HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-12-29 - Orange Coast PilotDog returns favor Michael Kemp, 36, ia happy \Oday that he racued Princess from a trip to the pound five yean ago. The small cockapoo got a chance to return the favor early Tuesday morning when she ft!IC\led the Costa Mesa man and =Uy trom a fire that their home at 286 E. l. Kemp and hil wife, Dani, went to bed about 10:30 p.m. Monday Qight, leaving Princesa and another doS in the living room. Kemp, a janitor, aaid he was "wakened at 12:30 a .m. Tueeday by Princess acrat.ching on their bedroom door. When he opened the door he aaw the living room was engulfed in flames. Remp pulled both dogs into the bedroom where, luckily, the couple'• 4-year-old daughter, Amber, bad decided to sleep that night. "'l'he Kempe, their four dogs and two cats eacaped the smoke- Wled houae tlu'ou8h a bedroom window. c11m 1111111 r rf <ANt,1 < OllN I Y 1 Al lrCHINIA ;1, C lNTS Deilr .......... "' ...... I( ..... Official claims cops drinking violated law BJ ROBERT BARKER 0( .. 0.-, Not ..... Several Huntin9ton Beach police officers who conaumed alcohol beverages in off-duty houn at the police firing range apparently violated city regulatlona, a city official haa said. The firing range, leased from the dty for $1 per year by the Huntington Beach Police Association, is located in the city's Central Park aero. Talbert Avenue from the Central Library. Vince Moorhouse, the city's director of community -services, confirmed Tueaday that It is a misdemeanor punishable by fine or jail to drink in the parks or on the dty beach. He said he plans to write a memo to the police association req ueatl ng that the practice "cease and desist" should drinking be continuing at the site. Moorhouse said, however, that ~ goes on in other parts of the city s park system and on the beach. He said it la difficult to enforce the city ordinance because of personnel llmitations. said today ahe I.a pl.annJ.na to .eek a report on the firlna ranie leue between the city and the police association. She said cl ty official.a should be concerned "becauae activities that may happen on city property can reflect on the city." According to aouroes, the range la referred to u the "range bar and grill." Parties alleged to have occurred there are called "bimbo-ramu," according to sources. Sources said that a trip to the Colorado River last July by a group of Huntington Beach o fficers waa called a ''river-rarna.'' It was on auch a trip, officers said, that 18-year-old Liaa Garlich was killed in a traffic accident near Parker. Ariz. Huntington Beach p olice officer John Blackwell, the alleged driver of the vehicle, ia scheduled to stand trial next month on charges of negligent homicide and leaving the ecene of a aerloua accident, according to Arizona authorities. ·"We're just IO grateful," said Jla.ni Kemp, 26, "I can't smell and without that dog I could have died in my bed." The family loat their living room furniture and most of their Chriatmaa pre9enta. Kemp said they were just happy to be alive. Dani Kemp gives Princess a kiss after dog helpe•d save family from burning Costa Mesa home. Kemp said she "can't smell and without the dog I could have died in my sleep." He said v iola tors can be arrested only if they are caught consuming alcoholic beverages in the act. Councilwoman Ruth Finley Chief Robitaille said Monday an ensuing investigation ahowed that eight or 10 off-duty policemen consumed alcoholic beverages at the range. He said evi~ence didn't support charges of tex parties 'br mt.conduct. .. i\rts unit faces ouster '•• I ~· C: 1'~e South Cout Cul•ural h.I four day. to come up with programs won't survive, said ~ League of Irvine, a non-'8,100 to pey beck rent for the Sharon Sircello, founder and tit youth~ted aria pvup Irvine Cultural Center, 17302 treuurer for the pvup. bM grown up with the dty, Daimler Ave. W ithout the She la looldn1 for a loan be about to die. money, the irouP la 1Ubject to becauae't Slrcello aald, the b e f o u n d • r o f t h e eviction. organiutton already la in the traanlzatton aaid Tuesday she And without lta bulldlna, its rnid9t of orpnb1na a new fund- •. rai1ln1 prosram -!!:"o -•. . which she 18.ld should y pey ~.··_A -·...-.ed -1·ewel th1·eves ita overdue bills. ~~••• But ahe said the 1udden !( demand by the buiJdina'a owner ~ouuht by Mesa cons ~p~e~kc~~:::a~ '...;, ~· r the bingo eames to e am the l1lOl'\eY. Police in Coata Mesa are .earching today for two anned 'bandita who reportedly robbed a 'jewelry salesman of $300,000 ~ of gold cba1na al he drove to hla home near South Coast ?J.ua. Robert Henbkoviu, 35, told }»Olice that the men robbed him at 6 :40 p.m. Mqnday night, 9ecorida titer he exited hil car. • ~ Mesa police Sgt. BUI kbtel aid both men bad thick Jorefgn eaaterft European •ccenta. After Herahkovit:t lndicated be didn't understand, t>ne of the men told him, "no ialk." Bechtel aaid.. ,. While one of the suspects held a chrome handgun to the victim, the second man removed his aluminum briefcase from the front aeat, Bechtel aaid. It contained the jeWelry. The stolen jewelry was insured and belonged to tne Fountain Valley firm. Unique Enterprises, where Henhkovit:z ia employed. Both auapecta are in theiI' 20tl, Bechtel said. One of the men ia de9cribed as 5 feet l, about 150 pounds, with a moustache. The second is deacribed u about 5 feet 5, 160 pounds with dark hair. Staie laws aay an org.anization has to be providing services before it can stage le~!al bingo gamE!ll. abe said. But il the group la evicted, It can't offer the services to enable it to hold the f und-raiaer. Sircello wa.a served Monday night in Irvine with an Orange County Superior Court order to pay the SB, 100 or face eviction in five days, ahe said. Recent diacussions with landlord a.car Zabarsky have failed, she added. Thua, ahe said bet• group is desperately in a-earch of (See ARTS, Pase A%) ~issing painting returned : A 17th century Italian painting ~ stolen from the Orange iColmty Fairgrounda last month ~ been returned undamaged to 'the owner, Costa M~ police -'d. : S1t-Bill Bechtel said art cdleetor Michal Van Hoye told ~ton that he receved a lJbclnt call at 4 a.m. Monday from a man clatmtn1 to have the llli11ing paintlng, valued at tu.ooo by Van Jfoye. Van Hoye w .. not available for comment today. But the director of the International 1·' Village Art Faire told police he was inatructed to go to Te Winkle Park in Costa Mesa where he would find the painting. The caller reportedly told Van Hoye to come a.lone to the park. Van Hoye told police be found the unin1ured palntln1 ln a clump of bushes by a pole located in the north aedion of the perk. Van Hoye reported the painting stolen Nov. 21 from a locked display cue at the art fair. Police said a aecurlty iuard on duty at the time reported that he didn't h.e&r an~ unusual. Van Hoye offered a $1,200 reward for the safe return of the painting. Van HoyP said he was later contacted by a man who said he would destroy the work of art unless he could return lt anonymously. The caller reportedly told Van Hoye that he stole the painting ao that it could be diaptayed at a museum. The Orange County Register also received an anonymous letter from a penon claiming re9pontlibillty for the theft. .,., .......... ~......,_I( ..... Irvine police Officer Steve Frew, left, poses with canine cop Farnsworth while Jeff Love handles Barr. The dogs look like shaggy family pets but they aren't. Irvine canine corps debuts Bouviers likely to become stars of police force By GLENN SCOTI' or .. .,..,,....., Dog days have begun for the lrvlne police. One-year-old canines, Barr and Farnaworth, besan work Tuesday for the police department. Mo.t of their flnt da)' waa spent in orientation with officers of the two-footed kind and posing for the preaa. Once the anlrnala ease into regular beats, they'll have their o wn aquad cara, their own handlen, thelr own mini-badges (for ceremony only) and most likely all the attention they can stand. Barr and Farnsworth are candidates to be Irvine's next 1uperatara. It won't be long, officers admit, befott moat Irvine school children are familiar with their •haaY canine copa, before most kids wlll know Farnsworth because his cha.rooal fur la darker and Barr becaU8e he la cur-U-er. The dop are Bouvier., a breed orlginally from Belgium where they were U9ed to pull carts and herd animala. Welahlna about 85 pounda today, they'll re.ch about 136 pounds when they finish maturing in three years. With their roly -poly appearance, Barr and Farnawortb look more llke family pell than canine cops. And that's exactly why Police Chief Leo Peart wanted Bouvier•. He wanted a do1'1 (See CANINE, P ... Al) -lllDEX- .ilail inmate's body parts yield 'no ~lues' • Continued atorl•• CANINE CORPS . . . efficiency but not the mtltt.ary look of a German ahepberd, h• hu laJd. But you cen bet thHe two aren't pet.I. Offk-en Steve Frew and Jett Love work u the dop' ha,fldlen1. hew hu Fatnrf'orth (they call him "Fama") and Love teama with Barr. The offlcen keep the dop with them at home dwina off hows, and Frew u.id the dOll are protective of their famllla "My .on la 3 and Fama playa with him all the time," aald Frew. "'They pt alone like old friencb." But durina a brleftna 'l'ue.ct.y, Frew warned other police off.lc:en not to playfully cuff with the haodlera with the doga prment or to pet or play with the dop .. with a family pet. "The dop aren't pew by any meam." he explained. '"They're keyed to protect ua.'' The dao' primary tuka will be to sniff out buralan ln the extenaive lndualrlal .ec1iona of the dty, a job experts aay they can perform faater. better and safer than humans. They'll alao be uaed at crime ecene aearches or to follow the trail of a auapect. They are not trained to bite unlfta their prey make au.dden movements at them or their bandlen. Officen in charp of the canine prosram, however, obviou.aly don't want to take too many c.hances. . At TuHday'a brl1fln1. for example, one lMue WM wlMtthat' the do11 could dlatln1ulah btotween tho aood IUY' and the bad IUYI durlna a chalt. "You'd be aurprlaed," Love uaured hla colleaauea. "These doo can tell who la betna ohaed ana who'• the chaser." Nevertheleaa, Frew Nld the dop won't be releued If there la any queatlon about aafety of other of&en. tndudina lhote in plain clothes. Hia atron1 auaesuon: Let the clop do the chuing. . Mitt Barr and Fama pt uled to their jot., Lt. San Allevato said the department wW bepn achedullna a~ for them with local acboola, community .-odationa and 11ervk:e group1. Fint. thol.lgh, he wanta the an1mala to become accustomed to their new rolft. A dog, lt aeenw, can be troubled with the same atre98 problems uaociated with hwnan police work. And even ihough the dty built concrete dog runa for the pair and provides eight cups of hilh- quality dog food a day, doo atill have extra problems. besides the fact they don't f':t paid. So far, they ve avoided one Itchy problem that many other canines a1ona the Orange Coast know too well. Said Frew: '"nlere's no Oeaa around bed enough to metS with the9e clop." ARTS UNIT ... immediate funda to continue the dance, theatel', foreign 1ancuage and other programs the group off en. Stopping the flow Orange County firefighters dike a fiood control channel near Alton and Von Karman avenues in ln'ine where they found milky suhetanc.e later identified as a mixture of cutting oil and a cleaning solvent. Authorities are trying to find out how the substance rea.ched the channel. tal blizzard slaps Northeast IJTMAIMI• ... &::• Lln1•rtni wlndl lh~ l'nOlt brutal bll&urd of the youn1 winter buffeted part• of tht Northeut today whlltt cltln of th• Mldwe11t atrualed out from undor a foot and inalf of mow. But pow4'r had been restored early today to moat of the 200,000 hom" that went dark a• the mowttonn rou9d from eeatem Colorado to upper Mlchlpn on Monday and Tue9day, mapplng uUllt)' pole1 and blocklna roada w1th 8-foot drlf1AI in places. The center of the 1tonn had awept lnto Canada by early today, but atron1 winda raked the mld·M....,.Jppl Valley and uppe:J' AppUachiana and a atonn wamlna wu ln eUect for eattem Lake lfiie. Gale warninp were poeted over moet of the Great Laka region and a1ona the New Enaland oout. Winda gusttna to 66 mph hit Buffalo, N.Y .. during the night. anapplna power llnea and tree limba, and amaahing aome wl.ndowa. Part of the roof of a Buffalo Savinfp Bulk office was ripped off. Al O.bome, a spokesman for the Niagara Mohawk Power Corp .. said 4,000 to 5,000 homes and businesses lost powet, but moet of the aervice wu restored by th.la morning. Ellewhere, flooding continued In Miaaissippi and Loulaiana and Eastern cities continued enjoying unseasonably warm temperatures. A aeries of alOm\8 that bepn Chriat:mas Eve claimed at Ieaat 2:5 lives by late Tuesday, mostly in weather-caused traffic accident&. W.,. NIUnl up co 10 mllh and anow-pacKed trH llmba folllnat cm utility llnn knocked out puwu In parta of Iowa, Mtchl1an, Wtaconaln, lJUnola, Kanaaa and Nt"bruka. By thi. mornloi, ael"VMle had been re11tored to most of t.he 96,- 000 homes that I011t power when 60-mph wind• mapped power llnea ln aouthe'rn 'Mlchl1an. Fewer than 1,000 of the 40,000 realdenta of Lincoln, Neb., affected by a blackout still were without electricity. The National Weather Service called the atonn the fourth-worst in M lnneaota htato ry . Vagrant held in cop scuf fie A 28-year-old vagrant has been arrested in Costa Meu on suaplcton of a-.ault with a deadly weapon against a police officer after he allegedly grabbed the officer'• baton and threatened him. Grayson Michael McCarty was taken into custody Tuesday morning at Winchell's Donuts, 253 E. 17th St. Police were called to the BOene after McCarty allegedly walked to a nearby gas station and threatened \0 douse his cigarette In a tank filled with gasoline. McCarty allegedly took officer Tim Ct.nero.' baton away and threatened him Cisneros fired a warning ahot lrom his revolver l and McCarty su.rrendered, police I said. No one was lllJUfed. I I l 1 "lt'a the ruination of a commwlity re90Ul'Ce," a.he said. by the cultural 8er'Vlces league and the Irvine School of Gymnaatks. which haa made lta monthly rent payment• and ham't been bit with eviction no tics. Jail · discipline lawsuit battled l The group moved into the warehotae and turned it into what Sircello calla ••a p&.ce with real working llpllCe for the ana" about four yean ago. At that time, four group• shared the buildlna and paid cl09e to $2,800 a moolh rent, a.he aa1cl. 'l'bne yean later, the rent WI do.•bled to about ~,600, she aald, and two of the ortllnal P'OUP' mowd OU\. Today, the bulld'8' la~ Sittello said tough eronomk times hurt the league'• revenue becauae clasaea offered last aummer didn't ralae eno~gh funds. ahe said. Most of the '8.- 100 owed the landlord la from miued rent laat summer, she added. She .ad ottidala had met with 7.aberUy and pledpd to pay the bOl whim they could ralle the ~ 8'at now, she aald, the c ...... °' .... UQI the~ are~ .Car crash kills teen A 18-year-old Anaheim youth DwacJ-Woolery, 17, of Whittier, aa killed today when the car he suffered minor injuries in the driving toppled down a pre-dawn •xkien~ t embankment into a In a separate incident, the int. Habra. body of an unidentified you~ Identified .. Brian mot.or'c'ydilt --di:mJYel'ed th1a bert, rePOrtedly wu being morning alon1aide • road in by Wbtttler J)Ollce aJona Cowan Beiahta ne~ TuaUn. winding rmd and hid eludecl Officen said they believe the them just moment9 before the motoreydkt lost control of bit accident, a Callfom.ia HJcbway bike and ~ad been dead for . Patrol officer Mid. ~ bawa before bein& found By Tbe A1soctated Pren Lawyers repreeenting Orange County have offered to aettle a federal lawauit filed by lrunatea who alleged they were placed on a dia:ipll.nary diet conaiating of a aubltance they called "dog food." The dlaciplinary food ia a meatloaf-like aubltance made up of weetat>lel and around l'De9t. A.lilstant Sheriff TMd Dwyer aelmowledaed that the food, called "gruel" by jail ottidala, ia unpleasant to eat and that the county la anemrting to aettle the auit. But jat medical ataff member• maintain the dl.9cipllnary diet la nutritious, Dwyer said. Dlaciplinary dieta were fed to all lnmatea In diaciplinarr, llolation -known u '"the bole ' -until February of this yeer, when the federal lawsuit wu filed. Newport Be.ch attor"ney D6ck Hermann, who repNeent.I the· plaintiffs in the lawsu.tt, which la pendJ.na in federal court in ~ A puaen••r in the car, by_po&e. __ ,;;,--------------------------~----~ Coastal Fair tonight and Thuraday. o-Mty ~ ... 15 10 26 mph below ll'lt canyon• on Thur9day. o-nlgtlt ._.. In !ht 40a. High on Tllundl!y In low '°• mlcMJOe.. Eleewl'lert. from Point Conception to the Me11tctn border and out IO mllee. UgM vartabla wind• tonight and Thuradty morning. Moally '°""'-' ..,. I to 10 1u1GCa with t to 2 foot wlftd waw .. Thurld9Y llfttmOOI\. ....,, .., tonlgllt and ~· ' ,Gusty winds due Joaquin ••II•)'• end tfl• Mal'-Lode ~ from Or.-v.., to llonofa .. '-~. def-. too In tM mon*'G and .. lllgflt. Tiie Lake Tahoe 8aatn wlll watm vp to about 40 degr-,T l'luraday. aft« dipping 10 16 'onlGM. !ht HWS .._ Otfltr toraent• of l'llgll tamperahH•• on Thureday lftcluded: Mounl 8hH ta. •5; .... ftoM, 17; Y~. 51: laoramtnto, I 7; Ukiah. II; ...._.IO. Tempera~ures NA note "-· ~ ...... ,.,., S.• ·<• ""'-""' u !. o.o. " c-c• .. La' 11 42 as • 21 a ..... 86 ... .. 6, 52 32 81 55 20 ,. ee ,.. 20 13 24 0 13 N ea as 17 IS' 17 42 13 • 76 N n 41 • 114 11 a .. ,. Fron11· COid ..,. WfJfm .,. Occluded ~ Stationary•• ., u .. 12 n a .. '2 .a ti 12 ao 20 3 '5 • '° ao a .... .. n 10 I t4 ., 22 11 .. 11 17 ·1 •1 .. N M ~ Jacbon, MS Jec:titonY!le KMtM City LM Vegtia Uttle Rodi L~ llll>bodi MempNa Niemi ......... Mpta-SL Paul ......,.. Newon..nt ..._Yo'11 NorfOlk N l'tatte ~City °"""" Ofteindo ,.., ....... flhotnbl ::::r .... ftottland. Ote "'cMdanOI =Clly NcMIOfld .... LAlllt a.n An\OfllO ....,.. === ... Louil eo 21 eo 3t 7t ., 33 s ~ 29 44 21 ea » 28 t M 33 11 73 .. , . 21 . , .. 33 82 llO 86 17 72 1.2 20 1 31 ti 22 -6 u &a N M M 37 71 32 &3 50 •2 31 57 &a 7" 11 21 15 '5 11 70 .. • ti .. S3 40 21 IO S3 11 I .. at 81. P-Tampa s, ea II 81• Marie 48 • 89QI(-22 20 8yracuM 59 S6 T~a 30 • T~ 53 35 Tutta 40 22 W..ntnglon 70 M Wlchl\• 27 10 CAL#'OMU .. .... laktf'afleld ea M IP.urell• 55 ,. f'r~ 55 40 ~-•1 " ~.:r-ee " M .... ,.tlO~ 67 40 A9d llU1f 67 11 Aedwood Cfty eo .... ~ H 11 ISaCrll'MnlO ... a2 .... .. 38 a.n Diego M 11 a.n ,renoitoo N ... aan\a ..... 64 ..... ltodttOll ... 40 ......:. ... u 41 11 =-41 1• to ... LOllO IMdl t1 ... MonroYll '5 .a Mt. Wlllofl 41 • ~"9afl .. ... omatto ., • ,.....,... a ... --... IO • ... 9tmardln0 at II ten Gabf'ttl .. .. ' Anueles, aa.id Tuesday that tne county'• propoeed aettlement for una pecifled damagea and attorneys' fees la unacceptable. "They want to pay damages and attorneys' feea, but they want to retain the ~ht to keep aervi.ng the dog food, • Hermann uid. "But we want them to atop abuaLng the prlaonen and treat them humanely. The money and atton-iey feee are really no bla deal t;o ua." Jacl'< Pederson, an lnapector with the State Department of Correc Uona. said tha\ county jail offldala apparently violated state jail standard.a by the wholeeale uae of the dlacipllnary diet. According to Pederson, atate a1andarda allow dbciplinary diem only in individual cues. "I cannot me. enough that the diet ia to be u9ed aa a very limited management option," Pederaon a aid. The ata te atandardt.1 llmlt the u.e of tueh diem to no Jonaer than 72 hours, and require written approval from a ph ysldan. Hemann sald Orange County Jail inmates were kept on the die t for months at a time - violating bot.h state law and t.he inmates' constitutional rights against cruel and unusual punishment. Depositions filed tn tl)e case lndicate that Capt. Jerry Krane, who was jail captain when the food was served, laaued a d.i.oplliw'1 diet memorandum ln September 1981. The memo said that inmates would be fed the dlaciplinary diet for three daya, given regular meala for one day, then be switched back to the diet for three more daya. Dwyer said the food mixtUre was developed after too many i nmatea sought dlaciplinary iaolation, to eacape livlng in overcrowded general quarters where aome inmates are fon-ed to aleep in toileta and ahowera. "Our diacipllnary efforts did not have the effect that it ahould," Qwyer said. "So we developed this restrictive diet." Shooting sparks riot MIAMI (AP) -Police kept pa.rt of a black alum -1ed off today aft.er a nllbt of lootin8 and violence by rock-tmalna PDP an1ered when a Hlapanlc pollceman cr'ltically wounded a black man at a video arcade. Police aaid they killed one loot.er. ~ people were hurt in the Tuelday nilht dlaturbance ln the Overtown area, and police apokesman Mike Stewart aaid 29 people bad been arrested by early today. F i ve police cara were deatr<>1ed. three by fire, and two journalista' can were burned. A 'group of about 20 youna men was aeen awarmlng a yo2n white"woman. who waa stri of her clotbea but f ed, apparently unharmed, into an apartment bu.Udl.ng. lt waa Miami'• worat d.isturbanoe alnce a May 1980 riot claimed 18 lives and caused $100 mU1ion in propert)' damage. An 84-aquare-block area wu ~ off, with exit ramps on a nearby highway closed. Veronica Segerstrom Segerstrom widow dies Veronica'.Phyllia Segerstrom. a full partner In the firm that developed 1prawllng South Coast Plaza and nearby Town C.enter in c.c.ta Mesa, died late Tue9day at age 81. Family members aaid the Crance County pionfer" died of an a~nt hH.rt attack. She hlld aertou.aly ill for several yeera. Widow of the late Harold T. Segerstrom. she was a member of the family that turned a metch of fanning acreage into one of the largest and most profitable ahopping and profeaaional cent.en in Southern California. Her nephew . Henry ~. cun-e:ntly heads the family operation. Services have been aet l p.m. Monday at Waverly Chapel at Fairhaven Memorial Park in ·Costa Meaa. New Year's Special The sounds of AM-FM Mini Plover (RPSS) 29.91 -Mini Cossett• Plover (MG 1 Ol AMJFM Cossett• 44.19 Mini Ploytr 84 ,-I (MG30) I SANYO. • II/FM LED DIGITAL CLICI UDll Super-Thin! (Llmlt9d To Suppty' On Hand ...:_ Offer Good Thru 114/83) •• I ' . t I l l l - NATION 2 Air Force j t crash in Pacific By Tbe Auo<'lated Pre11 Two Air Fone F 150 Jt•t fighter• l rasht•d into dw Pac1f1c Ol'\.'an toduy about If.! miles northewst o( Okmawu, lhe Kadt'nu Air Forn• S..!w Public Affairs O ff ll'l' 1n Ok.Jnawa suad One pilot. who wai. not 1dent1fll'd . was resl'Ut'd by tw lkopll'r und rt•turnt•d to Kad~mu "in good l'or\tJlt11,1n," an Air Jo'on't' •pokt..,111.1u1 1M.11d H t· 1H' u t-u n 1 t K l' u n t 1 n u l' d IS(•a.rching fo1 tht' pllot of thl· otht•r plane, he said lnvt.'llllgaton. werl' trying lo detl•rmine the caust' of the crash of the two planca, each vulut.-d at about S 15 nulhon. Arms negotiator hopeful WASHINGT ON Chances are f'ven that the Uruted States and 1he Soviet Union will reach agn•t•nwnl at their s trategll' armi.- reduction talki. an 1983, the chief American negotiator •m I ci t O(°h \' "l think the odds are probably 50-50," retired Army Lt. Gen. Edward L Rowny s~ud in an interview un NBC-TV's "Today" show "lt'i. difficult to predict at this early stage " Weather claims 600 lives WASHINGTON -With parts of the Middl<.· West digging oul of eight foot drifts fro m a year-end snowstorm, the government says bad weather claimed more than 600 lives th1s year and destroyed or damaged at least $10 b1lhon worth o f property The agency did not give a com plete breakdown o f dt>aths but said 63 people died m tornadoes, 150 m floods and onl' m the hurricane that strut:k Hawaii thlS CaU. That was the only hurricane to hit U S ll'rratory this year. Ma y pr oduced 326 tornadoes. the m ost since reuable records began to be compiled m 1913, the agency noted. STATE ~· Quake hits near Bishop BISHOP A moderate· sized earthquake, the fourth reported in California this week , rattled a c r oss a sparsely populated area on the California-Nevada border but caused no damage The quake, centered 40 miles east of Mono Lake, measured between 5.0 and 5.4 on tht• Richter SC'ale and hit at 11 06 am Tuesday, aC"COrding to se1smo.{{raph1c s tations at the UC Berkeley and the University of Nevada-Reno. "It didn't do any damage here ." said Bill Martin of Bento n Station, about 30 miles north of Bishop "It was JUSt a good roUer " Monroe death 'not murder' LOS ANGELES -A cl.alm by a private detective and w riter that actress Marilyn Monroe was murdered 20 years ago is probably "a fabrication." officials have concluded after a 3 'h-month investigation. The death of the platinurn- haired star, an international sex symbol, was either suicide or caused by an accidental WORLD overdose o f barbiturates, acco rd i ng to a 29 -page document released Tuesday by the district atto rney 's office "The facts. as we have found them, do not support a f inding of foul play," said District Attorney John Van de Kamp, adding no further mvestigation is planned Salvador fighting heavy ' I • , E . \ 7 ' • ' ' D.ity Piiot P'hotoe by 0MJ The New Jersey'i, c·rew of I ,500 lined the deck~ after wuiling in fo rma tion for the recommii,sioning. 'Gallant lady' rejoins the fleet LONG BEACH (AP) With flagi. fl ying, turrets swiveling, horn!> blaring, gun batteries booming an salute and hundreds of sailors and marines standing stiffly at attention, the battleship USS New Jersey has reJOmed the Uruted States fleet "Captain, the ship 1i. manned," Cmdr. Richard B. McKenna, New Jersey's execuuve officer. reported at 1 :36 p m Tuesday aft.er nearly 1.500 sailors trotted aboard and lined the rails of the seagoing fortress draped with red-white-and-blue bunting. "Adrrural Watkins. the United Stat.es Ship New Jersey reports for duty," Captain Wilham M Fogarty told Chief o f Naval Operations James 0 Watk.Jns. The patriotic ceremony to rec:ommission the reoutfatted dreadnought nearly 40 years after she first sailed off to war m 1943 lS rooted m traditions that were old when seamen fought with cutl asses amid black- powder clouds "Ship's C'ompany. atten-HUT " The command roared over some 10.000 guests and hundreds of what.e-hatted sailors snapped to attention as a squad of marines, scarcely a trace of hair showing beneath dress uniform hats, bro ught bayonetted ri fies to present anns A ahi p 's bell c langed to announ ce each arriving dignitary, most sportmg sleeves and hats brimming with-gold braid, and a battery of 44mm guns on the ship's ports1de fired boom1ng, smoky 21-gun salutes to welcome President Reagan, who used the occasion to defe nd his defense policies "She's gray She's had her face lifted But she's s ull m the pnme of ufe A gallant lady. the New Jersey," Reagan said "This bt>aut1ful lady is everything any commandi n g officer cou Id ask for 1 f called· upon to venture into harm's way," Fogarty said The ship IS "Just plain tough " SAN SALVADOR, El Salvador -Government troops and leftist rebels clashed in the heavies t hghting since Christmas and vowed to strengthen their forces during 1983. soldiers, two pohcemen and seven gue rrillas died in Tuesday's fighting, and one soldier was killed Monday Rebels made no clatms of how many sold1ers or police they killed in the same penod Adoptee sentenced for NB robbery • .Mill tary sources said eight U.S. denies aid to rebels ISLAMABAD, Pakistan An Afgha n radio report claiming the U S . Embassy m Kabul has helped s upply arms and ammunition to rebels fighting the Sov1et- backed government an Afghanistan was te rmed "rubblSh" by US officials. S1m1lar claims against U.S envoys in the Afghanistan capital were made Tuesday in M oscow b y the Soviet newspaper Izvestia, whic h said they were directing the anti-Communist rebels. Israelis kill 2 guerrillas TEL A VTV , Israel -lsraeu troops killed two Palestmian guerrillas who tried to infiltrate from behind Syrian lines in Lebanon to Israeli- held terrilory. the military command said today. A communique said the guerrillas were killed when Israeli troops spotted what they called susp1c1ous movements. Th e troops opened fire and found the two bodies the next morrung, and footprints indicated that two o the rs escaped , the communique said Israeli forces suffered no casualties, 1t said. Convicted for setting up a $270,000 robbery of his adoptive mother, an Oklahoman has been sentenced to seven years in pnson Frederick Ratter, 41 , who had earlier confesse d to paying Timothy Claassen $2,000 to rob Helen Redford at her Balboa Bay Club apartment, was sentenced M onday 1n Orange County Superior Court, said Deputy District Attorney Frank Carroll. Claassen pleaded guilty last summer to the July 18, 1981, robbery and was sentenced to fi ve years m state prison Testimony at Ritte r's trial indicated that he told Claassen to gain a('C('SS to the exclusive yacht club by t.elhng security guards he was delivering a package to Redford, a twice-widowed woman an her 70s who adopted Ritter as a baby. Ritte r told Claassen Red- ford lovfd to be surprised. The ruse worked. and when the elderly woman opened the door We're Listening ••• Whal do you ltkC' about the Daily Pilot" What don't you ltke" Call the number at left and your messagt> wall be recorded. transcribed and deliv<'red to the appropriate C'd1tor. 642·6086 The same 24·hour answering servare may be used to record let ters to the editor on any topic Mailbox contributors must include their name and lel<'ph one number for venf1cat1on No circulation calls,'please_ Tell us what'!! on your mind .,..,,,... ~ ........... -- ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat Thoma• '. Haley Putoi,...., or1Ct Ch .. I ('"''"'•"Ott""' Jone Amon I ••Ill"• fcMoo L Kay Schvtt& Vffe ,........, cn1 Owec10. ol i\d•f"ll\"'11 Raymond Mod.eon C°""°"., MkhoeJ '. Harvey 0...-:tof "' ""°'~ ....... 1(,,(\jlo;o()r'I Clualfled •dven111no 7141142·Sl71 - All other depar1ment• 842 ... 321 MAIN OfflCE: U0 WHI ... SI Co.la -W CA Mall adclr.u lo• IMO. C•I• -·CA .,.,,. r...,v••o"' ,.., °'-CM\I ...... , ....... C-y No new• •tor•••, 111~•1••11°"'· tdll .. 1•1 m•i.•., .. •••11 .. .....,h N••fn m•y ._ ••IW-.. wtl- •-••• .. rmto ..... 01 <OC>Y• IOl\I -· ~t,:;~.~·;or~:.::~.:I>~-:::.~ fr..'::..:. ~Y matt "" '° ,,_11\h VOL. 71, Hq. Ill to let Claassen an he pulled a gun and entered, Carroll said. CarroU said the robber made off with more than $100,000 worth of jewelry, several silver sets and passbooks for three money market accounts worth about $140,000 Some of the stolen items were Gem Talk By JC HUMPHRIES Crrt1f11'd (;l'moloRt&I. i\GS In the spirit of lhe holiday season, I wish to pass along to you a nostalgic poem on the right, an the hope that it will give you the same pleasure lhat it has given to me GrandUither clocks, as well as slmllar fine mantel clocks, have faced down the challenge of plastics and modern design, 10 that, today, such cJocks will, In fact, become true heirlooms tomorrow. We wl1h to take thla opportunity to thank all our v1lued cu uomera who have remained falthfuJ to ua '" the move to our ~y ~w home. Abo we wish to thank the new frlenda we have acquired lin~ our move. We wlll continue to a lve personal eervl~ to an of you In the future T o all of you wondertur cuatom«n thank you for a flne 1982 and best wtahn to you all tor 1'"'3. found at Ritter's home, Carroll said Ratter was arrested Aug. 14, 1981 O ther items taken from Redford. mcluding two valuable nngs, an• still rTUSfilng. ask her advice about money market investments. Redford began suspecting her son's involvement when he called her after the robbery to The FBI and Oklahoma authorities began 1nvest1gat1ng • Ratte r after l<.'arnmg from his wife and other relatives that he had acquired some valuable jewelry. Winding the Clock When I wn a little lad. my old grandfather s.1d That nooe should wind the dock but ha. aod so at tune for bed He'd fumble for the cur1ous key kept high upon the shelf And set uade thlt latl11 task entirely for him.ell In time grandfather passed eway end so that duty fell Unto mv father who performed th• weekly cuatom well, He held that clocks were not to be by ~rel'n persons wound And he elon• should turn the key or move the hands 1rnvnd t envied him that little task and withed that I m1oht be The one to be entrurted with th• turning of th• key. But y111 by y .. r the clock was hi& udusive bit of Cllre Until the day the angels came end smoothed his silver hair Todey the tHlt. 11 mine to do, Ilk• thotl who've gone before. t am 1 j11lou• eu1rdl1n of that round end gleny door. And until at my chamber door Goel'• m11stngftr •hell knock To ml 1lon1 1h1ll be r111r111d the right to wind the dock ~nk m1r1card Muter Ch• • • -~ -~---__ ____,.. I • Of111 Lunar eclipse visibl along Coast Sk)'Wllh h1•r1 ulont( 1111 ( >r 11111(1• ( 01111 t 11huuld huv1• n icoud v1t•w of 11 r 1u 1 lu1111r t"C'liP"t' 1•1&rly Thu™l.1y 111 lht• w1•,.lt•r11 11k y 1f lht• t·urtfnl l'l1•111 wt•utlw1 11u•vu1lai A lunar t'<'llJ>lt' tll,·un whc•n th1· (•11rth '" IJUlllUorwd dlrt'\·tly b..·tWt'l'n th•· 111m .ind 1111· moon, <'&uamg tht• moon to lllM' mo:cl 11( 1lll rellttt<.od sunh6'hl a!> 11 p.it!>M'S thwut(h tht• t•arth's shadow Dr. F.d Krupt, d1n'i.·tur u( llw Cnff11h Park Observatory in Lus Angt·lt-s, smd I Ill' t'cllpse should bt• v1,1hlt· lhroughoul Southern CahCorma 1( duudy Wl'dlht·r dut·~ not move into tht> area. Krupt said c:hunges tn lhe moon will lMtCOme notl~able as early a:. I 50 u.m Thl' l"'l llltl "' '"'"' l't llp"M' Wiii .... ''"'" 'J. ~IH Ill .I 4111 .1 111 Thi• < 1r 1f lllh 1'11rk t >l~·r vM1t11 y will 111· o p1·11 Ir 1•1• 11f 'hurj(t' duri11A11 till' l'l0lq,11w p1•1111tl (111 tht"'4' who wl•h w olJM.'rvt· ttw pht 111111wn1111 In .addltlu". the· olJ1M•rva1tory will JJll'"""t 1t frt"t' pml(raim clt<Mllttjl wath lht· t'\ hJIM' ul 11 JO pm loduy Although th~ muon will be tmldt>n from tht· !>ur1 during 11n t'l:ll~·. It may oo dimly Ill hy light boum·1ng of{ duat partkles m tlw .i1m11sphcn.". at·t·ording to W11l11.1m l;u~h . .in a.'tronomt'r and chairman of the Haydt>n Planetarium in New York "Wt! M't' this l'Ommonly tn the !jUOS(.>l," he cidded, "the reason being that we·r~ Moelng t ht "'"' I hr 11u~l1 111 11 r 1• 1111d 11111re lllllll"'Jllll'lt' IUI II IW •IJo fo'111 tht• au1111 rt•11"4111, ( ;ut• h r1111d h.Cht thut 11•ud1t•11 tlw t'('llf1114'U llllMlll f1u111 tla1 1':0.1 th'• 11tmu11ph1·H· muy j(IVt· tlw 111111111 u 1 to<ldl•h or n1ppn t•ulcin·tl j(l11w A doud uf vuktlnl<. Wlh l11c.1.1Ltod ovl'r th1· 11ortht•rn lll'mtaphl·rt· 111!10 t•ould uflt"< I tlw up~·urau\4.'t! u ( tht• moon durtng thl' t'('llJJ!Ct• During Uw lwit Ult.al lunur 1'<'hp!M:' In July, tht• moon's north polt• ap~·un·d d1trk1·r thun tta aoulh pole, prolmbly bt'(;UU..'i4' tl f tlw t•rupllon of a Mexican vukano in April astronomera aay No special precautions rwc . .J be tak1•n lo observe the lunar ed1pse I HB I names • 6 border off ice rs sued for $5 Inillion commun1ty clinic boss Marty Earlabaugh has been named direc.·tor of the 1-tuntington Beach Community Clinic. Earlabaugh, 37, replact>S Doug Elson who resigned earlier in the month to at-cept a similar pos1t1on m Santa Ana. The facility at 5th Stre<>t and Orange A venue recorded 1,053 patient v1s1ts in November for medical and counseling service A native of Oklahoma . Earlabaugh has been an assist.ant director of the clinic for tht.> last five years. She was health services coordinator for 2 1 2 years before that. She said she 1s "delig~ted to be appointed and w ill work diligently to meet the challenge of increased medical demands " Marty Earlabau~h otht•r l'and1dates by the d1n1(·'s board o f directors Tht• pay will bt.> between $23,000 and $24,000, she said The Huntingto n Beal·h Community Cl1n1c was incorporated in 1969 as Help Line o f Greater Huntington Bea<'h with the purpose of plr'ov1ding counseling and 1nfonnat.1on on dangerous drugs Six Border Patrol off1~n. have> been namt'd 1n a $5 m1ll1on lawsuit filed by four Mex1ean c1t1zens who allege they wt>re illegally dt-tained and later roughed up by checkpoint guards near San Clemente The suit, filed Monday in federal court tn San Du~go, also names the officers' employer - the federal government. According to Newport Beach Baby burned during blaze in Tus tin A 9-month-old baby suffered second-degree burns when fire broke out in the Tustin apartment where she llves with her father, Orange County Fire officials said attorneys W11J1am Snyder and Edgar Rws. thl· Mexican c1t11.t'n!> had legal permission to lave m the Un1tt·d Statt•s and produced substantiating documents when they were haltt'<.I on July 4, 1979 The men, who reponedly have been living in the Los Angeles area for 11 years, are Juan Morales, Pedro Rodnguez and his two sons, Raul and Santiago All were report1c•dly traveling from Mex1<.'0 t.o 1..0£ Angeles the day of the incident Snyder asserted his clients were held illegally for four days. had their documents taken from them and that one of the men was pulled from the ground by his hair and beaten while a second was thrown violently into a chair and a waU A spokesman for the Immigration and Naturalization Service said he was unfamiliar with the spec1f1cs of the case and pointed out the government will re spond in court to the accusa lions. Energy booster Cu~~e Kluft, l 0 , of Fullerton, helps her <·ousin Chris, 2, from Geor gia, to the top of the Pomona School slide during their vi-,i t to grandparents m Costa Me a. She said more and more family groups are using the center because o{ deteriorating economic conditions. She said peQple in increasing numbers are losing their jobs and no longer have medical insurance. The Help-Line o pened its predecessor. the "frl'E' Clinic," in 197 I in a small storefront in Hunt.1ngton Beach an response to the nt't.'d for health 54.'rv1res. The 1nfanl, Jennifer Lewis, was taken to Tustm Community Hospital with burns on her thighs. a fire department spokesman said P€W YEARS £Y£ Al ~~:)_ COSCO CAITllS SIMMOllS STIOUI QIKO The cl1n1c asks for a $3 donallon per visit Earlabaugh , a graduatt-of Oklahoma State University, was selected as director over I 00 Doctors. nurs<•s, medical ass1sl4l.nts. counselor.. and others donate thl.'tr lime to the dime. The fire, t'Onhned to the baby's room, caused $29,000 worth of damage Tuesday morrung. 3901 [. Coast Hwy. CorON dtl Mir 7~9·18~ u IMPORTS NEW YEAR'S EVE STORE OPEN 11-til---W-A-LN_U_T_F_IN-IS-H-"" to A "' 5 P "' CONTEMPORARY & CLASSIC HARDWOOD DINING TABLE & CH AIRS EXTENDING TEAK TOP DINING TABLE From Singapore IL..1~1111111 ... l BENTWOOD CHAIRS SATURDAY NEW VEAR S DAV STORE CLOSED From Romania SUNOAY JAN 2 STORE OPEN Classic spindle 12 NOON s p M 36" )< 36" Slides open to 60" long 119.88 or studio Natural hardwood with BROWN. BLACK or ORANGE canvas WITH STENCILED MOLDED WOOD SEAT 29.99 WITH NATURAL WOVEN CANE SEAT 39.99 TEAK FINISH PADDED CONTEMPO RARY CHAIRS From Singapore Teak l1n1sh hardwood with padded vinyl seal and back BROWN OR BLACK VINYL 37 .99 each back chairs have a 11ch dark walnut l1n1sh NATURAL ROUND BACK MURAH REED CHAIR From India ~~U'llU~1nu111u~111 Sturdy com· blna11on of murah reed tub Ing and natural cord forms a comfort ably unique chair 34 • tall NATURAL HARDWOOD & CHROME FOLDING CHAIR s'TAINED RATTAN "STONE" BASKETS From Indonesia Especially thick rattan forms From China ;-~~~~~~ Beautifully crafted chair is made ruggedly hand some baskets Slrong enough to carry stones yet elegant ~;:~~~ enough to ~ of thick natural hardwood slals anCI rugged chromed metal dress up E-~~~~ any plan1 5 SIZES 12· to 19· dla 12· 10 20· deep 6.99 to 16.99 RATTAN OR FERN SEA CHESTS .__ __________ ......._ ________ -t OR TRUNKS OR FOOT NATURAL OILED TEAK COFFEE & ENO TABLES From Hong Kong Trim oriental Slyllng with groo11ed leak veneer tops on solid teak legs LOCKERS From Indonesia ancJ China Roomy siurdy chests will store linens. work as coffee !ables or travel - COFFEE TABLE s.t• long x 15' wide t8" tall 65.88 20· )( 20· 20· lall 38.88 round the horn NATURALLY DARK FERN 16" x 32' x 15" tall 36.66 20· x :is· x 20· 1a11 54.66 NATURAL GOLDEN RATTAN t<I' ,·.,.. 27' •• )( 12 1811 29.99 17"x3t'l1"xt6"tall 49.99 20" >< 35 '11" x 20" IBll 69.99 i::=::li..-:~~~WALNUT HANDCARVED OR INLAID SHESHAM WOOD OCCASIONAL TABLES From India FINISH HARDWOOD FOLDING BOOKCASE Elaborately carved round top1 on 3 panel or openwork octagonal bases make elegant lamp WITH BRASS or demitasse t1bte1. DETAIL FrOf'l'I Romanlt Smoothly finished end eml nently uttlull .. SHELVES 211" wide 1ov.· d"P "8" 1111 49.99 WITH WHITE INLAY 21 • dla. x 22• tall 49.99 21 • dla. 22" tall 45.99 DIR•CTL Y ACROaa l'ROM aoUTH COA8T PLAZA llAHYLT WUT DP Hlatk Al Illa 11111,lN• llAll' ftlllk Rlf O" * ,11HWATl 1 .. MON '"" 10 AM t '· t.U. 10 A.M.4 , .... MIN •12 NOON • I ,_ .. 3 PANEL NATURAL LUAN WOOD SCREEN 1• lutn wood atrlp1 form an op.,_wor~ tattle• tnatda 11urdy lram .. with brat• tllna-1. e· tall 17" panel width 81 • total width 39.99 lllYlUll llSSETI SIMMOllS CMILl-CIAn Complete Top Sirloin, Tertyald Steak, or Prawn Dinnen. Special valuea like thac won l last forever, so come to Stuart Andenoa 'a today. You're aotn• to feel aood In.tide. FOUNTAIN VALLEY, SANTA ANA, GARDEN QROVI TOMANCI, CIRRITOI, LAKl!WOOD, AMAHllM I . . i --------~~-L-~~-------------------..... ------------------llllilmi--.............. . oad d ath 0, ITe t 118 l'~~- D111h took 1 holiday 111t w .. a..it alaf\a with the ,.., of Or1n1t cqw;ty, It ... "" -at leut 11 f 11 M \t&ffk: Mtidentt were ooncemed. The cawomi. ffilhway Patrol aald the~• were no death• on Oranft Cowu.,y'• l"Ollda over the three-day Chrll\mH hoUday, mak1nf the lq wMkend a rare one ln 1tatJatbl term... Records ahow the county leads thf' nation in a 1t.Mdy reduction ul &raffle de ih1 over \he hollda11. Throu1houc th• c.'OW\tty. ttalflOoNlal.cl fAlaUUll lot lMt wtekend nu.mbft'ld 111 , accordJnc '° 0eorp W•t of the N1UonaJ Wtty C))uN!tl11 Traffic S.tety DMllon. Chrl1tma1t 1911, 321 people died on the nation'• hllhwa)'I, Weta\ aald. "J..ut year (' l) WU one of the belt yean we've had In a lona tlme. And t.h1a year wu even better," he laid. "There used to ht! a ierrlble B and leader Cugat reportedly 'grave' BARCELONA. Spain (AP) - Xavier Cugat, the flamboyant maestro of Latin music who became known as the "Rumba King," is hospitalized with heart failure, and attending doctors t oday called h is conditio n "grave." It waa the second urne Cugat needed intensive medical care for heart failure in less than a ye~. Cugit's associates aald he felt ill during Christmas Eve dinner at the hotel where he ~ living. Cugat, the prime mover behind the Latin music craze of the 1930s and 1940s, sparked the careers of st.an Desi Amaz and Dinah Shore, among others. The S panish-born, Cuban-raise d "Cugie," as he was nicknamed by friends. came to America in the 1920s. alauahc..r 11 thll Um«' of y •r on the road1,1• ht 11ld "Now w~ hive f ewtt people klUcid dwinl the hoUdaya than du11118 normal wattle petterna." Tr,rflc de1th9 natJonwld over Chrlllma1 weekend pHked in U?D u Ha, uld Rhonda Aiienbera, • 1taUttldan with th• Automobile Club of Southern California. Since then, then bu bHn 1 1teady decline, ahe uld. Thia year, death. were reduced to almott half of what they were 10 yean ·~ durini the hollday1. In 1972, ~9~ peopfe died on the naUon'1 hllhwa)'1. The reducUon la due, at leut in part, to an lncreue In drunken· driving arreat.a over the holidays, West uld. "L&at year the CHP arrested 1.262 people 1tatewlde driving under the Influence," he said. "Thla re&J" the number jumped to 1,500.' In Oranae County. C HP officers arrested 118 drunken drivers, compared to 76 laat lear, aaid Officer Gary Keller o the CHP'• Santa Ana office. "We'v e experienced a 55 percent increase this year In the number of arrests over all our Orange County areas," he said. Statistics show that alcohol- r ela ted accidents make up roughly 40 percent of the total fatal accide nts which occur Mother's DEAR PAT; My moU11er wa1placed1JI a 1ar1l•1 lllom• bec1111t 11111 req1lm coaa&an& medical .. ,.n11101 and &rea&meat. Bec11ae my mother 11 my dtpendtat ud I pay all ber related co1t1, 11 tbert any way I can claim Ule11 co1t1 a1 medical txpe1ae1 on my tax return? T.L., Newport Beacb Internal Revenue Service report.a that If your mother wu placed in the nunlna home to receive medical treatment, you may Include the entire coet of meala and lodglna provided by the home on line 6b of Schedule A. You will be required to prove that 1he qualJfles as your dependent a nd t hat placement in a nuralng home waa nece11ary for med ical reuona. Pet insurance Yalid DEAR PAT: Cao you tell me aometblng about die pet laaurance I aaw adverll1ed at my vet'• office? When did II get started and Is It on tbe level? W.K., lrvloe The vete r in a r ian-sponsored Health Insurance Program for Pets was started April 7. 1982, and now has 6,000 policy holders in the state. Since Its inception, the program has paid 1,500 claims, some amounting to several hundred dollars, according to the Southern California Veterina.ry Medical Association. There are two insurance plans available; an accident-only and a major medical. The care deductible polk il'I 11.arl Ml • UI for pt.•ta uncfr•r J year old, Mild l~t.I lll<'nt&M aa.-ordJna to the Ai of the animal There arc al10 1pttclal rato1 tor brc.'edcn and p.ita are covered out.aide of the 1t.1atc. The lruiura~ prosram la llceiued by. and meet.a the retervea requirement of the California Department of ln1urance. More Information la available at moet veterinarians' offkes. Gold filled, oYerlay 'same' DEAR PAT: Wbat'a the difference between "1old-fllled" and "sold overlay" Jewelry? h one better qaallty than t1te otlller? M.E ., Corona del Mar No Bas1cally, there'• n o d ifference between the two. Both are rated between karat and co1t ume Jewelry Thia type of ,ewelry is made by mechanically bonding a gold layer or layera to a bue metal such as copper. It must have a fineneu of 10 karats or better; the outer layer must be at leut l/lOth of the tot.Ill weight. Thus, If a 14-karat layer has been used, the jewelry should be marked "14 K gold filled" or "14 k.G F" • U111 .1 JU c1/i/1·111" f'111 •n Wflll' 111 • 1 /'.11 l/111c11\'/ll P .11 "ill l'UI n.J l<iµt'. - /4<'11111J.! th1 · ,1n,w1•r., .111cl m·t11111 y11u -11c•1•1/ tu ,11/\·1· 1111·4u1ll1'.~ 1n gov1•rn1nt'nt ,111</ l>11Mt11'.-.., 1\1.11/ .v11ur qw·~t11m:. Iv Pat H11rc11~ 111. A I )'11w Sc•1 \'Wt'. Or.ing1• Cti."t Dillly P1/111. f' CJ Ho,, I (>till. C11sta Mc~a. ("A .4:.!ti:!ti "I rl'I n fl '\ during holiday periods. -w;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ................ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii:;;;;;;;;;;;;:;:;:;:::;:::;:;:::::::::::::;:;;:;;:;;:;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~ I ·,1 The 82-year-old Spanish band leader, who has lived in his hometown of Barcelona since returning from the United States five years ago, has been in an intensive care unit s ince Christmas Eve, associates said. 1 c I Robnsons ssoo,000 SEMI· ANNUAL LOUBELLA SALE 33% OFF OUR INCREDIBLE COLLECTION OF SEPARATES These are the ones you 've been wanting the most-here. in a fabulous array of tempting georgette blouses. warm. nubby sweaters. and the most comfortable pants to be found All, tn an exc1t1ng collection of fresh, workable colors you'll want to build your New Year's wardrobe around Pants Rust. chino. purple. blue1ay. burgundy or ivory Two·way stretch polyester in petite sizes 5·14 or average 6·16 011g $32·$37 Sale $20.99-$23.99 Blouses. of polyester matte georgette. prints or solids. sizes 6·16 Ong $36·$48. Sale $23.99·$31.99 Sweaters of acrylic. S·M·L Ong $28·$42 Sale $17.99-$27.99 Rob1naire Sportswear. 153 No mail or phone orders. please :J •..J "' I • 4 I >1 t ' I I • • . , . I . • • I , I ' t I • ongressional action an protect coastline Convinced that only an act or n1 resa can halt Interior cretary Jnnea Watt 's dMermination to open up the e t 1 r e U . S . c o a s't f o r o 1 1 loratlon , regardless of nmental concern.a, members proceeding with just that of action. Prot ection for some of thern California's loveliest hore basins, such as Bodega • Big Sur and Point Reyes on.al Seashore, is included in appropriations bill passed by gress and sent to the White use for the pres ident 's ature just before Christmas. measure, which also prevents tt from drilling for oil in wilderness areas, would keep him from opening 600 miles of ~fomia coast from Morro Bay to ~ Oregon border for oil and gas leasing for the rest of this fiscal ~· A more sweeping attempt to Jlptect the Southern California 'f)8t by placing a free7.e on oil and . au drilling untJl the year 2000 wu made by Sen. Alan Cranat.on, but hit bill did not reach a jolnt Senate -House conference committee before the end of the session. Cranston aaya he will introduce a similar bill, to place a moratorium on drilJing ln a 15-mlle buffer zone off the shores of Newport Beach. Laguna Beach, San Clemente and parts of San Diego County when Congress reconvenes in January. This time, local officials led by Laguna Beach City Manager Ken Frank. are seeking a meeting with Sen.-elect Pete Wilson, in the hope of persuading him to co- sponsor the Cran.st.on bill. Wilson's participation, they believe, would give the measure a good chance of passage. And if Wilson still has Southern California's interests at heart, he will look favorably on thls and any other attempts to protect the state's unmatched shoreline, party affiliations notwithstanding. · uvenile care costly A state Supreme Court ruli~ delinquent children, about one- t may nullify a California law tenth o f the tot a 1 cost o f t makes parents liable for at maintaining the custodial facilities. as t part of the cost of But the high court, ruling on lntaining their children in a case in Santa Clara County e n ile institutions could cost where a father appealed an order 1;woe ... ,a,e County up to $1 million a requiring him to pay $100 a month ~ar, according to probation toward the support of his son in Officials. juvenile detention, say the Under the state law, which requirement was a violation of ~the obligation of parents to parental rights to equal protection .apport their children , parents of under the law. delinquent youngsters confined in The purpose of confinement, fq u r county facilities and in the court ruled, is to drotect 51i(vate homes, have been paying society and parents shoul 1l£)t be art average of $18 a day toward singled out and held responsible the $52 daily cost of supporting f or s u p po r t u n de r t h is children in custodial care. circumstance, any more than At present there are more relatives should be required to than 400 juveniles in Juvenile Hall contribute to the support of an in Orange, the Youth Guldance adult law breaker. Center in Santa Ana, Joplin County officials still are Youth C.enter in Trabuco Canyon examining the court ruling, but if and Los Pinos Forestry Camp in it does indeed overturn the state Lake Elsinore, and another 100 in law. the whole procedure of · f billing parents for the coat of pr1vate acilities such as group s u pporting delinquent children homes or foster homes. will have to be halted and the ooet The California law contenas will have to come out of general that parents are obliged t.o support tax revenue. their children, even when they are So there's still another pi~ taken into custody for breaking of bad news for county superviaol'IJ the law. Under this law, the already grappling with newly Orange County Probation imposed expenses for medically Department's collection division indigent adults and general relief h as been collecting almost $1 recipients due to c utbacks in f!lillion a year from parents of federal and state f~ . • Op inions expressed in the space abOve are thoSe of the Dally Pilot. Other views ex· pressed on this page are those of their authors •net artists. Readef' comment Is ln vit· ed. Address The Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Phone (714) 642~321 . White House saboteur? An editonal from the Sacramento Bee. Dear Mr. President: You're going to have to make an all-out effort to find \hat White House sabo1etlr, the one who floated the idea the other day about taxing unemployment benef1ta. obviously the same pen10n who t l<>Oi9e ln the Department ure and proJ)99ed counting tc p s a vegetable in school ea. Although there's no direct llllide1nce that it's the same penon, the .O.a are too similar to leave much ubt. Anyhow it's not likely that re could be two such people ln one l9t'l~lri1im~tJon. That fellow -we assume it'a a low -la causing you no end of uble and haa to be caught. Our 'on is that he was placed there "Tip" O'Jhill and the s reasional Democra ta, thouah re'• alway• a chance that th.oee •we:aten ~om Georgia In Jimmy OTHER VIEWS Caner's gang left IOJ1leOne around the White House in deep cover, sneaking into the building on an old pea and writing memos on White House stationery that look like they have your approval We're not saying that a alngle saboteur could have been clever and diabolical enough to have arranged the whole Reagan economic program. Though it's harder and harder to find anyone who doe1 claim credit, he must have had help on that one from loyal people who were just misled. But on things like taxing unemployment benefits, it's not likely that anyone who had your interests at heart could have been involved. In any c.ue you better find him, or her. before he propoees a user tax on seeing-eye doga -or has that one already been propc»ed? .M. Boyd/ Bedtime rituals W hat's your just-before-bedtime ? Almost everybody hu one or o( same. The most typical la the lock check. Let out the dos or cat a nother. Likewise, th e tl()IC·UP- ·lll'eplace chort', Lt such you own. tµrn-out·the-llgbta routine ls ~nal. certainly. 