HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/15/1926 - Adjourned Regular Meeting379 City Hall, He- ort Beech, Yov. 15, 1;2S. The Boar- of Trustee: of the City of ?;export Beech met in refular adjourns_ session at 7 :30 01cloc:_ P. L. on above date. The meeting wrs caller to orier by President Conrac Richter. The roll was callew showing the full Boars present. The minutes of the previous meeting care reed and approves as re;?. Trustee Harr; H. Williamson reporteV for,the Street Co:_"ittee that t:ey wouK recommend le:sinj the ground reouestel by { ",alter Eastleck, bcin s portion of Lot 5, Men 1, Balboa Tract, and on motion of Trustee Felix B. LoQcs<a secon'•_ ' by Trustee Fred 7. Young end carried, the report wen accepted ant: the renucst granted; the Cit: Attorney bein - instructed to prepare the ncccccary lcace. The con_unications were read ant referred to the proper or:er of Lusinesc. City Engineer Kressly was not present with 'a report on !!a K.provencnts contemplated on the 10 foot strip rhich the Pacific Electric Railway Co. offerer to give the City an easement to in the westerly en' of towj, and the Cler! was instructo to write hr. Kressly for same. T. C. Burris, r'nc was the committee appointee: to loot after obtaining the strip, cskei to be relieve f.•on the com.dttee and on motion of Trustee Harry H. Williamson seconded by Trustee Felix B. lodjeska and carried, 0. Burris was discharged from., the cos0ttee and given c vote of thanks for his efforts in getting the matter as far along as he had. Presicent Conrad Richter appointed City Engineer Kressly on t.e coc....ittee in place of ;..r. Burris. On notion of Trustee Fred U. Yount; seconded by Trustee Felix B. hocjcska and carried, the follorinc cohztnicetion was ordered spread on the minutes rnd a copy to be sent to the Southern Pacific Company: COPY OF CO:.:'UNICATIOr. °I n.ove �c.::.:r. Chairman, that the City Clerk be instructed to vrite to tie Sunerintendent of the Southern Pacific Railroad and to advise hip: that r necessity exists for a station building in this City; that the Southern Pacific R P, promiset to create this improvement at least two years go; that they arc enjoying c goon: patronage from the citizens of this City; that citizens of this City donated the price of r lot to make tie buil0nr of a station possible; that this Cit;, stool be:in' them on tie railroa plan for a. station in Los Angeles, anf that we feel the time has arrived for then: to act. Further that he advise them that unless a definite cow- ittzcnt is obtained that it is the intention of this Board to rcf_r Qc r..atter to its attorney to be handled by the railron com- ission of this State, but the t rc prefer that they settle thp matter f ircet 710 uc.° On motion of Trustee Harry N. Williamson seconded by Trustee Fred `,. Young and ccrrici, tie renuest of William Panting for transfer of !in bnriners licenses No. 23� an' 240 to H. H. Dimit, acs allo•r:ed. On motion of Trustee Harr, H. Williamson seconrac. by Tr rtee Fre? T. Young and.carried, the letter of Lee Pfau was filet. . The com.anication from Joseph E. Jessup of San Diego conTratalcting the City on the splencia trophy liven 'tic: for the Star Boat Chrmgionship Race recently, we e filet. The retort of Antar Deraga in regrri to to bill of Send; Winchester which .le cl: i "s was duc hiss fr;e. Qe City, was recd, and on motion of Trustee Fred W. Young seconder by Trustee Harry H. Williamson oaf carried, the Cler! was instructef to write :_r. Winchester that the City is not owe him ehything a__.. _:is claim., was d.isallowcd. I7 'iHr: ;..1:TT1R OF PROTESTS AGAITST THE ABI:Nr0ZZE7T OF A PCR -ICF. OF PACIFIC DRIVE 01' COP.OH6. DEL :.AR. Protest: against vacrting, closin:- -up cnc Q=K oninn for public street pur )ores those portions of Pacific Drive a cet fortn t& c.e :criba' in e Re:ol ti0r_ of Intention passes rr& adoptej by the Boars: of Trustees on the 4t` dry- of Octob ^r, 026, havin -Acen dull .file_, wcc tnic date preccntee to the City Council rnf 0e COW Council set t'.e hour of 7:30 