HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/27/1949 - Regular MeetingJune 27, 1949 The City ^council of the City of Newport Beach met in regular session in the City Council Chambers at the City Hall at the hour of 7:39 o'clock. The roll was called the following Councilmen answering present: Greeley, Robertson, Isbell and Drake. Councilman Blue being absent. The Mayor asked if any'of the Councilmen or anyone in the audience HEARING ON PROTESTS UNDER wished the minutes of the previous meeting, or any part thereof, read: no "SPECIAL ASSESSMENT one responded and the reading of the minutes was dispensed with. INVESTIGATION, LIMITATION On motion of Councilman Robertson, seconded by Councilman Greeley, MAJORITY PROTEST ACT certain Demands, having been approved by the Finance Committee, and signed by OF 1931 ", DIVISION IV OF the Mayor and City Clerk,were approved and ordered paid by the following STREETS AND HIGHWAYS CODE vote, to -wit: DATE: June AYES, COUNCILMEN: Greeley, Robertson, Isbell and Drake 1949 NOES, COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT COUNCILMEN: Blue On motion of Councilman Isbell, seconded by Councilman Greeley and Bids for construction carried, the regular order of business was dispensed with in order to open of bulkhead. on the Rhine the bids for the construction of concrete bulkheads on a portion of the opened. Rhine. The following bids were opened and read: 1st. Bid Alternate Bid Newport Dredging Co. $12,500.00 Shannahan Inc. 20,788.25 $19, 67.50 Ray Trautwein 17,027.50 16,415.00 Croft & Neville 22,295.00 19,575.50 On motion of Councilman Robertson, seconded by Councilman Isbell, Bids rejected. the bids were rejected and the City Clerk instructed to return all the checks by the following vote, to -wit: AYES, COUNCILMEN: Greeley, Robertson, Isbell and Drake NOES, COUNCILMEN: -None ABSENT COUNCILMEN: Blue The City Clerk then announced that this was the time and place Bid for 1000 feet 42 inch for the opening of bids for 800 lineal feet of 42 inch diameter reinforced riameter concrete pi- ?e concrete culvert pipe. The following bids were received and read: awarded. to American Pipe • and- Construction Co. American Pipe-and Construction Co. $6, 60.00 Concrete Conduite Co. ` 6,480.00 Upon motion of Councilman Isbell, seconded by Councilman Greeley, the bid of the American Pipe and Construction Co. was accepted by the following vote, to -wit: AYES, COUNCILMEN: Greeley, Robertson, Isbell and Drake NOES, COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT COUNCILMEN: Blue On motion of Councilman Robertson, seconded by Councilman Isbell, I4eyor & City Cler'c author - the Mayor and City Clerk were instructed to execute the contract by the izee to e. -ecute contract. following vote, to -wit: u AYES, COUNCILMEN: Greeley, Robertson, Isbell and Drake NOES, COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT COUNCILMEN: Blue IN THE 14ATTER OF THE PROPOSED GRADING, PAVING, INSTALLATION OF SEWER Hearin, on Lake Street AND WATER CONNECTIONS AND APPURTENANT WORK IN LAKE AVENUE AND OTHER an(' other st:ceet in STREETS IN LAKE TRACT, SHOWN IN THE IVIRITTEN REPORT OF THE CITY Lake ract ENGINEER OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA, FILED MAY 23,1949 The City Clerk of the City of Newport Beach reported that this was the time and place fixed for the hearing on the written report heretofore filed by the City Engineer of said City for certain street improvements in Lake Avenue and other streets in Lake Tract, and a?,Dproved by the City Council of said City on the 23rd day of May, 1949, in accordance with the provisions of the "Special Assessment Investigation, Limitation and Majority Protest Act ' HEARING ON PROTESTS UNDER THE "SPECIAL ASSESSMENT INVESTIGATION, LIMITATION AND MAJORITY PROTEST ACT OF 1931 ", DIVISION IV OF THE STREETS AND HIGHWAYS CODE DATE: June 27, 1949 The City Clerk of the City of Newport Beach reported that this was the time and place fixed for the hearing on the written report heretofore filed by the City Engineer of said City for certain street improvements in Lake Avenue and other streets in Lake Tract, and a?,Dproved by the City Council of said City on the 23rd day of May, 1949, in accordance with the provisions of the "Special Assessment Investigation, Limitation and Majority Protest Act 254 of 1931" of the Streets and Highways Code, to -wit: Monday the 27th day of June, 1949, being the day, and the City Council Chambers of said City being the