HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/01/1926 - Regular Meeting376 City Hal, .'er•rort Beac ., :7ove -..1-_r 1, 1y26. The Board of Trustees of ti_e City of Nerport• Beech ::et in regular session Pt 7 :30 o1cloc:c P. 1 :. on above date. The meeting wrs called to order by Presi'ent Conrad Richter. The roll was called s'__orint all members present extent Trustee Felix B. .,:o d j e ska.. The minutes of the previous re, -Lilar meeting were read enr. approved as read. The minutes of the special meeting of October 21, 1 26 sere read and ao7roved. The reports of the heads of departr..entc 17ere rear Ea_" on motion of Trustee L. S. ?Tilkinson• seconded by Trustee Fred W. Yonne, am carrier, t_.e reports sere accepter and filed. Trustee Harry H. Williamson reported that the Cor.r,.ittee would not rcco.-::!.end joining *, rita Vae County Health Department at this ti. -,.e, and on his motion seconc.ed h,. Trustee Fred 1T. Young Pn4 carried, the present erren?e.ent of our Health Department was to be continued and the Cler:: to notif, the County Department of scr.e. City Attorne^ Clyde Bishop reporter thrt he hrd inspected the ?,:arine Reilray on Section 5, Balboa Island and could not see at the present time There it could be celled v nuisance. The- did '-o,.-.-ever have tie Rail-ay constructer across E_ public siceirelk, and on .notion of Trustee L. S. ';'illcinson seconder b., Trustee Fred W. Young and carried, the former order to remove the trac'_ rrs rescinded, and the Cler =c was instructed. to write the. Southland Sailing Club. that if they intent to lceep the Rcilcay across the - sidewalk they r :.ust get permission from the Board to ro so. The cor:r..unications were read end referre' to the proper order of business. CA:'VASS OF VOTS. This being the first regular meeting of the Board. of Trustees of the City of :' eeport Beach after the Zit >. (icy of October, 1526, the date upon v'hich an election wi s held in Lunicipal Improvement District ;:o. 5 of the City of "ev.port Beach, ant the returns of said election boin received, trey were opener rr.. canvassed by the Board of Trustees, from which canvass the Board. of Trustee- find anr estc- blisir of record es follows; The votes cast for and against the proposition were For t::e bonds, - - - - - -- - - - 41 votes, l.;ainst the bonds, - - - - - - 185 votes. The proposition did not receive t.e necessary trio- thirds vote of all the voters voting at the election, an(" the issuance thereof arc not authorized. The tr.•o disrespectfrl cormunications fro:.. Lee Pfau in reurc to tirclands an: jetty were orderer filed. On motion of Trustee L. S. Tillcinson seconder b,• Trustee Fred Young nd c €Tried, the Cleric was in- tructer to ac_•movledge r•ith thanks the invitation iron. F. L. Purinton, President of the Boarr of Trustees of Santa Ane, to the Ari.Actice Day celebration in Santa. Anr. On motion of Trustee L. S. Wilkinson seconCed•?r: Trustee Fred ; ?. Young end. carried-, the communicetior, from G. W. Kitz,iller, Secretary o'' the Balboa I -land I cprove :gent Assmciotion caning the Beer'- to prohibit parking v:it'rin 30 feet of the street ends on Balboa Islr:nd,' -rat refcrre_' to t:-,e Street Cora ittee em1 Street Superintendent '.or renort. On motion of Trustee L. S. Wilkinson seconder by Trustee Harry H. ';Tilliarrson an4 carried, the requect of `,;alter Eastleck for le:. -e on a portion of Lot �;, Block 5, Bclbor Tract to erect a fireproof storeroom, was rcferrc: to the Street Co;rs:ittee anr. Street Superinten. ant for a: report cni recor.o;.endrtion. On r::otion of Trustee L. S. Wilkinson seconde_ I,, Harry H. Williamson and ccrr.ied, the Cler'- v,r- inztructe,- to acknov :lerwe with then' -s the invitation of the California Lunicipel Traffic League, to the r..cetir of the Lea_ue to be held in Fresno, November lEt. to 20th in regard to c uniforn. traffic orrinance. j The bill of Sand, Winchester for $2 &8.00 r :iric'.. 'ae clai %.e: rn„ "uc froi.. the City, r:cz :iscuzsed, cnc on motion of Trustee Fred '„ You:_r. seconder by Trustee Harry H. Williamzon and ccrrieO, the matter r.e- referre to Antar Deregc Tor a written report giving all of t::e facts in the case. The communication fron: the ?;ar Department in re„crl to dredginZ by J. A. Bee': res filed. On motion of Trustee Fred.?:. Young seconded by Trustee L. S. ?7i1:cinson and carried, the estimated e..