1'hat we do lhe9e In~• a utomat ically la a11um•d. t • noteWorthy la the ~rtecta of dOlnc them. Vaaue dltc0mCort. ediina•• wrong . but wh•t? -A I ol .uch matt.en ta)'I: U VOU trouble ,oln,a to aleep, get up pedQnn ~ bedtime routine._ Th.at CBS icepick of an mterviewer Mike Wallace la also a violinist. Q. When were privatr bedrooms lnvcmted7 A. Invented? Never mind, I, get your drift It was not customary for pt'C'>plc to 11k-ep In prtvat(> bt-drooms until about 500 year1 a10. Before t hen , tamlJy member• bundled toaicth r n a common bc-ddlng pl.ce. Q, Whal prompted the old kntshia to atart w arina annor? A. Tta. lntr~h.1c:tion of gunpowd r otrE:Urd~Tbanll'fleldf in ~ l300t. "I CAN'T HELP rr.... MY f ATID WORKS FOR 11£ 60VERNMBn' I" Finance bill hits security? WASHINGTON -Only the Capitol Hill appropriations committee ellte were fully aware that the undecipherable. 300-page federal financing bill passed on Dec. 20 undumlnes key national aecurity designs that President Reagan had every reason to believe were inviolate. Reagan was sabotaged and ao were majorittes on Senate and House legislative committees d ealing with national aecurity. Down the dra.lg that evening went Rugan'a military aid program for Pakistan. along with the president's plan to stockpile arms and auppliea at NATO forward bases. to guard against surprbe Soviet attack. "SERIOUS DAMAGE to our national aecurity may result," an lrate Sen. John Tower, chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, lectured hla colleagues juat before passage of the contint\ing resolution financing the government to next Oct. 1. In an accusation many aenaton agreed with. Tower excoriat ed the Senate Appropriations C.ommltwe • simply not equipped to f!ve more than .. super6cial consideration• to national security issues. The mad-batter appropriations procem now In Capitol Hill vogue la,nored leg:lalative comminees with at 1eut 80l'ne expertiae ln apeclfk arua. Polldes and money are pounded together into an Impenetrable package by the all- powerful appropriations committees and brought to the floor on a take-it-or· leave-it basi.sr ln the dying hours of the leSBion. The Pakistan arms package was peculiarly vulnerable, and emergency aid ia now requlred early next year. The Senate-Howie conference agreement on the money bill to finance much of the government for most of next year f,1~r:' 1-,.-.-s 1-.-av-11-~ ignored Pakistan. lt ignored Reagan's penonal usurance to President Zia ul- Haq In Washington only two weeks earlier. That the pro-Israel lobby was at work here, moved by I.arael'a concern over an alleged "lalamlc" bomb, is suspected inside the adminl1tration but not substantiated. The simpler truth is that members of the appropriations committees are Ignorant about key phues of U.S . foreign policy. Aa bad as the alight to Pakistan, equally pervene wu the dedaion by the two appropriations committees to deny Reagan power to reduce arms aid for Spain, Portugal and Greece, among oth er natlon1. That compels the praldent to stay under the Imposed overall ce~ by cutting aid to Morocco. Tunisia, Bahrain, Oman and poalbly other state. that happen to include this COWltl')''• best Arab friends. With only a handful of copies of the l'e80lution printed. even well-informed memben of Congress who back Re..gan'a policies abroad were aghast to learn - hours after the votlni ended -what they had voted on. But one UNW'priaed lawmaker waa Tower, who kept turn.elf informed on the radical changes forced on him by Sen. Ted Stevena, chairman of the military appropriations subcommittee. MX MISSILE money was doomed before the appropriations committees ex.acted their tribute, but a late change in that item infuriated Tower and his armed services colleagues. Under the MX compromiae agreed to eArlier, the armed services committee9 were to be the judge of Reagan's 1983 MX deployment plan, thus becoming trafftc cop for releasing production money. Stevens grabbed that key role for himself and the app.ropriations committee. neither expert nor sympathetic when it comes to national security. NATO's frontline stockpile money, backed by Tower's committee and earlier by t.M Senate, waa excUed by Stevena to .. u.ty politically-powerful demands of the National Guard lobby. That shredded the top fiscal priority of NATO'• supreme commander, Gen. Bernard Rosen-Con v era ion of appropriation• committees Into elite trlbunala has revolutionU.ed Congress and threatens the White HOWie. A backlaah is certain. led by strong commlttee chairmen such as Tower. Ronald Reagan, victim of the congressional mad-hatters, will be cheering Tower on. ·Four-day week might avert layoffs Not surprisingly, a propcml by Sen. Dan Boatwright for a four-day week for at.ate workers has brought loud acreama of angut.h from the at.ate employeea asaoclatlon aa well aa Individual employees. It demonstrate. the wide gap between thoee on the public payroll and the real world. With unemployment in the private 9eCtor now at a Jevel near that of the Great Deptellion, the public worken still fail to reallz.e bow fortunate they are. Boatwright '• propou.l Is an effort to avoid the more drastic measure of maaive layoffs among the atate workers. F\.lrthermo(e, lt la advanced as only a temporary measure to be effective from January to the end of the fiscal year, June 30. "UNLESS SOMETHING like thu Is done," Boatwright said, the state will be without fundl to meet ita payroll before the end of the budget year." He uld the saving would be about $400 million and Is needed to wipe out the projected $1.5 billion deficit ln the current budget, pointing out that all of the combined new or lncreaeed taxea which have been proix-ed \Vil.J not of thermelvea wipe out the deficit. He saya normal attrition of state I -.l-l W-AT-11-1 -~ worker1 should be enough to permit re.umins the re~r flve-day week after July 1, additiji that the problem had been magnified by the employment of 90me 10,000 state worken slnce the passage of Proposition 13 ln 1978. In addition to the four-day week, Boatwright hu propoeed a hiring freeze and the elimination of merit pay increaaea. To f urther avoid layoffs, Boatwright'• legialation would authorize lnt.eragency tranafen.. Extremists lack tolerance Thoughr. at Large: -The tolerence for ambiguity may be the moet important trait to cultivate ln the modem world, for lt 11 only by 'recxmd11na oppotite. that we can begin to comprehend, much le99 control, the IYlllY 111111 The measure would exempt from the reduced work week tboee ln e.ential service., 1uch u correctional offlcen, firefighters and penoonel at state health fadlitiea, as well u t.M Nadooal Guard. Whether or not the nemptiona he bu P!OY1ded for court employees and the Highway Patrol are necemary may be debatable and oeruJ.nly the exempUQnlof college and university faculty can be questJoned. But where the rank and file state worke.n who are to auffer a 20 percent reduction ln pay really have a basis foe proteat is In the fact they a.re being singled out from all the rest of the public employees, namely thoae ln education and thoee at the local levels. For Boatwrishl'• meaaure9 do nothing about reducing the ''bail-out" money being pumped into education and the local governments by the atat.e which permit them to main t ain f u ll employment and continue to grant pay increases while the at.ate workers are being denied. MOST ESP ECIALLY Boatwrisht's p~poals don't seem to extend to the h18hly inflated aalartes paid legialative. ~oyees or, for that mat1er, to the I ton themselves. latter fact apparenUy has been ~ by Boatwrilht w~lnted to a constitutional provtaon blttna the reduction of t he aa a r tea of conaUtutional ofticen durtna the term for which they have been etected. He aaJd howevet" that he Ne wrlttan • letter to State Q)ntroller Ken Cory Mklna that 20 perceot of hil ulary be wtthhela and ia uratna hla ~ in the Jeclalat.or to dO the amt. TIM controner1 office han't exactly been flooded with IUCh requata. WION IDAV, D Cl!M J:R 20. 101' TIECDllTllDTHICDUITY CAVALCADE COMICS TELEVISION Beyond sowing the seed s, Doug McKe nzie says .''Church es need to get back in to the co rnmunity and h e lp raise the s tandard o f living." 82 84 BS , Vulidi1 y of kihhzer'" rult• 0 1,t-n to qut• lion . St~e Goren, Page 8 2. Church's network for needy Spi:outs BY llltA ANDERSON °""9.,.., .......... Doug McKenzie believes in eowing eeeds of ~· And he'll quickly point out that to him "Ullstance" means helping others help thelmelves. These aeeds, which he liberally showers with enthusiasm and energy, a.re being cultivated with cooperation from members of bis church. The harvest that he expects to reap 1J1 a few months will help feed and clothe the needy. Planted in his fertile garden of ideas is a trio of projects. He envisions more than rows and rows of vegetables although they a.re already sprouting on a vacant lot. He also fonees establishing a thrift store and food bank where supplies will be sold at low oost or furnished free, depending on need To carry out the projects, McKenzie dADends on help from the members. ;l'liUt it is his energy and willingness to work tiimself that triggers their response For instance, the pastor of the Harbor Christian Fellowahip, has done most of the reeearch on thrift stores and food banks. And when the first project was launched about a month ago, McKenzie was there ln Levis and T-ahirt working along with about 20 members u they planted vegetables in a vacant lot. owned by t)e c.o.ta Mesa church. He a1ao hat lined up landscapers (also members) to conduct classes on how to grow vegetables and container gardening. Church members a.re the first students, they in turn will teach th06e 1J1 need by growing eome of their own food. McKenzie says he is looking for more vacant property that he can put to the same uae. But the key to this community outreach program is establishing a thrift store Although a location has not yet been found, McKenzie is confident that the store will open soon. In the meantime, articles for sale are being collected, sorted, sized and prl<:ed at the church. McKenzie figures the shop will finance the entire project, perpetuating the program Besides relying on private contributions of used clothing, McKenzie said a number of outlets have offered to donate new clothing - either excess runs or articles with flaws. He also has tined up bakenes, dauies and stores that would give perishable f~ and other outlets that would supply surplus pack.a~ products for the food bank "With what we've been promised," he said, "we could funuab enoutJ}l bread for 500 people a day." McKenzie believes people needn't go hungry, but he also is adamant that hand-outs should be limited; that people shouldn't continually receive supplies "without being asked to do eomething m return. "In some mstances we would ask that they start ra1Sing some of their own vegetables. "In other cases, they'd be asked to be part of the voiuntttr force at the thrift ston:> or food bank. "We can add an aspect of aid to the poor that the government can't do," he asserted. "I believe federal aid results in a learned helpl~ness It robs people of 1rutiat1ve "By aslung for help rn return for supplies," McKenzie said, "we are able t.o leave their pride and spuil intact" The pastor said he 1S launching the program because "I think churches need to get back into the communlty and help raise the standard of 1Jvmg. "The church has a bigger responsibility to its members and the community than JUSt meeting spintual needs." He blames churches for the detenorat1on of family life. saying that "churches weren't aware of the problems as they started surfacing, therefore there wu no immediate response to the problems." He aaya churchee have Jost their creativity - and that they must take the initiative in caring for physical needa. "It la~ to think the government should do it all. ' Believing deeply in the church's responsibilities and in education as the key to problem-solving, McKenzie al80 plans to institute a low-aist tutoring center. ·~ ,• And because there are many organizations • dedicated to helping the needy, McKenzie would like to see a committee formed to coordinate services. People need to be sent to the proper source to have their needs met. For instance, he saJd, the fell~ship served . free turkey dinners to 160 people Thanksgiving Day and had enough food left over to feed another 100. "Had we known about Brother Michael's plight, we could have fed thOl!le people," he .l said, explaining that he knew nothing of Michael Dwaileebee's on-going efforts of feeding and clothing the poor until he read about it in the Daily Pllot. 0n Thanksgiving Day, Dwaileebee WU only able to hand out limp vegetables to 40 hungry people. .; "Had we known, we could have taken care ·; of them," McKenzie saJd. •; ' Allll. Ull8S . DEAR ANN; I found thi. today while Solna ilirou&h tome old h!sh 1ehool J>9pen. Now, 11 yean and \hne children lat.er, lt 1\lll lmp""'" me. Pleuc run lt 11atn. -MRS. W. lN IDAHO DEAR ANNIE BABY; You mi.8led the 00.t ln your reepome to the pothead who inai1ted that grua made her more articulate. more lucid and sharpened her mind. Mita Pothead concluded by aaytng, "When I flnl1h thl1 letter it will be a masterpiece. If you don't print lt, I will know you a.re a Communlat . . . " Well, you d id print it, but you said her "rnuterpiece" contained many miupelled words, non tequitura, and ungrammatical eentences. Why didn't you print her letter u she wrote it? It would have been much more effective. -MR. EVERYBODY DEAR MR.: Rlp t yoa are. Here'• dae letter, •• lt .,, •• writtee: DEAR ANN LANDERS: Your letter against pot last week waa joke. U you want kids to believe you . who don't you tell the trooth? I yet to see a single letter ln your column tell the GOOD tinga about pot. Why is that? Because you are a bunch of dry up creeps who are out scare kids to death. Well. it won't work. Most of us no more about pot than our parents and teachers put together. Getting turned on by Jesus is deffine Uey out. I'm a 16-year-old girl who live in a mediunHliz.ed mldwestem town. Smoking pot (4 to 6 joints daley) for two years. It hasn't hurt me. In fax it hu done me a good. It hu expanded my conscientious and opened my eyes to the beaties of the world and unquestionable. ThUI proves the police are pigs. Grass hu not dull my mind. It has sharpen it. My think la clearer. I am aware things I never notice before. Objecta that uaed to look small look big. I aee mental imagee ln color instead of black and white. I uaed to be too ahye to speack up in a crowd. Now I am a brilliant converationist. I get stoned yet I am 100 per cent lucid. I am expre111 my inmost feeling brilliant. When I finish this letter it will be a mastpleoe. U you don't print it, I will know you are a Communi.9t. In RU81ia they print only ot~ side of the story. The side they want people believe. - THE TROOT WILL WIN DEAR TRUTH: You letter lD ~e ued.lte4 form proved tbt a penoa wlao la stoaed la no Jad1e of la1I tacldity, kl• brtllluce or die qullty of hi• performuce. I ska.Id llave prblted It aa nanarel Cbe ftnt time aroud. DEAR ANN: I U9ed to live in Chicago and was fascinated with the way the politics ot that city worked. I realize you can't get political, but is it possible to give a fonner resident aome small clue as to what is going on ln the Windy City? Out East w e hear the race for malor is heati.Jl8 up and la sure to be a wild one. What I happening? -NOR.MAN D EAR NORM: Yo.'re rt1lat -I cu 't get pollttcaJ. Bat I cu recommend a terrific boot abo•t Clalcqo poUttc. &lat will keep yo• riveted. It 11 a novel by E•1ene Imaedy abMt a feJsty lady mayor, W'kre IM came from ud W'Ut site I• ., (or dowa) to. I loved It. SIDce yo• oece Uved ba Clalcaio, yo.11 b ve ao tro.ble recop.IU.. _.e other principal cllaracters. Tltle: "Qaeea S ee,"' pubUsber Do•bleda . Holiday Ga s BAR-B-Q SA LE Sp«WJDng In I~ roordln•llon oft~ clttontl.-~ ltardtHn f w your proj«t. F/JtisMd brdwarr for: DOORS, BATH, KITCHEN, . BARS, CABINET AND BATH ACCESSORIES (714) 642-4184 ao-1 MCMldays l58' NtwpGf't Bl•d . c ... Mee11, C.W. '2627 F OCUS ON COMMUNITY HEALTH CO.SPONSORED BY PAOFICA COMMUNITY HOSPITAL AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY STOP SMOKING CLASS 12 HOUR COURSE FOR SMOKERS IX >XATIO~ 10 ,\.\l£f<IC'.\.'\ \,\.'\CEH SOCrETY: H l (>.00 7:00 • 9:00 P.M. Mo .... ,.laa.11 DllftMlay, laa. IS llotMI.,. "-· 17 n...._ ....... , ·~·"-··· ,,.......,,., ... .., TO lliGllTEA PHONI AMl&ICAN CANCJl IOCllTY EI>t 'CAl'ION OEPARTMllNT 15l-UOI GOllN 011 111001 Y CHAAL 5 H GOA N ANO OMAA iAnt TtU: IAlll'fl IUIU . Hoth vuln•tabl• t'outh dHI• NOATH I NT PtM I • '•" I • Pue 4 • l'en l't M Pue v111u1ly today 1 d•rlar11r h11I Of'Vl'r hl'lrd O( lht! f(abbi I h1· 11ur1111n wu no r1111l. 1•vt•n thourh 1hr11,. no trump w11 an ab1olut• laydown. Wh"'n North'• Slayman in quiry ulicll.d the lnform1Uon th1t South hid 1 1padl' auft, ft Wll natural ror North lo 111lect the 1ulL contract horauae or hi• ruffing value in rlub1. • LrurnlJ trle lla and th11 1r11 of h .. rta for down one. 'fhe f\abbl would have t> .. n dttllfhled to pu1 on hi• bit of u1adly and he would have b..en right! You don·l h1vl' Lu bfl ma1lrran to work Lh1t out. lfad df1rluer pnuaml to t1kt' stork or lht' ha nd ht!fortt playing to the tecond t rick. ht< might have! comtt up with lhl' w1nninK 1.1olutlon. lht1 t ... l ••y lo brln1 abovl Lhll '"lull If both defeftdera follow l-0 Ut• •e• of epad.9, df'tlarer rroue• to dummy and lead• another trump. 1'4hnuld fo:ut play low. drrlar4'r lnaorb lhc queen. H th1t wln1, declarer loa11 ,,1ther o ne or two trump tri<'kl. dependlnr on the dl1tributiun. If Weit wint l he king, there 11 only one more trump out1tandln1, ao dt!clarer can't lolMl more than two Lrirk1 in the 1uit. And if Wut 1lartc-d with tour trumps. including the king. J.-darer is doomed Lo defeat no matLer what be does. •TUI Open1n1 IHd: J1c:k or 0 ~Q IOO o AQI •IU Wt T EA8T Home )'HU 1110 in lh" brldi" cluba or N•w York, \lier• wu a klbitser who beram11 known 11 the Rabbi • K • J lOtS <:'8952 ~AT O JIOU 0 875 + Q7U • J IOU SOUTH • AQ94 ~ KJt O KU •AH The bidding: South W••t Nwth Eu t not t>.eau1l'! nr hi• rellrlon. but t>.c1u1to he1 wu Inclined lo pontificate on all upecla or the ga me. AlthOUl(h dellvl'rl'd with grut 1erlou1ne11. the validity o r hie observations wu OJM!n lu queation on a practical ba11111. One or hie favorite 1aylng1 was: ··when the king is 11ngleton. play the ace." Ob T he hand w11 aoon ovu. Declarer won the opening 1 ... ad 1n dummy and led a trump to hia queen and WHl'a king. No matter what declarl"r did then, he could not avmd lo1lng two more l>eclart:r baa only one lott1r outside of lhe trump IUlh 8-0 the> conln ct is sate aa long a1 h11 can hold h1a trump losers lo two. Playing thl' acei of apadl'll al the second lr1rk 1• flMA IOMlfCI AT WIT'S END Pllt. Hey, parents! Read my lips! Going er~. fi:-om the electronic belches of the video games? Thlnk!ng if you hear another hour of televiaion you'll hum folk aongs and braid your toes? Have I got a product for you. It's a device that not only blocks unwanted programming on television, It prevents the playing of video games, cassettes and recorders as well. If the guy who Invented It doesn't get the Nobel Prize for Peace and appear on the cover of Time magazine, I'll be diaappointed. In the put, all parents had going for them was to whimper and beg while their children played keepaway with the remote channel changer. Have you any Idea how long parents have waited for power like this? U w e had had one of thetR boxea to block thelr muaic, I wouldn't be walking lnto the path of honking trucks today. Without any apologies, the it.em is touted as strictly a ceNOrship device ... a word that has been a.odated with da.nd.ng on a grave or stealing your mother'• $od.a1 Security check. Well, I'm not above It. I gave my kidl a Marcel Marceau record once to make them think they were going deaf from rock and roll music. And I'd do it agaln. We all know when we've loet control. When you watch "Knots Landing" and your 11-year-<>ld announces, "U ahe doesn't abort now ln two weeks it will be too late." When you think you're into reruns of "The Dukea of Hazzard" and they're not. When llOOleOne mentions McNeil and Lehrer and you think It's a law flrm. We've needed something to bar'-ain with for a long time ... aomethlng that doesn t leave bruises or involve travel. If you're still not convinced. consider this. By 1983, l~ million homes in this country will have video games plugged into their television eeta. Think about that, Mom and Dad. Night Stalk.era. Fr-osgera, Star Mastera, Chopper Command, The Empire Strike• Back, Donkey Kong, Atlantia, Kaboom, Demon Attack ... little t:rolla and monsten, vlaitcn from outer apace all beeping, chomping and belchi.ng their way through your livinc room, lighting up your life ln a way you never believed wu pcmibl.e. I make this prophecy now. The handl that hold a censor box can rule the world! --·---WIN -HAMMOND .. AllO And OllGAllS None finer 12•1. financing on new Baldwins Dec. only (Nie 11ems exclvdedl ORGAN & PIANO CENTER 270 E. 17th St., Co•ta Mfta 645-2471 OUR ()If To take advantage of this speaal offer. present this coup00 to our photographer and make a 95¢ depOSlt on your $1~.~ collectlon TOTAL PORTRAIT COLLECTION INCLUDES 2-8x 10s, 3-5 x ?sand 15wallets NO'N ONLY 99.95 ~~j~~HlV wtth tht• coupon ------------:'! 1SAVE*300 I I on )OX c:nild's reou1ar s12.~ I portrait collection I °""fllOdOl'l .... .....,~ ......... ~ .. fN I __ *_..,...._ ••ao ..... . I :.:::..-..-. .... -l ........... _... I I ~~.r.:!" • I ____________ .. .. Pisces: Adventure spotlighted Tllarada)', December 30 ARIES (Man::h 21-April 19): Shon.cuts will not suffice; 1dck to tried-and-proven , uulize experience, be alert for -.gnaJ which means that transaction actually hal been concluded. Be positive concerning rules, regulations conn ected with government agencies. TAUR US (April 20-May 20): S tudy Aries message -numerous errands. messages, trips are part of flurry which w inds down negotiations. Surprise offer is received -your popularity increases, invitation received to prestigious social affair. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): New deal takes place in connection with e mployment, finances, income p ote ntial. Highlight independence, willingness to get to heart of matters. Member of opposite aex ill attracted, stimulated and lets you know it. CANCER (June 21-July 22): You'U be sought aft.er; more than one individual or group will bid for your services. Lunar cycle high -judgment, intuition are on target. Follow through on first impress.ions. LEO (Juiy 23-Aug. 22): Status quo LS shaken - you'll be on the go. You could be called upon to POJ SHOJS BY ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT IF TIME IS PRECIOUS, £TERNITY MUST B E EXTREMELY VALUABLE. • HOIOSCOPf BY SIDNEY OMARA appear before the media. Focus on glamour, ~vet o pportunities, special communications and an unusual invitation. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Spotlight on hopes. wishes, powers of penuaaion. You get what you want following alight delay. Check for loose ends, m inor details, and a clause which should be eliminated. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22); You'll discover motives, you'll also discern true feelings of one close to you. Written notice aHectJI business, career, participation ln community project. Protect aaeeta and reputation -get facts on record. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): You'll be redecoraung, revising, reviewmg and PlanninC to rebuild on a more solid base. Focus also on travel plans, education, long-range projects and a poaible publishing usignment. SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22-Dec. 21): You might be stymied by provision which calla for more capital than originally anticipated. Review terms, delve beneath surface indications. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Patience beoomes definite virtue -by waiting, you could discover legal loophole. Older individual confidE!e. encourages, lends benefit of experience. • AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Emphasis on finishing t.a&k.s at hand -work methods require review, possible revuion. Foc us also o n employment, health, de pendents and expenses related to pets. P ISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Spotlight on adventure, speculation, unusual relationship .,M:t romance. Young persona figure prominently, .JIPU find outlet for creative talents and sweePlna changes will occur. New contact proves valuable_: Leo, Aquarlua likely to be involved. -• .. ~ THE LAST RESOLUTION YOUR BODY WIUEVERNEID I will join Richard Srrnmons Anatomy Asylum. signed , X ----- ONLYS9J7 A MONTH Easy, wasn't it? Now bring your "pledge" to any Anatomy Asylum, and get 3 years for the price of the first to your resolution. Whether you need to \<>Se 100 pounds, onl y a few, or just want to shape up what you've got ... the Asytum has ~ program for you. There's even a free day·c.are center far the kids. "' I ·- MON. TUES. WED. THURS. FRt. DECEMBER 27th DECEMBER 28th DECEMBER 29th DECEMBER GOth DECEMBER 31et ~ ak>ne when you JOin on our cash charter membership. And don't say you can't afford it! The average cost, based upon advance cash payment, i only $9.17 a month ... not $9.17 a class. And that's for unlimited aerOOlc Clas 7 day& a week. Flnancina is _ also avQilable. No matter what ~·"'tried befcn, the Aiiata'nY Asylum is difftrent.~We·~ not a gy11} ••• nor a health club.-:We just make fitness. fun..And.we._ ___ ..................... ~ care. So make lhnt Nev.' Yeai\'S resnlu· tjQI\ and join today! Now then, back """"'1.75 LT. 8 .99 •CbM11afll5oz. • 0...Z Cufts IYa OL • Com Chips.,.,, oz. age ......... Twt.-. 1 oz. YOUR CHOICEI PWe1a9 EA. =."rm':n~::"9. • I 9 YOUR CHOIC!I l'\.UM30I 4 &.al. • IA. u TO RAE DEICONTI ASTI SPUMANTE INltlltng WINE MILLERaeeR 12 oz.Non-1 99 10 49 Aetumabte eo:_~•32M 8-PAI< • • "'-UtnM 1.75 LT. GAllO WN:S • CttAaJI 8&.ANC •V1NR0e. ·RIOROU ......... SEAGRDTS SEVEN CROWN WHISKEY IOPAOOF Will YOU BE 60 IN 1983? If you'll be 60 years or older in 1983, drop by our pharmacy. We have a Senior Citizen Discount card waiting for you. Just complete the application in the store and start to ... SCOTCH .,,., 1.79LT. . ' JIM BEAM STRAIGHT BOURBON WHl8UY IOPAOOf 1.75 LT. f ' .. PAii. MASSON Chllmpaane "EXTR~ DRY" SAVE 10'I. ON PftHCfUPTIONS ANO IAV·ON IAAND VITAMINS. ANDRE CHAMPAGNE •PINK •EXTRA DRY •COLD DUCK 750Ml M_,l .99U HEFTY P.LAmC CHAMPAGNE GLASSES 1 49 P~K OF 10 PLu :::_ e •I OL (11'1) • 10 OL (14'1) g& PlU t)417 PlU ,,... ~ PAK .,. . I . ! . .. • I t .. °'• 0.... 0 v ,, OTIW--I o ....... "· 1 , .. PA•ILl' c1ac1:1 by Bil Keane by Brad Anderson 1111 ~ol "Speak upl You're interrupting his soap opera!" TUUDArl "11'ZLI IOI. YID by Vlrgll f11rtch (VIP) U I "The doctor wlll IN Ajax now." I DENNIS THE MEN.\CE Hank Ketchum !J~ • : 11-1, ~ 'WEU , IF YOU ~VENT SEEN CRYING .. ~ E'1'ES AAE MELTING." by Harold Le Ooux WM~ oo voo M AN, r i'Vf ONLV Y£u.eo AT YELL AT YOO 100 MUCM? V0U TMa& TIM19 lt>MV l SPONG! SPUNG! SHOE N.8MOCK DELIVERY ROOM we'&.-&.. N9SP AN ex-r,,NSION COAP I,. YOU 1"~~~&~Y OVl!5111t 1"M;r~ ANP W!!J HIM, P0C: ~ by Jeff MacNelly • By Mark Lasky . , by Gus Arriola by Georgt lemont DELIVERY AIOOM I OAll Y PILO r IW • emory of accident haunts star 08 THOMAI m,Ai ....... "',,... ...... HOLL VWOOU Mary M1rth1, who rle•w lo \aJ'dom U a little boy Who MYt'r wan&.ed lo &row up, i. 1UU haunt.t'd by mcnnor1 of thl! car £K'C'ld•nl thlt klll~ h~r man1A1vr and left lht' l'n~rtJ1lrwr 11nd two oth.-ra IMHioualy lnj\INd. "Thi! worst tlm~ c:omea abuul :J ·JO ln the momlng," Murtln 1Aya. "Thal'• when l wake up Mid all tht• mcmorlH ronw buck ogaln Sn l read ~nd do nt-t•dlt>polnl unul can go OOl'k to sleep 'lain." The s1njlng II.al' or "Sou Pacific" und "Pet.er Pan" was ln an auto &l'C&dent n $Ara Franclaco Sept. ~.Her longtime manager. Ben wa. .. her. WU klUed, llM~-Janet Gaynor almost lost her Ure and hua- d Paul Gregory was severely injured. Martin u(fered double pelvia fractures, broken ribs and a punctured lung and kidney. Three months after the acc1den I, the G9·year-old Martin returned to perfonrung. with a guest role in the television series. "Love Boat." "I talked to Janet this morning, and she's going t.o make it," Martin arud re<.-enUy. "When l saw her Lut week, she had pneumonia and a temperature of 104 anrl rl1rln'1 rPmt>mhf.r th'lt T hf\rl t--n there But \H.ll~t:SDA Y l:OO (11) UaERTY BOWL Alabama VII llllnolt ~EV(.HINO t.-00 8 0 8 HEWS 0 ~IE'S AHOELS Afraid Ille Angela ... manted tor OMlh, ChatMe teerna the girts wt1h malt 1nvwtlgat0t• 8 EIGHT IS ENOUGH Nicholu ecta 11 the go. tuday. 1h~ ~undoJ JU•l lllu-J1u11 t, umJ •h•• ~1lkud ohoul worklna wllh ht-r wulkl'f "Sht• N.tld I\ JMllnc:d hl·1 au muc. h 1ht• hJ6d t.o •~nd ov..r itl M 90-dC'l"ff anaih· I ur~ ht'r that I foll tht' tlAtlW way wtum I at.art<'<! But now l'w thrown th•• walker away, and t•vt-ntually 110 wlll sht'" Gaynor. 76. \he fin\ wlnntir of th4' O•·ur iu~ beat actreM, n·riu.ln1 In Sun J<'r11m·i~·o Gvne•rul Hoepltal 0c.'tlpiLt· thl· t•arly-mornjn1e ~rro1'1 and the km of Washer, Martin r t.alna the aunny outlook of N~llie Forbush ("I'm Juat ll Cockeyt.'<'i OpUmhit") and Peter Pan ("I Won't Grow Up"). "The greatl·St thlrli t.o come out of 1t la the realiwtion among many people that every C'ity should havt.> a trauma center," ahe said. "It we hadn't been taken to that hoep1taJ, neither Jat1et, Paul nor I would be ahve today " Mary Martin':. car~r hu been a lesson m survival, dating back to the Tt'xan's start as a singer In Hollywood night clubs. After a Paramount contract In the early 1940s. she went to the Broadway stage for a succe111on of musical tnumpha. A few years ago she seemed cont.ent to Blllk• fhea 10 tnoooeel• to lioO St-. Miik knocks 11,.....11e on·belance, •nd J~ tr ... 10 diecourage Kirby's IH11ng1 lor Jeff Q (!)MOVIE • • 1.h "I Died A Thouaand t1m11" ( 19561 Jeck Palence, Shetley Wlnleta A killer leela stlrnng1 ol lov• and pity lo• a delormed girl, but 11 re1ec1ed by her 1fter linancing an opet"atton lo mend,,., 1r1lirmlly 1111) THE \llAOIHIAN Yvonne 0. Callo and The Irish RO'tle'• held the Hat of gu.t at1ra In the llrll comedy -pr-led on The Virginian (C)MOVIE • • 'lml>foC* COannell' ( 111811 Alan Arkin. Ma(ielle Hartley A MrlM Of mi.un.- dera1and1nga cauaea a aoclel WOOler to IOSJ)8C1 the 5-year-old d•ught.,. of a 9419•r•tll0 cC)U9le Is the vlettm or chlkl 1buM 'PG' (jf)MOVIE be'-! '°' 01\lld and Janet, and IOI' M«le and Susan a> HAWAII FlVE-4 A lcienlitl plagued by Hnancial probleml plots an extortion ach•m• that would lrigget 1 volcano end destroy the city of HllO. Michael Gross plays Steve Keaton, a product .of the 1960s Hflower generation" on "Family Ties," at • • • Knlghlrlders ( 198 t) Ed H1rr11. Gery Lallll A group ol biklf'I ride with • tr•v•1no renelsaa~ 111r end dlecover that the ldeaHaoc atrugole against evil exl1t1 In modef11 limes llllO 'R' 0M0\11E • • "Herry'• War" ( 1118 I) Edward Herrmann. Geral- dine Page A amell-town po1lmen ~ lo the aid ol hie aunt, who -lhe IRS bite* 1axea. 'PO' fD OVEAEASY au.t· 8'oedw8y 1><oduc.r ~C.-ford.Q ID UNOEASTANCJ!Ho HUMAN 8&CAVK>A G~ .. 1~ PR/a 18 RIGHT * * ~ "All The Fine Young 0-Wball" ( 1!MIO) Natalie Wood, Aober1 W llQll* cm NF\. TEN FOR THE Tl'Tl.E 1:10. OIO< CAVETT 0.-l6. AQt"9 de Mille end Or Fred Plum (Pert 21 ~:=sPOWEA li'J 8AANEY Miu.EA Barney Ind "" de1ectMll go undflfground wnen an air trelflc controller gci. '*-' end trlel to "land" p..-iger1 sJngle Ille In the ctty'• aubway ayat.em m W09'LD ~ PEOPl.E (Jj) MOVIE • •'h ""-For Your U,., Ch•rlle Bfownl" ( 1977) Animated Charlie &own and the entire "Peenuta" gang haad for aum,,,.. Ql'llP. wtler• they become Involved In _.. wfld ldYerltlK• 'G' ~·~ (1988) Ron Moody. OllYer Reed A young orph•n la llld· nepped from hia MW hOn>e by "" old gang. bu1 ....,... egea to eec;ape and return 10 hie benefector 7;00. C88 NEW9 e "8CNEW8 8 H.YPV DAYS AGAIN Potlle end RalPh era both In ia.... wllh a -studant ..tie> oot'f .... eyee IOt Rlcitlle -U a Mor I ~~ -~U> AEPORT Cl) P.M. MAGAZINE A Pfo!Me ol CBS Newt 1nohorwom1n Oline s_.,..,: • visit to a 1n1111 Celifornla town uMd u the loeatk>n ror a TV -lea 9 ENTEA'TA1*"91T TONtGH'T A ''WMre Ate Th9y Now7" '~on 0.. AW)'. • ORAN9E ootJNTY TOOAY ~ :="'.FMHtl • • • "The Frend! uau tenant'• Woman" (1911) MefYI Sfreej), JMemy lrona. All .,,. befweafl two ec!Ol'9 .. peralaled In thl rotn91tlc perlOd flm In wNdl the two -perlotrft-~ · ... NO G NM llA8UTMU ~ "* Wllnion w . AnoeMeU.... ,. ~ ~tMITIMlU ""~ l .f,N/&YNUO LAYIMI&~ '"""""'" The~ OOOfdinetor 9:30 p.m. on KNBC (4). or the ennu•I ShoU 8'_.y T.ient ~ ~ not ... the ...,. '*"°""" • TOO MUCH. TOO 800H:~ 8EXUAUTY It L08 AHGElO A report on the Pfoblerne olt~~lnLoe Angei.., lndudtng the Pf--bnlugM el)oUt by .,. -of -In eit....-~end rodl '""*-le W TIC TN; DOUGH MliCHEll. / l..S4AER ~ • LM FROM THE MET ........ And~"CM­ dren ol .. ION_. entoY eng.lber1 Hwnperdlndt's opera "HanMI end Or• tel," fe1turing Judllh Blegen, Frederica Von Stade, Ro .. flnd Eliu. JMn Mran and MIC:Nlel Devlin, Thomu Fulton conduct• (!I YOU A8KED FOA ff F•lured· "Kay81t Down The Hlmeleyu" end "The Human Bal " GMOW • * "Pride ()I The 81\'8 Gr-" ( 19!>4) lJo)'d &IOg- ... Ver• Miles A ptoud and noble h<wM outdoes ........,. on the r-'recll dtc:ul1 t:OO • Cl) SEVfH llAIDE.S FOR SEVEN MOTifERS Hannat't .,..,._ ... armed lt.nd egalnll the ~ uon of the oldee1 bulidlng In 11.furpftys o a AEAL PEOPl.E F•tured • gor14le -"I> rat• telrAllon PfOQf-. a COMP.,,., !hat dellverl ·~i.. l~ame; • Loc::tl ,.._.type rnonat• In Lake Oleme>leirl ( R) 8 MOVIE • • • "Flower Orum Song" ( 198 t I N..c:y Mwen, ~ Shigel• Beeed on the 1t1Q11 play by Rodgera and Hamman1etn A Chi>- ,_ gin treWle to Sen FrandloO to rflMfY • man whoM tamlly picked '* lor 1111 bride. 8 @ TALEIOFTHE OOU>MOHK!Y Jiii!• and Sw9fl undef191• I dangwou9 reecue mil- l lOn whe11 Corky la INnghllled • pert of I plot IO enalaw an~ t.ribe of lftUd pecl91e, (Al i~ A ..... , to I Imel Callfomla IOMI YMd • the lomtlon tore TV...-. en 11~· Ofd Cll';mcllc ~ ~ Ct4A.D'I Cf('( TNa ~ ,, .. Nntl • ~ IOOll .. °'*"*' ~ ... h the ...., Uv'llial "' ~· llul'ler. opp!.... and ~c::--THIMIT .. ....,,... An<! Orate!'' CM· dtlll Of • .... .,ioy lnotibett Humpef'dlndl'I oper-a "Haneel end Or.- tel," featuring Judith 81egeft, Frederlc4i Von Stade, "-!Ind EttH, .ie.. Kraft and MlcNel Devon. Thomu Fulton c;oncM;1a (C)MOYIE • * ''Cettle ~ And UI· "" 9f11d!W" (t98tl Bun l..er-1•. Jofw\ Sevege Two lougll ~ pldl up • pelt' "'~ gl"1I and •• tfl9m along on their ~-·PO' (HJ MOVIE • * • "On GolOatl Pond (1981) Henry Fonda. ~harine Hec>bum Old f8mlly leoelon• r..wfece u an elderly c:OUI* return IOf a Jut aummcw •I 11\eir New Englalld retr•I and are visited by tl'leir deugll ler. her lletlCe lflO ,, .. aOf'I 'PG' 0MOVE •• "DMtn Hunt" (lHtl Chartel Bronlon, Lee Mar- vin. In Ille 1930$, a Moun· lie and I Iron tier Q ;mlnal W11ge an old l>a!Ue aa <:NMI ui11on encroecn. oo the Canedlen ~ 'R' 1,30 • 000 COUPl.£ Aller lhelt eper'lmenl IS robbed, Felix tellcl Oecllt Into mewing 1n10 'Security Arma.'' .-00 8 Cl) MOYIE ........ Al-Amerlc:IW'I a-.- ty" <~I DlllM Lane, C10rt1 L~ The •te ol a .,....,., 18-.,..,-old glr1 ta draatlc11ty chang•d """"" .,.. wlr'I • nation· ..,. ~ pegeet'lt 0 QI THE FACTS OF L.F£ J'l may loM '* IC:holar· ltllp to Eallland due lo ~ Qlta lh.11 1lfec:1 the atuelent aid program (Al i @ THEFAU.OUY Colt tr1"9la IO Rio de Janl- ero to bring beck • man wtio embealed mllllons lrom 1111 Ametlcan comp• '!!. (R) C!J Ct1AAUE'8 AHOEL.S Angel looll·•llkH who at-oe • robbery g.e the ,..., glrll Into ~ouble with the poloe. • a.ePV OAIFf'IN °'*" ~ p..,_, and S«ldy Shew, Larry Miller. Irena Ferrie. Ar1huf c Clerll• • MOVll "9-Miiiion Doller Fugi· tM'' (No 0..1 Aonl6d 1:C*D • MModam Probleme" (1M1)~0-. Pitt.I O'AtbelWllt A ~ * trefllc contton., wltll llUINrOUI pel'IONll Pf ob- lem• II endow.cl with lelelllrM!tie: powlf't •fl• being CIOUNd with nudMr -19.•PO' t-.30 0 9 ~AM!l.Y Ta -.......... ~,-...... ----........................ __ ...... __ ~------- Altx ,_ Piie flflt ln11mate , ... ,IOIWllP wlien fie .... IOf I oolMOlt ••udlm (RI HANfll LISllN&S ~=-DAU•lmN * * *\t "NIQM T'91n To Mwllalt'' ( 1MO) Merowt1 l..oQllWOOCI, llleJC Hwr1eon. A toi.nt1tt't d1utllltf ~ 1M Hade _..h Ille ~ of I lrilllfl IOent t:MI JN#ANllt't ~ 10;GO • QUNOV A ~ ,......_ ~ 10 ,.., "" ~ NI I,._.,......, Ny .. ~ ,., .. """*' ol • ii~ 10-.30 m IHOEPEHDEHT NETWOMHEWS • a..olaHAWY Attene s~ • 8'°'*~ mu11c teacher. brings 1oge1het • grouo o1-- ot~-end a grouo of young 11uden11 few a un!QW 1111ergenera11one1 chOf"9 ID THE SUN DAOOER (Joined In Proer-> Rot>- .,, Redford nanetw a \Ill- ..., atudy ol the ~ly dlacoWAd eun ~or !he Pueblo lndlena. (Q} PlAY90Y ON NE AIR 11;00eoawaa HEWS D 8A TVROAY NIGHT ~ Ellioll Gould G~l Anne Murray G IN SEAACti OF .. "Tha Holy Orllll" a» AU IN THE FAMILY Atehle lll'IO Edllh introduce 1 rich widow to BarMy Hefner al1er 1111 wife runs -•yegllln I HARRY..() 9U8INE88 REPORT DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE Lol1ua .-.di a delega1k>n to the rnemorlll ~for lady Mollie Cornford' a ....,thy lathe< CS')A NEW DAY IH EDEN A powerful lamlly tume • lllTllll town lllto • model rejuvenation pro)ee1 (Pert ~MOVtE • • • • "Amarc;ord' ( 1973} Megall Noel. 8Nl'o Zanin Oltecled by Feder!· co Fellini F-end deepalr CllWecie<~• Ill• In luclal IUlly during the 19309. 'R' 1 UO 8 Cl) HART TO HART The Hetti llnO lhemMMle lnelent l)Menta .._ 1 beautlfut ..ornan c:leims thet Jonathan le the lath« Olhet-'· D QITONIOHT Hoat Johnny C.,aon OuMt. Jim Fowter 8 111 A8C HEWS NIOHTUNE G YOU A81(ED FOft IT F•tured· "Kayek Down The Hlmal1yat" and "The Human Bat " • OOOCOUPLE Feb r-gllnlzM Na ~ ieo. bend In llopee of appeetlng on I teleY!tlon lflOW I itOCU8 ON 800IET'Y NI LATENIOHT Larry l(ltlg dlacl-. Illa ~~ ... --ntgflt llv9 redlo ~1 tall! aflOW (Al • 100Ct.U8 (l)~a.A'" THEMAOC ~3) 11:Jf Cl;) MOV1& •• .,. "For Yo.K Eyw Only'' ( , .. 11 Roget Moore, • T'OC>OI. Jamee Bond ,, •• • cnmlnal who~ • lop _.. 9ritleh def«-. ~.'PG' tt:OO. IHTPTAINMfNT TONIGHT A ·~ AN TMy No#?" ~Qefle~­ .-;;:: I.AST WON> ••• ,.. "J.,... .... le ,,.,_ And Wtl Md lMne tit,.,. .. (1•7110, ltone. Mott llluman. Th,.• Clltil*•.. otwec-. llrlO the ~ ot lllOIM "*" ...... .,..,. .......... • kllllldw• of .,,.,... ~ iMO'M .. ··~·· ~·· I ltUI Yir..-...,., 0... ... •tc"91\. A '*"* ...,. rellr • t•1p rlatly 1tlt•1 \he IV73 dtath of htr huabomt m •n&or Rk'hanJ H•IHday But her llfv turnf'd around with ''Ovt•r lr.uy.'' thtt PBS r11 .. thot prN":hae actlvt• llwe for mature rltlM'n• "( lovl· dolnti th,. •how, und l luvt• working with Jim tlurt." 1ht• Nld "If W\' nan il•l the fundlnff for unothl!r 1t•a1Qn, I'll b1• buck thcrt• atiailn. Gaynor wu In Sau frarwhtt'° t.o appear on "Over Enay" when ow a.cdd~nt occurred Martin l.K.'\.'epll"d \ht• "Love Boat" role "bc<.·nuae that'• whMt 'Over Euy' I.ti all about." The fin\ day'• work had ht!r walklnai up and down ataln 40 tJmet, but ahe didn't complain She play• a "tey San Franc1sc•o 1hopkeeper" who haa a shipboard romanl-e with Max Showalter. and there Is talk that her characwr might be expanded t.o create a new senes. ''l don't know about doing a aeries." she said. "That's not child'• play. Nor la going back to the theater I don't thtnk I would be able t.o face a show every night and twice on Wednesdays and Saturdays. "But then. one learna never t.o say never m our profession." IDBI TDPPIRS KNXT (2) 8:00 -"Seven Brides for Seven Brothers." Hannah makes an armed stand against the demolition of the oldest building in Murphys. K.NBC (4) 9:30 -"Family Ties." Alex has his first intimate relationship when he falls for a t"ollege student. KABC (7) 10:00 -"Dynasty." Blake flies to Indonesia to find Steven. Mark knocks Krystle off-balance. and Joseph tries to discourage Kirby's feehngs for Jeff. Shel In Pf ISOn !or haV1ng commllled murder In Nit· delenM geta ertmeshed 1n his lellOw ptlto0er1' plan lor I b<eakOUt • LOV£. AMEAICAN STYLE "lov• "nd The Good Samaritan" Freddy ge11 eoalted wl\lle rt.Ing. IMll~ pipe for lhe woman nexl dOor (D)MOVIE "~()I A Young ~~·" (J)WCWIE .... "In ..... Of Olcter women • ( 111781 Tom Bereng«. l(aren Blad< A ~ IOtl\ef'IO remln .._ on • PM' romantic ~··from hie llrlt 11 1fle eoe of 12 to hill aeduc- tlon ol • ~ ., 30 'R' 8MO'VIE • ti *Vt "Cemal Knowl· edge" (1171) "**Nichol· '°"· Ann-Mergret. Two OOllege ll1enOI eperMI -· eral 't99f'I befor9 end a11 ... graduation dl100....,1ng lite by INlring end awttc:Nng eec:tl Olher'• glrlfrtendl 'R' 12:30 0 QI LATE HIGHT WITH DA VIO LETT'EAMAN ai-tl: John Candy 01 ''SC'TV NetwOnl'': K1'- N ......... Klneki. U TOM COTT\..E: t.JP Cl.oeE Cf) MOVIE •'It '"Neath Arizon• Sltlel" ( 1~1 John Wrrrwe. Sheile T wry A cowbo)' trlea 10 rwcoe • young lnolan girt from klON11>9WS wt>o ere 1111• her lnflerlted WMlth • LOV£. AME.NCAH STYLE "Low And The King" M olO Army buddy droc>t In on Bob Curtis, lelthlul llu• ber>d end omce dfudQe (HJMOYIE •• ·~ 'The Botder" ( 1118 11 Jedi N~. V...,,. Pwrtne. A Texaa border guwd'a v._ come In oon~ wtth 11\0M of Na com.en C»-WOr1l ... end Illa maler1elldc wife 'R 12:«1. Cl) MOV1E * * "L.9•~ Y"1erd1y 8ehind" ( 197111 John Ritt•. Carrie F""9r Fd- IOWlllQ a tragic eoddent, I oOllege atllltlt IMrna to MYe and low again with lhe Nip ol an undenlanotng )'OUflQ wom.tn (R) 1:ooe MOVIE * * ·~ "The Eagle And The Hew-" ( 1g331 Fredric; March, Cary Oranl A Wat• WNr)' fllw elnile Into I deep depfeaeion. • WI OUTIVf THI 'AMtL V: "'*I \18. PANNTI •wow • *' "8Jnollrely y OUB .. ( 19551 ~. Joanne ON. A llf-.nl oono.t pta. n1M ~ INl he II ~ .... Ill IHT'E1'T ANIUf1' TOHIQH'T A ''Wtlere Ne n_, "°"'1" er uc:. 0-Avtty * * "TurkJllll Oellght" 11t14) 1Moer H-. Mono ..,_ Vttt 0. Vet. A ~ eoulPtOf' nwNa • -..... ..,.... '°' flUn m•tcilel Illa own 'R 1 15 (2) MOVlE • • • ·~ · He1rt11nd" (tll8tl Rip Torn, Conchita Ferrett. A rancher and hit hOUHk••P•f lice th• rtgorl ol lrontlef Ill• in tll10Wyomlng. 'PG' 1:)0 a a N8C News OVEANIGHT 8 MOVIE • • "Feerten Frank'' ( 1lletl Jon Voight. Mon- ~ Van Vooren. A hie* ~·~bt ..... end wlnde ljp In hOt w•t• wltl'i~ 1 :llO CC) MOVIE e e * "0 Ludty M11nl" ( 1973) Malcolm McDowell, Ralpt1 Rlch#deon. A cd• IM .....,_,, le Ceplured • • 1PY end _..t to PftlOn ..._. he oontemPet• a car.-In the movtea. (l)MOYIE * * "T...,,. Plue One" ( 1978) Shalon Tale A hunl ~In• thro11gh three countrtee In -ell ol 1 c:l\alr th•t IM>ldl a great 10f1une 'R' 2.-00 8 Cl) C8S HEWS NIOHTWATCH (!) SEAOEAHT' BIU<O "Bllko'1 EngieQement" ·= ** "DMth Hunt" (1981) Charle& 8roneon. LM Mar- vin In the 19309, 1 Moun· tie and • frontier crimlnll wage an Old battle u cMll- uitlOn enctoed>M on the Canadian~ 'R' 2:2.0 CHl MOVIE * • "Buddy, Buddy' (19811 Jecll Lemmon. Wal· ter M•tthau Whtie an auaaatn concentr•t• on hla ne•t lllllng. he .. rudely lnl•rupled by • bumbling fallur• of • ....,, wt>o , • ltlemc>tlng lllklde 'R' 2'.30 • MOVIE ***Vt "The LIYW Of A Bengal L•ncef" I 11135) Gaty Coopef, FranchOt Tone Eng&lnd a lr>dlen- baaed Lanoen win .. tl>elr battlM. no matt• wtl•t lhe oddl (!) MCtW.£8 NAVY Olegul9ed .. ... ltallan lemlly, Mcttalt and hla men pity hOll 10 1 Germen j)lltrol • MOVIE * *'It "Fut And Sexy" ( 1te0) Gina L041obtigio.. Vittorio o. Sica. An 1nra.::- t1Ye yOl'"l1 widow rlluml 10 her ll~an vtllage to IOOll f()( a hual>afld INEWS i:OO N£W8 MA HUNT NlW DAY IH EDEN S:tl MOW • • "t)ndwVroun<t Aoel" ( 1910) Dirk Benedict. Melania Grttllth. Pllftltng attendant• .., .. lleYOC at I IWllllk Bevefly Hiii hotel PO' .... ~=20 • "Modem Pr~" (1N11 ()NyY Chaet, Palll o·~.A"--eit treltlc control!•~ with tuneroue pel'IONll prob- lem• 11 ~ wltfl ...... IMtlc "°""' .., being douMd with nuaea. ..,..PO. 4.-00 (J) TOf' O' THI JOHN DARl:ING • Mary Martin is embraced by Gavin Macleod, star of ABC's uLove Boat," during a break in taping for on upcoming episode. MOAHIHO Of)MOVl.E * * * "On Golden Pood (11181) Henry Fond• Kalh•rlne Hepburn Oki lamity tenalona resurlaGe u an eld«ly c:ouple return I()( a ••at aummer al their New Engialld relrHt Ind .,.. vtalled by lhelr daugh ·' ter. her liance end hia eon 'PG' (O.J PLAYBOY OH THE AIR @MOVIE * • ~ "The Klng Of Marvin Gatden1" ( 11172) Bn;c.e Dern, Jlcil Nicholson Two brothe<a. rn.r1tr1led With their livea, dream ol retlr· Ing lo • tropical patldlM 'R' 4:301 ISPV 8UU.WINKL.E MISSlON· IMP06Sl8L.E The IMF undettlltel IO o'olerthrow 1 tyr•nn1c11 pol1ttca1 regime 1r1 • 8llllt9/I country Thur•day•• Dayf intf" .ff ot~i_.• 4:56 lC) * * "A 09n1i.,.oua Friend" ( 1971) Ricl\erd Thomes. Barber• Bet Geddes A dlsturt>eo 23- r--old Vlc:tirnlL .. • young woman who la •HrK1ed to hlm.'R' 6: 15 CD•*• "11'1 A Wonder· flJI UI•" (1947) J1mee Stewert, Donna Reed A m•n'a gu•rdl•n angel divert• him rrom aulclde end --him wtla1 .... hometown would be Mlle II he-•-born. l.:00 0 * ·~ "l'fle P-· get" ( 19751 Jedi Nichol· M>n, Metia SChneider A TV,__ on an A"1alll uajgnn'4tnt rap!-1 looll·aHU and ~ Into a MW and danQWOUI -.·PO' 7:-00 Cf) * * ·~ "Pony Soadler" (1962) Tyrone Power, C•mero11 Mitchell A mountle •ttempt• 10 quejl the hot tempere of • tribe of~lndlanl (HJ ** "Arnwlcen Wiider· ,_ .. (1871) ~ .. ry A lilmmallw'a queet for record-tile llC*)lmena ·of lour kind• ol homed aneep 1nd 111 I 1 ·loot-t•ll AlaMcan potet beer la lot· IOwed ·o· (Jl) * * • "Jack The Glanl Klll•r" ( tll821 Kerwin Mathew&, Judi Meredith Aller reeculng the klng'a deugha... from • huge monster. a young latm lld I• r-aroed lor hia hero ltlm. 7:30 CJ) •• ".-US" ( 19791 8r1an o..con. Rivka Noj man The U1e ol the "King ol Klnga," from hla ..,1y .,._. .. Ille '°" of • poor carpenter to hla tnattgatlon ol the rellg4oUI and IOClal revoeutlon tl'iel led IO Ilia OMlh by CtVClllxlOn, i. dtl(elflacl G ('%) * *~"The Prtnl• Alee 01 J EOgat HOOYI<' (111781 BrClderldl Cr--'Ord JoN Ferrer The Federal Bur-. of tnvwttgatlon "'°" In dout end IOope under .,,. lellder9hlp of .,,. oon1r0\'9ftltll Hoover 'PO· 8:00 (C) * * "Mede In Peril" (!Me) Anr.-Mergr•t, Louie Jourdan A Peria deaigner ~ • fuhlon bu)'9r off her feet 9 * * "Ef'ltw The Nlnje" (1991) Franco Nero, Suean George. An "merlcan m1r- lial ertw •llP91'1 Ml• °"' to avenge the murdef of hll belt Mend 'R' 9:00 m * * ~ "The Loolert" ( 11156) Rory Celhoun. Julle Adams A grouc> of plan.- Ct uh ~ grap.,ie delper'ltalY among them· ..,_ to g.e tlle6r llanda on 1 large aum of money conoMled In the ...c:tc-ca;. ~ "8uddy. 8uddy' (1ff 1) Jactt Lemmon. Wal i.t Mettll&t wtalle an ....in OOhOMlttala on .. ftelll ~. he .. Nd9fy Int~ by • bumb41ng fallure of I l'lltl\ wflo II attemptltlg "**" '"' ~· *'*lot "AMleO.lty'' (18361....._ •• ~ Pr91ton ltolter. A tron- 11tr1'll'0111An beCOIMI • utebrlty H • ofrc111 al\efplhooter (%) • * ~ "The Begul'-1" (111711 Cllnl Eutwood, Oe<lldlne Pege An Injured Union IOldiet recupetallng In I girl1' IClhoOI hH hta leg needteuly amputlled by the le•IOua headmlatr .. when he 11 caugh1 with one ol the glrlt 'R' 10:00 (t) •• 'It "Corlty" ( 1972) Robert Blalle. CharlOtte Rampllng "n ambltlOU& patMlme ttoek car rac:et hae ptOblem6 IOjuallng to loeing I r8C4!1 (ftJ e * e "9 To 5" ( t980) J-Fond•. Dolly Parton ThrH working women rebel agell\al tneir aubju· galk>n by • male ChluV1nlAI boa1 PG IS * • '> TorCh Song" ( t11531 Join Cr•wlord, MICllMI Wlldlng A 8'oed· way lier IOved aecre11y by a blind pu1n<st teed• en empty •nd unsahalying Irle 0 • * • Sunday In New York { 111641 Cliff Roben· eon. Jane Fonda After being )illed by her boy-''*'° Ind lrlvehng 10 New York IO Vlllll her b<Olhar, I young woman considers her po1111on on wglnily 11:30 (C) * * * "Nieholaa Ntc;.. kleby" ( 11147) Derek Bond. Cedrie Hardwtdl• BllMO on the daeslc by ChattM Dickens A young lac! attempts to 1><otec1 1111 llll\lly lrom an lillde'1 wtclleCI tnnu.nc. (D) * * * "Oon'I Cry, 11'1 Only Thunder" (1H2) Dennie Ov1atoClher. s.- Sainl ~ A. ..,,... Army d0c10t Ind a trou- ~one medic; hetc> rwo nuns b"ng • grouo of \Ile!· -orphent IO~ PO 12:00 U * * * Loe1 Patrol" (1934) Vici« ~. 8ot'll Kar1oft .N•be ettacll • petrol of ~ !oat In lhedeeert • * * 1l "IM See You In My 0r-.·· ( 1952) Oof'9 Day. Danny Thom11 Songwriter Gu1 Kahn ()llW(;Olnel Y99f'I of 1 ...... befOfe finally achieving IUOQ9M (HJ * * * "They All Laughed" ( 1H 1) Audrey Hepl>uf'n, Ben Gezzar•" ThrM New York deeectlYel bec:orne Involved in """* · oos romantic lielaona whl6I !racking their clienta• errant...,.. 'PG' ()) ..... AJrpl_t .. ( 1980) Robert H•yt. Juell Hegerty A.11.,. en llrtlnw'a crew 11111 to food poilon- lng, I nenlOUI IOtmer - Pilot II proaMCI into •· vice and must contano with on-board hyt1eria. a MCrellve conlrol 10.. and ~Nied memoriM PG 0 ••• "ll21nThe ShaOe ' ( 19751 Pet.,. Fon- d•. Warren 0•1•• Thoughll ol murder entw the 1cene when an enlwpritlng dr'trter lnvadw Ille buwlM& lerr11ory of • veteran lbhlng guide In Ille Florid• Key11 R' 1:00 (2) * * "The WltehM" (197t) Sllvena Mang.no, Clint Eutwood 1:30 {tJ **'A "Biiiy Jedi" (197tl Tom Laughlin. Oelor• Teytor An 91!· Orwn Beret hllll·breecl champlonl lhe RUM of a freedom ICtloot for rune- Wll't'9 on an Artzone lndlen .-VIiion cm* *'A "Tap1" (IHI) Ooorge c. Soot!, Tlmotlty Hullon. MHltlty IC!hOol cadet& !Ille -I'*' adiool lo ~' ~ to tum 1fle academy Pf°'*'1 Into• condo do'>a6QOl1...-it 'PO' • • .. Jtaue .. ( 19791 Brian Daeoon. AMla .. men The lite of 1M "lane of l(lnQI. •• fl'Otll .. ler1Y )'Nrt • ttle '°" of • poor carpemw to 1111 ~ of the rtlllglOll9 and .,.. rt¥111Utlon that led to .... death by c:rudftXloll. .. 0..lllltd. 'G. •·•·'The~Mwll~ ... (1t1t) ...., ..._... ~~ by Arinatrong & Batluk MITSUBISHI ST ARION TURBO ••• TEST DRIVE 0111 IOiAYll! 1111 NITllO 11 ... 1 IPllT OllPE Econ0ftllc:1I 4 cyl., .. utom1t1c tt1nt., AM/FM t1dlo, pwr. steering & bfakes. tilt Wheel & llr cond, (1ANK,182). $3995 JdoatellG trant .• AM/FM..._, tape. power 1teerlng & alt conditioning. (9eOZXT). 1111 .... SIYUWI llTllUOI ve. automatic tr•'ll·· AM/FM 11enl0 caeette, pwr" -.mg .& brake•. tllt wheel & air conditioning. (838YPC). $3995 1 ...... llLT M1111111f( C\lltctm. economlcal 4 cyl. engine, A.MIFM etww and air oondllllOI••· (132218). Pttced to ... Wt .. Ontt 1111 llTlll HOllOllPI Eoonomlcal .. c:ytlrMW qlne, 5 1peed trant.. AM/FM tlet.O cauette & air conditioning. (844981). $2995 . $2995 1110 llTlll 110111&1 Economal 4 cytlnd« qlne, 4 1peed tran1mlHlon, AM/FM 1tereo ca11etta 1nd 1tr conditioning. (50 IZKK). s3995 1111........, ..,,1111.1 Ec:onomlcll 8 c:yttnder, AM/FM ttereo ta.,., power tt..,lno & bfak•, vtnyl top, wire .._,. & air oondltlonlng. (508XWA). SERIAL #200382 Why Buy A Ford or Chevrolet'l MITSUBISHI TR ED IA SEDAN _$6888 4 Door. Economlca'I 4 cytln<* .... mtomdc b••11••011, Aail!FM atereo, powel' eteertng l air condltioolog. (064WOT). $3395 1111 TIYITl OEUOA UFTllOI 4 cytlnder. 5 apeed tran1 , rldlo, custom wheal. air conditioning, low mlle1 tnd much morel (861WXG). s4995 1171 NITIAO FllElllll EIPlllT 4 apeed trana., AM/FM ltereo c•H•tt•, power ateerln9 & brake•, cu1tom Interior, rally wheel• l air conditioning. (193839). $3695 1111 uman OAlllll 1111L11m1 V8, automatic trant., AM/FM 1tereo with CHHtte, power ltMrlng • brak .. • wlndowa & dOOI' lockt, cu11om whMla. tllt wt!MI, crulM control & air cond. ($§99 • I! WINTIA PAfn'V '000, D,.INKI C3 IUP!RMAAKIT IHOPPIA ce · A variety of punches add a new twist to the grand old tradition of toasting good health . . Pear Cordial 2c.-....-2 cupe (IO proof) wodb 1 cup (IO DfOOf) bfmndJ 1 cup "'"' oom 81fUP I pound• t•Hr rip• peare, peeled, ......... (about • a.-> . '1 large glal8 jar or container stir together =• vodka, brandy and corn syrup. Stir In . Cover with a plate directly on pears to p pears below liquid level. Cover and rMrfaerate 5 days. l>rain liquid from peers, reserve. In strainer ~ over bowt place pears one layer at a time: P'*'8 with back of spoon to extract as much 114'*' as poselble. Reserve pears. Mix res«Ved llquld and pear nectar. strain Jtyough 4 layers of damp cotton cheesecloth. Let ltlnd several hours. (Mixture wtll be cloudy and ~ p<SrtlOn ofllqueur wtll not be as clear as • Store In tightly covered glass container In ~ator. Makes about 1 ¥l quarts. ...., Sauce: Place reserved pear mixture In blender container; cover. Blend on medium speed Q:O eeconds or until smooth. Serve as a dessert t . Makes about 2 cups. ranberry Cordial 1 peoluiee (12 ounce•) cranberr ... , lle..., dup~ (IYa oupe) 1-. ..... 2o.