HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/27/1926 - Adjourned Regular Meeting371 There being no further business on motion of Trustee Fred W. Young seconded by Trustee Felix rs. Modjeska and carried, the meeting adjourned to 7:30 o'clock P. IA. of Monday, S 27, 1926. Approved Sept. 27, 1926. ar President oard of Trustees. / ^ City Clerk. City Hall, Newport Beach, Sept. 27, 1926. The Board of Trustees of the City of Newport Beach met in regular adjourned session at 7 :30 o'clock P. M. on above date, The meeting was called to order by President Conrad Richter. The roll was called showing the full Board present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. The communications were read and acted on as follows: The petition from residents of Section 5, Balboa Island asking for a bulkhead around that portion of the Island, was filed as the plans and specifications were being prepared. On motion of Trustee L. S. Wilkinson seconded by.Trusjee Fred W. Young and carried, $55.00 was transferred from 400 -B extra officers account of the Police Department, to accounts No. 401 and ' 403 which are overdrawn. On motion of Trustee Fred. 17. Young seconded by Trustee Felix B. Modjeska and carried, $250.00 was.transferred from the lighting expense account of the Street Department, to account No. 441 wages, to take care of a deficiency. On motion of Trustee Felix B. Modjeska seconded by Trustee Harry H. Williamson and carried, City Auditor Briggs was instructed to make a rearrangement of budget funds whereby the City Electrician wages will be charged to lighting expense instead of street department wages. On motion of Trustee L. S. Wilkinson seconded by Trustee Harry H. Williamson and carried, $1,000.00 was transferred from budget account No. 134, Construction of Streets, bridges and Culverts to budget account No. 444 street lights. On motion of Trustee Harry H. Williamson seconded by Trustee Fred W. Young and carried, City Auditor Briggs was authorized to combine the budget accounts of Water Department No. 486 -A Auto Mta. Labor and No. 486 -B Auto NItc. Supplies. On motion of Trustee Harry H. Williamson seconded by Trustee Felix B. Modjeska and carried, the communication from Fite Chief Jackson in regard to the purchase of fire hydrant paint, a siren and three flash lights for the fire truck, was referred to the Fire & Water Committee to report on at the next meeting. , The Clerk was instructed to answer the communication from the Riordan Co. notifying them of our fire hose specifications. The communication from A. M. Andrews of Los Angeles in regard to space for fishing on the wharf was read, and the Clerk was instructed to notify him that it has always been the policy of the Board to not rent any space on the wharf. On motion of Trustee Fred 1.7. Young seconded by Trustee Felix B. Modjeska and carried, the demand for Water Works Redemption Bonds in the amount of $19,625.00 was allowed and warrant to be drawn for same. ORDINANCE NO. 308, entitled as follows: An Ordinance of the City of Newport Beach defining and establishing the boundaries of a municipal improvement district in said City, designating the name by which it shall be known and calling an election to be held therein, 372 providing for the submission to the electors thereof of a propositionof incurring a debt by the issuance of the bonds of such district for the purposes set forth in ' Ordinance of Intention No. 305, reciting the objects and .purposes for which the proposed indebtedness is to be incurred, the nature of the improvements to be acquired, the estimated cost thereof and of the incidental expenses in connection therewith, the amount of the principal of the indebtedness to be incurred therefor, and the rate of interest to be paid on said indebtedness, fixing the date on which such election shall be held, the manner of holding the same, and the manner of voting for or against said proposition, was taken up for final action, was read, considered, the roll was called and the ordinance passed by the following vote: Ayes, Trustees L. S. Wilkinson, Felix B. Modjeska, Fred W. Young, Harry H, Williamson,, Conrad Richter. Noes, Trustees None. Absent, Trustees None. The same was thereupon signed and approved by the President of the Board of Trustees and attested by the Clerk. On motion of Trustee Fred W. Young seconded by Trustee Harry H. Williamson and carried, the Map of Tract No. 536 was approved. The communication from K. I. Fulton asking that a system of street numbers be worked out for Corona Del Mar, was referred to the City Engineer. The communication from K. I. Fulton and others requesting an improvement district for the purpose of planting trees, flowers, shrubs, etc. on Corona del Mar, was laid do the table until next meeting. Mr. Stuart Lucas brought up the matter of narrowing the pavement on Ocean Boulevard from Rocky Point to Buck Gully Corona del Mar to 40 feet, and using the balance of the 110 foot street for a park, which was discussed at length, and the City Engineer brought out the fact that about a year ago the property owners had him draw up the plans and specifications for paving the street the full width, which