-oense of the Aevertisinr Departi..cnt .'or ov(; ter of $.135.00 wcz allowe6. On motion of Trustee L. S. Wilkinson seconde( ?-b; Trustee Herr;; H. Williamson enc. cerrie, :, the cone..uniuetion fron, the Pccific Electric Re -ilrEY Co. askin,,, ncst in.,rover.,ents are conteiaplated on t.-.e 10 foot strip the- v-erz to -ive the City froc. 30t:r Street rest, v:cc refcrre to t::e Cit Engineer for 'efinite inforcction in rcetri to srr.,c. 1 ti 15 377 The com0niection fro::. 0e Cit; Clerk of San Jose esking defeat of proposition No. 2 on Nove=b_r ballot wee filed. E: BUSINESS. City Engineer Kressly presented a lap showinf the water lines, fire hydrants, location and description of reservoirs, etc. which he preperel for the Fire Underwritcrs. On motion of Trustee L. S. Will {A= seconded by Trustee Fred W. Young and carried, the trap wee accepted caf n sincere vote of thankc r•as eaten -ed to Lr. Kressly for the beautiful ror: he gets oot for the City. ' RESOLVIO! ?A• 301, entitles as follows: A RESOLUTION OF 'T�i' BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF TKE CITY OF 17E .",FORT BEACH ADOPTI::G SPECIFICATIONS °0. 41 FOR THq CONSTRUCTIO° OF v"C`_'CRKE RETAI!I_ G MIS "I'THI ; S17 CITY. The Resolution was read, consic.ered, desipnated Resolution No. 301 end upon cell of the roll passes by the followin:-- vote: Ayes, Trustees L. S. Wilkinson, Fred W. Young, Harry H. Williamson, Conrad Richter. :toes, Trustees 1107 -M- Absent, Trustee Felix B. Modjeska. RESOLUTION TO. 3y2, entitlei es follor•s: A RESOLUTION OF THE BOAR! OF TRUSTEES OF THE CITY OF 7E7PO BEACH ADOPTI7G CERTAIN PLANS FOR THE Ii.PROVFl.:""T OF C=RT = POKIM OF SOUTH PROLE ADE AND OTHER STREETS I" SECTION 5, BALBCA ISLAYD, WITHI ?: SAID CITY. The Resolution rtes read, considered, designated Resolution No. 3;2 an upon call of the roll passed by the following vote: Ayes, Trustees L. S. Wilkinson, Fred W. Young, Harry H. Williamson, Conrad Richter. ?does, Trustees NONE. Absent, Trustee Felix B. Modjeska. YESOLUTIOU 004 353,entitles as follows: ' A RESOLUTION OF THE BO.9R` OF TRUST ^ES OP THE CI`Y CF NT. PORT BEACH DECLARING THEIR INTENTION TO ORDER THE I.PROVE._EM OF CERTAIN POR'TI07S 07 SOUTE PROl.:E:''ADE A:rD OTHER STREETS IN SFCTIC7 S, B ALSOA ISLPr'D '.:ITHIY SAIL CITY, UrP R THE P..PROV 1.,EM ACT OF loll AND TIE Ai..,MI M-ENTS TO SAID ACT. The Resolution was read, considered, designated Resolution No. 353 end upon cell of the roll pawed by the following vote: Ayes, Trustees L. S. Wilkinson, Fred W. Young, Harr;; H. Wiliancon, Conrad Richter. *Toes, Trustces NONE. Absent, Trustee Felix B. hodjeska. On motion of Trustee Harry H. Williamson seconded by Trustee Frei ;'. Youn,* cne ccrrird, the Grant Deed of W. S. Sperr dated October 2E, 1525 to the City of °ewport Beach and the real property therein granted, is accepted on behalf of the City of YeTport 5each. RESOLU'TIO 170. 3 >4, entitles us follows: A RESOLUT'IO-" OF T7E BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE CITY C_ K27PORT BEACH OPfhRI7G A CERTAI:: GRA'T DEEP, RECOR: ED. The Resoiutios was read, considered, desiancted Resolution No. 354 ca upon call of tie roll passed by tie following vote: Ayes, Trustees L. S. Wilkinson, Fred V. Young, Harry H. Willicneon, Conrad Richter. loco, Trustees F &E. ' Absent, Trustee Felix B. Lodjeska. RESOLU OH DO. 05, entitles. A follows: A RESCLU IOT 07 ME BOAR? OF TRUSTEES 0' `7E CI ^_Y OF :'E"PC -.T BEACH ADOPTI_'G CERTAIN. PLANS FOR 77E IMPROV 77"T OT CERTAI7 PORTI07S 01 SE'AVIU. AVE�'UE AND CERTAII' OTHYR STREETS ':ITHI": SLID CITY. The Resolution was recd, considered, designated Resolution 70- 355 en upon call of t..e roll pcssej by Qe follor:inx vote: Ayes, Trustees L. S. Wilkinson, Fred W. Young, Harry H. 7illinoson, Conrad Richter. Noes, Trustees NOXE• Absent, Trustee Felix B. Lodjeska. sir-, w RSSOLITiIO' 70. 3A entitled: A RESOLU:IO'_: OF 77- BOAR OF MUMEE'3 07 T77 CITY OF OVPVT BEACH DECLrRI:'G THEY. Ii TFUTIOI. 'iC ORLER THE I:.:PROVE:,, =T OF CERTAI:' PORTIM OF SEAVI77 AV?