HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-12-30 - Orange Coast PilotTHI DRllll CDllT lttlJfhDJ\'\' l>t C EMBUI 111. 1'111.' H oliday hiatus These six sailboats sit quietly under cloudy skies in Newport Beach, but not for long. On Monday, when holiday vacations end, students taking sailing courses a t Orange Coast College will be back in the boats learping how to sail. ... CIUITY IDITIDI •1111\Nl ol ( (llJN IV I l\l llllllNIA '/'l CfNlS Deify ""°' ll'hoCo by .... O'Donnefl Residents vow to _ fight homes for retarded By GLENN SCOTT or ttie Deir "°' • ..,. A non-profit group seeking to buy three homes 1n Irvine neighborhoods to house mentally retarded youths expects to take over utle to the houses m about two weeks. Final steps 1n rece1v1ng a $555,000 loan are considered procedural following the signing· of legislation setting interest rates on Department of HoUSUlg and Urban Development loans, said Derek Loft, president of Sutton Extended Care Services. However, a l awyer for community associations for the two affected neighborhoods said Wednesday he would seek a court order to block Sutton's intended use of the houses 1f escrow closes. Lawyer Stanley Feldsott of Newport Beach reiterated the associations' concerns that the houses planned to hold six development.ally disabled youths and two live-in supervisors would not meet the neighborhoods' wntten rules for residential use. Sutton. a group made up mostly of parents with mentally retarded children, has plans to buy dozens of homes in quiet, residential parts of Orange County where its clients can learn independent skills in a protected atmosphere It operates two homes in Fountain Valley The three lrvme houses would give It five. Sutton 1s trying to buy two homes 1n Greentree, a neighborhood southwest of the corner of Culver Drive and Walnut Avenue, and a third in Deerfield, to the west on Culver. The community associations in those two nelg-hborhoods, though, have fought the plans claiming they violate residential s t anda rds and would set precedents for a more serious threat to their single-family character. Association officials have tried to keep emotional issues about helping the handicapped out of the argument Last week, Sutton lawyers Allen Wallace and Ron Martin won a ruling from Orange County Superior Court Judge J .E T Rutter to rule out an attempt by the associations to place a legal restriction on the property to prevent the HUD. loans from going through. Wallace and Martin also asked Rutter to throw out a lawsuit filed on behalf of the associations by Feldsott that would keep Sutton from moving the eight residents into each of the houses. Rutter told Feldsott to amend his (See IRVINE, Page At) 800 stalwarts watch lunar eclipse on a cold night LOS ANGELES (AP) -Some 800 people trekked to the Griffith Obeervatory early today to view the lunar eclipse in a cold, clear west.em sky. For the aecond time in aix ,JDDlltha. and the third time thb year, the Earth'• shadow started to pua acrom the Moon at about 1:50 a.m . PST. The moon was complewly blocked from sunlight 9tarting at 2:58 a.m. and began to emerge at 3:39 a.m. ''The audience has great spirit tonight even though it's cold," said F.dwin Krupp, observatory direct o r . as temperatures hovered near 40 degrees. ''This LS the great New Year's Eve-eve- and-up-past-your-bedtime lunar eclipse." Diiiy,... ....... _,.......,I( ..... The Griffith Observatory kept the doors of its 600-seat theater open until about 5 a.m .. when the (See LUNAR, page AZ ) Sequence of moon's disap pear ing act over Costa Mesa was photograph ed from 1:30 to 3 a.m. tod ay. • Segers trom rites sche dule d Monday Funeral services will be held M onday for Ver o ni c a Segerstrom. member of the pioneer Costa Mesa family that built South Coast Plaza and Town Center She died Tuesday at 81. Segerstrom was a full partner in the fa mily o wned C .J Segerstrom & Sons, developers of the successful shopping mall and the nearby highrise commercial center Under h er late husband Harold Segerstrom Sr . 's leadership. the family built the renowned shopping center and the high riae commercial complex acrou the street. He died in 1978 She suffered a heart attack at -lllDfl-- A5 B6 B2 C9-12 Cl Cl C6 A6 B4-6 B3,8 82 82 84·6 88 ,u her family home in Santa Ana. where she had Uved for 32 years. Family members said she had been ill for several years. Services will be held at 1 p.m. Monday at Waverley Chapel at Fairhaven Memorial Park in Sant.a Ana. The daughter of a steel engin ee r in San ta Paula , Segerstrom came to Santa Ana in 1917, where she went to work as an accow1UU\t at the then First National Bank of Santa Ana. It was there that she met her future husband, Harold Sr They married in 1925. With his four brothers Harold Sr. ran a dairy and hater became the nation's largest producer of Uma beana. The dairy and the bean fields were located where South Coast Plam now ata.n<b. Upon his death, her ne phew, Henry Segerstrom took over the leadlna role In the family business. Her 900 Harold Jr .• llill oversees the family 's vaat agricultural holding.. Allhou1h moat of her llte centered recen\ly around her childre n and arandchlldren, famlly members said Veronica &aeratrom wu pleued by the Sejerwtroms' gradual traruliUon from llma bean farmera to commcrdal developers. Durlnt World War fi the WU active ln the Sant• Ana A11l11tance Lea.cue and wu eha.,man of th.-Sant• An• voluntrer Red Crom Information Center. In addlUon to the ahoppln1 end commt.Tcial cttnt•r, th• (lee PUNE&AL. Paae A~) Doris Allen R em ap p l ans c ut A llen's district BY PHIL SNEIDERMAN or .... 0...,,...1.- New dlatrlct boundaries approved by the atate Leaialature have placed n~wly elected Auemblywoman Dorla Allen'• Iona-time Weatmlnater home outafde the dlatrlct ahe •tvea. The reapportionment plan, which wu expected to be sl,aned today by outaoing Gov. Edmund Brown Jr wlU require Allen to~ mov~ to 1 ~w home within tbe new wnt Orana County dt.trict If ahf' IM!ekt r eloctlon In 1984. ln a ~leph<>M Interview from ~amtmo W~)I -Allen a llt~blk411f'l, dHCrlbf.d th new lta'IJ•tlve .dl1trlct map 11 "not tMCtty 7.our Ideal plan." But 1he ld4ed. • I dO p'-n to move to 1tav , ... RSMAP, Pact Al) .~ 4 court nominees blocked,. SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - Attorney General George DeukmeJ'lan , who has campaigne for years against Gov . Edmund Brown Jr 's judges. has succeeded in tieuttling four appeals court appomlments, prompting a charg e of "McCarthyism." Deukmejian, who made opposition to judicial liberals a major issue in hia sureessful race for governor, used his position on the Commission on Judicial Appointments Wednesday to reject the four Brown nominees in a stonny three-hour session. Slnc:e st.ate voten created the commission In 1934, only one other governor'• nominee has been rejected -Max Radin, a liberal University of Ca.lifomla law professor whose Supreme Court nomination ,by Gov Culbert Olson In 1940 was defeated on a deddln& vote by then-Attorney General Earl Warren One o f W e dneada y 'a candidates, Jerome Cohen, chief lawyer and neaoUator for the United Farm Workers from 1967 to 1980, likened Deuknwjlan to the late Sen. Joeeph McCarthy. Deukmejian had cited ptraonal crlUdama from unnamed lawyers ln voting aaalnat Cohen.1 who had won pralte from the ::»tate Bar, witne1,1e1 at the hearlna. and Y1rtually every letter tent to the oommf11lon, lneludlna tour from arowers or their lawyers. "DeulcJMjlanlam It eofn1 to be CaUfornla'1 virulent 1traln of McCarthywn:• the 41·)'8....otd labor lawyer told repon.ra. "- cont• n d • d th• teaaon for °"'~~jan'a VO~ WM 'hat "W IJ'OWttl pve hlm $3®,qo<) Ind he'• playfna po11tn, .. Deukme11an told Cohen that various unnamed lawyers had told his staff pr1vately that Cohen 11 "rude, foul-mouthed, dishonest , devious and unethical." "I wish they'd have put that on the record so I could respand," Cohen replied. "That lf,and of character assassination ls typical of what Joseph McCarthy would say " "That's what I thought you'd say," Deukmejian countered. " ... Members of thi s commission are not suppoeed to be here as a rublJtr stamp for the governor." Another defeated nominee, ve~ran Jwuce Sidney Feinberg, also was indignant, asking DeukmeJ1an whether he intended to give a "litmus test" to ' judicial candidates after he becomes governor next Monday. DeukmeJ1an said he voted against Feinberg because he reversed too many criminal convictions. He did not cite any specific casea. Five other Brown appointees to )72,401 -a -year jobs on the appeals courts were confirmed by th e commiss ion . with Deukmejlan dissentlna on two appointees, Including J. Anthony Kline, B rown's former legal, alfairs secretary. Golden Eagle lawyer sa y s case unproved "' defense attorney hu contended that proeecuion have failed to prove allegatlona Ralph Wllllam McDon1ld bilked lnveatora out o.f million• of dollvs throu1h the operation of now-defunct Golden Eagle lnveatmenta. Dellverlna hla cloalna statement Wednetday, attorney Paul Mat told an Oranae County S\lpertor Court Jury that McDonald la lnnoc•nt of n countt of arand theft, aellln1 l ttr d eecurhtea and r';j 1IO~ ....... ~~ tltcted to cell no wt~ • McDOMld'a mohlh· lone tNl dnw to • clc*t. ~uron were expected to b•lna deUbitntklnl ttdly ' f111 t'I ,, '"""· Ilk 41111 1 1' 1(1 I IRVINE HOMES • • • complaint but rt•ru.c.od to di1m1Wt It Feldaou utd Wedne11day a preliminary injunction, the court order he would reque11t in Caat' t"9CJ'OW cloees, might st.all Sutton from uainc the three houses for two to three yeers unUl a trial was held. Wallace doesn't believe Feldaott could win the mjun<'Uon and sa.ld his side will counter by uking the court again to throw out the suit. Baning the court order. Loft said Sutton could have one or its houses in operation by early March with the other two in use by May and June. People aged 16 to 23 are expected to be housed in the Irvine homes. Loft said Sutton a lready h as a long waltlna ll•t of part.•l\IJI lntt·n:.•l4.od In moving their chlldrt'n Into tht> homea Sutton's federal loon lnHl1&1ly WU for $51 5,000 but WU increased by $40,000 to cover extra costs for legal 1erv1t'ell and modifications to the home11 . ..__ _. The loan is to be paid Cl'ff-" through monthly payments by the developmentally disabled residents, who receive a monthly stipe nd from the state, and through other fund-raising programs, said Sutton officials. The organization 1s named after professional baseball player Don Sutton, who authorized use of his name when the group fonned sev~ral years ago. He was involved m initial fund-raising activities LUNAR ECLIPSE . • • moon completely emerged from its shadowy tUdeaway. ''Only about l~ diehards are left now," observatory guide Art Thurman said shortly after 3 a.m . "Everybody else went home because of the cold at about 2:30. It's one of the darkest eclipses probably ever." The first lunar eclipse this year rn C.ahforrua took place Jan. 19, the second on July 5. The ne>Ct one visible in the West will be April 24. 1986. FUNERAL MONDAY . • • Segerstrom family has been instrumental in the financial campaign to buLld the $60 null1on Orange County Performing Arts Center in C.OSta Mesa. Veronica Segerstrom is survived by a son, Harold T . Segerstrom Jr .. and his wife. J eanette; a brother, Ronald Merrick. of Lake San Marcos; four grandchildr en, Susan Segerstr om Perry, Ted W Segerstrom, Sally Segerstrom and SandrA Phvlli<: fmnit>ls, and one great-grandchild, Jennifer Susan Perry Other s urvivors include a nephew, Henry T . Segers1.rom: a s ister-in-law , Mrs Anton Segerstrom; two great-nephews. Toren and Anton Scgerst rom, and a great-niece. Andrea Grant. The family suggest.a memorial contnbuuons may be sent in Veronica Segerstrom's name to the Los Angeles Shraners Hosp1taJ for Crip~led Children GOLDEN EAGLE DEFENSE . case until he pleaded guilty to se eral related charges and a reed t o testify agains t m•:.&.J11Jnaad. eputy District Attorney Buck, in summing up his for the pry, said McDonald Go1des\ r..gJ.e were operating "pyramid pine." All the money wu used to off other investors, except t went for automobiles and enajve homet. He waa rollbh:aa jnvestor 8eter to pay Paul . . . Just aa ln a •'*"uniil'I game, that'• the tluust of this, had the people known ~-weft investing ln a pyramid m· they wouldn't have done it, Buck said. f"te added, "Thia was all ~ up by Mr. McDonald. ~~II responsible for the havoc ~baa cau.ed in the lives of how mkly people who invested.·· McDonald collected more than $17 million from about l.000 invesfurs by promising returns on the investments ranging from 15 to 30 percent a month. The investors money alle gedly was loaned out rn "short-term swmg loans" secured by real estate. Buck said. He added that invesligaton had found evide~ of only two Joans ever made by the firm, totaling le.. th.an $100,000 and not aedired ti\ any way. ''They had projected cash nee~ of $34 million, but the value was up In whole, there were no short-term swing loans and no loans secured by real estate," Buck told the .JW'Y He said a good portion of the money collected by McDonald and Golden Eagle we nt "into automobiles, real estate and high Westyle!' • HF:MAP. • • Prom Page A1 "1111111 "'" 1h•lrll'I Un1h•1 · lht• t't••11111111111nnw111 pl1111 All1•11" 11111111· 111 1rnu1h W t I I n1 I fl " t I' I , f\ t• U r I h I' th1111inaitu11 8l•ud1 lxmh·r. foll• umlt•r tht· 1urlM.lk tlun of not• t\Mt>mllly11w11 Nohm l''riwlh.• A I I e• 11 I u 11 1· i; m u 11 l u I W~tm1natn und"r hia plan Tht' llt'W d111trH t llll'lutft•ic Wt•!> I Gardl·n C roVl'. mulil of LoM Alumttus, u largl'r purt11.rn of Analll'an1 and all of Cyprt.>kli, Lu Palma 1rnd Buena Purk Shl· would lose Stanton and Midway City to Assemblyman Richard Rol.nnson, D-Santa Ana Although Robinson has derued he was involved 1n thl• rearrangeme nt of Allen 's distrk t, the assemblywoman Wednesday t.'Ontended the revision was made to increHe the percentage of Democratic voters in Robinaon's district While admitting th at this strate g y also increases the number-of Repubhcan voters in her district, Alle n said she 1s unhappy she will not be able to represent most of Westminster, where she has laved for the past 22 years Allen ran unsuccessfully an 1978 and 1980 against incumbent Assemblyman Chet Wray before unseating him in thas year 's election. Tree burn due A C hristmas tree burn 1s scheduled Tuesday in Irvine by th e Orange County Fire Department The burn will be held at 7 p .m. at the vacant lot on the north s1dl' o f Alton Parkway between Jeffrey Road and East Yalt.> Loop, according to cngine<'r J oe.· Kerr Kerr said people can bring their d1scardl-d ll'et!S to tht• lot to be burned through Tuesday • In a few short years. between 1979 and 1981, Mc Donald's fortunes increased from having to bo rrow several thousand dollars to purchase a car and having his wages garnished by Household F i nance Corp. to where he owned 15 cars, one valued at $175,000. "Keep in your mind," Buck admQnlshed jurors, "the net cash flow wu small at the beginrung but built up. And as it built up so did Mr. McDonald's purchases . . . When the money was rolling m at Golden Eagle 1t was rolling out as automobiles." Throughout the c losing arguments, M c Dona ld , a 42-year -oJd former bodyguard, sat allently at the defeme table intently Hatenina to the two attorneys. Ht: 11 in custody m lteu of $500,000 bail. More win.ds due t'oa1tta I t ftM lonilllht 8l'ld F ndey Gusty § wind• 15 to 30 mpfl me cariyone and ~ Iowa 38 to .. 5. HIQfla ~ eo.. JEl1ew11er•. from Polnl onctpllon to Ill• Mealc•n • end 0U1 eo m11ea. Smell ~ In effect due to wind• 16 to 25 llnota Fftdey. 8-4 to ti 199\ In Windy •r•H. locally nortll to ~ wind• 8 to 15 11no11 ttr'OUl1I ~. WW1erty ..... 2 i. 3 ,..., ci-.... f0fecu1.. Allen Tllompaon lie<! OC)tlmlalle -lot , ......... end -*"-wlllde tll>d ---1 em per e tu••• tllrou911out Sout,...,.n Cellfomla "T empertW<'ft COUid 09' r..ity low Fr\dey, tMll II ~·t look Ille Ille<• _. be ..,., more .,_ In io-M¥•tlon9 tt'• gotng to be getting W9f1Mt," M Mid. Moet 1kl lod9t1 In S a n Bern•rdlno •nd Alvera1de oountlea -• geetlng up for • big *"" Yur'1 Dtly ..... end Tiiey reported •t .._. lout ~ of ,,.. powdet llad fallen by 191• WednMde)o The -Uler ~ predlc1ed UP 10 tlK ~ o4 ,,_ -In ....... ion. •l:H>V9 3,500 .... Frkley'1 ...... ~ be ctoucly tWttll Wind• gutlln9 up to 30 rnpn In coaatel er••• and 11ron9er (11111• ewer rno.H'italn rklgea ...cs betOW pu8M Frtde(• hlOM In Loa MQelee lhould be In the """* eo.. wtth lowl ,_ '2 and wind• up to 20 lft9fl -Ille footllllla Coettel lliCIN mey rtngt ftom eo to ee. wilt! !owe from 28 lo 38 Mounl•ln lllgll1 on Friday ahOuld r1nge rrom 35 to '2 with low• from 15 10 25 Hl9111 In Owww Vfl/lley -• for-1 lrom 31 to ,.. wllll low• 111•1 could rMCll 15. Hlghe In nor1hem deMt1a m_, rmnge lrom 48 to 52 wttll lowl In thf 20s and light rtln 1llow9<1 Sout,,_n o...t ~h• m•y ,.,. rrorn 52 to 58 with lowl In tfle 30I n ... -•'* a.vice Mid thfr• were numeroua repor11 Wednnday and Hrty loday of tirlM -llurrtee In HonlWldge. sy1r11er end Sen Femlllldo v.a.y The -In ,,_ ., ... melt.O .. It lllt , ... ground T etr&pera tllres "' Le Albany 56 32 ::::r:Q<HI 27 21 21 12 ~. 52 ,0 Mi.tilt 64 32 Allentlc City 65 " Aullln ... JO taltlrMI• ... H ==""'" 24 21 41 32 lltlmtrdl 11 07 ... 1t ~ eoeton 83 H If~ 11 .. , lulfflo " iO The Forecast For 1 p.m. EST Fndlty, C»cernbef 31 A.1nmJ s-(3 ~·· flUf'Tiel •• • T1 a1Yfes Bu<llnQton 5e 2' Oflendo ao 80 Caper 17 02 Pl'lll~pllla 6' 21 ChatlMlon. S C 70 62 PhOenlll S6 'e Char ... ton. w v .. 9 30 Ptttlt>utgll 48 25 Cllet!Olte, N C 6' '° P«tl•nd. Me M 29 Cheyenne 25 05 Portltnd, Of• .. o 23 Cllleego 2' 14 Provldencll S8 30 Cincinnati 34 24 :=cny 86 39 ~ 32 24 30 t5 Columbia SC .... 45 Reno 32 15 Colvml>ln 34 24 Alef'lmond 67 37 Oelt .. ·Ft Wortll 42 27 Salt l ake 27 10 O.yton 32 22 S•n Antonio 48 31 o.n-22 -07 SM!tlf 39 27 0.. Moina 22 Oil Sh~ 50 29 Oelrolt 31 IT SIOu• F•t1t 22 10 Duluth oe 02 St lc>u11 28 17 El Puo 37 2' St "•It-Tempe 77 87 Feroo 12 .()1 St Ste MM1e 18 03 Fltg•l•fl 28 18 Spok-25 11 ~Fella 25 21 8yYICUM 45 25 Hertford 59 21 Toc>eti• 27 oe Helfna 19 15 TUctOll 58 38 Honolulu 78 es Tul .. 31 21 Houlton 49 38 WHtllnQIOO 611 33 lndlen99ofla 31 23 Wlelllla 2t 11 Jtcll9"1 ....... .. 1 3t CAUfJ0411N1A JKll~ 75 51 89119flllfld 48 39 Kenau City 2' ,. Euret.• 55 35 lHV= 43 31 ft .. M 48 33 llttlf .. o u ~·· 54 20 loutt'l\llt 34 22 Lot A~ eo 41 l.Ubbooll 20 11 Otllllllld 58 38 Metftpllll 40 H ,,_ AoOIH 87 14 Mlllnl 78 74 ,._ lllUfl M '° ......... 21 10 Aed'kooel Clty se H Ml* 81 Pflil t~ -02 SKtllrntnlO •• H Halll!Vlllf 4S u 81llnH eo 3l r-.0ti..n1 se 48 San 04ieOO u 'a New YOtlt H 36 SM Prencleco se 44 NorlOlll eo 43 ltnta ... t>•• 11 17 Hoftll """• 24 .oe e1oe111on " JO OllllMI04nl City Gt 11 larllow 45 H ~ 25 10 Tides Chris tmas remains Nl'wporl Beach fire invt·~tigutor Jim llpto n sift~ through charred remain~· of (~hri!-.tma~ lrN• ormuuent~ follow in~ S I 00,000 blazf' \\'t•dne~duy in <:orona dt'l Mar. ll(•lt~n Rt•uter. owner of the A<·ada A H·nue horn<'. said tht· (:hristma~ trN' wa~ dt'c·oraled with $ 7 .000 '"•rt h of ornamt·n•~ '-ht• ha~ bt•t•n t•ollt·c.·ti u~ for :lO yt·ar .... org ry alleged .. I -.. •.. ·-l nearing . A Sant" Ana attorney hu t.ettlflt.>d that her lnJllal.a wt>re forpd on a riv -pi~ llettlement •creemcnt In a divorce CHe handl~ bJ attorney and Cout Community Colle1e D l1trlct trultt.<e Oeor1t-Rodda Jr. Attorney Marilyn Ward, te1tlfylna In Central Orange County Mun1c1pal Court, aaid that a handwriting expert has verified that the 1mt1aJB on the year-old divorce doc:ument were not hers The testimony c:ame 1n th e second day o f a prel1m1nary hearing for Rodda, a Newport Beac h attorney and a coast district trustee 11nce 1969. The hearing, being conducted to determine whethe r Rodda should be tned m supenor court o n four f e lo ny c harges o f preparing and attempting to pass a forged document, resumed today Rodda. 52. has called the charges groundless. Deputy District Attorney Robert Molko claime d Rodda attempted to file forged divorce papers last November with Supe rior Court Judge J a mes Jackman. At iss u e are the t.niualed signatures of Catherine and Bernard Zager, who were dissolving the ir marriage , and Ward, Mrs. Zager's a ttorney Bernard Zager, testifying as a prosecution witness, told the court Wednesday that he believes his in1t1als on the documents were made by his own ha.nd Molko said that all of the 1rutials on the document. except for Rodda's. are in Quest.ion Teen-ager tells trip tragedy Hunling 1011 won1a11 describl.~s accident that claimed friend By ROBERT BARKER Of Ille De4l1 "flat ltan A 19 year old woman Wednesday descntx'Cl d1·u111s of a trip that startC'd out at the Huntington Beach pohtt• fanng range last summer and ended m tragedy near Parker, Ariz. lluntington Beach resident Kathy Grunbawn said she was among passengers in a vehicle driven by Huntington Beac h Police OfOcer J ohn Black well Alao in the four-wheel drive vetUcle, she said, were her friend. Lisa GarUch, 18. and another Huntington .Beach po11ct.• off1CC'r, Lloyd Edwards. The vehicle. with the words "Party Tiii You Puke" contained in the license plate frame, overturned al a curve at 9 a.m July 11 . about 51h hours aft.er leavmg Huntington Beach The three passengers w e re thrown horn the vehicle, Garlkh died from nwsive head and l1fX'k Injuries, accordlng to Arl:z.ona authorities. Grunbaum. a 1981 graduate of Edison High School. said she su ff ea-d a com·u.-.sion a nd other 1nJUr1t•s and didn't r egain consc:1ousness until late in the afternoon at Parker Hospital. Grunbaum alleged that Blackwell. the dnver. had been drinking beer before leaving HuntinJ1-0n .Beach. She claimed he conunued dnnking Budwelaer Light -kept i.n an ice chest - for most of the trip. Bl.ckwell did not respond to telephone messages today and has no t be en available for romment on the accusation Grunbaum saJ.d a third pohce officer had begun the journey m Blackwell's vehicle But he got out and rode m another vehicle in a convoy to th<' Colorado River "becaUll(' Blackwe ll was driving too fast." she claimed Blackwell. r e-assigned from patrol to administrative duties since the incident, is 8Cheduled to face trial in Arizona next month on charges of negligent homidde and leaving the ..-ene of a serious accident. according to Arizona officials. A local police de partme nt OUR STORES We would like to take this opportunity to wish all of our customers the very best in the coming year and express our sincere thanks for your continued loyalty. From all of us at The Storekeeper. anvesugauon afte r the accident s ho wed tha t "eight or ten" officers had been known to consume alcohol at the firing range. according to Chief F.arle Rob1ta1Ue But he said there was no evidence of misconduct or sexual act.ivi ues "There was nothing sexual." Grunbaum said Wednesday. "The police kicked back and had a ~w beers. Th.at'• all~" She aaid she had been to a couple or gatherings at the range and they were attended by about I 0 or 15 officers and perhaps four women Grunbaum said she knew Bl.ckwell and Edwards sllghtly. having met them previously at the range. Grunbaum said she has lost about &.ix weeks of work because o f injuries and has in curred medical expenses. She said she has retamed a lawyer. A lawsuit alleging wrongful death was filed ln September in Orange County Superior Court by Bruce Garlich and Barbara Peters, J)&ttnta of the dead girl. r j I "'· NATION Fede ral e mployees to eel MP.dir.are New snowstorm builds in the West ] • \,J - By Tile A11oclated Pre11 WASHINGTON Federal employee• who were plannJna to retm.• at the end of this year have a 1trong incentive to 1tay on the job, If only for on• more day. Federal health officials aay that any civil servant who spenda u mu<'h u one day on the federal payroll m January 1983 wlll 1utomauc1lly be •blo to cuunt hi• entire federal career toward eUalblllty for Medicare. Startlna Jan. 1, more than 2 millJon federal worken will pay a 1.3 percent Medicare tax for the first time. They currently are excluded from the entire Social Security program Fake money haul a r e cord WASHINGTON -The Secret Service se1ied a record $73 7 million in counterfeit currency in the 12 months ended Sept 30, the agency reported today. Secre t Service Director John R. Simpaon aald the bogua bills were confi9cated during raids 0n 86 counterfeit plants and resulted In the arrest of 2,225 people, a 30 percent increase over fiacal 1981. 16 d e monstra tors h e ld WASHINGTON -Sixteen nuclear-arms protesters were arrested today after they allegedly blocked an entrance to the Pentagon and threw a red substance resembling blood against the building. The 16 identified thPm-lvf"'I A!I mf'mbers of the Atlantic Life Community, an activist group that frequently demonstrates at the Defenae Department building . Pentagon spok esman Blll Caldwell said an estimated 50 to 75 persons took part in the protest Phone bills going up WASHINGTON - Starting 1n January , consumers will see their telephone bills rise by 2 percent as Uncle Sam begins collecting more tax. Under the terms of a tax bill passed by Congress last August, all telephone companies must begin levying a 3 percent excLSe tax on their STATE customers' bills Jan. l. The current tax is l percent. Officials at the American Telephone & Telegraph Co. and the United States lndependen t Telephone Association estimate the 2 percent hike will generate an extra $1.3 billion next year for the government. a, 'n• A1aott11e4 Pre11 A rww anuwat.onn bulld1na ln lh• Wnl dropped 1now on part. of Arliona and New Mexico tod•y. but flooded •N"•• of Mlaal•lppl ind 1..oulalana we,.. •pared "'°" hNVY rain Brisk wind• produced snow aqualla alona the shore of Lake Erle, alowln1 rush-hour trafflc around Cleveland whe~ up to 4 lnchet alrffdy had fallen. The National Weather Service had predicted more rain would fall today on flood-ravaged areaa of Ml11l11lppi and Louisiana where more than 2,600 people have been driven from their homes, lncludlna 37~ reecued by Civil Defense officials N.H. governor ~ first to die while in off ice CONCORD. N .H . (AP) - Flags acrou New Hampshire flew at half-staff today as residents mourned the death of Gov. Hugh Gallen, a self-made man who prided himself on looking out for "those with no voice." Gallen's 42-day battle with a blood infection ended Wednesday afternoon in the Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston, less than a week after he saw hia state for the last time on a Christmas visit to his family in Littleton. Records dating to the late 1700s show that Gallen was the ftr'St New Hampshire governor to die in olf1ce. The 58-year-old Democrat, who broke a decade of Republican statehouse rule in New Hampshire with a surprise victory in 1978, lost his bid in November for a third two-year term after refusing to promiae a veto of any sales or income taxes. "It '1 the measu re of his administration and of the man Wednt'llllay In <.AJlumbua, Mi.a Bu\ by thia mornln1 th• f~ten w•,.. pndlcllnl unly 1C9UeNd U1ht ahowol'll In p&r\I of &he lwo 1\.1.,.. Out W•t. ln the meantime, a wini.r 1tonn warnlna wu pOli.ci for the hlah.r ro.ilon• o f 1outheaat.rn Arl1ona and a travel.era advlllory wu lmued for the weatern third of N'"w Mexico. Temperatures dipped Into the am,te dlaita or below zero from the upper Ml11l111ppl Valley through Wyoming and Colorado to Nevada and Oregon. 1'he floodlna la the worat In LOulllana in 20 yean and the wont In MlaiPippl In 10, the N.tional Wuther Service ll&ld Hugh Gallen in 1980. that he never abandoned those who he cared the most about - the elderly . . the handicapped and the young -the people who rely on government to make their lives worthwhtle and better," siud Executive Councilor Dudley Dudley. ''Thoee are the people he served best." Gallen's chief of staff, Dayton Duncan, said the governor was ill at the end of his trying campaign, but did not see a doctor Dy W••k '• end. for•u•t•tl Mid, the floodwat.ef'I will muve Into 1outhweatern L.oul1lan1. where two harp full of rockt lntended for roadflll wr looet from &twlr moor1np cm the swift C.lculeu River on WednNday and battered ll Kanaa1-Clly Southern railroad brldae tu bedly It had to be elated Ho one wu Injured, but realdenta were adviK-d to take precautions for expected Cloodlng Elsewhere, power knocked out In a Mldwe1tern blizzard that ended Tue.day was ret1tored aa the area continued to dlg out from under heavy snowfall, some places in aub:z.ero temperatures. In Mlnneapoll1-St Paul, where 16.5 inches fell Tuesday. moat main ro1d1 h•d bHn al artd. but a1de 1t..f'MU remal:nld rlrJlaC'd "From• public wor k•• 1tandpolnt, thl1 la th • wont r. (anow1torm) ln man)' yean." 9Jd C MlnMapoUa Mayor Don FrMer. Bua operatlonl were llmlted ln Denver, ttlU r'flCOVerina from the heavlett one-day anowf.U ln It.a . hlatory Dec. 24 . "It'• the p&ta," • uld Kathy Joyce, apokeewanan , for the Regional Tranapoc1adon 1 Dialric\. I At Stapleton Alrport. alrlinm, were trylnta to de.1 with a p0e ol unclaimed baggaae lnclud ln11. undelivered Chriatmaa preeentl,. and thouanda of dollan' wonh, of alo equipment. ... Miami area uneasy '· over new violence MIAMI (AP) -Sporadic looting and rock-throwing broke out again today in a sealed-off area of downtown Miami where the fatal police shooting of a young black man sparked two days of violence. More arrests and injuries were reported. Nevell Johnson Jr., 21, who was ahot Tuesday by a Hispanic officer, died Wednesday. The Justice Department said the FBI would investigate the shooting. Riot-equipped police officers today still ringed a 192-square-block area of the predominantly bla c k neighborhood of Overtown, where black gangs attacked motorists, set fires and hurled rocks and bottles in two days of violence after Johnson was shot. About 50 helmeted, baton- carrying officers were posted ma park five miles north in Liberty City, the scene of racial violence that claimed 18 Lives two years ago. Some r ock· and bottle · throwin~ was reported a.nd at least one buaine99 wu looted ln l: Liberty City overnight, police,, said. In another incident outlllde · the riot area late Wednesday, several police cars had t heir • windows broken out by roclu 1 and bottlet. . "It's quiet," Miami policen spokesman Mike Stewart aald this morning of the Overtown riot area. "But we made nine [ additional arrests and had four more reporta of injury ... " ~. That brought to 26 the number of injured and 38 the number. arrested In the two nighta of , violence, Stewart said . On , Tuesday, a looting auapect, 17. year-old AlONO R. Singleton. was shot and kllled by a • pol..lceman. Sgt. Jack Sullivan, another 4 police spokesman, aaid the , additional arrest& and Injuries . stemmed from "sporadic incidents" outside of the riot · ione. Most of thote were arrested on burglary and loit_ering charges. One per10n was charged · •• with a2lUavated uaault and one-:" .. with encouraging a riot. Small quake off Ma.lihu No car for coupons? She sues dealer -------------------------------------.~. MALIBU -A small earthquake centered In the ocean off Malibu prompted 110me beach dwellen to call police, but no injurlea or damage were reporu.-d. Dennis M eredith, spokesman foe the California lnatlt\Jte of Ttthnology ln Puadena, said the temblor registered at 3.6 on the Richter 8Cale. Epicenter of the tremor was five miles 90Uth of Point Dume ln the Pacilie 0cun. Meredith aid. Pclnt Dume la just west of Malibu. Ga sohol usage climbing FULLERTON (AP) -An Anaheim woman who contends a dealer ahouJd haw liven her a car in exch an1e _for coupon• clipped from telepbone boob la suJ.n« for breech ol oontract. An attorney for Sharon Ann Otten filed the auit Wed.neaday in North Orange County Municipal Court againat Nowling Oldsmobile, aeek.lng damages of $10,394 -the sticX.er price of a 1982 four-door Firenu model Oldsmobile. SACRAMENTO -A new state report says use of gasohol is climbing rapidly and could affect air quality if the increase continues. The report, released Wedneeday by the legialative analyst's office, said Californiaru1 are using more than 50 milllon gallons of WORLD gasohol a month, about 5 percent of the total motor vehicle fuel aold in the at.ate. The total ii actually more than that, but·eorne of it la lea than 10 percent alcohol and ia not eligible for exemption from the aales tax and ii not reported. Nowling's coupons in the telephone book Yellow Page•· read, ''Pre.en t thi.t coupon after ma.king your best deal on a new or u1ed car & receive an additional $100 off.'' 2nd round. of talks begin Mra. Otten, 39, apent 14 hours collecting about l~O coupon• from friends, neigh bors and strangers before going to the dealerahip. She aaid ahe handed the ulelman enough coupons to pay for the Flrenu, but the dealer refu.ed to deliver the car. KIRYAT SHMONA, lscael -Israel and Lebanon wound up their aecond round of talka today, failing to agree on an agenda but aaying they reaolved 1ome of their dit f erences. Although the negotiators failed to agree on an agenda for their talks, "further progress was made" toward overaxning that first hurdle. said Foreign M inistry apokeaman Avi Pa1ner, reading a joint Lebaneae- Iaraeli statement. "It didn't •Y It waa limited to one per customer, and there was nothing expreued or implied that would u.y to anyone there WU a llmltation," aaid attorney JamM Grier. Casualty figures posted "It'• a garden-variety-breach· of~tnct action. buic.ally what flnt-year law students learn," the attorney added. $.AN SALVADOR, El Salvador -The Defense Ministry says lefU1t rebels killed or wounded nearly 12 percent of the 33,000-man anned forces th.i.a year ln their battle to topple the U .S .-1upported rightist government. We're Listening ••• 642•6086 Al fighting between the two aides con tinued northeast, of the capital Wednetlday, the ministry releaaed figures showing 1,040 aoldhtn died a n d 2 ,800 oth era wer e wounded during the first 10 months of 1982. ' • Jamea Lewia, attorney for Nowlin g Oldamoblle, wu ~por1edly aw ay from hia office until next week. Although he hopes to have a jury trla( Gner said he expects NC>Wllna will try 1 to convince a judee tflat Ma. Ott.en'• cau.e of ICt1on la Invalid and that tbe cue ahould be dJsmllted. Whal do you like about lM Dally Piiot" What don't you llke" Call the number at left and your meaaae will be recorded, tranteribed and delivered to the appropriate editor. The same 24·hour an1wenn1 ser vice may be used to record let· ters lo the editor on a ny lopk M1ilbox contrtbulort mual ln(lude their name and telephone number for verification No circulation calls, please. Tell us what" on your mlnd ORANGE COMT Q t .. ' f 4' I II ... CDall ~ ' ...... , ........ .... ~-... ·-................. Dally Piiat .. Elegant Gifts at Special Prices for the New Year! COBRA Cobra Brae.let Regular $17 95 .. ..... ......... .. ....... S8.99 20" Light Cobr1 Neck Chain Regular 137.95 ....... .. .. .. .. ....................... 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How can you get to the Rose Bowl aft.er the parade! ThetM? questions and others likl' them are foremost In the manda of the ov~r l million people from acroa the naUon who will hne the streets of Pasadena again this year for the New Year's Day Parade. Fortunately for thoee spectators, the City of Pasadena and its Police Department have prepared a series o f do's and don'ts for trbiaportation and conduct along the parade ro1.u.e. GETTING THERE: Don't try to take the Orange Grove Boulevard offramps from the Pasadena or 134 Freeways -they will be closed at 8 p.m. on Friday. Other closures include: Del Mar Boulevard on Route 7, Sierra Madre and San Gabriel on the 210 and the Route 7 onramp at Pasadena Avenue. These routes will be closed from 8 p.m . Friday until aft.er the parade on Saturday. Do avoid the parade formation area, south of Colorado Boulevard and west of Fair Oaks Avenue, from dusk Friday until after the parade. Avoid Route 7 southbound Do pick a spot east of Lake Avenue to view the parade. According to Lt. Rick Emerson of the Pasadena Police Department. this area 1s less crowded and people arriving late can still see the parade from this area. PARKING: Do double check posted Signs for no parking areas. lllegally parked cars wiU be towed to Wilson and San Pasqual or Fair Oaks and Alessandro impounding lots, with possible fines of up to $200. Don't park along the parade route from Colorado and Orange Grove aft.er 6 p.m. Friday There is restricted parking along the parade cout.e formauon area Fnday and Saturday. If you have a self-rontained recreauon vehicle you may park for $10 a rught at Brookside Park through Sunday. BEFORE THE PARADE: Do watch the floats being decorated beforehand until 10 o'clock tonight and from 10 a.m . to 9 p.m. Friday. In Puadena, floats will be located at: Rosemont Pavilion, 700 Seco St . Rose Palace. 835 S . Raymond Ave. (closed from 5-6:30 p.m. Friday for judging); Serrurier and Associates, 61 W. Mountain Ave. (cloeed aft.er 7 p.m. Friday). In Temple City. floats can be viewed before the parade at Fiesta Floats, 9362 Lower Azusa Road. This site not open to the public Friday. Redistricting plan advances SACRAMENTO (AP) -A new reapportionment plan for California's congressional delegauon ts on its way to Gov Edmund Brown Jr .. despite complainta that it was rushed through the Legialatu.re in confusion. The measure, designed to preserve a six-seat gain by Democrats an the November election, was approved by both houses Wedneeday night ~~r Senate Democratic leaders overcame oppo61Uon from some of their followers. The vote in the Senate was 21-10, the bare majority needed for passage in the 40-aeat upper hou&e. About an hour later, the Amembly voted 42-17 to approve Senate amenc:hnenta to the bill, AB2X by Aaaemblyman Richard Alatorre, D-t..o. Angeles. &ending it to Brown. The Democratic governor is expected to sign the congressional plan, along with a legislative reapportiorunent bill approved early Wedne9day. before he leaves office on Monday. The plans would replace proposals rejected by voters last June. Several members of the congressional delegation, now dominated by Democrata 28-17. apent most of the day in the Senate trying to get agreement on the congressional bill. Opposition from 10me Democrats threatened for a time to delay passage of the measure and give Republican Gov.-elect George Deukm.ejian a chance to veto it. Sen. Dan Boatwright. chairman of the Electlona and Reapportionment Committee, called the congressional plan "an lnault" and claimed there were "gross erron" in mape of the pJOpoeed district.a. He aald Rep.-elect Howard Berman, D-t..o. Angelea; would maintain that the maps accurately reflected language in the reapportionment bill. "After the fl.rat of the year, aft.er we have Md time to work on thlnp, we wW show you that the lepl de9crlpdona of the dlatrkta do not match the ma1» that have been liven you," aald Boatwriabt. a Concord Democrat. Onfy one aet of maps was available Wedneaday night and It waa reaerved for Mnatol'I. .......... 111 -HAMMOllD ...... And .NGANS None finer 12•1, financing on new Baldwin• Dec. only (aale Item• e11c:ludedl ORGAN A PIANO CINRR 70 I. l7th St. C..to Meto 645·2471 _WHILE WITCH CRUISES CAl"OllHI AT THE PARADE: Don't plan on drinki118 along the parade route. Lt. Emerson said alcohol consumption was primarily responsible for the nearly 300 arresta made before and during the parade last year. Don't expect to huddle around a fire unless you bnng along a fire-safe container, like a barbecue. Don't linr up m the street -stay on the sidewalk. At 12:01 a.m. Saturday. spectators wiU be allowed to move out to blue lines pail\ted along the parade route in the street Spectators can begin setting up on sidewalk at noon Fridav. Don't let juveniles attend the parade without adulta. • Every year we have to pick up a few juveniles who get into trouble," Emerson said. " Earning money is hard enough these days. But sh elter- ing it from taxes can be even harder. Which is why you should know about IRA PLUS-Bank of America's high-earning invest- ment that's also a comfortable tax shelter. With IRA PLUS, you and your spouse can set aside up to $4CXXl ($2..CXX) per workihg individual) each year. 84Nff OF AMERICAS IRA+ Not only does your investment earn high rates, but just as impor- tant, the money you invest is also deductible from the gross income on your Federal income tax return. The interest you earn is tax deferred as well. You'll find these rRA PLUS features especially valuable at tax time. THE. SAFETY YOU wwr Of course, while earning high rates with IRA PLUS, you can MOU """"o' •u~u /l#()M/IHr '61 I JO .t M I ti! ... ;M ,,, ... a. .. .... """ ....... "' I tJll Ill .., Mtu t f!lt Ailt TIMI I Oii rM 11 t 10 , • ...,, hi ' u .... , ..... , ,., SI . 0 I. ... ... :r '! • morning along Tournament of Roses parade route. Do bnng along lawn or folding chairs, but don't bnng tenta for camping along the route Do take your chairs home after the parade Selling by vendors with proper perrruts at the parade 1s allowed from 7 p.m. Friday through Saturday Don't plan to St!ll around the Rost> Bowl, Brook.side Park or at the post-parade area. For further 1nform.at1on, c all the license department at (213) 577-4166 AFTER THE PARADE: Shuttle buses w1U run between the Rose Parade and the Rost> Bowl. Do take advantage of the free parking offered Saturday at 100 W Walnut St .. 300 E. Green St. and in parking structures at Ramona and Marengo and Arroyo Parkway and Holly. Bus fare IS $1 round trip. "I like th e h1~h rates plus the uzx ()helter" rest easy knowing your invest- ment is backed by all the resources of California's leading bank. Bank of America's $120 billion in assets provides just the margin of safety you need for a long-term investment such as this. A $50 MINIMUM Bank of America gives you a varietY, of plans to choose from - including one that lets you earn high rates with a minimum deposit of just $50. What's more, you can choose an investment which locks-in a fixed rate or you can select a variable rate invest- ment for more flexibility. With IRA Do get a close-up look at the Cloata aft.er the parade from l -4:30 p.m Saturday and 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Sunday. Special viewing hours for the handicapped are 8-9 a.m. Sunday. Do remember that floats will not be displayed in Victory Park this year, but along lhe westbound roadway of Sierra Madre Boulevard from Washington Boulevard to Sierra Madre Valla Avenue and on the eastbound roadway of S ie rra Madre Boulevard from Washington Boulevard east. Lt. Emerson said that alJ together around 1,100 law enfon-ement officials will be involved m security for the event. For further infonnation on any aspect of the parade, caU the Rose Parade Hotline. (213) 793-1983, from 9 a .m.-9 p.m. today and Friday and from 9 a.m.-noon Saturday. PLUS, you can pick the plan that best suits your needs. ' NO FEES At many institutions, you'll pay a fee for setting up an IRA. But at Bank of America, no matter which IRA PLUS plan you choose, you won't pay a penny in set-up or maintenance fees. SO if you want an IRA, plus a lot more, open your IRA at Bank of America. IRA PLUS -California's leading 'IRA from California's· leading bank. BANlf ON THE LEADER .. l ' .. Laguna condo proj ct ruling prot t d A La1una le11h Ctly Coundlwom1n hH appeal 1 city lo1rd of Adjuttmenl deda&on aranUnt dew)opm of • propo1ed tlm•·•h•r• ~ndomlnlum projtcl • yeer'1 n1enlton on 1tartlna work TM appoal by Coundlwoman Sally Btlleruc lut week 1ffecta • propoul by E. V Nixon of Utah io df'mOU.h the 16-room La~ S.Ch Motor lnn on North t ffiahw1y. whlrh th• 111n1 mulur Inn rur nu y ex!lll S.Uoru cic.d llrY ral In her 1ppul o f th• board'• .xtenalon of lime, lncludlnt whet 1ho temwd the cont"em of nHrby Ml•hbore on McKnl1ht Prlvtt ovc-r noble, trefttc and con1,'tllon. Sht' ..td the city council rwv•r c·on1tdered thr time ahare- 1 conversion And Bellerul' said ahe Is concerned about the Impact on tourism in Lagunu Beach 1hould the condominjum project be constructed •ppruv1d th• pruJ t with 1 mdlllun thal the ownPr I UJ of th U ·aha,. unlta fer uveorn11ht 1uww. And while the OWMrl •ltWd to lhat 1tlpul1tlon, they nave kl'd Ule l'Of1Uftlalan to '10nl.1dot ... v•rel other optlona. Und11r un• 1ltornatlve, the dt!velopt!r could build • 40·bed ho1tol I n the Allio V iejo lreenbelt -et • coet of about 2tJO,OOO -ln1teed of 1ettln1 Hide the 18 unit.a at the tlme- 1hare project for motel 1.1.1e only. ~ounollw '"'" I llerut 11ld Lquna h ~oold .,rwf up th kmr In IU<:h I doaJ She 11ld the <'lty wuul~ lo. 16 ov•rnJlht room1 In 1xch•n1• fur a holtel w1U outaldo of i...una BeM-h. • The d~loper la alto ex_plortn1 the pomlblllty of peytna Lai(un1 &ach up io *8,000 for each of the 1& unlta. The money would 10 towerd low-coet hou1ln1 In the city. Ex •r •I h ulth OC(: cla top•c I A phy11ul 1duC'1tlon rou,.... 1 that tak•• • <"lo .. look et th• } phy al KUvlty end health wUI b .. tJft•nd at Co1t1 Me11'1 O rena• Coast Collea•. thl1 1prlna • The two-unit ctau, Phy1lcal I Education 104 from I to 2 p.m. Monday• and Wednetday1, will 1tudy human adaptation to d exerclae 11 Nixon had received state Coutal Commisalon approval to construct 37 time -share condominiums on the site, upon T he coastal commasslon has The coa1tal commlulon 1taff OPl'lf'IU'I to favor th1t option, but The council wlll conalder all three opllon1 at a Jan. 18 meeting. Reptr1Uon for 1pnns cla.11e1 runa Monday through Feb. 11 ln •/ the OCC Admtulon1 Building. 111 For detalla, phone ~~-~772. The ""' Solly Be llerue-t'ampus 11 at 2701 Fairview Road. ----------------~~~~--~~~----~--------~--~----~--~___::__ __________ ~--~~ ~\·~\ •'\''\~ Shingles signs told DEAR READERS: If you had chickenpox as a child, you could be a candidate for shingles as an adult. Shmgles occurs when the dormant chickenpox virua reactivates in the body, causing this potentially more serious ailment. Shingles, unlike c hickenpox, however, is not contagious, but it can cause excruciating pain which can persist long after the rash has healed. While the causes of reactivation of the chickenpox virus can vary, the basic symptoms of shingles are usually the same. After a four or five-day period of fever, pain in or under the ak in , headache or general malaise, a rash of small fluid-filled blisters appears on the reddened skin. Two-thirds of the shingles cases affect the body between the neck ana abdomen, although the blisters can ~ over any of the body's sensory nerves. People with "optical" shingles (where the virus has invaded an ophthalmic nerve) may suffer painful eye inflammations that can cause temporary blandness. Although the blisters and lesions heal within three t.o five weeks, in severe cases the pall\ can linger for months. About 10 percent of the normal adult population can be expected to get shingles during their lifetime. The incidence and severity of the virus increases with the age of the patient. The National Insututes of Health of the Department of Health and Human Services has a booklet whlch explains the symptoms and current treatments for shingles. It also de.cribes the ongoing research to develop drugs to fight the disease and eventually to prevent it altogether. For your copy of "Shingles," send $3 to the Consumer Infonnation C.enter, Dept. 223K, Pueblo, Colo. 81009. Bonds ownership explained DEAR PAT: ftat uppen lf oae co- owaer of a aavia&• bolld cllea? I'd also like to bow lf a jotnt owuer cu ca11l tile bond on llll owa. M.K., Corou del Mer When the co-owner of a savings bond dies, the bond becomes the 90le property of the surviving owner, regardless of any provisions in the deceased's will. According to U.S. Treasury regulations, a co-owner can cash in a bond without the other owner's permiaaion. To learn more about savings b o nds, r equ est information from the Department of the Treasury, U.S. Savings Bonds Division, Office of Public Affairs, Washington, D.C. 20026. Lump sum is income DEAR PAT: I bad a contract with my employer and because of tbe economic 1lomp I wa1 Jet go. My employer paid me a l•mp Jam 1everance allowance. Sltoald I lnclade t~I OD my tuea? D .W., Hanttngtoa Beacb The Internal Revenue Service says that a lump-sum payment for cancellation of your employment contract is income and must be reported u Income in the year that you receive it. • Got i.I prnblt'm·• Th<'ll "nte w 't 1. Pat Horow1t7 Pill "11/ < ut r<'<f Lapt . - getting tht· d/l.