HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-12-21 - Orange Coast PilotTHI 111111 CDllT - l I H S ()AV lH C f MA ( U .' I . 1'111 I College costs rebuffed av PHIL SNEIDERMAN ,, .. .., .......... A $1.8 bllllon package of tax increases and spendlng cuts ~ Monday f1i8ht by the at.ate Senate Finance Committee wou.ld Impose no new fees on community college students and would make no further cuts ln the free college system's budget for the current fiacal year. But Leland Myen, a leg:i.slative advocate representing Orange County's four community college dlstricta. said the finance pack.age could undergo changes before it ii enacted. The measure was slated for cona!deration today by the full Senate. If approved, it will be forwarded to the state Assembly. "I expect that the Senate will 10 along with this package," Myers said today ln Sacramento. "But the Aaembly is more of a question mark because of the partiaan politics that are being p~yed there." Local community college lead ers bad expressed concern becauae th e initial flnance bill, introduced by state Sen. Alfred Alquilt, ~San JOl!Je, would have removed 10 percent of the stale community college funding for the remainder of the fiacal year. Thia would have resulted in a km of $2.18 million for the Cpast Com m unity College Distr ict (Orange Coast, Golden West and C oastline colleges) and .$1.2 m illion to t he Saddlebac k c.ommunity College District. B u t M yers said Alquiat preeented a revi8ed bill Monday ni&bt. eliminating the community coDeee budaet cuta. Instead, be ~--..,.._t--t a ~ one-time fee for .. canmunity c:oU.. atudenta. ThU fee propoeal, however. y.. rejected by a ~ ~ 2 vote of • t1nance committee, Myen tald. Alquiat 'a or iginal bill alao ~for cutting more than $100 million from the CWTeDt budgets of the California Stale University and University of California systems. But this. too, was reduced to cuts of $15 million from each of the four.year university systems In the bill flnally approved by the committee. Myera noted, however, that th e four.year systems had n.:eived funding increaaes in the b udget for t he current year, while th e community college ay.tem loat $30 million in funding last aummer. _ He aaid _h e hope9 legislators will conclude that the community colleges already have given their ahare in funding reductions this year. The finance bill la aimed at eruinl a m.aaaive stale budget deficit for the current year. The bill cal.la for a aix·month lncreue of one.half oent in the state sales tax, a surcharge of up to 10 percent on personal income t axes, in creased bank and corporation taxes and higher (See COLLEGE, Page A%) .. D.-, .... "*•.., o.ry ......,.. Costa Mesa welder Ali Ro ushan strings Christmas lights o n his sculptures tha t have thro wn the city's government in to a tizzy. Ali, art going out By JODI CADENHEAD °' .... ~ ......... Saying he wanted to give Costa Mesa residents a Christmas present, renegade welder Ali Roushan strung 600 colored lights atop his 60·foot high aculpture Tornado Monday. But city officials apparently will get the "real" pre9ent next month when, Roush.an said, he will ta k e down all four sculptures erected on hi s property at 1550 Superior Ave. Rouahan said removal of the tower i n g red structures has nothing to do with an Orange County Superior Court decision last month ordering him to tear down three of the sculptures erected without proper permits within 60 daya or face removal by the dty. "I'll take it down under my free will, not because the city has for<:ed me," said Roushan. "I wanted to build aculpturea that worked as an antenna to create intellectual controversy. It worked." Though supposedly erected to promote pea,ce and love, the statues have resulted in an avalanche of publicity and personal losses for the 39·year-0ld Iranian immigrant. Featured in "People" magazine, the energetic welder captured the hearts and imagination of many fans, as well as a five-day jail sentence for defying a court order that he obtain permits. Last year, he 10ld his $160,000 Newport Beach house to pay mounting legal billa. 'Ibe strain over the cost and controveray ultimately led to hia divorce this year. • in style Rous.han, known aa much for his philosophical diatribe as his w e lding, said the statues represent a three.year cycle in his life that has ended. By the end of January -he won't give a date -the aculpturea known as Butterfly, Volcano, Tornado and Tower will be cut up and packed In boxes. Already much of hia sprawling building haa been leased to clear the way for what he deacribed as hi1 next three.year cycle: traveling. Rouahan said he'a going to buy a bua and travel around the country meeting people. Looking back on the laat eeveral years, Rouahan aaya he haa no regrets. "I wanted to put up IOIDe statues and I did. How could I loee? It works. An event haa taken place. Only a fool would deny the event." Santiago Canyon airport plan revival urged By STEVE MARBLE Of the Dell1 Not llelf A l·ampatgn to revive interest in l<x:otlng a regional airport near Santiago Canyon has been launched by Newport Beach. The $anUago Canyon site was r ecommended last August by members of the Blue R ibbon Regional Airport Committee. a group of 11 businessmen scll.><:t.ed by Orange Count)' su~rvisors. l::it•verat committee members rt·t·ently have said supervisors did not give the Santiago Canyon sttt· serious consideration. ::>u p ervlsor s e ffectively rCJN"ted the recommendation wht•n thl'y vot.ed, :i·2, that therc , ts no viablt• regional airport 11t.e in Orange County. County supervisors, preaently studying the future o f J o hn Wayn e Airport , are In disagreement on whether the blue ribbon c:om.mlttee still exlat.s o r aC it has been formally disbanded. In a letter to two members of the <:ommillee -Dr. William BaUtwus, pn.>tident of Beckman Instrume nts, and Kei th Murdoch, former Anaheim city manager -cit y leaders In Newport Beach said they are "dismayed" that supervisors haven't responded directly to the (See SANTIAGO, Page AZ) PUC bullet • train hearings planned By GLENN SC01"1' Of tho Deify ll'ltot lten A ssembl ywoman M arian Bergeson, R·Newport Beach , says the state Public Utilities Commission has assured her it will hold public hearings on a proposal for a high-speed train to streak through Orange County up to 90 times a day. .Bergeson has pushed for the hearings, claiming that under current laws, the only remaining government approval for the SO· called bullet train ls the PUC's certificate of public convenience and necessity. ' A spokesman ln th-e commission'• San Franci8co oUice confirmed her report today . Spok"man Gene Raleigh aaid the commission always holds hea.rinp on majoc propoula. "l n an y case wher e broad public interest is Involved, the commluion woul d hold hearings," he sakl. So far, Raleigh noted, sponsor American High Speed Rail Corp. has not applied for a certificate, and hearing dates won't be set until an application Is received. He said hearings would be located in affected areas If the commission budget can cover travel costs. Bergeson and two Republican legislative colleagues had asked for hearings in Los Angeles, Orange and' San Diego counties. Be r geso n , A ssemblyman Robert Frazee, R-Carlsbad, and Sen. Bill Craven , R· Vista, also have introduced a bill this sesslon t hat would require approval from a majority of cities and countjes along the route before the PUC could re vie w the proposal for its certificate. They will continue lo push that bill. a Bergeson aide said Monday afternoon. The 131-mile route would run b e tw ee n Los Angeles lnt.ernatiooa1 Airpo.rl., downtown Los Angeles and downtown San Diego. Trains, with a IOp speed of 160 mph , would atop at aevtta1 Orange County cities, staggering 11.0ps on different runs. Aa many a 45 round tri.-per day are pi.nned, with the ffnt leg ln operation by late 1988. Bergeson, whose new 70th D istrict includes San Juan Capistrano and part or Capistrano Beac h , has been trying to ensure public hearirtg)S on the ro ute since the state legislature gave its approval to the system In a last-minute bill at th e end o f the previous legislative session in late August. She abstained on that vole. (See BULLET, P age A&) Fire retardaltt roofing rejected by HB council By ROBE RT BARKER Of tM D.-, ....,. ..... For the second time in less than six months, the Hunt.in.gton Beach City Council has rejected a proposal to require fif'e...retardant roof coverings on new buil;lings or when roofs are replaced. The measure was broughl to a vote Monday at the requat of City Councilman Jack Kellywho was absent in August wh!n it preV1ously was considered. Ke ll y and council members Ruth Finley and Ruth Bailey supported the propoae.d requirement. Mayor Bob Mandie, Ron Pattinson, Don MacAlllater and John Thomas voled against the measure. Finley, who has been a leading advocate of fire protection measures -she strongly backed an ilJ.fated measure to ban the sale and use of fireworks in the (See ROOFING, Pace A%) Three liurt as car, trailer f ig collide A collision between fsmall sedan and a tractor·tralle g on the San Diego Freewa near LagunA Canyon Road le( three p eople Injured Mond and created a massive traHi(' that was not cleared unlll 8 p California Highway apokcsman Rkk St.evens 3':20 p.m. collision occur when a lt"dan drivf'n by andra Lamarque. 26, of Tijuana apparently swerved In front of the rig. driven by Einer Ruatab, 63, of Gardena. St.cvens said the truck driver and the motorist lost control of their northbound vehlcle9, which rolled over Into the graaay center divider area before comtna to a stop C5$e CRASH, P11e At) • . I Continued •tor• &nu.,o Canyon chob. n.. letter, 16ped by M•Y°' Jedde H.ttwr, ... comrnJttee memben to ~P and confront county IU,ptl'VWon. "We're very concerned that there .. no Iona ranae plan for • re1ional airport alte ln the county," H•ther explained. "I'm •afraid John Wayne ta sotns to become that reaionaJ lite almply out of default." nw dty, which bu spent more than $1 mlllion flahllnl plans to •panel John Wayne, timed ita Jetter to coincide with the ~upervl~ora ' new airport dann1na effort. 7. City leaders said the time .to be rlaht for rekindling ln Santiago Canyon. "Thia (the committee) is a t:o up of prominent and telllaent people and it .eema to that whatever they came up th ta at leallt worthy of eome •lllideralion," said Ken Oellno, ewport Beach's executive ~ t dty manager. .~ Delino said the Santiago ·~ . CRASH ... '. Lamarque and her puaenger, Frontana, al9o of Mexico, treated for minor injwiea at on Community Hospital and releued. , ; Ruatab was still in surgery for · ~s inju rie\ this morning, a ~tal spokesman said. : A CHP spokemnan said traffic •mained con gested in the ~thbound lanes for 4 ~ hours f'W' the Incident: Canyon choke wu dllmllled too qukkly. ~veral offkiall dole to county IUJ>C!rvlaorl 1ugetted the city II waatlna lta time but acknowledged the OO\Ulty likely will t.ake at least a CUJ'IOry )ook at altemaUve airport altes durlf\I the plannlns proceu for John Wayne. Supervi1or Chairman Bruce Neatande, whole diatrict lncludet Santiaao Canyon, said he won't support reviving the blue ribbon committee. "The committee'• report has been received and filed and the committee hat been dtabanded," said Neatande. Supervi8or Tom Riley, wh09e district includes Newport Beach, said he believes the committee hu not been dtabanded and la very much alive. Like Nestande, though, he expreued concenu with Santiago .Canyon. Steve Malone, an aide to Supervisor Ralph Clark. said Clark views Santtaao Canyon aa being "pretty remote." Malone said Clark la unaure what good it would do to bttathe life back into the blue ribbon committee. ''The recommendation i1 sitting on th.e ahelf next to all the other recommendations," 1aid M•lone, explaining what has become of the committee's work. An aide to one superviaor, who asked not to be identihed, said the committeP hurt itself by "thumbing its nose" at the supervisors and at data that showed Santiago Canyon was not a reasonable airport site. COLLEGE • • From Page A1 taxes on cigarettes and luxury purchaaea. Myera said he ·expects the finance package to be approved before Jan. I becauae tome of the proposed taxes cannot be imposed after the end of the calendar year. :ROOFING PROPOSAL REJECTED ... ~w•YilliblyupeeL • ~:She claimed that the majority f!. the cound.l buckled under to iweaau re from real e1tate ~te.ren. . . :Finley allo aaid she WU Up&et ,becau.e the majority didn't allow , tile fire department to show a video demonstration about fire 'hazards. The showing was ca.noeled becau.e of the lateness Of the hour. : S h e aaid ahe ~elieved .the pre.entatlon may have maoe a difference in the outcome. Earlier, Judy Severy, a spokeswoman for the Fountain Valley-Huntington Beach Board of Re•ltors, told the council members that the retardant roofs may not insure safety. She alao said that by making retardant roofa mandatory the council might make a captive market for Ure retardant roof manufacturers. "They could charge any price ~ Hl111a D a . 1cec..-1tioppe -CocW l'lcllO ll)3 lllWof 5'1-' c;...., -CA Q2o16 71.l.~71$7 l~SoCocW~ laguno hocl\ 92e61 ,,_,~ they want," she said. Severy 1aid the board.of realtors had not taken a position on the Huntington Beach measure. The Realtors took a stand against a similar proposal in Fountain Valley, however. which went down to defeat. In his recommendation to the council, City Admini1trator C h a r l e s T h o m p s on 1 a.i d Huntington Beach haa the potential for a fire disaster "because hundreds of buildings have shake and abiJ:aale roofs." A city aui-vey ahOwed the cost to put an untreated, non-fire retardant wood ah1nile roof on a 'new home of 2,000 equare feet with a two-car .garage ranges from $2,865 to $3,250. C<ists for fire-retardant wood shingles range from $4,350 to $5,240, according to the survey. Costa for fire r e tardant composition shingles range from $1 ,450 to $2,380 for new homes. the survey ahowed. ~ \Chance of • rain -•.ooo,... Temperelvrt. will be cooler today anel We4needmy, rMQlng from -.. In Loe Mg9lee '° .. In tM COMtal and lnt•medlat• valley• to Ill• mld·50• In Ill• mountain•. O•••rt lllgll temperatur.. be In the nllelc* to ""'*' ma--- T e mpem.tures ... ~ .. L.e 13 31 M 27 81 2t 41 2t 51 32 40 11 11 47 42 32 42 35' eo 21 34 11 44 42 13 30 n &I TO ~ w.-S..-.<e• NOAA V S Oeol QI Commetcle Fronts: Co6d .-. Wann w. Occluded ~ Stationary •• 61 &4 MN YOftt • ,. Nolioll c. 4& S3 82 47 N."'9tta ... 21 54 IO otlWlome City 64 S4 H 3t Ometla 44 21 6S 21 32 30 ~lo 86 .. 81 22 32 25 ........... 40 J6 64 44 41 13 ,,_. 72 47 SS 31 f U.S. aummary Wet end windy weatller c ontln\led over Ill• Pacific Nca•:w•l .._,, • "'°" ... on ...... .., .. _,...,,.......,.. Rodi• Oloudl .. -eovtted 111UOll of ttte nortllMat United ........ Den•• tot deve10,•f over ....,,, .... OllcMe Md --the .-.n•atT..._,.,,...._ .... "'* '"""' al ......... Miian. an.. wee PNdle1ed from the INnftel'ft Pllt-to tlle Wett c.....w ...-.--.. ... &i to ctnft fr-_,em _.......,,.NtwYOlil .....,, .__ .... ......., lclf •• ...................... '"'°"· ltOtt~ 04tllfMnlt , Ut1ll and ......,. ""'9M.. -• "' ... ............ ~end , ..... ... Tiw:.. -........................ .. ....... ~-a ..... ,,, ... ,..... CIOMl, ~ ... .., ....... , ..... '°' , ... ....... .... .. .. """"' ....... '=='~"= t .......... Minn., to 14 "' ....... 51 S5 IO S8 11 II SS A M 10 aa S8 .. at 20 .. ·21 14 • so • 71 71 14 .., • 41 .. • 41 .. .. 74 It 11 .. .., 42 ::::r. .... 34 2t .., 44 ao 31 21 TS $1 27 PotttMd, Ora 41 41 58 4& 30 Prowldllll09 33 211 86 .. 11 ='City 50 21 72 M 11 .a 21 72 • IS ""'° 52 • 12 at lt NGMIOlld 4$ aa M 47 11 ....... 40 u IO ... .. .., "'*'*' .. i IO .. 2t .... ... 41 ... 2t ·-== " H 8kMlx to • aa lt.LOlllll ... .. 0 lt.P·T ... • ... ., .......... M • 11 & at • 11 IS = 22 .. ~··{:::" 71 ... IO ... .. W-'*'ltOn ... • .. MDNla 11 11 • ao 17 • a .. 11 IO 14 tt .. ... Niguel pair hUrt i n plane crash- A La1una Nl1uel couple ete.aped ltriou inJW'Y Monday whep thelr tour .... ter airplane cruhed onto a roof of a houae near Scottadale Municlp•l A1rpol't ln Art.Iona. Ch.rtaty w. Hartman. 63, and hia wife. RoNlle, 68, were en route from the copper mining town of Morenci to ScoUadale w hen Hartman said he ran out of fuel. "The front of the plane WU embedded ln the rooftop," aal.d Phoenix police Bit-8nld Thill of the 9:55 a.m. cnah about a h.alf- mile west of the airport. , He aaid the houae waa not occupied at the time of the craah. A l&-year-old boy who saw the plane come down WU credited with helping the couple out of their alrcraf t. Hartman ~d hta wife were taken to nearby Scottsdale Memorial Boeplt.ti where she wu treated for cutl to her left tea and • bru1led cn.i. Hartman suffered cutl to hta left hand . A hotplul 1pokeawoman uld both wer• treated for their lnjurlea and releued. Police aal.d Har1rnan. who la a manaaement conaultant for a mlnfna compeny ln Morenci, WM returnlna to Scottsdale for scheduled maintenance on hia plane. Hartman Mid he knew be WM low on fuel but that hta gauge. ahowed he ltill had fuel left ln \he tanka. The police a~keaman said Hartman pulled the nme of b.ia Cessna Centurion up at ~ 1ut minute, "and moet of the Impact WU in the belly Of the aircraft." He 1aid that maneuver probably aaved the couple from more aerioua injury or death. Damage to the unoccupied home was extensive, the police sergeant a.aid. Church's blood therapy OK'd Mesa approval marks a first in county treatm ent A Costa Mesa church will become the first in Orange County to offer a controversial blood cleansing therapy approved Monday night by the Costa Mesa City Council. The council approved the chelation treatments for the William Parker Holistic Center at the Community Church by the Bay on a 3-2 vote, with Ed McFarland and Nonna Hertwg dissenting. weekly treatments, he said. Holt1tlc center spokesman John McComb conceded that the procedure, tint uled to treat lead poisoning victims in World War II, hat received little support from the med1cal community. "We juat want to get some st.atiatics to &how that lt works," said McComb. Chelation treatments are used mainly by physicians· interested in ·preventive medici ne. Although several holistic centers offer the treatment, this is the first time it's been offer•d m church. The C<ist.a Mesa hol.iaUc center offers cla11ea and lectures on metal and physical well being. In other action, the City Council approved the construction of a 30-unit motel at 325 W. Bay St. A pubJic meetln& was scheduled Jan. 19 in the Neighborhood Comm unity Center , 1845 Park Ave., to discuss cable communication system&. No time was 9el. William Parker, founder of the church and the holistic center at 148 E . 22nd St., said the treatments cleanse the blood of toxins by intravenous addition of enzymes Into the blood stream. He claimed the procedure, that takes about three hours and oosta $75 a treatment, helpe rid the body ol toxins, reduces blood pressure and helpe prevent heart disease. :Sex offender's w-if e pleads innocent Moat patienta req~ l~ to ZO Jacqueline Gronbach, wife of convicted Hu.nUqton Beach aex offender R obert Charlea Gronbach, baa pleaded innocent Vl.deo ·oame to perjury and other charges 0 relating to her husband's b bl d recently completed cue. 00S t ta e The Orange County District Attorney's office filed four H • felony perjury charges against ill Ull tIDgtOD Mra. Gronbach because she allegedly lied on the witness A proposal to raise liceme fees stand during her husband's trial. for electronic video game Sbe alto wu charged with two machines has been delayed until count. of conapiracy to dialuade a Jan. 3 t>y the Huntington Beach wltneas from testifying for City Council allegedly attempting to stop her City officials had Initially daughters from testifying at the recommended raising the annual trial. fee for each machine from $l2 to Robert Gron b acb waa . con"1ictedof 22oountaofeexually $200. abusing hi.a daughten and last Game operaton charged that week waa ·senten ced to the the 1ncreue wu too steep and maximum 23-year p"->n term by the city subeequently lowered Orange Count}' ~uperior Court the propoRd fee to $100. Judge Ewrett Dickey. However, operatora cl•imed 'tile perjury charges stem from Mond:ay~t ttwfeewa atill too-Mn. Grolibech'• t.timoo,y that hi&h and the matter wu delayed ahe was unaware of the a~. for more atudy. tesUmony that later wu refuted ..:.::=...::::::;.;;..:;...;;.,;.;;;.~~~~~~~~.....;;.;;..;;..;..;...,. • both by her daughters and her brother-in-law at the trial Judge Dickey, w h o fo und Robert Gronbach guilty in the non-jury trial, aald when he announced his verdict that in his opinion Mrs. Gron bach "wu lying to this court about almost everything" when ahe t.eatified. Central Municipal Court Judge Gary Ryan ordered Mra. Gronbach held on $25,000 bail until at leut Wedne9day. Valley cancels council m eeting -The Fountain Valley City Council's regular public meeting, schedu led for today, hu been canceled. The rtext regular council meeting" will be held on Tue9day, Jan. 4. Council members will, however, meet in clcieed teaion tonight to discuss employee nqo-iiatlons a n d ~ndin g litigation. ·'"''- Senate panel okay tax increase pl~ns ., 'ht ........ .,... SACRAMENTO -The S.nait l'tnance Committee hu approved nearly f 1.8 bllllon In tax boo1&1 and ~:din~ cut1 to balance omla I Nd Ink budiet -lnoludln1 new taxea on • penonal ""'°""· ctprettee, clan end luxury lteml.. ~he plan cana for more It ai.o calla for a aalm tax on candy and a 10 percent 1urcharae on bank and corporation taxes. Court upholds panel power SAN FRANCISCO -The California C ,oaatal Comml11lon'a power to requir'e public acce9a to the ccmt acnm private property rem.aim undlaturbed today follo~ a atate Supreme CourtdWon The court on Monday unanlmou1ly rejected the Pacific Le1al Foundation'• challenge, ruling that the foundation hadn't shown I\. had a rtaht to bring IUCh a suit. "Plalntiffl are In essence Inviting U1 to speculate al to the type of developments for which acce1a conditions m18ht be lmpo1ed, and then to ~eu ·an opinion on the ty and proper ICOpe of IUCh hypothet?cal exactions." the court wrote. ''We decline to enter Into such a contrived inquiry." Alien-abuse hearing held FRESNO -lmmigranta need t o be wary of oonaultantll who offer to help lesaUze their atatua in the United Stat.es, speakers said at a workshop in Fre1no Monday. Some immigration oonaultantll provide -=an\ help for the fees they charge, the Calif ornia Consumer NATION Advlaory Council wu told. One woman said 1he pald $600 but got alrncmt no help from the consultant. It ii eay to ~Ni.nd.le illegal alien• because they fear deportation and believe they have no rights in this country, uJd Lu.la Medina, executive director of Centro La Famllla, a eodal aervtce agency. Utilities given tax break WASHINGTON -The Senate today approved a tax break for three California public utilities that bad faced a $2.2 billion liability. The leplation attached to a five-cent-a-gallon gaa tax meaaure waa aent to the Howe In the waning days of the lame duck 1e11ion of ~ The three utilitiea - Pacific Telephone Co .. General Telephone Co. and Southern California Gaa - would Instead pay $412 million. Much of the difference would have fallen on customers of the three compen.im wbk:h were cauabt In a dispute over depredatloo rul~ I 8ACJ\AMINTO (AJ.') - 'r11evl1lon ev1n1•ll•l Robert •huli.r II M1 tnlhled w mo,.. than t•oo.ooo In proJ>('r&y tu txempllon1 for hl1 Cry1tal Cathtdr1l In Oarden Grov• t>Rauwe l!oncert1 and -other commercial event• were held there, a 1tate tax oUk:taJ •YI· s..ldel the corK'eN, William Grommet, tht Board of Equallzatlon'1 property tax exemption officer, llJd Monday, the church rehta apace to a commercial diet 1roup, aerobic dancina. a \ravel acency and an advert1alna apney and hu two ~chtatri1t1 'In one of lta Th~y1tal Cathedral opened President • to sign Inoney hill WASHINGTON (AP) - President Reagan will algn a compromise catch-all money bill, replenishing the pockets of government agencle1 that technically went broke three days ago, deputy White House press secretary Larry Speakes said today. -"The levels are consistent with what we sought," he said, adding that the legislation would be signed sometime today. The 1pecial lame-duck congressional session, rushing toward adjournment, passed the spending measure Monday night with its $9,138 Christmas· pay raise for House members and none of the public service jobs for the nation's unemployed that both the House and Senate had approved earlier. Speakes tOUghl to portray the s pecial session as a success, because Reagan, he said, called it in to deal with appropriations measures and that ls what the Congress did, although defense spending was not quite as high as the amount Reagan IOUlht and a =· Immigration bill was The president alao lost the $988 million he wanted to produce the bii new MX nuclear mlmi.le. In lllO, whh an 1m10UrK9d .. ,., ot f 11 mJUlon. Al tht dldkaUon of &ht unctuary, which hM 12,· 000 panH of 11111, Schuller calltd ll "a 1tar of hope to a hurtJna wor~." OrorM* UJd It WM not clew l that any of the property WH ' uNd txclu1lvely for rtll1lou1 purpo1t1, 11 requlrtd for a property tax uempdon. He MJd he may reconalder h1I decl1lon If Schuller provlde1 Information that WU req~ two rnonthl • on UM of church bulldlnp and the money that. ii ralled. The church could alao appeal to the full Board of Equallsatlon or to court, Grommet uJd. •hull r, laid of lht_.!ulln• Mund1y by rlldlu 1t.1Uoo MX In Loe Ana1•l•. repllcod that I0,000 PIQPlt wlll atlftKi ttM chunih'• Chrl1tm11 p11•1nt and more "The txcrmp\lon It rtrtaJnl:.), & ha n 2 0 . O O O w 11 l atte nd therw-fcr au of the-dnarcher~·-~• eand1eUatn rvt«w. aUck ..&o wcabip," Orommtt u1c\ • . In an Interview. "They don'f~ "Th1t'1 1ot me 110 hllh ind have co WOtlhlp a 1upnme hWlc happy that any other new1 that but they ahould 1Uck to wot1hlp.'\. would flt Into that cateaory ~ dlmlnl1he1 In ~enpectlve to ''Whenever they let any othe~: lnattnlflaitrK"e,'' he •Id. or11nlzatlona come ln and ute The ex•mptlon wu for $215,-their propert)' for anythln1, the~. 000 In 1982 8nd •211,000 In 1981 could jeopardize their exempuon:·h on $16 million ln a11e11ed "I am not trylna to ~v• yott property value, Grommet said. the irnprasion that they ve ~ The church haa already paid anythina Wept," Grommet wd1>' $15,000 for 1981 under • county "They've commercialized the-'• rullna. Grommet IAld the county church property." J Home for Christmas Jamie Fiske, I, plays with brother Darren, 2, under their Christmas tree in Bridgewater, Mass. Jamie arrived home last week from Minneapolis where she underwent a lifesaving liver transplan~: Hearst sells Boston paper BOSTON -The city'1 tabloid newapaper bit the atreeta today with a new name -the Boston Herald - and a new owner, publisher Rurvrt Murdoch. the Bo1ton" llerald An::ierlcan .•• Murdoch bought the newspaper from the Hearst Corp . after weeks of nesotiatlons with the newspaper'• unions. The deal wu -.led in NetW York on Monday, ending 78 years of ft~~ahing in Boston by Co:rnic Jerry LelVis has heart a'ttack Senate backs nickel gas • tax increase •You've been calling us 'the Herald' for years and now we've made it official," the editon said in thia mocnlng'1 editions. "There'• no longer a newspaper called WORLD LAS VEGAS (AP) -Comic actor Jerry Lewi• underwent emergency open heart surgery before dawn In a Las Vegas hospital today. • Joe Stabile, Jong-time manager for the ~-year-old entertainer, aaid a double -bypau was performed after tests found blockage in arteries leading to the heart. Soviets offer arms slash Hosp i tal spo kes woman Barbara Scarantlno laid Lewia has "good chances" of recovery. MOSCOW -In what appears to be a major new anm propoeal. Soviet. leader Yuri V. Andropov today offered to alaah Soviet medium-range miaailea deployed In Europe and to renounce the first u ae of conventional aa well as nuclear forces. ·In a major Kremlin addrell msking the 60th annivenary of the Sovie t Union, Andropov, 68, wd Moecow waa willing to cut back mediwn-range weapon. to tbe number poaaeued by France and Britain. He al.so promhed that if Britain and France were to reduce their anenala "the number of Soviet ones would be additionally reduced by .. many.'' Andropov reluued M o1cow '1 offer to cut atratep:, kmc-ran&e mwtw by 25 percent if the Unlted State• a1ree1 to c u t lt1 stralelic anena1 by an equal amount. "He ia resting In intensive care," she said. "He's doing VttY well . There are no complications." Stabile said famed heart ~ Dr. Michael DeBUey of Houston arrived In Lu Vepa to conault with doctors In the <:Me. DeBakey bu Iona been lnwlwd with Lewla in the comedian's Muacular Dystrophy telethodl. Lebanon seeks conference Lewis, who II known to work 20 boun a day on h is film projectl and travei. extensively for t.he Muacular Dyatrophy Aaaociatlon, had been "1oln1 heavy at it," according to Stabile. "He had juat returned from Germany where he was dolna a tour to publicise hli new film 'Smor111bord,' and was wor~ very hard on that project.' Stabile MJd. BEIRUT, Lebanon - Lebanon wanta to start talkina th1a week with· the United Statel and Israel to arnnae the withdrawal of all fonlp troope from Lebane9e landa, official aources aaid today. The aourcea 1ald the requeat w'•• made by President Amin Gemayel and Fcnip Minlat.e' Die Salem to U.S. presidential envoy Moma Draper dUl'lna a aeries of conferencea Monday. The comedy, written, directed and featwin8 Lewis, la 9Cheduled for releue In May. StabUe aaid Lewia wu at home Whal do you like aboul the Dally Piiot? What don't you llkt'J Call the number at left and your meeaage will be recorded, uwwcribed.Uld delivered to the appropriate editor. The same 24·hour answer1n1 service may be used to record let· ten to lhe editor on any lopic. Mailbox contnbutora mual Include their name and telephone number ror verification. No clrculatlon calls, pll!aw. Tell us what's on your mind. 4 , CjaMlfttd ... ,. •• ,,._. .... 71 A•..._ dlpartine,... ~ .. °"'9ca ..... ._,._,C-.Mew,CA. .... .--i. .. 