HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/11/1955 - Regular MeetingJuly 119 1955 Regular Session The City Council of the City of Newport Beach met in regular session in the Council Chamber of the City Hall at the hour of 7:30 P.M. The roll was called, the following members being present: Councilmen Roll Call Bennett, MacKay, Stoddard, Higbie, Ridderhof and Hill. Councilman Wilder being absent. Reading of Minutes On motion of Councilman Higbie, seconded by gouncilman Ridderhof and waived. carried, the reading of the minutes of the meeting of June 27th were waived and they were approved with corrections. On motion of Councilman MacKay, seconded by Councilman Bennett and carried, the reading of the minutes of the special meeting of July 7th were waived and they were approved as written. COMSUNICATIONS Ingram, Robt. H. A letter from Robert H. Ingram requesting the removal of a large out - requesting removal door advertising sign at the corner of Coast Highway and Poppy Street, Corona del Mar, of adv. sign, CDM. was read and on motion of Councilman MacKay, seconded by Councilman Ridderhof ref. to Plan. Com. and carried this matter was referred to the Planning Commission for zoning for zoning investigation. Div. of Beaches & Parks A letter from the Division of Beaches and Parks regarding the problem urges action to acquiof Inadequate access to the Corona del Mar Beach State Park and stating that Block A -34 for betterif the State could acquire Block A -34 a better access could be prepared to access to CDM beach the beach, but until ways and means are found to acquire this property either state park. ref. to by the State or by the City they had reached a stalemate, was read. This C. Mgr. matter was referred to the City Manager for information find further study, also to obtain an appraisal from the firm of Goode and Goode of that section of Block A -34 which is under water, on motion of Councilman Stoddard, seconded by Councilman Bennett and carried by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES, COUNCILMEN: Bennett, MacKay, Stoddard, Higbie, Ridderhof and Hill NOES, COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT COUNCILMEN: Wilder Hardesty, Duncan A letter from Duncan Hardesty stating that a client of his was interested re: purchase of in purchasing 12.09 feet of property owned by the City in Lot 109 Section 227 Lot 10, Sec. 227, for the use of a driveway to his property located on Lot 11, Section 227, was City prpt. ref. to read. On motion of Councilman MacKay, seconded by Councilman Ridderhof and C. Eng, carried, this matter was referred to the City Engineer for investigation to determine if it is in line with the Master Plan for this area. Petition 23 signatures A petition bearing 23 signatures protesting in advance any contemplated protesting motel in plan of establishing a motel business on properties located on any of the CDM. ref. to Plan. three vacant corners at the intersection of Marguerite and Seaview Avenue, Com. Corona del Mar, was read and on motion of Councilman Ridderhof, seconded by Councilman Bennett and carried, this matter was referred to the Planning Commission. Petition 24 signatures A petition bearing 24 signatures stating that the undersigned do not want protesting instal— street lights installed on Morning Canyon Road, was read and on motion of street lights on Councilman Stoddard; seconded by Councilman Ridderhof and carried, this matter Morning Canyon Rd, was referred to the City Engineer for his information. ref. to C. Eng. Or. Cty. Catering Ser. A letter from the Orange County Catering Service asking for advice on the seek license to op- possibility of purchasing a license to operate a Lunch Truck in this locality, erate Lunch Truck. was read. On motion of Councilman Bennett, seconded by Councilman Ridderhof Denied and carried, the City Attorney was instructed to notify the Catering Service of a City Ordinance prohibiting the operation of such trucks on the Streets. Lido Isle Com. Assn. A letter from the Lido Isle Community Association stating that on July request to have traf -29th the people of Lido Isle plan to have their annual Mid - Summer Fete, Dance fic stopped for theirand Carnival and asking to have traffic stopped on Via Lido Soud between the Cdrnival. subj. to hours of 7:00 p.m. and midnight for this event, was read. On motion of C®uncil- a,pr. of Police Dept.man Bennett, seconded by Councilman Higbie and carried, this request was granted subject to the approval of the Police Department. Flory, Wiliam The City Manager requested authority to hire Mr. William Flory as Director Dir. of Rec. & Parks of Recreation and Parks at the rate of $464.00 per month, which is the Third subj. to Park Com. Step of Salary