\\4 en. .111d ;ic 1io11 you ~ net>d to so/\•c• 11>e4 u If H 'S 1 n govemmC'nt and busml'S.'I Mllll your qu<'slmns ro Par Horowitz. At Your Sc•rv1c'f.•, Orange Coast Da1Jy Pilot, PO Bo" /~60. Costa M f'S<J. I CA 92626 ~Tu P'O~ .. UNITED STATES POSTAL ~~ 5 SERVICE ~ & ! EXCESS PROPERTY •• • • • • ·.: SANTA ANA, CA Property avallable to highest bidder In ~accordance with Invitation to Bid #P.S.D-83-1 Is located at 1620 West First Street, Santa Ana, CA 92703, consisting of approximately 27 ,526 sf of vacant land adjacent to the eastern boundary of the Bristol S.atlon Post Offtce, between Raitt Street and Pacific Avenue. Sealed bids wit( be received at the below listed looatlon until 2:00 p.m. PST on February 1, 1983, at which time bids wlll be publlcty opened and read at U. S. Postal .Service, Western Region, 850 Cherry ~venue, San Bruno, CA. For addltlonal detalls or to obtain a bid package, contact: Bonnie L. Brown Real Eatate Division -WE330 u. S. Poetal Service 850 Oherry 3: San Bruno, C .t099 Telephone: (41 878-9358 30 811. 12&95 20% off on all HOOVER 11111 Sole Pri<es Good Thru JU. I POlllTAPOWEA'" VACUUM CLlANEAI "--w-lat,.,_tvl..,cliofl u ... ..._ ·--"'·--IMy to -ty-• i.e. latnoiontC .... C ......... wftllt ..... ,_,,....... ~-<•'""' ...,.",, .....,,.,_..._ .... , ........... ,,_. ...... ...... ....... kf'Q 19<> ii S•l• 114 .. Hl9h-performanca Cl:C AC£ 90'' Uprl9ht ......... ..... "" ll11t ..... -tty Tlp-t<M CMpet f MIMtCH , .... ttm. edf*c....,"'8 J MV•uH HOOVER.Mia SPIRIT 'f!W. .. owemonleC""'9te< Syatem • .MllJOCI ,. ..... v ... •1 .. ,,.,,,., ........ .............. ... .... , ... .. .,,.,. ..... ,,,.,... _ ...... ~·-·­.. .,. .............. 4-...... ·•-11-•-.. protect rour Investment lntermatic's wllttle Gray Box" elec- tric water heater timer switch UL LISTED. WH-40 #«0016 1111n4 rour horizons Watch your holiday specials In color Magnavox·s' 25" color TV • HARDWARE HOOVER Convertible Upright •• , ll•F•-.1•1 .._, ... , ............ ... •• "· "'" .... 1 .f<ll . '" ··-.,., ....... ..... Wltf'rP Jo'ne1utl11 Sen·1<·e 11; " 1-"<11111111 1'rC1Cl 111011 ~ Reg. 89.99 5911 t.v., tv., on the wall "' ·'~ .. , ,. J ,t' .... I ' 1,,,n ,ri: l • I ..... ! 1 ~ ... , • ti .. ' . ' . '. .: I .: Ouadorf WeN Mount TV. Stand le perlect ~ for deoa. bedroom• or eny room where floor apeca la mlnlmel #3207 40 gal 50 gal 136.95 169.95 Re1. 34.H 2611 Re1. 589.15 ""· 57.85 4995 .~ Plullc clothat henger le more dureble th.,, old-fuhlon.cj metal kind Colfer contoured. c~ of colofe. 40i•5°0 total OOYlrlll Fyrelreme upending llreplece acreen Fite le" to •2" wide, 28" to 31 'h" high Bleck or antique breu ::.C 325-C .... 1799 sec le et to 'em -41 pc socket sel •-45002 Guaranteed Re1. &• IU9 wall I trim For eny well or woodwork. ec:rubbeble, low luatre flnl1h ..... II.ff a• t1rtl1 ••• Turtle Extra Paste extra hard shell car WU 18 OZ #303891 Rq. IU9 111red wall 421 Femou1 1ete11 net well pelnt from Glidden e .. uuru1 net flnl1h Scrub• cleen, 1tay1 col- orfast trad OIR ff Kitchen 1resh cen 13 gellon #286' .. .•. 1.39 ..... , .... Kerosene hearers Other models I avall1ble 1t comparable Nv1ng1. Reg 259.95 194'' --~·::.~ .. ~~~~~.. .... -. I .................... 11.• • . ... 10.H C ........ '-••,._.,.. ....... _ ... ,. ............... __ __,.._.__,,......,....,..... ....... ,.,.-- "'"'" 111c•..__ _______ _ • How not to w1n Thl' DeAnUA Bayside mobllt> home park off Co1.11t Highway occu~ll'll some prtml· real estate Thats why its rt.'Sidents, many of them old~r pt.•rsona on fi>cc<l incomes, have lt>lt so fortunate to l1v~ there. But things are t:hanging. The owners and residents have been locked in battle for some time now In fact, residents are suing the owners in litigation still pending. At the heart of the matter are rents. Prices are going up all over, but rents at De~nza Bayside Village are ge tting there faster. Last year. many r~idents received sizable increases And the story is the same for 1983. One resident paying $381 two years ago now will have to pay $730. One completely disabled tenant had her rent hiked to $418 recen~ly Her total monthly income is $451. The theory has been that the owners want to phase out the park and use th e property f or something eminent ly more lucrative. The city of Newport Beach, how land for a that any other vurian<.'\.• ned the ptark IO d n<M!d • That h as 4 ger d the property owners who believe the city iR meddling In a private fight between owner and t.enan~. We might note that such fighta remain private only until the effecta are felt by a number of re.ldenta, who are also voters. If the trailer park owners want the city to get out of their business, they mlght do well to approach th& problem ln a humane way. It'• going to be difficult politically for the city fti.thers to sit down, in the aplrit of cooperation, with an entity that has enraged a number of voters with actions that do not appear to take into account bask human values. On the other hand, if the park owners would try to offer their t enants some reasonab le alternatives, perhaps the city would be willing to do the same for the owners. • Huntington Beach---------- Fire safety spurned .. For the second time the Huntington Beach City Council has reiected a proposal to require that fire-retardant material be used for all new roofs and major roof repairs in the city. The measure came up for the second time in six months at the request of a council member who was absent when the first vote was taken. It still went down to deteat on a 4-3 vote. Councilwoman Ruth Finley, w ho had strongly supported the measure, accused h er colleagues of buckling under to pressure from real estate interests who con tend that t he special roofing cannot insure fire safety and is much m0re expensive than regular wood s~kes or shingles. The council voted against the proposal despite a reminder from City Administrator Charles Thompson that the city has the potential for a disastrous fire because of its hundreda of buiJdings with shake and shingle roofs. With the Anaheim disaster still fresh in memory, it is more than apparent that wood roofs and Santa Ana winds are a deadly combination. And the argument that Huntington Beach is an exception because of its proximity to the ocean hardly holds up. Santa Ana winds are not known to stop before they reach the shoreline. There is no doubt that shakes treated with fire retardant material are expensive, but there are several other less cosUy, and infinitely safer roofing material.a .available. If the council refuses to recognize the hazard, it must be up to individual homeowners and home buyers to seek their own protection. faultain VllllJ---------- Really 'up and away' The bad news for Fountain Valley is that the 1983 Gordon Bennett Balloon Race will be held in Paris, France. The good news is the race will be returning to Southern California in 1984. The race is moving for one year to coincide with a French festival marking 200 years of manned flights. The first balloon pilots were French. Although race organizers say a definite site for the 1984 race has not been named, they assume it will return to Mile Square Park in Fountain Valley. Although we can see that joining the French celebration is appropriate, loss of the race for even one year will be a blow to Fountain Valley. We urge race organizers to bring the balloons back in 1984. ~ the meantime, we hope Fountam Valley and Orange County officials can find a substitu~ event. Many service groups t}ACi been counting on concessions to fill their coffers. In times of tight money, they have very few alternatives for the revenue. lrvine-------------- Not for the kiddies With commendable hindsight. organizers of this year's South Coast Chili Cook-off at Irvine's Bommer Canyon have decided not to promote it as a family affair with fun and games for all. including the kiddies. Last,ear's event had plenty of fun an games, but much of the entertainment was strictly of the adult variety -as chili cook-off fun tends to be -and parents who brought their younpten1 to the "family" affair were Jess than amused. Organizers aay this year's entertainment will be more carefully IC1"f!ened. -and will not include a repeat of wrestling in mud or in mountains of chili but they still will bill it as a grownups' party. The 1982 event, attended by 3,000, wu a big financial success, netting $7 ,000 for high school scholanhipa and another $1 ,000 for the police department'• explorer scouts. So it's not surprising the organizers are asking the City Council to authorize increasing this year's attendance to 5,000. However, residents of the Turtle Rock area, through which the chili fans must drive to reach the old Bommer Canyon cattle camp, have expressed ooncem that celebrants who wash down their chili with too much beer could pose a haz.ard aa they head home. A couple of 1olutiona have been proposed. One would increase the amount of food aerved and tum off the beer tape earlier ln the day. Another would provide shuttle service to the canyon from parking lota at UC Irvine. These and other suggestions for keeping the April 16 event merry but safe will be pondered by the councU Jan. 1~. It'• a good cause and there should be a way to keep lt light-hearted, but safe and more or lea sane. . ... --- OpinlOnt exprMMCI In tM tPact tbov. ere thole of tht Oaliy PllOt. Other vi.wt •• etMd on thtt PtlQe ere thOM ot thtlr authora end 1111et1. AMdw oomment " 1nft~. AddftN TM Detty Piiot, P.O. Box 1seo. eo.te M .... CA 12828. PhoN (114) 842-4321. "*"-'· tWe'i ,........, ...... A .... ~ £dllcls1 ___ ..... __ ~~ ( ....... ,.( .... WAf(HOC6 Letters to the editor Spending must face reality To the F.ditor: In a recent letter to your paper, Carol Ann Bradford asked some very good questiorui regarding defense spending versus social spending. They deserve response. The easiest response would be to suggest that. Ms. Bradford educate herself more fully on the real world issue of the preservation of our Amencan citizens' liberty and freedom versus the expressed goals of Soviet world domination through a Commumst totalitarian dictatorship. However. let's respond to her letter item by item Yes, we have to tighten our belts because times are economically bad because for too many years the government's response to people's social needs has been to spend us into increasingly worse deficits and the devaluation of our dollar's buymg power at the expense of a creditable military defense capability. As a former naval officer and one who has a continued objective interest in our military preparedness, I have yet to see any confirmation that the military gets everything they ask for and then some, i.n Cact, the opposite is true. The biggest aocial programs were cut by big percenc.gea because they had to be. juat as the defense budget has to be increased because it has to be. We call it the "Defenae Department" becauae the liberals thought that having a "War Department" as it used to be called, was bad, regardless of whether new weapons are first strik~ for offensive or defensive purposes. The government is continuing funding research and development of the MX because the increued sophistication of the Soviets' m.is8ile weaponry requires our ability to defend agamst it, which MAILBOX includes an appropriate, valid m1sslll' capability to counter their threat ~ a home builder I can teU you that the majority of us m this industry have no problem with lhe reduction of federal funtis for low income housing First of all, 1t will reduce the amount of taxes all taxpayers have to pay leaving more of their hard earned wages for their own t'OnsumpUon Secondly, the low income housing programs proliferated to the point where they got out of hand and no longer solved the problem for which they were orig1nally intended Concem1Jl8 the supplemental food for pregnant women and infants, and the reduction of funding, 1t is simply another 1deal1stic, well-meant program that quickly became another governme nt boondoggle. Regarding the $3.5 b1U1on to be spent on a nuclear aircraft carrier. I might remind Ms. Bradford that we're actually going to build two o f them which nowadays takes well over five years from keel laying to completion. Having recently had the pleasure of being aboard one of our 20-year-old conventionally powered aircraft earners, I can teU you th~y are tar from being sitting ducks for the small nuclear missile ls Ms Bradford confirming that an enemy of the Urut.ed States IS going to rete>rt to neclear warfare? Thi.s country can and must support a substantial military budget as long as the Sovtets conunue their threat. To deny that threat, given all the information made available to the pubhc. IS simply ridiculous I agree with her when she says w~ must tell our ell'<.'ted representatives that we want this rl'<.'k.Jess spending lo stop and now -the reckless spending that ug1na Beach1----------- Park fans • win out When North Laguna residents complained about smoke and cooking odors from barbecue pits in Heisler Park, the Laguna Beach City Council v oted in August to remove the pits. That set oU a storm of protest from Lagunans, who insisted they use and enjoy the oceanfront barbecue facilities as much as tourists, and also pay taxes to help maintain the park. So the council backed off and established a Heisler Park Task Force to examine this and other problems in the park area. Result: Last week the council approved the task force recommendations and voted not only to retain the nine barbecue pita, but to add five more, spread through the park, with a view to discow-aging the use of portable cooking equipment, which is prohibited. ThoURh this may not sit very well with occupants of adjacent homes and apartmen'8, it was a wise decision and one that took into consideration the desires of the entire conununity. At the same time. the council agreed to step up police patrols to enforce all park regulations, to keep park restrooms locked from dusk to dawn each day to discourage their use for illicit sexual activ1ues, and to add more lighting to the restroom areas and along footpaths through the park. It's unfortunate that the misbehavior and thoughtlessness of some park users have been spoiling it for others. but the council was well advised to try to solve the problems by adding facilities a nd stepping up law enforcement. Heisler is one of the more attractive spots along the coast and it should be maintained for all those who respect and enjoy it. Cast111111----------- AJi packing up has caused so much grief and econorruc hardship to our nation. ' Share the dream face the reality. KARL 0 . BERGHEER Siren songs To the &hlor Your Dec 17 ed1 tonal on Social Sa·ur1ty recognized that thlS sub,ect - really a.11 annuity program -was in the hands of poltt1c1ans, implying incompetence in the field of insurance actuaries This is what it amounts to - an annuity program and 1t will never be properly reso lved until those sµec1ahsts are involved Basically a worker and hlS spouse earn a crecht based on his contnbuuon -an entitlement based on earnings for a specified number of weeks. The Soctal Se<-unty office w1U tell you this and they will also point out to you that on an average a worker's investment will be returned to him in 18 months whether they consider the employer's equal contribut1on -1nvestment is unknown If then the combined employee-e mployer investment is returned in 36 months any insurance agent wiU say ''ho way would I write an annuity for that -It is actuarially wrong " UNLESS and unul the pohucian oomes to hlS senses and recognizes this he is ROi ng to have to collect taxes from someone else or reduce the giveaway program m 90me other area We are all involved in this mess and really we are to blame for lutening !Al lhl• poht1C1an's Stren song -Something For Nothing and allowing them to set up the system JAMES A FLAGG Alternatives To the lli1tor I would like to second Carol Ann Bradford's letter of Dec. 19. "How Co ?" me. And how t'Ome we are spending one billion dollars to restore 40-year-old battleships that the Japanese navy proved were obsolete 41 years ago, Instead of repairing our highways or improving the alr ~e breathe? Isn't it about time we spend more energy on a little TLC for Uncle Sam. and less energy on preparations to destroy civilization? BILL GROTH Housing choice To the Echtor· Public hearings reveal some interesting facets of decision-making. Although I am not familiar with the specific details of the county'• Housing Element, I can recognize the influence of morned self-interest parties that wield lheir influence ln deciding who will be able to afford housing in Orange County. The Orange County Planning Commissioners and the Board of Superviaors are conaid~rlng significant changes to a county program th at requires developers to lnclude a portion of their developments to people in the median Income range and below. This poaltive approach ls challenged by builders and developers as too stringent, although the county makea up the difference by providing incentives of equal value. Should we permit the dilution of such a program in order to rely 10lely on the voluntary approach which bu failed IO miwrably ln the put? Have bullcfen and sl)C.'CUlaton had a change of hMrt, or will they return to buainel9 u usual -tar• luxury unit.a and expensive oondo9 and then no rwoW'COI 1 ft to bWld far the bulk of our population? I hope OW' public officl&ll will be wary and thouctu.tw in th Ir choice.. SIGN UP FOR HIGH RATES TODAY Your patience is rewarded. Bank of America's high-interest Cash Maximizer account i~ here. Now you can get the high interest rates of a . money market fund and a combination of safety and convenience that no fund can top. With a Cash Maximizer account you can write checkst and make withdrawals. You can get a monthly unified Timesaver Statement~ This provides you with a consolidated statement for certain of your Bank of America investment accounts. Plus your Cash Maximizer account 11.25% TODAY'S RATE * 11.848 ' T d • $2,500 minimu ' d o a~ s Annual Yield•• m epos1t for California dep .t OSJ Ors. is accessible at any of Bank of America's 1000 branches and 400 VERSATELLER~ automated teller machines. Your investment is insured up to $100,000 by the FDIC and backed by the safety of California's leading bank. And that's a combination no fund, no broker, n·o savings and loan or bank anywhere can offer. TM UP TO $100 INTEREST BONUS THROUGH DECEMBER 31 ONLY Open your 11ccount now, and we'll pay an interest bonus of up.to $100. That's a deal that's hard to beat. And it's a deal that's too good to last . Coupons will be honored only through December 3 1, 1982. So, don't wait. Top the money market funds, and get an interest bonu on top of that. Look below for our extended hours locations. Come into any Bank of America branch soon. Before the year ends and your interest bonus goes away. r CASH MAXIMIZER .. ACCOUNT-ICA5H MAXIJMIZfR.ACCOUNT I-CASH NIAXIJMIZER'ACCOUNT l cA5H MAXIJMIZER'ACCOUNT l I •10 Th1s couponfrtmBankofAmc11ca I s25 Th.,couronfrnmR.1nkolAmc11ld I •so Th1,u1ur<•nlrumR•nknfA111 .. 111J I •100Th1sn1urnnlro.m Rankof Amcrt, .. I I 15Aood for a SI O 1n1crc,t bonu' I ISAOOJ fnr a S2'\ m1erc•I ht1nu' I ,, }\ll<MJ 1111 J s~n mint'" l1111111' I ·~ gonJ fur as 100 1n1.:1c•t honu• I when I open a Cash Max1m1zcr when I 11Jli=n a Ca•h Mdxim1zer whl'n I ''l"'ll J t j'h MH1m1:u when I 11pen" (a<oh Max1m1Zl'r I eccoun.1 Wlth a dept~h of Sl. 'iOO I acrnun1 w11h a Jt·p11"1 of S'\.1100 I occoum w11h J Jq>tt.ll "' S to tlO(I I accouni w11h a Jq111•1111f SlO,()()(J I $4,99999 Only one bonu,per S9999"'9 Only one bonu' rcr $1Y<N<.ltN \ lnh 11nl' !-.•nu• I' r nr mnr~ Onlv 1m.. honu• per I customer, ind oot more than one per .account Bonu' offer only 1 lu•mmer, and not mare th~n one: per llCnunt Bonu' nlfcr uni) I lU''' •ml·r ind not murt· 1h.1n one p.:r "'"11111 flt •nu', •Ila 1.nl? I "."'"ml'• and n111 more' 1han one f"l'' alcnun1 811nu• offer nnl) I ava1l1bk on p:nonal 1tcounu, and expires l'kccml'll:r J I 111112 av11l1hlc on per1unal a1,.coun1s and cxr1n:• 11t'(:cmhc-r II IYlll JYa1IJhl..-on re1..,n1I •nc1un1' Jn.I npm' Ont mhcr 'I f\IH •~ 11l.1hf, on r.-1•1un•I 1u.11un1•. anJ lXJ'""' 1 l«cmhcr H lq82 I This lntcrtll bonus wdl be credued 111 mv atcoun1 and app.:ar I Th111n1eru1 bonu1 will he: Crl'<llll'<l 111 m~ acwunl .1ml .1rru1 1 Th" 1n1cn:•1 honu• will ht: lrt·J11nl 111 mv "" """' .111J Jrf'< .11 1 l 111, 11ut•re•1 t•onu<o wr II he: crl'Jllnl 111 n1)' Jt'u•um JnJ appear 1 on the f1n1 monchly Sl.llltrnt!nt 1111 chc: ftrs1mon1hly111a1cmcn1 on 1h" ""'monthly •1Jtt.:m1:n1 , '"' 1h. f11,1 m11n1hl\' "•1t•mcn1 I Name I Name I N111m I N•111t.• I j Addte1& I Addrcs~ I AJJrl's, I A11Jn·" I L~l~uruy~----------~~~r~"------------::J ~~~~----------:J:::.•:::<·~1~------------J 5 ·nrrl' AL c· ASH MAX''Ml'.,r'R E'XTr&Joro HOU'n5 You can open a Cash Max1m1:cr JCCOllnt .tt all 111 our brant.:h1.·l! Junng regular banking hour'!. r&;Li Jl1I Jl1I 11r1 £&;1 I &;A, &;j n : For your Jdded conven1cncc, vou can npcn vnu r Cao;h M.a1m1zcr 11ccount at the following br;inches in your area until 8 p.m., Monday=T'hursday, December 14-30 (except December 23). Come in or call for an Jppointmcnt PkJ c note We will nut he open I.He for other banking tran ~cttons. ftJunt&lnVallqBn.nch 174JOBrookhurstSt. 962-1.DI •Newport Buch Branch l444V1aUdo 7'i9·J690 • NcwpartCcnterBranch 'iO(lNCWf'OnCcnu:rDr 7'i9·l104 • WmcllffPlauiRranch J016 lrvlncAvc. Newport Beach 759-4536 BANlf ON THE LEADER'M ' ' ,, .. .. , Ii 'I I .. I' • 982 not a f vor1t y ar for television fare ,~ ~tt!Nll!ftO HEW YORK -"My hvorlt.e Year" wu • vle about a t•l•vlalon pro1ram In 1 IJ~4 Ol'tUNtely, t.levtalon proaranw In 1982 have not mid. thla my favorite )'NI'. But ~re havtt bNn areat momena. At year'• end, hf're arf' aomt" pttlOf\a1 f avor1 te.; Pavortse Commerelah J'eder1&l &xpret9. Th,. l.at.eet one, with th poor achnook without the alldea for h1a buaine.. pretentation, la another &f'm Thf' IUY do. IJ'Ml 1hadow animala. !I Favorite Aalmal oa TV: Mkk Belker of "Hill Ssre.t Bluet" win. over the one-eyf'd mull on '¢alee of the Gold Monkey." The d<>s ls thf' eecond ~ thtna about "Gold Monkey." n Fa\ orlte TV Soa1wrlter: Mike Poet, who ~ie tht thetnft for "Hill Street Blues.'' "O!'Nteet A:rnertcan Hero," and "Tales of the Gold Monkey.'' 'ftle eona II the beet thina about "Gold Monkey." '' Favorite Male Su -Symbel: Tom Selleck of ''Mqnwn, P.I." He can 1Ull laugh at h!mlelf. 'J Favorite Female Sn Symbol: Stephanie 34mbaliat on "Remington Steele." Classy enough to 1'bk aood in hata. u ravorlte Relatloaalillp: Mtaa Zlmballat and ':"""' Broonan on ~n>lngton S1<ele." They put ~ ~ I Ill 'KSl>A Y .. IVEN9tO .. ~~llOWl Wwt Virginie v.. F1otlde State. .t.«)18 NEWS CHAAUE'S AHOEl.8 I Ctlet1ie ~ 80l6ey II' , command o4 ·the compa- ~· lwu#10Ue ,_ yechl. a EOHT II ENOUGH Mert. end SUMn dedc'9 to -up "*' "'9ddll'lg plen1 to the date DeYld end J-t hew s**ed. • M'A'S'H thf' 111u llU4' amd niy1t~t} lllll·k ,,.,,, IM"11 P'ntrUt !~eal11 New1 A1c~or: I >.iut lwllw1 H•'• tt•la1wd 1uKf looat• nuw U only he• didn't afl ,Y aood nl.hl ... If It WU a quotUUlt FavorUe New1 Comm1111tor: Diii Moyt"n A pundll who lmuw1 how the poUttnl ptul't'9 d0f'91l't wClrk He tella ua why p,..;.Jy and pemtptlv•ly Favorite La&e-afpc AacMr: Ted Koppel. H~· doet • Uv., Juallna act every ru1ht on "Nl1htllnt•" and never droP. th ... balla. Favorite Monla1 Male Anclilor: Bryant Gumbf!l on "TodfAy." U you, havei to be up <"Arly. hf' mak"' It euier. So perailltently pleaaant, ht• can sweeten day-old coffee. Favorite Mornla1 Female Aacbor: Dl•ne Sawyer on the "CBS Momlna New1 " CBS New1 hu the coura1e to let a woman co·anchor really bf! co-equal. Sawyer can be toush and diplomatic at the ume tirnf.". A real fon:ie in TV newe. Favorite New1 Proaram: "Sunday Morning." The right combination of program tone, time, day, and anchor: the cultured and Intelligent Charles Kuralt. Favorite IO Minuteman: Mike Wallace At 64 , he haa a remarkable u.t for his work and seems to care deeply about his stories. CBS just signed him to a five-year extension. We're glaa he'll be Oonlld Woode and Julle Harri. .,., In a drwn1oc Ille OI unteQuileel k>Ye oantered around _., ArMrlean COUl)IM In I tmall lrlll'I Inn ml MA8TtRP1ECE THEATRE "To Serve Them AM My Da~" CM•. l'lavtng io.t tl'le alec:llon. IT\M ... Oecl· Alon About 0.VICl'I mai- rlage l>f'c>poNI. (Part 12)Q I llOU>OHE8 t:30 IBTAXI Tony and Alaa'a double data with twin gOfgeC>UI model• 11 • pOal't '"'au· ranl it Interrupted by Ille aulval of Jim and Atex'1 ex wile (R) (l) MOVIE * • • "Tile Glenn M Iller SIOIY" c 111$4) Jamee Siii'#• 811. June Ally9on The ·-· b19-band leader revotutl<>ntzes the rnullC WO<l<I (QJMOVIE • • • "Sii' Crazy' ( 1180) Rlcl'l#O Pry0t. 0-WllO- ., T'WO men are mtllaken !Of bank robber• ano aent to jell 'R' ni. ..,...., COi. Flegg .,_ up a1 the 40ntt1 again, convinced that H-*• II a oomrnunl1t -==·AY(,4 Po9tcmdl ffVfTI • ~ 119tfl precede • --o4 ~mUrderl. Marilu Henner stars as the Sunshine Cab Company's first female driver, Elaine Nardon, on "Taxi," tO:OO 8 Cl) KHOTS LAHOINO Mlldt 1 lather arrl.,.. In Knoll l anding with eome painful ,_. u lhe real· den II pr epat e IOf an okl· INl'lloned bloclc party 8 QI Hill STREET llUU FU<lllo llltkes Ille Mal In an 1n.,..11g4111on of polloe cor • rvptlOn. and Aenllo •tarta • lf«tllc -Ch f()f hi• • OY9'EAIY au.u: Harriaon s.it.- :r~ THROUCJH THI ART8 "~ ElemenU Of ow-won·· li5.MM(T t:aO ALICE OIC*CA~ Ouele:....,... ..... (11) • Qftl)MNQ ftNll ''HutliDort'' i=Of'~ • •~ "Corley" (1t721 Aobwt BIAll•. Cherlon• ~· (ff) WINO AAIOEM Of' THESAHAAA A n.t o4 bttght-ulacS WICI yact1u tati• • er-o4 Eur~.~.,., U.S. Nllof'9 on a 1,600- mlle od'fMeY from an Algatletl OMll IO the AUM- CZl WOW ... * * * 'h "Nlclfll Train To Munldl" (19401 ~ Loc:*wooCI. Alill HwTtaon A eclentl11'1 daughter outwit.I the .... wlltl the l'lelp o4 • 8ritWI llg9nt. 7:00 I ces NEW9 N9CNEW9 HAPf"Y °"yg ~ The .... ot .,. !Ml.a gang b9fr1andl RtcNa Iller he ,...,. out Frankie'• rouno« .... £ ., ., J (ii J ti tf • I. • 80AI' 8uf1 won't Ml Mary llboul ,. dla9Ma; Mery ,..._ llM IM)' be ~ ... Allen beby. i :.. OOWAH'f Clv'llilY'• ,......, l8th9r announo.t ~ the room- me'I•' Mng -~" .. ~IQ hll -n~l\ft.D ..... N'JIOf'T Cl) , .... MAOADtE A prollle of COUf'tVt lllr'G8' Clyml ~ • _.... wtltl !tie men bel*Mf ''The flint. ltONe," certoon produo- .. ~ ...,,,,,. end JoMpfl ..... • OfWGI COUNTY TODAY n1:IO • I ON THI! TOWN r:.tuf9d: I looll It l'lelp for 8outNm Celfomla ,.,.,.,_ ti .. IJlltlc"8d wlltl !tie tr~ i c;r;,:::, LAVDNEI INM.EY &eot#Nlf ,.,.., ~ out llt • .,,_, psty, &..nwne "°""' llbollt .... NMv-IOt. -~PLAC!e ........... dud! on ,,,.... TV. Ouelt: Or ;':~ A 111'111 ~ "' with ............. .i ........... - at 9:30 on KNBC ( 4). '-ta ot a11n the 40nm I Cl) TIC TAC DOUQH MACNBl. I l..EHAEA lllEPOfff • HffCM4IWn OUIOE TO THE GALAXY ,,.,,,.,, 8"' 'ord -,..., pttaonw llbosd the demO- lltion tpllCACf.n by the M VllQOlll. • MOYIE • • ''&c:llpe In The Sun' (196T) Jofwt ~. Veta F ..... A~hun­ tel9 In low wtth the .... °' .. ~ dlenl dut1'>Q ....... In~ (11) 1N110E TME NFl Hoell I.Ml Oew9or1 end HI<* Buonlconll review hlghllgfll• o4 ti/a pr-. WMk'1 NFL~ ..S In~ k9Y~ end ~-cm N8A 8A8KET8AU l09 ~ L.llltrS ... s.ttta &.tperSoniC8 CJ)~ 0. In .,....,., lac* good, .,., ,.. gr• wttll ""' ~ m-swogram. l:OO. Cl) MAGNUM, P J.. A llOC~ young Tu· .., •• Web IM)' ~ M..,rn from finding Iha man'1 mllllng aletet. (R) e8FAME ~II~ tOl.lll conttOI of ,. own rnualeel. ..s DofW f91a In low .... '*" ; MCME ••'A ··~ On The HIQfl S-" ( 1Mal Done Dey, J~ C--NI _, voyaoa .. oompll- mted by ,,,.....,, ldanti- tial .,., • rnarllal mill-up • MOYIE "The Rivie'• Touch" (1Mel Enc Mol-m>e, Emla Wlea. A lfTlall ¥lie on the French Rlvlef• 11 lrw8ded by two ........ gat'DI -dllng for • nec11i... (l) 90AP Corinne'• baby beglna ..,..tclng In Latin and Oreaik end llWOW. Tim llCrClel the -• P.M. flUtQ,AZINE A profWe of country llr1QIW Cry9tal ~ • ""'" wttll Che"*' bef*'«I .. The Aini· 11on.;· c.toon produo- .,.. 'W-.m Hanna end JoMpfl Barbet'L • MOVIE * * \4 "T OC1 Secret Affair': (185T) ~ HeywAfd, Kll1I ~ A putJllrltler attemp11 lo •toe> • m•JOt g9ntrll f\'OITI obllllnlng I ~~ "Ladder To Th9 Moon" One m«1'1 dreMI to utllln the Ette c.rlel .. Ille ftMI .. In • low-cott tr~ '-'°" Cflelrl to -ooal "°"' ~ .,., ~ ming to IM Nol'll-' II r~ ......... ..... QallMr _, ~ Lyonl I** the belt lllm• of 19&2 ct:Jwow ...... "Bllty JA(;ll" ( 111711 Tom Uugl'llln. OelorM Taytor NI u-Gr891 Beret half..,,._, cNlmplonl , .... ~ of I lrMdom ac:tlOOI !Of runaways on an Ari- zona lndlen r~•tlon CI)MOYE ••• h~" (18801 ~ Haye, Jule Heger· ty All et an el<tner' I crew lalll lotood ~.I ,__ lorms -pltot II sw.-d tnro ~ and mue1 contend '*'"' on- t>oetO hyw1wla. I 9M:rel.tve COl'llrOI tower end cllcn. Med mem«tae 'PG' GMOVlE .. ~~-· f 1t77J Aftn..M .. gr ... p.._ Flrth A YoUnQ "*1' I flem.. bOyant afl.W• o4 romance C8U89 acet'del arnor>g lhe siald ..s llutty ~ "*' o4 the Vlctorlmn -'R' (Z)..OV. • ••'A "Heartland" (IHI) Rip Tom. Concheta F•nl A rW!Char end 1'111 hOUMll~•r l•c• th• rlOO'I o4 lrontlef lite In tlltO~'PG' •1ae MOYE •••• '"The~ On Th9 R1¥W Kwel" ( 111571 Wllllam ttolden, Alec Guin- --0urtno Wonct WAf II, I ent• coionll ..S 1'111 "*' b«lOll'le pat1 o4 • ~ on labor awnp OW1Q loroed by the J~ 10 bUld. jungle bfldge. 9 YOU A8l<EO f<>A fT F•twed. "The Vanlehlng He9d" and "The Man Who Walked Around The World " t::ao (l) CHARLES AHGB.8 The Angell try lo llOCI I menlK """° ..,~ eld- erly "*' In the vlcH>lty o4 • lhOr.aide d!e<:o • MHPAMDC! PREvtlW • IHEAK PAEVllW8 ,..... Gabler end Jflftr., Lyon1 I** the belt lllml o4 19&2. • INl«>E OAAHOE COUNTY ~.,,Int ...... with pertormer &en Verwn. J Bobby Fluor, MIN Amert- ca. M.,.,...,. Ky 9 WHEM HAW AU. .,.. CHtlDMN QONEf ... .>oMny c..n 11 joined ' by Bob ~ and Mlct!MI Lendon In 1111• ~ wflicitl a.. wtth ~Ol*nle lac* by Arner1'4ln ...,. ®wow . *** "T1'19yAll~" c 111 ti AAJ6Hlt H9')0urn • len Gaut .. Thr ........ Yortc -.ct..... b«IOrne Involved In numarou1 rOIMllllO lleltOft• wtlll• treolllno t"-lr c11ant1' etrent....._'PO' uo e Cl) ...,.. a._,.. :CHAtlll LISTINGS Ne*'• old glrtfrllnd dr .... him end A.J. Into a web ol IMlfder .,., mfl'MY ~ .... "*'" 10 ioca. e KHXT (CIS> e KHIC CNIC) e ICTLA Clnit.> •KAKIAIC> •ttrMaCC•ll • KMJ·TV ctM.I e KCIT CAICJ e 1trTVUllll0l •e KQ)fli.TV OM·> • catt,.., eKOCaC,.., CMIKDOC!MI <Ill On-TV CJ) l ·TV H80 CC (Clneme•l (!) cwoi.1 NY., N.Y. C !WTlll (6"fl <9 ,.,_.,ma> • lk*llfl'I• • (CMl!e H9Wt HetWOf'll -~ ··~ lell'I'• lnt9M9w wttn • looal 1portiHIHt•r It ........ w .... -. """' .... Ofl.,., ~ ;:,.., ..... GueMI: <:Mr~ M..U. .................... "'"""""· .... ...., •.cir . ..-...... I •nt190LDIHAmO/f ~ ''¥11N ,.,,.,. n. .... •"*;.IQ• .. R~ THAU OW.OOUES ON NUCLEAA WAR Thf'M epeMetl P<O'ride iNlgl'lt• WltO Ille complea_l- tlel o4 plannjnQ nuclNr 11rai.gy cti) OOYSSEY "Margeret M..o Tai<lnQ HOCe" Mwgw .. Meed. wflO hU ~ l.,gely r~ble for pociulatll· Ing anll'lropoi()gy In ""-I· ce, 11 profiled !RIO III 8AAHEY MIU.!A The men o4 the 12111,,.... lo ONI with a oompvter pr09t wnms -"<> II using hll talents 10 embea:le company money an0 I plUllc: .. gaon .no ll'llnkl he II ~ by a voodOo c:une • THE V'IAO,..IAH Trampae II IOfc:e<I to ret\e- billtll• I group o4 prleon prOOAtlonera on en All- zona ranc:l'I (t)MOVIE. * * "Mede In Perle" C 1Mel AM-MAfgtet, loull Joutden A Pllril ~ 9Wetpe • lutOOn ~ off ,_,...., Cl) PAT OOUJNS HY1tNOTIZEI THE COPS Hypnotllt Pa1 Colllnl turns polce in-tlgetkln Into • llllar10ul .,, form OMOYIE * • "Enter The Ninja" (111811 Franc;o Naro. S.- 0.0.-ge An Amartc;en mat· tlal "'1• expert •• °"' to avenge the murder o4 Illa beet friend. 'R' (%)MOVIE • • "St HelelW.. ( 198 I) Art Carn.y, De~ Huff man. An ao.,...,.-old man r•lu-to leaYe Illa emall reeort lftar I geologill predict• • vo6c;enlc di.a. ter 'PG. 10:aO. INOEPEHDEHT NfTWOfV( NtW8 9 ENT£fn AINMENT TONIGHT An lnlenllew with Hanle W1141em1 .k CB> H80 M.t.GAZINE 11:oo•••C1>08 NlW8 • IATUN>AY NIGHT Hoit Wall., M1t111au Gu..t oarr.tt Mor'11. D IN 8EAACt4 OIF ... "Th• Ten Command· mentl" • ALL IN THI! ,AMILY 8 ttipl'lanla' I PHI rallgioul training dMOly concern• Edith wtien the dlaoov9R !NI the ctllld Nil ~ purPOM1y l'lidtng 11 from ArcNa. I HAAAV.0 IUllHOI AUOAT OOCTO-. IN TWE HOUll! Both 8lngtlam and ~ 9'1P1'1 l0t • Vl09llCY Oii Ille 00-cl of"°*"°" Cl) A NIW DAY IH IDIH A ~ lllmly t\lfN a '""" ,_ Into • modtl ,.~Ion project. (Pan 12) ', •• Cl) QUINO'( Alt llllbltlOUe ~ hMllty ontan the -lion of 1111 ....... body .. .,, ..,.,.,.,, ,_.. ..... leTOMOHT Hoit. J~M)' CltlOn --!~KM I •• MONIWI • "9HTUNI • "°" MM8 flliOltlT ,..,,..., "TM v......,. ........ lftcl ..,,.. Miii WtlO W•lll•d Ato11nd Tll• WOffd •• • OCIOOOUfU 11.1 ut111l1h11& ~K"lal ·urlly, not t'Ollflt•Ut\I u Fnorltt Hl1ltrle11I Donmt1car11 NBC'• "&~1. tlw rurtott.en Hell" madf' a 40 yHr old .. v-:nt brutally rMmc.>t1ble •S•ln. FavO'rlt• Topical DoetmHtar7: On CBS. Moyu1' "Pooplv Like U1" reduced the Reaaan bud1et cu ta w hwnan temw. and Kuralt' a "Aft.er the Dr"am eom.. True" IQl1l1ned ahopplnc malla 1md found that America I.I replac:inC lta IOul with dollar 11,na. Favorite Special Sertn: "To &rve Them All My 01iy1." The 13-pan "Mut.erpleoe Theat.er" ende Sunday It'1 truly been a muwrplece. Favort&t Weekly Sertee: "Hill Slreet Blues." Nothlna <.."Ol1lft cloee Favorite Hlll Stree& Blue: Bobby Hill. He'• such a 1ood guy, ht" even pta alone with red-neck Renko. Favorite TV TraD1por&atlOD: "Taxi." The General Lee of ''Dukee of Hauard" 1hould be lmpounded for reckleu endangerment of the next generation of driven. · Favorite Foll: Maj. Charles Winchester on "M•A•S•H." He manaaea to be the butt and 1tlll maintain hia dignity. What other buffoon on TV can say that? UBITIPPIRS KNXT (2) 8:00 -"Magnum, P.I." A hot-headed young Texan's tactics may prevent Magnum from finding the man's missing sister. KCET (28) 8:30 -"Sneak Previews." Neal Gabler and Jeffrey Lyons pick the best films of 1982. KNBC (4) 10:00 -"Hill Street Blues." Fwillo takes the heat on an investigation of police corruption, and Renko starts a frantic search for his missing gun. Wt.er\ Fell• becomM I member ol the CMMan Poll~ Ru«v... riavoc:: relQn• IOf crlmlnal1 and 1nnooen1 b~tandera a111ie fD ART~BEIHQ HUMAN "The T 1aglc VlllOn" cti) PBS LA lVOGHT G.-1 Jerry F a1We11 leader ano founder of 111e Moral Mejotlly (RI ~=LUB ••tit "9 To S (19801 J-Fonda. Dolly Par!oo Thr" •Orklf\Q women 'ebel agelnal tt>alr IUbju- glllon by • male Cf\AUVlnlll boe1 'PG (Q)MOVIE 'Indecent E•po1ura 11981) Veronlc:a Herl. Jeele St J-. A pl'lot<igraph« -en.. for the per1ecl ~.,,_.­ c.)..aMANCa: ~TH THIM.MMC (~ar1 41 '1:60 CC) MOVIE • • ''The Legoend Of The Lone Ranger •. (IMO) KJln. ton 5'>i11bury, Chrtatopher Uoyd The Lone Ringer end Tonto ~ tllaif arc h-enemy. 8ulch ~.who .... kid- napped the praeldent of lheV.S 'PO' '2:00 8 EHTERTAINMEHT TONQKT All In...... wttll IUnll WWIWN.k. ·~LMTWON> • • "The Malde" I 1975) Glende .JacbOn. ~ Nill Yori<. 8..o on the play by .i..t 0.... Two maldl .no dMplM tl'lelf larnM ~ llC'I out lhelt IM~ ~ lier ~-badl ;: • • It "The 8tOIMrl Aloe>'' ( tll571 Rk:hAld Conte. ~ Foeter A Ronde ~ alml '°' the toe> In 1'111 ~ to pr.- venl • cr1me tlyndlcate lfom murdatlng hie ~ -• LOW. AMENCAH STYLE "love AnO The Nutty Gitt" A girt trllll to attrllC'I en artlll 10 o-1 • modeling Alllignmenl (l)MOW * * "Flloon'I OolO" (Ho Oete) John Marley, loulae Valllnoa !)Mp In the Mul- can jungle I ... ..S death battle wages OVA< an ancient goldal\ I,_,,. with rnytterioul powar'I OMOYE • • • "92 In The Shada" ( 11175) P9ter Fonda. Ww· ren Oet• Thought• o4 murder enter the - when an en1erprl1lng dl'lllar lnvlldell the bull- nall t.mtory o4 • ... .-en """"" guide In lhe Rotlda ~'R' CZ)MOVIE • • ~ ''The Prtvllte ,._ Of J EdOI' .._... ( 18711 8todertcll Cnwford, ~ ,.,.,..,. The Federal aur... of ln-tlgatlon C1fOW9 In olollt and aoope undat ttla laedtflNP ol ""' oon..-.. .-.HocMir 'PO' 1l:IO G 8 LA ft HIGHT wmt DAW> L..ITTMMAN Oueel.t: Decilt Cewtt, llCtOt "°"--· • TOM COTT\& WI OLOll (!) MOVIE • • * "M•t• Harl" ( 11132) Greta OarbO. l-'9 Stone- A notatloua lemale 8'>Y f alla In IOve ""th an Allied otncer anO expoeae her -., LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE "love AnO The Halat" Four ""°"'*' uy to swove tl'lat IMy 11e U good U men by robbing 1 jewelry 11ore 12:40 9 Cl) MCCLOUD MQCloud l1iee to bf .... WI a ,_ '*1'*' ..... in......,1. gating I national CW th«! ring (R) 1:ooe MOVIE • • ·~ "No Man Of Hat Own ( 111321 Clarlc Gllble, CarOle Lombatd A cun- nlnG cwd.,_.. "IOeae his -··.,., ---to .. en.me of • pr.tty glr1 '""° -'*" '° dW'O' 1'111~. • MOYIE ..... "Qaco Pl<•" (111711 Gene Hadlrnan. Kiii Krta- toffw9on A croolled nar · COiiea AOlfl1 blaclcmalll .,, ea-con lnlo deellng I IAr'gl -~ rnwlluMa •• \4 • ...., Dear Seer• tary·· (!Ma) LMalna Day, Klrlc Oougl89 NI llllfl'lor't AKretelY !Inda !NI lie ... gW1I and pleyl Ille fleld more often lhlln lie ...it-. 0 EIN'TPTANotEHT TONQKT AA tn1....... wtth H"'* ~.k cm wow • * "Buddy. Buddy" ( 1911 ti Jade lemlnon. W• let M•ttllau WNla an __.,, oonoar>tt~ on Illa nLC1 119no ..... f\lflfy lntamlpted by • bYmblng fallure o1 • man wfto II attempting Ndde 'R' 1:26(Jl)MOW • • • '4 "MonlefteGrO" 11111) ~ ~. Erland JOHPlllOn. A nagllct«I _... t,....... lo Stodll'tolm and beglr1I M an• wMh I man IN mat In • ~ nightdub. 'R' ':ao. 8 N8C NEWS OYUNGHT (C)MOW • '-' "!Mg 8ad Mama" 1197 4 I Anglia Olctllnaor\, Wllllam snatnar. A woman cuta I paUI o4 ~ and romance through th• Soul'-' °' the 1930a .... ())MOYE ••• 'A "c.nlll Know4- .... ( tll71l Jadl Nlcfloj.. eon. Ann-M•gr.. TWo oc*"'8 ,,.. ..,.,,ci ..... .... ~ b9for'e .,., .,.., gtlldultlon diaCo\191 lllg ... by ll'larlng and IWltOhlng eacl'I other· 1 git If! lend• • R' .MOW •• ''JoMpfl ~·· ( 197T) Ann-Margret, PwlW Firth A young man'1 llalft. boy8rl1 .,,..,. o4 rOl'NlllOI ClllM ICenOal ""°"' tl'le ltllld and ftVffy ~ -o4 the Victorian ••. 'A' .-e(J) CMNIWI ...-rwATCtt !.= ···~ "NIQflt Trlln To ~"C1MOI~ l.OdcwOOd. ,_ ~ A ldentl1t'1 dllltfllet outwtlt Ille Nelll _. IN Tom Selleck writer's favorite male sex symbol. '*9 Of I Brftlllh AQenl 2:308QINEWS (l) MCHALE'& NAVY Parlc•r l.llH McH•I•'• looil-allh COUlin 10 COO· vlnce Blnghamlon lh•I McHlle 11 aulfe<lng lrom bellle tallgue. • MOVIE * '* * ··0nce Mora, With Faellngl' ( 11180) Yul Brynner. Kay Kendell Atter loalng Illa latent arlO NI wtte, an orcn..1r1 con- OUC1or trlel 10 regain both S:008 MOVIE • • • "The Accuaed" I 111481 Lorette Yo ung. Robert Cummtng• By acclOant, • women 11 ac:c:uaed o4 mu<O.. and beComea 1 fugitive from )v1tlce. ~~UHT * * * .. Nlcnolu HICll IAC>( (19471 Derek Bond, Cednc Hatdwtc*e. 8ued on the ~ by CtllrlM Oicllen1 A ~ !-' 111emp11 to l>f'Of9C1 Illa fam41y from an una.·1 wlc'leO 1nnuence ©)MOVIE • • * ,_. "Allee, Swffl Alloe' ( 111781 Uno1 Miller. Paule Sheppard Members ol 1n ll•llan-Am.,tcan ltmlly ate vlcUmlled by • ~tic murderer In ll'lel< mld1I 'R' S:06 CID IH8IOE THE Nfl Hoata Len OewlOn end Nlek BoonlCOntl review l\lgl\llgl'll• of the prevloua week'• NFL g-and lntarvleW key pleyw• end ooea- :t: 10 (I) MOVIE • • "Muaacre Al <Antrlll High" I 11178) Andr-St• _,., RoOer'1 C.,1ac;11ne A c'u1aO• for revenge beginl atter I pr!IM lhat _, too f., -• pulfeO on the quteta< •tudenll by I group of b«ed high· aclloOI ManO&. 'R" a:aoi=20 * * * "The He>t~ontal lllutanant" (1ff2) Jim Hutlon, Paula Prentlle A bungling Army offloar Illa al<Je end • beautiful ,,.... lrlldt down • JllC>- outla• (DMOVIE * • '!\ "The a.Quited" (197 1) CHnt Eutwood. Geraldine Page An Injured Union loldler r«:uC* •lino In • gir1I. IChool ,.... 1111 leg needlll IPr ampuleted by the )Mloul heaOmlet- ..... he II caugll1 with one of the gir1I 'R' 4:00 (l) ~ O' THE ~ e:OI (8) MOYIE ••• "They All ~-· ( 198 ti Audtey H9')0urn, Ben~""-..... Yortt det~ ~ Involved In nume<ou1 romanlkl u.laon1 Wfllle tr11clllng their cllenl1' wrant wtv.. 'PG' 4:i0 (l) IUU.WN<l.E • IMeOt: ~ The IMF ml.a ~1 .., ~ egent lfom d91troy- lng • INICW ~ city wlltl I ~ devtoe e:40 Cl) HOU> am Paul Ooof9y II IMturad In ''* two-ct play by J\llM F.mar daplctlng lhe lnlt• blllty o4 l#'ban ... Frida11•• Dayf ••~ ~ot,le• &:GO CC) • * "Miida In Pane" (111M) ~. LOUii Jo&Kdan A Pwla "-9* ......,. • tUhlon ~off lier IMI (D) • • • "Stir Crav" (IMO) Aldwd Pryor, Oerle Wider Two man .,. mlt- tMM tor berlk robbwl and .-it to jail. 'R' • • • ._."The Shout" ( t117t) Alan 8at•. ~ Nill Y Orio A dlalurtleO ,,..,. confined to an in.ttlutlOn ~he'*' mall•. "Math lhout... • ltOUnd llatw4111• 'R' l:IO CZ) * * ''The Wltdl89" (1t1t) llwina Mano->. Cllnl EMtwood . .. CB> .... Jaclc And The ~ .. (1t7tl Mllntt• -Alt~~ ~--•O*"Man­..... to.~ klngdoftl ~by·~· ~glilnt.•Q• r:oow••",..."°" fll ct lllcn" (tMO) Lelllt. Alln~TI!a....,MM Alf Fatce b-II pl.,.cf by P<~ ln\IOlvlng • tnO'# gooM and I Otebellc poodle (t) • • * Quo Vaota (1951) Robert Taylor, OebOtl/l Ker' A Romatl arteloetll gain• Hero'• Ola- lavor ""*1 he flltl In low with a Cl'l<llUMI girl CO) • • • ··Popeye" I 1eao1 Robln WHll1m1, Shelley Ouvllll White -Ching for 1111 lather. the eplnactHat. Ing Mllor vlaitl a quaint l'lemlet .... he plell • up • foundling and • llllnny -theert 'PG' 7: 1& (Z) * • "Attack Of The 50-Foot Woman l lllS81 Alllaon H1yH, Wiiiiam Hud1or1. Aller being tub· Jecled 10 radl111on. 1 wom· an growe 10 oarganluan prOC)Of110na 1:ao "' ...... Animal Cracken" ( 11130) Mara Broll\•"· Mugarel Dumont Captain Speuld- lng, the Atrtcan eJl.plorer. returns lrom 1 r-t expediUon to wreak hevoc 11 • IOGlety m1tron'1 ""9eltend pe11y 'G' 1:00 (I) * * * * "HarOld And Maude' ( 111711 Rulh GOf. oon. 8ud C«t An eo-.,-. Old women ,,_, an 18- yeer-old bOy ob.....0 .... h deelh In I funerlll I*· IOt. ano prooeada lo lear:tl 111rn the .,, o1 lf¥lng ano IOVlno 'PO' 1:30 CID * "Mc>Oern Prol>lem•" (198 1) Chevy CllaM. P11U O' Att>anvllle A P\aPllll lir lralllc conlroll•r •Ith numatOUI j)«aonei SWob- leml 11 endowed .... lh 1aiek1netlc powa<a 1ller being douMO with nodMr ...Ce 'PG (%) • • • ·~ ··T11e Charge Of The Ugtll Bngade'' ( 19681 Trev0t Howaro, Van•••• ReOgr1ve iNC*9d by I poem by Lord Tenny1on The ectk>n-flled but traglC war ot Belac:lava II rlddted wtth pompoul mllltwy etfOfl 9:00 G * * • ·Nex1 Time We Love" I 19351 ~ St-· art. M.,garet Sultevan When I )'OUnO l'lulband I CC•Pll an ov•••••• 11.ignment taking him IWA'f IYom Illa IOf'Qllr- """9. • gap dewlOCll In lhel1 merrlege -"lch Is IOOn ftlled by • wllllng 11'14r0 l*1Y .. .., 0 * * *'A "WOOOSIOCll f 111701 Oocumllnlery Many o4 the IOCI mueiclll grQUP9 of the Illa '90I perform at !he farnout rootl QOnC:lef1 Mid In e.cNI. Haow YOf11. tn 111et 'R' 10:00 CC) ••• "Soya' Night Out" I 19821 Kim Novell, .,_a.,_~. •h•P•IY young CO·•d unoartell•. -~ projlc1. IN flndl to.It buall-rlell ,,_. "*' willnO to .._ an apart· "*" to '*' l'lar tn her Wdy CB> * •• "On Oo6dlln Pond" I llMUI Henry Fon- da, Ketl'lllrlna Hepburn. Old ,.,,.., ""*°"' -· ·-.. "' ~couple return for• IMt -et tl'lllW ,..... England retrMI end .,. vlllted by "*' deught•. l'lar ltence end .. eon 'PO' {I) • • ~ "The Palnteel ..... ( 1115 t) lllllale. PU Kelly. A vlllaln II OU~· ad by Luale .,., l'lar ~muter. '1:00 W *•*'A "Monty Pytl'IOn And The Hoty OraU" ( '874) Graham Cflllpman, JoM a.-. l(lng Artt'NI and Ille band ol k.nlglltl encounter giant.. l1ddtar'I end a faro. I olOul rabbit In thlllf ~ tor the lagandlll'Y oup. 'PO' H:30 CD) * *'A "0-The EdO•" ( tll711) Mk:hffl Kr-. p.,.,.,... ~ s.-'81 ~ realdentt' of an eJ1Weive Cellfomla oorrvnunity embarll on II • tlln'IP9Qe °' Ml-·· and ~ "'*' ""' 1911 to o-t ttllllr PlllW!ll' ettanllon at llOtne. 'PO' Cl) •••• ''f'IOdler On Tiii! Aoof" I 117 t) T 09CJI, Not1N er-. A ,._.,,. ,,.""" In ~ ~ .... AueM ... 10 ('tlfllf'/ (llf lhll.....,.. ~ ..... ~'° hold °"'° .. ,,.... '*'" taoellltheteollot...- elon. 'O' by Armatrong a B•tluk. ~~~~~~~r--• I FHUNDAY, OIOIMI ,. llO, ttll 111am111111 c•m CAVALCADE FOOD !NTERT AINMENT 82 93 e ... e l1'r1 ti ll11llu•11bt 'II (•fltn1nc111 "" 1lt1ul1l1• ''".,'Jrus•-' 111 /lo tJ Paratle. l1111Jf! 84. . .. Exercise care when selecting a health spa_ S&orlet by PAT HOROWITZ Of .. .,... .......... QualJty hNlt.h cluba OI apu can take plenty of effort out of your quest tor phyaica.1 fltnem ln 1983. Many cluba are comfortable facilitift with runnJ.na tracks, swlmmina poola, aaunaa, and apeclally- destaned exeret.e pf'OiJ'una and equipment tailored to individual needa. Althouah there are many reputable p.y-for- play facilltiee available, there abo are aome exerct.e emporiums 'that can ·1eave you breathleaa with m1aleaciing advertiaing and hlah-preaaure aalea tactica, adviaea the Council of Better BuainHa Bureaus. Before signing any contract with a health club, the BBB auggeeta that you follow aeveral simple guidelines to get the ty~ of club activity moet beneficial to your needa. Health experta agree that a reaolutlon to "sha~ up" whould be a continuing commitment on your part. When aearchlJ'li for a health club, make 1ure the club you chooao haa what you n~ and enjoy If you Ukf. th~ tactlitiea and club proarama. you will tend t.o ute then1 ~gularly Many health cluba offer fltne11 pro1i1ratm1 under a lona-tenn membership arranaement tor thoee with lona-range exerciae plan.a. Long-tenn membershis-usually are leu expenaJve than the pey-u -you-10 or monthly tee. However, if you sign a lona-tenn contract you ahould ftaure on uamg the club reaularly to get your money's worth. When conaldering a membership, advlaetl the BBB, be sure to find out what the total memberah!p costa and when the money la due and payable. Aho note whether the contract may be canceled for a refund lf your lntereat in the club wanes, you become ill, or you move out of the area. The BBB notes that membership in a apa usually run.a eeveral hundred dollan per year. Thi.a annual fee may include special options for membership renewala at a lower coet on an annual baala. The fees, however, may be for limited (or unlimited) uae of the facWty. Fees, of course, vary from facility to facility. A tour of several clubs will be your best met.hod of coet comparUlon. u... Lhe club a couple of tlmH on a trial bula. TheN may be a charae for tha. but by tatina the fadli~ for a week or two you can determine if you want co algn a long-tenn contract Take a contract home and read it carefully at your conven.l~. And then wall a day or so before aignina It. lf the apa preuuret you into aJgnJna a contract l.rnmediaWly ln order to take advantage of a "apedal rate," uk fon more t ime to conaider the offer. If thla la not poulble, look for another facility to join. Read all the clauaes and fine print on the contract. Pay special attention to t.he membenhlp• fees. Your membership Cee may not be refundeet under terms of the contract you lilned, and you may be obligated to pay for the entire tenn of the contract. The Better Buai.nea Bureau polnta out that the l legitimate health clubs by far outnumber ahady operators. But. the BBB strea.es, if you are really serious about joining a club and will apend a lot of ( your time there, do some comparison ahopplng before deciding which club you want to join. : Exercise equipment aids those bent on firming up after the holidays. If the club you are consideting is located far away (rom your nonnal workday activities or home, chances are good that you will lose Interest in traveling many miles to the facility to work out. Therefore, pick a spa reasonably close to your home or work. California law ai.o protect& conawnen who jotQ ! health spa.a or clubs. You are entitled to a written~ copy of the contract when you aign it. Although you may receive services for up to seven yeara after signing, the contract can't requlre payment& f~ more than two yean after it was signed. ''Llfetime' contracts are no longer permitted. The contr~t can't require you to make paymenta of more than $500 to the apa. The services muat atart within six months of the signing date. F.ach contract abo mWlt\ contain a clause saying that if you die or become f disabled, neither you nor your estate haa to p.y the balance owed on the contract. If the contract ia • prepaid, the apa must refund the amount that I covers the services you haven't yet ueed. Before joining, it's a good idea to drop in at the club when you would normally IJJ!e it. Is the club you are considering reasonably clean and attractive? Is the ataff qualified? Does the club have emergency medical facilities? Is the equipment modem and in good working order? Is there a limit on membership or will the facility be overcrowded with new members after you have started your exercise program? Before signing a contract, find out lf you can If a health spa as guilty of false adver-; tisang in the media, a brochure, or In an ' interview, you legally may be able to break yOW' contract. Waiving recision right could cost you your home _J[ I[ l --,==1 ~\I====c.J Interest rates are inching downward, but many homeowners have decided to "fix up" rather than "move up" to a larger, more modern home. Anyone plannlna to borrow money for home improvementa reeaying ~t card charges. Re.dnding a credit transaction meana that the creditor'• loan or aervicee are no longer needed and that your home may no longer be uaed aa collateral. You are canceling the deal. No reason is required for cancellation of a credit tramaxtion within three day1. and u.e bi9 home • collateral for the loan ahould know about a chanae in credit lawa that could n!IUlt in the km of the ~. Many oonaumen already know that whenever a home is u8ed u collateral (or security) for a loan, the borrower haa the right to cancel the credit tranaaction within three buatne.a daya. 