1-.c..,....,u.._ Monday when he experienced chest pains. "It seemed minimal, but we took him to the hospital and put him through a lot of tests. He just &lowly got wone," Stabile said. Lewia wa1 admitted to the De1ert Springs Hospital emergency room Monday and a teat known aa a h eart catheterlzaUon was performed at about 4:30 a.m. today. Lewi.a and .hia family were consulted, and a dedalon to operate was made ahortly afterward, Sca.r'antino aaid. 1'he surgery w ~ted -w take about 2~ ~ Did. The dQCton performin1 the surgery did not wiab to be klendtied. Calla Monday to Jerry Lewis l'Uml Inc. In Laa Vegu were tran1ferred to an anawerin~ tervlce, which aaid Lewia man.ager, Joe Stabile, would not. be available for comment until later today. IAtwla, the energetic h09t of the annual MU9CU.lar Dystrophy Amodatlon telethon. made It big in entertainment 11 the zany young partner of Dean Martin. The pair formed a niRbtclub act In 1948. @® &EM WIIE WASHING TON (AP) -An exhausted Senate toda·yif approved a nlckel-a-gallo~ ga!lbline tax ursed by President'"- Reagan and oongremooal leadetrl but tenacfoualy opposed by a t small II not of hardllne L conservatives. · ~ In the last big battle of the 97th Congress. the Senate Y'oted ~to 34 for the i.ncreaae and sent the proposal to the Houae whk~ has approved a different veraion.;5 The differences will have to ~ ~ worked out before Congred r ~urna-fot he year-. eUher y or Thunday. ': With Houae members and senators increasingly arudoUa ~I end a fractious lame·duclt congreaalonal 1e11ion and g9 h ome for Chriatmaa, Senat~ i leaders wec-e in a r,ce aaalnat I time today to puah for flnat : congressional action. ; i , ·c : ' i: --;Aid workshop set_ A public work1hop to \Heh parent• how to apply for flnanctal aid for children headed Jor coUeae wtu take place Jan. 11, at Irvlne HJjb School. Allaa Ml1ellae, fln.anclal aid director at Chapman C.Ollep, will offer Upa on aps>lYtnl for aid at any college oc university. Aleo at the worluhop wur be Toal llemu, a OOUNelor at the high echool, who aald, "Pare nta can ~elp lheir studenta by fillng 1982 income tax returns as early aa po9ible." •A clan In drawln1 and palnttna tor be1lnntra and .advanced 1tudtnta 11 btln1 offered throuah the Newport Beach Park1, · BeachH and Rec:reaUon Dtpertment ltartioC Jan, It Claues, conducted from 10 a.m. to noon on etaht corwecut.lve WednadaY1. will be ta\.\lht by artbt Mimi 8UrM Stella at the Mariner'• brench library. For registration information, call 640-2"271. -'nleworkahop will be held in the Humanitie1 Buildina, be8innlng at 7 p.m. Both puenta and 1tudent1 are invited to attend. •The McNeil Ar1ilt RetdstrY la now available at the t:ag\ina Beach Museum of Art tor u. by dth:ent fOf' reeeercb about focal artilta. •A beginning c ourse In medical tranlerib~roceduns will be offered at Coeat Artlata who have submitted alldel of \heir work are alreedy included in the re1iatry and othen are urpd to submit their alJdes. 1 C.Ollege in Coeta Mesa. d.ul, listed as Health Recorda 190, rneeta WedneldaY1 f.n:lm 3--6 p.m. The course is open to interested students who are able to type 40 words per minute; have had a cla11 in medical t erminology; and possess a command of the Eng-lish language. Matettals are hou..ed in the mu.eum office apd available for public review between 11:30 a.m. and 4:30 p..m. Tueeday throuah Friday. The m'-um la located at 307 Cliff Drive. Registration for spring c1asees runs Jan. 3 th.rouah Feb. 11 in the OCC Admiaaiona Building. l\egistra ti on Information la ayailable by ca.J.Una 5M-5772. •Rad.lo ,amateura who woold like to auiat the city of Hunttncton Be.ch by pro.vidJ.na backup and emergency communications can call Tim Sawyer at (213) 431-7848 or (213) 593-4891. Death e nds long Rubinstein career ·-GENEVA (AP) -Artur Rubinstein; one of this century's greatest plan.Uta, whme work on world concert stages dazzled audiences for more than half a century, has died. He was 95. Rubinstein, who would have been 96 on Jan. 28, died in bed Monday afternoon at hla home after months of failing health following prostate gland surgery in 1980. His companion for lhe put three years, Annabelle Whitestone, said hla morale in the last days "could not have been better." She said Rubinstein, one of the last of lhe great Romantic virtuosos, had not been feeling well since developing a alight fever Saturday and was semi- conscious before he died "very peacefully." His wife, Aniela, from whom he aeperated in 1980 after 48 years of marriaAe, lives in Peria and was expected in Geneva today, Whitestone said. They have two aona and two daughters in the U nl ted States. Whitestone said funeral plans were in co mplete . But Rubinst e in d id not be lieve in God and specifie d he did not w a nt a religi o us ceremony. The Polish-born pianist retired in 1976 - 70 years after hla U .S. debut -when an attack of ahi ngles left him Rub• • nearly blind. After hla 1111le1n r e t i r e m e n t , b e completed a second volume of hla autobiography, visited his children and listened to reconla at h1a Geneva retirement home. Afer he retired, Rubinstein once aakl, "I think I -can ..y no-man baa Jived hia We ~ fully than I have. I think It's late enough in the day for me to have the right to aay it: My life 41 made. U I dJe today, still I had it. Nobody can say I've been deprived of anything." Musical colleagues and admirers reect.ed with shock and aadneea to Rubinstein'• death. "I shall alwaYI mia Artur," said compoeer- conductor Leonard Bernstein, reached in New York. He said Rubinatein was "my .perfect playmate whether playing muac or beini a joyous companion in the echerzo we call 'civilized living'." New York Philharmonic musical director Zubin Mehta. reached in his native Bombay, India. w.here he was visiting, w• stunned at the news. "Oh, my God," he said. "I was with him just two weeks ago. At thla moment I have photos in my hand and I am looking at pictu.rel of ws together," he continued in a choked vokle. He said Rubinatein's death wu "th• puaing of a giant." Rublnat.ein made hla debut at •ee 5 at a charit;y concert in his native Poland and fint played professionally at age 11 in Berlin. But It WM not until 1937 when he wu 50 that he aettled down and his arUstry matured. · In subsequent years he became ,. world favorite, acclaimed on both sides of the Atlantic for his matchleaa tone, lnten1e yet arlatocratic romanticism, virtuoeity, depth of underatandlng and wann and ebullient atqe penonallty. ·When he st.rode out on the concert ica,e, the music hall stilled. r Man h o t • • cop wins s uit A man para_lyaed afi.r bol111 ahot in the <iheat b)! an otf ·duly Hawthorne JX>Uceman in a dl1put.o fav• T'MJ r ..., :...; ~ :-:J:...~~ !., '.! -nlint:a..Jn. damaaet. Tht award wUI be pared by 20 porc.,nt, however, becaWMt jurot"I Monday allo found that John Mc:Clun of S.Ota Ana, now <lOr\tlned to a wheelchair, wu parUally rsponalble for hutiaattna a t11ht with ex-pollctman MichMI Moran. On a 9-3 vote, jurors found Moran ne1U1ent for ahoottna M. cClure after the two ar1ued at McClure'• enalM ttpalr ahop in Coeta Meu on Sept. 17, 19'77. They alao ruled the City of Hawthorne wu ne.Uaent for hirinl Moran, 35, who had been rejected 'by a half-dozen other police ,agenda. In the nine-week trial before Superior Court Judp Leonard Goldstein, lawyers for Hawthorne depleted McClure u a combative, heavy drinker who lunpd at Moran with a metal bar just. before the ahootina· '"nle man deaerved to be in a wheelchair," said Louil DeHua, the dty trial attorney. "McClure had threatened aix to efaht previous customers wlth bodily harm. Moran told him he was a cop and drew hil IUDo then ahot in eelf-c:lefe~." McClure'• attorneys, Ru1ene Hallated and RlcJ\ard Exall, countered that Moran "shouldn't have been a cop to bealn wlth. He had character trait• that don't make a good officer. But Hawthorne clidn't investigate hlm t.hrooughly before hiring him in June. 1974." In addition to attacking the city's h lrlng procedures, Hallated aa.ld Hawthorne was negUgent for forcing offk:en to catl1' their guns while off duty. That policy -since dlscontlnued - effectively meant that Moran was "acting under lhe color of authority" during the shooting, Hallated said. Moran's attorney, Thomas Cummings, said the city policy was "carry your gun. But that doesn't mean you're a cop 24 hours a day. It means you have authority to keep the peace." AIWA The AIWA HR-SO 1 Is the perfect gift. It's an extremely light AM/FM Stereo Radio Headphone GREAT for jogging, walking or just horaln' around. Unbellevable sound I The AIWA HS-P02 ts the worrd's smallest, au10-rever"lng "Walkman style" unit. Also equipped with noise reduction, metal/chrome tape compatibility, headphones, case, 1 yr. warranty, and unreal sound! HS-P02 * VIDEO RECORDER SALE! 2818 E. Coaat Hwy. CORONA DEL MAR 640-5093 Audio.& Video Components, Video Movie9 & Games, Equip. Rentals * Our clothing warehouse has the largest.selection of LB Tigre merchandise GJ-'1 th e we.st coast. FpR MEN, WOMEN & CHILDREN AT INCREDIBLE SAVINGS SHOPPING HOURS: , Monday thru Seturday 10 AM·I PM Sunday 12 Noon·S PM . lpecl•I Chrlatm•• Late Hour• Tuea.-Thura. Tiii I PM -bari ti Toy , f ootl .. clot hinli( n•·•·cle•d for und••r1>rivll M•~d In (•ou11 1 y ~-a.::.~~L£1N Oran1 Cout rHldc>nt1 who Will\ to help t~ nt'('dy • I\ merrter Chrlalmu 1hould how no problem flndlna a place lo donate toya, food, clothing and Kifta th.la year. C-ountywlde, there are several or1antzaUona collecting donations for the underprivileged: The Sal vallon Army hu helped over 500 hungry families 90 (ar, according to Bea Freeman. director of family services. They are sUll seeking donations of canned goods, toys. turkeys and hams, ahe said. These items can BULLET • • • From Page A1 Despite Raleigh's ans1stenL·e that the commission never questioned the need for hearings, Bergeson had claimed the PUC's decision to hold public hearings was optional R a l eigh said t oday the hearings. 1( an application 1s submitted, would involve a review of financial feasibility of the train system as well as safety a nd convenience measures associated with the route. ht• tlrufJfX'CJ off u I H 111 K :Jrll 81 , Sanl.a Ana Th•• Oran6'•' l'uunly Ht•IK'UV M.la.alun~ wl:u:..re ~il!JI £8.Jl bJJ droppt'ti off 111t I 00 I W Wat I nut In Sant.A Anu, nt'tld1 t.funallons for Chrullmw dlnnen1 which will be delivered to Mtnlor clllzena and 1hut-ina Wrapped and labeled g1f\8 fo r men, women and c h ildrt'n also are needed. Monetary donations to lhe rnlSSlon can be sent to P.O . Box 1833, Sant.a Ana 92702. The Albert Sitton Home, the county's home for dependent children, needs unwrapped toys, clothes and personal It.ems, like perfume and s h ampoo, Cor childre n from infants t o teenagers. Donat ions can be dropped off at 401 The City Drive, Orange. The Foster Grandparents Program also needs unwrapped toys for children of all ages. The drop-oH point is at Fairview Hospital. 2501 Harbor Blvd .. Costa Mesa. The Toys for Tots Program ts being aided this year by the Orange County Fire Department and several city fire departments. Donation bins can be found at Cire s tations throughout the county. Toys for Tots needs new, unwrapped toys. In individual coast cities, various o rganizatio ns are sponsoring collections of food and gifts. In Huntington Beach: • m ••K.I 4::m 1• 111. , Hun\ln1ton 8•u•h Civic <Ai!nll'r, 2000 M•ln St. Offlc.u are open w .... kdaya from 8 a.m to 3 p.m. -Hunt1n1to l'\ Beach Polle., Department, 2000 Main St. Toya for dlMbled chUdnin are being collectl!!d on the around floor. -The Junior Women'• Club la co l l ee ting food and t oy1 aftemoona at 1tore 111 'l, Seacliff Village 1hoppln1 center, 2134 Main St., ac"* from City H•ll. In Newport Beach: -T he Zonta Club, 2101 E. 15th St., is collecting toys and amned goods to donate to Stu.re O ur Selves, a year-roun d charitable organization. In Costa Mesa: -Brother Michael distributes food to the needy from the Mesa Bible Church at the corner of Orange Avenue and Cabrillo Streel. Do n ations wi ll be collected there at 8:30 a .m . weekdays. -Shar e Our Selves, Rea Communit y Cente r , 661 Hamilton St. Donations accepted weekdays, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. In Laguna Beach: EARN AND LEA chneLrnte 1982 thz luxury-of ca!!hmrz.rq, ~-~ ) ~,.,o..,..,,.o fRthope U'4 f\~ondmo!!lt comfbt Loblcz. c.o.ehrrvz.nz. 8\M'Ult<lr Yo..J \ \ ciwr 'MZOr fl.Och 15'MZalt2.r IS medt.L tl\lz. Old fa eh aon.cz.d way, ona.ot..a Lime, on hand. ftoma.e, ue1T19 thl. h~~t quoht..y 2 ply yorn~ 'IMlVZ. ~wr~n t:N01l.oble 10 a c:lmizn ~hd e,had'l.!!> or 911U1t. mt.oral8 comb1not.~0M • 44 1 ·a~hion lsl011d ·Newport Beach · 714/ 644-5070 1001 Westwood Blvd.· Westwood Village -213/208-3273 • Projected to cost at least $2 bilJion to build (one published report claims the figure has reached $3 billion), the train system would run primarily on tracks paralleling existing Santa Fe R ailway tracks . Final alignments have not been made public. -Senior Citizens Center, 1706 Orange Ave., at the corner of 17th Street and Orange Avenue. Dona lions collected bet ween 8 -The Laguna Beach Exchange Club, Boys' Club, Girls Club, TLC and Senior Citizens' Club are working in conjunction to collect food and gifts for the needy. Donations can be brought to the Surf and Sand Hotel, 1555 South Coast Highway o n Thursday, Dec. 23 at noon . Dona tions will be accepted anytim e at the General Telephone Office at 480 Mermaid St . directed to Tom Facon. Deliver the Daily Pilat Boys and girls 10 or older - Call 642-4321 and appl y t od a y . Daily Pilat Her Christmas not very nierry OCEAN SPRINGS, Miss. (AP) -Although she says she'11 not ready to settle down, Merrie Christmas looks forward to getting married and changing her name. "It's irritating," she says of the constant nbbang because of her name. "I guess I haven't developed that good humor yet." Christmas' mothe r thought the name was "pretty" 30 years ago when her daughter was born. "M others are just like that," said Elva Christmas. "We had two sons and sh e was a Jong time coming. I was looking forward to her very much . I told my doctor that if it was a girl I was going to name her 'Merrie'." At Ohio State University, where Christmas is a graduate student in dance, she says people spot her name in the phone book and call. • "Kida will call up and tell me to have a nappy New Y ear," she said. Some people think her name is nice, she said. Othen "manage to keep a straight face and not say anything. A few will say, 'Well, I guess you've heard enough jokes about your name'" 0 YEARS EVE AT .,i~,,_ 3901 E. Coast Hwy. c.ona .. Mar 759-1854 Jl' Rabbttt Insurance ·-1957 -~- CALL FOR QOOTES 441 Old Newport 8 h1d. Newport llellch, Ca. 131-7740 I Call Home Free on MCI E.T .• you -anyone can call home and day 'ttl Dec. 24 free for the holidays from Hunting- ton Center's MCI phone center. Your Free 3-min. long distance call by MCI is on us. Happy holidays. Here comes A fresh new taste experience that outshines menthol. 1 mg. "tar", 0.5 1119. nico11ne av. per c1gare1te by FTC melhod. It not only tastes fresher while you smoke. It even leaves you with a clean, fresh taste. '· .~ r • ,· ~· . • ,, .. . , •• •' I . • I ·---...-' l I I allet coming to Orange Coast Members of the Los Angeles Ballet will perform 44The Red Hac k Book" and other dances at a Jan. 8 appearance at Orange Coast College at 8 p.m . in the auditorium. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-- PUBLIC NOTICE Microwave store doted. Ownet Mllln9 microwave j ove ns. Ar\y reasonable offers. Example: Sharp w /carouMI 1215; Ama na 1175. Call S•6-67 •0 NIUC NOTIC£ NILIC NOTICE ....,... NOTICE OF DEATH OF rwu":~ ~ HERMAN CLINE KISER T.a.-. T-10Nm' AND OF PETITION TO ~ANT MOTICa TO ADMINISTER ~TATE NO. "'°""TY OWNP: A·l UHi. YOU AM .. OUAUl. T UNDO A T all h ' be f wi m.o M ~•T, OATID 119111. 0 ell"S. ne ~ es, ••YOU TAKI ACTION TO creditors and contingent TlCT YOU" itf!Oll'HTY, tT creditors o f Herman Cline Ill IOLO AT A ll'UI LIC Kiser and pel"IOns who may •'AL II. I, y 0 u NII I 0 A.N be otherwise interested tn Oll'LANATIOH Of TI4a MATURI . Oii THI .... OCHOINQ AGAINIT the wall and/or estate: 'IOU, YOU aHOIJLD CONTACT A A petition has been filed LAW'nll by Jon Stephen Kaer in the {lil1 January 12, 1983, •I 10.00 Superior Court of Orange A.M., CENTURY ESCROWL, • Count · ..... _t J Cefllornl• corporellon, H duly Y requesung ...... ~ eppolnaed TruelH under end Stephen Kiser be appornted l)Ul'9Uenl to DMd of Tn.o9t rec0<ded as personal representalJve to Mey 13, tie I, u lnet. No 17115, In administer the estate of book 140M, i>-oe 1403. of Offlclel H Cli "··-( d Record• in the omoe of a11e County ennan ne """""'r un er Recorder• of Orenge County, Sl•t• t h e I n d e p e n d e n t o r Cetlfornle, e xecute d by Administration of Estates CHARLES JAY SHENK and JEAN Act) Tfle petition I.a set for w, SHENK (hu1bend end wife), hea~in Dept No 3 at 700 Wlt.L SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION . · · . T(l HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH Civic nter Drive, West. lJl (peyeble et t11M of..,. In i.wtul the City of Santa Ana, '"°"9y of lhe United St•••I at the California on December 29, NOnh front entrance to the county 1982 at 9·30 AM oOOrthOUM, 700 Civic c.tlter Ortve ' · ' w .. t. Senta Ana. Callfornle. ell IF YOU OBJECT to the rtght, tiu. end tntat•t ~ to granting o( the petition. you "' now Mid by" under Mid Deed should either appear at the of T N91 In the ptoperty llltuated In h · d •eountyend8t8'edeacribed.._ earing an atate your Ulf4 o1 T...:t No. 7511 .. per "'tlP objection• or file written ~Oed In 8ooll 292, Pegee 22 objection• with the court lftCt 23 of M~ Mepe,:;: before the hearing. Your the office of the County AecorOer appearance may be in penon ., Or-. County. b Ttl• etrfft addreH end olher or Y your attorney. oC*nmon CIMIQNtlon, 11 eny, of the I F Y 0 U A R E A ,.... property deecrlbed above •• CREDITOR or a contingent pwported to be e Mont•ey Courl, creditor of the deceased. you ~ Beech, ce11fom1a neeo f'l lalm wi' .... the 'T'he underelgned Tru•I•• must I e your c .,, dltclelm1 any llet>lllty for any co urt or present it to the ri::bn-ec:1-ol the ltreet 9ddf-pe rsonal repre1entat1ve d other common deeignatlon, If appointed by the court en!·.~1~.!:~i be made. t>u• within four months from the ""fttiou1 covenant or werrenay. date of first 111uance o f eltp<-or impJled, r90ardlng '",.· letters as provided m Sect.ion ?(lueulon, or encumbrancH. 700 of the Probate Code of Including feee. cllerge1 e nd C 1. (orn·ia The time for ~ ol tlle T"*e9 end o1 the a I 1n.111e created by H id DMd ol filing c.la!ms will not expire noo.t, to pay t11e remaining prtndPll prior to four months from ldrne of the ~•I~ by Mid the date of the hearing Oeed ot Tru.t to wit: 1200.000.00 uced above ~h1:r~ti;:.~:;: noYOU MAY EXAMINE ~ In uld note(•) plu• coete the file kt'pt by the court. ~~ ~-=:":.:: !: U you are la'lterest.ed ln the ~11ee1tobe12.1149.M .. of tllle estate, you may file a request d*e. with the court to receive The bell9ftr:llf) laider Mid Deed 1pecia1 notice of the of Truet heretofore eJCKVted and inventory of estate aueta delivered to the underalgned • and of the petitions aocounta wrttten ~ Of cNf-.itt ~ • Demand tor Sele, end • written and reports described In Notic. of o.feult end Election to S e c t i o n l 2 0 0 o f t b e Sell. The underllgned CllUled Mid California Probate Code. Notic. of o.teult and Election to Daalel coorir Attoniey Sell 10 be -cMd In the county • wn..e the r• property le IOceted .. at Law, Utt Calle cle La Oeted: o-n1>er 9, 19112. Plata, S11le Ht, Laina CENTURY ESCROWL. • Bll11, Ca. Hl51. Callfomll COfl>Ol•tlon Publlahed Orm_ CoM1 Delly ~Mldc:-o.. Rio Piiot Dec 21. 22, . 1M2ff0t.82 South San Diego, CA 92 IOI NlJC NOT1CE Telee>llon« (819) 2'CM_l~ tt.-, Anna M. lg!* de Mon .. ,... NOTICa OP 1AU Vlc.Pra. rr ru.1 Ofllclat Publlehec:t Or•""'• COUt O~I M MAL. ""°""" _.,, AT f'fflll/ATI ..,_. Plfet Dec. 21, 28, IM2. Jen. 4, 1 No. A•111 711 558 l-t:l In the SUC-lo< Cour1 of the State ----.. ---.,.-NO-TIC( ____ of Celltornle. for lhe County of r-~ Orange In the ,,..ner of the e..tet• ..... of BARB AR A P MU RR A Y , l"tc:TmOUI ...... o-Md. NAm STAT'llmJfl' Notlee ta hereby given that lhe Jlle to11ow1ng .,._ .,.. doing uodel 1lg11ed w4ll Mii •I Pflvl1• ..... t>J9lneM M : to the hlgllnt end l>"I l>ldd~. (1) PALOMAR TECH CENTRE eubjact to confirmation ol H id P~RTNERSHIP. (2) PALOMAR Suc>erW Cout1, on or after the 3'd I:tCH CENTRE, 3151 Airway deyolJwluef'y, 1N3ettlleoftloeol llenue, Bldg. G-3, Co••• ....... WEINFELD & MIXON, At1omeya et C4illfomll 92829 Lew, Sutte 203, 801 No. Plfllo.nlet P a I o m er T e ch C e n t r e Ori\19, Sent. Ane, CA t2106. Ill the 1r111n~1hlp, a California limited right. 1111• and lnte reet ot H id ='*:3~c!:.1 =yc:.i~ ~~:. '~ .. t~ a:,,:= t2e2t fhe .. iafe of Mld dece .. ed ,, .. -lnteremerlcen Development Kqulred tly operetlon ot law or Company, • California limited ~ ot~ lflen or In eddttlon. partnerell!P. 3151 !Utwey Awnue. lo thet ot Mid deceleed. et the lllM e<llldlng G-1. Co•t • MeH. of deatll. In end to .. the cert.in C#lfOmle t2t2f l'MI. pniperty eflueted In IN City of T~bley UmlteCI, a Clllfomla TU9tln Cwnty of Orenge, 91tte of OOfPOrMIOn, $151 Nrway A-. CalHornle, part~l•rty deeorlbed =.•.r.g.:r:· Coat • M•H. -~~ .... ot the WMI 'Thlt ""*-1e oonduGted by • 150 feat ot IMoc:ll C • lflown on • Nmlted pettnenlllp. Map ot Tuttln City. City ot Tustin, M I Trll'lltlley Umtted etMMn on• map recorded In 90dl • E. AuNe1 Wetdln, Jf.. Paoae 211 and 219 ol M(ec. Mepe. Prteldent E•1:99t the Eut 711 fMI ther.ol. "'nlli ~t -f11ec1 wtt11 the More commonly known H 115 ~ Qar1I of OrlflV9 Cvounty on Peolftc 811 ... , Tuatln, ~ ~ 10. 1M2. Term• ol •••• CHh In lawful r.JI.. ,.... mon•)' of th• United 81etH on ~ul>lltMd Orenoe CoHt Delly o«ifl(metlon ot Mlt, Of pert ceefl PllOI . ......_ 21 ... flf"' Jin.• H. end belanoe ev1cs.nc.ct b)' not• ..._; .,_, ' ,.., ,..., ' • _,,. by Mortgeoe or Trwt Deed M0442 Oft tM property ao eofd. Ttn pet -----------oent ot .-nount bid to tie CM$)0tlteCI ..ttll bid. Ilda or °""' 10 tie In Wfltlng etld PIC rmoue w• wll! .,. ,_.vect 11 the ator-'4 "" MAim ITATamlfr ottic. et 11ny lllM tit« the flret The IOltoWlng ptteon I• ootne ~ ,_.,. ~ .,.._ del• ----of ..... tNOW ll'fllOOUOTt, 70 D!MdlNll tltt\deyot~ller, =~on Wey. Ooete MeH. CA 1112. AmoN--;;: ti;; 1 Ktltfl ..._,, ~ 1114 ~. CT'f Ut~. LAnO e.dt. CA IOl11. ot 1M W. ot ==---II oondUOted by an ..... 6 ~· qtll~ ••• , ..... .... •ITJW MllF?MM .. Mid wlttl tM "' ... ,,_.II It Dr. flOa ~ CWl of or.,. ClOl#lty Ol'I ... AM. CA tr7ot Hof, fl tta '"MllMd OrM99 Ooeet O• . . ...,. ""· °"' •. u . "· IMI •#uOI....-Of-m COllt Oeltr • ... o.o. '· '4• 2 .... 1':11..u ... , 3.37 Choeoklte Sample,. I 10 • ~Iman s• ct10C<>- lolM or.d conl9Cto0n$ ._ ... 29.97 -5.00 Dehcotec;<,rn Special [.....,, • ...,.'°·"I 6.97~~r' "at. Morth" lklnlletl Cuoe11v ocrvhc blonl(els lf'l o rainbow of COion 12.97 er LJehf 'n IOIY'°' lfOfl FlnefY croffed fleomt drv Iron with 27 steam v9"'1 • U l llt f ind s more work 1 97 ~42" • PTICe "Andov.,.. ~ ,_ ... Co11on1001ves1er lerry oorc>er accent COlofs ....... JJIMUWt LO.~ ANOICLES CAP) -Th •late Alt ~riiourcee Board hu rnade proairtta toward dHnTna up California'• air In tho paat eight yt>ara, but much work remain• to be done, out1oln1 00..rd chaJrwoman Mary Nlchola aaya. "The choice of how much public health protection we're going to afford and at what oo.t 11 a political decision. ll haa to be made by pollt.lcally acoountable people," Nichou aaid of future air pollution regulation. She waa appolnU!d to the ARB ln 1975 by Gov. Edmund G. Brown Jr. and has been chairwoman since 1979. The seven ARB members, appointed by the governor, regulate mobile sources of pollution and oversee regulation of stationary pollution sources by local districts. Gov .-elect George Deukmejlan has not announced who he will name to the board. ln a re<.'ent interview, Nichol.a reflected on her eight years, s aying that sophistic ated lnlClf'ltl' Jogging Sutt 7·PC OCIVhC suits Colon Krozy l<r1tte1 · emoiems technulo1y hu 1l1nU1untly decrea••d auto polluti o n eml1iTon • lttlouah there-ta much room for Improvement. Dwi.na her tenure. the board forced auto makvra to lnatall cata l ytic convertert and computer-controlled carburetot'I .. or fuel lnjrct.lon to cut emllalont and meet Callfornla'1 anti- pollution atand.ardl. Nicholl said she bell~es that the englnea can be made 50 percent cleaner over their lifetimes by making thole devices more durable. ''We• re talk.Ing about ma teriala work. We're talking about quality con tro l ln the manufacturing . proceu and probably a1ao talking about some changes ln corporate philoeophy and regulatory philoeophy about who's resporuible for making sure that a car at 50,000 miles or 100,000 miles ls emitting not very much more than it was when.. it flnl came of the asaembly line," she said. •159 (H · 'ortable lntertalnment Center 1.97.~.~ 2.88 )" dog(l(IOI blOc~ & w11110 IV S1ereo m.cro conerio re<:ordef 2 tape speoos rM sle<eo ona AM roo10 J way Power tor ACIOC use , ................ Nytan IOCb In ~ °' rtlbed styte. Flt ~ l3. L ........... ..., ..... Ot atretch nylonJspand•• wttn cof1on parlel, Sovel r More Last- Minute Gifts 3.97 Dtal ..... Tn .... For tovs. 11t.s PrMSU1e rei.ote valve 1-00 lbs 6.88 ................... 6-p!Onlt MQutlfullv IOnO• .Coped In low ceramic ~·· 49.97 Ca sloe c:'c~ 10-d!Qtl desk lop mo- 09! """" 4·kev mem· OfY moe 5.44 . .., ........ ~ Inflate tires. tcys, more Features PUKSUfe g.::>uge 47.88 ... ........ .... Gl¥et ~ ol!O\llOI tow IM OCC\.llOCV d 0 bencil '°"' Taking their running seriously Closed Christmas Dav 19.97 Muek: Alanft Walch Witt\ 12-melody Qlorm COJ'lldown stopwolcl'I DO 6.97 ~..-.. ....... Twin front/twin rear moti In V04J/I ct'oloe of color&- 2.97 Youngsters run just as hard as lheir adull counterparls when participating in communily cross-country runs suc h as 1he recent Balearic Center compel ition in Costa Mesa . Mark Carnahan, in photo at left, shows some of lhe compelitors lhe route the run will take. Boys in the Division One event, above, ar e a study in concentration as they start the race. Je nnifer Brazell, right, casts a sideways glance in winning the Division One for girls age 8 a nd under. More Last- Minute Gifts 2.37 ~ 6.97 ' lhl"9QCll Moglc""9 For "X"-lype ond MOQIC:ube cameras 14.97 Handy ........... .,,.. BUil-in ~ cradle ond allp.reslatont Incline Save IJC•J()e Of 600 ,.,.. .. flm "K:>.ltP0$1..W9 COIOI fllm K>-eap. "'°" """ , . t1 ............ ._. ... Pllg. Of 4 "D" iaatt.rtes For llosl'lllgrll• todlos. tovs At o great prlc9I Not Avolt Son Femoncso Photo Calendar ·---~~ ----laJc_......, _,....... __ ........... .,, ..... .__. ....... ,.,,. o......_..,._. lac-• .............. ~CTl­ OI .,,,,.,., or~°' O'• rr..r· ... _" ..... 7.97 WOOdCNepef PodOed neodrett WHALE WATCHING LUNCHEON While watching the whales pass right In front of your table. enjoy a sumtuous seafood salad - maybe a hall pound hamburger treat possibly a scalone sandwich. Delly from 11:30 AM to 4 PM Reservations 494-9707 619 SLEEPY HOUOW LANE, LAGUftA BOCH Pl&.IC NOTICE Pl&.IC NOTICE .. . '• FICT1T10US •USINIESS Sut"EMOfl COUflT OI' THI: "''"' NAMIE STATEMENT STATE OF CAUfORNIA The follOWtng l*IOOI ate dOlng COUNTY OF OIUNGf bultlMISS as 700 Clvtc Cenl0t Drive A L L A N A N 0 A L L E N hnla Ana, CA ENTERPRISES. 2001 TWM<l Street. Pfoelnllff: L.EONARO £. COOHS P1a<:enHa. Callfornla 92870 DefeftdMt: Robe<1 K Jackton, 2001 Tweed CITY OF SANTA ANA. CHIEF QI\. StrMt, Pteoentta, California 92870 POLICE RAYMOND C. DAVlar Lawrence C Whetzel. 19572 SOT. M. LANNERS, OFFICE~ Sle<re Soto Road, lrvtne. Celltorrna • f C IE R R A e n d Z A V A L ~,;, 92708 lndMctuelty end • efnpfoy-of Jemea L Jackson, 340 EHt t"9 ..,. .. Ane Polkie Oepettmeol; Jeff eraon S t reel , Pomona . end D Of S I t hro 119h X XV',. Cllllto<ni• 91787. lncluefwe Barry R Bllthe. 99 83rd Piece. • SUMMOMS r~ Apt •7, Long Beech. Celllornle c-No. SlllMZ ." 90803 NOTICIEI Yo.a hne been e~ Roberi F Allen. Jr • 4400 TM C-1 Mef d9ctde ...,.._, .J41t! MacArthur Bovlev•rd. Suite 370. wtttMvt ,_ ....,. Merd ~ N8W1)0f1 S.ach. c.litotnla 928e0 rou r....,.s wttMn • ...,._ ......_ Thia buatnesa 11 condUCled by a the lnfotmetkwl Mlow. 1 oen«at pa11neuhlp II you wlan 10 _.. the adviu, ~ Rot>et1 I< Jecllaon •n ellorney 1n this mailer, rou Thia llatemeol WU llled wllh the ah0ul9 do IO P'omc>lly IO that ~' County Clefk of Orange County on written r .. ponae. If e'hy, mey ~ Nov 22. t942 filed on time Alleneftdl<latt AVllOI Ueted lu e lclA Al10fneye et L..• demandado. IEI lflb11nal pu...,. . .... lllacAl1tMlr ~atd. ""'-decidlr _.,. Ud. • _.._..4L m -.,. Ud. ,....-. ~ Newport 9Hc:h, Ceffltomle t2IMO de IO dlee. LM le lnfonftaclon M. f20Z79I ....._ • Publlahed Orange COHI Dally ~I U•t•d O•••a IOllCll•r .,. Piiot, Dec 7. 14, 21. 28. 1982 conHjo O• un abog•Oo en e•1~ 5373·82 8 I u n Io de barf I h 8 c e r J.,Q.. 1------------lnmedlateme<ile, de est• m•ne(-., PUBLIC NOTICE au respuesta escrtta, II 11•y •touo,.. STATEMENT Of' ~wa• l>Uede Ml reglatrade • tlempo •• .., -I TO THE OffENOANT A CM1 F'ROM 'ARTHERIHIP complaint hH been filed by u. OPlftA TINO UNO«R I FICTITIOUS llUSINESS NAMI Pl•lnllf agalnll you II you wllh tg def9n<l 11111 1-11 you mull WilQln The following person has 30 Oaya alter this summon• 1.; WithOrewn H •general partner from Mrved on you. Ille with this covn the par1nerlhlp operating under the wrlUen reaponM to the comPI flctlltoua bu1lne11 name of egainal you IOI the rMI Oer...,.diili.. VANDERBILT INVESTMENT I COMPANY, • California Limited n the c;omptlllnt, wl11Ch could r Partnerahlp 11 17092 Pullman In garnlll'lmenl 01 wegee, takl Avenue, Irvine. Catllornl• 92714 money °' property or other r The llc:lltloua bualneu name requested •n 11141 c:omp!alnt Dated Aug t 1. 1980 , .• statement for the per1nerahlp WH Lee A Branc:l't. Clerk • , flied on Auguel It. t982 In 111• 8y Amy SlfV• Dei>uty •. • County of Orange Rlcllerd o. Fruee ,,.: John Clark. 5632 Highgate I01at r-n Cent0t 1>f1ve Terrace. Turtle Roc k. Irvine. Sutte 2IO ,•_;. Celltornt• L..-........ CA tM71 John Clerk (7t4) 131-IMO ;;r Ft5111S Pubflllhed Otenge Cout OeJly ff:i Publl1heO Or•nge COHI O•lly ot. Dec 7. U , 21, 28. 1982 Piiot, Dec 7. 14, 2t, 28, 1982 S378-ll2 ~~~~~~~-5-3_1~~e21~~~Pl&.~-,-C-NO~Tl-C-E~~­ Ml.IC NOTIC( FICTITIOUS 9U ... H NAMe ITAT'IEMIEHT STA TllNHT OF A•ANOOMMIENT Of UH Of '1CTITIOUS •UllNHSNA .. The lollowlng perepna are doing The tollowlng perton hes bu~.. b CLUB OF 2S, Oeslon P1az.•. 270 ;u~~.': use ol Ille Fk:1lt1ou1 Newport Center Or . Newport GOLDEN CHARIOTS \ l. 8Mc:h CA 92fWiO Serene Court Newport 8Mctt0 dll.' Jeck Utter. unincorporated 928e3 · • aoc:lel club, 24212 VIiie O'Oro. The F1c1111oua Bu1tnet1 Namr Leoun• Nlgoel. CA 928e3 92653 referred to above wH llled tn . Steve MHler. 242 t2 VIII• O<•nge County on July t3 t9ST.' D O<o. Legune Nlgvel, CA 02877 Fiie No. 103238 • . . Chuck Clerk. 242t4 Viet• Derek P8taon1. 11 Serena Court. 0 O<o. L1191Jna Nlgvel. CA 92871 Newport 8Mc:h CA 92883 8 G Frick. 242t2 Vitt• O'Oro, Thi• bvtlneU wu condVC1ed llY. Laguna Niguel, CA 926 77 .,, lndMdulM • '' Thlt bvtlnMa ls con<IVC1ed by en o M Persona unlncorporeted Haociellon other Thia 1t•l-I wN flied With ~ than I ~r1nerll'llp County Clerk of Orange County 4J}. JICll Ull0t Nov 29, t982. •" Thia •l•t-t waa tfled With the Publlahed Orange Coell oaWt County Cieri! or 0<1nge County on Piiot Dec 7 14 2t 28 t982 Dec 3. 1982 • • . . • S37;t: ,_ Publl•h•d Or•nge CoHI oauyr----Dl-Dl-,C-NO-Tl_CE ___ llB Pilot, Dec. 7, 14, 2t. 28, 1082 r--. 