Range 18. This request was granted, subject to the Park Commis - approval. sion approval, on motion of Councilman Bennett, seconded by Councilman Stoddard and carried by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES, COUNCILMEN: Bennett, MacKay, Stoddard, Higbie, Ridderhof and Hill NOES, COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT, COUNCILMEN: Wilder Newport Island Assn. A letter from the City Manager stating that at their regular meeting held shore mooring faci- on July 5th, the Joint Harbor Committee recommended that the Harbor Master lities ref. to aboJe assign all shore mooring facilities on Newport Island to the Newport Island for adminis. Association, for administration, was read. On motion of Councilman MacKay, seconded by Councilman Bennett and carried, this assignment was approved. Cntl. Surveyor & Road A letter from County Surveyor & Road Commissioner telling of meetings of Commissioner re: the County Road Department & most of the City Administrators to discuss the forming of City- Courtrossibility of forming a committee for consideration of mutual highway &nd Coop. Hi;;hway Com. road problems, of an effort to officially form a committee which will be called C, Atty. to draft the City- County Cooperative Highway Committee and requesting the City Council res. & C. Eng. appt. as Comt. rep. J ri ki and the Board of Supervisors to recognize this committee by adopting the follow- ing policy or one of a similar nature: "The City Council (Board of Supervisors) recognizes by the adoption of this policy a committee composed of one represen- tative from each city and from the County df Orange to be called the City - County Cooperative Highway Committee. This Committee is formed to consider mutual highway and street problems. It is to be recognized that this Council (Board) is not to be obligated by committee recommendations. It is agreed that no highway or street agreements will be made by members of the committee until such agreements have been considered by the City= County Highway Committee, was read. On motion of Councilman Bennett, seconded by Councilman Stoddard and carried, the City Attorney was instructed to draft a similiar resolution and the City Engineer was appointed as a committee representative from the City of Newport Beach. * SEE ATTACHED A letter from the Citizens Committee for Parks and Playgrounds requesting?azOmt. SHEET FOR consideration of allocation of area between trailer +� nd Community park use,for AMENDMENT that the entire matter of' the planning ana use oi��r p`r sent ''railer Park are Plav�rounas to be submitted to the new Park Commission fo��rv�,>�u� R the developement ofre: plani g & Channel Park as a small ball diamond and t, EA.Ur e: the acquisition of urark, uracq. Block A -34 and Block C for welfare of read. read, On motion of Cc Block Bloc -34 man Stoddard, seconded by Councilman B@ i a 3 carried, this matter was re- & 131. C, ferred to the Park, Beach and Recreatio �,.,..' ^mission for study. A letter from the Balboa Improvement Association stating the approval of the Board of Directors of a letter written July 3 in regards to the operation on Balboa Pier, was read as was a letter from 0. P. Veach regarding the con- cession on Balboa Pier and expressing his regrets for the letter written by the secretary of the Balboa Improvement Association on July 3rd. On motion of Councilman MacKay, seconded by Councilman Bennett and carried, these let- ters were referred to the City Attorney for investigation and further study of this lease. LICENSES Bale Impr. Assn. Reg consessior_ on Bale pier. The application of Theodore E. Thornburg, Jr. for an exempt license for Th�1rrburg ^T.E. photography with Shetland Pony, house to house, was referred to the City nem,t lic. for Y1Du, e to house Attorney on motion of Councilman Bennett, seconded by Coucilman Ridderhof and -pe£fogoaEhyAt carried. The application of Henry Brooks for license to conduct Car washing and I waxing at 2244 West Coast Highway, being a change in ownership, was approved on motion of Councilman Bennett, sec:.�nded by Councilman Ridderhof and carried. The application of Juluis G. and Ida S. Moerman for license to conduct iborefLar,. a liquor store at 2906 West Coast Highway, being a change in ownership, was 11c. fo granted on motion of Councilman Bennett, seconded by Councilman Ridderhof ands ore= carried. 