'Thia ls called the "right of redsion.'' and i t'a lncludea in Regulatfon "Z" of the federal Truth In Lending Act. However, a 1981 change In that law made it easier to give up the right of reciaion. 'nt.ta may work to the homeowner·a advantage, but il you waive the right and reallz.e later you can't or won't want to make the loan peymenta, you could lose your home to the creditor. The right of ra'iaion allows a three-day time period to conalder whether you really want to U9e your h ome as a guarantee of repayment for a loan. A "home" can be a condomlniwn, mobile home or hoU8eboat, aa long as it la the principal residence. Consumers mcm oommonly U9e 1.heir homes as collateral when they borrow money for home improvements. auch as a garage, a new roof or aluminum sidi.na. A consumer can even provide h1a or her home aa coflateral for No r eason la required for , cancellation of a credit tranaactlon within three days. For example, buyers' remone may aet in when doubta about the w18dom of the pun:hMe or the company'• reliability occur. Or. after oompaiUon mopp&na, a better credit deal may tum up that haa lower interest or doem't require real est.ate collateral. fl you re.d.nd a a-edit oontnct, you're abo entitled to get beick all money paid in order to get the loan. Thia includes all finance charges, application and commitment feea, and fees for title aearches or appraisala. Even il the creditor haa already given your money to a third party (such as a credit bureau for your credit report), you atill get your money beck. Unlem you waive the rfaht of reclaion. you have until mid- night of the third bualneaa day to cancel a credit contract. During thia waiting period, the creditor ahould not take any action on the traruaction. For example, work should not be started, JlOI' ahould any materiala be delivered. Do not atart counting three bu.inea days u.n\11 the last of theae three evenb haa OCC'Un'ed: -YOU have aigned the credit contract. -You have received two copies of a notice explalnlng your right to re9cind. (Creditors may uae either their own worda to deacrlbe the riaht or a model federal form.) Read and keep one copy; U9e the other If you decide to r.cind. -You haw received oenain required information about the credit tenna of the tranMction. Thia information, called "material dbci..u.res," lncluda the annual percentage rate, the finance charae, the amount financed, the total number of payments, and the payment IChedule. To exerciae your right of reclalon, you must notify the creditor ln writing that you are canceling the contract. If you mail a letter or •md a telegram, make sure lt la poatmarked within three businem daya. If the wrl tten material diaclosurea or the notice of redasion ia not received, you can cancel any time during the tint three yean after you sign the credit contract, or until you aell your home, whichever occurs first. Within 20 days aft.er cnditora receive your notice of redasion, they muat ~turn all money or property you gave directly to them. They a1ao muat take ates- to release your home as collateral. If you've already received any money or property from the creditor, keep it until you're notified that your home la no longer being held as collateral. You then muat offer to ret urn the creditor'• money or property. If within 20 daya of your offer, the creditor doesn't claim the money or property, ll'a youn to keep. Quiz measures lit estyle 's D ~acellent Oaood OAvet~ OPoor Ot.m ~ \ By LOUISE COOlt •1111••••• ,,_ ...... How'• your M!althstyle? The federal aovernment is encouraa•na p eople to ••k \hemlelV'ee that question with a quiJ desiped to help measure the effect of the way you live on the state of your heelth. The tat WU ~ by the Public Health Service of the Department o f Health and Human Servkel. lier-.'• how It wu-ka: Read .. ch atatement and decide U 1t matc:hH your behavior "almoet alway1," ''9arnetlJ:Del'' or ''allnoM never." Look at the numben followtnl the ttatementa. Qrcle the flnt nwnber Jf your &nlW't'I' II 0 almolt alwaYL '' the ll(l()ft(I number if It'• '1a0met1ma'' and the lHt number lf lt't r'nefer,~ Top air. for ~ pan i. 10 peinta. atOl.INO -u "°" daft!t ~,_.., ..... ~ pw ,.,uriilt a econ Of f 0 and . .,~ to \hit aat 09'-"7. 1.1 riold .noJdnl ........ :).; 11. o. 2. I smoke only low-tar and nicotine cliarettet or a pipe or cliara. 2. 1. 0. Suppoae you smoke ocaudonally, but when you DO Uaht up, lt'• a low-tar brand. Circle the 1eCOnd t11ure after question No. l, -a "aometimel" answer -and the fint f~ - "al'l'oet alway•" -followin1 que.Uon No. 2. Your 800l'e would be three pof.ntl. ALCOHOL AND DRUGS 1. I avoid drinkina alcoh.oUc ~ or have no more than one or two drlnJa a day. •· 1. 0. 2. I avo&d "'1n8 aJcohol or other drup :ren1 Wep1 ct.ruaa .. • 1 way otandlln1 etreuful mtuadonl or problemL 2. 1. o. 1 8. I am careful not to drink alcohol when t.aklnl certain ~or when JftCl'U'l. 2. 1. o. . 4 . I read and follow label dlr•ctlon1 when uaina pwcrtpUon or CMtr-tbe-<lOUnt« ~'l.1.0. SATING BUITI 1. I •la ~ ot foodl tech day, 1uch •• hulu and I I 1 ln..__. ,____10 There are some situations when the right of reciaion La not allowed. For example, if you apply for a mortgage to purchue a home and refinance or conaolidate a loan already aecured by your home, or if you apply for a loan where a state agency La the creditor, you loee the right of redaion. Somet.lmes you may not want the creditor to alow down the loan process by suspending all action for three business days. For inatance, you may need to borrow money immediately to have a damaged roof or houae foundation repaired. Changes ln the law allow you to waive your right of reci•ion more re.dily and have the loan process speeded up. To waive this right. you muat tell the creditor DeltrNM ... you have a "bona fide pe finandal emergency.'' YOU th must aive the creditor your oa written statement (not a p printed form) deacrlbina th emergency and mentionina that you are waiving your rt1ht t+ re9cind. You (and anyone wb+ shares in the ownerahfp '?f ~ residence you are ueing a collateral) must a1gn and date statement. effect on state of health veaetables, whole-graln breada and cereala, lean meata, dairy producta, dry peas and bean.a, and nub and Keda. 4. 1. 0. 2. I llmit the fat. aaturated fat and choleet.erol I eat. 2. 1. 0. 3. I Drnit the amoun\ of ta.It I eat. 2. 1. 0. lncreaae my level of fitness. 2. 1 0. STRESS CONTROL 1. I have a job or do other work I enjoy. 2. 1. 0. 2. I find it euy to relax and expl"ftl my feelinp freely. 2. 1. ~ Ir you acore two or leu in any category, you race •erioua and unneceMary dan1en; you probably need expert help. 4. I avoid •Una too much . 2. l. 0. EXEllCUE 1 . I maintain a dealred ' welahl -neltber over nor under. a. 1. o. 2. I eurdlt ~ for 15 to ao mlnutet at -.i Uuw t1ma a week. a. 1. o. a. I do ex.m.. thlt enhanae my ..m\&lcle tone tor 10 to 10 I ml.nu• at ._., thne u.m. a .... 2.1.0. (. I lm. I*' of my WMn ume panJd~ll~~ In ICtl\'iti• lhlt 3. I recacn1ae and p,..parw f« ~ lltuatlona. 2. 1. o. •. I have dcm friendl. relaUWI or otb=r peo le I can talk to about man.n end call on tor p when Meded. i. 1. 0. 6. I per=• In 1rouf. llCUvtU. or l et\joy. l. . o. I IJAll • 1111 f I 1 I111111111 HOIOSCOPI BY SIDNEY OMARA ...... ,,ffrtcta1J. Dec:t mbe r 81 AnlES (March 21-Aprll IYJ You'll tw ,._~nded for t"n>aUvt> IJl'as, on"tnul thinking und aitielP provided for younai pttf'M>n Strt.'l>/i rww 'tWrL ... 1110PtJmiam, wtlling:ne111 to get lo hl·urt 11( mutlf'r.i 11... TAURUS (Apri l 20 M11 y 20) Ht•v1cw l~ons. atrea 114!<.'urlty, rt.-aolV(• tu 1Ju1ld un a mono '90lJd bue. Finl lmp~lorui prow &.."l·urutt• ht· J GJ>nfld e nt, confer with older fnmlly n1t·mbc.-r 1,. GEMINI (May 21 -June 20): J.'ocus on rt.>moval o f tt1trlctlons. celebration, tendency lo St.'a tter efforts . Highlight versat1l1ty, humor and moderation. Relat1v~ announl't.• plans, insist on gjving you advice and very few are 111 mood to fist.en. CANCER (June 21 -July 22). Guard valuables -be aw are of fine print, see people as they are and not merely as you wish they might be in a pt>rfect world. Money picture tor 1983 is bright you'll have IOmethlng solid to l't:'lebratt• tonight LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) Cycle 1s high. you'll p lay s tar role. Focus on excitement, cr <.'at1v1ty, i nte n s ified relationship and meaningful compliments. You'll be asked to be• m <.·harge of e ntertainment. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept 22) Dascuss101l!> center around domesllc area, possible change of res1dem.·1• in 1983. Entertain at home, stick to familiar ground a nd avoid motoring with 1nt•braated persons UBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. :l:l) • f'antasies stnve to replace realities -d,raw line, achieve balance, enjoy euphoric period while rcahzing tomorrow begins what could be a momentous year Focus tonight on friends, asptratJons and roman(-e SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov 21). Foc us on production, costs, special arrangements and added responsibility. By cooperating with older persons. you set tone for constructive acl1vtty and valuable future con tacts. Be gracious to professional associates, superiors -apply principles of Golden Rule. SAGITTARI US (Nov 22 -D ec 21) Communicate with those at a dLStance spread well wishes, resolve to make upcoming months happy for loved ones and yourself. Formulate• travel plan. realize you no longer are trapped CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan I !l} . .Kev1ew fina ncial status, resolve to improve banking, accou nting p roceduret. You can make excellent con tacts, you'll get to heart of maners, morale w1U be boosted and you'll feel refreshc'CI AQUARIUS (J an. 20-Feb. 18): Highlight moderation. keep p romise made to family member, don't break too many rules connected with diet, nu tntion , consumption of alcohol Plan ahead m connection with legal affairs, JOmt efforts and pcmible change in marital status. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Handle side LSSues -leave major tasks, intricate details for another time Focus on humor , entertainment. long-distance calls and resolutions concerning body image "i11r11t•,.,,,1, "" ,,.,11, :oi1111I h tlt•1ll• NCHt'l 11 • IU 11 117 ti ) Q 4~ +A HI I • l I • ...... " ...... , .. , ...... , ... , ••••• •• J • I • I • ,, • . '' .. 'ORIN ON 111001 th' f llAlll I '' II lilllU N ANO OMA't HA,1" l'a .. ••••• ···--••••• .. •11111111 11111 "" ''"' l111•r '"'"' • 11 \\ h1 11 N11rl h "'howt-d ru11111I 11r trump•, 1fr1 l•rt'1 •1111 hlfl tn 111'• 1 trlrk 111 1h11 l1•11 ol trump11 Wt-;S'f •:A!'\ I •IOll4 2 +U IO.. Jlol ~I 2 I ho Oi• 1 l1111f., lur h1111dl11ay tu 11 I 1111hua.tt1uu' tt• I ii ii I' I h 'It f\\ • 'l ~ I h. It I I •• u 1111l li1111< lurlltn 111 r1111 l1l1I. !-<11111 h hhl IJHI 1(111111' IU an In •t•lll I du1ul lht 111utlll)' 111 i-. Ill I II '"""f" W rt h t WO h111101 ~. Nori h frll duly l11111nd lu M•'••pt h1" partnrr'a 111\11.11 11111. i1 .... 1,1t•· th•· r11r1 I ti.11 h1 h.111 1111lv thn·•· ranl A• 111111( 111 ln11n11• 11n .. ,, wnr'lt' 1h11n 4 I. 1h .. l1ut<r """ 111111r•• I ht• ronlrarl 1111 mat ll•r who hold11 four trum111 11nd t•'1Cart1lrt1• or wht'thn tht• lfVt'l'll of trump• 1" ,IOl(ltiton ur 1101 Al tr11•k twu dudart'r •huuld l1•1HJ I rump tu th1• k1111e II l !J,i· •1111•1•n .111 Wt•I 1•r111f11r••• ~ low trtlmfl, d,.tfart r pl11• dummr'• jar6i H 1 hat lolffl" to th• c1u1en, 1 hn" 111 11nly on11 trump ml11 1111e 11 nil l he' attt will draw that II th" JIC'k win• and ~:a"I 11how1 out. Wul ran 11uak1• nnly ont' tru11p lrlck. Ami what 1r Wut 1howa 11ut un tht' n•rond trump lt•t1dt IJummy'• Jack luaH to ""t' 11u(·trn l>erlart<r wlna any rl'tur n i&nd cro11H to dummy with ~ht' 1H't: or rlubt. He can Lhon take the ma.rked fineaae for tht' Ltin of lrump1. Either way, declarer can lou no mun· than onl' trump track. .. 1 , , "' l l••I ,,1 ht ,uL•t h t•, J!IH KIOKli ~ + 10!13 +H42 '" l'l'"rt W 1·~t l1·cl t h1· top or h111j l'luh "Ol 'TH •A97 !'>3 A K Q UH f •1.1.J 6 l Uli): h h.1111J t II ,,,, 11•t1oli1uol l1o1 .• l1111·111jl I ' • l11d I" 11w-.I ,1,111.t.11 d ,.,,.pl 1111 11 ... ljt1.il11 ~ "' tht• 111 II' 111 :0-11 ~11111 h 1•h·1·t 1·d 111 11111 II 111u 'l'·ldt ,11111 I h••ll o 111(1.trk 1111 ,1 t 11t· h1iJ1flltlo( "' •I' tf II I' Ill'• II ncl .d l'l'l a rt' r w.i11lt•d 1w t1mr in ICOlnlf elm~ 11 lit• won thl' openanK 11'1111 111 hand and rin1iutid tht' JMk 11! ~1111d1•s, lo111 ng to 1.,,.,, ' •1u1·••n When ~:a11t 'huw1·d out on lht.· nl'Xt p1•1tr•, w1·ll and 1eootl / A +K UJti I ht• l11cl1linK ~uuth Wut North t .a111 g AllN LANDfllS DEAR ANN LAN IH.H~ !'vh -.1s11 r Si! vs tc;.:hnal·ully I am u prostlllll• st ... I l.11111s 'llh I' I g1~l' my husband all thl· s<•x h1· WJflt.' 111 1 >i• ho1111'(' for " place to sleep, food a f<•w .i11 L' ,111.I $'ii) 1 Wl'C'k allowan("(', I am th~ samt. .1s J r.111 i.:11 I S ht also says I :.huuld "11tih .. td : t x u11t1l I rt.'<.-e1ve more m oney At'\.'or d111g 111 1 ... , it 111 had ,to buy It on the outs1dt.> 1t would 'osl .11 lt•.1 1 $100 a week I d1sagrt't' with both h1•1 µn st11u111111 .111d S<'X stnkt• t'Oncepts I fl>t I th,11 ''"' ,. I put 111 lull l1ml' every day doing my husl1,111J':-. l,1u1uln , uiokmi.:. cleaning and marketing, h1• cm•·-.. r..tF ,1 mu< h St.'" as I want I figure tht.• fuwn 1,1) c •11111>t:11-..1 t1l>11 l rae1vt-m the form of .111 all11\\ .1111 1 1 .... 1 fnn~t.· benefit for a job well dum· Wt. 11 du '"ll .,,,, '1 ST LOUIS WOMAN DEAR WOMAN: I SR) your ..,j..,trr h1h d lfalfa where her brains belong. Not onl} " hn rt'•honing ridiculous, but s he bas a mean mouth and 1·ould be a ser ious troublemaker if taken i.t'riou~ly Tt'll he r to bug off. DEAR ANN LANDFHS ~"' .11111 d 111 Cal1fornaa" sta rtl'd off In ..... v111p ·\I• ti \11111 readers to the fact that ... 01111 1h111, •• 1111111· 1, happening to our t~n-agt.·1-s n11, ,,, ~· 1.1.1111-( uµ without a serlS(.• of right or "' 11o11~ I,.,·'"" I ht 1r parl'nls lw to protect th1 r11 ""Ii• 11 1 h1·\ i-:• 1 into trouble " It's unfair to put all tt.'1'11 ··~1·1 1 • 111• t ''"J.:"n lam 17 I have a sen.sc· of 111.(hl .111d \'.11111~ .11111 nw parents don't lie to protl.'<:t rw I .1111 Jl1'1 lik1 .t lot of other normal kids I attend h1~l1 •.1 ll•••I I .1\1 .1 JC•h good frll'nds and enJC)Y lift I pl.111 t" ;'• ''' coll1·gp and amount to something '""•l•lu\ We are hvmg m awfulh tough 1111.t·:> l 1l'al1u· tr hn m&J•·11ty cfot.•11 11111 ~how ur>. dt>f'l&rt•r l'rO'l'll''I tu h" hand and h•ach o.1 low trump tuwa.rcl h1'1 1a1·k II POT SHOTS BY ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT LET US ALW~YS BE FRIENDS, BUT L£T US N Oi ALWAYS BE REQUIR.tNG f ACH OTHE R TO <;HOW 11 I Jm lulku.1 than most, but nothing terrible ts hapJX•n111g to u:-. lC'1•n-agers. We are going to make 11 l law "11th in us' Support us! Stick up for us! We an· \Olli futun" Please care -TEEN-AGER .DEAR TEEN-AGER: I wiU! I do! I care! And 110 do millions of others. Thanks for writing. OEAH ANN LANDERS: I must comment on your r11l11 ulou ..... n.-.wer lo the professor's wife who t1 wd t11 lt•ll vou that her husband works as hard as tht· "Fi11tun~· 500," but for a fracuon of the salary. M v husband was a full professor with tenure "' a pn•st1gaou' ll'('hmcal university for five years riunn1o1 tlu ·70, H1· 1s a highly respected authority 111 h1:-. Cll'lll W1· :-.pt-ril all our savings just t.o live. When we "t.-rc f il<'t'<i with the problem of sending our own suni. lo uillege ht qull the university and took a IOh 111 go\ 1•rnment thut paid almost twice as much . Proft.'SS4)rs of the 1980s live an a dollars-and- n•nt>; world l1kt• everyone else And they are gros.-.lv underpaid -GCX>DBYE MR CHIPS DEAR MRS. CHIPS: Thanks for tbe update. You reall y put tht' plcturt lo perspective. rou1 HEALTH DR PETER J STEINCROHN DEAR OR. STEINCROHN: Many people are afraid of the knife lo s urgery. I gueu tbat'1 na tural. But when I feel tbere'a aomethlng to be repaired, I leave It up to the Jud1meat of tlle surgeon aad forget about It. One thlag I can't forcet ls the awful nausea I experienced after two reeeat operations. I wish there were some way to preveat that awful s ick feeling. By the time I received medicines for It, I'd already suffered llalf tlle Digbt a nd day. -MRS. A. DEAR MRS A.: Help may be on the way: a skin patch placed on the sk in behind the ear , contruning the drug scopolamine. It is commonly used to prevent motion sickness, and was also uaed by Amencan astronauts to prevent space sickness. Ask your dcx:tor about it. The impregnate drug slowly passes through the skin at a steady rate and enters the bloodstream. Nausea and vomiting upon awakenin g from anesthesia has been a common complain t. According to Stephen H . Jackson, M.D. of the Good Samaritan Hospital m San Jose, when scopolamine is slowly absorbed by the skin, pallents experience ff!W, if any, of the unpleasant side effects when the drug is administered by mouth or injection. It has also been observed that patients treated with the skin patch salivate less and are mildly sedated Dr. Jackaon concludes, "Transdermal scopolamine is a safe and effective method for decreasing the amount and intensity of nausea and vomitin g i n t h e postoperauve penod." Dr. Steincrohn welcomes questions from readers. He cannot answer all individually but wiJ.J include chose of general interest in his column. Send your questions to lum, in care of the Daily Pl.lot, P.O. Box 1560, Costa Mesa, OW!. 92626. FOCUS ON MIN•LTA ... AT FEDCO .. Minolta's astounding technology ••• in Europe's Camera of the Year! ' • World's most advanced multimode system with program automation • Patented O.T.F. metering with flash • Accessories Include Motordrlve and Multl·Functlon Back ' The Ultlm•t• Point and Shoot C•mer•! • 35mm photography was never more fun • Automatic focus, fot razor sharp pictures • Automatic exposure and built-In flash • Automatic film advance -never miss a shot FED CO • CERRITOS • PASAD ENA MEMBERSHIP DEPARTMENT STORES • COSTA MESA • LA CIENEGA • ONTARIO • SAN BERNARDINO • SAN DIEGO • VAN NUYS STORaHOURS WEEKDAYS: 11:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M. LA CIEHEGA • SAN BEANAROtHO AHO SAN DtEOO STm.ES • --------- ·Gimmicks can break dieter ' good inte:ritions Diet., bltwaNI Many u11n1 not eo eubllr Vflu (rom II 111 • ._ i11tf•ll• H.1nt1lol4y• ll11•11• re1taur1nt1 apend J19ythOIOIY To 111vo11I th•·M ""'"'· u11• mMn)' tt'mptulh1n• mllllon1 of dollara Common lurt.11 S.•nu alll' 1ua1ait••t• 1 .. k1na1 to th111 111rl.u tu•• 1ui11urnl pl1nnln1 m•nu1 and pinpoint• lndutlt• 111•1• u rtw"u while you vort uf th1• aod•I interior Cle«>r desl1ned entlcln1 tablt-pla<'arda wull tu bl" ll'Mlod and rn1TU1ndt-rit" tnhf'rt"nt In to make your mouth deplctlna h1mJ to·rdlll. r11ukln6' your nN 11tu11 tht' very act of dlnlr11 Water and deatroy the hllh-c:alorfo frlHJ fooda befon· llrrlvlnai 1.1t your uut Amonai th_, moat realatanc• of even the 11 k e on Ion r Ing 1 or wbh• dung .. rou1 I• what Beno mOlt at.alwart dieter or turnovera. 111 11 ... t'll!W uf fut food rC"fl•na w u "the lut to budaetconldouadlner Menu• placed high 1·11t111hll11hn1t'nt1 11hl' 11rdl'r1yndronw " Weiaht Joa 1peclall1t above the <.'OUnter with rt:'c:omml'nd1 p11u1 lnai "Many diet~na quickly and ~tered Dietitian, rapidly movtna ordering behind the ordering lines 11Can the menu for the.• Marlene Beno from lines beneath a1ao make for a momt>nt to read and ll•ast <.·alork food cho1<.-e1 Lona Beach Memorial ltdJfflculttoponderwi.e eva luot t' the food and then <.·Joie their Hoepltal Medical Center, food choices while cnes l'holt-es m enu• dett!rmlned to warn1 that unle11 you of "May I take your In addition to s t 1 c k w l th th e Ir are on guard aaaln1t order?" come booming at rt•11tuurant dl•11igned declSion," Beno t>xplaiN. many re 1 tau rant ..-------.----------- gjmmlcks, even the bellt Intentioned dletera can fall prey to restaurant.a Expect weight • "Uut 11• 1111' w111trr111• l'lf\ h"I lht• llthlt• UllU t'loldt II I U t• f I II U II ti I m II I t Ul•llt•llm11, '™'"' 1&1tilfyl11~ or ITIOl't" llH4!'f'fttlnt( &hall thfl dlt'k•r'1 nw11 l'hol<...- tht')' oht-n 1uceumb l< 1011 mlnutt• menu rnv11lun• Ilk<' uddlng 11 111de urder o f fr 1t•1 11ub1t1tuting bl•er fo1 skim milk or ul>andonln~ their orlgtnatl ordc1 altogether and orderlnij what th e person pr ece ding th~lll requt"Stl'd T11 1tvul<.I lhll u1mrr11111 J111ydtoloa(lc1tl trap, licin1, 1uai"c.•1t1 being • lltth> uu11rllve wh un th .. wa1tre11 •rrlvt-1 111od lelllns hrr you'd Ilk«' to ord.-r flrtt. She alao WIHOI ,,, f<u urd aga1n1t pluy1nai lhl' martyr "Dun't urdt:'r thl' old dependable bul bo r ing (and oftPn d ece i vingly h lah In calorie&) "dieter's plate" or other lackluster entree and then complaining about 1t lhroughout thP 1111•111 .. I n 1 I 1• tt d , B t• n u rt•l·ummt·11d11 that tht• dlt•IN orc!C'I 110111ethlnj1 In thl' mrdtum ranei.-of <.'a l o r lt: valuC' prt•ft-rably 1om.-thln1 lll(ht, w~ll belum-c>d and nutritious "Order t10mt'th1ng you uctually like but don't finiah It all, or make other conce111lon1 like foregotng a pre-dinner cocktail or 1klpplng dessert," she suggeeta. "You'IJ~thal you t •" t untrol youruH mor• and avoid undue psycholOfflnl tuffM'lna If you )al .. t I.ell of all The tuty nutrltloul four tood aroup lood1 thU you normally •nJoy," •he aay1. "There are way1 to eat )('U without ucriflc.1"1 taste or pleaaure," Beno aaerta. "The Important thing la to think ahetd, 1Uck to your dedaion amid have somethlna that tastes good and LI good for you" gain ~----------------~ ! 112~~~1¥lii1 ·! ~----------------~ ~----------------, ! lltm'¥iil l ! ll2~ftttW: Women who struggle to hold onto jean-tight 1limness during pregnancy are only welcoming serious heal th problems for their baby and themselve,s, according to the California Nurses Association (CNA). "Weight gain is perfectly normal for pregnant women and, in fact, recommended to in.sure the good health of the baby," said Lorraine Hultquist, registered obstetrics nurse and a CNA spokesperson. Hultqui1t said the average woman can expect to gain between 25 to 30 pounds du.ring pregnancy. However, that extra weight should not come from eating foods low in nutritional value, she said. "Pregnancy imposes great nutritional demands on a mother and she needs to make sure she maintains a hiih level of nutrient.a in her body so that the baby gets the proper nourishment,'' said Hultqw.t. She added that du.ri.ng pregnancy and while breut feedinl, the body requ.lra 9ddltlonal Iron, protein, calclum and phoephoroua. The CNA recomrnenda mothers meet their nutritional needs by eating from the four food groups -milk, meat, breads and cereals. fruit.a and vegetables. Hultquist warned that a mother who falls to maintain good nutrition ri1k1 potential infant complications such aa low birth weight, smaller brain 1ize and underdeveloped organs. "Being nutritionally prepared for pregnancy is particularly important for adolescent motbera and women who have had previous babie. or experienced short intervals between pregnancies," she said. Good nutrition ii juat part of a total prenatal care program which should also include regular vl1ita to the doctor. "On the average, pregnant women 1hould be checked by their ob1tetrician once a month, but they shouldn't hesitate png in for additional check- u p1 if they have a ooncem or question,'' ahe aaJd. Cookbook on sale Duaty Wlnp, a non- p ro f It oraaolutlon compoaed of former rnaht attendant• and th<>te currently flying, baa put together a cookbook with 200 of their favorite 1'9Cfpes. The book la available for te, With proceeda to be donated t.o charity. Call Nancy Bartholic, 001-3330 or Kay Workman, 837·9782 io obi.in ~ boob. USDA CHOICI! IEEF THICK CUT ROUND PORK LINKS NAVEL ORANGES ,URE GOLD FULL OF JUICE LARGE AA EGGS IMITH'I • CA .. TON 0' 1 DOHN OLYMPIA BEER fllOULAtt 011 OOLO ,a.oz. CAN 5~1 39c 123•• PM , ANDRI' CHAMPAGNI 111 --c----, .... ~ ~~!;.~~.~N.~~~~p~~NE, ..... \. 4tt GALLO WINll 3tt ~...-. ..... --.-CM~Mlt t~,_ ~'I DILUXI VODKA _ •n-l"' 841 I ---~---· '":SS'-· I I =--=.a:.:-t~~~ =-=. I !'!..~~...!!._.,...._,.,_,,,o&""-. I ~~.:=.~, ......... I mD DECl!MlllR 30.JANUARY 5, 1113 ! ~----------------- CORNISH GAME HENS 'ATTIJIAN 11·0Z. MIN. WT .. 'llOZIN BOTTOM ROUND STEAKS UIOA C...otel ett.r eo.LIU BONELESS CHUCK ROASTS Lil OA CHOICI ••• , QUARTERED PORK LOIN M.tCIO RUDY'S FARM SAUSAGE H>flll t·L.8 IH)t.L 'lllEIH 81LLA DONNA lllD.111'1 '111M FRESH CAULIFLOWER 1..0• .... " ttfA.01 ONIONS OR RADISHES 4•t•0••011tl ltl.09'404 ... tl eUllfCM POTH OS e tttCM eat "U BOSTON FERN IATMltOOM • AllOltTID COLOlll ... 11ou '-'CK TOTI NO'S PARTY PIZZA .. ,..ROM C&ll&CH&.M eACOtl, t.-OI .. "'OU• SMITH'S MARGARINE "IOU\.NI OUAln't•e t~ Ct• GOLD MEDAL FLOUR lllOU\.All, Utte'-IAOMt:O .... AO, 1-fA IAO PALMOLIVE LIQUID KRAFT SINGLES . AMllllCAN1 CHUH '000, ,t-OZ. ,ICO. •a . 1!!. Le 1" LI 21• .. 1" 231 1!!. .. age 5i11 u 311 3" 49~ .. 1" 1'' RC. DIET lllTE GI RC 100 PU·IOM FOii LAUNDRY IUllHllE CllACXEll -_,,,.,•-~" -'" 11 --:.:....--::=s,.F:-..=:r:t:•-=-" I 11 -.::....-:=--===-~--~ 11 ... ~ ;::r-. ...... =-:-... ---...:-.:-.... ... :::'!:9 :::..::-="" ...:::-=-.... -=:-..... I ...................................... ~6-• I I ,~,.... ...... ~ . ._...,...U91",~ I ......................................... ~..-........ ~=M99•;;;.;;;· 1 aD D!C!Mrus;j'ANuARY 5, 1•u • 1 Gm11D Dl!Cl!Mii' .. ;o::.ANUARY '· 11113 1 ~----------------~ ~----------------~ '{l'!c BONELESS RUMP UIDA CHOICI 111,, llOAIT llOUND BONELESS CUBE STEAKS UIOA CMOtCI et l' CENTER CUT HAM SLICES ..... u . 'l•YOftfV'- PORK SPARERIBS COUMf•v IT'Yll.lOffill QAllDllN TIND«ll ROMAINE LETTUCE IMIM ca11 .. MCAOt MINNEOLA TANGELOS NICY PHILODENDRON l,Uf \IA' 1-MtCM IUI PC)f AFRICAN VIOLETS 4.IMCM It.ft: JllOT AllOltTIO nAVOlll ..OZ •OX NBC SNACK CRACKERS MUllCO A-llOltTU WA~IL ...ol. fOI CHILLED ORANGE JUICE l•llW-1 ... OL C1- BROWN N' SERVE ROLLS .... ,~ .......... OAE-IDA TATER TOTI "fAY-Oll U.0. .... rl!Ol.t• ·ORANGE JUICE TlllllWllT 11-0Z. CAM e '"~" ' ,... · .. . . . CREAM CHEESE to"T, ICMn 'Hl'-AO"'"IA AU "-AYOttitD v-_lllllTlll. Ml. en.. 80mtl'I F11H 1!! .. 2" .. 1" LI 119 .. 2" 3:•1 LI 49c 4" 1" 59c 99c 1•• 69-121 1•• 1" 89' _ 1•• 1H USDA CHOICE BEEF BONELESS LOIN CRISP CELERY TENDER FRESH STALKS LARGE LIMES FULL OF JUICI BRAWNY TOWELS PA,!R e DESIGNER llNOU ROLL POTATO CHIPS HU.lllANO ..OZ TWIN ,ACK MIMUTElWD JUICU 23! ~ 29E~ 39c ...... ___ , .... , .. ., I ' ~ • • • r c I I DAil V PHU I I I h11tntltt d uic~id • rt C()UJd v IJIVt•lillll '1 1111d llltok• •I 1111111 111 1111• 11111.cra111 "'l'ht• l'llfl"""' 111 111 I ilk 111\• 1 ..... 1 .. 1 ... .i '"'" •I I I II II I I " k I I I I II ., Ill Hit 1111111 .. 1111 11l1111ut 11111 1\111 111111 llt 11111 1111111111•1 fllll' "' l1111111• 1111 111111•1\ ''" 11t1tl 1111.tli I \~kl ti 11 111• 1'l•1.c1 1111 11110111111 .J 111 I l(f1l11lllllK • """ tllt'll l)f N•lllll' 11lt11W'1 1'1111 111 111tp11rl1llll ' I h l' j.> t• I 11 11 11 ll I " ( 11\11( ath• .. 1111.11l 11lh1•1 lll ... 1111 1d.1lh ..... .ill,. "' 1114 ''" """''' '"' "' \AtJllld IM· "11111111 \lh lllllM !'). t1Wo1h Why Y.:uuld 1111y11111· I lllllt'llllJ)Ulllll£ NUI( 1tJt• \.\ u 11 l I 11 I' u II (Id l' I u u p y1h1,1IJ111t In rnmt of u ll'h·vu.111n 1·1tr11t·r,,·1 T h ,. s ll I ' I 11 ,. f>n•vn1Uutl t \•n11·1 111 1 .. ,. Angt•h•a h,,., dP11uu11• • d I ht• p111po"u I hrn 11J 111.c llH• llh•,1 polt'llll•.11 V d41nMt'n)u:. Cur .. u1, 1d.ll J.ll'l"8011.'i S4.•t•k1ng lwlp p11l1l111t v 111v11lv1tl ._, I It "" ol Ii \.\ I 1 II I•'"'' d, . I'll ~··· "111111' fl\lllll'Y IJlll HI II hut 11111 ·w~·u IK'I up u 11u1ndt· l line, and whim a t•ull In, w~·u M-nd out 11 ch1atri1t or t'UUl'\IM"lor talk to that 1>ersvn, we'll alao acnd out a d1 '-'I llll'<l hlllllll')I 11!1 +I h II \ I ' •I I II I ii w I I IC' I 1, "' lw1 111d 111111 wl !'.l.1 fl ifrql••I """NII<' 111 N1·"' \'01 k luld th• I A lh A11gt•l1 !'I 'l'lllll'lio I h.11 ,, 1 11 r 111 1 r A 1 1 1' 11 1 • 1 l''VI ht.111 t .. 1 \.\ li11ll\ lit• rh d n n I 1 d t" n II I V • h •• ~ ,1jo(l 1-."tf lo b~ 1\1" I0\.'111~ 1m1d1 Wh.11 1'111 .c1·ll111~ ""' ••I 11 1a. ,, I 1111.111111 .... II II I' 11 I ol I I II Ill pli .. 111111'1\t •llllf ll I h1llll't' 111 !ll1v1· l1v1.,., I' h l ' pl' 11"1 1· w h I) r 1·1tlly wnnt to 1 omm11 111111·1d1• won't," Sdlwab ..... d era.'' aald Laurence hwab, who add~ that h ia trying to recurutt The l't•ntt•r 'latd in a prcpttrl><l 111.«umumt lit.ti sut·h a tl•lt·v1"lon i;h11w t•ould "provoke:-1;01111;> tnd1v1duab. who m1~ht "B1it 11·1t..i11ilv It's 1 1q1h11t.tt11111," ht· .1tl1.lt-1I ''l'.\t'l..,lh111g I' • xplu1 l.tl1u11 ( '••f>llilll ·Bu l for olht•,..., lht!n!'• 11 ltlll1• IWlrll(t•, u hHJe K .1 n lo( u r 1111 ' 1 ' 1• >c ~ etworks to douhle-teain Rose Parade B FRED ROTHENBERG A T~Wrlt .. NEW YORK -If you'rt· seeing d uble New Year's Day. 1t might be th1· ults of the night befort• or 1t might bt· turday 's double coveragt-of thl· enl of Roses Parade. wh1t·h will broadcast hve on both CBS and NBC 1 that doesn't send you back to tht d uble martinis, maybt> this will N bisco, makers of Oreo and Chips Ahoy ~kles and other foodstuH, has bought e-.fery commerc1al -76 of them -on t~ two networks during the parade iAnd every one will have Nabisco's n~three·note musical aignature. eight m ths in the makmg and guaranteed to ~ m your head even when your htf stops bouncing That ;tngle and 1~ e~panded song were wnllt'n by forml'r M~wn record producer Billy Davis, w wrote "I'd Like to Teach the World to g" for Coca-Cola . ~l's not unprecedented for t.he networks to double-team an event. The• fl.at Super Bowl was on CBS and NBC, I *BARGAIN MATINEES • Monday thru S1turday All Perform•ncH before S·OO PM (El-' Special E11pgement1 incl Hollclryll ,.,m,1.W,11~,.. and maJOr 111•w-; ev1 nlS .111 ··arr wd by all lhr. •' nt'l\\ 11rks l'ht• Tour nanu 11l 111 HoM·s Par.1dl' h~ bt.•1.m u11 both CBS .i11J NBC for ~1•u1~. ren·ivinlo( 1.1t1ngs alm1"'t al\ high ;1s lh(' afternoon howl gam1"' L.1sl J,mu .. ry 1h1 puradt· hrn.1d ..... 1:-. on <.BS .111d ABC t'Jl'h H~1·1\·1·d ll Ill II ra1111~ an<l 11 :H share. which trnru.l..il1•s into 15 i:x·n·••nl of all TV hnu:.t•hfllrb. Ill null11m ho111t·s and 70 n11llwn v11·w1·1' Sumlar numlx•rs an· t'Xpt'('tt.od Saturd..iy V\'hal ,., lwl1t•\.l'J 111 lx· a telt•\.1s11111 f1rs1 ho,..,·t·Vt•r is om nimpa11\ havtn~ -l 1 • hour .. of cxclus1vt• ... ponsvf"'>h1p on two d1fft•11·nt net work.s Smet• ll nwr g1-d with Standard Brands in I Y8 l, NalJ1<;(, 1, ""1 lh annual S<:ilt·s of $7 b1Jl1un. li.1~ tr ll'd 111 rn;ike lhl' µubl11 awart• lh..il l'l.1nl1·1..., 1-'t'<lllULS, :l.l0t.>"o4..•h1·,,d &er and Butt ht r (j,1111 [)"Joi' Sna< ks, among ulht·r.,, <1rt' in tht· N.ilm-4 .. 0 Can11lv Tht> fond t1J11glonw1 .111• ha., ... uvh .. v a r 1 c t y u f p r o d u 1· t s t h J 1 rn o s I commerl Ii.II' will bt• sN·n "nly onc1• At't:ordm~ 10 Lt t· Abbott. Nab1S<.'0°'> l/lt"t' _prc"1dcn 1 fo~1!1rkl•t1ng services. 26 U.a• ll• Ul• l.9• la• IHI THI VlllMCT II) 12>MelMel1H• .. Ue lMJ LAKEWOOD CENTER WALK·IH THITOT1N 1 1 .... ,. •• , ......... 1 ... 41 HIS.11} 11!.M 1•)J •..et~ l tU 11 rM Jocu11y ot Conole•ooo 213/531·9HO f00Tlllt"91 THI VllOICT11> ,,,,..,... ......... ,... ll>W•wt• ........ ,, .... .. brJnds will be p11t hlod on l'alh nt•twork Th• 1 t' s a 11 ~ k I hut S <11 u rd a y · s l'ullln11•1cwl l.Jumbardnwnt L'Ould 1rr1t.aw 1,1 11·w1·rs But N <tlH !tco, w ith an 111te1 llllllonal advt•rlt'itng budgf'I o ( $250 n11lh11n l'in't paving lht• nel\.\ork!t $4.5 1111llh•ll lo turn off '>hoppers 'ThL• Tournam1.•n1 of Rost·s Paradt• 1 ... 1< Ill''> gn•,11 numlwn. uf peoplt:," !Mild Dun O h lmeyt·r. furmer ext-t·ut1ve µr11dut'e r of NBC Sportl\ whose pr0t.IUl'Uon eumµany iJdV\SeS Nabisco on TV ... trawgy. "h 's om• of the great pieces uf Anll'rll'ana " Sonw of thost" viewers may suit be weann8 lampshades and foxtrotting t.o tlw tunes o f Guy Lombardo's band, but. NJl11"4·0 thinks ntO'>l Nt!w Year''> Day \I<'\' 1 '" buy party snacks ratht.·r thJn faU .1sll-cp in them "N1•w Ye<1r's D<1y ts J family day, and the parade can Ix: t•n.)Oyed by the entJ.re family." Ohlmcyer said. ''It's nice to lit· a-.s<x.·1 .. ted with a TtHany event and get posll1Vt'. assoc1auve ruboff." T\H.\Tl[lll (.t:'ffl tn-mx ""'""'" ~ /.A\lCK/BRO\\\ l't<Ollllllll\ _All.~H ~· , .. , IUI• Ult Wit e •Jlt H LAKEWOOD CENTER SOUTH WALi! ... ITILL Of THI NIGHT !N I 1•e >•• l•• 1•• IM• II• Kiii Ml OC>OOeTltN I , .... ><U e l 1Jtt .. u t lt.41 ..... 0,... C-.•••,,.. .......... u .... lllPOllTHT MOTICI! CMllDtlU UllO('a IZ fllH! *"-~-=-~o:-..=:=:.~ ,,.MIC.--WITll------~l·lli~----- A'• A 1•l 1'J ANAHEIM DRIVE IN '-"•'-"-.,.. .. IO ICIH Ml OOOOITI !NI FlllY~-- Cllllfl- e I • ., A. • '"t' BUENA PAR K :JPIV! IH ..__,..,. .... .,,~ 12M010 r.. I'• A •I> Wt LINCOLN DRIVE IN IMC-A ........ _ 121-4010 ' ........ FOUNTAI N VALLEY Ol1 1VE IN ,. . . ... HI WAY 39 Oil•! 11j . . . l ,, t• f.. HR A • ' I I H ORANGt (11/1'o1l IN THITOY1M1 ""mr,11t THI VllDICT Ill -DIATHHUNTfltl C..A- 41 HU.111 """ IHAalCT'I MACHINI l'l THI DUK CIYIYA11N1 '"" 19411"91 Cllll "-......... ,.. '--·-"-.. 1·J6•J tl.. TIE EJTU..lUllSTbl fl l'lUI "WMOUY MOSUi" ,.., _ .. _ fOOTltltNI NII HllCIMIOalfltl __ ,...., ..... c-.. 6M .... , 41MU.111 IMAUY'r:.cHINI (II ROCKY HI !NI CLAIM Of THI m.,.ICllOI PAL'L :\l:W'11 i\~ I CHARLOTIE RAMPLl~G I JACK WARDE~ JA \1ES \1ASO\; I Tit E \'ERDICT I MILO O'SHEA \11 'il Jn ~)JI\\'\ \t4\lll:l H~Al Tl\l. l'ROfltl!.R 81.RTI ll\.RRI\ ...C IUl. \Pl \\ R\ ().\\111 \I\ \ffT I 11~'-~lHI\ TI!~ \IML li) !\ARI(\ Rl'.l-11 ~- Pl<Ol>I< 1:.11 II) Rl('fl\RJI () 7_\\I U. \\I> D\\111 HRO\\\ ID ~ l>IRHTU> 8' SllM\' U \iET ~ -i:.. .. -r..:.:=-J '-.. ·..:: ''Three cheersfor Kiss Me Goodbye.'' L1niJ11 GrO'ls LA Times "It's utterly charming. It's legitimately fu nny " Neat ~~1er 1AMES CAAN liv VIII! I • "l•Vll1fl 1\111 I rl11111., 1111• 1 lt(ltl lhllll( '' 'J Ill I 11 l'f y 1')11 Ill' fll 11pl1• ii 111 11·1tdtlllM llUI ~ hw•h 1ulrl Vlf WI I" wuuld h•• wurtwd not I•• wu\dl tht' •how tr tlu v un• ""'!Ut•£11r11•h " COtU MM l"W* LM11U -~ ~ 1 •1•·•11' I .,,..11.4 (',,,,., I •I• 1111 W"•ll••y I 11• .,,,. 'if••I~ ( ·~ ,, ~ '11114141 .... .,,\~ti"~~ 4~··~·· tl47~~, HUNllllllOll IUCH ldWllft Hunllo1101 GI-. 841 (JJ81 ( .. ,.., "'~'tPftlW,,_.,.,..,.....,_..,.fJ w .. II I cl s l It w •• Ii llHl•Hl1•r 11 lt•v1•1nl( .111 1u·1u.1l 11u1l 1tlt " "Thul"' un I 1 kl' I y " tw n ·pl u•d ''W<> wunl 111 i.ttJ p RUIC:ldt.-a " ACADEMY Ml!MliRi'Vour cerd wlll edmll you-- end• gue11 to eny perfonn•nc. Monday ttwu ThurMt•Y· Only unllkt•ly" · Wt'll. wt' would tt• h•v 1i;<• a SUICldt· ru. lung il!i Wt•'n• not t.hl' ones lo 11uit1gi.w 1t, 1! wt• weren't part oC 1t Th.it's w~wl thl· press ltkt.."M, yuu know, d10-mu" '-18 HRS. Coi"umnlsl H owr.ird Rosenbe rg of the Los Angelt·s Times ""rotl' Monday that Sr hwab's prop1;se d s h ow 1s perha ps "men·ly theo logical, insane extension" o f n e w s programs fot·u s1 ng on human misery and of u•lt•v1s11in prograrT\b such as th•· old "Queen for a Day " • t ., --NOW PLAYING---= ' IMA , ..... 1 .. ou.i ~ -....., ....... .,.,,,.. .... ra.... . .. -~ ........ ...... \It ) ' .,, •• ' • "' . " •O • COii• ootU u rewto WUT•ian• -· .. l>f'Y f.,p.,IJ . ..... •• dloL • A• LA MlllAOA OlllVE·IN • J, ••• 01 ti•• l1U1 lJJ tJtl f C-iiliij!iHJ "-••'-"" ..._,lft GI l rKO'"' °'-. 631 0340 ~AID!I _..0....,.1 ...... -•• ..... _ ....... , ... /2<l E Dl'IAAOS \!iO.' (I';! ... A I I '1 I ( P 1 -.. -r .-.-.. ....... ,,.,,,, •• ,., llll1 .. .. , 0 1 191•, .. tH I)~ • [D l..._..••-.il .....,~....,.! .. '"~'•O•r•1 ... 1~ Another World, Another Time ... In the Age of Wonder. " f ll\Jnt.ur•' ( 'lfl'J'••t.r"' (1)1 DCUrf .,_, 1 •• ....... <'••• ..... .i-. TOWN CENTER IN 70MM 6 TRACK DOLBY Announcin delicious ch ge ~ oft~ A steakhouse tradition comes to 11 untington Beach . The Plankhousc has become Reuben's Plankhouse. We'rt' wooing you with an exceptional new menu. Ft'alunng heart~ deHcious dinners likl' Roast Prime Rib of Re •f, our famous Shrimp Scampi, delicious enfood, chickt'n and an even bigger Plank teak dinner for two. Each comes with wann bread, vtgetables. nnd your choice of our Special Steak Soup or any of three unusual salads. All at affortl.1ble pnce!t. You'll love our incompnr.tble ho p1taht>r. prompt. fn t>ndly !'Crvice. and ca'lual atmo phere C1tll for reaerva· tions or to arrange a privatt' party. .. Reuben'• Plankhou~e. A delkioue chnnge of ta te thal will please your pblale for 11 lon1e timt• lo conie. 0 • • • ' I I • I • hie 0 e M um {It ............................ ..,. .......... A ..... tlteMC••=:.r ...................... ~, stresses single mes EDITOR'S NOTE Mo•C ~lr1t•11 lu1vr ffl0#1U/nt'nC.. to hl)J')Or thv WMr dt•.d Bur m llJBJ 11 mtl,k'um wu optmPd ro ~lf'bratt' pc>IK'«' All t•xhlblC.. locu. on on~ mt'IJ.Yllt' Don 'r lt.•r wttr hMppt•n again. By SllARON COH£N .......... .._.,..... CHICAGO lta 1ymbol ia a dove, deacendins on a hawk. It's believed to ~ the only museum of Ila kind in the world h's the Chicago Peace Muaeum, filled with photos, poetry, paintings and, sometimes, pe rformen, such as an Indian storyteller, to convey a plea for peace. "The arts can reach people In a way facta, figures, statistics and even history sometimes can't,'' says Marianne Ph1lbln , the museum 's commurucauons du-.:ctor . "It's a part of a larger effort to work toward butldmg ~are " For the past year. the museum has been building. with exhibits o f lithographs, three centuries of posters on war and peace, cartoons from H o n'ore Daumier to Garry ,Trudeau's "Doonesbury," and uruque donauons, including a four-leaf clover saved for more than 35 years by a Hiroshima survivor The museum 's latest ex hibit , "The Unforgettable Fire," is the first U.S. showing of original drawings by Hiroshima and Nagasaki survivors. Some 2,000 drawings were collected by the Japanese Broadcasting Corp. about eight years ago after a survivor sent in a picture of a bombed railway station. The picture was televised and viewers were asked to send others. About 70 of the drawings -considered national treasures an Japan -are on display Voters sophisticated about TV advertis ing RADNOR, Pa -(BW) The 1982 political campaigns demonstrated that Amencan voters have become more sophisticated about party and candidates' television adveru.sing, and understand the difference between positive and negative political TV ads, TV Guide magazine has reported in its Jan 1 ~ue The best result of the 1982 election campaign, wrote political analyst J eff Greenfield, is that television potenUalJy "has the capacity to produce a more honest process and a more enthusiastic and informed voter " Two veteran political media consultants agreed that the voting public has acquired a new degree of sophistication in measuring candidates' TV claims. "They develop certain defense mechanisms to the material they see," said John Oeardourff, a Republican specialist. SaJd Democratic consultant David Garth: "I think people are aware when you are criticizing fairly (and) when you're criticizing unfairly.'' I The impact of TV may have motivated more 1982 voters to go to the polls, smce V1ere was an increue of 4 million voters over 1978. "In 1978. the last off-year election, only 37.8 percent of eligjble decades. the turnout in an off-year election was up -up by 21h to 3 percent," Greenfield said. "Both polltical parties in 1982 woke up to the fact that television as the pnndpal political forum ln America -and began using that medium to get their messages across to the American voter." Greenfield wrote. "And, coancadentaUy or not, t postelec tion comments by Republican and Democratic o fficials, as well as exit-poll data, 1 showed a marked return to voting by party allegiance -and party identification, according to many political scientists, is the key to an involved electorw." In Six ~eks, you can find Q4~ memories to last~ ali~time. / ' rr, .. IPGle» ,0· . ~'.~:'.~~. ~-12".it. f 'Jtt~i. 'J~ \!S' ', '1 t i •, 'f · , ............ ,. ... , LUXURY THEATRES 1st Twt lbtl1tt sa..i1110llYS2.a U.ltuttMnrlwlllttd s c1neoome [;l 6J.4 2551 I ~:::.~f FOR FUfll EXCfTEmEOTI VisltOur ... The.c• drawlnai11. 11y1 Murk llosovln , the• mu-.•ulfl '• t•urn lor, "•pt•wk loudt•r thun lt'<.'tu11•1 ThPy'rt> mprtt pt•nituual Tht•y'n• mun• h1llnu.at1 · lt'1> not u Pk uo. It'• nut II {ioy1i1 Hut 11'11 II r .. 11ow hum1.1n b.lng who want.II tu mukc• u w11111h1fl to you not to lt-t thl1 happen aaia1n " Roaovtn suys thut w11rnlnK h11N nC'vt'r l>t·<·n clt:arcr than It 1111 t.Oday. "The pe1u·c movement fl•1.1lly has exploded because of thl• horron1 of nudf•u1 war," Rogovin says "lt 11 "° po&llble. lt l11 w poh•nllolly real that It's taken a small moveiment and mode at into a giant PO .: '"" .. ". •• ,,14 • . •·1J:m ,, Ii. A ••W PLAYl•G ---'.,.. II l INIO tf\AMI IC•*CJ·"~• I·'•'" '''"'o ,,,.,,.,. movement." .; coau•ru '""'" ... , ....... . _ ,_ ..... ,.,, 0.-,..111111 4111 For those \\ho are unmaled to these l'On<.'t!rns, thf' museum can :.t•rve to inform, HogoVln says I,,. ... 4 U 4 A "'°'"lil t '.it A • • • ! "~ ··we see thl' 11~1ty to hav~ t•x('('llent"art but also to have a puwerful m~gt• that l'an help to teat•h," he savs "Wt· <.'an twlp lo .1ffoct the pobt1cal I • 'I ••• f.I .. J••r..U•• '0'110t '"'"''~ ..... , .... , tJ~ill 10 chmate" · One uf tht• WJy::. to du that. Hoguvm say:.. ts by mtroducan~ t•lt•mt·nWr)' and high "' hnvl student:. Cuturt' votcn. to tht• mw;l"um "UPROARIOUS ... Nuclear wa1 isn't always un their minds "The 4ut.'st1un u f pt•al'l' as mort-than the a~nt'V of Wiir," say" Philbin. who explained that talks with ::.tut.lt•nt tour grou~ sonwtamt.'li ctmtcr on more fam1 har terra111 fomtht'.,, rwaghborhlJOds or urban gangs that wrror12t: ('ommun1t1t'S But thl' mu::.t•um. whac·h has J full-time staff of four, wall gcm'n.tlly wnl'(•ntratt· on the pohtical rather than tht• par ol·hial humirn rights struggles, thl' phght uf rl'fuget·s. th<> fight agamst fascism and war It was the V1t-tnam War that ~p<1rkt.'Ci Rogovan's interest m creating a JX'ml' mu.'!t·um l n the mad 1970s. Hogovan, d muralist, was putting away some strt.>i.•t tht·att·r props left over from the heyday of tht• V1<'lnam r,i!Jies He began cons1dt.'rmg a mw.t·um to daspl:.iv the m1.•morab1lta and other renunders or pt.•ac1.· movt·mcnts Rogovan startl•d peddling has brainchild. soht·1tmg 1d£'ru. from Pduntors, arta:.l.!> and business leaders. Then an 1980. h<' c;aw a m·wspapcr photo of MarJorae Benton, U S ambasl><Jdor to UNICEF, carrying one of has pro u•st signs at a mun1t1ons show. He conta<:tl-d hl·r They d™.'usst'Ci thc· museum and everything clacked IXCLUlfVI INOAon.NT 10fllM I ntACIC DCM..aY •NICIMO-..V Al "GANDHI" '", DALY 1tl00,4M,MO Mo ... r of che rouunes are huge fun and a couple appmat h greatness.• \ " • "' < .,.,., 'L \\ Y\.llU.. nMES --n r-..rmna IUCll -·---1-.--... l>-•11t•)I )It~ 0.-1410JN C.TA ...... 1.1"0.-!MOO)._ .._.0.-0..13• 1~~> (MO~-~~ll•r(lat-000.AOOMNtJ "'-' I do J"tt"'I '"""·· ..... 642-4321 Direc t or collect to subscnbe to 11our hometown pafX'r the -R X Rl!EO , I 't Daily Pilat :. °""~,,....,, a.41 ~·&n~ ~'°"" Mlul -I : • c T ~ .. • • ' I- I 0 • ;I s. I) • 1• :> r '1 ., 'C ' l 01 I• t> q p 0 b .. ~ ~ 0 i i b w ~ fl I I Tt INtn MN titwtttMllC ''~ _. m tntklpltld "1ftll u4I ............ In MceMt¥11, Hd ,, ctflh,..., ,.., ... Pftltdtn • PINM call now 10 ma kt an ln1t111 no In/ no comnutmtnt •ppotnlment w11h our sl•lf of c11 IOtntya and account4nt1 to 11v1tw your sttuauon We will bt av11labl1 every day except Dectmbtr 24 & 25. including Sunday s 9am to 9pm to serve you DAL TON, DALTON, COOPER & FRANKLIN, INC. (714) 841·3781 . ------2691 Richter Ave S1e io2 Irvine Near J.tmboreet•o~------• WE'LL STAY OPEN LATE TOHELPYOU BEAT THE TAX DEADLINE. All offices of Great American Federal will stay open till 6:00 p.m. on December 31, c;o that you'll have time to open a Great American Tax-Free Account, open your Keogh Account for 1982, make loan payments, or lake care of o ther lclst minute financial tasks. The financial line will remain open till midnight, December 31. And, you can open a number of accounts, including Tax-Free, IRA and Keogh Accounts by phone to beat the deadline. The Financial Line (619) 231-4023, or toll-free, (800) 272-9000 Great American Federal ..f?o/~~:o~ II Or.qg< (. U\lf\I) ~tl"th.~.\ 1C'f\tOf An•hc1m U1lf\ tt..111\h-.·• ti.tlt'1''& l\f .. nJ l •f'hlUrk.• lk•t." f I 1vhl I ,•Unl•1n \1111<). Hwnhng1on &ckh I aJuru llu.h IJ1gwn• lt1lh t •run• '-•Ju<I """'"' \ •<r• "'"'•"h 11., ~C'*P'-lfl flc'Ah llt1.f\~C' '•n C. lcmrn•C' \..an Ju•n l •rt""'""' 4nJ "''",Jhf.Jfc ~a.~ aAU l'ICTmoue wsa ACTtnoue .,... .. a.-No. 1• NAm STATDlmHT ..... STA~ T.&. .... C..na TM followlng l)e(M>n II doing The followlng l)efM>n II doing VAL BAN CORP •• duty ~ -~ •· appointed Tru1tee undlf the PREPS "R" US. 1t• Ag•I• SPEAKERS BUREAU OF tOllowtnQ de9ctibed deed of INll 8elboe Mlllnd, CA t2M2 ORANGE COUNTY. 271t Shill. WILL stu AT PUBLIC AUCTION M•dl a., Weathertloft. 415 Corone del Mer. CA t212S; p 0 TO THE Hl<UiEST BIDDER FOR Edgew1l1t, Bllboe, CA 92M1 lox 5fU. A.ibolt tlllnd.1. CA 921&2. CASH (peylble 11 time of Nie In fNe ~Is QOnduct9d by 1111 ., .... ...,.,,,. Anne 1,,;latll, 21111 lewful incwiey of the Unlled Slit•) ~ SMI. Corona del lNr. CA 92US .. rigM. tltle end lnl1t9lt eonYe)'9d Mera. £. WMthemOll Thie ~ II oonouc'9d by 1111 10 lllld now held by ft und«. 