HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/22/1917 - Adjourned Regular Meeting232 Y`City Hall,Tdewpo t Beach, Calif., Cot. 22,1917,7:30 P.M. The Board of Trustees of the City of Newport Beach met in ad- journed session at the date and place above mentioned. On calling the roll the following Trustees were found to be present: H.A. Robinson ,J.J.Schnitker,Geo.P.Plilson and J.P.Greeley, Absent J.C.McCain. i 1101E. !ICATSONS. I ' Communications were read and referred to the proper order of business. REPORT OF CITY ATTORNEY ON EXCLUSION OF TERRITORY. i The City Attorney,re_porting oii'the notice given 'to the aoard of Supervisars of exclusion of certain territory,stated that the matter would crime before said Board the first Tuesday in November. ues A APPLICRTION OF C.A.MACKEY FOR PERMISSION TO BUILD PIER AND POIJTOON LAPTDIP ?G. By motion of Trustee Geo.P.li'ilson,seconded by Trustee J.P.Greeley and duly carried,permission was granted C.A.Mackey to build a pier and pontoon landing in front of Lots 8 & 9 Black 17,Balboa•Tract,rast Side Addition. vACATIOPS GRANTED. By motion•of Trustee J.P.i ana duly carried,a two weeks' city ,ho had been in the sery RAILRO'_D CROSSING,SPEED LIHIT It was moved by Trustee Sehnitker and carried that th authorize the Southern Califo Crossing :9arning Signs and Sp in accordance with the provis at N1.75 each,that being the Adjournment. It was moved by Trustee and carried that the Board ad