4.e Coast h VIdi 1. r sa e oast Grant J I rF219C8uo Urantc The application of John C. Sharp for exempt license to sell Bronson Shoes Sham _JoCrr.. to Business houses, was referred to the City Attorney on motion of Councilman to se1� Ri or.. Bennett seconded b Councilman Ridderhof and carried. r shoes to Bus. 9 y ouses. rCef.tto A y. The application of R, B. Simpson and Walter .Kwoka for a license to con- Simrson. R.B. duct a Dance Academy at 3440 Via Oporto, was granted subject to the Police 1* t caan]. . Department approval and proper zoning, on motion of Councilman Bennett, seconded J4 C. Via by Councilman Higbie and carried. r oo Suhh ± P�iice liepto The application of Frank Le Fevre for license to conduct used car sales Le Fevre. Frnr at 2612 Newport Boulevard being a change in ownershi was ij` v LO - — p , g g p, granted on motion���vJ,eeno��Ll of Councilman Bennett, seconded by Councilman Ridderhof and carried. ICrarte o The application of J. J. Sullivan for license to conduct Boat rentals atSullivar. J. J 19th Street Pier, was granted on motion of Councilman Ridderhof, seconded byR r °is °at Councilman MacKay and carried. 19toh tt i1 r Gra_r.Hed NEW BUSINESS At this time bids were opened for the publication of legal notices for r-Jress��ub. the fiscal year for the City of Newport Beach. The Newport Harbor Ensign andb.r ess nbu the Newport Harbor News -Press submitted the same bids, being the established to ab8ve. legal rate for Orange County newspapers adopted by the Board of Supervisors and effective as of March 1, 1951. The publication of legal notices was awarded to the Newport Harbor News -Press on motion of Councilman Bennett, seconded by Councilman Ridderhof and carried by the following roll call vote, to Wit: AYES, COUNCILMEN: Bennett, MacKay, Stoddard, Higbie, Ridderhof, Hill NOES, COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT, COUNCILMEN: Wilder On motion of Councilman Stoddard, seconded by Councilman Bennett and Guerin, Joseph carried, Joseph Guerin was re- appointed to the Civil Service Board. r,- appoint d Civil �er. Boar :. On motion of Mayor Hill, seconded by Councilman Bennett and carried, Lorgmoor9 Svalter Mr. Walter Longmoor was re- appointed to the Planning Commission and a re- re- a,r.t. to I-lan solution to be prepared commending Mr. Longmoor for his service to the City. tommissi.or: 1 AMENDMENT TO VOLUME 11, PAGE 51: 9 On August 8, 19559 the City Council of Newport Beach amended the Minutes of its Meeting held July 119 19559 as follows: n i I On motion of Councilman Stoddard, seconded by Council- man Bennett and carried, the minutes of the meeting of July 112 1955 pertaining to the motion referring a letter, from the Citizens Committee for Parks and Flaygrounds, to the City Park, Beach and Recreation Commission for study, were amended to read as follows: "On motion of Councilman Stod- dard, seconded by Councilman Bennett and carried, this mat- ter was referred to the Park, Beach and Recreation Commis- Minutes of July 11, 1955 amended, Citizens Committee for Parks and PlgyZLounds re planning and use of Traile Park and acquisition of Blo A -34 and Blo Co Ref. to Ca Mgr. and C. Eng< to work out certain details. Sion for information, with the exception of the matter per- taining to the Trailer Park which the City Council has already made a general decisi:>n to continue in operation and is now in the hands of the City Manager and City Engineer to work out certain details and recommendation for consideration of the Council." F $f Hearing on Weed Abate- The City Engineer announced that this was the time and place set for the ment�Con, l_etion hearing on Weed Abatement Completion. Mayor Hill declared the hearing open, Res. X4352 being a and asked if there were any objections, as there were no objections shown, res. accepting was the hearing was declared closed. Resolution No. 4352, being a resolution adopted. accepting Weed Abatement Completion, was adopted on motion of Councilman Bennett, seconded by Councilman MacKay and carried by the following roll call vote, to wit: code. was presented for reading, AYES, COUNCILMEN: Bennett, MacKay, Stoddard, Higbie, Ridderhof, Hill NOES, COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT, COUNCILMEN: Wilder Weed Abatement List On motion of Councilman MacKay, seconded by Councilman Bennett and Fin. off. to submit carried, the Finance Officer was instructed to subitit the Weed Abatement list list to Cnty. 