0..0 ot Thlll lllaternenl -Ned Wltt'I 1'le tndMdu91. Tru1t In the properly herlln1f1er County a.ti of er.,. County on ~ ~ Clwtt delcftbed: o.c:. fo. 1982. Thie 1i.temen1 ... fled w1t11 the TRUeTOR: HOUSING DYNAMIC ....... County C*1I of Orange County on INCO"PORATED. • Cafltornl1 Publllhed Orenge Cout Delly Dec. 13, 1982. OCl'JIC)ill1tOh. Plot, 0.C 19.. 2$, 30. 11142. JW\ d, ...... BEMFlCIAAV: VALENCIA SANK. t9413 Publllhed Of1nte Cout Dally • Cdfomle eorpotetlon. 5-424-aa Plkll, Dec 1t, 23, 30. 1"2. Jen. d, ~ded ~ 30. t980 .. fnltt t-------------• 1913 Ho. nM1 kl book 11812. pege "8JC M)TlC[ 2 It el Olftdlll "8corOe tn me oftlOI jlljJC it I iOU1 WM of IM Aeootder of Otenge C:C-.ty. MAim l'TAT8mlff .. Id deed Of trv11 dHCtlbet the The 1o11owtng ~ -doing AC'rnou9 llllll•N tolowlnO property: ~ •: MAm ITA.....,. Lot U , 8IOdl F of Tract 527. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA The loll~ P«M>n II doing Cyt>rMa A~" Numb9r hro, M AOLLE.REHORAVIHOCO., t5111W ~ m: ~on nwp ,_0.0 In Book 18. MecAt1hur a...ct I 15. Coe1e Mee&. UN I 0 U £ VI 0 E 0. 2 8 3 t P•g• t of Ml•c•ll•neou1 Map•. CA t2t29 Qu.O•d•. H-porl leech. C• record• ol Orenge County, Randy £. LencHll•, 3201 t2tlO Celllomla. c.nter. 8enCe Ane. CA 82704 W...,,. P. ~. ~ SM YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A Albert Crompton, 11916 Auauetlna. GlencW9. Ca. 8120e DEED Of TMJS'T DAT£0 JULY 23, Mlndeneo S.f., ~ CA 80830 1'111 ~ le oonduGted by 1111 1880 UNl£SS YOU TAKE ACTIOH Th6a ~ 11~by1 lnCIMdl* TO PROTECT YOUR PAOf>ERTV. n g1nW91 '*11•Wilp wm.m P. ~ MAY IE 80U> AT A PUBLIC SALE.. A1ber1 Cfompton Tilll .....,,_,. -fled wllh ll'le IF YOU NE£0 AN EXPl.ANA TION Thie .w.inent WM flled ..ith IN Col.flCy 0.. of Ormno-Courey on 0 f< TH E NAT U RE 0 F T H E County C*11 of Orllfl09 County on o-T\ti.r 21. ltt.2. PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOU OK f3. 11112. ~ SHOUU> CONTACT A LAWYER ...... Pubtl•hed Or~ COUI Delly MS2 I.a S... A..enue. Cypr-. Publl•hecl Orange Co11t Delly PlloC OK 23, 30, fN2. Jen ... 11, CA Plot, OK 11. 23, 30. 1M2, Jen d. INS "Of • etrMI eel« ... or common 1883 dMlo11•Uon I• .iiown et>ove. no ~ werr1n1y I• given 10 111 _,....._or~~ .. The ~ I.Ind« Mid Deed o1 Trwt. II)' ,_ of • bteech or ---In tN oOllgetlona MCUred tlleftllby, hlretot«• necut.ct Ind d .. IWl'ed to the underelgned 1 ""'"" Dec:Wlllton of 09'9'111 ..-0 Dwnlnd lot Sele. end wr1tlen none. ol ~ end of .i.c1ton to WUN t111 underelgnld 10 ••II ••Id Pf'()p9fty to •lllfy Mid ~·ttona. 1nd t~fffter th• 11nd1,1lgned ~.., notice of bf.-ch end 04 .-acn to De ~ Auguet 30, 1"2 .. in.tr. No. H4*17 ot Ofllcltl~ leld nl• .. 111 be m1de. but w1tllou1 covenen1 or warrenty, ..... OI lmplled, ~ tmt, poe111111 ~. « tin!M'ft1wanoile. to PllY 1111 ~ prtndpll llClrn al ttll AOM(•) llGUNd by Mid Deed 04 TNM, with .,...... M In IMt not• pf~. ~. If eny, Uf'IW U. WIN of .... DMd o1 TtUll. .... ~-....-°'"' T""'-and of "'8 l.Nlltl -'*' by Mid o.d Of Trwt. I.id ..... be hlld on Friday~ ......., 1, 1Ma et t;OO p.t11 .. "It~ C"-"-' ,._..,. eMIMOI. to -Chilo Cent• 8ulldlnt. IOO h91 ()~ A'NflW, lfl tfle CltY Of Or.,..CA. NOTtCI: AT TlM4l M IAL.a 8'0I • ., .. MADI IN CAltt ~ flt& CA8HllM O" Cl"Tlf'tlD CHICl(I 1,.01'110 IH CIVIL OOOI M0n0H ln4H. Af t111 t11n1 01 tn• 111u111 ~··--of .. no4tce. ttle totAll lfl'IOWli of IN~ bMrlW flf tN ......... __.,. Dy tM Aboll9 fHttllltd deed o, HUil Ind ..._.., .. ooate, ·~· ~ 1dv1"0•• Ja ft~t ,141.10, To .......... °"""" .... ,., Nr -(1i41t7MllM. -09" Del ...... ,.., VAl.Ufil~ • .... ,,....... l:#·lllMCC -c.:r.:... •. ....... .......-; --~ ....... ?:m.r.:::. """'•••••?•••• °'Mfe o...t O!lllY .............. tor clo ing bring tear M1 Kt.Ji'.Sl'C >tt'I', l'u CA!'> '1'111• 1tl11re• hwt bt •11 In ltll' f1u11lly t•f ltol111r l 1t11tl WtlllMm l'o" Im ttu1•1• KNl"r•tlum, II Wu llwlr blrthtll(ht and tht•lr prld But afte•r 110 )'t'.IU'I of buaim ... In thla Monunaialwl11 Hlvt<r mall town, whttn• ono of ttvt•ry flw emplvyablf' pt"Ople 11 out of work, thf' only branch lc1ft or Cox depertmc:-nt 1Wrl"I la 1huttlna ltl d1x1ni for aood ''lt'1 llkt· uti.-mJln~ your own funt.>ral It's the death or 8 •tort'," 73-yt<tir-old Robert Cox MAld of tht• family'• rt>tail chajn 1pec1allt1ni In rm'" dothtng "Somt.>thnee I have tu get off tht.> iwl~ floor. I'm afraid the t.eara an going t.o start," said h11 78-year -old brother. William Cox Jr The brothers' grandmother. Mary Ann Cox. sLarted the business m 1872 with $5 in pennies that she and her husband. a cobbler. managed to savt' She sold sewang needles, thread and notions from her home here. As the business grew, so did her inventory. Eventually, she moved mto a shop along McKeesport's Fifth Avenue and started makmg women's clothes. Her son, William Sr .. took over an the early 1900s. Alt.er hia death in l939. the store went to Robert and William Jr By the nud-1950s, the brothers moved the store to its current site -a five-story building just a few blocks from where their grandmother's business began Through the next 10 years. the business continued to grow. The Cox brothers opened branches in the 1960s and early 1970s when sales in the eight Cox stores in southwestern Pennsvlvarua Robert and William <:ox phase out last of stores. and West V1rgan1a topped $7 million a year But the good times didn't last. "We cut back from eight stores, to seven. to six. to five, to four. to three. to one. to none," said Robert, smihng ruefully. "We never thought we'd close the McK eesport store." he said. "But we never thought unemployment here wtrU,Jd tf'1«·h 22 II pl'n'tlnl " Dur1n1 th• p••t 1ummff. the Ct1• bf'Qtht:ra r••lluid they no ~"' l'OUld rnaintAln ttki 1u>rt1 her. On NCJll 2, lhtt)' filed for bankruplcy and b i•n dl.llOOUnuna t'N'rchandblo, but aUIJ U1l'd to kNp th• 1>w11ne. aotna Tht'y hlr~ the Schotl(.'1\ltcun Corp .. a Columbua, Ohlo-balf'd m•na1ement firm, which •tocked thf' 1tore with designer clothe. at dl!ICOW\t pricw and repl~ thf' coemettc t'Qunt.er with dru1 atore I t.ema Robert, the 1tore'1 board chairman, doubled aa a night watchman He Uvt!d at the atore with hla dog, a mlnlatuni schnauzer ~ Alfie. But It wasn't enough Today, 20 people are workin84ft'!ere hundreda were a couple or ChriaOnUes ago, The store la open 10 ~ houn I day, seven days a week to aeU ita inventory and moet of lta fixtures The aale w1U go on until au is aold. The Coxes also are looking for aomeone to buy or lease their buildinp. But 90 {ar, there have been no offers After the store cloees ita doora for the last time, Robert plans to start a conaulung outfit for other busineae1 and communities hard hit by unemployment and dwindling populations William jwlt wants to relax. The closing means the C.Ox family is losing ita livelihood. For McKeesport, a town of 31,000 people, the closing means more people out of work. "God knowe we tried . We did everything we could," said Robert. "We cried. Grown men cry" Video Warehouse to open new Irvine store The Video Warehouse , which specializes In video games, movies, reco rders and players, and video cameras, will open a new store Friday m The Irvine C.Ompany's Irvine Home & Garden C.enter at 2,300 square feet it will be the largest, ~"Ording to Ali C.etin, co-owner of the chain. Other stores are in Garden Grove and Huntington Beach. He said Video Warehouse carries 1,200 video movies plus Beta and VHF players/recorders, Atari, Intelhvision and ColecoVision video games and The new store will be the fourth Video Warehouse in Orange C.Ounty, and Nil.IC NOTICE Cf'P 31202 NOTICI Of' TIIUaT91'a aALI t .a.No.M....., YOU ARE IN OEFAUl T UNDER A DEED OF TRUST . DA TED SEPTEMBER 19, 1980 UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY. IT MAY BE SOLO AT A PUBLIC SALE IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION Of THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU. YOU SHOULO CONTACT A LAWYER On J111uery 7, 1983, al 9 1 S A M , ROBERT E WEISS. ,t.uorney at Lew. 11 duly appointed Trull•• under end pur111an1 to Deed ol Truetmedet>yROBERI H HA~llt. I merrled man. 11 hie 1epar1te p roperty, gtven to 1ecu'• •n lndeblednMI In favor OI COAST BANK, 1 Callfornl• co,por•tlon, no• O•neo and l'teld by COAST BANK reooroad Oc1oti.r 1 1990. •• Inell NO 1185e. In bOOk 13779. pege 7Cle OI OfflClel Recordt In the ottlce ol the County Recorder ol Of'ange County. S1•t• of Calllornl• WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO HIGHEST BIOOER FOR CASH (peyel>le II lime ol lele In lawful money of the Unll.O StelNI at the front ent,.nce to the Old Orenge County Courtho11H. located on Santa An 1 Blvd • between Src-nore SI encl 8'oedldy, Sant• Ane, Celllornl• •ti rlgl'tl, !Ille •nd 1n1eraat con¥W)'ed 10 llld now l'telO by It under ukl Deed ol Tru111 1n the P'Ope<ly 1llu•tlld In •eld County end Siii• deecflbed u The South-1erty OM-hell ol Lot 9. In 8loctl A of H.,per, u '* mep 'eoorded In Boole 8, P9 27, mtaoellaneoua mepe, In the Offlc4 ol lhe County Recorder ol uld 0.1'199 County The •l•••t add••H and other COf'IWnOf\ deelgnetlon, If eny. 01 the reel prope,ty dMCrll>ed above 11 purporte<I 10 1>1· 1e30, 11132 •nd 11321'11 N.-po<1 8lvO . °'*• MeN. Clllllomle Said ••I• wlll 1>1 made. but without covenent or wa,,1n1y. elCpreN Of lmplled. tegetdlng 111le. ~lion, or ancumbrancet, lo pey the remaining ptlncl1>1t "'"" ol tfle notl(I) MCU..0 by Mid OMd of T'""· •llh lnle,e1I lhlf•on •• prOVlded In Nld notee•I. eovanoee If""'· under lhe '"'"'of Nici 0..0 ot Trull, I•••, oh•'O•• ano eiq>en-ol the TNltM. Thi 10111 amount ot the ~•Id belancl ot ,,,. obllgatlon -.reo by the pr~ly to be •old 1nd '•••on•b•• 1111m•t•d co1t1. •llP9nMI and 1dvancee •I the time of th• lnlll•I publlcellon 01 th• Mollee of Sele Is s 192, 171 93 The beneficiary ""°" uld 0..0 of Tru1t het•tof0<• ••~te<I end dellve,•d 10 the under11gned a wr1111n Nolle• of Del1u1t end Election 10 Seti. The under1lgned CauMd tald Notice 01 Oefeun end Election to Sell to be r.oorded In the oounty ...,.,.. the rMI Pf'C>PW'Y It loc•le<I Dale: November Ill, 1812 ROMWTLW11ta. Att«MJ et Lew CIO .-oalRT I Wi i ia INC~Tl'D -Wlli9e 0.-• om. CowtM, OA ttTM (~I) "1-uo::t By CAii A l<UNl<ERMAN AllOfMY end Aeent lot T..u.t• .. ,ubllahed Oreng• COHI Dall~ 1!loflot, Ole It, 29, 30, 1882. S&n-t:> OYER THE COU NTER MUT UAL FUND NEW YOl'IC IAPI c..nu IO.., NL -llw lol-lnQ quo ~· Geo IMl~t l•lllOlled by Gr1'\ 10 41 11 • I~ rvltonel AA-I· Eoult 16.J I J4 ~ ol S.CIWlllft 0-,.Hcw Group DMlff\. Inc. M'• HIYIO 'as 10 ,. "'9 pri<M el ... l!Cll Hillilul\ IJ JJ IJ .. _,. -IHll,.. NDIK 11 U 11 9' t owld ..... -l&IM 17tS ttU IOfCI (-HM! Cl!I W.. 1117 NL ...... 1 or llOuG'li °""" FCI II )I 'II U lv6"'9 pl.. ll&l'" ~!:,»' 14" NL ( d,.OOI = ..,. c;;..": F::..: I.IL A<orn F 27 It l.ll F-11" IJ 9' AOY II 01 Nl """"'" • It 10 <M Ah111i1re U... Nl HI Yid t ti I IS AIM Fundt I"""" t tO 1 W CvYICI lJ.U 14 II Cilltn • °' t 'IJ o,_., 12 JI tJ 0j ha MG 21 " JA.01 HIYIO t 74 10 4' ~II Gltl tJ JO I.IL Allf!jl I' :IS.•1 NL 91 AB I D I 01 "' atr111T tJN 1• " 11 co 1 .. 1 01 ,.,,_kMI F-. C-8" ..,.•ell A... IO IO II 00 ~ FCI ..,.•ell A""°p 1,W 124 ~ '1 71 NL A "'6111 IS.ti 14 '1 UI o.tll 9ond 1J .. IJ M UllO 11 7' 14 t0 F<I llW 10 II 11 0$ 111{.0fT> 1.01 1 M Gtwtl\ -9d I 1• I n :er NASO LISTINGS JP Gr1'I t• 3' IS iC1 NL JP l"CO l-'1 t.• NL -IOJI NL NL Jdln Hlrle.OCk: Ml ec.w 10.• tsu Gtwtll IU7 IJ.J4 VS 0... I IO t.$7 T•E• tlJIO,IJ ~ M NL 1( ....... '""°' ·-a.:u ... GfGllir II JI tl.67 HI VICI • .. 10.SI lftCIF<I II .. !l.tl ..... , ..... ODltl 11 • 1 u~ ~ t11' n.n Tecll 12.'1 11.7' TCl4 ft! IJ16 14.~ vs°"' ....... l(~Tt ~: ,..,. oa m ""' JO.n oa .. 1 . .s .... g::: ti '~ CWSI tUO •·" 0..$1 UI t.Jt CYIM ... 1 ... 1,-,. t.11 J,U T_..,. 7 .. 7'1 11111-. 12.tJ IJ.Jt =...;:: HL ~lat 1UO 11, 10 cartridges, and CED video moVJe discs. C.etin noted that all video equipment and components can be purchased or rented. "Our stores in the northern part of the county have been very successful, and now we feel it's time to move into the aouthern areas where video equipment and components are enormously popular." said C.eun. • UPS AND DOWNS NEW VOAK CAP) TM fol-ng lilt -... Ow< , ... ~ ll«kl -werr_,,.l llWI ""°"* -up u • .._,_ --,,,..., -.,.... f:,'O»<ll W.::: ctwnvo r9911"" .. ' OI ...,...,,. ; ...., _.,..,~ ,,.,,no i.e1ow a •• •nc•· ---"""'"''-,,,.,.. .,. u. • °'"-· "''-ltw "'"IO<n <'°""9 blOptlco""°W~o-lllclpnce Ul'S U>t ChQ Pll 1... • I VCI t i S ••• • '"' Vp 21, ~·~ • '"" Up 27.J , ..... Vp u.o JO .. s1, Up n .. • 1"" + "' Up 11.A '"" • .. "" 21.A '" • "' "" 1Lt II • JIN Up 1Lt ) I It • ... Up 114 ,... • ,.... Vp 11.0 . , ..... , Up u .... 111. • ' Vp 14.I >"-.... Vp 14.6• ,.... • ,... Uo ,._. w 1 • lu Vp 14.JI 1 • ~. U0 U...) JO•. Jl ' Op 1• '· I"' • I Up IJI :r · · ~:.: ~= :t:• of\i.,. • , Up tl l i I • • I Up IJ.J, t ' "" Vp IJO Ji,. .. uo 110 _,., -l~I ' Hlo.IC t OldNIB J FllW•G' • Ut-} IP\. Sf • =.., 1 • Ptw\JlMll ' ,,.,..,.,., 10 ..,LI 11 EllCm w1 12 Gt$wlln 11 V811., 14 ~PAC " IMAllo I• Mld5wl 17 -En .. S...Ct'I It c.rcllec llO PllleA.K a1 AIWOll n "'~· D = ,.. 2S Gt .. ,c. hFn ta IO .. ""'SIP 12" ll 4J MllGwl 12.. NL '°"**" F-; -$illr °'" NL C.W 141' 1'.U ,,._T 4'.11 HL Int 1!41 IS.71 17.11 ~ A.it. 10.0 HL 0-W 11.M IUI .._ 11'111 IUJ NL Gnftfl 11.1' 12.IS Ne4 IKuntlft ._., 11.11 1a.11 ... ., 12 JI IJ 16 Hi Ykl 1' J6 f1 7t .... > e J 7S I-t.U 1 24 ~ t,01 •11 t-10'2 llt:J Pr9td •.a 1.J.S ()pin IUJ t> ID ,_,, •IS ,,,. r .. Ea '"IS 22.20 SiloO '" 10,. Vlu JO.O ft.JI Tu Ex a.it 1 71 V-IHI 11.0t T•"9 )." 64' ~ ... IO HL ,.elrncl t 2• 10 IG Rel-J llO NL H...-,-.,. _,,Tl 1111 12 ... _,..,... t 1.'I t ti Slllc.o Se<ur "4lllGtll 1 l' 7.~ Eqwll U7 HL _.. t,$4 IO JI Gnltlll IS." NL NaUfe '""": lntO 11.U HL e.,, n n >e.11 St...,. 1n...i ~ n.20 u 22 CIPlt 1t.n 11-SJ lncorTI IO .. 11 1' Gnolll IS, t2 1' II "9t £Cl D.4t '4.a "9<1 ti.JS NL TeJtlJI t.11 I.OS Sc...-. ""'*' ......... Wm. Qm ll IJ... HL )t II NL ' o...I M.• NL llU1 HL ~ IJ.1' NL 1.N NL I-II .. NL S 14 HL ll!ill "d 17.JS NL l'WWI 14 '9 NL MMa 161 NL l'IY ~ 1... NL 5'<wlly F\ll'ldl; 01 14.1' NL llonll U5 I .• 1t1c J09 HL IWIY Ut 1.tt ~ • j1• ii NL I"""' Us 1t!: ,0.' 14\.o I 1 ... , ... , 1 , , 11-• , ... , .... 1• , ... f lt JI-> ,.,, ,..., IOI-> IC)f,1 .-. " ~ , ... 141-'o ~ "Pt\101 •l't )4 0 , .. Of1 "' Of1 '" Oii ... Oii .... Oii ... Oii ... OH ... Off ... Oii .... Oii ,..., Oii .... Oii ... Oii .... Oii ... Of1 "' Oii _, Oii -t °" "' Oii -, ..... Oii -... Oii -... Oii _, ... Oii 11' 14.J IH 11 I II I " I. II I .. ,,, 10,0 10-0 t 1 · t I ti t I '1 LI .., .. , u u ... .... 7.t NL NL HL HL HL HL HL '" "'' 'M•"\ ~·· "' _, ......... I t .... • .... •.. tt\, t ,,._ '''-' J~·. u" •• • ,, .. 1)1 •• 10• .... ]1~. )JI, ... )I'•• 111 ' ·a., m r.::, :1· ~ !! I f. 't h:: 1, I :i n;:. ~= .. c.f I ""' ..... • tt •••• •• --,. I/ '" , ••• I I I• IO l • • .. t ,, ,, 0 • I .. I V J 11 .. 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Trlollr )te t 177 )I.. l/t "> Trtc:e 14 t l50 I•• It 1• Tri~ '° t • 11'•• '• " Trlt 101A ttl th. '• "-Tuu£ 1.n • tO , • .,, '• "-TKOUI .l'O t J'6 11>.. '• 1. rv1e< eon 1 11~ .... lymohf JO »cl 11'•. "' .. -u-u -UAl lit m ll' r , \o ,... "· UGI l IM t 14 10 -. 47\lo .... UGI ,,, , 1S aoo n , ... • .. UMC iO I SJ t•• '''"" • • UM.ET _... 1s n.>. i~ .. lO .. • • UHCA.. J t) '"°' tl11 USFG >to10 Jiii •.S•... '• 0 UnlH\I • lw t .. n.. t S1"' • • .,. UCMno >ti " 60'• • '' 1" • une.tt. > .o t lit• SJ"' • 11'" Ufl()Wnr 1 11 U l• 17.. '• U \• ... Union< JAi 1Jt >•• •, t i , UnEI« 1 M t m tJ\, l2 UnEI ptM • ti lO• • '• 20 • "-U"'ElllfJll s 11•. JS.. '• Un El pt 1 44 110 S4'· " lO Ull ,,,.. I 1100 St O, • " , • .., UOOC.M 1 • lOI) 2t '• ., '-UnP.c t 111 11 lo. .... , , .. • "-U"Pec. pl1 U 6 104'• • '• Ull<rO'fl 11 IJI 11 1 .,., Vnrvt 01 f 11!00 S4 • > , .. UnUOr • IU ... •• ~~~nCI '~ 1~ :~ '• uC1111': 14 " 11 11 .. .. Un£"'t 1 » J •11 1)>. 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It v-tJ 11.. ._ .. .,...,. 1 .... ti 10'-.... ..:. ":IF. ... ,, 11 ,.... ·~ ., It• 1.eo I ,,. I•', -... • , . 110 .\, "a"... HO •I•• v .......... • •• V .. llfU$ 1100 IJ~l • t ,. llfl.• 1t n~. • -. v~f:J·!l := ~:': • 1 v:I,. "'7A . ''°° JJ'-v..,.. J "' ·-~ Vlllcl!IC a . 1 "->w \lllltllM lM IO It ..,h, , I h1till IJ/\11 ' 1111 I • "'"' I Hf Gift of logo may save $12 million U>S AN(;lo;L.F.S {AJ') The Qlft of a bt'Jl tht' Arru·11t·1.111 Tt•lt•phone & Telegnph C~. logo wlU ring up •avlng11 of •a million to f 12 million for Poclfk Tl'll•J>hunc· & Telegraph <.:u , lta offidi.t.. iwld. AT&T '"41d 1t will cforwl.t' the• fwnill~r lwU loao and <.'Olor 11t•hemt> to tht• Bell Syau-m'• local phone romponl\'!C al·ross the• nation when the sy1tem break.II up 1n ll:Ul4 undl•r ~n agreement with the Juat1t•c Depurtment The esumat"od Pac1f1c Telephone savings N.'llUlt from not having to repamt the logo on 26.000 vehicles and 2,200 buildings, and not having to design 11 new corporaw logo, officials sald Tuesday. Timber holdings sold YREKA (AP) -Sunklst Growers Inc. and Fruit Growers Supply Co., acting as partners. h ave purchased the Suikiyou County timber holdin85 of International Paper Co. for a reported $85.37 million. The sale announced Wednesday is the largest transaction in county history and means that International Paper has sold the cutting rights to timber on 103,000 acres Ill S1Skiyou County and 30 acres of land an adjacent Tnnity County Bank sells OC complex \ LOS ANGELES (AP) -Security Paca,ic National Bank said it sold an unfinished complex in Orange County for $100 million to a general ~ershap arranged by E F Hutton Inc. and will lease space from the new owner. The Los Angeles-based bank said Wednesday it will use pr~s from the sale to reduce debta from construction and development of the operations facility in Brea, located 25 miles southeast of downtown Los Angeles The bank expects to farush buildmg the <.'Omplex early next year Construcuon of the 3 l.6·acre facility an Moreland Business·lndustnal Park an Orange County began m February 1981 New jobless claims up WASHINGTON (AP) -Some 544,000 Amencans filed first-time claims for unemployment insurance compensauon benefits in the week ending Dec 18, an increase of 11,000 over the previous week but well below the level of recent months, the government reported I.Oday. The Labor Department's Employment a nd Training Administration said the total of new applications, adjusted to take seasonal variations into account, was below 600.000 for the fourth cOnsea)tive week WHAT STOCKS DID HlW VOA>< tAPj 0.. ~ ...,. .... "° Oo<hlW<I Ul\Cl\anrJl<I Talat 1~\ -"4Qll\ -·OW\ r_, lolO "' •11 1'1) .. , Hl;.W '¥0Aot IAPI 0t< 1t METALS ,_, m .. , .. &lO l1 ~ -ci:r, ..,. JIS '"' t i • Prn ~ J1'0 nt as " • ..EW YOAA IAPI Spot ,__,,_ ,_., P'1Ce9 toci.y c.,. .... 1''-·11 ce1111 • pound u S deeliNllona Leed 20"~-23 C«\11 • pound ZIN 38-40 c:.nt1 • pound, Clell-eo ""'se m1 M.1• w.-cornpoejt• •b "'-"-re c:.n11 , pounc1, H v .._.., s:ieo 00 per llMlc H ~•UllUftl '390 00.9394 00 troy ounce, SILVER Hendy end Herm•n. S 10 90 P•• lroy ~ GOLD QUOTATIONS SYMBOLS Jll ll'd JD '"' U Ull .s s. ·-Tr ... 10M '° 1C1tt is 10ie., -M, a.n '10 OS fS4 II f4Llf fJO .. • l.Jt llt I• IJO 16 111.,. ltt JI+ ... .,, IS o• D 4" IJ 41~~ Utll1 •S Sitt UPS ANO DOWNS -1 Mo-\Y Mech J S.¥1...c.&> ) -lt\QM• 0 • l{oOff '"" s Wlnl .. J«k • ... ..curt. I Olit.oGE IJI I lllcMVlll OIU • Etre>OE OlA 10 1(4ty Ind Ol 8 11 Wo0lno<o ,, roroeo 1J Coleco 1no 1' ~IOeyln A 11 •JHRl Inds "1(-· Cp 11 S.UI AIE•t 11-SI-,. Otl£d •• JO PSEG • JOpl 11 OuoiLI I 170l n Tr1Sou '"" U -.,.rco In< ,. °"'Ill Ziii u l'eoMoovl ,. ~1rorH1 •.111.1'9 1.n..-..... 1·~ s ... .... 1 " 11. . " ... I I J .. f. ~" •II,, "' 'J' ._, ,,,, • .. •• ) " .. Biofeedback isn't all fun and games for kids t) M.R. kROPkO 1111 u1111111111 111 ~11111111 th• 1 •1 t1ut 11 ttw 1'111141 nm "Mc. houl• uucht to t»1tn teech1n1 1tw fuur ll'• M11'a1 ,,....."'*" 11 h1 c11ul 111111•·1111111t· 11n 011• luy, th , . .,,. kN I' 1 .. 11tJln1. 'rtllnt11 'rlthnielk: ind r9laxJna ''Met<" CLEVi!LANO Ttny wy uu'11 t1u11 i.11111111 ,. J111me1 wltl "A lu& or kld1 lear11 v ry arly on how to ar 1lndlfll plutk track. and a •mall d11lcJ 1111cl fu,1 1"111 11IJ11r , h1IJrc·11 •od 111dull1, lh• l•b ha• Uf>, buc ch.re'• v•r)' llut prllttkti In 1 rtni cl<r#n." k>feedb.K-k ''*h watch with &I • ~ ml11p11 .. 1 u '11111pu~·r lt<rmlrwl •nd mfi1r tc-lt•vllicm tu M•chlnn In Che laboratory e1nable an adult To thr ailrl, the toy1 arw run To thf' 1tw111p111t. h111(1-.-.Jl10.K k .cu1111• A pe•t1Mm aU.at:ht'll to "'*'l'I pall nt "' how atnwful or IOOthlnt thou&h" \l'Y ~pn:Nnt Pf'OireM In the!' lrt"taUne>ul of phy11u ll 11111 11dJu .. 1 n mlur tct1•11h ur Jt .. ltin by felaxln1 dlr«·tly lnflutmc .. -. 1uch phy1toloatcal varlabln u r emoUonal 1'"'9·ntlat4'd dleorder• 111 tht• l h1ht, Th111 u11pe ... ·t of d 11k·11l ptyt:holo1y atwmptai to 1klf1 lemJJiOralur•. blood prflMure, reeplraUon raw, .l('h u hyperacUvhy ht'lp ix·oph• rnpt:· with atrna by lx-t'OmJna aware of brain wav• M'llvlty and mua·lt· k·llllon Plycho101lac. have lon1 workt-d wllh <'htldrt•11, ll.11 t'llW!t'll 1mJ II.Ii luflueru..-ea upon the body, IA)'t A chlhJ muy bt• refNr('d to the lab by a ut often uted adult treatment tech11l4uc.'11 About M1c:hr.wl t; Mt·Kcc. dlra:tor ot the elatht )'l!•r·old p1ychl•trltl ur • 1>hy1Jchan u an opUon to other IW' montha aao. the Cleveland Cliru1· b1ofl~bm:k b1ofc>t.'tiback lab ot the clinic. fo rm1 uf trtiument But the lab proved b belan link.in& biofeedback equipment lo tht> toy Tht.• or flee 1t'e1 mo1tly adults who icuffor 1·ounterproduc:llvt! In 10me wayt, McKee la.Id. w.-e track. phy111i·al or emotional problema But, 1Ay1 M'·K~. "lmaalne a little kid encounterina • atran&e Electrode•. or sensors, from laburntory who holds a doctor•~ degree m clinical peycholo&Y ~l'90n In a white lab ('Olll That ln Jtaeff la a atreM on.Jtorina equipment are attached to the <:hild'~ µgycholog1sts are now more aware that preuuret oi to1t for II t ti~ kld1," he aald, and the array of t.nd or forehead. H the child becomes OVt'rly lt•ru.c, ~t·ty can nlso affect 1mall children __ rru.chln~wlth dlala, llghi. and metet11, alJIO might lllUNIC•~ COUltT °" '"' flOMONA .IUOK:IAL DtllWCT ................. .,. ,__, CA 111'1 'L AINTIFF : ORANGE JURANCE AS80CIA TtON, a 9hlngton corp«atlon and IVAN COTfEN,enl~ MFENDANT INFIELD. INC • a llfornla corporatton, DELANO TIA MANOS. an lndMdual OOlflll .,_. u INFIELD MEOICAL ANO ~PORTATION SERVICE and IOH GORDON SMITH. an ~and DOES 1 through 15 . ....... IUMMONI c-Mo.•niee tOTICll Yeu "-"been wed • • ....... _, a.cw. ..... JCMI ....., ,.,, bell'9 heaH .,,... t -.ond wltttlft 10 daye. "--cf .~ ...... I ._ou ~ to Mell tM aCIYIC4 ot allornay In thl1 matter. you ould Clo to promptly IO that your ti.n rnponH. 11 any may be don tlmtt \VllOI U1ted ha a tdo .. ndMto. II trtb11n1I p111d• *lr-"Ud.•~· ,.._ .-Ud. reepondl den~o ..... LM la tnfonnackNI qua -ll U1t1d de111 tollcltar 11 -10 d1 un 1bogado 1n 1111 11nto. 01~1r11 h1c1rlo tee111tamente, de NII man.re, ,..,._ti .crt11, al hey lllguna. -... reglatrada • tlempO I. TO THE DEFENDANT: A chill -.>l•lnt hit ~n llled by th• lnftff ~ you II you #111'1 to -4 lhll ie-itt. you must, wttl'tln G•Y• alter thl• tummona It ,.s on yow, flll wtth this cour1 • "8n ~ 10 ttte complelnt .... you do IO, yOU< Olf1lul1 wtll Wll•red on appllc1t1on of the aMHI. and tttl• coon mey enter • ""*"' egelnlt yow tor ttte rellaf ~ In tM comptMlt, wtllQl't TOP SIRLOIN STEAKS 80N~lE55 8fEf IOIN WHOLE TOP SIRLOIN BONILlll BllF LOIN BY THE PIECE IN CRYOVAC BAG 79 LB. LIMIT 2 Ji ~•d Pt.-lttd f1~nch Imported O Poe~ F101~n Af,,con ''"'tl'' tr11tu1•11 • '•11kl "In l111• pa 1. w1• m•y h•v• lnld < hllc.Jrwn &twry r1"(.I lo &ry 11nd rt•IU or lo •ll qut•tly Cwhl&. hooMicf up w &ti. mun11t1r1n1 muc hlnN' Rut for th.m thnti wa11 no rt•w•rtJ 111 It. t11pt:'thally. II th y "'nd to bit on ihC' hypt'rG('tlVf" aldf'," Mid frt'iif'I k'k a.dckJur. OfW of fin tht•r1tplJlt. w11rk1nli( for Mc:K~ The.• toy t•1<11t.•11rm•nt haa provtm 1ucc ... h1t, Ruddour aald "W~v~ hN•n U"lnJC lhll Jlft'lly re&ularly, bMlcally wllh 1tl1 tht• kld11 \W' get In," llatddour .. Id. "KJda are juat really (w1dnated with It, and It t.aket away aome o( tht>lr unXlt'ty about what'• hap~nfna to them. "They are oblivious to the fact that 11en.eot11 are au.ached to them. Aft.er 11 while, they dl9rover th.at it feel.a good to relax " BONE Liii FAMILY ITEAK llEEF CHUCIC • • •Id retult In gernlahment of gee. taking ot money or prQP911y olher relief r1qu11t1d In lhl ~· La. 2.19 HORS D'OEUVRE HEAT & EAT LOBSTER SHRIMP 18 4.99 ESCARGOTS EA 2.29 TAILS 18 9.98 1.98 •• )litlld: s.ptemt. 3, 1982 J-E Gardner. Ctertc By A Gr1'tlth, ~ mJIT e. Li CC>ftnC. HO. n t..-..n lltfd., • .,,.. 121 ... ......_Ca.t0401 t: (211) .,._ ...., .. ,...,..,, P11bll1htid Orenge Co111 Di lly oi. o.c. 23, 30, 1982. Jan e. 13. IS NI.JC NOT1C£ .nc:a C1' T'RUS1U'9 IAU TA.-~ rGU ,_ • D9AULT UMDml A ~c~~'::>-;n~ lla DAT•D .IUN• 17, tHI • .... YOU T_. ACT10M TO _,.CT YOUR ""°"""" IT lY •• •OLD AT A l'UaltC AL•·,, YOU N••D AN lfLAMATION Of THE i9CV._ AOA.919T YOU, YOU IDULO COWfACT A LAWY'lll MOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that w~. ,,.,._., 12. 1N3. t:OO o'dodl a.m. of Mid oey, In • -.. llllde for conducting ..... Sa6ea. within Iha omc-of !AL ESTATE SECURITIES !JIWICE. ~tad et 2020 N0<1h ~.&Ill• 20e. In the City of ,_ Ana. County of Orange, St.ta Calltornla. REAL EST ATE !CUAmE.8 SERVICE. • Cel'tomle wporatton, u duly 1ppolnt1d _... lll'4er end ~ to tM Mii' of Ule contwred In IMI .., Securtty (in.telrMnt) I.and ~ With p-of Sele And tent To TruatN axec11l1d b¥ JSEPH V. F!RGUSON and O\.L Y H. FERGUSON, lluaband If wCfll. •Vendor, to LAWYERS tTLE INSURANCE ~ TIOH, a Corpot'atlon, M wt ... and JERRY LOCKER, • llgM men ... Vandee. -cled ,. 22. 1082, 1n the omce of the --of Mid Orange County, .. •corder '• ln1lrument No. io-212MO, and r9-<ecord.cl J11ly I , 11112. In aald otllce, •• •oorder'• lnttrument No. ~-by .-in of • brMdl r default In p 1 yment or wformanca of th• obllg1Uon1 ~red thereby. lncludlng th•t ~ Ot dlQuft. Notloe of wNdl u recorded July 27, 11192. 11 •oorder'e ln1Hum1 nt No . a.eeeMS. WILL SEJ..L AT PU8UC UCTION TO THE HIGHEST !ODEA FOR CASH. lewful money • .. United Stat•. Ot • caehlar'• 1191* cw-on • state or natloMI .-. a atate or federal credit ...... ot • '"1• Ot ....., MW1Qlt *' io.ri -.odatlon domlClltd 1n * ..... pey9ble .. thl lime of .... r1Qlllt. utr. end am.tl8'4 Mid ''1 It. •• Tru111e, In that r eel '°'*11 alluet• In Mid County and ... ~ .. folkMe: UC'4.~ lofTrKCNo 511. • .-IMP ~ In Bodi 17. 'lpl a3 to 38 of Ml9olftaneoue ..... In the oflloe of Iha County ....,., of Mid County Tlte atreet addreu or other *"'"'on dNlgnatlon of the real ~ ~ daKir1bld .. IWJOfted to be: 1611 Miramar .... e.ltloe. c.lrornla T•• underelgned htr eby ..._l•l ma all llablllty for eny ...,_,_In Mid .., ... eddrW ~--~ deelgNllon. ......... wtll be made -without ,.,,ant.,, ••pr111 or lrnplled, ~rdlng tltlt, POIN .. IOn, or ..........,.. ... to .... unpaid ....... belenoe of Mid 8eourtty ~) Land Contttet With •w•r Of ltlt And Orent To r..-... wtth lnttfMt and otlltf *'N .. PfCWldecl tlltteln. plut ........ .,,, """' the *"" ... , •nd rnt_, .. , on 1110 11 ===· _, .r.: -at:z: .. ::.. ':t ... r.,,1:-...: ftll ,...,., Land Contreot With ._,, Of l•I• And Grant To , ...... n. .... .,..... "' lllct ~. lnOtu4tnG '9MOl\.i., ftlif\tttd -, .... olltrtH and ...,.. fll .,_ TMM. ti.,. time ':Tff'n''" ., .. Noltoa, .. a '"* !!, ftl2. :t:.l.1avic.. • ~ '*'*"°''· • ""*"" =~· . _ ........... . =-CAWIOI Ti "~'° P..t••·· ~.=---~ oe..n .-. ..... WFAIMILK REAL KIWI FRUIT BLUEBONNIT MARGA RINI 11a 59 STtO: • fA .25 --- i. TROPICANA ORANGI .IUICI 6•0Z I 59 CARTON • , DILICATlallN TRIAT1------......_ 4 ,.. ·-..... . ){ "f ....... 811• ~ u I 0$CAR MA YER \~ ~ BOLOGNA CINNAMON ROLLS PtU '\I• 1P• 0) 0 1 ., ., .99 RICOTTA CHlllE oUN'<I• I 29 1)01 • 1.39 RONDILI CHllll ~"''son HUI 'tl'H• ONION J '01 ·1.29 HUGHES GALLON 79 PLANTIRI PIA NU Tl 16-0Z ORY ROASTED• CKTl TIN 2.29 LOW IN SODIUM HIGH IN POTASSIUM LB • 111 ro~ 11M11, KRAFT MAYONNAISE l'J 01 JAP 138 BUNCH .29 BANQUET FRIED CHICKEN 1.99 CHIFIALUTO PlllA DflUXf I 89 •• oz 'f ffl!a()loll ISOZ • TRlllWllT ORANGI .IUICI ,, 01 CAN .99 VAN DI KAMP'I FllHFILLDI i1<.~;:~1w' 2. 99 ---GIMl•AL MlaCHAMDlll ---.. 30-GALLON TRASH CAN CALIFORNIA CHAMPAGNE QUALITY l'HOTOnNll.-0·--... COLOR PRINTS )O(C)VNI JO G•HON 11 .. C~ & WMIH TltASH CAN llNEllS 1.25 5.99 1.97· 11111111111 fHUA DAV, DIC 0, t H COMICS C1 ClABllfllD C9 FV's prize: Mater Dei Barons stop Servite to reach Orange finals By ROGER CARLSON Of tM Delly Not llelt Fountain Valley High's Barons won the ''right" to take their s hots at stopping the runaway freight tram known as the Mater Dei High Monarchs tonight In the championship showdown of the 18th Orange Optimist Basketball Invitational at Chapman College. The Barons turned Serv1te away Wedneeday in the semifinals, then Mater Dea breezed put Newport Harbor an convmcmg fashion with its loaded squad "Mater Del 18 the best team an Orange County," says Fountain Valley Coach Dave Brown. "But anyone i.8 beatable ''We've just got to execute and try t.o slow down the touchdown twins as best we can." The touchdown twins, as Brown calls them, are 6-6 'h junior Matt Beeuwsaert and 6-7 'h sophomore Tom Lewis, who combined for 44 points in toying with Newport Harbor. Here's how it went Wednesday: Fountaln Valley '7, Servile 52 The Barons never trailed, taking the lead behind the scoring of guard Mike Newton and forward Rob Whitehair, UCI suffers an of I-night in Montana Today's sche dule 2 10-Estencta vs La Quinta (fifth place) 3:50-Foothlll vs Santa Clara (consolation) 5·30-Newport Harbor vs. Servlte (third place) 7 30-Fountaln Valley vs. Mater Del (championship) each pelting th1• neL'I for 20 points lx•fore they werl' through Servile was down by 12 poinlc; c<.trly 1n the second quarter, ~alhed to tit' 1t <.ti :rn with 35 sec.-onds left m the half, then lost the lead for good on Wh1tehair's 6-footer with six seconds remaanmg 1n th(' Sl't'.ond period Brown said he was pleased with hi!> team's effort at the ('Oru:lus10n. but that was after tht' Barons broke 1t open for good in the final 3 '11 mmutes, out.S<:onng Servitc, 14 3 "We came back with poise and responded to the task," added Bruwn. who kept his club an the drt>ss1 ng Special to the DaJly Pilot BILLINGS, Mont. -Turning an one ot its poorest all-around performances of the season, the UC Irvine basketball team was upset by Northern Arizona, 75-61 , in the first round of the KOA Clasaic here. The Lwnberjacka, who entered the game with a 3-5 record, including loases to Cal St.ate Fullerton (97-55) and Fresno State (58-54), overcame a 21-18 defldt by outacoring the Anteaters 18-4 the final 8:22 of the first half. qu<.trlt·rw i.<1 long al halftime that there wai. 110 t1nw to wwrm up upon returning. At that p oint the Barons were Jb6orl11n8 :.om"" lumps from their coach, but Jftcr that tht• Fountain Valley qumtt•t bl>8an lD put thangs together. Wtuwh1ur rwtted 9 of 15 from the field a nd collcl·tt>d eight rebounds, while Newton rnnne<:lud on 9 of 16 from the flt'ld Rolf Jamb:. was Fo untain Valley's n•boundang h•ad1·r with 10 and he hllx:kt.od four show. Nt>w ton •u.ldt•d three rebounds and thrt.'f' ass1sw. an putung together possibly his bt'bt effort of the season. "He's onl' of the premier guards in Orange· County," added Brown. Brown explained his displeasure with his squad at halftime: "Wl• playt·d su!X'rbly well to open the game. the n we started letting thing5 get away with somt.• stupid mental erron1. He was reforrmg to a Servile spurt in which guard Steve Beuerleln l>!X'arhc,acfr>d <.t 17 -5 burst. Beut•rlean , the CIF Divts1on I Player of the Year an football as a quarterback, led St'rv1lt' M'<>n ng with 17 pomts. but it (See BARONS, Page C3) 0.-, ................. Lee...,_ It's an easy layup for Fountain Valley's Mike Newton again.st Servile in tournament action Wednesday. The Anteaters, now 6-3, could never get back into the game after that and tonight they find thenwelves playing for third place againat Eastern Montana. "We were lmpoa1en out there tonight," said a disturbed UCI Coach Bill Mulligan. "Give all the credit to Northern Ariz.ona. They executed well, ahot well and didn•t turn the ball over. Ocean View, Eagles reach tourney finals "All in all, it waa a really frustrating evening. On radio tonight KWVE (108 FM) at 6 We had no intensity. Of counie our own turnovers hurt us. When you play catch -up ball against Northern Ariz.ona you're in trouble because they execute 10 well." Ocean View High will be playing for the champion ship of the Marina-Edison Tournament toniftht, while Estancia will ~ battling for the title in the Eagles' own tourney to highlight women's basketball action Meanwhile , Fountain Valley earned a berth in the fifth-place game, Edison will be competmg for the consolation championship and Westminster vies for third place at Edison tonight. Here's how it went Wednesday· Ocea.a View H, Westmhuter 4' Michelle Chomicz sparked the Seahawks with 10 third-quarter points as Ocean View pulled away for an easy victory over the Lions. The Seahawks led by only four points at halftime (26-22) before Chomicz's hot streak. Alter pullmg away to a 10-point advantage after three quarters, Ocean View wasn't threatened after that. Tammy Webb got the winners going in the right direction with eight points in the first quarter and finished with a game-high 24 points. Meanwhile, Westminster 's Diane Watson accounted for half of the Lions' 4 6 . The loss droppe d Westminster to 7-4. Ocean View, now 12-2, advances into tonight's 7:45 championship game alJainst Burrouf ha of Ridgecrest . which dispoeed o Mater Dei, 39-38. Foatab Valley 13, WUaoa 51 There.e Puchalski had 10 points in the first quarter and ia-by halftime to 1park the Baroni to a big early lead which they kept throughout. The victory pushes Fountain V.Uey into tonilht's fifth-place pme against Foothill at 4:15. Sam Arledge pumped in 17 points, lncludlns el.cht In the first period when Founiain Valley jumped out to a 22-9 advantap. wu.on did m&Nge to cut the deficit to alx polnta In the third quarter, but the Barooa at.aved off the threat. Vanaaa RoblNOn had 23 polnta for the Bndna, lncludina 13 ln the .eoond qu.arter. founi.fn Valley won tho &ame at tM frM.throw UM, OOflvtrtlna 21 of 28 ettempta, w* wu.on only made 7 ot II. ..._N,1-ral'1 TM ~ have ...ccwer.d from ., opmlna l• ln th• t.Ownarnent wtth a~· beednc HunUftl'On Beach by 24 points Tuesday and Loara by nearly the same margin Wednesday. Despite missing the ser vices of starting forward Shelly Trepl with an ankle injury. the Chargen were able to take up the slack as Janet Bittner tallied 24 points and Gretc h en Memhardt chipped m with 12. Defense was the key once again for Edison. as Loara could manage only two points in the first quarter and 17 III the first three. Echson upped its overall record to 13-1, while dropping Loara to 5-6 Estancia 56, Las Vegas '3 Once again, the Eagles started slowly, and once again, they managed to pull out of the doldrums in time to advance to the championship of their own tournament against Brea-Olinda at 9 tonight. The Anteaters finished with 23 turnovers for the game, 16 in the first h a lf when the Lumberjacks built their 36-25 halftime advantage. The Anteaters also didn't fare too well from the field where they were a poor 44 percent (24 of 54). Northern Ariwna, meanwhile, sizzled the nets at a 58 percent (28 of 48) clip. The Lumberjacks' biggest lead came m the second half at 62-41. The Lumberjacks had four players fi.rush in double figures led by Rick Rodriguez. Eric Wade and Mike Elliott, all of whom had 17 points Jeff Altman alao contributed 16. ln shooting out the nets, Rodriguez was 8 of 11 from the floor, Wade wu 8 of 13 and Elliott was 6 of 8. The Anteaters, who had 10 players reach the IOOring column. were led by Bob Thornton. who had 13 points, and Troy Cannon, who came off the bench to chip in nine. Ben McDonald had eight e<>i!lts and also led UCI with nine • rebounds. Roctrtguez had seven rebounds to lead Northern Ari:r.ona. "They kept after ua and after us," said F.stancia Coach Joe Wolf about his opponent. "We finally got It going (See OCEAN VIEW, Pase C3) In juggling his lineup, Mulligan started freshmen forwards Tod Murphy and Ronnie Grandlaon, but the two only produced aeven points between them. Fountain Valley's Rolf Jacobs goes up with Servite's Steve Krallman for rebound. Five Sunset players ·accorded All-CIF honors .. .· ·= :-. ·: Macias, Bombs, Wenj, Thompson and Brown selected to Division I football team By ROGER CARLSON Of"ttie D.., Not llalff Five Sunaet League football atandouta have been singled out for All-C IF Division I honon by the First Intent.ate Bank board. The team, made up from the five leagues encompused by the Big Five Conference -Sunset: Del Rey, Moore, Angelus and Citrus Belt -la topped by Servile High's Steve Beuerleln u the Player of the Year after quarterbacking hla teammate• to the CIF Big Five crown. Among thoee ch<>11en are F.dlaon Hlsh defenalve bick Matt Homb1, Marina offenalve tackle Bill ~. Huntlnswn Beach rimnlng beclt Danny Thompt0n, Fountain Valley d•f1n1lve lineman Tambt Wenj and W•tmlNtM UMblicker Rlchard Brown. Homba capped hla two-year p rformance •t Edison with el1ht Interceptions, 1lvlna him lf career theftl. and hta llnlor •uon Included two blocked fleld •oat., two blocked PAT an.mpt8 and a punt, In addition to 78 tackle• and 17 caused Incomplete puaet. "He'• one of the best defenslve bac:kl In Jr.dllon'a hlatory," aaya hll coech, Bill Wodunan ~ Homb. wu the only retutnlna •tarter trom the 1981 1qu.cl and II a two-time All-SutWt ~choice. • He wu &lid lll'l oc:c..sonai recelwr for t.M CNtnn. c.1dllnc e _,,... for 70 yatdl, lnClUtdtne • 43-yard ICOrina ... ap1nlt Benn1nj, M9c:UI, who a. e.e, 230 pounm. •• th• point of attack tor th• Marina Vikings, who utilized hla ability as a run and pus blocker to Us full advantage. "We felt Jut yt-ar he had a chance to be the belt llnt man we've had ln five ~·'' aaya hl1 coach, Dave Thompeon, 'and he WU, "Kl• bttt uset la h it lntonse -ar-lw~ on evuy ainal play, he Ju!t a. all out." The Vlklna tackle hH accepted r.crulU'1a tripe \0 Ntibraakl. Arl&ona Siate and Antona. · • 'nw.Dl*Jll, OM Of thnte Jun.Ion to be cbONn (the oiher1 are WenJ and • punter Crom Bishop Amat), was the key 1ngred1ent In turning Huntington Beach's ship 180 degrees. A fullback, he 6arged h 11 way tOI' 1.251 yards on 205 carries (8.0 averqe) and 13 touchdowns, in addition to catching 17 passes for 145 yard.a. Amof1li his touchdown runs were apurta of 91, 7~ and 39 yards. "He'• a violent type of runner," •)') his coach, Groa He nry. "Moet o1 h\t yardage came after breakina a i.clde. Ir. was down to about 17 pound.I at the end o f the eeason, but we're look.lnl tor h.1JQ to be cl08f' to 20& pounds at t~ 8'art cd next year." :-.: ~ WenJ aame out of tti• blue for Fountain Valley, ahowlna up a& ~ practice Ueki afw clrtlll bad~ aW1tld u •New Jlflt)' tn.nlfer. "Naturally, you'r• very 1keptl~I about 10meone not ln the PJ'O.P'~ comlna·IJ1 late,'' .•YI Fountain v~ Coech-M!UMUne~. • "But from the flrit day W. kNtW llli WM ~1\1 to be a pl8yv ·l« \a." WenJ had 11 ;..\Utrterback HOU (8" FIVE. ... OI) I , ,\l•b•nue rat" t•M•I Cir«tr•~•own u • r .... wan.1 TttrJ WllllllfH • m n ,,.,""r·htlh ti potn"' "' lud l•lh· ' l rv·ne in remat ch ranked Al• m1 10 • 1urprl1ln1ly t:M)' 04-7S vk1nry ov•r Oeorptown 1n 1h ctL11.mpkmlhlppnwutwwirwaanci..it Woodbridue Edi on win 1'n tournamentQ , at lhe l..aa Ant•k-1 porll AltN Wedn •1 e ' t:1 Orange Coast hosts alumni squad Friday There's a big Oranae Coast m College baaketball game on tap 4. t Frid&y. Do the n.amee. Orgill, Yardley, Price and Akm nng a bell? Well, New Year's Eve, fonner OCC players llke Ray Orgill, Rob Yardley, Jim Pnce and Paul Akin will be on hand at 2:30 p.m. for an OCC- alwnru game In the Pirates' gymnuium. "'That game should be a lot of fun," says OCC Coach Tandy Gillis, who, would no doubt, enjoy a V1ctory wtuch would unprove his team's record to 7-6 j11i.t prior to the openin8 of South Coast Conference play. But Gillis adds: "It will also be an important tune-up before conference play. We'll ) be going against some very talented and mature OflGIU basketball pl.ayers. We should learn a lot about ouraelves in that game." OCC is coming off a 67-56 victory over host Hancock Tuesday night, and while an alumni game doesn't sound like a key encounter, Gillis thinks it's just what is needed to add a little confidence to his young squad. It should be noted that the Pirates were picked to finish seventh in the eight-team conference. Quote of the day Lou Hoitt, Arkansas football coach, explaining why hlS declSion to alternate quarterbacks Tom Jones and Brad Taylor hasn't caused dlssension: "We're united in a conunon goal -to keep my job." Toney's heroics lift Philadelphia Guard Andrew Toney rallied m Philadelphia from a 15-point deficit • and scored four of hi.a 36 point.a in overtime Wednetlday night to carry the 76ers to a hard-earned 126-116 victory over Dallas in the Nation.al Buketball Association. Toney scored seven of Philadelphia's last nine point.a in regulAtion, but ·a three-point shot at the buuer by Brad Davis tied the game . . . Elsewhere in the NBA. Gua Wiiliama notched 20 points to lead · a ba!anced attack as Seattle rolled past Utah, 109-92 . . . Benard KID& ICOl'ed eight of his 25 point.a in the last six minutes to spark New York to a 91-87 victory over Cleveland . . . Darwin Cook had 11 of his 17 points m the fourth quarter as New TC>Nn Jersey won its fourth straight game, holding off a late rally by Atlanta, to post a HH-99 victory . ArtJt Gilmore 9COred 24 points and Mike Mltc .. ell added 21 as San Antonio defeated San Diego. 124-115 .. Greg Ballard'• 23 points led Washington to a 94-87 triumph over visiting Milwaukee. Chicago wins shootout from Oilers Al Secord, Deals Savard and ~ Steve Larmer combined for 11 point.a ' Wedne9day night to lead Chicago to a wild 8-6 de.dsion over Edmonton in · the National Hockey League ... Elaewhere in the NHL, team captain Rick Valve'• BeCOnd goal of the game, on a power play at 10:43 of the third period, lifted Toronto to a 6-5 victory over Montreal and ended the Ma11le Leafs' 10-game winless streak . . . WlW Plett'• power-play goal at 9:47 of the third period gave M.inneeota a 5-5 tie with Detroit . . Joe Mallen and Blake Dnlop scored in the third period to give St. -Louis a 6-5 victory over Pittaburgh. . NFL s tandings niah& • MHnwhil•. In t>w fUNQlaUon pmc•, 1iuatd J1~H HUI notcht'd l2 pulnta ond Jam•• McDoaald addl'd 10 '" h.•ad USC t.o an 8fl 76 V1ctor)' and Uw t'C>NOlaUon C'town a.-nlor t•cnter SldH)' Oret1 hll 26 point.a In 1.-adln11 undeofea\.ed and 16th·ran.ked Navada-1.Aa Veaaa to a 70-64 triumph over el1hth-ranked Tenne.ee ln the champlo~hJp round of the Lu Vcgaa Holld•y Clauic In the opcnlnai game, Cbrl1 McNealy'1 20 poJnts ~ San J~ St.ate to a 74-67 victory over Wagner Colleae of New York . . Senior forward York Oro11 led a second-half comeback u UC Santa Barbara came from six points down at the half to beat Hofstra, 73-65 In the opening round of the Nike Classic Derrick Hord'• 23 polnt.s paced No 3 Kentucky to an easy 83-62 triumph over vlSi ting K.anaa.s Dooley heaps praise on Penn Stalt! NEW ORLEAN S -Ge:fa m Coach Vmce Dooley a.aid Wedn y 4 • that Penn State may be one of the three beet tea.ma Georgia has played in the 19 yean .,e has been head football coach there. "ln my 19 years at Georgia. the two best have been the 1969 Nebraska team, which beat us m the Sun Bowl and went und*ated for the next two years, and the 1976 PitcS\)urgh team," which beat Georgia in the 1977 Sugar Bowl and won the national champion.ship. "I think this Penn State team could fall into that category -I'm sure, offensively, because it's the best-balanced offense since the Pitt team ot •'fo with Dorsett," Dooley said. Cromwell, Hill in Pro Bowl game Safety Nolan Cromwell and • offerwve guard Kea& Hlll of the Rams have been named to the NFC's Pro Bowl squad for the Feb. 6 game in HonoluJu . Dan Fouts of the San Diego Chargers. the NationaJ Football League's top- ran ked paa~r. was named the starting quarterback for the American Conference. Fouts, who will be making hU fourth Stra.lght Pro Bowl appearance. has thrown for 2,586 yards and 16 touchdowns th1a 1eaaon, leading San Diego into the playoffs . . . Adrlu Outley of the Utah Jan, the National Basketball Association's top scorer, has moved ahead of Phoerux's Maurice Lucas in balloting for one of the forward positions on the West equad in the NBA All-star game Feb. 13 in Loe Angeles .. Vanderbilt offensive coordinator Walter Brown will succeed Mike Gottfried aa head football coach at the University of Cincinnati . . . Veteran left- hander Paal Spllttorff of the Kansas City Royals has agreed to a two-year contract with Kansas City. Splittorff decided to stay with the Royals after being selected by six other clubs in the f~-agent re-entry draft Television, radio Following are the top sports events on TV tonight. Rating;I are: V' V' V' v excellent; v V' V' worth watching; V' v fair; v forget It 5 p.m., Channel 7 v v v GATOR BOWL: West Virginia vs. Florida State Allnoanc~n: Al Michaels and Lee Grosscup. West Virginia (9-2) meets F1onda State (8-3) at Jad<aonV1lle Greg A.lien. the nation's leading scorer (21 touchdowns) teams with Ricky Wi.lliama to give FSU a aolid one-two punch at tailback. The Seminoles finished second in the nation ln 9COring (35.3 points per game) and third in total offeme (465.7 yards per game). All- American linebacker Darryl Talley leads the WVU defense which had the best turnover margin in the country. Paul Woodside (28 of 31 field goals) was the nation's top 8COrer among k.lckers. RADIO Basketball -UC Irvine vs. E. Montana at KOA Classic in Billings, Mont., 6 p.m .. KWVE (107 .9 FM); Se~ttle at La.kers. 7:20 p.m., KLAC (570). • NATIONAL CONFERENCE AMERICAN CONFERENCE W L T Pct. PF PA x-Wash. 7 1 0 .875 162 128 •Dallas 6 2 0 .750 199 114 JC.Green Bay5 2 1 .688 202 142 lC-Atlanta 5 3 0 .625 177 164 JG.St. Louis 5 3 0 .625 135 142 '1'-Mi.Jme8ota 4 4 0 .500 156 171 Tampa Bay 4 4 o .500 132 155 Chicago 3 5 0 .375 118 148 Qetroit 3 5 0 .375 154 152 l'few Orleana3 5 0 .375 94 154 liY Giants 3 5 0 .375 138 136 lhiladelphia 3 5 0 .375 167 169 San Fran. 3 5 0 .375 189 185' aam• 1 7 0 .125 179 230 ~ x-Clinched playoff berth , ~· Suday'1 Gamea ~ Rama at San Franmco (Channel I at l p.m.) ,;. Raiden at San Diego (Channel 4 pt l p.m.) Denver at Seattle ~ New York Jets at K.anaaa City ,..New York Giant• at fhllade-12hia ,: OUqago at Tampa Bay W L T Pct. PF PA s-Ralden 7 l 0 .875 219 166 x-Ondnnati 6 2 0 .750 un 150 x-Miami 6 2 0 .750 164 124 x-NY Jets 6 2 0 .750 232 129 x-San Diego 6 2 0 .750 25-4 180 x-Plttaburgh 5 3 0 .625 167 125 Buffalo 4 4 0 .500 131 124 Cleveland 4 • 0 .500 119 145 New Engl. 4 4 · 0 .500 113 1381 Seattle 3 5 0 .375 114 136 Denver 2 6 0 .260 137 213 Kansu City 2 6 0 .250 139 171 Houaton l 7 0 .125 109 210 .Baltimore 0 7 1 .063 106 202 St. Louis at Wuhington (Channel 2 at 10 a.m.) Buffalo at New England Cincinnati at Houlton Cleveland at Pin.burah Miami at Baltimore .\tlanta at New Orlearw Gtt:en Bav at Detroit Moaday'~01ma Dallu at Minnao1a "1101'1 PIOll" • JOHNSON & SON presents .. NFL "'''" ....... Sun., Jan:-2- Romt over San Francisco * Atlanta OVet' New Oflean1 •· Chicago OVef Tampa Bay * San DJe90 OVef IMAn ..... * Mitft., Jon.. t DOU.. lrvlne and Unlv«>nlty will rTH t In lhr lhlril plact' 1amtt of th• C:anyon Tourn•m•nt, whllr Woodbrid10. 