place fixed for such hearing. The Clerk also reported that on the 26th day of May, 1949, he deposited, or caused to be deposited, in the United States mail, with postage prepaid, a Hotice of the time and place of hearing upon said written report, all in the manner and form required by Sections 2951, 2952 and 2953 of said Code, and that an affidavit in proof of said mail- ing is now on file in the office of the City Clerk and of the City Council of said City, and more than thirty days having elapsed since the date of such mailing, the said City Council has acquired power to proceed with the hearing in said matter,pursuant to said Code. The Mayor of said City of Newport Beach, being the presiding officer of the City Council, then announced that the f1 rst order of the hearing would be the reading of the said written report, except as to the map, plat or diagram and the assessed valuations and true valuations of, . and the assessments and estimated assessments upon the individual parcels of land, before protests would be considered. the Thereupon, the Clerk read said written report so defined by Mayor. The Mayor then inquired of the Clerk whether any written protests or objections to the doing of the things proposed in said written report had been filed with him in said mentioned matter. The clerk reported that one written protest had been filed with him prior to the time set for the hearing by the following person: Mrs. Matilda Griggs, parcels 73 and 74 and this protest so filed was then read, reference being then made to the written protest on file with the Clerk for any and all details. The Mayor then inquired if any persons who would be entitled to protest or objeep to the doing of the things proposed to be done, desired to make oral protests or objections, and stated that such persons would now be heard. Each addressed the City Council on the matter of said written report and the doing of the things proposed in said written report and propounded many questions as to the amounts of various estimated assessments upon the individual parcels of land. H. H. Holbrook 0. M. Logie A. R. Sullivan The following spoke from the floor regarding the improvement but not protesting; E. K. Hoegee Earl Winship Donald T. More J. Milton Frink Donald Gordon, protesting lights only Howard Paul After a full and thorough an opportunity having been given to or to make objections to the things considered the written report filed Council deemed it advisable that th, checking the protests. hearing had any and all proposed to by the Engi hearing be been had in said matter and persons desiring to be heard be done, and after having leer in said matter, the City continued for the purpose of Thereupon the following motion was made by Councilman Robertson: Hearin- continued to That all written protests be referred to the Engineer for checking 9:00 p.m. July 11th. and report, and that further consideration of said matter be continued until the hour of 9:CO o'clock P.M. of July 11, 1949• Said motion being seconded by Councilman Greeley, the same was carried by the following vote, to -wit: AYES, COUNCILMEN: Greeley, Robertson, Isbell and Drake NOES, COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT COUNCILMEN: Blue Resolution No. 3701 The City Clerk announced that this was the time and place set in abandoning 32nd Street Resolution of Intention No. 3690, being a resolution of intention of the City adopted. Council of the City of Newport Beach declaring its intention to order the abandonment of part of 32nd Street. No protests being received, either written or from the floor, Councilman Robertson moved that Resolution No. 3701, being a resolution vacating the property more fully described in the above mentioned resolution of Intention No. X690, be adopted. The motion was seconded by Councilman Greeley and carried by the following vote, to -wit: AYES, COUNCILMEN: Greeley, Robertson, Isbell and Drake NOES, COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT COUNCILMEN: Blue The Clerk advised the City Council that this was the time and place fixed. pursuant to statute and. notice given for the hearing in the matter of the assessment for the improvement of Santa Ana Avenue and other streets and alleys (Newport Heights) in the City of Newport Beach, as contemplated in Resolution of Intention No. 3605, adopted by the said City Council on the 26th day of July, 1948. The Clerk also informed the City Council that the affidavits of the mailing, posting