HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/13/1923 - Adjourned Regular MeetingOn motion of Trustee L. S. Wilkinson seconded by Trustee Geo. P. Wilson and carried, the matter of advertising for our legal printing was tabled until the legal time for advertising next December. On motion of Trustee Geo. P. Wilson seconded by Trustee L. S. Wilkinson and carried, the application of C. H. Reed for transfer of business licenses No. 90 and 227 to Way & Driggers, was granted. On motion of Trustee L. S. Wilkinson seconded by Trustee Conrad Richter and carried, the request of the Newport Netts that the City take a page of advertising in the Oil and Harbor Edition of February 10 th at $40.00 was granted and the space contracted for. The request of A. W. Jackson, Captain of the Frost Life Saving ' Corps that the City procure an electric blanket for their use, was discussed, and on motion of Trustee Conrad Richter seconded by Trustee H. C. Sloan and carried, Captain Jackson was authorized to purchase the blanket. Trustee Geo. P. Wilson and L. S. Wilkinson were appointed as a Park Committee to meet with the Women's Civic League to discuss plans in regard to the Park. On motion of Trustee L. S. Wilkinson seconded by Trustee H. C. Sloan and carried, a Map of Tract No. 402 being a Resubdivision of Lots 55 and 65 of Newport Heights, coming within the three mile limit, was approved. On motion of Trustee L. S. Wilkinson seconded by Trustee Geo. P. Wilson and carried, that demands No. 1112 to 1273 inclusive having been signed and approved by the Finance Committee, were allowed and .warrants to be drawn for same. On motion of Trustee H. C. Sloan seconded by Trustee Geo. P. Wilson and carried, the meeting adjourned to 7:30 o'clock p.m. on Tuesday, February 13, 1923. Approved3 Z.Ve,,fXCent Board or rus F es e ' Attest: City Clerk. City Hall, Newport Beach, February 13, 1923. The Board,of Trustees of the City of Newport Beach met in regular adjourned session at 7 :30 o'clock p.m. on above date. The meeting was called to order by President J. J. Schnitker. The roll was called as follows: Present, Trustees J. J. Schnitker, H. C. Sloan, Geo. P. Wilson, L. S. Wilkinson. Absent, Trustee Conrad Richter. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. The communications were read and referred to the proper order of business. UNFINISHED BUSINESS. This eing e ay and hour set for opening bids on the unpaid sewer assessments for sewers in 19th and F Streets, but the Clerk reported that no bids had been received, whereupon on motion of Trustee GeO. P. Wilson seconded by Trustee H. C. Sloan and carried, the bonds were awarded to the Contractor in satisfaction of his debt. WHEREAS, notification of the receipt and filing on the 29th day of January, 1923, of the petition asking that the boundaries of the City of Newport Beach be altered and new uninhabi#ed territory annexed thereto, incorporated, and included therein, was duly given to and filed with the Board of -Supervisors of the County of Orange being the County in which the City of Newport Beach is located, on the 30th day of January, 1923; WHEREAS, said Board of Supervisors thereupon fixed the hour of 10 11clock.a.,. of Tuesday, the 8th day of February, 1923, at the Board of Supervisors room in the C6urthouse in the City of Santa Ana, Orange County, California, as the time and place for hearing objections, protests and remonstrances against the proposed annexation and caused to be published for five days in a newspaper of general circulation, a notice setting forth by general description the lands sought to be annexed to the City of Newport Beach, and announcing the time and place when and where objections to said annexation would be heard; WHEREAS, no person owning any land sought to be annexed made or filed written or any objection or remonstrance with said Board of Super- visors and no person appeared to object or did object thereto; WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of the County of Orange, by resolution duly presented, adopted and passed on the 6th day of February, 1923, consented to the annexation of the new uninhabited territory described in said petition by the City of Newport Beach, The Board of Trustees of the City of Newport Beach therefore deem that it has now acquired jurisdiction to proceed according to law concerning the annexation of said new uninhabited territory. Trustee H. C. Sloan introduced an ordinance calling a special election for the purpose of submitting to the qualified electors of the City of Newport Beach the proposition of altering the boundaries of the City of Newport Beach and annexing thereto new uninhabited territory, fixing the date of such election,.directing notice thereof to be given; establishing voting precincts, polling places and appointing election officers to hold, conduct and make returns-of said election. The Ordinance was ordered filed, read, considered, designated Ordinance No. 225 and referred to the City Attorney. RESOLUTION NO. 217 entitled as follows: A Resolution of the Board of Trustees