1Cdl1on and Wtt1tmin•t•r wert• wlnnen, but 1AiWMa Be.:h •Jld tiunUna\On Beach wer<' ck-al\ aetback.t In hlsh •rhool bukolb&ll actJon Wedn~ll)' nJ1&ht Hert'• how it went: Cypre11 •1. lrvlne 0 lrvlne: Hlih'a Vttqut•roa are matched up with rival Univf>nlty -aeain -a1 the two tangle tunlght at 6:30 for third place In the Canyon Toumamttnt. The two met earlier ln the Sonoru TourNUOCnl and lrvi~ wu a ~2-51 overUme winner. Aaked how he felt about the rematch. lrvl.ne Coach Al Herrina said, "Well , Wt! might as well play them becauae we have to." The Vaqueros came within a wh11ker of qualifying for a shot at the tournament Utle against Western, but an In-and-out 17-foot attempt by Bob Rhodes in the closing seconds ended it Cypress broke a 49-aU game with a bucket with 10 second.a left Rhodes led Irvine with 16 pomts (8 of 13). and sophomore Jeff Bielman (14) and Jtm Carver (12) were a.bo m double figures. Berna.rd Uaaery was l.rvlne's leadmg rebounder wtth eight boards. Western 54, Unlveralty 4t West.em converted seven free throws m the final quarter to come from behind and snare the championship semifinal contest of the Canyon Tournament. Norm Stolzoff and Erik Blake combined for 39 of the Trojans' total points with Stolzoff leading all scorers in the contest with 24. After trailing by seven points at halftime, University outacored the Pioneers by 10 points in the third period to assume a three-point lead. but couldn't hold it rn the final period Woodbridge 57, Scburr 53 The Warriors moved into the consolation championship of the Brea Tournament against Mission Vie.JO at 4:45 this afternoon. Mark Foringer, who scored 32 points in Tuesday's game, poured in 27 agamst Schurr, while Anthony Radovc1eh added 22 to supply much of the Warriors' scoring punch. Radovdch abo pulled down nine rebounds aa Woodbridge did a fine job controlling the board&. ~ "'They were much taller but we did a good job rebounding," said Woodbndge Coach Bill Shannon. Vangu ard s fall CEDAR CITY. Utah -The temperature was below freezing when the Southern California College basketball team arrived in Utah for the first round of the Color Country Classic. The weather may have been cold outside, but the h08t Southern Utah Stnte outfit was blazing Wednesday night and the result was an easy 114-90 victory by the host school. Southern lTtah State &hot 76 percent m the first half in building a 15-point advantage, while the Vanguards contMbuted to their own downfall with 27 turnovers in the contest. Larry Hirst was a bright spot for sec. corrung off the bench to notch 23 points and five rebounds. and defensively, drew four charging fouls. Richard Pierce added 16 points and Andre Smith had 13 for the Vanguards, who dropped to 6-5 0 YEW EVE AT ~~~ 3901 E. Cont Hwy. Corona del Mar 759-llS4 RUFFELL'S U,HOLSTERY ••,a , ,., .-s- tt22 HAJIOI ILYD. COSTA MISA-141-115' 5° COPIES Ybi l.Wt ...... ...... ..... 3461 Via Ude 67M122 . PREP BASKi'TBALIJ 11Forirw-r Jld a Hne jOb In th~ mlddlto on our dJly ganu.-u well " Yonnaer t.aWed 13 or Woodbnda•'• 17 potnLI ln the fourth quartor. hitting aJJ four of ht.a field-l'CJ&I attempLI and ~ of 6 fmm the fr -throw line. Radovc1ch, mcanwhllo, oonverted 12 of 10 from thci free-throw lint< Edlaoa ta, Campollndo 47 The ChArgen. 4 7, captured third place ln the Carson City Capitol Claulc when John Thomas made a steal, dr1>ve the length of the court, waa fouled, and calmly sank two free throW'I with two seconds rema.lrung to decide the outcome. Thomas, who can\e off the bench to spark the Chargers, f1n11hed with six points. L ead1na the way for Edhon were Jeff Washington and Ttm Wertner. Wuhlngton. a lmior guard, had 12 points, whiJe Wertner, a 6-1 forward, totaled 14. Wertner, incidentally, waa named to the all-tournament team La Habra 73, La1una Beacb H The Art11t.a were ousted from the Villa Park Tourna.ment after suffering their second straight loss but not without a fight against the talented Highlanders. Nick Tepper scored 28 pomts to lead all 8COrers and post hls highest total of the season, but no other Artist pl.ayer was able to post double digit.a. Despite the setback , Laguna Beach Coach Craig Falconer was pleased with the effort. "We actually played on e of our better games this season," he said. ''We only had seven turnovers and handled their press extremely well and didn't get beat on the boards. We just didn't shoot well at all with the exception of Tepper." Many of Tepper's pomts came from the out.aide as he beefed up his average of 18 points per game. But the Arusts as a team could only convert 22 percent of their held-goal attempts. St. Bernard's 59, Hao&ington Beacb 48 The Otters suffered lhelf' second loss of the • season and were eliminated from the Las Vegas Tournament. Billy Thornpeon and Jamel Gamer were held to 13 points apiece, while Mike Mills added 10 points for Huntington Beach, now 9-2. "We played some good competlt.lon and I hope 1t helps us later on," said Otters' Coach Roy Miller . Huntington Beach. which trailed by 14 points entering the fmal quarter, did manage to cut the deficit to six points on a number of occasions in the final period, but could get no closer. "We had a number of chances to cut 1t to four, but we just couldn't get our shots to go down," said Miller. Westmiaater 41, Kennedy 40 The Lions qualified for a title shot at the Santiago Tournament tonight (8:30) against El Dorado following their narrow victor y over Kennedy Chuck Johnston connected on lhe front end of a one-and-one with two seconds left to snap a 40-40 game. Jeff Easun led Westnunster with 16 points and rune rebounds INITIATION FEE UNLIMITED RACQUETBALL, NAUTILUS & POOL 50% Off Couple and F amilJ Rates · · There II .....Uy e doubi. me.nlnl ln tM oJd phrMlt - "Happy N-Y-.r" Fw • new yeer can anl7 be haPP1 If you are abh tO haw aood hulth. All oth•r 1ood fortune i. l"tMel\ll'lll"' If lllnea prwven&a you from «njoylna It. Offer &ood Hepplly you can do .acM\btna about ketpU\I up your health. It h th• elmplelt and..-.. way IO bep any reeohaUon 1VU can pomlbl7 rDolM. a.olw th.It year to '10ntult 1our ph7alclan r•1ulatly. We ~·~ to help by &1Wa'1J hav1n1 rn 1toelt ·~· rnecncm. he wtU prwcrtbe. Throuah Jin. 11, 1983 -Call or come by for a free visitl OLR FACUT£S INCLWE: • 44 Tennis Cot.fts • 20 Rtcquetbal Cwts • 50 Meter Olympic Pool • Training Pool • 2 Basketbel Coc.rta • 2 Volleybal COllts •Nautilus Fitness Center • Aerobic ~am • Twnamentl • ROllld Robins• Chalenge L.addets •Clinics and Lessons • Professionll lnstructdrS •Pro 8hOp •Advanced ReservatlonS •Snack Ber • Social ActMtles •· llfecycle Pr011am • OUtdoor Co· ed Jacuzzf • JacuzzJ LQU9 • SU. • Steam•~ locker Rooms• TV LOU'lQ8• Babysit~ nJR FREE TR/A t. VISITCALL 546-8560 A p ''°"' '• 01 w11n'l enou1h lo offHt ruunllln Valley'• ct.SJth The Baton1 '°' a dtnen cvunwn from l"eMr'Ye Or.w Brown. --Thu1 S.rvii. "mJ .... " a chance at ERVITE . , . lco4ltJ 'o IMS. lkU, b)' Uwm Cil DI l,.ft In th• ''"'' f)9rtod) It 1lrNdv had thf'f'f' toula •nd WM In trouba. E1CUCUI II, Lallewte4 t• ,...._ .. _ -..&. • .. • ._ ..... ......-• .,.._,,. ·~ r-1••• ~··--... ·14~1vE UN ET Pl~A Yf.~lt. • • ''om Page 01 tturh~ thti 'I •r end 1lmt•l ~n&S..·tuuK.kidly ltod 1 d•t .. ualv• 111Null 111lnal Marrn.. In lh•• Hun. l IA•l\H' llnaa., a ll'h.lmph which pvtt lh• 8eront • ahant of lh• 1..,u. champtonahlp wllh ldlJIOn Brown waa credl~ with 71) l«"tsd t.ac:kl• and ~·u 1' ln~~ &.D MidttMAn w ruwv rt.na tnur fwnbln for W•tm1Nter "II• w our t t 1ll0 aruuraJ fuutlJdll 11l1f"' ' y1 Wwlmlr.1alN Cooc.·h U.rry Wahfra "An< h• w 1 r al, u·am pl•Y•r " • Drown, lJ•ln1 •Y•rl by San r>l•lfo lttattt,~ Arlr.ona unJ Nf'Vada ·Lu V«"JC.U, Wt19 11 two-yrur 1tar\c!r fur Uw L..kmlt Mater Del, In 1 aanw whkh found the P'rlan Nltint Beuerleln In the flnl half and ln which they never called Ume oul, deeP'te never leadll\I. double fll\&NI. led by the produt'Uon "' Jim CurU. (19) and Jon Johnaton (17) u ALL-CIF DIVISION I "' Mater Del U, Newpor& Harbor to The Monercha ralaed their overall ~ to 11 -2 with the euy victory, jumplns to a 34-12 lead mid way throuah the lf!OOnd quarter and never lookina *k Newport Harbor'• only weapon qalnat Mater Del'• overwhelml.na air.e aCivani.ae waa 6-9 Joe Seaaer. but the Sailors' pivot fouled out ln the third quarter after sitting out much of the tint half with foul troubles. I Seqer was the only Newport Harbor I player to ·acore in double figures, connecting for 12 polnt.s. I Beeuwsaert, an All-CI.F aelection aa a aophomore Last year. led the Monarchs With 21 points and 13 rebounds. Lew&.S added 23 points for the Monarchs. Mater Del hit 29 of 53 from the field (54.7 pereent) aa oppoeed to Newport Harbor'• 12-for-48 (25 percent) I pertonnanL'e. , On the boards it was Mater Dei, 39-21. Newport Harbor, 2-5 overall, duel.a La Quinta for third place tonight. Although badly outmanned, the Sailora had aome bright moments in the first half with the defensive ateala of Brad Harker and Brian Folk sparking a rally of aorts, cuttiJls Mater Del's early they qu1lltled for • firth place ahowdown with La Quinta today. "Johnaton played wllh lntelllsent a11reuiven .... " said Estancia Coach Larry Sunderman. "It'• the beet fln..e he h.u ahown thla teuon." Johna ton ran the ahow, con.nec..'t.l.ng on ~ of 8 from the field and 7 of 9 from the line ln addition to handling the preaa and faa1 break. Curtis was credited with five ateals JON JOHNSTON and Gary Jaeger acored 11 points and ,...,.. hauled ln 10 rebounda. The Eagle• took advantase ..A>f 29 per&Onal fouls and a technical foul to convert 27 of 40 free throws, running their record up tb 7 -3. Footlalll 54, Colla Mesa '1 C.OSta Mesa'• game went into a deep freeu! in the dedaive third quarter and the Knights of Foothill capitalized to expand a 28-27 halltlme margin into a ,,.. CUflTla nine-point lead on the way to disposing l•tenoN of the Mustangs. ,...------.., Paul Edaon led Mesa's hopes in the first half, connecting on 5 of 8 from the field and scoring 11 points, but he was held scoreless In the second half. The Mustangll were able to get only five attempts from the field in the third quarter becauae of some spotty play against Foothill'• press. Mesa finished the game 18 for 40 from the field (45 pereent) m dropping to a 6-4 record. PAUL IOION CoeteMeu Rustlers seeking consolation today PALM DESERT -Golden West College w1U play Riverside at 4:45 today for the coru10latlon champlonthlp of the College o f the Desert Tournament after dlapoalng o f Kings River Wedneeday, 80-62, In community college basketball action. The Rustlers recovered from an erratic start in which they were only able to convert five of their first 16 free-throw chances and led only 17~16 midway through the flrat half. John K.reslch spearheaded the auack with a game-high 21 points, improving his 1eorlng average this seaaon to 17.l points per game Tyrone Myles, meanwhile, came off the bench for 12 points and Sherwin Durham had 10. Kresich, the team's leading scorer and rebounder, hit 7 of 11 fiel<!J.oal tries and had 15 of his 21 points in the first h . Durham pulled down six rebounds and had four assists. Today's consolation championship matchup against Riverside will be the aecond time this season the two teams have met. Golden West took the first contest in the third-place game of the Rusllel"ll' own tournament, 95-87, a game in which Kreaich acored his aeuon-high 30 pointa. The victory pushed Golden West over the .500 mark at 8-7 and today's game will mark the hnal tuneup before the conference opener next week. , 1Basketball scores Davis ~~Brown llllW'l\10~. APPliAHll\. vilJICJ -.. OffeaH Poi. Player, Scbool Ht. Wt. WR Tyrone McCullouch, LB Poly G--0 160 WR Brian Salemo, Servlte 5-10 170 TE-LanL~ Fauria, Creepl 6-5 220 OL-Blll Madu, Marina 6-6 230 OL-Tom RUey, St. Francia 6-6 245 OL-Mlke Alvarez, Servite ~-11 20~ OL-Rich Schoenberger. Lakewood 6-0 215 OL-Guy Collins, Loyola 6-4 230 B -Steve Beuerlein, Servi te 6·3 195 B -Paul Oates, Alemany 6 -l 185 8 -Kevin McLean, Lakewood 6 -3 175 B -Danny ThomP90n, Htn. Beach 6 1 190 B Pernell Taylor, Bishop Amat 5-1 l 195 B . -Rick Kane, St. Francis 5-10 180 B -Brian Nix, Fontana 6· 1 185 K -Doug Davidovlch. Serv1te 6-2 185 Defense DL-Joe Trujillo, Colton 5-11 225 DL-Ike Freeman, LB Poly 6-1 210 DL-Jeff I.mes, St. Francis 5-11 210 DL-Dav1d Fouta, Loyola 6-4 220 DL-Chns Burget, Servite 6-2 215 DL-Tamb1 Wenj, Fountain Valley 6-1 205 DL-Wlll Kurtz.e, Font.ana 6-3 205 DL-Jim Birmingham, Mater De1 6 3 245 LB-Joe Cam, Compton 6-1 208 LB-Rex Blackwell, Colton 5-10 175 LB-Richard Brown, Westminster 6-3 225 DB-Chuckle Miller, LB Poly 5-11 175 DB-Matt Hombs, Edison 5-11 185 DB-Lane McCarthy, Alemany 5-11 170 DB-Denrus Pnce, LB Poly 6-2 170 DB-Fred Sainz, Loyola 6-1 205 p -Randy Tanner, Bishop Amal 5-11 195 Player of the Year: Steve Beuerlem. Serv1te I c=r • ,.,:~~ ...... UC RIHrtlde 113 , Lubboc:k IH ..£dwetdsville 52 (llrwt) Cllrl9lllln 59 Celltomle 711. SI Louil 7 4 (tl*d) Wathlnglon St 97. Seal II• Pedllc le Cel Sl•I• Bekertfltld 92. ~· 111 Cal Stele Northrldge 72, UC DIMeH ....... ...... SMU 53, ~ SI. 50 (llratl TU....S Puo 89, ~ Sii (thttd) ~r!:Tt" :':'w Loulalen• ~ (llr91) CCM ralltlCMI ~ Oblle. Utah 107. Skagit Vtlley, Wun 111 El CMllnO 113. LA Velley 80 (3ol) =edtool Tu.NTI OrMea c~a•i,...........,., Fountllln VfllWo/ 17, SeMte 62 Meler Del 114. Newpott Harbor 40 · '"" ofvs Cant. Mlcht9en 70. Ind. St.-E~&2 Detroit 117, Florlde A&M lie Mlnneaote 120, lndlene St. 112 ONo u. 511, 8'ooklyn College 43 TQUlllN•~ .............. ~c..., 8. """ St. 114, Southern Cel College 80 C8~HlllM.~ CMyon M Cellle c. 88nta CWa 71, T-82 AIMfican U. II, N.C.~e 76 KOA Nol1Mm Allmna 75, IJC ww.. 11 Co4cwedo St 54, E. ~ 52 c:...... ...... W. Kentuc:*y 74. Bo91on Col. 118 o-gla ... Columbll 53 ......... Old Dominion 90, Va eommon....ui as ~ 102. Alchrnond 86 T ........ ._. 8..,._ 79, Tarnpla 73 Purctua 111. Ao111tw 111 ......... lnd6al\a 110, Gr9mOlna t2 ....... ee. Cornall 6e Weuutt c..., Holy Cr°'9 Ill, Dewldaot1 Cl lone Ill. ~Mhlnglon 57 SM D1aoc> 8'. at, Ronda St. a5 ~75.TulMll PIM_._ HE Loueaiena 83, Mcflolla St lie Aloom 81. 83, o-gla 81. 74 .......... Nor1hwwWm 72, Flll'!Mn 58 IJC Sen1• 8ertlerll 13, Hofslre 116 ...... 0.-. 81 .... Slane 11 •.-chtoego 5t, Ullca 51 ~·a~"-d St.~ .. ~'1"2.W'a1te Forea1 116 (flrwt) Sl JoeaP!'I ... BYU 1111 (ttllrd) ........ .\lebama t4. Ckoroetown 7ll (llrat) U8C ... Wl9ool•• 711 (ttllrd) C• n•n1 ComecOcul •. T-MM 13 (llrwl) ~ ... NI FOtoa 91 (tl*cf) Daftaa o.yton 71, lvmt 82 (llr8t) Riot 47, Der1mount 48 (OI) (INrd) UWI Auburn 71, """'12.,.) Cal Stal9 ,ulatton •. Nl8QW9 50 (tt*d) LAIM .._ Mo1co 82, Princeton 41 (llrwl) w .. St. 50, lulW ... (tNrd) Tulane 11 t. Mlc:hlgen St 68 (llllrd) L.-V..- Nevede-Let V•11•• 70, r__,_ 54 cnm1 San JOM St 74, Wtgner 67 (ttllfd) • ca.. .... Aorldt 941, ~ 47 (fne) Penn St 11, !owe 81 71 ("*di A'llr_ ............ Murr9)' St 81, AIL~ 75 (llrtt) Fordhwn 711. ~•Anc:ft«IQI eo (tNrcf) AM:1I~ OltJahoma 81. 71. WIOrN Qty 114 (flat) TeK1t-Arllngton 115. Houaton BepUtl 114 (third) ~ Florlde Soulttefn 711. Yete 71 (llrwl) o.ient• .... Coloet• 341 (lhlfd) Utatt st 114.,~9 111rat1 San Diego 71 , Idaho St H (lt*d) ......... !owe 1$, Seton Hell 13 (ftm) St. Bonaventure 51. Jtmtt Medlaon 54 (thltd) ............ South Florid• 119, 8emford 79 (ftrwt) North Tax ta St. 110 . MuaachuMttl 104 (third) ....... ldeho 42, Oregon SI. 4 1 C20I) ("'81) Oregon so. ~ 41 (th4rd) Moni.na It. 57. r-St. 51 (lour1h) Or .. 11. POttlMd 57 <-1th) Ct; Pl;t .... MIMour1 73, H ...... lit North ewo1ne n, oeiw-ee C• 111I•rn lr••ala PrO'Marw» 51 Attlofla St S4 VlrglnSa T acll S:i. T-T ecl'I 49 ......... ..... Oregon Tedi 70, AzllM Peclllc 54 (llre1) Cal ~oly Pomona 104, Senta Cruz 116 (ltllrd) CNoa c.: .............. .. Noh o.n.. Cel 82. Hurnbddl 81. 43 C?llco St 75. Alaaklt-f'~ &9 Cul I •1 e I S ala E. W-*'!lton to. WMu.r eo l"dnt Lome 71. Aedllnda 15 ..... ~ ~ 82, VlctOfia. ec 10 P\IOl'I Sound "· E. Oregon 72 ~·· .,... Cbt4l11 ............ , .......... . c.rrlloa 109 LA Trada Tedi 80 O• 1111ilu 11111•111 Oddan w... to, Kini' ,....., t2 .._....10,v..,,.• ................ cei--..••••=-..•• 8aflte :::12 . ..,.. .,.,. .. Rllar10n 63, enw-52 c..-ra11thR._ ... ,... Footlllll 54, C09C8 "'-41 Sent• CW1 70, OWia Hiit 39 Cll •Ir=-~ ...... w~ 41, 1<-..cty 40 El Ooredo 55. 8Mtiao0~ c. ....... ._... ~ Perk 57. O.den G" e .., ~ 61, Tuatln 42 .... c .............. ...... Sonor• 49, a-.... Brea 72. C44llfomla 58 Ca1111••11 ............ MIMlon Vllto 52, l.aigune Hille 48 Woodtlrtdga 5 7. 8dlurr 5.4 ,,__....,_ ..... T'O'f 54. Pomone 50 F1iliarton 54, Sunny H .. 55 (Of) c...,...c...... Cba•llF111111p8Mlnll .... W~54.~49 Cypr.-51, .,.... 48 C• I ti •1 I ......... 8olM Ofwlda 70, &perWIU 59 Lot Atnlgoe .... CMyon 47 ~ CbelRlll •11111 ...... _ ......... __ Rolllng H ... ff, LB WHaon 5t (OI) ~49,Ke1ella44 Ca111a••1n ............ Beverly Hlllt 75, Santa Ant VfllWo/ .. Gitno49.~ ... VWia...,_ Ctt I' •lllll• ... •11111• .. 1•'*• N04re o.n.. (80) e1. Vllll P.n ... St John loac:o 70. Orting, w-. . ..a C• IS ......... Le Hebte 7', L.--Beacfl !WI Sente Ana • Compton 14 (2otl LM ..... C-.. Niii ....... ...... St. Bernard 59, Huntington 8Mctl 38 C-ettr Edtton 411. Campollndo (M«ega) 47 ........ "'°" 8CMOOl. ........ , __ mt ct ,, , ........ ec-i vw eo. w--.. .... Burrough• (llldgecrell) 311. Maw DallSI Niii ............... FOOINI II, El TOfo 46 Foun191 v.., 13. L8 Wllaon 51 Crn11tll""' ,_..._. EdlaOn 50, Low• 27 DIN 40, S---17 (OI) ....... ,_UIFlt ctu ........ ._ ...... Ettancta .. Lail v..-q lrH•Oll11da 72, Ylllly (LU v.., .. " 1111 t n , IWC>M1.e•1.~• Ylla ~ .... WllPll3ar 2' QB controversy for Florida HOUSTON (AP) -Throushout their football careen at the Univertda of l'Jorida, Bob Hewko and Wa'9 Peace have dealt with a common ~ ~!:f :.'d:.:m.~ continue J'rtday nlah& in the 2ftb lltwhcwiOJM Bowl. llMfko, • 111\k)r. Dla.vtna In hll ftna1 oo1...-. pme. ~ --the ttarUna nod baHd on hl1 otf-&be-bencli ~ ln a 13-10 vtcWy OYW J'laricl8 State In the ~......,,, ftnale. emt>ura. MCh other. He doesn't say th1nca about me and I don't say th1nga about him." OCEAN VIEW From Page C1 ~--.. in· \l?'oto;o~ . .... • 24' Ho"'' ''09rommoble • Wlrolott ltomote • lloctronlc T"'nor OILY '69911 To Stock on Hand, Some One of A Kind. All Merchandise With Full Factory Warranties. •Tinted Sun Screen •a.ctronlc Tu~ •Weother land • I Hr VHS • Bectrenlc Tunlnt • Aute lewlind • lemete,..,.. .; SOIY ,,-"WIUMll" I C.1. Sr Sr Sr Sr Sr Sr Sr Sr Sr Sr Sr Jr S r Sr Sr Sr Sr Sr Sr Sr Sr Jr Sr Sr Sr Sr Sr Sr Sr Sr Sr Sr Jr I ----~ --..:.._ ~-==---------=--=- 1.41eA'-"h• ...,..90AY'eMMA.H (QN .. .._.. ......... M_..) rtRIT llACL 400 y.,d• 1(411!y a-(Myteel 1 20 4 to 4 eo J__., JunotlOn (Oeloml>e) • 20 4 to WNlllll<e (Ii.,,) 6 00 Aleo reced l!acluetve l'llght. Luclly P.llllM, s ... Oood, Comu.o.te, Ouo Dome w..i. Oott• P .. 1. TWlrly And WNtly r-20 n • HACTA (3-1) paid 170 IO N CONO ""ca. UO yerde Sc>ed<lec:I KICI (H911) 6 00 3 20 2 40 CNcite .... u ... (~Ml)et) 5 00 3 40 OreclOYe AeO (Toneie) 3 20 Alto r.ud l\alM • 8ouql>ei tme 04.lll """'-lo.I CltculetlOn T-1180 THMD UCL 400 y.,oa kul ol • CMmp (Pini 6 20 3 00 2 to M.,,ICanllO (Frydty) 3 80 4 20 Saini or SIM« (My!MI 4 40 Aleo rec.a Cealronove, Wiiiy L11mp Lump, Wiid Melli•. Dud•• Meolc 'ride . Som.i.lndeMCretery, J.,.,mln. lnlleleln.o Copy T-2036 SI •XACTA ( 1G-7t plllO '3100 'OUllT'lt UCL 400 yude ..., Hool< Em 8eby (Gift) 24 IO 10 00 1.00 Tuaa Bomber (l'rydey) 10 20 7 40 l -C11ttge (Tonktl 6 . .0 Alto rec.o Slltln on Ill• c .. 11. Mlk .. Wliard. Nob•• OallH , MIH Mlghly MO. 8"-e, Wlllmlk:al Jet, Oo Stride Oo Time 2010 ti aXACTA (3-8) peld S 134 eo ,.,,. U CI. 350 yatde Nge 9rwn Suow (Nmetg)11 20 4 20 3.40 !l<:JiuyW Kkl (?>e!Otnt>a) 3 00 2.IO Sharp N Eiy (Mttcllel!) 5 20 Aleo r•ceO Ward• 8"1, Movtn Kinda Men, 81 Rain Bar, Top Racer, Soona< Klt.mv.G, 8-9, The El«nel Lady Time 1193 IZ l.XACTA (7 • 10/ pejO 131 10 IOl'TI4 UCL 870 ywdt TodOallO (~) 4 00 3 00 2 10 for1 .. Aet (P ..... ) 3 20 I to 0-Too (H.,,) 3 IO Aleo r-0 TrlCl<JI aon.... &«on OW.. Time.~,, NVDfnl llACL 350 ,._ Ort Petell (Ci'levw) 14 40 7 10 8.IO 90'f V-11nt (8r00ila) 16 00 I IO " Im L.ue*y (V810el) I IO r-0 FMtWe Hug, Whoppee Cal, • BIO, Weylon Awey, s-n. Trva. Ce•. VlltlnQ Oen Time 27 42 IZ UACTA (4-5) peld I lle IO H PICK 81X (7·10·3·7·2·-4) paid U . 953 20 with lour winning lk*ail• (ab '*-). n P1C:11 Sla ooneo1etton pe1c1 aeo 20 """ .. winning llCllel• (five llO<-) 12 Piek Ila ICIUCll conaoletlOn paid 13111 40 with 13 wtnnlnQ tlellel• (lour ~. one ecrtlefl). SlOHTit llACL 350 yMda Coetty Ohen'n (Adair) 10 20 9.40 6.00 Ruell Our &.by (Ledley) 17 10 lf.IO Ma Joetl'lyrnue (Myltie) T.IO Aleo .-0. L°""'Y Lou "'-· c.t. lrl. Sllewberry ~ .. Jel 8"' a.D,. WM!• Dolly, Uptlle N Ovloflne, Mini M ..... Time: 17 87 la DACTA (2-tl II.id U20 00 IMnt llAC:.. 400 ytirOe Oltleya Aed IW (ArfftM9l 2t 00 11.40 3 10 'IYyledlle DMl1 Awwr (Tonk•> r 20 4.20 Wind Md Flrt ~t:e::') 8 20 Aleo -~ Moon, Ntllllo, Mo c-Flow. v-~ ..... Good KIO. Trlbult to Monie. Sompln Windy TllM. 20 54, • lllACT A (7.e) p.o S 111 00 An..,.,.,_ S. 100 ~ > . ... ... .,...c:www ,....~&. ...... 2' • m 23 T 111 ti 12 .IOO 11 14 641 It 11 .400 5 211 .117 ....... ~ ~City 17 .... ... ""'°"'° ,. 12 .111 '*'-13 ,. 441 a.. 12 15 ..... u..tl 11 19 317 "°'*°" 4 24 143 IAeTIMC~ ,.......,........ ~ 24 5 .12' 9oelOn 2 I t 724 3 ..... J«wt IT 13 .517 714 W-'*'Ofon 111 13 .582 t Nllw Yotll 10 1t .Ma 14 ~o.ww.. ........... 20 11 .... Oelroll 111 15 .618 4 Allllnta 14 15 ,4a3 5 lndlel>e 10 II W 114 0liCa90 10 It .3-46 9 ~ 4 24 .143 1'14 ..... ,. ...... ..... 120, Oolden Stat• 110 ..... ~ 104, Allenta .. N9w 'l'otll t1, ~IT W""'*""°" 94, ......... IT SM AlltoNo I 24, SM D1eoo 115 P"h_.,. 126. a.Im llf(OI) a..t1le 109. UWI 12 T ............... s.t-..iu..n ~• ..... Yotll SM A1'tono M 01iCa90 o.. ......... "°'1lmfld .. ~ City a.. Diego • Hou9ton lrldlmN .. """"' eo.eortM 0.-0..rolt .. "'-* l.MWI 120, W.,.,.._ '10 t.08 ANGllU8 -Aelnbla 4, ~ 22. AllcU-JabCM!r 11. E. ~ 27. H1aOn 1), c Jonneon o. Wonl'ly 17, McAdoo 1a, Cooper 9_ Totall:: 471 34-40 120 OOUMlt eTATa -8flor1 20, 8"'1111 10, Cerrol 26. Ndwdllon I. ~ 10, AorNf t , ~ 15, Kenon 0, Conn. t, UOyd I, Brown 4. TCICM 4M7 12-20 110. .... -.a-.. 1..oe,.,.... ae 34 n 21-120 Oolden 8lGe S5 24 24 27-110 I~ goel8 -None. FOUied out -Cerroll Aellounda -Lot AngelH 41 (Aemllla 13). Golden Stet• 37 (Smith 9) ~ -Loe ~ 27 (Jollneon 10~ Oolden 8189 21 (Aldwd9on 11). ToWll toWle -lo• ,An9•IH 20. Qotd.,. Itel• 21 T~ -Oolden S-~ /U A111ea. Loe ........ lllg.i ...... c-ol. A - 13,33$ cou.a• ... AltlloM n. UCt 11 UC..,,__._. .. .....,2, T- 4, Thornton 13. Murphy I . LOllH 4, McOoneld I , Carfl'lon I . ••••d•l•y •. -~ 2.. Tot* 24 1$.24 11 _,, ••• Am,\ -~ 17, ....., z. """*',.. w ... 11. Olon 17, l"aAIL ... I. ....._ J. Taelll: 29 te.a Tt ......... Nor1llem AltloM. ~ Totmt .__UC~ 2e. ..,,...,_ "'- 23: fouted out lkteoll (NA); TedlllM:ale SloCI (NA). L Utmll k 114.90Cel • ~ C~' cou.&41 -~ 11 • .....,_ Z. Cor9I 7, ...._.I. ~ 11. """"' 11. ,_,... ... """' 2), A9ddlck 4, ...,._ 3. A ... 4. TCMll. N 21>-31 to eouTMIM UTAH ST, -._.,. I, "°"" 4, "nci.eon 11, Aaf\dell fl. Twry 11, ~ ~ ...... w HIClll• 14, ...... 1, .._.. 4, I, °""' 11 Tota 4't 20-H 114. ~~UWl ... 17 .. 2. T-too.411:: 8oulNr'll ~ Col9oe zs. ~ """'tt. n . Fouled o01t ~ ~ U\efl 8' ). "*'-(9out...,n Cdla09). CO_.INITY Cou.EQ9 Goldellw..tlD.Kllwa..._G ~WUT-~11,.-...a, ..__.. '· ~ 10, ....., ...... 12. ~ t. ~ 1, POii..._ 0, M..-4. ..., 0. Tltllll: M ~7 10. IC.lle9 .,,,.. -,.._ 1• .,_ I . ... tl. .. 7.0...0,KJlaOr'e l1,.._ 1, Yula Z. ..... 2. 9-0. loMlll: H ft::40 .. ......_ Gold9rl w ........ ,_ '°'* Ooldal w... 20, IOrlQI ,.,_ -~out: ....... ~~ ..... (Qloa ,.,....,. ..r=r,. ~"''.!'..-• A1•ew11tll U , Me11J•n • t WIH •i """"'"" • .,,.. • Oty9f • ,... 1• "Q", _..._11.~··"r "·"*· '· ....... '· e..... 1 .............. W....,_. II 11 10 11-17 ~' t 17 14 1•-P ,....., 11111 IMtOllll (lolur> 1-....-.0.......,..., c~ -, ... 4, ·~_..,. f· Hlelton 11 ... L1111dll•r, 4, I Hlll•r 1 • ~ •• 10t• ,, ... 4 41 CllMaON -W....._1111 II, Werlnlf 14, M~60f\19\7,0r•.-ll,~ I . I, T.W.1 1t 10.ta 49 ..... -.~ ~· 11 11 ' 11_.1 l4lton 14 II I I0-41 Total '°"'9 CatllpOllf\do ta. ICllMft 11. 'ouled out HKllten (l!dlaon). Lundll«g (06fl'IPOlllldO) Ttohntoete· L11ndh r9 (~) 8L llenwd •• Hunt. llMOh • ST._,.. -0.... 14, ~ II, WMl\lnolOfl 2 I."-I, K ... 2, Teytot 4 'rota at t-11 et MUWTWeTON ISACM -Mlle 10, o-t J, I Tllompaon 13, Herrtgan 4, 0 ~ .. Croeilly o. ~ o. w 0 ToWll II 10.17 41 ...... ~ St ..,_ 11 16 12 14-&e IM'lllnCllon 9Mcll 15 e 10 17 -41 Total IOUll •\ ll«nwd 1e. liunt1n91on ...,,. ti 'OUIMI out 0-(Huntington &Mdl), Keller (St ll«Mtdl La HelW• 11, La8UN ..... LA MA8AA -T,_ 11, Venelerllf'lf'I 14. Han-1a. P9'11)erd 14. MuwT 2. Jacll-6. 0.lebl!O 3, ....,_.,,. 2, DrM• 1 Totlla: 21 l't-24 73 LA°'*" CllACtt -T'"9f 21, For1une I, ,._ 5, Jorden e. Mc:Oratll 2. f.clWvde 3, Amdl 7, 0.W.. 0. Toi .... 26 9-lt 61 .... .,a-.. I.a Healf• 14 2 t 13 2&-73 ~ e.a. 10 8 12 31-ff f Olli foula: La Hallt• 11. UIQuN 8aech 21. FOUied out: Dewer (Lagune 8eadl). WNtmlnater 41, Kennectr 40 ....... OY -ll'llbodHll 2. Nlcl'lol• 1, '•ddoul 4, Leuoerdele 8, WMrl'leln I . a.Aw 11. Cerow.11 2. T04ala: II ... 40 WHTlllllTD -EMUrt 19, ~ ;;,~/i:s~':'1on '·or.,,,. 2. H'90MI e. .... .,Olwtere K~ t lO 10 11-40 Waetfl'llNMr 1t 8 10 14-1 TOlel toule Kennedy 1&, W-• 11 HIGH ICH<>«. WOIRN 0..-. V.... IO, W•tmlMter 41 fttTI 1111 ID -&.tin t , 9cNar"9 I , = :i :~ n . .io... 2. Owt!boe 4 oc:aM NW -Wellt> 24. QllOl'lllca 11. a..... 2. °°""' 2. ~ 14, Oamwt 0, Oii 0, ...... OMlll 0, "-0, ~I TouAe: 21MIO. ..... -.~ W-1•-t 13 12 12_.. 0-. "--11 10 ti 18-IO Total loule W--tw 10. OoMtl View 10 ,.......... Vein IS, WMeon 11 wt&.94* -P:ranl!Tln 14. Aolll-23. Wendi I, It~ 2, 8elMy 6, COQClln 0, KA.ttln 0, 0.... 0, lAe I. Meldetl 0 T otila. 22 ,_,. 11 POU•TAI• VAUIY -Pucllaleell H . ~ 17. 8utdl 5. WNI"-2, Hlhcfwnldt 2, °*at<IM*I 0, My«a 2, Helldel-5, ~ 2, Clow.' TOIM ti 21·2' Q. ..... -.a-.. Wllofl • 19 11 12-111 P'ouni.ln V'*'f 22 11 t 13~ TOl91 to.Al· Wiiton n . ~ v..., 18. FOUied out; Stoudar!IWe (Wlleon), ~ (l'ounW!n V~ ldleon ao. Loera n LOMA -Cu1P 7, OM!o 3. Mandel t . Porter 0, .... $, 0. Ott O. Oo Ott 10. TOUlll 12 8-7 IT ~-~•.C....O.~ 4, .,.,.., 24, ~ 12. TllOlle ... a..- 2, ~ 0 TOUllll: 20 1G-IO 50 ..... -.o..w. ~ 2 I I 10-27 l!clltcw> 12 12 10 11-IO T--Loere 10 Edleon 13 ............... r........1.~1· ,.o ~ .... 1, Yma ,_ 0 (paWly lllelb> ..... ,,.... .......... .... .. ,.... 1 (paiMlly --·· ~"'-··~ ... , ..... Oii •• a..lial Ot-1 ~a ... O.deN t (penalty 11w1 ............ ..... ...,_1,~VllowO .:::f =,,.,~ 1. C1 1alf1 ...... .......... CIDlllnno Vrltn I,....._ a ,..~,.~ . ....... 9lllllf\ l v .... I ~t..••iome1 Ca 11 P lei•• ,.... V.-.t. ~ v..., 1 °""'°" '· """9W ...., 0 0 IP 'D' ....... 11 .... ~t.QworeeeO Vlllilnllll.~ ... 1 0 L.mflTY IOWI. ~"t::r'' ,...._ llJ 0 I I f t .,,... 0 I 0 • ,. AllWl.t -...... e4 r\ll\(l"'"I I ---C..1te I IVfl I'• , .... ~ -..... a 1111'1 (Kllft -·) llllncllt W..._ I ,_ lflM S- l~ lellMI Alleenle fljfn« 1 nH! '""" llletl) .,,. -'° ..... A -'4.1U ,_ .......... ,...,., dOWlle ,. ~""' 11n1 ,....,,. )'tlfdt tao ""ut" ywdt 13 ,..... 1 taa """" 5-42 Ale .. 21 21·11 4U n H ·H-1 a..aa 1·1 ,_., '"'"~' 4a '9nllt .... yarda )· 14 Tlrnt 01 lloaeeNlon 21.0 H II .................... l'IV8HIN0 -Alelleme, Moote 13•11, 'eeen we. r ... ncw 11.ae Can« • ao. L .... 12-20 llllnoie, Cllnle 7·t:S. ~ 4·10 PA.SllNO -Aial>Mla. IAwlt 7-1).2-130 llllnOle, I!-H •SM-423 . .,,.., o+3-0 ~ -Alatl.,.,., 8endr-3-61. J .ion. 2-416, ~ 1-11, White , ... llllnOta, Mwttn t-1n. W..... J ... .,_., t-56. e.v.tly 4-40, c..ttlt 241. OtOll..., 2·U . Mur'pfly 2·20. "°°6e 2·11, K WMaon t-14. ...._,., .. c "'° llowt ,...., (...., ................. , . ~ WR -OwlOlll Clark, San '••ncleco, .i-Lofton, a.-9ey, Clwlla .,_,, W-'*'O'on; JoM ~.a,_, 9ey T -Pel Oono¥811. Oellal, MIU K.wi. "'*"* ~h Dorney, Oe!Jolt 0 -~ Croee. San Frend9c0. AC ~ AllMta, K ....... !WM. C -J ell Ve n Hole. Attente, Lerry Moesnn. ar-Bey Tf. -Jimmie Gllee, Tempe Bey, Peul Coflman. 0.-9ey oe -.ioe l'MlllNIM. WUhlllgton. 0enny wi.. Dellae. Al -Wiiiiam Andr-•. Allen••. Tony OorHtt, 0•11••: Oeo•e• Aoo•re, New OrlMN: Biiiy Sime, Detroit. OCPDU E -l!d .ion., o.llae; 1Ae Floy Seltllon. Tempe Bay, Dennie Herrteon. PllM~• T -Oouo fnelW'I, OetroO, Randy WM•. Dal-. Oen Hampton. CNc:eQo OL8 -Hugll Or••n. Tempe ley, ~ Teylor, N.w York Glenta. Mell ....... ~. ~~-S:..,. Cenon, -Yotll Olente. Cl -MW1t H•ynee, New Yori! Utenll, Evweon WAiia. Dallu ; Ronnie Loll, Sen Frandeco a -.....,. er---. AMM!I Tony PwWe. Waetllnglon. Owlgrlt -··SM Frendlco ... aAUeTa Punter -Oav• Jenning•. N•• York Olent9. ltlall.w -...,,. ~. Welf*IOton Kldl Aall\.rnw -M ............ WMllltlglon A#C ..,. 9ow1 ,....., OPNMM WR -W• Chandler, 9811 DleQo, Crlt Collln-111, Clnelnnell. Jonn Sllll'#ortl'I. Ptttebutgl>. w...., w ..... -y-Jett T -Mtnony Munoa. Clnclnnell . ....,_ Powell. New York Jet• L•"Y lrown, Pttt•llurgll 0 -JoM Hennllh, ..... Englend, 0ouo w•ereon. Sen C>teQo. Ed NewtMn. MWnl C -Mlk• W•b•I••. Pltteburgh, Joe "'91da, -Yorll Jela TE -K ...... Wlnelow, Sen C>teQo: Oen Aoae.~· QI -Oen Fo1111. Sa n Diego. Ken Andereon, Clncl<vwtt Ra---A.lefl. ..... ·~ ~ Fr-..en Mc:Hell. N-York Jela, And•• Fr.,.lln, Ml.,.,,., Cllo4 Munc:te, a.,, Diego. Ol!JIPIN E -Mn OMt"-1, -Yorll Jeile, Ari Siii, ~ Olly, Ben w ....... 8'.tllllo. T -Gary Jol'lnaon, l •n Diego, P:red a....-. eufteto. lot> ~-Mlernl OLI -Boll lrerlle , Houtton; Tell ........... , lH ........ llMMrt; Chip ...... ~ Ml.I -Jedi ~. Pmabutgl>. Randy Or ...... a.r-oe -Leaeer...,... .._,.,............,.. =.:_ ~· New fneltnd, Gery Qr_,, a -0ery a.-o, ~ Qty; Donnie ~. "'"-"~~· a-u. """"--LUii• ~ 0.- IUl*ar -"all ........ Sen Dliloo IClc* AaolwMr -Ne* ~-0..-NOTf. Soll KU.Chenllerg, Mleml, wtn reptec• Newmen al guerd Hewmen underwen1 kn•• eurgery end wltl be ..,. .. w1M1t*e to ol8Y .... C'°'u' -m&.• COWWW#CI -...~.,QA .... .e.~ ~ v-i( .... 11 11 I 1N 117 44 II 1t 4 147 141 M 14 " 1 190 1'7 3i 13 It I 117 1M M ,. 11 6 1t5 146 ~ 0*-80 ---· SI Louil ~ Toronto -.-otwWM H I I 115 20101194 14 22 4 144 I 11 11 111 I 21 1 111 . ...... ~ ,...,...~ 122 .. 143 .. 1111 " 112 IT 1a 11 20 t:1 5 141 111 41 11 14 1 143 11A 41 17 10 t 1st tK 43 1? 11 3 145 IM IT 11 21 • 121 111 ti 1 24 7 104 ,. " ........ ~ ~ 22 •• 1•1 Montr.-1 20 IO I 111 QoMllec 17 14 I 1• .,..., 11 1) 1 131 Ha1JorO 10 u 4 t 11 .. ......,. ...... ~4.K .... S St. L"'* I.~ I Toronto I. MonlNel 5 De4r'oll 5, ~ II °'*""'° I . l!Omonton • , .......... ..._ W811111nglon Ill Hwtf0td ..._ YOtll ...,_.. at ...., .1ar9ey ..., .... Ip/Ila •t c...-, 101 IO 111 .. tto 40 llO " tN 24 C\"~ WllwlllMO 1 ' t -4 Lela~ 0 I 0-1 .............. ,:i;,~~. ~-=~~ ............ 2 Loe ,.,..._, OloMe 11 (lonl!, L ~ 4:,,. (pel). •• Wlflnlpee. 1..-ow1ct1 11 (Milll9n, r.-1. 1.n . •. Loa .........., NloltOM 11 (~ .....,...,,, 11;40 f Loi ,.,_..... Olafwl9 1t ~ 11;.41.,........ -~ U1: K«eb. LA. tl!OI, ~ 11'08, ~.WWI. 1UI; t..Ma. LA 1 .. n.H ........ ........... ,_ t (n.etolll. ••• 1. :.:,:•; lelllCll 10 (IHH). H 'OI -llGM. I.A, • tO; ............. WIMI. fl'lator 11.H ; Nlollotla, LA. -tor 1ue. .... onGoal --.... .. 11 ....... Loe ,.,.....,,., ....... Clo•H•• -Wltlfll, .. , loet•en. 1.01 M9111a. .... A -U.700. ountain Valley title matchup at HB tourney • ID By CURT SEEDEN °' .... .,.., ........ Hu.nu.n,ton Such Hl&h '1 Ben Vartanian pulled hi.I jeney over h11 head to hlde th e embarruament. He had Jwit had hia 1udden death penalty kick blocked, and now It waa up to Sant.a Aaa'1 CarW. Araaon to put the Oilers away. Aragon did just that, fl.ring a 1hot past Huntington Beach ioalkeeper John Hewin for a 1-0 vict o r y in a third -round championahip bracket game of t h e 0 ~l e r s ' o w n 1 o c c e r tournament. With the defeat, the Oilers won't be able to re peat a a tournament champlona, but then buking in the success of last year's tourney title didn't do much f o r Coach Rand y Chambers' Oilers anyway. LAST YEAR, Huntington Beach failed to win a Sunset League soccer match after its early s uccess. Thia year, the Oilers are 6-1-4 and off to a strong start, despite the loaa Wednesday morning to Santa Ana. A victory would have resulted In a semifinal showdown with F ountain Valley Wednesday afternoon after the Barona rode a late goal by Bruce Munaee to a 2-1 victory over Villa Park in their third-round game: I.natead, the Barona and Santa Ana squared off, and again It wu penalty kicka which decided thing~. Only this time, Fountain Valley received what turned out to be the winning tally as Mickey Penaflor tallied rn the overtime situation. And as a result, the Barona and La Quinta will square off tonight at 7 with the tournament championship on the line. The Barona of Coach Gerald Aahby and Santa Ana battled their way through a scoreleaa tie and it wasn't until two Saint players missed on their penalty kick attempts and Penaflor connected that the Barona kn ew they were in the championahlp game. "W e're a young team and we're just getting together," admitted Aabby. "You know, we have one freshman. two 10pho- morea and two juniors on th la teain.'' With the victory, Fountain Valley improved it.a record to 11-1. But to make it 12-1, they'll have to stop La Quinta'• John Cannon, a gifted sweeper who haa helped the Aztecs get aa far aa they are in this tournament "BE'S TOUGH. He'a an all- league aelection from lut year.' and h e'a one of the beat ln Orange County,'' Ashby aaid. Meanwhile, in Huntlneton Beach'• first game Wedneeday, the Oilen and Saint.a battled their way through two halvee of ecorei.e. play, •ttina the staee for a penalty kick situation. When that ended in a standoff, SOCCER It went to 1udden dMth penalty kick Ume, and Uw s.lnta' Araaon came up with the winner alt.er Vartanian'• blocked attempt. "I hate penalty kfclu," lamented Charnben afterward. "I really thouaht we outplayed them today. We just couldn't~ a goal." Chambera' •quad hH uMd defen.e to wln moat of lta pmea. In fact 1oalle H~ had three consecutive ahutouta th1a eeuon, and the defeme of Vartanian and John Stroup haa been tterllna. The OUen blanked La1una Beach 2-0 In their flnt-round game and then nipped Mater Dei 1-0 in their lleOOlld-round game. alao on Tueaday. It haa Chambers looking forward to a much IDOl'e auccesaful league perfon:nance. "I'm just happy to 11ee ua play hard and have only one W. to some very tough competition." he noted. "We're jua.t pointln1 toward Sun1et League play now." Fountain Valley's Alhby, no doubt, la alao anxious Cor league play to begin. HIS BARONS found their way into the aemifinala Wednellday u Munaee got his goal with 2 ~ minutes remaining In the game to anap a 1-1 tle. Earlier, Dave Folk.int had put the Barona on the board about 15 minutes into the first half. Munsee'1 winner came on a throw in from Chuck Smoot and the 1hot squirted in past a 1urpriaed Villa Park goalkeeper. "Smoot did a helluva job at midfield for us," Alhby aaid following th~ Barona' win over Villa Park. "My sweeper Mark Folkins alao played well. "We just 1eem to play up to the level of the competition," added Ashby. The Barona' lone loss wu to Mater Del ln the North Orange County Tournament Wt week. Marina advanced to today's championship game in the "C" bracket with a pair of victories.. THE VIKINGS, although flnl.ah.lng with a o~o ICOCe with Foothill, advance Into the letnif lna.la on penalty kicka. In the second game, the Vikings topped Ocean View, 1-0, aa 1enior Shawn Kirby, oft a pass from Todd Hughes, tallied the only goa1 ln the game with seven minutes remaining. In a pair of contest.a at the Dam ien T o urnament, Ediso n Hiah suffered an agonizing l08S ana recorded • victory. The Charaen, ~-6-2, aaw Upland .:x>re a goal ln the last 30 eeconda to knot the ICOl'e at 2-2 in their flnt same. Upland then won the cont.est on penalty kidca. ln thelr other outing, the Charpra blanked Arcadia. 3-0, with Lan Wibera, Bob Boucher and Gerry Graham acoring goeJa. Warriors no match for sizzling Lakers OAKLAND (AP) -Racing up and down co urt like thoroughbreds on an ind oor track. 1maahing unconteated dunk aho\8 u if it were practice, the Loa An8e}es Laken have a way of making other teems feel it'• hardly worth ahowinl up . "¥ou never 80 ln with fffr, nobody'• afrajd of anybody,'' Mid Golden State Warriors Co.clt Ai Attlea after hl• team wH whipped 120-110 Wednesday nltht by the NBA Pacific Dlvl1lon leaden. "l thou1ht tOnllt)t we we.re pretty aood-We lhot over 50 percent ln the first half. They lhot 70 pen:enl 'lbat'• kind of hUd for a coeich to take." Mack Johnlan led the r..u..· atudt wtih 27 pc4\ta, 10 Mliata and II.Jc reboundl. Jamaal wuu. chlpped ln 22 pointa, and four other e_llyen Md double ftcw-. Kurt Rambl1 hauled down a 1ame-leadtn1 U rebound• to :::u•t the runnln1 1ame ''We a~ the boc,)p ln·\be flru baU and cam• 1wa1 ahootm.-,'IO~" llJd Wk_.. eo.ch Pat . 1'Wbeft we pt our ~ Pm.t pnc, theN u.i1t IDMY '9allW WhD can ~ wtt.h w." Wll'rich OlftW au;;"~' outDlutd Labrl clMlr. .. Ablul:.i.a.t, ICCJl'tnl • P#• met affbbllll et1ht ......... _dlilptta=t doWalt:: i... took a I 11 UM IUI' • With AWUJ.!;fabbar Q.lil;.tf 18 ~ TM -Wttti•A .,_.... -...... aftli ...... ... ... at ........ 'IJlirtod, TM~ .-.·op. UM pme ln the eecond period. Bob McAdoo, who fJ.n1'hed with 18 potnta, started it off with a stuff on an usiat from rookie James Worthy. Worthy then jammed home an ul1st from Norm Nixon fol' two of h1a 17 pointa. A minute later, McAdoo and Worthy bJt two free throwa apiece and then Worthy dunked another loQplna pu1 from Ni>con. Perry raps Kings' play " - ----~ c:llt:.. ............____ - - --- ---- r: ' 1·1 Alabama w1·i1 f inal chapter wJt Ml!Ml'Hl8, 'f•nn cAJ>) Ont ry111& won't hav rol fouthllll "' kkk ll'OW"ld •nr mol'tl · The llnaJ ma U<' lint In ttwt rt'!t"OrC book rnda 333 vlclorlN, 83 def •ta And 17 ti.ea ln a 38·yeat head roat•hlnll rar•tr, but It I• &he· w1nnln1. wtnntn1. wlnnfn.i the •beolut.eo Nfuual w Mittie for anythlnti I • than the.> bNt which futu~ pMrallon.1 of football fana will r«•l1 ..... h .. n tht-y rt>~b«-r PMul William "BHr" Bryant Thf' Bt-ar 111\d the CrlrNOn 'tid~ u I Alabama wrote th~ final l"hapter to a fabult•l.Ja career Wednetlday nlsht and M•nt tht• 69-year· old coc.ch ahutfllng off ant<> ttlirem .. nt with an eHclUng but aloppy 21·1~ triumph over Ill1no1s in the 24 th annual Liberty Bowl de1plte a record 423-yard pusing barrage by Tony F.uon of the 106• •ra. '"rhis la a happy occasion, as well as .1 sad one, tor everybody on our team because we no~ only lost a coach, but we lost a man who has bt"Cn very inspirational in most of our lives," 8ald 11plit end Jesse Bendross. who scored Alabama·, second touchdown on an end-around an the third period. THE BEAR, OF COURSE, was not E~olng to change h is act at what he called "my last roundup," and he bowed out insisting as he had so many times in the past that "~e won tn spite of me 1 had no input in what they were domg The staff did a heck of a job. I don't recall making the right dectS ions all night.'' To a man, the Alabama players soundt'CI like Bryant clones, refusing to take any credit. "I don't feel too good about the off«•nsive player award because I made a mistake that could have cost Coach Bryant his last game," said quarterback Walter Lewis, who directed St'Oring drives of 76, 50 and 66 yards but fumbled tb1! ball .away at his 24 with 4:38 left to play. The outstanding player award went to cornerback Jeremiah Castille. who had thrt-e of Alabama's seven intercepuons, batted down a two- point conversion pass to preserve a 14-12 lead (•arly in the final period and forced a fumble after illinois completed a pass at the Alabama 2-yard line in the second quarter. "I CAN'T TAKE credit for this award bec.1 use 1t was a good pass rush that set up the intercepuons," Castille scud. But no one poonnouths like the Bear. who insisted that "my retirement was not a quick decision and I do have regrets for my mistakes over the years." As it has so often, Alabama's defense kept t he Bear from going out a loser. "I am just thankful and happy that we could -:•in one for Coach Bryant just like Notre Dame did for the Gipper." said linebacker Robbie J one-s. whose interception at his 30 with 16 seconds k ft finally put Illinois down for the count. "At the end of the game, we were trying lo pull together on • every play as a defensive urut" IT WAS A NIGHT filled with nostalgia, and more than a few tears were shed. "When I wake up in the morning and realiw l'm no longer in this business, I may have SOrnE' second thoughts about it, but I don't think so." saicf Bryant. who compiled a mark of 232·46r9 in 25 years at Alabama. "I told the players before the game people will alway~ remember them for this game . . . they'll remember me for thls game because of the c.ircwnstances ... and it'll certainly make my future years a lot more pleasant." The 8COreboard will skow that fullback Ricky Moore barreled four yards for a first-period touchdown and his backup, Craig Turner, scored the decisive touchdown from the 1 midway through the final quarter. F.ason completed 35 of 55 passes for 423 yards, Puul "'Bear" Bryant is lifte d onto the shoulders of his players after Alabama's Liberty Bowl win. a Liberty Bowl record and the most ever against Alabama in its 37 bowl trips. F.ason's backup, Kris Jenner. got in for three plays when Eason was shaken up and threw three passes. Each one was intercepted. ILLINOIS SCORED on Joe Curtis' 1-yard run with 1:03 left in the first half, on a 2-yard, fourth· down pass from F.ason to Oliver Williams early in the final period and on Mike Bass' 23-yard field goal with 6:12 remaining But the events on the field were transcended by Bryant, the object of everyone's attention. "Maybe I'm speaking for the coaches all over the country," Illinois' Mike White told a post-game news conference held in a specially erected tent across the street from the stadium lo accommodate the large media contingent. "We're l05ing a great guy It's fitting that he won " Turning to Bryant, White said. "We're going to ml&'J you." When the final gun went off, the Alabama players tried to lift Bryant onto their shoulders. Th.at didn't work, so instead they surrounded him and escorted him slowly and lovingly off the held as the message board flashed, "Goodbye, Bear, we'll miss you." A record Liberty Bowl Memorial Stadium throng of 54, 123 saw the prestigious event. Alabama finished with an 8-4 record. Bryant's poorest since 1970, while Illinois wound up 7-5 alter its first bowl tnp in 19 yean. "Coach Bryant has deflnJtely touched the lives of all his players, and they are better men for it today," said Lewis. "He has definitely helped college football. and I'm sure people everywhere will mias him " Donahue is getting serious Bruins in final phase of prepa'ration for Michigan PASADENA (AP) -Terry Donahue a ppears the antithesis of the somber, taskmaster football coaches of past eras. However, the easy-going, boyish-looking UCLA coa c h is n o less a poerfectionist. "Altho'-'gh I'm thrilled for us to be m the Rose Bowl, I'm a little disappointed that it took us so lo•ng.'' said Donahue, the seventh-year Bruin head coiach whoee club meets Michigan Saturday. "And sti!.J, we're only halfway there, we have lo win. .,I'm afraid I'm never satisfied." Donahue h.as allowed his team a great deal of freedom during the two weeks of pre parations leading to Saturday's meeting between the fifth· ranked Bruins and No. 19 Wolverines. But he said Wednesday that it's time to rein in his charges. "The party's over," he said. "We have to focus on the task at hand. I'm worried about our mental preparations. We've had a g~ time the last two NFL Odde x-San Francfaco 9'h over Rem• x-San Diego 4''°' over Relden Atlanta 6 over x-New Orleans x-Phlladelphla 4 over New York Giants x-Waahlngton 4''°' over St. Louis Green Bay 1 over x-Detrolt x-Tampa Bay 4 'h over Chicago Buffalo 21iAI over x-New England New York Jets 5'11 over ><·Kansas City Cincinnati 11 over x-Houeton x-Ptttsburgh 6 over Cleveland Miami 8'11 over ><-8altlmore x-Seattlo 3 over Denver Dallas e over x-Mtnnnota x-Denot91 home team ~eeks, but it's time to prepare now. What we do in ~e neX't 50 hours is very important. I'm putting the team into the hotel tonight, a day earlier than planned, and I'm closing practices. "I've got lo impress upon them that there's a bfg bowl game coming up." Donahue, 38, has a 54-22-4 coaching record at lk:LA. where he first came on the campus in 1964 as a non-scholarship player. Against the odds, the 6-0, 190-pounder won a job as a starting defensive tuckle. He was a member of the Bruin team that lost to Michigan State during the 1965 regular aeaaon, then came back to upset the top-ranked and UllPefeated Spartans 14-12 in the 1966 Raae Bowl. That turnaround, and a similar one in 1974 w~n UCLA lost lo Ohio State in the regular aeaaon th whipped the Buckeyes in Rose Bowl, .seem to w h negatively on Donahue'• mind heading into Sa y's game. This time around. the Bruins beat th r Rose Bowl foe during the regular season . 9CO a 31-27 victory over Michigan at Ann Arbor pt. 25. UCLA wound up 9-1-1 and Michigan ed the regular aeaaon 8-3 SEINE P} IL SEINE. paned •W•) December 27. born Dettr ber 2 l. 1930 ln Lona BNct-Survived by hil wife Suaan aon Michael. mother Alita. lne of Puadena and broth r Anthony Seine of San abrlel. Memorial servi• at St J ohn The Divin Eplecopal Church, 183 E 8e St., <Aet.a Meu on Th y, .December 30, at riPI . In Ueu of flowen memo1 to St. John The Dlvl1 e Church, The Amerk c.uut Society or The • m erlcan Heart Alaodl 1.unaa•HOH SMTH & TUTHtU. WHTCLW CHAPll 427 E 17th St Cos1a Mesa 646-9371 rAC91C Y•W MIMOIUAA.PAU Cemetery Morturwy Chapel-Qematory 3600 P1ert1c View Drive Newport Beach 6'.4·2700 • • NI.IC NOTIC( PtalC NOTIC£ 1111 ind Pirkl 111 on ll1tr1I lklw11r Mlatr I skiwear la u very personal expression of four Individuality The designs were Inspired by the high energy graphics and colors of the Mlstrel sail boards Ladies Parkas Stretch Bibs Sweaters Rec. 5215 Rec. s250 Rec. '225 Rec. s 78 Now 5149.95 Now s114.95 Now •155.95 Now s 54.95 2700 W. CoHt Hwy. Newport Beach 931·3080 l'tBJC NOTICE YOU ARE IN OEFAUL T UNDER A c .... ..auoa c"" J2ll'T SECURITY (INSTALLMENT) LANO NOTICE OF DEATH OF MOTlCI °" 111USTH'• HU TIIUITll •AU NO. MUt/cf CONTRACT WITH POWER OF O SC TT N LS T.a. No. fll-4».1 l!Mlar .. -. u-11t11..-SALE OATEO JUNE 17, 111112. GE RGE 0 EU • YOUAM .. ~AUlTUNOEU H1a tollowl~ la a copy ot the UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO ah GEORGE S. NEU LS, D 11 D 0' T fl U a T, DAT ID 0tlginal Notlea tllad 10< record on PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT SCOTT NEULS, ud/or G.S. 11 .. TI!MHfl "· tMO. UNU•• Dacamb9t 6. 1982 In the offlcl of MAY 88 SOLO AT A PUBLIC SALE. NEULS AND OF PETITION YOU TA«I ACTION TO f'lltOTICT tna County Reo;O<d4w of tna county ~/f~E N,.e;gc~~o~~L:~~T~~~ TO ADMINISTER ESTATE = /y"f~·~u:,yy: ~l~11'6:'"o11'AUL T AND YOU. YOU SHOULD CONTACT A NO. A-111305. •IO Nf IXPl.MIATION Ot' THE E~CTION TO IELL UNO«fl DHD LAWYER To all heirs, beneficiaries, NATU"t' 0, THI f'tlOCHDINQ "' ntUIT. IWOflTANT NOTICE NOTIC« Ot' TitU•Tll:'• •AU creditors and continient AQAINaT YOU, YOU •HOULD " YOUfl PlltOPlflTY II IN T.a. No. -CONTACT A LAWYUl. l'OflECLOIUlltE HCAUH YOU NOTICE IS HEAEBY GIVEN, that creditors o f George coll On JWlUaty 7. 1983, •l ll.16 a.m .. A "I • IHI Ill D IN y 0 u" on Wednaaday. Janwrry 12, 1N3. Neula and persons who may ROBERT E WEISS. Altornay at PAYMENTI, IT MAY •E IOLD at i:OO o'c:lodl a.m ot Mid day, In be otherwaae interested m Law, H duly appointed TruatH WITHOUT AMY COtMT ACTION. the room ... Mic» IOt conducting the will and/or estate under and purauant 10 Deed 01 And you may have the legal right ~~t"·~i-::re"":Et~u~E~ b A 'r:>eUti0on Nhas t>ee1 ~ filhed !":'.:= !