HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/27/1947 - Adjourned Regular MeetingI. . ,1 January 27, 1947 The City Council of the City of Newport Beach met in adjourned regular session in the City Council Chambers at the City Hall at the hour of 4 o'clock on above date with Mayor Reed presiding. The roll was called, the following Councilmen answering present: Allen, Isbell, Robertson, Siler, Reed. The Mayor asked if any of the Councilmen or anyone in the audience wished the minutes of the previous meeting, or any part thereof, read, no one responded and the reading of the minutes was dispensed with. Letter of Mrs. W. E. Hall, Jr. The letter of Mrs. W. E. Hall, Jr., requesting the requesting improvement of improvement of a certain roadway at the southerly end of Poppy roadway, referred to Street Street, Corona del Mar, was on motion of Councilman Isbell, Department. seconded by Councilman Allen and carried, referred to the Street Department. Petition presented by merchants A petition presented by the merchants of Newport of Newport for a suitable requesting that funds be set aside to provide for a suitable parking place, referred to parking place on the beach was on motion of Councilman Allen, Street Committee. seconded by Councilman Isbell and carried, referred to the Street Committee for further study. Claim of Bank of America The claim of the Bank of American presented by for refund of taxes, denied. Attorney's Holbrook and Tarr for a refund of taxes paid by the bank on improvements assessed to it for 194b -47 was on motion of Councilman Isbell, seconded by Councilman Allen and carried, denied. Request of Birtcher, Hodges, Walker, Inc. for removal of certain improvements at Carnation Street, referred to City Engineer. Letter of N.H. Businessmen's Association protesting drill- ing for oil, ordered filed. Recommendation of Fire Chief Crocker to make study of City existing building conditions, referred to Administrative Officer. Bond of McCullah Brothers for fishing barge 'Gander', approved and filed. Dockage space for a Fish and Game patrol boat, Laid on-the Table. Resignation of Wm. McKinsey as Assistant Harbor Master accepted. The request of Birtener, Hodges Walker, Inc., requesting the removal of certain improvements at Carnation Street and Coast Boulevard, Corona del Mar, due to the property having been vacated was presented together with a copy of a letter from the California State Highway authorities agreeing to the removal of same. On motion of Councilman Isbell, seconded by Councilman Allen and carried, the matter was referred to the City EngJmer. The letter of the Newport Harbor Busiressmen's Association protesting the drilling for oil in the vicinity of the City Dump was on motion of Councilman Isbell, seconded by Councilman Allen and carried, ordered filed. The recommendation of Fire Chief Crocker for the selection of a committee to make a study of the City's existing building conddtions with a view of enacting a new Building Zone Ordinance as suggested by himself and the Board of Fire Underwriters of the Pacific. On motion of Councilman Isbell, seconded by Council- man Allen and carried, same was referred to Councilman Robertson and City Administrator Sailors. The bond of McCullah Brothers for the fishing barge 'Gander' was on motion of Councilman Isbell, seconded by Council- man Robertson and carried approved and ordered filed. The letters of 6ity Administrator Sailors and Harbor Master Craig relative to providing dockage space for a Fish and Game patrol boat as requested by the California Fish & Game Commission were presented and after some consideration of the . question, it was moved by Councilman Allen, seconded by Council- man Siler and carried, that same be Laid on the Table. The resignation of William H. McKinsey as Assistant Harbor Master was presented by Harbor Master Craig and on motion of Councilman Isbell, seconded by Councilman Allen and carried, same was accepted. 0 0 0 0 REPORTS OF SPECIAL COMMITTEES: None REPORTS OF STANDING COMMITTEES: None COMMUNICATIONS Apkn. of G. M. and Ralph The application of Grant M. and Ralph Phillips for a Phillips for license to license to make salt water taffy at 703 East Edgewater Place make silt water taffy, was on motion of Councilman Allen, seconded by Councilman Siler granted. and carried, granted, subject to the approval of the Health Officer. The application of Ray Schweitzer 011 Company for an Apkn. of Ray Schweitzer 011 oil lease on certain City owned property was considered by the Co. for oil lease on City Council together with a previous application for a lease on the property. Also apkn. of land submitted by Mark E. Grimes. A representative of the Mark E. Grimes for same Schweitzer Company addressed the Council regarding the lease. property. Lease awarded to After some discussion of the question, Councilman Robertson Mark E. Grimes. suggested that the matter be laid over pending a possible better offer for the lease; Councilman