HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/05/1929 - Regular Meeting130 City Hall, Newport Beach, August 5,1929. The City Council of the City of Newport Beach met in regular session at 7:30 o'clock P. Lt. on above date. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Johnson. The roll was called showing the full Council present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. The reports of the heads of departments were read and on motion of Councilman Claire seconded by Councilman Hilmar and carried the reports were accepted and filed. Councilman Williamson reported for the Committee appointed to look into the "!m. A. Bertiholomae pier, the Committee would recommend instead of the 20 foot wide pier asked for the runway be allowed at 8 feet with a float 18 feet wide at the end of the ramp. The matter was discussed carefully and on motion of Councilman Claire'seconded by Councilman Hilmer and carried, the City Engineer was instructed to draw up a standard specification not to exceed 6 feet in width for Balboa Island and hereafter all piers will be required to conform to same. On motion of Councilman Hilmer seconded by Councilman Claire and carried, the Committees report was filed. This being the ime and place set for opening bids for the drilling of a well for domestic '•rater, the Council in open session publicly opened, examined and declared all sealed bids received for said work, which bids were as follows, to -wit: CONTRACTOR. Chas. Wilson, - So. Calif. Well Walter 0. Hill, Drilling Corp TOTAL ESTIMATED AMOUNT OF EACH BID. 16 inch well 18 inch well $2,062.26 $2,317.00 1,960.00 2,135.00 1,974.00 2,317.00 Reference is hereby made to the bids and to the items numbered 1 to 3 inclusive on each sized well, for all details as to the kind and class of work to be done under each of said items, which bids are on file in the office of the City Clerk of said City. On motion duly made and carried all bids were referred to the City Engineer for checking and report. The co,:vnsnications were read and acted upon as follows: A petition signed by 33 residents of Corona Del lar in regard to the exchange of pro)erty with the 111. S. Sparc interests for some ocean frontage was considered, and on motion of Councilman Claire seconded by Councilman Ellsworth and carried, the Chair was instructed to appoint a committee as asked for to investigate and report back to this Council before spending any money or involving the City in any way. The Committee appointed is K. I. Fulton, H. L. Sherman, City Engineer Patterson, City Attorney Thompson and Yayor Johnson. Mr. .John Houser, Attorney for the Orange County Ref ini ig Company gave a lengthy talk against our new license on oil derric:cs and stating they had five producing wells with a total production of 50 barrels a day; that their plant represented an investment of $75,000.00 and a payroll of $25,000.00 annually, but that their profits would not justify paying $600.00 license fee. The matter was discussed carefully and on motion of Councilman Claire seconded by Councilman Hilmer and carried, the Clerk was instructed to get the license fee charged by 'other cities and report back to the board. On motion of Councilman Claire seconded by Councilman Ellsworth and carried, the communication from Houser & Houser was filed. On motion of Councilman Claire seconded by Councilman Williamson and carried, the communication from J. C. Horton in regard to the Sparr proposition on Corona Del liar was referred to the committee just appointed to investigate the :natter. The communication from Fire Chief Crocker asking that the old building on Sapphire Street, Balboa Island belonging to i:rs. Ibbetson, be declared a. nuisance, was considered, and on motion of Councilman Claire seconded by Councilman Hilmer; and carried, the communication was referred to the City Attorney for action. I I 31 On motion of Councilman .Claire seconded by Councilman Ellsworth and carried, the request of Building Inspector Fenelon for )er:mission to attend the Building Officials Conventi�?at Portland, Oregon with expenses of $121.51 allo,:!ed., was granted. The communication from H. i:. Nickerson suggesting that a _flagman be placed on the temporary bridge to Balboa Island.was conside_= and on motion of Councilman Hilmer"seconded by Councilman Ellsworth and carried, the Clerk was instructed to notify him that the new bridge would be open to the public on the 10th instant. On motion of Councilman Williamson seconded by Councilman ' Claire and carried, the communication from T. W. Sheffield in regard to the conditions along the 'oeach on Corona Del liar, was referred to the Chief of Police for attention. On motion of Councilman Claire seconded by Councilman Ells: %ur a.nd carried, the communication of M. B. Koch,ir_ regard to .License on Palmistry and different kinds of readings, was filed as he had been notified. On motion of Councilman Claire seconded by Councilman Ellsvaor:' and carried, the communication from H. 151. Peck in regard to the alley in West Newport was referred to the City Attorney. The request of John Simpson & Co. for seven weeks extension of time on their contract for constructing the bridges on Balboa Island eras considered, and on motion of Councilman Hilmer seconded by Councilman Claire and carried, the extension was allowed subject to the same waiver as given on the former extension. On motion of Councilman Claire seconded by Councilman Ells- worth and carried, the communication from '..'alter Putnam in regard to tin Building Officials Convention was filed. On motion of Councilman Hilmer seconded by Councilman ^,illiamson and carried, the request of the Ner73ort Harbor