'Pax to the County Tax Collector to be included on the Tax Roll. collector Petition from Harbor The City Engineer presented a petition from Harbor Highlands requesting Highlands requesting annexation to the City of Newport Beach, with 70% of the population represented annex. to the City, on the petition. On motion of Councilman Stoddard, seconded by Councilman 70% pop. rep. Bennett and carried, the petition was received for Council study. Mrs< Lankershim letter The application for Pier Permit of Mrs. Lankershim was held over to the for Pier Permit held next regular meeting of July 25th, pending study and investigation with over pending further adjacent property owner, on motion of Councilman Bennett, seconded by Council - study. man MacKay and carried. Mr. Weber Pier Permit The application for a Pier Permit of Mr. Weber to construct a pleasure to const. pleasure pier and float southward of Lot 32, Tract No. 884, was approved on motion of tier3andTflo 4S� of Councilman Bennett, seconded by Councilman MacKay and carried. ranted Fairfield. J. H. Pier The application of J. H. Fairfield for Pier Permit to construct a pleasure Permit for pleasure ramp and float bayward of Lot 6, Block 236, Canal Section, subject to War Depart - ramp & float bayward ment approval, was approved on motion of Councilman Bennett, seconded by.Council- of Lot , Bl 2 man MacKay and carried. an Sec! subj. o War nepus John permit to The application of John Negus for permit to construct a pleasure pier and construct pleas. pierfloat bayward of Lot 3, Block 19, Eastside Addition to Balboa Tract, was ap- & float bayward Lot 3proved on motion of Councilman MacKay, seconded by Councilman Bennett and car - B1. 19. Granted. ried. Vogel. Lois 1�. permit The application of Lois T. Vogel for permit to construct a pleasure pier to coa, �etsyre and float bayward of Lot 877, Tract 907, was approved on motion of Councilman n ga Tr. c07 ward MacKay, seconded by Councilman Bennett and carried. U Res. No. 4 1 appr. Resolution No. 4351, being a resolution of the City Council df Newport amenamen umber Two Beach approving amendment Number Two to the agreement for maintenance of to a recur rt for mainState Highway in the City of Newport Beach, was adopted on motion of Council - of State i.ghway man Bennett, seconded by Councilman Stoddard and carried by the following roll Adopted. call vote, to wit: C. Mgr.& C. Eng. were. The City Manager and City Engineer were instructed to have a fence instal - inst. to install led on the westerly property line of the City property, formerly occupied by fence on westerly the City Water Department; this property line being the easterly line of the prpt. line formerly Pacific Electric right of way, on motion of Councilman Ridderhof, seconded by occup. by Water Dept -Councilman Bennett and carried by the following roll call vote, to wit: Ord. #752 reference to Ord, X754 amend. §1C110 of Art. X of Mun. Code and amend Ord ,752 AYES, COUNCILMEN: Bennett, MacKay, Stoddard, Higbie, Ridderhof, Hill NOES, COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT, COUNCILMEN: Wilder With reference to Ordinance No. 752, regulating speed in the Back Bay area, Councilman Higbie suggested an amendment enlarging the area set aside for skiing. The City Engineer and City Attorney introduced emergency Ordinance No. 754, amending Ordinance No. 752 and on motion of C®uncilman Bennett, seconded by Councilman MacKay and carried, the reading of Ordinance No. 754 was waived. Ordinance No. 754, being AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH AMENDING SECTION 10110 OF ARTICLE X OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE ENTITLED "HARBOR REGULATIONS AND GOVERNING SPEED REGU& LATIONS AND RATE OF SPEED ". AYES, COUNCILMEN: Bennett, MacKay, Stoddard, Higbie, Ridderhof, Hill NOES, COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT COUNCILMEN: Wilder Ord. #753 Ordinance No. 753, being repealing §7114a, §7114b5 §7114c and AN ORDINANCE REPEALING SECTIONS 7114a, 7114b, AND 7114c AND AMENDING SECTION 7 ��9 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH. amend. §7215 pf mun. code. was presented for reading, and on motion of Councilman Bennett, seconded by present. for sedond Councilman Ridderhof and carried, the reading of Ordinance No. 753 was waived. reading. On motion of Councilman Bennett, seconded by Councilman Ridderhof, Ordinance No. 753 was adopted by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES, COUNCILMEN: Bennett, MacKay, Stoddard, Higbie, Ridderhof, Hill NOES, COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT,COUNCILMEN: Wilder C. Mgr.& C. Eng. were. The City Manager and City Engineer were instructed to have a fence instal - inst. to install led on the westerly property line of the City property, formerly occupied by fence on westerly the City Water Department; this property line being the easterly line of the prpt. line formerly Pacific Electric right of way, on motion of Councilman Ridderhof, seconded by occup. by Water Dept -Councilman Bennett and carried by the following roll call vote, to wit: Ord. #752 reference to Ord, X754 amend. §1C110 of Art. X of Mun. Code and amend Ord ,752 AYES, COUNCILMEN: Bennett, MacKay, Stoddard, Higbie, Ridderhof, Hill NOES, COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT, COUNCILMEN: Wilder With reference to Ordinance No. 752, regulating speed in the Back Bay area, Councilman