o'clock P. L. of Londay, November 20, 1>P 6 ct e Council Chamber o ' the Bone of Trustees in the City Hall, as the ti: e =4 place of hearing, by denositinr a notice in the United States Postoffice posta,_.e prepaid, on or before Thursiay, £ovcmbcr 1F, 1;26• On motion of Trustee L. S. Wilkinson ceconce` by Trustee Felix p. ',.:o-.jec =:a an° carried, the Cit: Engineer was instructed to secure from the Recor.crls office the data as to the actual lines of those streets coverz= the protests, Minn the lines definitely, an r: port sane to the Boar:: of Trustees two racks pro:., torsi; .t, ..ovembcr 21, 1121 •:1 PL''TITICy '10 CHl._'GE BOLT 2IRIES. A petition asking thot the boundaries of the City of Newport Beach be cltered and new uninhabited territory described in the petition be annexes t-hercto, incorporate? and included therein, was received an: ordered filed by the Board of Trustees. Evidence was presented froz which the Board of Trustees fin ?; 1st. The petition is in writine;, signet by qualified electors of the City -of Newnort Beach, more then one -tenth in nuriber of all the qualified electors of said City, computed upon the number of votes cast at -the lest general municipal election held in said City, 2d. •The new territory asked to be included in tie City of Newport Beach is describes in said petition and is uninhabited. 3d. The new and uninhabited territory is in the County- of Orange, contiguous to the City of Uerport Beach, forms no part of any incorporated City or town end is describes. as follows; Located in the County of Orange, State of California and beginning at an angle point -in the-present northeasterly boundary line of the City of :Newport Beach, Californiz,.said point being South 68 0 43c 40° East 222.55 feet from United States Bulkhead Station No. 104 in the bulkhead line as said bulkhead line and Bulkhead Station are laid out ens shown upon the map of Newport Bay, California, showin.^ harbor lines, approved by the War Department January 18, 017; thence from said point of beginning South 450 451 East y50 feet; thence South 250. 001 East 330 feet; thence South 640 301 East-to an intersection with the southwesterly extension of the northwesterly line of Avocado Avenue, as shown on a map of Tract No. 682, recorded in Book 20 page 15, of Ziscellaneous Laps, records of Orange County, California; thence southwesterly along the southwesterly extension of the northwesterly line of said Avocado Avenue to an angle point in the present northwesterly boundary line of the said City of Newport Beach; thence northwesterly along said present northeasterly boundary line of said City to a point south 170.301 East 200 feet distant from the southeasterly corner of Balboa Island, said point being• the same point so designated in the description of the tract of lane annexed to said City contained in the order of the Board. of Trustees of said City dated July 3, 1516; thence in a straight line to the point of beginning. The Board of Trustees ordered that the Board. of Supervisors of Orange County the county in which the City of Newport Beach is located, be notified of the fact of the filing of such petition. • City Attorney Bishop brou -ht un tee matter of raise in valuation on the Irvine acreage which was annexed to the City through mistake, and he expleinK the understanding between :_r. Irvine nnf a former Board that there wool- only be C. nominal assessment on same. The matter was discusser and on motion of Trustee L. S. ;:ilkinson seconded by Trustee Fred W. Young and carried, City Attorney Bishop was instructed to notif, ;.,r. Hillis of the Irvine Cot,.pany to file a claim for rebate of erroneous assessment on basis of former assesses'_ valuation of $1,000.00, end also notify him that the Board hereafter will not adhera to this low. assessment. City Attorney Bishop also brought up the matter of the County tax on the to foot strip deeded to tie city by B. R. Stone, and on motion of Trustee Fred W. Young seconded by Trustee Harry H. Williamson and carried, the City Attorney w €s instructed