HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/14/1921 - Adjourned Regular Meeting-] CNZA 463 city and county channels and the easterly end of the Bay, thence westerly through the city channel along the south shore of the Bay to the starting point, thence westerly through the county channel to the turning basin near the Newport bridge, thence easterly to starting point. On motion of Trustee Richter seconded by Trustee Schnitker an carried, it was decided that for racing days the speed boats be allowed to use the county and city channels both, but for trying out ' the speed of the boats only the county channel be used. On motion of Trustee Schnitker seconded by Trustee Wilson and carried, the meeting adjourned to 7:30 o'clock P. M. on Monday, November 14, 1922. `b I City Hall, Newport Beach, November 14, 1921. The Board of Trustees of the City of Newport Beach met in ' adjourned session at 7:30 o'clock P. M. on above date. The meeting was called to order by President J. P. Greeley. The roll was called as follows: Present, Trustees Greeley, Schnitker, Wilson, Burlte. Absent, Trustee Richter. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. The communication from Mrs. J. A. Woods protesting against th sewer being placed in the street instead of in the alley by her property, and also protesting against the employment of foreign labo on the sewer, was read, and the Clerk was instructed to notify her that the Board can make no changes in the sewer plans now. UNFINISHED BUSINESS. This being the first Monday and the regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of Newport Beach next after the 7th day of November, 1921, on which date there was held the special election in said City for the submission to the qualified electors: thereof the proposition of incurring a bonded indebtedness in the sum of $80,000.00 for the completion of the municipal water works of the City of Newport Beach, and the returns of said special election having been filed with the Clerk, the Board of Trustees of the City of Newport Beach ordered said returns opened and proceeded to canvas the same and from said canvass find as follows: Total votes cast for and against the proposition ' in special election precinct No. 1, 67 Total votes cast YES and in favor of the proposition, 62 Total votes cast NO and against the proposition, - - - 5 Total votes cast for and against the proposition in special election precinct No. 2, - - - - - - - - - - - - 110 Total votes cast YES and in favor of the proposition, 103. Total votes cast NO and against the proposition, - - - 7 Total votes cast in the City of Newport Beach for and against the proposition, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 177 Total votes cast YES and in favor of the proposition, 165 Total votes cast NO and against the proposition, - - - 12 M The votes of more than two - thirds of all the voters voting at the special election having been cast YES and in favor of the propos: tion, the Board of Trustees find and order to be herewith establishe( of record that bonds of the City of Newport Beach in the sum of $80,000.00 for the completion of the municipal water works thereof' has been and are authori'r,,ed.. On motion of Trustee Schnitker seconded by Trustee Wilson . and carried, the rate of interest for the bonds was fixed at 52 f. Trustee Schnitker then introduced a Resolution entitled as follows: "A Resolution of the City of Newport Beach by the legislative branch thereof, to -wit, the Board of Trustees, providing for the issuance and sale of the bonds of the said City in the sum of'080.000. for the completion in the City of Newport Beach of the municipal water works thereof; prescribing the form of such bonds, fixing the rate of interest to be paid thereon, the date and place of the payment ofl said bonds, principal and interest, and further providing a sinking fund for the.payment and redemption of bonds, principal and interest." The said Resolution was ordered filed, read, considered and designated Resolution No. 149 and referred to the City Attorney. The roll was called as follows: Ayes, Trustees Greeley, Schnitker, Wilson, Burke. Noes, Trustees None. j Absent, Trustee Richter. NEW BUSINESS. This being the day and hour fixed for opening bids for dirting the alley between Coronado Street and Alvarado. Place at East Newport,, the Board in open session opened, examined and declared all sealed bids received for the said work, which bids are as follows: Ernest. Burris of Newport Beach, For surfacing with clay and gravel, per square foot, 10�. RESOLUTION NO. 150. "A Resolution of the Board of Trustees of the City of Newport Beach awarding the contract for certain work on certain portions of the alley situated between Coronado Street and Alvarado Place within the said City of Newport Beach." On motion of Trustee Wilson seconded by Trustee Schnitker the foregoing Resolution was adopted by the following vote, to -wit: Ayes, Trustees Greeley, Schnitker, Wilson, Burke. Noes, Trustees None. Absent.