HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/28/1955 - Regular Meeting;' On motion of Councilman Ridderhof, seconded by Council- man Bennett and carried, the meeting was adjourned, sine die. ATTEST: Mayor a, City Clerk November 28, 1955 Adjournment, The City Council of the City of Newport Beach met in Call to Order, regular session in the Council Chambers of the City Hall at °r the hour of 7 :3C P.M. The roll was called, the following members being pre- Roll Call. sent: Councilmen Bennett, Wilder, MacKay, Stoddard, Higbie, Ridderhof and Hill. On motion of Councilman Benrett, seconded by Council- Anbroval of Minutes. man Wilder and carried, the roading of the minutes of Novem- ber 14, 1955 was waived and they were approved with a cor- rection and ordered filed. COMMUNICATIONS A letter was presented from the Park, Beach and Recrea- PB & R Comm, re proposed tion Commission, dated November 17, 1955, regarding the pro- baseball diamond and tests which had been received against a proposed baseball playground on Ocean Front. diamond and playground on Ocean Front between .A and B Streets, Said letter states that since no request had been filed for such a playground and the idea had not originated with said Commission, the Park,Bea.ch and Recreation Commission recom- mended filing said protests until such time as a request for a baseball diamond and playground is made. On motion of Councilman Benrett, seconded by Councilman 'Milder and car- ried, said communication was ordered filed. A letter was presented from the Park, Beach and Recrea- tion Commission, dated November 17, 1955, regarding the in- stallation of a public restroom on Balboa Island, previous- ly referred to the Park, Bea.bh and Recreation Commission by the Council, which states that there does not appear to be a suitable location for such installation. Said letter quotes the motion of the Park, Beach and Recreation Commis- sion to the effect that the Director of Recreation and Farks is requested to make an inventory of existing public rest - room facilities in tie City of Newport Beach and their costs of operation and maintenance. On motion of Councilman Ben- nett, seconded by Councilman Wilder and carried, said com- munication was ordered filed. A letter was presented from the Park, Beach and Recrea- tion Commission., dated November 17, 1955, which recommends that the City Engineer and the Director of Parks and Recrea- tion be authorized jointly to bring up to date a master plan for maintenance and development of the Corona del Mar State Park Property. On motion of Councilman Stoddard, seconded by Councilman Bennett and carried, the recommendation of the Park, Beach and Recreation Commission was authorized. PB & R Comm, re installer. tion of public restroom on Bal. Isle Diro of Rec. and Parks to make an inventory of existing public restroom facilities PB & R Comm. re s master plan for maintenance and development of the CDM State Park property, A letter was presented from the Park, Beach and Recrea- PB & R Comm. re the beau - tion Commission, dated November 16, 1955, regarding the beau - tification and improve - tif_ cation and improvement of certain City owned lots, com- ment of certain City owned monly known as Newport Island Park. Said letter states that lots, known as Newport the City Engineer and the City Attorney have been consulted Island Park. Auth. was in this matter, and that approval has been given by the City granted to Newport Island, Engineer, and that the City Attorney has expressed the opin- Inc., to proceed with its ion that the group should post a labor and material bond to improvement project for assure the City that there would be no City liability for Newport Island Parka labor or material liens. Said letter recommends that per- mission be granted the group to proceed with the project in a diligent, professional and workmanlike way, under the super- vision of the Director of Recreation and Farhs, and only so far as the Newport island, Incorporated, funds shall permit. On motion of Councilman Bennett, seconded by Councilman Rid - derhof and carried, authorization was granted, as recommended by the Park, Beach and Recreation. Comi,.i,ssion, to