, it seems reasonable to require them to Rrove they are capable. But the real excitement over the exam ha s come from elsewhere. It is estimated that if 62 percent of a ll prospective teachers fail the exam, 86 percent of minorities will fail. Obviously, this is a hot potato, but it is a fact of life. Honig is quoted as saying that minorities will score lower on the exam due t o "poorer e ducational pre para ti on" by blacks and Latinos. And that is preeisely why there should be no differences in the requirements, and why the test is a good idea. U minority teachers are less well prepared in some instances, and they end up in schools with primarily minority problems, often the case, they simply perpetuate the "poorer education pre paration" for the next generation. There should be no double standard in education, and relaxing teacher preparation standards for minority teachers is guaranteed to perpetuate the inequity. There are n o doubl e standards in other professions . There is no minority bar exam or surgical board. The re shouldn't be. Anyone who has talked with recent high school graduates often i s shocked by what earlier generations would have called functional iJliteracy. If the teachers of the state share that inadequacy, what hope do we. or our children, have for a rewarding future? City wishbooks n ext? A national newsmagazine tells us more and more Americans are d o ing their Christmas shopping via catalog these days. And judging by the torrenta of t•ese wishbooks that fill our mailboxes in the pre-Christmas season, there must be something to it. So the city of Laguna Beach as right in s tyle with its own Christmas catalog, a handsome 13-page listing of dozens of it.ems interested residents might like to buy for their city. The catalog, complete with illus trations of city parks, p '.,iI'O~ds and public. buildings, produced at a cost of $2,100. h the Chamber of Commerce<!· p · king up half the tab. Most reasonable of the ested gifts is a $40 trash can. gift of between $200 and $500 uld pay for some colorful park autlfication. The police partment could use a dog, ined to track lost children or e aped criminals, or search b · · and crime scenes. That would cost $5,000. • The animal shelter needs $680 for a washer and dryer and the community cente r would like $1,600 worth of new tables and chairs. The fire department shoots a little higher, su.ucestina a new Class A engine pumper for $160,000. If that's a bit steep, and the donor has posterity in mind, a gift of between $60,000 and $75,000 would buy a complete mini-park at one of Laguna's beach-end cul- de-sacs, including a viewing platform and landscaping. The city plans to distribute 500 copies of the catalog to com1J1unity or ganizations, not really expecting many ind1viduals to ante up the full price of the suggested gifts, but hoping some · groupe will be inspired to do some fund raising to help replace some of the many items that have to be chopped out of city budgets in these tight financial times. If Laguna's experiment pays off, don't be surprised if city wishbooks become part of the annual Christmas catalog season. Opinions expressed in the space abOve are thOse of the Dally Pilot. Olher views ex- presHd on tnls ~·are those of their authors and artists. Reader comment is Invit- ed. Address The Dally Pilot, P.O. Box 1S60, Costa Mes.a, CA 9'21>26. Phone (714) •'2·'321. L.M. Boy d/ Canine climbers If you were going to climb the h ighest mountain in the West.ern Hemisphere -the AndC's' Aconcagua at 22,835 feet -would you take your d og with you? h 's an extremely dangerous test. Many clambers hove died trying . And so have many of · their dogs. But a lot of climbers and dogs hnvc mad<' It to the top, too.' Taking your dog up Ac-oncagua ls the thing to do. cvidc-ntly. Why J don't know. Mnyb<' ju.'\t becauM" thr dog is thoN'. ORANGE COAST _Daily Pilat Th<>SC' scawaves break on b<'ac:hes in a l't'rtain formula -when they rpOV<' into wat('r shallower ths n hall th('ir wavt.'ll'ngths. Thr ee times as many women as ml'n usc walking c.ancs. Q . Who were Johnny Carson's gu<.'RlA on has fln1\ "Tonight" show? A Tony Bennett. Joon Crawford, Mr l 8rook11 und Rudy Vallee. On Oct. I. IOfi2. Th.mot P. Heley -~----------- Jon. A.....t r .c"'i.. rdflot Computer whizkid WASHINGTON -Washington lobbyists could take a lesson from Steven Jobs, the multimillionaire stripling who heads Apple Computers Inc. Though he is a mere 27 years old and totally naive in the way legislation is m a d e in Washington, the whiz kid from Silicon Valley has come within drooling distance of the most lucrative individual tax break in memory. Jobs want.a to donate Apple computers to all 83,000 public elementary and high schools in the country -if the Treasury will give his company double the normal tax break for such contributions. But this philanthropy, it turns out, would net Apple as much as $60 million just in short-tenn tax advantages aJone. IN F ACT, the double tax break would mean that the government -more preclsely, the rest of us taxpayers - would be picking up all but 8 percent of the computers' cost. "There's no element of giving here," said one Capitol Hill opponent. "We're buying the things." The long-range benefits to Apple could dwarf even the immediate tax break. Not only would the company get paid for spare parts, improvements and maintenance for the 83,000 computers, ita "donation" would effectively freeze competitors out of the school market. And in addition to the obvious publicity advantages, the training of thousands of young people on Apple computers would presumably predispose them to that brand name when they buy their own. In short, as Apple's criucs have tried to p oint out , the special tax-break legis la t ion would bring incalculable advantages to Jobs' company. "It's a gold mine," one congressional observer told m y associate Peter Grant. Ye t despite the obvious s pecial - interest status of the legislation, it sailed through the House and is expected to (;t -JA-Cl-A-ID-IR-Sl-1 -~ pass the Senate without much trouble. Considering Jobs' complete lack of experience In the legislative process, this is a truly remarkable ach ievement. On his first ride on the Washington merry· go-round. he appears to have grabbed the brass ring. When J obs arrived in town last summer to promote his scheme, few Capitol Hill Insiders gave him much chance of success. What with rising deficits, tax increases and budget cuts, it hardly see111ed the right time for a highly successful company to ask for a tax break. Nor did Jobs' lobbying effort a ppear all that impressive. Though he had traded m the jeans and cowboy boots he • D.C. Ill wears at ·Apple h eadquarte r s In Cupertino, Calif., for a business suit, he tended to flood members of Congress with longwinded documents instead of easy-to-read two-page summaries. And despite a black mustache and an adult intensity, Jobs still looked more like a summer intern than the head of a $600-.milllon-a-year corporation. BUT JOBS, who d esigned the first Apple computer in his parents' garage and went on to dominate the home- l'Omputer field, is not a slow learne.r. And he had willing teachers. Sen. Edward Kennedy, D-Mass., not only agreed to co-sponsor the Apple bill. but gave J obs a cram course i n legislative strategy and tactics. The staff of Sen . John Danforth, R-Mo., explained to Jobs the importance of enlisting the support of the education lobby. Rep. Fortney S tark, D-Calif., carried the bail for Apple in commit1ee hearings. Even the White House lent Jobs a hand in the person of Lee Atwater, a presidential political aide. After J obs made his pitch to the top brass at the Whit e Houae , the T r easury Departme nt's lnitiaJ opposition to the tax break was overruled. Footnote: An Apple spokesman insisted that the ·company is truly interested in the education benefit.a of the donation 9cheme. ''lf all we wanted to do is sell computers, we would invest the money in advertlSing," he said. Reading directions not his style Early noxt year I'm going to tak<' a week oCf and read the directions for all the things I've bought that t:amc• with the warning READ DIRECTIONS CAREFULLY BEFORE OPERATING. T here's no sense reading directions to something before you undenitand a little bit about it. because they don't mean anything to you. You have to know enough about something t.o be l'Onfl!S(.'d before directions help. Onct' l'vt• prl'SSed some wrong buttons or tried to o~n something by pressing on at when I should have been pulling on tl or shdmg it sideways, then I can undt•rstand thl' directions I HA VE A whole box of dtre'<.'llons I've never read. Many of them a re stall an their plastic wrap~rs This would be a good time to get familiar with reading d1r('Cllons because with C hristmas coming. I'll probably be getting more. Last Christmas my kids gave me a now camera. I've shot 10 rolls of film with it and I've made about all t he mistakes there are to be made. It will be fun now w see if the directions have anything to offer. It is always surprising to me to Ii«' how many issues divide our popul&tion almost in half. For example. l think it's safe to say that we are evenly divided • bt'\W('l'n pl•opll· who rl·ad d1n•ct1ons before· o~rattng. as they're warnl'CI to do under threat of death, and people w ho don't ever read lhl' d1rect1ons. The same peopll' who don't read the maps an th(• ANDY RODNEY glove compartments of their cars, are the· onl'S who don't pore over the instructions for oper ati n g t h e ir new washing machine or video cassette player My w1£c dnves a Saab, and during the thret" years we've had at, I've used 1t a dozen times. For thl' life of me I can't Cigurc out how the heater works. l almost froze last winter in it driving into the city one day This summer l drove in with 1l on a hot day and fussed with the mntrols the whole hour trying to get the air conditioning to work. That night I complamed to my wife about how romphcated the controls were. I said I was going to read the directions about how tu work thl• air ('Onditioning "Forget it," she said "It dOC'sn't have air cond1uomng." IC I'd onl y l ooked for 1hc air Sloppy talk 1s an insult A reader in Florida wan~ to know why ( "wute tlme and space" Qn an occulonal column abou\ pronunciation., when 1 could be writ1ng tOmeching more Uld\al. One of the chief reuons la that poor or aloppy pronunciation i.• an affront to the ear N well u the m.lrid. l am on the telephone a aood deal, and tbla la what [ cuatomarlly 1•t from IYlllY Ullll c•ond1uoning d1n•ct1ons m the glove compartment, I'd have known that tn spitr of some bad experience, I'm a firm believer in the trial a nd error method of learning. IC I were asked to take thl' sparesh1p Columbia into outer space. I'd first want to climb on board and start fool.mg with the l'OntrolJ before I read anything about 1l If I do read the d1rect1o ns about something before I know a single thing about it, I get so discouraged I give up. If. on the other hand, I bumble along making mistakes. t'Onftdl'nl that I ('3n always look at the d1recttons 1f l have to. then I usually hnd out how to d o it the hard way. DIREC TION-WRITERS have 1mprovl'd over the years. Even the d1re<:tions that come with a piece of Japanese electronic equipment are written in better English than they need lo be You'd think at might be dangerous to 1gnor(' written directions, but usually those little red tags say something like DANGER : UNDE R NO CIRCUMSTANCES S HOULD THIS BE PUT JN A BAT HTUB FULL OF WATER' They warn you agafnst some very obvious things. Most of us know by now that you don't put a t oaste r ln the dishwasher and that you shouldn't drop the-telcv1s1on set when you're bri~ng it m the house. On the other hand, at has bee n my experience that FRAGILE T HIS SIDE UP can usually be ignored with no ill effects. Unless you've bought a cut glass crystal pitcher that comes filled with champagne, there aren't ma ny things you can't carry ups ide down l'm going to look throug~ my box of directions for the ones about my camera, but usually if I really want the directions for one specific pi~-e of equipment.. tho.'\e ore the directions I threw out. ··~. ·- .. .. . ~ today,airCreatAmerk:andayl i ' Say goodbye to uninsured money funds. The greatest investment idea of the decade is here: the Great American Insured Moneymarket Account. It gives you high money-market interest, solid FSLIC • Insurance, unlimited deposits and withdrawals, and your choice of variable interest or a,. 30-day fixed rate! Open your Great American Insured Moneymarket Account with as little as $2,500 or as much as $85,CXX>. Immediately start earning a yield well above the average paid by uninsured money funds. You get something no money fund can off er. insurance on the full amount by the Federal Savings & Loan Insurance Corporation. Something else you won't get with a money fund: Your choice of earning either (1) a variable rate that moves with changes in the money market, or (2) a fixed rate of interest. UNLIMITED WITHDRAWALS & DEPOSITS MIMMR FSl,IC The variable-rate account offers you unlimited liquidity, allowing withdrawals and deposits at any time. You have 24-HOUR TELLER access to ,..,.. ...... •'-..._ C... your money at eighty lactnai ....... II llOOJDJ locations, in addition to ~ counter service at 140 Great . , \ Alllllli111 Hills • 5550 Santa Ana Canyon Road Iii• · 600 East Balboa Blvd. ..... lsMM • 301 Marine Avenue fa;lltrall lucll • 34206 Doheny Park Road B t .. • 23688 El Toro Road American Federal offices throughout the state. An interest-earning checking account is yours for the asking, free of service charges for all of 1983. And you can link this checking account to your Great American Insured Moneymarket Account, transferring money by telephone' to meet your checkwriting needs. 30-DAY FIXED-RATE ACCOUNT If you prefer, you can I~ in a fixed rate for a full 30 days~* the longest period allowed by law on this type account. At the end of 30 d ays, your account is automatically renewed at the in'terest rate in effect that day. Deposits and withdrawals can be made at the end of each 30-day period, and additional accounts may be opened at any time with deposits of $2,500 or more. INSURED MONEYMARKET CHECKING, TOO For those desiring full checking access to invested funds, Great American Insured Moneymarket Checking"• will be introduced on January 5, 1983, combining high money-market interest with unlimited checkwriting convenience ... plus FSLIC insurance of the complete balance. You can reserve Great American Insured Moneymarket Checking by signing up for our interim account, Market-Rate Checking; then, on January 5th, ybur balance will be transferred automatically to Great American Insured Moneymarket Checking. During the interim, you11 earn high market-rate interesttt and enjoy the checkwriting convenience of the interim account. The minimum balance is $2,500. Never before have you had such a choice of Insured Moneymarket Accounts. Come in today for more information. Huntlnaton Bach • 9132 Adams Ave. La1una lelch • 260 Ocean Avenue La1una HUis • 24301 Paseo de Valencia lapna ll1uel • 30112 Crown Valley Parkway Mlstion Vieto • 25332 Cabot Road -'-flnatlll ..-.., • 10175 -Stlter Ave. ~ -1ourch IQ • J Monarc1'-&ar P1aza~ ) llJ'I if I '•I I " 11 I I 1' I ·- .,. J • I J I The current annual yield of the Great American Insured Moneymarket Account at the time this was written appears below: • Annual Yield• based on rate of 11 . .l7'. per annum . As the rate is subject to change daily, we suggest you obtain today's yield by calling either of the toll-free numbers belOw. For rate information, call The Rate Line: (000) 552 .. 8855 To open your account by phone or for answers to your questions, call The Financial Line: (000) 272-9000 . "t! . '• ••• ,, " : !•'. h'• ,,, :.J ·' .. i ! I • ., • ~l ,., I . l'i' i 0.:1j ~~ .. •:~ , 11 ( ~I t (I /J •Annual Yield assu~ relrNatment of principal and lnlefell 11 nllllH'lty at "~ r11e, t~h !hit cM\'I be gu.1ranteed. ••" balance In .:count falb below Sl,500, S 114~ per ;annum Is paid IOf ll'lat JO.d.w cycle. C) ·tlmlted 10 .ix tramfen per month. "Interim lntetttt rate IUbjecl to c:ha,.e dally. The balance on your 11\terim KCOUnl up to S2.000 it fully imlnd by the FSUC. Ahhough the bilulCe OY\'f Sl,000 Is not 1 savlnp account ()( deposit and ll not lnwred by !he FSLIC. II ll badled by Untied Stites Govemment securttln. •\1 lJ •• I I I ,IJ J.11 oh dt ''" 11fl 11 11'1' Newport leach • 5 Corporate Plaza Oranp/Otllt • 2535 N. Tustin Ave. 1rb Sift Cllwtl • 400 Avenida Pico • 601 North El Camino Real San Juan Clplstrane • 32222 Camino Capistrano Wooclltrtd11 • On Barranca at lake 11~ •tit I . Come in now tor your beautiful, full-color 1983 Colorscapes ealeridac ,. I • j i , .. •' ii orde 'pyramid' halted beaonwkmfl. rortun1&.ely, lhere .,.. wunlnt litN to help con1um n dl1t1n1ul1h 1ur h p Hoao•m 1111111 dl1trlbutorahlp 1ehemn from ,.....,. lfftilrnl&.e plan1. Watch out for prom1ael l\lt\D&RS: A .o n .. nt . otaut»~u.t ~_,~Ith~~~ _!>l_ ~ ~t Ml been alaned i)' ChlM '•0 -· --··--··r-.... ----Rew& Inc., dotna ~ 1111 American dlltributonhlp1, rat.Mt than tho uJe of 1 l'fttl'lpnfteUn A.odatJon (AJ!A), 2311 partkular product. PcftUUI Ave., Loi A.nae&. 900M, with ~·!~com'=~~ Removins paint ~ ln cond~ a lottery tchemt ln the Ille of ''How to succeea·· booka. sold throu1h' a multi -level dAstrtbutonbip operallon. A.EA bu aareed t.o dilconttnu. th.la multi-level dJatributorahip operation. t.c embllah and maintain a apeda1 $5,000 fund to secure refunda requested by CUltOmen and t.o honor all requ.ta for refund. RetWlda must be ma4e within 10 work.Ing days after receipt of refund request. A breach of thia all'eement would authorize the postmaster to detain all mail addreeeed t.o AEA or anyone affiliated with AEA. Postal authoriUea caution inulti-level dJatributorahip achemes oonUnue ~ p-ey on Q)AJly unauapectin& cuatomen look1n8 for extra lnconie. illegal dlatributorahipe operate on the pyramid method, which la merely a aophiaticated chain letter. The promoters, mall-onler 80licltationa and other advertl1ement1 offer huae eamingll for marketing their producta through multiple distribution level&. It la up t.o the new lnveetor t.o aollcit other potential distributors to keep the chain intact. 'nle pr'Oll'e9I of a chain or a pyramid scheme la 10 rapid that the n umber of participants who will continue the chain by becomln1 distributors is soon exhausted. Later lnveaton receive no income from the purported businea -instead they DEAR PAT: I spilled Mmt oll-balld palat .. my flb•rlla11 bat•t•b nd dlU't aotlce It udf Site paJat drted. 11 tlaere HJ way to rem.ve tile palat wtdtoet nla1ac Ge llallla • dte t'llt? My lanae la ••1!-i:' dM C'8lt 11 a. llOed llLue ud laaa a )' ftal•. I'• allO 'like a. bow laow so keep dte ftaltla looklq Al good 81 It .Ml DOW. lt.J., Hau..-Beacll You can remove the paint ataiJ?. with .cetone (nail pollah remover) or a paint thinner such u turpentine. Saturate a clean. white cotton cloth with the IOlution and lightly rub the aUected area until the stain diaappean. ~ IOlventa will not harm the fiberglua finlah, but they ahould be uaed apartnaly and not allowed to go down the drain or come ln contact with a plaatlc drain grate. U1e a dampened clean cloth or 1J>OOae t.o wipe off the treated surface. Al8o, 1olvent1 are h ighly flammable and ahould not be uaed near heat or any open flame. Do not smoke while \aaing theee producta, and work ln a well-ventilated area. To maintain a lustrous flnlah, one manw.cturer reoommenda conditioning the IUl'faoee. Rub an automotive white poliah1na compound applied with a clean cloth t.o any .::ratched or dull a.reu. Then bu1f the autface8 with a light applln&\on of an utomoU~• whU• <'Nam Ullnl • clMn Twltiah &owtl. It alao 11 tua-t.td that thla treatment be dont 1bout twice • yHt In order to maintain an attracUve ftnlah. T9ilet deduciible DEil PA~ I W .. r.,aac. ... ti ... .......... , ........... .... .................. vies ..... ... tie ........ leN •• I eeeW dlftct mMt of tM .,tee tf tM &ellet • my tu ,. .. n . ~ tu Um• la'I all daat far &W&J, I'd Ub to fbMI Mt ...... ddt. J.G.,C..aaM ... Thu It the final year t.o c1a1m a tax credit of up to $3,000 for ln1tallln1 apprcwed water-•vinc l)'ltema ln the home. The prolJ'Un wu authoriJed ln 1981 by a law which .. tabllahed tax credits to cover part of the coat of lnatallln1 raln water and aray water 1yatenw, flow reducen for ahowel'I and fluceta and low-flush toUeta. The tax credit for one-family residence& la 55 percent of a.ta, t.o a maximum of '3,000. For muhlple ~. an owner lnatalllnc a system COlting at leut $6,0QO can take $3,000 or 25 percent of the coat, whichever la 1reater. To be eligible, all cistern land8cape u.ea must be approved by the local health deputment. A brochure dacribina the Pf'Oil'UD la available by writina to Alan Inaham, Department of Water Resources, Dlvlaion of Plannin1. P.O. Box 388, Sacramento 95802, OI' by phonlng (800) 952-5530. --, • Got • probJ~'! ThM writ4P to P•t Horowlu. P•t will cut red i.pe, ~ttbv the~ vKI llCdon you need to •olve lnequltle• In ~· vKI ~~your quesdonl to Pat Horowitz. At Your Service, Orvl6e 0-t Dally PUot. P.O. Bo" 1560, Q:wi. M-. T lte •ribde beauty and UJarmth o / pearl• . . • CHARLES H. BARR Uen•• of A-"c• CieM Society 17th&ln• Westclff Ptma NewportlHcll 142-3310 ~'''~''· CA. i2626. . I ~------------------------------....,.~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!mll!=B------------------------~ \\~ Course 'set on • aging A nine-week course that provides an introduction to the psychology of adult development and aging will be offered by Or~ge Coast College's Psyc hology Department this spring. The two-unit ooune, listed as Psychology 140 in the claaa schedule, meets Thursday afternoons from 1-3 p.m. A second nine-week aeeaion beglna April 14. Coune instructor is Dr. Mary Morrtaon, a former fellow with the Administration on ~ ooune will examine the myths and stereotypes about aging and the middle-aged years. Registration information is available by c.alllng 556-5772. •Three weekend ski tripa t.o Mammoth Mountain have been .cheduled early next year by the Newport Beach Parks, Beaches and RecreaUon depu1menL Trips will be held Jan. 28-30. Feb. 26-28 and March 26-28. A fee of $8~ covers bus tramportation, lodging and dinner on the return trip. It does not Include lift tickets. For more infonnation, call 640-2271 . •Newport Bellch attorney Jolua Couelly has been named president-elect of the Bowers MuteWn Foundation, the support group for the Santa Ana muaeum. Connelly wlll take over for outgoing president Jolua Hllaabecll of Santa Ana in 1984. Al8o elec:ted wu RldaN Hambert of Corona del Mar who will serve as a vice pnmident. •The 62nd annual exhibition of the NatJonal Watercolor Society opens Jan. 7 at the Laguna Bellch MUlleWD of Art. The exhibit, which runs through Feb. 20, featuree 104 watercolors, including thoee of Laguna Beach artiai... Scott Moore, ~rol ZlDll and J•Ue WatlOD. .- The colorful exhibition will be on display daily except Monday• and major holidays from 11:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at 307 Cliff Drive in Laguna Beach. For information, call 494-6531. CHRISTMAS INTEREST BONUS at Laguna National Bank f"1s.oo •37.so •7s.oo •1so.~ Mew,._.~ IT1llhes ii poell* for~ Nldorwl S.. IO alfer )'OU _.. eldlB01iCll 1111y rww The ~ bonus w4ll ~ credited IO )'OUf lltt'OUnl and ~ on )'OUI' !K'Ot1d monlNf ll*menl llCX'Ol.f1t. The t<Jtf£Y AARKET PUJS ..-. ._ eccoon ~ h1gh )4dd. ~ teady end ~ llCUSl IO your funds ,.._.,,........._You i----~ 'lllllMmlnlitttttt.edonCUf' -.,,,...~~..u ....... ~ rent money mmri. oondl!lons -)Ult ... money meitcet "6ld. FDIC lft1u,.au . Your f'O£'I AARKET PUJS ec COlft wll be inlufed up IO SJ 00.000 by lhe Fedenll ~ oelt ~ Corporetiol• - unllM ~Nnds. 1MCMt LJ4u1MJ. You'N ~ euy access 1o )'OUf flMlda wllh chedl wrtlng con- ~ -wWIOUl~ ment fftl or wlthdrewel penlllle&. ~ ISAl.NtCE $ 2.!500 00 . $ 4999.99 $ 5.000 00 $ 9999.99 •10.000.00. •19.~.99 •20.000.00 Of matt ~:C":::::""C.:.o':'.:::..=.a ~:=! =-~~-;;=~~ ... "':':!. _to_ OCT ___ ................. ,..,,...,_ - Come In todlly. GIYt )'OUI' self the gift cl lnsu~ high lnc~ett. and we'11 lhrow In en llUf'd bonus that will malce the ~ H950n • tcti. ~ Wt.le ,_.,.. ......... Be surt IO 8111 ebout our lull r11nge d penonel and butl- nus benlcing teMcft Alka~LAOUNANTER EST CHECIW10. f peflONI .,..,.. ~ ec:ooult. fvltt. lbollt the conlllll litl ice d 24- hour btnldng and accas IO 'f04ll money ~ the IN· ST ANT TEl..l.£JI NETWORK. ll'• !Mf .. Oil ....... lhe"**""'"Olpl!W1gdl$>olit '---------------------·------~ /'Ind, If 't04ire 10 lndlt19d, II f2,00.00. 1J11P4V fot the addict ~ Open )'O'lt MONEY AARKET PU.IS KCOUn1 eny Ume leoce d ~ PnMdloft wtfl 111 INST ANT TEU£R/ bd<JN the dote cl but1nas. De«mb« 30. end ~the CHECK 0UAAAHTEE CARD. We f\ltn otff!I the Amenc:_.. Ow1Mrr.-blflUll d 'PX chok'e ~· Oold (Md. (&endlrd Cl'llllflc•lon cr11ef\1 ll)Ply.) 310 ~. l..egune BNctl. C\ 92651 (71•> •91-6~1 I ~FDIC 11a11•• ....... ___ Moi~--~ nu.div 9JO •OO ~,__~-~ rddltt.JO 100 I --------------- Tre Robinsons Gift AN-ELEGANT 4.-PJECE _BOX OF BILL BLASS CHOCOLATES IS YOUR GIFT WHEN YOU BUY '10 OR MORE OF BILL BLASS CANDY. Gilt wtlh purch11e As 1f we could make America's foremost taste-setter 's savories. tucked in silver and gold boxes. any more tempting. For the sweetest gift ever. choose from assorted chocolates. 7 oz. S7.60: 14 oz 112: 28 oz. $24. Cherry Cordials. 8'A oz. 110. Robinson's Candy, 66 - 1 " 0, tllt R!LIOION BU81N!88 COMICS 87 88 Santa draws mixed reactions Word has it that Santa and his elves are taking a record number of toy orders from Orange County kids this year. So -Santa'• helpers apent the beUer part of 1aat week commuting between the North Pole and local ahopJ>inR malls. 1 t At Huntington Center (above), Santa ia taking them two at ! a time as James Dewell (left), 3, of Huntington Beach and Nick t Nichols, 4, of Garden Grove, give St. Nick their Christmas lists. At right (top to bottom), Santa (at South Coast Plaza) gives a big hug to a happy Nicole De Loach, 6, of Coeta Mesa, while Lindsay Moore, 16 months, of Costa Mesa cries as she reaches for familiar hands, IU'ld Michael Culp, 2 months, of Costa Mesa, seems unimpresaed during his visit. Joshua Hiltbruner (below left), 2, of Costa Mesa probably gave Santa toy orders for two as his three-week-old sister slept contentedly during a viait to Huntington Center. Karly Thomas 8, of South Laguna ia all smiles as she gives her special Christmas list to jolly old St. Nick. Playing Santa can be fun Johnny LaMontia of Huntington Beach baa lots of fun playtna Santa Claua. Well, tometimea. -11iere waa the time that be marched into a gaily lJahted hol.a.e dlapenatng ho-ho-hoe and jokes. "They all eeemed to be enjc>ying lt. But when I got throuah they uked me what I wu doma-anCl who I wu. "I Nall.zed too late that I got into the wrong howle." LaMontta. 14, recalls another time when he poeed for pk:ture9 with. family. It-.. the father llahted the fireplace without LaMontia lmowtna about it. La Montia found out the hard way -when he felt a bumlna ten1adon in the teat-of-the-pants.. LaMontia'• red ault got lln&ed· He had to buy another one. One time, a German ahepherd threatened him while he WU trYtna to eniertaln a cryinC baby. -Another time, a cop with the red JJcbta fluhlng on hil patrol car,~ LaMontia '11/W to the 8de of the ro.d. 'I fil\&red 1 had bad l\i but ..U J\e wanted w• for me to do a perty, .. he aald. LaMclntta. • la)Mnen of propme-ainvened eoc1MI. aid he'• been ~ Senta a.. kw about ax ,.an. "lt waa .-ry at ftnt bemul. I dkln't want to maka a tool of ~· But rm aettlna to m.jo)< lt!' One of hil most nwmorable ~ he aaJd, WM pertorm.tna M 8-nta Qaua for a H-yem--dd woman. "She WM ln a W~lcbalr and lhe jult apt mnUJ.nc and lauahlnl. It WM ..ily nice." -J,.aMonda aid today'1 lddl ant nice, too. He MAd he ct.la with children between 2 and 5 'twhUe they're IUll )'OW'8 mouah to beU.V. ln Santa Qaua." ~;...._,,,o~----1-----.Minx otJ~ itu. ma: an ~Jltrawbel!I 8bortaake and Smurf·aou. tot OuilttnM, ~ are ~for - 01 J09, allo. "A lot of them .uJl want~ and P.a....._ I ha""'t had a requ.t f« Z. T. (the Extra ~. I ~ the ch1Jdren t vtllt uw too 1°'mt for diet." llon1" ward r. 1n 111 l11n lo young, I · n. 1 t• Ern1u Bomb cit, Pase 82. D 0 . I I --, I p - - -. ~-. ~ . D&Alt AN;N LANDERS: t reallm that nW'llNE an Infant '-a hlahly chafaeci. emoUona1 lllue. 1 hope YoU won't duck It. 'The d1recior ot my child'• mUl&c achool often nUJ"MS her baby ln front of her 1tudent1. They re.nae from eight to 18 years of 119-tioth boya and girla. Thia woman doel not weer a looee--fittlng top, nQf does ahe drape heraelf with a dJa~r ~ ICU'f of any kind. She limply pul1a up her U&ht-fittlna T- lhlrt, tXJM*ll a bare breaat and~ the nipple lnto the baby'• mouth. Her studenta 11\are ln variOUI at.ape of embarrulment and fascination. Other paronta are reluctant to 1peak up for fear of l*n8 labeled '"non-maternal'' or ''anti-nursing.'' :: I ay there ls a time and place and a way to nurae a child ao that it Is appropriate and wwllemlve. A music achoo! is an establlahment for INlnina, and what this woman does interferes with ~ quality of education . I told her of my feelings and she said, "Oh, well. that' a YOUR opinion . . . " WW you please · giw me YOUR opinion. Ann Landers? -RED- J'ACED IN NEW HA VEN DEAR NEW BA VEN: 'here la ao qaestJoD aa &o dM •alldltf-of yov lette.r. 'nJ1 11 ao Yalle PS. Ftnt, I w..W like &o aay te all die memben of tlle La Ledae Lape Wt I am lff percat lD favor of Dani•& bablea wlleaever po11lble. All pedlatrtclaa1 a1ree tllat botll U1e baby ud tile mothrJrof It eaormoaaly If a clllld caa be breaat-f 1accessfally. fte 1eetae JH deaerlbe, llowever, Is plldle, ... totally Ht of DI.ace ta a d.usreom. I llave aeea mo&Mn d.lacreetfy aanlq la restauuta u4 la airports. Nodlla1 allowa Ud M .ee w..W bew \Mt tile cllUd wu dolD& u}'lkiq ucept al_,... la Ute motber'a arm•. Tiie ma1lc feaclter la off-key and needa to add a few grace Dote1 to lier performuce. DEAR ANN LANDERS: I realiz.e this problem is miniacule compared with most you get, but I am frUJtrated to death and need the help of an understanding peraon. Everyone I aak just laugh.a and says, "You're kidding." I need to know how to make a perfect deviled eff. How lhould eap be boiled 10 the ahell comes o ea~ Mine alwaya crack in the pan, or the shell to the ea. or the yolk is off-center. I am beginninc ~ thmk the beautiful pictures in maguines and cookbooks are photographs of a ceramic creation. Pleue give me some pointers, Ann. -NO EGGHEAD IN McALLEN, TEX. DEAR NO E.B.: After my experteace widl die meat loaf recipe, I wHldD't toada Dis 011e wltll a H ·foot pole. My advice I.I tO seek advice from tile food Mltor of &Ms aewapaper. DEAR ANN LANDERS: Repeatedly you've coume1ed against telling a cloee friend that her husband ia cheating. I think it's rotten for everyone to know but the wile. It makes her look foolish. I aaw my cousin's husband and a young girl drive into a motel 1ut week. I want to tell her but my huaband aaya. "Ann Landen is against it." Pleue change your stand. -TUPELO, MISS., MRS. DEAR TUP: Sorry, I cu't io it. Of tea &M wife lulow1 ud preteadJ DOt to. M. Y.O.B. ud permit lier W1 tl.lptty. DEAR ANN LANDERS: Rerently you printed a letter from a runaway. I was happy you told the child to go home. Runaways are targets for rape, robbery. drug dealers and beatings much more severe than what they would get if they went home. Most parents are thrilled -t.o get a call saying their child is safe and will not be abusive w hen the child re turns. Please. if you are a runaway or if you know a kid on the run, refer to the telephone book for the nearest runaway shelter or hotlin e. If you are ln , danger of abuse, there are appropriate referral.a for that. too. Don't take a chance on the atreeu. The nation al r unaway h otline is free. Call 1-800-621-4000. (In Illinois call 1·800-972-6004.) - SOMEONE WHO CARES DEAR SOMEONE: You wrote an important letter today. Many heartfelt tba.nls. Q.I A• H1111th. vul nor1hl•. you hold: •AIU ~A'98T oe •••on 1'h• blddln1 hu procttidttd: I Hllr 'Wttt N~ Eu& I 0 P ... I• P ... 1 What do you bid now'/ A. -Thert i.. a lt mpt.a\lon amon1 "''"Y brldre playere t o JUpport partner IJn· mediately. bccau•• or the quallly ot their card• In hi• 1uit. Rttlat It.I Your hand It too atronr for a •Ingle ralte and inadequate for a Jump. which normally requires four trumps. The eolution is a tempor izi ng bid of two clubs -naturally, you intend supporting spades at your next turn. If you nave one. Q.Z-Both vulnerable, as Sout h you hold: -.,,,, 011 lllDll BY OHAN. 8 M OOA N ANO OMAA iAA" •QllOl1tl 'J Qtl •JTt 'l'htt bltldlnl( ha• pror1t1d"1I N1ttl1 l>:ut NHCh I 0 OWe 1 Whal artlon do you takt 'I A.-You hav• a hand with ucellenl offeMlve pot1ntl1I but wl\t1 llUI• or no defen11. Thi• 11 the perfect opportu nlty to attempt to ltop the opponent• from r euln1 toretht r. Jump to lhrtt apad11-uaelly the same bid you would have made 11 an openln1 bid but. In view ol E u t'a 1nterference . It guarantee• a reaeonable 1111t. Q.1-Neither vulnerable, 11 South you hold: •Ja <;:)95 OAQlOMI •tTI Tht blddln1 h11 proceeded: Wett N~ EM S.atla p.,. 1 NT OW. T What. action do you t.&ka? A. -If you Umldlr r1movtd to two dl1mondtt, you 1lmpl1 don'l aru p the pl111n1r pot t ntl1I at yu11r bnd. How~ _ _._..._ _., ... bt too optlml•tlr: the op ponent1 will 1urely run and partntr wlll upect 1ou to hold more In defen1iv1 value• than you do. The choice 1111 between a p11a. In the hope that you can pick up a dou· bled overtrlck or two, and a jump to three diamond• LO adviu partner of your long, 1tron1 1ult -that might enable him to bid three no trump and ao gets our vole. Q.4 -As South, vulnerable, you hold: •A ~ AIU75 0 954 • 10952 The biddln1 hu proceeded: Nerdi Eut S..Ui Weet I 0 I• Z c;:> Pua I • I' ... ~. PaN 4 v l'aH 1 What •cllon do you takt1'/ .\. -Pn tnl l' I• U1llln1t you • .. _. to.-....... .1,. ulW>lf Ala mond• and only four rlub1 With hie dl1trlbuUon and your control1. you mt1ht have a •lam. but we would like an honor card In one ol the minor 1ulta before we make a t.ry. Be cont.tnl with 1 ral1e to five dla monda. Q.5 -Neither vulnerable, 11 South you hold: •M7a 1;:>1(8 OH •AKQM The blddln1 h11 proceeded: Nena. Eaee 8e11Ui Weee i • ,.,. z • , ... a• , ... ? What do you bid now? A.-You a.re In 1lam ter· rltory, with no really good way lo inveatl1ate. If you 111111111 had 111 out1ld1 at•, you wuld •u• bid It. but alu ... We 111• fHl you jurn p tn flo •pad•• 1 bid over •'"" •_•II• oarLDu ih.aL ~.u.,_hJve 1eneral valu11 and 1l1m In Lere1l, with no Sood bid t.o make. Q:t -Eaat Wt1t vulnerable, 11 South you hold1 •Q1ot11 <:'Qin .,,. The blddln1 hu proceeded: Welt Nerdi £ut S.... l • 1 • Put 1 What do you bid now'/ A.-'Even though your part• ner C!ould do no more than overcall, your hand• ahould £it well. Jump to four tpadee. Be1ide1 t he ract that you might make It. you are dl•· rupting enemy communlc&· lions. By PHIL INTERLANOI of LaQuna.Beach POTSHOJS BY ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT tF ONLY l_COULD ALWAYS HAVE AGOOD . REPUTATION, WITMOOT ALWAVS HAVING TO 6E GOOD. flMA 80M8fCK AT WIT'S END heMayJ December Z1 ARlES (March 21-April 19): Threats from opposition prove ground..leae. Previoua obstacles, no lonpr exilt. You'll prove it by moving directly aheed ln aare, confident manner. Let go of put - you're on brink of maJot break~ TAURUS (Aprfl 20-May 20):. Focua on romance, eentiment. )¥iah fuJflJJrnent and new atart in new d1rection. H1ghligbt lndependenoe, display courar of convk:tiona and ree1ize that member of opposite 1ex does care and will prove it. GEMINl (May 21-June 2(}): ru.e above petty politics. You eenae when something of importance is to occur -you have finger on puhe of public. Emphasis on preatige, honor , care er and opportuni ty for aucceaaful busineaa venture . r ,, ,( · fl• .. , ...,., I ' I CANCER (June 21-July 22): Display venaUllty, open lines of communication , pursue My hwd>and has been trying to teach our educational project. Focus alao on travel, perception children to apee.k ''Thermostat" 1or yea.rs, o f spiritual values and the beg inning of a _1:;.v1---~' "Yes, he has dropptd a couple of hints, and he got punched out bOth times." .-. 'nM!y ay the younger you start to teach them a meaningful correspondence. foreip ~·\he faster they learn. This haa not LEO (July 23~. 2 2): Basic task ia you eomething. Ac.cent on change, travel, variety " ~~ :~huahta .• .'' did not come easy for them. accompU.hed, but p urea are different and and ability to get backstairs view. unor thodox. Be apedfic, state views in frank SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec:. 21): Someone '"lbermostat" i.s one of \he last of the foreign manner and be w illing to revise, review and attempts. to pull a power play. Keep guard up, Jancuaaea to be taught to children. It comes just rebuild. check with authorities and be positive of legal after "Hang up that Phone" and "Shut the Door." VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Details unravel, rights. Focus on property, aecu.rity, long-standing (Note to parents : Please d o not proceed to you locate needed material and you become familiar neaotiations. "Thenna.tat" until they are speaking Shut the with legal rights, penniasiona. Emphasis on public CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Although Door fluently.) relations, encounters with those whose views forces are scattered, you can finish what you start. There are aeveral methods of teaching oppose your own. You 'll have wide r audience, burden will be ' "Tbermoetat." Some _parents use the Berlitz LIB removed and a project of importance will be concept. They put rec:ord1np beneath the pillows of RA (Sept.. 23-0ct. 2l): Domestic adjustment completed. , children that , __ ._. "A ..... ,___tat contro•-the la h11hll1hled -you'll amooth out wrinkles, AQUARnKI (J .,. ~ f When_tbe..._door.., lsux:x-uJUt .. remove afety huardl and beautify BW1'0UDCllngs. avo an. 20-reb. 18): New appn.dt'>. umace. open. the bad cold air Haine repeira dominate put of 1eenario. Arie.a, proves profitable. Get to heart of matt.en, refU8e to' 1 ' wan ta to come in and the furnace tries very hard to Cancer and another U"'-,._ ·-be aldetracked by one who ia elusive ,.,_,,_ beat the outdoors. God never meant for a furnace to una &06-"' prominently. finances. Be direct, independent, a19er11--;;:-·~ul beet America or He would never have invented SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Emotional PISCa (Feb. 19-March 20): Lunar cycle hem. snow." • ~ dominate; strive to be reallatic where -you'll be at right place, you can a..ert vtewt ~ . One of the first phrases a child leama about basic relationahii:-are concemed. Deiay long-range manner whk:h resulta ln positive bnpact. Judgment,•"· ''Thermostat" ia "My room ia cold." "My room is decmona -member of opposite aex ia trying to tell intuition are on target. Vitality makes oornebadL cold" voluntarily triggers hia motor activity. He will .----------=...;=------=--=..--------__:_:~~~=-=~==-==== proceed to the thennoatat and with nimble precision · ' move \he thennoetat dial to 82 degrees. (By sheer '· coincidence, the boiling polnt of hi.I father .) Thia ia followed by "My room la hot." However, a strange phenomenon occun. Instead of turning the thermostat back. ypur child will open a window. He needs work in the language. Our children were alow. We spent a year and a half on "lfaw do you spell relief? S-W-E-A-T-E-R!" We spent another two yean on "Daddy ia not a rich man and we can no longer afford three children." It WMD't until 1ut week when we took them on a field trip to the meter that they seemed to comprehend what we were talking about. We showed them bow the little dia1a twirled around on \he meter and how we were c.'larged for each little twirl. They watched our lipa cloeely u we formed the word ''IMnkruptcy." One of them .ad, "Wait a minute. Are you. telling us that the ooJder it gets outaJde, \he' harder \he furnace baa to work to keep it warm i.naide?" We noMed happily. ., • PlMJn~lJll a weddlng1 What'• right? What'• ~ Jum~ ~..: = ~~~ money?" wron/11 Ann Landen' completely MW "The Bride'• .. Why didn't you ay eo?" Thia holiday N&SOO. jOltl 1tie Westc::lift Plaz.e temily. Selecl '/(JI.JI gilts llom mott than lwenty ~. Wllhout crowdl Of endless perking loll .. with the penooel touch 1tie1 Weslchtl Plaz.e has become known for Gulde" will relieve your anxiety. To receive• copy, My husband smiled. "Do you think we can amcl a dollar, plus a Jong, aell~ atamped prosre. to "lbank you'?" eavelope (37 cents po6ta/Je) to Ann LMden. P.O. . "I hate to push 'em before they're ready," I _Box __ 11_9fJ_;tJ,_Cbk:ago_--=....;'_m_. ----------said. , OUT bi.et, :wz.l hfl9 m-d meet funct.