1W4' 5283-<82 --FIC-TmOUa---.,.._---8-s--,.:, Pt&IC NOTICE '1CTmOUSeu.....H NA• STATS•NT The following pereon It doing butt,,... .. ANTIQUES ANO NAUTICAL. t8t0 W"t Co11t Hwy., Newport BMch. CA 92"3. JOHPh ThomH V•ll•lo. 430 Rlver11de, Newport Beach, CA 92t63 Thlt bu:tlMM le conouctld by an lndMdVll, Joeepfl T Vallejo Thi• atetement w .. llled with ll'le County C"'1t ol Ortnge County on Dec 1, IN2 ,... NA• STAT£MeNT ""- The followlng P•••on 11 dolos bust...... Jrl~ PATTISON SAIL DESIGN, 50~ 311t Street, Newport 8••4111\n C11ttorn1a 02M3 , Harry H1ye1 Palllton, 29 '61 Rldge vlew, Legun a Nl gu.-r. Clllltornla t2877 "llf Thia~ It ~eel by., lndMdulM. HenyH Petti_.. Thlt Ital-I WU Ned With ~ County Qerll Of Orenge COUnty w Nov fa, 1012. ,..Ii Pu1>1tehed Ot•no• Coeet OWiy Piiot. O.c T, 14, 21, 28, 1M2 . ~ 631~ Publltlled Orenge COHI Dally ---.----IC-Mt\ _____ __. Piiot, Dec 7, t4, 2f. H , 1H2 '"-. nv1JK &3-44·•2 -tM~°iiTmmc10ii'4ilii"~91jiUi1J 1ii1ii1 •n1i1-:= 1-----------NAMI ITA~ "8JC NOT1Cl The fOllowlne "''°" te doing "A _....._ .._........ wlll .... o.a>A on butlntM •· , ._ ,........ ·-·.,, .,. ,,.... UNITID CflllTO COMP~ w ... ~. Jerwery s. 1H3, II 1 124 T111tln ""'""'· '""' 7, It m In &:,,~1 d1~~ I Con~ Newooft IMcfl. Cellfornll NMMt "-· v-etlOn .......,,.,, "Indal I . Oetll n, 1- 101 11 Vorlltown A111n111 . 1P1r11 ·~~Newport IHCll, 1t11ntlnllt~L ca,, to ,........., Ctlillofnll . _ > _ • . ~ JI ,. '"' ICIA, Title --VIT1)1moriihlf6ft TNI """""" -~ P,Ojlot ...... "°" '°' """"' ltlCI lndMdvel. =-~~-=:r :::-:· ·= Tiiie .::::: .. • := .... ="&:'111t~~ao11 union H1111 CoMmy an°'°'"* Col.ftl't• ~ •• , .... Or•nte Cout 0.11)' DUll'flMf to, tMa. ,,..,,;; AVAILABLE AT YOUR LOCAL Kmart , , . .. •' ""4. 0.0.11, It. H, 14, ff, H.17, ,111>1111\H Oren .. Co.et Deity 1111 llt7 .. J ftllo'-0.0. JI, H , Jeft, '· ':i:-: (' ant a • VIV u payl1111 IH1n11 ,. IW YORK (AP> Tho &hank you. come 1n waya; critp .,...n pti~r In i.lhale enve1opn, ~'f!.~ ~~~ «:_hM~:! .. plum~~~!; cq111111·iru.~11 ;;p.~y";.,":.;.~n~7hii' h,;i1uay Some lnduatrin, ot courM, have no&hlng lo • aft.er the prolonced al ump that haa propeU~ 1lneu fallurea to a ~0-year high and rallied u ployment to levels unmatched alnce 1940. ilmaken are cloelng plant.I, and automakers are fltina three or more straight years without C.-:JJAI~ profita to s hare with executives. t moat bualneaea are coming up with extra h or glfta to apread 10me cheer or provide an live at year'• end. And 90me businesses are L-c1ru <nlng despite the recession. After a banner year in the stock market, the rrlll L ynch. P rudential-Bache Securities and Witter Reynolds investment f1nns say they livinc bonua payments equal to two weeks , the first such payment since 1980. he iJ\veatment rtrm of Goldman, Sachs is even better -its 2,000 salaried employees receive checks equal to a quarter of their u pay. "We want you to share in our success this year," Merrill Lynch Chairman Roger Birk President William Schreyer said in a letter to loyees. The nation's largest brokerage firm said i it nearly tripled in the third quarter of thiS , apurred by the trading stampede in the stock ket. l Most companies are reluctant to discuss bonus pla ns, but several consulting firms said their s•rvey s found widespread in tentions to pay bl>nUSP,t. ~Persian Rug Sale ~~:5030FF .5 .. "Persian Ruts Is Ocl Only Busmess" Wholesale Prices to the Public By Appointment Only 754-1548 Professional Appraisals & Restoration • .,..,'IC NOTICE d11c111m1 any llablhty for any C rUDL 1ncorrectnesa of the street address ;;: H02tS1 and other common desiona11on. 11 ffOTICE Of' TRUI TEE'I aALE eny. shown herein r .a. No.,_,...,. Said sate w111 be made but .. PORTANT NOTICE TO without covenant or warranty, PAOPERTY OWNER upre" or tmplled, r90ard1ng 111~. Ii ARE IN OEFAUL T UNDER A POHeaa1on. or encumbrances lo 0 OF TRUST OATEO MAY 20. pay the remaining principal sum of Hie UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION lhe note MCured by said Deed of TCJl'PlllOTECT YOUR PROPERTY. IT Tru1t. wtlh interest thereon. as Ml<Y BE SOLO AT A f'UBLIC SALE p<ovlded tn sa>d note. advancft. If IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION any. uode< Ille terms of 181d Deed OF THE NATURE OF THE o f Tru1t lees. charges and PAOCEEOtNG AGAINST YOU YOU npenses of the TruSlee and of tt>e SHOvLD CONTACT A LAWYER tr•lll CfNled Oy 18td Deed of Trust O(t o-Tlber 29. 1982. al 10:00 for the amount reasonably a."' IMPERIAL CORPORATION OF •t1mated to be S311 800 00 A tCA a• duly appotnled Tne ~llC18fY unde< l8>d Deed T under end pursuant 10 of Tru11 he<etofore elle<:uled and or Trull recOfded June 23. delivered to the undersigned a u 1n11 No 33899. tn book written Oeclaralton ot defeult Incl • page 11178 of Otltctet Oemend for Sale. and a wrmen In the olfoce of the County Notice of Oefaull •nd Etecllon to •of Orange County. Stale Seti The underltQne<I c.uM<I said omll executed by KENNETH Nottce of Oetaull and Election to H &A"TES. a slngla man Will SELL Sell lo be recorded .1n the county Al PUBLIC AUCTION TO HIGHEST the,_, property 19 located. B.ID~R FOR CASH 1pay1ble 11 Date November 17 1982 ume ii sale tn iewfut money of the 11119«'-l Co<p of Ame,.ca UnlteCI St•tH) at the North lront 8787 Comple• 0. ~r.-nce to the County Courthoute, Sin Otego. CA 112123 700 Civic Center 0flve West. Santa (7 14) 292-8480 Alla, Celllomia all righl, Ulla and Cl1uc:lia MacMiiian. V Pres. l,,..,_1 conveyed to and now held Publ11hed Orange Coast Dally bf It .. nd« Mid OMd of Trust 1n the PllOI. Nov 30, Dec. 7. 14, 21. 1982 Pf0"'1Y 11tueted In Hid County 5226·82 Mc111otate deterlbed as· PARCEL 1 o . 118. as 1hown •nd bed In the Condominium Plan on s.ptembe< 18. 1978 tn 2845, pegH 904 to 1171 • ol Ott1e11f Record• ol Hid COunty EL 2 An undivided 11&01h t as • 1enent In common In e tnlere•t In 1nd to the 11rn al LOI 2 of T r'9CI Meo mep toled In book 435. Peoea I inclual\11, of Ml-'laneous record• ol tlld County. 11 erm IS Oelined in Ille 1111Cle ep: ad '"detlnlllons .. of t he eta er•tlon of Coven•nll dlllon1 end Re11r1ct1ona dad tn book 126911. pege I 118 Offlcial Record• E.cc1pllng all otl. oll rlghl• Ill. mlnerll rights. natur•l gu Is. and Olh« hydroc:art>onS by alloever n1me known aAo~,.,.,"mal llNm end all l)<OdUCI~ therefrom, wtthoul. ~ 1 a rlghl to drill, m ine, store. p!Ore end operete through the or lhe Ul>P8f 500 IMt of the -of 181<1 tend. 11 reMrVed ONd from The t"'1ne Company, a chlgen Corpor1t1on. recorded I 11. 11178 I" bOOk 12795, 780 of Otflcilel Aec0<d• excepting •II w•ter rlghtt. IUCh Wlllf rlQhll 11\all be n, overlying. epproprtatlve. re4)1allng, prescriptive or t(ectuet without. however. the t of entry lor the exerclM ot rtgnts. •s r1Mf\11d In Iha DNd · Th• lrvlne Comp1ny. • gin Corpor1tton. recorded t 11. 1978 In book 127115, 780 of Offlcl81 A9cords CEL 3. E111m1nts H ltll In th• 11ct1on• entitled P!" eeMmenll tor owner1"' ·support, 11t111ment •nd achment·· o f the 1rllcle ed "'e1•1m1nll" o f the aM1S1 NOTICa TO CMOITO..a CWMllJt~ AT fl\aJC AUCTION NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN to the Cr9dlt0<1 of PRESIDENT SALES/ CONTINENTIAL PROOUCTS INC .• Tr•n•lerors. who•• bu1tne11 ~-It f7922 ~ Plltl BM! .• Suite F, !Mne. County al Orange. St1te of Calllornt1. that 1 bulk tr-..neter la 1bout to be m1de 11 Publlc: Auction of propeny located at 171122 Sky Perk Btvd. llF, !Mne, County of Orange. Siiia of Celltoma. Said property I• dHctlbed In gener11 11: Sewtnjl Mechlnea, ~of that Golf 8eg8 and Slide mount Menutacturar bu1tn111 known •• Pre•tdent S a fes/ Conttnentlal PrOduetl tnc. Auction will be conducted by Gary Olllln. Auc:t~. on Iha 8th day of J~. 1983. et 11 o"clele* A M • at 17922 Sky Part! llMi., SUlle F. lrvtne. County of Ol'ange. State o1 Cellfomla. TIMI terma of Ille 8.ie wll be f()f cuh S o f 1 r a • k n o w n I o I h •1 AUC1~. all bu-'-nemM and add,_ uMd by lhe Trenef9rcn tor Iha three v--s last l>U1. are: SAME. I The name •nd addrHI of Iha P«ton with whom clalma may be 1111<1 Is OSTRIN & OSTRIN, 11889 Senta Monte. Blvd.. ee-'fy Hiiis, CA 90212; tel ephone: (213 277-0414: and the leet day tor flllnO claims by any creditor •halt be January 5. 1983, which I• the buslneea day before the 1UC1ton date IPIClfll<I aoow o.ted: December 14, 11182. Gery o.trtn. Auc:tk>MW Publl•hed Orange CoHt Dally atton of r81trtcllon• recorded ~2 12$911, ~ 1118 of OH!clal 1----------- Pilot Dec 21. 1912 UM UM Dally Pilot "Fut Ra ult" service dlred.ory. Your eervlce 11 our apetlalty. Call M2·WT9 Ht 322 ,,,,, ''ln •P!~ of Ow llllhl l.'lut10111y, llwv't1• 111111 lx-tnai pidu, uld Carl Mc•nk, prn1ldt'nt ui Boyd n A••·h•"-.. lnc .. a prlviaw 1.'0NlulUna aorv"-'o Boyden 1uld thr -fourttl. of ttu• compan1t•11 It aurvc:yod wero paylna a year··t1nd bonu11, t•ven thou1h only hult C:>tl)ei:t d 1982 uaarnlnga to be btitttir than la.et ycmr 1md nearly half tald they either froze or redyced aalarlt•• In the• p1.111t Hi months. Prentice-Hall I nc. sold 5~ percen t of the componlea It quesUoned arl' providing cash or gift bonsues this year, which I.a not much different than it hu found each year over the put decade. But while bonwies were divided about equally between cash and girts In 1981. this year 60 percent of the companies surveyed are giving pre~ms such as turke)'lt or their own products. Prentice-Hall said more than 84 percent of the 18.,. companies It ques uoned would provide the same bonus as last year, while 6 percent were giving more, 7 percent were cutting back and nearly 3 percent were undecided. Among those providing less IS Lmcoln Electric Co., a maker of arc-welding products 1n the Cleveland subum of Euclid. In a productivity program that has gained nationwide recognition, Lincoln directors announce each December how they will divide up profits based on an evaluation of each worker's efficiency. This year, 2,634 workers are splitting $41.2 million, down 30 percent from last year's record $59 million split among 2,684 workers. "The recession has affected earnings," said spokesman Richard Sabo. '• .... The IZOD 0 LACOSTE· V-Neck Sweater 1001. orion acryltc cashmere touch. 1n 8 c.:olors \(': •. maize. white. dork blown. beige. hghl blue. na1y. _l , red and kelty green iiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiii 8~~@~ 56 FASHION ISLAND · NEWPORT BEACH · (714) 644·7030 Two New High Interest Accounts. Imperial Savings L" in touch with the latest ways to keep your earning.~ on the rise. And today, Money Market Accounrs are dominating the financial ~cene. So we're ma.king lt easier for you co fit into the pi<.ture with a choice of two different Money Market Account-;. All it cakes is a minimum deposit of 12.500 and you can start earning high Money Market rcite;. Anc.11hosc fund" are insured up to $100,000 hy the FSLIC. Imperial Insured Money Market Savings gives you a high yield fo r your money. Yt >U can access your funds at any time. Al any of our Convenience Centers (ATM Machines). Or anv of our convenient branch offices. And each month, you ean write three check" and make three telephone transfers. Imperial wilJ 3lso give you a free checking account, and offer you a Visa ChecCard that accesses your free checking account. Imperial Insured Money Market Checking is t>ur most advdnced checking account. The r.ue of interest earns~ substantially higher rate than the traditional interest -hearing checking lccount. Plu" it offers complete liquidity, through unlimited check writing privileges. Open this account t<x.lay and earn Money Market ~avings acnlunt rates. Then on January 5, we will transfer your fund'i to o ur new Money Market Checking Account.• In addition, we'll offer \'OU a Visa ChecCard, a card that works just like a check. · For Cun-ent High Imperial Rates, Call Your Local Branch Office. I mperial Savings offers high interest ratec; competitive with Money Market mutual funds. And tho e rates w ill he quoted to you just by dialing your local branch o ffice. Visit o ne of Imperial's 124 'onrenient offices located throughout California. But. do it srn >n. Because the sooner you act , the scxmer you can anivate high interest. Tomorrow Begins Today. Imperial Savings is con~tant ly lex )king ahead. \X-'e keep you informed and up-tc >-date \\'ith the newest trend'i in the world o f finance. S<) ye >U can ~tan making ye >Ur future a more secure place to live~ Tex.lay. r I I I ~ I ,, .. ,11 .. ------~.-.-----, Y~s. I \\ .1111 1 .. 111H·,1 "" tun.I' 1o .. l.1\ o ,.111" "·'' '"'u"·" '"llll\ ''·""l·t ,,l\lllj(, I O t1111'l< r1.1l l11,tll\'<I \h11W\ \l.1tkl·I ( hclktnj( I ·----m11l.1I dq'I< "h ( n1111tmum $2 W)) I ----Ph• 111c __ I I ,,1t11 l'" I < Ii\__ . -.c.itl' Zip ' L ------------------~ l r -Wil WAIHIHO'R N CA .. ) Mure Amt'tl4 .. r• will have ta ••tJ~lt1 .... rtaln drducUona on 1h .. 11 tu NtUtnl MIO 1HI. but I Wtr wlll '° thruC11h full· 11.MJl\1. "We will hew mofe ronlKll with t.upey ,.. but lhel' wUI be 1 lot a-lnll'Ul6W lhan 1udlt1.'' ea&d 1R8 CommJ..aon.1-&etw L. '-"' Jr. "Mon. people will hur from UI bu& In • 1 ... voubleeomo way;· l'.ger l&ld In an Interview thet th qency 11 atudyt"C weye to hew comput.en ~uer Identify lt.enw on • tax return that need correc:Uon. Once the computer 1po11 eomethtna S'*Uonable, the return toes to an lRS "damtfter,' who check.a It. If the return doean't pell that test, the taxpayer wur recelve written nodce to correct the Item. The proceu 11 a refinement of the ayat.em under which about 2 mJIUon tax returns are 1elected for a full audit eech year. However, an audit can require a taxpayer to pull together recorda and, In a face-to-~ ..ion with an (RS examiner, justify every it.em on a tax return. IRS uled the aimpler procedure to tome e>Clent thia year. F.aer cited many ~ In which IRS denied claim• for charl\able contributions to religious organiz.ations that turned out to be mail- order churches that the agency determined weren't qualified to receive tax-deductible donations. Egger la bothered by IRS involvement in matters that have nothing' to do with collecting taxes, such as helping to flnd YOW\I men for the Selective Service and aeizing tax refunds due men who fall behind In child-support payments. "There is a risk that the tax system would suffer If we were to revisit history . . . and people were to believe again that there ia no such thing as confidentiallty of information they supply to gove.mment" on their tax returns, Feger said. He apparently referred to abuse of tax returns during the Nixon administration. Because most people belle'.(e their returns are confidential, they are more willing to be open and truthful, he added. If taxpayers get the Idea their returns are open to anybody who wants to look, tax collections will suffer, he said. The commialioner called on Congress to decide once and for all wnether employee fringe benefits -such as meals and parking -should be taxed. Congress has blOcked IRS from considering such items as taxable before 198'1. "They didn't repeal the law that taxes fringes as income," he said. "We are just prohibited from writing the rules. So what we've got are revenue agents making the rules as they go . . . without Wliformily." The commissiooer said IRS plans a nationwide advertising campaign to notify taxpayers that a toll-free "hot line" telephone will be available again in 1983 to answer questions about filing tax returns. Over Egger's protests, the Reagan administration iiotified Congress earlier this year that it was sharply restricting the hot line to save about $50 million a year. The toll-Cree Unea would remain but IRS personnel would answer onJy clerical questlops. such as why a refund was delayed. Questions about deductions and income would not be answered. But Con ress ordered the full service Annu..I Yi«Jd wr1unuffd 'fhe IM lfl 1nlllk111 "'' a>t,1lftfd lfU8U11u I: I I II r , W h O IHH' I m l' h I o f U I l h • IHJ,OOO~eroploy" Ut wt1t1n l'relkk·nt ""Pn toolt oUlu, denl•d th11 lh• lnromt• ln •)'•U'm hH I me IO romplH lt-thl't'a\t n11 lo hill or Ila own '"'•ht "We hev W1 unbollvvahly ('OmplkatCld "'" iMw.'' .-.. \.V.f~ww, ~ ... , u~t t.a,•t iu ~Viit~:-ft \h9\ t-hi° J>C'OPlt cen't handlto It." • • a.btmu 11 traditional and 10 are we at Halliday'1. St. 'Nick likea lo fill bis pack wit.h bandaone aelectioN now on f•tlve diaplay at our 1hop. Men who like 1ood lhlni• will enjoy a Gift frum Halliday'1, MEN~ TAOITIONAL CLOTHING 17th 4 lnlne, 1"HtdiH Plaza, Newport ~~h 645--0792 Annu.l Yield 12.08% Anrua&I IU.te 11.25% You11 never need a 11.00% Annu..l Rat• ' 10.29% You11 never need money market fund again. 0 Gibraltar gives you high money market rates on your entire balance. Rates guaranteed for each month so you always know what you're earning. 0 Gibraltar gives you total liquidity. No term. No penalties. So you have your money when you need it . 0 Gibraltar gives you FSLIC insured safety to Sl00,000. 0 Gibraltar gives it all to you for a low $2,500 minimum. Now . for~and ~ it~~leanon the Rock.• through Dftember JOth. bank checking again. Cl:cla~ 0 Gibraltar gives you high money market rates on your entire balance. Rates guaranteed for each month. 0 Gibraltar gives you unlimited check writing. No fee's . No restrictions. So pre- register now for January Sth start. 0 G ibraltar gives you 200 personalized scenic checks. Free when you sign up before January 5th. 0 FSLIC-insured to $100,000. 0 Gibraltar gives it all to you for a low S2,500 minimum. I) nao· CLIFF HANGER WALL CLIMBER Reg. $36.88 . . . . . . . . . . . . . $25.99 2-IN-1 RACIN' WHEELIES Reg. $39.99 ............. $27.99 MAGNUM 440 PRO RACING Reg. $54.99 . . . . . . . . . . . . . $38.99 HIGHWAY CONSTRUCT10N TRUCKING WITHS STATIONS Reg. $52.88 . . . . . . . . . . . . . $37 .99 .... LAZER 2000 WALL CLIMBER Reg. $39.99 . . . . . . . . . . . . . $28.99 Spectecutar jumpa, -umpa and cratltH are ' awa1ttn1 when )'ou tau ttle whMI " C.lt 1 seven -the"•" Qu11t Comes with "•II Qu11 • P'ckup, A"X uunl car, 11 ft. of track, wall N•k and muc11 more. ~~ 137.9921 .9 FREE BIG SELECTION! 3 PIECES OF "HO" OR "N" SCALE ROLLING STOCK WITH ANY TRAIN SET PURCHASE! ~ YARD IOSS TRAii SET ... _ .. GYJ RADIO CONTROL GLIDER STARTER S Thlt R.dlo ContNI Ollder St.rter Set It .,. •Mt way to eet Into A/C. You eet •werl- dllfll you na.d, lnctudlna the 811 foem of 71 tlldef ,.,.... -.ty ....... "-'- of llmf)N _..y), • ..ti • the ~ Two ndlo oontrol IYltWll. wNllt!Jl'°" OO!Ma with 2 --· dry bettery box ( teflee not lndudedl. IMt8I trlMlftltler fnicauencv flaa end INtruct'-. Plu. fM a FREE ,._... pod for .OCI ..__" leuncftas (eneme not lndulMd). RET~ll VALU E 99 8 $130.89 • UST 8271.9'1 2cE~o1or·~ WITH 2 SERVOS J cha11MI tlllWlft wlttl ttMr-LllT 1124.115 1119 wtl•I tfalHffllttar, lS-11 SJ9 '' ........ .,, ..... .,, -··· .... Itch "-& Mr¥o tr1111e. • NO PAINTING -NO SANDING NO BUILDING! THE EZ WAY TO START R/C The dty of Newport Beach pear1 to hive come out the r afier a two-year dilpute r control of 16 oil weU. that d brtna the dty up to $1.1 on in revenue tn the corning , The wells are located just taide the city llmlll ln West but they pump oil from -c>ntrolled tid~landa off the ~t. t:" Until now, the wells have operated by oilman Robert matrong, who paid the city 000 a year for .the privilege, a tion of the amount the city tended lt should make from fe wells. In 1980, the city ref used ~ renew Armatrong's contract d the wells were shut down e both Armstrong ai:'d the city went to court to contend the rlaht to operate the wella. The 1tate Landt c.omnu.ton 114Sed with the city, atvina it pennlaion to condemn the land around the rip~ And the city at.o took poueuton of the aurface equipment, clalming Amwtrona's contract called for him to 1ell lll1i equipment to the city. Now the legal challenges have been dropped •with an agreement under which the city 1 will pay Armstrong $226,0QO for the rigs and will take over the drilling operation. Each side will ablorb its own legal costs. The result la 1C11Mthing of a coup for Newport Beach, which now stands to net more than $1 million a year in profits from the oil operation. chance to serve In the past, members of the e County Grand Jury have choeen from among dtbena . minated by superior court ~ dges wbo were personally . 'uatnted with the prospective :L_'!'~is year, Judge Richard :~ incoming presiding judge ·~the Orange County Superior : urt, is soliciting applications : om interested citizens who : uld like to serve, but who may :.,>t know a judge who would =~t.e them. :•~The jury is made up of 19 : ple wha.e names are drawn : a list of thoee nominated by :idges or, in this case, whose ·?Pllcations indicate they are )allfied for jury membership. :j Applicants must be prepared :J work full-time on ·the panel :hm July 1, 1983 th.rough JWle :), 1984. They usually spend three ·lll days a week on jury duty, -~·. ng with some extra time in cases. Jurors are paid $25 a y, . plus mileage expenaes. The grand jury investigates operations of county government, occasionally investigates crlmlnal matters-and prepares several reports a year foe the benefit of county supervUiors. Because of the time requirement, juries often are weighted with retired persons, housewives or students who do not have full-time 'personal job obligations. However, 80IDe county firms have granted leave to employees foe grand jury aervice · in the interest of achieving a better balanced panel. Thia is something more finns might well consider. ~pplicationa for grand jury service must be in by March l, and interested citizens may obtain details of requirements by calling Court Executive Officer Alan Slater at 834-3226. Citizens who have the time and the inclination to serve can find a stint on the grand jury adding up to an interesting_ and educational year. }lecording goes to~ far ., ~ For taxpayers who can't (dial phones wouldn't work). l.ford to pay a personal A booklet supplied by the IRS Jicounta.nt, but •till need help would list special codes for a ·~ting through the maze of number of typical questions. By me tax fonns -including the d.ia.ling the t0ll-free number, plus simplified variety -the a code, the caller would be >ll-free phone lines of the connected with a recording that \temal Revenue Service are a might, or might not, supply the .st reaort. answer to hi• question. For Last year mp re than 39 further questions you could d1lJon callers used the phone to always try another code. ~k advice, ranging from trivial Granted the live phone 1 highly complex questions. And inquiry tervice of the IRS la far lfj service undoubtedly netted from perfect, but at least it gives le IRS a substandtial amount of the caller a chance to ask a ie $300 billion it rounds up each follow-up question. ear at income tax time. . , Now ln the interest of And If n • not pouible, aa con o rd y , t h e T r e as u r y seems to be the~. for the IRS to ~partment is toying with the come up with an understandable ~ of saving a mere $45 million tax form, it should at the very y substituting coded recordinp least let w seek help from a live or the live phone answeFing tax collector. A recording would ervioe. ~e. the ultimate insult for the The new aervtce, tentatively ouzen who is )1st trying to pay .amed Tele-Tax, would require, some of his money to the int of all. a push-button phone government. . . -. . >pinions exprHSed In the space abOve are ttiose of tM Dally Pliot. otner views ex·' lf'e5sed on this pege are those of their authors and artists. Reader comment Is lnvll· ct. AddreSslThe Dally Piiot, P.O. Box 1560, CosU Mesa, CA 92626. PhoM (714) .. 2-4321. L.M. Boyd/ Marriage odds The~ of an only child to an Gly child <to. not offer the bst oddl !or happln... That, accord1nc to 1cbolara who've atudled the •111Doanlal reccrdL Mer .,. the oddl lf both the bride and l"OOID .. hlldren. Neither lt It a .. tbe)r -.y. lf the bride I.... l& PO'UJd-Ownnilgbt on ....... day. A pet OC'IUlfUtaD In Melbourne, Aiillrall•,. reportedly comes back ...... .. °"'*' calla him by hJa tliiiDt: "'lloGm <lnal· .. appopiateL10 .applaud the Nadonal Anthem? A. Now tt..~re you have me. Tboulht mwr. sun think never. Q. t. It tnae that blm wbalea have bMrda1 • A. If you count a~ut 80 chin wtmbn ... tard, ,.. . Qt What'• a ''alty doc wtthout the tailr' A. Grapefruit juice. no boom. Seventeenth Century poet John Donne kept aa open coffln in b1I atucty. Ha dlmbed Into It~ now and then to rmliDd bJJmelf of the ty of the IDOl"81 Gllld. What tdidbUDto ........ I08WM'eof th-tn-e-a.. I • • lmaw. But he ..... ~__,._..,.........,.kmw, • .vtc11Dd1. He --.... ~ 91*' iad --... fmd wttll thi --nmn1111- MX de:bate can 1Serve nation WASHINGTON -One of America'• most listened-to poUUca1 commentaton, Jqhnny Canon, reported that three of the five members of the mWtary Jcmt Chlefl of Staff had recommended a1ainat the fropoaed "denae pack" cluatertna o MX mballea. But, the cunedian eald, "They were overruled by the star of 'Hellcata of the Navy.'" Two daya Jatu .. 1bat ve:ry star, in nel life now the prwident of the United States, wu on the radio uytna, '"!be buina mode la not an iaaue ••. We're prepared to review this matt.er." YOU BA VE TO give Ronald Reagan credit for common .eme. When your e_lan• have been rejected by both ecmcn-and Canon -the entertainer aoniet1me9 teems u aood a barometer of public opinion u Ge«p Gallup -then it's time to recomlder or to conl6der new !deal. So, again, we are goi~ to' debate whether or not to spend bllllona of dollan on this terrible weepon. The MX, at wont, ia a flnt4trike weapon. aince molt of it. suppoeed targeta -Ru.Ian miasile lilos -will be empty bole.a lf we are attacked first. At beat. it ii a weapon designed M part of a continuinl nuclear war, with each aide Urine waves of mt-Oea over time. that the United Stats 1ee1D1 to be preparina to fighL What.ever the-MX Ia llCtUally desiped to do -and the debate could end Defeme Department evuivenem about apparent contradictions between function and purpoee -lta defeet In the House of Repreaentativea ends the unilateral deci1ion-makin1 of that department'• offioen and gentlemen. FOi' two yeuw, the tough and hasty .. umptlona of Secretary of Defenae CMpe.r Welnbeqer have been accepted with very little question by the president. Conr:,::• and country. Wetnbe11fer -w nkkname among llCUll 11011 some mllltary men b "Ready! Fire! Aim!" -is no prboner of hawkish l(elM!t'&)a and admiraJa. He OJea higher than they do. In fiacal 1982, when the top braaa asked bis office for an e9timated $206 billion ln their annual (and MCftt) ''wiah list,'' the-~ upped that figure to $220 billion. ·(There are thoee who believe that Weinberger ii ~ a pri8oner, not of military men but of one of the more charming and frightening men in Wuhington, Aaalatant Secretary of Defense for International Security Policy IUcbard Perle. A farmer advilef' to Sen. Henry (Scoop) Jackson, Perle baa apparently supplied much of the defeme expertise Weinberger totally lacked when he took over the department. Perle WU the teacher, Wein):)erpr WAI the atudenL) "We're in a p:isition where we have to alert the American public to an unpopular, dlfficult. unpleMant eet of trut6a," Weinberger told me in a conversation lut •Prine· "U we don't maintain, or sustain, a national remlve for .everal years, I think the results could be quite catutrophk:. "The Soviets.'' he said, "look like they believe -and there'• a lot of evidence that indicate. they believe - they can win a nuclear war, or they can prevail in a tint strike . . . . Remember, they took terrible casualties in a conventional war -just a fe'W yean ago, 110 to speak. . . . They are apparently willing to do it again." WEINBERGER aeea -himself u a modem American Wlnaton Churchill. "He la ooe of my great heroes," he said in speaking of the Engllahman's consistent pressure for rearmament between the world wan. "He warned that Europe muat rearm against the threat from the Gennam, and he WU right -and they barely did it in time. He waa the only one warning it at the time; it WU cooaidered bad form and he • made IOlDeth1ng of a nuiaance of himlleli. Now I am trying to em=• the fact that I eee some rather y parallels. The threat I.a from the Sovieta, and we must reann." Weinbergier ii aomething of a zealot. but 110 are many of the Americana who think the MX la unneceaaary, or unwodtable, or immoral. or just a joke. There ia room for argument, for open demte. In the end, despite new attempts at compnim69e by the .c:ar ol "Hellcata of the Navy," I -..peet this mlillOe system w01 be taDried to .. th. Bllt lf tbat talk iDcludea a oontmutnc clebale oa the pis - and the future of America'• defeme policy -a debate enpp.a mare~ than the ae11-aervlng areumenta of ~ and expesta -then the MX will have ltl'Wd the nation better than molt weapam. Letters to the editor EPA threat self-serving To the Editor: I wu most ~ by the front page arUc1e in your Dec. 10 i..ue enWled "Air curb• threaten CdM route extension-" It atatea that Anne Gonuch of the EPA may renew federal aancdom on W'ban areu that tail to meet air qualit)' atandarda, lmplyln1 that lncreU1na the capacity of a hl&hway would adVenely al1ect air quality. Doel she not realbe the wry same veblcla are aana to be on eome l"Olld, In the same general area, whethe1' on hlahwaya or nearby aurf.ace roedaT DOES SHE not realize internal, combuatlon en.in. ea wlll emit more pollutants, covertnc ~ d'M..,,.. to get to their destination.a, and In the atop-and-So driving of reltric1ed dty- type and raidential traffic than they Will on the hlehway at relatively ewl\ ~ cioe9 lbe realiJle aood and well that such aandiom with ibeu-related c:mta are totllly 8elf~ (job-pnMcUng) and will tend to jmtlty her and. her WU. in their 1reat American tan1Je of bureeuc:racy? And thil, bl coune, is at the <mt of the~= ~G Postpone corridor MAILBOX water, electricity, p1 will be required: '11\e venerable goUnd will be d !J ! c1 ated by the UIU81 accumulation ol mumctpel ''stuff" such aa prt>ece, bottlel. cam etc. Tbe increwd traffic on Canyon ROlld will be orobablY the moat advene of the byprodUcta of the project. Since this road la QDe of the principa.! 8CCMI rou1ea to the ocean, La1una'a Sroadway wlll be literally overrun. Canyon Road will become one Ioli& perkinc lot! So bow much Will this 14-mile bypam cmt? 'lbe estimate shown in the recent DailJ Pilot art1c1e la $250 million or ' about 11 mlllloo dol1an per mile! We can't ~p _but wonder If the .:qulldtion of thla NCbWay ia all that nee ! Ira~ In the days to come there wl be public beartnp. It w01 be well to attend thoee heartnp en muee. One factor which favon the "puttlnl-off" of the project la the present state of the econom~~ple are not i.c.1na 250 m1lllon around u-da~ Who knows, maybe an lndetTnlte postponement might turn into a permanent one! GENE PEARSON Not 'inlormed' braeli invasion of Lebanon are the Lebene1e that were freed ft'Clln the PLO ! OCCU))&tkWl by it Mr. Gelk.e better get better in.formed •before he in.fonm our lawmabn. GOLDIE JOSEPH True miracle To the Editor. On Sunday, Dec. 12, I joined 1,000 othen in a true minde at Golden West Coll• Mr. Ell 'l1iamaa and the YMCA, thro\lah lmplratlon and bard work,· coorclinated a community Chrlatmu carol whereby hundred.II of famillea pthered at the coUeae before diapendng to atna to the elderly and ahut-ina. ~ ~ at Golden West WU fabuloul, with._Hollywood-type _dance numben, Tom Reilly of the CHiPI TV show and a full-ecale band. But the rt!al mlnde took pl.