Chamber of Commerce for transfer of $200.00 from the Fourth of July account for a street dance at Newport, and appropriations for advertising from August 15th to September 15th amounting to $600.00 were allowed. The communication from the Newport Harbor Cha.,ber of Co::::crce ' asking that the restrictions placed upon campers recently be tdon off, was considered, and a motion to adopt same as of January 1st, 1930 having been lost, on motion of Councilman Williamson seconded by Councilman Ellsworth and carried, the communication was filed. The communication from the League of California :Iunicipalit_es in regard to auto liability insurance was discussed, and on motion, of Councilman Claire seconded by Councilman Hilmer and carried, the :; atter was referred to the City Attorney and Councilman Williamson for investi- gation and with porter to act. UNFINISHED BUSINESS. City Engineer Patterson reported that he had tabulated the bids for drilling the new -,ell but asked for more time to consider same. On motion of Councilman Ellsworth seconded by Councilman Hilmer and carried, the matter *.7as referred to the City Engineer to report on at the next meeting. Ordinance 2o. 364 restricting certain )usinesses to certain zones and describing sa=me came up for final passage, but as there was some objections to the zoning in 1',est Newport, on motion of Councilman Ellsworth seconded by Councilman Hilmer and carried, the Ordinance was referred back to the City Attorney to :rake the boundary at 19th Street according to instructions. NEW BUSINESS. Councilman Harry H. Williamson introduced a Resolution entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NE1.`.PORT BEACH DIRECTING THE ISSUANCE AND SALE OF BONDS OF MUNICIPAL II.PROVELENT DISTRICT NO. 7 OF THE CITY OF NE';rPORT BEACH, DIRECTING THE GIVING OF NOTICE OF SALE, CREATING A FUND FOR THE RECEPTION OF THE PROCEEDS DERIVED FROM THE SALE OF SAID BONDS AND PRESCRIBING THE FORLI OF SAID BONDS AND I:TTEREST COUPONS. The Resolution was read, considered, designated RESOLUTIJ_; NO. 523 and upon call of the roll passed by the follori ng vote, to =,7it: AYES, Councilmen Hilmer, Claire, Ellsworth, Williamson,Johnson. NOES, Councilman None. ABSENT, Councilmen None.. 132 On motion of Councilman Williamson seconded by Councilman Hilmer and carried, the de:nends having been signed and approved by the Finance Committee, were allowed andwarrants to be drawn for same. The demand of E. I_. Burris for grading alleys and for which a few owners would not nay was considered, and on motion of Councilman Williamson seconded by Councilman Ellsworth and carried, the iiatter'.as referred to Councilmen Hilmer and Claire for investigation and report at the next meeting. A Lan of Tract No. 948 which is the Fricke property on the Peninsula, was -)resented for approval, same having been tentatively ' approved at a previous meeting, and Dn motion of Councilman Williamson seconded by Councilman Ellsworth and carried, the 111an was approved. There being no further business on motion of Councilman Ellsworth seconded by Councilman Williamson and carried, the meeting adjourned to 7 :30 o'clock P. M. on Monday, August 12, 1929. ,A Xtu� 34a o Newport Beach Approved August 12, 1929 (� City Clerk. City Hall, Newport Beach, August 12,1929 The'City Council of the City of Newport Beach met in regular ' adjourned session at 7 :30 o'clock P. BI. on above date. The meeting was called to order by mayor Johnson. The roll was called showing all members present except Council- man Paul B. Ellsworth. The ;::inates of the previous meeting were read, corrected and approved. Councilman Hilmer reported on the demand of E. Burris for shaling alleys, that the Committee would recommend in this case the demand be allowed, but in future to have the matter brought bef a-e the Council before the work is done. On motion of Councilman Claire seconded by Councilman Williamson and carried, the report of the Committee was accepted and filed. The City Clerk reported that Huntington Beach and Long Beach each had a license for oil derricks of $50.00 a year and Redondo Beach 500.00 a year. The matter was discussed and it was decided to leave our license ordinance as written. On motion of Councilman Williamson seconded by Councilman Hilmer and carried, th2 report of the Fire Chief on fires at the refinery amounting to $1229.00 for the past year and a half was filed. The insurance policies of Lew H. Wallace and ivlr. Cartwright for non - ownership automobile endorsement were presented for consideration. The two policies were discussed and on motion of Councilman Williamson seconded by Councilman Claire and carried, the policy as written by 11r. Wallace was accepted, and the other policy to be returned with thanks of the Board for their consideration in submitting same. ' The communications were read and acted upon cs follows: On motion of Councilman Williamson seconded by Councilman Claire and carried, the communication from the Bay Island Club addr °ssed to Tom 0. Jay, Deputy Harbor Master in regard to enforcing the speed la:,r ordinance on the bay was referred to the Harbor Master. The communication from E.. D. Roth in regard to disposition of the water tan. and tower on Agate Street, Balboa Island, belonging to the City, was considered, and on motion of Councilman 'Ailliaison seconded by Councilman Claire and carried, the Water Superintendent was instructed iu either take same down or get some one to take it down for the lumber ;t contains. On motion of Councilman Claire seconded '.y Councilman 'rilliamson carried, the com..unication from W. Al, Dickie, State Health Officer in -��_r to the Health Officers Convention was filed.