HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/10/1923 - Adjourned Regular MeetingWE+ J City Tall, ITewport Beach, Dec. 10, 1923. The Board of Trustees of the City of 7errport Beach met in regular adjourned session at 7:30 o'clock p/m. on above date. The meeting ryas called. to order b-% President J. J. Schnitker. The roll was called shoving the full Board present. The minutes of the previous meeting :!ere read and approved. Trustee it. C. Sloan stated that the Committee appointed on the Fire Districts were not ready to report as yet and asked for more tirle, which rtas granted. The coimnunicatuons were read and referred to the proper order of business. This being the day and hour set for hearing protests on the assessments made for the improvement of certain portions of the Promenade as contemplated by Eesolution of Intention ]To. 223, the protest of ':' Hall Crowell and a communication signed by 25 residents of Balboa Island favoring a minimum assessment on the interior lots, .were read and discussed. F. P. Brackett, Chas. E. Stanton and E. B. Spencer repre- senting considerable property on the Island, spoke favoring the assessment as spade, whereupon Trustee L. S. Wilkinson introduced a Resolution entitled: A Resolution of the Board of Trustees of the City of Yewport Beach confirming the assessment for the improvement of certain portions of the Promenade within said City. `The Resolution -,-,as ordered filed, read, considered, designated Resolution No. 274 and. passed by the following vote: Ayes, Trustees J. J. Schnitker, IT. C. Sloan, Geo. P. 71ilson, Conrad Richter, L. S. Wilkinson. Yoes, Trustees "one. Absent, Trustees T ?one. Trustee Conrad Richter introduced a hesolution entitled: A resolution of the Board of Trustees of the City of Newport Beach adopting a certain plan showing grades and curb lines of certain portions of 14t'1 Street, Broad Street, San Bernardino Avenue and Ocean Drive within said City. The Resolution ryas ordered filed, read, considered., designated Resolution '1o.. 275; the roll was called and the Resolution passed by the following vote: Ayes, Trustees J. J. Schnitker, IT. C. Sloan, Geo. P. '.' lilson, Conrad Richter, L. S. 71ilkinson. ]Toes, Trustees l=one. Absent, Trustees ]'one. Trustee Geo. P. M lson introduced a proposed ordinance cstablishir, the grades and curb lines on certain portions.of 14t: Street, Broad Street, San Bernardino Avenue, Ocean Drive within said City. T'ae Ordinance ryas ordered filed, read, considered, designated Ordinance ]'o. 250 and referred to the City* Engineer to be put in shape for final passage. On motion of Trustee Geo. P. : ?ilson seconded by Trustee C. Sloan and carried, the period of tine franchise of the Southern Counties Gas Co. was fixed at 25 years. This beinU the clay and hour set for opening bids for a Comfort Station at Balboa and one for East Eewport, the Board in open session publicly opened, examir_ed and declared all sealed bids for t'ie Work, which bids mere as follows: Jules 7.1. !,:arkel 2: Son, Santa Ana_ - Comfort Station at Balboa, complete, - - - - - - :1;6,520.00 Additional for e:,tra 5 foot length of building, 650,00 Comfort Station at Ease T?ety port, complete, - - - - 2,612.00 On notion of Trustee Conrad Richter seconded by Trustee''[. C. Sloan the bid of Jules W. LTarkel Son for the t °ro Comfort Stations .. the additional 5 foot on Balboa Station, was accepted and the contract was awarded to them by the following vote: Ayes, Trustees J. J. Schnitker, IT. C. Sloan, Geo. P. !Nilson, Conrad Richter, L. S. ':iilkinson. ] ?OeS, Trustees Eone. Absent, Trustees Yone. 160 ' The Board of Trustees of the City of ITetr�ort Beach met in The communication from Leeds Barnard in regard to the C. return of the tide gauges was referred to the Clerk to answer. On motion of Trustee H. C. Sloan seconded by Trustee Geo. P. Crilson and car ^ied, the application of T'.rs. H. J. Kemper for permission , to cut the curb at 412 ':test Central Avenue, Last Newport, rras granted, the work to be done under the directicn of the Street Superintendent. Further hearin on the protests of Resolution of Intention 1 1o. 250 for vacating a- portion of Coast Boulevard, were continued to 7:30, o'clock p.m. of i.:onday, December 17, 1923. Three members of the Planning Coni.iission being present,'Trustee II. C. Sloan, Andrea II. ':Jilson and Fred Young were sworn in by the Clerk. On motion of Trustee H. C. Sloan seconded by Trustee Geo. P. '7ilson and carried, the President of the Board and Clerk were authorized bonds awarded to it, as follows: to make application for membership in the Boulder Dam Association. 5;145,000.00 par value, 6 5 interest from T.:ay 15, 1923 the date ' On motion of Trustee 11. C. Sloan seconded by Trustee Geo. ,j13,000.00 par value, 6 " interest from '.ay* 15, 1925 ..e C.r.te "filson and carried, the request of H. L. Sherman for refund of 1:69.13 , of o:aCc, to day- of delivery. on the personal property tax of the Balboa Boat '.'forks was denied. The City Attorney was instructed to prepare an Abstract of the' There being no further business on motion of Trustee TI. C. proceedings and :Then the bonds were approved to have the same printed Sloan seconded by Trustee Conrad Richter and carried, the meeting and deliver to the purchaser upon payment therefor as per said date. adjourned to 7:30 o'clock p.m, of 'T.:onday, December 17, 1923. The minutes of t'?.e previous meeting were read and approved. Approved 1�117 .23, The corzatinications were read and referred `,;o t'le proper order _� - resi ent Bbard of Trustees. of business. Attest: City Clerk. A City Hall, Newport Beach, Dec. 17, 1923. ' The Board of Trustees of the City of ITetr�ort Beach met in regular adjourned session at 7:30 o'cloch p.m. on above date. The rieetinr ryas called to order by President J.' J. Sclimither, The roll was called shorting the fmll Board present. The Board of Trustees having heretofore advertised for bids , for the sale of the bonds of i:unicipal Improvament District Ito. 3 of the City of Yewport Deach in the sum of :;145,000.00 and the slu.! of :.;13,000.00, and no bids having been received, on motion of Trustee %;.. C. Sloan seconded by Trustee L. S. 71ilkinson and duly carried, it rras ordered that without further cdvertisement for bids the Board of Trustees proceed to sell said bonds at private sale. District Bond Company thereupon presented a bid for said bonds a true copy of which .7as directed to be attached to the Abstract of proceedings. The bid of District Bond Company was accepted and the bonds awarded to it, as follows: 5;145,000.00 par value, 6 5 interest from T.:ay 15, 1923 the date of bonds to date of delivery. ,j13,000.00 par value, 6 " interest from '.ay* 15, 1925 ..e C.r.te , of o:aCc, to day- of delivery. The City Attorney was instructed to prepare an Abstract of the' proceedings and :Then the bonds were approved to have the same printed and deliver to the purchaser upon payment therefor as per said date. The minutes of t'?.e previous meeting were read and approved. The corzatinications were read and referred `,;o t'le proper order ' of business. This bcinF the day and hour set for opening bids on the '"1* 30 feet of Lot 17 in Block 119 of Section A, the Board in open session publicly opened, examined and declared all sealed bids receiv^(Iwilich ,.,,ere as follo':rs: A. Smith, over and above t: ^_e, sewer assessment, - - 25.00 ". Kidner- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - 205.00 APter•discussin, the advisability of disposing of tic property,•, on motion of Trustee L. S. ':?ilkinsbn seconded by Trustee Geo. P. ':'ilson and curried, all bids were rejected and deposits accompanying sane to be returned; the City= to retain the property.