HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/19/1917 - Regular MeetingCNZA 237 City Hall, Newport Beach,Calif.,Nov.19,1917. The Board of Trustees of the City of Newport Beach met in regular session at the Dlace and on the date above mentioned. On calling the roll the following Trustees were found to be present: H.A. Robinson ,J.J.Schnitker,Geo.P.i "rilson and J.C.IucCair_. Absent,J.P.Greeley. ' REpORT OF COIT'ITTF',? ON CON)TRUCTION OF BOARD ';TALK. The report of the Street Committee,the Street Superintendent ant the City Engineer on the construction of a board walk on Surf Ave. easterly from the alley east of Block 2,11ewport Bay Tract,was present ed,and by motion of Trustee Geo.P.17ilson,seconded by True +ee J.C. McCain and duly carried,was adopted and the City Engineer instructed to start proceedings. ADV"RTIZIITG OT JH'TTY BONDS FOR SALE. It was moved by Trustee J.J.Schnitker,seconded by Trustee Geo.P. Wilson and carried that the City Clerk be instructed to advertise the balance of the unsold jetty bonds for sale. RESOLUTION N0.84. Resolution No.84 was passed to final reading and was adopted by roll call vote,the following Trusteed voting Aye: H.A.Robinson, J.J.Schnitker,Geo-.P.S7ilson and J.C.YcCain. Absent,J.P.Greeley. ORDINANCE NO.135. Ordinance No.135 calling a special election for the purpose of voting Channel Bonds in the sum of x;50,000. was brought up for final passage. It wn.s moved by Trustee J.J.Schnitker,seconded by Trustee Geo.P.Wilson and duly carried that the interest on the Channel Bonds be 5�fo instead of 51oo. Ordinance No.135 was then voted upon by Roll Call and the following Trustees voted Aye: H.A.Robinson,J.J.Sciinitkei Geo.P.Wilson and J.C.McCain. Absent, J. P. Greeley. ADJOURNI'.i!'NT. It was moved by Trustee Geo.P.;ilson,seconded by Trustee J.C. I,IcCain and carried that the Board adjourn.— ty Clerk.