and publications of the Notice of Filing Assessment had been filed in his office prior to the day set for the hearing by Willard G. Brainard, Winnifred B. Brainard and Ellen B. Dibble. The Mayor then asked if there were any interested persons desiring to be heard in the above mentioned matter:- ,. The following persons spoke from the floor regarding various matters, none of which were actual protest of the work done. Mr. McShean, 434 San Bernardino Avenue, regarding the damage done to his sidewalks James Manning, 542 Riverside Drive, regarding his survey markers. ' Al Klapper, 712 Broad Street, regarding the devil grass growing in the alley, and the fact that he thoughtone street was not built in the middle of the roadway. Mr.. Milled of Sully Miller Contracting Co. assured the Council and the people present that he would repair any damage done by his crew to any private property. After a fair and impartial hearing having been granted to all persons desiring to be heard in said matter, and all appeals or objections Presented having been heard and fully considered, and the City Council being satisfied with the correctness of the assessment and diagram, it was moved by Councilman Isbell that all appeals or objections be overruled and denied and that the assessment and the diagram be confirmed and approved, and that the Superintend- ent of Streetsshall forthwith attach a warrant to said assessment bearing the date of this order of the City Council, which motion was seconded by Mayor Drake. Councilman Greeley then asled. the City Engineer if he knew what objections Councilman Blue had to the work done. The Engineer stated hhat he was not sure of them. Then the City Engineer stated that in his opinion the work was satisfactory. The motion to accept the work was carried by the following vote, to -wit: AYES, COUNCILMEN: Greeley, Isbell and Drake NOES, COUNCILMEN: Robertson ABSENT COUNCILMEN: Blue Councilman Isbell, seconded by Councilman Greeley and carried, moved to return to the regular order of business. SPECIAL COKMITTEES - None STANDING COM:ITTEES - None COMMUNICATIONS X55 Hearing Santa Ana Ave. an8 other Streets cnd alleys Improvement (Net: *_;ort Heights) Uork on Nei -sport Heig.` Improvement accepted. Regular order of business resumed A communication from the City Manager approving the application 'Jepjte-rn Canners and of the Western Canners and West Coast Packing Corporation for a sewerage use dest Coast Packing permit under the following conditions, was read: Corp. p�ranted cond.i- tional sewerage use Permittee shall install and maintain a, screen in the waste water permits. discharge channel with opening not exceeding 5/8 inch in maximum dimension, installed in such a. way that no industrial waste water or refuse from the plant can reach the sewer except by passing through the screen. If installed in an ineffective manner the permit to be revocable. Permitee to report to the City Engineer before the fifth day of each calendar- month the number of tons of raw fish processed during the preceding month, and the cost of treatment of sewage to be calculated in proportion to the amount of sewerage passed to the treatment plant Each cannery to be required to deposit, in advance, $1,000.00 with the City. On motion of Councilman Greeley, seconded by Councilman Isbell, the recommendation of the City Manager was approved by the following vote, to -wit: AYES, COUNCILMEN: Greeley, Robertson, Isbell and Drake NOES, COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT COUNCILMEN: Blue A letter from -the City Manager recommending that the restrictions City Manager recom- governing underground storage of gasoline be eliminated from the Zoning mended restrictions Ordinance was read. On motion of Councilman Greeley, seconded by Councilman governing unaergrounc Robertson the recommendation of the City Manager was approved by the following c�'as storar;e be elim- vote, to -wit: inated from Zoning Ord.ina.nce. AYES, COUNCILMEN: Greeley, Robertson, Isbell and Drake NOES, COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT COUNCILMEN: Blue 22! 