HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/16/1925 - Regular Meeting242
City Ha11, City of llevr_oort Beach. Feb. 16, 1925.
The Board of Trustees of the City of Newport .Beach met in regular
sessionon the above date. The mooting vra.s called to order by President,
Geo.P."Jilson. The roll .ras called showing the full Board present except
Trustee Richter, rr:zo was on leave of absence.
This being the time fixed for opening bids for certain work on
certain portions of Park Avenue and certain other streets and avenues
on Balboa Island, within the city of Neciport Beach, as =contemplated by
Resolution of Intention No.312 of this Board, the Board in open session
publicly opened, examined and declared all sealed bids received for
said work, to -wit: at respective unit prices s ocified in t%icir pro-
posals on file. Total amount of bids of each contractor were as follows:
1-- Fleming Construction Co.,(Low bid) - - -- '.183,339.07
2-- ?'Jells Bressler Co. -------------------- 184,376.95
3 - -S." ''.Paving Co ------------------------- 186,408.03
4-- Grern-r�� -ld & Tudor- ----- ---- ------ - - - - -- 187,429.32
5 - -T. ":'.Oglesby-- -- --- --- --- - - -- - -- 189 564.76
6 - -G.A. Constan ':ino----------------- - - - - -- 193,511.31
7-- Jas. martin- -------- ----- ----- -- - -- --- 194,226.47
8-- Geo.Hertz Co.------------------ - - - - -- 194,454.12
9 - -H.I. Peterson------------------- - - - - -- 1.94.984.81
10-- Pioneer Transfer Co -------------------- 199,531.20
11-- Butterfielcl £. Sears------------- - - - - -- 200,815.33
12 -- Gibbons £: Reed Co.------------- - - - - -- 201,718.91
13-- 0. U. i' iracle------- ------------- - - - - -- 204,986.13
14 -- Griffith Co --------------------------- 205,001.70
15 - -Hall Johnson Co. - - - - -- -------- - - - - -- 221,510.77
16- -Twohy Bros.-------------------- - - - - -- 235,500.25
17- -Henry Kaiser-------------------- - - - - -- 235,731.63
18- -Claud Fisher----------- -------- - - - - -- 265,080.57.
On motion of Trustee Sloan, seconded by trustee Willcinson '
and carried, all ^ids were referred to city Engineer 1',ressl.r for re-oort
ednesday, February 18,1925.
The riinutes of the previous meetinE4 were read and on motion
of trustee '.ill;inson, seconded by trustee Sloan, and carried, were
approved. Coz:.iunications were read and referred to the proper order
of Business.
City Attorney Bishop submitted a. written 2enort on the matter of
the bids submitted by the Ne-,:port Harbor Publishing Co. and Balboa
Bulletin. The matter eras discussed and o n motion of trustee Wilkinson
seconded by trustee Sloan, and_carried, the bid of the ilevr_)ort ITarbor
Publishing Co. was accented for City Printing and publishing for the coining
Uoon request of Mr. Puncheon, the he,�ring on "L" St. wl-.s con-
tinued for weeks.
Ormental lighting system on Balboa Island.
Trustee Sloan moved the doption of Resolution No.320 entitled,
°A RESOLU' ?ION of the Board of Trustees of the City of New�,ort Beach, con -
lirming the claim of s_.id City that certain streets on Balboa Island now
are, and have been.at all times during the past eimht years, o)on, public
streets of the City of Newport Beach, dedicated and accepted a-, such" ,
,,rhich motion was seconded by trustee Vilkinson, and carried by t'•ie
follvioing vote.
Ayes, Trustees , Geo.P.':Jilson, H.C.Sloan, Fred '!.7roung,
and L.S.'.I.lkinson.
Noes, Trustees, Non6.
Absent Trustee,Conrad I:ichter.
Trustee Young moved the adoption of Resolution No. 321, entitled
°A -resolution of the Board of Trustees of the City of Newlort Beach adopting
Specifications No.38 for the construction and installation of conduits and
posts for or:marnental li3htinrr in the city of ''Teti port Beac #,° .,hich motion
was seconded by Trustee ',Jilkinson and carried b,, the Tollov:inrc vote.
Ages: Trustees, Geo. P.'Jilson, T'.C.Sloan,. Fred '.'.Young,
and L.S.77ilkinson.
Nees: Trustees, None.
Absent: Trustee Conrad Richter,
Trustee Vrill:inson moved the adoption of RESOLUTION 1d0. 322
entitled, "A Resolution of the Board of Trustees of the City of Ner!port
adopting certain plans for the impr'ovementr of certain portions of Park
Avenue and certain other streets and avenues on Balboa Island, within said
City," %(Dich motion eras seconded by trustee Sloan, and carried by t_-le f
£olloning vote:
Ayes: Trustees Geo.P."!ilson, H.C.Sloan, Fred Young and
roes: Trustees None.
Absent: Trustees,Conrad Richter,
1 Trustee Young roved the adoption of Restitution No. 323, entitled
"A Resolution of the Board of Trustees of the Citv of Newport Beach
declaring t'geir intention to order the irm_rovement of certain ,portions
of Park Avenue and certain other streets and avenues on Balboa Island
within sal - d City, under the Improvement Act of 1911, and the Amendments to
said Act ", which motion was seconded by Trustee Sloan and carried by tno
following vote:
Ayes: Trustees, Geo.P.V.ilson, H.C.Sloan, Fred '-!.Young, and
Noes, Trustees, None.