Newport Island, Incorporated, to proceed with its improvement project for Newport Island Park. 1®6 RP7oh P. Maskev, re cross- A letter from Ralph P. Maskey, dated November 21, 1955, walk on Newport Blvd. be- and a petition signed by six persons, were presented, re- tween Short and Finley garding the establishment of a crosswalk on Newport Boule- Streets. Ref. to C. Eng. vard, between Short and Finley Streets. Said letter a d for invest. and report petition state that the crosswalk is needed for greate� back to Council. safety and easier access to nearby businesses. On motion of Councilman Bennett, seconded by Councilman Ridderhof and carried, said communications were referred to the City Engineer for investigation and report back to the Council. Metropolitan Water District A letter was presented from the Metropolitan Water re manner in which taxes District, dated November 18, 1955, describing the manner may be paid by the City. in which taxes may be paid byithe City to the Metropoli- Ordered filed. tan Water District. On motion of Councilman Stoddard, seconded by Councilman Wilder and carried, said communica- tion.was.ordered filed. RegionaWater Pollution A letter was presented from the Regional Water Pollu- ,ontrol Board No. b re tion Control Board No. 8, dated November 235 1955, which proposed objectives. Ref. sets forth the proposed objectives which will have the ef- to the City Engineer. fect,,when adopted, of establishing limitations on water quality impairment beyond which a "pollution" of "nuisance" in their legal sense will be deemed to exist. On motion of Councilman Bennett, seconded by Councilman Ridderhof and carried, said communication was referred to the City Engineer. Councilman Stoddard stated that this matter could be of great importance to us at bbme time and that he wished to confer with the City Engineer in regard to this matter. uioman's Civic League of A letter was read from the Woman's Civic League of niPwi=t Harbor re highway Newport Harbor, setting forth their unanimous opprz? Lion to through CDM. Ref. to CDM the proposed recommendation for the alternate highway Civic Association. through Corona del Mar along Fifth Avenue. On motion of Councilman Stoddard, seconded by Councilman MacKay and carried, this matter was referred to the Corona del Mar Civic Association and the Clerk was instructed to send a copy of this communication to said Association. -itv Treasurex_reguestinx The Clerk read a letter from the City Treasurer re- an-AA of 1911 bond ac- questing,an audit of the 1911 bond accounts since no audit coins,_ Granted. Batzle had been made for approximately twenty years. On motion Co, to conduct audit. of Councilman MacKay, seconded by Councilman Ridderhof and carried, said request was granted and the Clerk was directed to have Batzle &s -,Co. conduct said audit by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES, COUNCILMEN: Bennett, Wilder, MacKay, Stoddard, Higbie, Ridderhof, Hill NOES, COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT COUNCILMEN: None Anth. to hire Dir. of A letter from the Acting City Manager, Mr. Webb, was Winance on the third step read, requesting authority to hire a Director of Finance of Salary Range 24. on the third step of Salary Range 24. On motion of Council- man Bennett, seconded by Councilman Wilder and carried, the Acting City Manager was so authorized by the followingrroll call vote, to wit: AYES, COUNCILMEN: Bennett, Wilder, MacKay, Stoddard, Higbie, Ridderhof, Hill NOES, COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT, COUNCILMEN: None -. Mgr. requesting nine A letter was read from the City Manager requesting lays vacation. Approved. nine days vacation, effective December 1, 1955. On motion of Councilman MacKay seconded by Councilman Ridderhof and carried, said request was approved. Nen_ Valkenburg Go to sell A letter was read from the City Engineer regarding to the City approx. 