-19htoomerrup ' -2 _,. (IO PfOOf) wodb 1-. .... ¥. ...... ..., In large glel8 jar or container stir together oranberrlM end sugar until sugar II d,Jllofved. Stlf In 90rn eyrup, vodka, water and brandy until blended. LOOMly cover. Let atand at room temperature at leeat a , stirring each day. Drain liquid from CllllDm•; reeerve etanberrtee. Strain lfquld through '4 layers of damp cotton ce1111ieo1oth. Store rn tightly covered glaH alMr In refrigerator. Mak•• about 1 ~ .._ .... , Te ..-. · _..,,, ,.....i Stir together 1111111.watt ~ 14 oup tight corn ayiup and grated orange rind until well mixed. With tunc9)' or chicken. Mak• about 2 1\\ cupe light oorn 1JrUP ¥. ~bfmndJ In 3-quart stainless steel or &Q.amel sauce~n stir together apricots and wat~. Let stand 10 minutes. Cover; brin1 to boil over medium heat and boil 1ently 10 minutes. Remove from heat. Stir In sugar until dissolved. Stir in vodka, corn syrup anC:f brandy until well blended. Cool to room temperature, stirring occasionally. Pour fruit and liquid lnt·o large glass container: loosely cover. Let stand at room temperature at least a week. Drain liquid from apricots; reserve. In strainer placed over bowl place apricots one layer at a time; gently press with back of spoon to extract as much liquid as possible. Reserve apricots. Mix reserved liquid and apricot nectar, strain throu1h 4 layers of damp cotton cheesecloth. Store in tightly covered glass container In refrigerator. Makes about 6 cups. Brenclled Aprtoote: Heat and aerve reterved apricots as a garnish for meats and poultry. Makes about 1 ¥2 cups. . Irish Cream Liqueur 2 oupe (IO proof) llteh _...., 1 oup llbt oom 9'ftlP "'oup ...... 1 CMIP hMYJ creem In 1-quart shaker or jar with tight fitting lld place whiskey, corn syrup and eugar; cover. Shake until well t>Wtnded and sugar II dlsaotved. Pour In cream. Shake gently unttf well ~nded. Cover, reft1gerate until well chilled. Store In tightly covered gla11 container In refrigerator. Sflake well before serving. Mak• about 1 quart. Swedish Glogg (Jaunldown lo parly llm . , , C4 Toasting good health and holidays Is a grand old tradition. When friends get together. a cup of good cheer has a very natural place In the f estlvltles. Punch, whether bubbly and cold or hot and mulled, has long been served at holiday gatherings, particularly when the party Is large. The Earl of Warrick, tor Instance, entertained 6,000 guests with a punch recipe call Ing for. among other things, 80 pints of lemon juice, 4 barrels of water, and 25,000 citrons. Imagine his problems had he tr I e d to p.I ease the Individual preferences of all his guests with assorted liquors, mixers. garnishes, and glasses. The Earl's gathering took place In 1746. Today's parties tend to be somewhat more lntlQ'late. But still a good punch can ease the task, and often the cost, of providing for a number of guests. A well-made punch includes a mixture of flavors, with no one taste predominating. Punches usually begin with a syrup base. A way of cutting the coet of r entertaining la by making 1 liqueurs at home. Tradttlonally 1 served as after-dinner drinks, liqueurs are good poured over Ice cream or fresh fruits and used as flavoring Ingredients In a variety of dishes. They also make thoughtful gifts. Enjoy serving these punches during the holiday season. Toast the close of the old year and the opening of the new. Vary those season.al bracers A convivial gathering of family and friends is one of the nicest ways to celebrate the holiday season. Whether your plans call for fo r mal dinners or casual get- togethers, now is the time to be thinking of some jolly-good Ideas that say "Season's Greetin&s" with flair. Spirited holiday bever,ges are always a welcome treat and a great way to get parties rolling. Blus hing H o liday Eggnog and French Coffee are variations of two popular seasonal bracers. As festive as the names sound, they only hint at the wonderful flavors these drinks have to offer. While most traditional eggnog reci pes are spiked only with brandy, this one is made with brandy and a black raspberry liqueur. The result is an extra- delicious holiday treat:- FRENCH COFFEE 'h c up black raspberry liqueur 'h cup whipping cream 2 tablespoons instant coffee crystals 1 table1poon powdered sugar 12 ice cubel Shaved chocolate, for garnish (optional) In blender container combine liqueur, c:reem, coffee and sugar: blend amoo\h. With motor on high, add ice cubea, a few at a time , until comple tely blended. Serve at once, garnish with chocolate. Makes 4 drinks, about 6 ounces each. BLUSHING HOLIDAY EGGNOG 1 pint hall and half 1A cup sugar 6 eggs, separated 1 c up whipping cream, whippped softly ~c up black raspberry liqueur in cup brandy 1 tablespoon f re.hly grated nutmeg In saucepan heat half and half and sugar to _. SP.llllCH lukewarm Beat egg yolks lightly with a fork, then gradually whisk in t o half and hall mixture. Cook and stir over medium-low heat until mixtur e b e gins to thicken and coata spoon, about 10 minutes. Cool; chill. In large bowl beat egg whites to 90ft peak.a. Stir In chilled c u1tard mixture, whipped cream, liqueur, brandy and nutmeg to blend thoroughly. Serve chilled, duated with additional nutmeg. (If eggnog 1eparates on 1tanding, atlr to blend Just before serving). Makes about 21A uarta. .One Rollo£ New Improved ~towels ~~enyqµbuy urree rolls. Now KLEENEX• Brand Towels have been improved Our new unique embossing improves the texture and adds softness to each sheet And KLEENEX Towels are strong and absorbent for all your tough 1obs One roll FREE when you buy three makes New KLEENEX Towels even better yet Take the FREE ROLL coupcn to your favorite store HURRY, offer expires J~nuary 31, 1983 RecejveOne Free Roll of~ tow.els when v.ou present this coupon with the purchase of three rolls. BELTLESS SUPER MAXI rnDS Extra Length ... for more protection and unsurpassed absorbency. Preferred by more women in consumer tests over the other super maxi. , . •, '· .. ,. , . . i .. '· z ty T h I 110 I 1 ii,, v,.. '" • UIHjUt•11l111 1111l1lv 11 111111• lui n w ri 11111•111 A ll ••l I•....,. ltw l'UUllll" fo111 llh•11 111td fr 1t•nd1t 1(11 I hl I 1111(1 I 111 I tu Mhu1t• 111 tlw /<•Y 1111d Wurtnth uf tlw .... 11"11111 Nt>l g hl.111 hood C hrlstm..i., , ,irol1111(. a f l e I ll I) II II I I t' l' l r I m m I n g lj • f I I , .... d .. suppen. und Nt•w \',·111 .., Evt> partll's urt• JU!>I <1 11" of the favo11tl· JM!>l1n11•., to l:K' t'n.Joyt'll during th1., SfX'Cl&l time T ast y n ib b les a n d snac k s a rt! always un t'xpected part of th l'i.t' fesllvt> gatht.•rin gs Y t•t, dunng the busy holidays it's oft<'n d1ff1l'u lt tu s pend prt!(.'lous houni 1n tht' kitl·hcn p repa ring elabora te par ty trea1,1; Fortuna tely. there 1s c1 solutio n Thes<' zesty party m t Xl'S, Bt-ni<ul Alm o n d Mix and Almond Pizza Party Mix, are a wonderful way tu dress u p holiday partlt>s with minimal time and effort. Just combine a few convenience foods from your pan t ry s h elf butte r . c r ou t ons or po pcorn, pt:pperon1 tH g o ld e n ra1i.1ns and sea sonings -with almonds a nd you're ready to relax and join m the fun. Both recipes mix up an minutes. T o p r e p ar e Bengal A lmond Mix. a chew y-cr u nch y blend starring the flavors of • il11111111l ''"" l11d1.111 I Ill I V, lllflq1I ~ I 11111111111 I• .. I' I• I ti I II I II ,, II ol 1tl11111111l1o d111tl1• "'"" 111111,..f li11lt1 I l1t'"' o111d .... kt St1111• I 111· 1111)<1111 I' 1111 :.! I hou1-. 111 111111(1•1 111 111h.11111· 1 lw fl,1v111 ... 111cl 1111 1111\\ till ...... 11111111('< t111d tlw11 Jud '·""""' Jlt..t lx·f1111• ~·n·111~ I 11 -, p I r l' d Ii \ I h c• ni.H\t l11u' ll.1\111 of 11.t11.111 pill.I Al1111111d l'lll.J I '.11 ly M1i.. IS Jb11 qull·k ,md ~·asy Just l'Oitl almonds Wllh buttt•r anu sea.-.on1ngi.. spnnklt· with Par1111•.,,ir1 l·ht•t "' .ind l.><1kt• Tos. ... with n·ady madl' t·ruuluns und slil't's of pepix•111rn ~1u~gt.• £111 a savor) pi.lrty mix \>our gul•St.:. wall ftntl h.11d tu BENGAL ALMOND MIX 2 quarts un...._ .. ,~nt.J pupfX-d l'Orn 1 1 , cups whole natural almondi. 1 , c:up meltt"C.J butler or margarine 2 tl•aspooni. l urry powder 1,, tt.•aspoon 114u1d hol pcp(X•r S<IUl't• Salt. to taslto• 1 1 , t.UpS !(Olden ratsans • In largt'. det.'p • .iaking or roasting pan L-ombm~ corn and almonds Mix butter. l urry powdN and peppt·r '><IUt't·. drizzle over t1lmond m1xturt' and toss tu tual t•venly Winter party food, drinks Long hours over a hot >love and painslak1n~ Lime at t ht· c:hopp1 ng ooard was the price esterday's hostess paid lo appe ase a p pet ites, arm h ear t s and Jadden eyes at a wmwr party. Today the beauty and uallty of fine food and arming drinks can Ix• :tc hieved quick ly and ~as1ly. Even the eleganC<' f a pate can be prepared In a matter of minutes with the aid of a (ood processor or blender Add a ma k e-ah ead brown. gold and whitt.• cheese log and you have a treat ht for the most d1scn minatmg palates HAZELNUT PATE 1 p ound braun schwe1ger 1 cup ground hazelnuts (filberts) 2 hard cooked eggs V. cup minced parsley 1~ cup brandy V. cup butter or margarine 3 green o n ions. chof. P qe all 1ngred1enL'i m f oo p r ocessor or ble nde r . (This may r equire two batchC's, d e pending on your ble nder .) Purce until smoot h. Pack into turet•n or crock and refngerau• until serving time. (Ma kes 2 1 .. 1 cups of pate.) CHEERY CHEESE LOG 1 p ou n d s h arp c h ed d a r cheese, shr edded 3 tablespoons soft butter or margarm e ~ teaspoon curry powder 1 8-ounce package of cre am cheese, softened 1;. cup brandy :V. c up gr ound hazelnuta• 1 tablespoon frnely chopped green onions C ombine c h e d dar cheese, butter and curry powder. beating u n ti1 smooth. In a separate bowl, blend c r ea m cheese with brandy, 114 cup of the hazelnuts a nd the green onions. Form t h e c h edd1n cheae mixture into an 8- by 10-inch rectangle and spread the cream cheefte mlx over It Roll up the Jong way Then roll the log over the remaining chopped hazelnuts and refrigerate. Remove the cheHe lo g about 30 mlnutea bef!>re ~rvtng time to It can tof~. •Hazelnuta should be routed before 1ervtng or ~ in recipes. 1f you buy them pre-shelled ln • J>llCQie, they are mo11t likely to have a rich, dee• bTown color and robu1t ta1te lndtcattng thl'\ haq aln·ach lx·N1 roastt'CI But 1f yo·u shl·ll vour own or buy a pat·kugf' labeled "r~w" hazelnul'. or filb<>rL'i. you can roast them 1n a 275-dC'grcc oven 1n a shallow pan for 20 to 30 minutes (un ul their skms l'rack ) or cook them 3 to 4 nunut{'S on full power 1n a mil row a\ l' Ont• pound of unshc·llt·d hazel n uts yields about 11 1 t'ups of nut mt!uts Roast hazelnuts for full flavor BRANDY BLAZER 3 ounces brandy I tablt-spoon honey llot wrree to fill Lt'mon peel Combrnc· brandy and hnnt·v in a prt·-heatcd, heavy '>lt•mmt·d goblet. Pour in hot co ff et.' and stir until the hom•y 1s drssolvC'd Tw1c;t ·the I lemon peel ovc•r the blaH·r and us<• 1t for ga rn1sh Thl' brandy blazer should be steamrng hot and s1ppt'<i slowl) BRANDY VELVET I I . ounces brandy 2 ounces strong rold rnff C'<' 11 i ounce:-. choC'olrtte J, :;vrup 2 No 8 size scoop<; of roffre ice cream Shaved chocc,!alel for topping ·combine brandv. c.o fft·c and chot·ola te syrup Whirl in blender {or bt:at with an clectm or rotar y beatc>r) with one <;<.'OOP or 1c:e cream .1ust until blendc-d Pour into a gla'iS and top WI th l ht' l\l'COnd s c o o p o f 1 c <' t' r <' u m sprinklro with chcolate Serves I SIERRA TODDY 4 ounces hot coffee 1 rounded lC'aspoon brown sugar \ Dash of powdC'red c11'\Wlmon '2 ounces branctv I stick of cinnamon I thin lemon slice Cloves for garnish Combrne roff~. sugar. powdered cinnamon and brandy 1n a heavy glass. S ti r and add cinnamon stick and IPmon s lace stuck with two or three cloves CAPISTRANO COFFEE l 1h ounces bra ndy I teaspoon chocolate syrup 1 t ea s poon brown sugar ~ teaspoon varulla Duh cinnamon 4 ounces hot coffee Sw ee t e n e d Whipped Cream SUr b randy, chocolate syrup, 1u1ar, vanilla and cinnamon together In a alau mua. Pour In ho t coffee . Top w i th 1weettntd whipped cream ~rvet 1 .·ur•~ crowd-plea.· 13.cikt> 111 1·t•11 t1·r of :!OO dt•gn-t• llVt II ;\O llJlllUlt ... tui...ing t\\ll\ Rt·mo\'t' f rum ovt·n M" in ~••It Cool uimpll'tt•l,v Store 111 Jlrt1ght co11t<111H•r 2'4 h11ur~ lo m1•llow fld\ ur-. M1i.. 111 r<11s1n!> hl'fm t· -.t•rvr ng M.ikt•s about 2 quarts ALMOND PIZZA PARTY MIX :~ tablt•spuon'> meltl'<.l uuttt•r or margarine ' tl'aspoon I ta ltan h1·1 Ii s1·aso11mg '• ll'<•'iµoon garlll' !Jt'" dt·r '.!nip., wholl· n ... tural .1lmond:-. '.! wblt·i.pouni. grat1•tl l'.1rn11·-.;111 cht·t·st· °L lUJJS pi.llkil/.tl'd l hl·e.,t· l I ou ton:-. I lUfJ (cJbout 4 OU lll'l'S) th In I y s 1 ll'l'fl pt·ppt·rn111 1\1 I l\ h U t t t• r, h ('I b -,1 a~on1ng and garlrt· powt.11•1 In l.irgt• hakrng pdn tm.s .ilmonds wrth buttt•r ni1xtun· .mtl tht·n w I I h l' h l' <' s l' t ll co a t l'Vt•nl) Arrange almonds Ill a smglt· layer a nd bake m 32~ drgr ee oven 30 m 1nuu·s. stirring unl'e Rt>mUVl' from oven a nd 1mnwtl1ately toss with croutons Cool l'OmplNt•ly Ston· 111 a1rt1ghl t'Onl.Clmc•r Mix 111 pepperon i before ~t·rving Make!> about 5 I l'Upl> I UAll 1 I'll II 1 IW cllJ REIOL VI TO llTTLI FOR NOTHING LEll THAN Nl/111 IA/tEIJ NAM (.te~a ~~~ ::::7-~ ~ .. (MZ ~~ ONE TASTE IS ALL IT TAKES for a perfect start to the New Year. Serve Honey Baked Ham on New Year's Day. It will seem you fussed all day. but you'll be free to enjoy the Holiday. For Family, Friends & Associates. it's a tasty way to make your Ho liday Special. and for all year 'round! ('(Jk ll-JA lJll MAk 3700 E Coosr H1ghwov • ( 714) 673 9000 AN.l\HI IM The Vrllooe Cen1e1 •1222 So 8rookhursl • ( 714) 035 2461 I l T(lk (J Bell Tower P1010 Norlh • 24601 Qovmond Wov • ( 714) 837 3822 Hl lNTIN<:r<JNHl.l\f'H 190698eoch81vd •{714)848 8575 ~ OkAN<;I 1419N Tuslln •(714)997 9960 · l<ANf'H(J MlkA<:I 71 634 Hwy Ill • (714 ) 346 3894 HONEY k lVI k~llJI 5276A111nuronA11e •(714) 688 9681 IJAl(lD/IAM WE SHIP COAST TO COAST USA · ALASKA & HAWAII .•. A ~ •'•-' -4 I-.. . ·.·. '• I .. ., . t. '· ·. I , 1.J' IC •• "; .... 1 ) • Important news from Nescafe® N ow our two great NescafeA Instant Coffees both have a brand-new look. Nesca fe is now called Nescafe Classic Blend™ to reflect its heritage as the reall y ri ch, robust coffee. ' And our decaffeinated coffee is now called Nescafe Decaf™ to announce that the caffein is naturally removed~ Then Decaf is blended and roasted to give you rich coffee flavor. ·No noncottee < omponl'nts cnnw in cont<1ct wit h the < offc>t.• bean dL1ran~ tht• rt.•ff1ov,1I o( thC' lalfein. C IN2 Tlw> l'hllf' C•1 Inc ~I ----SAVE 40¢ on any size jar except 2 oz. of NESCAFt CLASSIC BLEND'" OR NESCAFt• DECAF.'" EXPIRES JUNE 30, 1983. -..... --... .. . ·: .. . .· --~-------~~~~----...-...-.--------=----------------............. ~ ............................... 11m .... Pi I ••• h r ('111 l1tlrt111a Jlul Ill • utt111 1111111111 Ni•"' Yt•ur'• JllHllf'•, pur Ill" 1u11f mutt• 11• r 111·• l:>.ot·l•mh1•r I• ttw mon 1 h f u r l h t• I I' a II t' I 11 I galht•rln~" f11m1ly untl fr11·mb1 H1•1 tllJ(t'th1•r 111 ~h.111· Jtood tlnwic uncl to 'lpt1·.1d th1• hollduy dwc•r 1 W1·1l. 1 h111 Y t' ll I , W h Y d II ll 'I \ 11 ll throw lht> purt y'' Your hn1t thou~hl 111 probably. "LA•t sonwmw t'lst> g1vt• tht' party · Pe op It' a rt' u ~ u a I l y up pre ht• n ~ 1 v ,. 1.1 h u u \ giving a )Jjrty fl 1:. ~1 mut·h t>as 11•r ht·1nf( ti ~uest no pla11n111g , no t·ook mg. no d<>cora ting md no d<.•anup You don't havt> to I.le.ii wllh probh•m:-. sm·h a!. "Who should I mvllt>", WLll everyone get along'', What wiJI I serve?" the list 1s t•ndl£•ss Wl'll. put your mind at eaSl' here are somt· successful lips that will ensure a smooth and enpyable event First and m ost important , SMILE Delve into 1t with the right attitude. Use your unagina lion and you' U be surprised at what you can do. Have confidence' Second, decide what type of party you would like to have. A cocktatl party is a good choice during the holiday season because it doesn't involve as much planning or pre para lion as a dinner party. Third, plan a guest hst Decide how many peoplt• you want to invite. Don't overcrowd your home. It can become uncomfortable for aU. Don'l restri c t 1nv1tattons to mutual friends . Invite an assortment of friends. It provides for an exciting party People enJOY mmgling with new faces You JUst have to bf' co n cer n ed w1lh introductions. Fourth, plan a menu Cocktail part•~ usually call for a variety of "finger" foods or foods that can be eaten easily without the bother of cutting and shcing Today, many people' are watc hing their weight and trying to cut down on the amount or calories they con sume This is important to consider when deciding on a menu, so try and plan accordingly Fresh vegetable~ aet.'Omparued with a dip prepared with low -fat yogurt; mushrooms stuffed with seasoned rice, gelaun molds made with fresh fruits; cold pasta salads are JUst a few suggesuons that will look elegant, taste good and cut calories. You can present festively decorated platters of food on one large table This way everyone ca n h el p themselves People are -&r inking light these days, so be sure to have oon-alcohohc beverages on hand, along with . '1coholic beverages TERIYAKI ~ CHICKEN WINGS ·:·· 2 tablespoons soy -Ouce 2 tablespoons . .Spiced drink mixes we lcome Days of apple-eating .~eat hand, and whether ,\j\-e apples are baked, , caked or pied, there's a ;(\Ompanionable spice • b lend called apple pie api'ce that gives just the right flavor boost for ,. apple desserts. ,· The blend contains cinnamon -America's · favorite apple spice -as • well as cloves. nutmeg ; and other "aweet" spices ' Apple pie spice has ; other uses too. Sprinkle ~ U over winter squash ; ~fore baklng. Or. stir 1t : into yogurt for a dressmg '·for fruit salads Use 1t to •!~plce a butter-rum .-J.<>pping for baked t:bananaa. ~:Sprinkle It over (.~of creecent rollll :before rolling and •:baking . Blend It with ;, 1 u g a r t o r a p i c e d , i buttered breakfast toa.,t ~ -or French tO&St. ~ l\dd It to wh o le $cranberry uuce and . 1erv• with pork. ham or poultry. Rub It into pork , chops before b91dng. An~1 to borrow a ..,_ aaea from Mt"xlcan eook 1, 1tlr It In to hot chocolete aauc~ and ~ ovt:r b cream . .. f'<Jr th • r (> rty ho I with mil I 11111"1•11 I II 11111 l1e·1 I rluv.,11 ~1 ,. ,, 11111111 1 I Ill' lllfll~l l 'h'lll tf fllf11·11p11h JUh I }. l;al>h'l'lflllelll'I llltM I~ I I I 11 .. ,. 1-111 ' I I • 11111 1u·<I I lt'olfllll•tfl llllf\lt'" 111·,h )(111)(1•1 C11p111111.1l1 ..! JI•" k1•1 .. ,11.: II ,111,..1111111· :.! p11u11d" l'lttt k1·11 w111~" (t1h11ut 111 •.\ lllt(sl lt1" fltl .111111. ,..111 f , ... 1. I llfflltlfll ff~ •11111 I olflll I " I " " t I I • It 1\ rl I I 1 l't1111111111H 111.c11 ol11 111 , l'IC1 I fll 1111.Coll !011ll1t•lllt1l1 .mil 11111 lu-11 111111)( 111 " 111111 H1•d111 I lir.11 '"'" "11111111 I lllll to Vt 'I 1 ti 1111 I ii t li11 kt 1u·d llt•ll\11\'I fr11111 111 •,11 ollld "'" Ill '\tlj(tll .. 111"1111111 I' I I It I'll l U \ l' II 111 'j •1 ti dt•)(tt't·~ f l°UI \\.Ill)(" 111 lt,df at tlu· ~·1111 11·11111v1· '""' 1·1 ... "" lj.(ltl•1•d l1odfll1' 111111 lt 111 Ii 111111.111 1\1111, 1111 ...... I \,f h I 1111111 I h II k I It I 11 111h•1 ul••lll 1111111111111 '\ I 111 II f II I)( '°' I I It "" IJ 1 t ... I .1~11111 .ilh· M 11k•"• II ''''1"H' SllNMllNI-. t'ITR l IS MOLi> I I .111 (Ii 111111< I'"' I I ll!>ht•d p1111'11f1pl1• Ill 11.11 ll Ill I Jlllll' o I llfl .. fh I llflfll 1 It • 11 ltt lllltflllitflll llf 1lfll(I I .lllU fll I. ,. II v ,. I II 11 I ot11l I 111 .. n-.I 11•·1111111 I p rl I le,. I "II I( •• ' .1 11101111111 1 • I Ujl I lt 11 pp1·ol w ,1l11ul• I lUll (l:l llUlll• .. d du t t(lnl(N ult., t )11 llt-.J 1'r111n ft u1t, rt1t1·rvtnf( JUltt', •·t fru1U1111tldt• In 11 11rnnll '!UUt't·p11n. 1mfl1·11 H• 1111111 111 Jlllt t It• 111 .11111 lfl 1111111.Cl1111111 I ,,, ••IV• 11 Hiit Ill 111( ,, .. .,1 ... 1111111· 'lt111111f1 I 111 O 1111•dHJll1 ll11wl 11•lr 1t(1 11111 1111111 I h1lh'll l11H 11111 "4 I 111111111 l'1 111111uti ... t i1·11llv l11lcl 111 wul11uu. urul 1 t ,., vc·d f I u I... s I 11"' I y Jiii iii t(lllt(••r 11li• d11w 11 •,uh• 111 h11wl, "'" I(' 11tly 1111111 hl1·11cl1•1I ('lull u11ttl pur tl..illy I I 11!11111 I I 1111111111 !I ~111111 11 111111 1111lt v11lt1 11I • I "I' """'"' "' •I I 1111111 I 11111ltl ('11111 1111111 I tr 111 11111111 1 I 1111111 111111111111 l111tlll"lt Wllh l11w lul VllHlll I 1.11111 Ill 1111 t(t•i.. ,, tl1°'1l ll•d M11k1·~ H _.rVllll{ll 1101.IOA Y ~G<iNO<i .I 1 u1~ l11w fut milk I 1 up 1·vup11r11tt'll ~k1 111 1111lk, und1l11u<tl I t 11p lll(hl rum I I ~l(JI t 11111 k 1° I I 1 u M • r ~ .. 1 ... 1111111· I b ''"""' vu,.llla '1 11·u~••n 1(111\lnd '""""'" lr1 •1 l1ll•ncirr 1·unu1tn4"r, pl11n• all Inter 1•cJ 1 .. n t11 t•Jt('t•SJt rtUlmt't(, blt•nd on low U11UI truthy, about :HJ numda Pour Into pum·h bowl Chill until rl'ady to 11ervt-Sprinkle with nutmeg. Makea 8 Everybody wins with Stater's LOW HOLIDAY PRICES~~~·~verybody wins with Stater's LOW HOLIDAY PRICES1 "(•·· .. -.. -" ~ .. • ~I ., • , .• u.,.., NOT TO EXCEED l r '2:} FAT Lean Ground Beef •1..79 BEEF q()JNO BOl'<ELESS London Broll •1..99 ~i ... ... ! II ~(QUI.A" Oii DIFT c & c Cola ____ , .-;·----, I; ! ~ c c~~ .. ::c~,rll .. •no o" R.C. Cola JUMM> lllf ,OA IAUlrOAY All Detergent ( • w BEE' BON( IN llONE IN BEEF BONEIN Round Steak Rump oast • BEEF ROUND FOSlER FARM~ Chicken Wien en Wish~ne '. 1 $.. 29 Dressing .&• &tr STATER BROS 1(X)• • BEEF l.ACll I Orange -0 s.. 75 Juice .&• tOT1..<"~"-..,,_.l~~(l(.Oi .,.V' 6Pll\t.6•••W91'R~• • ........._ eo .. ~E. .. 9f••' Hansen• Juice ! BEEF LOIN Crisco Oil ! .... oocl .... *tlona! Fresh Catftsh Whole Coloaal Shrimp ·.~~1.~ I Service Dell Al ...... Wtr5eMce0..0nr Macaroni Salad ....... American Cheese ~~· Roast n~..._,t ... · ~IJC'P, Stater Savers. .. ( Stock Up On .,.- Th-Gnat Buys! '-\.- l •l>\Ol SW[( r JUIC• U "'"'l" A~ Hamburaer Patties I Top Sirloin Steaks I Puritan 011 ! u .•I.72 'I.S3 .•I.73 .. •I.39 ... 99e 54.S9&A II • ..,. "•OU HOtlUTYl£, lllOUl.A" Ml.AT Oft ltUSH"°°61 Sp__aghetti sauce ' ··~Vt••<>-~·,.,...,,. •• , •• cl llfl toOA O•flfOt .,it I •'"'" t.ftlll()Jlj •• .. ••uu •• fl Schweppes Mixers '1 ~ .. • 52.29 ~ " 14NO\l(l '"OUN Fried Chicken CHIC~ ENl\IYllVIOO HOMl \1nl Sf['# IV"" MUl lO., Blue Mountain Dog Food ~·~' i .. , ..... ,IC'* .. , flot\ \0\ O•~I .. , ~ANO 1A,.ANltl "•O ._,.'-,,..,..ll r ... P'\ C.>'t ,_, ... , o-.'~0 t Potato Chips ! .-.w I f A"5G .. •t Marina Tissue ! ~., .. ,,, l(;.(in BathTluue ! ,.,llkf f Facial Tissues ! WM "t '\C.O• 1 I Facial Tissues ! Kleenex Towels ! i• .. f'Ml\o\,.,l'i ~-....... ' ~ ... Dads Root Beer ! ......... --~· ............. . •I.44 .•I.07 .. 69e ~. 59c '"sI.OS .. •169 -'2.99 ·-'U5 ...... ~19 ... '1.99 .'l.99 •• •19.19 .• '111.39 .. '9.49 ~-'1159 .. '10.99 'U9 'U9 .. '11.99 .. '11.19 .. '•·· .u .. 29~ .29~ ,39• .39• • Frozen Foods ... SZ.59 Broccoli Spears Birdseye ~:· ·: · · W Jetos Eu Rons .::-.:::. Pim Rolls :: ... ._. SI I7 J111ls Blrrltos :1: ....... . • Mes Inf Taqultos 850 Endllada Utret .:; .. _ San L• Cake ... •· · 15c 49' .sr It . 33' '1.19 79' •• SUS PTIOH IJlltcll\tt o.c »Jen 2.191) Al All Slalll Otoe Ma11<«1 \H\I ...... 11111 14 t.I "'""' .. How to ho t, and lt11t1llnt( It NIJI It 1111 r11I lt11lld1t" fllll I V llllC I' rl'M'•nl ••rvlnj( 1tw Ill 1 ''"''"'· 1wv1·1 1111111111.c 11111 uf ~ and watl'l11na your t(W'lllJI .c••t "" "l11ml1"<l 1111 &nta'• 11t·1ah " ..,,, VlllK 1il11111111 111 I tu II ti.II IV OU1·1 lllttfl llt1111 tlr111k"' Wl11 II 1111 '"' 111 1.1111111 111 """"' 1111• 1111r1 v '" 11t·r11111e·ly 11l111111riac ~tlr UJ1 1·011v1•11ti1l1ut1, clruw 11111 u 1.J1h•11hotl t(Ut'f'I 11r pluy j(u1111•11, v1cl1•u 111 11tlw1 Wiik' But no mon· 'l'rnl11y'11 w111t• put I y .c1v1•1" know thA~ th1• naw'111 tou1ih 1lrunk1•n clnvinir h1w• will bt• doubly t•nfortt'tl tht'< hulhluv "M'lll•"" and an• phmning 1tw1r µortlt'11 to I•• llv1•lv hut tht>tr gut>SUI i.obt'r Alwuy11 huv1• 11 JIHt(t•r ov111l11hlt• wh1•11 ~uc""ll n1 lx lhl'lf own drink• ( iu1-.1J1 who try lo 't•yt•liull" u Jlli(Ht•r u( h11111..1• will ufh'11 t•nd uµ drinking m11r1• th1111 limy hull plunnt.od Anne f'inn, udm1r1111t1 a tor 111 Cur 1•U1111 Hoepl\al of Orunf(t'. u funhtv thut trl•uts nkohol and drug abuse. sug~··111. ... th•· tolluw1n~ hultdav tips for tht.' host and hostto:;.'! who an· plt11111ing un If you plu11 1111 huvlllH u barwndt.•r. iwll-..·t 11111· you know who will makt• lhl• drlnlu "light" 11110 will qull'tly "l'Ul 11onwo111· oH" wht•n thl'y'vt• hud too mut'h A ~---Better Me------.. Sponsored by: <1 I> 111 /I II I !'I tC'/ ,\ ((J 'I //fl I 11 1111 11 1111 I-' II/I I (JI) I (fl '83 • 1n Junior leagut:' of' /\'ewport llarbur S t .. 'tndre ivs Presbyterian Church CompCare l 1feStyle Center I J< II) I ) J I \l 11< ) _. I I 'J ,Ii I S JO I I/ _, ill /' I/ 'I I \/JIU h'\ nu \/I) 11.J<I I\ (Ill I«" toll/I \/ I \/)J</ h '\ /<II l/J \/ hl'tJJ<I /JI IC JI < t/// OJ<\11 ' ?}" _ 1;.,/<j/'1//ll J<1'/(l\/fO/lllll • l'llJ/t't' u111/ (JU\lf/1'' l'ur 1111'11 II I C C l/oh11 J<1"fnt1111r1111t l l'ar 11/1·•1 ha' u pr11u11• 1uu1111" rho1 'fl••t10/J;,,, 111 /11•/111111< p1'1111lt• 1'\IOl1/l\h d fltJ\/ffl t' /tft'\fl frJ C hurillll 1Jr111nu1111r h hut 1 \11 (,n•at 1/111111 I 11n1"' I I 11111'"11< /hrt'1111r 11/ 1111• \p11rt111J< /fo11"· '"""flllrf /11•111'111 \11•11h1•11 I lrrerlwm II 1-d . 'H1•1111111nx Ill ) 1111 ( tJ11 lit' f I dtffUt1Jr anti lt-1 111rn \11•ph1•n l r11·rh11rn '' 111u1111'fi1'r 11/ 1h1• ( 11111p< ur1• / 1.ft•\11 I<' ( t'lllt'r/ I 111n h u111I f'a,111(111, h 1 I \fu>111111 / \ta11lt•1 \ht•r111u11 \11r111>1 \11111111er 1 11//1•c1111n 011tl 11111n· 1 ( IJ/'/ \ li11111Jr J 1·11J<lll' 11/ '"''flllrt llur/111r f( ur11I l/1•rt11a111" I \1•1·111111• /Jtrec11ir 11/ ('(JJ'J:'.\ J / 1111 I 111111111"' II 111111•11 I rt' k '1rrd I 11d \(I'll I rt• I 1'rt \1ra111<1• . I lufh"r 111111111111111 utur u11d lt•1111rl!r I 11n l 111111111111 '"''' 11111 tltl' ro1< tnlfh ahm11 1 """t•IJ and 1 "" l'lld up /111 lllJ< ti I F11r H"'" lr1/ormu111m . (all 11 7}.11102. f .\I 10! f()J< f/(A'/: 7\. f/11 OL I I \I> 1111/ Ill/\ UJl PO\' Jll:FOHf J I \'l 110 l ·I . llJ.'H >n A B etter Me ;,, '83 DOING BUSINESS UNDER A FICTITIOUS NAME? II you h•v• ju1t filed y our n ew Flctlllo u• Bu1ln••• N•m• •nd h•v• not yet 1ubmltted II for pubtlcetlon, pleeH don ·1 forget th et th• llmltetlon I• 30 dey• from d•t• of ftll"iJ. The DAILY PIL OT w lll publlth your atetemenl lor 1 3 1 .50 . Ou r clrculetlon lncluc:M• the entire Ortnge Coe al er•• end leg•I notlcu eppeer In ell edition•. In order to aubmlt your atete m en t f or pub llcetlon ••nd epproprtet• copy and • cheok to THE DAIL y PILOT, P.O. Boa 15'0, Cott• ...... CA 112121. We'll do the rut For lnformetlon •bout legel edvertl91ng pfe•M cell M2·•321 Ellt. 332. I< I C.J\ I I< 11/11 \ / UI< II P/1 11\t' 1111111111 'I II fJft rm nu h 1r1rna11M1 ulmtK ,, 11h ,,,//-odtlrri.,tl. \/Um(l<'tl rm·t'ltlfH I,., 111d11tlr1 '""' h /11,.,oturr and >l'mmar ntoru1al ( II I l tp 111// /() < 11m11<'orr I 1/r 'i11 If' ( r'ntn ! Ill I I .Jth \tret'I • llH \;J111u lnu < a/1f11rma 11!70.~ 1110/..1• d11•1·/., (IUHl/>/1• /II (Ill/I//( llft' f 1f1•\t1 /1• ( 1'11/l'f Ring in the New Year right. Save50¢on Delmonte~ Catsup and Tolllato Sauce. --------- SAVEHr RAGlf Pma Quick Sauce or M.1x for Homemade Pizza Cnnt C'I a succ ssful party If y1111 'n • 11111111 111.c 11t111H11I telou1·• 111 , t111111J""'H"'' cl11 ,.., .ii rt•teulnt 11111 rv11l1 Thi l11111lv 11111 hur11lh• ul1oul tw11 lhl rib 11( 1.111 1111nct• o f ult uh11I 1m h11u1 I >i111't (fouhh• u11 Mu11y f"'C'}'h · \"" ,. 1t11·11 flrl11k11 i.o don't 11..rv1• douhh•11 '(Ill' 1111ly 1·1111 u11uially hundlt· 11111' drink 1111 huur, 11 cl11ulilt• Ill ·~ulvulonl of twu IJon't pWlh dr1nlui Lt•t i. f(IWlll 1,.,'tJm•· t•mpty tx•fort-you rd11l And lh<>n, don't rl.lllh, t.'l~·1u.Jly I( 1omronc mmt'li up t-mpty too ofum When u gut'll l i.uy11 "no" to un aJm holk drink, don't 1ns111t l'111v1clr• 111111111•1111116( 111111 ult 11h11ll1 lo th ltlk w1i11. 11u111 ... 1 1111111u •• r1111 11 , .. ""' u r1 .. uv1• 111 l1111IJ(t I WlllN llll II JIUlll h !-W•rv1• (111wl M1111 y tu"'t" 111111 h11ttl•->11 "'•rv1• 11 l11k dlnnn ''" lh111 l(lll'fllJI 1•111 MOllll'lhlr11( 1111l111l.unt111I t>1·f11n· l1·11vl11.c th1• purty f''utid 11l11w1 cl11w11 llll' 1 uh• 111 whkh 111111h11I l'I utlfl(1rt>c"CJ hy the liody Pw1h -.flot k11 Snu< klllf( .. 111w11 d11w11 ttw I Ill.A' Ill Whll'h Jll'C>plt• drink If you rn1lll't· om• of your guc•!!lll d1 1nk111g loo 111ud1, <lu wh.11 y11u 1·1Jr1 to 11luw hun or her UOWll TAKE THIS VA LUABLE COUPON TO YOUR STORE • SAVE 40¢ when you buy Dishwasher "all~ To Dealef L8119r will 191mburse you tor the race value at coupon plus 7e handhng p1ovlded you and the consume1 have com· piled wllh the terms ol lhe otter Cash value 1 20th ol 1 c Lever Broche1s Company. Box 1385 Clinton. Iowa 52734 L1m11 one coopon per porchase Good only on Dishwasher ALL Any other use constitutes fraud COUPON EXPIRES JUNE 30, 1983 9bE9E'( 000h2 11111 204423 Take lh1s coupon 10 your grocer 24000 138396 STORE COUPON Ta~e thts coupon lo YoUr grocer 2'4DOO l3a3aa I I I .r. (~ I I I I I I 0052], SO'U.62 ITORl COUllON , _ ------·----------------------" I IJAll Y J•tl O l tW d11t1Hhty U 'I y-mak.jng plan too good to be tru ? • 81 MARTIN 8LOANE fJtlar Murll11 Wh1h • I h 0 p )J I n j( '1 I l h 11 t u Ult r m u r k •· 1 I w 1111 <'tul\ l In., w II h II 11111 lw I I h 6 p p (' r W h l· 11 a h I' sudd&nly 1a1kt•J mt· If I wafttt•<l tu rnukt• 1ionw ex~a.money without uny etfollt. She thl'n handt·d me 'an cnvt•lopc full p f infcifjnaUon on 11 munt•y ~~g program offortod by ·Uni t e <l Finant·1a I l~Uvt.-s, Int.·. (UFI) a Pecn.sylvan1a company Because 11 1nvol v1:1> supermarkets, I thought you would hke 10 look into it. -ES , PhOt'nix, Ariz. Dear E.S · l did look into UFI and he re 1s what I found. At the beginning of November. UFI began offering a multi-level marketing pro gram called the "U F I Groc ery Disco unt Purc hase Plan." The plan seems simple: When you si,jn up as a UFI distrib~r and pay a $25 bookkeeping and computer fee, you can then send UFI y ou r supermark e t c a s h register tapes totaling up to $500 a month and be paid l percent of the amount shown on these tapes. As UFI tells 1t, this 1s a "revolutionary concept in multi -level marketing ." and "requires no produc t selling. no inventory and no bookeeping " What's more, distributors also receive 1 percent of the value of the tapes ~nt in by the distributors they sign up and fr o m additional res ulting levels of distributors through five levels If 1 percent d oes n 't sound like a lot, here's how UFI pro j ec ts potential earnings for a distributor: Assuming that all distributors only send in $100 worth of tapes a month, signing up five distributors bri:lgs in $5 a month based on their tapes. U each of them sign up five distributors, an additional $25 of income wou Id be rec e1 v ed Assuming ea c h rustributor Signs up five more distributors. there would be 125 on the third l~vel (and $125 of income); 625 distributors on the fourth level ($625 of additio nal income ). and 3,125 d1Str1butors on the fifth level, bnngmg total monthly income to $3.905! It sounds too good to be true, especially smce all you conceivably h.ave to do is just sign up five enthusiastic distributors, send ln your own register tapes, and then sit down and watch the money roll in! All this money had an ominous sound when UFI president William Newbauer told me that UFI's goal is to sign up one million distributors by the end of 1983 "Where does UFJ expect t o get the hundred.a of mill.ions of dollars to pay for all these register tapes?" I asked Newbauer. He told me that a "major company" Involved in marketing research as well u coupon cleanng operations was behind the UFI program, but he refused to divulge the name, claiming it was a "trade secret." On the one hand , Newbauer claims that the register tapes have tremendous market research value, since UFI will have the names and addresses of all these consumers (th e distributors) and it will be able to tell Uw brands they ~.at least on the tapes from scanner equipped stores. He says he can sell this information t o competitive manu- facturen. On the other hand, Newbauer admits to being a "novice" in the •rea of marketing research and further admlu that he hasn't beaun to contact the manuhcturere who miaht uH Ms register iape Information. UFI'• time may be quickly runnlna out, .me-New-b9uer rrojecta that lt wll owe cllltribuCOl'I '836.000 for realtter tap•• tent in dur1n1 1•bru.,y and f800 000 In Much. UFl l1lllY. a1'0 be beaded f« l•l•I prQblems 1lnce N t ~ h11111·1 111111 1h1" I 1' 11111 11'1 I h u I Ill'\. I I 11 I 111111• 11llet1111•y-1(1'111'111111 1111' l!Ul'll ll llllllll( lh1• lt·wu 111 v 11f hi• piowrum Only t 1m1· wil l lt•ll wh1•11· Ul''I 111 6'llll11(. hut 11•(u11tJ1•r 11 who hnvt• h I ' l' ll U f f t• I t' d JJ U I l I l' I p ll l I U II I n l h I !I prn~n11n 11huuJd look at 11 C'Hrt.fully and l'UUllOU!1ly CLIP 'N ' FILE REFUNDS (Week of Dec. 261 ..... 0 ..... 0 ....... ,, ...... ,, t hi "'' 0 11 ft .. ttt1I 9\tt .. ti ti flttU ... ,. .• ,,. • ••h .,,, • ,..,,, .. ,,, hu••'•V• 1•luud ,,,,.,. ••th hlllf••t •v• t ouonn1 rut • .,.,nt1 .. lol"' I ~Q41"( 111111 11141 n..v..J ~tk•ll ol P•lf c htUfl #hllfl h•UkO•u '"' lh• f ft •• U I I ft Ii f U f nt • A t f h • tuf .. ffUat9'et '" HftW•P•, .. , •• , ... nuty,.l1t18I •011 •"4fl' ltldlrlU wt1fi f11•t1lt <>ft••• fH 8y HUI IJe u~••lat;le 111 •II ••••• of th• t..ovnt1v A.How tO wMti.• tu 1ttt.tttvt1 ••t.h rotuncl lfl81e Uffttfl CJUH I fttQUlte 1ohmtJ lorma eAKl!ll\' WAOON Coo~1e• I' U llu• U() Poe o A1v9ra Call I 9066~ Htu;eove • $I ••lunt.I S•nll lh• Puru1a111 (..1infltmeuon •••I• cut prices good thru jan . 4 open new year's day 9-4 (rtt* tttre 1-n .. r-' • w•) ,, ,, Iii , u .......... ••111•• .. n ........ r ...... "°'' f ... , ..... •tuf th• ,,,_..,., t 1tt1I• •IHtV 0"9 hf .. ld hahM ""•' n •t w•1utt1 f1uto tht•• 11•• ll tij•• uf Mii)' ht•t•ll tutr Uewuf .,, .. ,.,. •• ,. ~·llff ... , ... , • ., .... M.,111 II lllllJ 01110 I ""kleo II .. 'I'• I l'llly 1111111.l•t 11 II llo• IJ98 M•IJI• 1'111111 Ml!ill 11'1 r•ll fl•< el•• •n 1111111 Lc111it 1111 A•etPI 6 P l lly tto11k let '••nO one UHJ<.>I u l 1•11,.111111 11111 hon1 111y 111e Ote<i hiOll <11 '••1<11• IHCI l!I 111111 pu•l •U• •nlJ handl1ny l •a.>h•• Mu•c.1• It 111113 r h••n nffet a r ec1uu • r etuttd fotttH• JILL·O l!r1110 I I (.;••" Aelunll '>eno 1ht1re4u11111<11olu11t.1 l<>1m and ""' IH1111 1>•nel1 from ellh•• II•• ft Out"• IN llJ I l 'V#M • U.1••• 11f l•tl II tt•Afiff ft•la14fl HI fh .. " ••• wmu "' 10 4 •• , w1r1u ,,,. tw••t of l•tt t I Dreotl ht•l•11I ,., I uno111I l'ut.1<111111 I 1•11 I illlfl\I f•j•ll•I MArth II 10111 ,,.letLt • ••• 1,hoco e .... 011., 11 ....... '"' •• I OUllLI IJUh•lo 111 Ne•ll• <.1111Lu ll•h• !1 .. 111 lh• ·~1u119'J ••lu11d "'"" •nd lh• ••b•I from •n ""''"••le ned t>11h111g ct1otol1I• b •r 01 lh• ll11tve1HI P1odut1 <.;ode 1ymbot lrom • t •n ol coco• powder f ApllM March J 1. 111113 ,.ILLtaU"Y'I 8HI ~tetll•11• G•nllllf Send lhe requlrtld r11lu110 to1m end lh• bOllOm r>•net• from lwo S pow10 or l•rger b•O• o r l'lllobu1y 1 Bur F tour on,ludong lh• n•I weight 11111temen1 phJI • '' ~U t hef ,. ur "'"''•, ut ''•' I her• ti ftU lftnft t#U ltU• r1ffet I •I-••• .,_.,,lo 11 11111 "II 11'1 Cuoh•H t I ll•lhnd 'ltlfltl 11\e requ11a.I r•lunfl l<Hm •nd ,,,. 111ou11 111w11.1o ... 11om •- li•O• uf flH•• • l' ... 1101 8 ultar f 11v111111 <.111µ1 fh• p1001 0 1 1>ur1.hn• 11 Ille 11e1_,1 Made I rom He111I "••nul• from lh• 11001 ul 111• beg c -p11e1 M•rth Jt 111113 TAtTlll 'I C HOI CI "'""''"IDOi l"AllM Coupon• HKetv• • 70 ce nl T Hiit' 1 ChOICe toopon lor tn• II ounce Jar and lwo HI cen1 coupon• lot 1ny 1wo P•tk•Q•• or P•PP••dlge F11m Gooh1a1 S•nd lhe 1equ11.a 1eluno torm anct th• 1nne1 H•I• hon1 l\llrO • no dealer sales • limit rights reserved • llUftoi: .... ,. ltf 1#4 .. I U\,f•4. jef tir I aetfW '(.hot>t • HM) flfllf'f ttftf hH/t4 ti ' I e d r 0 I f • • I • ij '' t a I U I rl• •"""••led IM• 11 .. 111\11.cl>eftl 1a1,.11 lt<1m '"' lwu l'•IJr.lllllj• I •11n '()Okie P•< k•lj.. ,.,,, •• Mal! h 1 I 1883 ••flWfl It • f efuml futrn yt>t., t .,. •flt• '''' A I 1 tfitfund Uuv• C,••h H1tu11<.1 Oll•r I• 0 Ut11 1111 I• M1111>I• Pl•ln Monn !)~Ha S•n<J a Mtl AllOrH..0 ll•llll/<KI •nv .. C.pe ..... '"" lorm lh•• Oii•' ••Pl•H r.r. 2J 19113 Thoo 011111 <JoB•n I r11quore • •ftfuno fo1m1 NISHI Ouok l:lunny Spoon PO UO• 2~~l' 8o•lon Mn• OU 11 A•~•tve • bunny apoon wolh • relaol v•lue ol S2 ~O 51111<1 one --- "' . .,, ,,, '"',. ,, .... ,.,. .. ,,,,,, ........ . 1t•••IH Milll lton1 •1tJ11;t11t ..... c. .,~, If flttl .. '1 / tJUHf ft Nelllfll tJut .. ( hot 1tl•t• t le.,O• •.1ytu1J ~tu• tffl • •ttt • ct••• ll •If ntvo•t "' tJet' I •I•"" Mall I 11 lflll f h11 ,.,. .. , t •quo•t • t•fund '"'"' CAHADA 011\' fi•lv!lf! 11., ,.,.. • S I < uu!J<ilt ICJI L llU•d• vry M,.,,,. '>•no the r.,qu11•d ••luull lorn• anll lwo n.c;k l•IMll• or I wo h<><lv l•l.>"4• °' h•<I t•P lln•11 lrom 18 ounc" :t:> ounc• 01 hi•• tile b<>lliH 01 c 1n1<11 01y 01no•1 Ale l.1111> 'lo<I• or I Onie. Wtl•• "f •Pll•t Jur.1t 10 11111'.I llHt •JllO• ••1J1t e1 M11C11 JI 199J I 01Jyr1Qnl lfl92 Ulllllt<I F Hlu•• Sy•Hloc•ll lfu specials holldty nut h1rvelt macadamia nuts roasted and salted 4 89 a oz. bag , ... S.29 • ~ raw 6 oz. bag ret. 3.89 3.49 , pignolai raw 8 oz. bag 'II· 4.69 4.29 almonds blanched & slivered 6 16 oz. bag 'II· 2.99 2. 9 l new crop!! shelled 1 I ,walnut!. :":.:~'Y,b.2.S9 meat seafood provisions 1us11n·newport1c osta mesa only 1ustin newpo111costa mesa only jumbo dungeness non alcoholic bubbly ,~rabs rtt· 1~. J.98 I~. 2. 79 1 1 tor ~~~b~~1~ers for 1he hol idays cocktail shrimp 1 rtt· I~. 6.98 I~. S. 98 steak ~ new zealand white fish ,.,, I~. 3. 98 I&. 2. 98 obster I "11tt1e neck ; clams 1 blue point I, 1oysters 3.49 ,, I I I I rtt· I~. 2.98 I~. 1. 98 us a c o ce ' top sirloin I r19. I~. 4.98 lb. lobster tail 3 to 4 oz. rock lobster 2 98 I~. 16.98 ea. • deli ·~1eur d; lait assorted flavored mill creek mother earth ortllla chips no salt 4 oz. bag "I· .13 .69 'cream cheeses ~ ,.,. ~. J.69 I~. 2. 98 I hormel smoked baked aloe vera shampoo 1a oz.,.,. i.so 2.50 ure & slmple 1111 (hot . mild & no salt) 10 oz. "I· J.7S 2. 75 12 oz. Jar • 1.SS 1.19 homemade irvine ranch market natural old fashioned ginter bru4 1111n ind cookies. rv ne ranc 111 cheese •--...... -.J.l \\_ ,,_..let ut llnow llOw -~~you bettef. Your ol>Mf'¥111ont .. 1Mpon111t llftd -•II~ re>Vf ~tlonl Mk tor Jon HubOetO, HOT LINE: 831·~ Prteldel'lt ... ~hy Wayne, VI09-"9tldenl or Tony Pefez. OeMtal • ,.. .•. J.91 lb. 2. 98 ur own freah ranbe~ relish "t· •· t.91 I~. 1.69 ' ---~. - Leftovers how to tor and alely u e Ir DOR0111Y Wl!NC& ...... ~ ..... Mllllf 'What to do with leftoven -how ion, 10 lwlp them, how to 1toN lhtm 1&ft ly -•• • frequentl y a1ked q'4Htlon durlna th• hollda)"I. The bell\ aolution to leftovel"I I.I not to have them , by tryi na \o prepare ju1t the rlaht amount for your needl. But often, e1peclally when you entertain, you, prepare more food than la needed just to be 1ure you have enough to ao around. Kno w ing \hat you probably have pre~ more f ood than yo•u expect to be eaten, the first thing you should do la eerve only a portion of the foods that might be a possible source of food p o iS<>n i ng -those containing meat, fl1h, poultry, egga, cream, and oth e r non -a ci d iJl8redients. Hold the e xtras appropriately -either keep them cold in the refrigerator or h~t (above 150 degrees F) - and replenish serving dishes as needed. Then you can be sure that these foods will still be aafe to eat if they're left over. AJ..o, they will be more appealing if served fresh rather than being allowed to "age" on a buffet table. U your serving time is lengthy -o ve r two hours -then It's even more important to keep repleniabing buffet food.a from cold or bot storage. If you don't, you are · risking the danger of food poisoning bacteria growing In the lukewarm, vulnerable foods on the table. Your guests certainly wouldn't appreciate a holiday "gift" of food poi.aoning from you! A.a soon a.a the 8erving time is over . take care of your lefto vers by I m mediately re - f ri1eraUng all foods that need to be kept cold. The followfnl day, not a week later, decide whether refrla erated leftoYen can be •ten u p ln a reuonable time or ahould be pre¥1'Ved for later use. • Here the question is, how long can a food be k e pt safely ln the refrigerator? It depends on the food and your refrigerator temperature (it should be below 40 degrees F). A good rule of thumb for low-acid foods such as cooked ve getables, meat or poultry, gravy, p oultr y dre ssing . casseroles or salads containing pasta or potatoes, deviled egg1, whipped cream. etc. ia 5 to 7-days. Foods containing acid such aa sweet-sour meat or vegetab le dishes, frUlts and juJcel. gelatin aa1ads with fruit, cheew and cheae spreeda. 90W' cream dips. etc. may be kept 10 to 14 d ays or longer. Freezing ls the method you're most likely to uae to p1ese1 ve leftovers that you want to keep longer than a week or two. While freezing la fine for moat baked foods (bread.a, cak-. cookiel), meat and poultry, ca aserolea, cooked vegetables, cheese, and many type• of ·~petl%era, certaln foods don't freeze well 'lbe9e include molded aelatin salad• (the gelatin 1eta touah and ,r ubb ery), fresh vegetables (they get limp and watery), cfeHerta Classes with I Whlppt d •II whlw (ll rollal*I ~nCI ''" wetery )1 hard Cooked •IP (whllle pt touah and rubtMry - )'Olk.I frww Qkty), di~ or c~ conU.Wnc cou.a1• ch se (it j•ta w1tery), mol ed cranbetty (tt i ta waieey and collapu1 -1auce and relish are o kay), lf&Vy (it Mpatatea and curdles ~ free~e broth an d m ak e ar.avy • \ 1erving time). J ust about all baked b pMtty, Ollatl , t'O Ok l•I , oh••••cake Ir•••• weU. 1n .. Nral, h'• bmt to b1k• them b•fore fftt&lna ratt\tr th in freatn1 them unbUUid. Slmpfy wrap them cloeely ln fraatr-wet&ht plutlc or foll. Peckqo them ln a box lf \hey cruah euJly, than over wrap with foil or plMUc. A numb e r of appetisers freeze welJ. These Inc lude 1mall open-faced aandwtchea, Basic Malle! HOLIDAY MEATS FRYING 49 CHICKEN Wf'°'9 IOOy SCIUfMfn lb • Cl'80eA T·BONE STEAK 9DnClld leef lOln .. 229 BLADE CUT 89 CHUCK ROAST '°"°"° ..., lO • PORTERHOUSE 239 STEAK llOndlO 8ftf I.el" UI CROSS RIB ROAST roU ttd t'an 1pH, puff 1hell • 1tulf .d nu" ind ollvH , bacon-wrapped lldbl.,, &:h...., rolll, ells» and 1prw1d1 of ~he••• o ther thin co \taf• eht H •, deviled ham, flah1 and avocedo. • • • QUESTIONS WE ARE ASKED: ... Q . Do you have any redpet for cookies made without 1uprf I'm try ln1 to reduce my calorie intake. . A. Su1ar 11 a -;-ry l"tttld nt, not only for IWN t • bul allO tor br ownlnl 1n.d for a tendcrr te•ture fM mo.t kinda of cookl11. The 1hurtbre1d "flnl t ," or ''butterblll'1 ty pe• o f cooklH hive very little 1upr but an very hlah In lat {butler, mar11rlne. or 1hortenln.lz) which makee them tender. Th fat la. even h1pr in calorlH than tho 1upr, however. Cooldel. ln seneral. are hlffher ln 111 than ottt.r l)'V-ol biked •ood1 , 10 the y aren't • very tood lood fur people who are trylnl to cu• 01torlH. The bil'tt ldvico to ca1orit w1tcMrl ii to nt moldet In lmA1l amount., or not et all If you can't 1top with one or two! • • • . . . Q. 11 lt pomible to freeze a mertnaue type cookW made with belten ea whitea, c:ocoe. nuta. "°°°"ut, and supr? ... A. Yet. you can . . • Q. How lon.8 can )'OU keep candied fruJtl'f l bou1ht 1om• tor fruitcake and then dldn'I make th• cake. Can t keep the fruit unt.U next Chriatmal? . . . A. Candled fruit ,_ a1nu& tnd.f lnUtJ~ '* t& w bath IOw 11 moa1&ure and hllh 1.'1 u.11ar . ltore l c~n • • Ull\&ly clmed oon •'• 1ue h H a J1t whh '. 1, ICNW•t.op lid, tither lft ~ ~ ' coo I p I a c e I n t H,«~_. cupboard or In tr, Nfrt-tor ' f ! ···-• • ... J~ .. 1ntec1 Invasion la u..-• .,_ • moat likely 1tora1'l;,_; pt"Obl.m with thla ty • " of food which la Why .J. J ~ r w It h ll~d I i ~ ·' recocnended M a • container. , , , ... I "'.1 .... ~ ...... ~ ~i'-1 , .. ,,.,~~ .,,,"' ..,r ll;. . ~1 .. ' " . ~: . . _, .~ , l .' ~ . fr'; .. " "'·' • r~• . . -·-1 .~. -'i111t~11/f. ~·11 . ~ •"' ((:'..• '• I •.:-.,_ I -• 1 -~ _; .· . ..,, .'· ':• ... :!>"'! • ;: .# .• . ~\.· .· I • I \'' , ~ .... !<?'· • ~ ... t . ~-.11 s " .. !.•. FROZEN ITEMS r~.~-~ ..... SOL 3.79 r ~E •or 90.1 59 S Vlrtetlft t!e~.~~-· ... -2.99 r~~-... -2.99 l~2.~a!. ·-2 99 -·--··••l·~ . r:~·······"'·"' 1.99 l~~~-"2.29 l~~ ... vuN••:10.99 l~~-~--9.99 l~.~ ...... Ul\Nf'l 9.99 r~.~ .... rnul\9.99 .... . ::::.~ . •.¥. . . " . . . ·,:.' .. .,:•' DELIC ATESSEN ITEMS r~.~1'UU'l 9.99 l~!1. ~ .. •>tLN~StL 11.99 CORNED BEEF UI 188 BRISKET CANNED & PACKAGED rCREAM 79 CHEESE l~~--13.99 I!.'!!!J:5 .. ~ .... -6.99 McCoy Paint Cut !Rat lO 1981 FRESH TURKEYS .... l/IOl'f;o uLM BONELESS TURKEY ,..,..~,, .. oun-HID- TOP SIRLOIN STEAK ~SeoclOllPt.Olt ROUND STEAK tlliMOft ..._tfflCICJIO•U SIRLOIN TIP ROAST ~IGllC.o-•IG.Mt ROASTING CHfCKEN -.SH ltCn'I~ llTn E SMOKIE LINKS OICAI llAA'f'fl IOKM tM'ftl ..... "'8.tQWS\ •JOI NG ~ • •• ... 79 .. 1.59 .. 2.29 ,.1.89 .. 1.99 , .. 89 .. 2.49 OSCAR MA YER BACON ::::,::-. . ...... -2.49 ~~~ce_,_oo•a .. 2.28 ~D~!~C<:>N .... ~ 1.69 .. 1.98 IT AUAN SAUSACE -LADY LEE HOT LINKS 11 2.19 ~~u~~H.~~~~R .... 1.09 LADY LEE BOLOGNA .. 1.28 .. 2.29 ~~.~~E ~~~.~!11 2.18 POLISH SAUSACE &Jll0¥'8 • o to. o I 0 • o. • o rPOTATO 99 ~H~~ rn 011-0• Al Vlf1ftlf5 Udy Lit SOft • 01 lllrO • rLADYLEE 49 ~~~1',.a.w i;!~Y LEE FRANKS ''°' -1. 29 !~!.~Ml , t or owe 2.19 I!.!.co~N SAlAM1 tlOI -3.49 fHORMEL KOL.BASE .,01 .. , 2.19 I~?a_Y~ CHEES~ ~ 1.49 DAIRY ITEMS ;?N'U: .. 193 ~~ .... a.159 LADY LEE 89 SOURC~~cm • QUALITY PRODUCE NAVEL <>RANCES FRESH CELERY lillCllUlft Sil• ... 25 FRESH 25 CUCUMBERS • 1.M99, ~ hell• GENERIC ITFMS MIXED NUTS o-nc . . ,,.,,. • Publi.t!M Orange co .. 1 Dalllf "°' o.o. 11. 22, a , 1t12. Jen. s. 1MS PtemlOUI ., ..... Ulm ITATllmff The fottowlng petM>n 11 doing ~!rou1P: 8) CALIFORNIA t:GUl,.MENT SALES CO., 1&281 i..nt-. !Mn9, CA 92714 J1ma1 D. Andersen. 1&281 .-n... lrvlna, CA 92714 l1lll bu"'-I• oonductad by an lnclhtduM. "-0.~ T"9 lt.'*"*1t -llad wl1tl IN COunty Clertt of Orange County on om 11. 1eea. ....,. "ubllafl9d Or•11• co .. 1 D11Jly = Deci. 22, 29, M2. Jan. 5, 12. 557a-a2 \~~~ :A,,_,,._.&., lf\IWt .. , ~•I"''' (: .:-=:~-· .... : -0 - --~: FRANZI A CHAMPAGNE OR SPUMANTE 199 YOUI CNOKI KEY OF KENTUCKY BLENDED WHISKEY HG. J99 8 .99 I 7S UTfl SCOTTS GLEN BLENDED SCOTCH HG. 499 S.99 UTH ST. HELENE BRANDY · CALIF. PIODUCT HG. 879. 10.49 us lnrt KESSLER WHISKEY AMEllCAN BLEND .':!!~ 1049 DOMINION RARE CANADIAN WHISKY HG. 899 9 .99 l .7S UTH RIC ORO RUM DAii 01 LIGHT HG. 4 ·39 4.99 llTEI YOUI CMOKl TEN HIGH BOURBON STRAIGHT WltlSKEY HG. 559 7.49 UTEI ANCIENT . AGE KENTUCKY BOURBON .':~·:.~.1099 SCORESBY SCOTCH IMPOITED WHISKY ,'!!:1049 OLD CROW BOURBON KENTUCKY WHISKEY llG. 579 '·'' una. COORS BEER 12-PACK W SALE A PllCE f=u~ .. ~· .12.oz u Ns 369 •npro111s ..... ~ ...... .. . -------~~·( SEAGRAM'S 7 CROWN BLENDED WHISKEY 699 REG. 8.79 UHi JACQUES BONET CHAMPAGNE H G. 389 S.49 l .S UTH CHRISTIAN BROTHERS nrn • ~" CALIF. llANDY HG. J59 9 .79 um GORDON'S DRY GIN LONDON DISTILLED llG. 469 S.69 7SO ft!!. ) BU81Nl!88 STOOKS 04 05 ' .. ll11n1ln111on IJeaeh, E 1a11 la utlt1ance In tourney. 02. Billings next stop for UCI Spedal to tbe Dally PUet BILLINGS, Mont. -The UC Irvine buketball team, frt!Sh off a third place fin1lh lut week at the Wolf Pack Cl.Ulric ln Reno, Nev., will be out to acquire lta first tournament title here tonight (7 o'clock) against Northern Arluma in the first round of the KOA Claaaic. The Lumberjaclu, from the Big Sky Conference, enter the contest with a 3-5 record. The squad aho features a big front line centered aroUDd 6-11 1enior center Dan Buach. Starting alongside Busch are On radio tonight. KWVE ( 108 FM) at 6 Rick RodrigUez (6-6) and Mlke Elliott (6-7) at forwaro, with F.ric Wade (6-3) and Jeff Altman at guard. The Anteaters, now 6-2, are led in the ecoring department by junior forward Ben McDonald, who's pultillJl them in at a 12.4 clip . Freshman center Tod Murphy is cl08e behind at 11 .9, while four other players also average in double figures for UCI coach Bill Mulligan. Huntington Beach's Raul Ruiz (dark jersey) eyes ball ~nd Ted May (right) goes up for header. Bob Thornton , who ia averaging 10.5 ppg. and figures to get the duty of guarding the taller Busch, also leads the UCI team in rebounding at 6 .... Murphy again is cl06e behind at 6.2. NeWport shoot. into • semis The other Anteater players averaging in double figures are Jud Beardsley (11.5), George Turner (11.0) and Troy Carmon (10.8). The laat tune the Anteaien appeared in thia tournament WU 1980, when they won the cihampion•hlp with a 05-63 owrUme ~ aver Montana. Angelus League foes await Fountain Va_lley, Sailors at Orange tourney ay ROOD CAltLSON ... __ .,... ... Founialn Valle1 rolled into the championahlp eemlflnaJa oi the 18th Qrmice Optimist Buketball Invitational ~y night and Newport Harbor took 8dvant.8e of an opponent bent on .elf destrucilon, while Coeta Mesa shoved Muina aside for the third straight time .tn thia tournament at Ouapnan College. The re•ult find• the Barons of Fountain Valley and Newport Harbor's rejuvenated Sailon, now on a two-game winning streak, in tonight's aemilina1a aplnst Angelus League powers Servite and Mater l>ei. respectively. : Here's how it went Tue9day: . .J'oatala Valley H, Estucla 51 Fountain Valley dropped the = into a fifth place 8eDlifinal game -Lakewood thia aftemoon (2:40), •to a lineup which ia rapidly molding into one very tough unit to deal witn, in arms of quality and depth. "We're capable of playing better," said Founlain Valley C.oach Dave Brown. "But t.t.nd.a does that to you with their irapplng and double-teaming." The Barona took command in the last l:~ of the first period, turning an 8-4 Eagles rally • in tourney It waa a Jekyll and Hyde performance by the &tanda High women's basketball .team ln the eeconcI round of the Eagles' :foumament Tueaday night. Tralling by eeven points at halftime, the Eagle. took control of the contest early In the 9eOCJnCI half and came away with a 62-37 triumph over La Quinta to ldvance to tonight'• aemiflnal game at 1:1~. Debb6e Huaba wu the main catalyst -J}l the third quarter when Estancia vuta'U'ed La Quinta, 22-6. Hughes had ·U of her 1ame·h.lah 19 point.a ln the .rrtod u \he Eagles turned the game ~· h. "\Ve switched to our taller lineup (in ;i1>e th1rd quarter) and played acme aood ..one defer.," Mid~ Co.ch Joe Wolf. "Sally Chmtman did• whale of a ,job c:n the boardl and really bwtled." .,. Jif9anwhile, there WU I fuD alate of ~-round 1amn at the Marina-•l".cUion Tournament. W•tsninater and .!OOein View advanced lnto a 9llft1fina1 ~ while Fountain Va».y wU1 ·be playtnc f« fifth pl.-ie after lollnl to !)llait.er Def, Ma.on eos>ped HunUqt.on ~ ln oot.olattm ICGoll and Marina .,. oUtted aftn autt.tna lta aeoond Jam. ~a what ha~ -c'OI!-v ... 11, r..-w .. kifm ~·· .... ltreak ln the ftnA1 o .. Dtt of ttie conteat Ufted tbe ~ .. IMWD into lmnilbt'I cbampeoaahJp ••Ulnalt at e o'clock •1•lr\at Today's schedule Sth Piece lemla 2:40-Eatancla vs. Lakewood 4:20-0range ve. La Quinta Ctwmplonahlp a.tnle 6-Fountaln Valley va. Servlte 8-Newport Harbor vs. Mater Del deficit into a 12-8 lead and they never trailed again. al though the F.agles were snapping at thelr heela (41-38 with 1:57 left in the third period) before succumbing. "I thougnt we did a great job the first five minutes of the game," said Estancia Coach Larry Sundennan. The Barona' one-two punch of 6-6 Rob Whitehair and 6-7 Rolf Jacobs ICOI'ed 18 and 15 points, respectively, to keep the Eagles at bay. And, the Fountain Valley front line waa effective against Estancia 's one interior threat -6-6 Gary 'Jaeger, who wu held to .even point.a. The Barona' depth showed up with another bunt from 6 -5 junior Mike Tinney coming off the bench, acoring six points, and the eight point production of Drew Brown, whoee offensive rebound and bucket with 35 aeconds left in the third quarter, followed by an 18-foot buuer shot kept the Barona In command . at 47-41. Jaeaer led F..tanda rebounding with n ine boards and Jon Johnston. who 1CDred 12 points. added seven aaslsts. Doug Plnclcney led Eatancla 8COring with 14. Newport Barbor 57. La Qmata U The Sailors' stuaning 16-point victory wu a combination of sorta -La Quinta offered a gift and the Sailors grabbed it. La Quinta, considered the best in the Garden Grove League and a recent 14-polnt victor over Corona del Mar. was guilty of 32 pef90Nl fouls . .ending four atarten to the bench, three technical fouls, 16 turnovers and a 31 percent shooting perfonnanoe from the field (18 of 58. 3 of ita last 20). Had the Sailors been on thelr game in temlS of shooting it would have really been a rout. Newport Harbor netted only 15 of 41 from the field and just half of its 50 free throw attemp~ "I thought we shd.Ned great poi.le," said Newport Harbor Coach Jerry DeBuak, who watched hia team absorb La Quinta's roughhouse tactics. JOf:! Seager. the Sailors' 6-8 senior oen\er, 900l'ed U pctnm and batted •'WaY .evert La Qu.bita mots. while Jbn Wolfe led all m>ren with 18 count.en. b wu nip-and-tuck into the third qua:L~r. but La Quinta's 32-30 lead mel~ when JU&I') Gutierrez hit a pair from the line, followed by Seager'• three-point power play with 2:08 left in the third riod. Junior btu, La Quinta's 6-8 center, fouled out, silJlallng the beginni11B of the end for the frustrated Aztecs, who lost four more players to the foul route before it was over. La Quinta cut a «-34 deficit to 45-40 with 2: .. 