5 6 City Attorney in- On motion of Councilman Isbell, the City Attorney was instructed strutted to make amend- to make the necessary amendment to the zonin ordinance eliminating restric- ments to zonins ordinancetions governing underground storage tanks. �he motion was seconded by eliminating restrictions Councilman Greeley and carried by the following vote, a-wit: for gnderground gasoline storage. AYES, COUNCILMEN: Greeley, Robertson, Isbell and Drake NOES, COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT COUNCILMEN: Blue Letter from Npt.Harbor Vet. A letter from Vincent 0. Cusumano, President of the Newport Org Hanizations Inc. re- Harbor Veterans Organizations Inc. requesting a permit for the sale of ques,ing permission to Safe and Sane Fireworks as permitted by the ealth and Safety Code of the sell fire works filed. State of California and Orange County, was read. Mayor Drake stated that without amending our present ordinance governing the sale of fireworks this request could not be granted, and on motion of Councilman Isbell, seconded by Councilman Robertson, and carried the letter was filed. Permit granted to hold The application for a permit to hold Fireworks Display on Balboa fireworks display at Pier on July 4th, accompanied by a surety bond in the sum of $10,000 bodily Balboa Pier on Jul> 4th. injury liability and $1,000 property damage liability,was presented by the Balboa Improvement Association. On motion of Councilman Greeley, seconded by Councilman Robertson and carried the application was granted. Petition requesting Bred ing of channel between east end of Collins Isl. and west end. of Balboa Island referred to City Engineer. g- A petition carrying thirteen signatures requesting that, the waterway or channel in the area between the east end of Collins island and the sea wall directly opposite Collins Island, on the wrest end of Balboa Island be dredged, was read. On motion of Councilman Isbell, seconded by Councilman Robertson the petition was referred to the City Manager to consult with the City Engineer and inform the Council of the estimated cost of clearing the channel. The motion was carried. Letter from C.D.M.Civic A.letter was read, signed by W. A. Burton, President of the _ Aeso. stating no indivi- Corona del Mar Civic Association, stating that no individual had been dual authorizes' to re,Dr& authorized to represent the Association or its Board of Directors before sent asso. ord-ered filed the City Council, the City Government or the Planning Commission, and that on any occasion on which the Association or its Board desired to express an opinion they would do so in writing. On motion of-Councilman nobertson, seconded by Councilman Isbell and carried, the letter was filed. Petition from b 6 Balboa A petition signed 3 g y thirty-six property owners and residents Pen. property owners of Balboa Peninsula requesting that the zoning of the Peninsula remain requesting zoning of R -1, R -2 and R -3 and that no business use be permitted was read. Peninsula. remain R -1, R -2 and 5',3 and -oetition A petition signed by 111 property owners of Balboa Peninsula form 111 property owners requesting that the John D. Burnham Company be permitted to continue its requesting Burnham Co. operation on the Peninsula was also read. be allowed to remain all referred to City Mr. Ralph P. Maskey spoke from the floor stating that he believed Attorney for investiga- that the office from which John D. Burnham operates has been at that loca- tion. tion since 1930, or prior to the zoning ordinance. Councilman Isbell, seconded by Councilman Greeley, and carried, moved that the petitions be referred to the City Attorney for investigation. License granted to A letter from the City Manager stating that theequipment being Wm.A. Read and Virginia installed in the Laundromat at 215 Coast Hiway,Corona del Mar, for which a Read for Laundromat at license was asked by William A. Read and Virginia Read, was similar to 215 Coast Hiway,C.D.1-1. that in other installations of this type, was read; and upon motion of ..Councilman .Councilman Robertson, seconded by Councilman Greeley and carried the license granted. License granted 1,1.W .Dolby The application for a license of W. W. Dolby for an air rifle for air rifle shooting shooting gallery at the Tun Zone was granted on motion of Councilman Greeley allery at Fun Zone seconded by Councilman Robertson and carried. License Appl'n A.A. The license application of Alex A. Willett and Leonie A. Willett 6dillet and L.A. 1111lett for a Drive in Restaurant at 1200 Coast Hiway, Newport Beach, having been for Drive -in restaurant approved by the health Officer, was granted on motion of Councilman Isbell, at 1200 Coast Hitray,N.B, seconded by Councilman Greeley and carried. granted. License a-,pl'n J.E.Sussd.orf The license application of James E. Snssdorf to conduct a car for