Isbell bring of the same opinion, however, on motion of Councilman Allen, seconded by Councilman Siler, the lease was awarded to Mark E. Grimes by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES, COUNCILMEN: Allen, Siler, Reed. NOES, COUNCILMEN: Isbell, Robertson ABSENT, COUNCILMEN: None Check of Schweitzer Oil On motion of Councilman Robertson, seconded by Council - Co. returned. man Isbell, the money accompanying the bid of the Schweitzer Oil Company was ordered returned. Letter of Mrs. W. E. Hall, Jr. The letter of Mrs. W. E. Hall, Jr., requesting the requesting improvement of improvement of a certain roadway at the southerly end of Poppy roadway, referred to Street Street, Corona del Mar, was on motion of Councilman Isbell, Department. seconded by Councilman Allen and carried, referred to the Street Department. Petition presented by merchants A petition presented by the merchants of Newport of Newport for a suitable requesting that funds be set aside to provide for a suitable parking place, referred to parking place on the beach was on motion of Councilman Allen, Street Committee. seconded by Councilman Isbell and carried, referred to the Street Committee for further study. Claim of Bank of America The claim of the Bank of American presented by for refund of taxes, denied. Attorney's Holbrook and Tarr for a refund of taxes paid by the bank on improvements assessed to it for 194b -47 was on motion of Councilman Isbell, seconded by Councilman Allen and carried, denied. Request of Birtcher, Hodges, Walker, Inc. for removal of certain improvements at Carnation Street, referred to City Engineer. Letter of N.H. Businessmen's Association protesting drill- ing for oil, ordered filed. Recommendation of Fire Chief Crocker to make study of City existing building conditions, referred to Administrative Officer. Bond of McCullah Brothers for fishing barge 'Gander', approved and filed. Dockage space for a Fish and Game patrol boat, Laid on-the Table. Resignation of Wm. McKinsey as Assistant Harbor Master accepted. The request of Birtener, Hodges Walker, Inc., requesting the removal of certain improvements at Carnation Street and Coast Boulevard, Corona del Mar, due to the property having been vacated was presented together with a copy of a letter from the California State Highway authorities agreeing to the removal of same. On motion of Councilman Isbell, seconded by Councilman Allen and carried, the matter was referred to the City EngJmer. The letter of the Newport Harbor Busiressmen's Association protesting the drilling for oil in the vicinity of the City Dump was on motion of Councilman Isbell, seconded by Councilman Allen and carried, ordered filed. The recommendation of Fire Chief Crocker for the selection of a committee to make a study of the City's existing building conddtions with a view of enacting a new Building Zone Ordinance as suggested by himself and the Board of Fire Underwriters of the Pacific. On motion of Councilman Isbell, seconded by Council- man Allen and carried, same was referred to Councilman Robertson and City Administrator Sailors. The bond of McCullah Brothers for the fishing barge 'Gander' was on motion of Councilman Isbell, seconded by Council- man Robertson and carried approved and ordered filed. The letters of 6ity Administrator Sailors and Harbor Master Craig relative to providing dockage space for a Fish and Game patrol boat as requested by the California Fish & Game Commission were presented and after some consideration of the . question, it was moved by Councilman Allen, seconded by Council- man Siler and carried, that same be Laid on the Table. The resignation of William H. McKinsey as Assistant Harbor Master was presented by Harbor Master Craig and on motion of Councilman Isbell, seconded by Councilman Allen and carried, same was accepted. 0 0 0 0 The request of Harbor Master Craig for the employment of Richard Starkey as Boatman in the Harbor Department at a monthly salary of $196000 per month, effective January 28, 1947 was on motion of Councilman Isbell, seconded by Councilman Allen, carried by the following roll call vote,. to wit: AYES, COUNCILMEN: Allen, Isbell, Robertson, Siler Reed NOES, COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT, COUNCILMEN: None 457 Request of Harbor Master for employment of Richa� Starkey in Harbor Dept. Mosquito abatement pro- blem referred to County Health Officer. Request of Street Supt. for street marking machine, granted. Resolution approving' acquisition of property from Irvine Company, passed. Request of Water Supt. for funds derived from sale of water to be credited to water fund, granted. Request of Waters Supt. to purchase pipe, grante Water Supt. presented necessity of replacing water main at a cost of $$3,287.50, allowed. Adoption of the emergency resolution, adopted. Mayor to appoint new personnel for the Major Disaster Council. City Attorney directed to prepare matters for calling a Bond election for the improvement of the