\onel pcmte> du~ Uu fal i errl wmW..r months UYz. 'Wida. ~la. ~ a blcz.nd. a 00% e:ct1qi errl l2~ docron m°rl thz. MTTOW \.e ~cd).cn end~ dacon. Ulch~~ ~nda.d {br maxi um OOmfhrt and durebiht.y 1n tct.ol, 20 ~ be~\C end fashion ~1"9, tncludinA ~. bh.aze, g1'12Cl.n tmd. bu.tSufily.a • Thia S.tllfdly a'1ernoon, and ~ l'Y9fllng next week. enjoy CM11ma carolerS and have lhe kldl meel Mra. Santi -wt1o wtl be ftlling her tlocklng Wfth gl'1• for Toys tor Tott and gMng ov1 Christmas good1et of her ownll 'TtL 9 P M WEEKNIGHTS .. i n Am • r t e • • A b it h ard thi y a r ; "No, no," tMlys mom "Thut'a ~noop '• <'Dr " I I • •• ..... •• '"• ..__.' -<1• ... , ·~',I • ln D r•:ntt'd hou.• nt'ar C:hlldren'a lla.pltul m P1 burah. the PelN'lil4m fomlly wa1tA Cor a gift *' th't It la bl>yond price Without 11 nt•w llwr, ••n Petersen won l mo k t• 1t lo tu•r t hlrd ialmaa nt>xt year Despite her fears, Suiurn's molht.•r says: ristmas is your family We're all together, and su U have Susan. It's gom~ lo bl• a real mc.-e c trnas." 1 1n lhe prosperous plaet' called America, new atrtsses tn a time tougher than many can remember This is a land wheN> poverty has always been ju around the corner from abundance, where po cy co-exists with corrunercial.ism, where the saage of Christmas is trampled, ignored , erted and somehow manages to survive. Christmas, 1982: a kaleidoscope of sights and IOUJ\ds. • : In M1wn1, Maria Valles wraps medicine and git to send lo her farmly in Cuba; in Kansas City. an I-nuclear demonstrators carry a coffin among sh pcrs; in a home for the elderly in Concord, N. .. widow Bertha McNeal has to fon.-e herself inq> lhe Christmas spirit. But in Salt Lake City, a ch~d is born and isn't that what it's all about? : In New York, a child ma yellow parka evokes th;continuing wonder of Christmas. She reaches a g ed hand toward the tree in Rockefeller Center an says, "So big!" ~Wonder is in short supply in New York: the cl or for attention is not. Nearby, their cries co pe ting: a J ew -for-Jesus, a Santa Claus, a S alvation Army solicitor who as ks "Is there sorhebody out the:-e who cares about New York Ci~y like I do?" and a Bible-waving man prtclaiming "the only answer is J esus, Jesus. Je1W1." It comes out GEE-sis. ' A tall man in tattered black' coat and green and r~scarf swings his blind, man's cane along 42nd str t. "Thank you, thank you," he mumbles as co· clink into his plastic cup. A we ll-dressed man hurr ies past. The "blind man" wheels around and sh<1uts: "You give me nothing." ' And at the F.A.0 . Schwan toy store, a child's he.ven on Earth, an elderly col}ple watch a robot. It hes forward, stops. Its chest pops open, guns out and the chest assembly spins, flashing and ing. The couple recoil. "I don't think so," says s "No," says he. Bourbon Street, New Orleans. Girls In G - sUings disco under a string of Christmas bulbs. In the Absinthe House, manager Bill Standfield speaks, not at all fondly, of Christmas: "This place falls apart. lt--just dies. It's the worst time of the ye.,-." The holiday spirit, however, is a live on the sleazy "Block" in Baltimore, where red ribbons a~ X -rated videotapes at the Troc P leasure P . The tape that sells best is "TaJk Dirty To Me, Part II" for $79.95. Come Christmas Eve, strippers at the Stage Door will give themselves a Chris1mU party. ''The bartender d.re88es up like ~ta Claua, all the git'la bring their boyfriends or their husbands," says a stripper named Sharon. "Then you get to see the little kids up on the st.age daricing." , lt'a Chrisunas. , At the Omni shopping mall, downtown Miami, the only Santa is a Cuban who speaks no English. Neither do his young clients. The air has the raw smell of wood smoke in Crested Butte, Colo. Snow crunches underfoot. At duak, a bearded young man pedals home with a big blue spruce strapped across the handlebars of his bicycle. Gambling knows no hours and no season. ln Atlantic City, N.J .. the gaudy casinos do not welcome Saint Nick . There are no decorations anywhere, but some cashiers m money cages are wearing holiday red and white blouses. Baptist ~r Samuel J eanes, a critic of the gambling Sc+e, explains the casinos want ''n othing that w~ld make a gambler say, 'Hey, I got to go home a.n4 buy 10me toys for lhe kids.• " • For years the great aunt of an asthmatic girl no 14, has given her the same present: a repneve fr the hospital in New York state. The aunt s · ~ tb provide air fare and to rent a breathing de ce. This year she was short $60. Ellen Trivers, a P -Am ticket clerk, took up a collection among her , co es arid the child will have her trip. , San Francisco's faded Market Street: A stooped snatches. a soft drink can from a bench and dr ps it into a box under hls ann. It will be worth a 1y at the grocery store. In the pristine whiteness of a maternity ward at~ Letter Day Saints H08pita.1 in Salt Lake City, DclVid Hulbert is at his wife's bedside repeating <sfe. CHRISTMAS, Page 8 4) • I Persian Rug Sale l:5030FF.5 J "P1nian Ruts Is Oii Only Buwss" ; Wholesale Prices to the Public By Appointment Only 754-1548 • ProftJulonal Appra/Nh & Restoration e Pay ~:.A~-;rroop u.s. Dollars For State of Israel Bonds Before Maturity H. • OLP • INVISTMINT IANKllS -120 WALL STREET, SUITE 1044 NIW vo•k, N.Y. 10005 (212) 473-3504 Anti-MX J emonHtrators mix with Chri8tnuuo1 hoppers in Kansa s City (left ) while a Los Angeles family (right) cele brates a m eager Christmas in a downtown mission. Confused about the new insured 01oney-01arket accounts? We, at Dow n ey Say_ings, want to help you u n derstand them. and offer yau more. Simply, money-market accounts give you an insured, high interest account with- out tying up your money with term time limits. And, a minimum balance of only $2,500 is required. It's that simple. But, we at Downey still don't think it's enough. So we've devel- oped two money-market packages, and you can pick the one tailored to your needs. Plus, we11 pay you higher than most money-market fund rates with either of them. The Check-Writers Package The Safe-Saver's Package A Fu/(y-lnsured Savings Account Paying at a Rate Higher than Most Money-Market Funds, Combined with Instant Cash Access for Those Fe\\', Special Times. Daily Check Writing Convenience, Tied to a Fully-Insured Account Paying Higher than !v1ost Mo ney-Market Fund Rates. Compare This to Any Uninsured Sweep Account! Here's how ic works: Here's how it works: You use your 5 ~ % imerest-eaming checking accoum for your normal , daily transactions. When your balance Your money-market accoµnc is used primarily for savings . Bue, if you do need co make a major or unexpected pur- passes $2,000, we sweep che ex- tra money into your high interesc- earning money-market accoum. But unlike most sweep accounts, if your checking balance falls below $2 ,000, we won't pull money from your money-market account co replace che funds in your checking account -no matter how low che balance falls. (Most sweep ac- counts require ¥OU co keep $2,000 earning 5 ~ % ac all cimes.) And, if your checking account is overdrawn, we11 chen pull money from your money·market account co cover it· -and that's the only time we11 take money from mere. So,"'flo minimum balance in your checking account means you can leave your extra money in your money-market account longer- earning ltiglJer chan most money- market fund rates! Plus, look ac the extra benefits you'll receive ch at no money-market fund can offer: 0 no service charges on your checking account 0 check guarantee card on your checking account (wich qualification) 0 MasterCard II or VISA debit card with no annual fees (wich qualification) 0 a.free safe deposit box 0 one free uusc deed collection 0 free traveler's checks 0 preferred auto loan rates 0 unlimited in-person or by-mail with- drawals 0 many other free, convenient services 0 and a minimum balance requirement in your money-market account of only SZ,500 .. Cotta MCIMl, 642-7•22 • C.O.. Maa/South Cout, 556-9270 Fountain Valley, S.2-7of24 • Huntincton Beach, 962-2407 Irvine/Northwood, 7JO.UMS •Lacuna Hillt, 859-0313 -., chase, and you don't have enough in your everyday checking ac- count, or just don't want co pull funds from there, you can write a check from vour monev-market , - accou nt (3 per monch). This gives you the benefit of a high interest-earning account "~th­ out me hassles of difficult cas h ac- cess mac come "~ch time limits or wichdrawal penalti~. Unlike the money you deposit in , a regular money-market fund , Downey's Money-Markee Pack- ages are fully-insured. And the dollars are re-invested in our local community market areas -that's a good feeling. Downey's Money-Market Pack- ages. With package choices like these, why would anyone want to n ·ust an account? •• .. • f "" I 'JIJ24' (From P g 83) onctt rout , tu • 1 u im"t' r, h la II um y u f Ow 111otn ln11 A buy 7 16 • m Kev n JJ0Und1, II ount'Cll, 21 lf'k'h Hu nanw y•t Illa dad'• blu.• oyt.. "h'• '!'-beilt thlnl th.at hu happc<N"d In my llfCt A1KJ al Chrtltmu time, It'• lfX''lal \00 " In Middletown, Conn , lhtt Kttv Wiiham 0 R'Obertl Jr tell.a nla Tint Church of Chrlat-\nlll rnolhcl"I "pregnant with nt.>w lift"" hi.vt• alway• 1~ a vialon of whit their child'• world 11hould bl-: ''Peace and JuaUC\' will r\'16'n fort'Vt'm\Ol'e, war and lnjuallc..-will be no rnore . the hungry hl' fll.la wlth good thing11 and lhe rich he IK'nd11 nw1:&y ompty." ··1·11, "oin1i4 to tw ltwltwru1.-.I In o mllll1111•c•utul. 1t•,. u~ "'ur1· u111 tlw #UH ri,.h114 In et ... moruln1i4 unl1•11t,. atwrl' 1111 u ('hUUl(I' in p1•opl1•'!11 thl11kh1":· I /I'll • • • ·c 11"1 lu h 11v11 rnlMt'«I lltt• "'"' "''' 1111 1111111 th11I •II ror t Ul,tHJO nncf us1 A 1 Cn1llllttt·. ttw lhll' wlll ""''' unly rur (.'ht 111111111' Wtt•uth• Miki l·11ndll,. 111 all :.t I wlnJuw• 1111 ttw north fa<'(' of the Whlw Hou.• prorlaJm lht1 11euon It II • &lltk'rl"4£ bMdld.rop w~· 3~-ynar-old man an opponN1t o( nudcor we &a ho hu c:wn;;.J O\.i ... 1ut-mt-tt•tact-.. , ivw r.:nr .. ,i auiA Avt>nU~·Tu~ 18 month• "I'm 11ttlng on Oround Zt!ro," ..,.Y• Wllllam Thoma.a. "I'm arolns to Ix> lnclneralA!d tn a mlllitlerond. lt'a u aun• u tht> 1un rllmg ln the mornlnlJ unleH tht•rt.· Is a l'hange In people"• thlnklnj(." A llMlflO NUMI "Of ATUACTtV Chrl1tma1 Carol Song Sheet1 ARE NOW AVAILABLE TO: ,.l . l --ft ~----:--·~--­\..HOl \..t f~OJ Will "''~"""•""'''~h•.., Coll In P•rton. 8 A .M . lo 5 P M HARBOR LAWN morfuwy But thlB may not be the yetlr On U.odt<e> [)riv~ 111 &vt•rly I lllla, wht'rl' Holla Hoyt't'~ mum. M ulC!Swoman ot YV('lt St Laurt•nt pulnlM to thl' favored gift In women'• weur, u $1.0~0 rainbow pinstripe wool suit Another atorr, the• llappy Millionaire, offot11 $4:) 1nuk1•:oiklo twlua tor $20 and $7Ml Italian designer 1uit.a for num for u mere $390 In line with the alogan pointed on It.a window. "We treat millionaires with poor pt.'Ople's prtc't'S and lhey simply love it." Inside: the White House therl' arc wreathll on doon1 and tree11, t.rees, trees. A 80fl drink l'Ompuny sent boxes of ornuments, but they sit unopened and unhung Ft'w, It 11eema, want an ornament picturing Sanu. huld1ng a bottle o( Coke 1625 Glsler Ave. Costa Mesa A ch1U mLSt ri.aes off the San Jacinto Raver in Houston and 300 residents of a tent city try to make it th.rough another day. Christmas In this echo of Hooverv1Ue 1s heralded by a "Thank You" sign lined with red and green tiruel. Help for the people in the te nlS, enthusiastic six months ago. la a trickle n ow, 75 childr en face bleak h olidays. The community bulletin board says: "Remember Jesua was born in a place like this." A rainy afternoon m Dallas. Shoppers crowd the lane Jewelry counter at Neiman-Marcus. A favored customer in mink gets im.medaite attention, It takes her only a few minutes and a Neiman charge card to buy two pieces. The bill is in the high four figures. "Recession?" says the clerk. "We don't have one here." Th .... wurk-buund traffic on th1i. crisp day streaks by and no one gives heed to the five homeless black men capturing a httle warmth by draping themselves over a steam vent. A tew steps away, the Nation's C hristmas Tree awaited onJy the president's smiling touch to blare inl-0 seasonal glory. And beyond, at the stark new Vie tnam Veterans Memorial, there is a single Christmas wreath from a St. Clair High School somewhere in these United States a nd a man, using a flashlight m the gloom to find one precious name out of 57,939 540-5554 NO CHARGE • NO OBLIGATION Suffering always seems more so at Christmas. With millions unemployed, this year 1S worse than most. But God must have loved the rich, he made so many of them. Even in devastated Detroit there are bright spolS. No letup at the Clark Avenue assembly plant which turns out 45 Cadillacs an hour, 16 hours a day Company officials brag about their 7.4 pe~-ent m November-to-November sales The recession ... Breast myths dispelled "For All Your Holiday Shopping Needs" By DANIEL Q. HANEY ... ocl•IM p,. .. Writ~ BOSTON -Lumpy breasts are common and calling the condition .. f1brocys t1 c disease" causes women to worry needlessly about cancer. a group of physicians says. "Th ere is n o link between clinically lumpy breasts or painful breasts and cancer," said Dr. Susan M Love of Beth Israel Hospital in Boston. one of the authors of the report. Love said that when a woman 1s found to have lu mps in h er breast tissue sht' is diagnosed as having "fibrocysti c disease" -a term she wants to abolish. She said the diagnosis is becoming routine in women who undergo breast biopsies. Th e term as so frighter;>ing that some wom~n request mastecl.dID1es to prevent breast cibcer, and their physicians sometimes . reccmmend the surgery '"fhLS nebulous disease has been said to impart a twofold to fourfold increase in the risk of breast cancer" but that ts not tn,t~;,.said the report, pubHs~ed in a rece_nt is s u e/4-f .l he N ew England: Journal of MedicinP The doctors said half of aU women have lumps in their breasts and 90 percent have microscopic evidence of "fibrocysttc disease." Love, in an mtervtew. said her team would like to eliminat.e use of the term entirely and instead call the condition "lumpy breasts" or "physiologic nodularity." "If you send a patho logist a breast biopsy, they'll never report n o rmal breast tissue. because that will make the surgeon feel bad," sa id Love . a surgeon herself. "So instead they'll say Cibrocystic disease. The doctor feels better. The patient feels worse." The doctors based their conclusion on an analysis of several decades o f studies concern mg Ci brocys tic disease and cancer. Their revie w of autopsies s h owed no greater incidence of microscopic fibrocystic disease in ·cancerous breasts than in noncancerous ones. Lumpine9S varie.-Crom woman \o w ojnan , depending~ \ho physical makeup C \helr breasts and h they react lo t e sex ·hormones est 1en and ,progesterone. · ·•If 90 percent of :w omen have It under the microscope and ~O percent have lumpy breasts, It 's not a diseate," Love said. Hlt'• hoW the-bl'Mtt reacu to hormone•. Som• womon .re t•ll and IOIDC are 1hort. and tom• have bfg brcull •nd aomt havt lumpy ~·· NEWPORT HILLS CENTER ············---~ i Parakeets I I s500 i I Each 11 I Reg. $18.95 . I I A GREAT CHRISTMAS GIFT I I WITH THIS COUPON I I Not valld with eny other coupon I I Parker's Pets 1 . 64()..()09() I · . 2122 s .. •1c..a "· I I --••m•1 ,.. , • .,.,, ••"• I L •••••••••• ;. ••• • .I TI " 0 :!..{" • PRE-CHRISTllS CELEIUTIOI SElECT IERCHllDISE 20-50% Off Traditional Jewelers 2630 San Mlguel Newpon Beach 760-8035 ' 207 Main St. t.. Balboa \ 673-1860 ~ ~ ~ ~), ~ 111\1111111 Complimentary Veterinary Exam (New Ctlentt OnlY) Good Thru 1/31/&3 Free Physical Exam For Your Cat or Do& -$19.00 Value! NIWPOIT HU.I ANIMAL HOSPITAL NEIL M. BOO-AN, DVM I We'll Help You liet: Ready- Right up to the last minute, we'll be open for you/ MERCHANTS' DIRECTORY Allyn-Black' 1 Hair F&1hion Bank of America Boaaparte Bakery Coast Fed•ral Savin9a E-Semuala, Lin9erie Schuyler C. Joyu•r, 0 .0 .S., M.O. Orthodontic• Needle port Newport Hille Animal Ho1pital Newport Hilla DruQ1 Newport Hilb Florllt Newport Hill1 Travel Newport Hille Shoe repair Kenneth B. Schwan, 0 .0 .S. General 0.ntt.try Parker'• Pet• John I. McLeuqhlin, Inc. and Private Led9er F.S InveatmentServic•• Ralph• Market Sparklin9 Clean.rt Traditional Jeweleu Villa9e Hom• 0.1ion Interior Oecoratln9 Walker & Lee Real Ertate What'• Cookino? Restaurant Wine Country, Retail Wine & Beer Bud Graham & Son'• Union 76 In & Out Photo 640-9494 759-"572 759-1100 759..0181 644-1169 759-0882 759..0567 759-1911 640-7373 640-7980 644-7371 640-7302 640-2970 640-0090 640-938 1 644-7992 640-9440 760-8035 640-9193 759-lSOl &44-1820 644-7597 644-7151 720-0459 WiQe Cwrptry PREMIUM WINES, IMPORTED BEERS We Oehver1 644-7597 Visa. Master~rd JACQUES BONET CHAMPAGNE 750 ml, Eave Dry, R ... P.OS •2.09 Andre CHAMPAGNE 750 mJ, Ras. P..lt '1.99 •1111111111111111111111111 • • • G • • • • • • ,..,.., 1;1ua,__ • • • • $1.00 OFF • = DEYELOPllG CHARGE = • When you bring in one • • roll of film tor developing • • & prints • Not valid with any other otfel'S •• one coupon per v1slt • • with coupon -explrH 12131182 • • 2644 SAN MIGUEL DR. • • NEWP0;=9CENTER • •111111111111111111111• ALLYN -OLACK'S HAIR FASHIONS 9'.-1fJ/~ 'Yilil ~4'!1' ,., CHECK OUR EV~RYDAY L 0 W. PRICES: • Shampoo Set ................................... 1. M1 ... • Style Cut .............................................. '11.00 • Froetlnga ~net. Mt) ..................... -...... ...... • Body W•YM ........................................ ..... • """" ................ tlll) Men'a.J:talmtytlng tmll-. ._ ... ____... • Ac·rytle NaJl1 •••.•••••....•••••••••••••••••••••••••••• -- • Manle\wel •......•...............•.•••••...•.•....••.. t 7.11 \ .·• , • ~ ., . , ' ' i • ., Stanton, wife and mother of 1 faur chlld.ren, hu been involved 1 m many communlt)' acllvltle1 I and hat had • apectal lnwreel ln Dl'OJec\I be.nefitina aenlor ciUzent And the handlcepped. . "Oran"'e County hu been a llOnca OP ""'TU'9 UL.I , ....... c..,.. I VAL IAN CORP. et d1.dy eppolnted Trull•• under the 1 ~ deeotlbed deed of truat I WILL llLL AT PU8UO AUOTION TO THI HIOHHT 8100ER FOR • CASH (peyatite et time of Nie In ' i.M mon.y of tn. UNted St•t•J el fight, tltle end lnt•eet oonW)"ed I tC) end ftOW Mtd by It unci.r Mk! 1 Dffd ol Tru11 In Ill• property I .... ..,.., dw:flbed; I TMJITOR: JOHN A. HARNSON end li&ARY HAl'IRl80N, llvtband ~~~..l.-Md VINCENT JOSEPH ~ • lftWrled men .. Ne .. end ..... P'°'*1Y· llNlflCIAl'IY: MAl'IYL YN M. Mc:8NOl. .,, UNMtTted women. "9cofded June 23. 1M2 M lnetr. No. ll-2160M of Oltlc:illl Aecorde In IN oflloe ol IM Recorder ol Orenge deed of tNll ~lbee IN ~ ot 40 ol rect 3138. In the City of Newport •••oh. •• per mep ~In BoOll 103, Pegee 31, 32 and 33 ol Mllcet1enaou1 Mapa. record• of Orang• County. Celtotnle. YOU AM IN DEFAULT UNOER A oeD OF TRUST DATED JUNE 18, 1tll. UNLE88 YOO TAKE ACTION TO fttllOTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT t,tAY IE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATU RE OF THE ~AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. Tiie ..,... eddf.-of the atiow le 240t Eut 23 23rd St .. Newpor1 leeotl, CA. No wwrenty It glwn • k> "9 ~-"' conectneu. TM beMftdery ~ Mid Deed at TIUM, by -ol a tw-=to Of ...... In the obtlgellone -ed thereby, '*-'of"'• executed end lMtMred to Ille underalgned • wr1ttln O.CWatlOn of Oef8Ult end o.-io for Sele. end written notice ol bNecfl end o1 eleCtlon to ~ tll• under:!s;fyd to Hll H id property to Mid ~. ind tlliatHller tlle underalgned ---Mid notice of l>fMdl end of ~ lo be rec:orOed September S. 1tl2, M lne1r. No. 82-313648 In bo«* OI Mid Offtdal Aec.Ofdt. Said HI• wlll be med•. but wltllout covenant or warranty . ...,,... Of Implied, regerdlng uue. ~. or -bf-. to pey tM r9INlnlnQ Pflflc:lpel eum 01 Vie note MCUnNf by Mk! Oeed ol TNlll. wlttl lntereet • In Mid note provjded. ~. If any, under Vie terme of Mid Deed of Truet . ...... ...,.. end ...,.,... ol the 'T,.._ end ol tM vu.a-* by ... DliM of Truet. leld .... wll be ...... ~ • ..,._., 4, 1M3 .. ........... ~A­et1tranoe to tll• Olvlo Center lulldlnt' 100 EHt Cllepmen ~~~°'Of'°'=' INOe MAY • MADE .. CA8H ANO/OR THE CAIHIE"I O" ~llWT.,IEO CHICKS IPECIFIEO IN CIVIL OOOE KCTIOH 2924f\. At tll• time of tlle lnltl•I P' U ~ 11 1 ol ttlle notkJa. 1he totel _,,,. ol IM unc>eld bellll'IOe of the obllg9tlon Mc:Ufed by !he above deeorlbed deed of ttuet and eeti-ted co•t•, ··~-. end advenc:u le 193,327.37. To .... " .... opening*· you rMy Clll (114b::· ~ 8, 1982. VAL llAN CORP. • Mid TNlltee. T.O. SERVICE CO •• egent Cindy School-. Ae91. Sec. One City 8tvd.. w.... Orenge, CA t2tee (114) 836-8218 Publlthed Oreng• Co111 Oellyf'lot, o.c. 13, 20, 27, 1982 6481-82 ho n r Mar Ii IHd•r n th t11ht •l•lnat cUlftMln1" .. •nd l 00,. lhat wlU tontlnue to be the c ...... Stanton Hid. "Th• Mar h or am. hM many PfOCl'lml '° a.kl _Jn th. ~LD! blrUl def«:ta, Thttt proprama. deHrve l'h- 1 u pport u the realdt'ntl of Orance County." 11\e added. The Mothen Mareh on BJrth Defect.a !ti 1eheduled to take plocc between Jan . 15-31. All concerned citlzena, menu well u women. have been ursed to volunteer in thla very important ne bor-t.o-nelRhbor campalJPl. to bi .,,, .. <~OU (Jf1n t'• t C'oll 110 '1 Mtrlnf· & lt:riu 0.•JHitrt~nl It offt•rlnt1 tm unuaual four unit 1.vurtt• lhlt IP~"~· tlllt•d "Nuv11at1on and .. ~ .......... m-hlp " -...l'IU--•---11 ....... ~J.o..t 1.·i;;;c• "ftci I ~ th achedulo, ta Monoay1 and WC!dneldaya rum 11 •.m. w noon. Studenta ~ ar req_ulrt.-d to enroll In a l\r·hour lab. ~ty percent of tho courae cd 1.8 of cluaroom work, while th »thet' 50 percent 11 fie ld W O!"\ S tudent.a wtll 1pend tlm~ In 11t1'1licuthH1 und 11ff1h ur1•. w 111 klnl un ont 111 <.X:C'1 :l:t root &acr1ft f1CJat1n1 !Ml.II Th t i .. al•> 1nctudet uul .. to CotaHna and Sun OtC! o • ij_t udent1 w i ll rocel vt' lnuru c t lon In c hart wo rk, dcx:klna. nnchorlna, nuarllnaplk•· (ro pt-work). pl1ton -rlndlna. heavy Wl'lllhl'r 1f'aman1hlp, survi val at a e u . c urrent corrt.:.c:·tlon. and lighta. "The cour11e can pre par" studt•nls for their operaton ' license, or jus t for safe and •• 1 lUIUUI h I tt pmf1t·1~nt Luat ha.ncJllnt." 111d wuf'11i' ln1ttU4 tor JarMtt Kffte, •n Ol'l ' prutt uor of Mari n • Ekl..rw't' "M1itny former 1tudtJnt1 are now opt•ratJna vtllMll In local u wt,11 111 lorclain wators " Sprln" 11erm .. wr cluaee bejln Jan. 31. Keglatratlon for 1prtna ct.a.. runs Jan. 3 through Feb . 11 In the OCC Adml11lon11 Bulldlna. Reg istration Information ft available by calllns 666-:S772. c ....-arance ays rist enney, yotJ've gotta Nope. We'~e not even crazy. At JCPenney, we have a selection of toys to delight every boy and girl. This means a huge inventory. And that can mean a huge headache, if lots of toys don't find homes for the holidays. That's why we're offering you our After Christmas Toy Clearance-a little early. Now we'll all have a merrier Christmas! STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE TROLLEY 10 on1y1 Orig. 18.99 ........................................... Now 15.89 BROOKE SHIELDS DOLL 60 on1y1 ong. 11.99 ............................................... Now 8.89 BYE BYE DIAPERS DOU 20 Qf'llyt ong. 17.99 ............................................. Now 12.89 DONKEY KONG PLUSH ANIMAL 60 only! Orig. 5.99-15.99 ............................. Now 3.89-9.89 • I SANTA BEAR PLUSH ANIMALS ~°O'Y'UN~':.9 auiwHcisri .. i&ee .............. Now 9·99 (~~~~,\~ euiU>iN<l'sri '#577 ............ Now 22.99 15 on1y1 ong. 39.99 ......... _ .................................. Now 3'1.89 LEGO ARE STATION ~~"~ euil.DiN<l'sri .. #355 ........... Now 20•99 ~~ ~~Ne·a·ooov ............................. Now 15.11 ~~ mrit~oeR ........ -............................. Now 15.89 ~~:ri t\~~rnR .............................. Now 31.98 (~~~~l~·~~U-ANAMENT......................... Now 18.99 ~cro'Y~~L~~M................ .. .. ................. Now 12.89 ~cro~~ob8M99 ......................... .. .. ........... Now 12.89 :~'1& ~H.~~u8 ............................................. Now 8.89 120 ontyt Orig. 6.99 ............................................... Now 3.89 • . . ALL E.T. 'TOYS Orig. 99' 10 11.99 ......... .................... . Now 30-50% oft SMURF FUN BUGGY 36 ontyl Orig. 5.99 ......... ..................................... Now 2.89 SMURF PLAY VILLAGE . '8 onryt Orig. 8.99 ................................................. Now 5.99 i~~:t~ ................................................. Now3.18 on1y1 Orig. 8.49 ................................................. Now 5.11 RF ON A TRAPEZE ~~~~~ri.79 .............................................. Now 1A9 ~~ g~il.79 .......................................... ... Now 1A9 ~~ul>'1p~~·t.\~ ............................................... No~ 1.11 1'40 ot.1 Orig. 3.29 ............................................. Now 2..48 ~~~1t::~_e,~~~--~~.~~ ............................ Now 12.89 FISHER ICE MAGNET 36 only! . 6.99 ................................................. Now •M FISHER E TAPE MEASURE 36 only! . 6.99 ................................................. Now •.89 FlSHER P E PERISCOPE 36 only! 5.99 ................................................. Now 3.89 TOMY DIGI L DIAMOND ELECTRON AME 18 ontyt o 0.49 ............................................... Now 7.89 DUKES OF RD LAP TRAY . :ir~~~·9& ...... ;; .............................................. Now 1.1t :iM~~~ ~,.T ................................................. Now 1.89 ~~~Js .. AN .......................................... Now 1.89 ,5 ontyl Orig. 9. . .............................................. Now 5.91 GARFIELD MINI Fl RES ~Rri~~~O~T "'1"F'iauRiNES .. : .................... Now ... 300 only! Orig. 1.69 ................................... ......... Now .. GARAELD CHRIST MINI FIGURINES 400 only! Of'1g. 1.49 .. .............................. ............ Now •• STAR WARS WAMPA too ontyl Orig. 8.99 ........................................... Now 3..11 e off repreHnt1 P•lng1 on orlgtnel prices. elude entire tlock. •markctowne "'9Y hav•Deet1 la~. • 1' ""' WINflflot• Honk if you're friendly Paul Sindt, 20 months, toddles through a gaggle of geese as mo ther Valerie clutches his h a nd a t Woodwar d Park in Fresno . T h e boy mad e friends with the birds b y feeding them o nce a week . Adventures in sail i ng topic of OCC series Orange Coast College will offer its popular "Marine L ecture Series" during Jan wary. The four-part illustrated series meets on Thundays, Jan. 6 and 13. and Fridays, Jan. 21 and 28, at 8 p.m. in OCC's Robert B. Moore Theater. September for the Ame rka's Cup will discuss "America's Cup '83" a J a n. 13. Competitors in the 251 America's Cup will include Austral• Canada , France, Engla nd, It~· S wede n and the United Stat.es. . Tick ets are p r iced at $6 for Ind ividual lectures or $20 for the series. Tickets are on sale in the OCC Ticket Office, located in the college's Student Center Building. The office is open Monday through Friday from 8 a.m . to 6 p.m., and Saturdays from 8 a.m. to noon. Blac kaller. who will compe1 ~n "Defender" in the cup trials,wtll discuss the fierce competitio1 and uphill fight that lies ahead. Tickets also will be available at the door. Sailor, author, and explorer ~tan Jones will tell stories with sli,a rom his 350,000 miles at aea on·an. 21. Jones will describe his 'E1redlble voyage," i personal oayme t ~ him from the Deed Sea if - the world's lowest body I water to Lake Titicaca in BolivtaJ tu -the world's highest body of •ter . The opening session , on Jan. 6, is titled "Geriatric Sea Gypsies," and features the husband and wife team of Harold and Julie Wheeler . Since marrying in their retirement years, the Wheele rs have sailed "Serenity," their 30-foot sloop. up the East C.OUt of the United States, via the intra-a>astal waterway. They've "gu nkholed" through the Great Lakes and New England, crossed the Atlantic to England and Europe, and cruised into the Mediterranean. The finaJ presentatiol'l'' the series, titled "Return to the ~a." features Lin a nd Larry Paley. Since c o m p I e t i n g t h er 1 l • Y e a r circumnavigation aoo.d "Seraffyn," the Pardeys have b\J. planned and prepared for anothe voyage that is just months away. 1 The Wheelers have spent the last seve n years in the Mediterrane an, voyaging between Gibralter and the Nile, and from Tunisia to Yugoslavia. The Pardeya Wt~ the&r new Hess-designed .Jtter, and the revisiting of fa\l'lte anch orages. They will demoUrate many vital pieces of cruisint,<luipment. For reservatiaJnformation, phone 556-5527. Phon;ordera are accepted using Visa or pptercard. Tom Blaclcaller, who will compete in the selection trials next August and 1 llllH llJICll OARE DOROTHY LOUIS E ·-- OARE> native of A.lamou. C o l o~do & a 20 year realcfnl of Costa Mesa, ------------. ~ away Dec. 19th, 1982 at t1 CG!ta Meu Memorial tal at the age of 55. PWaCIMO'f ... S eaJ.•OADWAT MOtlTUAIT 110 Broadway CosUI Mesa 642-9150 IM.Tt-4"11°" SMITH a nm4'U. WHlCU.. CHAPI&. <427 E 17th SI Costa Mesa 646-9371 ~, r•ctACi Cemetery Mor1 Chapel-Ore 3500 Pacific v Drive Newport &44·27 0 · .y w• the Sr. Re&ent Women of the Moc., pt.er 11~ of c.o.ta M .. aa been very active Alon1 with her husband, alter, of the Loyal Order of the Mooee, Costa Mesa Loc11e 1417: Dorothy bad been with \I» Women of the Moc.a for about 6 yeua. She • aarJived by her hUllbm1d, Walter , h e r m o t her , Charlotte Foot tlt of Sun Qty her 2 eon.. Jamee Oare of QuaJl Valley, Clifford Oare o/ S unnymead , 3 dauchten Charlotte Pue! of Coeta M-. J'recilcka 5totle of Sunnymead, & Valerie Oare of sru. She la .. IW'Ytwd • mater, Pat M-=-r of IC Beer & 3 1 r andch lldren. Funeral 1e rvice1 will be held o n Thun.. O.C. 2lrcl, 1912 at l lAM at the Hnaenfeld M~ Chapel with the it.Y. Donald Sturflala 4tl &M l'am01 J:nrtchment Ont.er of AnAhetm & the Women of the Moc. a...,... 1158 of Coit• Meaa offlcla Un1. lntument wUI fol1ow at The Rivera de IJitlona c.m.tery. Vllltation will be held at th• mortuary on "I\aa. 12-9PM, all day Wad. Hll1enfeld Vo rh&•~)' ~ 120 E. Broectw.Y, AMhetm ('714) oa&-410&. r Offbeat Beverly Hills store manager Alvin Kopperman shows some of the more unusual ite ms offe red al his sh0ip. Thi• ad •• tor all tho•• who...,wond• ··~' Unltad ~atft ... , .... , apprecla .. d . ASTI SPUMANTE SPARKLING WINE BY TORRE DEt CONTl 750 ML. • 4~79 f Sruoruurs t · v.o. '"·"~~.!·•''' -·- P\.U ~ 0 ~SEAGRAM'S SEVEN CROWN WHISKEY '¥ 80 PAOOF 4.99 750 ML. P\.Ue3381 SEAGRAM'S v.o. CANADIAN + WHISKY 86.8 PROOF 1.99 750 M L. P\.U•JJM BO PROOF t 4.99 SOUTHERN COMFORT i- UOOEUR 'I' 8.99 KAHLUA COFFEE ·. ·UCUUR 8.1 SMIRNOFF VODKA f 4.49 80PROOF 750 ML. birth A lllC°(lal Chtl•tm.u P:vt c·1ndlj llnh• llt'IVkl m m&rll the OJ)f't\JhfC of Lill' IW'* f94·I Ut .. of th1• ewpurt·Mtu Chrl1tl1n l'""'"' •• N•wswrt ~J4'Vard and f1dr 1>rlvt•, <..:uaw Ml'u r.turtd In llw •rvk , w beatn •• n p rn . wtll . '-the ch~h chain, Tren <.:oU. horalt and an ~~-·--'-L.. -~ ~ A w klona ~It braUon of Chrtat'a birth, •t St ~amet Epl11..'0pal Church, Nl•wport Beech. will 1i>ep at ' p .m. Swwiity with tht• trad1t11mul Advemt ,Evensong featuring th• "hurch C'holr and brau ltfllllm\ble. The pariah Chd~tma11 purty with a drnmu ~rftentaUon by th.-youth will be Tuesday at 7:30 ~.m .. and Christmas Eve aerva<.-e will begin at 7:30 ,,.m. 1 A aervice of Holy Eucharuit wall be held at 10 ;.m. Christmas Dav. . The traditional C hris tmas Eve candlelight ~rvice w1th a pipe organ recital will begin at 10:45 ~t the Neighborhood Congregat ional' C hurch , ~guna Beach. "The Juggler or Notre Dame," a contemporary rendition or the med1evaJ French folk tale filmed in part at Old Mission San Juan Capistrano. will be ..ired at 8 Christmas Eve on KTTV, Channel 11. The one-hour drama, produced by the Paulist .Fathers in collaboration with Capital Cities frelevision Productions, stars Merlm Olsen, Melinda pillon, Carl Car)s.,on and Patrick Collins. The Church of Reli~ious Scie nce, .San Juan rta.IC NOTICE K.-o14 NOTICI Of TflUtTH 'I IAU ,. T.8. No. H6f 131 t IMPORT ANT NOTICE TO ~ PROPERTy OWNER 1 brat d RllllllUI llT ll C.plalt'•rw. wUI hold " ,.IU.dlt hKhUllj( lll•r\'I' ., & om Chrl•llnMt ~v .. At 11 t•andl<'llght t't•lt•hrotlon, joepc>I lllw.tr11lor koht•rt c.rnu"r" wlll 11k••t.c·h I.I N utlvlty •'t•nt• Ill Ii c11ndlt•llght <..elcbrauun, pl.ennt'll ut 7 on Chrl1tma.1 Eve at the C ptatruno Valley &ptlat Church On Chr11tmw1 Ouy, thC' IK'rvk't• w ill 1:>c-1iin at 1 0:4~ ll m Newpor& Harbor Lutheran Cburcb, Newport Beacb, will hold thret• Christ.mas Eve candJelig~t ser vices at 5. 7 and 11 "The Spectacles of Chnstmas" will be the sermon and ~8.80rutl musk will be presented. A candlelight scrv1t:c wall be held at 7 Chrtstmas Eve at the CommunJty Church by the Bay, Costa Mesa. A fellowship and llght supper will precede the reremony at 6:30. A candle light service will begin at 5 Chrislnllili Eve at the Prlnce of Peace Lutheran Cburcb, Cost.a Mesa. At 10:30, the chanrel and bell choirs will present special music C hris tmas Eve ser vices at the Irvine Presbyterian Cburcb wall be held at 7:30 and 11 :30. The servire will include the sacrament of the Lord's Supper. Christ.mas carols and special m usic by the choir YOU ARE IN OEFAUL T UNDER A t>EED OF TRUST. D A TED SEPTEMBER 10. 1980. UNLESS YOU TAl(E ACTION TO PROTECT )'OUR PROPERTY. IT MAY BE eLD AT A PUBLIC SALE IF YOU ED AN EXPLANATION OF THE ATURE OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU. YOU SHOULD J'ONTACT A LAWYER. Ma I On J1nu1ry 1 I. 1983. 11 10.00 tL-m. HUNT & FENSTERMAICER, I Professlcnal corpor1t1on. •• duly 1ppo1n11:t Truetee under 1nd !Pursu-111 to Deed of Truet recorded .. ptember 18, 1980, 11 lnat. In 13749. PIOI 14&8 or Offldal de In tl'll olflcl ol tl'll County de<a of Or•noe Counly. State allfornl• executed by JIM 0 Vi u I told • ID ''"" 1"8 A1-f1IM .. ,.., tory book llt•t11rr· th,. 11tm t 111 i>r lnllnlll Ira tllf' mtd I 'It• l'Nltury. (.'hrl11l111111y 111 ordf'r tn pc.•r f.ll'tU•lr &t rr1111Mt(.(t' rt•llt't.I t1N1v1ly on arl t·hurd1 1tafua" , ___ ----~.......J...-•-..... ·-'-·~ ..... .n ·~i.A..t_. __ ...,... . .Tt~~y told ,;:;,.-11tory vl11uully f~r 1h1~"t;rl(1•ly 1lllll•l'IJU' mUKMlll, who t(t 'llt'rully t•oulctn't rt•nd u11d who lut•kt'(f 1h1• luxury of tu:1tly hu11dwrlttt•n llC'tullai fur It un ywoy Fur dlfferl'nt rcoi.t•n& ··w,..·r .. g1•1ung t'IOM.·r" t.CI o s1rn1lar dcpcnd<:m-.· on v111uul or&l <·ommunh.·otaon. ~•)'ti the Rev Wumt.•r Hut.chm50n, <.'o-uuthor uf • n<·w art-w llh·i.tor y book about JesuH h 's an unusual o ne. using the relag1ouf pu1nt1ngs and drawings or the dW1B1cal ma11t.4'~. 1m:lud1ng many works thut most ix-ople hav«' m·vt'r had a chance to see before . They were extracted from the archives • .md underground storerooms of the National Gallery of Art an Washington, DC . which has one or the mc,.,.l extensive <.'Ollt..oct1ons of rehg10~ art an the worlll. much of it never displayed for lack or spac-e. : Works reproduced in the new book, "A" Illustrated Lafe of J esus," published by Abingdon, dcp1<.·ts his days from birth through hls minast1 y. miracles. trial. nuc1flx1on , resurrec tion and aS<:ension . In compiling the sequence or art. along w1tl1 brisk accoun ts of events ll dep icts, Hutchinson says "we deliberat.ely had an rrund" the widespread lat:k or knowledge both about religious art and the background events. G. RLIN G and MAR I G . 8TERLING. hu•b•nd and Wife WIU tlELL AT PUBLIC A UCTION TO HIGH"E"ST 81DO~R FOR C ASH )payable It tlm41 of ull In lawful money of tl'll United Stat") at the tront lobby of 11'11 olfl<:ea of Hunt & 1'1 nsterm1ker, a Proren1on1I corporellon. 620 N-port Center prtye, &lite 2 1 1, Newport, Ill rlgllt. m11 an<1 1nt1t111 oon~ 10 and now held 11y " under aa1<1 OMd of Trust In 1111 property lltuated In uld County 1n<1 Sllte O.SCrlbed u : • All 11111 oerteln IMd altul led In )he Stele of Cellfornl1. Counly of Of.noe. City of lrvlne. dlacrlbed u ~: • PARCEL 1 Loi 4 of Tract ~. enown on • M ep rec:oro.cs In 390 P9g11 42 to S4 lnciu91Ye • No SEC TY PACIFIC. .._...._......,r_daof .,,. County, CllltomlL li'AROEL 2 ! N on ·••Olu1lve ta owr thet p<opei1y Wld the purpoll9 u eucfl _,la ~ lor ll'll blMlllt ol or anted to Ownet9 In Ole 8ecUOna entltle d "Ownera' Rlgllta 1nd Out111, UtltlllH and C1ble " \1111111 .... , "Sldey11d e-.nta". •'Suppor t and Settlement". .. Enc:roecflmlnf'. and "Community tect11t1ee e-t" ol Ille N'!ICll •nlltled "Eeaemenu" o l 1111 b1c:.or111on ol Cov1n 1nu. Condlllona 1nd R111rlcllon• 1ec:orcM<S on June 9. 1978 In 800ll. '17 68, pagea 4 20 to 4&4 lneluelve. ~ OtllcllJ Record• of Mid County {Ill• "01cl1r111on"I, and 1 ny 1m 1ndm1n u or 1 nn1x11lon• '}Mfeto. Tiie etr"t addrlN of Illa reel E erly deecrlbed abo ve It orted to be #7 Bltlerwood, • Celllomle . • Tiie undertl gn e d Truetee 'Clltcl1lm• any ll1blllty for 1ny ~eel,_ of Ille atr-1 lddreu i;;;· other common deslgnellon. If ,any. thown lllteln. r S1ld ule w lll be m•d•. but '.llrltlloul cov1nent or w1rranty, ~ or lmplled, r1g11dlng title. ~o•tea1lon, or 1ncumbr1nc1t, ncludlng ••••. cll1rg•• and •PltlMS of tl'll TN91M Ind o4 the t ruat• cr11t1d by Hid DMd of Trust, lo ~Y tlll remelnlng prlnelpel ~. of the not•~ by Mid ,Deed of Trvet to wit: $33,500 w1111 "1terHI &hereon rrom October 1. •1NO 111 18 percent per annum u provided In uld note plus co.I and '.JITY 1dv11ncet of an lmOUnt lo be jdetermln•d al time ot Hie with aitlfllt. r The beneflctltY 111\0er uld Deed ,or Truet her1tol0t1 executed 11\d •delivered to the und1relgned 1 written Oeclar1tlon of detlUll end • o.mand for Sale, and • written •No11ce or Def1ull 1nd Election to :6111. Thi undertlgned ceuMd Mid •Notice of Def1ult Ind Elec11on to •s.it to be recorded In tl'll county : ....... the rNI property .. IOcated. °''., o-Tlbef a. 1982. I HUNT & ,._TllWAICP ao .... pen Cnlr ~. #211 Newpor1 8Mcn. CA Ar1 W FIM\ermal<er Pubtlelled 0 11ng• Coe.et L'l lly Piiot, Dec 20, 27. 1992. Jan. 3, • 11193 POOLIC NOTICE FlCTlTIOUI ltUllNH8 NAME tTATEMENT • Tiie following person 1~ doing ~alnes1 H t 0/WSPRING PUBLICATIONS. ? 15 PolnHlll1 Ave Coron• del Mar. Cl 92625 Michael Ero.ul Leonero 115 )>olnMlli• Ave Coron• del Mar Cl 92825 Thia buslne .. ls conducted by an ~Mdu.t C Michae4 E Leonard Tiiie Slllement was filed with Ille County Clerk or Orange County on ~bet 10. t982 f201IOI Publl1t1ed O"nge Coa91 Dilly 11'1191 No\' 29. Dec 6. 13. 20 t982 5,18-82 Security Pacific Interim Invest- m ent Plan. Right now, a lot of investors are waiting fo r th e December 14th start date of the new insured money market accounts. But you don't have to wait. Instead, you can be earning money market rates at Security Pacific today. At the same time, you can arrange in advance for yo ur Security Pacific Insured Money Market Account. Aru.J yo u'll ge t an impressive extra intere t honu~ in the bargain. Here's how it works. We're off~ring an interim invest, ment plan for a minimum of $2500 which, like our Insured Mo ney Market Account, pays money market rates . Invest now, and we wi ll , at your direction , automatically transfer your funds into a Security Pacific Insured Money Market Account on December 14th. Funds invested in the interim investment plan are held in a Repurchase Agreement which is not an account and not insured by the FDIC. But they are backed by Federal government and government agency securities. And by Security Pacific, the nation's tenth-largest bank with more than $33 billion in as.se ts and a 100 year record of strength and stability. IDDAY'S RATE: ......... _. ~------.