1,710 the offer of the Van Valkenburg Company to sell to the City lineal feet of Class 150 of Newport Beach approximately 1,710 lineal feet of Class Lransite water pipe. 150 transite water pipe for the sum of $2,308.50. On mo- tion of Councilman MacKay, seconded by Councilman Ridderhof and carried, permission to take advantage of this offer was granted by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES, COUNCILMEN: Bennett, Wilder, MacKay, Stoddard, Higbie, Ridderhof, Hill NOES, COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT, COUNCILMEN: None ?oint Agreement between Uity A letter was read from the City Engineer regarding <nd Joint Outfall Sewer re the request mane by the Joint Outfall Sewer for approval ne 25 H.P. Fairbanks Morse of the City of Newport Beach to sell one 25 H.P. Fairbanks Co. propeller pump. Morse & Company propeller pump. Said pump was purchased under the joint agreement between the Joint Outfall Sewer and the City of Newport Beach for a summer spreading pro- gram. The City Engineer recommended that the Joint Outfall Sewer be authorized to sell said pump for the high bid of $1,366. On motion of Councilman MacKay, seconded by Council- man Wilder and carried, said authorization was granted. fl r 1 1 The Clerk announced that it would not be necessary Hearing for delinquent to hold the hearing which had been set for November 28, sales tax returns not to 1955, in connection with those delinquent in their sales be held. tax returns, since all delinquencies had been paid. LICENSES Nine Applications for License of Clyde Denlinger, for skill games, (eight for bowling game type, and one for gun game), were presented, for the following loca- tions: Elks Club, Chinese Casino, Stag Cafe, Snug Harbor, Norm's Cafe, Ernies Cafe, Park Avenue Cafe, Rossi Cafe, and Drift Room. After discussion, on mo- tion of Councilman Bennett, seconded by Councilman Ridderhof and carried, said applications were approved by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES, COUNCILMEN: Bennett, Wilder, Higbie, Rid - derhof NOES, COUNCILMEN: MacKay, Stoddard, Hill ABSENT, COUNCILMEN: None The Application for License of F. Edward Parker to conduct the business of foreign car service at 2815 Villa Way, consisting of foreign car overhaul, parts, sales and tune up, M -1 zone, was presented. On motion of Councilman Bennett, seconded by Councilman Wilder and carried, said application was approved. The Application for Exempt License of A. P. Tolle, 12511 Lampson, Garden Grove, to conduct the business of repairing gasoline hose, nozzles, and air gauges, also selling parts for same at service stations in Newport Beach, was presented. On motion of Councilman Bennett, seconded by Councilman Ridderhof and carried, said ap- plication was approved. The Application for License of Disabled Veterans Ind., for salvage collection, house to house, $100 fee paid,.was presented. Said application had previously been referred to the City Attorney by the Council. 'three solicitors have been approved by the Police Department. After discussion, the Acting City Attorney approving, and with.the understanding that only one solicitor;-would operate at a time, on motion of Councilman Bennett, sec- onded by Councilman Ridderhof and carried, said appli- cation was approved. The Clerk presented three Applications for License, Balboa Music Co., by Harry Duensing, for miniature pool games, one each to be installed at 111 Main Street, 471 North Newport, 4223 West Coast Highway, which had been previously presented at the CouncilmMeeting of November 14, 1955• After discussion, on motion of Councilman Ridderhof, seconded by Councilman Bennett and carried, said applications were approved by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES, COUNCILMEN: Bennett, Wilder, Higbie, Rid - derhof NOES, COUNCILMEN: MacKay, Stoddard, Hill ABSENT, COUNCILMEN: None Nine Applications for Lic- ense, Clyde Denlinger, for skill games. Approved. F. Edward Parker, foreign car service. Approved. A. P. Tolle, for Exempt License for repairing gaso- line hose, nozzles, and air guages. Approved. Disabled Veterans Ind., for salvage collection, house to house. Approved. Three Applications for Lic- ense, Balboa Music Co. ,.. Harry Duensing, for miniature pool games. Approved. The Application for Exempt License of Pat Driscoll, Pat Driscoll, for Exempt 1081 Westwood Boulevard, Los Angeles, for magazine sabs, License, for magazine sales, house to