-ce lam, when we split tnto llDal1 groups and visited hundreds of elderly people usually unable to receive any romrawUty spirit. The, look in their .,.. w.a the reel miracle. I am proud to live in a community with people of the caliber of Ed Tbomu. PAUL MEYER & FAMILY 1 Ludicrous To the J:ditor: 'nw spectacle of the county sheriff and a municipal court judae flrlnc acc:uaadonl at eech other is ludicrow. 1be .,. .. .._ °' proc.cUnc bonelt dd.lem and mednl out ~.ant f\all-dme Jobi and both men lhou1d aet about thele bualneeaea promptly. The volume of crtnw ln ann. Oiunty la an ounce and lta dlmlnu&n cu only be hlndend by memben of the leD1 eltablilbmmt lll"8inl mud at a.ch other . J.W.Rl:m . '• ~-Legal • Consumer hook offered J88Ue8 Btudied D1!? -~ 1Sl\I& RSIUJ&Nr. "JM car &I nm lftlny llllid hll IMC MW llMU, but tM U'INlna.&on II lhM. Or you'w had th• repelrman fix your .,_three ~1 but your clothel..,.. 1t1U OGlalnc out wet. l'OUt patl~ haa wom thin and you want eomebody to do eomethJnt about your problmn. So what 11 Ule flnt t.h1nc you do? a"9twMt .. MH .... ••nuvea-.. ... .. dlttt M•ta --------.. A.---Lb ... r .. -·.PUL-lKwr. TH .. taI1ta -wan1 •••11• ,.. ••• •• -•""· Cl..i,ntd to nelp" au •• ,. .. ,.... .......... ~ "':-:1 buaintll people , Ht It ,, ...... plMllMt w ,,., homemaMn and reU..... cncracatre Ura.... la alMICM·re-..11) cope wlU\ everyday lepl ,cu•1t.C.,...anMA111._..,........... procedure• and IH,tctort, ta•HtrJ re1re11ataUYt1, probl•.Jft•, 9'tll be coaa•tr .....,., , .... _. IMl ,..,,...., preaented at Oran1• offlett IMeCMr .,..........,, Coa1t Colle1re th11 ~.H.I., W......._, D.C. winter. "AlbeatOI ln the Home" alllO Ii for ..i. Tttled .. Mini Law throuah the Superintendent of Document.a, Coune for IAypenona," U .S . Government Printint Office, the aeries 111lated for Waahina'on, D.C. 2CM02. The pr1ce II $2.7G per Saturdays, Jan. 8, lG and copy. 22, from 9 a.m. to noon ln OCC11 Fine Arta Hall Benefits retained 116. Sen• tee ii s10. Reach tor the ''Con1umer'1 Re10urce Handbook. Publlahed by the U.S. Office of Con1umer Affaln, the handbook haa lnfonnat1on on how to prepare your lnltlal coqaplaint, deel wlth the manufacturer, or get help from the aovemment It al80 can help you f4nd and UM the new consumer action and arbttration puwla that are being estabUahed around the country. In addition, it U1ta eddre9ee and telephcne numben for federal, ltatle and local government conawner offices, for Better Bwdnell Bure.us, and for more than 400 corporationa that have officials de1i1nated to help conaumers settle complatntl. For a tree copy of the ''Conaumer'1 Relou.rce Handbook," aend your name and addre11 on a poatcard to the Consumer Information Center, Dept. 579L, Pueblo, Colo. 81009. The aeriea will be 1052 Irvine Ave. 548-8684 Newport Beach DEARPA~Mym~~Hrff~vu~ rond~~d byO~np~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DeteHeac1 aH Wemalty C.mjteuatloa County attorney, Betty Asbestos analyzed DEAR PAT: Tiie U.S. CoulllDer Proclact Safety Comml11l• 11 pleuecl to auouce tbe avallabllltr, of oar new booklet, "A1besto1 ID ~e Home. ' Tiil• pabllcatloa, revle!'ed by tbe U.S. Etavlroameatal Protection A1eacy, dJacuaea die laaunt1 of ubeato1 ID several laoeae•old proclacta ud offen 1peclfic advice .. ' (DIC) • ta.e Mall et •7 1tnta.er'1 aenlee-J . Farrell. The opentna eoueetM •*-U we place Mr la a aaralq ..mon will focua on the Mme, wW de forfeit Mr DICT ~ of the law and w .B., u .. -.-Bee~ court ay*tem. The aecond No. In fact, accordina to the Veterana 1e11ion la titled "The Adminlatration, ahe may be entitled to an Law and Your Family." additional monthly payment lf the becomes a Topic for the third patient ln a nunt.na home, ii helpl.-or blind, eession ii ''The Law and or requirel the regular aid and attendance of Your Eetate." another penon. Tickets are on aa.le ln ( • --==--the OCC Ticket Office, 1 Got a problem? Then write tO located In the coll~se'1 ~• "1 Pat Horowitz. Pat will cut red tape. Student Center Bwildlng. - getting the answers and action you I The office i 1 open .... need to sol ve Inequities in• Monday through Friday I go~mment and business. Mail your questionsi from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., and to Pat Horowitz, At Your Service, Orange1 Saturdays from 8 a.m. to ' Coast DaUy Pilot. P.O. Box 1560, Costa Mesa,1 noon. Phone 556-5880 lCl\ . ..fi~626. · J tor information. Bewildered and confused? There are many wild and confusing claims about the new Insured Money Market accounts, including coupons that treat your savings like a breakfa.5t cereal. the cure for confusion is personal service. There are 22 savings specialists in our Westcliff Plaza and Corona del Mar offices. Local people serving the only locally- owned savings association. They'll untangle the snarl of conflicting come-ons. With us, your money will earn more than "Money Markets" in accounts insured by the Federal government. Others may offer more today but what about tomorrow? Let one of our savi1'l9s specialists explain all the benefits of the Insured Money Market Account at Newport Balboa Savings. Keri Lee Boclealaoefer Kathy Barliasaaae LoieCat~n KayCU.e Terry Connolly U..Cnata Charlie De Riemer Jim Felto• Fred Fonter BettyHoW. Tricia Jakob Vm JorgeDHn SaeKa-sa Janet Kaafman Rllo•cla Maaoa Katlay Miramontea DeaJaYPariaia Betll Parker Uacla Proalx Paala Roberta Pat Rlliz Katlay Schickler 2.2REASONS TO OPEN AN INSURED MONEY MARKET SAVINGS ACCOUNT ·WITH us f i. .. A Gitt Susasa••tlon An all cotton sleeveless Argyle Sweater In a distinctive four color combination. Available also In a tong sleeve crewneck. WESTCLIFF PLAZA 17th & IRVINE NEWPORT BEACH 642·7061 • Complete Top Sllhm, Tedplil Steak, cw l\awn l>IDws. SpedalW-. ......... , Jut ...... IO come to 5eaart.ladenoe .. ....,. Y•'n ... to 11e1 tood frdde. . . . ; 1##1 -:.~ :· :> .,..· '1 ~. i(I '·. . " '• ~~ -· ..... . .} I :.~ •; I ,_• j;; ' ..,1 :,Jr ·1 ( )1 . ~t • I .. '.'Jf .&-'3 '.;...;!°h•Y alwaya have been neaollated ..... avoldlnc a final oon.f.rontation that weuld have forced a definition of WIMsdential rtahta to confidentiality, ~ta that are not written down In the tution or anywhere e.i.. t may well be the outcome in the t dispute, al\houah the ime. are wn sharply now. A dec:lalon may to be made on what ~ ii ltled to examine end what the dent ii entitled to withhold. ol 6onsre • Oonuth ., the hlaJWI• raMJnc o111c:u.1 ...,., chataed wath contmpl In 1uch e CllHh befwHn th• HIOUU\lt and .._...Uw brantlMt of ,OWl'MMnl. But -~~al:!~~!'!!...~_:~"'-= controvtrtlft daUn1 bllok to "'i'homi1 Jet~. PreaJdenta have been Mrved whh aubpo9nu, b)' COW1I and C.O...-. for lnfonnation t!My inMlt.td WM properly tMtn to withhold. Rkhard M. Nixon wu. and the Su_preme Court Mid he had to obey It. 'n'9 Waterpie d«ilSon aettled the cue of White HOule tapee. but did not apell out ex.dly where executive privil• be.w and enda. Furthermore, Nixon 1ucce11fully 1 reeilted ~on.al demanda for the tapes. The Supreme Court ruled that the president did not have a rl1ht to withhold evidence needed In a criminal pl"C*CUtion of hia aides. Nixon avoided the ultimate confrontation by yielding and releaelna White Houae tape recordlnp for u.e In the trial. That wu Watergate, though. Moat •Houtt\1• prlvlltl• dl1putee revolve -around ._ Uka thme in the J:P A CMt, In whkh the Hou. demandl docwnenta lnvolVfnl the way the admlniatraUon la entomna 1 law. Preeidenta UIUally contend tha& auc:h dtmandl are an attempt to pry Into policy dedliorw which are thttn alone .. Ind that It amounta to political ln1.erference In tht opereUona of the execuUve branch. The admlniatratlon aaya that about the EPA cue. But Ill central arpunent la different. It la that the releaae of the EPA information, deallna with.. hazardous waate dump• and the induatrlea responaible for them, would oompromlae planned proeecutiona of the l>Olluten. The Howie vo1.ed 259 to 103 to hold Gorsuch In contempt, and Mid that ahe ahould be Indicted on that criminal miademeanor charge, which carrtea a penalty of Up to a r.eaz In jail and a ,1, 000 fine. She dJdn t ooctce. saying ahe would continue to obey President KH11n'1 ordere and wHhhold &ht dacumen11. But pf'OMeutina llWtne)'I ate part Of tht t•tcutlv1 br1noh , and th• ldmlnllttatJon ii rtlUid"I to proeecua.. lnl&Md, lt hM fUed a cf vU .Wt ~ th1t the pro1t<lutlon be blocked, on 1round1 that the HoUM I• tryln1 to b.relch the l)nlldent'• rtaht to protect <10nfldential law enforcement fU.. That'• where It 1tandl now. The only other CMe to eecalate to thtt point waa that of a U.S. attorney died for contempt in 1918. The Supreme Court ovtttumed that charae. "There la no mention of executive prlvlleae In the Conatltutlon of the United Stai. or In the atatute boob," John J. Slrk:a, the Waterpie trial Judp, wrote after the cue, and the Nixon presidency, were over. "It it a doctrine that has 8J'Own up with time, hued on the common-aenae notion that a president muat have aome privacy, aome protection from Inquiries by Con1Jft1 end the c<Nrta, If he 11 to function effectively. "But the limJta of th.ta privilege are vague, at beat." Anne M. Gonueh hotos With Phone Home Real Santa Free o1i us •ier1ng the "little ones" to Huntington Center's new mall for memories ttley'll never forget with the Mitchell Marionettes Christmas show and a )lislt with the Real Santa ltitt\ the Real Beard. And Instant Santa photos only $2.99. A.re dining. • J801 EAST COAST HIGHWAY CORONA DEL MAR, CA . (714) 7ti().Ol31 Come to the center court of the Huntington Center moU and coll your friend or relative anywhere on the MCI long distance network absolutely free. Your free 3 -min. coN is our holiday gift to you. ll25 11 848 !<JDAY.°S RATE• • 7o Today's A $2,500 minim nnuaJ Yield•• California udm deposit for -eJ><>eJtol'8 CAIN -. . I ~-SIGN UP FOR HIGH RATES TODAY. ~ ~ / UP TO $100 INTEREST BONUS Your patience is rewarded. Bank of America's THROUGH DECEMBER 31 ONLY. high-interest Caah Maximizer account is here. 1~~~==:=:::::::::~~~~~~~~~-.-J Open your account now, and we'll pay an inter· Now you can get the high interest rates of a est bonus of up co $100. That's d deal that's hfld money market fund and a combination of safety to beat. And it's a deal that's too good 'to last. and convenience that no fund can top. account' is accessible at any of Bank of Amer~ Couporu will be honored only through Decem· With a Cash Maximizer account you can ica's 1000 branches and 400 VERSATELLER• ' ber 31, 1982. So, don,_t wait. Tup the money mar· write checks t and make withdrawals. You can automated teller machines. Your investment is ket funds, and get an interest bonus on top of get 1 monthly unified Timesaver Statement~ insured up to $100,000 by the FDIC and backed that. Look below for our extended hours loca- Thi1 provides yon with a consolidated state· by the safety of California's leading bank. And tions. Come into any Bank of America branch ment for certain of your Bank of America invest· that's a combination no fund, no broker, no sav-soon. Before the year ends and your interest ment acc.ounts. Plus your Cash Maximizer ings and loan or bank anywhere can offer. bonus goes away. j CASH AIAXIMIZER.ACCOCINT-ICASH MAXIMIZER.ACCOUNT j -CASM MAXIMIZER. ACCOUNT 1-CASH MAXIMIZER'" ACCOUNT I I ·10 Thhcoup0nfromlanlcol 925 Tbhooupanfromlankol sso Tbiacouponi.rornhnkof I s100Thltcoupoofromlaolr.ol I q, A.axrica la FOii for 1 SIO I Amtrlu 1t p>Od for 1 SU I Amnicl 11 FOii for• $50 A.IDerb ll piod fore 1100 I lntcrat boriu1 when I o,,en I lntcrttt boriu when I open I lntcrttt boriue when I opm I lnteftSI boriue when I open I • Cuh Muimlzer ICCOUl)t • Cuh Maxilntur IOCOW\t I Ca8h Mulmlur ICCOWlt • c.ah Maim'-ICCOUIU I WW.•*'°"" al 12,500-14,9911.99 Only OM I with• depotlt ol SS,.()()()..$9,999.99. Only one I with• depoelt of SI0.000419,999.99. OnlJ one I with• depoeit ol 120.000or mOft. OalJ oetbonu1 I 1 -..~c~. and aoc ~ tb.ni-pn: bopuapcrcu~. and noc ~ dwione pcr I bonut per NS~ end not more t.Nnonc pcr 1.-eutiomei. and°°'~~-t. I tcCOUac.lonueoffcronlynall1bleon l I 1ccown.lollu•offuonlylVl.llablron n..J 1ocount.lonuaoffuonlynallablron nOneJ loouaolfcr~ftaillblcoa IOOOWlta, ICCOWtlt, and Ullirtt Dt<embu 31, I~ 11ecoun11, and uplru De«mber 31, l~I• I ICClO\lntf, and CJIPI~• Dciccmber 31, l~. Thl• I and llq)lra DKttnbc. 31, I , Thia tnmwt I lo..-t bon .. wUl be credited to my ICCOUllt and inctlUt tionua will be credited IO my •CCOU•t and r lntctett bon~ wlll be crediced IO my account and I bonut will be crtdlt.t td m1 MXX>UDt end lpptl.f , .,,,. Oil tilt lint mrthly Hltemmt. I •ppc.u on tht fint monthly IUlemcnt. 1ppuroe tht ftnt moothly IUtcmmt. on the 6nt lllelftth}J ltawne:Dt. I I Name: I N1me: I N.me: I Name: I I • ...........__, I • .Lt--· I . .Lt--·· I ....... ___ . · I 1-· , ........ g9. , .......... _. ,............. I L~u~t'~---------~~~,'~--------~*•·•~~~--------~~~~,,~---------~ 5nr"'lAL CA5H M JI .,,,..,.,ra rtrrra101rn un. 'R5 You can open a c.,h Maximizer account 1t 1ll of our J>rancbe• durina rqular r.i;"'i lftMAltnu..i;n ti;A '.i;ni s;u nuui •banking boun. Pot your added conftnience, you can osten yout C.tb Mdllllber account at the followihg branchct ln your area until 8 p.m., Monday.:r'buraday, Dec. 14·30 (elltept Dcc.13). Come lD or call for an appotntment. Pltaae note; We will not be open let• for other banldna tranuctlon1. ~v.n.,....., 174301rooklna,.St. 9161-ma • ~...., ~ ......... ..... Kll6 lmne AW. Ncwpon 8cM:h 759-4'36 CAVALOADI BU81N!88 T!LEVISION ra Bauer's 95-year-old hands rest on her Christmas present, one of many gifts donated by community organizations. emories of Christmases past enliven spirits By LORENZO BENET Of'lheO.-, ........ At the tum of the century, the Stamp family spent Christmas eveninp singing carols ~ 1he living room of their Magnolia, Ohio, home. l'lora May Stamp, one of five children, sang the prettiest of them all. Her sister accompanied her on the piano, while their father played the violin. Lut Thunday afternoon must have aeemed like old times for Flora May. The 92-year-old woman, a resident at the Newport Convaleecent Center, once again was beltl.ng out the uletlde claaaica -"Jingle Bella," "Deck the Halla," and r.Silent Night." among othen. only this time she was backed up by piano man -1ack Ham of Santa Ana and violinist T. Duncan Stewart of Corona def Mar. You could see it in her beaming smile, and in her eyes as they aeemed to gaz.e past the activity room, neatly decorated with holiday ornaments, past an.ow capped mountain ranges, back to a time when the one hone open sleigh was the onJy mode of travel and when America could walk tall simply by carrying a big stick. f ·Holidays can be difficult for center residents because many don't have families to share them with, explained Administrative Director Ray Marks. So the center counts on local groups and organizations to provide entertainment. This day the Rotary Club treated resident to a ham dinner, but that was onJy the beginning. At 2 p.m., Plat Di.nler. outfitted in a Mrs. Santa Claus coetume, rolled up in a sleigh dls8Ulaeel as a belie Cutlass Supreme, and proceeded to unload baskets full of gifta donated by the aponaon. _,. lllN ' .. Ill .. :,. What's more, Flora May had to ah.are the microphone with about~ other oenter relldenta, who were ueembled in the center'• activity room for a ChNtmaa party aponeored by the Rotary Cub of c.o.ta Meaa and St. Andrew'• ~yterian Church of Newport Beech. But Flcra May didn't mind. Dinger, u ahe has many tima before for other oonvale9Ce0t home events, bou~t IOl1le of the praents henelf. "Pat does a beck of a~,' uid Shelly Upeoomb, the · - center's actM~ director. "She makes evefLt:!.i feel loved. She 8(>el around t:ivina everyone hup and . People don't remember a whole lot "beft, but they remember Pat'• prtiee." Pat cer1alnly lovea to party. She and her ~man band (Ham, Stewart and John QuJcley of c.o.ta Meu on the clarine1) spent the next hour playing eonp and bringing smiles to peoples' faces. many of whom don't have a lot -to smile about · this 'time of ye.ar. She went from penon to penon, handing out drums, bells and tambourines. She encouraged the residenta, l'D08tly women in their 80s and 90s, to shake their Instruments and clap their hands. She gave out colorfully wrapped boxes containing practical items such as toothpaste, shampoo and aoap, the obligatory candy canes and chocolate Sant.as. Stewart serenaded the folk.a with his fiddle, and they amiled back. "I'm ha~ a g?Xl time," said Laura Sadler, 96. In addition to ihe traditional carols, the band occasionally broke into an upbeat jazz tune, the kind F . Scott Fitzgerald's Jay Gatsby might have played during one of his audacious parUes. For a minute, it teemed as tho~h some could lift themaelvee from their wheelchairs, wipe away their wrinkles, and swing as they did during the roaring 20s. lnatead, they gently tapped thm feet against the linoleum floor. "lm't this gniat." Marks aid, trying to be heard over a rousing chorus of "Rudol h the Red-noeed Reindeer." "SO many peop e are iSfcf o convale11oent homes, but everyone he.re h.u a pereonality. I tell the staff, 'treat them like they're your grandparents, it will make their lives more enjoyable'." Ju ,the hour wound down, residents munched away on cookies, pumpkin pie and ice cream. Some opened their gifts, the wrapping paper allding from their laps and drifting to the flool'. At about 3:15 p.m., the band members put away their instruments. Meanwhile, Flora May, a bit pooped, was giving her vocal chords a breather. ~ "Th.la wu a lovely party,'' ahe said. "The food was excellent -it muat have made everyone very happy." She surveyed the ecene for a moment. "I think I ahould take off - the muaic'• over," ahe aaid. She turned and wheeled herself beck to her room where abe would open her presents. r . .. l tO ' IH &ffl .. gA "4M• ,.,....q • fl. lo "'01 '0:111! ~ _., _, ·~ -!°o';# •la"-1..,a M>o8 . .,, 'fJ~ ,,0£ 18 DEAR ANN LANDERS: /\a the economy alowa down rm aure there are other parent. who an f-=inlr the aame problem we are. A child who left home a few yeara ..io returns "temporarily''. -just unUl he or abe can aet bllCk on 80und economical foottna. Meanwhile, alt.er getdni over the trauma of the empty ne11t, parents have leamed to enjoy the freedom of belna juat a ~,Pie acaln. U only one of their brood cornea back, mv Dell eeems IUddenly crowded.' n 'There are a few thinga I need to say, but I am to<Jlcowardly to talk turkey to my ott.prlna who hu returned -baa and baggage. Would you tell hiM in your colwnn? "Dear, dear child: When you left you were not lO?C out of your teens. You have come back an adwt _: legally. chronolOlically and phyaically - bUl you have reverted to adini like a teen-ager now that you a.re home again. In cue you didn't notice, we. haven't stood still, either. We. are older and let in our ways. We thouaht that after we finjehed paying for your education we. would have some aurplus funds to enjoy, bu1 inflation and the need to pro,vide far rour father'• not-10-far-off retir'ement have wiped out that daydream. "We don't expect you to uaume your share of the. financial coats of thia howiehold, but we do expect you to aasume an adult's share of the work. I don't relish the rQ}e of being your mother-maid again. "When ~ were in your teens we encouraged rou to bring , .. our friends home after school. I laid m .supplies o soft drinks and snacka. It doe9 not follow, therefore, that when you bring friends home late to watch cable TV that you may help youraelf to our wine, liquor, and your father's one luxury -imported beer. U your friends can't make do with popcorn and cofiee, they can go elaewhere. "Your father wouldn't think of bringiJl8 guests into the houae without giving me fair warning. From now on, I will expect the aame courtesy from you. I al8o insist that you tell me when you are not goi.Qg to be home for meals and when you plan to be ~.,!Ven if it i.a only overnight. "Beyond that, falling Q&leep in the living room with the lights and T'V on until early morning, faiUng to lock up after you come in late, using up all the hot water while you meditate in the shower for an 'hour, and monopolizing the telephone in the evening can be very annoying. "We love you dearly, but to be honest, we will be glad when~ on your own again." - IRRITATED M HEN IN S'IOCKTON DEAR MOTHER BEN: nub for daria& you fruit ... IMHst feelblp widl me ud my reacfen. I hope. your procllaal 1oa 11 able co afford lal•L•wn ceop IOOD ao JH ud yov rooater caa a,.y We apbt.. , . CONFIDENTIAL to You~ the Judge: I read ev~ word of your four-peae verbatim "report." AJ1fcan say is, any man who thtnka be bu won an arguinent with hia wife doesn't realize it isn't over yet. Keep my addn!9I handy. -·-,,,., IY 04AALI H OOAIN AHO OMAR 8HAAIF Ntr&tHfouU1 vulntrabl•. Eut deal1. NO&TM • 0.l.9 --~ The blddln1 hu prot!Hd•d1 £ut t .. di WIK Nwdl P .. I • , .. I • ......... ,..._ Otal," by OJ, Cook IWlm••r Broe., paperbeu, no ,, .. tlO.t& plu1 IU& poeu,. and bud1JJl1> Avaltabi. trom tht autllot, P.O. Boa Hae, ltach Station. Vero Btaeh, fla. aaMol. Wt cannot. voueh for the reelpn. tbou1h they rtad well tnou1h, but the brid1t handa are eound and IJI. 1tructlonal. Conaldtr thJa uample. hand. Tht q1a1Ult of hie trump• wu too Sood IO 1up· prtN, and pt11Mr \.tnd1 to have a flvt card tult when ht opene ont 1padt. • Tht bar& play ml1h& ... ,. Ilk• • rueu -lead to &ht klftf or tine ... U.. jatk. Actwall1. there lt no rueu lnvoliltd. E11t, a paNtd hand. la marls td with K-Q.J In clube by the openln1 lead, and ht mu1t havt the kln1of1padet If U'• eontraet 11 to 1uccetcl. Therefore, ht cannot bold tht ace of hearu. Bo declarer won the ac. of clubt and ltd a btart.; rlaln1 with th• klnr when Wut played low. A 1ucct11ful trump flneut auured the contract. ti .,. ,... . Openln1 lead: Nin• of •. 0 J lOH .,.. WEST EAST +U +K1 c:> A 14 I <=' Q 10 U O QIU OIU •tU •KQJ2 SOUTH +AlOUO <='U o A·K •AIOI The Umt for Jlft·1Mn1 ii nlrh, and •• aa.ay1 have a problem about what to Jive to our bridp-pJayin1 frltlMM. A combined cook and brld~ book 11 an Idea, and It jUJL to happen• that one ha• arrived at our dt1k-"Cook and North·South arrfvtd at a four •r:d• contract al\.tr a norma auction. Nott Nortb'a dtclalon to ralH to two 1padt1 dtaplte ht. balanced Wtat I,.. the nine of clubt. and dedarer w11 lookln1 at thl'ff tur• loetrt In heart• and cl1&bt. II tht contract. wtrt 1oln1 to 1uccttd, declarer would have to find tht kins of 1s)ad11 ~th E11t and hold bl• loetrt In heartt to one trick. And he would oitd the heart ault to furol1h an entry to dummy for the trump fine .... flMA IOMlfCI AT W IT'S END , rve always wondered how women get the me.n who outline the houle at Chriatmaa wlth outdoor lights. The ones who mount a bell on the chimney that swlnga back and forth and plays "Silent Night." Or the onee who hoist a large sleigh on the roof flooded with lights that hu traf:fJc backed up for 1hree miles. By the time I got married, all of them were taken. • • You know what I ended up with? A man who replaces the 2~watt porch Ught with a 40-watt yellow ~ bulb. I don t know. Maybe it's ~use we have always lived next door to a woodworkhur teacher who has won Best Decorated Hou.ae in Cfty for 14 years in a row. But just once, I'd like to live in a house at Chri&lmas that didn't look like it was vacant. It muat be wonderful to drag in a live tree and f?Ut lights on it without your husband warning, 'You plug that in and the houae will be uhes in 15 minutes." Or light a candle on a coffee table without having him aet a bucket full of water next to it. To tell you the truth, I would never have entel'ed into a marriage with the man had I known he. had no iruentiona of owning a ladder. His father was just the oppoeite. He bought the biggest tree in town, loaded it with lights, and ~nt week.a assembling a giant train around it. F.arlier this week I stood poiaed at our front window and wat.ched Walt aero. the street. He lined the driveway with candy canes and strung lights along the eaves. Just over the garage he placed a large star and on the lawn he erected a life-aiz.e stable. Throughout the week, there appeared an aa.>rtment of elves in a work.ahOp with little aawa that buzzed back and forth. On the night of the judging, live people dre.ed as Mary, .foeeph and the Wiie Men appeared in their placet.along with a --anc1.na11ntan< I I couldn't stand IL "Would you look at Walt?" I said. "We could have eome~ like that If you'd just get into the splrtt of th1np. • My husband said, "You provide the baby and 111 build you a manger." · Sometimes. I think about trading up. Libra: A void sell-deception, WeDet4Q. December ii A.RIBB (March 21-April 19): A dream. properly in~, could be prophetic, You are on brink of alpific.a~t dllcovery -activity behind 1eenet1 prove• beneficial. Take initiative in vi11tlng lndivklual confl.ned to home or hcsphal. TAUBlJS (April 2()..May 20): Seme of dJ.rection la reltol'ed. You'll chooee coune l~ tQ eecurtty, improved f amUy relatlonahipe .and potential for lncn!ued income. Focut continues on friends, hopes. wilha -Cancer, Aquarius natives aid in achieving objectives. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Orders from to.p are subject to change -superior oould be confWled, temporarily misinformed. Emphasis on social activity which results i.n important business contacta. . :_. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Good lunar aspect coincides with travel, communication, spiritual values and pursuit of higher education. Previous pl.am are overturned -you are getting howte in order, getting r id of' superfluous material and streamlining techniques. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Check flnancial rating of one who would be a cloee UIOCiate or partner. Make inquiries, give full rein to intellectual,, curiosity. Legal technicality could cauae delay. 'POT SHOTS 8-Y ASHLEIGH BRILLIANJ TMEY LAUGHED AT l:OfSON AND EINSTEIN, &uT S OMEMOW I STILL. FEEL-- UNCOMF"ORTA&LE WM~M T HEY LAUG M AT M E . llOIOSCOPI BY SIDNEY OMARA VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)~ Go al.ow, maln\aiil low profile, be aware of legal rights a nd permiasionl. You win through diplomacy -avoid ateamrollelj tactics. Ftnancia1 J>l'mpec'll are better than originally anticipated. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): Define terms, avoid eelf-deception. _Strive to eee people u they are, not merely t.h.rOUgb roee-oolored gl.ules. Spotlight on employment, nutrition, dependents and care for pets. PWoes, Leo, Virgo peraona figure proulinently. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Outlet found for creative energy. Focus on speculation, emotional responaes, romantic involvements and luck where contests are concerned. You'll have more responsibility. · SAGl'M'ARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Project can • now be completed. Realize that tran.aaction is finished. Don't fall victim to "afterthoughts." Emphasis on property values, professional appraisals and removal of burden which had blocked progreaa. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Individual who had been a reclWJe will make gesture of friendship. A get ac:quainted meeting could result in short trip. Highlight originality, independence, interest in creative punruita. Leo figures prominently. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Focus on payments, collection.a, evaluation of poeaeulona. Take invf!Jltory, mark product.a, take steps whJch enable you to identify various items. You'll get what you want, but procedure will be unorthodox. PISCES (Feb. 19-March ZO): l'opularlty Increase•, social activity accelerates. travel op}!ortunlties multiply. You make correct ju~ta., hunch 11 on target and people comment favorably on your clothes, appearance. We're .Leaving Fashion Island \ Everything· Must GO I 18K 40%~,,,, 1 SK Peart & Diamond Larfatt Elsewhere 6, 9500o Our Price J,95()00 5,75()00 30% Thlt holiday ..uon. join the Westeliff Plaza lamlly Select '(OUf gifts trom more than twenty shop9. without CIOWdl Of endlea parking lot• With lhe P«'°'* IOUCh / that Westcliff Plaza has t>eoome known for. This SatUfday afternoon. and ~ery evening next weell. enjoy Christmas carders and have the kldl meet Mrs.. Santa -who will be lilllng her stocking with glf'le !or Toys for Tots and gMng out CMltmas goodies of hef ownll OPEN TIL t P.M. WEEKNIGHTS • 48C)O 30%oPI' H.L. INVISTMINT IANKU S 120 WAU STREET, SUITE 1044 NEW Y~.Y. 10005 (212) 473-3504 ' WA tUHUTOH CAJ•) -Vk!k .. ,,.. 1hcit a "'"" Tniiut1 . 'Urllltol haiv• Jff llrtfid aJl.hll~, hlllltil the llJW•t leiv II ln m• lh•n • munlh, 0Uk'l1f1 .. w Abou1 f &.I bllllon In n•w thre month TrNMlur_y btlli w re 10ld al an awra dt.coont rat. uf 7.851 p11ramt In M~y11 aucUona, down from •'-,,At\&:~ .. -~ __ .. "' '~";Jdi.J;n:~ th. p~~nt ~td about t&.8 billion In ab·munth billJ at an averqo nw ol 8.104 pcrttnt, down from lut week'• 8.20~ percent Th• yield•. a mea1ur• or t.h• COit. Qf government borrowtna from I.he publJc, w ro th lowest. lince 7.813 pen.-el}J on Nov. 1 tor thret'· month bUla and 7.762 pe~nt on Oet. 18 for lix- month blU.. Monday'• dlacount rats undent.ate the actual rc:tum to lnveston -an averaae of 8.13 perunt for three-month bllla and 8.57 percent for alx-month bl.lla. ·3time adva find in you'll ral Get an outstanding hedg' against declining interest rates. LOCK IN 11.500°/o ANNUAL YIELD based on a RATE OF 10.738°/o~ FOR 3~ to 10 YEARS With a Ho me Federal Insured no-minimum Money Markel Cenlfiauei or IRA/Ke ogh> ac- count, you can invest now -by phone - and earn a high, fixed rate fo r your choice of terms from 3'-1/2 up to 10 years. A guaranteed investme nt suitable for rein- vesting proceeds from Tax-Free Saving.