Water System. City Administrator Sailors presented a letter regarding mosquito abatement and after taking into consideration that most of the mosquitos originate outside the city, it was moved by Councilman Allen, seconded by Councilman Isbell and carried, that the matter be referred to the County Health auth- orities. The request of Street Superintendent Covert for the purchase of a street marking machine in connection with parking regulations at a cost of 4486.00 was on motion of Councilman Robertson, seconded by Councilman Siler.granted by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES, COUNCILMEN: Allen, Isbell, Robertson, Siler, Reed NOES, COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT, COUNCILMEN: None MINUTE RESOLUTION Councilman Allen moved the adoption of a Resolution, being a Resolution, approving the acquisition of property from the Irvine Company by the California State Division of Beaches and Parks, described as Block "C ", Tract 673, Corona del Mar. The motion for adoption of the resolution was duly seconded by Councilman Isbell and was passed by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES, COUNCILMEN: Allen, Isbell, Robertson, Siler Reed NOES, COUNCILMEN: None COUNCILMEN: ABSENT: None The request of Water Superintendent McMillan for funds derived from the sale of watr and other materials from the Water Department to contractors, be credited to the water fund instead of the general fund was on motion of Councilman Isbell, seconded by Councilman Allen and carried, granted and City Treasurer Gant. to be notified accordingly. ' The request of Water Superintendent McMillan for auth- ority to purchase approximately 2600 feet of pipe to be used in connection with the paving al eys on Balboa Island at a cost of $1300.00 was on motion of ouncilman Allen, seconded by Councilman Siler, granted by the following roll.call vote, to wit: AYES, COUNCILMEN: Allen, Isbell, Robertson, Siler, Reed NOES, COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT, COUNCILMEN: None Water Superintendent McMillan presented in a communication to, the City Council the necessity of installing approximately 725 feet of water main to replace defective wood stave line at a costnof $3,267.50 for pipe and installation, whereupon Councilman Allen moved the adoption of a resolution, being a resolution that an emergency exists due to the danger of the City °s water supply being out off due to the condition of the wood stave line and authorizing the expenditure as requested. • The motion for adoption of the emergency resolution was duly seconded by Councilman Isbell and the resolution was adopted by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES, COUNCILMEN: Allen, Isbell, Robertson, Siler, Reed NOES, COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT, COUNCILMEN: None The recommendation of F. W. Crocker, Coordinator of the Major Disaster Council for the appointment of new key personnel was presented and on motion of Councilman Isbell, seconded by Councilman Allen and carried, Mayor Reed was authorized to appoint the necessary personnel for the Major Disaster Council. The communication from the City Engineer and Water Superintendent relative to improvements necessary in order to provide an ample water supply for the City was presented to the City Council, whereupon Mayor Reed explained the necessity for placing the Water system in condition to take care of the increased population of the City in addition to an expected growth in population. After some discussion of the question it was moved by.Councilman Allen, seconded by Councilman Siler that the City Attorney be directed to prepare the necessary maths for calling a bond election for approximately $400,000.00 • as estimated by the City Engineer and Water Superintendent for the improvements as outlined in their communication. The motion was carried by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES, COUNCILMEN: Allen, Isbell, Robertson, Siler Reed NOES, COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT, COUNCILMEN: None 457 Request of Harbor Master for employment of Richa� Starkey in Harbor Dept. Mosquito abatement pro- blem referred to County Health Officer. Request of Street Supt. for street marking machine, granted. Resolution approving' acquisition of property from Irvine Company, passed. Request of Water Supt. for funds derived from sale of water to be credited to water fund, granted. Request of Waters Supt. to purchase pipe, grante Water Supt. presented necessity of replacing water main at a cost of $$3,287.50, allowed. Adoption of the emergency resolution, adopted. Mayor to appoint new personnel for the Major Disaster Council. City Attorney directed to prepare matters for calling a Bond election for the improvement of the Water System. City Attorney to employ firm of O°Melveny and Myers, to assist in bond election. Offer of Clark & Bates to metallize certain street light standards, filed. Employment of Patty Wild in City