HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/20/1926 - Adjourned Regular Meeting':' y The President was authorized to issue a proclamation requesting that all business houses in the City be closed on Tuesday afternoon, December 14th so that everyone can get out and work for the Harbor Bond election. H. B. King brought up the matter of trying to convince the different colleges and athletic associations of the advantages of. Newport Bay for their rowing matches.. The matter was discussed and on motion of Trustee Felix B. Modjeska seconded by Trustee Fred N. Young and carried, the matter was referred to the Advertising L;anager, Her Welch. City.Treasurer, R. S. Briggs, stated that Rodger Brothers were withholding sending in their barge receipts owing to a misunderstanding of their contract, and on motion of Trustee Felix B. Modjeska seconded by Trustee Fred W. Young and carried, the Clerk: was instructed to notify them to send in the amount due at once with a certified report of same. The City Treasurer also stated that Leo E. milleford was back on payments on his lease, and on motion of Trustee Fred 17. Young seconded by Trustee L. S. Wilkinson and carried, the Clerk was instruc.ted to notify him to. pay up the amount due within three days or the matter would be placed in the hands of the Police Department and, the lease revoked. There being no further business on motion o.f Trust Felix B. 'odjeska seconded by Trustee Fred W. Young and carried, the meeting djourned to :30 o'clock P. M. of Monday, December 20, 1926• 1--7. , Approved December 20, 1926- City Clerk. City Hall, Newport Beach, December 20, 1926- The Board of Trustees of the City of Newport Beach met in regular adjourned session at 7:30 o'clock P. M. on above date.. The meeting was called to order by President Conrad. Richter. The roll was called showing the full Board present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved es read. This beine the time fixed for opening bids for certain work on certain portions of Seaview Avenue and certain other streets and avenues in Corona del Liar, within the City of Newport Beach,. as contemplated by Resolution of Intention No. 356 of this Board, the Board in open session publicly opened, examined end declared all sealed bids received for said work, to -wit: Un.Concrete Griffith Pipe and C.P.Day Wells & Company. Const.Co. Corp. Bressler. For 8" Cement concrete pavement, inc..grading •35 .24 per square foot, - - - - - -.- - - - .31 For 6" Cem. concrete pavement, inc. grading .25 .15 per square foot, - - - - - - - - - - .246 For 5" Cem. concrete pavement, inc. grading .17 .62 per square foot, - - - - - - - - - - .231 For 4" Macadam pave• inc.grading per sq•ft• .092 For Cem. concrete sidewalk,inc. grading is .28 per square foot, - - - - - - - - - - .157 For 18" Cem. concrete curb, inc• grading .4o .03 per lineal foot, - - - - - - - - - - .59 For 15" Cem. concrete curb, inc. grading 1.00 1.50 per lineal foot, - - - - - - - - - - .45 For 5" Cem. concrete gutter, inc. grading 5000.00 per square foot, - - - - - - - - - - .253 For 6" Cem• concrete gutter, inc. grading per-square foot, - - - - - - - - - - . .268 For 8" Cem- concrete gutter, inc• grading per square foot, - - - - - - - - - - .34 For grading roadway only, per so.ft. comp. .025 For redwood headers com.in place,per lin.ft. .22 For guard fence comp. per lineal foot, - - 1.25 For all rein. concrete pipe,culverts,dra:ins, catch basins,inlets,headwalls and all apnnrtenances thereto,com•per plans, 16200.00 .32 .31 •35 .24 .24 .30 .20 .20 .25 .15 .14 .11 .168 .22 .17 .62 .66 -75 .43 .59 .50 .23 .25 is .28 .29 .21 •37 .36 . .4o .03 .032 .02 .02 .42 1.00 1.50 1.45 2.00 12500.00 13300.00 5000.00 388 Un.eoncrete Griffith Pipe and C.P.Day Wells & 'Y7 Company. Const.Co. Corp. Bressler. For all cern.concrete steps,cem.concrete landings, cam-concrete inclined cralks cem.concrete walls, galv.iron railing, and 2ppur. thereto,com. as per plans. 