HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/02/1917 - Regular MeetingiCNZA 193 City Hall, Newport Beach, Cal. Monday April, 2nd, 1917. I The Board of Trustees of the city of Newport Beach met in regular session 7:30 P.M. IMonday, April 2nd, 1917. President Jumper called the meeting to order and the roll was called showing there were present trustees, S.R.Jumper, Glenn Helms, G.P. "'ilson, H.A.Robinson, J.C.IncCain, Absent, None. Reading Minutes ; The minutes of the meeting of March 28th, 1917 were read and approved. I.Ithl ony Reports; Reports of the heads of the various departments for the monthof March were read and approved and ordered filed, on motion of trustee G.P.7ilson seconded by trustee, H.A.Robinson and carried. ^.ornnittee reports• Trustee H.A.Robinson reported that the glass 1. fac ory did no intend to use the city gas at their plant. communications; were read and referred to proper order of business. UNFINISHED BUSINESS; President Jumper appointed the following, -.iembe s of the Board of Healtli. Paul E. Kressley, Dr. Bessica Raiche, J.A. Porter, Mrs Edith G.Wallace, Firs R.I,1.Durkee. NE�Ir BUSINESS; The Board of Trustees, being advised by the City Attor- ney that a prooab -le error exists in the proceedings heretofore had under Resolution of Intention. No. 73 of the city of Newport Beach, and which error might invalidate future proceedings thereunder: Therefore be it resolved: That Resolution of Intention No. 73 of the city of Newport Beach, and all proceedings heretofore had thereunder, and pursuant thereto, be and tke same are hereby ' annuled, vacated, repealed and set aside. The 'above and foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the city of Newport Beach held on the 2nd day of April, A.D. 1917, by the votes of the following named members of said Board of Trustees, to -wit: Ayes, Trustees S.R.Jumper, Glenn Helms, G.P.Wilson, H.A.Robinson, J.C.I,icCain. Noes, Trustees, None. Absent, Trustees, None. The foregoing Resolution being this day passed by the Board of Trustees, the same is hereby approved by me this 2nd day of April 1917. S.R.Jumper President of the Board of Trustees City of Newport Beach. Attest: Claude Ito. Cre o Cler o he Ci y of Newport Beach. Trustee J.C.I:IcCain presented a..d introduced for consideration a Resolution providing for the widening of a portion of Central Avenue,) as now laid out and existing, and further provided for the o'oening and extending of said Central Avenue, On motion of trustee, G.P.:7ilso. ' seconded by trustee H._..Robinson and duly carried, the Resolution was received and ordered filed and was then read and considered and ordered to be numbered Resolution of Intention No. 74. The same was then referred to a committee of the whole number of the Board of Trustees to ascertain and report if public interest or convenience requires the widening and opening and extending of Central Avenue; the work or improvement to be made, the land necessary to be taken therefor, the district of lands to be affected or benefited by the work or im provement, and to be assessed to : -)ay the damages, cost and expenses thereof, and also referred to the city attorney and city engineer to be placed in proper condition for final - assare and adoption by the Board of Trustees. f /! Moved by trustee G..P.Jilson seconded by trustee,Glenn Helms and carried that Ordinance 7#130 be passed to second reading, the same being an Ordinance of the Board of Trustees of the city of Newport Beach establishing the grade of.a portion of Surf Avenue within the said City, Letter-from Henry -'.. Schlueter was read asking permission to submit for consideration bec "the Board his.plan for bulkhead construction, the same was referred to the committee on bulkheads. Letter from ?resident of the Roard of Trustees of the City Emer;>ville was read asking that the Board of Trustees take acof tion toward the opposition of the bill on the Two - Platoon Fire System. the matter was referred to the Fire Chief. Letter from the League of California Munici()alities, was read asking this city to line in opposition to the Assembly Bill No. 697 the same requiring that hereafter all Ordinances mmust be published in a ne,r,spaner of general circulation three times, instead of leaving it optional with the cities and totiTns to publish or post their Ordinances. Moved by trustee J.C.McCain seconded by trustee, H.A. Robinson and carried that the City Attorney be instructed to wire the Governor protesting against the said bill. Letter from i:?r Rankin was read in which he referred to the error made in placeing the cement walk on his property fronting on Bay Avenue Lots 1 and 2 Block 1 Balboa Tract, the same was referred to the city engineer, Street Committee and Street Supt. Letter from ?:Ir i . " ".H .:illiams Tax Collector of San Bernardino in regard to the Coast Road thru the city was read and referred to the committee on Coast Road. Letter from the °.L. °- P. Cor2n• was read in which they stated that they were ready to turn the keys of the time clocks on the street lighting system over to city electrician S.L.Collins, the same was referred to city electrician S.L.Collins. Leiter from -'treet Sup't F.J.Snight in regard to the passing of an Ordinance covering the cleaning up of vacant-lots, was referred to the city attorney with instructions to draw up an Ordinance covering. Letter from J. .Porter in regard to the cleaning up of vacant lots was referred to the city attorney. ,7ritinjg ED2t 'treet Bonds Moved by trustee, H.A.Robinson, seconded by trustee J.C.IJcCain and carried that the matter of writing the East Newport, street Bonds be placed in the hands of tree city Engineer and that the compensation to be paid therefor be not more than .50V per Bond. Pass Demands Moved by trustee G.P.:"ilson seconded by trustee Glenn Helms and carried that Demands # 831 to #891 inclusive having been signed and approved by the Finance committee and the 'President, be allowed and warrants ordered drawn to cover. Adjourn Moved by trustee G.P.1.7ilson seconded by trustee Glenn Helms and carried that adjournment be taken to Monday, April 9th, 1917. at 7:30 P.M. Adjourned. ,, City Clerk. 1