Absent, Tvustee,Conrad Richter.
On motion of trustee Sloan seconded by trustee Young, and
carried, a subdivision map of Tract. 774 i!as approved and signed bir the
President of the Board of trus ties and the City Clerk,
In the matter of an erroneous assessment on the property
of '.7.R. "ervey, Lots 4 and 5 of Block 27 of Balboa East Side Division. On
motion of trustee Sloan, seconded by trustee Young and carried , the
assessment .,ias ordered adjusted to conform with the usual assessment
levied, the basis of assess)^lent to b e the material on the ground on I..ar,
Application of O.E.Brorrn,.1500 Surf Avenue for street Light
adjacent to his property l,r•xs referred to the Street Superintendant
for report at the next meeting.
Request of Roger Bros. for lease of pier and float at the foot
of '.'Iashington Street, f or a term of three years at a rental of 5100.00
per year. ';!as referred to the Co?mnittee as a thole.
A communication Yin- received f rom Lear E. "'allace, administrator
of the '7. n_.Irrrin estate, protesting; any further excavation and requesting
repairs on Smeltzer Avenue in Tract #'4-44. On motion of Trustee Sloan
seconded by trustee Young, and carried, the matter was referred to Llae
Street Committee for investigation and rc_)ort.
The City Clerk was instructed to return application for a pari;it
to construct a vier on Lot 2 of Block 1 of Section 4 Balboa Island o;rin�
to the fact that no drawinc o:' the proposed pier eras attached.
A cor»>unication from the Sims- Guedel Co., requesting thd
abandonment of certain portions of Carnation Avenue, '!as referred to '''e
City Engineer for investigation and re,3ort.
A co;;,imunicatiln was read from the Southern Pacific Company
suggesting t',at an option_ be secmred for a station at 26th Street. I.fr.
"Tallace stated that a site could be purchased from P.Ir. ':.Crosier for
�r1b0.00. There veing no objection.-the matter was referred to is ?r.Wallace
for furrier action.
Application, of J.E.Souder for lease of ire City Water bearing
land at a price of 'x350.00 per year was referred to the cov-mrittee as a
,,•rhole .
Mr.Walter Burris made a complaint to the Board of Trustees , stat-
ing that the Public toilets had not been kept clean since Idr.Funk had dis-
continued Working for the City. There being no objection, the matter
was referred to the Street uperir_tendent.
On motion of Trustee `•1ilhinson, seconded by T-r.stee Sloan, and
ca >ried, the dallands as ap�� roved by the Finance Co?nnittee Yrere allowed,
and :rarrants ordered drawn.
There being no further business, the meeting ryas adjourned
to 7:30 P.T.:. ' ?ednesday February 18,1925.
of Newport
.City Hall, City of Newport Beach,Feb.18.g925.
The Board of Trustees of the pity of P ?evrhort. Beach met in
regular session on the above date, at 7:30 otclock P.i:. The meting was
called to order b1r President Geo.P.'ailson. The roll was called s'zoz!ing t'le
full board present exce_nt Trustee Richter rrho was a'�sent o-? leave. The
minutes of t' ?e previous meeting :!ere dis?onsed with.
Resolution No.324.
Trustee Sloan introduced and moved ':he adoption of resolution
Yo.324 entitled: "A Resolution of t' =e Board of Trustees of t'• Pity of
PTerr- ?ort Beach awarding the contract for certain work on certain _)ortions
of Park Avenue and certain of er streets and avenues on Balboa Is lr_r_d ,
-.71th n said City. The motion was seconded by Trustee Young. The
u-,-)on the roll was called the trustees voting in the follw.,i.ng r?anne.
Ayes: Trustees Geo.P.Wilson, H.C.Sloan,Fred ".Youn.- and
Noes: Trustees, PTone.
Absent: Trusteg,Richtor.
Co munications.
A co:.3?unicatio ?1 as read from the Pacific Electric R.R.Company
regarding the opening of 31st St. It we -s stated in the con .iuiicatio *-
t' at the Pacific 1'lectri c R.R.Co., had investigated the r. ?after of o,.enig
31st. Street and did not t .ink it advisable to o )en t'ze street for the
reason that it would be of only local venefit and teat a crossi °5 at that
point would be very dant-,ei�ous On motion of Trustee Wilkinson, seconded by
Trustee Sloan, and ca; -ricd, the City Engineer eras apy)ointed a co?raittee
of one to E,,o into t'_ze matter further with the Placific Electric Co.,
A cortiriunication w,.s re. +d from the Orange County Harbor Chamber
of Corr?erce, conveying; to t:?o Board of Trustees a. resolution of the
University Site Committec of the Fullerton Chamber of C.or.- le.•ce, conveying
a vote of t'-anks to t:.e Board of 1'rustees of the City of New )ort Beach
for t',.e co- operative. spi_2it s}h<-an in offering 100 feet of front ,e on t__ e
Bay for use of studer_ts of t: c Southern Branch of the University of Calif
nia s::ould t'iey locate at Fullerton._
There being no further business, the meeting w: s adjourned
to i..onday February 23, 1025 at 7 :30
Annrovedg � 442
City Clerk,
OtClock P.P..
res. Boar
01, Trustees*
City of Pier: ort each.