HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/06/1915 - Regular Meeting'' City Hall,Newport Beach Cal.Septl6th,1915. The Board of Trustees of the City of Newport Beach Met in regular session 7.30.P.M.lvionday Sept 6th,1915.' President 'Parkinson called the meeting to order and there responded to roll call trustees W.K. Parkinson; S. R. Jumper;!I.A.Robinson;C.H.':Vay. Absent trustee G.P.Wilson;who however arrived later and took part in the business of-the eve:.ing. - ' Minutes of August 16th;23rd;and 30th;1915.were read and approved. Reports of the .heads of the various departments for the month of August were read and on motion of trustee i.A.Robinson;seconded by trustee G.P.Wilson and carried were accepted and filed. Communications were read and referred to proper order of business. The committee appointed to interview the Southern Counties Gas Co reported progress and.asked more time which was granted. Attorney Bishop reported that the petitions in the matter of the %appointing of a harbor commission had received sufficient signatures and would go to the Supervisors at next meeting. ' The petition of Max Reichenbach for a change in the liquor licenses standing in the name of the Orange County Wine•Company was laod over: Protest concerning the lame gas service was laid over as the matter is now in hands of committee. New Business:The clerk presented the annual budget which proposed tax rate for the current year as follows.Salary fund:15¢ on each $100.00 property valuation.Street-fund:35¢ on each $100.00 property va.luation.Current Expense fund:20¢ on each $100.00 property valuation. To pay bonds and interest .35¢ on each S100.00'property valuation. Moved by- trustee S.R.Jumper;seconded by trustee H.A.Robinson and carried that the budget as offered be accepted and the figures there, in named be used in establishing the tax rate for-the yeap 1915 -1916: Demands #147 to #210 inclusive approved by the finance committee were presented and were allowed and warrants ordered drawn on motioni of trustee S.R.Jumper;seconded by trustee H.A.Robinson and carried. . Marshal Porter requested the cancellation of business license #59 agaihst C.E.Fipps,da.nce hall account party gone out of business. Request granted and cancellation mrdered on motion of trustee G.P Wilson;seconded by trustee H.A.Robinson and carried. Application for position of city engineer in case of vacancy made by! '.V.J.Renshaw,city engineer of Fullerton,was filed. Permit given by Mr J.Ferguson allowing the placing of a danger sign on his property near the mouth of the bay was accepted and filed. The request of A.J.Tatum that the license of the Balboa Theatae be transferred to F.L.Rinehart was granted and transfer ordered on motion of trustee S.R.Jumper,seconded by trustee C.H.Way and carried: ,I Plumbers bond in the sum of $500.00 as required by ordinance was presented by T.F.Porter and was accepted and filed on motion of trustee C.H.'.Vay;seconded by trustee G.P.I.Vilson and carried. City Engineer Webber present nd report in the matter of collection of; data preparatory to the beg / ng the work of installing a bulk -head in front of the East - Newport tract.Report was accepted and filed on motion of trustee C.H.Way,seconded by trustee S.R.Jumper and carried: Application of various property owners requesting that steps be taken to order in a bulk -head in front of the Goudge Tract was granted on ; motion of trustee C.H.IVay,seconded by trustee S.R.Jumper and carried: Recorder Collins presented a plan for the arrangement of the westerly room in the city hall for the purpose of using same as a recorders court as well as council chamber.Moved by trustee H.A.Robinson, I CNZA i EM seconded by trustee S.R.Jumper and carried that Recorder Collins prepare estimate of cost of the proposed improvement. Ordinance #115 bein an ordinance of the city of Newport Beach levyi a tax upon all the taxable property in the city of Newport Beach, which is taxable therein for municiple purposes,for the fiscal year of .1915- 1916.was presented a.nd.read for the second time and was put on final passage on motion of trustee C.H.Way,se.conded by, trustee, H.A.Robinson and carried by roll call as follows.Ayes. Trustees: t +I.K. Parkinson; S.R.Jumper;H.A.Robinson;C.H.Way and G.P.Wilson. INoes:None.Absent.None. President Parkinson declared ordinance #115 passed. The following resolution wan then presented. The Board of Trustees of the city of Newport Beach do resolve and declare as follows: A property tax is hereby levied upon all the property in the city of Newport Beach,which is taxable therein for municipiil purposes,said to is levied for the purpose of raising$15,753.00 to carry on the variou departments of the city of Newport Beach for.the fiscal year of 1915 - 1916;the total number of cents levied upon each one hundred dollars of assessed value of the assessable property in the city of Newport Beach is hereby fixed at .70¢,divided and designated for each fund as follows; For the Salary fund .15¢ For the Street fund .35¢ For the Current Expense fund .2O¢. In addition to all other taxes herein levied for mu!iicipal purposes there is further levied on each one hundred dollars of assessed value of the assessable property in the city of Newport Beach,the sum of .35 cents for the purpose of raising $7,440.00 a sum E�ufficier to pay the annual interest and such part. of the principal of the out- standing and unpaid m.inicipal bonds of the city of Newport Beach,as shall become due before the time for fixing the next annual tax levy. The above and foregoing resolution was adopted at a regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the city of Newport Beach held the 6th day od September 1915.on motion of trustee S.R.Jumper,seconded by trustee C.H.Way and carried by the following vote on roll call. .Ayes.Trust,ees.9i.K. Parkinson; S. R.Jumper;H.A.Ro:.inson;C.H.19ay and G. P .Fiilson.Noes.None.Absent.None. President Parkinson declared the resolution adopted. Moved by trustee C.H.Wa,y,seconded by trustee G.P.Wilson and carried that adjournment be taken to 7.30 P.M.Tuesdat September 7th,1915. Adjourned. City Clerk. v ro,w�%