HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/06/1917 - Adjourned Regular Meeting9CNZA J 207 City Hull, New -ort Beach, Juae 6,191Y. Adjourned meeting of the Board of Trustees together with the Harbor Commission, Engineer 79.K.Barnard and the bidders on the Jetty,was called to order by President Robinson. On calling the roll the following Trustees responded "Present ": Trustee H.A.Robinson,Trustee J.J.Schnitker,Trustee Geo.P.Wilson, Trustee J.C.McCain and Trustee Greeley. Absent, none. Communications Read.' Letter was read from the State Compensation Fund enclosing '724.68 refund of premium. Same was ordered filed. Unfinished Business. Taking up the matter of bids for the construction of the Jetty, Engineer 7.K.Barnard stated that the bid of R.H.Arnold Co. would call for an expenditure of :5139,600 to complete the jetty according -to the original plan, while that of 7.Ai.Ledbetter would require $124,700 Even at the lowest bid,the money available from the bond issue would be insufficient to complete the jetty owing to the in- crease in cost of lumber,powder and labor since the time the origina� estimate was made,and also to the unexpected expenditure of nearly ,12,000. for right -of -way. Mr.Barnard deemed it inadvisable to attem to save money by lowering the top of the jetty,but stated that he hat applied to the Southern Pacific Railroad Co. for a reduction in frRim rate from 9N to 60V per ton.for the transportation of rock, with a very good prospect of having the request allowed,and if it vias, the $18,000.so saved would be sufficient to makeup the difference and provide enough money to finish the jetty providing none of it were diverted to the purpose of dredging,as had been anticipated. It was the sentiment of the Board of Trustees that no action should be taken by them in awarding the contract and diverting the dredging fund to the building of the jetty without first obtaining an expression from the people who voted the bonds with the under- standing that 525,000. should be used for dredging a channel from the eastern to the western part of th:e city. It was suggested that the Chamber of Commerce meeting called for the following evening at Balboa be transferred to the City call and that all citizens be askei to attend and give an expression on the matter and discuss the feasi• bility of calling another bond election to provide funds for dredginf It was moved by Trustee Greeley,seconded by Trustee ilcCain and carried that the Board adjourn to 7:30 p.m.,June 8th and that the Harbor Cognission,Engineer Barnard and the bidders be asked to atteni