\ Cer- tiflcates. And funding IRA and Keogh accounts fo r additio nal year·end tax benefits. When yo u call, ask about other long-term, guarameed accounts -which pay hefty cash bonuses upon maturity! The account of the future is here with liquidity, safety and bonus interest. Home Federal's new Insu red Money- Market Plan'M offers a better return on you r investme nt than' many m o n ey m arket funds. Plus the freedo m to use your moneL just by transferring fu nd~ w your Chex'tra" interest checking account by pho ne. \1C'ith an unlimited number of deposit trans- aaions. And insured safeC\' no monev market fund can match. · ' Open your account nov. with a mini· mum o f $2,500 and maintain at ka.c,t that balance -and we guarantee you'll earn 1-1/2% mor e than the average yie ld o f mone}' market funds for 30 days (accord- ing to a leading index), renewable a1 our option fo r up to six months. Anytime your halapce faJb below s2.soo, you'll earn the interest checking rate of 5-1/4%. In add ition , yo ur checklng acco unt i!i free. Including 200 free per son ali?.ed checks. The same inte rest checking ac- count can also be yo ur key to Home Feder - al's new quality discount brokerage ar- rangement. Save up to 70°/o " on stock brokerage services. By special arrangement with Fldellry Bro- kerage Services, Inc. (member New York Stock Exchange), you can now make stock market Investments -quickly and more conveniently. Aod aft up to 70%, or more, on bro- _,.. comm•eefoo.1. In addition, you c.1n save precio us time during this aaive trading period by having , ca.II toll ·free nnw. your trades with Fidelity Brokerage Services, Incorporated settled automatically through your Chextra Interest checklng account. Open your b~okerage account today, at any Ho me Federal office. . , { I Home Savings branch opened Jobo Web1ter of Newport Beach has been named manager of the new Home Saving• of America bra~h which officially opened In Cotita Mesa today. An assiat.ant vice president, Webster came from Home'• MLuion Viejo-Gateway Center branch. Home hu over 220 bra nches act05S the country and more than $1 5 billion 1n asaeta. David A. Young of Mission Viejo baa been appo inte d vice pres id e nt, financ e and administration, and chief financial officer of MSI Data Corp. of Cost.a Mesa. He replaces Cbarlea E . Butler, who haa been appointed vice president and general manager of European operations for the company. Mary D. McKay has been appointed director of marketing for Mark Victor Hansen and Asaociates of Newport Beach. She was formerly director of public re lationa at. the Prince Kuhio Hotel in Waikiki,. Hawaii and is a member of the Public Relatlon a S ociety of America and Women ln ~ C.OmmunJcallons. ·f Myron E mery hat been promoted t.o dlrector o~ 1 technical services of Dyna-DrW of Irvine, a dlvialon of Sm1th lntemaUonal. Inc. He jolned Dyna-Drlll ln 1968 u western regional manager and later w• 1 prom oted to technical marketing manaaert d marketing manager, and manager of technlc.i • services, Care>llne Baynea Rarldu hat been named vide 1 president of Bank of the West in Newport Beach. A resident of Balboa Ialand. the joined Bank of the West ln 1981 from Bank of America. MaryLee Sacba of Newport Beach haa joined ,. Cochrane Chase, Livingston and Co., Inc. of Irvm._.· s as account representative for the agency'• publla. · relauons division. Prior to joining the firm, ahe WM an account executive for the Gable Agency in Saa • • Diego. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~-O fl OVER THE COUNTER NASO LISTINGS " "'' 4 •IOI IOI.<. 11•> 141'> .. ~ " "'. 20"-10'- J'l\J lO . ,,,. so 50'-1111• 11\9 7~ ""' 11"• 21'- • 1 ..... . ,. .,., .. ~ .... o•..-o"' .--. 41'> l)h ,.., .. ""· "" 17117 II ,..,, 1111. 1V. 1\'t ""° ""· U U 'J s.•, S4'- "'"' 12 ,,., ' 2.A\. -, ..... SHt Sl 41 4We s•i,, i"" nv. n~ ""' ,,.,, .. ... ,, 2V'o 24 «l'•-s1•., "'-u-. ~ n • .. ,. , •• .., u ,, ... 12'ilt 1"'6 1011. U''J l4 17'\ 11•..- UPS AND DOWNS Ptl. ' ,, A• l Up .... Up 17.> " Up '" Up zu VP n .1 Up IU Up 11.J Up 11.A Up IU Up IU Up U.O Up IU t:: ltl .. Up 14.0· • Up. U.t Up U.S Up IU Up 11.0 Up IU Up lU Up IU Up It.I . Up 1U Up 11,1 Ii·~ i 1~:. ()fr 1t.I I °" "·' ~ °" 11.1 "" 11.1 OH IO.t "" .... Off ... Off .... Off .... Off ... ::~ Off u Off u Reverse charted in U.S. economy 81 TM Auecta ... PNM The econom1 It contreetin, at an •dmat.d annual rate of 2.2 permnt In tbe fiia1 three maftthl of 1982, revendna the mocSe.t econcmlc crowth of the PM' llx montha. Commetct l>epartl:Mnt eocaomlltl Mid today. ' The llUmate of tlCCJIMJmic acUvtty In the period .. tubjeet to lat.er revtaion. But if the decUne hold9 It would lndlcate the re 111 Ion bM yet to nan ltll count. In a eeparate report, the Labor Depu1mmt laJd conaumer prtc. eda-d up ~ ~._1 ~t lMt month, with lnflatloo heJci ~ by declllW\l lnw..t ra• ao monc. Joenl. 1be Ne WM the 9!)11Jelt monthly pin llnce March and left lnflatSon at an annual rate of ~.5 percent for the f1nt 11 montha of the y .... If that rate perm.ta in December, lnflaticel f« all of 1982 could be at the iowe.t level llnce the 3.4 percent lncnue ot 1971 and 1972. Tbe conauner price lndex roee 8.9 percent lMt yNZ, 12.4 percent tn 1980 and 13.3 ~t ID.1979. The Oinmerce Department mo .revl8ed lta report on econom.lc activity for the July-to-September quarter, aaylq the ll'09 national product arew at an lnflaUoo-adjuit.ed annual-nte of 0.7 peromt. Third-quarter 8'0Wth ot1clnallY WM me..ured at a rate of 0.8 percent, but tKat w• IWWed to zero erowth 1Mt month. Real GNP declined aharply at r.ie. of 5.3 percent and 6.1 percent in the fourth quarter of 1981 and the tint quarter of this YNr before begtnnJng to rllie at a rate of 2.1 percent In the leC:IOOd quarter. Products list grows NeJ.on Reeearch & Developnent Co., Irvine, baa announced It bu signed four MW &greementa with &herlng-Plough, "Durrougha-Wellcome, Lederle L a boratories and Block Dru1 relating to the development and formulation of apeclfic products within Nel8cn'a u.one. Under the 118J'eetnenta announced, llx products are to be developed and formulated with uone, a oampound which greatly lncreues the penetration of dNO Into and throuab the skin. Firm's income rises Irvine Semon Corp. of Costa Mesa ball reported improved operating "9Ulta for the &cal y... ended Oct. 3. Net lnoome roee to $71,900, equal to 5 ceota per share, from $8, 100, or 1 cent, for the 53 weeks ended Jan. 3. Revenues increued to $2,207.300 from $1,582,- 400. The company changed ita fi9ca1 yearend from the lut Sunday cloeest to Dec. 31 to the Wt Sunday cloeelt to Sept. 30 to better oolndde with ita natural btttinem cycle. WHAT STOCKS DID NEW "°"It tA~) ~ a ~ T°"K ~ "' ·~ :::, ---.. _.._ It #H.li1 AM(a 00 NEW "f'Oftlt lAPl Dec • METALS :SILVER T.-J. = -1t • H111C11 lllCI Hw~11 •• 10,H "' troy -GOlD QUOTMIONS DOW JOMES AVERAGES .... VOllltCA~l ....... 0..--"" --.V. DK. a ITOCQ a.. a. • .... :si ::t.a:::. 19'.Sl-'-tlt a Tn .a.It .a.ft -..a • .._ UI U Ult 111.N I .... 1'6.D 1'7~ l.D == .. ~.~~~-~~----~ Tr• ...................... 1~ ~ .. ::·:.:·.::·:::.:·:.:-.:::: ....,.. AMERICAN LWEIS ..w \'ON( 4Al't -............... ... i ................... -~ .... e...,.. .... .,....-...,. ·--"· rn,,. ... 5 ~ 4--" t•M ~" SM ~ ,,_ -"' " _, '" . "' "" .. .. ,~ '" . " '" -i. f ~IWIAM -:--Alu'NO :_j, you tap )'OW' '°" '° mUlk, IWI)' ,..... hjpa Md tor,.t younelf, \hen you are In dlre moral -and nulca1 -IValta. You ire the vlc&lm of decadent, cap1&1ll1& mUlk. And It ~·, mat-.1 ar n • &lY'll nteMy or Frank llnltn, beca~ even a John Philip 8oUM march can tntlct and entrap •one with It• \&npndlcted beat, and caute Chln ... clt11en1 to cblbt~ But now, there'• a awdebook for apolitical, tone-deaf typett to help tliem dlldl\IUilh between beluutul, IOCiallat hymn.a and vUt, pornographic tunea from the w .. t. Printed by the People'• Publl1hlna House, "How to Dl1tlnaut1h Decadent Mu1lc" 11 a la~ booklet. 1&'1 not a bett·teller. •BARGAIN MATIN•RS • MOIMlay llH'll Satunlay All PerlonnancH belore 5:00 PM Chmfl .,_.. ln111n1 11 ... .....,., "llESTFRIENDS"------ "nte VIUIOICT" .. ----- --TOOT_.._ -----· "THE VERDICT" .. ----- LAKEWOOD CENTER SOUTH ,.. .... "' "81XWIDS"------· un.TOY"------ __ ........................... , .. IMPOllTUT IOTICll CMlllMI -· 12 flUI ___ .............. --.. . Claf'-·-·c.--·-.... ~--CM----~,_ ...... .-..,.au. Claf'--·-- .. ANAHEIM r·1.11v1 '"' ...._ .... _. 919MIO '"8TLL °" 1W...,.. ... -"1Ml•••1r.., -·"- ----- • : • ~i ' """ •e c ' • "'GIL\'N ....,.. ... -·"- ............. "tMAMST'S ~ .. __ ,,_ -~· THI~·· ~aNYDS ••• ~,.,.,. .. -·"- Oood mualct, H '"'""''· llYH 1plrllu1I nowilhlneM, , • .,, after U.~ lo bed mulltt, one muat be wry eenful &o 1Y06d t\ann," the booklet 11ya o( 0 ytllow," or pomG1r1ph&c mu.M. l\ten 1 ..nlnl1Y lnnoCm'lt 8ouM ""'"h can be pemidoWJ, ~11....,.!'-a......UC t)La....-...r.,'*'-_... expect ancrrorc... dwm '°accept tlMI unexpect.d, \he abnormal beet," 11ya \he booklet. "Danclnc to WI kind of beet ii UQ havtna neJ"VOUI •PMIN.'' the book.Mt 11ya. "The rhythm ol jiu .. .aa1ntt the nonna\ pyacholop:al needl or man. It feeda people Into an abnoni\al, demented 1tat.e of mind." ~ The •pect« of evil ln \he bflulllnc cio.k of weetem mu.ale hu 10 alarmed Chlna'• cerworw that they have banned many "pomosraphlc" .onaa, cloeed a dJICOtheque In Peklna and a juz club in Shan&hai. = -·· N ~ ; ~ Q § w -' c en Youn1 people Jn China Mt'tttly Usttn to I~ IOYe tOftll, .,..Uy from Taiwan. They hoad d&K'O .,.,... ., hOmt, Ilk fontanm to buy them taboo c .... Uft, copy and NO· them and tlCChanp lheet mU9'e. 8orrie tasi-•ll for 11 much -~1' -, C.:htn1 h11 bHn Inundated br_ 1mu11led "yellow muslo" from Hon1 Kona. Taiwan and abroed. PoUce recently crKked a major am~lna rtna ln the 1pedal .:ionom1c sone nev Hona Kona. where \hou1and1· of recorden were imported Weplly and rafta of "tllthy IOflll" went amugled ln. The approved Wnttm mualcal repetolre la \hln, and lncludee the clualca, "Jln1le Bellt," "Do-Re-Ml," "Red River Valley" and John Denver. WALNUT FINISH .... .,, 1599 I ........... Cllll -.... --...,, ........ --.......... ........ t lfJ"'SNlllO YOIU( -For • •how that d •I• ln Wat, ........... tton and dHth "M·A·B•H" •IW•)'• ~:I~'° prGlftDte Ufe. ~Uve producer BUrt W •ho Jl.t. I .,..., thow .VM rater, .......... oltbat. ..... been puttJnc t\11 ltNltive uyn.ture on tho IMW .,_ taklnc charp ln 1977, a t~r jroduccr1 LanyfO.lb&n and Oene Reynold• ha left for other ~ " an unabuhed •nUmentalllt, '° my •ho~ f tmd • be more polpant, with a 1pecial kind of com~ and h~ty.'' Metcalfe laid. "M• A •s•H" h.N been deecribed u ant.1-war, but It '°" deeper than that. -We're nol really an anti-military show," said Junllt' J'arr, who play• Cpl. Max Klinger, the ~who wore women's hata and dttuee to try to rtric ~· "We'"' anU-atupid!ty, anti ihOrity, particularly when it's 1enseleas. The are placed In a tltuation where they're ln ~ad on to every1hlng ~lng on around them. nt there to 11ve lives. ' · la la the la1t season of "M•A•S•H." McmdlltY'a ahow WM one of aeven remaining original leadina' to the climatic two-hour movie , when the Korean War finally ends after 11 ~. ----· re were no doves at CBS clamoring to end the ; "M•A•S•H" la currently the season's third:~~ prosram. But the network couldn't stop Alan and Co. from defecting to other projects or OOft~ Metcalfe there were enough significant storieljto maintain the show's high quality. . I I~N audience h'as grown .. ~J.amatically ~~-6,'1 JORY ,,_...., EW YORK -Bob Schapiro, an "lrklependent Network News" correspondent, was Oft~t in El Salvador not long ago when he aftd·• &kl producer were stopped by government IOld19" for queeUoning. were_get~ rather nasty," says John ai>G01s bo9, 'when one 10ldier nollce<t" tch they were wearing. 'Ah,' the soldier -I ankees."' 1'Tbey were bootlegging our signal in El SAlvid«," Corporon says, "and catching the New Yortk Yankees pines that we broadcast. We don't ~ ~hether they were watching 'INN' too, but theY ~ the name and let Schapiro go with no. fW1her trouble." · The "Independent Network News" audience bu, IJ¥leed, grown dramatically ln the 30 months mace Ole prosram'• premiere -from an initial ~ of 27 at.ationl to 78 today·-and lncludes ~ in the Virgin Ialands and Bermuda. as well u the lnfamW acauertna ln El Salvador. '•' •• N" bu matured in an atmoaphere of h'e'I h' ned competition from the commercial · ~blic TV and cable televUlon. In f.act, ••IMM" WM btmdcalt foc the.fint time J une 9, 1980 _...,~ weeks ~ Ted Turner laU11Ched hif -the<Jock Cable News Network. and h.la .-xiates at WPIX-TV, New Ybtk'a ~t Channel 11, have introduced alhbe =.three additional newa shows -the d.4ilJy aay F.dition" and two weekly prosrams. •Tr(m the Editor's Desk" and "Wall Street Journal ReporU." More than 100 atatlona, m09t of them unaffiliated, carry one or more of the "INN" producdona. .. Independent Network News," a half-hour $or-national and b\tematSonal news as well aporta and weather le8JDellta. la offered putid una atationa in prime time, and therefore ls ~l direct competition with the networks' new9CUtl. show ls not radically different from what the .,...._...,rHOl'lll'lka do,'' 11ya Corporon, a guiding force behind tbe creedon of "INl'l'' and lta predeoemor, the -ctoperative Independent Television News ~never intended to do something really , , , "I think If you get too far ahead of what the ~"doing,.. he aays, "you risk losing we've got people who tell ua they like the for what we do that ii different -the 1 or the weather," Corporon aaya. "The have been anobbllh about that. but leaa IO notice.'' •, weekday even.tnc after 8, the "Action N•W. 1<>10 on the . back wall of Channel l l '1 WcltO!wn atudlo la covered by an oval "Independent ~_..t'k News" lign. and anchon Steve &.h, Pat ~ and em Jorgemen go to work on another ~ ot the national new8CUt that will be fed twtc.1 at 9:30 p.m. ~.and apln a half-hour later. I • lJpff Ka.men anchon weekend editions of "INNr '' ~ malntalna a buneu in WllhJneton, and r.C•:J!!t opened another in Loa Angel~•· In addl , parUdpetine at.atiom often contribute Rclriei « mm tcr the prosram. =statiian la about to take on a national new. ,. ~ C«poron, explalnln8 the economic on which "INN" I.I built. "But by spreading the '*' around, we can do that." 1· e ITNA waa eatabliahed in 1975 by C.oll'Ddton .net news executives at .even other blg- t ttadcx». m •n pr<>j1r1m'1 ttnd rtls allu work I •11& .. ln t t'UflUnUlf\I "M.A. 8• It .. 11Wtt1r Vt•ry ... ru11uloU1 ln our hlatory.'' Mel<'•lf• Mid ''Thrr wer 1om wondt·rful 1tor1n wo hid w IH•-. up IX'C'nUM' thuy happ ned aftn th• w.-r We• wanted to uo a brolnwNhlna ahow, but thiat didn't mnw uµ until 1954. The same thins with the Marilyn Muur~· vtalt "Drup weren't th t bl&, then. either, ext't'pl for IUYI aettJna hooked on morphln • Then~ WM no cocaine, marljuona or heroin." Metcalfe haa been w ith "M•A•S•H" aincci the The nl'Wl'St und tunnie~l 'Panther' of them nil. ~ ........ , CJt1'11M~I~ Aii~ .......... ''IUffflYtO --NouiPloytnc-- ... PAM cotlA MIU llUIUlllTOll llACil RE" l~ ...... •.~··• Plclllc l Lftolll Om. In UA C1Mtnii ~""'"°' Hwnl"'9'0" vWlfp --• m 4070 ~40 ost4 ar--141 01ae ~81 5880 OllAllM PKtllo; t OoM>O< Omo lfl634 l:ltl OllAllll( l)neoomt 834 2HJ I NO, ...... ACC~'TIO '°" TH16 iiiiiMiiMcHiJ In Six Weeks. you can find memories to last a lifetime. A l ~l\ ~ RD.IA'\£ C>l'M!l ......,..llf\ -.... .,~ ~~111•-~ ChHdr1n'1 Puppet Shew lt'a the .... Oft to make kid• happy at Huntington eetitet wtth the real 8Mta, caroflng and entertain· mtnt. a.. the Mitchell Martotwtt•. 4 lhowt ~. Dec. 18 ttwu 2~. 'M* * t11•111u111111. un:i. wtwn h wu N1CX.t1w vrodut r, llf•y1111ltl w pmduu•1 rad U1•lbart wu t•Jll"t ullv 1tory m 1uuhn11t ln 1076, Uc"4b1u t l h bol·•~ lw thuuaht tht• s1ory wt•ll tu1<l run,drr. H •ynolda I ft thl• rwicl )'l'etr lo •w1 t "Lou Or•nt.' Ovtbort workt•d cm Sid CHHr'a "Show ol S howa" In tht• 19~0. 11nd ('<1·wrote th act •npl•)' for lht' n1•w Ou tin Hoffm n rnovl", ''Tootal .'' Mild In th Hrly da)'11, 11M• A •s•H" reflected hil bro.d funny bon . "It was no point tryln" w <.'UPY Larry," 11ld Met.celfc. "We had ta expand the cna.ractett and aet ~llAQI -[fwalds Soulll Coit.st OneOarnt 011ve 1" 879 900 179 4141 494 tSt4 8342553 ,..., _ _..,.,.,,_, __ ,, ACADEMY MEMBERS: Your cud wlll lldmlt you end • gu.1t to 1ny perfonn1nc• Mond1y thru Thursd1y. LUXURY THEATRES ~~Y!!!!~,!!!~LONE l!I l'lutl Mad Ma• fft) ET. THI:: EXTRA· • • 1£RRE.STRIAL am "·~,p0-,1in\!!. 'PO ' * Oriv•IM Qpen 6:45 W!'fk_.l'lilhts / 6 :30 W ... ench Ch1Jdrt1U..der12 tret U..less Ntted t 1ntu ml rsw1 t4m•I l'l'l•1ton11hl Ill• '""' cit which wt·1 •1111 mnn«lNJ with lht W•r You h•V 111 t1 with your ~t plk h " During th•· Ml't('11lfo rol.in. Maj Mar11mu I lo ullhan CLorrtta Kwit) loo .. moo up and bconme a pt•rt0n, thtt pompoua frank BurnajLarcv Llnvlll > lch tha show and KJln&"r aiot out e>f dra1 and becam<' the> <.'<>mpuny clt·rk "l wae inaecurt•. The: dtt"H woa my m •tal ll<'ke\," Farr said. "But I did want to show l wu an acwr. l didn't argue aaalnat It." Tiii rAllllLt' ClaCtl ''look, Mommy! I cleoned my plate!" . Mi\RMADl:KE by Brad Anderson "Two Is company ... " I GOTTA Do SOMETMIN<i·· H~'s MY ONLY ~/ --- .. Well -. Chrl1tm~1 1•. Ju1t around the ~·". DENNIS THE MENACE Hank Ketchum Ni\NCl' D~AF. SANTA, I'M THE UTTLE ~RL. WMO WROTE To 'l<XJ ASKIN~ FOR '(olJR AUTOGRAPH. WEl...L.., I FORGOT. To MENTION ONE IH\N&. . . rv) • ([B. I t \ . ~.....___---- --. -,_,,...., .... WHEN YOO SEND 'IOOR AVTObRAPH To ME, PLEASE PUT IT oN -- by Ernie Bushmiller -THE HANDLEM~ OF A BRAND-NEW TRICYCLE. . •' .d . . . ~fl •88 NIWI CHAM.WI ANOl1.I Kelly 99'• ~ when IN confl'onta • IOfllt• collet thief. • llQHT • INOUGli o.vld -. out on • ctoee- ~ntry edventure end Tom'a 8'IOtt etory le pub- Wied In • glt1le maoazlne. (P8111) • M"A•t•H H9wkeye t ... tor e bMuU· NI 8wecllerl ~or wftC> Wffl9I a1 IN 40771t1 lo ~ QOrnOlll Mg«y. • HAWAIA flMlo.O A trto of lleylnge OQCUf el • renowned IUrllnO ~. • OV'Eft!.UY OuHI: ector Ooneld O'Corlnoi'.Q ID HUMAATTIU THAOUGH THE AATI "Pelretfog: Vlelone Throvofl IThe;aQ -::::,. Pf/l/ICa. NGHT ** ''The l..,.nd OI The i..-Allne«"' (1MO) Kin- t°" "*91MY, ~ Lloyd. The Lone ~ MO Tonto pur.-tNlr eroll••nemy, II/toll c:-dlh. who ,.... l!ld- NPP8d the ~ of INU.8. 'PG' CD>'THI ~MM!~ TIUVllaOH ''The 09Y9 Of Wine And "-'' Piper IAul1e end Clltt Aoberteon eter .. • huebend end llW4f9 ""'° ,.. Into the pl! of llleohollem. .MOY!! ** "Young And Ffw" (111711) Ettk ~. 1<41th '---"· A youllO Mormon boy,_ meny teete .. ,... lltlt)foacl'IM •dullhood. 'PG' ..... AL.a Ab dllgllleM hetMlf ... miob9t• In 1111 eftoft to get the'*-'•,_ -to 9'lf8 " II-* to Miii. (PW1 2) • OICK CAYITT Gumt: Mlll'9hllll 8rlcl!man. a~Y!AM ~Chllchn'' 1.:: .. tUP OUt to ~ of police comiptlon, Bwney Md '* men mual tall• • .. detec1lng Yolce IWl8lydno 8t tael. ~rl • WOM..D Of'~ ®~orran .JJG~CHNITMAI Atty ,_ Muc>Pete .,. ~'J lntrodYOed In • "-'1· sn wwm1ng ttory 11t1ou1 IN 'l(S I0'4 '*-en ottat mom. end ,_ eon. JP' I ... NIWI • ...,~ ' ~DAV8AGAIN ' blJ MWlon'• naptww n10'IW to l'J Mllwuk• to become •f ,..,..., et Jeffat90ll High. :'~ I ::,.NIMQ °'*" OOOb uP • "°"" In tll• llltollen: Coflnna • tln4MM to l8lpoM a-- -. tlle two 9ufU tty to -""*1811°"'· i :.. 01.W#NlV ,.utley mleundertt•nd• .... "'~Jam lftd QwtNy i.ugt*'O In the an~ 11=~ GMMAZIHI C. Wor1Nllf'On. toww.n Ollramie'• too 1191' -...; • ~ Ml lllC111ped MM ............ INTV~"-·" 9 INT'MTAW•11' ~ llt!t ~W.&MM rOIWmOOUNT'f and of nthn•, ttw .-uwtn1 rahl• audt 1 hu alrRdy ...,. them All theM thlnp dlminJth th tr anrlt'tlwnete to lhe Mtwurkl Ln•'t.'' A 1howed "8uj.JC"rm1111" aft. t It Md been u.Lld by the pty TV chann.11 In Chlcap, h la nol heavur.:-: ... •:-:. ~ !'.1..-:: dntw a 4& rallna on the loca ABC 1tatJon, mMnlnt 4& perunt of ChJc.,0'1 TV home1 were w•t.chl"4J. NationaJly, only 29 pel"t'C'nt of \M TV homee tuned In. . "Five yean aiio, that film would have done a 46 rating nationwide," lllid David Poltrack, CBS' vice president or reaearch. Lut month, ''Kramer w. Kramer" on ABC had a 20.4 rauna ln non-cable homee and a 7.6 rating in pay-cable homes. "TV movlOll a.re more roet effective than major thHlticall," Poltrack added. "They're> a major raouroe for us, a major alternative to series television." A typical TV movle coeta close to $2 million; the price ia, for major theatrlcala la $3 million and more. ln November, a aweepe month when ratlnp estabU.h future advertatnc r1te1, CBS averaged an 18.9 rating, be•tina .econd-place ABC by a relatively wiae l.6 polnta. Lut year, thev tied. gate an Illegal whaling °'* ellon on • troplc:al !eland. 8 9 THRH'I COMPAKY Jeck wllk• up In bed beelda J-t end panlca when he G811'1 remember Iha eyente of the prftlou• aventng.(RIO G LAIVEG'AI ~IALL "Rebel Aound-Up Tourna- ment" • MEWORIFflN Gu•I•: Jimmy Connor•. Dick V11n Pellet\, Hetman and Kia Regualera, l<el Audmen, Jaffrey 0.borne. Or. Mlchelte H.,rleon, 9 MVsmrt "Quiet Ae A Nun" When e nun dlee of ttervallon In • convent •-. tMvleion Interviewer Jemlm• Shor•. • former pup11 at the con- vent, la aaked to ln-tl- Q!.1• (Part 1) Q GI tKNA "Tile Talevlelon Explo- alon" The pu1, pr-• end Mure ol AmatlcM le6eYtelon ere exploracl. (A) Mick ey A omiey and. Dennis Quaid star in the CBS movie, "Bill," at 9:00 tonight on KNXT (2). fibt.t<Me • "Modern Problefne" (111411 Chevy a-, Petti D'Arbenvltte. A Mplea air lrelllc controller wllh numeroue patlOMI P<Ol>- lem• 11 endowed with 1e1e111ne11c; ~· enar being douMd with mic:IMr wute. ·po· TODAY (%)MOYIE * * • * ''A Kid Fo. Two Fwthinge" ( 11156) Diani Oen, c.lia Johneon. A lad Hvlng In the llumt of Lon- don bu)'I • emall QMt ~thatlt'•......,tha ltlnd °' meglc unlCom tNd • lallor once ~ to '*"· 1:aoe tONTHn: F....-.ct:; a ~ --tooll et \..It C9Qa Aux f.ollM; • ~ with • profaMlonal tNlc:flma*er; tiowdlea.n~v ... i e..c.rne ''The v..., ... a 'Miil y 'IUD LAYl!Ntl! ~ IHR-EY I OOt#Nf'f ~ c.lftOI ilCC9C't ,..., mot'*'• 6aath and wll nol vtelt ..... gr ...... • EV£0NLA. F..turect. an lntatvt.w with the euthora of "Uf9 Ext.- lion"; • ,_, wtlO .... Cllfe of 4*11>f111M' "9tl; • IOoll et ttw Onudnga lmproYIMtlonal group: • ~on IN fllt of 11....,_ D MADAME'8 Pt.ACe Medema ettempta to 1-d'I ...., ~ lady neighbor Nlw IO ~ ,.,.,..., In high eoclety. GuMt: celeO- rtty ~or K.viy 8ecM.. • M0A0 8°H UnNqult«I tow. death. danger, duty and tomfoof. .,., malla up • ~ a., 1n .,... .ont11. I (J) TlC TAC DOUGH MACNeL I LEHMA MPOflT • MAGIC Of OL PAINTINQ 0 YOU A8tCED FOR rT FMtured; "~ Ari Bght-Ton Tndl On Few o ....... · and "The KlnG That u...ct 22 Stone. Underground." • OOUJ!GI IAIQT'MlJ. "U.C. IMM ChrletmH T~' (8) INTUINATIOHAI.. l'IGllM 8KA T1HO r:ROM PSONQ Oorolhy Hamln l*fonne end c:o-l!Oet• with Oreg L-" In en .,....tar exhibi- tion f•tunng Jo Jo Star- buc«, Toller Cfenaton and Johll Curry, ....... MMllaut ellater1 hoplne to r..,,..,t CNn• In the '84 ""Wlntat~ <mMOYll • *'4 ''The Border" (1M11 ,.-Nlcholeon, Vlllerte P9mne. A Texu bofdat guard'•~ -Ill oonftk;t wltl'I UloM of ..... comiPt ~Md 1119 ~wtte.'A' • L'*' MAl<D THE ~ u.. naedl • fOOd haect· Ina for...., ..... .,..,. but '* !Int blO 8COoC> ..,. '* In ttouota. l:OO. (I) PROITY ntl INOWMAN Al*netecl. A INlgiclllll11 lltowiplpe .... 11"""°""9 • ...... lllOW ~ ""°'" anollentlint eono-end- cl Hoe men: Jltnm)' Durenl• nanetee. (RI a a '"'™ER MURPHY JOlln trlee to help • lormer guntlghlat and u-convlct rec:onc1te with Ille eon. • MOV1E • • • ''The Shop Around 'The Corner" (19401 J-Sl-811, Margaret Sult .. "'an Two lonely people find MCI\ °"* thrOUQll ,.....,. --•• JOHN .... AH0n9~ KMlftll lfle Froe, .... Plf- 'Jt Md IN,_ ot tfle Mup. pete Jolr) .., .ldw\ 0- .,., lot WI flour of Qwtat. ,.,.. """'° end comedy. (A)O G THRJIMNA90M CHNITMAI weaAl Guwtt Including Cwot Burnett Ind 84..i Anton IC*\ .Jim Nabor9 In ... llc»- ldmy epecllil lfom Hawell. (!) 80AP ~ brtnge '* IOYer, o.t. Donoflue, home end .. C:OlllJOllted ~a-... • P.M.MAGAZH! vi.n • PolN9ftla '*lCh; • ~~man .._ ... ~ed the TV ,,_.. ....... . • MOVll *** "Young' At HMft" ( 11164) F1llf1lt Sinatra, Oor1e Dey. Prob19ne .,.... • ~ ooupte after the man ete6le hie partner'• ftltncee. • MOVA ''The TelrM!on (ltplo- elon" The put, ~· and Mura of AIMtlcan ~.,. axplorao. (A) i M'fliiHT "a.Mt Ae A Nun" Wtlel'I a nun dlae of tlafvetlon In • ~t-.t~ lntaM9wer Jemima Shofe, • format pupll ., the c:on- -1. ta Mked to lnYMtl-s-..= •> Q • ••/\ "For four Eyee Only" (1Ntl Anger Moore, Topot. Jem. Bond tredle • c:ttm1n• whO ~ • top _... Bfttleh ~ device. 'PO' Cl)MOVll * • "Falcon'• Gold" (No Dele) Jotln Marley. LoulM Vlll&nC9, DeeQ In the MeJI). can JUng .. • llft end CS-Ill b•UI• wegH Ollar "' analel'tt OOk*'f lreaeut• with myetertoue ~ .MOVll ***"Thi~ Jun. ole" (11501 ltetlnO Hey- den. J-~.The polloe -.,.-.. by • crlmtnel mlltermtnd'I ~lo4Gllllr robbery. .. .JO 8 a'.) YOGI elAlrt AUATAAOOl9Y CHM'TMAI ~ Mlm...a. YOfl ... eiM loo loo McOfM .... O$Ctl of • mlllM poloe ...,Ch ...... ~·· lonefy ....... "**-'(ogl .. 9Cltullly a.ma c.... (!)~ • .-..... The ,,,.,_, 1111 I M91flon of an lot rewe..,.. '*" wltfl • ._,. of ....... ir c:o OOUl'l.I ,... ................. ........ 0..."'"" .... f'llOl'9Y '°' • --PllY• "*''· (%)MOVIE * * "I Vlt•toni" (1953) Franco lntarlenghl, Albat1o Sorct. •.ao •a noa Mr. Hert"• new cornputat goee on the fritz and Judy and• uP wtthoUt • )Ob. (Al (!)MOYIE • • 'h "Tiie Chrl•tmu TrM" (1 ... ) w-.m .-. den. Vk'na Uel. A weeMy bu9lneMrnan ~ .. of hie affone to IN~ of '* dy6no -· 1=QAUIRV * * "Take All Of ~ .. ( 11171) Alct\ard JoM80ftl Pamal• Vincent. An emtllt\eled concen p111n1et llnda ,..,_., faith In ..... tatenl wtl9l'I ha ambllfU on • r•"°"9tllp wtth • young laultamla vtc1lrn. 'A' 10:00 D 8 IT. IL.MWHIAl TWMI)' end Aalptl try to con'MCe Dr. a.... that they -rMtlt'f for IN OUl• elde world, the IOUfC8 of the rpyttenc-~ .. found. lllld Or. c-o dMle with • -..... own ege wtlo mutt •-• iiec+:~HAAT JorJ•than Ind Jennifer lnveetlgat• • Jlnolegtwn compeny tllet .. beinO uMd to Mt up a ..,... ol Ctlrletmu butglariee. c:;i • THe OHMTMAI llOHGI Hoel Mel Tonne with lee 8'own end ..... BWld °' ~ -'°"'° by Alcll Uttie, 0eoroe ~. M-.., McGowm, ~ tyn Mc:Coo Md My De..ta Jr. tor en -mg of holf.. dey mutical entertainment. (ffi • 800Y IN QUQTION "Si.ight Of Mend" Or. Jonelhan Miiter P11t9 tM 811 of hMllng In • llletoncal contel!t wtth en aumlna- llon of the rov• end otw- lematJc hMlet'I ol the t 11th century. (A) o • 'THI 'MGIHIAN Whan en old otrlfrland of Clay Or11noer peye • aurprlM vlelt to Slllloh, hat •lllY 11 lntarruptM by Wlff· Cl=-DAY IN IDf.H A ~ tl!'nlly t""'9 • 11'1181 town Into • model ,.,_,.uon project. (Pert ;MOYll **"High Country''(1Ntt Tlmot"1 Bottomt, Uncla Putt. An aeollPed oon-Act #Id 1111 MndlCllPl*I glrt- fflend flM to the moun- tllftl. 'PG' 10:tl CC> ICMiMtG "°°"' lO:aO. Mm • W NSTWONC NIWI QDWJIO JUK80X (I)~~'" THI MAOeO 11•f!••Cl)08 . ·M~V-.T Holl: ......, o..~. cau..:TM.1. o.lllMd. e M.1.11 TMI 'NAY "'-llONlfl lellt on • ................. looka Ill• .... Olol1e lftd .,....... _, .. lie OOll!llll ..... fir Clflrllt- ana aoes· tile~ llett - 0v I tht-l'UUl'ltl of a •rv IHIOO, U rlU"I pJtnll In SJrtuw Ume would 1mount to f70 rnUUOn Anionai the network.a, only C eW'Yived without ratJnp drop from New mwr 1981, and 10me croolt belonp to Ill movl . L.ut month, ce! :.~~ ~~ ~.!.."! cl TV movioe, lnc:Judlnc the 11ht0 hour ''Th• BJue and tht Oray." The movtea pull.d In a 19.4 rattna. CBS did 6 ~ hour1 ot theatrical fllml, lncludfn1 ''Private BenjamJn" and a repeat of Clint Eutwood'1 "!:very WhJch Way But Looee," drawtns • 17 .8 rauna. ABC and NBC alto did well with Lheir TV movies; but there weren't eonouch of them. NBC ' did ~ 1A houra, four takcm up by 'i<J'he Executioner'• Sona," and had a 21 .2 ratlna. ABC had four houn of TV fllma for an 18.2 ratina. Becauae of the failure of CBS' terlea "Filthy Rich" and "1\acker'• Wit.ch," "The CBS ~nesday Night Movie" lut month became the network'• third movie niahl, along with Tuesday and Saturday. On the paat four Wednetdaya, CBS had three fine movies: "Memoriet Never Die," "Mt.Ing Children" and "In Love with an Older Woman," a1arring John Ritt.er and ~n Carlson. . TUil TIPPIRI KNXT (2) 8:00 -"Frosty the Snowman." A magician's stovepipe hat transforms a lifeless snow figure into an enchanting song-and-dance man; JimmY, Durante narrates. KNBC (4) 9:00 -"Gavilan." Gavil.an poses as a scuba diving instructor to investigate an illegal whaling operation on a tropical island. I KA.BC (7) 10:00 -"Hart to Hart." Jonathan and Jennifer investiate a jinglegram company that is being used to set up a series of Christmas burglaries. Englend'• aide In the 8oat Ww cleclo. lo tlgfll the &oat guerUtu on IMlt own terme. 'PG' CH)MOW ••.,. "Tape" (111111 0-119 C. Soot1. Timothy Hulton. MIUtery ecl!Ool c.data 11111• O'V9f ltleW lciK>OI 10 pr-t plane to lurn lhe iw:acMmy pr~ Into a condo ~11. ·po· <m M<>YIE "Naughty Schoolglrlt" ( 111761 ~becc• Broolle, Kim Sc:hac:hel. Cl)&IZAAM John Byner lhOW9 you llllnga atrenger than truth. larger than ",.· and unler than anything you'v. --· (%)MOYIE * * ''The Frencll Woman'' ( t981) Franoolee Febian, Oeyte Heddon. A tloto.Mo ~ kaCM °'*' by • 90"" -t 8IA>lldy .. the 1C1M of nuder and poltl. c:8I ~ when e VIP cowtomer le PllOIOQrllPMd at~.'A' 11:30 • Cl) QUINCY Quincy attempla lo deer-. hie wcrtloed by ret~ to Ille medic* pr.C:Cloe. (A) 8 81'"' .. TOf' OANOH Hoat. Johnny Cereon. Ou.te: lee Marvin, 8ucil Hant}. (RI •B MC..we NWIHTUNI • .. ~Of' ... ''Biof9ectbedl'. • 000 COlH'll! Oecar trlM to cure Feb of / ,.... ,_of~ 80 he'*'• COYat • major photograph- ic aulgnmant. • AJl(f Of KlHO HUMAN "The PrOblem Ot (vii" G NILATIMGHT Hott: Dennie Wtloley. l~CW9 ..... "The Border" (1981) Jade Nietloleon, Valeri9 • P9n'tne. """ T-border guwd'• "'eluee come In conlllct wllh lhoN of Ille oorrupt co-wor1ter1 end Ille mat_,....lc wlte. 'A' 12:00 e IHTMT,,....,.., TONIQHT An lni.vtew Wltl'I Lorne a ..... 19 THe I.MT WON> YOU Alf<ID "°" rT FMtured: "Balancing Ari Eight-Ton Trvck On Four GI-" Md "The King Thal UY9d 22 Stone. Underground ... 1= * * * • "Popi" ( tlltt) Alan Min, Alta MOfat\O. A Puerto Rican wldowar ptmne to Mt hte two 110ne .Oriti In the_, In hOpae th•t th9y _... find • tlMt• hOme. ' • LM AMINCAH STYLI "Loo.. Md Tiie Oollet"' I "Love Md The Weighty ~rolllem" .MOYll ** "9lo0d 8-all" C1Mll .John suon. 11"1 YOUf!O. A pelf Of pollol ~ l\eY9 .,...., ... fUll ~ !My lnvettlgtte ..,. --Of ~ beirlO IUd!M Into the Miid, ,_.., 10 M -~··"" ta:aoe at LATI NIGHT WITH ~W>Lll lS $dJ:Jf ~ 09ll'lldlen Kevin ......,._,...., "°"--· • TOM com.a: Uf' OLOll D MOYIE * * * "A Ow\dy ln Aaplc" (1968) L8urenca Htlt'Wy, Miit Fenow. Ari undefccw- ., Sovtet llgttll .. Mllgliecl 10 tllmlnltte an anemy lnM- tretor rll890Mlble for the dMIM of tllrM Brttlell CD':W. "South 01 Monterey" ( 11147) GMbat1 Roland. ·LOVI.~ ITYL.I "L.oli'e And Eel'• Cele" CD>MOYIE "Ardent LOY«•" 12:40 8 (J) MCMIUAH & WtR Mac It left with e l\ott of eutpeOll when Miidred la alledled wNle on Jury dul)' and • fellow juror le mur- ~. (A) 12-M (%) MOW * * ".loeapll Andr-" ( 18771 Ann-Margr91. ,,.. Firth. A young rnen'e flam- ~ --oapat'8 ~ ecendal ~•laid and 9'lllty EnglllfvMn of ttle 1lttl century. 12:IO ct> uov. -• .,. "Big 8ed Mama" ( 11114) Artfjfe Oldtlneon. Wiiiem Stlatnat. A WOfTWI cut• a path of~ end romenc• through Iha ~t oC the 111308. 'A' 1•• MOYIE * "Voy11ge lnte S~" ( 11170) M~bu Kaneko, 8hozabufo Dele. A hen> IWtrlg9 Into action to ,... we T Oii yo frOm Mf'llllt ... tlon by • drettded monetat. • MOYll • *. "Sargeent OMd- hHd" ( 11951 Frenltla Ali'alon, Deborah W~. After • ~ trip, WI Offt. Oat )eoelerdll98 botfl hie Cllf-Md kMt Ille with hie newly acquired ~ • MOYll ***"' "~ POlnt" ( 1~) Sidney Poitier, Bob- by '*"· A prteon peydlle- trtal trlae IO undatstand Ille antl-Senlltlc. enll-blecl! ~tlanl . 9 IHTIMAINMINT TOMCIHT An ~ With Lome ~-®MOYIE * ** "II To 5" (1NO) .i-Fonde. Oolly Pinon. ThrM woftllnQ WOfMn rebtl 9QMwt tNlr ~ gaUOn by a m8le dlaNtlWC bo9L 'PG' 1:20 Cl) MOYll •• "The ..... (No Oet•J A ~ country girt ha gr•t ~ fOt .... In the blgolty. 'A' 1:30 8 8 HIC NIWI OYIJMQHT l:OO 8 (I) CM NIWI NIGHTWATOH Cl) MMIAHT IUO "Rock 'N' Roll Rookie" 1= • • "T"utlllell Oellgtlt" (1174) ~ ...... Mon- ique Van De Vat. A 1°""" 8Qllptor mlNtM • "'°"'*" ..... ~tor 11#1 ~tlle-.'A' . ..,. • •'4 "Cfteaoh And Ciloftt'I HIM ~" (1 .. 