3 left, but the Sailors got a dunk from Seager and eight free throws to expand the lead to 54-40. C01ta Mesa to, Marina 5t · T e d Stitt'• 17-foot buzzer shot ca tapulted the Mustangs into a comolation semifinal game with Foothill thla morning, a rematch of an earlier tournament game in which Mesa prevailed, 58-55. Mesa trailed, 59-58, but ITliased an Inside shot in the fading seconds. But Roger Ting intercepted with 17 seconds (Sff BARONS, Pa1e 0%) ' F.uiem Montana and Colorado State, Incidentally, meet In the aecond game of the four-team tourney with the wln nen meeting Wedne9day at 9 p.m. Mulflgan Hid be plana to juggle hia lineup a little tonJght. Getting hill first start of the year at forward will be Ronnie Grandi9on, a frelhma.n. who will team with Murphy, another freshman, at forward. Thornton still figures to anchor the middle with Turner and McDonald at guard. 'Th.at means Mulligan will have Beardsley, Carmon and Mike Lopez available oU the bench . Beardsley has started all eight games up to thia point, but a twisted knee suffered by the junior dwinl pnctioe earlier in' the week combined with Mulligan's wi.he. of •tarting a taller team, have put Beardsley on the bench at the start. Northern Arizona haa already played a couple of PCAA teams this season, losing to both Cal State Fullerton (97-55) a nd Fresno State (58-54). Huntington Be3ch, Chargers suffer out-of-state setbacks Jorge Ona Pat Zachry Hunt.i.ngton ~h and Edi.Ion aaw their luck run 80W' ln Nevada. Laeuna Beech fell short at Villa Park, but University, Woodbridge and Irvine advanced in high school tournament action Tue9day. Here'a how It went: Laa Ve1a1 Clark 55, Hutington Beed H The OUen aaw thelr nine-game w1nn1nc streak mapped u Lu Vegas Clark grabbed an early ~t lead and held off the Oilert ln the leCOnd Billy Thompeon was held to j\.wt three polnta and played al.moat the entire same with foul trouble&, while the winnen capltalir.ed on a 22-U' D d t Z h margin on the boarda. 0 'D'ers ge ac ry "We played poorly," aafd Hunttnaton Buch e Coach Roy M~. whoee team now meets St. Bernard 1n the ; place aemWnall ln the Holiday Orta swapped to Mets for pitcher Prepa-la•t veau . From AP dlQaCCMI The OlleN t Into the lead with •t.tona man NEW YORK -The Loll An~elea Dod~i:aded ~ In the lttcond halt, but two tumina polntl killed their hoJ* -f1nt when Jamel a.mere outfJelder Jorp Orta to the New ork Meta y for attempt went lnMnd-out and Clark tu.med it Into a ~~. 82, I;!.~~~·~-over 11 -·4-,___ three-DOlnt J)IQ with 1:10 left. then with ~o eecocldl ·---.... ,.,. --.-to_., &be C>lllri'. def•nte wu called for b1oddna on MUOJ\I, He bit .217 for the Dodaen in 1982 with two a bualln• drtVe, which appeared to be • very homers and etcht Nl\I batted ln. Z.Chry, 30, wu 8-8 for the q~ble o.11. Meta ln 1982 with 1 4.0& earned run av.rage. f Z.Chry WM obtained by the Meta from ClnclnoltJ ~ ear-.~.. M with lnflelder Doua nynn and outflelden Steve Hendeniiaft The n were n.tek·and·neck wtth the and Din Norman on JUM lD, 1977, ln • Cleel which MD\ wlnnen bef a ftve·polnt 1wln1 early tn the ncentl)'·reob~tcher Tom Seever to tbe B.eda. He l\iil fourth qu proved to be JDdilon'• down.tall. a M-OO c:arwr wttb • a.&1 wr ERA; With ~ &1ft' Uld •rly 1n the final pe~. Zlchry, the Natlonal l.Aque'1 co-RoOkie of the YMr Ouil Mt.Uar,s bomPa&Uild 1 ~foul M •car.on whln he went 14~ for thi 1t7! World awn~ ~ wm pla,.r waa acorlff, tlMn wu wht1tled for a a member of \he Jt78 NL All-etar team. ....... When the ftft bi41•t1"d. C8i90ft had PREP BASKETBALL Leigh credited the play of J eff Washington and John Thomas. who came off the bench and unit all four of his free-throw chanoell. C>rta btaan hJI major *8ue career wi\h the ChlcUo IOGl'lid five etnilht pahltl to IO U"'4 for lcMpe2 White Sox In 1971. ffJI .,.....hilh .318 Wi\h ~iin~-=•~WM •teellY ........ OI ow kldl tdnl&ht." llkl ........ ~ 1D14 waa lmJnd .. btft to ~·· IOd CtNW In iii mliii ~ .Barey IAllh· ·~ WM OM at 1hit American t.ea,ue. He had N R8ll Wfth the 80x bi 1817 lliid favorU• lri thla toUmamtnt and W'9 ~ them 13 In lt7~. touib· We've bid 1...CSy lmprovwnent lately."' ! CdM's Morris hit with heart attack Corona del Mar Hlih football 0 coach Dick Morria, 4~ and the helld roech for the See Kinp alnc:e une, . hu been ho.pltall&ed with a heart attack. Morrie hu been at Hoa1 Hoepltal elnce bell'\I hit with the attack on Thunday, but hie condltlon Ml lmproved over the put '8 hours to t a dedaion on 1urpry won't be made unUJ Thunday. It'• anticipated that he will be releaed on Monday or Tue.day with rehabUatJon programs in Ueu ot auraery. Morria waa workina out ln an aerobic clua wlth h1a wife, Bette, and daughter Dayna, with the claaa lnstructor another daughter, Troy. "He thoufht lt was indigestion, an uncomfortable feellrig " hit wife recalled. "But after deciding to go to Hoag and getting there, we reallz.ed It waa indeed a heart attack." Morris suffered no unconsciousness or collapse and after an anglogram it. was detennined that a small artery bled into a part of the heart. It caU9ed two major arteries to apum. giving a distorted picture, but It appears to have cau.ed no further damage with the exception of 90me narrowing of the other two arteries. "They feel they have 90me time to morutoc the situation now," adds Betw Morria. Quote of the day Larry Lacewell, Arkanaaa State football coach and protege of Alabama's Bear Bryant, before hit team'• 34-7 loss to 'Barna thia teuon: ''C.oech Bryant had a lot to do with my getting into c:oachiJlB, and he may have a lot to do with my getting out of it." Gray sparks UCLA's late rally Center J\un Gray led UCLA to m a come-from-behind 76-72 victory over Louisville Tuetday night at Pauley Pavilion. The fifth-ranked Bruin• came fnlm 10 points behind twice ln the aecond half, aa Gray oonnected on seven atraight field- pl anempta to mire 14 pointa . . . Acrcm town at the Sparta Arena, l\W'Ci Eula Wlaatley poured In 20 potnta and forWard ... , Lee 881 chipped in with 19 u sixth-ranked Alabama pulled away ln the .econd half to defeat use. 74-61, in the tint round of the Winston Cluslc ... In the towney'a first pme, 10th-ranked Georgetown opened up a 26-point halftime advantage and coasted to an easy 71-43 viciory over WJaoonsin beh.lnd BW Martm'• 14 poirlta , . . . c.aI State FuJln1.an will haw to 1ettle for a shot at the oorwolation title of the Utah Classic after dropping a 69-60 ded8'on to Auburn . . . In a.battle involving a pair of top 20 teams, guard Dereck ftlttakra ICOl'ed 19 pointa and center ftwl Balley addecf 18 points, 12 rebounds and nine blocked ahota to lead No. 17 North Carolina State to a 67-59 victory over 20th-ranked West Virginia. Malavasi think& he'll return Despite hia team's •-7 record going into Sunday'1 NatJonal Football League aeuon finale •1atnat San l"rand9co, c.o.ch Ray Malavaai of the Rama th1nks he wUl be beck next year in spite of nurnero\.W reporta to the cantrary. Not only that, but MalaVMi said Tue.day he ta looking forward to the cba11enge of rebuilding the Rama, who haw lost 18 of 25 games over the lat two le.UODI. ~... ••you guys have fired me a dozen Umea," Malavasi said during hla weekly media gathering. "You've all quoted 'anonymoua IOW"Cell' dole to the club. rd like to know who thoee~are. "AU I know is I like CXMICh1na in Leila Anaelea. and I want to stay. I have one llALAVUt year left on my contract. I don't think rube forced to go IOmeplace else. We have aome problems and I thlnlc we can overcome th~ I have no intention of 1otng ~ei.t." :UC Irvine wonien Wisconsin I !fall to C Irvine'• women'• ~ w.m dropped ~ dec:lllcn ln 11 PJD1!9 1\ae9day n1ah' at ClC'd Hall, J.omns to unbetlten Wtauwtn. ~7. The Ante.ten Could manaae only l8YeD field pll ln 27 attempta in the trrst half and, u a tonaequence, fe11 behind by 21 pointa •t lnt•rml11lon. Thou1h the Anteateu played vtrwally even with the e.daen In the leCOnd half, they MYW could tm-.ten. KathmirMt Hamlhon 'JM held to u poin1a. her lowwt coca1 of the ....an. Shew• tM only UC ~ player 10 not.ch doubl.e ~ tJCI 1a11o 1truuled at the free-throw line, .P.ddr!C only 8IWn Cl 18 att.mpta. Al*at.rw bolt Morthem Amcna ln their ._. CJG Jan. 4 at Crawford Hall. • • •I :rlt l'IN rti• Witt r INltf ar Llrr) ••• • .... • ·-' ... •• " " liufhil u pUifl I • l'hulnl• ruls.d Co •U 1111 11 .114 vl t r1 uv r I' rtland Tu•1tJa)' n11h1 In th• H1tlon•I UHkoth1ll A.uttatJon r.1 wt , Dwnvtor toukll• Mob WUIJ1m1 Mnk 1wu frw 1hruw1 with ~UI .. ,,,nd.a lw ti In ow-rtJme lo rlJrw:h a 165· I IWI vk·ttu·y ov .. r \ndl•n• •.. Phll1d1lphl•'• Jall11 lrvl•I p~urtd lo 29 polnl1 and MOltl M11Ht returned '° HOU110n to IOOR 24 pcldntl and JM.all down 17 ntboW'\dt .. the 18-n mauled tho Rock1111, 104·93 . . . Danell Orlffl~ ICOrtld el1ht of hit 32 polnta in ovtttime u Utah rallied to btal Detroit, 105-98 ... Forward Eddie Joltato• notched 30 potnta u KaNaa OAwe City 1urprlted Boa ton, lli-124 . . . SW..y MHCrltf had 28 pointa and M...-J.a.... added 27 to lift Milwaukee pa.at Ch~o. J l3·10S . . . Daa Roa..,tet• tallif'd a wuon·hfah 33 polnta, ei&ht of them in a lut-qu.arter Atlani. char1e that broke open a one·point 1ame. leadina the Hawks put San Diego, 123-113. Peeters shuts down St. Louis L eague-leading goalie Pete Iii Peeten potted h1a foUrth shutout of ' the eeuon and extended h1a penonal unbeaten It.ring to 15 pmes and Tom . Perpa pumped In a pair of goala as Boston blanked St. 'Loula, 3-0, Tue.day night in the NaUonal Hockey League . . . Elsewhere. defeMeroan Larry RoblD1oa ecored on a shot from the blue line at 15:28 of the final period to help Montreal salvage a 4-4 tle with eeskr Torcnto . . . Glen Currie 1COred to break a third-period deadlock and then atole the puck to 1et up another goal as Waahlngton 1COred0 four tlmea ln the final period to Clown v111uuas Pitt1bur,h, 6-3 . . . A goal by Laaay McDoul at 15:56 of the third period gave Calgary a 3 -2 victory over Chicqo ... M!cbel Geelet-and WUf PaJemeat each oollected one aoaI and an ual.at as Quebec aent Hartford to lta li1th atra.ight w., 4-1 . . . Morrt1 Luowlcb acored from a wild acramble with two minutes rema1nin8 to rally Winnipeg to a 4-4 tie with Vancouver . . . Wayae Gretuy'1 two power· play goia1a lteyed Edmonton's 4-3 win over the Soviet Union. Thompson absent from tourney Jolua Tlaomptoa, basketball coach •. of Georgetown University which is com p eting in the Winston Tournament this week at the Los Angeles Sports Arena, left for Washington D.C. Monday night and will misa hla team's two games becauae of his mother's serious illness, a team spokesman said. In his place, the team is being coach by asaiatant Cnlg E1herlck . . . Athletes In Action, the athletic arm of Campus Crusade for Christ, has moved its national headquarters for track and field from Fountain Valley to Eugene . . . The Loe Angeles I..azers woo only their third game in 17 outings, beating New York ln ovt•rUrne, ~.at the Foruni. Television, rudio Following an.• the top sports events on TV tonight. Ratings arc: .,...,...,...,.. excellent; .,.....,...,.. worth watcltlng; ""V' fair; "" forget it. II i p.m. Channel 11 v v v UBERTY BOWL: Illinois vs. Alabama. ~n: Frank Cosw. Joe Kapp and Les KJeder. The Flgh~ Illini (7-4) are making their first bowl appearance linoe the 1964 Roee Bowl and coach Bear Bryant of Alabama (7-4) is making hia last. All-Big 10 quarterback Tony F.alon (18 touchdowns) la the key for Illinois. Eaaon finished third in the nation in total offense, averaging 206.2 yards per game. CrimlOn Tlde All-Americana Jeremiah Castille' (seven interceptlona) and Mike Pitta (seven aacka) must try to keep F.uon in check. Walter Lewta dtrecta the Alabama wt1hbone which avenged 266.8 yards rushing. Cf). 7:!0 p.m., Channel 9 V v v v NBA BASKETBALL: Lakers at Golden State. Aaaoaaceu: Chick H earn and Keith Ericbon. The La.ken are a half game in front of the Seattle SuperSonica and 1 () ~ in front of the Wanion. Kareem Abdul-Jabber, James Worthy and Earvin "Magic'' Johnson lead the way. RADIO Basketball -UC Irvine vs. Northern Arizona ln KOA aa.lc, 6 p.m., KWVE (107.9 FM); USC va. Wia:onlln at Holiday Claasic. 7 p.m ., KNX (1070); Cal State Fullerton vs. Niagara at Utah Cl.uaic, 5 p.m ., KWRM (1370); Laken at Golden 8tate, 7:~0 p .m ., KLJ\l; \:>'IU). Hockey -Winnipeg at Klnga, 7:20 p.m .. KPRZ (1150). r·················-··--·-------·····-~ Oil~ Boron , E lanclu, . uddle' llcJJl Uunt1n1tu11 al'h, fountain Vtllly, r.tlancl1 ind a<fdl•b~k •II 1dv1nnd lnln th quarwrfln•I ruund t.ocJ.y of th• 011 ,... h11h •·hool llOCl'•r tournamon\, followtn1 a pair of vh.•tt>rlH •piece 'J\aaday. .,... •rk\1' a • .,,n -11ttit . btth '"unt.aln 1U y dumptd ~Jll':l'•n&a, ·O, th n c:.,-rw back anc.l knor.kC'fl oU O.U Oard na, l o. ln lhtt Hcond 1anw, which wu 1cor~l•H 1hvr r•aul•tfon play, tht1 Barone wer• vlc&ortoua on .-n.lty kkka. MMnwhJS., Marina and c:>c.an View &ook tholt flrlt pme. but were bfaten In the l&'Ond round and puaMd Into the n!nth·pllce bracket. The Otlerw Wmt to ptay Santa Ana in their tint i.t today aft.er a pair of lhutoutl Tueeday. tn the flrat aame, Hundnaton Be.ch blanked La1urui Beech, 2·0, then came beck for a l·O triumph over Mater Oet. Pe1U1lty kioka al.a dedded the ·lk'Ond·round matchup between Ocean View and Mt.Ion Viejo, with the Olabloe advanclna, 3-2. Atw the fint round of penalty kick. was thld at 4-4, Milllon Vt.Jo converted 11\d tht St•1thawk1 failed to itv• th•: OtabW. the declalon. Raul Rub and Rolf 7.acher supplied the goal- acortna for the Oll•r1 ln aa~ one, while Brett O.vte' pl 20 minutel into the eecond half wu the lone IC.'Ore in the Mater Del ea.me. Goalie John Htulln wu credited with the ahutoutt. but he received defeneive support from Qui.a Vawzhan. Ocean View, which beat Tuttln, 1-0, In the flrat roWld behind Paul Smith'• goal 20 minutes into the game, had rallled Maiainat MU.Ion from a two-goal deficit to lie the game with about 10 minutes to play David Orr taUled from a ecramble in front of tht· net for the equalizer Saddleb9Ck ~u alto the recipient of a pall' of ahutouta, beaUn& Capllt.rano Valley and Marin.a by identical 3-0 ICOre9. Marina had moved into the second round with a 2-0 victory over St. John ao.-o. aa Shawn Kirby and Pat Penner got the About five minutes earlier, Ok.an Kaplan had dosed the deficit to one goal Laf(una Beach rebounded from 1ts operun&- round l0ti8 to the Oilen by beating Kennedy, 1--0, to. stay alive in the conaolauon bracket. The Attista: were to play Valencia this afternoon Capo Valley, MV standouts earn All-CIF EAGLES ROLL .. OCC wins;· Rustlers beaten A pair of Mlulon Viejo and Capiatr~o Valley high ac·hool ltara earned bertha on the All- CIF Division II football teams chosen by the Fint Interstate Bank's board of 11electlon. The two team.a Ued for the South Coaat League tltle and leading Miaalon Viejo was the pass-catch combination of quarterback Klaua Leltenbauer and receiver Fred Coler. "'8T TIAlll Of',.MN ,._, ...,_,....... HL Wl. Cl 8-M. Smith. Loe Moe 8-9 200 St 8-8. Moffofd, Eepetw\1.1 6-10 18& St ~A. ~. ()xnerd e-o 178 9, 8-V. Slmmone, P~ 8-0 180 St B-T. TUCIMt. HH Wlleon 8-0 190 St R-O o.vte. Loe Alloe e-e 195 s, R-L Richey. WM1 Ton 8-10 1eo Sr R-M S18'tl. Loe Alto. 6-4 218 Sr R-K Bry1111t. MonroYla ~9 155 Sr T-8 Knud1«1. E1991anu 8-5 250 Sr T-W Jofden. So Torr..-a-. 235 St G-K 0111118, Santa Monlea 8-2 236 Sr G-0. Ballllf. Anleloc>e Vlly 8-0 200 Sf C-J. Katnik, Footlllll 8-J 220 Sr K-J . Combla, WMI Torr ~9 1ea Sr K-A Qui/di, Loe Altoe 8-3 185 Sr P'"'9T TLUI OCNNN OL-B. Jecllm1111, Sllll Oabt. 8-3 230 St OL-R Beuet, El~ 6-11 195 Sr OL-J John.on, Tempe Ctty 6-2 210 Sr 8l -M Sager, No. Totr.,_ 6-5 265 J, U\.-J. Jonnaon. Vert>um Oel e-o 210 Jr L8--C. Slam. WMllake 6-2 201 Sr LB-R. Moore. El Moder'9 8-3 220 St LB-0. 8octi1111 WM1 Torr 6-9 1N 8r LB-H Hid!-. Vllf Oel 6-3 210 Sr LB-R Wellldi, Lynwood 8-1 210 Sr LB-S ~. Santa Monica 6-3 230 Sr 08-0 Nlcueio, HH Wlleon 6-3 195 Sr 08-0on Colben, Mvlf 6-1 180 Sr 08-K 049on, ~am• 5-11 160 Sr 08-0 VeldR, Sdlutr 5-9 166 Sr oe-s ~. \.J>mclOC e-2 1es Sr 08-A. Blue, Mcw1llllQ9ide 6-10 15& Sr. Pun1•-S HIM1, Arcadia e-1 200 Sr UCOND TIAlll OffENM 8-R Teytor. Lwnttood M 170 Sr 8-J McHell, w.-.e M 180 Sr 8 -K l9itet1tieu.. M Viejo 8-1 190 Sr 8-J Harper, Ho Torrance ~ 10 177 Sr 8-E W.,e, Vert)urn Del 5-10 180 Sr 8 -8. Han.y, Pa.den• 8-2 180 Sr R-M ~. El Mooena 8-2 180 Sf A-J JemM, a.-1y Hiiie 6-0 170 Sr R-F Cder, Mlellon Vi.to 6-2 180 8r T-C. simn-. Alof*tl 6-1 220 Sr T-L for-d, "'uadena 8-4 225 Sr 0 -0 . 0..MU, w ... Torr 5-9 185 Sr 0 -0 . Honeller. &pwanu 6-2 204 Sr C-8 Clartl. St. Bem.,d 6-2 230 Sr UCC>te Tl.AM M ....... Dl-8 JlnlCIM. CllPO v-.; e-3 m Sr Ol-C. NuMery, Olcnard 8-2 220 Sr Ol-T. Fltzoer91d, Loe Alloe 8-0 215 Sf Ol-ll lte110efto11, PMedene 6-0 1116 Sr Ol-J. HMl9y. P'oottlll 6-7 205 Sr l9-0 .... .,. lompoc 5-10 195 St LB-0 . Temayo, So. Torr M 200 Sr L8-S. Nuu. OltMtd M 188 Sr L8-K. Teny, 8lelr 8-0 200 Sr 08-T. Morrllof\, Cenyon 6-10 116 Sr 08-R. PendletOft, Capo 5-10 188 Sr 08-E. SNc*~. Cul City 5-10 116 Sr. 08-H. ~. 8lalt 6-1 115 Sr 08--1(. Ourdlne, Channel le 6-0 19& It. P-A HernllOft, Ver11um Del M 200 Sr P-R. "°91", Cree Valley 5-1 17& Sr ~ ol the v-Mite Srnnll, Loe Alloe From Page 01 of Ocean View's final 12 points, and the Seahawks' defense forc.'ed a number of turnovers, to decide the issue. Foothill led by seven points (24-17) at int.ermission. but Ocean View rallied in the third quarter to take a two-point advantage into the final period. Chase finished with a team-high 17 points, while Tammy Webb and Michelle Chomicz added 16 apiece. The Seahawk.s also oonverted 17 free-throw attempts to only aeven by Foothill. Sava.a.aa 5 7, Martaa n The Vikings couldn't recover from a 10-point deficit at the end o( the first quarter and were eliminated from the tournament. Darlene Trenery poured in 24 points for the Rebels to lead all scorers while teammate Bec ky Red1ess had 18, t.nCluding six in the first quarter. Alene Andersen and Kim Lalk paced the way for Marina with nine points apiece. EdJaoa 48, Hutiogtoa Beach U Edison's Chargers came back from their first defeat of the season despite losing Shelly Trepl In the first 13 seconds of the game. Trepl sprained her ankle in the early going and didn't get back ln the game. She is one of the team's leading scorers this season and an all-tourney selection at Cypress last week. F.clison is now 12-1 for the season with Janet Bittner llCOrlng 19 points against the Oilers. Gretchen Meinhardt Jed the team in rebounding and added 13 points. The Chargers played Loara In a consolation semifinal t oday while Huntmgt.on Beach was elimrnated Mater Del 4%, FoaatalD Valley 3% The Barona could never recover from a slow start which saw them Call behind, 13-2, after one quarter. Alonda Variaco led all 9COrers with 14 points for the Monarchs, while Sam Arledge notched eight for Fountain Valley. Mater Dei built up a l6·po1nt advantage in the third quarter and was never seriously threatened after that. The wln puts Mater Del into tonight's 7:45 semifinal, while Fountain Valley will play in the fifth-place semifinal at 4:15. Westmilllter 10, El Toro 51 The Lions moved Into tonight'• (6 o'clock) semifinals against Ocean View Foothill by jumping out to a big halftime lead and then maintaining that advantage through the aecond halt. The Lions, led by Debbie EuUn's 23 points, built a 31-20 bulge at the Intermission and then held on through the final two periods. NFL standings NATIONAL CONFERENCE W L T Pct. PF PA x-Waah. 7 l 0 .875 162 128 x-Dal.Lu 6 2 0 .750 199 114 x-Green Bay5 2 1 .688 202 142 x-Atlanta 5 3 0 .62~ 177 164 .x-St.. Loula 5 3 0 .625 135 142 X•Minnelota 4 4 0 .500 1&6 171 Tampa Bay 4 4 0 .500 132 155 Ch.kqo 3 5 O .375 118 148 Det.rott 3 5 0 .3'75 164 152 New Orleanl3 5 o .3n 94 154 NY Gianta 3 5 0 .375 138 136 Ph.iladelphla 3 6 0 .375 167 169 San Fran. s 5 0 .375 189 185 Ram• 1 7 o .125 179 230 x-Cllnched playoff berth S.aday•1 Gamet. Rama at San Ftancbco (Channel 2 at 1 p.m.) ROien at San Dleao (Channel 4 al 1 p.m.) -Denwr at SNule New York Jeta at Kanaaa City New York Olanta at Phli.ct.Jphta OUcaao at Tunpe Bay AMERICAN CONFERENCE W L T Pct. PF PA s·Ratden 7 1 0 .875 219 166 x-Cincinn.ati 6 2 0 .750 197 150 "1-Miarol 6 2 0 .750 164 124 x-NY Jeu 6 2 0 .750 232 129 x-San Dteao 6 2 0 .750 254 180 x-Plttaburah 5 3 0 .625 167 125 Buffalo 4 4 0 .500 131 124 Cleveland 4 4 0 .500 119 145 New F.ngl. 4 4 0 .500 113 138: Seattle S ~ 0 .375 114 136 Denvet" 2 6 0 .250 137 213 Kansas City 2 6 0 250 139 171 Houston 1 7 0 .125 109 210 Baltimott 0 7 l .063 106 202 St. Louil at Washington (Channel 2 at 10 a.m.) Buffalo at New England Clncinnati at Houlton Cleveland at Pittiburgh Miami at BalUO'liOl'e Atlanta at New Orleant On!en Bav at O.VOit Mwclay'aGame Dal.Lu at ~ta Orange Coast and Golden West collegea ventured far away from : home with differing results Tuesday night. : The Pirates visited : Allan Hancock (Santa Maria), in their final tuneup before the start· of South Coa1t Conference play and came away with a 67-56 · victory. Meanwhile, Golden West was stopped by Glendale College of Arizona In the opening round of the College of the Desert Tournament, 67 -66 at Palm Deaert. Orange Coast cruised to a 12-point halftime advantage as Garlnn Morton came off the bench to score eight points. In the second I half. after the hosts had pulled within three points, Leon Seman.ski · hit a pair of free throws and a couple of jumpers to put OCC a safe di.stance in front. Leland Bruce was the game'• high 8CONr with ' 16 points , while Semanski (12) and Morton ( 11) al.lo tallied in double fl.gures. Golden West lost a seesaw verdict to Glendale, missing an opportuntty to salvage the contest m the final seconds. Trailing by one, the Rustlers worked the f inaJ 51 eeconds off the clock before calling time out with nine seconds remaining to aet up the Hrull play. But Sherwin Durham missed an off-balanced jumper near the free- th row line with two 11econda 1howing a.n time expired before GWC could pt another shot off. Golden West had led by 11 point.a e~r in the cont.eat (25-16 end was an front by 10 at int ermission . ....... PICSll" JOHNSON &SON presents ... llFL ,. .......... .. Sun., Jan. 2~ Rom• over San FfondKo * Atlanta loe Alamltoe TVelDAY'I UIUlTa (Und of .....iglll q'*1~M mMll"9) 'lfllT M CI . 3!>0 v•• d• Oulep()Cael (Hwl) 9 60 J l!O 3 20 81ec11too1 Sue tCh•...,I 2 80 2 40 Ju019 Re0 1CatOOUI 4 00 Aleo raceo OoCIDt Sm•fl llutul R•b Spic.omellC. Anni• ~ •Y'I llu..,hh Sw .. I s -1 T elk. S1Mm•no Smoae Time 1821 la lllACTA !1 Ill P.,d $75 bO l l COHO l'IACI: 350 yerdo Fa11 EMI., (Cwdoul 3 60 J 4U I 60 P•lll O•IMU (ROUilll) 10 00 5 80 Otano~ Wltlhl (Blevl,,•) 4 40 Aleo 1aceo Too 11..., va1u• Ch1< Meth Sk•P Ano Go Lutay I H11 Apo110 High Oeee<I RoM Ou111n Ciuld Time IS 00 THIN> M CI S!>O y111d1 Hlppl!y (Peullrte) • 40 J •O 2 60 Uncon••teo (M11c1>e111 r 40 J 40 AH AlomlC (Vel<JNI 2 60 Aleo raced L1m11e<1 Poll<:), Dupes llll"' Beer. Arnie Beoy Collmeboo Pnen1om Rogue. 1 Spyoer 'l'lme 27 H S2 l!XACTA (6·11 palO $29 60 l'DUATH l'IACE. 3!>0 ye•os St Bill Whll (lackeyl 1160 4 60 4 40 Aeteboy Big Ow (B•rOI 8 •O 7 40 Bet Tne Coacn (Cerdo1a1 7 60 Aleo raceo Siert Ttie Gem. Lady Ltoa Two, Pick ot tfle Pe1cn Daeo•y Weicn Si>«:l•l Quell! Gum1110 Time 111 12 ta IXACTA (fl.2) pt"d S 108 40 "f'Tlf M CI!. 400 yerd• Juetllke Don (Tonk•I 13 bO !> 60 • 00 Kl<I Cll<Dm<I (Blevlri11 J• 60 10 20 D.f11QUla11 (CatdOUI 1 00 Al10 receo Tiriy Cee Tne A1men11n Fle m1n Joen lutky Blow EHy Holl Awlf>Q&nd1Prlyet, T1me10 S.0 Time 20 I I t:2 EXACT A (fl.21 PA•d $50 I 60 alXTH llACE. 870 ya..:11 Bente Line (Aoair) 7 00 4 20 J 20 Shtri.y. F'!Qhter (Chever} S 60 J 20 lme Zippe< Too (Fryday) 3 •O Also reced HIQl'llerid Sea ChtG Fieel Cupid, lnllallO<'I Heoge Alllnrm Time 4S !12 HV£NTH ""Cl!. 400 r••d• Sevmour Sooner (Vlli0e11l460 f1<1t Ctuan 1Cr-1 Ml• Flamlrig eunn, (Ton~•I Also r.ced MIU Sohd Wiiiow Prouo Dukey war.001 Angel ODiiie Time 20 18 C l:XACTA (6-21 PAld $83 60 900 r.oo 160 4 80 4 20 FIAQ R•-B•ue Ju n U l'IC I( 81JI ( 10 6 6 11 4 81 OAld Sll.625 40 w•th lour winning llckeU (II• h«-) $2 P\cio. S•• conto1a11on paid M19 20 wnh 911 wlnnfnO tlellell (five llDf-) $2 Pica Sr• act•tCll con.oi••IDfl o..., a, 1 • 80 '"''" 73 """"""' tlellell (IOU< llOf-one tcralCll Ot lhrM llOrM8 1wo ocralcnMI lllOHTH l'IACL 400 yatda Gtow LIM (PaullMI 32 00 16 40 II 20 Trucl<er• Joy (BlevlN) 19 20 5 eo Speedy Polley [Tr9UUle) • 00 Aleo rac.d Slulln S••. Snedly Boone Jecladl.,, Two More DoubteA Jel Rallra.cJ Jet F-. Gotlllnktlc/I Time 20 17 C l.XACTA 12-11 PAl<l UllS 20 Ill t flU 'tNI l•nl• Anll• fUll DAY'I lllllUL II (>net ol -•r tl\Of .... lle.<.cl m .. 11,..1 f ll'llf lllACI ~"'''""II• Sem 1 Com.I (Olhuy11 ~ 40 I •O , 60 (lr11,, u t .. " l ''"'*"·-· J .., 40 J 8() ~he1bnub tl 1vf'atnl J '/O Alto ••<..O l •n' tt• rt-.•1 ~•r'm O•r U•H~t atu UuntHt-,.• J ' t..;,..,,,,,1.euu1 ~Of• of • I •µ A ••etO 11m..-1 O\f tra, llCOND llACE II lurlor•ut t.ly f ••ot1le Au111 1811~•1 •S 60 I •O ~ 80 Urtt11no 01y 1><1wl1yl I~ 00 10 00 COllM Mo1d IL1µ1lal11•I ~ 60 .4.hu '•ceO •~1 Yu lulu Ou Uo Diane (.j• ertdpa a Pouk•y De< eptlv• Agll•lu• 8'u•n•ng M11l•U .. Mllecu•Ou• M.•1• C•1l(Jy • V•lef""'-Chancy luck ,.,, .. 1 09 ... 5 G DAILY DOUI Ll 18 bl P••IJ $411 JO THlllD l'IACE b hwonge p.,,. le>t Gol<! (P1ncayl ~ 10 J 00 2 00 Su1,1m1llo 1VeJ•r11u9'11 I llO • tiO D•11y Bradlortl IDt1901J • 00 Al•o 1eted Sc.nool M•'m A1•1,1g Yukon 0fld CJI thtt CtOiNd h+an BttUr Sund•e Oueie" 11mt1 1 10 • ~ '0UllTH l'IACE. 6 ''"'""Ot h J t 01phan 1P1oca)'t } JO ~ .. •o J &0 I"'" 0.m•no 1S1bijlel 17 110 b 00 F lfMll S'r ltnlflet tCHlat'le<lel J 10 Alto ••t•<l Sano 1no Su A•t111re1 Wonde11 Neve1ceaae Sammy lh• 8o!r- P11oer11• llY•no Dltl\ Of IM fall Ma• B&•I• !1me t 10 I~ ,lf"TH llACE 1 ' 16 m•les P1tr1<.~ Md •Q 1va1ov1Clll 11120 00 M NeQ•O 1P•nce11 Cao1" Arplly 1B1ack1 19 20 8 00 ~ 10 J 40 • llO DO F1n1•n•o "'"' 011quellh•\J et\4.1 place<! 'l«Dnd Al•o raceo Linda s BroU1er Oom Or1enoo Envoys lnlr!Que Duoto Ir" Flow ~r .. ll1lov1 Pio P&Uef Time I 42 41~ 911 UACTA (7-4) Paid sne 00 llXTH llACE 6 lurlono• D•~m Sc0te 1H• .. •ev1 S 80 3 40 2 80 f•en•o 1MtCe.,on1 4 60 3 40 B•oadw•y H•rry 1Rome<o) 3 60 Also '.c.ed Prepont Lazaro P11meto fast Suwn Son re Spee<1 l u<~ y lley Selim Bey •do.a r .. :~ .... re 1n"1nc1to11., Coun1e1p.oof lime 1 09 IEVlNTH l'IACE. I • m11es on 1Ut I F111K11 Freme (Romero! I) 00 6 •O 2.80 C11 Gui (P1ntey1 5 60 3 00 S11r PulurH \Slloemak8tl 2 20 Also raced Pale Puroie 1>rine<!>a1 G1yie lime 1 48 2/S M (XACTA 11·21 oeoa S I •~ !>O 12 l'ICI( llX t6·2 I 1 6 II pe10 SI 111 <HIS 80 "'·'" one wtnn1n.g htket ta.a hOfaett 12 Pr<:k Sia conaol•l•on paoO S 1 CM• 60 wtlt> 18 "'"""'0 uc~ell 1ti.e l\Dt-1 5' Poca S1. ocralch COtllOll lOOtl paoO S412 40 #1111 five #1n"•"9 hc:l\eu f'OU' l'\ots.e. onft e.cretcM EIQHTW llACE. 6 lur1ono1 P11l1ger 1P1ncayl 20 00 9 XI 4 00 5"9Cky Blue !Hlwleyl ) 4() J 00 F1aonch M•J"•y 1V1leruu9'1t 4 40 Also rec.cl R Aweca Croeeo M1 Amigo ROOe<'IO Time I Ofl as I XACTA 12~61 pa;o s 13' so NINTH l'IACE. 1 II 16 ""'" L• v .. ne I Sona•• IVINI 111 00 9 20 s eo "'""'"" Ca• (v111ovicn1 ~ eo 4 oo FMI'-A..atd (Pln<:.ayl 3 40 Ai.a tllCeo Lew<Jy Ey Gvm. V.._t 8'ta. Teco Teco Wu Ah••O Donnie Lo•• Penelope McllOd l • P•inc.M Svec•• Tome 1 •3 2•s M IXACTA 18 II P"'° S2t~ SO Allendence 29 003 College, prep basketball ...... WUUllN CC*PIMNCI , ..... .,.,, ...... w l ... , 04J I••.,• II II IAft ••II,. II t 11\V t-n.,... '" ti enu ,._ 1•111 tl•rnt II I .t ~·· & 1 \ .. ltUtHI "•l•I• II 11 .. t• 10 t '1•11 Ot9\,ltJ ~ J• 111 t/•., MIO•••• Dlw••~ f\•ttte• I lh t/ Iii h~ .. •••" A1tl11t111 II 1/ 000 ll11i1t 11 14 4117 ("-,.,., IJ 10 ••A "'•' '' ,. 400 ••voth•H • J• 14 J U IAlfll'IN CONf"ll'll NCI Afla.,Uc DMeiofl t•rt11•Uttlµh a 1 t ~ Ol t fiut1Uil /I ft 11• f''t N•.,...J1H141'r tft tt ~·,7 /1, W••'•"HJfMt l~ 1J !IJ6 l:t NMw Yor~ II ID 11 I 14 Cenlral DMolon Mllw•"""" 10 10 Otl IJ•llu<I Ill 15 ~lti • I All•nt• 14 14 •,()() .. , IMl1eo• 10 HI t!)t Y ~he<.~U tO 1V 1••1 t , l ..,. ... •rut 4 7') 141 14 1 T .. -.,.. ec.. ••• All•"'• 113 Ston 01ego I 1J Muweuk.., 113 C111c•go IOJ ll•n• .. Cll)I 1211, Ba.Ion I 7• Phow1u" '16 Po1u1nc.l 94 Pn1l•o.,ipme 104 Hou11on 9 I o..,.., 1 ~5 1n<11an1 I !>O (oil UIOI• 11)~ Det1011 98 COii f onlollt'o Oam .. Lakara el OOIOtlf1 St•te AU•••t,. "' NttW J•t•J' N.,_ VOf._ •• C.tev.iaod Mllw•u•f!Wt 141 WflthlngtC')n ~an D1euo •' Sin At,1u111u PJ1ll•O•l1Jn1a •1 Dalin Ut•h •I Se•lll• 1 IH\JlttUtl 1401 College AP TOfl"20 ' Mempn" 51 1 If I J K•Hlu<.flly Iii c V+rg1n•11 U1 !> IJ{.lA • 11 b "li•b•"·• 1 St Jotll\ I N ~ e ,.,,,,.,~ 9 l(Jw 8 10 Gttotg .. tov.n 11 A•~&n .. t 1? M111our• 13 lou+sv•lle 111 •• 5yracutu 1~ N1•101 U> Veg•• tb v111erio..-.a. 17 NOHh Ca1ohn• !,1 18 HOU'10'! ICJ fu1,. 10 Wes I vu g n18 8 U I 196 8 0 I 118 1 1 I 017 ti 1 ~\ll t. I 67!1 bu 8•0 1U U !JU IO /II~ 6 I &Tl 7 2 ~87 I; 0 56b n 1 ~7• ti I !>n 9 0 566 Io 183 • 1 184 4 I 180 7 1 1!>& ' 111 8 t 9~ COMMUNITY COLLEGE Glendale 97, Golden WHIM QOLDl:N WEIT -Durhem 19 Myl111 0 tl•Ulth 20 J•mes 10 Re•lt II Slt>et ) Oorf\em O Po•nde•ter 0 Bowe• O Mar11no 0 Murray 6 To1111 76 14·22 68 OLEHDALI . AlllZ. Meson IJ W•ll• 4 Ba•., 111 I rou11 11 wooor1ng 1~ Re•111S O W1lh1m1 O F1ooi.1 O Henry 0 Jennet 0 ro1a11 29 !I 1:. 67 H1"11me GolO .... West, 3 I 11 To1at 1ou11 Gotoen weo1 18 lil<1na•1e ti Orange Co11f 87, H•ncock 5e OAAHOl: COAST -Bto'e 16 Sntllutk 1 Ourt11 8 t11otinre101 • llYfllle 6 S•m•n•~• 12 MOfton t t Ryen ' B•"Y 2 Naneon ' Tolele '~ 17 24 67 HAHCOCIC -BAiiie 'l RODlnson 10 SnllDy 10 Gen11M 4 Bow"'' 1 MtEadOy 17 To1eJ1 21 14 22 S8 H11t1ome Or •no• Coal! 32 20 I OIAI tou•• Orange Coeal 2, He"'oc• 2!> foul•O 0111 Belli• IHancoC~I Shelbi IH1ncoc• 1 T echn"•'• H•ncock ' HaOH SCHOOL .... port HMbof 57, u Q11lnl• 41 LA CIUIN'T A OIDDI l 1 Mowa 0 Ulu I l\ollar 10 Schnegg•nburgar 4, Lorge :t WHeon 7 JOllneon Wat>dry 0 Tolel• 111 3-11 4 1 Collff• w .. r Roch.at .. CIMelc Seton Hell 76. St Bone_,lure 74 (01\ M1teC011e 4t Mt Sen An:onlo 47 (01) UCLA Tfl. Loulavllle 72 Loyole 1111. BYU-Hewall 75 StenlCHd 88. Brown 7 t Charn1nede 80 Sen Fraricitco St 73 Iowa .i1 James MM:llaon 4~ 9-ltl l"lot'lcla T our-y Soutt> Fl0t•d& 71 Musec;t"''°"' 62 Semtord 101 NOtlll Te•as SI 94 Plll'ln'\Ar 83 Ml Sen Jecl,110 TO a-o....,Meae lrn.,erieJ Velley 1 I RIO H:>Odo 70 Mesa (Artz 1 57 Groumoo1 51 Sco1t 1dale (Artt I 9 8 South-tern 75 \1akersl>e1d 86 so l\Aeu 1. t> lrnowa.q•••a., frNn.O~ .. rtspaopl• •Wllf'f fiA ,..,, .. II fltnll• 111 11'0 ~ _.,rl1' .,..,.,. II U 11 ....... I ... .,_, 11 t 1 .. af I 1.otl Ill -ft kl ~, --· ., 0...111• • e (~, ... tt• t t f I tr .. I '-tOV!I 11.,t•w I~ Ill U Ill •t 1 Niii ltl\M I rt IJ.,1111• 11 l'•Wf"" I 11111 IH1t 11 ! '"''°"' r•1I •lltt 11 a 011•111•1 Mr-(I a '' u t 11 I e I ... u I t • , I I • (J U I fl t 8 t be hH9'1\f•u t11''\ftlf tl • IJumla J I fHU;• ll 1 Uo•Ull l f et t•ol1 • '•""14• l • Outttll l oath l1tn •'•", t 1i., ft • Uuw11 1 Mu••• tt • Uvi4•••• 'tHlnUlln Valley to, l•lanola 11 llTANCIA Jolwstu" 17 Curll• I ''"'"' ... 14 Mutllle " 1""41" I MOlll 0 1uc.hrouo I ,.,,i.y U lutll• 1111.1 II ~I '0VNTA .. VAlll Y Houy I _,,.,I JMIOIJ• 1& Wllllet••O .. M"1lt11 ' '""'e'f II P"""' 0 11•11-• l ~t tlWn I T 111•11 IT 6 11 00 ._.bf 0 ... 11 ... ( """' 10 I I~ le 10 ~I fOUfl!IHt Vei .. y II JI I• I I bO lute• lcMJll l 11&11(..I• )") f °'ml•m VaUiey II Coete MeN to, Muina M CDl fA MCIA Palmbla<le 17 l<.l1MJ11 !CJ llng • Look ll, Miii 111 Willlamt()(1 1 Koa O. Kimmell To1a11 11 0 11 l!Cl MAlllNA 8ela1111•• 8 Neum111tt I I l>•dlll1 17 Hu-•'"'112.I1111)91< 10 Holrom 4f()lll•l~g1160 ko.••r OYati.<• (.;uel• M... 10 Ill llJ I I 60 M11tn• 111 Ill t4 1 !.II lolal tou•1 Colla Me11 II M1rlfla I? rec:nn•ol lwl Sutt (Co6!1 .., ... , LH V-a•• Clark 58, Hin. Beach IM HUNTIAOTOH alACH MUii 1$, Gem .. IS 8 r11omp1on 3, Harrigan 10 0 Thomp1Q11 b Baugh 4 Tolel• 25 4 II 64 LAI VIOAI C LAl'IK WllO!n• 2 ""-10 Henry 4, Perrian 20 Wuh1ng1n11 O Sc61110<0V11h 13 To1el1 23 II 14 !>S tco<-bJ ouen ... HunUr1g10t1 lleach 12 13 ll 17 !14 LM lleQU Cler~ 17 18 12 t~ S5 fol•I IOUll Hun11ngl01t B .. ,h 14 LU V•ou 1.;1er~ 8 Fouled out He•11g~o (Hunungton Bo•Cht Tec.hn1t•I tnul Hun1111111on Se.en b<oncr> C araon 92, Edi.on 54 lDllOH -llY~lhlngton 1 W•r '""' IJ MlllAIO 2, H1mlllon 6, Hacn1en 1 Dt81ao•t•1 2 1wuo1 • Thomes 12 Johnoon J Mu1euon 0 101e1a 20 14 21 !>4 CAl'llON -Swam 12 lltuM 11 JOllrison 2 Bames 11 RQ...1ey 1 v ... e ~ Honman J Totals 73 t6 JO 82 lco<• by o...,,.,. Eat.on 11 16 11 IS ~· Caraon IS 17 12 11 62 To1a1 1ou1• Ed•eon 23 Cat.on 1e f ou•eo oul M1llarO IEd•aon). Wesl11ngton (l<11ao111 Technlul foul Miiiard (Edison Unlverelly '8, BolN 5e UNIYIAllTV Belanger 5 E•••ell ti Stoltoll t9 Blake 73 Chol 8 Mai•• 7 Tolela 29 10 18 f>8 80llA Ol'IAHOE -0 llMI• 4 R••"'• •• T 9ff011 14 Some<• It'. ValOez 1 C•l""Y 6 Total1 25 6 11 .... lc:o<• bf Ova11 .. a univ .. ally t 7 t6 18 Bolu Grande 14 II 22 Total loull unive1Slly 14, Bolae 17 VIII• Perk 70, Legun• 51 LAGUNA 8EACH l"l>PtM 23 fortut11 4 N .. u 6 Joroan • Dewer 2 MtGraltt • EO•atdl 4 A<ndl 4 Tot1l1 24 3 II SI YILLA PAllll Behnke 9 Ae<ld1no J Beyet 2& SlallO<O 18 M-t8t • V•UhO .! unlooo 2 ROd•ec.~ 4 Jocoos 1 To1e11 7!> "° n eg I ce><• by Ouorl.,• Laguna Be~cn 8 14 15 14 ~I V•llt P11• t8 15 18 19 70 1 olal foul• 1.l(IUlll B .. ch 2 I Vlll1 Pe<• tO fou110 oul Teoper (L aguna B8atn1 Fnrtune llAQune Beech) Woodbrldoe IO, Anehelm 53 ANAHlllll Am •dor 1 Do•n•~ 6 P1cnauJO 10 E11-nno••' ? Pate,. 17 Wllltem1 4 Ca•IM4 S WOOOllllDQE Forlng•r 33 WIM 8 RedovlCh IS M0<lllan<I l Sur•• 1 Cry., 7 ...... bJ °"9t1«9 ANl*rn 9 11 14 Ill Sl Woo<lbr"'O<t 17 11 tl 21 90 Fouled out WM!lamt ,....,,_,,,, lnrlne 31, Cenyon 21 11'1\llHI -Rhadel IS Mat1111 2 u...-,. 5 g:":,,,.,7 u B;:,7;~·1 rro;~o ,; ~7-~ 3~ t•••IJ!lt n.., Ill ...... ,., .... ~"'''' ...... _. , ....... ,, . ",. ..... 11T0-111u .. _ . ,, ,, ,., le,,,"' t f • H ,,-,.., ,, .......... ~ Ii) , .. ,,. ~ jf OOL.LIOI WOMIN WIH~rln It, UC lr•ln• 4T Wtl CON•tN ~•,,,,.ti I 1 Huff It '"1• .. t•..t1ttt•lf1 '' t tttttl Ht 1h.1•t .. ,.., A ,,, .. , ... 'UWrt•M. ,., •••• '" I , •• \ UC ..-v.... ''•UUf' t tittJ•M•i "' H_...,. • 0.MMt • U a;u h.1f 11 "tN11l1M•i f\ Va4'1d• .-,._. • ft et, 1•H • f ot4M• IV f UI 4 I fl•flhtr~• w ... ,,,,,,, " u. folel f(,,.,,.lt Wiii' tlftato U~ ll'C h•ihe I j HIGH I C HOOL WOMI N htanc te 12, L.a Quint• 37 \.A OUtNT A -h-,nn•oo t t A""-"' t •lcJ•U J f e~8)'Arfla 8 l,.fHt•ll•••t1111 llo11e11 I 11,111• II I II IT llT ANCtA t.1r,,..11., IU ll•elll"'' I ••etrH,.oc.• I/ C'jct\ol•• J '·'''"'"••h t C Ml••'f' '} Otat9'1 & ~1~1~tvt1 I ' e.,-1 Iii t •klt1l"'1 IV lulel1 , & 10 10 -I k0te by o .... , ... •• Uu1nla t~ 11 II \ 11 I II.,,. oa II Ill /1 J I n 'o••• foul• I 16 rJvmh1 ,., fttaitflf •l OcHn View 55. Foothlll 45 OCIAN VllW -Webb Ill C.hom1t.1 Ill Oouty ~ th••• 17 u.,,,l.H ' (JtH u Me11"'0w•i+• o To•••• t~ 11 ti*>"> '00THILL -611odH u • Sh"'tll 'I l}ovt n Mao-· • O.S•""' • <•IKldy o ~~·• L am pbell O flt••""•" u tteutn 'I t 'UH 1 101111 19 1" 4~ lco.e by Qvwten O~en V tt~ 10 I 70 u• •,•, foo1t11ll 10 14 I I lU ·~ Total tw11 Uc.•an V•e..., 13 rt>Olhllf IJ f oul•O out l'l•lodeeu (foolMI) D•Se11111 lf oothllll Mal•• 0.1 1'.I 1~ 0 I 1 •l Maier Del 42, Ftn. Veller 32 MA Tfl'I DEi -l Bs~e• 4 U•lney I J.wrne.ou !> harry 8 Var1t.to 14 _ I( Sekew ~ Act•U• 0 Rote 1 ti ADeyl• 0 0 Al>e'fl• u WNlh.,IO<cl 1 lot•ls 16 10 10 41 FOUNTAIN VA LLll!V -Puth1l1~1 b Atf.ogft 8 t1ende,~on 7 Bu,c.r1 ) Wrutn•m 0 Reyet 1 •i1i:l!t' hm1tJt ) (.I0•9f .. fot•1t 12 ft 11 J2 Ito•• by Ouarl•n M1lttr 0..• IJ 12 f, I I •7 i uun1uir1 Vallft'V ;-V & lb J" Tote1 1ou11 Ma1e1 011• H rounie1n V¥1i11y JJ r-{luteu <NI P11t.hMlsk• (Fountain VMlltt)'• Edlaon 48, Hunllnglon hach 24 l!DllON -U<:hllono ! Cale• l Toe"t 0 l:j•Une• 19 Mt"mnarcJt 13 Gendron • fhobe 0 (..nhes 4 v••h•m 0 Joi••• 21. •3 48 HUNTINQTON •EACH -Co•do•• 2 t.,wntWtnd 4 C.000.t 1 f1tu1 10 Comogho l t.ollon J R•ybu•n O B«••• o Hnl•<l•• O Tr,ldlt 1 10 II 24 kore llJ 01Aar1eo (<11•010 10 9 18 I I 48 H~nllngton 6HUI 7 8 ~ ~ 14 J 01al fOUlt Co'"°" 1J Huntington Btiet.h II Snann• 57, Merine 32 I AVANNA An1p1ugh I lr9f\ety , 4 MtKJttt.!1.S 18 8•ti.o~ • W~·•mt • Tauw:n., (1 ~•tl'td 0 Gultf"\ n 0 Tote11 7• 9 11 !JT MAl'llNA Corblltl 2 Call 1111 l ~t10e1 'Mt1 q Keddy-6 Lei~ 9 F ~KhtH 0 Cith;f'lf o H1n1ttt' O Kie' 1tea<l " T ot11, i. • b 31 8c0<• or Ouer11r1 Savarn1a 12 9 11 IS ~1 Marina 2 12 ~ 1) J? 101a1 'Oui. ~1vaon• 9 Mer1na fl Vlclotlan Open (al MelbcMu-. AIMltelle) ""' "-"" l"'Olee 6r•O Cl•••ell (Avt lralll ) Oel Jolln ""'••nde• IAutlr•M•I 6-3 8-2 !land Evell IU S I Oel Simon Youl ITuman1a1 3 8 6 0 7-6 Ctoll L•ICher IAull••fl•I del Cllerhe f1ncut1 IAullrahal 8·4 7-8 Mike l H th (Us I O•I e..-Miiion (SOVlfl AlrUI 7.9 8 4 RICh•rll l -1• (GrMI Br11a1n1 <19' Jen Slmp"°" (New Zealand). 8·3, 7-e World Junior Chemplon1hlpe ( •• Miami 9-cf\, l"te ) llnglM ,,..., r.arung BHMll (C•n•d•I def M•nueal Me--..a lllulo•rt•l 6·3 4 3 (lort .. I) Year-End tltty I H'lt 11ml1 t 7tl I II~ - ~· ~ ...,, ...... a, ,.\lltlHfOT~ MACH f~A-ltt , .... "-M '"' ,,,, '''• I , ,.,,... •• IJ I Of11# Ml ) fH ,,,._, I ........... ~ti ' .4 ............... , ""...,, .. M•Ot1• I "I ff_lftt1 ft119it,_o f) MINtn• Whllft\f fl'tttif I f>'tNlf •• I 1 •uu•1• , .... , 1 f.la11,. v'ewn•' t t ,,.,~·· I WHt•om•I., l M1••••.1'1 v .. tu t c.1, •• ··-o l)l ••n V._w 1 I u1t11 U ,_,. ••'• v1.., .. ..,,.,,w -;,,,..,. 1 •,,u11a Ah• 'J lkM•• 01a110• lJ lJa•d•11 <;u,.,. I V•••te.•• I ......... 1~ :l .. ..,,,..,, l Uu1•l1hylou ...., h I L ~fl• b••• t, 1 tfvttl1nv"'' ft••' 11 tr•111n~ k.,u , ... ,._ t Uel1 <•Al·*·• t t1•Ytrlt1utue 0 • \NHlAH \/•ll•y l ( •t-~U an1• 0 Sttt "''• 't L .,,,,u~ 0 V11i1 , •• , .. •' f ehtf>n 1 ~ono llo..114 lChamplonahlp l recllel) t • Uult1t• I t uutfllll 0 ·,ao111eoa<Jl t Mau•,• o I ll.,>C.111 J I IO(IUt'le 111111 ~ M1....on V~tO 3 Ot•AJ\ v... t~tAltr ........ I')( .. ~ 11-M.U<•ng tlaplall I '"' I '••nt• Ana • Caauden Giove 1 H~m•muttJt' £Meet· t Mat-' 094 o ttun11ngU.>t1 Bee<.n ec.our"'U Uev11 ' •uumau• Veney , Seu G1•d .. •• o 1r1~H•tr., ... IC.kl) VIiia F'•ra 1 s ...... 0 (Con .... llon lracllet) 111111111 4 Downey o (.;ap11"•"" vau._,,, t 51 J~n Boa.c.t1 u PllO• Vetdea f WMlm1oat .. U Gy~••u 3 ru111n l Volenc:.Ae 3 SOI .. G1aroOe 0 La11una S.ach t l<er•ne<11 O rlawthome 1 hoe .. nia 0 C•nyQn 1 levt1ng• 1 Misc. 1'uead•z'• lren..cllon• AIHAU Amerlcen LIMIOue l[.llAS RANGERS S•r,inao l111, B1t1ner outl1ttlder Hallonel l e99ue NEW YORI\ ME TS Tr8d6d Pal l•Ghry 01l(.t1et, lo lhe lot Angeltts OOdO•'' trJ1 Jo•o11 Orta r-JUU1~dttt 8AIKETIAU Nallonel •••k•ti..11 AHoclatlon MILWAUKEE BUCKS PtacelJ Br •fl w .ncer• ou•tO ::ion lht& 1n1vrfll0 Hit S..g 6d St.Sm P•"''"' lntwero CM'tet I< a tO Ult conlt9'.I FOOTaALL National Foetbell LIMIOUI ~ffL Sutpenoeo Mocn•e• Jar.~•on l1n('lt;iac;kttr Seftttltt Seahawli!.a tor une garrie lur • Mr+tt• of 1ntract•ont United ll•IM Foetball Le911ue llYASHINO ION rEDERAL s S1gn..o Regg18 Harne• ''O"' eno Z•on Mtll•nn~1 ••de rec••~er Of.>r Bu,,e•• o•fentl"• c.ac;:i1o- a~nn e Sn 1tt oertt"' "e ••tt.1e f ,... Ge,,,atO l•r•eberker Brian Mwwt•elman ceo1e1 Ott.t•O ~Vote Oe'"'"''..,.e UK.-e ..,.. Hend@''°"' l•n4'0Klt•r ancJ M •ctlaei' weoe 1tgfll 11<10 COLlEOE ARIZONA WEST£FlN AMou••tfKI "" re11gna11on 01 J1m Snerman hMd IOOID•ll tr.1a~h so he m•)' bee.om~ Ah a.u1t1an1 al U1e UntV9'S•\y of M1nnvsota Nallon•I Hockey Leegu1 T....oar··-.. Oueo.c: • H1tUord I WHhl"QID" & P•1taourg1t 3 f0fon10 .. M 0111tMI 4 Bo11on 3 S• Lou.• o C•lgory 3 CNcego 1 Winnipeg 4 Vanc:.ovvet • TOftflhl'a 0- Wlrtnl~ II Ktnea St l ou11 11 PllUl>urgh MO,\lf&a! 11 T0tonro 0.11011 al M1nneso11 ChtcAQO 11 Edmonton floclllM Wyoming 74 Col0<1do 57 MldwHI 8-ftlcw 9owl CleHlc Velpar•>~ 97 Be1t1rn0<e 83 ..__ .... _ Ore"g. Cout 8.', Han<:ock 58 Compton 84 EH i LA 81 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Onto St 58, E Mlchlijen 54 South E CerOllna 72 N-Harnp~lre 114 Ea•I AtkenlU 52. St Pete< a 48 North Cerollna St 87 WH1 Vltotnte 59 Maine-Orono 95. Fatrl~d 11.i Menhell 113, CCNY ~ TOURHAMEKTI (Finl l'lovnd) W1neton c1 ... 1c Al•t>•rn• 74. use 111 090f~town 71, WlllCOl'lalri 43 COl\necttcut Claaalc Teltu A&M 78. Laleyene 86 Connec11cvt 66 Alf Force 50 De)'ton Hoffday tourney /Vrnv 63. Dmrtrnouth 82 0.'(lon &a R"4! 55 Utah CIMalc Aubutn 119. Clll Stele FullMon 50 Utell 85, Nl901r1 62 Lobo Cl•Hlc Prine.ion 87 Weber SI 39 New Maxie<> 72, Buller 61 at. Louie Claulc E Ten-SI 71 ClllllCHnta 89 (ot) S llllnola-Edwerd1vlllt 87 SI Louis 64 hl'I 9owl Ci.ulc KenlU St 80. ClemM>n 54 S MU 74, Teu .. EI Puo 66 lugair 9ow1 Clee•lc S W Lout,iena 71. Mlehlgari SI 641 Mlaeilllllppl St 51. Tut-'7 L.. V99• Hoedmy CIM•lc Ten-50. San JoM St 42 ~ed.-LU Vegu 120. Wag!* 70 o.tOf 9owt C'-* Aorlda 82 Penn St 80 Jmdlaoovtlle 78. Iowa St 80 Alr'e-9"'"'"9"-'" T__, Muney St. 93. FCHdh•rn 83 All.·Blrm1ngll1rn 102. AIUk•· Atldlot 8Q4I 80 All-CofteOI T--7 Okle horna lh SO, Houtton Septi.t 3!1 Okt•horn• City 78 Ton Arington 77 91t-...C1Ma1c TCU 90. ldmhD St 82 lit.ti S I 116, Sen Diego 50 S A19t>ema 87 N0<1hees1em 61 "-lnbo• c1 ... 1c Oklahoma 88 l/irglnle Tech ea 1011 ND<'lh Cerolln' 79 Texu Teen 47 Clllc4 ln11ttetlon#I Homt>oldl St 66 E WUhtriglDt' 64 (Ofl Noire Dame (C•I) 85 Whlll>e< 75 Alaska-F11roank1 U R.,tend• 64 ChlCO St 85, Point lorn• 65 Arrowh .. ct Ci..alc Weetmoot 87 O«ldentel 72 Sonome St 69 Claremont 60 Slan•Slaus St tOO W"llman 77 Ce! Stete LA 86 ~ '~'r>D Pacific 77 Mltwevll" Claelk MarQuelle 69 C1ric1nna11 52 (lirlll l • Selle 67 Wll Or_.. Bay 5 1 (lhlrd) l"AI WHI Cl ... le Chmmpk)nehlp lemlftnale Oregon St 76 Letmar 8 I ld•hO 56 Oregon SJ ~tlelf\ a-.m-i. r.,,,_ 51 86 Otllke 83 Montane 51 86. Portltnd u eowttoy C,_. Mc Neese s: 86 Autt•n PMy 60 (nrttl Hardln-Slr1mori1 82, USl:J 58 (third) Mualc City ln¥1tetlonal Vanderbilt 85 Manhett•ri 7 I lllfll) P*"n e3 E Kenloeky 70 (third) Community coffe9e TOUl!Ut,.,.NTI ('Int "-'d) C~ofo-t 01.,..dele (Ariz) 87. GoldMI W•l 88 Trede Teel\ 8.,, Fllveral<Je 78 Cerrltoa 117, Veotu•• 86 OeM<1 75. Klrigt RI.,., (Ariz) 53 1 ... i.AM Senta Monica 78 Dixie (Uleh) r.6 Serite Arie 95 Sk•r)tt Valley (Wuti ) 70 • ,..._,., C1t1yon1 92 I nng Beech 66 Puedene 89 Olend•le ~ WOODBRIDGE e • • From Page 01 Invitational consolation aecond round. The victory put Woodbridge back on the floor today against Schurr High, with the w inner acheduled to meet Che aurvfvor of the Laguna Hlll1-MIHlon Vie jo game for the consolation champlonahlp Thunday. Anthony Radovdch added 15 poin\8 tnd 9 rebow\dl. YlUa Park 70, La1u.aa 5 t ~ Artista' fourth-qu.rter rally feU t hort and thua they'll mMt La Habra at 4:46 toda y In the CONOlation aemlfin.ala of Vllla Park'• tourruunent. Laeuna, whkh fell behind by 10 pointa ln the ~ quarter and found ltaelf 14 down entering the flMl pe11od, waa abl• to patt the deficit to 1even pctmp eu)y tn th ftn.l rt.ama ti.t~ t.M hoet3 ~control Nldl Tevoer ~ Ln 23 PC>lnta to toearhcad the tAcuna off hie, but the Artist.a were unable to fully tab edvant11a9 of 12 offmalve rebounds. ., LA ~C 9 1 M11a1on 69 We" LA 74, Pte<ce 73 High achoo! ToVMtAMEKTa or.,... OpUm.lel Tourtimr C"ernpk)netllp ~· Fount..,, Vetley llO Eatanc:la 51 Serv1te 80. Lakewood u Newport Hert>CH 57 Le Ouinte 41 llAll .. 08' 77 Or11rige 415 Coneole tlon Ouert-'lnet1 Foo111m 45. Centeonlal H Cosl• Mesa llO, Merine 59 Sarite Cl••• 51 El Mooen• 32 Dena Hiiia 73 CheNtry 5!1 .,.. Champk>netltp Qwwterllnate Sonot• 415 Pornone •3 S•venna 70 Trooy 69 Calllorn1a 57 Sunny Hilla 55 Bree 89. Fun111on 57 Coneolatlon Ouer1erllnal• WOO<lbrldge 80. Anehelm 53 Schurr 79 Pacifica 87 Cenyon Un1v.,11ty II&. BotN Grande~ W•t.,,.. 85. Eaperenu 42 Cyor ... SJ Los Amigos u tn11ne 39 Can.on 28 la• v-. .. tnvttatloftet Ct..mpk)nalllft Owwt.rllnale ~· 72. BllhOp Gormen 89 wnt Phllec:lelphl• 88, Peto• veroee 58 Lu Vegu Clark 55, Huntlriglon BM<;ll 54 Chapa1ra1 6-4 St Bernerd 111 C~ QuerterflMI• LMQley 5 7 Eaat An<:l>CH age 55 R•nc:ho Lu Vegu 79 IOlent 73 LU Vegu Valley 14 P>tor1h Hllll 59 Penn HHl1 58 Botrwitl 52 Kete119 Long S.ecll Wlleon 83, Oi.nn 40 Rolling Hll11 ••. 0om1nou•1 43 a111t19vo El ~lldo •9. Tuetln 43 Santiago 75, Saddlebach 7 • VIiia f'mrti VlHa P.O. 70. L891Jn• BNGll 5 t S1 JoM Bo9co 5 t. Compton 38 Nott• O.me (Riv ) 7' L• tl•bt• 87 Omno (Wun I ~. Sarita Ana '7 c-cttr Chempk)n11tlp ....,,tnn•I• C1rM>O 112. Edlton 5• CCH!eolmttonll htnlfln9l1 Magnolia 811. Reno 14 Wom.n COU..OI Wiec;ontlln 99, UC lnlln1t 5 1 HtOHM:~ MMWl-1._ T-t C"mMJltMtlill ~ w .. trnlnattt eo, El Toto 111 ()c .. n View 115, FoothlM 411 Mater o.t 42, Fountetn V•lley 32 Burrough• (flldgtlCr .. 11 51, LB WllM>n 43 c~ Qvwtlf'ftlt ... S ev•nM 157. M1tln• 32 Chino 43 Dll\e HIN1 24 L~r• 57. Cwr-e 41 (ot) f4teon 48, HunttngtOfl 8HQI 24 ltt-'•f-t c ...... .....-.,,a~ ... !•t-1• 821 L.1 Outrtt1 '7 Lu Vegll D2, Plu1 )( 0 er .. 72, M11k ~I* H V•lt.v Cl ... Veo-tl '1, Mlaalon VlefO IO CaM411~~' l'lowflnd 44, Kat• at VIiie Plr1t 43. Coe!• M-. •2 Wtllllllr &2. L.Ji lltifre • t Autolite SYLVANIA • • Spark Plugs • Sealed Beams • • c ..... .; . 2~~ #4000 . ' .. '. r••u~rrype ·. ·. 8 S ••· f ~ ~ qq c ~~~ #6014 •.•.•.•• ' . ' • • . ' . • r.~ resistor t~p• . . . . . . . . . . . . ••· Jl' • #46SZ ......... . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1-w•t ,,,,, erryman 'B-12 Chem tool Dhtolu•• •um, ueml•h .e•potlt. 1Jos.f85 e•n c a . • • • • • a • • • • • • • • • a • • • • • • • • • Fram PVC Valve #l'VllS, llJ, IJt #l'YU•, 164, Ill • .f"VJt), l9', ••1 • • • • AC Oil Filter #PF:&, q, 20, u, :as, JO, 1 40, 4S, 47. SI • • • • :s •Power • • Steering •Fluid • for Chr)ltl•r, • Ford, GM or • AMC ear•. • • • #26JI 1 78 #Z,41 .... : ... • • • • • • • • • • • McKa~ • Bra•e •Fluid • •Doi J • • I :a 0:1. e ean • • Supertor tr1ctlon • FHt, eaay lntt1ll1t1on •Smoother, quieter rid• -P11c:e ahown 11 a" •v•r•o• ••111,,Q IPHC• b••ed upOft • r-.ce-n• '"0.09ftd•r\I •urv•y df t•n AC O.•co e>ull•ll '" 111 .. 11u a11t..:1ec1 al ••ndOm Eacll AC·O•lco outtel hltecl llelOw ••en • #fSllC 11\dttpen()ent n,,,,,,.,, 1nd r-"•'O•• wh1levttt put " 1t C"OO••• tot •t• oroduC11 f'nt•' wttl va•y e #17 IOC and •• •tHnt• vnu tn thott 1rnuntt ttH IP\• l'ltt1t puce• Quality l f'IO M rYtC"• vou r •"' l•f\d • • • ' • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Import l:I V .S. Auto Parts Speclallsb COSTA MESA • South Coast Auto Supply NEWPORT BEACH • United Auto Parts 688 W. Baker At Bristol • 2902 W. Coast Hichway • 556-2500 646·9363 'P"ICH ""I IUOQUTID ,._.ICU AND MAY VA"Y AT '""TICl.,ATINO 9'1TAILUll ' • • '" I lJAll V l'fl CJ 1 IW ... ~ IT'I ALMOIT TOO LATll 2 DAVI L 'T ,,. U4t ht..., ht•••"'4• fl lltmiMlt YllH lllf hftlll 1rtd lt•t1 IMtlM f11 tnd ~ll~t • CMd rtt111 lht 'Ntfal lltfffftMtM ltf futt Yiu P'tlf lft ttrl·IHI 1461 Vie Utt. 6U0 6122 Nall Ill t"•"•11 IH1"i ........ RUFFELL'S U'HOLSTUY ................. s.. lt:U HUtO• llVO ~OSTA MISA -S0-1 IU lo IHrn abollt lnw11tma11t 1p1JM111111t1t1 wnll ry f tnl1Clpet1d pro Itta tnd a11batentl11 It• fnctnlfvea. and lo eontlrm your tH2 tu proltctlon 1'11•.t~t' I .111 11u.-. lu Ill 0 ~ .111 I 1111.11 "' hlll IHI l 01111111t1111rnl o1Jllll1tllllllrfll w 1lh 11111 ·.1.111 111 .11 IUlllt'Y'> .11111 II t llHlll.1111 ... lo 111Vlt!W yUUI 'tludltllll Wll Wiii l1f• ,1v.11l.1(lltt l'\l~IY 11.1y Ult 11111 tlt•lttlllllt'• .1 ,\ "• 11111111l111q 1u11<1.1y ' 11.1111 lo •Jµ111 lo ~urvt1 you c.1164'2-s&1e Put a row words to work tor you DAL TON, DAL TON, COOPER & FRANKLIN, INC. ~714) 641 ·3761 1•-------.i1it11 l~1u11~1 Avt• •II' HI.' l11111w Nt'.11 .J,111111111~~ .au•, _______ I TAX-FREE FORWJ. Yo u 'll be able lo l'.Hn up f o \2,000 in interest during 1983 .ind nol pay a cent of fede ra l t axes o n that inc ome, if you open J Tax-free A t(ounl, loddy. Congn.-._.., g,l\ l' tJ'\J),l\ t'r' .l c 'nl l·-1n ~i-l1tt'llllH' t>\t'mp11on ol up lo $2,000 1n 11H1·n·'t 111c rn1w tor un1plt•'-ttl1ng ioinll) ('i>l,000 11 tiling 1nd1\ 1du.ilh) on 1'11-. "Pl'l 1.11 l.t\ f-ri•t• A<< ounl But. ) m1 h,1\ l' 0111) untrl midnight, I kc l·n1lwr ~I , tu upt.'n \our .1< < ount. 1\1 ll'r 1h.11, rt \.\ill lw too IJtt•. On<. l' tlw ,H < ount ,.., 01w1wd, tlw t•\t•mpturn mJ\ irH ludl' t't1rn1ng ... rl'<. l'IH'd 111 l<>H2 .rnd 11m ~. up to tlw ma\lnHHn t>l 1gibil1t't. Your Tc:l\-f rt•t• A<<. ount '' rll bt• 11htirt·d -.(111· 11p to $100,0CX) In tlw f"'LIC We'll Slay Open Late, D ecember 31 To Help You Beal The D eadline A II o fl i < t'.., o t ( 1 r l' .1 t I\ m t' r i <. .in h · d t.' r a I " ii I " t .l \ op1:n till Cd)O p m , .111d T Ill' fin.me 1al L11w ''di 'ta\ 01wn ttll m1cln1ght. Dl'< l'mbt•r H You tan 01wn \our fax-F-n.·t· Ac< ounl b\ phrnw. Rut. don't \\ a1t ttll tlw l.1<.t m inul<' ( Jll T lw r in,111- c 1c1I Lrrw, toda\. The Financial Line ~ (619) 231-4023 o r (800) 272-<.X>OO LJ Fo r today's Tax -Free rate, call our Rate line, (619) 231-3276 or (800) 552-8855. Great American Federal ..f/~una~2J~ Alull(1111 Hilts · ·~~as,~,. An1 t•"· " ~ hlbof · .,o 1 a'' BA b,. a .. a H•nhn(lon Bue~ "nPoll kK~ 'I> 1•1 I t 1 l•c•n• Buch 4• Otaftlt Oitvt 81lboi blind • , Yir•"• Av.nu• l•l•"• Hilb 5.lft Clem1nlt 11 A,• o' I 'I "I .t01 ,, .. tapCltlino Buth · •47f1~ 0 ,!·•", F ~·, Ii J • El TOfo · JLIS~ f' lorr Roa•1 u1un1 "''"'' • • ••• , lll1"1on V1tto •' P i $.n Ju1n C.pnlUM · ' Woodblld(t • ' fl•• '"' ' ,, fCMlftlalll ~lty • t ~ ;ll•tf Av• 11ton11<11 Bir · I • '", · P\alC NOTICE FK:=• :~~.-.-1 l'tlJLIC NOTICE FK:TITIOUI aua1NEH ·I K·llOCI NAME 9TATIMENT NAME ITATllNNT FICTTTIOUI 8UllNH9 T,... fOliowtno pe<sons .,e dolno Tha following peraon 11 do•ng MAm ITATUrlENT bu~ .. bullneaa u The following peraon II doing A C 0 MB IN E O IDE A PFIENETAL FITNESS CENTER butlneu aa CORPORATION (CAI. 2297<! El Toro 1055 El Camino Or Cottta MllM CA U S I M PE Fl I A L Floed, EC Toro. CA 92&30 82626 INTEFl ·NAT IQNA l co. 1700 Wall-8 Suun lrla/l. 24818 1 Mary C111err OTFI t805·BW Margarita Coron• del Mar, Lallafleld St , El Toro CA 82630 Belboe Bl•d NewPO<t Beech CA C•lilornla 821125 Oouglu Sluan Wlll<lns. 77 Foa 82ee.J Leoo1d GllC~ I 700 Mergarlla. Hollow, Irvine, CA 92714 Thit butln"' la conducl9<1 by en C0<ona def Mar CA 92825 Thia bulln.u la condU<:te<I by a 1 tndl11i<lu1I This Dualneu II conducted by an g_,el par11l8fllhlp I Mary C0»r1, OTFI lndMdual OouQlu S Wllktna Th•• 11a1-n1 ..... 1119<1 with the Leonid Glk:t. TM• aiat-nl wu Clled With Iha C0<inly Clerk ol Orange County on This llatement we• 1119<1 wflh the County Cle<k ol Or~ County on Dec 10, 1982 County Ctetk of Orange County on Dec 3. 1992 I F:l'OQOI Oec 8 t982 F~ Publlahed Orange Cont Dally F20llt0 Publiah•d Orange Cout O•lly Piiot. Dec 15 22 29 1982 Jan S Publlahed Orang• Cout Dally PllOI Dec 8 15 22 29 1982 1983 Pilot Dec 15 22 29. t982. Jan 15. 5295·~2 5488-82 19113 MLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUI SUllNEH NAlill aTATUUNT The lollOWlnQ pe<1ona •re dOlno butloeN H SOTERIA, 3303 H.,bo< Blvd F-1. Coata Meee. CA 92826 Ru11ell Berton. 3015 f Yukon Cir . Cott• M .... CA 92826 Obon 8fown, 30151 Yukon Ctr . Cotti M-. CA 92828 TMIS BUSINESS IS CONOUCT£D BY A GENERAL PARTNERSHIP AuaaeH Barton Ml.IC NOTICE FICTITIOUS •U81NUI NAME ITATl!MfN'T The 1011owlng peraon >• doing buslnflH •• C HUFICHI LL S WINE & SPIRITS. 1443 l Cul•., Ottve. >rvlne, CA 1127 H Carol llHd. 30.S Goldenrod, Coron• Ciel MA•. C"' 82825 Thi• buSlneu 11 conducled by an tndlvldull Cerol Head Th" t1••emen1 .... Iliad with the County C~h or 01•noe County on Dec 3 1982 ~82 82 Pta.IC NOTICE FICTmou• SUIMH NA• 8TATIMINT Th• following per1on I• doing bullnete .. GERALD THATCHER & ASSOCIATES, 111081 Sha<lel Orlw, Sanla Ana, Celllornla D2705 Gerald T ElllOtt, 18081 Shade! ()five. Sant• Ane, California 92705 Thlt bu•lr-ti con<lucted by an lndlvlduel Geral<I T £111011 Thia 11atem.,,t WH llled wtlh the Courtly Cte<k of Orange County on FIOMOO Dea 10 1992 P\alC NOTICE FlCTITIOUI 9UllNH8 NAME tTAnMfNT The following perton la doing bullneat" IRlllNE POOL CENTER 14450 A Cul••r Or lr'ilne. Cetllomle 92714 Walter G S<:olt 18439 CoMli. SI , Fountain llallr( CA 92708 Thia bu11neaa •• conducte<! by an lndiYldu91 Walter G Scott Thi• Statement w" Ille<! Wlth the C0<inly Clerk of Orange County on Dec 9. 1982 F2CMt211 Publllhed Oranga COHI Dally PllOt Dec 15 22 19 19112. Jan 6. 1883 ~UC NOTICE FK:TrTIOUI auttMH NAME IT A TIM•NT The lollowlng pu1on ta doing bullneH u AB ANO COMPANY 336 E••I 17th Streel. Coat• Mita, CA 92827 Aobarl Berton, 488 Viall Truch1. Newport Beach, CA 92MIO Thi• bualnett 1a conduct'ld l>y an lndlvldu•I Aober1 Benon Thi• tlatement WH filed wtlh th9 County Cle<k of Orano• County on Oec 3 1982 "°'* Publllhe<I Orat191 Coatt Dally PllOI 0ec I 15 U , 29 1912 Thie ltef-t WH filed wfth the County Clerti Of Or~ COUflty oo Dec 3. IN2 ,_ Publlahe<I Orang• Coul Delly Pilot. Dec II fl5. 22 29. t912 5370-82 ..... 5304·82 ,ubllthed Orange Co111 01llv PllOI Dee II 115. 