~~.E~r.R.0~~~~ ~~~1~0Jo~~~c~~~1 ~~,o~: SERVICE. located at 2020 NO<th Y Fa Y . e u s In t e eeparate property. given to MCUr• due peyment• plu• permitted co.la 8roeOway. Suit• 208. In the City of Superior Court o f Orange 1111 Indebted,_ In tav0< 01 COAST lllld •x~ within 1tvaa month• Santa AN.. County ot Orange. State County requesllng that Fay BANK. • Calltornla corporallon. lrom the date thla nota of delautt of Calltornla . REAL ESTATE D Neuls be appointed as now owned and held by COAST wH record•d Thia amount I• SECURITIES SERVICE, a Callfomle · BANK r-ded Oclober 7. 1980. u $711 2S H of 12101182 and ..ill corporation. •• duly appointed personal repreaentatave to lnal. No 11664. In book t3779. lricrena untll your account Trvataa under and purtuent to the administer the estate of i>eoe 704 of Olncial Rec:Otd• In the ~ cum1n1 You may no111ave power of H I• conlarrad In that George Scott NeulA (under ortlee of lh• Counly Recorder ol to pay lhe entire unpaid ponlon of certain Security (lnal~l) Land t h e l 0 d e p e n d e n l Oranoa County. State of Callf0tnla. your accoun1. even though tull Contrect With P-of Sale And . wlM Mil 11 public auc:11on to highaat paymenl wu demanded. but you Grant To Truatae executed by Administration of Estates bkkMt t0t c&ah (payable at lime of muat pay the amounl tlaled above w ELL s 0 . 0 E L 0 Ac H • n d Act) The petillon IS aet for ... In lawful money Of the United ANar lh<aa month• from the d•l• DOROTHY E 0£ LOACH, hust>and heanng m Dept. No 3 at 700 Stat .. ) at lhe front anrranoa to the ol recordallon of thla oocumanl. end wife. aa VendOt. to LAWYERS CIVlC Center Drive Weat in old Orang• County CourthouH. which date of r-d•llon apoMt-a TITLE I NS UR ANCE ' ' loceted on Se n la Ana Blvd , her.on un1eu the obliQatlon being COflPOAA TIOH. a Cotl>Otatlon, aa the C 1 t y of Sant a An a. bel--. S)'C8ITIO"• SI & B<oadway. l0tac:k>Md upon permht a longer Tru11 ... and JERRY LOCKER, • CalifornJa, on January 19, S11111a Ana. CalKomla. ell rlghl, tltle perlOd, you have only lhe leQll rlghl atngle mM, u VendM. recorded 1983 at 9:30 a .m. lllld 1n1araa1 conveyed 10 and now to atop the f0tec:lotur• by paying -"-22. 1982, In the oflloa ot the IF YOU OBJECT to the held by tt under Mid 0.0 of Trwt the enllre amount demanded by ~dat ot Mid Orange COunty. aa In the pro~ty alluated In aald 'fOUI c.-adn0< R•corder·a lnatrume nl No. granting of the pet.lllon, you County end Stat• daaQ1b«t u To find out u.e amount you most 12-2121611. and r•r-ded July should either appear at the The ~arty OM-hall ol Lot pey. 011 10 arrange f0t peyment 10 15. 1812. In ••Id office.•• hearing and state your lln8iocllAOIO..HaqlerTrlllCl.aa atop I~ lorecloeura, or II your R•cordar '• lna1rume n1 No. objections or file written par map r-dad In 8004< I. P9QS property 1a In t0<eeloeure tor any 12-2•5811, by r_, ot a~ 27, ml•~llaneou• mapa, In the other raHon, contact Leon A or dalaull In paym•nl or ob~tlona with the court Office of the County RecorO. of Hacttney and Virginia E Hadlnay. • perlormano• ot th• obllgatlona before the hearing Your aa6d Orange County. 14771 Wl19on St .. Midway City. Ca aecur.cl thereby, Including that! appearance may be ln perlC>n Th• atrHI addreH and othar 0~5. (714) 1192-1706 braedl 011 daf&lfl. Notice of wtlldl or by your ettorney common clealgnetlon. It any, OI tna K you have any q~11on1. you .... rac:o<ded July 27. t912. .. l r y 0 u A .R E A rM.I pr~y OMcflbed •bOv• l• ahould c:onl ecl • lawyer or Iha Recorder ·a lnatrume nt No . ..-.a_... purported to be. 1130, 1132 & oo-nmari1aganc;ywNc:fl~,...... '2-2MM1. WIU HU AT PU9LJC '"' ........... rroR or • contJn&'ent 1'32'A ~ 8'Yd., Coat. ...... .,,.._, 'fO'JI loen AUCTION TO THE HIOHE8T creditor of the decNled, you CallfomM. REMEMBER, YOU MAY LOSE IMOOVI FOR CASH. lewfl.tl ~ must file your claim with the Said HI• Wiii b• made. but LEG.AL RIGHTS IF YOU 00 NOT ot the Unit.cl St.eta, 0t •It.le Of court or p reNnt It lo the without oovenant or warranty, TAKE PROMPT ACTION. ladef1ll NY1r9 and loen -0.tlon ~ 0t Implied. regat"dlng utta, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN domlclllad1nihlaat11te,alpey&ble1111peraonal repre.senutive PCJHHalon. "'aric:umbrancae. to That we1tern Mu1 u a 1 the time ot Mia, Ill right, title and appointed by the court pey the remeinfnQ prindpel turn of Cotl>Ot•Uon, ltl now duly ~led '"*-f hetd by tt, M Truet ... In within four months from the Iha note(•)~ by Mid 0.0 ot TruatH under • 0..0 01 Trua1 1het ,.., pr09«1Y altuat• In Mid date o f first iuuance of Truet, with 1ntaru1 thereon. H dalad 04/ 11112 exaculed by County and State. dncrlbed H . , proWMd In Mid "°'9(a~ adYancea.. LESTER DALE WOOD I VALAREE ro1owa. letters as provtded tn Section "wry, under the MnN ot Mid Dead z wooo, hu1band ano wife H Lot .e. 8lodl 1 of Trac:t No.[ 700 of the Probate Code of of Truat . leH. chergH a nd TRUSTOR. 10 1«:11n obllgatlon• in 611, •per map ,._.died In 8oo1c Calafornia The time for ·~of the T.-1aa favor of LEON A. HACKNEY & 17. Pagaa 33 to 31 ot Mlacallaneoual filina claims will not expire The IOlal amount of lhe unpaid VIRGltoj~ E HACKNEY. hutband Mapa. In the Olllce ot the County _--.. bal~ of llM obligation NCUred by and wiltl u 8aneflclaty Rac:orded ~ ot Mid County prior to four months from the property to be aold a11d on 04127182 H Document no Th• atre•I addreu or other the date of the hearing raHonabla ••11m•l•d coa11, 82·143125 of Ofllclll Recotda In the common deal9natlon of th• real nouced above. ~ and advanoaa •I the time olflee ol tlM Aec:orO. of Orange property~ daacttbad YOU MA y EXAMINE ol th• lnltlal publlcatlon of lhe County, C•lltO'nla ducrlblng the purported to be 1501 Mlremar h f'I k b th If Notlea d S... la 1192, 17193 land tt.eln DrM. Balt>oa. Cellfomla. t e 1 e ept Y e court. The baneiftder}' undat Mid Dead 1..o1 n ot Trect 1111 1n the Clty Th• underalgnad harebyl you are Interested In the of Tru1t l"laratolf>'a executed and of Garden Grove. Counly of dlaclelm• •II llablllly tor any estall!!, you 4ay file 8 request dellvereo 10 the undertlQn•d • Oranga. Sleta ol Calllornla. •• ~In Mid strMI addreaa with the court to receive wrlllen Nolle• or Default and .,_ on a Map recorded 1ri DOOi< 0t OINr oornmon dealQNUon. Elac:tlon to Sell. The u~nad 55. Peoae 9 to 11 lnclu1lva. ot Said aale wlll be mede without 9 P e c I a I no l 1 c e o f l he cauaad Mid Nottoa of Oelauft and Mlscellaneoua Map1 record• 01 warranty. eapreaa or lmpllad. inventory of eat.ate •~ta Elacllon 10 Seil 10 be recorded In aa6d county regarding Ulla, poHanlon, orl and of the pedtiona .xount.s the county where the ,..., property lndudlng 1 nota tor Iha M#Tl ol ancumbr-. to aatlafy the""'*° and reports described in II toc:a19d s 17,1140 00 That the benallclal l)ftncloel belenoa of aald 0.ta Nowmb9t ts, 1982 1n1araa1 under Mid dMd ol trval (lnatallrMnt) t.end Coritract With Se Ct Io n I 2 0 0 . I'> Of the Rot>ert E. WeiM, end the obligations aac:ured lhet"eby Power Of S•I• .Arid Grant To California Probate Code. Attorney at Lew are pr•t•ntly held by the .T1u11 ... wllh lrilerHt and olhar Law Ofllc:H of Jolla P . u Mid Trvataa Beneficiary Thal • brMCh of. end auma H provided therein. plu Bl•••r Eaq Attor11eyi •t c/o Aober1 E. Walu default 1n. the obllgatlon IOt whk:I> ~. If tnr. under the ' • lnclOtPOllelad aa6d Oaed of !Nat .. -=ur1ty ha thereof and ln1arHt on auch Law, Edward G. SpU1bwry, 820 Vll4IOI <>aka om. _.,.., 1n t1'191 the payment hM edvenoaa. and p1u9 i... char Hll Bulaetl1 <Aatea' Drive, CcMna, CA 9172• "°' i-i made ot: Flllore to make lnd~ottheTNat• S.Jte 145, lrvlae, CaUfomla Tat (213)987-402 Ille 111151112 payment ot prtndcMI the !Net• c:rMl«I by Mid tn 1' Teleplto•e '75!-tttt By Cr .. A. Kllngamlan and/0< Interest end .. ·~t (lnatellment) Land Cofltract Wit Publiahed Or•llil9 Coatt Dally Attorney and Aoant payment•, together with lale Pow•r Of Sala And Orant T Piiot Dae: 29 30 11112 Jan 6 tor Truatae ehargH. Impound•. advance•. Trutllaa. The total emount ot Mid 1983· · · · · ~ Publlahed Orange COHI Dally t••H . dallnquaril payment• on obllgatlon. lricludlng r...onebl 617942 Piiot. Dec. 11. 23. 30. 19412 W\lor Ilene.°' HHUIT*•ta If eny H 11m•t•d ••••. cheroae end 6530-42 Tha t by ••Hon the reof. th• .,..,.,_ ot the TN9t-. at the ~ent B•naflclary under auch ot lnltlal publlce1'0n ot ti. Notice. Pt11JC NOTICE of Truaa. ha& e11ac:uted and l t14.M7.21. ~to Mid TNat•, • wnnan Oeled. December 17. 1M2 Pte'"'°"9WN ~ OldWallol1 otOlf9utt and °'"'8111 I REAL ESTATE MAm STA~ ..,,_ STAftmNT !or ..... and h .. deposited wllh SECURITIES SERVICE. The lolow4rlo ~are doing The~ peraone are doing aald Truataa. auch o..d ot Tnnt a Celllomla OClrl>OfS1lon, bueir-• ~ -and .. the documenla ~ aa Trult• GOLD£NWEST EXECUTIVE JIM ROHN PRODUCTIONS, the obllgallone NCured tn-by. By; O.J MO!lgar SUITES. 7111 Garden Grow Bhd .• JIM ROH N PflOOUCTIDNS and hu dac:larad and ooee ~ It• Praaidant a.roan~. Callfoml 92641 INTERNATIONAL. 1105 E Oyer deOlart all tum• ~ tllereby 2020 Noo'th BroedweY. y .. W1rlO and M4IY ~ Road, Sulla 301, Santa Ana, CA mmectialaty due and~ end Sutt• 20I 2021 ~. FU81ar1on. 92705 h•• etecled and doe• hereby 10 Sant• Me. Calf. t270I 02931 Jim Rohn ProcNc11ona. Inc (a ~ the trual p<oparty to be ICMd Tai.: (71•) tM-tatO Y• Hon Fong, 221111 Debra Callfornla corp«allon). 1806-E.. 10 A llaty the obllgallont MOUred Publlehed Orange CoH 1 Dall St,..i, B T0to. Callfomla t2e30 ~ "<*!. Suite 301, a.Ma A,,., thereby. PllOt. Dec. 23. 80, 1812, Jan. U. CNno end Patrida Poebeng CA 112706 Data t 1130112 lN3 Ow. WI Alhtleld Court, Sen .io., Thia ~ 11 conducted by a Leon A. ~ 1 ___________ Oellfomll te120 OOl'llOf~. vwn. e.. Honer Ml.JC ll)TIC{ and~ SJ ::~1~ ~~Iona. Inc. ~b~e11.o:.'Jt. f=.~~~~ 'ICTITIOUa 9U ... M 0rM. Mo<l..o.lo, c.llbnla *'° Pn9aldent 1983 662&.a2 l NAMI aTATOmNT Tllla ~It~ by en T1lla eta1-lt -Ned .itth 1ht1-----------The tollowlng perton la do1no unlrlcorPC>f•ted INOCl•tlon othef ~ ()etlt Of 0rwige O«inty Oft "8JC NOTICE t>u•lnM• ... ''*'. ptWllW'ltllp. o.c.nber 11. 1N2. A & M SERVICE COMPANY. \'•Hon FOflO ..... '9CTITIOUI ~ 1202-1 ! Walnut, Sanle Ane. Thlt ...-t Wiii ftled wlttl the CAl'MTZ l KAID.AN NAMll ITAftMINT Oellfomla t270t Ooun'Y ca.11 ot Orenot ~Oft AMI :ups•~ Th• tollowlng ~•on la doing Richard A Se divy. tOH DaocrnMr 15, 1N2. __ 9't ....,_C......DfM bu.in.. u · l(~an !Nine. Clllllomla 92714 .. _ .... -MR T"S AUTO SALES ANO Tiiie bualnaaa It eonduc19d by 1111 Publltl'led Ot.,,ge C:O.•t Dally ~CA:~-SERVICE 3303 W. WarMt ~ve.. lndlvkkial Plot, 0.0. n. '°· fM2, JM .•• 1S. ii) Sent• Ana. CA 927CM Rleltlard A S.Olvy 1ta II "'" Orang• Co••• Dally THOMAS DEAN HURST, •7 ' Thia atal-1 wet Iii.cf With lhe M1M2 P10t 0.0. 23. 30, 1912, J1111, 8. t3. Herttaoe W•y, ll'\llna, CA 9211' County Cieri! ot Or .. County on tlU Thi• bu•~ It conduCted by 9" t Oco9rnl>at •• 1982 ·-ti' -Tll'r M22..U lndlv4dual .._,,, ...-.... nu:-Thomas o. Hufat Publlthed Otano• co .. t Dalt)I ll'IC1J"OU9 • H•M •-ti' lll)TJC( Thia ateltmflllt wu flied wilt! the l'tlot, Dao t , 11. H. 30, 1tet ...... ftA~ ,._ County Oltltll ot °'flnOS C-ty on • __ ..... ______ .. _1_ .. _11 Tiie ................ **'Cl f!IOTTnOW ...... Otoamb9t .. 11112. •-........ M: NAm •TA,.....,. ,_,. P\11.JC ll)TIC( (a) flllOlftl CLAlllOI Cl>) 'Tiie fo1!ow1W1Q C*IOIW .,. dOlfl9 P11bll•lltd Oren11a Cou1 D1llr PICTmOUI ··11•ii OOLDIH flllOlltlf ~o) O"OWN ~ M: PllO\, 0.C t , It, ~;a. 30. INI -AOVllllTlllHG (cl ~,\Ol"C TH I CAM I" I D QI ~ Tiie ,:..n:;:--.;.. clOellO MllllCHANOlllHO :•) COAIT OOM,AHl.!~.1 • Oalllornla -----------· ~ -MMCHAHOlllN0.1....~l klA'\8 OOf P<M•• PW. ""'"'*' tu.et PWUC MITIC[ >M & M Al4AllAN4--. Lo--.._,.,.......,~ CeMofNI '-•AM. Cllllor'll6t 91108 d• --.... , .--.... Ca11fom19 .... c-.-.ldfe c.ltlt Gtoup, • •-41M1 .r. .. -w ' ""'... MIOflHI •••ven Gln1b•r1. O•llfOffll• .. ,,.,.,ion. ""' •. .,. :~"°" 4t ftromolfad•, •trvln•, 11041 ~ UIM. """ttfttton ullmen ttreet, tint• Ana, ...._. -'!!:..••• ~M1tl ..... Dclfiome...... ~£ MC.,....__._ M1rlltWl~r M~•t• ... ....,.. ............... =. '-II oondUctod by. ro WMl:l It M~· l'r~.-.,:.;i.~•hl ~~°" "°""" ~°'°'9 AMllllOllA'UtTAU"AH'tl la ................. ..,,...... ... TWia m ........ .,.. ---... ...... :=: to '"' 0.,tnfMftt •• -----'-;;...;......._ ___ __..,, ~--••1•• ...._ v.. ,,..-.. .._ ... Oo1*91tot "•r 1* =•A-.--... .-.. ....... .. ~ l"* .. llffl9A ...... ~ t11C ON IALt OHUIA\; (ftUILto Gall"t f/11 0.... Olllllllr • 111111 ....... w llad Illa.. Clift IC ~ Qwltr Oft IATINO PLACll.. '° .......... 0 •-t7 ... Olu!!! Clcrl .. ~ °"""'., °""""'If, ,.. ~ ......... '""'--$ ' ' Delililitl I ft, ,.. M1, ,_ "'9141M41 Oiante Cotitt Delt1 ID.:. t* .,_...._. ~ 0.-= !'1111.0cl ~ t•,Jan;I, I ,IO, 'l"°u .. 1111\M Ot ... Cell\~ Nll.O.. .. ILJM. -. .. ,_, t• ..... 0 Mira._ ..,... ....... ITOWI 1\ .... ' ------~ -----~ ID STARTS THURSDAY NO DEALER SILES MALIBU i: LOW VOLTAGE LIGHTING SYSTEMS . SUNBEAM GAS GRILLS SllGLE 8777 BUBJfER PROPAIE GRILL N•ll llTUUL W DfDEPEIDEJITL Y COllTROLLED DUAL BURIER 137~~ llDEPEJIDEITL y CORTBOLLED I 8 7 77 DUAL BURJfER PROPAJIE GRILL #Ml2 IULllU D 3 LITE SET wm TDIER #LYI013t BALOGEI 12 LITE FLOODLIGHT SET WITH TIMER for leu energy. only thl111 the Di RINKING AND DRIVING DC1N'T Ml X. 5 7 9 7 Like the othera. you get more lighting I 3 9 9 7 #Ul•T 1upernova variety. #LYJOOOIZTH fjE HERE NIEXT YE~R! CREATE-A-PLANTER 10" 4 97 12" 5 97 14" •• , Kit ha1redwood1tained wood • and all it take1 to make a cu1tom planter. Limited Quantltle1 .. , ROUGH DOUGLAS nR 2 x 3 "LE BROOM" ANGLED BROOM OR BIG JOB RI YOH MOP YOUll c10Ja Aw. 1top yer gripln'. Hou1eworlr'1 not bad if you put 1ome good jumpin' tune• on the atereo. Try it with rhythm. QUAHER STORAGE LOCKER :19•7 St oah the trash can a. pool supplies or w ha tever'1 cluttering up the yard in thi1 e J1Y to a11emble locker with floor. BLACK & DECKER 35" WORKMATE DELUXE llDEPEJIDEJITL Y COlfTROLLED2,...77 DOIL BURIER PROPAJIE GRILL V l 11tu 2 x 6 I 7C u•n 27cUM n A new Year' a barbecue? Don 't laugh. they're cheap cheap thl1 time ol year. But get moving. there'a limited quantltlea. QUAKER STATE MOTOR OIL 30 WT. 79t OT. 20W/SO WT. 8 9 t OT. Good price. good brand. good. good. good. II think that cup of coU-I got oU the truck thi1 Take the C hicken'• advice . driving on New Year'1 l1 like Ru11ian Roulette. You never know ii the neict guy'• loaded. CAL CUSTOM ABS HUBCAPS 2288 SETOF4 When you' re hanging out at Bwger Heaven you can aay, "I got my wheel• at National Lumber." "Say what?" CHROME PLATED WIRE WHEELS 12 4~ mornlngwa1SOwt.) ~~~----------------------------:er-~------------... --------------~ STP OIL TREATMENT I 3 3 ISOZ. I told my friend that my rich aunt Penelope owna a newspaper and be aaid. "So what. a new1paper'1 only 2k." INFANSEAT DYN-0-MJTE CAR SEAT/BABY CARRIER 1997 ....... Auto belt loclr . adjuatable reclining a.at. all the atuff to keep the little one aecure. and It meet• the fed'• aafety 1tandard1. 819 model with JO ws that open to 19 • • 1w1vel pegs. and 750 lb. capacity. (The lait 35" work mate I aaw wa11n Santa'• workaho;p.) DISSTON HACKSAW BLADES ru or 10 #EIZ24~C Couldn't lind m y other aa w a nd had to trim theCh ri1tma 1 tree with one of theao I resolve to get better organized MONARCH CEMENT MIXER 16997 .,, .. Holda 2 cu. ft .. good loramaller project I Ii Ire 1idewa lk1 and 1frivewaya. ii you're into that kind ol thing. Haa pullt;y and motor mount. Moto r eictra. PBESTOllE 0 WDn'ER ANTI-FREEZE SUMMER COOLANT PUROLATOR PRODUCTS FREM STACKING FREM SPACEMAKER ' • f $ 1 3a9 '11. I k-p forgetting to buy this atufl. It makH a big d!Uerence. 10 b. amarter than me and change youra. ~~~ DURACELL ALKALINE BATl'ERIES U TWll PAK ·{ C OI D ::-PAI i""i7 'f I ftl.T lllCLE PU PU r I tlLT IPlllC LUTED 3 99 *"-.. . I •T ICIEW LUTED 8 .... ,, 122u. ·i STORAGE BIN MOST PCY Y AL YES .. MOST IJIERICU CAR I 77u J ISV OIL nL TEBS I~! xn AIR nLTERS 222ta You don't haYe to b. much of a mechanic to replace theH thlngamajlggera.~Where wa• thl• guy educated? Or waa he?) A clo1e relative ol the bracket blna. you may have noticed the resemblance. 10" x 14" x ?" H. COLEMAN PACKHORSE D TRAILER WITH FENDERS 18997 ~ KASICA ll___iJ DOORMAT 4 88 .. rw· Holda a payload of l063 lb1. ln lt149"K41" cargo ,bed. and unllh other pack horsH. can b. atood on end. You aa .. mble. A New Year'• reaolutlon la aomethlng that goH In on• year and out the other. REMOST WARDROBE CLOSET WITll SLIDllG DOORS 6777 11.u Why do they build ho1o11e1 with clo .. t1 th•11 .. of a breadbox? H•r• '•an alt•matln . wltb Wcnerlr Walnut flAl.h. Ywaa .. mble. " MASKING TAPE v." 1 '° m . 39c I" I IO YDS. 59t lW' 1 IO YDS. 794 2'' I ltl'YDS. I '' / I BRACKET-BIHS / .( ~~ ''°' ( ' c. t.i.'11h ' 11 • • 269 . ~ ~ x S . bin• #713-S • ~ / \' I ,-~ '1111 14 IOI • -.. ~ With s· x 3.. 4a9 / ( . / j ic 17" b\na. #711 ·4 _ /..a......____~ 41DI - With 5" ic ?" 649 / / ic 17" blna. #7'2-4 MOLD EX PLASTIC TOILET SEAT Your baalc 1eat (what el1e can I aay?) In white. bone or brown. Limited QuantltlH. ·, \ Tl r~llllLf t'l8t'l'I by 811 Keane / 2. ,., ~ ' • ' l Qi "No. that isn't a word either." ''Prtnc111, do I play with your mech1nlc1I mou11?" Mi\RMi\Dl'KE by Brad Anderson DEN~IS THE MENACE Hank Ketchum "Let him In. You can't argue with that kind of logic!'' .l 6UESS lJlE R~ IM NOT SPJ!l.£0 IS ~ M( ~IW.', ~· GRNJOO\ LIVf 50 FAA AWAY. • .lt:DGE PARKER ~i\Rt'lt~LD .. MOON Ml' LLI NS l'M BOOEO. I NEED TO ADV ~E ~ARKLE TO MV LIF( ' ~ANCl' F'OCE MOOSE: r!JAVf HIS Gf~L. FRIE:Nt7 A F'A!,efACE ~AG HE: CAP"fU~eP. VOU1P N~E:R l70 ~A"f ~ ME:. ' N£W Y~R'G RE50LUiloN :tf 3 NANCY, !=OR -fou WILL STAY DOODLING INSTEAD AFTER SCHOOL OF PAYING FOR ONE HOUR ATTENTION -- RNKl' •INKERBEAN ~5 REAU..£.> 5A11SP.>IHG 10 1HINK 1MAT 1MES€ SJUOOrr.5 ARE. ABOcJT "R> ~IEVE A CK.E·l.M·A·UFE1JNE ~leU f!}; ~RCHI~ HERE Ar 1JE ~ ~ ... w.1-4 01DN'r i:>V 1ELL ~ 'fO\J lH~1lll£0 AN ~\CQOO~~, -""'"'_, v~rll"K ~ Pear Supptr Dlth, By Mark Lasky 1 RE:SOL.Vt: lo NEV~R Af,AIN WRll~ RESOLUT1C>NS /N CLAS5.' l I i f 1 f .... ..,. l'l 41JH In gr~:':: .. ~ f I IHI"" JC "f" ~tow M 11.,. oor t '"'•Ill• 111 ~ WWOtill .:o~•.,....,.•tan Nane•t V.111 he.,. Min ...- ""' ... --........... JIN •ICNiolf , ............... ........ ,..,.... ...... , .. ..... ......... ~ ..... . If '*' w1a11 10 ,.... '"" ldvte• or a11 atto1n1y In lhtt me1t1 r you ~ do Ml PfOMplly Ml 11'111 your •fllllft IM90nM ot any. noay oe lo!lcl Of\ llMI AVllOI U1ted ha •Id• "•M111dade II lrlllt11nal pwed1 ....... -•r• Ud ..... ·~·. -. 4tW Ud. '"l*'d• chntr• .. -i f"· LN la lnfotmevi.n que ~U~lad 0•H• I OllCllll el .0111•10 11• un ebooacso •" 111• 11unto debe rla neca110 nmef111emen1e. de 1111 M•n••• tu IMpueela 9Kflta, fl hly a'Qulll l>lieclt .., regl•tr .CS• • uampo t 10 TH( DEFENDANT A civil com~.int h11 b••n 111•0 by tne l)lalnl'f: 1g411nat you 11 you w111'1 10 de1~4hla lawauil, Y9U mull, w11n111 JO dt~ •lier tl'llt 1ummor11 11 _,,_ bn you, flt. Will'I 1h11 court • Mllllfl ~19C>Of\M 10 troe com~11111 ~you do ao your Clelault wttl oe en11rad on app11ca11on of 011 .:>1111n1111. ancs in .. couri mey enter • "'°Omen• aoa1n11 you tor tile 1.i .. 1 .lemanoecs In tne compt11n1 wl'llCl'I :oulCS IHI.Ill In garnllhm•OI al •ao-. llklflQ ot money 01 PIOP6flY j1 oth1r ••11•1 requ111ell 1n 1 ne :ompta1111 CMfEO F•bruary 17 1982 J PETERSON Clefk By SUHll MOSlt Deputy MA"Cu• DANllL Mf"CHAllN llaCU Owenamoulh A•enue T anltl Flo« Woodlaftd Hiii•. CA 11)17 (21') N7·MOO P1.1l>ll11leC1 Orange Cool Dally Pilot, Dec 9. 18, 23, 30. 1982 5399 82 l'tml.IC NOTICE K~12 °"AHQI COUNTY MUNICP'AL COURT - HAl'aOfl JUDtCIAL DllTNCT 410t .laml>oree etvd. Nlwpon llMc:l't, CA 12701 'U.INtll'Fi DENTAL CAPITAL U!AllNO •• IHlbetdlaty or Dl!NT Al CUITAL C°"PORATIOH. DIFINDANl: DOUOLAI ltU .. ,HY, D.D.8. alte DOUQLAI MVRPHY; DO«a 1·100, lftcluel•• IVMMON8 c-No.ua. NOTICll You ha•• been 1u.d. The .wt _, dec:td9 egaln•t rou wttho41t rour being heerd ""'"' fCMot t"POftd wltl'tln :IO •r•. fl .. d the lrlfomlatton below. II you wish 10 seal< th1 1CSvlc. ol 1n alt or nay In Ihle mett1r, you lhould do M> ptompUy ,,, lhll your wrl11e11 responae. 11 any may b11 11'90 on time AYISOI U•l•d 111 •ldo damandado. El trlbunal pu•d• dlcldlf contre Ud. eln ~ta a -no. ci-Ud. r11ponda dentro • JO dlaa. LN la lnformeclon que altlue. SI Ut11d desee •ol1c1t1r 11 oonteto de un abogaCSo en es1e aaun 10. CSeberla 1'11carlo lmmedtatamente. ese Ht• manera au •llC>U9811 merit•. " hay 11Qun1 pue<Se 1141< regltlreCSa • lllf'llpo t TO THE DEFENDANT A CIVIi complaint ,.. .. been tlleCS by tl'le p!Wnttff eg.ainat you ti you wish to CSlfencs tr.la lawsuit, you mull. ""''"' :to d•lf• attar thl• 1ummon1 11 ~on y<><;, ftle With tllla coun a writttl'\ 'MPOnll to th9 com~alnt Unletl you cso M>. your delaull will bl e\oolereCS on applloellon ol lh• pillntlff. 1ncs thlS court may 1nt1< a ju<lgmenl against you fot troe ,.,,., oernanoecs In the compleJnt whlCh could r1au1t tn g.,nlahmanl or wegea. taking ol money°' Pfoe>erly 01 oU.er r•llaf reque111cs In tne oomplalnl Oat~ October 27 1982 J Pe1er.on. Clefk G Crosty, Oepuly HIEMAfl, GORDON ... oua10. 1H10 Ventura atYcl., a111te 1201, anclno, CA t1UI. (ZU) I014IOll. Publl•h•CS Orange COHI Dally PtlOI Dec 9. 18. 23. 20. 1982 S393·84' MllC MOTU °"4NQe COUNTY IUHIUOfl COURT 700 CMo Ctr. Dr. WMI S-ta AN, CA t2701 'LAINTll'F: WOODllDIE VIL\AQI CONDOMINIUM AlaoaATtott. ~NDANT: ROY ~ aTANtCH, ....... A. aTANICH, MICHAIL aTANtCH, ANO DOIEi 1 throup XV,~UllVI. llUWllON9 CA.IE No. •1CM1 NQTICll You MH been 11196. TM ~ mer deddie eea'"•' rou without ,_ being .._,.. uni.- JOU ~ wtlhln '°..,.. ...... the llifonttltfoll below. 11 .,..,., to Mel< troe aesvtc:e oi rn1y In thlf melter. you Clo to promptly 10 lllel your rM90nM. II any, may be time A ao1 U1lad he 1ld1 deNr1dtHM. II trlll11r1al p11ede ~ CMN'lfH Ud. tin llU dh nola A -qua Ud. ,...,_... derltro •• dlM ....... lnfotmlClon .,. "'r."vet•d csue• 1011c1t•• el con.,jo de un abogacso •n Ht• a e 1111 l o . d f b e t I I II a c e r I o lmm4'dfiltamenta. de Ml• m-•. w ~ _,.., al hay alguna. ~ -ragtWeda • tlempo 1 TO TH£ DEFENDANT A cMI complaint II•• t>een llled by th• p4alntH1 agetnat you 11 you wl9h to ~ Ihle '-lit, you muat, wltl'tln H Cl~ 1tler tllla eummon1 11 .on you. Ille with tllla court • Wf etpOnM to troe comptalnt :'You do IO, y04X dlf eult w!fl be .cs on appllcatlon of thl '*'""'· and ltlla c-i mey enter a )udol*ll IQllNI you lot , .... ,...., °"''~ ii Ille 00f'l\9laln1. wtllctl ~·-" gamtattment of WllQM. takl"°' of mo11ay or property or other ttllel requ1at1d In th• _,....., o.teo: June 22. 1914' A.E. ~.Deputy UHDQMN AHO MLZ 11111hlne ....... T--.CA-(114) MM1'I 11\ilAllll'ted Orange Cou t Dally Pttoe. o.c. 16. 23. SO. 1M2. Jan t. 1M3 6613-12 • ~ t Hf:JAC ' or~ A t 0 ,. ·~· •,-. ~ •., "' ,.,. 1f.'l,~A4U f~f1rn·1"1 03''!~1•11 ADMIN A't NO flt "'" M uue'llu A·ll H 0 P~m •• MIO!UIL A , To all h.-~. l•rwf"t•rl• OHA ,e.IA1~,-"!f,!_.0011 t urd1C1111 •1111 t•nn. llttll'nl , .. °'*4 ~VI t'1"tll(tn of 0f'lllf'I Mii ha1tl CAii NO .... ..,, llaq aml-'* twll'\I whu may NOflOI 1 V• ~ ~ •"" lH" nthe1rW1• \n1errt1tt.J 111 Tiie ""'l ''"' ....-. ....,_. HM lh!P wUI andlur cawv _...,. .,_--. _,,.. ._. A ~Ullufl tUll t,,...,,. flltd r911 r•.-...,..... • •r• .._.. bv M•uteen JIHf In lh•• IM W-rlNtiefl ....._ " 11 tou ...i.,., to _.-•he ~vie• Of 8upe11or Courl u Onn1" an alto.nay 1n ""'matter you t'uunty requeallnjl that lhouk1 oo ao p1ompt1) M> tr.at rou• MaW'ft!n HNM be appotnle'd wt111an •MponH ii any rnay l>• u .,.l"IONIJ repr...-n'-IJv w llled on 11me ..- Av 11o1 u 11 • d "• • • • • adm1n111 ... r tt\r .-1tate <if den,1nd•d•. II trllltunat 11.,9411 Ot'Ol'ie Michael Hua (undt!t O.Oldlr CMN'llH Ud. •In ~la • t h ,. I n d " p e n d " n l ......_ 41 ... 04. ,........ .-.ire Admlnl1tratlon of Eetitlt'a de ao dlM. LN 1a lnfwmec4efl .,. .\rO Th ... ~tition It wt for ''r U•••d CSHU •01101111 11 ~ ln 0...pt No 3 at 700 conHIO CS• un ab09acso •n ••1• Civic Cen~r Dnvt!, WNt, In ••un10 d•b••I• r.ac1r10 the City of Santa An•. 1mmec:t1a1ementa o. Mt• manat• , ... llf I J "6 .u rM?U•I• aec;r1ia .. hay llO ,,. ~• orn a on anuary • • l>Uede -regl•H•CS• • tllf'llpo u ' 1983 at 9:30 a .m . 1 TO THE DEFENDANT A cMI IF YOU 08.JE(.''l' to lht' comp1a1r11 llH bHn lllacs by tht granting of the peUUon, you p1a1n1111 agaln•I you II you wl•" 10 ah uld l h h defend 11111 la..,.ult. you mutt, wtlhm o e l er appeat •t t e )0 CS•y• al111 ,,..,, 1ummon• 11 hearing and state your 1erv~ on you 111<1 __.,h ,,.... court• ob~tlona or file written wnuen rHPOnM 10 1roe COMPiaint ob~cllons with the c·ourt ~;'~1]::'0 °:n ·~P~~,:~~111 ~~ before the hearing Your pla111t1tt. •no '"'' court may.,.,., 1 appearance may be In pert0n 1u0gmen1 aoain•• Yo<i r0< 1roe 1ette1 or by your attorney demanoecs In 1roe complallll. wl'llell I F Y 0 U A R E A could rHult 1n garnlellmanl or CREOITC>R or 8 contingent wage1. t1klng of mon•y Of PfOperly ot otll•• reller raquHl•CS 1n '"• ttedlt.or o f the deceased, you complaln1 must flle your claim with the Oa1e0 June o. 1084' court or present 1t to the l11 A Branch. Cllfk persona I represen la ti ve C Keeler. Deputy LANOGIUIN AMO KU appointed by the court 11'121 IMM 9lwd. within four months from the llleUn, CA 12e.> date of first issuance of (714) M44100 letten aa proVlded in Section Publl11'1ed Oreng1 Cou1 Daily 700 f th p ba•h Cod f Piiot. Dec 16. 23 30 19112. Jan 6. o e ro "" e o 1983 Cal1forn1a. The time for 55l7·82 fWng claims will not expire ---PtJBl--IC_NO_TI_C_E ___ prior to four month$ from the date of the hearing nouced above. F1Cm10U1 au•••• MAMf ITAff•HT Tl•• ro11owln9 p•r•on 11 CSotno l><Jao,_.u RICK SAXON 6 ASSOCIATES. 3 100 W Warnar Avenue • 7 Santa Ana. Callfornla 92704 Alcr.erd S1aon. 2824 S Diamond. Santa Ana. Calllornl• 92704 Tr.11 buslneaa 11 concsu~tees by en lnCSlvldulll Rici. Saxon Tr.11 1111-1 wu llleel wnn 1roe County Clen< ol Orange County °" Dloemt>er 12 1982 F208420 Publlal'led Orenge Coast D111y Pilot. Dec 30 t9112. Jan 6. t3. 10, YOU MAY EXAMINE the flle kt>pt by lht> court If you are Interested m the Kl.II~. you may hJe a request wiih the court to recetvl' special n otice o f the inventory of estate a11st't1 and of the petitiol'\8, account. and reports described In Section 1200 5 of the aililomia Proba~ Code Sldmey L. Radu1, Law Corporatio n , 111 Civ ic Cuter Drive, Well, Sulle ZOI, Suta Aaa, Callforala 1983 568&-82 1%711. Tel: 541-"4411. ncrmoua ., ..... N.Am ITATlmHT Tr.a rollowlng per•on I• doing ~ .. MESA UPHOLSTERY· lAOUNA. t804 N1wpo1t Blvd . Coate MeN, CA 92e2fl PubllAhf'd On1n~ Cou1 IJ111ly Pilot. Oo!ot" 30, 31. 1982 Jan fl. 1'183 )71g Ill PtJBtlC NOJICE IPa·NIOI NOTICE ~ TitUITH'I IALI n1uan1 IAU NO. 50044 , J ,,, ... , ... ' llolttl!ftJ tn '°' AYftt.ll lltCUfllJ• IOI I• f A~ I IOI l•"JlfloJM ti-Jlt"I td '4 le ...... IM• t:•t• M.u C.rrtOlr~a tft1' I A tHlf •Y•••tt In• a CJ11tll111tl• Multi 11ne ''" • I allfo1n1111 , .,,..., .,,.... tot t ,,11rp1ut t -1 u11•11•••• " ,,.,. "-""" Dhil I •ti• Me .. C•1tl 111~• tl611 No I I,,_, ....... I A •1•1f fll•• t~._.,,_ ,, """1.11t•I "' • Itri•,,.,.,,,..-" <tlf••h1•t.,J i.y • 1 •tr1S•o-t •hnn t .,,,,,,. •Htttt ltr-•• lt1' M11111 I Uta 1111 Jnlln II 1hll•me1 ,. Pilltu ,.,Mldelll p,_,.,,, ,,,.. 11at-I ... ft..CS With,.,. llli• eta•~·-·· Iliad wrttt '"" t.uuroly C•ll uf Ot •noe C~tnly on <..uu111y Cle•~ or 0•tlt'04! Cou111t cm Oec.ett>bel 11 IH~ 0.. I() llfll ,..... l'ullll•he@ o •• ,,,. COUI Dally l•uflllth•O 01•1111• Ptlol C>e•. JO. t9 1 J•h • I). PllOI Oec ,,, JJ 30 ,,..,., l 11111 Dilly t0111 Jltl• • 1913 1g8} Nil.JC NOTICE MUC NOTICE ,tCTITIOUI IUlfNIH l'ICTmOUI .U ... H ........ ITATl•NT t ........ ITATa•NT lh• IOllOwlng P•rton II "~ Tr.a IOllowlno petlOllt .,. dOlllO l>ufl,_. .. bu•-.. ROGERS ORYWALl. 11190 KETTlEY PUBLISHING An1h1lm 81 CO•I• Meu CA COMPANY 200112 Kllna 011v1. 9H27 ' 8ant• Ana Height• Calllornl• 92701 Roger l•• Ah<l•lf 11198 Eal•I• Planning Pul>Ucellon•. An•llelm St , Cu•ta Mlle CA Inc.• CalllO<'nla ~l>Of•llon. 20091 92821 · Kiin• Ortva. S1n1• An• H1lgll11. Tiii• bulll\Me •• CO!ICIUCled by an CalftO<'nl• 92707 lnCSIVl<lual Tiii• 111111n ... 11 con0uc1ao by • AOQef L Ah0ar1 c0<porallon Thll tlat-1 WH llfed wllh the Elllll PllMfnO County Clltk or Orenge County on Pvblloa110111, Inc Dec tO. 19112 FUohlrd K1ttlly 1'20«2M Prllklent PuDll•l'l•d Ora no• P1101. Ole 16. 23 30 1983 Coal! Dally Tiiie 1tat.,,.,.,.,t wu llled wlln 1roe 1984' Jan 8 County Ci.tk of Orange County on December 2 t 1082 5383·82 Pla.IC NOTICE FICTITIOUI •UllNIH NAMI aTATfMINl The •ollowl'1g pereon la doing bualn ... u MESA PACIFIC ROOFING 712 St J1mu PIM:• Newport Beech. Calll0<n1e 92683 Philip R Nelson. 712 St J.,,_ l'llC:• Newpotl 81ach. Calllornl• 92683 Thia 1>U11nu1 11 concsuc1ecs by an lnCSlvldual Philip R N.it0n Thia ~t•11ment wu lllecl wllll lhl County C11<k 01 Orange Coun1y °" o.c.nitier u 19112 FZOM75 Publl•l'led 01ang1 Co111 Delly P110t Dec 30 t982 Jen 6 13 10, 1983 5889·82 PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS IUSINEH NAMI ITATEMINf Tile lollow1ng per•on ta doing D1Ja1nns as TRANSPAC CHARTERS 177 Aova11•CSe Av• Newport Beach Ce111orn1a 92663 Mark 0 Silvey 177 R1verS1CS• Av11 ::737 N•wpo11 Beacn Calrtornoa 92663 lhlt bus1nesa •• conducted by en 1nd1V1CSual Mark O $•Ivey Tn .. stalemenl w .. filed Wlll'I lhe Cou111y Clerk ol Orang• Counly on C>Kem!ler 6 t982 F~711 Put>hsl1e0 Orenga Coul Oa•ly P1101 Dec 9 16 23 30 1982 S330·112 PtJBllC NOTICE ,20l20I Publlt111CS Orenga CoHI Dally Pilot. Oec 23. 30. 1982. Ja11 8. 13. t983 5810 82 PUBLIC NOTICE FICTtTIOUI IUal~ll NAMI ITATEMl!HT lhi 1011ow1ng peraons 111e douoo bu"""" .. NEWPORl DUNES MARINE t 131 Back Bay Drive. Newport Beacr.. Calllorn11 92860 Frees E Wl'l••••r. 1109 Ja<les1on11 Lene Coton• CollrOfnoa 91720 la1~11• M Wl1eeler 1109 Jaoe•too• Lana Corona Ca11torn•• 917:10 Tn11 busoneu 11 concsuct.O l>y a general pa11neral'llp lOreltt M Wl'IMlat T111, sia11m1nt WH llle<I "Wlll'I ,,,. County Clerk ot Orange Coun1y on December 6 1982 rr20an1 Pubh1hell Orange Coal! Dally Pilot. Dec 9 16 23 30. 1982 _________ ....;;S~3~21 82 l'tml.IC NOTICE FICTTTIOUI ....... . NAMC!aTAH ... HT Troe lollOwlng Pll'tonl ar1 CSOlog l>ullneas •• DEV'S MOBIL/CAR WASH, 170 I Tu1tl'1 Ave • Cotta M-. Ca 112827 Avln Enterprla11. Inc (~ Callfornl• co1po1atlonl. 27 16 t PlnarlO. Mifllon Viejo, Ca 92692 Thl9 l>uliMll la conducted by • GOl'l)OI' •llOn Allln En111prl-. Inc V.....ci.v 0 Pral>l'lu. Praelelet1t Un01 -'-' lucr.ay. •5 Aol>on. ~ BNch. CA 92827 On J1nuary 4' 1, 1983. at 11 00 a m THE HAMMOND COMPANY a Calllornla corpora1lon, u duly FICTITIOUI auatNIU Thi• fl•l-1 wu filed wtll'I lhl County c..,,-1( of O.ang1 County on o-tlber 4'1. 1982 FZOS20I Publl•l'l•CS Otano• Con• Dilly Pllol Dec 4'3. 30. 1N2. Jan 6. 13. 19113 Tllll l><JllMM II conducteel by an fnclMClual Lindi JMt'I Lucl'tay Tttla Stll-1 WU flied with lhl County Cletto; Of Or•noe County on appolnlaCS Trustee under end NA• aTATl""'NT purtuanl to Died of Trust .. ecullCS The lollowlng p1rton 11 Going by Aeymoncs 0 0 Halloran. 1n bu.ir-u unm1ttll0 man u TrustO<' fOf the MORA BAKERY an<l/0< PASTA b•nalll encs security ol State ROMA. 83S W 1911'1 St Colla Sav1t191 anO LOal\ Auoc:lallon a MMe CA He.27 l"20alt CO<POl'lllOn as BefleflcllfY. CSetlCS Aol>erto E DI SI, 4 Sand (>.)liar Publla11ecs Orang• CoHI Dally November 17 1979 eno r1CO<oecs Ct . Newpott a..ctl. CA 92663 Dec 10 1082 Piiot o.c 19 23 30 1982 Jan 8 •• ln11tum1nt No 4539 • on T,. t>u~ 11 conCSucllCS by en t983 · · · ' O•cember S 19711 , ol Olllclal Mdual. S.1()..112 ~cs. In lhl O"lee Of 1roe County Rol>eno E DI SI -------------• A«.otdA< ol Orange County, St111 Tiii• 11atement wu 11'90 with thl l'talC NOTICE of Calllornl• 'In Boo!( 13421 page ty Clerk ol Oranoe County on -------------1 187 13. 1982 FICTITIOYa llU ... aa NAMI aTATl..wT Tl'I• 1011ow1no p1t1on I• csoino bval'-U NEWPO~T A&O llMITEO. 31S1 Airway Avanu• Sun• H· 1 Co•I• MMI. ClllffO<nle 9284'8 J.tfrey l KllpelllCk. lfl Mlloely L..ane. INine, Cellf0<nle 92714 T "" buslne .. I• conCSucteCI by • llmlllO p11<1nerlhlp l•l., l Kllpa1rlck (10<') Jeffrey l Kllpa1nctt ™• statement wu n1ec1 wtth thl COU'1ty Cieri< or Or lflQ9 County on Oeoeml>et 27. 1962 Will SELL Al PUBLIC AUCTION F30f401 TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER FOR PublltheCS Ot1ng1 Co1al Dally CASH CASHIER'S CHECK OR Piiot Oec 19. 23 30, IH4'. Jan 8. CERTIFIED CHECK (!)Ayet>le 11 time 1983 of ..i. 1n l•wM money of tne UnltlCS ~ Stat•>. 11 lhl llOUlh flonl ..,tr~ to Ill• Or•no• County Old CounllouM, 2 t 1 Weal s.nte Ana. l'talC NOTlCE Blvd , Clly Of Santa >.ne, Stale of ftCTITIOUI au.._la C1U1otnle NAM« al A n•HT YOU AM IN O«f'AU\.l UNC>l" A The following petton ii doing Df!l!D Of' TIWaT Ofll MORTQAQf bualneu u DATID NOYIMal" t1. 1171. )(J'S UNLIMITED 24001 AMc:l• u..u!N YOU TAKI ACTIOM TO Pkwy. Min ton lll•Jo. Calltornle "'OTICT YOU" ,_ION .. TY, IT 926S3 6572·112 FICmlOUI auatHEH NAiii'. a TA Tl.MINT T r.e fotk>wlno peraons are csoiog l>utln ... u LIOUIO ASSETS. t5182 Triton lane, Hunllnglon Beach. Celll0<nl1 94'849 Ch11ttopher W llll am Cunningham. 2!157 Yal• Piece, Colla MIN. c.ltfomll 92e2fl Re.nCSall loul1 81at11<man. 28211 Europe D1lv1 Co••• M•••. Calllornl• 92616 Tlll1 l><Jtl,_. la con<luctlCS by a oener al partnerll'ltp Randall L Blltter ma" Thi• atal-1 wu flled Wlll'I the County Cieri! of Orange County F20IMI Publl•ll•d Or•no• COHI Delly Pllol Oec 30. t082 Jan 8 t3. 10. 1983 5892·84' F2Cllln1 Publlenecs Orang• Cout Dally Piiot, Dec 30. 1962. Jan 8. 13, 20, MAY al aOLD AT A 'UaLtC Cr.rlttopher lln Hamilton. a A L I . I I' Y D U N 11 D AM 3342 1 Galleon Wey Oen1 Potnt. tx"'-AMATION Ofl n. MATIMI Cufomia 92629 P\.&.IC NOTICE OP lMI ~ AQAINaT TNI buW-19 conductad by WI YOU, YOU 9"0Ul.O CONTACT A lnOIVIOUal FICTITIOUI auatNtE•a 66-46-82 LAWYlfl. C I Hamilton MAME aTAT'IMl!Nl -------------1 All right 11111 a ncs 1nterH t Tiii• •tetement wu ni.cs wttll tr.a The lollowlng peraon 11 doing rtlltJC NOTICE convay•CS to ancs now held t>y II County Ct.fl! of Orange County on b01t~9t:l•~sTATE INSPECTION 6 -------------1 under HICS Deed of Trual In lhl <>-n1>et 27 1982 FICllTIOUS IUStNeaa property altuat.CS In HICS Counly ~ MAINTENANCE tS72 Orcr.ard, ...._ llAT'EllmNT and Slat• deecrlbecS ... Publlth•CS Ore nge Coe11 Dally Apt 14 Sen11 An• H11gr.ta Th• follo•lng pet1on 11 Going LOI 110 oi tfK1 2363, In tl'll city Piiot. Oec 30 1981. J11n 8 13. 20, Cel!IOl'n•• n 701 bu*-.. or Coit• M•••. •• p1r m 1 p 1983 t:dward J Sontag 1572 COMMUNICATION DESIGN, r1CO<oecs In l>Ooll 93. Pll9" 311 and 5700-82 01c1'11tCS Apt 14. S1nla Ane t2908 HU11< St GAloen Grove, 39 Of m1ecelleneoua mapt. recotd• ~I'll• CallfOl'llla 92707 CA 92fMO 01 Orenge Cowlty. Callfornll PUBLIC NOTICE Thit t>u-• 11 conduC11CS by an Jae!( II Guy11. 24608 Illa T cscs cs 111 1nGMCSuat 1983 ' 14tl .. lftel ti•• t.f •• "'"' ... "'' H •h tlly thO(ll llttltllll !ti 11111111• <.;11u111r C•hl•rnr• ""' ,_....,,I ...pl fOOJll'I ... lt'9 '"' • ., ,,, ,__,. ... , al ,,.. ott.c... of .... l'tOO' Olllrtlci luulld al 100 t t11tme1 I.,,., 11u1tlll1yhl" lea h Caltlcltllla at ""'ll II 11'"4 ••d bldl Wiii Ii. OVl>lldli It~ lfld •Hd '"' • NOINI CDNVrtt9~ All bffl• tu Ila 1n eceorder•c.a With t.o,,0111on• 1n111uollcm•. a11d BJ.eoifiee'll~• Wfttcll are now on Ille 111 1roe Olll<A OI ,,,. Pur,llMl<IQ Agan\ ot 111d !h:r.oot Dt•tt101 200 t C11Mm9' I.,.. Hunflnglon .. ach Ca11f11rnt• 9'141 No OldCler may wflhOI•• I'll• l>IO ror • l*IOCI ol ... ty (tlO) o.v-1h6f tt.e d•t• 1111 tor tr.a openino t,.,.,IOI l "• eoa•d ot Tru•I••• 01 Iha Hunllnglon Oaec" C117 8c.hoOI Olllrl<I fAM<'vM ll'le 11Qh 10 reje¢1 1ny or 111 l>ld•. alld noi •-rtly a<.C9'11 1111 1-1 blCS 1110 10 w•lve 1.ny 1111orm1111ty or lrr-OUl•rtly 111 •ny l>ld rac;.e1ved 0•1.0 Oecetnl>at 27 1912 tWnllflQIO<"I Belc';l'I City Schoo! Ott111e1 of Or~ County S,.,.,ry B••IOw Cllfll of the Gov•n1no floard " ~ '>fl .. . ...,...,,, ... , ..... --d 11Md II 11wel ,_Ill ll Al ,._,.\.! .Ai.ICflC;>N fO fHt ~OOHftT llOfJfl'I '0'1 CtAIH IP., le al fllN Of Nil 111 '-""' "'OM'f ot lht UftlleCI ...... , II r'IJ'll, llfhl and 1111• I tom•.,,_, In and llOlr rllld flY 11 undaf IM D••d of lr1111 In tl1• pro11arfr llltelttan.t "-''*' T"lllT0'1 JOHN A KAAJIAN lfld DIAN A Kl\AJIAN llu~ end wff• l!NU ICIARV 8AHK O' "IMfRICA M ttualM 10t OAANOt llll PAINTrM PINSION 'UNO 't8180 0 Aecora.d ,_,vary 13. IHO u lnflr HO 15311 In l>ook 13601 PCIG9 7 o of 0tnc1a1 Aeoc>fd• tn t,,. otttce ()I 111• Ae<iorder or Orang• County, MIO cl4llld of ltUll ClllQrlbel tr.a fOilowtnQ ptoperty Parce l 1 lol 15 ol Traci No 7800. M Pl' map •-Oed 111 8ooll 304. Pagee 35 lo 37 ll'IClulllv• ol MlllCllllaneoua mac>• 111 troe Offfol of th• Count, Rtcorder ol utcs County, Percel II Hon·••Clu11v• apput1enan1 -.11 lcw tngr•n 1nO "II'"' ovar prlv111 •l•ffff H HI torlh In th• d•"•••llon ot covan1n1t. oondt11one. 1nd rHlflcllon1 Publi•li•d Orenga Cont O•llV P1lol OK 30 111112 Je" 6, 19113 S702 84' YOU Alli IN DCl'AUl l ~ .. A DllD 0, TRUIT DATID -----------JANUAAY ZZ. 1-. UW..N YOU PUBllC NOTICE TAKI AC TION TO '"OTICT -----------1 YOU" P"OPIRTY, IT llAY al l'ICT1TIOU• au•tNIH IOU> Al A PUalJC aALL II' YOU NAMI ITATIMINl NI.ID AN UPLANATION Of' lMI Tr.e loltowlnQ pe.,.ona ire doing NATU"I OF TH& '"OCllDINQ Du11nau •• AQAINal YO U, YOU IHOULD BRITTANY INVESTMENTS, COHTACT A LAWYfll 1307 S Eucllo Street. •A. Ana11elm, 7 Aue lllllaro, Newport Beaoh. CA Cal1lo1nla 92802 94'800 Jeme1 J Uh••nlele11 1307 S "(If • •ttMt aoor ... 0t common Eucl1CS S••••I. •A Ane11elm. CSeafgnallon I• er.own 1bova. no Calll0<n1a 112802 w11ran1y I• given •• to Ill ,_,. Publl1n10 01111_111 CoH I Dally Pllol Dec 30. IOU. Jan t. 13. 20. IN.l &726 12 Nil.JC NOJIC£ 'ICTITIOUI llUM9 .. N.AMtaTA~ The loflowlnO per-.e .,. OOif">g bullMM .. SOUTHWI NOS lAND· SCAPINQ. I llH 1 Slater, Unit I<, Foun1a1~ Valley. Callt0<nll 9270& Frank M &«ry Jr . N75 White Alv1r Ctrcle. Fountain Ville~., Calllornla 92708 Sr.ltlff C Batty 9117& Wlllt1 R1v11 Circle. Foun11 1n lla f11 y, Celllornla 927Cle T"'• t>u..,_ 1a conc1uc1ed by • lll"W al Pllt1.....,.,tp Franll M Berry Jr Thia lllllmenl WU liled with tho! County Cieri( of Orange County on Oeoeml>et 1, 19112 '20U74 Publl•ll•d Orange Conl Dally PllOt. Dec 30. 11182 Jan 6. 11, 20. 1983 lOUIH MOH t307 s EuctlCS c;ompilt-°' correct,_).. . Sl•¥1 •A. Anaheim C1111orn1e Thi l>eneflclaty uncs.r MIO Died -------------92802 of Tru11. by reuon of a breach 0t l'ICTITIOUI .U ... 11 ACS.ie 7ena111 1307 S EU(;llCI Oefaull In the OOllQltlont aecured NAME ITAH•MT S1ree1 •A, Anah•lm. Celllornl• ,,.,.,•by. roeralolore ueculad anCS Thi lottowlng peraon• we Ootng 911102 dellverad. lo tl'le unCSeralgnad a bullnesa 81 Thi• busonau 11 conduclaO by 1 wrltlen Oecl•rallon ol Dlfeult anCS DOW AVENUE ASSOCIATES, oene••I pannerahlp DlmenCI for Sall. ancs written notfol 254'86 P1ecs1a Blanc•, l•guna Jam .. J Uhr1<1feld1 ol brNCll and ol .iectlon 10 cau• NIQUll. Cellfomle 92877 Tr.11 a1atemen1 wH Ill.CS w11r. tr.1 th• unCSartlgneCS 10 ••II uld Rlcr.arcs Bour11ton. 26286 Coun1y Clerk 01 O••noe County on P'Of>9'1Y 10 Nll•ly laid ol>ltgatlon•. P1acs1 • Blanca. l agun1 Nlgu11 Oecemt>e• 27. 19112 ancs tharHllar 11'11 und1rt1gned Clllfo.-nla 112677 F205n5 cau..o Mid notice or l><Meh an<l ot lauy E Nelton 2310 I MouHon Publlil'leo Orang• CoHI Delly etec11on 10 l>e Parkway No 210 leguna Hilla. P 30 California 92fl53 11o1 Dec: 1982 Jan 6 t3 10 Recorded Mitch 26. 1982 .. Richard R Stinton. 2159112 11183 lnatr No 82· 10S657 of l&ICS Otliclal S697·82 ~da Portallno Or1v1. Minion 111110. Said ul• will ba maoe. but Calil0tnl• 94'6'1 Mt.IC NOTICE wllllou1 covenant or we1tan1y. Tiii• l><Ja!nMI I• conduc;tld by a -------------1 .. pr ... °' lmplle<l. regarding lllicl. O-•I par1.-ahlp. FICTITIOUI auatH«I& MAMI ITAlUffNl Tne 1011owlng pe11on 11 csolno t><JatneHu 0 J CHEMICAlS 17271 Almeto lane. Hun11not0<1 Beach. Cal1lo1n1a 928411 Hena De Jona 17271 Almelo lane. Huntington Beech C•lllOfnll 92649 Thi• bu1lnn1 I• concsuctecs oy a11 1ndMCSuel H1n1 De Jona Tr.11 s1a1arnen1 w" llleCS wllh the Comn1y Clerk or O••og• County on Oeoemt>er 27 1982 ,.,..,. Publlal'led Orange Co111 Dally Piiot Dec 30 11112 Jlln 6 13 20. 1983 Rlchatd R Stlflton poa-•lon, or encumbrance•. to Tilt• •tetemenf ,., .. f1lect with thl pay thl rem1lnlng prlnelpal eum of County Clerk of Or.no-County on troe note(•) MCUtld by Ilk! Deed or Truat, with lnterMt .. In NICI note o.o.ml>lt 21 , 1982 p.oVICSld. acsvancea. If any, unCS1< the term• ol 111<1 0..0 of Trutt r-. charQM and • ..,..,_ of the Tru•1• and ot troe lru•t• crMtlCS by Mkl 0..0 or Trust Seid ••I• wlll b• l'lelCS on W.One.Oay, January 14'. 1983 11 4' 00 p m . 11 Ille Chapman Avenue en11 ence. lo tl'le Civic C•nt•r Buoldlng 300 Ee11 Chapman Avenu. In Iha City ol Ofange, CA NOliCE AT TIME OF SALE BIOS MAY BE MADE IN CASH ANO/OR THE CASHIERS OR CERTIFIED CHECKS SPECIFIED IN Clllll CODE SECTION 2112411 11'21D11• Publlahed Orange Coatt Delly Piiot, Dec 23 30 Jan 6 t3 19113 5e21..e2 l'talC NOTICl FICTTTIOUa 9UatHfH ll4AMf l'TATIMINT T ne lollowtng peraon1 ,.,. cloing l>ull,_. .. NEW HORIZONS COMPUTER LEARNING CENTER, 4'4291 Avenlel• cs. I• Carlota ~ne Hiile CA 928S3 5850·82 Al th• time of th• 1n1t1al New Hor1iona Compuler l•••n1ng Center • Calllornl• corpotatlon. 2•29 t Av...,ICSa d• fa Clr\011, Lagun1 HU19. CA 92663 --------------publicallOn ol Ihle nollce. tne 1olal PtJBllC NOTICE amounl ol troe unpal<l betanoe of thl ------------obllgallon •ecured by the above Thi• l><Jt'neaa la condiiCted by • FICTfTIOUa 9UllNlll CSHcrlbed d••CS of trutt ind CO<'P<>f' 81 t()n New H0<1Z.on1 Compu1., LeamfnO Cen1er NAMI •TAT .. •NT H llm•l•d COflf. IKPlnH•. 1ncs T111 lollowlng pe11on It C101ng ~vllltCel 11 1212.3158 65 business u To CS•t•rmln• tile opening blCS. MlehMI Brtnde Pr..icten1 FUN TEAM >806 SHl>•ffH you mey call (714) 937~ Thil llatement WU IUacl With the C<lllnty Clerk or Orange County °" Dec 13 1982 Drive. HuntlAglon 8Mcl'I Calllornla Oat• o.c.m1>er t5. 1'82 92848 NEWPORT John Albell Gualalson. 7606 HOME lOAH. INC S11oreeza Or1v1. Hunllng1on aa NICI Trust•. , ..... ee.cr. Calllorn11 928411 9y T 0 SERVICE Publ11necs Oreng• CoHI Delly Piiot. Dec 16 23. 30 1912. Jlll't 8, 1983 Tllll buatneu 11 conouctlO by an COMPANY, agent lnCSivlCSull • 8)1 Cindy 8c:hoonovet. Jolln A GualallO<I A .. l•lant Sea"etaty Thi• ., ••• ,.,..,, ... lti.G Wllrl troe OM City Boulevard, w .. 1. ~48-82 County Clefk ol Orange County on Orange. CA 92e611 Oeceml>et 27, t982 Tai 114-83M288 FlCTITIOUI .,.._.. Nil.JC NOTIC[ F201m Publl•hed Orange CoHI Di lly N.u. aTATUIDfT Publl•h•CS Otano• CoHI Dally PllOt. o.c 23. 30 tH2. Jan 8, Troe lonowtng i-.on• .,.. CS<Mng P110t Dec 30 1982. Jan 8 13 10 1983 ~ u 1983 5&3t·62 t•I 30 OE11El0PM£NT, (b) __________ s_e_11&-_12 RIVERVIEW CENTER. 1072 s £ PtmlC NOTICE Britto!. Sle 102. Santi Ana CA l'talC NOTICE FICTITIOUI 8UllNIH N.AmaTATDllNT Thi IOClowil\Q persotll atl CSOlng bull,_ •• ._ (I ) CIOPPA 6 YAHNKER ASSOCIATES. (21 INNOllA TlllE DESIGN MAAKETING 24894' San Vincent• Ml.alon VlllO. CA 9269 t Rot>ll't A Cioppa 24884' San llll>C«lte. MIUIOll Viejo. CA 9269 t Aol>eft Yallnkar. 828 Cimino AM.I. AldonOo a..ctl, CA 90277 T Ill• bullnffl I• conduct~ by e Olf*'al pettnet'lhlp Robet1 A Ctoppa Thll flal-t WU l\lecl wll" the County C!IR Of O.anoe Coun1y on Dec 13. 1982 F20ltOI Publlll'laCS 01ang1 COHI Dally Pilot, Dec 16. 23. 30 1N2 Jan 6. 1083 5444-82 F1cmiov1 aua4Hlt1 92101 NAMI aTATUllNl JoMC)h p O.Utacn. 1721 King• The followtng Plfllonl ar1 CSOlng Ad . Newport BMch. CA 92863 1>u11.-. u Joeaptl A Oeutach. 22S S11n1a MICRO D t7406 Ml Clllfwooel An1 Ave . Newport BHtll CA C1rcl• Foun111n V•ll~ Calll0<nla 91663 927Cle E.a1nw B 0.UtlOh. 225 Santa MICRO DIS TR IBUTORS a Ana Ave Newpotl BHcl'I CA Calll0<nla CO<potallon. 17406 Ml 92663 ClllfwooCS Ctrele Fountain V1111y Rey P OlmKlle!CS, 1072 SE Ca111orn1a 92708 Brlttol Suite t02. Santa Ane CA Tl'lll l>ullneu 11 c:oncluctld by a 92707 eo<poreflon Tl'lll l>ull,_ 11 conOucieel II)' a Micro 011trlbutor1. Qeneral Pllf1,_.,.,tp • Calllotnla COil> JOMl)h P ~lacll Llnwooel A lacy. Jr Tr.11 •1•1.,,.,.,.,t waa n1ec1 Wllh the Vice PrMtOent County Cleril Of Ofange County on 1r.11 11atemen1 was 111ec1 ""th ,,... Dec 10. 19112 County Ci.no. of Oranoe County°" rr.aos F>ubllah10 Orange Coul Dally '2llS1M Pllot. 0ec 18 23 30. 1982 Jan 8. o.c.m11et 27 1982 Publl11'11CS Orange CoHI Dally t983 Piiot. Ole 30, t9114' Jan 6. 13. 20. t983 TOl\ada. El fO<'O, CA V:i!IJO .... •1~·~!.. ·.,,on' .. ~ ~ ofo ,~! ftCTITIOUI .u...... Edward J Sontao CXlm"'Of\ ......,n · " -·Y· '"" N ..... ar·-----Tnl• 1111ement w•• flle<I wur. 1roe 1111n11c NOTICE Thll bus!,_ I• conovcted by an rial properly CSH <1tll>1CS abov• 11 .. _ .. ,9'_.., C rUU'- lndMCSual. purported to be. 3 !42 Qlbrlillf Tr.a following P•tfon I• Going County Clark of Oranoe oun1y on l'tml.IC NOTICE FtCTfllOUI .,.._.. l'talC NOT1CE Jed< II Guy9' Avanu1. Co•I• Mua, Callfornla bullnelf U December 8 11182 l'ICTITIOUI aUatN«IS NAm llA,.._.,,. Thia atat-1 wu 111eO '""111 lhe 92626 SHACKLETON PROPERTIES, FIOl171 MAME aTATIMINT l'K:TTTIOUe llUalNHI The fo4lowlng Plf'60ft9 -dOlrlQ Countl Olerl( or Orange County on Thi underalgn•d Hutt•• 4'400 MacArthur B<K11111arCS. Sult• Publlenecs Orenge Coa11 Dally Thi lollowlt>Q l)l(IOnt are dOlng ~ aTAnmNT ~ .._ Dec 10. 1982 CSillClalml any llatMMty IOI' lncOfrect &00. N•wporl B1ach. Callfornla Pdol Dec 9 l8 23 30 l9112 l>ullMM U Thi lollow4ng pwaona -Ool<ig lE lROOUET, 270 S Brtelol noao2 1nfotma1lon fumllhed 92880 "-12!>-8' M C S FUNDING 2400 W ~ U StrHt. Sultl 114. Colla MIH. Publl•l'l.0 Orange CoHt Dally Tr.at Hkl 1a1<1 I• mecse wflhOul Rol>er1 J.,._ Shlldlle;on, 102 Nil.IC NOTICE Cout H"'Y . Sull• t, Newpott a..ctl. SEARS AEAl TY ESCROW Calfomla 92928 Piiot. Oec 18 n. 30. 1~ Jan 6 covenant 0, warranty ,99.,e11ng llnCSe 1111, Newport 81ach, •-------------CA 92683 DIVISION, 2 4191 Pa Ho CS• Frencll II....,., Produc:U. Inc.• t9&3 tHll. Poll-•IOn °' encuml>r.,_, Callfotnla 92680 FlCTTTIOUI au ... al Carey 0 T Wares, 8712 Pege II~. Laguna Hiiia. CA 112653 Celttomla oorpor-allon. 940 tnttne S440-82 or u 1o tnaural>tllty of tit.. Tiii• l>u9ln111 It conduC11CS by an NAM1 aTATDllNl Cit Hunllnglon Beac:fl. CA 112648 Prof1ulonal Community Avenue, A·308. N-port Beach. Troe total amount ot ,,... unpatcs lnCSMOuat Tile tollowtng pereon '' Going M • t 11 n l Hu d I••. 3 I 4 O Manegement, Inc. 23726 Birtcher Callfomla ~ PtllUC· NOTIC£ IT A T£MINT OI' AaANO<>NMQfT MUM CW '1ClTTIOUa aua .... MAMI The following p1reon• l'l•vt 1bl'1Cloned tr.a UM ol lhl ltc;tlllous bu-,,.,.,. CREATIVE VIDEO SYSTEMS. 15722 Plvmolllr. Lane. Hunllngton 8"ch. CA 112847 Tl'I• Flctltlou• Bu••n•H Nem• r1t1rr1CS to 1bove w•• llt1d In Orang• c;r.....,nty on Juf'tl 15. 1H2 JOHN ANDREWS, 15722 Plymouth lane. Huntington Beacr.. CA 92847 BARRY ANDREWS 20454 Cypr ... SI Santa An1 HI• CA 02101 P H OUILTIEA. 118 Emerald Bay, i..ouna Beach, CA 9285 1 Tllf9 tiu.in.. •H concsuc;t~ by 1 gen«al Pertnerlhlp. JoM An<Srewa TN• ti•1-1 wu tneo wltn tile County Clerk of Orange County on December 6. 1N2 • ''hAI Publl•ll1CS Orin~ CoHt Dally I. Die II 18. n 30. IOU 5.322-82 FtCTmOUe llUUSU NAMlllTAnaMT The toitowtno P«tOfll in CIOinO ~U:I THI HAI/TY OAlllDIN. lHt Mtt• Vtrdt . 11111• 107. Coate ...... Cellfomla IHH o.i.. Menal, a110 .,._, f<Pt. I . Coeta Meaa. Calltorllle 92128 D1rl1n1 Clooll1 tll, IOI t Qwr1and, Laguna Hlfte, C1Hfotn4• 12653 01bor11tt •••noerdl, 2400 ~fll:' 01111, l'!I Toro. Oallfornla Thia ~ .. oonduot.d by • .,.,. .. pertner'ahlp. o.r...,,.. ll'tll ·~ -flled """ ... c.unr, Oteftt of ~ County Oft CICl-W 27. 1111 ,.,.. f'110tllhld Ot1~e co .. 1 OlllY ,tlot, Dec JO, 1Mf, JM I . ti, 20. 1• &941·12 balAll()• of MIO Ol>t!Qatlone l~lhlr Aol>ll"I Jamee Sheckl<lton l>ual,_... M•nlllH 01 Cofl• MeH. CA Ottole. El T0<0. CA 92630 Thll bu91-,. c:onouc1~ by • with ldv•-· an<l eatlm•tees ooet• Thia llatement wu llled wltr. thl NEWPORT HtllS TRAVEL. 92828 Thll bullneM la con4UC11CS by I oorpofatlon . • ,,0 ••Pit'-11 SH.272 Ml County Cle<k ol Or1nge County on 2834 San Mlguel Drive. Niwport Scow Wares. 