_U3 AYE CERTAII? OTHER STREETS A7D AVE.'TJES I7 COROKk DEL :.:AR, 7I'_HI7 SAID CITY, U71JUR ':? I:PROV^;.'r:'T ACT OF 1511, AYD THE A;. "l E1'TS TO SAID ACT. The Resolution was reed, coneicercd, designated Resolution :'o. 356 and upon call of the roll passed by the follocing vote: Ayes, Trustees L. S. Wilkinson, Fred W. Youn.•, Harry `H. Williamson, Conrad Richter. Noes,-Trustees i'O.:E. Absent, Trustee Felix B. lodjeske. City Engineer Kressly presented a House numbering Lap of Corona del ;_ar which was accepted. On motion of Trustee L. S. Wilkinson seconded by Tructee Harry H. Williamson and carried, a Lap of Tract No. SA being a r.ocubdivision of Bloch 222, Section A, Newport Beach was approved, and to be signed by the Clerk after the Trust Company had signed it. On motion of Trustee Harry H. Williamson seconded by Trustee Fred C. Young and carried, the Cit; Engineer was instructed to prepare plans and speci- fications for sewers, rater, paving and sidewalks in the Resutdivision of Block 222, Section A. On motion of Trustee.L. S. Wilkinson seconde6 by Trustee Fred W. Young and carried, the dem:w c which were properly fills%. out and approve^ by the Finance Committee were allowed and warrants to be drawn for same. Transfers were to be made for thoce not provided for in the budget out of the current eviense unoppronriated fund, as follows: $1000.00 to Current Expense Q yo. 330 Insurance. 850.00 to General Engineer& ado Yo. 445 50.00 to Cur'rcnt Expense ah XJ 346, Recorder's Use. 50.00 to Current Expense a/y No. 347 Jury fees. The demand of the Fire Departtent to be'poid when the proper peynroll is attached. On motion of Trustee Fred W. Young seconded by Trustee Harry H. Williamson and carried, authority was granted Auditor Briggs to cancel the two auto -obile insurance policies I:o. 8314 any 574204; these machines bein• covered by tic blanket insurance policy. City Auditor Briggs cske^ to 'nave the balance in the 1. I. D. Yo. 4 bond fund transferral to the rccmation fund, cad on motion of Trustee L. S. Wilkinson seconded by Trustee Harry H. Williamson rnd carricd, as the purpose for rhich the funds were made had been fully completed, the balance ras transferred to the rVemo_tion ,fund of these bonds in'that district. Harbor Master Jay state: in his report that the t:•-o floats one at l ;th Street anf one at Washington Street needed repaintin'- Mly, one one of the piles hu,' been 'Hocked out of the Washington' Street wharf, and the total cost of the repairs would not exceed $200.00. On =notion of Trustee Fred W. Young seconded by Trustee Harry H. Willisr..son and carried, the Harbor Laster •,res instructcu to have the repairs rcfrrrel to mace. The matter of the street liEhts not being turns: on until after dark was brought up, and on motion of Tructee Frey: W. Young seconded t;• Trustee Harry H. Williamson and carried, the Clerk tires instructed to notify the City Electrician to have them turnzd on not later than one -half hour after sundown the year round. On motion of Trustee Harr; H. Williamson seconded by Trustee Frei W. Younr and carried, the office of .Iuisance Inspector who declared vacant. Ben Cope brou -ht up tie matter of raising some money °or the harbor bon: election which w:as =iscuesed, and on motion of Trustee L. S. Wilkinson seconded. b;, Trustee Harry E. Willic:nson cra crrried, $2,000.00 Ks allows: for promotion out of the publisit- fund in ad ition to the $1,000.00 previously allowed. A resolution annrovinf the slogan of the Orange Count;• Harbor Entrance Association and =ivir.> ,scurance of t:ioir co- operation in every way possible, res presented, and on motion of Trustee L. S. Wilkinson seconded by Trustee Harry H. '.:illismson a<nc carried, the resolution was adopted an: the Clerk inetructel to rorr:crc it to the party ad:recsel. on notion of Trustee L. S. Wilkinson seconee' by Trustee Fred W. Yount: ana carried, the City; Enrireer vcE instructed to give the Cit;; Attorney the neceesary date for Qcrin� u„ c resolution for improving Ocean Drive on Yovwort HcKhtc rnd also a portion of Pacific Drive on Corona del Ur for par, purr,^ L On motion of Trustee FrK ,,. Youn7 seconfei bj Truce ee H ^rrw H. Williamson ant carried, tae neetinn Kjourned to 7:30' o'clock P. on 1 ondey, Rio 15, 1;26. Ap,rovcd ;roventcr 1;1 1;2& C07 Clcr:_. c nt Dbcr: of P D Z0 00