HomeMy WebLinkAbout4c_Circulation Element and City's Traffic Model_Additional MaterialsGeneral Plan Update Steering Committee - April 3, 2019 Item Nos. 3, 4a, 4b, 4c and 4d Additional Materials Received From: Zdeba, Benjamin To: Lee. Amanda Cc: Ramirez, Brittany Subject: FW: Written comments on GPU Steering Committee agenda items (4/3/2019) Date: Tuesday, April 02, 2019 4:05:57 PM Attachments: 2019ADr03 GPU Steerina Committee Aaenda Comments JimMosher.Ddf image001.pnno Hi Amanda, Please see attached comments received on Item Nos. III, IV.a, IV.b, IV.c, and IV.d for the GPUSC meeting tomorrow evening. Thanks, Ben Z. BENJAMIN M. ZDEBA, AICP Community Development Department Associate Planner bzdeba(a)newoortbeachca. aov 949-644-3253 From: Jim Mosher <jimmosher@yahoo.com> Sent: Tuesday, April 02, 2019 3:40 PM To: Campbell, Jim <JCampbell@newportbeachca.gov>; Zdeba, Benjamin <bzdeba@new portbeachca.gov> Subject: Written comments on GPU Steering Committee agenda items (4/3/2019) Please find attached some comments I have BCC'd to the Newport Beach General Plan Update Steering Committee members for their consideration at their April 3, 2019, meeting. Yours sincerely, Jim Mosher General Plan Update Steering Committee - April 3, 2019 Item Nos. 3, 4a, 4b, 4c and 4d Additional Materials Received April 3, 2019, GPU SC agenda comments from Jim Mosher Page 4 of 4 Item IV.b. Housing Element and Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA) - Status and Schedule One might have hoped some background information would have been posted to assist committee members and the public in preparing for this item, including the City's annual Housing Element status report reviewed by the City Council at its March 26 meeting, as well as the staff report for that meeting. Links to the SCAG RHNA page and the HCD RHNA page (including the latter's Public Participation requirements and advice) would also have been helpful. Item IV.c. Circulation Element and City's Traffic Model As with Item IV.b, it would have been helpful to provide some background information for review in advance of the meeting. Item IV.d. General Plan and State Mandates This agenda heading is so terse that it likely does not meet the Brown Act requirement of meaningfully informing the public of what will be discussed in advance of the meeting, with enough detail that they can decide whether they should attend, or not. General Plan Update Steering Committee - April 3, 2019 Item No. 4c Additional Materials Presented At Meeting Circulation Element and City's Traffic Model NBTAM Traffic Model General Plan Update Steering Committee April 3, 2019 General Plan Update Steering Committee - April 3, 2019 Item No. 4c Additional Materials Presented At Meeting Circulation Element and City's Traffic Model Newport Beach Traffic Analysis Model (NBTAM) What is it ? • Computer software platform used to model transportation systems to help plan, design and operate circulation system. • Initially created as part of the 1988 General Plan. • Updated in 1996 to reflect changes initiated by GP Amendments and upgrades to roadway system. • A new model was developed in 2004 for the 2006 General Plan. • Extensive update in 2014 as part of the proposed Land Use Element Amendment. General Plan Update Steering Committee - April 3, 2019 Item No. 4c Additional Materials Presented At Meeting Circulation Element and City's Traffic Model Model Options • An NBTAM update would maintain the existing model framework. A new model would require changing the software and re -coding the network. Both options would include latest Orange County Projections (OCP) 2014 demographic data. • Development of a new NBTAM model would roughly double the time, effort and cost vs. update. • An update would be efficient and consistent with OCTA model, and would meet General Plan needs. A new NBTAM model could incorporate recent VMT analysis requirements. • Approximate schedule for update is 4 - 6 months. New model development would take approximately 8 -10 months. • We would continue to use our long standing on-call modeling consultant. Lead staff members managed the 2004 model development and the 2014 model update. General Plan Update Steering Committee - April 3, 2019 Item No. 4c Additional Materials Presented At Meeting Circulation Element and City's Traffic Model Senate Bill 743 • Requires changes to guidelines implementing CEQA regarding the analysis of transportation impacts. Shall go into full effect statewide by July 1, 2020. • Identifies vehicle miles traveled (VMT) as the most appropriate metric to evaluate a project, replacing the capacity based level -of -service (LOS). • SB 743 states that lead agencies have discretion to develop and adopt their own methodology, thresholds of significance, feasible mitigation measures. • Basic methodology is to use the trip generation to calculate the project VMT. Then compare a project's VMT/capita (residential projects) or VMT/employee (employment projects) to average values on a regional basis. General Plan Update Steering Committee - April 3, 2019 Item No. 4c Additional Materials Presented At Meeting Circulation Element and City's Traffic Model Senate Bill 743 • SB 743 states that vehicle LOS may continue to be used for all projects as part of transportation planning or entitlement review. SB 743 only modifies the CEQA analysis process. • In addition to the CEQA VMT metric, many cities (San Jose, Pasadena, San Diego) continue to require that project studies include analysis of local intersection operations using LOS. • The City Traffic Phasing Ordinance (TPO) will continue to be used in addition to VMT analysis. • Mitigation for impacts could include capacity improvements to roadway or transit, bike, pedestrian improvements, or ride -sharing requirements, etc.