Attorney °s office, authorized. Employment -of E. G. Doane In Engineering Dept., granted. SEE SIGNATURE PAGE REGARDING RESOLUTION NO. 3426 Res. No.. 3427 Accepting Deed of Easement from Griffith Company. Res. No. 3428 Sale o&' City owned property. Checks accompanying unsuccessful bids, returned. Audit of monthly Demands Quitclaim Deed Henry M. Brookes On motion of Councilman Allen, seconded by Councilman Isbell and carried, City Attorney Thompson was authorized to employ the firm of O'Melveny and Myers, Bond Attorneys to assist in handling the legal phases of the proposed water bond election. The offer of Clark & Bates to metallize certain Iron street light standards at a cost of $50.00 per standard was on motion of Councilman Allen; seconded by Councilman Isbell and carried, ordered filed. On motion of Councilman Allen, seconded by Council- man Isbell the employment of Patty Wild in the office of City Attorney Thompson at a salary of $90.00 per month was authorized by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES, COUNCILMEN:. Allen, Isbell, Robertson, Siler, Reed NOES, COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT, COUNCILMEN: None The request of City Engineer Webb for the employment of Earle G. Doane in the Engineering Department at a salary of 4271.00 per month effective January 22, 1947 was on motion of Councilman Allen, seconded by Councilman Isbell, granted by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES, COUNCILMEN: Allen, Isbell, Robertson, Siler, Reed NOES, COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT, COUNCILMEN: None UNFINISHED BUSINESS: None NEW BUSINESS Councilman Siler moved the adoption of a resolution, being a resolution accepting a Deed of Easement from the Griffith Company, said deed granting to the City easements for the purpose of storm drains and public utility purposes. The motion was duly seconded by Councilman Allen, the resolution designated Resolution No. 3427 and was passed by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES, COUNCILMEN: Allen, Isbell, Robertson, Siler, Reed N(15, COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT, COUNCILMEN: None Bids submitted for the purchase of City owned real est&te were opened and read, whereupon Resolution No. 3428 was presented, being aresolution authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute on behalf of the City of Newport Beach, a grant deed to the following people submitting the highest bid and covering the following described property: Res. No. 3428 Malvern R. Pieper and Lot 2, Block "B" Madeleine M. Pieper Seashore Colony $1216.01 On motion of Councilman Allen, seconded by Councilman Isbell, the resolution was adopted by the following roll call vote, AYES, COUNCILMEN: Allen, Isbell, Robertson, Siler, Reed NOES, COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT, COUNCILMEN: None On motion of Councilman Isbell, seconded by Councilman Siler and carried, the checks accompanying unsuccessful bids for City property were ordered returned. The monthly Demands having been duly audited by the Finance Committee were on motion of Councilman Allen, seconded by Councilman Isbell, were allowed and Warrants ordered drawn by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES, COUNCILMEN: Allen, Isbell, Robertson, Siler, Reed NOES, COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT, COUNCILMEN: None Councilman Allen moved the adoption of a resolution, being a resolution authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute on behalf of the City of Newport Beach, the following quitclaim deed to the following party and covering the following described property: Henry M. Brookes and Lot 17, Block 132 Rozell May Brookes Lake Tract The motion was duly seconded by Councilman Isbell and the resolution was adopted by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES, COUNCILMEN: Allen, Isbell, Robertson, Siler, Reed NOES, COUNCILMEN: Ndne ABSENT, COUNCILMEN: None 0 Ll I 1 0 MM Councilman Isbell moved the adoption of a resolution, Res. No. 3430 being a resolution approving map showing portions of certain Approving map showing alleys in the City of Newport Beach proposed to be vacated. portions of certain alleys The motion was duly seconded by Councilman Robertson, the resolu- to be vacated. tion designated Resolution No. 3430 and was adopted by the follow- ing roll call vote, to wit: AYES, COUNCILMEN: Allen, Isbell, Robertson, Siler, Reed NOES, COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT, COUNCILMEN: None Councilman Isbell moved the adoption of a resolution, Res. No. 3431 being a Resolution of Intention of the City Council declaring Resolution of Intention ' its intention to order the closing up and abandonment of portions to close certain alleys in of alleys in the Corona del Mar district. The motion was duly CDM district. seconded by Councilman Robertson, the resolution designated Re- solution of Intention No. 3431 and was adopted