house, Keystone Reader Service, was presented. house to house, Keystone On motion of Councilman Bennett, seconded by Councilman Reader Service. Approved Wilder and carried, said application was approved subject subject to approval of City to the approval of the City Attorney. Attorney. The Application of Donald R. Dickey for Exempt License, soliciting house to house sales, household pro- ducts mailed from out of state to consumers, Dixie -Maid Food Chopper Co., Dallas, Texas, was presented. Said application had been referred by the Council to the City Attorney on October 10, 1955. After discussion, the. Police Department's approval and the City Attorney's approval having been obtained and the matter falling un- der Interstate Commerce exemption, on motion of Council- man Bennett, seconded by Councilman Higbie and carried, said application was approved. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Ordinance No. 761, being Donald R. Dickey, for Exempt License, house to house sales household products, Dixie - Maid Food Chopper Co. Approved, Ord. No. ' AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH AMEND- Re: Yards. ING SECTION 9105.4 OF ARTICLE IX OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE ENTITLED "YARDS" was presented for second reading. On motion of Council- Second Reading. man Wilder, seconded by Councilman Stoddard and carried, 0 -761, Adopted. the second reading of Ordinance No. 761 was waived. On motion of Councilman Stoddard, seconded by Council- man Ridderhof and carried, Ordinance No. 761 was adopted by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES, COUNCILMEN: Bennett, Wilder, MacKay, Stoddard, Higbie, Ridderhof, Hill NOES, COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT, COUNCILMEN: None NEW BUSINESS Oaths of Office of William The Oaths of Office of the following Reserve A. au hl nc,. Jack F. King, Police Officers were presented: William A. Laughlin:,, Thomas F. Gleason. Jr.. and Jack F. King, Thomas F. Gleason, Jr., and Rex E. Heflin. Rex E. Heflin as Reserve On motion of Councilman Bennett, seconded by Councilman Police Officers. Approved. Wilder and carried, said oaths of office were approved. Ord. No, 62 Ordinance No. 762, being 7 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Res Permits. AMENDING SECTION 6134 OF ARTICLE VI OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE ENTITLED "PERMITS" First reading waived. was introduced. Councilman Bennett stated that said Passed to second reading. ordinance permits the Police Department and other de- partments of the City, to investigate employees of licensees, as well as licensees, before approval of certain types of business establishments. On motion of Councilman Stoddard, seconded by Councilman Wilder and carried, the first reading of Ordinance No. 762 was waived. On motion of Councilman Bennett, seconded by Councilman Stoddard and carried, Ordinance No. 762 was passed to the second reading by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES, COUNCILMEN: Bennett, Wilder, MacKay, Stoddard, Higbie, Ridderhof, Hill NOES, COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT, COUNCILMEN: None ZONING Variance Noo 25 of MrA Harvey The Application for Variance No. 253 of Mr. Harvey D. Pease, 49d Park Ave., Bal. D. Pease, 498 Park Avenue, Balboa Island, was presented. island. Lots 22 and 23, B1. 8, The applicant sought relief from that portion of the Sec. 1. Mr. Walter-Longmoor, Code requiring side -yard setbacks for a corner reversed Mr. John MacNab, and Mr. Harveyfrontage setback situation. The applicant also sought Pease spoke from the floor. waiver of off - street parking restrictions, as well as Variance granted without the exception from the front yard setback as existing on the restrictions requesting six remainder of the block. The - property is further located off- street parking spaces, on Lots 22 and 23, Block 8, Section 1. Said variance was approved, under certain conditions, by the Planning Commission. A discussion was had, Mr. Walter Longmoor, Mr. John MacNab, 226 Onyx Avenue, Balboa Island, and Mr. Harvey Pease speaking from the floor. It was brought out that the improvement proposed by Mr. Pease was of such nature, being a new building housing a gymnasium for children, that the advantages of allowing this in- stallation and waiving certain restrictions might be desirable. On motion of Councilman Stoddard, seconded by Councilman Higbie and carried, this variance was granted without the restrictions requesting six off - street parking spaces, and the five foot alley setback, by the following roll call vote, to wit: Variance No. 254 of Miss Glyde IKaygar , 609 Larkspur, CDM, Lot 9 B1. 