HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/06/1939 - Regular MeetingNewport Beach, March 6, 1939. 199 The City Council of the City of Newport Beach met in regular session • in the City Council Chambers at the City Hall in the City of Newport Beach on above date with Mayor Williamson presiding. The roll was called, the following Councilmen answering present: Gordon, Roll Call. ' Claire, Whitson, Brown, Williamson. Absent: Councilmen None. REPORTS OF HEADS OF DEPARTMENTS On motion of Councilman Claire, seconded by Councilman Whitson and carried, the reading of the reports of Heads of Departments was dispensed with and the reports ordered filed. REPORTS OF SPECIAL COMMITTEES None. REPORTS OF STANDING COMMITTEES None. COMMUNICATIONS 7`w The application of L. K. Whittier for permission to construct a pleasure L.K .Whittier pier, ramp and float fronting on Lot 23, Block P, Tract 518, was on motion of pier etc. Councilman Claire, seconded by Councilman Gordon and carried, referred to the City Engineer for approval. The application of Frank Wishon for permission to construct a pleasure Frank Wishon pier and landing fronting on Lot 30, Tract 742, Balboa Island, was on motion of pier permit • Councilman Whitson, seconded by Councilman Gordon and carried, referred to the City Engineer for approval. The application of G. A. Axelson for permission to construct a pleasure G.A.Axelson pier and barge with slip, was on motion of Councilman Whitson, seconded by Council- pier permit man Gordon and carried, referred to the City Engineer for approval. The application of Ben Blee for permission to construct a pleasure pier Ben Blee fronting on Lot 19, Block 16, Section 3, Balboa Island, was on motion of Councilman pier. ' Gordon, seconded by Councilman Whitson and carried, referred to the City Engineer for approval. The application of Clifford Mead for permission to extend an existing Clifford "^er, pier and install slip float, fronting on Lot 7, Block 24, Balboa East Side addition, pier permit was on motion of Councilman Claire, seconded by Councilman Whitson-and carried, granted, subject to the approval of the War Department. • The reccomendat.iof► of Chief of Police Hodgkinson that John L. Upson be employed John L,Upson as Police Clerk at a salary of $100.00-per month, was on motion of Councilman Whitson, employment seconded by Councilman Claire and carried, approved. The request of Chief of Police Hod9kinson for an appropriation of $216.00 Police Dept. for extra officers during the Easter vacation period, March 31st to April 8th, extra help inclusive, was on motion of Councilman Whitson, seconded by Councilman Claire and carried, granted. The matter of the Major Traffic Plan, in connection with the letter of Major Traffi_, the Planning Commission presented on February 25th, was brought up, and on motion Plan. of Councilman Whitson, seconded by Councilman Brown and carried, same was Laid on the Table until the meeting of March 13th. The request of D. W. King for an extension of license agreement in conn- D.W.King ection with certain privileges on Newport Pier was presented. Whereupon Councilman ext of lic. Claire moved the adoption of a Resolution extending said license agreement for a period of three years, from January 1, 1940 to December 31, 1942 inclusive. The Res. 1564 resolution was read and considered and designated Resolution No. 1564. The motion for adoption was duly seconded by Councilman Whitson and the Resolution adopted by the following vote, to -wit: AYES: Councilmen Gordon, Claire, Whitson, Brown, Williamson. NOES: Councilmen None. ABSENT: Councilmen None. ' UNFINISHED BUSINESS The matter of the removal of the 36th Street Bridge, laid over from a 36th St, previous meeting, came up for consideration, those for and against the removal Bridge. having each presented petitions, which were read by the Clerk. Whereupon the • Council was addressed by representatives of both sides of-the question. City Engineer Patterson presented figures as to the cost of paving an outlet in case iffe bridge was removed. After some deliberation, it was suggested and moved by Councilman Gordon that the bridge be put back in good condition and allowed to remain. The motion was seconded by Councilman Claire and carried bythe following vote, to -wit: AYES: Councilmen Gordon, Claire, Whitson, Brown. NOES: Councilman Williamson. ABSENT: Councilmen None. Resolution No. 1565. WHEREAS, WILLIAM SCHAAL and ELSIE SCHAAL, husband Res. 1565 and wife, have this day offered to the CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH,•the sum of $200.00 ti sale of lot for Lot 73, Tract 682, Corona del Mar, in the city of Newport Beach, as shown on to William Map recorded in Book 20, page 19 of Miscellaneous Maps, records of Orange County, Schaal et ux California;.and WHEREAS, the said price is a fair and adequate price as and for the purchase price of saidi lot; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Newport Beach deems that it is for the best interests of said City that said property.be sold for the said sum of $200.00; and WHEREAS, the price- offered is just, fair and adequate and is not dis- ' proportionate to the real value of the property above described. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That said property be sold to the said William Schaal and Elsie Schaal, husband and wife, for the sum of $200.00, free and clear of all encumbrances, subject to the second half of taxes for the fiscal . year 1939 -39 and unpaid improvement assessments -of record. Also subject to conditions, restrictions and reservations of record. The Mayor and the City Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to execute and deliver a deed for said property to the said parties upon receipt of the consideration above set forth. 200 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That the sum of $20.00 be paid to G. W. Ritchie, as and for his commission for the negotiating of the sale of said real property to William Schaal and Elsie Schaal, his wife, as joint tenants, said sum being a fair and reasonable commission to be allowed in said sale, and said broker being a licensed realtor of the City of Newport Beach. I hereby certify that the above and foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of Newport Beach at a regular meeting thereof held on the 6th day of March, 1939 by the following vote, to -wit: AYES: Councilmen Gordon, Claire, Whitson, Brown, Williamson. NOES: Councilmen None. ABSENT: Councilmen None. Minute Res. Councilman Claire moved the adoption of a resolution, being a resolution quitclaim to authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute on behalf of the City of Newport O.A.Johnson et ux Beach a Quitclaim Deed in favor of 0. A..Johnson and Anne E. Johnson, husband and wife, as joint tenants with the right of survivorship, and coveting Lot 19, Block 219, Section A, as shown on Map recorded in Book 4, page 21 of Miscellaneous Maps, records of Orange County, California. The motion was duly seconded by Councilman Whitson and-the resolution was adopted by the following vote, to -wit: AYES: Councilmen Gordon, Claire, Whitson, Brown, Williamson. NOES: Councilmen None. ABSENT: Councilmen None. I, Frank L. Rinehart, City Clerk of the City of Newport Beach, hereby certify that the above and foregoing resolution was passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of Newport Belch at a re g meeting thereof held on the 6th day of March, 1939. ' ,y 0 0 0 0 uity uierx or the city or newport Beach Re- zoning in Resolution No.. 154 of the City Planning Commission was presented and Seashore Colony read, said resolution recommending that Zoning Ordinance No. 440 be amended to Tract. the effect that Lot 5, Block 5, Seashore Colony Tract be re -zoned from an R -3 to C -1 District. On motion of Councilman Claire, seconded by Councilman Whitson and carried, the City Clerk was instructed to advertise a hearing on the matter to be held in the City Council Chambers at the City Hall, at 7:30 o'clock P. M. March 20, 1939• Variance on . Resolution No. 155 of the City Planning Commission was presented and Balboa Island read, being a resoliiti3on ranting a 50% variance affecting front yard require- ments for Lot 43, Tract 742, Balboa Island. On motion of Councilman Whitson, seconded by Councilman Claire.and carried, the recommendation of the Planning Commission was approved. City Attorney Thompson presented an Ordinance for first reading, being Major Disaster an ordinance known as a Major Disaster Ordinance, calculated to anticipate and Ordinance. prepare for the proper handling of such emergencies with a view of eliminating much of the suffering experienced during such catastrophies. On motion of Councilman Claire, seconded by Councilman Whitson the ordinance was passed to the second reading by the following vote, to -wit: AYES: Councilmen Gordon, Claire, Whitson, Brown, Williamson. NOES: Councilmen None. ABSENT: Councilmen None. Demands The monthly demands having been duly audited by the Finance Committee, were on motion of.Councilman Claire, seconded by Councilman Gordon and carried, allowed and warrants ordered drawn for same. Res. 1566 Resolution No. 1566, being a resolution accepting a Grant Deed from Hiway deed Beeman Investment Corporation and covering Lot 2,.Block C, Tract 470, was presented. Whereupon it was moved by Councilman Claire, seconded by Councilman Whitson that said Grant Deed be accepted, and the resolution was adopted by the following vote, to -wit: AYES: Councilmen Gordon, Claire, Whitson, Brown, Williamson. NOES: Councilmen None. ABSENT: Councilmen None. Res. 1567 Resolution No. 1567, being a resolution accepting a Grant Deed from Hiway deed Harold Clodfelter and Ruby Clodfelter, husband and wife, and coveting Lot 5, Block 435, Corona del Mar, was presented. Whereupon it was moved by Councilman Claire, seconded by Councilman Whitson that said Grant Deed be accepted, and the resolution was adopted by the following vote, to -wit: AYES: Councilmen Gordon, Claire, Whitson, Brown, Williamson. NOES: Councilmen None. ABSENT: Councilmen None. Res. 1565 Resolution No. 1565, being a resolution accepting a Grant Deed from Hiway deed Audria K. Fey and covering an easement for pipe lines across certain portions of Lot 9, Block 730, Corona del Mar, was presented. Whereupon it was moved by Councilman Claire, seconded by Councilman Whitson that said Grant Deed be