HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/03/1923 - Regular Meeting157 There being no further business, on motion of Trustee H. C. Sloan seconded by Trustee L. S. Wilkinson and carried, the meeting adjourned Sine Die. Approved 3 z 3 ATTEST: City Clerk. PrA W&I e I C �' nt Board of Trustees. City Hall, Newport Beach, Dec. 3, 1923. The Board of Trustees of the City of Newport Beach met in regular session at 7:30 o'clock p.m. on above date. The meeting was called to order by President J. J. Schnitker. The roll was called showing the full Board present. The minutes of the previous meeting :Tore read and approved. The reports of the heads of the departments were read and on motion of Trustee Goo. P. Nilson seconded by Trustee L. S. Wilkinson and carried, the reports were accepted and filed. The communications vrere read and referred to the proper order of business. This being the time fixed for opening bids for certain ,.rork on certain portions of 36th Street and Finley Avenue as contemplated by Resolution of Intention Yo. 266 of this Board, the Board in open session publicly opened, examined and declared all sealed bids received for said work, to -wit: Robertson ITewport Bay Electric Co. Electric Co. For 14" dia. sheridized iron conduit with 2 No. 6 lead covered cables to be installed on the inside, per lin. ft. ;;1.05 .90 For granite concrete ornamental light posts Tlith concfete bases and other appurte- nances, complete each, - - - - - - - - - 87.50 68.00 An, thereupon said bids were referred to the City Engineer for checking and report. The City Engineer reported that the Newport Bay Electric Co. is the lowest bidder for the work to be dene on certain portions of 36t7_,. Street and Finley Avenue, and thereupon Trustee Geo. P. 71ilson presented Resolution Yo. 270 entitled: A Resolution of the Board of Trustees of the City of Newport Beach, awarding the contract for certain work on certain portions of 36th Street and Finley Avenue within said City, and on his motion duly seconded, said Resolution was adopted by the followin- vote: Ayes, Trustees J. J. Sc'nnitker, H. C. Sloan, Geo. P. '.'lilson, Conrad Richter, L. S. Wilkinson. Hoes, Trustees Hone. Absent, Trustees Hone. RESO U1'IO.' :;0. 271. Trustee Geo. P. � "N lson introduced a Resolution rescinding certain proceedings taken for the improvement of Tract No. 518. The roll was called and the Resolution passed by the follo.ring vote: Ay:.s, Trustees J. J. Schnitker, H. C. Sloan, Geo. P. Gilson, Conrad Richter, L. S. ''lilkinson. Noes, Trustees ?Tone. Absent, Trustees ITone. 158 C. RESOLUTIO'! i'0. 272. ►� Trustee Conrad Richter introduced a Resolution adopting certain.plans for the improvement of certain streets and alleys in Tract PIo. 518. The roll was called and the Resolution passed by the following vote: Ayes, Trustees J. J. Scbnitker, H. C. Sloan, Goo. P. Wilson, Conrad Richter, L. S. `. "lilkinson. Does, Trustees hone. Absent, Trustees None. Trustee L. S. Wilkinson introduced a Resolution declaring it to be the intention of the Board of Trustees of the City of Newport ' Beach to order the improvement of Ocean Boulevard and certain other streets, avenues and alleys in Tract No. 518 as.per !,lap thereof recorded in L:iscellaneous Llaps Book 17, Pages 33, 34, 35 and 36 Records of Orange County, California, and which streets are described in the said Resolution. The Resolution was ordered filed, read, considered, designated Resolution of Intention He. 273, tho roll was called and the Resolution passed by the following vote: Ayes, Trustees J. J. Schnitker, II. C. Sloan, Goo. P. ?'Jilson, Conrad Richter, L. S. I'Jilkinson. Noes, Trustees Lone. Absent, Trustees Ilene. The protest on taxes from John A. Harvey, Attorney for C.R. Chapman and the Balboa Island Homes & Imvestment Co., was filed. Further hearing on the protests on Resolution of Intention Yo. 250 for vacating a portion of Coast Boulevard, .-sere continued to 7:30 otclock p.m. on iSonday, December 10, 1923. The refund on taxes asked for by H. L. Sherman was referred to the Clerk to report at the next meeting on the basis of assessment. A petition from a majority of the property owners on San Bernardino, Broad and Fourteenth Streets, Newport Heights, asking to have same paved, was discussed, and on motion of Trustee H.' C. Sloan seconded by Trustee Goo. P. I'lilson and carried, the matter was referred to the City Engineer to start the proceedings. I President J. J. Schnitker appointed the following Planning P Commission: Trustee I1. C. Sloan, Andrew H. 101ilson, Fred Young, ?!. T. ' O'howell and Ray C. Bell, which with the City Attorney, City Engineer and President of the Board to make the complete Commission.`' On motion of Trustee L. S. 7ilkinson seconded by Trustee Goo. P. Wilson and carried, the appointments were approved. Trustee F. C. Sloan introduced a proposed ordinance dividing the City of Newport Beach in fire districts and defining the kind of structures permitted -to be erected in each district, providing a penalty for all violations of said Ordinance, and declaring any structure hereafter erected therein to constitute a nuisance. The Ordinance was ordered filed, read, considered, designated Ordinance No. 249 and referred to the Street Committee and City Attorney. The City Clerk ses instructed to advertise for bids on our lagal printing as pear• ordinance. On motion of Trustee Conrad Richter seconded by Trustee Goo. P. "'ilson and carried, the matter of widening Central Avenue at Alvarado Street was referred to the Street Superintendent with power to act. On motion of Trustee Goo. P. Wilson seconded by Trustee II.C. Sloan and carried, demands P;o. 767 to 939 inclusive, having been - signed and approved by the .Finance Committee, -re-re allowed and warrants to be dram for same. The matter of a bulkhead at East Newport from Island :.venue to Coronado Street as referred. to the City Engineer to report on at the next. meeting. ' There being no further business, on motion of Trustee Goo. P. '.'Wilson seconded by Trustee Conrad Richter and carried, the meeting adjourned' to 7:30 o'cloc1: p.m. on ;'onday, December 10, 1923. Approved /-211 0 a3 silent Board o£ Trustees. ATTEST: City Clerk.