-.-. Act early and earn up to $100 in extra interest. We'll pay you a bonus for planning ahead on your Security Pacific Insured Mo ney Market A ccount. Simply fi ll out one of the cou, pons and bring it to one of our more than 625 banking offices. We'll invest your mo ney now. And arrange for your funds to be auto matically transferred into a Security Pacific Insured Money Market Account. On December 14th, we will add the value of the coupon to your opening balance. r--------., $10~ SECURITY PACIFIC I~ ~~~~~··I I ,,,, ....... ~··· ..... ,_ ........ , .... _ .... , .... ~ ....... I __,.. .... ,: \!.'\' , • ...,.,....,,. ~ ..... , ..... ""''' ...... -""""' • .., •• ·- , f. 1 ,...._"-~••· ... ~"'" Wu~••.\1 .-l\1 .. •ou •. •• ,.... ' • •1 ~ 1 ... -.. I ..... t \\.~ \t.t<•• · .. -· ",.e. 'I .,\I + ... 111 ....... , .... , l.f"UO If\•. ,, ..... ., •• , .. ~ .... -._.,,,,.A ......... ,, .... ,, I ...... 11.,..... •••. , ... t--"t, .. "_,., ... , ... , ..... , ... --... I t• 1 '• .... t ... 1 ti l•Ht • I ... 11, 111\t r.-•, ,,., ,. •. , " I ... r• 1 .. to "''I n t lof.,.! 1"' • r• •I ol • ol. ' 1 .,_ I I I 1.i .. ;.~------;.I The Security Pacific Insu red M oney Market A ccount. A n unprecede n ted combination of adva ntages. By acting early, you'll be among t he first to benefit fro m a package of investment features never offered together before: Money market earnings, the protec, tion of up to $100,000 in FDIC insurance, and the convenience and security of Security Pacific. In addition, you'll have liquidity with easy, instant access to your funds. And when you make a de, posit in your Insured Money Market Account, you'll begin earning inter, est o n your money that sa me day. We're Security Pacific and we can off er you a broad variety of high, yield investment programs, plus dis, count brokerage and sophisticated financial planning. So come in today and start earning money mark et rates on your interim inve~tment. Along with an extra interest bonus to look fo rward to . SECURITY PACIFIC BANK TuE LOOKING R>1mAR.D BANK Ow1 (>l(\ offlC'l'<i in C1l1fom1.i .._ . ..,___.. ..... ~ .......................................... . , . It . . ... ,,, I W'll v 1111•1r 1Mrn111Pr 11 m11fr•1 II, f ~ ·Ji ' thick t lo t pl • In lo t i, y n y j • I fh KAIU-!N K. KU1,IN Of!M blitf "414 •tMt Tl111 f'""' lht 11• v1·.11 " lmv1 ht uuijhl 11ho11I 111u;11 uph"•vu • 111 luic l1•g111lullt111 (111m 1111· Hitt I 1'.!£.'0noml~· llf't·uv1•1 y ·ruJC All O•:HTA>. 1111' lurllt,.I ltiX-(.'Ul blll 1•wr j><Ut!k'(I, lu lltt· lllK:l Tux i'41ully 1md YflM.'111 Rl•1pon1lhlll1 v At•I (TY.YHA 1. th1• lur~1·111 f"~••u •W.a.ito~ l•tll ......._,.,.,. ~ .J Gol n" from mw 1• ><I r1•nw 111 t h1• ut lwr hu11 l'UUIR-d c..-onfu11l1111 11111.I ml1undl•r11t.a111ll11~1>. Ut'('Ordlng lo Sidney K l'llS, the dln•t·tor o f ta>< poh l'Y 1mJ planning wllh thl• Nt>w York otf1t't· of tht• Main Hurdman ac.'\.·oun1tng firm . Kl'SS spoke at a yt•ar·t•nd wx-plunnint1111 .. min1tr to a Rroup uf about 150 Orangt• County busines.'i profoss1onals n<t.'t'l\tly al South Coast PlaUl llotel an Costa Mesa "There are a lot of opportunatues for astute, wealthy ta>< plannt•rs lll minimlz.e lheLr taxes," he said, 1( they understand what the new lcg1slat1on means TEFRA. which goe::. mto cfh.<t.'t an 1983, means everyone has to l'Ontribute ~raising $100 b1lhon for the federal Treasury through a c.'Ombmallon of tax in<.'reases, spending l'Uts and reforms The ref ore, K ess said , the liming of expenditures and investments lS crucial, especially at the end of the year Beside TEFRA, there also are elements or ERTA which went into effe<.'t this year and must be considered, he said. •91 •,. hN•n " r•~mrerlrnhl•· y••ur un•I o luelf In term,. ol hu aulvunlnMr11. W.-'r•· 1olkln14 uboul IJlfC clollor,. und lrNm•ndou opporlunltltttt. . . - Kr~ urHt'tl ur\yonc In • hi.Ch Int •lllW 1,, m·kt•l lo huvt• u ftnarwlul udvl!Mlr 110 ovn hh1 pluna uml lwvt• 11111 will uumlnt'd rt.'aulurly "There was a compleu:.f t:hangt• of tht> rult-s In ERT A which bt.."C&lllt' effective ln 11J82." Kt'llll IW.ld . "h '1 been a remarkable year and a half an terms of t.ax advantages. We're talking about bag dollars and tremendous opportunities," he said The key to taking 1tdvantage o f thost• opponunaues is understanding the changes in tht• leg1slauon. "The sophisticated taxpayer should i.tay informed," Kess said, "and ask que!\taons ." Ne xt year will bring mainly lightened restrictions for taxpayers, Kess said, but 1( the taxpayer acts before the new leg1slat1on goes into effect. he can escape its impact. Kess gave some tax lips for action wh1t•h should -or should not -be taken before the ('nd of the year: TIME IS RUNNING OUTI ONLY 11 DA VS LEFT lo Make J Mei1n1ngful 01ffe1ence 1n Your 82 lax Picture Con1ac1 the Pro1ess1ona1s ar DAL TON, DAL TON, COOPER & FRANKLIN, INC. 10 discuss 1n1e11tgen1 Year End Investments Our Stafl of Att~' and ~tafU,lWlll t)t, av~ · ; 9 AM • 10PM seYEH DAYS A WUK FOR A ...WATI ·~ NO.FEE TWO.HOUR APftOfNTMENT 1'0 Rfl'UHD AU• TAXES AND MCOVJR '1f.."11 T~ . NO OBLIGAl lON CALL TODAY fOR A RICHER TOMORROW (714) ~1 -3761 2691 R1chte1 Ave Ste 102. Irvine · Near Jamboree/405 t'\11v 11111/11 ll"Y"" 11111 wh11 l1 1H1• 11111· J1111 1 11lut11ld 111• ptthl 111 lttf1• IJ1'11•mlw•1 11111 Ito·~ 11111 111• d1-.l11111·11 1111111 111111 Vt•ur'• rvtur11 M1·d1rnl •'KIJl'lllM'!I 1111111 11hould l1t• lklld l11•furt• lh•• 1•11d of 11111:.! llf'f'MUllt• lh••y will t" ovldl! "n•ttl••r tu• tla•duc 11111111 1h1rn 1h01w pttld '' 1 IHJa u11d1•r tf"t.'L'U • -' If you·r .. 1h111k111g ubout .c••tunu 111ur1 It'<.!, K1•Kit iwid, hold utf unlll 111•xt yeor, t'tpt'<·lolly If yuu'n• both worktna In lffti:.!, worklnu 111nuh· !Jto'Oph· huve ta>< aadvantagea over married pt'Oplt• filing J11lnlly whlt·h ttwy w1111't have m lllK:i Rt!11remt•nt plan11 are the subj«·t ur grl•at l hang<.•i. an the new leg1Blut1on For planning, uny individual can put up to $2,000 inlo an IRA r<.•Urt•mt•nt llC'l'OUnl, take a dt"CiUCllOO for it, and not puy t.axt•s on the interc·sl the monl'y earns Thus, Ke!>.'> said, 1f you have savings in a convenllonal bank UC'\.'UUnl you should take advantage or an IRA at-count al lel.t!lt for $2,000 or that savings. Kess also warned that timing of charitable rontnbuuons ts <."SSentlal and should be dtSCussed with an attorney Don't be d1sc·ouraged 1r you can't keep up with all tht· changes, Kess said ... As the Laws change. they're so complc>< that even the experts go wild It's driving them batty too." Home Savings of ___ _ Now Open at 450East17th Street CANCER DETECTION CENTER OF ORANGE COUNTY A NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION OFFERING BELOW COST COMPREHENSIVE SCREENING FOR EARLY DETECTION OF CANCER • SCREENING INCLUDES• Thorough Physical Complete Blood Count Stool Bleeding Check Pap Smear For Women Self Examination ln•tructions Medi cal Center Prof esslonal Bulldlng 18800 Main Street Suite 105 Huntington Beach;-eaHf .-~- 841-187-1 Now-all the advantages of the now at the new Home Savings of nation's largest savi ngs and loan America office at 4 50 East 17th Street. association are yours to enjoy right in You'll find service and the heart of Costa Mesa convenience there, too, including The strength & security of a Drive-up Window. plenty of free Home's unmatched assets of over 15 parking, a Night Depository, lots of billion dollars ... the perfect safety teller counters and new account people record stretch ing all the way back to to answer your questions. 1889 ... the full range iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii We're open of Homes many high • now, so please drop interest savings plans by. We want to ... checking meet you and accounts ... credit help you discover cards ... tax-sheltered all the nice pension programs things waiting and much, much for you at more are all America's waiting for you Largest! Member: FEDERAL Home Loan Bank System Member: FEDERAL Savings and Loan Tnsurance Corporation . , •• ' . .. • I .. • •• . ' . ' I I I ' •I .. . • I • I I . . . ' • ' -I .. . . • . ! .. . . . . • I . . . . . • I . ' • • I . ' \ . I ' • • • . . •I I ' • . . •i .. ·~, ~ -.:, .. . . . ,• •' ~; ~: ' .. • -· . . ., ., . .. • • •• .. ... . • t • ~: ,,, ... , I .. . . roductlon limit a-reed on by OPE Vl&NNA. AUltria tAP) -OPIDC oU m&nJNn f(lmwa1.I)' .,,...mma to. Pf'Oduetlon mtlinl °' 11 o mlWon a.nu. diy 1881 and to {,... &htJJ-a:-prta. at U4 • barrel In eflnttoly, OP~. orH~d•r:t! ahaya_J>lkko annou.DCIO tooay. But the mlniltel"I put ort until Laier a dedllon on how co dJvkle the ..iee amona .ch ot the 13 oountn. 1n the oU ca11el -an *ue th.It Nil threet.ened OPEC unity. Aareement on \he <*ll!na, one rnllUon barrell •than "tJmated current e_roch~tJon, wu reached dw1n1 tht NCOnd day of the urpntzation of Petroleum Export.Int Countne.' year..end conference, YamanS .. lei. Auto output to rise DETROIT (AP) -Dome9tJc auto production in the flnt quarter of 1983 ia expected co reech f.4 mlllion can, up about 35 percent from the one m1llion can built during the u.me period ln 1982, an auto lnduatry journal reported today. The five major U.S. au~ made few changes ln tentative productlon tchedulee foe the first three months of 1983, with only General Moton Corp. reporting a alight lncreue from the tentative plan announced wt month, Ward'• Automotive Report.I said in today'• edJtiona. The carmakera reported that November-December incentives have been 1ucce91fuf in reducing Ltventory, although car ules in the final month of 1982 wire down slightly I accordin8 to the joumal. Induatry analysts reWed December aaJea predictfON from 480,000 can to 430,000, Ward's said. Gasoline prices cited LOS ANGELF.S (AP) -Thia is the first year "in recent memory" that the price of guoline h.aa gone down, moetly becauae of lower consumption and an international oU glut, oil industry analyst ~ Lundberg aaya. · The publlaher of the Lundberg Letter wd Sunday that the avenge price for all grades of gas at eelf-aervioe 11atlona la now at $1.22 ~ a gallon, about a dime lea than In January. Prices ro.e by 37 cents a gallon in 1979, 10 oenta in 1980 and 6.5 cents in 1981. Golden West sales down Dave Totten, vioe chairman of the board and chief executive officer ol Golden West Hornes, Santa Ana, has announced aecond quarter and aix month operating resulta for the period ended Nov. 27. During the leCOlld quarter the company had a net loa of $1.W,000, or 4 centa per share, oontras1ed to net income of $295,000, or 9 oenta, in the like period a y.ear ago. Sales for the 8eCOJld quarter were $10,743,000 compared to $16,772,- 000 1ut year. In the first half of fiaca1 1983 Golden West had a net io. of $648,000, or 19 centa, compared to net income of $589,000, or 18 cents, in fiaca1 1982. Sales for the six-month period were $20,042,000 compared to $36,394,000 in the like period last year. Olympics get sponsor SAN FRANCISCO -Transamerica Corp. h.aa become an official aporwor of the 1984 Olympics and ill 1Ubddiarlea will provide irwurance and rental can for the games. it hM been jointly announced by Lo. Angeles Olympfic Orpnizing Committee prelldmt Peter U ~ Uebem>th and Tranwnerica ... d ' 4 .J-L lf.mw7. A.a "Official lnaurera of the 1984 Olympic•.'' ~arrtca'• inaurance auti.ldiaries will provide the property end liabtbty lmurance coverage for the ~ llnd PJUP 8Cddent and hMlth lmuranoe for, the They allo are p1annina to offer group accident and health and liabtltty fnaaranOt to viliUng athletes and team of&tale. ~·· Buda'et Rent a Car subsidiary, the third Jargea MlbalONle and tnaclt rental company in the United Stats. will provide can and b"UCb needed to 1Upport lt.aainc of b ..,._ • the '4C>tfid.a1 car and Truck Rental Co. ol. the 198( Olympics." DAILY PILOT By Tiie A11odated Pre11 Selected world gold prices today: London morning fixing $440.75, up $3.75. Loadoa afternoon fbd.ng $440.25, up $3.25. Paris afternoon fixing $438.29, off $3. 73. Parts afternoon fixing $438.29, off $3. 73. Fraakfart fixing $442.00, off f0.03. Zane~ late afternoon fixing .$440.00, up $4. 75 bid; $441.00 asked. ; Hudy & Hannan (only daily quote) $440.25, up $3.25. Eo1eUaanl (only ct.Uy quote) $440.25, up $3.25. En1elllanl fabricated (only daily quote) $462.26, up $3.41. Met.ala NEW YORK (AP) -Spot nonferrous metal prices today: Copper 71 ~ -73 ~ cents a pound, U .S . deaUnatiom, , IAad 19~-23 cen• a pound. ZlllC 38--40 centll a eounct, delivered. Tta te 1380 Metall Week comPQ9lte lb. AJwine.i.. 11 eentl a PoUnd, ~.Y. • M•~pu.oo.,..~. Plattnm S383.00·$38~.oo troy ounce, N.Y. ,.· 'lo .. .. . ~ . T•I . rA•lt\' tl•Ctl by 811 Keane "What did you tell Santa?" "l told him you'd put a check in the mail." by Brad Anderson "Sorry If I woke you." GOOP MOAAIN<!, Gf\AFtELP. 15 THEA.£ 50ME1 HING ~"Rf 1"RVING-TO TELL ME ? EMMA1 C>o You RE.ALl1E' " WUAT'TIMC ITIS? "George rt1lly h11 the Chri1tm11 1phtt. He11 weartne OM rtd tock Ind OM If"" tock." • · 1 SAY ~rs ML£ 5eu.s ANO, l~ WE'VE HAOe~1~ by Harold Le Ooux I HAD A HORRIBLE N16HTMARE LAST NIGHT GoKDO ~~ J~, WAA.,.. IN mi ~ l?I D "'IC\} ~, ~ JJ.·:ID I DREAMT AUNT FRITZI BOUGHT A BRAND-NEW COOKIE JAR Fl!NK 't' • INKEa8E.4 N ~~ /J ~,LISTEN ... qwlUN& WfTM ~ ~" 60rTJUt' ~ WHAT'S SO HORRIBLE ABOUT 'THAT? I OON'i MEAR A 1l41~! by Jeff MacNelly by Gus Arriola by Tom Batiuk Lt.»\11 . corr~ h'E ... '~L.ENT' NIC:MT' • R16HT ~ A5 51L.9JT ~ IT'!> 88 8EEN ! .,. .... __ _ .,,__ MONDAY, OIOIMI ,. to, 1111 STUFPl!D BRANDll!O HAM BAKED ALASKA Since the founding of our country, feasting and joyous gatherings during the holidays have become part o( the legacy unique to each family. Days were spent preparing the meals for those occasions and the whole house was perfumed with the aroma of herbs and spices;: hustle and bustle was the order of the day. Times are easier now and modern methods of agriculture and marketing precepts make it possible for even a very young cook, to prepare the most elaborate menu -one that our forebears would find grand -and present it with fanfare. Roast duckling, for example, has been enjoyed as a special treat since the days of the Pilgrims. But today's ducklings are more flavorful and succulent because of care.Jul breeding and tender care. Most importantly, the modern homemaker kf'\ll's that it's easy to prepare a brace of duckling tha t mikes holiday dining a very special event. Duckling with Orange S auce has been the classic recipe since an imaginative chef first united the two in an inspired moment. Plump and juicy fresh oranges are available throughout the holiday season in such splendid varieties as the Valencia, the most abundant and popular; the Pineapple, sweet and juicy and the seedless Hamlin. The Navel and the Temple, filled with golden juice are also perfect for "hand eating." Orange juice is uaed to bathe the birds with liquid ~ wt\iW routizll and to make the~ which .. pu9"Ui'lbucldlng with Orange sauce in a speciaf class of lta own. • - The stuffing for roast duckling is of paramount importance. Whether placed in the cavity of the bird or baked separately is a matter of choice. In either case, the modem cook will find stuffing a convenient way to achieve a traditional taste. Made from specially formulated bread , stuffing mix has a perfect blend of herbs a nd spices baked in. Add nuts just as the Pilgrims would and dates and raisins for extra goodness. For a delightful display, serve the stuffing in orange cups made from the oranges used for the sauce. A green salad topped with toasted croutons completes the holiday meal and now imagine the most elegant dessert possible to make feast appealing to the eyes as well as the palate. Country Charlotte with Raspberry Sauce is a fine choice. Convenient for the holidays, the mold is made and refrigerated a day in advance. The delicate custard, airy with whipped cream and dotted with candied fruit, is decorated with piped cream and chocolate-laced pirouettes and served w ith a frothy raspberry sauce! Roast Duckling With Orange Sauce 2 ducJclJn/p, 4 to ' pounda 8Ch l .... poon ult 3 cui:-orange julce, divided ~cup honey 3 t.ableapooru corrutan:h 2 teaspoona graiM or~ peel 4 oranges, peeled and aectioned Rinle duckllnp" and pat dry. Sprtnile duck.Unga lnlide and out with aalt. Cloee cavity with skewers; truss lep. Pierce ducWlna akin with a fork in leYeral places around the perimeter of the lieut and on the t.ck.. Place on ndc in roMt1nc pan. Rout in a 350 dearee F . oven 2 to 2~ boun (meat thermometer l.merted oo inalde of thigh ahould read 170 decr-ee J'. when done). U1e l cup orange juice to bnllb ducldina durt.nc l'OMting. Canblne honey with ~ cup or-. juice; 6-te ducklln&a with honey gla7.e durtna 1ut 30 minutes of l"OMtlni· Bemow duckllnp to heated servtna platter, lmep warm. To pnpan .citanae sauce, drain off all fat from pan drtpplnp (there lhoulc:l be about l cup drtpptno). Comblne ~ wtth remalnb\i l ~ cur. onnae jWCe. Pour l{lto pan wtth dripplnp. Add_ pted pee . Brtna to • boil. Slrnmer 2 minutes until pvy UUcJcene, ltlnina comtantly. Strain. Stir ln oraqe aecdom. Serve auce with dudtlinp. YIELD: 6 to 8 lel'vinCl- pate Nut Stuffing 3 ID 4 .,,.U on,.. H ~ ch6pp«J I cu,,. tHM>n-4 •Cullln1 ~cup nUaJM miK 6 s.blelrpoons butter ., H cup c:Mfal, chopped H cup w•tB -Ullnc • ihar» knlfa Nt around .center of ~h onilp_ in a ~...., pau.m. P'ull halvee •pert and tooop out centen. (Ute to a;.;~ mu.=>· llAa wtth • ..., ~and ralam. Keat butter wtth ~ • ..,__ ~·lltuft'"ca ... hid ... wtth ·~ ~e f . (•r~t· anla rou I IJ'"' 04 oe or pork crown roa•I .• C3 Country Charlotte With Raspberry Sauce 3 envelopes unflavored gelatin 3 cups milk 12 egg yolb l ~ cups sugar l tabJHpoon vanilla l ~ cups finely chopped ~died frulta, ~red tor 30 mlnutft In H cup kinch l ~ cui:-he.tvy awun J Joi cu,,. «XU' Cl"Nm a ~ (10 o~ each) rupberrla, th•wed l tablspoon ldnch l cup hHvy Cl'Hm, whipped J box <' ~ ounc:w) chooolate-lace4 Piroc.H!tt.es -..... Lt&h~oU an 8 inch apringform pen. In •ucepan or double boiler sprinkle tin over milk. ~ stand ~ minutes to toften. Heat OYer low heat un plad.n d.1-olves. With electric mixer tel at h1Ch speed, a.e.it ea yolks and supr until thick ... , in hot milk mbcture; return to aaucepan and cook over low beet, 1tiJ1rinc constantly, until thickened. Remove frwa -heat. Stir ln vanilla and marinated fruita. Cover with pluUc wrap, makinc IUJ'9 plast.lc comee ln c:oniac:t with custard. Chill until thickened. Beat heevy cream with IOUI' cream until ltW peaks form. Fold into cu.tard, pour into 8 lnch round mold or sprtncfonn pan. ChW 8 hours or ovemiahL To make 1auce, put rupbeniel. with the 1yrup, and ldnch in olender. Cowl' and puree. Pour through ltn1ner to remove eeeda. Chill until reedy to eerw. To Unmold and Garnish: LoQeen custard around edp with the point of a aharp knife. Gold Coast Duckling Salad 2 cups julienne st.ri,,. cooked ducJcling 4 oranges, peeled and aectloned 2 cu,,. sJJced celery (•bout 6 aWka) ff cup ..W.OIU, cut In l-'tnch plec& l can (8 ounces) water chestnur.s. drai.ned And sliced In large bowl combine duckling, oranae ...:.. llections, celery, scallions and water chestnuts. Toes • well with Golden Orange Drea1.na•. YIELD: 4 11ervinp. *Golden Orange Dressing ---:-. ~~juJce l yolk l ta vlnepr l H ma.poom comst.al'ch 1 teHpoon (nCed 1/nger or K teMpoon gro4J.ntl 6fnlel' l tftllpoon ,.,,..,. l .,,,.u dow ..,.UC, mJnced u fWJJOOll ,avod con.ndB Duh bof peppel' -~ 1 f!JbllllpOOtt wettabko oil Remove .. of pen and p1ect molded cuacard 00 llel'Yin8 platter. Uaina a metal 1patula1 apl"8ed a very thin layer of whipped cream In top of double boUec combine otance Juice,: .. around a1del of custard~ ea yolk, eoy •uce, vt.netar, cormt.arch, ....,.,: Prell pbouetta vertically lnto cnein pJ.clna them about ~-~ qar, ~Uc, c:ort.ana.-anc1 hot pepper .. uce; mbc inch aput. UllnC • putty _,., filled with • tarp.aw tube, pipe well. <.:OOk over IU'IU"Mtu\I water uniu Cll"9_llU\C whipped cnun in ver'Um1 colunuw between~. thickelw. •""""8 ClON'8ntiy. Whllk lo oil. OoYlli' -• Pipe more cnerft In rmetWI around top rim Of molded C'UIWd. -.arface Of drwina with, WU paper OS' ~.n - Spoon tome. of tM ru•~ .. uce into c.nter of cwtard. S.rw to prevent • akiJ\ from formlftl. Chill. Y1 : ,.,.1ntni•ao _....~.!): 12 to l4 ~--·~-------:About~cup. ____ ....,..._.. ________ .....:....; m;tn,. _.;eov.. wtth fQl1and.,._In•300 ..._ J'. oven 30 illll .._, YllLD: e eo I~ -......-"-·· .,_,..,.,. ...... , II I e t-iv pork crown ros t igns at memorable feast • JloeplLallty II HYtr i~:~,~~·~~~ ~~!~ _,.. .. friendl tamlU" 1ather to •· Thil year, why nqt pa.n an elepnt feut upUrid a crown roe1t of ~lmmln1 with a ~berry atufftJw; then Oped wttb a Coanac ..um, It ii sure to make C)()C'Mkw\ memorable. herb mixture, of and thyme la into the rout for ra flavor. Apples, ery, and' onion plement the nberry-cornbread fln1. The flaming bl ...Uy prepared h apple jelly and PORT CROWN l\OAIT Into me lt.eel appl jully: M It butU!r In 1 tars PLAMll lsrilie lmmecUately with 1klllet ov.r low heet. • .. • • _...._'-\_ ---'-a -1-.-. ... ~ &L.uw ,..,. _..A...A_ ~ ............. a..au:I ~ ., •"' ' '• / r w ' .. ladle -HUte -over roa1t Ce le r y ; C 0 0 i 0 Yer - :rb l'OMt <•boul 8 and 1tutttna. s.rv. e to rnedlwn-tu,h heet tor 5 l w tea 1 p 0 0 n 1 12. to 10 mlnutee, 1Urrln1 powdered thyme CRANIEJU\Y freq u t n t t y . A d d l teMpoon aalt STUFPINO cranberrlH an~ cook ~ teaspoon pepper ~ cup butt.er over low h eat tor an ~ t.eapoon rubbed 1 • m a 11 on 1 o n , additional & mln1.1•. ._. chopped Combine remalni91 Cranberry Stufflna l large apple, cored ln1redlent1 ln a lar1e (recipe followa) and chopped bowl. Add cranberry 1 (10-ounce) jar ~ cup chopped mixture and mix well. apple jelly celery Stuff Into roast cavity ~ cup Copwc 1 cup cranberrtea about l hour before end Grapes and 1ra~ 1 (&-ounce) PllCkal8 of cookln, time. leaves (optional) C10mbr-.ci atuffinc Combine thyme, .. it. \ii cup oranae juke S p o o n 1 e f t o v • r garlic aalt, peifper, and 2 tablelpoona water atufftn• into a U1htly aage; m1x we and rub 1 ea. well beaten 8f'eued l.quart ~le into rout. Place ln a 1 \ibleeponrl brown and bake alon1 with sugar ' roMt. (If 1tu.f ~ begins aballow roaatln1 pan. ~ teupoon aalt to look dry on top, cover ~'::; ~ W:~ ~ teupoon rubbed looeely with aluminum part of roast , not ~aag~e;__~~~~~~~f_ou_._>_Y_le_ld_:_a_bou~t-4_cu~pa-·~..;.._.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=-~~~~~~~~~-=~= touching bone or fat. Cover endl of bonee with a ltrtp of aluminum foil. Bake at m depees foe 35 to 40 minutes" per pound or until meat thermometer reaiaten 170 deareea F., lillin1 removt.na one chop at a rout cavity with mdftna . Spoon the stuffinl about one hour before each 9e1'Yina. end of cook1na time. ae a meat therm-Place rout on eervina i ter to emu.re l'OMtinC platter and pmWi with perfection. ln1ert grapee and ppe leaves, thermometer into the {f dulred. Melt apple mtat with the bulb ln jelly over low heat, tl)I thickeat part, not atlrrlpg frequently. :t~chinl bone or fat. Rapidly heat Coanac Fresh pork •hould be over medium heat (do routed to 170 degree. F. not boll). Pour CogJU1C i.~ ~eese· ~'-L"Y'"~ · ~oast a goose (or the holidays Y BROWNSTONE Remove the COY9I' and ,._ .... ...., tum ~ llde up. for you're interelted ln browning, for the IMt 30 lt'lmall cookbook to stuff minutes. 1,.to a 1ood cook'• Bake the extra llf9Cking. on-..Christm.u atufflna in a buttered Jl»e, I recommend "A dish for the lHt 30 · Cllriatmu Sampler of minutes of the bakln1 aeaataKlemln.," compiled by time foe the gome. Diana Make 1ravy b y ::St'• a delightfully removing fat, add.ins 2 llluatrated paperback cupe water to browninp, th menus and recipe. and thlckenln1 with 2 holiday meals -all tableapoona cornstarch rinted from half a d iaaolved ln ~ cup zen outstanding water. clbkbcokS. Stir over low beat One of the goo d · until all the brownlnp pea in "A Christmas have diuolved and the pier of Feutt" la for mixture hu thkkened. p.e with potato Makes 6 llel'Yino. bread stuffing -a POTATO A.ND ffln& I rellah every BREAD mJFFING e l ta• t e it i n ~ cup water p lvanla-Dutch ~ c up chopped ~lery with leaves a recipe for it ~ c up chop p e d wlll auract you. It onion ori1inally af.peared in 1 teaspoon salt Grof '• Country ~ teaspoon ground c.ookbdok." pepper Groff knows 1 tab 1 ea po on whereof lhe wrltea: ahe chopped parsley llDd her huaband run a -Pinch saffron ""'farm" reataurant ln 2 c upa mashed eylvanla that la pot.a~ fm' and wide. 3 egga, slightly &TTY GROPF'S beaten 1'0AST GOOSE 2 cupa fresh bread -l (8-pound) fresh cubes ~ n aoc-1 cup milk s.&t Put the water in a Pepper 1-quart saucepan and Potato and Bread brlna to a boU. a.uftin1. Ndpe followa Add the celery, oalon, r 2 cupe water salt, pepper, parsley, and ,\ WMb the IOOM and a a f f r o n . B o l 1 ~ mt and _pepper approximacely 7 mlnutea -~;the Wrd. nu with until \he celery ii deer. otato and bread Llchtly mtx the eel· ery mixture with the rall1 ~alt and poJa&oea, beaten eua, ..... dae ..... After bnad cubll and milk In •ur1n1 the ttuUed a lar8W bowl. . ~-···vh7 with U.w , II ••• • ._.,.,.._~ .... llilrd, bfiUt ... tn • butteNd dWl ~ oa a win I n • p r e h • • t • d --~·~•· 350-d!JI'" oven for SO AM -lh•· waler ud rnlnuw . .t.;.lml. wltb Mt. ("A Chrlltmaa ' ~ IMetM ....... of J'uata," le ...... ~ •• 1>U~H1hed br Dou.....,.) • . - Beef Cobe Steak ':..:: •livet.W. • Manor Ho11te • Callfornlon ffo••n, Grodo 'A' 6c-.iu. .. Sc....,.. .... l t-1tf.efM l e.. ....... • •• JS•,..• .,. Jtt ,... '2"' J7·,... . .. •s·,.... Cooked Lobst•s ~O.:: .. '251 Fresh Snapper ~"" lb 1111 Smoked Ham ~~.:t,. . .,, 11> 111• !loAI l'ar!IOn ID S 1 Jll • '9" Fresh Turkeys ,,._ "'::t'O:l\jf., ID 89• Premium Ground Beef °"'~=-:, 1111 King Crab '":."le:-' !~!)!iM:N?f. ra;ee1ery '=-' U>dl 25' •vellowOnions 3i!v 39' •Flavorful Jicama lb 39' ... - Fresh Awec•s JRlSH PRODUCE -Apples~ a59' ~Juice= e:. 11" •Mums o-.... 6t" 16" •Poinsettias 6·=' 13" letty Crocker fros""9 • 69• ........ Champa .. 1 -·=·$7:!_ II U,,M •• ' th w y t t Oh, that 1lu rluu1 th u mu""'''' 111t11 I nclrlppln M1kN Ill ~ JNUUd) 1•rumb1, 1•he•t&ruH• •ntl ~~· with rombrt•IJ c:rurna.. r uv 1ravy wUh f\1 frllf'IUlt of l'\lllt turkt1y thh k tt put ot m at rvln... l t 1 b I •• fJ o u n llUlll · mhcturo 1tuffl111. ilk• 4 tupt or 2 c: up 1 m • 1 h .. d mJJ1tUN1 ind remalnh ... -the nvmone. It rt'C'llll be twu n 11, ... ,, •nd OLD rAIHl~KO &·ho11p1'CJ panl 1 Bu Hu • I quart & •rvlna &wked aw t putaWt:t tnartd nw. are dtar to moat of ue t hllh (d o no t to ul'h IAVUftY CHllTNOT 2 1 upoon• tomaw clflUOt.. 8poon 1tufltn1 IPICY KAM If\ c up d r • l n •d Butt• t • 2 .quart ror tome, It • 110 bone). • TU,PINO puO• mJxture lnUH-role. ~ Cl'UIMd plrwreppl ~~ poon 1tufllni nok• the pll"lllurw of Cover bird looHly h pound p u r k In l quirt 11u pan Bake at 350 de1ren YAM IT1IPJINO ~ t ••a p o o n ml•lure ln&o cuaerol•f'b' 1Udfirur. ~ .JlJld with "tent" of foU u UIU ... ovtr modlurri hoat, Cook for 30 mlnu._ or until ~ cup butter or pumpkJn ~ 1pk.. t'OY't"r ;; . d • l I c I 0 u • . Tn e Roaat at 325 d aireee " l' u p ' I n ., I y eawiat IJnUI t)tOwn. BUt no\, fTIIU IJIU .... "" c u"JS ,\ o • I'. 0 ' ,,. •• At .,OIT Ul!.nNr ._ preparation o f the f o r 4 h o ura (ap · chopl*<.l onlon to 10pat1t• meal; pour MeanwhUe,lnano\her I c:up c h o ppe d .Uvert'ldalmondt tot 30 mlnutet or unt¥'4 1tuffln1 for Chrl1tmaa proxlmatt>ly 18 to 22 ~ ~upoon poultry off all but 3 &ab1-poon1 1-quart 11ucep1n over cooked ham l e11. 1ll1htly hot. 111 tu.rkey fa olten • ritual ln mlnuiee per pound and eeuonln1 fat. m • d I um h •at, cook ~ cu p c h o PP t> d beaten Meanwhile, ln '"°°*"" many home1; one th1U the thermomete r rcuad1 1 can (10 ~ OW'iel.'9) Add onion and poultry partley In rem1lnln11 1 union In 1-quart aauccpan 1-quart NU<:epan, ov alveaeveryoneachance 180 d earcu t o 18~ auJuaar•vy 1e110~1n1;cookto2 tablHpoon fat; add ~cup c h o ppe d overmodlwnheat,lnhot lowheat,heatrema1nl=I to partklpete ln maklna degree.). 3 ~ cupa t0h frwh tabl11poon1 tat unlll remaining gravy and green pepper butter, brown ham and gravy throuah, 1tl the moat 1pecial of all Remove foll during bread cruba onion la tender. tomato put.e. 1 can (10 ~ ouncea) cook onion and areen oocal4onally. Serve wt " family feuta. last ho ur of roa1ting 1 ~ oup1 chopped ln larp bowl I.Cm If\ Reduce heat to low; turkey ll'•vy pepper unUJ tender. 1tumna. Maket 7 cupt-'l J u • l w h a t t h e .-tlme __ ,'---bu_Un_,;.,;Q_o_f_\en __ w_llh __ coo __ ked __ ch_es_t.n_u_ca_· _(:..-•..-bou.;...;;.;t;...._c_u...:::p.....;::1;...r_av.-y:-..w_h_h_b_re_a_d __ h_••_t_th_r_o_u_.1_h_,_1_t_tr_r_tn_ai ___ 3 _c _u_p_1_c_o_a_r_1_e_--.ln_..lar~i.o.e_bow.;..;..._1~ • ..-t09.;.;.;;.'---1A_8;..;..1e-....-...o;.•;...._ ____ "' .. "", preparat i ona w e re depended largely on the I region one lived in. and often o n the e thnic culture that dominated I the area. The south was famous , for cornbread stuffing, ! the northeast for bread stuffing with oysten, some parts of the middlwes t added a Germanic mixture of fruits to the bread filling. S om e areas added nuts. s ome rice, still others stirred in cubed potatoes, or bacon, or ~ sausage -or a' mixture · of many of these. Often the dressing never changed. From ! one year to the next, it : remained traditional to ! eat the same bird, or u : cloee a replica as possible, : with the same mixture t inside. : Today all that is ~chang i ng . Our increasingly mobile society has had to break : some of the bonds of : tradition. We eat stuffed i turkey and chicken more :often than our ! forefathers and mothers, ; and we love change. : Experimenting with new ;tastes and fo o d ! combinations is not only ; fun, it is exciting. : Here are three ideas ! for the holiday bird that ~ combine aome of the old : with a little new . Try : one this year to give your ! family and f u ests an ~extra specia treat at ; holiday time. Better yet, S try two. Stuff the turkey l with one, bake one on the side. You may start a f new tnd!Uon. i Pilgrim Stuffing is a \ real claaaic that adds ~ colorful carrots to the fini1hed dreuing. Uae " chicken broth to moisten ;, cornbread cubes and toss ~well to distribu te the ~ liquid evenly. ; . For a new taste, pour ; ~ to ~ cup of dry white :. wine into the roasting :. pan before covering with ~ foil. During the last hour ~ of roasting, uncover the i pan and baste the turkey · with pan dripping)S every ~ 15 minutes. · For a French-style . change of pace, try Old :. Fasnioned Savory ~Chestnut Stuffing. If i. you want to use fresh ~chestnut•, choose the plumpest, shiniest ones. Spicy Ham and Yam Stuffing is really new and different. The result >of the recipe is a delicious, almost . pudding-like stuffing to ' eerve as a aide dish. Try one or all of the8e · flavorful new ideas for a special holiday aeason. PILGRIM S'?UFFING ~ c up butter or margarine 2 cups ehredded carrots 2 cupe diced celery 1 cup chopped onion 1 teaspoon poultry eeuoning 1 can (1 f \ii ounces) chicken broth 6 cupe p_ackaged cornbread stuffing mix 12-pound ready-to- ltuff turkey, defrosted, if b'oz.en In 1 \Ii-quart saucepan over med.Lum heat, ln hot b u tter, cook carrot•, celery and onlon with poultry aeuoning until ve,.tablea are tender. Add broth. RemOve from beet. In large bowl, to11 broth mixture with cor ntreed ltUHlng mlx. Remove gibletl and neck &om turby. R1nle bird with runnlna cold water; drain well. "Spoon ane •Wna liahtly lnto neck cavity. told neck akin over atuffinl; fanen with .uw ..... HOLIDAY MEATS ~:~,:T1~99 Farmer ionn. Kruw or HOffy 18utt POrtlon Lb 1 091 GRADE A TURKEYS NOo Basteo Limlt ()nf T\lrlr~y ~ Famlly I~ 10 1• Lbs Gr~ A NOo ~tlO lb S91 BONELESS 197 !!~s~M lb NIY. COOkto. IHalf Him lb . 2 091 LARGE END RIB ROAST BLADE CUT 89 CHUCK ROAST IOn09d '"' Lb • BONELESS TURKEYS ll 1.58 MlillCL9 GQ.mfrlf \tM •.tHf• .... ~,ID FRYING CHICKEN ll .49 MC':l.l IOO'f toJn.i'trlfatAm A CROSS RIB ROAST .. 1.89 '°"""' -0 ... ""°' TOP SIRLOIN STEAK ll 2.29 """'1\l 80ICllO •t • le. HOLIDAY PARTY SNACKS ~y LEE BOL?CNA ll 1. 28 ~~UNSCHWEICER .. 1.09 ~SH SAUSAGE ll 2.29 ICNOCICWURST .-ia .•... HOT LINKS """"' ROUND STEAK .. 2.18 ll 2.19 .. 1.97 !,~!!_~~~!;!-TU~K~YS .. • 94 ~!~E.R ~N _s~~SA_GE .. 1.19 STUFfEO TURKEYS .._.._Otllll&ttlM GRADE A DUCKS ... 89 ... 89 ~~~~ 10r:_AME HEN.s.IAOt 1.39 ~s~~RN ?VSTERS .. ou• 1.59 ~~!a'!! ~~ON • •• .. , 1. 6 9 ~~~ .. Alf .. H.~~ .11 3.99 CANNED & PACKAGED ~on rem1lnln1 ..... ltct\&ly Into body -...~u=Ml~J~:tO!\t"'lkt«-.nnn~~ ... DI. lkewer cbed. ,,. ... OC' fMt*n under' ..... oU~ .OD nck.-Ul ==:.~.~ l n1ert meat Katti\ a own .,... • lfl0001110 IOttltel JM «at LllOl!y 'ffle ...... 9f ..,....,,... IMMI It IM •1.1~t1 tf "-' cflojoe 1,iaieo 171 N Thin 1N'Anflol117 ta 11 LuoCIVf fffl lt•f"I ,..,,.....W JO ltf~ Of<:v"'t ll l OI' Oft I e . •. CANNED & PACKAGED r BROWN'N SERVE 59 ~~~V 12 Ct Plrg e Al Varlettes rPOTATO 99 ~1!'~, 7'" oz l"IO e Tw in PiKk I~A~E~~:.!~~ .. c.olll\ 4.19 I~T~~·~-~~c~s •"or <M.89 I ~~~v~~~CM 1.25 P' POTATO BUDS '•TnCIOOU ,.,, ... M Ol lOl 1.69 !~~~~~.~.~~~.~~~ 1.69 I !iE.v_l.1.J! ~~-Tl~. . . . . . •~ -• 5 9 I~~~~~-~~E_S UOI CM.99 ~GE~'S ~OFFEE ,.or CM 2.43 r KEY BUYS MEAN EXTRA SAVINCSI Key luys 11'1 ltenK ptlClld bllOW tnetr everyday CllKOUnt pnces M a ~ Of manuramnrs• cemporary promottonai a110w1nces °' exc~t10nal purcllnes. YOU'ii flnc:t nul'!ClnOs of key euy Items ever'( tlmt you"'°" CANNED & PACKAGED r P1USBURY 89 f!'~~ ~~~!t .• LADY LEE R.OUR All PUrpole s ~.83 r KAMCHATKA -Jgg ~ .11rnT lt1 1-~ - I~.l~~.~ ~NE l\Clt 11\ 3. 79 r~~!~~ WINES "°"'•" 2.99 !;!~~:!o~~S "° .. n 2.99 I~~~--·m••n 2.99 IS~~~ 199 -GllCQOllUCll • "°"''n. • I!n~~~~~.~~-•n 2.29 I~~~~~-.11'U .. I\ 10.99 I~~~.~~~~~19.t\ 9.99 r~~~·~-~~ ....... ,,l"''" 9.99 r~·s CIN ''""'II\ 9.99 I~~ v~,,., .. n. 9.99 r~!J.~R~N>Y ,,,., .. " 11.99 r~"~~.~~" 13.99 I!!~~.~~6.99 l~~~~E.~~8.99 To you and yours ... Best wishes for a joyous holiday season. LIQUOR & WINE DELICATESSEN ITEMS !CUDAHY 998 HAMS S LQ. GWIMd can r CRESCENT 79 ~s 80l can e !~.~~~?.~ ...... to or"°. 79 r~~~~-~-~~.~~-1.19 r~~'!!~~M~_.,or-1.59 r~.~~-~ ...... oz ... 69 l!.!co~ .~1 , .. ot OU 3.89 I~!>.~!.~.~OI"! 2.1~ r~~~~~.~.~.~~~1.99 r~~~~.~!~,~~2.29 QUALITY PRODUCE 1 COLDEN BANANAS 1t1~ 11eaov to U t ~-23.1 .RED CRAPES lttfr"hlng US Ho 1 NAVEL 8 ORANCes4 ~~ FMCy lag • f~Y~-~R~NTnoun 1.3 !~~.R~!~.~~~~cr -.c • 7 .. r MRS. SMITH'S 229 ~t~~~t Pf~7 Oz 90• r LADY LEE ·14 !;!"CREA~~ Ctn DAIRY ITEMS LADY LEE ECCNOC. Rntft OUaltty rORANCE ~~~E .. r IMPERIAL • 59 MARCA Rt NE Srlelt 16 01 Ctn • ~~~ZE~ MllK.111 1.97 ~ov ~~~ eurT~~ .. .,<"' 1.8, l~!~.~.~.RE~~.1tu c1W :1.o9 ;..-.....,..;,,,i::1 r~~~.~M T~~•CM•gg ( ~ E N. HI ( I r f r .~ '' 1 • u n1qu H1H 11 1 rtc'IPJ that lurna an ordlnaf'y bon1l111 ham into a tolorful, •p•ctatular "•"''•"!'l•r• ..Lo~ •"-• holiday entertalnmont table. A brandy laced mix of .-plnach. aarUc, onlona, nutmeg, e11 and breed cnunbl la stuffed into a CttadltJonal holiday ham to come up with thla new •ft d no v e I idea as appea.U.Jl8 to the eye u to the palate. The ham is sliced almost tbrou1h dJqonally, atulfed with t apln.ach ''wrapped'' I a brandied mustard c am aauce, sprinkled With ~ and baked. ;nte result la a golden. cC'uaty covered delectable. A moat U.l)uaual fan o f alternating ham and aplnach appears when the ham is sliced for eervin.g, resulting in an eye-catchtn1. taste- tempting main dish. Stemmed glaaaes of eano1, made with light and f18vorful brandy and topped with a dollop of s 'feeCened whipped cfl?am, are the perfect a*ompaniment to the ham in both flavor and form. GOLDEN RAM FLORENTINE -2 cloves garlic, minced 2 onions, chopped 4 tablespoons butt.er o margarine 2 10-ounce packages o frozen chopped s inach, thawed and 11 drained W teaspoon each t, pepper, nutmeg _1 IA cuppLus2 uis>leapoons brandy 1 egg, beaten ~ cup fine bread crumbl ham 1 8-pound boneless 1 tablespoon flour 'A cup heavy cream 2 tablespoons Dijon style mustard 1 cup shredded Slt'iaa cbeeee \.S cup grated Parmesan cbeeee Saute garlic and onions in 3 tablespoons butt.er until tender. Stir in spinach, aeasonln11 and 2 tablespoon• brandy. Puree in food processor or blender until smooth. Stir l n egg and c rumbs . Cut ham diagonally intO ~ inch slices ~ of the way through the meat. Stulf aplnach mixture evenly between ham slices. Charming family t r adition Christmas dinner la one of those really special timea. lt'a probably one of the lew occasions when famlly and friends gather for a real old-fas hioned "alt-down" meal, when everyone is at the table at onoe. lt'a filled with tradition, a time for sharing and caring. And it· deserves a menu worthy of the oocaaton. For most, that means a be,autiful rout turkey w~t )l all of the trimnlings. Here the turkey is accomranied by an unusua and delicloua Brown Rb and Sausage Stuffing that ia almost as euy to prepare aa the turkey imelf. Bake the stuffing in a greued eaaerole after the turkey comM out of the oven, while lt 11 nand1nc before carvtna. T h e flavor com- bination ls delicious, with the sausage atuffine complementing the turby perfectly. Good p-wltha miaht be cranberry sauce In oran1• cups , a IJ'ten ve1etable -PQ• a:reen beeN or , and sweet pot.atom with the tam.Uy'• favorite Pe for~ To d ay'• bro ad· br 11 lhd turUJa on.-26 ~t man mMt than ~of26F."~ In lllddidon to • pl -d • c -d Mell I lahlHpoon butter In •ucepan. Kur In flour. Add Cl"fHUn and W cup bnmdy. Brtna '° • fthll_ ennll ro mtnullt•. Mix ln mustard. ·spr.d muetard Muce <¥11 r ham and sprinkle with chM9fls. Bake un t.11 101den ( 60 minuc. at 325 deJreft). Remove from oven, let cool at leut 6 rninutn. (May be terved hot or cold.) To serve, allce r • 1 t a n c 1tra11ht 8"N9 M•kN I :I 1u111r Add II t'\•f• 1t•rk to lf Mtvl"ll. r. rum a ntJ but w•ll 8R4Nl>Y !!00"00 Refrta&c!r11\e 2 h<1unt Add II •IP. eoptratftf brandlti and rum. Chill ~ nouruJ powdered,""' "-'>ttl nMNled. a1.111r Juat before aervlna. 2 cupe dark rum bt-at ea whli.i. to eoh 2 cupe brandy puka and fold Into 2 cupe Uaht rum cream. Combine with 8 C'Upe halt-and -half c hilled yolk -liquor (thin cream) mixture. 1 cup apricot brand~ Pour lnto punch bowl Grated nut.mes 1 a nd a pr In k I e w I th Beat yollu until Uaht. fredlly grated nutme1. then beat In pawdered Serves 24. i;iowin8 t10icie•n ,Hum Florentine, uccompunied by Brandy Eggnog, promi1e11 both eye and palate appeal. W•Hl•IYllA lllY CllllTMAll ~ GRADE A :;~Ila TURKEYS '""' " UIDA OMO• A• TOii .. ..,. ... IO • .atlMDePROUN LB RUBY RED 1 , $1 !!!!f.RUIT ~ IMALL 8lD R IMPERIAL MARGARINE SCHLITZ IEER ~OllUON'f ti.OLCAN ueDA CHOIC• ~1 llOAIT9 M4HtO Oii eon -9'0UttD IMOKID HAM BUTT 111 wn---....M.L•-·····-···-··------···La. IWIPT BUTTIRBALL 98• ~-CMI--······----···-.. ···-··--····-La. CURl l1HAM8 411 ---------··--·-·-·--·-···-·-······-La CURIMAl=l'IR HAMI 4 It ---···-····--·····"·--······---··--· . ···-·-· La. 4:·1 CUCUMllRI 5:11 ----------···-·----···· . ROMAIN I 3'81 -~-----------·----. MARILI QUllN 411 __ ,.. __________ ·-··---- POTHOI _ 511 COKE. TAB. SPRITE ti-OZ. CAN I 111 ,. POTATO CHIPS 99• ~W---.-.'-PACI -------···••·· .. lltlLLMAT! PAPIR TOWI LI 75• ..-..~·--···-·····--···---··-··-··--·---·-Zl l IATHROOM fll8UI 99• .a•Mn.-PACI--·-·····- VLAllC PICKLI IPIARI 1 U --•ACIC.1-------·-····- l'OeTS• 'AMII Ofl U.Cln' 'AllMI FARMIR JOHN WHOLI! HAM 111 l'\.A----·--·-····-· ----·-·· ......... --·· ··--UL ~'2!1~~~!~······--La 89• FARMIR JOHN IAU8AOI! 121 --CMIMOT.1-4&~--········ -·-· La BOMIL.111 TURKIY8 111 ---··-·-------·-·· ·-· ·-··-·-·-· ~ IUNNY DILIQHT 99• ~-11.c---.-•n. ......... --·-·· -· INTl!ftNATIONAL VIQl!TABLl!I 111 -··-------··----·-PIT·RITZ Pll 8HILLI 75• .. ~ ..... -·---··------···· ··-·---···· 'Rl8H APPLI .IUICI 111 _......,_9ft...Ct&W9---··-- SMOKED HAMS VICTOR, PULLY COO H D IHANK '°"TION DOLE MUSHROOMS I-OZ. ltKQ. .11! L&dil:.:&:: ~ ~-:.. tnlaL ___ :r&-&. 11• ~ ... IA~S ITWPINO ijJ CllAUI, Cl) (~wnith\J I f II II I '' Ir JI , ... .~ - • • c·t v rt cl • I pu • m1 d'ng to ow v c Vlwn pu.k11tt11 whk·h puddlna," then 11 wlll t~ tin ·hutwr plum O•lter .. IHt l, r up 1•h11s•J1td tiHNm, ml•ld fruit ind CONV&HTl00N0 AL doe1n't rt1lly 1·on•1111 •UM • thin• of " uiuddlna &het '9 .....,... "' rup c:urranll w1lnuta 1ppllt, ml• to wml wllh Ml'l'lt<l (.'ov•r ltf!lm a hou•• K movr mold f roitf water: uncover and locmn ed .. of l>Uddl"I wllh knlf• Vnmolct while hot. plum1 ind .. fu 11 1urrr1 .. to lHrn &hit for three hwn Md the "'l·up rlllltn1 ~ tup rhopp•d fluur loek rurt1nl1 ind anyorw know1 rwve-r hat bM broth and 1u.