HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/23/1915 - Adjourned Regular MeetingReft Newport Beach,Cal.City Hall.August 23rd,1915. The Board of Trustees of the city of Newport Beach met in adjourned i session 7:30 P.M.Monday august 23rd in the city hall.. President Parkinson called the meeting to order and the roll was called showing there were present trustees W.K.Parkirnson;S.R.Jumper;l HeA.Robinson and C.H.Way.Absent trustee G.P.Wilson. The minutes of the meetings of the 2nd and 9th were read and approved Unfinished business: Ordinance #113,was read for the second time,it b'ing an ordinance of:the city of Newport Beach repealing or #24; #86 and #99 .wioved by trustee C.H.Way seconded by trustee S.R. Tumper and carf'ied that said ordinance be placed on final passage. 011 was called resulting as follows ;Ayes,trustees:'N..K.ParkinsOn. S.R.Jumper;H.A.Robinson;and C.H.Way.Absent trustee G.P.Wilson. President Parkinson declared ordinance #113 carried. i Ordinance #114,was read for the second time,it being an ordinance of the city of Newport Bea•ah establishing the datum plane and designating the bench mark or datum monument in and for the city of Newport Beach. On motion of trustee S.R.Jumper,seconded by trustee H.A.Robinson said ordinance was put on final passage and roll was called resulting as follows.Ayes:trustees W.K. Parkinson ,S..R.Jumper;H.A.Robinson and RM C.H.Way.Noes None.Absent trustee G.P.Wilson.President Parkinson declared ordinance #114 carried. A petition was presented signed by various property owners located i on Ocean Front between 22nd and 26th streets asking that the proposed . wooden bulkhead to be installed in that section be placed on the south side of roadway instead of on sidewalk line.After discussion the petition was filed on motion of trustee H.A.Robinson,seconded by trustee C.H.Way and carried. i New Business: Ordinance #115 was presented and read for the first time,the same being an ordinance of the city of Newport Beach levying a tax on all taxable property within the city of Newport Beach which; is taxable therein for municiple purposes for the fiscal year 1915 - 1916.Moved by trustee C.H.Way seconded by trustee H.A.Robinson and carried that ordinance #115 be passed to second reading. Application was made by M.A.Flood and by the East Newport Town Co to' cross the walk bordering their property with automobiles to get onto; their property.Request granted on motion of trustee S.R.Jumper,seconded by trustee H.A.Robinson and carried. The matter of the proceedings necessary to get in shape the seawall or bulk -head at East Newport was discussed and followed by a general ! discussion as to protection at different points along the Oceanfront and the proper establishing of grades and other preliminary work which is necessary before actual work can be commenced;resulting in a motion by trustee S.R.Jumper,seconded by trustee C.H.Way and carried;that city engineer Webber is hereby instructed and authorized to employ such help or assistance as is needed to procure and put in' shape the neccessary data to hurry on the work. Moved by trustee C.H.Way,seconded by tusteeS.R.Jumper and carried, that a committee be appointed to interview the Southern Counties Gas Company and ascertain if arrangements can be made to have tham furnish gas to the inhabitants of the city of Newport Beach.Presidenti Parkinson named as such committee trustees H.A.Robinson and S.R. Jumper. Moved by trustee C.H.Way seconded by trustee S.R. umper that adjournment be taken "sine die ".Carried.Adjourned. Z�`7w\ 1 e Clerk. r