by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES, COUNCILMEN: Allen, Isbell, Robertson, Siler, Reed NOES, COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT, COUNCILMEN: None Councilman Allen moved the adoption of a resolution, Res. N0.3432 being a resolution accepting certain easements for sewer purposes Accepting certain easements from the Pacific Electric Railway Company. The motion was duly from Pacific Electric seconded by Councilman Siler, the resoltion designated Resolution Railway Company. No. 3432 and was adopted by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES, COUNCILMEN: Allen, Isbell, Robertson, Siler, Reed NOES, COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT, COUNCILMEN: None City Attorney Thompson presented an ordinance, being City Attorney presented an ordinance of the City of Newport Beach prohibiting the Ord. prohibiting erection erection of buildings over waters of Newport Harbor without a of buildings over water, permit therefor issued by the City Council. The ordinance passed to second reading. was read in full and on motion of Councilman Isbell, seconded by Councilman Siler, was passed to the second reading by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES, COUNCILMEN: Allen, Isbell, Robertson, Siler Reed ") NOES, COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT, COUNCILMEia: None The application of James Cagney for a permit to Apkn. of James Cagney for reconstruct the bulkhead around Collins Isle, having been approved permit to reconstruct bulk- , by the Harbor Commission and City Engineer, was on motion of head around Collins Isle, Councilman Isbell, seconded by Councilman Robertson and carried, granted. granted, subject to the approval of the War Department. The application of Philmer Ellerbroek for a permit Apkn. of Philmer Ellerbroek to install a pier beyond the pierhead line and fronting on Lot 14 for permit to install pier, Harbor Island was on motion of Councilman Isbell, seconded by granted. Councilman Allen and carried, granted, subject to the approval of the War Department. The application of H. E. McDonald for a permit to install Apkn. of H. E. McDonald a pier fronting on Lot 5 Harbor Island, was on motion of Council- for permit to install pier, man Isbell, seconded by Councilman Robertson and carried, granted granted. subject to the approval of the war Department. Resolution No. 280 of the Planning Commission regarding Res. No. 280 of Planning the numbering of houses on the State Highway was presented and Commission re: numbering on motion of Councilman Isbell, seconded by Councilman Robertson of houses on State Hwy. and carried, was referred to the City Engineer who explained the method proposed to be used therefor. On motion of Councilman Isbell, seconded by Councilman Allen the in the Wage scale in connection wage scale connection with proposed construction with the proposed construc- of a new City Hall was adopted by the following roll call vote, tion of new City Hall, AYES, COUNCILMEN: Allen, Isbell, Robertson, Siler, adopted. Reed NOES, COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT, COUNCILMEN: None On motion of Councilman Isbell, seconded by Councilman Allen the City Clerk was instructed to advertise for bids for the City Clerk instructed to advertise for bids for construction of the new City Hall in accordance with the plans construction of new City and specifications adopted by the City Council. The motion was Hall, carried by the following roll call-vote, to wit: AYES, COUNCILMEN:- Allen, Isbell, Robertson, Siler, Reed NOES, COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT, COUNCILMEN: None '- Councilman Allen moved the adoption of a resolution, Res. No- 3429 being a resolution amending Traffic Ordinance No. 345 to provide Amending Traffic Ord. No. for parallel parking on the State Highway. The motion was duly 345 to provide for parallel seconded by Councilman Siler, the resolution designated Resolution parking on State Hwy. No. 3429 and was adopted by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES, COUNCILMEN: Allen, Isbell, Robertson, Siler Reed NOES, COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT, COUNCILMEN: None Councilman Isbell moved the adoption of a resolution, Res. No. 3430 being a resolution approving map showing portions of certain Approving map showing alleys in the City of Newport Beach proposed to be vacated. portions of certain alleys The motion was duly seconded by Councilman Robertson, the resolu- to be vacated. tion designated Resolution No. 3430 and was adopted by the follow- ing roll call vote, to wit: AYES, COUNCILMEN: Allen, Isbell, Robertson, Siler, Reed NOES, COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT, COUNCILMEN: None Councilman Isbell moved the adoption of a resolution, Res. No. 3431 being a Resolution of Intention of the City Council declaring Resolution of Intention ' its intention to order the closing up and abandonment of portions to close certain alleys