• .,.. mkrowev• venAon lhal IA l'UJ1 tw1ndy randltd t-tlton IUr In eoup, au.t and r1l1ln1 In brandy for ~ I 1 1 tr• d It Ion 1 I key t.ncredW'1ta. 18 In the oven for only Ii• 3 c up1 1lft1d 111 I.'\ t•u p c ho11p•d mo!M1811 mJ• untJI weU houn. In lat11 bowl, lift punctuation rn.rk for 1 Th 1t '1 h •rd I y • to •I• ht m In u t • 1 purpc.IM' flour mJxed &:andlt I fruit blend.a. Pour Into 2 dry ln1redlent1 Add winier holiday meel. ~.~~~bl_•~-~~~-·t._~i.~~ !.ol~~.wjd,nbL!.:.:!'•nd _ _ ~ :~.:~~ ~~--:;-=."~apple, ~i.d. and ~·~:f~~~ •11.•!;q.~~',! ~~~"~.!!!.''~!: .. "~~ It.ARD IAUCE o:> •n~ndi~ r:~1:':.~ ;~;t~~d· t~TI.;t;;~aTh -Both 0 ~--\hod',-~•k• powder I cen (lO'A OUN."8) moldl. Covet with plutlC apple;. mix ~ ;;t wl th t.ef broth 18 avaUable In two plum puddln11 -1 ieupoon II.It cond Nld beef broth wrap. nour. SUr In eoup, 1Uet I N _Jn '""''.,,.'~'· 1ugar o.f ~ c u p bu t t • t,.J t0ft.ened fl• v o r• d w I t h th• can 1. 8 u t It w u n • t one to alv ind one to 1 tea1poon 1round l cup chopped tUet Mierow eve on HIGH 6 and molallet; mht unUl dl1\lnctlve lute of always 80 In the e1rly keep. And both venlona ctnnamon ~ cu p 1 I I h t to 8 mlhutet, turnln1 well blended. l tabl•poon braod)'I In sme ll bowl of1 electric mJxer, comblnei lngredlentt. Beat un~ 1mooth and creamy\! Chill. Makes abo\Jt ~ mola11ea, the cla11k day• of plum pudding are dellcloua with hard IA t.eupoon irouM molulel dl1h frequently. Let Pour Into 2 well-~ wu steamed for when prep a r In 8 1 au c e. made by cloves Soak curranll and 1tand, covered, directly greued 1 ~-quart mold.I; three hours befor. belna flavorful beef broth wu comblnlna confecUo~n· IA ieupoon ground ralalna In brandy for 2 on cou nter to P 1 0 cover teCUtely with foll. IMVed. No more. Today a tedious and uncertain· a uaar, butter and a glnaer houn. In 1ar1,bowl, lift minutes. Invert on Place on trivet In large It tak.ea 18 minuiea. ~pation. splash of brandy. ~ teaspoon ground dry Ingredient•. Add serving platter. Makes 2 pan. Add boillnf water A l t h 0 u g h t h e .-_..:..; H..:.•.:...re;_;;.a.:...re:__re-c~lpe~•-f_o_r _ __;,'P...;;:L:;..;U...:.M...;;....;.P_U;...D_D_lN_G __ ~nu;;:.;tme=•'-------c-u_rr_a_n_ll...:.'-'-a_ls_ln_s-'-, _n_u_ll-",-•t.e_amed __ .;...pu_d_d_ln..;.p;s.;.... ___ t...:.o ___ ~ ___ h.;..el""'sL..h_t_o_m_o_ld_._cu ..... p_. -------,'rrt, combination o f 11 lngredienta la e.entially the same, the cooking tlme for steamed plum pudding la decidedly abbreviated in a microwave oven. And the time saved la a definite ince ntive for busy.cooka to observe this desaert tradition. 11 it seems strange to call this cake-like creation "plum R ecip es • raise funds First in a aeries of six sets of recipes are for sale in the Garden Shop of the Shem\an Library and Gardens, Corona del Mar. The recipes, ten to a set, are from menus served at luncheon in the garden and are offered by the Volunteer Auxiliary of the .Shentl8n Library. Julie Jenkins , presid e nt of the Auxiliary, said repeated requests for recipes by luncheon patroru promptC-'f the fund - raising project. The Botanical Gardens and Reeearch Library, a non-profit organization, offers concerts, lectures and tours to person.a in t he community . Educational propama in . hlat«y, bcrdculture, art met :=are more of the actiVres preeented by the library. S ecial tours and ning cl.aaees for the nd and other physically handicapped persona are offered through a grant from the Henry Steele Foundation. CH AR M (From C4) 1 10-to 12-pound turkey Salt Pepper Melted butter or margarine 12 ounces mlld bulk sausage 1 large onion , chopped 2 cloves fresh garlic, minced 1 medium green pepper, chopped 3 cups water 1 teaspoon sage 2 cups quick-cooking brown rice R.in8e turkey; pat dry. Rub salt and pepper into neck and body cavities. Secure drum1tlck1 lightly with a string. Imert meet thermometer into center of thigh next to body, but not touching bone. Roa1t uncovered on roaatln& rack In 326-degree oven 20 to 22 mlnutea per pound, butina oawionally with melted butter. Turkey la done when m~at thermometer regl1tera 180 to 185 ctegreee and thick part of drumstick feela soft when preued with thumb and fonfinaer or drunwtick moves eMily. Meanwhile, llahtly brown •UMae ln larp aaucepan, at.Jrrln1 to crumble. Drain ot1 e.XIDll9 f.at. Add onkm. prllc and 1reen pepJ>er; eaute U1h\.ly. Add water, l teaapoon aalt , ~ teupoon pepper, aage and rb. When turby la done remove from oven and lilt ICaDd 20 to 30 minute. JMlor• carvh~... Brtna rb '° • boll .. Pour lnto 1re1Hd t-x 1'·lnch P«ICiS EffECTIVf 7 DAYS 8 AM MON . DEC. 20 TH4tU SUN., OfC 26. 1992 IUN VALLIY FRODN HIN TURKIYI LIMIT I Pf~H~llY 59 SUPPLY LASTS La •• a BILLB•A• ~ MIXID llUll ~-,~-~1-I_. 9_9___. ~ CUMrol•. Cover -Wttll alumtnum lo&, belle-- ............ ,126 ..,_oruntil___.11 ibiol1Jecl ..... 10 to 12 , .......... .... AOl ....................... 7• •FARMIR.IOHN • KRUii • VICTOR FULLY COOKED SHANK PORTION LB. LIMIT I 10.or RIHIRMAN'IBAY FRESH PACIFIC OYSTERS EA 1.59 Pon Reodz I ·lb 9og f •oren I ·lb Pltg EASTERN FROZEN fre1h Eo1tern .. V, ·Pini BLUE POINT OYSTERS . .. EA 2.•9 LAKE SMELTS .. ta. I •• 9 LOCAL SQUID . EA .• 99 FRESH TURKEYS IWANION CHICKlll BROTH l~.5-0Z .• 33 COlffllllltn ...... fOO•I 8 OCCOU SPIA•S 11rg~~:E 59c PKG. ~ & ·~TITE PEAS ..................... 1.19 5.S-01., Soro l• I 39 CROISSANT ROLLS .................... • '-' Riti. 2 ~II. f.llldl DEEP DISH PIE SHELLS .................... 19 c LB. UM.IT I IPRlllGFllLD FRUIT COCKTAIL 16-0Z. 49 • EXTRA FANCY APPLES c LB. DIUCA IDllM l'ltlATI IJC••AMCHllll PHllADflPHIA 7 8 c 8 oz. PKG. S-01., O.Cor Mayw Uttt. WleMn or LITTLE SMOKIES .............................. 19 H~ Rofldonl W.ietlt SWISS CHEESE ....................... ti. 3.09 I S.01. fl11h!Nry PIE CRUST MIX ........................... 1.29 ANGINT W ~ 1,, CANADIAN 1.1J.um!!'~IOH ; -1!~.!'L 9 .99 , ;-fT 6.98 BONILlllBllF LONDON BROIL ICHWIPPll .. MIXIRI 1 59 LITER • • , c .! n= ,_Oii ,,.,_ 1 ·LB. CEllO CARROTS ..................... v.. •I I 1 ! , •'N .,..., .............• ~ . toot 711 ••• I ALKAL•I BA Tn••I =~ I I J& •• DUIACILl Ol .·~•ADY I I 40~ """"' .. 1 1u 1 . . ~on 11H I ~.~g. 11a I .~ I WITH ntlS CC>Uf'OH YAUO MIU OK!Mlft "· ll#olT I u J I ()l>4f ITlM l'fl COl#ON ~CM C°""°"4 11111 •••• MUOt4'S MMlrlT C0W0H •• 114 ru IJ I ! . 4 Thi d Ala 8 hoW, 'h tm color S...nd hM ll lhill.lbt •nd a aftakl w1 •tl~·mfJ& I mm, d I• l •I 1 Io r • llow I of l 'hol•ul•ln trt'Mm • UwrNI •urf11t. u11UI II fr unUI vfry twtJ orl1I~ 81k1d Ala•k• It al honw W '•I llk1• w m.nlmum m)>)'n1"lt 1ur when you Ntv• I pml 1t1awbtitry 11 c• bfl<·orn 1 1moott1 lutl l. K IJ In fr r until w11 Wdlnhonorof dlapel lh•t nullon Thl18akrdAlllk•lla lheO.lwtJAJMk1.Thtm l'rflitin Uollduuah1nwa131nch roedyto rve.lnalar lbt pu~h ... of Aluka bftoauet U ,...uy I.I •Y varlaUun ol the ort11nal 1h t.-k and watch tho 4 _..,, whlt.c.. round and pl.a» Into an bowl, but •II whit•• from Ru11l1 in 1867 &u prepatt' and mak"a and calll fot 1 pr6e atwU look• uf cont•ntmont 14 te1111pnon crl'omuf un1rHHd ft-Inch pl with crum of tartar Ov•r •century later, auch an lmprHtlV• INlffdof t•k• Th&llerl'l around your table. tartar pen rolded and crtmp unlll v e ry 1tlff 8.aked Al11ka 11 •llll ahowlnat 't'httn brouaht Jull any pit .•h _II, Here are the r.-elpttt ~ c·up tU(lar ttdlU of dou1h. Prlrk Oradually tx-at In tupr, c~n•aaento •r•c111 oy w we uaoie. .. .. v ...... , u .. .. • !v: :..~ ~!: =~d U··· aeUt.oe: !..~ # ~~r m1x Lluur. buttom wilh" .fork.. 1 tabletpoon "' a tJmC!, d • t • • r t • o v I n a delet1table delJaht stven aah and 1u1ar Cul in Bake In • prcheatod untJJ 1Ulf and alc..y. A.mer l can 1 . The lncldentally, thla la a lnw1Wt with a aplaah of BAUD ALASKA PIE vesetable 1hort•nln& hot onn (400 dear-: Ir'.) Spread merln1ue on deUahllu.l conlrut of the dlah that call• for • ~uo. 1 ~ cup1 un1lhed until pullc:lt1 uc the for 10 to lG mlnuwa, or pl.., moundlna It high and colcf ice cream and the fleet-foote d cook for all-purpoee flour Ille of amall pcu. SW' 1.n unUJ aoldon brown. Cool ,.ttachlna all around to warm ~rlngue ii pure o nee the m e r Ing ue Any favori\e flavon of \.i ieupoon aalt ama.rctto. If douah teema thorou1h ly. Spread pie en.wt eda Bake 1n a pleuure. acqui rea the proper icecreamcanbeu.edbut 1 tablespC>Onauaar crumbly. 1tlr In a few platactuo loo cream 1n an preheated very hot.oven touches of golden brown plltachlo and 1trawberry ~ cup vegetable teaafoona water. Stir even layer In pie 1heU. (400 degree F.) for 4 to O nlortunately, moet. of 1n a very hot oven, thia are traditional for the ahortenin1 untl a ball o f dough Freeze until very hard, minutes or unUJ Uahtly are Intimidated by beautiful deaert should hollday1. For a tuper-~ cup amacetto tonne. then apread 1trawberry browned. moat elegant deseen 1 _be_w_his_k_ed __ to_th_e_ta_b_le __ acr_um_p_U_ou.1_d_eae __ r_t.....;pa_ .. ____ 1_p=-1-n_l ...::pc..la_ta_c_h_l_o_l_ce _ __:Kn__:e....;a_d_a _f_cw_u_mes __ on __ lce_cre_am __ o_n_to........_p_. _Aa,..;.;_aln_. __ C_u_t_ln--'-to wedges with a eanuts perk up TO YOU AND YOURS, A MERRY CHRIST.MAS PRO.M YOftSI " • c1pes Once afain, it's the l e o year for brating the holiday n with family and nds. And where there's celebration - there's always good food. ~p turkey, roasted ti,".olden perfection, is ~star of most holiday f~Aita. Turkey stuffing and accompaniments U1ually range from table ble, depending on ily customs and rencee. This year why not perk up holiday recipes with peanuts? Aside from adding delicious flavor. they're the most ~pensive nut you can ~-titor example, Peanut c!'o'rnbread Stuffing combines the sweeln~ oC cornbread with i nuts and othe r itional stuffing edients. It can be ed inside the bird or in a separate dish. BEEF RJB ROAST T "'81..E 111"<1, LAROE ENO ISMAU. WO 2 09 LB I UI BONELESS HAM ~s Oii WLSOrt 9:JS rAT fREf WA TOI AOO£l> UI WHOLE TOP SIRLOIN Twice Baked Sweet ~toes are a creamy <Wtlght with peanutty TABLE Kr.c BEEF !I0!1EL.f.SS-l 2 14 UIS -LOl'I CUT UI l 89 • h throughooL ~ebrate the season wi th both of theae money-saving rec:ipea. They're 11U1e to become family requests for holidays to come. PEANUT , ... CORN BREAD 1!: STUFFING 1 cup butter or 1h cup butter and 1h cup bacon fat Iii cup c hopped ., ~ cup chopped clllon 1 clove garli c, minced 'h cup white wine 2 tablespoons ped parsley 1 Iii teaspoons Ultry aeMOning 1 bay leaf, cruahed 8 cups com bread cnnnbs 2 cupa chopped salted cocktail peanuta .... 2~beaten Salt and pepper a 1arae aldllet, melt butter. S"aule celery, onion and garlic until soft. Stir in wine, p·arsley, poultry seasoning and bay leaf. Cook ~ minutes over low atlrring <9sionally. tir in corn bread mbs, peanuts and eggs, blend thoroughly. Seaaon with salt and r to taste. to 1tuff bird Ol' ln a greased baking diab in a gree F. oven for 30~40 minutes. Makes about 10 cups or enough f4Utuff a 12-pounCI bird. TWICE BAUD ET POTATOES WITH PEANUTS 4 medium 1weet potatoes -~ cup eour creem • ~ c up chopped uhed cocktaO pean~ta tr.=p= • "'° c:;:tr:f: 1 Jaour or untll fork- tatder. Remove from and alice In halt wtN. Scoop out o leavln1 akin a 1ar1• mlxln1 bowl, coml>lne aweet potatoll and IOW' cremn; tJMt until ...oodl. Stir 1n WISK LIQUID anut.I, NAiiion •_n_d-+-------i-.i:~.c.t.:l.&.....!DET=;.!..!..' ..___ am.rt ~ mixture 64-0l.(INCL. '°Of'I") 3.35 lntDlldm.Jlllk9Jna *-"' r. owa 1or .adiMltH or unU.1 ~---· -~ NO«f UQUI) IYORY UQUI) NORV UQ(JI) ~-rr~--~ no.z. 1.39 JlOI. t . 99 4M>l. 2.~ »Or. COME BUY POR THE HOUDAY8 molt n •tJ l&nlf Herve ll (Ilk: v-Cht.-olaltt w , If dftlNd. Maka I 8·lnch pte. CHOCOLATE IAUCI!: I J*UC (8~) Hml·tweet chocolate pl~'I ~ L-Up amaretto ~ c up butter o r marprin~ In a aaucepan, hHt alt ln&redJenta unUJ amooth. Brlng to a boU, ltirring OONtantly. Remove from heat and cool 1ll1htly. Serve at o nce with Baked Alaska Ple. • Top production Ir TOM Tl'l'UI .,.. ................ J_Thl.I II IM thJnJ Jn " •rl al llvu c;olum111 revl•wln1 the y Hr J IJBa In tht'Mlt:r alon1 th~ Oranp Coal) ' When a critic .e&I out to formulate • "10 beaf' U.t ln any field of endeavor, there are two pre· exl1Un1 condlClona. Flrat, that he haa ex~d hl.nlaelt to enough available play,1 (or movtes. TV 1how1 or whatever) to make an lntelllgent wmmary, and teCOndly that no peraonal confllct of lntere9t exil&I. Thia year, the 18th In which this column hu publlahed a year-end evaluation (lf you're keeping ICOC'e), not all 56 community theater productions of 1982 on the Orange Coast are belng considered for the above two reasons. The Irvine Community Theater'• entire slate la d'-quallfled becauae thls )Vriter moonll&hta u lta managing director, and eeveral ahoW'I' (primarily ln Westminster and San Clemente) were not vialted this year, for which apologies are In order. raw youna wl•n• tu produc. a '"""•1rallon of enu-rialnment " •· "A MAN roll ALL IEAION " Uununaton lkac;ll Playhou.e, dlr«!ted by Randy K ne. "A biOfy lmpremlv~ production of thla u .. r ...... of t-onaplracy In hl1h plac:ea. . .1 lttrona cut well verlled In the tntric:adee of clutlca.l drama." I. "BLEACHER BUMS," Newport Theat.er Ar&I Center. directed by Patricia Terry. "One of tM more lmpreuJve production• of the aeuon, and certainly unique ... populated with 10 well-catt performers who ... revel In their lndMduality." 1. "GOD'S FAVORITE," Mlaaion Viejo Playhouse. dlrttted by Randy Cobb. "Only a heads-up community theater group could produce It with all lta black humor Intact." 8. "BULLSHOT CRUMMOND," Newport Theater Arts Center, directed by Eileen Fishbach. "A ahow in which no comic quarter is given. Vinually every line is played for effect, and most score highly." 'the remaining 38 offerlnp have been weighed and meuured against one another throughout the year, and when the calendar ls turned to December • t . "Ll 'L ABNER," Westminster Community we usually have a pretty solid opinion on which •Theater direc1ed by Kent Joh1'190n. "A joyoualy ones constJtute the top 10. Many fine shows didn't wacky production which should guarantee wall-to- make it, eo a 1eCOnd 10 alao ia offered. w a I J a u d I e n c e a f o r t h e n e x t t o u r Hef'e\ then, is the cream of the community weekends. . .eft8emble excellence is a highlight." theater crop for 1982, along with an excerpt from · ' the Daily Pilot's review of each: 10 . "EL GRANDE DE COCA COLA," Huntington Beach Playhou.ae, directed by Kent Johnaon. ••A madcap farce in which anything that might produce a laugh, or even a lnlile, ta toeeed into the bubbling atew of alapatick aillineea." 1. "CLOSE TIES," Newport Harbor Actors Theater. directed by Don Laffoon. ''A riveting study of a family in emotional turmoil which receives a virtually flawless interpretation from an excellent cast beautifully attuned to the play's myriad complexities." Ten other community theater shows which also deserve an extra round of applause: 11. "The Gondollen," Newport Harbor Actors Theater, directed by Nancy Ebeen . ao. 'il'J'homhlll," W,UNI MoWton Jllay~. dlfW'ted by Akttc Collon US. "See Jlow They Run/' Newport Ttwai.r Aru Crntl'r, dlrectHI by Kent Johneon. 17. "Room Service,'' L11una Moulton Pt.,!-~.~ ... ~......-:~, :::w,-.-rw-w?. 18. "An1•l Street,' Hun\ln1ton 8 H ch Playhoute, di~ by Phil da8unle. 19. "The Deacfly Game ," Ml11ton Viejo LUXUIY THEATIH , ............. 11c •• ,.2 ............. lltH s 11•m1rx·»nl6i~ ~ssf~'r.. J * FOi Ml UC:fTEmEml V111tOur ... Z. "THE CRUCIFER OF BLOOD," Laguna Moulton Playhouse, directed by Douglas Rowe. "A large and well~choaen cast proviaea first-rate entertainment in what may be the best community theater show you'll see all season ... a stunning array of scenic backdrops to challenge the Moulton's cavernous dimensions." 12. "Romantic Comedy," Laguna Moulton Playhouse, directed by John Ferzaoca. !'~!~.!.~~~LJ>Ht l!l 13. "Diviaion Street," Newport Harbor Acton "'u•I M1e1 Mu ,,., S. "THE PAJAMA GAME," Westminster Conununity Theater, directed by Kent Johnson. "An energetic, high-tempo production (polished) with equal portions of artistic aplomb and elbow grease ... a grand and gloriously entertaining evening of theater." 4. "PIPPIN," Newport Theater Arts Center, directed by Debra Sampson. "Imagination and energy, two vital augmenting forces, blend with Cal Home Free on MCI E.T .. you -anyone oan call home and day 'tll Dec. 24 free for the holidays from Hunting- ton Center's MCI phone center. Your Free 3-mln. long distance call by MCI Is on us. Happy holidays. Uu the Daily Pilot "Fast Result" service directory. Your service is our spedally. Call 642-5678 exl. 322 ---.!~2.. PCl'(ll ft ---... PLAYllKl --·.:. ... ....... 1'1111 S1tU>t == S'IJ 1~44 .,. .... ,... ..... """ .,, )$01 .-r•HUIT ~.,,_v,.., Or-M224tl ...... ~Or"'9111 aattno Theater, directed by Nancy Ebeen. · E-r THI:. EXTRA· 14. "Happy Birthday, Wanda June," Mission • I. J};RRESTRIAL -;:V=i=e'°=· =P=la=y=h=6="uae=·=directed===b=y=Allan==-S-tone=.===~ am A•~mlVW!. (~) ·--~.-. ---NOW PLAYING -"~ 1MA CllfA ..... -lltN l'lu• EfWd Se.Ml c..<t ~n ~n• ~ ~ '"' •ASH-ll._ -0.-. (-~· UfJIOl MI NH •iiii&5 .... j lllOHIWI~._._......_, _,. ... _,..~--· lir. ........ ~~ --- Another World, Another T'une ... In ~ ol Wond~r. ~t.vu.w.n.1 P1<..,_ __ f..,~c-­ i;u;i 0 1982Uwwm.IC•vSti.dloo Inc cn--1•• '.CJIJ ... wu ....... , ... ...,,, "' , ... ' ,,,.. ..., In Six Weeks, you can find memories to lat aUfedme • '~ . ..,,,, ..... ~ • 1. --~----....... -------------------~ * Drlv•IM Qpen 8:45 WMknlahu / 8: 30 WMkendl * CltildrH u.derl2 Fret Ullless Noted *BARGAIN MATINEES• Monday tltru Saturday All PertonNnc .. bet«• 6:00 PM (m.,t ,...., &111111 b ..... ......,., "•EIT FRIEND&""' ----- "THI! Yl!RDIC'r' .., ----- '"TOOT .... _ -----· "THE Yl!RDICT"'"' ----- LAKEWOOD CENTER SOUTH WAl• "' "'llX WEEKS"------. ANAHEIM [JrllVf IN '-"•'-• ntNIO "9TILL °" ,,. ....,.. --..,,. ....... ... C-.·fl- . . .. BUENA PARK • .t ., u..c..----UMOJO ... LINCOLN f>Q•v f 1N .. HI WAV 3q • . " ..,,. V'lf4CT"" "MATMHUMT" .. C..·111- I ,-_ r ~ t,. ; ~ .\ . •, "THI! TOY"------ 1T1L&. °" ntmNICIHT"_ ... ____ ,_ ......... "" .........,.. .. c ....... C.·fl- ..,,. DAM c:tnaTAL'".,. -.,.., ..... -~· .. ~ .... ...c'YU.AN'flll,,, ~ ....... -·fllOUllO ........ .. ...... .._ lfl·Jffl n PIMyhoUle, dlNClflld by J>k.k Nk klln 20. "rllna," COit• Mt'H CIYlr Playhuu I dlrecwd by f'aU Tam Ulnl • When not we rftht, thf' lndlVltfual IK'tort .,gj! ~ from lheM productlorui will bC' brou~~ ~iiid fva ii :t;..: ""'\Min u1ii. A.uu iii'4Ui1, 1,. ' O.Uy PUot'I man and woman of the year In tha wW learn thelr ldenUtloa. along with the rett you. , .. 1 t t • I• I •• 11 \ I MO •• HIWI OMAMJl'I ANGllUI ··W\.~ ClnOIMatl ...... et Ian r.=re.iu... CJ) _, °'..,.......,. tNl)IAL • w•11t•t•H ROI Ope celebf•tM her ~~. • HAWAII PMi-.(1 The -of • r .. lf'ed i.deflll natcotlca IOlf'll blCOmel ln-,,oNed In I herOll>-rlfln. ~opetallon. • °""' IAIY Quiet· lll'09f MWQ1191 WNtlng.Q • UNOIMTANOINO HUMAN m4AVK>f' I .. ~~ N90HIWI ::.. """8. NCIHT ..... ~ In New York" (1"4) C11tl Rober1· ton, J-Fonda. Ahlf '*no llltld by 11er boy· friend and 1r1Wllno to New York lo llltlt her brother. a young woman oonliderl her poejllon on wglnlty. CHl WM> MIOeM °' THllAHAM A n..t of l)(lght...iled land yac:Ma """ • CttlW of European. Clnedlan and U.S. Nloft on a 1,500· mile odytM)' from an Algerian olllll tO the Atlln- tlc. . cm MOVIE • * •'.4 "Zorro. The Gey Bl•d•" ( 198 ti Georg• Hemiton. La#en Hutton. The heroic '°" of old Cell-tornla' 1 lanw>UI jull~ llgl\ler .. ~·ad by a riding ln)Ury, tcwdng hit toppWI btoth« 10 dOn lfla OO~ft\Mk.'PO" • * "Jelul" (19791 8f1an o.econ. Rl\ltla Notman. The .... of '"' "KlnO of 1<.1ng1,.. from 1111 Nff)' )IMl'I M lM eon of I p00r cerpent• to 1111 lnltlOlllon of Iha rellgloul end toeMf reYO!ullon thal led 10 hll dellll by miclflxlon, .. .s.ta161d. 'G' e MOW • * '..\ "Thi G1tlltrtng - Pltlt II" ( 197g) M-- Slal)leton. Efrem Zlrnt>IAlt Jr. A widow end her grown children·• Cllrl1tm11 reunion It ~ by their untftOfllbll reac;tton to1-rnanlnMr ... Ind conlllc1• In lhelt own .... uo • AUCe • E**CAWTT ~ Ray •lldbuty. (Pen IA) leWING flOWlf' QINIWI WOMD CW PEOf'U 7:00 C8e NIWI .CNIWI HN'JIV DAYa AGAIN Howwd'• bowling '*""' turne out to be • c:ur"9- oeoua flr1. G IOAP Miiie decldel Ille no long- ., wenta to mMfY Denny; Mery, "'!fttl IWO &uni In her .... doubU lier a.'llty. i ;::. • °'*'AH'( The oeng OOM off tor a WMkend .. Larry'• bolt'• cebln. 11 JOl(lffl WILD ..... fllll'OftT Cl) , .... a.waADtl 8inglr Wiie Nallof\ m.tl • dltoillolll) • .... ~ ~ tie .. tie.I cor... •ponding; •P•C•·•o• ..,._ dendrlg In a.. lend. • OMNGll COUNTY TODAY DONOOIWIU. MOYll • • ".IOMPh AMtr-" , .. ,,,,-.... ~ 'lflh A 1ount IMll't llem- boylltlt 10fMltllo ._. c-~ tmOn9 ..... lllld •tufty ·~ of 1119111.h= tiao•CI> Tht PfotfM1C111 I ~ ~I Vttmonl Ohrlllrn&I IOI Olclt end Joenna .,. matted Dy IOo mUCll lllOW and 100 "'lnY tyMt•. (!) MOVll Loni Andel'90n joins Bob Hope in his NBC special at 8 p.m. tonight, "Tbe Merriest o f the Merry * * * "The ~·1 WKe" ( 1"411 Cary Gtent, Lotetlt Young. Obletted by hit or-oc .,.cung • ea111e- dral, a bllhop ~ nit mernaoe unlll he • aid· ad by • 11111Mtly ljllrtt. 0 IN'TlflTAIWINT TONIGHT I NIGHT CIAUMV 10:00 (I) ~· ~ The detecltv. ere IOOlllng Bob Hope's Christmas Show -A Bagful of. Comedy." lotwwd to a quick get.-..y on Chfle1met Elle unlit • 1.ii1 "8111ta·· arrwted tor 1 cnerlly tr.W m111ege1 10 1-11~-hll=-CHl a.o.: A PfCIAl. CHMTMAI Anlmlled. Two c:onnMng ~ try to profit from Chflltmu white Sen- " er-hM olhlf Ideal. Cl)MOVll * * "Chenel Soman" (tt81) Man.France Pleler, Aulg11 H1uer. Th• r~ and~ elruogM ol Plllti ltahlon ~ COco Chanel'• -ty yew'l Ir• .s.talled. ·~· 7:aG 9 OHi TOO MANY ,i.a Mar10w tall• I look II IM lnCalcuable lluman IOll .-utttno from~ releted eulo accident• from lhl 111rlout p«tPK- ''-ot taw enlorcemenl otfldlll. llCQdlnl 11\CtWnt anddrlYwl I QI l'AMIL Y FBJ0 LAWMI & 8HlfW.Et &CC>Mf'AHY D MADAME'• PU.Ce 8'.my """ 8way lrol'll 11om• after Ser• Joy r1Jec11 hit amorou• 90\ltn()M. 6-4: Anthony N...ity. • w·A·a·H Th• pertonnel ot the 4077ltl try lo mek• •good lrrlprMl6on on a ~ ,,..,, wtler\ lhrMlened with r....igrvnent. I Cl) TIC TAC DOUGH MACHllL I L.EHAEA N.POAT • IN!AK PAEVllW8 NM1 Gibler arid Jeff~ L)'Ofll holt .,., lnlonn•ttw took at whll'I MW II lfll "'°""'· • OOl..lSM IMQT'aAU. cau 11•. Mew M••ICO lobOI CHI ITANC*G ROOM ONLY "Rid Skelton PT-ta Freddy The FrMIOeder'• ChrtlltNI Dinner"" VlnClnl Price and ~ Coca Cl>-ltal' with Red Slllfton 1n U. story °' Freddy lhl FrMlolder"• tNll and l~•Mpltnll • llOlday dinner. l:OO 8 IOUAM NOi Pmtty'I lllH11iglld ...,_ unexpectedly .,.,,.. tor • lllall8t~ a aaoeH<>PF• CHNITMAI IHOW 8oO Hope 11 )oil*' by MllO 0.-. OtMa ~. Loni AndenOn. Pftyfllt Oilier. th• AMoclatld p,_ A.1-Amer'lea Footbal Tewn end AoM ~ Suzanne ~ Gallalpie tor an hOut of Yullitlde -..ic 9nCIOOfl*'Y . •couw 9MQT'IALL Louillenl 8t8t• 111. UCLA D -~-"=-~ ***'.4 "Acom At'l'fii" Top" (111641) i..anr-Har· _,, Simone 8lgnoret. A young men plan• tct ~ '*"-" In .... ,_by r~"" dtughter Of a wealllly _,,,.,. lnduttlialltl * * * "The Thief WtlO (I) IOAP Corinne ~ birth attar Ceme To Olnntr" (1873) only •bl ... of pr911nan-Ayen O'NMI. Jacqueline 811Mt. A comi)Uter enaolyll • P.M. MAQAZJNe moonllghll M • tophleti- Slng« Willie Neleon '""" Cited 091 buf91tr and hN a chronlcelly Wt Ian with en atlalr with a MllY toc:l- wllom he hM bMI' CO<r• ~lady. . t11J The Chrlltmll 9onC11. 1pondlng; 1p1c1·ao1 M.e TonTI• i.ect• all-1ler tlr .. I danc:lng In Cle..,... CUC In hOllclly tribute. land. ll1a THe JUOGLP °' • MOl/ll _. * * * "A 'f'1ttm o.cem.-HOTM DAMI bet" ( 1973) Sldney Pottier. Cati Cat'-'. Pettlck ~ &th« AndertOl'I. A ghetto NM. Metlln oe-i Md .,.._ plly9jClan (alll In lo-.. wllll Ind• Dtllofl ster In tNI 1 my91er1oua Afrtcen ~ updeled _.,,, of lhl 1111 whO llU 1 MCt14 1111 I-Frend! legend. ~ .,_., • THE YWMNIAN • THE 1HAKUP1AM All .,,_,t rand\ hend P\.A V8 end • wanted 0'1mlMI "Cymb1lln1" 8h1k1· lllempt to --9lldl 'PM'•'• 1reg1e c:otnedY ot'*'• ldantlly. cf\ronic* Iha troubled cm MOVll romtnel of lmOgen (Hltlin * * * "Fon "'*"'9. The Mlrren), daughter o l Bron•" (IH11 Ptul ...,... Cymbellne, lM KlnO of men, Ed "'-· A tougl'I Btltlin (Richard ~I. cop bettlll ottme end cor- .. IN struogM to ov.· NC>tlon In New Yortt Clty'I c:ome lfla ~ ... --.. 8ouill 8'onx neighbor· ..-llOOd.'A' In lier Wr/ by lier ellil MtP-• MOYie moth« the ~ (Cielre • * * ,.., "Cernal KnoM-~T\JN edge" (197') Jeck ~ "The Ol9CoYlty Of Anlmel ton. Ann-Mergrwt. Two Bellavtor· A OuMtlon Of COiiege friend• IC)end ...,. lHrnlng" Tiie ••pert· erel ~· before end •'* m.nll done by l111n graoutllon d~ Ille PaYIOY. John WlllOfl, 8.F. by iMl1nO end IWllchtng Skinner end w11111m MCh oilier'• gtrllrtend•. 'R" T'-Pe hlgnllghl 1111 In-10:30 • INOIPfHOeHT hglllon of hOw anlmale NrTWON< NeWI leam • WON..D cw 800Q Cl) LATIH PAOflU (ID .....V FOHDA: nt1 ~(I) MOYll MAH NllO .. MOYIU * * * * "'T-" ( 1979) The on-end off~-· ... ........_ Klnlkl, ,._., Of -ol ~·· f-· Flrtll Thi daughter of • 111 IC10<I II tr~ with poor Engllah lermer lllm e11p1 of ~ of ,. ~ lhe YICtlrn of her ti.I mo-Ml lrdlldlng "On temily'I aap4tatlonl end Goldlrl Pond'" 1ilHCtl - her own tie..lty. 'PO" him an O.C:W. CHJMOVll •*'Al "The B«Oer" ( 1ee 11 11:00 •• (I) 0 al HEWS Jeck Nlc:tlOllOn. Valenl 8ATUN)AY NIOKT Perrine A TeUI t>orOer Hoel 8111ll1y Ou111lt. guerd'• ~ QOtrle In OuMI. Joan AnnetfldlnO. cont11c1 wtth u-of 1111 D .. MAl'CH °'-· corn.ipi ~.,..end 1111 ··Super Chlldf"en" meter!IMltlc wtt.. 'A" • AU .. THe 'AMll.V cmMOV11 Edltn't M09'-to P«· * • * "Oon"t Cry, tt'e Only form with SlepNnil 11 1 Thunder" ( tte2) Oennll Khoo! oonoert ...,_ her Clwlltopher. ~ Saint wttlloul • voice 1nd J-. A i.mlM Army Stephanie alone In the ,_M Md 0 ··~-[' =~=i:= ::v.:.MJ'ORT ~ OfllhM\I to llafety. OOCTOAINTHE ·PO' • M0"9 t.oflUI llMlgnl Duncan to **'Al '"The KJng Of ~l(Yln 1ttend lo IM Mlnllter of OerdeM" (1972) 8n;ce HMlth. T <c:lMOVll Dern. Jeck NldlollOn. WO *'.4 "8f1ng Me TM HMd bf'Olllers. INltrated wltll Of Altredo Gerda" (1874) ,,., "-· dr9MI of '91lr· .............. ~ w-on-. GIO Youno. ~ 10 I b....-per • A lllllng plenO ~ .._ e::ao (I) CHAN.a'. 1 ANOB..I, ~· on • IOng Ind bloody 1'il lfMllllGD'tU ........ • 000 OOUf'll 1111uabl• llt1d end a (I) AUCe • 110.000 ,._,.,d. 'A' HO. Cl) M• A •t •H Cl) MOV11 ..._ Klinger con11lnce1 lh• * * .. .,..._. Al c.nt,... eMlre Clll'ni> to bet !Mir Hlgtl" (1t7t ) ~ S.._ ..-·, pay on 1 toot rece .....,., Aotlel1 Cerndlne. A ~a rtllW MAIH unit. crund• tor re111ng• • QI Tltl ...... °' begllll llfter • pr.,. tN4 Tltl WB>OING _. 100 ter -pulled on '"-1 &.-., end Deni H• lhl quieter awden19 by a .CHANNEL LISTINGS llW In I prodllotlon of CW· oroutt of bored ~ ton ~·1 -d-ld'OQI frienda. 'A' ~ pie)' llbOlll 1 12· Cl) MOYIE : 9 l(NXT ICBSI (56) K00C {Ind.) ~..«*J glr1 who tlndt IOI-* *'.4 "Homllown U.S.A." GKNBC(NBCI O OnTV -lnf*rellldollthlc>Wlttl (197t)Glty8prtnger.Oew • KTLA llnd I Z Z TV lfla IM'llly ~ M Ille W"-. f1-probllml end • IC.ABC (ABCI M HBO 1"*°"1>11 lo cope with llllAletlel of tlw'M ~ coming of • In 0-gll °"''' ooplng with O'oMne , • KFMB ICBSI C 1C1nem.ul during 1945. up tn tlle '50• ere 9 1<.HJ·TV Clnd l <•1 IWOR> NY .. NY • THAT'llHCMDllM.ll ~ed. 'A' • KCST (ABC) lfT 1WT8Sl Fellured: a IMlfl outr-11:1G..(I) ~JOHN, • KTTV (Ind.) I CESPNI a llOf'N; 1 woman awYIWI M.O. being buried In 111 ..,._ T repper end Gonro try to • KCOP·TV (Ind.I • 1Snow1lme) lancM; a mllntenance Ct\angl tlll lttlludel of a 1. IC.CET (PBS) • S9olliQhl man beeOmll I mlltlonelre Cl(ltlcally .. girl Md. "°'Pl- KN 1 (4) 1!00-"Hub HM'i C.'h U1 how." ,.,., 11 hi )rlmid l>r" M•• Div , Ollvl N•wwn.Juhn, lAln And.,rtOth l'hy11l1 om r, lh lAtttid ........ All· Amerk• roouwU Tam and~ Quren 8uunnt• Kay Ullla.pt rur •n huur of Yul lid mu1le'.' aand romtodv .KNXT t2l 9:00 '1M• A 1 S•JI." Kllf\8 r convlncet tho enllre camp to ~' tnetr week'• pay on • foot race •aalNt • rival MASH unlt. ... ,,. ff .. MtM ,,.., iNt-----.,, .... ,.... .... ............. " MlllM ... N 111 t I lllfll Ill! ..,._.,, Mitt ..,., ......... 11 1 t t • t • °""9r ., ... ,,..~.Git.-J ,_..., A ~ .,....,. II . ..,.. " ........ - llOIM "' "" • ..,... 111111 lnltllf"' IO ..... IM retwn to 1111 MMfector =~-·"!co::-~~~ YOtll" (11MI Cllfl ~· tOtl, .I-'onda. AfMr I KOCE (~0) 9:00 -"Th-1 Chrl1tma1 Songa." H09t Mel Tormti with Les Brown and hls Band of Renown are joined by Rich Litt.le, Oeorfe Shearing, Maureen McGovern, Marl yn McCoo and Billy Davia Jr. for an evening of holiday musical entertainment. Tew•d••'• Da 11tl mM' Mo.,lr• being jlllad by "" 11oy. lrlenO Ind 11"'911nt to..._ Yori! to lllllt '* btottllt. a young woman ~ Ml poeltlon on YlrotnltY 1:JO ca> • * ~ "°"* flle Edge" ( lt7t) Mlch"I Kr-. Plll'ltlla LudWIO ,f S-al --. ,....,.,, D QI THa lllST M OAMON Hott: Johnny Cer1on ~a: Buddy Hldl .. I. Mattln Mull. (RI I :' A9Kl.D "°" rr "LOYA And Tht Cllnlc;el PrOblem" (.l)MOVll * * * "'i ""Cllnal Know!• edge" (19 7 11 Jeck NlcflOI. M>n, Ann·Matgrlt. Two college lrlendl tC*1c9 MY• erel v-• llefor• Ind ltler O' ldulllon dleCOYerlng lite by thlring and ~ each Other' 1 glrlfr1endl. ·A' fMtured "GyrnnalllGI On A Fl9gpole" and "The Streno-1 f-tn SwtU'er· land .. eooo~ Feb llndl O.C.. moon- ~tlng .. a aounlenn.,., In I dingy diner 10 help rllM 1400 Fllbi tnlNlled •to ll:M Cl) CHAM.U CHAMflUH ON THe PllM ICaHI him end then lol\. I ,OCUI ON eoaETY NI LATIHIGHT HOii: Dennll Wholey. 0 AaCNaWI HIOHTUNl 12:40 . (I) COlUM90 Columl>O aulj)eCtl IWO for· eton dlgnitatlll of murder- ing I pollllcal advlrNrf (Al 1:00 I CKNI AUTffV IW'ftYl'AMP 1=-ua * * * "On Golden Pond" (1981) Henry fond•. K11harlM Hepburn. Old family lenlk>nl r..url- .. 1111 llderly couple return tor a lelt M.lmmet 11 lhelr ,.._ E1'gland rllrMI and .... YMlted by lhelf daugh- ter. her lllnoe end hll ton. ·PG· 12:00 e INTE'TAIHMIHT TONIGHT An lnl4Mew with Goldie ....,. • MCNIWI .-m.M • M0"9 **'Al "Mwder My8WMC" (1944) I** Powel. C.1 T-. Detec11W Plllllp M11lo•• becom•• lnYOIWd In • myetenout mutder ceM. 1= ** "The Outlldl Miii" ( 1972) Ann·Margrel. Jew\ Trlntlgnenl. An unknown hll man rellntlellly trldll hit target through Iha llreett of LOI Angelel • LOVE. AMI.RICAN STYLE "LOYA """4 The Odd Cou- p1e1•· I "LOW And G- People Play'' 0 MOYll * ..... "Settege"' ( 1972) 8erber• leln ....... i...n- deu. A ~ OOUf1 nomlnM .. ln-ttoatld by 1 TV ,_. commentary t-7\ (a:I MOVIE "3 A.M ... ( 1970) Georgina SpeMn. Ahoncl1 Gallerd ·x· .MOYie • * * * ""Moecow oa..n·t 8e11e¥e In T ..... ' (1N0) \1111 AlentOYI, Alexei 81teloY. Thl'M country glrtl with clll*ent fOllll end~ -lo I.hi biO city 10 ~ ,,.., etnbl· tlonl. 12:30 8 QI LATE NIGHT wrTH DAVID Lm'INilAH GuMIA. comedian George M ... 1lurtl men H.B. Hal- IC:tll. • TOM oorn,a: lW Cl.Ole • MOY-. *•'Al "Peddy" (1Mll) OM Celle, Miio 0'81\M. 8...cl on • novel by Lei Ounne. A young men leetnl lbOU1 growing up ..... rnOOltnO frGm one rOfNlll11c In~ ment 10 -''*· CJ) PltliAY ltl'FAM Tiie twlnt tum to a trtendly wll'6ow ...,. '°' .... wltflt .... ~. • LOYI. Al llNCA.N ITYLE "LOYA And TlvM nr-·· I MO'Vll. **'Al "W11tbound" ( 1g5g1 Alndolph Scoll. Virginie Meyo. A Yitlk .. olfleer la placid In chatge ot •tatting • atlgt008Cll llM to lhlp gold out ot Cal· llornl1. (C)MOVll **~'"All The flne Young Cannlbell"" I lteO) H1lalle Wood. Aobet1 Wag.-. A heldtlrong glr1 from • f)OOf Southam fwnlly mat· ..... '°' money, not io.... Cl)MOVll * * * • "A l(ld fOf Two FltlWnQa" ( 186tl Olar\I 00f1. c.111 ~. A led tMng In the lllumll Of ~ don buy9 a en\111 goal ~ thl1 A'I tWllt;"" kind of IMQk: unicorn lhal • 1e11or once dlacnlJed 10 him. 1:»®MOVll . *. "Don't Cfy, lfl Only Thunder" ( tM21 Dennll Cllt~. ~ Saint J-. A l9mall Almy doctor end a lrouble- prone medic NIP two nuM bf'lnO 1 group of VIM· -orphen• to Miity. ·PO' 1:30 0 QI Nee NIW8 OVUMGHT 1:AllTRY **'h '"Our Time" (1973) Pernell Sue Martin. Plf1cer St--1 Tfla "-of two roung couplet an.rolled al pr1Yale IChOOil -d\enged """*' one of the gtri. dllcoYws lhl It pr~t.'PG' 2:00 e w cee ~ NIGHTWATCH •:..TIU 2: 10 Ci) MOYIE * * * '"Prlitty Mllldl All tn A Row'' (1971) Roca Hud· ton, Angla Olc*lnlon. A gutdlnOI coune9or. "" ldOI of • belly "' hlgti tellool .,..,..... workt with I IMCiller end a pollce captall\ In IOMnO the ~ llr')' of _ .. dlW1aeder kllllngl. 'A' 2~1: **1111 "'Modetn ~·· ( 19811 Albert Brook•. Kalhr)'Tl Herrolcl. A lllm editor trtel repe1tldty 10 win becil the hMr1 of the woman he IOYW. "R" Cl)MOVll • • "Tiie Gano Th•t Couldn't S11o01 Strlllgllt" ( I g11 I Jerry Orbecltl. Lllgll T eylOr• Youne, TWO bum-l*l!Q "...,, .. ,..,..... In BrOC*lyn beCOml lnYOIWd In ltreet wan. 'PG' a,-oo~=-HVHT JOHN DARLING t:00. * * '"Hate To Hold" ( 1t0) 0.1nne Ourbln, Joeeph Collen. A girl In lo-.. wllll 1111 Alt fOfCI offl. of '" excluelW Calltomla community emMttl on a rl'"980' of 11at....,,.,,i end deltructlon ..._ !My : • 1111 lo get "*' .,.,_,... -:> 11tentlon et'-· "PG' car llfWSI 111a1 lrve to.le do11n·t 1lway1 run llllOOlhly. 2:00 CC) •• "lmpfoper Chan- nell'" (1Ht) Ala!\ Min, i 1 Mlfletl• Hartl9)' A _... (Q) * * * "The HldM- Wiyl" ( t873) lngr1d 8erg. men, JoMny Doren Two clltldfen ""' ewey from "°"" Ind hide In New YOtll City'• ~ropolltan ~m of Art, where they .,. befri.nded by • tPlfll· ect r~ ·o· t:ao • * *'Al "Thi Men Called Fllntttone" I 180t) Animal· ad Volcel of Alan Reid. Mil 81anc. • *** "LowMeOt Ltave Me'" ( t85&) Dorie Dey, J-Cagney. A mot>eler marrtel Iha tmger he m1d1 lamoua. but beCOmel enreged wMrl he can"t control her. Cl) • • ··ch111111 Solltalre'" (1981) M1tle-Frence Piiie(, Auto er H1uer. The romancM and bull,_. 11n.'0Qlel of Patlt laehlon QIMlft C«O Chanel'• -ty Y9lf9 .,.. deta161d. ·A• 1~ CC) * * "The Legend Of The Lone Ranger" ( 1880) IC.Jlnlon s~. CMato- pher Uoyd. Tiie lone Ranger and Tonto pur- thetr .,cn-.nemy, 8utcf\ Ce"9nCMlll. """'° hal klcl· """*' the preeldenl of lheU.S. 'PO' CHl * "Modem Probllfn•" (1tal) Chevy CNN. PllU 0' Arl>an\'tlle. A bepleN llr 111111c controller with numer-penonal prot>- tem• II endowed with leMklnetlc ~ Iller being doUled wllh nuclMI' watll. "PO' Cl)* *'Ao "A Global Attw·· (1"4) 8ob Hope, LllO Pu!Ylr. A baby. found by • bed*°' In tfla lobby of lhl United Nlltona, II delmed by II the member neltona. 11:to cm * * "Thi UHlm1t1 Tllrltl .. ( 1974) 8'111 Ekland. Eric BrMden. A rvthlell ex1cutl1te pur•uH 1111 wife'• io--Oii tfla lltl 110Pe1 "PO' Cl) * • • ··etv111mea .._,...... (ttel) 811m Plclt-. Mertt Mllllt A rough end tough COWbOy dellYet'I • rnMaege of to.le anCI the Ctvtlltnea '°"" In lhlOkt WMt ....... "o-cf\Artd Chong'• Nice °'..,., •.. {1t81) ~d "CllMcf\'" Merln. TllomM Cflono Two 1nwter1t1 potlleedt ~ to lleve found tMtir true cellng .. they peddle tee cr.-n on !tie 11rtet1 of LOI AngltM. 'A' CZ>••"t~··(1853) Fr anoo lntet1ln0fll, Albeno Sorel. 12:00 G * * *'Al "Journey Into Few'' ( 11M2) Orlon W ..... JoMPtl Cotten. During World Ww II, en Amerlcen wm-t• ~In Tur11ey becomel the quar • ~of enemy eoenlil.. • * ..... "0.W. And Thi Alo ~ .. (18521 Edmond O'erten, 8t-11ng Heyden. In the tMe 1800I. IWO rell lltlM __. to l>ulld Iha "'91 rllllfoed through the Aoyet Gorge. Cl:) * * ....... .,,. ... ., Morant" ( 1NOI ~d WoodwWd. Jedi TllonlP-'°"· Mltrel4tnl conteript· act to tight on England' 1 lllde In the Boer W11 dedde to flOlll lhl Boer ot mltunderatandlngt ~ 1 .oolel WOfller to tu~I Ille 6·yiH{-otd Oeuglller of I teptreted COUj)ll .. the vlCtlm of ctillO abuM ·PO· CZ>**** "AKldFOf Two Fltlthlngl" I 19MI oi.. ne Dorl. Celle Johnlon. A .. ... lld llvtng In the tlulM of London buy9 1 1111811 goet •;I l>lllelllng the! It'. rMlly the kind of magic untcom thel .. .. 1. • 1allor ~ OelQlbed to m lllm. S:OO CID * • * "8 To s·· I 1g80) J.,.,. Fond•. Dolly Patton, ThrH working women ,..,.. agtlnat their aub~ o•tlon by. male cllauYlnlll l>OM. 'PO' S:JO CC) *'Ao "The Chrlltmae Th•t AlmOll WHn'I" ( 18&8) AOINno Brazzi, PIUI TrlpC>. $.,,ti 0- mutl 19111 I job In I del)attmenl store In order 10 pay hll badl rent. (al * * * ''The HldM-weya·• ( 18731 lng<ld Berg- man, Johnny Doran. Two Chldren run ..., "°"' ,_ end lllOe In New York crty·e Metropolltan ..._,,,, of Art, wller'e lhelf lfl befriended by I IP!rtt· ectrlduM."G' Cl) * * * .. A Ctv111me1 CMof" (19$1) AIMtalr Sim. K1tl\1Mn Han11on. 8IMd on Iha tlory by Charlla Olcll-. A eold-Nlf'led mt-leWN the lllllue of comp11tlon tllrougll ghOltly 1d1t•nturH on Chrlltmae E\19. CZJ **"Home MOYIM" ( 1NO) Keith Gordon. IC.lrlt Oouglal. A young ftlm llu- d1n 1 1uller1 from • bldgertng 1..a-ano an 111r1etlon to hll brother'• nancee. ·PO' 4:00 0 * * '"The Fifth Mwkll· _ .. ( 1978) 8-1 Bridgel. ~· Andr-O'Anao- .. " .. nM and Ille nv. ..... ~ .._.. becOfN tn\IOhotd In 1, ~ plan 10 bloc:K "" eYll lnt-lonl of the ....... 111 C1rdln1I Alchelleu egainlt Iha frencf\ ll'tltOC:.- recy 'PO' &:00 (I) * • ··n-Limon Df09 IC.Id"" pg~t) 8oO Hope. Mlftlyn Muwell. A ~ It• r.--• bed lip end tnMlll thet htl lnlonn. ~ I 10,000 wltNn • month <Bl * * "Jeck Md The Beenatallc" I 197tl Al*Tlel· Id "" edllentur-young boy <*ml>I • glent belfl-. ltlllk 10 • megtcal kingdom ~ by • girwecty. '1!.anntc91 giant. ·G, (I) * * •• '"Flddllf On The Aoof" (1971) Topal, Nonna er-. A pMIMt mlllcman In turn-of·tM-· · oentury CZMl9I Aualia 1n.. 10 marry on hit eligible deught.,.. while trying to llOld onto 1111 Jewllh ,_.. •• In "",_of~ t1on. ·o· e:ao Cl) • "Modem Pro«Mmt" (1tat) Chevy C.-, PetU .. .. .· • j 0' Artlerwllle. A ~ elr ': ( trattlc controller wllh 1. numerout per.onal ~ ""'' .. endowed with lelllltnetlc ~ after !*no doUled wtlh nuci.r watl• 'PO" •• by Armstrong & Batluk ,..., n ~) , . .. !• l • ("•bl• N•w~ Nelworl. llW ttm. OYtt; the rllUltl lalnd ttr.....-~-. '• KOCE IPBS> ...., of the ld!Olartllip telt ._.,. ,_,.. l. ........................ ----------------------...;..--.!. ...... ------------con----·...!. ... ..:(~Al~--------------...'