8712 Pege ClrCll, COtPO<•llon FrlftCf'I ltallen Thel Nolle• of brHcl'I of H id Oecem~ 27. 1(182 8Mcll. CA 92ee<> Hunllng1on Beech. CA 91648 Prol9Mlonal Community Produc1a, Inc; ol>llgetlon anc1 e1ee11on 10 ... Mid l'20S1'2I EJlubelh Jonea Dell. M7 V18t• Thi• bull,_ ,. c:on<1ue11d by • Maneoament. Inc Olen Franco M4N,..... rHI prop1rty WH rtcord1CS H Pubtltl'leCS Ora nge CoH1 Dally Bontt.1, Newpoft e-:to. CA Oaeec> gene<" P6"1nen/119 Ally Brodi, P~ lnttrumi nt No 12·287796 on PllOI. Dec 30 1912 Jan I . t3. 20, Tlll9 ~I• oonducfad by an Cerey 0 T Wero VIOi PrMldent Thie at11-.i -nlld wlttl the AUOUSI 3. 1082. or Of11clel Aec:orde 1983 lndMduel Thie f1a1-I W.1 flled will\ the Thie stat-I -fllld With lhl County ci..tt of Orange Couttty Ofl In the Office of 1roe Couniy Aeclotdef 5101-12 [111.tWtn ~ Dell County Clef1( of 0rll'Qe County on County awtc Of Or11n9t County on Deoernt>ll' 21. 11192 of Or•no• County, St at• ol Th'9 t1••-t _.flied w11111roe Dec 13. 1982 Dec. 1, t982 ,.... CaillOl'nla. Pl8UC NOTIC( County Ctenc Of Or•noe County on 6 l'IOMOI ALUM AND l'l.An Publleh.CS Orange Coot Deily Truflll 0t perty conducting Sall ------·· Nov 29. 1982 Publltl'leCS 011ng1 COlll 01it., A..._,. et Lew PllOI. Dec. 23. $0. Jen. 6, 13, 1983 CALIFORNIA LANO TITLE ....... ,..,...__ l'10IO"n Pllot,Oec,Jan '· 4400MeoAl1ftUfllvd ....... l10 5577-82 COMPANY. 3579 ArflngtOfl A..-, NAMI ITA,.._,., Publlallad Orang• CoHI Dally t9t3 ....,,_. ~ CA -Rlver1fCS1. Ca llfornla 92501. Tile followlng petton It doing F>not, Ole. 18. 23. 30. 1982. Jan &. 543t..a2 ..__ P'lllt.IC NOTic:E Allenllon "°'ec:6olo.I,. ()apartment ~ •: 1983 ----.. -... -,,.-MO-"" __ r___ Publl•h•CS Drenga Coul D•ll'rl------------- Tatephon9 (7t4) 794-2t20 Oeted (a) JHO AUDIO (b) HUNT 5508-82 r\IUU\O ,,_ Pltol, Dec 18. 23. 30. 1982, Jen 4. ~~IT ....... 22 ... 2 DABNEY & AHOCIATEI, t370 i------------1--------------t"3 ,._ A,.....,,, o.c.tTll>lt • t.v L~--· No E, Cotta M-., PIC"nTIOUa IUll•N saotl-82 The foltowrog per.on& -dc*\CI l H E H A M M 0 N 0 c ..... 28 ' ____ l'tB. __ 1c_NO_TIC_E___ .... llA.......,,. ~ •: COMPANY HY ·-The ............... ~ -........... .. lroat• Jlntel HunllllQIOI\ Oal>n1y, FICTmOUI au...... ~----w... -... PUBl.IC NOTIC( COTTAGE COFnE SHOP. 541 &y. Cdfotnll lanO 1555 Miu V1tde Ortw. flat, No. NA• llAT'lmNT SCA~A ~AIR8, 1420 E. St W 19th 81,..t, Coate ....... CA TttM Colllp.-. 23F. ~ Mtae. Callfomla 1202t The 10110...,rng penon 11 cso1ng .,._ 1 •·~ l'ICTITIOUa 8Ul ... H 92827 -·r ......., ...... ....-... •· --..... -...-...,.... Anor-t ~-Unit ·.,_ .. a Ana, NAMI ll'"TI......,. Pu~· 10062 Kul!ul OrM, .. aoen1 .. _ ---,. ................. VJ-· l>ul lMlf.. Ca. t27CU .. -"· H tlftftt ,.. .......... Shaton A Bewley. lndMdutl. THE KOZAK GALL&AV. 202 Catherine IE. LllllCI• (Eltul>9th). Tl'I• IOllOWlllQ peraon I• doing un • .,,.on . ....,. .. _ For..,.IOIVlt O~ J-Hunt~ Oet>ney Newport Cenltr Or .. 8ulla 15, 8 8 bu•lnHt II May NQ#I, 10052 KIH!ul DfHe. .... T _. t I -"h ,... 700 W. 3rd trffl, I 121, 11111 0CE'"N$10E I"'"', 18711 P··•t ... u.-1~-~. ,.. .............. Pul>lltllaCS Ot1119e Coe t Dally lllt .. a~ WM '"' ,,. N1wport Be&Clll, CA 92ee0 Ana, Ca 92701 " m" """'"" """' "'' "".,,,._ Piiot, o.c 30. 11112. Jan 4l, 13 County CWk ol Oranoe County on Oatlllcl lei Ko-z .... 2100 VICI\! AnMtl• Marie FrMdf 15<44 N COHI Highway. 8unHI 8f1Cll. TNt .. oonducted by . ttU o-nt>ll' 21, 1912 Mlacllltf N1woort Beach, CA Ca,f0rnit to't<42 1191*., Plf'tner8hlp. 670M2 ...... t2eeo Otano-. Or.no-. Ca. tHe &June L. Myett, 21215 H411otr~. PAUL ffGAN Publllhed Ora nge Coa11 Delly Tllll l>utlntM I• conducted by fin ~ ~ ~.t by • 8•1111 Ana, Cdlomla 92704 Thl9 f\l'-t -tllad .tin ""9 If you have Ju•I nted Ptlo4, 0.0. 23, IO, fN2, JM. t , 1S. 111<1lllld1,1a1 ---~·if.ttt ,-,... Thie ~ II nonducted by 111 CoulltY a.ti ol °"'1ge County Oii y 0 u' I\." , I c II ti 0 u. ,.., Olfelel l Kotek TN9 t 111.o with the lllOMCSval Oeo. fo. lH2 } 8 I H d 15157W2 Till• '1etf"*1t wu llled ""'1h the t\MefMll Wle Junl l M)'t't 1J ,.... u1 I\••• am• al\ COutl1Yo.c.n antt °'it12°'111ge County on tNe 1tatenlent -·........., .... ," ,.... Publllh9d Ora • CoHt ~ h I I bmt" d ------------County Clwll ol OraftOI County on --. ~-,,_.. .... ,,. av• no Y• 1u • PUBllC MOTU o.c 8, 1912 -• · ,..._, County ei.ttt ot Or .. Co\Mlty °" Plot, o.c. te, a~ . 11121.. -!M- 11 for pubtlaatlon, ptaaH NO-I ... ·--•-,_ no1174 ,ut>llahed Orange Coaat Dally 0-ml>« 0, lff2 ,__ tt13 M27-et don't forget that the ·-....... _..... .... ,,.... ..., Put>lltlltd Orano• OoHI Oally Hot o.c n, '° 1Mt Jen e, 1:1. ... 11m111t1on 11 ao d•Y• ... cc:~ •11~!""uca0fl Ptiot, o.c 1. 11. u. '°· 11ta. 1• · ' · • Pl~b~•,o o,r•rt•-2~~' .. O•llY "'8.IC NOTIC€ from d•t• of ftllng. The -_..,,,..,. ·-Ntl ~·12 0060-Q ""• ..._ • 1 • •1• .,.., ...... ' 1l-tlo4ll ·-----------153"4:1 l'lCTmOUI -.. 0 A IL Y P L 0 T w 111 To W1w>m tt Mey eor-n •-.,. MftnH" •-"' ..,,._ MAMI ITA'RMSMT n publl11\ your .... emenl VA vtN TAAH II appl'tlllo 10 Ule ...._ 119111-. ,_ """-rtalC NOT1CE 'tl!e k>llOtli4N "'1IOnf -~ f o , t 3 I • I 0 . 0 u r Depll1ment Of Alootlollc' .._. PIO UJIOUI IUSI •II "°""*" IUllMlll lMlalneM II ClfOUlatlon lnctudH th• ConllOI f()( .... , .. On .... ._ & ..... ITA.,.....,. MAll9 ITA~ PtCTmOUI ~.. ...v .... ""*"" "!ALTY, ... Wint (PubllO latlnt "--~to... The ~I perlKltl lad Thi fotlowtno l*tOfl I•~ MA• ITATJ~ llnanea llvd, ll'Wle, CA tl?tl anti re Orenge Co••• etootloliC beV9ftOet tt uoo Hllfbof ~ •! ~-. Th• 10110*1110 p11•011 11 e101no woooe"'oot AU,,:rv. INC. ., .. and lefal noUCH llvd , tultt I. Co111 Meu, uoo 0'1'1CAL. 811 Hoep!I Ho v A. LAH o Io A, e blHlneaa • • • 01t1torn11 c~r•uon Oto appUf Ir\ •JI edition•. In CellfOrnta. M . IUttl toO. ~ e.dl. ca CON&'UIUCt'IONJ.. Hott 8rok•n THI Q, .. MAN HOMI ·=· lalTlt\CI IMI.. llt. OA tan•. order to eubmll your Publl1hecs Or1n11• Cou1 01Jly 1"'3 low OI'., e.1 Toro, cA He.JO ~41t Via OpOf'to, Newport , •Tfllt l>ual,_ 1• ~ 11)1 a 1 t a I 1 ,,, • n I f 0 , PllOt, o.c.mw 30, 1H2 Larrimore J l"'ltl\, 1 ta ,..... P. KIM* Q071 ~ t28a OOf'POt911on • MU-ti c..on.;::_,,...., Ce. .... '"Dr .. fl TON, CA..., 11\.VIA ALATNITI. 10'4 Olltll Wooclbt!OOt ""81ty. IM PU et ff 0 •ti 0 f\ • •,, d r----------~ 11 OOllduCtM by Cot1• Mela. CA •2el1. Not"ltlM A~ llhW, ~ •Jtpto_prl•• C0,1 1nci • • 1-"*'*' i. -ldWIM lly an Tilll 1te1...__ ..,. --. .,.- ch H~ to 'Hl DAILY Mdll... County CWll OI °'""" Oountr • ,ILOT, ,.0 . lo~ 1MO, .To pl~=.~ 81Yia Aa..111e t, ttQ Co111 ...... CA tlt2t. rMdlno pu1t1 nu. 1111-1 -!tit§ ~:the ,.... Wt 'ti d!o tM ,.... frtk phone '' Clltlt or 0i.,,.. COUt\ly on lllfl.A'f I ::'ft4. c-' • • lnto1indoft abowt .... , OllfV 'llol '* "· lMI ,_,. =·.:=:...-=-c~ ecfv1ttllNf\9 pi.a.. cell C•ANlfltd. 842•&e71 ~otiaMci Or1111r9 Ccleet Oetly ,.uDll•!MG 0re11911 C•••• Deily ••t·•n1 111. um. · o.. •· 1•. n , ao, '"geo..tt ""°'· o.. • ti. a.• ,':..a .. ·~ A 'L' Af . ' •• •A Ill .1.M ~~~-~• ~~u·ijir.'a "WA.__ :i.::::·~:== ~:..ir1ifl ~ • 'w•~:.:~: -~t ..... _ .......... ..,...._......,, tflree INl!tlll'""' lllmOM 0...... ..... IN ..... IHI not1ea of ...... .. ,._.IM It llerattw flYan lllal °" OAll ...... MM NOTIC .. , .. ._. '-ill .... ,..,... Tlllt lll'ftCMll c. .... n ,,,,.,, 1t1e 1111 l 1r of Janwttr, lltOTIOI I ~-:=;;••11 ..... TM_, ........... IM 11 of No\oemo. 21, tNI, Ind .. ltlS, It t 00 AM , II tot C"r n-t .... !NJ......__ ...... ~ ......,. ,.. ... ....., .... ln•r•H• untrl. yowr eooount "'11wey W•, hire tOO In 1M City .,..... ,.. ...,.. r: ,....... ~ • .... ._.. ......._-rent y°" ~not ,_ oOf Orllllf8, Coun'Y Of Oranp, l tete ,_ r....-M .,.... • .,.. lllflnll•""' ..... to pey tt1e 91\llre unf)eld portlOll Clf lei ~ OMelOllNr A Ode, tM ~ ......,, 11 ~ ....,_ lo .-\fie ld¥loll o4 rour aooownt, Hen tho1o111h tull 'Tf"lllMa, wtM19a addr .. 11 IOI OltJ If you wllll to ...., tl\e ICMM of •n ettorn•y In 11111 1111119', yo11 ,.,,,_.I -~enci.d bwl you l'ftwllr W.C, lllltl tOO, Oreinga, en ettorn•., In Ihle metier yo1o1 lflO\llCI 4llO to Pfomotly eo tNt )'OUf ~-pey tfll ~ !'!__, _'b!:'!. Ce '*'• ·c1'"4141 .~ ....... ~. ... 1t1ou1c1 cso eo P'Ofl!Otly eo lflll• 'f04ll wt111en rMPOllM, If 1ny. mor b• ,.,,.., ""-....... m .. ,....,.., ,.,. _,. ' •• t. • ... wtlllen reeponM. II any, may be "'90 on IWM ol recor01t1on ol thl• dOC\tm1n1 II pwbllo -lion lo th• lllOhH I llled on tlml A V I I 0 I U t I• d II 1 1 I d • (WNotl Olte of -detton oppew9 *dlt IOt Oll9f\, In l8flll money of A V I I 0 I U a I• d II 1 1 Id• de1t111tdHe. II trlla1tttel ,_, •• ""-'), IHMe 11\e OC>llQetlon being ttle ~-.......... pty8bla II Ille ••1111n•••·· II trlll11"•I ,llM• ......., ...,. u.."" eJllll!illll O t1119Gloeeel \ol90ll """fl' • ion,., lme of Nie, ell 1h1I Oertllln rMI ......, -tr• Ud. 111t .-... • -... u... ~ -.1re pettod )IOU l\lw oNy tfle ~ P'oper1y ~ In tl\e C-ty of --.. Ud. ,....-.....,. • M ..... Lee la .......,II I .. lo 91.C, the ~ ~ Oreno•. l t•t• ol Celltornle, H • M..., lee le !It~ .. .,._, ltle entire 1mcxint ~ by cMeoftbad • to1owt .,._, l l Utt•d d•Ho eolloltar el ~ ~edhor Tho 1treet •dd•• .. or other "II \Jtttd oeu1 1ollcll1r el oonH Jo de un 1bog1do 1n e1te To find out tl\e WllOIM11 you """' OOl'llmon de1tgne1lon ot the rHI oonMJOe de 11n •bogldo en Mii • • 1.1 11 I o , d • b • r r 1 h 1 o • r Io SMIY. Ot 10 1rr111Qe tor IMIY"*I' 10 PfOC*'IY le 31755 OOMI Hld!WaY, 1 1unto. d e b e rla h 1 oe rlo lrn1Mdle1Mn1111e, de 1111 rnener1, etop tl\e 1oroclo1ure. or II ycxir Unll 401, South ~ ~ lmrnedtel-t•. Cle 111a m-•· IU '~• etetlte. II hoy llgun•. PfoC*'1Y 11 1n loredoeuf• tor ony Tiie leoll dee«ll>llon of the ,.., IU reac>uMt• eecrtt.a, II hly alQUno. e>uedl -1eQ1e1rld• a llell\po, otl\ef rMeon, cont1ot ALLIN & pr°'*'Y la: puecH -ragletrada a liempO I TO THf' DEFENDANT A Glv1I FLATT, lllorneya and eoent• for L•11un• lido 1402, 31756 I TO THt DIFENOANT A C1¥11 complalnt llH been lll•d Oy lho PCM AllJty end Meneoement end COHI Hlghwey, South l •tune, compl1ln1 hH Ileen llled by lh• pleinlllf -e.inal you II you with to O rena• 'tr•• P atio Hom•• Oelllomle. ~rnent 1402 on tllt plllnlllf IQ.alnll you II you wtan to delendthfel-11,yournutt,wtthln Anooletlon, 4400 M1cArthur lourlh floor of Bulldln9 A I nd ~Ihle 1-h. you mual, within 10 dey1 I lle r thll 11o1rnmona 11 •oulevard, Suite 370. Newport garege #30. lllue•ed on io.a 11 and ao d•Y• 1t1er thl• 1ummona 11 NfV9d on you, Ille wt111 tllll ooun • •Hol\, Oelllornla 112880, (? 14) 10 of the Three Atchm Plludea Mfvecl on you, Ille With tllll ooun a written rwponM to Ille oomp1.a1n1 762-7474. No. 2, •"-on mec>-ded In written r.aponM 10 Iha cornplelnt UnleM "°" do to. )'QUI default wlll If Y°" how eny quwtion.. you book S, pegea 18 end 17 Of Aeoord Unleaa you do to, your def1Uh wlll be enterld on •PPllCilllon 01 tll• 1h01.1ld oontect 1 lewyer or tll• ~ In the Offtoe of the County be entereo on af)Pllcellon ol the plllnllft, Ind ttll1 court mey ent• • go¥errunen111 egenoy which mey ~-of 11\e County of Oninoa. plolnllll. and 11111 court mey enter • Judornen1 AQelMt you for the r•t h-lnlllfeet 'lfJlo/lf !Oen, 8tete of Cllttornle ludgment llQl ln .. )'OU for 11\e r .. lef dernlnded fn Iha complaint, -"loll R•momber, YOU MAY LOSE Slid tole wtff be rnaOe wlthoul demanded fn Ille compl.int. wlllch could IH ull In garnlt hment of LEOAL AIOHT8 IF YOU DO NOT -*"'or -enty regarding tltle co1.1ld ruull In garnl1hment of w1G99, taking ol money or property TAKE PROMPT ACTION poneaalon ol encvmbrancH to wegee. tlklnQ of money or property or 0111er rellel reQ1.1Hl•d In the NOTICE 18 HERE8Y GIVEN tMt NUity tM otJllQMlone ~ by or Olher r1fl11 requHted In 11\e ~nl purauent 10 Artlcl• VI ol th• Ind ~t to tl\e pow. of la6e complaint Dated May 13, 11112 Ooclatetlon o f Coven1n11, conferred In thet e«teln Deed of Datld Oc;tot>et Ill, 11182 LM A Branch, Clerk Condition• end Rutrlotton1, Truat d•1ed Moy 1, 11181, aeouted LM A. B11ncih. Cle<k Helen M Ollen,j)ec>uty lllllCUted on June 11 11171 end by ARTHUR EVANS AND GLORIA Herm1 E Botllek. Deputy LANOOMN AND an.z -ded June 23 tt78 In '9oo11 J. EVANS .. Trualor to FABER lA.NOORaN AND UL.Z 17U1 IWN lllvcl. 11184, PIQM 1 .. 1640.' lnolu9fw, FINANCIAL INCORPORATED •1 11'»1 1rYtM ltl'ftl. T .. tlft, CA ... In tM offtoe of the Orenge County Truet• lot R08ERT P. KUTZ M Tlll8tln, CA... (114bMM'lot Aeoorder, e brwt1 Qf tl\e obllgatlon be!~. -ded Mey 11. IOI t (1M) ~ Publl1lle<1 r1nge Cou.1 Dally or p1ymen1 ol HHnment1 hH In bo ok 14063, P•~• 12111. H Publl1hed Orange CoH t Oally Piiot. Dec 18, 23, SO, 11182. Jen. 8. ooeutte<I. Nottoe of Mid breach and document number 1 720, ol the PllOI, Dec. 15, 23, 30. 11112, J111. e. 1113 lle n wu flled lor roc o rd on Offtclel Record• ol the County or 11183 5512-82 6516-112 September 23, 11182 • 1n1trumen1 Oronge, SCate of c.Mfomle. No. 92-33!'>914 of Oftlolel Alocwda Nottoe of o.teult and 1Elec1ton to of Orwlge County. No ~I of Sell th• deecrtbed rn l property pHt du1 amount• haa ocurred. undor ••Id Deed ol Tru1t .., .. Tt:erefore, Ille Orenge Tr• Patio recorded September 10, 11182 In HornH Anoclellon dOH hereby book nle. PI09 nte. M document lilct to ... or cei.. to be told tl\e t\urnber 82-3111117 In the Offlclel lolowlnQ deacflbed ,... pr~ to Alocwcle of 1M County of Oronge, M llafy the Obllgetlon: Stete of Cellfomle. Lot &4 of Tract llOM, M per mep Thll Notlcle la ot-1 In cornc>llenoe recorded In 8oolc 3M, PIQM 12 to with IM wrttten llC>Pkatlon made to 14. 1nc1ualve o l Mlacefleneout the Tn.mt• by tl\e Mid Beneftolefy. Mope. In tl\e Oflloe of 1M Oronge On o-n1>er 15. 1982, ...tllcl1 .. County Recorder' 11\e d•t• of the lnltlel publlcetlon of The YMted owner of tl\e propwty thlt Notlcle of Sell, Ille tottowlnQ more commonly known H 111 emounte ,..,,_-.1 the totlll wno1~·ii h n9erln1, lrvlne. Coll lornl1, 11 ol Ille unpeld b•lence o f t he GEORGE F. SCHUSTER. obllgetlon MCUred by the ~ Delee!: Nowmbw 29, tt82.. Ollo1bld ,.... pr°'*'Y to be told ORANGE TREE PATIO and reaaonably Mtlmated coat1, HOMESA880CIATION e •pe n tea, a nd tdv1 nce1. H.R. STONE reapectlvety; Aeat. Secrelarv Unpaid bela"c• of obllgatlon STATE OF CALIFOAHIA ) S110,022 31 COUNTY OF OAANOE ) u Elcperwee St ,000 00 Total Amounl $111,022.31 On Nowmber 29, 18'2, bef~ 'fte, tl\e undereigned, • Notary >vbllo In Ind tor Mid County end 3tete, pertonelly •PP••r•d 1a1i.fac1ory eYldence to be lh• '••laten t Se cretary of th• :lOl'POI etlon !NI execut9d IM wttNn natrument and ecknowledged to 11e tllet tl\e C0f1)0f"atl0n executed :he within document ~ 10 lt9 ~or • '-OlutlOn of ltll 8ollrd " onctore. NTTNESS my hetld end Jfftclll 11111. Julll 8 . Wllclneon ~•~5 Publr.Mcl Orenge Cout Delly PloC. Dec. 1e. n. ao. ~ • ..,_ e. 111S 5437..fi M0'11C9 °" ,..,.,.... aALI '--... cou. #20274-2 T.8. No. M7911 T.D. 8EAV1CE COMPANY 11 d4Jtol eppolnted Truat•• under the ~ dlaGrlbed deed of truat WU UU. AT PU8UC AUCTION TO THE HIOHEST BIDDER FOA CASH (payoble .. time of .... In Tiie benelldel Int.eat under Ihle Deed of Tn.191 end the obllgellona ~ thereby _.. IMigrled IO JOHN W. BAEA by en uelgnrnenl detect June 15, 11142. Ind ~ June 18, 11182, In book nJe. page nla •• docum e nt n u mbe r 12·2 10006. 1n tl\e Offtclel Aacoroa Qf 1M County of Orenge, Stele of Celltomia. Tiie Ul"'idel ..... aiQl"""""*'.t WM eopoinled and 1Ubltltute4.-M T~t• under Deed ol Truat by • aubatltullon d.i.d June 15, 1182, Ind -dad June 18, 11192. In boOll "'' PllQ9 n/a •• docu me n t number 12·2100411. In 11\e OfllcUI Racorda Of 11\e C-ty of Orenge. Ste• Of c..tomk. Dilled· o.o.mblr 14, 1te2 CHRISTOPHER A. COLE TNIMe =-~nwey Weel Or.,ge. ca. ll2te8 Pubfllhed brenee -~Jt Delly Pllol. Dec 11. 23, 30. ·~ 553342 lewflA money of ttle United Stet•) MOnc. Of' T11UeT1n aALI II rlgtlt, title and ln-.t ~ T.e. ... 12111 to Ind now l\eld by n ~ Mid NOTICE YOU AA6 fN DEFAULT Offa of Tr1o1at In the prope rty UNDER A DEED Of' TRUST, DATEO l\ereW:ft• dw:ttbed· APRIL 21, 11112 UNLESS YOU PlllllC NOTIC£ " ... ,, OftA.Noe COUNTY llllU.-clPAl COUfl'T -H~ JUot<:IAL Dtt1'"1CT 4'01 Jernbcwee 91\'d. MewPOfl hech, CA,_ "lAINTlf,: l'ATTEReON DEN T AL C OM .. ANY , a --·ltoft. Ol!Pl!NOANT: DOUGLAS MURl'HY , o.o .a. •II • DR . oouou• MUftfl'ttY; DOH 1·100, ~ •UWitON• c-No..~ NOTICEI You hen been awed. f'tte -1 mey decide ..,.met JOU Wlttlout ,_ Mlfle heerd YnleH rou reeponct within 30 daya. "-d "'-lf\fonnetlon ~-II you with 10 9Mk the advice of an allorner '" thle miner. you lllould do to P'omc>lly IO lh•t your wrllten •HPOnH, II •"'· m1y be Ned on time Av1eo1 u11ed "• etdo deM1nd1do. El trll111nel !Ml•d• deddlr -"· Ud. • ~ • ,_ ..-Ud. reeponde Oerltro die JO din. LH le lnlonMdeft que ...... SI Ull•d de1aa •ollcll•• •I con1ejo de un a bogedo •" Hie a1un10 , deber l a llace110 lmn..ctlatarnente, de .. ,. manera, au reapueala eacrlla,., hay alguna. puede -reglatreda • Uernpo 1 TO THC: ~FENOANT A mt1 compte1n1 haa bffn llled by the pltlnlllf "911"'1 you If you wiell 10 defend 11\fs leweott, you muet. Wittlin ao d•y• •ll•r lhl• 1ummon1 I• ~ on you, file with tllla oourt • wtltt.,., ~to tl\e ~· Uni... )'OU do to. ycMN delll.lll will be enterld on eppllcatlon ot the plejnlllt, Ind !Illa courl mey .,,IM I Judgment eoalnel )'OU IOt ll\e rellef detnaftded " 11\e cornplllnl, Wlllclt could ru ull In garnl1hme 111 of w•11N . ta king ol mpney or or property or other rlllef ~ In !tie oornplllnl Dated Nlf~ 22. 1H2 J. Pate<ton, Clerk D Malllcolt, o.p..1y HIMAlt, OOfllDOll a ROUllO, 1"10 Ventwre INYd., 11111• t201, lllClfto. CA 11 .... ltll)..,,... Publlllled Orenga COHI Delly Piiot. Dec 9, 11, 23, 30, 11182 53114·8~ PWlJC NOTICl 'ICTITIOUI _, ...... NAlff eTATl•NT T lie IOllOWlng l)«IOfll Ira dOlnQ butln ... 11 BIG OLAF OF NEWPOAl BEACH 2306 W Balboa Blvd , Newport Beech. c e11fornla 112183 Geno Ctoe. 11130· 1~ EncinllM, San Marcoa, Cellf0tnl• 1120811 Gary Blepllngholl, 11130· 153 Enc•nllH , San Merco1. Celllomla 1120611 Tlll1 bUll,_ II conducted by a generll pertnerahlp Geno C;oe Tlllt 1111-1 wae ltlecl woh lhe Counly Cleril of Orange County on Oeeember 5, 11152 Fiosnt Publlthed Or1ng1 Cont Dally Ptlol Dec II. 16. 23, 30. 11182 5343-82 Ftel'tnOU• ., ..... NAmeTAT"llm#T Tiie lollowlng perton la doing ~-= KLEERWATER SYSTEMS - HOWE AGENCY, 17785 Sllyperk Circle, Sufle A, !Mne, CA 82715 Robert Kenneth Howe. 120 Be)'91de VIiiage. CA 112880 tllla bu..,_ la conducted by an lnctMOual. Aober1 K ..._ TlW ate~t -fled ..... the Cou111y CWti of Orenoe County on O.C. fO, 19*2. ~ Publll llld Orllliil• CoH I Dal~ Not, Dae ti. 23, 30, 11112. Jan. • 1N3 ~CW lWUeTD'l SAU T.a. .... w.. YOU AM .. Dm'AUL.T wmca A 08D <W naMT OAT8 AUQU9T 11, ttH. UNLI•• YOU TAKI ACTION TO l'ROTICT YOUR ""°"'8 h , rT llAY • IOU> AT A ...-.ec UU. P YOU .a> AM IXP\.MATIOll °' nm u~ <W THR MOC:UD'9f0 AOAIM8T ~~ IHOULD COWfACT A TRUSTOR: RIA H. ARATIN, I TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR married worn1n H her 1ole and PROPERTY, IT MAY 8E SOU> AT A MPl'Wt• prQPerty PUBLIC SALE IF YOU NEED AN llENHICIAA Y: AMERICAN EXPLANA TION OF THE NATURE "8JC ll()TIC( ,AMJLY MOATOAGE. a Cellfornie OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST ------------- NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN, INt on w~:l· J.,_,., 12. 1983, et t:oo o' e.rn. of Mid ~. In the room Ml 8llde tor ~ Tnaat•'a 8elee. _., tl\e om.:. ol REAL ESTATE S ECURITIES SERVICE, located et 2020 Nortl\ 8roedway. 8ultie 208, In the City Of S8rrta AM. County Of Or11nge, St.te o l C e l lfornl e , S ERVIC E OtMENSIONS INOORPOAATED, a Cetuornl• corporetlon. n duly eppolnted Truatee under end puraue nt to tl\e power of H I• confwred In ttlet oenllln Deed of Truet e11ecut9d by LYNFORO l . WILEY end LINDA l. WILEY. '-bend end .... recorded Auol* 21, 11171, In 8e>c* .,"" Of Oltcw Aeoordt of md C-ty, et page 114t, Aiecord•'• lnetrvment No 28M8, ~ ,._, of • ~ or defeult In peyment °' pelf~ Of fie~ l90Uf'9d ~. lnCludlnQ that t>rHCtl or defait, Notice of wl\loh wH record•d 8epternber 11, 1N2. -"9cordlt'• lnatrvment No. 12-3291t5, WIU Ba.LAT PV8UC AUCTlON TO TliE HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH. tawM moM¥ of ttle United Statea. oorpo1etlon. -did ,,__., 20. YOU. YOU SHOULD CONTACT A l'ICnTIOU9 .,... .. 1t82 u lnt tr. No. 12-021140 In LAWYER NAm STATDmJfT otllcial Alocwdt In tl\e offloe Of the On Fr10ey, January 14, 11183. at The tolowtnQ per1IOna .,. doinO Recordw of Orange County; Mid 11.15 A.M., Economy E1crow ~ 11: d1od ol trut t ducrlb•• 1h• Corporation H d11ly appointed SEARS REALTY. 241111 '"- totiowtng property: Tru1IM under and pwrauant to de Velenc*l. Lllgune Hiia. CA lt2M3 Loe IM Of 'trect No 7100, In the Offd of Trual recordld Mey 4, Proteulonel Community City ol !Nine, County Of Orenga, 1H2, .. lnatr No 12-152410, of Manecr-t. Im:. • Celllornla 8tete of C1Hlornle, .. per mep Oftlc:lef Aeoord1 Intl\eofllc9Of11\e ~don, 231'29 8lrtc:t. Oriv9, ..-ded In Booll 324, peoea 44 to County Aaoofder of Orange County, El Toro, CA t2l30 48 ~. MleoalaneOua Mepa, In Sl•I• ol Cellfornle. Executed by Thll ~ la oondUcted ~ • 11\e oflloe of the County Aeoorder Of PHILIP W. KLINKER T, o llngM "*1 corporltlon. Mid County In IW4'0f of I( & 8 ENOINl:EAINO, ProfMalonel Community Ex~pt therefrom all oll, g... INC .. 1 Caftoinle oorpor9U0n Will ~''· Inc. "**1118. end other hydrocett>ona. SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO "-Y Brodi. below a declCtl of 500 ..... wftflout HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH Vloe Prealdent t h•"rl91\t ol aurl•c• entry, H lpayable et urne of .... In 11wfu1 Tllll ~ -llled With 11\e ,...,......, In lnetlvnent9 of reootd. mone of 11\e United 8111•) et 11\e County a.II of Or1ln09 County on YOU ARE IN OEFAUL T UNDER A f1ont entrance to the Old Orenge ~ .!i tM2 DE E D 0 ' TA U I T DA T E D County Cour1hou1e. locatld on AND PLATI' JN«IRARY 11, 1182. UNL.188 YOU S a n ta An e 8 1 v d . b e 1 ween Aa 11119fl .. '- TAKE ACTION TO '""°TtCT YOUR S~e St. & 8roectwsy. Santa .. -· ... 9Mt. ..... l'1'0 ~L~~yy~~l~~ ~-:o~ ':W-::t~~ ........ ...._CA._.,.._ EXPLANATION OF THE NATU RE undef Mid Oeld of Trult It\ 11\e Publlahed Oron11e Cout Dal!y OF THE PAOCEEDINO AGAINST property allulled In n ld County Plot, Dae. ti, 23, 30, 11182, Jen. II, YOU, YOIJ SHOULD CONT ACT A end St.le CleeCrlbed M' 1183 LAWYEA PARCEL 1: LO' 18 Of Tract NO Tl\a atreet eddre .. ol H id 7IOO, In tl\e City of Newpot1 e..ar:. ~ II 3M2 Acecia, lrvtna. CA • per mop ,_ded In Boole ~. ~114 . ..,wwrentyle~•to l\9 Pe1111 35 to 37 lnclualve of ~ or e«rectneal. The Mleoell-Mepa, lft tl\e offtoe Of beneftc1ry under H id Oeed of ttie oounty Recorder of Mid Orenge Trvet. by feuofl of a CWMCtl or COunty. Collfornla. defeun In tN oblgdlona --PARCEL 2. Non e11clu11 ... thefwby. ~· euouted end ~ _.. for .,.... dellveted to t"41 undete.lgned • Ind ear--prtvete __.. • wrltt9n O...ctol• of Dllfal.tlt and u t 1ortl\ In tho deolorauon Of Darnendlota.,MCS_...,nottoe oo\le "onu, condition• end Of bteadl Ind~ eo-"'° ~ .,_.. 11ete111. l#ldalalgllld to ... Mid OtOl*1Y to Tti. atrHt eddr•• end othef Htllfy H id ollllge1ron1, end oorninon ~tton. H llft, of tt1e ~ b "' ......... _.., '-' property dMCrlbld abo'le le H id notlH of l>r•.ac tt •1td of ~ to .,.. No. t Aue vm.r.. ~ to be raoorMd lto••llW ~ 8wf':. CA t2MO S. 1Ma, • lnllb'. Ho. 92..Jtaaet of Ttl• undera111n•d Truat H 0.... Reootda. cttec,.lmt eny llablllt~ lor 1ny ••Id HI• Wiii II• m•d•. but ~ Of IM .,,. lddr- wltllOUI covenant or weu anty, end °"* oornmon cMalgtletton, " ~ OI """119d, ~ tltle. ll'l'f. lflOWft l\afWI II 1111104\ Of ~ to Said HI• Wiii b• m•ct•. Ill.It PllY W. ~ ~"'"'of wltl\out OO\lonant or warrenty, h ~ eeolted lly Mid °""" Of 8ICPt'l9I Ot lme*d. ~ ..... Tniec, ., .....,.. • In .., noee po111111on. Of _.,,.,_, to provtded. ~.II 1111Y1 under pay.,,.~ pMcllp9"""' of the llarml Of Mid Oaecl °' Truet, the note(a) eecured by Mid Deed of wltlt lnt•rHI H In Hid note Trual, with lnter•et thereon. u ptCMdM, .......... " ~· under prcMdlct In Mid note(•), ldwlnoel, ... "'-of Mid Olld of TNIC. .... 11 flf'/, under t"9 terme of Mid Daad clla1gH ind ••pent" of th• of Truat. I•••· oll•rtn end TNllel _.of lite~~... ...,.,_ of lie T"*-and of tl\e Mid Deed of Trull. llld ..... .,. trutt• OtHt•ct t>y .. Id Dffd of ....., °" ~. Jenuery f, 1M .. Tl\llf, t:OO ,,,...._ Ill llte °'*""'*' AWlllU8 l'tte t04e1 amount of 1M ~ entr1nce, to Ille 01vto Oen•., ~ Of -. ~ leCM9d e11lldln1. 100 lut C111p1111n oy tllt pr0f*1y to IM eotd ltMf A--. rn fie C1tr Ill 0...-.~ ,. .. onel>I• ut1111•t•d ooet1. NOTIC& AT Tltilll CW IACI. -.,..... and ldV9llaaa at tna 11tM MAY • MAUI .. CA1H ANO'°" ol thie lf\11111 publloeflon of th• THI OMHll"e OR ClRllPllO *"'°'of .... le ~lo.I?. OHIOICI l,.01"tl0 IN CIYIL Tiie balllllle:Mly 1 Mid Deed cooe leCTIOH --Of Ttwt ,_.ofote eJC«Mtad MCI A~ Ill• UM• •I 111• lnltlat dell\lerad to tllt uftel., ... tlecl • • l I ·_.1 -.~~-~ ....._ Qt!fl ellOn Of Delllllll Md ,....... .... __ -.. --Dtfl'lend ,., ••· ltld • wrllten o••ss1••......,.,..""' "'°" -... Of DetMt Ind l"'8tlOn •o =!:= .... Of ,,. Id -..... "" undltllil ... OfMICI .. -,,-...... 911fl-. Mf NOttoe Of OalNl"'IM IMtlon t• .......... 11 •u.1u.u . T• ........ ,........ an.__,,... 5510-82 or • Cutlllr'• cMdc drawn on 1 ------------• ._ or NllloMt benlc, • lllate or "8.JC NOTICE ...., cndlt un6on. or • ._ or ---------1 ..... ..._endloef\~ ~ COUM °' dOl'nldlld In DWI l&MI, II~ et C&UtOMU ttle tlMe Of ..... 11 f10M, dtlt Ind COUNTY M ORANom lnt.,..t held ~ It, M T~•. In 111 Chta C1r. Of,..... tM1 r ... property lltu1-. kl Nici ..... AM. CA ""1 County end ltafe, deecrlbed u PLAINT"'' wooo••UOOI folowe: ,ARKWAY MAt•TllUNCI Loi 2t Cl Tract No. tOtt In IN AleOC4ATIOM. City Of~ leadl, ~Of D.,INDAllT1 A•NI MIHCIJ Orwlge, It• Cl c.itorni-. •per enf DOH~ ........ ti, ............ "Ml>~ In llooll N. 'ao-a? ~· Ind 40, ................ In the C.. .... -Oflla. of the 00ullty "41ootd• OI NOT'telt YM ...... '-..... Mid~· TM_, IMJ ...... ._...,.. TJle atr"t lddr• .. or other ...... ,_ Mlllf ....,_ ...._ ~ Helgnetlon Of the rMI ,_~ ........ a..,.. "9M ~ ~ clelOI"'*' II h .. ...,,......,.Meow. T.j 10 bit: 2t ltlbOe eow., " ~ wWI to ... 11\e edYlge Of '-"'· O.ilfomle. en e11orney In 11111 metier. ylXI T • u nderalgned ll•r•by lflOUld do'°~'° ttwt 10'lf dlt0l1lm• all ll eblllly for eny Mfttten NePOf\M, If .,,.,., mey bit lri0oi1«* ... In md ..... eddf-. llllid on tlrM. or -. OOflW'llon f111ti 1M1art. AYteOI Uate• lie a1•e l4lld .... wll be tn9de .tlMut d•ftte"••••· II trltl11"1I •lltffe warranty. •aptH• or lmplled, ....., _.,. Ui&. • n•1r111a 1 retarding tltle, POHHllon, or MMM .. "'-,....... ....,_ •noumbranoe1, to 11t1ely tll• ...... LMla ........ lln .. ~ Mlance Of !he Note Of ....... otMr Oblllli90n NOlnd W Mid "11 Uet•d duH aolloltar •I OMCI Of f'Nll. wttll ln•Mt ll'Ct oonM IO ~ un ebogedo en ••t• O«Mr tul!M .. pro.tded ~; ••unto. deberr1 lta oerlo l)hll ld\I.,_., lf any, undef tM lfMledletwnent•. de •t• m-e. ....,,. ......,. wict in.. on 8llCltl .. ,..,.... .......... hey...,"' I ~. Ind _.. ..... ohatOM ~•,_.,Ide e '*"PO· n ...... of• T~ ltlCI of 1. TO nft" DlnHOAHT: /I cMI .... Wiit ...._., "F 911 Deed Oii oOlflpl•lnt hu Hen ftlef by tilt Tru9t TM totel MOUftt Of Mid plllntW9 .,._. you " ~ wWI to I -...!en, ~Int ....-0~ ~ ltllit '"'9ull, you "'4191, .itntn 11trmated ••••· ollertH 1no ~· elrar tlll• eummon1 11 ..,... ef llleT~ Iii lie lllM on )OU. ,.. """ tt11e own • Of tnllM 1111111e111on Of• Noaot. 11 ..,... ~ '° ... ~ •1a.oa11. ...,_.,. )'Oii do tO, 'Pll ........ .. OIMcl: ou ............ 11e enw.d on •""""°" ef '"' ~........,... plllnaft, Ind 11'111 ooun rr-r.,. 1 ~TIO, ~t _.,., you !Of 1M NW 1 Otlfcw'l'llll •°"•"°'-wt1dol""-'" G1del'il11MM11nldadaao· M tlte ~. tllWdl • t.._~. ~ •Ovid r•eutt In 1ernl1l11nenl or =Miil· llTATI ..... .._. flLIDQlllW. . ~ 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 D A I L y p I L 0 T c L A s s I F I E D 6 4 2 • Im I ... . .,. 1111 ltu ..,. ::1 :::1 1:.~' !GeJ I IW/ 1• IOTtj IO'tl i; !~ II lllO lilt I I I 121 I I I 111 l .. I >41 u U:i& u -.. 2'1GO ,_ 1900 .,, Liii llLI Mllll Prum L ido Nord t...yfwnf o Wini. !l", •••lh l.•w I. ll . 11lr 111nd 2 IKllll allfiot • 1.&00.voo 1< .. 11111cft•h1l :1 bclrm ~ h111h + !Mr ll• r·~ "", '~""' , t•lh111C• furn1ah1'(1, f)llUIJll ••w.ooo PlllUIU MOii C>rt•nn & Jl'tl)' vit.>Wtt Marini• ru()m, 4 Wr 111, :i beth, .1700 11q h •J.Jlf~.000 01t·anfrunl Lllll llLE IAYFIOIT LafrOOn view from 6 bdrm, 4 bAth, fam rm Boal slip for 3 boatai. Now •991),000 llYllH PUOE Spt'tt.K:ut.11 bl.iyfront dplx 2 01 , i h.. up, 2 br, 2 ba t111 41 Uo.il IJ>fK.'f'll Rt'th.tet.'<.I $1 ,500,000 FllRllllS RllOll Nl·W .i hr, -I ' 1 1,.., <'1Jl11(1m Jo'rt.ond: Nurm.mdv £&tau• I 2 pr:mt• IK're h11lto"' $1,250,000 OOROHDO OATS Coronado ti.land c:wl bayrront lol 85' boat' dock Plans 11va1I Now $370.000 wll<'rms BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR f.11 Boy\1d•· Q,,v .. ti B bl~ 0161 WAIOI WllEEL CllUI Pride ol ownerahlp lnald• and out low rnelnl•· nenoe overalad lot wltf': luah dlcllondre Outdoor p1tlo room overlooklng perk-llke yard• Big. big bdrm1. double llre- plKM, wetbar, definite Pflde ol ~at:lp Ow· oar mey ualal In flnen- Clno 64&-23 13 PllTI IEST llY In Herbor w-Hom .. 1 Prtc.d thouNlldl ol dol· Iara below the com~ll· tlon et $209,llOOI Seller 11 reldy for otfera on tllle euperb 3 Bdrm 2 N th MonlOO. Won't laet, ea.II nowl 846-7171 THE REAL ESTATE RS : LOOI THE REAL ESTATERS = For our new regular YIWUUU Lovely one bedroom lll1d •·• den condo. Pl1e11 n• .. ~ vlow P ool end •P•· • Secilrlly gate. S 104,000 "' '"' 101n ot 10•1\%. Owner wlll • carry MCond 1ru1t deed • S14G 000. 111·1HO FLUllU FllWIOIH ' ........ IQ ·.~., Portollno 4 Bdrm, owner ,.,w wlll help llnanca every'·1~1 way po11lble Laro• • guut room with beth. '1 Atklng '3111,900. Ul'llilOOI' ti(J_..fS Reelton. &7s-eoo0 IH ILDGI Tl IOUI ~ D1.1plu with 2 Bdrl'fl 11ou1e & t Bdrm apt .' beam celllnga & llrepl~ "~ In 6ICh unit Good lfM. l~~ good flnarlcing Cell Do-. o rotlly Hardcutle lor ~•JM dltlonel lnformellon."1..: .. 7511·11100 = ..-1ytee1ure 14 GEORGE ELKINS CO ::! IUFFUftl I 0 IT s H 0 W-.;:;! 2111 "94. te HH,IOOI CASE Carta• ••I •u 1011 ~1 = Yl·LAHE LIT•PWI Ever" Seturdev In theliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiili; zm XLNT LOCATION WITH ' ' -EXISTING DUPLEX. Dally Piiot Cl .... lledt TRADE ... ,: DRIVE BY 2001 King• Rd LM&Tlll, LOW 1tW1 'fOUr boring Income pro-• and call for det•ll• Ow· .ere t>vt 1 emall portion peny or oulgrown rlSI· ~ • ANNOUNCEMENTS M<• wlll 1ell thlt week for ol whit this 4 Bdr 3 Be I d1nce with th• lar~-,. ~--*' below merk1t price. Al· 1 1 h h t f 1 t .. tc "•0 .._ .. r--. rnoet lot value lor • fl· rg poo ome H o o • equ ty or 1,.ts ne1t rut " "° ler want more? Lo· and roomy 4 Bdrm. 3't: P..._... >Oct bulOUI locellon with un-c91ed on qullt Coate ba home In WALK T •"' :;;;;::'.,8i:::':...., >014 quHtlonebll VU Ow· Me a a cu I.de· a e c THE BEACH CORON :=:: T'no¥91 ::: nera wlll help nnen~ In (bordering Npl Bell) lhll OEL MAR LOCATIO eve<y wey. Loceted In an l\oma wu remodeled for with 1pectac1.1ler t8~ • , I OftOYID'J .w.w--·--·- WICSPORTATION A.--.11 .,_ ~ .--I ~ l • ""'' """""'"'Ttwol ~ U"°"l' AUTc.>TM A-i....,. Au•.,_,..,. Auw W-~-·-Drt.-~ v-~c- AUTOS a.alTtD ~-A_. 1=:_ 10-a.-°""-11WTW1 I~ ...._ ........,...., ~ '-...... 1reo of higher priced e ntertaining. Stop by deg ocean. Catallna, a I homes It's • grNt va-Sundey 1...c or caH Jerry 1a1and and harbor 'IMiw;,. n. I u • I S U B M 1 l • E X • S rn It h 6 3 1 • 1 3 7 O o r Priced 11 current appr-.. ' tOU CHANGE. OR? 540·0312. 2283 Wiier· sat of $475,0QQ tM. OWJ ~,~ ..,14 -min. Wey otf 23rd & Ir· ner 11 .. I tllSJ)OO equity •ia1 WAll MJ H.Otiif Vine. I and wW CllllY 2.nd J .D. ,, .... llOMI '"\lie-S...1111 .q = REAL ~lE' ,._ . .,;i -6.ll 140U . {i oc -. I ..... Im& ftlll 1~41. LI. I~~·~ HOC I ~·:. :~~~3 IJ~ = i._iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil FlllY OWllO ~~ 11• In preatlglOU9 ., .. , Great 1 • p rf1 f C ..lllfl .;.~·.,,..O opportunllv 11 o nly To ~ '10'K ~ t 0 t•• Is .. o> ... , ... 9012 .,. ' o.fot'9 !tie 5 Bdrm, 3 blllll. lneludeav•., 1 124,500. Don't welt on raedno publle, "'Hter •ult• end 1.,... o thll one. c.ll 117Jt..6370 ~ lemfly rm Ind off·tlreef"......, o.lly Piiot pMltlng for up to 1 CW'I. :: ClaNllled. 842·5878 Only 6 d~• from en· \ ( >111 tl /" h .. . . . ••• ::: -::;jjiimllllllliiliilll .... ~ ........... trance 10 Mlln BHc;l\..,lf N-on merket 11 S57S,1.w1 000 Dill S...1111 'll.1 -lltc 121' a1• a11 1111 IUO .,,. em -ftJO on 10101 ?Oii 1012 1014 1011 1011 70JO 71112 10>4 10'lll - IOIO IOIJ .... •1• IOll -91122 ..,,,. - 9010 9014 -.., .. -.... .... 11• "" " .. 1111 "" "" 1111 •111 1111 :::1 ., .. , 1111 llSI ... '"' 1141 RfSIOfHllAI AUi. ESTA1£ SERVICES •MAMLUI 1111- Lot value • old duplex needs to be remodeled or tear it down & start over. Super location. Slight ocean view from u p-stairs. Walking d ls t a nee to beach. parks & s ho pping. G r eat fi n ancing available. IN NEWPORT CENTER 644·9060 ~~: ,~-..... llHL.UllS YllW !'I Penoramlc ocean vie• 11 v from lhla alngl• 110,.,a•A ce11torn11 Rench Horne lia or 3 BRS. 2'h BA, IOfrYW 11'1 din rm & lem rm. HIU'tATa beom celllnga. Me•I~ vx pevera, French d oora. plentotlon ahutla r t ,. .• Completely remodela<i 1P"' profHtlonally 11nd~e(e1 .. ,r pact w/lovely apa. llw 1100 Incl lend. Oonti :J ~.~.II ~ Macnab-lrvmr. . IM.D I I t. 2 Bdrm W.ltde d~ t>y dOubte oar oer•g•. Conar•t• drlv.., prtv•tt. patio., 1127.700. • I.~ .._." • ll41 • ., ......... :t:, Ml-Tiit *""' ... ., .. .......... 1141 MO •1.-le -· .... ·-HP =--... •m '"' ..... ..,._ -... , f, ..,.._ ... .._.....,._.---... ~--· tllt I ~-:____-· .,. I •1ta ~~--11n "" ..... "" • ..... ....)'Oii..., --.~11 ..... -,:..-,;.. *" •· "'*: -~ 100No:V 'r.9c .. ow I r ....., t.n.f fet!UMt .. lft tlle • ...,... ·~ ~ .. _....._-:'-___ ....__ ............... :-.....,-----·~=:r-=::=;;:;;-o..I: ~ 11. '"'· !Ir' a.J.-.......,, ~ T~~· dew'. -=~---a.. Gllr ""' Wit lllMfl, CA totOt ~ ~n=•· .. ~~ 0.-~ ~ °'_,... C..t 0"17 ,.,o.. ,.. •. ,.. __ . ,0...1t.d.• ....... La 4. "1lnofl, °"' .. ,,...... ..,_. L. Qcwwen, ~-. -N. ••.o.Mit._._.,, U.••• ---.» t!!!.~ ~~.-:-.-: ""'........... u;;;~'°' ~=::r.... .... .. .L."~ 0.... o.lr = 0.. ti;.,-::, ~°l = 0... •• ,.... = I ,,, t ' ~ HlRUAGl Ml ""If IU._ ,_. IUIOU t: 1200,000 1G CANYON CUSTOM, golf OOUfM 20% Cln. acant, ahow anytime . 11,096,000. 77&1 "'7tl0-1397 'r • -----•!1tmt1Uu C,mt lmttt $114 per day IWtll l•Ottll H•• 't'11r'• l/lanipoo a .,..,.. au;; C!tt1I• Jtrtl!tl 1 r111l!iJ! !tfl•ll•l!t !i11Ua1 In" IJwln ,.,.. r1tk Cm11 ·i~~~~~~ CUITOM lifOOf petio co-I CUITOM ''UINl8H1HO I HAULING OAADINO 1 wtll elHn vcwr llouH ,. PJHmll CUITOM wood pit.lo a>-' I .. , .. n19M, "''I' M1n9 Col.of Olltf\'*'-f~ •llt tllal'• ALL you pey Ml-4003 c1p11 16 min blucll * .. r-...od ...... ' '""' & 1(11 ClatttMI• dllllOllllon, CIHll•UP , •• ., d ,... JOM11• Of ..,,, ~ o.ttl• I tern:" -.anoy 141.oen ITtV 110 2~ Conct4'f• a tr" remo'llll Anna •113•1~ '" 7 Oy flltcllard llnor Lio fenoet flllendy 141.oa:n I UPt -ff4.701 -IOI • Hall, llv/dln rlN 1 16, eYO 30 d1y ad IMtt, •tat./ !try, room 17 50. OOUOll 110, Quklll aerv '42·7131 • 2806« 14 ~r• 01 lleppy ' .. ~ .. "..,. A peer lt!llll h•ftala1 HAULIN0·11ud1n1 wllg• ••••n1Jf11 •ocet cutt01Mra 1 Pl11ttr/ !telr ..,Ta..,t..,e..,ly ____ _ 111 the FlblfOft OOlt r9t1a1t Vat• ellr I& <War eltm pet DAILY nlah, pelnl &1"11nt Prof. odOI C1pl r-c>llf 16 yr• DOORI GALOAlll Tlllll Huell . um1 lo ra111 Total 1r11 wv. landacape, !1181111 you, 831'4410 I fD'I PLAITlRINO Moet eubJect•. K-14 PILOT SERVICE DIRECTORY 00 IT NOW! hl hr laffra YOUI Dally Piiot ServiCe OlrlC10fY ~tatlve M!·llll, td 122 a..Jd ... / lta .. tl CARPENTRY-MASONRY DESIGN-DRAFTING DAVE 494· 1003 Orlwweye, Parking Lot Ripen, SMlooltlng S&S Aai>hl1 831-411K1Uc r ... M1·1711"1 llfl &pm up Do •ork my••ll ~· &!M-0123 I C1Maet ... lat we Cafe Crpl CIHner• PROF. CA81NETMAKEA Steam Clean I Ul)hol 21 Yfl exp Cu•tom·bll Tl'\ICk Mount Untt lurnltu,. Llo'd, Work guar 8'46·3716 _K_en_B_u_rk_11_1_M_e._14_5_1 _1Ctr1•1c Tilt C..J!!t!J STEH•s TILE Remod./Aepalra Lo tatn Expert 1n,1a11 983-3283 Deck•. PlllOI, flnCH c ...... Cut Fr11111 Stev. 752-9558 -llll-------- EXPER carpenter doH Child Care, my f\OIM, lull add'ne. remod. deck•. or pt/time, Nwp1 Shor• Skytlght1 l repair• Fr" atM Rete 54M 164 NI Oen, 841-4592 Chlldear• In IOYe & tote! REMODEL/REPAIR acceptance, FT/PT. my StorN. orr1ce1, llomes, CM llome 64M 169 1p11 Cullom cat>tnete. Chlld Care· 6am to 8pm etc 20 yr1 In ., ... Bon-HOUN, anac:kl, yard. Full ded. In• Lie 191801 or part time 642·2"5 Pe.lombo Con11r 962-8314 Carpi ltrrict Child care my home In Eutllde c M Good r• ferenoeo 642·9835 Giit Doof1 ln1t111ed Thank you 71111· 1071 handyman oem41nl me· PAINl!A NHOS Nell petenee lntle•t Oey/eve U l at2/N. Call Bob. e.i•2H3 eve T~J>edl!llllOYI07510~78 John aonry 25 Y" s*Ot14 I WORKI 30 yn ••P. tnt/ I "'9tucc:oe 14~1218 Mr ~0toen M6-6t71 up, 1wn renov .,,.. · ext Acouetk:I oelllnge Uc: Drp1Jl Gt rdening·tnd.ope mttlnl. HAULING & CLEAN·VP8 '•1ttl!J 388760 Fr• nllmat.. Pl.ASTER PATCHING WI .... CltlalN DRYWALL TAPING lrM work commllndu•I. .11.?~;o:~rtr~f121 BRICKWORK. Smatt Job• D111t1 Pelntlng 847-8432 :r:"~::t0~:.1;::.~,~~ WE WAtH WINOOWI All Te•turH & Acou111<1 Chucll Nowlln 8-i2·2873 Newporl, Colle MIM, Low1tt ratul Prompt, -flu t • ProtlNIOtMll P'rM .. , Kevin uo-eoe• UllHllH WllTH Bt1tia1 1"11111 "''' 875·3175 neat profHel9nal1 15 • NORD PLA8TEAINO Qu•llty wort! guarentlld DRYWALL/ACOUSTIC M 2 ..... , II "' .,..1111 BAICK·•TONE·BLOCK yre ••p 838-7140 Int/ext Aeatuccoe Fr" Nttma11 8A8-73ttl' All plleMe 14 yrl ••P owing. edging, raking, ,. • ~ -F <> ' Bloctl wella 680-4192 , Fully llc'd & lneured •wHplni ,, •• utl· F1Jrnac•pool·w11er hMI rploe, pl1n1111. bbq' R&Lll'I PAlmH iiipl.1=i:w.i:::-------1---------.- contractor 532•55-49 matM 64 ·11737 ' electronle etgn wv•to FrM Mt Rite 640-0484 Low rain, lie 536-9898 .. I llate a.. ......... L•nd~plng·Yd Clnup• I Cl I ...... PAINTING-FREE EST 2411r n ,. 1a.1121 Thel all conlractcn wflQ llHtnHI TrM trlm/remov·Melrit .... ... •• ..-1 -CASH OR PYMTS Dye 1 40 gal wa11111e11er S226 pei10<m WOf1I ""* 1200 ELECTRICIAN Priced lrt'O•tlon Jim 851.0129 ROBIN'S CLEANINi r -·-· 971-0824; eva 931.5943 I ff Including labor and rlghl, frH Hllmtte on LAWN .. YARD MA.INT. Servk;e •• thoroughly T09 quality. 26 yr lltP .. •• mettrlal• rnuat be ~ large or amall IOI:>• Cleen-upe. lne, llc'd clean houN 540.0857 Competlll.,,. rat• Partria1 Huber Aooling·all typee Md Unllceneed conttao- Uc 398821 873-0359 FrM Mt Dave 963·2503 No overtime 730-1353 N-·recover-dec:k• tora ehould ao 11111 Jr\; LIC D ELECTRICIAN 1 Hr:r~~~~:~ r=I• ·ABC MOVING· F~1~~~t~.=~ lie U t 1802 548-9734 :~:::Ol~d~tl:~::!:l Oual wOlk·RMe rll.. IH•pH YOLANDA 642.0405 OulCk. Careful SeMce. Vlae·MC Scott MS-9325 UtF PllllLll1 contact Mary Grondl4t at FrM 911 Tom 631•5072 ***WIND DAMA.OE? IPUILI Plfm We do packlng662-()4lO Ellpert wallcoverlng In· Don't r•rool repair · atl (7l4l 5~ with llY'/ TOP QUALITY WORK RepltrV~-No )Ob CIH nlng Servtc;e Cllt · ST~VING COLLEGE llalletton Reu Coneul· fraction ol $S 857·2890 quHt1on1. Contractor'1 LIC':T R~~R:;3~~544 ~~ .. -:~· ::~ ~72 ~!.':'e!~.= 10 Oodlt· s6oo~~T~1~~~~G \ant Auignml 581-8590 ROOFING REPAIRS ~tl~~c L~';'.~~·,!~ lnewed. 841-8427 Parr lt•t•ll Smell Job• OK FrH Room 890. Senta An•. RESIDICOMM'L/INO E11p'd In all home repalra HOUSECLEANING WATCH US GROWi HllmllH Call Tom or CA 92701 20 yra Do my own work Rea1 No Job loo Small Honnt & o.pendat>le ••BRYANT'S** •C~h~uc~k:_• 5~4~2:_:·83~9~2~--1========= Lie. 27804 t Al 846-8128 Brian 650-3099 eve1 B d 982 2890 P1iatla1 Waltcoverlng Removal -H1¥1 eomethlng )IOU wtltll to •11 aa..tfled eda do No S1eam/No ShamPOO Th• futHt drew tn th• ren e • All tYPM 842-1343 llHf LtMI ll1,8're4 The IHtffl drew In the Trade your old llull for Have aomethlng you •ant Hou11cleantng by Tina 1ST CLASS PAINTING lnexpenllvely 751-7718 W11t a Dally Piiot It well I C1ll NOW, Slaln Spec:lallll Fait WHI. . a Dally Pllol &42·5e78. dry. Free 111. 839·1582 Clualfled Ad. e.42·5878. new goodt11 with e to Mil? Cluallled ad• do Rel• Call •It 8 Wallpaper. Int/Hr R•· WANT ACTION? CIUalfled Ad. Call Todey Clualtled ad. 842-5878 11 W9ll 642-5878. 631· 7975 palra. FrM Ml. 979.5294 Cluelfed Ad• 8-i2-5678 Sell Idle llem• 8-42-5878 642-5678. OtUn lntala lt14 I.eat I ,.... lOM .. rt111t1, T.D.'1402' Btl1 W1at.. 5100 1••11 WHtH 9100 Mt1claaa•lae hraitart to2S •lactllH"•I 1211 1111 7014 AatM Waat.. Mii Newport • Airport eree. Found: Doberman vie WIDOW HAS$$$ 1 TD' COUNTER HELP -Full-lltal latilt Pe~ll Deatgner couritry aofa & UYI UUHll Sebot. excellent cond,, llU 11YD Executive Suite hae In· Woodt>rlm Irv No cot· RE L lOK Uor N• llm•. dry cleaner• exper Lea n how 10 •Y lcete AatltHI IOlO melchlng chalre & 8 Bouquet• of 30 Helium S275 Dye 836-8586, Top dollere for Sport' dlvldu·• on1~ 1vall. tn lar. •e:7. t .~ · oene. p. 0 or wltl train 309•9 Co111 ' n · -5•9 o•8" c B c .. "'"' '"' '" C di Ch k N p " O t I I ··"II I h c panel dr•,,.. & valance, Belloona. Perfect for 911 evee .. • .. " are. 1ug1, ampera, an antique ntled buelneu re t ec . o en· Hwy s 0 L 1 0 u n 1 ur ra n ng ... g ve you 8 Engll1 Oak hr•. reco-........... • Audi' environment. Mo lo Mo Found: Cat In Woodbrld· alty. Denni.on & Auoc 499.1g85 Ille knowledge you need, vered. xlnt eond. I t50 rattan tab .... 759·0989 OCCHIOnl & llolldeya. lliJI ' J>.clit 7022 914 I , I I or leue PrlCll dll· ro.Wht1ew/wh18')01on 873-731 1 and our ln·houee pro· 642-7347 Guy Chaddock CUiiom Dellvertd anytime. AakfCK~:~R d $100 O,.h •• d & back Dental Jecta will glva "OU the ---------made r~t. din rm ta'"'·. 873-4419 BOAT SLIPS AVAILABLE; Ill --count1 per mo ' aoo Pc Mt Norltake China ~ """ N-""" S..Ch 25', 28', "IUSW•-• with 1 mo frH Prlc•• 857-3978 EXpet'lenced RD A. "*" product from occ;,upled Japan 2 lvee, French walnut fl· CARS S 1001 TA UC KS 30', 35·.: 4-0', & 45', Call • - Include r1cepttont11. Found. Dot>erman vie £a J t dad 10 ' Orthodontic 660•1940 old fuhlon pattern: n l th . 1 1000 . Dye $751 Avallable at loc1I 6 42•4844 from 9•5, 18711 Beecr1Blvd. cont. rm. & eolfM with Flowefr/ Oyer, SA l2·20 J Of!!ta pracllce In Mlulon Viejo Ruldent Manager for $300. 8-42-7347 548·3441, -780-1901 gov ' I 1 ale• Ca II Mon-Fri HUNTINGTON BEACH w/p, telex & 11eretarlal 751·1936 ltll Wut.. 5100 Ar .. a30·37o3 women• alcohOI rehat>lll· SO D 8 l'1 8 (r e I u n d • b I e ) 142-Jtll _..,avail. llllYlll lfflll talion program Good tlUllT&L IHI I LI walnut table 1-(312)-931-5337 ext Slips Avall Huntington --------- 714/833-9976 Found B~tltul long hal· ICCOUITUT No Experience Req benefit• Salary open. Fiii FllllTllE ~~':s!1~· 1111 22398 IO# your dlrec:tCKY Harbour Bay . DA WE Plf red Angora cet, gray w/ Large 1,.,,1,,. commerclal Make up 10 1131"' Star· Call 548·55'4e 497_7090 on how to purchue 24 840-5545 &48-77M, 6-9 580 aq.11. Hart>or·B•k•r t>lk strlpH HalecrHt bulldef ......... _,,d QUMn tlMper eola Excell hra P M . 8 4 0 • 4 O 9 7 . TOP DDWI cenllr (Acron from arM. CM 5-49-2060 -• ex,,. IC· ting P•Y Full/Par! time REST AURA.NT lmmed A l' IOI I d .... ,. 7141840 7875 Fedco). Join tome gr11t eountant tor commercial avall In our publication openings. day & nlle sntt. If ll&Ctl con NW _.,.,, Aaklng FHther pillows cleaned, • 1enan11 at thle choice Ptntalh 3012 t>ullder, with degr" In Call today for appt Prof , well groomed.-· HARBOR AREA S400 720-02&8 aanlllzed. New Down· PIER 2811 $100/mo, lid• FOii ISO UIS locatton Mgr. Mi-1388 accounting preferred. 537-2880 KING chg ~ peraone. hostess, & APPLIANCE SERVICE Contemp 8' 1of1 Good proof ticking 1ncl'd 18 It $75/mo Mercue &LAI -- luia It • 1 •-• I -•'I SCO()e ol wort! would In-FrM 10 reeldenl8 01 CM/ but peieon to WOltl In 111 We NII rec:ond , gu11 cond Mull eH to ap· 842-4670 Channel 850-8145 PllTUl/mAll .. I •-•·1• I ....-nw1u elude C11h flow. C11h cl••• reel Only e•p. •""'la-... ., 3077 ..,_ I"" 7"" ,....,.. _...,. PHOTO MOOE S I AI R I kvlne/NB who are 11n· A ...,.... ·-.,.... ,..._ "" .. .,.., .. vv •~rt l......_1/tll• 2480 Harbof 8llld L contro , . genera need apply. Int 3·5. Surl *MAGIC* -•.,.. -Retal ltCKI 11 2i150 AllOn, 18e5 aq. ft. plUI 8 Cir garage. M 1-8777 ESCORTS/DANCERS eccntlng and fln•nclal employed Y M C A & Sand Hotel, 1555 So 1 llT lPPlWIOU 0111 buteher b1oc:K day week montll COSTA MESA I OUTCALL 24 HRS t t t s d Memberehlp. including I tab ... '85 MCh. MAGIC ISLAND 'e<tus51 14MIM Me.1at~ GIFT CERTIFICATES :u~~~~ !&ia~nr~~I~ aerobic f11ne11, racket· PCH, ltg Bell. LH 957-8133 54i-3037 art 8PM Charier Membership AVAIL rements 10 Ad 103-4, Box t>all. weight titting, & Lap Salee Wa~·Dryer $135 H S940 54'4·7670 Ooclc avlitebl .. Udo.,... WE llY 11.-0201 1560, Dally Piiot, Cott• Swimming Can Oledya, Newport e.ach leading Oilhwuller S 100 6 Pie<:• wtllte wicker Hv. Low proflle aalll>oat Pfef. 1Ua1t. ltat1l1 2120 Mesa. CA 92828 642·9990 Jeweler• Melling lull time Relrlg S200 646-5848 rm Ml. 1700o1>o. Pool table, $35. Sole bed 873-6803. 675-4323 DLW CAii S&a5 up, 1900 '1 lndu.1r111 I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;!.---I I OI I I employM well versed In 559·4 124 w/ gotd cover and cu-&lill TIHll office. 18101 Redondo Custom Fantuy PhOne acotllT&IT tllrl If ti HIH & office proce· Dryer, Sure Electrlc, 4x8 Slate Pool Table. Ex· shlon $35 lltrllt 7024 11111 -;. Cl role. Hu ntln o I on Conv.sallon with Barbel Muel have IXC*'lenoe In 5 Mol1ture Senior. Avo· 752-5852 COM.., Ell C~UVROLET BMc:tl. M2·2834. MC/VISA 24 hrs (M MIT) Pl at>le d I durH. day week lnclu· cado, $125. 6'45·8988 cellent large butcher t-1.• W1ru THalt Accounlent wanted 10 Y • an reca v•· ding Sat No evening•. t>lock. antique wooden _. 1000 1.I. epece w/otflce ___ c_ai_t_63_8_-0_10_1__ b I••· S 8 • n hour · Call 673-9334 Older model Ir"', blue/grn theater Chalrt and mite maintain and aupe,.,,IN 856-3~1 (Mlallon Vle)O) "' Fa•llJ ll•Mrs~I. on W. 16th St. CM. SPIRITUAL READINGS Jot> cost system, Prior ---------Sateaperaon, mature to color. Runs \JOOd S85 Item• 983·8828 64&-7078 645-9907. Advice tn ell matters. expr In lmplementlno llllUL IFFIOI work PIT In reputable ol>o S4&-Mee l n IOFI 1110 IOYe. marriage & bu1I-and conversion of com· Typing, light bkkpg. at1tlque atore Npt BellCll. lnlM 0.111 ltera1t 2t22 neu. Aleo coun11llng. pu1er 1yatem dnlrat>le. Knowledge o l r adio Sundaya req'd. 642-7945 Kenmore ou range. gooo Green bullOn·tufled IA ........ __ ... , Stor-oe Spece 12'x 18'38" 1815 So. El Camino A.al. Overall knowledge In all broedcut madla. Call buy. $50 Xlnt cond eofa, xlnt ahape. C ell wn •-n11' doot. 170/mo. plu• $70 Sar\ Clem 492-7298 phUH of accounting 644-2727 SECRETARY STAFF AS-642-5004 Gery or Marti, 549-7388. 646-7078 DRY STORAGE Monthly t>oat 11orag1, any Ill•. 24 hr llCUfity, fr" 11unclllng llWNITMIU 11at .... ••r 1r n 144-0110 eec. deposit. 873-4 154. ---------1 needed. Exper. tor com· SIST for gen contractor MUST SELL TODA.YI SUPER SINGLE WATER· Newport Beach f•MOlJS CIRCUS m'lbullderenddegr .. ln HEAVY EQUIPMENT In & fut paced57-4089 105 cu ft refrigerator/ Lvg Rm, Ong Am, B•· BED.Hu everything but RV. eo•T ft accounting detlrable. MECH EOE freezer, lltle new S90 oroom furniture. Quality metlr81s. $60. 