work would have to be done all over again costing approximately $300.00 to $400.00. On motion of Trustee Harry H. Williamson seconded by Trustee Fred W. Young and carried, the 40 foot pavement was allowed and the balance of the street to be used for park purposes, providing the property owners would reimburse the City Engineer for the additional work on the plans and specifications, they to decide in 30 days; which motion was amended to take the amount out or the general funds of the City for the additional work of the City Engineer. The communication from City Engineer Kressly in regard to the request of King C. Gillette for acquiring some of the City property near the base of the jetty, was considered and on motion of Trustee L. S. Wilkinson seconded by Trustee Felix B. Modjeska and carried, the Clerk was instructed to notify Mr. Gillette that the City does not wish to part with the property in question, but that they would allow him to put in the bulkhead to protect his property upon restrictions which can be obtained in conference with the City Engineer. City Auditor Briggs called attention of the Board. to the fact that some of our City Property and automobiles were not sufficiently covered by insurance. On motion of Trustee Harry H. Williamson seconded by Trustee Felix B. Modjeska and carried, the Water Superintendent was instructed to look up and give an estimate of the insurance necessary to properly protect the property in his department for fire and earthquake insurance. On motion of Trustee Harry H. Williamson seconded by Trustee Felix B. Modjeska and carried, the Street Superintendent was instructed to look up and report on the insurance necessary to properly protect the buildings in his department. On motion of Trustee Harry H. Williamson seconded bit Trustee Fred W. Young and carried, the City Auditor was instructed to place a public liability insurance on all city owned automobiles with a coverage of $10,000 and $20,000. There being no further business on mot B. Modjeska seconded by Trustee Fred W. Young am meeting adjourned Sine Die. 273 Trustee Felix ed, the Approved Oct. 4,f 1926. Presid6nt oa o rus ees. City Cj.erk. a City Hall, Nerport Beach, Oct. 14, 1;26. The Board of Trustees of the City of Necport Beach met in regular session at 7 :30 o'clock P. 1.:.•on above date. The meeting acs called to orrer by President Conrad Richter. The roll ras called shoivinf; the full Board present. The minutes of• the previous meetinC were read and aq:)rover• as recd. The reports of the heads of the departments were read and on motion of Trustee L. S. 'Ahrinson seconder. by Trustee Felix B. Eo.jeskc and carried, the reports '.-ere accepted end filet:. Corm ::ocore Davenport cnr. Lr. Worcester were present and spo:ce in defense of the :.:arine Railroy on Section 5 Balboa Island which the Board had ordered removed. The same wrs discussed and. on motion of Trustee L. S. Wilkinson secon ed by Trustee Felix B. Eocjes__c and carried, the matter was continued for invcstigction by tie Cit-- Attorney. Dr. V. G. Presson strted• that the Board of Supervisors had askcr ',im to present the ratter to the Board of Trustees, of the Cite joining rith the County ' Health. Department. The City would receive the services of t:.e County Health Officer free and get drily visits from the sanitary inspector. 14e would likewise receive t:-.e service-. of e:cperts in cases of infectious end contagious diseases. The matter rc-. place' in t,-,c hands of Trustees Harry H. Williamson end Felix B. Eodjeska to report on. A number of property owners from Corona del I.:ar crere present to oppose the vacating of a strip on the south side of Pacific Drive. The matter met 'tit:: a lengthy discussion, and Trustee L. S. Wilkinson introduced a Resolution entitled as follows: A RESOLUTIO:r.. OF THE BOARL OF TRUSTE.-S OF SHE CI'�'Y OF 177,FORT BEACH DECL ?.R!7G THEIR IirTE:'TION TO VACATE, CLOSE -UP AXD ABA1107 FOR PUiLIC STR =T` PURPOSES CERTAI7 POP.'_'IO1;S OF PACIFIC LRIVE '.I;'EI SAID CI- _'Y-The Resolution was recd, considered, designcted RESOLUTIC_: NO. 3b; and upon call of the roll passe by the follorin- vote: Ayes, Trustees L. S. "lilkincon, Felix B. 1,:o4,jes1r, Fred W. Young, Harry H. ' „illicr..son, Conrad: Richter. Noes, Trustees !lone. Absent, Trustees. !lone. T'-ic bein• Vie ti.,.e fixed for openin> bids for certain cork on certair_ portions of Central Avenue 1-ithin the Cit; of Xec.port Beech as contei:.nlcted by Resolution of Intentio::'o. 3E� of t "is Board, .the Boarc in open session publicly opens;, exta.inec czr reclared all sealed bids raceivec for slid ror', to -Tit: Lee R. J. Paul Veber. Benson. For 5 inc"'- co .crete paving, including growing, per scuare foot, - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - 46 J For ce;r.ent concrete c,•;rl, inclue..in rcci:.g -)er lirerl ft. - 75 70 For convent concrete si-ewclk, inclu:ir.= :gracing per sq. ft.- .22 .17 For b inc'-. ciar..eter ec:.ent pipe se_ritar; serer co.rlete', per lineal foot, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1.00 1.60 For S ine2_ diameter cement pipe house connection sever complete, per lineal foot, - - - - - - - - - - - 7 F 1.10