.. ... :.::::::::_ ..................... ----... ----... ----... --------------------------------------------•! The newest and funniest 1Panther' of them all. ·' ,. MONDAY, DIO. IO, tllJ Hassay haS -a torrid love affair brewing with motorcycle racing lb HOW ARD L. HANDY or .. D911J,......,. There's love ln the life of young Rob Huaay of Fountain Valley. No, it isn't with the girl next door or a hl1h 1Chool aweetheart who walked around the campua with stars in her eyes. Rather, for Haaaay, 20, it's a love affair with a motorcycle. And it all started at the tender qe of 13. Huaay hasn't made (t to the top ln his choeen avocation at th~ present time. But he does know the thrill and heartache of traveling the summer circuit to compete againat others o n his two-wheel machine. He abo knows how to pinch a penny and to cut corners with expenses. A.eoot Park in Gardena is the lone race track in the area featuring flat track racing over a ~-mile or ~-mile oval. But the big problem is that races are held only about lour times each year. With no race tracks in the area, Haaaay loads up his van with two m0tbrcycles, parts and a sleeping bag and heads for Ohio, Illinois and New York to compete during the summer months. • "l "was too small in high school to compete in sporta," Hasaay sap. He now atanda 5-6 and weighs 11 :S pounds, hardly enough to become a running back ln football or tall enough to play much basketball. • "l looked for something enjoyable to spend my time on as compared to team sports and I found motorcycle racing was the thing that didn't require a great deal ol pJlysical fitness. "In the beginning it wasn't that difficult but now I lilt weights, ride a bicycle a nd try to keep myself in physical shape. Don't get the idea Haaaay la making a bundle of money from his sport. "It doesn't pay for itself and I need sponson to help pay the expen.aes," he says. "I don't expect It will pay off for another three or four years but I'm not disoouraged. "I've been riding the pro circuit for two years. I was a novice the fint two 'My goal in racing is to make enough money to pay the way and provid e a comfortable living.' years and will be a junior rider this next year. I hope to make enough points to get an expert classification, then I can make more money il I'm lucky enough to win once in awhile. "My goal in racing is to make enough money to pay the way and provide a comfort.able. iiving. "I know I can't make it to the top without a sponsor arid that's what rm trying to do this winter. I have eight sponsors who help pay the way with such things as helrneta, oil, gloves, ti.res, spark plugs and the like. But the money I get only pays for the cycles or the living expenses on the road. "There certainly l.an't enough to pay for entry fees, food, gas, ti.res on the van and other expenses on the road right now. And there isn't that much in prize money below the expert claaa, either. "But that doesn't bother me right now. I'll go racing one way or another and hopefully, get into the national championship picture in a couple of years. ClA 07 -~ • ' • "The farther you progress and the faster you go, the more you need to be in top physical condition." "The whole idea is that you must be comfort.able in what you are doing and I feel that way about racing. If I can make a ll~ from it, I will be better off than (See KASSAY, Pa1e Cf) Fountain Valley's Rob Hassay is hoping to make it to the top of the motorcycle !"acing profession soon. . JBhhar's return gives Lakers a shot • ID INGLEWOOD (AP) -Kareem • Abdul-Jabbar, returning from a two- game layoff with a sinus infection, provided 80lne good medicine for the Los Angeles La.ken. egain, at 101-96, with 3:3~ left ln the contest. go out and contribute unW I got ti.red, but to my surprise I didn't get tired. "I've always played well with rest my whole career," said the 7-2 center. "A whole lot of games in succession usually wears on me." "Kareem gave us a shot in the arm," said La.ken Coach Pat Riley after Los Angeles' 110-108 National Buketball ~lion victory over Dallas Sunday night. "He obviously gave us a lift." Abdul-Jabbar acored 33 points and grabbed 17 rebounds, both personal highs this aeuon, to pace the Lakers to victory in the nip-and-ruck contest. The Lakers came back once again, taking a 107-106 edge on a layin by Earvin "Magic" Johnaon. Bill Garnett hit a pair·of free throws to put the Mavericka in front once more, but then Garnett was called for goaltendlng on a Jamaal W)lkes shot to give the Laken a 109-107 advantage with 50 seconds remaining. Wilkes and John.son chipped in 20 points each for the Lakers. Mark Aguirre led Dallas with 20 points and Jay Vincent and Pat Cummings added 19 each. Johnson made a free throw with 13 seconds left, then the Mavericks missed on three consecutive field goal attempts as time ran out. "W~ i-...d a five-point lead then made two turnovers and that was it," said Dallas Coach Dick Motta. "We need a center badly; we can't guard Abdul- Jabbar. We have young players and don't have the experience to protect a Los Angele9 had battled back to take the lead after trailing by 15 points early in the third period. Sut they fell behind "It feels good to win a cloee game like this," said Abdul-Jabbar. "I felt just good enough to play tonight. I wanted to . Closi~g stages for Garvey First baseman's destination should be clear after today SAN DIEGO (AP) -The slow-paced negotiations between free agent Steve Garvey and three National League teams should enter the "closing stages" today, according to his agent. "I am sure after my diacuMiona with the three clube on Monday (today) Steve and I will have the most complete picture of where each club stands." Garvey'1 qent, Jerry K.aJ:Wtein, said Sunday night. •'f fully exp«t we will be in the claling stages of the negotiations tomorrow (today)," he added. K.apstein is reportedly seeking a five-year, $8 million contract for Garvey. But the two teams thought to have the best chance of Qn1na Garvey -the Chicago Cubs and the San Diego Padres -are balking at the salary Kings fin.d road filled with humps demands. The San Francisco Giants are also reported in the bidding competition. "We made a very aubetantial offer and that's as far as we can go." Padre President Ballard Smith said Sunday. Smith, who reportedly increued the Padres' offer $600,000 to $6.~ million over five years, expressed disappointment when talks broke off Saturday night with no reeolutlon. "I thought we were going to reach agreement." Smith said. "We're close enough that we should be able to. I don't know what the problem ts." Meanwhile, Cube executives spoke with K.apatein on the telephone Sunday. The ChJcqo club hu reportedly offered Garvey a five-year, $6. 75 milllon peck.age. 'Tm sure his f.urpoee (Kapatein'a) wu to see if we would budge,' Cube Chalnnan of the Board Andrew McK.enna told the Chi~o Sun Times. "We're firm. Maybe he thinka he can watt 1.11 out, but it's not going to work out that way." Garvey, who tuma 34 on Wedneeday, became a free agent after he rejec1ed a four-year, ~ million CIDCAGO (AP) -Darryl Sutter ICOred a go-package wi\h the Loe Anseles Dodgers. ahead 1oaI from a seemingly lmpouible angle The 12-year National League veteran haa a midway in the final period to lead the surging lifetime battins average of .301 and has averaae<l 21 ~ Black Hawlm to a 6-4 National Hockey homeruna a year and 98 ru.ns batted in over the last IAlsue win over the Loe Angeles Kinp Sunday nine eeuona. nJcbL ''My feellna la we'd like to have Steve Teammate Omia Savard put on an arnazlnl Garvey," Smith laid. "I feel u ltroncly ae ewr that 'ltk:lt·~_..display for an lmurance goal lat.er ln he would make a tremendous contribution to \he the~~ vk1.or)'. their 22nd apinlt five balk:lub and to the communtl)'. lklt there ii a llmlt i... and lbc "-. pve them a five-point bulce to the type of contrlCt we can enter into, and quite OWi' Idle MinDlmta In the NHL'• Nonil DMalon. frankly, we have FM far becbd:! what I ~y ,....__ extended , .. unbee-= a• ... __ to 13 thoucht that llmlt w•. We It in an attempt to "'"-.-V • -· • uvn.. meet their need.I. but It some point you reech your wllll and ~ tie llnce JOiine to W nnl,J>el on Oct. 10. outer Umit and I guea that's wheN we .,., =., K1no. wln1-ln their laet etcJ'lt oonWltl, lost . ftftll .,....t .,._, "He'• an exceptional ball player and an Suttm' md-.vint -=b .awd their 14\h aoela excepdonal pel'llOn, and Jot that ....an' we haw 'ol ltw year llh.-dJ aftlr' LG ~· 8twe llOeek. tone a.~ way._ bu~ we cpr:i't IO any turihlr. . Md lbn fOJl had .awd ln a 48-aiicand tpan aerly in "W ne.d to lwt --..... .... -... ,, laid Smath the tb1rd ~ to Ue the ICOl'4I at 4-4. ,...,...._ , e _...__.... ..-_ ::~:, .... ...,...., . Wlth_jf; ..... 't Ontf!ox ~ a =ty £• .. ti P1-Y wntit ww-u ttan ciot"C next w.k. ......,,.ilii, .... ~iOOk~ ..-..-wam~ • k -·----~n· -~~'"==".....-....,..,,,_ ........... 1..a.. 11 .... of•""-_ ... _.. e ave 1e1rwu a1 our paana w e C';t-11'.tilink ·-'" ..... _,.,., °" a ~ thoutbt that we woWd ""1 hJm.'' Smith ..ad. ~-=-... -· .:·tlt 'later lbe Xiw' &&ck .... t ~ ~ to u.. po&nt wt.. you 'haw to -..... IO-taDl.., .... [ .. Wll conMder\MpoielbWtytbat~·-notlDlna~-----_... __ ...,,. ... ~ bJ Jim r.t to tie the .... It ._ hJa hln\. ao. we're ,otn, to have to 1tan maldnc _.Of lbl fttcht aDd 11th of the-. con~ plam." • t ,, the arm five-point lead. Thia was a bitte.r 1088." "There's no way to stop Kareem if they keep going to him," said Cummings. "Once you get fouls, he's smart enough to ma~ fakes and draw more fouls. They went in to him ao much because we had a 6-9 guy, me, guarding a guy 7-2." The Lakera play at home again Wed.needay night wh~ they host Utah at 7:30 at the Forum. Thu.nday evening they travel to San Diego to contest Bill Walton and Company before taking time off for Chriatmaa. Walton ia expected to play for the Cllppen in ThW'8day's outing and will be against Abdul-Jabbar. Both are UCLA graduates. . • l . Anteaters' road test stiffens . : Special to the Dally Pilot RENO, Nev. -Alter loeing its first game of the season Saturday night to the University of Idaho, the UC Irvine basketball team won't find matters any easier tonight (7 o'clock) when the Anteaters meet Southwestern Louisiana in the openl_ng game of the Wolf Pack Classic here. ·• The Ragin' Cajuns come into the contest with an unblemished 6-0 mark, which includes a first- On radio tonight KWVE (108 FM) at 7 place finish in the recently completed Bayou Classic where they beat New Mexico State ln the final, 97-84. f The Ragin' Cajuns return four 1 starters and seven of its top eight_ scorers from last season's team that went 24-8 and advanced to the NCAA Mideast Regional, losing to Tennessee, 61-57 . Sou t h w es tern w o n t h'e Southland Conlerence last year, but now competes as an independent Prior to its activities in the Bayou Classic, Southwestern was • f . • t l I I led ln acorlng by forward Dior) Brown, a 6-7 junior, who w'8 averaging 26.3 points and 7 .a rebounds per game. Graylln Warner, the other starting forward (6-8), is averaging 14,'1 -: points and 5.3 rebounds. The Anteaters (5-1) will attempt to come back from an 84-73 setback at Idaho. In the contest the Anteaters suffered their worst 1h00Una perfonnance of the year, hlttlnl on only 31 - percent of their shots in the first half and 39 pen.-ent overall. Idaho, meanwhile, scorched the neta al a 62 percent clip ln the eecond half to run aw_,. , Flwhman Tod Murphy <m'! off the bench to total 18 potn111 and ,...b 12 reboundl in IMdtna the Anteaten. Ben McDonald. however, wt\h 10 POlnta. WM the only o~r UCI player to rwcb} double fil'J.r'M. I The victory for Id&ho w• 11a 40lh ln a .-ow on tla home coun. ., "Sven t~ th• crowd_ ~..,... ......... --...· .that ~ I tbawlht ~-· ,--. =~c.m~·~~' w.. ~-to .....,.. far :-"'P"' ___ , __ c-_irid' • .-~. ~,_ we•" iOimithlftj r ... '" ,. . ., Score was only 2-2, but U.S. still wins From AP dJ1pa&cJaet CASTEAU, Be lgium -A m bench..cle&ring brawl cawied Italy to q•·1 ~ tl-.e i;r.al 11ame of an annual NATO basketball tournament Saturday, giving the title to the U.S . team by forfeit after only 1 minute. 13 aeoonds of play. The acore waa 2-2. "It was a bad situal.lon. It was one of thoee things, both teams were pretty fl.red up," said one orgaruzer of the tournament at the Supreme Headquarters Allied Powen Europe (SHAPE). "I feel very embarrassed." At 1:13, some rough contact between U.S. guard Shelby Brown and Italy's Fabio Colombo at the Italian end of the court, erupted into a fight that cleared both benches. Brown and Colombo were ejected. After order was restored, the Italian team -winner of the 1981 tournament -walked off the court, giving the title to the United States. Greece beat Belgium 84-74 for tbird place. Officials were unable to say if a new final would be scheduled. "We play physical just like they play physical," U.S . Coach Chuck Large said afterwards, adding, "It is a hell of a way to end a tournament of this caliber." Repeated attemr~ t y The Asaociated Preas to comact Italian officials at SHAPE for comment were unsuccessful. The 1982 five-day event waa the 22nd annual SHAPE basketball tournament that attracted inter-service teams from the armed forces of seven NATO nations: Italy, France, Greece, Belgium, Gennany, the Netherlands and the United States. .·.------------------~ I Quote of ahe day · Rex Norrl1, Oklahoma defensive line coach, describing Nebraska's offensive unit: "Watching Nebraska break the huddle is like watching six refrigerators roll down a hill." _' Dailey to return 10 Bulls today CHICAGO -Rookie Quintin Dailey will return to the Chicago m Bulls today after a 12-day leave of absence from the National Basketball Association club for psychiatric care. "The d octor said thUI would be the best thing for him, but that he would continue to see him," said Bulls General Manager Rod Thom. Ever since joining the Bulla, Dailey baa been ·subjec:ted to contlnuing criticism and stress stemming from charges he sexually attacked a University of San FTilnciaco nursing student in December 1981. Dalley pleaded guilty to an assault charge, but maintained he was a victim of mistaken identity. The rookie guard failed to show up for a Dec. 7 game against the New York Knicks and was put on leave of absence the next day. Hi.I lawyer, Bob WooU. aa.fd at the time that Dailey waa "in extreme depression" and "told me ·he had seriously considered ending his life." Pi tun• r•lly ICJ IN!at c• lllt. JilAI ~=: ll'bttd I pilt'1tl Ill .,Mt llb I tWtvtllliUtll 2 I It Dtuuh r•ll •II trum I nln••pulnl cWktt In the foUnh quarwr to •hip ~. l&l·U~. to hllhUPl NBA IClUon Sunday . , . £1.ewl'M're, eU.y M""•et1tf k'Oted 21 potnc.a H MUwaukt opened • lO·polnl lead afwr thrM auarteona and rollAld lO • I 13·98 vlc:toty over &n An\Onfo. ' Wlnnlpe& ha devil of a llme Third-period aoaJa by Doe Lever lil and Htetor M1rl•l helped New ' Joney end a lix·aame loa.Lna streak with a 3-2 wln over WlnnlP4ti to htahUght NHL action Sundly . . . Ellewhere, Mark Me11ler acored four aoala, Including a third-period tiebreaker, to pece Edmonton to a ~·2 triumph over Mont.real . . . Buffalo'• Mike Moller acored at 12: 10 ma,k of the third period to lead th• Sabres put Quebec, 3-1 . . . Mllaa Novy, Bob Ootlld and Mllle Gartner scored goals 2:09 apart late In the third period to rally Washington to a 3-1 victory over Philadelphia. Navratilova proves who's No. 1 Laying to rest any 9ueatlons • a bo ut who is No. l, Martina Navratllova captured the Toyota tennis championahlpa by defeating her chief rival, CU11 Evert lJoyd, 4-8. 6-1. 6-1 . . . A group of Clemson University professors has called on the school adminiatration to fitt staff members responalble for the football recruitina vloladona recently unc:overed at the school . . . The Phoenix SW\I aaid Sunday they had signed starting center Alvia Adami to • new, five-year NBA contract. Terms were not diaclosed . . . Cudy Jonea and Doa Fraser, a husband-and-wife team from Mont.real, had five perfect ecoret in ~ 89.3 points U> upeet Jo Jo Starl>•el and"Xeta Silelly tor the pains title in the Pro Skate competition Sunday at Mad.lion Square Garden. Television, radio Following are the top aporta evy?ntl on TV tonight. Ratings are: v v v v excellent; v v v worth watching; vv fair; v forget it. e 6 p.m., Channel 7 v v v v NFL FOOTBALL: Cincinnati at San Diego. Auoaacen: Frank Gifford, Howard C.oeell and Don Meredith. In a rematch of last year's AFC Championship f(ame, it will be the Chargers' Dan Fouts pitted agalnst the Bengals' Kenny. Anderson. The Bengals enter the fame with a · 5-1 record. while the Chargers are -2. 6 8 p.m., Channel S v v v V COLLEGE BASKETBALL: LSU at UCLA. Annoaacen: Joe Buttitta and Roy Hamilton. The fourth-ranked Bruins (In the AP Top 20 pool), will be going after their sixth win without a loss tonight agQJ\at the Tigers. UCLA topped Iowa, 75-66, in !ta last game. RADIO Football -Cincinnati at San Diego, 5:50 !).m., KNX (1070). ' ' ' Basketball -UC Irvine va. SW Louisiana at Wolf Pack Classic in Reno, 7 p.m., KWVE (108 FM); LSU at UCLA, 8 p.m., KMPC (710). Diablos, El T·oro top prep slate Rivals Mission Viejo ·and El Toro square off Thuniday in the first round of the Brea-Olinda Invitational basketball tournament, followed by a Laguna Hills duel with Pomona in a 16-team tourney which continues on Dec. 27 with the balance of the first round. Woodbridge High meets California in the second phase of the first round Dec. 27. Brea-Oll.Dda lnvltatioul Tbanday'• Sclledale 3 -Mission Viejo vs. El Toro 4 :45 -La1una Hilla va. Pomona 6:30 -Savanna VI. Troy 8;15 -_Dlamond Bar va. Sonora Dec. l'7 ~.i. 11:30 -~ Viejo-El Toro loser vs. Laguna Hilla-Pomona lCl88.r 1:15 -Savanna-Troy loaer vs. Diamond Bar-Sonora loeer 6:30 -Anaheim va. Sunny Hilla 4 :45 -California va . Woodbri~ 3 -Scliurr va. Fuller1ml 8 : 15 -Brea-Olinda va. Pacifica Children's Puppet Show A I WA 11c1s 111 co•mmi1 It'• the seuon to make kids happy et Huntington Center wtth the rear Santa: caroling and entertain· ment. See the Mitchell Martonettet, 4 shows deity. Dec. 1e thru 24. PhOlllHGIM Free an us "Afr ·.,,;:- ~ r a I r 1 , I • ~ . ----.. .. .---------- N>-WX111 Double tl'le fun wllh AIWA'1 new WX-110. Doubt• tran1port ca1Mtte dedc. Dubb'ng .. 4 tlmel nonnel epMd with no ~ Iota.. COt'ltlnYOUe ptey wtth 2 ~ Dolby e a c. loft louef'I opemton. • • • ... Kenney shows ·who's Chief ..____ -L ...._ __ .... --...._ ··o~BIU Kenney. a San Clemens. Htah and Saddlebeack C.OIJeae product, fh-.d two ..cond·half tow:hdown pa.. and ufety Oary Barbaro returned an lnterceplion 43 yarch for another aeon, rallytna the Karwu Clty Ctueta to a 37-16 NaUonal Football Lca,u victory over the Denver~ Sunday. The victory snapped a four-game loaing atreak and ralaed the Chiefs' record to 2-5. Denver dropped to 2-5 and aaw lta falnt playoff hopes rnalhematJcally elimlnated. Ka.nau City trailed 13-10 at the half, but rookie Anthony Hancock returned the aeoond-half kickoff 68 yards to .et up a go-ahead touchdown. Hancock's return gave the Chlefa poeee9Sion at the Bronco 28-yard line. Falcoa1 17, Hera 7 SAN FRANCISCO -William Andrews barreled for 176 yards rushing and receiving, the Atlanta defense brought Joe Montana'• passing hot streak to an emphatic halt, and the Falcons beat fading San Franci8co, 17 -7. 'the 49en, reigning Super Bowl champions, dropped to 2-5 and virtually out of the race for a National Football League playoff berth in this strike-shortened aeaaon. Atlanta, 5-2, won its third straight game in a contest that wu televiaed nationally. Patriol1 11, Seakawb 0 SEATTLE -Steve Grogan hit Mark van F.eghen with a 5-yard touchdown pass and John Smith booted three field goals u New England beat Seattle, 16-0. It was the Patriot.I' second consecutive ahutout, a club record. New England edged Miami 3-0 in a snowstorm in Foxboro, Maas., last Sunday. The Patriots picked off four Jlrn Zorn passes and recovered a pair of Theotis Brown fumbles while }Oiiing only one turnover to improve their record to 4-"3. Red1kla1 15, Glul• U WASHINGTON -Mark Moseley's record- breaking 21st conaecutive field goal, a 42-yarder wt\h four teeonds remaining, capped a aecond-balf rally that lifted Waahinaton to a 15-14 victory over the New York Glanta. Moeeley'a kick wu the final play of a Redskin driw that bad started on their own 29 with 3:28 to play. The key play in the drive wu a 14-yard pass from quarterback Joe Theismann to Charlie Brown. · Earlier, Moeeley kicked field goals of 20 and 31 yards to tie the record of 20 straight field goals held by Garo Yepremian. Baccaaeen U, BUia %3 TAMPA, Fla. -Tampa Bay quarterback Doug Williams, booed heavily early ln the game, tossed two touchdown p89leS and Melvin Carver ran for a fourth-quarter score to tt.!d the Buccan~rs to 24-23 over Buffalo. Williama, who was intercepted three times, flipped a 2-yard touchdown pus to Carver 1n the aecond period and io.ed another 2-yarder to wide Virginia captures ( Santory tourney -·TOKYO (AP) -With All-American Ralph Sampson back at~r. the University of Virginia's top-ranked, undefea'"M'C&,'allera srored an 80-57 victory over the University orUtatt Sunday for their eighth victory of the seuon and won the Suntory Ball basketball tournament. Sampson, still ailing from a week-long intestinal infection, .:ored only one field goal and four point.I in the first half. But he regained his shooting touch in the second half and finished with 14 points, five below his aeuon average. The two- time College Player of the Year a1ao grabbed 17 rebounds and blocked fiye shot.I. Sampson's play brought shouts of "sugot (great)" and "shlnjlrarenal (unbelievable)" from the fans. Utah kept cl~ until midway \hrough the first half on the strength of accurate jump shooting by Angelo Robinson, who led the Utes with 12 points. NFL standings receiver Gordon Jones In the third aa the Buca lrnproved their record to 3-4. Packen !O, Colt• %0 (o&) BALTIMORE -Randy McMillan IOOred for Baltimore from l yard out with l :22 left in regulation time and the winless Colts battled Green Bay to a 20-20 tie in an overtime game. F.ach team mi88ed field goal attempta in ~ 15-minut.e extra period. Newly acquired Dan MW.er had a 44-yard try blocked by Green Bay's Gary Lewis with 11:21 remaining, and Jan Stenerud shanked a 47-yarder with 1:56 left. The Colts, who are 0-6-1 and had .only six • touchdowns in six previous games, ecored twice in lea than five minutes late in the fourth quarter td, forge the tie. Cowboy• U , Saints 7 _ IRVING, Texas -The Dallas Cowboys turned three New Orleans miacues inU> touchdowns on Danny White's puees and Tony Donett's dashes to sU>rm into the playoffs for the 16th time in 17 years with a 21-7 victory over the Saints. The Cowboys tied their NFL record of eight consecutive playoff appearances, which they share with Pittsburgh. Dallas, winning Its sixth consecutive game, upped its record to 6-1 and remained in a tie with Washington atop the National Confe rence standings. New Orleans dropped to 3-4. Cardlna.11 10, Bean 7 CHICAGO -Neil O'Donoghue k icked a 48-yard field goal with 25 aeconds remaining to give St. Louis a 10-7, vi.dory over Chicago. The triumph boosted the Cardinals' record to 4-3 and enhanced their bid for a spot in the playoffs. The Bears dropped to 2-5 and were eliminated from post.lea.son play. O'Donoghue's kick broke a 7-7 deadlock and came just minutes after he missed another field goal attempt from the same distance. VlkJ.Dg1 34, lJou 31 PONTIAC, Mich. -Minnet1<>ta quarterback . Tommy Kramer riddled the Detroit secondary for 233 yards and three first-half touchdowns, then the Vlki.nas held on for a 34-31 victory over the Lions. The Lions outscored the Vikings 21-10 in a wild fourth quarter, but it wu not enough tG overcome their earlier mistakes. The victory kept the Viking9 In the acrambla for the National Football Conference playoffs. Browa1 10, S&eelen t CLEVELAND -Paul McDonald, in his tint National Football League start, fired a 22-yard pass to Ozzie Newsome to set up a 1-yard touchdown run by Johnny Davis, giving Cleveland a lG-9 victory over Pittsburgh. The game, /layed in a cold, steady rain, attracted a crow of 67,139 -the first time the Steelers and Browns have played before lees than a full houle at 80,()()()...eeat Cleveland Stadium since 1962. ' Cleveland trailed..'2...34te in the third quarter. when Pittsburgh's John Goodaon, punting from his · end zone, kicked the ball out of bounch at the Steelers' 27. Eactea 35, Oilen 14 PHILADELPIDA -Wilbert Montgomery ran for touchdowns of 3, 2, and a club-record 90 yard.a . and Philadelphia's defense came up with fou~ interceptions and aeven sacks u the F.agles beat Houston, M-14. 'The Yictol'y mapped a tour-game bing streak for the National COnference Eagles, now 2-5. Houston, last in otlenae and def.eoae In th~ American Conference, auffered its fifth oomecudve Joa against only one victory. AMERICAN CONFERENCE NATIONAL CONFERENCE W L T Pct. PP PA Raiden 6 1 O .857 192 156 CindnnaU 5 1 0 .833 139 90 Mlarni 5 2 0 .714 137 114 NY Jets 5 2 0 .714 190 115 .San Diego 4 2 0 .667 160 120 Buffalo 4 3 0 .571 121 97 New Eng. 4 3 0 .571 99 101 Pittsburgh 4 3 0 .571 130 111 Cleveland 3 4 0 .429 99 131 Seattle 3 4 0 .429 104 112 Denver 2 5 0 .286 127 186 K.anaaa City2 5 0 .286 126 145 Houston l 6 0 .143 95 190 Baltimore 0 6 l .077 80 158 W L T Pct. PF PA Dallu 6 1 0 .857 179 90 Wash.ington6 l 0 .M7 135 118 Atlanta 5 2 0 .714 170 126 Gl'ffn Bay 4 2 1 .643 164 135 Minneaota 4 3 0 .571 142 129 St. Louia 4 3 0 .571 111 121 Detroit 3 4 0 .429 133 129 New Orlna 3 4 0 .429 84 127 NY Giants 3 4 0 .429 117 112 Tampa Bay 3 4 0 .429 109 134 Chicaao 2 5 o .286 84 122 Ph.lla. 2 5 0 .286 143 149 s.n Fran. 2 5 0 .286 163 172 Rama 1 6 o .143 153 196 "1111'1 ... " JOHN.SON &SON NOT!:: The top eight teams In presenfs ... Heh conference will qualify for the playoffs. ....... ._... ~st. "°'*°" 14 Minn.o4a S4, OetrOl1 31 W~ 1f=New Yol'tl Olema 14 ~10. • ••• loulll '°· ce-..o 1 G'9lll 9-IOi ~ ao (04) femp9~4)~t3 IC-11, 0.... 11 0......11, ar....1 --~'ia' ~'· , QlnalN....... ~, ... , NFL Pleb•f ........ Mon., Dec. 20"- San '*to over Ondnnoti Sun., Dec. 26 Rams . - •PANORAMA •GRANADA IRENTWOOD •'ALM •PALM CITY HILLS SNINOI DEIEllT 11111 It a f Mvlrte1141• Woodmllfl O••-'*• lllfllllc-"'"' Cllft)'en Orin Arllftffon N-porl llvd. • Le .... a ChaN a lltdlen 11 .. 11 :4: H 1 -awoMlel a MenlMa '"·*·tu . ,, ,, .... , 7U·Ml·llOI /1•·•H·107 21*·114°1302 2U·H1·1t J 2u .. 11.1110 114.221.eon 714•7H•1H1 . •ANAHEIM • CANOGA •LANCASTER • THOUSAND • TORRANCE • PASADENA PARK · OAKS .,ec1no • DOWNEY • GARDEN GROVE •HEMET •POMONA '*•nee Ave. a Woetlftl11eter Old "l•et lc'-1 "d. a lvclld '•llbrooll • N. 10th ... M-pllfll CoHI Hletl••r ColOflldO • \le11 0-n a An. I • lrHI a Anae l~eo Mecfre 11701ndlenHllle 714-121·'700 louth tuclld a lroectwor 71•·M1·Hl2 2u.121.os11 11•-n•-•10 213-114·12!10 IOl·I0·0022 IOl·417·UU 21'.JU·0701 21'·Hl·07U .... , .. ,Id •• l.n.leclflto 7U·ld·2U1 ~ $4ll .L~~-· E&J Brandy Glenflddlch ·~":.~ J&B Scotch Johmie Walker ~:!, Scoresby Chlvas Regal 750-ml. '1511 1.0·llr. '1311 750.m1. '8'' •4•• 750·ml. 750-ml. •13•• HAPPY HOLIDAYS FROM LIQUOR BARN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA'S LARGEST DISCOUNT LIQUOR, WINE AND BEER WAREHOUSE Bacardi Rum ............ 1.7. •e·~~·~ Ltr. ..Y."-..:... ~~$84~.~·~ ----.................. C81111dlan Club c a __, J~ .. slonet ChamP81ne !n~ •a•• .j} .. ~~ $1''/>: ... .......... Wine of the Week Geyser Peak 1978 Cabernet Sauvlgnon s3 8 8 A Worthy Succesaor To Lat YW'I GOid Mldal Wn.. 1so ,';:. En Joy T Olllgllt • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ""'· 11.00 r Emmet's Ireland Cream Kahlua liqueur Baileys lrlsh Cream Christian Bros. Brandy RANCHO CUCAMONGA c.,.,.. .... . lfth ... ... 714· 110·4121 750-ml. '6'' 750.ml. •a•• 500-ml. '1211 750-ml. •5~ Lowenbrau Gin & Vodka! Jim Beam Jack Daniels Early Times - Seagram's V .o. Canadian Mist Mlcllelob A99ut81' Of Ugtlt Coors Miiier Olympia or Oly Gold Charla Krug cebemet •euwtenon P I M • Emerald Dry au asson • AhlM caeta. C Ion' a French Cofombard 0 • Chenln Blanc: 750-ml. •4•• 1.0-ltr. s9tl 1.75-ltr. •1011 & ~!;:! •3•• 8 :.~. f241 ~= 12 'l;: '3" l'ecll & ~~ •1•• 12 :a":. '311 c- u '3" ltr. 4.0 •411 Ltr. A de • Cheblla ·.AON Ima n Mtn. • 8urgundr • ANM Beer Perrier Water 74°~ -- .. Carllngs "!.L. ~ ... · 1· Black Label . : Beer $2ll ~---~!:7'" 125 A KEG BEERS AVAILABLE Pltw lfttlllll ........ 1111 Al ........... Ultlll Gordon's Gin Beeteater's Gin Tanqueray Gin Smlrnotl Vodka so-Proof Stollchnaya Vodka eo-Proof 1.75 '8" ltr. 1.0 •911 ltr. 1.75 '16" ltr. 1.75 •a•• ltr. I:. $711 _":-: 750;,ml. Party Favorites! Canada Dry Mixers 7-Up Regular I Diet Schweppes Mixers 8111 Brand Potato Chips 1.0 5nie ltr. ii~ Pedl 8 12-0L •1a• Cana Utef59c ·-OL er . , . ... I ' •• llA • • From Page 01 ultl'ICJllt •Uyot .. •lw I knnw t..au.o l'U t1t1 tJoLna &ho &hi~ t W•nl to do •nd IWllh~ pold for u t.ui1 • Al lh~ pn ·nt Urni.1 h4' ha1 JO(k,• anJ ~l>On' Yam.ha motonrycl Th•· ~otk-t· m1chlnu b lon11 lo hi• tunrr, Bob :: • ._.::u • .! ._.: ':' !! ).!:.~ :·!= ~~,.!:••~ I 11 Buena Park N~xl 11euon, howeover, In onh·r to makt' more polnta to get tu the• e•xpert duu, he muat hav<' ~ 7~0cc Harley· Davld1on cych-t hu l eo111 bt't Wt"t•n $6.000·$10.000. e t r g on H sted i ue: Newpt,rl LJttl L •ague ., . llarbor Ba eball I J wnulcJ llke Lu t't<llJ'tnd l11 J1•ffrcy C Kolin'• mlainfurme~ INwr puhli.hed lll'l' 11 In the DIJI)' Piiot u :: !1 .... , ...,.1,..1 •nrl &tu. univ oolnl 'W 'PORT MAILBAG :wu~:":.:: ... ~ ~~. ~!" ~':'!!.~. r~n !'~'•' ~!' that? Harbor Arr·• 1-itatl no fNllk'9, w. would llkti to etMixlat with yr1u ln h.annony Your proaram rover. " mU&:h wlck>r l'OUP ~n. ~.t• am a~ltr .'!> o.fl•r LltO. ~IUt""""' "TNt's • mapr problem l'ni lat·ang for n •xt teaoon," he soys "'But l'U fmd a way." Ro b H ao;!'lay •~n~ on, la \'Es. I am try~nK 10 <.•~bU.h a LllllC' 1..,...gu buttboU prosram ln Nt<1wport Bt:M:h It aatonlahl'I m~ to find out how many peopl~ wort-l~d lo bellt-vc• tha1 Harbor Atta buebell wu aHllt.ted whh Little Lcagu4.' bueball. It .. at.o &m.Uing how many Newport Scuch city employt.,oe. re vealed speech lmpl•dlments when I brought up the word11 "Ltttle Leugu~ baseball" ln Newport Beach. Thl' playln(l tln1c for Nt•WJ)Orl Llttft· L t>aguc-wlll havtt what I• called the 3-lnnlng rule All mt•nagen w ill bt· requ1rt.J lO play au l.t!Uffi mt>mbers. lht'f't• lnnm~ ~r gam<" ThOk memoot'11 who do not start gamt No. l BN requll'C'd w start game Ne" 2, alt.ematmg tht• •·nUre seaaon that wuy AlJ games an.• 11llc 11\1\lngs and tellllUI are limited to 14! plMyera. Can you way that, Mr. Kohn' ..-uuu Q lll vtuf """'' , .. .,,v .... ,. ..., ..,,,__ 8· 12 yl'al"I old Howevor. even thouah wt• an• a n<>n•prufll org&l\Jz.allon, f think the philOllOphy of froo cntcrprilO 1hould be t-xt.t-nded to WI. We havl' no dealtt' to ruin your lon1e 1tandln~ trudit!on In Newport .8c3C'h and I hope you won't mind helping Newport Little kaaue enjoy the tracHLlon it ta enUtJed. We need one bueball fteld, and on~ echool 1lt.e, PLEASE Hassay sleefl8 in the baek of hll van when he ls on the road but has one big udvantage m that hls grandparent& liw in Eastern Ohio in Younotown. "I use that as my eastern base and when 1 am in the neighborhood, I stay there. But it i.sn't always easy lo get back there. Rustlers finish fourth Mr. Kolin, It al.o bothers me that as a board member of Harbor Area baseball, and as the Recreation Superintendent for the City of Newport Beac·h you coulc;J aUow yourself to be Involved and take such a prejudicial stand an this matter. The phrase conflict of Interest comes lo mind. Thank you, but, no thanl< you I would not participut.e aa a coach ln\your program. I observed your program last y~ar. I saw a lot of good intentions, but the majority of your roaches showed no leadership ability at all, and believe it or not most didn't know baseball rules or how to coach it U, however, you •tJU can't aee the merit of Little League baaeball In Newport Beach, I auggest that you and I partielpat.e In 9 series o( debatea ln public. Randy HoUlday President Newport Beach LitUe League "On the average, we race three lo fivt! 111ghta each week during the summer. "I won two races m Illinois and two m Ohio along with another in New York last summer as a junior pro but the money isn't there until you get to the expert cl'1$." When he Is gone, he does his own repair work but says he makes frequent caJls to Bradford if something major comes up and he is stymied. VlSALIA -Golden West Co llege's m e n's basketball team had to settle Cor a fourth place finish after dropping a 56-53 decision to the host Giants at the CoUege of Sequoias Tournament here Sunday. Let us inform the community. I've been praying for that opportunity. Little League baseball has a history that can never be slandered. Its slructure and policy have been proven the best, or it surely would not have survived. It astounds mt!, that in a community that is known to demand the best for ita youth, the best has not. until now, been available. B1U Singer, former pitcher with the Los Angeles Dodgers said, "Harbor Area baseball 1s the worst youth baseball program I have ever seen." He has already committed himself to run a clinic for Newport Little League and offered to manage a team. His children will play Little League baseball. Cromwell, .lohnson b•eke d J read wtth interest John Sevano's column (Dec 10) about the Rams. I sure hope whoever said that •bout CromweU and Johnson ("loet his spirit") and ("not tough enough") respectively, i.s:n't very influential ln the Rams Organization "I take care of the maintenance and do any major work on the road after I talk to Bob," Hassay says. The Rustlers. 7 -6. were ahead at the intermission, 29-24, but the Giants came back to go ahead, 34-33. on a basebne jumper by Joe Scaggs at 15:40 of the second hal (. Little League baseball is a community governed organization, with a non-profit financial background and its books are open to the public. No board member, president, manager or coach is allowed lo accept payment for his services. Tom Williams, commissioner for Region 97, Amencan Youth Soccer Association has stated to me, "Coaching iB the heart of any youth athletic program. I thought that the coaching on the two teams that my two sons were on this season was very poor." Tom has committed himself as a manager to Newport Little League baseball for the 1983 season and will sign his children up in I submit m their defense (Cromwell and Johnson) that they were no~ dralted as linebackers and it doesn't take a football geruus to see that Cromwell and Johnson are doing a g ood share of the Ram line backing. As for girl friends, he says his love affair at the present time Is strictly with the motorcycles. "They get expensive, too1 don't they?" he aks. UCI • wins Jackie Vander Poel scored a game- high 21 pointa and grabbed 12 rebounds to lead the UC Irvine wom e n 's basketball team to a 72-61 first round Vlctory over Montana State in the UC Irvine Christmas Classic Sudnay. The Rustlers wer.e then forced to play catch up and finally passed the G i a n ts , 4 1 · 4 0 , o n· a reverse la yin by Sherwin Durham with 7 :40 to play. But th e Giants ' Demetrius Buchanan came right back and hit a jumper that put his team back in front and ewe trailed the rest of the way. Looking at local parks and playgrounds, don't you find il interesting that Thursday, Dec. 9, I called Parks and Recreation to request one playing site, and one school site for practice, and I was met with, first silence, then "we have a policy to support Harbor Area baseball only in Newport Beach." This statement was then foUowed by, "good luck you're going to need it in this town." 1 then was asked, to make my request in writing to Mr. Ron Whitley. I am sure you'U know the answers before J do, but when I receive it, so will the Daily Pilot. the league as weU. . Peter S. White, former area high school and coUege baseball standout, who lat.er was signed by the Baltimore Orioles and Kansas City Athletics, told me that he coached the high school summer program. ln his opinion, the sometimes poor showing in area high school baseball programs, is a direct result of a poor youth baseball program. He participated in this program, and feels Little League wouJd be a bet ter alternative. Peter is also going lo manage a team for Newport Little League in 1983. lf "club officia.15" with that lund of football 'savvy' are running the Rams, then Rams fans had best join the Bear fans and settle down for upcoming decades of mediocrity. Tony Wolcott Tll•nks tor tbe eo.-er•6e Thanks for the fantastic photo coverage of our Junior All -American Football Champion»hlp playoffs Your fine coverage will give our local program a terrific boost. There is the matt.er of fees for playing. The Anteaters, now 4-4 on the year, will play H ouston (4-2) tonight (8 o'clock) in second round action at Crawford Hall. Other first round games saw CaJ State Fullerton top UC Santa Barbara) 86-43, San Jose State drop Utah, 69-57. and Houston blitz the University oC Pacific, 83-74. The Rustlers had three players score in double figures led by Durham, who had 18 points, 14 in the second half. Tyrone Myles and John Kresich also added 10 po ints each No Little League baseball program in the world is allowed to charge a fee. In many areas donations are requested, but never are mandatory. The majority of Little League baseball funding comes from local sponsors who pay for all uniforms and equipment, the remainder is denved by one Mr. Kolin, I could go on and on with these types of comments and interests shown in the Little League program, including some of the longtime managers, in your very own program. We o{ Newport Little League, wish Tom Williams Ph!sident Newport Beach Jr. All-American Football The Anteaters, who led from the start, had two other players join Vander Poel in double figures as Katherine Hamilton had 19 points (and 10 rebounds) and Julie Baker had 10. Sheri Henry led Montana State (3-3) with 16 pc,mts. For the Giants, who are 10-3 this year and are the defending state champions, they were led by Buchanan, who also had 18 points. Vessels to get lif eti01e award Mildred N. Vessels, president of Los Alanutos Race Course, will become the third recipient of the Orange County Sports Hall of Fame Lifetime Achievemen t award at a banquet Feb. 21 at Anaheim Convention Center. Vessels is conxidered one of tlie pioneers of sports in Orange County. Along with husband Frank Vessels, Jr. and his father, Frank Sr., she helped get quarterhorse racing started in Orange County. Los Alamitos started racing in 1951. She became president of the track in 1974 upon lhe death of her husband and under her supervision it has become the busiest of all Southern California racing facilities and the home of California's richest races. Veimels will be honored by the Orange County Sportswriters Association in the same vein that Angela owner Gene Autry and Dodger manager Tom Laaorda were honored in the previous two banqueta. "I remember selling hot dogs in a stand while my husband Frank sold beer in the next booth," she says of the early days at Los Alamitos race course. Non-wagering exhibition races were held there in HM? and for several years before the first pari- mutuel wagering began in 1951. The daily average handle that year was $144,000 for an 11-day meet. In 1982, the 91-nigh t summer meeting averaged a record $1,147,000 per night. The handle has increased 62 percent sin.ce she took over as president. Nearly 1.5 million people will attend races at Los Alamitos this year, wagering more than $230 million. She is alao active in charity work. hosting the Dick Whittinghill golf tournament at Los Alamitos Country Club and Race Course with thousanda of dollan contributed to new medical equipment at St. Mary's Hospital and Long Beach Community Hospital. Tick.eta for the Orange County Sporta Hall of Fame banquet are $75 per person and may be reaerved by calling 773-3970 or 532-6825. Lane, Lindeman win boating titles The n ew Prindle-16 women's national <.·hampions are Debbie Lant'. San Diego. and Leslie Llndemon. Tustin Lane Is a ltlO thl' first woman tiallor to lx.'<.'Ome C-llJlblc U> akippf'r In the Qlllforni1 Prindk• 16-A ll«>et She rcc~lved this d1stm<.·Uon by winning the• Callfornla 168 fleet champion.'lhlp at Long Beach Lane and Lindeman won thl'ir t1tJes recently Nl Luke J-lav111u, Ari7. i.gAinAt ii rlct't of female <.·r~w11 l'\·prmcnllna Florida, Ariz.on•. Tc><as and C.llfomla, the k'C.'Ond running of thP Prtndle.16 lad I n.iJonal champiOMhip tpOAao.r•d by £Jut.-" ol Lak«? Hztvuu Other trophy winners w re: 2. Oc.-orglr.t mhh-Mllrnyn HUI. San Dll"So: 3. 811rbara 9nr1lk- Oona &rwn. 1..ak~ Havasu: 4 Supn OllUlancf· Dt•nt' J1maU, HCNlt.on. 6. Barbera Wltcher·Paul• Jone.. MlamJ, Ft.., and PhoPnhc. } J Basketball: Three vs five BANCROFT, Idaho (AP) -Three men do not a high school basketball t.eam make - but almost. North Gem of Bancroft beat Carey 70-58 last week despite a valiant e ffort by three Carey players. Brad Tingey. Dan Parke and Kyle Green played the last 11 minutes against the entire North Gem team Carey o nly had si>< men suited up for the game. Its troubles started when c enter M a rk Conrad hurt his knee in the second period a nd was sidelined for the rest of the game -possibly the entire season. Andy O 'Crowley fouled out two minutes into the third quarter and Neil Parks was whistled to the sidelines w ith five fou ls with three rmnutes left in the quarter. Despite being two men short for most of the s econd half. Carey ou trebounded North Gem . Tingey hit 44 points. NlllC NOTICE '1CTITIC>Ue llU ..... NAMm•TAT'l•NT Th• following pereon 11 dol11g OUl'-IU MA IL ORDER SERVIC E TECHNOLOGY, 1019 WMI 18th 81 . Cott• M .... CA 92827. THOMAS I< STANFORD. 1010 W Mec:Atthul BM:I . Sante Ane, CA 92707 Thll t>utlMH 11 CondUC1.cl by 911 lnc1Mdu81 Thomu I( Stanlord. Thll 11•1-t WU ni.cl with le.. County Cl«tc ol Of1nge County on o.o.inw 9. 1ee2 nDal Publl•h•d Or•no• COH 1 Ollly Piiot. 090 13. 20. P , 1N2. J-" 3, 1983 MUC NOTIC£ l'talC NOTICE ,..... NOTICE Of' TIIUITeJE'I IAU Loen No. 140'Tm T.l .No ....... BURLI NG TON FINANCl,t.L S~RVICES. INC . • C•llfornle Co1po11llon, 11 duly appointed Trutte• unde r 1h• followlng deec:rlbed deed ot lrvet Will SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH IP•Y•bl• el lime ol .... In l•Wful money of Ille United St•lea) ell r1g111, title ~ ln..,MI con~ to Ind now held by It under Mid OMO ot Tru1t In the prOC>9fty 11«.in•fte< d•tcl'lbed TRUST O R BARBARA A LAMBERT. en unmerrled worn.n ... , -.. UC /RV/NE In the Wolf Pack Classic TONIGHT STARTING AT 1:15 PM with "THE BILL MULLIGAN SHOW" Brought to yCM.1 by Anheu!Mf Busch, Toyota, 7UP/Uke, U.S. Air Force, Jim Cle* Ford --~~~~~~~A_N~EN~G_LE_BR~E_C_HT_ COMPANYPRODUCnOH e ENE F 1c 1 AR v M 1 D w Es T ...... IC ....,TICE Dl-1c NOTICE .. -1c NO'""r PACIFIC FINANCIAL. INC., •nlowe l----'"-UDL--""-----___ r_UDL _______ 1----'"UDL----'-~---P\alC NOTIC£ Corpot•tlOn K~ '*'°' K-42111 Cl'P m1t Recotoed FWUlll)' 11 1932 .. ITATlllUfT Of' AaANDC>t.