accepted,and.the resolution was adopted by the following vote, to -wit: AYES: Councilmen Gordon, Claire, Whitson, Brown, Williamson. NOES: Councilmen None. ABSENT: Councilmen None. Res. 1569 Resolution No. 1569, being a resolution accepting a Grant Deed from Hiway deed F. D. Aldrich and Olive J. Aldrich, husband and wife, and covering a portion of Lots 2 and 3, Block S of Tract 323, was presented. Whereupon it was moved by Councilman Claire, seconded by Councilman Whitson that said Grant Deed be accepted, and the resolution was adopted by the following vote, to -wit: AYES: Councilmen Gordon, Claire, Whitson, Brown, Williamson. NOES: Councilmen None. ABSENT: Councilmen None. 0 0 0 0 E r Q 4 • • L 201 Resolution No. 1570, being a resolution accepting a Grant Deed from Res. 1570. Chas. D. Fairbanks and Bernice H. Fairbanks, husband and wife and covering Lot Hiway deed. 5, Block 438, Corona del Mar, was presented. Whereupon it was moved by Council- man Claire, seconded by Councilman Whitson that said Grant Deed be accepted, and the resolution was adopted by the following vote, to -wit: AYES: Councilmen Gordon, Claire, Whitson, Brown, Williamson. NOES: Councilmen None. ABSENT: Councilmen None. Resolution No. 1571, being a resolution authorizing the Mayors ;and the Res. 1571 City Clerk to execute a grant deed from the City of Newport Beach to Earl M. Brady Hiway deed. and covering Lot 1, Block N. Tract 323, was presented. Whereupon it was moved by Councilman Claire, seconded by Councilman-Whitson that said resolution be adopted, and the resolution was passed by the following vote, to -wit: AYES: Councilmen Gordon, Claire, Whitson, Brown, Williamson. NOES: Councilmen None. ABSENT: Councilmen None. Resolution No. 1572, being a resolution authorizing the Mayor and the City Clerk to execute a grant deed from the City of Newport Beach to Laura E. Cieck and covering a portion of Lot 3, Block N; Tract 323, was presented. Where- upon it was moved by Councilman Claire, seconded by Councilman Whitson that said resolution be adopted, and the resolution was passed by the following vote, to -wit: AYES: Councilmen Gordon, Claire,-Whitson, Brown, Williamson. NOES: Councilmen None. . ABSENT: Councilmen None. Resolution No. 1573, being a resolution authorizing the Mayor and the City Clerk to execute a Grant Deed from the City of Newport Beach to Tri -City Associates, and covering Lot 2, Block C, Tract 470, was presented. Whereupon it was moved by Councilman Claire, seconded by Councilman Whitson that said resolution be adopted, and the resolution was passed by the following vote, to -wit: AYES: Councilmen Gordon, Claire, Whitson, Brown, Williamson. NOES: Councilmen None. ABSENT: Councilmen None. Resolution No. 1574, being a resolution authorizing the Mayor and the City Clerk to execute a Grant Deed from the City of Newport Beach to Lester Paul Sims, and Hazel R. Sims, husband and wife, and covering Lot 1, Block T, Tract 323, was presented. Whereupon it was moved by Councilman Claire, seconded by Council- man Whitson that said resolution be adopted and the resolution was passed by the following vote, to -wit: AYES: Councilmen Gordon, Claire, Whitson, Brown, Williamson. NOES: Councilmen None. ABSENT: Councilmen None. Res. 1572 Grant deed to Laura Cieck Res. 1573 Grant deed to Tri - Cities Res. 1574 Grant deed to L.P. Sims Resolution No. 1575, being a resolution authorizing the Mayor and the Res. 1575 City Clerk to execute a Grant Deed from the City of Newport Beach to Earl M. Brady, Grant deed to and covering Lot 3, Block W, Tract 323, was presented. Whereupon it was moved by E.M.Brady Councilman Claire, seconded by Councilman Whitson that said resolution be adopted -and the resolution was passed by the following vote, to -wit: AYES: Councilmen Gordon, Claire, Whitson, Brown, Williamson. NOES: Councilmen None. ABSENT: Councilmen None. Resolution No. 1576, being a resolution authorizing the Mayor and the City Clerk to execute a Grant Deed from the City of Newport Beach to Ralph Lee Reynolds, and covering Lot 52, Block B, Tract 673, was presented. Whereupon it was moved by Councilman Claire, seconded by Councilman Whitson that said reso- lution be adopted and the resolution was passed by the following vote, to -wit :; AYES: Councilmen Gordon, Claire, Whitson, Brown, Williamson. NOES: Councilmen None. ABSENT: Councilmen None. City Attorney Thompson presented a copy of the letter sent to the Board of County Supervisors in connection with the Council's protest to the approval of the final map of Tract 1011. On motion of Councilman Claire, seconded by Council- man Gordon and carried, the report of the City Attorney was ordered filed. P. G. Balaton addressed the Council concerning the re- zoning of Lot 5, Block 5, Seashore Colony Tract complaining of delay in consumating same, however the Mayor advised that the hearing on the question could not be held within less than ten days at the earliest. ADJOURNMENT On motion of Councilman Claire, carried, an adjournment was taken to 7:30 seconded by Councilman Whitson.and o'clock P. M. Monday, March 13, 1939• �BTayor of the City of Newport Beach Res. 1576 Grant Deed to R. L. Reynolds Protesting Map of Tract No. 1011. Balaton re- zoning