HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/17/1923 - Adjourned Regular MeetingM91 1 The communication from Leeds 1. Barnard in regard to the return of the tide gauges was referred to the Clerk to answer. On motion of Trustee 1'.. C. Sloan seconded by Trustee Goo. Y. '.''ilson and carried, the application of ;Irs. 1?. J. Kemper for permission to cut the curb at 412 :lest Central Avenue, ;cast 11ewport, was granted, the work to be done under the direc.ion of the Street Superintendent. Further hearin; on the protests of Resolution of Intention iTo. 250 for vacating a- portion of Coast Boulevard, :,ere continued to 7:30, o'clock p.m.. of T.ionday, Dece_ber 17, 1923. Three members of the Planning Commission being present,'Trustee ?I.. C. Sloan, Andrea II. `:Jilson and Fred Young were sworn in by the Clerk. On motion of Trustee H. C. Sloan'seconded by Trustee Geo. P. '7ilson and carried, the President of the Board and Clerk were authorized to make application for membership in the Boulder Dam Association. On motion of Trustee H. C. Sloan seconded by Trustee Geo. P "lilson and carried, the request of H. L. Sherman for refund of ,69.13 on the personal property tax of the Balboa Boat Works was denied. There being no further business on motion of Trustee 11. C. Sloan seconded by Trustee Conrad Richter and carried, the meeting adjourned to 7:30 o'clock p.m. of T.'onday, December 17, 1923. Approved 1�117 .23, \ resi ent a�f Trustees. Attest: City Clerk. City Hall, ITeiport Beach, Dec. 17, 1923. The Board of Trustees of the City of IIerrport Beach net in regular adjourned session at 7:30 o'clock p.m. on above date. The meetin'r , :eras called to order by President J., J. Schnitker, The roll was called showing the fmll Board present. The Board of Trustees having heretofore advertised for bids for the sale of the bonds of :.unicipal Improvement District ITo. 3 of the City of I[ewport Beach in the sure of (1145,000.00 and the su*.i of 113,000.00, and no bids having been received, on taotion of Trustee '1. C. Sloan seconded by Trustee L. S. Wilkinson and duly carried, it ':.as ordered that without further _advertisement for bids the Board of Trustees proceed to sell said bonds at private sale. District Bond Company thereupon presented a bid for said bonds a true copy of rdlich was directed to be attached to the Abstract of proceedings. The bid of District Bond Company T:ras accepted and the bonds awarded to it., as follows: 5;145,000.00 par value, 6 ; interest from T.:ay 15, 1923 the date of bonds to date of delivery. ?13,000.00 par value, G interest from ;:ay 15, 1923, ';..c dr.te Of I;o.n_s, to dato of delivery. The City Attorney was instructed to prepare an Abstract of the' proceedings and when the bonds were approved to have tl.e same printed and deliver to the purchaser upon payment therefor as per said date. The minutes of t',.e previous meeting were read and approved. The communications ife_oe read and referred ;o Vie proper order of business. This being the day and hour set for opening bids on the ' ".'l* 30 feet of Lot 17 in Block 119 of Section A, the Board in open session publicly opened, examined and declared all sealed bids received which were as follows: A. ;,. Smith, over and above t' -ie- sewer assessment, - - 25.00 Kidner- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - 205.00 After discussi.nr the advisability of disposing of tflo property,,, on no`,ion of Trustee L. S. ':rilkinson seconded by Trustee Geo. .. '7ilson anC. carried, all bids -.!ere rejected and deposits accompanying same to be returnod; the City to retain. the property. 0 e ' •s 1 - 161 This being t;.e daz, anc1 aour set for opcninr; bids "or the buildings on the •:harf, the Board in open session publicly opened., examined and declared all sealed bids receiver_, c:hich .:ere as follo.rs: J. I'. Hormen . ^_or building on end of .rharf only, - - ;25.00 It if It it and toilet together, - - 35.00 On motion of Trustee 'i.. S. 'Jilkinson seconded b;, Trustco ".C. Sloan and carried, the bid of J. P. f.ormen for t',e bm.iitling and tcilot was accepted, ce final p- ri-:zent on scaie to be riarle before he starts removing sale. T'_icrc bein- no bids on the buildings on tl°.e west side o' :he wharf, the City Attorney conducted a public auction :md sole-, then to A. Ir•.rin the hiF'zest bidder for ,,150.00. City Attorney Bis.aop presented a letter from the Southern Pacific Company, clairiinr that they only ovre its on back rent on t' -.e %'Larf .'369.91 instead of ,;375.00 as billed the, , and tl -:e Ci"y Cler'_r .7as Instruct -_,7L to revise the bill to their fi;u.res. On notion of `trustee II. C. Sloan seconded by TruStoe Gep. °. ''.ikon and;. carriers, t`c Cit-% Attorney ,tas instructed to prep•..re ^n abstract for Gibson, Durn ". Crutcher on the bonds sold in :;unicipal Improve ent District 7 "o. 3. A con--lunication from 'fie Builders Exchange asking for financial aid for their :ror'c r :as presented, and on notion of Trustee Conrad Richtor seconded by Trustee Geo. P. '7ilson ant_ carried, the Clerl: was instructed to notify tie Cor.nittee an'Pointed by the City to be at the ne:.t iaeeti° of tho Board and oxplain the cork, and report ,-ihet•ier they ,could recommend givinr* t5herr ':c aid as'_:ed for. OHilli',`.i. ..U. 250, entitled as follows: An Ordinance of the Board of Trustees of the City of Ilerrport Beach establishing the' gra('es and curb lines on certain portions of 14ta Street, Broad Street, San BernarCinc Avenue and Ocean Drive within said City, cane up for final passage; was read, considered, the roll was caller': and Ordinance 7 1o. 25o .gas passed by the vote of trze follo ring nat•ied merlbers of the Board of Trustees; eras Signed and ap,)rovccl. by the Prosit'tent thereof and attested by the Clerk: Ayes, Trustees J. J. Schnitker, H. C. Sloan, Geo. P. 7.7ilson, Conrad Richter, L. S. ?7ilkin.son. P ?oes, Trustees i'•or_e. r_bsent, Trustees : ?one. r'lattcr o." 23d Street being impassable .7 icn the Paci °ic Electric Pail,:ra}- Co.:pany lo,.-rers their grade : :.S discussed, and on :lotion of*`?rustee L.'S. `.'il' :inson seconded by Trustee Geo. P. '.!ilson and carricd, th6 r.latter was referred to the Cormlittee having- this natter in char!"e to sc. that the Southern Pacific.Conpany keens the crossing open. '?urther hearing on the protests on Resolution of In.ention"'o. 250 for vacating a portion of Coast Boulevard, ^e°o continued to 7:30 olclocic y?.ia. on Londay, December 2,-, 1923. On motion of Trustee L. S. 7illcinson seconded by Trustee Geo. ?. 1.7ilson amid carried, the natter of having the parking space '.rbere tle embanlaaent •. :as re.r oved., flirted and finis led vrith. crusneri. rock, was referred to the Street Co'.:r':ittce and Street Superintendent wit'r, po -:rer to act. ' There being no further business on motion of Trustee C. Sloan seconded by Trustee Geo. P. 7.7ilson and carried, t'-.e r.toetinr- adpurncc! to 7:30 o'cloci: p.n.. on i_onday, December 24, 1923. Approved2_/� 0 P e ''dent boar of Trustees. f'l( E T. A1?nSi.