-NT ,ICTTTIOU• eu..-.. HOTlCI °"•AU. HOTICI °" TIIUITEII' •ALE lnttr No 92-051626 o t Olllcl•I °' UN Of' l'lCTITIOUI NAIK ITAn•NT M UAL ~TY On Jenuety 10. 1993 •• 11 oc Recorell In '"* ofllce of lh• •u• ... •• NAME The lo41ow\ng per.om .,. CIOlng AT MVAn ·~ • m FIRST AMERICAN TITLE Rec~def of O.ange Counly. N ld Th• tollowlng P•• ton h It t>u1lneaa •~ No. A·1111'1 I H 6 UR AN CE COMP AH Y, e deed ol 1ru11 ducrlbe1 the 1bendoned 1"'9 ute of the tictlllOul R W RANCH COMPANY. 303 In IM SuperlOI Couf1 of ti.. Stete Ceillornl• corpo<etlon u TruetM. lollowlng 1Hoperty: OUllOMe na.... THE LOTUS ROOM Drlllwood Road. Co<ont d.t M•r. I C1flfornle. tor tne County ol or Succ.M0t TrvtlM °' SW.lltuted LOI 47 ol Trac:1 No 7066, In,,... •t 1648 Ademe •A. eo.1. MMA, CA CA 921126 enge In the Mtll• of ,,... Etl••• TruttM. ot tll•t certeln 0-.d or Cllyol lflllne.uperMeprKOf'ded 92628. HelenW ReOey.3030.lftwood 1 BARBARA P MURRAY , frutl U e culeel by l<ELLY W, In 8ool< 278, Pege 47. 49. 49 end 50 Tiie llctlllou• bullnen n-.m• Road. Coron• del Mar. C,t. 92626 P.,~Md INFANQER. • mcim.o man H hla olMl~Mepa,lntheatnc. r•l•rr•d to •bov• w H llled In J •net R•11•Y K loc~. 10t Notic. la llef•by gl,,.,, th•I lhe tol• end Mparet• property •nd or th• County Recorder of H id County on 12· 16-79 Enc1n10 Drlv• Tempe. Milone nderalgnecl wilt NII et Private Nie. LOREN K LANGDON, a married County Nency Cornllh, 225 N Melen•. 85291 0 th• lllgllHI •nd ~· bidder. mell .. Ill• •ol• I nd H PU•t• ~you AM .. ~AUl T UNO«lll e>renoe. CA 92869 Helene R•ti.y Wele<hOUM, 29 ubJect to conflrme11on ol H id property, end r.corded M1rc:h 2, A oaJEO OI' nN•T OAnD 2-S.C. Thi• bullnMe w• conducted by OcHnelre Orlv•, R•ncho Pelo• up«lor Courl, on 0< •ft• the 3td 1979 u lnalrument No. 2879. In UHLJEU YOU TAlta AC'TlON TO en lnCllvldu81 VwdM, C,t. 90274 ey of Jenu*Y. 1983 •t lhe olllce of 8oott 13053. Pege 475, °' Ot!IGl81 "lllOTaCT YOUlll ""O ... lllTY, rT Nancy Corn..,., Tlllll buelnMI It conduci.cl by• EINFELD & MIXON. AllOf"MYI et R•cord1 o l Or•nge County. MAY el •OLD AT A "UILIC Thie Ital-I wu flied wltn 11\e oet-11 partne<tlllp , Suite 203, 901 No Perttoenler C•lllornl•. end pureuent lo lh•I a A L E . IP Y 0 U N 11 0 A N Coonty Cieri< of O.enge County on ~ Reti.y Wate<hOYM Ml. Senl• Ane. CA 92705. 1111 the certllln Notto. of Oefeull l'*••.mder IX~NATION Of' THI NATUM Dec 9, 1932 Thia tteternent WU flied wtlll lhe lghl. 1111• end lnt•rHI of H id recorded 8•Pl•mber 9. 1992 &I Of' Titl "'OCllDtMG AGAINIT '131711 County CMrll Of Oteno-County on •I tl\e time of dMth llnd lntlrument Ho 12·311018, of YOU, YOU tH0UL.D CONTACT A Publltlled Oreno• Co•ll D•Jly Dec 3, 1982 11 the tlghl. tllMI end lnt-t "'-1 Of'l1cl8I ~de of ...CS County, wll1 LAWYl!lll," Pllol. Dec 20. 27. 1982. Jen. 3. 10. l"MIMS7 II• "t•I• of u ld d-•Md hH under Ind pureuenl lo Mid OMd Of 509 I Outc;t>er Avenu., Irvin., CA. 1993 Publltlled Oreng• COHI Oelly cqulred by operellon of lew or True! Mii •t publlc euc:ttoo for CMl't, .. (II • et,.. eddr ... or common 558&-92 Pilot. Dec 20. 27. f982, Jen 3. 10. th«wlM 011\W then or In eddltlon lawful money Of the Unled Sl•t• ol detlgna11on I• 111own •bove. no 1983 0 '""of Nld decMMd. •I the 11me ,4merlc•. • c;eelller'• Ch!~ll w•rr•nty It g1v•11 •• to lie PUBllC NOTICE 6587·12 ol d .. lh, In end 10 all the cert.in P•~ lo Mid TrultM drawn on • complel-M 0< e«rec1-):' TM rael, property 11ru111.cl In the City of tt•te Of nellonal bank. • et$ Of benellcl•rr unoer H id Oeed ol 'ICTTTIOUI au .... • PlBLIC NOTICE ruaUn ~nty ol O.enge. Stet• of ledw81 c;reellt unloll, or • IJl•I• or Trull. by reH on ot • brHch or NA• ITATe•NT •lllorn11. pertlculerly deecrlbed lederel MWlgt end loan ~tlOn oefeul1 In lhe obllgetlOn• MQUred The lollowlng peraona ere ooing K .ol001 " lol!Owt to-wtt domlclted In 11w1 111et•, at ti.. meln thereby. he<•tot0<• ••KVlad end buelneM ... I NOTICI °' 0t••OLUT10N TM South 100 ... , ol tl\e WHI •ntr•nc• lo F1111 Am•rlc•n Tl11• dellv•red to the under1lgned • WHISPERIN<l WINOS RANCH, Of' "Alll1*111•tW 150 IMI of Block C u lhown on e lneur1ncie COfnperty IOcat.cl It 114 wrlll.., Oedaf•tlon of OefMll1 •nd 247 A\"I ROM 18. San CierMllte. PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY Mep of Tui11n City. City ot Tuetln, u Eal1 Flf1h Strwt. In lhe dty of Sanll Oemend for Sale. end written nol!Ge CA 92872 GIVEN th•I WILLIAM 0 WILD 11\oWn on. mep recorded In 800k 4 ""' Cllllfomla. ...... , l'IQl!t. 11119 ol br•~ Ind of et«tlon lo ceu.. Gene P•ul Reynolelt Jr., 247 MD .• and ROGER A. SLATER, Paoet 218 end 2t9 of MllC Map• •nd Int-I oon~ to end now th• underllgned to nll H id A,,. Rou #8. Sen Clement•, CA MD . n•relolor• doing buelnHt Except the Eu l 76 '"1 lhe~f. 11.id by It under Nld OMd of Trvat prop«ty to eall•fy Nld obllQ•tloM. 92872 under tl\e flct1110u• !Inn neme end More commonly llnown H 196 In Ill• p1oper1y 1llu•t•d In H id •nd th•rHlt•r the under119ned Brend• RacNll FWynokh, 247 ttyle of Reel hl•t• ~· Peclllc S1r .. 1, Tu111n. c...iomi. County ~ St•t• ~ ee: c•UMd Nld no1lot1 ol bfMd'l llnd ol A,,. Roe• #8. Sen Clement•. CA lnternetlon•I Co, .... Amdl Co .. • Term1 ol H I• cHll In lewful Th• Eut•rly 76 l••t of th• llM<:llon to be Recorded Augue1 23, 92872. p•t1.--at\lp, •I 810 Hew!>«! Cent« mon•y or the Unll•d S111H on WMterty 146 leet Of LOI• 1 end 2 In 1992 " lnllr No. 92-296388, of Thlli buelneM 11 coodueteel by • Oflve. Suite 550, Clly of Hewi>Of1 oonllmlallon of 1&19. or pen CUh 810<;1! f: ol Trec1 Ho. t 12. Coll• Mid Ofllcl•I Record• gen.-11 pett'*'8hlp 8HCh. County of ()(.,., 81•11 of •nd b•l•nce evidenced by not• Me-. T....-, M llhowrl on • Map S•ld nl• wlll be med•. but a-Peul R~• Jr C•llfornle. did on the let d•Y ol MCUl'9d by Mortgege or TNS1 Deed record«! In 8ooll 20, P-a-1.-nd t without covenenl or w•rr•nty. Tn11 a111-t wH llled With the Novemb•r. 1982. by mutuel on ,,.. property eo IOld. Ten P9f of M**'-• Mepe. record• of ••pr ... or Implied. regerdlng title. County Clel1c of Otenge County on conH nl. dluoln lh• H id cent of emount bid 10 ~ <141poelled Oren~ County. Celffornle. ~lion. or encumbrenc:ee, 10 o.c 17, 1982 pertnerehlp end termlnet• their tllltll bid The 11reet eddrHt ol H id p.-,. lhe r.nalnlng prlndc>81 eum Of ,..... r.t•tlon1 aa perlner• tllet1'lt'I 81d1oro11 ... 10 ~In Wf111ng encl prop•ny 11 133 & 735 201h St.. IM note(I) MCUr.cl by Nld OMd of Publl1lled Or•nge COHI Delly DA T E 0 AT L 0 n 0 8 e I c II• #111 be rec:elv" el 1he 1for ... ld Colle MeM. CA. Tru11. wtth lnt«HI M In laid no1e Piiot. Dec 20. 27. 1982. Jen. 3. 10. Ce11rornl•, lhl• Fl11I d•y of otfl~ et •ny time •lier the llr•t Seid ..,. wlN be mede without proVldeel. edv•noee. If any. unde< 1983 o.c.mt>er. 1992 publtcallon nereof end before d•t• oovenent <>< wrarrenty. •ll.P•-or tl\e 1erme ot Mid OMd of TNtt. 567M2 Wlnlem 0 Wiid, M.D. or ..,. lmp4ied, • lo title. pout 1lon or ,_, Chergee end n.,.,_ of lhe Rog« A Sleter, M.D. Oeled lhll 13th d•y ol December. 9flQ\Hnbl~ to Mtlefy tti-unpmld TruttM and of ti.. 1rutt1 cr .. tad by f'talC NOTICE 111ctwte1 '· Ctwten-, Md 1992 bet.noe ~ on 11111 not• or not .. l9ld Oeed of Truet. Said .... w\11 be J-T. ellmff. Attye. AmOld N. Murr•y MCUrad by eald Deed of Trvet, I< held on TllMd•y. Jtnuet) 11. 1983 ,ICTITIOU• eu•M•• PublleheO Orenge CoH I D•lly Admlnl1trel0<, CTA wit: 1110.2&4.00, pll'9 the I~ et 2:00 p m. e l Ill• Chapmen NANI •TAn.NT Piiot Dec 20. 1982 ot the Wiii Of Hllm•t•d co111, expen•H enc Avenue enlr•nce. to lh• Civic Ti.. lollOWlng per9C>l'lt -doing 659~82 Nld o-denl. eclvancee et lht time Of Vitt lnltlt c.n1er 8ulldlt19, 300 E .. 1 Ch•?m•n butlne11 •1· .. -IC Ml\Tll't WSINPILD a IMXOM J)UbllcatlOn ol thll Notice or S... A,,..._, In 1i.. City of ()(enge, CA SEA SKI SPORTS, 228 Mein r-ny1-. Attomeye et~ 12.073.8'. NOTICE AT THE TIME~ SALE, 81., Huntlnglon Beech. CA 101 N. ,..,.._..,Dr. 1203 N011Cll TO~ ~ BIOS MAY BE MAOE IN CASH RON UHGEHF'"EL TEA. 34071 ~~.~.JI Sant• Ana. CA 92705 YOU ARE IN OEFAUL T UNOER I ANDIOR THE CASHll!RS OR C•IMIL1Prlm•...,•· D~~~P8otnt.CA The followlng peraon le doing Publltll•d Oreng• CoHI Oelly OEEO OF T RUS T, OAT El CERTIFIED CHECK& SPECIFIED IN WES SELBY. 17.,.,,, uahtrel. Piiot. Dec. 20, 21. 27. 1912 FEBRUARY 22, 197'. ~SYO\ CIVIL COOE SECTION 2924/'t. Fountllln Veney, CA 92708. bulllneMSELEUCT -FICE SERVICES. 6582-92 TAKE ACTION TO PAOTE OUI At th• t Im e o t th• lnl 11 •I Thie bual ..... It condue1ed by • vr PROPERTY, IT MAY BE 8 AT I publleallon ol Ihle no11ce. the 1ot81 genet81 perl~P. 20721 S•ndPt'; Ln • Huntington rtJl.IC N()TIC£ PUBLIC SALE. IF YOUti Al ll/Tlount of the un~ l>elence Of lhe WM s.lby BMc~-~ EJ'::.i>!th Stoller. 20721 It..., EXP LANA T10"4 OF TiiE N URI ~:1~~'11::r:~~1 :r t'r":.~b.0;: c!'~:y ·~-::i:·c:~iegc:~~y ·~ Sendplper Ln . Hunllng1on 8MCll. HOT1CI OI' DtHOUITION ~~u~HYE~Rf~~~ Ab~s; Htlm•IK COii•. Hp•n•H. end Deoember I. 1912 c. 112..e OP "ARntUI.... LAW'l'EA 1dv1ncu ,, t H.sa.1.ea To ......., Thll .,.,.,... le COnclUCled by Ml PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY Oeted. Deoember 13, 1tf2. «MtermlM IM opening bid, )'OU may PublllhK Or•n11• Co•ll 01111 lndlvldu•~.n EKUl)eth 81ollet OIVEH lh•I 8UTLEA HOUSIHO Fire! Amerlo•n Tltl• llttur•n0t calf (714) 931~. Hot, Dec 1,, 20. 21. tH2. Jen 3. C 0 R P 0 RAT I 0 H . • n d Company, a 0..totnle QOfPOtallOn, 0.1• o-n11« I , 1912 1"3 Thi• tt•1-t0rwu flladCouwltll lhe w A A M I N 0 T 0 N -8 u T L E R Jeennl11• L. Lawrie, AuihOllHd BURUNOTON PINAHCIAL 6348-82 County Clettt of eno-nty on VEHTUR!S. INC . i..r.tolor. dolllQ Offtcer. 114 E. """ .......... AM. HRVICl!I, INC. Oecernbe< I, 1982. bvtlMM un<* '"-flo11tlout firm C.412701, (714) .... 1211.. .. Mid TNel... Nil.IC NOTICE ,._... neme encl •l)'te ot 18th a 0r8nQ9 Publllh•d Orant• CoHt OallY 1y T. o. 81RVICE Publl•h•d Oreno-Coeet D•lly Comoallr, et 1et1 Ktttenng 8trwt, Piiot, Dec lO, 11, IHI, Jan. J. COMPANY, ..-n• P9Crmoutl .,..... Pflol 0.0 13. 20, 27. ttt2, Jill\ 3. City "of IMM, O®nty ol er.no.. 1113 ly Lome WomeGll ..... ITATDllMT 1113 Stet• of Cellfoml•. did on ""' "' ......., AAltttlll hcre18'6 Tht followtng pereon I• doing 53U·H dey of OtcernlMf. 11121 by mutual ________ ....., ...... ..., .... o MieM u : Qon•ent. dln olv• !tit ••Id MJC M01'Cl 31•• •mlllo •I 1"0 Q.lllAt WIOTl~AUTO P\alC NOTIC[ pertn•refllp and t•rmln11t their ...,. ""'• SALES I LEASIHO, 1 Ct, .................. Plt1netW 1......-Butt•,.,... ~._,,.,ea. 12 flCTITIOU• 9UllNlll ·-OATlD AT lrlllnl. ~ ttllt PIO"'*-WM 8111\ ~ t2108-4044 l .... '· ._,..1old, 11 ~ lllAMI tTATl•WT eiotlth di!)' Of Oeioemtler. tMa, ..... ITAW Publle~~) OflflO• Co .. \ OallY Ctlwrt""'1P<lf11Md1, Ct tHei . The lollow1no perton It CIOtno I u I I er H'o 11 a't n O ~i..:.~ ~ It dolnt ~ Piiot, Dec. to. 27, ltH. Jan, f . lndMdull ~le ~ ~ M ~:OH '" v, 2301, MoullOI' COl'pof•-:,." Ylot..,......,. OM.1900 llf"1 •1 It, 1tu jNO.tJ L..' ~•Old fltlwy, It•. o.4. L•oune Hiii•, C. . _, ,.....,,, ......._ ~&·· 19v c•n Charge DAILY "LOT CfiMlfled,.... TI\lt .,.,.,,.., -Ill.cl wltll ""' .,.u ----..... • ......... . 11 ~~lfl Coufltf Cllarll _. 0r-. CoUftW on lttPn•n ParrnenttM. 1&11 AITllMI• ~ °"°""''*I, 1NI. Louit9 L~• INcll, C. II.mt ,_ 0.-........ Tilila ...._ • ••••·----.. , .... ~~·~by.., ............. 0. . lndMitMt ,11bll1t1~ Or•11tt• Gou' o.11 ln<tlvldU•I ........ ~ o.e.. o.11y ~'!!~5-~l::: Not Ole. ti, IO, 11, 1111, M , ........ !.~ :::::C."!...11 me ,_ 0.0. "· ., ... -"*II ~ ,....,._ tta w, ~j,, ... ~°' Oranoe ~"' ...... =.?. °"" .. --.... ~., ... Oo.100. Jtl '"2 ow. . -,_ AIW•i• ••••• In ,.,.11 .... ~·o .... ~- ClHtlll•d·tt•d 1111 tdl Nol. 0eo. M. 17, Ml, JM. I; W.. ~My '42....,1 Itel ....... .. '· J '. •' • r .. " ,. ,, • "' ,, I .. .. NA. "9deklft• 11, Qlent• 14 ~-..,ou.n.r.' NY Glanla 7 7 0 0-14 WMNnglon 0 3 I 1-15 NV -"*"Ina 28 ~ lfom an.n,,., to.n.o klell) w--F0~20 NV -WooltOlll 1 run (Oenelo klcal WUh -WHhlngton 22 run (Kk:k !Wied) W..,. -FO MOMlley 31 Wf/l//ll -FG~42 A -50.030 ~· ........ RUSHING -NY, Cwpen1er 10-21. Wootfoll 10-2 7. WU/I, R1Qg1r11t 3 t -t7. Tllelemann 9·21, WHhlngton 3·28. Hennon 1-0. PASSING -NY , Brunner 10·21 ·1·121. w .. 11. Tltellmenn 2~252. RECEIVING -NY , Gre~ 3·39. "9ttllne, 2-39, SNnt 1· 11. EddlnQa 1· 13, Cet'l*lter 1-1 1, MuUedy 1 -4. WOOifoik 1-4. WUh. Brown 7·99, WHhlnglon 6-21. Monk 4-eO, W1tr•en 4-33. Welker 4-21. Aloclllw 1·7. l'lELO-GoALS MISSED -Mone llrOWM 10. ........ .... ..,o-Wrw Pltbtlurgtl 0 7 0 2 -' ~ 3 0 7 0-10 Cle -FQ 8elv 44 Pit -Staltworlh 9 pau from Bnld9Nw (M<let-kid<) Cle -Oevle 1 run (Baltt kk*) Pit -SefMy (Co• ran bell oul ot ...o _, A -17,139 , ..................... RUSHING -PllllburQh, F Harrie 14·15, Pollarel 7-30. R 0 •••• 2·2, Hawtllorne a.1. Cle veland, C. Mnler 7-20. PNftl 1-17. Whit• 7-11. J. Devi• 2· 1. McOonalCI 4-mlnua 5, Cox 14'14nua 11. PASSING -Plllabvrgh, 8racla/\aw 12·3'·4, 144 Cle"elanel. Mc:Oonllel 1~1.227 RECEIVING -Plltaburgh, Smith 4-74, ~ 3-33, F. Hanle 3-24, Polltfel 1.1. StallwOl1h 1-6. Oe¥elanel, Walker 4·&7. Logan 4·52. N-ao m• 4-4a, ~ 3-37, F-2-25, Fulton 1 ... Pnoltt 1·5. MISSED F1ELO GOALS -Clweianel, ..,,. 40. Cardlnele 10, .._. 7 .... .., ...... ~ 0 7 0 :S-to 0 0 0 ,_ 7 --Moma 1 run (O'Oonogtlue kle*I C•l -Moore head 8 paH trom ~l~kk*I atl-F00~41 A -43,270 ................ Ml8HfilO -... Loi*. ,.,.,.. 12-48. ~ ,.._ liltCllMll '""· ~ 2·11. ~. p~ 20-13. ~ '-24, '"""~·14. McCle"41on 2·1. t-.-1· PA8SIN -&1 . lo.,la, Lomu 11-17·1·7~ r1 4·8·0·31. Clllc:ago, YcMefloll 1 190, Peyton 0-140. ............ 0-\o.O. RECEIVING -81. llhllt, Lefl..,r 3-47. Tiiiey W , a-2·23, Harrell 1 ... Qlicego, ~ M7, MooleflMCI 4-SI, Patyon 2·21' .Wett1 1-4 Ml88EO FIELD_ C()Al8 -SI LOI.Ill, O'l>onogrllle 48. c:Noego, AoYelo 43, 33, 31. llucsM, ... 23 .... ..,~ ...,,,.., ' ll 1 1-23 T .... Bey 610 7 7-24 8"f -IAMa • ""' (Illa ,...,, T8 -c.-2 PMe '°"' w ..... (~Ir.le*) 8"4 -FGHerrwe4t T8 -FG~27 11114 -lAllka :s ""' ...... llile*) T8 -~ 2 PIM tr~ (~Ir.le*) T8 -c.-13 "'" (Capece lc:lt) 8"f -F«gueon 10 ""' (Herref; kle* I A -12.510 ................. AOSl-il~ -Bull•. en~ 13,9 Laue 13-12. f9'QlllOtl 3·2', Bro~ 2--20. Koller 1· 12. T ..-nc>e Bey. CW... »et, Wleler 1-25, W11e1na 1·24 PASSING -8u1t110, Fergu10~ 17·25-3-118 Tempe B•J. Wllllame ~20-t. RECEIVtNO -8"f191o, Cr1t1«11 4-11. lklttet :µ2, ~ 2.:s1. a.- s-22. llllkl 3-17, Bernett 1·22. ll'MI 1·11 Tempe Bey, Wiider .. 61. HolMI ...... a... 2-31. ~ 2-21. Cerl• l·f. ~1-7.C-1·2 M188EO FJELD OOAL8 -8utt1lo, none. Tempe Bey, ~ 41 hb1ote 1e.. a..Mwtl• 0 ._...,a..... .... EllglenCI 3 7 3 3-11 8eettle 0 0 0 0--0 NE -FG J. 8mllh 21 NE -ven Ee gh1n 5 p1u fro"I GtOQlll (J. 8"'lltl kid!) Hl -FG J. 8mlll\ 37 Hf -FG J. Smltl\ 23 A -!53,457"' .................. MJSHIHO -New EncllMCI. Collnl 11-~. ,,.. &gllen 12~. W~ 140, Telupu 4·20, Orogen 3· 11, Morgmn 1-3, ~ 2-0 a..ttte. Ooon*1k 5-20. T. Btown 1·20. Smllll 2·11. Zorn 1~ 5 PA881NO -New Englend. OfogWI 14-~1111. a.ttle. Zom 18-3&4-f:M MCEMNO -New Ellglend. CoMne 4-21, 8tldett•w 3-11, Oewson 3·33, Morgen 2 · 11. ven Eeglle n 1·5 . H..-.c:k 1-4. S..llle, Slnllll 4-47. ~ MS, Ooom1r* 3-10, T. Btown W, Cwr M5, ~ 1-14 MISSED FIELD GoALS -S..1111, N ~ 52 ..... EnQlenel, J Smith 40. ... hg'" SS, Ott.re 14 to.r.i.,~ H-lon 0 0 1 1-14 Plllt~I 1 14 7 7-35 Piii -BIKkmo<e 20 lnl•oepled peM (Fr-Mn kldll Piii -Montgomery :S run (Frenklln kid<) Piii -Quiel< 45 p-l•om JeWOttlll (Franklin klc:kl Phi -MOfllg<>mery 90 run (Frenklln illOlll Hou -C•lf>e' UI p ... from Manning (Klmj)f klc:l<I Hou -Crell 5 p-flom Manning (Kempf ktc:l<I PN -Montgom.-y 2 run (Frenkll,, kid<) A -44, 119 !Ml ....... ltettorttc:. RUSHING -Houlton Campoell t8·25 Menning 4.22. Crill 4 5 Phll1Cla lph11, Monlgomery 17-14 7 Giammona 4-22. Haui. :S-21. HerringtOfl 1·3. HO<Wer 1·$ PASSING -Houa1o n. Men,,lng 18·30·4·230 Philtelalphll, JIWOflkl 11-20-1·1113. Pt .. rc:tl< 1·1-0·24 RECEIVING -Houllon. C11par 5· 102. Renlro 5-81, Bailey 1• 19. C.-111 3.1e. Campbell 2·6. Eelward1 2· .3 Phll1Clllphl1. Smith 5·H , Cermk:hHI 2-38. Ou1c:k t-411. Glemmon• 1·10. Montgomery 1·9. Sp1gno11 1·5, S~on 1·24 MISSED FIELD GOALS -None Cowboy• 21, a.tntt 7 S-bJO-W. . New O<IMN 0 0 0 7-7 OelllS 0 2 1 0 0 21 Del -0o<Mll 2 run ($epllen kick) 011 -Co•b•• 3 Piii fr o"" Whit• (Septlen kid< I Oii -Oo<Mtl I run (Sepllen klc:kl NOR -Rooa<• 9 rvn tFrlllCh ktcl<) A -64.SCMI lftdlvtdtMI ........ RUSHING -New Or-.e. G Roger1 ~1118, WW90n IO·SI, J Rooat• 2·29 Dallu. OorMll 25·105, SPflno• 7-17, Whitt 1-1 ' PASSING -New Orl1en1. S1101er 2· 10-2·32. M-en• 4· 10· 1·54. Hot,,,.. 0· 1-0-0. Erx .. ben O· 1-0-0 Olllu, Whtie 14·22·2·222 RECEIVING -N-OrlHnl, Sc:oll 2-40, MIUll 2·24 Grolh 1·20, J. ~ 1.2 Delles, Cost>le 4-15. p--3-51, Oor .. 11 -;). 11. John1on 2·28, 99ftno• 1·13 HNI 1·12 MISSED FIELD GOALS -New O<laana. FrttlCh 29 40. Anclet_, 43 Vllllnv• M, Uona 31 lcote .., a-we MlnnMOll 7 17 0 10-34 OelrOll 7 0 3 21-31 0 11 -Thomp1on 70 paH trorn Oenlelaon (Murray kick) Min -LeCount 15 PIM t<om Kr- tD~ klCk) Min -Lewie S P• .. lrom Kramer (Denmeler klc:l<I Min -FG 0.,,......·20 Min -~· 311 peM from Kt-(l>lnlnellt kldt) Del -FO Murrey t 4 Del -Sime I run ,....,,.,., kid&) Mln -FO~H Min -c -44 l\llmeiea _., ~kk*I Del-~1 .... ~~ ,....,,.,., kid<) Oet -Tllompaon 1 P••• horn o.NallOn , ....... ly klca) A -73.0M .................... RUSHING -Mlnne1011, Brown 2()..11!. GelbrHlh 10·3', Young 2·11. Kf.,,_ 2-3. Oelrott. s-12·22, au.My ~13, o.n..-on $-7 PASSING -Mtrfneaole, Kremer 20·2'·0 ·233 Dttroll. 01nlel1on .20-3~ 2 .34 7 RECEIVING -MIMeMJta. MQCullutn 7-79. S4fleer 5-45 ........ J.63, LACclYnl 2·20. Brown 1·18, l'IHllld 1·12, Galbrellh 1-e Oelroll, Thompeon 5-191. Hlft 5-47, Scott S-71. 8WMY !-41, Sinw 2-0. Ntdloll I ·20. King 1 .7 FIELD GOALS MISSED -~ .. O.W-1 1331 o.troH. none Colt• 20, ,eek.,. 20 ._....., ....... G,_, a.,, o 10 3 1 o-ao Banlm«• 3 0 3 14 0-20 Bel -FG MllW 23 G8 -FG Sl-..CI 40 GB ,._ Thomp1on I PHI from l Dickey (St~ klckl Bel -FG Miiier 40 GB -FG St-..c! 25 GB -t-v 1 run lSt-uel klc:lll hi -Bou11 12 PHI trom Pagel ( ..... kid<) Bel -Mc:Mll!en 1 run (Miiiet kldll A -25.920 .................. nc. RUSHlffG -Gr-Bey EM1 11-47 i...., 11-45. Aoelgetl 7-35. L Oic:key 1.11. Jensen 2·• l otion l ·mlnu1 I 81111more, C Oic:key 10-39 Pagel 5-3 I 4c:Mlll.,, 13-27 Dt•on e. 11. Franklln ,Bulter1.fnlnUl 1 ASSING -Gr_, Bey. l Ok:key 34·1·213. Lofton 1 ·1·0·43 0-111~re. Pttgel 23·39-0·21 I, Sttrk IVINO -Gr_, Bey. Jefter.an ~-~ Lofton 5-&7, Elll1 3· 2 7, Epp1 • • ottmen 1·27. Tllompeon 1-t. OICl<S't :2. '::~23~1L~. 3 9. 8"1let 2·15, Henry 1-I ELD GOALS -Gr_, Bly. Beltlfnof• ...... 44 C~11. aronooe 11 "-C~.,~10 17-37 ~-FO LO\,,. 47 o 13 3 0 -11 KC -H•"1"-e pe11 Interception (l_.,llldt) o.n -w-• \in (k!c* ftlllleell Oen -Upc:llu'\ 78 punl r11urn l Kltflle k lc:ll) KC -Dt•on 1 "~rom K1nn1y ll°'""'Y kick) Oen -FO l<Mlll KC,-FG L-V I KC-F0 ~22 , KC -Car.on 33 1>4Ui\om Kenney IL_., kick) SCOREBOARD KC -Bar!Mllo 43 pa .. tnllfClf)llon llowetY It.tell.) A -74.1112 ~ ...... , ... RUSHING -Ken1u Clly J IC'ton 19-48 Haelnot t3·41 Kenney 1.0 Oen•tr w11111111 12·49, w 1ne11r a.2e. Perro• 4·7, W11aon 1 rnlnu1 4 , Upe;hureh I ·mlnul 3 PASSING K1n111 C11y. Kennay ::.;~.~:1'.3"8 De nve r . OaBerg RECEIVING Kan .. 1 Clly, Carson 3· t 10, Ol•on 3-38. lt.41rehell 3·30, Haelnol 2-9 Scon 1-:S. o.n-. PrMton 6·49, W811on 4·28. Upc~urch 3·27. W11tl'llle 3· 13, Wrlglll 2·30, EglOH 1· 15, Parrot 1·1 MISSED FIE.LO GOALS None '•Icon• 17, ....... 7 llcor9 .., o--... Allanll 0 tO 0 7-17 Sin Fr~ 0 7 0 0-7 All -FG l uc:lt""'ll 22 SF -Clerk 7 PH• rrom Mon1an1 (WeflChlng klcill All -8ertkOWllll I run lluckhural kic:k) All -RIQile I run (l uc:khural klekl A -53.2~4 ltMllYldliel etatlallca RUSHING -All1nte. Andrew1 24· 108. Rlog1 15-66, Roblnaon 11·55 Catn 5-15, lltr11•owalll •·rnlnu1 10 5.,; Frencltco Ring 7·23, MOfllena 5.111. ~ 1-1 Moore 1·3. LIWfence 1·2 Nehemiah 1·mmua 1 ~ASSING -Atlante 81t1kowakl 12-21-2· 176 S•n Frtnc:ltc:o, Montena 1&-31-1-177 RECEIVING -Allente Anelt'9WI 4-64, Jeclteon 2-53, R'l191 2·2 l, .i.n1t.tn1 2· US, Celn 1-10, Miller 1·8 San Frtnc:llCO. Cllllt 1·101, Francia 2·27, C001>4t' 2·13. 8elomon 1·15, Wilson 1·8, Moore 1-7. l •-1·6 MISSED FIELD GOALS Atlenla, ~~hunt 311 San Franc:11c:o, W«tch1ng Women'a Yotleyball COLUGa NCAA C._...llMlpe (et ltodlton) "'91 ..._ Haw111 Clef use. 14·19. 9.15, •5-13, 15-10. 15-12 """' ...... Sen OleQo 81 0.-StentOfel, 13· t5. 15-11, 17.f5, 10-16, 1&-14 • '~~ NllA ntTUIN COW'Ut&NCI Peolllc OMelen .,, l Pct. Ge Lei!-,, 5 780 Selltle 11 9 780 PortlWICI 15 II 577 4'At Ptloe<V• 14 II 580 6 Golclen Sll11 11 16 423 a .... s... Diego 4 21 190 15 ...._.°""_ San Antonio 18 10 64J K-.Clty t4 8 &le I Ollles " 13 458 s o.n-10 15 400 15'"' Utll'I 10 15 400 8"t Houtton 4 ?O 187 12 EAlnl'IH CONfll'llNCI AHenttc DIY1elon w L Pel. oa Pl'llladetpn<e 20 6 eoo eo.1on 20 9 769 'At wunlngton 13 II 542 8' ... -Jereey 13 12 520 7 New Yorli 9 17 320 12 Ceftlr.,~ Mltweuk• 17 II 9!>4 Oelrotl 15 11 sse 2'• Allanll 12 ia $00 4 Chicago • 19 * , .... 1,..,..,,,. • 19 3eO , .... c-ano 3 21 125 12''\ ·-,·· k«'M L..Mi .. 1 1 10 Oellu 108 De1roo 131, Boe1on 114 Mllw-11 113, San Anlonto N Tonlglll't 0- K1n111 City 11 Ula/I Lalcen 110, M.vertcb 1• DAU.Al -"""'"9 20, Vincent 11, CIMnmlr>Qa "· 8feckrNn 18, o.\111 15, O.....tt I.~ o. Tumer 4, ~ 7, Lqd 0. TOI ... 40-93 29-N tot. LOt ~· -Rem~ :S, W.... 20, AOCl<ll·JID-33, ~ ~ 20 Nixon 12. Worthy e. Cooper e. Uc:Adoci :~o C """'-0 TOllla 4'-IS 12-24 ... ..,a-.- Oelea 30 31 21 K-IOI Loe Mgelee 27 23 3a 27-110 FCMMc! out -MeACloo ~ - Oellel 44 (01trnet1 15~ Loe ~ 51 (AbcM-Jebber 17). A'°"ala -0.... 27 (Cummlnga 7. Oevle 11. Loi AngelM 32 (E. JohM«I 13). Tolll foull -OtillM 11. ~ MoliM 30 Tecflnlc:ele -Wiik•. lot Angelet llleg1I OelenM, Agulrrt. OlllM, tlleg4ll ~ A -14,084 COMMUNITY COLLIOI 8eGvcHea M, Ootden W"t Q OO(MN WHT -Durham 11. Mjlee tO. KfMICll 10 OorllMI 4 ~· •• alb« 3 Polnele•llf O. MltllnO 2. ~ 0 '01111 25 3· 10 63 COlllGa DI' .. OUOIAI -W11eon 8. Weintz 2. Barker 4, Tnoma1 o. ~ 0, H•rrl1 &. Scttgga 9, 8uchenen 11. Brown 8, Jettlf'eon 2. 0onne11 e. Tot111. 20 18-71 69 ~•ll11me Goleleo w .. 1. 211·24. 10111 1ou11 Golelen w .. 1 11. Colleoe- of SeqU04 .. 17; Fouled OUI W•t-181. Revt1 (GWC) COL.&.aQI WOMEN UCI 72, Mont.ne 8t. 11 UC lflVIMll -Pellon 2. Gomfl 4, Hl(IHhl 5, 81ker 10, Hemlllon 19, SlmOeOfl 7. Veneler Poll 2 I, RenCl.ii t, Mc:Elroy 2 Totele 28 18-27 72 MONTANA ITATW -s .. 4, Rooe 8. H..,_ e, Htnty II, Volker 3, HMber 13, 8elClnOol 2. McOanlll 2. Mc:lllJQhlln 5 Tot .... 2l 7·13 81 Hellllmt' UC !<vine, 31-28 Tot•I I0011t: UC lrvln• 17, Montena State 23, FOUied out: Mcl aughlin (MS~ O.,,_ .. TOUMIAllMINT I COMI ("'91 "-"ti) c .. St. Ful..,.on 118, UC Senti 8ar't>are 43 Sen Jote St 99, Ute/I $7 Hou11on 93. Unlverllly of Pllcitlc 74 Col!He ec:o,... TDUM-'-NTI .... ,.,., (I I T•yo) v1rg1n11 80, Ulllh 57 (Note VlrQlnle "''"• round robin IOUrney) 01~- lcHlth F10flC11 84, F1orlel1 SI 93 N-Orlean• 118, 0.0.gla SI 71 8ATURDAY'8 L.ATE SCORE Ontft<I cen,on TOllrn-1 Gr1ne1 CanyOfl College. 87 11'-llele 54 lllrat) COLLEGE How loo 20 tered Hwe'1 110w -)op T-lly learns In Ille Aaaocllleel Pr-c:otlege t>Uklilblll pOlt tereel IUt ....., 1 Vlrgtnll (7-01 -t liou11on. 72-83. .,.., U1111. 10·17 .. 2 Kenlt1c:ky (7·0) t>e•I OuqUMne. 55-42. -Tul-. 80-81 3. MenipNa 8te1e (7-0) -· K-. 64-54 • 4. UCLA (5-0) bNI IOwa. 7!>-M. 5. Geor911own (11-2) Iott 10 ArnerlCan u. 82-91, (lie) lnele.... (7..()) bNI KenlU Steta, 41-411. 7. !owe (l-1) loet lo UCLA. 15-M. I . ~ (5-01 bN1 Eutem tllnoll. 7M1 ' 9 SI . .ic:,~::J::I t>eal Fordllem. 744,-1 .M-41 10. Aleb-(M) bell loulalene Tedl .... TI. 11. ,_ te-01 -81 ~ N.Y , 70-51, bMt .....,,,., ~ 12. Lo11101111 (7• 1l Dell ao.,111 AMllerM. 84-77: -~-8\Me, ., .... 13 Arlc•nHI (6.-0) bH1 Al•bMl'I• Stele. 106-ea, be91 NortNNI louleltna. 18-78. 14. Hou11on (1·2) 1011 10 Virginia, 72-«13; -Ulah, 12-57. 15. Not1fl Cerottne St•I• (4..()) dlCI not pley. II. 8yr-(e-0) bell Ohio Si.te, 91-45: bNI Nllgltfe, 1~82 17 Norlh CeiOllnl 14-3) kMI 10 TulM. 8'6· 74, -1 Pen Amerlean 108-50 18 Ne¥eele-l U Vegae (5-0) dlO nol plly 19 V..-{3-21 -I T wnple, 12-65. 20 Well Vlrgl,,le (e-O) beet Olllo WHl•~•n. 81·50, b••I Georo l• Soulhern, 85·58, baal Vlrgl"I• Commor......ittt. 81-85 (Oil HemptOM lnwttetlonel (et Meotfl ....... llMc:t.. '11..) MntM""" Jimmy Connon (U S ) Clef Brie n T_,,., tU 8 I. f.2, f.t tCo-or1 -~ TMCttet wlnaM0,000) J O......P'lllel 8ulctl Wlllll IU S 1-~ 0-111MCl1 1Swlt~er1end) Clef Tim Oulllh on-Tom o..aeon (U $ ~ &-3, 3-t. e-0 Men'• ICMlfnetnent (M ..__ llleM, '11..) ...... ,!Ml Jetrne Flflol (Chll•l def Sten Smith (US ), 8-3, 5-7, 7.5 (Flltot Wlna 117,000. !lm<lh -112.000). 0......,,,... Fiiio! (Clllle~Smllll (U t ) cHI Tom Gorme,,-Cherl" Pe..,ell (U 8 I. 1-2, 4-9, 8-1 l F1llOI anCI 9mttll Plltfl U ,000). .... lcMlttl ..... Open '"'C=-"> Jolln Aluender (Auatrlllal -John Fllzgeralel (A1111ralle). 4·1, 1·9. 9.4 (Alelt_,.,...,. '20.000) OewMM l'llMI AleJt1ncM<-Flt111«eld (Aullrltlle) def C4lfl leteher..C.llQ M._ (Auttralla~ 1-4 • 7 .9 (Al•••neler anel Fltlgetelel COllec:I $3.750 Nell) Women'• tCM1mement (M l•l~.IU.) ..,... """ Mertine NevretMov1 (U S l Clel Chrll E•arl llOyel (US I. 4·8 , 8·1, 8·2 """" ... MEL FILTERS (NtvtaltlO•• .,,nt '7~ 000 llOyO w1na "400001 ~· ..... Hev•ellio¥1•PM1 811rlver (U S.) def Pua S""1fl.Cen0y Aeynotd1 (U S ). 1-4. 1·5 (Na~11t11on anel Bh•Utt.L 1p111 ua.ooo~ Hollywood l'Mit IUNDAV'I Meuue (Miii of »4ey ltMM'~ ~) •1111er l'IACt . e turlonQa OIKo l ark (Sllrnltr) 19 20 7 60 5.40 Joe/lie Boy IP~~ 4 40 a 20 Nttyno Bey IV Ill 5.00 Alad r•c•CI Flehwey, Klltllelon. Pl1neta, O\lnker Biii, Summer Knight. lnc:Ofpor•tor. Tlru1 Tom Time l tO UCOM> MCa. I 11 18 mllel Crown IM EmperOf (McCrnl 920 420 320 Trotper (Hewley) 3 50 3.20 Comancll41tO tHaneen1 12.40 AllO rec:eel Dillen I RI•••. Sofel N Ct1l1Y, Jim Jim, lnltlc:ec:y, Mein Jet, J B Scott Trlc:ky Wiiiie, Nltly Biel Time 148 215 12 OAll Y l>OUka 12 ·5) peicl $e3 20 THIN) Mca. 7 11Ktono1 F'91I PIUI All'-tMc:Cm) 7 20 3 60 3 00 POMe Roi> lM tHIWl8'11 4 00 3 20 Ebony Bronre IP141tce) 4.80 Also rec.d Whelr., Senior S.,,llOf. Envoye Intrigue, Slyi 111 LU Tune 1.22 4/5 SI IXACTA (1-9) palCI 183.60 •OUflTH M CI. I ml ... Nlc:a 'N Pfoper (Pncyt 4 90 2 60 2 20 Thellarel'I Pearl (Pl4"'ce) 2 60 2 40 1Cea (Gellllanol 2 40 Also receel One Litt .. One. Kanbuek. George'• Flin, 8e41a M0<111n1 Timi 1 37 215 U IXACTA 14·5) pelCI $28 00 l'1'TH RAC.. 1 ' , mt .. lurf He«1 a.at (Pinc:.yl 4 60 2 60 2 20 Jlml>o'1 A(le (Hawley) 3 40 2 40 a-. v11-10ete1-. ... ve1 2 60 Aleo rllQICI T~ Bttc!Oe. P8'1 Leel, MUllCel Boy, FllopOIO PeraOfl 1 Lllder, Cllltfge Account Time 148 1/5 SI UACTA (1·71plld151 SO llXTH l'IACI. 1 1119 mu .. Cl'IMllloweg1 (Me11I tO 80 S.60 4 60 a-. Moro (Toro) 5 eo 3 60 Prtncety V.,Cllel (Blackl 4 40 AllMI reeeel Prior Approvel. Green G1111n1, Oen111 RI091, Omahe Mike, Ludly lucu, 8aneltllalre, WllCI Tom. Time 1 4) 215 MYUfTM UCL 1 1118 -1"'1. Conte>eleollly (Cltnelel 12 40 5.40 3 20 Enole o., tSltJ;llel :s.ao 2 90 Fanellngetlne (P1ncey) 2.20 Ai10 raoeCI Aoea TUCIOf, Sl"YlnQ Afltw. Full Of "'->. S....... Time 1•42 415 913 ..CIC IOI (5· 1·4· I· 1 ·2) palCI $5.· 197.20 wllh 38 winning 1lck1l1 1•1• hor-). U Plc:li Sta ConlOletlon pelCI $77 90 with 848 winning llc:1<1t1 (live hor-) ltOHTH MCI. t•-11 mllft Slenr• (Plnc:ey) 23 80 10 40 8 40 Ml• H\Jntlnglon ITOfOI 7 40 S.20 Planty O'TOOle (c..taneelel I 90 Aa.o rllQICI Milingo, Tlc:llellel, Vige. A•lgtlllon S1ntrllllum. Time For Rlck:tlect.a, Bea A Seoul F~ T""' 141 115 NINTH MCL 1 '"' ......... turt. Pr1nce Circle fMcC<nl 3 60 2 60 2 80 Sllnglng'I' (Plnc:eyl 4 40 3 20 Chai Time (Romero! 8 IO AIM> raced AH HOUM, Nloh(laeg.... M .. ,., Jono Son Co.;rage, GrO<lffeCIOf Time I 47 415 14 IXACTA (5-41 pllel SS5 SO Allendlnc:I -29,873 ..,..==r~)- 34 eng1er1 4 bau. 44 bonllo, 220 mecll..r, 185 rOcll coo, 14 ~ DAV.Y'S lOCICP (~ 9Ndl) -29 lnQler'I 2 c:ellc:o bell. 1 cow ooe1. 40 medl.,.., 228 roell c:oel, 3 lane! beal DANA WHAN 34 •nolltf• 9 ba18. 5 mecl<erel, 11 S roc:lo c:oel. 3 roe« fllll. 8 al'tMphMCI, 4 ICUlpln, I blue beal MAL MACH -n englera 3 cow ooel. S !Ing ooel, 22!1 rOClc c:oel. 105 roc:ll • 11111 ( .... ) -45 tnglett ' bonito 190 rnect.eNI, 125 -· c:roel<• 1o0 _,..,. . NE HARD PA.CK Warning : e Surgeon General Has Determ ined That Cigare Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. f' 17 mg. "1ar", 1.3 mg. n1coune av. per c1gare11e by FTC m11hod . .. NHL CAMNCLL cotWIMNCI ........ ~ Eelmon1on vancou- w 1nn1peo " ..... C•IO~ W L TGll'GA " ,, 7 164 141 13 14 7 128 120 14 15 3 133 137 13 t5 5 114 129 11 II I 141 154 ...,,.~ P1• 40 33 i: 28 ChlcaQO Mlnneeoll St louta Detroit TOfonlo u 5 9 154 1oe so 111 I 7 150 122 45 12 20 3 1i2 135 27 7 " 8 17 131 22 5 II e 103 142 II w.iu.ae C°"'9MNCa Petr1Gll DMIMfl NY ltltnelerl II 13 9 138 Pl'llleeletjlllle 17 12 5 132 WUtllngton 15 II 9 124 NV Rlngere II 14 3 135 Plltab<irQll 9 17 9 1oe N ... .,...., 1 22 1 101 ~OMMell Mon1rMJ 20 8 9 151 Botton 111 11 e 148 8'1Hllo 15 13 9 133 Oueoec: 15 14 4 152 Henforel 10 18 4 110 ....,.. ..... ChlCIQO S, K .... 4 lkiHalO :S, O\*-1 WMl\lngton 3, PNiedelpllle 1 Eelmonlon s. Montreal 2 -J«eey 3, WlnnlpeQ 2 ,..,...., .• a.... Pllllburgll 11 NY Aengen 114 110 115 124 143 1eo 111 104 117 148 150 Btack Hawke I, Klnge 4 ........, ..... 42 311 39 35 24 21 49 44 38 34 24 Loa Angelel 2 0 2-4 Chlcego 3 I 2-8 l'ltet,...... 1 Loe Anoefw, L MwOhY 4, 13:38; 2. Clllc:•oo. W111on 8. i3il51; 3 Loa Angel••· J Foa 11 (Aolkowakl, K"1nedv\ 15"h 4 ~.,.,_.on 18 (l )'llall), 18 21. 5 Chic:ego. Savwel 13 (PPLJ.L.arms, W119on). 17;58. "9Nll._ -, 100 meny men on ice. -.Yid by M MUl'pfly. ~ =· LA. 19.44 8 Chlcego La"ler 18 (Sevuel. Brown). 17 29 "-'9tllea -l.armlf, Clll, 5 21, 0 Fox, CN. 18:30. ,,...,...... 7 LOI ~ ..... Bo.let< 11 (Dionne. Ev-), 1:14 1): 8. Loe Angelee, J. FO• 17 \Chltf1r • 2:02. t . Chlclgo, Suiter 14 Brown. L)'llell), e:M ; 10. CNcego, Sevwel 14, 1:51. Penafti.. -i.-e1. LA. eerwd b)' Uomaon, 8:51; 8rown, CN, 13·52. Shot• on goel -lo• AngelH , 12-4-12-21 a.k:aOO. 20-10-lCMO. Ooel ... -lot Angelll. ~Cl ~ Elpoello. A -1',I05. M•jof Indoor Socoer LMfUe ...,......OMllOM WLht.• Pnoenlx WICNI• Sen Oleoo SI lDIM K ....... City Golden Bey Lenn 8 3 .727 4 5 444 • I .429 4 e .. 400 4 I .3$3 3 7 .300 2 12 143 IAITl'RN DfVIUC* c........., 8 1 800 Salllmor• I 3 750 N ... Yor' 8 3 .727 Clllcago 7 4 .9311 euna1o 9 4 eoo MempNI 6 1 .417 Pilllburgh 3 7 .300 .............. San Diego 4, ~ 3 (ot) CleYelanel 7. GolClen Bly 3 Wtc:lllle $, Ptloenlll 4 T...-.o- No ~ ltClleCMld 1 1Y, 2'h 3 s 8 ... I ·- t '"' pirit of .Chri tma • """ ...... ,_ ........ The plrlt of hrl1tm.u It In ttw he•rt• of th llttl Brothen of the Poor of Chlc•KO all y "Ir. Th y u c th • friend~ of th cld rly , • non-denomination.ti, no n-profit o rsanlutlon started In Paris In 1946, anCI brougtit to the • • •· -1. C.·-·--t -1o r.o h u U lrh iual ~lmt:\11_ U U ll '-'U ;,,.,,~., rY". •1 •• -1 ·-.... -·---· --.. They bring hot meals to shut-Ins five days a week· do housekeeping chores; drive them to an d 1from doctors' appointments!· and enterta in the m at parties at the Litt e Brothers cente rs. Above all , the Litt le Brothers dre frie nds and nejghbors, whose most important function Is just droppi.ng in to make su~e the elderly are given a smile and ~ortunity to ' Parties are a big part of the social life the char ity provides. Oscar Langois, dressed as clown for Halloween party, is brought to the festivities at the charity center by volunteer Kathleen Pre mer . all year through ch•t with anothl'r p r on JurlnK the d.ly. At th 1l11n In th<' l.lttlr Broth n o ffl t t• Yyt, "Old tr flt grow ttronaior, olcJ riv n srow wld r I but old p opl(' jult erow ronesomc." The little Broth n (compos d of 400 ,.·vh.if"Jt~~, ~-~~d w~~. tr~ !o..malw tbl• mean streets of the modern city a little less omrnous for those wh ose hands may shake or those whose crippled legs may fea r the cracks In the sidewalks. Du ring the holiday season, It Is comfortin g to know that for the Little Brothers of the Poor, love, hope' and charity continue long after Santa nas hung flis suit up for another year . Clarence Bower , 76, who lost his lower limbs to diabe tes, crawls from station wagon provide d b y Little Brothe rs of the Poor so Susan Ki88tler can wheel him to his a partmen t . 6 .. If 2 • 5 6 7 8 D A I L y p I L 0 T c L A s • 5 6 1 8 CLASSIFIED lffl.Mlf ........ . INDEX ....---.u.~ . .............. - 642-5678 • 1£MTALS Dlft.IYllllMT & PIUAUTiltt _, .. ,,__ J .. W_...• ................. , MCICW llSf IOATS & MAllMl EOllPMDtT C-ol _.. .......... ... -.11-e:.... ---. .... Cll•tt• ,-..s..1 a..u.11•'*'" ...... ~•Ill• ........... AmS,O 0-al I EQUAL H0UteN0 OPf'ORTUNITV ,. ................ All rMI M18'e 8CfYertlN In tflll new1p1per I aubject to the Fedeu Fair H°'*<'IJ AclJ .Qf J'8 . which mlk• " ...., t edverttM ''MY prefet ence. limitation or ~ mlnetlon beMd on r~ color. rellglon, M ii ~ netlon•t origin, Of en Intention to m•k• en IUCh pref9'ence, llm1t1 tlon or dleorlmlnatlon." Thie,_~ wlll nc knowingly accept en edvertlal,,g fe>< rMI et ,.,. wtlldl .. In ~tlo of the law. 1111111 Adver t l1 era should checl their ads dally am report errora Im med lately . The DAILY PILOT as sumea llablllty fo the first lncorrec lnM{tlon only. • ...... LJ: ••••••••••••••••••••• J ...i ,,,,,, .;;;i·········;·;;: ...................... IUUll· WITUFlllT Huge custom 3 Br 3 Ba owMr'• unit w/prlvatt petlo & boet doc;:k & 2 81 1 8a Income unltl Pro- t>et• tale -don't heel· tat•. call nowt ~ 7171 THE REAL ESTATERS U. llllRI If you're conalderlng • change, come & I.ill with ua. ~ off• compute<, ••o'y. beaullful aur· roondlnga, good com · ~ ec:Md!MI, and Ii the a.tppOrt you ~-I ,_... tor Jim « Merywtn I• 131-7370 T~ \DI 110\ \I ~I \I I' ...... ~-==-XLHT LOCATION WITH EXISTING DUPLEX. DRIVE BY 2001 Kings Rd •"d cell tor detafla. ewn.. ..... tNaweelt fof beloW INtUC prtc:e. A.tmoet lot value tor • l•IX.lloua location with unque atlonabl• VU. awn.. wll help "'*'°' In ,,.,.,y Wfr/'. Loca'ed In an .,.. ol ll6gl'8r ptlCed hOmea. .. It' a a great ,,,_. tu el SUBMIT, E X · CHANGE. OR? - WATI W.l«>Nl HOMI~ .__ . REAL ESlATE 631-1400 ' RVM~ '/'ht• rt1<1fl(11 I 1'/Cl('I' tm tlw OHW{/f' ( 'tUUfl 642 -5878 I I I _,I.I I 10 I ' A""'"" 1~·opl1• /11111, ''''' /11r u rr11tul. Ill'. UHlll rntl ,,,,,,,,, f '"""'''I '''"''" rr '_,i Bartendlng for Holiday MICROWAVE N-Sharp! LEE'S FLOWERS Santa'1 coming -Don't Al<C 8eal'i PupplH L-Jl1"t5CmJ:l5 Par1111 Pvt rt11den11 Ming car FWan 0111 C1rou111. pro1>1. $229 s .. u1 ror your Chrlll· chaee him away. Lat Red Al<C Oldn16~etrlivere S1op1 Ch1111maa s11op1 EA.1 ... l.•· l onty. Tell ua how many c-tlflca1" & HOllday Or chooee from Amana. mu Bovquel• 891·2668 Hot Chimney Swea,_, 1229 C {l' ( you expe<il. We w111 do SpeclaJ1. Call 754~ llllon, Magic Chef, Tap-FLOWERS BV MORAi clMn hl1 way. Spec Rta $ 50 ~ WrJt1:1~ lhe r•t. Shop, mlx, Hf· -.. -111-0-1-1,-1-1-111---1 pan, O'K .. le/Merrlt. 448 E. t7th Slr .. t, 561-3273 . lhaio ~~ 2 -:_] f' VI, clean-up, all for 1 VW 54&-.eHO Coata M .... 845-8144 OllAITll ~ New 1111 a •eahlon 11ore let1Utlf\Q nclualve BUI zatd 111111 a tamou1 acll -r Reg11ter tor pr· lze drewlng Dec. 15 wtndlUrflf, boOt•. vac:a· Ilona, morel 842·5S30 r .... '"· 770-9833 OllllTIUI ULE ___ E_D_L-10-H-TI-• .,.,--• --------· llDllY'S -11:1 b J 1 Alli """ ChrletmH boat parade "'~ ye.~.,,. LOVE AT FIRST BITE $89 over In~ on Ill 222 Vlctori•·Coeta ...... or Olhef pat11ee. Unique •Plants ' TMCUp-toy-rnlnlatura lnvltallona 7132 Edlnget new: 648-3737 648-81941 85'. cu atom kel ch Soppies 548-2648 Certlflcales Santa Ana. 842-48 t 1 '82 Audi's Wa have Southern Call-2 1 3 / 3 7 4 . 3 8 8 4 or •Birds Boarding & grooming 1111 Westtlfff lrht Call answer ad #579, s..-1a1 Hollda" Raleel '82 Rabbit Sedans lornla'a moat compl11•1 213/37~214, Or. Pala· •Ca1es AKC OLD ENGLISH ,._. ' '82 Sclrc>ocoe stl.cllon ol llghllng al mletl SHEEPDOG PUPPIES 642-4300. 24 hrs. •Catering •Waltr..... p, ............ A noi i~~ ... A In· com.nalltlve prloea · •Pel S'"""ll•s •••••••i•~ •• W"1CllH Pla.z.a, N.B Walt-• B--.. lng ...-"" ·-""""' ..-"t'Y'"' FOR CHRISTMAS 1 H & H Aorel & Crall Sup--· _,.,,.. alalled acc.aor111, Ext --------"' 78 642 5937 Ferfar• Roofing Co •11T11&1 1350 97.-14 Roler Skate . ply. 3 loc. Orange, Gard-• Seelanla, or Fac1ory r• ~rool. Repair, Shingle I ), en Grove, Anaheim Polll• & wall groomed balee, II any. 17141 842•8233 NAT PAUii CANARIES • Singing Bait SALE P Of b.rtendar/aerver 4~5 E.. Cat H-NB Balboa Chart., Corp. ~1vE I ~an OF LIFE'. of Red Feather• tor AS THING ARE -Flow« r '" _, . • • Chrl1lmu. (red-ore""•) 40-IO'Y. arr.ng.menla, Siik 't~I. tor Holidays. par· 873--0900 MINIATURES now taking reM1Vellon1 w-.. ·-i ... I -Offer end 12/24/82 FOR CHRISTMAS? 875-1978 648-5707 ... ~· t Lg• Mlecllon ol unusuaJ specimen 136. 848-8132 Off • Plants & Trees. Hand! St~ 845-1428 Why Noll 1 •lze planll a1 lncredlbly low prlcet1 8 8 • craned gltta. 1590 S. Ctl IAPTAll LM'S Come ... what -have Newport Wra(J & Mall Svc. different Coclcet pan Pupa, wh,I All .... ., .. 1n 11oc1o.. 1nc1 Hwy, Lag Bch. 494-t~ GrMI Tasting Homemade You've had our greal At· Mini Buaar 1825 W"tclltf Or, NB I -.-Al for small animale: Free pell 10< good AKC, BuH. Champ Sired, AoedAI & Suregnp• Cullom llve flowerlng Nutty-Chocolate Chip/ aandwtchM from our 8" 400 w .. 1mlnlllf NB 1725 Monrovia, CM & dlft homes & good homes tor free pets. ~~~iorM~i.~!:. OctHfre1t bulteta tor Chrlatmu by 0 at m •a I Cook I• a' lo our 8' Try our pric.t 845--328 1 So. Coast Plaza, lwf M. • Call atter 7 PM 751-4953 Whttlwtrb Tayta. 495-5970 eva 12·25/lb, 3 lb min. Diii· In our Sport• Annex -Spat1lll tor Chrlitmu (& Have your Chrl1tmu Par-everyd•y 2330 IEWPOllT ILVD., C.11. HllOI lli·HIO vered. 556-393l. Save up 10 70%. PCH & Hr 'round) Lind•'• ty on a 44 It yacht In! Open Dally 10-5 lrtlf 1111 Pips •••••••••••• • G/\LERl t N/\l'TIQL t Now )ilc)Wllll lrit Pl'l\INIP ot ~nne Artist A. cnur. J.e20 Y" ()polto, IU 675·8157 Custom Siik Planll & Tr••• lc;r Chrlatmaa Oltta. A1e1on1ble 720-1858 PITlflllHI L• Chic Plque-Nlque, Warner, H.B 840-2555 ~llan'g Serv 86~318 Newport Bay. 840·5159 I of th• Y••r. Cropped, Fawn/blk mult gourmel French catering or (213) 592-3130 · ••• • •• • • • • • • • .. • ., 2380 & party traya. Cul rel• Our New Year'• Eve Party The Video Station UU..a fH 11110 A -..-pr~. 780-88-44 wtlh eeue Mldler or Lena 14'7 1 Glen~• Lag. Sch Holiday Balloon 1ub1crlptlon .. ridllas L.Mra4er Horne. Spac:ee Limited ... 494-54 Bouquet• letrleHr ,.,. .. ,, ' Call Today. DOORS OALOREit 850-6515• 648•6755 tO the Very Friendly & Smart.1 PACIFIC COAST ' Gift Door• lnllallld llLJl&J SALE Shott, Health Guar eox OFFICE CaU Bob. 848-2923 ...,. New moped• D•lly Piiot. fltl4 .. .., lirt Preaerve your Holiday 540-3669 ~8826 we1ertord Cryalal Stem· Save $150-$200 Only •4.75 I Hl-1111 I Memorlu on • Video OllllTllAI IPICIAL ware. Alana Paltern. Minert', Ward & Elll• a month Mullc on Ille Move: Get lnl 'TIE nDIALLY I . Tape Or •k• Vi deo KS FARMS, NWPT BCH Na w, S 3 9 . O O ea . Fin Vty. 982·1922 Ille Groove Wllh Mualc . Newly born Beagle pup· SV-ltm, prolesslonlll and 10 Aiding le11on1 $75 652-3586 Have your BOAT/HOUSE 17141 tor all oec 731-9194 I NPIW lln plee, $165 ea. Great lorl competitive 497-6428 Holiday Ren1-A-Car 11 • Fii OllUITllll Chrlttmaa. 85<HI058 Low u.S39.95/Weekand (reg. I 15 hr). ~Inning, CLEANED before or aner 642-4J2 t MUSIC FOR YOUR AF .'I Robina Ford 842--0010 ad\fanOed 875-7. ~~·~. 7P!."2~•..;10uallly FAIR. any style. Plano, King Jamee version of,Abytalnlans, 8 w1<1, CFAI Sou h -T-.,.,.. oo the New T111ament, champ. ChriatmH del HOLIDAY POTLUCK Ski Chalet lor Rent. I ~~~~~==~!. guitar , vlolln, vocals. word lor WOfd, on 33'/i 549-4707, 645-8555 I DINNER CRUISES. 110 Tahoe. 3 bdrm, Frpl, TV. Wiii Wright Ice Cream T-lln If 111110 545-3722 or 831-3275 long play records. Holl-I """" """ Unique Christmas 01111. FOR LITTLE PEOPLE L~ •,,,_bale tree vlnvl case 1115 S~herd mix 833-'"'""'" 7,,,,2578 _o.c __ 2_6_·_J_an_2_._1_so-_eo_1_2· 1 Shirts. Ladles & Mena. Like new drum eel I day epeclal 129.95 w / CHRISTMAS PUPPIES Make It a Con1lnent11 I $4.95. 