in of alleys in the Corona del Mar district. The motion was duly CDM district. seconded by Councilman Robertson, the resolution designated Re- solution of Intention No. 3431 and was adopted by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES, COUNCILMEN: Allen, Isbell, Robertson, Siler, Reed NOES, COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT, COUNCILMEN: None Councilman Allen moved the adoption of a resolution, Res. N0.3432 being a resolution accepting certain easements for sewer purposes Accepting certain easements from the Pacific Electric Railway Company. The motion was duly from Pacific Electric seconded by Councilman Siler, the resoltion designated Resolution Railway Company. No. 3432 and was adopted by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES, COUNCILMEN: Allen, Isbell, Robertson, Siler, Reed NOES, COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT, COUNCILMEN: None City Attorney Thompson presented an ordinance, being City Attorney presented an ordinance of the City of Newport Beach prohibiting the Ord. prohibiting erection erection of buildings over waters of Newport Harbor without a of buildings over water, permit therefor issued by the City Council. The ordinance passed to second reading. was read in full and on motion of Councilman Isbell, seconded by Councilman Siler, was passed to the second reading by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES, COUNCILMEN: Allen, Isbell, Robertson, Siler Reed ") NOES, COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT, COUNCILMEia: None The application of James Cagney for a permit to Apkn. of James Cagney for reconstruct the bulkhead around Collins Isle, having been approved permit to reconstruct bulk- , by the Harbor Commission and City Engineer, was on motion of head around Collins Isle, Councilman Isbell, seconded by Councilman Robertson and carried, granted. granted, subject to the approval of the War Department. The application of Philmer Ellerbroek for a permit Apkn. of Philmer Ellerbroek to install a pier beyond the pierhead line and fronting on Lot 14 for permit to install pier, Harbor Island was on motion of Councilman Isbell, seconded by granted. Councilman Allen and carried, granted, subject to the approval of the War Department. The application of H. E. McDonald for a permit to install Apkn. of H. E. McDonald a pier fronting on Lot 5 Harbor Island, was on motion of Council- for permit to install pier, man Isbell, seconded by Councilman Robertson and carried, granted granted. subject to the approval of the war Department. ffse 1. Apkn. of H. Albertson The application of Mrs. H. Albertson for a permit to for permit to install pier, install a pier fronting on Lot 14, Bay Island was on motion granted. of Councilman Robertson, seconded by Councilman Allen and carried, granted. Apkn, of Margaret J. Corkell The application of Johnson - Western Company on behalf et al, for permit to install of Margaret J. Corkell et al, for a permit to install a p'kr pier, granted. fronting on Lots 165, 166, and 167, Block A, East Newport was on motion of Councilman Robertson, seconded by Councilman Isbell and carried, granted. Apkn. of 11m. West for permit The application of William West for a permit to install to install pier, granted. a pier fronting on Lot 917 Tract 907, Lido Isle, was on motion of Councilman Robertson, seconded by Councilman Isbell and carried, granted. Apkn. of Dr. L.K. Gundrum The application of Dr. L. K. Gundrum for a permit for permit to install pier, to install a pier fronting on Lot 3b, Tract 907,,Lido Isle, granted. was on motion of Councilman Isbell, seconded by councilman Robertson and carried, granted. Apkn. of Dr. T. J. Niemeyer The application of Dr. T. J. Niemeyer for a renewal of for renewal of pier permit, a permit to install a pier fronting on Lot S, Block 19, Balboa granted. Eastside Addition, was on motion of Councilman Isbell, seconded by Councilman Robertson and carried, granted. Apkn. of John Hall for permit The application of John Hall fora permit to install to install pier, granted. a pier fronting on Lots 32 and 33, Tract 907, Lido Isle was on motion of Councilman Isbell, seconded by Councilman Robertson and carried, granted. ADJOURNMENT On motion of Councilman Isbell, seconded by Councilman Allen and carried, an adjournment was taken Sine Die. Res. No. 3426 Conditional sales contract with Theo Mayor of the ity Newport beach 2 1 man Councilman ouncilman Councilman TTE6T: Ulty Clerk Councilman Allen moved the adoption of a resolution, being a resolution for a Conditional Sales Contract covering Robins. a Used Ford V -8 automobile with Theodore Robins. The motion for adoption was duly seconded by Councilman Isbell, said Resolution designated Resolution No. 3426 and was adopted by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES, COUNCILMEN: Allen, Isbell, Robertson, Siler, Reed NOES, COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT, COUNCILMEN: None I � LJ n 0 •