of the City of Newport Beach as the legislative branch thereof, determining that the public interest and also the public necessity demands the construction by the City of Newport Beach of buildings for municipal uses, the cost of which is and will be too great to be paid out of the ordinary annual income and revenue of the City of Newport Beach, was taken up for final action, read, and considered, the roll was called and the Resolution passed by the affirmative vote of the following named two- thirds and more of all the members of the Board of Trustees of the City of Newport Beach: Ayes, Trustees J. J. Schnitker, H. C. Sloan, Geo. P. Wilson, L. S. Wilkinson. Noes, Trustees None. Absent, Trustee Conrad Richter. Resolution No. 217 having been passed by the vote of two - thirds and more of all the members of the Board of Trustees was signed by the President, attested and certified by the Clerk. On motion of Trustee Geo. P. Wilson seconded by Trustee L.S. Wilkinson and carried, the matter of the paving Contractors men using Stilson wrenches on the fire hydrants spoiling the caps, was referred to the Street Superintendent to see that they use fire hydrant wrenches. A petition was presented asking that a portion of the City of Newport Beach be formed into a municipal improvement district for the purpose of creating an indebtedness to be represented by bonds of said district, the proceeds from the sale of which shall be used for the construction of public improvement work, and which the City of Newport Beach is authorized by law to construct. Witnesses were sworn and testified from which it appears and the Board of Trustees find that said petition is signed by qualified electors residing in the territory which is proposed to be formed into a municipal improvement district, and that the signers thereon are more than ten per cent. of the qualified electors residing therein; the petition sets forth a general description of the improvement work to be constructed, and a general description of the exterior boundaries of the proposed district, and that the territory proposed to be formed into a municipal improvement district is within and forms a part of the City of Newport Beach; The petition was ordered filed in the office of the Clerk of the City of Newport Beach, as Clerk of the Board of Trustees thereof. u Trustee L. S. Wilkinson thereupon introduced as ordinance declaring it to be the intention of the Board of-Trustees to call an election in the proposed-municipal improvement district as described in the petition, or as the same may be hereafter modified, for the purpose of submitting to the qualified electors of said district, the proposition of authorizing the issuance and sale of bonds of such district in the manner and for the purposes sdt forth in said ordinance of intention. The ordinance was read, considered, designated Ordinance of Intention•No. 227 and referred to the City Attorney. On motion of Trustee Geo. P. Wilson seconded by Trustee H. C. ' Sloan and carried, the City Clerk was instructed to check up on the vacant lots where streets are to be paved and any connections not made to the curb line, the owners to be notified to do so before the street is paved. The License Agreement for the concrete bulkhead for Balboa Island was presented, and on motion of Trustee H. C. Sloan seconded by Trustee Geo. P. Wilson and carried, the License Agreement was accepted. On motion of Trustee Geo. P. Wilson seconded by Trustee H. C. .Sloan and carried, the meeting of the joint committees from the Chambers of Commerce and Board of Trustees to organize one Commercial Body, was called for 7:30 o'clock p.rp. on Friday, February 23, 1923, at the Council Room in the City Hall. On motion of Trustee Geo. P. Wilson seconded by Trustee H. C. Sloan and carried, the Clerk was instructed to take the matter up with the Telephone Company to see that each City Official using the telephone exclusively for city purposes, gets it without cost as far as the franchise calls for. On motion of Trustee L. S. Wilkinson seconded by Trustee Geo. P. Wilson and carried, the communication in regard to abandoning the alley between Alvarado Street and Alvarado Place 70 feet north of Bay Avenue, was referred to the Street Committee and Street Superintendent to report on at the next meeting. The communication from the Newport Bay Investment Co. in regard &o the water used at the Pavilion at Balboa was laid over to next ' meeting to consult the City Attorney, The communication from the American Surety Company in regard to the insurance on the safety deposit box containing bonds in the Orange County Trust & Savings Bank in Santa Ana was brought up, and on motion of Trustee Geo. P. Wilson seconded by Trustee H. C. Sloan and carried, the City Treasurer was instructed to insure the contents of the box for $50,000.00 at the price quoted of $86.50. The resolutions sent us from the City Clerk of Los Angeles in regard to amendments to the Constitution and the representative reappor- tionment of the State were discussed, and on motion of Trustee