HomeMy WebLinkAbout11 - Sculpture Exhibition in Civic Center Park - PowerPointJanuary 8, 2019 Item No. 11 PTURE EXHIBITIf'"""' VIC CENTER PAF PHASE IV r 1120 CCTYOF NE PORTBEAi:_. ART COMMISSION Background ■ The Sculpture Exhibition in Civic Center Park is a rotating exhibition that began in 2014. ■ Pieces are borrowed for 2 years. ■ Artists are paid an honorarium not to exceed $5,000 (maximum $50,000 per phase). ■ Total expense per phase is approximately $135,000 (which includes honoraria, installation, de -installation, and project management). City Council direction ■ As part of the approval of Phase IV, at the April 11, 2017 regular meeting, City Council directed that the funds for the artists' honoraria should come from private sources, that project management fees be reduced by 50%, and that City staff should handle the installation of Phase IV. ■ The City Arts Commission respectfully requests that Council waive these conditions, and consider an alternative proposal approved at the Arts Commission's December 13, 2018 meeting. Arts Commission proposal ■ Total cost of project is $134,711. ■ Project management and installation costs total $84,711. ■ Honoraria total $50,000. ■ The Cultural Arts budget has $100,000 allocated towards Phase IV and is $34,711 short of the amount of funds needed to pay for the project. Honoraria ■ The Newport Beach Arts Foundation has pledged $15,000 towards Phase IV honoraria. ■ The Arts Commission respectfully requests moving $19,711 from Cultural Arts Professional Services account to the Sculpture Exhibition in Civic Center Park Phase IV account. ■ The Arts Commission requires no additional funds to stage the exhibition. $13,549 will remain in Professional Services account. PHASE IV FUNDING Professional services Private Support Sculpture Exhibition TOTAL $19,711 $15,000 $100,000 $134,711 Project Management - Why Arts OC? ■ Arts OC has performed services to the City's satisfaction since the exhibition's inception in 2014. ■ Staff contracted Arts OC at a rate accepted by the City twice (in 2014 and 2017) in an open bidding process. ■ In the Request for Proposal (RFP) process for Phases I, II, III and IV, there were no other qualified bidders, which suggests that the City's current budget for the project is already at or below market rate. Installation ■ Arts OC based their estimate for the installation and de -installation of Phase IV on the installation and de -installation costs of previous Phases. ■ There are cost efficiencies in hiring a business that specializes in art installation: 1. Reducing overhead costs: insurance, legal and rental fees, repairs, and supplies. 2. Minimizing risk and liability. 3. Freeing up staff in Public Works/Municipal Operations to focus on their core services: engineering and infrastructure maintenance. 5 05113/2018 08:48 ICity of Newport Beach AMayfield INEXT YEAR / CURRENT YEAR BUDGET ANALYSIS PROJECTION. 20191 FY19 ANNUAL FUNDS ACCOUNTS FOR: 2017 2018 201B LIBRARY ACTUAL ORIG HUD REVISED BUD 01060663 CULTURAL a ARTS 3.13 72 BENEFITS .0* 01060663 727012 LIFE INS 2.50 01060663 727013 EAP .60 TOTAL BENEFITS 3.14 74 OTHER PAYS .60 01060663 713041 OT MISC 1,852.91 TOTAL OTHER PAYS ------CONTRACT 1,852.91 81 SERVICES .00 01460663 811048 SVCS PROF 66,499.52 01460663 611054 SVCS FBF 26,000.00 TOTAL CONTRACT SERVICES 66,049.52 82 GRANT OPERATING -6.6t 01060663 621006 CITY GRANT 96,446.46 TOTAL GRANT OPERATING 96,006.06 84 SUPPLIES a MATERIALS 146,460.46 01060663 841004 PROGRAMING 93,319.06 01060663 841007 OFC SUPPLS 165.68 TOTAL SUPPLIES 8 MATERIALS 93,544.68 85 MAINTENANCE & REPAIR 96,060.00 01460663 851037 MAINTRREP 946.46 TOTAL MAINTENANCE S REPAIR 906.06 87 GENERAL EXPENSES 96,837.20 01060663 871002 ADVERT&PR 1,024.28 01060663 871044 PUBS&DUES 1,068.06 TOTAL GENERAL EXPENSES 2,092.28 89 INSURANCE RESERVE 126,560.06 01060663 891001 GL INS ISF 9,158.44 2018 2018 ACTUAL PROJECTION IP 198 Ibgnyrpts FOR PERIOD 59 2019 PCT ADOPTED CHANGE .46 .46 3.13 .00 .60 .0* .00 .06 62 _00 _60 .0t .46 .46 3.75 .60 .60 At .40 .06 1,430.27 .60 _00 A% .00 .06 1,430.27 .60 _00 At 96,460.46 46,460.46 33,139.85 40,660.60 37,376.60 -6.6t 1061460.00 166,460.46 169,631.88 1B0,736A0 160,604.60 At 196,460.06 146,460.46 197,771.74 220,736.60 137,376.60 -1.91t 96,060.46 14,560.46 14,560.60 40,660.60 40,600.60 175.9* 96,060.00 14,560.06 14,560.60 40,660.60 40,600.60 175.9 95,060.00 126,560.06 96,837.20 95,660.60 60,500.60 -49.81 .40 .06 159.99 .60 .60 At 95,060.06 126,560.06 96,997.19 95,660.60 60,500.60 -49.81 5,060.46 5,460.06 .60 5,660.60 5,248.60 5.0t 5,060.06 5,060.06 .60 5,660.60 5,248.60 5At 1,340.00 1,340.06 2,098.44 1,340.60 1,340.60 At 1,060.00 1,060.06 367.11 1,660.60 1,600.60 A% 2,340.46 2,340.06 2,965.55 2,340.60 2,340.60 At 9,158.46 9,158.06 8,394.87 9,158.60 .00 -100.0* Installation of Phase 4 Sculptures $20,1Q4.00 Site Preparation Project Management & Curation Contingency De -installation of Phase 4 Sculptures Honoraria $5,775+00 $37,500.00 $5,000.00 $16,332.00 $50,000.00