873-3313. Lei "PAUL. THE BOY ca~,... v••·-). ,.,,! __ -ua t2• 648-5639 Gag 91fta for office MAGICIAN" enlertaln SI c ~ 0 0 IO b O • -~ """'"' .. Chrl1tmu ... A gift for Fl d 11 h d 557 13"'" E Broadwa11 C.. ••on lhe wnole family. frlan a. Wonderland ot rewoo • mo1 Y ar -your youth galherlnga • ..., 1 • , .... "' • JOHNSON & SON I Fun 890 W 191h. CM wood, 1130 a cord. Sell during the holldaya. JUKE BOX Wurtltzer 1015,1 Wed 9 -1 2 or ca II Llncoln/Merc 540-5630 845-9023 ' plcicup. 980--0587 Aatee 11Mt al S35. Call reconditioned, 13200. _115_·_7_·2040 _______ 1 LMM Aulo by 12-31-82 & Clean wlndowt-Odd job• Paul, eeG-3989 5 0 • I • I y I • I 5 9 5 . 1 .... ,,.= Scandia Down Shops Slnger~ngodM~!,_sgs l receive 1 rd trip airfare FOR THE HOLIDAYS ........ , .... 957-0802 : ir--~~~"'C:.!ic. ~:: ~: ~&!CO~ ~~25 lo Hawaii. OOOd lor 1 Yf· Ref, 842-54491645-7972 lor = & afternoon 170 l 1'7: 1:i. S11. 117 Cit Hwy LB --------AMI tor Marlon 848-6305 CHRISTMAS SPECIAL -parties, ahowa. Exp'd Coa11 M-. 848-3141 -.LIE'S llll -Loclllng 19rlnger forks, duo compeny. 120-134g Engraved gifts lul tor• Jon Brodlman Plano Co. 221 Merine Ave , B.I. horn butlon1, Porrlngton ver. Tankards. goblets, 897 Otenneyre 875-1572 'Tia the,.,. To place your message Pedals & other goodlel BACK SWING, ,,_, reg. t>aby cups, picture Laguna Beech 497-3490 aon 10 gtW real gold. before lhe Sale on used blll" 135 & ~7~tv ~~7.J!,1:V:12 tramu. key rlnga. etc. New Mlcrowew (Amana). •ll4 Ale&M4tr reading public up. etc. $189 ... Celling F-w/... .. ' Pt4al ,..._, Have somelhl::Jl you wan1 WHIRLIGIG R ... lh 1 •• ,11 .. ads 10 $7 NEWDOLLS·8 Sta'1el phone 801 w. Baker. Costa ea ... eca~,.. e., r 111 • t, N 1 w , 9 . · .: 2809A. Nwpl etvd NB lo sen? Ctas11 led ads do ........ !hi l>eSI deals in aparl· 1-85S-e209 Austria Bo)!, Jo. 12.. Dally Piiot A'T!>-2570 11 well 842-5678 -Marmie, Jo, Laurie. 24 v• __ _ 97w 570 men! rentals 6"2·5878 Flab for Chrillm.. s_, Teera. PUNY Cat, Ci..attlled, 642-5678 Compare before you buy SELL Idle 1lem1 With 8 LLIYIS lllSllY CHRISTMAS TREES WREATHS 2038 Newport Blvd CM j 141-1441 Your Complete Ski Head artera . Sales Ranfala Speolallstt In Hollday De-~ot hi ng, Ski Ramp corallon1. Copperlleld's NEWPORT SKI CO. Flowers 1938 So. Cst 2700 w Coast Hwy. Hwy. LB. 494-1173 831·3280 I CHRISTMAS TREES WINDSURANO SALE DELIVERED from lot to Mi.tral '950 HIFly 1750.1 your doot. 1~ .... ,...'"' .. ., Chrl11maa Item• to flll your Holldaya with Chrletmaa et-. Come Viall u.. 4242 Campus Dmle. S1e E-3 Newport ~ 8aedl 5.e 1160 Mon-Fri 1M,s.t~.30 OICK MILLER MOTORS 111 Lady Jana Pierce. Claaalh•d makH II ... y. Dally Piiot Claaamed Ad. Shop at home. II'• &HY Wanl Ad Help? Santa Ana 557-2132 982-4987 8'2·5878 6"2·5678. with clauifled 842-5878 842..54178 UP SpofU (7141631~ t081 Trade your old atutf lor SELL Idle l1em1 wllh e new goodies with a OWiy Piiot Claultled Ad Claaallled ad 642·5678 • .. !'.~!!,!.~ .. '.!~.'! ....... ! .. ~!!!.~·!.~.'! ....... '!. .. !!~.~'.'.!'.'! ....... ~ .. !!!!.~'.'.!.•.'! ...•••• t:.nr•I . 1002 C#nr•l 1002 Q,.,,., JOOZ laJ)H blu4 I"' ...•.......•................................ ······················· ..................... . LllO ISLE IOIES Pnrne Lido Nord bayfront. 5 bdrm, 5 '·'l bath Lge LR, air cond. 2 boat sJjps $1.500.000. Remodeled 3 bdnn. 2 bath + large rec nn . beam ce1lmgs. !urmshed. pauos $420,000 PEJllllSUU NOME Ocean & j('tly views. Marine room, 4 bdrm, 3 bath, 3700 sq.ft. $1.385,000. Ocunfront. LllDl ISLE IAYFllOIT Lagoon view from 6 bdnn. 5 bath, playroom. dark nn. den. Boat shp. Now $900.000 llYSIDE PUCE Spectacular bayfront dplx 2 br. 2 ba up, 2 br, 2 ba dn. 2 boat spaces Reduced SJ.500,000. UT1tl llUll IDlllJ JI.. For IMMEDlATE .... at snt,111 n $429,000. By owner. Low flew.U Let t P1Mt dn will tiuy e1egan1 1u11y Excellent tocellon wl1h r~ 3 bf home A •~ du.....,. I I P . g u' i I I e p I . Hist~..., ,....x. 127-127'h Abalone Drive by 2001 Kings Rd and c'lll tor de1all a. :&40-44=~=2;4·~~~~~ Owners will NII lhla week tor below martcet prlee. LOI value ONLY tor a fa- l>Uloue location with an unqu111lonable VIEW. Owner wt• help finance In _,, way. Located In an area of lltph priced homes -II • a great valuell SUBMIT -EX· CHANOE or 777 - \1.1\l I HI HO' I 110"11' l•- REAL ESTATE 6JI 140<' flll·TM .. Arst lime Hated. Charm- ing nr. new 2-1ty. ardlt- lectural gem. 4 bdrm1, lam. rm. quatlty dle6gn a decor lhf\IOU1. Priced 10 NII $595.000. Sellef lln· anc41. No loan f ... WnltJ I . T.,ter O.. ........ 144-411• FllRllllS llllCH New 4 br, 41/1 ba. custom French Nunnandy ~===~=~=~1 F.61.ate I 2 prime acre h1Utop $1,250,000 COllOllDO Cl YS C.1ronado lsland cust. bayfront lot. 85' boat dock Plans avail. Now $370,000 w l terms. BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR J.11 Boy\•rl• Dr,. ~, 8 67S 6161 * .. U1'91. ......... Outetandlng Portoflno on FEE landl EJloellent famlly hOn"8 tMtuttng a premium location w/ extenelve uae of uMd brick, 3 BR's & large co- Yef'~atlo. Priced tor Imm te .... al S316, 000 w/1~~ a.ume.ble flntnc*IQll Clll 79-1501 « 7U-137a ~ Walker 6 Lee COLDWeLL BANl(eRO --··,. .. - • lllYll ........ Dover Inside Big Canyon. I . 8181t1 111 l•I• g,.,., t.r S•lt BH111 l•t S•lt BH1tl 111 l•lt HH111 /11 S•lt ···················;·· ...•.••.•••••••.••......•••••••........•....•••.•••••••..•.......• ·•····•··············· !!m!!.!!!r.!!l. ~ 1&11 ..... ~.~.~!U1~ .. !. ... !!M!~J!P.~.!.~~1 ~!!1.r.!!.~A •• !Mt !~.fm~ ... !.~! !~.~!! .. !.'!. U l11ts/Lahsl4• No down -no quatltylng. 3 Newport Height• o1oer 2 TRADE Br twnhm. ~. t•• FOR LOVERS Br. t Ba. dbl cer garec11. ... over. $1200-12300 n• 50 x t t7 R 1 IOI. your boring Income pro-rtl•ble payment•. Of SUllF. SAID I ClllSMllli $155,000 ,,.. 8'1111 sale Pflell. Keep as aparlmanll or ••II as condo•. 5 y .. ra ,,...,. • 11111<1 at 7.2 X'a g1011 Call C•thy perty or outgrown reeld· hared appreclallon WMITE WlTEll IRrtllrRS -481 Santa Ana Ave enc. with the large equ-' avall. Wiii trade. Sue 1:. 1:. 548-5041 aft 8 lly tor 1hl1 nHI rualic 891-655e This ('USl0111 bulll on•anfronl h11n1l' IEIHEI IMllll IU&.n 1200,000 111-2111 BIG CANYON CUSTOM,1 #•Mlf BMI ::' h':~n4 ~~ ~~ •u"-tn l~I fl'd\Ur<'$ elegant Eurnpl·an det<Jll1ng., THE BEACH CORONA ~ ... 1mprC'!'SIVl.' sto ne· & woti<l l'Xlerior. Wllh DEL .... R LOC"TION •••••••••••••••••••••• I I & I d I l ''"' "" No down -no quallfylng. 3 l'd( t•cl tx•vc• c· g as.' wane nws wllh apectacutar 180 Br lwnhm. Move-In. take h 1 ( I "· I deg. ocean, Ce1111na over. 11200_12300 ne-:1 l><·droorn.., & ;{ bat ~. ~ 1rl'p :ll'l'~ ~" Of'I golf couree '20% dn. 111k Z300 llland and harbor view. gotlabl• payments. mlll'n , mut·h mllrl• l'no;s 1blc· ta'< ~at cunent appral-Shared appreciation ,111vanwg1· 111 t',ll>Y t'Onvc·r~1on lo dupl•·'< Vacant, ahow anytime. •••••••••••••••••••••• ,I, 11,095,000. 73-7761 or 780-1397 HI ot $475.ooo 1••· avail. w 111 trade. Sue OFFERED FIHISllED AT $130,000 Owner has 1195.000 891-5558 equity and will carry 2nd --------• (S.atsta1ti1I Ow1tr Fi111ci1c) T.o. lrri•• IH4 p 1 r b h lllllftl TIE PIUTllE If ... 2 1 •••••••••••••••••••••• lc-a:-.c c:al or nx· urt> WtllUJMI tuTUI ll!om..:!• UllllllNE;~ PflM M08llC HOMC PARK /Jn ~IUL IJl\ll [ y s. A55U(IAT(5 wtml l·J Charming remodeled 2 Bdrm doll houM on large 80X 125 R-2 lot. Beeutl- fulty landac.ped. Allllng 11~7.500. Excellent fi-nancing. Call 540-1 t 51 ~HERITAGE REALTORS ----- IWUI 2 Bdrm MCfl ltde divided by double car garage. Concrete drive, private patloe, 1127.700. .., .......... IJtr. Ml-lltt 4lml ...... Townhome, 2 br. 2 ba, gr .. t loc. Highly upot.0- ed. Lib,_ cond. $10, 000 dn, uaume loan1. Bier coop. 551~58 Wll/1P1111 Turllerock Executllia View Property. Aaaum· able financing! Sale price 1270,000 -will Mii tor 1269,600 thll week. Fer f•rtlltr 4et1il1 call Fraa Scett 140-lllO tr 140.0011 "Devonshire" model 5 Bdrma, 4 Ba. ftrec>I and killer views $875 000. 844-7020 Ullt IUL ESTATE la• Clt•••tt 1016 ....................... ...,., ... /lat sell 1 1 ~ Sf>M'"' nn lJ Au·~ + lll .. 1ldlli0111ll Cttt llHlfJ I '"'"'•Ht Ct. 0roo by 3 v..., VllW. I SAT/SUNDAY open 12•6 Oalllft Wlna.f Npt His by ownet, R1, llny Pvt. peya. orly. 569-74'4 ~ ~ t"-t-" 2 br houee + eeparate ..,..._ • ,..,,.",mo OT• _, 11udlo, ~ ()( ,.,.,. Prim• ocean view con· doe, stepe to land, high- ly upgraded. 2 br, 2 ba, feoo+ IQ tt, trplc, elev•· lor. Submit arry otter Kent Realty 492-4&63 PllYITE i to eelf lhll lovefy 3 Bdrm ly quartere. 125.000 ftnmla1t11 '"' •·-a. t. lamlly rm home dote to down. OWC. Prins. only. ••••• ••••••••••• •• •••• -.t•ll, .,..,, IPA par11a, echool• & lhop-1175 ooo T~ equity In home, tor Gn..-1100 ping. EleelJtlflll ~-1111.e 842-2281 805/239-2048 good mot.orhome and •••••••••••••••••••••• 2 bdrm, 2 bL Ptan 3 In Qfounda wlhuge ewtmm-S5000 firm 3 Br 1'.o\ BA 120 Kt• ranefl, San Lui• 0 r • n g • T re• Pa 11 o ming poot. fnll1 treee and OOlmaau 22 II 38' pool in W111: Obispo County. Wiii MIC Homea. Profe11lonally atOfegt ehecl. Spadoua .-.. I mintier Bel 187 ,ooo. for 1979 apprallat value decof9ted. Pkieh carpet, rooma throughout, qual-In two~ .. Vakle & 11290/mo everything. ot I 120.000, aupplled cuetom ahutt.,.. Excel--lty bit-Ina, manr· m-"Y •PP"I. Only S365,000 Eltlmated v•lue $ l 28 with waler & ellc1rlc • 1en1 amenl_!lee. I 12e,900. ext r a a . ca I n 0 w . for thla executive 4 Br ooo. Fully aaumable no 714/52~797 888-419d 548-2313 :no\ Ba w/3 cat gar, -' quat. Prv perty 898-5577. 1 ... , ._11..... • bar & 2 "1>1c9. Fabuloue ---------1 ~ -•• Baycr"t location. Call Ofi I I Ill t Jrt'•-1 UM THE REAL ESTATERS for vlew~n a pt •••• !! ••• 'J. •••• !.! ••...•••••• ':::'A ••••••••• ~ .... 1 -10 •.1.11 • Laguna Niguel houn " .... , .. · ,._,, Mn Rancho Call!. acreage 111"11 11 to r Haw•ll prop; •••••••••••••••••••••• 499-7078 • L.91 ISU ., ............ BRAND NEW1 20x41 w/enotoeed porch. WANT 3 Br, 2 Ba houea; TR\DI TIO\,\I ~L\I I\ Owner out of town & mult ~e ttlla pride ot ownerWilP ap1. com- plex. Su par looatlon, it573 CAMlvsDa·~ ctoet to actiool•. ctlufd't ---------1 a •hopping. All unite r.-.-..... I have 3 Bdr a 2 9a. 1•t :':I'.';;';' ••••••••••••••• On overelxed atrHI lo 2 BA, 2 Ba, Comer lot Long 8eadl °' Or Cnly etreet tot. A~ with light tnteriorl. Thia le I area Wiii pay rnor9 10( aoarlng celllnga, llra· iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim Beat Buy 1n Town. good term•. Jennifer r.1,oee, Hqutll1e nnllh-BM>-sta1, agt. Sandet-1 7200 Adam• s~ ng and det1111ng. 4 l&nmf ----------1 CM. 842-9594. ..-..-. T.D. la aaaumtble & 2:·1~~5~ ~M~ g:.~lH~nd Submit. 1ei1y 0r'. 404-01154 No point•. THE :REAL E S TATERS !'!P.!!.fm! .• !.~! bdrm, family room, din-Top llOOI', 2 bedroom, 3 .......... fan Ing room anct a llltohen beth, den, 2 dte*a. -Beeutlful Lancer home. Jnt.U • to plttlt the fl neat ourlty & boat docking. 20)(.4(). ~·. 2 BR. 1 •••••••••••••••••••••• gourmet. EJloeptlOMI II-Nloely deooHMd. S.. a be. UOhl Interior.. ™-•• ,., l'lnhAH nllll'ICIMg and may leeae/ oompate. Aelrl'?jl S525, the ball bul In town •••~•••••••••••••••. •• opt'UJ Yla ,..... 000. ::;.a; 937 Agl f!!.-,.1}.•••••••••1.{~~ C111 '°'_,to.... -t.Jfl I« IM I ...... Ml-1111 •••••••••••••••••••••• v ........ beohlr '926 ... ,11 -.m view. 2" 1121 d .. ---v...-.. Oen VI.I 11200 L 0 ea •w-·-Octtnfrt39r l1HO San Clemente pride o UdO. IQ. 69' •1eoo A PETE BARRETT REALTY -673-7300 owntrehlp, modern; Wl,....IT ... =-" wtltl~ oo!:"/Nle~ llt-1• GOif oourat Vie'# C N'r lllraONT fo evttythlnJi, onlTi \111UU1rl\ =~f'.: ,.:;-~11 Ill\ DQMI ~ I lldnn .• I be nu nn city • OOMf\ Y1tW •· IMft.I TDlftr appllotblt & rent 111 ftl In I~ other 3 ~artmente f l•• .. l1t1 Pt111•· ~ :-ttvr'b~ .. thO\IHndt Of dolli~,;·,1 OulMilft "°"'9 ~ 41e, MDUQID Mlllnt ~ .,. ..... --iDM-el -----,,, ... l tl\ln• Hlgu•I LOW current repteu IOCldOn. ,.\Iii prtlit. t 1, "*'' GCMltlll Prlnclpela• M0.000. OtitL, VIII Call ownet a A~t44 ... 11 (TH! Al .. ,. For Ad Action Cal a Daly Plot AO-VIS(I 642-5671 l ~!;,~A~e!ov~~J IOI• 30 d•y '"' In the l&llf "LIT IOY1'1 lllltTHf DO IT NOWI Ast ter &u•r• Your 0.Hy PllOI Set~ Oll.CIOI)' Rec>,_,tattve -1 ~eh.'' lllMM 1' . ... . ' ··:s Pnor CAOINt' MJ 7 I fra up Cualat furn lure LIC'd K911 &1kall 831 1401 Merine Wooowori. 1n1 ' •IC t c11m cabinet•, r• mod el 1111 , Wall y 64&-4M8 • -. .. ._._ - .. ~l'.~~t! ..... 1-Muonry IMocll Waite Cual we>tk llO #:II 105, ~b 547·11813 ----c., •• ,, '"' •.....•.......••.••... lml'I TILi l:JIS)«1 IMIAll H3>3283 f!.'1!. .. !~ ............ j f~l~.f.1•1! ........... . Aetnod 1Rapa111 l o 111tM Clllld Cele. my home. lull Oaoka, pa11oa. tcncca 01 pt/time N.pt 8h0t .. FtH ... Steve 7&2·11558 lfM Rel• 648-618-C EXPER c;arpcnter dOCI Chlldcate In love & lotll 1od'n1. remod, dcck1 1CC41PllnC41, FT/PT, my Skyllght11 & ropalra r:r.. CM llonie ~ 1811 IU·Mllt ed. 122 NI 0~4~ Chlld (',·1: 8am 10 epm. Ooo1a 1n11alled, every Houaa, enacka, yard. Full ~~~~~~~~~! tiling In blcJg & rcpelt 35 or pal1 lime. 642-29115 •-~J , y11 hpcr Reta Jerry Ci•ltlll•n llf•lltl .. ' 540-4413 ···········'·········· .••.•...•••..•....... OrlYcwaya, P•rklng lot •TMI ti None 2 big. none 2 ••naJI, Repal"· S..lcoatiflg ··•I'·-•••••••••••••• ... 1 FrOM A to Z -do It Ill. S&S Aei>hlt 631-4 t911Lle Sllampoo & steam elean 714-875-11438 lie 425181 Color brlglltenc11. whl D .JI ... ,,, #il•l••••tt 1 crpte • 10 min. ble11c;11 .•• '1!'!••••••••••••••••• •---J-/ Hall, Mv/cJln rme 115; avg DRYWALL TAPING ....-n... room S7 50. couch S10; All TClllUl'M & Acoullk; Fib;~·g;~··;~;~·;;•P•:;r· chi 15 Ouer ellm pet Fr" Ml. Kavin 050-ll0&8 "' odor. C'P' rep1lr 15 y11 ---------Varnish. paint & malnl up Do work my1ell 11-111•11 Prof, r .... 561-8757 art Raia 554-0123 •• :: ••• '"••••••••••••••• $pm. No Steam/No Shampoo ELECTRICIAN Priced l•lll•ll Stain SpeclaUat. Fast right, free catlmatc on ...................... dry. Free eet. 6311-1582 la1oe Of •mall Job~ CUSTOM HOME BlDA We Care Crpl Cleanera Uc. 399821. 67 -0369 nccdt SMALLER JOBS StMm Gleen & uphol. ELECTRICIAN bet~ hOueea. Rea/ Trvck moun1 unit Sml loba/Rapalra Uc. Comm. Dan 537-0342 Work guar 645-37 16 233 8..C-10. ~8-5203 9ttm1tRftmtt ••••• · ,1.'l411t,, •••••••••••• 1 1 '-'-'"'~''"·....... !t<•t!fffn. ••• • •• • . . t1.1r11r1. ..••••••••• •• I r1111tv.,, • .1J. ••••••• 1 1.111.1111111 •••••••••• TOI' OUAlltY WORK PllflUtlQ CatP91llty not'llN'I CUANIHO lie" 'topertt lenllc;H PAINTIA NHOG HOR!> lilAITrnlNO "ii lOW AA1U It AT llllAI MTll C.lllfllc 1119 Lk. d l lal\'lcc a 11\ofOUQtlly ~1lntcn1nu HtvlUI WOAKI a() Yfl e11p, tnll Int/a.cl n.t""a. lrac lrtrrllrcll'IOv, C.IH n -~ JO! 547-447& 8ondtMt ~ 4711 -1 oleall l!OuH &40·bH7 aullablc P•lnllng. Cllt Aoouetlo oelllnga llc; Oloc:ll will• 516 4n 71 llPf, ll'IC>'elflO SM 7011 I HOUL 0 At1 .. Al"' ouC, c tr ='-"G "'·--· 1>h1mJtlflg, r0211n1i. eon 3te7IO ,, .. H llmatce J Re&IDICOMM'l/INO L•fia. h , ,,. vutl l""""'" '"'"" arela Remodeffng, cto l>avl1 Pelntl09 1.n:p3, l'/W•Ah'I,--~ ' • 20 ~· Do my own WOik pclnl, y•rd ''" h1ul rcl1 lraneportatl()tl Ca Acea lllH 14, l I& 1 _ •••••••• ••••••••••••• fffft/•• lie 27904 I Al 14 .. 11241 rr .. Ml 761·43441 per'd IJ711·176a AM only 441 4411 PM hit• Pl)ntlng l•r U Ul· '1121 •••••••A••••••••••••• ti I 1/fll • ttWINO OAMAOli? HOUICOIHnlng, rcllabl• sec, ratu '75 r.r d•l 40 gel walllff\Mlef •n6 M~I IUb~•· I(." .tf!.~~ •••• ! ......... ~elrt/Remod No lob ,., Own hanap RM•. #•H•n P • matCflale e7 ·1537 Day/.,,. 6 1 12/ht Fo1mlc1 Tope • of all 100 amllll '"' -vtce YOLANDA 642 0405 ••• ... ••••••••••••••••• L 1 -1-1 p 1 1111•1 l1m11 Mr Morgan ~5176 kinda. Prompt • a---~ l'rcc Ml 1<.,tll f46-•t72 BRICKWORK Smlll job1 Owca 11 11 romp ' •••••••••••••••••••••• --._,..,. ••••ILi .. Im ...__._1 Cott ••~-neat prora11lonal1 15 PAO,-SSIONAl •bl• COii 642 -0 128. •·p'd In all .. __ ::----r air• ---rL I ·~....... • ....... "''exp 830-71411 (di_,. I I ...... 142·2741 "" """'• i Ci..111no $«vlcl4! Cleln· lrvlne Rafe 115-3175 " 1...,, wrn en, Y..- Aaaa. No JOb too mall., 11nea1 18 ne111 to Oodll· Cuatom Brick-Stone-, IW.P1'1 PAllTIH 642 2142 ~!.'1!!!1.1!!!~~.... ~:" t 5Q..3099 -~2-eaoe B1ock-conu•1•S•""° Low ra1 ... 11e 53&-118118 '""•1. CUSTOM AErlNISHINO •••••• •••••••••••••• HOUS!CL!ANINO Rcla Fr• Ml 549·94112 PAINTINO·FREE EST ·H~b; R~l~,-;,:;,;;;p;;· Furn. & Kit Cabinet• DUMP JOBS HonMI ' Dependable CASH OR PYMTS Oya N-·llCOYcr declc• ~~~~.~!~~!!I ..... WE WASH WINDOWS Fu t • Prof.aelonal Quality work Ql.letlnl-S l'tM Mllmatc e.u-7381 STEVE 875-2383 ' 8m•ll Moving JObl Br~d• 992·2600 •••• 971..0824: CVI 831·6943 lie. •411802. 548-9734 Cell MIKE 648-13111 Hey bactMMOtl No umc to • • • •u••••••••• ••• • ••• •Hf NHUMt ---------¥!.'!.'!!JAA............ HAUUNO·ORADtNO houMCIMn? Call attllf 4 *l• 1 MYIH* .'!1!.~'Y.............. .. .. , Lie a..lrtti 11111 dcmolltlol'l. claan·up I 63&..oe94 Toe> qulllty 26 yr exp Fanhlng lntCflof o..IQn Don't r•rool, repair • •I Thal all c:on1raclor1 wtio Concrete & tr .. removal. Competitive ratff HANOINQ/STRIPPINO _1_rac_11_on_o1 U . 857·2800 1)41(f0fm work CW« 1200 Topp41C1/f91T!Oved. Ci.an Ovid! acrv. 142•7838 al•H-'ll•'•I, No overtime 730-1363 VIU·MC Scott 546-9325 ROOFING REPAIRS Including labor and up lawn renov 161-3478 •· ., materl•I• muat be ii ' ' HAULING ti d t 11 ••••••••••• •••••••••• ·ABC MOVING· Expert wallcovcrlng In· Small !Obi OK Free ~---... Unll<:MIMd con· • ....... WAITll . u en w o• Retired Govt Emptoyee Ou~. Careful s.rvtc.. atallatlon. R ... Conaul· HllmalH Can Tom 01 ....... ...... MOWlng. edging, raking, v~:~~ 1y~r:• 11;11~~~~19 ivall. ~~1~:'llllng We do packing 552.0410 tent Aalgnmt 581·85'0 Chuck, 542-63112. :~-::',,:: ·=~ ~~ •waaplng. FrH otl-John STARVING COLLEGE l11i. C1n11 llHf LH .. ••,•Ire• tractor• end conauman, mat ... f45-5737 ---------• I STUDENTS MOVING ••••• •••••• ••••••••• • • 15 contact Mary Grondle II Landtcaplng·Yd Clnupa HAU~~~L&Rfi~oUPS !1~~'.l~I.......... co l ie T124-438 CUSTO ~wood~~'': lnea.p«i•lvtty 51-7718 (714)558-4086 with any Tree trlm/rtmov·Mllnt al1Cf acnoql. 957-812 l Cuatom Deck• • Maaonry lnaured 141·8427 COVC<I. r wood • -----JOHN HENRY quH tlona Contracior'• lrr""•tlon Jim 851..01211 & Patio Covera. Reu. . WATCH us GROWi lancet. Randy S.l-0622 It /"-Stale LlcenH Boatd, 28 ._ HAUL. MOVE OR Free •I G-5311·4078 ]L •/Juul• ' epin """ Civic Center Pina, Gardenlng·lndec:pc malnt. REMOVE. I'm lnaured lil•ll•'I. •• ~!!!!'.~!r.:-: •. ••••.. ~~~~ Aoom 690, Santi Ana. Ir .. WOflc comm/lndual, CIJI Norm. 1183-~16 Totll trca ~. landac;apc, ••••••• •••••••••••••• ED'S PLASTEFUNG CA 11270t Chu<:lt Nowtln 642-2173 BHt!• 11andyman, cement. m•· flll PAJmll NHI patcha• 1n1/eJ11 QUALITY WEEDING •••••TJ•••••••••••••• aonry. 25 yra. 53&-09l4 by Richard Sinor Lie. Aaatuccot. 1146-8256 apec:lallzlng In atrawb«fy 2• ltr Q V' Ul· '1121 New tn town? C11111l1ed 280~.oC 14 yra of happy PLASTER PATCHING gatdcna & lawn rMtOf• Furnac.-pool-watar heat can llelp you mffl many local cuetomara. Rcatuccoa lnllCKt 30 tlon. Rlcic 4~85 ctectronle lgn aarv-etc. or your nee<ls 642-5678 Tnank you, ts 1~• 10 yre. Neat. Paul 545.2977 ~!';~•Al. N!!!~!!~'!! ••• DRESSMAl(ER & FASHION DESIGNER Rauonable 646-8447 People who naed people SllOUld alway• Cheelt Iha Servlce Dtr.ctory In Ille DAILY PILOT .,.,,, U•l•t•idH a,..., Dj/staJ1•H Hoa111 U•lu•i••H .,.,,, U•l•t•i••H 1•••11 htal• H A,.n•••I• A1ut•tnt1 A1•1l•••t1 • .., • • • • • • • ••• • • •. •. •. • • • • • • •• •. • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••••••••••• • •••• • •• • • • • • • •••• •. • • • ••• •. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •. • • • • D. /, Ill. AH U I . II tJ U I . i ti A1•1t•t11t1 u.1u1nidtd ..... 4000 ....••..••••••.......• l1IHl lllul JIH C•1t1 Jll1u Jza4 1B••li•1t1• ·~ti ... ,. JUI la.IHI •••• !.~! .. !. •••.•.•••..... '!.~!!'!! .. ' •...........• '!.~!!'!~.! ........ . •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••······•••• i..tlt 3140 •••• ••••••••••••••••• '••I••-'• 3101 •IHI C•1t1 #••• JIZ41C••l1 #•" 31Z4 Executive tamlty Of ahated •3 Br TwnhM. nr SC •••••••••••••••••••••• Harbor Vtew HomM, 3 bd, t.••;a•(1t1f••i••••••••r. _,_ 3 I •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• rental. 4 Br. formal din-Plaza S A. Pool, •P•. 2 bdrm, 2 ba. d~. pool. 2 ba, lovely home. comm :sm 8P · new crp • 1111111nl1 I 1 1485/mo. 2 Br 1'1• Ba Elaldc 1 8 , 1 Ba lrpl Ing room, llv rm. den. 3•;, oar S7801mo. wld hk·1 nr Mill, Cul-de-Sac;, Po o I . O Ir d • n a r . drpe, "'. lis_6068 re;·2·9;••rlY••M;;:,; upper unit, all bll·ln•.1 patio, 1tor r~. laund lac· Ba, 2 frlo, 2 aundecks, & up. 752·5822 S750 531-7884 $ 1 2 0 0 I mo . Av a 11 · k · Y 1 l eoO carport, lndry rm. bal-Quiet No peu $406 boat dock. S 1500/mo 111~. 700-11589 2 Br. 1 Ba. furn. no gat, non an;i "· n~ pe '· cony. 645 7234 • winter rate 13 OOO/mo 1 Br. Trallel', prlvatt. utile SPAC. cuatom exec. 4 Br. Y .. rly 1850 mo plua dep + dep a. 213, 799-4195, 621 W Wllso --·------- YMffy. 202•8 Baytront paid No pell Ranoe & 1 3 Ba, pool, 1pa, many Ea11tbluff Condo. 4 br utll pd. No pata Stepa to 257 -117112 or (714) Tll •·-1•2n118• Deluxe 2 bd, bit-Ins. dllh , 573.1979 or 873•8506 ruler 1St plua uc e x tru S 1200 I mo. 2~ba.135 Amigo (No 5). beach 875--6089. 873-31188 ...-• ~ • • Wlhef. Jacuzzi. BBO, on 1385/mo.499-18t7 11$4-022t Sll45 , 7110 ·9387 a-ylronl prlv ...... --h ,IUV\ DclUJIC 2 Bdrm bit In Blulh w /vu $495 2 bdrm, lurn or unlurn 2131541-4400 STUDIO APT. .,. · .,_. · ~ • • 8 .. • ....................•. CM In 3 BA. 2 ba home . Nr OCC. All prlvllegec. ~!!!r.!!. !!~!! .. l~~f __ s_2_so_1m_o_._54_9_-3_&11_ ~•- WllTH REIT&U Room, kttCih and ldry prl· 3 & 4 Br Cloae to water. vtteo-. CloM to bu• and furn & unlurn. reason-•hopping on Harbor able. all amenltlee. Blvd. FeMalel only.1250 Broker 675-4912. ref 8.o45-78211 PARK N PORT •• ,.,, .,,,,, fl 00 ······'··············· 1900 yrly, $750 winter 2 9, enc:lsd garege. car· II TIE 1&11 '" blk to bay aq 11. 2 BR, 2 ba Fire-dtwhr, bbq, Jacuzzi on I· 2..-5147 675-9667 pelt, drape1 773 W Vu of oc;uan: 2 Br. I~ BMutlf\.ol home 3 Ek 2 Ba. '350/mo yrly. 752~5710 j pl!ICCI, get. $1100. Cou· b II w vu 14 9 5 mo -2-B-r,-cp_l_a_, _p_a_ll_o_._n_e_w_ly COUNTRY CLUB LIVING W 11 a on N o Pe 1 I Ba guard gate pool/ 2 car gatagc. pool, ape, ' pie Of aingle 826-5147 decor no pell S4Cl5 APARTMENTS IW.Ulllm Wkly rental• now avall. 1 105 & up Color TV. Pllonea In room. 2274 Newport Blvd. CM ~ti •tit JI ff 1525/mo. 631·48811 I au n e / n y m 'se 0 0 very ptlvate, 1 ye« IM· C.11•1 l1J #II J1lJ 873-2 t62 WHllldc 2 Br llOYa & 646-5e76 64•·51139 • Sll~NlaEIW, 1P&OR2T"~rEAmCH •• • •••••••••••••••• -111 • • M S 1360/mo Avail Jan •• •••••••••••••••••••• ----· -----... "" UDO ISLE · 3 bdrm, 2 ba. E.alde lrg quiet 3 81 2 Ba. 213/333...Ja.t8, 980-7313 11i. n •n?o-00...?. Beautllul aunaet. decor•· 2 Br 1 Ba. Private eun· refrlge, newly dec<>rated lmmed ooc. 2 & 3 bra, Apartmente lamrm. $1700 mo 8111 lrpl, 01!-N. lncJry. get, no Imai 3144 tor furn epl Frpl declt, Newport Bacch -Nopete.$450/mo Water l475·S825. Corner ol & Townhouaea 846-74•5 Grundy, Rltr 675-8181 pell S795 67l-.3800 •••••••••••••••••••••• NEWPORT CREST 11195/mo 873--08116. block to baacll & bay. Pa Id . Ind r y I a c Fairview & Adema Cati From S580 B•H•I U.I•t•i••H I EH191de 2 Br houae on lllTILI ~t .h•2 2,~~ con-Cflll #.u J1fl quiet quallt~ nel~hbor· 648-4382 Mon-Sat. 9-5, 557-4765 On Jamboree Rd '' 8 £ A C H A R [ I • ••• • •••• ••••• •• • • • • •• prlvatt atraet, S550/mo. 11~il 1200 845-0~~ . • ••••••••••••• • ••• ••• • 1 hood on Ba boa cnln-2 Br 1 Ba. Eutalde up· 1 BR BEAUTY Ille, quiet San Joaquin Hiiis Rd ft C.••111 3201 l.voulrc at 324 2111. St. or · lllWPMT Ylu.&11 aula Point. furnished or per. near achoota No II 1c d b .. 4-1100 $84/Wk .... unlul'n 834-16711 rep , w. alcony, up, ...................... call 536-7979 u1•a ... R BMutll\11 Land~·.._. . p ell No water bed a ~ er 2 ea $800 -Nl.S ........,_ 14501 63 -8 view. pool, IP•. no pe11 Beaulllul large 4 Br en· 2 Bl FP Bal Pen S800 2 bdrm, 2 ba condo. pool, 5 Bl. 5'" Ba, mlln bay. Gu. water paid. Patlot, OcMn front, 2 bd, 2 ba, mo 1 155 I 4 8 5 To P •' • • clad patio. •••P• to RclrlgCf'ator-Meld·Pool 1 Br baytront '850 )ac. 1676 mo. Nr. S. Cat 50' lllp $4400 on yr tea-pooll • jacuull • eau1n1 a. bten1·,I :~08010'1mF ~ b c a:I ,i;' 1Y5 E.eldc lrg 1 Br, lluge _5_4_9_·2_4_4_7_____ beacll Yearly. 875-4419 CoeNwpta Mt ... Blvd & ~1~1,.,. 2 Bl: ocnlrnl $1000 Plaza Ann 631-5273 ... 81S.-0658 n. c;our •• VO ey • • . . er walk-In cloael. gar, W/D GOLF COURSE VIEW ......... "" JAMii HAUT LIDO ISLE. 4 Br. 3 B• ~°"f:,~r~;;, Jr. 1 I PM, 5511•1892 hOOllup, clean '425/mo. Upper 2 BR nr stores, W~~, 4~ ::f~.1<>;,.':°;::. Pinc Knot Motel on Cout "'" IUUlllEIT $1400 222 Via Palermo Clll 557-0015 1C•11•• l•I #11 JIU No pat• Suzan 631..0213' bus '480. 642·3153 do. $1200/mo w/dock. H w y . N B S 1 e p1 Io .7•111• 875-71118 B ...................... 2 Br 1 Ba. 111 nr. Patio, Clota In 2BR apt 1410 StOOO wtthOut 850-1190 ocean. Wltly rat ca ,... • utl•f,.• ITIPS Tl HW crpt, drepaa, atove & 642-3153 Mra. long 1145-0440 GARDEN GROVE 3 Br Waetclllf. txccll. cond.. ltNf/t 3140 Latga 3 Br. 3 Ba many D I W . I 4 7 5 I mo II fl'"( ---------2'h Ba luxury Condo 2 WSE·EllCITIYf tchool nearby 4 Br, •••••••••••••••••••••• amenltlaa 11100 Cail 55e-9550 716 Shallmer. 1 • " •EIT OCEANFRONT·Cuatoml IEEI l PUCE! car gu. Full amenlll•• Spacious 3 bdrm. 3 ba, ~523CAMPV5lla·IRVM S1100 Incl gardener & ''' IESEIYE m Oorothy673-1975 A 28rTwnhM /typeconoo Decor. 3 br. 2 ba. up, Raaaonablc ratca. Kii· $725/mo. Ed 964-6171 condo so o l So. Cat ' pool MrV!Ge. 1156-5730 Bea lf\.o & Clou to evury1111ng amenlllel, )'fly$ 1200/mo cllenettaa. phon.. maid Ptua. Pool, IP•. tennl• Univ. Park 3 Br 2 h Ba, 2 ul I park Ilk• with DUPLEX. 2 Br, 2 Ba up.. &Ylll llW S606tmo Agl 645-9850 Mature Penons 7.oCOO W eervtce, z channel mo • .. , ... /lll•I 3ZH ct. ale Partially furn 11 car gar, tll50 I I .. 1 yr lllkr YJew terraced pool. telrt . wllrpl, b1le, g1r. Ocnlrnt 850-9192 vlCi. SANDPIPER MO· •••••••••••••••••••••• dctlfed S850 mo da lease S845. 644-7220, 5Bd. 38a, c;omplately •Sp.OOUa Apll Avell Jan 1 S800/mo. Ltrge 1 Br relrlge. Du• leiat 31211 OCEANFRONT . 381, 28a TEL. 11187 Newpot1 8/'.ocl. 3 BA. 2 Ba. Ip,,_ pnt. 54 5-6010, ev w"n d 549-8755 fenced. 3 car garage. ·~~~!,• PaptlOI 720-1841 I r1nge. laundry. pool, •••••••••••••••••••••• upper unit l1plc "•r CM &.45-9137 cpl, gat. 11000/mo yrly " comm. pool. 11600 mo *VVV"S<cd atklng c arport N o Pct 1 * * * * · · ., · Flrat. let. 8«-9805, evea 546-5284 Neel new. lmmac;, highly 752-21111 9Q«lt. •Dining Ar.. C••I• #111 31U 1425/mo 931 W 1llth Exoeptlonel 2 Br 2 Ba S1250 mo yrfy 675-27251--------- 873-8977 New 3bf 3ba bl·M twnhm, upgraded detached •Walk In CloMta •••••••••••••••••••••• St. 648-04112 1· only for the dltc;lmlnat'. dya. 873 ... 585 evea Vu1tiH •••tali 4ZSO pY1 yrd, end unit, 2blks llOme In Wooc:lbftdge 2 F..U, Tt ltef •Home ltkc l<ltc:hana •MESA VERDE 2 Br 1 Ing 1850/mo Agent Newpon Helgllta, I bdrm. •••••••••••••••••••••• 2 Br. f-'Y redeco<atec:I, s c p 1a 1 a s 1 5 0 . Br & den. atrluM w/epe, 4 Bdr Newport Creal 1 blk to Huntington· llle81iBlll'lllJ Ba. Newly d«Of' 14115 1 714149&-&804 1 ba, carl)Of1. Gd toca-COi good cond. S700/mo. 85 ,..~990 maintenance free yrd. 1wnh1c. a v all 21 1 Center. trenlC)Of1atlon & I'll '91s. & • · lion 1425 Call Jane E-.itl1ul 2 etaty, 2 Elr.: W I n t e, Rant a I Lake. pool•. 1unnl1. waah/dry & relrlg. lrwye. &PllTllEm No pets. 33-8974. DUPLEX. Iron• 11ae. 2 81 6'46-7800 Eta Steeps 6-8 oomfort· 213-790-11000 dy1 or N-2Br.2 Ba,dblgat,all 1 1000/mo. 975-31112. S1200. 833·5808. mUTlfl flH Beaullfull)' landac;apcd Lovely 2 Br twnhee on avall now. S5851mo ----------<able. I 85/d ey C i t 711().7302 -eppfl plua frig No putt -67S-1558 100-2578 1 Bdrm From 1515 getd9ll apta Pool 6 Spa. E.lkle. nu crpta/dr11PM. 1 A4lll apt 1 Br, IYall Jan 1 1 Br. yearly. ger pkn9, 857-1244 Sml 2 Br 1 Ba cottage w/ 5E5/7~216d9•1 ~s5e"~ ~7/ ::i..o WOOOBRIDOE 4 Br• 3 Nwpt Crnt. 2 br, 2 b•. TownhM unfum Patlotloectta No peta lrplc, p1llo & 1'0 lun· 1315/mo. 8 0111 clean, atps to blactl '485/mo ---------~ .,.,.., .,.. 3 from 1850 I Bdrm $475 dcctl, Oat $525/mo 111. attrac & quiet No pets d•Y• 731 -5446 evea ln(a/1 II lltue 43• lrpl, no aar~ $625 & 8a, car get, quiet cul· lrplc , dblc gar. Tannla, LA QUINTA HERMOSA 2250 Vanguard540·9628 lall & dep. N o pate. 4114~220 67S-3218 •••••••••••••••••••••• ' utll Agl ?3-2 P~~~ s'!·=~~~~/~ ~ 1~1~ ·A:~,:.:: pool. 1775 752•2209 16211 ParkllOe Ln. 1 blk 646-~20 $550/mo Bachelor Pen· ---------C•t1•• l1l #11 JZZZ Spa Joyce Weitze. agt AWi only 581-0tOO Harbor View Homee W. or BMch, 3 blka S Bull•flH thouse Versalllel. pool, RllMUTE •••• •••••••••••••••••• 631· 1286 bccutlful 4 Br P0t1onno. ol Edinger ... 847-6441 BCoCNllOI'• $395 i..ti 3140 apa, securlly gate. ell FlllEllS 2 br, 1 ba, betlm oemng, Super 3 br, 2 ba, lrplc, 11400/mo. lncludaa ...,..., I Bdrm $485 "'2::&tfll!lci, ...................... amenities. no pats Call garage, atove, retrlg, 2 & 1 e.. encitd gatage, patio. hug• family rm. !)'thing 1144..ee1o I* $350/mo. up. Been -I 131 E. 18111. 846-6816 ••&1-m Nr Bell. 1g 3 bdrm, 2'"' be for llPPI Oldest & lato-t agency dahwllr. VfKY nloe S800 lr>ed pttlo. crpla, cJr11?91, 1895/mo 700-9307 · · 6 2 Br. unfurn & furn 161 E. 18111 642--0856 _. •-11ome LR., fpc, D.R 811 TSL M 1 s42· l603 All cilenll acrMned wltll mo. 1155-3649, eves no pet $525 plut MC Woodbr........, Brand ,_ Exec • 4 bd, Newport pool, apt. 11992 Florida Bcautllul garden apta In kltc;h l g family rm gm pllolos & rallf90Cel L AROE Cd M llome, 2 548-5442 or 770-56211 lowt'~ 2 bdrm, 2 ba. C101 Condo . 2~ ba, e.42·2834. 842-3112 3 Bdrm 2 ea 1645 Patlot./oec:tie Spa, r-1 WID hook up Fenced 2 Br. 2 Ba. bllne. dlt · Credit• Cocmopo111an S 3 0 partial oceen vu, wnenl-••-• .,.1 151 E 2111. 541-2408 paid No pata. yd , encl gar Gardener hW$1\r. ,_deco< Year· Good Morning America try, car gar. cean Eas1 C.M. 3 bd, IV• ba. lrg llreptaoe, double gar. tlcc, '950. Call 538-6831 ---•r1U1 .,.., 1 2 Bdrm. 2 ea. $585 l850. Call 536-0921 ly The Tom0trow Show v I cw . For I ea I e , yrd, pet O.K. l._Alge prlv•t• ywd Lake, 3 a. & ..._ 2 .. _ ,.....,. d .. ' I & 2 BR, pool, ape, N.-2 BR 2 Ba. 1475. 3118 W. Wllaon 631·5583 673-2571 *'It otf * to all Who I 1350/mo 85~-8 I 10 $8001 645--1452 pool. tennis prlvllegu. .., ........ ... •• .,.... "' 880, no pet•. furn avell. No 1>ct1. 760-1418 or 2 bdrm. 1'h ba Nr bctl. Bii ,_, • pl80I days. 780-3850 evea. $8 50 mo Aller 8 , gar, new crpt, walk to ~71•) ••7·1111 642-7521 CYSJwltnaa. 2 Bd. 1 Ba. gar, pool Ina, epta. drapH, encl Bccllelor it.pl. •;, blk to ---------E's!Oe 281 lba duplex. No 873-94911 bHch. Comm. pool & ~ -Child OK. No pc ta Gat S595 bch '425 mo Incl ulil. ~ M1·11H SPYGLASS Hill 5 BR pell. S•95/mo. 266 tannla. No pell. 1925. 81 Holland Cr, HB Lrg 2 Bd Beanl oelllnga,' '550/mo. 1399 A Baker . Cll .536--09 850-8957 ~~~~~~~~~~ Beaut .. apac llome, 3 ba, Santo Tomaa. 642-G368 Turttcroc k 3 br, 2 ba 673-2654. Blwn Slater/Watnet 1011 ol wood thruout .. 1 641..0783 j 1 21 formal din rm, lam rm .• ,,..,,.1mo 4 Br 2 ,._ .... _ home. 11rlum, lovely · off BMcti acrv bar 1460 2256 UllPIPEI &PTI Studio pantl\OUse. guard· 2 bdrm. 2 ba. View apt bonus rm. 3 lrplca 3500 ......, ... ,....... yard, 2 ear far . ptty Maple 673-8103 or 3 Bl. '476 1'h Ba OVE p CE ec:I comm $525. Sharon, Pfomonlory Point. '380. 1q f t , a v a ll. Jan BonuaRm,ltghtlylur· !urn rclt'9 1000/mo FlllLI 1111 W/w• ... llNflt 3141'~1-1356 2 Br.S425.18a AL lY LA 788-5600,n0-2313 Famate.25--35yewaold $2300/mo 6"4_5043 nlalled. 2 car garage, 851.3933 · -••'••••••••••••••••••• POOi, No peta 6'41-ll5~ TO LIVE Call An-ad No 533, large bacltyard. wullet, ~ Luxury a1vdlo, ltac HBO, BAY TIMBERS •Homcy/PV1 1 & 2 Br Spacloua 2 Br & Oen Wll· 842-4300 24 hrt 2111 IClll llYI dryer hOok~ W0008RtOOE. OetllGhcld • .... YllW phone. maid Mfv. IP•. 1 er .. tlreplace & pool 2 Br. 2 Ba. Condo,_, SC •Pool/apa/bbq terlronl apt All amenl· --------- Large 4 bdm, den. 2'h T1l llcllf U2·1Ml 28', den, AIC. No pet.• 4-5 BR he>fM w/pool and 1 130 wjt. 499-3015 Private petlo &.L gatagc Pla11. av all Jan 1 •6 aae1 ol beautltulty ties. boat ~lp avall No Shr lrg home or condo, b•, llvlng room. dlnlr19 $800/mo. 551-2340 ape. °'*'1)' c.rpet1ng & • ti..... 311 $480. ~9U3 '550/mo 751-3111t landaceped 1urround· peis Call 760..()9111 ~~~~.d~?:~9~111• room, 2 car gatage l +ht . MIO HOMES FOR RE.NT elf~. Near new khcn-.!!'!r. ••••••• ,......... 3119 W. Bay St. 1576/mo. 2 Br. 2 B• 1091 I t Ir 1 I• ht•, lllkr Yltw Super 1p1cloua pool Irv I nc 3 & 4 Bdr m . en appUenoea. lg tam. rm OCEANFRONT Dh1 2-4 Br townllouae, frplc. patio, • Nr Frwya & lhopplng ' ' IOUllRlllT home Go rme1 Kit & 3 -c ar ~ • r a O •. :!: week 01 Month Wll.UOE WlllS • Outel area ' IHO IHI •tU. $1500 Monti\ to month · u • S126-l 150. Fenced • 100,_ " 1 .... w 1 ... h car port, laundry rm. ell •No ,..._, ru~ avall P 1 1 ... 35 h Shr with NewpOf'1 exec tcaM. Immediate pou Br'klll Bar. CUat Oec:of. ywda & gat-0-. Kld1"& •1• ..... on • .._.yearly. ~7813 .,. · •• · bit-Intl, amau pet Ok ,.._.., "' re., ema .... neer 1 $390/mo. 631-8056 Remodeled. Aelexlng Spa, Very E2 pet• welcofne 646-2000. Lany Oyw. ~. ~~:Y ~°':R~B~ TSl Mgmt &42-1003 l114) 147*.... & BalOtboa.a-~ "~1dep. F-roommate to ahr 3Br • II F I .. mov.-ln. KING Publle1 ~t no.... or •116, 842-8221 e0e1 Holland Cr. HB ·~ ~ ....... t I UI• ••• tlon, S37·9740. chg • . Sp1clous slnglt, OM Marble pullmen top 8twn Slater/Warner 38R 2BA I I beacll condo, 2Ba. non-amkr, 211-ll0-2012 'TOWNHOUSE: l ga 3Br & two "-droom Oeco<alor drlPM 2 Bf 1'~ Ba amalt com-off a..cti c ose 0 · no pets. $220 mo. + ·~ , IH•lal• Villn JIJ 2ba & wnl lndry rm. gar. .,.... Ptu8h w/w carpel• pie•. $475/mo No pets I ' P • 1 1 0 • P • 11 0 k a)' utll 150..J239 3 bd. 2 l't 1>11 home. Irvine ........................ Great patio & yerd, ctoM Welk In Cloaata 548-4508 wtllWE ' sroomo673-3728 M/F 18_25 10 •hare CllA Terr-l lrg Yrd. Green-1825. lovely 3 br & den, 10 pool, Only 1850, ph Prtv111 P•11o9 Spec. 1 a 2 br. lovely duplex. S2J5 mo Incl utll. houH. •1200. 644--0591 buutllul yard, xln l 875-4225 OO'UrrTtCI Kitchen Ill Ill Tt • • • plnct & etraama. sec IH Cl••••I• 311' 730-7207 da 5.oCll-70114 Laroe 2BA. 2'1tba. den neighborhood Children r......1 •..,,.,.a. 3•fl PLUSH 2 BR VERSAIL· C1tpon w/florege Vee. · 3 large bdrm gatu, entry by pllona, •••••••••••••••••••••• Ar11atle 2 ttry w/!011, !Ip. wc4oome 848-7781 ~.-:: •• '!'!.9:'.~ ••••• 6-•• LES PENTHOUSE. Spa. outdoor BBQ Yea, frplc. patio fgc rec area Incl gym. 2 BR, $466. yearly, new _.,,. __ a ______ _ $1150 . 84 0-0200 , Why tllrow rent away?'EMEAALD BAY. 3 Br. 2 Quiet. All 1m1nltlH. • .... ,.,mol..luna'! .... 630 :•· .ogrs~P<>OI poolln11a'11.~·,F,r•cc• m~ob•te. decor. pool, nr beach. Fem non arrioltur. no 962-3092 Rent to own 3 Bl twnhm Ba. lrplc, brlc;k patio. A v a 11 now . S 9 o o. ..,"" .,_._ ~ 1' . 87~;49 ' bua. No pall. 498-6277 pell. 2 bdrm, n~ ba 2 3 Br. 2 ba duplex w/vklw no down, no qualifying with apa. 1 1800/mo . 64~ FURNl5"£0 or mTAIT • 846-8691 2 bd, 1~ ba, blk to beh, (:V°&J:l'r: ~~\~~ dec k . 2 car gar . $1200-$2300 negotlablc 97S-304S7 13 Bd 2~ 8•. lrpl, UNFUINISHED 2 Br , 1'A Ba twnhac ~t==/qr:;:i~·k':; M•l•Ell Wlll c;h lldrcn & pall OK. 551.1101 ev 848-0°410 Sll60/mo. 717'h Orchid. payments Shared ap· 2Br den 21>11......, di• $800/mo 3 Bd 2Ba Tam Bulltlna. l cund rm. • • I Lrg2&3BRtownhouac l 45o 411 2•8837 or a118PM • Work 540-4988, llome preclatlon avell. Wiii ~owivc. l~ comp: rm. frpl, S1000tmo.' Agt, All UTILITIES carport/Bar, yard/bate. '235 pd U1M. 631·S'978 apla. encl gar. frplc. NMr 914-7225 --------- 840-11219 tttde Suc891-5656 1paclou1 wood dccka. Fred.831·1299 PAID.HEALTH Smell II OK. F/p , Lar ge t bdrm apt . Hunt. Hrbr. lrom SS<t5 . 2 Br 2 Ba. nr Sin Cle· Rmm1ewented:M toahr 4 DEAL Of the Century 2 + HOMES FOR RENT 190• oc:Hnlcyn vlewe. ClUIS. TENNIS ltOG4825/mo. l4001mo Ovang 1 Children OK 840-8807 ment• Ho1p., pello, br on Penlnaula. ci.an, huge t>onu1 room. u1tr1 Fountain Valley 3 & 4 11150/mo. 4~576 &YUL.. SWIMMING plus 2~~~~Anc 1157-2140 after 5·30 ,, 2 bdrm, 1~ ba twnhH newtydecO<ated, water& quiet, 1220. Sn.:-1408 modtrn kl1. brkltt btr., Bdrm. $J50·S800. Fenc· 28r.dcn,2ba,frplc.d/w, BIG CANYON: 3 bdr,,, mudlmort !Sorry, CllllOf991>I 2 Br, lrplc, wood bHm $415 + 1375 dcp Nr. x:1~1~· S4 l 5 t mo. ·-·Tl WAITll '°' .. ly cuatom deeor. re· ed )'llrd• & oaraoee. Kida m1c:row1Ye, trun comp, M onaco Townhoma M TSL Mgml 642·l8031 cclllno•. E.aldc, very Beach Blvd 11 MeFad· ----------1 -.-IUJng Spa.. Lige Ger lat & Pu 11 w • 1 co m•· 1pac;lou1 wood dccka OV911ooklng 111ta & f*· no prls. odtls cozy. n o pat• S595 1 den. Ovlet. older person A,.rt•••ll f•t•l•i" ~cfer fem•le 4o.50 yra. + dec:>O & ~r In S550 I S<IS-2000 Agent. no Ice 190• ocaen/cyn vl•wa. w1i;. Totelly chermlngl open d~lly 9 lo 6. WUTUll YILUll 1 631..0021 ' prcl'd. no pata. 8113-439.oC •r "•l•n 3 to ahara epaclo(n, we11- K 1 NG pub II c a 11 on , 0 ES FO"' RENT I lOOO/mo c"• ...... 0 ... 2200 .. n . Pool "' lurnlahed apartment In H M ., • .,..._.., •• mo. Oakwood ' ... apte avlll. • 19a, Eutllde IUICUry In • plM 1445. 2 Br 2 Ba, pool, •• •••••••••••••••••••• Coll• Mcaa near Civic 537•9140 chg Huntington e.ach 2 & 3 3 8t view wlpttvet;y. w.ilc laund rm. No pell Im· loreat. Large 1 bdrm. pello, k"'-OK. NO pelt. IUWlll Center. WHherldryer. C..11 #IU 3U4 Bdrm S660-1725· Fenc-to privet• bHch. no IA\llNE: Rancno Sen G~rden Apartments mad Oocup. rcfrlg. distlwaltler. BBQ. 84&-teee, 980-7484 YILUIE ttectrlo kl1ehan, micro- •••••••••••••••••••••• ed ywdt & gataget. Kida e:" garage = b«· Joaquin. lovely San • 2 Br. '525. a.a Included. $436 mo wave, patio 124 Clear· 2 BdHOUMand 2 Bd0u· & P•I• welcome 1-+.....:.. 50'1..,. JoequlnPlen.2Br &den, Newportkadl/No. 1155W 111thSt. 831..e741 1 Br & 2 Br f9frig. bulll· New 16.2 bdrm. luxury broo". Apt. A . Ben ....... 1146-2000 •---1 no....._ •• .... '"" vlcwl to park. like 6 880 1_,, TSL M"""I 646-8122 Ina. dr•--& carpel. No .... " .,....11 . ,,,,..... • ,...,, 4K-18t7 IOOlhllla. Fr .. l'lt&;alnt, mllf Avt •... DELUXE APTS: 2Br $5115, Peta. ~24175 &pta In 14 plan1. 1 ...,rm 545·4882 (1·101m or 333 E. 21•1 St. CM (11161111 Sp1clou1 2 Br. 1 •,J, Ba. from 1540, 2 bdrm lrom 8:3()..0;?0pm) f4Mt03 No patt •utlafl•• Ocean view 3 br apac. ~In reedy. S mo. fownl'lou .. wllrplo, E/ ~~5, al1Cf 6pm call CONDO 2 bf. 1'~ be. quiet 1695, TownhouH from ~~~-~~· ~~~~ 4 81 condo '°' IMM. 2~ ,,.,. Jlf ;i'.!!:... "°:9•. ~~22 Aoen1 840-SIMIO 645-1104 aide. Peta OIC. 1 c:ar ger. end unit Pool. rec room. $885 + poola, tennla. :: Ba, 1850 ,,., tennl•. •••••••••••••••••••••• -·--ay _........ ~ ~ 640-0087 ~•-•ell/So. blt-lne. '695/mo Sierra llW •m lPTI tennl• court•. Partlally watcrlalle, pondal GH msimo pl\.ll \4i utll. 1 "- wh h ? E ,_ .. ...,. • '"'• •··n11hed 1\.11~ .... ad. !or cooking & tieatlno "°"' beti. OM't rm.. a be. pool. reo. No pell Rel•. 'I I row rent aw1y merlld • pY1 be9ctl. •-i-. Tl MY J70016th St. Mgmt. 141-1324. Allrac;tlYe 1 Br & Baotie-'"' · car,....... · ~•Id From San Otego Non ''"lier M /F Call Avall 1211. ~4·8071 or Rcn1 to own 3 Bt twnhm ooun H-#y, lent· _., .,., 111 Oovtr) '38S: 1 Bt. ,.....,,,, """tlO, !of End gar, lrplc. pool 1&115. Flr11 IHI mo · 175-5080 73t-8521 no down. no qualltylng. •tic alt wood, 4 2 BA 2~ bl. 2 ltory, Ml -·.., ,... & ei>a-Gu pd No pet• rent plua deaning depo. rwy drive North on ..,.----,,------ 1120042300 negotl9bfe Bdr f family, & den emenltlaa. 1900/mo Nr. 642·5113 1 no Peta, •dull• pref. '38$/ P 84~11 393 111. "2-43&1 8cach lo McF1dd1n to Prof M/F 10 enr 28t turn 1 .. PllY I •t1n payments. Sllared •P· (otflce) & vi.w d.cka a Hoag Hoap. 540·1199. 131-D 1111'1 St 873-1787 Hllnlhuon . ·~--u44 s • • w Ind v 111 a g • "-· e.y "'-· Lido lale. Ang, yard, No petl UtU prcclatlon avail. Wiii apa & 111ntqt1G kltcflen. 646-7855 2 Br Winter rtnlal 1650 1 1 Bdrm, 1 bl. pool, i.un-lun.. .,. (714)8113-61118. "4&0 mo. 816-3321 pd. 15<40/mo 1at plua traoc. Sue 891·5558 Probably bce1 tent .. paat l'I .. 10 bctl Av.•ll n0w dry. edulta. no pet a. W~ Ylll.Mt w;;:.i•aq·~d;,·ra/2 ..... f F/M to eha re 2 bdrm ••c 848 '1· w NEW CARPETS,OAAPES 5yr1.'3e00/lft0.on 1yrl ... #fl •n• Pt.yallE.8.73-1800 . S315. 833 -7180 01 8eehelor.1&i-lffaptt Ba,dtn,ga/.AIC 1>9tlo ••••••••••••••••••••••• hOUIC . P eta O .K . 