1) Ncflerd ~·· ...nn, Thomae ~· .,_ .,...,. ~ ....... '° ............ t,,...,.. • ._,.... IOe orMll'I on the .._.. of lot~'A' t:IO <.C> MOVll . . --°"' CllenMle" Clttttlllitlt Mdrt, ...._. JOHN DARLING "We ha~ • v•ry aood In nlory of muvt ," ukl l'oltrlt'k whc network wlll btoec:tcMl almott 60 TV film• In I "82·83 "W• had prob~m. with Wtdnad.y nJlh& twfor , '° we wl'!re ready wllh movl " .. Kirk and Spock hack together HOLLYWOOD (AP) -William Shatner and Leonard Nlmoy will make their flrlt dramatic appearance together outelde of their roles u Capt. James T. Kirk and Mr. Spock in "Star Trek.'' Nlmoy will be a iiueet on ABC'• "T.J. Hooker," in whlch Shatner 1tar1 aa a police Sgt. Hooker. In a departure, Shatner and Nlmoy will be ant.agonlata. Nlmoy will play a veteran polloe lieutenant who wanl8 to take the law into hi.a own hand.I when hi.a daughter'• accused raplat la freed. It'• Hooker'• job to stop him. Hertle)'. A -* of rnttun- deralmndl"lll ceuNt • IOClal worltar to MitPeci the 5-yew-old dllughtar of e aeparetad GOUt>le le IM vlc:tlm ol c:hlld ebuM 'PG' 2:308 8NEW8 (!) 'AMIL Y AffAlfl 8111, believing 11'• belt, agt... to 181 Aunt Fren tall• the children. • MOW **'~ "Affair Wllh A Slrenger" (t1153) Jean Simmon•. VIC1or Mature. Divorce -m• the only elternellve tor • yourig . couple untH they adopt a clllld. (%)MOVIE • • "Home Mo¥1H" (11180) Keith Gordon, Klfll Qouolaa A yaung film 1111• dent aullere from • badgering IMCl'lar and en eltrec:tlon 10 Ill• brother'• nenoee 'PG' t:46 (I) MOW • • • • "Ollvef" (t 1168 I Ron Moocty, OINet Reed A young orphen I• kid· napped from hit MW llOm4I by 111e old aene. but mM- egee to eac:ape and , .. um to 1119 benelector. 2:60 (8) IHTPNATIOtCAL FIOUM IKATIHO ""°"" PE<lt«i Dorothy HemlN perlorma end oo-no.11 with Gteg L9wi• In an e11-11e1 ••hlbl· llon fMturlng Jo Jo Stfll· bucl!. Toller Craneton end JOlln Curry. u well u ameteur •1tetar1 llOplng 10 repr_,I China in Ille ·94 Winter Olymc>ICe. 1:0011 MOVIE * ·~ "0..ltOy All Pi•nett" ( 111611) Kojlro HC>r'QO, Toro TaltUUk•. An ellen or- tllilN adventage of the morwtat G-•·• one WMll,_ In an attempt to p::r a:ao·=· ••~"The Shout" (1179) Alen 8elU, Su .. nnah Y Ottl A dleturbed man confined 10 en 1nat1tutlon ~ 119 can malo• • "dMlh ll'IOut." • M)UN:I that wll 11111 'A' 4.'00 (!) TOP O' THE MOANN) ct>MOVll! * * '-' "For YOIM (Y98 Only" (11141) Roger Moore, TopOI. J.,,_ 8ond tredc• a crimlnal ""'° purtolned • top ~ 811081'1 defMM deollce. 'PG' cm MOYIE ...... ''The &order" (11181) Jec:ti Nlcfloleon. Velerle Pemne. A T••• border guwd'• vllluN come In conlllc:t wt111 thOM ol 1111 corrupt co-work.,. and hi• mt1tertalletlc: wife 'A' (%)MOYIE * • ''Chenet Solllatre" ( 11111) Marie-Francie Pl*, Rutger Heuer. Tile r-end~ •""CIOIM ol Pllflt fllllhlon ~ COco Ctianel'• aerty ~.,.detailed 'R' 4:18. MOYIE • • """maelted" ( 1941) Robert Aoc*well. .,,.,.,. Fuller. Tlla publlc It •tunned wtlel'I Ille 1"'8 ldentlt)' of a pfWltOm k .. le uttlmaWy re¥Mted .. that of • ptOmlnent pat· eon. 4:20<H)MOVIE * "Modern Problem•" (1981) a-ya-. Patti D'Arban._. A ~ alt trelflc controller with numerous l*IOMI prob- ..,,,. II endowed with t..-1ne11e po-. •ltet being OouMd wtlh nuctMI' wMte.'PO' 4:30 (!) IUu.WINKLI W~d•~•4••'• D••""'~ ,,. • .,an t:OO •• * "Honor Guetd" (No 0..) Aod Steiger. A paolfl9I lll4'IO dtMnt the Amrt Md~ to c... Ida~ IN t*"'4 ol "" ••·Malht -veent end .... twnllflO buddl9a. .... e:oo cm • • *,. "Cltlmn teen•" ( 1t41) Orton w.ee. ~ Cotten. ~· reotl IN .. of • ...nfly, ~ _, ••tr~tly -~· gent FA~~ ... rwportar ...,.,.... tor ... ....... °' 1lle rNn'•~llllWMI • Cl)••··~ Mounteln" (1191) SUm Plelt-. Mertl Miiier. A rOUQll and tough cowboy dellYer• • ~ of love and Ille Cllrlelmaa aplrtt In theOldW .. 1 CZ) •• "Joeeph An<lr_." ( 11117) Afln.J,ter-gr... Peter Firth. A young man·a namboyent rom.an- llc capera c:auaa ec:anc1a1 emong ataid and atulfy Enalfetunet1 of the t81h c;eotury. 7• (!) • • "CMatmu In Connec:llcul" ( tll45) Bt11· bare 81tnwyclt, Dennie Morgen A newepeper column111 I• lnatrUC1ed by lier boN to hev. • war hero u hat 1am11y·1 ~· IOt CMatmu dinner. 0 • • • "Nutcrec:ket Fantaey" (111111) Anlmeted Volcet of MleheQe lee end Ollrlllopflar LM . A glr1'a io... end c:ourege .,. t•t- ed during lier many ~ 1ur.. white ettemptlng to help • hand9otna eddler under IN apell of e ""'°" heeded~ ·o· 1:30 (I) * • "Silence Of TM North" (l~llan But .. tyn, Tom&erri~ll19, • young .omen'• mertlage 10 • trepper !Md• tw to• .,. of llardel'llp In the wjj.. darnMe of nor1l1ert1 Cane· da.'PG' I• CC) * * * "Tl)e Oel1'1erln9" (11761 Ed Aaner, Meur .... StaptetOfl. Longtime dlvl- elontl among mambart of the lemlly of a dying man coma OUI In the 04)et1 whar'f 1111 gtown ottaprlng gather tor a nnei lemtty reunion. ®** "OhH .. venly Dog" (19801 a-y Ct\aM, Benji. Wlllla ln-tlg•Ung • polltlc;ll ... ec:andal In LonOon, a prtvate deil«>- IM la murdered and rM- carneted ... ecrulfy doQ. 'PG' cm * * * "Stir Cray" ( 1MO) Alc:tl.-d Pryor. Gene Wiider Two men •• mi.. tlMn tor benll robbere and .... t to ........ a 11 (%) • • ''The 0ang Tha1 Coullin't Shoot Straight" ( tt1t) Jarr( Ortlecll. Leigh Teylot-Youno Two bum- bllng ltall8'I "femllae" In lrOOlllyn ~ IMoMd In ltrMt -.. 'PG' 1:.10 • • * * ~ ''WoodStOdl" ( 11170) Doeumentary. Many of the top l'l'MllC8I groupt of the let• ·eo. perform at the ,_ rod! concar1 held In BetMI. New Yortc. In 1118.'A' 9:00 . ·~ "Hle8utl«'1 Si.tar" (t943) 0--Our· bin, Pel O'erten. A man talta In lo"8 with lllt houee- mald. 1:30 •• ·~ "LaMle Come Home" (111431 Roddy Mr.Dowell. Edmund Owet1n. Sold b)' 1111 poor OWllarS, • oollle ,,...,... tOOO mll9I to ftnd l'*" ' 10:00 (!f; *:"Home From TM Hiit" (1980) Robert Mttc:hum, G9orge Pep- Pll'd. A mat1'• lllagltimat. eonM-lllellfe. CH> ••• "They All \..ltughacl" ( 1ff" All!Jrwlt Heptlum, ..., 0-a. Thr• New Yorti ~ become lmlol¥acl In ---romantic ttmcne white 1recl!lng their cllent•' "'""1--.'PG' cm • • • 11. "Alea. s-- Alloa" ( 11178) Unda .. -. Peute Sheppwd. Membere of en ttallan-Amerlcan lemllY .,. lllctlmlZ*I by • peydlotlc ITIYl'dar9r In tf*r mld•t. 'A' (I) * * * "lndlllll L0\19 Call" (11136) JMnnette MmcOon.icl, ~eon Eddy. An oper• elngar f... In love wlUI Iha mounted pollcemen who IPPfetlllldl ...., fugltlllle brotMr. (%) • . 'Modatfl Ptobilienle'' ( 1N 1) CMYy CNM, Patti D'~A~· lr•lllc controller wltll numer-, Pll"IOMI probe • lam• .. ~ llW!th '91e111Ntic ~ ..... belllo dolie9d .. nuci.er ..... 'PO' 11:ao••• ... ~. (1M11 ~ lottolM. ~ "-t. NI .._.. ~and-...... c:.-~ ...... IN lftOllrlt8ln&. 'PO' 1t:00• ••• "A.,.._,_ .. (1141) ~ laott, """ ~ ._li_.OMMNN NM--..... ,..,. ....... -..-.. ---·--"'+--0... .......... .. .... .,,., ...... . ---li.&:• w.--t--:-i~t~ .. ~ ............. ............... . ......... ;: .. f7:9'"""*•1_-... I Lflt • DI'.,. ....... --.,...,. .... ._. . A real kick The final day of A YSO Region 213 (North Irvine) lured nearly f,500 people to Irvine High Saturday for five championship games and the awarding of some 500 trophies to the young ' participants. (Top, left) Blue Shark members Steve C.Ompton (left) and Brian C.Olbum examine their Division 6 runner-up trophy, while (above, right) memben of · the LeprechaUll9 stand tall alte~ winning the girls' Diviaion 6 aoceer · title. The A YSO playen received plenty of ovations from the large crowd ( le~t) . Garvey, .SD talks UCI hits another bump in the road This time, it's at Reno where nteaters fall 81-67 to Ragin' Cajuns critical SAN DIEGO (AP) Negotiations between free agent first baseman Steve Garvey and San Diego Padres Preaident Ballard Smith have reached the "critical" stage, 1ays Jerry Kai-teln. the player's .,ent. . Kapatein met with Padres President Ballard Smith Monday night amid indlcadona the two partie1 were near agreement after w eeks of protracted negotiations. "We're makln& 1ome real progreu, but there are thinp that won't get done tonight," Smith said late Monday. Said~: ''We've COWftd li&nlficant O"OUnd and m.-de real ~·" X.pstein added that e~tl a decilion "by the cloee of bu.t.naa'' today. ,; Meanwhile, it w• leraned that the San Fr~ Gianta have altered their contraei offer for the 9eCOlld Ume ln three daya ln a final attempt to land Garvey, who tume 34 Wednelday. • The thlrd Natlona1 ·Lea1ue temn trytnc to ...... Oarwy, the aum.> cum. a.. atandlnl firm and fiave not chanaed their oontnct propoeal, acCorclin, to x.,.teln. Spedal co u.e Daily Pilot RENO -Sbcr1ly after the UC Irvine buketbell team dropped ita firat contest of the year Saturday night to hoet Idaho, Anteater Coach Bill Mulligan tried to take a pbiloaophical apnroacll to the defeat. '1t-;;_ good foe ua to travel this far .na play a rOlld game," Mulllpn noted following Idabo'1 84-73 victory. "Hopefully, we've learned aomething from it." But after Monday nJght'1 81-67 aetback to highly-re1arded Southwestern Loul8lana in the flrat round of the Wolfpack Cla11ic here, the Aoteateu lhowed they apparently haven't i.e.n.d fut enoU8h. "These 1\1YI have played .even PD* now. 'Ibey ~ be able~ anywhere,'' MuWpn a.herward. The Ante.ten will be out to 1nap their two-1ame 101in1 a1rMk t.omcbt (7) in the be"' for tb1rd pl8Ce .,.in.t Gclnu&L ".fo Clo that, they'll have to cut down on the mlttaket (the Anteatera committed 22 turnovers apinlt the a.,tn' Cajunl) and play " little more ....-w belk.etbell. -far -~Wllpb ill COlamed. "We had an awful time cat.chin« the ball and meldNr layus-, Mull!lan explained: .. We had nO' tntenatty. Thi• looked like it could haW been a X..-. ii repdrt.edlJ ~ 'llOOCI alibt to II' ~ a ftw-,_, •. M-mlWon contract fotWna ~ ,.._., ....,.. tar ~. ~ th.Ne dUba AN all that In--eltMr." Wltwd to have made offen ln Stm. ta. 8111n' ea,_ ~ ~ ol'N iudUoft, . _ well enoulh to ,.....,. Omwy .......... bj nld9 ____ ..vetba Wltbaut ..... tn b ... hau•• re-entry draft, .as move lbtt ell-r HD beealDf a hW ~t a,ter II aplMt lfnada ~ wttb tit• er.ti···--~~=~~~~· iiJiClil. reportediiit"Ciltii OYtbwfftern OU~= rL 10 _·.maan 4Wm' ,_. ~ tnned 11·37 '"th 48 rema.lnlnc in the first half, but two quick baaketa in an 11-aecond 1pan put the Ragin' Cajune on top 41-38 at intenn1aaion. They came out quickly in the final 20 minutes, took a 45-38 advantage and n ever let the Anteai.n get cloeer than five poinh (51-46 with 14 :41 remainlng). Junior forward Dion Brown and guard Roy McGrew each acored 14 points, while three other Ragin' Cajuns 8COred in double figures. UC Irvine received 16 points from Ben McDonald. while Tod Murphy finiahed the night with 13 and Troy Carmon chipped ln 10. "They're a team that'• on par with Idaho," admitted Mullipn of Southweatern Loulaiana. ''They're well-coeched and they have great athletes. Their pr-em did bother U1 in the start of the KCOnil half .•• Southwe,tern Loulliana, coming off a champiomhlp ln its own Bayou Claaic, committed just 11 tumoven Oil the evening. The Ragin' Cajune defeated F.Mtem Carolina and New Mek:o State to win the Bayou title and have alto recorded a 97-84 dedlion over PCAA member UC Santa Barbera. Monday night, Southwestern Louisiana shot 50 percent (33 of 66) while the Anteaten hit on .f8 percent o1 their shots from the floor (28 of 68). The Racin' Cajune held juniot guard George Tumer to jult nine point•, While Jud Beardaley added eigh\ for the Ant.eaten.. Still, no one did anythlnc Jo lmprem _Mulligan. "We had no one play well and aeveral who played quite bid.'' the UCI coach lamented. Ile didn't go into detana; however. Vengeful Chargers set some records Slow burn from Ice Bowl ends in high-scoring, emotional game ' SAN DIEGO (AP) -Quarterback Dan Fouts eaya the San Dieao Chargera 1pent the last 11 rponthe doU'8 a a.low bum after a bitter 1-tb Cindnnatf in the .. Ice Bowl." ''Tbia w. a very emotional pine. We came ln with ~ on our mind,'' Fouts said after the Char1•11 1tormed paat Cincinnati 60·34 Monday night in a .reoord·breaktna ~. Three NJ'L mark1 -lncludin1 883 pelll.nc 1udl -and le'Yeft team recorda fell dUJ'inl the onalaU1bt that produced 1,102 total yarc:tt in offerwe. COl'llider IOl'ne of the nutnben: -J'outa, with 436 yarda throuih the air, became the fint NFL quarterb9ck' to s- f« more \Mn 400 Judi tn 1WO ~tive .... -The 66 ~pltttlona b_y both teamt bettllred by one the rtC*'d San Dileo and San J'randlco Mt 10 da'9. tn a 41-37 lhootou! ~ ~ the ~ - .-San D1e10 wide recelver We1 Cb&Mler broke t.aMe Alwonh'• club naard wtth teO ~ ln ,....,..... and I ...... a.Ir J-lroalm ..... thrw ~and ........ hAj ftl'l& 100-,.,S Nlhlnl .,. • 43-yard field pl with no time remaln1nc to trim the Benpl lead to aeven pomta. ''That WU a bic Ult," aid Jl'outa. But th• bigeat lift came when the Cbarpn erupillid fOC' lS points ln the tint (See CllAJ\GERS, P ... Cl) Playing decision due - Walton check overdue ,. •Unser reconsiders; ··say$ he's retiring i i . P'nmAPdlsNteMI JACKSON, Mich. -Bobby • c.: UnHr, three-Ume winner of the Indlanapoll1 ~00, announced hla b retlrement from Indy car compeCldon Monday. "Thia wu the hardest declaJon I've ever made.'• Aid Urwer, who recently had announced "' h1a intention '° return to ractna in 1983 with the ,, b tr Patrick Racina Team. "I WU real excited about driving for my aood friends. team owner Pat Patrick and team ~ Jom McGee," he said. ' However, laa\ Wednesday. Dec. 16, my entire family and aome of my closest friends came to me and uked me to recontider. 'f\le substance of what they said """" was. that after all I had accomplished, why continue with so little to gain and 90 much '° loee. "For the flrst time, I realized that I had been !I· thinking only of Bobby Unser and perhaps it wu 11 time to think about my family. For the first time in 36 years of racing, I agreed to let my family ' decide." 1 Unser. who will be 49 in February. won at 11 Indy in 1968, 1976 and 1981. The last victory was 1 controversial. At first, he was penalized for ~ illegally passing several cars. aJ¥i Mario Andretti was declared the winner of the race. But that ,1 decision later was reversed by a U.S. Auto Club .,. appeals panel. . , "I know there are many fans who would ' like to see me continue driving, but no career can go on forever," he said. I I b---------------------------------T Quote of the day Skip Caray, Atlanta Hawks broadcaster, on Utah Jazz center Danny Schayes. aon of basketball .Hall of Jl'amer Dol~ Schayes: "He looka a lot like, hia. _! father, but he plays more like his mother." tfhere's no time for overtime I, MILWAUKEE -The Gree n [i] y Packen miaaed a field goal which • • ~uld have won Sunday's National • · i!. ootball League game against the ~~lts in Bal~imore Sunday. Their fans . in t!iWi8conain and Upper Michigan miaed even ing the kick. . iDstead television viewers from lA Crome to a.rquetie, Mich .• were give.n the thrilb of a ~real ·commercial, a plua plua and a CBS ~ tion. Network authorities in New Yol'k. insisted kick by Jan Stenerud in overtime was on ra, but that it had been switched out in ~by Midwestem Relay Co. which was ;JUmOllDg the regional feed to Marquette. La 'fr<M!e• Milwaukee, Wausau and Green Bay. ~ Officials blamed the problem on the fact jthat Stenerud'a attempted field goal came after ~regulation time had expired. The game ended in !e 20-20 tie. FL stBndings Long season? These two "fans" won't be sorry to see the-Rams close out the home season Sunday against the Chicago Bears. Bruins have a Field ( s) day Ramsey named athlete of year NIW YORK (AP) -Oruok1 Roblnaun, emooth·~nc thJrd bMtman few the a.Jumcn QD*9, a U.1 ol 21 new candidac. for &he of .l'JLn» ADDMJ'lna c:mJaallota ~ IQ WICl'Jll\ 1Mfhb91'1 or the BMebeU Wrtten A..oc.UUOft Of Amtrk .. Monday. The ballot contah" 48 namea, 23 ot them holdovert. That voup lncludN plt.ch•r• Juan Marlchal, Hoyt Wilhelm, Don DrYldai. and fll'lt buemen Harmon K1Uebl"ew and au Hod ... All came cloee lo elect.lcn last year when Hll\k Aaron and J'rank Robln1on. both flrat-year candldac., were el«ted To p1n election, candidates mutt receive votes from 76 percent of the bellots retumed by 10-year memben of the BBW AA. The candidates: • Dldt Allen, Lula Aperido, Jim Bunnl.na, Lew Burdette, Orlando Cepeda, Mlke Cuellar, Larry Dierker, Pat Dot.on, Al Downing, Don Dryadale, Elroy Face, Nel10n Fox, Dave GhutJ, Tommy If.elms, Gil ffodaa, Joe HOemer, m.tori Howard, Randy Hundley, Harmon Killebrew, Harvey Kuenn, Don Lanen, Juan Marichal. Roeer Maria, Carlo. May, Bill Mueroeki, Ken McMullen, Bill Melton, Felix Millan, Thurman Mun.aon Gary Nolan, Tony Oliva, Jlm Perry, Vada ~ Boot Powell, Doug Rader, Brooka Roblnaon, Cookie Rojas, Ray Sadecld, Red Schoendien.1t, Diego SelUi Bifl. Sfnger. Toe Torre, HoyT Wilhelm. JfH.y Williama, Maury WW. and Jimmy Wynn. Basketball scores Junior forward Kenny Fleld1 m Quarterback Tom Ramsey, who [i] c:r ._. equaled his career high with 27 point.a guided the Bruins to a 9-1-1 season 4. • Long 8-:h st. ee . .._Mulero ~~Nvcr,-eer:.u. S3 to lead third-ranked UCLA to an and a date with Michigan ln the Roee H George Me.on 71, Brooklyn 82-68 colleaie buketball vlciory over . Bowl New Year's Day. has been ~ 13. Colorado St. 11 Cell. 40 Louisiana State Monday night. The Bruins, 7-0, named Southern California Athlete of the Year St.~.:;. .. ~~~':...-st. 11 T=:.::9 were aluggiah in the early gotna but charged-" by the First Interstate Bank Athletic Foundation Ce1 Poty SLO 13, Senta Fe 52 ... ,.... c.... ahead at tne outlet of the 8eCOnd ~ and never Board. ArtzOlle 11~ S3 ::= :~· ~ e'l loet the lead. Darm Daye added 13 point.a for Televl8· a·on, rada·o Bo1M st. e.. IE. w..ninaton 15 ~ C.-. the Brulna . . . Junior guard Joe4y Oardaer ldeho 17. Mldweetem, 'f•. 58 Loulelane Teeh 12, Jemu acored 28 points and lvu Ve~t came oft the Following are the top sports events on TV KanMt ee~at. 12 ~.~k. F*le6gh Olcklnton bench to score 26 to pece Long Beach State to a tonight. Ratings are: .,.... "'V' v excellent; .,.... V'.,.... Butter 48, s. •.·Edwwdt\111140 eo 98-95 non-conference vict.ocy over New Mexico worth watching; V' V' fair: V' forget It. Detroit 11• 0renc1v,,.,,8t. 52 T ........ ._a.. at the Loni Beacn Aftna. The 49en, now 5-2, (j) ~1~~~:: <i:Ar-w-St. 71 · ~ 70 had a 97-90 lead wtth 16 second• remaining 9 p.m., CballDel 9 V V V Putdue "· ~ 11 tOledo 12. vennom 65 bef N M xico led ff fi T--St. 51, SW ""-'ur1 ...... ore ew e ree o ve straight_polnts COLLEGE BASKETBALL: Long Island at 44 COUA• in the clo8i.ng leCOncU ..• Forward Joluuay Brol'a Nevada-Las Vegas. Wlecontln 68, N. mlr10lt 55 UC.,..... T--··· llOOred a game-high 21 points and .,....bbed 10 •-no••n-r: Chick Heam. T • n n • • • • • T •ch 7 e , tt' 'Lt n .. bo ds, and p t M .,. I e--All • ..... Youngetown s1. 74 San Jo•• sf. ea ce1 St re un orres caen1 e hit a pair of Long lsl~d haa a big order to fill since "'-Sound 42. s. O.ote et. Fullrton M • , . free throws with aeven seconds remaining as Coach Jerry Tar'---•--•a Runrun' , Re'--ls are "-O 4t HoUllon 71, UC tn.tne 55 Loyola Marymount took 63 al .,a__,,., MUIUUl uo: " Netlruka 83, Mo. w-.n 43 C RI 1hW1n It n Illa -a -v ~on over on the young aeaaon and ranked 17th ln The ~ 14. Mgtto St. 51 MontlM 8t. to, P.:Me 14 Colorado State. Senior guard Gres Goorjlan Aasoctated Presa Top 20 poll, ._. Ul#I •. uc ..,... ..,.,... so scored 19 points for the Lions in hia 9eCOnd game OTHER TELEVISION ~ 11• T ..... aouu.n 51 • ....,. T-• since tranat-..i--from N ·-.:1-T --v AJe.:Blrmlngharn ... St. L°'* c-t ......, "" ... "~ ev-.. ........ egu. Women's Basketball -UC Irvine Christmas 47,._.__.11 • _.........._ ,...,.. ct s' t\ t n ' 7 30 Channel 6 T --·--• , ...._,.......,. 82 UIC 93, WevtMd...,... 79 Jazz tops Kansas City in OT tournament, : p.m.. 5 · aped. A1cMr 14. Cl'9dll 11e <cAI .-.. n , ldlN> a Basketball -New Mexico at Long Beach E. r-St. 11. Radtofd Jeff Wtlkln1 acored 35 points, m State, 9:30 p.m., Channel lMJ. Taped. 11 Mercer 83, N.C.41-ltt>Olo 52 cii: ~ant including six in overtime Monday RADIO / South Florlde 71, ,..,,, St. 70 ea 11t1• 1 r ........ night as the Utah Jau nipped Kama.a Basket~ UC In.:ne vs. Goruaga ln Wolf ~7~:.t8 ~ :::; 't:!°U::O-o:::L34 O ty 119-117 in the lone NBA game of Pack Claaaic in Reno, 7 p.m .• KWVE (108 FM); sue TUllM 42. c,p.. aa the e¥en.i.nl ... In the only Nlll.. game of the Cal State FUllerton at Portland University, 7:30 w-. '°'r..::e:-'° u.g 40, ~.,.:.. nlght, Man Pavellcll. Mae AllJHa and Rob p.m., KWRM (1370). Otllftolne °'Y 15, HW ...._, ,.... 53. ~ Bwfl 15 McClaaallaa JCOred ~oals in the tint 4:39, Hockey -WinnJ~a at K.ino. 7:20 p.m ., M .._,.,... 44, ...,... aa KPRZ (1150) IMU 80, loultl •••n. T-. IO Edllofl 54 Fooe.4' propelling tbe New ork Rangers to a 8-3 rr=====· =============~~T•~-~~e:,.,_.,~~P~·~A~ ..... ~M~-~~~~~~· 52,~0~oe.~u~V...~4~5~ vic_tory over Pittsburgh ... Pitcher Jerry K1q 11 ls joininf,.':; Oakland A'• u part of the earlier Carney ford for Toay Arma• deal with the Boston Red Sox . . . An emergency Nevada boxing rule providing for a mandatory ~ight count -developed after the death of South Korean fischter 00 KM Kim -wu llgned by Gov. Bob Ll1t . . . The Atlanta Braves have signed free aient pitcher Pete Falcone, formerlv with the New York Mets. ERICAN CONFERENCE NATIONAL CONFERENCE OOUBLE HOUDAY SPECIAL W L T Pct. PF PA 6 1 0 .857 192 156 5 2 0 .714 173 140 5 2 0 .714 137 114 5 2 0 .714 190 115 5 2 0 .714 210 154 4 3 0 .571 121 97 4 3 0 .571 99 101 4 3 0 .571 130 111 3 4 0 .429 99 131 3 4 0 .429 104 112 ver 2 5 0 .286 127 186 ....._.._.. City 2 5 0 .286 126 145 1 6 0 .143 95 190 0 6 1 .077 80 158 W L T Pei. PF PA Dallas 6 1 0 .857 179 90 Washington 6 1 0 .857 l " 118 Atlanta 5 2 0 .714 170 126 Green Bay 4 2 l .643 164 135 Minnellota 4 3 0 .571 142 129 St. Louia 4 3 0 .571 111 121 Detroit 3 4 0 .429 133 129 New Orleana3 4 0 .429 84 127 NY Gianta 3 4 0 .429 117 112 Tampa Bay 3 4 0 .429 109 134 Chicago 2 5 0 .286 84 122 Philadelphia 2 5 0 .286 143 149 San Fran. 2 5 0 .286 163 172 Ramt 1 6 0 .143 153 196 NOTE: The top eight teams in each conference will qualify for the playoffs. 2626 H•bor ltvd., C01ta M••• 141>-INO ~·TED OffDt I '10.15% A.P.R. FNNCIC AVM.A81.£ ouu 01912'• "1111'1 ..... JOHNSON &SON presents ... NFL ,. .......... .. Sun., Dec. 26 Rams ovec Ch lea go * Son Francisco over Kanaot City * San Diego over laltimor• * 1..-Angeln I aiders GET 2 YEARS4 FOR _,_ . PLUS Y20ff ~re ringing in the season at Holiday Spa Health Oub. And in keeping with the holiday spirit were pre- senting you with the chance to enjoy all our facil- ities and programs. Call or visit now and get 2 ~IS for the price of 1 plus 112 off your annual renewal dues. Celebrate the season at Holiday Spa Health Oub. Stop by for a free guest touc HafJP'I Holidays from all of us. Most~, .Spit HNldl Oum.,. ~..::.~:=;,,.. =-.,. Mlcom9. ,....,,....,......,.,,,,.... llltd ---.._.. .... ,. .......... ,, '1 y to tourney fin al To NY forward Val Ptnn•r overall r&•curd 'n tf·U. In lh~ hid ~!"ti'° do with th4t fen p~. &h Vllunp r"* It an the Mll1~ _,. t.am will 1t1.or1n County champ onahlp 1lln fol u. a.'*"11HP ot the mnm tn .-ioumanwnt 1111t.aaHY _flloUth TN•...,. ~tr "'--'-.._._,., ~:' anuth Ra~..at.e& a n uQdtntattmtnt to put It ~ama. u,hUy. In the Vtk.lnp' opoMr, It took Penn r, juat a aophomore, •hutout aoallendlna frum acored what turned out to be the Jerry Babic an~ Penner'• penalty decldln1 penalty klcka In kick to aend the Marina lnto the vktories over both Damien and semifinals. La Quinta. and added the only Penner then brouaht the Yikes regulation 1oal in the Vikings' back from a 1-0 dellcit with a two aamea Monday, , goal with about 10 minutet A. a result, Marina will \angle remalnlng in their aame with La with Canyon Hlah tonight at 7 at Quinta. Again, It waa hl1 penalty South Torrance High with the kick In overtime to give Marina tournament championship on the the victory. line. Canyon vaulted into the In other tournament action at championship game by knocking Sou th Torrance, Ocean View off Ocean View, 2-1, and then auffered throu1h everything topping Palos Verdes on penalty from traffic which delayed the kicks. start of the Seahawka' 9 a.m. Commuter traffic delayed game to fog, and a1 a result, Ocean View's arrival for the dropped its first two games of the Seahawks' first game againat 9Nae>n. Canyon. In fact, Ocean View With 1-0 and 2-1 victories Coach Paul Kollar had to field a Monday, Marina improved its makeshift lineup aince some of ' # his key players were still missing. Citrus hos ts OCC tonight Both Orange Coast College,and Saddleback Colleg«: squeeze in oon -conference basketball contests this week before Christmas arrives. Coach Tandy Gillis' Pirates have a date with Citrus on the Owls' court tonight at 7:30, while Coach Bill Brummel's Gauchos w ill host Santa Ana on • Wednesday night. OCC, 5-5, split a pair of non- conference games last week, defeating Palomar, 74-65 before falling to a much-improved LA Southwest 1quad, 69-55. As for lhe fog: "I never dld see any of the goals. The fog was so bad." Kollar admitted. "Still, Canyon was ready for us and came out to play." Reid Thibodeau got the Seahawk.s' on1y goal of the day in the setback to Canyon. Culver City then eliminated Ocean View with a 1-0 victory. Huntington Beach split its two games in the 11ame tourney , nipping West Torrance , 2-1 before falling to Upland, 1-0. Meanwhile, at the North Orange County Classic at Fullerton High, Fountain Valley was blanked by Mater Dei 2-0 in a first-round game. It was the Barons' first defeat of the season agains t five victories. Wi th the pur chase of a u .. d Car, Truc k 'or Van thia Fr i ., Sat ., Sun . or MOn . Choo•• frO. our $500,000 Inventory. All ••le prlc~d fo r i.....,i•t• d!apoaal. FICTITIOUS.,._.. FICTITIOUS.,._ •• NAm STATPmJff NAm STA~ The following .,.,_ we doing The followlng ~ -doing ~-~-IA) TOWN REALTY. (8) TOWN FINANCIAL SERVICES. 171 MORTGAGE, 10221 Slater Ave .. S outh Anlt• Drive, Suite 103, #209. Fount.in Vl/lwt. CA 12708. Orange, CA 92e&e. . Town Corpot1tlon, e Cellfomil SHCOHI Fln1ncl1I. 171 S. c:orpotlllon, F04Jnt1ln V .. ley. CA Anltl Orllle. Suit• 103, Orange. CA 92708. 92Ma. This ~ II conducted by 1 Tiiie bullneu Is conducted by 11rt corporetlon. Individual. Town Corpo<•tlon Seecout Flnenclll Eunhey Chough John W. Chodlk I PrelkMnl Preeldent This ltatement WU flied with the This alltement w .. filed wllfl lM County Cler1I of Orenge County on County Cieri! of Orange County on o.c. 3. 1982. 0ec e. 1982. ....n f20l799 Publl•h•d Or•ng• CoHt Delly Publl•hed Orange Coast Delly Piiot. Dec. 7, 14, 2f. 28, 1982 Piiot. Dec. 7. 14, 21. 28, 1982 6371-82 6371-&2 Breiit 'Ragon ~ a life with Red Cross CPR. C-ouldyou? rifteen-year-<>ld Brent Ragon had no tdea how soon be'd be USIIl<J CPR to save someone's life when he com· pleted hls Red Cross trairun9 at a Youth Safety Seminar. But, wtule Brent was ndmo the tram home from that seminm a man col.lapsed two rows behind hLm. "He wasn't breathing, and I couldn't find a pulse:• Brent recalls. "I wasn't scared. I didn't have ume to be scared. l lcnew what to do and I did 1t" If you were an Brent's place. would you know what to do? We'll teach you )OU'I us. CHARGERS .. From Page C1 five minul.el of the third quarter An 82-yard drive. capped by Chuck Muncie'• I-yard run, Ued the game at 24-24. Twenty two aeconda later, defenalve end Oaey "Big Hands" Johnaon 11cked Cinc innati quarterback Ken Anderson for a ufety. Twelve seoonds later, Foui. hit Chandler on a 38-yard 1COrlng play, increaalng the lead to 33-24. "It there was a turning point in the fame, it was probably lhe safety,' said Gregg. Brooks, who finished with 105 yards on 12 carrlee, had TD runs covering 17. 48 and one yard. Anderson. who had 257 yards passing at halftime on 27 of 35 attempts, ended up with 416 yards on 40 of 56 attempta. S tastny side lined QUEBEC (AP) -Peter Stastny, the Quebec Nordiques' high-scoring center, will be lost to lhe National Hockey League club for at least two weeks because of a knee injury, a team spokesman sald Monday. The Nordiques, who dropped s uccessi ve games to Buffalo Sabres last weekend, will be without Stastny for the next five games, including one against the New York Islanders tonight and two a gainst the Montreal Canadiens this week. a hawk ldlaon Ht1h '"'" '" 1t1h&·~ unbol.9n 1tr11k on tht lfne tonl1ftl (8:IO) •l•lnat W t.mJ111wr, wh4m the two '8nW 1quare olfln the third round of &he Cypr .. women'• bulce&balJ toutyWMnl. Both ieama "°'1ll.nU.cf th.fr dnve towa U\ to\lnwnent champMJN.hip with vk:1orite Monday, but It WU a dlft.Nnt a10ry few Hunc.lncton Bllch, Marina and Oc.wt.n View which came up loltn. And in a non·i.a,u. 1ame. J'ountaln' Valley came up two Polnta 1hort to lnvadlna Chino. Here'• what took pi.at: Edlaoa H , Foot~ll U COllCh Dave White'• Charaera are one victory away from a champlonahlp ahowdown with either Fa.lrf.ax or Lakewood after they rode 16 polnts by Gretchen Meinhardt to a champlonahlp bracket triumph over Foothill. ''We did IOme ttal good puslng tonJaht and cut down on the tumovera.'' W hite aatd after the conte1t. "We juat played very conai1tent ball ~n received 14 points from Shelly Trepl and 11 from Janet Bittner. Trepl and Kori Gendron led their team in reboundl with 11 apiece. Wettmluter 4', Martu H Diane Wat80n ICOl'ed eight of her team-high 16 pointa in the fourth quarter aa the Lions continue their dramatic turnaround from last year'a dlsmal 2-19 aeuon. Weetminst.er, now 5-1 on the season, out.scored the Vikino 18-6 ln the final quarter to turn things around. 'fhe Liom also uaed aix polnta by Gail G uthrie in the final period to hold off the Vikings. Senior Sandy Corbett had 12 points for the Vikings, who fell to 5-4 on the season. Marina will face Foothill thiJI evening at 5 in the fifth-place semifinals. Lakewood 5%, Ocean View 45 Lakewood out.8cored the Seahawks 17-2 in the third quarter which tells the story of this contest. Marina, Capo Valley m eet Marina High's Vikings are on the road tonight against South Coast League power Capistrano Valley in non-league basketbaD, beginning at 7:30 at Saddleback College. Another South Coast area school -Laguna Hills -hosts Sunny Hills in a 7:30 non-league game. inca.-9l.rdlrd ~ ($230. Retail .....,.), Plue ..._ • a 'ftltloftll ~ (Sl'71. ,. .... Vlllue). Pwcn--111 S1711. & ,.-.. 1 $200. COMPUTIQUE Gift Certificate good lor "ff""" purChlM M)t F1ftMoe lttle eyetem ~ kif .. 7.31/mo. t and meke your ftm Mymtnt Ftb• 11, 1913. Extended WlllTenly AveillDle p~ ~ Oebome ~ llled rd c:hooel ...,. Ille n9W C--'9c modlm dlabMe hoollup IOr U21. (15,. all l'ltlll), 01119 ,_ flowr.fli9c beaery pedl lor 1211 (15,. all IWll). lntroductof'i Prt~ $795. The~ HX·20 Nc*llloc* ear.-•• UHtzlt ~·~~~·~P'l*f.