22 lt. tH2 ' 5197·82 P1101tah.ct 01ang•. Piiot, Dae.. 115, 22, 29 t9M CoHI Delly 1112, Jan. 6, rta.IC NOTICf - 'termout .,..... P\alC NOTICE f'lCllTIOU• .,..... HA• aun....,. llAllll ltATUmNT The following perton I• doing FICTITIOOI •UIMll NfAHOA L KIP,!.A) PACIPICA l>IN""8 u · NAM41 ITAT1 ... HT SY KIPNA YACHTS, 928 W 17th ELITI! l!MBAOIOEAV , '701 The lollowtng per1on la doing 8\. ~....._CA 92t27 Or•np• Avenue. Santa Ana, CA bvtln"• 11 . W•ndl LOUI H Kipper. 408 1210,_____. c lllnoer>t. ttO Cotal ,AVlf MARINE, 12D Terminal I • L,8"t, ~ Beadl, .. -'::,'' .~ ....... -. t·•·-.. , ,. .. 9......,2 Wey. •27. COii• M ... CA 12827 t2t90 ,..,.........,. _....,.. _.., ...,. • ..., Oonald f~ PayM, 22150 ~ 11 oondwcted by 1111 Thie~ le ~Id by llfl O~ A .... WllOOm., 0A 12395 in<SMdWI Thia bu.,_ ti ~ad by an WAHOA L Klf>PC" ~ C ""-'tt lndMdutl _......,. ... "*' ..... IN Thie 9'altfMlll -flled With ,,... Oona.Id t Peyw Qerl of 01'W'V9 OCMftJ ort c-ty Olefll of Or'~ Councy on Thia ei.'-• -In.cl With Ille ttl2 09C 10, ttt2 COUftlJ Cleft OI Orenoe County on ..... ,....,, o.c 3 ,,., ~ DllaMd Ofano-CoHI Dally 'ubll1hed 011ng1 Cou t Oelly ,_,., = DIC. It tt. ft. 111:2 Jan I . Pllol, 0.0 111. 22. ff. ltU. Jan I. Publl1ha<I Orellgt C:OH I Dally • ' ' ' ~ 1ff2 ,llot, eeq I 16. H . ff. 1fl2 ; 6421·12 • Uet·t2 MlJC NOTICl fflOTmOUI •utlNllH NAMllTATllMNT The lollowtng ptr1on It doing bu1lneea ... I) l'e1erton rtn1no1e1 Oroup, 2) Oouble P Flna~lel: 3) C.Wrlty and Coutal Ftnanolal. 41 Peclfte Conatructlon Managem.nt. 010 Cenlpue Ofllle, Newport BeKll. CA t2eeo. 21 '1'1111p c '".,'°"· Jr . 2300 l"lllmft "° Apl W 101, Cotta ~CA tH21 T,,._ tlual!'"9 It condueled by an lf\dillldWll """~ e ,...,.., Jr Tiiie 8'alatnlllt -filed wllll , .... :0<11ttY Clefll of OHl!OI c-ty Oft o.c :J. , • ., ,.... Publlthed Otan91 COllf Dall~ PllOI, 0.0 I. 110 H. 2'· tH2 6'00-12 'AII-sav r ' phase out 'l'lu•_t··,.,. 11 1/i. 11111u1i11111u•111 lo ·"'"'"'"~ "''""' IJ11y 1'11r 01J1t .. r,,. By SAU. v JAC ·oe~t-;N A•-lllM ,r ... Wrll•t Wl\SltlNliT'ON 'All Suv1·1"' 11111111 .111•" 1111 ... 1111 1111 only lhrt•f• 1111111 • lluy, "I Irr '"'Ii'' ullr oil tlVl' f t•ulllrt'll lll llllVt'l 11 1•Vt•r1 1 ltuu~t. I tu I ti rt fl 1111lu:.try 1·1111,.1111·11< llll'm u d11<.1p11111r1t1111 111 .111,.iv,h ~•Y Tiii' uo. IH·t· l(•r11fw11t1·11 1111 1•1 t•d x11u·1· t J\ l I 1 »HI, by 1111v1111t11 and loon ll1'.'>IK'IUl11m1', bu11k., 1111d l'rt·dtl llrtllllt!'t Will bt• dll;(.'Orlllfl~lf'd Jo'r 1duy, I ~> months 11fl1•r tlwy dt'bUl.t'<I N11 11•r1tf ll'Ull'" 111:.iy Ix• 11~'i1Jt'tJ afl1•1 lht•n Thi· 1·urr1•11l ralt• fur 1h1· onP v1 .. 1r All S.i111•1' cer1tf11 .111• I'> l> :lb J>t'rt't:'nl. th1· l11w1~l ti lt.1., l.11.,•11 sinl'I' tltt· pwgrnm wru. k1t·kc...J 11!1 at u l i h I pt-rt'f•nt ralt• Evt•n ~'· Janw!. Chrtsllan, c:hwf '' ononw.t fo1 thl' U S Lt•agut' of Saving> lnbl1tul11111s, '><JY'> till l't•rt1f1t·att•1> art.• 1>ttll a good buy fu r h1gh1·r 1111·011it• savt•rs Jt's also not bad for m 111·1>to11> whv th111k 11H1•r<'st rntt>s may Call lowN und W<rnt lo l11c k in lht·ir money at the going rate•, ht· "''Y" Says Charil's Su.·mdel, senior l'<.'onu1111st al tlw Firs' Naltunal Bank of Chicago .. It's as gtxJtl .111 invt"Stnwnl u.s. tt t-ver was," c.'Ompan-<l with Cllht•r savtng1> tru.trumenlS offered by banks ,111d ~&L ... A spokl'!.w o man al New Y C1r k ''> l'hast· Manhattan Bank says savers i.'d.n "rt'<.t·tvt• .i dt'("t•nl return on tht-1r money" from thl• t't.•rltftt·utt•., whtll• nol having lO tie the money up for mort than I:! months Thl' mm1mum amount r<-qu1r~'<I $500 .ii Chase Munhattan and $100 at somt· othl't 1ns t1lutwns 1s relatively lo w , says tht• spokt.-swoman who didn't wanl to bt• nuna.J Other K'onom1slS note, though. that savl'rs ('an pJ{·k from a vanl'ly of higher paying tnstrumt·nl.s offerl'd by banks and S&Ls as wPll as from accounts promo ted by securtlll's firms, tnduc.J111~ taX·frC.'t' Onl•S Under thl' All-Savers program tnd1v1dual IOVl'SlOn. an• give n a one·ttmt.• tax t•Xt·ntpllllll of $1 ,000 for tntc:rest earned o n tht· All S a VN1> aCC'ount.<., t.'OUples, $2.000 At the C"urrc•nt r<ilt', an individual .savt"r could gain thl' maximum exemptio n by mvesung $15.974. and rnupll>S lWll"l' as much Tht• All-Savers never hvt-d up tu tht·tr prunuS(.• Thl' thrtfl industry predicted the c<>rllftt·att•s would uttrac t between $200 billion to $25(1 b1llt11n in OYER THE COUNTER NASO LISTINGS MUTUAL FUND 1\.'111.i!lo t ltrt 111111 1111 II•· 1..-Um•t<~I llw hrutl Utll)' \\ill 1>1 l11 lv.1·1·11 S 1:1 t11fl1111111nd $4IO l1tllhm t ·1tr1st111r1 111 k1111wlt•dac.-J to.rl1t•r lh•t thl' '" "Kiu111 did lttth• af 1my1h1nac. '4' IJllJCAI mortpai.- lt·111l111K. 11111• 11( tlll' kf•y ob)t'<'tlVl"'I wh•·n ('onl(r•'M w111lt 11 111111 f,1w C'11nt(n• .. did n<>t rt-rww the pr 11.iru r11 1'<11 t 11f th1· hU'k 11f uppt•ul 1wnunt!d from thl' 11111111lut·t11111 11f 1umpt·tlt1vt• Bl'l'OUnta such at l11d1v11luul lt1•11r 1•111t•r1t Att."Ountli, and thl' rt'<.'t.'llton. Wttlt tlw tux t•Xt·mptlon, the All-Saver& • •'l llfh .1\l'!I pr11vul1• mun· lwn1•f1ls fur suv~r• In llflf1t·r 111cor11t hrac k1·l.\ Ht·1·.iu~t· 1ntt·n·st rates on the accounlll a&re ll1111tl'd lu 70 r>t·rnmt of thc yit>lds on one·year Tn•,l\ury b1lb. lht: tax breaks are best for savers m t lw :w pNl't•nl tux bruc kel or above single t.axµayt·n> Wllh taxablt> income above about $15,000 ;,11d t·ouµll•:> ubovt· about $25,000 I3do w that, savers can usually gain mort.-from wxalilt• ttwl'stml·nts. analysts say. But savt•n. m tht> 50 percr>nt tax bracket would havt· to t>arn an mtere!lt rate of about 12 5 percent on a taxublt• at'lvunt to get the equ1valt-nl of the turn ·nt All Savt·rs rate, Christian said F or savt·r!. in the 30 percent bracket, the 1.:1xablt• t-qutvalt:'nl would be 8 94 percent, and at 20 ~rn•nt, 7 8:$ pt-rumt, he sald "If yuu think inu.orest rates are going t.o rem.am down for soml' time, locking in the taxable L·qu1valt-nt of 12 perrent isn't bad," said Christian. Sandra Shaber. economis t al the consulting form of Ch<JM· &-onometrics m Bala Cynwyd , Pa .. says ... ThN·e are, of course. many other more a ttruc t1vt· ways of getting a higher return on savings" Herc: <irt• a few rates offered, as of Monday's n·sulls, o n t'l•ruf1cated linked to federal securities: Savings and loan assoc1at1ons may pay as muc h as 8 653 ix·r<.-ent mteresl on $10,000-mmimurn stx·month certtftcates, and rommerctal banks a.s much as 8 403 per<.-ent Ban~ and S&Ls may pay as much as 7 .975 pen·t.•nt o n $7 ,500-m1n1mum three month C'l' rt1 f tea tt-s S&Ls may pay as much as 9 7 percent and t'Ommt1rt.·1al banks as much as 9.45 perrent interest on 21 ~ -yc•df "small se1ver" certificates N.,_ c:;...w1En "" s-.,-en C..-tEn GOOfO wn ~· .. ~ l(.·-Ft&Auto 81dln" ~tl(.on• lnG'\aF FO!itll:' -Q UnVoll R~.UCo ~1YR!.i ""t~. Q W•ll>'O "dt.<" Bra 0 l.A<MWQ NFA ..~ &•ITV Q Cv< Itron ,..,.,. NIO.l C t(Nwt. wn tntf'ls;ll';, NlcNl•SY W•tr\1'1 NII""' AmU\1 ... u wt w1 .,._, .. *' S-llnt MolKOM Ev•IR un 61<1<1"" Ev•~A wt Gola.•• lnllnst T•tco s fr""""" 0-•I .....::;!' 0.1 C.-yEI J«•PCJ4 Olltk Rd ~'r.n:. u~ UPS L•'t 7• I I , ... 1 11 .... 11. l ll 1• •• ) 1~ •• '~ 1 } " 5 • • , .'';t Up Pc1 Q' 11 ... VO lt O I I Up UJ ' VP »J , .. Up ., • ' • Uo t2, > Up ?21 •I lt Up llA • , ... Up .... •I •• Up 11 \ I. VP II I • ., .. Up .. , I. Up I\ I ,, .. l • • VP U l •.i.t Up \4 l '• VP I)) I ~: !H· • 11 l , Up 111 1 • , ... ~ ~= :n' • • ' . •'- DOWNS l •\t u .. •.. 1 • 1 ' I '" 11. J 1 , .. tO' I ,._ , .. J •w t I , ... 1 • 1 .. ) ... 10 >'-•7 '" >'- Up 11 S VP 11 S .. VP "' VO II I C.hO • "'ct ' OH 11 I , ... OH •• 1 Otl I• l OU UO OH IJO OH US Otl 11.I OH IJ.O Ott 11 ' OH 11 I on 101 OH ltl.4 ' .. .. ... ' .. .. .,. l I .... '· Ot'I IO.O '• OH 10.0 "-OH IOO "' OH IOO •• Oft .00 "• Off tOO "' Off •.s , .. ~ :1 .. or• " ,,._ OH '1 '· Oft • ' ~ 011 t t ......... ~ ................ • JI )OJ no "' 1l I \-> .eQ4'4 lOO I J ~ I.II ..,., 11J ~ 1• ,, s. j 161 • 111 j 1• j ' 11' ;,,. II JO .. lf "' Ex-airline boss bank adviser Roben W. Clifford, Cormer prestdent of AJrCal, NI been named apeclal advller to the chairman ot National Sank of SOuthern Caltfom!a located In C.O.ta Meu. Clifford wlll aervtt the bank u a llnk with the bu&lnftl oommunlty ln dtvo~t of aervice9 and p0Uctes, acoordini to • jofnt Aru\O~ment m.cU by William H. Jacoby and Paul H. JTtu.oU.chairman of the board and bank prealdent retpectively. Clifford retUed earlier thlt month from AlrCal. headqu&11ered In Newport Beach, after 1ervlng 14 years u pre1Jdent. The holdina company for the bank recently completed sale ot 1 la founding stock with "substantial" over subscnption and is nearing a 1983 opening. Jacoby said. The bank 1S on Plaza Drive near Sunflower Avenue and Bristol Street CLIFFORD adjacent to South Coast Village GM recalls calendars DETROIT (AP) -General Motors Corp. has recalled thousands of cars and trucks over the yean but their latest may be a first -asking that 3,000 198j calendars be returned because of a problem wtth some of the pictures. The automaker's Pontiac Motor Division printed the calendars earlier this month to promote its motor sports act1v1ties, company spokesman Bruce MacDonald said today But he said after 3 000 were mailed, officials found they had not 'received authorizing releases from all the race car teams whose cars were featured. "Dealmg with a motor sports group, you've got not only drivers but owners and sponsors to deal with," MacDonald said. "You need to get approval from all of them " Fuji to California TOKYO (AP) -FuJi &nk Ltd .. the world's 13th-largest bank, says it will establish a subsidiary in California to expand its international financial services. Bank officials said Tueeday the subsidiary, Fuji Bank lntemauonal Inc., will Qpen in San Franclaco on Jan. 4. The new company, wlth initial capital of $5 million, will conduct international finandal Rrvices including foreign exchange tranaactlons and trade financing STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT WHAT STOCKS DID NEW YORIC !AP) 0.C n T~ .,.. )7J l'U .. ) NEW YORK IAPI DK 1t METALS SILVER ~. 'iI1 * Uf ao ,. • ~dv •nd Herm•n. t 11 .21 o•r troy GOLD QUOTATIONS SYMBOLS JO Ind 1 ... JI I07' 07 IOU .0 10111 SJ, 2S • JO Tm ..eaz o•,. 4ttOO •»••• ._ .. IS VII 111" llt •• 111 .. 11'0St 1 C111 ~ Stk 41119 U 411.n 40t .. 41' :t1 + I .SI llOCM , ...... ,,., ......... UIW• 1., .... u ~ •,6".JllO AMERICAN LEADERS UPS AND DOWNS .... 1~ '" " NEW YORK (AP) -The lol-"'8 1111 -.,. IWw YOf"k Sloe• Eoc,_ '1001 -......... 1. ""'' ....... -.. '"' ,.,., - -... ,,_, b9M ... P9•Unt of <~ re99rct1H• of _._ '°' ,_,. IOo -ur•llff tr8'flno below D .. ll'IO ---pen:.n{_ ............ tl'e Cllff-.nt• .. ,_ I .. -·-CloWflO P'1Ce -T~a.r,:- -I.Ml OWi 1 -C>wm 11\oo + J\o 1 ~ '"" 1J • , .. J .,_" 1~ •... 4 l<AlvAI Slpf to • !''°' j -.. _,, ·-+ "' • "''"" • 22pl t\4 • ... 1 ...... j'°"' 11~ • "' • eon-"" • n• t C...Ed •11 uo , 10 10 ·~ QI "' • " " ~ 11'-• '" 1J HonSlrn pf u • J~ 11~1 , .... "' " C•1i,KI\ 40 , J~ I! EQWl!TY11 Co t + '- 16 AmSNo• ''"' " 11 Wlllfllre 011 101oo "' II ""' 5119,1111 tO• ... 1' -.-VllO I Jl 9-1'1• to C"Alllllt ••• ''"' 1\olo 11 GeflHoal I U t ... 22 Otl......c. 19'-• '~ DLTV"'Pfl IJ • \lo ?4 COieco INI JJ 1 1 "-U IUlnl Of ll"' t 1 .. DOWNS ltit Che ,~ -"' n" -,,. 2'111 .. 111• -I ' .. 11 "' 1014 -" s~ " 1 -~ t'h .. ll~-: ,, ... 1~-1 "" --. 10 -.. ti'--'" ,."' -"' . _,,,.. •"'--ll .. ::-.. 11'--: r .. tate wine sales sour l1nporl l11crt!a•e 17.4 p rcen11 and II may el wone SAN fl'KANCJSCO (AP) The 9rowth of C.llfornJ• wlrw .. 1. 11 aourlna In th• fK'e of a 17 .4 p•rc nt lricrf.'ue In torel1n Import•. and wln4fllllken .,.. wamln8 that the wore\ i. yet w corn.. "Wu are 1oln8 to 10 thruuMh a real wlnci bath ln th• next few yeart," uld Richard Keehn of Mc.Dowell Vlnel!urdl n ar Hopland and a dlrector- at-larse for the fomia Alaoclatlon of Wlnearape pemtnt "' attain u• percent of the tOftlll' tm~t market ln 1981 -fueltd at.o by th• dropptna v&lue of the French franc. "We ant ln the tnrnchle," Keehn .. Id. "We are cau&}\t In an economic .UCS.. Now. ln automobU• u In wine. forelsn lmporta have taken hold ln thia country" • Growen. The CalUornl• wlne lnduatry had been s:rowlnc at about 7 percent annually But thi. year, the rate of 1rowth probably will be under 1 percent, 1&id San Franc:t.aoo wine conauliant LouJa Gomber1. Computer of the year' For the first time, Time magazine's 'Man of the Year' isn't human -it's a computer. 'The enduring American love affairs with the automobile and the television set are now being transformed into a giddy passion for the personal computer,' Time said. The figures used in the magazine's cover were cast by sculptor George Segal whose work has been exhibited at the Newport Harbor Art Museum. ~ • 1 our Professional · • Florist R.ORST 2915 Red Hill Avenue outh Coast DesiQn Center A-108 Costa Mesa! In Stone Mill 64 1-081O1 "'" noua llUH•M ITAnmNT °" WTTMD9'AWAL MAim ITATDmNT PROM .. Aln'Nmtll• ONRAT9t0 The lolowlng .,.,_,. .,. doing ..,.,.._ AC I 1 l'IOU8 ~-llU8M ..... J AC CO MPAN V, 924 The following per1on Ilea C0tonedo Or .. Colla MN•. CA withdrawn " • gene,.I partner 92t2$. operetlng 1.1nder Ille flclltlo1.11 Al A. Serreno, 924 COfonllClo b1.11lneu n1me of THE NAIL Or., Coet• ..._, CA 92e2e. AFFAIR, 11 4100 Biren St .. Ste. 108, Cher ... F. T-ler, 1541 ·o· Mewpoft 8-;h, CA 92te0 AO.me Ave., Colle M•••· CA Tiie flctlt101.11 b1.11lnen neme 92t2t. etatement for Ille pettnenhip -TlW ~ It conducted by e flled on Mereh 3, IM2 In the County gelW8I ~. of Orenoe. N. A. a.rr-"'-" N~ end Ad«-Of ,,,. Tiiie .....-nent -Iliad wtth Iha Pe,.on Withdrawing: Jamee ~ Clertl al Ofengie ~on Morton. 221 11th St .. H...mlngton ~. fO, 1H2. 8-:h. CA t2e48 ,..._ Jeni. Morton Publlalled Oreno• Coaet Oally '1Mm Piiot, Ceo. 11, 22, 211, 11N12, Jen. 5, P1.1bll111ed Q,.nge Cout Oelly 1983 Plot. Dec. 15, 22. 29, 1912, Jen.5. $422-12 19113 ACTIYIOU8 WU 11Am n ATDmNT ACllTICMl9 ...,._ .. fhe fOIOwtng pereon9 -doing Nam 8TATamNT ~ .. : The fOllOwtng l*90nl ... dOlng REPLICAST, INC .. (CA). lte bl.llinM9 "· Prodl.lctlon P*». Mewpoft Beach. (A) MR PLUMBER.JB) MR CA 92ee3 PLUMBING, CCI MR PLU BING & ..._...... ,.~~,..-.. ..._ 10111 HEATING, 1570 Newport Blvd .• """"' "'",. ....,_ ..,_, ,._ • ..__. CA 9"'"27 ~ om.., Huntington 8-:tl CA ...,.,a -. .. v 92t4e ' Dlvld F LHCll 18 t I CoH1 A1.11lln ThOmHon. 1752 N Hwy., •211 Leg1.1ne Beecll. C A Undenhol2. Or"'O' CA t2M6 II~ 1 THIS BUSINESS IS COHOUCTED Debw• A l.Mctl, M11 Coas1 BV A GENERAL PARTNERSHIP. Hwy •211, Lag1.1n1 BHch. CA Robin c . ...., 112$51 Thia etetement -Ned w1111 the Thll ~ It oonduc1ed by In County CWtl at Orange County on lnOMdual Dec. 3. 1912. Oevld F l..ch ,_ Thltl .,.,_.., WU flled wfth tlle P1.1blltl\ed Orenge COHI Oelly County Clettt of Orange County on Plot. Dec I. 15. 22. 29. 1912 Dec 3, 1912 .._ P1.1blltl\ed Or1nge Coul Oelly P!M)t, Dec I . IS. 22. 29. 1982 S2M-i~ 52M-a2 PICTlhOU8 Ml I IM NAmlTA~ The lolowlno per90N -doing ~-F18E1"l:c+t. 7 411 Sleter Ave , Hunl1ngton Beec:tl, CA 92Me. .Joe Del Alo, 3700 c..n-t °' . Q$1o, CA 11110. Alcllerct Del Rio, 1t33 E. W•lllngton 81 .. Senta Ane. CA 12101. .. ~ .. conclUcied by • ....,...,nenNp. Ncllerd Oel Alo ,,. Ntement -Med wttll "" CoUntv Cieri! of Ofanoe County on "°'· fr. 11e2. P1ID1I Publl•lled Orange Coeet Oally Hot. Dec. 15, 22. 211, 1N2, Jen. 5, 1M3 PICTmOUeWU ACnnouaWU NMm!ITATDmMT The lolowlno .,.,._., -ddng .,.,..,__ (A) VALLEY HI APARTMENTS: (8)~HJOll. 11120PecMc Co.I Hlghwey, Hutltlngton 8-:f\, CA~ • Lawr1nce O Scllley, 1192 Harbor Key Circle, H1.1nt1ngton l!leecfl, CA t2M4I Glenn L. Geullut, 7222 Seewortlly Drive, H1.1ntlng•?n BMctt. CA 92641. L-.noe o. 8dlley General P-1Mr Thie lltlltement -flled with tNt County CWtc of OrMge Coun1y on Dec 10, 1tl2 .....,. Publtelled Orenge Cout Delly Piiot. o.c. 15, 22. 29, 1$12, Jen. 5, 1"3. MAim STA,.._.,. 5487_.2 TN followlng penone er• doing ·~---------~ -·-THI! CA l.ERING KITCHEN. 1 ___ NIJC _____ MO_TICE ____ _ 21M 8trombofl Ad .. Co.ta MMe, ACTinOUe a 11•aa CA tH21. ..,._ ITAT'llmJrY Cl11dy Retollle, 1150 Capri The foflowlng petlOft I• dOlng one.. Coete ..._ CA ll2e28 ~es: Cotta Olene Hibert, 2151 Strombol, CAAOl SOUTH AaaOCtATE.S, c.~~1 AlbettOM, 240 ~Center Cr., •200, °t~~ec1 ..... ""T:'ro1 Je::=11. 11~ VJ ,....., IMM, CA 92714 pert'*9hlp. TNI ..,..,_ It ooncluCted by .,, • DNwwl ..,.,, lndMdUlll. lt.-...rrt -flled "'"" the Cerol .,..,, South cwitY Cterk Of Orange County on TNe ICaterNnt ... Ned with ;:;-,.1 ~ I, 1"2, ,_, Cowlty an ot Or*'O' County ~ Pu~ OrMQe COHI Delly Dec. fl. t"2. ,,_ ,..._Dao. I. 15, 21, 29, 1N2 PvblleMd Orenge Coat Delly 5211.-12 Noe, Dao. 22. 2t. fM2. Jen.'· 12, -----------~ 11183 UP TO 75% COMMISSION DISCOUNTS PLUS CONVENIENCE America's leading bank and America's leadint discount brokerage firm, Charles Schwa & Co., Inc. have joined forces to bring you a new stock transactmn service. Now you can buy or sell securities at a discount at the Schwab Stock Brokerage Services Counter, inside selected branches of Bank of America. You'll not only !k!Ve ~to 75%on com- missions, you'll get add convenience in the bargain. Because once you nrin your Schwab Acoount you can handle a l of your securities transactions right where you do your banking. PINO our HOW EASY rr JS TO BUY AND S£LL SE.CURmES Visit the Schwab Counter at selected bronches and we'll demonstrate how to use the quote machine that gives up-to· the-minute quote.~. You can check ~rices on your own securities. Or get the atcst quote on any traded item. Even on btisk trading days. Al90, if your safe deposit box ts located at a branch with a counter, then "It'• 1oln1 to be the 1urvlval of the mOlt liquid." The 17 .4 percent rile ln forel&n import.a during the fint nine monthl of 1982 wu coupled with a mere .1 percent lncreue In 1hlpmenta of Callfomia winel to all market.a. Italian vintnera have captured 60 percent of the Imported wine market, reflecting a 1981 Import lncreue of 8.4 percent and leading the aggreeaive Eurowlne aasault that has capitallied on the decllnin& value of the Italian lira. French Import.I, meanwhile, gained 20.l $100,000 WRITE-OFF NOW $500 DOWN ~td by C~ehensht lqll Opiion W>stantlal Profit Po1entlal Wed., Dec. 29 Tut. & Ttu. 2 p.m., 5:30 P.·m. & I p.m. Dec. 21 & 30 hint Host em Wesltfn Mot~ 7:15.l.m. Oyu Rd I Npt r wy 12600 &ool/lu11t. No I 04 °''"Ct Room Caldtn Cto'9 Dore' Development Corp. (714) 638-9111 you may safely movc the certificates hou're ~ellmg from your box tO the Sc wab Securities Deposit Box. 1n addiuon, with your Schwab Account not only can you buy and sell secu nues while you bank, but you'll have acce~ to Schwab Account Executives by a toll-free 800 telephone number. You can place orders or get quotes 24 hours each Jay, 7 days a week, including most holidays. nfE CONVENIENCE OP AUTOMATIC SETTLEMENT lndu1try expert• warned that a more •areealve 1tand ln the market may be necftMI'}' to compete. "We are havi.ni a cut-throat price war right now at the 'Jui' seneric wine level," aaJd Georae Vare, a wlne lnduatry oonaultant. Vare u.id that Itallana began a careful 1tudy of the U.S . wine market about 10 yean ago and the French followed a few years later. ·--! J) \I I 11 I ' ' UGE SALE On leotard!, & Swim wear 1012 Mt080 D1UW. 8UfTR 101, CO.TA •aA - . (714) 145-3359 Between 17th & 18th St. off of Whittler Blvd. MON.-FRI. -1D-4 . \ Schwab & Co .. Inc., toll free at !800) 648-SJ(X) ext. S4. Find out how to buy and sell securities more conveniently. Schwab Brokerage Services Counters arc located at the following Bank of America branches: Newport Beach 3444 Via Lido Newport Center 500 Newport Center Drive Laguna Hills 24061 Calle de la Plata With a Schwab Account and a Bank of ------------------------America chtcldng account, you'll enjoy the Please send me more mlormatton on Stock Brokerage extra oonV\:nicncc of Automatic Settlement. Sc;rv1ccs We'll debit or credit your Bank of America Name Account for securities mmsnctions. And Addr® we'll even deposit s tock dividends. Automatici.ally. Chy Statc __ Zlp Phone I I This eliminates the bother of waittna for check m the m4il or having w sen Cutrcm Banlc of America cuMomer 0 checks in time w pay (or purchases. What's Mail to more, every transaetton is conveniently Chari Sc.hw1b &. Co., Inc recorded on your monthly Timesavcr One Stcond Stl"CC\ Statement, Sa{) Fr•nclto01 CA 51-11~ IANOC Come into one of the Bank of America BANK ON THE LEADER< .. branches listed here. Or call Charles ---• -~~~-~~-~----~-~~-~~-~-- • ' Guitarist takes jazz beyond traditional confines By PETER S. HA WES A-iet.ct ...... Writ., NORTHAMPTON. M 1u111 Pat Metheny ahook QaCk hUI shaggy hatr, 88 h.IS fingers spidert'd along the neck or a strtngless guitar The undulattng melody he produced rode above the hollow, plodding acoustic bus, itll player lnvisible on a darkene<i stage Two spoUighta conve rged on Metheny, hlS lips pressed in concentration as he sat and carefully placed the ups of h1:. fingers onto small strips of metal that glowed on the instrument's neck. "This strange-looking thing is a d1g1tal guitar," Metheny told the audience, whose 1n1t1al murmurings evaporated as tones sounding more like a vibraphone than a guitar filled Green Hall at Smith College. •• •,4 ~R MRO\ 0 ,\ ,\A.ll•p I v~~ ~. A' N ' ~o ANY ~ f'd,,,.Jrd\ lllll<tTOl Cll ... N A mlll.ll--·-s.-1 ... "Three chttn for K1u Me Goodbye .. · Linde Crou LA Ti=H "It's uuerly charming In leg111mately funny." N-1 C.blec PBS "It's kind of a weird thing," hl' said of h111 instrument, a t.'Omputer-ba»ed gu1lar with metal t.ouch-plates and plucking bani lnstt>ad of frt•IM anJ slrin~s. "Some nlghta It eounds better thun others. but I m feellnR kind of bruvl' tonlj(ht " The gu1uir is the latest experiment 1n the career of Metheny, a musician known for carrying Jazz. beyond its tradluonal confines by {u1ung melodies drawn from jau, rock 'n' roll and Third World music lnto acoustic, electric and el~tronil' textures. It was built by Oncor Sound or Salt Lake City, and was adapted for use with a d1g1tal synthesizer by New England D1g1lal Corp of Whitf' River Juncuon. Vt. Cal Gold, an electru:al designer Jl New England Digital, modified the instrument to wr1.0t'Cl H._ ... Y .. rs. Yeur plane er ""ne1 PG :: " ----•OW PLAYl•G---- UIA II IOllO OllAllCll ~ y " .. I'• J' ~· •• '"·" C:OSTA •IU IH llll WUIMIMUI~ ....,.. ,._.. ·-· " " e,,.. .. ~ •• . .. • ... ' • COllA MIU OAUCI I • "• '• .. •> J<. .. o ·~·· C••·•D•c•• ... , ... •Otllltlli' t\.'Jc;ll it to th1· 1·11m put1•r111•d syn th1·111u•r <·ullt•d u Syndavlt-1 "Thl· frets tht·1T1.11t.•lvt•s urf' t•h .. ·trh'11lly lnsulatt-d and thl' spuu~s lll'tween t h t-frf'ls an• tout:h ~ruuuve, rn{ldut.'l1v1· mt·tul buni," t•xplamocl Gold ''To simulatJ thl' plucking of 11tr1ngi., there arc !flX short strum bara which do not vabru w The guitar will spat out a d1g1t1.1l number that tell:. tht• {'Otnpuler wha.:h fret 1s !wing ployKI ln effoc:t. the synthesizer 11> M:"t·1ng a very long •>rw i.trang guitar " University of M1am1, In Florida, when he met vibraphonist Gury Burton at the W1ch1ta Jani Fesllvul In 1973 I He asked Burt.on 1f he could al t In I The Pat Metheny Group waa formed ln 1977, rnarkmg the young gultarl8t's departure from the. quint.et and Burton 's mu.elcal influence. I Burton, who at 39 says harbors "a paternal, Metheny, d 28-year-old native of L ee's Summit, Mo , entered the world's .)llZZ. elH.e in an ur1orthodox way He has been teaching guuar at the instinct" for Metheny, hasn't heard the gultariatl perform m more than three years : "I'm not much for electroruc music," Bw1on' says "If at sounds good, I can't fault It, but I oft.en! hnd 1t laclung m personal t.ouch " ' PROJECTIONISTS LOCKED OUT!! UNITED ARTISTS THEATRES UNFAIR!! We •re locked out because we refused to lose up to 75 % ol our 1obs, double the work load of those remaining and allow our expertise to be utilized to enable underpaid, Inexperienced kids to handle the highly complex equipment in the projection rooms of the United Artists Theatres. Man•gement errogently and unll•terallv demanded that each projectionist employee service as many as eleven screens 1n complexes as much as twenty mllH •partll We believe lhls to be unfair to the 50-75% of the projectionists that would have lost their jobs under those conditions. and unfair to the movie patrons who are paying top price for their tickets, with the chance of seeing •ub-etandard projection of the features they paid to see. We were willing to negotiate. but the Company dk:tetortally and arrogantly LOCKED US OUT. YOU CAN HELP! PleaH don't go into eny United Artl•t• Theatre anywhere. Your written letters of support will be appre- ciated by us They should be addressed to the Southern Association of IATSE District Two Locals. 630 Garey Street Huntington Beach California 92648 We will forward to the proper party at United Artists. THANKS FOR YOUR HELPI! Southern Auocletlon of IATSE Dl1trlct Two Locale, Welt9f H. Blenchard, Secy-Tr .... MOTION PICTURE MACHINE OPERATilRS LOCAL 504 • AFL -CIO • SANTA ANA. CALIFOHIA ednds SAODLEIAtl PLW T ~~c:u rAo 581 -5880 -·ti UT/81.M.41111,•ll AT~Toet I ! UCLUIMI INOAGl.•NT ,_I TMCK DOlaY ..,. l(INQIUY Al "GANDHI" <..a1 DMl.Y 12:00, .. l:OO • IA .. GAIN MATIN-• . ..._ ............ ., All ,...,lf'IMff Mf.,. I OI "9 , ............................. , . . . . ~· . LA MlllAOA WAii• t N UMlllMll ld'#•tl Ww«itlllqt llw•• l4iillll CM\t tTI 4141 C-UI ot~\ 414 "14 IJU)U ... , ....... ... .. ~ .... 111'9 ~ IUIJ .... Clt llACM (dwlllft HtiftllflttOft CllltMa 141 0) .. ..... tttl ...... '"' ..... tt .11 ---NOW PLAYING---(•_ ...... .,,. •• ,, •• , .. , ............ !1.) .... ~, .......... ..... -........ \HUit '"" ... : 111111111:11 - -..... ACAO!MY Ml!Mll"8: '°*" oard wlll ldmlt you ---=---..-.....:...,.._ _ _._...21.1&JL.1UJ1~ ~t\0 f 6~80 _ TMITOY"' ....................... , ....... -""'' ""• , •• '"1 •HltU r.!.-: ~r." .. "I: .. I,_ 1nd 1 QUHI to any perf0tmlno9 Monday lhN ThurMS1y. GANDHI !PGJ •c.Mll_ , .. __ "'-'""••S-• , .. , ... wwn ... n• , ....... -..... -~ .... ~­Dt1t• ~ alt U&1 , .. ,,., ... "" "UPROARIOUS ... Most of th~ routines a~ huge fun and a 1..oupl~ approach greamess.• \ 1rum l 1nl>v NE\l Y~ 'lflJ. TIM.ES .... B ._ WIMIWIUG8 _._ ____ ._....., ~11179~ loll iMI ~MI03N C9STA-~ ~ Mt0$t4 ..... '-1>• lHl [llO ___ ... -~!!ii!J Another World, Another Tune ... In the Age of Wonder. TOWN CENTER IN 70MM 6 TRACK DOLBY §!ii I a-o....•-. ......... _ ......... ~ ~ c-......... , ... , •• ~ MOTICa 0# TRUeTD'9 UL.I T.a. .... tr.a NCmCS YOU AM • DIPAUl T UNDBl A DllD OP T"UIT, DATID laPTa-~M1. UNllH YOU TMI TO MOTICT YOU" .... o ..... n . IT MAY .. ~=~~~~~~=~~~~~~~~:!!!!!!~=d...JIOLD AT A llUalC UU. •YOU ...., M UkANAnoM Oii TMI MATURI OI' T ... NOCllDtNQ AQAINIT YOU, YOU IHOULD ACTinOUI ._.. FtCTITIOUS .,_.. CONTACT A LAWft"- ET THL EXTHA • I. 1FRRESTRIAL mJJ A1~.ft5.,,lH~ (l'O) l'lua l'trat 11000 C"l l8ll 'l'Ootsl8 l'lu• $.0.L l"l H * Driv•ln• C?~n 8:45 W~nlghtl I 8:30 Wook•nda * Chitaren Under12 fret Uni Noted G'~~~~~J I Cczlczbratcz With U1 at UTSAVA @, ~ ~ °Cabaret ... ~ • • 0 .. ~ Theatre ~~- NEW YEARS EVE • DEC 31 8 PM 1•9*8*3 WINING· DINING· DANCING l course d inner with fulJ table service and wine live Musical Entertainment Benefit Performance given by SW PREM SARVESH {GEORGES SCHLICK) • ttiCD Q{"<>eotf'l(J ~ ' JI ' : .., "ty "~" ,. ,,, \I,. '1 "w• 9 II r .... ,.. I ">Q'J , • .Jt""3Mt• 0110 fcotutlng ... JWAml HUODAO (Chuck1tcr) juggllng torchu and mochctc1 on hl1 unlcvclc Advanced registration requested (71') 497-4877 sgs CHILDREN'S SHOW with Sw Pnm S.rvesh Saturday Aftcmoon at J:OO pm S.. children SS ti yean and over ._ THI YllDtCT 1111 41 Mii. 1111 11 ......... t1at.~., .. IMt UIM1•H .... Ml .. H II• LAKEWOOD C ENTER WA Li< IN '•cu1ty ot CollOl••OOd 21S/IJl·•llO TOOTltlfNt TMI VUINCT1_, ,,,. ...... •·at•....... ., .... --· .... 0 •fl•, .... .M\n.tnf N ITILL Of TMI Ht0HT !NI •t .. 'ii':.i aeu;'IJ'... ••• ... ••• ••• ...... lAl<fWOOD C ENTER SOUTH w •111 tH ll~WllKl lNI 1w.o l iho •••• '*• 1.,1• Kiii Ml OOOOIYllN I 1.-... ,. ....... u., ... ....... a.-~··-,.. ........... )11 .. IMNATAllT llOTICI! Clllllllll UMlll 1Z HUI _.. ................ _...., .... -,. --·-•CM __ tl_ ... .... c.-_. ____ __ --•*-L1•&1.mafll _____ _ ........ ,..,.. ANAHEIM OQIVf IN ,_,1 .. .._ .. IJ9offl0 IUll Ml 00009'11'"' FOil ard*ftl-. C.."IOUllD !i .......... . BUENA PARK c,~ .1 ,,. llllC----~ 12M010 a I"• /6 • • it. t LINCOLN OQIVl IN ~-A .. W ..... _ 121--4070 I t•'. •,. FOUNTAIN VALLEY ORIVf IN 1111 .......... ... ~Ill C..·1'1- ' ..... LA HABRA ~·il ·•t r. --·--·--1n-... 2 ..... ·' TMI VllDtCT ti) -DCATM HUNT 11) ~"'- nWWIC.. -mu ' mt TaCmO AUii• 4'HU •• ... IHAUY'I MACMIHI It! TMI DAaJl CIYllALCN I -... , ,,., ~ .. -_ ....... J e.-·-"'-.... ,.., ORANGE ORIVI IN __ 1..., •-c-6M-tM1 ""' . . '• MISSION Ol>•VI IN - 41MU.Cll PUN IHMKT'I MACHINI 111 IOCKT Ill INI CLAIM Of TMI mAHtlN l . ... ... .. " .. WARNER O l1 1Vf IN NAm STATDmMT NAm STAT'lmNT On Januory 12, 1883, et II 15 T~ followlng ~non I• doing The following ~raon la doing e.m .. AMERICAN SECURITIES • LJ bu"'-M : buW-M COMPANY oe duly eppolnt•d < hur.h "' Rrhl(t"'" ~trnu tsava lt.t11•t, •h \lt<lt1;11"0 <, "'' r KC'1 CHARTERS, 233 19th 81 , DEDICATED COMWARE, 6431 TrullM und•r and pur•uent lo lOOhl u11un; <..anu~ 1W l~utu lk·M.h t ;hft>rm• •ll/t'\I Nowpor1 Boec:h, CA •2ee3. Brown Cltct., Huntington S.Kh o.d of Truot ~ Sept. 24, -..... W•tf., _ .. -K-*hD Clotlc,233191hS1 , CA 112647 · 111111. • rn.t. No. $11111. In bOOll n._~'""l~~'""l~~"l~~"l~t:i?t.11\ M7·H91 Nowpor1 a..cn. CA •2e83 Tlbe rlu Voll, 643 1 Brown 14232, pee-92. ol Oflldel Aocoroa L-~l.~~~"(;'~.J.)~>-= ~==-==-·~...::;~..).)~>-= ~:::::=-·~"'(;'~.).)~> ~=~==-= ·~"'(;'~.).)~>-= ~::==-~ ·•~"(;'~.J.)~C~j:__~_Jb~~giiii;g~(l!g~~g~~g~~~~~~ Thia~ lo~ by.,.. Circle Hunlln11ton B•ech. CA In trlO oftlco of IN~ AecorOor lnOMduel. ' 112647 of Orang• Counly. 81•1• of K....ih D Clortc Thi• -la conducled by.,, Celltorni.. ~ by EDWARD Thie ai.t-1 -Ill.cl wl1h 1ho lndMduol M. MOAAl3SEY end JACKALEEN ~ a.. of OranQO County on Tlbotlu v.ie M. MOfUUSSEY. IUb9nd sld wlll. Doc 10. 19'2 This lle1-1 WM lllod wtlll ,,,. Will 8EU. AT PU8UC AUCTION ,..._ Counly Clof'lo o4 Or~ Coun1y on TO HIGHEST 8100VI FOA CA.SH Publl•h.c:I Orong• CoHt Dell)' Nov II 19'2 ~ •t time ol NM In lewtul Piiot, Doc 15, 22. 8 . 1982. JWI 6. ,...,. moMr of 1flo United 8totM) Ill ltlo 111113 Pub1t1h•d Orengo CoHt Delly ltont ontrerio. to 1M old Orwio- M 71·82 Piiot Dec; II. ,5. 22. 211. 111112 County CourthOUM, locotod on 5400-82 Senta Ana llvd., b•lw•on -----------S)'camof• 81 & 8roedw8)', Sonte l'lllJC 'l)TICE Atwi.. CA. a1 rtg11t, tmo ond rm.r... -----------con'tl9)'0d to ond now "-Id by 11 ACTTT'tOU8 .,..... nc:nTIOUe-U under Mid Oood of Trull In IM NAa. 8TATaMEff N.AM1 8TATDmWT prop9rty tltuetod In Mid County Tl.,. fOllQwlng ~ .... doing TM f~ ~ -doing end SW. "-"1bod M ' bU~LA..,,ARI< PARTNERS I, 8115 ~ r~ V E T E R I N A R Y ~ ~r: :'8~ "::a.or~ Town Cent« O.lve. 11th FloOr. COtltt HOSPITAi.. 1848 EHi Lincoln In Book 12t, PegH 37 lo 44 M-, CA lt2826. A,,_ An-'Mim C4lllforn4a 112805 lnclutlV9 of Mltoelfa'*>ll• Map1, Cobi N K•ll•r. 11115 Town Euo•n• T Moti. 1e18 El~ ,_de of Mid 0r_,. Coun1y. ~CA ~2:2e 81h Floor· Coet• SUMI, Aneholm. Celllomle lt2I06. Th• etrMt tddroH end oth•r Rodn•y M . Bru• 11115 Town 8t•v•n R. Mot1, 22 TQ9ek•, obmmon dMigMllOI\. If any, °' tho Cent•r Drlv•, lltt't Floor, Co11e 1~~ ~~ :2~tod .... • rNI Pfoe>ortY d-1bod ebov• I• .,._, CA 112929 '·--~ v, putpor1ed to be: 11188 ONo "'-· Tille 1 _. ~:'tlo conducted by t ~al i:,rt_ T. i.~. eo.ta U.., CA lt292t. _ ....._-...... Tll• undot1ltn•d Truet•• ""'1 por1MI" Thlt tttt-1 -ftled wl1l't tho dlt0leln11 any lfeblllty for any TNo st~i ..:::'rited wtth tho County C*ll ol 0r8ngtt County on lncorr9ct-ol tho etr..t oddr- Coun1)' Clerlt o1 0r.ngo Counly on =. 2:,· ~:!;..,...., Md OIMr oommon ~. " Coo .... 1M2 eny, "'°'"' .... c.7"M: K.._ Att.Mf lald H I• wlll b• med•. bul A...._, .. Law D,__ri•nl "-' without covonent or w1rren1y, ~a-I _. CMI C...-Dr. W., Mo. tOl1 ..-°' lmC*d, ~ W.. • ,_ c...-Dr. ....., AM. CA.,., pa 1 r rrlon, °' tnelllflltlfetlOlt, 10 ...... ..... 714.,..... r-11tlo ~ pmdpol """ of CoMt-., CA... ,._,, IN NllillCI) --:r Mid 0... °' 714 _.,.. Put>llahod Oren~ Cout Delly TN•t, with lntotH thoroon. •• ,..,. Piiot. Doc. 2t, 1M2, •. 5, 11, ,.. ptcwlded "' Mid noMC•I. ~ Publlehod Or::J.o Coett Dally 1183 11 lf!Y, Ullder IN tenM ol Mid Deed -...... ..._ -· 1 JM 8 12 111 547~ Of Tr11et, t•••· Oh•fOOI end ,.....,., ._, ""' ' ' ' ' -----------.,,._. of 1M T,,,.... Md ot the lM3 5e1442 P\IUC MJTJC( ltllttt CfH10d by H id OMd of --"iicmmcMiiiiiiiiiiiii--Trwc. -----------P'KITmoulMIH•M The'°'* M1011r1C of ti.~ P\llJC NOTICE NMa STA,_,-tlM'lm of t11o oti41gatl0fl ...,,_, ACTmOUe -.aa Tho kllcMlnCI portOM -Oolflo by the property lo be IOl4 eind um STA.-.n ~ .. ~lVANI .... o,! .. TY =~ ~--= .::~ ~ICI perttON -~ MANAOEM!NT COM,AHY, 24221 of lh• l"ltlal publlCIUOlt of th• IVOOIT P"INTING CEHTl.. Call• d• I• ~~Sult• IOI, No4lo9 of ...... ttO.nt ... . ev••Nlll ,ORMI; Pll>DlP ~ .. ~ ~ Inc. • Ttle ~.,,., ... °"" OUtlNlll ,OftMI 1 UO t CellforrWt CotJofltlOn 24H1 ce... of TMt ~· ~ tncl wntflllnotor Avon~ tultH N, Cit le LO\Htl, lulte ;a., L.9gvna ==~'::,. ll~d=Od~ Gercr.,::-H~lrtloy, HOH H~CA~ It oonUucted by a Dell\Mdofl~,.:r.:.o.~~ 80ll4IWd Cltdl. HulltlnftOl'I 9wlll, -pot•t!On. ::-The ~1111 .... Mid CA ......... I fl IVIM NOtloo of Oef8ulf" Ind in.ot1on to Vitti• a. Hartr•y. teou ~inc, ,.. '° 119 ,_,,... 111 .,. f/Oltl'ltj IOMlrd Clrde. """""910fl IMdl. "· .... fVeN .... ~ ........ CAr:--""91Mu 19 OOftdUCtod by Thie .::;:::::' .. -.., with ttw 0.-1, Mt. lrldMdt• (~ 6 ..._ COllflty 01ett1 of er.,.. County on ~ llCUM'U • Vll'llli e. ...._. o... n ,... .... . ,,.,_ H, ...,_ .... A.~ ... o .... ~ ™" ...,. ............ -....... ..... .....--. c IM02 ~ c Of Of ... ~ °" ..._ ,_ T .. : ('107) M H to lat. ~ .,_ a....--.CA-,_... --~--, ,........_ Of .... 0.... Dlll.r ,.,.....,... Oflfttt C041tt DellY ..._ "°'" 0-. "· ... ""'" ..... "· = a. It. Ml. Jen •• .a. 1f, ~::-r •. -~ ,.. o.lly tMI ..,,.... M11.-• ...... , ' + -fft-ftC 2 e• • MUC *>TICE Nl.IC *>TIC( llam4 FICTITIOUa .,._ .. ~STATDmWT TM follow4ng 1>«90N -doing ~ .. PETERSON ANO COMPANY, 3090 Puirn.n StrMI Coo11 Mole, Colffornll 112628 L E. Pot.._ end ComPl!"Y. 3090 Pultntn StrMI. Coote Mole, CA 112428, a Cllltomle Coo>or•llon Thia but!MM II c:ondue10d by I c::ot1M)r eoon L E. Petonon end Company Lewreno. E Pot«llOtl PrMldenl Thia llat-1 WU Iii.cl With IN Covnly C..,11 of O.tng41 County on Doc. 23, 111112 l'20UIO Publl1hod Oreno• Cont Dolly PllOt. Doc 211. 11182". Jon 5. 12, 111. 11183 P\llUC NOTICE NtUC NOTICE ncnnoua .,..... l'lCTmOU• ......... ACTmOU'I ~ Na. STAT'DmN'T N"* ITAn.N'T NAm 8TATDRWT Ti... 10110W1nQ por10n1 -dOlnQ n... IOllowlnQ ~ -doing Th• following ~eon •• dol"9 bull-.. ~.. bu...,.. .. TAMARESE, 17701 Van Bur-.n UNIVERSITY ASSOCIATES. 01.0BAI. PLASTICS SERVIOE., St. Unll A. Huntlng1on Boed\, CA 21202 i<roll L•n•. Hunllng1on 11 Codarglon. !MM, CA 927'4. 112647 8"c;h, CA 112647 J <lr•1101y Sllorlcll, 11 TMr ... Marlo Sulmo. 17701 Ja,,_ O Homan, •3 V'-nto, c.ctarglon. 1,w.,.. CA 112714 Van Buron St , unit A. Huntington ln.iM, CA 112714 TIW buel.-19 conouctod by ltfl 8Nc11. CA t264 T John M T'hc>mal. 2 t202 Kroll Individual T•m-Ar>n McCroot<on, t7701 i...r.... Huntington e..ctl J Q~ Sllorlch Von Buron St . Unit A. HUflllngton Ttlll bu"-.. oonouc:ted by • Ttlll •t•l-1 WU ft'9d wllh .,,. a.ocn. CA 11264 7 limited pa1'1norahlo. County Cieri< of 0...,. County Oii Thi• bullnMI 11 condoctod by• J-D Homen Doc 23, 111112 llmltod .,.,-i....,-1111p TN1 atlt-1 wu lllOd with IM P'20l4e2 ThorOM Suim. County Cieri< of Or1nge County on P1<bll1hod Orengo Cou l Delly Tl'll1 1111-1 WU ftled with IM Doc 23. 1982 PllOt, Doc. 211, 111112, Jon S. t2. 1t, County Clortc of OrWlQll Co<inl)' on ,......, 1983 Doc 23. 1982 Publlaho<I Orange CoHt Del~ noMl4 Piiot. Doc 211. 19112. Jon &. 12. 1 , -----------Publllhod Orang• CoH t Otlly t983 PllOI. Doc 29, 111112. Jon S, 12. 10. 11183 65112-112 Pta.IC NOTICE PICTITIOU8 ., ..... NAm aTATWmJfT Tllo lollowl"9 ~reon 11 doing bull1-M. VIA LIDO I.EASING & SALES, »SS Vlo Lido, Sul1• A, Nowpon looctl. CA 92t83 P•l•r 0 P•l.U•••. •2 R110 Orond Ducal. Nowporf 8-fl. CA fleec> Thia ~ • conducted bw en lndMduel P91or0 ~ Thill •••• _. -Mod ..... ttla County CIWti °' Qrenoo c_.,.y on 0oc. n . 1112 ,,_, P11bllthtd Oto• Cooet 0.U.1 PtlcM. 0.c n , IN2, JM. 5, 11., tt, 19'3 .,..., $ " R>.0NOR, Pa. Why do 89 many advorliMn buy COmmerd&l Ume on .. vfoltOt" TV pt'Ulramt~ Tht reaaon, a New York advertlalna execuisve told the Wall S t r O"e t J o u r n a l i a bec:auae; "It '1 the o ne area where people can le1ithnately set thetr blood and aore.'~ 1lld anaw~r won for the unnam ed ad execu11ve a prize in the •econcl annual J. Fred Mugp Award presented by TV Guide magazine in It. Jan. 1 iaue. The awards are given for 11 Th ose other perfqrmances -the gaffe11, bloopers, indlaoretions. daffy quotea and blue-ribbon blunders that make television so unpredictable, so colorful and sometimes so doggcoe exasperating." Ted Turner, the Atlanta TV tycoon and sport-•man, won an awara for his assessment of network crime shows. "1 would say anything that is indecent and violen~ in TV i.s a crime against humanity, and they ahould shoot the head man responsible," Turner told the New York R adio and TV A cadeiny. Hen are some· of the other Muggs Award winners; -The Broken Peace Pipe Award given to the Ame r ican Multi pie Indusa-ies. It "introduced an 'adult' video game callf:d 'Custer's R evenge.' In it Gen. George Armstrong Custer, w earing little mor& than his boots, is seen ducking Indian arrows and pursuing a similarly unclad Indian maiden . Object: not rnatri!nony." -ABC executive Ant~~y Thomopoulos won an award for ~Ing why "Police Sq\aaG" was suspended last tfring. ··1 t required OOl'Jllbiitllt viewing, and I don't think that people can 1lfatch a TV series wi t.b out some distractions," he said. -The All-Heart Award went to the producers of NBC's "Tex:aco Star Theater - On Ofening Night." The ahow failed to include Milt.on Berle, host of the origl!)al Texaco Star Theater in 1948. A Texaco spokesman said: "The Jhow is a salute to musical theater and Berln-talmis are not in that area .•' Guests included Zsa Zsa Gabor, Joe Namath and John Schnc~.der. -A Lake Forest, lli., mo• house won an awa1'l for c harging $4 admitision and offering cuaiof,en a rare choice. If the patrons didn't like the main feature film, they could move to another room to watch tel evision on a big 9Cl'eeT1. -The award for the worst TV -movie of the year went to "'Ille Fall of the Houae of Usher," on NBC. "Actually, the aeta of this cheapie were 80 flimsy it's a wonder they stayed up for two houra. ff IALttlMGHOtC SMrTM a lVf1oal WUTCLW CNANI. 427 E 17th S1 Costa Mesa 6*-9371 I • Fusion power Workers at the Tokamal •'usion Test Reactor a t Princeton University in Plainsboro, N.J . attempt to seat a large metal chamber which will be attached lo the side or the reactor. PanaHJa Canal pacts periled PANAMA CITY, Parµuna (AP)-President Ricardo de la Espriella warns that serious problems threaten the P~ .Canal trea.ties with the United States~ providing a possible focus for anti-Americl)n sentiment in his economically troubled country. The 47-year-old president still believes the 1978 canal treaties were "a great step forward for Panama." but says U .S . congressional action already has violated "the spirit of the accords." "This could turn into a serious problem if it's not resolved ..• a problem for the future," de la Espriella said in an interview with The Associated Prem. De la F.apriella, who had been vice president, took office July 30 when the powerful nation.al guard forced President Aristides Royo tc resign. Since then, few people have questioned that Gen. Ruben Dario Parades. the national guard commander, holds the real power in Panama. The president, who refers to the guard as a "partner in power," said the canal . remains a major point of contention ~th t;he Urut.ed Sta~. But he said Panamaruan disagJ'eement with Reagan administration policy also extends to the problems of Central America, where Panama. along with Costa Ric.a. has remained relatively free of civil strife. Panama faces heavy debt payme nts and decreased revenues from tourism and basic agriculture exports. Instability in the region, de la F.spriella said, has cut back on tourism and international business. "Now, with all the problems in Central America, there is great tranquility here," he said. "But the leftist guard troops are waiting. They have no rallying cry and the United States is providing them with a cause. And I don't understand why. I just don't see the reason for this to persisL .. PlllllC NOTICE i.e, ... , . , .. ;,a;-:"' I f It~ .-1 AH ftTLl M llANCl 0 M,AN't • O.ilfooll• t.ofJHlf•lll.in " flut "J or"-" f11191 .. Of tu11111i11YG f11i1~IM, ot tt111 t.e11a1n C>Hd of fllltl tUOlll•d by MICH/\ll Yt<UOfll lVCIAHO. 111 unma,, .. o l'llln. lllCI 11fOtdt4' Jlllllllt H ltl~ u 11 .. t111tM11I ~ H.clJU22, ol 01110111 ll1cvrelt ol OrtflG• C-ty. Ollifornla, ~ PM'Mlefll lo 11111 011ttln Notice 01 D•l•ull lllefeundat 1-o,d '9c>tlmbet 2. lH~ .. mtt'\llMllt No U ·J 10420. ol Ottlolat AeoorOI of Ml<I County, will under •nd pu,.u•nl to tald Detd Of Truet NII at publlo auctlOn for oath, lowtul money of the Vnltod lt•tH of Am.,lca, • CHhle1'1 OhtOlt pay•bl• lo Hid Tru1IH dt"°"' on • 11111 Of net!Onal b1111k, • tUl1e Or llldtf•I et.Oii union, 0t a ..... 0r llOtflll HYtAQt ind 1oan tNOOiatton domlCllled rn lhi• at•ll. •I the m•ln •ntranco to F'1111 Amotlc:an Tlt141 lnauranco Company locltod •t 114 Eatt Fltlh St1"1. In Ille City ot Santi An•. Cllllornto. 111 that right, 1111• ind lnl11ut conv•yod to •nd now h•ld by It under Hid DMd of Tru1t In th• property 11tu•t•d In Hid County llld Stole doocrlbacl a1: Lot 22 of T1Ht No 9424, .. llhown on • mep 111C0<d0d In booll 422, pagu 41, 42 •nd 43 ol Ml1collanoout M1p1, 1•co1d1 of Orange County, Catuornl•. Excaptlng lherolrom •II oll, oll 1lg1'111. m1ner111. mln11al ttghtt, n•turel g11 dghla, and 01ho1 hydtoovbon• by wtlatlOOller ntame known. goolho1mel llHm ind all p10<1uc11 dOllVed thorolrom . without. howevat. tho rlghl 10 drill, mine, •t0t•. uplor• and ooe111e through the eurtaco Of the upper &OO '"' ol the aubaurfaco ol Hid lend, •• r~ In deed lrom the 1111ln• Comp1ny. • Michigan eotpot•tlon, ,_dod F1bruary 17. 1978 In bOOk 12570. pega 435 of Otllci91 Rocorda. Atao aacopflng th•r•lrom all w•ler rlghll. wht1ther auch w•ter right• lhlll bo rlparlon, Oll9ffylng, •pproprlall¥O, po1col1tlng, Pfeterlptlva or contractual without, hOwe\IOf. the right of entry tor the •K«CIM ot au<:h rlghll, .. r_.,ed In deed 11om tti. tl'Vlne Compeny. 1 Michigan corporotlon. recorded FebrullfY 17. 11178 In book 12570, page 43!> or Oltlel•l Record• N•me and •dd1eaa 0 1 the t>Onellclary •t whoae requ~st the taJo la being cooductod. OOnald l . Bron Compony, 10960 Wll1hl11 Blvd . 21tl Floor, L09 Anga!M, CA 90024, Alln E A Brunkha1dl 011ocuon1 to the above property moy bo oblalned b)' 1oque1t1no aame In writing l1om the beneficiary within 10 d•y• from the flr11 publlcatton of thl• notJoo Said ulo will be m•d• without covon•.nt 0< we11 enly. expr011 or Implied. u lo lltll. ~ or encumbtancN to Mtllty the unpald bal•nc:a due °" the note or nolos MCU<lld by aeld Oeed ot fruat. 10 wit: S120,4111.02. plul the 1o11ow1no 01t1mated coau, 1apon1e1 end !Mlvencee at the time ol 1he lnlllal publlcotloo ot this Nolk:o of S•le $2.117 99 NOTIC• TO ""OPEtTY OWNIEft YOU AM .. OEFAUL T UNOl!ft A DEED OF TfllUaT, DAT•D .IAHUMY 14. tin. UNL.lta YOU TAKI ACTION TO PflOT•CT YOUft f'ftOPl!ftTY, IT MAY H tolD AT A ll'U9L.IC tAlL If' YOU .-.o AN Ul't..ANATIOM M nie NA TUflE OP TH• f'ltOCl•DINQ AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A L.AWYa"- OatOd. Oeclmber 7. 1982. Flf\ST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, 1 California corporetlon ~ L. Lllwril. AuthOfl:ied Ottlolt t t4 East Fifth Strwt SanUI Ml, CA 92702 Tot. 714/568-3211 Publl1hod 011no• Cou1 O•llY Pilot, Coe 16. 22. 29, 1'62 6491-82 l't&JC fl) TIC£ l~ Ml #OfllCll ot t t · IAU ti _... 'lift= a " A•~ .. lllift ..... 11111 HIW ~~·• wu1U'ho 1Ht,tttr•.m11 u f111t1H Y!'.I!.'' Int f1lfolfl''"' M ~ ':'J'..r:i1 ',,. tlult tit o1tlM h11•t• "'' tltt ._, ~ f lt.-t WfU II. ,.._ .. , t i flf ltli•t rO!fn••lf~ II c.t•tlt4 tf...O 0 , tivtt AT l'lllllC: 4UQffOH fU T .. Will I I. Ar ~110 AllOllOH Wiil >Ill 4f l'UlllG All(.flt)N tHOllllf ••OOIA 'o" CAIH TO Hf HtOHH ••Po•" ,OA ... ftll ltlOllllt ll()D(,. '"" Ul•Y•"'-11 tune of •• 1n l•flil OAt.+ tlMl..-ie •I 1'"'9 Of Hie In '" "'on•f ol Ill• U11111l4 •••1••1 111 llWM lftO!.., ., IN United ..... , C.•••• flllY~llll• •• tl'"41 ,, Milt In rlgflt u11e 111'41 tnl<tlHI con~ to .ii lfgt!I. lltllt n ll't.._I tonv~ l1wlul mm ., 111 1119 Unit.cl 1111"1 lltld now llelO •• II \llldet utd OMll to INI """' Mid by II ~ Miid Ill llQl'lt. 11119 tlftd 11\t.MI CQl1¥wyfd ol t1ue1 1n tho l'•lljletly 1'141tOllMlh1ir 0Hd ol Tr1111 •n tll1 property lo •nd f\OW ll•d Illy It """' .. Id o.tlbed lltWlllNlh., o.onb9d o .. o o t t 111t1 111 "" p1op111y TRUIJOA l w "'"' l(INNll. Ill Trve10t• DAU!. PAQUIN lf1CI H. MroTRlnv""aT·o~au'•'~ J NOVICK • 1M1ma1110d man .. to "' 11ndh11d0d JAN• PAQUIN " 011•·11•11 1n 111u1 1nd l ARRY llen•floluy fHl!OOORf f m11rl•d wom•fl uh•• •010 •nd VICTOR ELLS lll!d JANIC( ANNE AAIMUHIN, JR Ind OOllOL.U ~1r1l1 l>fO.,.,ty ILll, hutb1nd •nd wllo H IOfllt M R/\IMUlllN. CO·ltu 101 lll!NEFICIARY KAflf ANDIR8 ltn•nll .. 10 1n undlvl<lod ~hall RMMut8lN I~ WORl<.8. INC . LANDER • morned wom1111 •• hef lnt., .. 1, ••''"'"''In c.omm0<1 MONIV PURCHAIE PEN810N MfllU•I• PIOl>Of!Y llENEftCtAAY VAL YAN TAUIT Aoc0<d9dAptll t4, 10821a1r111r 81AVICCS CORP , 1 Cilllornl• Aec.ord41d &.p1embel 24, 1HO 81 No H -12HN 01 Offtctttl ~otela 111 oorpor•llon 1n1tr NO. 32978 In book 13718, Ill• OlllCO ol th41 l\loo(cl0f 01 Oran~ "OC:OIClllO l"ODtuory 2, 11111 t .. l)llgO 1402 of Otllollll Reoot<ll 111 Ille County, HICI Cl91d or l•utt c1Hi.;llb4tt 1n111 No 171 Ill bOOI. t3934 PIOO office OI th• Rocoldot ol Oranoo t.,,.~g;tno, Pf~il Of fr11e1 NCI 1& 11> ot Ott1<:111 lloc:0<Clt1n 1t1o otllc.o County. jlelCI deed ot 1rue1 doeoribel 01 Ille ~d .. or O••ne• County. tho tollOWlng PfOj)llr'IV' 9864, In lh• Ctty or 1rv1n1. County ot Hid d••d OI l•Ull OHGllb•• th• Loi 7 In T1ac1 No. leo1, Clly or 011ng•. 81110 ot C.HIOlnll ... ~ tollowtng p<operly Ntwpo rt 8ooch. 11 pt1 "''P "\It> rOG0tdo<I In booll 431. P•OO• PuG•I 3. In th• Cny ol lrvlne, roc:ordod In Boolt 121. P•QH 31 ~3 to 25 l(l<?h11lv1, Mtteollaneout County ol Oi•ngo. St110 ot 8lld 38. lo l!lt olfloe o1 tho coun1y MIPI. on 1tl• oltlc• of the county Calllornlo, •• 1hown on a Puc:ol Roc:orcHI ol Hiii County •11eorc:11r ot H ICI county Mop fllod In book 111. pagoa 1210 14 YOU AM .. OIPAUlT ""°'"A EXCEPT THEREFROM all oll, 1nclu1111e ol P11c1I Mapa. In Ille 0 I ID 0 P T "U t T 0 AT• D (I I•· m 1 n" A 1 t a" d O I h • 1 office ol tho county roteorO•• of Mid Al'Ta .... R '.i. 1llO. UNLIU YOU hydrocarbona, tie10w • dopm 01 500 county. TAK I ACTluN TO '"OTIC'I teet. without lh• r1ghl ol 1urtace EXCEPT THEREFROM all Oii. pa. YOUfl P"OPlflTY, IT MAY •I enliy. H •H8rvod In lnlllu"'41nlt ol In mlne<all end olhot llydroc11<boflt. tOL.D AT A PUtlUC tALa. • YOU ltcOr:ARCEL 2 EaHmenta 81 •uch below• do!>"' ol 500 IMI. wllhoul •IO AN •Xft.ANATION Of' THm the right ol turlac1 e ntry, •• NATU"• OP YH• '"oc••DINQ 111-nte a1• llH• particularly HI reMrve<l In lnat1umon11 ol rlCOfd. AQAINST YOU, YOU IHOULD lo1th In the Arllcle 1nlllleCI YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNOER A CONTACT A U.WYOl "Eu1m1nt1 ol lh1 Decl9ral1on ot DEEO OF HWSl DATED JANUARY 1212 Pembrook ~ano, "'-po<t Cov•n•nu. Cond111on1 erO 211, 11181 UNLESS YOU TAKE; Btech. CA AHtrtCllOns rot o1dad on book ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR "(If e etrMI oddtMI or common 11166. page 420. Olllet•I Rocorda. PROPERTY.ITMAYBESOLDAJA dHlgnallon 11 thown aboYo, no •nd any •mendm•n11 and PUBLIC SALE IF YOU NEED AN wafl1nly la given al to Ill aupplem4H111 ti-eto, unde< Socllon EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE complet-or COtroc:tnea•).. heading• In such Atllcle lnlltled •• OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST The benoflclary un<lef Mid ()Md lollowl ' Owner s Rights •nil YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A of Trv1t. by rNIOn ol • b<eec:h Of Dullea Ullllllea and Cable LAWYER dof•ull In the obllOllllono MC:uro<l T111vtalon '. ··s1oey110 EaMment" Tl'leatroel!Mldr0Hol1heabov11a tlloroby, hore1o1or• fl9C:Utod ond ·support ano Seiftement ·. 18012 Cowan. lrvtno. CA No d1llver1d to th• undo11lgn1d • "Encroachment'. and Community "--' f ,.._,. __ .,. F.cllltlet EaMment" w a"• n t y I a (I Ive n at Io I It wrlllon ..,.,..,911Uon o ......,,aun """ YOU ARE IN OEFAUL T UNDER A complelon .. 1 or corroctnaaa Oomend lor Sllle, end written notio. DEED OF TftUST DATED APRIL t, Th• t>enellclary undot &aid OMd of breactl end Of lloctlon to CllUM l"'2 UNUSI YOU TUE ACTION ot Trust. by reaeon ol a breech or tho undo11lgn1d to 1111 Hid TO PROTECT YOUft PAOPIEATY, del•ull In the obllgellona eecu1ed prOperty 10 eatllty ealcl obllg•tlon1. l'11reby. heretofore eaeculld •nd •nd tho10•11er tho undorelgned IT MAY aE SOLO AT A PUBLIC d ---' _....... •--• ...__._ ..... ---' f 8 A L E • I F Y 0 U H E IE D A N dellvoro<I to the undoralgno I cou...,....., no1""'"" .,._., .,.., o EXPLANATION OF THI! NATURE wrlllen Oeci1t1tion ol Oelault •nd llec:tlon to be Rooordod Septombot Demand tor Sole, and wrlllen noltco 14, 1982 u lnelr No 82-323973, of OF THE PROCEEDINO AOAINIT ot biHch an<I ol elecllon to couse lllJd Otf1c1a1 Rooorda. YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A the undortlgned to eelt tald S •ld H I• wlll be m•<le, bul LAWYER. p1openy 10 aellaty 1ald obllgetlona. without covinent or w1trenty. 3 Wlnterbranch. Irvine. Calllornla I di 92rt4 end thereafter the underalgned oxl)feu Ot mpllad, rager no lllle, ''(II a strMt o(ldresa or common cauMd NJd nollCO of !>leach end ol poSMMton, or encumbr•nc.t. 10 e1ec11on 10 btt recorded June 15, p1y the remaining pr1ncipll tum of Oaslgnatlon " shown above, no 1982 aatnetr. No . 82·204179 ot Mid the no1e(1) MCUrod by laid Deed of w1118 n I Y I a (l•ven aa to its OfflClll Hecorda Tru11. with Int-I u In Mid nole completenesa or correc1neis) · S11d 1a11 wlll be m•d•. bul provided, 1dvanc.1, II 1ny, under The beneficiary under saio Deed without covenant or wa,,anly, lhO 1e1ms of uld Deed of Tru1t. 01 Trust. by reason OI 8 bre&eh or express or 1mplle<I, regaidlng tllle, •-. chtlf(ltll and ixpon-ol tho default in lhO obll(l•lton• aecured poueulon. or encumbr1nces. to Tru•t" and o1 the tru11a crNlod b thereby. heretotore executed and P•Y the remaining punc1p11 1um ol Mid Oeld ot Truat. delivered 10 the unde1algned 11 note secured by aald Deed of Trull, Said a•le wlll 08 h•ld on wrillen Oecleratlon ol Oelault and with tnteresl es In aald note Thurldey. Januery 13, 11183 •t 2:00 Oemarid lor Sa141. and written no11c.o ptovldod, advances. II 1ny, unde1 p.m at the Ch1pmen Av1nuo ot b1oach and ol elecllon 10 c1uae the term• ol Hid Deed ol Trust. 1ntranc1 to tho Civic Cento1 Iha undarllgned lo sell aald lees, chaigos and 1xpenMS of lhe Bullcllng, 300 e, Chepmon All'OnUe, property to Httsly said obligations. Trullee •nd ol the 1ru919 created by In th41 City of Or~. CA end theroelter the unoersrgned said Oeoc:! ol Trull Said sale wm 1>41 NOTICE: Al time of Hla bl<la may caused and &aid notoce of breach helO on Wtdneaday, January 19, be m•de In c1ah ondto1 th• ano of •lecllon lo be iecorded 1983 •• 2·00 p.m. a1 1ne Chapm•n c uhlora 01 .certlll•d ehecka Auguat 16, 1982 u Instr No Avenue entrance 10 the C1voc c.ntar apecllled In CIVIi Code Section 82-285395 of saio Olllc111 Recorda Bulldlng. 300 E Chapm1n Avenue, 2(124h Slld ule will be made. bul In the City or Orange. CA At the 11mo of the lnlllal without covenant or warranty. NOTICE AT TIME OF SALE BIOS publlcallon ol lhls notlco, the total exp1eu or Implied. regarding lllle. MAY BE MADE IN CASH ANO/OR 1mount ot lhe unp8id bal1111C41 of lhe po11euio11. or encumbrances. to THE CASHIERS OR CERTIFIED obllg•tlon .. cured by lho above pay tho iemalnlng Pllncipet sum Of CHECKS SPECIFIED IN CIVIL ducrlDod dead of truat Ind lhe note(s) secured by said Deed of CODE SECTION 2924h eallmeted colla, expon1ea, end Trust. with Interest u In Hid not• At the llmo or the 1n11111 ldvancee 11 se&.406.33. p1ovided. •dvances. it eny. under pubttc.llon or this notice, the total To determine the opening bid, lhe t1tm1 ol utd Oeod of Truet. •mount of t11e unpold bll•noe oftl'le you may call (714) 937~. •-. cherge. end expenses of lhe obllgatlon MCUlod by tho •IX>v• ooto· o-nw 16. 1962 · Truatoe •nd of the 1ruat1 c1ealed by 1'01c1lbed de•d of tru•I 1nd NEWPORT aald Died ol Tiutl Htlmotod c:oall. oxponaoa, end HOME LOAN. INC. Sa Id • • 1 • w 111 b • he 1 d on adv•ncot 11 $742,304 66. J o u Mid Tr\lltM, Thurlday, J.nuary 20, 1983 •I 2:00 _,,_,, '" B TD SERVICE P m .. 11 lhe Chopman Avenue OOM•mlne the..,......,_.., bou, you m•v Y • · 1n1renc:o 10 th• Ct vie: Con101 !Oil (714) 937~. COMPANY. llQel'lt Dato: ~bet n . 1082 By C1n<ty ~ Bulldlng. 