to notify 1r. Stone the City would pay the proportion of Count;; taxes hue on the 10 foot strip. On motion of Trustee L. S. Nilkinson secondei by-Trustee Harry H. Mlicroson can carried, demnV s No. 577 to ;EO inclusive, havinZ Leen si -nei, PAO approve' by the Finance Comzittee, were allowej and warrants to be drawn for same. The matter of provi inr so..e kind of a. traffic signal at the intersection of Coast Highway, Newport Road and Santa Ana. Avenue was Ciscucsed, and on motion of Trustee Fred W. Youn- seconded by Trustee Felix B. Modjesks and. carried, the Clerk was instructed to -:rite to S. V. Corteltiou, State Hi hw ;. EnAneer, t'he Auto Cluc Safety Engineer cad Supervisor George Jeffrey, to meet with the Board of Trustees on Wonday night, HoveQer 2y, 1126 to discuss the matter. A representative of the Long Beec! Press Tele-ram'wrs present cnc state^ tae cdvantages of edvorticing in the midwinter number of the Long Beach Press Telegram which was discussed, and on motion of Trustee L. S. Wilkinson seconded by Trustee Felix B. Lodjezhe and serried, the n0ter was referrer' to Aduertisinr larger Harry Welch to trze up with the Long- Beach Press Telegram representative; report on car..e to the Born? on 7ovamber 20, 1 ;26. i C Cr 1 The mctter of tryinn to induce noonle to co...e to the Beach Mthout :.ore cmusoments or cttrcctions %hon t:: got a:re.r•cc brou =ht up by President Conrad Richter an'_ discusses; at lcn -th. On motion of Trustee L. S. Vil_'cinson seconded b;. Trustee Fred V. Young end serried, the Pullicity A -cnt woo instructs: to frczc u^ a series of r-inter sports and report tr.o re0s fro::. toniFlat, ,Tcvenbcr 2y, 1;26. On notion of Trustee Felix B. L;oQeskc seconded ane carrie., the weetir.- acjournc? to 7:30 o'clock P. L 1;26. Approved Eoven,bcr 22, LA. Clerk. .. G.- b JI 3R Fred 0. YounC y, ^ove:.i-cr 17, eec. City Hall, Newport Beach, ITovember 17, 1;2� The Borer: of Trustees of the City of 7erport Beach met in rcF—lar adjourned cession at 7:30 o'clocl P. L. on cbove date. The wcetinv ryes ccllec to order by President Conrad Richter. The roll was ccllec shoran- the full Board present. The reccing of the minutes was Zispense; with. Orin^ to the overcrowded condition of the Council Chamber, on motion of Trustee L. S. Wilkinson seconded by Trustee Fred W. Young and serried, c recess ccs taken to the schoolhouse to properly bring the mctter of a method of fixing the property lines clona the bay before the public. After, ao journnent r•. c Qhen ct the schoolhouse the Board rcturnei to the ' Council Chamber, chi on motion of Trustee Felix B. L:odjecka secondef by Trustee Fred`;;. Yount cnc serried, the meetin, edjourned to 7 :30 o'c on .,.once-, 'Novenler 22, lj2 Approved November 22, 1;25. 42 14 Presider. Board of Trustees. City Clerk. City Hall, ler•port Beccl, rovrrber 22, 1120'. The Mara of Trustees of the Cit; of Fewport Beach met in redvlcr adjourned session ct 7:30 O'clock P. 1. on above date. The weetian r:cs celled to order b; President Conrad Richter. The roll was cclico shoring the full Boar' present. The minutes of tie m:.eetire of November 15th were read and :2nroved as read. The minutes of the meeting of Yovea.bcr 170 rare rear and cpnrovei. A letter .fro:.. the Pacific. Electric Railwe;. Co. to L.r. Ixessl;; in regard. to iiaproveraonts to i.e me ^.e on the 10 foot strip along their right -of -way from.. §Oth Street crest, rat read and diecussed• On motion of Trustee L. S. Wilkinson seconded by Trustee Harr;; H. `,;illiamson and carried, the matter rco referred bees: to ;.r. Kressly to again tc:_e up with tie Ra.ilray Company in regard to putting the strip in shape for improving, and see if something cannot be rorkec. out aloe= that line. The cornf,,.:.iicctions rerc red_ and cote.' cn as follows: The Ipplicctions of John G. Capcner cnf Ch=sI_E. Iverson, Goth of Chicc>,o, Illinois for the position of Fire Chief, were concifercd, and' on motion of Trustee L. S. Wilkinson seconded by Trustee Fred V. Young and carried, the apnlicctions were file for cction lMr.