642·9835 • ft M , Send resume end Mlary Cal Turf, a dlvt1ton of s.cteta"' 631·2276 OR baHac1•1at1 Aueulnmnts *2 allllftH$ requirement• to Ad leading hortlcutturel ., 11 give away prtcee POOL TABLE DRY ST 16£ nuu Medical Service Com· Gen11a1 Eteclrlc Stove • 673-3313 ft MaHage Parlor Gor-1038, Bo11 1580. Dally compeny h•• an Oi*llng pany In Newc>O<t Beech. SI 19. • ---------1 4'x7' 1111•. cullom wood e.11a _, ..... gec>IM glrte to..,..,,. you Piiot, Colla Meat, CA for• mechanic Require-Mutt have excellent ly· 549-7388 detlgn. Comee w/bltMard -r-· Open from 10 AM untN 4 92826 Cl*lla are. 5 yre exper, ping 8 al\Ortlland Bene--lallll Stlll light & wall unit w/cuee. Wet Boll '"91 ---------deellng with heevy duty 1 19 5 cf Frigidaire croae-1 __ .. ________ Valued at $2000: Nlllng avallat>le alao ':-\._)! j { ' '19 I I,.... I 1 ,. ~ S4 b-I 200 SCRAM-lETS ANSWERS AM. 7 day9 •-"·Free A11l1tant Ina markallng tann and dleMI equip· 11' Include major Medi· top refrlg . gold. S300 Cetta .... for 1500 firm 881-8237 • WA bult.t, 719 No. Hert>Of rec>e. F&C lie Pfll. Send ment. Some weldlng ... cal. [)e(ital & Ufe lnsu-D)'• 835-8586, e11e1 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil WI Ill BNd, F\llar1on AMume to a.elfled Ad per helpful We ofter r anee Salary Open ~9 M t ••• Wut.. ··-1111111 YILUll USED C .. ,.. & .._._.., T1MlM112 •887, Dally Plot PO Box good compeny t>enefttL Send An11m• 10· Ad ---------SWAP mt .uH ._ M lalf Id hJ • ..,_ '".......,._ Lodi ... Poppy ALL MAJOR CREDIT 1560, Coate M .... Ca fnterHted lndlvlduele No l080 Oal~llot, p O Frtgldelre wW-EV'lfY Suftdey, 8em-3pm ';...., '7 Ill· 1111 I co;:r; ~ Trel1 • Kni0h1 CARDS ACCEPTED 92627 apply In pweon to 46620 Box \5e0, a "'-. ll10 ol>o Orange Caa.1 College. PLEASE HELPll I need 3 ,.._ Fellow ~~N~';_ cer A •••• I. n 1 M. n e 0. r Eut Pala Road. Teme-_c_A_9_28_2_8--0_580____ _ __ 54_9-_7_388____ Fairview ' Arllnglon, or more FOSTORIA NA-::::::::::::::::::: ComWr-OIUlo tllowroom"'!.,.d buy • ~4~ ~ ~r,t. Hugen-Dau Ice Cream cula. California Secretary. full time, l>f'O-c .. nu' Coeta M ... AdmlHlon ~~R:.~ :~~ ~2~b~ T11a1prt1ti•• 1821~LVO. ,_ car In a aecond, tt 889-8914 Shop, PIT .,,., APP'Y In Helpl It you ere a-1\11 peny ownll'I UIOclatlon kaiptal 1011 ftH to tluy1rt Seller ee IM-ltt 1111 HUNTIHOTOH BiAC"4 they made the peymen11 ---------1 Plt90ll El Toro ROid 11 and wtlltng to WOftl )Oln In Laguna Nlguel 2 Yf'I _..,_...,.,._...-, ...... ,___.-.....-. Rewvatlontl Into Call 548-7334 days !MTll I .11 1. I I I 1 1 r OPTIONAL " l'*'1 I llllU Rockfleld. Et Toro, our team ol houNCIH· o-at aecretartal expe-Ca/\Oll 514XL Movie ca-558-5880 or 842·1685.,,. Sehwlnn, glrl'1, Red Bent· ,. 24 ttoure . call 835-9199 SIM:ldlebeck Valley Plau nera, 25·30 hrs/week, rlenc1 required Type "*' like ,_ Mual NII , ~ am. 18" S50 14MIJ1 ....... ='•'iiiii';•;0:;;•;;-3;004;;;.1iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil IUJllTTlll ~:;~ lo~~~u~~v:/ ~?;~;"5,,x~~~. ti~~~,~~: '125 OBO 720 .0 270 Jnt!ry 1214 •u&ul 645-HM HIGHEST CASH Imme· • Dey and evening lor 2 557_9097 nlly Anoe 493-0122 Ctaraltrl !Oii Fine Quality Sapphire laitruatatl 1224 c .. ,.,. Hl4 dlately for your Y9hlc:le. fOUfl) ADS ARE FREE Cal: 142·1111 Loet: Tiny blk Fem. 't'Ofk· th Ire Terrier. "Angel". Ille. Mein & Adema. HB. 12 /2 1 C all 213/592-5982 or (714) 980-0619 Found • White dog Capo e..ch arM 496-0e75 UCITllG MODELS •&o14H THoh* Beautiful models tor lhe discriminating, who love the "golden touch" year Old. 64~-4328 Houeeknper. chftd cere Service Station Attendant COMPUTER PRINTER. Dlemond Rlrig, S8500 ----------.-4 Star CamQW. IO'h', wttll dom1111c or foreign "-··d & lu 1 c~,._., __ __,,. Only A.p.u.. Brother (Comlf'ex) dally v 1 I u e S 1 er t I Ice ELEC. BASS GUITAR ,.. .... , ... 11e ltfli S..__ 8, 551-8285 ...,., room P 'uary needed, Grandmother ""',.........,,..,.,., ,,.., GREAT G FT $75 1~ -....,.. ---------1 ch 1 f Shell Station, 17th & Ir· wheel unit Mint cond S3500/CUh. Atk lor Mr. 1 • · S950 c n ex ange or care 0 type. Huntington Bch • vine, NB Perfect for home com· LM 635-7775 eirt 9. 645-4640 ext. 103 ..,,. amper J•ck•, 4 WlaHI Driftl P atroke victim. 548-4843 Yorktown/ Buen11d Nice•---------1 $700 7a1 •.1"11 .vv home Room. board & T 1 1 0 II 1 r 1 I pu 11 · " • ......., LA PRIMERA guitar xlnf 752-5862 '85 lnterna111ona1 Trevelal CISlllER Full time In parking g• rage. 3pm to 11pm Mon thru Thurs 7pm to 3am on Friday Call Mra Bower at 675-2790 eelary. 963.0228 •ac~Hry 1211 condtllon $50. MUST • I / 0.1200. 750 OBO ........ ,. ''" It ,.. MU SELL &42·9835 •ltrcyc " 845-8988 111111111 Walle4 lnt'I Co. tn Educ•t1on11 ;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;t91Lerge air compreuor' lceelt a 1011 Good working condl· Publishing tletd hu d• LIYAILI W Ill upright. portable, w/ Artley flute, coet 1395 r 1Tnck1 MSS t1on1 Great pey voloped new reading hoe. 1650. 8'45-l295 '-· 8411~~A~~5· 'll IH•• llO fMf I wa·re fl 1 "'"" Wiit '" •• ti. ,._._1, readlnees end Improve· Affectionate & playful. 9K, xlnt, llke new. w/2 tor New l uHd Je•p OPEN 1:, DAYS A WEEK Chlld care. !amity nd1 help ,,. I I puppy needl good home M l l'· 1211 2 C .. _. t S"""" ..... "2'"• 2112 la"-r II OI men program• or uN 842.0lOO tei-1221 1111act ..... u t string ontlnental Gui-,...,me 1. """· .,........., oo Salel There'• 1 Rel80fl ol the home. Income Ur RoHwood back •112 750 Honda Magna • Pr!QI & s.lectlon. St. l•l·l•JJ ••t 12·1 guar We treln Full or ~rlgenltOI, 10 cu n $90; Perr con d S 2 7 6 , Exit cond. ,2200 000,000 lnV9ntory. ,. par1 lime. For lnlervtew Free to good llome, 1 F Victorian couch and clr-873-2664 847•7901 c e ll B tll He lmuth par1-Collle, 1 blk L.eb F. I ouctt mok I " .io (Alt .., Lra•) 1eo.oeo 1 spayee111t101a. 642-21oe I ~:'()fc 1quer' .. 6 • t!: Office Fuaitue I Trtlltrs, OtW!y I021 JJ:.. J Orangt .. _ OIL COMPANY TYPIST/OPERATOR 4 yr old Terry Poodle, of 12, golf wood• end S,1ll ... al 1121 P..U. BED u1111ty Ir....,. w/ ~ Coast ~ 131·•••3 w/speclal chlld. At leut M·F Reis. 642-9309 1185 PARK, C.M. '.:miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil VISA MC I• Clerk:81 T-IUIJ'I Lo1t Sml wht Toy Go-Go glrl1 (to go) POOOle-Fem Loet 12128 M9-8914 vie. Galaxy Ori Santiago. 1----------.1 LIUL AIYERTllll& ISSISTllT OPENINGS 50WPM good phone (Benji looklno dog) frM beg 120 Alto Collec1CK'6 ---·-··ra .... _ ··1-• f I 50 080 ~---· Ottah<>re rigs No 111per tkllll. 11exlt>lllty dellred. to ad ll cpl Alt 5. decanter and otller _., -""'""r .. .,roo 1 nl4 -•• nee Star1 lmmed S35, Pleaunt c M office 5-48-4287 tteme 831·2278 Moel B<enct.. Sec:rtflce MUST SELL 831•7244 "'" \ott•U trt;".!~ Dover Sllre An•. 10 "Skrufly" Reward &42-5192, 11521·98e0 Found Sml long hair blond fem dog On AM· helm II( 19111 342-45e0 Found. Fem Chihuahua Fawn color H.B. Spri~ da l e & Edinger MQ..41M EIOHTI llDll Exper only 842-4780 I CLASSY LADIES : ESCORTS I DANCERS/MOOE LS &42-4780 I 000 +•yr For Info call 5-48-2271, uk tor Rena. *fll...,_* 962.7033 '7" Ford Courier w' I S C312) 920-9364 E1tt Free to g ood home. 2 ... ..,. ......_ 1200 A i " uburt>an dally -.pe· 2239B 1 WllTEI t>lecit ktttena, good Pl'· Quality mixed wood. or • 1~ word procea-•toatt WI cam1>11 •h•U, nu tlr.., per eeeks r"pon1lt>le " aonalltlel · oak. dell.,.,ed anywhere _.. $3000. Und4lr conll· ..... .....,....., ............. .._ ___ , brakH. clutch 11200. pereon for challenging, PUT Tiii OllarHter Ptirers 556-5440• 831-3395 7141638-4&80 nuoue main! Joyce IMPORTANT NOTICE 557•5065 en 8PM. varied ~ In our legal Evw and/or weekend• SAT ONLY Mutt be r• Allk for Terry 840-5850 TOA~~~1Rsi::D '79 Ford F-350 1 1011":" ldYwtlalng depertrnent. ~1>141 adulta, OY9I lfat>le. Gd hourly plu1 2 N,,,_,,._ Elk"-·nd Muat Miii Antique Pleno pi·-• I "=aa1 IUI PU PB P9 ..,.,,.. General office/ Ilg ht 21. with outetand""' 11• mllHge. Call 831-7645. yr ---..-• '""' $300/0BO Stereo Set w. ~ Tiie pr~ Oi ltema ad· outlornF . • • ._ bookkeeping llilperlen· lrtctlve peitonallt·l:e 10 8 30 10 5·30 M·F "'' papers nde hm w/ 1125 CUNlte AecorOer Olll llUI Ylrtlaed by v.hlole dee-AM/ M 1tereo 8 lttco; ce, 1<>-lcey. and llgllt ty· work with youth (.,.11 · · ~d Friel'dly 498-3255 S40 Flute 175 An•-SSOOlobo 557_9359 !era In the V9hlcle er enrt. cap, xlnt cond. ping llcllla (35-40 wpm) C 2 "P WA~EHOUSEMAN 1lllp· F B Machine 175. Portable fled adYWtltlng colulnnt '4000 ofr 631-8728 Tom required. 'typing and 10• 14> •II . ., M, ping, receiving, Inventory r ... adorable tllcil Lat>, typewrll11 l50 CaH AN-Wurllu.t 01gan do11 not Include any 'll ........._ tpelllng testa wlll be ad· 842·432 l . ext 346· control. Min 1 yr expw 7 wl<•. male wer Ad 587. 642-4300 24 S400 or belt oflet. applleeble tlXll, llclnM , _... .. Found: Black Male dog, laliBlll ._ mlnlatared 1_E_O_._E_______ Ster1 lmmed NB area. 87s.&057 !IA 54~7 aft SPM 11analer IH1, finance "'• ton, clut> ceb. Auto w/brown polnt1 Vtc • Own cer ~ and PAIT Tiii Can Jo, 842-9470 hralt.rt I02S CflarQll. feM IOI air po1. tran1, air cond .• pwr Magnoll1 & PCH. HB. fiataci&) valid drtver'e llcenM '*-OU/WU••--1-------..... ..-. Newport IHch Tennie ORGAN Klmball Swinger lullon control device •I-Ing, 11ereo, 78,000 MMS880evt Room&be1hlnlu11moblle ceaaarytortoc:aldrtvfno. --. WAREHOUSE **'BUY** Club Femlly M•m· 500, dbl keyboard,~ c.rtlflcallont or dMJ.f ml, Xlnt oond. 12700. F ., Competitive AAl•ry and Maka Hire .. helping berehlp. seso. Including dal•. $850. 845-1295 documenttr" preptra· 847-7721, 644-6248 ound: ... anx or~/wht home, 'Ai blk to 0Cl8an. benefit•. 40·hour work youth cerrlere promote No Experience Req. Good uled Furniture & Tran1l11 Ill 846-9554 I rtla1 ..... 1130 lion cherg~• unl1111---,-l -1-.-.-----..-.. Cet, vie SMClllf lllege. Furn or unfurn, S250/mo .,,..._ lhetr own Hllbllthed Make up to 112/hr etar-Z 8 Ex " _ otherWIM tpeclllld by _,_. HB. 847·7738 1et/lu1. Avail Jen 1. Aefl F-Int~•~ ......... ~ ~-11 rout••· Mature, out· ting pay. Full/Part·tlme OIAPPs'e''LnLc.1-torOv'!.~ wfll Mii Rere ebra kin. tr•· -S•K-A_T_E""s··-R""1d..,1'"'1-o_o..,o .. t...,• , .............. ,_. plot< up. Stereo~ I C II fl • --...... ,.~ -ev·" In -·r pubf'•·tton ..... mely beautiful ProfN· · • ·-..,,,_, -"Int ·-... 11 .. ,.,. 1 Lntl ..... lat ~·!!~~ a • " pm. our Peraonnel Offtc. going, attr1e1lv1 perental -"" .... ' •1onally done Mutt ... ~ wtlllla. hard. '*'· " """"' """ ....,........... •·2~"21 -1 277 ·~ peraon, Pie•• cell Cell todey tor tppt . ll&lllllAMTlll to •....__...l•.Perfectfor elze 6-7. S100 obo. AateltnlHI/ 847-7727,644-62..-~· W•rlng tan,...,..,.., Vic .,.. .._, • -· 2."PM M·F 8•2•4321, 537·2880 KING chg •.11•-1111 t••-1121 ........ --...... 2230 p " I Wlntertveen/ Dllrfleld ... -te I.Ma 4024 1••11E OOUT " .. -•• d • n S a c r II I o a . _......., ___ . ____ 1 utt l '11 fan •--a.... •· •• IUI 1x1. 348 Young man tt\ cteen ga-S 1300/ b 831 0"0" __. 550-5230 llLPlllU •aaLY PILOT I llY flllln.I 0 0• • " " TY/Wlt/lttttell32 PAINT & llt• body wonc, wl •h•ll. Cu11om llrtp-.,.. PHOTO LAB TECH· No· rage and do odd joba. ... Loula - -up to ~ oft yOUf Ill ping, 4 IPMCI. Low~ Liit UTt UWUI le on the wey for your 330 w. lay St. rlteu leb exp. pref, but hr. &57·8051 (North Lal 167..,1~ Baby hl-cl\etr BEAUTIFUL 25" RCA Biii 842.0100/'Mi-1U1 Only 1-4,095. M2·tat6 Chlld't 1>91, :o"8 Mir money probllma. LOWW1 eo.t• Meaa wlll train If heve .imllar Coeta Meaa ar11) Walriut dlnl1 Ill, 3 IN· $30 Good condtllon Color TV. 2 yr wrnty. ~o~~~·::. ·~:\', Fr°.":~ ~~t~.:~-= ~.~ EOE/MF ;~~reg 132-431 bit Je .. Wut.. llOS ;;:a. ~J che lre. 1484573 ~S::." delivery. '7~ ~ ~PllM~~ 131.o910 °' 996-1218 :aio~ Hperle at no OlDIOAL/1ff111 Plenle lnl11ICK lllltl• p/1 W~~T~r:::ry~~=:-: Dinette Set, all wood In H~byci::.::1~':, TV John'e M8-17H 3-IP. 12150. t4f..1216-• Found: Biii Cat, Fem. Ar · 7&7 ,422 Mature peraon w/ottio. m1lnt peraon. depend, wtlalevet. Expei'd many good cond 1145. 549--3573 .... ffy tall. 12/27. N.I . El • axi>er. & gen'I k~ aome plant exp flelde 642· 1207 ~ Aanctlo Mkt 640-2032 ..,,.,.., T.D.'14011 of Okkpg 10 key by Ml-6022 NEEO A Matlr ... Seta: twin sea. Found: Brwn Dog w/Wtl1 .... H--1~· 1)'PI ~ WPm. ilot111ont ~. tot ltllp-HOUSEKUP!R? lull us. QUffn 1101. '"""'t on tell No collar. _ .. ..,. K~ of 9urrought """" Glertl CKder deek & k._ 1125 150-5ta2 W..,._ -.. ~h IM L·4000 tedoer exper. ~ .. '!. .... ..:.. ............... ~' HarC::·worklng co11191 "'W • _ Slroll9 p1-dbfQ. ""· .,.,,.0201 • • helpful Call t-11 wtcdyt, ..,..,...,.., '"'''" -•tudlnt ..... , houMk ... OU Dlnlhg Room Tat>ll I iCI_,,......., Found: 't'oung female &ti TO'• ~ 11t~ 2nd 54$-1080 0t 545....050 ~:ft111~,~~on 774 • t,no Chof11 In exohange 8 up110111er1d ollelre. 54~~1' llberlan/Clf\ep m l•. ~. S.ttllr NH/CM Clenc, typlat eecr.tery for room. Excellent refe. Xtnt cond. HOO. 2480 ---------1 Megnolla/ Hwnlllon, HB. A.e. ltoker Bd Aeelt0t1 Ina oft:. pit bait. Full ""°" MHINI reno11. Plu" cell Hewpott Blvd. Mngre of· M'-M41 ' &42·2171 a..s-oe11 ttnw In new on .. ,eb. CM 30 "· L•o11n• IHOh, IMM277 to dltcuu ... _floe_. _______ , LOIT: ~1 • .,., ... , l't area. Ooo=yp. aklll• Mmlrtllr" couple lor ttllt. OUMll 1l11d 110, ''° •••m••• •newer• to ,.q, wme • flt.O. night a wknd duty. ch .. p for qutoll ..... Tore Vic. Jumllll/ 8o11 1M~. CM. COrnlOt'l•blt IJ>I. ' 111:11. Aalaal1 IM·fMt 81,•lde CdM Al· A If I I I'll U • t , - WAAO. t73·H2t or Olll/llllLll 213/4t7.asot In! 1111 FUAHITl,>M. HEW ...... a {Bev.). ffult time ...... meture. Pll IYP't', eecte(ery, clerk AKO OLD ENGLISH Muel , .... CMtl "''"'·•It'• . .,,...,drJel, ..... 'GUnd. Tan Calm Tarn. ITdutt•t~ .. !nly,. lf>Pl_y tor emlll arChlteot1 Ofo. CIHEIP OOQ PUlllPI~ .,..,1;:rn"'loet 1111111f-~~. t...... con. ttereo, col. t'bte ----------~" , ... , ...... d uw ............ ey .. to ... 8•1•1Y MQOt, c:ommen.. ..... 9? ..... 7, ..... """"' "'" --------.. w v" v ., • Vtotorl• Stetlon, 990 turete •l••tY a -a>«. _...,, ,.,.,,. 1Wtn T1 ·,vii StT Hlll. ?to-IM*) Do\19 St NB a.no reeume i• PO loll l'r .. to QOOd l\Ome, , .. Queen 11•7 . l<llW 1111 ... oiM .... ___ .... IAI l'•ul\1111, Older '•m•I• 000t< lllMtry 1111, Leguna lHGh, mete W~to:r•ni.t, S lofa Mlle 1117 = Cit. OM ..., tom. El Niguel Country. Ctuo. '*' tno Old. t ..... L0¥91M1 ... ., • ~ L .... n. Nllu ... I' hone AIAL WATI ~y/llllOlf, • mo..,. .. , ~· ~ ;:t.D==·="*'w=~~t;ot:;;..,:;;:~;:;;,;:-;ri;;-=l:w~=:;;::;'ir;;:==1-........... OM#, ••8· 1'1 IAM • .. ...,,,.,,. Heed 1 _,,.. fllfl'lllV dog, 113SOffrede ' ti . °"" l(*t •111• WU. ~ P«90l'I !ft otm· for '•· •lleptlerd. eo..':98..._HMMJr ~ ll'ef••, llOlfle 1100 COUWTllll Hll~ fef ~ ,,_... &. lftduW'-1,.... N0-11a1, ........ 1.._ ___ ...__..__-1 ._..,,_ II~ '911Mlrlt, , ...... lot~ WCCIUtuU ..... tlM ..0,.,.. iliOO WO. WO. -°'*"' -........ :=.w~ :::' ~lf!Q •ICtlttolle ~v'1:~ of\alr. IMl• MW, .... =14 -.. Mli ;;;j T"" 1~,11 ,,1 Htt' In Nepport leUfl. lllMC9 DIMGtCNW Olllft. ~111 -.. ::et ...... eni:I tn.o&a 714114f..tolt It ...,.. WfiiAM Cfel...._. ... ,., ~-==---=--111111.:========~~========:1===== '11UMlll I .,. • "' ,..".,.'t" 111111tr 1 ••t ••tll lvl •••tt -.-.;..o.-..-~=-= l!!'!") A , .. , ... , •llMllv . UI -" . . ·~-'..... 1'••• ...... AO'... .. • flMIOdof , f hll 11111111t111t '''"' ........ 0 " . I ,. ... ,, '41" IOOO H I II 0 ".Ad "''"''"'" 1111 .... ,. ,..,. 1uv11 lhado• •I " lllfl •lnt oond AMI y H1 a.o o<n:'t>Ot ~·Ill I tlflOIM, 4 ..... 11w I 1vn1oof l•Hll oond 'M tape tblt 11111n1 TMI WlllT •••• (M1JC.1Wl """o (Ml y trtdtl M111t Hll UIOOfolto hftt Hit -•Y t..a ,. " 790. t'4 ,. '44 4111' ·~IGTtll -.. , ._ .. ·------T~ ~ ,.,Cl • '11111..... Ull 'ti HM IN 'H Aot11 Aovce 8enf11v ClelM 1111 lllO of 11t1 el, low mllM-"'",........... 2080 Herf>Of II 0 M T!ll&I ~ o.!avo ftM alt H .000 OtlQ"""'9' Mw••l ... ~~· --..!-••• • .vt '''°"' ... un tllM ct: U1U 09 Cad 1 In louthetll HMd1 W«tl f100 otlO •a-.... ~u. ; , ... Avltln Helley 1000 ttft tofld. Mutt u H ,210 .... ,~ lllh ·24t4 _____ ._..;, __ OOncl ' P"9t 11..nng • .... MtOO "•·ION t/M~424i' 6-33 .4i4a· eng 2000 ml llnc. rlbll I Calll0tn111 ... "' 100.yl I tl7).448t -·---- Ill AM"M ( 11JUIN) ·-~---iiiiiil ...... --. 1800 080 040 11111 IAIHI ,... , •• , '71 ..,, ... .. •Y tall · • tlH _! -87.000 0110 "'"" Air ~ ............ ...... "" LWIA 1111 aua .... me 1141 il 51 plu• t&JC per month ~ 4'I month• Ol'I appto- ye d or 1dtt C a p 6011·114.tOO 00, rMlduel·l63e8.84, totat ::. °' peymenf ... 111.&64 t8 "Tb 1tllt ..... (tit month & llo1 n11)-tet6 o 65t ). Sii ue NOWI .... ...,. 848 Dow Street NEWPOAT BEACH 111 ..... Theod0r1 Aobln• '°'d 1• Acoord . good CMd 1111 •IOllL _...._ ___ ........... '71 ,,,., ...... OUILUO ... m oond Ooocf oond M1111 2090 H bor 81 c M '2716 Bl1cli·beA111tlul...,egant ''7t IHt> 9110ll Xlnl Ptt I 1 u nnlng cone! 2800 Harbor 8tvd r1111 Ford 2 ... iter 1111 1111 I I 2 0 0 0 I 0 8, ..... __....__L1"1 •r .. • ' 71'41844 1292 36.000 "''"'· AH llllrM Dody, paint. lllt lol\d pt!OI • 2 2 0 0 e 1 6 2 4. 1. COSTA Ml!.IA .. t-tfl36 -·...-842-0010 6'40· 211 ---ll.fOO. '4&·'4elll ..... ..,. 17 111 cond , aunrool & 1 Tll uenm 1H '70 DATSUN 610. Good '78 Honda cvcc Waeon. D1tfi•rll• • mull ••II .... v UV 140 1110 01 ... 111. (1E83H) , •• -----,.,,..u.,..,,, lftt oond 11200 a..1 offer Oood cond Ntw rbll 714 73t-&t10 ...... tll7 VtlYI fl71 • llW ffU llHI ...-n-.-• ... •----~~--••ft ••--1 Lind• 94µM6 '"9 12000/bo, 146·21'3 ~8ervic:e-L........,. C•nr•l t t•u Theodore Robin• Ford 'll ,. ... --n•• .-. Hw .. ,;;.-"" II 1 YtlYt lteltr " ' • , 2oeo Harbor 81 , C.M Thi• Trent Am h• tM A HANDFUL o' 1ee2 ·11 2eozx. bliW'IOL p110, ••••• tlU 'll Niil 1-.. --II u PlllTI MODELS Rl!MAIN AT 11nr, elr. Only 201< ml, • •-•-11 lflllt Ot11trl E .S 842-0010 540·1~ bird on th• hood. tllt SUB 8 T .. 8 !!tee Roof. Becker Ur091 --• Wt h•v• • good Hlec· • P S •--wtieel.. crulM oon'trol, .., ANT 1 ... L A· prt1tlne c:Md. 3 yr-1 left C111 , New Mlchelln1, U 1·2040 41Ml.tl W '7u lnlo llhvn Waoon. c 0 n d & c 111e1 ti VINOS! on 6 yr wur 111,000 A 11 0 y 1• 1 2 1 . 3 I 7 IAUI, 1111¥101 lion ol NE & USED good cond 11000/0BO 12HWCN) * '18 3201, 1u10., 1un 557.H40 9 1 3 . 1 3 '411 , D • y 1 y......... tl73 All LIUlll Chtvrolelll 764-7388 llW ., SMll ~7~7~~. 4 epd . IUn '111 D11111n 210. lo ml. I 873·1344, ·-· Merty -----,7-1_UUIT______ OVERSEAS DELIVERY 14 ........... II Theodot1 l\ot>IM FOfd rool (113211 em/Im c11Htt•. mint 11'1'1 .tlO IL EXPERTS Autom1llc, fro-alM· 2oeo Hwt>or 81 • C.M. * '79 5281, 1uto. 1un c:ono l 43oo 75 2-9o77 Out1tendlng cono111on !h:Y~~=~:bi::~~:: ring, 4 cyllnder. m10 e-42-0010 ~8211 rool (~5ZCF) e-9PM Mull -lo 9')Prldll• M WLI lll YkYt wnetll GrMI o• .. ~ 87 Flrlblrd Convert PWI * '79 7331, 11110. IOedtO '74 l&THI HU I All e11tru. 119,950 832-M&2 PS. n-pwr brkl, ip- * ·eo 320I, •uto., iun 840·2871 ,01 YOUI ,74 211 O 74 LT C1maro Al c PIO treary • n11d1 • 101 of work roof (4094) 78 Detaun 200SX eu NllYMAIO.. • • Dark grter1, t.n lntetlOr, PIS stereo. Snerp xlnt '11 OllW 11300/ bat otr &42·2650 (f35ZfH) GOOD COND 13995 111 us ~ $<44-a1oe • t•as prox 30K ml on rblt. HI-I 111 co n d I 3 0 0 0 o b o Tiiis Merwry '4 Or Mdln efl I 1111 208 W 111, Sent• An1 cond HCrlflce 13300 nw IY a Hire clean, OOO<I oond 548·7490 1111 onlv 18.432 m1111 .• --11- 1 -----,-:,.-:,.-1 ----------;.;.;;;i CIOMd Sund 0 B 0 . 9 8 3. 1 7 2 8 . 17.000. 873-&170 , J •• ______ IY __ 1 647-5414 .,. • .. .., 87 El Camino 327 ttng 4 crulM control 1111 wne.I, --·------ . ......... .... CHOICE INVENTORY . fMIUT'fl •" 11 "t •P<l s 1500 or bell ofter ~ Wln<lOW.. lttreo tan Wiil 1111.1 .. :-.en asc>CSI Stk (344UKA) VOLUME SALES '77 DATSUN KING CAB • "' 637 -7988 I 10MB78SI ... lllll l&Lll" •19 320! Stk (k3XUI) Cullom ln1lde·oullld1 lllt Mill 11 Uf11llCU14UJM '77 MOB, nu red pelnl, llW llU 11111 • '7"' • ...,. Stk · (•2•VTVl $3300: (714) 650-1228 top, tlrH. 111rio. 111n1 70 Chevelle Slat Wgn,, TheO<l<lf• Robin• Fora '79 Cid Eldo 19650 • "4 v• " "~' •1 V . 8. au 1 o, $ 4 O O I 37 000 ml._ 1AP81168 7 11 3 ...... At (t'"""VN) & u . c 0 n d $" 1 0 0 I 0 I r 2oeo Htrbor 81 c M • , ""' · """ '79 Detaun P. . 5·1pd. 74 Maida Wagon. com· 759•1600. 873_.223 497-4652 eves · '71 Deteun 2802 &.4550 118 6281 Al. 1416467) ''"'°· cetm lhell & Int., plele engine overhaul, 6'42-00 lO e..0-e211 IEJU238 Bleck 6 ec>d 'IO i20t Siii. (264ZUS) only 321< ml, xlnt COn<l new battery & llr.. ft11C~t 1197 78 Chev "· Ion pick up 78 Ztpllyr, 47M, clean ·77 Chev Chevett• 11875 'IO "°' At. (OlOZVA) 111 IO L l IE I _~_100_. _&e_8_·•_92_4 ___ , H OO 631-7149 350 eng, 4 •P<l Auna A-1 s 1800 pp 002SLI 4 8')d. air '81 320! At. (081086) llW --------MEISTER line, $3250 538-11« 6'42 '"724 ·77P~Arrow 11690 '81 ....... 8111 1--"'""l ·73 &10 wegon. t Owner. .... -"' ' .,.,........ 1895 .... Mn.... t14S SACRIFICE '79 cn111y 508 w eutometlc ;~Liii IUOI llW 81'"·Sefvl<».L.Uno 4 apd, &45-7578 -----------PORSOllE/AUDI Monza 2dr, 111 pwr. un-''11 MlllOOI '78 Pinto HB 11190 (714) 836-5790 628 S. EUCiid Ave. --------1 '80 300D eunrool Ilk• 13831 Herbor Slvd. der JOK ml, lm1TU1cula1e Thie Mercury 11 • 4 door 899UZD euto. air, Pl " (213} 427°8-48'4 (71!~:"MMlll Ft11ul 1121 new. on,Y 7000 ml' ll9. Garden Grove $3250, U4-6947 tamtty car with llr cond. Buy · Sell-Trade • Treo.lna Welcomt ~,.,. .,.,. 49• 707'" •7•20'40 & stereo (827WJP). 4-43 W Bey, C.M. Open 8undey 1111111 OMm'I """'· .,.. u, u .,. lllt1·S.n-Ltasl11 Look • C•r11lt1 9315 llW HU HHI ac:ro11 from l\obln1 llAlll 111111'1 •Y &ITIMIZD 714-131-2333 ~ln1_g13;1on<l . $3995 I S860/obo 554·2079 ''1'1 COllltll Theodore Aobll"I Ford Ford Part• & 8erv1oe ILMIT '78 2002 Xlnt Cond., Orig fE••••t .,., • 2060 Harbor Bl., C.M Andy Brown 846-2963 Ownet. seonnc. S6300. """" For Ad Action '71 911 TAAOA $20,000 '70 K. 01'111. ll'lerp, 1 ownr lalck tl01 The better model from 6-42-0010 540-8211 Com• In & -Newport .$ :~_.012. dey. 840-1856 MU D•Pt lnveete<I O mltea on new car new tlrH am/Im 'IO lllYllllA I ~.~~:1~;:,:(~o~~~l & e.ac: • n Ml«:tlon Cal a eng $14 ,000 firm ~. lfyMt, & epprec Tiii• Buick 11 loedld wllh ... llLY .,.... Ol•••••ll• tut, of p~:v10".::y owned IN~ 151·8188 $3250 752-8138 equipment! You'll enJoyl Theodore Aoblne F<lfO ·77 Regency, '4 dr, wire Po11ch11. Audi• and For Cluelftld Ad ACTION cal I Dally Piiot AO-VISOR 842~78 -IM Daly Plot 'II 1111 OllPI ... YW ~ ~... 1h11 I u II u, y c. r I 2060 Harbor Bl c M wheel•. leellltr ...... Volk1wagene. . .~~"" AD-VISOR Km~·d~ r::~· 7~~9r ~~~~M (l~~~tf'a~:I~ 6'12-0010 540-8211 ~~?6~~ $3300 -·· Newport BMctl • 642 -5678 s~ 'JO s~ Ttr~ 2oeo H11t>or B1'* c M 1er t>v ue1ng tne Delly Pl· N.wport BMcti 3100 Welt COMI HwY . 845-4«3 9e6--08eO -· Wkndl TheodOtt Aobtnl FOfO J Make your "'°"91ng -445 E Cout Hwy ___ 8'4_2_·940 __ s ___ 1 •-------•I mint. 111 opti . 640-7218. ""'2-®10 . 1>40-f2\ lot CAUltfled-MI. 873-0tOO A nAS CHIYSLll-ftL YMOUTH 2929 Harbor Blvd Coste Meu Tel 546-1934 3 blocks IOI.Ith of San Diego Freeway off Harbor Blvd Comple1e body shop Sales Service Paris Service Dept open Monday thru Friday 7 30 A M to 5 30 P M and 8 A M to 5 P M on Saturday . a llACH IMPOITS Dove Street, Newport Ble<:h Tel 752-0900 Call ul, e the 1peclallst1 for Alta Romeo. Peugeot. Saab a all IHIODOH ROllNS FOID ern 111le1. MrVlc•. p1r11. body. p11n1 & llre depta patitlve "'" on ,. ... & dally rtfllll1. 2060 HarbOr •• eo.11 M .... 8'4 t-00 tO or 540-82 t 1 .• .JOHNSON & SON LINCOLN MllCUIY 2&ae Hetbor Bl'vd . eo.1a M ... Tl! 5'0-5630. 57 Vear• of fl'l•ndty lamlly 11rvlc1 -Orang• County'• oldHI Uncotn-M«eury daaler1hlp AVID J. 'HILLIPS-aUICk.ttONTIAC•MAZDA Salel • Sarvtc1 • LM.llnQ 2'488e Allele P1rllway 937-2400 MATCH THE NUMBERS OH THE' MAP WITH THE NUMBERS IN THE BOXES NIWftOIT DATSUN 886 Dove S1ree1. Newport 81.c:h Tel 833-1300 At the triangle ol Jamboree. MecArthur & Brtstol behtnd Victoria S1a11on Sales Service Leasing & Parts We make great deals• • NAIHS CADILLAC 2600 Harbor Blvd . Colla Mesa Tai 540·9100 Orange County's Largeat Cadlllac dealer Sales Service Leeslng SADDLllACK IMW/SUIAIU 28402 Marguerite Pkwy., Avery Pkwy. H it We offer wtia1 no benk or leaM company can: 1. Ex~rtty stalled, moat modern eervlce & part1 dept .. 2 One ol the Southland'• mo11 1xperlenc1d 11le1 & !eating S11fl; 3, Ellmlnallon ot the middleman by taaslng dealer direct. 831·20'40 Mlulon v,.10 4115-'49411 CHICK IVHSON POISCHl·AUDt-VW '41!> E Coast Hwy . Newport Beach 873·0900 The only "911et1hlp In Orange County with th111 three great makes undet OOI rooll • ALAN MAGNON PONTIAC-SUIAIU 2480 Herbor Blvd . Colla Mita Tai 549-4300 Salea, Servlel. Leasing "Mr GoodwTench " CLAHtc AUTOMOllLH 765 Newt()(I Way. Colla M ..... l!"· 831-1393 "JAGUARS OUR SPECIAL TY" XK 120'1/140'1/1&0'1/XJ'1/E-Ty~ Sal1t -Service -R"t0tatlon• Otf PllC*IU• btlweert 17th I 181h In 00tta M ... IOI lONGftRE ftONTIAC 13600 Beach Blvd Westminster Tel 892-6651 Orange County·s oldes1 ind largest Pon11ac deatersll•P Siies Service Parts DICK MILLH FIAT/LANCIA Probably the lowest prleed Fiats tn Southern Cal11orn11·· (Localed I mile norlh of South Coesr Plaza near Main St and Warner Ave m Santa Anal 120 W Warner Santa Ana 557-2 t32 • SANTA ANA DATSUN 200t E 17tll Street. S1n11 Ana Tel 558 7611 Your Original Dedicated OalSun Dealer • MllACU MAIDA We've moved• Our new location Is 1425 Beker Street. Costa Mna Tel 545-3334 Stop by & u1111 our modlfn showroom and see why we're th• • 1 Mazda dealer In Southern California Salee. Service Parts and leHlng • COIMlll DeLILLO CHIVIOLIT (Formerly Groth Chevrol.il t8211 leech Blvd . Huntington Beech New • Ultd • Salet • LN81ng • Pltll • Service Come by and •• our Huge Inventory• ... ,..,., $49-3331 • OIANOI COAST AMC/Jll,/llNAULT 2&24 Harbof Blvd • Co.la M ... ... 549·&023 94&-7170 • 1 Jeep O.ar.r In lht Wtttl Sff u1 today '°' HIH. wvlce 6 leNlng Tt\era are fNtonl why -are # 1 .. Price and Mleetlonl Also, the all·new Renault ~lll•nc• It here! COSTA MISA DATSUN 2645 Ha1bo1 Blvd . Costa M ... T11 540-6410 Serving Orange County for t6 yeers 1 Mlle So 405 SUNSET FOID, INC. (Home of Wiiiie the Whlll) 5440 Garden Grove Blvd , Wes1m1nster Tel 636-4010 OIANGI COUNn VOLVO 10120 Garden Grove Blvd . Garden Grove Tel 530-9190 E~cluSlvely Volvo to cover ell your Volvo requirements New•Used•S1les•Le1slng•Parts•Serv1ce•Body Shop Freeway close In 11'141 heart of Orange County at Garden Grove Blvd & Brookhurst 0 CONNILL CHIYaOLIT 2828 Harbor Blvd • Colla Mesa Over 22 ya1ra Hf'Vtng Orange County Sales. IHtlng. 11rv1c1 Cell 549-1200. apeclal parts llne. 548-11'400. body shop lln1. 754-0400 0 IOY CAIVll IOLLS IOYCl-IMW 1540 Jambor" Rold N-port Blech 1540-84« Salee. Serv1c.. Part• And LN•lng • LONG llACH IMW ~ge Mltetlon OI MW & Quallty ultd BMW'• •nd 01h9r '"" 6aril S'a1e1; Mrvleit & 1eu1no Trld•ln• ~!Ml Take 405 ''"way to Norlh Cherry Olf•rlMl'lp, luff' right & go e bloclcl north to ,910 N. OM!ry Aw .. Long Btaoh. • ('114) 13a..S'190 (213) 427.1494 ·---------.. l 111111111 can Holiday hiatus These six sailboats sit quietly under cloudy skies in Newport Beach, but not for long. On Monday, when holiday vacations end, students taking sailing courses at Orange Coast College ~ill be back in the boats learning how to sail. c•11n111 $~.5 million Sycamore Hills de~l proposed By STEVE MITCllELL or .. ....,,.. .... r.,..un. Beach hu danlJ.ed lta line ln the water for a Ions time, hoplnf for aome nibbles from deve op ere In tereated In &~·~.a portion of And now, nearly five dears after the city purchase the 522-acre parcel out in Laguna Canyon. It hu a bite. A 31-year-old Lacuna Beach man is offering $5.5 million for 62 acres of Sycamore Hilla. David Michelaon, president of David MJchelaon and Aaodates, wants to. conatruct 1,600 apartments on the parcel, adjacent to Leiaure World off El Toro Road. The $5 .5 million would eliminate a large share of the nearly $7 million debt owed former owners of the entire Sycamore Hilla by the city. And it would end the $1.~ per day lnterest accruing on the balance ~ed by the city for the land, pwchued ln 1978 to end years of legal action lnvolving Laguna Beach and the former landowners. A Newport Beach development flrm offered $5.4 mil.lloo for the land at one time, but later failed to make an option payment to the dty. The flrm eventually dropped Its plana to buy the parcel. The dty 1ent out reque9ta for blda to more than 100 development firma and received no nspomee. Mlchelaon, who aaid he and several unnamed part.nen own $35 million ln reel estate ln three weste.m states, wants to make a deal with Laguna Beach. Hia proposal ia to construct 1:- 600 muJU-famlly houaing unit.a (apartmenta) with an average aize of 600 square feet and a rental rate of $400 per month. Five percent of the unit• would be set aside for low- lncome renters and 15 pera!llt for moderate-income rent.en. The remaining 80 percent of the unit.a would rent at fair mark.et rates. Michelson aaid his project would be senior adult-oriented, like nearby Leisure World. The project, if approved, would be constructed in four phuea aver five yean, with the city receiving peyments aa Mdl phue la completed. The note to the city would be retired at the end of the five-year period. Michelaon aaid he would alao pick up the $1.~ per day interest on the mortgage. (See SYCAMORE, Pa1e A!) 800 stalwarts watch 'lunar eclipse on a cold night LOS ANG~ (AP) -Some ~00 P•(l!:.!!eklted to the Griffith tor')' euiy today ~~'!er~ 8':-f~. ln a .. For the eecond time in 1lx mootha, and the third time tbia y.r. tbe i:.rth'• m.dow mrted to s--=nm the Moon al about l.:~ a.m. PST. The moon wu oampletely bloclred from IUIUlcbt IW1lnC at 2:68 a.m. and began to ~at 3:39 a.m. audience haa great spirit t.ontght even thouah it'• cold," laid Edwin Knipp, obeervatoey director, as temperatures hovered near 40 ~. ''Thia la the great New Year's Eve-ev~ and-up-~your-bedtime lunar ecl.ipee.',--. .,.., ........... .., ............. 'The Griffith Obeervatory kept the doon o1 iti 600-eeet theater open until about 5 a.m., when the (See LUNAR, pqe A!) Sequence of moon's disappearing act over Costa Mesa. was photographed from 1:30 to 3 a.m. today. Protesting tenants 'vote with their feet' By STEVE MARBLE apartments for luxury llviQa. or .. o..r,......,. The Goeden Co., the Wvine A not.y rent protest at the firm that bought the complex sprawling Shores apartments ln thia year, aaid remaining tenant.a Corona del Mar hu been ~uced appear to be aatiafied with the to a few grwnbla and ahrup. h1gber rental rate and that the But if the 120-unit complex dlagruntled have left or been has a new calm appearance,~ evicted for non-peyment. remaining tenants claim that'• Bruce Froehlich. a lp>kelllnan only becauae onl)' half the units for the owners. :~ted the 00 are now occupied. percent vacancy but would "People voted with their feet," not ea ti mate how many ~ John Munsen, a leader apartments are empty. ln the'renter'a revolt lut fall who "We hav:> vacanclea mostly la ~ to move out. beca~ we aMed acme tenants to "It'• eerie. Freak.lably empty," leave because they refuM!Cl to pey be added. their rent. We are keePna eome Rents went up• much u $200 of the units wcant to-malte the a month lut October u new rem:t..1fna proceas Miider." ownen prepared to aroom the BemaJnf.n& tenants claim the -· 11100-- At 'i our Service remodelin& procea haa been halted. They Hy workmen ~out virtuaJb' In mJd-job. Froehlic:b denied namon that paint.er'I and other repair CNWI 1.eft becau. they weren't belnC paid. ''Thl.ncl have llowed down but that'I only beca--lt'1 bard to ftnd bel th.la d:me-of yw.r," be aatd. ""• certainly haven't ~~t, llSd hill apertmll'.\t ... painted and hie biiiickyud fence '*dlt but that ~ Clme to a balt alW that.. JM Mid Wortr:iDID l9ft • quiddy that ~ tram a ~ ._ a19 IUD Mrilln8 out OYW a ~. I "There'• a 1reat cloud of m~ • to wbat11 F'na on," be lidded. Ownert and ienanta at th• &h9rH a•rH that tbe rent 2,!!)tHt cfld tHUlt ln IOIDe ~ fiRINT, '811-:Dl • Doris Allen Remap plans cut Allen's district llY MDL iNED>BRMAN ' or .. ....,,... .... New dlatrlct boundaries approved by the atate l.Acf.alature have placed newly elected ~blywoman Dorl.I Allen'• JOn&·t.lme w .. tmlnlter home o~t8ld• the dlattlct ah• ...v.. . Th• reapportionment~ Whkh WM expectad to be today by OU~ Gov. J'.dnjund BrvWn Jr. Will Nq\dn Allin to ll)OYe to a new home within the MW wwt Oranft ~ dlMrict lfn-a~tn1tM. la a tMphone tntlll'Yi9w frQn\ Sia'ammto WednilidQ, ADID t .....,....,'Oin, deiiciibecf1 the MW ----dllllrk:t ~ • "nOt ~row lllMl ...,:"an• 8ddild: :.,. do Dllm to mow to_.., Clii~l'ijlDJ . . 4 court nominees blocked .~ -. SAN FRANCISCO (AP) Attorney General George Deukm ejian, who haa campaigned for yean agabut Gov . Edmund Brown Jr.'a Judaes, baa auooeeded ln IC.'Uttling four appeala court appointments, oroinptlng a charge of f'McCarthyilm. •• Deukmejlan, who made opposition to ju.didaJ Ube~ a major l9ue ln hia IUOt'e8ful l'8Cle foe governor, u.ted h1a pomtJon on the Commlaalon on Judicial _Appointment• Wedneaday to reject the four Brown nomineel ln a l10nny t.hJ"ee..hour ..ion. Since ltate voters created the commiuion In 1934, only one other governor'• nominee bu been njecied -Max Radin, a liberal University of C..Ufomia i.w profeuor whoee Supreme Court nomination by Gov. Culbert Olaon in 1940 wat defeated on • dtddlna vote by then-Attorney General Earl Warren. . One of Wedne1day '1 c:andldatee. Jerame c.ohen. chief .lawyer and neaoUator fOC' th• United Fann Woran from 1887 to l880 1ibMd l>Makmejlan to tM ... ~ JmeDh ~. DeukmeJan hid dtied .,...... crtddllnl 6'om \IMAlftld)a.,... In voUnc ip1mt Cohen. who had won ..... from the State Bar, wtm .... at th• hMriftl, and vfktually flVer/ letW .it to the aommlllkm. lncludine four frcm ll'OWWI or tbeU' laW'YWL ·~liFlftltobe Califont.la'1 virulent IVa1n of Mcem1hytilln." dlllil tl·"91"-okl .... ...,.., toJd ... ~ He contended tbe1rea1on for o.....,.. .. ~ ....... "the c:x;.=:. ~·-- Deukmejlan tcJld Cohen that various unnamea la..fyen had told his ataff privately that Cohen la "rude, foul-mouthed, dlahoneat , devioua and tUlethD1. '' "l wiah they'd have put that on the record eo I oould ~·· Cohen replied. "That ltfnd of character ma.tnation la typ6cal of what Jc.eph M<.<:Arthy WOuJd aay." '"That'• what I thouaht you'd say.'' Deukmejlan OOWltered. " ... Members of thla comrru.ion are not auppoeed to be here u a rubber stamp for the governor.,, Another defeated nominee, veteran Justice Sidney i'einberg, alao waa Indignant, aaltlng Deukmejlan whether he intend«t to give a "lltmua tart" to • l:!:clal candldatea after he mea governor next Monday. Deukmejian aald he voted againat Feinberg because be reversed too many criminal oonvk:tiona. He did not dte any apecttic caaee. Five other Brown appoint.em to $72,401-a-year joba on the appeala courta were confirmed by the commlaaion, with Deukmejlan d.l.9enUna on two appomteea, including J. Anthony Kline, Brown'• former legalt aff.aln aecretary. Golden Eagle lawyer says case unproved A defenH at,orney baa coot.ended that ~ton have falled to ~ ~Uorw Ralph William McDonald bilked lnvHtora out ol rnllllon1 of Continued 8forl•• SYCAMORE HILLS ... ' "l thlnk they (ol\y counc&L mw~ ... ) eN SobC-to bi iOared by the larp nwnber of unlt.1 I'm propoelna, Mkhet.:>n uld. -He .kl the amount of money tM and bia inW9t.On would have to lnv•t In the project would only make ecxmomJc eerw lf 1,- 800 unita .... oonttructed. "l have no~ to build 1,600 un1ta," be aaid. "I'd prefer lo bw.Jd 800. '' He uld the S6.6 million payment to the city, and $4 LU~NAR ... moon oompletely emerged from ita shadowy hideaway. ·"Only about l~ dieharda are left now,,. ot.ervatory pide Art Thurman aald shortly after 3 a.m. "Everybody elae went home bem~ ol the cold at about 2:30. It's one of the darkest eclipses probably ever." The first lunar eclipse this yee.r in California took place Jan. 19, the eecond on July 5. The next one visible in the West will be April 24, 1986. mTilkrn ti~.,... th• lfw and brine in utWU.,'' mandates the hlaher denltty ~lty Mana1er Kon Frank confirmed Micheblon nu rnado lhe city an offer for the property. P'rank uid he wtU prHont Mlchelaon'1 offer to the Clty Council at a rneettna ThUl'llday. TENANT ... prosre-. Froehlich aaid hia flnn hu agreed to give all tenant.I a free month's rent lf they remain ln their apartmenta for one year. New tenanta are being olfered a aimilar deal. "l think that's a aubatantlaJ conceuion." agreed Caaey, who said he'll remain at the Shores. "To tell you the truth, I'm root.lJli for the place." Betty Tesman, another tenant who plans to remain becauae of the Shores' proximity to UC Irvine where ahe works. ia still a little miffed. She said ahe'a paying luxury rent for a conunon apartment. • • • wUhin m1 dlttrk t " UnJtr lh11t rHpf.IUrllut~nt vlan, All•n'• humt In ~(I th W•ttmlnal e r . n••n l. • HunUnaum 0.11<:h border, f1Ua und tr Th• furttdlctlon of OOP "-mblyman Nolan rrtz.U.. .'\ 1-l • n ; 1 e 1 m o a t -G • . W•t.minater under ht. plan. The new district lncludoa we1t Garden Grove, moat uf Loa Alamhoa, • laraer portion of Anaholm and all of Cypreu, La Palma and Buena Park. She would loee Stanton and Midway City to Auemblyman Richard Robll\IOI\, D-SantA Ana ' Although Robinlon hu denJed he waa Involved In the ree.rranaement of Allen'• diatrict, the URmblywoman Wed.nelday oontended the revlalon wu made to increase the percenta1e of Democratic voten ln Roblnlcn't diauict. . Whlle admltttna that thi1 strategy aho lncreasea the number of Republican voters ln her district, Allen aatd ahe is unhappy ahe will not be able to repreeent maat of WestmJnater, where ahe hu lived for the past 22 years. Allen ran unaucceufully ln 1978 and 1980 against tncumbenl A.emblyman Chet Wray before unaeatlng him in thla year'• election. GOLDEN EAGLE DEFENSE RESTS ... cue until he pleaded guilty to several related charges and agreed to testify against McDonald. Deputy District Attorney Thcmaa Buck, in summing up his cue for the pry, said McDonald and Golden F..agle were ooerating a clamic "pyramid game." "All the money wu used to pay off other investors, except what went for automobiles and experulve homes. He was robbing Investor Peter to pay investor Paul ... Just as in a pyramid pme, that's the thrust ol all th1a, had the people known they were investing in a pyramid pme. they wouldn't have done it," Buck said. He added, "Thia was all dn!amed up by Mr. McDonald. He ia responsible for the havoc . he has caused in the lives of how many people who invested." McDonald collected mott than $17 million from about 1,000 investors by promising return.a on the investments ranging from 15 to 30 percent a month. The investors money allegedly was loaned out in "ahort-tenn swing loans" secured by real estate, Buck said. He added that investigators had found evideooe of only two loans ever made by the firm, totaling less than $100,000 and not secured in any way. "They had projected cash needs of $34 million, but the value was zip. In whole, there were no short-term swing loans and no loans secured by real estate," Buck told the jury. He aa.ld a good portion of the money collected by McDonald 'flnd Golden Eagle went "Into automobiles, real estate and high lifestyle." In a few ahort years, between 1979 and 1981, McDonald's fortunes increased from havtng to borrow several thousand dollars to purchase a car and having hill wages garnlahed by Household Finance Corp. to where he owned 15 cars, one valued at $175,000. "Keep in your mind," Buck admonished jurors, "the net cash flow was small at the beginning but built up. And ~t built up so did Mr. McDonalcf s purchases . . . When the mofiey wu rolling in at Golden ~e it was rolling out as automoblfes." House ban on Packard sought YOtiJl8 boothlt were defaced, and PllCkard support.era handed out .peaclla with t~e write-In '*ldld•'• nampe ~thin lqil> te9l ol the poDa. Packard, a Mormon dentbt and former Carlsbad mayor, became the third person ever elected to the House on a W'rlte- in vote when he collected 37 percent of. the votes to Archer'• 32 percen.t. Packard had loat the Republican primary to Johnnie Bu'11ng1on 0..,., cn.n.ton, 8.C. Chertleton. w.v Ctwtone. N_C E CleWlllld Columbia. 8 c Colllmtlue o.a..-n Wortl't Ollyton ow-0.. MolflW a.troll Oulutl't E PMO '9'90 AIOl!lff O.....F ... -~ .....,_ HonoMu Houston lldml lllPOlll ~ ...... ~ ~City '-MV= Uttl9 LOUlt¥llt UAIOOClll ...... =--~.Plul ........ .... ~ ._,YOfll MorfOlt "°""~ OllWIOIM City Oll'llM R . Crean, a millio naire recreational vehicle manufacturer, but decided to nm 4a the ~ election anyway. Crean ran last in the general election with 31 percent. Archer, a poll ti cal science teacher at Palomar C.Ollege, bas 9el\t a apeda] delivery letter lo derk ol the House Edmund Benahaw, ukina that the Houae Admlnistradon Committee delay aeatlng Packard until a San Diego Superior Court holds a helu1nc on hi.I complaint. M 27 Or1andO 80 eo 17 02 Pnll8delpl'lle ... 2t 70 152 Phoenix 118 4t 49 30 ::::r .... ... 25 64 40 M 29 25 06 Portlend. Ore 40 23 24 14 PrOl/lcMnoe 5e 30 34 24 =r'c11y ee 39 32 24 30 15 ... 45 '*'° 32 15 34 24 Aldwnond 81 37 t2 27 s.n LAii• 27 10 32 22 89\Mtonlo ... 31 22 .07 ~ 19 27 22 01 ~~ 50 29 31 17 22 10 oe 02 St. loull 21 17 37 24 St.P9t•T111npa 77 f7 12 .01 ., .. ..,,. ,. 03 2f 11 ~ 21 11 25 ~1 ~ 46 21 ff 21 T~• 27 oe 19 15 Tuceon 5e 31 11 ea TtMI 17 21 49 M WMNnOton M 33 31 23 WIOtllta 2t 11 47 31 C~OCIMA 75 II Bak.-.n.ld 41 at 24 15 Eutetta lie aa •a 11 ,'99ne> ... a3 40 24 LanoMtw .... ~ 34 22 ~::r-IO 20 17 .. ,. .... 2t , .. _... 11 S4 71 74 ,.. .,., =~ 21 10 ~Qty 11 ~ a...-ito :: "* n ....,_ M 4t . .., °"'° .. .. ta II .., ,rendtoo .. 44 to ta a.Ma..,_. 11 11 H.ot ltodltofl ll IO • 1t .....,. ..... " 10 Tides TOOAY ===. ... ,"' 1A fO-OT M. u ~· Arlt loW • 2:411.m. 1.t ~ ::I .. "" f,1 -.. '"' 1.1 lftloN :r. to: .. "·"" ... l11n t 1= .. 4;H p,M., rfMI~••: a.1r1. • MoOll ,_. ~ It I:~ p.fft., ........ !l&fft. Christmas remains Newport Beach fire investigator Jim Upton sifts through charred remains of Christmas tree ornaments following SI00,000 blaze Wednesday in Corona del Mar. Helen Reuter, owner of the Acacia Avenue home, said the Christmas tree was decorated with $7,000 worth "of ornaments she has been collecting for 30 years. I'~ ry alleged at hearing A Santa Ana attorney hH ta&Ufled th.al her JnJU.11 WU'f fcq.d on a Liv•~ •tt.Wnent 11reement tn a divorce caM h8ndled by attorney and eo.t Commlanlty Collea• Dlatrlct tNlt.ee Qeorae Roddi Jr. Attorney Marilyn Ward, teatlfylnt In Central Orana• County Municipal Court, Mid that a MndwrtUn1 expert hat verified that the lnlU&la on the year-old divorce document were not hera. The testimony came in the second day of a piellmlnary hearing for Rodda, a Newport Beach attorney and a coaal district tl'Uatee alnce 1969. The hearing, belna conducted to determlne whetner Rodda should be tried in 1uperlor oowt on four felony charges of preparing and attempting to pua a forged document, resumed today. Rodda, 52, has called the charges groundleea. Deputy District Attorney Robert Molko claimed Rodda auempted to file forged divoroe papers last November with Superior Court Judge James Jackman. At Issue are the initialed lignature9 of Catherine and Bernard Zager, who were dissolving their marriage, and Ward, Mrs. Zager's attorney. Bernard Zager, testifying aa a prosecution witneu, told the court Wednelday that he believes his initials on the document.a were made by hia own band. Molko said that all of the initials on the document, except for Rodda's, are in question. Teen-ager tells trip tragedy Huntington woman describes accident that·claimed friend BY ROBERT BARKER Of'ttt.0.-,Not ..... A 19 -ye ar -o ld woman Wednesday described details of a trip that started out at the Huntington Beach police firing range last summer and ended in ttlUledy near Parker, Ariz. ituntington Beach resident Kathy Grunbawn said she waa among puse.ngera in a vehicle dri'len by Huntlnt~ Beach Po~ OWcer John well. Al8o in the four-wheel drive vebJcle, ahe aaid, were her friend, Llaa Garlich, 18, and another Huntington Beach police officer, Lloyd &!wards. The vehicle, with the words "Party Till You Puke" contained In the license plate frame, overturned at a curve at 9 a.m. July 11, about 5~ hours after leaving Huntington Beach. The three passengers were thrown frorn the vehicle. Garlich died from maallve heed and neck inju.riee, •ccording to Aruona authorlties. Gnmbeum, a 1981 graduate of Edison High School, said she suffered a COOCU&lllOn and other injuries and didn't regain consciousness until late in the afternoon at Parker Hospital. Grunbaum alle ged that Blackwell, the driver, had been drinking beer before leaving Huntington Beach. She claimed he continued drinking Budweiaer Light -kept in an ioe chert - for most of the trip. Black.well did not respond to telephone meuagea today and haa not been available for comment on the aa:uaation. Grunbaum said a third police officer had begun the journey in Blackwell's vehicle. But he got out and rode in another vehicle in a convoy to the C.Olorado River "because Blackwell was driving too fut," ahe claimed. Blackwell, re-assigned from patrol to administrative duties since the incident, ia scheduled to f.aoe trial ln Arizona next month on cl\args of negligent homicide and IMving the acene of a aerious accident, according to Arizona offidala. A local police department OUR STORES We would like to take this opportunity to wish all of our customers the very best in the coming year and express our sincere thanks for your continued loyalty. From all of us at The Storekeeper. investigation after the attident showed that "eight or ten" officers had been known to consume alcohol at the firing range, aa:xmiing lo Chief Earle Robitaille. But he said there was no evidence of misconduct or sexual activities. ''There waa nothing sexual," Grunbaum said Wednesday. "The police kicked back and had a few beers. That'• all." She aald she had ~n to a couple of ptheringl at ~ range and they we~ attended by about 10 or 15 officers and perhaps four women. Grunbaum said she knew Blackwell and F.dwards allghtly, having met them previously at the range. Grunbaum said she has loet about aix weeks of work because of injuries and has incurred medical expenses. She said ahe has retained a lawyer. A lawau!t alleging wrongful death was filed in September in Orange County Superior Court by Bruce Garllch and Barbara Peters, pare.nta of the dead eirl. ' IOK ll TE~ TA '"' IOI t~ f • f t Uf .# I f"W • •H I• , \ .. 1, ·~ .. ..: 1•. '• '• '• .... ... .. '• .. '• '• .. .. .. '• .. 1, '. .. . , .,,. \~ ~ .,. .. " . .. , ... •, .,. • .. ..... ·~ "" '• .. ... ,, \'o ..... ·~ V• '• . ,. .. ..: .. 'Ito ~ .. " .. 'Ito .. \, ... '• ~ "' '• •• .. y,; Dow Jones Final DOWN 12.23 CLOllNO 1,047.11 Gift of logo may save $12 million LOS ANGELES (AP) -The gttt of a bell -the American Telephone & Telegraph Co. logo -will ring up savings of $8 million to $12 million for Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co., Its officlal.8 said . AT&T IMlid It will donate the familiar bell logo and color teheme to the Bell System's local phone companies acrO&S the nation when the sywtem breaka up In 1984 under a n agreemen t with the J ustice Department The esumat.ed Pacific Telephone savings result from not havmg to re paint the logo on 26,000 vehicles and 2,200 buildings, and not having to design a new corporate logo. officials said Tuesday. Timber holdings sold YREKA (AP) --Swlkist Growers Inc. and Friut G rowe rs Supply Co .. acting as partners, have purchased the Siskiyou County-timber holdings or International Paper Co. for a reported $85.37 million. T he sale announced Wednesday is the largest t ransac tion in cou nty h istory a nd m eans t hat International Paper has sold the cutting rights to tunber on 103,000 acres in Siskiyou County and 30 acres of land in adjacent Trinity County. New jobless claims up \ WASHINGTON (AP) -Some M4,000 Amerlcan.1 filed first-time claims for unemployment insurance compensation benefits in the week ending Dec. 18, an increase of l l ,000 over the previous week but well below the level of recent months, the government reported today The La bor De partment's Employm en t a nd Training Administration said the total .of new applications, adjusted to take seasonal variations into account. was below 600.000 for the fourth oonsecutive week METALS H!W Y~ (AP)-SCIOI ...,.,..._ lnlll• ptloelt locSey: UPS AND DOWNS U" AJK> DOWNI HEW YORK 11'.PI The IOl-tnQ ltt& .,_ !hit IM• York Sloe~ £«'*'91 tlockl and w•rr~ll 111411 ll•vt -"" 1,.,,..,.,_ oown 1r. ,,_1 ~..,, l:'CAlll ... (~ ••0 .. 01 ...... -Ot .,__, ~ -Uf'ttin l•MllnQ be._ $l an Intl· -Net -_ .... 1_ <'-9" ... u. dlff.....-.ct ._,_ IN prevlov\ <IDslftO prlo .,,.. '°""Y" t~sm prlc•. -Lotti .'-~. ~· ,,.._....,_,, ... Up 14.t l W.C..,.,.111 ,. ' )~ Up 11.7 l Mart-" ) ... . .. 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