114500.00 18000.00 17600.00 15000.00' Pearson & J.Paul Ed Johnson M -Blum- Dickerson. Benson. & Sons. enkranz. For 8" Cam. concrete pavement,inc• grading per square foot- - - - - - - - - - .29 .30 .36 •33 For 6" Cem. concrete pavement,inc.grading per square foot, - - - - - - - - - .276 .26 .30 .292 ' For 5" Cem.concrete pavement,inc.grading per square foot, - - - - - - - - - .26 .23 .272 .28 For 4" Macadam pave. inc-grading per so-ft. .165 .17 .17 .182 For Cem.concfete sidewalk, inc. grading per square foot, - - - - - - - - - .19 - .17 .17 .2421 For 18" Cam-concrete curb, inc. grading per lineal foot, - - - - - - - - - .52 .62 .63 .70 For 15" Cem• concrete curb, inc. grading per lineal foot, - - - - - - - - - . 46 4 9 •57 .60 For 5" Cem. concrete gutter,inc. grading per square foot, - - - - - - - - - .276 .21 .23 .28 For 6" Cem.concrete gutter, inc. grading per lineal foot, - - - - - - - - - .29 .24 .27 .30 For 8" Cem.concrete gutter, inc. grading per lineal foot, - - - - - - - - - .30 .29 •35 •35 For grading roadway only,per sq.ft.com. - -.025 .05 .06 .05 For redwood headers,com.in place,lir_.ft. .33 .10 .25 .50 For guard fence, com. per lineal foot, - 1.30 2.00 3.00 2.00 For all reinforceZ concrete pipe,culverts, drains, cateh basins, inlets,headwalls and all appurtenances thereto, complete per plans, - - - - - - - - - - - - - 13200.00 16250.00 33317.00 14625.00 For all cement concrete steps, cem.concrete landings, cam. concrete inclined walks, ' cem. concrete walls, galv.iron railing and appur.thereto,com. per plans, - 15790.00 23750.00 10000.00 18450.00 Whereupon said bids were referred to the City Engineer for checking and report. Trustee L. S. Wilkinson reported for the Committee on the Airway Beacon, that the figures were slightly in excess of $1,500.00, and the Committee would recommend that it be installed as soon as possible. On motion of Trustee Fred W. Young seconded by Trustee Felix B. Modjeska and carried, the report was accepted and approximately ,$1;500.00 be set aside out of the advertising fund for the construction of the Airway Beacon. The Chair appointed Trustees Fred V. -Young and L. S. Wilkinson to interview James Irvine in regard to a site-for the Beacon. Street Superintendent F. L. Rinehart reported that he had not obtained prices on the benches for the two piers-as yet and he was given until next meeting of the Board to procure them. The question of lighting the IJewport wharf and. providing a railing for same part way out ras discussed, and on motion of Trustee Harry-F. Williamson seconded by Trustee Felix B. Modjeska and carried, the Street Superintendent and City Engineer were instructed to give an estimate of the cost of both overhead and side lights for the wharf and a railing part way out. The communications were read and acted upon as follows: The communication from Plater Superintendent S. A. Cundiff recommending the purchase of- a water chlorinating machine, and the letter from "Tallace & Tiernan quoting price of $752.00 on the machine, were considered, and on motion of Trustee Harry H. Williamson seconded by Trustee Fred T. Young and carried, the slater Department was instructed to purchase the machine. On motion of Trustee Fred W. Young seconded by Trustee Felix B. hloC.jeska and carried, th= application of Williamson & Williamson for a real estate license ryas granted. On motion of Trustee L. S. Wilkinson seconded by Trustee Fred 17. Young and carried, the cona.unication from the Pacific Electric Railway Co. in regard to the 10 foot strip in the westerly-end of town along their right- of-.ay, was referred back to Er. Kressly and City. Auditor Briggs to see if they can figure out a way to take the cost of improving the strip out of the general fund of the City. E On motion of Trustee Harry H. Williamson seconded by Trustee Felix B. Modjeska and carried, the application of Ben Cope for permission to construct