HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/06/1917 - Regular Meeting222 City Hall,Newport Beach,Calif.,Aug.6,1917. The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Cite Nev ewport Beach was called to order at 7:30 p.m.at the place and .on the date above mentioned,rres.A.A.Robinson presiding. The roll was called and the following Trustees responded "Present ": I1._'•. Robinson, J. J. Schnitker ,Geo.P.,7ilson,J.C.M1cCain and J.P.Greeley. Absent,none. The Minutes of July 9th and July 30th were read and approved as read. Monthly Reports. The monthly reports of the heads of departments were read,and by motion of Trustee Greeley,seconded by Trustee Wilson and carried, were accepted and ordered filed. 1;3 '.-DING OF COIL - JUNICATIONS. I Communications .:ere read and referred to the proper order of bu$- iness. UIIFINISHED BUSINESS. PAS:AGE OF ORDINANCE NO.13 REFUSED. Ordinance ro.13 for Vhe regulation of casting from the wharf came up for final reading and passage of same was refused by motion of Trustee J.P.Greeley „seconded by Trustee Schnitker,and carried. OSTISIG OF EXTRACTS FROM SPRINiLING ORDINANCE. It was moved by Trustee Greeley,seconded by Trustee Schnitker that extracts from the ordinance relating• to the regulation of sprinkling be printed and -oosted on Balboa Island. motion carried. PRELILINARY PL1,5 FOR SE17ER SYSTEIT. I It was moved by Trustee J.C.1'.:cCain,seconded by Trustee J.J.Sch t- ker and carried that the City Engineer be iiistructed to prepare a preliminary plan for a sewer system for the city. CITY ATTORNEY INSTRUCTED TO NOTIFY: P.E.RAILC.'AY TO REIJOVE POSTS IN CENTRAL AVE. It was moved by Trustee J.J.Schnitker,seconded by Trustee J.C. LIcCain and carried that the City Attorney be instructed to notify The Pacsific Electric Railway Company to remove uprights in Central Ave.between the westerly side of Plain St. and easterly side of ^ash - ir_gton St. IPTPROVEI ;TENT OF STREETS Bv-T-.1!T;N ALVARADO & B STS.INCLUSIVo. It was moved by Trustee Greeley,seconded by Trustee I„cCain and. carried that the matter of improvement of streets between Alvarado and D Sts.inclusive`be referred to the Street Committee with the Street Superintendent and the City Engineer with request that report be made at .tile next meeting.. C1500.SET ASIDE FOR ADVi?RTISIIIG PURPOSES. It was moved by Trustee J.P.Greeley,seconded by Trustee J.J.Sc itker and carried that "%OO.be set aside from the 7romotion Fund to be use by the Chamber of Commerce for the. inter.usts of P?e,:port Beach in the campaign of the County bond election. TRANSFER OF TAX COLLECTOR'S ACCOUNT TO DELINQUENT TAX ACCOUNT. ' It was moved by Trustee J..J.Sehuitkcr,secondea by Trustee Geo.P1 ;"ilson and carried that the amount now charged to the account of they Tag Collector,$1952.51,Ie transferred to the Delinquent Tax Account.; RESIGNATION OF H.A.BARTON AS PLUMBING INSPr.CTOR ACCEPTED. By motion of Trustee J.C.IvIcCain,seconaed by Trustee J.P. Greeley and carried,the resignation of H.A.Barton as Plumbing•Inspector was accepted. CO- OPERATION ;;ITH CITY OF RIVERSIDE: TO SECURE CONVENTION OF LE'.GUE O :' .ICIPALITIES. It was moved by Greeley,seconded by Trustee .".'.cCain that the Board of Trustees co- operate v7ith the City of Riverside to secure for that City the convention of the League of Iviunicipalities for the following year, and that the Clerk be autho ized to notify the I;Iayor of Riverside. 1 CNZA REQUEST OF F.:7 ABBOTT TO CROSS SIDE WALK ;iITH IeIOTOR VEHICLE. 223' The request of F.II.Abbott for permission to cross a public side -walk with a motor vehicle was granted by- motion of Trustee J.P.Greeley,sec;onded. by Trustee J:J.Schnitker,and carried. REPORT OF GAS COI,II.IITTEE ON RUNNING PIPE LINE FOR I:IAIIUFACTORING PLAI'.TS The Gas Committe,presented a written report favoring -the runni-n- ' of a gas pipe line from the City intake to about 30th St.for use of and an inducement for the establishment of manufacturing plants. It was moved by Trustee J.P.Greeley,seconded by Trustee Ceo.P.i7ilson and carried that a four inch pipe-line be authorized as soon as the Southern Counties Gas Co. install a four inch pipe. DEIM!DS ALLOWED AND WARRANTS ORDERED DF.AFIN TO COVER. It was moved by Trustee Greeley,seconded by Trustee Schnitker and carried that the deiiiaiids be allowed and warrants ordered draw i to CeV'ei•. APPLICATION OF CR0:7N STAGE FOR RRDUCTION OF LICENSE. The application of the Crown Stage for a reduction of license was denied by motion of Trustee J.P.Greeley,seooiided by Trustee J.C.11.1cCain and carried. CARE; OF FIRz' TRUCES. It was moved b-% Trustee Greeley, seconded by Trustee ;'ilsor_ that the matter regulating the care of the fire trucks be referred to the Fire Committee. CITY ENGIITEER INSTRUCTED TO SECURE DEEDS "OR STRIP OF LAND ON SURF A It was moved by Trustee Geo.P.1,1ilson,seconded by Trustee J.J. ' Schnitker acid carried that the City.Engineer be instructed to prepar and send deeds to property owners to secure title to strip of land o -Surf Ave. for bulkhead. LICENSE OF E.HXc":NZIE CANCELLED: It was iiioved by Trustee J.P.Greeley,seconded by Trustee 3chnitk land carried that the license of E.H.McKenzie be cancelled.. ADJOURMTENT. It was moved by Trustee Creeley,seconded by Trustee :°ilson and carried that the aoard adjourn to 6 p.m.,:7ednesday,Aug.l5th. City Clerk.