HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/05/1917 - Regular MeetingiCNZ F� 233 City Hall,Newport Beach,Ca1.,7:30 p.m.,Nov.5,1917. The Board of Trustees of the City of Nevvport Beach met in regular monthly session at the place and on the date above mentioned On calling the roll it was found that all the Trustees were present, as follows: H.A. Robinson, J. J. Schnitke -r,Geo.P.Uilson,J.C.iieCain and J.P.Greeley. Absent none. READING OF MINUTES. The minutes of Sept.19,Oct.1 with slight correction. and Oct.22 were read. and approved 001.1:UNICATIONS AND RE'DORTS.O_' HEADS OF D�.'PARTDR`UTS. Communications and reports of Heads of Departments for the mon of October were read and referred to the proper order of business. UNFIXISHw.D BUSINESS. DEED FROM JOHN T.RANXIN. City Engineer Paul E.Kressley presented straight Grant Deed fr John T.Rankin to the northerly portion of Block 1,Balboa Tract. It was moved by Trustee J.P.Greeley,seconded by Trustee J.C.HcCain and carried that the city accept the same and a warrant be drawn to cover for $300. upon presentation of certificate of title. CITY ENGINEER IN9TRUCTED TO PREPARE 1AAP ETC.FOR SURVQYS BiT`EPEN VE9TERLY LINL OF EL I ORO TRACT TO 61st ST. It was moved by Trustee J. .Greeley,seconded by Trustee J.C. D.icCain and carried,that the City Engineer be instructed to prepare a map and make the necessary surveys of the proposed Coast Road ex- tending from the - westerly boundary line of the E1 Idoro Tract to 61st Street. POLICE OFFICER T B_4 30A DISCONTINULD. It was moved by Trustee J.J.Schnitker,seconded by Trustee J.P. Greeley and duly carried 'that the Police Officer at Balboa be discontinued. Rh "OVAL 07 F` RRY - AITIV" STATIOr. It teas ,nove6 by Trustee T .C.i,:cCain, seconded by 'rustoe J.7.7roue e ai:d duly ca ricd that ti:e Street Conunittee ant. the Ctreet 9u7erintenr1- ent be 9 committee to remove the ferry wt�itin station oil "clboa 1.,I, fi•om t,,e J.00t of ?'earl - _ve.to t:-.e foot o: Agate '.vs. PORT 07, PAVIi.; 234 REQUEST OF JOSEPH FTRGUSON TO CROSS `;IDE7.'ALK ITH AUTOI:IOBILE. The request of Joseph Ferguson to cross sidewalk on Lot 7, Block 11,Balboa Tract with automobile from .St.was granted by motto of Trustee J.C.Mc Cain,seconded by Trustee CeO.P.vlilson,and carried. LETTER OF LEEDS,& BARNARD regarding freight on rock was filed. REPORTS OF HB;DS OF -EPAIMENTS were accepted and ordered, filed by motion of Trustee Ge0.P.Wilson,seconded by Trustee J.P.Greeley and duly carried. I - i e� DEDICATION OF LAIC: AND BAY AVENUES. It was.moved by Trustee J.P.Greeley,seconded by Trustee Geo.P.' ';Nilson and duly carried that the City Engineer be instructed to establish grades and prepare plans for the dedication of Lake and Bay Avenues from 30th Street to 45th Street and Newport Avenue, commonly known as the County Road from 19th Street and to northern city limits. LETTER OF T.H. SLOAN, GENERAL FR?'IGHT LG'�NT OF' THE SALT L9KE ROUTE, granting a through rate of 65� per ton on rip rap from Bly Quarry -Lo Newport Beach,was filed. DEMIRDS ALLO:IED. By motion of Trustee J.P.Greeley,seconded by Trustee Geo.P.i7i and duly carried the demands were allowed and warrants ordered dra to cover. aDJOURM.1ENT. 11oved by Trustee J.C.1.1cCain,secoided by Trustee J.P.Greeley andl carrieu that the Board adjourn to Monday night,Nov.12,1917,7 :30 P.11.1 I Clerk. ,