for car for hire businesshire business at 609 Coast Hiway, Corona del Mar, was referred to the Chief granted. of Police for an investigation and report at the next Council Meeting, on motion of Councilman Isbell, seconded by Councilman Robertson and carried. License appl'n Carl Symonds & Robert Raop for Casino Cafe and Cocktail Lounge grafted, subject to Health Dept.a-:)proval. The license application of Carl Symonds and Robert Rapp for the Casino Cafe and Cocktail Lounge at 202 Main Street Balboa, was granted subject to the approval of the Health Officer on motion of Councilman Greeley, seconded by Councilman Robertson and carried. L The license application of Carl Symonds and Robert Rapp to operate two tables of cards at the Casino Cafe and Cocktail Lounge, 204 train Street, Balboa,was tabled on motion of Councilman Greeley,following a comment from the City Attorney that he was in the process of preparing an ordinance specifying the location at which various games could. be played. The motion to table was seconded by Councilman Robertson and carried. ?57 License appl'n Symonds & Rapp for 2 care_ ta:ol at C�_sino Cafe tabled. The application of Henry H. Kersey to operate a grocery store at License appl'n H. H. 508 West Central, having been approved by the Health Department, was Kersey i'or grocery granted on motion of Councilman Robertson, seconded by Councilman Greeley store at 508 ;.Central and carried. granted. The application of H. M. Wood to hold an auction for one day at 2504 West Ocean Front, Lot 3, Block 25, Newport Beach Tract, was granted on motion of Councilman Greeley, seconded by Councilman Robertson and carried. The license application of Robert Chacon and Evelyn Smith to operate a pinball machine at 11L0 McFadden Place, Newport Beach, was tabled on motion of Councilman Robertson, seconded by Councilman Greeley and carried. NEW BUSINESS .Ordinance No. 597, being AN ORDINANCE CHANGING THE NAME OF CERTAIN PORTION OF SMELTZER AVENUE IN THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH TO LA JOLLA.DRIVE AND. CHANGING THE NAME OF ANOTHER CERTAIN PORTION OF SMELTZER AVENUE IN THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH TO CATALINA DRIVE. was presented, and on motion of Councilman Isbell, seconded by Councilman Robertson and carried the reading of the Ordinance was waived. Ordinance No. 597 was adopted on motion of Councilman Isbell, seconded by Councilman Robertson and carried by the following vote, to -wit AYES, COUNCILMEN: Greeley, Robertson, Isbell and Drake NOES, COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT COUNCILMEN: Blue A letter from John A. Hennessey, Supervising Lands Officer of the State Division of Beaches and Parks,Department of Natural Recourses, requesting the execution of a lease agreement for the administration and control of certain State Beach areas for a. period of fifty years was presented, and upon motion of Councilman Isbell, seconded by Councilman Greeley, the agreement was approved and Resolution No. 3710, authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the agreement was adopted by the following vote, to -wit: AYES, COUNCILMEN: Greeley, Robertson, Isbell and Drake NOES, COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT COUNCILMEN: Blue License a•opl'n H. M. '.3ooC, for suction at 2504 W.Ocean Front tranted. License ap; -)l'n Chacon & Smith for pinball machine at 110 HcFadoen was tabled. Ordinance No. 597, chanL:inL; name of. Smeltzer Ave. to La Jolla. Drive and Cc_ta.lir: Drive passes. second reaCAnZ. ORDINANCE NO. 59.7 ae.opted. Resolution No. 3710 autrorizins execution of lease a�:reement t?ith State Division of Beaches adopted. The following Oaths of Office were approved on motion of Council- Oaths of Office approved man Isbell, seconded by Councilman Greeley, and carried: Robert J. Laurie John J. Bloom Robert J. Laurie, Special Officer Merchant Patrol John J. Bloom, Special Officer merchant Patrol On motion of Councilman Isbell, seconded by Councilman Robertson, Salary Resolution Nom. Resolution No. 3702, being a resolution fixing the salary of all City 3702 adopted. Employees for the forthcoming fiscal year, was adopted by the following vote, to -wit: AYES, COUNCILMEN: Greeley, Robertson, Isbell and Drake NOES , COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT COUNCILMEN: Blue Planning Commission Resolution No- 392, approving the 50% setback Plan. Co.n. Res #392, Variance on the alley•of Lot 15, Block 11, Sec. 4, Balboa Island for Charles v ^riance for Cj Lorabee W. Larabee, was concurred in on motion of councilman Greeley, seconded by a_proved. Councilman Robertson and carried. Resolution No. 393 of the Planning Commission approving the Plan.Com.Res.