-Trustee Richter. Trustee Schnitker introduced an Ordinance declaring it to be the intention of the Board of Trustees of the City of Newport Beach to order an improvement made therein, describing the improvement and land necessary and convenient to be taken therefor, and specifying the boundaries of the district to be benefitted by said improvement and to be assessed to pay the expenses thereof, directing the posting and publication of notice of public work and designating a newspaper) for such publication, and further directing the mailing of notices, by the Clerk of the City of Newport Beach. The Ordinance was ordered filed, read, considered, designated No. 190 and referred to the City Attorney. ' Trustee Wilson introduced an Ordinance declaring it to constitute a misdemeanor to keep, maintain or permit, to accumulate certain substances in the City of Newport Beach and prescribing a penalty therefor. The Ordinance was ordered filed, read, considered, designated No. 191 and referred to the City Attorney. On motion of Trustee Schnitker seconded by Trustee Burke and carried, the matter of painting and cleaning up.the toilets and repairing the toilet at Balboa was placed in the hands of the Street Committee with power to act. The matter of enlarging the toilet facilities at Balboa was discussed, and on motion of Trustee Burke seconded by Trustee Schnitker and carried, the Street Committee was instructed to report at the next meeting the probable cost of doubling the capacity of the Balboa toilet. CNZA 465 On motion of Trustee Schnitker seconded by Trustee Wilson and carried, the meeting adjourned to 7:30 o'clock P. M. of Monday, November,��921. e --Board of rus s. Attest: �— City =erk. fV/ City Hall, Newport Beach, Nov. 21, 1921. The Board of Trustees of the City of Newport Beach met in adjourned session at 7:30 o'clock P. M. on above date. Chairman' Greeley not being present, on motion of Trustee Wilson seconded by Trustee Richter and carried, Trustee Schnitker was elected President pro tem of,the Board of Trustees. The roll was called as follows: Present Trustees Schnitker, Wilson, Richter, Burke. Absent, Trustee Greeley. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. The communications were read and referred to the proper order of business. REPORTS OF COP:IMITTEE. ' The first annual report of Wayne Goble publicity and promoti agent together with his application for the position for another ye was read, and the application was referred to a Committee of the Whole to report on later. Lr. Louis Kirkpatrick withdrew his application as publicity agent which he filed last Monday night. On motion of Trustee Burke seconded by Trustee Wilson and carried, a vote of thanks was extended to Mr. Goble for the very extensive report. On motion of Trustee Richter seconded by Trustee Burke and carried, Mr. Goble was instructed to continue as publicity agent until the Committee meets to act on his application. The communication from the Mayor of Riverside inviting the City Council to the meeting of the League of the Southwest to be held at Riverside on Dec. 8, 9 & 10th 1921, was considered, and on motion of Trustee Wilson seconded by Trustee Burke and carried, the Clerk was instructed to notify them that there would be one and may more of the City Officials at the meeting. RESOLUTION N0. 1491 being a Resolution entitled as follows: A eso u on of the City of Newport Beach by the legis• lative branch thereof, to -wit: the Board of Trustees, providing for the issuance and sale of the bonds of the said City in the sum of $80,000.00 for the completion of the municipal water works of the City of Newport Beach. Prescribing the form of such bonds, fixing the rate of interest to be paid thereon, the date and place of payment of said bonds, principal and interest, and further providing a sinking fund for the payment and redemption of the bonds, princ-1pa: and interest." was taken up for final consideration; the roll was called and - Resolution No. 149 was passed by the affirmative vote of the followis named members of the Board of Trustees of the City of Newport Beach: Ayes, Trustees Schnitker, Wilson, Richter, Burke, Noes, Trustees None. Absent, Trustee Greeley. This being the day and hour fixed for opening the bids for thi sale of the $12,500.00 dredging bonds of Municipal Improvement Dist. No. 1 of the City of Newport Beach; the Chairman ordered the bids