300 EHi Chapmen VO ., NC ,._...._ •~ ' A11911ue, In tho City of Orange. A.Y An I · --·' .,_..,wy NOTICE AT TIME OF SALE 810S n .. Id TruetM, Ono City 8oul9Yw(I WWI r O SERVICE CO OQ001 Ot11nQ1 CA 92M8 MAY BE MADE IN CASH ANOtOR :::indv Schoonover', AIOI Soc Tel: t14183M286 THE CASHIERS OR CERTIFIED Ona City Blvd. WNt Publlahod Orange Cout Oally CHECKS SPECIFIEO IN CIVIL ~ango. CA t2688 Piiot 0eq 2~ 29 1982 Jan. 5 CODE SECTION 2t24h. '.1l4)83s.8288 1ta3. ' • ' ' At tho time ol tho tnltlol Publlahed Orengo Cou t O•llY &ee>t-82 pul>llcotlon or lt119 notice, the total Pll o.c: 29 1962 J 6 12 emount of the unoold balance of tho 01· · · · in · · PtlllJC NOTICE obllg1llon MCurld by lho obovo iea3 5703-8? ducrlbed d••d ol tru1t and FOUNTAIN VAU.rf Hllm1t1d co1ta, oxpon111, 1nd SCHOOL Dl9TNCT edvancoa I• $2T.284 81 P\EUC NOTICE NOTICE Of'~ OF To determine the opening bid , • u ~IE "I 0" c 0 u "T 0,, T17* M!aOLUTION OF INTIWf you m•y C•ll (714) 937-0966 CAUf'OflNIA NOTICE Of' IALIE TO LEAN tufll'LU• Date; o-t'nber 20. 1982 COUNTY OF OftAHOS NOTICE 1$ HEREBY GIVEN that Olt'TNCT MM. f'ttOPl!flTY WESTBERG INVESTMENT 700 Chrlo Center Orivo WHI pursu•nt 10 tho 1erm1 ol those aaD MO. ... u Hid TNllM lloa 131 certain Covenanla. Condll1ona i nd NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT By T 0 SERVICE CO., lont• Ana. CMltomlo 92702 Aestilc:tlona recorded on December THE FOUNTAIN VALLEY SCHOOL egent MARRIAGE OF 18 1975 In Sook 11599 P• 267 DISTRICT hH docl11od 1h•t the By ROM A G•rcl•. PETITIONER· OTTO B CL°'UNCH at' HQ ,' 01 Recorda ~I Oi•ng~ following rMJ Pfop&rty wlll not be A111ttent S.Crelory RESPONDENT JACOUL YN I County Callloini• ~ l0t cfallfoom purpoNa. l One City Blvd , WOii, CLAUNCH Thai coru in real propoily Ont1 Clouroom •t Bu1har<1 Orange, Calllatnla 92668 tUMMONI (FAMf\.Y LAW) dMCrlbed 81 Loi 8t of Tr.Cl 8808, School tocatld 1t 196119 Educotlon l71-4) 836-8288 CAtE NUMHft 020 t2 t2 u pet map recorded in BOOll 367, L-. HuntlnglOf'I 8Mch. C.lltom11 Publlthed Or•nge Coast D•ily NOTICEI Pl(IH 1-8. 1nclua1vo. Rocorda ol Thi Boa1d Of Trullffl Of tho Piiot, Ooc 29, 1982. J8n 5. 12. You lloff boon 111od. Tiie court Or~ County. commonly known Fountain \/alloy School Olatrlct 1983 mar dlelde eoaln1I rou wltllolll 81 10 Ooodor livlne. C•lllornla r..olvft to loate the fecllltlaa IO rour bol119 lloord uni••• you Tiie aum of put _11 due Indicated abon under the torma raepolld w11tlln iO doyt. Atod "'9 u ol ""dole of lhlt "°'Joe 11 $I •nd conditions 1t•t•d In tho lnfonftatlon below. 210 00, lncludlnQ co111, leo1 end AetOlutlOn of th9 Boatd, Rooolullon 5681-412 Nil.IC NOTICE. H '°"with lo~ tho ocWtco of lntereal, wtll b• aold al publlc No. 83-16. C#4M50 •" ottorn1r In Ihle m•ll•r. row eucttOn pyisui nl 10 Section 13541 of The minimum monthly lou• NOTICE Of TMISn&'t IAA.E 91\ould do 90 Pf°"'flltr 90 tllot your the Civil Coda of th• S t•t• ol poyment IOt the term of tti. !MM TIWITl!E't MO. nm F1CTITIOU8 tUIMSI f'M90l'IN °' pte.8d..,., If Mlf, mor C•lllornla on J1nuary 19. 1983, 11 •h•ll not b• lau then S 121 per On January &. 1983 81 1 l:OO •.m. NAMI t TATUit .. fT be fMod on llmo. th• Mein Ent renco. County month per Cl-oom The minimum FIRST AMERICAN TITLE DllTH NOTICIS The followtng person la doing Uet-" II• 1A1dV1oldOt•m•nd-"o. •I CourthouN. 700 Chile: Cent., 0r1 .... monthly 10110 p1ymen1 lo r INSURANCE C 0 M PAN Y • • SEINE bull..-t u : _, _, west. S.nt• Ana, C•lllomll. at the 1ub1•Quont p•rlod• moy be C•lltomla cor1,«•llon u TruatM. WOOOIE"S, t836 Whltller St trttMlnal puedo docldlr contr• Ud. llOur of 2:00 p M adfu1tod by tho Contumer Price Of Suoceaor f\191M Of Su1>9tltvt.C PHIL SEINE, passed Unil o-a. Cos1• M .... CA 92627 1ln auclloncl• o monoo ciu• Ud. The record owner• of IOld ,801 Index tinnUef 1verega r.ne<:ted •t Trvlloe, or that oartaln Oeo<1 ol away December 27, born Ann Tlylor. 485 E 18th St , ~ dantro do IO dlM. LH la ptot)erly ara ROBERT E WILLITS th• ond 01 th• IHH po1lod. A Tru11 ououtod by DA \110 J "---be 21 1930 ' [..ona Costa M .... CA t2e21. lnfomt.clon que altua. 1nd SHIRLEY A WILLITS. WhoM MCUrlty depolllt may bo required QAADNER ind MARGARET J . """""'111 'I' ' 111 .... Thi•~ It conducteo by"' ti U•tod d•••• aollclt•• al IHI kno""n 1dd1111 11 No. 10 prior to occupllntly. GARONER. ond recorded June 14· Beach. Survived by his wife indmdulll 411:-Jo do wn obooodo on Ml• C>aod0t, lrvlna, Callfornl• 112714. No oomrnlulon llhtlll be p.id •ny 1HI u """""*'' No INM, In Suaan, eon MJchael, mother AnnToylor ••vnto, d1b11r• hocorlo Thet1l4lwMlt>oconductodbyan<I lloonMd real .. tJito br<*1t In thle 8oatl 141'40. Pago 375, ot Otflclaf Alita Seine of Pasadena and Thi• a11t0111«1t wu ftled with the lnmedletamallte, de .... -a. lnformollon rog•idlng Nld tale ond regard, and thor• •hall b• no Rocord1 01 011ng• Co11n1y. b th A th Seine of County Cler'I< 01 Or•noo County on tu reopveoto o 8'ataclon, 11 hoy <einitatemont mtty bo h•d from: dtductlon from anr p1opoHI In C•lllornla. •nd pur•u1n1 to lh•t ro er n ony Doc 23. 1982. !'_o~no. pu•d• ••r reelelr•d• • PAUL BELL, Attorney dolwmlnl"I! tho hlghM1 r111POOlllblo Ollftatn Notice Of Olf8Utt lherOunder San Gabrie l. Memori al F20IW7S ,_,.,po, 902 w Bro.dway, blddot reco1dod Augull 27, lt82 u service at s. John The Publl•h•d 0 11no• CoHI Delly t JO THE RESPONDENT Anal\Olm, CA. 92805 SMlo<l pr090Hll 10 !MM Hid ln11r11mont No. 82-302194, of Divine Eplacopal Church, Piiot. De.: 29, t982. Jan 5. 12, 19. Tho petitioner"'' tiled 1 pellllOn 1714) 83S.Ot90 property mu11 be '**'1«1 by the OttloiOI Reoor<la Of aald County. wtH 183 E n_ S C.0.ta M l983 conootnlng you1 m1rrlago. If you !all SMOKETREE IR\llNE dllag•t.0 offic.r 01 tM Fountain und9t and punuant to Mid Oeed ol . u.y t., esa ~23-82 10 11141 • r~ .. within 30 dayt or HOMEOWNERS ASSOC Vallav School Olllrlct Educ•llon Tnnt ... 8t publlc •ucrtlOn tor catll. otl Thuraday, December 30, ------------Chi date thl1 tllla 1ummon1 11 Dated Oloonlbei T. 11182 Certt«. 11210 OU S11911t, Fountain tewful moneyot tllo United St•tOI of at ~PM. ln lieu of flowers P\lllJC NOTICE ~on you, your dot1u11 moy bo STATE OF CALIFORNIA 1 V•lleJ. California. 92708, no latar Arnanc:a. • c:Mhler'• Gheck P9v-bll memorials to St. John The enloted •nd the cour1 m•y t1nt0f 1 1,.. th1111 2:00 p.m on Oac;embor 20, to Nld Truetae d~ °" • atat• °" 0 I I Ch h The FICTIT10U8 llUtlHE.. fudg,,.,ent con111n1no lnjuncllllO or COUNTY OF ORANGE I lt82 n1ttonal Nl\k, • 1toto or 1a<leral v n e u r c • NAME ITATl!MIENT oth4l1 order• concerning dM1lon of On Oacambel 7. 1992, bel0<• mo. Betor• •cceptlng 1ny written etadlt union, or • et•t• °" 1-derll American Cancer Society or Tho followtng p1r1on 11 dolnt property, 1pouu1 wpport. c:hlld lho und0f'91(1n0d •Notary Publlc. In propoHl1, tll• delttQ•tl<I officer uvlng1 •nd lo•n aHoolallon The Ame TI can Heart bullnoaa 11: cuttody. child 1uppott. •1to1n1y and 101 H id Slit•, P•1tonally •h•ll tall tor or•I bidding. "nr dornldled In t!U 1ta10, •t Ille main A..odation 81RTHIN' SHIRTS, 221 t M-'-· ooal•. ond auch othe< r911of u •PPMfod PAUL BELL, known to me pore on who hn horoto101e •ntranoe to Flret American Tiii• FLUHART Or , Sll\ta Ano. CA 92707 may be gr•ntOd by the cou11 Tho to be th• pereon wllOM n•ma 1, aibmlttld • wrttton bid rNl'J aubmlt ln9urlll'IC9 Company ioc.t.o Ill 114 S1acy Oorone MoCullough, gerntahn1ont of Wll(lll, t1klng of tub.C•lbod 10 tho within lnt1rvment .,, or.i bid •OMdlnQ by •t leMt EHt Fifth 8trMI. In 1111 City ol FLUHART. BERNARD 2211 Mou Or., S1nt• An•. CA money or property. or other court •• tht Allornoy In Fact 0 1 nw peroenlllle hlQlleM wrfttWI bid. Sant• Ana. Calltomla. all thol right, H .. beloved husband of 92707 autho1lzod prooeodlnQI m•y ol!M> S M 0 I( IT REE IR v I N E Tho lllOl*t ~1>19 bidder llhall title and ""--t con~ to and laabelle D. Fluhart, Gloria ,_!.!'.'!~"'" 11 conducttd by •n r-.il1. HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION be rtqUiraCI to exoelUte Iha for1l'I of now Mid by It unOlr Mid o.ct Of G . Matthews and J uanita """•""'•st-0 MeCu"""-h Oatlld: A~u•I 24, lll8:! end acllnowtedgod to mo that he ...... 1UC11 tonnet 1181 llarat~ Truot In tho pr=.llelad In Mid Friend. Brother of FA tel la Tiii• •1•t-t w .. 11~1'1 the ~k~· BRANCH S uMb ~ c./ ~ bTe ~ E1; • ~~~~No~ ~=.:.prov•d by tllt Board of ~~.~t~':11, 81 :=:on 1 McFarland. al8o aurvtved by County Ciotti ol Oriln(la County on By· C.H. ANDERSON, HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION TM 8oatd o1 Trvet .. tNll l'l\lltt M't '900fdad In Book &t. pega II 4 grandchildren and l great O.C. 23, lll82. __. ~ul)I thereto 11 prlnolpol 1nC1 hit own the a.tarmlnat!On • to whittler to Of lleellal-M9pe, Aeoord• of =n . Servicel to be held ,._,, Publlahod Or•ngo CoHI Dall)! n•m• .. Attorn9)' In Fact 1 .... Hid fllOllftlaa with tel> (10) Orange County. Caltfomla. AM ThW'lda DK-30 Publl•h•d Or•ngo CoHt O•lly Piiot. Oac:. 29. 19&2. Jen. 5. 12. 111. WITNESS my hind •nd Oftlcl•I dlYt 1n.t NQ9fpt Of bfdl, Tri• atr1ot addraa1 or other • y, · • Pltot, O.C. 2t, 11182, J•n. 5, 1:i, 111, 11182 Sell. rntormatlon oonGernJno lh• oommon dHlgnaUon of nld 1982 ln Hope Chapel, Foree\ 11183 6876-82 suean Pfolf l)(OOONI 9"olAd b11 ~ to: Pl'OC*'tY It purported to 119: Mt 1 Lawn Memorial Park, 5824·82 NOTARY PUBLIC ll'O\JNTAIN VALLEY SCHOOL WMtmln1t•1 Plooe. COt•• ... _. eypre., dittcted by Forat....,-----------..1 fltlll.IC NOTICE Publl•htd 01an90 co .. t Dally DISTRICT, 11210 01k 8tr••t. Callts_'!'!na..... ....II ..... m·"-wlthoo.lt Lawn M~ -----------Pll t """ 2" 2t t"''"2 J•n 5. Foumalft V~. Cllltomla. 112709, .,.. ... -..,.. '1CTn10Ut 9U9Mtt 19:S· ...... c ... · ... · ' (1141 f42-et51, Att.,tlOn. Naomi ccwenant or w.,r•nty. lllP,.... Ot CUR.N ... • ' NA• ITATl....-V ~ ... ..,... ~ lmpllld, .. to utle, pollllllOll °' RICHARD WILLlAM ...... •••r. Tllo IOllOWll'IQ '*'°"'.,.doing _______ ... 66_ .... _8_2, Founltilftv::t tnCM'lbr ... toMtlttylheunc>eld ~~RN~TTE.~re1ldent o f ........... f ~~iousnT1N08 . 350 Nit.JC NOTICE =°"'Nil-' ==::.=~no: r,:.: ~t• .... away AYOO&<fo St. ,02. Ooat• M .... CA --Ftc--Tl1lOU--.-.. -JAC--~ ...... --·8uutnnl Moorl wll: $78,t)t.St, pg Ille~ Dir:. 27, 1982. la &W'Ylved t2627. NAMI IT~Tl-NT Qw11 °' tNl ICMlrd =~= co•t1, •11pent .. aniJ by hia IOI\ R.lc.h.-rd of Non:o, Aleh91d i..awr-~. 350 The tottowrno per.one .,.. dOlnQ O.t9CI: o..no. 2, 1Na. at Illa tillM « ui. lnltltl Qa, da'tteter Hel.n Welty of AVOGac:to St. ,02, eo.t1 M-. CA t>ul!Mal u . Publlthl<I Olano• Oout Dally ~ of tllil Notlol ol lallt: ~-ta ...... mo•"'•r He'-n t2627. CHAMPION PAOOUCTIONI. PllOI o.o. '5, H, "· tH2. f\,107.00. --To ~ .,.. •n w Rondo Ann Laretn, 350 aa "'~" 8 "·-t ""-·· C• ai04-t~ -•-CumuUe of Flonda and 3 ~VOG*lo at. ,02, Cl)tta Mela, CA ~1821....,.."'' t.,""" • -· " MJ4 pn ~ arandc.tiildren. M .. of the ta827. Cflam~ Mot~. 1no., • M.JC flOTIC£ YOUAMMOIHULTUNDUA a..urr.ctlon will be held ~::,:tr It oonouot.o t>r catttom111 eotl>Of•Uon, 1eeo H•tior NTmOUa "'-~~~= ~ Friday ~. a1, G:aoAM at Nafterd L. lMMn Btvd-. Cpat• Mtll, ~ t28'1. ..._ e'TA.TWY lO MellC'J "°"" ,.._~ St. John the S.ptilt Otthollc Tiii• ttatament ... """' with the Thl9 bu'"-• cond~td b)' Ml Tiie 104loWlng peflOnt .,.. ~ " • ., .. toLD AT A -' HOTICI l'f '~IYIH tf'At ntr JOUHfAIN vtU.lv tc;Hl)Oi OllT,.ICl ttu llMlltlf Chai 1"9 IO!low\111 , ... P.OJ*'-wllll I* be ~ lor ~""' pwpeo.a ,ortlon °' A4n*lil1••• ..... Ofllciel 11c-11110•1ma1•1y tot 14 ft ) ,,. lulfCllno A 11 W01dklw knool. f 1tt Pio~ OltY•. Hun11no1on IMKh. Calll0tnla Tho Boord ol TruttH1 of tho 'ountaln \l•lley Sohool Dl•lrtct rtllOl¥H 10 la... tl\I lactlltlel 8ICI tndlc1••C1 •bovo under tho !Mme ano cono11lon• 1t11•d 1n tllt 'INolullon Oi ..... Board, Aoaolu11on NO 113-tl> ll'I• minimum monthly l•aH payment tor lhl totm ol the ..... ah•ll no1 bO 1 .. 1 than S 101 ~1 month Tho minimum monthly ..... poymonl 101 .ubeequent l)ll'IOda moy t>o •dfu1tod by lti. ~ P1 lc11 lndoK 1nnua1 '"°'•11• relloctod •t th• ond of tho INN f*lod A MClUllty dlpoelt mey be r oqulrod Pf'IOt to OCCYl)llnCY No commlUlon than be Plkl 91"1 lleonMd rHI •Ill• b<oket In lhlt 1og11d. and lhoro •h•ll bl no d1ducllon !tom •nv p1opoul In detttmlnlnQ the hlghoot IOICIOl\9'bla l>lddllt Solle<! propo .. 11 to I•-Nici p•01)81'1y mutt l>O r-ved by the doteootld ottloer •• tho Fountalf\ V1ll•Y School Oletrtcl Education Center. 11210 Ollt S11 .. 1. Fountain Valley. Callfo1n1•. 112708, no latlf than 2 00 pm on Oecomber 20, 1982. Bolore eccep11ng any w11tten p1opoHl1, lh• deleg1tod officer ah•ll coll 101 or11 bidding. Any p1r1on who h•• herotoforo aubmltlod • written bid may aubmlt an Ot11I bid exceeding by at .... t llv• Potoet\1 the hlgho81 written bid. The hlghell rflll)Ofl1ll>IO bidder llhllll be 1equlrod 10 axecuto th9 l0tm of tease, eucn format hu hototolot• been approved by lho Boud ot T1uat-. Tn. Bo1td of Trustees lhall ~· the determ1n1uon at lo wtiOther to leaae .aid taclllllea wllh ten ( 101 deya atter receipt ol bl<la lnlorm•tlon concerning tho proposal Should be ad<lreeaed to. FOUNTAIN VALLEY SCHOOL DISTRICT, 17210 O•k Street. Fountoln Valley, Callf0<nl1 112708. 1714) 842·8651, Allentlon· Neomi Wieland, Bull,,_ Servloel. FOUNTAIN VALLEY SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD OF TRUSTEES Suzanne Moore Cieri< OI the Bo1tO Dated o-Tlber 1, 1982 Publlshed Orange Coaal Dall) Piiot. Dec 1,5. 22. 211. 1982 5503 -8, fltlll.IC NOTICE NOTICE OF TRUSTl!E'I IALE UND£l' A LOMO FOMI SECUIUTY (INSTALLMENT) LANO CONTRACT TS NO. 141 STEW AR T TITLE OF CA LIFORN IA. • Celllornla corpo11t1on. ea duly 1ppotnled Tru1tee under the tollowlng deleribed Security Ulnd Contract Will SELL AT f>\JBLIC AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH or u sot lorth In Section 2924h of tho °"" Code .... right, 111141 and lntotOll COtlveyad to end now hllCI by 11 under Mk! Died of Trull In tho pr()90<1y heroln•tt1t dtloerlbad : VENOEE: HARRY WOODeOFF and ANITA WOOOCOR-";" llulband end wt1a .. joint,.,,_ -10 .. undlvlClod 25% lnteret1! E. PAUL JOHNSON •nd C AROL l JOHNSON. hutbond •nd wffo a1 joint t•nante u to •n undlvfda<I 75% lnttr981. VENOOA: PETER E. WISHNEY •nd KATHLEEN M. WISHNEY. fOtmally "'-'•bend and wlf•. ~ded My 10. 1981 .. lnltf, No 12641 In book t4134, p•ge 1597 of Oftlcflll ~· 1n the oMOI of tho Recorcler of OrlnQO County: u ld S1cur1ty L•nd Cont1•cl delct'lba9 tho followlng l)'optr1y: Loi 3, 8IOdt "L .. of TIWrt No 573. In the County ol OrllnQ9, St•IO of C•lltoml•. 81 Pot ~ ~ In book 20 , P•Q• 29 or MlacelftneOUI Map•. In tM offtcl of the County Roco1d•r of uld County. EXCEPT the w .. 1erty 45 IMI 11\ertlOI ALSO EXCEP1' the Eaateriy 60 !Mt the<'lot MAY BE ALSO KNOWN AS: 24312 011 Pr•i:to, O•n• Point, California. "(If • atroot lddr-or cornmc>f\ detlgnetlon I• allown above. no w•rr •nty It g lv1n to Ill c;omplol-0t correct..-)." The Vendor 11nder Mid Slourtty Lind Contract. b~ IHton of 1 b1NCh 0t def8Ult In the ot>Hoatlonl aecu1od th1roby. he1efofo11 executed •nd i:tellvared to tllo un<lanl(lned • written Oeclatetlon of Oefeult end Demend for S•lt. end Wfl1tlfl notlOe of br-=" end ol Olec11on 10 cau• tho undafalgliacl to ... Mid prOperty to Htilfy Mid obllg•tton1, and th•rHlt•r tlll undtlrll(lned cauMd Mid notic. ot broach •nd of •l•ctlon to b• rt10orded Septombo< 14. 1H2 • lnatr No. 62-322857 ol said Offtcl81 F\eco<d• Said Hie wlll b• m•d•. but without covenant 01 warnnly. •X$1f-or Implied, tag•dlng Ill ... po1....ion. Of encumb~. to pey tM ,..-.,altilng prinClpel .um ot "'° notl(•) MQUfad by Mid Security Land Contn1ot, wit.fl Int.,.... • In Hid not• provided. odll1n011, II eny, uncler the,.,..... of Mid 0-0 ol Tru1t, IOU, cha1gtt •"d e)q)af\IM Of tho TNOIM and of tllt ln4ta craated by Mid Secul1ty L.8lld Contrect Said s... wlll be held on 'T'-o J1nuary 11, 11183 at 10:00 a.111 .. M thO Chapman Avanut entf9n0f ftl tM ClvlC Center Bulldlng, 300 Eu! Cllopm1n Avonu•. In Orange. Calttomla. The total 9m0Unt of tM unpe1c1 bal•noe of tilt obllgatlon _. by uld prope•tr to bt .old, togetll!W With Int-'. late ~ ~ •tlmltad 00.U. ~.,,. l<fV-. u to tna d"e lllNOf, " 1107.811.58. Oott. o-N>ar 10, tN2 STEWART mLE Of CALIFORNIA M Mlcl TrustM, By: 8T£WART mu OF CAl..IF°"NIA .., 000 NOfttl 8"*'-Y 8Mtl Ml, Callf. '2701 ~t= BY. VlnOlnt 0. 8M fl!orecloturt om. Publlahed Orano-Co••J DIMY Piiot, 0.0. 22, 0, IN2, ti'! f., - 1"3 MOC NOTICE Ch u r c h • I ft le r m en t County OWk ol OfMQe County on lndMdua~ll•mpton Motoroycl••, tutlM8I u : I 4 LI. 1 • Y 0 U •I I 0 A lie lm--'"'I•~'" foll<>win" •t Nov. 17, 1N2. ,__ TA A N •• c 0 A I T t ~noM ~ ""' llAl'MI mnnou• .......... u~ , • ,_.. ~... OONIT"UCTION CO,. 40 OP THI ~ MA811l MA• t l A,......,. Harbor Lawn Memorial ,.ubll•h•d o,.n11, CoHt oa11y =11...~..... ::C.,l«IY, '~,""-202. ~ u.'~ COWTAOT A ... !!'!l"!!2llrino P•rlOf\ 11 dolnt Park. 8fl'vlcea 1.mder th• Piiot. Dao. t6. u. It, 1u2, ""' 1, -·-ltt"---t-.. "._,,, wit .. tM :ti. CA .......... .. ....-.--. dlr.ctlon at Ha.rbot Lawn e u..a. '8H ,..,. ......... -.-_, '' lt1el'l\roe11 eulldlno Oo., • : '* r, tlll2 "'""°"' llADNCAT10tit, 181 llC. Ml. Olive M ortuary. 64'n.U Cout17cci::"'°'111oe0ounty011 c111totnla corporation~ '1AITAMINOANTtT\.I 1101 '""'· •P. Co•t• M•u O.C. O. 1 2. ,_ W•WIY ...... N• toJ, tHaUMHOI COMPAHY, Ollfl0tnlt Nt~7 I IM().6564 Da e.eori, CA IHIO. 1 C111111Wn61 _,,.,,.1Min Ir~ HOW•"' 9•n••t 111• • IMITll Publl•~ orang• coaat ir ""'~It ~ttd by• .-WM~......., flu1tetto1 • '· Cott• Mu•. J' L 0 Y. D Q B A JI A M rw a..1114 M "°"°'· ~ ia, 22• u . 1912. J.,,, 1 00tPotltlOn· ~ 0...... Oallt0t11t• ,,on 8MITJ(. r'*""1 ol Tw1in. ACTlOH 1N3 639MJ .. wwwwodl llMw Co. tM c.t lllftl\ ..,_. Tri• 1>11"'*-" ~Dr~ •_., ~. "h/a'1 1 ... 2 o.,-I . ,_. ..,,.. AM. CA llN lndMclutl ~~ ....._ • .. ,.,...,,. 1• 1J4 ........ H tr.c H ._.., IW'Vh~ Wit• To Plt~ your T'lli. tte.....m-..., ~ tflll .,\fDll•i.d Orenp ooe.t Dfll)' "™' .,•.'911W\11'9t.., Wltl t"' Muritl 111'114 w 0.-. ••p19t R ult0 ~QWl&-~41' ,...~~.aa,.a, illl ~_,~o;-...c:euiw;.on ~ • .,.of RH• •· Prl'1a\e Senlt'e Olnctory o.o. •o.1Nt ,...,, ......, ~:t 11 . ,-. -~Win ht-Id~ the d ,,.._II Now 'I.ill~ Orane• Ooli\ Pal\~ f'ullll•"ad onmo. C.Ht IM!I~ di~ of ~~ Ber,.,.,., 1 · • • _. ""°' Det 1•. 12. n. tta """.-""°' o.. , tL·1f. a ''!!.i. &mlcb and TuWJI 641·1671 .. 1.a ........ _, .. • I . r ot~ ~ c ' \111. ~1 f IUll I . lJ ••• lf1TT t:l IA 19'/•t CJ.I IOU ~NO olr l'!nTION TO ADMI IJTl!R l'.IT.\T! NO. A·IHUI. Tcr •11 ti Ira, h"nt' f14 ls r lu t'r•dllore anl.l rnntlnjf'Ol crodllor• ot 011orat1 s~utl N•ula and pt'l'llt>l\11 who nwy ti. othf't'WIM.• lntt•rt'llt-d In th(!' wtll andtur Hwtt· ,...., Pu1Jl11holl O•ango t oul OtllY ""''' '"" n IN1 Jan • 12 1~. 11113 t.63111 Nl.IC NOTICE -.::Dm"Piii•iii'",....ff'll""' ~ .. t liil 6 Nil s:iA~ 4 ~~li" ~ CO.fAOf A NOflCI lf It ,. av DIVl~~hel 2 on w~. Jll/tWl/y a •~ ... too o·~ o"' oi .-iloy. lfl '"" room HI Hid• lo• conducllng T rW4ee 1 ...... Wllhln lhe 9"lolo of "IAL UTATI HCUR1Trll 8lRVICl locelecl ti 101(1 NOtlll • ...U 9toedwOY ~ :IOt. In IM Ctty OI ,,.,,,1,,, "" 111111' ''' '''"'" ,.,,,,, ,,.,,,,,,,. 1• 1 t ••nl11 $.H tlf#I 11 111•tJ1 Yem, ud , ta h t tl111 1•11u11tu'• ,,, .. ,., 11/ll1w111 tm1111111 "'"' "'"'''' l I I 1 l"l lllttt !um ltr ltlt lam IR 1t1t law fNllMd ..,!iloiSt-.-.t..,Jelllll!I"""! --&-M-"""-._ ... __ .,._,._ --,~°":;';' ;:.;"';"~!i!!il;!Uf;.f~ltmrt=== .. ='=':"': Cn!t Int llH Catt h Wf .. •n~m--'-"liotl'-·-··-~ aln;IAl.•n,....l ... !t ... 1.,.• .... lt...__ -... ... .. ' Id Heuse ... :":•;•:••;'-;;;;:';:":;:'lii:hn=:"ii:liiiiiiiiii•i:ilOO;:'ll 111.ua IUPIUR llTU Ulll 4 t>drm w 111 ren1 ' ul1M21~0M I • Ml.Liii PAii. IHIHIU ..... :!""· , CNfd ()I( "'°° 841-1103 Ho .,... LIDO llLI IOMEI Thi• fine hom• "" '*" 191 ""'o on morkelt M:J-1196 rornodOl<KI lhruoulll h 099n & IUf\"Y· 4 IA. 3 __ 1 II MI NT 1'111111 l.11lu N111111~1vh11n1 • htl1111 ~ 1i.11t1 I.Kt' I. It .111 1111111 ~ 1 ..... 1 i.lttn $I 1110 llCHI A peUUQn h., bt-c-n fllto.I by '•Y D Nrula In tht• Superior C:ourl o{ Orungt• C.OUnly ~Ul'llllllll thut ~ uy 0 Neula bt• appulr1h.'d 11• pt'raonal repre1et1h1t1ve to administer thf' r•tntf' of ~rp Scoll Neub tunder the Independent Admlnlatratlon or Eatatee Act). The pt>llllon Is set for heanns In Drpt. No 3 al 700 Civic Center Drive. West, In the City of Sanla Ana. CalifornJa, on January 19, 1983 at 9:30 am NOTICI CW TIW8Tll't tALa lente Ane. County 01Orengo,11•1• T.t ..... 111>-nt or C1111orn11. "IAL CIT ATE ~ANT NOTICI TO 8ECUIUT11!8 81!AVICl, 1 Celll0tnro "'~'"" OWMli.i CO•l)OrOllOn, H duly Ol)l)Olnlod YOU AM .. M'AUl. T UNOIR A Tru11 .. una.t 11\d l)Utwonr 10 IN D 11 D 0, T" u. T' DAT ID l)OW•• Of .... conrt,,.O In lhol tlltTIM•Ut It, tt1t. UNU•t C*1.M1 Ooed Of TrUOl Heculed l)y YOU TAICI ACTION TO "'<>TSCT MARK A BARRETT e W1Q1e '''°'" You• llRO,l•TY, IT llllAY •• roc;Otdecl hj)lembof "· IHI. In •OU> AT A~ tAU . ., YOO 8ooll 142111 OI Ol'llelal RocotO. or ... 10 AN IJlll\.ANATIOtt Of THI 11ld County, 11 pogo 165, NATUfll 0' THI "'tOCHDUtO AKC>rd«'t IMtrument No 14023. AQAINIT YOU, YOU aHOUL.D by rMMln 01 o breoctl °' defo.MI In CONTACT A L.AWYl9'. poymon1 or porformonc;o ol tho t •d .. 3 bt1 the own•1 l'IA p1u1 t>onua rm Meir lttrJtrt leMla 1111 Rno. ywd. Ho poo VIII h .. odded 2 tkytilH In I 1u110 l'IH bay ¥1-All I - -pd 1526/mo 1•t plue tho lmly rm & r .. tlled the new llltChtn, bllhl & LIDO rllE • 3 bdrm, 2 be, 1 e c: 8 4 I 'lo W 5 tlt'lll••h•l•·•I :1 htltm. 'J. hurli + lurl(t· Hi 1111 t.llchen counllf'I Prleod eorptllng Pr111oto b .. lamrm 11700 mo 1111 111h4ff·l8t7 I • t I 1 1 3 9 0 O w I ol'le• gated communlt~ Cl!un<ly, ~ltr 875-IUlt -l~·am u•n111~;E'~;~~~·~ 1~~,~~ $1~011110 ~:i~~:::'G 11,n:ic:n~1: ~~.~~•1'~:~~.~~!r. 3~:~f::~/rfl~ ~I~;[:'~ 2~~1::;:: 6 I • >. .... n x.. )t'lt v vu•w" Miu 111t r 011111 I 1.11111 780-t1177 _____ 1-E-0-,,-,-1d-.-3-8-,-2-'A-8-, comm pool Winter or bacleyd, remod, kHohen, yrly Agt 875-1170 2 car garage. SO&O/mo 7 1 hath .17o0l <;(llllDltA $IJS,.LlHE~.1llllltJYFuR,O"'ll"Tt111111 s Br, t\I, ea. 2 car gar. ptlvote patio.,..,., lncd On Jonuvy 111, 1983 11 10 00 obllgo11on1 H oured 1horoby, 1~~~~~~~~~~1 1111 .. t &. Me . ..._S&32 L.ij(l>1111 v11•w frum tJ 1,.,1r 111 ~, Ii.1th, jtl.1v1 •••m i: f I 11. Jur k rm . .i,.,1 f11i.ll -illµ Nm" $'JOU 01111 Faaatala Vall!J 1034 SPECT VIEW of Nwpt ltaua Va ua ••" •3 Br Twt11'1M, nr 8.C No down-no quelllylng. Boy. 2953 Clllf Or Lrg Otatral Ja02 PlaH S A Pool. epo, IF YOU OBJECT to the aranllng of the petlUon. you should either appear at the hearing and state your objections or file written ob}4tcllons wllh the court before the hearing Your appearance may be m person or by your attorney. • m C•llfornl• F1"1 Benk, • Including lhll br..ch or doleuh, C01llorn11 oorpor111on u duly No11co ol which w11 record IPl)Olnlod Tru1111 under a nd s.c>tombot 7, 1H2, 11 '*<>rdet'• l>Ull•"'" 10 Oood Of Trull roc:0tded 1n11rumon1 No. 82-316177, Wll,L Oc1000t ... 111711. aa lnll No 731111. SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION OF THE in book 13336, page 1707, of HIGHEST BIOOEA FOR CASH, Offlolll ~di In Ille Ofll<lO of lhO IOWIUI money of the United Stal ... County Recorders OI Orange or 1 caahtor't Cl\ecll drew,, on o •YSIDE PL•or. 3Br 1wnhm Mo¥• tn, 1o1 3 er. trg don, p6<g 4 gu 1780/mo. wld Ilk· 8 I,. A &:. 1e1te ovtr I 1200-12300 c:er Socrlllc:a Solo Jon 3 Br 2 Be l800 U9 752-5822 1 ~IJ<'t t.14 ulai l>.Jyf1un1 clplx :.! ht .~ 1,,, 1111. :.! 111 nego1 pym11 Shored 12 Call 111'11-•d 66e, '4 Br. 2 Be oc:nlrnt SllOO 1 Br Troller, private, ulllt 'J. lllJ dn 'J. UtJ<ll ~nnel's lh-tlUl't"I $1,:11111,11011 epprec:iollon avall. Wiii 642-4300 241'1ra 1 Br, bayfronl 1850 peld No ,,.,,,, ... ~ &. ,_ s 89 656" 2 Br. ocnlrn111000 ...... ·-._ trade ut 1· " WHY RENT WHEN YOU .la.I aULn rolor lei. ptue .. c;. IF YOU ARE A CREDITOR or a rontlngent creditor of the dl.<Ceased, you mu.st ftle your clo1m with the court or present 11 to the personal repre1en ta tive appointed b y the court within four months from the date of first issuance of lellet!I as provided in Section 700 of the Probate COOe of California The lime for filing claims will not expire prior lo four months from the date of the hearing noticed above YOU MAY EXAMINE the file kept by the court. If you are interested in the estate!, you 4ay !1Je • request with the court to receive special n otice o f the Inventory of eatate asset& and of the petitions accounts and reports described in Section 1200 ~ of the California Probate COOe Law Offlcu of Jolln P. Cou,,ly St••• or C ~or n1a 1tote 0t nat!Of>ol bonk. • atalo °' ••oculed by Gerlld T John Will lodOral cndlt unt0n. or • 1te10 °' SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO lodorelNll\l'OSlll'(21oon~llon HIGHEST BIOOER FOR CASH domlclledlnlhlell1te,allpeyebleel IP•Y•blo a: !Imo of ule In lewtul lhO llmo ol Mio. Ill rlghl, lllle end money ol tho United 8111 .. , ., lhO lnlOrell held by It .•• Tru•IM. In NOflh Front onlranc:e lo lho County lh•I real propor1y 11tue10 tn utd CourlMuH loc .. od •I 700 Civic; County end S111e. d11crlbod .. Contor Drive WHt. S1n1a Ano, lollow9 CalilOtnll, Oii rig.hi, lllle Ind lnlot•I A IOMOl>Old ...... In and 10 Loi COMOyOd 10 Ind now held l>y II 23 In TrllCI No 71M, .. lflOW of under Uld Dood 01 Trual In lho Mteceoonoou• Mapa. record• ol pro~rly sllullOd In Hid County Orengo County, CoHlomlo llnd S1a10 doscrlb9d .. Tho 11root addre .. or oth•• Loi 14 of Traci No 11276, •• common d111gna11on ol tho re•I 1nown on map record~ In book proporty honllnal>OW a.ocrtb9d 11 321, pagoa 35, 38, 37, •net 31 or purl)Ot1ecl to bo. «O Vlato Preda, Ml1coll1nooua M1p1 ••cords or Newport Beoch, Celllomla. Orango County, Co~fornle The undoralgnod noroby Tho llreol oddre11 and oth•r dl1cl1lm1 ell lleblllly lor any common <1e91gn11t0n II ll'ty, ot 1ne tnc:onect,_ In Mid 111004 od0r- roo1 properly dHC:rlbod 11>ovo 11 or olhor common deoignellon. purported 10 1>0 111771 Pa110 Slld IAIO wlU l>O maoo wlthool Piceno, lrvlne. Celllornla wuronty, exprou or lmpllod, The underalgnod Tru1101 regarding title, po110 .. 1on, or dl1c111m1 any 1l1blllly for on oncumbrence1. to ••llaly tho ll'ICfrect.-s or lhO 11roo1 •ddr-prlnclpel balan<:4 or tho Noto or •net otnor common Clelignellon. II olhlf obtlgeuon MCured by uld any. lllowf> horOln 0..0 ol Trull. won lnloreal ond Said 111e wlll bo made. bul other 1um1 11 provided thOfOln, wllhoul cov•n•nt or wo,,onty, plut advancea. II eny, undor lho expr-or Implied. regarding 1111e. torm1 lhorool ono lnlorOlt on 11.lCft poneulon, or oncum1>ranco1. ad11ane.. and plua 1-. cnatgee Including roe•. chergoa and and upon-ol lhO TrualM ond of oxpon-of tho Trualoe end Of lho IM 1ru11e c:roolod by Mid Oood Of lru111 creeled by uld o .. d or Ttu11 Tho lol•I emounl of 11ld Truet. 10 pey tho r~ pr~ obllgallon. Including reHonabty IUf'IUI or the noto(•l ~by l8ld 01t1m11od fo11, ohorg11 ind Dood of Truat to """ 122.11811.05 ·~ OI the Trueloo et IM llmO woh lntorMt lhoroon lrom March of lnl1lel publlcaUOo of thll Notice. II 20. tllll2 •I 13 00% pot onnum as 111,11611 42 D A I L y Bl1Dar, Eeq, Attorney• at Law, Edward G. Spll1bury, %081 Bu1lnea1 Center Drtve, SuJte 145, lrviDe, CaUfonlia tZ715. TeJeMolle 7U-%Ht end any od11anoee of Ml.11311.40 With REAL ESTATE pro\ildod In aald noto(a) plue QOOla Dolod. Docomber 10, 11182 p lnt-1 SECURITIES SERVICE. Tho bonellclaty under Yid Ooed 1 Calllomle Pubflthod 6renoo C0ut Delly P1101, Doc 211, 30, 11182. Jen 5 11183 of Trull hefotoforo executed and ~•tlon, wrmon Doclat•llOn Of doleun end e.,. (SEAL) O.J Morger Domend tor Sele, and a wrlHon 1ta Prooldorll dollvored to lhe underalgnod a u T~... I Nolle• ol Dotaull and Elec;llOn 10 2020 Not1h B<<>*'woy, U7Q-82 SOii Tho unde<ltgnod ceuted 1910 Suite 20e. ----1111-..,-ar_lllf\_TI_CE____ Notice of Default end Elecllon 10 Sont• Ano. CA 11270ll L ~~ nu SOii to Ile recorded In lho c;ounry TOIOC>hono (714) g53-e810 W-G7M whero lho real P'oe>O'tY II IOc:eled Pul>llahod Orongo Coell Delly Loe No. .. t-412"'77.. Oiied Docornbot 21 1992 Ptlol Ooc 15, 22. 29, 11182 .,'41t"'77 Caldornl• F1r11 Bank 54811-82 ~ °' """1'D'• &AL.a .. Mid'"'"" UMDlll Dim °' TJIUST 530 B s1roe1. •-"' lllf\TM'r o ~AMT M011Ca TO San Diogo, Calllornle ~-.n. nu1-. ....o.•n ~ 1111111 ~ -----.-~--1-.-----1 YOU AM .. D9AUL T UNDGl A 8y. Jo luau NOTIC• Of' TllUe'TD'& aAU D I I D 0' T ft U IT DA TI 0 Publlthe<I Orengo Co111 Dally UMDet DmrD Of' TRUaT 01c111eatt 10, 1N1. UNLata Piiot. Doc 211· Jon ~. 12· 11113 lllllllORTAWT MOTICI TO T YOU TMa ACT10N TO "'°1'1CT ~82 HtOHJtn OWNUI YOUft "90PIRTY, IT MAY .. rtaJC NOTICE YOU,,,... DDAUl.T UlllDC1'" 80l.D AT A~ aAU.. F YOU Mm Of' TIIU8T DATWD MAY a. ...0 Ml IJIP\MAT10N CW ntR MO~ Of' TJtU9Tal'9 LU.E 1tel. UNU .. YOU TAICI ACTION NATUQ OP THI PROClllDINO T ... 111o.... TO NOTICT YOUft "'°"ftTY, AGAINIT YOU, YOU IHOULD YOUAM•o.FAUl.TUNl>EtA IT llllAY M aou> AT A P'UllUC CONTACT A LAWYU. Dl[U> M TltU8T DATE> '4AY ft, a AL I . I, Y 0 U N 11 D AN NOTICE IS HEAOY GIV£N· 1tlG. UNU .. YOU TAKI AC"'°" UP\.ANATION <W TM lllATUM Thet undor ond by W1uo of the TO '1tOTICT YOUft NOf'UlTY, CW .,._ NOCHDtNG AGAINIT provWono of that certain 0-.S of IT MAY • 90l.D AT A~ r~ IHOULD CONTACT A Trull doted ~ber 10, tilt, I AL I . " YOU NI ID AN .... ond r~dod In lhO office of tt1o l.XJll.AMAnoM CW nta NA~ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN· Aeeorder of lhe County Of Orengo, CW TitE NOC«IPMNQ AO.U.8T Thlt U000r ond by virtue OI lhe St•t• °' Caltlornia. on December YOO, YOU aMOUlD CONTACT A ptovtolon9 Of tllal C*tMl Ooed Of 24, 11N11, In Votume 14335. page U.WYDl Tru11 datod Moy 20. 11111. end 1038, of Oftldal Aecotcls. executed NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, INI' rooordtd In tho oltlco ol 1ho by Jey 8. Monn, on unn'IWT1od meo on Wed~, Jonovy 12. 1983. Roc:otder ol lho County°' Orengo, a• Truotor, to Sunkltl Service at t:OO o'c::toc:a un C( Mid d-V. In Stell or Colllornle, on May 28, Compony, • c;orpora tlon. u lhO room Mt ~ IOt oonductlng t118t. In Volumo 14077, P11QO 11136, T"'9t09. ond STATE SAVINGS AHO TNlt•'• s.Ma, within the omo. of of OITIClel Recorde, uecutecl by LOAN ASSOCIATION, o Colltomlo REAL ESTATE SECURITIES Geofve It 8-roolta, en unmwrled COtPOratlon. • S.Mlftc:W't, SERVICE, located ot 2020 Nor1h rnon u Tl'U91or, IO Tltlo lneurance And Pwwt to lhO requmt of Bloect.Hy, Suite :zoe, In tho City of and Tru•I Co .. • eot"porollon, u the owner ond holder of tho Sonla Ane. County of Orenoo, State Ttutt•. ond STATE SAVINGS AND cluory note MCUred by tho of Calllornla, REAL ESTATE LOAN A880CIATIOH, o Colltomlo of IlUlt oboY9 ratttted to: SECUMIES SERVICE. a Camomle ClOl'P<H.Jon, M ~ And by r_, °' tho dofaAt In c:orporotlon, H duly al)polntod And ~I 10 the reQUOlt of tho pa~t of 1ald l)romlH<>fY Truoteo under and put9Uanl to lhe tho owner and holder of lht note ond the brooch of lh• power of Mio conlOfr.O In tl'l•I p1oml»0ry note MCured by lho condition• In Mid Dood ot Tru11 OOtUln Deed °' Tn.wt CKec:utod by Ooed °' Trwt abo"9 r9'orrod 10. provided, o Notlco of Deleutt ond KITTY KAY 8LACt(. an unmon1od And by ,_, OI tho defOUlt In Eleo11on to Sell under 0-.S of Truot -·..-did AUQUOt 5, tlNIO, In tho peymenl of Hid promlMory hnlng been duly recorded H 8ooli 13* of Ofl\c:lol Aecotdo of note and 11'11 breach of the provided for by low In ••Id ••Id County, 11 p1go 10511, condition• In Hid Deed of Trull Racordor'• OIT~ on AUQuat 30, Aocordor'• '"''""'*'I No. '48M, by r=· . Notloo Of Defouh ond 11112, In 8ooli lnat. No. 12-305299; reuon of • broach °' def9Utt In lo Sol Un6ftr Deed ol Trutt SUNKIST SE.RVICE COMPANY, 1 peyment a< pertormo,,c:o ot tho having boon duly recorded H c:orporatlon, •• tho preeenl obllgotlone tocurod thereby. provided for by law In 11ld oull'lorl~•d ond ecllng Truetoo Including tho1 broacfl "' dofault, Recorder'• 0tnoo on ~tomcior 14, under Mid Deed C( Truet. etor.oeld, Nottoe of wflk:f\ -recorded Juno 1M2, In Booll Intl No 82-3221153. on w.an.o.y, ~ 5, llNl3, et 17. 1'82, -Recorder'• INttwnent SUNKiST SEAVICE COMPANY,. the hour of 10:00 o'dock A.M. ol No. lt•33110te, WILL aeLL AT' corp01'otlon, .. th• pr•Hnt uldct.yottMNor1hfronten1ronce PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE au1horl11d and 1cllng Tru1tH to ll'lo oounry ~. 700 CMc; HIGHEST 81DDEA FOR CASH. under Mid Ooed of Trust, •fof...id, ~I ... Drill• WNI In ll'IO City ol lewtlll money°'"" United Stat•. on w~. JOl'IU#'y 12, 11183, Santa Ana. County OI Oronge. Stat• or • telhlOr'• diode drown on a II lho hour of 10:00 o'docli Lm. OI ol Celtonlla, WILL 8Ell. ~ etate 0t notlonol Ml*, o wtote 0t Mid de)' et the Nontl front ont,_ 10 Ille ~ cf Mio conlerrod In loOortl cr9dll union, or • irtoto or to ttlt Or.,ge County ~ 1ald Deed of Truet end, Without Mdertl ~and loon -a11on 700 CMc; C4nW om.. Woet. In tho covenant or worr11111y ro_gardlng oom6c:ll9d In lhlo aiate, el peyatito at City of Sent• An•. County ol ttne, ll c I 11 lco or ~ tho time of ....... rlghl, mte end Orengo, 81•t• of Colltomle. WILL et l)Ubllc auc;tlon, 10 the l'llghoot lntor"I held by II, .. Truet•, In SELL, puraiant to IM poww of Mio cMtl blddor, In lewf\.ij ~ of lhO tl'lot rMI l)<operty 11tu110 In aald conferred In Mid Ooed of T ruet llld, United S..... °' Arner1ca, ell ttwt County ond St•to. dMCrlbed •• without c:oYOnant or werrenty C*taln,... PtOC*1Y tltuetod In tho follow9: regarding 1111•. POIHHIOn or County ol Orongo, Stot• ol Lot t7 °'Tract No 11101. In lho ~..-.at pubic MICtion, to Celfomll. ~ M ~ City OI lfvlno. C-ty of Or"'90, lho ~I CMll b6ddor, In '-flA The lonCI NIMnwd to In thle repon 81* of Celltomte.. .. .,_on • money of tho United St•IH of 11 lltlmod In the SIN of Ce1Nofn1a. IMP ..-dod In 8ooli 3M, Pegee America , 111 lhot corteln reel County of Orengo ond II~ 16, ti ond 17 of Mlec.tl1noou1 P'Oc>ortY tltUOled In lhe County of M fellow9: M.,._ In tho olllco of OM County Oronge. Stole of Colltornla, Lot 411 of Tract No. 11702, In tho Aocorder of uld County. cMoc:rlbed N follon: Clly of 8anl• Ana, .. per Mep EXCUTINO THEREFROM .. Oii, PARCEL 1: Lot a°' Trtc1 11834, 11'1 -dedln8oolt2tt,P11g15ondl 11••· mlnorola end oll'lor tl'lo City of Garden°'°""• M per C( ....,...._ Mape. In tl'lo Olllce l!ydt~ ~ together INIC> ~ In 8oOlt ..ee. Pt1g19 of tl'IO County Recorder of Mid with the rlgl'lt to ••i:>10te tor and 27 and 21 °' .,......_ M..,._ Cowt1y .mwrt -· ...... cNpttl Ol 500 PARCEL 2: EH•m•nl• tor IEXCUT el ol, gm, ,,._... 111\d Mot from Ille _,_ ot Mid llln<f. ~ .-. put111o utllllts, one! hydrocerbe>n "'~ below • wtt.llout Ille rtgllt °'_,_entry, .. other putpetM, u Mt forth In tlwlt cNpttl of 500 Nol from the -1-,......,., In deed of reoord. '*1oln Deolorlllon of eoYtnanto, of Mid lond, but without tho right of Tl'le llrtot addr•H or other Condition• ond RHlrlcllon• entry ul)on eny l)Ortlon ol the common dellgnotlon of tho root ~ ~ 8, IMO, In 8oolt -1w ..,_ o ~ °' 500 flMt PfoPOt1Y herelllabcMI dooclrtbed 11 UH 1 • Po ge 1 S 11 o I Ofllc:1ol lor tfM s>urpooe of ~or1"0 for, SIUfooned to.,. 5 ~or. !Mno, ~ .._ \.ol 2t. lho OOITlmOll boftnO, mll*lg, dttlllftQ. ~. o.ilfomla. .. ttaollng or "'arkellng Hfd Tl'I• underelgnod hereby bOllPI f\'om S*'<*I I and t • eubtt-u r~ In de.d dltolalme 111 ll•blllly for o n)' r1Qhte lo undorground wet• w111'10ut ~ 8en1llOo ~11 ~.1 1 1noo1tectll-In uld ._ ~ tho rig I'll of eurfoce entry H ltnlted pert,.... r...,.., uty or attier common dooignatlon. dedleafod on ,.,. """ ol Mid Tt9C1. 241 1t7t, In 8o<* M4i. hge M . hid Mio wNI be mo.cs. without Ano "'°'' oommonty known u OrflClll "•cord•.l.. end more werranty, 011preH or lmpll1d, tlNl1 Oultt Patti, Unit II, Gardin oorn11101i)' lltlOwn • n02 a. PW1on regerdlng tltfo. poH••Olon, or GtO¥t, CA IL, ..,.,._ Ana. CA t2701 •ncu"'brona ... to Htlefy tl'I• II thtro '' no ttr"1 addr1H, If tflere le no etrMt llddreM, ptlnOlpel .,...,_ Of the Note or dltfftlolll mor be Obteln•d by dlreotlo~ be obtolnod by otll« OOl!ntlon MOUred by Mid wrllltn rt<lllff to ltei. l•lllnOa wrttten t &o ltllte 9elltnQe DMd Of 'fruet, with lnterl9t and Md Lo.ti ~. 122 ~II lrld ~ A9l Olllllooi, m Nor1tt ll otfler NM .. l)r~ tlleretn; Dorado ltrWI. ltoalcton, OA Na02: Dor•do ltreet. ltooeuon, OA pM Ml¥anoee, If lflY, un4-tl\e A tt • n ti on: Lo• n I• r v I c a H:tOI: Attentloni Loan letvle• '9mw u.r.of Ind ....,_ on .-l>tpw1ment, not laW lllan JMUlf) ~11...not..., '*' .atwy • llfld.OIW ..... °'*"" U, 11U, for IM,...,,..,_°'~ ... -'°' .. ~ Of ~ tnd ........ o( dll T"""' Ind Of ~ MGnCI by Mid OeM tit 1ea1 tt a_..,. llli)' loAd o..d tit h tN11a ___, by Mid Deed Of TNll. Ttwl. Truet. Tfle tote! ~I .. NJd fN total _,,,. of h ~ fN '°'°' ....... Clll h ..... OMIOMMn, lnotlldlnt ~ ~ of !NI ~ II M ,• llate"u •• Ihle ~11011 le 11tf1uled feH, c111'argH e11CI 111.81, .....,_ .,.,111'"-Md .... ~.... J)4,1nCf ..,...Ol.Tn.we.te,MhtllM otll/llllld a111ou"1 Of OO•f!J ... .,.. • .., '"'°""' MOtt, Oto of~ PU'lei'IOn of tNo Not1oe. 11 ...,_. Ind ~ llltllClll -..,.... • ..,,,_ .tlldl .-•nunt. e.. lncurr9d by .,. t1eto °' .,.. 111 -...,,. .,, .. 4-Of..... ~ ~ 11, '*· 1141M. _. NM. UT"TI om.d: 01:0soblr_1!d ... 9!2· CltllM: 0'1G 11~ .. t tM2.. MCUNTIU llfMOe. tUNKltT klwiut1 IUN<JIT • c.llorYM ......... ~"""· ~ ~ T~ • lllllf'por9'1aft ~'===··· ltait=~,,Mot..,, ~~-1-- c L A s s I F I E D 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 FAIRIHIS RAICH HHI. ltacll 1040 CAN OWN A NEW LU· '385/mo. 490·1817 _.._______ XUAV CONDO FOR S770 PllP IAIAllllllY 2 Br tnelad garage, c:et· Nt ~ I h1 I h.1. l'U"lcorn 1' n•ru h N"' 111.1111 Iv U.t..ih I :.! prum· .K'I\' l11lllo1J $1 .:!.,11.11110 No down-no quallfylng PER MO 3 Br 3 8•. llM171 P•I• drep.. 773 w 3BR lwnhm Mo110 In, grNI tocauon. IO'W c:Hh w 11 1 0 n . No p 0 11 take over 11200·$2300 down $145,000 Opn GARDEN GROVE. 3 Br, 15251rno. l3l-488i negolloblo pymt1 Sha-1-4 30 lhura & Sundey 2'.li Ba, Lu11.ury Condo 2 ---------rod approc;lotton • .,,.11 233 181h Pl, Npl Hgt• car gar Full emonlll•• 2 Br 1 Ba tnelad gerage. Wiii trade Su• 891-5556 675-4333 $725/mo Ed 1164-.& 171. lncd patio, crpta, drapeo. CORONADO DAYS l'uronuuo lsljnd l'USl baytrout lul 11:,· h11111 d1K·k Pluns .ivall Now $:170 OUO w 111r111." no pet. 1525 plu1 MC ;;.;;lr~•i;.;;;;• .... • ___ .... l.-04._..t s .. Cltatatt 107' llFlllllSIED 548-5442 or 1104829. Vu 2 •try 2Br $700 PRIVATE wei~ ~~'!!.c:~irom t'd~~ 2Br ~ 81~~p':9St~~'!°: =-SPA th" cute 3 Br 2 Be home. w. Boy 2Br. vu $1150 1275/rno. 557-2691 BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR 34 1 B<iy\•dt• 011•« NB 6 7S olo l 2 bdrm. 2 be Plan 3 In I Aetume IO'W lntornt loon TwnhM 38r 11000 • •••• I 10 IOWI YA Huge S Bdrm homtt k>-1 cated In ••c:ellonl eroe Big lot, pwfec:t lor foml- llea. Full prloe. $93,500. Cell 5'46-2S13 THE REAL ESTAT&:RS LOOI For our new r.eoular weekly futurt IOAT SHOW- CASE Every Saturdoy In lhe Delly Pltol Cl ... lfled1 HY I OllH Fta llWYWI Only $5000 down pay· mentl Super Condo • end unlll CIOH to So CoHt Plou Sec:urlly gate. pool• ond tennta c:ourt• Owner wlll carry! ONLY $&4,900 Call nO'WI 979.5310 I \f'/1111" .. COLDWeLL BANl(eRO •-.nM. .... "'•" ~· UYMlll 11,111,000 Fr0t1t rO'lll c.nter IOI tho betl woterfront show In town! Tho lorge cour- tytrd potlo & bey View deck Invite entertaining A guerded gote entry Fee land & flnanang art plu- '"-tOIO lllffl 111 lllT E•cepllonal end unit, quiet cul de NC private wtth aubtte C040r9. good toone. prlvalt pa1IO. lea· Mholc1-W4.000. t flllljl()lJt ~() ... lS Realtor•. 875-8000 oam1111 11&1•n Price tecluoed on thll 2 Bdrm hom• Lot• of knotty l)lne, • wood bur- OHIU ID. 1111 REITAI. llO .. l Hlgl'I v111blllly 1oco11on 1u11 a •-1>lock1 from the beach Currently urning $1450 per mo Prlce<l right al $229,000 Seller wlll finance al t2"'r'I. 1n1eres1 wllh 20% down 0' on 0 e Tree Pa II o and owner wtH carry 2nd Npt lal Boytl 4Br I 1200 Faaalala Ytll!f W4 Home Protenlonally F11ll price si9 o.ooo. Bayfront Condo Why throw rent •way? decoteteo Pluell c:vpe1, 83 l·737o. S411-354e I 1250 Ront to own 38r twnhm. custom 1hu11or1 EKeel· Spyg1111 4 Bdrm $11150 no dn, no quolllylng lent 1menll1N $128.llOO Lido 281. deft Sl850 $1200-$2300 111901 Byfrt Lido Pk Or 11700 ptymentt. Shared al)· Balt>oa Cove 28r $2200 TR\DITIO\.\l. RFA l.T' Beytdo COii• 12200 precllllon avoll. Wiii WITllHllT 11111 trade. Sue ll9l·MS& -111-1400 B .. L luta ha lOIO -------• ut. IC• •• ' 1111 WIUllll 2 bdrm. 2 be. den, pool. UIY ORANGE 3 Br. 2 Ba, nr Motl, Cul-de-Sac. HERE'S WllY I den. $700/mo. 907-4783, $760 536-78&4 VA no down or FHA _•_1t_5_pm _______ 1SPAC, cuatom exac 4 Br. 1u:.23 C• .. PU' n...feui-tlfmtl Darting home on lallilea lalu• 21.M 3 Be. pool. •P•. many 'T'J ""' ~ "" "~ t 1 II Ullllt ex1ra1. S1200 /mo 1rgo 0 ll room, 2 Br. newly rodeeorated. 11&4-0221 • -1aa1 leacL 1041 herdwood lloort, 2 yr good cond 1700/mo, ---------... • ,_ rooll Only 170,llOO. W 1n 1 0 r R • n 11 1 3 Br 2 Bo. Butl'lord , 2 Br. No end 0-wlh Coll now 11711-5370 213-790-9000 dye or Adams OtM. Famlty s><of fin $225,000 4'42 Mon-790.7302 -No pete $750/mo lndd• .-.-. teroy Or 4114-0154 Nol I ''"""' _.. 1164-2'111 C • 1 II 1022 po1n11 Sml 2 Br 1 Bo collage w / traH • ., lrpl. no ga1119• 1825 & • TM 1111 PHITlllOll WIHI li .. tl 1052 W tal•at 1 lOtl utll Agl 873-4082 Full oceon w : 2Br 1'io ba. lllllEOUFFI PVT COMM $155,000 " 1 lallilea Hc:urlty. pool, uun•. Recluoecl 1 ~O 500 Xlnl 1orm1 Wolkwoy 10 Trede equity In home, IOI g y m I 7 5 0 T 'Iii-~ b · h lake Ownlbkr 4116-7078 good motorhome end Ptalaaab 2207 7 1 4 I 0 6 0 • 7 3 1 3 . o qua ..., UtOf w o $6000 firm 3 Br t'io BA 2131333-~ c;en clou by Jon I~. lt.,.rt lelC~ 1Mt 221138 p~ol I~ WHI: 28r. 18e. 1125 Woot Bal- lll83 Romodoled lll82 4 -mln11er Bel $87 .ooo t>oa, $800 rno /rno Coll 2+2 = UN Bdrm• 3 Ba, 3 c:ar o•· S l290tmo ovorytl'llng Sandy agt 875-9023 Gourmet Kit. Bn!f9t ear. rage. 3 lrplca. Oak kll · lllffl WWI Eetlmoled Yllu• 112e. 3 BR 2 Bo. )'fly Allallable Super pluah decor. chen coblne11. now •P· You O'llln lhe lend 2,000 000. Fully n•~.unable no Jan 15. 1660. 875-9023. Warm Spa, All utlll pd, pll1ncea Prlvele beech sq 11, 3Br. 2'~ Ba, fom quot Prvpartyffl-5577 ,,_,.., EZ rno.,.._ln. l(ING. acc:ee• 631-1400 rm, wide Greenbelt. nMr C.rtal ••I Mar W2 537-11740, chg p00I For belD'lll morkel llNllt & .. H ll00 LARGE COM home. 2 __ H_O_M_E_F_O..;.A_R_EHT __ _ - $235,0llO WIN !MM op-""" Hll<O"f tlon Bkr M~1~ lr...teaf PMt Stry, 3 c:or gar, Oc:aon Huntington Beech 2 llOMI ' !.-liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii; Beoutltul Lancer home. YI• w F Or IO I Io . Borm MSO. Fenced yard REAL ESJJIE· 2011o40.Arep4aoe,2BA,1 11360/mo. 85t-8110 & garage. Kid• & pell 6.ll 14{)1) bL LIQl'lt lntorior.. Tl'lle i. days. 780-3&50-. welc:omo. 545-2000 -c.-1-11-.-,-11---1-0 .... 2-,. 11111011 1110 b .. t buy In town Beaut iro 2 Br. 2'.li ea. 2 _AQent....;;.__• no_ ... _. __ _ "'I $200,000 "2•500· 5'0-5937 Agt 11 or Y w II o It & IP Wl'ly throw rent sway? o c sro I p 1358 $1150/mo 640-0200 or Rent to own 3BA twnhm, Eal c M 3 bd, 2 bl, fpl, BIG CANY ... u M, aceat r•rr!J 962-3092 no down, no q··~ -.. ,. K 1 ...., on golf courM 20% dn -T"'V 1,"' -m .1 1..... Vec;ont ahow onytlmo I IAI ltlll M. $ 1200-1 2300 neg ot. 500 &45-7452 3 8<. 2 Bo duplex w/..,..,,, poymonte. Sl'lered •P-:==~=~:==~1~~~t ~$~t~,00~5~,ooo~~~~~ 14 l~asllt ••• deck. 2 car oo r. prec:lollon ovall Wiii 73-7781 or 780-13117 Bulk..,. prlee. Keep u 1895/rno 117"-~ Orellld trade Suo 80l-6S8e llPLU aportmentl or Hll 11 Work 540-4088. home --------- 11a•1t1 "I HIEI I condos 5 yra ,_ Lleted &40-112111 '2 Bdrm w •Id• divided .... • ti 1 2 x ·1 grou Call Besutlful exec:uuve home lniaa 2244 by double car oer•o• 4 Bdrm. 2',.b•. 2 llory cetl'ly 11 T Concrete drl111t. prlvlle Palermo mdl Excellent I ·-rt.• I •tta1n 3 Br 2 Bo In lrvlne or· Neer ,_ lmmsC Ngl'lly P.'IO. S,27 700 II a I F L• d -~ roce neat Fuhlon ltleJ>d d . d d ,· .. d , n nc ng •• n S 2..,.. ·-1700 upgra • • ec .. e •• , War•••, attr. Only 12811.500 Contact 111-2111 I ,, .. ,,rno ., .. ,. l'IOme In Woodbrtdgt 2 141-1711 JOhn SlleO 1,.00 Country <:harmer 3 Br. So Br & den. otrtum w/epe. cm•• UITllll E•1en8'\lely rornodo6ed 3 Bdrm home teo1urlng lerge mo1ter 1ut1a &. beth, gourmet kllc:hon end oddtd rumpue room/ orti.t'• -'udlo be- hind garoge Cul de UC •tr•t "-lttng 1 t60,000 Fe< on oppolnt~I 10 -·call 540-1151 1 ~HERITACE ...... REA1.TORS Oa•llria Pre,erffff Lttt ltr Salt "' ol Hwy, good IOCA1t1on. molntononc• frM yrd .1•1.a•.a o • r Av t 11 . now. Lake. pool•, tennl• .. -~ YllW LIT 6"2·3442, 831-1268 $1000/mo. g15.31112. Mm UllU ..... ____ e_1_s-_1_558 ___ _ OCEANFRONT NO DOWN Fantutlc ooeon & C..ta .... .._, lllTILI coutol vi.w Caol'I prtct $950/rno 4 Br 2 Ba. p4l.ll $185,000. (714)772-7281 8onuo Rm, llgl'llly lur- WALKER ' LEE R.E, nl•h•d 2 c:er garagt, laroe backyard, wutlelr/ WITH TRIO£ Chrlltlao Charity Founda.· dryer l!Ootlo\lp. n tlor1 d .. tru to Mii do-11L ll&mf Ml· 1111 l••••late PtalH· noted cw-Cove lot Et olde Ir quiet 3 Br 2 Ba. du Ml 1-5UI ffl>I. o~. lndf)'. oW No Cullom home 3BR <4Ba. lla•llt ltae Pell 1795/mo. Gard •t•P• to undy beech. Parb ltlS 359 Woodand. 873-3800 P1 rime Logu11no 1Niou 1 e11 Fomlty stre, 3 bdml, 2 ba. oc:etton Fu prc:a , Country Kit .. Formol ~S13~Da,lavM n Ing 1tove, ec:reenod 1----------1150~NT &44-9513 Ong. huge lvg rm, ga-~ rage, 11ert low ~. HOMES FOR MHT porch 011er c:rMk. end llalned glaM. add 10 tho peaceful Mttlng Exc:at· Jent Orenge echool1. II you !\eve 10 WOt1I In the City -return 10 lht country end en1oy Iller $87,500. Call Mery Al· otwd• 750-9100 GEORGE ELKIN S C IUlll.U&ITPl.W Hlghly upgraded 2 Bdrm 2 Be 11111• w/lueh l1nd- .caplng, NeUmebto 111 1143,000 844-7020 UMt UAL UTATI "'""• •••rt• ..... ,.""', ! llll 2 llWPT II Charming 4 Br & family ~~~~~~~~~~I room. 2 br1dt llteplecee, OCEAN VIEW CONDO 2 country kllcl'lon. quiet mHltr 1ullet, ll)IC, di· retldontlal ar• In young nrno rm. micro. pool, devetopment Seller will tennll Ttkt over l)ymta finance. 1229.000 Fee of S 11001 Ag1 Marilyn Weewy N Tll)'lOr Co 552·2000 RMllOf't ~1110 DESPERATE! MUST SELL THIS WEEKI! Lowell priced cuatom H•rbor Ridge. Torm•, ... ,. option, low down. 1rode, eubmlt Csll eny- llme 840· 13't3 ID IOWI OCWFllOIT PRIK MoellE HOK PARK 14.'I Sil(>(~.., • •n ;.!.l Acu ... + lU ad<J 111un .. 1 IX""-$.I 1~.000 Catt RaattJ a lntttatat Ca. $415 l(ING, 537-0740, lrvlne 3 a 4 Bdrm. Chg $700·1725. Fe11ced I Buclge1 Priced 2 + ~ yardt & ~ IOda ' rm. Tone oC ldlu, ~t pets~ ~2000. arM, utile pd, 1at + cs. Agent. no t ... po11t movee you In. S310 wDOOBOO COTTAGE. 2 KING, 531-11140, chg 11)', 3 Bd, 3 Ba. It~ fr. By IUl FlllWIY pk/l)OOI. Nu pa nt, & drpe, wthr/dr . Leue 2 bdrm, t ba. '585 rno. '900/mo. lmmec:ulet• 2 8 3 o EI d • n Ave No i>et• 4G$-301t 839-204• after e PM ---------Uni¥ POik 3 Br, 21A 811, 2 IUll .. car gar, 11150 •.f. , yr 2 bdrm, 2 ba. Range, leaH 1845. 144-7220, dltl)OHI, trig .. dllh· 5"e..8756 wuner · ~·· eek cs-1·2-er_2_e.--new--W-oodbl---... -16-- blnet1 Doubtl ~ gereg• Laundry room ge oondo, all otnenltlea. .... t.la' ft...... ...... 1 .. 10 Eutald• 1850 mo uintalrt unit St501'mo. _ _......."' 7 .... 0 Joe Aybue , dy 55 -.. v 1 213/383-1221 • .., •• Park City lllxvry Condo, etoef>• e. Jtn 8 • Jan 15. Re11 . 5,..9.0707 or 933-0779 714/831-8304 Immediate POHIHIOn, 1rtdoa ac:copted Cualom 38r 49•. Hndy beoc:h, 011Clltenl Lsguno Niguel locellon Full prlc:o 11, -0.-1 -_-.,.-~--..,--.-,-U-oos.ooo Agt 8«-9513 "' ---l--------- oUJ• um 38A flOUH In Son Lull Oblepo on 50x 1116 lot, 3 block• from Col Poly. ZOMd for multlpll hou· ling Contacl Oelmortlnl Aeol E1tote. (t05) NEW LISTING! FOi peo- plt WhO need extre 110- r ege tor boett. RV'1, c:ore. hobblo1, o:e. Fl· l\anclng • ••C•ll•nt lermtl 8h•rp 3 Bdrm t1omo with rww roor and , .......... .._....., __ -....-....,.. l\IW ptumblng. Call !Of sl)p()lntmtnl to .... '•I A PETE BARRE TI ~EALTY ~ ~ ~.. i;•"°""'"'· . Sm Notll &a:=''""" ·~~;:;:.::: 11!1'.\"'i --"'L"OA 117D1-~ ._.,, • .... tt {1,t)tu-11'° ' 8 . '°'1 .. Jaf\M Orll'lf9 c~ Oa1tv Mfl"*t 0r.,. 0.. o.ity ~HI .... ar.... 0.... OllJ "°4, Dlo. 0. ~ ttU, J.8n.. f : '"°'• 0.. tf, ff 1NI. J911 f, ..... OIL •.II.; 9, .-e tta tt11 ......... -.. ....... $1 .14 per day lllat'1 All you PIY IOf a 30 d•f•d In the DAILY PILOT SERVICE DIRECTORY 00 ll NOWI ..... , .... ,. Your Diiiy Piiot Slfvlcl Dlr1c:1ory ~latlve Ml·llll, tit HI Al@alt DnYlways. Parking l.01 Rlpeln, SNicoallng S&S Aephll 631-atlltLlc ... ,,, lblat./ Sen. Flblfgll boll repair Var nllh. paint & mllnt Prof rMI 661·8787 111 5pm Gvn1t11 Ct!lll! Tiit llnf!lttl ...... lfttln !wg ~ PjtflM I A.moo "'-P•lfl I.CJ,.,. ...... .. TIU ILIOUUCIAN l'rlHd, .......... -.-1.-.-.--.--.·114 "u ..... lHI ... IOK .. TOH ILOCK l'AIHflHO·'All Hf D1C1111 Piii 1 I nc ••••• 11ghl, ft .. 11t1ma1a on -••• -•-CAIH 0111 I' Mfl ~ " -".' 1,..!. ·,,•2•1,• .. •.. 111-1 ..... ,.... ... .. _...... lo ••-...no .-......... rn~ '"'~ ... .., heal 'l'JllCI, p1111111t1, btHI'• Y ... ,. • ...,. ,...,. """ ...,... ",. •• ._..,..... lat91 Of email be '"""" '....,,...._. ' .... ttOf'llcl .J.." .... ~ rr ..... n.fe t•t·O• 171-0IU, 1\11 t31·M•3 1 LIO HM21 t11·03H •w .. ptng ,, .. 111 _.. I lXPll'I 011p1nlar do11 C .. 14 C.!! ---mat• "'&-07U '"" Clt1ala1 Nnill I Ptt!!I" I 1dct'n1, ramod. d.Clll Child Care, ~home, lull LIO'O lllCTAICIAN lA Na y AO MA.INT --- ------·-- Gllyllghll a repa111 'r• "'pl/II-1 Shoru Oual work·AM1 rtl• o.. I ROllN'S Cl.IA.NINO •&·I ...... Farthing lnllflOr Dellon Ml Oen. I• l·•H2 ;; .. ~';. a•l·llM Fr• Mt TOl'll 031-6012 Fr" ::.·ug:..,.n~~~ 8«vtoe . • ll'lofougllly f09 qulllty 211 yr '"P HANOINO/IT'lll'PINO llftMln ..., .. Home r.,,.it/"-mod 1111•·11 l«VIOa •c.tpentry •Plumbing •flee •'In C1tP1"ll'Y •Or1-Motdlng..Cab11'1111 •SllllY'lng •'euc:i.11 to Oat door eprlng• Big Of 1m11i..-do II 1111 l'"•tl. ••• Moll WIJjeCta, K ta Oey/1¥1 Ma I ll/hf Mt MOfgen ... t-1171 ii..._ Clnafa1 Wl WASH WINDOWS , .. , • Proflllllonll Ou•llly wOtll guerenllld Fr" "llm1t1 ... 1·7391 Rl!MOOl!L/REPAIA IChtldcer• In IOve & IOlal TOI' OUALITV WOlllK ct.en hOl.I.. 6•0~&7 Comri;::1t1111 "'" ·~ Vlaa-MC 8oott 146·t3261 810< ... omc ... home•, IOC)lptlnce, n/PT. my AT AIAI. AATll Bad 11 IPlllLI Pllm No_Ovlf lffll 730· 1~11 f•i>erl w111cov1rlng In· 1p11 Cu1tom c1bln111, CM hOme &.-5-llllll Llo'd Joel tf).7114' Cleenln SarYloe Clll· ·A.IC MOVINO· tl•ll•Uon Ala• Contut• etc 20 yn In erH. Bon· ---------A!llO/COMM'l.llNO HOM! CAllll·Al!PAIR, nlneet & lllXI to Oodll Oulek, Cereful 81fYIOI tanl ANlgnmt 6'1·Hto elll~t Mrvle. 20 yr• --------- 111 13521&1. ea1-eoe1 It.ti Law••"" dlld, 11'1•· I.I<: 191901 Child Care Dem to Opm 20 ..,1 Do my own WO<k p11n1. yard FrH haul neu. &.-2·"°9 we do 1>41eklng 562-041 PaMI •--nal Pelombo Con11r HOUM, 11\ectll, )'ltd ,ull ,. F'rM HI 781·..S•• ---.... , M2·131• Of Plfl time 642·2995 Lio 2780'1 Al &&6-llH HOUUCl.EANINO STARVING COi.i.EGE **""'ANT'S** -.. ....... a.1 _____ .,.1 •••WINO DAMAGE? HOnlll & [)epend•bll eruoeNTS MOVING Walk.overtng Almovel Huber Rooflng-1911 IYPll Carpi lemet c;!~~ .. :r~ ~Y =• r:; -'-• ... n1_l•_•..,/_T_U_1 ____ 1 ~:,·~1~-;::' .::.:, Brend• 11e2-26to co I.IC T 124.430 ,,..11 typea a.-2.130 iMw·rlCOYlf-d.ek• ShatnOOO A 11..,-rl Clean IWIOCM 642·9835 Formica Tope • Of all FrM .. , Kltth &a&-•67 Hou11cl11nlng by Tint :A~&-:/ u6:~~J~1 p ti ,._ LIO U11902 548-11734 Color brlghl1n111, whl kind• Prompt Rluo-----------< Alfi. Call alt 6 I t _.....n lltf Plllll•t crp11 • 10 min bleech Cl l , _ _. nebl• co11 842·tt211. EllP'd In all h<>ml replln 631·71175 Palallll CUSTOM wood patio co-Hall, llY/dtn rm• t 15. 1yg ff.I 11 ....... cet 642-2741 AIM No J<>b too Sm1H _ Ylfl, r9dwood d.eke 6 00tl't re-root. repelr • II room $7 60. coueh 110. CUSTOM wood patio co· Brian 8~·3099 • .,.. ltaH ll1tla1 Fiii PllmH fenoea Rendy e.a1.oe22 l1ec11on ol H 857·2800 chr $5. Gu11 ttlm pet var1, redwood d9ckt 4 fuallart ltfla11•la1 laaJ'-WI 111 pr1ttnlly home by Rlchtrd Sinor LIC ROOFING REPAIRS OClOf Crpl •IPl!r 15 Yfl lenc.t RlflOy &41-0&22 CUSTOM REFINISHING aal lltll~ tor hou" I dog ' 280e-U IA Yrt ol ti.ppy fl11ter/ lteir Small job1 OK FrH :r. ~~:~;; myHll Dtt laatla Furn & Kit Cablnete DUMP JOSS on L do •••• untll Jen local CUllomlfl ED'S PLASTERING ~=··::2.~;~2 Tom or _________ , I I STEVE 6711-23113 I Small Mo\llng Jobi 15th Al 1112 VII Lido Thenk you, 631 4410 NMI P•IChM. lnf/ot No SIMtn/No Shampoo DOORS OALOREll Ctll MIKE &.-6-13111 Nord 673-8e85 PAINTER NEEDS Rlelueco• 645-8258 lnria1/ lllt11llH• StetFn Speelel~~ .. F~~2 Gift Ooort ln1111111<1 Gu•ulai HAULING-GRADING LIHICIJlal j WORKI 30 'fl'• ••P 1n11 PLASTER P'"TCHING dry rM .......... 1..., Cell Bob. 6"6-2923..,. demollllon. cl••n·UP - -IXI AcoutUC <*ling• Lie .... wa Care Crpl Clelnen TllEES Concr11e & lrM r1moval Totll lrll l«V. landtc•Pl. I 366780 FrM Hllmll• R11lucco1 Int/ext 30 DRESSMAKER & FASHION DESIGNER Reuonebla 646-6447 Steam CINn 4 Upnot Drywall Toppld/remoYld Cleln Quick_.., &42·763e handymlll, cement, ma· D1vt1 Pllntlng 8•7-8432 )'II Neat. Peul 5"5-~77 T -I 7"1 "•1• IOf'lry. 25 yr1. 636--0014 ORO p• '""'TEAING -,--.. --:------i ruck Mount Unl1 DRYWALL TAPING \19. awn rlnOY " ·~ v HAULING·llud1nt w/lge Low11t 111111 Prompt, N '""" I" "''ct Work guar &.-6-37111 All T1Jttur11 & Acoulllc l.anTrMdtcapltrlmng-/r.'!...do~C.!~.1pan1 truck. uma lo ,., .... !"9 nHI p1~l!11lon1l1 15 e1!~'!!