# 393 application of Anne E. Oliver for a 5 foot front setback variance on Lots sett, -c': variance for 4 and 5, Block L, Seashore Colony, was approved on motion of Councilman Anne E. Oliver approved. Greeley, seconded by Councilman Robertson and carried. 958 Res.#394 of P1an.Comm. Resolution No. 394 of the Planning Commission requesting that regarding rezoning of Lots the Council table the request of the property owners of Tract 1026, in Tract 1026,C.D.M. r *as Corona del 14ar, to rezone those lots on the southerly side of Ocean tabled. Boulevard from R -1 to R -2 was read, and upon motion of Councilman Isbell, seconded by Councilman Greeley and carried the matter was tabled. Bid of Roy Shafer On motion of Councilman Isbell, seconded by Councilman Robert - lots 29 & 30 Block 530 son, the bid of Roy L. Shafer in the sum of x$3,550.00 on lots 29 and 30, Lancaster Add.declined. Block 530, Lancaster Addition, was declined, and the check ordered returned to the bidder. The motion was carried by the following vote, t0 -wit: Bid of Norman Hagen for lots 22 & 23 B1k.431 Lan- caster Add. & Lots 14 -30 inclusive B1k.530 Lancas- ter Add. declined. AYES, COUNCILMEN: Greeley, Robertson, Isbell and Drake NOES, COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT COUNCILMEN: Blue The bid of Norman Hagen in the sum of $ 1,200.00 for lots 22 and 23, Block 431, Lancaster Addition, and Lots 14 to 30 inclusive, Block 530, Lancaster Addition, submitted through the Harbor Investment Company, was rejected on motion of Councilman Greeley, seconded by Council- man Isbell, and the check order returned to the bidder by the following vote, to -wit: AYES, COUNCILMEN: Greeley, Robertson, Isbell and Drake NOES, COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT COUNCILMEN: Blue Reeding of Revlised Budget On motion of Councilman Isbell, seconded by Councilman Greeley 1949 -1950 fiscal year and carried the reading of the Revised Budget for the 1949 -1950 fiscal waived. year was waived Budget for fiscal year 1949 -1950 adopted, Resolution No. 3703 ORDINANCE NO. 660 desig- naDing fire areas, waived second reading. ORDINANCE NO. 600. camp- fire areas, adopted. ORDINANCE NO.599,charge for use of sewers, second reading waived. On motion of Councilman Robertson, seconded by Councilman Greeley, Resolution No. 3703, being a resolution approving the revised budget for the 1949 -1950 fiscal year, a public hearing having been held, was adopted by the following vote, to -wit: AYES, COUNCILMEN: Greeley, Robertson, Isbell and Drake NOES, COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT COUNCILMEN: Blue Ordinance No. 600; being an ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 3112 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE DESIGNATING AREAS PERMITTING THE SETTING AND MAINTAINING OF CA14PFIRES AND PROHIBITING THE SAME ELSEWHERE IN THE CITY was presented for second reading. On motion of Councilman Isbell, seconded by Councilman Robertson and carried, the reading of the ordinance was waived. On motion of Councilman Isbell, seconded by Councilman Robertson, Ordinance No. 600 was adopted by the following vote, to -wit: AYES, COUNCILMEN: Greeley, NOES, COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT COUNCILMEN: Blue Ordinance No. 599, being an Robertson, Isbell and Drake ORDINANCE ADDING SECTIONS 7114a, 7114b AND 7114c, AMENDING SECTIONS 7220 AND 7219 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE AND CREATING A CHARGE FOR THE USE OF SEWERS AND PROVIDING FOR THE TURNING OFF OF WATER SERVICE IN DEFAULT OF PAYMENT THEREOF. was presented for second reading, and upon motion of Councilman Isbell, seconded by Councilman Greeley and carried the reading of the Ordinance was dispensed with. ORDINANCE N0, 599,charge On motion of Councilman Robertson, seconded b'y Councilman Greeley, for use of sewers,adopted. Ordinance No. 599 was adopted by the following vote, to =with: AYES, COUNCILMEN: Greeley, Robertson, Isbell and Drake NOES, COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT COUNCILMEN: Blue ORDINANCE N0. 