637. Mr. John MacNat, Miss Glyde Maynard, and Mr. Walter Longmoor spoke from the floor. Denied, and refund of fee of 615 auth. AYES, COUNCILMEN: Wilder, MacKay, Stoddard, Higbie, Ridderhof, Hill NOES, COUNCILMEN: Bennett ABSENT, COUNCILMEN: None The Application for Variance No. 254 of Miss Glyde Maynard of 609 Larkspur, Corona del Mar, for the waiver of front yard setback requirements, was presented. The request concerns the construction of a garage recessed 52 feet from the sidewalk. The property is located in an R -2 zone, on Lot 9 of Block 637. Said Variance was disapproved by the Planning Commission. A discussion was had, Mr. John MacNab, Miss Glyde Maynard, and Mr. Walter Longmoor speaking from the floor. It was the consensus of opinion that Miss Maynard's request.. should be denied since her problem could be worked, out with- out the variance desired. On motion of Councilman Bennett, seconded by Councilman MacKay and carried, Variance No. 254 was denied and authorization was made to refund Miss Maynard's fee as it was not necessary to request a variance in this matter, by the following roll call vote, to wit: 1 1 AYES, COUNCILMEN: Bennett Wilder, MacKay, Stoddard, Higbie,.Ridderhof, Hill NOES, COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT, COUNCILMEN: None ' The Application for Variance No. 255 of Mr. George S. Fruehling, 130 Via Lorca, Lido Isle, for the privi- ilege of waiving a side -yard requirement of 18" in order to construct book shelves, was presented. The property is further located on Lots 629 and 630, in Tract 907r Said variance, having been approved by the Planning Commission, was granted on motion of Councilman Wilder, seconded by Councilman MacKay and carried. The Application for Variance No. 256 of Mr. Charles W. Masters, for the privilege of permitting a one -foot front setback, in place of the required ten foot setback, at 316 -318 Hazel Drive, in Corona del Mar, was presented. The building site is further located on Lots 40 and 51 of the 'A' Block, in Tract 673. Said variance, having been approved by the Planning Commission, was granted on motion of Councilman Bennett, seconded by Councilman Wilder and carried. The Application for Variance No. 257 of Mr. Ernest Ross, for the privilege of constructing a garage to within 18" of a required 3' side yard setback, was pre- sented. The property is located at 317 East Bay Front, Balboa Island, Lot 27,.Tract 742, in an R -2 Zone. Said variance, having been approved by the Planning Commis- sion, was granted on motion of Councilman Bennett, sec- onded by Councilman MacKay. -and carried. Y�. . �r . Variance No. 255 of Mr. George 9, Fruehling, 130 Via Lorca, Lido Isle, Lots 629 and 630, Tract 907. Granted. Variance No.,?-5 6 of Mr. Charles W. Masters, 316 -318 Hazel Dr., C5M9 Lots 40 and 519 B1. "A ", Tr. 673. Granted Variance No. 257 of Mr. Ernest Ross, 317 East Bay Front, Bal. Island, Lot 279 Tr. 742. Granted. ' The Application for Variance No. 258 of Mr. Clarence Variance No. 258 of Mr. L. Cooper, for the privilege of constructing an addi- Clarence L. Cooper, 116 tional accessory storage room (81X 12'), to protruaa six Harbor Island Rd.9 Bl. 59 feet into the required 10' rear yard setback. The proper -Tr. 2172. Granted. ty is located adjacent to the Beacon Bay area at 116 - Harbor Island Road „ Block 59 Tract 2172, PC-1 Zone. Said variance, having been approved by the Planning Commission, was granted on motion of Councilman Bennett, seconded by Councilman MacKay and carried. The Application for Variance No. 259 of the Macco Corporation, to permit the rear yard setback from a re- quired 10' 0" to 6' 611, for a proposed dwelling, to be located at 1301 Bonnie