HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/18/1931 - Adjourned Regular Meeting.355 On motion of Councilman Claire seconded by Councilman Garfield and carried, the application of Emma J. Alexander for permit to Construct a pier in front of Lots 508 and 509 in Tract 907, was allowed subject to the will of the Council. A petition asking that all that property in Newport Heights to the center line of 16th Street, and from and including the Newport Harbor Union High School to the easterly line of Newport Boulevard, be annexed to and made a pqrt of the City of Newport Beach was considered. City Engineer Patterson testified as to the correctness of the descrip- tion and the City Clerk testified as to checking the signatures with the ' Great Register of Orange County, but inasmuch as the total number of registered voters in the district was not known and consequently the Council could not ascertain whether the petition contained the required number of signatures or not, on motion of Councilman Garfield seconded by Councilman Ellsworth and carried, the matter was laid on the table until next meeting. - NE17 BUSINESS. On motion of Councilman Claire.seconded by Councilman Hilmer and carried, the two demands having been signed and approved by the Finance Committee, were allowed and warrants to be drawn for same. City Engineer Patterson presented his report of July 12, 1930 on the then present condition and future requirements of our water supply system,; and recommending that around 30 acres of water- bearing land in the vicinity of Talbert and Fairbiew Avenues be acquired, and if so that 80 acres out of the 93 acre tract be sold, also that no permanent improvements be added to the present plant. The matter was considered and on motion of Councilman Garfield seconded by Councilman Ellsworth and carried, the report was accepted and filed together with all other letters, reports and analyses pertaining to and accompanying same. City Attorney Thompson presented an Agreement for Escrow Instructions covering a contract for the purchase of approximately 34 acres of water - bearing land from Myron T. Powell at a price of $750.00 Per acre with a down payment of $2,000.00, the option for purchase at ' this price expiring on September 15th. The matter was discussed and on motion of Councilman Claire seconded by Councilman Garfield and carried, the City Clerk was instructed to draw a warrant for $2,000.00 in favor of City Attorney Thompson to be placed in escrow tomorrow morning, the amount to be taken out of the water surplus fund. There being no further business on motion of Councilman Ellsworth seconded by Councilman Hilmer and carried, the meeting adjourned to 7:30 o'clock P. M. on Friday, September 18, 1931. Mayor, City 6f pelport Beach. Approved Sept. 18, 193 V City Clerk. City Hall, Nevport Beach, Sept. 18, 1931. The City Council of the City of Newport Beach met in regular adjourned session at 7:30 o'clock P. M. on hbove date. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Johnson.- The roll was called showing the full Council present., The minutes of the previous meeting of Sept. 14th were read corrected and approved. On motion of Councilman Hilmer seconded by Councilman Garfield and carried, the regular order of business was suspended to take up the matter of action on the petition for annexation of Newport Heights Addition to the City of Newport Beach. Be F. Chaplin and Russell Hamptmn testified as to the circulation and signing of the petition, and the City Clerk read his affidavit of checking the petition and number of voters in the territory to be annexed. Attorney J. E. Ogle of Santa Ana spoke for the Protestants against annexation, and stated they would take the matter 356 to Court if necessary. R. C. Mize represented the La Habra Valley -� Land & Water Co. as being opposed to the annexation. After considering the matter carefully on motion of Councilman Hilmer seconded by Councilman Garfield and carried, the petition was granted. Councilman Lloyd Claire then introduced a Resolution entitled: RESOLUTION IN RE: NEWPORT HEIGHTS ADDITION TO THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH. The Resolution was read, considered, designated RESOLUTION NO. 709, and upon call of the roll passed by the following vote, to -wit: AYES-; Councilmen Hilmer, Claire, Ellsworth, Garfield, Johnson, NOESg Councilmen None. ABSENT, Councilmen None. ' Councilman Lloyd Claire introduced a Resolution entitled: RESOLUTION CALLING ELECTION ON ANNEXATION OF NEWPORT HEIGHTS ADDITION TO THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH. . The Resolution was read, considered, designated RESOLUTION NO. 710, and upon call of the roll was passed by the following vote, to -wit; AYES, Councilmen Hilmer, Claire, Ellsworth, Garfield, Johnson. NOES, Councilmen None. ABSENT, Councilmen None. On motion of Councilman Claire seconded by Councilman Hilmer and carried, the regular order of business was resumed. The communications were read and acted upon as follows: On motion of Councilman Claire seconded by Councilman Garfield and carried, the petition protesting against the annexation was filed. On motion of Councilman Ellsworth seconded by Councilman Hilmer and carried, the communixation from Mrs. Winola Cooper complaining of the unsightly conditions in the vicinity of Amethyst Avenue, Balboa Island, was referred to the Street Superintendent for report. A communication from Torrey Everts in regard to subdividers on Corona Del Max intimidating the public from using the steps down to the beach, was considered, and on.motion