598,reauction Ordinance No. 598, being an water rates, passed second reading ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTIONS 7211, 7212 AND 7216 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE, AND PROVIDING FOR A REDUCTION OF THE ANNUAL AND MONTHLY WATER RATES AND REDUCING TURN -ON CHARGES was presented for second reading, and upon motion of Councilman Greeley, seconded by Councilman Robertson and carried, the reading of the ordinance was dispensed with. J 1 I On motion of Councilman Robertson, seconded by Councilman Greeley, Ordinance No. 598 was adopted by the following vote, to -wit: AYES, COUNCILMEN: Greeley, NOES, COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT COUNCILMEN: Blue Robertson, Isbell and Drake `?59 ORDINANCE NO. 598 adopted. Resolution No. 3704, being a resolution granting a permanent ease- Resolution No. 3704 ment to the Metropolitan Water District of a small portion of land, 79/10,000 ;ranting easement to of an acre, was adopted on motion of Councilman Robertson seconded by Council- Met. Water District man Greeley and carried by the following vote, to -wit: adopted. AYES, COUNCILMEN: Greeley, Robertson, Isbell and Drake NOES, COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT COUNCILMEN: Blue Resolution No._ 3705,being a resolution accepting a one -foot strip Resolution No. 3705 of land between Corona highlands and Highway 101 from the Crutcher Founda- accepting 1 -foot strip tion, was adopted on motion of Councilman Isbell, seconded by Councilman of lance. from Crutcher Greeley and carried by the following vote, to -wit: Foundation adopted AYES, COUNCILMEN: Greeley, Robertson, Isbell and Drake NOES, COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT COUNCILMEN: Blaze Ordinance No. 601, being an ORDINANCE REPEALING SECTION 9104f OF THE 14UNICIPAL CODE RESTRICTING USE OF LAND WITHIN PORTIONS OF BALBOA PENIIti'SULA was presented and on..motion of Councilman Greeley, seconded by Councilman Robertson, reading of the ordinance was waived, and the Ordinance passed to second reading by the following vote, to -wit: AYES, COUNCILMEN: Greeley, Robertson, Isbell and Drake NOES, COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT COUNCILMEN: Blue Ordinance No. 602, being an ORDINANCE ADDING SECTION 9104g TO THE MUNICIPAL CODE, RESTRICTING THE USE OF LAND FOR A14USE14ENT PURPOSES WITHIN CERTAIN AREAS was presented and declared an emergency ordinance. On motion of Councilman Greeley, seconded by Councilman Robertson and carried the reading of the ordinance was 4,4aived. On motion of Councilman Greeley, seconded by Councilman Robertson, Ordinance No. 602 was adopted by the following vote, to -wit: AYES, COUNCILMEN: Greeley, Robertson, Isbell and Drake NOES, COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT COUNCILMEN: Blue Ordinance No. 603, being an ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTIONS 8521 AND 5522 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO THE ISSUANCE OF PERMITS FOR BILLBOARDS was presented for first reading and upon motion of Councilman Robertson, seconded by Councilman Greeley and carried, the reading of the ordinance was waived. On motion of Councilman Robertson, seconded by Councilman Greeley, Ordinance No. 603 was passed to second reading by the following vote, to -wit: AYES, COUNCILMEN: Greeley, Robertson, Isbell and Drake NOES, COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT COUNCILMEN: Blue On motion of Councilman Isbell, seconded by Councilman Robertson and carried, Mr. Walter Longmoor was appointed. to fill a vacancy on the ' Planning Commission. The application of W. L. Shields to construct a wooden seawall with concrete piers on Lot 60, Tract 1011 which had been approved by the City Engineer, was granted on motion of Councilman Greeley, seconded by Councilman Robertson and carried. a Mrs. Forrest spoke from the floor asking about the plans for the improvement of the Balboa Alleys. The City Engineer stated that the next steps would be taken at the July 11th meeting ORDINANCE NO. 601, restricting land. use within Balboa Peninsu'- passed. to second reac.ing. ORDINANCE N0. 601, restrictin, use of lene. for amusement purposes *.,ftthin cer- tain.e,reas, declared emer -ency ordinance and. adopted. ORDINANCE No. 6031 issuance of billboard permits, passed to second. reading 'Kr. Walter Longmoor appointed to Planning Commission L. Shields anpl'n to construct seawall a_-)proved.. Mrs. Forrest asked re progress of plans of Balboa Alleys. ADJOURNMENT On motion of Councilman Isbell, seconded by Councilman Greeley and carried, the meeting was adjourned Sine Die. ATTEST: ze. F-of t �� ty of Pewpor1 C