•al aimllNd MM n1 AOM "*"°"' nl all Hlmll pcMS ~-.. ...,. ~ lorf#lt 801DA ~ ~ ~-~.'ThaHX-ID-...,.. • .....,_.,..._Arcx'C ... ---.tllltl -erwont wt!O .................. :~ --...,~ . ._......,...... __ WOMEN The ao. dl'OJ>l*t OcMn View'• fwonl to 1 ·I an IM.llelOft..wl ......... leahawka "''°• alwnaan pnw today with Hundftlton 8Mcb. Karen ChaH 1cor ed l '7 pol n u tor the Sea.hawlY, while Tammy Webb 9ddild 13. Palrfu H, HuUqa. ~ 16 "We were ~ou&playtd in every way," bemoaned Oller Joanne X.Doa. Fairfax took advantap of 29 po{rits from their 6-11 forward Dora Dome, who a lmott 1ln1le- handld.Jy doubled the Ollert' teem 9COl"tftC output. Falrlax outrebounded Huntiqton Beech 37-25 and P8rt1cu1arl1 dominated the delenlllve bouda. "rhe OUera top ecoren were Dawn ~r and Ann Comogllo who had four points apiece. Cla1ao 0, Foutai. Valley 41 Chino'• full court preea finally took lta toll on the Barona, who aaw their record dip to 3.2. There1e Pucha laki 1cored 13 pointa for Fountain Valley, while Jan Whitham Died 11 and Sam Arledge had nine. Puchalald al9o led her team in rebounds with eight. The Barona have another non-1~ game on tap tonight at 7 when they host La Quinta. UCI wo01en fall to Houston The UC Irvine women~a basketball team will have to settle for a battle for third place in lta own Christmas Classic after the Anteaters fell to Houston 78-55 Monday at Crawford Hall. UCI (4-5), which defeated Montana State 72-61 ln it.a tournament opener Sunday, turned the ball over 28 times and was without the aervtces of Katherine Hamilton who waa in foul trouble much of the evening. Hamilton, the team's top scorer with an 18.6 average, sat out most of the firlt half with three fouls and Houston opened a lead of 27 points at one stage. The Cougars were led by Vickey Finch with 17 points, while teammate Betty Darthard had 11 and Carolyn Sanford chipped in 10. 8ultMn Doub6e Denetty lncWll Stlndlrd Sohift ($2280. AIClll ""'9). "'-..... 1\ltoMI Softw-. (1871.Retllllv.kle). ,,_,_ rtO#. 11-. & ...... $200. COMPUTIQUE Gitt CertHlc:Me good for ..,, ..... pwdllM _,. Flnence tNe ay111em MQW tof t 7•..11/-.t and ..U your flrtt pu!M!!t M. 11. 191. Chlldren'a l.Mrning Center MK APP\.E I lrQatll cllll ctM Ind oan1C11r. Allio: AF ~for home TV hoollup. pmdlle & ~ ..... LOGO loftwwe. f'tYe aaAlll an.UT "-'*'I llodu ... (Mt °' foul1. Special Price $1999. fltnence W. _,_.....tor P•.11/MO.I NOW_. .... row flm pey"*lt M. 11, 1aa. \WI .. ~ al tw Chlchrl'I L..-'*'O c.. ~ dlDI* "°"' ~ .. tclkMlng Orrd ~ ----AllDeK Cdor I Monlor .. .. . . . ........... ..... ~· an.n Monlor . . . . . . . . .. .. . . .. . ......... ... ~ Wl'*r I ......... ., .. . ............... 11tt. ~Sllr1d .................................. .. A"'910.. Eldlnd1cH'*Twfr ................. S1tt. Greet DMI• on M == Nawj#OglMllllillll I ... AIMWad.-.C.....,, ... ~lnanclllf.....,, ,, ... ~mlll....,, ..... SclanOt l**GU~ tM.11 Hlndl*d~ , ... ""1CY Hind l*d ~wit\ 5X "*llOl'f .. ._. Flw 'tiAIDl1I HlrdlOall' (S3). -.) ""'puldlMa al 11Cor 11C. ! I .:=•ood hrtl an..._,.. ...... ..., .... ,, c4 ....... ) ll'IMT A.ACL I furtoftcia. MIN Mlllfl (Ort.ga) 22.IO 8.20 5.00 Prompt G.i (Ollwne) 4 00 :uo 0.-Mini Hew Hew ~I 10.IO Al90 rlleed Tul?e"a 0...., T,.._ Madi. 8-1 L.ly. OmpentyMf • .,., fl Ftw. L.ow of ~. 8untln PM, 8a.lc Topic, ~·1 5114•. Time: 1: 11 4/5. •COM> !UCL l'AI turtonga. 09l1l ,._ CMcCerreft) I .*> 4 00 3.IO Elided (Toro).,.~--_ 7.00 4.40 Fuly V-.cl (......-) 11.20 Aleo raced. Slffl P rince. E.•Cluat,... Orphan. PredlcaUon, eatchelor 801». M.,..UC: HOii, My OMr FM>on, ........... Naillle, Oallagrator. ~ Time: I: 11.0. •DAILY DOUaa CMI palCI MS IO. n.o llACS. • ""1onga. Aad9'• ""'-{VINnluelal 7 .40 4.80 3.20 .,_ O'Enn (Meal 41.40 14.IO Top Encor9 (flhoefMk«) 2.IO Aleo rlOld" e.tlta'• ... e. Ouclc. ~ Tl!tlle. W-e WM II. Toureci-, ~ ...... TllM: ,., 1 115. • UACTA (M l Pe1c1Sl,071160. POUlnM UC:.. I 1111 ..... Momca1 (Mtu) 17 .oo 20.IO 1 AO 8endy .... " (V811nNa11) 11.20 at.-O.-(Toro) 3.20 ""° r-*'' 0.-"'*°' s.,.... L-. OwOy °"' Lady. &ullle "---...._, ~Bloome. Young ..... Tlma: 1:41,0. ,,,,.. ...Cl ltct , ..... ~~=J....1''° '::~ ll: ,.,,~ J" c::~e~-,:i-=· ....... ,.·i•O-. .... ,..,.. II llt •HAO A IMI ..... WUO.. •imt llACI. 1 I/ It 11111119 ,.Mf!C* Mol'll (V~) t IO 4 00 a 40 =ICMI (0.W.01tll9"') t IO 4 00 ,....,~, . ., AIM 1ec:.o. Jollar.-..r9. 1¥0r 111991. ~· J .. llel Wec:lly, Olru , "--My T-I 41 Ill MYltmt AACI. t lurklnOI OMMrenl Wortdt {UpNm)IUO 24 40 ! to Wlnd of ,,_ (TOtO) 7 IO ,. to Ot1alNI QI (Dl!Mo .. ..,.., 2 eo Alto 11ced· lrllh O'et1111, llut lve, W•-d Gel. Mita llM. ,. ... ,,., '~· T Ima' I ot 119 • lfllACTA ll-4) Plld 1711.) 00 • Ptelt eax 1 .... 1 ... 2-11pe1c:11U.2n.eo Wllll IWO wtnnlnQ tlckell (It .... hOI-~ 12 PIGio Sia oontOiellon peld 1240 00 with I 20 wlfll*'O llctlelt (IOU< '--l '2 Pica SI.II K111el\ coneo11uon peld S4e 40 wtth 917 ""'VllflO ltcllell (lhrM ~ OM -•ldl), llOH'TM A.Act.. One ,,.... °" 11#1. l(appy ·CM1pa.1 33 40 11 40 7 ., J..,..,• CCecMtllM) 111 00 a 00 Alnu-{ValoYldl) 4 40 Aleo •M*I (k1111nda. WMlern 8tetklel. HMI""'' Turn. AltrM, 8ttet Orlet Time t 31 215 • UACTA l2-t~ pelO 1757 00 MNTH A.ACI. 11/ 18 IT\llM Me11e1·1 r.-n· 15 eo • eo 6 s 40 lltwnmer IVllHNICll) 8 to 40 Calatlonga (Mc:Hetgue) I IO AllO reced· Stpapu, ThrM Bill, Vlmy'a ChemP. 9enotlnl. Pia'• Prl-Al. CN~•~ Time 143315 • UACTA (7-4) Plld "'7 00 AllendlnCI -17,372 NHL CA.....U. CC*RMNCI ....,..otwWM • L OI EOmon1on ,, 11 7 114 Venc;ou...., 13 14 7 121 Winnipeg 14 15 3 133 ..... 13%15 5 114 Celgely 11 •• 8 141 NenieO!wWaft cnaoo 22 5 • 154 MlnnMot• 19 • 7 150 SI LOUIS 12 20 3 122 OelrOll 7 .. 8 t 7 Toron10 5 ,. • 103 WALH COWWJl?Ct ,...,...,....... NY.....,_. 11 13 • 134 ~ 17 12 9 132 Wlllllngton 10 9 I 124 NY Ranger9 17 14 3 141 Plll9burgll 9 11 • tot NawJelwt 7 22 7 101 ........ ~ Monlreel 20 • 8 Ult Boeton 111 • • 148 e.itt• 15 13 II 133 OueClec: 15 14 4 152 Hllf1foNI 10 11 4 110 .....,. ....... NY Rengel 1 I, Pllllbutgh 3 , ......... a- W!Mlpeget ..... ""'ICJo.W'Oh " Hert!Otd NY ~ et Quebec II ~ al OalrOll """"->ta " Celgely .......... ca ~y. f.drnonton 2t .. tt..tn)'. ~ 2t ,. SIM1ny. OuaMc 26 eo...,., NY 1-.cMn 2t ~d.Cl*-00 14 "°9S'1, NY ......... 11 Kun1.~. 20 ...,.,_,, 9oalon 2t Nllleofl.CelowY 14 Ftlndl, ~d 13 Klnge 1tattettc:s °""-.... ca ,, 13 10 " 11 I • 4 0 7 4 4 0 0 I 3 1 I 1 0 0 0 0 0 GA .... 141 39 120 33 137 31 129 31 154 :te IOI 50 122 46 136 27 131 :t2 142 .. 114 42 110 39 115 39 127 37 141 24 1IO 21 "' ... ICM ... 117 31 1U ~ 150 24 A Pta. 111 Je 18 31 17 27 8 24 12 23 t3 22 " 17 » 17 12 12 4 11 I '° • 10 10 10 10 10 • 7 3 8 5 I 3 4 3 4 2 2 I 1 1 ·I 1 1 0 0 ..... A .. 14 0 117 3.50 eo 1 300 311 73 0 1197 31141 129 I 1014 311 Palnier ·won't miss eaver's managing PITTSBURGH (AP) -Jim 'Palmer says he won't misa •manager Earl Weaver u a I perlOn, and that only time will I tell if the Baltimore Orioles will mill him as a manaaer. Weaver, who retired at the end of the 1982 eeMOO, and Palmer matntalned an often stormy relatlonlhip despite their_..,.. ot 1ucceu together with the Orio lea. that credit he should have gotten, well, we'll just have to wait and see," Palmer aaid. "The greatest thing that happened to Earl was to be manager of our teams in 1969, 1970 and 1~71, becawse we won and it made him out to be one of the beat managen in bueball, but l think hia claim to fame fa he didn't IT'le9 up thoee teams -we had a lot ot talent," Palmer aaid. "I think lhat caused Earl to loee a lot of his introspection. I think he beaan to think he wu the reuon we were wlnn1na -It wSilln't Frank Roblnaon, It wasn't Brooka Robln9on, l\ wun't me, it wa.n't Davey Johnlon -It wu Earl." Alumni match set --,. >· ... ~ L ..... • ....... II Z ~= =::,111e Olttwtcl ,. It .,, .... .......... 14 11 MO • 0-.., 11•1• II ,. .,, . ... tll!C.00 4 " ltO l.l .................. ieloM'-It 10 ... l(eMM CHy 14 • '°' I ... OllM 11 11 ... • Ullih II II 41) 8 o.n-10 11 400 .... HOulMOll 4 IO 117 11 IASTUM CC*rlMNOI ATLANTIC ........ P!Wlldelpl'lla to 6 eoo 10e1on IO • , .. ... WMNnolon 1) 11 Ml 8''i ...... ..., II It HO 1 New Yorll • 17 820 1:1 C...tr .. OWWlll MllweukM 17 • 664 Del•Olt Ill 12 HI 2''i AllMll• 12 n 600 • CNQgo I 11 MO , ... lndtlllll I 18 3IO , ... CllYelend 3 " 129 1:1111 ~·---VIII\ I II, K I)' 117 T~'•O.-. MllWIU llM et YOI-0et1o11a1~ 9oatonll4 Ph c~ 11 WMftlntton Pl\oenl• 11 San AntonlO All.,.11 11 Ol\lceQO o.tl•• .. 51111 OleQO PortJenO 11 S..nle Houelon al ()olden Stell .. ,. ....... acOMtO 0 :! ,, .... ~, Oanll•Y. Utan n 2 210 871 Engll.,,, Oen 25 301 121 730 211 2 Gervin, SA 21 2112 211 I01 28.1 T heut. Cllt 25 2114 137 171 27.1 Md, Bo• 21 258 1111 831 24 6 !Mel.Oen 211 218 144 683 ?33 Curnm~.so 20 181 81 4412 23 I Mauone, Ill 26 11111 1711 674 23 0 l'rM,Cle 20 171 109 461 22. TllOmM. Oet 27 233 124 5111 22 1 c ... rOll. os 24 216 et ~ 220 0t1m111, VI"' 22 212 43 412 219 Erving.Piii 25 221 14 5411 21.9 Sllorl, OS 211 22• 116 513 21.7 KJne, NY 26 212 117 541 211 Vendewgll. On 25 20I 117 ~ 211 Aoulrre. Del 24 IN Ill 1113 21 4 Pueon. Por1 21 214 122 661 21 2 ~man. OI 24 Ill 107 490 20 4 Or-. KC 22 115 91 447 20 3 111190UNOIMO Melone, Pntt Lelm-. Del Wlllieml,'4.J Bird, Boe Slkrna, S.. OtlmOre. SA Roundflld. Al 'lucaa. "- R<lllllld. w .. o,_,wod, C11 o ... n. Uta/I ~t..Ml­Ot-.llC Chlella, !'NI Hvs1on. Qe Jotlnlon, WWI Moote. SA .. _LMI_ ............ ~Get 0 °" 26 149 27 105 25 ICM ta 75 26 87 28 H 24 .. 26 " 24 M 25 59 AlalaTI Def T.t ~6, 24$ '94 241 ,.. 12 8 201 305 12 2 240 316 12 I 220 287 II 6 226 320 11.4 113 271 113 201 zea 10 5 159 243 10 I 181 260 100 0 .... A .. 25 23f 15 2& 227 ti. I 22 !17 t .O 24 213 811 23 194 •• 2• 111 ea 28 m 11 . ,.. , .. II -1..1 17 ,. 7.1 NLO GOAL NIK:bfTAOI ,ca , .. S Jonneon, KC II 15 I Oawlllna .. HJ 108 171 I. Smttll, OS 1CM 171 Ollrnote, SA 152 255 OaYl1. Oal 111 117 Oantlay. Ullih 233 402 w..m.. HJ 144 249 ~~ I Vlfglnle C49) 2 1( .. 11.clly (6) 3 UCl.A 4. Memc>N• St ti lndlena 8 ~ 7 SI Joftn'I. NY ·~ IT-- 10 low• 11 0-1191_, 12 ,.,._ 13 s,.-- 14. LOl.llsvlle 15 NC State •• w..t Virginia 17 ....,ed•LM veoee 111~1 111 .._Ion 20 , ..... 11-0 1,076 7-4 1,010 M 132 7-4 t20 7-4 1$7 M 152 M 171 M 1441 M HI ... , 573 .. 2 "3 Ml 413 M 4" J.1 «I 4--0 334 M 241 Ml 241 3-2 171 11-2 103 S-1 43 IW LAM .... re 11, UCI n IW L°'*MAltA -erown 14, w.,,.., 10. Gay 5, c-. •. ~ 14, Almof-. 10, ,..,.,... I , Alan 13. TCIWI.: 3:1 1S.22 It. UC ....._ -McOcwWO 11, Catmon 10. ~ ia. T.,,_ I.--~ e. ThomlGfl 3, t..llC* 2, lc*wl 2. Or enclleon 4 T otela; 28 11·1617 .....,.. aw LoulllAN. • 1-31 T otal loula. aw l.OUllllena "· UC .,,..,,. II T~ loul-._dlley (UC .,...,,.~ cou.acae w<>MmN Howton 71, UC lntne 15 UC IAVIMI -Petton 8, HlgHhl 2, JoMeon 4, Oetln 2, Hemll1on 11, v- POll 10, ~ 2. "9ndall •. McEl<oy 8 TOIAIM: 22 11-11 156. MOUITOM -Splllmen 4, Santoni 10, Autherlo<d 2. Coooer •• Sk-•. °"1Nrd I 1, Wallctne I. Bextef t . Flneh 17, ~ 8 Totale: 3e 8-12 711. Helltlme ._on. 46-25. Tote! lcM*. UC 1r¥1ne 16, "-ton 22 FOUied out. HMlllton (UC !Mnel HIGH ICHOOL WO.N ........... ..,..__. ftln.et~ -~ 4, Wauon 18, E.M11n 10. Out1W11 a. 8dlletlQI •· T-o. Gambol 0. llueuml 0. Toten: 21 2·11 44 Clemson president responds C LEMSON, S .C. (AP) - Clemson University. President Blll Atchley says maJ<.lng any one peuon a scapegoat for the ashool'a current NCAA athletic isrot>ation fa not the aNWer to the situation. In a ,,neettns with the echool faculty Monday, Atchley defended tu. efforta to correct the problems that led to the tchool's two.year probation for football recruiting violatlona. He said one coach who had been involved in major recrultlna violaUonl waa being tenn.lnatea from the football program and another had r~lved a Mvere aanctJon· that atopped 1hort of mnava1 from the staff. Atchley refuted to name the coechee lnvolv.d. lleft'• toumement (M ....... Auahll9) ,.,.. ........ ....... Mika a.. (U,S.) Oel Henk Pfteter tlJ.S ), 7·5. 8-2; ~ 9orowlel< (US.) Oel. John Lloyd (Brittan), 8-2. 7-IS WL ChMaen 50, Benge .. M lcore bf a-i-Cincinn•ll 10 14 10 0-34 Sil\ Otego 7 10 23 10-60 Qn -FO Bteacn 11 SO -Cnendler 511 pan lrom Mun~oe IBenlrac:hll• klek) Cln -~ 12 run (8'Meh -Id<) Cln -e Harris 62 1n1eteeplton r11U1n (8'MCll kldl) .. so -8'0oli.• 17 rUfl , ....... tcl'ok• klC:lll Cln -Colltn1wortn I pua 110<1\ And«aon (8<Meh kid<) SO -F0~•43 SO -MUllCll I n.n (Benlrsdllle klc:lo) 80 -Sefaty. Andereon lacllled In end '°"' SO -Cll1ndler 31 P•H from Foull (hnlrxhtle kldl) Cln -FO Btecll 27 SO -Btook1 41 run (Bentracnke kldl) Cln -M HMl'le 17 P9M If orn ,.,,.,.,._ (Btecll llJCll) SO -FO 8enlftct>tie 21 SO -llrook• 1 run t8enlrlCNle kid<) A -51,2116 ca-. lleltetlce Cln Fir•-n ~., .. d. 11-44 Paulng ywck 317 Allum'tWde u ,._ 40-M--1 ~"' 2·15 Punta 3-4, Fuml»IM•IOll 1.0 ~ 7-12 TlmeofPa le• 2917 .................... 80 34 35-175 ... 37 26-41·2 3-11 1-41 2·1 ... 7. 30:43 RUSMINO -Clnclnnetl, JoMeon 7-21, And1t1on 2-11. Curll• 1 ·8. Al•••nd11 1.mfnu1 I Sen Diego. Brook• 12·106, Muncie 1.....a. ~II 3-1, Foutt 1.0 PASSINO -Ctnclnnell Ander1on 40 ·58· I ·4111 S a n Diego. Fouu. 2~2"°"35. Muncie I· 1..o-t&. RECEIVING -Clnclnnall, CollHuworth .. 151, AOll M 1, A Ot1flln 7-40, ~ .. 30. M L Hwr11 ,...,., Kreider )..23, Holman MO, Alexender 1-7 San Otego, °*'°"' IQ.HO, Wlnalow e. l 11. ,,_ ~3. FltlkM 2·29, s.-.. 2·2$, Munda 2·11 MISSED FIEU> OOAL.8 -Hone ..... M .... •• A IOUll of 109, 771 llCkeit hoidert did not allend N•ttonel Footbel LMoue O•-durln9 The WMllend OI Dec.. 1 .. 20 A ...,_. ~btWkdowft loe Anaelll ( ......... ~ -Stadium "'PICl1Y ,3,000, no .oow. 9, 1117, uneold tldiett '1,227 Mlemt (J •ll·Oolph lne) -8ta01um capacity 111. 196; no ~ho•• 123. uMOld llelleu 7.370 WMNngton t01anta-Aed9klntl -Stedtum =~ Sl.045: no ,.,._. 5,015. vneold Plllladelpflll (Ollarl-£aotea) -Stedlum Cepecfty 72 ,204, no thoft 2t. 77 3, UMOld tltk.i. U ,OIS Oellu (8llnl1·Cowboy1) -Sl•dlum cepaclty ts, 101. no •llOwl 548, unlOld llc:tlet• .. Oetron tVlktng1·Lton11 -Stadium ~ty I0,131: no .,._. 4.612: uneold lk*N2 .... ~ (8,....,...9'ownel -Steatum capacity 80,322, no lllOWI 5.7u , -ticket• 7.431 OIN .... 14M N2 1~2 an 111• ..... 1411 512 1794 ... 1126 uo 1174 124 les.t 726 -... at11 .., 2051 1034 20U 6llO 222A "41 2211 7111 MATM>MAL COMNMNCR °"' ..... New o. ........ Cl'olcaoo TMIC)e Bey o .... Bey New Yori< 011n1a OetrOil Allen1• Oellal MlnnMOle SI Louis Sen FtllllClaCO WWllngton "-Pfllledelc>Ne v .......... 2329 421 2274 ... "" 812 1llOll .,. 1892 1191 18141 418 1111 1116 1111 732 1762 515 1730 831 14116 747 1812 482 1110 740 1566 1()3 Dt!flfNU 1595 575 1804 m 1611 1709 837 1132 744 1737 524 HM 873 1840 ~ IHI ... 1121 1170 2001 11117 2021 730 t1f1 711 2111 711 ,_ 1121 1111 1'71 1017 ''°' 1130 "'7 1247 110 1117 1023 ..,. -81) 112 7156 11311 9aA ... 7 ... 13tl0 110I 1f14 ,. 1022 1311 1577 11110 ,._ 1901 1381 1177 1230 1301 1388 1171 1083 1157 '" 1148 1200 1 70 952 1020 1025 1000 1072 1811 1213 IOl3 1304 1172 1258 1304 1291 mt 1410 COLUQE llOWL ROUNOW lndlpefldelltee9oWI ..._.,,DM.11 <• ..... .....:. .... , Wllconaln 14, K.-Si.i. 3 ~~ IM ... C*eo) Ohio Stele ,7, ~YOUft9 17 Celfomla llowt .. ..... o.c. ti , .. ,._, Freano State~. eo-.g °'._, 21 T• ...... 9oWI ......,,Oec.tt , .. ~,..., Aut>urn 33. 8otllon OOlleQe 2t IUft 9oWI ...,....., (at IP ,._, Teue) North C1r01tna (7·4) YI hue (9·21. ChMtlel 2 II noon AJoM 9oWI ......, ( ........ , Marylend (8·3) YI. WaehlnglOft (11·21 • ~1 1a14p,m LIMrtJ .... • .....,,0....) <•~ Alabeme (7~) ¥L ....oi. (?~). ~ 11 1111 p.m a.tor llowt .,,_..,,Dec.• ( ......... "'", W-VlfQHa ~2) \1 Aortde Stat• (e.31. Ch.,,,,.. 7 11 5 p.m Hell of ,...,. 9oWI ,....,, De&. 11 , .......... Ala.) Vanderbllt (8·31 •• Air Force C1 ·5), 0.-11 •t1 1 e.m. lfltNctt .... ,,...,, Olc. 81 (MA ..... ) 2 !1-:::-(M-f) ... loWe (7-4l Channel 8kl 111 ar1o•t llowt ~81 Arll.,_ (8-2(_1) Y11 F::le (7-3).. Cllennel 11 at6pm ,... .. .... ......, ....... 1 (MT ...... ML) Olllel>OIM (W) .,._ Alli:-Stele (e.21. ~ 4 " 12:30 p.rn. Cottonllowt .......,,.-.1 (tit o.1211) Southwn MeUlodll1 ( 10-0. 1),,. PltttOUIQl'I ~21. °""""' 2 .. 11 Liii ._.... ... .......... , (M~) Mic:fllowl (6-31 ¥L UClA ~ 1· '). Ctlarv..i 4 •• 2 p .. rn. .. 111 •• 9Nfl , __ T-1 :I c~ a. o.. """' 1 Ocean View -lfle T~ I C.._ Cltr t, 0... View I """llnf'lill ...... I, .... ,__.. ' t ...... llnOI~ 9-11-lnq 0..e 1. Ct.ol 1 ~ '· MWl1Mt••~ ..... ............... 1 e.ut!IT-4, ...... 1 ..,.,..,,~. M":ne tc:Oflng. Merln1 wWw on penally Nickl c.._...o,.... .. ••• lli29ftM .. La CMMa t Merine goal acorlng: Penner (Not•. Mlflna "'''" on penelty ktc:l<•I 11.-o.YC au .. osT..,.• (IMll?aC..._) flt91 pleoe .............. r111s11e-1.1 r--aoo a.ii. eve; 2nc1 rece-8111. 3rd r•c •-Sklp Kamplf, Coronedo VC; 4111 rece-Bruce Oo11e. Mtlllon Bey YC; 5th •--Kempf! l •••• 30 Plue-111 re ca -Otahem Ott»bonl. BYC, 2nd •--Otck Knoff, SMta c1.,. Racing A1aoc1a11on; 3rd r--e.n Qr...,, BYC: 4th •--Olbl>onL Adult SlbOI-111 1--Ellnor Forl)'lh ave . 2n0 ·--For9)'1h. 3rd ·--FOf9Y1h, 41'1 •--Coline Olt»bona. BYC l•do-14A-111 11ce-B111ne Tnorne, Behl• Corlnlhlan VC, 2nd race-Brenda Thome, 8CYC, 3rd r--Blelne Thome. lldo-148-tlt •--Fred To.pel, BYC. 2nd ·--Paul W*-. ave. 3rd r--°" Wllllem1. BYC; 4111 •--PIUI WW- 8et»ot A-111 1--Erlc Proul, BCYC; 2nd rec:e -Proul; 3rd race-P rout. 4th tlCl-PtOUI Sabot C-t-111 •--E.r1c &t-. BYC, 2nd t1ce-Oero lyn Ulander. eve. ltd r--EllM; 4th t--Krll M .... 8YC. Sebot C·2-111 r-. Eat• 8'end. BCVC: 2nd ·--·and """' J::L '::~ 1111) -t5 engllre 25 e11»1core, 2 llonlto. 112 mec-., ... 15 rocll lleh. 1 .,__, 1 ~. DANA WHAM ~ n Wlglarl. 3e -· 2 l\ellbut, 1"4 """*-"· 180 rodi ood. 1 rodt ""'· 18 ~. 1 KUipln. 1 l*'9 perCft HA.?. MACH -27 englerl 2 bonllo, 5 oow cod, 195 rOC* cod fllondlll[• .._ 1aa•1ne A-AU OAKLAND"~!:~....!:%: -Wry Kine. pllcher. trom 1111 eo11on Red Sox 10 cornpleite Ill\ ..... !fade.. AlleMad "'-'°" Hanna.pilot.. ....... L...- ATl.ANTA eRAVEa -AftnounceG Ille ~of P9te F.icon.. pltciher, to I -Y9W conltact. ~ .......,. 9 ...... '# ATLANTA HAWKS -Wetved Sam ~.""-'d. CLEVElANO CAVAUE'RS -WllNed Peut Moll.i.--. OETAOIT PISTONS -PleCed ScoC1 ....,, lorwetd, on welvera. Reactlveted Kent ..,_, torww~. MILWAUKEE SUCKS -Pieced AmlOnd ... ou-CS. °" Wlllhrwl. MOCUY ........ ......., ........ HARTFORD WHALERS -Sent P1ul Mlt'8Nll. I.rt =o 91neh••'"°" of the ~Hodl911A NEW JEASEY DEV -~ llndamy Mlddlebrootc, goallender, and John Wen•lnll,left wing, lrom Wlchll• of the Cenl11I Hockey -LHgue. Sent Shawn ~~~-1..':<>Wlchlle. lfEWY ~-~Soot ~. dei991-:-. lrOm Tulle of IM Centnl Hocltay ~- MICHIGAN STATE -Nemed e llt Aaderneetl«, CMtlle laggeilt and Horwl Plrfl• ............ toc:1t111 ooechll.. chri~~ 1982 ... to W\Ul$tond thz. cz.ltz.mq;nte. OUT ~bz.ar }~ bombz;r _jod<at, t GAlUTt NAUTIQ\J£ ..... ~.,.,....of' MiriMMist A. CttllMI 3420 * Oporto, N.8. 675-8157 ,1111111111:11 OARE Thursday, December 23, DOROTHY LOUISE 1982 at l l :OOAM at the OARE. a native of Alamou, Hllgenfeld Mortuary Cllapel Colorado and a 20 year with the Rev. bonald resident of Colt.a Mesa. Ca. Stur1eon of the Family Pu.ed away on December Enric hment Center of 19 1982 at the Colt.a Mma Anaheim and the Women of M~ Hospital at 'the aee the Mooee Chapter 1168 of of "· Dorothy w• the Sr. Costa Men offlclat1n1. fteaent of the Women of the Intennmt will follow at the Moose, Chapter 1158 of The Rlveralde National Coeta Mesa, Ca. and baa Cemetery. VisltaUon will be been wry active aion, with held at the mortuary on her hUlband Walter, of iM Tuelday, December 21, 1982 Loyal Order of the Moome, from 12:00 noon to 9:00PM Costa MeH Lodge 1457 . and all day Wednesday, Dorothy had been with the Dec e m be r 2 2 , 1 9 8 2 . Women of the Moose for H l l1enfeld Mortuary abou't &-yttare. She I• d l rectoraT 120 Eaat 1urvlved by her huaband Broadway, Anaheim, Ca. W a 1 t er , be r mot her , (714) 5~ 105. Charlot~ FoottJt and her WDTOVER mp-father Clifford FootUt HELEN E. WESTOVER, of Sun Qty, Ca., her 2 ION resident of ~ Hi1a, Ca. Jame9 Oare of Quail Valley, Pu.ed away on December Ca., Clifford Oare of 18, 1982ln1...-.runa Hilla, Ca. Sunnymead, Ca .• 3 Born ln Columbua, Oh claucht.en Owioue Paae1 of ~ppL Survt~ by her c::o.ta Mesa, Ca., Frealcka buaband Judie Harry C. MorteUVofl ~, 0 ea,. Westover, IOD Harry E. a n d a er e are o Westover of Newport Beech, Sunn)'IDMd. Ca. She la alao Ca .• dau1bter Dorothy aurvlved by a slater Pat Westover of San Marino, Memecar of Bia Bear. Ca. Ca., 7 p-andchUdnm and 1 and 3 ~· 11\menl IJ'Hl·&randchlld. l'uneral aervlcea wlJl be held on aervlcea will be held IAlTZ .... ON SMTH & TVn4&.l WISTC~ CMAllL 427 E t7th St Costa Mes. 84&-0371 Wedneeday, December 22, 1982 at 2."()()PM .i the hdfic View Mortuary O\apel wtth the Rev. I!. Lee Wilhelm offlclatln1. Interment at P8d.6c View Memorial Park, Newport Beech, Ca. Pldfic View Mortuary dinlcton. Patera guilty; La-wyer irked MERCER ISLAND, Waah. (AP) -The attorney for former Seattle Seahawka c.oach Jack Patera blasted pro.ecuton after a jury found Patera guilty of drun.ken drivirl&. "To say they (the proeecutlon) wanted to treat Jack Pat.era like anyone elae wu the epitome of hypocri.ly," aaJd anomey Doug Cowan. 'We didn't treat th.ii cue any differently than any other one," replied deputy proeecutor Jackie Brown. The six-member jury in Mercer la1and Di.ltrict Court deliberated for nearly four hours Monday before handing down the verd1ct. A pre-.eentence lnveat14atlon wu ordered by Judge Joe Rindal. Patera, 49, and hJa wile, Susan, hurried fl'Om the courtroom after the verdict wu read and wouldn't respond to reponer.' questions. Patera was accused of driving while intoxicated Sept. 11, during the National Football Leque players strike. He was fired u head coach Oct. 13. Cowan implied that puecuton had 90l'Dething to do with Paiera'a tiring. "I think it's interesting that he WU filed two days after the proeec."\Jtion refUKd to move the trial date back," aaid Cowan. "I don't believe in ootnddenoes." Tbe defense had tried to show that the breathalyser tat P•tera took at the time he wu arTeSted WU inaia:urate. Patera testified Monday th.at he had a few drinkl on the nf&ht of hla arrest. but that he wu not lmpUred by the ahcohoUc beverapa. He claimed be failed field sobriety teata became be WM w$! new conl9Ct J.emer and had on new boota with heels. · Patera ai.o wu ven a breathalyzer test on the ntaht of hi.I arrea1. Hia blood-alcohol level wu determloed to be .14, above the .10 level CODlidered leplly drunk. Several f.rlendl and a rettaurat.eur t.eltlfled that Patera did not appear affected by alcohol be drank the ni«bt he WM arr.ted. ru111}t1 Cm111f •• 642-·5618 r11rl11 I Ii 11/ 1111 /1u1/11 l'llol' ml '' '""'' ""' '' ti• clo11l/lnl 1tr.t """ lo '"'" ''' ~'" a prntluc•t FIAT ZOOO SPIDER JHI BUlllTll BOARD a.111'etlMll lea .. es The Newpor1 8Mct'I Plll'k.I, BeachM and Recreation Department 11 accepting regl1tratlon for boya and glrla basketball ptogr8ml. Gamff wlll be played on Saturday• at Corona del Mar High and Ensign School. u.gu. for third and fourth, fifth and ahcth, and ~th and 416ghth grade dlvlalona are eoheduled. Team1 wm be formed at Anderson, Eatbtuff, Hetahts, HatbOr Vi.w, Newport ElerMntety an4 Marlnar9 9ChocMa. ~ ,_ 11 St5 '°' newcomers and SI for thoee play9t"I w9'o ltltl haw their perk1. beecf'9a and ~Ion dapwtrnant blue end gold Jer-.y. Aegistrdon tak• pMoe Monday throuotl Fndey from 8 Lm. to 5 p.m. Phone fM0.22'11 tor more lntonnatton. . Kl••• •.e1'ey ~Home acMctula. Dec. 21 -Winnipeg; Dec. 23 -Edmonton;. Dec. 2t -Vancouver; Dec. 29 -Wlnnfpag. Jan. 18 -Edmonton: Jan. 20 -Hartford; Jan. 25 -Calgary; Jan. 27 -New York lalandatl. Feb. t -New York Rangert; Feb. 5 - PhlladafpNa. 2 p.rn.; Feb. 10 -Buffak>; F.t>. 19 -WUhlngton: Feb. 22 -Boeton; Feb. 24 -Vanoouwr; Feb. 28 -TOf'bnto. March 8 -Calgaty; March t3 -Winnipeg; Marctl 15 -WlnnlPaG: March 17 -Quebeir, March t9 -Plltaburgh; March 2e - ;Edn\onton. Aprlt 2 -Mln~aota, 2 p.m.; April 3 -Vancower. " All OM* pl9Y9d at the FoNm. All gem. at 7:30 p.m. UnlaM ot.henw!M noMd. WIRtam Tlctceta are priced at ft8. , • and 17. '°' , more lntonNrtton, ~ (21~) 11<MIOOO. Lazers Sllf!f:!er ....,....... .. Home Wl••• Dec. 28 -New Yor1t. Jan. 24 -St. Loul1; Jan. 29 -WlchltL Feb. 2 -Pittsburgh; Feb. 8 -Buffalo; i=.t>. 11 -Memphis; Feb. 18 -Phoenix; Feb. 20 -San Otego; Feb. 25 -Sen Joee. March 1 -Cleveland; March 1'4 30 Pittsburgh; March 23 -BaltlmOrej Maret\ -St .. Loul1. Apt"ll 2 -KanlU City; N>r1I 5 -Wichita. All gam. pla>'9d at the Forum. Alt games at 7:30 p.m. Tidlet lnfonnatton Tlciteta are priced at S15. S12, 8 and SS. Youths, 18-•nd-undW, are half price In all tk:tlet rangea except Iha 115 ... ti. FOf' more lnfoonatlon, phone (213) 419-311'9. Collell•te te•nls The top elgtlt man'• and women'• oolega tennis tMma wlll comp.ta In the N.tlOMI Cotteglat• Tennis Claaalc Jan. 7-9 at the RMcho LM PM'nall reeor1 near Palm 8pMga. Men'• tM1na "°"' use. UClA. ~ Peppetdll,., TCU, 8MU, ~and Trtntty Unlverahy wtll compete. Woman's t .. m• entered .,.. use. UClA, 8tenford, 8an DlaOO Stata, ~of Mlaml, ...,_and lndWte. Top lndMduata ec:Mdulad to pert._.. lllCtuda c.1·1 ~ Nixon, uac·. Mett Arr/Ill. UCLA's John o.vfa and Peflpeldll,.'e CMinrl Mlohlbata. Pepperdlna won the tounwnent laet year, wt"'8 tM UCLA men•a IMnl won the tM2 NCAA ctwnptonatllp. Top lndlvtdual WOfMl'IOOffl ..,,_~.-i...Ol-e lnducla Trinity's Loutea Allan and FelOHa ~. ll'f• '?<f ' •J l(CI I teps to a .saccwssfCll garage sale 1 Decide -on dates. LOOI! •I • celende• end WI lhe Cleltt and ltmH or your • Mle WMkenos ••e ukllllly good. but menr aucceatlul ..... ,, ... been 11e1<1 1n it.~. 1uet alter wo1~ Cllec:k tile Wfft"-r lor-=-t on Ille peper, and witch for any other large event thel mey attr11et potential buyera tw•r. such H re1r1 or oommun11y e .. 1111 Heve your Nie run at leUl two de)'l -eome people mey not be llOle to come on eny 111lgle aay 2 What to sell. E~ll1ngl That 11, e_.,illing you l\a .. 11 t uaed 1n tlle 18111 yeer II eo 11em Ila tinhqu1 value. O•,. brtnO-n-. • or llas unusuel velue, lie sure 10 11111 a lleelthy price lor 11 Get • pad or peper and -ell your whole llouH look everywhere. end Itel ~ll•no 3 Write your ad. Here IS 1 avggested •d· · Gwege S.11 -<111k1. • &.ntwood rocking cl\alr. toys. lnftnta' clothing, 1922 Vlcttola In or1g1ne1 ca-. rTWny oec1911a. loll 01 unueual tr.ma. rock cOlllC1Kln plants Refresllmenta, 8 f.m. to 8 p m Slturdty And Suo<lay 1234 South MyttrirJiunown Jl#t _, of M11n and 2nd .. U.. 11111 pie ad aa a Q\llde. 81 sure to 1111 unuaual ltema. u a~llc u PD11ib11 G1¥1 dlrK1iona 1f nMded. Don t UM •b~tions -meny people won t bo!Mr to dlc•Plllr tllem. CAUTION Oof'I t ad"9n1H 111yth1no you don t rNlly,,... E....y 1iem 1n Ille ad mu11 bl on 111n<1 at the atan Ol the tale 4 Whe re to adverlise. Place your ad wl'lere •t """be Men b¥ people wllO 11 .. 1n the area -mo11 ~ tllOP cloM to hOme The • Deily Pilot 1a ritd by 88,000 adults 1n Coata Mtaa. Newport Beach. l•guna Beacll. lfY•~. Huntmgton e.acn •nd Fountain v1111ey-g..-1n ... 1no you Wide IJIPO$Ufe And wtlll ,the Ptlot. you re not paying lor was• ctrcullhon 1n LOI~°' Anaheim Plan to run your ad 3 tunes or mc.e, ""'a tan tt • 1-dip bllora the tale ao 1>erga1n llunlef'I can ,, ... pi.nty of notice 5 Make a sign. To help mike your sale IUCX>nSrut. make a law a1gn1 • lrom i;ardboard and lettet With• magic marker A good aigr> su:e 19 1'" 11 22 6 Placing your ~ T"-morning or the sale, but r>ot betore. piece your • "llfll Be au re and add~ edci.-•r>d any d•reett0na1 arr6wa. Tt11• ~ be done aboul • 11•11 1t9ur befc.e the tele l\lt1a. "'-~ tlgn """*-" can be -n from both'"* of the etrNt by pa .. 1no cars and pede1t118ns CAIJTlON. Some towns tia .. lawa that r11tr1ct the plecem9rll llnd duration ol garage Hie llO"S P ..... check with YoUr town a planning depenment or cleftt · 7 MarlcinCJ prices. Merit pnces wi-e 11Wy can be_, cjNrly Olfiae IUl>P't ato•H he,.. varOlus ..-end color} ol ettcker• • t"8t wortl -'1. o• you can'* masking i.pe How•,.., you matk them._..,,.... ..... Garage Mlee are lo• bwqa111 hunters Aemen'Cler, wna-you cen't Mii you II have to drag baCk rn .II• hcxlM and store again tor another )'l•r • a Se rviftCJ ref reshn...ts. Thit doean·t ,,. .... to,co.t much. llld ere•••• fr,.odty • etmospr-1 It elso ~people IO atay lonlJlf Ind pemepe buy more 'l'ou Doulo -ctierge for 91lpentlYI Ii.ma llke donUla. Of the i.ldll ~uld go In M lnat lor the day. "'4111 a lerT1btl8de etand 9 Dlspaay. • ..i. Mau tyre -ryth1ng can be Mel\, He"9 card lebhta or • IJo•rdl'-l M lllelVW ~two cl\al,.. Oon't ... ~ .. to bll'ld ewer~ you can't help II UM one !&bit ... dHli ..... you can -~lllng and ..._ MOney UN Ollly -c.fl b011 (lln ca111 or bo•., *Of'lt h) end ,,.. ---"9PPClin'9d . ''cethler' I I I ll llmll fvrwtgf beforeliend fOt I lr .. nd wno can help 1n1wer qu911-. ..i1e1 for iur>Ch, etc •I 0 :;: • IYIOOt M ~·::.·::. = 1111 ~metl .. ~ ~ '-' v-. ,;,-. la._,I~ I0 .. 04tft wltll llllCIUH llOftOlt VU. Ownere .... "'*"' In .,.,y ...,. ~ In .,, .,.. of ...... ptlOed holftea ... "'• a ..,... • lul tUIMfl, IX· CHAHQI. °"' \NATI HI HONI ltOMI " lee. AULlSTAfE 6-JI 1'0tl Nllll lUIMI Ou·on & )l•lly view• M111h11• tuum, 4 l•drm, 3 bilth. 370() 11q.r1. •1.a1t ,0()0 0..\•1mtrun• LlllA llLI UYPlllT Lua&oon VI w from ff bdrm, 6 bet~ phlyNOOl, dMrk rm, dt!n Oc1t11 1llp. Now fvotl.OOO UYllM PUOI Spc1.·wcular bdytront dplx 2 br. 'J. bn up, 2 br, 'J. b11 dn. 2 ooat'11p1w•11. llt.'<fw.'\-d •1.~.000 TJIJ< ~FAI . E~ n ATEI•''. ;, -----.. ----. I .. . . . ::.. ,• ~·~~i ~ ta7t, Ulitft;, ~f~I gntt•ntt to 01t ·~•Av.,.,_,... , ..... , !O!.·=:r..="~ t ••• ~ 1Lf70W,~ 1 • .. I Im! .. l1nt1 Ana ll11d •••n rto.1'1'. ~·~f,· Ho•, ,-~Utl I~• ''·" "* ,.... n~ "'° • ~.IA M~ 1>k1 .... l efetsfo•d 011 . t41 \4 • lt,J00,000. Aoorllted In -__ ... _ ittlt .... ,." unu wa.a MIC .. I Of 12;100,000 .... .. '"It. fUtfl, Jetd -,.., ,.,,.., vtlul ,., .... OAlllOIN G"O •• I HU/mo Wutlld• '°' IMMIDIATI.... •• •d• .. klno prloo. ,0, VI. , ... ,.01• ;... oil rurtller Info oontact ... 2\.\ le WllUfY Condo. 2 • • ;a;.~ 9Y,r::,· ~ b I r I Wt n I t ( 7 t 4 ) OW tef. ,ull IMWlfllol, blteilde, ttep ..... pr.-~ 3 .., home 1 116-2030 lftl7mo. ld 114-tt71 fined. 2 t>r. 1 be. ~ t •1. · gut t t 1 pt Not Htt by OWi*, lilt, tiny -····· 191. N26/mo 171-7 12 • 127 'it Abtlono . a br hou .. + HPlrltt Vu bCry 211' E !Mt9ldt ............ pn. ~~24, t1udl0, ~tlNM Of faml-W Newport Hf 11 vate pa tio w/_,,~1. f_nod Plll .... I IUlll ly quertert IH,000 CdM a• ollafm bee*~. ttrnOd. !IMMn, ...... ~ ..a llU tm "°'*"· owe. l'rtne. ~. w ._ 2er. w 2 cw ..,. .... IMO/mo. New 4 br, 4 Y> bli, eut\on\ Jl'rench Normandy r:z 1171,000. TwntlM a ldNn t1000 tft IMf & w . M Mta &luitc 1.2 prime lkft hilltop Sl.2~0.000. ..... TllUll 842-2211 I05/23t-2048 ~It~ ~t .T~:O *' If. TWnll ... ,., 8 .C. -: ....... ..,.--.... -.-....... --.. ··) You o wn th• land . --ll&.1111 8~481' t1t60 Plue. 8 .A. Pool; •~a. ,... • ; 0011111111 OAYI Ctlatmlnf s.,. ttomo w1 -•••n Ud0281', din t1860 ~·1::~· w d k· ~ ,. . Coronado Laland CUil bayfront lot a~· boot Iota Of Htrat. GrHt Ideal own.r'• unl1 w/3 8ayfr1 Udo ptc Dr IJ~ . ••. • . !1 dock. Plana avail. Now *370,000 w/wnna. f1mlty horM. Bfful. IO Bdrm• P1u• rent11. Im• &.iboa CoYoe. 28' ' CC)(Mf lot. Could ba beet maoulala. uee.ooo. B1y1ld1 Cov• r ... tata y _ ... ' • f buy In OdM. $320,000. a.44-7020 12200 '825, IO'ltlV I bf & din, '--., ':.,_. l ~L'Tit:.... lW UM. UT&ll Wl"!-11•1 .... ~ b1au11tul yard. xlnt ! ._a_..a-1-• - -~. CWr1r1 Businessmen ......,. 1t ........... -3 Bt 2 a. seoo wa1Coma. M&-1111 / f II o u a T t d? 1 n n I Trt<M equity In l'toml, fOf 2 Br F p Bel Pit! MOO 1--HO....,.,M,..,.,,.E8.,....,,"'""0R..,,...,,_,~ ...... ~- b u 11 n tu under ~ i C.ta.... 1114 oood motorhomo and 1 &: beyfront $850 fountain v.11.;3& 4 rtcltltOIU 8u11nrs) I -llll!l"~~ ... !!ll!lliilii~-l·--:;;;-;-:-•1---..... ---------Sl5000 flml. 3 81'. 