Doone Terrace, on Lot 61, in Tract 1700, of the Irvine Terrace Tract, and located in an R -1 Zone. Said variance., having been approved by the Plan- ning Commission, was granted on motion of Councilman Ben - nett,seconded by Councilman Wilder and carried. Variance No. 259 of the Macco Corp., 1301 Bonnie Doone Terrace9.Lot 61, Tr. 1700, Irvine Terrace Tract Granted. Vaxianoe No 260��the Macco Cork , 721 Patolita Dr.9 Lot 73, Tr. 1700, Irvine Terrace Tract. Granted. Variance No. 261 of the Lido Professional Building Inc., 3355 Via Lido, ]Lot 5, Tract 1117. Granted subject to certain dedication of land esubdivision No. 22 of the Newport Balboa Savin &s and Loan Association 335'-5 Via Lido, Lots �+ ar5, Tr. 1117. Granted subject to certain conditions. The Application for Variance No. 260 of the Macco Corporation, for a variance of the front yard setbacks, which shall consist of 10' on Bonnie Doone Terrace, and 15' on Patolita Drive, this for the purpose of a proposed new dwelling to be located on Lot 73 of Tract 1700, at 721 Patolita Drive, in an R -1 Zone. Said variance, having been approved by the Planning Commission, was ' granted on motion of Councilman Wilder, seconded by Councilman Bennett and carried. The Application for Variance No. 261 of the Lido Professional Building Inc., (Mr. G. M. Shumaker, Presi- dent) was presented. Said applicant requests the grant- ing of a waiver of car parkin gg stall requirements, namely relief from the "off- street" S4 spaces, required by New - port Beach Zoning laws. The property has been assigned an address of 3355 Via Lido, Newport Beach, on Lot 5 of Tract 1117, and zoned C -1H. The Planning Commission ap- proved this application subject to the dedication of land for "public right -of -way" as needed. After discussion, on motion of Councilman Bennett, seconded by Councilman Ridderhof and carried, said variance was granted as re- commended by the Planning Commission and subject to said dedication. The Application for Resubdivision No. 22 of the Newport Balboa Savings and Loan Association to resub- divide,a parcel of land described as a portion of Lots 4 and 5 of Tract;,1117 and located at 3355 Via Lido, in Newport Beach, was presented. The purpose of this ap- plication is to create a legal building site of record for the.erection of a professional office building. This parcel of land has been defined and sold by "metes and bounds." The Planning Commission approved this applica- tion provided that the property owners involved dedicate their portions of the ground area to re -open Via Oporto as a public street. After discussion, on motion of Councilman MacKay, seconded by Councilman Wilder and car- ried, said variance was granted in the manner recommended by the Planning Commission. Variance No. 259 of the Macco Corp., 1301 Bonnie Doone Terrace9.Lot 61, Tr. 1700, Irvine Terrace Tract Granted. Vaxianoe No 260��the Macco Cork , 721 Patolita Dr.9 Lot 73, Tr. 1700, Irvine Terrace Tract. Granted. Variance No. 261 of the Lido Professional Building Inc., 3355 Via Lido, ]Lot 5, Tract 1117. Granted subject to certain dedication of land esubdivision No. 22 of the Newport Balboa Savin &s and Loan Association 335'-5 Via Lido, Lots �+ ar5, Tr. 1117. Granted subject to certain conditions. �esubdivision Noo 2� o£ Mro The Application for Resubdivision No. 23 of Mr- gnd Mrs K V Dilts, 230 and Mrs. K. V. Dilts, 230.Larkspur Avenue, Corona del Larkspur Ave., CDM, Lots 24, Mar, to resubdivide a parcel of land described as the 26 and 28, Bl. 138. Granted. Northeasterly retangular 1C feet of Lot 24, all of Lot 26, and all of Lot 28, (70 foot frontage in all), and further located in Block 138 of an R -1 District, was presented. On motion of Councilman Wilder, seconded by Councilman Ridderhof and carried, said variance was granted on the recommendation of the Planning Commis- sion. H Payne reouestin� The City Engineer requested the Clerk to read -Thayer relief from Var. No. 2 1 in the letter, dated November 22, 1955, from H. Payne connection with off - street Thayer, Acting Postmaster, City of Newport Beach. Said parking for the proposed letter requests relief from Variance No. 251, as ap- Post Office Building at 