three piers and 5 sets of marine railways in front of Lots 1 and 2 in Block 222 of Section A, having been approved by the City Engineer, was allowed- subject to the will of the Board. On motion of Trustee L. S. Wilkinson seconded by Trustee Harry H. Williamson and carried, the communication from A. P. Davis in regard to valuation placed on his lot, was referred to the City Assessor for investigation and report. The communication from the Automobile Registration Service was to be acknowledged and filed. ' The communication from the {gar Department in regard to government help for Newport Harbor was taken up, and on motion of Trustee L. S. Wilkinson seconder; by Trustee Felix B.. Modjeska and carried, the matter was referred to the President of the Board and the Publicity Agent who has all the data on the harbor, and if they think it wise, to call for a hearing on the matter. A request from Allan Chasey for permit to put a lunch and soft drink stand out on the end of the Newport wharf was read, and on motion of Trustee Felix B. Modjeska seconded by Trustee Fred W. Young and carried, the Clerk was instructed -to notify him that the people who rebuilt the wharf were opposed to allowing concessions on it. Action on the application of the Southland Sailing Club for a permit to cross the sidewalk pith a marine railr:ay in Section 5, Balboa Island, was laid over for two weeks to look up the ordinance. On motion of Trustee Harry H. Williamson seconded by Trustee Felix B. Modjeska and carried, the communication from Henry Starck, Geo. Bauer and Lrs. Eva Hadley, objecting to the new Stone Building extending farther north than the present building, was filed. as the City has no jurisdiction in the matter. The communication from Ratty Jameson in regard to possible interruption of her sewer line on Corona del Mar during paving work, was referred to the City Engineer. On motion of Trustee Felix B. Modjeska. seconded by Trustee L. S. Wilkinson and carried, the comrmmnication of Lee Pfau in regard to the Advertising Manager, was filed. The communication of Lew H. Wallace in regard to the abandonment of a portion of Santa Ana Avenue to straighten same and which had never been completed, ' was taken up, and on motion of Trustee L. S. Wilkinson seconded by Trustee Harry H. Williamson and carried, the City Engineer was instructed to furnish the necessary data to the City Attorney for the abandonment proceedings. The City Engineer reported that the Griffith Company was the lowest bidder for the work to be done on certain portions of Seaview Avenue and certain other streets and avenues in Corona. del Mar .within said City, as contemplated by Resolution of Intention No. 396, and thereupon Trustee L. S. Wilkinson introduced a RESOLUTION NO. 401, entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE CITY OF :EMI PORT BEACH A°iARDING THE CO:'TRACT FOR CERTAIN TORX ON CERTAIN PORTIONS OF SEP_VIE"".' AVENUE AND CERTAIN OTHER STREETS AND AVENUES I17 CORONA DEL LAR VITHIN SAID CITY, and on his motion duly seconded, said resolution was adopted by the following vote: Ayes, Trustees L. S. Wilkinson, Felix B. hodjeska, Fred W. Young, Harry H. Williamson, Conrad Richter. Noes, Trustees NO:tE•. Absent, Trustees NONE. The total amount of the bids were: Griffith Company, - - - - --- - - - - - - - - $251,225.97 United Concrete Pipe & Construction Co., - - 258,840.79 Clarence D. Day Corporation, - - - - -- - - 270,678.00 Wells & Bressler, - - - - - -- - - - - - - - 277,446.38 Pearson & Dickerson, - - - - - - - - - - 287,124.13 J. Paul Benson, - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - 287,158.92 ' Ed. Johnson & Sons, -- - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - -- 319,649.04 M. Blumenkranz, 323,829.89 A, number of protests sis*ned by 29 lot owners in Block A, East Newport against taking off a 20 foot radius from the corner= of the alleys as contemplated in the summons served