H. C. Sloan seconded by Trustee Geo. P. Wilson and carried, the resolutions were adopted and copies to be sent to our representative at "Sacramento. The communications in regard to the present price of the gas system bonds were read, and on motion of Trustee H. C. Sloan seconded by Trustee Geo. P. Wilson and carried, the City Treasurer was authorized to buy the $7,000.00 gas bonds of the First National Bank of Newport at the 4.60 jo basis quoted, and any other gas bonds he can get track of after March 1st when the coupons come in. On motion of Trustee Geo. P. Wilson seconded by Trustee H. C. Sloan and carried, the communication from the Pacific Electric Railway Co. in regard to the dredger pipe going under their track at Washington and Central Avenue, was referred to the City Engineer. The communication from the Mercereau Bridge &: Construction Co. asking 60 days extension of time on their contract for construction of the bridge across the Santa Ana River, was referred to the City Engineer. ' On motion of Trustee L. S. Wilkinson seconded by Trustee Geo. P. Wilson and carried, the Clerk was instructed to advertise for bids for a 75 H.P. 1.1otor and also for drilling a new well at the pumping plant, as per request of the Water Superintendent. The deeds for the right -of -way in Irvine Subdivision for the State Highway were referred to the City Engineer for checking. On motion of Trustee Geo. P. Wilson seconded by Trustee H. C. Sloan and carried, the Map of Tract No. 404 being a resubdivision of Lot 23 of Newport Heights, was laid over to next meeting. On motion of Trustee L. S. Wilkinson seconded by Trustee H. C. Sloan and carried, the map was returned to the subdividers with the suggestion that the Board feels that a 25 foot lot is entirely inadequate, and there should also be an alley running through the block. Mr. R. C. Woerz reported that the artist making the display window in the Pacific Electric Building would make us some large pictures for advertising purposes at about $30.00 each depending on the kind of ,2 frame, and on motion of Trustee Geo. P. Wilson seconded by Trustee H. C. Sloan and carried, $200.00 was appropriated out of the advertising fund for the pictures. 11t. J. A. Porter stated a party wanted to buy an old gun which had been in the vault for some time, and on motion of Trustee L. S. Wilkinson seconded by Trustee H. C. Sloan and carried, the City Marshal was instructed to dispose of the gun to the best advantage. On motion of Trustee H. C. Sloan seconded by Trustee Geo. P. Wilson and carried, the meeting adjourned to 7:30 o'clock p.m. on Monday, February 19, 1923. Approved 2 / � 3. I C/Pr"ident Board of Trustees. Attest: city Clerr. City Hall, Newport Beach, February 19, 1923. The Board of Trustees of the City of Newport Beach met in regular adjourned session at 7:30 o'clock p.m. on the above date. The meeting was called to order by President J. J. Schnitker. The roll was called showing all the members present except Trustee Conrad Richter. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. The communications were read and referred to the proper order of business. On motion of Trustee L. S. Wilkinson seconded by Trustee H.C. Sloan and carried, the map of Tract No. 404 being a resubdivision of Lot 23, Newport Heights Tract, was approved. ORDINANCE NO. 225.entitled as follows: "An Ordinance of the City of Newport Beach, calling a special election for the purpose of submitting to the qualified electors of said city, the question whether or not new and uninhabited territory shall be annexed to the City of Newport Beach, describing the territory sought to be annexed, fixing the date of said election, establisging voting precincts and places where the polls will be opened, appointing election officers, and directing the publication of notice of said election," was taken up for final action, read, considered, the•roll was called and the ordinance passed by the following vote: Ayes, Trustees J. J. Schnitker, H. C. Sloan, Geo. P. Wilson, L. S. Wilkinson. Noes, Trustees None. Absent, Trustee Conrad Richter. Ordinance No. 225 having been passed by the vote of two- thirds and more of all the members of the Board of Trustees, was signed by the President and attested and certified by the Clerk, pro tem. follows: Trustee L. S. Wilkinson introduced an ordinance entitled as "An Ordinance of the City of Newport Beach ordering the subr^ission to the qualified voters of said city several.propositions of incurring a bonded debt for the purpose of the construction of certain buildings for municipal uses and the improvement of its public park, as set forth in Resolution No. 217 of the City of Newport Beach, and calling a special election for that purpose; reciting the several objects and purposes for which indebtedness is proposed to be incurred, the estimated cost of each of the proposed public improvements, the amount of the principal of the indebtedness to be incurred therefor, and a maximum rate of interest to be paid on said indebtedness, 9ixing the date on which such election 0) "T)