10C proved by the Council on October 24, 1955• Said re- to 191 Riverside Ave. Mr. Roy lief requested is in regard to the number of off - street Watkins and 1 "r. Walter Long- parking spaces required. In connection with the pro - moor spoke from the floor. posed Post Office building at 100 to 191 Riverside. Amendment to Var. Noo 251 Avenue, Newport Beach, Mr. Walter Longmoor spoke from granted the floor and stated that the original recommendations of the Planning Commission should be amended to read as follows: "That the off - street parking arrangement per plot plan, being Engineer's Drawing No. 2 -2364, consist- ing of nineteen car parking spaces, be approved provided that said parking spaces be available for public parking use, and that said parking area be'-blacktopped and white Jemovaz o oz�la� tree�n the lined. Councilman Ridderhof moved that the Council ap- 100 block on Pearl Ave., Bal- prove the recommendations of the Planning Commission as boa Islando Robert Gingrich set forth by Mr. Walter Longmoor. Said motion was sec- apok3 ftom the floor. Policy onded by Councilman MacKay. A discussion was had and of City to furnish labor and Mr. Roy Watkins and Mr. Longmoor, speaking from the "" the property owners material, floor. The Council unanimously carried the motion made to maintain the sidewalks in by Councilman Ridderhof approving the recommendation of good repair and to begin work the Planning Commission in regard to Post Office parking as soon as possible was adopted-that the policy of the City has been to maintain its and the amendment to Variance No. 251. ADDITIONAL BUSINESS Seven automotive bids acce tee 'City The City Engineer, acting in the capacity of the in the amount of .2 ,3 7070. Manager, submitted the following recommendations Mr. Donald Means, Purchasing for acceptance in connection with seven:automoti've bids: Agent spoke from the floor. Item 1, Garbage Packer, $7,981.17, to W. W. Woods; Item 5, Interceptor, $1,574.64, to Theodore Robins; Item 6, Interceptor $1,924.64, to Theodore Robins; Item,9, Truck, $2,8$7:35, to Lou Reed & Associates•, Item 10, Truck, $2,897.35, to Lou Reed & Associates; Item 12, Truck, $4,929.85, to W. W. Woods;'and Item'13, Truck, $2,162.70 to Lou Reed & Associates. A discussion1.was Donald had, Mr. Means, Purchasing Agent, speaking from the floor. He explained that, if the Council authorized the acceptance of the seven bids presented at this time, totalling $24,367.70, a gross amount, including the ex- penditures ^authorized on November 14, 19559 of $327902.241 would be expended for automotive units, which sum was $801.76 less than originally contemplated, and included one extra car. On motion of Councilman MacKay, seconded by Councilman Bennett and carried, the expenditure of $24,367.70 for the said seven automotive units was auth- orized by the following roll call vole, to.wit: AYES, COUNCILMEN: Bennett, Wilder, MacKay, Stoddard, Higbie, Ridderhof, Hill NOES, COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT, COUNCILMEN: None Jemovaz o oz�la� tree�n the The City Engineer stated that an investigation had 100 block on Pearl Ave., Bal- been made regarding the removal of poplar trees as re- boa Islando Robert Gingrich quested by the property owners in the 100 block on Pearl apok3 ftom the floor. Policy Avenue, Balboa Island. A discussion was had, Robert of City to furnish labor and Gingrich, Director of Parks and Recreation, speaking the property owners material, from the floor regarding his investigation. The fact to maintain the sidewalks in that the trees had destroyed parts of the sidewalk was good repair and to begin work brought to the attention of the meeting. It was stated as soon as possible was adopted-that the policy of the City has been to maintain its streets and sidewalks in good repair. On motion of Councilman Bennett, seconded by Councilman Ridderhof and carried,. the policy of the City to furnish labor, and the property owners material, to maintain the sidewalks in good repair, and the needed work to be commenced as soon as possible, was adopted by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES, COUNCILMEN: Bennett, Wilder, MacKay, Stoddard, Higbie, Ridderhof, Hill