on them, were presented, and Mrs. Lillie Crozier and Captain J. A. Ricker verbally presented their position in the matter. The same was discussed, thoroughly, and on motion of Trustee Harry H. Williamson seconder, by Trustee Fred W. Young and carried, the proceedings were to be dropped if quit claim deeds for the corners of the alleys covered by the proceedings at not to exceed a 10 foot radius, are received within 60 days. 390 UP:FIi'.ISHCD BUSINESS• Trustee Fred W. Young introduced an ordinance amending Ordinance No. 196 of the City of Newport Beach and repealing that portion of any other ordinance in conflict therewith. The ordinance was ordered filed, read, considered, designated Ordinance No- 310 and re£erred.to.the City Attorney. City Attorney Bishop asked if the City would. sell some of the old discarded street light standards which they had on hand, and &n motion of Trustee L. S. Wilkinson seconded by Trustee Harry H. Williamson and carried, the Street Superin- tendent was instructed to sell such of the street light columns as the City Attorney desires at a figure he thinks fair and the best he can get. President Conrad Richter stated the Board of Fire Underwriters desired to make a resurvey of the property in the City, and the City Engineer and Fire Chief were asked to give them all the assisstance possible. A Christmas box containing two ash trays and some cigars having been presented to the Board by Thomas Heath, were opened by President Richter at this time, and a vote of thanks extended to I.ir. Heath for same. RESOLUTION N0. 402, entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE CITY OF NE ",.PORT BEACH DECLARING THEIR IiITEEMOX TO VACATE, CLOSE -UP AND ABAN -LON FOR PUBLIC STREET PURPOSES CERTAIN PORTIONS OF PACIFIC DRIVE WITHIN SAID CITY. The Resolution was read, considered, designated Resolution No. 402 and upon call of the roll passed by the following vote: Ayes, Trustees L. S. Wilkinson, Felix B. Idodjeska, Fred W. Young, Harry H. Williamson, Conrad Richter. :Toes, Trustees NONE. Absent, Trustees NONE. RESOLUTION NO. 403, entitled: A RESOLUTIO7 OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE CITY OF NFTIPORT BEACH DECLARING THEIR INTENTIOY TO VACATE, CLOSE -UP AND ABANDON FOR PUBLIC STREET PURPOSES CERTAIN PORTIONS OF PACIFIC DRIVE I-IM MARGUERITE AVENUE, ":ITHIN SAID CITY. The Resolution was read, considered, designated Resolution No. 403 and, upon call of the roll passed by the following vote: Ayes, Trustees L. S. Wilkinson, Felix B. Modjeska, Fred W. Young, Harry H. Williamson, Conrad Richter. Noes, Trustees NONE. Absent, Trustees NONE. NEW BUSINESS. h:r. Lew H. Wallace brought up the matter of calling a bond election to repair the present jetty, and others favored constructing an east jetty also. The matter was discussed thoroughly, and on motion of Trustee L. S. Wilkinson seconded by Trustee Felix B. Modjeska and carried, the Chair was asked to appoint a committee to interview the Supervisors of Orange County and ask them to weed the County tidelands along the Bay, to the City providing the City will build the east jetty and repair the west jetty to make the entrance safe. The Committee appointed is Attorney Clyde Bishop, Lew H. Wallace, Harry Welch, L. W. Briggs and Ben Cope. On motion of Trustee Harry H. Williamson seconded by Trustee Felix B. Modjeska, the City Attorney was instructed to draw up the necessary proceedings for a bond election'of $500,000.00 for the construction of an east jetty and repairing the west jetty, the same being carried by the following vote: Ayes, Trustees L. S. Wilkinson, Felix B. Modjeska, Fred W. Young, Harry H. Williamson, Conrad Richter. Noes, Trustees NONE• Absent, Trustees NONE. There being no further business on motion of Trustee Fred W. Young seconded by Trustee Felix B. Modjeska and carried, the meeting adjourned Sine Die. Approved January 3, 1527• III 0 V q�gk 0 President Boar.: of Trustees.