1'h BA. 2 Br. oonfmt StOOO Bdrm t7&0-'800 ,...... -Vomt ....... art r-ulTN ! -.TM. -•••• " .. M3~ VER0£1olRtE1~~· Lo 22-38' pool In w .. t. ·--llM.n od yWdt & ~ KJdt ,.--• ., I ••-..-D ..,. •corner .... 000. mlnttar. Bal 187 ,000 -l 1 bl/ low f8U11rw11 and --... __ ,_ lo dwn. Agt. 1546-7739. S 1290/mo e verything. ..., ''l'-'T P •ti w • com•. Prof•UUN Code. Ste. I Low"t f:Alcad unit• In Yltw.U .... a..... Etllmatad value 1 128, 11M111 545-2000. Agent. no .... 17900 lo 119JOJ to Jilt a I Corona Matl High vi EJCa.lllnl IOOttlon with Ett C.M. 3 bd, 2 ba, fpl, 000. fully ~bla no --,iiiiiiiiiiiiil HOMES FOR RENT ,r1cl1l1ou1 8u11nus : tlblllty locatlon on 1h oJdatlnQ duplu.. t2% M*Mn 91 K. $129, quel.Prvparty896-5677. Tllfl ...... Hunt~on 8-:f'I 2 & a I! Na mt Staltmtnl and l oooan l6da of P.C.H. Juat Dttve by 2001 KJnQ9 Rd 500. 845-7452 ·-t..ll-..... l l• 2 be, tga don, kid• o1c Bdrm. le6CM72.5. Fenc- llout, 11 publl1hed for ! • low block• from th and 0111 for datallt .1~~~~~~~~~1 ---"iiiiWii:iiiiiTu'.Uil-'700 mo. 997--4783 od yard• & 09'11Q81· Kld9 /our comecutn~ wetkl I bNch. Excellent r•ntal Owner' a wlll ull tl'tl1 llflD •tlll llWPtlT 11&111 -.. -,L...---11-,_-_ .. ---,4-,-.._-1 & pa ti w a I come. I. w £ of the DA IL. Y, hltt~2.,.% nnanc1ng. WMk for below m1rkot Bel Aire Homa. Lltht ._ --645-2000. Agent. no tea. PILOT eel" htlp wtlh '229. . price. Lot value ONLY fOI' LMoa R2 lot, 20% down. Inter•~. 2 ..... _. 1 .. 2 81', ..-..... radacoratad, a ta~ looetk>n w1tt1 prlnclptla only. S 159, ..,,. """"' ·-·z both Call tht L£CAL an u"""-llonabla VIEW. o O O. 8 4 6-4 2 o 3 or front kl1Chen, oxpandld good cond. $700/mo, lut. IMca. Utt DE:PARTM£NT al . ...,~ 8'2·9914\ llv, dining., .. Young Win tar R1nt11 .---------- 542-021 Erl. 332 for ~ ::r·-~= !'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil adultt ' pall WllCO'". 2 t3-790-9000 dyt or 2 bdrm, 2 bl, din, poot, further m/onn4'10f1. I• --'22,500. 54<>-6937 Agt 790-7302 ewe. ~7r ~!!~7~~!·da-8ac, a roe o h lph pr lead _,....._. • .,., .,,_,.. _ 1 homo• -It a • groat B w ..... _ di Id Da:lt"n / U-'b 131t Smt 2 Bt l Ba cottage wl1---------l•fll[f jil(l}I i valu•ll SUBMIT -EX· ~y ~~'::1>11·~;; g•~•g-:. ~ .. -Ill frl>I, no oar~ M26 & • -.. I CHANGE °'??? Concrete drive, Pflvata 11P11 TAI mllll u1IL Aot 873 2 Vu of OCMn: 2 Br, t'A 642-4321 i -~ttoa. l1n,100. F• llYUT•m C.rtu •el llu 1222 Be, guard gate, pool/ ···-···--·-·-........ J WA 11 HI HONl • ....... IJlr San ClanMtntt pride of •• u n I / II y m . • 8 0 0 . tiOMI ~ lac. IJ H • ownarahlp , modern SPYOlASS HllL 5 BR 213/333-3648, 9f0.73t3 ' REAL ESTATE 141-11 Spenlal't ttyta 4 unl1 apt. Baeut., tplC ttoma. 3 bl. SPAC, cuatom exec. 4 Bt, -~-~.· t 6JH400 hOuM with ocewtfhlllt & formal din. rm, lam rm. 3 Bi. pool, api. many golf courae view. Close bonua rm. 3 frl*:t 3500 a x tra1. S t 200. /mo. ······••11• •• c......... ........ _ PNMe .... c.. (8ec. 11110 t• 11t1:1~ .., ........ .... ,.~ _ .. , ..... _ .... t"8 c-ty Qefll 1pH lleft II,_......_. f e It t I I • ea t " e ........... ..,...... lite •••• I" wlllcll Ill• IMfNoe• la---. I Tll• ......... t ft ....... .......... .. _ . ..,, .. ,,_..... ye111 11 .. 1111eH 11•-· lloet lle111le0 1e111tr• ,,... ........ ..... co. ............ .. Th DAILY .. ILDT '",,,.. ........ .... l"'Mcettell ........ . ........... ~ ..,. .... -............ •ellr aetwlce II Ille o , ..... c ...... , ~ .... .--. .. , ti11 • ., ... , µ11wo111eM .,,,... or ,11e111 t11e LIGAL OU'~....,. lal. Ill fer ••r• .... 1 ...... --. 1.p1qµu.a * ~ • I t r.n • ~ Q) ~ • >< Q) • ~ • I t Ill& Yim to everything, only 3 • q ft • • v a 11 . Jan 964-0221 OIAIMll yHrt old & 1how1 llke $2300/mo 844-5043 --------- .... e..utJfu1 4 Bdrm famli.. NEWI A,._ ownet could 2 t>r, 1 bl. beam celtlng. 2 bdrm. 2 bl condo. frpc:. Quiet cul di UC atraat. 11••1flllf '' ,...,,,,,,.., 3 Bdrm 2 belt! t f I RafriO. Comm poot. Moo Two bedroom• and ~ l'toml fMturinQ 19' and ;;;:-&'ocean~ apt. If odu•o,•. ~".~:. .. ""'II· mo. 5'8-8t08, 1ft 6 , f 11 d • MWI ancloaad garden room, """ ehwtl . ·-1 ·-· l800 53e-t082 1m y room con o. olf the matter tulle. appllca ble & rent the mo. 955-3649. ewe ---------Aettful bf"lck patio with Wini TIAIE Co pl tel e od 1 d otha< 3 apartment• tor Avtllabla 1-1-& l.rQl 4 + cuatom ape. t186,000. m 1 Y ' m • • Income. Saller wlll help LAROE COM home. 2 2 ~·· ., .. Fonn Din N1·1• ••••••••• , ...... ::;=t f:lt~ ~~: lln•nco & SAVE buyer Stry. 3 car Qlf, e>c.an s'tna Frpl'U t llt Pd. .. natln9 buyer. Atklng tllout1ndt ol dollartl v 11 w · F 0 r 11111 • Kida/Pata' O K S49S COLD Wei.I. BANl(eRO Cua1om home 3BR 4Be, $190,000. For an ap-REDUCED aelllng pr1ea $1350/mo. e!lt-8110 KINO Publlc'a t1on attpt to Hndy betel!. polntment to 111. call of '325,000 la way BE-daya, 780-3850 -· 537-9740 chg Prim• Leouna Nlgual 540-116t LOW e11rrant replace-lt11-l&.ft locallon. Full pr1ee t 1. · mant co•tlll Prlnelptlt Steps to a.nd, Ultra mo-950 ooo ONl VIII Call owner at l arge 4 bdm, don. 211\ darn 2 + bonut rm. • .. o~""T ••• "'5t3 (71') ba, llvlng room, dlnlflo Gourmet kit. Cwt Oeoor, " "'" _....,. ••2 A111 room, 2 c.r oarllQe BBQ Patio, Ra ining --•ITAft-H i~~~~i;!~;:~;;;;;;;;1 ... -V ...... ......, Ylft 8pe_ All Utllt peld, tat .f " •• u laffat htttrtl 1350 11500 Month to month dapoalt mo~ In. ---11UD IUftUTI -...... lmmoctltta pc>M. '505. KJNO Ion. 11,Jll,IM ·-·-... -. lnia• 1144 Ill ... ... ~. 537-8740, chg Thia new euatom bay-Thia~ r,::".,..,, Wll/IPTlll U lilh/Lihal•• Wtls farp.... 3 Br. 2 Ba. euahard, ::i~=~o;:: ral'l'IOdoled thruoutll a.. Turtlarock Exec utive AHi 111-111-2112 ~m~::.:;!Y1:'~ port e..cn. 4 BR p1u1 aldu s bf't, ttta owner VI-Property. Aa1um-Bu._ Mio prloa. Keep 11 3 bd, 2'h bl homo, 1r11na •on. t e 4 •2 1 1 t 0 r r.croallontl a1oa with 1'1111 added 2 tlryllt• In able financing! Sala price ep artmanll or 1111 H Tarr9CI, Lrg Yrd, ~ "2~7 apa. BBQ a 1atr1Qarator. I.I'll fmly rm & ,.tied tl'ta $270,000 • wlll Mii for condo•. 5 yMra new • llouM. St2(i(). 844-058t 1-------.,..,.-- Room for 50' 6oat I kitchen countan. Priced '259,500 thla weak. lltted at 7.2 X'a gr-018 1niat U44 amall boat. Owner wlll at S 1 3 3 . too w / Drop by 3 Valley \llew. c.ii Cathy Luga 2BR 2'hbl, dan.1--------- oontldlr i-/optlon. 1uum1bl1 flnanclngll SAT/SUNDAY open t2·5 ltllll llAl.n Artlltlc: 2 ttry w/loft, tip, Univ. Pn 3 Bt 2\.\ Ba. 2 ....... c a II 7 5 9 -150 1 0 r Pvt. P'Y9 only. 55S.-7'1M 11•2•11 • 9 5 0 . 8' 0 . 0 2 0 0 . c.r oer. tt50 t.f .. 1 yr ••••ts llllY• ... Thia one 1a • lead«! a Bdrme, 3 Flraplacae. un- llmlted v1ew from Spy· gtua. Sunny. cozy. •X· citing, prae11cal. 1850, 000 lncMSaa muctt of tl'la fumlture. °""" Ing too. Uflllij lOOI: f1()Mt:I "-flora. 87&.4000 awUlml ......... "" Situated In rapldly -s>- Pfecla.tlng .,.. d Walt· aide Coeta ....... adja- cent to new rldavelop- mont aroo l park. At- trlC11va rear hou" w/ Mdlldld rod bftdl peUo would make 01• ~ are home. Front unit & bad!. ldt would ~ w/ ~&taqe.$t39, 000. Call Joyoa Oabott fordl&ala.7 ... 100 GEORGL EUUNS C Git GREEN c:atl'I for WHITE alaphenta with a CIHtllle<I Ad Call 642-5678 752-7371. -• "2-3092 1 .... "46 ........ 1220. LET =-1.ttt--:-a.--=w:--:-.---=1-=-t11=1.,..:t..,.er-.-2...,.t11_dl,_lil)...,. .. -.-w...,.1vtew-:--1,_1MM __ 7_51 ____ _ ~ Walker 6 Lee Liii For our new rooutar ..-ty leetura IDIT SIOW - CISE Every Saturdar,. In Iha Delly Plk>t CIWHeda WI ... Ill.IT Is d • c k , 2 c 1 r o 1 r , Near MW. lrnn-=. highly llAll ILft. $960/mo. 717.,. Ordlld. upgraded dot1ch1d Introduce YoU to one of Zoned community com-Work 6•0-49H, home l'toml In WoodbndOf. 2 lntne' • nna.t devek>C>-: I m.r°'•I 11,800 1.f. lot 840-82 tll er l din. ab1um w/..,._ mantl • TURTLE ROCK located MW cMc oentar DEAL Of 1tle Century 2 + malntanana. fr11 yrd . GLEN PATIO ~ES. 4 In bMUtlt\11 Buena Par1c. 'uttra \.aka, poolt, tannl•. bdrme, 2'A ba. ~ Attdng $150,000 OWC . ttugaocl ~kit rboomrkf.:. b t10001mo. t75-3t72, Model. Ex__. ......... floor 931-7370 540-0312 m ern • •• 81• ..-975-1568 ....... ~-• totally cuatom oacor. re-·~---------pl1n dellgned for tleO-l&xlng 8Qe. Lrga Ger. tat Wooclbf'ldgt. 8rWtd ,_ enc. and fUnc:tlonal llY-+ dfC)O & yur In. $550. towMoma. 2 bdrm, 2 bl. Ing. Plua yQUr own prJ-KINO Publlc atlon. flraplaco, dovbl• 0"· TR,\OITIO\ \I Rt.\I T\ Viti poof. $3-49,900. 537-9740 dig Large~ ywd. Lake, Country CIWmll' 3 Br So. pool, tennla prMlaQM. of HWy, good 1oc:ai1on. ::::...:o . Alter 8 , 11 a r. A v a II • n o w . .,,--..,.---,---,--,~-•-u1.. .... 842-3442, Ut-t:zee Turtlaroetc 3 b r, 2 b• -homo, atrium, lovely 1_f"':ar'.::b~~miitL:'.:1::;t2S=". C.ta ._. UM ~~· r~~ '1':00f.::. ' .-.-· t 81'. Trellar, prlv9te. utla 851-3933 paild. No peCa. Rar1gl &•-------- refer. 1 at. plua aac. ~'"'°· 4 .. ten In IOl9dolura. Lowly 2 ttory home .ttti cuatom Interior and eualom wood ahutt4n. lnetudlt huge aundack whic h overtookt tl'tl ptWtl and a ----.... --L--1-... - h"98 cuttom bullt ape. i!=!l!!!.!!!!!·•-!!l!! j (WIN accommodate Illa Br. No end. OwYIS wlll wllolo party). 2 fire· nn. $225,000. 4'2 Mon- pi.oea, one In tl'tl famlly torey Of. 494.0154 No room and one In tho potnta. Nd• ew9'/ .,,..., eutte. ---------546-2313 THE REAL ESTATE RS l ' 1 • 'I I • I I t ~ I I I • II ll $1.14,. ., TWt AU ,._, ,e, ..,. tOtfl*J.,. e4 DAlY Pl.OT SERVICE DIECTIIY r ' ) f ·8ABY81TTEA WAHTU> For 2•Yf-otd ~. Pert/ fUI time. ~---,. quired. Call 1411-0817 after 5 p.tn. ....,... ......... "'"~ with GOOd foelowlng ror new l>eauty aalon In ·Nwpt Bel\. Comm. or rent. Call Joyce dye 642-0092; ... 562-8075. COHHHl CHfYAOlf T ' . ' ':.4t> Ii V1J costs .. . rebuffed . 8Y PHIL SNBIDERMA.N ............... A $1.8 bWkm ~ of tax increaaea and lpendln1 cu ta. 11R110Wld Monday nlabt by the -· Senate FlnaDoe C.ornmlttee ' Would lmpoee no new feet on oammunity college m.Mlents and would make no further cuts in the free coDeae IY'Stem'• budaet fw the current ti8c:al yeer. But Leland Myen, a leplatlve advocate repreeentlng Orange County's four ccmmunfty college diatricta. aaid the finance package could undergo changes before It liaemcted. The measure waa alated for oomideratlon today by the full Senate. U approved, It will be forwarded to the state Aleembly. "I expect that the Senate will 10 alone with thla packaae," 11,... aaid today in Sacramento. "But tbf Aa.mbly la more of a queetion mark ~UM of the parUaan politics that are being ~;yed there ... Local community college te.den bad expremed concern became the initial finance bill, introduced by state Sen. Alfred AlqWst. D-San Jme, would have removed 10 percent of the state -community oolJese 1unding for the remah>der of the fi8cal year. Thia would have rsult.ed in a io. of $2.18 million few the Cout Community Colle1e District • (Qranae o..t. Golden West and Coastline colleges) and ,$1.2 million to the Saddleback . QnmUnity Collete District. But Myera aaid Alquiat p 11 anted a revi8ed bW Monday nlcbt. elfmlutma the community JIQIJeee budaet cuta. m.te.d. be Jll-opOwi a t20 one-~ ,_ for .... ...,....tty colNe a&udmta. ' Thllt f• propoeal, however, ... njectied bJ a ~ to 2 vote of che finance committee, Myen ....... Alqu\at'a oiiclnal blll alao oaDed fm' ~more than ttoo wntm from the current budc'eta ol the California State Univenity and University of California ,,.... But tlUa, too, WU reduced to CU1I ol t15 million from e9Ch of the four-year univenlty systems m the bW finally approved by !be tiommlttee. Myen noted, however, that the four'-year ayatema had ncelwd funding fncn 11e1 in the budget for the current year, ;while the community college !t1atem loat $30 million in fundlna lMt MmUnel'. , Be Mid be hopee legialatora ~that theeommunity cc!' • alrwly have ctven their ..... In funding reductkma tbia y.r. i The flnaor-bill la aimed at eruinC a IDUllve state budget deficit for the CUlftllt year. 'l'be bill calla for a aix-month fncrr 1 of one-half cent in the st.a~ aalel tax. a aurcharae of up ·to 10 percent Oil ~ Income tasea, increased bank and corporation tuea and hi1her (See OOILEGE, Pqe AZ) • --------- , . .., ........... ~..,--­ Costa Mesa welder Ali Rou.shan 1trinp Chri.atmu lights on his &culptures that have thrown the city'1 government_ into a tizzy. Ali, art going out By JODI CADENHEAD or .. a.1r .... -.. Saying he wanted to 1tve Costa Mesa residents a Cbriatmaa present, renegade welder All Roushan strung 600 colored ll1ht1 atop his 60-foot hlgh aculpture Tornado Monday. But city off.lei.ala apparently will get the "real" preeent next month when. Rousban said, be will take down all four aculpturea erected on hla property at 1550 Superior Ave. Rouahan said removal of the towering red atructurea hu nothing to do with an Orange County Superior Court dedsion LMt month ordering him to teer down three of the sculptures erected without proper permits within 60 days or face removal by the dty. 'Tll take it down under my free will. not beca\188 the city baa forced me," aald Rouahan. "I wanted to build aculpiure. that worjted aa an antenna to create Intellectual controversy. It worked." Though auppoeedly erected to P\'Omote peace and love, the statues have resulted in an avalanche of publlcity and personal loaaea Lor lh.e 39-year-old Iranian lrnrnip'anL Featured in "People" magazine, the enezptic welder captured the hearta and irn.-ginatlon of many fans, u well aa a five-day jail 1entence for defyln1 a court order that he obtain permits. LMt yeer, be 80ld hla ,160,000 Newport Beach houae to pay mountlf\8 lepl bOla. The atrafn over the cost and oontroveny ultimately led to hla diVOl'Ce thla year. • In style ~ known aa much for hla phlloeopbical diatribe aa hla welding, aaid the atatuea repre.ent a three-year cycle in . hla life that bu ended. By the end of January -he won't give a date -the sculpture. known .. Butterfly. Volcano, Tomlldo and Tower will be cut up and l*bd In boxa Already mum of hla apnwllnc building bu been JeMed to clear the way for what be dacribed M hla next three-year cycle: traveling. Rot'lhan aak:I be'• Solnc to buy a bua and travel around the oountry rMetinl people. Looklna back o-n the laat 8f!Wr'8l years. Bol.-han •ya be bu no retre1L "I wanted to put up aome statue. aod I did. How could I ae? It wodm. An ewnt baa taken place. Only a fool would deny the event." Santiago Canyon airport plan ~ . revival urged By STEVE MARBLE or .. _., ........ A carnpai4P'l to revive interest in locating a regional airport near Santla10 Canyon haa been launched by Newport Beach. ·The San~ Canyon aite WU recommended laat Au1u1t by members of the Blue Ribbon Regional Airport Committee, a groupofllbuainellmen.elected by Oranp County supervtaora. Several committee members recently have said supervisors did not give the Santiago Ca:nyon site aerioua conalderation. Supervisors effectively rejected the recommendation when they voted, 3-2. that there la no viable ~ airport lite In Oranae County. C-ounty aupervlaon, praenUy 1tudyln1 the future of John Wayne Al r port, are l n. dlngreement on whether the blue ribbon oommlttee atill exlata or lf it haa been formally dlabanded. In a letter to two memben of the comm1ttee -Dr. William Ballhaua, president of Beckman Instruments, and Keith Murdoch. former Anaheim city mana1er -city leaden in · Newport Beach aald they are "dismayed" that 1upervi1or1 · haven't re.ponded directly to the (See SANTIAGO, Pase AZ) ' PUC bullet train hearings planned By GLENN SCOTI' or .. o.., ......... Auemblywoman Marian Bergeson, R-Newport Beach , says the state Public Utilities Commi.aston has assured her It will hold public hearings on a proposal for a high-speed train to atreak through Orange County up to 90 thne9 a day. Bergeson has pushed for the hearings, claiming that under current laws, the only rema1ning BOVemment approval for the ao- called bullet train la the PUC's certificate of public convenience and neoe81ity. A 1poke1man in the OOO'Unl.ton'a Sen Franclaco office confirmed her rePQrt today . Spokesman Gene Ralel1h aald the commiuion alwaya holda hearlJl8I on major propoula . .. In any cue where broad public intere9t la involved, the commhaion would hold beutnp.'' he aid. So far, RaWgh noted, apomor · American Hilb Speed Rall Corp. has not applied for a certiticate, and hearing dates won't be .et until an application la received . He said hearings would be located in affected areas if the commiulon budget can cover travel costa. Bei:geeon and two . Republican tejlilatlvecolleai\.aes had Uked for bearings in Loe Angeles, Orange and San Diego counties. Bergeson, Auer;i~man Robert Frazee, R-Car , and Sen. BW Craven, R-Vlata, abo have introduced a bill thia -1on that would require approval from a majority of cities and counties along the route before the PUC could review the • propoul for Its certificate. They will continue to push that blll, a Bergnon aide aaid Monday >ftemoon. The 131-mlle route would run between Loa Angeles International Airport. downtown Loe Anpie. and downtown San Dieao. Traina, with a top speed of UM> mph, would atop et .wra1 Oranae County ctUela, ~ atope on different rum. >.. IDM1 a 46_ round trips jm' day .,.. pllnned. wfth the flnt lea tn opentkm by Jate 1881. Beraeaon-. whOM new 70th Dtatrlct Includes San Juan Caplatrano and part of Capistrano Beach, haa been tryina to eNUl'e public bearinp on die route alnce the state legialature gave its approval to the system in a lut-mlnute bill at the end of the previous legialatlve aemion in Jate Au,uat. She abltalned on that vote. (See BUU.E'I', Pqe Ai) Laguna council eyes off shore moratorium By STEVE MJTCBELL or .. -.. ........ A pmltion on a U.S . Senate bW that would lmpoee a montoriwn on ocean drllling off Laguna Beach and Newport BMcli until 2000 will be oonaidered tonJaht ~. La1una Beach Cl ty The bill, introduced by Sen. Alan Cranston, D-Calif., would mean a 17-yeer freeze on gaa and oil drlllln1 i n aenaltive environmental ~· lnc:luding offahore tracta aJona the COMtal bMchee of Crance and San D6eao counties. The leglalatlon, lf approved, would prevent JeMtna Ol the 10 trecta between N~ Beech and i...,una Beldi that were the subject of lawauita and lnjunc:tlona durinc Leue Sale No. 88 earlier thia year. And while the two COMtal dtiee were aucce.ful in b'cddnc .ie of local tracta iJ1 that qipe, there (See OFFSHORE, Pqe Al) Three hurt as car, trailer rig collide A colllalon between a amall .tan and a tractor-trailer ria on the San Dte10 Freeway near Lquna C.Oyon Ro.d left three people tnjured Monday and creetied • mMllw traf6c jlln that -"°'~until e p.m. California H= Patrol lf'M• i4D IUck aud the l:J8 p.m. coWl6oft occurred W'hen a HdaD driven by Sandra • Continued •torM8 SANTIAGO l'tE ... ~~Canyon choke. .. Tiie i.uer. liped by Mayor (JM.ide H"ther, Mkl comtnJtt.M nwcnben to rearoup and oonfront 1:0W\ty tupervllon. "We'N very concerned that there la no Iona range plan tor• re1lonal airport alte tn the county," Heather explained. "I'm aa.trald Jolln Wayne la aolng to become that regional lite limply out of default." The dty, which haa spent. inore than i1 million fl&hting plans to etpand John Wayne, Urned it.a ftter to co\ncide with the pervlaora' new alrJ>ort :seUU11na effort. . Cliy eadeu said the time '1:: to~ right for rekindling IJ t In Santiago Canyon. "Thia (the committee) is a oup of prominent and Wgent people and it. seems to that whatever they came up th la at leut worthy of aome ANIGeration.'' said Ken Dellno. wport Beach's executive ••tant city manager. lDelin~ said the Santiago • Canyon cnolco wu dtsmt.ed too quickly. Several otfldala clOM to county aupervllora auaeet.ed thtl' city lt wa1tln1 rta time but acknowledaed the county likely will take at te.t a curwory look at alternatlve airport alte. durlnt the plannln& procea for John Wayne. Supervisor Chairman Bruce Neatande, whoee dlatrict lncludee Santiago Canyon, aald he won't support reviving the blue ribbon committee. • "The oommlt.tee'a report hu been ret"eived and filtd ~ the committee has been disbanded," said Nestande. Supervisor Tom RUey, whole district. Includes Newport Beaeh, said he believes the commlttee haa not been dhlbanded and la very much alive. Like Neetande, though, he expreaed concerns with Santiago.Canyon. Steve Malone, an aide to Supervisor Ralph Clark, said Clark views Santiago Canyon as being "pretty remote." . Malone said Clark la unsure ................ that , ... Niguel pair hurt --lane-eras ~~ >,. La1una Nlcuel eouple .caped MrioUI lnJW'Y Monday wMI) \hell' four .... ter airplane crllhed oftto • roof of a houtt nHr ScoUtdal• Municipal Airport in A.Nana. Ouilty w. ~. 63, and bla wife, RolalJe, 158, were en route from the copper mining town of Morenci to Scoti.dale when Hartman aid he ran out of fuel. "The front of tM plane WU bedded in-1he rooftop!' said Phoenix police Sit· 8rad Thim of the 9:150 a.m. cruh about a half. mile west of the airport. He aald. the bouae waa not occupied at the time of the craah. A 16-year-old boy who saw the plane come down wu credited with helplng the couple out of their aircraft. Hartman and hi. wife were taken to nearby Scottsdale Memorial Hoepital where she wu treated for cuta t.o her left lei and a bruJ8ed chelt. lUnman au.ffered c:utt to ~ left hand . A ho1pltal apoknwoman aaid both were treated for their lnjurln a.nd releued. Police aaid Hartman. who II a manaaement conaultant for a mln1na company th Monnc:i, w• returnlns to Scottsdale for scheduled maintenance on hi• plane. Hartman laid he knew be WM low-on fuel but that hi.a tf'r' showed he atill had fuel t in the tan.kl . The police apokeaman aaid Hartman pU).led the nme of hi.a Ceana Centurion up at the. last , minute, "and moat of the Impact W81 in the belly of the a1rcraft.'' He aaid that maneuver probably saved the couple from more aerioua injury or death. Damage to the unoccupied home was extensive, the police sergeant aald. ~ •Lamarque and her paalel'l8er, ...,.ll'CO Frontana, al80 of Mexico, treated for minor injuries at on Community H<>11pital and r released. • what good it would do .t.o breathe life back into the blue ribbon committee. ''The recommendation is sitting on the shelf next to all the other recommendations," said Malone, explaining what baa become of the committee's work. Mesa OKs church use of blood therapy • . • Rust.ab was still in surgery for 1 injuries this morning. a • pit.al spokesman said. : A CHP spokesman aald traffic mained congea~d in the thbound lanes for 4 1A hours the incident. An aide to one supervisor. who asked not to be Identified. said the committee hurt itself by "thumbing Us nose" at the supervisors and at data that showed Santiago Canyon was not a reasonable airport site. A Costa Mesa church will become the first in Orange County to offer a controversial blood cleansing therapy approved Monday night by the Costa Mesa City Council. The council approved the chelation treatments for the William Parker Holistic Center at FFSHORE ISSUE BEFORE COUNCIL . • • n0 guarantees they could do In the future. •'Lelt June, the 9th U.S. Clrcuit of Appeala ruled that 24 off Santa Monica Bay, Los • elea and the two Orange t cities would not be leased ~tll a trial could be held on onomlc and environmental ~pecta on the areas. • , The ruling was seen as a ry by the state and local LICWl8 Beach offlcials say a long-term moratorium would prevent futve oil lease battles. June Catalano, Laguna's director of c ommunity development, will aak the city council tonight to send a letter to Cranston declaring support for the bill. The bill would outlaw off.shore drilling in near-shore tracts stretching across the mouth of Santa Monica Bay. and a 15-mile buffer zone off the shores of bJ!f\ COOll ~ llJJWOl-CQl1QMl«)CA~ 71&.7ftll.17!a ls.I So COOlf -l~ leocf\ CA~l 71<1~16607 Newport, Laguna and parts of San Diego county. Catalano said the bill, if approved, ''w ould end the repeated fights cities have to make as each new lease sale comes up." Another lease sale will be held in 1984, Catalano noted. "One problem local cities have is they have to divert scarce local resources to oppose an action which la not in the interest of the federal government or local government.a. 'COLLEGE • • From Page A1 taxes on cigarettes and luxury purchaaes. Myers said he expect.a the finance peck.age to be approved before Jan. 1 becauae 90me of the proposed taxes cannot be imposed after the end of the calendar year. Chance of • rain -•.ooo,... Teml)fiaturH wlll be cooler today and Wedneeday, rangtno from_. .. In Loe~ to el In tri. coutal and lnt•med19te valleya 10 the mld·501 In the mountain•. Oeaert high temperat11r .. tllould be In the middle to ""'* tot. T. emperatures .. 33 5e 81 41 57 40 71 42 42 IO 34 44 33 T7 32 32 41 57 35 50 58 31 a5 ., 16 14 70 32 A 35 aa IO 16 21 .. M 80 • 71 12 ... 17 IO a: • .. • .. 74 ,, ., .. ., Le 31 27 28 2t 32 11 47 32 35 21 19 42 80 M 30 25 33 42 ao 27 30 17 31 31 2' 11 ... 2t 2t " 12 0 11 11 1t 22 11 IO .. .. ,., ., • IO 11 • II II ., IO .. 11 : ~. Oecembef' 22 TO ,. .. -w .. ,.,..Set•ce NOAA U S Dec>! CJ! eo-i-.:. RaJn • SnowmJ Shower•• Flunles(fi) Fronls: COid..,.. Wann ..., Occluded 9"ir Stallooaty •• 31 31 46 33 411 21 64 34 44 2t 85 39 40 35 12 47 M 21 31 27 41 41 33 25 60 21 '43 21 52 " 45 12 40 II . "' .. 40 ., . :: = a.._ M I •• II M ea ao 11 .. :: = .... .. .. == I the Community Church by the Bay on a 3-2 vote, with Ed McFarland and Norma Hertzog dissenting. William Parker. founder of the church and the holistic center at 148 E . 22nd St., said the treatments cleanse the blood of toxins by lntravenous addition of enzymes lnto the blood stream. He claimed the procedure, that takes about three hours and costs $75 a treatment, helps rid the body of toxins. reduces blood pressure and helps prevent heart disease. HB nixes By ROBERT BARKER or !tie 0-"r "°' ,...., For the second time in less than six months, the Huntington Beach City Council has rejected a proposal to require fire-retardant roof coverlnSJI on ne,w buildlnga or when roofs are replaced. The measure was brought t.o a vote Monday at the request of City Councilman Jack Kelly who wu •beent ln~ Auguat when It previously wu conaidered. Kelly and council members Ruth Fif\ley and Ruth Balley supported the proposed requirement. Mayor Bob Mandie, Ron Pattinson, Don MacAlllat.er and John Thomas voted against the measure. Finley. who has been a leading advocate of fire protec!tlon measures waa visibly upeet. She atron~l~ backed an ill-fated measure to ban the sale and uae of f:ireworka in the city. She claimed thatihe majo}'ity of the council buckled under to pressure from real estate interest.a. · Finley aho said she was upeet becauae the majority didn't allow the fire department to ahow a video demonatraUon about. fire hazard~. The ab"Owtn1 wa• canceled becauae of the lateness of the hour. ' Most patients require 15 to 20 weekly treatments, he said. Holistic center spokesman John-McComb conceded that the procedure, flrat used to treat lead polaoning victims in World War U , has received little support from the medical community. ' "We just want to get some statiatica to show that it works," said McComb. Chelation treatments are used mainly by physicians interested in preventive medicine . Although several holistic centers offer the treatment, this is the first time it's been offered m church. The Co.ta Mesa holistic center offers clauea and lectutea on met.al and phyaical well being. In other action, the City Council approved the construct.ion of a 30-unit. motel at· 325 W. Bey St. A public meeting was scheduled Jan. 19 in the Neighborhood Community Center, 1845 Park Ave., to discuss cable communication systems. No time wu set. fireproof roofing She said she believed the presentation may ·have made a difference in the outcome. Earlier, Judy Severy, a spokeswoman for the Fountain V alley-Huniington Beach Board of Realtors, told the council members that the retardant roou may not insure safety. She aho said that by making retardant roofs mandatory the council might make a captive market for fire retardant roof manufacturers. Sex Off ender's Wite 1 pleads innocent Jacqueline Gronbach, wife of convicted Huntington Beach aex offender Robert Charles Gronbach. bu pleaded innocent to perjury and other charges relating to her husband's recently completed cue. The Orange County Diatrlct Attorney's office filed four felony perjury charges againat Mra. Gronbach because ahe allegedly lied on the witness stand durin& her husband'• trial. She abo waa charged with two counta of conspiracy to dissuade a wltnesa from teatlfylng for1 allegedly Jrttemptina to stop her ~ters from tadfytng at the, Robert Gronbach waa convict.ed of 22 COWlta of aexually abusing hla daughters and laat week waa sentenced to the maximwn 23-year priaon term by Orange County Superior Court Judge Everett Dickey. The perjury cba.taes stem h'om Mrs. G~'• te.timooy thaJ she WU unaware of the a~ testimony that later WU refuted both by her daughtera and her brother-in-law at the trial. Judae Dickey, who found Robert Gronbach ~ty in the non-jury trial, aaad whe11. he announced his verdict that in hit opinion Mrs. Gronbach "wu lyfug to ~ ~a1mollt­ everything'' when she teatlfied. UP 21.81 CLOllNO 1;0IOM • Ill economy By Tiie AltoelaCe4 Preti The economy ta contractlna at an e.timatecl annual rate of 2.2 per<*lt In the final three montha ot 1982, reventna the modest economic 8l"OWth of the put llx mcntha. ~ Department ecanomiN laid today. The estimate of economic activity in the period la subject to later revWon. But lf the decline hoJd9 It would indicate the J"90PNlon haa yet to run lta coune. In a •parate report. the Labor I>eputmmt aeid camumer prioea edaed up just 0.1 percent lal9t month. with lnflaUCn held Clown by dec1lnfnc inier.t rata on mor:tpge loam. The rile WM the wna•IM monthly pin llnce March and left inflation at an annual rate of 4.~ percent for the tint 11 montba of the year. If that rate penlN in December, lnflaUon fOI' all of 1982 could be at the lowest level lince the 3.4 percent increue of 1971 and 1972. The comumer price index roee 8.9 percent 1Mt year, 12.4 percent in 1980 and 13.3 percent in 1979. The Commerce Depu1ment ai.o revtaed lta report on economic activity for the July-to-September quarter, saying the "'* natiooal produci JttW at an lnflaUon-adju9i.ed annual nte of 0. 7 percent. ntlrd~uaner growth ortainallY wat meaaured at a rate of 0.8 percent, but that w• revtaed to zero growth laat month. Real GNP decllned aharply at rata of 5.3 percent and 5.1 percent lo the fourth quarter of 1981 and the first quarter of tfila year before beginning to rile at a rate of 2.1 percent ln the leC:Ond quarter. Firm's income rises ~ Irvine Sen.eon Corp. of Costa Mea haa reported improved operating resulta for the fi9cal year ended Oct. 3. Net income roee to $71,900, equal to 5 c:enta per share, from $8,100, or 1 cent, for the 53 weeks ended Jan. 3. Revenues increued to $2.207,300 from $1,582,- 400. The company changed ita filcal yea.rend from the last Sunday do.est to Dec. 31 to the last Sunday cloeest to SepL 30 to better ool.ndde with lta natural bwdnem cycle. METALS