HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/06/1919 - Adjourned Regular MeetingICNZA r 339 City Ha.., Newport Beach,,Oct.6,1919. The ,Board of Trustees of the City of Nenroort Beach met in adjourned session at 17:30. P.11. Monday October 6th. 1919. The meetinn was called to order by President J, G. Gracley, The roll vias called showing the follow ng Trustees were present: J. P. Greeley, J. J. Schnitker, Art L. Beard, -4.'S. Wilkinson. Absent J. C. 1cCain. , .The reading of the minutes of September 1st, September 2nd, and .September 29th, were read, corrected and approved. The Rerorts of Heads of De-partment's were read, on motion of Trustee L. S. lVilkinson, seconded by Trustee A. L. Heard, and carried, were accepted and ordered filed. The Street Committee appointed to look into' the janitor situation was continued. , The Committee on Electric Light Extension was cont-inued, A.4r. ,7allace reported th€ t the Edison Company wanted, A1700.00 ir for extension' o` service to Nerport Heights, and ?1700.00 more to furnish electricity, and they will allow a credit of 850.00 for each connection over five. I,'r. Nallace reported that Tyr. Ximling said that he had given the City Electrician a written report some time ago, and that he would mail the Board of Trustees a copy of same. The City Clem was instructed to communicate Ti.th the State Railroad Commission and ascertain if they will have a he d'xl ran adjo rned I ar r_g in Los Angeles on the question o ;�serv�e by Electric Utilities j On motion of Trustee J. J, Schnitker, seconded b� Trustee L. S. nlilkinsdn, and carried, On motion of Trustee L. S. Rrilkinson, seconded by Truster, A. L. He':-d, 'bind carried, the City Electrician yips instructed to connect izith electricity the residence of miss Llice Plummer. on Nevroort Heights. Communications were read and referred to the -ororer order of business. I On motion of Trustee J. J. Schnitker, seconded by Trustee 1. S Wilkinson, and carried, 'brie communication from tiie NevTort Chamber of Commerce , recoiutendiva th:,t the City Trustees est:,.blish an industrio.1 district , also a camping site district, v:ss referred to Trustee.L. S. wil'_cinsdn , A. L. He,-.rd, r.nd Paul L. Kressly, as 4 committee of three for invcstization and recom- mondatkon. 2 Ori motion of Trustee J, Schnitker, seconded by Trustee A. S,. H6-2d, I arid. carried, the Heads of the gas and water departmonts Woro instructed to furnish. estimate of cost of ges and .. water delivered to consumers, and report at next meeting. Corstmznication from the Balboa Charlber of Commerce r3ferring to the onenin� of Central Avenue Uetween Mn-in and A °lvo.* r.ado' Str :et.3, s;- referred to the Cit' Engineer. . Communication from the Fianance Relief Committee of cryus Cristic, Tex :s, was ordered filed. ComTX0- nicV.tiOil from C, G. Alves, requesting that the City vacate the alley between lots 3,4,5, & 26, Block 8, Et:st Ie- cy,ort, Wes laid over for future consideration. Trustee J. J. Schnitker, offered the fcllo;;ing resolution: Whereas, the a,-peal of Rodgers Brothers Comp^�:y from _o CtE grid proccedings of the Suoerintcndent of Str -,.is i11 u._. },' U aild ikiouing his 'assessiaerit Ito. 5, @alu thv :] :?uritl f d 'it Sr ;nt kS 1 � thereto attached,, dated Sente.roar 23rd, 1919, for the cost and expenses of improving the -lley situated between Central Avenue and Surf Aveaae, and extending from the wasterly line of Washington Street to the easterly line of Aivar.adb •Stree~t, in the City of Necrocb Beach, .-cs urovided for in Resolution of T_ntention No. 111, _assed Tky this Board June 23rd, 1919, has come on regularly at this time to be heard, .and it a-0 rind that due notice of the time and place fi__f for said :re ^•Dine• has- been gtiven by the, Cl ,erk of this ' Boord as requir( by law, and it fur:5her r»,,esring that the diagram attached to srlid assessment was not n.apprcved by the siad Board . =fter said Resolution on Intention was passed and that said assessment has no -pro-per and sufficient diagram attached thereto, < N07V Tup;RatFOR,; TT TS FFR;B°.RESO1-9FD by the Board of Trustees of the City of No-.. °?port B-ach that the. said assessment, diagram and currant above mentioned are hereby set aside, and tine said Superintendent of ^Streets is hereby directed to make and issue a nevi assessment, diagram and w:'rrant for the cost and expenses of tl irrorovement above described, and to attach to said assessment proper dia6ram as required by law. On motion of Trustee J. J. Schnitker, seconded by Trustee A. L. Heard, the foregoing resolution er::s adonted by the Poll ?,oing vote; Ayes Trustees J. P. Greeley, J. J. Schnitker, A. h, Heard, L. S. tiilkinson. Noes none, Absent J. 0. McCain. • The City Engincer having presented a diagrtim of tho assessment district for the improvement of the alley situated between Central. Avenue and Surf Avenue, a nd eatendinR from the westerly line of Vhd shington Street to the easterly line of Alvarado Street, in the City of Newport Beach, as contemplated' By Resolution of _T.ntentio, No. 111, passed by this Board June 23rd,1919, said dicgram snoring the proLLaerty affected or benefited by 'he proposed improvement as described in said Resolution of Intention and to be -assessed to pay the expenses thereof, and each separate lot, piece o: rarcel.of.land, the area in square _ °act of each of such loco, pieces or parcels of land and the -relative-location of the smee to the work proposed to be done. NOW TTy'RFORE,soid diagram is hereby approved. On motion of Trustee J. J. Schnitker, seconded,by Trustee L., S° P.'ylkinson, and carriedg The City Enginear haying _presented. a diagram of the assessmont district for the improvement of ccrtain portions of 28th, 30th and 31st Street::, in the City of Nevxort'Beach, as con - templated by Resolution of Intention No. 107, pr.:ssed by this Board on the 2nd day of June, 1919, said diagram shovring. the property affecte -a or benefited by the proposed improvement as described in said Resolution of Intention and to be assessed to pay the enry)enses the-Ceof, and each se-oar_ lot, piece or parcel of land, the area in square feet of -each o-0 such •lots, pieces or- parcels of land and. the relat -ive location of the same to +he vrork proposed to be done, PTOTi THEREFORE,, said diagram is hereby approved. On motion of Trustee J..J. Schnitker, seconded by Trustee A. L. Heard, and carried. 1 ' On motion of Trustee J., 7 Sciu7itka'r, seconded by T-rusti A. L. Heard and carried, the demands fffr the month of September were allowed and warrcurts ordered drtavra. On motion of Trustee A. L. Heard, seconded by Trustee J. J. Schnitker, and carried, adjournment was taken until 7 ::50 P. * ?. October 20th, 1919. 0