181h.4'9-1t11 6 PAINT 3 Br. 2 Ba. lrpl. le11e. Call Aod Daley .... .''.'!!!~'!. ••• f.... ~1t47 avd. POOi. ~ lnoy rm.• S700. 850-88311 1on t he buctl hotel 1 1300.mo + \4i Utll'•. I 'A Br. oerao•. yerd. 2 Cit oar. covpatto, huge 844-7020 Hiii l6N OOMn viii'# 3 bf .. _ .. -.... ,. 2 er. 1 8&. Uc>Pe' In 1rl• No 1)9ta. lmmed Occup I •--a. ••fl room. kltcllencttc & 882-5758 1 526/ll'IO. Wotalde yd, p ate OK. 180'2 •1-..zN 111.'if. •-7 oonvert dtn l m ild'• ""':'.:~i-a..J "'*w, ~,_.. n..,..,.., No 99CMlot $410 11.a.ul -I• <I• bllh. lulnlahed 1250 1 1 ...... -------e ~ ... , "" •-s200 .,.,_ _.. ......... .--.-1 Bdrm '450 ':':',.•••••••••••••••••• up + dep 2308 w. F c m1I • pr or. •hare f41.()Tf3. P«a °"· Werran ( dlngef/Bolaa ••••••••••• •••••••••• querier• Ol mo •"'•••••••••••••••••••• ~ti. 2278 Pomon1. 2 bdfm '540. Laroe 81udl0 wtth kitchen, 0 c •an1, 0 n 1• N . I 1ownhM, So cat Ptau E.utllde, '9IP lldfta pr• Cnlco). 1750/mo lnol HOMES ,OR MNT 213/..,...2921 111-. ,....,,_, 1111 '415/mo.111·2115 US PeU!atlno near bNc~hOl>plng. &73-4154 arM . tHO/mo plu• .,. "---', 2 ....... _. oarr·-O•denet. '450 ceo. Aot MIHlon Vie Jo 3 ' ... __ , ...... ,,.,. ••••••• :;;m;. •••••••• 2 I I I TSL u..-t 7•.' -·1 '315/mo utile. 111 . utll 551..ffat ;;:""1t2SJ~.'i1i.ir5"4 0&7-0701 Bdrm. S12M150. ICenc-ff:'.,.:::J•••••••••";"n' llYPlllT r w gar• uplla n , """'"' ......,.,.. mo.+ 1SOO aeo. to move N. 8. DOVER SHORES. ---------~-~-----:--12 bdtm 2 be cond trpc. ad yerda & ~ Kld1 &HAlllll 1 If, 1\.\ a., oov Uttte lale pier i i tory ~·~'i:a ~=-"-" 1p1c. up11r1 1tudlo nr In. Hotet CalltoHll• .\pte. '"" la, bed, rnlOrOWtw. Ml, to •1 ttare1 3t a~be 28'. 1Ba. ' ltory, aheg. Aefrlg' Comm~· aeoO & 9 • • • we I com•. patio, t oer g1r, bllln C1•lu111 tro. 2ir rrpto • ..., • 14841•1 occ, rtlfl'IQ, gat. 1350 \. • •., • 11'1 • • i a o • frig. Sep ent. '350/mo. ool ndo In Nt't 20708 Imo• cpVdrpa. P•llo. frplo, mo. 541•1101 • alt 5• 646-2000. AOlftt, no..._ eleot range, 1 moral $1IOO mo ,.,940e7 ' ll'IO. An..t, 167214. 4'4-21'7. tat/lit. Call Ginger no u t~,. ·• • or diflwa~~ed ;~~ &3&-1082 "-I..... 1111 Luu or luu opt ' • l'lnlpteoe. poolk~ 2 Bf' w/p 1415. Nu (lf)t, Cute. oory & quiet 1 br 141 ...... M~Ffl •~~ 815-42 ' moln0Lta0-17N Avell9b411·1-t3. L.r-4+ :'l'.~ .............. t 1eso1mo Incl ••t•r • BAYfRONT "'· pYt 1>4!llo. lfO Qatd· '811 "C " Orenge. -''· wMh«' dfY9',.,... Kltoh•n prlv llcgu. •-Ml• rtatM flll • 2 OuMn'• l<l1 ,~Din 8p90, 3 bf. 2~ b• 1/9")' g#defW. Aot H1.0701 en. i Ir. MIO. 601·2141· t3M120. 1-&PM Water 110. $450 + uUta. Avell. I 2 5 0 I m 0. u 11 r pd r.::. •••••••••••••••••• ~ J er. 2\t Be pt\. alne '1pf, Ullli. Pd, l<lde: d9Wt ~. pool, toe>-11 ...... 1.., lmmM. .......... l .. ft pd Jen. 1, Ca 11 Cly a 540-7tl7 Nr 0C0 TIAEO M f'lnterl 1Wtrlfl v•te patio trl1p1, fncd p .... 1 OK. ••t• "I'""" P•b otnG, ttc. MOO/mo. Aot .-s Furnlehed or unrum 2' .... 120-1404• ew 497....0 leoe up ~OU_!. propert y ... ............ r9fnOCt khdlen .... -.. ",_, ~ '44·1«0 ·~ .... ,... HH . ·--= NIW 1 IDRt,t. CONOO • femlly ut • tooilnO for "-"'IFV• • • bllcltlort 531 .. 740 dlO •••• -:;n .............. o;; moe. m inimum t1nt11. a Bf' 1 la. ~upetllrloondo I rf --.& _..,Studio rum "' bol'I '°' '*-"* ....,_. :r·~ OiW'lllt· IMO/mo. Nr. lo. Oottt Pleaa. ~ ~~· •1 1!001mo. ~oi orpta orap:: iiilimo. veulted fffl: :!.'!r.!;.~ •• rn empl:d Non-al'nkr. 111111 -. 1t neee11. cat a- -•• -I -~2· 81• to aatMS, Uttr• ll'IO-BAYFRONT ::r~ 1~ ~~ ...,......_ --· • • " ' lnOI. trptb. dtl4 ..... PoOL NO nm AJ>I • COndo ltlt, .P'lt en~ "°° Ind 0, 0 . b b., • t 0 •• ·~'~!;.!·:~!'Pg!!: ~ kh, ~~: ...... ..... .....,lo Na•1' 2 ~ldt•'a' "'•rly • I ld'tm. tb1 ~ ... w .. .... ····"1'""' ~1 .. ~-~ Po~.l. .!:. l•4f!'''·r...: .. ::::.:::..:llll==----;:;::::::::--':"'1 ·-_ _, • --110 1111110: Rel11elng l!UANISHID or untur4 ,... • " mo. " 1 nr.ptec., 2 .., perlttno, I It. 1 ... carpon, lndry • 1••" -.,. .. ,,...._ • --' ,_ 1 Nq '._..." .., ..., ._ ._, .W 1 .... --tO ~ pa111. Spa. All Utlll paid. 11t + nWlld, a ince. minimum .,... '*· SM-814>' MOO/mo. 11S.t7t7 • ""· .,,. of Oolf eoutM n,PMWOOO""' I If. a ... "'°"' llt&. No Comp."""· llMlf 1-1'nl MM-P.m.mi•."A"n ~ =-.. fft)CMMt lftO¥ee fOll. i.. f9fttal, '""' IC*ltloA, Condo fot rent. lbr 21>9 i ac1m1. Hy ~. ffOO from~ ~mo 1 ., WIPlllO Quiet. ,.... -... "°"' ...... pootllM oat.......... .,.... C.M. ~ ... Oft _ ......... 1_. ~. KltifO ~~. I 11100 /mo , Owner ll60 mo NOO w. flt.o. l'l'IO. Wftr•* peita. _ ..=. ••• im '319'""1. ~10 C Monte =.._.Golf Cow-. Ll~ . .-.... M/1. P'1 lllilr. '°"'·"'"' *'-•--..-W-11140.Chg ~H13 l.A.Doug .... 1Me l7f.J4tS0tt1'W40e ,_ ..,., -· ""'*-"· -1111 MIO~ut.t••aeu .... mllllQ.~ ,_ CONNELL CMEVROLET ._,.!I 1''#. ! " . ' ,, r ')46-1200 -. • ATLAS CHIYSLll·PLYMOUTH 2929 Harbor Blvd .. Costa Mesa. Tel. 546-1934. 3 bloctla south of San Diego Freeway off H•bor Blvd. Complete body shop. Sales Service. Parts. Sen1lce Dept. open Monday thru Friday 7:30 AM. to 5:30 P.M. and 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. on S1turd1y. llACH IMPOITS 848 Dow Street. Newport Bellch. Tel. 752-0900. Call us. we're the apeelallata for Alfa Romeo. Peugeot. Sa1b & Muerau, THIODOll 10.INI POID MOd ... n Siies, MN~. parts. body, paint & lire dept1. Competitive rat• on leaM & dally rentats. 2080 Harbor Blvd., Cotta Mesa. 841-0010 or S40-821t. JOHNSON & SON LINCOLN MllCUIY 2826 Harbor Blvd .. Costa Meea. Tel. 540-5e30. 57 v..,.. of ~~len~ly f1mlly aervlce -Orange County's oldest 'uncom-.~ deller'lhlp. NIWPotlT DATSUN 888 Dove Street, Newport Bellch. Tel &33-1300. Al the trlengle of JamborM, MICArlhur & Brlatol b«\lnd Vlctori. St1tlon. Sates. s.Mce. Leulng & PWla. we mu• Q(Ult dfflal • NAlllS CADILLAC 2600 H1rl>Of Blvd .. Coeta M ... Tel. 540-9100. Orange County'I Largest CadllllC dealer. s ..... Senllce., Leulng. • SADDLllACK IMW/SUIAIU 28402 Marguertte Pkwy., AWKY Pkwy. exit We offer whit no ban« or ..... company can: 1. Expenty 1taffed. most modern eerva & part• dept.; 2. One of IM Southland'• moat e11per~ ..... & IMllng 1t1ff; 3. Elimination of the middleman by IMalng dealer direct. 831-2040 M!Mion Vle)O 495-4949 • CHICK IYlllON POISCHl·AUDl-VW 415 E. Cout Hwy .. Newport BMch. 873.oiOO. TM only deelerlhlp In Orange County with theM lhrM great ,,,_ .. under one roof! ALAN MAONON PONYIAC.IUIAIU 2480 l1erbor IM'ld .. eo.te M .... Tel. 549-4300. Sala, ~. LNllno, "Mr. Goodwrtnon." 109 LONG'll PONTIAC 13800 8Mch Blvd., W•tmlneter. Tel. 892-8851. Or1nge County's oldest 1nd lergeat Pontlec dealership. Sa .... Setvtce. PartL DICK MILLll PIAT/LANCIA "Probably the iow.et prlc:ed Fi.ta In Southern Ctiltfomla" (Located 1 mile n«th of South Cout Plaza near Main St. end Wameir Aw. In Santi Ana) 120 W. Wamer. Santa Ana 557-2 132 • SANTA ANA DATSUN 2001 E. 17th Street. Santa Ana. Tel. 558-7811, Your Orlglnll Dedlclted DltS!Jn Oelier. MllACi.I MAZDA We've movedl Our new locetlon la 1425 Bek« Stl'Mt, Coate M ... Tel 545-3334. Stop by & Yltlt our mown showroom end '" wtty w.'re the # 1 Mud• d .. i.r In SoutMrn Callforn&e. s.-. ~. Parts end l.eMlng. .,, ... . . ~ ' 4" • Wlt.h UMa pu.rd\eff ot • U•H car. TNc• Ot V.n t:hh rrl., a.c., l\ln. or "°". OM>ot• rr-c. 01.tt IS00,000 trwe"t.ory, All ... i. prl c..d for 1-dl•t.e dhpota•l . COSTA MHA DATSUN 2845 H1rbor Blvd., Costa M .... Tel. 540-6410. Serving Orange County for 18 years. 1 Mlle So. 405. • SUNSIT POID, INC. (Home of Wiiiie the Whale). 5440 Garden Grove Blvd., Westmln1ter. Tel. 83a..o10. • otlANGI COUNn VOLVO 10120 Garden Gro¥e Btvd .. Garden Grove Tel. 530-9190. Ellclullvety VolYo to cover 111 your Volvo requlrem«it1. ' Hew•Uled•S1lea•Leaaing•Part1•~Body Shop FNIWIY cioM In the hMrt ot Orange County at G•den GrOYI 81\'d. & Brooltl'lurat . CONNILL CHIVIOLn 2'28 Harbor Blvd., Colt• Meea. OY9I' 22 years MJVlng Orange County Sal ... teasing, Mrvlce. Call 546-1200: ep«:iaJ parts tine; 548-9400; body ahOf> fine; 754-0400 I I • reprieve sought Nine city-owned be.rbecue pita, object• of a fiery flap latt •ummer, were destined to be NmoYed from Laguna Beach's HeWer Park in January. . But a citben'a perk panel will uk the city council Tuesday Alaht to grant the pita a re~. : "The Helaler Park Taak Force do will recommend the oouncil ~d five more barbecue pita to ~ blufftop park. . : The oouncil voted in August to temove the barbecues from the p ark after north Lafuna reaidenta complained o the snoke, amella and noi.ae created by the pita by picnickers. ~ The council vote brought protesta from Lagunana. many of whom said they uae the barbecue pita in the park just as often aa touriata. ,;And, some arsed· the pita were in the park before the comp lafning nort L.-guna residents. So the council voted to hold off on removing the pits until ~anuary, and aet up a taalt force to explore concerns raised by members of the North Laguna Community A.aaociation as well ~ local park users. ,, ·The taak force also witl tecommend signs be posted prohib iting portable cooking devices in the park. . Police Chief Neil Purcell, who ~ aa city liaison for the task fbrce, .-,id the additional five s'ts. spreed throughout the park, lhou1d eno visitors to uae the city~becues. Two other isaue9 studied by the task f0rce are vandalism· in Heisler Park. and illicit sexual ~UM that have occurred in the park rewboona and brwhy ...... .The ... fan:ie wOl ~ the restrooma be locked from cla.-k to dawn each day. -In eddldoQ. ~ would '-thinned and Cleared around th• reetrooma, and additional J:lctlting would be inatalled near h mncre1e buildinp and along pathways. Christmas, 1982 Janice Hill of Costa Mesa polishes her Chrietmu-window, . decorated with the nation's moet popular alien by artist Rich Guerrero. ClllT EIRlll UC tightens guidelines on course credit By PHIL SNEIDERMAN of'ttwo.llrl'tlot .... The University of California system has adopted n~w guidelines governing the tnm:Sfer of credit for courses taken at other co lle g es, a revision prompted by c rl ticiam o f television courses offered by Coastline College. One of the policy changes is a provision that would require transfer courses to be approved by a distric t -wide faculty committee. Currently, counes at Fountain Valley · based Coaatlin e are reviewed by the college's own staff. The new rule would require an evaluation committee to include faculty members from sister achools Orange Coast and Golden West colleges. Instructors at the latter two campuses have been critical of Coastline's telecourses, cl;i.imJ.ng they are not comparable to classroom instruction. Coastline President John Buller said such a change would run counter to the tradition of Independent course control for separately accredited colleges. Buller said Friday he had not yet received the new UC guidelines and cautioned that they may be modified before they are forwarded to individual community colleges. The new transfer guidelines w ere developed by a UC subcommittee on community college articulation, the process throuah which community coIJeae underlf8duates can take couraea aimed at satisfy~ requirements for depee9 off4 by four-yeer colleges. John Sandoval, a UC Davis proleaaor who chaired the subcommittee, aaid a letter 1ut spring from Oran1e Cout and Golden West teachers, critidzlng telecounes, sparked the review of course transfer policies. But he said the committee< found that revised guldellnea were needed governing transfer of all counes, not just the ones offered over televiaion. He aaid the group waa aware of the telecourle controversy in the Coast Community College District. "We tried not to take aides, but we wanted to ensure that educational quality I.a maintaine<t in the U.S . system," Sandoval said. He said the· guidelines stress that the method of lnatruction - classroom teaching versus telecourse -will not be a major concern in whe ther transfer credit is awarded. Sandoval said course content, comparability of topics with UC c!aS§eS, amount of time spent on course material, dialogue between student and instructor, extent and quality of testing and the level of student competence at the end of the course are among the review criteria. In addition, when non - traditional courses do not meet the usual standard of one weekly classroom hour equals one credit, a college must show strong evidence regarding the quality of student learning in the CO\.&ne. Although he said he believes the Coastline telecounea will meet UC's academic standarda, Buller said he is concerned about t h e district -wide review procedure. "To 80IDe dep'ee, it taks away 1elf-control from a coJleCe," he said. Buller noted that althou1h Coastline haa been at the forefront of' recent t4:lecourae review proc;:eed1nel. mmt al the other oommunlty coll r&11 In the state also otter teJevflion counies. (Coastline, however, la (See COAST, Pase A!) l\cid fog level CdM extreme • ID : For the second lime tbia Mith. acientiata have recorded 111 extreme acid fog in Corona del Mar and have repeated their O}>inion that the reading points toward heavy air pollution in fn1-d cities. : Meuured at the California ~tute of Technolof[Y'a marine (acillty in Corona defM.ar early today, the acid fog registered at a pH level of 2.42. While the reading la nearly 50 times more diluted than the 1.69 n.ding taken early thia month, Caltech raearcher Jed Waldman tald anythlna below a pH of 3 la ~ed potentially bannful. : Staie Senator David Roberti, D-Hollywood, i ntroduced ltsiaJation following the initial ~ in Corona del Mar that 1'Vould force the South Coat Air Quality MaMgement DWtrict to CleveloP a plan for reducing acid ~ initial readln8 in Corona Ciel Mar, ecoordinl to the Caltech ~ teem, la thought to be the most acidic level ever l'eCOrded ln a fog in Southern . OaUfomla. . '!be deDle fog that cloaked the ()ranee Cout~ today and Wt a y.dit on the aand JI' 8umet Beach la expected to ran bllCk in tonieht ana cJtna to tbe COMtllne throulh mom.lng. About 70 flighta from Loa A.n1elee and L{ndber1h were diverted to Ontario, Palmdale, l,.u v .... and San Franclaco. , ,.......,. anivinl at Ontario, about 50 miles Hat of Loa 6,.... Airport, wen tM...s to "'°' Anee1-and ~ alao A8 m A8 88 --~ D7-10 810 811 • M C1 were bWM!d from Los Angeles to Ontario for departures. The fas. caused by a warm air mass blowing inland, is being followed by an advancing storm that could bring rain late Wednesday or earfy Thursday, the National Weather Service' predjcted. The blanket of fas triggered a now-familiar scenario of minor automobile mishaps along the coast. The California Highway Patrol reponed several can on the San Diego Freeway near Harbor Boulevard tumbled over an embankment, today. No injuries were reported. Operations at John Wayne Airport, where visibWty WU put at a quarter mile early today; were not affected by the wisps of fas. An unidentified yachtsman out of Newport Harbor, reportedly lost in the 90Upy oonditiona late Sunday, put h1a 27-foot craft on the strand near 20th Street ln Sun.et Beach. The Orange <:ounty Sheriff's Department Harbor Patrol ..td the boater and h1a crew of three were uninjured ln the incident and were bopina to get the boat -the Sea Capir -back ln the water today. The fog obscured the third eventn1 of the ''Festival o f I.Jchta" ChriatmM boat parade in Newport Harbor but viewer• reported the annual feat conUnued on ecbedule despite the weather. The parade continues through Dec. 23. The Newport Bea ch h eadquarters of Smith International, which is being actively punued by the Whittaker Corp. in Lott Angeles. Coast f ir:rµ takeover target? objective in mind like 'We're wootna you to join UI, ... Blrney aak:l Woriten on the 111embly line at Smith Tool. an .Irvine diVilioo of Smith lntema~~:r \hey are cw1oua but not about the actionl of Whltw.. ' ( LC\n..~ 1 A ~t> heeded by onu\ut Y Kiib)' II hopf"I tO bWld a oencet at an Irvine puk to workl-clul fernal. 1thlote1 M1het-1port. -"The fecWty, to be called the <fethy JU1by Re1ional Sporta Center, alao would offer •mnHtlca treinlng to locel ,.,uth1 In a beginning and tathy Rigby ~ ·' irm to pay tn'4rrmldiace ......._)'. A um.!J1 medlclnt cllnlc a.nd r1cne. center would be tnch.ad9d. The center, a non.profh enterprl11, would u11 revenue aenerat.d from the cllnSc, fJtnem center and academy to 1upport the tralnJna of Olymplc-caUbtr a thletes, accordln9 to plane submitted to the city. Becauae of their non-profit status, organizers are ukJ.na the Irvine City Council to leue them land et a city park for a nominal fee such aa 'l per year. A llmJlar arranaement wu made with the Irvine Boys and Girls Club, which opened this week In Woodbridge. It has a ~O.year lease. Staff members in the city Community Servtcea Department recommended to the council lut week that Heritage Park on Walnut Avenue would be the most logical location for a center. However, council membera asked their volunteer Conul\unity Services c.omnu..ion to review poaalble locations during a Jan. 5 meeting. The council is scheduled to take up the iasue at ita Jan. 25 meeting. Joe Donaldson, who helped start the Huntington Beach SCata gymnutic club, la president of the Cathy Rlgby Gymnastics Foundation. the group puahing the center. Pilgrimage More than 400 people turned out Sunday night for the .annual Posada at Bowers Museum in Santa Ana. In addition to folklorico dancing· and pinata breaking, a re-enactment of Mary and Joseph's pilgrimage to Bethlehem was staged. Robert Brown, left, of Fountain Valley was among those in the proceuion. , ack wages t An Irvine electrical firm has ireed to pay $7 ,000 in back fertime wages to workers after Pat Fierro, manager of the city's recreational services, laid Wed_Qeaday that the group appears to be aerioua about imP-roving the countr)''a performance in International competition. TAKEOVER FEARED ... Holiday blood drive planned by Red Cross 2 Investigation by the federal partment of Labor. i Ram Electric, 15510 Rockfield d, agreed in federal court in Anaeles recently to pay the ges to 10 workers seeking bre compensation for work m Jan. 17, 1980 to Jan. 24, 982. , Jin a separate settlement, lumbla Pest Control of Los lamitos agr eecJ to pay 43 ployees $15,0.0d in overtime work done from Jan. 5, 1979 July 1, 1981, aaid officials of Labor Department'• Santa office. I J j I I • She said the center, a long- time dream of Rigby'•, would be the first in the nation eet up "to sharpen the 1kill1 of the country'• top pmnutl. The 8J"OUP hopes to have the center in operation by the time the 1984 Olympk:a begin in Los A.ngelea becau.e of the exposure 'it would p.in, ahe said. A mark.et ailalyais undertaken by the group indicated Irvine would offer a central and affluent location to build up clientele to au: the training program, she . Group memben, meanwhile,. are pointing out that the center would give local youth~ to top l)'l'DllUtica tra.lnina. ~ tram Ir& ........ Dau. lc4t Cream lttopp9 ~Cool! "'°"' llll-S-Cotto Mela. CA~ ,,. ~77S2 \5.ol So Cool! ._ l"O"'Q IMoct\ CA 92611 t ,,_7-5607 From Page A1 "If Whittaker is really shooting for a takeover," Craig said, "I think they're going to have to sit down with Neely at eome point and iron things out. .... Smith haa excellent management and they mi~ht be loet in an unfriendly takeover," he added. Council eyes video fee Huntlngt.on Beach dty officia.la will try ac.in tontaht to lmpo98 a licenae fee for video machine games operating in the dty. A recommendation to lnttease annual fees from $12 to $200 per machine met oraanlzed opposition two weeka .,a. 'the proposed figure was halved to $100 following a m ee ting of video game representatives and cit y staff members. The recommended fee would r._tae about $75,000 in 1983. The meeting ls acheduled to atart at 7:30 p.m . at City Hall chambers, 2000 Main St. P8rtly cloudy V.S. 3ummary, Hentl Nici ._fy loct.y. Anlval1 anf! Mparturn from Sin Dl1go·1 Lindbergh Fleld rM4.lfMCI 1111• morning '"" foO mo*" "" 111rpOrt clown ~ •bOUt 'P·"'· "We re running normal operatlOne r10h1 ,_, V1tlbllly II ttvw rnllla. lfl\il ...,,,.., to l:IUm of! now ao K lllOUld be 0t< for IN ,.., of the rnomlng ... Mid 8o Clwti of the Loe Angelle elfpott control ·-· Flighll -· oi-ted IO Ont.to. Palmdale. Lu Veg11 and San Francteco. P-lglfl ~It Ont.no. lbOUt 50 ........ of Loe Angelle Airport, _,. buMCI to Loa At191'11 end p •I I rigel'I lleo _. buMd from Loe Allgllle to Ontario for~ "II'• a 11111• fo90y but 1111 airport'• OHfl," Jim Krllfff'I of airport poia at Lindbergh Mid early today. "We're not ~~ .. 1ome of IN momlng may bl delayed wlllle 1111 alrllnH try ""~ ttllnge out.'' '"°"'9IClf'IM .c...id*I ll'om 1111 ---------uppei-........ II IM NodMMI .-ty !0d9r, eNntllno to r.in 11ong Ula _....,. edge of the tlomt ~. 9nCI rain continued 10 lal In IM PS!flc Nofltl..a. lnow eprMd frorn the OrNI IAk• .. the upper Olllo Vt/Wt ttwoueh the Nortfl Allentle lllt• Rain ... ~ with tn6w ~ .,_,. of the -· and ltgllt rein fllll In .._ ~ and .-tern NOrtll C.ollM, Rain 1110 fell over w11tern Otegon •nd anow covlflCI 1111 Inland eect1on1 of 1111 Pacific Nor111wr•· c1oud1 •ir11nd•e1 ... , • ., through 1111 northern l'oclllll " --fog perlllted """ _... CalllotnlL o.ne< fog alao lormlCI over °"""' *1fl ~ _, CllOladl '"'"' .. u11 Tann ..... and ...... OfllD ~ IO IN mid• end "":'..,.I 1:::...,,· °"' .. : .... ~-­................... IOdely ttwCIUlll ..., ffttlMct. tM mid~ AUlftllo:Co•t etatH and tlle aet1tret oAppa1.011ten1. 8now .............. CM!' ... v~ ..,... ~..-dlnlo .. Pleteeu, -... '°' .. ..... Clllot'* ... ............. .. At•ifE• ..... aoud9 ... '----~,....., :&: .. Ille .,...,, Temperature1 HATK* II LA :l2 27 53 l4 80 IO 48 l2 " 12 37 11 .. " S3 11 40 2t 57 II 12 1J 47 S3 21 2t 71 62 31 • 31 2t 11 24 .. 40 46 u 37 u 4' M II II •U ., ti ..... ., .., .. •• •1 ,... ao :: = •• t1 ,, •• The Forecast For 7 p.m. EST T oesday Oecembef 21 • T tures M at S2 25 51 33 78 47 57 31 at 33 54 2S "' Lo 50 SI IO 51 47 4S ., 27 74 57 ff 48 ... 40 eo 42 sa IO 4t as 42 41 81 50 73 41 51 .. " aa 5t N 51 22 H 11 82 42 72 44 7t .. 13 51 .. 4t ~: ~ ' .,. " 17 41 ~= .. ,. Smith's stock, traded on the New York Stock Exchange, shot up from $4 to the $30 mark per share following the first wave of buying by Whittaker. As of Friday, the stock had settled just over 3T per iliare. Craig, who has followed Smith for several years, aaid the stock increase alone makes Whittaker's move a large financial succesa. "They've (Whittaker) certainly made some money if all of this was for investment purposes only," he observed. Officials at Whittaker said they've agreed not to buy any more Smith stock for 30 days and explain the sharp stock rise as "something that just attracted attention." "The people at Smith have zero to w orry about," aaid Whittaker vice-president Murray. "Thia is an investment only. We'll go tu the annual meeting and that's about it." The Orange County Red Cross is encouraging blood donations during the holiday season, traditionally a slow-time for donations. Because blood can be stored for only 35 days, a steady flow of donors is needed at all times of the year, said Dr. Harold Kaplan, Orange County Red Croes Blood Services Director. The Red Cross Blood Center in' Santa Ana wi\l be open between 9 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. Friday and Sunday and Dec. 31 and Jan. 1. Also, bloodmobiles will b e located at the Red Croes Service Cent ers during the holiday season. Service Centers are located in Anaheim, Fullerton. Westminster and Laguna Niguel. Any one i n good health between the ages of 17 and 66 .and weighing at least 110 pounds is eligible to donate. For an appointment, call 835-5381. COAST TELEVISION • • • From Page A1 considered the nation'• largest producer of telecoursea, and generally offers more telecourses per semester than other institutions.) SALE · starts Monday DECEMBER 20 WOMEN1 S Buller said he ii awaiting the fonnal documents regarding the new transfer review pollclea, which w ill be sent by administrators of the UC system. SELECTED COATS, JACKETS, DRESSES, SLACKS AND SKIRTS SIZES 6 TO 16 PLUS SELECTED SHOES 25% and 30% off regular-prices BOYS1 SPORT JACKETS AND SUITS PLUS SELECTED BLAZERS AND ODD TROUSERS SIZES 8 TO 12, 13 TO 20, 36 TO 40 25% off regular prices BOYS' OUTERWEAR .I SIZES 8 TO 20 30% off regular prices ' . - WORLD eagan prevail fund vote • 32 d ead , 300 injur d in Caraca explos ion By n. A110Clated Pre11 CARACAS, Vent•tu la More than 1,000 firemen and police battled a runaway blue today In the fuel storage yards of a power plant where explodlng oU and gu t.anka kUled at least 32 people. Unconfirmed reporta said ,,,• M ~'Opie wero mialf\11 end q many u 300 lnjun-cl In one or Venc:&ut•la's wont d!Mat.eni. The lnfl·rno raced acrou a half-mil<-of ground Sunday at the oil and gas storage tank farm of the Tat'OA·Arreclfe. plant, 20 miles east of thl1 capital. Poland to e nd m a rtia l law WARSAW, Poland -The government has announced the formal suspension of marual law on Jan. 1, but new legislation takes effect the sa me day giving authorities many of the stringent powers imposed under military rule H<'nrvk J:iblon~k· Pnh-~'" nom1n.al head of state, announced the New Year's Day suspension of martial law Sunday in the form of a two -paragraph Council of State resolution that invoked government -drafted legislation passed by Parliament on Saturday. S hips collide in E n g land HARWICH, England - Two loaded ferries collided ln a raging night storm off this English port, killing at least five people and sinking one of the vessels in the icy North Sea, police and rescuers said today. They said another person was presumed dead from the Sunday night smashup, STATE which flung some people into the frigid, gale-whipped water. Helicopters, tugs and other vessels pulled 64 people to safety following the collision b e tween the 4,263 -ton European Gateway and 3,514 -ton Speedlink Vanguard. 50 flee gasoline spill CARSON -A ruptured tanker truck spilled some· 2,- 000 gallons of gas, releasing fumes that forced evacuation of about 50 people from a two-block area, authorities said today. No one was injured when the truck jackknifed about 9: 15 p.m. Sunday after its parking brakes apparently failed. It was parked at a gas station at Avalon and Sepulveda boulevards, said a Los Angeles County fire dispatcher who declined to give has name. He said there was no fire or explosion. Explosives tossed in s treet FALLBROOK -Two Marines were arrested Sunday night aft.er Sarl Diego County sheriffs received complaints from Fallbrook residenta that two men were throwing live explosives on the city streets. The e xplosives did not detonate. The Sheriff's Department and a detachment of Marines Crom Camp Pendleton recovered six canisters of dynamite after searching the area around the 900 block of South Ma in Street in Fall brook Arson blame d in store fire today. WA 8 111 N U 'I UN ( A J' ) Und r prc'Murt• t1 um Prnlde•nt Uc•ttlillll I Vt•h> ttin•11lJI, the JlllWN' pa...,d •n ""' r1cncy apendlni blll «.dav Uwl L'Ontain. none ol thl' publl<' works Jobe mon•·Y JW .... n aaJd he oppoled. By a 232-04 vot ... af~r only one hour vf dl·b.14~. th«" fiouae 1M.•nt the 1..-omprumltlt· meuurt' to the Senate. No roll call woa tak~n and th e vote wu done by memben atandlnl(. Leaden did not want. a roll caU for feur the bill would be deft>atcd. Despite the attlrmative vote, there waa oppoeltJon to the finaJ product. Rep. Henry S . Reuss, D-Wis., a strong supporter of the jobs 1n1tiatlve, said, "The president and the Congress gazed eyeball to eyeball, and the Congress blinked . We may not even be Mesa e y e s church use of blood A Costa Mesa church seeking approval to practice a new blood transfusion therapy will appear before the Costa Mesa City Council at 6:30 tonight. Representatives from the William Parker Holistic Center at the Community Church by the Bay are seeking a permit to use chelation treatments on the site at 148 E. 22nd Street. City planning comm1ss1oners have recommended against approvaJ, saying the transplants that use blood transfusions to feed enzymes into th e bloodstream. are medical in nature. The holistic center has been offering classes and lectures on spiritual and physical well being. The council is also scheduled to consider the construction of a 30-unit motel at 325 W. Bay St., for which the Planning Commission recommended denial. Although a cab l e communications system is considered three years away in Costa Mesa. the council will consider a staff recommendation tonight for a public forum on the issue. The purpose of the meeting is to find out what aort of a system residenta, business and educaUOn leaders ln the community would like to see. The council will meet at City Hall, 77 Fair Dnve ellowC'd 111 k1 •1 µ uur hont't fur Hw 1111 in.c pluwlnK " U1• w1•11l 11n k> dt'n11\lrM.'f' th lejl•lallon, i.uyint(, "Nf'V r waa prayt!r nwrt• In orch•r "Wt• ru1vt-lf'rl undone tnUIC.' thJnp we· ou1ht to have done; w11 havt' dunl· thlnp we outiht not to have done." Con"rt•,.lonal n•lC-OtlOton. hagglina for 12 houra Sunday, t'llmlnUlt>d blllloru of doUan In aid for the joblcH from tht' mea1u1'e. Presidential spokesman Larry Speak ca told reporters t hia t White House aides were going over the ('Ompromlte, expected to win final congreulonal approval and be sent to the president later today. Asked if there was anything In the bill t o which Reagan objected, Speakes said "I can't think of anything." although he pointed out that aid to Iara.el wu h &h •r ttum that 11ou1ht IJy Uu• ~nt In th mHnUmt. he MddKI, tht' Ofllt'o ul Man•a<'mt•nt and Budtt-t waa tt•llln1 fcdt•ral • Ml ncle1 to ~onunut• work on plant to turlouah non-euentlal work.en. But, he aid. "there wlU be no furloughs today " , Ally dedalon on 1huitlna down the aovemment would ~ m.tdl' "tter, hl' added. He tJaid the federal workers wlll be notified of any furloughs late today or before they are due to report on Tut.-.day. If Reagan hu not decided whether to sign the spendlng bill before Tue9day morning, the workers wUI be told to stay home. Speakes said the number or people furloughed would be fewer than 500,000. He said the legislation, the product of a oompromlae worked out Sunday by House and Senate J ohn Ple iss, 5, got into trouble by calling Santa -63 tim es. nt•t(OllllWn, WU 001 f'ICIJ"Ci.d IO ta approv•d by th• twe c.-harnbera and rHch RHI• I'!.. d••k "until Vt"ry lace torulhl w N•rly wmorrow" At that tJmtJ n" ulo, twapn ··w111 ta-.. a ckJIMt look and l'ftld th• flM print." He• 1ald Rea1an wanted tO atudy the Impact of the llmJt OQ fund• for the M X mhall~ program and look at how the r~arch and development money, for program could be spent. Meanwhile. Educatlolf Department 1poke1man Lov Mathia aald, "We're on hold." Al the Department of Health and Human Servlcea, 1pokeaman RUii Mack uJd, "A.a of now, It'• busine11 aa uaual." Commerce Department operationa abo were normal. "It'• not the fint time government worken have been through thla," aald spokesman B. Jay Cooper. Boy's calls to Santa total $40 ALLENTOWN, Pa. (AP) -A. 5-year-old boy who talked tO Santa by telephone enjoyed the long-distance conversation much that he called 62 mor times -at a C06t of almo&t $40, his parents say. . John Pleiss, of West Easton~ apparently learned the number for Bell of Pennsylvania's "Dial It" Sant.a Claus recording from a television commercial, eaid his mother, Gail. The boy made the calls -at 6) cents apiece -from an upstairs telephone while his mother wu downstairs recuperating from fractured elbow. "I thought he was playin1 with his toys upstairs," said Mn. Pleiss. "I didn't know he wu using the phone." When the bill arrived, her husband , Joh n , didn't immediately recognize t h number that showed up 63 time&.: So he dialed it and got a recorded message whlch l&id, "Ho, ho, ho. I'm glad you called." The message went on to aa that ''$ant.a'' W U in Africa day, described holiday C'Ulitollr.w.f there, and mentioned that San would be In Poland the next :8J; ''He'• actually telllnc. t.be to call bllck." Plei9I aa.ld. He aid he called the telephone company to complain about the bill but was told it would have to be paid. LOS ANGELES - Shoppers and employees were evacuated from a grocery store when an arson- suspected fire broke out in a potato chips display and smoke filled the market, a city fire spokesman said Flame and smoke damage to foods in the Boy's Market in the !jighland Park area was estimated at $1 million, with another $5,000 in damage to the building. said fire Capt. Lon Pursell Four more Irvine cars lose stereos ~ .. ~ • • NATION Ex-CIA age nt sente n ced Four more stereos were stolen from cars ln Irvine over the past weekend, bringing the total of thefts this month to nearly 50, police said. All four of the radios reported rn.issing Sunday were Blaupunkt models, the type most in demand among the thieves hitting Irvine this holiday season, said police Lt. Bob Lennert. The weekend thefts occurred in the northeast portion of the city, he said. Lennert issued a news release last week w arning owners of new German-made cars with Blaupunkt or Concord radios to park their vehicles in locked garages or busy. well-lighted lots. He also asked residents to be watching for strangers acting suspiciously around parked cars. Police believe as many as three separate groups of thieves are operating in Irvine, based on witnesses' reports. ALEXANDRIA, Va. - Former spy Edwin Wilson was sentenced today to 30 years in prison and fined $200,000 for his conviction on smuggling anns to Libya in the first of four criminal trials arising from his dealings with the Arab nation. ran ''a very sophisticated scheme to engage in the arms business on an international scale." Wilson was convicted last month on seven conspiracy. firearms and export I.aw violations. All are connected to smuggling four pistols and an M-16 rifle from the United States to Libya, a nation the United Stat.es says has been a leading supporter of international terorism. Christmas cabare t s et U.S . District Judge Richard L . Williams said the ~-year-old fonner CIA agent Sky-diving Santa survive s A Christmas cabaret, featuring a half dozen Laguna Beach musicians, mimes and singers, will be held Wednesday night to benefit the Laguna Beach Historic.al Society. The cabaret, with reception before and after the yuletide performance, will be held at the historic.al society building at 790 South C-oast Highway beginning at 8:15 p.m. WATERVILLE, Maine - A skydiving Sant.a Claus was a whisker away from death when his parachute failed to open as he plunged toward the ground at 100 mph. At the last Instant, the man dressed as Santa. Ronald Bradford, managed to grab the cord to his emergency chute and fell safely near a We're Listening ••• 642•6086 dazzled gathering of 35 childre n at an apartment complex. Bradford. who has been skydiving for 21 of his 40 years. said that had he been killed. the children would have "seen the Image of Santa Claus destroyed. The myth would have been hard to rebuild." Performers include Mark Turnbull, mime Caprice Rothe, comedienne Carolyn Miller and singers Candy Strock and Sue Magiera. Proceeds from the $5 per peraon party go to defray costs of What do you like about the Daily Pilot" What don't you hke" Call the number at left and your message will be recorded. transcribed and delivered to the appropriate editor. The same 24·hour answenng service may be used to record let- ters to the editor on any topic Mailbox contributors must include their name and telephone number for verirication No circulation calls, please Tell us what's on your mind ~ ORAAQE CC>.\ST CIHl"lff edver11alng 7141142·54111 All other depllr1menl• 142-4321 It 9 uelw4 Moncl9y·l•ld9y " '°" 00 ~~: ~~'."r. ~ •"d your cop• .uf bt ......, hflllMJ ...., "'"41ep II =.t~~~~ tCJ • I'll .,.. '/O'I 0091 .. Daily Pilat -Je... AfMlfl fAKUlt•e (d.+or L _... Schvltl Voce,......., Giid ~ecior of Ad.«hetftO loymond Mod.eon Cot.1tollat , MAIN OfflCI »0 Wttl a., If , C•I• l'MY , C.C. ,,_.11-M: ... IMO, C•I• MeMI, CA. - c., . ..,,. ..., o.....,. '419•1 "'*""" ... c;........, No""'' t'9ft9t, llklo4rllt'-'t, .-..eri.1 m~er _. v .. llM"*'ft .. ftlll ~y .. ,.,,_.. W11Mur -··· """'•'""' .. (9'1\'•""4 _, the fledgling h1stoncal !IOCiety. Tickets are available at the Sound Spectrum, the Stand. the Darkroom and the Coffee Pub Police have been frustrated so far because the thefts are occurring in all parts of the spread-out city during night and day. Lennert said thieves are brea.klng into the cars -mostly Volkswagens, Audis, BMWa and Porsches -by forcing Jocks, breaking wlndows and through unlocked doors. Last week, Lennert reported that 40 radios had been stolen in December. However, more thefts late last week along with the four over the weekend increased the count near 50 as of today, he said. A Huntington Beach teetr-ager who was pinned beneath his car during a freeway mishap Sunday was listed in guarded condition PILICI 1111 "' t t today at Western Medic.al Cent.er~ in Sant.a Ana. i Mark Matsumoto, 17, o f Huntington Beach, was checkina under the hood of his car, which had stalled on the transition roaii. between the Newport Freeway: and the Santa Ana Freewa14 when the car was 1truck frOmc behind by a pickup truck driven> by Brian D. Earhart, 23, o'tf Huntington Beach, a c..lifomia~ Highway Patrol spokesman l&id. ~ The impact trappe~ Matsumoto beneath hia ve~ until he was freed by ~ and taken to the hoepital, the: CHP spokesman said. : chn5l.JnoS 1982 J ' • . I I I ' I t t thz. aiJtha.ntic cla.ss1c .. ~\q,es brushq,d ehcit:Jaryj; a..ach S'Mlatcz.r ie. mad¢ en a c1rcuklr hand ft&nCZ.. coz. M. a tune , end. twioz. bruehrl.d Qr comfbrt mrl. a bit.ttu- {\t, cnt d' tha. n iorL5t ~t4r.!> ~·11 e\.<tr \M'Z.or j ! ' I DOWN 8.49 Production limit agreed on by OPEC VIENNA, Austria (AP)-OPEC oil miniatert fonnally agreed today to a producUon celling of 18.~ mUllon ban-ell 1 day thro~gh 1983 and to !reeze thelr bue price at $34 a barrel indefinitely, OPEC president Yahaya Dlkko announced today. But the mlnisten put off until lat.er a dedalon on how to divide the aales among each of the 13 countries in the oil cart.el -an luue that haa threatened OPIOC unity. Agreement on the celling, one million barrela lees than estimated current production, was reached ,:luring the second day of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries' year-end conference, Yamani said. A uto output to rise DETROIT (AP) -Domestic auto production in the first quart.er o( 1983 ia expected to reach 1.4 million cars, up about 35 percent from the one million cars built during the same period in 1982, an auto industry journal reported today. The five major U.S. automakers made few changes in tentative pr1'Xiuction echedules for the first three months of 1983, with only General Motors Corp. reporting a slight increase from the tentative plan announced last month, Ward's Automotive Repor1S said in today's editions. The carmakers reported that November-December incentives have been successful in reducing inventory, although car sales in the final month of 1982 were down slightly. according to the journal. Industry analysts revised December sales predictions from 480,000 cars to 430,000, Ward's-said. ,, tl Gasoline prices cite d . -;: ,• r LOS ANGEL~ (AP) -This is the first year "in recent memory" that the price of gasoline has gone down, mostly because of lower consumption and an international • oil glut, oil industry analyst Dan Lundberg says. The publisher of the Lundberg Letter said Sunday that the average price for all grades of-gas at self·aervice stations is now,at $1.22 'h a gallon, about a dime lea t h an in January. Prices rose by 37 cents a gallon in 1979, 10 cents in 1980 and 6.5 cents in 1981. · AMERICAN LEADERS Due to late transmission today's llstlng will n ot appear In the Dally Piiot. ' . Piii Of! IU 011 ,. ' g: =-~ Oii '' °" .., Off u Off L1 °" L7 ()If • , °" 1.J Off ... C)tl • s °" '·' OH '-' Oft u Off s.• Off $,I Oft u °" p OH U OH U Off u Off u Off u METALS NEW YORK (AP) -Spo1 ,..o,..,.,,OUI melel pnc. IOCS., c...., 71~73'A ewti. • pound. v s _..,.lloM. &.NII 1•~n _,i. • poun1t. -~ ~ t llOWlld. --.-. "9 M.1NO ........ W.. _,.,... •· ......_ Tt oenll e ~.NY • ... _, '365.00 pet llMk. H ~ SMl.oo.IHl.00 lroy ounc., GOLD QUOTATIONS STOCKS IN lHE SPOTLIGHT SILVER Hendy .,..d H.,m1n. 110 54 per troy -· . .. .. • . .. • • . -: .•