of Councilman Hilmer seconded by Councilman Garfield and carried,, the matter was referred to the Street Superintendent for investigation.as to whether the steps are on public ' or private property. On motion of Councilman Claire seconded by Councilman Garfield and carried, the communication from Harry H. Williamson favorable to the annexation, was filed. NEW BUSINESS. R. C. Mize brought up the matter of removing the city sewer line in the vacated alley adjoining Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 119, First Addition to Newport Beach to enable Mrs. Tibbets to use the property for building purposes. The matter was discussed considerably and on motion of Councilman Claire seconded by Councilman Garfield and carried, the matter was referred to the Sewer Committee and City Engineer to report on. The petition of Fred E. Lewis, Industrial Properties Corporation and R. N. Frick, asking the absndonrgent of "M" Street laid over from last meeting, was again taken up for consideration, and on motion of Councilman Claire seconded by Councilman Hilmer and carried, the petition was accepted and ordered filed. Councilman Claire introduced a Resolution entitled: A RESOLUTION APPROVING MAP SHOWING PORTION OF "M" STREET IN THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA, TO BE CLOSED UP AND ABANDONED. The Resolution was read, considered, designated RESOLUTION NO. 711, and upon call of the roll was passed by the following vote, to -wit: AYES, Councilmen Hilmer, Claire, Ellsworth, Garfield, Johnson. ' NOES, Councilmen None. ABSENT, Councilmen None.. Councilman Ellsworth introduced a Resolution entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH DECLARING THEIR INTENTION TO ORDER THE CLOSING UP AND ABANDONMENT OF A PORTION OF A CERTAIN STREET KNOWN AS "M" STREET IN THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, DECLARING IT TO BE FOR THE PUBLIC INTEREST AND CONVENIENCE, AND FIXING THE TIME AND PLACE FOR HEARING OBJECTIONS TO SAID PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT.. The Resolution was read, considered, designated RESOLUTION NO. 712, and upon call of the roll was passed by the following vote, to -wit: AYES, Councilmen Hilmer, Claire, Ellsworth, Garfield, Johnson. NOES, Councilmen None. ABSENT, Councilmen None. The Clerk notified the Council that this was the time and place fixed for the hearing in the matter of the list of unpaid assessments filed by the Superintendent of Streets for the improvement of River Avenue and certain other streets, alleys and easements in the City of Newport Beach as per Resolution of Intention No. 621. The Clerk also notified the Council that notice of such hearing had been published and posted as required by law and that affidavits of same were on file in ' his office. The Clerk reported that no protests had been received. The Mayor then inquired if there were any person or persons present who wished to make objections why bonds should not be issued upon the security of the unpaid assessments. No one responded. Councilman Lloyd Claire then offerred RESOLUTION NO. 713 fixing the unpaid aggregate, determining that bonds should be issued and fixing the denominations of said bonds and moved its adoption,. which motion was duly seconded by Councilman Ellsworth and passed by the following vote, to -wit: AYES, Councilmen Hilmer, Claire, Ellsworth, Garfield, Johnson. NOES, Councilmen None. ABSENT, Councilmen None. City Water Superintendent Patterson asked for authority to purchase a quantity of pipe which he could get a favorable price upon and which he needed, costing about $280.00, and on motion of Councilman Hilmer seconded by.Councilman Garfield and carried, authority was granted Mr. Patterson to purchase the pipe. There being no further business on motion of Councilman Claire seconded by Councilman Ellsworth and carried, the meeting adjourned Sine Die. Approved Oct. 1931. Mayor City of Qe' qrt Beach. City Clerk. V City Hall, Newport Beach, Oct. 5, 1931. The City Council of the City of Newport Beach met in regular session at 7:30 o'clock P. M. on above date. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Johnson. The roll was called showing the full Council present. The minutes of the previous meeting of Sept. 18th were read and approved as read. On motion of Councilman Claire seconded by Councilman Garfield and carried, the regular order of business was suspended to take up the opening of bids for Seashore Drive and certain other streets. The Clerk notified the City Council that this was the time and place fixed pursuant to the Notice Inviting Bids for the opening of bids -in the matter of the improvement of Seashore Drive and certain other streets in the City of Newport Beach, as per Resolution of Intention ' No. 702, and also reported that he had received nine bids, which were publicly opened, examined and declared as follows: TOTAL ESTIMATED CON TRAC TOR. AMOUNT OF EACH BID. J. H. Dudley , - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - $24,688-36 F. W. Teschke, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 28,259.29 Sully - Miller Contracting Co., - - - - - - - - 28,495.48 E. L. Fleming, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 29,387.53 H. E. Cox & son, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 31598-42 John B. Henry , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 31, 918.35 T. C. Rogers, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 34,432.28 0. U. Miracle, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 34,932.63 Alhambra Transfer & Storage Co. - - - - - - - 35 185.62 ,