~11RM1=8112 Th•t Ill COf1tractor• WhO l)lftorm worlc t¥Y9' '200 tnoludtng l1bor •nd mel .. lllt MUii be llclen Md Unlle4lnMd eontrac- 101• ll'IOUld 10 11111 In their 1dver1111ng Con- tractor• end oonM.1met11, contact Mtry Orondll et (714) 658·408e wtlh any qu11t1on1 Contractor'• Siiia llOenM Boltd 28 Civic C enter Plaza. Room 690, Stnll Ant, CA 92701 ' FrM Ml K9Yln 850-9088 _ ... ..., Think you 7511-11176 BRICKWORK Small IObt Yll •AP ...,11-11•11 lrr"'•llon Jim 851·0129 Jonn N c •• ••• _,. , ... TI .. DRYWALL/ACOUSTIC "' ewpor1, 0111 mlH, ,._,. .. • M flaalllat CUlatt •ula1 PROF. CAatNETMAKER Ctatal/ C•aa•I• SS LOW RA TES SS Tree trlm/ramov, clean up1, mowing 55•· 7017 Llllle M111 Muftet NI on 1 Tull11, 11ong c1m1 • 1plder 1nd reed In th• Delly Piiot Cl1111fl1d tKtlOfl lboul Miu Muf· 111'1 Tuft1t and bougl'll II lor $9 115 You can NII your tulf1I and Iota ol 2 l )'fl exp Cullom-bit <Ament-Muonry·Blocic All pha... t• yra exp Gardlnlf\G·lndtcpe m1lnt. HAULING a CLEAN-UPS Irvine Rele. 875-3175 Low r1111 lie 536-11898 --==-o.&.----- Fully llc'd & ln1ur1d tree work comm/lndusl, CALL FllCHARO ' · 2411r El \} 141-1121 Trade your old atulf lor 01h11 thln91 through new goodlat with • 1 Delly Piiot Claulllad Clualflld Id. 642-5878 _Ad_1_c_a1_1_64_2_·5e_7_8 __ furniture. lle'd Walla-Cuet. work Lie Ken Burkel! 638-1451 ,.381057 Rob 547-2683 contrac1or. 532-55411 Chuell Nowlin &42-21173 a111r IClhoot, 11117·1112l. Want Ad1 Call M2·5e711 s.11 ldll ltemt 8"2-5678 "°gel wetlfhfflttr $225 1 ..... Uafaral .. t4 AJU!antl r.rahla .. AJ1rtaeat1 UaJ. Aertae1t1 Ual. -='""-:-'-•=•~•t_s_U_a_l.-=::=:il=':a:;"'=tan=-•''o...;U:.:al::.·;......-A1t1. Fara/ Val. 2100 leatala tt llaa1t not Olflct ltalala 2914 Lett & f•u• 3004 ltwte1t ltac• Ult Cffta .... 2124 , lalMa l1laM 2706 Cttta Mua 2724 _c._1_ta_M_1_u ___ a_1_z-i1ut. 1t11la 2740 FHl/llFIH 11 lffta tt•••11 IEWNIT 01m1 Lo11. Tiny btk F1m. vor11. -1 Yfl_. llWNIT COSTA MESA or 1pt to 1her1 In Pro· Full Slrvloe Sult" 1hlre Tarrier. "Angel", Harbor View Hom11, 3 bd, OAS& DE ORO U -• Lrg 2 8d S..m Cllllng1, LoYlly Unit• by the 811 Bechelor & 1 Br 1p11 montory Point, or equiv. IS Oil otlTI II vie Main & Adams. HB. 2 be, lovely ll<>ml, comm Ltttltl Ille pl« 3 llory 1011 ol wood thruout, IPllTIEm Ooeen "'-· 1pll1 M, 2BR 1350 & "400 $250 dep. 6••.c381 1 2 / 2 1 c • 1 t Po o I, 0 •rd en• r · Al.l UTILITIES PAID deluxe lrg. 2Br, lrplc, aerv ber $460 2256 1 Br $2115/mo 2 Br. 1'V•b•, gar, lrple, blleony V11y Nice Complex. 1650 Furntunfurn 2131592-5962 or (71a) S 120 0 Im O · Av• 11 Compere be lore you $1600 mo. 875-3067 Mtpll 673-8803 or $385/mo Intent only No $850, or up1talr1 28r 5•8-0130 Vlctorle M•· M/F to sl'lr 3Br Exec All you neld !Of one 980-0819 1/15-83. 646-811<46 rent Custom dulgn_· 1.trge 2 Br. 1 Bi. frplc. 5•8·7356 Piii No w1terbld1 Plu1 1V.ba, ,_cpl, balcony, nor, 1189 Victor I• SI, home. Back Bey, w/pool monthly 1911 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii E C ulll1 g11. $550/mo No 1>111 Cott• M..a 4 lrplc. $250 mo + utll 640·5"70 Htl>lull ondo. • br leetur11 Pool. bbq. parkings , 1undecll &AV TIMBERS 752•21117 R&H lnYHt· 631·6220 lllALL ••ht ltd ti-. 2~b•. 835 Amigo (No 8). cov'rd ~er•o• turroun-· S 7 5 0 Imo V • • r I y 1 Br , 11r-1ac. & """"' 2•50 Newport Blvd. ~ca ht 2to0 ---------1 •HLIU IFFIOEI* ·• $" 5 7 9 6 6 ~ 7 ..., """' "~' •I E GE EXEC 111 ... 'ltllltJ tf 11t'9 I •" 8 0 • 3 7 • did wll plu1h ltndsca· 7;r-9 97_ Prlvlla Piiio & g1reg1 Lge 2 BR 1'h be, Meu N WA w ... ,11e 1 MO FREE RENT 213/5"1--4460 ping No pell • ..... ~ $-460 646-9883 Verde Lo• pello. encl Jrriat 2744 Room with pool Saall 3 Br lurn Condo w/one 1 room 10 2800 1q fl lrlll•• IHWtrl It 1 BR Furn $515 & ... a Jf&I' ' 3""' w Bey St d or no "'"t• employed l•m•I•. kit• prol P9fl0f'I F1m ... pref From s 1 16 • ..,.. 11 Adi -••tit 1...-••1 Pl.USH 2 BR VERSAIL· 365 w WlllOn 8"2·1971 Lovely p11io. S , 111 '"'" j"· ,_ ec; ' ,..... Welnul Sq Condo. 2 Br 2 Ct1en prly Npt Bch $225, Lag Hiiia 8511-'452• ...... •• ' ~"'-LES p ENT H 0 USE end lal 675-5381 2 Br w/ger. up11a1r1. 500 & MC 979-4383 Ba. den, 011. A.IC petlo. 645-2500 ~~1r~r~e~1;.~2~/rwy1 &.-2~17 or 646-7476 Oul1t All •menlll•• 11390 Allr1Cllve turnllhld $415/mo No pell Rel• E tide lrg 1 Bdrm, huge $700. 650-8539 ---------1Furnllhld Condo, Fe, own ---------1 A "•I I now $ 9 0 0 epl Llrge p•ll?, gareg1. la1ka req'd 352 VlclOfll walk-In cl<>Mt, g11, WIO UllU IUOI Br & 81. HB tree All 1617 Wfflclllf, N 8 258 Found smell mile York· &.-5-0650. Mature. quiet No th•· Ptaia1ala 2707 &45·8161 hOOkup. cllan. $.425/mo. La1aaa ltac~ 2741 llTH Ill amenltlu. $250/mo 10 •OOO aq It 111 lloor 1t11r1 Terrl1r, Vic N-- 11.tfa, 4 Wnl ring• No pet1 223'4-8 2 Br. 2 BL yrty. Maturi. Oeluxa 2 Bdrm, bit In. Nooete Suun631 1,3 l.lfgeStudlowtthlcllchln, Wkly r1n11111115 up ~-8029or8«-2583 Agent5•1-5032 lend & Co1e1 Hwy 2'A b h d N Rutger• Dr Costa M... non~ .. ,., no -ta.*..,.,,. d1whr bbq, 11cuul on near beach. •hopping Color TV. lr11 colfaa. Room In CM Atrpor1 are1 • EJclC Sul· 650-4588 11 con °· •w 213/45"·510-t _,,,. ...... ...,.,., •"85/mo lncfdl utll1 1at _.. I & t t $225/ ""'· S50 ulll F 22~ Hn h -------cerpet, pelnl. clMn and + dlp's. 213/ 799--41115, b I I w vu S 4 115 mo ;:;'o. + $500 lie 10 move hllhru poo •IP• o mo .,.vi tes rom .,...,..., 1q Found • White dog Capo evellable now $ 1.050 B t It L 26 .. 0 2 5 7. 9 7 9 2 or ( 7 1 •I 826-51•7 oeeen Kitchin• avt.11 641--4913 S 1 per aq ft Mtny ~trea Beach eru mo. 64•-0350 la· ac. -, 673-3968 ---------• In. Hole4 Cllllf0tnl1 Apll 985 N. Coul Hwy M/F 10 shr beeul. Bick Call 557-7010 496-0875 EIT'TI UYI.. •---------2 Br 1 81, 111 llr Patio, 2 bdrm b• carpet• L e a v e m a 1 1 1 o a Laguna Beech •11•·52941 8 P 1 1 FemltytoRent $3&518Rept.U111pd crpl drepu 1tove& ' ' '49..,2797.•93·7l37 eycondo oo , •c . .oo.900pLUS1400aqlt Lott Sml wl'lt Toy • B N I c I BHUlll I park Ilk • 7 E ea A Bil 0 I w $ .. j 5 I m 0 drtpet, twllt·lnl, be•m ---------IUWI ltTEL 1annl1 $300 645-5123 PenthOUM 811y1ron1 Sul· Poodi.-Fem loll 12/26 r ewporl 2r•• dlu T • urd· •1 Y.,. ve 5t>0a 558-9550 716 S"•llmar cilllng•. no P111· S4•0. Studio Apt Nor1h Lagun• 1 te parking pet lo• VIC GaJuu Or/ Senu-o twnhll,IYll. /1 ·1oun ng1 1rr1c1 11dt1.,...7·1 15 A · 2272Mapll631·2927 $ 5 WklyrenllllnOWAYll.FemNewportBch2Br2 • • ' -... Weth/dry & ralrlg pool Sunken gH bbq, 1---------...:.:--------I=.:;;;;~;;;;-;~;-;;;-= with kllc"en. 32 /mo $105 & up. Color TV Bl. epl. Tennie, pool, 111 673-1003 Dover $hrs Ans 10 I 1200/mo. 833-506, eperkllng fountain•. LARGE clean 1 BR. )'llrly Flraplace, pool, dllh· HEE IEIT Tl 1-11-11 UUll lncld, non-tmolllt' Phonll In room. 2274 amenlllea. $295/mo wmflL "Skrully", Reward. 760-2578 Sp1clou1 room1 SIP•· No pate. M95 wHller, PYI patio. X lrg Lrg 1 br. relrlge. renge, _•_9_4_-0_3_2_3 _____ Nawporl Bl1td. C M . &.-4--4226. 642-51112, 1/521 ·9860 Newly Oecor'd 2300 1q 11 rate dining aree. Wllk·ln 673-0072 g1rdan. 2 Br $560 pool, leundry, cerporl. l!!f!rt ltac~ 2711 _M_&-_7_4_4_5 _____ Fem rmmete wanted, non IEWPllT OEITll Found. Sml long hair hom •. 2 bdrm. 2 "•. d-cto1e11 . home Ilk• 2 er. 1 81 uptl., _, ber. 557•2841 No pelt FOf llmlled ume R & .. th 1 1 Mm bl""' 3 BR 2 8 With u11 ol rec1ptlo11, blond f1m d"" On An•-., -· kitchen & cabln1t1 Walk 1 .. U 1 $550/ NO FEEt A.pt. & Condo' oom "' n UA o .., 1mkr. stir • conl room llllch ""one ..,. 10 ruponelble par1y. · rg " · pit 0· mo. only $3115/mo. 1131 W. rllltll• VIII• Rental• I home, •;, blk lo 0C11n. home In Turtlerook. ta50 ' '"'' ' l'leim nr 19th. &.-2-4560 $900/mo 714 646 7788 to Huntington Center. 111 only. 673-57a8. UY YES Tl... 19th SI. 548-0•112 . F rn or unlurn 1250/mo mo. •51.3933 MCretarlal & word pro-------C---. · • l Bdrm-furn, $515 YM .. 3 11rge bdrm 675-•912 Broker. u · · " C9*11ng. Mall & 1"nllMOI Found Fem hlhuahu• ""' No Piii Utlllliet frl•I C.naa •tJ .. , 2112 vet. lrp'-, P•llo 3 Br, evall 12-31. 2 chll· 11111111. Avall Jan 1. Reta .. ,F non-~kr, 1200 "'u• ...,., •"all. ~1111ety 11 Fewn color. H.B Sprlng- 0 T E"' OS • "' d o K $ 4 9 5 p h 2 Br 2 81. lrom $5211. No pl1111 Clll 111 6 pm, ... _.. .,. C d I & E d I Stepa to Sand, Xlre Lrge 1 LA UIN AH nM A --ft -••• Yn .. siarege, poof .,!2•.~1n pet.a. ACfOM from 111._. 9&0·5S« •/, uUI, nr SC Plau. desired. 111· ane. I • n 0 Ir bdrm Equipped Kii • 16211 Ptrklidl Ln. 1 blk •15""• -Yee 75 No ,..,11 .,... v ""' G ,.~·--8"" ,,_7 714/711()..()100 840--4168 cu1tom decor, •II u1111 W of 91ectt. 3 blk.1 S. L..arge 3 Br. 3 Ba. meny &.-5-3331 · e7&:'5Mll D hi t l>Of'1 Blech oll """'-· Mltr Bdrm, 12211, utll pd, .,.,...,.., --------- 136() of Edtnger _.&47-6441. 1menltla1. $1175. Cell ... • l'IU ~855 Colla M"•· avell. Im· Chrlalltr1 F to ltlr big furn. EJIOIT1YE Sll'fll Found· Bleck Mell d~, r.HJ;a:.1~~Cho . * 1350/mo. up. Bech -, ,_0or __ o•_l'Y"--873----7-8_7s ___ W11t1ld1 2 Br. llOYI & **.. With "°' docil f()( powlt "*'· Oy9 5511-7247 °' eft houM In H.B. 1215 Incl Full MfVlol, KMP your ~~~~~~: f o~cl~. ~B~ ........_ __ ,._,.,,,In...___ & 2 Br. unturn & lurn. BAYFAOHT, 1 BR. 1 BA. '9frioe, newly dlcorlled exoeptloNI 2 Br, 2 9a. bolt. 3 BR 2'A be. con-8PM Louie utU1. NGNrntu. No pell o....meecl low & ptOf-183..&uo..,. ..,__......,......, .__,....... ...., "25/ 1 1 1 1 Nopet8. ... 50/mo.W1t1t only lor tfll dlterlmlna-do. $1200/mo w/doek, ---------1 orlllda.te83880 llonal tmave high Pr•1 ________ _ Crftt. 3 bd, upgred9d. poof. IP8· 18992 Aor'lde .. ..,. mo. • • u pa Id, Ind r y f 1 c ting $'""'0/mo •gent $1000 wit'"-". •""11"" Nici oozy furn rm. Cloee ---------1 ., .......... , W•tcllff arN ol F d M I hi Avalt lmmld. 645-2521 8-42·28:W, 8-42-3172 $ 1 0 0 d • p V r I)' 6"6-4382 11•1•,,.v:;:..,.. '"' '""'' v~ ~ lo but MIO wll with ref Plt1l Newport, 3 bf twnh-..,~ oun anx orng w 844--0129. '" .. ...........,.. Ml'I. Long ~3 11. M/F vu beck bey, Newport BMch. aa 1 Do-Cel, Ilk:. SMdltf Vlllllge Nwpt er.et. 2 bf, 2 be. dbl aa.tPll IPTI Spadout SNdlo eepetltl 2 Bet 1 9a. redlc:ofelld. laal JMc• Z'l4t 1 Br. y1erly, ger piing, ----------1 pool, 11nnl1, ape Jen ,,_Or 611 14, 631-3651 HB 647-nae 1:;a:=:·1~~poo1 1 & 2 BR, poot. •P•. 111tch1n & bath. lrp1c oer. pool Child Ot< No1-~·iiiftiii"i;i'-•t.pe to beeetl. "485/mo • bdv&dv. be.I Fenced 75~ DELUXE SUnt &..atl ..... lat BB~Ql, 1~)~llum·tl'Hevwt S7~~Z'7o .. Ulll1 paid. pelt. $1125/mo 13119 A.1 llllflPll IPTI d1y1 731-5U6 I YH ~~ now ';:7~ MC _F_a_m_1-l1_2_5_·_3_5_n_l_c_a_l_r_g w_,mg ten her-. Vic 2 BR, Penintutl, ,_ ~ .. -...,...._ Baklr IM 1-0763 A LOVEl y PLACE 875-3218 "°"" $229+% ulll. No Water Frt•t .... , WlntetgrMn/ o-tllld. cor, no Piii l600 mo 1 ~Cf', HB 2 Br 2 Ba Condo,_ SC TO LIVE 1 If, 1 IL Furn Of unlurn room Prl-pell 1131-«59 atter &pm S 1.50/tq It. Lltll 558-5230 yrty •98-21115 Btwrl Sleter/War,_ Ctlta llna 21M Plue, eve II Jan 1 •Homey/PYt 1 & 2 Br vale hom1 nHr OCC 8"2-a644, M·F.11·5 off e..ch $550/mo. 751·31111 •Pool/191-'bbq PIO IHI 1atU. $200 mo 682·1885 Rmml• •hr 2BR •Pt In --------1 LIST OAT1 UWlll IAYFRllT NWPT HGTS-1Br, pY1 pa· •5 ecr.. ol beeutllully Pref• i.m .... ,_ 35111 --1Ni;Mi8i;Mi;---1 CM. N-smkr, poof, )eo, OFFICE SPACE FOR Chlld'• pet, tong heir EJCcellenl Belbol l1t1nd TOI IEIEllYE m tlo. no pet.a. 1375 mo + 2 Br w/glf $.485 Nu cpl, land1c1p1d •urroun-& Belboe $.450 llC dep Olllllll1ll $24 7 SO+dep Mike LEASE 700 IQ II. exit torlOIH 111111 Dover locetlon Sandy beectl, 3 BMutlful & per1t Ilk• wtth dep. &.-2-5722 1 5 7 5 "C " 0"n01 dlngt Olene 650-8681 llSllllllUll 631·2737 Newpor1 loc 6"6· 7728 sh or 11 c e 11 Fr• n k &t, 2 Ba. S 1250/mo Ow· tetracld pool •-UBI &rTI ~ 120• l·5PM Wlllf • Nr Frwya A ahOpplng S550/mo Bachelor Pin· Tlrlld of ho1119? LoYlly Prolelllonal M. to 11\are 2 1_9_em_.gpm _______ 1 631-0910 Of ~ 1269 net 8«·11513 •Pr1Y111 Pa1lol -• pd • Ovlel "" prlYltl bid Ind bl Avell 8d 2 Ba Townht w/non s L 3 A ti B ---------a--........... ,_..,. _ ____. 1 N 1 .. _ 8 811 thou .. Vlrllll .... pool, o •gun• re •y Found 81k Cat, i=.m. Au· •C<>Yered Ptrlllng _,,,_, _..._..., 1 BR BEAUTY 1111, qullt 0 o Pl I; ""n " Mon Fri 0""' •"""' Ref amkr F C1ll eve 8118PM ., .. ., & 500 It ·•t am 2 Br, 1'h be. 2 1l0ty, all amenltlll. $900/mo Nr Ho•g H09p. 5•0-77911, MS-8521 2 Bt. 2 Bl. Condo, 2 Clf gerlQI, near Hoeg Hoep $750/mo. 6"0-532• liARBOA VfEW HOMES 5 BR 3 lull bath. cloM to lhops & perk Commu· nlly pool, $ 11100 mo 752-2197. lg1 BIG CANYON 2 aty condo, goll COUf'll. 2 it( t Ai.Q:a. OU trptc, wet ~ .. "1)001. 11200/mo A.gt 8"2-1183 3 bd, Fmty Rm, Frpt, Ga- rage. Poot Tennl1 C11. '975. 673-2717 Br w/frplc prv patio 11 .. ) ... l 1111 1p1, 11curlly gete. 111 • "'r ~ "'T"' IC! · IP av.. lfy tall 12/27. N.B. El '11tSpedou1 A.pl• ........... ' ...,.,... ,.· llraplc, dw. balc:Ony, up, ( .. -• ltnlflltles. no Pit• Call • mull Call anewer Ad 641-8108 w/good hwy vlelt>lllly Rencho Mkt 640-2032 •Dining ArN .,...,_ garlQI. ,...,....., ,.... 1tllw, pool. IPI, no Piii 8081 Hollend Cr, HB lor eppl No 771. 6•2·•300 2• ----nlld--ed-lh--497-2351 'lltWllk In Clollt• cuzzl, no Pll•-"'&Simo. S • 8 S . T op • r • • Btwrl Sletttr/Wernet TSL •• · -~2 1603 "''' Roommate ere ---------Found. Brwn Dog w/whl •Home-Ilk• Kltehen• Ms-4411 5"~24•7 ott 8lech .... gml "" • _________ , 4 Br H.B. Condo w/3 PRIME LOCATION new •POI on lllL No collar I blk to Huntington $500, Ulllllle• paid, 2 -------------------1 wtml IEITl.LS PRIV ENTRY. prlv kit. ot"9re. $1115/mo. H.B. bldg, 1100 Ml h °'can Wdbtg, IN 8117-0207 Cen ton & $575/mo 2 Br 2 B• WlllLAIE furn. ampl Non-1mkr Condo+ ulll1. 960-8839 be divided. On PCH, ---------ler, transporttl l>drm. 1 be. '250 SICu-townhou11. hple, petlo, 3 & 4 Br. Ck>ll to waler, 1295 Lag. Nlg Nr bch N-por1 8"ch. S109 by Found Young lam1le ftwys. rlty, Cllll Beth &.-1·5230 por1 1 nd 11 Spac 1 & 2 br, lovely furn & unlum, rHIOf'I• •93.s.a90 Responllble mlle/f1mlll & 191 2436 W CoHI Siberian/Shep mlk. car • au ry rm, • plne1 & 11r11m1, llC. bte, ell amet1IU•. &rollet 25-35 to there 2 bdrm, 2 Hwu, NB •gt ,..,1•1.""'. ~:'~~!~ Hemlllon, H8. bl1·lnt, 9'Tlall Pll ok. g1t11, entry by phone, 675-4912. Nwpt Bch, qultl bUI. b• •1 Promontory Point. -, '"' "" ....v .,,.;:. • .,_, munEI FIEE 2 Bdrm Cot11ig1 Mlllldl 21125 Eldin, 631-1755 NEW 1 BORM. CONOO S9l(:IOul ~condo, $635/mo . Y1ult9d cit· tlngl. frplc, dbl gar. pool. tpa. 6&e W. 18th. 64S.27311 "'2zlfleld APllYWlll B1autl1ul gerd1n epl1. Patlolldlc:M. 891. 11-.1 s*d· No 1*9. 2 Bdrm 2 Ba. $585 38& w. Wlleon 631-5583 TSl Mgmt 8'2·1803 fg1 rec 1111 Incl. gym, ---------euey uec/ pron Non· $385 Mo. Avelt 1/16. Call llnl lllWll °' '" 5, 642-11221 pool & •P•· Fr11 cebte 1mlcr Prlv ba $300, Ant.on 675-620• EJCec Sultee tncl ,__..,. Ptntaala 3012 3 Br, $.475 l'A ea lnetall, 2 fr11 mo1 64...03611. _,.. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 2 Or, ... 25 1 ea 846-115111 ---------iNlw 1tudlo near beech In 1ec'y 11rv1, conl. rm., Poot, No .... ,. 5'48-11556 ltttll, Mtttll 2t04 H.8. PYt ba & entr $300. kit .. mall h•ndlg RH· UIU a YIOll'I ,..... 111111111 WW COUNTRY CLUB LIVING -536-078.4 ponllve 10 your butln-PHOTO MODELS 9'e81iB"U IPllTllllT1 B11utllully land1C1ped garden epll Poot & Spe. P1tlollcs.c:b. No Piia. 1 Bdrm ... 75-$.490 2 8dnn 2 a. sseo 2250 V1n gua rd 5"0-9626 Lrg 2 & 3 BR townhouM IN NEWPORT BEACH 8 [ I C H I R [ A M/F lhf 4 Br. 3 Ba Cc:IM Oieda Adi .-05 Fwy. In ESCORTS/DANCERS e.pll,IOClger,frplc.Nllf Slngl11 1 & 2 Bdrm n n hH 3 Be. kit, LR/OR. F.V lndlv.otca Mo/mo OUTCALI. 2aHRS Hunt Hrbr. fr()l'll S5"5. Aplf1menll I TownhOU· $84/wk Welk lo bch. '2•5. from $326 9413-11445 OtFT CERTIFICATES Children OK. 8"0-6807 -· From S560 lll/1&11, dl9 8t0-0609, 1111 lflOE On AVAIL. 2 bdr"I. 1'-' bl twnhH, On JemborM Rd 11 ~lget81or·M•ld·Pool &45-2015 Allrlcilve l'\llllc U91ta1r1 HMHl $• 15 + $3 75 d1p Nr San Joequln HN .. Rd Nwpt Blvd & Wiiton M/F lhr .. Br lJt>a ~ Mttlng. We tupply d91k, ~~~~~~~~~ B11ch BIYd at McFad· t"-1IOI CO.ta MIN 5"8-8 755 waterfront\ $325, cell tpmel, copier. YOAJ IUP-~11om Fantuy Phone din 0u111 older petaOn --------·•Pini Knot Motel on Cout 6411-1309 r:>IY phone & m pr mo pr con.,.,...tton with 8etbll pret'd. no~ H,_..894 OCEANFRONT .3 9t. 2 Ba. H w )' Ne s I. p I t 0 _________ , dllk Celt &W-7211 MCIVISA 2• ""' $445, 2 Br 2 Be, pool, patio, lllda OK NO pe11_ ~HOii. 960-7~ upper unit, lrplc, ger. ocean Wiiiy r•t•• Fem to lhr w/uma. p,,. For L-. ,___ 3 rma. ----=c,,..111_638-0--.,.-=7-:0_1....,,...~ S 1 2 5 O I m o • y r I y 6"5..o«O bdrm/bath In 3Br 1p1. -...., .. ..,. 675·2725, 873-•&Hi---------i Hunt Bch $200/mo 1200 Ml It Good lrtfficl SPIRITUAL READINGS -· IEEI A PUCEI 648-se.118 good •ton & expo1ur1 Advice In all ma1t1r1. Bacnelor1 13115 a. a 2 9 ~ ---------1M23 e.acti Bl'td H8. love, merrl1ge a bu1l-1 Bdrm $.465·"'90 1.,.. r, ...... ..,. bulftlnt, 3 Br. 2 B1. S11p1 to ReHonabll ,., .. Kit· ltatala WaatM ltOt C•" 831·7900. Aft 6 & n111 Alto counNUng. 131 E. 18th &.-&-ea 16 dllPH 6 c arpet· No beech. $750/mo Pro-chlnltl .. , ~. meld 00 0 VE • wllnd1 831-9309 1815 So El Cimino Alel, 161 E 18th M2~5e Pill. llll0-~75 party HouM -~. z channll rno-y u HA .. San Cllm •112-72te 3 Bdrm 2 B• W5 151 E. 2191 546-2.-06 ....... Ylllac• Bechllof, l & 2 BR epl1 1v1ll. Pool. 1pa, laund rm. No Piii tmmld Oc· WP Latge 1 Br, M.!Plf cMN!n. ..2-3850 6"2·1010 viii SANDPIPER MO· SPARE ROOM? Prlml Founteln Vallly of· --------- CI o • • 1 o b ••ch ---------TEL, 1967 Newport BM:I. Energ111c coll1111 11u-flc1. a&• iq 11 10528 f IMOlJS CIRCUS $395/mo. ON THE WATER: Com-CM &&5-9137 dent lffkl hOUllllff· s I. 1 er ( 0 I ck I " 1114 8870 8112-8115 ptelety remodeled. 2 Br, olna Chor'el In IXchange 714/986-1134 • 2 ea. trpl, beam Clll, jec. Vtcatfta leatala ltt7 lor ·room. Pl1111 cell ---------1 Malllll' S Lo• 2 Br w/g11age. Super Boat dock & oar •v•ll. 545-0277 and 111v1 laalaett leatall ltll cl11n, oloH to bch. 1875/mo yrty. Conlect BIO BEAR CABIN FOR name end phone with 1 ........ -.-..--. ................. ......, M11110• Parlor. Oor• SOS/mo H•·•llU. Oe"ld, 6•0·6"72 or FIENT: 1 Br & ton. From ar\IWll'lno madllnl. Rltllll llore It 2650 Avon. glOUI girl• to_..,. you. 892·81111 IOS-684-8780 $111 daffy 588-8187. 1685 iq. 11. plue 8 cer OPIO lrom 10 AM unlll" I L.. ._. COUpll In 50'1 & llCly 90 QlflQI M 1-8717 AM. 7 deys 1 ..-. Fret Bachllor ... 10 3 Br. 2 Be home. Bltn•. Studio penthouN, guer· lealall It a..-t • ._ n11d 3BR 28A houH. la• le l H"O butt•t. 719 No. HerbOf 1 Bdrm 1•60 carpt/drep11, frplc. W/ did comm.1625. Sheron ' Yard lor 2 tmlll well b9-•It. ala I • Blvd, Fulllr1on 845 P!u~~0~5•0 pool. U llO/mo. Call 768-5800 170-2313 llllllATI hev1d dog a . ApproJC seas up. 1900 f1 lnduetrlal l14-llM1H 636-0921· COlY Small 2 BR houM 1700 & xlrtt HCUtlty, OlllCI. 18101 Redondo TSL Mgmt 7&4-00al 2 Br, 1 Ba VllfY prlv upt· nr bMch. Arlf)lace/ ga· flllEll C .M. 1 '11· Friede Clrcl1, Huntl11gton Al.L MAJO~CRE~ 1••111All taln unit. 3 811(• oo.en. rage. YMr1Y. 1700 plu1 Oldllt & ~ aoanoy. 131-11102 Of 848-2251 Blectl. IM2-2834 __ c_A_A_os_A __ E_P_r __ SPECIAL llllPAIOYl Encl git. 1550/mo. Agt depOlll. IMS-1387' All clllntl IOfMnlCI ..tth NMd 28R houM w/'"'811 1000 I.I. IPllCI w/ottlc• *"' 11111 llln• MOVE IN At.LOWANCE 2 8' I Bl laundry rm, 6311-14311 Of H0-&&68. 2 BR condo, QUIET, pttme photOI & l'lflrenoee. r:,d/ or patlO new vie. of on W. 1ath St. CM 2• hr Ovtcall Maj C/C'1 LMge 1 8r. Cfptl, drpa, pool, cr1it•, drtpH 2 STAY, 3 Br, 2 Ba. Quiet WMICllff loc. No pell. _?~I~•:~~-k...,,'Newport:. Cd:'r:M. Wor-&.-5-9907 689·8814 lndry rm, tv'k119. ' Wlllr '"•""' ••1 /mo s v I ......... 7""' "'"2~..... .. ....... '"'""'""" ........ ._ "'V mother. . E·--a -• ... Int _.,.,.... I. ery n c• encl yd. __, ""'""".. ~Tomorrow ShOw lllbll 111 I -1" _...,. ---lfnall 1 BR epl. ,_ orpt. pd, Q*, frlO, dn loo. no 22 .. Maple $776/ITIO. A.gt 536-1435 2 ... , 2 '"• ..... ,,. & ....,.._ ·~off* to al.I wtlO rllPC)r • qu . r1-,...,tt ... 1 .. 1f,..t ___ __,-........ • 2• houri • 835-tl""" dt'pa, $425 pet•. Av a 11 now . 2 Br 1 Ba earpc>rt, lndry or HO-Mea ... -.. .,., .,.,.., ll1bl1. Been •I P'IHnl 8 S 2, 8.38.. ·ca ,...., • 875-5068 83l-&tt7. rrn, View Of QOlf courH · New dlcof. Uppw, neat rlMd • ~ ltt toe. I yr• N11d quiet ~'1fl'AIJ!.f9mo1 ~ 170 ' ... .-. ,.,.._,.1~ , "" f\JIDMSlllD Of from dlClk WI/mo 3 81\, 2 Be, dlnl rm, fplc, bdl. Yrty. 87S.257 l 1!!f!!! -1· 1 p I • c •. A It• r t pm """"· 'v · .,,._.. ~:c;;;',,;' j;.;111~ UNFUINtSHm r:o1e1-::~~ ~· a7'. 5N ~ wlahlftO feel, Olf, 7791 OCEANFRONT 3 BR 2 le. -14W.283 MC. cs.poatt. e 3-4184 .,. 07M160 AU UTIUTl[S ..,.75 10 M25, Comer of 111. .... Ml·1HI eypr ..... te76 mo. $300 yrty. Avail 1/1 l1200mo. NetCI Roomn'Mte to lfMn Poodle with bondat>i.i.m ~ ~ 'a*Mew & A.Clam•. Cell MC MS-••·42 aft 5:30 t7&-9023 ltvlneApt. l300/rno + ~ m•t own n1ed1 by•---------1 BAY fROHTAOE. beeoh, PAID. NUlllt 117...,15 $488/mo 2 Br 1~ I• IU-frpto , t11•. Ken t61 .. 55t 111-83, 111111t or HP Aaataact•tata •· Pl'ka. J er MOO. 1 a.uas. TfNNIS upper untt, all blt·ln•. -• ,_ 2 8 r · 1 ~ 8 • • .. ~ qutta, ~ tit °' '91\t •-s llt MOC), Utll. pd 303 I!. s-wc; ....... ...70/rno, 2 81, 1'A le, 2 cerport, lndry rm, bll· w...-WHh1r/dryer, pl llO, ,emale .,.,... .. mat1, non-'ll::e:· 1300/mo ................... tiitgew•'*· 11t71•2868. "'"""""'" .,,_ Stry. Q1"9t ~-No cony. N•w 1&2 ldtm luxurf pool. $750/mo. &40-2950 1moktr. In N1wport 7 IV meee 1 ~"*"to announoa mtKh mort1 Sorry peu. ~508 527 w Wiiton apt.I In 14 pt.,. 1 Bdrm ~an front. •3001mo. ---------1 c... ... llat. •aa ttO pets. Modth . 1 "'· 1981 Mee* Ave. 1 11L .... Ml· 11H ~m.·~~ac:: ·= ... a...... !flt Bk( 942..mo ... 1-tOlO ............. ltlJ =toe-~ '=r~ ~ t ~. ~t oc>tft dilly 9 to 6. paf'90tllalre, ,·,~.511mond7:• Urpm•·. mTAl'f • HllS + pool1, t1nnl1, 2 It 2 la, nr 8a11 Cl• ~~:an: taa ~ Olfllge, ..._ a OOf'd t"'11fw cti11 bl ... ucm11 IOIEU ....... , ..... ea.lllfut modlM for ttle d!WlfT'ltnattng, Who to.... ltle "~ \OuOI\''. tlM/mo m.o8M o-a.......-.-~ "'''"' Wltetfllll, portdll Gal mente Ho1p., patio, leCUl'e, 73l W, 11tt't, 8t. ~ tlyoelllnQ my ... ..,.. ~~':·!"...!:, 3!~. ~11~[1·.,~~.~!u':o"hr~; for cooking a heating n9Wlyde00tat«t.wtwa ~~~~I Coe1aMeea.1'73-1'711 omo. now Mlri\ \.let, C........ BM'Gar*m Allll'1t.ml:ll,_.,..... .• ..-.._..._. .. -'*1)0rtl ow. YMS/b* paid. ,,om Ian DleOo OU pd . l•ll/mo. •ftnoto. ~ ttn9te cer o•rH•· ••o-M.O. I~ H1 H0901tal OP£N 7' DAVI 1.WUIC --t ... d. "PI0.~(1oer. lm•ll P'et OK. '1p, Prwy drive North on ltM-.e SIMOlal ~oft 10 .. wtio rlQI, eMtvea MStmo •~M_._No:-l-=-~~~~~1 111·Hll 81# ., ft.UM Ntw,_-t StecWNo. ~ '800. -~· 1 te0()."28/mo. IHOft 10 Mc,adden 10 a It ••H YHtly. MW neect a pteoa. 1$ t..ot2 t f tllS PAAf(. 0-M a.utlM 1.Mtd1e.,... Uo lrvlM l#e. 1. cottt v11111, 1 ''· 25"1 Otan,oe Ave. • • • w 1 n d v 11 1 a o • o.cOr pool, "' be1ot1, llto.4114 m 111f tlnale., oer90I to ren1 i;;;;;~~~~~~,!!v~1a!"~~~~!!!!!MO~ O• • .....,-pelCI "1t1toa, tit '611111 g:;:1jeo,, ot\lbflOUN, etc. 2538, 2314 Santa An• 17 t•IM3·S tN 1>111. No .,..._ 4N-827'1. Hb month. tn .. .,,,de I pool, faouul, ••una, •••-JJAA ,,, ..... ~·1• C.it tot ~ J• •w•c 1 •· .........-..... .,., trg home or GOndo, c M ........ .o ... ten•~··~ -;r--~ • .._ TIL Mgmt ... ~tto3 """''Hr-., •N;';.t";' 2 bd, 1~ ba, bit! lo bc#I, 111 l11t C1~011t 111111. , __ . -------- OCU19, reoroom. Jr 1 It. W .ald• 'Sr. crpll, --···-···· rr:'okllurel &' Ad1m1: Ohllelren IP••• 01(. 9"447'9, 2-24411. omn ...... ltH Air,.,_.~. • ...... ,..,rig., wat• pd, "'_,._ •--14110/tno H1·t118, IOO. 4tt·ll3f or Aoommall M/,nMdectto ______ .. ___ ..,_ .. __ _ Cel 111.0011 ~'i ~~o~~:o P•••· Ur 11Ptuva11. ll'ool. ~· 21a-.S41-110t. 91"-"2a5 111are a IA 11011 .. tn Otftoa £ tcx ..... no iil•a•iiiiiiiiil ::0~1 ~ ::--,, •· m-Wit I"*'•• ~J. 'b: too~ ~~ ,:;·:,r,: Zw.~ ~~Jft Jl•~ifllliiiil•~ INW ittftt\. nteaboitmhouM, •PICI ceiNM11~ wttt w11; d• 1n e_ll'M. ~or.o.M.nb• :-.;..;.._;,..;;:..;..;..;..._--~--TIL "'9mt l"N122 ~:. ::=. ~"::: 1$l·Ttlt ~~~=~ \!:•m• I 11.111, I & ...._11u In• WW UH uu., .. ,.._ .-u. • Ol16N ... '*" ~·~~~~~~~1 flf•••Y d•cOf, 01t pd. H7111mo. "'•' beach, 2 • 1• 8a; oetto·a ·~ Dtlr Not OI 1 "ICI M 9dl; tmhM. h.il • ~ lll!e. h9t 11. ,_ .::::=::.:=:::=:::~:::~':.!~ etlCI .. ,, ffl!'!tf"I, IMIU It. I ... no.,._ 11111 trom ..._,.,HOO: Ma ..... MMW • • lftltt •H• a\lltt O.U eanea /.,4 Ot II tt 190 NO ""9 9Q-8071 &»4307, MJ•tut • 4" t.U. No pMt.. ,_. Oii Ml-Mfl. MO.Ol'f llCMIH bet t0o11AM - Aaalatant Manager Hug«i·Out IOI CrMm Shop. P/T eves. Apply In Pl'tOfl El Toro Ro•d at Rockfleld, El Toro, S1ddlebeci< Valley Plaza !!! OPPORTUNITIES Ill IN Electronics & Comnmk1tions How Would You Liu To ••• • t..m A N-SkUI • Dtwtop LucS..,.hlp • M•b N11w P'l'lf'Tldl • !'Mn bt.ra Money 111 • En.ioy ~lu ClviliAn Ute We Ofter ••• • b«'4'Umi Career ()pportunlU.. J'OI' Jf.I Otldt.Aai. or 1'4utv1~t • Tralnl"I For Pf'OJ>k-Wllh Ho , MUiialy Eicpan.nre • A .. 17 ~ IWiot 10 ~ti) bil'lhday • e>p.ni-"" ,.OI'. Priot ~ lndlv1duall ' SOUNO INTERESTING .•• ?Tt CALL TODAY 979·7>•1 I~ I.*>• M.~ ~ c> m) CM>Y a• •wo DOT. ..URNITUAE • NEW Mutt rlUe Caeh Prloee 11lt'I et Menr ..... a found. Mt Twin 117 • Full 197 Queen 1147 ·Kina IH17 Sor• e.ct. 1117 l.9f• & ~· 1247 Otnette w/4 clW'I ff7 OISOOUHT ruANITURe 1tM Herbor 8flld ca.ta M9a e31-eeot l400 brown OOfd, ~ ollelr, Ulle new, 1200 ~. 84e-8113. 1tll .. 0 IL Ou1111ndlng condition. Mu1t -to ap1>fec:l11e. All extraa. 119,950 64'4·81911 ULU.lllW. •wam O'JEASEM OELIV£RY !XPEATS UILIU'*'ft 1tMH*'>Ot~ C08TAMHA iii '41-UllMl-t•• COHHB.l CHEVROLET ~ 11.ir•· ' 11 ' '"'''n. su .. 1200 • • • • • .. • • t • • • • • • • • • • • • • ' • • • ' ' ..... A Monthly Magazine For The Orange Coast • Wednesday, December 29, 1982 I FOR 23 YEARS OF CHEVROLET SALES AND SERVICE AND WE WOULD LIKE TO WISH EVERYONE A HAPPY HOLIDAY SEASON! CONNELL CHEVROLET Serving· Orange Coup.ty n1P THAT GHAT C.11 n1uNca for 23 years WITH GENUINI GM PUTS. • · 2828 Harbo:r. Blvd., s..-.lc• ' , .... , ..... .!""-----------------------------------------------------------------~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~ ---~ ~ CURRENT -A Monthly Magazmt! tor the Orange Coa&t/Wedne;1~ay, .December 29A 198.2 -3 Oul/ot,Ji '8.'I pn-IH'nt11 •n in·drpth 11n11J.v11ii< ul thr ,,.-.iplr tmd tS.•ur• tllOn/j tht' Or•nsf' Cu11M, with comprrhf'mJivf' ,1ur1f'1> abuut .-srh C'ity. l.t.t(•" fur ritJ ht'•dinsli 11ucb •• lhf' on,. JH.Jo..., for a rrc11p of tht' put yrar's f'f'C'nf.M ia your city,u Mfdl •~ a P"";,...., to what I 9H:J ho/di, in storr. Thr~ commu111tr ovrnirw11 art' rompilrd hJ (Jaily Pilot 111•(( reportrrs who llff immrr'Sf'd dail, in the' worltintr• 11ad dt-ve/opm t•111" ()f thr ritir11 thry rovrr. brinl(inl( thr re11drr t>1ulusi11r imiiKhl& into tht> liv~ of local movrn 11nd i.haltf'N and t'rrnb of tJfH'('i•I intrrrJ1tl to N'&idrnts. By ROBERT BARKER Dwindlmg revenues are expected to make 1983 an uncertam year for the city of Huntington Beach. The clly has received about $3 5 mtllion less than ll usually gets from the state. And there's a po581b1lity that there will be further reducuons. The tightening fiscal conditions have caused City Administrator Charles Thompson to declare a freeze on the hiring of employees except in cnucaJ positions. And he's dlrected city department directon to bst their funcuons by priority with the Vlew of cutting out the least important actJvities. No decisions have been made but cuts in service to the public appear certam. Thompson said the city has received $3 million less than 1t usually receives in motor vetucle in 1.Jeu taxes He said the state al.so has kept about $600.()(\0 in cigarette taxes that it usually forwards to the city. He predicted that a $1.5 billion state deficit may mean additional cuts. Thompeon, the city's top executive officer, also saii'.i the city is receiving I~ sales taxes than projected. He said receipts were $400,000 less than expected going i nto tht> Chrisunas sales season He sa.Jd tht> city had predicted receiving $10 rrullion tn sales taxes over the enure year To count.er some of the declme m revenue, the city has embarked on a productivity program in which a team o f consultants examines various city act.Jvities for efficiency. He claimed that reductions in personnel as a result of the study will amount to $1 million a year The q_uest1onable economy also is expected to cast uncertamty m other areas in Huntington Beach. One of those key areas is the downtown section o( the city [n a maJOr development during 1982, the state Coast.al Comrni.ss1on approved the locaJ coastal plan for the coastal zone except for disputed wetlands areas. The action cle-ers l~ way for planning the revitalization of the downtown area i n the next 12 months. "l expect something to happen around the Main Street a nd pier area." Thompson said. "I'm not lookin1 for an overnight metamorphosis out some groundwork will be laid. "But there again, the economy will have a lot to do with it." One major development that appean to be ~finitely in \he offina la the construction of about 1 ~O tenior dti.un rental apartmenta In the redevelopment area near Talbert A venue and Beach Boulevard A number of senior citizen condominJwm abo ia planned ln the area . • . •..;!-.• • .. ••• .. •••• ......... .. One thmg that never seems to change is the uncertainly and controversy surrounding the Bolsa Chica marshlands The disputed area IS surrounded on three sides by city boundaries but is in uruncorporat.ed Orange County territory. After appean.ng before the state Coastal Comrmsfilon several umes for a decision m 1982, the plan was withdrawn late in the year by Orange County officials. The county plan that enVlsion~ 5,700 h omes. a marina and a navigable channel to the sea was wtthdrawn when 1t fJced almost certain denial from the l'Oastal comrru.ssion_ As 1t has for years, the• battlt> over Bolsa Chit·a will t•ontrnuc• to be fought in rntt:i Bewildered and confused? There arP many wild and confusing claims about the new Insured Money Market accounts, mcludmg coupons that treat your savmgs hke a breakfast cereal The cure for confusion 1s personal service There are 22 savings specialists m our WestchH Plaza and Corona del Mar offices. Local people serving the only lex.ally owned savings association. They'll untangle the snarl of con01cting corne·ons With us, your money will earn mote than "Money Markets" m accounts insured by the Federal government. Others may off~r more today but what about tomorrow? Let one of om savings specialists explain all the benefits of the Insured Money Mark~t At U )llnl at Newport Balboa Savings. Keri Lee Bodenhocfer Kathy 8~W"lin9ame Loia Caton KayClaaae Terry Connolly u-creata C harlie De Riemer Jim Felton Fred Forater Betty Holli• Tricia Jakob Vin Jorgenaen Sue Kanaga Janet Kaufman Rhonda Maeon Kathy Miramonte• Den•y Pariai.la Beth Par"er Llncla Proulx Paula Robert• Pat Ruiz Kathy Schic "ler MONEY MARKET SAVINGS JAN 1• 1~ ACCOUNT WITH us ~ WUTCUPP ftl.AZA, 17ttt end IAVINE AVENUE ~ NEWPORT BEACH• 71 41645-8508 1'l19 CORONA IMIL MAR, 3021 E. COAST HIGHWAY ,,.. CORONA OEl. MAR· 714/875-8080 -----__ , ____ --- ~(N MONOAY-THURSOAY9AM T05PM 'AIOAY t AM TO I PM SATUADAY I AM TO 1 PM j r • 4 -CURRENT -A Monthly Magazine for the Orange Coast/Wednesday, December 29, 1982 You can't look forward •.. without tclking a look back • • • ,,_,....----· Brush fires in Anaheim leave 1,500 homeless. P1>o10 by o.ry ""'"'.,.. '82 in Review Tom Nielsen takes over as new president of The Irvine Company -Oby -d ~ Carla Verne Stuckle exposes State Senator John Schmitz as the father of her two Heavy winter rains caused flooding over much of Balboa Peninsula. Phof o by l• ,..,... More than a dozen pelicans are found with mutilated beak• near Dana Point. ll'lloto br °""* '*' Conditions at Orange County Jall made the institution a hotbed of political controversy. ,., w.....,.o Wiiiiam George Bonin Is convicted In the "Freeway Kiiier" case. -o by Garr""'"'.,.. Statue commemorating tM legend of "Tiie Duke" le unwllecl It John W1yne Airport. "'"° 11¥ IM,_.. More fire In October oontrfbute to ltHt more dlatooated county Nlktenta. ,.._.....,......,....,.. -The best of 1982 In CURRENT -A Monthly Magazine for the Orange Coast/Wednesday, December 29, 1982 -5 A collect1iJ11 ine restaurants 1it one GOOD EARTH RESTAURANT place settlil!£TONELLO RISTORANTE Cla<,<,1t. Norlhprn llJl1an cu1•.1rw "c:.11111•rt1 Unequivocally the finest in natural cuisine Breaklast Lunc.h/01nnpr 8 AM 10 PM Sunday Thursday 8 AM 11 PM Friday and Saturday 557 8433 BELGIAN WAFFLE A scrumptious selrrt1011 o l wolllP'> Plain powdered fru1tecl or luclqPcl oll are equally del1ghtJut1 Harnburqt'.'r"i hom£>rnadf' muffins. soups. sanaw1ches. cind omele1s Pa110 d1n1ng WPPk<ldyc, ancl Saturdays ~AM 8 PM Sun·l~y., SA M4P-M- t71 4t 557 5186 RESTAURANT HORIKAWA Operated by Honkawa ol Tokyo otlers gourmet Japanese cuisine 1n a serene set ting Try our comb1na1ton luncheons 1n the Teppan Room. cooked 11ght before your eyes by showmen chefs All ma1or credit cards. Open 7 days a week (714) 557-2531 PINOCCHIO'S PIZZERIA Authentic Neopolttan pizza. homemade pasta and Italian ice cream are among the reasons why Pinocchio's is a unique. fun place for lunch or dinner We offer a large selectton ot Hallan and French wines tor your en1oymen1 Food and Wine to go Come to P1nocch1o·s1 (714) 556-3757 MEYERHOF'S RESTAURANT M Pyf'rhof s Restaurant on lhP GH·Pn 1n South Coast Pla1a V1llc1Qf' sine P 1976 01nP 1n our turn ol the C<'ntury rounlry kll<"hf'n and en1ny superb c;.rncl w1 chPs th1f k <,nups lrf'Sh salad'> w1nr> hPPr sottr>r br>vC'r..iqP~ cle>sserts ancJ Clf'IN t..it>IP 1C.f' rrr>arn rrl"'rit1onc; (7 14) 540 8044 South Coast Plaza Village Located at Sunflower & Bear Streets Santa Ana. CA 92704 • (714) 751-6595 w1nr• l1<,t wttt1 d vf'fy lclp.1t1il' "'"" 111 .1•.•.1111' your 1J1n1nQ ,1 rf'al exp('r1Pnr" R,..,, rv,1111 ,,.., dnd 1c1cl<1>I<; <,ugg1•-;ted 171417''1 11•, I HUNGRY TIGER RESTAURANT F arnou<;, lor ltvP Maine tnh-.trr ,11111 '" "'' fish <laity fhP ovc.1N har h.1<> ,,.., nwn 1t11•1111 nf S()r>r1,1I <;p,1fnnd rlt'>hl"'.., L unc 11 ,1111t l11nnf'r Entl"'rl.:i1nmC'nt ;:incl d,HH mq (714) 979 1181 lJ.ERDYGO'S- RESTAU RANTE Y CANTINA Fantc1s11co 1 Tanta1t11nq tra<l1tinn.1I·, ana t•xqu1s1te espec1alldade~ Stroll111q ma11arh1c; ancl c hampagnp brunrh tn spice up your Sundays' M onclay S.Hurd.1v Lunch 11 A M 3 P M Dinner 3 P M 11 P M Sunday Brunc h 9 30 A M 2 30 PM (714) 556 7990 UPSTART CROW AND COMPANY A complete b<>okstore and tult service restaurant are 101ned t<>oether 1n this unique concepl Browse for a book. en1oy fine pastries and gour met cottees. or dine on a menu that includes 10 hamburgers. Pasta Pella Salad and Ch1ck<'n Dl,on Daily lrom 10 00 AM to 10 00 PM Weekend brunches (714) 662 0727 -.... ·---. I 1' • 6 -CURRENT -A Monthly Magazine for the Orange Coast/Wednesday, December 29, 1982 By PHIL SNEIDERMAN Fountain Valley will rontmue to grapple with financial problems dunng 1983 and may be forced to reduce services or personnel, city officials predict. The West Orange County city, a quiet bedroom conunuruty of 55,000, lost property tax revenue after passage of Proposition 13, the 1978 tax refonn measure It has no major shopping t-enters or auto dealerships to generate significant sales tax revenue. City ~anager Howard St.ephens said Fount.a.in Valley has lost an additional $1 million in state funding dunng the past two years. He said his great.est concern for 1983 IS that the Cahforrua Legislature, which IS struggling with a massive state deficit, may withhold even more money from the CJUes. Stephens Sa.Jd any additional loss of state funds can only be made up by increasing other revenues or reducing expenditures. The city has few options for 1ncreas1ng revenues. Fees for recreauon programs may conunue to nse as part of an ongoing effort to make these activities financially self -sufficient. Dunng 1983, the city will derive add1t1onal income from Dickinson Pac1f1c Cablesystcms, which has the franchise for a cable television system operating in Huntington Beach , Fountain Valley. Westminster and Stant.on. Further ahead, the city hopes t.o receive money from a second golf course slated for construcuon at Mlle Square Park. The pro.iect. however, lS still in the planning stages. City officials had hoped to generate an additional $340,000 for police and fi.re department expenses through a special public safety tax that was presented t.o local voters in the November election. The measure was approved by a majority of Fountain Valley voters, but it did not win the two-thirds approval needed for it to take effect. Municipal services, such as street sweeping and tree t.nmming, have been reduced, but additional service cutbacks may be implemented. City officials currently are participating in contract negotiations with the four associations representing most Fount.atn Valley employees. Any pay rll18e5 will have to come from the city's limited reserve funds because no money for salary mcreases was lllCluded m the current city budget. During 1983. a three-building office complex being constructed by Pac1f1c Mutual Life Insurance Company, and a new headquarters building for Coastline College are scheduled to open in Fountain Valley. The Fountain Valley School District, which includes mos t of Fount.am Valley and a small secuon or Hunungton Beach, IS in the midst or a transition-period The elementary distnct closed two schools because of dcclin1ng Money Available Now! ESTATE LOANS Deal directly with the tender ·Four points plua •aao ·Six-month term or rn0t • ·Second and Third T.D. La.nta ·Loans for St0.000 and up· Swing Loan9 ·Loan commitment o.n be made In 48 hoe.rs · Con•urner and convnerolml lolln9 •v• .. ble Co"taot our flnanot•l SW'Ol..-on.la8boul locl9y._ low rM9 PaulAo.e ('714) .. •·•0DO JlmWlnker (~)88MOOO AvSJlable 10 caAf()ff"lia ReaideotaOnly Citizens Thift&Loan ~ enrollment during I 982 and transformed a third site into a middle school (grades six through eight). Two additional closures and two more middle schools are planned during the next two years. The reorganization plan was not supported by all parents. Opposition to the plan sparked a campaign aimed at recalling trustees Cheryl Norton, Roger Belgen and Suzanne Moore, who were accused of mishandling distnct finances. The recall group, the Committee for Respo08lble Education. claimed 1t collected enough signatures in November. A special election may be conducted early in 1983 Regardles.5 of the recall proceedings. a regular e lection to filJ two school district seats will be held in November. County's chief task I~ 1983 wlll be a matter of funding By JEFF ADLER While Orange County's justice system will be growing next year, government revenues needed to provide other services t-0 county residents will not. Top county officials said they expect ught-fisted state and county budgets in 1983 to shape the philosophical direction county government will pursue in the new year. Among top priorities will be the development of amendments to the county's comprehensive housing plan, the continued strearnlirung of dependent care services and a general review of just what types of services county government should be providing, said Supervisor Roger Stanton, a prime ~andidate to become the five-member panel's new chairman. Stanton said he expects the board to develop new philosophical underpinnings during the coming year that will guide government as to what it should or should not be doing for constituents. "I think we will have to be more open-minded than we have m the past," said Stanton , while acknowledging that board decisions will be shaped by financial realities County Administrative Officer R. E. Thomas said county government m 1983 will be shaped by fiscal matters. especially what finally happens to the now-unbalanced state budget "All the big &SSUes will be money issues, such as how do we fund (See County, Page 10) '83s Now In S1ock A Few 82's Lett ·10.9% GMAC FINANCING Becouse of lost years your 1982 TOJ1 lloblllty! Economic RecOYefY Ac1 " you ore o buslnewnan the purcf'lose of your new or Pfofesslonol · uling Codllloc ltlls monltl con your new Codllloc fof have motor Impact on business purpotet ·and motc.e your purchase be- be Decambef 31st you con deduct the entire 1st years depfecioflon on your 1982 tax retuml Lets Look At The Following Example: Ytblclt Sain Prtc9 $15,000 1st Year Depreciation (25") $J750 Soles Tax (6,,) $ 900 ~ (CJPPfOX) $ lOO Tola!~ $4950 Pws·. You also receive an Investment tax credit of 6~ Tdal Equtvalent Deductton For 504lr. Tax lracket $6 750. lhat'a !he eQUf't'Olent °' I Slop ~ Nc:lb9f'I Codjlloc wltt\ your accouneant. $6 790 In decU:ttona on to dlllrmlne your Codi-DO n IOON lO IAVI your 1992 tax reNmt lloc'a ~ aelllng price lM YIM! -tlwn verlf'( ._. ~ NABERSl2600-Harbor Blvd . Costa Mesa . CADILLAC (714) 540.9100•(2131 ss1-s266 I ,,,, l:l'rl~·";;\111··' '';t.°•"'"'W. ~ ... ·~.: l at lt~ UJtJII • r¥t,t, By GLENN SC01T °' ... .,.., ......... Progreaa bu uaually been aynonymoua with Irvine, Orange County's newest city. But aloomy eawvxnic forecasts may cauae aome cil the dty'a ambitious plans to wait. Irvine won't be stagnant, however, just a little leas bold than in put years when new residential district seemed to bloom with the spring. Most new development on the horizon for 1983 concerns commercial and public projects. A full-tcale resumption of residential development lm't expected unless economic condition• improve, although a recent lottery for homes built by Irvine Pacific in Woodbridge demonatrated that Il'YiDe remains a popular place when auractive f.inancina ia arranged. Perba .. the most visible signs of prosraa in the bulinem aector are the three towers _ol Koll Center Irvine taking thape at Von Kannan Awnue and~ Drive just off the San Diego Freeway. ~ towers. first of nine bu1ldingJl planned for the site, include a 17-ctory Marriott Hotel expected to be opened next September and two 11-atory office towen to be in operation in May. Meanwhile, the Irvine Company continues with ita propoeal for a large Hilton Hotel acroH the freeway near Jamboree ROlld and Main Street. Plana for that development haven't been approved. but dty otficiala figure initial stages of review wW begin in 1983. T'bcl9e two bate1a p&..y a significant role in plans fQr public buifdino in Irvine becauae heel tax revenue 1rom them bl needed to ~~ ~ public facilities, incl a apacioua new animal shelter and a city maintenance yard goina up aide-by- Dde on Sand Canyon Avenue. City offidala a1m are reviewing financfal pro= befClft movtna aheed with ..awaited plana to develop a new dvic amt.er with a dty bA11. police department, anior cltlsena' center and child care t.cillty. ~ Clll a loc:adon fOI' the center wmed near 1-t IUIDIDer, but plans fell aput for a loc:adon Oft Jefftty Rold bee.al.lie ot hicb cmta to ina'811 an lnfrutru.cture: Roada, utOJU., dralnace· . Althou1h oftlclata are heeitant today to offer a new t1mel1ne for thllr c:lvic center, one thlnl la certain -dt.cNalon will spill over into 1183. Ta.lb wW conUna. on another major J)l"Ojec:t., develop:nant of a bolPt.I In~· ~few the eommunlty· lrvtne Medical C.... and UC IMM _.. miiidril ~ flo •••••• .. of llWIPc &Mir -o.J)pOllq plw. Mext C llDalllltie•bmyantDO..._ ~~:.~~ t.cas11111. CURRENT -A Monthly Magazjne for the Orange Coast/Wednesday, December 29, 1982 -7 The oftice ia to be built on Barranca Parkway one-half mile northwest of Jeffrey. Nearby on the rapidl~e.loping Woodbrictp Activity , the atrip of land m both aidet of the creek channel between Barranca and Alton Parkway, the new Irvine Boys' and Girls' Club will begin ita first year of programming in f 983. The $1.2 million club opened Us doors in mid-November. Most of its progra.nla are not pla.nned to begin Wltil January, though. • Not all new construction is for youth. By March, a new addition to the Irvine Senior Center o n Sandburg Way ia scheduled for completion. The wing will include more activity rooms. Meanwhile, carpenten are outfitting the center with 8 large kitchen. On the transportation front, architecia are expected to create a design ln 1983 for a plailned new bus-and-train station in southern Irvine on the Santa Fe Railway tracla. The station will give Irvine residents access to Amtrak passenger trains and Orange County Transit District buaes. It is expected to be opened by 1984. The station also is und er consideration as a atop for a proposed high-speed train proposed to run through Orange County from Los Angeles to San Diego. Whether Irvine indeed would ~ chosen (and insiders close to the private developers American High Speed Rail Corp. say the city has a solid cha.nee) should be known next year. Who Has The Best Money Market Account? Aren't all these new Money Market Accounts really the same? With Capistrano National Bank's LIQUIDITY ACCOUNT you get the same high money market Interest rate, the same $2,500 minimum deposit, the same check writing and automatic pay- ment privileges and the same security of Insured savings up to $100,000 by the F.0 .1.C. But at CapJstrano National Bank you aJso get the lndlvldual service and attention that can on- ly be found at a local· ly owned and I operated indepen-I dent bank. Your new Liquidity Account Is accessible 24-hours a day, 7 days a week at any 01 our four convenient branches right here In Orange county or at over 300 Instant Teller Networi( locations throughout the Western Unite<:\. States. And beginning In ear1y 1983. you can use our popular Instant T etler card at CNer 5-<XX> locations covering the entire North Amei'tcan continent through an expanded Instant Teller Netwoft<. No one can match thatl . CAPISfRAN9 NATIONAL BANI\._, And fOf a limited time only, Capistrano National Bank will honor any coupons or offers from any other California bank or you can choose a free safety deposit box with any new Liquidity Account (limit one per customer) Remember, If all Money Market Ac- counts are created equal, then eervioe and aocesslbUlty should be the deciding factors In where you Invest your funds. So, who wOO<s hardest for your money? We Doi 16418 ~ Ad., h'Vlne, CA 81'l714 (714 f/IR«JIJ1 31113 Def Qbllpo 6i:" Juen c.platnlno CA 81&, (714) - 1190 E. 17th 8l.. 8enta AM. CA 92101 (714917 ... • 1100 W Om~ FulMrtOn. CA 92833 (1lt~ ., 44-i . . ... 8 -CURRENT -A Monthly MllgUine for the Or.nge Cout/Wedneeday, Deo9mber 29, 1982 Corporate ladder Paallne K laaley has been appointed alSistant vice president and administrative . assistant to the president at Liberty National Bank, Hwilington Beach. Mrs . Kin sley, o f Anaheim, began h e r banking car eer with Bank of America in 1959. She was later the executive secretary for the Southern California regional manager of Barc lays Bank of California until 1981. During that year, s he accepted the position of administrative asaaatant t o the preside nt of Liberty National Bank. She alto is secretary for the board of~ and sioekholder relations officer for the bank. career with Bank of America in 1964 and later served In both management and commercial lending areu of First Interstate Bank and Lloyds Bank of C alifornia. Prior to coming to_ Liberty National Bank. Orr served as president of Pacific Marketing Corp. of Santa Ana. He has had professional banking articles published ii\ both regional and national banking publications. JW M. l>tMllk bu been appointed operations officer at L i berty National Bank, Huntington Beach. Mra . Dudik , of Anaheim, atudied at the Univeraity of New Ja~es O~r ha.a ~n M e x i c o a n d t h e appointed VJCe ~resident University of Maryland. and busaneaa She began her banklni development manager at . career ln 1967 with the Libez:ty National Bank, Nation a 1 Bank of Huntingt.On Beach. Co · L ' l Orr f Tustin holds mmerce an 1nco n, ,o • a Nebraska. bachelor's degree in economics from Cal State-Long Beach, and a maste r 's degree in econ omics from New York Uruversaty. Orr began his banking She recently served as asslttant manager of o peratio ns for the Fullerton branch of Barclays Bank o f California. Delta announces discounts on first class air fares IJ t· Ila A 1 r L 1 n l's rl"l"l'ntl't ..innount:ed that ti 1-.. ul h •n111oe <:onftrml•d I 1r!'.t da!'.!'. n·scrvalaon:s • m vw twr <· on 1 ts <lom<.'Stu: I llUH 'iV!oolt m at a l"OSl ml\. "hli(htlv <100Vl' lhl• n11rm<.il l"0.1t·h fare The tH"A' lar<' .... t•ffectave n11w .• ind 11 1s ;,vaalabl<' tu µ.1rt1l1pun1.; en the CX>h.a I-n'<1Ut·nt Jo'lv<•r Program ·W1· \'t· ni:uk 1h1i. an 1·Ji.\-to -usl' far c ." n ·rna1 kc'tl John Copland. 1 ht· <.11rl1nt·'i. d1str11:t d1n·l·1or ol markNmg . rht· pahS(.'nf{l'r makl'S 8 rt·' 1· r v a l 1 o n a n d 1d ~nl.l1•'!-o himself us a nit m~.tt·r of our Frequl'nt Fl"l'r Program who v. ,lfl i.:. w use the sp«.·11:1 I fur<· Wt• th en ISSUC t onfirm<'cJ f1rsl -c las:1 rl'~t·rvoauons. with the t'O!>I only sligh\ly more thun the t'Oaeh fare." Dl'lta's Frequent Flyer tore.• iii baM>d on the l'OSl of the wac:h tJcket. and It tS m thrct levels -$10, S20 and $30 U the one~ wav (."Oaeh Ucket'• cwt .. $I au pr J~:.•. then tho l'rc•quenL Flyer Firsi C l a•• Far• l• •n .......... ...,,..,, .. eo Uhf ;fi'oM •ti19 through $297 , the add1t1onal c harge for first dass as $20. and for lll:k<.•ls over $297. the <.'OSl IS $30 . The Delta Frequen t Flyer Program offers its rcl!hll'red mcm ~e rs tra· ·cl bemuses ranging from free tickets to cor1b1na11on11 of free trips. free hotel room5 and frt'<' rental cars. There 18 no mcmben;hip (l'e. and partlcipanta simply save their flight cou p o n s or o ther documentations. When the desired travel bonua level i1 r ea c hed. \he m em b er se nd s the material to Delta for the bonus award. .. We already h ave hundreds of thousands o( c.eg1.sten•d Frequent Flv c·r members." Cop l Jn d said . "Mon•ov1•r . immediate reglsu·utaon is available for the benefit of our buslncu u.velen. Thia wilt onable them to #n.ioY th proar•m'• benefllS wllhout delay. while earntna credhf tow ard future free' tlr" ~· ~UNDAY 26 Photographs: Flowers Susan Splrltus Gallery Now through Jan_29 673-5110 Changing Trends Exhibition Laguna Beach Museum of Art Now through Jan. 3. Beginning Square Dancing Santa Ana College 6-9 p.m. S20 fee The Small Music Conspiracy TurtJe Rock Community Park 2 p.m. sa couple S3 senior citizens Percussion Ensenble Santa Ana College 7 p.m. 667-3177 16 .C.I. Big Band Jazz Ensemble Tunle Rock ommunl'Y Park 2 p.m. S8/coupfe S3 Senior · ltlz~ echnfques for tnchlng alllgraphy alllgraphy Jnc. 10:0()-4:00 60-5775 23 Hac:orlbl Na hobed lan and the Group Turtle •ock Communlcy Park 2 p.m. S8/c~ S3/Hnlon [M}>NDAY 27 NewporI Harbor Art Museum. Exhibition. Lari Pittman, Open t o Public Now th rough Feb. 27. Gary Martin, Open to Public Now through Jan. 23. 3 Beginning Calligraphy Calligraphy. Inc. 6:30-9:30 p.m. 960-5775 Jan. 3-Jan. 24 10 Beginning Calligraphy See Jan 3 17 ~ginning CaUlgraphy See Jan. 3. LJLesDAY 4 Fitness For Expectant Mothers Santa Ana C olfege 9:30-10:30 a.m. S24 Fee tor 4 Weeks. ,, Fitness for Expectant Mothers S~e Jan. 4. 18 fitness For Expectant Moth~rs See Jan. 4. 25 Fttneu For Expectant Mothers · SH Jan. 4. Armchair Tr~ 1 New Horizon 1 Services Aust I Zealand Slide 7:30-9 p.m. ! I Stress Manag • Techniques 1 12:30-2:30 p Wednesdays. I through Jan. , Santa Ana C•, S20 fee. 12 foilc Art U.S Santa Ana q through Fet: 667-3177 l CURRENT -~ Monthly MtigaZlne for the_ °':enge Cout/Wedneeday, December 29, 1982 - 9 ~SDAY LJltuRSDAY Cft'IDAY lege Now 0 Chlnt-se Brush Painting Calligraphy Inc. 6:30-9:30 p.m. 960-5775 Jan. 6-Jan. 20 Rtr~ss For E~nt Mo~rs Santa Ana Col1egt- 9: 30-I 0: 30 a.m. Developing Risk-Taking Skllls Workshop 12.30-2:30 p.m. Santa Ana College Thursdays. Now Through Jan. 27 13 Fit~ss For Expectant Mothers See Jan. 4. Chinese Brush Painting Set- Jan. 6. Fitness For Expectant Motht"rs See Jan. 4 . Chlnt"~ Brush Painting See Jan. 6. Laguna Beach Museum of Art National Watercolor Society -62nd Annual Exhibition Now through Feb. 20, except Mondays 11 :30 a.m. 4:30 p.m. 494 6531 "Bagged Art" Siient Auction Laguna Beach Museum of Art 7 p.m. 14 Faculty Dance Concert Original presentations ot batter. modem Jan. tap. 8 p.m. Santa Ana CO{lege 667-3177 21 Death Valley Weekend Departs Santa Ana College 9 a.m .• returns Jan. 23. 6:30 p.m. SI 10/person, double occupancy, s I S 5 Single. "History of Watercolors" Laguna Beach Must-um of Art 9:»11:30 •.m. ~TURDAY 1 Tournament of Roses Parade S28 fee Includes air-cond1tl~d motorcoach transportation and reserved grandstand seating. Departs 6:45 a.m. trom Santa Ana College 8 15 Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra Santa Ana High School Auditorium 8: 30 p,m. 558-5811 Techniques for teaching Callgraphy Calligraphy Inc. I O:C>0-4 :00 960-5775 22 Introducing I SUPER PRINTS ................ '* ........................ .. ........................... ,.. ..... ........, • 8U"•R "RIMT8-17% U.r9er "rtnt1 at Mo Estra etwwa. ............. ,.rt......_ • Enlarg9ment1-Any Size up to 11 11 14, Same Day S«vtce. • Blad! and Whit• Proceealng and Enlargement• In One Dey. • Bladt and White Cot>Y. and Reetoratlon Service. • Large Selectlon of Album1, Frame•. and Camera Acx:elaorie9. • Kod• Print• for a Good Look 3481 vi. Udo. Newport a..ch (In the Via Udo Ptaz.a) 111ci e1s.e122 If you're In Business, you should beln J..1Ltl J1l&i -Bus1~~~Mo~~~~K 1 This month's special feature A focus on the ADVERTISING AGENCIES Coming Tuesday February 1 in the Financial Section of your local newspaper -the Daily Pilot. • t - -- > . t 10 -CURRENT -A Monthly Magazine for the Orange Coaat/Wednelday, December 29, 1982 BJ STEVE MABBLB C.orning off a yar ol. upheaval mid controversy, dty --.. in Newport Beech are hopeful 1983 will prove 1IO be a year for fence-mendmg and nwtoring order. Bu t th e city•• agenda for the coming year will be challenging mid is jammed with the llOrt of items that have split Newport Beach into warring factions in the paSt. There is the plan to add a l~Aor'y addition to the Marriott Hotel, a proposal for a luxury hotel ln Newport Center and a sprawling affordable housing project that already has ignited aome tempers. The Qty Council must tackle the final leg of the state-mandated Local Coastal Plan, a document which maps out land Ulll!ll and IDninp in' the dty'a c:outal area. The dty must not only satisfy citizens but the 'sometlmes·demanding Coastal C.ommisllion. The put year in the beach dty has been a rocky one. There were two referendums aimed at turning back major development projects. The first resulted in the Irvine Company's plans for expanding Newport Center being dropped. 