HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/29/1919 - Adjourned Regular MeetingI CNZA 33'7 NEW BUSINESS: Mr. Burke and other citizens of 'Nest Nel *rport requested information as=to the status of the Bathing Pool at West New port. General discussion followed and the requested information fur nished them by the City Attorney. On motion of Trustee J. J. Schmitker, seconded =by'J. C. McCaia� and carried, adjournment was imlentil 7 :30 P. V. Monday September 29th, 1919. ,y� �C�! — City Clerk. September 29,1919. The Board of Trustees of the City of No�rport Beach, met in adjourned session at 7 :30 P.2,!I, r:tonday Se=ptember 29th,, 1919. The meeting was called to order by President J. P. Greeley. The roll was called shoeing the following Trustees present: J. P. Greeley, J. J. Schnitker, Art B. Heard, L. S. Wilkinson. t Absent, J. C. P.2cCa; n. The reading of the minutes of previous meeting was dispensed with. Cor miimications were read and referred to urore r order o£ business. A resolution was presexited as f011071s: Whereas, Rodger Brothers Company Contractor, directly iizt..rested in that certain ;work recently done hnder the " "Improvement Act of 1911" consisting of the surf =cing with clay and gre:vel, of the alley situated between Central Avenue and Surf Avenue and extending from the Westerly line of Washington Street and to the Easterly).ine of Alvarado Street, in the City of Ne:Maort Beach feeling aggrieved by the act of the Street Superin=tendent', Pins appealed to the Board of Trustees of said City from the Act and -proceedings of the Slirerintendent of Stre:ts of said City, in making and issuing his assessment number five (b) dated Septemmber 23rd, 1919, for the cost and e:c"ense of said improvement on the ground that the diagram attached to said assess - ment was ap;,roved by-- said —Booxd of Trustees before said Resolution of Irtentior_ was adopted, and that no proper diagram was attached to said asobsoment. It is hereby resolved thtt on Monday the 6th d,�y..of October 1919, at 8:30 o'clock 13.11. of said date, at the Council Chamber of tPc Board of Trustees be, and the same is hereby fixed a„ the time anh place' for hearing said objeotion. Notice of the time and place of said hearing briefly referring to the work contracted to be done and to`acts determining or proceedings complained of,shall be,posted conspicuously by-the Clerk, on or near file Chamber door of the,Board of Trustees for five consecutive days,. On motion of Trustee 'J. J, Schnitkar, seconded by Tr'.stee A. L. He:--rd, the foregoing resolution was adopted b.., the following vote to , Ares, Trustees J. P. Greeley, J., J., Schnitker, A. Z. Heard, Z. 11Vi1Kinson. Sloes none, Absent, Trustee J. C. McCN,in. -. The comtunication from Mrs. A. Z. ; 3ird of Santa Ana, giving same"sulge+stions in -regard to 4dvertising Newport Beach, and getting te=nants for the empty houses, was referred to V1. 196 Wilson'. Secret= -Y, Chamber of "Commerce, for vihatever action be deemad uocpss,ry,. applications from P.4: L. Orcutt, L. 0. Brownell, and Aif Smith, for the osition of City Clerk -,ere laid over until later dat¢. On motion,of Trustee L. S. Wilkinson, seconded by Trustee J. J. Sebm tker, and carried, the request of J. A. Porter, Tax Collector, masking for an assisstant for three months, commencing October lot, 1919, at u salary of . -150.00 per month, was granted„ On motion of Trustee Wilkinson, ,,eoonded by Trrestee ^st. L. -.nd carried, the P-residcrt of the Bc,ara,:'tne City Clerl., 338= and City Health Officer, were appointed as delegates to attend the 21st araaual convention of the League of California ?Municipalities, ,to be held in the City of Riverside on October 20th,to 24th inc. 1919 -, The expenses of the trip to be paid by the Cit.:1. On motion of Trustee J. J. Schnitker, seconded by Trustee Z. S. Wilkinson, the resignation cf H. J. Henry as police officer was accepted: < A communication from Wm. R. kitchell, asking for lease on strip of land next to ocean from cement basin north, and any other proaer,ty the Uity may own in that vicinity, for the privilege of erecting derricks and drillir_g for oil was order filed. On motion of Trustee J. J. Schnitker, seconded by -Trustee L. o. Wilkinson, and carried, the application of n. e. St=rk for permit and license to operate a pool room _Jr the one story brick building on lot 1f8. Block 21, Newport Beach, was granted. On motion of Trustee J. J. Sc. -milker, seconded by Trustee Art. L. Hdyrd,, and carried, the request of the Orange County Improvement Association, for the laying of cement walk and curb on the ocean side of River avenue, and on both sides of Lake or Bay Avenue from 38th street to the west end of ✓Avenges, arms placed, in• the hands of,the City Engineer for investigati-on. On motion of Trustee L. S. 'lilkinson, seconded by Trustee A. L. Heard, and carried, the application of Pete Peracovich "for the position of Janitor was referred to the Street Committeer to report at next meeting as to what arrangements can be, made for retaining his services during the winter. This being the hour and date set for the opening of bids for the construction of sanitary sewers, the clerk was ordered to open and read the bids. There being no bids submitted, on motion of Trustee L. S. Wilkinson, s.econded by Trustee A., L. Heard, and carried, the clerk was instructed to ro- advertise for bids to be recAi ?Ted up to 7:30 P. M. 1donday October 20t'r-, 1919Y RESOLUTICN_Nt>;iBLM 122. Resolution number 122, of the Board of Trustees of the Citr of Newport Beach, declaring their intention to ch_.nge and re- est »blish the grades of certain portions of 31st street, in said City, On motion of Trustee L. S. Wilkinson, secotidAd by Trustee J. J. Schnitker, and carried, Resolution nupiber 122, was adopted. by the following vote: ' _.yes, Trustees J. P. Greeley, J. J. Schnitker, Art. L. Heard, and . L. S. Wilkinson. Noe.- None, Absent, Trustee J. 0. McCain, On motion of Trustes;J. J. Schnitker, seconded by Trustee L. S. W lkinson, and carried; the demand of '�Ulson Brothers Com -_ mercial �Ucmp;.3ny, for X650.00, for the construction of a public landing and wharf at 19th street, as per contract of. July i4th, :-VT..s a.iproved by the Finance Committee,:and a warrant ordered drawn for the amount. On motion of= Trustee J. J. Sarnitker, .. soconded: by AX.t.. L• . ?ia _± d, rid cairiad, °the ennlicat ion of Glen HErlms ,t c _bui� cl..a ml.rf at 24th :street, .Fas grated, having bez.n approved b :..tie C.lty y.r_ginE ?o further business to come before the Board, on motion' o£ TrustE:e -J.`J.:Schnitker, Seconded by Trustee L. S. Wilkinson, snd carridd., adjournment .ruc. take SiAd'.die. ;