NOES, COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT, COUNCILMEN: None Rg=S�o_ lar trees on Pearl Ave. A further discussion was had relative to the re- Co Engo auth. to remove th.a -moval of the poplar trees on Pearl Avenue and on motion trees in question with the of Councilman Ridderhof, seconded by Councilman Bennett owners participating in the and carried, the City Engineer was authorized to remove cost of replacement of trees the trees in question and that the property owners should and sidewalk. participate in the cost of the replacement of the trees and sidewalk. C 1 11 i 11 in The City Engineer brought to the attention of the Ordinance No. X630 Council that when any territory is annexed to the City Designates the districts to of Newport Beach, the City Council shall, by ordinance, which the "Upper Bay Annexe add the territory to the adjacent district or districts. and the IlFirst Addition to Ordinance No. 763 designates the districts to which the Irvine Terrace Annex" are to "Upper Bay Annex" and the "First Addition to Irvine be annexed. Terrace Annex" are to be annexed. A discussion was had, First reading waived. and on motion of Councilman Ridderhof, seconded by Passed to second reading. Councilman Bennett and carried, the first reading of Ordinance No. 763 was waived. On motion of Councilman Ridderhof, seconded by Councilman MacKay and carried, Ordinance No. 763 was passed to the second reading by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES, COUNCILMEN: Bennett, Wilder, MacKay, Stoddard, Higbie, Ridderhof, Hill NOES, COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT, COUNCILMEN: None The City Engineer presented Resolution No. 4410, Resolution No 4410. Adopts being a resolution adopting a budget and approving the :'.budget and approves the First Supplemental Memorandum of Agreement for Expendi- First Supplemental Memoran- tures of gas tax allotment, and directing the Mayor and dum of Agreement for Expendi- the City Clerk to execute an agreement to this effect tures of gas tax allotment, Faith the State of California. On motion of Councilman and dir. Mayor and Clerk to Bennett, seconded by Councilman Stoddard and carried, execute an agreement with the Resolution No. 4410 was adopted by the following roll State of Calif. Adopted. call vote, to wit: AYES, COUNCILMEN: Bennett, Wilder, MacKay, Stoddard, Higbie, Ridderhof, Hill NOES, COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT, COUNCILMEN: None The City Engineer stated that he had received a Auth. to pay bill of $15 to bill for a title report, cancellation fee, for $15 in Orange County Title Co. for connection with work done by the Orange County Title work done re the Griffith Company over a year ago, regarding the matter of the Coo exchange of Griffith Company property located in the vicinity of the Central Fire Station. On motion of Councilman Bennett, seconded by Councilman MacKay and carried, authorization to pay said $15 was given, by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES, COUNCILMEN: Bennett, Wilder, MacKay, Stoddard, Higbie, Ridderhof, Hill NOES, COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT, COUNCILMEN: None The City Engineer presented plans and specifications Plans and specifications for for replacement of sewer main and connections on the replacement of sewer main north side of Balboa Boulevard, between "B" and 11G11 and connections on the north Streets. On motion of Councilman Bennett, seconded by side of Balboa Blvd., between Councilman Stoddard and carried, the plans and specifi- "B" and 11G11 Streets. Clerk cations were approved and the City Clerk was instructed instructed to advertise for to advertise for bids to be received on or before Decem- bids to be received Dec. 279 ber 27, 1955 at 7:30 P.M., by the following roll call 1955. voce, to wit: AYES, COUNCILMEN: Bennett, Wilder, MacKay, Stoddard, Higbie, Ridderhof, Hill NOES, COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT, COUNCILMEN: None On motion of Councilman Bennett, seconded by Council- Aj1RR nment. man Ridderhof and carried, the meeting was adjourned, sine die. ATTEST: M 0�6% 5 C��M � City C1 rk 2. 6. _ Mayor