'nle second, a try at stopping the Banning Ranch development, culminated in a dty-wide election with voters upholding the development. All of tbla aerved • badrcround mtmc for the dty elections in which four incumbents were chal1enaed-It waa the most expensive elecdoo in dty history and three incumbenta - Mayw Jackie Heather, Dm Stra\m and Evelyn Hart -were ~ by comfortable margins. The fourth -COuncilman Paul Hummel -lost in a tight race to Bill ~ it ia too .oon to determine w hat, if anything, the election meaJlll., the council appears to have retained lta pro-growth alant. A.180 unknown i.a wh ether the aisable opposition to the council'• position Will wane or resurface with new dedication. And if 1982 waa the year that Newport Beach, in an expenaive legal effort, turned back Orange County government'• muter plan· for John Wayne Airport, 1983 ia the year in which the ptOCll!9I will start aD over again. County auperviaora ~looking at 12 opnona for the airport that range from DO fllabta to more th.an double the number of flights presently allowed at the airport. City officials predict that the airport again will consume much time land money'. The put year wu a good year for the Upper Newport !Jay. For the first time in more than a decade, the bay was dredged and devklee were installed in the bay'• main waterway to catch debris before enie.rtna the bay. Amusive study en where the silt entering the bay ii coming from, will be oomp~ in 1983 ancf couJd leed to further dredae work or other preventive atepa. State econom ic recovery keeps pace with national trends California's economic recovery will be weak by hist«icel standardl and w i ll closely match the p e rformance of the national economy rat.be!' than outpedonnina it • in recent yeen. uya Bank o1 America in ita .. Economic Outlook.: c.alifomia 1983'' forecast. For the Irvine Company, the development firm which plays a major role in what happens in Newport Beach, 1983 alao la expected to be a fence-mending 9eUOI\. The company will have a new Pl"C!9ident and a aeries of old iaaue9 to Iron out. A lawsuit cha:-= the firm'• ~t plans the 1rv1ne Coast la set to go to trial early in the year and a suit filed by diagruntled horneownen who leaae property from the Irvine C.ornpany al80 la echeduled to go to trial. County Issues for next year: Transportation and contracts Prom pqel traditional programs,'' TilOmM said. The county'• top administrative offidal abo said he expects the state to shift m.&J\Y of its programs to OOW\ty and other local governments. Other nagging issues, such as transportation and the future of John Wa'YM A1rport. definitely will be back in 1983 aa well, 'Thomas said. Bealdes the question of what aervicea government will provide, county officials will have to renegotiate every one of its labor oontracta with employee groups in 1983, he aaid. "We'~ in better shape than many mher dties or counties in the state on the verge of bankruptcy, but we'll still be trying to keer, our head above water next year,' he added. "And we have no idea what's going to happen with the state'• budget." In courts aero. the county the emphaai.a will be on new: a new court, new faces on the bench and a new balance 1lving priority to crlminal cua. The new court la Divilioll 3 of the state'• Fourth District Co urt of Appeal. Three current Orange County Superior Court judges - Shella Sonenahlne, Thomas O'OBby Jr. and F.dward Wallin -will ail on the court along with former local judge John Trot1er Jr. -Tbe new court, to be hued in Santa Ana, la~~· ftnt appeela court. Local ap were heard in other Fou rt District branches in San Bernardino and San Diego previoualy. The departure of some Orange County Superior Court judges and the creation of five ~ poaitiona at the court means that about one-fifth of the court'• 50 judges will be new faces starUng in Janiiary. lncuning prelliding Judge Richard Beacom, saying he wants to speed up RlllG Ill .THE llEW YEAR IT c;/~o I ~I 6 . P m. Sat'"'' S ult .A"adaU Ala Ca,1. 6 Pm. to 8:30 Co,.u,.,.i,., .J,.10 :JI.. n."' '!J.a, ().,. :Jif/. e(HU .. ;,/);,.n.,, '"" $19.95 .S.,,..J mo"'1., & :; ... 6"ar ~"'""'' a .. Mll•66 .f .. ,.c~ -P1111111I• r<"°'"' At1a1l.U '!JOflr .Jlo41, · --'"'""'o e.,"olo ... _ ...J CURRENT -A Monthly Magazine for the Orange Coast/Wednesday, December 29. 1982 -:-11 • one Two Ways. l'wo New High Interest Accounts. lmp( . .'riaJ :-,,1\'ing .... 1 .... 111It1uch with clw Lill'"' way .... le> keep\'< Rtr l'.1rni ng. .... < >11 thl· n '>l' And 1 < xLJ). ,\It lllL ~ ,\ 1.1rkl't Acu >um:-. .11 l' d1m1111.u111g thl' flnanoal '>l'l'lll'. ~ > Wl; re 111.tking II l~..L..,ll'r fi )r '< 1u tc > 111 i111t 1 the p1<.iurl' wuh :I l he Hl'l' < 1f tw1' difll'rl'nt ~1< >Ill'\ ~ 1.1rkl·t An·ounl'> AJI it t.tkl· .... ,.., .1 mm1mum dq )( ,..,II< 11 $2500 .tnd V< >u can ~111 <.~mtng high M< )lll'Y Market r~ll<::-. And th< >'it' funlb .Lre 11N1red up tc > SI00.000 h~ thl' F:-il.f ( Imperial Insured Mon ey Marke t Savings gl\ l'" ) < n1 .1 high~1dd for \our llllllll'~ )i >LI can .tnl'"" \'c iur lumb .It .111, !I llll' At .1m 1 >I c 111 r t.onn:ntl'l1Cl' ( L.'lltl'r.., ( ,~r~ 1 .\I.IL h11w:-.) < )r :111\'' 11 c iur n >tl\'l'llll'llt hra11ch < iffirl'" Arn.I l':td1 month.' <Ht L·:1n "ritl' three chl'ck..... .111<.I nuke thrl'l' tl'll'phc llll' tran..,ll'r.., lmpcn.11\\111 .tl'-C.> g1H' )' n1 .1 frL'l' dK·ck1ng .1co iunt. .111d otll'r \'uu a \'1..,:1 Chl'cL1rd th.It .ll Ll'"'>L-'") our I ll'l' dlL'L·kmg .IL <.'<>lint Imperial Insured Money Marke t Checking ,.., c 1u1 1111 ,..,t Jl.h·.mu:d l hl'ckmg .ll t< 1un1 llw rail' c if lllll'rl·:-.t L":trrh .1 ... uh..,ta11t1.tll) higher r.lll' tl1.111thL·1r.1d1111111.il intl'r<.·..,t lx:.iring dK·ck111g :1co >t1111 Pllh 11 < 1fkr .... ec >lll\)kll' ltqu 1d11'. tlm iugh uni 111111l·d L hn k wnr mg pm 1 <.'gl'" < )pl'n th 1:-. .1n·11unt tc x.l:t~ .111d l':trn M1 ll1l'~ ~ 1.trkl·t ..... 1\ mg .... tl·u 1u111 r.1tl'" '11ll·n < 111 _l:1m1.1r;. ~. \\l' w1 II 1r;11i...k'r '11u1 fund" t< 1 c iur 11L'\\ ~1< >Ill'\ \\.1rkcL Clll·t·k111g Au nunt • 111 :1dd11 1011. \\'l'.11 oiler \'<>ll :1 \'1 ..... 1 Clll·LL1rd .. 1 c.in.I t h.11 "ork.., Jlht likL· .1 dwt·k For Current High Imperial Rates, Call Your Local Branch Office. lmperi.tl ~Jv111g..., offl'r" high 111tl'rl' ..... t r.lll'" L't>l11JX'tlll\'l' \\uh ,\lrnlL'\ \1arkl't 111u1u.1l lund .... And th11~t· r:lll'" will Ix· <.jlH >IL 'ti to\ 11t1 1u..,1 lw d1.tl111g \ nur le 11. .ii hr.till h < >ffit L' 1 >r h' ,.1..,11 mg <>Ill' 111 I 1111x·n.il \ 12 1 cc >11\L'lllL'lll offit<."> lc ll.llnJ !11111ughou1 L1lilnrn1.1 But d11 it ..,c >< 111 IX:cau'>C.: th<:"'<>< >lll'I \1 >u :1t 1 till· ..,c x 1m·r \11u t.ln al 11\ .Ill' high lllllTl:"l Tom o rrow Begins Today. l11111':n.tl "·" 111g..,...., cc >IN.Int h look mg Jlll·.1d \X'l· kl'l'fl \ c 1u 111f ormnl .111d up I< l d.lll' \\II h till' Ill'\\ l'"I I l't'IH.f..., Ill th<.· \\ c 1rfd 1 >f finann· "o~rn1t·:111..,1.1n 111.1k111g HHll lu1 u1l· .1 nH>ll' '>l'l llf'L' pf.ll L' I<> f I\ l' le II.I.I\ r I I -------------, Y('•. I"' 111114 1 ltt\l''' Ill\ huhh I ... l.t\ 0 0 lmp .. :r ul ln,urt'-1 \t, t11t:\ \1.u"e.1 , .. , "'>t' lmpt·n.1l f11,ur.·J Mou\t'I M.111.t•I ( h<'\lo.otl)( I I I l 1111cul lk'J'<"" cm111111111111 •!·""''I I -..mi·· _ Pho''"" I I Atl<lrt•" -I L ( 11\ '>I.II\' /tp_ .J ------------------ Sa . A Federal Savings and Loan~ • Where Tomonvw Begins Today. .. '" ......... if,, f I . . ... .. 12 -CURRENT -A Monthly Magaz!ne for the Orange Coast/Wednesday, December 29, 1982 By STEVE MITCHELL Seven months ago this week, a new, more liberal Laguna Beach City Council sat down with members of the community to list future goals for the city. The goals-setung meeung was the result of a campaign promise by the three new council members. The promise? To bring Laguna c1t1zens into the scheme of things regarding the city's future Minutes of that May 11 council meeting show 39 items were plact-d on a hst of future goals. Those goals were reviewed by the council earlier this month and, m some areas, the Caty Council ts maJung progress In other areas, such as the city's years-long struggle to pay a $7 million mortgage on 522 acres of canyon land, the going has been frustrating at best. But first, goals that are movtng a head for the new year. The city has hired a consulting finn t.o create an attractive "Village Entrance." where Laguna Canyon Road enters the city at Broadway and Forest A venue Unattractive features of that area currently include a 50-year-old sewage treatment plant , an uncovered flood control channel. a large asphalt municipal employee parking lot, an Edi.son Co substation, and other aesthetically non-pleasing properties. By JODI CADENHEAD 1983 promises to be a very exciting year for C.OSta Mesa, as the ground work and efforts of past years begin to pay off. Groundbrealon~ is scheduled this spring on the $60 million Oran~e County Performing Arts Cent.er m Costa Mesa's South Coast Plaza Town Center The future theater complex has r eceived $26 m1l11on in pledges, mcludmg contnbution of $1 million o r more from The Segerstrom family , The James Irvin e Foundation, Mr. and Mrs. James Bentley. Fluor Foundation. Harry G. Steele Foundation, Hoag Foundation and Mr. and Mrs. James Nagamauu. When completed in 1985 t he 3,000 seat main theater. will be only the third multipurpose theater in the nation capable of offering musical theater, symphony, opera and ballet. Redevelopment of the Clty's aging downtown will take shape this January when expert urban planners from the Urban Land lnstilute arrive to help study and revamp the entire 200 acrqp under consideration. Wt year Pacific Federal Savings and Loan Assn. completed the $17 million Spanish style building at the comer of 19th Street and Newport BouJevard and the city cleared 10 aa'e9 a t 19th and Harbor Boulevard to mak e way fo r a pouibl~ oommerc:lal and retail cent.er Comm rclal development ln the dt)' prornl-. to continue at a briak pace this xear, .. the city'• two ~ ~ OWJ)ttt aubmltted pJ.aN 1eheduled to oome before tbt" dty nut month. U the complicated project LS found t.o be workable, it will help solve two of Laguna's biggest and longest running problems -two items listed high in the city's "wish list" of goals. Those issues include a lack of parking in Lagwia's downtown, and the lack of affordable housing for the city's low income elderly, many of whom are being chased out of town by high rents. The city would like to mcorporau- a parking structure, along with low-income senior housing, on the sewer treatment property. The plant will be closed next month. and the propeny. along with other adjacent parcels, could make for a pleasing and useful village e ntrance Regarding Lhe purc h ase or Sycamore Hills by the cily, pro~ continues, albe1L in a slow manner The city still seeks a purchaser for a portion o f the property, located between Laguna Canyon and El Toro roads -Were a developer to purchase about 63 acres of the entire !>22-acre parcel, the city could pay off a mapr portion of its debt for the land. Other projects f8Clng the city in 1983 LnClude: -Revision of the city's local coastal plan and land use element. -Install sewer lines in Thurston Park. -Provide funding for housing rehab1utation Developers for C.J. Se~trom & Sons, builders of South t Plaza and Town Center, have proposed ('Onstructmg 2.7 m1lhon square-feet of commercial office and retail development on 98 acres bounded by the San Diego Freeway, Fairview Road, Sunf lower Avenue and Harbor Boulevard. lncluded in the proposal are two 400-room hotels. The "Segerstrom Home Ranch" as at is called, would be the second largest h1gh-nse development l.1l the city. Town Center. which will have J million squ.at't' feet by 1990, is the largest. A l so on the Planning Commission's February agenda is consideration of Curci-England Company's plan t.o build between 500 and 700 condominiums, two 350-room hotel& and a retail center on 30 acres owned by the Sakiok.a family. The Torrance-baaed development firm has proposed the condominiums, the hot.els ranging from 10 to 12 s tories and 12,000 1qu.are feet ol retail development on land eut of Town Center. Construction la expected t.o begin this spring on 1.3 million aqUAre feet of commercial office apace along Anton Boulevard. lncurnben i. Norma Hertzog and former Mayor Arlene Schafer were ,....leeted ln November. Donn Hall WM eled.ed M•yor. Next month Cahran t pl&N to r e l eaH • draft Envlronment•l lma-ct S tatm>ent on the c.o.ta Meea fre e w ay, t hat will conelder esivlrQnJnental l~P•~t• of 1hr allttn-tl9et ran~trom dolna DO&hinc to a ttOO tr.way SINCE 1921 MWAYS REAIW TO SERVE YOU/ SALES • LEASING • SERVICE PARTS• RENTAL• BODY & PAINT Airporter Inn Hotel (faµtalnO ([Oble Open 24 Hour-. Breakfast lune h Dinne r tfa1 edit e «an ea ri C/loom Superb Continental Cuisine rfl,,"liny crnd Ban ~url /~" i /,-1;,.J To ~Ult Your Ewry N<>t•d JO to bOO Enll'rld1nmenl N19htlv HM)PY Ho ur Mon 1-n SUNDAY CHAMPAGNE BRUNCH 1n the Mediterranean If 00111 10 - 2 18700 MacArthur Blvd .• Irvine. 92715 (114) 833-2770 (At John Wayne Airport) -----~ Opinion By MEREDITH RUSSELL "Deregulation" is a big word with a powerful meaning. Though it is too soom to prope rly evaluate what banking deregulation will mean to the conswner, it is safe to say the customer will en.JOY added benefits in day-to-day financial planning. Historically, high interest rates for savings accounts or similar plans have been available only to businesses and individuals with substantiaJ sums over $100,000 to invest into time d eposits w ith negotiated r ates .. As we ha ve predicted, Congress s aw the impropriety of this and created a deregulatJon commjtt.ee, commonly referred to as DIDA, to study the s1tuation . The committee began by reviewmg ways hnanc1al mslltullons could compete with the m o ney market funds and recover at least a portion of the over $100 btlljon that these funds formerly dramed from other financial 11\Stltutions. We must remember that our financial community (a m o n ey system) is a closed system and when one institution loses a custom er , some other institution will assume that customer's deposits. However. the "money market" era caused the withdrawal of funds resulting in a handful of extremely large de positors with a tremend o u s amount of power to dictate rates they wanted on their deposits, the terms of these deposits, and the powerful leverage w1~h which to influence loan rates. Obviously, thLS was not the only factor influencing rates, especially mortgage rates, but it was a primary factor. It 1s easy to see that a hnanaal mstitullon cannot make a long-term rate commattment b y purchasing funds or accepting deposits from a s hort-term source, such as a money market f und. Long-term loans and fi xed ra tes funded by short-term deposlts can be devastating and 1s :i primary reason why the maJority of the financiaJ 1nstitut1ons m the country may w ell not show a profit m 1982 DIDA began dealing with this problem and m early 1982 approved the Money Market Certificate or T- hill Certificate. This important move allowed fmancial institutions to open aca>unts for $10,000 or more and pay a slightly higher interest rate than allowed on treasury bills. Although thl.S was designed to bt- com petl tive wath money market funds. we believe 1t had llttle impact It did not restore the stability of deposits (referred to as core deposits) to local financial inst1tut1ons, but rather kept them in the powerful hands of money market managers, as the ma.JOnty of deposits stayed with those funds. Under pressure from financial 1.natitutions, DIDA came up with the new Money Market Account, which allow s u nlimited interest but restrictt withdrawals to a maximwn of six. At Capistrano National Bank we weloome this concept a:: we feel It wUl rmtore substantial funds to local fnatltuUona In the form of core depoelu. We belie ve tha t these bank.a and aavtnga and loana1 1.n ordet' to achieve a return for tnetr atock hold e ra, wlll 1oon bo In a pmluon to more aagrealvely seek bm."('T".~1.m .thl ~·­~eQ"°r.u-o'l.'4 • - ' CURRENT -A Monthly Magazine for the Orange Coast/Wednesday, December 29. 1982 -13 area -which in turn should generate consumer confidence, consumer spending and an upturn m the general economic conditions that lace us all toda v. We have already seen the high level of competition from institullons for these new accounts and we believe that this competition will continue for the next three to six months, which should keep interest rates on Money Market Accounts high. In addition, DIDA has approved a new account, beginning in early January, wh1ch will allow flna.ncial institutions to pay u n regulated i nterest rates and a llow the consumer unlimited numbers of withdrawals. Although we believe this account will pay the consumer lesser rates than the money market account introduced Dec. 14, 1982, it will allow a greater number of customers to en~y higher interest rates. It's difficult lo say what affect thlS will have on loan rates. However, mstitutions will have to make loans to o ffset these new costs which s hould g e n e rate a substantial amount of available funds for both mortgage and auto loans. ObVlously, if r1nanciaJ 1nslltullons begm receiving an influx of funds and in turn use those funds to generate new loans, interest rat.es on loans could continue to decline, which will further help the economy recover by creating new jobs to meet the demands o f the spending consumer. In conclus1on , we can look for banking deregulation to bf.' beneficial to the consumer directly by allowing customers lo earn more interest on their deposi ts a n d indirectly by the eventual creation of new jobs and a contmuallon of the· economic r ecovery -be nefits should begm to become evident immediately and m the forc.-seeable future. Meredith Russell Is president of Capistrano National Bank. IS THE ECONOMY FORCING YOU OUT OF YOUR HOME? Question: Are you attem pting t o sell you r home under the pressures of mounting debt?? Question: Is pend ing foreclosure or offeri ng your home on t he market at way below value your only choice?? Question: Are you unsure of t he future and feel a real need to protect all that you have worked and saved for?? We b~li eve that we have a program that may fit your needs and our criteria by retaining possession of your home so that you may remain within your community, with friends & neighbors and not disrupt your famlly. This may be accomplished and at the same time reduce your monthly expenditures dramatically. We invite hom eowners, or their realty agents (if home presently listed for sale) to call us for program details. All Inquiries wlll be held In the highest confidence. Please direct your questions to Mr. Hastings at 714-640-5560 or 714-957-1300 cooperating broker of THE WARMINGTON GROUP • ' - ,. r-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~==!!~~2!!!1 ... -----;----~--~----~-~ ---------.............__ -, --- - • - 14 :.l... CUNY£~'""'" Moff(tll)l<MeQmimJ ~the~· Qoast/wmneed8~1~ber 2t11lH! HOME OF THE MONTH Darlene Ferrari's living room, above left, 1s decked out for the holidays with colorful wreaths and garlands. At top right is a view similar to the one chosen by"' National Geographic WE WILLNOI BE UNDERSOLD! If you're reading this ad don't make the mistake of not check ing with J im Slemons Imports for your next Mercedes-Benz. Offer expires December 31. 1982. Jim SWmona Imp.wit 1nv11a )'OU IO ia~itna 111 the 1ncnlli"" that •tt Metcein·llm& {)\on 100 Automebilrs now 1•11t J'OU' 1<nm ny A fanute ic teltttion ol roodr b ind colon 1tt 1va111iblc. Thil wttk °"'7 you w11f find truly •UCfCional fillilnci"Ao lcll"fll ind 1lw hiahe_t1 1nde-in ya.Jun The cime hat rwvtt bftn ~ So rontr wJj with 111, ctw dnWntlip rhac hu tOW O\'et 9700 rww ~-IM.1 evtomilbilrs dlu1naour21Jftn1n bui1nna Ln us show J'OU why it. cunc few ,our ""' Jim S6e1nonl Metcein·llcn• @ II NO'llP'! Jim Slemons Imports not Quail StNet, Newpon Bach ''"18)3-9300-2U/6l3-'°°° ·e=-3-Y..lt*=t.:t.:~ ----..--··---- Ptlotoe bf Lee ,.8YN photographer who shot waterfront homes for the magaune. At lower right is a view of the master bedroom, with its windows providing a ~ge eyeful of Newport Harbo_r_. __ _ ACCESS & CONFIDENTIALLY ,.,.,... difO .. , ., ~--~ ....... • Jf'-lry • S11mp c.otll!ctlon. • Oold and SO""" Ban ·&•-~ • Sculptuna • Pa11u1,.. •Oun~ •M..-.J~ia • CrywW • c.oln Colllctiorw • lmporUnl Pllpn'I • C....tncU. Dorwnrnla • Coll«tibla • A«<lunla R«e'I.,... • lnYtntory ~ • Wllla • ~Reaardo • Stodal • 8ondt • MlerolOm • Computar -r.,.. O.plieate Compater Tape Sconce l allrd 'llllr-5114' l>f.p<Mh Company 11 ron•rn1r111I, IM•l4'd ID 'l/pwport <AnlH. 1h .. h•1r1 or 1h .. , .... por1 Brec:h rlnenc:ie l rommunily. Put. your 1u1omobik • f•w rtt1 from '"" honl door in tt..-"•d llrl'll end romplrlr yoor bu1ln•11 In • prompt and rffiri•nl mena .... Opr11 24 houn nu-y d1y. 1hit oct..dul., ,..,rmlu you, ror .... mpk. lo ,.,..,,. your jf'wf'lry lo yovr .. 1 .. cffpcMll boa 1mm4'do11rl7 ehrr •ll•nd1n1 • -1e1 ~rnl. -~-~~~~~--~-------------------------..-.. .......... ._ .............................. .. By JIM POND ..................... Through the camera 'a eye, the bayside home suggests the rustic ~of 1111 alpine ~tt'Nt. Dt!!ep russeta In Its wooden exterior, punctuated with bursts of electric /l1ftf'J foliage, ue captUIW in two- dimenslonal splendor. A whlte- hulled cabin c:rWaer lolls beside its dodr in the foreground. The photDffraph's radiant colors recall tbe SWUJY summer days when a Narson.J G«Jerapbic photographer .er out upon Newport Harbor to capture Che '"CaliJornla Dream Home" tor a •pecial magazine tea~ cm 0...,,.. Couney. some 3,,00 waterll'Ont home• were Alb}ect to the pbofDllnpber'1 aJ)f)l'&lal and lat.er to the a:n1dn,y oJ Ii_ WaslJ.ln6too D.C. JudJd1V ptU»l, wbc.e Job wu to .eleet cl>e lD09t auicable repn.encation of Orange County'• good Ille. n. Judaell'-lbW 11elec:Uon brou6JJt one Newport Beach home In to nation al promin ence. The ~ dts:ribed abow opened NationarGeographic'8 January 11182 /ature on ~ OJunty. Oa tbe pap below Jes coTortuI ~,.. the word• " ... wb•r• the C.Jlloraia Dn!iam baa oome to dodc.... • In the deptba of winter t.hee'a no sun to enliven haneinl planta or reflect in the home'• larg e bay windows. Newpcll't Harbor is sJo-y .Over ap1nst an encrcwhlQ8 fog. Instde, ibis ornately decorated Home of ~ Month hM donned lta holiday clothes -leafy green wreaw ancl carlanda drape the baluatradea, exqu1aiie candelabras atulfed with looi alender cand.leJ adorn \ab1ea and mantela, a living room Chriatmu tree" is ao heavily laden with ornamenta lta flocked needles ~ barely visible. Rel>Qlina OD a IUlllptuoua white annchalr And ottoman. the home'• ow ner and deal1ner, Dadene Perrarl, reflects upon her home'• achematic evoludon and new-found .recapUian. '*l'o haw deqned what National - GeooaPhJc considen the Calltomla Dre9m Home ii a ,r.t COiupliment to both my.elf and my f.amUy. ~ a deqner, there's very little I can do to top tha~" ahe •)'9. Recop.ltlon u a destgner -of any earl -would seem an elualve accompl.lahment for Darlene. Not bee.au. she lacks the akill or dt1vlng ambition. but bee.al.lie .. kin to t.be Femui mocor car dynuty ahe would seem fareYW I.ft the lhldow of her ~· ceWll'ated t.atll of dellp, But rather than be dwarfed by rw.Did ........... llldene -°"' '° .... .-.c;w.n-..tootlltepe .. bl thi ~ fteJd.1 Ami~ bent1f to·~ am+lgeble IWb' ~" llilrillne MJll the WllllD't CODtellt to "t ., =!J:-=-~~ Wat eo ~ a CIUMI' In ~ , CUR~ _,9\ itltodthtyFMagattlW tt..1fie Q ... 0'6Mf. a : ·Wft~ -16 attention. For example: -Wood paneling in a parlor adjacent to the kitchen takes the form of two-inch oak doors stacked aide by side. -An English fire place in the living room la made from imported Carrara marble. -All four seasons are hand- carved on the front of a teak bar, the top of which la inaet wfth lustrous jade. -All walls are fully insulated Dream. Home borrqws f t om a famlly of great designers and the plumbing ayatem utilizes copper plpee . -The upatain muter bedroom adjoins a splendid bath complete with marble tub -ao heavy it had to be hoisted into place before the roofwaa~. Such attention to de\ail creates a home that'• tranquil, yet full of aurprtaes. For example, the. deck leading to tlie "t.*yanl" dock looka quite standard with l\s 1reeli artificial turf. You have to be tQld that the iron railing Is painted with Ferrari automobile gold flake paint, and that thoee globe lampposts are direct from Main S treet, U.S.A. in Disneyland. It's a ho me tha t for ma n y characterizes the "California Dream." For Darlene Ferrari it's just plain "home" -and perhaps a statement of what the Ferrari women are capable of deeignlng. The home ls Hated with Dd'n Thcxnu of George Elkin Company. . A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS 1983 FROM THE -• Beca~se •••••••.••.••• The "American Dream" can be1in with us. Because •••••••.•••••• We beleve in, and~ Oii' cOt11try's tradition of protected private prope~y rights. Because •••••••.•••••• From "Cotta1e to Castle" a Realtore realy can hq.l. • • t t. I I I I I I • • 111111111 ClllT WEON[SDAV , Ul:C:[MUf n 'J<1 l'Hl / Dog I returns favor Michael Kemp, 36, u happy today that he reecued Princesa from a trip to the pound five yean atlO· The small cockapoo got a chance to return the faVOI' early Tuesday morning when ahe reecued the Calta Mesa man and hla family from a Ure that dam.and their home at 28~ E. 22nd St. Kemp and hia wife, Dani, went to bed about 10:30 p.m. Monday nlcht, leaving Princeaa and ahother dog in the living room. Kemp, a janitor, laid he was awakened at 12:30 a.m. Tueeday by Princess ICJ'atching on their bedroom door. When he opened the door he aaw the living room waa engulfed in flames. Remp pulled both dogs into the bedroom where, luckily, the couple's 4-year-old daughter, Amber, had decided to sleep that . ht. ~e Kemps, their four dogs and two cats eecaped the amoke- f Wed houae through a bedroom window. • CIAll 110111 1111/\f.Ji,f I l•IHJI ( I /\I lfl1lqHA ·''1 Cl 'H ', DeltJ ..... "'*°.., ....,.. ....... I Acid fog fight supported by Laguna officials Laguna Beach officials plan to eend a letter to Sacramento today expreaing the c1ty'1 support for legislation aimed at reducing record acid fog levels along the coast. Mayor Neil Fitzpatrick will aJgn the letter, drafted by Bruce Baird, Laguna's Chief of Marine Safety, and send it to David R oberti, D -Hollywood, who introduced Senate Bill 55 1n Sacramento earlier thi.t month. The Idea to send the letter was conceived by Sally Bellerue, a city council member and former mayor. Beach cities do not feel the effects of smog as much as Southern California's inland cities do, she said, but beach residents generate air pollution and they should be involved in the clean-up as well. "I've always been concerned about air quality," Bellerue laid. She alBo said she doesn't think coast residents realize how bad their air quality really is. "Coastal areas here have about 25 bad (smoggy) days a year," she said, "mostly when we get Santa Ana wind conditions." poor air quality every year," she said. "So our best areas are wone than their wont areu." Baird uld the letter will expreaa the concerns of the Laguna Beach community and request that Roberti keep In touch with the city if any new action ia taken to alleviate the acid fog or if there are any way. Laguna can help hia effort. Roberll '1 teg1atation waa prompted when the highest acid fog reading ever taken in Southern California waa measured by Caltech's marine facility in Corona del Mar on Dec. 6. The acid in the third fog that settled over the coast that day reached a PH level of 1.69 - making it more acidic than vinegar or lemon juice. Roberti'a bill would direct the South Coast Air Quality Management District to aueu the damages arising from acid fallout and devise a plan to reduce the acid level of fop and rains. >'We're just ao grateful," said Dani Kemp, 26, "I can't smell and without that dog I could have died in my bed." The family lost their living room furniture and most of their Christmu presents. Kemp said they were just happy to be alive. Dani Kemp gives Princess a ki88 after dog helped save family from burning Costa Mesa home. Kemp said she "can't smell and without the dog I could have died in my sleep." But even less than a month of smog per year is more than the smoggiest places In the San Franciaco Bay Area experience. "The worst areas in Northern California have only 19 days of Acid fog results when air pollutants, like sulfur and nitrogen combustion product.a from the burning of oil, gasoline and natural gas, are swept out to sea by winds and then combined with off-shore moisture to produce fog, a Caltech ~her sald. -t 'Veronica Segerstrom dies Pioneer family member played key role in Mesa projects <. i; JODI CADENHEAD ., .. .., ........ ; Veronica Se1eratrom, a t>ember of the Coata Mesa ~family that tramformed bWMtreda of acra of bean fielda fllto the thrivlne South Coast Plaza and Town Center, died ~ ~Y at her Santa Ana home. 8t>e WU 81. I :.She waa a full partner in the fiailly-owned C.J . Segeratrom & ac;m. developers of the ahopping so;all and adjacent office and ~rdal buildinp. Under the leadership of her late huaband , Harold Sr. 8egeiabom the family built the tenowned shopping center and the high rise complex acrou Jkistol Sttttt. He died in 11ns. Segeratrom suffered a heart cc\ at her family home in ta Ana, where she had lived V S for 32 years. Family members eronica egerstrom Aid ~,had been W for aeveral years. · Tlie daughter of a Sant.a PaulA ~l ,ngineer, Segemrom came to Santa Ana in 1917. She went to work u an accountant at the lben First National Bank of Santa Ana. It was there that she met her f ut.u.re buaband, Harold Sr. They were married in 1926. With hia four brothers, Harold Sr. ran a dairy and later became the nation's largest producer of llma beana. The dairy and the bean fields were located where South C.OUt Plaza now 11anda. Upon b1a death, her nephew Hefti')' Seceaataom took awr the leadtna role ln the family buatne-Her aon.. Harold Jr. atill overaeea the family's vaat aaricultun.l hol~. She la aurvived by a aon, Harold T . Segerstrom Jr., and hia wife Jeanette; a brother, Ronald Merrick of Lake San Marcos; four grandchildren, Susan Segerslrom Perry. Ted W. Segerstrom, Sally Segeratrom, Sandra Phyllis Daniels, and one great-grandchild. Jennifer Susan Perry. Other survivors include her nephew, Henry T . Segerstrom; a 11111ter -in -law , Mra . Anton Segerstrom; great-nephews, Toren and Anton Segerat.rom, and a great-niece, Andrea Grant. Services will be held at 1 p.m. Monday at Waverley Chapel at Fairhaven Memorial Park. The family auggesta memorial contributions can be sent in Veronica Segentrom'a name to the Loa Angeles Shriners Hospital for Crippled Childr ,n . .., ..... ,..... "' ............. inine police Officer Steve Frew, left, poses with canine cop Farnsworth while Jeff Love handles Barr. The dogs look like · shaggy family pets but they aren't. lWissing painting returned Irvine canine corps debuts : A 17th century Italian painting e. stolen from the Orance ty Falrgrounda 1Mt month been returned ~ to be owner, Coti. Meaa police VUJ.ge Art Fa.ire told police he WU instructed to eo to Te Winkle Park ln Coeta Mesa where be would find the p&lntJ.na. Van Hoye offered a $1,200 reward for the safe return of the paintJ.na. Van Hoye said he waa later contacted by a man who said he would destroy the work of art unlem he could return it anonymously. Bouviers likely to become stars of police force ,.sd. • Sat. Bill BecJ\tel aaid art ~ Michal Van Hoye told blvestfpt«a that he received a pbDne call at 4 a.m. Monday from a. man clalmln1 to have the ~ .. inc palntir)a, valued at fH,000 by Vao l!Oye. Van Hoye w• not avaU.ble for comment today. But the ctftector of the International The caller reportedly told Van Hoye to come alone to the park. Van Hoye told police he found the unlnaured painting in a clump of buahe9 by a pole located in the north lectJon of the park. Van Hoye reported the paintiJ\I atolen J"fov. 21 from a locked di.aplay cue at the art fair. Police said a .ecurity ,uard on duty at the time reported that he didn't hear anythlflll unuaual. The caller reportedly told Van Hoye that he stole the painting ao that It could be displayed at a muaeum. The Orange County Resister alao recel ved an anonymous letter from a penon c1-imin1 reaponaibllity for the theft. By GLENN SC01T or .. DeltJ ,... ...,, Doti days have begun for the Irvine police. One-year-old canlnes. Barr and Farnaworth, beaan work Tuesday for the police department. M09t of their flrst day waa apent in orientation with officers of the two-footed kind and posing for the J>l"f!9· Once the animala eue Into reeuJar b.-ta, they'll have their own squad cara, their own handlel"8, their own mini-badges (for ceremony only) and moat likely all the attention they can atand. Barr and Farnsworth are candidates to be Irvine's next superstars. It won't be lone, officen admit. before most 1rvine achool children are faml.liar with their aha88)' canine oops, before· moat kida will know Farnsworth becauae hia charcoal fur la darker and BalT tiecauae he la cur1fer. The doga are Bouvien, a breed ~ail inmate's lhody parts yield 'no clues' attorney, Gary Blat.e, Dr. Rene had no comment about what Mod&lfn, • Riverside County concluatona, U any, they had pathologln. eJCamlned \he body drawn. pu11 and U.... amplea that be 1. t . W y a t t Hart, w ho w• unable to obia1n for hll own repreeeni.d th• aheriff durtna examination of the deed rnan'a the examlnatlon, aaJd the IJ'OUP body. looked ••at the IOoClllled mlllhlf Al90 ~t for what tumed = part.•" and reached no put to be • f\&11 revtew of the Cllle um.om TuHda1 •ft•rnoon were BecauH of Younablood'a r.preeentau,,. fran the aberlff'1 a 11 •a a t l o n a t h • ,y B I in depenm.nt, dl8t:rtot attomey11 conjunction whb tb• U.S. office Ind the prtva~ atwn.y Anorney'a Offa Ml llunchad who lJI bandllna the Lavano an lnv•tipUoft lftto Lavano'1 famUy'1 t& mllilon wron1ful deelh • ftll • ..-.i Otlwr'I ~:llWiJWt I« the aaunty.~-..iill ~ ilXlidlDa'ln U.jall: l'OllOWlnf tbe eumtnatlon, AJlo lml ? ... ~ II tM onnet bOcb MMcUft and •ttanwy .... c.-ani, ~ JUry. " . oriainally from Beliiwn where they were uaed to pull carte and herd animala. Weigh.lJli about 85 pounds today, they'll reach about 135 pounds when they flqiah maturing in three yan. With their roly-poly appearance, Barr and Farnsworth look more like family peta than canine cope. And that'• exactly why Police Chief Leo Peart wanted Bouviera. He wanted a do1'• (See CANINE, Pase At) -lllDEI-----. A~ B2 D4-6 B2 E4-6 B4 B4 13 AO El-2 Cl-7 m m El-2 04 Al Continued •tori•• ------------------------------' CANINE CORPS . • • efflc1e~ bul not the mUllary look of a German 1hepherd, h• hUNld. But you can bet thelt' two aren't pet.I. Of flcen S~ve Frew and J~ft Love work u the dot1' handlen. Frew hu Famaworth (they call hlm "Farna") and Love teams with Barr. The offlcen keep thcr dop with them at home during off hou.n. and Frew Mld the dogs are protective ot thelr famlliee. th city. a job expert.I •Y thty can pt>rform fa1ter, bott•r and 1afer than hwnana. They'll al.lo be.-Wied at crlmtl 11COne eeatthOI or to follow th~ trail of a au.poet. They are not tr1lnod tO bli. unJca their prey make 1udclon movementl at them or their handlen. Officen In char111 of the canine pro1ram, however, obvlou.aly don't want to take too many chancel. I tl .... "21,W .u Ill I Y•;aTit Uhllt11'°" B1 11 polh 11 ufflt•en who <'vn1umed alcohol l.J•v r Afltl In otf dut~ huunt II th polktt f ltlntiJ ran 1pparrntly vluhtetf city rca&u la tlun1, a l'U y uffll1lal h•• ... rct Th ttrina rMF, t~ued ttom the city for tl por year by th• Huntlnaton Buc h Police A1toclatlon, la located In the clty'1 Central Park ac:rOM Talbert Avenuo from the Central Libraey. Vfoce Moorhouae, the city'• director of community eervlcet, ronflrmed Tunday that lt ll a mildemeanor punilhablo by tine y co or JIU drink lri 0 "'1 k1 ur on lJ dty h. JI• ult.I 11• plant la write 1 mamci to lht pollr 1uoctatlun rttquHtlnt lha\ the pracuc:r "l"•aH and dHllt11 1hould cJrlnklnt bo cont1nuln1 at the •Ile MoorhuUlt' Mid, howeYer, that drink.I~ aoee "" ln uthor part.I uf th4' dly 1 park 1y1wm and on the ~ Ht utd It I.I dltflcult t.o enforce the city ordinance bca\&M of perwonnel llmltatlona. He uld vlolatora can be arreeted only If they are cauaht CONumtna akohollc beverase-In the act. Councilwoman Ruth Finley l&ld today ahe I.I planning to seek a roport on the t1rlnf range Lease •w tt the 1 Hy and tht• µsilk ••11.1rl1Ut1tt he ei.td L'lty uUldall ahuUld t•tmtf'lrnl'd "bvc.•aU•• avllvltlc.11 th1t m1y h1pp n on vttr, propl'rt)' at.n ,.flee:• on lh CU)'.' Acoo~ic le) 10Urti111 th• rana• la I' fe to u the 'r&n4l blr and artU!' Putlee alleaed to have occurred there ar called "blmbo-ramaa," accurdln1 to IOUl'OOll. Sourct. .. 11aid that a trip to the Culorado River laat July by a 1roup of Huntln1ton Beach offi cers w11 ca lled a ''rlver-ra.rna." lt wu on auch a trtp, offl~rt uld , that 18-year-old l..lu Gerlich wa1 killed ln a traffic accident near Parker, Ariz. I lluri u111111n UHt h polflt• Clfflor Juhn &l1t11'w fl , thil aJl•ll'd drlv r of th vehl'11 , It "h11dul1d tb 1tand trl1l nut month uu char of n••Htcint homldde and leavlna the n. uf a Mrluut awldent, •«-ordlna to Arlr.orna authorltl" C hie f Earle Robltalll Hid Monday an enaulna lnvnupt.lon 1howcrd that elaht or 10 off-duty pollcemen con1umc.1d 11cohollc bctv•raae11 at thl' ri.nac:. He uld c:vldence didn't •ur.port charJet of wx partln or m IOOnduct. Pollet! A11odtatlon Vice · Pretldent James Auatln aald that the parties amounted to • few off.duty officeni getting togethtr to have "a couple of been after work" "My '°" 11 3 and Fama plays with him all the time," said Fr-ew. "They get alona like old friend.a." But during a briefing Tuesday. Frew warned other police officers not to playfully cu1f with the handlera with the dogs At Tuesday's briefi ng, for ex.ample, one iaue wu whether the dogs could dlsttn1ul1h between the good guys and the bad guya during a chase. ''You'd be s urprised ," Love assured his colleaguea. "These doga can tell who ia being chased and who's the chaser." Laguna civic activist dies ' . I i . ) e preeent or to pet or play with the do§! u with a family pet. • The dop aren't pet.I by any means," he explained. "They're keyed to protect ua." The dogs' primary tasks will be to sruff out burglars in the extensive industrial sections of Neverthelesa, Frew said the dop won't be released 'u there is any question about safety of other officers, including those in plain clothes . His strong suggestion: Let the dogs do the cha.sing. Cultural group faces eviction in Irvine The South Coast Cultural Service League of ~e. a non- profit youth--0riented arts group that has grown up with the city, may be about to die. demand by the building's owner for the back rent threatens to cripple their chances to establish the bingo games to earn the money. Norman F. Ecke, a civic activist w ho owned a miniature toy soldier ahop in ~ Beach for more than a d~e, ia dead at the age of ~2. t The long-time Lagunan suffered a heart attack at the family's lakeside vacation home in Elslnore and was pronounced dead at a local hoepital, his son, Paul, said today. Ecke had collected miniature lead soldiers since his boyhood days in Ohio. In his adult years, he traveled around the world gaining a knowledge of the hobby. But collecting the tiny hand- painted soldiers did little to put food on the table, so Ecke worked sellin g new spa pe r advertisements. Later he operated a furniture store in Orange County. About 10 year1 ago, Ecke decided to combine hit career with his lifelong hobby. He opened the bie Ecke Der Soldat, a toy soldier ah~ located at 2948 South Coast H way. And whlle l• collectlon of miniatures la not the largest in the world, hi.a son said it I.a the moet irnpreS&ive in the area. When not Ln the toy soldier shop, Ecke found tlme to participate in a variety of organizations, both in Laguna Beach and in other Orange County cities. He was a member and past president of the Exchange Club of Laguna Beach; a pa.st master of Pronaoe by the Sea in Costa Mesa; past president of the California ~publican Aaembly in Laguna lieaeh; member of the Audubon Society, Historical Society of Laguna Beach and the Laguna Beach C hamber of Commerce. He was also former president of the Church of Religious Science, a lay minister of the gospel and an alumni coordinator at the CareUnit at South Coast Medical Center. · He ill survived by his wife, Dr. Shirley Ecke, an Anaheim psychologist; sons Paul, or Fullerton. and Tim, of Brea and daughters Gail Kelly of Oraflie, Tinla Ecke of La Costa, and Noel Ecke, Costa Mesa. Services for Ecke were private. His ashes will be spread at sea. The family requests donationa be made to the American Heart Association. Norman F. Ecke t : i . ! • • J i q I i The founder of the organization said Tuesday she has four days to come up with $8,100 to pay back rent for the Irvin e Cultural Center 17302 Daimler Ave. Wltho0ut the money, the group is subject to eviction. State laws say an organization has to be providing services before it can stage legal 'bingo games.. she said. But if the group is evicted, it can't offer the services to enable it to hold the fund-rai.aer. Jail food lawsuit battled Northeast h i t h ard And without its building, its programs won't s u rvive, said Sharon Sircello, founder and treasurer for the group. She is looking for a loan because, Sircello said, the organization already is in the midst of organizing a new fund- ra ising program -bingo - which ahe said should easily pay its overdue bills. But she said the sudden Sit-cello waa served Monday night in Irvine with an Orange County Superior Court order to pay the $8,100 or face eviction in five days. she said. Recent discussions with landlord Oscar Zaba.rsky have failed, she added. Thus, she said her group is desperately in search of immediate funda to conti..Aue the dance. theater, foreign language and other programs the group off en. Fire hits CdM residence A f Ire, suspected of being ca\.Uled by fauJty Uuistmu tree lights, roared through a Corona d el M ar residence late this mornmg, con.awning the upper atory of the structure and $7.000 In expen sive Christmas ornament& N e w P"° r t 3e• c b F i r e Department personnel at the scene of the 11: 15 blaze said the occupant of the home at 508 A.cacia Ave.. identified as Helen Reuter, was uninjured as flames moved thl'OU8h the structure's u.pper story. Reuter tol d firemen that the family Quistmlla tree conswned In the blue W81 decora~ With $7,000 worth of omamenta ahe had S>WChaled over the years for her lour children. F\remen said \hey believed the fire occurred when llghta on the tree malfuoctioned. No damage estimate was immediately available. By Tbe Auoctated Pre11 Lawyers representing Orange County have offered to settle a federal lawsuit filed by inmates who alleged they were placed on a disciplinary diet consisting of a substance they called "dog food." The disciplinary food is a meatloaf-like st1bstance made up of vegetables and ground meat. Assistant Sheriff Thad Dwyer acknowledged that the food, called "gruel" by jail officials, ~ unpleasant to eat and that the county is at1emrting to settle the suit. But jai medical staff members maintain the disciplinary diet is nutritious, Dwyer said. Dieclpllnary 'diet.a were fed to all lnmate1 ln diacipllnarr, t.olation -known aa "the hole • -until February of this year, when the federal lawsuit was filed. Newport Beach attorney Dick Hermann, who represents the' plaintiff.a in the lawsuit. which ia pending in federal court in Los Angeles. said Tueaday that fne county's prop<>M!d settlement for Gusty lVinds due Coasta l Felr tonight end Thu1sday. Guety nof'llMMt wind• 15 10 25 mph below th• ~anyone on Thurlday. Overnight IOwS In IN 409. High on Thundey In IOw to .. ~. Elaewhere , f rom Point Conception 10 th• Mel!lcen botdet and out eo ml.... light varlabl• wind• tonight and Thur•d•y morning. Moetly IOUthwwt winds 5 to 10 knota with 1 to 2 fool wind wn•• Thundey attemoon. Moetty clMt tonight lind Thuradey. 1U .S. sunimary A feet-mo¥1ng storm th1t dl.lmPeCt up to 18 lnchM of --,1 n the Mldwelt moved Into Canelta todll)'. trelllnO ~foree wllldt that l>ulfetec:I p1rt1 of MlcNQan and lltlnole. Eeatern c:ltl•• en joyed unNMonably warm tempera1\Ka • -Into the TOI u fw nortfl .. ~· Storm warnings we1• etlll In el19ct In Mlc:NOen end -tern H.-York Stat• today. Cloud• 11Un9 ffom the AtlentlC CoM1 to the mkt-MlulHlppt Valley end toutlltrn Plelna. Trevelera ~ ,.,,..... In Mt.ct lot the .. t oet1tral Pleine and the ..-n llooel °' tM tangre Ot Orleto M'ounteln• In New ~. t.N IOUthem Plll'INlndle and far wMtttft mountalne of r ..... Aalll -~1$d '°' tonight MIO IN Gulf 00.t and from the 101i1fll Atlantlo 11ata1 to th• :..;;::a and 1oulll1rn New WU upecttd ~ the ~ IAltee. epr•dlf\O ac:roae '-•~--. New Yortl and the ....,... MCtloM of "" t;nglarld. ,_.. .... lltgl'lt dlMloa of t•ln ln o•ntral and eo111111rn ~ ............ '°'**' tron'l tfll ,..-*""'""to tt. ~ ,..._ M6 frOll'I tM _,,'*11 ..,_. '. .. tM uptl« MllilllMlppl .,.,,. T•MP•taturea UOllllCI t"• ...-at ""*"8llt NT ,.,._ lrOtm 11 "'°" a,ero In evlt•. -.... io 14 11'1 l'ort ~ .,. ic., w-. fl1L Joequln velley1 end the Mott. lode oountty from ar- V""4rf to Son«• wll NM petehy, OenM log In the morning and at night. The lake Tahoe 8Hln wlll werm up to ebout 40 d9grffl Thureday. alter dipping to 1s tonight, the NWS uld. Other foreceete ol high lemper•luret on Thur 1dey Included: Mount ShHta, 45; Senta Roaa, 57; Y-lte. 51, Sacremento, 57, Ukl•h. 58; Sellnu , eo. Teniperatures NATIOM Thursoay December JO unspecified damages and attorneys' fees is unacceptable. "They want to pay damage. and attorneys' fees. but they want to retain the ri',ht to keep serving the dog food, ' Hermann said. "But we want them to stop abusing the prisoners and treat them humanely. The money and attorney fees are really no big deal to us." Jack Pederson, an inapector with the State Department of Corrections, said that county jail officials apparently violated at.ate jail standards by the wholesale use of the disciplirlary diet. According to Pederson, atate standards allow dt.ciplinary diets only in individual cues. "I cannot atrea enough that the diet la to be wed as a very limited management option," Pederson said . The state standards limit the use of aucb diets to no longer than 72 hours, and ·require written approni from a physician. Hemann said Orange County Jail inmates were kept on the diet for months at a time - violating both state law and the inmates' constitutional rights againllt cru el and unusual punishment. Depositiona filed in the case indicate that Capt. Jerry Krans. who was jaH captain when the food was served, issued a disciplinary diet memorandum in September 1981. The memo said that inmates would be fed the disciplinary diet for three days. given regular meals for one day, then be switched back to the diet for three more days. Dwyer said the food mixture was developed after too many inmates sought disciplinary isolation, to escape living in overcrowded general quarters where some inmates are forced to sleep in toilets and showers. "Our disciplinary effort.I did not have the effect that it should," Dwyer said. "So w e developed thiB restrictive diet.·· The main jail has a capacity of 1,200 but averages more than 1.- 650 inmates daily. During weekends and oth e r peak periods, the inmate population can reach as high as 2,000, jail officials acknowledge. Shooting sparks riot MIAMI (AP) -Police kept part of a black alum sealed off today after a night of looting and violence by rock-tossing gangs angered when a Hi1panic policeman critically wounded a black man at a video arcade. Police said they killed one-loot.er. Seven people were hurt In the Tueeday night disturbance in the Overtown area, and police spokesman Mike Stewart said 29 people had been arrested by early today. Five poli ce care were destroyed, three by fire, and two journalists' cars were burned. A group of about 20 young men was seen swarming a young white woman, who was stripped of her clothes but fled, apparently unharmed, into an apartment building. It was Miami's worst disturbance since a May 1980 riot claimed 18 lives and caused $100 million in property damage. An 84-aquare-block area was sealed off, with exit ramps on a nearby highway closed. b y blizzard By Tbe A11oclated Pre11 Lingering winds from the m06t brutal blizzard o f the young winter buffeted paus of t he Northeast today while cities of the Midwest struggled out from • under a foot and a half of snow. But power had been restored early today to most of the 200,000 homes t hat went dark u the snowstorm roared from east.em Colorado to upper Michigan on · Monday and Tueeday, snapping utility poles and blocking roads with 8-foot drifu In places. The center of the storm had swept Into Canada by early today, but strong winds raked the mid-Mississippi Valley and upper Appalachians and a storm warning was in effect for eastern Lak.e Erie. Gale Wamin-8'1 were posted over most of the Great Lakes region and along the New England coast. Winds gusting to 66 mph hit Buffalo, N. Y.. during the night, snapping power lines and tree • limbs, and smashing some windows. Part of the roof of a Buffalo °Savings Bank office was ripped off. Al Osborne, a spokesman for the Niagara Mohawk Power Corp., said 4,000 to 5,000 homes and businesses loet po+.rer. but most of the service was restored by this morning. &sewhere, flooding continued in Miaaiuippl and Louisiana and Eastern cities continued enjoytng· unseasonably warm temperatures. A series of stonns that began Christmas Eve claimed at least 25 lives by late Tueeday. mostly in weather-caused traffic accidents. New Year's Special I The sounds of SANYO. • i I ·1 AM-FM Mini Player (RPSS) 29.99 Mini Cassette Player (MG 1 O l AM/FM Cassette 44.99 Mini Player 84 II (MG30) I AM /FM LED DlllTIL CLOCK UDIO Super-Thlnl AM8100 34.99 ·-.-.a•. • • 1111;9' I • ) UP .75 CLOll .. Q 1,ott.IO Ex-airline boss bank adviser l I I I I I Robert W. Clifford, former president of AilCal, I has been named special adviser to the chairman of I National Bank of Southern California located in Coata Mesa. Clifford will serve the bank as a link with the business community in development of services and policies, according to a joint announcement made by William H . Jacoby and Paul H. Frizz.ell, chairman of the board and bank president respectively. • Clifford retired earlier this month from AirCal, headquartered in Newport Beach, after serving 14 years as president. The holding company for the bank recently completed sale ot 1 ts founding stock with "substantial '' over subscription and is nearing a 1983 opening, Jacoby said. The bank is on Plaz.a Drive near Sunflower Avenue and Bristol Street CLIFFORD adjacent to South Coast Village. Fuji to California TOKYO (AP) -Fuji Bank Ltd., the world's 13th-largest bank, says it will establish a subsidiary in California to expand its international financial services. Bank officials said Tuesday the subsidiary, Fuji Bank International Inc., will open in San Francisco on Jan. 4. AMERICAN LEADERS Pct. Up 20 Up 12.7 Up 111 Up 11 I Up 10 I Up 10.S Up IOO Up 10.0 Up I I VP 10 UP 1.S UP l.S Up 7.l UP 1.l Up 1.1 Up ... Up 41 Up 6.7 Up u Up 6..l Up u Up u Up ._O Up U Up S.7 Pel OH 11.S °" '°'' OH '·' Off , .s Ott 1.A Olf IA ()It 7.J Off '·' Ott ._, Off 6S Ott 6.0 Off s.• Off S.I Off u OH U Off u ()It s., °" u Off so Off s.o Off ••• Ott ••• METALS NEW YORK (AP) -SPo1 nonl•rOU9 ~·ocs.y Copper 72~-75 ""'• • pound. U.8 . o.unattone L.eM 20.,._23 -• pol#>CI. llllo ~ OMlt a pound.~. ,_. .. 1925 ........ w.. oomoo9fto .. 0 hq m 71-•pound, N.Y ....._, 1365.00 '* llalc. l'totl1111m $370.00-1313.00 troy oo;nco, H.Y. GOLD QUOTATIONS ., Tllo A<I 111111 • ,.._ SeMctocf ~ OOld PflOo9 tocl9y. Lo11do11 morning ll11lne 1459.75. 11 111.00 lAoWlofl ah•rnoon ffKlng 1400.50, 11 '14.75. ~ .nomoon nx1no 1453.n . on St 1s. ffWlll:Mt lllcJng '45f "· "" I0.5 , . ~ ._ •tlomoon ftldng 1457.00. 14.00 bid; "51.00 ......, tto11dJ a Hormo11 (only d ally q1101a '480.50. 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