Higbie suggested an amendment enlarging the area set aside for skiing. The City Engineer and City Attorney introduced emergency Ordinance No. 754, amending Ordinance No. 752 and on motion of C®uncilman Bennett, seconded by Councilman MacKay and carried, the reading of Ordinance No. 754 was waived. Ordinance No. 754, being AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH AMENDING SECTION 10110 OF ARTICLE X OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE ENTITLED "HARBOR REGULATIONS AND GOVERNING SPEED REGU& LATIONS AND RATE OF SPEED ". and amending Ordinance No. 752, was adopted on motion of Councilman Bennett, seconded by Councilman Stoddard and carried by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES, COUNCILMEN; Bennett, MacKay, Stoddard, Higbie, Ridderhof, Hill ' NOES, COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT, COUNCILMEN: Wilder On motion of Councilman Bennett, seconded by Councilman Ridderhof and Rendv. Ballroo: carried, permission was granted to the Rende ous Ballroom to errect a banner permission granted across the intersection of Balboa Boulevard and Palm Street, advertising to errect a banner their Television show. The banner to remain until September 1st, across ints. Bal. Bl Mayor Hill called a 5 minute recess at 9:30 P.M. anu Palm St. i,:i, T.V With reference to Licensing of Pin Ball machines, Councilman Stoddard Licersing C. Sttd spoke in general on the overall licensing activities and advised that it advised a thorough was the hope of the Council that a thorough study could be made of the study of license license structure with the possibility of securing the services of a structure. qualified firm to conduct a survey of the License Fee Section as set forth in the Municipal Code. On motion of C. Bennett, seconded by Councilman Ridderhof and carried, Agjournment the meeting was adjourned, sine die. Mayor ATTEST: (Ac ing) City Clerk July 25, 1955 The City Council of the City of Newport Beach met in regular session Regular session in the Council Chamber of the City Hall at the hour of 7 :30 P.M. The roll was called , the following members being present: Council - Roll Call men: Bennett, Wilder, MacKay, Stoddard, Higbie, Ridderhof and Hill. On motion of Councilman Bennett, seconded by Councilman MacKay and Reading of Minutes carried, the reading of the minutes of the meeting of July 11th was waived waived and they were approved as written. (1)MMUNICATIONS A letter from the Coastal Municipal Water.District requesting dis- Coast. Mun l;vater tracts in territory using Colorado River water to reduce such use as s . re s err. possible by supplementing with well water where it is available, was read. is rg <�'�,`R. to reu On motion of Councilman Bennett, seconded by Councilman Wilder and carried, user water. '.itr. the letter was ordered filed. A letter from the Orange County 20 -30 Student Council, Inc. commending f L the Police Department on their assistance in planning and policing of the Cnci.l com:rerd9_rg Senior All Night Graduation Dance, was read. On motion of Councilman loli.ce Delt.on tnei Wilder, seconded by Councilman MacKay and carried, the letter was ordered asstr.. of Sen. Grad filed. party. A letter from Frederick J. Nannestad protesting usage of Lot 23, Block F. J. Nannestad A -35, Corona del Mar by City, was read. On motion of Councilman Bennett, protest. tse of Lot seconded by Councilman Stoddard and carried, this letter was referred to 23, Bl. A -352 CDM the City Manager. A copy of a letter from Forest G. Smith, Jr. asking permission to Forest G. Smith a lease land of the County Dock and offering suggestions as a means to solving coFy tf re. as�ing a situation, was read. Or motion of Councilman Bennett, seconded by Council ofrtheoCne eDoan man Ridderhof and carried, the letter was ordered filed. A letter from the Newport Beach Elementary Schools requesting permission Ypt. Elem. School: to use Newport Beach City Water on School Building site No. 5, was read. requ-;t. ur.to us On motion of Councilman Bennett, seconded by Councilman Wilder and carried, rift. �ity CJater on the City Attorney was instructed to prepare a proper contract for the use SZte No. 5 of City Water. A letter from Mrs. M. G. Stanley regarding a parking problem on 17th airs. Y- G-, Stanley ' Street and across ffom the Trailer Park was read. On motion of Councilman p king problm Bennett, seconded by Councilman Higbie and carried, this matter was referred i %h H. to the City Manager. The Annual Report of the Planning Commission was submitted at this Annl. refit. of Plan. time. On motion of Councilman Wilder, seconded by Councilman Bennett and in_,;ission, submitte( carried, copies are to be made available for the Council, Press and the Public.